英汉日科技词汇(An English-Chinese-Japanese Dictionary of Technology,总数606812,S/74892)


船舶配件贸易分类==> Main Ship Equipments | Equipment Types | Main Marine Manufacturers
Ship Spare Parts, =1=A=B=C=D=E=F=G=H=I=J=K=L=M=N=O=P=Q=R=S=T=U=V=W=X=Y=Z=
女性肖像, by H. Nakajima | 燃料弁噴射テスト装置 | 油圧ポンプユニット | フラットソケット
化学品船 | Parts 1 | Parts 2 | Parts 3 | Parts 4 | Parts 5 | Parts 6 | Parts 7 | Parts 8 | Parts 9
  1. S curve ==> 反转曲线
  2. s d regions ==> 源漏区
  3. S factor ==> 修正率
  4. s function ==> 轴功能
  5. s hook s ==> 形钩
  6. S matrix ==> 散射矩阵
  7. S meter ==> 信号强度计
  8. S Monel ==> 含硅蒙奈尔合金
  9. S shape distortion ==> S形ひずみ
  10. s type characteristic ==> s型特性曲线
  11. S type horn ==> S状ホーン
  12. S wave ==> 地震横波
  13. s yard ==> 木工场
  14. S&C Electric Company ==> 米国の電力会社
  15. S&E, science and engineering ==> 科学と技術
  16. S&R, search and rescue ==> 探査及び救出
  17. S&W Sediment & Water (formerly BS&W) ==> 沉淀物&水
  18. s,planetary wind system ==> 行星风系
  19. S-ANT, Sband ANTenna ==> Sバンドアンテナ
  20. S-band ==> Sバンド
  21. S-band hiran ==> 希兰
  22. S-BAND, S-band frequency ==> S帯周波数
  23. S-BAY, service bay ==> サービスベイ
  24. S-component ==> 缓变分量
  25. S-curve ==> 单位线相应的径流积分同线
  26. S-DIP, Sband DIPlexer ==> Sバンドダイプレクサ
  27. s-engined ship ==> 舯机型船
  28. S-ethyl diisobutylthiocarbamate ==> 苏达灭
  29. S-lay wire rope ==> 左捻钢丝绳
  30. S-matrix ==> S行列
  31. s-meter ==> 信号强度测量器
  32. S-N diagram S-N curve ==> 疲劳曲线
  33. S-parameter ==> Sパラメータ
  34. s-path ==> 单通路
  35. S-plane ==> 岩组平行面
  36. S-SAT, synchronous satellite ==> 同期衛星
  37. S-surface ==> 岩组平行面
  38. S-TR, S-band transmitter and receiver ==> Sバンド送受信機
  39. S-TR, S-band transponder ==> Sバンド中継器
  40. S-unit meter ==> 信号强度计
  41. S-VISSR, stretched VISSR ==> ストレッチドVISSR
  42. S-wire ==> 塞套引线
  43. S.Bekku ==> 別宮貞俊,コイルの不平衡インダクタンス解析の手段に認識されていた対称座標法の真の価値をいち早く見抜いて系統問題に適用し,グリッド系統解析の強力な武器としてその理論拡張と普及発展に大きく貢献された世界の第一人者が日本の別宮貞俊である。"Calculation of Short-circuit Ground Currents on Three-phase Power Networks, Using the Method of Symmetrical Coordinates", S.Bekku, GE.Elec.Rev. Vol.28, 1925年
  44. S/A, safe and arm device ==> 固体ロケットの安全装置
  45. S/A, safe/arm system ==> セーフアームシステム
  46. S/A, Safe/Arm(Desarme/Arme) ==> セーフ・アーム
  47. S/A, solar array ==> 太陽電池
  48. S/C, S-band to C-band converter ==> S/Cアップコンバータ
  49. S/C, spacecraft ==> 宇宙機(人工衛星等自立型宇宙飛行体の総称)
  50. S/D, synchro/digital ==> シンクロ/デジタル
  51. S/DB, synchronizer/data buffer ==> シンクロナイザ/データバッファー
  52. S/H Sample and Hold ==> サンプルホールド,入力信号をサンプル(標本化)したのち,その値を一定にホールド(保持)する回路
  53. S/H, Sample Hole ==> サンプリングホールド
  54. S/I, signal to interference ratio ==> 信号対混信比
  55. S/K, S-band to K-band ==> SバンドからKバンド
  56. S/K, stationkeeping ==> ステーションキーピング
  57. S/L-J, Spacelab J ==> スペースラブJ
  58. s/n ratio ==> 随机杂波信杂比
  59. S/N serial number ==> 系列号
  60. S/N, serial number ==> 一連番号
  61. S/O, shop order ==> 工場への指示書
  62. S/P Serial to Parallel (conversion) ==> 直列/並列変換
  63. S/P, Serial-Parallel converter ==> シリアルーパラレル変換
  64. S/Q, system qualification ==> システム認定
  65. S/S, Sub Station ==> 変電所
  66. S/W, software ==> ソフトウエア
  67. S3C2, SSS command control and communications ==> SSS司令・管制・通信
  68. S4, space station system study ==> 宇宙ステーションシステム研究
  69. S51 ==> 変圧器保護用過電流リレー
  70. SA S/A, solar array ==> 太陽電池アレイ
  71. SA Shipyard Agreement ==> 造船厂协议
  72. SA Starboard Aft ==> 右舷尾部
  73. SA, safe and arm ==> セーフ・アーム
  74. SA, Sampling Address ==> サンプリングアドレス
  75. SA, Scientific Atlanta ==> サイエンティフィックアトランタ
  76. SA, selective availability ==> 選択の有用性
  77. SA, Simulated Annealing ==> シミュレーテッドアニ-リング,金属の焼き鈍しが系の内部エネルギーを最小とする結晶を作ることを模擬する。
  78. SA, single access ==> シングルアクセス
  79. SA, spacecraft anomaly ==> 衛星の異常
  80. SA, stability analysis ==> 安定性解析
  81. SA, station acquisition ==> 位置取得(静止化)
  82. SA, sun acquisition ==> 太陽捕捉
  83. SA, sun angle ==> 太陽方位角
  84. SA, Surface-to-Air(missile) ==> 地対空(ミサイル)
  85. SA-IND, satellite identification ==> 衛星識別コード
  86. SA-N, Surface-to-Air Navy(missile) ==> 海軍-地対空(ミサイル)
  87. SAA, science and applications ==> 科学と応用
  88. SAA, South Atlantic Anomaly ==> 南大西洋異常
  89. SAA, Standards Association of Australia ==> オーストラリア標準協会
  90. SAA, sun angle analysis ==> 太陽方位角の解析
  91. SAAD, South Atlantic Anomaly Detector ==> 南大西洋異常検出器
  92. SaaS ==> ソフトウエア・アズ・ア・サービス,サービスとしてのソフトウエア
  93. saaturated steam ==> 饱和蒸汽
  94. SAB, Scientific Advisory Board ==> 科学諮問委員会
  95. SAB, solar array boom ==> 太陽電池アレイブーム
  96. SAB, Space Applications Board ==> 宇宙利用委員会
  97. SAB, sun angle bias ==> 太陽角バイアス,太陽傾角
  98. sabadillic acid ==> 沙巴酸
  99. Sabaroff circuit ==> 萨巴罗夫电路
  100. Sabathe cycle ==> 萨巴蒂循环
  101. Sabattier effect ==> 萨巴蒂尔效应
  102. sabbatical ==> サバティカルリーブ,長期有給休暇
  103. saber-type blade ==> 马刀式刀片
  104. SABIC ==> サビック,サウジアラビア基礎産業公社
  105. Sabin process ==> 萨平防锈法
  106. Sabin vaccine ==> 萨宾疫苗
  107. Sabin's oral vaccine ==> 小儿麻痹糖丸活疫菌
  108. sabina oil ==> 桧油
  109. Sabine formula ==> 赛宾公式
  110. Sabine reverberation formula ==> 赛宾混响公式
  111. sable and alterable read-only memory ==> 可擦可改写只读存储器
  112. sabotage ==> サボタージュ,妨害工作
  113. Sabouraud's agar ==> 沙保弱琼脂
  114. sabre butt ==> 曲根材
  115. sabre saw ==> 战刀形电动手锯
  116. sabtractive primary ==> 相减合成基色
  117. SAC ==> 中国国家標準管理委員会
  118. SAC, satellite attitude control ==> 人工衛星の姿勢制御
  119. SAC, Space Activities Commission ==> 宇宙開発委員会
  120. SAC, sun-angle-counter ==> 太陽角度計
  121. saccate fruit ==> 囊状果
  122. saccharated iron oxide ==> 含糖氧化铁
  123. saccharic acid ==> 糖二酸
  124. saccharide ==> 糖,糖化物,糖类
  125. saccharification of wood ==> 木材糖化
  126. saccharified pig feed ==> 糖化饲料
  127. saccharified residues ==> 制糖副产品
  128. saccharifying power ==> 糖化力
  129. saccharin insoluble ==> 不溶性糖精
  130. saccharin sodium ==> 糖精钠
  131. saccharinic acid ==> 糖精酸
  132. saccharogenic fodder ==> 糖化饲料
  133. saccharogenic power ==> 糖化力
  134. saccharoidal texture ==> 砂糖状结构
  135. Saccharomyces aceris-sacchari ==> 糖白槭酵母
  136. Saccharomyces aceti ==> 酸酒酵母
  137. Saccharomyces cartilaginosus ==> 软骨状酵母
  138. Saccharomyces cerevisiae ==> 酿酒酵母
  139. Saccharomyces paradoxus ==> 奇异酵母
  140. saccharophylous plant ==> 糖性植物
  141. sacciform recess ==> 囊状隐窝
  142. sacco holey sheet ==> 杀草膜
  143. saccular aneurysm ==> 囊状动脉瘤
  144. saccular gland ==> 囊状腺
  145. saccular nerve ==> 球囊神经
  146. saccular process ==> 成囊过程
  147. sacculated aneurysm ==> 囊状动脉瘤
  148. saccus axillaris ==> 腋囊
  149. saccus lacrimalis ==> 泪囊
  150. Sach's method ==> 萨赫法,萨氏残余应力测定法
  151. sack ==> 袋,粗布袋,麻袋,囊=>布の袋,袋
  152. sack and bale machine ==> 打包机
  153. sack cleaner ==> 麻袋清洁器
  154. sack cloth ==> 麻布,口袋布
  155. sack counter ==> 袋数计数器
  156. sack filler ==> 包装机
  157. sack filling machine ==> 装袋机
  158. sack for flour ==> 面粉袋
  159. sack gabion ==> 袋形铅丝石笼
  160. sack grip ==> 麻袋夹持器
  161. sack handling ==> 麻袋装卸
  162. sack hoist ==> 麻袋起重机
  163. sack holder ==> 麻袋夹持器
  164. sack loader ==> 装粮袋机
  165. sack mill ==> 十字型四辊万能轧机
  166. sack packer ==> 装袋机
  167. sack piler ==> 堆袋机
  168. sack sewing machine ==> 缝袋机
  169. sack stacker ==> 堆袋机,粮袋码垛机
  170. sack transporter ==> 运袋器
  171. sack-drying method ==> 袋装干燥法
  172. sack-duster ==> 袋式除尘器
  173. sack-like body ==> 囊状矿体
  174. sack-like structure ==> 囊状构造
  175. sacked cement ==> 袋装水泥
  176. sacked concrete revetment ==> 袋装水下混凝土护岸
  177. sacked material ==> 袋装料
  178. sacker auger ==> 装袋螺旋推运器
  179. sacking loom ==> 麻袋布织机
  180. sacking spout ==> 装袋口
  181. sacral block ==> 骶管麻醉
  182. sacral bone ==> 骶骨
  183. sacral flexure of rectum ==> 直肠骶曲
  184. sacral nerve ==> 骶神经
  185. sacral spot ==> 骶斑,蒙古斑
  186. sacred bamboo ==> 南天竹
  187. sacred place ==> 圣地
  188. sacrifice of ship ==> 牺牲船舶
  189. sacrifice property ==> 牺牲财产
  190. sacrifice sale ==> 亏本出售
  191. sacrificial anode ==> 牺牲阳极
  192. sacrificial anode of al-zn-in system alloy ==> 铝-锌-铟系合金牺牲阳极
  193. sacrificial anode of al-zn-in system alloy--chemical analysis ==> 铝-锌-铟系合金牺牲阳极化学分析方法
  194. sacrificial anode of zn-al-cd alloy ==> 锌-铝-镉合金牺牲阳极
  195. sacrificial anode of zn-al-cd alloy--chemical analysis ==> 锌-铝-镉合金牺牲阳极化学分析方法
  196. sacrificial anode protection ==> 牺牲阳极法
  197. sacrificial corrosion ==> 牺牲腐蚀保护法,牺牲阳极腐蚀
  198. sacrificial corrsion ==> 阴极保护腐蚀
  199. sacrificial metal ==> 牺牲金属,保护性金属
  200. sacro-anterior ==> 骶前位
  201. sacrococcygeal defect ==> 骶尾骨缺损
  202. sacrococcygeal joint ==> 交骨
  203. sacurity alarm system ==> 安全警报系统
  204. sacurity dispatching ==> 安全调度
  205. SAD, safe and arm device ==> セーフアーム装置,点火安全機構
  206. SAD, solar array drive electronics ==> 太陽電池アレイ駆動回路
  207. SAD, solar array driver ==> 太陽電池パドル駆動装置
  208. SAD, spacecraft attitude display ==> 宇宙機姿勢表示装置
  209. SADA, solar array drive assembly ==> ソーラアレイ駆動装置,太陽電池パドル駆動機構
  210. SADA, Solar Array Drive Assembly ==> 太陽電池駆動組立
  211. SADAPT-A, solar array driver & power transfer assembly ==> 太陽電池パドル駆動及び集電装置
  212. SADAPTA, solar array drive and power transfer assembly ==> 太陽電池パドル駆動電力伝達装置
  213. saddle ==> 起重小车,大拖板,床鞍,马鞍,马杠,滑鞍,滑板,滑动座架,鞍,鞍接,鞍子,鞍座,凹座,版鞍,座块,山鞍,支管架,(装窑用)耐火鞍形棒=>鞍,サドル
  214. saddle arch ==> 鞍形拱
  215. saddle axis ==> 鞍轴
  216. saddle back ==> 鞍背
  217. saddle back brick coping ==> 鞍形砖盖顶
  218. saddle back coping ==> 鞍背形盖顶
  219. saddle backed girder ==> 鞍背形大梁
  220. saddle backed harrow ==> 鞍形耙,垄作耙
  221. saddle backed horse ==> 鞍状马
  222. saddle bag ==> 鞍囊
  223. saddle bar ==> 玻璃嵌条,撑棍
  224. saddle bearing ==> 鞍承,鞍形支承,鞍状轴承
  225. saddle bend ==> 鞍顶
  226. saddle blanket ==> 鞍毡,马鞍座毯
  227. saddle block anesthesia ==> 鞍状麻醉
  228. saddle boiler ==> 鞍形锅炉,马鞍形锅炉
  229. saddle brick ==> 鞍形砖
  230. saddle cam ==> 溜板凸轮,滑板凸轮
  231. saddle clamp ==> 床鞍夹紧,鞍座夹
  232. saddle clamping lever ==> 鞍架夹杆
  233. saddle clip ==> 鞍夹,撑棍
  234. saddle cloth ==> 鞍褥=>鞍敷き
  235. saddle coil ==> 鞍形偏转线圈,鞍形线圈,产生均匀磁场的马鞍型线圈,卷边偏转线圈,卷边偏转线圈
  236. saddle coil magnet ==> 鞍形线圈磁体
  237. saddle coil storage ==> 鞍形卷座
  238. saddle control ==> 刀架控制
  239. saddle cylinder base ==> 鞍形汽缸座
  240. saddle deflecting yoke ==> 鞍形偏转线圈
  241. saddle distribution ==> 马鞍形分布
  242. saddle duster ==> 驮载式喷粉机
  243. saddle embolism ==> 鞍状塞栓症
  244. saddle embolus ==> 马鞍栓塞,血管分叉口栓子,鞍骑性栓子
  245. saddle feather ==> 鞍羽
  246. saddle feed screw ==> 鞍架进给螺杆
  247. saddle flange ==> 鞍形法兰
  248. saddle fold ==> 鞍形褶曲,鞍状褶皱
  249. saddle forging ==> 马鞍形扩孔锻造
  250. saddle friction-plates ==> 索鞍摩阻板
  251. saddle function ==> 鞍式函数,鞍形函数
  252. saddle fungus (Helvella) ==> 马鞍菌
  253. saddle gall ==> 鞍伤
  254. saddle gang stitcher ==> 长臂订书机,骑马订书机
  255. saddle gear ==> 鞍座机构
  256. saddle grafting ==> 鞍接
  257. saddle guidance ==> 鞍架导槽,刀架导座
  258. saddle hacked ==> 鞍形的
  259. saddle heather ==> 马鞍革
  260. saddle horse ==> 乘用马,骑乘马,鞍马
  261. saddle inclusion angle ==> 鞍座包角
  262. saddle jack ==> 夹头起重器
  263. saddle joint ==> 鞍接合,鞍形接合,鞍状关节,咬口接头
  264. saddle key ==> 鞍形键,空键
  265. saddle leather ==> 鞍皮
  266. saddle marks ==> 鞍印
  267. saddle node bifurcation ==> サドルノード分岐(電圧安定限界)
  268. saddle nose ==> 鞍鼻,鞍状鼻
  269. saddle of carriage ==> 拖板鞍架
  270. saddle ornament ==> 马鞍具
  271. saddle packing ==> 马鞍形填料,鞍形填料
  272. saddle pebble ==> 马鞍石
  273. saddle piece ==> 台架,鞍头块
  274. saddle pillar ==> 鞍座支架,鞍座柱
  275. saddle pivot pin ==> 鞍座系紧螺栓,鞍座支销
  276. saddle plate ==> 鞍板,鞍形板
  277. saddle point ==> 鞍点
  278. saddle point equation ==> 鞍点方程
  279. saddle point game ==> 鞍点对策
  280. saddle point method ==> 鞍点法,最速下降法
  281. saddle point theorem ==> 鞍点定理
  282. saddle point theory ==> 鞍点理论
  283. saddle rail ==> 鞍形轨
  284. saddle reef ==> 鞍状矿脉
  285. saddle ring ==> 鞍环
  286. saddle roof ==> 鞍形屋顶
  287. saddle scaffold ==> 鞍形脚手架
  288. saddle seat ==> 鞍形座
  289. saddle shaped curvature ==> 鞍形曲度
  290. saddle shaped lathe ==> 鞍形车床
  291. saddle shaped tower packing ==> 马鞍形塔填充物
  292. saddle shaped washer ==> 鞍形垫圈
  293. saddle shell ==> 马鞍形壳
  294. saddle siphon ==> 鞍形虹吸管
  295. saddle sore ==> 鞍伤
  296. saddle spinal anesthesia ==> 鞍状脊髓麻醉
  297. saddle spring ==> 鞍座弹簧
  298. saddle stich ==> 鞍形针迹
  299. saddle stitching machine ==> 鞍形订书机
  300. saddle stone ==> 鞍形石,顶石,屋脊石
  301. saddle stroke ==> 床鞍行程,大刀架行程
  302. saddle structure ==> 鞍状构造
  303. saddle support ==> 鞍式支座,马架
  304. saddle supports for horizontal vessels ==> 卧式容器的鞍形支座
  305. saddle tank ==> 鞍形油箱
  306. saddle tank locomotive ==> 鞍形水柜机车
  307. saddle tank machine ==> 驮箱式喷雾机
  308. saddle tank sprayer ==> 驮载液箱式喷雾机
  309. saddle tee ==> 马鞍形三通
  310. saddle tractor ==> 载拖式牵引车
  311. saddle traverse screw ==> 鞍架进给螺杆
  312. saddle tree ==> 鞍架
  313. saddle type ==> 鞍形
  314. saddle type conveyer ==> 鞍式运输机
  315. saddle type milling head ==> 滑鞍形铣头
  316. saddle type pin boss ==> 鞍形销座
  317. saddle type turret lathe ==> 鞍式转塔车床
  318. saddle vein ==> 鞍状矿脉
  319. saddle welding ==> 鞍形焊
  320. saddle yoke ==> 鞍座叉杆,鞍座轭
  321. saddle-back ==> 鞍背状脊柱
  322. saddle-back board ==> 门槛嵌板
  323. saddle-back coping ==> 两坡压顶,鞍形盖顶
  324. saddle-back nose ==> 鞍鼻
  325. saddle-backed girder ==> 鞍形大梁
  326. saddle-backing ==> 凸起
  327. saddle-bottmed car ==> 凹底车
  328. saddle-bottomed car ==> 鞍形底盘车
  329. saddle-bottomed wagon ==> 鞍形底盘车,凹底车
  330. saddle-bow ==> 鞍头
  331. saddle-cloth ==> 鞍褥
  332. saddle-field ==> 鞍形场透镜
  333. saddle-pin ==> 鞍栓
  334. saddle-planting ==> 畦植
  335. saddle-point azeotrope ==> 马鞍点共沸体
  336. saddle-point game ==> 鞍点的矩形特性
  337. saddle-point method ==> 鞍点法
  338. saddle-point problem ==> 鞍点问题
  339. saddle-shaped uterus ==> 马鞍形子宫
  340. saddle-tree ==> 鞍架
  341. saddle-turret lathe ==> 鞍座式转塔车床
  342. saddle-type turrct lathe ==> 鞍式转塔车床
  343. saddle-type turret lathe ==> 鞍座式转塔车床
  344. saddleback gutter ==> 鞍形天沟
  345. saddleback roof ==> 鞍形屋顶
  346. saddleback temperature curves ==> 鞍状温度曲线
  347. SADE, solar array drive electronics ==> 太陽電池パドル駆動回路
  348. SADEAB, solar array drive electronics abnormal signal ==> パドル制御異常信号
  349. SADEC, spin axis declination ==> スピン軸の赤緯
  350. SAE, The Society of Automotive Engineers Incorporated ==> 米国輸送機技術協会
  351. Saefftigen's pouch ==> 塞氏囊
  352. SAEJ, Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan ==> 日本大気電気学会
  353. Saenger's macula ==> 曾格尔氏斑
  354. Saenger's reflex ==> (瞳孔光反射)曾格尔氏反射
  355. SAF, safety engineer ==> 安全管理技術者
  356. SAFA, MDAC safety adviser ==> マグダネル社安全顧問
  357. safari suits ==> 猎装套装
  358. safaty supplements ==> 安全补充
  359. SAFCON Safety Construction Certificates ==> 安全建造证明
  360. safe ==> 安全,安全的,保险柜,保险库,保险箱,泰
  361. safe allowable load ==> 容许载荷,安全荷载,安全容许负载,安全容许应力
  362. safe allowable stress ==> 安全容许应力,安全允用应力
  363. safe anchorage ==> 安全锚泊地
  364. safe and punctual running of a train ==> 安全正点
  365. safe area ==> 画格
  366. safe area generator ==> 画框发生器
  367. safe bearing capacity ==> 安全承载能力
  368. safe bearing load ==> 安全承载,安全负载,安全载荷,轴承容许载荷
  369. safe bearing power ==> 轴承容许载荷
  370. safe berth ==> 安全泊位,安全船席
  371. safe carrying capacity ==> 安全承载能力,安全载流量,容许负荷量,容许负载量
  372. safe channel capacity ==> 河槽安全容量
  373. safe class ==> 安全等级
  374. safe clearance ==> 安全净空,安全距离,安全余量
  375. safe coefficient ==> 安全系数
  376. safe concentration ==> 安全浓度
  377. safe container ==> 安全集装箱
  378. safe current ==> 安全电流,容许电流
  379. safe current carrying capacity ==> 安全载流量,安全载流能力
  380. safe curve speed ==> (汽车的)弯道安全速度
  381. safe custody box ==> 寄存保险箱
  382. safe custody charges ==> 保管费
  383. safe deposit (SD) ==> 信托仓库
  384. safe deposit box ==> 保险箱,银行保险箱
  385. safe distance ==> 安全距离
  386. safe distance for overrun ==> 過走余裕距離
  387. safe dose ==> 安全剂量,安全量
  388. safe driving ==> 安全運転
  389. safe driving glasses ==> 安全驾驶镜
  390. safe edge ==> 安全边,护边
  391. safe edge file ==> 安全锉
  392. safe edge heart ==> 带护边心形平墁刀
  393. safe exposure level ==> 安全曝光水平
  394. safe expression ==> 安全表达式
  395. safe feeding ==> 安全饲养
  396. safe firing current ==> 准爆电流
  397. safe formula ==> 安全公式,可靠公式
  398. safe geometry ==> 安全几何条件
  399. safe gird ==> 安全栏
  400. safe guard ==> 安全设备,护轨
  401. safe guarding ==> 安全防护
  402. safe guarding duties ==> 保护性关税
  403. safe handling ==> 安全操作,安全运行,安全运转
  404. safe harbor rules ==> 避风港规则
  405. safe haven ==> 容许幅度标准
  406. safe heat transfer ==> 安全传热
  407. safe in operation ==> 安全操作
  408. safe intermodal transport ==> 安全交替运输
  409. safe international multimodal transport ==> 安全国际多式运输
  410. safe interval ==> 安全车距,安全间隔
  411. safe keep ==> 保管
  412. safe lamp ==> 安全灯
  413. safe landing ==> 安全着陆
  414. safe lantern ==> 达维氏安全灯
  415. safe length ==> 安全长度
  416. safe light ==> 安全灯
  417. safe load ==> 安全负荷,安全负载,安全载荷,安全载重,容许载荷
  418. safe load carrying capacity ==> 许用承载能力
  419. safe load carrying power ==> 许用承载能力
  420. safe load carrying property ==> 许用承载能力
  421. safe load-carrying capacity ==> 安全承载能力
  422. safe margin ==> 安全限度
  423. safe mark ==> 安全标志
  424. safe mass ==> 安全质量
  425. safe operating area ==> 安全工作域
  426. safe operating temperature ==> 容许运行温度
  427. safe operation ==> 安全操作,安全工作,安全运行
  428. safe period ==> 安全期避孕,(避孕)安全期
  429. safe port ==> 安全泊位,安全港
  430. safe practice ==> 安全措施,安全惯例,安全规章,安全技术
  431. safe pressure ==> 安全压力,容许压力
  432. safe productivity ==> 安全生产率
  433. safe protector for puncher ==> 冲床安全保护器
  434. safe pull ==> 安全拉火
  435. safe range ==> 安全范围,电气安全距离,为防止人体触及或接近带电体,确保作业者和电气设备不发生事故的电气距离
  436. safe range of stress ==> 疲劳极限
  437. safe receptive capacity ==> 安全接收能力
  438. safe region ==> 安全区
  439. safe regulation ==> 安全规程
  440. safe reliability ==> 安全可靠性
  441. safe rules ==> 安全规则
  442. safe service life ==> 安全使用年限
  443. safe shutdown ==> 安全停机,安全停堆[状态],反应堆处于足够次临界深度,并以可控速率排出堆芯余热,安全壳的密封得到保证,从而使放射性产物的释放保持在允许范围内以及为维持这些条件所必需的系统处在其正常范围内工作的停堆状态
  444. Safe Shutdown Facility ==> 安全性確保用遮断施設(SSF)
  445. safe sight distance ==> 安全视距,可靠视距
  446. safe speed ==> 安全速度
  447. safe speed of rotation ==> 安全转速
  448. safe spin ==> 安全螺旋
  449. safe starting position ==> 安全起动位置
  450. safe stopping distance ==> 安全制动距离
  451. safe stress ==> 安全应力,容许应力
  452. safe temperature ==> 安全温度
  453. safe tracer dosage ==> 安全示踪剂量
  454. safe vault ==> 保险库
  455. safe velocity ==> 安全流速,容许流速
  456. safe velocity of canal ==> 渠道安全流速
  457. safe voltage ==> 安全电压
  458. safe working ==> 安全工作,安全开采
  459. safe working load ==> 安全工作荷载,安全工作载荷,容许工作载荷,允许工作负荷
  460. safe working pressure ==> 允许工作压力,容许工作压力,安全操作压力
  461. safe working pressure (SWP) ==> 安全工作压力
  462. safe working strength ==> 安全操作强度,安全工作强度
  463. safe working stress ==> 安全工作压力,容许应力
  464. safe working temperature ==> 安全工作温度
  465. safe working voltage to ground ==> 对地安全工作电压
  466. safe yield ==> 安全产量,安全产水量
  467. SAFE, solar array flight experiment ==> ソーラーアレー飛行実験
  468. safe-conduct ==> 安全通行证
  469. safe-deposit boxes ==> 安全信托柜
  470. safe-deposit company ==> 保管公司
  471. safe-deposit vault ==> 保管库,保险库,安全储存室,安全库
  472. safe-guard door chain ==> 防盗门链
  473. safe-guard door lock ==> 防盗门锁
  474. safe-guard glasses ==> 防护眼镜
  475. safe-keeping fee ==> 保管费
  476. safe-running of vehicles ==> 安全行车
  477. safefire control line ==> 安全防火线
  478. safeguard ==> 安全装置,安全装置,保护,保护措施,保险板,保险器,防护设备,防护装置=>安全装置
  479. safeguard action ==> 緊急輸入制限措置
  480. safeguard clause ==> 保留条款,保障条款
  481. safeguard construction ==> 安全结构
  482. safeguard industries ==> 保护工业
  483. safeguard practices ==> 保护性措施
  484. safeguard provision ==> 安全保障条款,防卫条款
  485. safeguard requirement ==> 安全条款
  486. safeguard station ==> 救生电台,救生电台
  487. safeguard structure ==> 防护结构
  488. safeguarding ==> 安全措施
  489. safeguarding mechanism ==> 安全机构
  490. safeguards ==> 安全保护
  491. safelight ==> 安全灯
  492. safelight filter ==> 安全灯滤光片
  493. safener ==> 安全剂
  494. saferite ==> 两面磨光嵌网玻璃
  495. saferoute ==> 安全疏散路线
  496. safeticurb ==> 安全路缘
  497. safety ==> 安全,保险,安全性
  498. safety abscission ==> 安全落叶
  499. safety accommodation ==> 安全设备
  500. safety action ==> 安全措施,保护作用,保险装置,保证动作,屏蔽效应
  501. safety against overturning ==> 転倒防止装置
  502. safety agreement ==> 安全協定
  503. safety aids ==> 安全设备
  504. safety aisle ==> 安全通路
  505. safety alarm ==> 安全警报,安全警报器
  506. safety alarm device ==> 安全报警装置
  507. safety allowance ==> 安全补偿,安全宽限
  508. safety analysis ==> 安全解析
  509. safety analysis report ==> 安全分析报告,核设施营运单位为申请核安全许可证件而向国家核安全监管机构提交的论述该核设施安全性能及确保核安全、保障工作人员和公众健康、保护环境措施的技术文件
  510. safety and arming device ==> 保险执行机构
  511. safety and industrial gloves ==> 劳保手套
  512. safety and protection system ==> 安全防范系统
  513. safety and relief valves ==> 安全和泄压阀
  514. safety angle ==> 安全角
  515. safety apparatus ==> 安全设备,安全装置
  516. safety appliance ==> 安全设备,安全用具,保安装置
  517. safety arch ==> 安全拱,分载拱,辅助拱
  518. safety arrestment ==> 安全制动
  519. safety assessment ==> 安全評価
  520. safety bar ==> 安全棒
  521. safety barrel ==> 定筒
  522. safety barrier ==> 安全势垒,安全栅,停机拦截网
  523. safety basin ==> 安全泊地,避风港地
  524. safety belt ==> 安全带,保安带,保险带=>安全バンド
  525. safety belt for the seat of vehicle ==> 车座安全带
  526. safety block ==> 保险块
  527. safety board ==> 安全台
  528. safety bolt ==> 安全螺栓,保险螺栓
  529. safety bolt catch ==> 保险销机
  530. safety box ==> 安全箱
  531. safety brake ==> 安全闸,保险闸
  532. safety button ==> 安全钮扣
  533. safety cable ==> 安全电缆,安全索
  534. safety cage ==> 安全罐笼,(油罐操作用的)安全室
  535. safety cam ==> 安全凸轮
  536. safety can ==> 安全罐
  537. safety cap lamp ==> 安全帽灯
  538. safety car ==> 安全矿车
  539. safety carrying capacity ==> 安全载量,安全装载量
  540. safety castnet ==> 安全撒网
  541. safety catch ==> 安全掣子,安全挡,安全挡块,安全制动装置
  542. safety catches cam ==> 断绳防坠器抓爪
  543. safety catches jackshaft ==> 防坠器撑轴
  544. safety chain ==> 安全链,保险链
  545. safety chain eye ==> 安全链眼
  546. safety chain hook ==> 安全链钩
  547. safety chassis ==> 安全底盘
  548. safety check ==> 安全检测器
  549. safety chuck ==> 安全钻夹
  550. safety cinder notch stopper ==> 安全渣口塞
  551. safety circuit ==> 安全电路,保安电路
  552. safety clearance ==> 安全间隙,安全限界,许用间隙,允许间隙
  553. safety clip ==> 保险夹
  554. safety clutch ==> 安全离合器
  555. safety cock ==> 安全栓,安全旋塞
  556. safety code ==> 安全法典,安全法则,安全规程,安全规程,安全码,电气安全规程,为保证电气安全运行,根据电气设备属性和电气事故教训为生产人员制定的制度
  557. safety coefficiency ==> 安全系数
  558. safety coefficient ==> 安全率,安全系数
  559. safety coefficient of supersaturation ==> 过饱和安全系数
  560. safety collar ==> 安全环
  561. safety communication ==> 安全通信
  562. safety communications equipment ==> 安全通信设备
  563. safety condenser ==> 安全电容器
  564. safety condition ==> 安全条件
  565. safety confirmation ==> 安否確認システム
  566. safety control ==> 安全保障,安全控制,事故防护
  567. safety control rod ==> 安全棒,专用于紧急工况下迅速停堆的控制棒组。它们经常置于堆芯以外,紧急情况下靠重力或其他外力在1~2秒内自动快速插入堆芯,中止裂变链式反应,以确保安全
  568. safety copy ==> 备用原图
  569. safety cork ==> 安全管塞
  570. safety cotter pin ==> 保险开尾销
  571. safety coupling ==> 保险联接器,安全联轴节
  572. safety coupling chain ==> 安全联接链
  573. safety cover ==> 保护罩
  574. safety crank ==> 安全曲柄
  575. safety criteria of blade vibration strength of steam turbine ==> 汽轮机叶片振动强度安全准则,判别汽轮机叶片工作中抗振安全性的设计和考核依据
  576. safety criterion ==> 安全准则
  577. safety crutch ==> 安全拐杖
  578. safety culture ==> 安全文化,存在于单位和人员中的特征和态度的总和,它确定安全第一的观念,使防护与安全问题由于其重要性而保证得到应有的重视
  579. safety curb ==> 安全侧石,安全路缘,安全缘石
  580. safety current ==> 安全电流,通过人体不会对人身产生危险的电流,一般为30mA
  581. safety curtain ==> 安全卷席,安全屏障,防火幕
  582. safety curve ==> 安全曲线
  583. safety cushion ==> 安全垫
  584. safety cushion head ==> 安全垫上盖
  585. safety cut ==> 玻璃布补强切断砂轮
  586. safety cut-off ==> 安全开关,安全切断
  587. safety cut-out ==> 安全断流,安全断路器,保安断路器,保安器
  588. safety cutout ==> 安全断流器,安全开关,安全切断器,熔断开关
  589. safety cylinder ==> 安全缸
  590. safety deck ==> 安全甲板
  591. safety deforestation ==> 安全伐林
  592. safety dermatome ==> 安全植皮刀
  593. safety design ==> 安全设计
  594. safety detaching hook ==> 安全分离钩
  595. safety detector ==> 安全检测器
  596. safety detent ==> 安全卡爪,保险卡销
  597. safety device ==> 保安装置,保护装置,保险装置,安全防护装置,安全设施,安全装置,过载安全装置,紧急停车装置=>安全装置,保安装置
  598. safety disc ==> 安全片
  599. safety discharge ==> 安全泄量
  600. safety discharge capacity ==> 安全过水能力
  601. safety dog ==> 安全挡块,安全箍,安全轧头,保险挡
  602. safety dogma ==> 安全神話
  603. safety door ==> 太平门
  604. safety dose ==> 安全量
  605. safety drilling method ==> 安全钻孔法
  606. safety driver ==> 安全轧头,保险夹
  607. safety edge ==> セーフティエッジ
  608. safety element ==> 安全元件,事故棒
  609. safety enclosed switch ==> 金属盒开关,密封式保险开关,密封式闸刀开关,盒保险开关=>金属箱開閉器
  610. safety engineering ==> 安全工程,安全技术,保安工程学
  611. safety equipment ==> 安全设备
  612. safety equipment requirement ==> 设备安全要求
  613. safety evacuation area ==> 广域避难所=>広域避難場所
  614. safety evaluation ==> 安全評価
  615. safety evaluation guide ==> 安全評価指針
  616. safety evaluation of chemicals ==> 化学物安全评价
  617. safety exhaust ==> 安全排气阀
  618. safety explosive ==> 安全炸药
  619. safety extinguishing fire ==> 安全扑火
  620. safety factor ==> 安全率,安全系数,安全因数,安全因子,保险系数,信贷安全系数,可靠系数=>安全率
  621. safety factor against shear failure ==> 抗剪破坏安全系数
  622. safety factor against sliding ==> 抗滑安全系数
  623. safety factor for dropout ==> 回动可靠系数
  624. safety factor for holding ==> 吸持可靠系数
  625. safety factor for pick up ==> 始动可靠系数
  626. safety factor for ultimate load ==> 极限载荷安全系数
  627. safety factor laoding factor ==> 储备系数
  628. safety factor of insulation ==> 绝缘可靠系数
  629. safety factor of shear stress ==> 剪应力安全系数
  630. safety feature ==> 安全装置
  631. safety fence ==> 安全栅
  632. safety film ==> 安全胶片,保护膜,不燃性胶片
  633. safety finger ==> (钟)叉头钉
  634. safety fire line ==> 安全防火沟
  635. safety firebreak ==> 安全防火林
  636. safety first ==> 安全第一
  637. safety first engineering ==> 技术保安
  638. safety firstengineering ==> 安全技术
  639. safety flange ==> 安全法兰,安全轮缘
  640. safety flap ==> 安全瓣
  641. safety flare ==> 安全照明灯
  642. safety flask ==> 安全烧瓶
  643. safety forest administration ==> 安全森林管理
  644. safety fork ==> 安全夹,保险叉
  645. safety friction clutch ==> 保险摩擦离合器
  646. safety fuel ==> 安全燃料,防爆燃料
  647. safety functions ==> 安全機能
  648. safety fund ==> 安全基金
  649. Safety Fund Act ==> 安全基金法
  650. safety fund system ==> 安全基金
  651. safety fundamentals ==> 安全基本原則
  652. safety funnel ==> 安全漏斗
  653. safety funnel tube ==> 安全漏斗管
  654. safety fuse ==> 安全导火线,安全熔断器,安全引信,保险丝
  655. safety gap ==> 安全间隙,安全放电器,安全隙
  656. safety gate ==> 安全闸门
  657. safety gauge ==> 安全计量器
  658. safety gear ==> 安全装置
  659. safety glass ==> 安全玻璃,安全玻璃,保护玻璃,保险玻璃,防护玻璃
  660. safety glasses ==> 安全眼镜
  661. safety glazing material ==> 安全玻璃材料
  662. safety goggles ==> 安全护目镜,防护眼镜,护目镜
  663. safety governor ==> 危急安全阀,限速器,安全调节器
  664. safety gripper ==> 安全夹
  665. safety gripping gear ==> 安全夹
  666. safety groove ==> 安全带,保险槽
  667. safety ground ==> 安全接地
  668. safety guard ==> 安全罩
  669. safety guards ==> 护栏
  670. safety guideline ==> 防衛指針
  671. safety guides ==> 安全指針
  672. safety handle ==> 保险手柄
  673. safety harness ==> 安全背带,安全吊带,安全设备
  674. safety hat covering ==> 安全帽帽套
  675. safety hat with broad edge ==> 大边安全帽
  676. safety hatch ==> 安全舱口
  677. safety haulm pulverizer ==> 安全茎叶切碎机
  678. safety head ==> 安全盖,安全头盖
  679. safety head lamp ==> 安全头灯
  680. safety height ==> 安全高度
  681. safety helmet / hard cap ==> 安全帽
  682. safety hoist ==> 安全起重机
  683. safety hook ==> 安全吊钩,安全钩
  684. safety hub ==> 安全轮毂
  685. safety impedance ==> 安全阻抗,连接于带电部分与可触及的可导电部分之间的阻抗,其值可在设备正常使用时和可能发生故障时,把电流限制在安全值以内,并在设备的整个寿命期间保证可靠性
  686. safety important item ==> 安全重要物项,属于某一安全组合的一部分和(或)其失效或故障可能导致对厂区人员或公众过量辐射照射的物项
  687. safety in operation ==> 运行安全性,运行可靠性
  688. safety in production ==> 安全生产
  689. safety injection pump ==> 安全注入ポンプ,安全注射泵,简称“安注泵”。在反应堆失水事故时向反应堆注水以保证堆芯冷却的泵,又可分高压安注泵和低压安注泵两类。它们均须满足单一故障准则,其驱动电机由核电厂的应急母线供电
  690. safety injection system ==> 安全注入系
  691. safety injection system, emergency core cooling system,ECCS ==> 安全注射系统,又称“应急堆芯冷却系统”。反应堆发生事故导致堆芯失去冷却时,将水应急注入反应堆以持续导出堆芯余热的系统。对于压水堆核电厂,它通常由安全注射箱、高压安全注射和低压安全注射三个子系统组成
  692. safety injection tank, accumulator ==> 安全注射箱,简称“安注箱”。与一回路相连、装有浓度2000~2400μg/g的含硼水并充氮加压到2.4MPa~5.0MPa的水箱。反应堆发生冷却剂丧失事故导致堆芯失去冷却、一回路压力降到低于其压力时,它非能动地向堆芯注入含硼水
  693. safety ink ==> 安全墨
  694. safety inspection ==> 安全检查
  695. safety installation ==> 安全装置
  696. safety installations ==> 安全设备
  697. safety interlock ==> 安全联锁装置
  698. safety interlock for nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂安全联锁,使有关设备、部件的动作相互关联,每个设备、部件均必须处于规定状态或工况,否则不能投入运行或立即停运,以确保安全的核电厂控制与保护系统中的一种措施
  699. safety interlocking ==> 安全闭锁,安全联锁
  700. safety inventories ==> 安全存货
  701. safety island ==> 安全岛
  702. safety isolating transformer ==> 安全絶縁変圧器
  703. safety jack ==> 安全支柱
  704. safety jaw ==> 安全吊,安全钳口
  705. safety ladder ==> 疏散爬梯
  706. safety lamp ==> 安全灯
  707. safety lane ==> 安全航道
  708. safety latch ==> 安全闩
  709. safety latch hook ==> 自锁安全吊货钩
  710. safety level ==> 安全电平
  711. safety lever ==> 安全阀杆,保险杆,保险片
  712. safety light ==> 安全光,安全信号灯
  713. safety lighting ==> 安全照明
  714. safety lighting fitting ==> 安全照明装置
  715. safety limit ==> 安全范围
  716. safety limit switch ==> 保险总开关
  717. safety limits ==> 安全限度
  718. safety line ==> 安全绳索
  719. safety lintel ==> 安全过梁,辅助过梁
  720. safety liquid relief ==> 安全泄液
  721. safety load ==> 安全负荷,安全负载,安全载荷,容许负载
  722. safety load factor ==> 安全荷载系数,安全载荷因数
  723. safety loading ==> 安全载荷,保险费安全系数附加费
  724. safety lock ==> 保险机构,安全锁
  725. safety lock magnet ==> 安全锁闭电磁铁
  726. safety lock plunger ==> 保险活销
  727. safety lockgate ==> 应急备用闸门
  728. safety locking bolt ==> 保险锁紧螺栓
  729. safety locking pin ==> 安全锁销
  730. safety locking screw ==> 保险止动螺钉
  731. safety locking wire ==> 安全锁线
  732. safety lockwire ==> 保险锁线
  733. safety log hoist ==> 安全原木起运装置
  734. safety log-waggon ==> 安全运材车
  735. safety loop ==> 安全圈,保险圈=>命綱
  736. safety lug ==> 保险凸耳
  737. safety lumber milling machine ==> 木工安全刨床
  738. safety machinist's hammer ==> 安全钳工锤
  739. safety margin ==> 安全边缘,安全范围,安全界限,安全系数,安全线,安全余量,安全裕度
  740. safety margins ==> 安全边际量
  741. safety measure ==> 安全措施,防护措施
  742. safety measures ==> 安全対策
  743. safety measures to fish catch ==> 安全捕鱼措施
  744. safety mechanism ==> 安全机构
  745. safety member ==> 安全棒,(原子堆)事故棒
  746. safety message ==> 安全电报
  747. safety method ==> 安全措施,安全技术,安全设备
  748. safety monitor ==> 安全监察
  749. safety monitoring ==> 安全监测
  750. safety needs ==> 安全需要
  751. safety net ==> 保护网
  752. safety netting ==> 安全网
  753. safety nut ==> 安全螺母,保险螺母
  754. safety of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂安全性,核电厂正确运行、预防事故或缓解事故后果,从而保护厂区人员、公众和环境免遭过量辐射危害的性能
  755. safety operation ==> 安全運転
  756. safety operation area ==> 安全工作区
  757. safety operation specification ==> 安全操作规程
  758. safety pad ==> 安全垫,保险垫
  759. safety panel ==> 安全监督盘系统,法国核电厂设置的由安全工程师管理的系统,具有与安全参数显示系统类似的功能,以监督和支持操纵员对事故的判断和处理
  760. safety paper ==> 保险纸
  761. safety parameter display system,SPDS ==> 安全参数显示系统,将表征核电厂安全的重要参数,例如反应性控制、反应堆冷却剂系统的完整性、堆芯冷却和从反应堆冷却剂系统排出的热量、放射性控制、安全壳的完整性等集中显示的系统
  762. safety pawl ==> 安全凸爪
  763. safety period ==> 安全周期
  764. safety piece ==> 安全零件
  765. safety pin ==> 安全别针,安全销,安全销机,保险丝,保险销
  766. safety pinion ==> 保险齿轴
  767. safety pipetle ==> 安全吸管
  768. safety planning ==> 安全対策
  769. safety plug ==> 安全插头,安全塞,熔丝塞,熔丝塞子,熔线塞=>安全プラグ
  770. safety plug socket ==> 熔线塞座,安全塞座
  771. safety pole ==> 安全杆
  772. safety post ==> 安全标,安全柱
  773. safety practices ==> 安全手引き
  774. safety precaution ==> 安全措施
  775. safety precautions ==> 安全保障措施,安全措施,安全预防
  776. safety problem ==> 安全问题
  777. safety procedure ==> 安全规程,安全技术规程
  778. safety program ==> 安全规划,安全计划
  779. safety prop ==> 安全柱
  780. safety protection ==> 安全防护
  781. safety protective coverall ==> 安全保护服
  782. safety protective lighting ==> 安全防护照明,使用安全电压照明或有可靠防护的普通照明
  783. safety provision ==> 安全措施,安全设施
  784. safety quantity ==> 安全存量
  785. safety rafting ==> 安全放排
  786. safety rail ==> 护轨
  787. safety rate ==> 安全率
  788. safety razor ==> 安全剃刀,保安刀架,保安剃毛刀
  789. safety recording instrument ==> 安全记录仪
  790. safety records ==> 安全记录
  791. safety regulation ==> 保安规章
  792. safety regulations ==> 安全规程,安全守则
  793. safety regulations in coal mine ==> 煤矿安全规程
  794. safety related electrical equipment for NPP ==> 核电厂安全级电气设备,又称“1E级电气设备”。用于反应堆紧急停堆、安全壳隔离、堆芯应急冷却、从安全壳排出热量以及其他主要用于防止放射性物质向环境过量释放的各类电器设备,包括电动机、电器、电缆、蓄电池、充电器、控制保护器件等
  795. safety relay ==> 安全继电器
  796. safety relay valve ==> 安全继动阀
  797. safety release ==> 脱开安全器
  798. safety release spring ==> 安全放松弹簧
  799. safety relief and pressure relief valves ==> 安全泄放和泄压阀
  800. safety relief valve ==> 安全阀,安全泄压阀,安全泄放阀,当阀门进口侧静压超过其起座压力时,根据使用情况以不同方式自动泄压的器件。用于蒸汽时突然起跳至全开;用于液体时起跳后随压差增加而进一步开大=>安全逃し弁
  801. safety remote control ==> 安全遥控
  802. safety remote control equipment ==> 安全遥控设备
  803. safety requirement ==> 安全必备品
  804. safety requirement for nuclear installation design ==> 核设施设计安全要求,为达到安全目标,贯彻核安全技术原则,保证高度安全的核设施设计必须满足的要求。这些要求是国际上公认的,在核设施设计及运行经验积累过程中总结完善并已反映在各国的核安全法规中
  805. safety requirement for nuclear installation operation ==> 核设施运行安全要求,核设施运行必须遵循根据设计、安全分析和调试结果确定的运行规程、运行限值和条件,必须保证有足够的合格人员和工程技术支援力量,必须执行报告制度和经验反馈
  806. safety requirement for nuclear installation siting ==> 核设施选址安全要求,核设施选址中必须考虑的、可能影响核设施安全、或与核设施影响有关的周围自然和人文环境的特性,以及执行应急计划的可行性等方面的要求
  807. safety requirements ==> 安全要件
  808. safety responsibility ==> 安全责任条例
  809. safety responsibility regulations ==> 安全责任条例
  810. safety restraint system ==> 安全拘束装置
  811. safety reverse lever ==> 安全回动杆
  812. safety reverse lever spring ==> 安全回动杆簧
  813. safety review ==> 安全審査
  814. safety ring ==> 安全环,保险环
  815. safety rod ==> 保险杆,安全棒,安全杆
  816. safety rod drive ==> 安全棒駆動機構
  817. safety roller ==> 保险圆盘
  818. safety rope ==> 安全绳=>胴綱
  819. safety rule ==> 安全规程
  820. safety rules ==> 安全规程,安全条例
  821. safety rules for lifting appliances ==> 起重机械安全规程
  822. safety screen ==> 安全挡板,安全隔层,安全网,保险挡板
  823. safety service ==> 安全业务
  824. safety set screw ==> 安全螺丝,安全止动螺钉
  825. safety shear pin ==> 保险切断销
  826. safety shield ==> 安全挡板
  827. safety shim ==> 保险垫片
  828. safety shoe ==> 安全鞋,安全靴
  829. safety shut-down ==> 安全刹车
  830. safety shutdown ==> 安全关闭
  831. safety shutdown system ==> 安全停止装置
  832. safety shutoff device ==> 安全关气装置
  833. safety siding ==> 安全避车道,安全限度
  834. safety sight glass with double-layered glasses ==> 双层玻璃安全视镜
  835. safety signal ==> 安全信号
  836. safety sinking door ==> 凿井吊盘安全门
  837. safety slip clutch ==> 安全滑动离合器
  838. safety snap clutch ==> 滑转式安全离合器
  839. safety solution ==> 安全解
  840. safety spark gap ==> 安全火花隙
  841. safety specification ==> 安全规程,安全技术条件
  842. safety speed ==> 安全速度
  843. safety split pin ==> 安全开尾销
  844. safety spring ==> 安全弹簧
  845. safety spring bushing ==> 保险弹簧套
  846. safety stake ==> 安全标杆
  847. safety standard series ==> 安全基準シリーズ
  848. safety standards ==> 安全标准,安全规程
  849. safety starting crank ==> 安全起动曲柄
  850. safety statistics ==> 安全统计
  851. safety stay ==> 安全牵条
  852. safety stiich ==> 安全缝
  853. safety stirrup ==> 安全卡盘
  854. safety stitch ==> 安全线迹
  855. safety stock ==> 安全储备,安全存量,安全库存量,保险库存量
  856. safety stock concept ==> 安全存量概念
  857. safety stop ==> 安全停止,安全停止器,阻车器
  858. safety strap ==> 安全带,安全带
  859. safety strip ==> 安全岛,安全地带
  860. safety supervisor ==> 安全技术主管
  861. safety suspension device ==> 保险悬挂装置
  862. safety switch ==> 保险开关,安全按钮,安全开关,紧急开关,快速停堆按钮=>金属箱開閉器
  863. safety system ==> 安全设备,安全系统,安全上重要的系统,用于保证反应堆安全停堆、从堆芯排出余热或限制预计运行事件和设计基准事故的后果
  864. safety tank ==> 安全水舱
  865. safety tap ==> 安全旋塞
  866. safety technique ==> 安全技术,安全技术规程,保安技术
  867. safety technique of physiotherapy ==> 理疗安全技术
  868. safety test ==> 安全试验
  869. safety thermalrelief valve ==> 超温安全阀
  870. safety timber-floating channel ==> 安全流材道
  871. safety tongs ==> 安全钳
  872. safety track ==> 安全声迹
  873. safety traffic ==> 安全通信,安全行驶,安全运行
  874. safety tread ==> 安全轮胎,安全踏板,安全梯级,防滑踏步
  875. safety trip ==> 安全断路,安全释放机构,安全脱断装置
  876. safety trip beam ==> 带安全器的犁辕
  877. safety trip device ==> 安全脱开装置
  878. safety trip level ==> 事故防护程度
  879. safety trip lever ==> 紧急触摆杆
  880. safety trocar ==> 安全套管针
  881. safety tube ==> 安全管
  882. safety tyre ==> 防滑轮胎
  883. safety valve ==> 安全阀,安全活门,卸压阀,进口蒸汽或气体侧介质静压超过其起座压力整定值时能突然全开的自动泄压阀门,是锅炉及压力容器防止超压的重要安全部件=>安全弁
  884. safety valve lifting lever ==> 安全阀提升杆
  885. safety valve operating test,safety valve adjustment ==> 安全阀校验,安全阀阀瓣重新与阀座接触、升程为零时的进口侧静压。
  886. safety valve operation test ==> 安全阀动作试验
  887. safety valve pressing sleeve ==> 安全阀压套
  888. safety valve seat ==> 安全阀门座,安全阀座
  889. safety valve spring ==> 安全阀弹簧,安全阀簧
  890. safety valve turret ==> 安全阀座
  891. safety valves ==> 安全阀
  892. safety vent ==> 安全放空,安全孔,安全气孔
  893. safety verification ==> 安全验证,通过分析,监视、测试和检查等方法证实核设施、核活动或其安全重要事项的状态符合安全要求,其运行可持续符合许可限值和条件
  894. safety vest ==> 安全背包
  895. safety voltage ==> 安全电压,为防止人身电击事故,采用由特定电源供电的电压系列。这个系列的上限值为在任何情况下,加在身体不同部位之间的电压不得超过交流有效值50V或直流36V
  896. safety washer ==> 安全垫圈
  897. safety weight ==> 安全负荷,安全重量,许可重量
  898. safety wire ==> 保险丝
  899. safety work ==> 安全操作,安全作业,技术保安
  900. safety zone ==> 安全区,安全区域
  901. safety-check ==> 安全检查
  902. safety-deposit box ==> 保管箱
  903. safety-first engineering ==> 安全技术,技术保安
  904. safety-related facilities ==> 安全上重要な施設
  905. safety-supervision regulation of pressure vessel ==> 压力容器安全监察规程
  906. safflower ==> 红花=>ベニバナ
  907. safflower meal ==> 红花籽饼粉
  908. safflower oil ==> 红花油
  909. safflower seed ==> 红花籽=>ベニバナ種子
  910. saffron ==> 番红花
  911. saffron crocus ==> 番红花,藏红花=>サフラン,アヤメ科の球根植物
  912. SAFG, general safety supervisor ==> 一般安全作業責任者
  913. SAFH, hazardous safety supervisor ==> 安全物取扱保安責任者
  914. SAFISY, Space Agency Forum for the International Space Year ==> 国際宇宙年宇宙機関会議
  915. SAFM, safety mode ==> セーフティモード
  916. safranine test ==> 番红试验
  917. safrole ==> 黄樟脑素=>サフロール
  918. SAFS, special safety supervisor ==> 特殊安全作業責任者
  919. saft range of stress ==> 疲劳极限
  920. sag ==> 经济萧条,经济萧条,垂,垂度,弛垂度,弛度,塌芯,浅构造盆地,下垂,上箱下沉,凹陷,自对准栅=>サグ,たるみ,dip,電圧低下。instantaneous sag: 0.5-30cycle,momentary sag: 30cycle-3s,temporary sag: 3s-1min.
  921. sag adjustment ==> 挠度调节,垂度调节
  922. sag bolt ==> 防垂螺栓,顶板下沉测量锚杆
  923. sag calculation ==> 垂度计算
  924. sag correction ==> 垂度校正,垂曲改正,(测量带尺的)中沉校准
  925. sag curve ==> 挠度曲线,垂度曲线
  926. sag gauge ==> 垂度计,弛度计
  927. sag of belt ==> 皮带下垂
  928. sag of line ==> 电线垂度
  929. sag of the span ==> 档间弛度
  930. sag profile ==> 凹形纵断面
  931. sag ratio ==> 垂跨比
  932. sag rod ==> 吊杆
  933. sag subduction ==> 沉陷俯冲作用
  934. sag test ==> 下垂试验
  935. sag tie ==> 吊杆
  936. sagacity ==> 賢明
  937. sagapenum ==> 波斯阿魏
  938. Sagartiidae ==> 绿海葵科
  939. sagathy ==> 萨加塞毛织物
  940. SAGD, Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage ==> 蒸汽加重力驱动
  941. sage ==> 鼠尾草,洋苏草,红根草,牛膝草,神香草,柳薄荷=>セージ,セージ葉
  942. sage green paint ==> 灰绿色漆
  943. SAGE, SemiAutomatic Ground Environment ==> セイジ(SAGE)
  944. SAGE, Soviet-American Gallium Experiment ==> SAGE
  945. sagebrush ==> 蒿子
  946. sagenite ==> 网金红石
  947. sagenitic quartz ==> 网针石英
  948. Sagenocrinida ==> 网海百合目
  949. saggar ==> 匣钵
  950. saggar body ==> 匣钵坯体
  951. saggar cement ==> 匣钵修补用耐火泥料
  952. saggar clay ==> 火泥箱土
  953. saggar press ==> 匣钵压机
  954. saggar(-ger) ==> 烧盆
  955. sagged ==> 下垂的
  956. sagged bevel ==> 凹面倒边
  957. sagged weld ==> 下垂焊缝
  958. sagger ==> 匣钵
  959. sagger clay ==> 火泥箱土
  960. sagging ==> 中垂,自重烘弯,松垂,漆面流坠=>サギング,たるみ
  961. sagging axle ==> 垂弯轴
  962. sagging moment ==> 下垂力矩,正弯矩
  963. sagging of ceiling ==> 天花下垂
  964. sagging of paint ==> 漆面流坠
  965. sagging plate ==> 中间管板
  966. Sagitta ==> 天箭座
  967. sagitta ==> 矢耳石,弓形高,(数学的)矢
  968. sagittal ==> 前后向的
  969. sagittal arc ==> 颅矢状弧
  970. sagittal diameter ==> 矢状径
  971. sagittal focal line ==> 弧矢焦线,径向焦线,径向焦线
  972. sagittal focus ==> 次级焦点,弧矢焦点
  973. sagittal groove ==> 矢状沟
  974. sagittal image ==> 矢形图像
  975. sagittal plane ==> 矢状平面,径向平面,径向平面
  976. sagittal section ==> 矢状平面
  977. sagittal sinas ==> 矢状窦
  978. sagittal surface ==> 弧矢面,纵断面
  979. sagittal suture ==> 矢状缝
  980. sagittal suture of fetal head ==> 儿头矢状缝
  981. Sagittariidae ==> 鹭鹰科
  982. Sagittarius (Sgr) ==> 人马星座
  983. Sagittarius A ==> 人马座A源
  984. Sagittarius arm ==> 人马臂
  985. Sagittarius star cloud ==> 人马座星云
  986. sagittate leaf ==> 箭头形叶
  987. sagmos ==> 自对准栅金属氧化物半导体
  988. Sagnac effect ==> サニャック効果
  989. Sagnac interferometer ==> 萨尼亚克干涉仪=>サニャック干渉計
  990. Sagnac's experiment ==> 萨尼亚克实验
  991. sago ==> 西米
  992. sago grains ==> 西米状小粒
  993. sago palm ==> 西谷椰子
  994. sago spleen ==> 西米脾
  995. sags and crests ==> 凹凸不平
  996. SAGS, small aperture ground station ==> 小口径地上局
  997. Saha equation ==> 沙哈方程式
  998. Saha ionization ==> 萨哈电离
  999. Saha ionization formula ==> 沙哈电离公式
  1000. Saha's equation ==> 萨哈方程
  1001. Sai Kung Field Studies Centre ==> 西贡郊野学习馆
  1002. Sai Kung Sewage Treatment Works ==> 西贡污水处理厂
  1003. said by shipper to contain ==> 内容据发货人申报
  1004. SAIDI, system average interruption duration index ==> 系統の平均供給不能持続時間(電力自由化)
  1005. SAIFI, system average interruption frequency index ==> 系統の平均供給不能頻度(電力自由化)
  1006. SAIKODA300 ==> 耐久時間300時間の耐アルミ溶湯用鋳鉄(児玉鋳物など)
  1007. sail ==> 驾,海上航行,帆,篷
  1008. Sail ==> 船帆星座
  1009. sail arm ==> 风车的翼板
  1010. sail broad ==> 顺风驶帆
  1011. sail canvas ==> 船帆布
  1012. sail cloth ==> 帆布
  1013. sail diving plane ==> (潜艇)指挥台水平升降舵
  1014. sail duck ==> 船用帆布
  1015. sail large ==> 顺风驶帆
  1016. sail plane ==> 滑翔机
  1017. sail reaper ==> 摇臂收割机
  1018. SAIL System to Automate and Integrate Logistics ==> 自动操作与整合后勤体系
  1019. sail trawler ==> 拖网帆船
  1020. sailaba ==> 泛滥平原
  1021. sailboard ==> 帆板
  1022. sailing ==> 航海,航行,航行法
  1023. sailing boat ==> 帆船
  1024. sailing course ==> 航道,航线,突腰线
  1025. sailing date ==> 开航日期
  1026. sailing free ==> 顺风驶帆
  1027. sailing in ballast ==> 压载航行
  1028. sailing instruction ==> 航海说明书,航海指南
  1029. sailing large ==> 顺风驶帆
  1030. sailing notice ==> 开航通知单
  1031. sailing on her ear ==> 满帆倾斜行驶
  1032. sailing permit ==> 出航证
  1033. sailing schedule ==> 船舶班期
  1034. sailing ship ==> 帆船
  1035. sailing terms ==> 启航条件
  1036. sailing vessel ==> 帆船
  1037. sailmaker's splice ==> 顺纹插接
  1038. sailmaking ==> 制帆术
  1039. sailmaking-knot ==> 平结
  1040. sailor's knot ==> 反结
  1041. sailors knot ==> 方结
  1042. sailplane ==> 高级滑翔机
  1043. saint Elmo's fire ==> 尖端放电
  1044. Saint Ignatius' bean ==> 吕宋豆
  1045. saint venant's principle ==> 圣文南原理
  1046. sajong soil ==> 砂姜土
  1047. Sakae Yamamura ==> 山村昌(1918-2005),直线电机解析理论创始人,著有"Theory of Linear Induction Motors"。晚年提出螺旋矢量理论,著有"Spiral Vector Theory of AC Circuits and Machines"。论文见http://www.geocities.jp/ps_dictionary/yamamura/paper5.htm
  1048. Sakae, Yamamura ==> 山村昌,1918-2005,電気工学者,交流モーターや超電導現象の世界的権威。リニアモーター・カーの生みの親としても知られている。1982年、IEEEの〈ニコラ・テスラ賞〉を授賞した。2002年,IEEE Lamme Medalを受賞した('For achievements on analysis methods of electrical circuits and machines, linear induction motors, and motion of electric arcs.')。スパイラルベクトル理論の提唱者。"Theory of Linear Induction Motors,1972",「ある電気工学者の研究の道程」(1979,オーム社),「交流モータの解析と制御」(1988,オーム社),"Spiral Vector Theory of AC Circuits and AC Machines, Oxford University Press, 1992",「電気回路と回転機の解析と制御-スパイラルベクトル理論-」(1998,オーム社). 今後技術の展望(山村昌博士,1988年)
    (9)直流リニアモータ(direct linear motor drive)
  1049. Sakata model ==> 板田模型
  1050. Sakuma HVC ==> 佐久間HVC
  1051. sakura front ==> 樱前线=>桜前線
  1052. Sakurai ==> 櫻井
  1053. sal ammoniac cell ==> 氯化氨电池
  1054. sal fossile ==> 岩盐
  1055. Sal log ==> 流压测程计
  1056. sal soda ==> 苏打,洗涤碱
  1057. SAL, scientific airlock ==> 科学用エアロック
  1058. salad chervil ==> 雪维菜
  1059. salad crop ==> 色拉作物
  1060. salad leaf crops ==> 生食叶菜类
  1061. salad plants ==> 生食菜类
  1062. Salado formation ==> 沙拉多建造
  1063. salamander ==> サラマンダー,火の精
  1064. salamander's hair ==> 石棉
  1065. Salangidae ==> 银鱼科=>シラウオ科
  1066. salaries and allowances ==> 薪金和津贴
  1067. salaries and remunerations ==> 薪给报酬所得税
  1068. salaries tax ==> 薪俸税
  1069. salary accounting ==> 薪金计算
  1070. salary distribution sheet ==> 薪金分配表
  1071. salary increase ==> 加薪
  1072. salary insurance ==> 薪金保险,薪资保险
  1073. salary plus bonus ==> 薪金加奖金制
  1074. salary progression curve ==> 薪金增长曲线图
  1075. salary rate ==> 薪金率
  1076. salary roll ==> 薪金清册
  1077. salary schedule ==> 薪金表
  1078. salary structure ==> 薪金结构
  1079. salazinic acid ==> 水杨嗪酸
  1080. sale ==> 销售
  1081. sale and lease back of real estate ==> 不动产的卖租方式
  1082. sale and leaseback ==> 返租
  1083. sale as seen ==> 凭检视买卖
  1084. sale at a valuation ==> 评价买卖
  1085. sale at an exchange ==> 在交易所出售
  1086. sale at arm's length ==> 彼此独立的买卖
  1087. sale at arms length ==> 彼此独立的买卖
  1088. sale at negotiated price ==> 议销价格
  1089. sale by bulk ==> 批发
  1090. sale by credit ==> 信用买卖
  1091. sale by description ==> 凭说明售货,凭说明书买卖
  1092. sale by real cash ==> 现款销售,现卖,现销
  1093. sale by sample ==> 凭样买卖
  1094. sale by specification ==> 凭规格售货,凭说明书买卖=>仕様書売買
  1095. sale by standard ==> 凭标准买卖
  1096. sale by trade mark ==> 凭商标售货
  1097. sale by trademark ==> 商標売買
  1098. sale by type ==> 凭型号售货
  1099. sale commission ==> 回扣
  1100. sale confirmation ==> 售货确认书,销售证明书
  1101. sale dumping ==> 贩卖倾销
  1102. sale finance company ==> 销售金融公司
  1103. sale for cash ==> 现卖
  1104. sale force ==> 人员销售力量
  1105. sale in bond ==> 保税货买卖
  1106. sale invoice ==> 销售发票
  1107. sale literature ==> 推销刊物
  1108. sale lot ==> 销售堆
  1109. sale of business ==> 出盘
  1110. Sale of Goods Act (SGA) ==> 货物买卖法
  1111. sale of goods for charity ==> 义卖
  1112. sale of property ==> 财产的变卖
  1113. sale of securities ==> 出售证券
  1114. sale on commission ==> 经售,经售
  1115. sale on domestic market ==> 内销
  1116. sale on GMQ ==> 凭适销品质买卖
  1117. sale on good merchantable quality ==> 凭适销品质买卖
  1118. sale proceeds ==> 销售收入
  1119. sale promotion ==> 推广
  1120. sale retail sales department ==> 门市部
  1121. sale technique ==> 销售技术
  1122. sale value ==> 销售价
  1123. sale volume ==> 销售额
  1124. sale-and-leaseback ==> 销后租回
  1125. sale-and-repurchase ==> 销后买回
  1126. saleable height ==> 商品材高度
  1127. Salem limestone ==> 萨勒姆石灰岩
  1128. salem-rose ==> 蔷薇莓
  1129. sales account ==> 销货帐
  1130. sales accounting ==> 销售会计
  1131. sales agency ==> 分销处
  1132. sales agent ==> 销售代理商
  1133. sales agreement ==> 销售合同
  1134. sales allowance ==> 销货折让,销售折让
  1135. sales amount ==> 销售额
  1136. sales and marketing motivation study ==> 销售激励研究
  1137. sales and profit comparisons ==> 销售额与利润的比例
  1138. sales area ==> 售货区
  1139. sales area test ==> (市场调查合法)销售区试验
  1140. sales as per specification ==> 凭规模买卖
  1141. sales at state fixed prices ==> 平价销售
  1142. sales audit ==> 销售核查
  1143. sales book ==> 销货帐簿
  1144. sales brochure ==> 推广小册子
  1145. sales budget ==> 销货预算,销售预算
  1146. sales by description ==> 货物分类出售
  1147. sales catalogue ==> 销售目录
  1148. sales chain ==> 销售链系
  1149. sales commission ==> 销售代理业务
  1150. sales company ==> 销售公司
  1151. sales conditions ==> 売買条件
  1152. sales contract ==> 售货合同,销货合同,销售合同
  1153. sales contract receivable ==> 销售合同应收帐款
  1154. sales control research ==> 销售控制研究
  1155. sales convention ==> 销货会谈
  1156. sales daybook ==> 销货日记帐
  1157. sales department ==> 销售科
  1158. sales depth test ==> (会计和审计用语)销售深度检查
  1159. sales determined by products ==> 以产定销
  1160. sales discount ==> 销货折扣,销售折扣
  1161. sales discounts and allowances ==> 销货折让
  1162. sales estimate ==> 销售估计
  1163. sales expense ==> 销售费用
  1164. sales finance company ==> 销售贷款公司
  1165. sales force ==> 推销力量
  1166. sales force composite method ==> 推销人员意见综合法
  1167. sales forecast ==> 销售额预测,销售预测
  1168. sales forecasting ==> 销售预测
  1169. sales function ==> 销售函数
  1170. sales gain ==> 销售收入
  1171. sales in hard cash ==> 现款销售
  1172. sales income ==> 销售收入
  1173. sales index ==> 销售指数
  1174. sales invoice ==> 销货发票
  1175. sales kit (SK) ==> 样品箱
  1176. sales knowledge ==> 销货知识
  1177. sales ledger ==> 销售分类帐,信售客户分户帐
  1178. sales made in advance of delivery ==> 超过供应量的销售
  1179. sales management ==> 销售管理
  1180. sales manager ==> 销售经理
  1181. sales manual ==> 销售手册
  1182. sales margin ==> 销售纯利率
  1183. sales maximization hypothesis ==> 销售额最大化假设
  1184. sales mix ==> 销售构成,销售组合
  1185. sales note ==> 售货单
  1186. sales objective matrix ==> 销售目标矩阵表
  1187. sales of commission ==> 委托销售
  1188. sales of merchandise from stock ==> 库存商品销售
  1189. sales of property ==> 财产出售
  1190. sales on approval ==> 送阅商品
  1191. sales on draft terms ==> 凭汇票付款条件
  1192. sales opportunities ==> 销售机会
  1193. sales order ==> 销货定单,销售定单
  1194. sales order processing ==> 销售订单处理
  1195. sales orientation ==> 销售导向
  1196. sales package ==> 销售包装
  1197. sales plan ==> 销售计划
  1198. sales plummet ==> 売り上げの急落
  1199. sales policy ==> 销售方针,销售政策
  1200. sales porfit and loss ==> 销售损益
  1201. sales potential ==> 销售力量,销售潜力,服务潜力
  1202. sales profit ==> 销售利润
  1203. sales profit and loss ==> 销货损益
  1204. sales profit rates ==> 销售收入盈利率
  1205. sales profits of enterprise ==> 企业销售利润
  1206. sales promotion ==> 销售促进,扩大销售,(市场运销组合构成因素之一)销售推扩
  1207. sales promotion network ==> 推销网
  1208. sales promotion planning ==> 推销计划
  1209. sales promotional cost ==> 推销成本
  1210. sales proposals ==> 売込み
  1211. sales quota ==> 销售定额,销售份额,销售限额
  1212. sales rebate and allowance ==> 销货回扣及折让
  1213. sales rebates and allowance ==> 销售回扣及折让,售货回扣
  1214. sales record ==> 販売帳票
  1215. sales region contribution statement ==> 分区销售分配表,分区销售贡献表
  1216. sales register ==> 销货登记簿
  1217. sales representative ==> 销售代表
  1218. sales resistance ==> 拒绝购买,拒绝购买
  1219. sales return and allowance journal ==> 退货及销货折让日记帐
  1220. sales return ratio ==> 退货比率
  1221. sales returns book ==> 退货记录簿
  1222. sales revenue ==> 销售收入
  1223. sales room ==> 门市部
  1224. sales sample ==> 销售样品
  1225. sales service organization ==> 销售服务组织
  1226. sales statistics ==> 销售统计
  1227. sales stimulation factor ==> 销售刺激因素
  1228. sales structure ==> 销售结构
  1229. sales system ==> 销货法
  1230. sales tax ==> 销售税
  1231. sales territory ==> 销售区域
  1232. sales test ==> 销售实验
  1233. sales to fixed assets ratio ==> 销售与固定资产的比率
  1234. sales to merchandise ratio ==> 销售与商品盘存的比率
  1235. sales to net working capital ==> 净销售额与流动资本净额比率分析,净销售额与流动资本净额比率分析
  1236. sales to net worth ==> 净销售额对资本净值比率,净销售额对资本净值比率
  1237. sales to net worth ratio ==> 销售与净值比率
  1238. sales to receivable ratio ==> 销售与应收帐款比率
  1239. sales turnover ==> 销售周转
  1240. sales value ==> 销售额
  1241. sales value method ==> 销售价值法
  1242. sales volume ==> 销售规模,销售量
  1243. sales volume quota ==> 销售量责任额
  1244. sales voucher ==> 销货凭证
  1245. sales-effect research ==> 销售效果研究
  1246. sales-force-composite method ==> 销售人员综合市场预测法
  1247. sales-inventory ratio ==> 销售-库存比率
  1248. sales-maximization principle ==> 销售额极大化原理
  1249. salesman room ==> 售货员室
  1250. salesman sales composite method ==> 销售员估计综合法
  1251. salesman sales quota ==> 销售员销售配额
  1252. salesmen's traveling and entertainment expenses ==> 推销员差旅及交际费
  1253. salford magnetic sorting bridge ==> 电磁鉴别仪
  1254. salic mineral ==> 硅铝矿物
  1255. salicide ==> 自对准多晶硅化物
  1256. salicyl alcohol glucoside ==> 水杨甙
  1257. salicylated mercury ==> 水杨酸汞
  1258. salicylic acid ==> 柳酸,水杨酸
  1259. salicylic acid acetate ==> 乙酰水杨酸
  1260. salicylic acid ethyl ether ==> 水杨酸乙酯
  1261. salicylic acid filter ==> 水杨酸过滤器
  1262. salicylic acid phenyl ester ==> 萨罗
  1263. salicylic acid plaster ==> 水杨酸硬膏
  1264. salicylic ether ==> 水杨酸乙酯
  1265. salicylsulfonic acid ==> 磺基水杨酸
  1266. saliency ==> 突極性
  1267. salient ==> 凸起,凸起的,突出部,突起地,(广告)显眼程度
  1268. salient angle ==> 凸角
  1269. salient corner ==> 凸角
  1270. salient instrument ==> 凸装型仪表
  1271. salient junction ==> 外角
  1272. salient point ==> 凸点,折点
  1273. salient pole ==> 凸极
  1274. salient pole armature ==> 凸极电枢
  1275. salient pole generator ==> 凸极发电机,磁极由机座轭部或转子轮毂部向气隙方向凸出的电机。凸极式转子适用于极数较多,转速较低的的电机,如水轮发电机
  1276. salient pole machine ==> 凸极电机
  1277. salient pole rotor ==> 凸极转子
  1278. salient pole synchronous generator ==> 凸极式同步发电机
  1279. salient pole synchronous induction motor ==> 凸极式同步感应电动机
  1280. salient pole synchronous motor ==> 凸极同步电动机
  1281. salient pole type ==> 凸极式
  1282. salient pole type rotor ==> 凸极式转子,显极式转子
  1283. salient pole type synchronous machine ==> 突極型同期機
  1284. salient-pole alternator ==> 凸板交流发电机,凸极交流发电机
  1285. salient-pole generator ==> 凸板发电机,凸极发电机
  1286. salient-pole machine ==> 凸极电机=>突極機
  1287. salient-pole synchronous induction motor ==> 巻線形始動同期電動機
  1288. salient-pole-type synchronous machine ==> 突極型同期機
  1289. Salina formation ==> 全盐组
  1290. saline ==> 盐水,含盐的
  1291. saline alkali soil ==> 盐碱土
  1292. saline bottle ==> 盐水瓶
  1293. saline concentration ==> 含盐度,含盐量
  1294. saline deposit ==> 盐类沉积,蒸发盐
  1295. saline enema ==> 盐水灌肠
  1296. saline floatation method ==> 盐水漂浮法
  1297. saline fog method ==> 盐雾法,把试品置于充满盐雾的雾室内进行人工污秽试验的方法
  1298. saline formation ==> 盐生植物群系
  1299. saline fume pollution ==> 盐雾污染
  1300. saline harbor ==> 咸水港口
  1301. saline infusion ==> 盐水输注
  1302. saline infusion needle ==> 盐水针
  1303. saline injection ==> 盐水注射
  1304. saline irrigation water ==> 含盐灌溉水
  1305. saline lake ==> 盐湖
  1306. saline land ==> 盐地,盐土
  1307. saline matter ==> 盐分
  1308. saline method ==> 盐液测流法
  1309. saline pollution ==> 盐水污染
  1310. saline purgative ==> 盐类泻药
  1311. saline soil ==> 盐土,盐渍土
  1312. saline solution ==> 盐溶液
  1313. saline solution infusion kit ==> 盐水输液器械包
  1314. saline spring ==> 盐泉
  1315. saline taste ==> 咸味
  1316. saline water conversion ==> 盐水转化
  1317. saline-sodic soil ==> 盐碱土
  1318. saline-sodic soil amelioration ==> 盐碱土改良
  1319. saline-water reclamation ==> 盐水淡化
  1320. Salinian formation ==> 全盐组
  1321. salinity (water quality objective) ==> 盐度(水质指针)
  1322. salinity indicator ==> 盐度计=>塩度指示器
  1323. salinity indicator system ==> 盐度指示器系统
  1324. salinity logging ==> 含盐测量记录井
  1325. salinity meter ==> 盐度计
  1326. salinity of irrigation water ==> 灌溉水的盐度,灌溉水含盐度
  1327. salinity test ==> 盐分测定法
  1328. salinity tolerance ==> 耐塩性
  1329. salinized chestnut soil ==> 盐化栗土
  1330. salinized soil ==> 盐溃土,盐渍土
  1331. salinized zone in seashore ==> 海滨盐渍区
  1332. salinometer ==> 盐量计
  1333. saliva borne disease ==> 唾液传染疾病,T部不常用字头唾液传染疾病
  1334. salivary acid-base ==> 唾液酸碱,唾液酸碱
  1335. salivary canal ==> 唾道
  1336. salivary centre ==> 唾液中枢,唾液中枢
  1337. salivary chromosome map ==> 唾液腺染色体图,唾液腺染色体图
  1338. salivary corpuscle ==> 唾液小体,唾液小体
  1339. salivary digestion ==> 唾液消化,唾液消化
  1340. salivary duct ==> 唾管
  1341. salivary fistula ==> 涎瘘
  1342. salivary gland ==> 涎腺,唾腺,唾液腺,唾液腺
  1343. salivary gland chromosome ==> 唾腺染色体
  1344. salivary gland disease ==> 涎腺疾病
  1345. salivary gland hormone ==> 唾液腺激素,唾液腺激素
  1346. salivary gland injury ==> 涎腺损伤
  1347. salivary gland type pharyngeal mixed tumor ==> 咽涎腺型混合瘤
  1348. salivary gland virus ==> 涎腺病毒
  1349. salivary maltase ==> 唾液麦芽糖酶,唾液麦芽糖酶
  1350. salivary meatus ==> 唾道
  1351. salivary pump ==> 唾泵
  1352. salivary reservoir ==> 贮唾囊
  1353. salivo-sudoriparous syndrome ==> 涎腺出汗综合征
  1354. Salix xerophila ==> 崖柳
  1355. Salk Institute for Biological Studies ==> 索尔克生物研究院
  1356. sallow face ==> 脸色焦黄
  1357. sally port ==> 突破口,太平门
  1358. SALM Single Anchor Leg Mooring ==> 单锚停泊
  1359. salmic acid ==> 鲑红酸
  1360. salmon ==> 鲑鱼,大麻哈鱼=>サーモン
  1361. salmon brick ==> 低质红砖,欠火砖
  1362. salmon oil ==> 鲑鱼油
  1363. Salmonella georgia ==> 佐治亚沙门氏菌
  1364. Salmonella hirschfeldii ==> 希氏沙门氏菌
  1365. salmonella infection ==> 沙门氏菌感染
  1366. Salmonella luciana ==> 琉喜安沙门氏菌
  1367. Salmonella manila ==> 马尼拉沙门氏菌
  1368. Salmonella matadi ==> 马塔迪沙门氏菌
  1369. Salmonella matopeni ==> 马妥潘尼沙门氏菌
  1370. Salmonella newport ==> 新港沙门氏菌
  1371. Salmonella singapore ==> 新加坡沙门氏菌
  1372. Salomon test ==> 梅毒血清试验
  1373. Salonica fever ==> 战壕热
  1374. saloon ==> 轿车(美作:sedan)
  1375. salopette ==> 作業着
  1376. Salpeter process ==> 沙尔皮特过程
  1377. salpingopalatine fold ==> 咽鼓管腭襞
  1378. salpingopharyngeal fold ==> 咽鼓管咽襞
  1379. Salsola sinkiangensis ==> 新疆猪毛菜
  1380. salt ==> 盐=>食塩
  1381. salt & pepper set ==> 椒面缸
  1382. salt accumulation ==> 盐分积累
  1383. salt addition ==> 塩添加
  1384. salt additives ==> 塩添加物
  1385. salt air ==> 潮風
  1386. salt air heat exchanger ==> 盐空气热交换器
  1387. salt and pepper sand ==> 杂灰色沙
  1388. salt antichinal trap ==> 盐背斜圈闭
  1389. salt atmosphere ==> 盐雾
  1390. salt balance ==> 盐分平衡
  1391. salt bath ==> 盐浴
  1392. salt bath brazing ==> 盐浴钎焊
  1393. salt bath furnace ==> 盐溶炉
  1394. salt bath hardening ==> 盐浴淬火
  1395. salt bed ==> 盐床
  1396. salt block ==> 盐块,盐砖
  1397. salt bond ==> 盐键
  1398. salt brick ==> 盐砖
  1399. salt bridge ==> 盐桥
  1400. salt cake ==> 芒硝
  1401. salt cake glass ==> 硫酸盐玻璃
  1402. salt cake pan ==> 芒硝锅
  1403. salt cake roaster ==> 芒硝炉
  1404. salt cake rotary screen ==> 芒硝回转筛
  1405. salt chuck ==> 盐水原木池
  1406. salt content ==> 含盐量
  1407. salt content of crude oil ==> 原油含盐量
  1408. salt corrosion ==> 盐腐蚀
  1409. salt crust ==> 盐结度
  1410. salt damage ==> 盐害
  1411. salt deficient dehydration ==> 缺盐性脱水
  1412. salt deficit ==> 缺盐
  1413. salt dehydration ==> 岩盐脱水法
  1414. salt depletion syndrome ==> 缺盐综合征
  1415. salt deposite density ==> 塩分付着密度
  1416. salt desert ==> 盐漠
  1417. salt detector ==> 盐分探测器
  1418. salt diapir ==> 盐刺穿,盐丘,底辟盐丘
  1419. salt diapirism ==> 盐底辟(作用)
  1420. salt dissolving tank ==> 化盐桶
  1421. salt dome ==> 盐丘
  1422. salt door ==> 泥渣孔
  1423. salt effect ==> 盐效应
  1424. salt efflorescence ==> 盐霜
  1425. salt endurance ==> 耐盐度
  1426. salt exclasion ==> 除盐
  1427. salt extract ==> 盐渍提液
  1428. salt farm ==> 盐场
  1429. salt field ==> 盐场
  1430. salt figure ==> 盐值
  1431. salt filled exhaust valve ==> 盐冷排气阀
  1432. salt finger structure ==> 盐指构造
  1433. salt flowers ==> 冰花
  1434. salt form of ion-exchanger ==> 盐形离子交换剂
  1435. salt furnace ==> 煮盐锅
  1436. salt garden ==> 盐池
  1437. salt gauge ==> 盐水比重计
  1438. salt gland ==> 盐腺
  1439. salt glaze ==> 盐釉,盐釉
  1440. salt glazed stoneware ==> 盐釉炻器
  1441. salt glazing ==> 盐釉
  1442. salt grainer ==> 成盐蒸发器
  1443. salt ground ==> 撒盐地
  1444. salt hardening ==> 盐浴淬火
  1445. salt hopper ==> 盐斗
  1446. salt hydrate ==> 盐合水
  1447. salt ice ==> 盐冰
  1448. salt incrustation ==> 盐结皮
  1449. salt index ==> 盐分指标,盐值,含盐指数
  1450. salt injury ==> 盐害
  1451. salt inspectorate ==> 盐务稽核所
  1452. salt lake ==> 盐湖,含盐湖
  1453. salt lick ==> 盐碱地
  1454. salt lime ==> 硫酸钙
  1455. salt liquor ==> 盐水
  1456. salt marsh ==> 盐碱滩,盐土沼泽
  1457. salt marsh hay ==> 盐土沼泽地干草
  1458. salt meadow ==> 盐土草原
  1459. salt metabolism ==> 盐代谢,盐类代谢
  1460. salt meter ==> 盐浮计
  1461. salt mine ==> 盐矿
  1462. salt mist ==> 盐雾
  1463. salt mist resistant ==> 防盐性,耐盐雾
  1464. salt of lemery ==> 硫酸钾
  1465. salt of life ==> 生きがい
  1466. salt of organic acid ==> 有机酸盐
  1467. salt of tartar ==> 碳酸钾
  1468. salt of weak acid ==> 弱酸盐
  1469. salt oven ==> 煮盐锅
  1470. salt pan ==> 盐锅,盐田
  1471. salt pit ==> 盐井,采盐矿
  1472. salt plant ==> 盐土植物
  1473. salt playa ==> 干盐湖
  1474. salt plug ==> 盐栓,盐柱
  1475. salt poisoning ==> 食盐中毒
  1476. salt pollution ==> 盐污染
  1477. salt pond ==> 盐池
  1478. salt prism ==> 石盐棱镜
  1479. salt producer ==> 盐商
  1480. salt rack ==> (家畜)食盐架
  1481. salt rampart ==> 盐障
  1482. salt regulation ==> 盐分调节
  1483. salt resistive insulator ==> 耐盐绝缘子
  1484. salt respiration ==> 盐呼吸
  1485. salt retention ==> 盐潴留
  1486. salt rock ==> 岩盐
  1487. salt rust ==> 盐霜
  1488. salt screen ==> 荧光屏
  1489. salt sensitiveness ==> 盐分敏感性
  1490. salt setting tank ==> 盐沉清器
  1491. salt settler ==> 盐沉清器
  1492. salt sick ==> 盐病
  1493. salt slurry ==> 盐泥
  1494. salt soil ==> 盐性土
  1495. salt solustion mehtod ==> 盐溶液法
  1496. salt solution ==> 盐溶液
  1497. salt spray ==> 盐沫
  1498. salt spray corrosion test ==> 盐喷腐蚀试验
  1499. salt spray fog corrosion ==> 盐雾腐蚀
  1500. salt spray test ==> 盐雾[腐蚀]试验,盐水喷雾(耐蚀)试验,盐雾试验,喷盐试验
  1501. salt spreader ==> 盐粒撒布器=>塩散布機
  1502. salt spring ==> 盐泉
  1503. salt status ==> 盐分状况
  1504. salt steppe ==> 盐土干草原,盐渍草原
  1505. salt stock ==> 盐株
  1506. salt swamp ==> 盐土沼泽
  1507. salt system ==> 盐系统
  1508. salt tax ==> 盐税
  1509. salt tolerance ==> 耐盐度
  1510. salt tolerant ==> 耐盐性的
  1511. salt water ==> 盐水
  1512. salt water circulating pump ==> 盐水循环泵
  1513. salt water immersion test ==> 盐水浸溃试验
  1514. salt water lake ==> 咸水湖
  1515. salt water pollution ==> 海水污染
  1516. salt water sanitary pump ==> 海水卫生泵
  1517. salt water soap ==> 海水用肥皂
  1518. salt wedge ==> 盐水楔
  1519. salt well ==> 盐井
  1520. salt wind ==> 海风
  1521. salt-affected soil ==> 盐渍土壤
  1522. salt-bath brazing ==> 盐槽焊接
  1523. salt-bath chromizing ==> 盐浴渗铬
  1524. salt-bath descaling ==> 盐浴除鳞
  1525. salt-bath electric furnace ==> 盐浴电炉
  1526. salt-bath furnace ==> 盐浴炉
  1527. salt-bath hardening ==> 盐浴淬火
  1528. salt-bath hardening furnace ==> 盐浴淬火炉
  1529. salt-bath heat treatment ==> 盐浴热处理
  1530. salt-bath patenting ==> 盐浴索氏体化处理
  1531. salt-bath quenching ==> 盐浴淬火
  1532. salt-bath sintering ==> 盐浴烧结
  1533. salt-bath tempering furnace ==> 盐浴回火炉
  1534. salt-bearing rock ==> 含盐类岩石
  1535. salt-depletion hyponatremia syndrome ==> 少盐低钠血性综合征
  1536. salt-enduring species ==> 耐盐种
  1537. salt-fever ==> 食盐热
  1538. salt-fog ==> 盐雾
  1539. salt-free ==> 无盐的
  1540. salt-free diet ==> 无盐饮食
  1541. salt-glazed brick ==> 盐釉瓷砖,盐釉砖
  1542. salt-glazed tile ==> 盐釉面砖,盐釉瓦
  1543. salt-hunger ==> 盐饥饿
  1544. salt-laden atmosphere ==> 含盐大气
  1545. salt-mixture ==> 混合盐
  1546. salt-obligate species ==> 需盐种
  1547. salt-resistance ==> 抗盐性
  1548. salt-resistive insulator ==> 耐盐绝缘子
  1549. salt-secreting gland ==> 盐腺
  1550. salt-spray climax ==> 盐雾演替顶级
  1551. salt-starved animal ==> 缺盐家畜
  1552. salt-treated runway ==> 撒盐跑道
  1553. salt-water encroachment ==> 盐水入侵,海水倒灌
  1554. salt-water lock ==> 防咸水闸
  1555. salt-water-service pump ==> 盐水泵
  1556. saltation ash ==> 沉降灰,炉膛内可燃混合物发生爆炸时炉内气体压力瞬时剧增,所产生的爆炸力超过结构强度而造成向外爆破的事故。
  1557. saltation load ==> 调跃负载,跃移质
  1558. saltation point ==> 沉积点
  1559. saltation theory ==> 跳躍説
  1560. saltation velocity ==> (泥沙的)跃移速度
  1561. saltatory conduction ==> 跳跃传导=>跳躍伝導
  1562. saltatory evolution ==> 跳跃进化
  1563. saltatory movement ==> 跳躍運動
  1564. saltatory replication ==> 跳跃复制
  1565. salted and dried plum ==> 梅脯,白梅
  1566. salted and fermented soya paste ==> 黄酱
  1567. salted butter ==> 盐味黄油
  1568. salted fish ==> 腌鱼
  1569. salted meat ==> 腌肉
  1570. salted weapon ==> 加料武器
  1571. Salter's lines ==> 生长线
  1572. salting liquid ==> 盐溶液
  1573. salting liquor ==> 盐汁
  1574. salting out ==> 盐析
  1575. salting out method ==> 盐析法
  1576. salting out tank ==> 脱盐槽
  1577. salting point ==> 盐析浓度
  1578. salting-out ==> 加盐分离
  1579. salting-out agent ==> 盐析剂
  1580. salting-out chromatography ==> 盐析色谱法
  1581. salting-out effect ==> 盐析效应
  1582. salting-out electrolyte ==> 盐析电解质
  1583. salting-out elution chromatography ==> 盐析洗脱色谱
  1584. salting-out evaporator ==> 析盐蒸发器
  1585. salting-out of solvent ==> 溶剂的盐析
  1586. salting-out paper chromatography ==> 盐析纸色谱
  1587. saltpeter earth ==> 硝石土
  1588. saltwash member ==> 盐洗段
  1589. salty basin ==> 盐斑
  1590. salty soil ==> 盐渍土,含盐土壤
  1591. salty taste ==> 咸味
  1592. salty wind damage ==> 盐风灾害
  1593. saluting gun ==> 鸣放礼炮所用的炮
  1594. salvage ==> 打捞,救捞,抢救,海上救难,废料=>海難救助,救出,救助,サルベイジ,サルベージ
  1595. salvage agreement ==> 救助协议,救助协议=>海難救助契約
  1596. salvage apparatus ==> 救命器
  1597. salvage appliances ==> 海難救助用具
  1598. salvage archaeology ==> 救出考古学
  1599. salvage award ==> 救助报酬,救助报酬
  1600. salvage boat ==> 救生艇
  1601. salvage by voluntary action ==> 自愿救助
  1602. salvage charge ==> 海難救助料
  1603. salvage charges ==> 海上打捞费
  1604. salvage chemotherapy ==> 救助療法,救援化学療法
  1605. salvage company ==> 海难救援公司=>海難救助会社
  1606. salvage contract ==> 海難救助契約
  1607. salvage corporation ==> 救助会社
  1608. salvage corps ==> 火災救出隊,救難隊
  1609. salvage cost ==> 救济费,救济费,利旧费=>サルベージ費用
  1610. salvage crew ==> 救難作業員
  1611. salvage cutting ==> 拯救伐
  1612. salvage department ==> 废料利用车间,废物利用部门
  1613. salvage felling ==> 拯救伐
  1614. salvage lifting vessel ==> 打捞救生船
  1615. salvage loss ==> 救助损失,救助损失,海难救助损害,海难抢救损失,残值下降损失
  1616. salvage material ==> 回収材料
  1617. salvage money ==> 救助报酬,救助报酬,救难费,救难费=>救助料金
  1618. salvage note ==> 用途変更許可書
  1619. salvage of a ship ==> 船体の引き揚げ
  1620. salvage of casting ==> 铸件修补
  1621. salvage of plant and equipment ==> 厂房和设备残值
  1622. salvage of waste material ==> 废品回收
  1623. salvage operation ==> 海难救助作业,救助作业,救助作业
  1624. salvage point ==> 废品收集处
  1625. salvage procedure ==> 打捞作业
  1626. salvage proceeds ==> 救助收入,救助收入
  1627. salvage pump ==> 救助泵,救助泵,应急排水泵
  1628. salvage retailers ==> 废品市场
  1629. salvage shop ==> 废物综合利用工厂,三废综合利用工厂,修理厂
  1630. salvage sinking-fund ==> 残值偿债基金
  1631. salvage station ==> 废品收购站
  1632. salvage stores ==> 残余物料
  1633. salvage sump ==> (炼油厂下水道的)石油捕集器
  1634. salvage synthesis ==> 补救合成
  1635. salvage trailer ==> 金属废料运输拖车,运金属屑用拖车
  1636. salvage value ==> 处理价值,折余值,废物利用率,残余价值,可挽救价值
  1637. salvaged lining ==> 废炉衬
  1638. salvaged pipes ==> 旧管子,旧管子
  1639. salvaging ==> 船舶打捞,抢修工程,废品处理,废品废料处理,废物利用
  1640. salvaging casting ==> 焊补铸件
  1641. salvaging department ==> 废料利用车间
  1642. salve dressing ==> 软膏敷裹
  1643. salving vessel ==> 救援船,救援船
  1644. salvo breadth ==> 齐射扇面宽度
  1645. salvo point ==> 齐射目标
  1646. salvo release ==> 齐投
  1647. salvo signal ==> 齐射信号,翼次射信号
  1648. Salyout, USSR space station ==> 旧ソ連の宇宙ステーション
  1649. sam ==> 扫描式俄歇微型探针
  1650. SAM, Scanning with Active Microwaves ==> 能動的マイクロウェーブによる走査
  1651. SAM, Secure Application Module ==> SAM
  1652. SAM, self-assembled monolayer ==> 自己組織化単分子膜
  1653. SAM, stratospheric aerosol measurement ==> 成層圏エアロゾル計測
  1654. SAM, sun acquisition mode ==> 太陽捕捉モード
  1655. SAM, surface to air missile ==> 地対空ミサイル
  1656. SAM, system accounting model ==> システムアカウンティングモデル
  1657. samaric carbonate ==> 碳酸钐
  1658. samaric hydroxide ==> 氢氧化钐
  1659. samarium (Sm) ==> 钐,钐
  1660. samarium boride ==> 硼化钐
  1661. samarium carbide ==> 碳化钐
  1662. samarium nitride ==> 氮化钐
  1663. samarium oxide ==> 氧化钐
  1664. samarium poisoning ==> 钐中毒,反应堆运行时,热中子吸收截面较大的裂变产物毒物核素149Sm在堆内逐渐积累、吸收中子而引起反应性减少的现象
  1665. samarium silicate ==> 硅酸钐
  1666. samarium-cobalt magnet ==> 钐钴磁体=>サマリウムコバルト磁石
  1667. samarous chloride ==> 二氯化钐
  1668. SAMCEF ==> 法国有限元软件
  1669. same argument ==> 同理
  1670. same as blood ==> 营血
  1671. same broad soil groups ==> 相同的广土类
  1672. same change of magnitude in relative value ==> 相对价值的同样量的变化
  1673. same condition ==> 同等状态
  1674. same constant error ==> 相同固定误差
  1675. same cross ==> 同一个杂交组合
  1676. same day funds ==> 同日资金
  1677. same direction and proportion ==> 同方向同比例
  1678. same direction but in different proportions ==> 同方向不同比例
  1679. same distribution ==> 相同分布
  1680. same frequency broadcasting ==> 同一周波数放送
  1681. same labor exercised during equal periods of time ==> 同一劳动在同样时间内
  1682. same manner ==> 同样办法
  1683. same order ==> 同阶
  1684. same order bias estimators (SOBE) ==> 同阶有偏估计量
  1685. same position ==> 相同位置
  1686. same purpose as lime ==> 和石灰具有相同作用
  1687. same quality sample ==> 同品质样品
  1688. same sequence ==> 相同顺序
  1689. same system ==> 同系統
  1690. same type ==> 同型
  1691. same-phase horizontal antenna ==> 同相水平天线
  1692. same-phase vertical antenna ==> 同相垂直天线
  1693. same-size ratio ==> 等量比
  1694. samel brick ==> 半烧砖
  1695. samming machine ==> 均湿机,均湿机
  1696. samnos transistor ==> 自对准金属氮化物氧化物半导体晶体管
  1697. Samoa ==> 萨摩亚=>サモア
  1698. SAMOS program ==> 萨莫斯计划
  1699. SAMOS, satellite and missile observation satellite ==> 衛星ミサイル監視衛星
  1700. sample ==> 取样,样本,样品,样子,标本,试件=>試料
  1701. sample activity ==> 试件放射性
  1702. sample analyzer ==> 试样分析器
  1703. sample and hold ==> 样本及保存
  1704. sample and hold bridge ==> 抽样保持桥路
  1705. sample area ==> 样地面积,标准地
  1706. sample arithmetic mean ==> 样本算术均数
  1707. sample autocorrelation function ==> 样本自相关函数
  1708. sample average ==> 样本均值,样本平均值
  1709. sample averaging ==> 取样平均
  1710. sample board ==> 试样板
  1711. sample book ==> 样本
  1712. sample boring ==> 取样钻探
  1713. sample bottle ==> 样品瓶
  1714. sample brick ==> 样品砖
  1715. sample bulb ==> 样品瓶
  1716. sample can ==> 样品罐
  1717. sample canonical correlation coefficient ==> 样本标准相关系数
  1718. sample car ==> 陈列车
  1719. sample card ==> 样本卡片,样品卡
  1720. sample carrier ==> 试样容器
  1721. sample cell ==> 样品管,样品试池
  1722. sample census ==> 样本普查
  1723. sample central moment ==> 样本中心矩
  1724. sample central moments ==> 样本中心矩
  1725. sample certainty ==> 样本确定性
  1726. sample change compaction ==> 标样变更压缩
  1727. sample changer ==> 换样夹具,样品交换器
  1728. sample channels ratio(SCR) ==> 样品道比
  1729. sample characteristic value ==> 样本本征值,样本特征值
  1730. sample characteristics ==> 样本特征值
  1731. sample circuit ==> 幅度-脉冲变换电路,取样电路,量化电路,采样电路
  1732. sample coefficient ==> 样本系数
  1733. sample collection tube ==> 样品收集管
  1734. sample collector ==> 取样器,试样收集器
  1735. sample concentrator ==> 试样浓缩器
  1736. sample condensation ==> 试样冷凝
  1737. sample connection ==> 取样口
  1738. sample container ==> 试样容器
  1739. sample contamination ==> 试样污染
  1740. sample content ==> 样本含量
  1741. sample contract ==> 样品契约
  1742. sample correlation coefficient ==> 样本相关系数
  1743. sample correlation matrix ==> 样本相关矩阵,样本相关阵
  1744. sample covariance ==> 样本协方差
  1745. sample covariance coefficient ==> 样本协方差系数
  1746. sample covariance function ==> 样本协方差函数
  1747. sample covariance matrix ==> 样本协方差矩阵
  1748. sample data ==> 样本数据,抽样数据,采样数据
  1749. sample decile ==> 样本十分位数
  1750. sample degradation ==> 试样降解
  1751. sample design ==> 样本设计,样品设计
  1752. sample dilution method ==> 汁液样品稀释法
  1753. sample discount ==> 样品折扣
  1754. sample dispersion ==> 样本离差
  1755. sample distribution ==> 样本分布,样品分布,采样分布
  1756. sample distribution of mean ==> 样本均值分布
  1757. sample divider pass ==> 试样缩分
  1758. sample dot ==> 取样点
  1759. sample drawing ==> 样品图
  1760. sample drawn ==> 抽样
  1761. sample drilling ==> 取样钻进
  1762. sample edge ==> 取样边
  1763. sample error ==> 样本误差
  1764. sample evaporation ==> 试样汽化
  1765. sample expense ==> 样品费用
  1766. sample export ==> 样品出口,样品输出
  1767. sample fair ==> 样品展览会
  1768. sample fluctuation ==> 样本波动
  1769. sample for commercial coal ==> 商品煤样,代表商品煤平均性质的煤样
  1770. sample for reference ==> 参照样本
  1771. sample formation ==> サンプル構造
  1772. sample fractile ==> 样本分位数
  1773. sample fractiles ==> 样本分位,样本分位数
  1774. sample function ==> 样本函数=>標本関数
  1775. sample gear ==> 抽样齿轮
  1776. sample generator ==> 样本产生符
  1777. sample heat exchanger ==> 样品热交换器
  1778. sample hold ==> 样本保持=>サンプルホールド
  1779. sample hold circuit ==> 抽样维持电路=>サンプルホールド回路
  1780. sample household budgets ==> 样本住户收支
  1781. sample hunter ==> 样品商人
  1782. sample import ==> 見本輸入
  1783. sample importance function ==> 取样价值函数
  1784. sample in measurement ==> 样品测量
  1785. sample information ==> 样本信息
  1786. sample injection ==> 注射试样=>試料注入
  1787. sample injection port ==> 试样注射口
  1788. sample input ==> 样本输入,样本值输入,抽样输入
  1789. sample inquiry ==> 样本调查=>標本調査
  1790. sample inspection ==> 试件检验=>サンプル検査,抜き取り検査
  1791. sample interval ==> 采样时间间隔,采样间隔,取样间隔,取样时间间隔
  1792. sample introduction under pressure ==> 压力下进样
  1793. sample invoice ==> 样品发票
  1794. sample irradiation hole ==> 样品照射孔
  1795. sample level of significance ==> 样本显著性水平
  1796. sample light beam ==> 试样光束
  1797. sample line ==> 取样管线
  1798. sample log ==> 测井取样剖面,钻井取样记录
  1799. sample loom ==> 织样机
  1800. sample loop ==> 样品环管
  1801. sample loss ==> 试样损耗
  1802. sample making machine ==> 打样机
  1803. sample marking ==> 试样标记
  1804. sample mean ==> 试样平均值,采样平均值,取样平均值,样本均值,样本平均值,样品平均数
  1805. sample mean-square contingency ==> 样本均方或然性,样本均方列联
  1806. sample median ==> 样本中位数,样品中位数
  1807. sample merchant ==> 样品商人
  1808. sample mode ==> 抽样状态
  1809. sample mold ==> 试样模
  1810. sample moment ==> 样本矩
  1811. sample monitoring ==> 样本监督
  1812. sample multiple correlation coefficient ==> 样本多重相关系数
  1813. sample nozzle ==> 采样喷嘴
  1814. sample number ==> 采样号,抽样号码
  1815. sample observations ==> 样本观测值
  1816. sample of colour ==> 颜色样品
  1817. sample of existing goods ==> 现货样品
  1818. sample of no value ==> 免费货样
  1819. sample of signal ==> 信号取样
  1820. sample operating system ==> 样本操作系统
  1821. sample order ==> 样品订单,照样品定货
  1822. sample partial correlation coefficient ==> 样本偏相关系数
  1823. sample passers ==> 样品检查员
  1824. sample path length ==> 溶液厚度
  1825. sample path of power market price ==> 電力市場価格パスのサンプル
  1826. sample percentage ==> 样本百分比
  1827. sample percentiles ==> 样本百分位数
  1828. sample plan ==> 样本方案
  1829. sample plate ==> 样板
  1830. sample plot ==> 样地,试验地,标准地
  1831. sample point ==> 样本点,抽样点,取样点
  1832. sample polishing machine ==> 试样抛光机
  1833. sample post ==> 样本邮件
  1834. sample preparation ==> 样品制备,试样制备
  1835. sample pretreatment ==> 试样预处理
  1836. sample probability measure space ==> 样本概率测度空间
  1837. sample probe ==> 试样探针
  1838. sample production ==> 样本生产
  1839. sample program ==> 抽样程序
  1840. sample proportion ==> 样本比例
  1841. sample proportion of successes ==> 样本成功比例
  1842. sample pulse phase ==> 取样脉冲相位
  1843. sample quartering ==> 四分缩样法
  1844. sample quartiles ==> 样本四分位数
  1845. sample range ==> 样本范围,抽样范围
  1846. sample rate ==> 抽样率,样本率,采样速度
  1847. sample recovery ==> 试样回收
  1848. sample regression ==> 样品回归
  1849. sample regression function ==> 样本回归函数
  1850. sample rock container ==> 月球岩样贮存箱
  1851. sample room ==> 样品室
  1852. sample selection ==> 选样
  1853. sample selection rule ==> 样本抽选规则
  1854. sample significance level ==> 样本显著性水平
  1855. sample sink ==> 样品槽
  1856. sample size ==> 样本大小,样本量,样本容量,样品尺寸,样品数量=>試料サイズ
  1857. sample size code letter ==> 样本量字码
  1858. sample size in decision broblem ==> 决策问题中的样本容量,决策问题中的样本容量
  1859. sample size loss ==> 试样量损耗
  1860. sample size requirements ==> 样本容量要求
  1861. sample skein winder ==> 缕纱测长机
  1862. sample skewness coefficient ==> 样本偏斜系数
  1863. sample smear ==> 试样涂污
  1864. sample space ==> 取样空间,采样空间,样本空间=>標本空間
  1865. sample spectral function ==> 样本谱函数
  1866. sample spinner ==> 取样旋转器
  1867. sample splitter ==> 样品分离器,试样分流器
  1868. sample spoon ==> 取样勺
  1869. sample spot ==> 试样斑
  1870. sample standard deviation ==> 样本标准差,样本标准偏差,样品标准偏差
  1871. sample statistic ==> 样本统计量
  1872. sample streaker ==> 试样划痕器
  1873. sample strength ==> 样品强度
  1874. sample strip ==> 样带,采样带
  1875. sample survey ==> 样品鉴定,抽样调查,抽样检查,抽样检验
  1876. sample system minaturization ==> 取样系统小型化
  1877. sample taken at random ==> 任选样品
  1878. sample taker ==> 取样器
  1879. sample taking of aggregates ==> 骨料取样
  1880. sample tap ==> 取样口
  1881. sample temperature ==> 試料温度
  1882. sample test ==> 抽检
  1883. sample throughput ==> 试样处理量
  1884. sample time aperture ==> 抽样时间截口
  1885. sample time period (STP) ==> 取样期
  1886. sample time point ==> 样本时点
  1887. sample total ==> 样本总值
  1888. sample transfer operation ==> 试样转移操作
  1889. sample treatment ==> 样品处理
  1890. sample tree ==> 样本树,样木,取样树,标准木
  1891. sample trial ==> 样品试验
  1892. sample uncertainty ==> 取样不定性,抽样不定性
  1893. sample unit ==> 样本单位
  1894. sample value ==> 抽样值,取样值
  1895. sample valve ==> 进样阀
  1896. sample variance ==> 样本方差,采样方差
  1897. sample variance matrix ==> 样本方差矩阵
  1898. sample variance-covariance matrix ==> 样本方差协方差矩阵
  1899. sample variation ==> 样本变差
  1900. sample wafer ==> 样片
  1901. sample work piece ==> 样件
  1902. sample workpiece ==> 样品
  1903. sample, to ==> 標本化する
  1904. sample-and-hold amplifier ==> 取样与同步放大器
  1905. sample-and-hold circuit ==> 取样保持电路,取样维持电路
  1906. sample-and-hole technique ==> 取样保持技术
  1907. sample-hold ==> 取样保持
  1908. sample-out count ==> 本底测量
  1909. sampled analog computer ==> 抽样模拟计算机
  1910. sampled analog data ==> 抽样模拟数据
  1911. sampled analog(ue) data ==> 时间量化连续信息
  1912. sampled beam ==> 抽样射束,脉冲调制射束
  1913. sampled data ==> 取样数据
  1914. sampled data computer ==> 抽样数据计算机
  1915. sampled data control system ==> 抽样数据控制系统
  1916. sampled data filter ==> 取样数据滤波器
  1917. sampled data measurements ==> 样本数据量度
  1918. sampled data mode ==> 抽样数据方式
  1919. sampled data system ==> 抽样数据系统,取样数据系统
  1920. sampled grade ==> 试样品位
  1921. sampled offer ==> 附样报盘,附样品的发盘
  1922. sampled phase-locked loop ==> 取样锁相环
  1923. sampled population ==> 抽样总体
  1924. sampled region ==> 被抽中区域
  1925. sampled signal ==> 取样信号=>標本化信号
  1926. sampled threshold ==> 取样阀值
  1927. sampled value ==> 標本値
  1928. sampled well ==> 采样井
  1929. sampled-data control ==> 抽样数据控制=>サンプル値制御
  1930. sampled-data control system ==> 取样数据控制系统,数据采样控制系统=>サンプル値制御系
  1931. sampled-data polynomial ==> サンプル値多項式
  1932. sampled-data system ==> 数据取样系统,采样数据系统
  1933. sampler ==> 采样器,取样机,取样器,取样员,抽样机,快速转换器,样本检验员,样品检查员,选样器,采样器,机械采制样装置中采样部分,包括采样头及其传动机构
  1934. sampler barrel ==> 取样筒
  1935. sampler space ==> 取样空间
  1936. samples of many barn cleaner ==> 各式畜舍清扫机样品
  1937. sampletie ==> 氯磷钠铜矿
  1938. sampling ==> 采样,按规定方法采取有代表性煤样的过程,取样=>標本化,抜取り,SP
  1939. sampling action ==> 采样动作,采样作用,取样动作,脉冲作用
  1940. sampling analyzer panel ==> 取样分析仪表盘
  1941. sampling and analysis program ==> 取样分析程序
  1942. sampling and decontamination rooms ==> 取样及去污室
  1943. sampling aperture ==> 取样孔
  1944. sampling apparatus ==> 采样装置
  1945. sampling area ==> 取样区
  1946. sampling bag ==> 采样袋
  1947. sampling bench ==> 取样台
  1948. sampling boat ==> 取样舟,采样船
  1949. sampling bottle ==> 采样瓶,取样瓶
  1950. sampling by classification ==> 分类抽样
  1951. sampling by electrostatic precipitation ==> 静电集尘法采样
  1952. sampling by filtration ==> 过滤采样
  1953. sampling by impaction ==> 撞击取样
  1954. sampling by thermal precipitation ==> 热沉淀法取样
  1955. sampling by water displacement ==> 水置换法取样
  1956. sampling cabinet ==> 取样箱
  1957. sampling circuit ==> 抽样电路,取样电路,幅度-脉冲变换电路
  1958. sampling clock ==> 取样钟
  1959. sampling cock ==> 取样旋塞
  1960. sampling collection ==> 样品取集
  1961. sampling condition ==> 取样条件
  1962. sampling configuration ==> 采样模式
  1963. sampling control ==> 取样控制
  1964. sampling controller ==> 抽样控制器,采样控制器
  1965. sampling cooler ==> 取样冷却器
  1966. sampling core ==> 中心取样
  1967. sampling correlator ==> 抽样相关器
  1968. sampling cup ==> 取样杯
  1969. sampling density ==> 采样密度
  1970. sampling depth ==> 采样井深
  1971. sampling detector ==> 取样传感器
  1972. sampling distortion ==> 取样畸变=>標本化ひずみ
  1973. sampling distribution ==> 采样分布,取样分布,抽样分布,标本分布
  1974. sampling distribution of sample mean ==> 样本平均值的抽样分布
  1975. sampling distribution of the statistic ==> 统计量的抽样分布
  1976. sampling disturbance ==> 取样扰动
  1977. sampling electrode ==> 取样电极
  1978. sampling element ==> 采样元件
  1979. sampling equipment ==> 取样设备
  1980. sampling error ==> 取样误差,抽样误差,采样误差
  1981. sampling facility ==> 采样器
  1982. sampling fraction ==> 取样率
  1983. sampling frequency ==> 采样周期,在模数转换器中采样时间间隔的倒数=>サンプリング周波数,標本化周波数
  1984. sampling function ==> 采样函数
  1985. sampling gate ==> 取样门
  1986. sampling hole ==> 测孔
  1987. sampling inspection ==> 抽样检查,抽样检验,取样检查=>抜取検査
  1988. sampling inspection by attribute ==> 计数取样检验
  1989. sampling inspection by variable ==> 计量取样检验
  1990. sampling inspection for continuous production ==> 连续生产型抽样检验
  1991. sampling inspection plan ==> 抽样检查方案
  1992. sampling inspection with adjustment ==> 调整型抽样检验
  1993. sampling inspection with screening ==> 挑选型抽样检验
  1994. sampling instant ==> 采样时间
  1995. sampling instrument ==> 取样器,采样工具,采样所用的符合规定要求的工具
  1996. sampling interval ==> 采样间隔,抽样间隔,抽样区间
  1997. sampling interval time ==> 取样间隔时间
  1998. sampling kit ==> 取样全套工具
  1999. sampling line ==> 取样管线
  2000. sampling location ==> 取样点,采样位置,采样现场
  2001. sampling machine ==> 制样机,切布样机
  2002. sampling mean ==> 样本平均值
  2003. sampling mechanism ==> 观测机构,取样机构
  2004. sampling mesh ==> 采样网格
  2005. sampling method ==> 取样统计法
  2006. sampling mill ==> 采样磨机
  2007. sampling mold ==> 取样模
  2008. sampling network ==> 信号取样网络
  2009. sampling normal distribution ==> 抽样正态分布
  2010. sampling nozzle ==> 取样喷嘴
  2011. sampling observation ==> 取样检查
  2012. sampling of aerosol ==> 气溶胶采样
  2013. sampling of aggregates ==> 骨料取样
  2014. sampling of alluvial sediments ==> 冲积物采样
  2015. sampling of attributes ==> 属性抽样
  2016. sampling of auto exhaust ==> 汽车排气取样
  2017. sampling of soil values ==> 土壤值采样
  2018. sampling oscilloscope ==> 取样示波器,采样示波器=>サンプリングオシロスコープ
  2019. sampling outlet ==> 取样出口
  2020. sampling parametric computation ==> 采样
  2021. sampling period ==> 采样周期,抽样周期,周期性采样控制系统中两次采样之间的时间间隔=>サンプリング周期
  2022. sampling plan ==> 抽样方案,取样方案
  2023. sampling plan by attributes ==> 品质抽样方案
  2024. sampling plan of coal seam ==> 煤层取样平面图
  2025. sampling plotter ==> 取样标绘器
  2026. sampling point ==> 采样点
  2027. sampling points ==> 標本点
  2028. sampling port ==> 采样口
  2029. sampling position ==> 采样地点
  2030. sampling probe ==> 采样探头
  2031. sampling procedure ==> 取样步骤
  2032. sampling process ==> 取样过程,取值过程,抽样过程,采样方法,采样过程
  2033. sampling process value ==> 采样过程数值
  2034. sampling program ==> 采样程序
  2035. sampling property ==> 抽样性质
  2036. sampling pulse ==> 抽样脉冲
  2037. sampling pulse generator ==> 取样脉冲发生器,抽样脉冲发生器
  2038. sampling pulse leakage ==> 標本化パルス漏えい
  2039. sampling pulse width ==> 取样脉冲宽度
  2040. sampling rate ==> 取样比,取样率,取样频率,取样速率,取值速率,抽样速率,采样比,采样率,采样速度=>サンプリング速度
  2041. sampling ratio ==> 抽样比
  2042. sampling room ==> 取样室
  2043. sampling scheme without replacement ==> 不放回抽样方式
  2044. sampling scope ==> 取样示波器
  2045. sampling servo-mechanism ==> 取样伺服机构
  2046. sampling servomechanism ==> 采样伺服机构
  2047. sampling servosystem ==> 采样伺服系统
  2048. sampling sink ==> 取样水槽
  2049. sampling site ==> 采样点
  2050. sampling spark chamber ==> 取样火花室
  2051. sampling spoon ==> 取样环刀
  2052. sampling stand ==> 采样架
  2053. sampling station ==> 采样站,监测站
  2054. sampling statistics ==> 样本统计量
  2055. sampling survey method ==> 抽样调查法
  2056. sampling switch ==> 抽样变换器,取样变换器,取样转换器,换向开关
  2057. sampling synchronization pulse ==> 取样同步脉冲
  2058. sampling system ==> 采样系统,取样系统,抽样系统,进样法,进样系统,采样系统
  2059. sampling system of reactor ==> 反应堆取样系统,从一回路主、辅系统选定的取样点以及蒸汽发生器排污水中取得液体和气体样品进行分析的系统
  2060. sampling target ==> 取样靶
  2061. sampling technique ==> 采样技术
  2062. sampling techniques ==> 抽样技术
  2063. sampling test ==> 取样试验,抽样试验=>抜取試験
  2064. sampling theorem ==> 采样原则,抽样定理,采样定理=>標本化定理
  2065. sampling theorem in the frequency domain ==> 频域采样定理
  2066. sampling theory ==> 采样理论,抽样理论=>サンプリングの定理
  2067. sampling thickness ==> 采样厚度
  2068. sampling thief ==> 采样器
  2069. sampling time ==> 采样时间,抽样时间,取样时间=>サンプリング時間
  2070. sampling tool and equipment ==> 采样用品
  2071. sampling turntable ==> 取样转盘
  2072. sampling type ==> 采样种类
  2073. sampling unit ==> 采样单元,为了控制采样的数量,以一定量单一品种的煤作为一个相对独立的考察对象
  2074. sampling valve ==> 取样阀,采样阀
  2075. sampling valve indicator ==> 取样指示计
  2076. sampling vertical ==> 取样垂线
  2077. sampling voltage ==> 取样电压
  2078. sampling voltmeter ==> 取样伏特计
  2079. sampling waste ==> 采样废水
  2080. sampling well ==> 取样井
  2081. sampling with replacement ==> 退还抽样,放回抽样,有退还抽样
  2082. sampling without replacement ==> 无退还抽样,不回置抽样,不重复抽样
  2083. samplingcomponent ==> 采样元件,在装置中以特定时间观察输入变量值并将其转换成采样输出变量的器件或组件
  2084. SAMPS, science & application manned space platform ==> 科学的及び実用有人宇宙プラットフォーム
  2085. Sampson's cyst ==> 巧克力样囊肿
  2086. Samson post ==> 起重柱
  2087. Samsung mobile display ==> 三星移动显示器
  2088. Samuel Insull ==> 萨穆埃尔·因苏尔
  2089. San Andreas fault ==> (美国)圣安德列斯断层
  2090. San Francisco virus ==> 旧金山病毒,旧金山病毒
  2091. San Jose ==> 圣荷塞
  2092. sanatorium treatment ==> 疗养院疗法
  2093. sanatron circuit ==> 窄脉冲多谐振荡电路
  2094. sanctuary game refuge ==> 禁猎区
  2095. sand ==> 模砂,砂,沙
  2096. sand (re)conditioning ==> 旧砂处理,旧砂处理
  2097. sand (storage) case ==> 砂箱
  2098. sand additions ==> 型砂加入剂
  2099. sand aerator ==> 破砂机
  2100. sand and gravel concrete ==> 砂砾石混凝土
  2101. sand and gravel dredge(r) ==> 砂石挖掘船
  2102. sand and gravel overlay ==> 沙砾覆盖层
  2103. sand and gravel trap ==> 沉沙砾池
  2104. sand and slag inclusions ==> 夹砂与含渣
  2105. sand and storm ==> 暴风沙
  2106. sand apron ==> 砂裙
  2107. sand asphalt ==> 地沥青砂
  2108. sand asphalt mixture ==> 地沥青砂浆
  2109. sand auger ==> 尘旋
  2110. sand bag ==> 沙袋
  2111. sand bar ==> 河口沙洲
  2112. sand basin ==> 沉沙池
  2113. sand bath ==> 砂浴,沙浴疗法
  2114. sand bath tempering ==> 砂浴回火
  2115. sand bearing wind ==> 带沙风
  2116. sand bed ==> 砂床,砂垫层,沙层
  2117. sand bed germinator ==> 砂床催芽器
  2118. sand bedding ==> 铺砂层
  2119. sand bedding course ==> 砂垫层
  2120. sand belt ==> 抛光带
  2121. sand bin ==> 贮砂斗
  2122. sand binder ==> 型砂粘合剂
  2123. sand bit ==> 采砂坑
  2124. sand blast ==> 喷砂,喷砂器
  2125. sand blast cleaning ==> 喷丸清理
  2126. sand blast finish ==> 喷砂饰面
  2127. sand blast hose ==> 喷砂胶管
  2128. sand blast test ==> 喷砂试验
  2129. sand blaster ==> 喷砂机
  2130. sand blasting ==> 吹沙磨蚀作用
  2131. sand blasting machine ==> 喷砂清理机
  2132. sand blasting process ==> 喷砂工序
  2133. sand blasting unit ==> 喷砂装置
  2134. sand blender ==> 松砂机,混砂设备
  2135. sand blister ==> 砂泡,轮胎起泡
  2136. sand blower ==> 喷砂器,喷砂装置
  2137. sand blowing ==> 喷砂打光
  2138. sand boil ==> 喷水冒砂,冒水翻沙,砂涌
  2139. sand bond ==> 型砂强度
  2140. sand box ==> 砂箱
  2141. sand box strainer ==> 砂箱滤器
  2142. sand break ==> 田间沙地
  2143. sand bucket ==> 砂桶
  2144. sand buckle ==> 铸件起皮
  2145. sand burning ==> 烧结砂
  2146. sand burrowing ==> 掘沙的,掘沙的
  2147. sand bypassing ==> 输沙设施
  2148. sand cake ==> 泥芯块
  2149. sand cap ==> 防尘罩
  2150. sand carrier ==> 运砂船
  2151. sand carrier with grab bucket ==> 带抓斗运砂船
  2152. sand cast ==> 砂铸
  2153. sand cast finish ==> 砂模铸件处理
  2154. sand casting ==> 砂模铸造,砂型铸造
  2155. sand casting process ==> 砂型铸造法
  2156. sand cay ==> 小沙洲
  2157. sand cherry (Prunus pumila) ==> 沙樱
  2158. sand classifier ==> 砂子分级器
  2159. sand clay ==> 砂土,砂粘土
  2160. sand clay base ==> 砂粘土地基
  2161. sand clay loam ==> 砂质粘壤土
  2162. sand clay road ==> 砂土路
  2163. sand cleaner ==> 喷砂清洁器,喷砂式清洁器
  2164. sand cleaning ==> 喷砂清理
  2165. sand cloth ==> 砂布
  2166. sand coarse aggregate ratio ==> 砂石比
  2167. sand coating ==> 型砂覆膜
  2168. sand colic ==> 砂砾性疝痛
  2169. sand collar ==> 防尘垫圈
  2170. sand column ==> 砂桩
  2171. sand compaction ==> 型砂紧实度
  2172. sand compaction pile method ==> 砂桩加固法
  2173. sand conditioner ==> 型砂配制机
  2174. sand conditioning ==> 型砂处理,型砂制备
  2175. sand conditioning machine ==> 旧砂处理机,旧砂处理机
  2176. sand cone method ==> 灌砂法,砂锥法
  2177. sand container ==> 砂箱
  2178. sand control ==> 砂盘调度,砂子管理,型砂控制,型砂质量调整
  2179. sand conveyance ==> 型砂运送
  2180. sand cooler ==> 砂冷却器,旧砂冷却器,旧砂冷却器
  2181. sand cooling ==> 砂冷
  2182. sand cooling equipment ==> 旧砂冷却装置,旧砂冷却装置
  2183. sand core ==> 砂芯,砂型芯,泥芯
  2184. sand count ==> 砂层总厚的确定
  2185. sand course ==> 沙地试验路线
  2186. sand crab (Emerita analoga) ==> 沙蟹
  2187. sand cracking ==> 砂子裂解
  2188. sand crusher ==> 砂块破碎机,研砂机
  2189. sand crystal ==> 砂晶
  2190. sand culture ==> 砂耕,砂培,沙基培养
  2191. sand cushion ==> 砂垫层,沙垫层
  2192. sand cut ==> 冲砂
  2193. sand cutter ==> 碎砂机
  2194. sand cutting ==> 松砂,拌砂
  2195. sand cutting and screening machinery ==> 调砂及筛砂机
  2196. sand cutting machine ==> 拌砂机
  2197. sand cutting-over ==> 拌砂
  2198. sand cylinder ==> 研磨筒
  2199. sand density ==> 型砂比重,型砂密度
  2200. sand desert soil ==> 砂质漠壤土
  2201. sand devil ==> 沙暴,尘旋
  2202. sand dike ==> 砂岩墙
  2203. sand disk(-sc) ==> 抛光圆盘
  2204. sand dollar ==> 沙钱
  2205. sand dome ==> 沙穹
  2206. sand drain ==> 砂井
  2207. sand drain method ==> 砂井排水法
  2208. sand drain vacuum method ==> (用以加固地基)砂井真空排水法
  2209. sand dredge(r) ==> 挖砂船
  2210. sand drier ==> 烘砂器
  2211. sand drift ==> 沙堆,沙流
  2212. sand drop ==> 掉砂
  2213. sand dry ==> 脱砂干燥
  2214. sand dryer ==> 烘砂滚筒,烘砂器
  2215. sand drying oven ==> 烘砂炉
  2216. sand dune ==> 沙丘
  2217. sand dune area ==> 沙荒
  2218. sand dune fixation ==> 沙丘固定
  2219. sand dune plant ==> 砂丘植物
  2220. sand edge ==> 型砂挡肋
  2221. sand ejector ==> 喷砂机
  2222. sand eliminator ==> 除沙设备
  2223. sand equivalent ==> 含沙当量
  2224. sand equivalent shaker ==> 在当量振动器
  2225. sand equivalent test ==> 含沙当量试验
  2226. sand erosion ==> 砂冲蚀
  2227. sand expansion ==> 砂子膨胀,型砂膨胀
  2228. sand expansion ratio ==> 砂膨涨比
  2229. sand explosion ==> (铸件表面的)砂眼
  2230. sand facing ==> 撒砂面
  2231. sand falsemallow (Malvastrum davidsoni) ==> 沙赛葵
  2232. sand feeder ==> 给砂机
  2233. sand fence ==> 砂栅
  2234. sand fill ==> 水砂充填
  2235. sand fill reclamation ==> 填砂围垦
  2236. sand filling ==> 填砂
  2237. sand filter ==> 砂滤池,砂滤器
  2238. sand filter bed ==> 砂滤床
  2239. sand filter blanket ==> 砂滤层
  2240. sand filtering ==> 砂路
  2241. sand filtration ==> 砂路
  2242. sand fineness ==> 砂子粒度,砂子平均粒度,砂子细度
  2243. sand finish ==> 砂饰面
  2244. sand flag ==> 细粒薄层砂岩
  2245. sand flat ==> 沙坪
  2246. sand flood ==> 沙洪
  2247. sand flotation ==> 砂浮法
  2248. sand flotation process ==> 尾砂浮选法
  2249. sand flow ==> 出砂,砂流,沙流
  2250. sand flowability ==> 型砂流动性
  2251. sand flushing ==> 冲沙
  2252. sand formulation ==> 型砂配方
  2253. sand frame ==> 箱圈
  2254. sand fusion ==> 粘砂,粘砂
  2255. sand gall ==> 沙管
  2256. sand glass ==> 砂玻璃,计时沙漏
  2257. sand grading ==> 砂子粒度分级
  2258. sand grading chart ==> 砂子颗粒组成图
  2259. sand grain ==> 砂粒,泥沙颗粒
  2260. sand grain distribution ==> 砂子粒度分布
  2261. sand grape ==> 沙地葡萄
  2262. sand grape (Vitis rupestris) ==> 沙葡萄
  2263. sand grind ==> 砂磨
  2264. sand grip ==> 砂箱内壁凸条,持砂条
  2265. sand handling equipment ==> 砂子输送设备
  2266. sand hardness ==> 砂型硬度
  2267. sand heap analogy ==> 堆沙模拟
  2268. sand hedge ==> 砂丘围护
  2269. sand hickory (Carya allida) ==> 沙山核桃
  2270. sand hill ==> 沙岗,沙丘
  2271. sand hole ==> 砂孔,砂眼
  2272. sand hole and inclusions ==> 砂眼及夹杂物
  2273. sand hopper ==> 砂斗,沙蚤
  2274. sand humidity ==> 型砂水分
  2275. sand in teeter ==> 悬浮砂
  2276. sand inclusion ==> 夹砂
  2277. sand interceptor ==> 截砂阱
  2278. sand ionization formula ==> 沙堆模型
  2279. sand island method ==> 砂岛法
  2280. sand jack ==> 砂箱千斤顶
  2281. sand jet ==> 喷砂,喷砂处理
  2282. sand kicker ==> 行走式砂处理机
  2283. sand kneader ==> 叶片式混砂机
  2284. sand la(u)nce (Ammodytes personatus) ==> 玉筋鱼
  2285. sand laboratory ==> 型砂试验室
  2286. sand launder ==> 砂槽
  2287. sand leach ==> 砂路
  2288. sand ledge ==> 砂箱内壁凸条
  2289. sand lens trap ==> 砂岩透镜体圈闭
  2290. sand lift ==> 扬砂管
  2291. sand limestone ==> 砂质灰岩
  2292. sand line ==> 捞砂绳
  2293. sand lining ==> 砂衬
  2294. sand load ==> 砂负载
  2295. sand loader ==> 装砂机
  2296. sand loam ==> 砂质壤土
  2297. sand lobe ==> 朵状砂体
  2298. sand lovegrass (Eragrostis trichodes) ==> 沙画眉草
  2299. sand lump ==> 砂块
  2300. sand lump breaking ==> 砂块破碎
  2301. sand lump crushing ==> 砂块破碎
  2302. sand mat ==> 砂垫层
  2303. sand match ==> 砂胎模
  2304. sand maturing ==> 型砂调匀,型砂回性,型砂熟化
  2305. sand method ==> 砂层积贮藏法
  2306. sand mill ==> 砂磨机
  2307. sand mist ==> 沙雾
  2308. sand mix ==> 型砂
  2309. sand mixer ==> 混砂机
  2310. sand mixing machine ==> 混砂机
  2311. sand mo(u)ld ==> 砂模,砂型
  2312. sand mo(u)ld pig iron ==> 砂型生铁
  2313. sand moisture content ==> 型砂水分
  2314. sand mold ==> 砂型
  2315. sand mould casting ==> 砂型铸造
  2316. sand mulling ==> 混砂
  2317. sand of storm ==> 风沙
  2318. sand outlet ==> 泄砂孔
  2319. sand pack ==> 砂袋
  2320. sand particle size ==> 砂粒形状
  2321. sand patch ==> 沙斑
  2322. sand patch method ==> 铺砂法
  2323. sand pattern ==> 砂制模型
  2324. sand pear (Pyrus serotina) ==> 沙梨
  2325. sand penetration ==> 粘砂,粘砂
  2326. sand permeability ==> 砂粒渗透性,型砂透气性
  2327. sand phxiemoss (Pyxidanthera barbulata) ==> 沙盖花
  2328. sand pile ==> 砂桩,沙堆
  2329. sand pillar ==> 沙卷
  2330. sand pin ==> 铸型用销钉
  2331. sand pipe ==> 撒砂管,沙管
  2332. sand pit ==> 砂坑,采砂场
  2333. sand plain ==> 沙原
  2334. sand plant ==> 采砂场
  2335. sand plow ==> 刮砂板
  2336. sand plug ==> 沙塞
  2337. sand pond ==> 磨料粉砂沉积池
  2338. sand porosity ==> 型砂空隙度
  2339. sand post oak (Quercus stellata var・araneosa) ==> 沙生星毛栎
  2340. sand precoating ==> 型砂覆膜
  2341. sand preparation ==> 型砂制备
  2342. sand preparation plant ==> 砂处理装置
  2343. sand preparing machine ==> 砂处理设备
  2344. sand preparing system ==> 砂处理系统
  2345. sand prevention ==> 防砂
  2346. sand producer ==> 出砂油井
  2347. sand producing formation ==> 出砂地层
  2348. sand product ==> 砂质产品
  2349. sand production ==> 出砂
  2350. sand projection machine ==> 抛砂机
  2351. sand protecting plantation ==> 防沙林
  2352. sand pulp ==> 砂浆
  2353. sand pump ==> 砂泵,泥砂泵,扬砂泵,抽砂泵,出泥筒=>サンドポンプ
  2354. sand pump dredger ==> 砂泵采掘船,泵沙挖泥船
  2355. sand quarry ==> 采砂场
  2356. sand rammer ==> 捣固机,气动冲砂器,气动砂冲子,抛砂机型砂捣击锤
  2357. sand reclamation ==> 型砂再生
  2358. sand recycle system ==> 砂子循环系统
  2359. sand reef ==> 砂洲
  2360. sand removal ==> 冲砂
  2361. sand remover ==> 除砂器
  2362. sand replacement method ==> 灌砂法,换砂法
  2363. sand ribbon ==> 沙带
  2364. sand riddle ==> 砂筛
  2365. sand ridge ==> 沙波,沙丘线
  2366. sand ripple ==> 沙面波纹
  2367. sand road ==> 砂路
  2368. sand roll ==> 软面轧辊
  2369. sand roller mill ==> 碾轮式混砂机
  2370. sand running-down ==> 砂土流失
  2371. sand sagebrush (Artemisia filifolia) ==> 沙蒿
  2372. sand sampler ==> 采砂器
  2373. sand scale ==> 砂垢
  2374. sand screen ==> 筛砂器
  2375. sand scrubber ==> 旧砂干法清洗装置
  2376. sand sea ==> 纯砂沙漠
  2377. sand seal ==> 砂封,沙封
  2378. sand seam ==> 砂层
  2379. sand sediment trap ==> 沉沙槽,沉沙井
  2380. sand separator ==> 分砂器,型砂分选装置
  2381. sand shadow ==> 沙影
  2382. sand shaker ==> 砂筛
  2383. sand shakout ==> 落砂机
  2384. sand shallows and holms ==> 浅滩和沙洲
  2385. sand shark ==> 许氏犁头鳐
  2386. sand shark (Carcharias taurus) ==> 沙鲨
  2387. sand sheet ==> 沙席,小沙原
  2388. sand shifter ==> 摆动筛
  2389. sand shifting control forest ==> 防风固砂林
  2390. sand shoal ==> 砂质浅滩
  2391. sand shop ==> 砂处理工段
  2392. sand sieve ==> 砂筛
  2393. sand sieving machine ==> 筛砂机
  2394. sand sifter ==> 砂筛
  2395. sand skin ==> 砂皮
  2396. sand slinger ==> 抛砂机,抛砂造型机
  2397. sand slinging machine ==> 投砂器
  2398. sand sluicing ==> 冲沙
  2399. sand sluicing canal ==> 冲沙道
  2400. sand sluicing gate ==> 冲沙闸
  2401. sand snow ==> 砂性雪
  2402. sand soil ==> 砂质土
  2403. sand spraying ==> 喷砂机
  2404. sand spraying device ==> 喷砂器,撒砂设备
  2405. sand spraying gear ==> 喷砂装置
  2406. sand spreader ==> 撒砂机
  2407. sand spreading machine ==> 铺砂机
  2408. sand spun casting ==> 砂型离心浇注
  2409. sand spun process ==> 砂型离心铸造法
  2410. sand stabilizer ==> 型砂稳定剂
  2411. sand stemming ==> 砂质炮泥
  2412. sand sticking ==> 砂疤
  2413. sand stone soil ==> 砂岩土壤
  2414. sand storage ==> 砂库
  2415. sand storage bin ==> 储砂斗,贮砂斗
  2416. sand storage hopper ==> 储砂斗
  2417. sand storage pit ==> 储沙坑
  2418. sand storm ==> 尘暴,风沙,沙暴
  2419. sand strainer core ==> 滤渣砂芯
  2420. sand streak ==> 砂岩夹层,(混凝土跑浆造成的纹痕)砂纹
  2421. sand streams ==> 砂の流れ
  2422. sand strength ==> 造型材料强度
  2423. sand strength testing machine ==> 型砂强度试验机
  2424. sand strip ==> 沙带,挡砂条
  2425. sand sucker ==> 吸沙机
  2426. sand sugar ==> 砂糖
  2427. sand suspension ==> 砂悬浮体
  2428. sand swell ==> 沙隆
  2429. sand system scrubber ==> 砂系洗涤器
  2430. sand table exercise ==> 沙盘作业
  2431. sand test ==> 型砂试验
  2432. sand test specimen ==> 型砂试样
  2433. sand texture coating ==> 彩砂涂料
  2434. sand thickness ==> 含油层厚度
  2435. sand thrower ==> 抛砂机
  2436. sand throwing machine ==> 抛砂机
  2437. sand tornado ==> 沙龙卷
  2438. sand toughness number ==> 砂子韧性读数
  2439. sand tower ==> 砂滤塔
  2440. sand trap ==> 集砂器,除砂盘,撒砂器拦砂阱,截砂阱
  2441. sand treatment ==> 沙浴疗法
  2442. sand valve ==> 撒砂阀
  2443. sand valve connection ==> 砂阀接头
  2444. sand valve stem ==> 砂阀杆
  2445. sand vegetation ==> 砂地植被
  2446. sand wash ==> 砂堆积,砂型涂料,冲砂
  2447. sand washer ==> 洗砂机
  2448. sand washing ==> 冲砂
  2449. sand washover ==> 冲砂
  2450. sand wave ==> 沙波
  2451. sand wave(s) ==> 砂波
  2452. sand wedge ==> 沙楔
  2453. sand weighing barrel ==> 黄砂称筒
  2454. sand well ==> 出砂油井
  2455. sand wheel ==> 泥砂轮
  2456. sand wheel band ==> 加宽轮辋
  2457. sand yard ==> 堆沙场
  2458. sand(-)washing plant ==> 洗砂厂
  2459. sand-aerating apparatus ==> 吹砂装置
  2460. sand-basin ==> 沉砂池
  2461. sand-beach community ==> 沙滩群落
  2462. sand-bearing test ==> 砂承试验
  2463. sand-bed filter ==> 砂床过滤器
  2464. sand-binding grass ==> 固沙草
  2465. sand-blast ==> 喷砂
  2466. sand-blast apparatus ==> 喷砂机
  2467. sand-blast barrel mill ==> 喷砂滚筒
  2468. sand-blast cleaning room ==> 喷砂清理室
  2469. sand-blast hose ==> 喷砂软管
  2470. sand-blast mower ==> 喷砂灭草机
  2471. sand-blast rolling barrel ==> 回转喷砂滚筒
  2472. sand-blast shop ==> 喷砂车间
  2473. sand-blasting abrasive ==> 喷砂磨料
  2474. sand-blasting drum ==> 喷砂筒
  2475. sand-blasting gun ==> 喷砂枪
  2476. sand-blasting method ==> 喷砂清理法
  2477. sand-break ==> 防沙林
  2478. sand-calcite ==> 砂质方解石
  2479. sand-carrying capacity ==> 含砂量
  2480. sand-carrying capacity of lime ==> 石灰含砂量
  2481. sand-cast ==> 砂型铸件
  2482. sand-cast pig ==> 砂模生铁,砂铸生铁
  2483. sand-cast pig iron ==> 翻砂铸铁
  2484. sand-cast tube ==> 砂型铸铁管
  2485. sand-catcher ==> 除砂器
  2486. sand-cement ==> 水泥砂土
  2487. sand-cement grout ==> 水泥砂浆
  2488. sand-clay matrix ==> 砂土结合料
  2489. sand-clay surface ==> 砂泥路面
  2490. sand-cleaner jig ==> 洗砂淘汰机
  2491. sand-conditioning plant ==> 配砂工段
  2492. sand-conditioning system ==> 砂处理系统
  2493. sand-cored water jacket passage ==> 砂芯铸空的水套通道
  2494. sand-driving wind ==> 风沙流
  2495. sand-dune stabilization ==> 沙丘固定
  2496. sand-dune terrain ==> 砂丘地带
  2497. sand-finished brick ==> 砂面砖
  2498. sand-fish (Trichodon trichodon) ==> 毛齿鱼
  2499. sand-float finish ==> 干粘砂饰面
  2500. sand-grading ==> 砂粒级配
  2501. sand-grain volume ==> 砂粒体积
  2502. sand-grass ==> 沙草
  2503. sand-gravel aggregate ==> 砂砾集料
  2504. sand-gravel cushion ==> 砂石垫层
  2505. sand-gravel filter ==> 砂砾过滤机
  2506. sand-gravel pile ==> 砂砾桩
  2507. sand-gravel road ==> 砂砾路
  2508. sand-gravel surface ==> 砂石路面
  2509. sand-gravel-bituminous mixture ==> 沥青砂砾混合料
  2510. sand-in ==> 磨进
  2511. sand-lime brick ==> 灰砂砖
  2512. sand-mastic method ==> 砂胶灌缝施工法
  2513. sand-protecting dam ==> 防沙坝
  2514. sand-pump dredger ==> 抽砂挖泥机船
  2515. sand-pump sampler ==> 砂泵取样器
  2516. sand-rubbed finish ==> 砂磨修整
  2517. sand-shale ratio ==> 砂页比,砂页岩比,砂页岩比率
  2518. sand-soil-peat matures ==> 沙质泥碳土
  2519. sand-stemming between the charges of explosives ==> 炸药之间的砂夹层
  2520. sand-transport meter ==> 输砂计
  2521. sand-watch structure ==> 沙钟构造
  2522. sandal brick ==> 未烧透的砖
  2523. sandal wood ==> 檀香木=>サンダルウッド,白檀(びゃくだん)
  2524. sandalwood ==> 檀香木
  2525. sandalwood oil ==> 檀香木油,檀香油
  2526. sandalwood padauk (Pterocarpus santalinus) ==> 紫檀
  2527. sandalwood tree ==> 檀香
  2528. sandaracolic acid ==> 山达酸
  2529. sandaracopimaric acid ==> 山达海松酸
  2530. sandararac gum ==> 香松树胶
  2531. sandbag bunker ==> 沙袋掩体
  2532. sandbag revetment ==> 砂袋护坡
  2533. sandbag stopping ==> 砂袋隔墙
  2534. sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda,Poa sandbergi) ==> 偏生早熟禾
  2535. Sandberg process ==> 碳钢局部索氏体化处理
  2536. sandblast ==> 喷砂=>サンドブラスト
  2537. sandblast machine ==> 喷砂机
  2538. sandblast nozzle ==> 喷砂嘴
  2539. sandblaster ==> 喷砂装置
  2540. sandblasting ==> 喷砂
  2541. sandblasting machine ==> 喷砂机
  2542. sandbos tree (Hura crepitans) ==> (美洲热带植物)沙匣树
  2543. sanded brick ==> 砂砖
  2544. sanded cement grout ==> 水泥砂浆
  2545. sanded cloth ==> 磨毛织物
  2546. sanded finish fabric ==> 磨绒整理织物
  2547. sanded packed snow ==> 撒砂的压实积雪
  2548. sanded rail ==> 撒砂钢轨
  2549. sanded runway ==> 撒沙跑道
  2550. sander ==> 打磨机,打磨器,喷砂机,喷砂器,撒砂装置=>サンダー
  2551. Sander airbrom (Billbergia sanderiaan) ==> 桑德氏水塔花
  2552. Sander crinum (Crinum sanderianum) ==> 桑德氏文殊兰
  2553. Sander's formula ==> 桑德公式
  2554. sandglass ==> 沙漏
  2555. sandhill kalmia (Kalmia hirsuta) ==> 硬毛山月桂
  2556. sanding ==> 磨绒工艺,打磨,打砂,打砂纸,砂纸打光=>研磨
  2557. sanding agent ==> 研磨剂
  2558. sanding apparatus ==> 砂打机具
  2559. sanding device ==> 撒砂装置
  2560. sanding equipment ==> 撒砂设备
  2561. sanding formation ==> 出砂地层
  2562. sanding gear ==> 铺砂器,铺砂装置,喷砂器
  2563. sanding machine ==> 带式抛光机,砂轮机
  2564. sanding sealer ==> 掺砂涂料
  2565. sanding vehicle ==> 撒沙车
  2566. Sandmeyer's reaction ==> 山德梅耶反应
  2567. sandpaper ==> 砂纸=>布やすり
  2568. sandstone plum ==> (加于毛石混凝土中用)砂岩石
  2569. sandstone rock asphalt ==> 砂岩沥青
  2570. Sandstroem's gland ==> 甲状旁腺
  2571. sandur deposit ==> 冰水平原沉积
  2572. sandwave system ==> 沙波系
  2573. sandwich ==> 多层结构材料,三明治=>サンドイッチ
  2574. sandwich arrangement ==> 层叠布置=>交互重ね配置
  2575. sandwich assay ==> サンドイッチ分析
  2576. sandwich beam ==> 夹合梁,层结梁,多层叠合梁=>合わせ梁
  2577. sandwich blender ==> 夹层混和机,夹层式混棉机
  2578. sandwich board ==> 夹心板
  2579. sandwich chamber ==> 夹层槽
  2580. sandwich concrete ==> 夹层混凝土
  2581. sandwich construction ==> 夹层结构
  2582. sandwich courses ==> (三至六个月短期训练班)三明治课程
  2583. sandwich covering ==> 夹层蒙皮
  2584. sandwich cylinder ==> 夹层柱壳
  2585. sandwich effect ==> サンドイッチ効果
  2586. sandwich film ==> 层状胶片=>サンドイッチ膜
  2587. sandwich fixings ==> サンドイッチの具
  2588. sandwich foil ==> サンドイッチはく
  2589. sandwich frame ==> 双构架
  2590. sandwich heating ==> 双面加热
  2591. sandwich hologram interferometry ==> 层状全息干涉测量术
  2592. sandwich kiln ==> 扁形宽截面窑
  2593. sandwich layer ==> 芯层
  2594. sandwich manifold ==> 积层式油路板
  2595. sandwich material ==> 夹层材料,夹合材料
  2596. sandwich method ==> 夹层法
  2597. sandwich panel ==> 夹心板
  2598. sandwich plate ==> 夹层板,多层板
  2599. sandwich pocket ==> 内贴袋
  2600. sandwich ribbon fibre ==> 层状长条纤维
  2601. sandwich rolling ==> 包层轧制,夹层滚轧,夹层碾压,夹心轧制,多层板轧制法
  2602. sandwich rolling process ==> 复合轧制法
  2603. sandwich skin ==> 夹层蒙皮
  2604. sandwich steel ==> 夹心钢
  2605. sandwich structure ==> 夹层结构
  2606. sandwich technique ==> 夹层技术
  2607. sandwich type cell ==> 多层型电池
  2608. sandwich type element ==> 多层元件
  2609. sandwich type wall panel ==> 夹心墙板
  2610. sandwich welding ==> 夹紧冷焊
  2611. sandwich winding ==> 交错多层形线组,交错多层绕组,交错绕组,分层绕组,盘式绕组,盘形绕组=>サンドイッチ巻線
  2612. sandwich wound coil ==> 盘式线圈
  2613. sandwich(-type) shell ==> 夹层壳
  2614. sandwich-type ==> 夹层式,交错多层形
  2615. sandwich-type element ==> 多层结构元件
  2616. sandwich-type panel ==> 夹心板
  2617. sandwiched film ==> 多层薄膜
  2618. sandy aggregate ==> 砂质骨料,砂质集料
  2619. sandy bottom ==> 沙底
  2620. sandy clay ==> 砂粘土,含沙粘土,(垆坶)砂质粘土
  2621. sandy clay loam ==> 砂质粘壤土
  2622. sandy coast ==> 砂质海岸
  2623. sandy culture ==> 砂培法
  2624. sandy gravel ==> 砂质砾石
  2625. sandy gravel stratum ==> 砂砾层
  2626. sandy ground ==> 砂地,砂砾地
  2627. sandy land ==> 沙田
  2628. sandy limestone ==> 砂质石灰石
  2629. sandy loam soil ==> 砂壤土
  2630. sandy mobile bed ==> 砂粒流动的河床
  2631. sandy plain ==> 砂原
  2632. sandy shale ==> 砂质页岩
  2633. sandy shore ==> 砂质海岸
  2634. sandy soil ==> 砂土,砂质土壤,含沙土
  2635. sandy soil vegetation ==> 砂土植物群
  2636. sandy soils ==> 沙壤土
  2637. sandy waste ==> 沙荒
  2638. sandy wasteland ==> 沙荒
  2639. sandy well ==> 出砂油井
  2640. sanfilippo's syndrome ==> 圣菲力浦综合征
  2641. Sanford-Day car ==> 桑福特-迪型底卸式矿车,底卸式矿车
  2642. sanforizing agent ==> 防缩剂
  2643. Sanger-Brown ataxia ==> 脊髓小脑性共济失调
  2644. sanguine ==> 赤铁矿
  2645. sanguinous leukorrhea ==> 血性白带
  2646. Sanio's beam ==> 萨列阿横梁
  2647. Sanio's law ==> 萨列阿法则
  2648. sanitary ==> 公衆トイレ
  2649. sanitary accommodations ==> 衛生設備
  2650. sanitary administration ==> 衛生行政
  2651. sanitary and anti-epidemic affair ==> 卫生防疫工作
  2652. sanitary apparatus ==> 卫生器具
  2653. sanitary appliance ==> 衛生器具
  2654. sanitary area ==> 衛生地区
  2655. sanitary arrangements ==> 衛生設備
  2656. sanitary article ==> 衛生用品
  2657. sanitary bacteriology ==> 卫生细菌学
  2658. sanitary bag ==> 衛生袋
  2659. sanitary ceramics ==> 卫生陶瓷
  2660. sanitary chemical analysis ==> 卫生化学分析
  2661. sanitary chemistry ==> 卫生化学
  2662. sanitary china ==> 卫生瓷
  2663. sanitary conditions ==> 卫生条件
  2664. sanitary cross ==> 三承十字管
  2665. sanitary device ==> 卫生器具
  2666. sanitary disposal ==> 卫生处理
  2667. sanitary distance ==> 卫生距离
  2668. sanitary district ==> 衛生管理区域
  2669. sanitary drainage ==> 生活污水排泄系统
  2670. sanitary drinking fountain ==> 卫生饮水喷泉
  2671. sanitary earthenware ==> 卫生陶器
  2672. sanitary education ==> 健康教育
  2673. sanitary engineering ==> 卫生工程
  2674. sanitary fireclayware ==> 卫生洁具
  2675. sanitary fittings ==> 卫生设备,卫生设备配件
  2676. sanitary fixture ==> 卫生器具,卫生设施
  2677. sanitary installation ==> 卫生设备,卫生装置
  2678. sanitary landfill ==> 卫生垃圾堆
  2679. sanitary line ==> 卫生管道
  2680. sanitary measure ==> 卫生措施
  2681. sanitary outfit ==> 卫生设备
  2682. sanitary passage ==> 疫情证
  2683. sanitary pipe ==> 卫生水管
  2684. sanitary plumbing ==> 卫生管道
  2685. sanitary plumbing fixtures ==> (陶瓷)卫生装置零件
  2686. sanitary porcelain ==> 卫生瓷
  2687. sanitary pottery ==> 卫生洁具陶瓷
  2688. sanitary pottery fittings ==> 卫生洁具陶瓷配件
  2689. sanitary principle ==> 卫生原则
  2690. sanitary protection zone (SPZ) ==> 卫生防护带
  2691. sanitary provision ==> 卫生设备
  2692. sanitary pump ==> 卫生水泵
  2693. sanitary regulation ==> 卫生法规
  2694. sanitary regulations ==> 卫生规则
  2695. sanitary report ==> 衛生検査報告
  2696. sanitary requirement ==> 衛生対策
  2697. sanitary requirement of illumination ==> 照明卫生要求
  2698. sanitary requirement of waste residue disposal ==> 废渣处理卫生要求
  2699. sanitary room ==> 汚物処理室
  2700. sanitary science ==> 衛生学
  2701. sanitary services ==> 衛生サービス,衛生設備施工
  2702. sanitary sewage ==> 汚水
  2703. sanitary sewer ==> 卫生污水管道,污水管,生活污水管
  2704. sanitary sewer manhole ==> 污水管道窨井
  2705. sanitary sponge ==> 避妊具
  2706. sanitary standard of warming ==> 采暖卫生要求
  2707. sanitary standards ==> 卫生标准
  2708. sanitary stoneware ==> 卫生陶器,卫生炻器
  2709. sanitary survey ==> 卫生调查
  2710. sanitary tank ==> 卫生水柜
  2711. sanitary tee ==> 双承丁字管
  2712. sanitary tissue ==> 月经纸
  2713. sanitary ventilation ==> 卫生通风
  2714. sanitary ware ==> 卫生洁具,卫生陶瓷,卫生陶器
  2715. sanitary waste ==> 生活污水
  2716. sanitary wastewater ==> 生活废水,厕所污水,卫生设备废水
  2717. sanitary-chemical feature ==> 卫生化学特征
  2718. sanitation ==> 环境卫生=>公衆衛生
  2719. sanitation and antiepidemic station ==> 卫生防疫站
  2720. sanitation cutting ==> 卫生伐
  2721. sanitation department ==> 衛生部
  2722. sanitation district ==> 衛生地区
  2723. sanitation expense ==> 公衆衛生費
  2724. sanitation facilities ==> 卫生设备
  2725. sanitation facility ==> 汚物処理施設,公衆衛生施設
  2726. sanitation kit ==> 携帯トイレ
  2727. sanitation method ==> 卫生方法
  2728. sanitation of bath-room ==> 浴室卫生
  2729. sanitation of spring water ==> 泉水卫生
  2730. sanitation of swimming pool ==> 游泳池卫生
  2731. sanitation service fees ==> 清洁卫生费
  2732. sanitation store ==> 防腐库
  2733. sanitation worker ==> 清洁工人
  2734. Saniter process ==> 萨尼特脱硫法
  2735. sanitizer ==> 卫生洗涤剂,卫生消毒剂
  2736. sanitizing agent ==> 卫生消毒剂
  2737. Sanjo-Dori ==> 三条通
  2738. Sanlu Group ==> 石家庄三鹿集团=>三鹿集団
  2739. sanmartinite ==> 钨锌矿
  2740. Sanmate ==> (杀菌剂)多菌灵
  2741. sanner range sensor ==> スキャナ型測域センサ
  2742. SANP, systems for nuclear auxiliary power ==> スナップ
  2743. sans date ==> 无年代
  2744. sans serif ==> 灯芯体
  2745. sans taste ==> 无味
  2746. Sanson Flamsteed projection ==> 桑森弗兰斯蒂投影法
  2747. Sanson projection ==> 桑森投影法
  2748. Sanson's images ==> 浦桑二氏像
  2749. Santa Clara ==> 桑塔克拉拉
  2750. santalic acid ==> 檀香酸
  2751. santalyl chloride ==> 檀香基氯
  2752. Santana ==> 桑塔纳
  2753. Santas foreign body remover ==> 桑托斯氏异物取除器
  2754. Santayana ==> 桑塔雅那
  2755. santenenic acid ==> 檀烯酸
  2756. Santiago ==> サンチャゴ
  2757. Santo Stefano di Magra ==> サント・ステーファノ・ディ・マグラ
  2758. santolina ==> サントリーナ
  2759. santonic acid ==> 山道年酸,山道酸
  2760. Santorine's cartilages ==> 桑托里尼氏软骨
  2761. Santorini's duct ==> 山多利尼管
  2762. Santorini's veins ==> (头皮大脑窦静脉)桑托里尼氏静脉
  2763. Sanyo Shinkansen ==> 山陽新幹線
  2764. Sao Paulo ==> 圣保罗=>サンパウロ
  2765. Sao Paulo fever ==> 巴西热
  2766. SAO, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory ==> スミソニアン天体物理観測所
  2767. sap ==> 细胞液,树液,汁,汁液
  2768. sap cavity ==> 液腔
  2769. sap colo(u)r ==> 树汁色素
  2770. sap concentration ==> 汁液浓度
  2771. sap culture ==> 汁液样品培养
  2772. sap displacement process ==> 树液置换法
  2773. sap displacement treatment ==> 树液置换处理
  2774. sap extraction ==> 汁液提取
  2775. sap filtration ==> 汁液样品过滤
  2776. sap flow ==> 汁液样品流动,树液流动
  2777. sap fruit ==> 汁液形水果
  2778. sap indicator ==> 汁液指示剂
  2779. sap peel ==> 边材剥皮
  2780. sap pressure ==> 液压
  2781. sap rate ==> 汁液率
  2782. sap rot ==> 边材腐朽
  2783. sap sample ==> 汁液式标本,汁液样品
  2784. sap spots on the trunk ==> 树干上的叶斑
  2785. sap stain ==> 边材变色
  2786. sap store ==> 汁液积存
  2787. sap vesicle ==> 液泡
  2788. SAP(English) System, Products, and Programs in Data Processing(English) ==> SAP(English)
  2789. SAP(German) Systeme, Anwendungen und Programme in der Datenverarbeitung(German) ==> SAP(German)
  2790. SAP, solar array panel ==> 太陽電池パネル
  2791. SAP, specific application program ==> 特殊応用プログラム
  2792. SAP, sun angle pulse ==> 太陽角パルス
  2793. sap-sacking insect ==> 吸汁昆虫
  2794. sap-sample ==> 汁状样品
  2795. sap-shape ==> 汁状
  2796. sapanthracite ==> 腐泥无烟煤
  2797. Sapecron ==> 毒虫畏
  2798. sapele ==> 萨佩莱木
  2799. saphena ==> 隐静脉
  2800. saphenectomy ==> 隐静脉切除术,小隐静脉切除术
  2801. saphenous nerve ==> 隐神经
  2802. saphenous vein obstruction ==> 隐静脉梗阻
  2803. sapid ==> 美味的
  2804. sapientia ==> 智慧
  2805. Sapindaceae ==> 无患子科
  2806. Sapindales ==> 无患子目
  2807. saplier ==> 打包粗布
  2808. sapling ==> 树苗
  2809. sapling forest ==> 幼龄林
  2810. sapo mollis medicinalis ==> 药用软皂
  2811. sapodilla (Achras zapota) ==> 人心果
  2812. sapodilla tree (Sapota achra,Sapota zapotilla) ==> 人心果树
  2813. sapogenin ==> 皂甙元
  2814. sapogenol ==> 皂草精醇
  2815. saponaretin ==> 皂草黄素,肥皂草素
  2816. saponarin ==> 皂草黄甙,皂草苷
  2817. saponated cresol ==> 煤酚皂
  2818. saponated cresol solution ==> 煤酚皂溶液
  2819. saponated petroleum ==> 皂化石油
  2820. sapones medicinales ==> 肥皂剂
  2821. saponetin ==> 皂草亭
  2822. saponifiable ==> 可皂化
  2823. saponification ==> 皂化,皂化作用
  2824. saponification agent ==> 皂化剂
  2825. saponification column ==> 皂化塔
  2826. saponification degree ==> 皂化程度
  2827. saponification equivalent ==> 皂化当量
  2828. saponification flask ==> 皂化瓶
  2829. saponification glycerin ==> 皂制甘油
  2830. saponification number ==> 皂化价
  2831. saponification rate ==> 皂化率
  2832. saponification ratio ==> 皂化率
  2833. saponification value ==> 皂化价
  2834. saponified acetate ==> 皂化醋酯纤维
  2835. saponified acetate rayon ==> 皂化乙酸嫘萦
  2836. saponified emulsifier ==> 皂化乳化剂
  2837. saponified oil ==> 皂化油
  2838. saponifier ==> 皂化剂
  2839. saponify ==> 皂化
  2840. saponifying ==> 皂化
  2841. saponifying agent ==> 皂化剂
  2842. saponin ==> 皂草苷,皂素,皂甙=>サポニン
  2843. saponin(e) ==> 皂角苷
  2844. saponite ==> 皂石,滑石粉
  2845. saporimetry ==> 测味法
  2846. Sapotaceae ==> 山榄科
  2847. sapote gum ==> 人心果胶
  2848. sapotin ==> 人心果甙,山榄碱
  2849. sapotinetin ==> 山榄果苷原,人心果甙元
  2850. sapotoxin ==> 皂毒苷=>サポニン
  2851. sapotoxine ==> 皂毒类
  2852. SAPP, ==> 南部非洲电力联盟,SAPP拥有12个成员国,其中9个实现了电网互联。
  2853. sappare ==> 蓝晶石
  2854. sapphire ==> 蓝宝石
  2855. sapphire bearing ==> 蓝宝石轴承
  2856. sapphire dielectric isolation ==> 蓝宝石介质隔离
  2857. sapphire jacket ==> 蓝宝石套
  2858. sapphire laser ==> 蓝宝石激光器
  2859. sapphire microprocessor ==> 蓝宝石上硅结构微处理机
  2860. sapphire needle ==> 蓝宝石唱针
  2861. sapphire point ==> 蓝宝石轴承
  2862. sapphire quartz ==> 蓝石英
  2863. sapphire spinel ==> 蓝宝石尖晶石
  2864. sapphire substrate ==> 蓝宝石衬底,蓝宝石基片
  2865. sapphire transmittance ==> 蓝宝石透射比
  2866. sapphirine ==> 假蓝宝石
  2867. sapphism ==> 女子同性恋
  2868. sapping ==> 崖底侵蚀,基蚀
  2869. Sapporo Agricultural College ==> 札幌農学校
  2870. Sapporo Ambitious ==> 札幌アンビシャス
  2871. Sapporo Breweries Limited ==> サッポロビール
  2872. Sapporo Convention Center ==> 札幌コンベンションセンター
  2873. Sapporo International Ski Area ==> 札幌国際スキー場
  2874. SAPPWR, solar array panel power ==> 太陽電池発生電力
  2875. sappy stem ==> 多汁茎
  2876. sappy wool ==> 油汗多的羊毛
  2877. sapraemia ==> 腐血症
  2878. sapregen ==> 腐生生物
  2879. sapremia ==> 腐血症
  2880. saprist ==> 高分解有机土
  2881. saprobe ==> 污水生物
  2882. saprobic classification ==> 污水生物分类法
  2883. saprobic system ==> 污水生物系统
  2884. saprobic zone ==> 污染带
  2885. saprobien classification ==> 污水生物分类法
  2886. saprobiotic ==> 腐生的
  2887. saprocol ==> 硬腐泥,灰质腐泥
  2888. saprodite ==> 腐泥亚烟煤
  2889. saprodontia ==> 龋齿
  2890. saprogen ==> 死木寄生菌
  2891. saprogenic bacteria ==> 产腐菌,生腐菌
  2892. saprogenic bacterium ==> 产腐菌
  2893. saprogenous ooze ==> 腐生软泥
  2894. Saprolegniales ==> 水霉目
  2895. saprolite ==> 腐泥土,残余土
  2896. saprolith ==> 残余土
  2897. sapromyxite ==> 藻煤
  2898. sapropel ==> 腐泥,腐殖泥,腐殖质
  2899. sapropel-clay ==> 腐泥粘土
  2900. sapropel-peat ==> 泥炭质腐泥
  2901. sapropelic ==> 腐泥的
  2902. sapropelic coal ==> 腐泥煤
  2903. sapropelic type source rock ==> 腐泥型源岩
  2904. sapropelite ==> 腐泥煤
  2905. saprophage ==> 腐生物,腐物寄生物
  2906. saprophagous character ==> 腐食性
  2907. saprophile ==> 适腐动物
  2908. saprophitic nematode ==> 腐生线虫
  2909. saprophyte ==> 腐生菌,腐生植物,腐物寄生物,死物寄生菌,典型腐生菌
  2910. saprophyte chain ==> 腐生链
  2911. saprophytic ==> 腐生,腐物寄生的
  2912. saprophytic bacterium ==> 腐生菌,腐生细菌,产腐菌
  2913. saprophytic form ==> 腐生型
  2914. saprophytic leptospira ==> 腐生性钩端螺旋体
  2915. saprophytic phase ==> 腐生阶段
  2916. saprophytic transitional infection ==> 腐生过渡侵染
  2917. saprophytism ==> 腐生,腐生生活,腐物寄生,死物寄生
  2918. Saprosma ==> 染木树属
  2919. Saprosma ternatum ==> 染木树
  2920. Saprospira ==> 腐败螺旋菌属
  2921. saproxylobios ==> 死木生物
  2922. saprozoic ==> 腐食性
  2923. saprozoonosis ==> 腐物动物源疾病
  2924. sapwood ==> 白木质,边材
  2925. sapwood forest ==> 边材树
  2926. sapwood tree ==> 边材树
  2927. Sapygidae ==> 寡毛土蜂科
  2928. SAR Search And Rescue ==> 搜寻与营救
  2929. SAR Subcommittee on Radio Communication and Search and Rescue (IMO) ==> 无线电通讯,搜寻与营救小组委员会
  2930. SAR, International Convention on Maritime Search and ==> Rescue
  2931. SAR, search & rescue system ==> 避難救助システム
  2932. SAR, Specific Absorption Rate ==> マイクロ波の生体吸収
  2933. SAR, specific absorption rate ==> 特定吸収率
  2934. SAR, stable auroral red ==> 安定オーロラ赤
  2935. SAR, standard authorization request ==> SAR
  2936. SAR, Synthetic Aperture Radar ==> 合成開口レーダー(又は、開口合成レーダー)
  2937. SAR, synthetic aperture radar ==> 合成開口レーダー
  2938. SARA, spin axis right ascension ==> スピン軸赤経
  2939. SARAH, search rescue and homing ==> 探査・救難・帰還
  2940. Saran Wrap ==> 保鲜膜=>サランラップ
  2941. Sarawak ==> 马来西亚沙捞越州
  2942. Sarcina lutea ==> 藤黄八叠球菌
  2943. sarcofetal pregnancy ==> 胎及葡萄胎妊娠
  2944. sarcohysteric pregnancy ==> 葡萄胎假妊娠
  2945. sarcoidosis of bone ==> 骨肉样瘤病
  2946. sarcoidosis of lung ==> 肺结节病,肺肉样瘤病
  2947. sarcoma botryoides of vagina ==> 阴道葡萄样肉瘤
  2948. sarcoma of ear ==> 耳肉瘤
  2949. sarcoma of ovary ==> 卵巢肉瘤
  2950. sarcoma of penis ==> 阴茎肉瘤
  2951. sarcoma of pericardium ==> 心包肉瘤
  2952. sarcoma of pharynx ==> 咽肉瘤
  2953. sarcoma of seminal vesicle ==> 精囊肉瘤
  2954. sarcoma of spermatic cord ==> 精索肉瘤
  2955. sarcoma of spleen ==> 脾肉瘤
  2956. sarcoma of stellate cell of liver' ==> 肝星形细胞肉瘤
  2957. sarcoma of stomach ==> 胃肉瘤
  2958. sarcoma of vagina ==> 阴道肉瘤
  2959. sarcoma virus ==> 肉瘤病毒
  2960. sarcomatous change ==> 肉瘤变
  2961. sarcomatous change of leiomyoma of uterus ==> 子宫平滑肌瘤肉瘤样变
  2962. sarcomatous goiter ==> 肉瘤性甲状腺肿
  2963. sarcomatous type ==> 肉瘤型
  2964. Sarcoptes scabiei hominis ==> 人疥螨
  2965. sarcoptic mite ==> 疥虫
  2966. sarcosine oxidase ==> 肌氨酸氧化酶
  2967. SARDA, solar array retention and deployment assembly ==> 太陽電池パドル保持展開機構
  2968. Sardar Patel College of Engineering ==> 萨达潘特尔工程学院
  2969. sardine oil ==> 沙丁鱼油
  2970. Sargasso Sea ==> 马尾藻海
  2971. Sargassum carpophyllum ==> 叶托马尾藻
  2972. Sargassum horneri ==> 铜藻
  2973. Sargent cherry (Prunus sargenti) ==> 萨金特氏樱
  2974. Sargent cycle ==> 萨金特循环
  2975. Sargent honeysuckle (Lonicera sargenti) ==> 萨金特氏忍冬
  2976. sargentgloryvine stem ==> 红藤
  2977. SARGOS, Search and Rescue Argos ==> 捜索救難アルゴス
  2978. sarking board ==> 屋面衬板
  2979. sarking felt ==> 油毛毡衬层
  2980. sarking felt underlining felt ==> 屋面衬毡
  2981. SARMIS SAR Management Information System ==> SAR管理信息系统
  2982. Saros ==> 沙罗周期
  2983. Saros cycle ==> 沙罗序列
  2984. SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ==> 重症急性呼吸器症候群
  2985. SARSAT, Search and Rescue Satellite ==> サーサット
  2986. SARSAT, search and rescue satellite ==> 捜索救助衛星
  2987. sarsen stone ==> 残留岩体
  2988. SARSIM SAR Simulation Model ==> SAR模型
  2989. SART, search and rescue radar transponder ==> SART
  2990. SART, Search and Rescue Radar Transponder ==> レーダー・トランスポンダー
  2991. SARTOR, Standards and Routes to Registration ==> IEEの技術士資格要件
  2992. Sartorius sedimentation balance ==> 电笔记录沉积秤
  2993. SAS Annual Special Survey of Hull ==> 年度船体特殊检测
  2994. SAS, safety superintendent ==> 安全管理者
  2995. SAS, small astronomical satellite ==> 小型天文衛星
  2996. SAS, small astronomy satellite ==> 小型天文衛星
  2997. SAS, solar array shunt ==> 太陽電池シャント
  2998. SAS, solar array substrate ==> 太陽電池基板
  2999. SAS, solar array system ==> ソーラーアレーシステム
  3000. SAS, space adaptation syndrome ==> 宇宙不適応症候群
  3001. SAS, stability augmentation system ==> 安定増大装置
  3002. SAS, Substation Automation System ==> 变电站自动化系统=>変電所自動化システム
  3003. sasfet ==> 自对准肖特基栅场效应晶体管
  3004. sash ==> 窗框钢,锯框=>サッシ,窓枠
  3005. sash bar ==> 门窗框条=>(窓などの)桟
  3006. sash bead ==> 中旋窗窗压条
  3007. sash bit ==> 深孔木钻
  3008. sash brace ==> 水平加劲支撑
  3009. sash bustle ==> 帯揚
  3010. sash center ==> 翻窗合页
  3011. sash chain ==> 提拉窗吊链
  3012. sash clip ==> 帯留め
  3013. sash cord ==> 提拉窗吊链,升降窗玻璃的皮带=>つり綱
  3014. sash door ==> 半截玻璃门,装有升降玻璃的车门
  3015. sash fillister ==> 门窗框槽刨
  3016. sash gang saw ==> 毛方排锯
  3017. sash lift ==> 提拉窗扣手
  3018. sash line ==> 提拉窗吊链
  3019. sash mortise chisel ==> 软木榫凿
  3020. sash operator ==> 框格升降器
  3021. sash plane ==> 起线刨
  3022. sash pulley ==> 窗用滑轮,提拉窗滑轮
  3023. sash run ==> 提拉窗滑车槽
  3024. sash stuff ==> 门窗扇材料
  3025. sash weight ==> 提拉窗平衡重,吊锤
  3026. sash weights ==> 吊窗锤
  3027. SASP, Science and Applications Space Platform ==> 科学応用宇宙プラットフフォーム
  3028. SASP, single axis stable platform ==> シングルアクシステーブルプラットフォーム
  3029. SASS, solar array sun sensor ==> 太陽電池パドル用太陽センサ
  3030. sassafras oil ==> 黄樟油
  3031. sat linkage ==> 盐键
  3032. SAT, Scholastic Assessment Test ==> エスエーティー,サット,大学進学適性試験
  3033. SAT, single access transmitter ==> シングルアクセストランスミッタ
  3034. SAT-chromosome ==> 具随体染色体,具随体染色体
  3035. satain finishing ==> 擦亮
  3036. SATAN, satellite automatic tracking antenna network ==> 人工衛星自動追跡アンテナ網
  3037. satandard fodder mixtures ==> 配置标准饲料
  3038. satchel charge ==> 炸药包
  3039. Satco alloy ==> 萨特科铅合金
  3040. SATCOM, Satellite Communications System Co. ==> SATCOM社(サテライトコミュニケーション社)
  3041. sate-conduct ==> 安全条例
  3042. satellier injection system ==> 卫星入轨系统
  3043. satellite ==> 卫星,人造地球卫星,随体,伴生矿物=>衛星
  3044. satellite aerial ==> 卫星天线
  3045. satellite airborne communication ==> 卫星空中通信
  3046. satellite airfield ==> 卫星机场
  3047. satellite altimetry ==> 人卫测高
  3048. satellite and missile surveillance ==> 卫星和导弹监视
  3049. satellite and space tracking system ==> 卫星和空间目标跟踪系统
  3050. satellite antenna ==> 卫星天线,人卫天线
  3051. satellite antenna radiation pattern ==> 卫星天线辐射方向图
  3052. satellite assisted communication ==> 人造卫星通信
  3053. satellite astronomy ==> 卫星天文学,人造地球卫星天文学
  3054. satellite attack warning system ==> 卫星攻击警报系统
  3055. satellite automatic monitoring system ==> 自动卫星监视系统
  3056. satellite automatic tracking antenna ==> 人造卫星自动跟踪天线
  3057. satellite balloon ==> 卫星气球
  3058. satellite band ==> 卫星频带,随体带
  3059. satellite base ==> 辅助基地
  3060. satellite based atomic energy detection system ==> 卫生原子能探测系统
  3061. satellite battery ==> 人造卫星用电池
  3062. satellite bombardment system ==> 卫星轰炸系统
  3063. satellite bomber ==> 卫星轰炸机
  3064. satellite boosteer ==> 人造卫星运载火箭
  3065. satellite broadcasting ==> 人造卫星广播=>衛星放送
  3066. satellite camera ==> 人卫照相机
  3067. satellite camera with quadraxial tracking frame ==> 四轴式人造卫星跟踪照相机
  3068. satellite capture and retrieval ==> 卫星捕捉与收回
  3069. satellite carrier ==> 卫星运载工具
  3070. satellite cell of grey matter ==> 灰质卫星细胞
  3071. satellite cells ==> 卫星细胞
  3072. satellite chromosome ==> 具随体染色体,具随体染色体
  3073. satellite circuit ==> 卫星线路
  3074. satellite city ==> 卫星城,卫星城镇
  3075. satellite cloud picture ==> 卫星云图
  3076. satellite coating ==> 人造卫星壳体涂层
  3077. satellite communication ==> 卫星通信=>衛星通信
  3078. satellite communication 1 ==> 卫星通信,在两个或多个卫星地面站之间利用人造地球卫星转发或反射信号的无线电通信
  3079. satellite communication antenna ==> 卫星通信天线
  3080. satellite communication center ==> 卫星通信中心
  3081. satellite communication control facility ==> 卫星通信控制设施
  3082. satellite communication link ==> 卫星通信线路
  3083. satellite communication network ==> 衛星通信網
  3084. satellite communication system ==> 卫星通信系统
  3085. satellite communication technology ==> 卫星通讯技术
  3086. satellite communication terminal ==> 卫星通信终端设备
  3087. satellite computer ==> 卫星计算机,辅助计算机
  3088. satellite control center ==> 卫星控制中心
  3089. satellite control facility ==> 卫星控制设备
  3090. satellite control machine ==> 分集中联锁机,分联锁机,从属联锁机
  3091. satellite control network ==> 卫星控制网
  3092. satellite control system ==> 卫星控制系统
  3093. satellite coronagraphy ==> 人卫日冕照相术
  3094. satellite countermeasure ==> 卫星对抗
  3095. satellite countermeasures system ==> 卫星对抗系统
  3096. satellite coverage ==> 卫星覆盖范围
  3097. satellite data ==> 卫星数据
  3098. satellite data processing system ==> 卫星数据处理系统
  3099. satellite data recorder ==> 卫星数据记录器
  3100. satellite data transmission ==> 卫星数据传输
  3101. satellite defense ==> 卫星防御
  3102. satellite deployment pattern ==> 卫星在轨道上的配置图
  3103. satellite detection fence ==> 卫星警戒线
  3104. satellite detection line ==> 卫星探测线
  3105. satellite differential ==> 行星齿轮差速器
  3106. satellite disorbit ==> 卫星逸出轨道
  3107. satellite DNA ==> 卫星脱氧核糖核酸
  3108. satellite Doppler navigation system ==> 人卫多普勒导航系统
  3109. satellite drift ==> 卫星偏移
  3110. satellite dropping ==> (运载火箭)卫星脱离
  3111. satellite dynamics ==> 卫星动力学
  3112. satellite early alery system ==> 卫星预警系统
  3113. satellite early warning system ==> 卫星预警系统
  3114. satellite earth antenna for household use ==> 家用卫星接收天线
  3115. satellite eclipse ==> 卫星食
  3116. satellite ejection procedure ==> 卫星分离程序
  3117. satellite electron ==> 卫星电子
  3118. Satellite EPIRB ==> 衛星系EPIRB
  3119. satellite EPIRB ==> 衛星EPIRB
  3120. satellite equipments ==> 卫星装置
  3121. satellite exchange ==> 支局=>従局(自動電話)
  3122. satellite fairing ==> 人造卫星整流罩
  3123. satellite field ==> 卫星机场
  3124. satellite file ==> 外围资料档
  3125. satellite fire control radar ==> 卫星火力控制雷达
  3126. satellite galaxy ==> 伴星系
  3127. satellite gear ==> 行星齿轮
  3128. satellite geodesy ==> 卫星大地测量学,人卫测地
  3129. satellite gravity measurements ==> 人工衛星重力測定
  3130. satellite ground station ==> 人造卫星地面站,卫星地面站
  3131. satellite guidance ==> 卫星制导
  3132. satellite hole ==> 辅助炮眼
  3133. satellite image ==> 卫星传送图像
  3134. satellite imagery ==> 人工衛星画像
  3135. satellite industry ==> 卫星工业
  3136. satellite information ==> 附属信息
  3137. satellite information center ==> 卫星情报中心
  3138. satellite infrared spectrometer (SIRS) ==> 卫星红外分光计
  3139. satellite inspection technique ==> 卫星监视技术
  3140. satellite inspector and satellite interceptor ==> 卫星监视与拦截器
  3141. satellite inspector vehicle ==> 识别卫星的飞行器
  3142. satellite instruments ==> 衛星搭載機器
  3143. satellite intercept ==> 卫星拦截
  3144. satellite intercept system ==> 卫星拦截系统
  3145. satellite interception ==> 卫星截击
  3146. satellite interceptor ==> 卫星截击器
  3147. satellite kill ==> 卫星毁坏
  3148. satellite landing control system ==> 卫星着陆控制系统
  3149. satellite landing guidance system ==> 卫星着陆制导系统
  3150. satellite laser ranging ==> 人卫激光测距
  3151. satellite laser ranging (SLR) ==> 卫星激光测距
  3152. satellite launcher ==> 卫星运载火箭
  3153. satellite launching ship ==> 卫星发射船
  3154. satellite launching vehicle ==> 人造卫星运载火箭
  3155. satellite life ==> 卫星寿命
  3156. satellite line ==> 卫线,伴线
  3157. satellite link ==> 卫星线路=>衛星リンク
  3158. satellite mapping radar ==> 卫星测绘雷达
  3159. satellite meteorology ==> 卫星气象学
  3160. satellite missile ==> 卫星导弹
  3161. satellite monitoring ==> 卫星监控
  3162. satellite navigation ==> 卫星导航=>衛星航法
  3163. satellite navigation computer ==> 卫星导航计算机
  3164. satellite navigation earth stations ==> 卫星导航地面站
  3165. satellite navigator ==> 卫星导航定位仪
  3166. satellite observation station ==> 卫星观测站
  3167. satellite ocean surveillance evaluation center ==> 卫星海洋监视鉴定中心
  3168. satellite ocean surveillance system ==> 卫星海洋监视系统
  3169. satellite of Jupiter ==> 木卫
  3170. satellite of Neptune ==> 海卫
  3171. satellite of Saturn ==> 土卫
  3172. satellite of Uranus ==> 天卫
  3173. satellite optical surveillance system ==> 卫星光学监视系统
  3174. satellite orbit control ==> 卫星轨道控制
  3175. satellite orbit data ==> 卫生轨道运行数据
  3176. satellite orbit determination ==> 卫星轨道的测定
  3177. satellite orbit parameters ==> 卫星轨道参数
  3178. satellite order wire ==> 卫星联络线
  3179. satellite orientation device ==> 卫星定向系统
  3180. satellite orientation system ==> 卫星定向系统
  3181. satellite peak ==> 伴峰
  3182. satellite period ==> 卫星运行周期
  3183. satellite perturbance motion ==> 卫星摄动运动
  3184. satellite phenomenon ==> 卫星现象
  3185. satellite photo ==> 卫星照片
  3186. satellite photographic studies ==> 卫星相片研究
  3187. satellite photography ==> 卫星摄影术
  3188. satellite point ==> 卫点
  3189. satellite position determination ==> 卫星位置的确定
  3190. satellite position prediction and display ==> 卫星位置预测与显示
  3191. satellite power supply ==> 卫星电源
  3192. satellite processor ==> 卫星处理机,卫星计算机
  3193. satellite propulsion system ==> 卫星推进系统
  3194. satellite rangefinder ==> 卫星测距仪
  3195. satellite ranging ==> 卫星测距
  3196. satellite re-entry guidance ==> 卫星再入制导
  3197. satellite receiver subsystem ==> 卫星接收机辅助设备
  3198. satellite reconnaissance ==> 卫星侦察
  3199. satellite reconnaissance system ==> 卫星侦察系统
  3200. satellite recovery system ==> 卫星回收系统
  3201. satellite relay ==> 卫星中继器
  3202. satellite report ==> 辅助报告
  3203. satellite retroreflector ==> 卫星反射器
  3204. satellite searching radar ==> 卫星搜索雷达
  3205. satellite sounding ==> 卫星探测
  3206. satellite spin ==> 卫星自转
  3207. satellite station ==> 卫星站,星际站
  3208. satellite strategic surveillance system ==> 卫星战略监视系统
  3209. satellite sunspot ==> 卫星黑子
  3210. satellite surveillance radar ==> 卫星监视雷达
  3211. satellite switching system ==> 衛星内切換方式
  3212. satellite system monitoring ==> 卫星系统监听
  3213. satellite system operation guide ==> 卫星系统操作制导
  3214. satellite telecommunication with automatic routine ==> 自动导航卫星通信
  3215. satellite telemetry automatic reduction system ==> 卫星遥测数据自动处理系统
  3216. satellite television ==> 卫星电视
  3217. satellite test center ==> 卫星试验中心
  3218. satellite test range ==> 人造卫星试验场
  3219. satellite town ==> 卫星城,(大城市的)卫星城镇
  3220. satellite tracking ==> 卫星跟踪,人卫跟踪
  3221. satellite tracking camera ==> 人卫跟踪照相机
  3222. satellite tracking installation ==> 卫星跟踪设施
  3223. satellite tracking laser ==> 卫星跟踪激光器,卫星跟踪激光仪
  3224. satellite tracking network ==> 卫星眼踪网
  3225. satellite tracking station ==> 卫星跟踪站
  3226. satellite trail ==> 卫星痕迹
  3227. satellite trajectory ==> 卫星轨道
  3228. satellite trajectory ground track ==> 卫星轨道的地面投影
  3229. satellite transit ==> 卫星凌行星,卫星运行
  3230. satellite transmission ==> 卫星发送
  3231. satellite transmitter ==> 卫星发射机,辅助发射机
  3232. satellite transponder ==> 卫星转频器
  3233. satellite triangulation ==> 人卫三角测量
  3234. satellite vehicle ==> 人造卫星
  3235. satellite weapon ==> 卫星武器
  3236. satellite- borne romote sensing system ==> 卫星装置遥测系统
  3237. satellite-aided navigation ==> 卫星导航
  3238. satellite-based early warning system ==> 卫生载运先期警报系统
  3239. satellite-based interceptor ==> 卫星载运的截击导弹
  3240. satellite-based interceptor system ==> 卫星载运的拦截系统
  3241. satellite-borne equipment ==> 卫星载运的设备
  3242. satellite-borne laser system ==> 卫星载运激光系统
  3243. satellite-borne missile ==> 卫星载运的导弹
  3244. satellite-borne radar ==> 卫星载运雷达
  3245. satellite-borne sensor ==> 卫星装置传感器
  3246. satellite-borne surveillance system ==> 卫星载运的侦察系统
  3247. satellite-brone remote sensing system ==> 卫星装置遥感系统
  3248. satellite-landing guidance ==> 卫星着陆制导
  3249. satellite-launchedballistic missile ==> 卫星发射的弹道导弹
  3250. satellite-launching facility ==> 卫星发射装置
  3251. satellite-missile observation system ==> 卫星观测系统
  3252. satellite-orbit shadow time ==> 卫星轨道背日时间
  3253. satellite-pair ==> 伴偶
  3254. satellite-sensed event ==> 卫星可测事件
  3255. satellites coupling ==> 卫星对接
  3256. satellocentric system ==> 卫星中心坐标系
  3257. satety brake ==> 安全制动器
  3258. saticon ==> 塞蒂康视象管
  3259. Saticon ==> サチコン
  3260. satiety center ==> 饱腹中枢
  3261. satillite cloud photograph ==> 卫星云图
  3262. satin ==> 缎,加光泽
  3263. satin alcyonne ==> 表里双色缎
  3264. satin damask ==> 厚花缎
  3265. satin drill ==> 直贡
  3266. satin Ecossais ==> 埃科赛全丝条格缎
  3267. satin embroidery ==> 蟒缎
  3268. satin faille crepe ==> 横罗绉缎
  3269. satin finish ==> 毛面光洁度,无光光洁度,刷光=>なし地仕上
  3270. satin finish glass ==> 丝光玻璃
  3271. satin finished surface ==> なし地
  3272. satin finishing ==> 研光
  3273. satin glaze ==> 缎光釉
  3274. satin marabout ==> 马拉博单丝经缎
  3275. satin Messaline ==> 梅萨林薄丝缎
  3276. satin moth ==> 柳毒蛾
  3277. satin ottoman ==> 厚棱纹缎
  3278. satin plain mixed ==> 交织素八丝缎
  3279. satin spar ==> 纤维石
  3280. satin stone ==> 纤维石
  3281. satin white ==> 缎光白
  3282. satin wood ==> 椴木
  3283. satin-embossed finish ==> 梨地仕上
  3284. satin-vellum glaze ==> 缎光釉
  3285. satinwood ==> 椴木
  3286. satinwood finish ==> 半光漆
  3287. satisfaction ==> 清偿,满意,满足=>満足,満足させること
  3288. satisfaction basis ==> 満足基準
  3289. satisfaction determination ==> 満足度決定
  3290. satisfaction of lien ==> 解除留置权
  3291. satisfaction of wants ==> 满足需要
  3292. satisfaction proof ==> 满意证明
  3293. satisfactory ==> 符合要求
  3294. satisfactory approximation ==> 足够精确的近似值
  3295. satisfactory effect ==> 满意疗效
  3296. satisfactory profit ==> 满意利润
  3297. satisfactory quality ==> 满意质量
  3298. satisfactory result ==> 满意效果
  3299. satisfactory solution ==> 满意解
  3300. satisfied hydrocarbon ==> 饱和烃
  3301. satisfy ==> 满足
  3302. satisfy the liabilities ==> 清偿负债
  3303. satisfy the prescriptive period ==> 满足有效期
  3304. satisfy wants ==> 满足需要
  3305. satisfying activity ==> 満足できる活動
  3306. satisfying and adaptively rational decision ==> 满足化与适应性的合理决策
  3307. satisfying career ==> 満足のいくキャリア
  3308. satisfying criteria ==> 满足标准
  3309. satisfying criterion ==> 満足基準
  3310. satisfying job ==> やりがいのある仕事
  3311. satisfying level ==> 満足水準
  3312. satisfying life ==> 満足感の得られる生活
  3313. satisfying marriage ==> 満足な結婚
  3314. satisfying model ==> 满足的模型
  3315. satisfying needs ==> 欲求充足
  3316. satisfying place to live ==> 満足できる住環境
  3317. satisfying planning ==> 符合要求计划法
  3318. satisfying principle ==> 満足基準
  3319. satisfying profession ==> やりがいのある専門的職業
  3320. SATKA, Surveillance Acquisition Tracking and Kill Assessment ==> (意訳)監視・補足・追跡・要撃のアセスメント
  3321. sato process ==> 自对准厚氧化膜工艺
  3322. SATPM Saturday P.M. ==> 周六下午
  3323. SATS ==> 北欧電気試験所
  3324. SATS, station accommodation test set ==> ステーション塔載試験装置
  3325. SATS, substation automation training simulator ==> SATS
  3326. saturability ==> 饱和额,饱和能力
  3327. saturable ==> 可饱和,可浸透
  3328. saturable absorber ==> 飽和性吸収体
  3329. saturable absorption ==> 饱和吸收
  3330. saturable absorption Q-switching ==> 可饱和吸收Q开关
  3331. saturable autotransformer ==> 饱和自耦变压器
  3332. saturable choke ==> 饱和抗流圈
  3333. saturable core ==> 饱和铁心,饱和铁芯=>可飽和鉄心
  3334. saturable core generator ==> 饱和铁芯发电机
  3335. saturable dye Q-switch ==> 可饱和染料Q开关
  3336. saturable inductor ==> 饱和感应线圈,饱和线圈
  3337. saturable magnetic circuit ==> 饱和磁路
  3338. saturable organic dye ==> 可饱和有机染料
  3339. saturable reactor ==> 饱和电抗器,饱和扼流圈,助磁式电抗器=>可飽和リアクトル
  3340. saturable reactor A.C.arc welder ==> 饱和电抗器型交流弧焊机
  3341. saturable resonator ==> 可饱和共振腔
  3342. saturable transformator ==> 饱和变压器
  3343. saturable transformer ==> 可飽和トランス
  3344. saturable-core magnetometer ==> 可饱和铁心磁强计
  3345. saturable-core reactor ==> 饱和电抗器
  3346. saturant ==> 饱和剂,浸渍剂
  3347. saturate ==> 浸透
  3348. saturated ==> 饱和的
  3349. saturated absorption ==> 饱和吸收
  3350. saturated absorption frequency stabilization ==> 饱和吸收稳频
  3351. saturated absorption peak ==> 饱和吸收峰
  3352. saturated acid ==> 饱和酸
  3353. saturated activity ==> 饱和放射性,饱和活性
  3354. saturated acyclic hydrocarbon ==> 饱和无环烃=>飽和非環式炭化水素
  3355. saturated air ==> 饱和空气,饱和气
  3356. saturated air mixture ==> 饱和的空气混合物
  3357. saturated alloying ==> 饱和合金
  3358. saturated ammonia ==> 饱和氨
  3359. saturated asbestos felt ==> 浸油石棉毡
  3360. saturated belt ==> 饱和带
  3361. saturated bitumen asbestos felt ==> 浸沥青石棉毡
  3362. saturated brine ==> 饱和盐水
  3363. saturated calomel electrode ==> 饱和甘汞电极
  3364. saturated capacity ==> 饱和容量
  3365. saturated carbon ring ==> 饱和碳环
  3366. saturated characteristic ==> 饱和特性
  3367. saturated circuit ==> 饱和电路=>飽和形回路
  3368. saturated clay ==> 饱和粘土
  3369. saturated colo(u)r ==> 彰色
  3370. saturated color ==> 飽和
  3371. saturated colour ==> 纯色
  3372. saturated compounds ==> 饱和化合物
  3373. saturated concentration ==> 饱和浓度
  3374. saturated condition ==> 饱和状态
  3375. saturated conductivity ==> 饱和土壤传导度
  3376. saturated core ==> 饱和铁芯
  3377. saturated core reactor ==> 饱和扼流圈
  3378. saturated density ==> 飽和密度
  3379. saturated dihalide ==> 二卤代烷
  3380. saturated diode ==> 饱和二极管=>飽和ダイオード
  3381. saturated erase ==> 饱和抹音法
  3382. saturated erasure ==> 饱和消磁法
  3383. saturated fatty acid ==> 饱和脂肪酸
  3384. saturated fatty alcohol dibasic acid ester ==> 饱和脂肪醇二羧酸酯
  3385. saturated felt ==> 浸沥青毡
  3386. saturated gain ==> 饱和增益
  3387. saturated glaze ==> 饱和釉
  3388. saturated gradient ==> 饱和梯度
  3389. saturated ground ==> 水涝地
  3390. saturated gun ==> 饱和电子枪
  3391. saturated humidity ==> 饱和湿度
  3392. saturated humidity mixing ratio ==> 饱和湿度混合比
  3393. saturated inductance ==> 饱和电感
  3394. saturated level ==> 饱和水平
  3395. saturated line ==> 饱和线
  3396. saturated liquid ==> 饱和液体
  3397. saturated logic circuit ==> 饱和逻辑电路,饱和型逻辑电路
  3398. saturated magnetic flux ==> 飽和磁束
  3399. saturated magnetic flux density ==> 飽和磁束密度
  3400. saturated magnetization ==> 磁饱和
  3401. saturated market ==> 饱和市场
  3402. saturated markets ==> 饱和的市场
  3403. saturated media ==> 饱和介质
  3404. saturated mineral ==> 饱和矿物
  3405. saturated mixture ==> 饱和混合物
  3406. saturated moisture ==> 饱和湿度
  3407. saturated permeability ==> 饱和透水性
  3408. saturated pressure ==> 饱和气压
  3409. saturated reactance method ==> 饱和电抗法
  3410. saturated recombination rate ==> 饱和复合率
  3411. saturated rock ==> 饱和岩,饱水岩石
  3412. saturated roofing felt ==> 浸沥青毡
  3413. saturated salin e flotation method ==> 饱和盐水浮集法
  3414. saturated sample ==> 饱和试样,饱和样品
  3415. saturated soil ==> 饱和土,饱和土壤,饱水土壤
  3416. saturated solid solution ==> 饱和固溶体
  3417. saturated solution ==> 饱和溶液
  3418. saturated specimen ==> 饱和试样
  3419. saturated standard cell ==> 饱和标准电池
  3420. saturated state ==> 饱和状态
  3421. saturated steam ==> 饱和蒸汽=>飽和蒸気
  3422. saturated steam locomotive ==> 饱和蒸汽机车
  3423. saturated steam turbine ==> [核电用]饱和蒸汽汽轮机,曾称“核电汽轮机”。使用新蒸汽湿度为0.4%~0.5%的饱和蒸汽或过热度为(25~30)℃的微过热蒸汽做功的汽轮机
  3424. saturated steam turbine,wet steam turbine ==> 饱和蒸汽汽轮机,又称“湿蒸汽汽轮机”。主蒸汽为饱和或接近饱和状态的汽轮机
  3425. saturated steel ==> 共析钢
  3426. saturated surface ==> 地下水面,饱和面
  3427. saturated unit weight ==> 饱和单位重量,饱和容量,饱和幺重
  3428. saturated unit weight of soil ==> 土的饱和容重
  3429. saturated vapor ==> 饱和蒸气=>飽和蒸気
  3430. saturated vapor pressure ==> 饱和蒸汽压
  3431. saturated vapour pressure ==> 饱和蒸汽压力
  3432. saturated velocity ==> 饱和速度
  3433. saturated virtual temperature ==> 饱和虚温度
  3434. saturated water ==> 飽和水
  3435. saturated water line ==> 飽和水線
  3436. saturated water vapour pressure ==> 饱和水汽压
  3437. saturated weight ==> 饱和重量
  3438. saturated zone ==> 饱和层,饱和带
  3439. saturated-adiabatic lapse rate ==> 饱和绝热直减率
  3440. saturating capacity ==> 饱和量
  3441. saturating capacity of paper ==> 纸的饱和性
  3442. saturating of capillary ==> 毛细饱和法
  3443. saturating signal ==> 饱和信号
  3444. saturating supply ==> 磁饱和电源
  3445. saturation ==> 章度,因子函数,温度饱和,饱和,饱和作用,色饱和度=>飽和,彩度
  3446. saturation activation ==> 饱和激励
  3447. saturation activity ==> 饱和放射性强度
  3448. saturation adiabat ==> 饱和绝热线
  3449. saturation adiabatic process ==> 饱和绝热过程
  3450. saturation amplification ==> 饱和放大
  3451. saturation analysis ==> 饱和分析法
  3452. saturation area ==> 饱和区
  3453. saturation boiling ==> 饱和沸腾,液体整体处于与系统压力相应的饱和温度下,在加热表面上产生蒸汽的现象
  3454. saturation bombing ==> 饱和轰炸
  3455. saturation boundary ==> 饱和界限
  3456. saturation characteristic ==> 饱和特性
  3457. saturation characteristic curve ==> 饱和特性曲线
  3458. saturation characteristics ==> 飽和特性
  3459. saturation coefficient ==> 饱和系数
  3460. saturation coil ==> 饱和线圈=>飽和コイル
  3461. saturation collection ==> 饱和收集
  3462. saturation colour ==> 饱和色
  3463. saturation condition ==> 饱和状态
  3464. saturation conditions ==> 饱和条件
  3465. saturation constraint ==> 饱和限制
  3466. saturation control ==> 饱和度调整,饱和控制
  3467. saturation core regulator ==> 饱和铁芯稳压器,铁磁饱和稳压器
  3468. saturation current ==> 饱和电流=>飽和電流
  3469. saturation current density ==> 饱和电流密度
  3470. saturation curve ==> 饱和曲线=>飽和曲線
  3471. saturation deficiency ==> 饱和差
  3472. saturation deficit ==> 饱和差
  3473. saturation degree ==> 饱和度
  3474. saturation discrimination ==> 彩度鉴别本领
  3475. saturation diving ==> 饱和潜水
  3476. saturation effect ==> 饱和效应
  3477. saturation efficiency ==> 饱和效率
  3478. saturation energy ==> 饱和能量
  3479. saturation extract ==> 饱和浸出液,饱和提取液
  3480. saturation factor ==> 饱和率,饱和系数=>飽和率
  3481. saturation field ==> 饱和场
  3482. saturation flux ==> 饱和磁通,饱和通量
  3483. saturation flux density ==> 饱和磁感应强度,饱和磁通密度,饱和通量密度
  3484. saturation gain ==> 饱和增益
  3485. saturation in back-iron LEM ==> 带有饱和实心铁轭的直线电机
  3486. saturation index ==> 饱和指数
  3487. saturation induction ==> 饱和感应
  3488. saturation induction density ==> 饱和磁感应强度
  3489. saturation intensity ==> 饱和磁化强度,饱和强度
  3490. saturation irradiation ==> 饱和辐射
  3491. saturation isomerism ==> 饱和异构现象
  3492. saturation level ==> 饱和度
  3493. saturation limit ==> 饱和极限
  3494. saturation limiter ==> 饱和限幅器
  3495. saturation limiting ==> 饱和限幅
  3496. saturation limiting effect ==> 饱和极限效应
  3497. saturation line ==> 浸润线
  3498. saturation logic ==> 饱和逻辑
  3499. saturation loss ==> 饱和损耗
  3500. saturation magnetiation ==> 饱和磁化强度
  3501. saturation magnetic circuit ==> 饱和磁路
  3502. saturation magnetic flux density ==> 飽和磁束密度
  3503. saturation magnetic flux intensity ==> 饱和磁通密度
  3504. saturation magnetic induction ==> 饱和磁感应
  3505. saturation magnetic moment ==> 饱和磁矩
  3506. saturation magnetic recording ==> 饱和磁记录
  3507. saturation magnetization ==> 饱和磁化=>飽和磁化
  3508. saturation magnetometer ==> 饱和磁强计
  3509. saturation mixing ratio ==> 饱和混合比
  3510. saturation mode ==> 饱和状态
  3511. saturation moisture content ==> 饱和含水量
  3512. saturation moments ==> 饱和力矩
  3513. saturation noise ==> 饱和噪声
  3514. saturation of covalent bond ==> 共价键饱和性
  3515. saturation of excitation system ==> 励磁系统的饱和
  3516. saturation of forces ==> 力的饱和
  3517. saturation of iron ==> 铁芯饱和
  3518. saturation of nuclear force ==> 核力饱和性
  3519. saturation of photo electric current ==> 光电流饱和
  3520. saturation of pole ==> 磁极饱和
  3521. saturation of the air ==> 空气饱和
  3522. saturation of the molecular transitions ==> 分子跃迁饱和
  3523. saturation of the population inversion ==> 反转粒子数饱和
  3524. saturation of voltage transformer ==> VT飽和
  3525. saturation parameter ==> 饱和参量=>飽和パラメータ
  3526. saturation percentage ==> 饱和百分率
  3527. saturation photocurrent ==> 饱和光电流
  3528. saturation plane ==> 饱和面
  3529. saturation point ==> 饱和点
  3530. saturation polarization ==> 饱和极化
  3531. saturation pressure ==> 饱和压力=>飽和圧力
  3532. saturation range ==> 饱和区
  3533. saturation rate ==> 饱和速率
  3534. saturation ratio ==> 饱和度
  3535. saturation reactance ==> 饱和电抗
  3536. saturation recording ==> 饱和记录
  3537. saturation region ==> 饱和区,饱和区域=>飽和領域
  3538. saturation remanent flux ==> 饱和剩磁
  3539. saturation remanent level ==> 饱和剩余磁平
  3540. saturation resistance ==> 饱和电阻
  3541. saturation signal ==> 饱和信号
  3542. saturation soil paste ==> 饱和土浆
  3543. saturation specific humidity ==> 饱和比湿度
  3544. saturation spectroscopy ==> 饱和光谱学
  3545. saturation state ==> 饱和状态
  3546. saturation storage time ==> 饱和储存时间
  3547. saturation swelling stress ==> 饱和湿胀应力
  3548. saturation temperature ==> 饱和点,饱和温度=>飽和温度
  3549. saturation test ==> 饱和程度试验
  3550. saturation testing ==> 饱和测试,饱和试验
  3551. saturation time constant ==> 饱和时间常数
  3552. saturation tower ==> 饱和塔
  3553. saturation transformer ==> 饱和变压器
  3554. saturation type circuit ==> 饱和型电路
  3555. saturation value ==> 饱和值
  3556. saturation value ==> 饱和值
  3557. saturation vapor pressure ==> 饱和汽压
  3558. saturation vapor pressure method ==> 饱和蒸汽压法
  3559. saturation vapour ==> 饱和水汽
  3560. saturation vapour pressure ==> 饱和水汽压
  3561. saturation voltage ==> 饱和电压
  3562. saturation water ==> 饱和水
  3563. saturation zone ==> 饱和带,饱和区
  3564. saturation-absorption spectrum ==> 饱和吸收光谱
  3565. saturation-adiabatic lapse rate ==> 湿绝热直减率
  3566. saturation-adiabatic process ==> 湿绝热过程
  3567. saturator ==> 饱和器,饱和器操作员,饱和塔,浸渍机
  3568. Saturn ==> 土星
  3569. Saturn's colossal ring ==> 土星の巨大な環
  3570. Saturn's infrared aurora ==> 土星の赤外オーロラ
  3571. Saturn's ring ==> 土星环
  3572. Saturn's rings and inner moons ==> 土星の環と内側の衛星
  3573. Saturn's rotation period ==> 土星の自転周期
  3574. Saturnicentric ring latitude ==> 土心环纬度
  3575. Saturnicentric ring longitude ==> 土心环经度
  3576. SAU Saudi Arabia (Flag) ==> 沙特阿拉伯(注册)
  3577. sauce pot ==> 炖锅
  3578. saucer dome ==> 蝶形穹顶
  3579. saucer lake ==> 浅盆湖,浸没湖
  3580. saucer man ==> 外太空人
  3581. saucer shape ==> 凹形
  3582. saucer shaped wheel ==> 碟形砂轮
  3583. saucer spring ==> 盘状弹簧
  3584. saucer washer ==> 凹面弹簧垫圈
  3585. saucer wheel ==> 盘型砂轮,碟形砂轮
  3586. saucer-headed bolt ==> 菌头螺栓,菌头螺栓
  3587. saucer-shaped depression of vitreous body ==> 玻璃体碟状凹
  3588. Saunders' sign ==> 桑德斯氏征
  3589. saury ==> 秋刀鱼=>サンマ,秋刀魚
  3590. saury fishing ==> サンマ漁
  3591. sausage aerial ==> かご形アンテナ
  3592. sausage antenna ==> 香肠形天线
  3593. sausage balloon ==> 圆柱形系留气球
  3594. sausage binding machine ==> 灌肠结扎机
  3595. sausage casing processing equipment ==> 肠衣加工设备
  3596. sausage filler ==> 灌肠机
  3597. sausage filling machine ==> 灌肠充填机
  3598. sausage fingers ==> 腊肠样指
  3599. sausage hanging machine ==> 灌肠吊接机
  3600. sausage instability ==> 腊肠不稳定性,颈缩型不稳性,颈缩型不稳性
  3601. sausage meat extruder ==> 灌肠机
  3602. sausage perforating machine ==> 灌肠打孔机
  3603. sausage poisoning ==> 腊肠中毒
  3604. sausage stage larva ==> 腊肠期幼虫
  3605. sausage stuffer ==> 灌肠机
  3606. sausage-casing salt ==> 肠衣盐
  3607. sausage-type instability ==> 腊肠型不稳定性
  3608. Saussurea cordifolia ==> 心叶风毛菊
  3609. Savage principle ==> 塞韦奇原则
  3610. savane armee ==> 多刺高灌丛
  3611. Savart plate ==> 萨伐特片
  3612. Savart, F.Savart ==> 1791-1841,萨伐尔,法国科学家
  3613. Savathe cycle ==> 萨巴蒂循环
  3614. save all ==> 白水回收装置
  3615. save area ==> 保存区
  3616. save area table (SAVT) ==> 保存区表
  3617. save file ==> 副本文件
  3618. save instruction ==> 保存指令
  3619. save memory ==> 内存保留区
  3620. save on transport costs ==> 节约运费,节约运输费用
  3621. save path ==> 存放路径=>保存パス
  3622. save register ==> 保存寄存器
  3623. save routine ==> 保存程序,保存例行程序
  3624. SAVE statement ==> 保存语句
  3625. save tape ==> 复录磁带
  3626. Save the Earth ==> 《挽救地球》
  3627. save the plot for vegetable ==> 留这块地种菜
  3628. save to fertilize soil ==> 攒起用来肥田
  3629. save value ==> 保存值
  3630. save-all ==> 防溅器
  3631. saved area description entry ==> 保存区描述体
  3632. saved system ==> 保存系统,已保存系统
  3633. savety guard ==> 安全板
  3634. saving ==> 节省
  3635. saving energy control ==> 省エネルギー制御
  3636. saving in material ==> 节省材料
  3637. saving in money compensation ==> 节约现金补助
  3638. saving in weight ==> 节省重量
  3639. saving of labor ==> 省工
  3640. saving sequence ==> 保存序列
  3641. saving social labor economy of social labor ==> 节约人工的投资
  3642. savings at call ==> 通知储蓄存款
  3643. Savonius rotor ==> 萨伏纽斯转子
  3644. Savonius turbine ==> サボニウス形タービン
  3645. Savonius windmill ==> 萨伏纽斯风车=>サボニウス風車
  3646. savor ==> 風味
  3647. savoriness ==> 風味
  3648. savory oil ==> 香旱芹油
  3649. savoury herb ==> 香科植物
  3650. saw ==> 表面声波,圆盘锯,锯,锯床,锯开=>のこぎり
  3651. saw amplifier ==> 表面声波放大器
  3652. saw arbor ==> 锯齿铣槽刀轴,锯齿铣槽刀轴,锯轴,锯轴,花键铣刀刀杆
  3653. saw bench ==> 锯木台,锯木台
  3654. saw bit ==> 锯片,锯片
  3655. saw blade ==> 锯片,锯片
  3656. saw carriage ==> 锯座,锯座
  3657. saw cut ==> 锯痕,锯痕
  3658. saw cutting ==> 锯切,锯切
  3659. saw cutting machine ==> 切锯齿机
  3660. saw cylinder ==> 锯齿式滚筒,锯齿式滚筒
  3661. saw cylinder cleaner ==> 锯齿滚筒式清棉机,锯齿滚筒式清棉机
  3662. saw device ==> 表面声波装置
  3663. saw doctor ==> 磨锯齿机,修锯工,锉锯齿机
  3664. saw file ==> 整锯锉
  3665. saw for two men ==> 二人锯
  3666. saw grinder ==> 锯齿磨床,锯齿磨床
  3667. saw grinding machine ==> 锯齿刃磨机,锯齿刃磨机,锯齿修磨机,锯齿修磨机,锉锯齿机
  3668. saw gumming ==> 磨锯齿
  3669. saw head ==> 锯削头,锯削头
  3670. saw jointer ==> 连锯器
  3671. saw jumper ==> 锯齿器,锯齿器
  3672. saw line ==> 锯路,锯路,锯线,锯线
  3673. saw log ==> 锯材原木,锯材原木,锯架,锯架
  3674. saw mill refuse ==> 制材厂废屑
  3675. saw mill residue ==> 制材厂废料
  3676. saw mill waste ==> 制材厂废料
  3677. saw pit ==> 锯坑,锯坑
  3678. saw set ==> 整锯工具
  3679. saw set(ting) ==> 锯齿修整器,锯齿修整器,整锯器
  3680. saw setting ==> 锉锯齿
  3681. saw setting machine ==> 整锯机
  3682. saw setting pliers ==> 整锯钳
  3683. saw shaper ==> 开锯齿机
  3684. saw sharpener ==> 磨锯齿机
  3685. saw sharpener's bench ==> 整锯台
  3686. saw sharpening machine ==> 磨锯机,锯齿刃磨机,锯齿刃磨机,锯齿修磨机,锯齿修磨机,锉锯齿机
  3687. saw teeth effect ==> のこぎり効果
  3688. saw teeth wave form ==> 锯齿波形,锯齿波形
  3689. saw timber ==> 锯材林木,锯材林木,锯材原木料,锯材原木料,锯木,锯木
  3690. saw tooth current ==> 锯齿形电流
  3691. saw tooth generator ==> 锯齿波振荡器锯齿波发生器
  3692. saw tooth oscillator ==> 锯齿波振荡器锯齿波发生器
  3693. saw tooth voltage ==> 锯齿形电压
  3694. saw trace ==> 锯痕
  3695. saw type lint cleaner ==> 锯齿式清棉机
  3696. saw type platform ==> 锯齿形月台
  3697. saw vice ==> 锯机虎钳,锯机虎钳,整锯虎钳
  3698. saw web ==> 锯片
  3699. saw wrest ==> 扭锯器
  3700. saw(ing) machine ==> 锯床,锯床
  3701. saw(tooth) former ==> 锯齿波形成器,锯齿波形成器
  3702. SAW, surface acoustic wave ==> 高周波弾性波
  3703. saw-cut ==> 陡峻峡谷
  3704. saw-horse ==> 锯架,锯架
  3705. saw-mill ==> 大型锯机
  3706. saw-shaped ==> 锯齿形,锯齿形
  3707. saw-tooth crusher ==> 锯齿破碎机,锯齿破碎机
  3708. saw-tooth current ==> 锯齿形电流,锯齿形电流
  3709. saw-tooth cutter ==> 锯齿形切割器,锯齿形切割器
  3710. saw-tooth drive ==> 锯齿状激励,锯齿状激励
  3711. saw-tooth hob ==> 锯齿滚刀,锯齿滚刀
  3712. saw-tooth joint ==> 锯齿接合,锯齿接合,锯齿形接合,锯齿形接合,锯齿状接合,锯齿状接合
  3713. saw-tooth milling cutter ==> 锯齿铣刀,锯齿铣刀
  3714. saw-tooth slot ==> 锯齿形缝,锯齿形缝
  3715. saw-tooth sweep ==> 锯齿形扫描,锯齿形扫描
  3716. saw-tooth thin shell ==> 锯齿形薄壳,锯齿形薄壳
  3717. saw-tooth thread ==> 锯齿形螺纹,锯齿形螺纹
  3718. saw-tooth truss ==> 锯齿形桁架,锯齿形桁架
  3719. saw-tooth type cutter ==> 锯齿铣刀,锯齿铣刀
  3720. saw-tooth voltage ==> 锯齿波电压,锯齿波电压
  3721. saw-tooth wave(form) ==> 锯齿波,锯齿波
  3722. saw-tooth waveform ==> 锯齿波形,锯齿波形
  3723. saw-toothed grain beetle ==> 锯谷盗,锯谷盗
  3724. saw-toothed skylight ==> 锯齿形天窗,锯齿形天窗
  3725. saw-whet owl ==> ヒメキンメフクロウ
  3726. SAWD, solid amine & water desorption system ==> 固体アミン及び水脱着システム
  3727. sawdust ==> 锯屑
  3728. sawdust and peak ==> 锯末和草碳,锯末和草碳
  3729. sawdust brick ==> 锯末砖,锯末砖
  3730. sawdust cement ==> 锯末水泥,锯末水泥
  3731. sawdust concrete ==> 锯末混凝土,锯末混凝土,木屑混凝土
  3732. sawdust mortar ==> 锯末砂浆,锯末砂浆
  3733. sawdust tester ==> 锯屑种子发芽器,锯屑种子发芽器
  3734. sawed finish ==> 锯开石面
  3735. sawed veneer ==> 锯开薄板,锯开薄板,锯制层板,锯制层板
  3736. sawed-off ==> 锯断,锯断
  3737. sawer ==> 锯工
  3738. sawing ==> 锯割
  3739. sawing machine ==> 电锯
  3740. sawing mill ==> 锯木厂
  3741. sawing pattern ==> 锯剖图,锯剖图
  3742. sawmill ==> 锯木厂
  3743. sawn face ==> 锯开石面
  3744. sawn full ==> 锯切毛尺寸的,锯切毛尺寸的
  3745. sawn goods ==> 锯材,锯材,成材
  3746. sawn square ==> 方材
  3747. sawn stone ==> 锯开石料,锯开石料
  3748. sawn timber ==> 锯材,锯材=>用材
  3749. sawn-off spotted-deer antler ==> 梅花两岔锯茸,梅花三岔锯茸
  3750. sawn-off spotted-deer antler with blood ==> 带血花锯茸
  3751. sawn-off wild-deer antler ==> 马锯茸
  3752. sawn-off wild-deer antler with blood ==> 带血马锯茸
  3753. sawtooth amplitude ==> 锯齿形振幅,锯齿形振幅
  3754. sawtooth cotton gin ==> 锯齿轧花机,锯齿轧花机
  3755. sawtooth current ==> 锯齿波形电流,锯齿电流=>のこぎり波状電流
  3756. sawtooth current-wave generator ==> 锯齿电流波发生器,锯齿电流波发生器
  3757. sawtooth electromotive force ==> 锯齿形电动势
  3758. sawtooth generator ==> 锯齿波发生器
  3759. sawtooth linter ==> 锯齿剥绒机,锯齿剥绒机
  3760. sawtooth oscillator ==> のこぎり波発振器
  3761. sawtooth output ==> 锯齿波输出,锯齿波输出
  3762. sawtooth phase grating modulator ==> 锯齿形相栅调制器,锯齿形相栅调制器
  3763. sawtooth platform ==> 锯齿形月台,锯齿形月台
  3764. sawtooth projection ==> 锯齿形凸起,锯齿形凸起
  3765. sawtooth pulse ==> 锯齿形脉冲,锯齿波脉冲
  3766. sawtooth retrace ==> 锯齿形信号回程,锯齿形信号回程
  3767. sawtooth roof ==> 锯齿形屋顶,锯齿形屋顶
  3768. sawtooth shaped time series ==> 锯齿型时间数列,锯齿型时间数列
  3769. sawtooth signal ==> 锯齿形信号,锯齿形信号
  3770. sawtooth truss ==> 锯齿式屋架,锯齿式屋架
  3771. sawtooth voltage ==> のこぎり波状電圧
  3772. sawtooth wave ==> 锯齿形波
  3773. sawtooth waveform ==> のこぎり波形
  3774. sawtooth-clothed drum drafter ==> 锯齿滚筒并条机,锯齿滚筒并条机
  3775. sawtooth-like eaves plate ==> 齿形檐板
  3776. SAX, Italian-Dutch X-ray Astronomy Satellite(Satellite Astronomia raggi-X) ==> イタリア-オランダ共同の科学衛星
  3777. SAX, simple API for XML ==> SAX
  3778. saxatilic acid ==> 石地衣酸
  3779. Saxophone gate ==> 萨克管状浇口
  3780. say ladle ==> 取样勺,铸样勺
  3781. Say's Law ==> 萨伊定律
  3782. say-cast ==> 尾部粗毛
  3783. Sayan Mountains ==> 萨彦岭
  3784. Saybolt centistoke ==> 赛波特粘度单位
  3785. Saybolt color ==> 赛波色
  3786. Saybolt colorimeter ==> 赛波特比色计
  3787. Saybolt Furol viscosity ==> 赛波特-傅洛粘度
  3788. Saybolt ring number of kerosene ==> 煤油的赛波特环值
  3789. Saybolt scale ==> 赛波特粘度级
  3790. Saybolt second ==> 赛波特粘度秒=>セイボルト秒
  3791. Saybolt seconds universal (SSU) ==> 赛波特通用秒
  3792. Saybolt thermoviscosimeter ==> 赛波特热粘度计
  3793. Saybolt universal viscosity ==> 赛波特通用粘度,赛氏通用粘度
  3794. Saybolt viscometer ==> 赛波特粘度计
  3795. Saybolt viscosimeter ==> 赛波特粘度计
  3796. saybolt viscosimeter ==> 塞波特粘度计
  3797. Saybolt viscosity ==> 赛波特粘度
  3798. Sayers winding ==> 赛耶斯绕组
  3799. sb fet ==> 肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管
  3800. SB Safe Berth ==> 安全锚位
  3801. SB, subbooster ==> 補助ロケット
  3802. SBA, Small Business Administration ==> 小ビジネス局
  3803. SBA, space-based antenna ==> 宇宙空間用アンテナ
  3804. sbar magnet ==> 条形磁铁
  3805. SBAR, space-based antenna range ==> 宇宙空間用アンテナ範囲
  3806. SBB, satellite busy box ==> 衛星ビジーボックス
  3807. SBB, Solid Booster Assembly Building ==> 固体ロケット試験棟
  3808. sbc ==> 标准埋层集极
  3809. sbc technique ==> 标准隐埋集电极技术
  3810. SBC, Sanriku Balloon Center ==> 三陸大気球観測所
  3811. SBD System-Based Design ==> 以体系为基础的设计
  3812. SBD, Schottky barrier diode ==> ショットキーバリアダイオード
  3813. SBD, schottky barrier diode ==> ショットキーダイオード
  3814. SBE, advanced Satellite Broadcasting Equipment ==> 高度衛星放送機器
  3815. SBF, S-band Rx band pass filter ==> Sバンド受信用フィルター
  3816. SBF, single barrier failure ==> 単一障害故障
  3817. SBIR ==> 中小企業技術革新制度
  3818. SBKKV, Space-Based Kinetic-Kill Vehicles ==> 宇宙設置運動エネルギー撃破飛しょう体(SDIのサブシステム)
  3819. SBM Single Buoy Mooring ==> 单浮标系泊设备
  3820. SBM, service bay manipulator ==> サービスベイマニピュレータ
  3821. sbmos ==> 肖特基势垒栅金属氧化物半导体
  3822. SBP, south bus panel ==> 南面バスパネル
  3823. SBP, System Buy Price ==> システム購入価格
  3824. SBR ==> 回分式活性污泥法=>序批式活性汚泥法
  3825. SBRC, Santa Barbara Research Center ==> サンタバーバラ研究所
  3826. SBS, Satellite Business Systems Co. ==> SBS社(衛星ビジネスシステムズ社)
  3827. SBS, single buyer system ==> 単一購入者システム,シングルバイヤーシステム
  3828. SBSA, Swedish Board for Space Activities ==> スウェーデン宇宙開発委員会
  3829. SBT Segregated Ballast Tanks ==> 隔离的压舱容器
  3830. SBU, strategic business unit ==> 戦略的事業単位
  3831. SBUV, solar backscatter ultraviolet spectrometer ==> 太陽後方散乱紫外線分析器
  3832. sc ==> 半导体
  3833. SC cable ==> 超電導ケーブル
  3834. SC&CU, signal conditioning and control ==> シグナルコンディションコントロール
  3835. SC, satellite control conductor ==> 衛星管制指揮者
  3836. SC, satellite operation conductor ==> 衛星運用指揮者
  3837. SC, schedule coordinator ==> スケジュールコーディネーター
  3838. SC, series compensation ==> 串补,串联补偿
  3839. SC, shopping center ==> ショッピングセンター
  3840. SC, signal condition ==> シグナルコンディション
  3841. SC, signal conditioner ==> シグナルコンデイショナー
  3842. SC, single character ==> 1文字
  3843. SC, solar cell ==> 太陽電池
  3844. SC, Solar Concentrator Group ==> 太陽熱研究グループ
  3845. SC, Space Commission ==> 宇宙委員会
  3846. SC, Space Commission of India ==> インド宇宙委員会
  3847. SC, spacecraft clock ==> 宇宙機の時計
  3848. SC, spacecraft controller ==> 衛星主任
  3849. SC, special computer program ==> 特殊コンピュータプログラム
  3850. SC, speed control ==> 速度制御
  3851. SC, star coupler ==> スター結合器
  3852. SC, Star Coupler ==> スターカプラー
  3853. SC, Static Capacitor ==> 静止型コンデンサ,電力用コンデンサ
  3854. SC, Static Condenser(Capacitor), Shunt Capacitor ==> スタティックコンデンサ、電力用コンデンサ
  3855. SC, storage container ==> 貯蔵コンテナ
  3856. SC, Study Committee ==> 分科会=>研究委員会(CIGRE)
  3857. SC, subcarrier ==> 副搬送波
  3858. SC, subcarrier signal ==> 副搬送波信号
  3859. SCA Suez Canal Authority ==> 苏伊士运河当局
  3860. SCA, shuttle carrier aircraft ==> シャトル輸送機
  3861. scab ==> 起夹子,拼接板,疮痂,铸件表面粘砂,钢锭结疤
  3862. scab of apple ==> 苹果黑星病
  3863. scab of cucumber ==> 黄瓜黑星病
  3864. scab of grape ==> 葡萄黑痘病
  3865. scab of peach ==> 桃疮痂病
  3866. scab of pear ==> 梨黑星病
  3867. scab of rice ==> 稻赤霉病
  3868. scab of wheat ==> 小麦赤霉病
  3869. scabbard ==> 鞘
  3870. scabbard fish ==> 带鱼
  3871. scabbed ==> 拼接
  3872. scabbed casting ==> 糙铸
  3873. scabbiness ==> 瑕,瑕
  3874. scabbing ==> 斑疤,碎甲
  3875. scabbled dressing ==> 粗琢面
  3876. scabbling hammer ==> 粗琢锤
  3877. scabicidel ==> 抗疥螨剂
  3878. scabies ==> 疥疮,疥螨病
  3879. scabies crustosa ==> 伯克氏痒症
  3880. scabies Norwegian ==> 伯克氏痒症
  3881. scabies purulenta ==> 脓疱性疥疮
  3882. scabies pustulosa ==> 脓疱性疥疮
  3883. scabiosa ==> 山萝卜属植物
  3884. scabioside ==> 黄花败酱甙
  3885. scabious ==> 山萝卜属植物
  3886. scabish ==> 月见草
  3887. scabland ==> 崎岖地,剥蚀熔岩高原
  3888. scabrock ==> 岩石劣地
  3889. scabrous leaf ==> 粗糙的叶子
  3890. scabwort ==> 土木香
  3891. SCAC Standard Carrier Alpha Code ==> 标准运输公司法典
  3892. SCADA, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ==> 监控及数据采集系统,变电站控制监视系统=>変電所制御監視
  3893. scaf folding fittings ==> 脚手架配件
  3894. scaffold ==> 浮架,脚台架,棚料,脚手架=>足場
  3895. scaffold board ==> 桟橋,足場板
  3896. scaffold branch ==> 骨干枝
  3897. scaffold clamp ==> 足場クランプ
  3898. scaffold complex ==> 骨格複合体
  3899. scaffold cradle ==> 悬挂脚手架
  3900. scaffold erector ==> 足場組立工
  3901. scaffold fabrication ==> 足場製作
  3902. scaffold frame ==> 脚手框架
  3903. scaffold lashing ==> 扎绑脚手架
  3904. scaffold ledger ==> 脚手架大横杆
  3905. scaffold limb ==> 大主枝
  3906. scaffold nail ==> 双帽钉
  3907. scaffold on brackets ==> 悬臂式脚手架
  3908. scaffold service stand ==> 工作台
  3909. scaffolding ==> 搭脚手架,脚手架工程=>足場
  3910. scaffolding timber ==> 足場丸太
  3911. scaffolding work ==> 脚手架工程=>足場組立作業
  3912. SCAID, self-contained navigation aid ==> 自閉式航海救難具
  3913. scala media ==> 中道,中阶
  3914. scala vestibuli ==> 前庭阶
  3915. scalability ==> 拡張性,スケーラビリティ
  3916. scalability scheme ==> スケーラビリティ方式
  3917. scalar ==> 标量,纯量,无向量的=>スカラ
  3918. scalar access control ==> 标量存取控制
  3919. scalar assignment ==> 标量赋值
  3920. scalar attribute ==> 标量属性
  3921. scalar axis ==> 标量轴,无向量轴
  3922. scalar computation ==> 标量计算
  3923. scalar computer ==> 标量计算机
  3924. scalar constant ==> 标量常数
  3925. scalar control ==> スカラ制御
  3926. scalar control theory ==> スカラ制御論
  3927. scalar coupling ==> 标量耦合
  3928. scalar covariance matrix ==> 纯量协方差矩阵
  3929. scalar curvature ==> スカラ曲率
  3930. scalar density ==> 标量密度
  3931. scalar diffraction theory ==> 标记衍射理论,标量衍射理论
  3932. scalar electrical conductivity ==> 标量电导率
  3933. scalar equation ==> 无向量方程
  3934. scalar expansion ==> 标量扩张
  3935. scalar expression ==> 标量表达式
  3936. scalar field ==> 标量场=>スカラ場
  3937. scalar flux ==> 标量通量,无向量流
  3938. scalar function ==> 无向量函数,纯量函数,标量函数
  3939. scalar gluonium ==> 标量胶子素
  3940. scalar horn ==> 标量喇叭,梯形喇叭
  3941. scalar illuminance ==> スカラ照度
  3942. scalar impedance ==> 无向量阻抗
  3943. scalar instruction ==> 标量指令
  3944. scalar intensity ==> 标量强度
  3945. scalar irradiance ==> 标辐照度
  3946. scalar item ==> 标量项,纯量项
  3947. scalar lepton pairs ==> 标量轻子对
  3948. scalar Liapunov function ==> 标量的李亚普诺夫函数
  3949. scalar line integral of a vector quantity ==> ベクトル量のスカラ線積分
  3950. scalar magnetic potential ==> 标量磁位=>スカラ磁気ポテンシャル
  3951. scalar magnetometer ==> 标量磁力仪
  3952. scalar magnetotelluric method ==> 标量大地电磁法
  3953. scalar matrix ==> 标量矩阵,标量阵,纯量矩阵=>スカラ行列,主対角成分がスカラaで,それ以外の成分がすべて0である正方行列を指す。
  3954. scalar meson ==> 标量介子
  3955. scalar meson field ==> 标量介子场
  3956. scalar meson theory ==> 标量介子理论
  3957. scalar metabolism ==> 无向量代谢
  3958. scalar multiplication ==> 纯量乘法,标乘,标量乘法
  3959. scalar nature ==> 标记性质,标量性质
  3960. scalar network analyzer ==> 标量网络分析器
  3961. scalar neutrino ==> 标量中微子
  3962. scalar operator ==> 标量算符
  3963. scalar pair theory ==> 标量偶理论
  3964. scalar parameter ==> 标量参数
  3965. scalar particles ==> 标量粒子
  3966. scalar photon ==> 标量光子
  3967. scalar pipeline ==> 标量流水线
  3968. scalar potential ==> 标电位,标量势,标量位,标势,标位,无矢量
  3969. scalar potential field ==> 标量势场,标量位场
  3970. scalar potential of a vector field ==> ベクトル場のスカラポテンシャル
  3971. scalar pressure ==> 标量压力,标量压强
  3972. scalar processing ==> 标量处理
  3973. scalar processing unit ==> 标量处理单元
  3974. scalar processor ==> 标量处理机
  3975. scalar processor unit ==> 标量处理部件
  3976. scalar product ==> 标积,标量乘积,标量积,数积,内积,无向积,纯量积=>スカラ積
  3977. scalar product cycle ==> 无向量积循环,标量积循环
  3978. scalar property ==> 数量特征,无向量,无向性
  3979. scalar quantity ==> 无向量,纯量,标量=>スカラ量
  3980. scalar random variable ==> 纯量随机变量
  3981. scalar register ==> 标量寄存器
  3982. scalar result ==> 标量结果
  3983. scalar singlet ==> 标量单态
  3984. scalar speed ==> 标量速度
  3985. scalar stream ==> 标量流
  3986. scalar system ==> 分级体制
  3987. scalar triple product ==> 纯量三重积
  3988. scalar type ==> 标量类型
  3989. scalar variable ==> 标量变量
  3990. scalar wave ==> 标量波
  3991. scalar wave equation ==> 标量波动方程,标量波方程
  3992. scalar wave theory ==> 标量波动理论
  3993. scalar-array operation ==> 标量数组运算
  3994. scalar-return register ==> 标量返回寄存器
  3995. scalar-save register ==> 标量保存寄存器
  3996. scalar-tensor effect ==> 标量张量效应
  3997. scalar-tensor theory ==> 标量张量理论
  3998. scalar-vector effect ==> 标量矢量效应
  3999. scalariform ==> 阶状,梯纹的,梯状,梯状的
  4000. scalariform cell ==> 梯纹细胞
  4001. scalariform conjugation ==> 梯形接合,梯形结合
  4002. scalariform duct ==> 梯纹导管
  4003. scalariform marking ==> 梯纹
  4004. scalariform parenchyma ==> 梯状薄壁组织
  4005. scalariform perforation ==> 梯状穿孔
  4006. scalariform perforation plate ==> 梯状穿孔板
  4007. scalariform pitting ==> 梯纹加厚,梯状纹孔式
  4008. scalariform tracheid ==> 梯纹管胞,梯状管胞
  4009. scalariform vessel ==> 梯纹导管,梯状穿孔导管
  4010. scalariform-reticulate thickening ==> (细胞壁)梯状网纹加厚
  4011. scalarization ==> 标量化
  4012. scalded-child syndrome ==> 儿童烫伤综合征
  4013. scalding method ==> 烫种法
  4014. scale ==> 标度,比例尺,结垢,结盐,氧化皮,刻度,换算,秤,水垢,水受热后从中沉淀出的化合物和杂质的混合物=>目盛,スケール,湯垢,歯石,基準,定規(じょうぎ)
  4015. scale (model) test ==> 缩尺模型试验
  4016. scale adhesion ==> スケール付着
  4017. scale adjustment ==> スケール調整
  4018. scale amount ==> スケール量
  4019. scale analysis ==> 水垢分析,采用规定的定量分析方法测定水垢的各种化学成分所占的质量百分比
  4020. scale arc ==> 标度弧
  4021. scale arm ==> 天平秤杆,天平杆
  4022. scale back on business travel ==> 出張を削減する
  4023. scale beam ==> 秤杆
  4024. scale breaker ==> 破鳞机,氧化皮清理机,锅垢清除器
  4025. scale breaking ==> 破鳞
  4026. scale bucket ==> 储鳞箱,贮鳞箱
  4027. scale buildup ==> 结垢
  4028. scale car ==> 称量车,磅秤车
  4029. scale change ==> 比例尺变换,标度变化,标度改变,尺寸变化
  4030. scale circle ==> 刻度圈
  4031. scale coated surface ==> 水垢覆盖面
  4032. scale coefficient ==> 水垢热阻系数
  4033. scale coefficient (factor) ==> 污垢系数
  4034. scale compression ==> 比例尺缩小,标度压缩
  4035. scale content ==> 尺度内容
  4036. scale control ==> スケール防止
  4037. scale conversion ==> 标度变换=>スケール変換
  4038. scale correction ==> スケール補正
  4039. scale crust ==> 垢层,锈块,水垢层
  4040. scale cutting ==> 鳞片插
  4041. scale data ==> 縮尺データ
  4042. scale decision ==> 規模決定
  4043. scale decomposition ==> スケール分解
  4044. scale deposit ==> 水垢,积垢
  4045. scale descaler ==> 氧化皮清除器
  4046. scale designation ==> 标度标记
  4047. scale dial ==> 标度盘
  4048. scale disk ==> 刻度盘
  4049. scale distance ==> 标距
  4050. scale distortion ==> 比例尺变形
  4051. scale division ==> 刻度
  4052. scale down ==> 分频,按比例缩小
  4053. scale economics ==> 按比例的经济
  4054. scale effect ==> 比尺效应,比例效应,比例影响,标度效应,刻度效应,缩尺效应,尺度效应,超范围误差,结垢影响,放大效益
  4055. scale effect problem ==> 尺度效应问题
  4056. scale error ==> 尺度误差,定标误差,刻度误差
  4057. scale error card ==> 刻度误差表
  4058. scale expansion ==> 刻度扩展
  4059. scale experimental model ==> 数量试验模型
  4060. scale factor ==> 换算因数,标度系数,标度因子,比例系数,污垢系数=>スケール係数,目盛の倍率
  4061. scale factor check ==> 换算系数校验,比例因子校验
  4062. scale factor designator ==> 比例因子指示符
  4063. scale factor method ==> 比例因数法
  4064. scale factor potentiometer ==> 比例系数电位器
  4065. scale formation ==> 水垢形成,结垢,锅炉引风机、烟气再循环风机等在烟气中工作,烟气中的飞灰沉积在风机叶轮上,引起风机效率降低、发生振动等故障的现象。
  4066. scale free ==> 无氧化皮
  4067. scale free heating ==> 无氧化加热
  4068. scale graduation ==> 分刻度
  4069. scale hair ==> 鳞状毛
  4070. scale handling ==> 清除氧化皮
  4071. scale handling system ==> 氧化皮排除系统
  4072. scale hook ==> 秤量吊钩,称量吊钩
  4073. scale IC large ==> 大规模集成电路
  4074. scale incrustation ==> 水垢
  4075. scale indication ==> 刻度指示
  4076. scale indicator ==> 刻度指示器
  4077. scale insect (louse) ==> 介壳虫
  4078. scale interval ==> 刻度间隔
  4079. scale label ==> 标尺刻度
  4080. scale leaf ==> 鳞片叶,鳞叶
  4081. scale length ==> 标度长度,标度尺长度=>目盛の長さ
  4082. scale level ==> 刻度水准器
  4083. scale line ==> 标度线
  4084. scale load ==> 标准负荷
  4085. scale lock ==> 度盘锁档
  4086. scale loss ==> 氧化皮损耗
  4087. scale map ==> 标尺图,比例图
  4088. scale mark ==> 刻度,分度,氧化麻点,分划标记=>目盛線
  4089. scale mark(s) ==> 氧化铁皮印痕
  4090. scale merit ==> 规模指标
  4091. scale microscope ==> 分划尺显微镜,刻度显微镜
  4092. scale mill ==> 除锈滚筒
  4093. scale model ==> 比例模型,缩尺模型,相似模型,比例模型,按比例缩小的模型,标度模型
  4094. scale model flow ==> 模型流动
  4095. scale model study of obstacles ==> 障碍缩尺模型研究
  4096. scale model vehicle ==> 比例模型车
  4097. scale multiplier ==> 标度乘法器
  4098. scale numbering ==> 标度尺数字,刻度数码
  4099. scale of a meter ==> 仪表刻度
  4100. scale of aerial photograph ==> 航空照片比例尺
  4101. scale of assessment ==> 分摊比额表,分摊比例表
  4102. scale of distance ==> 距离刻度,距离刻度
  4103. scale of dwelling unit ==> 居住单元规模,居住单元规模
  4104. scale of equal temperament ==> 等程音阶
  4105. scale of hardness ==> 硬度
  4106. scale of latitude ==> 纬度比例尺
  4107. scale of length ==> 长度比例尺
  4108. scale of notation ==> 记数单位
  4109. scale of operation ==> 操作规模,经营规模,经营规模
  4110. scale of points ==> 鉴定标准
  4111. scale of pollution ==> 污染标度
  4112. scale of relative values ==> 相对价值的比例表
  4113. scale of seismic intensity ==> 地震强度表,地震强度分级,地震强度计
  4114. scale of structural units in biopoesis ==> 生物生成中结构单位的分度
  4115. scale of ten circuit ==> 十分标电路
  4116. scale of thermometer ==> 温度标
  4117. scale of tolerance ==> 耐性等级
  4118. scale of turbulence ==> 湍流尺度
  4119. scale of two circuit ==> 二进制计数器
  4120. scale of wind-force ==> 分级
  4121. scale operation ==> 换算操作,标度操作
  4122. scale order ==> 分段订单
  4123. scale out ==> 超出尺寸范围,超过尺寸范围,标出
  4124. scale pair ==> 标度星对
  4125. scale pan ==> 砝码盘,秤盘
  4126. scale pan arrester ==> 天平盘托
  4127. scale paper ==> 比例纸,方格纸
  4128. scale paraffin ==> 片状石蜡
  4129. scale parameter ==> 尺度参数,标尺参数,标度参量
  4130. scale picture ==> 鳞纹,缩尺图形
  4131. scale pit ==> 铁皮坑
  4132. scale plate ==> 刻度板=>目盛板
  4133. scale point ==> 标度点
  4134. scale prevention treatment ==> 防垢处理,向水中加入适量化学药剂防止水垢的生成的处理过程
  4135. scale range ==> 刻度范围
  4136. scale rate ==> 生锈率
  4137. scale ratio ==> 标度比,比例尺比率
  4138. scale reading ==> 标度读数,刻度读数,刻度盘读数
  4139. scale reading projection ==> 标度投影
  4140. scale removal ==> 除氧化皮
  4141. scale removal system ==> 氧化皮排除系统
  4142. scale removing ==> 除氧化皮
  4143. scale representation ==> 比例表示法
  4144. scale resistance ==> 水垢热阻
  4145. scale ring ==> 分度环,刻度环
  4146. scale settling tank ==> 氧化皮沉淀池
  4147. scale shape ==> 刻度形状
  4148. scale sluice system ==> 氧化皮沟道排除系统
  4149. scale spacing ==> 刻度间距=>目幅
  4150. scale span ==> 刻度间隔
  4151. scale stick ==> 检尺杖
  4152. scale sump ==> 氧化皮沉淀池
  4153. scale transfer prism ==> 刻度传递棱镜
  4154. scale trap ==> 固体沉降器
  4155. scale unit ==> 格值,分划值,刻度单位,换算器,标度单位
  4156. scale value ==> 标度值,标值
  4157. scale variable ==> 标量变数
  4158. scale wax ==> 鳞状蜡,片状蜡
  4159. scale weight ==> 秤砝码
  4160. scale zero ==> 零标度,刻度零点
  4161. scale zone ==> 刻度区域
  4162. scale, to ==> 基準化する
  4163. scale-borer ==> 除垢器,磁力除垢器
  4164. scale-down ==> 按比例缩减
  4165. scale-free heating furnace ==> 无氧化加热炉
  4166. scale-invariant theory ==> 标度不变理论
  4167. scale-less of free heating ==> 少无氧化加热
  4168. scale-model investigation ==> 模型研究,缩尺模型研究
  4169. scale-model layout ==> 比例模型设置
  4170. scale-model turbine ==> 相似模型涡轮机
  4171. scale-of-ten circuit ==> 十进位定标器,十进制换算电路
  4172. scale-of-two ==> 二定标,二分标,二进位
  4173. scale-of-two circuit ==> 二进制计数器
  4174. scale-of-two counter ==> 二分标度计数装置,二进位计数管
  4175. scale-off ==> 鳞落
  4176. scale-type center drill ==> 尺型中心钻
  4177. scale-up effect ==> 比例放大效应
  4178. scale-up model ==> 放大模型
  4179. scale-up problems of technical process ==> 工艺过程放大问题
  4180. scaled decimal arithmetic ==> 带比例的十进算术运算
  4181. scaled distance ==> 折合距离,换算距离
  4182. scaled down ==> 缩小比例的
  4183. scaled down lithography ==> 按比例缩小光刻技术
  4184. scaled down version ==> 缩尺表示
  4185. scaled geometry ==> 按比例缩小的几何尺寸
  4186. scaled integrated circuit ==> 按比例缩小的集成电路
  4187. scaled isoplanar ==> 按比例缩小绝缘分离技术
  4188. scaled mos ==> 按比例缩小的金属氧化物半导体
  4189. scaled plating ==> 鳞片状镀层
  4190. scaled process ==> 按比列缩小集成电路工艺
  4191. scaled representation ==> 比列图像显示
  4192. scaled rule ==> 量尺
  4193. scaled value ==> 折合值,换算值
  4194. scalene muscle section ==> 斜角肌切开术
  4195. scalene triangle ==> 不等边三角形
  4196. scalenus anterior ==> 前斜角肌
  4197. scalenus anticus syndrome ==> 前斜角肌综合征,阿德森氏综合征
  4198. scalenus syndrome ==> 前斜角肌综合征
  4199. scaler ==> 计数器,计数电路
  4200. scaler-printer ==> 自记脉冲计数器,带印刷装置的定标器,印刷换算装置
  4201. scaler-type indicator ==> 定标式指示器
  4202. scaling ==> 起鳞,起氧化皮,缩放,洁治,洁治术,结垢,刮牙术,刮治术,定比例,定标,标定,剥落,按比例缩小=>拡大縮小,歯石除去,スケーリング
  4203. scaling analysis ==> スケーリング解析
  4204. scaling and curettage instruments ==> 洁治刮治器械
  4205. scaling approach ==> スケーリング法
  4206. scaling assumption ==> 标度假设
  4207. scaling bar ==> 敲锈棒
  4208. scaling base ==> 位取り基数
  4209. scaling behavior ==> スケーリング挙動
  4210. scaling brush ==> 除锈钢丝刷
  4211. scaling chip ==> 剥落碎屑
  4212. scaling chipper ==> 风凿
  4213. scaling chisel ==> 铲锈凿
  4214. scaling circuit ==> 定标器,脉冲计数电路
  4215. scaling constant ==> 度量常数
  4216. scaling correction ==> スケーリング補正
  4217. scaling data table ==> 换算数据表
  4218. scaling dermatosis ==> 落屑性皮膚病
  4219. scaling down ==> 按比例缩小,分频
  4220. scaling effect ==> 形成氧化皮=>スケーリング効果
  4221. scaling erythema ==> 落屑性紅斑
  4222. scaling erythematous macule ==> 落屑性の紅斑
  4223. scaling factor ==> 换算因数,换算系数,换算因子,计数递减率,定标因数,缩尺比,缩尺因数
  4224. scaling function ==> 标度函数
  4225. scaling hammer ==> 除锈锤,敲水垢锤,锅锈锤
  4226. scaling ladder ==> 云梯
  4227. scaling law ==> 缩尺定律,比例定律,比例规律,比例缩小规则=>スケーリング特性
  4228. scaling machine ==> 剥皮机床,去垢机,去锈机
  4229. scaling method ==> 缩尺法,比例法
  4230. scaling of multiplicative utility function ==> 积性效用函数的度量
  4231. scaling of variables ==> 变量的比例
  4232. scaling off ==> 除氧化皮,去除水垢
  4233. scaling parameter ==> 换算因数
  4234. scaling point ==> 定标点
  4235. scaling position ==> 小数点位置
  4236. scaling powder ==> 助焊剂=>スケーリングパウダー
  4237. scaling properties ==> スケーリング特性
  4238. scaling property ==> 标度性
  4239. scaling rate ==> 水垢增率,结垢速率
  4240. scaling ratio ==> 换算因数,定标因数,标度比
  4241. scaling relation ==> 比例关系,尺度关系
  4242. scaling rule ==> 定标法则,比例法则
  4243. scaling system ==> 计算图
  4244. scaling the Kondo lattice ==> 近藤格子のスケーリング
  4245. scaling the variable ==> 按比例换算变量
  4246. scaling tool ==> 去垢工具
  4247. scaling unit ==> 换算电路
  4248. scaling up ==> 按比例加大
  4249. scaling violation ==> 标度无关性破坏
  4250. scaling-down ==> 比例缩小
  4251. scaling-down process ==> 降低计数比率过程,缩小比例尺度过程,分频过程
  4252. scallop boat ==> 采扇贝船
  4253. scallop dredger ==> 采扇贝船
  4254. scallop hole ==> 扇形孔
  4255. scalloped orbit ==> 扇弧形轨道
  4256. scalloped rows of dots ==> 扇贝形点线
  4257. scalloped strap butt ==> 波形边搭板平接
  4258. scalloped surface ==> 扇形表面
  4259. scalp forceps ==> 头皮钳
  4260. scalp retractor ==> 头皮牵开器
  4261. scalped extrusion ingot ==> 修整的挤压锭
  4262. scalpel ==> 手术刀,解剖刀
  4263. scalper screen ==> 粗筛
  4264. scalping grizzly screen ==> 粗格筛
  4265. scalping machine ==> 清选机
  4266. scalping method ==> 剔除法
  4267. scalping practice ==> 抢帽子行为
  4268. scalping screen ==> 粗粒筛
  4269. scalping shoe ==> 上筛架
  4270. scaly bark ==> 鳞皮病
  4271. scaly dry skin ==> 肌肤甲错
  4272. scaly exfoliation ==> 鳞剥作用
  4273. scaly flute-like mold ==> 鳞形似槽模
  4274. scaly hair ==> 鳞状毛
  4275. scaly leg ==> 石灰脚病
  4276. scaly roots ==> 鳞苞根
  4277. scaly structure ==> 鳞状构造
  4278. scaly texture ==> 鳞状结构
  4279. SCAMP Shipboard Computer-Aided Maintenance Program ==> 船上计算机辅助维护项目
  4280. scamp work and stint material ==> 偷工减料
  4281. SCAMS, scanning microwave spectrometer ==> 走査マイクロ波分光計
  4282. SCAMS, schedule control and monitoring system ==> スケジュール管理監視システム
  4283. scan ==> 扫描=>走査
  4284. scan access ==> 扫描存取
  4285. scan address ==> 扫描地址
  4286. scan address generator ==> 扫描地址生成程序
  4287. scan amplitude ==> 扫描幅度,扫描振幅
  4288. scan anode ==> 扫描阳极
  4289. scan area ==> 扫描面积
  4290. scan axis ==> 扫描轴
  4291. scan conversion ==> 扫描变换
  4292. scan conversion device ==> 扫描变换器
  4293. scan conversion equipment ==> 扫描变换设备
  4294. scan conversion storage tube ==> 扫描变换存储管
  4295. scan conversion tube ==> 扫描变换管
  4296. scan converter device ==> 扫描变换装置
  4297. scan diagonal ==> 扫描对角线
  4298. scan display system ==> 扫描显示系统
  4299. scan distribution ==> 扫描分布
  4300. scan efficiency ==> 扫描效率
  4301. scan flyback interval ==> 扫描回程时间,回描时间
  4302. scan frequency ==> 扫描频率
  4303. scan generator ==> 扫描振荡器
  4304. scan imagery ==> 扫描图像
  4305. scan interlace ratio ==> 扫描隔行比
  4306. scan laser ==> 扫描激光器
  4307. scan length ==> 扫描长度
  4308. scan limit ==> 扫描界限
  4309. scan linearity ==> 扫描直线性
  4310. scan matching ==> スキャンマッチング
  4311. scan method ==> 扫描方法
  4312. scan non-linearity ==> 扫描非线性
  4313. scan oscillator ==> 扫描振子
  4314. scan out ==> 扫描输出
  4315. scan out bus ==> 扫描输出总线
  4316. scan pointer ==> 扫描指针
  4317. scan pulse ==> 扫描脉冲
  4318. scan rate ==> 扫描率,扫描频率,扫描速率,以每秒输入通道数表示的一系列输入通道的访问速率
  4319. scan registration ==> 色度信号配准
  4320. scan retrace ==> 扫描逆程
  4321. scan round ==> 循环扫描
  4322. scan sensitivity ==> 扫描灵敏度
  4323. scan table ==> 扫描表
  4324. scan type ==> 扫描类型
  4325. scan visual ==> 扫描信号发生器
  4326. scan(ing) stroke ==> 扫描正程
  4327. scan-control voltage ==> 扫描控制电压
  4328. scan-off beam ==> 扫描射束,描绘射束,消抹射束
  4329. scan-out ==> 扫出
  4330. scan-spot ==> 扫描光点
  4331. scan-stage ==> スキャンステージ
  4332. Scandinavian architecture ==> 斯堪的纳维亚建筑
  4333. scandium carbide ==> 碳化钪
  4334. scandium halide ==> 卤化钪
  4335. scandium nitride ==> 氮化钪
  4336. scandium oxide ==> 氧化钪
  4337. scandium oxynitrate ==> 硝酸氧化钪
  4338. scandium silicate ==> 硅酸钪
  4339. scandium sulfate ==> 硫酸钪
  4340. Scania ==> 斯堪尼亚
  4341. scanistor ==> 固体扫描器
  4342. scannable travelling wave phototube ==> 扫描行波光电管
  4343. scanned area ==> 扫描范围
  4344. scanned character ==> 被扫描字符
  4345. scanned document ==> 被扫描文件
  4346. scanned electrical-signal storage tube ==> 扫描电信号存储管
  4347. scanned IR interferometry ==> 扫描红外干涉测量法
  4348. scanned picture ==> 扫描图象
  4349. scanned symbol ==> 被扫描符号
  4350. scanned-laser ==> 扫描激光器
  4351. scanned-laser microscope ==> 扫描激光显微镜
  4352. scanner ==> 扫描,扫描机构,扫描程序,扫描器,扫描设备,扫视程序,雷达操纵员=>走査器
  4353. scanner dedinition facility ==> 扫描程序定义功能
  4354. scanner definition ==> 扫描程序定义
  4355. scanner detector ==> 扫描检测器
  4356. scanner interrupt ==> 扫描器中断
  4357. scanner recorder ==> 多点记录器
  4358. scanner selection ==> 扫描器选择
  4359. scanner selector ==> 扫描选择器
  4360. scanner simulator ==> 扫描模拟器
  4361. scanner stabilization ==> 扫描器稳定
  4362. scanner tracker radar ==> 扫描跟踪雷达
  4363. scanner tube ==> 扫描式发送管
  4364. scanner-recorder ==> 扫描记录器,图像记录器
  4365. scanning ==> 扫描,搜索,展开,扫描的,观测的=>走査,主走査(ファクシミリ)
  4366. scanning accuracy ==> 扫描精度
  4367. scanning acoustic holography ==> 扫描声全息术
  4368. scanning acoustic microscope ==> 扫描声学显微镜
  4369. scanning aerial ==> 扫描天线
  4370. scanning agent ==> (同位素)扫描剂
  4371. scanning agent for liver and gall bladder ==> 肝胆扫描剂
  4372. scanning amplifier ==> 扫描放大器
  4373. scanning amplitude ==> 扫描幅度
  4374. scanning angle ==> 扫描角
  4375. scanning antenna ==> 走査アンテナ
  4376. scanning apparatus ==> 扫描器
  4377. scanning area ==> 扫描范围,扫描区域
  4378. scanning auger microanalysis ==> 扫描式俄歇微量分析
  4379. scanning auger microprobe ==> 扫描式俄歇微型探针
  4380. scanning beam ==> 扫描射束,扫描波束,扫描电子束,扫描束
  4381. scanning beam current ==> 扫描电子束电流
  4382. scanning circuit ==> 扫描电路
  4383. scanning coil ==> 扫描线圈
  4384. scanning coils ==> 扫描线圈
  4385. scanning constant ==> 扫描常数
  4386. scanning control ==> 扫描控制
  4387. scanning conversion ==> 扫描转换
  4388. scanning converter unit ==> 扫描变换装置
  4389. scanning copy ==> 扫描稿
  4390. scanning cycle ==> 扫描周期
  4391. scanning densitometer ==> 扫描密度计
  4392. scanning density ==> 扫描密度=>線密度
  4393. scanning device ==> 扫描器
  4394. scanning diaphragm ==> 扫描光栏,扫描膜片
  4395. scanning direction ==> 扫描方向
  4396. scanning distortion of video signal ==> 扫描引起的图像失真
  4397. scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM) ==> 电化学扫描显微镜
  4398. scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM)) ==> 电化学扫描显微镜
  4399. scanning electron beam ==> 扫描电子束
  4400. scanning electron beam lithography ==> 扫描式电子束刻蚀
  4401. scanning electron micrograph ==> 扫描式电子显微照片
  4402. scanning electron microscope ==> 扫描电子显微镜
  4403. scanning electron microscopy (SEM) ==> 扫描电子显微镜术
  4404. scanning electron photomicrograph ==> 扫描电子显微照片
  4405. scanning electron-beam bombardment ==> 扫描电子束轰击
  4406. scanning electronic microscope ==> 扫描电子显微镜
  4407. scanning element ==> 扫描像素,扫描元件
  4408. scanning equipment ==> 扫描设备
  4409. scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer ==> 掃引ファブリペロー干渉計
  4410. scanning factor ==> 扫描因数
  4411. scanning field ==> 扫描场
  4412. scanning field probe method ==> 扫描场探针法
  4413. scanning frame ==> 扫描帧
  4414. scanning frequency ==> 扫描频率
  4415. scanning function ==> 扫描函数
  4416. scanning gate ==> 扫描脉冲
  4417. scanning generator ==> 扫描振荡器
  4418. scanning Hall sensor microscope ==> 走査形ホール素子顕微鏡
  4419. scanning harmonic optical microscope ==> 扫描谐波光学显微镜
  4420. scanning heating ==> 渐进式感应加热
  4421. scanning hole ==> 扫描孔
  4422. scanning hole distortion ==> 扫描孔失真
  4423. scanning image dissector ==> 扫描析像管
  4424. scanning impulse generator ==> 扫描脉冲源
  4425. scanning in darkness ==> 暗靶扫描,暗扫描
  4426. scanning in transmission ==> 图像分解扫描
  4427. scanning infrared inspection system ==> 扫描红外检查系统
  4428. scanning integrity check ==> 扫描完整性检验
  4429. scanning ion microscope ==> 扫描离子显微镜
  4430. scanning laser acoustic microscope ==> 扫描式激光声学显微镜
  4431. scanning laser beam ==> 扫描激光束
  4432. scanning laser radar ==> 扫描激光雷达
  4433. scanning laser radiation ==> 扫描型激光辐射
  4434. scanning lens ==> 扫描透镜,扫描透镜,瞄准透镜
  4435. scanning light beam ==> 扫描光束
  4436. scanning light spot ==> 扫描光斑
  4437. scanning line ==> 扫描线=>走査線
  4438. scanning line density ==> (单位:线/毫米)扫描线密度
  4439. scanning line frequency ==> 扫描线频率,行速
  4440. scanning line length ==> 扫描线长度
  4441. scanning line raster ==> 扫描行光栅
  4442. scanning line spacing ==> 扫描行间距
  4443. scanning line structure visibility ==> 扫描线结构可见度
  4444. scanning line width ==> 扫描线宽度
  4445. scanning linearity ==> 扫描线性
  4446. scanning linearization ==> 扫描线性化
  4447. scanning loss ==> 扫描损耗=>走査損
  4448. scanning machine ==> 扫描机
  4449. scanning mechanism ==> 扫描机理
  4450. scanning method ==> 扫描法
  4451. scanning microscope ==> 扫描显微镜(SEM)
  4452. scanning microscopy ==> 扫描显微术
  4453. scanning microscopy with X-rays ==> 走査型X線顕微鏡
  4454. scanning mode ==> 扫描方式
  4455. scanning monitor ==> 扫描监控器,扫描控制器
  4456. scanning monochromator ==> 扫描单色仪
  4457. scanning monochrometer ==> 扫描单色器
  4458. scanning mosaic system ==> 扫描镶嵌系统
  4459. scanning motor ==> 扫描电动机
  4460. scanning object beam ==> 扫描物光束
  4461. scanning objective ==> 扫描物镜
  4462. scanning ocean bottom sonar ==> 海底扫描声纳
  4463. scanning of laser directivity diagram ==> 激光方向性图扫描
  4464. scanning optical microscope ==> 扫描光学显微镜
  4465. scanning optics ==> 扫描光学系统
  4466. scanning output stage ==> 扫描输出级
  4467. scanning pattern ==> 扫描图形
  4468. scanning pattern image ==> 扫描图像
  4469. scanning pencil of light ==> 扫描光束
  4470. scanning periscope ==> 扫描潜望镜
  4471. scanning pitch ==> 扫描节距,扫描行距
  4472. scanning plane ==> 扫描平面
  4473. scanning point ==> 走査点
  4474. scanning printer ==> 扫描印片机
  4475. scanning proble microscope, SPM ==> 走査トンネル顕微鏡
  4476. scanning process ==> 扫描过程
  4477. scanning projection printing ==> 扫描式投影曝光
  4478. scanning radar ==> 扫描雷达
  4479. scanning rate ==> 扫描速度,扫描速率
  4480. scanning refractometer ==> 扫描折射计
  4481. scanning reticle ==> 扫描调制器
  4482. scanning reversal ==> 扫描倒相
  4483. scanning room ==> 扫描室
  4484. scanning routine ==> 扫描程序
  4485. scanning search ==> 扫描查找,扫描搜索
  4486. scanning section coil ==> 扫描线圈
  4487. scanning sensor ==> 扫描传感器
  4488. scanning sequence ==> 扫描程序,扫描次序,扫描序列
  4489. scanning signal ==> 扫描信号
  4490. scanning slit plane ==> 扫描狭缝平面
  4491. scanning sonar system ==> 扫描声纳系统
  4492. scanning speed ==> 扫描速度=>走査速度
  4493. scanning spherical-mirror interferometer ==> 扫描球面镜干涉仪
  4494. scanning spot ==> 扫描点=>走査点
  4495. scanning spot control ==> 扫描点控制
  4496. scanning stabilization ==> 扫描稳定
  4497. scanning stage ==> 扫描级
  4498. scanning standard ==> 扫描标准
  4499. scanning stripe ==> 扫描带
  4500. scanning switch ==> 换向开关
  4501. scanning system ==> 扫描方式
  4502. scanning technique ==> 扫描技术
  4503. scanning telemeter ==> 扫描遥测计
  4504. scanning telescope ==> 搜索目标望远镜
  4505. scanning thermography ==> 扫描温度记录仪
  4506. scanning track ==> 扫描方向
  4507. scanning transmission electron microscope ==> 扫描透射电子显微镜
  4508. scanning transmission X-ray microscopy ==> 走査型透過X線顕微鏡法
  4509. scanning tunneling microscope ==> 扫描式隧道显微镜
  4510. scanning velocity ==> 扫描速度
  4511. scanning voltage ==> 扫描电压
  4512. scanning X-ray micro-analyzer ==> 扫描X射线微型分析器
  4513. scanning yoke ==> 扫描线圈
  4514. scanning-beam current ==> 扫描束电流
  4515. scanning-beam guidance ==> 扫描波束制导
  4516. scanning-beam noise ==> 扫描射束噪声
  4517. scanning-field alternating-gradient accelerator ==> 扫描场交变陡度加速器
  4518. scanning-line displacement ==> 扫描线移动
  4519. scanning-size adjustment ==> 扫描尺寸调整
  4520. scanning-velocity modulation ==> 扫描速度调制
  4521. scant demand ==> 需求不足
  4522. scant size ==> 不留后备尺寸的
  4523. scanty ==> 不够尺寸的
  4524. scanty (paratracheal parenchyma) ==> (傍管薄壁组织)稀疏
  4525. scanty menstruation ==> 月经过少,月经减少
  4526. scanty survey ==> 不充分调查
  4527. scapal organ ==> 柄节器官
  4528. SCAPE, self-contained atmospheric protective ensemble ==> 自閉式耐環境保護服
  4529. scaphoid bone ==> 舟骨
  4530. scapose flower ==> 具花茎的花,具花茎的花
  4531. scapular arterial network ==> 肩胛动脉网
  4532. scapulo-anterior ==> 肩前位
  4533. scapulocostal syndrome ==> 肩肋综合征,肩胛肋骨综合征
  4534. scapulohumeral periarthritis ==> 肩周炎
  4535. scar and raphe ==> 种痕和种脊
  4536. SCAR, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research ==> 南極科学研究委員会
  4537. SCARA, Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm ==> スカラロボット
  4538. SCARA-type robot ==> スカラ型ロボット
  4539. scarageid beetle chafer ==> 金龟子
  4540. scarce ==> 稀,稀有的
  4541. scarce book ==> 善本
  4542. scarce currency ==> 稀少货币,稀有通货
  4543. scarce electricity ==> 乏しい電力
  4544. scarce element ==> 希少元素
  4545. scarce energy ==> 乏しいエネルギー
  4546. scarce evidence ==> 乏しい証拠
  4547. scarce food ==> 乏しい食料
  4548. scarce means of production ==> 紧缺生产资料
  4549. scarce metal ==> 稀有金属
  4550. scarce raw materials ==> 稀有原料
  4551. scarcely populated country ==> 人口稀少国家
  4552. scarcement ==> 墙凹台,壁阶
  4553. scarcity ==> 资源稀缺=>不足,欠乏,希少
  4554. scarcity definition ==> 希少性定義
  4555. scarcity economics ==> 稀缺经济学
  4556. scarcity goods ==> 希少資源
  4557. scarcity issues ==> 品薄株
  4558. scarcity of capital ==> 資本不足
  4559. scarcity of goods ==> 物資の乏しさ
  4560. scarcity of job opportunities ==> 雇用機会の不足
  4561. scarcity of jobs ==> 就職難
  4562. scarcity of labor ==> 労働力不足
  4563. scarcity value ==> 缺货价格,稀缺价值
  4564. scarf joint ==> 楔面接头,嵌接
  4565. scarf weld ==> 楔口焊接
  4566. scarf weld(ing) ==> 斜面焊接
  4567. scarf welding ==> 两端搭接焊
  4568. scarfbutt joint ==> 斜对接接头
  4569. scarfing ==> 气割清理,气刨,火焰表面清理,火焰清理,斜嵌槽
  4570. scarfing bed ==> 火焰清理台
  4571. scarfing cinder ==> 清渣
  4572. scarfing dock ==> 烧剥室
  4573. scarfing half and half ==> 对半嵌接
  4574. scarfing machine ==> 嵌接机,火焰清理机
  4575. scarfing roll ==> 焊管坯斜边成形轧辊
  4576. scarfing torch ==> 气刨割炬
  4577. scarfing yard ==> 火焰清理工段
  4578. scarification test ==> 划痕试验
  4579. scarified seed ==> 破皮种子
  4580. scarifier ==> 碎土机
  4581. scarifier attachment ==> 松土设备
  4582. scarifier plow ==> 松土犁
  4583. scarifier scraper ==> 松土平整机
  4584. scarifier tine ==> 松土机齿杆
  4585. scarifier-scraper ==> 松土平地机
  4586. scarlatina latens ==> 潜藏性猩红热,潜伏性猩红热
  4587. scarlatina vaccine ==> 猩红热菌苗
  4588. scarlatinal arthritis ==> 猩红热性关节炎
  4589. scarlet ==> 深红色的
  4590. scarlet base ==> 大红色基
  4591. scarlet bloodlily ==> 血莲
  4592. scarlet clover (Trifolium incarnatum) ==> 肉色三叶草
  4593. scarlet fever ==> 烂喉痧,疫喉痧,猩红热
  4594. scarlet fever antitoxin ==> 猩红热抗毒素
  4595. scarlet fever prophylactic ==> 猩红热预防剂
  4596. scarlet fever streptococcus toxin ==> 猩红热链球菌毒素
  4597. scarlet fever vaccine ==> 猩红热疫苗
  4598. scarlet red ==> 猩红
  4599. scarlet red stain ==> 猩红染剂
  4600. scarlet runner ==> 红花菜豆
  4601. scarlet runner bean ==> 红花菜豆
  4602. scarp ==> 陡坡,陡崖,马头丘,鬣丘
  4603. scarp face ==> 悬崖坡
  4604. scarp shoreline ==> 断线崖滨线
  4605. scarp slope ==> 悬崖坡
  4606. Scarpa's fascia ==> 史卡巴筋膜,斯卡帕氏筋膜
  4607. Scarpa's foramen ==> 鼻腭神经孔
  4608. Scarpa's ganglion ==> 史卡巴神经节
  4609. Scarpa's membrane ==> 第二鼓膜
  4610. Scarpa's nerve ==> 鼻腭神经,斯卡帕氏神经,斯卡帕氏神经
  4611. Scarpa's shoe ==> 斯卡帕氏矫形靴
  4612. Scarpa's triangle ==> 斯卡帕氏三角
  4613. Scarpas membrane ==> 第二鼓膜
  4614. Scarpas triangle ==> 股三角
  4615. scarpectomy ==> 前庭神经切除术
  4616. scarped plain ==> 梯级平原
  4617. scarph ==> 嵌接
  4618. scarpline ==> 悬崖线
  4619. SCASU, signal conditioning and switching unit ==> 信号調節と切替ユニット
  4620. scat ==> 肖特基单元阵列技术
  4621. SCAT, system commonality analysis tool ==> システム共通性分析ツール
  4622. scatter ==> 分散器,散射=>散乱する
  4623. scatter absorption coeffiiient ==> 散射吸收系数
  4624. scatter admittance ==> 泄漏电导
  4625. scatter baffles ==> 散射障板
  4626. scatter band ==> 分散带,分散频带=>散乱帯域
  4627. scatter channel simulator ==> 散射信道模拟器
  4628. scatter coating method ==> 分散涂覆法
  4629. scatter coefficent ==> 散布系数
  4630. scatter communication ==> 散射通信
  4631. scatter communication system ==> 散射通信系统
  4632. scatter communication transmitter ==> 散射通信发射机
  4633. scatter detection and ranging ==> 散射探测与测距
  4634. scatter diagram ==> 试验点散布图,散布分析,散列图解,点图,点子散布图,分布图,分散图=>散布図
  4635. scatter dispersion ==> 分散
  4636. scatter factor ==> 散乱係数
  4637. scatter fading ==> 散乱フェージング
  4638. scatter format ==> 分散格式
  4639. scatter freely over an area ==> 在一块地上漫撒
  4640. scatter gather operation ==> 分散集中操作
  4641. scatter gun ==> 鸟枪
  4642. scatter interferometer ==> 散射干涉仪
  4643. scatter load ==> 分散装入,分散装入法
  4644. scatter load method ==> 分散装入法
  4645. scatter loading ==> 分散装料,分散装入,分散装入程序
  4646. scatter matrix ==> 散布矩阵
  4647. scatter of points ==> 点的分布
  4648. scatter operation ==> 分散操作
  4649. scatter plate ==> 散射板
  4650. scatter propagation ==> 散射传播=>散乱伝搬
  4651. scatter range ==> 分散范围
  4652. scatter read ==> 分散读入
  4653. scatter read and write ==> 分散读写
  4654. scatter read operation ==> 分散读入操作
  4655. scatter reading ==> 分散读入
  4656. scatter sounding ==> 散射探测
  4657. scatter storage ==> 分散存储,散布存储
  4658. scatter storage technique ==> 散列存储技术,分散存储法
  4659. scatter table ==> 分散表
  4660. scatter unsharpness ==> 散射所致模糊
  4661. scatter warning system ==> 散射报知通信系统
  4662. scatter write operation ==> 分散写操作
  4663. scatter-fringe interferometer ==> 散射条纹干涉仪
  4664. scatter-read ==> 分散读出
  4665. scattered ==> 散射的=>散乱した
  4666. scattered allocation ==> 分散布局
  4667. scattered area ==> 星散分布区
  4668. scattered band ==> 散布范围
  4669. scattered beam ==> 散射束=>散乱ビーム(放射線などの)
  4670. scattered bundle ==> 显散维管束,星散维管束
  4671. scattered clouds ==> 散云
  4672. scattered covering ==> 散布覆盖
  4673. scattered disc ==> 离散盘,太阳系外围的一个盘状区域
  4674. scattered disc object ==> 离散盘天体
  4675. scattered distribution ==> 分散布局
  4676. scattered dose ==> 散射剂量
  4677. scattered echo ==> 散射回液
  4678. scattered field ==> 散射场
  4679. scattered funds ==> 闲散资金
  4680. scattered ion(s) ==> 散射离子
  4681. scattered Kuiper belt object ==> 离散柯伊伯带天体
  4682. scattered light ==> 散射光=>散乱光
  4683. scattered mixed forest ==> 散生的混交林
  4684. scattered motif ==> 散乱图案
  4685. scattered neutron ==> 散射中子
  4686. scattered observation ==> 分散观察
  4687. scattered outgoing wave ==> 散射行波
  4688. scattered particle ==> 散射粒子
  4689. scattered photon ==> 散射光子
  4690. scattered planting ==> 散植
  4691. scattered plots of unutilized land ==> 闲散土地
  4692. scattered power ==> 散射功率
  4693. scattered quantum ==> 散射量子
  4694. scattered radiation ==> 散射辐射
  4695. scattered rays ==> 散射线
  4696. scattered reflection ==> 散反射,扩散反射,漫反射,漫射
  4697. scattered seed ==> 散结石
  4698. scattered sheaf ==> 散射层
  4699. scattered signal ==> 散射信号
  4700. scattered stray light ==> 散射杂光
  4701. scattered striation ==> 散射条纹
  4702. scattered trees ==> 散生树木
  4703. scattered wave ==> 散射波=>散乱波
  4704. scattered x rays ==> 散射x射线
  4705. scattered-out beam ==> 散射束
  4706. scattering ==> 频散,散射=>散乱
  4707. scattering (beam) intensity ==> 散射束流强度
  4708. scattering absorption ==> 散射吸收
  4709. scattering amplitude ==> 散射辐度,散射振辐
  4710. scattering angle ==> 散射角=>散乱角
  4711. scattering angular distribution ==> 散射角分布
  4712. scattering area ==> 散射面积
  4713. scattering area coefficient ==> 散射面积系数
  4714. scattering atmosphere ==> 散射大气
  4715. scattering attenuation coefficient ==> 散射衰减系数
  4716. scattering beater ==> 撒布轮
  4717. scattering board ==> (撒播机的)撒播板
  4718. scattering by irregular interface ==> 不规则界面散射
  4719. scattering cell ==> 散射池
  4720. scattering center ==> 散射中心
  4721. scattering coefficient ==> 散射系数
  4722. scattering cross section ==> 散射截面=>散乱断面積
  4723. scattering detector ==> 散射探测器
  4724. scattering device ==> 耙散装置
  4725. scattering diagram ==> 散射图
  4726. scattering diffusion tensor ==> 散射扩散张量
  4727. scattering effect ==> 散射效应
  4728. scattering factor ==> 散射因数
  4729. scattering field ==> 散布范围
  4730. scattering formula ==> 散射公式
  4731. scattering frequency ==> 散射频率
  4732. scattering function ==> 散射函数
  4733. scattering geometry ==> 散射几何条件
  4734. scattering intensity ==> 散射强度
  4735. scattering interference ==> 散射干涉
  4736. scattering law ==> 扩散定律
  4737. scattering layer ==> 散射层
  4738. scattering length ==> 散射长度
  4739. scattering loss ==> 散射损失=>散乱損
  4740. scattering loss in optical thin-film ==> 光学薄膜的散射损耗
  4741. scattering machine ==> 散射机
  4742. scattering matrix ==> 散射矩阵=>散乱行列
  4743. scattering mean free path ==> 散射平均自由程=>散乱の平均自由行程
  4744. scattering measurement ==> 散射测量
  4745. scattering mechanism ==> 散射机理,抛撒装置
  4746. scattering medium ==> 散射介质
  4747. scattering meter ==> 散射仪
  4748. scattering nature ==> 散射性质
  4749. scattering of association ==> 联想思维散乱
  4750. scattering of electromagnetic waves ==> 電磁波の散乱
  4751. scattering of electrons ==> 電子の散乱
  4752. scattering of light ==> 光的散射=>光の散乱
  4753. scattering of points ==> 点的分散度
  4754. scattering of proton ==> 质子散射
  4755. scattering of radiant energy ==> 辐射能的散射
  4756. scattering of sound ==> 声散射
  4757. scattering of wave ==> 波散射
  4758. scattering of wave packet ==> 波包散射
  4759. scattering operator ==> 散射算子
  4760. scattering parameter ==> 散射参数
  4761. scattering pattern ==> 散射图样
  4762. scattering phase ==> 散射相
  4763. scattering phase shift ==> 散射相移
  4764. scattering phenomenon ==> 散射现象
  4765. scattering polar diagram ==> 散射极坐标图
  4766. scattering potential ==> 散射势垒
  4767. scattering power ==> 散射本领,散射长度
  4768. scattering probability ==> 散射几率
  4769. scattering process ==> 散射作用
  4770. scattering propagation ==> 散射传播
  4771. scattering properties ==> 散射特性
  4772. scattering reaction ==> 散射反应
  4773. scattering state ==> 散射状态
  4774. scattering strength ==> 散射强度
  4775. scattering surface ==> 散射面
  4776. scattering tail ==> 散射尾部
  4777. scattering target ==> 散射靶
  4778. scattering theory ==> 散射理论
  4779. scattering threshold ==> 散射阈
  4780. scattering volume ==> 散射体积,分散容积
  4781. scattering wave communication ==> 散射波通信
  4782. scattering-type pressure ga(u)ge ==> 散射式压力计
  4783. scatterread gather-write ==> 分散读入集中写出
  4784. scattersite housing ==> 零散住房
  4785. scavenge ==> 净化,清除=>排気する
  4786. scavenge area ==> 扫气孔面积
  4787. scavenge delivery ==> 油泵输出管
  4788. scavenge filter ==> 排滤器
  4789. scavenge gears ==> 油泵回油器
  4790. scavenge gradient ==> 扫气梯度
  4791. scavenge line ==> 扫气管道
  4792. scavenge oil ==> 轴承回油,废油
  4793. scavenge oil pump ==> 换油泵
  4794. scavenge oil pump body ==> 换油泵体
  4795. scavenge pipe ==> 回油管,清洗管
  4796. scavenge port ==> 排泄口
  4797. scavenge pressure ==> 换气压力
  4798. scavenge pump ==> 排油ポンプ
  4799. scavenge return pipe ==> 回油管
  4800. scavenge system ==> 扫气系统,清除系统
  4801. scavenge trunk ==> 扫气通道,换气管
  4802. scavenge unit ==> 清除装置
  4803. scavenge valve ==> (内燃机的)扫气阀
  4804. scavenge valve chest ==> 扫气阀箱
  4805. scavenger ==> 食腐动物,清除机,清除器,清道工人,净化剂,净化剂,腐食动物
  4806. scavenger circuit ==> 清洗回路
  4807. scavenger concentrate ==> 扫选精矿
  4808. scavenger effect ==> 清除剂效应
  4809. scavenger enzyme ==> 清除酶
  4810. scavenger fan ==> 换气风扇
  4811. scavenger flotation circuit ==> 扫选循环
  4812. scavenger pipe ==> 扫线管
  4813. scavenger precipitation ==> 清除剂沉淀
  4814. scavenger pump ==> 换气泵=>環油ポンプ
  4815. scavenger sheep ==> 食腐羊群
  4816. scavenger system ==> 清洗系统,吹气系统
  4817. scavenger valve ==> 部分回油阀
  4818. scavenger's cart ==> 扫街车
  4819. scavenger-cell ==> 清除细胞
  4820. scavenging ==> 清洗,纯化,除气法,扫气,吹洗,在油燃烧器或点火器停用后,使用许可的蒸汽或空气来清洗留在管道和燃烧器中剩余的液体燃料
  4821. scavenging action ==> 清除作用
  4822. scavenging air ==> 清除空气,清洗空气
  4823. scavenging air belt ==> 扫气道
  4824. scavenging air box ==> 扫气箱
  4825. scavenging air damper ==> 扫气调节风门
  4826. scavenging air non-return valve ==> 扫气空气止回阀
  4827. scavenging air pipe ==> 扫气管
  4828. scavenging air pump ==> 换气泵
  4829. scavenging air receiver ==> 扫气箱
  4830. scavenging air trunk ==> 扫气总管
  4831. scavenging air valve ==> 扫气阀,换气阀
  4832. scavenging arrangement ==> 扫气装置
  4833. scavenging blower ==> 换气鼓风机,清除鼓风机
  4834. scavenging by precipitation ==> 经雨水清洗
  4835. scavenging duct ==> 换气管,扫气导管
  4836. scavenging efficiency ==> 扫气效率
  4837. scavenging ejector ==> 清洗喷射泵
  4838. scavenging engine ==> 带有扫气泵的发动机
  4839. scavenging machine ==> 清除机,清扫机
  4840. scavenging material ==> 净化材料,净化材料
  4841. scavenging period ==> 吹气期,扫气期
  4842. scavenging piston ==> 换气活塞
  4843. scavenging port ==> 换气口=>排気ポート
  4844. scavenging pressure ==> 扫气压力
  4845. scavenging process ==> 清除过程
  4846. scavenging pump ==> 清洗泵,换气泵,回油泵
  4847. scavenging ratio ==> 换气比,扫气比
  4848. scavenging scheme ==> 规划
  4849. scavenging stroke ==> 清除冲程,排泄行程,扫气冲程
  4850. scavenging valve ==> 扫气阀
  4851. SCB, shuttle cargo bay ==> シャトルカーゴベイ
  4852. SCC, satellite control center ==> 人工衛星管制センター
  4853. SCC, satellite control console ==> 衛星管制卓
  4854. SCC, Space Communications Corporation ==> 宇宙通信株式会社
  4855. SCC, spacecraft control center ==> 宇宙機管制センター
  4856. SCC, spacecraft control console ==> 宇宙船制御卓
  4857. SCC, Standard Cross Correlation Method ==> 標準的な相互相関法
  4858. SCC, Stress Corrosion Cracking ==> 応力腐食割れ
  4859. sccd ==> 表面电荷耦合装置
  4860. SCCH, standard cubic centimeter per hour ==> SCCH毎時1立方センチメートル(標準状態換算)
  4861. SCCL, short-circuit current limiters ==> SCCL
  4862. SCCM, Society of Critical Care Medicine ==> 美国重症医学会
  4863. SCCM, standard cubic centimeter per minute ==> SCCM毎分1立方センチメートル(標準状態換算)
  4864. SCCS, standard cubic centimeter per second ==> SCCS毎秒1立方センチメートル(標準状態換算)
  4865. SCD, Security Constrainted Dispatch ==> SCD
  4866. SCD, source control drawing ==> ソース制御図
  4867. SCD, specification control drawing ==> 仕様調整図面
  4868. SCD, Substation Configuration Description ==> 全站系统配置文件
  4869. SCD, system configuration document ==> システムコンフィギュレーション文書
  4870. SCD2 ==> CIGREの情報システムと通信
  4871. SCDF, shielded confined detonating fuse ==> 高密封型導爆線
  4872. SCDM, Solar Corona Diagnostic Mission ==> 太陽コロナ診断ミッション
  4873. SCE, Signal Conditioning Equipment ==> シグナルコンディショニング装置
  4874. SCE, Southern California Edison ==> サザン・カリフォルニア・エジソン社
  4875. SCE, spacecraft command encoder ==> 衛星コマンドエンコーダ
  4876. SCE, spacecraft engineer ==> 衛星技術者
  4877. SCECOs, Saudi Consolidated Electric Companies ==> SCECOs
  4878. scenario ==> 概要,剧情,剧情=>シナリオ
  4879. scenario analysis ==> 情景分析,情况分析
  4880. scenario comparison method ==> 方案比较法
  4881. scenario method ==> 描述法,脚本法
  4882. scenario writing approach ==> 情景描述预测法
  4883. scence paint ==> 布景漆
  4884. scene analysis ==> 景物分析,景物分析
  4885. scene contrast ==> 景物对比度,景物对比度,景物反差,景物反差
  4886. scene matching ==> 景象匹配,景象匹配
  4887. scene segmentation ==> 景系分段,景系分段
  4888. scenery ==> 景観,風景,舞台装置
  4889. scenery store ==> 布景库
  4890. scenes room ==> 大型道具室
  4891. scenic beauty forest ==> 风景林
  4892. scenic focal point ==> 对景
  4893. scenic lighting ==> 舞台照明
  4894. scenic spot ==> 风景区,名胜
  4895. scenic spot and historic resort ==> 名胜古迹区
  4896. scenioscope machine ==> 布景机
  4897. scenogram ==> 透视图
  4898. scenograph broken-open view ==> 透视图
  4899. scent ==> 香味=>香り,芳香,嗅覚
  4900. scent atomizer ==> 香水噴霧器
  4901. scent gland ==> 香腺
  4902. scent plant ==> 芳香植物
  4903. scent pore ==> 臭腺乳
  4904. scent spray ==> 全景雷达
  4905. scented geranium ==> 芳香天竺葵,香叶天竺葵,香味天竺葵,香水天竺葵,依品种有不同的香味,如苹果天竺葵具有青苹果香气,玫瑰天竺葵与玫瑰香味类似=>ニオイゼラニウム,センテッドゼラニウム
  4906. scented orange pekoe ==> 熏白毫
  4907. scented poplar ==> 大叶钻天杨
  4908. scented ware ==> 芳香陶瓷
  4909. scentless mayweed ==> 淡甘菊
  4910. scentometer ==> 气味计
  4911. sceptre border ==> 如意
  4912. SCF, switched capacitor filter ==> スイッチトキャパシタフィルタ
  4913. SCG ==> サイアム・セメント・グループ
  4914. SCG, security classification guide ==> 宇宙用分類案内書
  4915. SCH, Single channel history ==> 单通道历史数据补偿方式
  4916. Schaeffer's salt ==> 薛佛盐
  4917. Schaffer's acid ==> 薛佛酸
  4918. schamotte brick ==> 粘土质耐火砖
  4919. schanz's syndrome ==> 脊椎病征
  4920. Schardinger's reaction ==> (鉴别鲜乳和消毒乳)沙丁格氏反应
  4921. Schaudinn's solution ==> 肖定氏液
  4922. Schede's operation ==> 谢德氏手术
  4923. schedulable variable ==> 可调度变量
  4924. schedular system of taxation ==> 分类税制
  4925. schedule ==> 负载图表,日程,日程表,图表,调度表,一览表,表,安排表=>計画,予定,時刻表,スケジュール
  4926. schedule by probability mode ==> 概率调度
  4927. schedule control ==> 工程管理,进度管理,进度控制,预定输出控制
  4928. schedule controller ==> 工程管理者
  4929. schedule controlling ==> 工程管理
  4930. schedule coordination ==> スケジュール調整
  4931. schedule diagram ==> 进度计划表
  4932. schedule drawing ==> 工程图
  4933. schedule file ==> 调度文件
  4934. schedule income tax ==> 分类所得税
  4935. schedule job ==> 调度作业
  4936. schedule method ==> 图表法,列表法,表格法
  4937. schedule number ==> 表号,表示管壁厚度系列的号码,管子表号
  4938. schedule of amortization ==> 摊销明细表
  4939. schedule of apportionment ==> 分配明细表
  4940. schedule of charge ==> 费率表
  4941. schedule of construction ==> 施工进度表
  4942. schedule of disbursement ==> 支出清单
  4943. schedule of doors and windows and ironmongery ==> 门窗及五金表
  4944. schedule of increase and decrease of properties ==> 财产增减表
  4945. schedule of materials ==> 材料表
  4946. schedule of materials on order ==> 已订购材料表
  4947. schedule of operation ==> 操作程序
  4948. schedule of operations ==> 施工进度表
  4949. schedule of payment ==> 支払予定
  4950. schedule of periodic tests ==> 定期测试时间表
  4951. schedule of prices ==> 估价表=>定価表
  4952. schedule of quantities ==> 工程数量表,数量表,数量清单=>数量一覧表
  4953. schedule of rate ==> 保险费率表
  4954. schedule of rates ==> 料率一覧表
  4955. schedule of room finishes ==> 房间做法表
  4956. schedule of structural steel ==> 钢材一览表
  4957. schedule of terms and conditions ==> 收费率表
  4958. schedule of values ==> 工程分项价值表
  4959. schedule panel ==> 程序转换盘
  4960. schedule planning ==> 日程计划
  4961. schedule policy ==> 分类保险单
  4962. schedule speed ==> 表定速率=>表定速度(鉄道)
  4963. schedule time ==> 规定时间
  4964. schedule weight ==> 额定重量
  4965. schedule, to ==> スケジュールする
  4966. scheduled cam ==> 程序凸轮
  4967. scheduled data ==> 预计数据
  4968. scheduled date ==> 指定日期
  4969. scheduled flight ==> 班机
  4970. scheduled frequency offset ==> 规定频率差度
  4971. scheduled interruption ==> 计划断电
  4972. scheduled maintenance ==> 定期维修,预定维修,调度维护,进度维护=>定期保守
  4973. scheduled maintenance time ==> 例行维护时间
  4974. scheduled net interchange ==> 规定交换量,计划交换功率,计划交换量
  4975. scheduled operating time ==> 规定操作时间
  4976. scheduled operation ==> 被调度的操作=>計画運転
  4977. scheduled operation of a generating set ==> 发电机组计划运行,在规定的期间内,指定某台发电机组按预先规定的出力曲线或指令运行
  4978. scheduled outage ==> 作業停止、移行可能停止
  4979. scheduled outage power ==> 作業停止電力
  4980. scheduled passenger-cargo liner ==> 客货班轮
  4981. scheduled plan ==> 进度计划
  4982. scheduled power flow ==> 計画潮流
  4983. scheduled program for allocating resource (SPAR) ==> 分配资源调度程序
  4984. scheduled repair ==> 定期修理
  4985. scheduled repayments on credits ==> 安排的信贷偿还,信贷的计划偿还
  4986. scheduled sailing time ==> 预定开航时间
  4987. scheduled speed ==> 额定速率
  4988. scheduled target ==> 预计目标
  4989. scheduler module ==> 调度程序模块,调度模块
  4990. scheduler work area (SWA) ==> 调度程序工作区
  4991. scheduler work area data set (SWADS) ==> 调度程序工作区数据集,调度工作区数据组
  4992. scheduling ==> 計画
  4993. scheduling control automation ==> 自动程序控制
  4994. scheduling control automation by network system ==> 网络系统自动程序控制
  4995. scheduling coordinator ==> An entity certified by an ISO or RTO for the purpose of undertaking scheduling functions.
  4996. scheduling discipline ==> 调度规则
  4997. scheduling in construction of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂建设进度控制,根据核电厂建设总工期目标,科学分解建设各阶段的任务,并按逻辑顺序、相互接口和资源(人力、资金、材料)状况等因素做出最优化的安排,并据此推动实施、跟踪检查、协调分析和动态调整的整套工程管理工作
  4998. scheduling management display ==> 调度管理显示
  4999. scheduling model ==> 调度模型
  5000. scheduling monitor computer ==> 调度监控计算机
  5001. scheduling priority ==> 调度优先级,调度优先权
  5002. scheduling process ==> 调度过程
  5003. scheduling program ==> 排日程计划,日程安排
  5004. scheduling queue ==> 调度排队
  5005. scheduling system ==> 调度程序系统
  5006. scheduling user task ==> 调度用户任务
  5007. Scheele's green ==> 席勒绿
  5008. Scheibel-York extractor ==> 赛贝尔萃取器
  5009. Scheie's syndrome ==> 席耶氏综合征
  5010. Scheimpflug condition ==> 沙伊姆弗勒条件
  5011. schema ==> 大纲,概要,模式=>スキーマ
  5012. schema category ==> 模式范畴
  5013. schema chart ==> 模式图
  5014. schema data description language ==> 模式数据描述语言
  5015. schema DDL ==> 模式数据描述语言
  5016. schema description language ==> 模式描述语言
  5017. schema entry ==> 模式项,模式项目
  5018. schema name ==> 模式名
  5019. schematic ==> 图解的,简图的,示意的,简略的,原理的,简图,略图,概略=>図式, 結線図
  5020. schematic automatic generation ==> 結線図自動生成
  5021. schematic circuit diagram ==> 电路图
  5022. schematic design phase ==> 初步计划阶段
  5023. schematic diagram ==> 原理图=>概略図,配線図
  5024. schematic diagram of DG inverter control ==> DGインバータ制御ブロック図
  5025. schematic diagram of experimental set up ==> 実験回路の概要図
  5026. schematic diagram of spray flash desalination ==> スプレーフラッシュ蒸発式海水淡水化システムの構成図
  5027. schematic diagram of terminal outgoing lines ==> 出线端子示意图
  5028. schematic drawing ==> 略图
  5029. schematic eye ==> 模型眼,简化眼
  5030. schematic flow diagram ==> 流程图
  5031. schematic model ==> 图解模型
  5032. schematic models ==> 图表模型
  5033. schematic piping diagram ==> 管道系统示意图
  5034. schematic plan ==> 示意图
  5035. schematic view of M-EMS for Billet mold ==> ビレット型鋳型電磁撹拌装置の鳥瞰図
  5036. schematograph ==> 视野轮廓测定器
  5037. scheme ==> 图,图表,图解,图像,电路,大纲,方案,分类表=>スキーム,計画,計画を立てる
  5038. scheme comparison ==> 方案比较
  5039. scheme competition ==> 方案竞赛
  5040. scheme for irrigation and drainage ==> 排水计划
  5041. scheme of colour ==> 配色方案
  5042. scheme of concentration ==> 选矿方案
  5043. scheme of distribution ==> 分红表
  5044. scheme of electric power supply ==> 供电方式,供电部门向用户提供的电源特性和类型,包括电源的频率,额定电压,电源相数和电源容量等
  5045. scheme of erection ==> 装配简图
  5046. scheme of fire ==> 射击计划
  5047. scheme of flood prevention ==> 防汛方案
  5048. scheme of knowledge classification ==> 知识分类表
  5049. scheme of wiring ==> 配线图,线路图
  5050. Schenick machine ==> 谢尼克金属疲劳试验机
  5051. Schenk type filter ==> 申克型过滤机
  5052. Scherbius advancer ==> 西尔毕斯进相机
  5053. Scherbius drive ==> 谢尔必斯拖动
  5054. Scherbius machine ==> 谢尔比斯电机
  5055. Scherbius phase advancer ==> 谢尔比斯进相机=>セルビウス進相機
  5056. Scherbius speed control ==> 谢尔比斯速度控制
  5057. Scherbius system ==> 谢尔比斯方式=>セルビウス方式
  5058. Schering bridge ==> 西林电桥=>シェーリングブリッジ
  5059. Schick reaction ==> 锡克氏反应
  5060. Schick test ==> 锡克试验
  5061. Schick test solution ==> 锡克氏试验液
  5062. Schiff base ==> 西佛氏碱,席夫碱
  5063. Schiff's bases ==> 希佛碱
  5064. schiff's biliary cycle ==> 希夫氏胆汁循环
  5065. Schiffli machine ==> 飞梭刺绣机
  5066. Schiiller's position ==> 许累尔氏位
  5067. schiller spar ==> 绢石,绢石
  5068. schiller structure ==> 闪光构造
  5069. Schiller's test ==> 希勒氏试验
  5070. Schilling blood count ==> 希林氏细胞计数
  5071. Schiphol ==> 荷兰史基浦机场=>スキポール空港
  5072. schism ==> 分離
  5073. schist oil ==> 页岩油
  5074. schistose clay ==> 片岩状粘土
  5075. schistose coal ==> 叶煤
  5076. schistose crystalline rock ==> 片状结晶岩
  5077. schistose mica ==> 云母片岩
  5078. schistose rock ==> 层状岩石
  5079. schistose structure ==> 层状组织,片状构造
  5080. schistosity plane ==> 片理面
  5081. schistosity sheet ==> 片岩板
  5082. schistosoma granuloma of intestinal wall ==> 肠壁血吸虫肉芽肿
  5083. Schistosoma mansoni ==> 曼森氏裂体吸虫
  5084. schistosome dermatitis ==> 血吸虫皮炎
  5085. schistosomiasis intercalata ==> 间插血吸虫病
  5086. schistosomiasis mansoni ==> 曼森氏血吸虫病
  5087. schistosomiasis of appendix ==> 阑尾血吸虫病
  5088. schistosomiasis of bladder ==> 膀胱血吸虫病
  5089. schistosomiasis of genito-urinary system ==> 泌尿生殖系统血吸虫病
  5090. schistosomiasis of spinal cord ==> 脊髓血吸虫病
  5091. schistosomiasis of stomach ==> 胃血吸虫病
  5092. schizo-affective schizophrenia ==> 情感分裂型精神分裂症
  5093. schizoaffective psychosis ==> 混合型精神病
  5094. schizocarpic fruit ==> 裂果
  5095. schizogenetic space ==> 裂生隙
  5096. schizogenic space ==> 裂生隙
  5097. schizogenous gland ==> 裂生腺
  5098. schizogonic cycle ==> 裂殖周期
  5099. schizoid personality ==> 分裂样人格
  5100. schizoid personality disorder ==> 精神分裂样人格障碍
  5101. schizoid type ==> 精神分裂样体型,精神分裂症型
  5102. schizoid type psychopathic personality ==> 分裂型病态人格
  5103. schizolysigenous cavity ==> 裂溶生腔
  5104. schizonepeta spike ==> 荆芥穗
  5105. schizophrenia ==> 統合失調症
  5106. schizophrenia-like psychosis ==> 精神分裂症样精神病
  5107. schizophrenic character ==> 精神分裂性格
  5108. schizophrenic disturbance ==> 精神分裂性障碍
  5109. schizophrenic psychosis ==> 精神分裂性精神病
  5110. schizophrenic reaction ==> 精神分裂性反应
  5111. schizophrenic reaction of simple type ==> 单纯型精神分裂性反应
  5112. schizophreniform psychosis (SFP) ==> 分裂样精神病
  5113. Schlemm's canal ==> 巩膜静脉窦
  5114. schlicht function ==> 单叶函数
  5115. schlieren apparatus ==> 纹影仪
  5116. schlieren interferometer ==> 纹影干涉仪
  5117. schlieren method ==> 条纹照相法=>シェリーレン法
  5118. schlieren optical screen ==> 纹影屏
  5119. schlieren optical system ==> 施利仑光学系
  5120. Schlieren optical system ==> 舒利莱恩光学系统
  5121. schlieren projection lens ==> 施利仑投影透镜
  5122. schlieren projection system ==> 施利仑投影系统
  5123. schlieren set-up ==> 纹影法摄影装置
  5124. schlieren technique ==> 纹影术
  5125. schlieren-method of photography ==> 施利伦照相法
  5126. schlorine bleaches ==> 含氯漂白剂
  5127. Schloss milk ==> 类人乳
  5128. Schlumberger apparatus ==> 施卢姆贝格尔热长度试验仪
  5129. Schlumberger array ==> 施卢姆贝格尔台阵
  5130. Schlumberger comb sorter ==> 施卢姆贝格尔热梳片式长度试验仪
  5131. Schmidt aspherical corrector plate ==> 施密特非球面校正板
  5132. Schmidt camera ==> シュミットカメラ
  5133. Schmidt circuit ==> シュミット回路
  5134. Schmidt correction plate ==> 施密特校正板
  5135. Schmidt corrector ==> 施密特校正板
  5136. Schmidt law ==> 施密特定律
  5137. Schmidt lens ==> 施密特透镜
  5138. Schmidt lens system ==> 施密特透镜系统
  5139. Schmidt lines ==> 施密特线
  5140. Schmidt mirror system ==> 施密特反射镜系统
  5141. Schmidt motor ==> 施密特活塞液压电动机
  5142. schmidt motor ==> 施密特活塞液压电动机
  5143. schmidt number ==> 施密特数
  5144. Schmidt optical system ==> 施密特光学系统
  5145. Schmidt optics ==> 施密特学光系统
  5146. Schmidt projection ==> 施密特投影
  5147. Schmidt projection optics ==> 施密特光学投影系统
  5148. Schmidt system ==> 施密特光学系统
  5149. Schmidt telescope ==> 施密特望远镜
  5150. Schmidt television projector ==> 施密特投影电视机
  5151. Schmidt torque meter ==> 施密特转矩表
  5152. Schmidt trigger circuit ==> シュミットトリガ回路
  5153. Schmidt's syndrome ==> (疑核副神经核性麻痹)施密特氏综合征
  5154. Schmidt-type optical system ==> 施密特反射望远镜系统
  5155. Schmitt trigger ==> 施密特触发器
  5156. Schnadt test ==> 施耐特冲击试验
  5157. Schnee bath ==> 施尼浴
  5158. Schneider ==> 施耐德=>シュナイダー
  5159. Schneider furnace ==> 谢利得高频感电炉
  5160. schneiderian membrane ==> 鼻粘膜
  5161. Schnyder-Bergeron method ==> シュナイダー・ベルジロン法
  5162. Schoddky effect ==> 肖特基效应
  5163. Schoenherr-Hes-sberger process ==> 电弧固氮法
  5164. scholarship loan ==> 貸与奨学金
  5165. Schollar process ==> 肖娄尔法
  5166. Schonrock autocollimating eyepiece ==> 施恩罗克自准直目镜
  5167. Schonrock halfshade ==> 施恩罗克偏光半荫仪
  5168. school age population ==> 学龄人口
  5169. school bus ==> 校车
  5170. school health ==> 学校卫生
  5171. school hygiene ==> 学校卫生学
  5172. school microscope ==> 教学显微镜
  5173. school of business administration ==> 商业管理学院
  5174. school of economics ==> 经济学派,经济学派
  5175. school of management ==> 管理学院
  5176. school prospectus ==> 学校案内
  5177. school ship ==> 教练船,教练舰
  5178. school subsidies ==> 教育助成
  5179. School Waste Paper Recycling Scheme ==> 学校废纸回收计划
  5180. Schools Environmental Award Scheme (SEAS) ==> 学界环境保护奖励计划
  5181. Schools Insulation Programme ==> 学校隔音计划
  5182. schools of economic thougth ==> 经济思想流派,经济思想流派
  5183. schooner ==> 纵帆船
  5184. Schoop process ==> 金属喷镀,金属丝喷涂法,斯库普法喷镀
  5185. Schopper folding tester ==> 肖伯耐折度测定仪
  5186. Schopper tensile tester ==> 肖伯抗拉试验仪
  5187. Schopper torsion meter ==> 肖伯扭力仪
  5188. Schopper's bursting strength tester ==> 肖伯型织物顶破强力机
  5189. Schopper's cloth abrasion tester ==> 肖伯型织物耐磨试验仪
  5190. Schori process ==> 肖瑞金属喷涂法
  5191. schorl rock ==> 石英黑电气岩
  5192. schot effect ==> 散粒效应
  5193. Schottky barrier ==> 肖特基势垒=>ショットキー障壁
  5194. Schottky barrier diode ==> 肖特基势垒二极管=>ショットキーバリヤダイオード
  5195. Schottky barrier gate ==> 肖特基势垒栅
  5196. Schottky barrier gate fet ==> 肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管
  5197. Schottky barrier mos ==> 肖特基势垒栅金属氧化物半导体
  5198. Schottky barrier photodiode ==> 肖特基势垒光电二极管
  5199. Schottky bipolar decoders ==> 肖特基双极译码器
  5200. Schottky bipolar memory ==> 肖特基双极存储器
  5201. Schottky bipolar microcompter set ==> 肖特基双极微计算机系列
  5202. Schottky cell array technology ==> 肖特基单元阵列技术
  5203. Schottky circuit ==> 肖特基电路
  5204. Schottky clamp diode ==> 肖特基钳位二极管
  5205. Schottky clamped transistor ==> 肖特基钳位晶体管
  5206. Schottky contact ==> ショットキー接触
  5207. Schottky defect ==> 肖特基缺陷=>ショットキー欠陥
  5208. Schottky diode ==> 肖特基势垒二极管
  5209. Schottky diode fet ==> 肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管
  5210. Schottky disorder ==> 肖特基缺陷
  5211. Schottky effect ==> 肖特基效应,肖脱基效应
  5212. schottky effect ==> 肖特基效应
  5213. Schottky electrode ==> 肖特基势垒栅
  5214. Schottky emission ==> 肖特基放射
  5215. Schottky emitter type transistor ==> 肖特基发射极型晶体管
  5216. Schottky gate fet ==> 肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管
  5217. Schottky gate metallization ==> 肖特基栅金属化
  5218. Schottky guard-ring transistor ==> 肖特基保护环晶体管
  5219. Schottky interface ==> 肖特基界面
  5220. Schottky noise ==> 肖特基噪声
  5221. Schottky transistor ==> 肖特基晶体管
  5222. Schottky transistor logic ==> 肖特基晶体管逻辑
  5223. Schottky transistor transistor logic ==> 肖特基晶体管晶体管逻辑
  5224. Schottky ttl gate ==> 肖特基晶体管晶体管逻辑门
  5225. Schottky vacancy ==> 肖特基缺陷
  5226. Schottky-barrier avalanche photodiode ==> 肖特基势垒雪崩光电二极管
  5227. Schottky-barrier diode rectifier ==> 肖特基势垒二极管整流器
  5228. Schottky-diode transistor-transistor-logic circuit, STTL ==> ショットキーダイオードトランジスタトランジスタ論理回路
  5229. Schotty effect ==> ショットキー効果
  5230. Schotty junction ==> ショットキー接合
  5231. Schrage motor ==> 施拉盖电动机=>シュラーゲモータ
  5232. Schrdinger equation ==> 薛定锷方程
  5233. Schrdinger wave equation ==> 薛定锷波动方程
  5234. Schreiner finish ==> 缎光整理,电光整理
  5235. Schridde's granules ==> 软骨微粒
  5236. Schrodinger atom ==> 薛定谔原子
  5237. Schrodinger equation ==> シュレーディンガー方程式,i h bar d psi d t equals H psi.
  5238. Schrodinger equation for one-particle problem ==> 1体問題のシュレーディンガー方程式
  5239. Schrodinger representation ==> 位置表象
  5240. Schrodinger wave equation ==> 薛定锷波动方程
  5241. Schromberg alloy ==> 施罗莫伯格锌基合金
  5242. Schrotters catheter ==> 喉扩张导管
  5243. schrund line ==> 冰斗基线
  5244. Schuermann cupola ==> 肖尔曼热风冲天炉
  5245. Schuermann furnace ==> 肖尔曼热风冲天炉
  5246. Schulta-Charlton reaction ==> 变白反应
  5247. Schultze's bundle ==> 束间束
  5248. Schulz alloy ==> 舒尔茨锌基轴承合金
  5249. Schuster mechanism ==> 舒斯特机制
  5250. Schwabach's test ==> 骨导对比试验
  5251. Schwalbe's corpuscles ==> 味蕾
  5252. Schwalbe's line ==> 许瓦尔贝氏线
  5253. Schwann's nucleus ==> 许旺氏核
  5254. Schwann-cell tumor ==> 许旺氏细胞瘤
  5255. Schwartz kernel ==> シュワルツの核
  5256. Schwartz's syndrome ==> 急性粒细胞缺乏症
  5257. Schwartze's sign ==> 鼓膜透红症
  5258. Schwarz-Christoffel mapping ==> 施瓦茨—克里斯托费尔映射
  5259. Schwarzschild criterion ==> 史瓦西判据
  5260. Schwarzschild solution ==> 史瓦西解
  5261. Schwarzschild's metric ==> シュワルツシルト計量
  5262. Schweinfurt green ==> 巴黎绿
  5263. Schweizerische National Bank ==> 瑞士国家银行
  5264. Schweizerischer Handels-und Industrie-Verein ==> 瑞士工商联合会
  5265. Schüffner's dots ==> 薛夫讷氏点
  5266. SCI ==> 科学引文索引
  5267. SCI, Science Citation Index ==> SCI
  5268. SCI, Single Channel Interpolation ==> 单通道插值补偿方式
  5269. SCI-T, Single Channel Interpolation with Timestamp ==> 带时标的单通道插值补偿方式
  5270. sciatic bursa of internal obturator muscle ==> 闭孔内肌坐骨囊
  5271. sciatic gastrocnemius preparation ==> 坐骨神经腓肠肌标本
  5272. sciatic nerve ==> 坐骨神经
  5273. sciatic nerve block anesthesia ==> 坐骨神经阻滞麻醉
  5274. SCiB ==> 新型二次電池
  5275. Science ==> 米国科学誌
  5276. science ==> 科学
  5277. science and technology development strategy ==> 科学技术发展战略
  5278. science and technology forecast ==> 科学技术预测
  5279. science and technology input ==> 科技投入
  5280. science branches ==> 科学分支
  5281. science education ==> 科学教材
  5282. science journalism ==> 科学ジャーナリズム
  5283. science of acupuncture and moxibustion ==> 针灸学
  5284. science of building ==> 营造学
  5285. science of civil law ==> 民法学
  5286. science of economic effectiveness ==> 经济效果学,经济效果学
  5287. science of light reflection ==> 反射光学
  5288. science of naval campaign ==> 海军战役学
  5289. science of naval strategy ==> 海军战略学
  5290. science of naval tactics ==> 海军战术学
  5291. science of nuclear power ==> 核动力科学
  5292. science of personnel ==> 人才学
  5293. science of personnel management ==> 人事管理学
  5294. science of strength for materials ==> 材料强度科学
  5295. science of the artificial ==> 人工仿真科学
  5296. science of the sea ==> 海洋科学
  5297. science-oriented ==> 采用科学成果的
  5298. scientific ==> 科学的な,学術的な
  5299. scientific advance ==> 科学进展
  5300. scientific and technical development program ==> 科学技术发展规划
  5301. scientific and technical forecast ==> 科学技术预测
  5302. scientific and technical information ==> 科技情报,科技情报资料
  5303. scientific and technical literature ==> 科学技术文献
  5304. scientific and technical payoffs ==> 科技成果
  5305. scientific and technological information system ==> 科技情报系统
  5306. scientific approach ==> 科学方法
  5307. scientific calculation ==> 科学计算
  5308. scientific career ==> 科学生涯
  5309. scientific classification ==> 科学分类,精确分类
  5310. scientific computer ==> 科学计算机
  5311. scientific conundrum ==> 科学的難問
  5312. scientific data processing ==> 科学数据处理
  5313. scientific document ==> 科学文献
  5314. scientific emerald ==> 合成绿柱石
  5315. scientific information ==> 科学情报,科学资料
  5316. scientific information system ==> 科学信息系统
  5317. scientific institution ==> 科学协会
  5318. scientific instruction set ==> 科学指令集
  5319. scientific instrument ==> 科学仪表
  5320. scientific lunar exploration ==> 月球科学研究
  5321. scientific management ==> 科学管理
  5322. scientific method of amortization ==> 科学推销法
  5323. scientific misconduct ==> 学术不端行为,学术腐败
  5324. scientific name ==> 学名
  5325. scientific notation ==> 科学表示法,科学记数法
  5326. scientific paper ==> 科学著作
  5327. scientific payload ==> 科学ペイロード
  5328. Scientific Personnel Development Bank ==> 科技人才开发银行
  5329. scientific philosophy ==> 科学哲学
  5330. scientific potential ==> 科学潜力
  5331. scientific prediction ==> 科学预测
  5332. scientific procedure ==> 科学程序
  5333. scientific program ==> 科学计算用程序
  5334. scientific programmable calculator ==> 科学可编程计算器
  5335. scientific progress ==> 科学进展
  5336. scientific reasoning ==> 科学推理
  5337. scientific research cost ==> 科研费用成本
  5338. scientific satellite ==> 科学衛星
  5339. scientific subroutine package ==> 科学子程序包
  5340. scientific system ==> 科学计算系统,科学用系统
  5341. scientific tariff ==> 科学关税,科学性关税
  5342. scientific-technical information ==> 科学技术情报
  5343. scientist ==> 科学者
  5344. scintilation counter ==> 闪烁计数器
  5345. scintillate ==> せん光を発する
  5346. scintillating liquid ==> 闪烁液体
  5347. scintillating material ==> 闪烁材料,闪烁物质
  5348. scintillating medium ==> 闪烁介质
  5349. scintillating phosphor ==> 闪烁体
  5350. scintillating solution ==> 闪烁溶液
  5351. scintillating target ==> 闪烁目标
  5352. scintillation ==> 闪烁,闪烁现象,目标急速移动,起伏=>せん光,火花,シンチレーション,ひらめき
  5353. scintillation (-counter) telescope ==> 闪烁望远镜
  5354. scintillation analysis ==> 闪烁分析
  5355. scintillation camera ==> 闪烁照相机=>シンチレーションカメラ
  5356. scintillation chamber ==> 闪烁室
  5357. scintillation conversion efficiency ==> 闪烁转换效率
  5358. scintillation converter ==> 闪烁转换器
  5359. scintillation counter ==> 闪烁计数管,闪烁计数器=>シンチレーション計数器
  5360. scintillation counter crystal ==> 闪烁计数器晶体
  5361. scintillation counter head ==> 闪烁计数器探头
  5362. scintillation counting ==> 闪烁计数
  5363. scintillation crystal ==> 闪烁晶体,晶体闪烁体
  5364. scintillation decay time ==> シンチレーション減衰時間
  5365. scintillation detector ==> 闪烁计数器,闪烁检测器=>シンチレーション検出器
  5366. scintillation effect ==> 闪烁效应=>蛍光作用
  5367. scintillation efficiency ==> シンチレーション効率
  5368. scintillation error ==> 振幅起伏误差
  5369. scintillation fading ==> 起伏衰落,调制载频衰落=>シンチレーションフェージング
  5370. scintillation fission counter ==> 闪烁裂变计数器
  5371. scintillation glass ==> 闪烁玻璃
  5372. scintillation intensity ==> シンチレーション強度
  5373. scintillation jamming ==> 起伏干扰
  5374. scintillation jamming spectrum ==> 起伏干扰频谱
  5375. scintillation light ==> シンチレーション光
  5376. scintillation measurement ==> シンチレーション測定
  5377. scintillation method ==> 闪烁法
  5378. scintillation noise ==> 闪烁噪声
  5379. scintillation phosphor ==> 闪烁磷光体
  5380. scintillation probe ==> 闪烁探测器,闪烁探针
  5381. scintillation process ==> 闪烁过程
  5382. scintillation pulse ==> 闪烁脉冲
  5383. scintillation scanner ==> 闪烁扫描器
  5384. scintillation screen ==> 闪烁屏
  5385. scintillation solution ==> 闪烁液
  5386. scintillation spectrometer ==> 闪烁分光计,闪烁光谱计,闪烁谱仪=>シンチレーション分析器
  5387. scintillation spectrum ==> 闪烁光谱
  5388. scintillation statistics ==> 闪烁统计学
  5389. scintillation technique ==> 闪烁技术
  5390. scintillation telescope ==> 闪烁计数望远镜
  5391. scintillation vial ==> 闪烁管
  5392. scintillation well counter ==> 井式闪烁计数器,井式闪烁计数器
  5393. scintillation-counter monitor ==> 闪烁计数监测仪
  5394. scintillation-counter telescope ==> 闪烁计数器望远镜
  5395. scintillation-counting crystal ==> 闪烁计数晶体
  5396. scintillator ==> 闪烁体=>きらめくもの
  5397. scintillator conversion efficiency ==> 闪烁体转换效率
  5398. scintillator detector ==> 闪烁体探头=>シンチレータ検出器
  5399. scintillator fast neutron fluxmeter ==> 闪烁体快中子通量计
  5400. scintillator liquid ==> 闪烁液
  5401. scintillator material ==> 闪烁器材料
  5402. scintillator prospecting radiation meter ==> 探矿闪烁辐射计
  5403. scintillator slow neutron detector ==> 闪烁体慢中子探测器
  5404. scion ==> 接ぎ穂,(名門の)子孫,御曹司
  5405. scion grafting on root ==> 根枝接
  5406. scion rooted ==> 自根的
  5407. scion wood ==> 接穗
  5408. sciophiles plant ==> 适阴植物
  5409. Scirocco ==> 海风=>シロッコ
  5410. scirrhous carcinoma ==> 硬癌
  5411. scirrhous carcinoma of colon ==> 结肠硬癌
  5412. scirrhous carcinoma of stomach ==> 胃硬癌
  5413. scission ==> 裂变=>分離
  5414. scissor jack ==> 剪式千斤顶
  5415. scissor junction ==> 剪式连接
  5416. scissor type spring ==> 剪形弹簧
  5417. scissoring wound ==> 剪创
  5418. scissors ==> 剪刀,剪,剪形夹=>はさみ
  5419. scissors bonding ==> 剪刀焊
  5420. scissors bridge ==> 剪式桥
  5421. scissors crossing ==> 交叉跨越=>交さ渡り線(鉄道)
  5422. scissors gait ==> 剪刀步态
  5423. scissors junction ==> 锐角交叉
  5424. scissors lifter ==> 杠杆式起重机
  5425. scissors truss ==> 剪式桁架
  5426. scissors-paper-stone game ==> 剪刀-纸-石头对策
  5427. scissure ==> 分離
  5428. Scl, Sculptor ==> ちょうこくしつ座
  5429. SCL, space component lifetime ==> 宇宙用コンポーネントの寿命
  5430. SCL, stock control level ==> 在庫統制基準
  5431. SCL, Super Conducting Linac ==> 超伝導リニアック
  5432. sclera fixation forceps ==> 巩膜固定镊
  5433. sclera spur ==> 巩膜距
  5434. scleral burn ==> 巩膜烧伤
  5435. scleral chromatophore cell ==> 巩膜色素细胞
  5436. scleral contusion ==> 巩膜挫伤
  5437. scleral graft ==> 巩膜移殖术
  5438. scleral groove ==> 巩膜沟
  5439. scleral lamina ==> 巩膜板
  5440. scleral punch ==> 巩膜咬切器
  5441. scleral scissors ==> 巩膜剪
  5442. scleral shortening ==> 巩膜缩短术
  5443. scleral spur ==> 巩膜突
  5444. scleral-type contact lens ==> 巩膜型接目镜
  5445. sclerectomy of middle ear ==> 中耳硬化病变切除术
  5446. sclerema edematosum ==> 水溃性硬化病
  5447. sclerema neonatorum ==> 新生儿硬化病
  5448. sclerenchyma sheath ==> 厚壁组织鞘
  5449. sclerenchymous fibres ==> 硬细胞纤维
  5450. sclerified sheath ==> 硬化的鞘
  5451. sclero-choroiditis posterior ==> 后巩膜脉络膜炎
  5452. scleroderma neonatorum ==> 新生儿硬皮病
  5453. scleromalacia perforans ==> 穿孔性巩膜软化症
  5454. sclerometer ==> 加压刻痕硬度计
  5455. sclerometric hardness ==> 刮痕硬度
  5456. sclerometric hardness test ==> 划痕硬度试验
  5457. scleronomic constraint ==> 稳定约束
  5458. sclerophyllous forest ==> 硬叶常绿林
  5459. sclerophyllous plant ==> 硬叶植物
  5460. scleroscope ==> 回跳硬度计
  5461. scleroscope hardness ==> 回跳硬度
  5462. scleroscope hardness test ==> 回跳硬度试验
  5463. scleroscopic hardness ==> 回跳硬度
  5464. sclerosing agent ==> 硬化剂
  5465. sclerosing agent injection of articular cavity ==> 关节腔硬化剂注射
  5466. sclerotic gastritis ==> 硬化性胃炎
  5467. sclerotic nest ==> 石细胞群
  5468. sclerotic puncture ==> 巩膜穿刺术
  5469. sclerotic tooth ==> 骨质齿
  5470. sclerotium blight of clover ==> 三叶草菌核病
  5471. Sclerotium hydrophilum ==> 喜水小核菌
  5472. Sclerotium semen ==> 籽形小核菌
  5473. sclerotomal sheath ==> 生骨层
  5474. sclerotomy for bloodletting ==> 巩膜切开放血术
  5475. sclerotomy scissors ==> 巩膜切开剪
  5476. sclerous reaction ==> 硬化反应
  5477. SCLT, static closed loop test ==> 静的閉ループ試験
  5478. SCM Stern To Manifold (Distance) ==> 船尾到歧管
  5479. SCM, sequence circuit monitor ==> シーケンス回路制御監視装置
  5480. SCM, Software Configuration Management ==> 構成管理
  5481. SCM, solar cell measurement unit ==> 太陽電池測定装置
  5482. SCM, solar cell monitor ==> 太陽電池モニタ
  5483. SCM, Solar Constant Monitor ==> 太陽定数モニタ
  5484. SCM, spacecraft materials ==> 宇宙船の材料
  5485. SCM, stored command memory ==> ストアードコマンドメモリ
  5486. SCM, subcarrier modulator ==> 副搬送波変調器
  5487. SCM, Super Conducting Magnet ==> 超電導磁石
  5488. SCM, Supply Chain Management ==> サプライチェーンマネジメント
  5489. SCM, synchronous continuous mode ==> 同期持続モード
  5490. SCMF, superconducting magnetic facility ==> 超伝導磁気設備
  5491. SCMR, surface composition mapping radiometer ==> 地表成分マッピング放射計
  5492. SCMS ==> 稳定控制集中管理系统
  5493. SCMS, substation control and monitoring system ==> 変電所制御監視システム
  5494. SCN, satellite communication & navigation missions ==> 衛星通信航法ミッション
  5495. SCN, self-contained navigation ==> 自立航法
  5496. SCN, specification change notice ==> 仕様書変更通知
  5497. Sco, Scorpius ==> さそり座
  5498. SCO, Single command ==> 単一命令
  5499. SCO, subcarrier oscillator ==> 副搬送波発振器
  5500. SCO, surveillance control office ==> 監視制御局
  5501. scoinson arch ==> 对角斜拱
  5502. scoketed screw ==> 凹头螺钉
  5503. scolopendrid ==> オオムカデ
  5504. scombroid poisoning ==> 鲭鱼肉中毒
  5505. SCOMET ==> インド規制品目リスト
  5506. scondary inductance ==> 副线圈电感
  5507. scoop ==> 杓子,椭球体泛光灯,凹处,勺,锹(qiāo)=>ひしゃく,特ダネ,情報,バケット,吸入口,スクープ,かき集める
  5508. scoop channel ==> 凹槽,斗式槽
  5509. scoop condenser ==> 自流式凝汽器
  5510. scoop digger ==> 斗式挖掘机
  5511. scoop dredge ==> 斗式挖泥机,斗式挖土机
  5512. scoop dredge(r) ==> 斗式挖泥船
  5513. scoop excavator ==> 斗式挖掘机
  5514. scoop feeded ==> 戽斗式进料器
  5515. scoop feeder ==> 勺式进料器
  5516. scoop for ethmoidal sinus ==> 鼻筛窦刮匙
  5517. scoop for nursery planting ==> 苗圃移铲,苗圃移植铲
  5518. scoop fork ==> 勺形叉
  5519. scoop loader ==> 勺斗式装载机,铲斗装载机,斗式装料机
  5520. scoop shovel ==> 斗式挖土机,单斗电铲,铲斗挖土机,勺铲,勺形铲
  5521. scoop tail rope ==> 拖斗尾绳
  5522. scoop tube ==> 铲管
  5523. scoop vane ==> 挖掘叶轮
  5524. scoop wheel ==> 斗轮,斗式挖掘车轮,戽斗水车
  5525. scoop wheel pump ==> 斗轮泵
  5526. scoop with fluid drive ==> 液压传动斗
  5527. scoop-type ==> 戽斗式
  5528. scoop-type combine ==> 缩流式联合收获机
  5529. scoop-type turbine ==> 水斗式水轮机
  5530. scoop-wheel ==> 扬水轮,疏浚车轮,疏浚轮
  5531. scoop-wheel distributor ==> 勺轮式排出装置
  5532. scooping machine ==> 斗式挖土机,戽水机,铲斗挖土机
  5533. scooter ==> 小型摩托车=>スクータ
  5534. scooter deflector ==> 拖斗转向装置
  5535. scootor tire ==> 摩托车踏板车胎
  5536. scope ==> 范围,动作域=>スコープ,範囲
  5537. scope (of) cover ==> 责任范围
  5538. scope analyzer ==> 示波分析器
  5539. scope and depth of exchange ==> 交换的广度和深度
  5540. scope attribute ==> 作用域的属性
  5541. scope calibration ==> 示波器校正
  5542. scope face ==> 指示盘,显示屏,显示器荧光屏
  5543. scope horizontal sweep ==> 示波器水平扫描
  5544. scope impairment ==> 范围损害
  5545. scope limitation ==> 范围限制
  5546. scope note ==> 范围注释
  5547. scope of a variable ==> 变量域,变量作用域
  5548. scope of application ==> 适用范围
  5549. scope of assessmentp ==> 课税范围
  5550. scope of business ==> 经营范围,经营范围,业务范围
  5551. scope of command facility ==> 命令设备域
  5552. scope of commands facility ==> 命令设施范围
  5553. scope of construction item ==> 施工规模
  5554. scope of control ==> 控制范围
  5555. scope of declaration ==> 宣言の有効範囲
  5556. scope of design ==> 设计范围
  5557. scope of distribution ==> 分配范围,分配全域
  5558. scope of ecology ==> 生态学的范围
  5559. scope of examination ==> 审查范围
  5560. scope of identifier ==> 标识符作用域
  5561. scope of invention ==> 发明的范围
  5562. scope of operation ==> 经营内容,经营内容
  5563. scope of project ==> 项目范围
  5564. scope of quantifier ==> 量词的值域,量词辖域,量词作用域
  5565. scope of repair ==> 检修范围
  5566. scope of repairing course ==> 修理范围
  5567. scope of statistics ==> 统计范围
  5568. scope of supply ==> 供货范围
  5569. scope of symbolic name ==> 符号名作用域
  5570. scope of taxation ==> 课税范围
  5571. scope of work ==> 工作范围
  5572. scope overlay ==> 荧光屏透明复板
  5573. scope paragraph ==> 范围段落
  5574. scope range of the fluctuation of voltage ==> 电压波动范围
  5575. scope response ==> 示波器响应
  5576. scope return ==> 显示器的上回波信号
  5577. scope setting ==> 装定光学瞄装器
  5578. scope sweep ==> 示波器扫描
  5579. scope target ==> 荧光屏上的目标
  5580. scope track ==> 荧光屏上的目标回波
  5581. SCOPE, oscilloscope ==> オシロスコープ
  5582. SCOPE, scale coupling in plasma environment ==> 次期磁気探査衛星
  5583. scope-sight reticule ==> 光学瞄准具十字线
  5584. Scophony television system ==> 史柯峰电视装置
  5585. scopolamine methyl bromide ==> 溴甲基东莨菪碱,溴甲基东莨菪碱
  5586. scopolamine methylbromide ==> 甲基溴化东莨菪硷
  5587. scopolamine poisoning ==> 东莨菪硷中毒
  5588. scopomorphine poisoning ==> 莨菪碱吗啡中毒
  5589. scorch line ==> 灼伤线
  5590. scorched ingot ==> 粗晶铸锭
  5591. scorched rubber ==> 早期硫化橡胶
  5592. scorched steel ==> 粗晶钢,柱状晶钢
  5593. score ==> 划痕,划线,毛刺沟痕,得分,割痕,刻痕,记分,冰川擦痕
  5594. score line ==> 划线
  5595. score marks ==> 划出标记
  5596. score rail ==> 槽形钢轨
  5597. SCORE, station control and operation equipment ==> 総合管制設備
  5598. scored card ==> 缺口卡片,分数卡,成型卡片
  5599. scored crank pin ==> 刮伤曲柄销
  5600. scored cylinder ==> 刮伤气缸
  5601. scored pulley ==> 槽轮
  5602. scored slice ==> 伤痕薄片
  5603. scored surface ==> 拉毛面
  5604. scored-finish tile ==> 带槽砖
  5605. scores for sensitivity to iron chlorosis ==> 铁缺绿病的敏感程度
  5606. scoria ==> 熔渣,炉渣,火山渣=>鉱滓
  5607. scoria agglomerate ==> 火山渣集块岩
  5608. scoria cone ==> 火山渣锥
  5609. scoria mound ==> 火山渣丘
  5610. scoria pavement ==> 熔渣路面
  5611. scoria suface ==> 熔渣路面
  5612. scoria tuff ==> 火山渣凝灰岩
  5613. scoriaceous ==> (火山)渣状
  5614. scoriaceous lava ==> 渣状熔岩
  5615. scoriae ==> 熔渣
  5616. scoring ==> 擦伤
  5617. scoring line ==> 粘着撕伤线
  5618. scoring machine ==> 刻痕机
  5619. scoring resistance ==> 刮伤表面阻力
  5620. scoring system ==> 配音录制系统
  5621. scorn ==> 軽蔑,冷笑
  5622. scorpion sting poisoning ==> 蝎蜇中毒
  5623. scorpion venom poisoning ==> 蝎毒液中毒
  5624. scot blower ==> 吹灰机
  5625. SCOT, smooth coherence transform ==> コヒーレンスによる重み付け方法
  5626. scotch ==> 挡车块,圬工小锤,停车器,擦伤,止转棒,制动楔
  5627. scotch block ==> 止车楔,止轮器,制动块,制转楔
  5628. scotch boiler ==> 苏格兰锅炉
  5629. Scotch boiler ==> 苏格兰锅炉
  5630. scotch cleaner ==> 清齿刮铲
  5631. scotch club cleaner ==> 弧形底脚修型笔
  5632. Scotch crank ==> 苏格兰曲柄
  5633. Scotch dressing ==> 司各契上浆工序
  5634. scotch light ==> 反射光线
  5635. scotch marine boiler ==> 苏格兰式船用锅炉
  5636. scotch stone ==> 去痕石
  5637. scotch tape ==> 透明胶带,卡带
  5638. Scotch tape technique ==> 透明胶大法
  5639. Scotch yoke ==> 苏格兰曲柄
  5640. scotch yoke ==> 挡车轭,止转棒轭,停车器轭
  5641. scotching ==> 琢石
  5642. scotia moulding ==> 凹圆线
  5643. Scotland ==> 苏格兰=>スコットランド
  5644. Scotland Highland ==> 苏格兰高地
  5645. scotopic curve ==> 适暗曲线
  5646. scotopic eye ==> 适暗眼,暗适应眼
  5647. scotopic luminosity curve ==> 暗光光度曲线
  5648. scotopic vision ==> 暗所視
  5649. Scott cement ==> 斯柯特水泥,透明石膏水泥
  5650. Scott connection ==> 斯柯特接线法=>スコット結線(変圧器)
  5651. Scott effect ==> 斯科特效应
  5652. Scott former ==> 斯柯特真空圆网成形装置
  5653. Scott jockey ==> 斯柯特型杆式联接装置,斯科特型杆式联接装置
  5654. Scott system serigraph ==> 司各脱式纱线强力仪
  5655. Scott tensile tester ==> 司各脱拉伸强力试验仪
  5656. Scott top ==> 斯科特接线法变压器
  5657. Scott viscosimeter ==> 斯科特粘度计
  5658. Scott volumeter ==> 斯柯特容量计
  5659. Scott's cement ==> 斯科特水泥
  5660. Scottish topaz ==> 黄水晶
  5661. Scouler willow (Salix scouleriana) ==> 斯考勒氏柳
  5662. scour ==> 脱壳=>研磨剤,洗浄
  5663. scour and fill ==> 边冲边淤
  5664. scour apron ==> 防冲护坦
  5665. scour basin ==> 冲刷盆地
  5666. scour below dam ==> 坝下淘刷
  5667. scour cast ==> 冲刷铸型
  5668. scour channel ==> 冲蚀槽
  5669. scour criterion ==> 冲刷标准
  5670. scour culvert ==> 冲砂涵洞
  5671. scour depression ==> 冲刷源槽
  5672. scour depth ==> 冲刷深度
  5673. scour finger ==> 指状冲刷痕
  5674. scour forecast ==> 冲刷预测
  5675. scour gallery ==> 冲砂廊道
  5676. scour hole ==> 冲蚀穴,冲刷坑,冲刷孔
  5677. scour lag ==> 冲刷滞积物
  5678. scour mark ==> 冲痕,冲蚀痕,冲刷痕
  5679. scour outlet ==> 冲砂孔,泄水道
  5680. scour outlet channel ==> 冲砂泄水道
  5681. scour pad ==> 防冲衬垫
  5682. scour pipe ==> 冲砂管道
  5683. scour pit ==> 冲刷坑
  5684. scour prevention ==> 防冲,防冲设备
  5685. scour protection ==> 防冲刷保护,冲刷防护
  5686. scour rate ==> 冲刷率
  5687. scour resistance ==> 抗冲刷性
  5688. scour sluiceway ==> 冲砂泄水道
  5689. scour tunnel ==> 冲砂隧洞
  5690. scour valve ==> 冲沙道
  5691. scour-and-fill ==> 冲淤作用
  5692. scour-and-fill structure ==> 冲淤构造
  5693. scour-remnant ridge ==> 冲刷残留脊
  5694. scourability ==> 洗涤性能
  5695. scourage ==> 洗余水
  5696. scourclean (脱粒机的) ==> 清选筒
  5697. scoured base ==> 冲刷底面
  5698. scourer ==> 打光机,去壳机,去壳机,洗刷器,砻谷机
  5699. scourer cylinder ==> 碾谷滚筒,谷粒脱壳滚筒
  5700. scourge ==> 懲罰を下す人
  5701. scourge of AIDS ==> エイズ禍
  5702. scourge of air pollution ==> 大気汚染被害の原因
  5703. scourge of drugs ==> 麻薬の惨事
  5704. scouring ==> 冲蚀,冲刷,洗涤,洗毛,冰川刨蚀,擦净,擦磨
  5705. scouring abrasion ==> 冲擦
  5706. scouring action ==> 冲刷作用,扫清作用
  5707. scouring agent ==> 洗涤剂
  5708. scouring and silting ==> 冲刷及淤积
  5709. scouring basin ==> 冲沙池,水闸蓄水池
  5710. scouring bit ==> 清孔钻头
  5711. scouring bowl ==> 洗毛槽
  5712. scouring box ==> 磨光卷筒
  5713. scouring capability ==> 冲刷能力
  5714. scouring cinder ==> 侵蚀性熔渣
  5715. scouring cloth ==> 抹布
  5716. scouring effect ==> 冲刷效应,冲刷作用
  5717. scouring equipment ==> 冲砂设备
  5718. scouring force ==> 冲刷力
  5719. scouring machine ==> 冲浇机,水洗机,洗涤机
  5720. scouring mill ==> 脱壳机,砻谷机
  5721. scouring pad ==> スチールウール入り台所用スポンジ
  5722. scouring rush ==> 木贼草
  5723. scouring rush herb ==> 木贼
  5724. scouring sluice ==> 冲砂阀,冲砂孔,冲沙道,冲沙闸门,排沙闸门,冲沙闸,用以排沙和冲刷淤沙的闸
  5725. scouring solution ==> 擦洗溶液
  5726. scouring stand ==> 不锈钢带抛光装置
  5727. scouring table ==> 修坯台
  5728. scouring test ==> 冲刷试验
  5729. scouring velocity ==> 冲刷流速,冲刷速度
  5730. scouring water ==> 洗涤水
  5731. scouring wheel and buffing wheel ==> 打磨轮与抛光轮
  5732. scours ==> 新生动物泄泻症
  5733. scourway ==> 冲刷沟,冲刷通路
  5734. Scout ==> 侦察兵火箭
  5735. scout ==> 侦
  5736. scout (ship) ==> 侦察船
  5737. scout activity ==> 侦察活动
  5738. scout airplane ==> 侦察机
  5739. scout boring ==> 地质探眼
  5740. scout car ==> 侦察车,侦察装甲汽车
  5741. scout carrier ==> 侦察装甲运输车
  5742. scout cruiser ==> 侦察巡航艇
  5743. scout drilling ==> 钻探
  5744. scout helicopter ==> 侦察直升机
  5745. scout hole ==> 侦察探孔
  5746. scout vehicle ==> 侦察车辆
  5747. scout-bombing ==> 侦察轰炸
  5748. scout-observation seaplane ==> 侦察观测水上飞机
  5749. scouting aeroplane ==> 侦察机
  5750. scouting bombing plane ==> 侦察轰炸机
  5751. scouting course ==> 搜索航线
  5752. scouting distance ==> 搜索距离
  5753. scouting line ==> 搜索线
  5754. scouting manual ==> 侦察教范
  5755. scouting plane ==> 侦察机
  5756. scouting round ==> 侦察性巡逻
  5757. scouting speed ==> 搜索速度
  5758. scouting tank ==> 侦察坦克
  5759. scouting test ==> 探索性试验
  5760. scouting-type calculation ==> 试探性计算
  5761. scoutplane ==> 侦察机
  5762. scove kiln ==> 泥封窑
  5763. SCP, solar cell panel ==> 太陽電池板
  5764. SCP, star calibration program ==> スターキャリブレーションプログラム
  5765. scr ==> 可控硅整流
  5766. SCR ==> 选择性催化反应=>選択的触媒還元,高温高圧選択的触媒還元法
  5767. scr pg ==> 可控硅脉冲电源
  5768. scr pulse generator ==> 可控硅脉冲电源
  5769. SCR, selection catalytic reduction process ==> (脱硝装置的)SCR法
  5770. SCR, selective catalytic reduction process ==> アンモニアを用いた選択的接触還元法(脱硝装置)
  5771. SCR, selective chopper radiometer ==> 選択型チョッパー放射計
  5772. SCR, short-circuit ratio ==> 短絡比
  5773. SCR, Silicon Controlled Rectifier ==> サイリスタ, シリコン制御整流素子
  5774. SCR, strip chart recorder ==> ストリップチャートレコーダ
  5775. scraf welding ==> 嵌焊
  5776. scrag ==> 痩せた人
  5777. scrag load ==> 冲击载荷
  5778. scrag mill ==> 双平行圆锯制材厂
  5779. Scragg crimp-spin machine ==> 斯克腊格式假粘法鬈曲机
  5780. scragging ==> 冲击载荷试验
  5781. scram ==> 急停,紧急停堆,当发生危及反应堆安全的事件时,为减轻或防止危险状态,安全保护自动动作,使反应堆立即停运的动作=>スクラム,非常停止
  5782. scram button ==> 快速停堆按钮,应急按钮
  5783. scram position ==> 关断位置
  5784. scram rod ==> 快速停堆棒,安全棒,安全事故棒=>安全棒
  5785. scram system ==> 快速停堆系统
  5786. scramble ==> 紧急起飞,扰频,联接=>取り合い
  5787. scramble network ==> 杂混网络,不规则网络
  5788. scramble non-return-to-zero change on one ==> 加扰逢1变化不归零制
  5789. scramble pattern ==> 不规则模式
  5790. scramble rule ==> 杂混规则
  5791. scramble time ==> 零星时间,编码时间
  5792. scrambled image ==> 失真影像
  5793. scrambled merchandising ==> 跨行业销售
  5794. scrambled speech ==> 倒频后语言
  5795. scrambler ==> 倒频器,密码机,密码器,扰频器,脉冲量化器,保密器=>スクランブラ
  5796. scrambler circuit ==> 保密倒频电路
  5797. scrambling and unscrambling network ==> 播散与收集网络
  5798. scrambling matrix ==> 密码矩阵
  5799. scramjet ==> スクラムジェット
  5800. SCRAMJET, supersonic combustion ramjet ==> 超音速燃焼ラムジェット
  5801. scramming mechanism ==> 快速停堆机构,快速停止机构
  5802. scrap ==> 废铁,渣,炸碎,碎屑,破片,废弃,边角料,生产废料,回炉料=>スクラップ
  5803. scrap (bridge) ==> 搭边
  5804. scrap a machine ==> 报废机器
  5805. scrap accumulation ==> 废钢积累
  5806. scrap aluminium alloy ==> 废铝合金
  5807. scrap and coke process ==> 废钢焦碳炼钢法
  5808. scrap and hot metal practice ==> 废钢铁水炼钢法
  5809. scrap baling ==> 废金属堆,切屑堆
  5810. scrap baling maching ==> 废钢打捆机
  5811. scrap baling press ==> 废铁压块机
  5812. scrap baling presses ==> 废铁压块机
  5813. scrap baller ==> 废铁压块压力机,切边卷取机
  5814. scrap balling ==> 废钢打包
  5815. scrap balling press ==> 废料压块压力机
  5816. scrap body material ==> 废坯料
  5817. scrap brass ==> 碎黄铜
  5818. scrap breaker ==> 废钢铁破碎机
  5819. scrap briquetting ==> 切屑堆
  5820. scrap briquetting press ==> 切屑压块机
  5821. scrap build ==> 设备改造,设备改装
  5822. scrap bundler ==> 废钢打包机
  5823. scrap chopper ==> 碎边剪切机
  5824. scrap collection system ==> 铁屑收集装置
  5825. scrap copper ==> 废铜
  5826. scrap crepe ==> 碎屑皱片
  5827. scrap cutter ==> 碎边剪,切废料装置,废料刀断装置
  5828. scrap edge ==> 切边
  5829. scrap end ==> 切尾
  5830. scrap ends ==> 切头
  5831. scrap factor ==> 废品系数
  5832. scrap handling ==> 废料处理
  5833. scrap heap ==> 废料堆
  5834. scrap heat ==> 废钢炼钢法
  5835. scrap iron ==> 废铁=>くず鉄
  5836. scrap iron shearing machine ==> 废铁剪机
  5837. scrap lead ==> 废铅
  5838. scrap leather ==> 废皮
  5839. scrap machines ==> 报废机器
  5840. scrap mark ==> 废边印痕
  5841. scrap metal ==> 废金属=>金属くず
  5842. scrap metal processor ==> 金属废料处理设备
  5843. scrap mica ==> 云母屑
  5844. scrap pape ==> 废物
  5845. scrap practice ==> 废钢炼钢法
  5846. scrap preheater ==> 废钢预热装置
  5847. scrap press ==> 废料打包压力机,废料压块压力机
  5848. scrap process ==> 废钢法
  5849. scrap rate ==> 切屑量
  5850. scrap reel ==> 废料卷取机
  5851. scrap report ==> 废料报告单
  5852. scrap returns ==> 废钢回收
  5853. scrap ribbon ==> 条状废料
  5854. scrap seed ==> 废种子
  5855. scrap shear ==> 废钢剪床
  5856. scrap shearing machine ==> 废钢剪切机
  5857. scrap shears ==> 废钢剪切机
  5858. scrap steel ==> 废钢
  5859. scrap stock ==> 废料
  5860. scrap value ==> 废料价值,报废时价值,残余价值
  5861. scrap view ==> 局部视图,局部视图
  5862. scrap wire ==> 废线
  5863. scrape ==> 刮=>こする
  5864. scrape abrasion test ==> 擦刮磨损试验
  5865. scrape along ==> 擦及
  5866. scrape boring bar ==> 刮孔器
  5867. scrape chiller ==> 刮刀结晶器
  5868. scrape dozer ==> 刮运推土机
  5869. scrape off ==> 擦去
  5870. scraped finish ==> 扒柱石,刮毛饰面,刮磨
  5871. scraped heat exchanger ==> 刮削式热交换器
  5872. scraped plot ==> 已经刮草的地块
  5873. scraped surface ==> 刮光面,刮研表面
  5874. scraped surface heat exchanger ==> 刮板式换热器,刮面式换热器
  5875. scraped-surface exchanger ==> 刮板式换热器,刮面热交换器
  5876. scraped-swrface exchanger ==> 刮面式套管结晶机
  5877. scraper ==> 刮棒,刮刀,刮料装置,刮器,刮土机,刮削器,平土机,滤饼刮刀,扒矿机,耙的刮刀,铲土机=>きさげ,スクレーパ
  5878. scraper blade ==> 铲运机铲刀,平土铲
  5879. scraper boss ==> 刮板轮毂
  5880. scraper bowl ==> 铲运机斗
  5881. scraper bucket ==> 铲斗
  5882. scraper capacity ==> 电耙耙斗容量
  5883. scraper chain conveyer ==> 刮板运输机,铲式刮板输送机
  5884. scraper cleaner ==> 清扫刮板
  5885. scraper compression ring ==> 刮油压缩环
  5886. scraper conveyer ==> 刮板运输机,链板运输机,链板机=>スクレーパコンベヤ
  5887. scraper conveyor ==> 刮板式输送器,刮板输送机
  5888. scraper dozer ==> 推土机
  5889. scraper dredge ==> 刮刀式挖泥船
  5890. scraper elevator ==> 刮板升运器
  5891. scraper excavator ==> 铲斗挖掘机
  5892. scraper feeder ==> 刮板给料机,刮板式给煤机,依靠可改变运动速度的刮板的运动,定量供煤的设备
  5893. scraper foundry trowel ==> 刮刀
  5894. scraper haulage ==> 铲运机拖运
  5895. scraper hoist ==> 扒矿绞车,耙斗提升机
  5896. scraper hone ==> 刮刀磨石
  5897. scraper loader ==> 刮斗装载机,耙斗装料机,耙斗装载机
  5898. scraper method ==> 修刮法
  5899. scraper pan ==> 铲斗
  5900. scraper plane ==> 刮刨
  5901. scraper pump ==> 刮板泵
  5902. scraper ring ==> 刮油环,油圈=>油かきリング
  5903. scraper roller ==> 清洁辊,抄钢丝辊
  5904. scraper seal ==> 防尘圈
  5905. scraper tail gate ==> 耙斗后壁
  5906. scraper transporter ==> 刮板式运输机,刮运机
  5907. scraper trap ==> 刮屑收集器
  5908. scraper trough conveyer ==> 槽形链板运输机
  5909. scraper type hadn pump ==> 刮板手摇泵
  5910. scraper type rockloader ==> 耙式装岩机
  5911. scraper winch ==> 扒矿绞车,电耙运输车
  5912. scraper-bucket excavator ==> 铲斗挖土机
  5913. scraping ==> 刮刀,刮削=>削る
  5914. scraping and grinding method ==> 刮研磨法
  5915. scraping apparatus ==> 刮管器,铲刮器械
  5916. scraping belt ==> 带刮板的运输带,链板
  5917. scraping blade ==> 刮墨刀
  5918. scraping blade conveyor ==> 刮板运输机
  5919. scraping cut ==> 刮除很细切屑
  5920. scraping cutter ==> 刮刀
  5921. scraping dredger ==> 刮板式铲泥机
  5922. scraping edge ==> (活塞环的)刮油棱缘
  5923. scraping effect ==> 刮垢效果,擦尘效果
  5924. scraping effectiveness ==> 刮油效率
  5925. scraping grader ==> 刮板式平路机,刮土平地机
  5926. scraping iron ==> 刮秽,刮研产生的铁屑
  5927. scraping land ==> 刮油边
  5928. scraping machine ==> 铲刮机,铲土机,扒矿机=>かぎ取り機
  5929. scraping out cutter ==> 拉刀
  5930. scraping plate ==> 刮板
  5931. scraping plate type eliminator ==> 刮板式除渣机
  5932. scraping ring ==> 刮油环
  5933. scraping straightedge ==> 刮尺
  5934. scraping tool ==> 刮刀
  5935. scraping transporter ==> 刮板式运输机
  5936. scrapped part ==> 残品
  5937. scrapped parts ==> 报废零件
  5938. scrapped project ==> 报废工程
  5939. scratch ==> 条痕,撤消,小刻线刀,抓伤,划痕,擦痕,擦伤,标线,刻线,抓痒=>ひっかき,ひっかく
  5940. scratch a file ==> 撤消一个文件
  5941. scratch awl ==> 划针
  5942. scratch board ==> 刮板
  5943. scratch brush ==> 钢丝刷
  5944. scratch brush wheel ==> 钢丝磨刷轮
  5945. scratch brushing ==> 钢丝刷刷光,刷光
  5946. scratch coat ==> 打底灰泥层
  5947. scratch data cartridge ==> 临时数据盒式盘
  5948. scratch file ==> 过期文件,暂时停用文件,草稿文件
  5949. scratch filter ==> 唱针沙声滤波器
  5950. scratch hardness ==> 刮痕硬度=>ひっかきかたさ
  5951. scratch hardness number ==> 划痕硬度值
  5952. scratch hardness test ==> 划痕硬度试验
  5953. scratch hardness tester ==> 划痕硬度计
  5954. scratch lathe ==> 磨光车床,擦光机
  5955. scratch mark ==> 抓痕
  5956. scratch marks ==> (钢板表面缺陷)划痕
  5957. scratch noise ==> 唱针噪声=>スクラッチノイズ(蓄音機の)
  5958. scratch pad ==> 高速暂存存储器
  5959. scratch pad memory ==> 高速暂存器
  5960. scratch pad register ==> 便笺式寄存器
  5961. scratch pad storage ==> 超高速暂时存贮器
  5962. scratch recorder ==> 划痕记录器,划针式记录器
  5963. scratch resistance ==> 抗划伤
  5964. scratch resistant hardened glass ==> 防划痕硬化玻璃
  5965. scratch start ==> 摩擦起弧,起弧,擦弧
  5966. scratch system ==> 磨粉系统
  5967. scratch tape ==> 暂存带,草稿带
  5968. scratch template ==> 针刮样板,钉刮样板
  5969. scratch test ==> 划痕试验,划破试验,硬度划痕试验,刮痕硬度试验,抓破试验,擦痕试验=>ひっかきかたさ試験
  5970. scratch volume ==> 废卷宗
  5971. scratch wire brush ==> 钢丝刷
  5972. scratch(ing)brush ==> 金属丝刷子
  5973. scratch-pad memory ==> 高速暂存存储器
  5974. scratch-pad register ==> 暂存寄存器
  5975. scratch-pad storage ==> 高速暂存存储器,便笺式存储器
  5976. scratchability ==> 柔软度
  5977. scratchboard ==> 刮画板
  5978. scratched figure ==> 划杠的数字
  5979. scratched pebble ==> 擦痕卵石
  5980. scratcher ==> 划痕器,削皮器
  5981. scratcher chain saw ==> 直齿链锯
  5982. scratching ==> 刮痕
  5983. scratching noise ==> 唱针噪声
  5984. scratchpad ==> 便笺式暂存
  5985. scratchpad area (SPA) ==> 高速存储区,临时存储区
  5986. screed ==> 裂片,冲筋,样板=>スクリード
  5987. screed board ==> 平泥板
  5988. screed board vibrator ==> 样板式震动器
  5989. screed finish ==> 饰面找平
  5990. screed finisher ==> 刮平修整机
  5991. screed strip ==> 冲筋
  5992. screed vibrator ==> 振动样板
  5993. screed wire ==> 照准地线
  5994. screed-coat ==> 找平层
  5995. screen ==> 幕,遮,遮蔽,遮护,屏,屏蔽,屏幕,屏栅,屏障,银幕,帘,滤网,过滤网,荧光屏,荧光屏银幕,网板,保护屏,百叶箱,筛选,筛子,评选=>スクリーン,ちりよけ格子,遮蔽,選抜,評価
  5996. screen (grid) ==> 帘栅极
  5997. screen absorptance ==> 屏蔽吸收系数,屏幕吸收比,屏幕吸收系数
  5998. screen actinic efficiency ==> 屏的光化效率,荧光屏光化效率
  5999. screen afterglow ==> 荧光屏余辉
  6000. screen analysis ==> 粒度分析,筛分试验,筛分析,筛析
  6001. screen analysis chart ==> 筛析曲线图
  6002. screen analysis curve ==> 筛析曲线
  6003. screen aperture ==> 筛径
  6004. screen area ==> 画面領域
  6005. screen background ==> 画面の背景
  6006. screen banks ==> 筛组
  6007. screen basket spinner ==> 带掩蔽罩的旋转器,带掩蔽罩旋涂器
  6008. screen bed base ==> 筛网架
  6009. screen blinding ==> 筛孔堵塞
  6010. screen blowup ==> パソコン画面大写し
  6011. screen boost coil ==> 帘栅极升压线圈
  6012. screen box ==> 筛箱
  6013. screen brightness ==> 荧光屏亮度
  6014. screen brilliancy ==> 荧光屏亮度
  6015. screen brush ==> 清筛刷
  6016. screen bumper ==> 清筛用撞击器
  6017. screen burn ==> 荧光屏烧坏
  6018. screen burning ==> 萤光屏烧毁,离子辉点
  6019. screen camera ==> 荧光屏照相机
  6020. screen cap ==> 滤筛盖
  6021. screen centrifuge ==> 筛网离心机
  6022. screen classification ==> 筛分
  6023. screen classifier ==> 筛分机
  6024. screen cleaner ==> 筛式清选机,清筛器
  6025. screen cloth ==> 筛网
  6026. screen coil motor ==> 屏蔽线圈电动机
  6027. screen collector ==> 幕式集尘器,水幕除尘器
  6028. screen colour ==> 荧光屏颜色
  6029. screen condensation ==> 荧光屏淀积
  6030. screen condensation temperature ==> 外壳冷凝温度
  6031. screen constant ==> 屏蔽常数
  6032. screen control ==> 荧光屏辉光控制
  6033. screen conveyer ==> 筛式输送机
  6034. screen corn sample ==> 筛玉米粉样
  6035. screen cupboard ==> 纱橱
  6036. screen curve ==> 屏曲线
  6037. screen cylinder ==> 筛鼓
  6038. screen decanter ==> 筛式沉降器
  6039. screen deck ==> 筛板
  6040. screen deposition ==> スクリーン印刷
  6041. screen dike ==> 隔堤
  6042. screen discharge mill ==> 筛网排料式磨矿机
  6043. screen dissipation ==> 帘栅耗散,帘栅极损耗
  6044. screen distance ==> 网目距离
  6045. screen door ==> 纱门=>網戸
  6046. screen drier ==> 百叶窗式分离器
  6047. screen drum ==> 筛式滚筒
  6048. screen dryer ==> 活动栅网干燥器
  6049. screen dump ==> 画面ダンプ
  6050. screen during site display ==> サイト表示中の画面
  6051. screen earthing ==> 屏蔽接地
  6052. screen education ==> 映像教育
  6053. screen effect ==> 屏蔽效应,屏障效果=>スクリーン効果
  6054. screen effective diameter ==> 荧光屏有效直径
  6055. screen efficiency ==> 筛选效率
  6056. screen filter ==> 网式滤油器
  6057. screen filter pressure (SFP) ==> 滤器屏压
  6058. screen filtration pressure ==> 加压过滤膜测定
  6059. screen flange gasket ==> 滤网凸缘衬垫
  6060. screen floor ==> 筛子安装平面
  6061. screen for side light ==> 舷灯遮光板
  6062. screen frame ==> 银幕框架,筛体
  6063. screen frame (unit) ==> 筛架
  6064. screen glass ==> 网眼玻璃
  6065. screen grader ==> 筛选机
  6066. screen grading ==> 筛级
  6067. screen grid ==> 帘栅极=>スクリーングリッド,しゃへい格子
  6068. screen grid current ==> 帘栅极电流
  6069. screen grid voltage ==> 帘栅极电压
  6070. screen height ==> 屏幕高度
  6071. screen holder ==> 滤网架,筛孔板支架
  6072. screen hole ==> 筛孔
  6073. screen house ==> 筛分车间
  6074. screen illumination ==> 屏幕照度
  6075. screen intensity ==> 屏幕亮度,荧光屏亮度
  6076. screen lock ==> 筛子定位器
  6077. screen luminance ==> 荧光屏亮度,屏幕亮度
  6078. screen machine ==> 筛选机
  6079. screen mask ==> 印网掩模
  6080. screen memory ==> 屏障记忆
  6081. screen mesh ==> 筛号纲目,筛网,筛眼
  6082. screen method ==> 屏蔽法
  6083. screen modulation ==> 帘栅调制
  6084. screen opening ==> 筛眼
  6085. screen panel ==> 筛网
  6086. screen persistance ==> 荧光屏余辉保留时间
  6087. screen persistence ==> 荧光屏持久性,荧光屏余辉
  6088. screen phosphor ==> 屏荧光粉
  6089. screen picture ==> 屏幕图像
  6090. screen planting ==> 屏障栽植
  6091. screen plate ==> 筛选板
  6092. screen potential ==> 荧光屏电位
  6093. screen print ==> 丝网印刷
  6094. screen printable paste ==> 丝网漏印用膏
  6095. screen printer ==> 丝网漏印机
  6096. screen printing ==> 网印,丝网印刷,丝网印刷术=>スクリーン印刷
  6097. screen printing glaze ==> 印刷釉
  6098. screen printing ink ==> スクリーン印刷インキ
  6099. screen printing machine ==> 丝印刷机=>スクリーン捺染機
  6100. screen printing stencil ==> 丝网漏印模板
  6101. screen process ==> 银幕合成,背景放映,彩屏法
  6102. screen process press ==> 丝网印刷机
  6103. screen process printing ==> スクリーン印刷
  6104. screen production ==> 映画制作
  6105. screen prompt ==> 画面プロンプト
  6106. screen protected machine ==> 网罩防护式电机
  6107. screen radiant efficiency ==> 荧光屏发射效率
  6108. screen reflector ==> 金属网反射器=>金網反射器
  6109. screen residue ==> 筛余
  6110. screen response speed ==> 荧光屏响应速度
  6111. screen riddle ==> 振动筛
  6112. screen roll ==> 清筛辊
  6113. screen saturation ==> 荧光屏饱和
  6114. screen scarifier ==> 清筛机
  6115. screen separation ==> 筛分
  6116. screen set bar ==> 筛板拉杆
  6117. screen settling ==> 荧光物质沉积法
  6118. screen shaker ==> 筛子抖动器,筛子撞击器
  6119. screen sheet ==> 投影片
  6120. screen shoe ==> 筛架
  6121. screen sieve ==> 分离筛,分离筛
  6122. screen size ==> 筛号,筛分粒度,筛孔尺寸,筛眼孔径
  6123. screen size gradation ==> 筛号分级
  6124. screen size television ==> 投影电视,大屏幕电视,大屏幕电视机
  6125. screen sizing ==> 筛分分级,筛选
  6126. screen slope adjusting shaft ==> 筛网倾斜调节轴
  6127. screen sludge crusher ==> 筛余污泥压碎机
  6128. screen spectral characteristic ==> 荧光屏光谱特性
  6129. screen speed ==> 响应速度,屏幕惰性
  6130. screen storage time ==> 荧光屏余辉时间
  6131. screen tailing ==> 筛余物
  6132. screen tailings ==> 筛屑
  6133. screen temperature ==> 百叶箱温度
  6134. screen test ==> 试镜头,筛分试验
  6135. screen thermometer ==> 百叶箱温度表
  6136. screen transmittance ==> 屏蔽透明性,屏幕透射比
  6137. screen tube ==> 捕渣管
  6138. screen underflow ==> 筛下物
  6139. screen undersize ==> 筛下产品
  6140. screen unit ==> 筛架
  6141. screen vibrator ==> 振筛器
  6142. screen voltage ==> 荧光屏电压
  6143. screen wall ==> 影壁
  6144. screen wall counter ==> 屏蔽计数管,幕壁计数管
  6145. screen width ==> 荧光屏宽度
  6146. screen window ==> 纱窗=>網戸
  6147. screen wiper ==> 雨刷
  6148. screen wire cloth ==> 铁丝纱(窗纱)
  6149. screen(ing) machine ==> 筛机
  6150. screen(ing) test ==> 甄别试验
  6151. screen-bowl ==> 筛选离心机
  6152. screen-colour characteristic ==> 屏色谱特性
  6153. screen-factor ==> 屏蔽系数
  6154. screen-grid dissipation ==> 屏栅耗散
  6155. screen-grid modulation ==> 屏栅调制
  6156. screen-line count ==> 网线计数
  6157. screen-plate ==> 帘栅极板极
  6158. screen-printed conductor ==> 丝网印刷导体
  6159. screen-type centrifuge ==> 筛筒式离心机
  6160. screen-type drier ==> 筛式干燥器
  6161. screen-type film ==> 增感型胶片
  6162. screen-type mill ==> 筛网排料磨机,筛型磨碎机,周边排矿式磨碎机
  6163. screen-type separator ==> 筛式清选器
  6164. screenability ==> 筛选性能
  6165. screenable resist ==> 丝网漏印用光刻胶
  6166. screenage ==> 影像
  6167. screened aerial ==> 屏蔽天线
  6168. screened antenna ==> 屏蔽天线
  6169. screened cable ==> 屏蔽电缆=>シールドケーブル
  6170. screened camera ==> 屏蔽室
  6171. screened coal ==> 筛选煤,经过筛选加工的煤
  6172. screened coaxial cable ==> 屏蔽同轴电缆
  6173. screened coil ==> 屏蔽线圈
  6174. screened conductor ==> 丝网印制导体
  6175. screened feeder ==> 屏蔽馈线
  6176. screened film ==> 屏蔽膜
  6177. screened gravel ==> 过筛砾石
  6178. screened indicator ==> 遮蔽指示剂,筛选指示剂
  6179. screened insect proof house ==> 防虫铜纱室
  6180. screened loess soil ==> 过筛黄土
  6181. screened material ==> 过筛材料,过筛的物料
  6182. screened on resistor ==> 丝网印制电阻器
  6183. screened ore ==> 筛选矿石
  6184. screened pentode ==> 高频五极管
  6185. screened pipe ==> 衬管
  6186. screened refuse ==> 筛出废料
  6187. screened room ==> 屏蔽室
  6188. screened sand ==> 过筛砂
  6189. screened solder mask ==> 丝网印制钎焊掩模
  6190. screened spark plug ==> 屏蔽型火花塞
  6191. screened sparking plug ==> 屏蔽火花塞
  6192. screened water pump ==> 屏蔽式水泵
  6193. screened well ==> 过滤井
  6194. screened wire ==> 屏蔽线
  6195. screened-conductor cable ==> シールドケーブル
  6196. screener ==> 分级机,分级器,筛,筛分工
  6197. screenerator ==> 筛砂松砂机
  6198. screening ==> 筛除法,筛分,筛选制版,筛余物,过滤,过筛,屏蔽,普查检,遮护,电屏蔽=>シールド
  6199. screening agent ==> 掩蔽剂
  6200. screening angle ==> 屏蔽角
  6201. screening area ==> 筛孔面积
  6202. screening audiometer ==> 筛式听力计
  6203. screening box ==> 屏蔽箱=>遮蔽箱
  6204. screening burn in ==> 取样老炼
  6205. screening cage ==> 屏蔽笼
  6206. screening can ==> 屏蔽外壳
  6207. screening capacity ==> 遮蔽能力
  6208. screening chain ==> 分选输送链
  6209. screening coefficient ==> 屏蔽系数
  6210. screening constant ==> 屏蔽常数
  6211. screening design ==> 筛选设计
  6212. screening device ==> 筛机
  6213. screening effect ==> 屏蔽效应=>遮蔽効果
  6214. screening efficiency ==> 筛分效率
  6215. screening examination ==> 过筛检查
  6216. screening factor ==> 屏蔽率=>遮蔽係数
  6217. screening for colorectal cancer ==> 大腸癌のスクリーニング
  6218. screening glass ==> 护目镜片
  6219. screening hypothesis ==> 筛选假设
  6220. screening inspection ==> 筛选检查
  6221. screening installation ==> 筛选设备,分选设备
  6222. screening length ==> 遮蔽距離
  6223. screening level ==> 筛选级
  6224. screening machine ==> 筛选机
  6225. screening machinery ==> 筛分设备
  6226. screening material ==> 屏蔽材料
  6227. screening method ==> 筛选法
  6228. screening number ==> 屏蔽数
  6229. screening nursery ==> 甄别苗圃
  6230. screening of bids ==> 审定投标,投标审核
  6231. screening of import commodities ==> 筛选进口商品
  6232. screening plant ==> 筛分工场,筛分装置,筛选装置
  6233. screening procedure ==> 筛选程序
  6234. screening process ==> 筛选过程
  6235. screening protector ==> 屏蔽保护器,线路扼流圈
  6236. screening rate ==> 筛选率
  6237. screening sample ==> 筛选样品
  6238. screening seal coat ==> 石屑封层
  6239. screening slide ==> 遮护滑板
  6240. screening smoke ==> 烟幕
  6241. screening specification ==> 筛选规格
  6242. screening system ==> 滤水系统
  6243. screening tank ==> 烟幕坦克
  6244. screening test ==> 筛选检验
  6245. screening turn ==> 屏蔽线匝
  6246. screening washer ==> 筛洗器,筛选器
  6247. screening wire ==> 屏蔽线
  6248. screening-ionization waves ==> 遮蔽イオン化波動
  6249. screenings ==> 筛屑
  6250. screenings pulp ==> 木节纸浆
  6251. screenings refiner ==> 筛渣再磨机
  6252. screenings wrapping ==> 木节包装纸
  6253. screeno used in chemical processing ==> 化工用筛
  6254. screw ==> 螺钉,螺丝,螺旋,螺旋桨,推进器=>ねじ,ビス,らせん,スクリュー,スクルー
  6255. screw action ==> 捻旋作用
  6256. screw adjusting double caliper ==> 螺钉调整内外卡尺
  6257. screw adjusting inside caliper ==> 螺钉调整内卡尺
  6258. screw adjusting outside caliper ==> 螺钉调整外卡尺
  6259. screw adjustment ==> 螺钉调整
  6260. screw anchor ==> スクリューアンカ
  6261. screw and double nut ==> 螺丝和双螺母
  6262. screw arbor ==> 螺杆
  6263. screw arteries ==> らせん動脈
  6264. screw assembly ==> スクリュー装置
  6265. screw attachment ==> ねじ付属器
  6266. screw auger ==> 推运螺旋
  6267. screw axes ==> 螺旋对称轴
  6268. screw axis ==> 螺旋轴
  6269. screw axis(by axia) deviation ==> 轴线偏斜密封
  6270. screw base ==> 螺钉座=>ねじ込み口金
  6271. screw base fuse ==> 螺旋式熔断器
  6272. screw bell ==> 钻杆打捞器
  6273. screw belt ==> 螺钉带
  6274. screw belt fastener ==> 螺钉带扣
  6275. screw blade ==> 螺旋刀片,螺旋桨叶,螺旋式叶片
  6276. screw blank ==> 螺钉坯件
  6277. screw bolt ==> 螺杆,螺栓,全螺纹螺栓
  6278. screw bolt and nut ==> 螺栓和螺母
  6279. screw brake ==> 螺杆闸
  6280. screw bushing ==> 螺旋轴衬
  6281. screw cap ==> 螺母,螺丝管帽,螺丝帽=>ねじ込み口金,ねじキャップ
  6282. screw capping ==> 拧盖
  6283. screw case ==> 螺杆箱
  6284. screw case box ==> 螺杆箱机座
  6285. screw case suppressing metal ==> 螺杆箱紧固件
  6286. screw chaser ==> 螺纹板牙,螺纹梳刀,修正孔用丝锥
  6287. screw chases ==> 螺丝版框
  6288. screw chasing ==> 螺纹切削
  6289. screw chasing machine ==> 螺丝车床,螺纹切削机,制螺旋机
  6290. screw chasing tool ==> 螺纹梳刀
  6291. screw chuck ==> 螺旋卡盘
  6292. screw clamp ==> 螺丝夹,螺旋夹
  6293. screw clamp for brake shoe lining ==> 装制动磨擦夹片
  6294. screw clamp for lubricating leaf spring ==> 钢板弹簧上油卡子
  6295. screw coal conveyer ==> 螺旋式输煤机
  6296. screw coal unloader ==> 螺旋卸煤机
  6297. screw collar ==> 螺旋环,环状螺母
  6298. screw comb ==> 螺纹梳刀
  6299. screw composing-stick ==> 螺丝排字手托
  6300. screw compressor ==> 螺旋压气机,螺旋压缩机
  6301. screw compressor clamp ==> 螺旋压缩机管夹
  6302. screw cone ==> 螺旋锥体
  6303. screw contact ==> 螺丝触点
  6304. screw control ==> 压下控制
  6305. screw conveyer ==> 螺旋输送机=>スクリュー
  6306. screw conveyor ==> 螺旋输送器
  6307. screw correction ==> 螺旋形失真校正
  6308. screw coupler ==> 螺旋车钩
  6309. screw coupling ==> 螺旋车钩
  6310. screw cramp ==> 螺丝夹钳
  6311. screw cutter ==> 螺纹刀具
  6312. screw cutting ==> 螺纹切削,切螺纹,切削螺纹,车螺纹
  6313. screw cutting dies ==> 板牙
  6314. screw cutting lathe ==> 车螺丝车床,螺丝车床
  6315. screw cutting machine ==> 螺纹切削机,螺旋切削机
  6316. screw cutting tool ==> 螺纹车刀
  6317. screw decanter ==> 螺旋沉降器,螺旋澄清器
  6318. screw depth control ==> 螺杆式深度调节器
  6319. screw depth regulator ==> 螺旋式入土深度调节器
  6320. screw diad ==> 二重螺旋轴
  6321. screw diameter ==> 螺旋直径
  6322. screw die ==> 螺丝板牙,平丝板
  6323. screw dislocation ==> 螺线位错,螺旋位错=>らせん転位
  6324. screw displacement ==> 螺旋位移
  6325. screw drive ==> 螺杆传动
  6326. screw driven planer ==> 螺杆传动刨床
  6327. screw driver ==> 扁螺丝刀,螺丝批
  6328. screw driver with wooden scales ==> 夹柄螺丝批
  6329. screw drum ==> 螺旋转鼓
  6330. screw elevator ==> 螺旋升运器,螺旋式升降机,螺旋提升机,螺旋牙根挺
  6331. screw extractor ==> 断螺钉取出器,起螺丝器
  6332. screw extruder ==> 螺旋挤压机,螺旋压出机=>スクリュー押し出し機
  6333. screw extrusion ==> スクリュー押し出し
  6334. screw extrusion machine ==> 蜗杆挤压机
  6335. screw extrusion press ==> 螺旋挤出机,螺旋挤压机
  6336. screw eye ==> 螺丝眼,(羊眼)羊眼圈
  6337. screw fan ==> 螺旋扇风机,轴流式扇风机
  6338. screw fastener ==> 螺钉扣
  6339. screw fastening ==> 螺钉连接,螺丝接合
  6340. screw feed ==> 螺旋喂送器
  6341. screw feed grease cup ==> 滑脂杯
  6342. screw feed mechanism ==> 螺旋加料机构
  6343. screw feeder ==> 螺杆给料机,螺旋加料器
  6344. screw fixing ==> 螺丝固定
  6345. screw flange ==> 栓接法兰
  6346. screw flange coupling ==> 螺钉凸缘联轴节
  6347. screw for alarm clock ==> 闹钟螺钉
  6348. screw for bearing wheel of oscillating weight ==> 自动锤轴承螺钉
  6349. screw for framework of automatic device ==> 自动框架螺钉
  6350. screw for indicator guard ==> 日历指示器护板螺钉
  6351. screw for jumper spring ==> 跳杆簧螺钉
  6352. screw for motor starter ==> 马达起动器螺钉
  6353. screw for setting lever spring ==> 压簧螺钉
  6354. screw for starter fixing clamp ==> 起动器固定夹螺钉
  6355. screw friction press ==> 螺旋摩擦压力机
  6356. screw ga(u)ge ==> 螺纹规
  6357. screw ga(u)ge (S.G.) ==> 螺纹量规
  6358. screw gauge ==> 螺纹规
  6359. screw gauge for taper thread ==> 锥形螺纹量规
  6360. screw gear ==> 螺纹传动装置,螺旋齿轮,压下装置
  6361. screw gearing ==> 螺旋齿轮传动装置,蜗轮蜗杆传动装置
  6362. screw gill drawing frame ==> 螺旋杆式并条机
  6363. screw gun ==> 螺旋式油枪
  6364. screw head ==> 螺钉头
  6365. screw head file ==> 螺钉头锉
  6366. screw height control ==> 螺杆式高度调节器
  6367. screw hoist ==> 螺杆式启闭机,用蜗轮蜗杆或齿轮带动螺杆,牵引闸门升降的闸门启闭机
  6368. screw holder ==> 螺口灯头,螺丝夹持器
  6369. screw holding forceps ==> 持螺丝钳
  6370. screw hole ==> 螺丝孔
  6371. screw home ==> 拧紧
  6372. screw hoop ==> 环首螺栓
  6373. screw horseporew ==> 推进器马力
  6374. screw housing clearance ==> 推运螺旋与壳间间隙
  6375. screw hub seal ==> 蜗杆毂密封
  6376. screw impeller ==> 螺旋叶轮
  6377. screw impeller pump ==> 螺旋桨式泵
  6378. screw injection machine ==> スクリュー式射出成形機
  6379. screw injection molding machine ==> スクリュー式射出成形機
  6380. screw jack ==> 螺丝千斤顶
  6381. screw jaw with lug ==> 带舌螺扣接杆
  6382. screw jaw with movable lug ==> 带活舌螺扣接杆
  6383. screw joint ==> 螺管接头,螺旋接合
  6384. screw key ==> 螺丝扳手,螺旋键
  6385. screw lid ==> 螺旋盖
  6386. screw lift ==> 螺旋提升机
  6387. screw lifting mechanism ==> 螺旋提升机构
  6388. screw lower bridge of automatic device ==> 自动装置下夹板螺钉
  6389. screw lubrication ==> 螺旋润滑
  6390. screw machine ==> 自动车床,制螺钉机
  6391. screw making machine ==> 制螺钉机
  6392. screw mandrel ==> 螺旋心轴,丝杆
  6393. screw micrometer ==> 螺杆测微计
  6394. screw micrometer cal(l)iper ==> 螺旋千分卡尺
  6395. screw microscope ==> 螺旋测微镜
  6396. screw mixer ==> 螺旋轴搅拌机
  6397. screw motion ==> 螺旋运动
  6398. screw motor ==> 螺杆马达
  6399. screw nail ==> 螺丝钉,螺纹钉,木螺钉
  6400. screw nicking machine ==> 螺钉头开槽机
  6401. screw nut ==> 螺母
  6402. screw of tangential cutter head ==> 切向进刀架丝杠
  6403. screw off ==> 拧松
  6404. screw on ==> 拧上
  6405. screw pair ==> 丝杠螺母副,螺旋副
  6406. screw pile ==> 螺旋桩
  6407. screw pile foundation ==> 螺旋桩基
  6408. screw pin ==> 螺旋销
  6409. screw pin countersink shackle ==> 埋头螺丝卸扣
  6410. screw pinch ==> 螺旋箍缩
  6411. screw pitch ==> 螺纹距,螺旋节距
  6412. screw plasticating injection molding ==> 螺杆塑化式注塑
  6413. screw plate ==> 螺丝板牙,螺丝钢板,螺丝模,搓丝板,搓丝机,板牙
  6414. screw plow ==> 螺旋形犁
  6415. screw plug ==> 螺旋接线柱,螺旋塞
  6416. screw plug fuse ==> 螺塞熔断器
  6417. screw plug ga(u)ge ==> 螺纹塞规
  6418. screw post ==> 螺纹桩钉
  6419. screw press ==> 螺旋压机,螺旋压力机
  6420. screw prop ==> 千斤顶
  6421. screw propeller ==> 螺旋推进器
  6422. screw propellor for boat ==> 船用螺旋桨推进器
  6423. screw pump ==> 螺杆泵,螺旋泵
  6424. screw pumps ==> 螺杆泵
  6425. screw punch ==> 螺旋冲压机
  6426. screw rack ==> 斜齿条
  6427. screw rail bender ==> 螺杆弯轨机
  6428. screw release ==> 螺旋式限时解锁器
  6429. screw remover ==> 去螺钉器
  6430. screw retention ==> 螺纹防松装置
  6431. screw reverse gear ==> 螺旋回动装置
  6432. screw ring ==> 环首螺钉
  6433. screw ring ga(u)ge ==> 螺纹环规
  6434. screw rivet ==> 螺纹铆钉,螺旋铆钉
  6435. screw riveting machine ==> 螺旋铆机
  6436. screw rod ==> 螺杆
  6437. screw rolling machine ==> 滚丝机
  6438. screw rule ==> 螺旋定则
  6439. screw shackle ==> 螺纹联接环,螺纹连接环
  6440. screw shaft ==> 螺杆轴,螺旋轴
  6441. screw shaft bushing ==> 螺旋轴衬套
  6442. screw shank ==> 螺钉杆
  6443. screw shaped mo(u)ldboard ==> 螺旋形犁壁
  6444. screw shaving machine ==> 制螺母及螺栓头机
  6445. screw sheel ==> 螺旋套筒,灯头螺口
  6446. screw shell ==> 螺旋套管
  6447. screw slotting cutter ==> 螺旋开槽铣刀
  6448. screw snap ga(u)ge ==> 螺纹卡规
  6449. screw socket ==> 螺丝灯头,螺丝套筒=>ねじ込みソケット
  6450. screw spike ==> 螺丝钉,螺纹道钉,螺旋道钉
  6451. screw spindle ==> 螺旋轴
  6452. screw spindle type turning gear ==> 螺旋轴式盘车装置,电动机通过齿轮传动系统,由啮合齿轮带动盘车齿轮使主轴转动的盘车装置
  6453. screw spreader ==> 螺旋传送器,螺旋分布器
  6454. screw stairs ==> 盘旋式楼梯
  6455. screw stem ==> 螺杆
  6456. screw stock ==> 螺旋扳手
  6457. screw stopper ==> 螺旋塞
  6458. screw stud ==> 双头螺栓
  6459. screw support for adjusting regulator ==> 调整快慢针的螺钉座
  6460. screw swinging mechanism ==> 螺旋摆动机构
  6461. screw tap ==> 丝锥
  6462. screw templet ==> 螺纹样板
  6463. screw terminal ==> 螺丝接线端
  6464. screw testing interferometer ==> 螺杆检验干涉仪,检验螺纹干涉仪
  6465. screw thread ==> 螺纹
  6466. screw thread micrometer ==> 螺旋测微计
  6467. screw tight fitting ==> 紧配螺旋
  6468. screw tightener ==> 压紧螺钉
  6469. screw tip ==> 蜗杆梢
  6470. screw tourniquet ==> 螺旋止血带
  6471. screw tow bar ==> 螺旋式牵引杆
  6472. screw triad ==> 三重螺旋轴
  6473. screw tube ==> 罗纹管
  6474. screw tuner ==> ねじ同調器(導波管)
  6475. screw type oil expeller ==> 螺旋榨油机
  6476. screw unit ==> 组合机床的动力头
  6477. screw unloader ==> 螺旋卸车机,伸入敞顶运煤车的旋转螺旋将煤从运煤车侧面推出的卸煤机械
  6478. screw up ==> 拧紧
  6479. screw value ==> 螺旋周值
  6480. screw valve ==> 螺旋球阀
  6481. screw vent ==> 螺杆通孔
  6482. screw ventilation ==> 螺旋桨式风机,螺旋通风器
  6483. screw vice ==> 螺旋虎钳
  6484. screw washer ==> 螺旋垫圈,螺旋洗矿机
  6485. screw wedge ==> 丝杆调节楔
  6486. screw willow ==> 螺旋威罗机
  6487. screw winder ==> 螺杆式络纱机
  6488. screw wiper ==> 螺旋式擦拭器
  6489. screw wire ==> 螺钉用钢丝
  6490. screw with diamond knurls ==> 金刚石滚花头螺钉
  6491. screw with flat head ==> 平头螺钉
  6492. screw with knurled head ==> 滚花头螺钉
  6493. screw with round head ==> 圆头螺钉
  6494. screw with straight-line ==> 直线滚花头螺钉
  6495. screw with straight-line knurls ==> 直线滚花头螺钉
  6496. screw without nut ==> 无帽螺钉
  6497. screw worm ==> 螺旋锥蝇幼虫
  6498. screw wrench ==> 螺钉扳手,活动扳手
  6499. screw(-slot) milling machine ==> 螺钉头沟槽铣床
  6500. screw(-type) feeder ==> 螺旋给料机
  6501. screw(ing) chuck ==> 螺丝灯头
  6502. screw-and-nut mechanism ==> 螺杆螺母传动机构
  6503. screw-and-nut steering gear ==> 螺杆螺母式转向器
  6504. screw-and-nut steering-gear ==> 螺杆螺母转向装置
  6505. screw-cap ==> 螺旋帽
  6506. screw-cutting lathe ==> 车螺纹车床
  6507. screw-cutting machine ==> 螺纹切削机床
  6508. screw-down ==> 压下机构
  6509. screw-driven ==> 螺旋传动
  6510. screw-driven planer ==> 螺杆传动刨床,丝杠式刨床
  6511. screw-driven planing machine ==> 螺杆传动刨床
  6512. screw-driven shaper ==> 螺杆传动牛头刨,丝杠式牛头刨床
  6513. screw-driven slotter ==> 丝杠式插床
  6514. screw-driver bit ==> 螺丝刀
  6515. screw-driver slot ==> 螺丝起子槽
  6516. screw-driver with voltage tester ==> 试电笔
  6517. screw-driving machine ==> 螺杆传动机床
  6518. screw-feed pump ==> 螺旋喂送泵
  6519. screw-holding forceps ==> 螺钉固持钳
  6520. screw-in compression ==> 止动螺钉
  6521. screw-in depth ==> 旋入深度
  6522. screw-in filter cell ==> 拧入式滤光片环
  6523. screw-in type thermometer ==> 旋入型温度计
  6524. screw-jack ==> 螺丝千斤顶,螺旋起重器
  6525. screw-joint coupling ==> 螺丝套帽接头
  6526. screw-locking device ==> 螺钉锁紧装置
  6527. screw-on cutter ==> 螺旋铣刀
  6528. screw-piston type injection molding machine ==> 螺杆活塞式注塑成型机
  6529. screw-pitch ==> 螺距
  6530. screw-pitch deviation ==> 螺距偏差
  6531. screw-pitch ga(u)ge ==> 螺距规
  6532. screw-plug cut-out ==> 螺塞保险器
  6533. screw-plug fuse ==> 旋入式保险丝
  6534. screw-rudder ==> 转向螺旋桨
  6535. screw-shaft tube ==> 尾轴管
  6536. screw-shaft tunnel ==> 尾轴隧
  6537. screw-socket ==> 螺口插座,螺口灯头
  6538. screw-thread angle ==> 螺纹角
  6539. screw-thread bush ==> 螺纹衬套
  6540. screw-thread fit ==> 螺纹配合
  6541. screw-thread form ==> 螺纹扣形
  6542. screw-thread ga(u)ge ==> 螺纹规,螺纹卡规
  6543. screw-thread milling ==> 铣螺纹
  6544. screw-thread rolling machine ==> 螺纹滚轧机
  6545. screw-thread steel ==> 螺纹钢筋
  6546. screw-thread system ==> 螺纹制
  6547. screw-thread tool ga(u)ge ==> 螺纹梳刀样板
  6548. screw-threading tool ==> 螺纹刀具
  6549. screw-together fitting ==> 整壳式接头
  6550. screw-top ==> 螺旋盖
  6551. screw-type cooling bed ==> 螺旋式冷床
  6552. screw-type injection molding machine ==> スクリュー式射出成形機
  6553. screw-type kickoff ==> 螺旋拨料机,螺旋推出机
  6554. screw-type lens mount ==> 螺旋型透镜框,螺旋型透镜框架
  6555. screw-type lubricator ==> 螺旋式注油器
  6556. screw-type rheostat ==> 螺旋式变阻器
  6557. screw-type stop ==> 螺旋限制器
  6558. screw-worm ==> 螺旋虫
  6559. screwdown control ==> 螺旋下降式调整
  6560. screwdown gear ==> 螺旋压下机构,压下装置,轧辊压下装置
  6561. screwdown mechanism ==> 螺旋压下机构
  6562. screwdown motor ==> 轧钢机用电动机
  6563. screwdown stop valve ==> 螺杆向下制动阀
  6564. screwdown structure ==> 压下装置
  6565. screwdown valve ==> 旋压阀
  6566. screwdriver control ==> 起子控制
  6567. screwdriver set ==> 成套螺丝刀
  6568. screwdriver set with wooden handle ==> 木柄套装螺丝刀
  6569. screwdriver slot ==> 起子槽
  6570. screwdriver with black plastic handle ==> 黑塑柄螺丝刀
  6571. screwdriver with through tang ==> 穿心螺丝刀
  6572. screwdriver with through tang wooden handle ==> 木柄穿心螺丝刀
  6573. screwdriver with wooden handle ==> 木柄螺丝起子
  6574. screwed (screw,threaded ) flange ==> 螺纹法兰
  6575. screwed bonnet ==> 螺纹阀盖
  6576. screwed conduit ==> (两端有螺纹的)螺纹管
  6577. screwed connection ==> 螺纹连结,螺纹接头,螺纹套管接头,丝扣连接
  6578. screwed core plug ==> 泥芯孔螺纹堵塞
  6579. screwed flange ==> 螺旋凸缘
  6580. screwed hole ==> 螺纹孔
  6581. screwed joint ==> 螺纹连结
  6582. screwed nipple ==> 螺丝接头
  6583. screwed pipe coupling ==> 螺纹管连接
  6584. screwed pipe joint ==> 螺纹管接头,螺纹管连接
  6585. screwed plug ==> 螺纹堵=>ねじ込みプラグ
  6586. screwed shank tool ==> 螺旋手柄工具
  6587. screwed socket ==> 螺口插座
  6588. screwed socket for union ==> 螺旋承窝
  6589. screwed socket joint ==> 螺旋套管接合
  6590. screwed staybolt ==> 螺头撑杆
  6591. screwed steel conduit ==> 螺头钢导管,带螺纹的钢导线管
  6592. screwed tooth ==> 螺旋齿
  6593. screwed valve ==> 螺旋阀
  6594. screwing brass ==> 螺丝黄铜
  6595. screwing chuck ==> 螺丝钢板盘
  6596. screwing die ==> 板牙
  6597. screwing in ==> 旋入
  6598. screwing machine ==> 螺丝加工机床
  6599. screwing out ==> 拧下
  6600. screwing pack ==> 旋转浮冰群
  6601. screwing stock ==> 板牙扳手
  6602. screwstock ==> 板牙架
  6603. screwthread cutting head ==> 螺纹切削头
  6604. scribbling set ==> 梳毛联合机
  6605. scribe line definition ==> 划线图案形成
  6606. scribe projection ==> 划线投影
  6607. scribe-coating ==> 刻线
  6608. scribed circle method ==> 圆形网格法
  6609. scribed line ==> 划线
  6610. scriber ==> 划线器
  6611. scriber point ==> 划线侧块
  6612. scribing ==> 划线,雕合=>スクライビング
  6613. scribing and breaking ==> 划线折断法
  6614. scribing block ==> 划线架,划针盘
  6615. scribing compass ==> 划线规
  6616. scribing gouge ==> 竖槽凿
  6617. scribing grid ==> 划线网,划线栅格
  6618. scribing plate ==> 画线板
  6619. scribing plotting display ==> 机电笔绘显示器
  6620. scribing system ==> 划线器
  6621. scribing tool ==> 划针盘
  6622. Scribner log rule ==> 斯克莱布诺材积表
  6623. scrip dividend ==> 日后兑现的股票红利证书,期票股利,以暂时股票付红利
  6624. scrip holder ==> 临时股票持有者
  6625. script graphics tablet ==> 手迹图形输入板
  6626. script language ==> スクリプト言語
  6627. SCRN, energy spectra of cosmic ray nuclei ==> 宇宙線核種のエネルギースペクトル
  6628. SCRN, spectra of cosmic ray nuclear ==> 宇宙線核種のスペクトル
  6629. scrofulous abscess ==> 瘰疬性脓肿
  6630. scroll ==> 上卷,卷成卷轴形,卷成卷轴形,卷动,卷动,卷滚,卷滚,卷状物,卷状物,迂回扇=>巻物,渦巻き形
  6631. scroll arrow ==> 卷动箭头,卷动箭头
  6632. scroll bar ==> 涡形沙坝
  6633. scroll box ==> 卷动盒,卷动盒
  6634. scroll case ==> 螺旋形箱=>渦巻ケーシング
  6635. scroll casing ==> 渦巻ケーシング
  6636. scroll chamber ==> 《機械》渦巻室
  6637. scroll chuck ==> 三爪自动定心卡盘
  6638. scroll compressor ==> スクロール圧縮機
  6639. scroll cover ==> 螺旋套
  6640. scroll directrix ==> 涡卷准线
  6641. scroll drum ==> 圆锥形滚筒,(起重机的)圆锥鼓轮
  6642. scroll expander ==> 涡杆式开幅器
  6643. scroll file ==> 滚动文件
  6644. scroll gear ==> (直径逐渐变化的)蜗形齿轮=>スクロール歯車
  6645. scroll guard ==> 护手
  6646. scroll holder ==> 画筒
  6647. scroll lathe ==> 盘丝车床
  6648. scroll meander ==> 内侧堆积曲流
  6649. scroll mill ==> 松粉机
  6650. scroll milling ==> 铣螺旋线
  6651. scroll opener ==> 涡杆式开幅器
  6652. scroll pivoter snips ==> 圆口剪
  6653. scroll saw ==> 线锯
  6654. scroll sawing machine ==> 线锯床
  6655. scroll shaft ==> 涡形轴
  6656. scroll shear ==> 涡形剪床
  6657. scroll shear line ==> 花边剪切作业线
  6658. scroll shears ==> 曲线剪床
  6659. scroll step ==> 卷形踏步,卷形踏步
  6660. scroll steps ==> 盘旋梯阶
  6661. scroll wheel ==> 涡轮
  6662. scroll work ==> 涡卷装饰
  6663. scroll work design ==> 涡形花纹
  6664. scroll-case drain ==> 涡壳排水管
  6665. Scroll-Lock Key ==> 卷动锁定键,卷动锁定键
  6666. scrollbar ==> 卷动条,卷动条
  6667. scrolling ==> 卷动=>視野移動
  6668. scrollwork ==> 涡形装饰
  6669. scrooping agent ==> 丝鸣增效剂
  6670. scroopy handle ==> 丝鸣感
  6671. Scrophulariaceae canaria ==> 玄参
  6672. scrotal calculus ==> 阴囊结石
  6673. scrotal hernia ==> 肠阴囊疝
  6674. scrotal hydrocele ==> 阴囊淋巴积液
  6675. scrotal mass ==> 阴囊肿块
  6676. scrotal stone ==> 阴囊结石
  6677. scrotal support ==> 阴囊托带
  6678. scrotal swelling ==> 阴囊隆突,阴囊突
  6679. scrotal tongue ==> 阴囊舌
  6680. scrotum tumor ==> 阴囊肿瘤
  6681. scrren conveyer ==> 网状输送器
  6682. scrren grid tube ==> 帘栅管
  6683. SCRS Croatian Register of Shipping (Class Society) ==> 克罗地亚船舶注册
  6684. scrub column ==> 洗涤塔
  6685. scrub cutter ==> 灌木切除机
  6686. scrub pulverizer ==> 灌木切碎机
  6687. scrub rake ==> 灌木搂集机
  6688. scrub washing test ==> 擦洗试验
  6689. scrub-clearing machine ==> 灌木铲除机
  6690. scrubbed extract ==> 洗涤过的萃取液
  6691. scrubbed finish ==> 擦洗处理
  6692. scrubbed gas ==> 纯煤气,纯气体
  6693. scrubber ==> 涤气器,旧砂再生装置,旧砂再生装置,洗涤器,洗涤设备,洗净机
  6694. scrubber brush roll ==> 洗涤器刷辊
  6695. scrubber collector ==> 洗涤收集器
  6696. scrubber condenser ==> 洗涤冷凝器,涤气冷凝器
  6697. scrubber condensor ==> 涤气冷凝器
  6698. scrubber filter ==> 洗涤式滤尘器
  6699. scrubber plate ==> 洗涤器板
  6700. scrubber tank ==> 洗气罐
  6701. scrubber tower ==> 洗气罐
  6702. scrubber wash tower ==> 洗涤塔,湿式洗气塔
  6703. scrubbing ==> 洗涤
  6704. scrubbing brush ==> 板刷
  6705. scrubbing effect ==> 洗涤效果
  6706. scrubbing filter ==> 涤气过滤器
  6707. scrubbing machine ==> 清刷洗涤机
  6708. scrubbing solution ==> 洗气溶液
  6709. scrubbing unit ==> 刷洗机
  6710. scrubbing-and-drying unit ==> 刷洗干燥机,洗涤干燥机
  6711. scruffy plate ==> 锡污板
  6712. scrupulous ==> 入念な,綿密な
  6713. scruting of vouchers ==> 凭证的审核
  6714. scrutinize ==> 詳しく,調べる
  6715. scrutinizing program ==> 检验程序
  6716. scrutiny ==> 仔细检查
  6717. SCS, Security Control System ==> 緊急系統制御装置(四国)
  6718. SCS, standard customer service ==> 標準顧客サービス
  6719. SCS, supercommunications satellite ==> スーパーバード通信衛星
  6720. SCSE, State Commission for Space Exploration ==> 国家宇宙探査委員会
  6721. sct ==> 表面电荷晶体管
  6722. SCT, saturable current transformer ==> 飽和電流変圧器(発電機の励磁系)
  6723. Sct, Scutum ==> たて座
  6724. SCTE, Serial Clock Transmit External ==> 序列时钟传输外部,序列时钟传输外部(SCTE)是一个时钟信号,DTE回送到DCE维持定时。SCTE被设计在长电缆中补偿时钟相移。当DCE设备使用SCTE代替它的内部时钟来从DTE中采样数据,它能更好的采用数据而不发生错误,甚至在电缆中发生一个相移时=>外部シリアル送信タイミング信号
  6725. SCU, signal control unit ==> 信号調整器
  6726. SCU, station control unit ==> SCU
  6727. SCU, switch control unit ==> スイッチ制御回路
  6728. scudding knife ==> 切纸刀
  6729. scuff ==> 磨损
  6730. scuff preventative treatment ==> 防擦伤处理
  6731. scuff resistance ==> 耐磨强度
  6732. scuff resistant coating ==> 耐磨镀层
  6733. scuff wear ==> 熔着磨损
  6734. scuff-resistant coating ==> 耐磨面层
  6735. scuffie knife ==> 单面平切铲
  6736. scuffing ==> 擦伤,刮伤,划痕,毛刺砂光
  6737. scuffing grind ==> 砂粒表层滚磨
  6738. scuffing mark ==> 咬合痕
  6739. scuffing of cylinder bore ==> 拉缸,气缸镜面擦伤,汽缸工作面划伤
  6740. scuffle drill ==> 滑板播种机,条播机
  6741. scuffle hoe ==> 推拉锄,推式锄
  6742. scuffler ==> 中耕松土机
  6743. scull ==> 单人双桨赛艇,浇包结壳,浇包渣壳,结壳,凝壳
  6744. scullery ==> 碗碟洗涤装置
  6745. scullery basin ==> 洗碗槽
  6746. sculping screen ==> 脱介筛
  6747. sculpting tool ==> 雕刻工具
  6748. Sculptor's Apparatus ==> 玉夫星座
  6749. sculptural arts ==> 雕塑艺术
  6750. sculpture gallery ==> 雕塑馆
  6751. sculpture room ==> 雕塑室
  6752. sculptured effigy ==> 雕像
  6753. sculptured glass ==> 雕塑玻璃
  6754. scum ==> 浮渣,泡沫,渣滓,去泡沫,撇渣,鳞屑,铁渣=>スカム
  6755. scum baffle ==> 浮渣挡板=>スカム止め
  6756. scum barrier ==> 除渣栅
  6757. scum board ==> 浮渣挡板,刮渣板=>スカム止め
  6758. scum box and baffle ==> 浮渣室和挡板
  6759. scum chamber ==> 浮渣室
  6760. scum cock ==> 排污开关
  6761. scum collector ==> 浮渣收集器
  6762. scum disk ==> 浮渣盘
  6763. scum gate valves ==> 排渣闸阀
  6764. scum pipe ==> 浮渣导管
  6765. scum pump ==> 吸泥泵,泥浆泵
  6766. scum removal tank ==> 浮渣隔滤池
  6767. scum riser ==> 集渣包,集渣冒口,除渣冒口
  6768. scum rubber ==> 泡沫橡胶
  6769. scum skimmer ==> 浮渣=>スカムスキマー
  6770. scum spot ==> 渣孔
  6771. scum weir ==> 浮渣排除堰
  6772. scupper ==> 排水孔
  6773. scure speech system ==> 保密话音系统
  6774. Scurfpea Fruit ==> 补骨脂
  6775. scurvy grass ==> 辣根
  6776. scutcher ==> 打麻机
  6777. scutcher lap ==> 末道棉卷
  6778. scutcher waste ==> 梳理下脚
  6779. scutching cylinder ==> 打麻滚筒
  6780. scutching drum ==> 打麻滚筒
  6781. scutching machine ==> 打麻机
  6782. scutching rotor ==> 打麻滚筒,梳棉滚筒
  6783. scutellaria cream ==> 黄芩膏
  6784. scutellaria, skullcap ==> 黄芩
  6785. scutellum node ==> 盾片节
  6786. scution bush ==> 吸入套管
  6787. scuttle ==> 煤斗,天窗,小舱口
  6788. scuttle blind ==> 舷窗盖
  6789. scuttle bulkhead ==> 前舱壁
  6790. scuttle for ships ==> 船用舷窗
  6791. scuttle frame ==> 舷窗框
  6792. scuttle hatch ==> 舷窗铁盖
  6793. scuttle hatch cover ==> 舷窗铁盖,升降口盖
  6794. scuttle key ==> 舷窗扳手
  6795. scuttle lid ==> 舷窗水密盖
  6796. scuttle ventilation control ==> 天窗通风控制
  6797. scuttle washer ==> 舷窗橡皮垫圈
  6798. SCVNG Scavenging ==> 寻找
  6799. Scythian stage ==> 赛特阶
  6800. Scytonema sinense ==> 中国伪枝藻
  6801. SD Single Decker ==> 单层甲板
  6802. SD technique ==> SD法
  6803. SD, satellite disengaging connector ==> 衛星分離コネクタ
  6804. SD, Smoke Detector ==> 煙感知器
  6805. SD, space diversity ==> 空間ダイバシティ
  6806. SD, system design ==> システム設計
  6807. SDB, satellite data bus ==> 衛星管理用データバス
  6808. SDB, sequence distribution box ==> シーケンス制御箱
  6809. SDB, sun declination bias ==> 太陽傾斜バイアス
  6810. SDC ==> 標準設計認証,シンガポール・ディストリクト・クーリング
  6811. SDCJ, System Development Corporation of Japan Ltd. ==> 日本SDC株式会社
  6812. SDCM, spacecraft design and cost module ==> 宇宙船設計コストモジュール
  6813. SDD, short delay detonator ==> 短秒時延時起爆管
  6814. SDD, spacecraft discrepancy disposition ==> 衛星不具合処置
  6815. SDDS, signal data demodulator system ==> 信号データ復調システム
  6816. SDE, software development environment ==> ソフトウエア開発環境
  6817. sdenocarcinoma of stomach ==> 胃腺癌
  6818. SDF, total structural degree of freedom ==> 総合構造自由度
  6819. sdfet ==> 肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管
  6820. SDFT, sliding discrete Fourier transform ==> SDFT
  6821. SDH, Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ==> 同期ディジタルハイアラーキ
  6822. SDI, selective dissemination of information ==> 選択的情報提供
  6823. SDI, Strategic Defense Initiative ==> 戦略防衛構想
  6824. SDI, strategic defense initiative ==> 戦略防衛構想, スターウォーズ計画
  6825. SDIO, Strategic Defence Initiative Office ==> 戦略防衛構想局
  6826. SDL, functional specification and description language ==> SDL
  6827. SDLF, standard data link format ==> 標準データリンクフォーマット
  6828. SDLT, static/dynamic load technology ==> 静/動荷重に関するテクノロジー
  6829. SDLV, shuttle derived launch vehicle ==> シャトル派生型使い捨てロケット
  6830. SDM, solar dynamic module ==> ソーラーダイナミックスモジュール
  6831. SDM, Space Division Multiplexing ==> SDM
  6832. SDM, structure development model ==> 構造開発モデル
  6833. SDP, S-band diplexer ==> S帯方向性結合器
  6834. SDP, signal data processor ==> 信号処理装置
  6835. SDP, standard data processor ==> 標準データプロセッサ
  6836. SDP, stochastic dynamic programming ==> 確率動的計画法
  6837. SDP, subsystem data processor ==> サブシステムデータプロセッサ
  6838. SDPF, Science Data Processing Facility ==> 科学データ処理施設
  6839. SDPF, sensor data processing facility ==> センサーデータ処理施設
  6840. SDPF, Spacelab Data Processing Facility ==> スペースラブデータ処理施設
  6841. SDR certificate of deposit ==> 特别提款权存款单
  6842. SDR Special Drawing Rights ==> 特殊制图权力
  6843. SDR standard ==> 特别提款权本位
  6844. SDR, signal data recorder ==> 信号データ記録器
  6845. SDR, Stabilizing Damping Resistor ==> 制動抵抗
  6846. SDR, System Damping Resistor ==> 制動抵抗装置
  6847. SDR, system design review ==> システム設計審査
  6848. SDRC, structural dynamics research corporation ==> 構造力学研究所
  6849. SDS, separation & deployment shock ==> 分離及び展開時の衝撃
  6850. SDSB, satellite data services branch ==> 衛星データサービス支局
  6851. SDSR, security region to guarantee small disturbance stability ==> 保证小扰动稳定性的安全域
  6852. SDT indicator ==> 开始数据通信量指示符
  6853. SDT, Super Capacity Data Transmitter ==> SDT
  6854. SDUS, small data utilization station ==> 小規模データ利用局
  6855. SDUS, small scale data utilization station ==> 小規模利用局
  6856. SDV, shuttle-derived vehicle ==> シャトル派生型ビークル
  6857. SDVP, software development & verification plan ==> ソフトウエア開発実証計画
  6858. SDWT Summer Deadweight ==> 夏季重量
  6859. se ==> 喷蚀
  6860. SE&I, system engineering & integration ==> システム取りまとめ
  6861. SE&I, system engineering and integration ==> システム工学と統合
  6862. SE, sensor ==> 観測機器
  6863. SE, solid element ==> ソリッド要素
  6864. SE, south east ==> 南東
  6865. SE, spectrometer electronics ==> 分光計エレクトロニクス
  6866. SE, structural engineer ==> 構造系技師
  6867. SE, support equipment ==> 支援機器
  6868. SE, system engineer ==> 情報システム技術者
  6869. SE, system engineering ==> システム工学
  6870. SE, systems engineer ==> システム技術者
  6871. SE-cellulose ==> 磺乙基纤维素
  6872. se-duct ==> 斯式预制暖气道
  6873. sea ==> 风涛,洋,海
  6874. sea access ==> 通海航道
  6875. sea advance ==> 海进,海侵
  6876. sea air ==> 海岸性空气,海洋性气候
  6877. sea anchor ==> 海锚
  6878. sea anemone ==> 海葵
  6879. sea approach ==> 通海水道
  6880. sea area ==> 海域
  6881. sea atmosphere corrosion ==> 海洋大气腐蚀
  6882. sea backthern ==> 沙棘
  6883. sea bacteriology ==> 海洋细菌学
  6884. sea bank ==> 海堤,海塘
  6885. sea barge carrier ==> 载驳货船
  6886. sea basin ==> 海盆
  6887. sea bath ==> 海水浴
  6888. sea bathing ==> 海水浴
  6889. sea beach ==> 海滨,海滩
  6890. sea bed ==> 海床,海底
  6891. sea bed echo ==> 海底回声
  6892. sea bed material ==> 海底物质
  6893. sea berth ==> 海上泊位,海洋停泊处
  6894. sea blubber ==> 海蜇
  6895. sea blubber skin ==> 海蜇皮
  6896. sea board ==> 海岸
  6897. sea book ==> 航海图
  6898. sea bottom cultivation ==> 海底养殖
  6899. sea bottom drift ==> 海底漂移
  6900. sea bottom gravity metre ==> 海底重力计
  6901. sea bottom percolation ==> 海底渗漏
  6902. sea breeze ==> 海风
  6903. sea breeze front surface ==> 海风锋面
  6904. sea breeze of the second kind ==> 冷锋状海风
  6905. sea buoy ==> 海界浮标,海口浮标
  6906. sea canal ==> (深水)通海运河
  6907. sea carriage ==> 海洋运输
  6908. sea cave ==> 海蚀洞
  6909. sea cell ==> 海水电池
  6910. sea channel ==> 海底峡谷
  6911. sea chart ==> 海图
  6912. sea chasm ==> 海蚀洞
  6913. sea clam ==> 海蛤
  6914. sea cliff ==> 海蚀崖,海崖
  6915. sea clutter ==> 海面杂乱回波=>海面反射(レーダ)
  6916. sea clutter simulation ==> 海面反射模拟
  6917. sea coast ==> 海岸,海滨
  6918. sea cows ==> 海牛
  6919. sea crab ==> 海蟹
  6920. sea cucumber ==> 海参,海参干=>ナマコ
  6921. sea current ==> 海流
  6922. sea current dynamics ==> 海流动力学
  6923. sea current energy ==> 海流能
  6924. sea current metre ==> 海流计
  6925. sea damage ==> 海水损害条件,海损
  6926. sea damage terms ==> 海水损害条件,海损条件
  6927. sea damaged goods ==> 海损货,湿损货
  6928. sea day ==> 平太阳日
  6929. sea demaged ==> 海水损害
  6930. sea dragon ==> 海龙
  6931. sea drift ==> 海上漂散木
  6932. sea drilling platform ==> 海上钻井平台
  6933. sea dyke ==> 海堤
  6934. sea earth ==> 海底电缆接地
  6935. sea echelon ==> 海上梯队
  6936. sea echo ==> 海面反射信号,海面回波,海区反射信号,海水反射回波
  6937. sea electric power cable ==> 海底电力电缆
  6938. sea embankment ==> 海堤,防潮堤
  6939. sea erosion ==> 海蚀
  6940. sea expedition ==> 海洋考察
  6941. sea exploration vessel ==> 海洋勘探船
  6942. sea facies ==> 海相
  6943. sea fan ==> 海底扇,海扇
  6944. sea fern ==> 石帆
  6945. sea fire ==> 海上荧光
  6946. sea fishery ==> 海洋渔业
  6947. sea floor ==> 海底
  6948. sea floor fueling station ==> 液体燃烧水下储存柜
  6949. sea floor spreading ==> 海底延伸
  6950. sea fog ==> 海雾
  6951. sea freight ==> 海运费率
  6952. sea fringe ==> 海滨
  6953. sea front ==> 海边,临海地段,滨海区
  6954. sea frontier ==> 海疆
  6955. sea gate ==> 海门,海闸
  6956. sea gauge ==> 海上验潮标
  6957. sea glow ==> 海面辉光
  6958. sea grass ==> 海草
  6959. sea gravel ==> 海砾石
  6960. sea gravimeter ==> 海洋重力仪
  6961. sea gravity ==> 海洋重力学
  6962. sea horizon ==> 海平线
  6963. sea horse ==> 海马
  6964. sea ice ==> 海冰,海上浮冰
  6965. sea ice shelf ==> 海冰架
  6966. sea inlet cock ==> 通海吸入阀
  6967. sea island ==> 海岛
  6968. sea island cotton ==> 海岛棉
  6969. sea keeping ability ==> 适航性
  6970. sea knoll ==> 海丘
  6971. sea lane ==> 海上航线
  6972. sea leather ==> 海产皮革
  6973. sea letter ==> 中立船舶证明书
  6974. sea level ==> 海平面,潮位=>海水準
  6975. sea level datum ==> 水深基准面,海平基准面
  6976. sea level departure from normal ==> 潮位偏差
  6977. sea level elevation ==> 海拔高程
  6978. sea level height ==> 海面高度
  6979. sea level-pressure chart ==> 地面天气图
  6980. sea lily ==> 海百合
  6981. sea line ==> 水平线=>シーレーン
  6982. sea lion ==> 海狮
  6983. sea lock ==> 通海船闸
  6984. sea mail ==> 海运信件
  6985. sea main thermocline ==> 海洋主温跃层
  6986. sea manners ==> 海上礼让
  6987. sea map ==> 海图
  6988. sea mark ==> 航海标志
  6989. sea medical evacuation ==> 海上医疗后送
  6990. sea mile ==> 海里
  6991. sea mine ==> 水雷
  6992. sea moat ==> 海壕
  6993. sea mud ==> 海泥
  6994. sea of channels ==> 经脉之海,经脉之海
  6995. sea of channels and collaterals ==> 经络之海,经络之海
  6996. sea of yin channels (referring to Ren Channel) ==> 阴脉之海
  6997. sea onion ==> 海葱
  6998. sea otter ==> 海虎皮,海獭
  6999. sea otter fur ==> 海獭皮
  7000. sea outfall ==> 河道出口入海处=>海中放流
  7001. sea passage ==> 海上航道
  7002. sea peak ==> 海峰
  7003. sea pink ==> 海石竹
  7004. sea placer ==> 海岸砂矿,海滩砂矿
  7005. sea plain ==> 海蚀平原
  7006. sea plug ==> 通海旋塞
  7007. sea pollution prevention act ==> 海洋污染防止法规
  7008. sea prawn ==> 对虾
  7009. sea protest ==> 海难抗辩书,海事报告
  7010. sea puss ==> 退潮流
  7011. sea rainbow ==> 海洋虹
  7012. sea range ==> 海底山脉
  7013. sea reach ==> 通海直水道
  7014. sea reclamation ==> 填海造陆
  7015. sea regime ==> 海面状况
  7016. sea return ==> 海面反射信号,海面杂乱回波
  7017. sea returns ==> 海面反射信号
  7018. sea risk ==> 海险
  7019. sea room ==> 海上活动域
  7020. sea route ==> 海上交通线
  7021. sea runway ==> (水上飞机的)水上跑道
  7022. sea salt nuclei ==> 海盐核
  7023. sea sand ==> 海沙
  7024. sea scale ==> 风浪等级
  7025. sea scurvy ==> 船员坏血病
  7026. sea seismograph ==> 海底地震仪
  7027. sea shore ==> 海岸
  7028. sea shore coast ==> 海滨
  7029. sea sickness ==> 晕船
  7030. sea silk ==> 海藻纤维
  7031. sea slide ==> 海底地滑,海底坍塌
  7032. sea slug ==> 海参,海牛=>ウミウシ,ナマコ
  7033. sea snake ==> 海蛇
  7034. sea speed ==> 対水速度
  7035. sea spider ==> 海蜘蛛
  7036. sea sponge ==> 海綿
  7037. sea squirt ==> 海鞘
  7038. sea state ==> 海面状况,海洋状况
  7039. sea state spectrum ==> 海况谱,波浪谱
  7040. sea supremacy ==> 制海权
  7041. sea surface observation ==> 海面观测
  7042. sea surface temperature threshold ==> 海面温度閾値
  7043. sea surveillance ==> 海域监视
  7044. sea swell ==> 海浪
  7045. sea temperature ==> 海水温度
  7046. sea temperature chart ==> 海水温度图
  7047. sea terminal ==> 海运码头,深水码头
  7048. sea terrace ==> 海成阶地,沿岸台地
  7049. sea thermal power station ==> 海洋温差发电厂
  7050. sea transport ==> 海洋运输
  7051. sea trial ==> 试航
  7052. sea turn ==> 海雾风
  7053. sea urchin ==> 海胆,海胆酱
  7054. sea valley ==> 海谷
  7055. sea valve ==> 通海阀
  7056. sea van ==> 海上运货车
  7057. sea wall ==> 海堤
  7058. sea water ==> 海水
  7059. sea water analysis ==> 海水分析
  7060. sea water aquiculture area ==> 海水养殖面积
  7061. sea water bath ==> 海水浴
  7062. sea water battery ==> 海水电池
  7063. sea water breeding area ==> 海水养殖面积
  7064. sea water by distillation ==> 海水蒸馏
  7065. sea water cell ==> 海水电池
  7066. sea water chemistry ==> 海水化学
  7067. sea water condenser ==> 海水冷凝器
  7068. sea water corrosion ==> 海水腐蚀
  7069. sea water corrosion test ==> 海水腐蚀试验
  7070. sea water culture ==> 海面养殖
  7071. sea water damage ==> 海上水损
  7072. sea water desalinating unit ==> 海水淡化装置
  7073. sea water desalination ==> 海水淡化,去除海水的含盐量生产出符合要求的淡水
  7074. sea water desalinization ==> 海水淡化
  7075. sea water desalting equipment ==> 海水淡化设备
  7076. sea water encroachment ==> 海水倒灌,海水浸蚀地
  7077. sea water evaporator ==> 海水蒸发器
  7078. sea water intake facility ==> 海水取水设备
  7079. sea water intrusion ==> 海水侵蚀
  7080. sea water level and depth ==> 海水水位和深度
  7081. sea water osmotic pressure energy ==> 海水渗透压能
  7082. sea water pump ==> 海水泵
  7083. sea water pumping power generation ==> 海水揚水発電
  7084. sea water science ==> 海水科学
  7085. sea water scrubbing desulfurization ==> 海水洗涤法烟气脱硫,利用海水的天然碱度的中和作用进行脱硫的工艺
  7086. sea water stratification ==> 海水分层
  7087. sea water supply ==> 海水供给
  7088. sea water treatment ==> 海水疗法
  7089. sea wave ==> 海浪
  7090. sea wave power station ==> 海浪发电厂
  7091. sea waybill ==> 海上货运单,海上运输单,海运提货单
  7092. sea wear ==> 海洋服
  7093. sea weed ==> 海苔
  7094. Sea Weed ==> 赤菜
  7095. SEA WIFS, sea wide-field sensor ==> 広海域センサー
  7096. sea wind ==> 海风
  7097. Sea World Inc. ==> (美)海洋世界公司
  7098. sea worm ==> 海中蛀船虫,蛀船虫
  7099. sea zone ==> 海丘
  7100. SEA, statistical energy analysis ==> 統計的エネルギー解析法
  7101. sea-air temperature difference correction ==> 海水空气温度差修正
  7102. sea-anemone ==> 海葵
  7103. sea-anemone and coral dermatitis ==> 海葵珊瑚皮炎
  7104. sea-barge clipper ==> 海蜂型子母船
  7105. sea-bed area ==> 海床区域
  7106. sea-bed disposal ==> 海床处置
  7107. sea-bee ship ==> 海蜂型子母船
  7108. sea-borne only ==> 限海上范围,(指保险)仅限海上
  7109. sea-bottom multiple ==> 海底多次波
  7110. sea-bottom plain ==> 海底平原
  7111. sea-bottom seismograph ==> 海底地震仪
  7112. sea-bottom survey ==> 海底勘测
  7113. sea-bottom topographical map ==> 海底地形图
  7114. sea-chalk ==> 海白垩
  7115. sea-clutter suppression ==> 海浪杂波抑制
  7116. sea-control operation ==> 控海作战
  7117. sea-cut ==> 海蚀的,浪蚀的
  7118. sea-fishing ==> 海洋捕鱼
  7119. sea-floor basalt ==> 洋底玄武岩
  7120. sea-floor geomorphy ==> 海底地貌
  7121. sea-floor gravimeter ==> 海底重力仪
  7122. sea-floor high ==> 海底高地
  7123. sea-floor relief ==> 海底地形
  7124. sea-floor soil sampling ==> 海底底质取样
  7125. sea-floor spreading ==> 海底扩大说
  7126. sea-floor surficial sampling ==> 海底表层取样
  7127. sea-floor trench ==> 海沟
  7128. sea-going ==> 航海的
  7129. sea-going destroyer ==> 远洋驱逐舰
  7130. sea-going launcher ==> 海上发射装置,舰上发射装置
  7131. sea-going ships ==> 远洋舰艇
  7132. sea-going tug ==> 海上拖轮
  7133. sea-going vessel ==> 海轮,远洋轮船
  7134. sea-hedgehog ==> 海胆
  7135. sea-ice conditions ==> 海氷条件
  7136. sea-ice shelf ==> 浮冰架
  7137. Sea-Island cotton ==> 海岛棉
  7138. sea-jet-one ==> 海空联运
  7139. sea-keeping capacity ==> 适航性
  7140. sea-lab ==> 海底实验室
  7141. Sea-Land method ==> 海陆法
  7142. sea-level chart ==> 地面天气图
  7143. sea-level correction ==> 海平面订正,海平面校正
  7144. sea-level elevation ==> 海面高程,绝对高程,绝对高程
  7145. sea-level observation ==> 海平面观潮
  7146. sea-level pressure ==> 海平面气压
  7147. sea-level rise ==> 海水面上昇
  7148. sea-line ==> 海上交通线
  7149. sea-plant ==> 海洋植物
  7150. sea-quake ==> 海啸
  7151. sea-run ==> 海行
  7152. sea-salt nucleus ==> 海盐核
  7153. sea-skimming equipment ==> 水面浮油刮集装置
  7154. sea-steps ==> 舷梯
  7155. sea-tangle ==> 昆布
  7156. sea-urchin ==> 海胆
  7157. sea-urchin jam ==> 海胆酱
  7158. sea-urchin venom poisoning ==> 海胆毒液中毒
  7159. sea-water baths ==> 海水浴场
  7160. sea-water battery ==> 海水电池
  7161. sea-water density ==> 海水密度
  7162. sea-water distillator ==> 海水淡化装置
  7163. seabed oilfield ==> 海底油田
  7164. seabed resources ==> 海底资源
  7165. seabed scouring ==> 海床冲刷
  7166. seabee ship ==> 海蜂船
  7167. seaborne aircraft ==> 舰载飞机
  7168. seaborne bottom gravimeter ==> 海底重力仪
  7169. seaborne supply ==> 海上补给
  7170. Seabright-Bantam syndrome ==> 假性甲状旁腺功能减退
  7171. SEACAL, selective calling system ==> セルコール
  7172. seacoast ==> 海岸
  7173. seadless kaki fruit ==> 水柿
  7174. seadrome contact lights ==> 水上机场降落灯
  7175. seafloor coring ==> 海底取岩心
  7176. seafloor foundation ==> 海底基础
  7177. seafloor roughness ==> 海底の粗度
  7178. seafloor soil ==> 海底土
  7179. seagoing box car ==> 坦克登陆艇
  7180. seagoing dredge(r) ==> 自航式挖泥船
  7181. seagoing pipeline ==> 海底油管
  7182. seagoing platform for acoustic research ==> 海上声学研究平台
  7183. seagoing tanker ==> 海洋油轮
  7184. seagoing vessel ==> 海轮
  7185. seagrass ==> シーグラス
  7186. seagrass habitat ==> 海草生育地
  7187. SEAJ ==> 日本半导体制造设备协会
  7188. seal ==> 海豹类,焊封,绝缘装置,绝缘装置,密封,戳记,图章,封闭,封层,封焊,封条,火漆
  7189. seal (tightness) test ==> 致密性试验
  7190. seal a mountain pass ==> 封山
  7191. seal adhesive tape ==> 封舱胶布
  7192. seal air fan ==> 密封空气风机,密封风机,煤粉制备系统中用以输送干燥剂和煤粉混合物的风机。
  7193. seal air pipe ==> 密封空气管
  7194. seal angle ==> 止水角铁
  7195. seal apron ==> 闸门挡板
  7196. seal assembly ==> 密封组件
  7197. seal assembly removal tool ==> 密封组件拆卸工具
  7198. seal bellows ==> 密封波纹管,密封皱纹管
  7199. seal boot ==> 封闭罩
  7200. seal box ==> 密封盒,密封箱
  7201. seal by arrow-like ring ==> 箭形圈密封
  7202. seal by bimetallic O-ring with teflon ==> 外包聚四氟乙烯双金属
  7203. seal by direct contact of conical faces ==> 单锥无垫密封
  7204. seal by double conical frustum ==> 双截顶圆锥密封
  7205. seal by double knife-edges double knife-edge seal ==> 双刀口密封
  7206. seal by duplex conical gasket ==> 双锥垫密封
  7207. seal by elastomeric delta gasket ==> 橡胶三角垫密封
  7208. seal by flat gasket ==> 螺纹平垫密封
  7209. seal by metallic delta gasket ==> 金属三角垫密封
  7210. seal by metallic oval-ring ==> 金属椭圆环密封
  7211. seal by plug ==> 堵塞密封
  7212. seal by precision fit ==> 研合密封
  7213. seal by screwed union ==> 螺纹连接密封
  7214. seal by simplex conical gasket ==> 单锥垫密封
  7215. seal by sleeve ==> 套管密封
  7216. seal by special wedge-like gasket ==> 特种楔形密封
  7217. seal by stainless conical ring ==> 不锈钢锥环密封
  7218. seal by wedg-like gasket and O-ring ==> 组合式楔密封
  7219. seal by wedge-like gasket ==> 楔形垫密封
  7220. seal by welding ==> 焊接连接密封
  7221. seal cage ==> 密封腔,水封环
  7222. seal cap ==> 加封盖
  7223. seal casinghousing ==> 密封壳体
  7224. seal cavity ==> 密封腔
  7225. seal cavity pressure rise ==> 密封腔压力上升
  7226. seal cement ==> 固封接合剂
  7227. seal CO2 laser ==> 封离式CO2激光器
  7228. seal coat ==> 封闭层,封闭涂层
  7229. seal coating ==> 密封敷层
  7230. seal components ==> 密封件
  7231. seal construction rope ==> 带芯股钢索
  7232. seal course ==> 密封层,封闭层
  7233. seal cover ==> 密封盖
  7234. seal CO2 laser ==> 封离式CO2激光器
  7235. seal cup ==> 溢流盘
  7236. seal diaphragm ==> 密封隔板
  7237. seal disc ==> 密封盘
  7238. seal dish ==> 密封盘
  7239. seal drain leakage ==> 密封耗损泄漏
  7240. seal drain port ==> 密封排放口
  7241. seal drive sleeve ==> 密封动环传动套,动环传动套
  7242. seal drive sleeve 动环传动套筒, ==> 密封传动套
  7243. seal driving ==> 动环传动销,密封套拨杆
  7244. seal driving pin ==> 动环传动销
  7245. seal driving 动环传动销, ==> 密封套拨杆
  7246. seal element ==> 密封件
  7247. seal end plate ==> 密封端压盖
  7248. seal energized by medium pressure ==> 自紧密封
  7249. seal face ==> 压紧面
  7250. seal fan ==> 密封风机
  7251. seal finger ==> 海豹状指
  7252. seal fitting ==> 密封接头,密封配件
  7253. seal flange ==> 密封法兰
  7254. seal fluid connection ==> 密封液接口
  7255. seal fluid outlet ==> 密封液出口
  7256. seal flush ==> 密封冲洗
  7257. seal flush liquid ==> 密封冲洗液
  7258. seal flush port ==> 密封冲洗口
  7259. seal flush pressure ==> 密封冲洗压力
  7260. seal for pipe joints ==> 管道密封
  7261. seal for pressure vessel ==> 压力容器密封
  7262. seal friction ==> 密封摩擦
  7263. seal gas extraction duct ==> 密封气体抽气管
  7264. seal gas flow ==> 密封气体流量
  7265. seal gas flow feed and shut-off control system ==> 密封气体供给和关闭控制系统
  7266. seal gas for the primary gas circulators ==> 供一次气体循环用的密封气体
  7267. seal gas injection ==> 密封气体注入
  7268. seal gas pressure ==> 密封气体压力
  7269. seal gas system ==> 密封气体系统
  7270. seal gas-supplied seal ==> 密封气体提供的密封
  7271. seal gasket ==> 密封垫片
  7272. seal gate ==> 密封门=>シールゲート
  7273. seal gate valve ==> 密封闸阀
  7274. seal gland ==> 密封盖
  7275. seal glandcartridge ==> 密封套
  7276. seal groove ==> 密封槽
  7277. seal gum ==> 密封胶
  7278. seal head ==> 动环
  7279. seal housing ==> 密封罩
  7280. seal in ==> 封入
  7281. seal in coil ==> 制动线圈
  7282. seal joint ==> 密封压环
  7283. seal lac ==> 封口漆
  7284. seal lead ==> 铅封
  7285. seal leakage ==> 汽封泄漏
  7286. seal leg ==> 气动提升器,垂直管式闸门,闸式阀门,料封管
  7287. seal lip ==> 密封唇口
  7288. seal liquid ==> 密封液
  7289. seal lock ==> 塞,孔堵
  7290. seal loop ==> 水封环
  7291. seal lubricator ==> 密封润滑器
  7292. seal of bearing ==> 轴承密封
  7293. seal of tube ==> 管密封
  7294. seal of vessel ==> 容器密封
  7295. seal off ==> 烫开,拆封
  7296. seal oil ==> 密封用油,海豹油
  7297. seal oil control equipment ==> 油密封控制装置
  7298. seal oil system ==> 油密封系统
  7299. seal packingring ==> 密封圈
  7300. seal penis ==> 海狗鞭
  7301. seal pipe ==> 密封管
  7302. seal piping ==> 密封液管
  7303. seal point ==> 液封点
  7304. seal pot ==> 密封罐
  7305. seal pouring ==> 密封注胶
  7306. seal press ==> 压印
  7307. seal replacer ==> 密封盖折卸工具
  7308. seal retainer ==> 密封护圈
  7309. seal ring ==> 封密环
  7310. seal ring assembly ==> 环形紧密装置
  7311. seal ring for pressure cooker ==> 高压锅圈
  7312. seal running dry ==> 密封干运转
  7313. seal seat ==> 密封静环
  7314. seal sleeve ==> 汽封套筒
  7315. seal soldering ==> 密封焊接
  7316. seal spring compression ring ==> 密封弹簧压圈
  7317. seal stationary ring ==> 静环,静环
  7318. seal steam ==> 汽封蒸汽
  7319. seal style ==> 密封型式
  7320. seal supply pressure ==> 密封供应压力
  7321. seal treatment ==> 封闭处理
  7322. seal washer ==> 密封垫圈
  7323. seal water ==> 轴封水
  7324. seal water booster pump ==> 轴封水升压泵
  7325. seal water filter ==> 轴封水过滤器
  7326. seal water heat exchanger ==> 轴封水冷却器
  7327. seal water injection filter ==> 轴封注水过滤器
  7328. seal water leakoff pump ==> 轴封水引漏泵
  7329. seal water pipe ==> 水封水管
  7330. seal water pump ==> 轴封水泵
  7331. seal water reflux filter ==> 轴封水回流过滤器
  7332. seal water system ==> 轴封水系统
  7333. seal water tank ==> 水封水箱
  7334. seal wax ==> 火漆
  7335. seal weld ==> 填焊,致密焊缝,密封焊,密封焊道,密封焊缝=>シール溶接
  7336. seal welding ==> 密封焊接
  7337. seal with annular groove ==> 油封槽
  7338. seal with arrow-rings ==> 箭形圈密封
  7339. seal with axis(by axia) deviation ==> 轴线偏斜密封
  7340. seal with cup packing ==> 杯形垫密封
  7341. seal with double-cone ==> 双锥密封
  7342. seal with elastometic washer ==> 橡胶圈密封
  7343. seal with flat gasket ==> 平垫片密封
  7344. seal with metal cone ring ==> 锥形垫密封
  7345. seal with metal lens ring ==> 透镜垫密封
  7346. seal with screwed joint ==> 螺纹连接密封
  7347. seal with semicircular annular groove ==> 半圆形油封槽
  7348. seal with single-cone ==> 单锥密封
  7349. seal with stainless cone-ring ==> 不锈钢锥环密封
  7350. seal without gasket ==> 无垫密封
  7351. seal-air pressure ==> 气密封压力
  7352. seal-coat ==> 封闭衣
  7353. seal-in relay ==> 自保持继电器=>シールイン継電器
  7354. seal-in relays ==> 自保持继电保护,密封继电器保护装置
  7355. seal-less stack ==> シールレススタック
  7356. seal-off mercury-arc rectifier ==> 封闭汞弧整流器
  7357. sealable tank ==> 密封罐
  7358. sealand service incorporation ==> 海陆运输公司
  7359. sealant ==> 密封膏=>封止剤,シーリング材
  7360. sealant application ==> シーラント用途
  7361. sealant for construction ==> 建築用シーラント
  7362. sealant layer ==> シーラント層
  7363. sealant material ==> 密封剤
  7364. sealant technology ==> シーラント技術
  7365. sealcontact face ==> 密封面
  7366. Seale filler wire rope ==> 西尔式带填充丝钢丝绳
  7367. Seale rope ==> 带芯股钢丝绳
  7368. Seale Warrington wire rope ==> 西尔瓦灵顿混合式钢丝绳
  7369. sealed -beam lamp ==> 封闭式灯
  7370. sealed beam headlamp ==> 封闭式前照灯
  7371. sealed beam lamp ==> 密封式前大灯=>シールドビーム電球
  7372. sealed beam unit ==> 封闭式灯光组
  7373. sealed bearing ==> 密封轴承
  7374. sealed bid pricing ==> 投标订价法
  7375. sealed book ==> 天书
  7376. sealed cabin ==> 密闭座舱,密封舱,密封坚固舱,增压舱,严封坚固舱
  7377. sealed cabinet ==> 密封培养
  7378. sealed cap ==> 密封帽
  7379. sealed capsule ==> 密封管
  7380. sealed cavity ==> 密封空腔谐振器
  7381. sealed centrifuge ==> 密封式离心机
  7382. sealed chamber ==> 气密室
  7383. sealed chart-drive motor ==> 密封式记录纸驱动电动机
  7384. sealed coil relay ==> 线圈密封式继电器
  7385. sealed contact ==> 封入接点
  7386. sealed contact relay ==> 封入接点継電器
  7387. sealed container ==> 密闭集装箱,密封容器,气密封罐
  7388. sealed cooling ==> 闭式冷却法
  7389. sealed cover ==> 密封盖
  7390. sealed cowling ==> 密封罩
  7391. sealed diode ==> 封装的二极管
  7392. sealed dust-proof van ==> 密封防尘车
  7393. sealed end ==> 密封端
  7394. sealed factor of trap ==> 圈闭的封闭因素
  7395. sealed fluid coupling ==> 闭式液力耦合器
  7396. sealed hybrid ==> 封装的混合集成电路
  7397. sealed hydraulic coupling ==> 闭式耦合器
  7398. sealed joint ==> 封闭链
  7399. sealed junction ==> 密封结
  7400. sealed laser ==> 密封激光器
  7401. sealed lead acid battery ==> 密封铅酸电池
  7402. sealed lithiam battery ==> 密封锂电池
  7403. sealed mica ring ==> 密封云母环
  7404. sealed motor ==> 密封式电动机
  7405. sealed multi-contact matrix switch ==> SMM形スイッチ
  7406. sealed nitrogen laser ==> 密封式氮激光器
  7407. sealed off vacuum system ==> 封离真空系统
  7408. sealed outer housing ==> 密封外壳
  7409. sealed pack-age ==> 密封包装
  7410. sealed pad ==> 密封包件
  7411. sealed plug ==> 屏蔽式电热塞
  7412. sealed plug sheathed plug ==> 密封式电热塞
  7413. sealed pore ==> 封闭气孔
  7414. sealed pressure balance ==> 内封补偿
  7415. sealed pump ==> 密封泵
  7416. sealed pumped vacuum system ==> 封离抽气系统
  7417. sealed pumpless vacuum system ==> 封离的无泵的真空系统
  7418. sealed quench furnace ==> 封闭式淬火炉
  7419. sealed refrigeration compressor ==> 密封冷冻压缩机,密封式制冷压缩机
  7420. sealed relay ==> 密封继电器,密封式继电器
  7421. sealed sample ==> 密封样品
  7422. sealed source ==> 密闭源,密封源,封闭放射源
  7423. sealed spark gap ==> 密封放电器
  7424. sealed spring loaded safety valve ==> 封闭式弹簧安全阀
  7425. sealed structure ==> 密閉構造
  7426. sealed tender ==> 秘密投标,密封递价,密封投标
  7427. sealed transformer ==> 密封形変圧器
  7428. sealed upright silo ==> 气密青贮塔
  7429. sealed-bid tender ==> 密封标单投标
  7430. sealed-for life bearing ==> 封闭式一次润滑轴承
  7431. sealed-for-life ==> 永久性密封
  7432. sealed-for-life bearing ==> 全期油封轴承
  7433. sealed-for-life vane pump ==> 永久密封叶片泵
  7434. sealed-off counter ==> 封离计数器,非密闭计数器
  7435. sealed-off light valve ==> 密封光阀
  7436. sealene triangle ==> 不规则三角形
  7437. sealer ==> 密封器
  7438. sealer and adhesive ==> 密封剂和粘接剂
  7439. sealing ==> 密封,嵌缝,封闭,止水,水工建筑物永久缝内设置的防止漏水的结构(金属片、塑料片、塑料棒、粘性与无粘性材料、反滤料)=>封着
  7440. sealing (strength) test ==> 石蜡密封度试验
  7441. sealing ability ==> 密闭能力
  7442. sealing air ==> 密封
  7443. sealing area ==> 密封面积
  7444. sealing bar ==> 熔接棒
  7445. sealing barrier ==> 密封膜,外壳
  7446. sealing bead ==> 密封焊道
  7447. sealing behaviours of vessel ==> 容器的密封性状
  7448. sealing bellows ==> 密封波纹管
  7449. sealing block ==> 密封块
  7450. sealing box ==> 电缆套
  7451. sealing bucket ==> (自动虹吸管的)封水戽斗
  7452. sealing bushing ==> 汽封套
  7453. sealing by bush ==> 衬套密封
  7454. sealing by fusing ==> 熔封
  7455. sealing cap ==> 封帽
  7456. sealing cap of metal ==> 封口用金属帽
  7457. sealing casing ==> 密封盖,密封外壳
  7458. sealing cement ==> 密封蜡,密封油膏,密封粘结剂
  7459. sealing chamber ==> 密封室
  7460. sealing clearance ==> 密封间隙
  7461. sealing coat ==> 封闭涂层,封面层
  7462. sealing compound ==> 封闭剂,封口膏,封口料,封塞料,密封剂,密封接合,电缆膏=>封止用コンパウンド
  7463. sealing concrete ==> 封混凝土
  7464. sealing cone ==> 密封锥面
  7465. sealing constriction ==> 密封缩颈,密封压缩
  7466. sealing cover ==> 密封盖
  7467. sealing cup ==> 密封碗
  7468. sealing current ==> 保持电流
  7469. sealing damper ==> [气体管道]密封闸板
  7470. sealing device ==> 密封装置=>封印装置
  7471. sealing diaphragm ==> 密封隔板
  7472. sealing driving rod ==> 密封拨杆
  7473. sealing edge ==> 密封唇口
  7474. sealing element ==> 密封件
  7475. sealing end ==> 电缆封端,封端,封口=>終端絶縁箱
  7476. sealing face ==> 密封面
  7477. sealing face leakage ==> 密封面泄漏
  7478. sealing failure ==> 密封失效
  7479. sealing film ==> 密封薄膜
  7480. sealing fin ==> 密封片
  7481. sealing flange ==> 密封法兰,密封凸缘
  7482. sealing for pressure vessels ==> 压力容器密封
  7483. sealing for tubing joints ==> 管道连接密封
  7484. sealing forceload ==> 密封力
  7485. sealing gas ==> 密封气体
  7486. sealing gasket ==> 密封衬片
  7487. sealing gland ==> 密封盖,密封装置,汽封装置
  7488. sealing glass ==> 封接玻璃
  7489. sealing gum ==> 密封胶
  7490. sealing joint strip ==> 密封胶条
  7491. sealing layer ==> 密封层
  7492. sealing leak ==> 密封泄漏
  7493. sealing life ==> 密封寿命
  7494. sealing lip ==> 密封唇口
  7495. sealing liquid ==> 隔离液,封液
  7496. sealing liquidfluid ==> 密封液
  7497. sealing load ==> 密封紧力,密封压力
  7498. sealing machine ==> 密封机,熔接机,封口机
  7499. sealing maching ==> 封接机
  7500. sealing mastic ==> 填塞料
  7501. sealing material ==> 封塞料,封填材料,密封材料
  7502. sealing medium ==> 密封介质
  7503. sealing member ==> 密封件
  7504. sealing of a casting ==> 铸件浸补
  7505. sealing of a mould ==> 铸型密封
  7506. sealing of closure ==> 闭气,截流合龙后封堵饯堤渗流的通道
  7507. sealing of soil ==> 土壤表面板结
  7508. sealing of vessel ==> 容器密封
  7509. sealing off ==> 脱焊,拆焊
  7510. sealing oil ring system with dual oil flow ==> 双流环密封油系统,流向轴瓦密封环起密封作用的油流有空侧和氢侧两股的密封油系统
  7511. sealing oil ring system with single oil flow ==> 单流环密封油系统,进入密封轴瓦的密封环中起密封作用的油流只有一股的密封油系统
  7512. sealing oil ring system with triple oil flow ==> 三流环密封油系统,在原来的双流密封油系统的密封环的空侧油和氢侧油中间,引进第三股经过真空处理的压力油以彻底隔绝空侧油和氢侧油的接触和交换的密封油系统
  7513. sealing oil system ==> 密封油系统,为防止氢气从转轴和机座之间的间隙漏出发电机,也防止空气进入发电机内,氢冷发电机采用压力油来密封氢气的所有设备和装置的组合。该系统主要由密封瓦,调节阀、平衡阀、压差阀、回油密封箱、油泵及管道及相应的调节控制装置和仪器等组成
  7514. sealing pad ==> 密封瓦
  7515. sealing paint for electroplating ==> 电镀封闭漆
  7516. sealing paper ==> 高级包装纸
  7517. sealing parts factory ==> 橡胶密封件厂
  7518. sealing parts of piston ==> 活塞不漏气部分
  7519. sealing pipe ==> 封闭式套管
  7520. sealing plate ==> 密封板,密封垫,嵌缝片
  7521. sealing pliers ==> 铅印钳,封印钳
  7522. sealing plug ==> 密封塞
  7523. sealing pot ==> 封液包,隔离液罐
  7524. sealing preform ==> 密封用塑
  7525. sealing pressure ==> 密封压力
  7526. sealing reliability ==> 密封可靠性
  7527. sealing resin used on color TV set ==> 彩电用灌封树脂
  7528. sealing ring ==> 封闭圈
  7529. sealing ring bushing ==> 密封环衬套
  7530. sealing ring cap ==> 密封环盖
  7531. sealing ring of gyrosphere ==> 陀螺球密封环
  7532. sealing rod ==> 止水条
  7533. sealing rubber ==> 密封橡胶
  7534. sealing rubber ring ==> 密封橡皮圈
  7535. sealing run ==> 封底焊
  7536. sealing schedule ==> 密封程序
  7537. sealing screw ==> 密封螺钉
  7538. sealing sleeve handling pallet ==> 密封套装卸托板
  7539. sealing stamp ==> 封口印章,封印
  7540. sealing steam ==> 汽封蒸汽
  7541. sealing steam box ==> 汽封蒸汽室
  7542. sealing steam desuperheater ==> 汽封蒸汽冷却器
  7543. sealing steel shell ==> 密封钢壳
  7544. sealing strand ==> 封闭索
  7545. sealing strip ==> 汽封片,密封边,密封带,密封片
  7546. sealing surface ==> 封接面
  7547. sealing surface of seat ==> 阀座密封面
  7548. sealing system ==> 密封系统
  7549. sealing thread ==> 封闭螺纹
  7550. sealing tooth ==> 汽封齿
  7551. sealing up ==> 止水,防漏
  7552. sealing voltage ==> 闭合电压
  7553. sealing washer ==> 密封垫圈
  7554. sealing water ==> 密封用水
  7555. sealing water pipe connection ==> 水封管接头
  7556. sealing wax ==> 封闭蜡,封口蜡,火漆
  7557. sealing wax palm ==> 封蜡棕
  7558. sealing weld ==> 封焊
  7559. sealing wire ==> 密封引线,焊接线
  7560. sealing without gaskets ==> 无垫密封
  7561. sealing work ==> 封闭工程
  7562. sealing-in ==> 封接
  7563. sealing-in burner ==> 密封用气体喷烧器
  7564. sealing-liquid duct ==> 水封入口
  7565. sealing-off ==> 封口,开焊
  7566. sealing-on ==> 焊上
  7567. sealingfluid inlet ==> 密封液入口
  7568. seam ==> 煤线,金属板咬口,缝,层,薄层,贴边=>縫い目,継目,シム
  7569. seam blast ==> 缝隙爆破,缝隙装药爆破
  7570. seam cell ==> 缝线细胞
  7571. seam check ==> 模缝裂纹
  7572. seam detector ==> 线缝探测器
  7573. seam doubling ==> 煤层加倍变厚
  7574. seam dustiness ==> 煤层含尘量
  7575. seam fat ==> 肉间脂肪层
  7576. seam inundation ==> 充水岩层
  7577. seam line ==> 模缝线
  7578. seam mark ==> 模缝痕
  7579. seam orientation ==> 石层裂缝方位
  7580. seam roller ==> 压缝滚子,叠缝滚压机
  7581. seam saw ==> 缝锯
  7582. seam smoother ==> 焊缝清理机
  7583. seam tube ==> 有缝管
  7584. seam weld ==> 滚焊
  7585. seam welder ==> 滚焊机,缝焊机,线焊机
  7586. seam welding ==> 线焊接,缝焊=>シーム溶接
  7587. seam welding electrode ==> 滚极
  7588. seam-free product ==> 无缝制品
  7589. seam-slag cleaner ==> 焊缝清理机
  7590. seam-welding machine ==> 缝焊机
  7591. seamans lien ==> 海员留置权
  7592. seamer ==> 折边机
  7593. seaming machine ==> 卷边接合机,卷边接合机
  7594. seaming welder ==> 缝焊机
  7595. seamless ==> 无缝的=>継目なしの
  7596. seamless article ==> 无缝制品
  7597. seamless bloom ==> 无缝钢管坯
  7598. seamless boat ==> 无缝舢板
  7599. seamless bottom ==> 无缝底
  7600. seamless casing ==> 无缝钢管的套管
  7601. seamless cathode ==> 无缝阴极
  7602. seamless cold ==> 冷拔无缝
  7603. seamless condenser tube (Sml. Cond. Tb.) ==> 无缝冷凝器管
  7604. seamless copper pipe ==> 无缝铜管
  7605. seamless crown ==> 无缝冠
  7606. seamless crown machine ==> 无缝冠冲压机
  7607. seamless drawn tube ==> 拉制无缝钢管
  7608. seamless floor ==> 无缝地面
  7609. seamless gold crown ==> 无缝金壳冠
  7610. seamless head ==> 无缝封头
  7611. seamless hollow ball bearing ==> 无缝空心球轴承
  7612. seamless hot ==> 热拔无缝
  7613. seamless mug with cover ==> 带盖杯
  7614. seamless pipe ==> 无缝管=>継目なし管
  7615. seamless pipe rolling mill ==> 无缝管轧机
  7616. seamless ring rolling ==> 无缝环轧制
  7617. seamless rolled tube ==> 无缝轧制钢管
  7618. seamless shell ==> 无缝筒体
  7619. seamless shell course ==> 无缝锅炉筒
  7620. seamless sleeve ==> シームレススリーブ
  7621. seamless steel pipe ==> 无缝钢管=>継ぎ目無し鋼管
  7622. seamless steel tube ==> 无缝钢管,无缝套筒
  7623. seamless steel tube for drilling ==> 钻探用无缝钢管
  7624. seamless steel tubing ==> 无缝套筒
  7625. seamless tube ==> 无缝管
  7626. seamless tubing ==> 无缝管状织物
  7627. seamount ==> 海底山,海峰,海山
  7628. seamount chain ==> 海山链
  7629. seamount group ==> 海山群
  7630. seamount range ==> 海底山脉,海岭,海山脉
  7631. seamount terrace ==> 海山阶地
  7632. seams ==> The boundaries between adjacent electricity-related organizations. Difference in regulatory requirements or operating practices may create "seams problems."
  7633. seamy side of city life ==> 裏面
  7634. seaplane ==> 水上飞机
  7635. seaplane alighting area ==> 水上飞机降落场
  7636. seaplane base ==> 水上飞机基地
  7637. seaplane basin ==> 水上飞机起落区域
  7638. seaplane berth ==> 水上飞机停泊处
  7639. seaplane boat ==> 水上飞机牵引艇
  7640. seaplane depot ship ==> 水上飞机供应舰
  7641. seaplane float ==> 水上飞机浮筒
  7642. seaplane hull ==> 水上飞机船身
  7643. seaplane landing area ==> 水上飞机登陆处
  7644. seaplane mother ship ==> 水上飞机母舰
  7645. seaplane tank ==> 水上飞机试验水槽
  7646. seaplane tender ==> 水上飞机勤务支援船
  7647. search ==> 检索,查找,调查,搜,搜查,搜索=>探索
  7648. search agent ==> 探索エージェント
  7649. search and clear ==> 搜索与扫荡
  7650. search and clear operation ==> 扫荡战
  7651. search and control antenna system ==> 警戒引导雷达天线
  7652. search and destroy operation ==> 搜索与摧毁战
  7653. search and fire control radar ==> 搜索与火控雷达
  7654. search and height finder radar ==> 搜索与测高雷达
  7655. search and kill method ==> 搜索删除法
  7656. search and mapping radar ==> 搜索与测绘雷达
  7657. search and navigation radar ==> 搜索与导航雷达
  7658. search and ranging radar ==> 搜索与测距雷达
  7659. search and rescue aid ==> 搜索与救援
  7660. search and rescue and homing ==> 搜索救援与自动导引无线电信标
  7661. search and rescue area ==> 搜索救援区
  7662. search and rescue beacon equipment ==> 搜索和救援信标设备
  7663. search and rescue chart ==> 搜索营救用海图
  7664. search and rescue exercise ==> 搜索与救援演习
  7665. search and rescue expense ==> 搜索营救费用
  7666. search and rescue net ==> 搜索救援网
  7667. search and rescue region ==> 搜索与救援区
  7668. search and rescue telephone ==> 搜索与救援电话
  7669. search and rescue-combat air patrol ==> 搜索救援战斗空中巡逻
  7670. search and target acquisition radar ==> 搜索与目标捕捉雷达
  7671. search and track radar ==> 搜索跟踪雷达
  7672. search angle ==> 探测角
  7673. search antenna ==> 搜索天线,探测天线
  7674. search area ==> 搜寻范围
  7675. search attack unit ==> 搜索攻击舰队
  7676. search band ==> 搜索范围
  7677. search bee ==> 侦察蜂
  7678. search bomber ==> 搜索轰炸机
  7679. search capability ==> 搜索能力
  7680. search circle ==> 搜索圆圈区
  7681. search circuit ==> 搜寻电路
  7682. search clue ==> 查找线索
  7683. search coil ==> 探测线圈,测试线圈,指示器线圈=>探りコイル,サーチコイル
  7684. search coil magnetometer ==> 探索线圈磁强计
  7685. search coil method ==> 试探线圈法
  7686. search costs ==> 求职成本
  7687. search coverage ==> 探测区域
  7688. search cycle ==> 搜索周期,查找周期,检索周期=>探索サイクル
  7689. search data ==> 搜索数据
  7690. search datum ==> 搜寻基点
  7691. search dial ==> 搜索度盘
  7692. search direction ==> 查找方向
  7693. search directory system call ==> 查找目录系统调用
  7694. search disconnect ==> 搜索切断
  7695. search distillation ==> 蒸馏式检索
  7696. search equipment ==> 搜索设备
  7697. search field ==> 检索字段
  7698. search for a mobile hider ==> 对机动隐藏者的搜索
  7699. search for a moving target ==> 对移动目标的搜索
  7700. search for an immobile hider ==> 对不动隐藏者的K弧搜索
  7701. search for experience ==> 模索经验
  7702. search for extraterrestrial life ==> 地外生命搜寻
  7703. search frequency generator ==> 搜索频率发生器
  7704. search gas ==> 探索气体,示踪气体
  7705. search gate ==> 搜索选通脉
  7706. search graph ==> 搜索图
  7707. search helicopter ==> 搜索直升机
  7708. search indicator ==> 搜索显示器
  7709. search information ==> 搜索情报
  7710. search jammer ==> 搜索式干扰机
  7711. search key ==> 查找关键字,查找键,查找码=>探索かぎ
  7712. search lamp ==> 搜索灯
  7713. search largest ==> 检索最大值
  7714. search length ==> 查找长度
  7715. search library ==> 检索库
  7716. search light ==> 探照灯
  7717. search light beacon ==> 探照灯标
  7718. search light co-operation ==> 探照灯的协同
  7719. search light signal ==> 探照灯信号
  7720. search limit ==> 检索界限
  7721. search line center ==> 搜索航线中心
  7722. search list for the linker ==> 连接程序的检索表
  7723. search memory ==> 检索存储器,内容定址存储器
  7724. search method ==> 搜栓
  7725. search mode ==> 搜索方式
  7726. search of faulty section by energizing ==> 事故空間探索(電力)
  7727. search of the optimal capacity of power storage system ==> 最適電力貯蔵設備容量の探索
  7728. search officer ==> 海关检查人员
  7729. search operation ==> 查找操作
  7730. search patrol ==> 搜索巡逻
  7731. search pattern ==> 搜寻方式
  7732. search pattern of document ==> 文献检索标志
  7733. search periscope ==> 搜索用的潜望镜
  7734. search phase ==> 搜索阶段
  7735. search plan ==> 探索计划
  7736. search plan for moving target ==> 动靶搜索方案
  7737. search plane ==> 搜索飞机
  7738. search plotter ==> 搜索情况标图板
  7739. search problem ==> 探索问题
  7740. search problem in the presence of false target ==> 出现伪靶时的搜索问题
  7741. search procedure ==> 查找过程
  7742. search process ==> 觅数过程,搜索过程
  7743. search program ==> 查找程序
  7744. search pulse ==> 搜索脉冲
  7745. search radar ==> 搜索雷达=>探索レーダ
  7746. search radar aircraft ==> 装有搜索雷达的飞机
  7747. search radar set ==> 搜索雷达
  7748. search radar terminal ==> 搜索雷达终端
  7749. search range ==> 搜索距离
  7750. search rate ==> 搜索速率
  7751. search receiver ==> 搜索接收器
  7752. search record ==> 咨询记录
  7753. search refinement ==> 絞り込み検索
  7754. search reflector ==> 搜索反射器
  7755. search result register ==> 查找结果寄存器
  7756. search scope ==> 搜索雷达显示器
  7757. search sector ==> 搜索扇形区
  7758. search sequence ==> 探索次序
  7759. search sonar ==> 搜索声纳
  7760. search space logarithm type genetic algorithm ==> 探索領域対数型遺伝的アルゴリズム
  7761. search speed ==> 搜寻速度
  7762. search statement ==> 查找语句
  7763. search stopper ==> 搜索抑制器
  7764. search strategy ==> 搜索策略,检索策略
  7765. search surveillance ==> 搜索监视
  7766. search sweep ==> 搜索扫描
  7767. search syndicate ==> 探矿辛迪加
  7768. search system ==> 搜索系统
  7769. search technique ==> 搜索技术,搜寻技术
  7770. search the air ==> 搜索空中敌人
  7771. search theory ==> 搜索理论,检索理论
  7772. search time ==> 查找时间
  7773. search tree ==> 查找树,搜索树
  7774. search tuning ==> 搜索调谐
  7775. search turn ==> 搜索圈
  7776. search unemployment ==> 求职性失业
  7777. search unit ==> 探测装置,探寻装置
  7778. search, to ==> 探索する
  7779. search-and-find ==> 搜寻与营救
  7780. search-and-rescue spacecraft ==> 搜索救援航天器
  7781. search-angle control ==> 探测角控制
  7782. search-attack radar ==> 搜索攻击雷达
  7783. search-coil test ==> 探测线圈测试法
  7784. search-lock-on radar ==> 搜索和自动跟踪雷达
  7785. search-radar installation ==> 搜索雷达站
  7786. search-read function ==> 寻读函数,查阅功能
  7787. search-stopping mechanism ==> 搜索停止机构
  7788. search-track ==> 搜索跟踪
  7789. searchable information ==> 可供查找信息
  7790. searcher ==> 膀胱石探杆,搜索器,搜索者,搜索装置,探查仪,寻觅器,海关检查人员
  7791. searching ==> 查找
  7792. searching control ==> 搜索控制
  7793. searching current ==> 探测电流
  7794. searching ephemeris ==> 搜寻星历表
  7795. searching fire ==> 纵深射击
  7796. searching lamp ==> 探照灯
  7797. searching light ==> 探照灯
  7798. searching lighting ==> 水平扫描
  7799. searching method ==> 搜索波法
  7800. searching sector ==> 搜索区
  7801. searching storage ==> 检索存储器,内容定址存储器
  7802. searching surface ==> 探测表面
  7803. searching tube ==> 探管
  7804. searchligh ==> 探照灯
  7805. searchlight ==> 探照灯(サーチライト)
  7806. searchlight and sound locator ==> 探照灯与声波定位器
  7807. searchlight antenna ==> 探照灯式天线
  7808. searchlight beam ==> 探照灯光束
  7809. searchlight belt ==> 探照灯照射区
  7810. searchlight canopy ==> 探照灯照射的天空
  7811. searchlight car ==> 探照灯车
  7812. searchlight defense ==> 探照灯掩护
  7813. searchlight emplacement ==> 探照灯掩护
  7814. searchlight flat mounting base ==> 探照灯安装座
  7815. searchlight generator ==> 探照灯发电机
  7816. searchlight intersection ==> 探照灯光交叉
  7817. searchlight kill ==> 探照灯照落飞机
  7818. searchlight lamp ==> 探照灯灯管
  7819. searchlight lens ==> 探照灯透镜
  7820. searchlight mounting ==> 探照灯固定叉架
  7821. searchlight platoon ==> 探照灯排
  7822. searchlight radar ==> 探照灯雷达
  7823. searchlight reflector ==> 探照灯反射器
  7824. searchlight screen ==> 探照灯滤光镜
  7825. searchlight sector ==> 探照灯防区
  7826. searchlight shelter ==> 探照灯掩蔽部
  7827. searchlight signal ==> 単灯形信号灯(鉄道)
  7828. searchlight site ==> 探照灯阵地
  7829. searchlight sonar ==> 探照灯声纳
  7830. searchlight support ==> 探照灯灯光保障
  7831. searchlight tandem axle trailer ==> 探照灯双轴挂车
  7832. searchlight truck ==> 探照灯汽车
  7833. searchlight unit ==> 探照灯部队
  7834. searchlight vehicle ==> 探照灯车
  7835. searchlighting ==> 探照,探照灯搜索
  7836. searchlighting antenna ==> 搜索天线
  7837. SEASAT, sea resources technology satellite ==> SEASAT
  7838. SEASAT, sea satellite ==> 海洋観測衛星の一般呼称
  7839. SEASAT, specialized experimental applications satellite ==> 特殊実験用衛星
  7840. seashore ==> 海岸,海滨,沿岸
  7841. seashore drilling ==> 海域采矿
  7842. seashore freeway ==> 沿海岸的高速公路
  7843. seashore lake ==> 海滨湖
  7844. seashore new land ==> 海滨新生地
  7845. seashore saline soil ==> 滨海盐土
  7846. seaside park ==> 海滨公园
  7847. seaside resort ==> 海滨疗养地,海滨胜地
  7848. seaside-orientated industries ==> 沿海工业
  7849. season breeder ==> 季节性繁殖的家畜
  7850. season character ==> 季节性
  7851. season colour ==> 应时色
  7852. season cracking ==> 时效破裂,季节性开裂,季节性破裂,(木材的)干燥开裂
  7853. season dynamics ==> 季节性动态
  7854. season for planting ==> 植树季节
  7855. season long grazing ==> 全期放牧
  7856. season migration ==> 季节性迁移
  7857. season of emergence ==> 出苗期
  7858. season of growth ==> 生长季节
  7859. season of rice transplanting ==> 插秧季节
  7860. season recovery ==> 潜水面季节变化
  7861. season-of-birth effect ==> 产犊季节效应
  7862. seasonal adjustments ==> 季节调整
  7863. seasonal allergic rhinitis ==> 季节性变态反应性鼻炎
  7864. seasonal ARIMA model ==> 季節性ARIMAモデル
  7865. seasonal aspect ==> 季相
  7866. seasonal balancing ==> 季节平衡
  7867. seasonal change ==> 季节变化
  7868. seasonal coefficient ==> 季节系数
  7869. seasonal cracking ==> 季节性破裂
  7870. seasonal credit accommodation ==> 季节性贷款
  7871. seasonal current ==> 季节性流
  7872. seasonal demand ==> 季节性需求
  7873. seasonal disease ==> 季节病
  7874. seasonal diversity ==> 季节性(负载)差异
  7875. seasonal effect ==> 季节影响
  7876. seasonal effect in time series ==> 时间序列的季节效应
  7877. seasonal electric energy ==> 季节性电能,水电站利用丰水季多余水量生产的电能
  7878. seasonal factor ==> 季节因素,季节因子
  7879. seasonal factors ==> 季节系数
  7880. seasonal fluctuation ==> 季节变动,季节变化,季节性波动,季节性起伏
  7881. seasonal forecasting ==> 季节预报
  7882. seasonal forest ==> 季相林
  7883. seasonal geometrical mean E. coli density ==> 季节性的大肠杆菌密度几何平均数
  7884. seasonal grazing ==> 季节放牧
  7885. seasonal hay fever ==> 季节性枯草热
  7886. seasonal inventory ==> 季节性库存量
  7887. seasonal lake ==> 季节湖
  7888. seasonal load ==> 季节性负荷,季节性载荷
  7889. seasonal loan ==> 季节性放款
  7890. seasonal loans ==> 季节性贷款
  7891. seasonal loans for circulating funds ==> 季节性流动资金
  7892. seasonal menstruation ==> 居经,居经
  7893. seasonal migration ==> 季节迁徙
  7894. seasonal nitratenitrogen content ==> 季节性硝态氮含量
  7895. seasonal operating plan ==> 季运行方式,为在次季内电力系统生产和运行而编制的运行方案
  7896. seasonal peaks on inventory ==> 库存季节性高峰
  7897. seasonal polymorphism ==> 季节多态
  7898. seasonal power ==> 季节电功率=>期間常時電力
  7899. seasonal prevalence ==> 季节分布
  7900. seasonal price ==> 季节电价,在一年中根据不同季节的特点按不同价格水平计费的电价制度
  7901. seasonal price difference ==> 季节差价
  7902. seasonal rain forest and rain forest region ==> 季雨林和热带雨林带
  7903. seasonal rate schedule ==> 季节价目制=>季節料金制
  7904. seasonal regulation ==> 季调节,又称"不完全年调节"
  7905. seasonal ring ==> 年轮
  7906. seasonal rise ==> 季节性升高
  7907. seasonal storage ==> 季节贮水
  7908. seasonal strain ==> 晚熟种
  7909. seasonal stream ==> 季节河,季节性河流
  7910. seasonal succession ==> 季节演替
  7911. seasonal tariff ==> 季节性电费率
  7912. seasonal thermocline ==> 季节性温跃层
  7913. seasonal unemployment ==> 季节性失业
  7914. seasonal variation ==> 季节变动=>季節変動
  7915. seasonal variations ==> 季节变化
  7916. seasonal variations of the pulse ==> 脉合四时
  7917. seasonal weather ==> 季节性天气
  7918. seasonal wind ==> 季节风
  7919. seasonally adjusted data ==> 调整季节变动后的数据
  7920. seasonally adjusted figure ==> 调整季节变动后的数字
  7921. seasonally dry forest zone ==> 季节性干旱林区
  7922. seasonally frozen ground ==> 季节性冻土
  7923. seasonally protected plot ==> 季节性围栏保护区
  7924. seasoned timber ==> 干材,风干木材
  7925. seasoned wood ==> 干木材
  7926. seasoning ==> 老化,老炼,贮放,陈化,晾干,时效,天然时效,证券在市场确立的时间=>エージング,枯らし,シーズニング
  7927. seasoning machine ==> 上光机
  7928. seasoning of timber ==> 木材干燥
  7929. seasoning of wood ==> 木材干燥
  7930. seat ==> 场所,所在地,装填,座,座位=>座席,腰掛け,位置,場所,所在地
  7931. seat adjuster ==> 座位调节装置
  7932. seat adjustment cntrol ==> 座椅调节操纵件
  7933. seat adjustment motor ==> 座椅调节电动机
  7934. seat and chute entanglement ==> 伞椅缠绕
  7935. seat and chute involvement ==> 伞椅缠绕
  7936. seat angle ==> 钢板弹簧座角,阀座倾斜角,座角钢
  7937. seat arm ==> 座椅臂
  7938. seat armrest ==> 肘靠
  7939. seat available ==> 空席
  7940. seat back ==> シートバック,もたれ
  7941. seat back cushion ==> 座椅靠背软垫
  7942. seat back structure ==> シートバック構造
  7943. seat base ==> 座椅底座,(桥的)座梁
  7944. seat beam ==> (桥的)座梁
  7945. seat belt ==> 座舱安全带
  7946. seat belt assembly ==> 座位安全带总成
  7947. seat belt warning tell-tale ==> 安全带警报灯
  7948. seat board ==> 座板
  7949. seat booking ==> 座席予約システム
  7950. seat bottom channel ==> 座底槽板
  7951. seat carriage vertical release ==> 座椅滑架垂直移动机构
  7952. seat catapult ==> 座椅弹射器
  7953. seat clay ==> 耐火粘土,底粘土,底粘土层
  7954. seat connection of beam to columns ==> 梁柱座接法
  7955. seat cover for vehicle ==> 车辆用座套
  7956. seat cushion ==> 弹性座垫,汽车座垫
  7957. seat cutter ==> 气门座修整刀具,阀座修整刀具
  7958. seat diameter ==> 阀座口径
  7959. seat division ==> 座椅隔臂
  7960. seat earth ==> 煤层底板,底粘土
  7961. seat filler material ==> 座垫填充材料
  7962. seat fire ==> 座椅弹射
  7963. seat for heating tube support ==> 炉管支承架底座
  7964. seat frame ==> 座架
  7965. seat framework ==> 座席构架
  7966. seat grinder ==> 座口磨削机
  7967. seat grinding ==> 研磨
  7968. seat guide ==> 座椅调节导轨
  7969. seat guide rail ==> 座椅导轨
  7970. seat harness ==> 座椅安全带
  7971. seat heater ==> 座椅取暖器
  7972. seat height ==> 座椅高
  7973. seat hinge ==> 活动座铰链,折椅铰链
  7974. seat horizontal release ==> 座椅水平移动板
  7975. seat initiator ==> 座椅弹射起爆器
  7976. seat layout ==> (在汽车内)座位布置
  7977. seat leakage test pressure ==> 阀座密封性试验压力
  7978. seat leaktest ==> 阀座漏泄密封性试验
  7979. seat leg ==> 座脚
  7980. seat material ==> 阀座材料
  7981. seat mile ==> 客运里程
  7982. seat of fatigue ==> 疲劳部位
  7983. seat of settlement ==> 沉陷影响范围
  7984. seat of the pants management style ==> 席不暇暖式的管理
  7985. seat of war ==> 战场
  7986. seat on the exchange ==> 交易所席位
  7987. seat pad ==> 垫块
  7988. seat pillar ==> 座柱
  7989. seat pin ==> 座销
  7990. seat radio ==> 车厢收音机,车箱收音机
  7991. seat rail ==> 座椅导轨,座椅横挡
  7992. seat reamer ==> 气门座修整刀具,气门座修整铰刀
  7993. seat regulator ==> 座椅调整机构
  7994. seat reservation ==> 座席予約
  7995. seat reservation system ==> 座位预定系统,座席预定系统
  7996. seat ring ==> 座圈
  7997. seat riser ==> 座椅升降机构
  7998. seat screw ==> 定位螺钉
  7999. seat separation equipment ==> 座椅分离机构
  8000. seat slide ==> 座椅滑轨
  8001. seat spacing ==> 座椅间距
  8002. seat spring ==> 座椅弹簧
  8003. seat stand ==> 座台
  8004. seat stay ==> 座撑
  8005. seat support ==> 座椅座,座支架
  8006. seat surface ==> 座面
  8007. seat tapping plate ==> 座椅安装铁
  8008. seat test ==> 阀座试验
  8009. seat testing pressure ==> 压力气密封试验压力
  8010. seat track ==> 座椅调节导轨
  8011. seat valve ==> 座阀
  8012. seat warmer ==> 座椅加温器
  8013. seat warmer control ==> 座椅加温控制
  8014. seat-ejection initiator ==> 座椅弹射起爆器
  8015. seat-man separation device ==> 人椅分离装置
  8016. seat-type breather ==> 座式呼吸器
  8017. seatainer ==> 船用集装箱
  8018. seated armature ==> 入位衔铁
  8019. seated connection ==> 托座连接
  8020. seated directional valve ==> 座式换向阀
  8021. seated gas generator ==> 固定式燃气发生器
  8022. seated knee level ==> 坐膝高度
  8023. seated L-square ==> 连座角尺
  8024. seated position ==> 坐姿
  8025. seated valve ==> 座阀
  8026. seated valve pump ==> 座阀配流泵,单向阀配流泵,(液压)止回阀调节的泵
  8027. seating ==> 底板
  8028. seating accommodation ==> 座舱
  8029. seating capacity ==> 座席定員
  8030. seating configuration ==> 座位配置
  8031. seating diagram ==> 汽车车身内的座位布置图
  8032. seating directional valve ==> 座式换向阀
  8033. seating face ==> 座表面
  8034. seating force ==> (气门等的)座合压力
  8035. seating layout ==> 座位配置方案
  8036. seating load ==> 固定载荷
  8037. seating of boiler ==> 锅炉座
  8038. seating of engine ==> 发动机座
  8039. seating plane ==> 底座面
  8040. seating ring ==> 座环
  8041. seating shoe ==> 底座
  8042. seating space ==> 座椅布置间隔
  8043. seating surface ==> 支持面
  8044. seating time ==> 磨合时间,跑合时间
  8045. seating time of piston rings ==> 活塞环的磨合时间
  8046. seating valve ==> 座阀
  8047. seating washer ==> 座垫
  8048. Seattle ==> 西雅图=>シアトル
  8049. seatworm ==> 蠕形住肠蛲虫
  8050. seawall sewage outfall ==> 沿岸排污渠口
  8051. seaward channel ==> 通海航道
  8052. seaward migration ==> 向海洄游
  8053. seaward slope ==> 向海坡面
  8054. seawater ==> 海水
  8055. seawater analysis ==> 海水分析
  8056. seawater battery ==> 海水活化电池
  8057. seawater coarse filter ==> 海水粗滤器
  8058. seawater comprehensive utilization ==> 海水综合利用
  8059. seawater damaged ==> 海水损害
  8060. seawater desalination ==> 海水脱盐
  8061. seawater encroachment ==> 海水入侵
  8062. seawater intake point ==> 海水进水口,海水引入点,海水抽吸点
  8063. seawater level meter ==> 海水面レベル計
  8064. seawater lift pump ==> 海水提升泵
  8065. seawater mercurometer ==> 海水测汞仪
  8066. seawater molecular physics ==> 海水分子物理学
  8067. seawater physics ==> 海水物理学
  8068. seawater pipes ==> 海水系配管
  8069. seawater resource ==> 海水资源
  8070. seawater thermometer ==> 海水温度计
  8071. seaweed ==> 海草,海藻=>ホンダワラ(繁殖力の強い海藻)
  8072. seaweed fiber ==> 海藻纤维
  8073. seaweed gel ==> 海藻胶
  8074. seaweed glue ==> 海藻胶
  8075. seaweed green ==> 海藻绿
  8076. seaweed meal ==> 海草粉,海藻干粉
  8077. seaweed mucilage ==> 海藻粘质
  8078. seaweed theory ==> 海藻成油说
  8079. seaweed wax ==> 海藻蜡
  8080. SeaWIFES, Sea-viewing Wide-field-of-view-sensor ==> 海洋観察広視野センサ
  8081. SeaWinds, SeaWinds ==> 海上風観測装置
  8082. seaworthy packing ==> 适航包装,耐航包装
  8083. SEB, science and engineering of balloons ==> 大気球による宇宙科学工学
  8084. SEB, skylab experience bulletin ==> スカイラブ実験報告
  8085. SEB, source evaluation board ==> ソース評価委員会
  8086. sebaceous cyst ==> 粉瘤,脂瘤
  8087. sebaceous cyst of chest wall ==> 胸壁皮脂囊肿
  8088. sebaceous cyst of scrotum ==> 阴囊皮脂腺囊肿
  8089. sebaceous cyst of vulva ==> 外阴皮脂囊肿
  8090. sebacic acid ==> 皮脂酸,癸二酸
  8091. sebacylic acid ==> 癸二酸
  8092. sebastian salt ==> 无水芒硝
  8093. sebiferic acid ==> 乌臼酸
  8094. sebl ==> 扫描式电子束刻蚀
  8095. sebm ==> 电子束切缝
  8096. SEBO, second stage engine burnout ==> 二段エンジン燃焼終了
  8097. seborrhea generalis ==> 全身性皮脂溢
  8098. seborrhea oleosa ==> 油性皮脂溢
  8099. seborrhea squamosa neonatorum ==> 新生儿鳞屑皮脂溢
  8100. seborrheic dermatitis ==> 脂溢性皮炎,脂谥性皮炎,皮脂溢性皮炎,面游风,皮下脂溢性皮炎
  8101. seborrheic epithelioma ==> 脂溢性上皮瘤
  8102. seborrhoeic dermatitis ==> 脂溢性皮炎
  8103. SEBS, spacelab emergency breathing system ==> スペースラブ緊急呼吸システム
  8104. sebum ==> 皮脂,羊脂,脂肪
  8105. sebum bovinum ==> 牛脂
  8106. sebum cutaneum ==> 皮脂
  8107. sebum praeputiale ==> 包皮垢
  8108. SEC ==> サウジ電力会社
  8109. SEC, second ==> 2次
  8110. sec, second ==> 秒
  8111. SEC, secondary electron conduction camera tube ==> SEC管
  8112. SEC, Source Evaluation Committee ==> ソース評価委員
  8113. sec-butyl amine ==> 另丁胺
  8114. sec-n-amyl alcohol ==> 二乙基甲醇
  8115. SECAM colour system ==> 塞康制彩色电视
  8116. SECAM system ==> 塞康制
  8117. secam system ==> secam制彩色电视方式
  8118. secant ==> 正割=>正割
  8119. secant bulk modulus ==> 割线体积弹性模数
  8120. secant circle ==> 正割圆
  8121. secant conic projection ==> 双标准纬线等积圆锥投影,双标准纬线圆锥投影
  8122. secant curve ==> 正割曲线
  8123. secant formula ==> 正割公式
  8124. secant galvanometer ==> 正割检流计
  8125. secant integral function ==> 正割积分函数
  8126. secant law ==> 正割定律
  8127. secant method ==> 正割法,割线法
  8128. secant modulus ==> 割线模量,正割模数,视模数=>割線係数
  8129. secant modulus of elasticity ==> 正割弹性模量=>割線弾性係数
  8130. secant plane ==> 切断平面
  8131. secant yield stress ==> 正割屈服应力
  8132. Secchi's classification ==> 塞齐分类法
  8133. SECE, specific experiment control equipment ==> 特殊実験制御装置
  8134. secession ==> 分離
  8135. seclude the country from the outside world ==> 闭关锁国
  8136. seclusion ==> 闭关锁国,闭塞过程
  8137. SECO, second stage engine cut-off ==> 第二段エンジン燃焼停止
  8138. SECO, sustainer engine cut-off ==> 補助エンジン燃焼停止
  8139. SECO, synchronous equatorial circular orbit ==> 同期赤道円軌道
  8140. secobarbital sodium ==> 速可眠,丙烯戊巴比妥钠
  8141. secohmmeter ==> 电感表
  8142. second ==> 次要的,秒,亚,二级
  8143. second action level ==> 二级措施声级
  8144. second addition time ==> 二次加法时间
  8145. second address ==> 第二地址
  8146. second anal cell ==> 腋室
  8147. second annealing ==> 二次退火
  8148. second anode ==> 第二阳极
  8149. second antenna ==> 第二触角
  8150. second approximation ==> 第二近似值,二次逼近,二次近似
  8151. second areola ==> 妊娠乳房晕
  8152. second assignment ==> 二次动作元件分配
  8153. second backcross generation ==> 回交二代
  8154. second beat ==> 秒拍
  8155. second beater ==> 第二逐稿轮
  8156. second best ==> 次的
  8157. second bomb damage ==> 炸弹间接破坏效果
  8158. second bottom ==> 一级阶地,二级底面
  8159. second bower ==> 左首锚
  8160. second breakdown ==> 二次击穿
  8161. second breaker ==> 二道梳毛机
  8162. second breaker card ==> 二道梳毛机
  8163. second by second measurement ==> 逐秒测量
  8164. second category gassy mine ==> 二级瓦斯矿
  8165. second category of commodities ==> 二类商品
  8166. second category of goods ==> 二类物资
  8167. second category vessel ==> 二类容器
  8168. second channel ==> 第二信道
  8169. second channel interference ==> 镜像干扰,镜像干扰,图像干扰
  8170. second chronograph ==> 秒表
  8171. second class ==> 二等的
  8172. second class conductor ==> 第二类导体,第二种导体
  8173. second class fish-plated bolt ==> 二级鱼尾螺栓
  8174. second class fish-plated nut ==> 二级鱼尾螺母
  8175. second class ore ==> 二级矿石
  8176. second clear ==> 清秒
  8177. second clear flour ==> 二等面粉
  8178. second clearance angle ==> 第二后隙角
  8179. second clock ==> 秒钟
  8180. second coat ==> 二次涂敷,中间漆=>中塗り
  8181. second coating optical fiber ==> 二次被覆光纤
  8182. second control ==> 秒控制
  8183. second controller ==> 秒控制器
  8184. second cosmic velocity ==> 第二宇宙速度
  8185. second counter ==> 秒数计数器
  8186. second course ==> 二道锉纹
  8187. second critical speed ==> 第二临界转速
  8188. second crop ==> 第二茬作物,第二次收成
  8189. second curvature ==> 第二曲率
  8190. second curvature radius ==> 第二曲率半径
  8191. second cut ==> 二道纹
  8192. second cut file ==> 二道纹锉,中细锉
  8193. second cut flat wood rasp ==> 中扁木锉
  8194. second data multiplexer ==> 第二数据多路转接器
  8195. second degree A-V block ==> 二度房室传导阻滞
  8196. second degree surface ==> 二次曲面
  8197. second delay electric detonator ==> 秒延期电雷管
  8198. second derivation control ==> 按二次导数调节
  8199. second derivative ==> 二次导数,二阶导数
  8200. second derivative action ==> 二次导数作用
  8201. second derivative gravity anomaly ==> 重力二次导数异常
  8202. second derivative spectroscopy ==> 二阶导数谱学
  8203. second detector ==> 第二検波器
  8204. second development ==> 第二次显影
  8205. second display ==> 秒显示
  8206. second division segregation ==> 第二次分裂分离
  8207. second DO ==> 第二个循环
  8208. second edition ==> 再版
  8209. second efficiency ==> 二次効率
  8210. second electron lens ==> 第二电子透镜
  8211. second equation of Maxwell ==> 麦克斯韦第二方程
  8212. second evaporator ==> 蒸发器中的第二效次
  8213. second explosion ==> 余爆炸
  8214. second filial ==> 子二代
  8215. second fixed head disk ==> 第二个固定头磁盘
  8216. second flow ==> 秒流
  8217. second fundamental form of a surface ==> 曲面的第二基本形式
  8218. second fundamental quantity ==> 第2基本量
  8219. second gear ==> 第二速度齿轮,二档齿轮
  8220. second gear torque ==> 二档齿轮转距
  8221. second generation ==> 第二代,子二代,改进型
  8222. second generation computer ==> 第二代计算机
  8223. second generation HTS wire ==> 次世代高温超電導線材
  8224. second generation of nuclear power reactor ==> 第二代[核电]反应堆,20世纪70年代以来运行的大部分商用发电的反应堆。其中包括已标准化、系列化和批量建设的压水堆、沸水堆、重水堆和石墨水冷堆等
  8225. second generations of inbreeding ==> 近交二代
  8226. second growth ==> 次生林,幼树
  8227. second growth stand ==> 后生树林分
  8228. second hammer ==> 秒回零杆锤头
  8229. second hammer damping stop ==> 秒锤杆制动器
  8230. second hammer maintaining washer ==> 秒锤杆定位垫圈
  8231. second hammer spring foot ==> 秒锤杆簧位钉
  8232. second hand ==> 秒针
  8233. second hand car ==> 旧汽车
  8234. second hand packing ==> 旧包装,旧包装
  8235. second hand remover ==> 起秒针钳
  8236. second hand stop ==> 停秒
  8237. second hand tap ==> 中丝锥
  8238. second harmonic ==> 第二谐波=>第二調波
  8239. second harmonic generation ==> 倍频效应
  8240. second harmonics ==> 二次谐波
  8241. second heart ==> 秒桃轮
  8242. second heart spring ==> 秒桃轮簧
  8243. second indicator ==> 秒指示盘
  8244. second intention ==> 第二期愈合,二期愈合
  8245. second intermediate rolls ==> 第二层中间辊
  8246. second involute of the circle ==> 圆的第二渐伸线
  8247. second ionization constant ==> 次级电离常数
  8248. second job ==> 副业=>副業
  8249. second jumper wheel ==> 跳秒轮
  8250. second jumper wheel driver ==> 跳秒轮驱动器
  8251. second jumper whip star ==> 跳秒杆星轮
  8252. second junction ==> 第二中心结
  8253. second kind collision ==> 第二类碰撞
  8254. second kind electrode ==> 第二类电极
  8255. second land ==> 第二槽脊
  8256. second law of motion ==> 第二运动定律
  8257. second law of thermodynamics ==> 热力学第二定律
  8258. second leaf width and length ==> 第二片叶宽度及长度
  8259. second level ==> 二级的
  8260. second level access-address ==> 二次存取地址
  8261. second level address ==> 二次地址
  8262. second level definition ==> 二级定义
  8263. second line maintenance ==> 中修
  8264. second line merchandise ==> 二等品
  8265. second line recovery ==> 第二线中修
  8266. second log ==> 第二段原木
  8267. second lower punch ==> 第二下冲杆
  8268. second mean-value theorem ==> 第二中值定理
  8269. second member ==> 右端
  8270. second memory ==> 辅助存储器
  8271. second messenger ==> 第二信使
  8272. second mining ==> 二次回采
  8273. second moment ==> 二次矩,二阶矩
  8274. second moment of area ==> 断面惯性矩,面积的二次矩
  8275. second moment of mass ==> 惯性极矩
  8276. second month of autumn ==> 仲秋
  8277. second month of spring ==> 仲春
  8278. second month of summer ==> 仲夏
  8279. second month of winter ==> 仲冬
  8280. second mortgage ==> 二次抵押权
  8281. second motion engine ==> 第二运动发动机
  8282. second motion shaft ==> 第二运动轴
  8283. second of arc ==> 角秒
  8284. second of the same tenor and date unpaid ==> 副本尚未兑付
  8285. second operand ==> 第二操作数,第二运算数
  8286. second operation machine ==> 第二操作机
  8287. second operation work ==> 第二道工序
  8288. second order ==> 二级的
  8289. second order change ==> 第二级转变
  8290. second order coherence function ==> 二阶相干函数
  8291. second order day number ==> 二阶日数
  8292. second order derivative of gravity potential ==> 重力位的二阶导数
  8293. second order differential equation ==> 二阶微分方程
  8294. second order filter ==> 二阶滤波器
  8295. second order lag element ==> 二次延迟元件
  8296. second order spectrum ==> 二级光谱
  8297. second order subroutine ==> 二级子程序
  8298. second order system ==> 二次系统
  8299. second order transition ==> 二级转变
  8300. second order viscoelastic theory ==> 二阶粘弹理论
  8301. second outlet ==> 第二条出口
  8302. second pain ==> 慢痛
  8303. second parts ==> 半旧零件
  8304. second party ==> 乙方
  8305. second pawl wheel ==> 秒棘爪轮
  8306. second pendulum ==> 秒摆
  8307. second penetration product ==> 再一次渗入市场的产品
  8308. second per revolution ==> 每一转所需秒数
  8309. second phase margin ==> 第2位相余裕
  8310. second pilot ==> 副驾驶员
  8311. second pinion ==> 秒齿轴
  8312. second pitch of coil ==> 线圈第二节距
  8313. second plate ==> 第二板极
  8314. second ploughing ==> 复耕
  8315. second power ==> 平方,二次幂
  8316. second pressing ==> 再压
  8317. second principal stress ==> 第二主应力
  8318. second probability distribution ==> 第二概率分布
  8319. second process machine ==> 光制机
  8320. Second Progress Report of the Working Group on Electric and Magnetic Fields ==> 《电磁场工作小组的第二次进度报告》
  8321. second quadrant ==> 第2象限
  8322. second quality product ==> 二等品
  8323. second quantization ==> 二次量子化
  8324. second rate ==> 二等的
  8325. second reduction machine ==> 精碎机
  8326. second remote subroutine ==> 二级远程子程序
  8327. second remove subroutine ==> 二级子程序
  8328. second reset device ==> 秒复位装置
  8329. second rice ==> 晚稻
  8330. second ripping ==> 挑顶
  8331. second rolling ==> 第二次辗压
  8332. second roots ==> 次生根
  8333. second runner ==> 秒针运行
  8334. second saddle ==> 副座板
  8335. second Saybolt furol ==> 赛波特重油粘度秒数
  8336. second Saybolt universal ==> 赛波特通用粘度秒数
  8337. second scion ==> 第二接穗
  8338. second scutching ==> 再梳麻
  8339. second septum ==> 第二隔
  8340. second set rejection ==> 再次排斥反应,二次排斥
  8341. second sheet ==> 抄本,副本
  8342. second signal ==> 第二信号
  8343. second signal system ==> 第二信号系统
  8344. second sound ==> 第二声
  8345. second source ==> 第二电源,第二资源
  8346. second speed ==> 第二速度
  8347. second speed gear ==> 第二速度齿轮
  8348. second stage impeller and above ==> 第二级叶轮并往上类推
  8349. second stage of creep ==> 二段蠕变
  8350. second stage of impact ==> 汽车碰撞的第二阶段
  8351. second steel sheet ==> 精整薄钢板
  8352. second stop watch ==> 停表
  8353. second strike ==> 第二次打击
  8354. second stud gear ==> 第二变速齿轮
  8355. second surface ==> 裏面
  8356. second tap ==> 中号丝锥,二攻丝锥,二锥,中丝锥
  8357. second teeth ==> 永久齿
  8358. second time at right angles to the first ==> (指耙地)第二次与第一次呈直角
  8359. second totalizer ==> 累计计秒器
  8360. second transit ==> 第二次中天
  8361. second trial ==> 二次接续,中关
  8362. second trimester of pregnancy ==> 妊娠中期,妊娠中三个月
  8363. second unpaid ==> 副本尚未兑付
  8364. second ventricle ==> 第二脑室
  8365. second vibration mode ==> 第二振型
  8366. second virial coefficient ==> 第二维里系数
  8367. second viscosity ==> 第二粘度
  8368. second viscosity coefficient ==> 第二粘性系数
  8369. second wall ==> 附加墙
  8370. second wheel ==> 秒轮
  8371. second wheel additional lock ==> 秒轮附加锁杆
  8372. second wheel bridge ==> 秒轮夹板
  8373. second wheel driving pinion ==> 秒轮传动齿轴
  8374. second wheel friction spring ==> 秒轮摩擦簧
  8375. second wheel lock ==> 秒轮锁杆
  8376. second wheel lock spring ==> 秒轮锁杆簧
  8377. second working ==> 复耕
  8378. second year face ==> 第二年割面
  8379. second(-)hand tap ==> 中丝锥
  8380. second(-)motion shaft ==> 中间转动轴
  8381. second-channel frequency ==> 镜像频率,镜像频率
  8382. second-class maintenance ==> 二级保养
  8383. second-degree burn ==> 二度烧伤
  8384. second-degree erythema ==> 二度红斑
  8385. second-degree parabola ==> 二次抛物线
  8386. second-delay blasting cap ==> 秒差雷管
  8387. second-foot ==> 秒英尺
  8388. second-forbiden spectrum ==> 二次禁带谱
  8389. second-generation synthetic fibre ==> 第二代合成纤维
  8390. second-growth isotope ==> 次生同位素
  8391. second-hand ==> 第二手,第二手的
  8392. second-hand brick ==> 旧砖,旧砖
  8393. second-hand machine ==> 旧机器,旧机器
  8394. second-harmonic generation ==> 二次高調波発生
  8395. second-induced breakdown ==> (半导体器件)二次击穿
  8396. second-level access address ==> 二级访问地址
  8397. second-level address ==> 二级地址
  8398. second-level addressing ==> 二级编址,二级寻址
  8399. second-level directory ==> 二级目录,次级目录
  8400. second-level index block ==> 二级索引块
  8401. second-level interrupt ==> 二级中断
  8402. second-level message ==> 二级信息,第二级信息
  8403. second-level message member ==> 第二级信息成员,二级信息成员
  8404. second-level of packaging ==> 二级组装
  8405. second-level statement ==> 二级语句
  8406. second-level storage ==> 二级存储器,次级存储器
  8407. second-mission aircraft ==> 执行次要任务的飞机
  8408. second-moment criterion ==> 二阶矩准则
  8409. second-motion engine ==> 第二运动发动机
  8410. second-operation work ==> 二道操作
  8411. second-order aberration ==> 次级像差
  8412. second-order aberration coefficient ==> 二级像差系数
  8413. second-order autoregressive model ==> 二阶段自回归模型
  8414. second-order autoregressive scheme ==> 二阶自回归型式
  8415. second-order bench mark ==> 二等水准标点
  8416. second-order branching ==> 第二级分枝
  8417. second-order calculation ==> 二级近似计算
  8418. second-order central moment ==> 二阶中心矩
  8419. second-order climatological station ==> 二级气候站
  8420. second-order compressibility rule ==> 二阶可压缩性法则
  8421. second-order condition ==> 二阶条件
  8422. second-order correction ==> 二级修正
  8423. second-order correlation function ==> 二次相关函数
  8424. second-order design ==> 二阶设计
  8425. second-order deviation ==> 二阶离差
  8426. second-order difference transformation ==> 二阶差分变换
  8427. second-order differential equation ==> 二级微分方程
  8428. second-order differential system ==> 二阶微分方程组
  8429. second-order dynamic system ==> 二阶动力系统
  8430. second-order effect ==> 二级效应
  8431. second-order effects ==> 二阶效应
  8432. second-order equation ==> 二阶方程
  8433. second-order error ==> 二次误差
  8434. second-order factor ==> 二次因子
  8435. second-order factor analysis ==> 二阶因子分析
  8436. second-order feedback system ==> 二阶反馈系统
  8437. second-order fluorescence ==> 二次荧光
  8438. second-order goal ==> 二阶目的
  8439. second-order homogeneous nonstationary process ==> 二阶齐次非平稳过程
  8440. second-order increment ==> 二阶增量
  8441. second-order lag element ==> 二次遅れ要素
  8442. second-order levelling ==> 二等水准测量
  8443. second-order linear system ==> 二阶线性系统
  8444. second-order logic ==> 二阶逻辑
  8445. second-order Markov process ==> 二阶马尔柯夫过程
  8446. second-order maximum condition ==> 二次极大条件
  8447. second-order moment around mean ==> 二阶中心矩
  8448. second-order polynomial ==> 二阶多项式,平方多项式
  8449. second-order predicate calculus ==> 二阶谓词演算
  8450. second-order radiation ==> 二级辐射
  8451. second-order reaction ==> 二级反应,二阶反应
  8452. second-order servo ==> 二阶伺服系统
  8453. second-order spin patterns ==> 二级自旋图样
  8454. second-order station ==> 二级气象站
  8455. second-order stationary ==> 二阶平稳
  8456. second-order stationary process ==> 二阶平稳过程
  8457. second-order subroutine ==> 二级子程序,第二级子例行程序
  8458. second-order system ==> 二阶系统
  8459. second-order term ==> 二阶微量项,次级效应项
  8460. second-order transition ==> 二级相变
  8461. second-order triangulation ==> 二等三角测量
  8462. second-phase ==> 第二相
  8463. second-phase dispersion ==> 第二相弥散
  8464. second-rate ==> 次
  8465. second-rate criticism ==> 二流の評論
  8466. second-rater ==> 二流人物
  8467. second-remove subroutine ==> 第二级子例行程序
  8468. second-ring groove ==> 第二活塞环槽
  8469. second-segment climb ==> 起飞第二阶段上升
  8470. second-source ==> 第二资源
  8471. second-stage annealing ==> 第二阶段退火
  8472. second-stage cofferdam ==> 第二期围堰
  8473. second-stage cooler ==> 第二级冷却器
  8474. second-stage development ==> 二期开发
  8475. second-stage ejector ==> 第二级抽气器
  8476. second-stage excavation ==> 二期开挖
  8477. second-stage grafting ==> 第二阶段芽接
  8478. second-stage graphite ==> 第二阶段石墨
  8479. second-stage graphitization (ssg) ==> 第二阶段石墨化
  8480. second-stage of reheat ==> 第二阶段中间加热
  8481. second-strike capability ==> 第二次打击的能力
  8482. second-time-around echo ==> 第二次反射回波
  8483. second-trip echo ==> 第二次反射回波
  8484. secondaly side ==> 二次侧
  8485. secondaries ==> 副翼羽,二期梅毒疹
  8486. secondary ==> 二次的,二级的,辅助的,第二次的,第二代,第二级,次,次等,次级,次级的,次级绕组,次生,次生的,次要,次要的,次站,从属,再生的,其次,中间产品,续发性的
  8487. secondary (emergency) braking conrol ==> 应急制动器操纵件
  8488. secondary abdominal pregnancy ==> 继发性腹腔妊娠
  8489. secondary account ==> 附属帐户
  8490. secondary acetate ==> 次级醋酯纤维,二代乙酸盐
  8491. secondary action ==> 二次作用,次生作用,次作用,继发作用
  8492. secondary adaptation ==> 次级适应
  8493. secondary address vector table (SAVT) ==> 辅助地址向量表
  8494. secondary adhesion ==> 继发性粘连
  8495. secondary affective insanity ==> 继发性情感性精神病
  8496. secondary air ==> 次级空气,二次风,二次进风,二次空气,二次风,悬浮燃烧时为进入炉膛的总空气量中扣除一次风、三次风和炉膛漏风以外的部分;火床燃烧时从炉排上部送入的空气。
  8497. secondary air channel ==> 补风管
  8498. secondary air conditioning system ==> 二次空调系统
  8499. secondary air control valve ==> 二次空気制御弁
  8500. secondary air inlet pipe ==> 二次空气入口管
  8501. secondary air nozzle ==> 二次风喷口,燃烧器中向炉膛喷射二次风气流的喷口。
  8502. secondary air pollutant ==> 二级空气污染物
  8503. secondary air ratio ==> 二次风率,又称"二次风份额"。燃料燃烧时,二次风量占进入炉膛总空气量的百分率。
  8504. secondary air register ==> 二次风门
  8505. secondary alcohol ==> 仲醇
  8506. secondary aliphatic amine ==> 脂肪族第二胺
  8507. secondary aliphatic monohydric alcohol ==> 脂族一元仲醇
  8508. secondary alkyl sodium sulfate ==> 促烷基硫酸钠
  8509. secondary alkyl sulphate ==> 仲烷基硫酸酯
  8510. secondary allergen ==> 继发性变应原
  8511. secondary allocation ==> 增量分配,二次分配
  8512. secondary alloy ==> 再熔合金,再生合金
  8513. secondary aluminium ==> 次铝
  8514. secondary aluminum ==> 再生铝
  8515. secondary amenorrhea ==> 继发性闭经,继发性经闭
  8516. secondary amine ==> 仲胺
  8517. secondary amine base ==> 仲胺碱
  8518. secondary amputation ==> 二期切断术
  8519. secondary amyloidosis ==> 继发性淀粉样变性
  8520. secondary aneurysm ==> 继发性动脉瘤
  8521. secondary annulus ==> 第二内齿轮
  8522. secondary anomaly ==> 次生异常
  8523. secondary answering jack ==> 副应答塞孔
  8524. secondary antibody deficiency syndrome ==> 继发性抗体缺乏综合征
  8525. secondary antibody response ==> 再次抗体应答
  8526. secondary application ==> 次应用,次站应用,二次应用
  8527. secondary application block (SAB) ==> 二次应用块,次应用块,辅助应用块
  8528. secondary application program ==> 次端应用程序,二次应用程序
  8529. secondary arc ==> 次生弧=>二次アーク
  8530. secondary arch ==> 二级弓
  8531. secondary area ==> 副区
  8532. secondary armament ==> 辅助兵器
  8533. secondary arsenate ==> 二代砷酸盐
  8534. secondary arseniate ==> 二代砷酸盐
  8535. secondary asphyxia ==> 继发性窒息
  8536. secondary assimilation ==> 二次同化
  8537. secondary association ==> 次级联合
  8538. secondary attachment epithelium ==> 继发性附着上皮
  8539. secondary attack force ==> 助攻部队
  8540. secondary attack grouping ==> 助攻集团
  8541. secondary attack rate ==> 二代发病率,续发率
  8542. secondary attribute ==> 次级表征
  8543. secondary available voltage ==> 次级有效高压
  8544. secondary axis ==> 次轴,副光轴,副轴
  8545. secondary bainite ==> 二次贝氏体
  8546. secondary balance shaft ==> 第二平衡轴
  8547. secondary ball mill ==> 二次球磨机
  8548. secondary bast ==> 次生韧皮部
  8549. secondary battery ==> 二次电池,蓄电池组=>二次電池,2次電池,再充電できる電池,蓄電池
  8550. secondary beam ==> 次级电子注,次级射束,次梁,副梁
  8551. secondary benefit ==> 次要利润,次要利益
  8552. secondary biliary cirrhosis ==> 续发性胆汁肝硬变,继发性胆汁性肝硬变
  8553. secondary biliary dyskinesia ==> 继发性胆道运动功能失调
  8554. secondary blasting ==> 二次爆破
  8555. secondary block ==> 二次群
  8556. secondary blower ==> 二次风鼓风机
  8557. secondary blowhole ==> 二次气孔
  8558. secondary bond ==> 副键
  8559. secondary bone trabeculae ==> 次级骨小梁
  8560. secondary brake shoe ==> 从动制动蹄片
  8561. secondary breakdown ==> 二次降伏
  8562. secondary breaker ==> 二级粉碎机,二级破碎机
  8563. secondary breaking ==> 二次破碎
  8564. secondary bronchitis ==> 继发性支气管炎
  8565. secondary brush ==> 副电刷
  8566. secondary bud ==> 副芽
  8567. secondary buffering ==> 继电缓冲
  8568. secondary bulbil ==> 次生株芽
  8569. secondary burden ==> 次级负载
  8570. secondary cable ==> 副绕组电线
  8571. secondary calcium phosphate ==> 二代磷酸钙,磷酸氢钙
  8572. secondary cambium ==> 次生形成层
  8573. secondary canal ==> 灌溉支渠,支渠
  8574. secondary capacitor ==> 次级电容器,低压电容器
  8575. secondary carbon ==> 仲碳原子
  8576. secondary carbon atom ==> 仲碳原子
  8577. secondary carcinogen ==> 间接致癌物
  8578. secondary carcinoma of liver ==> 继发性肝癌
  8579. secondary carcinoma of mammary gland ==> 继发性乳腺癌
  8580. secondary caries ==> 继发龋
  8581. secondary case ==> 继发病例
  8582. secondary cash reserve ==> 准现金储备
  8583. secondary cataract ==> 继发性内障
  8584. secondary cathode ==> 次级阴极,二次阴极
  8585. secondary cause ==> 继发性原因
  8586. secondary cell ==> 二次电池=>二次電池,蓄電池
  8587. secondary cell culture ==> 次代细胞培养
  8588. secondary cell wall ==> 次生细胞壁
  8589. secondary cellulose acetate ==> 二乙酸纤维素
  8590. secondary cementite ==> 二次渗碳体
  8591. secondary cementum ==> 细胞性牙骨质
  8592. secondary centre ==> 次级中心
  8593. secondary change ==> 次生变化,继发性变化
  8594. secondary channel ==> 支汊,辅助通道
  8595. secondary characteristics ==> 副性状
  8596. secondary cholesteatoma ==> 继发性胆脂瘤
  8597. secondary chromatic aberration ==> 二次色像差,二级色像差
  8598. secondary circle ==> 副圈,次大圆
  8599. secondary circuit ==> 次级电路,次要电路,二次电路,二次回路,测量回路、继电保护回路、开关控制及信号回路、操作电源回路、断路器和隔离开关的电气闭锁回路等全部低压回路=>二次回路
  8600. secondary circuit system, steam and power conversion system ==> 二回路系统,又称“蒸汽和能量转换系统”。带出一回路冷却剂热量的二次冷却剂循环系统
  8601. secondary circulation ==> 二级环流,次级环流
  8602. secondary classification ==> 二级分类
  8603. secondary clay ==> 次生粘土
  8604. secondary cleaner ==> 清滤器
  8605. secondary clearance ==> 副后角
  8606. secondary cleat ==> 次生割理
  8607. secondary cleavage ==> 次生劈理
  8608. secondary clock ==> 子钟=>子時計
  8609. secondary clone ==> 次生代无性系
  8610. secondary cluster ==> 二次簇
  8611. secondary coal recovery ==> 煤二次开采
  8612. secondary coast ==> 次生海岸,壮年海岸
  8613. secondary coating ==> 二次被覆
  8614. secondary coil ==> 副线圈,次级线圈,二次线圈=>二次コイル
  8615. secondary cold front ==> 次冷锋,副冷锋
  8616. secondary collecting duct ==> 次级集合管
  8617. secondary colo(u)r ==> 调和色
  8618. secondary colony ==> 次生菌落
  8619. secondary color ==> 次级色,复色
  8620. secondary colours ==> 次生颜色
  8621. secondary combustion ==> 再燃烧,二次燃烧,补充燃烧
  8622. secondary combustion zone ==> 辅燃区,延燃区
  8623. secondary compensator ==> 次级补偿器
  8624. secondary compression ==> 二次压固
  8625. secondary computer ==> 辅助计算机,副机,副计算机
  8626. secondary condenser ==> 次级冷凝器
  8627. secondary conditioned reflex ==> 二级条件反射
  8628. secondary consequent stream ==> 次顺向河
  8629. secondary consolidation ==> 次固结,次生固结
  8630. secondary constans ==> 二次常数
  8631. secondary constriction ==> 次缢痕
  8632. secondary contact recreation ==> 次级接触康乐活动
  8633. secondary contact recreation subzone (water control zone) ==> 次级接触康乐活动分区(水质管制区)
  8634. secondary containment ==> 二次安全壳
  8635. secondary contracted kidney ==> 继发性固缩肾
  8636. secondary contraction ==> 继发收缩
  8637. secondary control ==> 二等控制,辅助操纵=>二次管理
  8638. secondary control point ==> 辅助控制点,次控制点
  8639. secondary control[of active power in a system] ==> 二次调频,由人工或自动调频装置改变某些指定发电厂中发电机调速器的设定值,将频率调整到要求的范围内的调频方式
  8640. secondary controller ==> 次级控制器,副调节器
  8641. secondary conversion ==> 再加工
  8642. secondary coolant ==> 二次冷却剂
  8643. secondary cooler ==> 二次冷却器
  8644. secondary cooling system ==> 二次冷却系统,二次循环冷却方式
  8645. secondary copper ==> 再生铜
  8646. secondary copper loss ==> 次级铜耗=>二次銅損
  8647. secondary copper removal ==> 二次除铜
  8648. secondary cortex ==> 次级皮质,次生皮层
  8649. secondary cosmic rays ==> 次级宇宙射线
  8650. secondary creaming agent ==> 助膏化剂
  8651. secondary creep ==> 附加蠕变,附加徐变,第二阶段蠕变,蠕变恒速区,二级蠕变,后期蠕变
  8652. secondary criterion ==> 二次判据
  8653. secondary criterion for decision ==> 决策的辅助判据,决策的辅助判据
  8654. secondary crop ==> 次要作物
  8655. secondary crusher ==> 次级轧石机,次碎机,二次轧碎机,二级粉碎机,中碎机
  8656. secondary crystal ==> 次生晶体
  8657. secondary crystallization ==> 二次结晶,后期结晶
  8658. secondary culvert ==> 支涵
  8659. secondary current ==> 二次电流,次级电流,次级电路电流,次级线圈电流=>二次電流
  8660. secondary current feedback ==> 二次電流フィードバック
  8661. secondary current limitation ==> 二次電流制限
  8662. secondary curve ==> 二次曲线
  8663. secondary cut ==> 多次切割
  8664. secondary cuticula ==> 内表皮
  8665. secondary cycle ==> 后期循环,次循环
  8666. secondary cyclone ==> 次生气旋,副气旋
  8667. secondary cyst ==> 次生囊
  8668. secondary dam ==> 副坝
  8669. secondary damage ==> 连带损坏,继发损坏
  8670. secondary data ==> 二次数据,辅助数据,辅助资料
  8671. secondary data set group ==> 辅助数据集组,次级数据集组,次数据集组
  8672. secondary dealings ==> 二级交易
  8673. secondary decomposition ==> 再度分解
  8674. secondary degeneration ==> 次级退变,继发性变性
  8675. secondary dementia ==> 继发性痴呆
  8676. secondary dentition ==> 恒齿生虫,恒牙列
  8677. secondary deposit ==> 二次矿床,次生沉积,次生矿床
  8678. secondary depression ==> 副低压,继发性抑郁症
  8679. secondary destination ==> 辅助目的地,次目的地
  8680. secondary device ==> 次设备
  8681. secondary diaphragm ==> 推迟膜片
  8682. secondary dike ==> 副堤
  8683. secondary dilution solvent ==> 二次稀释溶剂
  8684. secondary discharge ==> 次级放电
  8685. secondary disease ==> 二次病,继发病,继发症,继生病
  8686. secondary disease development ==> 再次发病
  8687. secondary dispersion halo ==> 次生分散晕
  8688. secondary display ==> 二次显示
  8689. secondary distribution ==> 二级分配
  8690. secondary distribution network ==> 二次侧配电网,低压配电网
  8691. secondary distribution system ==> 低圧配電系統
  8692. secondary division of gas cleaning ==> 精洗煤气设备
  8693. secondary dormancy ==> 再休眠
  8694. secondary drilling ==> 二次爆破钻孔
  8695. secondary drying chamber ==> 第二干燥室
  8696. secondary dump system ==> 辅助转储系统
  8697. secondary dysmenorrhea ==> 继发性痛经
  8698. secondary earth ==> 次级线圈接地,二次线圈接地
  8699. secondary earthquake ==> 次地震
  8700. secondary effect ==> 次步效应,次级效应,副效应,继发效应
  8701. secondary electric clock ==> 子电钟
  8702. secondary electron ==> 二次电子=>二次電子
  8703. secondary electron conduction ==> 次级电子传导
  8704. secondary electron conduction (SEC) ==> 二次电子导电
  8705. secondary electron conduction camera tube ==> 二次电子导电摄像管
  8706. secondary electron conduction target vidicon ==> 次级电子导电视像管
  8707. secondary electron counter ==> 次级电子计数器
  8708. secondary electron emission ==> 二次电子放射
  8709. secondary electron emission coefficient ==> 二次電子放出率
  8710. secondary electron emitter ==> 二次电子发射电极
  8711. secondary electron image ==> 二次电子像
  8712. secondary electron multipactor limiter ==> 次级电子倍增限幅器
  8713. secondary electron multiplication ==> 次级电子倍增
  8714. secondary electron multiplier ==> 二次电子倍增管
  8715. secondary electron spectrum ==> 二级电子光谱
  8716. secondary electron yield ==> 二次电子发射系数=>二次電子利得
  8717. secondary elevator ==> 二级升降器
  8718. secondary embryo-cord ==> 胚囊管
  8719. secondary emission ==> 二次发射=>二次電子放出
  8720. secondary emission ceramics ==> 二次电子放射陶瓷
  8721. secondary emission characteristic ==> 二次放射特性
  8722. secondary emission coefficient ==> 次级发射系数
  8723. secondary emission photo cell ==> 二次发射光电管
  8724. secondary emission photocell ==> 次级发射光电管
  8725. secondary emission quantometer ==> 次级发射光量计
  8726. secondary emission rate ==> 二次发射率
  8727. secondary emission stage ==> 次级发射级
  8728. secondary emission tube ==> 次级发射管,二次发射管
  8729. secondary emitter ==> 次级电子发射体
  8730. secondary employment ==> 附带就业
  8731. secondary empyema ==> 继发脓胸
  8732. secondary enamel cuticle ==> 继发性釉护膜,继发性釉上皮
  8733. secondary end of a session ==> 对话次端
  8734. secondary energy ==> 二次能源=>二次エネルギー,一次エネルギーから転換プロセスを得て得られるエネルギー
  8735. secondary energy sources ==> 二次能源
  8736. secondary enlargement ==> 次生加大,次生扩大
  8737. secondary enrichment ==> 次生富集
  8738. secondary entry point ==> 次入口点,辅助入口点,二次入口点
  8739. secondary environment ==> 次生环境
  8740. secondary epilepsy ==> 继发性癫痫
  8741. secondary equation ==> 辅助方程
  8742. secondary error ==> 次要误差,二次误差
  8743. secondary eutectoid carbide ==> 二次共析碳化物
  8744. secondary exchanger ==> 二次离子变换器
  8745. secondary excitation ==> 二次激励
  8746. secondary expansion ==> (使用时膨胀)二次膨胀
  8747. secondary extinction ==> 次级消光
  8748. secondary extinction coefficient ==> 次级消光系数
  8749. secondary extra reflection ==> 次级额外反射
  8750. secondary failure ==> 从属失效,二次故障,二次失效,波及故障
  8751. secondary fairway ==> 支航道
  8752. secondary fault ==> 二次故障
  8753. secondary feeder ==> 备用馈电线,备用馈路
  8754. secondary felling ==> 受光伐
  8755. secondary fermentation ==> 后发酵作用
  8756. secondary ferrite ==> 次生铁素体
  8757. secondary fibrinolytic stage ==> 继发性纤溶期
  8758. secondary field ==> 次级场,副磁场
  8759. secondary file ==> 二次文件
  8760. secondary filter ==> 二次过滤,二次过滤器,二次滤片,精滤器,精密过滤
  8761. secondary filter screen ==> 二次滤网,循环冷却水的二次过滤装置,用以自动过滤和清除冷却水中可能堵塞凝汽器管板与胶球清洗装置收球网栅格的杂物
  8762. secondary finder ==> 二次寻线机
  8763. secondary fire regenerator ==> 辅助加热用蓄热室
  8764. secondary fissure ==> 次裂
  8765. secondary flow ==> 副流,二次流
  8766. secondary flow pattern ==> 二次流型
  8767. secondary flux of atmospheric γ-ray ==> 大气γ射线次级通量
  8768. secondary focal point ==> 次焦点
  8769. secondary focus ==> 继发性病灶
  8770. secondary focusing ==> 二次聚焦
  8771. secondary fold ==> 次生褶皱
  8772. secondary follicle ==> 次级卵泡
  8773. secondary force ==> 二次力
  8774. secondary foreign-voltage control ==> 二次励磁制御
  8775. secondary forest growth ==> 再生林
  8776. secondary forming ==> 二次成形
  8777. secondary fracture ==> 继发性骨折
  8778. secondary fragment ==> 二次破片
  8779. secondary front ==> 副锋
  8780. secondary fuel filter ==> 二次燃料油滤器
  8781. secondary fuel oil filter ==> 燃油精滤器
  8782. secondary function ==> 辅助功能,次功能
  8783. secondary gangrene ==> 继发性坏疽
  8784. secondary gas ==> 精洗煤气
  8785. secondary gear ==> 二档齿轮
  8786. secondary gear shaft ==> 中间转动齿轮轴
  8787. secondary generating rule ==> 副生成规则
  8788. secondary generation ==> 第二代,二次发生,二次组成
  8789. secondary genital cord ==> 次级生殖索
  8790. secondary geosyncline ==> 次生地槽
  8791. secondary glaucoma ==> 继发性青光眼
  8792. secondary glider ==> 中级滑翔机,低级滑翔机,高级滑翔机
  8793. secondary glycosides ==> 次级苷
  8794. secondary gonocyte ==> 次级生殖母细胞
  8795. secondary grade of release ==> 第二等級
  8796. secondary graphite ==> 次生石墨
  8797. secondary graphitization ==> 二次石墨化
  8798. secondary graphitizing ==> 二次石墨化
  8799. secondary great circle ==> 次大圆
  8800. secondary grid emission ==> 次级栅极发射
  8801. secondary grinding ==> 二次磨,二级磨
  8802. secondary grout hole ==> 二期灌浆孔
  8803. secondary growth ==> 次生加大,次生扩大,次生生长,直径生长
  8804. secondary growth of root ==> 根的次生生长
  8805. secondary gyratory crusher ==> 二次回转轧碎机
  8806. secondary gyroscope ==> 阻尼陀螺仪,进动陀螺仪
  8807. secondary half-session ==> 次对话端,辅助单边会话
  8808. secondary hardeness ==> 二次硬度
  8809. secondary hardening ==> 二次硬化
  8810. secondary harmonic ==> 二次谐波
  8811. secondary harmonic generation (SHG) ==> 二次谐波振荡
  8812. secondary haulage ==> 转运运输,次要运输
  8813. secondary heat exchanger ==> 二次热交换器
  8814. secondary heat pump ==> 二次热泵
  8815. secondary hematuria ==> 继发性血尿
  8816. secondary hemorrhage ==> 继发性出血
  8817. secondary hepatocellular jaundice ==> 继发肝细胞性黄疸
  8818. secondary high explosive ==> 次级猛炸药
  8819. secondary highway ==> 支线公路
  8820. secondary histoplasmosis ==> 继发性组织胞浆菌病
  8821. secondary hydrocephalus ==> 继发性脑积水
  8822. secondary hydroxyl group ==> 仲醇羟基
  8823. secondary hypersplenism ==> 继发性脾功能亢进
  8824. secondary hypertension ==> 继发性高血压
  8825. secondary hypertensive retinopathy ==> 继发性高血压性视网膜病
  8826. secondary hyperthyroidism ==> 继发性甲亢
  8827. secondary hypofunction of testis ==> 继发性睾丸功能减退
  8828. secondary hypoglycemia ==> 继发性低血糖
  8829. secondary hypoparathyroidism ==> 继发性甲状旁腺功能减退
  8830. secondary hypotension ==> 继发性低血压
  8831. secondary hypothyroidism ==> 继发性甲状腺功能减退
  8832. secondary idle-hole ==> 怠速副喷口
  8833. secondary image ==> 次像,重像=>副像
  8834. secondary image separation test ==> 次生影像分离试验
  8835. secondary imaging ==> 二次成像
  8836. secondary immune response ==> 二次免疫应答,再次免疫应答
  8837. secondary impedance ==> 次级阻抗
  8838. secondary inclusion ==> 二次加热时形成的夹杂物
  8839. secondary income ==> 非营业收入
  8840. secondary increased fibrinolytic activity ==> 继发性纤溶亢进
  8841. secondary index ==> 次索引,辅索引,辅助索引
  8842. secondary index data base ==> 次级索引数据库
  8843. secondary index entry ==> 辅助索引项
  8844. secondary indexing ==> 副索引
  8845. secondary indicator ==> 辅助指示符
  8846. secondary inductance ==> 二次绕组电感
  8847. secondary induction coil ==> 副感应线圈
  8848. secondary industries ==> 乙类工业
  8849. secondary industry ==> 第二产业,二级产业
  8850. secondary inertia force ==> 二次惯性力
  8851. secondary infection ==> 第二次侵染,再次侵染,继发传染
  8852. secondary information ==> 二次情报
  8853. secondary inhibition of respiration ==> 继发性呼吸抑制
  8854. secondary inoculation ==> 再接种
  8855. secondary inoculation reaction ==> 继发性接种反应
  8856. secondary input ==> 二次输入
  8857. secondary insect ==> 次生害虫
  8858. secondary instrument ==> 次级仪表,辅助仪器,二次侧仪表,二次仪表,接受由变送器、转换器、传感器(包括热电偶、热电阻)等送来的电或气信号,并指示所检测的过程工艺参数量值的表计
  8859. secondary intention ==> 第二次概念
  8860. secondary interference ==> 副干扰
  8861. secondary interstice ==> 次生裂隙
  8862. secondary interstices ==> 次生间隙
  8863. secondary invader ==> 第二次侵害者,继发入浸细菌,继发性感染菌
  8864. secondary ion emission microanalyzer ==> 二次离子发射显微分析仪
  8865. secondary ion mass spectroanalyzer ==> 二次离子质谱分析器
  8866. secondary ion mass spectrometer ==> 次级离子质谱仪
  8867. secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) ==> 二次离子质谱仪,次级离子质谱
  8868. secondary ion mass spectrometry ==> 次级离子质谱分析法
  8869. secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) ==> 次级离子质谱
  8870. secondary ionization ==> 次级电离,二级电离
  8871. secondary ionization constant ==> 二级电离常数
  8872. secondary iteration ==> 第二迭代
  8873. secondary junctional fold ==> 次级接头褶
  8874. secondary keratitis ==> 继发性角膜炎
  8875. secondary key ==> 次关键字,辅助关键字,辅助键
  8876. secondary key encrypting key ==> 辅助加密键,辅助键加密键
  8877. secondary key retrieval ==> 辅助关键字检索
  8878. secondary lateral process ==> 次级侧突
  8879. secondary laterite ==> 次生砖红壤
  8880. secondary lead ==> 再生铅
  8881. secondary leaf fall ==> 第二次落叶
  8882. secondary leakage ==> 二次泄漏
  8883. secondary leakage inductance ==> 二次漏れインダクタンス
  8884. secondary leakage reactance ==> 二次漏れリアクタンス
  8885. secondary leather cup ==> 副皮碗
  8886. secondary lens fibers ==> 续发晶状体纤维
  8887. secondary lesion ==> 继发性损害
  8888. secondary letter of credit ==> 附属信用证
  8889. secondary levee ==> 副堤
  8890. secondary liber ==> 次生韧皮部
  8891. secondary light source ==> 辅助光源
  8892. secondary limits ==> 次级极限
  8893. secondary line ==> 应急制动管路
  8894. secondary line switch ==> 第二级寻线机
  8895. secondary lining ==> 二次覆工
  8896. secondary link controller ==> 辅助链路控制器
  8897. secondary link station ==> 辅助链路站,次级链路站,次链路站
  8898. secondary load ==> 次要荷载,二次负荷,二次负载
  8899. secondary lobule ==> 次级小叶
  8900. secondary loess ==> 次生黄土,再生黄土
  8901. secondary logical unit (SLU) ==> 次级逻辑单元,次逻辑单元,辅助逻辑部件,辅助逻辑单元
  8902. secondary logical unit key ==> 次逻辑单元键
  8903. secondary logical unit key (SLU key) ==> 辅助逻辑部件键
  8904. secondary loop ==> 次级回路,二次活套
  8905. secondary loss ==> 二次侧损耗,次级损耗
  8906. secondary low ==> 次生低压,副低压,副气旋
  8907. secondary lubricating pump ==> 从动滑油泵,第二滑油泵
  8908. secondary lymphatic organ ==> 次级淋巴器官
  8909. secondary lymphoid organ ==> 二级淋巴器官
  8910. secondary lysosome ==> 二级溶酶体,次级溶酶体
  8911. secondary machine and electrical products ==> 二类机电产品
  8912. secondary magnesium phosphate ==> 磷酸氢镁
  8913. secondary malabsorption syndrome ==> 继发性吸收不良综合征
  8914. secondary malnutrition ==> 继发性营养不良
  8915. secondary mass selection ==> 继续群选
  8916. secondary maximum ==> 次级最大
  8917. secondary measuring system ==> 二次测量系统
  8918. secondary medullary ray ==> 次生髓射线
  8919. secondary member ==> 次要杆件
  8920. secondary memory ==> 辅助存储器
  8921. secondary meristem ==> 次生分生组织
  8922. secondary metal ==> 次生金属,再生金属,回炉金属,重熔金属
  8923. secondary metamorphosis ==> 次级变态
  8924. secondary meter ==> 二次仪表
  8925. secondary migration ==> 二次运移,次生运移
  8926. secondary mill ==> 二次磨碎机
  8927. secondary mineral ==> 次生矿物
  8928. secondary mirror ==> (反射式望远物镜的)次镜
  8929. secondary modem ==> 次级调制解调器
  8930. secondary modulus of elasticity ==> 第二弹性模数
  8931. secondary moment ==> 次要力矩,副力矩,二次矩,二阶矩
  8932. secondary monoclonal ==> 继发性单株细胞系的
  8933. secondary mortgage market ==> 二级抵押市场
  8934. secondary mother-tree ==> 次生代母树
  8935. secondary motion ==> 副运动
  8936. secondary mullite ==> 二次莫来石
  8937. secondary myasthenic syndrome ==> 继发性肌无力综合征
  8938. secondary mycelium ==> 次生菌丝体
  8939. secondary myocardiopathy ==> 继发性心肌病
  8940. secondary myocardosis ==> 继发性心肌病
  8941. secondary network ==> 二次侧电力网
  8942. secondary network control program ==> 次级网络控制程序
  8943. secondary neutral grid ==> 二次中心点接地网
  8944. secondary neutron source ==> 次级中子源,又称“二次中子源”。主要利用123Sb与中子发生(n,γ)反应生成的124Sb衰变放出的γ光子和铍发生8Be(γ,n)7Li反应而产生中子。124Sb半衰期虽短,只有60.9天,但它在反应堆内可以通过照射而获再生
  8945. secondary neutron source assembly ==> 次级中子源组件,又称“二次中子源组件”。换料停堆后反应堆重新启动时,提高中子注量率水平,使核测仪器能可靠测出中子注量率变化,从而保证反应堆启动过程安全的固定式可再生中子源组件
  8946. secondary nitro-compounds ==> 仲硝基化合物
  8947. secondary nodule ==> 二级小结,次级小结
  8948. secondary nodules ==> 次级淋巴小结
  8949. secondary noise ==> 次音
  8950. secondary nondisjunction ==> 次级不离开
  8951. secondary nonferrous metal ==> 再生有色金属
  8952. secondary nonlinear effect ==> 次级非线性效应
  8953. secondary nuclear fuel ==> 次生核燃料
  8954. secondary nucleus ==> 次生胞核
  8955. secondary nutrient ==> 次级营养素
  8956. secondary offering ==> 二级分配,间接出售
  8957. secondary oil recovery ==> 二次采油
  8958. secondary oocyte ==> 次级卵母细胞
  8959. secondary oogonium ==> 次级卵原细胞
  8960. secondary operation ==> 二次加工,二期手术
  8961. secondary operator control station ==> 辅助操作员控制站
  8962. secondary optic vesicle ==> 次级视泡
  8963. secondary optical axis ==> 副光轴
  8964. secondary option menu ==> 二级选择表
  8965. secondary organ ==> 附属机构
  8966. secondary orientation ==> 从属定向
  8967. secondary orogeny ==> 次生造山运动
  8968. secondary oscillator ==> 次级振荡器
  8969. secondary ossification center ==> 继发骨化点
  8970. secondary otalgia ==> 继发性耳痛
  8971. secondary output ==> 次级输出
  8972. secondary output voltage ==> 次级输出电压
  8973. secondary ovogonium ==> 次级卵原细胞
  8974. secondary paging device ==> 辅助调页设备,辅助分页设备,二级分页装置
  8975. secondary papilla ==> 次级乳头
  8976. secondary parasite ==> 次寄生
  8977. secondary parkinsonism ==> 继发性帕金森氏综合征
  8978. secondary part ==> 从动部分
  8979. secondary particle ==> 次级粒子
  8980. secondary particle of star ==> 星体的次级粒子
  8981. secondary partition ==> 二级分区
  8982. secondary paticle ==> 次生颗粒
  8983. secondary peak ==> 次峰
  8984. secondary pellagra ==> 继发性糙皮病
  8985. secondary periderm ==> 次生周皮
  8986. secondary peristalsis ==> 继发性蠕动
  8987. secondary peritonitis ==> 继发性腹膜炎
  8988. secondary phase factor ==> 二次位相係数
  8989. secondary phloem ==> 次生韧皮部
  8990. secondary phosphine ==> 仲膦
  8991. secondary photocurrent ==> 次级光电流
  8992. secondary photoelectric effect ==> 次级光电效应
  8993. secondary piezoelectric effect ==> 二次圧電効果
  8994. secondary pipe ==> 二次缩孔
  8995. secondary planet pinion ==> 第二行星小齿轮
  8996. secondary plasticizer ==> 次级增塑剂,辅助增塑剂
  8997. secondary plasticizer(-iser) ==> 助增塑剂
  8998. secondary pleurisy ==> 继发性胸膜炎
  8999. secondary ploughing ==> 复耕
  9000. secondary pneumonia ==> 继发性肺炎
  9001. secondary pneumonic plague ==> 继发性肺炎型鼠疫
  9002. secondary pneumothorax ==> 继发性气胸
  9003. secondary podzolized soil ==> 次生灰化土
  9004. secondary pole ==> 次极
  9005. secondary pollutant ==> 次级污染物,次生污染物,二级污染物
  9006. secondary pollutants ==> 二次污染物
  9007. secondary pollution ==> 二次污染,二级污染,次级污染
  9008. secondary polycythemia ==> 继发性红细胞增多症
  9009. secondary porosity ==> 次级孔隙,次生孔隙度
  9010. secondary port ==> 次等港,次级港,副港
  9011. secondary power ==> 二次功率
  9012. secondary power distribution ==> 二次配电
  9013. secondary prevention ==> 二级预防
  9014. secondary process ==> 次级突起
  9015. secondary processing sequence ==> 辅助处理顺序
  9016. secondary product ==> 副产品,次要产品,二步产物,二次产品
  9017. secondary productivity ==> 次级生产力
  9018. secondary products ==> 次级产品
  9019. secondary program ==> 次程序,次级程序
  9020. secondary program status vector ==> 次程序状态向量
  9021. secondary program status vector (secondary PSV) ==> 辅助程序状态向量
  9022. secondary programming ==> 二次规划
  9023. secondary property ==> 副性状
  9024. secondary propulsion system ==> SPS
  9025. secondary propulsion system (SPS) ==> 辅助推进系统
  9026. secondary protection tube ==> 热电偶护管
  9027. secondary protective barriers ==> 二次防护层
  9028. secondary pulmonary abscess ==> 继发性肺脓肿
  9029. secondary pulmonary amyloidosis ==> 继发性肺淀粉样变性
  9030. secondary pulmonary lobule ==> 次级肺小叶
  9031. secondary pustule ==> 继发脓疱
  9032. secondary pyothorax ==> 继发脓胸
  9033. secondary quartzite ==> 次生石英岩
  9034. secondary quenching ==> 二次淬火
  9035. secondary radar ==> 二次雷达,次级雷达,应答器=>二次レーダ
  9036. secondary radiation ==> 二次辐射
  9037. secondary radiation effect ==> 次生辐射效应
  9038. secondary radiator ==> 二次辐射器=>二次放射器
  9039. secondary range ==> 次等草场
  9040. secondary raw material ==> 二次原料
  9041. secondary raw materials cost ==> 辅助原材料费用
  9042. secondary ray ==> 次级射线
  9043. secondary reaction ==> 次级反应,副反应
  9044. secondary receiver ==> 二次接收机,差转接收机
  9045. secondary reconstruction source ==> 次级再现光源
  9046. secondary recrystallization ==> 二次再结晶,二次重结晶
  9047. secondary recycle isobutane ==> 再循环异丁烷
  9048. secondary reduction ==> 次级还原
  9049. secondary reference fuel ==> 副标准燃料
  9050. secondary reference tape ==> 亚基准磁带
  9051. secondary refining ==> 二次精炼
  9052. secondary reflecting image ==> 二次反射像
  9053. secondary reflection ==> 二次反射,人工爆炸
  9054. secondary reflex ==> 二级反射
  9055. secondary reformer ==> 二段转化炉
  9056. secondary reformer tubes ==> 二段转化炉管
  9057. secondary refrigerant ==> 间接制冷剂
  9058. secondary register set ==> 辅助寄存器组,次级寄存器组
  9059. secondary regulating pond ==> 副调节池
  9060. secondary regulation ==> 二次调节
  9061. secondary regulator ==> 副调节器,副调整器
  9062. secondary reinforcement ==> 辅助钢筋
  9063. secondary relay ==> 二次继电器
  9064. secondary relief ==> 副后隙面
  9065. secondary repair ==> 二期修补术
  9066. secondary request ==> 辅助请求,次级请求
  9067. secondary rescue facilities ==> 辅助营救设备
  9068. secondary reserve ==> 二级准备金
  9069. secondary reserves ==> 二次采油储量
  9070. secondary resistance ==> 二次侧电阻,次级线圈电阻
  9071. secondary resistance starter ==> 二次电阻起动器
  9072. secondary resonance ==> 次级线圈谐振
  9073. secondary response ==> 再次应答
  9074. secondary retinal detachment ==> 继发性视网膜脱离
  9075. secondary ridge ==> 次分水岭
  9076. secondary risks ==> 投资上的一般风险
  9077. secondary root ==> 次生根
  9078. secondary row ==> 辅助行
  9079. secondary safety mechanism ==> 辅助安全机构
  9080. secondary saline soil ==> 次生盐土
  9081. secondary salinization ==> 次生盐化
  9082. secondary salt ==> 仲盐
  9083. secondary sample ==> 二次抽样,二次取样,二级样本
  9084. secondary sampling unit ==> 二次抽样单位,二极抽样单位
  9085. secondary scaffold branch ==> 亚主枝
  9086. secondary seal ==> 二级封闭
  9087. secondary sector ==> 二级部门
  9088. secondary securities market ==> 二级证券市场
  9089. secondary security ==> 附属抵押品
  9090. secondary sedimentation ==> 二次沉淀
  9091. secondary sedimentation basin ==> 二次沉淀池
  9092. secondary sedimentation tank ==> 二次沉淀池
  9093. secondary seedling family ==> 次生代实生有性系
  9094. secondary segment ==> 次段,辅段,辅助段
  9095. secondary septum ==> 继发隔
  9096. secondary service area ==> 第二工作区
  9097. secondary seta ==> 后生刚毛
  9098. secondary settlement ==> 二次沉降
  9099. secondary sewage sludge ==> 二次下水污泥
  9100. secondary sewage treatment ==> 二次污水处理
  9101. secondary sewage treatment works ==> 二级污水处理厂,次级污水处理厂
  9102. secondary sex ==> 次级性别
  9103. secondary sex characters ==> 第二性征,副性征
  9104. secondary sexual character ==> 第二性状
  9105. secondary shaft ==> 第二轴,次要矿井
  9106. secondary shearing ==> 二次剪切
  9107. secondary shock ==> 继发性休克
  9108. secondary shoe ==> 从蹄(松蹄)
  9109. secondary shoot ==> 次生茎
  9110. secondary shrink hole ==> 二次缩孔
  9111. secondary signal ==> 二次信号
  9112. secondary sizing operation ==> 二次定型加工
  9113. secondary slip band ==> 次级滑移带
  9114. secondary soil ==> 次生土壤
  9115. secondary solid solution ==> 次生固溶体
  9116. secondary solvent ==> 辅助溶剂,二级溶剂
  9117. secondary somatosensory evoked field (SII) ==> 第2次体性感覚野(SII)
  9118. secondary sorbite ==> 二次索氏体
  9119. secondary source ==> 二次光源
  9120. secondary space allocation ==> 二次空间分配,辅助空间分配
  9121. secondary spar ==> 辅助翼梁
  9122. secondary species ==> 次级产物
  9123. secondary spectroscopic standard ==> 二级光谱标准
  9124. secondary spectrum ==> 次级光谱,(色像差)二级光谱
  9125. secondary spectrum doublet ==> 次级光谱的双线
  9126. secondary speed ==> 从动轮转速,涡轮转速
  9127. secondary speed control ==> 二次调速
  9128. secondary spermatocyte ==> 次级精母细胞
  9129. secondary spherical wave ==> 次级球面波
  9130. secondary spore ==> 次生孢子
  9131. secondary spring ==> 辅助弹簧
  9132. secondary stabilizer ==> 二级稳定器
  9133. secondary stage annealing ==> 第二阶段退火
  9134. secondary stalk ==> 主茎上长出的分蘖茎
  9135. secondary standard ==> 次级标准,副标准,副基准=>二次標準,二次標準器,副原器
  9136. secondary standard reference surface ==> 二极标准磁盘面
  9137. secondary star ==> 伴星
  9138. secondary station ==> 二次站,二等站,二级站,辅助台,附属电台,次站,从站=>二次局,従局,子装置,セカンダリステーション
  9139. secondary station algorithm ==> 次站算法
  9140. secondary stator ==> (油泵的)副边定子
  9141. secondary status ==> 次站状态
  9142. secondary stimulus ==> 再刺激
  9143. secondary storage ==> 辅助存储器,二级存储器
  9144. secondary store ==> 二级存储器,辅存储器,辅助存储器
  9145. secondary stratification ==> 次级层理,次生层理
  9146. secondary stratigraphic trap ==> 地层圈闭
  9147. secondary stress ==> 次应力,二次应力
  9148. secondary structure ==> 二次组织,二级结构,次级结构,次生构造,次生结构
  9149. secondary subroutine ==> 二次子程序
  9150. secondary subscript ==> 副下标
  9151. secondary succession ==> 次级演替
  9152. secondary sulfide zone ==> 次生硫化物带
  9153. secondary sun wheel ==> 第二太阳齿轮
  9154. secondary surface ==> 副表面
  9155. secondary surveillance radar ==> 二次监视雷达
  9156. secondary suture ==> 二期缝合术,二期缝术,延期缝合,再缝术
  9157. secondary switching center ==> 辅助交换中心
  9158. secondary syphilid ==> 二期梅毒疹
  9159. secondary syphilis ==> 二期梅毒
  9160. secondary system ==> 二次系统,电力系统中量测、保护、控制、通信及调度自动化等系统的总称
  9161. secondary system control facility (SSCF) ==> 辅助系统控制设备
  9162. secondary target ==> 次要射击目标
  9163. secondary task ==> 辅任务,辅助任务
  9164. secondary teeth ==> 恒齿
  9165. secondary tensile stress ==> 副拉应力
  9166. secondary tension ==> 副拉力
  9167. secondary test board ==> 副测试台
  9168. secondary thermal system ==> 二次回路,二次热力系统
  9169. secondary thickening ==> 次生加厚
  9170. secondary three-phase currents ==> 二次三相電流
  9171. secondary thrombocythemia ==> 继发性血小板增多症
  9172. secondary thrombocytopenic purpura ==> 继发性血小板减少性紫癜
  9173. secondary tidal wave ==> 副潮波
  9174. secondary tide station ==> 辅助测潮站
  9175. secondary tillage ==> 复耕,再耕
  9176. secondary tiller ==> 第二次分蘖
  9177. secondary timbers ==> 次要木材
  9178. secondary time effect ==> 次时间效应
  9179. secondary tint ==> 次色调
  9180. secondary tissue ==> 次生组织
  9181. secondary to primary turn ratio ==> 次级对初级的匝数比
  9182. secondary tools ==> 二次工具
  9183. secondary toxin ==> 二期毒素
  9184. secondary treatment ==> 二次处理,二级处理
  9185. secondary treatment of wastewater ==> 废水二次处理
  9186. secondary trend ==> 二级趋势
  9187. secondary triangulation ==> 二等三角测量
  9188. secondary trigeminal neuralgia ==> 继发性三叉神经痛
  9189. secondary troostite ==> 回火屈氏体
  9190. secondary tuberculosis ==> 继发性结核
  9191. secondary tuberculosis of lung ==> 继发性肺结核
  9192. secondary tumor ==> 继发瘤
  9193. secondary turbine ==> 后置式汽轮机
  9194. secondary twinning ==> 二次孪生,次生双晶,变形双晶
  9195. secondary tympanic membrane ==> 次鼓膜,第二鼓膜
  9196. secondary uranium mineral ==> 次级铀矿物
  9197. secondary urethra ==> 后成尿道
  9198. secondary vector ==> 第二向量,辅向量
  9199. secondary vegetation ==> 再生植被
  9200. secondary ventilation ==> 辅助通风
  9201. secondary vertical system ==> 次生直立枝法
  9202. secondary vibration ==> 非缓冲质量的振动
  9203. secondary vibration in rear suspension ==> 非缓冲后悬置质量的振动
  9204. secondary villus ==> 次级绒毛
  9205. secondary vitreous ==> 续发玻璃状体
  9206. secondary voltage ==> 次级电压,二次电压=>二次電圧
  9207. secondary voltage of transformer ==> 変圧器二次側電圧
  9208. secondary voltage rise time ==> 次级电压上升时间
  9209. secondary wall ==> 次生壁
  9210. secondary waste heat boiler ==> 第二废热锅炉
  9211. secondary wastewater treatment ==> 污水二级处理
  9212. secondary water ==> 次生水,外来水
  9213. secondary water pollution ==> 次生水污染
  9214. secondary wave ==> 次波,次级波,次生波,地震横波,副波,二级波=>S波(地震)
  9215. secondary wavelet ==> 次级子波
  9216. secondary weapon ==> 辅助武器
  9217. secondary weir ==> 辅助堰,副堰
  9218. secondary winding ==> 副绕组,次级绕组,次级线圈,二次绕组=>二次巻線
  9219. secondary wnding ==> 次级绕组
  9220. secondary woody growth ==> 再生林
  9221. secondary x rays ==> 二次x射线
  9222. secondary X-ray ==> 次级X射线
  9223. secondary xylem ==> 次生木质部
  9224. secondary xylem ray ==> 次生木质部射线
  9225. secondary xylem vessel ==> 次生木质部导管
  9226. secondary yield ==> 次级发射产额,二次发射系数
  9227. secondary zero-phase-sequence shunt circuit ==> 二次零相分路
  9228. secondary-electron multiplier ==> 次级电子倍增器
  9229. secondary-emission multiplication ==> 二次电子发射倍增
  9230. secondary-emission multiplier ==> 次级发射倍增器
  9231. secondary-emission ratio ==> 次级发射系数
  9232. secondary-excitation control system ==> 二次励磁制御系(可変速発電機)
  9233. secondary-level address ==> 二级地址
  9234. secondary-resistance starting ==> 转子外接电阻起动
  9235. secondary-to-primary flow ==> 辅助数据流到主数据流
  9236. secondary-to-primary-turn ratio ==> 变压系数
  9237. secondderivative test ==> 二阶导数检验法
  9238. secondipara ==> 二产妇
  9239. secondorder spatial coherence ==> 二级空间相干性
  9240. seconds ==> 二等品,二级面砖
  9241. seconds counter ==> 计秒器
  9242. secondset reaction ==> 二次移植物反应
  9243. Secor, sequential collation of range ==> セコール(球面の長基線を使用した位相比較型の軌道測定方式)
  9244. secrecy of telegram ==> 电报保密
  9245. secrecy system ==> 保密体制,保密通信制
  9246. secrecy transmission ==> 保密传输
  9247. secref code ==> 密码
  9248. secret abutment ==> 暗桥台
  9249. secret colour ware ==> 秘色瓷
  9250. secret communication ==> 保密通信
  9251. secret dovetail ==> 暗马牙榫,暗燕尾榫
  9252. secret dovetail joint ==> 暗燕尾榫接
  9253. secret dovetailing ==> 暗楔榫,暗燕尾榫接
  9254. secret fixing ==> 暗装法
  9255. secret gutter ==> 暗沟,暗天沟,屋檐暗水槽
  9256. secret heading joint ==> 暗榫接合
  9257. secret hinge ==> 暗合页
  9258. secret information ==> 秘密信息
  9259. secret ingredient ==> 隠し味
  9260. secret joint ==> 暗接,暗接头
  9261. secret language telegram ==> 密电,密语电报
  9262. secret ledger ==> 秘密分类帐
  9263. secret nail ==> 暗钉,隐钉
  9264. secret partner ==> 秘密合伙人
  9265. secret patent ==> 机密专利
  9266. secret profits ==> 秘密利润
  9267. secret remedy ==> 禁方
  9268. secret reserve ==> 秘密储蓄,秘密准备金
  9269. secret screw joint ==> 暗螺丝接合
  9270. secret signalling ==> 保密通信系统
  9271. secret spring ==> 秘簧
  9272. secret switch ==> 密封式开关,锁盖开关
  9273. secret telephone ==> 保密电话机
  9274. secret trust ==> 秘密信托
  9275. secret weapon ==> 秘密武器
  9276. secretarial staff ==> 秘书人员
  9277. Secretariat Division ==> 事務局,秘書課
  9278. secretary ==> 事務員,書記,書記官,事務机
  9279. Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands ==> 规划环境地政局局长
  9280. secretin tests ==> 肠促胰分泌素试验
  9281. secretion ==> 分泌,分泌物(液)
  9282. secretion of urine ==> 尿分泌
  9283. secretive granule ==> 分泌颗粒
  9284. secretoin hibitory syndrome ==> 分泌抑制综合征
  9285. secretor gene ==> 分泌基因,分泌者基因
  9286. secretory antibody ==> 分泌抗体
  9287. secretory body ==> 分泌小体,分沁小体
  9288. secretory canal ==> 分泌道
  9289. secretory cavity ==> 分泌腔
  9290. secretory component ==> 分泌成分
  9291. secretory cyst ==> 分泌液潴留囊肿
  9292. secretory duct ==> 分泌管
  9293. secretory electric current ==> 分泌电流
  9294. secretory fiber ==> 分泌纤维
  9295. secretory food reaction ==> 分泌性食物反应
  9296. secretory functional disturbance ==> 分泌功能障碍
  9297. secretory gland cell ==> 分泌腺细胞
  9298. secretory granule ==> 分泌颗粒,分泌粒
  9299. secretory granules ==> 泌颗粒
  9300. secretory hair ==> 分泌毛
  9301. secretory juice ==> 分泌液
  9302. secretory nerve ==> 分泌神经
  9303. secretory otitis media ==> 分泌性中耳炎
  9304. secretory passage ==> 分泌管
  9305. secretory piece ==> 分泌片
  9306. secretory portion ==> 分泌部
  9307. secretory potential ==> 分泌电位
  9308. secretory pressure ==> 分泌压
  9309. secretory reaction ==> 分泌反应
  9310. secretory regulation of hormone ==> 激素分泌调节
  9311. secretory structure ==> 分泌结构
  9312. secretory vesicles ==> 分泌小泡
  9313. secretory volume ==> 分泌量
  9314. SECT, section ==> セクション
  9315. section ==> 区,截面,部,部分,部分,片,剖面,剖面图,切断面,切开术,切面,磨片,截点,节,地区,地质剖面,派,段,断面=>部分,一片,班,セクション,クラス,切片,断面図,横断面
  9316. section (interchange) ==> 四叶形立体交叉
  9317. section (shape) iron ==> 条钢
  9318. section area ==> 断面積
  9319. section at key ==> 拱坝拱冠断面
  9320. section bar ==> 型材
  9321. section base ==> 分条定位
  9322. section beam ==> 分条整经轴
  9323. section boss ==> 分段工长
  9324. section boundary ==> 采区边界
  9325. section breaker ==> 分段开关
  9326. section canal ==> 吸食道
  9327. section caption ==> 条文の表題
  9328. section chief ==> 工段长=>課長
  9329. section code ==> 地区コード
  9330. section coefficient ==> 翼型系数,剖面系数
  9331. section configuration ==> 断面形状
  9332. section constant ==> 截面常数
  9333. section construction ==> 分段施工,组合式结构
  9334. section crack ==> 断面裂纹,剖面裂缝
  9335. section cutter ==> 切片机
  9336. section depth ==> 截面深度
  9337. section disconnecting switch ==> 分段隔离开关
  9338. section distribution ==> 分条排列
  9339. section engineer ==> 工段工程师
  9340. section factor ==> 截面系数,断面系数
  9341. section for ship ==> 船舶车辆及民用建筑型材
  9342. section foreman ==> 分段工长
  9343. section gap ==> 分段间隙,重叠间隔
  9344. section groove ==> 异型孔型,异形孔型
  9345. section head ==> 节头
  9346. section header ==> 节标题,节头,段标题,段头
  9347. section house ==> 工区房屋
  9348. section indicator ==> 分区指示灯
  9349. section insulator ==> 分段绝缘子=>セクションインシュレータ
  9350. section iron ==> 型铁
  9351. section iron chassis ==> 型铁架
  9352. section lamp ==> 分区指示灯,分组指示灯
  9353. section lease ==> 分条分绞
  9354. section line ==> 管界线,截面线,区划线,剖面线,断面线
  9355. section lining ==> 剖面线法
  9356. section marks ==> 分条痕
  9357. section mill ==> 型钢轧机
  9358. section modulus ==> 截面系数,剖面模数,截面模量,断面模数,断面系数
  9359. section moment ==> 截面力矩
  9360. section mould ==> 型模
  9361. section name ==> 段名
  9362. section number ==> 节号
  9363. section of a fuzzy relation ==> 模糊关系的截口
  9364. section of a recurrent structure ==> 四端网络节
  9365. section of bosh ==> 炉腰剖面
  9366. section of bus ==> 母线截面
  9367. section of construction project ==> 工段
  9368. section of earthwork ==> 土方截面
  9369. section of multiple ==> 复式塞孔部分
  9370. section of shear ==> 剪切面积
  9371. section of the rail ==> 钢轨剖面
  9372. section of winding ==> 绕组分段
  9373. section paper ==> 方格纸
  9374. section pillar ==> 分段支柱
  9375. section plan ==> 平面剖视图,剖面图
  9376. section plane ==> 剖切平面
  9377. section point ==> 分条纱片定位点
  9378. section preparation ==> 切片标本
  9379. section projector ==> 截面投影仪
  9380. section ribbon ==> 切片带
  9381. section right ==> 全排右翼次射
  9382. section roll ==> 型材轧辊
  9383. section rolling ==> 成形辊轧
  9384. section scanner ==> 断层扫描器
  9385. section selectivity of protection ==> 保護の区間選択性, The ability of a protection to identify the faulty section of a power system.
  9386. section sensitivity ==> 断口敏感性
  9387. section shaped ==> 定形的
  9388. section share ==> 组合犁铧
  9389. section size ==> 剖面尺寸
  9390. section staining ==> 切片染色
  9391. section steel ==> 型钢
  9392. section steel rolling mill ==> 分类轧钢机
  9393. section straightener ==> 型钢矫直机
  9394. section straightening ==> 矫形机
  9395. section strip ==> 锯条带钢,锯条带钢,异形带钢
  9396. section switch ==> 区域开关,分段断路器,分段开关=>区分開閉器
  9397. section symbols ==> 剖面符号
  9398. section thickness ==> 截面厚度,断面厚度
  9399. section topography ==> 纵剖法,剖面分析法
  9400. section valve ==> 隔离阀
  9401. section view ==> 剖视=>断面図
  9402. section warping ==> 分条整经,分段整经
  9403. section wire ==> 异形钢丝
  9404. section working machine ==> 定形材料工作机
  9405. section-bending machine ==> 型材弯曲机
  9406. section-cutting ==> 切片法
  9407. section-straightening machine ==> 型材矫直机
  9408. section-type mounting ==> 片式串联连接
  9409. sectionable photographic equipment ==> 分段摄片器
  9410. sectional ==> 分段的,分级,分级的,断面的,片式连接的,剖面,剖面的,区域的,截面的,局部,局部,地区的
  9411. sectional alidade ==> 断面照准仪
  9412. sectional area ==> 断面面积,截面积,剖面面积
  9413. sectional area of reinforcement ==> 钢筋截面积
  9414. sectional arrangement drawing ==> 装配剖视图,纵剖面图
  9415. sectional arrangement of main power building ==> 主厂房断面布置,主厂房断面布置与平面布置配套,是主厂房布置的一种表示方式
  9416. sectional assembly ==> 分段汇编程序,局部汇编,局部汇编
  9417. sectional automation ==> 分段自动化
  9418. sectional balance sheet ==> 分部资本负债表
  9419. sectional balancing ==> 分部结平,分部试算,分组结平,分组试算
  9420. sectional balancing ledger ==> 分部结平分类帐
  9421. sectional bar ==> 型材
  9422. sectional beaming ==> 分条整经
  9423. sectional bell ==> 钟型吸入口
  9424. sectional boiler ==> 分段锅炉,分节锅炉
  9425. sectional boom ==> 分段吊杆,分节起重臂
  9426. sectional box dock ==> 分段厢式船坞
  9427. sectional casing ==> 组合壳
  9428. sectional cast-iron boiler ==> 片式铸铁锅炉
  9429. sectional center ==> 地区中心,二级控制中心
  9430. sectional center (SC) ==> 地区总局
  9431. sectional coil ==> 分段线圈
  9432. sectional construction ==> 预制构件拼装结构
  9433. sectional conveyor ==> 分段式输送机
  9434. sectional core ==> 拼合型芯
  9435. sectional core barrel ==> 分段芯管
  9436. sectional core type radiator ==> 分段式散热器
  9437. sectional die ==> 组合式模具,镶块式模
  9438. sectional dimension ==> 截面尺寸
  9439. sectional draw ==> 分段穿综法
  9440. sectional drawing ==> 剖面图
  9441. sectional drawing of building ==> 房屋剖面图
  9442. sectional drive ==> 分段驱动=>セクショナルドライブ
  9443. sectional dryer ==> 分段烘干机
  9444. sectional elevation ==> 剖切立面图,剖视图,立剖面,立剖图,竖直剖面
  9445. sectional fixture ==> 安装夹具
  9446. sectional flask ==> 分格砂箱
  9447. sectional flight conveyer ==> 分组螺旋叶片式输送器
  9448. sectional floating dock ==> 分段浮船坞
  9449. sectional flywheel ==> 可拆卸飞轮,组合飞轮
  9450. sectional form ==> 分段式,断面形状
  9451. sectional groove ==> 型钢轧槽
  9452. sectional header boiler ==> 分联箱式锅炉
  9453. sectional hub ==> 组合轮毂
  9454. sectional inspection ==> 分段巡检
  9455. sectional iron ==> 型铁
  9456. sectional ledger ==> 分部分类帐,分组分类帐
  9457. sectional material ==> 型材
  9458. sectional mining ==> 分区开采
  9459. sectional mo(u)ld ==> 拼合型
  9460. sectional mould ==> 镶合砂型
  9461. sectional mounting ==> 片式串联连接,片式串联连接
  9462. sectional multi-stage centrifugal fresh water pump ==> 分段式多级离心清水泵
  9463. sectional nave ==> 可拆卸衬套
  9464. sectional observation ==> 断面观测
  9465. sectional pattern ==> 分块组合模,组合模样
  9466. sectional plan ==> 分段平面,分区平面图,平面剖视图
  9467. sectional plane ==> 剖视面
  9468. sectional plating ==> 分段添纱
  9469. sectional ploughing method ==> 分段刨煤法
  9470. sectional pontoon dock ==> 分节式浮船坞
  9471. sectional position ==> 截面位置
  9472. sectional radiator ==> 可分式散热器
  9473. sectional radiography ==> 断面X射线照相术
  9474. sectional rate ==> 分段运价
  9475. sectional rod ==> 组合钻杆
  9476. sectional roentgenography of jaw ==> 颌骨体层摄影
  9477. sectional roll ==> 分组镇压器
  9478. sectional roller ==> 分节式压路机,分节压路机
  9479. sectional route locking ==> 進路区分鎖錠
  9480. sectional sensitivity ==> 铸件壁厚的敏感度,剖面敏感性
  9481. sectional shaft ==> 组合轴
  9482. sectional smooth ==> 分段光滑
  9483. sectional stamping ==> 分段冲压
  9484. sectional switch ==> 分段区域开关
  9485. sectional tamping rod ==> 组合炮棍
  9486. sectional tank ==> 型钢水池
  9487. sectional tap ==> 组合丝锥
  9488. sectional tiller ==> 组合舵柄
  9489. sectional track ==> 轻便轨道,移动式轨道
  9490. sectional trash rack ==> 分节式拦污栅
  9491. sectional type ==> 分段式,分块式
  9492. sectional view ==> 剖面图,剖视图,截面图
  9493. sectional warper ==> 分条整经机,分段整经机
  9494. sectional warping ==> 分条整经
  9495. sectional warping machine ==> 分条整经机,分段整经机
  9496. sectional warping sizer system ==> 分条整经浆纱联合机
  9497. sectional wheel ==> 扇形轮
  9498. sectional wind ==> 分段绕组
  9499. sectional winding ==> 分段绕组
  9500. sectional-continuous function ==> 分段连续函数
  9501. sectionalization ==> 分区,分节,分组
  9502. sectionalization test ==> 分段测试
  9503. sectionalize ==> 分段
  9504. sectionalized ==> 分段的,分区的
  9505. sectionalized antenna ==> 分节天线
  9506. sectionalized bus bar ==> 分段母线
  9507. sectionalized busbars ==> 分段母线
  9508. sectionalized casing ==> 分段式外壳
  9509. sectionalized coil ==> 分段绕制线圈
  9510. sectionalized jacket ==> 分段式导管架
  9511. sectionalized line ==> 分段线路
  9512. sectionalized machine manufacture ==> 分段组装机械制造,通用机械制造
  9513. sectionalized stator ==> 分段定子
  9514. sectionalized steel form ==> 组合式金属模板
  9515. sectionalized tractor ==> 组合式拖拉机
  9516. sectionalized transformer ==> 分节变压器
  9517. sectionalized vertical antenna ==> 分段垂直天线,分段竖直天线
  9518. sectionalized winding ==> 分组绕组
  9519. sectionalizer ==> 分段隔离开关
  9520. sectionalizing panel ==> 分段屏
  9521. sectionalizing switch ==> 分段开关=>区分開閉器
  9522. sectionalizing switch control ==> 区分開閉器制御
  9523. sectionalizing valve ==> 分区截流阀
  9524. sectionally linear region ==> 分段线性区域
  9525. sectioned bar diagram ==> 分段条形图
  9526. sectioned bar-diagram ==> 分段条线图
  9527. sectioned lens ==> 分割透镜
  9528. sectioned polynomial ==> 分段多项式
  9529. sectioned Y-deflection plate oscilloscope tube ==> 垂直偏转板分段式示波管
  9530. sectiones hypothalami ==> 下丘脑切面
  9531. sectioning method ==> 分段法
  9532. sectioning of welded joints ==> 焊接连接的切片
  9533. sectioning post ==> き電区分所
  9534. sectioning search ==> 分段搜索,分割搜索
  9535. sectioning valve ==> 放泄阀
  9536. sector ==> 区=>セクタ,扇形
  9537. sector (-shaped) coil ==> 扇形线圈
  9538. sector accelerator ==> 扇形加速器
  9539. sector address ==> 扇面地址
  9540. sector address register ==> 扇面地址寄存器,扇区地址寄存器
  9541. sector address system ==> 区段地址方式
  9542. sector alignment indicator ==> 信号对准指示符
  9543. sector arm ==> 扇形臂
  9544. sector associative buffer storage ==> 区相联缓冲存储器
  9545. sector bevel gear ==> 扇形圆锥齿轮
  9546. sector boss ==> 地段队长
  9547. sector boundary ==> 扇边界,扇形边界
  9548. sector buffer ==> 扇面缓冲器
  9549. sector cable ==> 扇心电缆,扇形芯电缆
  9550. sector characteristic curve ==> 扇形区域特性曲线
  9551. sector conductor ==> 扇形导线,扇形芯线,扇形引出线=>分割導体,扇形導体
  9552. sector configuration ==> 扇形结构
  9553. sector correction factor ==> 扇形校正因数
  9554. sector display ==> セクタ表示
  9555. sector distortion ==> 扇形失真
  9556. sector electromagnet ==> 扇形磁铁
  9557. sector field ==> 扇形场
  9558. sector field mass spectrometer ==> 扇形场质谱仪
  9559. sector format ==> 区段格式
  9560. sector gate ==> 弧形闸门,扇形闸门,一种水力操作的浮箱式闸门。横断面呈扇形,门体表面镶有面板,以水平支绞支撑于堰顶的闸门
  9561. sector gear ==> 齿弧
  9562. sector gear bearing ==> 扇形齿轮轴承
  9563. sector hole ==> 扇区孔,段孔
  9564. sector length ==> 扇面长度
  9565. sector lock ==> 扇形船闸
  9566. sector magnet ==> 扇形磁铁
  9567. sector mark ==> 分段标志,区段标记
  9568. sector mark-information ==> 扇区标记信息
  9569. sector marker ==> 区段标识符,区段标志
  9570. sector method ==> 分区法
  9571. sector mode ==> 区段方式
  9572. sector number ==> 区段数
  9573. sector of a circle ==> 扇形
  9574. sector of breakdown ==> 分类的部分
  9575. sector of demand ==> 需求部门
  9576. sector of fire ==> 射击区域
  9577. sector of search ==> 搜索地区
  9578. sector of the economy ==> 经济成分,经济成分
  9579. sector pattern instrument ==> 扇形仪表
  9580. sector pattern instruments ==> 扇形仪表
  9581. sector pivot gate ==> 扇形旋转式闸门
  9582. sector plan position indicator ==> 扇形平面位置指示器
  9583. sector planning ==> 局部规划,局部规划
  9584. sector rack ==> 扇形齿板,扇形齿条
  9585. sector radio marker ==> 扇形无线电指向标
  9586. sector register ==> 区段寄存器
  9587. sector regulator ==> 滚筒式空心节水围堰
  9588. sector resonance ==> 扇形共振
  9589. sector scan indicator ==> 扇形扫描显示器
  9590. sector scanning ==> 扇形扫描
  9591. sector search ==> 分区搜索
  9592. sector search pattern ==> 扇形搜寻方式
  9593. sector selection ==> 分段选择,分区选择
  9594. sector sequence ==> 区段顺序,区段序列
  9595. sector shaft ==> 扇形板轴,扇形齿轮轴,扁形齿轮轴
  9596. sector shaft end play ==> 扇形齿轮轴轴向间隙
  9597. sector shaft module ==> 扇形轮组件
  9598. sector shaft pilot ==> 扇形齿轮轴导向端
  9599. sector shaft thrust adjustment ==> 扇形轴限制器调整
  9600. sector shaped conductor ==> 扇形芯线
  9601. sector shutter ==> 扇形快门
  9602. sector sluice valve ==> 扇形泄水阀
  9603. sector sprinkler ==> 扇形喷灌机
  9604. sector structure ==> 扇形结构
  9605. sector switch ==> 扇面开关
  9606. sector teeth ==> 扇形齿轮的齿
  9607. sector type relay ==> 扇形继电器
  9608. sector velocity ==> 扇形速度点相对于给定中心的速度
  9609. sector weir ==> 弧形堰
  9610. sector wheel ==> 扇形轮
  9611. sector wind ==> 扇形风
  9612. sector worm ==> 扇形蜗杆
  9613. sector-display indicator ==> 扇形显示器
  9614. sector-field accelerator ==> 扇形场加速器
  9615. sector-field cyclotron ==> 扇形场回旋加速器
  9616. sector-field direction focusing ==> 扇形场方向聚焦
  9617. sector-field spectroscope ==> 扇形场分光镜
  9618. sector-focused cyclotron ==> 扇形聚焦回旋加速器
  9619. sector-focused isochronous cyclotron ==> 扇形聚焦等时性回旋加速器
  9620. sector-focusing accelerator ==> 扇形聚焦加速器
  9621. sector-focusing FM cyclotron ==> 扇形聚焦调频回旋加速器
  9622. sector-focusing machine ==> 扇形聚焦加速器
  9623. sector-rim type rotor ==> 扇形迭片磁轭转子
  9624. sector-shaped conductor ==> 扇形导线
  9625. sector-type lock gate ==> 扇形船闸闸门
  9626. sectoral horn ==> 扇形喇叭
  9627. sectoral inflation ==> 局部通货膨胀,局部通货膨胀
  9628. sectored colony ==> 扇状变异菌落
  9629. sectored light ==> 扇形光,分区灯
  9630. sectorial coordinate ==> 扇形坐标
  9631. sectorial horn ==> 扇形喇叭筒
  9632. sectorial magnetic field ==> 扇形磁场
  9633. sectorial spherical harmonics function ==> 扇形球面调和函数
  9634. sectorial tides ==> 扇形潮
  9635. sectrix curve ==> 等分角线
  9636. secular ==> 長期的な,永年の
  9637. secular aberration ==> 长期光行差=>永年光行差
  9638. secular acceleration ==> 长期加速度=>永年加速
  9639. secular change ==> 长期变异,多年变化,时效变化=>経年変化
  9640. secular changes ==> 长缓变化
  9641. secular cycle ==> 长年周期,百年周期
  9642. secular distortion ==> 时效变形,经久变形,经久变形,经久畸变,经久畸变
  9643. secular equation ==> 久期方程,久期方程式,久期方程式,长期方程,特征方程
  9644. secular equilibrium ==> 长期平衡,永恒平衡
  9645. secular error ==> 永久仪差,长期误差
  9646. secular magnetic variation ==> 长期磁变
  9647. secular movement ==> 长期缓慢运动
  9648. secular parallax ==> 长期视差
  9649. secular perturbations ==> 长期摄动
  9650. secular stability ==> 长期稳定性
  9651. secular trend ==> 长期趋势,经济趋势,经济趋势
  9652. secular variable ==> 长期变星
  9653. secular variation ==> 长期变化,长期缓慢变化,多年变化,时效变化,世纪变化
  9654. secunda oil ==> 页岩太阳油
  9655. secure ==> 巩固,安全,安全的,使安全=>確実な,請け合う,保証する
  9656. secure an adequate supply ==> 保障供应
  9657. secure communication satellite ==> 保密通信卫星
  9658. secure condition of readiness ==> 三等战备状态
  9659. secure intelligence handset ==> 保密智能电话手机
  9660. secure line ==> 保密线路,安全线,安全线路
  9661. secure oneself against accidents ==> 投保人身意外险
  9662. secure printer ==> 保密打字机
  9663. secure rock ==> 稳固岩石
  9664. secure rotationally ==> 利用控制保持转动
  9665. secure server ==> 保密机=>セキュア機器,安全なサーバー
  9666. secure submarine communications ==> 潜艇保密通信
  9667. secure system ==> 可靠系统
  9668. secure telegraph equipment ==> 保密电报设备
  9669. secure telephone ==> 保密电话机
  9670. secure the diving stations ==> 取消下潜状态
  9671. secure the line ==> 占领战线
  9672. secure torpedo tubes ==> 鱼雷发射管就位
  9673. secure video conferencing interface equipment ==> 保密电视会议接口设备
  9674. secure visual communications ==> 保密视觉通信
  9675. secure voice ==> 保密语音
  9676. secure voice adaptor ==> 话密适配机
  9677. secure voice terminal ==> 话密终端
  9678. secure voice unit ==> 话密装置
  9679. secured bonds ==> 具抵押品的债券,具抵押品的债券
  9680. secured creditor ==> 具抵押债权人,具抵押债权人
  9681. secured creditors' right in bankruptcy proceedings ==> 破产清理中的保证债权
  9682. secured deposit ==> 保证存款
  9683. secured loan ==> 具抵押贷款,具抵押贷款
  9684. securing ==> 固定
  9685. securing key ==> 定位销
  9686. securing nut ==> 扣紧螺母
  9687. securing of the profit ==> 取得利润
  9688. securing pin ==> 安全销
  9689. securing plant ==> 防护植物
  9690. securing rod ==> 锁定杆
  9691. securing strip ==> 安全带,安全带
  9692. securite explosive ==> 安全炸药
  9693. securities analysis ==> 证券分析,证券投资分析
  9694. Securities and Exchange Commission ==> 证券交易管理委员会
  9695. securities borrowed ==> 借有价证券
  9696. securities business ==> 保证金买卖
  9697. securities company ==> 证券公司
  9698. securities dealer ==> 证券买卖商
  9699. securities employment ==> 具保谋职,具保谋职
  9700. Securities Exchange Act ==> 证券交易法
  9701. securities finance company ==> 证券金融公司
  9702. securities in trust ==> 信托证券
  9703. Securities Industry Automation Corporation ==> 证券业自动化公司
  9704. securities investment trust ==> 证券投资信托
  9705. securities market ==> 证券市场
  9706. securities portfolio ==> 所持有的有价证券
  9707. securities proceeds ==> 出售证券收入
  9708. securities Rand ==> 证券兰德
  9709. securities trading ==> 证券交易
  9710. securities transfer tax ==> 证券交易税
  9711. security ==> 可靠性,安全,安全性=>信頼度、セキュリティ
  9712. security and stability system ==> 安稳系统
  9713. security architecture ==> セキュリティー体系
  9714. security assessment ==> 可靠性估计
  9715. security assessor ==> 可靠性鉴定器
  9716. security axiom ==> 安全性公理
  9717. security capital ==> 安全资本
  9718. security class ==> 机密安全等级
  9719. security classification ==> 保密等级
  9720. security code ==> 保密码
  9721. security collateral loans ==> 证券抵押借款
  9722. security collateral trust bond ==> 证券抵押信托债券
  9723. security consideration ==> 安全性考虑
  9724. security constrained dispatch ==> 安全约束调度,在给定的电力系统运行方式中,在保证有功功率平衡的条件下,通过对发电机组有功出力的控制(必要时降低或切除部分负荷),来解除支路潮流越限,并使可控机组运行费用最低的调度方式
  9725. security constraint ==> 安全性约束
  9726. security control ==> 安全技术,安全技术,安全控制,保安措施=>信頼度制御
  9727. security control center ==> 安全控制中心
  9728. security coordinator ==> An individual or organization that provides the security assessment and emergency operations coordiation for a group of Control Areas.(美国)
  9729. security criteria ==> 信頼度基準
  9730. security date set ==> 安全数据集
  9731. security deposit ==> 交易保证金,为保证市场结算的顺利实现,有效地规避结算风险,根据市场规则,市场运营机构可以要求参与市场交易的市场主体在结算帐户中存入并保持一定数量的资金,这笔资金称为交易保证金
  9732. security door ==> 防盗门
  9733. security dump ==> 安全卸出,安全转储
  9734. security evaluation ==> セキュリティ評価
  9735. security explosive ==> 塑性安全炸药
  9736. security filter ==> 安全过滤器,安全滤器
  9737. security fire door ==> 安全防火门
  9738. security flaw ==> 安全性缺陷
  9739. security for claim ==> 诉讼假扣押
  9740. security glass ==> 防弹玻璃,安全玻璃
  9741. security holder ==> 证券持有人
  9742. security income and expense ==> 证券收益及费用
  9743. security infrastructure ==> セキュリティー基盤
  9744. security interest ==> 物权担保
  9745. security kernel ==> 安全核心
  9746. security level ==> 安全水准
  9747. security maintenance ==> 安全性维护,保密维护
  9748. security manual ==> 安全手册
  9749. security mechanism ==> 安全机构
  9750. security monitor microprocessor ==> 安全性监视微处理机
  9751. security number ==> 安全号码,保密代号
  9752. security of data ==> 数据保密
  9753. security of protection,〔security of relay system(USA)〕 ==> 保護の正不動作信頼性, The probability for a protection of not having an unwanted operation under given conditions for a given time interval.
  9754. security of relay protection ==> 继电保护安全性,继电保护装置在给定条件下的给定时间内,不误动的概率
  9755. security of service ==> 安全行驶,安全运行
  9756. security of supply ==> 供应可靠性
  9757. security of tax payment ==> 纳税保证金
  9758. security on the march ==> 行军警戒
  9759. security on the move ==> 行军警戒
  9760. security optical fibre ==> 安全光纤
  9761. Security Pacific National Bank ==> (美国)太平洋证券国民银行
  9762. security paper ==> 证券纸
  9763. security policy ==> 安全策略
  9764. security pricing ==> 安全性定价
  9765. security requirement ==> 安全性要求
  9766. security reserve ==> 保证准备
  9767. security restore ==> 安全再存程序
  9768. security supervisory control and data acquisition in distribution system, DSCADA ==> 配电网安全监控和数据采集系统,针对配电网进行实时数据采集和在线监控,事故处理与分析,以实现配电网安全经济运行的计算机监控系统
  9769. security valve ==> 安全阀
  9770. security window ==> 安全窗,防盗窗
  9771. security- valuation line ==> 证券评价线
  9772. SED, Space Engineering Development Co. Ltd. ==> 宇宙技術開発株式会社
  9773. SED, Space Experiment Department ==> 宇宙実験部
  9774. SED, Surface-conduction Electron-emitter Display ==> 表面電界ディスプレイ
  9775. sedan ==> 四门轿车
  9776. sedan body,saloon body ==> 四门轿车车身
  9777. sedative ==> 鎮静剤,鎮痛剤
  9778. sedative and heart-invigorating pill ==> 安神补心丸
  9779. sedentary deposit ==> 原地沉积
  9780. sedentary herd ==> 定居群
  9781. sedentary product ==> 残积物
  9782. sedentary soil ==> 残积土,定积土,原生土
  9783. sedentary trade ==> 静坐作业,静坐作业
  9784. sedge grass ==> 香附子
  9785. sediment ==> 沉淀物=>沈殿物
  9786. sediment accumulation ==> 泥沙淤积
  9787. sediment accumulation rate ==> 淤积速度
  9788. sediment analysis ==> 泥沙分析
  9789. sediment and water test ==> 水和不溶物含量的测定
  9790. sediment barrier ==> 沙挡
  9791. sediment bed ==> 泥沙河床
  9792. sediment bowl ==> 沉淀杯
  9793. sediment bypassing ==> 泥沙输移
  9794. sediment carring estuary ==> 含泥沙河口
  9795. sediment catcher ==> 泥沙取样器
  9796. sediment chamber ==> 沉淀物储存槽
  9797. sediment charge ==> 泥沙含量,沉积物负荷量
  9798. sediment classification ==> 冲积物分类
  9799. sediment collector ==> 沉积收集器
  9800. sediment concentration ==> 含沙量,泥沙浓度
  9801. sediment control structures ==> 泥沙控制设施
  9802. sediment control works ==> 泥沙控制设施
  9803. sediment corer ==> 海底沉积物取芯管
  9804. sediment discharge curve ==> 输沙量曲线
  9805. sediment discharge rate ==> 输沙率
  9806. sediment dislodging force ==> 泥沙推移力
  9807. sediment drift ==> 泥沙漂移
  9808. sediment escape ==> 冲砂泄水道
  9809. sediment flushing at low water level ==> 低水位泥沙冲刷
  9810. sediment grade size ==> 沉积物分级尺寸
  9811. sediment hydrograph ==> 水位含沙量关系过程线
  9812. sediment in suspension ==> 悬浮质泥沙
  9813. sediment incrustation ==> 积垢,沉积水垢
  9814. sediment index ==> 泥沙指数
  9815. sediment induced deformation ==> 沉积物诱发变形作用
  9816. sediment load ==> 推移质
  9817. sediment load sampling ==> 泥沙取样
  9818. sediment movement ==> 泥沙运动
  9819. sediment pan ==> 沉积盘
  9820. sediment percentage ==> 含泥量
  9821. sediment reactions ==> 堆積物反応
  9822. sediment ripples ==> 沙纹
  9823. sediment runoff curve ==> 固体径流曲线
  9824. sediment sample ==> 泥沙试样
  9825. sediment sampler ==> 泥沙采样器,采泥器
  9826. sediment sampling equipment ==> 泥沙采样设备
  9827. sediment separator ==> 沉淀分离机,沉淀器
  9828. sediment size ==> 泥沙粒度
  9829. sediment source ==> 泥沙来源
  9830. sediment space ==> 沉淀空间
  9831. sediment station ==> 泥沙观测站
  9832. sediment storage basin ==> 蓄沙池
  9833. sediment storage capacity of reservoir ==> 水库储沙能力
  9834. sediment supply ==> 泥沙来源
  9835. sediment tank ==> 沉淀器
  9836. sediment transfer ==> 泥沙转移
  9837. sediment transmission ==> 泥沙输送
  9838. sediment transport ==> 泥沙输移
  9839. sediment transport budget ==> 泥沙输移量计算
  9840. sediment transport capacity ==> 泥沙输移能力
  9841. sediment transport competency ==> 泥沙输移能力
  9842. sediment transport curve ==> 泥沙输移曲线
  9843. sediment transport rate ==> 泥沙输移率
  9844. sediment transportation ==> 泥沙移动
  9845. sediment transporters ==> 沉积物输送者
  9846. sediment trap ==> 沉淀物捕集器,沉淀阱,沉积阱,除沙弯管,泥沙捕集装置
  9847. sediment yield ==> 产沙量,固体径流量
  9848. sediment-depositing side of bend ==> 河曲的淤积侧
  9849. sediment-free water ==> 无沉积物水
  9850. sediment-laden river ==> 多泥沙河流,多沙河流
  9851. sediment-laden stream ==> 含泥沙河流
  9852. sedimentary basin ==> 沉积盆地
  9853. sedimentary breccia ==> 沉积角砾岩
  9854. sedimentary clay ==> 沉积粘土
  9855. sedimentary cover ==> 沉积覆盖层
  9856. sedimentary cycle ==> 沉积旋回,沉积循环,堆积轮回
  9857. sedimentary deposit ==> 沉积层,沉积物,成层沉积
  9858. sedimentary differentiation ==> 沉积分异作用
  9859. sedimentary fault ==> 沉积断层
  9860. sedimentary formation ==> 沉积层
  9861. sedimentary injection ==> 沉积贯入
  9862. sedimentary mantle ==> 沉积覆盖层
  9863. sedimentary organic material ==> 沉积有机物
  9864. sedimentary parent materials ==> 沉积母质
  9865. sedimentary particles in suspension ==> 悬浮物中的沉淀颗粒
  9866. sedimentary pyrite deposit in coal series ==> 煤系沉积硫铁矿床
  9867. sedimentary ripple ==> 沉积波纹
  9868. sedimentary rock ==> 沉积岩,堆积岩
  9869. sedimentary sequence ==> 沉积顺序,沉积序列
  9870. sedimentary soil ==> 沉积土壤
  9871. sedimentary structure ==> 沉积构造
  9872. sedimentary transport(ation) ==> 泥沙输移
  9873. sedimentation ==> 沉淀作用,沉积,沉积法,沉积学,沉积作用,沉降,离心沉淀法,堆积作用=>沈殿(作用),堆積(作用),沈殿作用
  9874. sedimentation accumulation ==> 泥沙淤积
  9875. sedimentation agent ==> 沉降剂
  9876. sedimentation analysis ==> 沉淀分析法,沉积分析,沉降分析
  9877. sedimentation area ==> 堆積区域
  9878. sedimentation balance ==> 沉积天平,沉降天平
  9879. sedimentation balance method ==> 沉降天平法
  9880. sedimentation basin ==> 沉淀池,沉积池,沉积盆地,澄清池,沉沙池,设于渠道首部,用于沉淀引进水流中泥沙的水工建筑物=>堆積盆地,沈殿池
  9881. sedimentation centrifuge ==> 离心沉降机,离心沉降器
  9882. sedimentation coefficient ==> 沉降系数
  9883. sedimentation constant ==> 沉降常数
  9884. sedimentation curve ==> 沉积曲线
  9885. sedimentation cycle ==> 沉积循环
  9886. sedimentation diameter ==> 沉积直径,沉降粒径
  9887. sedimentation enginnering ==> 泥沙工程学
  9888. sedimentation equilibrium ==> 沉积平衡,沉降平衡
  9889. sedimentation force ==> 沉淀力
  9890. sedimentation mechanism ==> 沉积机理,沉积机制
  9891. sedimentation mode ==> 沉积方式
  9892. sedimentation pattern ==> 沉降谱,沉降式样
  9893. sedimentation potential ==> 沉积电位
  9894. sedimentation process ==> 沈殿過程
  9895. sedimentation rate ==> 沉降速度
  9896. sedimentation reaction ==> 沉降反应
  9897. sedimentation reservoir ==> 沉沙水库
  9898. sedimentation setting ==> 沉积背景
  9899. sedimentation sizer ==> 沉降法测粒度
  9900. sedimentation sizing method ==> 沉降分级法
  9901. sedimentation tank ==> 沉淀池,沉积池,澄清池
  9902. sedimentation techniques ==> 沉降技术
  9903. sedimentation test ==> 血沉试验,血沉试验
  9904. sedimentation time ==> 红细胞沉降时间,沉淀时间,沉降时间
  9905. sedimentation trough ==> 沉积海槽
  9906. sedimentation unit ==> 沉积单元
  9907. sedimentation velocity ==> 沉降速度
  9908. sedimentation velocity (SV) ==> 沉降速度
  9909. sedimentation volumn ==> 沉降容积
  9910. sedimentation-equivalent particle ==> 沉积等效颗粒
  9911. sedimentation-type centrifuge ==> 沉降式离心机
  9912. sedimented particle ==> 沉降颗粒
  9913. sedm/cedm ==> 电火花成形机
  9914. sedoheptose-7-phosphate ==> 7-磷酸景天庚(酮)糖
  9915. see bacteriology ==> 海产细菌系
  9916. see level elevation ==> 海拔高度
  9917. see through photomask ==> 透免掩模
  9918. SEE, standard end effector ==> 標準エンドエフェクター
  9919. SEE, system element evaluation ==> システム要素評価
  9920. see-in-dark rangefinder ==> 夜视测距仪
  9921. see-saw amplifier ==> 跷跷板放大器
  9922. see-saw circuit ==> 反相放大电路
  9923. see-saw motion ==> 摇摆运动
  9924. see-through clarity ==> 透明度
  9925. see-through mask ==> 彩色掩模
  9926. seebeak effect ==> 热电效应
  9927. Seebeck coefficient ==> 塞贝克系数
  9928. Seebeck effect ==> 塞贝克效应=>ゼーベック効果,1821 Thomas seebeck found that an electric current would flow continuously in a closed circuit made up of two dissimilar metals if the junctions of the metals were maintained at two different temperatures.
  9929. Seebeck electromotive force ==> 塞贝克电动势
  9930. seed ==> 播,种晶,种子,气籽,籽,籽晶,籽粒,子粒,子实
  9931. seed age ==> 种子年龄
  9932. seed agitator ==> 种子搅动器
  9933. seed amelioration ==> 种子改良
  9934. seed and seedling rot of rice ==> 稻苗腐病
  9935. seed atom ==> 种子原子
  9936. seed attachment ==> 播草籽附加装置
  9937. seed ball ==> 种球,(马铃薯的)球状果实
  9938. seed barrow ==> 手推播种车
  9939. seed bearer ==> 母树
  9940. seed bearing ==> 结种子的
  9941. seed bed ==> 下种地,播种床
  9942. seed bed heater ==> 苗床加热器
  9943. seed bed leveler ==> 平苗床器
  9944. seed bed preparation ==> 苗床整地
  9945. seed blast ==> 喷射清理机
  9946. seed blasting ==> 软粒喷砂
  9947. seed board ==> 播种板
  9948. seed boot ==> 播种开沟器
  9949. seed box ==> 种子箱
  9950. seed breeding ==> 种子选育
  9951. seed broadcaster ==> 撒播机
  9952. seed bud ==> 胚珠,子房
  9953. seed bulb ==> 种球
  9954. seed can ==> 种子筒
  9955. seed catalogue ==> 种苗目录
  9956. seed cell ==> 槽眼,子室
  9957. seed certification ==> 种子鉴定,种子验证
  9958. seed charge ==> 投种
  9959. seed cleaner ==> 种子清选机,净种机,净种机,清种机,选种机
  9960. seed cleaning ==> 种子精选,种子清选
  9961. seed cleaning apparatus ==> 种子清选机
  9962. seed clutch ==> 排种器离合器
  9963. seed coat ==> 种皮
  9964. seed collecting ==> 采种
  9965. seed collector ==> 草籽收集器
  9966. seed color ==> 种子颜色
  9967. seed colter ==> 插种开沟器
  9968. seed contamination ==> 种子混杂
  9969. seed continues to lose moisture ==> 种子继续失去水分
  9970. seed control station ==> 种子管理站
  9971. seed core ==> 强化堆芯
  9972. seed core reactor ==> 强化堆芯反应堆
  9973. seed corm ==> 种球
  9974. seed corn maggot ==> 种蝇
  9975. seed costs ==> 种子成本
  9976. seed cotton ==> 原棉,籽棉
  9977. seed cotton dryer ==> 籽棉烘燥机,烘籽棉机
  9978. seed cotton opener ==> 籽棉开棉机
  9979. seed counter ==> 种子计量器
  9980. seed covering ==> 埋种
  9981. seed crystal ==> 晶种
  9982. seed culture ==> 种子培养
  9983. seed density ==> 籽粒容量
  9984. seed deterioration ==> 种子退化
  9985. seed development ==> 种子发育
  9986. seed disinfectant ==> 种子消毒剂
  9987. seed disinfection ==> 种子消毒
  9988. seed dispenser ==> 种子分配器
  9989. seed dispersal ==> 种子传播
  9990. seed dormancy ==> 种子休眠
  9991. seed down ==> 下籽
  9992. seed dresser ==> 清种机,拌种机
  9993. seed dressing ==> 拌种,拌种剂,种子拌肥,浸种
  9994. seed drill ==> 谷物条播机,条播机
  9995. seed drill plough ==> 条播犁
  9996. seed driller ==> 条播机
  9997. seed drilling machine ==> 谷物播种机
  9998. seed dropping mechanism ==> 排种器装置
  9999. seed dusting machine ==> 干式拌种机,干式种子消毒机,药粉拌种机
  10000. seed extraction ==> 脱粒
  10001. seed extractor ==> 取籽机
  10002. seed felling ==> 下种伐
  10003. seed fermenter ==> 种子发酵器
  10004. seed fiber ==> 种子纤维
  10005. seed field model ==> 种子场模型
  10006. seed flow reducer ==> 种子流节流器
  10007. seed forest ==> 种子林
  10008. seed free ==> シードフリー
  10009. seed fresh weight ==> 种子鲜重
  10010. seed gathering machine ==> 采种机
  10011. seed grader ==> 种子清选机
  10012. seed grading ==> 种子分级
  10013. seed grafting ==> 种子嫁接
  10014. seed grain ==> 种子粮,籽晶
  10015. seed growing ==> 种子繁育
  10016. seed hair ==> 种毛,种子纤维
  10017. seed hair fiber ==> 种毛纤维
  10018. seed harrow ==> 播种耙
  10019. seed harvester ==> 草籽收获机
  10020. seed hilum ==> 种脐
  10021. seed holding ==> 落粒性
  10022. seed hopper ==> 种子漏斗
  10023. seed huller ==> 去皮机
  10024. seed husking establishment ==> 脱粒装置
  10025. seed identification ==> 种子鉴定
  10026. seed implant ==> 籽晶注入
  10027. seed improvement ==> 树种改良
  10028. seed inspection ==> 种子检查
  10029. seed ion ==> 种子离子
  10030. seed kernel oil ==> 种仁油
  10031. seed kiln ==> 种子干燥窑
  10032. seed knockout ==> 推种器
  10033. seed lac ==> 粒胶
  10034. seed leaf ==> 子叶
  10035. seed level ==> 播深
  10036. seed longevity ==> 种子寿命
  10037. seed machine ==> 拌种机
  10038. seed magma ==> 种子糖糊
  10039. seed manure ==> 种肥
  10040. seed marking ==> 播种划行
  10041. seed mixer ==> 拌种器
  10042. seed mixture ==> 混合种子
  10043. seed moisture and storage ==> 种子湿度和贮藏
  10044. seed moisture content ==> 种子水分
  10045. seed mottling ==> 种子斑纹
  10046. seed multiplication farm ==> 良种场
  10047. seed nuclei ==> 籽核
  10048. seed of nuxvomica poison nut ==> 马钱子,番木鳖
  10049. seed of oriental arborviate ==> 柏子仁
  10050. seed oil ==> 植物油
  10051. seed orchard ==> 采种园
  10052. seed orientation ==> 籽晶取向
  10053. seed origin ==> 种子来源
  10054. seed pan ==> 播种浅盆,谷粒盘
  10055. seed payment ==> 付种子款
  10056. seed pedicel ==> 种柄
  10057. seed pellet ==> 种子小丸
  10058. seed picking machine ==> 采种机
  10059. seed pickling machine ==> 湿式种子拌药机
  10060. seed placement ==> 点播
  10061. seed placing device ==> 定点播种装置
  10062. seed plant ==> 种子植物
  10063. seed planter ==> 播种机
  10064. seed plot ==> 种子小区
  10065. seed pod fiber ==> 籽皮纤维
  10066. seed polisher ==> 种子研光机
  10067. seed position ==> 种子位置
  10068. seed potato ==> 种用马铃薯
  10069. seed potato cutting machine ==> 马铃薯种切块机
  10070. seed press wheel ==> 埋种压土轮
  10071. seed pretreatment ==> 种子预先处理
  10072. seed production ==> 种子繁殖
  10073. seed production area ==> 种子产地,采种区,正号母树林
  10074. seed progeny ==> 种子后代
  10075. seed protectant ==> 种子保护地
  10076. seed purifier ==> 种子精选机
  10077. seed purity ==> 种子纯度
  10078. seed quality ==> 种子品质,种子质量
  10079. seed quantity ==> 播种量
  10080. seed rate ==> 播种量,播种率
  10081. seed rate lever ==> 排种量调节杆
  10082. seed refiner ==> 种子清选机
  10083. seed riddle ==> 种子清选筛
  10084. seed rod ==> 籽晶杆
  10085. seed roller ==> 排种槽轮
  10086. seed root ==> 胚根
  10087. seed rubbing machine ==> 种子脱壳机
  10088. seed scar ==> 种痕
  10089. seed scarification ==> 种子破皮处理
  10090. seed selection ==> 选育,选种
  10091. seed selection by mud water ==> 泥水选种
  10092. seed set propagation coefficient ==> 结实率
  10093. seed setting ==> 结籽
  10094. seed shaft ==> 排种轮轴
  10095. seed shedding ==> 天然下种造林法
  10096. seed shell ==> 种皮
  10097. seed shovel ==> 取种小铲
  10098. seed shrimp ==> 种虾
  10099. seed sieve ==> 筛粉筛
  10100. seed size ==> 种子大小,晶种粒度,籽粒大小
  10101. seed slurry ==> 糖粉糊
  10102. seed soaking ==> 浸种
  10103. seed sorter ==> 种子精选机
  10104. seed sorting ==> 选种
  10105. seed sorting by salt water ==> 盐水选种
  10106. seed sorting machine ==> 选种机
  10107. seed source ==> 种源,种子来源
  10108. seed sowing ==> 播种
  10109. seed sowing device ==> 排种器
  10110. seed sowing machine ==> 播种机
  10111. seed spacing ==> 点线播种
  10112. seed spacing drill ==> 准距点播机
  10113. seed spot ==> 播种块
  10114. seed spout ==> 输种管
  10115. seed stalk ==> 种柄
  10116. seed stand ==> 种子林,采种林分,母树林
  10117. seed station ==> 蚕种场
  10118. seed stem ==> 种茎
  10119. seed sterilization ==> 种子消毒
  10120. seed stock ==> 种畜,种子储备
  10121. seed stock production ==> 种畜生产,种子牲畜生产
  10122. seed storing ==> 种子储备
  10123. seed strand planter ==> 留保苗带播种机
  10124. seed stripper ==> 草籽采收机
  10125. seed supply can ==> 种子箱
  10126. seed system ==> 乔林作业
  10127. seed temperature ==> 籽晶温度
  10128. seed test ==> 种子测定
  10129. seed testing ==> 种子测定,种子检查
  10130. seed transmission ==> 种子传播,种子传染
  10131. seed trap ==> 种子收集器
  10132. seed treating machine ==> 种子消毒机
  10133. seed treatment ==> 种子处理,拌种剂
  10134. seed tree ==> 采种树,母树,留种树
  10135. seed tree system ==> 留母树作业
  10136. seed tuber ==> 种薯
  10137. seed unit ==> 种子栅格
  10138. seed vernalization ==> 种子春化
  10139. seed vessel ==> 种皮
  10140. seed viability ==> 种子成活率,种子生活力
  10141. seed vigor ==> 种子生活力
  10142. seed vitality ==> 种子活力
  10143. seed weight ==> 籽粒重
  10144. seed weight of tobacco ==> 烟草种子重量
  10145. seed wing ==> 种翅
  10146. seed yarn ==> 粗节花线
  10147. seed year ==> 结实年
  10148. seed-and-fertilizer unit ==> 种子肥料联合施播机组
  10149. seed-borne disease ==> 种传病害,种子传播的病害
  10150. seed-breeding ==> 良种繁育
  10151. seed-breeding field ==> 种子田
  10152. seed-case ==> 种壳
  10153. seed-eating bird ==> 食种子鸟
  10154. seed-filling period ==> 籽粒灌浆阶段
  10155. seed-parent ==> 亲本
  10156. seed-quantity regulator ==> 播种量调节器
  10157. seed-scale complex ==> 种鳞复合体
  10158. seed-test ==> 种子试验
  10159. seed-tree method ==> 伞伐作业
  10160. seed-trial ground ==> 种子试验区
  10161. seedbed frame ==> 苗床保护框
  10162. seedbed preparation ==> 播前整地
  10163. seedbed weeder ==> 苗床除草机
  10164. seedcake fertilizer ==> 饼肥
  10165. seeded slope ==> 植草边坡
  10166. seeded surface ==> 植草面
  10167. seeder ==> 播种机
  10168. seeder gang ==> 播种机单组
  10169. seeder roll ==> 去籽辊
  10170. seeding ==> 引晶技术,下种,播种=>種まき
  10171. seeding and adult ==> 苗株和成株
  10172. seeding cutting ==> 下种伐
  10173. seeding felling ==> 下种伐
  10174. seeding forest ==> 乔林
  10175. seeding in nursery bed ==> 苗床播种
  10176. seeding lath ==> 播种板条
  10177. seeding machinary ==> 播种机具
  10178. seeding machine ==> 播种机
  10179. seeding machine regulating ==> 播种机调试
  10180. seeding machinery ==> 播种机械
  10181. seeding medium ==> 播种媒质
  10182. seeding method ==> 播种方法
  10183. seeding nursery ==> 移植苗圃
  10184. seeding on unfallowing field ==> 茬地播种
  10185. seeding period ==> 播种期
  10186. seeding plough ==> 自动播种耕作机
  10187. seeding requirement ==> 播种要求条件
  10188. seeding stage ==> 下种伐,出苗期
  10189. seeding tank ==> 菌种罐,菌种罐,种子罐
  10190. seeding time ==> 播种期,产种期
  10191. seeding-growth ==> 天然幼树
  10192. seedless fruit ==> 无籽果
  10193. seedless pear ==> 无籽梨
  10194. seedless variety ==> 无核品种
  10195. seedling ==> 幼苗,苗木,籽苗,实生苗
  10196. seedling age ==> 秧龄,苗龄
  10197. seedling bed ==> 苗床,秧田
  10198. seedling blight ==> 立枯病,籽枯萎病
  10199. seedling blight of rice ==> 稻苗绵腐病
  10200. seedling breaking ==> 断秧
  10201. seedling clearing ==> 实生树植区
  10202. seedling coppice ==> 实生矮林
  10203. seedling crop ==> 实生林
  10204. seedling diseases ==> 苗病
  10205. seedling floating ==> 飘秧
  10206. seedling forest system ==> 乔林作业
  10207. seedling from seed ==> 实生苗
  10208. seedling hurting ==> 伤秧苗
  10209. seedling inarching ==> 幼苗靠接
  10210. seedling infection ==> 种苗侵染
  10211. seedling injury ==> 小苗受害
  10212. seedling laying ==> 倒秧
  10213. seedling nursery ==> 苗圃
  10214. seedling pasture ==> 青苗牧地
  10215. seedling plant ==> 实生苗
  10216. seedling planting machine ==> 播苗机,插秧机
  10217. seedling population ==> 实生树群
  10218. seedling pot ==> 移植钵
  10219. seedling puller ==> 拔秧机
  10220. seedling pulling ==> 拔秧
  10221. seedling seed orchard ==> 实生苗种子园
  10222. seedling selection ==> 籽苗选择
  10223. seedling shoot thickness ==> 苗厚
  10224. seedling sprout ==> 萌生苗
  10225. seedling stage ==> 苗期
  10226. seedling stock ==> 实生苗砧木
  10227. seedling strip ==> 实生树林带
  10228. seedling stump ==> 实生树桩
  10229. seedling test ==> 苗期检定
  10230. seedling tree ==> 实生树
  10231. seedling with adhering soil ==> 秧苗带土
  10232. seedling with soil ==> 带土小苗
  10233. seedling year ==> 出苗大年,种苗年
  10234. seedling-plant ==> 实生树
  10235. seedlings and small trees ==> 树苗和小树
  10236. seedlings following subsoil fertilizer ==> 施底肥后的植株
  10237. seedlings of cereal crops ==> 禾苗
  10238. seeds litre-weight ==> (一公升种子重量)种子升重
  10239. seeds litre-weight (一公升种子重量) ==> 种子升重
  10240. seeds of commodity rudiments of ==> 萌芽
  10241. seeds of leguminous crops ==> 豆类植物的种子
  10242. seeds per pod ==> 每荚粒数
  10243. seeds visibly weathered or poor in quality ==> 明显分布或质量低劣的种子
  10244. seeds volume-weight ==> 种子容重
  10245. seedy cotton ==> 含籽棉
  10246. seedy-toe ==> 粉蹄病
  10247. seeing disturbance ==> 视宁度扰动
  10248. seeing image ==> 视宁像,视影
  10249. seek area ==> 查找区域
  10250. seek command ==> 查找命令
  10251. seek employment ==> 谋职
  10252. seek error ==> 查找误差
  10253. seek exorbitant profits ==> 牟取暴利
  10254. seek key ==> 查找键
  10255. seek time ==> 查找时间
  10256. Seekay wax ==> 西凯蜡
  10257. seeker ==> 导引头
  10258. seeker error ==> 寻的系统误差
  10259. seeking control ==> シーク制御
  10260. seeking range ==> 自导引系统作用距离
  10261. seeking vehicle ==> 自导引飞行器
  10262. SEEL, Space Energetics and Environmental Laboratory ==> 宇宙エネルギー及び環境研究所
  10263. seen fire ==> 目视射击
  10264. seep oil ==> 渗出石油
  10265. seepage apron ==> 防渗护坦
  10266. seepage basin ==> 渗透池
  10267. seepage deformation ==> 渗透变形
  10268. seepage distance ==> 渗透距离
  10269. seepage failure ==> 渗漏破坏
  10270. seepage flow ==> 渗流,潜水径流
  10271. seepage force ==> 渗流力
  10272. seepage interception ==> 渗流截断
  10273. seepage line ==> 渗漏线
  10274. seepage loss ==> 渗出损失
  10275. seepage of dam foundation ==> 坝基渗漏,坝基发生漏失水量的现象
  10276. seepage over subdivide ==> 分水岭渗漏
  10277. seepage pit ==> 渗坑,渗流坑
  10278. seepage plugging ==> 堵漏,堵塞工程的渗漏通道
  10279. seepage pressure ==> 渗流压力
  10280. seepage prevention ==> 防渗,防止水量渗漏及渗透稳定
  10281. seepage prevention of cofferdam ==> 围堰防渗,防止施工导流时围堰的渗漏和渗透稳定
  10282. seepage prevention of dam foundation ==> 坝基防渗,防止坝基渗水和渗透稳定是大坝整体结构不可分的部分,主要处理工程为筑混凝土防渗墙,基岩灌浆(惟幕和固结灌浆),或设置铺盖等
  10283. seepage prevention of sluice foundation ==> 闸基防渗,防止闸基渗水和渗透稳定,它与坝基防渗作相似处理
  10284. seepage proof curtain ==> 防渗帷幕,通过灌注浆液而形成的连续防渗幕
  10285. seepage quantity ==> 渗流量
  10286. seepage rate ==> 渗透率
  10287. seepage recharge of stream ==> 河水入渗灌注
  10288. seepage reflux ==> 渗透回流
  10289. seepage spring ==> 渗流泉,渗水泉
  10290. seepage stress ==> 渗流应力
  10291. seepage tunnel ==> 引水隧道
  10292. seepage velocity ==> 渗流速度,渗水速度,渗透速度
  10293. seepproof screen ==> 止水墙
  10294. seepy material ==> 透水材料
  10295. seesaw action ==> 跷跷板作用
  10296. seesaw circuit ==> 跷跣板放大电路,板极输出器电路
  10297. seesaw switch ==> 交互转换开关
  10298. seet pile ==> 板桩,打入地基内,以抵抗水平方向土压力及水压力以及延长渗径或防止冲刷的板型桩
  10299. SEEV ==> 太阳能电动汽车
  10300. seeweed fertilizer ==> 海草肥
  10301. Seewer governor ==> 西沃调速器
  10302. SEF, satellite ephemeris data file ==> 軌道位置情報生成データファイル
  10303. SEG, segment switch ==> セグメントスイッチ
  10304. Segas process ==> 西盖斯法
  10305. Seger cone ==> 西格测温锥,西格示温锥,西氏测热熔锥,塞格尔测温锥,塞格锥,塞氏测温熔锥
  10306. seger cone ==> 蜗测温三角锥
  10307. Seger formula ==> 塞格尔公式,西格公式
  10308. Seger's green ==> (耐1050的陶瓷彩料)塞格尔绿
  10309. Seger's rule ==> 塞格尔规则
  10310. SEGF, Standard Electrical Grapple Fixture ==> 標準電力供給グラプルフィックスチャ
  10311. seggar ==> 匣钵,退火箱
  10312. seggar clay ==> 匣钵土
  10313. segment ==> 片段=>セグメント,弓形
  10314. segment accounting ==> 责任单位会计,分部会计
  10315. segment address ==> 段地址
  10316. segment addressing ==> 段编址
  10317. segment analysis ==> 分部分析
  10318. segment arch ==> 弓形拱
  10319. segment attribute ==> 区段特征
  10320. segment attribute field ==> 区段特征字段
  10321. segment base address ==> 区段基地址,段基地址
  10322. segment bearing ==> 多片瓦轴承
  10323. segment call ==> 段调入
  10324. segment contribution ==> 分部贡献额
  10325. segment control word ==> 分段控制字
  10326. segment core ==> 分段铁芯,扇形铁心=>分割コア
  10327. segment cover ==> 扇形盖
  10328. segment data ==> 分段数据,段数据
  10329. segment data buffer ==> 数据段缓冲器
  10330. segment definition card ==> 段定义卡
  10331. segment definition card in an object deck ==> 目标卡片的段定义卡
  10332. segment delivery ==> 分批交货
  10333. segment disable circuit ==> 段禁止电路
  10334. segment driver ==> 节段激励器,节段驱动,段驱动器
  10335. segment electrode ==> 段电极
  10336. segment electrode transistor ==> 分段电极晶体管
  10337. segment evaluation ==> 分部业绩评价
  10338. segment fault ==> 分段差错,段故障,段失败
  10339. segment gate ==> 弧形堰,弧形闸门,扇形闸门
  10340. segment gear ==> 扇形齿轮
  10341. segment grinding wheel ==> 镶片磨轮
  10342. segment information ==> 分部信息
  10343. segment length ==> 段长,段长度
  10344. segment length violation flag ==> 区段长度违章标志
  10345. segment limit ==> 区段界限,段范围,段界
  10346. segment management ==> 段式管理
  10347. segment management policy ==> 区段管理策略
  10348. segment map table ==> 段变换表
  10349. segment margin ==> 分部毛利
  10350. segment mark ==> 段标,段标记,区段标记
  10351. segment market ==> 细分市场
  10352. segment mica ==> 整连用云母片
  10353. segment name ==> 段名
  10354. segment notching press ==> 整流子片切槽专用压力机
  10355. segment nozzle ==> 组合式喷管
  10356. segment number ==> 段编号,段号,区段号
  10357. segment occurrence ==> 段出现,段具体值
  10358. segment of a circle ==> 弓形
  10359. segment of a curve ==> 弧段
  10360. segment of a cylinder ==> 柱面母线
  10361. segment of a sphere ==> 球截体
  10362. segment offset address ==> 区段偏移量地址
  10363. segment output ==> 节段输出,段输出
  10364. segment pitch ==> 整流子片距,片距,换向片节距
  10365. segment production line ==> 片断生产线
  10366. segment program ==> 程序段
  10367. segment rack ==> 扇形齿轮
  10368. segment register ==> 段寄存器
  10369. segment reporting ==> 分部报告
  10370. segment results ==> 分部成果
  10371. segment roller ==> 分隔环式镇压器
  10372. segment saw ==> 节锯,扇锯
  10373. segment search argument ==> 段搜索自变量
  10374. segment search argument (SSA) ==> 段查找变元,段检索变量
  10375. segment selection ==> 段选择
  10376. segment shutter ==> 弓形快门
  10377. segment size ==> 段长度
  10378. segment switch ==> 分频开关
  10379. segment synchronization ==> セグメント同期
  10380. segment table (SGT;ST) ==> 段表
  10381. segment table entry (STE) ==> 段表表目,段表入口
  10382. segment table origin (STO) ==> 段表起始地址
  10383. segment the market ==> 区隔市场
  10384. segment translation ==> 段转换
  10385. segment translation exception ==> 段转换异常
  10386. segment type ==> 段类型,段型
  10387. segment type code ==> 段类型码
  10388. segment type PMSG ==> セグメント形PMSG
  10389. segment valve ==> 弓形阀
  10390. segment voltage ==> 位显示电压,换向器片间电压
  10391. segment weir ==> 弓形堰
  10392. segment without contact ==> 无切线段
  10393. segment, to ==> 区分化する
  10394. segment-feed loop ==> 分段馈电环
  10395. segment-long-spacing crystallites (SLS) ==> 长节段晶粒
  10396. segment-type water-cooled cupola ==> 分段水冷冲天炉
  10397. segmental apparatus ==> 节段装置,环节器
  10398. segmental arc ==> 弧形段
  10399. segmental arch ==> 平圆拱,弓形拱
  10400. segmental baffle ==> 缺圆挡板,弓形折流板
  10401. segmental barrel vault ==> 弧筒形穹顶
  10402. segmental bearing ==> 分片瓦轴承,弓形轴承,轴瓦块轴承
  10403. segmental cavity ==> 分裂腔
  10404. segmental chip ==> 节状切屑,挤裂切屑
  10405. segmental colitis ==> 节段性结肠炎
  10406. segmental column ==> 节柱
  10407. segmental conductor ==> 弓形截面导线,扇形导线
  10408. segmental construction ==> 预制段拚装施工法
  10409. segmental core disk ==> 扇形片铁心
  10410. segmental data ==> 零碎的辅助材料
  10411. segmental distribution ==> 叶段分布
  10412. segmental duct ==> 体节性管
  10413. segmental file ==> 分段文件
  10414. segmental fire bar ==> 弓形炉条
  10415. segmental gear ==> 扇形齿轮
  10416. segmental Gothic arch ==> 哥德式弧形拱,哥特式弧形拱
  10417. segmental grinding ring ==> 扇形磨盘
  10418. segmental infarction of omentum ==> 网膜节段性梗死
  10419. segmental lamination ==> 扇形迭片
  10420. segmental lining ==> セグメント覆工
  10421. segmental meter ==> 圆缺测流器
  10422. segmental neuralgia ==> 节性神经痛
  10423. segmental nozzle group control ==> 喷嘴组调节
  10424. segmental organ ==> 体节器
  10425. segmental orifice plate ==> 缺圆孔板
  10426. segmental pad ==> (轴承的)扇形瓦
  10427. segmental pattern plate ==> 组合模板
  10428. segmental phonology ==> 分节音韵学
  10429. segmental plate ==> 体节板
  10430. segmental pointed arch ==> 弓形尖拱
  10431. segmental punching ==> 扇形冲片
  10432. segmental reflex ==> 脊髓节段反射,区域反射,分节反射
  10433. segmental resection of bone tumor ==> 肿瘤骨段截除术
  10434. segmental resection of extremity ==> 肢体段截术
  10435. segmental retinal periarteritis ==> 节段性视网膜动脉周围炎
  10436. segmental rotor ==> 扇形转子
  10437. segmental saw ==> 镶齿圆锯
  10438. segmental shoe bearing ==> 倾斜轴瓦轴承
  10439. segmental sluice gate ==> 弧形泄水闸门,扇形闸门
  10440. segmental spinal anesthesia ==> 分节性脊椎麻醉
  10441. segmental stamping ==> 扇形冲片
  10442. segmental stricture of pancreatic duct ==> 胰管节段性狭窄
  10443. segmental structure ==> 分段结构
  10444. segmental support ==> 弓形架
  10445. segmental tile ==> 弓形瓦,圆弧瓦
  10446. segmental truss ==> 弓形桁架
  10447. segmental type ==> 分装式,组合式
  10448. segmental type pump ==> 多级离心泵
  10449. segmental valve ==> 扇形阀门
  10450. segmental wheel ==> 拼合轮
  10451. segmental-rim rotor ==> (水轮发电机)扇形片磁轭转子
  10452. segmentally welded (monolayered) cylinder ==> 瓦片式圆筒
  10453. segmentary syndrome ==> 脊髓节段综合征
  10454. segmentation ==> 分段,分段法,分割,分节现象,段式,段式调度,整流子片,区段,程序分段=>セグメンテーション
  10455. segmentation cavity ==> 囊胚腔
  10456. segmentation error trap ==> 分段误差收集
  10457. segmentation fault ==> セグメンテーション違反
  10458. segmentation hardware ==> 段式硬件
  10459. segmentation in intestine ==> 肠分节运动
  10460. segmentation mechanism ==> 分段机构
  10461. segmentation movement ==> 分节运动
  10462. segmentation nucleus ==> 分裂核
  10463. segmentation overlay ==> 分段覆盖,分段重叠
  10464. segmentation paging system ==> 段页式
  10465. segmentation register ==> 分段寄存器
  10466. segmentation register table (SRT) ==> 分段寄存器表
  10467. segmentation sphere ==> 分裂球
  10468. segmented circular groove cracking test ==> 分割环形槽热裂试验,分块环形槽热裂纹试验
  10469. segmented column ==> 节柱
  10470. segmented companding ==> 折線圧伸
  10471. segmented cylindrical rod ==> 分段圆棒
  10472. segmented glass laser ==> 分节玻璃激光器
  10473. segmented granulocyte ==> 分叶核粒细胞
  10474. segmented injector ==> 分段式喷嘴
  10475. segmented insert ==> 分段式衬套
  10476. segmented machine ==> 区段式计算机
  10477. segmented mirror telescope ==> 拼合镜面望远镜
  10478. segmented mode ==> 区段方式,段方式
  10479. segmented plate ==> 分段板
  10480. segmented program ==> 分段程序
  10481. segmented pumping test ==> 分段抽水试验
  10482. segmented rod laser ==> 分节棒激光器
  10483. segmented roller ==> 分段滚压机
  10484. segmented rotor brake ==> 扇块动子制动器
  10485. segmented secondary reluctance motor ==> 次级分段的磁阻电动机
  10486. segmented spring ring ==> 扇形弹簧圈
  10487. segmented steelwheel roller ==> 分割式钢轮压路机
  10488. segmented thermocouple ==> 扇形热电偶
  10489. segmented transport ==> 分段运输
  10490. segmented-core single-mode fiber ==> 分层芯单模光纤
  10491. segmented-rod ==> 扇形棒
  10492. segmentum anterius inferius ==> 下前段
  10493. segmentum basale laterale ==> 外侧底段,外基底段
  10494. segmentum basale mediale ==> 内侧底段
  10495. segmentum basale posterius ==> 后底段,后基底段
  10496. segmentum laterale ==> 外侧段
  10497. segmentum lingulare inferius ==> 下舌段
  10498. segmentum mediale ==> 内侧段
  10499. segmentum posterius ==> 后段
  10500. segregate ==> 隔离
  10501. segregated collection system ==> 分流集水系统
  10502. segregated combustion ==> 分离燃烧
  10503. segregated goods ==> 分隔商品
  10504. segregated ice ==> 分凝冰
  10505. segregated spot ==> 偏析区
  10506. segregated vein ==> 分结脉,分凝脉
  10507. segregated zone ==> 偏析带
  10508. segregating unit ==> 分类设备,分离机,分离装置,隔离器
  10509. segregation ==> 离析,偏析,熔析,分隔,分结作用,分离,分凝,分凝作用=>偏析,分離
  10510. segregation banding ==> 分结条带,分凝条带
  10511. segregation coefficient ==> 偏析係数
  10512. segregation constant ==> 分凝,偏析常数
  10513. segregation distorter ==> 分离畸变
  10514. segregation distribution ==> 分隔分布
  10515. segregation foliation ==> 分凝叶理
  10516. segregation gas chromatography ==> 分离气相色谱
  10517. segregation in magma ==> 岩浆分凝(作用)
  10518. segregation junction ==> 分凝结
  10519. segregation kink bands ==> 分凝膝折带
  10520. segregation mutant ==> 分离突变体
  10521. segregation of character ==> 性状分离
  10522. segregation of gene ==> 基因分离
  10523. segregation of items ==> 项目划分
  10524. segregation of losses ==> 损耗分离
  10525. segregation of posterity ==> 后代分离
  10526. segregation phenomenon ==> 分离现象
  10527. segregation place for animals ==> 动物隔离处
  10528. segregation process ==> 离析法
  10529. segregation ratio distortion ==> 分离比偏差
  10530. segregation streamers ==> 偏析带
  10531. segregation zone ==> 离析区
  10532. segregation-free ==> 无偏析
  10533. segregational load ==> 分离负荷
  10534. seguencing unit ==> 命令发送器
  10535. seiche period ==> 湖面波动周期
  10536. SEID, support equipment item description ==> 支援機器品目記述
  10537. Seidal optics ==> 赛得光学
  10538. Seidel aberration ==> 塞德耳像差,赛德尔像差
  10539. Seidel coefficient of aberrations ==> 塞德耳像差系数
  10540. Seidel method ==> 赛德尔方法
  10541. Seidel optics ==> 塞德耳光学
  10542. Seidel third order theory of aberration ==> 塞德耳三级像差理论
  10543. Seidel variable ==> 塞德耳变量
  10544. Seidlitz powder ==> 赛德利茨粉
  10545. SEIDS, support equipment item description sheet ==> 支援機器品目記述リスト
  10546. SEIG, second stage engine ignition ==> 二段エンジン点火
  10547. Seigal-Cattan-Mamon Syndrome ==> 家族性地中海热
  10548. Seignette salt ==> 赛格涅特盐
  10549. seignette salt ==> 酒石酸钾钠
  10550. seignette sol ==> 酒石酸钾钠
  10551. seignette-electrics ==> 铁电体
  10552. SEIKETSU ==> 清洁(日语),认真维护生产,工作现场,确保清洁生产
  10553. Seine ==> 塞纳河
  10554. seine boat ==> 围网船,围网渔轮
  10555. seine float ==> 围网浮子
  10556. seine net ==> 大围网
  10557. seiner ==> 围网渔船
  10558. SEIRI ==> 整理(日语),及时将无用的物品清除现场
  10559. seismal,seismical,earthquake load ==> 地震载荷
  10560. seismic ==> 地震的
  10561. seismic (seismal,seismical,earthquake) load ==> 地震载荷
  10562. seismic acceleration ==> 地震加速度,震动加速度
  10563. seismic acceleration indicator ==> 地震加速指示计
  10564. seismic activity ==> 地震活动,地震活动性
  10565. seismic amplifier ==> 地震放大器
  10566. seismic analysis ==> 地震分析
  10567. seismic anisotropy of Tonga slab ==> トンガスラブの地震波異方性
  10568. seismic area ==> 地震带,地震区,震区
  10569. seismic belt ==> 地震带,地震区
  10570. seismic bending moment ==> 地震弯矩
  10571. seismic center ==> 震中
  10572. seismic coefficient ==> 地震系数
  10573. seismic core phase ==> 核震相
  10574. seismic cross-section ==> 地震剖面
  10575. seismic data ==> 地震数据,地震资料
  10576. seismic degree ==> 震度=>マグニチュード
  10577. seismic design ==> 地震设计
  10578. seismic design of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂抗震设计,核电厂所有构筑物、系统和部件抵御地震所采取措施的总称。就安全设计而言,必须考虑极限安全地震或SL-2震动水平,同时加强对低等级地震的监测
  10579. seismic detector ==> 地震检波器,地震仪
  10580. seismic detector of the displacement ==> 位移式地震检波器
  10581. seismic detector of the velocity type ==> 速度式地震检波器
  10582. seismic digital amplifier ==> 地震数字放大器
  10583. seismic discontinuity ==> 地震间断面
  10584. seismic drill ==> 地震孔用钻机
  10585. seismic dynamic load ==> 地震动力载荷
  10586. seismic element method ==> 地震元法
  10587. seismic evidence ==> 地震学的証拠
  10588. seismic exploration ==> 地层勘探,地震探测,地震探查,震波勘测
  10589. seismic exploration vessel ==> 震波勘测船
  10590. seismic filter ==> 地震滤波器
  10591. seismic floor joint cover ==> 地面抗震缝盖板
  10592. seismic focus ==> 地震震源
  10593. seismic force ==> 地震力
  10594. seismic gap ==> 地震活动空白地带
  10595. seismic geophone ==> 地震检波器,震波检测仪
  10596. seismic geophysical method ==> 地球物理地震法
  10597. seismic hazard ==> 地震危害性
  10598. seismic head wave ==> 地震首波
  10599. seismic impulse method ==> 脉冲地震法
  10600. seismic instrument car ==> 地震仪器车
  10601. seismic intensity ==> 地震烈度,地震强度
  10602. seismic intensity scale ==> 地震强度计
  10603. seismic investigation ==> 地震探测
  10604. seismic load ==> 地震荷载
  10605. seismic map ==> 地震图
  10606. seismic measurement ==> 地震测验
  10607. seismic method ==> 地震勘探法
  10608. seismic method of exploration ==> 地震法勘探,震波勘测法
  10609. seismic method of prospecting ==> 地震法勘探
  10610. seismic model ==> 地震模型
  10611. seismic moment ==> 地震力矩
  10612. seismic motion ==> 地震活动,地震运动
  10613. seismic origin ==> 地震成因
  10614. seismic phase ==> 震相
  10615. seismic processing ==> 震波图分析
  10616. seismic profile ==> 地震剖面
  10617. seismic profiler ==> 地震剖面仪,震波水下地形仪
  10618. seismic property ==> 地震性质
  10619. seismic prospect(ing) ==> 震波勘探
  10620. seismic prospecting ==> 地震勘探,地震探查
  10621. seismic prospecting system ==> 地震探查装置
  10622. seismic prospector ==> 地震预报仪
  10623. seismic reciprocity ==> 震时互易原理
  10624. seismic record ==> 地震记录
  10625. seismic record viewer ==> 地震记录观测仪
  10626. seismic recorder ==> 地震记录仪
  10627. seismic reflection amplifier ==> 地震反射放大器
  10628. seismic reflection method ==> 地震波反射法
  10629. seismic refraction ==> 震波折射
  10630. seismic refraction method ==> 地震折射法
  10631. seismic refraction profile ==> 地震折射剖面
  10632. seismic regime ==> 震情
  10633. seismic region ==> 震区,地震区
  10634. seismic regionalization ==> 地震区划分
  10635. seismic rehabilitation ==> 耐震改修
  10636. seismic resistance ==> 抗震稳定性
  10637. seismic restraint ==> 耐震
  10638. seismic retrofit ==> 耐震補強
  10639. seismic risk ==> 地震危险性
  10640. seismic sea wave ==> 地震海浪,地震海啸,地震津波,海啸=>津波
  10641. seismic sea wave apparatus ==> 海啸仪
  10642. seismic section plotter ==> 地震剖面绘图仪
  10643. seismic seiche ==> 地震假潮
  10644. seismic shock ==> 地震,地震冲击,地震震动,震波冲击
  10645. seismic signal ==> 地震信号
  10646. seismic sounding ==> 地震测深,地震测深法
  10647. seismic source function ==> 震源函数
  10648. seismic spread ==> 地震传播,地震扩散
  10649. seismic stability ==> 抗震稳定性
  10650. seismic station ==> 地震台站
  10651. seismic stratigraphy ==> 地震地层学
  10652. seismic stress ==> 地震应力
  10653. seismic surface wave ==> 地震表面波
  10654. seismic survey ==> 地震测量,地震调查,地震探查,反射法勘探
  10655. seismic travel time ==> 地震波传播时间
  10656. seismic velocity ==> 震波速度
  10657. seismic vertical ==> 震中,地震垂线
  10658. seismic vessel ==> 震波勘测船
  10659. seismic wave ==> 震波,地震波=>地震波
  10660. seismic wave path ==> 地震波路径
  10661. seismic world map ==> 世界地震图
  10662. seismic zone ==> 地震带,地震区
  10663. seismic zoning ==> 地震区划分
  10664. seismic-electric effect ==> 震电效应
  10665. seismic-like event ==> 似地震事件
  10666. seismicity map ==> 地震区域图
  10667. seismo-acoustic reflection survey ==> 震声反射测量
  10668. seismo-electric effect ==> 震电效应
  10669. seismogenic San Andreas fault ==> サンアンドレアス地震断層直下
  10670. seismogenic zone ==> 孕震区
  10671. seismogeological map ==> 地震地质图
  10672. seismogram interpretation ==> 震波图解释
  10673. seismograph ==> 地震记录仪
  10674. seismograph drill ==> 地震孔物探钻机
  10675. seismograph station ==> 地震台站
  10676. seismographic observation ==> 地震观测
  10677. seismographic station ==> 地震台
  10678. seismologic consideration ==> 震情会商
  10679. seismologic station ==> 地震台站
  10680. seismological evidence ==> 地震实迹
  10681. seismological observation ==> 地震观测
  10682. seismology ==> 地震学
  10683. seismomagnetic effect ==> 地震地磁效果,震磁效应
  10684. seismometer ==> 地震计
  10685. seismometer galvanometer ==> 地震检波器检流计
  10686. seismometer pier ==> 拾震器墩子
  10687. seismometer station ==> 地震测站
  10688. seismonastic movement ==> 感振运动
  10689. seismonastic turgor movement ==> 倾震膨压运动
  10690. seismoscope ==> 筒单地震仪
  10691. seismoscope data ==> 验震器数据,验震器数据
  10692. seismoscope response ==> 验震器响应,验震器响应
  10693. seismotectonic line ==> 地震构造线
  10694. SEISO ==> 清扫(日语),自觉地把生产,工作的责任区域,设备等清扫干净
  10695. seissors fault differential fault ==> 剪断层
  10696. Seitz filter ==> 赛氏滤器
  10697. seize ==> 扣押,捕,捕获,攫,攫,卡住,粘附,咬住,没收
  10698. seize markets ==> 争夺市场
  10699. seize smuggled goods ==> 没收,没收走私货物
  10700. seized goods ==> 海关扣押的货物
  10701. seized piston ==> 卡住活塞,卡住活塞
  10702. seizing mark ==> 粘附伤痕,卡挤伤痕,抱轴伤痕
  10703. seizing of piston rings ==> 活塞环烧蚀
  10704. seizing signal ==> 捕获信号,占机信号
  10705. seizure of plunger ==> 柱塞卡住
  10706. seizure of property ==> 财产没收
  10707. seizure of smuggled goods ==> 没收走私货物
  10708. seizure resistance ==> 抗咬合性
  10709. seizuring load ==> 胶住载荷
  10710. seizuring pressure ==> 胶住压力
  10711. SEJ ==> シュナイダー・エレクトリック
  10712. Sejournet extrusion process ==> 赛茹尔玻璃润滑热挤压法
  10713. Sejournet process ==> 玻璃润滑剂高速挤压法
  10714. Sekijima dementia paralytica tremor syndrome ==> 关岛震颤麻痹痴呆综合征
  10715. Sekur machine ==> 斯库尔携带式硬度计
  10716. SEL, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories ==> リレーメーカー
  10717. SEL, selection ==> 選択
  10718. SEL, Space Experiment Laboratory ==> 宇宙実験棟(筑波宇宙センター)
  10719. Selachii ==> 软骨鲨目
  10720. selachine ==> 鲨白化素,鲨白化素
  10721. seladang ==> 白肢野牛
  10722. Selaginella braunii ==> 毛枝卷柏
  10723. Selaginella effusa ==> 疏松卷柏
  10724. Selaginella involvens ==> 卷柏,卷柏
  10725. Selaginella sanguiolenta ==> 圆枝卷柏
  10726. Selaginella sinensis ==> 中华卷柏
  10727. Selaginellaceae ==> 卷柏科,卷柏科
  10728. Selas furance ==> 西拉斯炉
  10729. selatan ==> 塞拉坦风
  10730. selbite ==> 杂菱银矿
  10731. SELCAL, selective-calling system ==> 選択呼出方式
  10732. selcall ==> 选择呼叫装置
  10733. Seldovian (stage) ==> (植物阶)赛多维阶
  10734. select ==> 选,选择,择,挑,挑选=>セレクト
  10735. Select ==> (除草剂)麦草光
  10736. select and execute command ==> 选择并执行命令,需两个相继的动作才能使运行设备的状态改变的命令,第一个动作为"选择命令"激活部分控制电路,受激控制电路又导致返送一确认返回信息
  10737. select bit ==> 选择位
  10738. select chain ==> 选链
  10739. select circuit ==> 选择电路
  10740. select command ==> 选择命令
  10741. select finger ==> 选择指针
  10742. select good persons ==> 选择人才
  10743. select issue rates ==> 选择产次率
  10744. select life table ==> 选择生命表
  10745. select line ==> 选择线
  10746. select magnet ==> 选择磁铁
  10747. select order ==> 选择指令
  10748. select seed ==> 精选种
  10749. select set ==> 选择组
  10750. select suitable material ==> 选材
  10751. select switch ==> 选路开关
  10752. select tape ==> 选择带
  10753. select the most favorable alternatives ==> 挑选最佳方案
  10754. select transmit frequency ==> 选择发射频率
  10755. select verify ==> 选择检验
  10756. select-hold ==> 带保持的选择
  10757. selectable unit (SU) ==> 可选部件
  10758. selectance ==> 选择度=>セレクタンス
  10759. selected ==> 选择的
  10760. selected address ==> 被选地址,被选择的地址
  10761. selected agricultural fields ==> 选择性农田
  10762. selected alkylation process ==> 选择烃化过程
  10763. selected area electron diffraction ==> 选定区电子衍射
  10764. selected areas ==> 卡普坦选区
  10765. selected calling system ==> 选择呼叫系统
  10766. selected cell ==> 选址单元,寻址单元,寻址单元,被选单元
  10767. selected clone ==> 入选无性系
  10768. selected diffraction ==> 选区衍射
  10769. selected foliage contact spray ==> 选择性触杀型叶片喷药
  10770. selected function groups ==> 选定的函数群
  10771. selected heading ==> 选定航向
  10772. selected individual ==> 选择的个体
  10773. selected marker ==> 选择标记,选择性标记
  10774. selected master file tape ==> 被选的主文件带
  10775. selected mating ==> 选配
  10776. selected mine ==> 选定水雷
  10777. selected ordinate method ==> 选择波长法,选择纵坐标法
  10778. selected plant ==> 选择株
  10779. selected pulse ==> 选定脉冲
  10780. selected quality ==> 精选品,上选品质
  10781. selected range indicator ==> 被选范围显示器
  10782. selected reference ==> 选定基准,选定目标
  10783. selected seedling family ==> 经选有性系,经选有性系
  10784. selected seedlings ==> 经选实生苗,经选实生苗
  10785. selected segment ==> 选择节段
  10786. selected soils ==> 选择性土
  10787. selected stars ==> 选用恒星
  10788. selected strains ==> 入选品系
  10789. selected temperature ==> 选定温度
  10790. selected time ==> 选定时间
  10791. selected track ==> 选定的航迹
  10792. selected works ==> 選集
  10793. selected-point method ==> 选点法
  10794. selecting ==> セレクティング
  10795. selecting address technique ==> 选址术
  10796. selecting card ==> 选针纹板
  10797. selecting chain ==> 互斥电路
  10798. selecting chlorosis-resistant plant ==> 选择抗缺绿病的植株
  10799. selecting circuit ==> 选取电路,选择电路
  10800. selecting cutting ==> 择伐
  10801. selecting data ==> 选择数据
  10802. selecting females ==> 挑选母鸡
  10803. selecting lever ==> 操纵系统杠杆
  10804. selecting machine ==> 选谷机
  10805. selecting magnet ==> 选择磁铁
  10806. selecting mechanism ==> 选择机构
  10807. selecting of route ==> 选择行军路线
  10808. selecting operation ==> 选择操作
  10809. selecting perennial vegetable ==> 多年生蔬菜选择
  10810. selecting priority ==> 选择优先权
  10811. selecting sap sample ==> 汁液选择
  10812. selecting sequence ==> 选择顺序
  10813. selecting single plant ==> 进行单株选择
  10814. selecting switch for types of operation ==> 操作方式选择开关
  10815. selecting transfer cam ==> 转移三角
  10816. selecting unit ==> 选择器
  10817. selection ==> 选择,选择作用,指定终端站,拨号,(生物)淘汰=>選択
  10818. selection algorithm ==> 选择算法=>選択アルゴリズム
  10819. selection analysis ==> 選択分析
  10820. selection approach ==> 选择手段=>選択アプローチ
  10821. selection arrangement ==> 選択装置
  10822. selection assay ==> 選択分析
  10823. selection behavior ==> 選択行動
  10824. selection bias ==> 选择偏倚
  10825. selection board ==> 人员选择委员会
  10826. selection check ==> 选择检验
  10827. selection circuit ==> 选择电路
  10828. selection coefficient ==> 选择系数
  10829. selection command ==> 选择命令,用于将装置的若干部件之一连接到公用设备上的命令
  10830. selection consultant ==> 人员选择咨询师
  10831. selection control ==> 选择控制
  10832. selection coppice system ==> 择伐矮林作业
  10833. selection core matrix ==> 选择磁心矩阵
  10834. selection criterion ==> 选种标准
  10835. selection culture method ==> 选择配养法
  10836. selection cutting ==> 择伐,择伐式间伐
  10837. selection differential ==> 选择差别
  10838. selection effect ==> 选择效应
  10839. selection electrode ==> 离子选择电极
  10840. selection element ==> 选择元件
  10841. selection felling ==> 择伐
  10842. selection filter ==> 選択フィルタ
  10843. selection for high protein ==> 高蛋白选择
  10844. selection forest ==> 择伐林
  10845. selection from introduced seed ==> 从大批引种中选育的
  10846. selection from natural crosses ==> 从自然杂交中选出来的
  10847. selection function ==> 选择函数
  10848. selection gene ==> 選択遺伝子
  10849. selection guide ==> 選択ガイド
  10850. selection hypothesis ==> 淘汰仮説
  10851. selection in segregating generations ==> 分离世代的选择
  10852. selection index ==> 选择指数
  10853. selection index method ==> 选择指数法
  10854. selection intensity ==> 选择强度
  10855. selection interview ==> 人员选择访谈
  10856. selection key ==> 选择键
  10857. selection level meter ==> 选频电平表
  10858. selection lever ==> 选择杆
  10859. selection limit ==> 选择极限
  10860. selection matrix ==> 选择矩阵
  10861. selection mechanism ==> 选择机构
  10862. selection method ==> 择伐作业
  10863. selection methods ==> 选择法
  10864. selection of a high yielding variety ==> 选择高产品种
  10865. selection of athletes ==> 运动员选材
  10866. selection of average ==> 平均数的选择
  10867. selection of channel ==> 选择运销通路
  10868. selection of community ==> 群落选择
  10869. selection of edge pixel ==> エッジ画素選択
  10870. selection of feed ==> 进给选择
  10871. selection of firing position ==> 选择射击阵地
  10872. selection of indicator ==> 指示剂的选择
  10873. selection of main auxiliary equipment ==> 主要辅机选择,根据发电厂主设备选型方案,选择与之相匹配的各工艺系统的主要辅机
  10874. selection of main equipment ==> 主设备选择,根据工程具体情况和技术经济论证选择合适容量和性能参数的机组,一般采用的机组应满足节能降耗、污染物减排、节约用水的基本要求
  10875. selection of mating stock ==> 选择配种用畜
  10876. selection of mother trees ==> 母树选择
  10877. selection of risks ==> 风险的取舍
  10878. selection of scionwood ==> 接穗的选择
  10879. selection of seed by salt solution ==> 盐水选种
  10880. selection of single traits ==> 单独性状选择
  10881. selection of the second best course of action ==> 选择次优方案
  10882. selection of water source ==> 水源选择
  10883. selection parameter ==> 选择参数
  10884. selection path ==> 选择通路
  10885. selection piece ==> 选针片
  10886. selection plan ==> 选种方案,选种计划
  10887. selection plugboard ==> 选择插件板
  10888. selection pressure ==> 选择压力
  10889. selection principle ==> 选择原则
  10890. selection pulse ==> 脉冲选取
  10891. selection ratio ==> 选择比
  10892. selection replacement technique ==> 选择替换技术
  10893. selection response ==> 选择反应
  10894. selection rule ==> 選択則
  10895. selection rules ==> 选择定则
  10896. selection rules for atomic spectra ==> 原子光谱选择定则
  10897. selection scheme ==> 选择方案
  10898. selection schemer ==> 选择路线
  10899. selection signal ==> 選択信号
  10900. selection slit ==> 选择狭缝,粒子选择狭缝
  10901. selection statement ==> 选择语句
  10902. selection statistic ==> 选择统计量
  10903. selection system ==> 择伐作业
  10904. selection system of natural regeneration ==> 择伐更新法
  10905. selection theory ==> 选择学说
  10906. selection thinning ==> 择伐式疏伐
  10907. selection transportation ==> 选择搬运
  10908. selection unit ==> 选择单位
  10909. selection winding ==> 选择绕组
  10910. selection wire ==> 选择线
  10911. selection with water ==> 水选
  10912. selectionary tariff ==> 选择关税
  10913. selectionism ==> 选择学说
  10914. selections from introductions ==> 从引种中选择出来
  10915. selective ==> 选择性的=>選択的な,差別的な,精選された,目が肥えた,分離度が良い
  10916. selective ability ==> 選択能力
  10917. selective ablation ==> 選択的除去
  10918. selective abortion ==> 選択的中絶
  10919. selective about wearability ==> 衣類の着こなしにうるさい
  10920. selective absorbability ==> 选择吸收性能
  10921. selective absorbent ==> 选择性滤光片=>選択的吸収剤
  10922. selective absorber ==> 选择吸收体
  10923. selective absorption ==> 选择吸收=>選択吸収,選択吸音
  10924. selective absorption process ==> 選択吸収過程
  10925. selective acidizing ==> 选择性酸处理,选择性酸化
  10926. selective action ==> 选择作用
  10927. selective addressing ==> 选择寻址
  10928. selective administration ==> 选择参入
  10929. selective adsorbent ==> 选择性吸附剂
  10930. selective adsorption ==> 选择吸附
  10931. selective advance ==> 选择增效
  10932. selective advantage ==> 选择优势,选择有利性
  10933. selective affinity ==> 选择亲和力,选择性亲和力
  10934. selective aggregation ==> 选择性聚集
  10935. selective albuminuria ==> 选择性蛋白尿
  10936. selective alkylation ==> 选择性烃化反应
  10937. selective alkylation process ==> 选择性烷基化过程
  10938. selective amplifier ==> 周波数選択性増幅器
  10939. selective angiography ==> 选择性动脉造影
  10940. selective annealing ==> 选择退火,局部退火,局部退火
  10941. selective anodic process ==> 选择性阳极过程
  10942. selective arteriography ==> 选择性动脉造影
  10943. selective assembly ==> 选择装配
  10944. selective assembly manufacturing ==> 选择装配式制造
  10945. selective attachment ==> 选择性粘附
  10946. selective attack ==> 局部腐蚀,局部腐蚀
  10947. selective audio amplifier ==> 选择声频放大器
  10948. selective bacterial leaching ==> 选择性细菌浸出
  10949. selective bacteriostasis ==> 选择性抑菌作用
  10950. selective beacon radar ==> 选择信标雷达
  10951. selective block sequence ==> 选定多层焊次序,顺序分段焊接法
  10952. selective bombing ==> 选择性轰炸
  10953. selective bottom-up ==> 自底向上选择
  10954. selective breeding ==> 选择育种
  10955. selective bronchography ==> 选择性支气管造影术
  10956. selective browsing ==> (畜牧)选择性啃草
  10957. selective call ==> 选择呼叫
  10958. selective call with dual voice frequency ==> 双音频选叫
  10959. selective calling ==> 选台,选择呼叫
  10960. selective calling device and talking set ==> 选叫通话箱
  10961. selective calling system ==> 选择呼叫系统,选择呼叫装置,拨号呼叫系统
  10962. selective capture ==> 选择俘获
  10963. selective carburizing ==> 局部渗碳,局部渗碳
  10964. selective carryover ==> 选择性携带,锅炉蒸汽在不同压力下能选择性地溶解携带锅水中某些盐类的现象
  10965. selective catalytic conversion ==> 选择催化转化
  10966. selective catalytic cracking ==> 选择催化裂化
  10967. selective catalytic reactor ==> 选择性催化反应器
  10968. selective catalytic reduction ==> 选择性催化还原作用
  10969. selective catalytic reduction, SCR ==> 选择性催化还原,在催化剂的作用下,喷入氨把烟气中的NOX还原成N2和H2O,还原剂以NH3为主,催化剂有贵金属和非贵金属两类
  10970. selective category ==> 选择范畴
  10971. selective channel ==> 选择性信道
  10972. selective check ==> 选择检验
  10973. selective chelating resin ==> 选择性螯合树脂
  10974. selective circuit ==> 选择电路,选择性电路
  10975. selective code ==> 选择代码
  10976. selective color filter ==> 选择滤色器
  10977. selective combustion ==> 选择性燃烧
  10978. selective consonance ==> 选择谐振
  10979. selective contact ==> 选择性接触
  10980. selective control ==> 选择性控制=>選択制御
  10981. selective controls ==> 局部控制,局部控制
  10982. selective conversion ==> 选择性转化
  10983. selective corrosion ==> 选择腐蚀,选择性腐蚀,局部腐蚀,局部腐蚀,局部腐蚀作用,局部腐蚀作用
  10984. selective cracking ==> 选择裂化
  10985. selective cracking process ==> 选择裂化
  10986. selective credit control ==> 选择性信贷控制,选择性信用管理,信用质量控制
  10987. selective credit controls ==> 局部信贷控制,局部信贷控制
  10988. selective crude ==> 特定原油
  10989. selective crushing ==> 优先破碎
  10990. selective culture ==> 选择培养
  10991. selective culture medium ==> 选择性培养基
  10992. selective cupping ==> 伐前选采法
  10993. selective cutting ==> 选择砍伐
  10994. selective demodulation ==> 选择性反调制
  10995. selective deposition ==> 选择性沉积
  10996. selective depressant ==> 选择性抑制剂
  10997. selective destructive hydrogenation ==> 选择破坏加氢
  10998. selective detection ==> 选择性检测
  10999. selective differential relay ==> 选择性差动继电器
  11000. selective diffuser ==> 选择扩散器,选择性扩散器
  11001. selective diffusion ==> 选择扩散=>選択拡散
  11002. selective digging ==> 分类挖土
  11003. selective digit emitter ==> 选择数字发送器
  11004. selective dimerization ==> 选择性二叠合
  11005. selective dip soldering ==> 选择浸渍焊接
  11006. selective displacement ==> 选择性顶替
  11007. selective display ==> 选择显示
  11008. selective dissemination of information ==> 选择性信息提供,信息选择传布
  11009. selective dissemination of information (SDI) ==> 定题情报提供
  11010. selective distortion ==> 选择性扭曲
  11011. selective distribution ==> 选择性分配
  11012. selective diversity combining ==> 选择合并
  11013. selective doping ==> 选择掺杂
  11014. selective drainage method ==> 选择排流法
  11015. selective dump ==> 选择性打印,选择转储=>指定域ダンプ
  11016. selective electrode ==> 选择电极
  11017. selective elemination ==> 选择性消灭
  11018. selective elution ==> 选择性洗提
  11019. selective emission ==> 选择放射=>選択放出
  11020. selective employment tax ==> 特定就业税
  11021. selective enrichment ==> 选择富集
  11022. selective entraining agents ==> 选择性携带剂
  11023. selective entropy ==> 选择熵
  11024. selective erase ==> 选择消磁,局部擦除,局部擦除
  11025. selective erasing ==> 随机擦除,选择性擦除
  11026. selective erasure ==> 选择性消除
  11027. selective etchant ==> 选择腐蚀剂
  11028. selective etching ==> 选择腐蚀=>選択エッチング
  11029. selective evaporation ==> 选择性蒸发
  11030. selective excitation ==> 选择激发,选择激发机理
  11031. selective extractant ==> 选择性萃取剂
  11032. selective extraction ==> 选择提取
  11033. selective fading ==> 选择性衰落=>選択性フェージング
  11034. selective feeder ==> 选择进料器
  11035. selective felling ==> 选伐
  11036. selective fermentation ==> 选择性发酵
  11037. selective fertilization ==> 选择受精,选择性受精
  11038. selective filling ==> 选别充填
  11039. selective filter ==> 选择性滤光器
  11040. selective finishing ==> 选择精制
  11041. selective fit ==> 选择配合
  11042. selective flocculation ==> 选择性絮凝
  11043. selective flocculator ==> 选择性絮凝剂
  11044. selective flooding routing ==> 选择扩散式路径确定
  11045. selective flotation ==> 选择性浮选,优先浮选
  11046. selective focus ==> 选择聚焦
  11047. selective fracturing ==> 选择性压裂
  11048. selective freezing ==> 选择结晶
  11049. selective frequency control ==> 选择频率控制=>選択周波数制御(SFC)
  11050. selective fusion ==> 选择熔化
  11051. selective gapper ==> 选择式间苗机
  11052. selective gas precipitation ==> 通气选择性沉淀
  11053. selective gate ==> 选通电路
  11054. selective gear ==> 配换齿轮
  11055. selective gear drive ==> 选择齿轮传动
  11056. selective gear shift ==> 选择性变速
  11057. selective gear shifting ==> 选择性变速
  11058. selective gear transmission ==> 选择齿轮式变速器
  11059. selective gears ==> 选速齿轮箱
  11060. selective getter ==> 选择性吸气剂
  11061. selective grants ==> 特定补贴
  11062. selective grazing ==> 选择放牧,选择性放牧
  11063. selective grinding ==> 选磨
  11064. selective growth ==> 選択成長
  11065. selective hardening ==> 选择硬化,局部淬硬,局部淬硬
  11066. selective heating ==> 局部加热,局部加热,选择性加热,差别加热
  11067. selective herbicide ==> 选择性除草剂
  11068. selective high pruning ==> 选木打枝
  11069. selective hydrodesulfurization ==> 选择性加氢脱硫
  11070. selective hydrogenation process ==> 选择性加氢过程
  11071. selective hydrolysis ==> 优选水解
  11072. selective hydrotreatment ==> 选择加氢处理
  11073. selective hypoaldosteronism ==> 选择性低醛固酮症,选择性醛甾酮过少症
  11074. selective identification ==> 选择识别
  11075. selective identification feature ==> 选择鉴别特征
  11076. selective immunoglobulin deficiency ==> 选择性免疫球蛋白缺少症
  11077. selective impulse ==> 选通脉冲
  11078. selective indexing ==> 选择性标引法
  11079. selective indicator dilution curve determination ==> 选择性指示剂稀释曲线测定
  11080. selective information ==> 选择性信息
  11081. selective instability ==> 选择不稳定度
  11082. selective interchangeability ==> 选择互换性
  11083. selective interconnection ==> 选择布线
  11084. selective interference ==> 选择性干扰,窄带干扰=>選択混信
  11085. selective inventory control ==> 选择性存货管理,分级存货管理
  11086. selective inverse feedback ==> 选择性负反馈
  11087. selective ion exchange ==> 选择性离子交换
  11088. selective ionization gauge ==> 选择性的电离压力计
  11089. selective isotope absorption ==> 选择性同位素吸收
  11090. selective jammer ==> 选择性干扰机
  11091. selective jamming ==> 选择性干扰
  11092. selective jettison ==> 选择投弃
  11093. selective leaching ==> 选择浸出,局部浸出,局部浸出
  11094. selective left sided cardiography ==> 左心选择性造影
  11095. selective level measuring equipment ==> 选择性电平测量设备
  11096. selective level meter ==> 选频电平表
  11097. selective lever ==> 选速杆
  11098. selective listing ==> 选择列表
  11099. selective loading ==> 选择装载
  11100. selective localization ==> 选择性定位=>選択の局部化
  11101. selective logging ==> 选伐,选择砍伐
  11102. selective loop transferring ==> 选择移圈
  11103. selective mark insertion ==> 选择标记插入
  11104. selective masking ==> 选择屏蔽
  11105. selective maturation ==> 选择成熟
  11106. selective measuring system ==> 选择测量系统
  11107. selective medium ==> 选择培养基,选择性培养基
  11108. selective membrane ==> 选择性膜
  11109. selective metasomatism ==> 选择交代作用
  11110. selective methylation process ==> 选择性甲基化过程
  11111. selective migration ==> 选择泳移
  11112. selective mineral element ==> 选择性无机元素
  11113. selective mining ==> 选择性开采法
  11114. selective mixed-phase cracking ==> 选择混合相裂化
  11115. selective mutant ==> 选择性突变性
  11116. selective mutation ==> 选择性突变
  11117. selective negative feedback ==> 选择负反馈
  11118. selective network ==> 选择性网络
  11119. selective nitriding ==> 局部氮化,局部氮化,局部渗氮,局部渗氮
  11120. selective noise-detection circuit ==> 选择噪声检波电路
  11121. selective non-catalytic reduction, SNCR ==> 选择性非催化还原,将含有NH3基的还原剂,喷入炉膛温度为800~1100℃的区域,该还原剂迅速热分解成NH3,无须经过催化剂的催化,直接与烟气中的NOx进行反应生成N2的工艺
  11122. selective nursery ==> 选种圃
  11123. selective nutrition ==> 选择营养
  11124. selective optical lock-on ==> 选择性光学自动跟踪
  11125. selective osmosis ==> 选择性渗透作用
  11126. selective oxidation ==> 選択酸化
  11127. selective oxidation process ==> 选择氧化工艺
  11128. selective oxide etching ==> 氧化物选择腐蚀
  11129. selective oxide flo(a)tation ==> 氧化物优先浮选
  11130. selective pairing ==> 选配
  11131. selective permeability ==> 选择穿透性,选择通透性,选择透性
  11132. selective permeation ==> 选择性渗透
  11133. selective photoeffect ==> 选择性光电效应
  11134. selective photoelectric effect ==> 选择性光电效应
  11135. selective photoeletric emission ==> 选择性光电子发射
  11136. selective plating ==> 选择镀
  11137. selective poison ==> 选择毒物
  11138. selective polymer ==> 选择聚合物
  11139. selective polymerization ==> 选择聚合
  11140. selective polymerization process ==> 选择聚合过程
  11141. selective power ==> 选择能力
  11142. selective precipitation ==> 选择沉淀
  11143. selective preference ==> 优选
  11144. selective process ==> 选择过程
  11145. selective protection ==> 选择性保护
  11146. selective protection method ==> 选择性保护法
  11147. selective proteinuria ==> 选择性蛋白尿
  11148. selective pulse ==> 选择脉冲=>選択パルス
  11149. selective pumping ==> 选择抽运
  11150. selective purchase ==> 选购商品
  11151. selective quenching ==> 选择淬火
  11152. selective quota ==> 选择性配额
  11153. selective quotation ==> 選択的引用
  11154. selective radiation ==> 选择辐射=>選択放射
  11155. selective radiator ==> 选择辐射体=>選択放射体
  11156. selective radiometer ==> 选择辐射计,选择性辐射计
  11157. selective reabsorption ==> 选择性再吸收,选择性重吸收
  11158. selective reaction ==> 选择性反应
  11159. selective reactivation property ==> 选择再活化性
  11160. selective reagent ==> 选择试剂
  11161. selective receiver ==> 选择接收机
  11162. selective receiving circuit ==> 选择接收电路
  11163. selective reception ==> 选择接收
  11164. selective recrystallization ==> 选择性再结晶,优先再结晶
  11165. selective rectification ==> 选择精馏
  11166. selective reduction ==> 选择性还原
  11167. selective reflection ==> 选择反射
  11168. selective reflectivity ==> 选择反射能力
  11169. selective refraction ==> 选择折射
  11170. selective reject ==> 拒选,拒选
  11171. selective relay ==> 选择性继电器=>選択継電器
  11172. selective removal ==> 选择去除
  11173. selective renal arteriography ==> 选择性肾动脉造影
  11174. selective renal tubular dysfunction ==> 选择性肾小管功能障碍
  11175. selective replacement ==> 选择交代,选择交代作用
  11176. selective resonance ==> 选择共振=>選択共振
  11177. selective retention ==> 选择性保留
  11178. selective right cardiography ==> 选择性右心造影术
  11179. selective ringing ==> 选择振铃
  11180. selective rodenticide ==> 选择性杀鼠剂
  11181. selective role ==> 選択的な役割
  11182. selective root application ==> 选择性根部施药
  11183. selective rule ==> 选择规则
  11184. selective sales taxes ==> 特别销售税
  11185. selective sampler ==> 选择性采样器
  11186. selective sampling ==> 选择抽样
  11187. selective scattering ==> 选择散射
  11188. selective scattering of light ==> 光的选择性散射
  11189. selective screen ==> 选择滤色片
  11190. selective searching ==> 选择搜索
  11191. selective sensitivity ==> 选择性灵敏度
  11192. selective separation ==> 选择性分离
  11193. selective sequence calculator ==> 选择程序计算机
  11194. selective sequential ==> 选择顺序
  11195. selective service ==> 征兵
  11196. selective service law ==> 选征兵役法
  11197. selective service system ==> 选征兵役制
  11198. selective short-circuit relay ==> 短絡回路選択継電器(SS)
  11199. selective signal ==> 选择信号=>選出信号
  11200. selective signalling ==> 选择信号装置
  11201. selective sliding gear ==> 滑动变速齿轮,滑移配速轮
  11202. selective solubility diffusion ==> 选择性溶解扩散
  11203. selective solvent ==> 选择溶剂,选择性溶剂,有选择的溶剂
  11204. selective solvent extracted oil ==> 选择性溶剂抽提油
  11205. selective solvent extraction ==> 选择溶剂提取,选择性溶剂抽提
  11206. selective solvent extraction method ==> 选择性溶剂提取法
  11207. selective solvent method ==> 溶剂选择法
  11208. selective solvent process ==> 选择性溶剂过程
  11209. selective sorbent ==> 选择性吸着剂
  11210. selective sorting ==> 优先拣选
  11211. selective species ==> 选种
  11212. selective speed gear ==> 配速齿轮
  11213. selective spherical agglomeration ==> 选择性球状团聚
  11214. selective stacker ==> 选择接卡箱
  11215. selective staining ==> 选择染色
  11216. selective structure ==> 选择性结构
  11217. selective surface ==> 选择性表面
  11218. selective switchgear ==> 选择转换开关
  11219. selective system ==> 选择系统
  11220. selective system of gear changing ==> 变速箱的选择机构,变速箱选择机构
  11221. selective system of preference ==> 选择性优惠关税制度
  11222. selective tempering ==> 局部回火,局部回火
  11223. selective tender ==> 选择性招标
  11224. selective test ==> 选择性试验
  11225. selective thinning ==> 选择砍伐稀疏
  11226. selective tint correction circuits ==> 选择色调校正电路
  11227. selective top-down ==> 顺选,自顶向下选择
  11228. selective toxicity ==> 选择毒性,选择性毒性
  11229. selective trace ==> 选择跟踪
  11230. selective tracing routine ==> 选择追踪程序
  11231. selective track ==> 选择道
  11232. selective transducer ==> 选择性换能器
  11233. selective translocated spray ==> 选择性内吸传导型叶片喷药
  11234. selective transmission ==> 选择变速器,选择式变速器
  11235. selective transmittance ==> 选择透射率
  11236. selective transposition ==> 选择交叉
  11237. selective treatment ==> 选择性处理
  11238. selective tripping ==> 选择断路
  11239. selective tripping system ==> 选择断路系统
  11240. selective tucking ==> 选针集圈
  11241. selective type herbicidal oil ==> 选择性除莠油
  11242. selective updating ==> 选择性信息更新
  11243. selective vagotomy ==> 选择性迷走神经切断术
  11244. selective value ==> 选择值
  11245. selective volatilization ==> 选择挥发
  11246. selective weather data communication ==> 气象数据选择通信
  11247. selective weathering ==> 选择风化作用,选择性风化
  11248. selective weeding ==> 选择性除莠
  11249. selective wetting ==> 优先润湿
  11250. selective yellow ==> 局部黄色
  11251. selective-access display ==> 随机显示
  11252. selective-preferential type ==> 优择方式
  11253. selective-solvent-refined oil ==> 选择性溶剂精制油
  11254. selectivity ==> 选择性,杀虫剂选择性=>選択性,選択度
  11255. selectivity characteristic ==> 选择特性,时限特性
  11256. selectivity clause ==> 选择条款
  11257. selectivity coefficient ==> 选择系数
  11258. selectivity constant ==> 选择常数
  11259. selectivity control ==> 选择性调整
  11260. selectivity curve ==> 选择性曲线
  11261. selectivity diagram ==> 选择性图
  11262. selectivity factor ==> 选择因数
  11263. selectivity index ==> 选择指数
  11264. selectivity of fertilization ==> 受精选择性
  11265. selectivity of protection ==> 保護の選択性, The ability of a protection to identify the faulty section and/or phase(s) of a power system.
  11266. selectivity of relay protection ==> 继电保护选择性,继电保护装置检出电力系统故障点(故障区或相)的能力
  11267. selectivity Q ==> 选择性系数Q
  11268. selectivity ratio ==> 选择比
  11269. selectivity scale ==> 选择标度
  11270. selectophore ==> 选择基
  11271. selector ==> 选数器,选速器,选择器,分选炉,干扰雷达用的金属带,换档器=>選別器,セレクタ
  11272. selector bar ==> 变速杆,转换杆
  11273. selector bit ==> 选针片
  11274. selector blade ==> 分选器叶片
  11275. selector block ==> 选择字块
  11276. selector button ==> 选择按钮,选择器按钮,变速按钮
  11277. selector carrying capacity ==> 选择器负荷容量
  11278. selector channel ==> 选择通道=>選択チャネル
  11279. selector circuit ==> 选择器电路=>選出回路
  11280. selector code ==> 选择码
  11281. selector dial ==> 选择器标度盘
  11282. selector disc ==> 选择圆盘
  11283. selector fork ==> 变速叉,换档叉
  11284. selector installation ==> 选择器装置
  11285. selector key ==> セレクタ電けん
  11286. selector magnet ==> 拨号电磁铁
  11287. selector marker ==> 选择指点标,选择指示器
  11288. selector mechanism ==> 选择机构
  11289. selector panel ==> 选择器架
  11290. selector pen ==> 选择笔
  11291. selector pen attention ==> 光笔注意信号
  11292. selector plug ==> 选择器塞头
  11293. selector pushbutton ==> 选择器按钮
  11294. selector register ==> 选择器的寄存器
  11295. selector relay ==> 选择继电器,选择器继电器
  11296. selector repeater ==> セレクタレピータ
  11297. selector rod ==> 选择器杆,变速叉杆
  11298. selector rod housing ==> 变速杆罩
  11299. selector shaft guide ==> 选择器轴的导槽
  11300. selector shelf ==> 选择器架=>セレクタセルフ
  11301. selector stepping magnet ==> 选择器步进磁铁
  11302. selector switch ==> 选线开关,选线器,选择器开关
  11303. selector valve ==> 选择阀,选择活门,分配阀,手控阀
  11304. selector valve body ==> 分配阀壳体
  11305. selector-pulse generator ==> 选择脉冲发生器
  11306. selector-repeater ==> 选择器增音机,分区断接器,增音选择器,区别机
  11307. selectrifiner ==> 磨选机
  11308. selectro screen ==> 可变偏心筛
  11309. selectron ==> 选数管
  11310. selectron storage ==> 选数管存储器
  11311. seleium-glutathion peroxidase system ==> 硒谷胱甘肽过氧化酶系
  11312. selelctive oxidation ==> 分别氧化
  11313. selemium nutrition ==> 硒营养
  11314. selemium oxyfluoride ==> 氟氧化硒
  11315. selen-tellurjum ==> 硒碲
  11316. selenate ==> 硒酸盐
  11317. selene ==> 月形物
  11318. selenic acid ==> 硒酸
  11319. selenic photoelectric cell ==> 硒光电管
  11320. selenide ==> 硒化物
  11321. selenio-siegenite ==> 硒硫镍钴矿
  11322. selenious ==> 二价硒的
  11323. selenious acid ==> 亚硒酸
  11324. selenite ==> 亚硒酸盐,透明石膏,透石膏
  11325. selenitic cement ==> 透明石膏质水泥
  11326. selenitum ==> 玄精石
  11327. selenium ==> 硒=>セレン(元素,Se)
  11328. selenium (toxic metal) ==> 硒(有毒金属)
  11329. selenium bromide ==> 溴化硒,溴化硒
  11330. selenium cell ==> 硒光电池=>セレン光電池
  11331. selenium chloride ==> 氯化硒
  11332. selenium conductive cell ==> 硒光敏电阻
  11333. selenium conductive photocell ==> 硒光电池
  11334. selenium contamination ==> 硒污染
  11335. selenium copper ==> 硒铜
  11336. selenium dialkyl ==> 二烷基硒
  11337. selenium dimethyl ==> 二甲硒
  11338. selenium dioxide ==> 二氧化硒
  11339. selenium dipropyl ==> 二丙硒
  11340. selenium disulfide ==> 二硫化硒
  11341. selenium halides ==> 卤化硒
  11342. selenium intoxication ==> 硒中毒
  11343. selenium methide ==> 二甲硒
  11344. selenium methionine ==> 蛋氨酸硒
  11345. selenium mixture ==> 硒合剂
  11346. selenium nitride ==> 氮化硒
  11347. selenium oxide ==> 二氧化硒
  11348. selenium oxychloride ==> 二氯氧化硒
  11349. selenium oxyfluoride ==> 二氟氧化硒
  11350. selenium photocell ==> 硒光电池
  11351. selenium photometer ==> 硒光度计
  11352. selenium pile ==> 硒堆
  11353. selenium poisoning ==> 硒中毒
  11354. selenium propyl ==> 二丙硒
  11355. selenium rectifier ==> 硒整流=>セレン整流器
  11356. selenium rectifier for battery charging ==> 电池充电用硒整流器
  11357. selenium rectifier welder ==> 硒整流焊机
  11358. selenium stack ==> 硒堆
  11359. selenium stack type rectifier ==> 叠片型硒整流器
  11360. selenium stainless steel ==> 硒不锈钢
  11361. selenium steel ==> 加硒钢
  11362. selenium sulfide ==> 硫化硒
  11363. selenium toner ==> 硒调色剂
  11364. selenium-cell relay ==> 硒光电池继电器
  11365. selenium-layer vidicon ==> 硒层视像管
  11366. selenizing ==> 硒化
  11367. selenocentric coordinate system ==> 月心坐标系
  11368. selenocentric trajectory ==> 月心轨迹
  11369. selenocosalite ==> 硒铜辉铅铋矿
  11370. selenocystathionine ==> 丙氨酸丁氨酸硒醚
  11371. selenodesy ==> 月面测量,月面测量学
  11372. selenodont ==> 月齿动物
  11373. selenofault ==> 月面断层
  11374. selenogamia ==> 月夜梦行症
  11375. selenograph ==> 月面图
  11376. selenographic coordinates ==> 月面坐标
  11377. selenographic latitude ==> 月面纬度
  11378. selenographic longitude ==> 月面经度
  11379. selenographic projection ==> 月面投影
  11380. selenography ==> 月面学,月球物理学
  11381. selenoid bodies ==> 新月形小体
  11382. selenology ==> 月球学
  11383. Selenomonas ==> 月形单胞菌属
  11384. selenomorphology ==> 月面形态学
  11385. selenone ==> 硒砜
  11386. selenophone ==> 照相录声机
  11387. selenophysical measurement ==> 月球物理测量
  11388. selenophysical phenomena ==> 月球物理现象
  11389. selenophysics ==> 月球物理学
  11390. selenoplegia ==> 月光病
  11391. selenosis ==> 硒中毒
  11392. selenothermy ==> 月热
  11393. selenotrope ==> 月光反射器
  11394. selenous ==> 二价硒的
  11395. selenous acid anhydride ==> 二氧化硒
  11396. selenous anhydride ==> 二氧化硒
  11397. selenoxide ==> 硒亚砜
  11398. selenyl ==> 氢硒基,氧硒基
  11399. seleroscope ==> 反跳硬度计
  11400. selerotium blight of rice ==> 稻菌核病
  11401. self ==> 自身,自我
  11402. self acting brake ==> 自动制动器
  11403. self acting control ==> 自动控制
  11404. self acting door ==> 自动开关双扇风门
  11405. self acting ejector ==> 自动抽逐器
  11406. self acting injector ==> 自动喷射器
  11407. self acting lubrication ==> 自动润滑器
  11408. self acting stop valve ==> 自动关闭阀
  11409. self acting valve ==> 自动阀
  11410. self actuated controller ==> 直接调整器
  11411. self adapting ==> 自适应
  11412. self adapting computer ==> 自适应计算机
  11413. self adaptive flight control system ==> 自适应飞行控制系统
  11414. self adhesive material ==> 自粘合材料
  11415. self adjusting ==> 自动调节的
  11416. self adjusting system ==> 自调节系统
  11417. self aging ==> 自然老化
  11418. self align ==> 自己整合
  11419. self aligned ==> 自对准的
  11420. self aligned approach ==> 自对准法
  11421. self aligned ccd ==> 自对准电荷耦合装置
  11422. self aligned contact ==> 自对准接触
  11423. self aligned electrode ==> 自对准电极
  11424. self aligned gate ==> 自对准栅
  11425. self aligned gate fet ==> 自对准栅场效应晶体管
  11426. self aligned gate mos ==> 自对准栅金属氧化物半导体
  11427. self aligned injector ==> 自对准注入器
  11428. self aligned integraed circuit ==> 自对准集成电路
  11429. self aligned photoresist process ==> 自对准光刻工艺
  11430. self aligned polycide ==> 自对准多晶硅化物
  11431. self aligned polysilicon process ==> 自对准多晶硅工艺
  11432. self aligned schottky fet ==> 自对准肖特基栅场效应晶体管
  11433. self aligned semiconductor device ==> 自对准型半导体装置
  11434. self aligned thick oxide ==> 自对准厚氧化膜
  11435. self aligning ==> 自动对准
  11436. self aligning ball bearing ==> 自动祷滚珠轴承
  11437. self aligning bearing ==> 自动的轴承
  11438. self aligning double row ball bearing ==> 自位对排滚珠轴承
  11439. self aligning radial ball bearing ==> 自动祷滚珠轴承
  11440. self aligning roller bearing ==> 自调位滚柱轴承
  11441. self aligning torque ==> 自位扭矩
  11442. self alignment ==> 自对准=>セルフアライメント
  11443. self annealing ==> 自行退火,(锻后的)自退火
  11444. self antigen ==> 自体抗原
  11445. self assembler ==> 自汇编程序
  11446. self bailing boat ==> 自动泄水救生艇
  11447. self baking electrode ==> 自焙电极
  11448. self balancing ==> 自平衡
  11449. self balancing potentiometer ==> 自平衡电位计
  11450. self bias ==> 自偏压=>自己バイアス
  11451. self biased amplifier ==> 自偏放大器
  11452. self black seed coat ==> 纯褐色种皮
  11453. self brown seed coat ==> 纯褐色种皮
  11454. self capacitance ==> 自电容=>自己容量
  11455. self capacity ==> 自电容=>自己容量
  11456. self centering chuck ==> 自动定心卡盘
  11457. self centering seal ==> 自动定心密封
  11458. self charge ==> 自电荷
  11459. self checking code ==> 自校验码
  11460. self checking integrated circuit ==> 自检集成电路
  11461. self cleaning ==> 自然净化作用
  11462. self clock ==> 自计时
  11463. self closing door ==> 自关风门
  11464. self closing stop valve ==> 自闭阀
  11465. self color ==> 自然色
  11466. self commutated converter ==> 自励式変換器
  11467. self commutation ==> 自励(転流)
  11468. self compaction ==> 自挤压
  11469. self compensated motor ==> 自补偿电动机
  11470. self consistent field ==> 自洽场
  11471. self convergent yoke ==> 自动会聚偏转线圈
  11472. self cooled ==> 自冷却的
  11473. self cooled transformer ==> 自冷式变压器
  11474. self cooling ==> 自冷=>自冷
  11475. self correcting system ==> 自校正系统
  11476. self cross ==> 自交
  11477. self dataching hook ==> 分离钩
  11478. self debugger ==> 自调式程序
  11479. self demagnetization ==> 自退磁=>自己減磁
  11480. self demagnetizing force ==> 自退磁力
  11481. self developing resist ==> 自显影光刻胶
  11482. self diagnostics ==> 自诊断学
  11483. self differentiation ==> 本身分化
  11484. self discharge ==> 自放电=>自己放電
  11485. self draught beam ==> 自动索引木干
  11486. self drawbar ==> 自动索引木干
  11487. self dual circuit ==> 自对偶电路
  11488. self egg ==> 自动排卵
  11489. self embedding ==> 自嵌入
  11490. self endpapers ==> 书芯纸衬页
  11491. self excitation ==> 自励,自激=>自己励磁
  11492. self excitation conditions ==> 自激条件
  11493. self excitation threshold ==> 自激阈值
  11494. self excitation type inverter ==> 自励タイプインバータ
  11495. self excitation winding ==> 自励绕组
  11496. self excited ==> 自激的
  11497. self excited discharge ==> 自持放电
  11498. self excited generator ==> 自励发电机
  11499. self excited machine ==> 自励电机
  11500. self excited oscillations ==> 自激振荡
  11501. self excited sender ==> 自激发射机
  11502. self excited vibrations ==> 自激振动
  11503. self exciting motor ==> 自励电动机
  11504. self feed ==> 自动进给
  11505. self fertile ==> 自花能孕的
  11506. self fertility ==> 自交可结实性
  11507. self fertilization ==> 自花授精
  11508. self fertilizing ==> 自交受精
  11509. self finish ==> 清水面
  11510. self focusing ==> 自聚焦
  11511. self focusing beam ==> 自聚焦束
  11512. self focusing light ==> 自聚焦光
  11513. self focusing lightguide ==> 自聚焦光波导
  11514. self focusing property ==> 自聚焦能力
  11515. self focusing threshold ==> 自聚焦阈值
  11516. self forcusing ==> 自己集束
  11517. self generation ==> 自然发生
  11518. self grading ==> 自动分级
  11519. self grafting ==> 自己嫁接
  11520. self grinding machine ==> 自动磨床
  11521. self guidance ==> 自制导
  11522. self hardening ==> 空气硬化的
  11523. self hardening steel ==> 气硬钢
  11524. self heal ==> 夏枯草=>セルフヒール,シソ科の多年草
  11525. self healing ==> 自体愈合=>自己回復作用
  11526. self heated thermistor ==> 自热式热敏电阻
  11527. self heating ==> 自己加熱
  11528. self heterodyne ==> オートダイン
  11529. self hold ==> 自己保持
  11530. self holding circuit ==> 自保电路
  11531. self holding contact ==> 自保触点
  11532. self holding relay ==> 自保继电器
  11533. self homing ==> 自制导
  11534. self ignition ==> 自发火
  11535. self ignition condition ==> 自己点火条件
  11536. self ignition temperature ==> 自燃温度
  11537. self impedance ==> 固有阻抗=>自己インピーダンス
  11538. self incompatibility ==> 自交不亲和性
  11539. self incompatibility genes ==> 自交不亲和性基因
  11540. self induced transparency ==> 自感应透明
  11541. self induced vibrations ==> 自激振动
  11542. self inductance ==> 自感=>自己インダクタンス
  11543. self inductance current ==> 自感电流
  11544. self induction ==> 自感应=>自己誘導作用:電流が変化するとき,回路自身の中に,この電流による磁束の変化を妨げるような方向の起電力を誘起する。
  11545. self induction coil ==> 自感线圈
  11546. self induction e.m.f. ==> 自感电动势
  11547. self induction electromotive force ==> 自感电动势
  11548. self induction voltage ==> 自感电压
  11549. self infertile ==> 自交不孕的
  11550. self interval timer ==> 自动间隔计时器
  11551. self irradiation effect ==> 自辐照效应
  11552. self limiting chain reaction ==> 自限链式反应
  11553. self loading ==> 自举电路
  11554. self loading and unloading ship ==> 自动装卸船
  11555. self loading cartridge ==> 自动装入盒式磁盘带
  11556. self loading truck ==> 自动装卸式载重汽车
  11557. self locking ==> 自销
  11558. self locking nut ==> 自销螺母
  11559. self lubricating bearing ==> 自润滑轴承
  11560. self lubricating block ==> 自润滑车
  11561. self lubrication ==> 自动润滑
  11562. self luminosity ==> 自发光度
  11563. self maintained discharge ==> 自持放电
  11564. self maintained emission ==> 自持发射
  11565. self maintaining discharge ==> 自持放电
  11566. self maintaining nuclear chain reaction ==> 自持链核式反应
  11567. self masking epitaxy ==> 自掩蔽外延
  11568. self mass ==> 自镜像核
  11569. self mechanized gun ==> 自行火炮
  11570. self mobile robot ==> 自动机器人
  11571. self mode locking ==> 自锁模=>自己モード同期
  11572. self oil feeder ==> 自动注油器
  11573. self oiling ==> 自动润滑
  11574. self oiling bearing ==> 自润滑轴承
  11575. self oiling block ==> 自润滑车
  11576. self opening die head ==> 自动开合螺丝板牙切头
  11577. self organizing maps ==> 自己組織化マップ
  11578. self organizing program ==> 自组织程序
  11579. self orthogonal block code ==> 自正交块码
  11580. self oscillating regime ==> 自激振荡状态
  11581. self oscillation ==> 自激,自激振荡=>自励発振,自励振動
  11582. self oscillations ==> 自激振荡
  11583. self oxidation reduction reaction ==> 自身氧化还原反应
  11584. self pair correlation function ==> 自偶相关函数
  11585. self phasing ==> 自动相位稳定
  11586. self priming device ==> 自吸设备
  11587. self progeny ==> 自交后代
  11588. self programming ==> 程序自动化
  11589. self propelled barge ==> 自航驳船
  11590. self propelled combine ==> 自走式联合收获机
  11591. self purging trap ==> 自动净化槽
  11592. self purification ==> 自净酌
  11593. self purification process ==> 自净过程
  11594. self reactance ==> 固有电抗=>自己リアクタンス
  11595. self reading dosimeter ==> 自读剂量计
  11596. self reading pocket dosimeter ==> 自读式袖珍剂量计
  11597. self recognition ==> 自我识别
  11598. self recorder ==> 自动记录器自记器
  11599. self recording ==> 自动记录的
  11600. self recording apparatus ==> 自动记录设备
  11601. self recording pressure gauge ==> 自记压力计
  11602. self recording thermometer ==> 温度记录机
  11603. self register ==> 自动记录器
  11604. self registered gate ==> 自对准栅
  11605. self registration ==> 自配准
  11606. self regulated machine ==> 自调整电机
  11607. self regulating ==> 自行调整的
  11608. self regulation ==> 自动控制,自平衡
  11609. self regulation time ==> 自平衡时间
  11610. self relative address ==> 自己相対アドレス指定
  11611. self relocatable program ==> 可自行重新分配程序
  11612. self repair ==> 自动恢复
  11613. self reset ==> 自己復帰(継電器)
  11614. self resonance cancellation control ==> 自己共振相殺制御
  11615. self resonance cancellation disturbance observer ==> 自己共振相殺外乱オブザーバ
  11616. self restoration ==> 天然复壮
  11617. self restoring drop ==> 自复吊牌
  11618. self restoring relay ==> 自复归继电器
  11619. self restraint of boundary stress ==> 边缘应力的自限性
  11620. self retaining catheter ==> 潴留导尿管
  11621. self reversal of thermoremanent magnetism ==> 热剩余磁性的自反转
  11622. self reversing diesel engine ==> 直接逆转式柴油机
  11623. self saturated magnetic amplifier ==> 自饱和磁放大器
  11624. self scanning array ==> 自扫描天线阵
  11625. self scattering ==> 自散射
  11626. self scattering effect ==> 自散射效应
  11627. self sealing ==> 自密封
  11628. self seed ==> 自然播种
  11629. self sharpening ==> 自行刃磨
  11630. self shifting ==> 自动转换
  11631. self stabilization ==> 自动稳定
  11632. self stabilization of phase ==> 自动相位稳定
  11633. self standing system ==> 自固定系统
  11634. self start synchronous motor ==> 自动起动同步电动机
  11635. self starter ==> 自动起动器自动启动器
  11636. self starting method ==> 自起动法
  11637. self steering ==> 自动操向
  11638. self sterile ==> 自花不孕的
  11639. self sterility ==> 自花不孕性
  11640. self stopping worm ==> 自销蜗杆
  11641. self study ==> 自学习
  11642. self supported stack ==> 独立式烟囱
  11643. self supporting aerial cable ==> 自支持式架空电缆
  11644. self supporting film ==> 自保持薄膜
  11645. self supporting mast ==> 自立式电杆
  11646. self supporting tower ==> 自立式铁塔
  11647. self surge impedance ==> 波动阻抗
  11648. self sustained discharge ==> 自持放电
  11649. self sustained oscillations ==> 自持振荡
  11650. self sustained vibrations ==> 自激振动
  11651. self sustaining emission ==> 自持发射
  11652. self synchronization ==> 自动同步
  11653. self synchronizing method ==> 自同步法
  11654. self tapping screw ==> 自攻螺钉=>セルフタッピンねじ
  11655. self tempering ==> 自回火
  11656. self terminating oxidation ==> 自行终端氧化
  11657. self testing ==> 自测
  11658. self timer with infrared remote control ==> 红外线遥控自动定时器
  11659. self tolerance ==> 自身耐受性
  11660. self trimming hatchway ==> 自动平舱舱口
  11661. self trimming ship ==> 自动平舱船
  11662. self trimming tank ==> 自动平衡柜
  11663. self turn-off device ==> 自励素子
  11664. self ventilated motor ==> 自然通风电动机
  11665. self wallowing soil ==> 天然波状土
  11666. self wind ==> 自动上发条
  11667. self(-)binder ==> 自动割捆机
  11668. self(-)compensated motor ==> 自补偿电动机
  11669. self(-)restoring relay ==> 自复归继电器
  11670. self(-)scan barograph ==> 自扫描条图
  11671. self- excited multivibrator ==> 自激多谐振荡器
  11672. self- indulgence ==> 享乐欲
  11673. self- lift ==> 自动提升机
  11674. self- mutilation ==> 自残
  11675. self- poking arrangement ==> 自动搅拌装置
  11676. self-absorption ==> 自己吸収
  11677. self-absorption factor ==> 自我吸收因子
  11678. self-accelerating phase of growth ==> 生长自身加速阶段
  11679. self-acceleration ==> 自加速度,自身加速度
  11680. self-accusation ==> 自责
  11681. self-act ==> 自动
  11682. self-act travel ==> 自动行程
  11683. self-acting ==> 自动的=>自動の
  11684. self-acting (gravity) incline ==> 自重运输斜坡道
  11685. self-acting (rope) haulage ==> 自重运输
  11686. self-acting air bearing ==> 动压空气轴承
  11687. self-acting boring machine ==> 自动镗床
  11688. self-acting clutch ==> 自动离合器
  11689. self-acting controller ==> 自动控制
  11690. self-acting device ==> 自动装置
  11691. self-acting door ==> 自动开关风门
  11692. self-acting drilling machine ==> 自动钻床
  11693. self-acting feed ==> 自动进给,自动进料,自动走刀
  11694. self-acting grinding machine ==> 自动磨床
  11695. self-acting idler ==> 自调托滚
  11696. self-acting intermittent brake ==> 自动间歇制动器
  11697. self-acting lathe ==> 自动车床
  11698. self-acting lubricator ==> 自动注油器
  11699. self-acting milling machine ==> 自动铣床
  11700. self-acting mule ==> 自动机,走锭纺纱机
  11701. self-acting piano link regulator ==> (清棉机的)天平杆自动均匀装置
  11702. self-acting scale(s) ==> 自动秤
  11703. self-acting seal ==> 自紧密封
  11704. self-acting slope ==> 自动斜坡
  11705. self-acting thermos ==> 自动恒温器
  11706. self-acting thermostat ==> 自调恒温器
  11707. self-acting trailer coupling ==> 自动拖车联结器,自动拖挂装置
  11708. self-acting travel ==> 自动行程
  11709. self-acting twiner ==> 走锭拈线机
  11710. self-acting valve ==> 自动阀,自动活门
  11711. self-action ==> 自动
  11712. self-activated switch ==> 自激放电器
  11713. self-activating ==> 自激活动
  11714. self-activating orange smoke signal ==> 自然橙色烟雾信号
  11715. self-activation ==> 自激活
  11716. self-actor ==> 自动纺棉机,自动机
  11717. self-actor mule ==> 走锭纺纱机
  11718. self-actuated ==> 自行的
  11719. self-actuated contorl ==> 自力制御(自動制御)
  11720. self-actuated control ==> 自行控制
  11721. self-actuated controller ==> 直接调节器
  11722. self-actuating ==> 自动的
  11723. self-actuating brake ==> 自动刹车
  11724. self-adaptation ==> 自体适应
  11725. self-adaptation autopilot ==> 自适应自动驾驶仪,自适应自动驾驶仪
  11726. self-adaptation command receiving technique ==> 自适应指令接收技术
  11727. self-adaptation control ==> 自适应控制
  11728. self-adaptation system ==> 自适应系统
  11729. self-adapting ==> 自己適応の
  11730. self-adapting filter ==> 自适应滤波器
  11731. self-adapting system ==> 自适应系统
  11732. self-adaption ==> 自适应调节
  11733. self-adaptive ==> 自适应控制
  11734. self-adaptive autopilot ==> 自适应式自动驾驶仪
  11735. self-adaptive control system ==> 自适应控制系统
  11736. self-adaptive controller ==> 自适应控制器
  11737. self-adaptive damping ==> 自适应性阻尼,自适应阻尼
  11738. self-adaptive system ==> 自适应系统
  11739. self-adaptive-adjusting autopilot ==> 自适应式自动驾驶仪
  11740. self-adaptive-correcting autopilot ==> 自适应式自动驾驶仪
  11741. self-adhering film ==> 伸缩薄膜
  11742. self-adhesion ==> 自粘作用
  11743. self-adhesive ==> 自粘的
  11744. self-adhesive film ==> 粘着フィルム
  11745. self-adhesive label ==> 粘着ラベル
  11746. self-adhesive laminate ==> 自粘层压板
  11747. self-adhesive stamp ==> シール切手
  11748. self-adhesive sticker ==> 粘着ステッカー
  11749. self-adhesive tape ==> 自粘带
  11750. self-adjoint ==> 自伴的
  11751. self-adjoint boundary value problem ==> 自伴边值问题
  11752. self-adjoint differential equation ==> 自伴微分方程
  11753. self-adjoint differential operator ==> 自伴微分算子
  11754. self-adjoint elliptic differential operator ==> 自伴椭圆型微分算子
  11755. self-adjoint elliptic operator ==> 自伴椭圆型算子
  11756. self-adjoint equation ==> 自伴方程式
  11757. self-adjoint extension ==> 自伴扩张
  11758. self-adjoint linear differential equation ==> 自伴线性微分方程
  11759. self-adjoint operator ==> 自伴算子
  11760. self-adjoint partial differential operators ==> 自伴偏微分算子
  11761. self-adjoint spectral measure ==> 自伴谱测度
  11762. self-adjoint system ==> 自伴随系统
  11763. self-adjoint transformation ==> 自伴变换
  11764. self-adjointness ==> 自共轭性
  11765. self-adjustable ==> 自调的,可自动调节的
  11766. self-adjustable bearing ==> 自动调节轴承座,自动调整轴承
  11767. self-adjustable drill chuck ==> 自校钻夹,自调式钻卡
  11768. self-adjustable shock absorber ==> 自调式减振器,自动调整减震器
  11769. self-adjustable sliding bearing ==> 自调整滑动轴承
  11770. self-adjusting ==> 自动调整,自动调整的
  11771. self-adjusting arc welding ==> 自动调节电弧焊,自调电弧焊
  11772. self-adjusting automaton ==> 自动调节自动机
  11773. self-adjusting balance ==> 自调平衡
  11774. self-adjusting bearing ==> 自动调整式轴承
  11775. self-adjusting brake ==> 自动调整的制动器,自动调整制动器
  11776. self-adjusting brake head ==> 自动调整闸瓦托
  11777. self-adjusting control ==> 自调整控制
  11778. self-adjusting gland ==> 自调整汽封,利用蒸汽压差变化,自动调整漏汽间隙的汽封
  11779. self-adjusting jaw vice ==> 自调口虎钳
  11780. self-adjusting line of sight ==> 自调整照准线
  11781. self-adjusting magazine ==> 自调胶卷盒
  11782. self-adjusting model ==> 自调整模型
  11783. self-adjusting seal ==> 自紧密封
  11784. self-adjusting stop ==> 自动调整限动器
  11785. self-adjusting system ==> 自调整系统
  11786. self-adjusting tappet ==> 自调式挺杆,自动调隙挺杆
  11787. self-adjusting type nozzle ==> 自动调整型喷管
  11788. self-adjusting weigher ==> 自动秤量器
  11789. self-adjustment ==> 自动调节,自动调整,自调整
  11790. self-admittance ==> 自导纳,固有导纳
  11791. self-advancing prop system ==> 自进式支柱系统
  11792. self-advancing support ==> 自移式支架
  11793. self-advancing support(s) ==> 自进式支架
  11794. self-aid navigation ==> 自备式导航
  11795. self-aiming ==> 自导引
  11796. self-aiming antiaircraft gun ==> 自动瞄准的高射炮
  11797. self-aliging porous bearing ==> 自调多孔轴承
  11798. self-align ==> 自动调整
  11799. self-align type ==> 自调整式
  11800. self-aligning ==> 自动对准
  11801. self-aligning ball-bearing ==> 自动调心滚珠轴承
  11802. self-aligning bearing ==> 自动调节轴承,调心轴承,球面轴承=>心合せ軸受,調心軸受
  11803. self-aligning carrying idler ==> 自调位承载托滚
  11804. self-aligning centring roll ==> 自动对心辊
  11805. self-aligning control system ==> 自校正控制系统
  11806. self-aligning coupling ==> 自动调整联轴节
  11807. self-aligning double row ball bearing ==> 自位对排滚珠轴承,双列自动调心球面球轴承
  11808. self-aligning double-row bearing ==> 双列自动调心轴承
  11809. self-aligning effect ==> 自定位效应
  11810. self-aligning gate ==> 自控栅
  11811. self-aligning gate transistor ==> 自控栅极晶体管
  11812. self-aligning idler ==> 自调位托辊
  11813. self-aligning return idler ==> 自动调位回转段托滚
  11814. self-aligning roller ==> 自调位托滚
  11815. self-aligning roller bearing ==> 自位滚柱轴承
  11816. self-aligning seat washer ==> 球面座圈,调心座圈
  11817. self-aligning spherical rolling bearing ==> 自动调心球面滚子轴承
  11818. self-aligning support ==> 自位轴承支座,自调位轴承支座
  11819. self-aligning system ==> 自动调准系统
  11820. self-aligning torque ==> 自位转矩,(汽车转向轮等的)自回正力矩
  11821. self-alignment ==> 自动调准,自位
  11822. self-amelioration ==> 自身改良土壤
  11823. self-analysis ==> 自我分析
  11824. self-anchored suspension bridge ==> 自锚式吊桥
  11825. self-angling discs ==> 自位板
  11826. self-annealing ==> 自身退火
  11827. self-assembled binary nanoparticle superlattices ==> 自己集合二成分ナノ粒子超格子
  11828. self-assembly ==> 自动装配
  11829. self-bailing cockpit ==> 自动泄水尾阱
  11830. self-baking ==> 自焙
  11831. self-baking electrode ==> 自焙电极,自烘烤电极
  11832. self-balance protection ==> 自动平衡保护,自平衡保护
  11833. self-balanced ==> 自动平衡
  11834. self-balancing ==> 自动平衡
  11835. self-balancing amplifier ==> 自平衡放大器,零电平自动稳定放大器
  11836. self-balancing bolometer bridge ==> (微波测量)自动平衡式辐射热计电桥
  11837. self-balancing bridge ==> 自动平衡电桥,自平衡电桥
  11838. self-balancing capacitance ==> 自动平衡电容
  11839. self-balancing compensation measurement ==> 自平衡补偿测量
  11840. self-balancing extractor ==> 自动平衡脱水机
  11841. self-balancing hot wire anemometer ==> 自平衡热线风速计
  11842. self-balancing instrument ==> 自己平衡計器
  11843. self-balancing magnetic servo amplifier ==> 自平衡磁伺服放大器
  11844. self-balancing measuring equipment ==> 自平衡测量仪器
  11845. self-balancing phase inverter ==> 自动平衡倒相器
  11846. self-balancing potentiometer ==> 自动平衡电位计,自平衡式电位计=>自己平衡電位差計
  11847. self-balancing receive-recorder controller ==> 自平衡接收记录控制器
  11848. self-balancing recorder ==> 自动平衡记录器
  11849. self-balancing strain ga(u)ge ==> 自平衡应变仪
  11850. self-balancing system ==> 自平衡系统
  11851. self-balancing type recorder ==> 自动平衡式记录器
  11852. self-baling boat ==> 自排水救生艇
  11853. self-baling life boat ==> 自排水救生艇
  11854. self-beat spectroscopy ==> 自拍谱法
  11855. self-bias ==> 自生偏压
  11856. self-bias circuit ==> 自偏压电路
  11857. self-bias cut-off effect ==> 自偏截止效应,自偏压截止效应
  11858. self-bias transistor circuit ==> 自偏晶体管电路
  11859. self-biased condenser microphone ==> 自偏压电容传声器
  11860. self-biased off ==> 自给偏压截止
  11861. self-biased triode ==> 自偏三极管
  11862. self-biased tube ==> 自偏管
  11863. self-biasing effect ==> 自偏压效应
  11864. self-biasing impedance ==> 自偏阻抗
  11865. self-biasing resistor ==> 自偏电阻器
  11866. self-binder ==> 自动打捆机,自动束禾机
  11867. self-blast ==> 自力消弧方式
  11868. self-blast circuit-breaker ==> 自通风断路器
  11869. self-bleeding ==> 自动排气的
  11870. self-blended yarn ==> 同种纤维混纺纱
  11871. self-blocking ==> 自动联锁,自闭塞
  11872. self-blowing drum filter ==> 自吹鼓式过滤机
  11873. self-boiled ==> 自沸
  11874. self-boiled limesulphur ==> 自沸石灰硫黄合剂
  11875. self-boiling waste storage tank ==> 自沸废液贮罐
  11876. self-boring pressuremeter ==> 自钻式旁压仪
  11877. self-boring type torsion shear apparatus ==> 自钻式扭剪仪
  11878. self-braking ==> 自动停止
  11879. self-braking device ==> 自动制动装置
  11880. self-brazing ==> 自焊
  11881. self-breakover ==> 自转折
  11882. self-breakup unit ==> 自毁装置
  11883. self-bred progeny ==> 自交子代
  11884. self-bucking hammer ==> 自顶式铆枪
  11885. self-buoyant unit ==> 自浮装置
  11886. self-bursting fuse ==> 自爆熔断器
  11887. self-bypassing filter ==> 自动旁通滤油器
  11888. self-calibration ==> 自己校正
  11889. self-calibration angle sensor ==> 自己校正角度センサ
  11890. self-can celling trafficator ==> 自动消除讯号方向指示器
  11891. self-cancelling ==> 自相抵销(的)
  11892. self-cancelling direction indicator ==> 自动消除讯号方向指示器
  11893. self-cancelling trafficator ==> 自熄式转向指示灯
  11894. self-capacitance ==> 自电容,固有电容
  11895. self-capacity ==> 固有电容,自容量,本身容量=>自己容量
  11896. self-catalysis ==> 自催化
  11897. self-catalyzed reaction ==> 自催化反应
  11898. self-catcher ==> 自挡
  11899. self-centered ==> 静止,静止
  11900. self-centering ==> 自动定心
  11901. self-centering action ==> 自动定心作用
  11902. self-centering apparatus ==> 自动定心装置
  11903. self-centering brake ==> 自行调心制动器
  11904. self-centering capability ==> 自动定心能力
  11905. self-centering chuck ==> 自动定心夹盘,自定心卡盘
  11906. self-centering entry guide ==> 自动定心的进口导板
  11907. self-centering internal measuring instrument ==> 自定心内表面测量仪
  11908. self-centering mandrel ==> 自动定中心轴
  11909. self-centering punch ==> 自定心冲孔器
  11910. self-centering screen ==> 自动定心式筛分机
  11911. self-centering steering ==> 自动回正转向机构
  11912. self-centering trunnion ==> 自定中心耳轴
  11913. self-centering unit ==> 自动定心机构
  11914. self-centering wheel ==> 自动定心轮
  11915. self-chambering ==> 自装
  11916. self-changing gear ==> 自动变速齿轮
  11917. self-changing gearbox ==> 自动变速箱
  11918. self-charge ==> 自具电荷
  11919. self-charging ==> 自充电
  11920. self-check ==> 自检查,发票人支票
  11921. self-check key ==> 自校准开关
  11922. self-check procedures ==> 自检程序
  11923. self-check program ==> 自检程序
  11924. self-checking ==> 自行校验
  11925. self-checking code ==> 自检编码,自校验码=>自動検査コード
  11926. self-checking device ==> 自动校准装置
  11927. self-checking digit ==> 自校验数位
  11928. self-checking number ==> 自检数,自检验数,自校验号码,自验数
  11929. self-checking number feature ==> 自校验数控装置
  11930. self-checking numeral ==> 自校验数
  11931. self-checking system ==> 自校验方式
  11932. self-checking unit ==> 自检装置
  11933. self-choking chute ==> 自卡式溜口
  11934. self-circulation ==> 自循环
  11935. self-cleaning ==> 自动清洗,自消洗
  11936. self-cleaning action ==> 自洁作用
  11937. self-cleaning bit ==> 自清式钻头
  11938. self-cleaning bucket ==> 自清铲斗
  11939. self-cleaning centrifuge ==> 自动清洗离心机
  11940. self-cleaning contact ==> 滑动接点,擦拭触点
  11941. self-cleaning drilling ==> 自动除粉钻进
  11942. self-cleaning effect ==> 自行清洁作用
  11943. self-cleaning filter ==> 自净过滤器
  11944. self-cleaning flexible pipe filter ==> 自净软管过滤器
  11945. self-cleaning gradient ==> 自清坡度
  11946. self-cleaning grizzly ==> 自动清理格筛,自清式格筛
  11947. self-cleaning oil filter ==> 自洁式机油滤清器
  11948. self-cleaning rotating screen filter ==> 自净转筛过滤器
  11949. self-cleaning separator ==> 自清洗式分离器
  11950. self-cleaning spark plug ==> 自动清洁的火花塞,自净式火花塞
  11951. self-cleaning strainer ==> 自洁式过滤器,自清洗式滤器
  11952. self-cleaning tank ==> 自动清洁式油箱
  11953. self-cleaning twin-screw reactor ==> 自动清洗式双螺旋反应器
  11954. self-cleaning type centrifugal separator ==> 自动卸料离心分离机
  11955. self-cleaning viscous filter ==> 自净粘液过滤器
  11956. self-cleansing gradient ==> 自净梯度
  11957. self-cleansing velocity ==> 自清速度
  11958. self-clearing ==> 自动净化的,自动退弹
  11959. self-climbing steel-form ==> 自升式钢模
  11960. self-clinching fastener ==> 自紧夹头
  11961. self-clocking ==> 自动计时
  11962. self-clocking recording method ==> 自定时记录法
  11963. self-closing ==> 自闭合,自动关闭
  11964. self-closing air-door ==> 自闭合空气门
  11965. self-closing electric gate ==> 自闭式电动闸门
  11966. self-closing fire door ==> 自动关闭防火门
  11967. self-closing gauge seal ==> 自动关闭式量油口盖
  11968. self-closing grab ==> 自合式抓爪
  11969. self-closing hinge ==> 自动关闭铰链
  11970. self-closing link ==> 自动关闭节
  11971. self-closing valve ==> 自闭阀
  11972. self-cocking action ==> 自动起爆
  11973. self-cocking release ==> 自动连续发射
  11974. self-colo(u)red material ==> 自着色材料
  11975. self-combustion ==> 自燃,自燃作用
  11976. self-commutated ==> 自励式
  11977. self-commutated Back-To-Back ==> 自励式BTB
  11978. self-commutated conversion ==> 自变流技术
  11979. self-commutated inverter ==> 自动换向逆变器=>自励式インバータ
  11980. self-compacting concrete ==> 自密实混凝土,又称“高流态混凝土”。该混凝土既有高度流动度,又不离析,具有均匀性、稳定性,浇筑依靠自重流动,无需振捣而达到密实的混凝土
  11981. self-compaction ==> 自密实
  11982. self-comparison method ==> (短寿命核测量方法)自比较法
  11983. self-compatibility ==> 自交亲和性
  11984. self-compatible ==> 自交亲和的
  11985. self-compensated machine ==> 自补偿电机
  11986. self-compensating ==> 自动补偿
  11987. self-compensating hair-spring ==> 自动补偿游丝
  11988. self-compensating magnetic balance ==> 自补偿磁平衡
  11989. self-compensating pressure system ==> 压力自动补偿系统
  11990. self-compensating system ==> 自补偿系统
  11991. self-compensating take-up ==> 自动补偿拉紧装置
  11992. self-compensating underground water detector ==> 自动补偿地下水位电测仪
  11993. self-compensation ==> 自补偿
  11994. self-complementary antenna ==> 自互补天线
  11995. self-complementary code ==> 自补码
  11996. self-complementary counter ==> 自补计数器
  11997. self-complementing code ==> 自补码
  11998. self-complementing counter ==> 自补计数器
  11999. self-condensation ==> 自冷凝作用,自缩合作用
  12000. self-conditioned power plant ==> 自动调节动力装置
  12001. self-conductance ==> 自身电导,自导,自电导
  12002. self-congruent ==> 自相一致的
  12003. self-conjugate ==> 正规
  12004. self-conjugate conic ==> 自共轭二次曲线
  12005. self-conjugate element ==> 自共轭元素
  12006. self-conjugate element of a polarity ==> 配极的自共轭元素
  12007. self-conjugate graph ==> 自共轭图
  12008. self-conjugate nuclei ==> 自共轭核
  12009. self-conjugate operator ==> 自共轭算子
  12010. self-conjugate particle ==> 自共轭粒子
  12011. self-conjugate partition ==> 自共轭分类
  12012. self-conjugate quadric ==> 自共轭二次曲面
  12013. self-conjugate subgroup ==> 正规子群
  12014. self-conjugate tetrahedron ==> 自配极四面形
  12015. self-conjugate triangle ==> 自配极三角形
  12016. self-conjugate vector space ==> 自共轭向量空间
  12017. self-consciousness ==> 自我意识
  12018. self-consistency ==> 自洽性
  12019. self-consistent ==> 独立的
  12020. self-consistent charge and configuration ==> 自洽电荷和构型
  12021. self-consistent Coulomb potential ==> 自洽库仑电势
  12022. self-consistent family of curves ==> 自相一致的曲线族
  12023. self-consistent field ==> 自洽场,自洽力场
  12024. self-consistent field method ==> 自洽场方法,哈特里方法
  12025. self-consistent field scattered wave technique ==> 散射波自洽场法
  12026. self-consistent field theory ==> 自洽场论
  12027. self-consistent solution ==> 自洽解
  12028. self-consistent units ==> 自相一致的测量单位
  12029. self-constricted beam ==> 自收缩束
  12030. self-consumption ==> 本单位消费
  12031. self-contact ==> 自力接触
  12032. self-contained ==> 独立的,整装,自备的,闭关自守的,机内
  12033. self-contained air conditioning unit ==> 组合式空气调节器
  12034. self-contained air-conditioner ==> 自动空调器
  12035. self-contained airstairs ==> 随机客梯
  12036. self-contained automatic navigation system ==> 自备式自动导航系统
  12037. self-contained battery ==> 自备电池,固定电池
  12038. self-contained bearing ==> 不可分离型轴承
  12039. self-contained blade grader ==> 自行式平路机
  12040. self-contained boiler ==> 整装锅炉
  12041. self-contained breathing apparatus ==> 自持呼吸器,自给式呼吸器
  12042. self-contained cardan joint ==> 球窝万向节
  12043. self-contained complete ==> 配套的
  12044. self-contained controller ==> 独立式调节器
  12045. self-contained cooling unit ==> 自给冷却机组
  12046. self-contained crash tender ==> 自备式抢救车
  12047. self-contained data base ==> 独立语言数据库
  12048. self-contained drill ==> 独立式钻机,自备动力钻机,带发动机的钻机
  12049. self-contained ecosystem ==> 自给生态系统
  12050. self-contained engine ==> 独立发动机
  12051. self-contained engine drive ==> 单独发动机传动
  12052. self-contained equipment ==> 独立设备
  12053. self-contained instrument ==> 自蔵計器
  12054. self-contained language system ==> 独立语言系统
  12055. self-contained lubrication ==> 压流循环润滑法,强制循环润滑
  12056. self-contained motor drive ==> 单独电动机传动
  12057. self-contained navigation aid ==> 自载导航设备
  12058. self-contained navigator ==> 自备式导航仪
  12059. self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus ==> 自给式氧气呼吸器
  12060. self-contained oxygen generator ==> 独立式氧气发生器
  12061. self-contained penetrant inspection unit ==> 成套式渗透探伤仪
  12062. self-contained plant ==> 自备动力设备,自给企业
  12063. self-contained platform ==> 独立式平台,自备动力工作平台
  12064. self-contained popper ==> (挖泥船的)自备泥舱
  12065. self-contained portable electric lamp ==> 自给式携带电灯
  12066. self-contained press ==> 带有液压泵的压制机
  12067. self-contained projection system ==> 自容式投影系统
  12068. self-contained pump ==> 独立泵
  12069. self-contained radar ==> 自导引系统雷达
  12070. self-contained range finder ==> 光学测距仪,自动控制测远仪,直观式测距仪
  12071. self-contained rocket ==> 自律式火箭发动机
  12072. self-contained start ==> 自持起动
  12073. self-contained supply ==> 自保持电源
  12074. self-contained system ==> 自控生态系统,自律系统,独立系统
  12075. self-contained thermostat ==> 自动定温器
  12076. self-contained underwater breathing appratus ==> 轻潜呼吸器
  12077. self-contained unit ==> 自给系统
  12078. self-contained vertical drilling machine ==> 独立立式钻床
  12079. self-contained-base range finder ==> 内基线测距仪
  12080. self-containing unit ==> 自律系统
  12081. self-control ==> 自动控制
  12082. self-control enemator ==> 自动控制气压灌肠器
  12083. self-controlled oscillator ==> 自控振荡器
  12084. self-controlled synchronous ==> 無整流子電動機
  12085. self-controller ==> 自动控制器
  12086. self-convergent CRT ==> 自会聚显像管
  12087. self-conveyor feed ==> 螺旋加料机
  12088. self-cooled ==> 自冷的=>自冷の
  12089. self-cooled machine ==> 自冷式电机
  12090. self-cooled nozzle ==> 自冷式喷管
  12091. self-cooled transformer ==> 自冷式変圧器
  12092. self-cooling ==> 自动冷却,自冷却
  12093. self-cooling vane ==> 自冷式叶片
  12094. self-copulation ==> 自行交配
  12095. self-correcting ==> 自动校正
  12096. self-correcting automatic navigator ==> 自校正自动领航仪
  12097. self-correcting capability ==> 自校正能力
  12098. self-correcting code ==> 自校编码
  12099. self-correcting homeostasis ==> 自校稳态
  12100. self-correcting memory ==> 自校正记忆
  12101. self-correction ==> 自校正
  12102. self-correction code ==> 自校编码
  12103. self-correlation ==> 自相关
  12104. self-correlation function ==> 自相关函数
  12105. self-corresponding ==> 自对应的
  12106. self-cost ==> 成本
  12107. self-coupling ==> 自动联接器
  12108. self-coupling hitch ==> 自动联接器
  12109. self-crossed ==> 自己交叉的
  12110. self-cure ==> 自愈
  12111. self-curing binder ==> 自硬粘结剂
  12112. self-curing cement ==> 自动硫化胶
  12113. self-curing denture acrylic ==> 自凝牙托粉
  12114. self-curing mo(u)ld ==> 自硬砂型
  12115. self-damping ==> 自阻尼
  12116. self-decomposition ==> 自分解
  12117. self-defining data ==> 自定义数据
  12118. self-defining term ==> 自定义项
  12119. self-defining value ==> 自定义值
  12120. self-degreasing oil filter ==> 自去油过滤器
  12121. self-demagnetization ==> 自动消磁,自去磁
  12122. self-demagnetization effect of tape ==> 磁带自去磁效应
  12123. self-demagnetization factor ==> 自去磁因数
  12124. self-demagnetization force ==> 自去磁力
  12125. self-demagnetization loss ==> 自去磁损耗
  12126. self-demagnetizing factor ==> 自退磁系数
  12127. self-demagnetizing field ==> 自己減磁界
  12128. self-demagnetizing force ==> 自己減磁力
  12129. self-demarcating code ==> 自分界码
  12130. self-demarking code ==> 自检码
  12131. self-dependent missile ==> 自主控制导弹
  12132. self-deploying space station ==> 自展式航天站
  12133. self-description ==> 自描述
  12134. self-destroying device ==> 自毁装置
  12135. self-destroying fuse ==> 自毁引信
  12136. self-destruct charge ==> 自毁装药
  12137. self-destruct circuit ==> 自毁电路
  12138. self-destruct sensor ==> 自炸装置传感器
  12139. self-destruction ==> 自毁作用
  12140. self-destruction device ==> 自毁装置
  12141. self-destruction equipment ==> 自毁装置
  12142. self-destruction feature ==> 自毁装置
  12143. self-destruction system ==> 自爆系统
  12144. self-destruction-type fuze ==> 自毁引信
  12145. self-destructive cooperation ==> 自己破壊的な協力行動
  12146. self-destructor ==> 自毁器
  12147. self-detaching ==> 自分离
  12148. self-detaching hook ==> 自动脱绳钩
  12149. self-detonating mine ==> 自爆水雷
  12150. self-diagnostic facility ==> 自动诊断设备
  12151. self-diagnostic feature ==> 自诊断特性
  12152. self-diagnostic function ==> 自诊断功能
  12153. self-diagnostic program ==> 自诊断程序
  12154. self-differentiation ==> 自主分化
  12155. self-diffusion ==> 自扩散
  12156. self-diffusion coefficient ==> 自扩散系数
  12157. self-digestion ==> 自溶,自体消化,自我消化
  12158. self-directing missile ==> 自导引导弹
  12159. self-direction ==> 自动引导
  12160. self-discharge ==> 自放电,自身放电
  12161. self-discharging ==> 自卸
  12162. self-discharging barge ==> 自卸驳
  12163. self-discharging body ==> 自卸式车厢
  12164. self-discharging bucket ==> 自卸式吊桶
  12165. self-discharging bulk carrier ==> 自卸散装货轮
  12166. self-discharging car ==> 自卸车
  12167. self-discharging purifier ==> 自动排渣净油机
  12168. self-discharging ship ==> 自卸船
  12169. self-discharging system ==> 自卸系统
  12170. self-discharging trailer ==> 自卸拖车
  12171. self-discharging truck ==> 自卸卡车
  12172. self-discharging wagon ==> 自动卸料车,自卸车
  12173. self-disengaging ==> 自动脱开
  12174. self-distributivity ==> 自分配性
  12175. self-division ==> 自身分裂
  12176. self-docking dock ==> 分段接合浮坞
  12177. self-docking type ==> 自行入坞式
  12178. self-dowelling ==> 自动榫合
  12179. self-draining arrangement ==> 自动排水装置
  12180. self-draining cockpit ==> 自动泄水尾阱
  12181. self-drilling tapping screw ==> 自钻孔自攻丝螺钉
  12182. self-drive ==> 自己起动=>自己歩進(自動交換)
  12183. self-drive motor ==> 自起动电动机
  12184. self-driven ==> 自动推进的
  12185. self-driven ingot buggy ==> 自动送锭车
  12186. self-driven instrument ==> 自驱动仪表
  12187. self-driven line-scanning circuit ==> 自激行扫描电路
  12188. self-dual function ==> 自对偶函数
  12189. self-dual groups ==> 自对偶群
  12190. self-dual identities ==> 自对偶恒等式
  12191. self-dual linear space ==> 自对偶线性空间
  12192. self-dual matroid ==> 自对偶拟阵
  12193. self-dual system ==> 自对偶系
  12194. self-dump rake ==> 自翻式横向搂草机
  12195. self-dump sulky rake ==> 自翻横抽搂草机
  12196. self-dumping ==> 自动卸料,自动卸载
  12197. self-dumping barge ==> 自卸驳船
  12198. self-dumping cage ==> 翻转罐笼
  12199. self-dumping car ==> 自翻矿车,自卸矿车
  12200. self-dumping log carrier ==> 自卸式运木船
  12201. self-dumping scroll ==> 自动卸载曲轨
  12202. self-dumping truck ==> 自卸车
  12203. self-duplication ==> 自体复制,自我复制
  12204. self-editor ==> 自编辑程序
  12205. self-eject launch ==> 自弹式发射
  12206. self-elevating barge ==> 自升式平底船
  12207. self-elevating platform ==> 自升式水上作业台
  12208. self-embedding property ==> 自嵌入特性
  12209. self-emission electrode ==> 自发射电极
  12210. self-emitting light source ==> 自发光源
  12211. self-emitting radar ==> 自发射雷达
  12212. self-emptying ==> 自动卸载
  12213. self-emptying cockpit ==> 自动泄水尾阱
  12214. self-emptying hopper ==> 自卸式料仓
  12215. self-emptying trailer ==> 自动卸货拖车
  12216. self-emulsifiable oil ==> 自乳化油
  12217. self-energed brake ==> 自行加力制动器
  12218. self-energized brake ==> 自行加力制动器
  12219. self-energized seal ==> 自紧式密封
  12220. self-energizing ==> 自激励的
  12221. self-energizing action ==> 自助力作用
  12222. self-energizing brake ==> 自动制动闸,自增力式制动器,自增式制动器
  12223. self-energizing brake band ==> 自动制动带
  12224. self-energizing resilient metal gaskets ==> 自紧式弹性金属垫片
  12225. self-energy ==> 自具能(量),自身能量,固有能量,内禀能量,本征能量=>自己エネルギー
  12226. self-energy part ==> 自己エネルギー部分
  12227. self-equalibrating ==> 自动平衡
  12228. self-equalizing ==> 自动平衡
  12229. self-equalizing preamplifier ==> 自动均衡前置放大器,自均衡前置放大器
  12230. self-equilbrating ==> 自平衡
  12231. self-erecting ==> 自动装配
  12232. self-erecting batch type mixer ==> 自动投配式拌和机
  12233. self-established tide ==> 独立潮
  12234. self-excitation ==> 自激,自激发
  12235. self-excitation low-frequency generator ==> 自激低频发电机
  12236. self-excitation method regeneration generator ==> 自激式再生发电机
  12237. self-excitation oscillation ==> 自激振荡
  12238. self-excitation phenomena ==> 自激现象
  12239. self-excitation transductor ==> 自激磁放大器
  12240. self-excitation type ==> 自激型
  12241. self-excitation winding ==> 自励(磁)绕组
  12242. self-excited ==> 自励の
  12243. self-excited AC generator ==> 自励交流发电机=>自励交流発電機
  12244. self-excited alternator ==> 自激交流发电机
  12245. self-excited booster ==> 自激式升压机
  12246. self-excited circuit ==> 自激电路
  12247. self-excited dynamo ==> 自激发电机
  12248. self-excited generator ==> 自励発電機
  12249. self-excited grounded grid oscillator ==> 栅地自激振荡器
  12250. self-excited induction generator ==> 自励誘導発電機
  12251. self-excited machine ==> 自励电机
  12252. self-excited MHD generator ==> 自激式磁流体发电机
  12253. self-excited motor ==> 自励电动机=>自励電動機
  12254. self-excited oscillation ==> 自振动=>自励振動
  12255. self-excited phase advancer ==> 自激式进相机
  12256. self-excited regenerative braking ==> 自激再生制动方式
  12257. self-excited series winding ==> 自励串激绕组
  12258. self-excited shunt field ==> 自励并激磁场
  12259. self-excited system ==> 自激励系统
  12260. self-excited transductor ==> 自激磁放大器
  12261. self-excited transmitter ==> 自激发射机
  12262. self-excited vibration ==> 自励振動
  12263. self-exciter ==> 自励发电机
  12264. self-exciting ==> 自励的
  12265. self-exciting braking ==> 自激制动
  12266. self-exciting condition ==> 自激条件
  12267. self-exciting dynamo ==> 自励磁发电机
  12268. self-exciting modulating amplifier ==> 自激式调制放大器
  12269. self-exciting vibration densimeter ==> 自激式振动密度计
  12270. self-exciting winding ==> 自激绕组
  12271. self-expanding piston ring ==> 自动伸缩活塞环
  12272. self-extensible language ==> 自扩充语言
  12273. self-extinction of arc ==> 自消弧
  12274. self-extinguish ==> 自动灭火
  12275. self-extinguishing ==> 自动灭火,自熄性材料
  12276. self-extinguishing circuit-break ==> 自灭弧断路
  12277. self-extinguishing fault ==> 自熄弧故障,引起短路的电弧能自行熄灭的故障
  12278. self-extinguishing resin ==> 自熄性树脂
  12279. self-faced ==> 自然石面的,天然表面
  12280. self-feed ==> 自进给
  12281. self-feed forage trailer ==> 自喂式饲料拖车
  12282. self-feed silage rack ==> 青贮料自喂架
  12283. self-feed trailer ==> 自饲车
  12284. self-feed(er) silo ==> 自饲青贮堆
  12285. self-feedback amplifier ==> 自反馈放大器,内回授放大器
  12286. self-feedback ciucuit ==> 自反馈电路
  12287. self-feeder ==> 自动进料器,自动饲喂器,自动喂饲装置,自喂器
  12288. self-feeder section ==> 自给器
  12289. self-feeding ==> 自动加料
  12290. self-feeding carburetor ==> 自吸式汽化器
  12291. self-feeding carburettor ==> 自吸式汽化器
  12292. self-feeding portable conveyor ==> 自动上料移动式运输机
  12293. self-feeding salt-feed mixture ==> 自饲食盐饲料混合物
  12294. self-feeding silage ==> 自饲青贮
  12295. self-feeling ==> 自体感觉
  12296. self-fermentation ==> 自己发酵
  12297. self-fertile ==> 自花受精的,自孕的
  12298. self-fertile hybrid ==> 自花可稔杂种
  12299. self-fertile plant ==> 自交能孕植物
  12300. self-fertility ==> 自花结实性,自体能育性
  12301. self-fertilization ==> 自体受精,自体受精作用
  12302. self-field ==> 固有场,自场
  12303. self-filler ==> 自动充注装置
  12304. self-filling drinking bowl ==> 自动添水式饮水器
  12305. self-filling tank ==> 自注式液罐
  12306. self-filling windscreen washer ==> 自充水式风窗玻璃洗涤装置
  12307. self-finance ==> 内部筹款
  12308. self-financing ==> 自负盈亏
  12309. self-fission ==> 自裂变
  12310. self-flaring fitting ==> 自动扩口接头
  12311. self-flashing ==> 自闪光
  12312. self-flow reducer ==> 自流式节流活门,自流式排种节流活门
  12313. self-fluxing ==> 自钎,自生熔剂
  12314. self-fluxing alloy ==> 自助熔合金
  12315. self-fluxing brazing alloy ==> 自钎剂硬钎料,自带熔剂的硬钎料
  12316. self-fluxing nature ==> 自熔性
  12317. self-fluxing ore ==> 自熔矿
  12318. self-fluxing sintered ore ==> 自熔性烧结矿
  12319. self-focused laser beam ==> 自聚焦激光束
  12320. self-focused picture tube ==> 自聚焦显像管
  12321. self-focusing ==> 自聚焦
  12322. self-focusing apparatus ==> 自动对光设备
  12323. self-focusing beam ==> 自聚焦束
  12324. self-focusing fiber ==> 自聚焦纤维
  12325. self-focusing laser ==> 自聚焦激光器
  12326. self-focusing mechanism ==> 自聚焦机制
  12327. self-focusing optical fiber ==> 自聚焦光学纤维
  12328. self-focusing stream ==> 自聚焦束流
  12329. self-folding strip chart ==> 自折叠条形记录纸带
  12330. self-force ==> 自作用力,本身力
  12331. self-fractionating oil pump ==> 自分馏油泵
  12332. self-fractionating pump ==> 自馏真空泵,净化泵,净化泵
  12333. self-frequency ==> 自频
  12334. self-fruitful ==> 自己受精的
  12335. self-fruitfulness ==> 自交结实性
  12336. self-fulfilling philosophy ==> 自我实现的哲学
  12337. self-fulfilment management style ==> 自我目标管理形
  12338. self-fusible ==> 自熔的
  12339. self-gap-detection ==> センサレス
  12340. self-gating ==> 自穿透
  12341. self-generated pressure ==> 自生压力
  12342. self-generating lighting equipment ==> 自发电照明设备
  12343. self-generating method ==> (齿轮的)滚铣法
  12344. self-generating transducer ==> 自生换能器
  12345. self-glazing ==> 自动研光
  12346. self-governing ==> 自动调节
  12347. self-grafting ==> 自行嫁接
  12348. self-gravitation ==> 自吸引
  12349. self-gravity ==> 自己重力
  12350. self-grinding action ==> 自磨作用
  12351. self-gripping jaws ==> 自动夹爪
  12352. self-grown ==> 自生的
  12353. self-grown stream ==> 自生河
  12354. self-guidance ==> 自导引
  12355. self-guided missile ==> 自控导弹
  12356. self-guided weight-loaded accumulator ==> 自导向的重锤式蓄能器
  12357. self-hardening ==> 自硬化,自硬性
  12358. self-hardening property ==> 自硬性
  12359. self-hardening sand ==> 自硬砂
  12360. self-hardening steel ==> 自硬钢,自淬硬钢,气冷硬化钢,空冷淬硬钢,空气硬化钢=>自硬鋼
  12361. self-healing ==> 自复的
  12362. self-healing action ==> 自复作用,自回作用
  12363. self-healing capacitor ==> 自动恢复电容器,自愈电容器
  12364. self-healing grid ==> 自愈电网
  12365. self-healing insulation ==> 自己回復絶縁
  12366. self-heat ==> 自动加热
  12367. self-heated thermocouple ==> 自热式热电偶
  12368. self-heating ==> 自己加熱
  12369. self-heating characteristic ==> 自己加熱特性
  12370. self-heating thermionic tube ==> 自热式热离子管
  12371. self-help feeding ==> 自由采食
  12372. self-help philosophy ==> 自助の精神
  12373. self-heterodyne ==> 自差
  12374. self-hiver ==> 自动招蜂器
  12375. self-hold ==> 自锁
  12376. self-hold circuit ==> 自保持电路
  12377. self-holding ==> 自动夹紧=>自己保持
  12378. self-holding contact ==> 自保持触点
  12379. self-holding screwdriver ==> 弹力持骨螺钉镊
  12380. self-holding Self-holding ==> 自保持
  12381. self-holding taper ==> 自动夹紧拔销
  12382. self-homing bomb ==> 自搜寻炸弹
  12383. self-homing device ==> 自动寻的装置
  12384. self-hunting ==> 自己捜線
  12385. self-igniting bipropellant ==> 自燃双组分推进剂
  12386. self-igniting light ==> 烟火信号
  12387. self-ignition ==> 自己点火,自发火,自燃
  12388. self-ignition engine ==> 自发火发动机
  12389. self-ignition index ==> 自燃指数
  12390. self-ignition method ==> 自行点燃法
  12391. self-ignition point ==> 自燃点,自燃温度
  12392. self-ignition point (temperature) ==> 自燃着火点
  12393. self-ignition temperature ==> 自发火温度,自燃温度
  12394. self-illuminating sight ==> 自身照明觇标
  12395. self-impedance ==> 固有阻抗
  12396. self-impedance function ==> 自阻抗函数
  12397. self-impinging injector ==> 自冲击射流喷嘴
  12398. self-imposed ==> 自ら課した
  12399. self-imposed agony ==> 自らに課した苦痛
  12400. self-imposed anonymity ==> 自主匿名
  12401. self-in-duced vibration ==> 自激振动
  12402. self-incompatibility ==> 自交不亲和性
  12403. self-incompatible ==> 自交不亲和的
  12404. self-incompatility ==> 自交不孕性
  12405. self-indexing ==> 自动分度
  12406. self-indicating ==> 自动指示
  12407. self-indicating scale ==> 指示秤
  12408. self-indication measurement ==> 自指示测量
  12409. self-indication technique ==> 自指示法
  12410. self-induced drift ==> 自感漂移
  12411. self-induced e.m.f. ==> 自感电动势
  12412. self-induced magnetic flux ==> 自感磁通
  12413. self-induced oscillation ==> 自激振荡
  12414. self-induced transparency ( SIT) ==> 自感应透明
  12415. self-induced transparency (SIT) ==> 自感应透明
  12416. self-inductance ==> 自感
  12417. self-inductance coefficient ==> 自感系数
  12418. self-induction ==> 自感,自感应
  12419. self-induction circuit ==> 自感电路
  12420. self-induction coefficient ==> 自感系数
  12421. self-induction current ==> 自感应电流
  12422. self-inductor ==> 自感线圈
  12423. self-infection ==> 自干扰,自体传染,自体感染
  12424. self-infertility ==> 自交不孕性
  12425. self-inflammable mixture ==> 自燃混合物
  12426. self-inflating ==> 自行充气
  12427. self-inflating canopy parachute ==> 自充气伞衣降落伞
  12428. self-inflating life raft ==> 自动气胀式救生筏
  12429. self-inflation surface target ==> 自充水面目标
  12430. self-inflicted wounds ==> 自伤
  12431. self-information ==> 自信息
  12432. self-inhibiting phase of growth ==> 生长自身阻抑阶段
  12433. self-inhibition ==> 自抑制
  12434. self-initialize ==> 自初始化
  12435. self-initializing test sequence ==> 自引导测试序列
  12436. self-initiating antiaircraft munition ==> 自发防空导弹
  12437. self-injection ==> 自喷射,自我注射
  12438. self-inoculation ==> 自体疫苗接种
  12439. self-inspection report ==> 自己点検書
  12440. self-instructed carry ==> 自动进位=>自動式けた上げ
  12441. self-insurance ==> 自保
  12442. self-interaction ==> 自身相互反应
  12443. self-interest in economic management ==> 经济经营中的本身利益,经济经营中的本身利益
  12444. self-interrupter ==> 自动断续器,自行断续器
  12445. self-interrupting circuit ==> 自行断续电路
  12446. self-ionization ==> 自电离
  12447. self-irradiation ==> 自辐照
  12448. self-irradiation damage ==> 自辐照损伤
  12449. self-isolating resistor ==> 自隔离电阻
  12450. self-jamming ==> 自锁
  12451. self-killing ==> 自镇静,钢液自然脱氧
  12452. self-launching sailplane ==> 自行起飞的滑翔机
  12453. self-level(l)ing ==> 自调平
  12454. self-level(l)ing device ==> 自动调平装置
  12455. self-level(l)ing instrument ==> 自动定平水准仪
  12456. self-level(l)ing level ==> 自动测水准仪,自平水准仪
  12457. self-level(l)ing shock absorber ==> 自动调平式减震器
  12458. self-level(l)ing shoe ==> 自动调平式筛架
  12459. self-level(l)ing spreader ==> 自动水平调节吊具
  12460. self-level(l)ing suspension ==> 自动调平悬架
  12461. self-levelling level ==> 自动安平水准仪
  12462. self-lift ==> 自动起落器
  12463. self-lift plough ==> 自动升降犁
  12464. self-lift plow ==> 自动起落犁
  12465. self-lifting system ==> 自动提升系统
  12466. self-limited disease ==> 自限性疾病
  12467. self-limited growth form ==> 自限增长型
  12468. self-limited hemolysis ==> 自限性溶血
  12469. self-limiting chain reaction ==> 自限制链式反应=>自己制御連鎖反応
  12470. self-limiting reactor ==> 自调节反应堆
  12471. self-linking coefficient ==> 自环绕系数
  12472. self-liquidating ==> 自偿性
  12473. self-liquidating investment ==> 能迅速还本生利的投资
  12474. self-liquidating loan ==> 自动清偿贷款
  12475. self-load ==> 自输入
  12476. self-loading ==> 自动装填,自装入
  12477. self-loading device ==> 自动装料器
  12478. self-loading forage box ==> 自装式饲料拖车
  12479. self-loading gun ==> 自动装填炮
  12480. self-loading hauler ==> 自装载运输机
  12481. self-loading hauling unit ==> 自装运输机组
  12482. self-loading mechanism ==> 自动装填机构
  12483. self-loading mixer ==> 自装搅拌车
  12484. self-loading pistol ==> 自动手枪
  12485. self-loading program ==> 自装入程序
  12486. self-loading rifle ==> 自动装填步枪
  12487. self-loading scraper ==> 自装铲运机
  12488. self-loading skidder ==> 自装低轮集材车
  12489. self-loading skip ==> 自装式箕斗
  12490. self-loading trailer ==> 自动装载拖车
  12491. self-loading vehicle ==> 自动装货车,自动装货式汽车
  12492. self-loading wheeled scraper ==> 自动装载轮式铲运机
  12493. self-lock ==> 自锁
  12494. self-lock mechanism ==> 自锁原理
  12495. self-lock pin ==> 自锁销
  12496. self-lock Self-lock ==> 自锁
  12497. self-locking ==> 自动制动,自锁
  12498. self-locking action ==> 自锁作用
  12499. self-locking angle cock ==> 自锁角旋塞
  12500. self-locking catch ==> 自动闭锁器
  12501. self-locking differential (gear) ==> 自锁差速器
  12502. self-locking fastener ==> 自锁紧固件
  12503. self-locking gear ==> 自动闭塞装置,自动闭锁装置
  12504. self-locking nut ==> 自锁螺母
  12505. self-locking steering gear ==> 自锁转向装置,不可逆转向装置
  12506. self-locking valve ==> 自锁阀
  12507. self-lube bearing block ==> 自润滑轴承箱组
  12508. self-lube cartridge unit ==> 自润滑环形轴承箱组
  12509. self-lube flange cartridge unit ==> 自润滑圆形法兰式轴承箱组
  12510. self-lube four-bolt flange unit ==> 自润滑四螺栓方形法式轴承箱组
  12511. self-lube hanger unit ==> 自润滑悬挂式轴承箱组
  12512. self-lube pillow block unit ==> 自润滑枕式轴承箱组
  12513. self-lube take-up unit ==> 自润滑滑块式轴承箱组
  12514. self-lube two-bolt flange unit ==> 自润滑双螺栓菱形法兰式轴承箱组
  12515. self-lubricate ==> 自动润滑
  12516. self-lubricated ==> 自动润滑的
  12517. self-lubricating ==> 自动润滑的
  12518. self-lubricating bearing ==> 自动润滑轴承=>自動注油軸受
  12519. self-lubricating brush ==> 自润滑电刷
  12520. self-lubricating bush ==> 自润滑轴衬
  12521. self-lubricating journal ==> 自润轴颈
  12522. self-lubricating lower track roller ==> 自动润滑式链轨支重轮
  12523. self-lubricating material ==> 自润滑材料
  12524. self-lubricating property ==> 自润滑性能
  12525. self-lubricating pump ==> 自给润滑泵
  12526. self-lubricating sheave ==> 自润滑轮
  12527. self-lubrication ==> 自动润滑,自身润滑
  12528. self-lubricator ==> 自动润滑器
  12529. self-lubricity ==> 自身润滑性
  12530. self-luminescent lamp ==> 自发光灯
  12531. self-luminescent material ==> 自发光材料,自发光物质
  12532. self-luminous body ==> 自发光体
  12533. self-luminous colour ==> 自发光色
  12534. self-luminous compound ==> 自发光化合物
  12535. self-luminous dial ==> 自发光度盘
  12536. self-luminous paint ==> 自发光涂料
  12537. self-luminous train ==> 自发光流星余迹
  12538. self-made quicksand ==> 自成悬浮体
  12539. self-magnetic ==> 自磁(感)的
  12540. self-magnetic energy ==> 自磁能
  12541. self-magnetic field ==> 自磁场
  12542. self-magnetic flux ==> 自感磁通量
  12543. self-maintained circuit ==> 自激振荡电路
  12544. self-maintained discharge ==> 自持放电
  12545. self-maintained discharge detector ==> 自持放电检测器
  12546. self-maintaining ==> 自己保持の,自続の
  12547. self-maintaining discharge ==> 自続放電
  12548. self-maintaining nuclear chain reaction ==> 自持链式核反应=>自続核連鎖反応
  12549. self-maintaining reactor ==> 自持堆
  12550. self-maintenance ==> 自动维持
  12551. self-making ==> モノ作り
  12552. self-management ==> 自主管理权
  12553. self-maneuvering suit ==> 自身机动航天服
  12554. self-manufacture ==> 内製化,自社製造
  12555. self-manufactured semi-finished products in stock ==> 库存自制半成品
  12556. self-marker hypothesis ==> 自身标记假说
  12557. self-measuring device ==> 自动计量装置
  12558. self-measuring tank ==> 自动计量式箱
  12559. self-mixing ==> 自动混合
  12560. self-mixing trailer ==> 自动搅抖混合饲料车
  12561. self-mode-locking ==> 自锁模,模同步
  12562. self-modeling ==> 自模化
  12563. self-modulated oscillator ==> 自调制振荡器
  12564. self-modulating oscillator ==> 自调制振荡器
  12565. self-monitored autopilot ==> 自监控式自动驾驶仪
  12566. self-monitoring ==> 自行监控的
  12567. self-monitoring device ==> 自监控装置
  12568. self-monitoring system ==> 自监控系统
  12569. self-mounting ==> 自动上蔟
  12570. self-mounting tyre chain ==> 自装式轮胎防滑链
  12571. self-movement ==> 独立运动
  12572. self-mover ==> 自动推动器
  12573. self-moving ==> 自动推进的
  12574. self-mulching ==> 自覆盖
  12575. self-multiplying chain reaction ==> 自己増倍性の連鎖反応
  12576. self-mutilation ==> 自残
  12577. self-mutual inductance ==> 自互感
  12578. self-navigation ==> 自动导航
  12579. self-neutralizing frequency ==> 自中和频率
  12580. self-neutralizing valve ==> 中间自位阀
  12581. self-oil ==> 自动润滑
  12582. self-oil feeder ==> 自动给油器
  12583. self-oiler ==> 自动加油器
  12584. self-oiling ==> 自动上油的
  12585. self-oiling bearing ==> 自动润滑轴承
  12586. self-oiling guide bushing ==> 自润滑导套
  12587. self-open ==> 自然裂隙
  12588. self-opening die head ==> 自动开合螺丝板牙切头
  12589. self-opening gate ==> 自动快门
  12590. self-opening purifier ==> 自动排渣净油机
  12591. self-opening reamer ==> 自张式扩孔器
  12592. self-operated control ==> 自行控制=>自力制御(自動制御)
  12593. self-operated controller ==> 自动控制器
  12594. self-operated measuring unit ==> 自动测量装置
  12595. self-operated thermostatic controller ==> 自动调温器
  12596. self-operating fountains ==> 自动喷泉
  12597. self-optimalizing ==> 自寻最佳点
  12598. self-optimizing automatic pilot ==> 自选最佳条件的自动驾驶仪
  12599. self-optimizing control ==> 最佳自动控制
  12600. self-optimizing control system ==> 自动最佳化控制系统
  12601. self-optimizing decision system ==> 自寻最佳决策系统
  12602. self-optimizing filter ==> 自寻最佳化滤波器
  12603. self-optimizing system ==> 自寻最佳系统
  12604. self-organization ==> 自组织=>自己組織化
  12605. self-organization theory ==> 自组织理论
  12606. self-organized adaptation ==> 自律適応
  12607. self-organized criticality ==> 自组织的临界现象
  12608. self-organizing ==> 自组织
  12609. self-organizing computer ==> 自组织计算机
  12610. self-organizing control ==> 自组织控制
  12611. self-organizing controller ==> 自组织控制器
  12612. self-organizing equipment ==> 自组织设备
  12613. self-organizing flight control system ==> 自组飞行控制系统
  12614. self-organizing large information dissemination ==> 自组织大规模情报提供
  12615. self-organizing machine ==> 自编机
  12616. self-organizing map ==> 自己組織化マップ
  12617. self-organizing program ==> 自组织程序
  12618. self-organizing quantum universe ==> 自己組織化する宇宙
  12619. self-organizing system ==> 自组织系统,自编系统
  12620. self-orientating ==> 自动定向的
  12621. self-orthogonal ==> 自成正交
  12622. self-orthogonal convolutional code ==> 自正交卷积码
  12623. self-oscillating ==> 自激振荡
  12624. self-oscillating linear induction motor ==> 自振荡直线感应电机
  12625. self-oscillating regime ==> 自振状态
  12626. self-oscillating rubidium vapour magnetometer ==> 自振铷汽磁强计
  12627. self-oscillating system ==> 自振荡系统
  12628. self-oscillating valve ==> 振荡管
  12629. self-oscillation ==> 自激振荡,自生振荡,自振荡
  12630. self-oscillation elimination ==> 自振荡消除
  12631. self-oscillation method ==> 自动振荡法,固有振动法
  12632. self-oscillator radio telegraphy transmitter ==> 自激振荡器式发报机
  12633. self-oscillatory ==> 自激振荡的
  12634. self-oscillatory transducer ==> 自激振荡式换能器
  12635. self-osculation ==> 自密切
  12636. self-packing ==> 自动填实
  12637. self-parallel curves ==> 自平行曲线
  12638. self-parking wiper ==> 自动开关刮水器
  12639. self-perception ==> 自体感受
  12640. self-perpetuating ==> 自保持
  12641. self-persuasion ==> 自我辩解,自我说服
  12642. self-pillinate ==> 使自花授树
  12643. self-plugging rivet ==> 抽芯铆钉
  12644. self-poise ==> 镇定,自动平衡
  12645. self-poisoning ==> 自体中毒
  12646. self-polar curve ==> 自配极曲线
  12647. self-polar surface ==> 自配极曲面
  12648. self-polar tetrahedron ==> 自配极四面形
  12649. self-polar topology ==> 自配极拓扑
  12650. self-polar triangle ==> 自配极三角形
  12651. self-polarizing relay ==> 自极化继电器
  12652. self-pollinated plant ==> 自花传粉植物,自花授粉植物
  12653. self-pollinated progeny ==> 自花传粉后代,自交传粉后代
  12654. self-pollination ==> 自花传粉,自花授粉,自花受粉
  12655. self-potential ==> 自然电位,自位
  12656. self-potential difference ==> 自电位差
  12657. self-potential log ==> 自电位测井,自然电位录井曲线
  12658. self-potential method ==> 自然电位法
  12659. self-potential prospecting ==> 自电势勘探
  12660. self-potential survey ==> 自电势勘探
  12661. self-power neutron detector ==> 自给能中子探测器
  12662. self-powered ==> 自供电的
  12663. self-powered destructor ==> 自供电自炸装置
  12664. self-powered detector ==> 自供电探测器,自给能探测器,无需外加电源即可探测中子或γ射线的探测器。其原理是发射体原子核俘获中子生成的活化核发射缓发β粒子,或俘获瞬发γ射线而发射电子,从而在收集体产生与中子注量率或γ射线强度成正比的电流信号
  12665. self-powered recorder ==> 自供电录声机
  12666. self-powered scraper ==> 自行式铲运机
  12667. self-powered takeoff ==> 自备动力起飞
  12668. self-pressurize ==> 自动加压,自动加压供油
  12669. self-pressurized system ==> 自加压系统
  12670. self-priming ==> 自动起动注油
  12671. self-priming centrifugal pump ==> 自吸离心泵
  12672. self-priming pump ==> 自吸式泵
  12673. self-priming tank ==> 自动调节液位箱,自调液面水箱
  12674. self-program(m)ing ==> 自动编制程序
  12675. self-programming software ==> 自编程序软件
  12676. self-programming system ==> 自动编程序系统
  12677. self-promotion ==> 自促作用
  12678. self-propagating ==> 自动传布的
  12679. self-propagating exothermic reaction ==> 自动传播的放热反应
  12680. self-propagation ==> 自体繁殖
  12681. self-propelled ==> 自动推进的,自己推进的,自推进
  12682. self-propelled (blade) grader ==> 自动平地机
  12683. self-propelled air defense guided system ==> 自行式防空导弹系统
  12684. self-propelled air-to-ground weapon ==> 自行式空对地火箭武器
  12685. self-propelled air-to-surface missile ==> 自行式空对地导弹
  12686. self-propelled antiaircraft artillery ==> 自行式高射炮兵
  12687. self-propelled antitank gun ==> 自行反坦克炮
  12688. self-propelled artillery ==> 自行炮兵
  12689. self-propelled assault bridge ==> 自行式架桥车
  12690. self-propelled barrack ship ==> 自航式兵营船
  12691. self-propelled blade grader ==> 自动平地机
  12692. self-propelled blader ==> 自动平地机
  12693. self-propelled bomb ==> 自动推进炸弹
  12694. self-propelled car ==> 自动车
  12695. self-propelled carrier ==> 自动底盘
  12696. self-propelled chain-type side-rake ==> 自走链式侧向搂草机
  12697. self-propelled chassis ==> 自动底盘,自动推进式底盘
  12698. self-propelled combine ==> 自走式联合收割机
  12699. self-propelled combine harvester ==> 自动联合收割机
  12700. self-propelled concreting plant ==> 自行式混凝土灌筑机
  12701. self-propelled crane ==> 自走式起重机,移动式起重机
  12702. self-propelled crash test ==> 用自身发动机驱动的汽车碰撞试验
  12703. self-propelled crust breaker ==> 自动推进式打壳机
  12704. self-propelled cutter loader ==> 自走式收割装载机
  12705. self-propelled ditch digger ==> 自走式挖掘机
  12706. self-propelled drill ==> 自走式播种机
  12707. self-propelled driller ==> 自行式钻机
  12708. self-propelled dump rake ==> 自走式横向搂草机
  12709. self-propelled electric locomotive ==> 自备电源式机车
  12710. self-propelled flame-thrower ==> 自行喷火装甲车
  12711. self-propelled floating revolving crane ==> 自航回旋浮吊
  12712. self-propelled frame ==> 自行式底盘
  12713. self-propelled gantry manure crane ==> 自走式厩肥高架起重机
  12714. self-propelled gun ==> 自行火炮
  12715. self-propelled heavy weapon ==> 重型自行武器
  12716. self-propelled hopper dredge ==> 自行式装料斗采砂船
  12717. self-propelled ingot buggy ==> 自动送锭车
  12718. self-propelled jumbo ==> 自行式凿岩台车
  12719. self-propelled launching vehicle ==> 自行式发射装置
  12720. self-propelled lighting equipment ==> 自行式照明设备
  12721. self-propelled missile ==> 自行推进导弹
  12722. self-propelled mobile reactor ==> 自行式堆
  12723. self-propelled model ==> 带发动机的模型
  12724. self-propelled mortar ==> 自行迫击炮
  12725. self-propelled motor atomizer ==> 自走式动力喷雾机
  12726. self-propelled mount(ing) ==> 自动架,自行架
  12727. self-propelled mower ==> 自走式割草机
  12728. self-propelled pickup baler ==> 自走式检拾压捆机
  12729. self-propelled potato harvester ==> 自走式马铃薯收获机
  12730. self-propelled power frame ==> 自行式底盘
  12731. self-propelled power mower ==> 自走式动力割草机
  12732. self-propelled puller winch ==> 自行牵引绞车
  12733. self-propelled roller ==> 自动压路机
  12734. self-propelled scraper ==> 自推式铲运机
  12735. self-propelled ship ==> 自航船
  12736. self-propelled single-row harvester-thrasher ==> 自走式单行收割脱粒机
  12737. self-propelled single-row harvestor ==> 自动单行收割机
  12738. self-propelled sprayer ==> 自走式喷雾机
  12739. self-propelled three-row rotary cultivator ==> 自走式三行旋耕机
  12740. self-propelled tool carrier ==> 自动底盘
  12741. self-propelled tool chassis ==> 自动底盘
  12742. self-propelled tracked loader ==> 自行履带式运载装填车
  12743. self-propelled underwater missile ==> 自动推进的水下导弹
  12744. self-propelled wagon drill ==> 自行式钻车
  12745. self-propelled water barge ==> 自航水驳
  12746. self-propelling ==> 自行的
  12747. self-propelling dredger ==> 自动推进挖泥机,自航式挖泥船
  12748. self-propelling landing gear ==> 自行推进式起落架
  12749. self-propelling launcher ==> 自行式发射装置
  12750. self-propelling tripper ==> 自动推进倾料器
  12751. self-properlled combine ==> 自走式联合收获机
  12752. self-propulsion point ==> 自驱点
  12753. self-protected transformer ==> 自保护变压器
  12754. self-protecting ==> 自行保护
  12755. self-protecting type pump ==> 自护型泵
  12756. self-protection arms ==> 自卫武器
  12757. self-protective transformer ==> 自保护式变压器
  12758. self-provided foreign exchange ==> 自备外汇
  12759. self-pruning ==> 自己整枝,天然脱枝
  12760. self-pulsed modulation ==> 脉冲自调制
  12761. self-pulsed oscillator ==> 脉冲自调制振荡器,自调脉冲振荡器
  12762. self-pulsed system ==> 自脉冲系统
  12763. self-pulsed transmitter ==> 自动脉冲调制发射机,脉冲自调制发射机,脉冲自动调制发射机
  12764. self-pulsing ==> 自生脉冲
  12765. self-purging ==> 自动净化,自排气的
  12766. self-purging cell ==> 自动净化池
  12767. self-purification ==> 自净,自净作用
  12768. self-purification ability ==> 自清能力
  12769. self-purification capacity ==> 自净能力
  12770. self-purification characteristics ==> 自净特性
  12771. self-purification constant ==> 自净常数
  12772. self-purification of water body ==> 水体自净
  12773. self-purification parameter ==> 自净参数
  12774. self-pushing blocking oscillator ==> 自激阻塞振荡器
  12775. self-quenched counter ==> 自猝灭计数管
  12776. self-quenched detector ==> 自猝熄检波器
  12777. self-quenching ==> 自消灭,自猝灭,自淬灭
  12778. self-quenching counter ==> 自己消滅形計数管
  12779. self-quenching counter(tube) ==> 自灭式计数管
  12780. self-quenching mixture ==> 自猝灭混合物
  12781. self-quenching oscillator ==> 自猝灭振荡器
  12782. self-quenching system ==> 自灭系统
  12783. self-radiation impedance ==> 自辐射阻抗
  12784. self-radiolysis ==> 自辐射分解
  12785. self-raising flour ==> 自发粉
  12786. self-rake ==> 自动耧耙
  12787. self-rake reaper ==> 摇臂收割机
  12788. self-reactance ==> 固有电抗
  12789. self-reacting ==> 自反应的
  12790. self-reacting device ==> 自动化仪器
  12791. self-reading ==> 自动读出的
  12792. self-reading instrument ==> 自动读数仪器
  12793. self-reading level rod ==> 自读水准尺
  12794. self-reading quartz fiber dosimeter ==> 自读式石英丝剂量计
  12795. self-reading rod ==> 自读标尺,自读水准杆
  12796. self-reading staff ==> 自读标尺
  12797. self-reciprocal function ==> 自反函数
  12798. self-reclosing breaker ==> 自复断路器
  12799. self-recognition ==> 自身识别
  12800. self-recorder ==> 自动记录器,自记录器
  12801. self-recording ==> 自动记录的,自记的
  12802. self-recording accelerometer ==> 自记式加速计
  12803. self-recording anemometer ==> 自记风速计,风力计
  12804. self-recording aneroid barometer ==> 自记无液气压计
  12805. self-recording aneroidograph ==> 自记无液气压图
  12806. self-recording apparatus ==> 自动记录仪
  12807. self-recording audiometer ==> 自动记录测听计
  12808. self-recording audiometry ==> 自记测听术
  12809. self-recording barometer ==> 自记气压计,自录气压计
  12810. self-recording compensator ==> 自记补偿器
  12811. self-recording device ==> 自动记录器
  12812. self-recording displacement seismograph ==> 自动记录位移地震仪
  12813. self-recording flow meter ==> 自记流量表
  12814. self-recording gauge ==> 自动记录仪表
  12815. self-recording gold-leaf electroscope ==> 自记式金箔验电器
  12816. self-recording high-speed instrument ==> 自记录高速仪表
  12817. self-recording hygrometer ==> 自动记录湿度计,自记温度计
  12818. self-recording instrument ==> 自动记录仪,自动记录仪器
  12819. self-recording interferometric gas analyzer ==> 自记干涉式气体分析器
  12820. self-recording machenism ==> 自动记录机构
  12821. self-recording magnetic balance ==> 自记磁天平
  12822. self-recording micrometer ==> 自记测微计
  12823. self-recording microphotometer ==> 自记显微光度计
  12824. self-recording rain-ga(u)ge ==> 自记雨量计
  12825. self-recording serial colorimeter ==> 自录式连续比色计
  12826. self-recording spectrophotometer ==> 自记分光光度计
  12827. self-recording thermometer ==> 自记温度计,温度记录器
  12828. self-recording tide ga(u)ge ==> 自记水位计
  12829. self-recording titration ==> 自记滴定
  12830. self-recording unit ==> 自动记录器
  12831. self-recording wattmeter ==> 自动记录瓦特计
  12832. self-recovery ==> 自动返回,自动复原
  12833. self-recovery winch ==> 自动拉出用绞车,自救绞车
  12834. self-rectified circuit ==> 自整流电路
  12835. self-rectified transmitter ==> 自整流发射机
  12836. self-rectifier type x-ray apparatus ==> 自整流式X线机
  12837. self-rectifying alternator ==> 自整流式交流发电机
  12838. self-rectifying X-ray tube ==> 自整流X射线管
  12839. self-reducing tachometer ==> 自动归算测速仪
  12840. self-reduction ==> 自身还原作用,自吸收
  12841. self-refreshed dynamic memory (storage) ==> 自更新的动态存储器
  12842. self-refrigeration ==> 自动冷凝,自动冷凝作用
  12843. self-regenerative process ==> 自再生过程
  12844. self-registered technology ==> 自对准工艺
  12845. self-registering ==> 自动记录的
  12846. self-registering anemometer ==> 自记风力表
  12847. self-registering barometer ==> 自记气压表
  12848. self-registering gauge ==> 自记水位计
  12849. self-registering instrument ==> 自动记录式仪器,自动记录仪,自动记录仪器
  12850. self-registering thermometer ==> 自记温度表
  12851. self-regulated machine ==> 自调节电机
  12852. self-regulated vaporization cooling system ==> 自调蒸发冷却系统
  12853. self-regulating ==> 自调的,自调节的=>自己制御の
  12854. self-regulating alternator ==> 自调节交流发电机
  12855. self-regulating arc welding transformer ==> 自调节弧焊变压器
  12856. self-regulating characteristic ==> (負荷の)自己制御性
  12857. self-regulating characteristics ==> 自调特性
  12858. self-regulating feedback control ==> 自动调节反馈控制
  12859. self-regulating fuel pump ==> 自动调节燃料泵
  12860. self-regulating mass transfer system ==> 自调质量转移系统
  12861. self-regulating power transformer ==> 自调整功率变换器
  12862. self-regulating process ==> 自动调节过程
  12863. self-regulating reactor ==> 自调节堆
  12864. self-regulating system ==> 自调系统
  12865. self-regulation ==> 自己平衡性
  12866. self-regulation device ==> 自调节装置
  12867. self-regulation rate ==> 自调整率
  12868. self-relative address ==> 自相对地址
  12869. self-relative addressing ==> 自相对寻址
  12870. self-relative computer ==> 自相关计算机
  12871. self-relative subroutine ==> 自相对子程序
  12872. self-release coupling ==> 自释联轴节
  12873. self-releasing grappling device ==> 自动放开的夹具
  12874. self-releasing gripper ==> 自动开闭式夹纱器
  12875. self-releasing hook ==> 自动解缆钩
  12876. self-releasing slag ==> 自动脱落渣
  12877. self-relieving chain harrow ==> 自动适应地形的链耙,自适应链耙
  12878. self-relocating program ==> 自浮动程序
  12879. self-relocation ==> 自浮动
  12880. self-renewal resources ==> 自然更新资源
  12881. self-repair ==> 自修复
  12882. self-repairing capability ==> 自修复能力
  12883. self-repairing circuit ==> 自恢复电路
  12884. self-repairing computer ==> 自修复计算机
  12885. self-repairing system ==> 自修复系统
  12886. self-replenishing contact ==> 自补偿触点
  12887. self-reproducing automaton ==> 自再生自动机
  12888. self-reproducing system ==> 自我增殖系统
  12889. self-reproduction ==> 自繁殖,自复制,自体繁殖,自我繁殖,自增殖
  12890. self-repulsing ==> 自斥
  12891. self-rescue apparatus ==> 自救呼吸器
  12892. self-rescuer ==> 自救器
  12893. self-reset ==> 自动复位,自动还原
  12894. self-reset manual release control ==> 自动复原手动释放控制
  12895. self-reset==self-reset … ==> 自己復帰
  12896. self-resetting loop ==> 自复位回线,自复位循环,自重置循环
  12897. self-resetting timer ==> 自回复定时器
  12898. self-resistance ==> 自电阻,固有电阻
  12899. self-resonance frequency ==> 自谐振频率
  12900. self-restorability ==> 自动复原性
  12901. self-restoration ==> 天然更新
  12902. self-restoring ==> 自动恢复的
  12903. self-restoring coherer ==> 自恢复式粉末检波器
  12904. self-restoring drop ==> 自复吊牌
  12905. self-restoring indicator ==> 自动复归指示器
  12906. self-restoring relay ==> 自復継電器
  12907. self-restraint agreement ==> 自限协定,自愿限制协定
  12908. self-retailing ==> 自助零售
  12909. self-retaining catheter ==> 自留导尿管
  12910. self-retaining laryngoscope ==> 支撑式喉镜
  12911. self-retaining nasal balloon ==> 鼻腔止血气囊
  12912. self-retaining urethral catheter ==> 自留导尿管
  12913. self-retention ==> 自锁,自制动
  12914. self-return ==> 自动回位
  12915. self-return button with N.C. contact ==> 能自动返回的常闭按钮触点
  12916. self-reversal of remanent magnetization ==> 剩余磁性的自反转
  12917. self-right effect ==> 自动回正作用
  12918. self-righting ==> 自整流(的)
  12919. self-righting effect ==> 自动回正作用
  12920. self-righting lifeboat ==> 自动扶正的救生艇
  12921. self-roasting ==> 自焙
  12922. self-root plant ==> 自根植物
  12923. self-rotated stopper ==> 自动旋转伸缩式凿岩机,自动旋转向上式凿岩机
  12924. self-running sweep ==> 自激扫描
  12925. self-sale ==> 自销
  12926. self-same capital ==> 同一个资本
  12927. self-saturated magnetic amplifier ==> 自饱和磁放大器
  12928. self-saturation ==> 自饱和
  12929. self-saturation type ==> 自己帰還形(磁気増幅器)
  12930. self-scan imaging display panel ==> 自扫描图像显示板
  12931. self-scanned array ==> 自扫描阵列
  12932. self-scanned image sensor ==> 自扫描成像器件,自扫描图像传感器
  12933. self-scanned linear array ==> 自扫描线性阵列
  12934. self-scanned photodiode array ==> 自扫描光电二极管阵
  12935. self-scanned photosensing array ==> 自扫描光敏阵列
  12936. self-scanned solid image sensor ==> 自扫描固态成像传感器
  12937. self-scanned solid-state image sensor ==> 自扫描固态成像传感器
  12938. self-scattering ==> 自散射=>自己散乱
  12939. self-scheduled ==> セルフ・スケジュール
  12940. self-scouring ==> 自然冲刷
  12941. self-screening jamming ==> 自屏蔽干扰
  12942. self-screening property ==> 自蔽性能
  12943. self-screening range ==> 自屏蔽范围
  12944. self-seal by pressure coupling ==> 无垫压力偶密封
  12945. self-sealed bearing ==> 自封式轴承
  12946. self-sealing ==> 自封式
  12947. self-sealing capacitor ==> 自动密封电容器,自封闭电容器
  12948. self-sealing container ==> 自封闭容器
  12949. self-sealing coupling ==> 自封联接器
  12950. self-sealing fuel tank ==> 自封燃料箱,安全油箱
  12951. self-sealing inner chamber ==> 自身密封式内腔
  12952. self-sealing inner tube ==> 自封式内胎
  12953. self-sealing oil seal ==> 自紧油档
  12954. self-sealing oil system ==> 自封油系统
  12955. self-sealing packing ==> 自紧密封
  12956. self-sealing plastics ==> 自动封闭塑胶接合剂
  12957. self-sealing pneumatic tube system ==> 自密封气压管路系统
  12958. self-sealing ring ==> 自紧式密封环
  12959. self-sealing rubber septum ==> 自密封橡胶隔片
  12960. self-sealing tank ==> 自动封闭桶,自封箱
  12961. self-sealing tire ==> 自封轮胎
  12962. self-sealing wrapping ==> 自封包装
  12963. self-seed ==> 自然播种
  12964. self-seed crop ==> 自播作物
  12965. self-seeding ==> 自动下种,自给籽晶
  12966. self-selection bias ==> 自选择偏差
  12967. self-sensation ==> 自我感觉
  12968. self-sensing ==> セルフセンシング
  12969. self-serve station ==> 自动加油站
  12970. self-service ==> 自我服务
  12971. self-service bookstall ==> 无人售书处
  12972. self-service instrument ==> 自动工作仪表
  12973. self-service store ==> 自助商店,无人售货商店
  12974. self-servicing battery ==> 自理充电蓄电池
  12975. self-servo action ==> 自增力作用
  12976. self-set binder ==> 自硬化粘结剂
  12977. self-setting ==> 自动调整,自凝的,(粘结剂的)自硬性
  12978. self-setting bearing ==> 多向调整轴承
  12979. self-setting resin sand ==> 自固化树脂砂
  12980. self-setting silicate process ==> 水玻璃自硬砂
  12981. self-sharpening ==> 自动磨锐
  12982. self-sharpening bit ==> 自磨钻头
  12983. self-sharpening blade ==> 自磨刃式锄铲,自磨刃式刀片
  12984. self-sharpening device ==> 自动磨刀片装置
  12985. self-sharpening share ==> 自磨刃犁桦
  12986. self-shield ==> 自保护
  12987. self-shield coil ==> 自屏蔽线圈
  12988. self-shielded arc welding ==> 自保护电弧焊
  12989. self-shielded poison ==> 自屏毒物
  12990. self-shielded welding wire ==> 自保护焊丝
  12991. self-shielding ==> 自己遮蔽
  12992. self-shielding coil ==> 自屏蔽线圈
  12993. self-shielding effect ==> 自屏蔽效应
  12994. self-shielding factor ==> 自屏蔽系数
  12995. self-shielding function ==> 自屏函数
  12996. self-shift AC plasma panel ==> 自移交流等离子体显示板
  12997. self-shift plasma display ==> 自移位等离子体显示
  12998. self-shifting synchronizing clutch ==> 自动移位同步离合器
  12999. self-shifting transmission ==> 自动转换开关变速箱
  13000. self-shooter ==> 自动闸门
  13001. self-shutting hinge ==> 自关铰链
  13002. self-signalling electronic separation ==> 自发信号电子选矿
  13003. self-similar antenna ==> 自相似天线
  13004. self-similar elliptical crack ==> 自垂椭圆裂隙
  13005. self-similar solution ==> 自相似解
  13006. self-similarity ==> 自己相似性
  13007. self-simulating equation ==> 自模拟方程
  13008. self-skimming ==> 自动除渣
  13009. self-slagging impurity ==> 自生熔渣杂质
  13010. self-slip ==> 湿坯表面光洁层
  13011. self-solidifying ==> 自凝
  13012. self-solidifying liquid ==> 自凝液体
  13013. self-soured casein ==> 自行发酵酪素
  13014. self-sowing ==> 自播
  13015. self-sown crop ==> 自播作物
  13016. self-sown seed ==> 自然播种种子
  13017. self-sprinkling pump set ==> 柴油自喷泵组
  13018. self-stability ==> 自动稳定性
  13019. self-stabilization ==> 自稳定
  13020. self-stabilizing effect in braking ==> 汽车制动自稳效应
  13021. self-stabilizing steering ==> 自动稳定转向系
  13022. self-start ==> 自起动
  13023. self-start motor ==> 自起动电动机
  13024. self-start synchronous motor ==> 自起动同步电动机=>自始動同期電動機
  13025. self-starter ==> 自动起动器,机械起动器
  13026. self-starter pinion ==> 自动起动小齿轮
  13027. self-starter ring gear ==> 自动起动机环形齿轮,自动起动器齿环
  13028. self-starting ==> 自起动
  13029. self-starting injector ==> 自动吸入喷射器
  13030. self-starting method ==> 自动起动法,直接起动法
  13031. self-starting motor ==> 自起动电动机
  13032. self-starting rotary converter ==> 自起动旋转变流机,自启动旋转换流器
  13033. self-starting synchronous motor ==> 自起动同步电动机
  13034. self-steering ==> 自动控制
  13035. self-steering mechanism ==> 自转向机构
  13036. self-steering microwave array ==> 自控微波天线阵
  13037. self-sterile ==> 自交不亲和的
  13038. self-sterile plant ==> 自花不孕植物,自交不孕植物
  13039. self-sterility ==> 自交不育,自体不育,自体不育性
  13040. self-sterility genes ==> 自交不育基因
  13041. self-sterilizer ==> 自动消毒
  13042. self-stiffness ==> 自反电容,固有刚度
  13043. self-stimulated emission ==> 自受激发射
  13044. self-stopping gear ==> 自动制动传动机构,自停机构
  13045. self-stowing gate ==> 自行充填开采巷道
  13046. self-stressing cement ==> 自应力水泥
  13047. self-stressing concrete ==> 自应力混凝土
  13048. self-subduction ==> 自己沈み込み
  13049. self-sucking pump ==> 自吸泵
  13050. self-sufficiency ==> 自足性
  13051. self-sufficing economy ==> 自给经济
  13052. self-sufficing feed ==> 自给饲料
  13053. self-suggestion ==> 自我暗示
  13054. self-superposability ==> 自叠加性
  13055. self-supervision ==> 自我监督
  13056. self-supervisory ==> 自监督
  13057. self-supplied manure ==> 农家肥料
  13058. self-supply ==> セルフ・サプライ,自己供給分
  13059. self-supply power plant ==> 自备动力厂
  13060. self-supplying of feed ==> 饲料自给
  13061. self-support system ==> 自支援系统
  13062. self-supporting ==> 自立的,自燃=>自己支持の
  13063. self-supporting accounting system ==> 独立核算制
  13064. self-supporting aerial cable ==> 自支持架空电缆
  13065. self-supporting antenna mast ==> 自持天线杆
  13066. self-supporting cable ==> 自己支持形ケーブル
  13067. self-supporting coil ==> 自持线圈,自立式线圈
  13068. self-supporting grating ==> 自持光栅
  13069. self-supporting mast ==> 自立式电杆
  13070. self-supporting pack ==> 自支式充填带
  13071. self-supporting property ==> 自身支撑能力
  13072. self-supporting rock ==> 自支护岩石
  13073. self-supporting structure ==> 自立式钢结构,自承重结构
  13074. self-supporting target ==> 自托靶
  13075. self-supporting tendency ==> 自撑能力
  13076. self-supporting tower ==> 自立鉄塔
  13077. self-supporting wall ==> 自承重的墙
  13078. self-supproted opening ==> 天然支护采矿法
  13079. self-surge impedance ==> 自冲击阻抗
  13080. self-suspension ==> 自体悬吊
  13081. self-sustained emission cold cathode ==> 自持发射冷阴极
  13082. self-sustained oscillation ==> 自激振荡,自激振动
  13083. self-sustained oscillations ==> 自持振荡,当系统受到干扰时,由于其阻尼不足或负阻尼,发电机转子的功角和其他变量发生导致系统稳定破坏的增幅或等幅振荡现象
  13084. self-sustained underwater breathing apparatus ==> 自持水下呼吸器
  13085. self-sustaining ==> 自己保持の,自続
  13086. self-sustaining chain reaction ==> 自持链式反应
  13087. self-sustaining gear ==> 自动制动机构,自锁传动
  13088. self-sustaining medium ==> 自持介质
  13089. self-sustaining process ==> 自持过程
  13090. self-sustaining reaction ==> 自持反应
  13091. self-sustaining reactor ==> 自持堆
  13092. self-sustaining rock ==> 稳固岩石
  13093. self-sustaining vessel ==> 自有装卸机械的船舶
  13094. self-synchronism ==> 自动同步
  13095. self-synchronization ==> 自同步并列,将未加励磁的空载同步发电机接入电力系统后,立即给发电机加励磁,由系统将其拖入同步的操作和过程
  13096. self-synchronizing ==> 自动同步,自同步
  13097. self-synchronizing clutch ==> 自动同步离合器
  13098. self-synchronizing code ==> 自同步码
  13099. self-synchronous device ==> 自同步装置,同步机
  13100. self-synchronous motor ==> 自同步电动机,自同步机
  13101. self-synchronous repeater ==> 同步机
  13102. self-synchronous system ==> 自动同步系统
  13103. self-synchronous transmission system ==> 自动同步传输系统
  13104. self-synchronous transmitter ==> 自动同步发射机
  13105. self-tapping ==> 自动攻丝
  13106. self-tapping screw ==> 自动攻丝螺杆,自攻丝螺钉=>セルフタッピンねじ
  13107. self-taught experts ==> 土专家
  13108. self-temperature-compensated strain ga(u)ge ==> 温度自补偿应变片
  13109. self-tempering ==> 自热回火
  13110. self-test and failure warning ==> 自检测故障与告警
  13111. self-test relay ==> 自测试继电器
  13112. self-testing factor ==> 自测试因数
  13113. self-testing-and-repairing computer ==> 自测试自修复计算机
  13114. self-texturing yarn ==> 自变形丝
  13115. self-thermostat ==> 自控恒温器
  13116. self-threading ==> 自动穿线
  13117. self-threading eye ==> 自动穿入式导纱眼
  13118. self-threading screw ==> 自攻螺针,自攻丝螺钉
  13119. self-threading shuttle ==> 自动穿纱式梭子
  13120. self-tightening lever clip ==> 自紧式夹杆
  13121. self-tightening locknut ==> 自紧防松螺母
  13122. self-tightening oil seal ==> 自紧油封
  13123. self-tightening seal ==> 自紧密封
  13124. self-timer ==> 自动记秒表,自动秒表,自拍装置
  13125. self-timing anemometer ==> 自动计时风速计
  13126. self-timing gear ==> 自动调时齿轮
  13127. self-timing system ==> 自己タイミング方式
  13128. self-tipping barge ==> 自倾卸驳
  13129. self-tipping skip ==> 翻转式箕斗
  13130. self-tolerance ==> 自身耐受性,自体耐受性
  13131. self-topping ==> 自封顶
  13132. self-torque ==> 自转矩
  13133. self-tracking action ==> 自动跟踪作用
  13134. self-tracking system ==> 自动跟踪系统
  13135. self-traping effect ==> 光束自陷效应
  13136. self-trapped optical beam ==> 自聚焦光束
  13137. self-trapping effect ==> 自陷效应
  13138. self-triggered program ==> 自启动程序
  13139. self-triggering ==> 自触发的
  13140. self-troughing idler ==> 自动成槽托滚
  13141. self-tune ==> 自动调准
  13142. self-tuned filter ==> 自己同調形フィルタ
  13143. self-tuning control ==> セルフチューニング制御
  13144. self-tuning engine ==> 自调发动机
  13145. self-tuning fuzzy reasoning ==> 自己調整ファジィ推論
  13146. self-tuning short-wave transmitter ==> 自动调谐短波发射机
  13147. self-turn-off power device ==> 自己消弧型パワーデバイス
  13148. self-turning mechanism ==> 自动旋转机构
  13149. self-twilling jacquard ==> 自提地纹经线提花机
  13150. self-twist factor ==> 自捻系数
  13151. self-twisting spinning ==> 自捻纺纱
  13152. self-tying ==> 自动捆扎
  13153. self-tying baler ==> 自动捆结式捡拾压捆机
  13154. self-tying mechanism ==> 自动打捆机构
  13155. self-tying pick-up baler ==> 自动结捆式拣拾压捆机
  13156. self-unfruitfulness ==> 自交不实性
  13157. self-unloading forage box ==> 自卸式饲料分送车
  13158. self-unloading hopper ==> 自卸料仓
  13159. self-unloading pump ==> 自动卸料泵
  13160. self-unloading ship ==> 自动卸货船,自卸船
  13161. self-unloading vessel ==> 自卸船
  13162. self-unloading wagon ==> 自卸车,自卸拖车
  13163. self-ventilated machine ==> 自通风电机=>自己通風形電機
  13164. self-ventilated motor ==> 自然通风电动机,自然通风式电动机
  13165. self-ventilation ==> 自通风
  13166. self-verifying ==> 自动检验
  13167. self-virtualizing ==> 自虚拟
  13168. self-vulcanizing ==> 自硫化
  13169. self-washing filter ==> 自洗式过滤器
  13170. self-waterer ==> 自动饮水装置
  13171. self-watering device ==> 自饮器
  13172. self-weight collapse loess ==> 自重湿陷性黄土
  13173. self-weight stress ==> 自重应力
  13174. self-weight vector ==> 自重向量
  13175. self-winding ==> 自卷的
  13176. self-winding clock ==> 自上发条钟
  13177. self-winding electric clock ==> 自绕电钟
  13178. self-winding watch ==> 自动手表,自上发条表
  13179. selfacting incline ==> 重力运输
  13180. selfacting twiner ==> 走锭拈线机
  13181. selfactuated regulator ==> 测量元件控制调节器
  13182. selfaligning control ==> 跟随控制
  13183. selfcapacity ==> 固有电容
  13184. selfcost ==> 成本
  13185. SELFD Self Discharging ==> 自己卸货
  13186. selfdigestion ==> 自体溶解
  13187. selfed colone ==> 自花授粉无性系
  13188. selfed family ==> 自交有性系
  13189. selfed progeny ==> 自花传粉后代
  13190. selfed seed ==> 自交种,自交种子
  13191. selfed seedling ==> 自交实生树
  13192. selfexcited oscillation ==> 自励振動
  13193. selfhardening sand (mixture) ==> 自硬砂
  13194. Selfil ==> 夹长丝自捻纺纱机
  13195. selfing ==> 自花授精,自交,自体受精
  13196. selfing of tea ==> 茶的自花受粉
  13197. selfing process ==> 自交过程
  13198. selfmodulation ==> 自调制
  13199. selfoc ==> 自聚焦传光纤维
  13200. selfoc fiber ==> 自动聚焦传光纤维
  13201. selfoc lightguide ==> 自聚焦光波导
  13202. selfsealing coupling ==> 滑接自封接头
  13203. selftimer ==> 延时器
  13204. selfube iron ==> 多孔铜铁合金
  13205. seligmannite ==> 硫砷铅铜矿
  13206. seligocidin ==> 肠霉素
  13207. selinane ==> 芹子烷
  13208. Selinene ==> 桉叶烯
  13209. Selinon ==> (杀虫剂)二硝甲酚
  13210. Selivanoff reaction ==> 谢利瓦诺夫氏反应
  13211. sell ==> 经售,经售,卖,发售,贩卖,售
  13212. sell at a loss ==> 蚀本出售
  13213. sell at a profit ==> 赚钱卖出
  13214. sell at half price ==> 半价出售
  13215. sell at loss ==> 亏本出售
  13216. sell at market prices ==> 明码售货
  13217. sell by lots ==> 分批出售
  13218. sell by wholesale ==> 整批出售,批发,批发售出,批售
  13219. sell for cash down ==> 现卖
  13220. sell goods at a high figure ==> 高价销售
  13221. sell goods at high price ==> 高价出售,高价销售
  13222. sell large quantities of goods ==> 抛售货物,抛售物资
  13223. sell off ==> 卖清存货
  13224. sell old stock at reduced prices ==> 库存积压品处理
  13225. sell on commission ==> 经售,经售
  13226. sell on the spot ==> 现货销售
  13227. sell out ==> 卖清
  13228. sell retail over the counter ==> 门市
  13229. sell up ==> 卖光
  13230. sell well ==> 行销
  13231. sell wholesale ==> 整批出售
  13232. sell-and-leaseback agreement ==> 售出租回合约
  13233. sell-by date ==> 食品賞味期限
  13234. sell-in ==> 出荷
  13235. sella ==> 鞍
  13236. sella turcica ==> 蝶鞍
  13237. sellaite ==> 氟镁石
  13238. sellenin ==> 鞍菌素
  13239. seller ==> 卖方,卖主
  13240. seller' s coupling ==> 塞勒朕轴节
  13241. seller's coupling ==> 塞勒联轴节
  13242. Seller's coupling ==> 塞勒联轴节
  13243. seller's credit ==> 卖方信贷
  13244. Seller's drive ==> 塞勒传动
  13245. seller's hedging ==> 卖方期货,卖家套头保值
  13246. seller's lien ==> 卖方留置权,卖主扣押权
  13247. seller's market ==> 卖方市场,卖主市场
  13248. seller's monopoly ==> 卖方独占,卖方垄断
  13249. seller's option ==> 卖方决定,卖方选择,卖方选择权
  13250. seller's option (S.O.) ==> 卖主选择权
  13251. seller's price ==> 卖主控制价格
  13252. seller's rate of exchange ==> 卖价
  13253. seller's sample ==> 卖方样品
  13254. Seller's screw thread ==> 赛勒螺纹
  13255. seller's self adjusting bearing ==> 旋转轴承
  13256. seller's share ==> 卖主股
  13257. seller's surplus ==> 卖主剩余
  13258. Seller's taper ==> 塞勒锥度
  13259. seller's usance ==> 卖方惯例,卖方远期信用
  13260. seller's usance credit ==> 卖方远期信用证
  13261. seller's usual packing ==> 卖方习惯包装
  13262. Sellers coupling ==> 塞勒锥形联轴节
  13263. sellers over ==> 卖者过多,卖主过多
  13264. sellers' market ==> 卖方市场,销售者市场
  13265. sellers inflation ==> 卖方通货膨胀
  13266. sellers monopoly ==> 卖方垄断
  13267. sellers price ==> 卖方价格
  13268. sellers share ==> 卖主股
  13269. sellers surplus ==> 卖方盈余
  13270. selling ==> 卖,销售=>販売
  13271. selling against the box ==> 抛空,依据手头存券买卖证券,卖空
  13272. selling agency ==> 発売元
  13273. selling agent ==> 贩卖代理人,销售代理商
  13274. selling agreement ==> 销售协定
  13275. selling and administrative cost ==> 销售及管理成本
  13276. selling and administrative expenses ==> 销货与管理费用,销售及管理费用
  13277. selling area ==> 营业厅
  13278. selling at exposition ==> 展销
  13279. selling at less than cost ==> 亏本销售,蚀本出售
  13280. selling at premium ==> 高价出卖
  13281. selling by grade ==> 分级销售
  13282. selling charges ==> 销售费用
  13283. selling commission ==> 销货佣金,销售佣金
  13284. selling concept ==> 销售概念
  13285. selling concession ==> 销售折让,证券优惠售价,(证券市场)销售优惠
  13286. selling contract ==> 卖汇票预约
  13287. selling contract slip ==> 卖汇票预约申请书
  13288. selling cost ==> 销售费用,推销成本
  13289. selling cost budget ==> 销售成本预算
  13290. selling costs ==> 销售成本,推销费用
  13291. selling crisis ==> 销售危机
  13292. selling exchange ==> 卖外汇
  13293. selling expense ==> 销售费用
  13294. selling expense variance ==> 销售费用差异
  13295. selling expenses ==> 销货费用
  13296. selling forward ==> (外汇)卖出远期
  13297. selling goods at reduced prices ==> 削价处理商品
  13298. selling group ==> 销售集团,推销集团
  13299. selling group pot ==> 证券销售集团承销部分
  13300. selling hedge ==> 抛售的对冲处置,卖出对冲,卖期保值
  13301. selling off goods at reduced prices ==> 拍卖
  13302. selling offer ==> 销货要约,卖方发盘=>売オファー
  13303. selling operation ==> 销售业务
  13304. selling outlet ==> 流通ルート,販路
  13305. selling overhead ==> 销售间接费
  13306. selling period ==> (证券)销售期间
  13307. selling platform ==> 销售纲领
  13308. selling price ==> 销售价格,卖方报价=>販売価格
  13309. selling price (S.P.) ==> 卖价
  13310. selling quotation ==> 売り相場
  13311. selling rate ==> 卖出汇价,卖出价,卖价,销售率
  13312. selling rates ==> 卖出汇率
  13313. selling retail department ==> 门市部
  13314. selling rice variance ==> 销售价格差异
  13315. selling sample ==> 销售样品,推销样品
  13316. selling short ==> 抛空,卖短,卖空
  13317. selling syndicate ==> 推销集团
  13318. selling transportation insurance ==> 出售运输保险
  13319. selling-out ==> 卖出
  13320. Sellmeier equation ==> 塞耳迈耶尔方程
  13321. Selma chalk ==> 塞尔马白垩层
  13322. Selove receiver ==> 塞洛夫接收机
  13323. selsyn ==> 同步机,自整角机,一种发送、接收、转换角位移信息的交流控制电机=>セルシン
  13324. selsyn (-type) roll-opening indicator ==> 自整角机式轧辊开度指示器
  13325. selsyn control ==> 自动同步机控制
  13326. selsyn device ==> 自动同步设备=>セルシン装置
  13327. selsyn differential ==> 自整角机差动装置
  13328. selsyn disc ==> 自动同步机盘
  13329. selsyn drive ==> 自动同步机传动
  13330. selsyn drive gear ==> 自动同步机传动机构,自动同步机主动齿轮
  13331. selsyn driver ==> 自动同步传动装置
  13332. selsyn generator ==> 自动同步发电机,自同步发射机,自整角发电机
  13333. selsyn instrument ==> 自动同步仪表
  13334. selsyn motor ==> 自动同步电动机,自同步电动机=>セルシンモータ
  13335. selsyn motor impulse clock ==> 同步式电钟
  13336. selsyn receiver ==> 自同步接收机,自整角接收机
  13337. selsyn system ==> 自动同步机系统
  13338. selsyn train ==> 自动同步传动装置
  13339. selsyn transformer ==> 自同步接收机
  13340. selsyn transmitter ==> 自动同步发射机,自同步发射机
  13341. selsyn-data system ==> 自动同步机数据系统,自同步机数据系统,数据传送的自动同步系统
  13342. selsyn-drive electric motor ==> 自整角机驱动电动机
  13343. selsyn-type electric machine ==> 自整角电机
  13344. selsyn-type electrical motor ==> 自整角电动机
  13345. selsyn-type synchronous system ==> 自整角机式同步系统
  13346. selt anti-dual function ==> 非自对偶函数
  13347. Selter's tuberculin ==> 减毒活结核菌素
  13348. seltrap ==> 半导体二极管变阻器
  13349. selva ==> 热带雨林
  13350. selvage ==> 断层泥,锁孔板,边
  13351. selvage wire rope ==> 编织钢丝绳
  13352. selvedge ==> 边,锁孔板,断层泥
  13353. selvedge apparatus ==> 织边装置
  13354. selvedge decurler ==> 剥布边器
  13355. selvedge dividing sinker ==> 分纱片
  13356. selvedge guider ==> 导布器
  13357. selvedge stamping machine ==> 印边机
  13358. selvedge uncurler ==> 剥布边器
  13359. Selwyn granularity coefficient ==> 塞耳温颗粒度系数
  13360. selwynite ==> 铬铝石
  13361. sem ==> 扫描电子显微镜
  13362. sem micrograph ==> 扫描电子显微镜照相术
  13363. SEM, scanning electron microscope ==> 走査(形)電子顕微鏡
  13364. SEM, Space Environment Monitor ==> 宇宙環境モニタ
  13365. SEM, spacecraft environment monitor ==> 宇宙環境モニタ装置
  13366. SEM, system engineering model ==> システムエンジニアリングモデル
  13367. semantic analysis ==> 语义分析
  13368. semantic analyzer ==> 语义分析程序
  13369. semantic components analysis ==> 语义成分分析
  13370. semantic data mode ==> 语义数据模式
  13371. semantic error ==> 语义错误
  13372. semantic evaluation ==> 语义学的评价
  13373. semantic generation ==> 语义生成
  13374. semantic indicatory symbol ==> 语义指示符
  13375. semantic matrix ==> 语义矩阵
  13376. semantic memory ==> 语义存储器
  13377. semantic net ==> 语义网
  13378. semantic paradox ==> 语义悖论
  13379. semantic preference ==> 语义选择
  13380. semantic procedure ==> 语义过程
  13381. semantic processing ==> 语义处理
  13382. semantic resolution ==> 语义学的分解
  13383. semantic routine ==> 语义程序
  13384. semantic routine notation ==> 语义程序表示法
  13385. semantic shift ==> 语义演变
  13386. semantic space construction ==> 语义空间结构
  13387. semantic stack element ==> 语义栈元素
  13388. semantic validation ==> 意味的検証
  13389. semantics ==> 意味論
  13390. semantics translator ==> 语义学翻译程序
  13391. semaphore ==> 信号杆=>腕木(信号機)
  13392. semaphore code ==> 旗语信号
  13393. semaphore flag ==> 手旗
  13394. semaphore primitive ==> 信号量原语
  13395. semaphore signal ==> 横杆信号,手旗通信,塔上信号,杆上信号=>腕木信号機
  13396. semar technique ==> 涂抹法
  13397. semen ==> 输精
  13398. semen (semina) ==> 种子
  13399. Semen Abutili ==> 苘麻子
  13400. Semen Allii Tuberosi ==> 韭菜子,韭菜子
  13401. Semen Amygdali Amarae ==> 苦扁桃仁
  13402. semen arecae ==> 槟榔
  13403. semen assessment ==> 精液品质评定
  13404. semen bank ==> 精液库
  13405. semen benincasae ==> 冬瓜子
  13406. semen biotae ==> 柏子
  13407. semen biotae shelled ==> 柏子仁
  13408. Semen Cassiae ==> 决明子,决明子
  13409. semen cassiae torae ==> 草决明
  13410. semen characteristics ==> 精液特性
  13411. Semen Citri Reticulatae ==> 橘核,橘核
  13412. Semen Coicis ==> 薏苡仁
  13413. semen collection ==> 采精
  13414. semen collector ==> 采精器
  13415. semen conservation ==> 精液保存
  13416. Semen Crotonis ==> 巴豆
  13417. Semen Crotonis Pulveratum ==> 巴豆霜
  13418. semen diluter ==> 精液稀释液
  13419. semen dilution quality ==> 精液稀释质量
  13420. semen dilution rate ==> 精液稀释倍数
  13421. semen dosage ==> 精液剂量
  13422. Semen Entadae ==> 木腰子
  13423. Semen Euphorbiae Lathyridis ==> 千金子
  13424. Semen Euryales ==> 芡实
  13425. semen evaluation ==> 精液评价
  13426. semen examination ==> 精液检查,精液检查
  13427. semen freezing ==> 精液冷冻
  13428. semen from one bull ==> 一头公牛的精液
  13429. semen handling ==> 精液处理
  13430. Semen Hyoscyami ==> 莨菪子
  13431. Semen Ignatii ==> 吕宋豆
  13432. Semen Impatientis ==> 急性子
  13433. Semen Lablab Album ==> 白扁豆
  13434. semen litchi ==> 荔枝核
  13435. semen measurement ==> 精液检查
  13436. semen momordicae ==> 木鳖子
  13437. Semen Oroxyli ==> 木蝴蝶
  13438. Semen Papaveris ==> 罂粟子
  13439. Semen Pharbitidis ==> 牵牛子
  13440. Semen Phaseoli ==> 赤小豆
  13441. semen plantaginis ==> 车前子
  13442. semen processing ==> 精液处理
  13443. semen quality measurement ==> 精液品质测定
  13444. Semen Sinapis ==> 芥子
  13445. semen smear ==> 精液涂片
  13446. semen storage ==> 精液保存
  13447. Semen Stramonii ==> 曼陀罗子
  13448. semen torreyae ==> 榧子
  13449. Semen Viciae Fabae ==> 蚕豆
  13450. semen volume ==> 精液量
  13451. Semendur ==> 塞默杜尔钴铁簧片合金
  13452. semenuria ==> 精液尿
  13453. semi automatic ==> 半自动的
  13454. semi automatic chucking lathe ==> 卡盘半自动车床
  13455. semi automatic machine ==> 半自动机械
  13456. semi automatic welding ==> 半自动焊接
  13457. semi automatical ==> 半自动的
  13458. semi axle ==> 半轴
  13459. semi circle ==> 半圆
  13460. semi clasping ==> 半抱茎的
  13461. semi coke ==> 半焦炭
  13462. semi conductor ==> 半导体
  13463. semi conductor rectifier ==> 半导体整流
  13464. semi crawler vehicle ==> 半履带式汽车
  13465. semi diesel engine ==> 热球式发动机
  13466. semi eggshell ware ==> 半薄胎器
  13467. semi elliptic spring ==> 半椭圆形弹簧
  13468. semi enclosed type motor ==> 半封闭式电动机
  13469. semi finish machining ==> 半精加工
  13470. semi finished bolt ==> 半精螺栓
  13471. semi finished product ==> 半成品
  13472. semi finishing ==> 半精加工
  13473. semi floating axle ==> 半浮式轴
  13474. semi graphic panel ==> 半图解仪表盘
  13475. semi jib boring machine ==> 半臂镗床
  13476. semi killed steel ==> 半镇静钢
  13477. semi light ==> 半阳
  13478. semi lozenge riveting ==> 半阶式铆接
  13479. semi major axis ==> 长半径
  13480. semi mature soil ==> 半熟土
  13481. semi moon hoe ==> 半月形锄
  13482. semi mounted plow ==> 半悬挂式犁
  13483. semi open type ==> 半开敞式
  13484. semi permeability ==> 半透性
  13485. semi plastic stage ==> 半塑性状态
  13486. semi portal ==> 单脚高架起重机
  13487. semi portal crane ==> 单脚高架起重机
  13488. semi radial drilling machine ==> 半万能摇臂钻床
  13489. SEMI Semi-Submersible (MODU) ==> 部分潜水器
  13490. semi steel ==> 钢性铸铁
  13491. semi subterranean power plant ==> 半地下发电厂
  13492. semi sugar beet ==> 半糖用甜芽
  13493. semi trailer ==> 半挂车
  13494. SEMI, semiconductor equipment and materials international ==> SEMI
  13495. semi-able-bodied labour force ==> 半劳动力
  13496. semi-able-bodied worker ==> 半劳力
  13497. semi-acid refractory ==> 半酸性耐火材料
  13498. semi-active laser system ==> 半主动激光系统
  13499. semi-actuated controller ==> 半活动控制器,半式交通控制器
  13500. semi-annual variation ==> 半年变化
  13501. semi-apochromat ==> 半复消色差透镜,近复消色差透镜
  13502. semi-apogamy ==> 半无配子生殖
  13503. semi-arch ==> 半拱
  13504. semi-arid climate ==> 半干旱气候
  13505. semi-arid soil ==> 半干旱土壤
  13506. semi-arid zone ==> 半干燥地带
  13507. semi-armour piercing incendiary ==> 半穿甲燃烧弹
  13508. semi-auto component inserter ==> 半自动插件机
  13509. semi-auto cylindrical grinder ==> 半自动圆磨床
  13510. semi-auto folding umbrella ==> 半自动伸缩伞,半自动折叠伞
  13511. semi-auto gear hobbing machine ==> 半自动齿轮滚齿机
  13512. semi-auto matic cutting the double groves ==> 半自动气割双面坡口
  13513. semi-auto precision plain grinder ==> 半自动精密平面磨床
  13514. semi-automatic ==> 半自动的
  13515. semi-automatic action ==> 半自动动作
  13516. semi-automatic ampule spray-washing machine ==> 半自动安瓿喷射洗涤机
  13517. semi-automatic arc spot welder ==> 半自动电弧点焊机
  13518. semi-automatic arc weld ==> 半自动电弧焊
  13519. semi-automatic arc welder ==> 半自动电弧焊机,半自动焊机
  13520. semi-automatic arc welding ==> 半自动弧焊
  13521. semi-automatic arc welding machine ==> 半自动电弧焊机,半自动弧焊机
  13522. semi-automatic argon arc welder ==> 半自动氩气弧焊机
  13523. semi-automatic audiometer ==> 半自动测听计,半自动测听计器
  13524. semi-automatic batcher ==> 半自动化拌和斗
  13525. semi-automatic bearing grinder ==> 半自动轴承磨床
  13526. semi-automatic bevel gear lapper ==> 半自动锥齿轮研齿机
  13527. semi-automatic bioanalyzer ==> 半自动生物分析仪
  13528. semi-automatic book sewing machine ==> 半自动书本锁线机
  13529. semi-automatic circular sawing machine ==> 半自动圆锯床
  13530. semi-automatic clutch ==> 半自动离合器
  13531. semi-automatic command to line of sight ==> 瞄准线半自动控制
  13532. semi-automatic computer directed layout machine ==> 半自动计算机控制式划线机
  13533. semi-automatic control ==> 半自动控制
  13534. semi-automatic controller ==> 半自动控制器,半自动控制装置
  13535. semi-automatic controlling machine ==> 半自动机床
  13536. semi-automatic copying lathe ==> 半自动仿形车床
  13537. semi-automatic copying machine ==> 半自动仿形机床
  13538. semi-automatic corking unit ==> 半自动瓶塞机
  13539. semi-automatic doffer ==> 半自动落纱机
  13540. semi-automatic exchange ==> 半自动化电话局
  13541. semi-automatic exposure control ==> 半自动曝光控制器
  13542. semi-automatic feed ==> 半自动送料
  13543. semi-automatic focusing ==> 半自动调焦
  13544. semi-automatic forming ==> 半自动成形
  13545. semi-automatic gas cutting machine ==> 半自动气割机
  13546. semi-automatic gear hobbing machine ==> 半自动滚齿机
  13547. semi-automatic gravity feeding ==> 半自动重力送料
  13548. semi-automatic gun ==> 半自动焊枪
  13549. semi-automatic hack sawing machine ==> 半自动弓锯床
  13550. semi-automatic hob grinding machine ==> 半自动滚刀磨床
  13551. semi-automatic honing machine ==> 半自动搪磨机
  13552. semi-automatic hose machine ==> 半自动织袜机
  13553. semi-automatic hydro-electric station ==> 半自动化水电站
  13554. semi-automatic lathe ==> 半自动车床
  13555. semi-automatic low pressure die-casting machine ==> 半自动低压铸造机
  13556. semi-automatic machine ==> 半自动车床
  13557. semi-automatic machine tool ==> 半自动化机床
  13558. semi-automatic master fixture ==> 半自动标准夹具
  13559. semi-automatic metal arc welding ==> 半自动金属电弧焊
  13560. semi-automatic miller ==> 半自动铣床
  13561. semi-automatic milling machine ==> 半自动铣床
  13562. semi-automatic mould ==> 半自动模,半自动塑模
  13563. semi-automatic multi-cutter lathe ==> 多刀半自动车床
  13564. semi-automatic multicut vertical lathe ==> 多刀半自动立式车床
  13565. semi-automatic oiler ==> 半自动注油器
  13566. semi-automatic optical Brinell hardness tester ==> 半自动光学布氏硬度计
  13567. semi-automatic packing and pill-making machine ==> 半自动包衣造粒机
  13568. semi-automatic plant ==> 半自动装置
  13569. semi-automatic plating unit ==> 电镀半自动装置
  13570. semi-automatic precision vertical gear hobber ==> 半自动精密立式滚齿机
  13571. semi-automatic premilling machine ==> 半自动预磨机
  13572. semi-automatic press ==> 半自动压机
  13573. semi-automatic pressing ==> 半自动压制
  13574. semi-automatic private branch exchange ==> 半自动专用小交换机
  13575. semi-automatic processing ==> 半自动加工
  13576. semi-automatic programmer ==> 半自动程序设计器
  13577. semi-automatic programming ==> 半自动程序设计
  13578. semi-automatic ratchet screw driver ==> 半自动棘轮式螺丝刀
  13579. semi-automatic rectifier ==> 半自动纠正仪,半自动整流器
  13580. semi-automatic sand mixer ==> 半自动混砂机
  13581. semi-automatic scale ==> 半自动秤
  13582. semi-automatic score cutter ==> 半自动切纸机
  13583. semi-automatic screwdriver ==> 半自动螺丝刀
  13584. semi-automatic seal ==> 半自紧密封
  13585. semi-automatic signal ==> 半自动信号机
  13586. semi-automatic slideprojector ==> 半自动幻灯机
  13587. semi-automatic sprayer ==> 半自动式喷雾机
  13588. semi-automatic sprinkler system ==> 半自动喷水系统,半自动洒水系统
  13589. semi-automatic starter ==> 半自动起动器
  13590. semi-automatic strapping machine ==> 半自动捆书机
  13591. semi-automatic substation ==> 半自动变电站
  13592. semi-automatic system ==> 半自动制
  13593. semi-automatic telephone ==> 半自动电话
  13594. semi-automatic telephone switch board ==> 半自动电话交换机
  13595. semi-automatic thread book sewing machine ==> 半自动书本锁线机
  13596. semi-automatic toll dialling ==> 长途半自动接续
  13597. semi-automatic transmission ==> 半自动变速器
  13598. semi-automatic trunk board ==> 半自动式中继台
  13599. semi-automatic turret lathe ==> 半自动转塔车床
  13600. semi-automatic valve ==> 半自动阀
  13601. semi-automatic washer-dryer ==> 半自动双缸洗衣机
  13602. semi-automatic washing machine ==> 半自动洗衣机
  13603. semi-automatic watch ==> 半自动表
  13604. semi-automatic weigh batcher ==> 半自动称料机
  13605. semi-automatic weighing machine ==> 半自动称量机
  13606. semi-automatic welder ==> 半自动电焊机
  13607. semi-automatic welding ==> 半自动焊接
  13608. semi-automatic welding machine ==> 半自动焊接机
  13609. semi-automatic work ==> 半自动工作
  13610. semi-average ==> 半平均数
  13611. semi-axial flow pump ==> 半轴流泵
  13612. semi-axial-flow pump ==> 半轴流式水泵
  13613. semi-balance ==> 半平衡
  13614. semi-balloon tyre ==> 半低压轮胎
  13615. semi-base load power station ==> 半基荷电站
  13616. semi-beam ==> 半梁
  13617. semi-bodiless ware ==> 半脱胎器
  13618. semi-bolson ==> 半干旱封闭洼地
  13619. semi-bordered pit ==> 半具缘纹孔
  13620. semi-bright nut ==> 半光制螺母
  13621. semi-brittle solid ==> 半脆性固体
  13622. semi-bungalow ==> 假二层房屋
  13623. semi-butterfly circuit ==> 半蝴蝶式电路
  13624. semi-butterfly pass ==> 半蝶式孔型
  13625. semi-cantilever ==> 半悬臂
  13626. semi-cantilever spring ==> 半悬臂弹簧
  13627. semi-centrifugal casting ==> 半离心铸造
  13628. semi-centrifugal clutch ==> 半离心式离合器
  13629. semi-centrifugal type ==> 半离心式
  13630. semi-chilled mould casting ==> 半金属型铸造,半冷模铸造
  13631. semi-chilled roll ==> 半激冷轧辊
  13632. semi-chrome leather ==> 混合铬鞣革
  13633. semi-circle ==> 半圆形
  13634. semi-circular arch ==> 半圆形拱
  13635. semi-circular basin ==> 半圆形港池
  13636. semi-circular channel ==> 半圆形断面渠道
  13637. semi-circular drain ==> 半圆形排水管
  13638. semi-circular section ==> 半圆截面
  13639. semi-circular sheet steel flume ==> 半圆形钢板渡槽
  13640. semi-circular trashrack ==> 半圆形拦污栅
  13641. semi-circular vault ==> 半圆形穹顶
  13642. semi-circular weir ==> 半圆形堰
  13643. semi-circumference ==> 半圆周
  13644. semi-circumferential flow ==> 半圆周绕流
  13645. semi-closed seas ==> 半闭海
  13646. semi-closure ==> 半闭,半闭合
  13647. semi-coal gas ==> 半煤气
  13648. semi-coaxial ==> 半同轴的
  13649. semi-coercive function ==> 半强迫函数
  13650. semi-coke ==> 半焦炭
  13651. semi-colloid ==> 半胶体
  13652. semi-colloidal ==> 半胶体的
  13653. semi-column ==> 半露柱
  13654. semi-commercial ==> 半商业性
  13655. semi-commercial (semiworks) production ==> 中间试剂
  13656. semi-compound grain ==> 半复粒
  13657. semi-computable predicate ==> 半可计算谓词
  13658. semi-conducting ceramics ==> 半导体陶瓷
  13659. semi-conducting glaze ==> 半导体釉
  13660. semi-conducting glaze bushings ==> 導電釉ブッシング
  13661. semi-conducting layer ==> 半導電層
  13662. semi-conduction ==> 半导电性
  13663. semi-conductive ==> 半导体的
  13664. semi-conductive ceramics ==> 半导体陶瓷
  13665. semi-conductor air conditioner ==> 半导体空调器
  13666. semi-conductor assisted ignition system ==> 半导体辅助点火系统
  13667. semi-conductor ingnition sytem ==> 半导体点火系统
  13668. semi-conductor-diode parametric amplifier ==> 半导体二极管参量放大器
  13669. semi-container ship ==> 半货柜船,部分集装箱船
  13670. semi-continuity ==> 半连续性
  13671. semi-continuous ==> 半连续的
  13672. semi-continuous casting ==> 半连续压延法,半连续铸造
  13673. semi-continuous casting melting ==> 半连续铸造熔化
  13674. semi-continuous channel ==> 半连续信道
  13675. semi-continuous distillation ==> 半连续蒸馏
  13676. semi-continuous electrolytic process ==> 半连续电解法
  13677. semi-continuous furnace ==> 半连续式炉
  13678. semi-continuous kiln ==> 半连续式窑
  13679. semi-continuous mill ==> 半连续轧钢机
  13680. semi-continuous running ==> 半连续运转
  13681. semi-continuous stoking ==> 半连续推料
  13682. semi-convection type pipe still ==> 半对流型管式炉
  13683. semi-convergent series ==> 半收敛级数
  13684. semi-crystal ==> 半晶体
  13685. semi-crystalline ==> 半晶状的
  13686. semi-cubical parabola ==> 半立方抛物线
  13687. semi-cyclic link ==> 半环键
  13688. semi-cyclic linkage ==> 半环键
  13689. semi-cylinder ==> 半柱面
  13690. semi-cylindrical die ==> 半圆柱体模
  13691. semi-cylindrical reflector ==> 半圆柱形反射器
  13692. semi-cylindrical tile ==> 筒瓦
  13693. semi-decidability ==> 半决定性
  13694. semi-decidable ==> 半可判定的
  13695. semi-deoxidized steel ==> 半脱氧钢
  13696. semi-desert ==> 半荒漠,半沙漠
  13697. semi-desert steppe soil ==> 半漠境草原土
  13698. semi-destructive examination ==> 局部破坏性检验,局部破坏性检验
  13699. semi-determinate varieties ==> 亚有限型品种
  13700. Semi-Developed Nations (SDN) ==> 半发达国家
  13701. semi-diaphanous ==> 半透明的
  13702. semi-diesel ==> 烧球式柴油机
  13703. semi-diesel engine ==> 半柴油机
  13704. semi-diffusion ==> 半扩散
  13705. semi-diode ==> 半导体二极管
  13706. semi-direct furnace ==> 半煤气窑
  13707. semi-direct lighting ==> 半直接照明=>半直接照明
  13708. semi-direct pulverizing system ==> 半直吹式制粉系统,筒体两端均能进料和出料的筒式磨煤机。
  13709. semi-directional ==> 半定向
  13710. semi-dispensable amino acid ==> 半必需氨基酸
  13711. semi-distributed hardware system ==> 半分布式硬件系统
  13712. semi-dominance ==> 半显性
  13713. semi-dominant gene ==> 半显性基因
  13714. semi-drop center rim ==> 半凹槽轮缘
  13715. semi-dry pressing ==> 半干法成型,半干压成形
  13716. semi-dry process ==> 半干压工艺
  13717. semi-drying oil ==> 半干性油
  13718. semi-dull ==> 近暗的,近无光的
  13719. semi-dull silk ==> 半无光丝
  13720. semi-dull yarn ==> 半无光纱
  13721. semi-duplex operation ==> 半複信方式
  13722. semi-duplex process ==> 半双联法
  13723. semi-durable adhesive ==> 半耐久性粘合剂
  13724. semi-durables ==> 半耐用商品
  13725. semi-dwarf varieties ==> 半矮杆品种
  13726. semi-ebonite ==> 半硬橡胶
  13727. semi-elastic impact ==> 半弹性冲击,半弹性碰撞
  13728. semi-elastic subgrade ==> 半弹性地基
  13729. semi-electronic switching system ==> 半電子交換方式
  13730. semi-electronic typesetter ==> 半电子式照相排字机
  13731. semi-ellipsoidal mirror ==> 半椭球面镜
  13732. semi-elliptic spring ==> 半椭圆弹簧
  13733. semi-elliptical spring ==> 半椭圆形弹簧
  13734. semi-embedded penstock ==> 浅埋式管,介于坝内埋管和坝后背管之间半埋半背的水电厂压力管道
  13735. semi-empirical calculation ==> 半经验计算
  13736. semi-empirical equation ==> 半经验方程
  13737. semi-empirical relation ==> 半经验关系式
  13738. semi-empirical relationship ==> 半经验公式
  13739. semi-enclosed ==> 半封闭的
  13740. semi-enclosed arrangement,semi-outdoor arrangement ==> 半露天布置,不建厂房,但对设备采取局部封闭或半封闭措施的一种布置方式
  13741. semi-enclosed compressor ==> 半封闭式压缩机
  13742. semi-enclosed impeller ==> 半封闭式叶轮
  13743. semi-enclosed slot ==> 半闭口槽
  13744. semi-enclosed type machine ==> 半封闭式电机
  13745. semi-enclosed water body ==> 半封闭水体
  13746. semi-exciting type regenerative generator ==> 半激磁式再生发电机
  13747. semi-expendable ==> 半消耗的
  13748. semi-explicit ==> 半显式
  13749. semi-faience ==> 半瓷釉
  13750. semi-fast back body ==> 半直背式车身
  13751. semi-feathering propeller ==> 半活叶螺旋桨
  13752. semi-film coating ==> 半薄膜衣
  13753. semi-fine screw ==> 半细螺丝
  13754. semi-fined paraffin wax white ==> 半精炼白石蜡
  13755. semi-finished ==> 半光制,半加工,半精加工的,半制成的
  13756. semi-finished blank ==> 半精制坯件
  13757. semi-finished bolt ==> 半光制螺栓
  13758. semi-finished goods ==> 半成品
  13759. semi-finished inventory ==> 半成品储备
  13760. semi-finished material ==> 半成品
  13761. semi-finished metal ==> 半成品金属,坯
  13762. semi-finished nut ==> 半光制螺母
  13763. semi-finished piece ==> 半成品
  13764. semi-finished product ==> 半成品,毛坯
  13765. semi-finished product cost ==> 半成品成本
  13766. semi-finished products ==> 中间产品
  13767. semi-finished round pin ==> 半光圆销
  13768. semi-finished screw ==> 半光制螺钉
  13769. semi-finished steel ==> 半制钢
  13770. semi-finished working ==> 半细加工
  13771. semi-finishing ==> 半精加工
  13772. semi-finishing mill ==> 半成品轧钢机,半成品轧机
  13773. semi-finishing tooth ==> 半精切齿
  13774. semi-finishing tooth of broacher ==> 拉刀的半精切齿
  13775. semi-fireproof construction ==> 半防火建筑
  13776. semi-fixed girder ==> 半固定梁
  13777. semi-fixed penstock ==> 半固定式压力水管
  13778. semi-flash conditions ==> 半闪光条件
  13779. semi-flat band method ==> 半带法
  13780. semi-flat rim ==> 半平底轮辋
  13781. semi-flexible coupling ==> 半挠性联轴器,在两半刚性联轴器间加装一个波形节所构成的联轴器
  13782. semi-flexible screen ==> 半活动筛
  13783. semi-flexible shoe ==> 半刚性蹄
  13784. semi-floating axle shaft ==> 半浮式车轴
  13785. semi-floating piston pin ==> 半浮式活塞销
  13786. semi-floating rear axle ==> 半浮式后轴
  13787. semi-fluid ==> 半流质的
  13788. semi-fluid friction ==> 半液动摩擦
  13789. semi-fluid grease ==> 半流润滑脂
  13790. semi-fluid mass ==> 半流动体
  13791. semi-fluidized bed ==> 半流化床
  13792. semi-flush type ==> 半埋込形
  13793. semi-focusing ==> 半聚焦
  13794. semi-fused ==> 半熔化
  13795. semi-gantry crane ==> 单脚高架起重机
  13796. semi-gas firing ==> 半煤气烧成
  13797. semi-glaze ==> 半釉
  13798. semi-goliath crane ==> 半门式起重机
  13799. semi-granular ==> 半颗粒状态
  13800. semi-graphic keyboard ==> 半图解键盘
  13801. semi-gross weight ==> 半毛重
  13802. semi-hand ==> 半手工
  13803. semi-hard magnetic alloy ==> 半硬磁合金
  13804. semi-hard magnetic material ==> 半永磁材料=>半硬質磁性材料
  13805. semi-hard packing ==> 半硬填料
  13806. semi-hard rubber ==> 半硬橡胶
  13807. semi-hard steel ==> 半硬钢
  13808. semi-hard-drawn aluminum wire ==> 半硬铝线
  13809. semi-hard-type balancing machine ==> 半硬支承平衡机
  13810. semi-hardboard ==> 半硬质纤维板
  13811. semi-hardening ==> 半硬化
  13812. semi-hermetic compressor ==> 半封闭式压缩机
  13813. semi-hermetic refrigeration compressor ==> 半封闭制冷压缩机
  13814. semi-humid ==> 半潮湿,半湿性
  13815. semi-hydrated gypsum ==> 半水石膏
  13816. semi-hydraulic fill dam ==> 半水力冲填坝
  13817. semi-hydraulic fill method ==> 半水力冲填法
  13818. semi-immersed liquid-quenched fuse ==> 半浸液猝灭保险丝
  13819. semi-increment ==> 半增量
  13820. semi-indirect fitting ==> 半间接附件
  13821. semi-indirect lighting ==> 半間接照明
  13822. semi-indoor power plant ==> 半露天式电站
  13823. semi-industrial installation ==> 半工业生产装置
  13824. semi-industrial scale ==> 半工业规模
  13825. semi-industry scale ==> 中间工业生产规模
  13826. semi-infinite body ==> 半空间体,半无限体
  13827. semi-infinite half-space ==> 半无限空间
  13828. semi-infinite ingot ==> 半无限长锭料
  13829. semi-infinite motor ==> 半无限长电动机
  13830. semi-infinite shield ==> 半无限屏蔽体
  13831. semi-infinite tape ==> 半无穷带
  13832. semi-infinite type ==> 半无限型
  13833. semi-inflation ==> 半通货膨胀
  13834. semi-inner product ==> 半内积
  13835. semi-insulated ==> 半绝缘的
  13836. semi-insulating ==> 半绝缘的
  13837. semi-insulating substrate ==> 半絶縁性基板
  13838. semi-insulator ==> 半绝缘体
  13839. semi-integral body ==> 半承载式车身
  13840. semi-integral plow ==> 半悬挂式犁
  13841. semi-integrated type ==> 半结合式
  13842. semi-intensive grazing system ==> 中细毛
  13843. semi-invalid ==> 半病废者
  13844. semi-invariant ==> 半不変量
  13845. semi-inverse method ==> 半反算法,半逆解法
  13846. semi-irreducible graph ==> 半不可约图
  13847. semi-iterative method ==> 半迭代法
  13848. semi-iterative process ==> 半迭代过程
  13849. semi-jig boring ==> 半坐标镗削
  13850. semi-killed ingot ==> 半镇静钢锭
  13851. semi-killed steel ==> 半镇静钢
  13852. semi-knock-down ==> 半拆散式输出
  13853. semi-knockdown (SKD) ==> 半拆散式销售,半散件商品,半组合式商品
  13854. semi-knockdown export ==> 半拆散式输出
  13855. semi-kraft paper ==> 单面牛皮纸
  13856. semi-laminar flow ==> 半层流
  13857. semi-latus rectum ==> 半通径
  13858. semi-linear ==> 半線型
  13859. semi-liquid ==> 半液体的
  13860. semi-liquid diet ==> 半流质饮食
  13861. semi-liquid lubrication ==> 半液体润滑
  13862. semi-liquid phase process ==> 半液相过程
  13863. semi-liquid waste ==> 半液体废物
  13864. semi-locked coil wire rope ==> 半密封钢丝绳
  13865. semi-locking differential ==> 半闭锁分速器
  13866. semi-log ==> 半对数的
  13867. semi-log paper ==> 半对数坐标纸
  13868. semi-logarithm section paper ==> 半对数坐标纸
  13869. semi-logarithmic ==> 半对数的
  13870. semi-logarithmic chart ==> 半对数表
  13871. semi-logarithmic scale ==> 半对数标度
  13872. semi-low head machine ==> 立弯式连铸机
  13873. semi-luminous flame ==> 半发光火焰
  13874. semi-lune ==> 半月形,半匝线圈
  13875. semi-magnetic ==> 半磁的
  13876. semi-magnetic controller ==> 半磁控制器
  13877. semi-major axis ==> 半长径,长半径,长半轴
  13878. semi-malleable cast iron ==> 半可锻铸铁
  13879. semi-manual player ==> 半自动唱机
  13880. semi-manufacture ==> 半成品
  13881. semi-manufactured goods ==> 半成品,半制品
  13882. semi-manufactured material ==> 半制成品
  13883. semi-manufactured product ==> 半成品
  13884. semi-Markov process ==> 半马尔可夫过程
  13885. semi-mat glaze ==> 半无光釉
  13886. semi-matrix ==> 半矩阵
  13887. semi-measurement data ==> 半计量资料
  13888. semi-mechanical ==> 半机械化
  13889. semi-mechanical installation ==> 半机械化设备
  13890. semi-mechanized operation ==> 半机械化操作
  13891. semi-meridian ==> 半子午线
  13892. semi-metallic gasket ==> 半金属垫片,半金属填密片
  13893. semi-micro analytical balance ==> 半微量分析天平
  13894. semi-micro aniline point test ==> 半微量苯胺点试验
  13895. semi-micro calorimeter ==> 半微量量热计
  13896. semi-micro hydrogenation apparatus ==> 半微量加氢装置
  13897. semi-micro-fractionation ==> 半微量分馏
  13898. semi-microbalance ==> 半微量天平
  13899. semi-minor axis ==> 半短径,短半轴
  13900. semi-molten ==> 半熔化
  13901. semi-monocoque construction ==> 半硬壳结构
  13902. semi-monocoque structure ==> 半硬壳式结构
  13903. semi-monolithic ==> 半整体
  13904. semi-moon shaped ==> 半月形的
  13905. semi-motor ==> 往复旋转液压油缸
  13906. semi-moulded ==> 半模制
  13907. semi-mounted ==> 半安装式的
  13908. semi-mounted 9-row grain drill ==> 半悬挂九行谷物播种机
  13909. semi-mounted disk plow ==> 半悬挂式圆盘犁
  13910. semi-mounted moldboard plow ==> 半悬挂式铧式犁
  13911. semi-mounted mower ==> 半悬挂式割草机
  13912. semi-mounted plough ==> 半悬挂式犁
  13913. semi-mounted rear loader ==> 半悬挂式后装载机
  13914. semi-mounted rotary grass cutter ==> 半悬挂式旋转割草机
  13915. semi-mounted seed drill ==> 半悬挂播种机
  13916. semi-mounted sprayer ==> 半悬挂式喷雾器
  13917. semi-mounted tool ==> 半挂农具
  13918. semi-mounted tractor drill ==> 半悬挂机引条播机
  13919. semi-muffle furnace ==> 半马弗炉,半套炉,半隔焰炉
  13920. semi-muffle lehr ==> 半隔焰退火炉
  13921. semi-muffle type furnace ==> 半马弗式炉
  13922. semi-natural ==> 半野生
  13923. semi-natural economy ==> 半自然经济
  13924. semi-normal ==> 半正规的,半当量
  13925. semi-opaque ==> 半透明的
  13926. semi-open ==> 半开敞
  13927. semi-open furnace ==> 半开式炉膛
  13928. semi-open impeller ==> 半开敞式叶轮
  13929. semi-open slot ==> 半开口槽
  13930. semi-open type ==> 半封闭式,半开式
  13931. semi-open type electrical equipment ==> 半开敞式电气设备
  13932. semi-open-air installation ==> 半露天装置
  13933. semi-order ==> 偏序
  13934. semi-organic chemistry ==> 半有机化学
  13935. semi-orthogonal ==> 半正交的
  13936. semi-orthogonal coordinates ==> 半正交坐标
  13937. semi-ourdoor thermal power plant ==> 半露天式火力发电厂
  13938. semi-outdoor ==> 半露天式
  13939. semi-outdoor boiler ==> 半露天锅炉,置于露天,但在炉顶上部及四周设有轻型围护结构的炉顶小室(包括锅筒锅炉的锅筒小室)的锅炉。
  13940. semi-outdoor power house ==> 半露天式厂房,厂房上部结构没有墙壁和屋顶,水轮发电机组露天安装,加盖活动金属防护罩的厂房
  13941. semi-outdoor power plant ==> 半露天式电厂
  13942. semi-packaged boiler ==> 半快装锅炉
  13943. semi-packed ==> 半包装
  13944. semi-parabolic ==> 半抛物线的
  13945. semi-parasite ==> 半寄生物
  13946. semi-passenger ship ==> 客货船
  13947. semi-patented rod ==> 半铅淬火盘条
  13948. semi-peak stations ==> 中间负荷电站
  13949. semi-pellet ==> 中间球
  13950. semi-perched groundwater table ==> 半栖留地下水位,半滞水地下水位
  13951. semi-perimeter ==> 半周长
  13952. semi-period ==> 半周的,半周期
  13953. semi-perishable goods ==> 半易腐烂货物
  13954. semi-permanent depression ==> 半永久性低压
  13955. semi-permanent mould ==> 半永久型,半永久性模
  13956. semi-permanent snow line ==> 半永久雪线
  13957. semi-permanent store ==> 半固定存储器
  13958. semi-permanent structure ==> 半永久性结构
  13959. semi-permeability ==> 半透气性
  13960. semi-permeable ==> 半渗透性的
  13961. semi-permeable material ==> 半透水材料
  13962. semi-permeable membrane ==> 半透膜
  13963. semi-perpendicular ==> 半正交的
  13964. semi-pervious material ==> 半透水材料
  13965. semi-pervious zone ==> 半透水区
  13966. semi-physical simulation ==> 半物理仿真
  13967. semi-piercing ==> 半冲孔
  13968. semi-planar electro-optic modulator ==> 半平面电光调制器
  13969. semi-plane ==> 半平面
  13970. semi-plant ==> 试验装置,中间工厂
  13971. semi-plant scale equipment ==> 半工厂设备
  13972. semi-plastic process ==> 半塑性成形法
  13973. semi-plastic stage ==> 半塑性阶段
  13974. semi-pneumatic tyre ==> 半实心轮胎
  13975. semi-polar ==> 半极性的
  13976. semi-polar bond ==> 半极性键
  13977. semi-polar capacitor ==> 半极化电容器
  13978. semi-polarity ==> 半极性,中级性
  13979. semi-porcelain ==> 半瓷器
  13980. semi-portable engine ==> 半移动式发动机
  13981. semi-portal bridge crane ==> 半龙门起重机
  13982. semi-portal crane ==> 半门式起重机,半门座悬臂起重机,单柱高架起重机
  13983. semi-precious metal ==> 半贵金属
  13984. semi-precious stone ==> 次宝石
  13985. semi-precision measuring tool ==> 半精密量测工具
  13986. semi-predicate function ==> 半确定函数,半谓词函数
  13987. semi-private circuit ==> 半专用线路
  13988. semi-processed stock ==> 半成品储备
  13989. semi-product ==> 半成品
  13990. semi-production ==> 中间生产
  13991. semi-production equipment ==> 中间生产设备
  13992. semi-protected type ==> 半保護形
  13993. semi-public space ==> 半公共空间
  13994. semi-purse net ==> 轻型围网
  13995. semi-pyritic smelting process ==> 半自热熔炼法
  13996. semi-quantitative assessment ==> 半定量估值
  13997. semi-quantitative test for glucose ==> 葡萄糖半定量试验
  13998. semi-radial reciprocating compressor ==> 星形往复式压缩机
  13999. semi-radiant superheater ==> 半辐射式过热器,布置在炉膛出口进入对流烟道之前,既吸收炉膛辐射热,也吸收烟气对流热的过热器。
  14000. semi-range of tide ==> 半潮幅
  14001. semi-rational formula ==> 半经验公式
  14002. semi-real time processing ==> 半实时处理
  14003. semi-refined cottonseed oil ==> 半精炼棉籽油
  14004. semi-refined oil ==> 半精制油料
  14005. semi-refined paraffin wax ==> 半精炼石蜡
  14006. semi-regenerated fibre ==> 半再生纤维
  14007. semi-reinforcing furnace black ==> 半补强炉法炭黑
  14008. semi-reversibility ==> 半可逆性
  14009. semi-reversible sorption isotherm ==> 半可逆吸着等温线
  14010. semi-reversible steering ==> 半可逆转向
  14011. semi-revolution ==> 半周
  14012. semi-rigid asbestos-bitumen sheet ==> 石棉沥青板
  14013. semi-rigid connection ==> 半刚性接合
  14014. semi-rigid model ==> 半刚性模型
  14015. semi-rigid penstock ==> 半刚性压力水管
  14016. semi-rigid pipe ==> 半刚性管
  14017. semi-ring porous wood ==> 半环孔材
  14018. semi-rotary ==> 摆的
  14019. semi-rotary actuator ==> 摆动马达
  14020. semi-rotary hand pump ==> 手动摆动泵
  14021. semi-rotary motion ==> 半转动
  14022. semi-rotary pump ==> 半回转泵
  14023. semi-rotative machine ==> 半旋转机
  14024. semi-rural environment ==> 半乡村环境
  14025. semi-saturation ==> 半饱和
  14026. semi-seal plugtype fuse ==> 半封闭插入式熔断器
  14027. semi-sealed beam headlamp ==> 半封闭式前照灯
  14028. semi-sealed beam unit ==> 半封闭式灯光组
  14029. semi-section ==> 半剖面
  14030. semi-sectional view ==> 半剖面图
  14031. semi-self-propelled machine ==> 半自走式机具,牵引式机具
  14032. semi-self-service ==> 半自助
  14033. semi-selfpropelled combine ==> 半自走式联合收获机
  14034. semi-senior accountant ==> 中级会计师
  14035. semi-silica brick ==> (含游离硅氧较多的粘土耐火砖)半硅砖
  14036. semi-silica fireclay brick ==> 半硅质耐火砖
  14037. semi-silica refractory ==> 半硅质耐火材料
  14038. semi-siliceous refractory ==> 半硅质耐火材料
  14039. semi-sintered condition ==> 半烧结状态
  14040. semi-sintering ==> 半烧结的
  14041. semi-solid asphalt ==> 半固态沥青
  14042. semi-solid bituminous materials ==> 半固体沥青物质
  14043. semi-solid core door ==> 半实心门
  14044. semi-solid door ==> 半实心门
  14045. semi-solid state ==> 半固态
  14046. semi-space ==> 半空间
  14047. semi-sparse pubescence ==> 半稀疏草毛
  14048. semi-spherical ==> 半球形
  14049. semi-spherical tip ==> 半球形电极头
  14050. semi-stability ==> 半稳定
  14051. semi-stabilized dolomite ==> 半稳定白云石
  14052. semi-stable energy level ==> 半稳定能级
  14053. semi-stable state ==> 亚稳态
  14054. semi-stainless steel ==> 半不锈钢
  14055. semi-stamping ==> 半冲压,半模锻
  14056. semi-static position ==> 半静态位置
  14057. semi-steel ==> 钢性铸铁,高级铸铁
  14058. semi-steel casting ==> 半钢性铸铁件
  14059. semi-streamlined body ==> 半流线型车体
  14060. semi-streamlined form ==> 半流线型
  14061. semi-submerged offshore nuclear generating station ==> 海上半潜式核发电站
  14062. semi-submerged platform ==> 半潜平台
  14063. semi-submerged ship ==> 半潜船
  14064. semi-submersible float ==> セミサブ浮体
  14065. semi-subsistence ==> 半自给
  14066. semi-successive brazing furnace ==> 半连续钎焊炉
  14067. semi-sunk switch ==> 半埋装式开关
  14068. semi-symmetric ==> 半对称的
  14069. semi-synthetic ==> 半合成品
  14070. semi-synthetic estrogen ==> 半合成雌激素
  14071. semi-synthetic insulation paper ==> 半合成絶縁紙
  14072. semi-synthetic sand ==> 半合成砂
  14073. semi-synthetic sand mix ==> 半合成型砂
  14074. semi-tandem rolling ==> 半连轧
  14075. semi-taper pin boss ==> 半倾斜式销座
  14076. semi-thick covering ==> 中厚药皮
  14077. semi-Thue system ==> 半图厄系统
  14078. semi-tidal dock ==> 半潮差船坞
  14079. semi-topping ==> 半顶面铣
  14080. semi-topping cutter ==> 顶部倒棱剃齿刀
  14081. semi-trailer ==> 半挂车
  14082. semi-trailer tractor ==> 半拖车的牵引车
  14083. semi-transless ==> 半无变压器式
  14084. semi-transparent colour ==> 半透明色料
  14085. semi-transparent mirror ==> 半透明反射镜
  14086. semi-transparent sintered ==> 半透明烧结的
  14087. semi-transverse axis ==> 半贯轴
  14088. semi-triangular form ==> 半三角型
  14089. semi-turnkey ==> 交钥匙半包
  14090. semi-underground power house ==> 半地下式厂房,主厂房或主厂房的下部结构布置于山体明挖的深槽(井)内(竖井式或堑壕式),相应的上部结构为室内式或半敞露式
  14091. semi-underground powerhouse ==> 半地下式厂房
  14092. semi-uniform ==> 半均匀的
  14093. semi-universal radial drill ==> 半万能摇臂钻床
  14094. semi-valence ==> 半价
  14095. semi-valency ==> 半价
  14096. semi-variable capacitor ==> 半可变电容器
  14097. semi-variable condenser ==> 半可变电容器
  14098. semi-variable cost ==> 半变动成本
  14099. semi-variable expense ==> 半变动费用
  14100. semi-variable over head ==> 半变动制造费用
  14101. semi-vitreous ==> 半熔融态的
  14102. semi-vitreous china ==> 半透明瓷
  14103. semi-vitreous earthenware ==> 半玻化陶器
  14104. semi-vitreous ware ==> 半玻化器
  14105. semi-vitrified ==> 半玻化的
  14106. semi-vitrified wheel ==> 硅酸盐砂轮
  14107. semi-vocoder ==> 半声码器
  14108. semi-vulcanization ==> 半硫化作用
  14109. semi-wet frame ==> 半湿纺细纱机
  14110. semi-wild ==> 半野生
  14111. semi-wild palm ==> 半野生油棕
  14112. semi-window ==> 半窗
  14113. semi-window-semi-wall ==> 半窗半墙
  14114. semi-winterness ==> 半冬性
  14115. semi-work scale plant ==> 半工厂装置
  14116. semi-works ==> 中间车间
  14117. semi-works (plant) ==> 中间工厂
  14118. semi-works (semicommercial) production ==> 中间工厂规模生产
  14119. semiactive homing guidance ==> 半主动寻的制导
  14120. semiactive pulse ==> 半主动脉冲
  14121. semiactive radar ==> 半有源雷达
  14122. semiactive tracking system ==> 半主动跟踪系统
  14123. semiadaptive plan ==> 半适应方案
  14124. semiadditive method ==> 半添加法
  14125. semiadditive process ==> 半添加法
  14126. semianarchic state ==> 半无政府状态
  14127. semianechoic room ==> 半消声室
  14128. semiangle of beam convergence ==> 波束半会聚角
  14129. semiangular field ==> 半视场角
  14130. semiannual account ==> 半年帐单
  14131. semiannual installments ==> 半年一次的分期付款
  14132. semiannual period ==> 半年期
  14133. semiannual report ==> 半年度报告
  14134. semiapex angle ==> 半顶角
  14135. semiapochromatic objective ==> 半消色差接目镜,半消色差接物镜
  14136. semiarid fan ==> (半干旱地区冲积扇)半旱地扇
  14137. semiarid zone ==> 半干旱地区,半干旱地区
  14138. semiarticulated landing gear ==> 半摇臂式起落架
  14139. semiasphaltic oil ==> 半沥青油
  14140. semiautomatic ==> 半自动的
  14141. semiautomatic action ==> 半自动的作用,半自动作用
  14142. semiautomatic advance ==> 半自动提前
  14143. semiautomatic chucking lathe ==> 卡盘半自动车床
  14144. semiautomatic exchange ==> 半自动电话局
  14145. semiautomatic extraction of radar information ==> 雷达信息半自动提取
  14146. semiautomatic flight inspection ==> 半自动飞行检验
  14147. semiautomatic ground environment ==> 半自动地面系统
  14148. semiautomatic ground environment (SAGE) ==> 半自动化地面防空体系
  14149. semiautomatic ground environment system ==> 半自动地面防空系统
  14150. semiautomatic machine ==> 半自动机械
  14151. semiautomatic message switching ==> 半自动报文交换
  14152. semiautomatic message switching center ==> 半自动报文交换中心,半自动信息交换中心
  14153. semiautomatic placer ==> 半自动放置器
  14154. semiautomatic private branch exchange ==> 半自动专用交换机
  14155. semiautomatic signal ==> 半自动信号机
  14156. semiautomatic station ==> 半自动发电厂
  14157. semiautomatic substation ==> 半自动变电站
  14158. semiautomatic system ==> 半自动制
  14159. semiautomatic systems ==> 半自动化系统
  14160. semiautomatic tape relay ==> 半自动穿孔带中继
  14161. semiautomatic telephone system ==> 半自动电话系统
  14162. semiautomatic valve ==> 半自动阀
  14163. semiautomatic welding ==> 半自动焊
  14164. semiautomatic working ==> 半自动作业
  14165. semiautomation ==> 半自动化
  14166. semiautomation operation ==> 半自动化操作
  14167. semiautomation routine ==> 半自动顺序法
  14168. semiaverage method ==> 半期平均法
  14169. semiaxial thrust ==> 半轴向推力
  14170. semiaxis ==> 半軸
  14171. semibatch chemical reactor ==> 半连续化学反应器
  14172. semibatch reactor ==> 半间歇式反应器
  14173. semibituminous coal ==> 半褐煤,半沥青煤,半烟煤
  14174. semibreadth ==> 半宽度
  14175. semibridge system ==> 半桥式
  14176. semicanal of auditory tube ==> 咽鼓管半管
  14177. semicanal of tensor tympanic muscle ==> 鼓膜张肌半管
  14178. semicarbazide hydrochloride ==> 氨基脲化氢氯,氨基脲盐酸盐,盐酸氨基脲
  14179. semicarbon paper ==> 单面炭纸
  14180. semichemical pulp ==> 半化学纸浆
  14181. semichemical wood pulp ==> 半化学纸浆
  14182. semicircle ==> 半円
  14183. semicircle cylinder ==> 半圆列缸
  14184. semicircle orifice ==> 半圆孔
  14185. semicircular arch ==> 半圆拱
  14186. semicircular canal ==> 半规管
  14187. semicircular conductor ==> 半円形導体(ケーブル)
  14188. semicircular deviation ==> 半圆偏差
  14189. semicircular electromagnet ==> 半圆形电磁铁
  14190. semicircular in shape ==> 半圆形,呈半圆形
  14191. semicircular key ==> 月牙键
  14192. semicircular laser resonator ==> 半圆形激光谐振腔
  14193. semicircular line ==> 半环线
  14194. semicircular niche ==> 半圆壁龛
  14195. semicircular plate capacitor ==> 半圆板电容器
  14196. semicircular room ==> 半圆形室
  14197. semicircular stilted arch ==> 超半圆拱
  14198. semicircular structure ==> 半圆形结构
  14199. semicircular surface crack ==> 半圆形表面裂纹
  14200. semicircular surface flaw ==> 半圆形表面缺陷
  14201. semicircular window ==> 半圆形窗
  14202. semiclosed circuit deduster ==> 半闭路收尘器
  14203. semiclosed cycle ==> 半封闭循环
  14204. semiclosed cycle gas turbine ==> 半闭式循环燃气轮机
  14205. semiclosed fuse ==> 半封闭熔线
  14206. semiclosed motor ==> 半封闭式电动机
  14207. semiclosed slot ==> 半闭口槽
  14208. semiclosed top mo(u)ld ==> 瓶口锭模
  14209. semiclosed top mould ==> 半封顶锭模
  14210. semiclosed-cycle gas turbine ==> 半封闭循环燃气轮机
  14211. semiclosed-type impeller ==> 半开式叶轮
  14212. semiconcealed coalfield ==> 半出露煤田
  14213. semiconducter cataract freezing extractor ==> 半导体冷冻白内障吸出器
  14214. semiconducting alloy ==> 半导体合金
  14215. semiconducting coating ==> 半导电敷层,半导电涂层
  14216. semiconducting crystal ==> 半导体晶体
  14217. semiconducting glass ==> 半导体玻璃
  14218. semiconducting glaze ==> 導電釉
  14219. semiconducting intermetallic compound ==> 半导体金属互化物
  14220. semiconducting material ==> 半导体材料
  14221. semiconducting paper ==> 半导体纸
  14222. semiconducting polymer ==> 高分子半导体
  14223. semiconducting-type fault current limiter ==> 半導体形限流器
  14224. semiconductive body ==> 半导体衬底
  14225. semiconductive glass ==> 半導性ガラス
  14226. semiconductive loading tube ==> 半导体装药管
  14227. semiconductive pick-up tube ==> 半导体摄像管
  14228. semiconductor ==> 半导体=>半導体
  14229. semiconductor amplifier ==> 半导体放大器
  14230. semiconductor area ==> 半导体区,半导体芯片面积
  14231. semiconductor array ==> 半导体阵列
  14232. semiconductor assembly ==> 半导体组装
  14233. semiconductor billet ==> 半导体晶锭
  14234. semiconductor blank ==> 半导体衬底
  14235. semiconductor bolometer ==> 半导体辐射热测量器
  14236. semiconductor capacitor ==> 半导体电容器
  14237. semiconductor cartridge ==> 半导体拾音头
  14238. semiconductor ceramic capacitor ==> 半導体磁器コンデンサ
  14239. semiconductor ceramics ==> 半导体陶瓷
  14240. semiconductor chip ==> 半导体芯片=>半導体チップ
  14241. semiconductor chip carrier ==> 半导体芯片座
  14242. semiconductor circuit ==> 半导体电路
  14243. semiconductor compound ==> 半导体化合物
  14244. semiconductor compound gases ==> 半导体化合物用气体
  14245. semiconductor controlled rectifier (SCR) ==> 半导体可控整流器
  14246. semiconductor counter ==> 半导体计数器
  14247. semiconductor crystal ==> 半导体晶体
  14248. semiconductor current limiter ==> 半导体限流
  14249. semiconductor curve tracer ==> 半导体特性曲线图示仪
  14250. semiconductor detector ==> 半导体探测器=>半導体検出器
  14251. semiconductor device ==> 半导体装置=>半導体素子
  14252. semiconductor diode ==> 半导体二极管=>半導体ダイオード
  14253. semiconductor diode amplifier ==> 半导体二极管放大器
  14254. semiconductor diode laser ==> 半导体二极管激光器
  14255. semiconductor display device ==> 半导体显示装置
  14256. semiconductor doping ==> 半导体掺杂
  14257. semiconductor dosimeter ==> 半导体剂量计
  14258. semiconductor dynamic memory ==> 半导体动态存储器
  14259. semiconductor electrochemistry ==> 半导体电化学
  14260. semiconductor electron multiplier ==> 半导体电子倍增器
  14261. semiconductor electronics ==> 半导体电子学
  14262. semiconductor element ==> 半导体元件
  14263. semiconductor encapsulant ==> 半导体密封剂
  14264. semiconductor engineering ==> 半导体技术
  14265. semiconductor filament ==> 半导体丝
  14266. semiconductor freezer ==> 半导体冰箱
  14267. semiconductor freezing microtome ==> 半导体冷冻切片机
  14268. semiconductor gauge ==> 半导体应变片
  14269. semiconductor glass ==> 半导体玻璃
  14270. semiconductor grade silicon ==> 半导体级硅
  14271. semiconductor heterostructure ==> 半导体异质结构
  14272. semiconductor impurity analyzer ==> 半导体杂质分析器
  14273. semiconductor industry ==> 半导体工业
  14274. semiconductor ingot ==> 半导体晶锭
  14275. semiconductor injection laser ==> 半导体注入式激光器
  14276. semiconductor integrated circuit ==> 半导体集成电路=>半導体集積回路
  14277. semiconductor intrinsic properties ==> 半导体的本征性质
  14278. semiconductor ionics ==> 半导体离子学
  14279. semiconductor junction ==> 半导体结
  14280. semiconductor junction laser ==> 半导体结激光器
  14281. semiconductor laser ==> 半导体激光器=>半導体レーザ
  14282. semiconductor laser amplifier ==> 半导体激光放大器=>半導体レーザ増幅器
  14283. semiconductor laser array ==> 半导体激光器阵列
  14284. semiconductor laser array techniques ==> 半导体激光阵列技术
  14285. semiconductor laser demodulator ==> 半导体激光解调器
  14286. semiconductor laser detector ==> 半导体激光检测器
  14287. semiconductor laser diode ==> 半导体激光二极管=>半導体レーザダイオード
  14288. semiconductor laser head ==> 半导体激光头
  14289. semiconductor laser range finder ==> 半导体激光测距机
  14290. semiconductor laser transmitter ==> 半导体激光发射器
  14291. semiconductor light emitter ==> 半导体光发射器
  14292. semiconductor luminescent diode ==> 半导体荧光二极管
  14293. semiconductor maser ==> 半导体微波激射器
  14294. semiconductor material ==> 半導体材料
  14295. semiconductor melt ==> 半导体熔融
  14296. semiconductor memory ==> 半导体存储器
  14297. semiconductor memory test system ==> 半导体存储器测试系统
  14298. semiconductor mesa ==> 半导体台面
  14299. semiconductor microcavity ==> 半導体微小共振器
  14300. semiconductor microlithography ==> 半导体显微光刻
  14301. semiconductor microprocessor ==> 半导体微处理机
  14302. semiconductor noise ==> 半导体噪声
  14303. semiconductor on sapphire device ==> 蓝宝石上半导体装置
  14304. semiconductor optical amplifier ==> 半导体光放大器
  14305. semiconductor optical shutter ==> 半导体光学快门
  14306. semiconductor optoelectronic display ==> 半导体光电子显示器
  14307. semiconductor oscillistor ==> 半导体振荡器
  14308. semiconductor parametron ==> 半导体参量激励子,半导体参量器
  14309. semiconductor pellet ==> 半导体芯片
  14310. semiconductor photo diode ==> 半导体光电二极管
  14311. semiconductor photoelectronic device ==> 半导体光电子器件
  14312. semiconductor physics ==> 半导体物理学
  14313. semiconductor point thermometer ==> 半导体点温度计
  14314. semiconductor power converter ==> 半導体電力変換装置
  14315. semiconductor power device ==> 半導体パワーデバイス
  14316. semiconductor processing equipment ==> 半導体製造装置
  14317. semiconductor production line ==> 半导体生产线
  14318. semiconductor protection ==> 半導体保護
  14319. semiconductor pulse laser ==> 半导体脉冲激光器
  14320. semiconductor quantum wire ==> 半導体量子細線
  14321. semiconductor radiation detector ==> 半导体辐射探测器
  14322. semiconductor rectifier ==> 半导体整流=>半導体整流装置
  14323. semiconductor rectifier assembly ==> 半導体整流器
  14324. semiconductor rectifier cell ==> 半导体整流元件
  14325. semiconductor rectifier tube ==> 半导体整流管
  14326. semiconductor rectifier welder ==> 半导体整流焊机
  14327. semiconductor refrigeration ==> 半导体制冷
  14328. semiconductor refrigerator ==> 半导体式冰箱,半导体制冷机
  14329. semiconductor resistor ==> 半导体电阻器
  14330. semiconductor rod ==> 半导体晶锭
  14331. semiconductor slice ==> 半导体薄片
  14332. semiconductor spark plug ==> 半导体火花塞
  14333. semiconductor static memory ==> 半导体静态存储器
  14334. semiconductor storage unit ==> 半导体存储器
  14335. semiconductor strain gauge ==> 半导体应变计,半导体应变片
  14336. semiconductor strain gauge sensor ==> 半导体应变式传感器=>半導体歪ゲージセンサ(SSセンサ)
  14337. semiconductor substrate ==> 半导体衬底=>半導体基板
  14338. semiconductor superlattice ==> 半導体超格子
  14339. semiconductor switch ==> 半导体开关
  14340. semiconductor switching device ==> 半导体开关装置
  14341. semiconductor technology ==> 半导体工艺
  14342. semiconductor tester ==> 半导体测试器
  14343. semiconductor thermocouple ==> 半导体热电偶,半导体温差电偶
  14344. semiconductor thermoelectric material ==> 半导体热电材料
  14345. semiconductor thermometer ==> 半导体温度计
  14346. semiconductor trap ==> 陷阱
  14347. semiconductor valve ==> 半導体バルブ
  14348. semiconductor valve device ==> 半導体バルブデバイス
  14349. semiconductor wafer ==> 半导体薄片
  14350. semiconductor-controlled rectifier ==> 可控半导体整流器
  14351. semiconservative replication ==> 半保留复制
  14352. semicontinuous automatic centrifuge ==> 半连续式自动离心机
  14353. semicontinuous casting machine ==> 半连续铸造机
  14354. semicontinuous function ==> 半连续函数
  14355. semicontinuous hotstrip mill ==> 半连续式带材热轧机
  14356. semicontinuous leaching ==> 半连续浸取
  14357. semicontinuous rolling mill ==> 半连续式轧机
  14358. semicontinuous type oven ==> 半连续式烘炉
  14359. semicontinuous wide strip mill ==> 半连续式宽带钢轧机
  14360. semicontinuous wirerod mill ==> 半连续式线材轧机
  14361. semicontionous mapping ==> 半连续映射
  14362. semicontrol office ==> 統制支局
  14363. semicultivated variety ==> 半栽培品种
  14364. semicustom ==> 統制支局
  14365. semicustom array ==> 半定制阵列
  14366. semicustom chip ==> 半定制芯片
  14367. semicustom integrated circuit ==> 半定制集成电路
  14368. semicustom lsi ==> 半定制大规模集成电路
  14369. semicustom masterslice ==> 半定制母片
  14370. semicustom process ==> 半定制集成电路工艺
  14371. semicustom route ==> 半定制路由
  14372. semidefinite form ==> 半定型
  14373. semidefinite quadratic form ==> 半定二次型
  14374. semidestructive test ==> 半破坏试验
  14375. semidetached dwelling ==> 半独立式住宅
  14376. semidetached house ==> 半独立式房屋
  14377. semidiameter correction ==> 半径校正,半径修正
  14378. semidine rearrangement ==> 半联胺重排作用
  14379. semidirect illumination ==> 半直接照明
  14380. semidirect lighting ==> 半直接照明
  14381. semidistributed coil ==> 半分布线圈
  14382. semidistributed winding ==> 半分布绕组
  14383. semidiurnal constituent ==> 半日分潮
  14384. semidiurnal force ==> 半日生潮力
  14385. semidiurnal tidal current ==> 半日潮流
  14386. semidiurnal tide ==> 半日潮
  14387. semidiurnal tide producing force ==> 半日生潮力
  14388. semidiurnal wave ==> 半日波
  14389. semidominant diagonal ==> 半主对角线
  14390. semidry process ==> 半干处理,半干法工艺
  14391. semidry state ==> 半干状态
  14392. semidull coal ==> 半暗煤
  14393. semiduplex ==> 半双工的
  14394. semielliptic flaw ==> 半椭圆形缺陷
  14395. semielliptic scroll spring ==> 半椭圆形涡簧,双弯头半椭圆形钢板弹簧
  14396. semielliptic spring ==> 弓形弹簧
  14397. semielliptic surface crack ==> 半椭圆形表面裂纹
  14398. semienclosed cut-out ==> 半闭式保险器
  14399. semienclosed fuse ==> 半封闭熔线
  14400. semienclosed machine ==> 半封闭式机器
  14401. semienclosed motor ==> 半封闭式电动机
  14402. semienclosed slot ==> 半封闭槽,半封闭式槽=>セミカスタム
  14403. semienclosed switch gear ==> 半封闭式开关装置
  14404. semienclosed type ==> 半封闭式
  14405. semiessential amino acid ==> 半必需氨基酸
  14406. semifast transport ==> 中速行驶运输工具
  14407. semifinished ==> 半成品
  14408. semifinished countersunk head bolt ==> 半光埋头螺栓
  14409. semifinished hexagon head bolt ==> 半光六角螺栓
  14410. semifinished hexagon nut ==> 半光六角螺母
  14411. semifinished product control ==> 半成品管理
  14412. semifinished product warehouse ==> 半成品库
  14413. semifixed bridge ==> 半固定桥
  14414. semifixed cost ==> 半固定成本
  14415. semifixed length record ==> 半固定长度记录,半定长记录
  14416. semifixed variable resistor ==> 半固定可变电阻器
  14417. semiflexible board ==> 半软性印刷线路板
  14418. semifloating axle ==> 半浮式轴
  14419. semifluid extract of ginseng and antler glue ==> 二仙膏
  14420. semiflush inlet ==> 半埋入式进气口
  14421. semifusinoid group ==> 半丝质组
  14422. semigloss epoxide-polyester powder coating ==> 半光环氧聚酯粉末涂料
  14423. semiglossy paper ==> 半光面相纸
  14424. semigraph and alarm signal ==> 模拟报警信号
  14425. semigraphic annunciator ==> 半图解式信号器
  14426. semigraphic control panel ==> 半图解仪表盘
  14427. semigraphic panel ==> 半图式面板
  14428. semigraphical method ==> 半图解法
  14429. semigroup homomorphism ==> 半群同态
  14430. semigroup method ==> 半群法
  14431. semiguarded machine ==> 半防护式电机
  14432. semihard-drawn aluminium wire ==> 半閉スロット
  14433. semihermetically sealed condensing unit ==> 半封闭式压缩冷凝机组
  14434. semihumid soil ==> 半湿土
  14435. semihydraulic lime ==> 半水硬石灰
  14436. semihydraulic lime mortar ==> 半水硬石灰砂浆
  14437. semiindirect illumination ==> 半间接照明
  14438. semiindirect lighting ==> 半间接照明
  14439. semiinsulating substrate ==> 半绝缘衬底
  14440. semiintutitive skill ==> 半直觉技术
  14441. semikilled steel ==> 半镇静钢
  14442. semilate rice ==> 中稻
  14443. semileaky type ==> 半漏泄型
  14444. semilente insulin ==> 半慢胰岛素
  14445. semilethal gene ==> 半致死基因
  14446. semilive skid ==> 半活动小架车
  14447. semilog model ==> 半对数模型
  14448. semilog paper ==> 半对数图纸,半对数纸
  14449. semilog plot ==> 半对数图
  14450. semilog transformation ==> 半对数变换
  14451. semilogarithmic coordinate paper ==> 半对数坐标纸
  14452. semilogarithmic model ==> 半对数模型
  14453. semilogarithmic paper ==> 半对数纸
  14454. semilunar bone ==> 月骨
  14455. semilunar cartilage ==> 半月软骨
  14456. semilunar fold ==> 半月皱襞
  14457. semilunar fold of conjunctiva ==> 结膜半月襞
  14458. semilunar folds of colon ==> 结肠半月襞
  14459. semilunar ganglion decompression ==> 半月神经节减压法
  14460. semilunar hernia ==> 斯皮格耳氏疝
  14461. semilunar nucleus ==> 半月核
  14462. semilunar period ==> 半月周期
  14463. semilunar sign ==> 新月征
  14464. semilunar space ==> 半月状隙
  14465. semilunar valve ==> 半月瓣
  14466. semilunar valve of pulmonary artery ==> 肺动脉半月瓣
  14467. semilunaris gyrus ==> 半月回
  14468. semimagnetic controller ==> 半磁控制器,半磁性控制器
  14469. semimajor axis ==> 半长轴
  14470. semimajor axis of beam cross-section ==> 束流截面的长半轴
  14471. semimean axes ==> 半中轴
  14472. semimetal ==> 半金属
  14473. semimetallic lustre ==> 半金属光泽
  14474. semimetallic packing ==> 半金属填料
  14475. semimicro analysis ==> 半微量分析
  14476. semimicro method ==> 半微量法
  14477. semimicro organic synthesis ==> 半微量有机合成
  14478. semimicro-analy-tical balance ==> 半微量天平
  14479. semimicro-chemistry ==> 半微量化学
  14480. semiminor axis ==> 半短轴
  14481. semimobile artillery ==> 半机动火炮
  14482. semimonolithic construction ==> 半整体式构造
  14483. seminal book ==> 影響力の大きい本
  14484. seminal cyst ==> 精液囊肿
  14485. seminal fluid examination ==> 精液检查
  14486. seminal groove ==> 输精沟
  14487. seminal leaf ==> 子叶
  14488. seminal patent ==> 独創性に富んだ特許
  14489. seminal plasma ==> 精清
  14490. seminal principle ==> 潜在原理
  14491. seminal propagation ==> 种子繁殖
  14492. seminal protein ==> 精子タンパク
  14493. seminal root ==> 种子根
  14494. seminal vesicle ==> 精囊,精囊腺
  14495. seminal vesicle examination ==> 精囊检查
  14496. seminal vesicle fluid ==> 精囊液
  14497. seminar ==> ゼミナール
  14498. seminar on pollution prevention ==> 防止污染研讨会
  14499. semination sowing ==> 下种
  14500. seminatural vegetation ==> 半野生植被
  14501. semiopen slot ==> 半开口槽
  14502. semipaste paint ==> 半厚漆
  14503. semipermanent data ==> 半永久数据
  14504. semipermanent mold ==> 半金属型
  14505. semipermeable membrane ==> 半渗透膜,半渗膜,半透薄膜,半透性膜
  14506. semipermeable surface ==> 半渗透曲面
  14507. semipersistent virus ==> 半持久性病毒
  14508. semiplant test ==> 中间试验
  14509. semiplastic explosive ==> 半塑性炸药
  14510. semipolar double bond ==> 半极性双键
  14511. semipositive mold ==> 半溢式塑模
  14512. semipremix injector ==> 半预混式喷头
  14513. semipreparative separation ==> 半制备规模分离
  14514. semiproduct management ==> 半成品管理
  14515. semiproduction line ==> 半生产流水线
  14516. semiprone position ==> 半俯卧位
  14517. semiprotected motor ==> 半防护型电动机
  14518. semiprotic solvent ==> 半质子性溶剂
  14519. semiquantitative spectrochemical analysis ==> 光谱半定量分析
  14520. semiradial reciprocating compressor ==> 半圆辐射型往复压缩机,扇形往复式压缩机
  14521. semirandom access ==> 半随机存取
  14522. semirandom access memory ==> 半随机存取存储器,半随机访问存储器
  14523. semirandom access storage ==> 半随机访问存储器
  14524. semireal time ==> 半实时
  14525. semireclining position ==> 半卧位,半坐位
  14526. semirefined wax ==> 半精制蜡
  14527. semireflecting mirror ==> 半反射镜
  14528. semiregular variables ==> 半规则变星
  14529. semiremote control ==> 半遥控
  14530. semiremote cut-off ==> 半遥截止
  14531. semiremote handling ==> 半遥控,半远距离操纵
  14532. semiremote manipulation ==> 半远距离操作
  14533. semirigid cable ==> 半硬性电缆
  14534. semirigid container ==> 半硬容器
  14535. semirigid frame ==> 半刚性框架
  14536. semirigid framing ==> 半刚性框架做法
  14537. semirigid joint ==> 半刚性接头
  14538. semirigid plastic ==> 半刚性塑料
  14539. semirigid polyvinyl chloride sheet ==> 半硬质聚氯乙烯片材
  14540. semirimming steel ==> 半镇静钢
  14541. semirotary melting furnace ==> 可倾式熔炉
  14542. semirox ==> 半埋入式氧化物
  14543. semiself maintained discharge ==> 半自持放电
  14544. semiserialized manufacture ==> 半连续性生产
  14545. semishrouded impeller ==> 半开式叶轮
  14546. semisimple ==> 半単純の
  14547. semisimple Lie algebra ==> 半単純リー代数
  14548. semisimple matrix ==> 半单矩阵
  14549. semisimple module ==> 半単純加群
  14550. semiskilled labor ==> 半熟劳动
  14551. semiskilled labour ==> 半熟练劳动
  14552. semiskilled manpower ==> 半熟练劳动力
  14553. semislotted upper roll ==> 半槽式上辊
  14554. semisoft clay ==> 半软质粘土
  14555. semisoft collar ==> 半软硬领
  14556. semisoft packing ==> 半软包衬
  14557. semisoft steel ==> 半软钢
  14558. semisolid culturemedium ==> 半固体培养基
  14559. semisolid grease ==> 半凝润滑脂
  14560. semisolid lubricant ==> 塑性润滑剂
  14561. semisolid lubricants ==> 半固体润滑剂
  14562. semispecial trade ==> 半专门贸易
  14563. semispherical combustion chamber ==> 半球形燃烧室
  14564. semispinal muscle of neck ==> 颈半棘肌,颈半棘肌
  14565. semispiral case ==> 不完全蜗壳
  14566. semisplint coal ==> 半暗硬煤
  14567. semistable elementary particle ==> 准稳基本粒子
  14568. semistandard tableau ==> 半標準盤
  14569. semistationary process ==> 半平稳过程
  14570. semisubmersible drill rig ==> 半潜式海上钻探设备
  14571. semisubmersible drilling platform ==> 半潜式钻井平台
  14572. semisubmersible drilling vessel ==> 半潜式钻井船
  14573. semisubmersible platform ==> 半潜式钻井平台
  14574. semisubmersible tug boat ==> 半潜式驳船
  14575. semisubsistance low-income sector ==> 半自给自足的低收入阶层
  14576. semisynthetic fibre ==> 半合成纤维
  14577. semisynthetic penicillin and ergot system fungus ==> 半合成青霉素及麦角系列菌种
  14578. semitanned skin ==> 半硝皮
  14579. semitechnological factor ==> 半技术因素
  14580. semitertian malaria ==> 半间日疟
  14581. Semitic arrow-headed characters ==> 闪含语楔形文字
  14582. Semitic cuneiform characters ==> 闪含语楔形文字
  14583. semitrailing arm ==> (驱动桥的)前置斜定位臂
  14584. semitransmitting mirror ==> 半透明镜
  14585. semitransparent cathode ==> 半透明阴极
  14586. semitransparent layer ==> 半透明层
  14587. semitransparent mirror ==> 半透明镜
  14588. semitransparent photocathode ==> 半透免电阴极=>半透明光電陰極
  14589. semitransparent thin film ==> 半透明薄膜
  14590. semitransverse fault ==> 斜断层
  14591. semitubular rivet ==> 半管形铆钉,半空心铆钉
  14592. semiuniversal surface ==> 半万有曲面
  14593. semivariable cost ==> 半可变成本
  14594. semivitreous whiteware ==> 半玻化白坯器皿
  14595. semiwater gas ==> 半水煤气
  14596. semiwhite glass ==> 半白玻璃
  14597. semixylenol orange ==> 半二甲酚橙
  14598. Semper's rib ==> 森氏肋
  14599. Semple plunger ==> 离心保险销
  14600. SEN, sensor ==> センサ
  14601. Senarmont compensator ==> 塞拿蒙补偿器
  14602. send ==> 发射
  14603. send alarm ==> 対局警報
  14604. send out ==> 射
  14605. send out goods ==> 发货
  14606. send signal element timing circuit ==> 发信信号单元定时电路
  14607. send statement ==> 发送语句
  14608. send through others ==> 托带
  14609. send to the hammer ==> 拿出拍卖
  14610. send window ==> 发送窗口
  14611. send-back system ==> 回送系统
  14612. send-receive switch ==> 收发转换开关
  14613. send-receive-ground-switch ==> 收发接地转换开关
  14614. send-receiver ==> 收发报机
  14615. Sendai virus ==> 仙台病毒
  14616. sender ==> 发信机=>センダ
  14617. sender transmitting station ==> 信号发送台
  14618. sender unit ==> 信号发送器
  14619. sender unit cover ==> 传感器壳盖
  14620. sender unit insulated terminal ==> 传感器绝缘接柱
  14621. sending aerial ==> 发射天线
  14622. sending allowance ==> 传输衰耗
  14623. sending antenna ==> 发射天线
  14624. sending area ==> 发送区
  14625. sending current ==> 送信電流
  14626. sending down abnormally ascending ==> 降气
  14627. sending down the fishbone ==> 下骨
  14628. sending end ==> 发送端=>送電端
  14629. sending end impedance ==> 送电端阻抗
  14630. sending filter ==> 发送端滤波器
  14631. sending item ==> 发送项
  14632. sending key ==> 发送电键
  14633. sending machine ==> 发射机
  14634. sending power ==> 发送功率
  14635. sending receiving terminal station ==> 收发终端站
  14636. sending set ==> 发送设备
  14637. sending station ==> 发信局
  14638. sending voltage control ==> 送出し電圧制御
  14639. sending-end crosstalk ==> 发送端串话
  14640. sending-end impedance ==> 送端インピーダンス
  14641. sending-end output ==> 送電端出力
  14642. sending-end system ==> 送端系统,电力系统中以送出电能为主的局部系统
  14643. sendust core ==> 铝硅铁粉磁心
  14644. sendzimir coating process ==> 分解氨热镀锌法
  14645. Sendzimir coating process ==> 森吉米尔镀锌法,森氏镀锌法
  14646. sendzimir galvanizing process ==> 分解氨热镀锌法
  14647. Sendzimir galvanizing process ==> 森氏镀锌法
  14648. Sendzimir mill ==> 森吉米尔式轧机,森式极薄钢板多辊轧机,二十辊冷轧机
  14649. sendzimir mill ==> 森吉米尔式多辊轧机
  14650. Sendzimir planetary mill ==> 森吉米尔行星轧机
  14651. Sendzimir process ==> 森氏带钢氮化浸渍镀锌法
  14652. senecifolic acid ==> 千里光叶酸
  14653. senecifolin(e) hydrochloride ==> 盐酸千里光叶碱
  14654. Senecio cannabifolius ==> 麻叶千里光
  14655. Senecio wightii ==> 岩生千里光
  14656. senecioic acid ==> 千里光酸
  14657. senegeninic acid ==> 远志酸
  14658. senescent arthritis ==> 关节变性病
  14659. senescent ovary ==> 衰老卵巢
  14660. senile ==> 老年的=>老年の
  14661. senile amblykusis ==> 老年性重听
  14662. senile angioma ==> 老年性血管瘤=>老人性血管腫
  14663. senile anodontia ==> 老年性无牙
  14664. senile arteriosclerosis ==> 老年性动脉硬化
  14665. senile arteriosclerotic nephrosclerosis ==> 老年性动脉硬化性肾硬化
  14666. senile asomnia ==> 老年性失眠
  14667. senile atrophic gingivitis ==> 老年性萎缩性龈炎
  14668. senile atrophy ==> 老年萎缩
  14669. senile cataract ==> 老人性白内障
  14670. senile change ==> 老化現象
  14671. senile chorea ==> 老年性舞蹈病
  14672. senile congenital macular degeneration ==> 老年期先天性黄斑变性
  14673. senile deafness ==> 老年性難聴
  14674. senile decay ==> 老化
  14675. senile degeneration ==> 老年性变性
  14676. senile dementia ==> 老年痴呆,老年性痴呆=>老年性認知症
  14677. senile depression ==> 老年期鬱病
  14678. senile deterioration ==> 老衰
  14679. senile disposition ==> 老年素因
  14680. senile eczema ==> 老年性湿疹
  14681. senile elastosis ==> 老年性弹力组织变性
  14682. senile emphysema ==> 老年肺气肿,老年性肺气肿
  14683. senile ephelides ==> 老年雀斑
  14684. senile fibroelastosis ==> 老年性纤维弹性组织增生
  14685. senile fracture ==> 老年骨折
  14686. senile gangrene ==> 老年坏疽,波特氏坏疽
  14687. senile hemangioma ==> 老年性血管瘤
  14688. senile hip arthropathy ==> 老年性髋关节病
  14689. senile hip-joint disease ==> 老年髋关节病
  14690. senile insomnia ==> 老年性失眠
  14691. senile keratoma ==> 老年角质瘤
  14692. senile keratosis ==> 老年角化病
  14693. senile kyphosis ==> 老年人驼背
  14694. senile melancholia ==> 老年忧郁症
  14695. senile nephrosclerosis ==> 老年性肾硬化
  14696. senile neuritis ==> 老年性神经炎
  14697. senile paralysis agitans ==> 老年性震颤麻痹
  14698. senile paresis ==> 老年麻痹性痴呆
  14699. senile patient ==> 老年病人
  14700. senile plaque ==> 老年斑
  14701. senile plaques ==> 衰老斑
  14702. senile pruritus ==> 老年搔痒症
  14703. senile psychosis ==> 老年精神病
  14704. senile purpura ==> 老年性紫癜
  14705. senile retinal arteriosclerosis ==> 老年性视网膜动脉硬化
  14706. senile river ==> 老年河
  14707. senile sebaceous hyperplasia ==> 老年皮脂腺增生症
  14708. senile tremor ==> 老年震颤
  14709. senile vaginitis ==> 老年性阴道炎
  14710. senile wart ==> 老年疣
  14711. senile warts of lid ==> 睑老年疣,睑老年疣
  14712. senior architect ==> 高级建筑师
  14713. senior programmer ==> 高级程序员
  14714. senior system designer ==> 高级系统设计员
  14715. Senn process ==> 森方法
  14716. SenokoPower ==> (新加坡)圣诺哥能源
  14717. sensation ==> 感觉,知觉
  14718. sensation curve ==> 视觉敏感性曲线
  14719. sensation level ==> 阈上水平
  14720. sensation noise ==> 感觉噪声
  14721. sensation of acceleration ==> 加速度感觉
  14722. sensation of asphyxia ==> 窒息感
  14723. sensation of cold ==> 冷觉
  14724. sensation of dryness ==> 干涩感
  14725. sensation of fullness ==> 胀满感,饱胀感
  14726. sensation of hearing ==> 听觉
  14727. sensation of pain ==> 痛觉
  14728. sensation of warmth ==> 温觉
  14729. sensation quantity of sound ==> 声感觉量
  14730. sensation scale ==> 感觉尺度
  14731. sensation threshold ==> 感觉阈值
  14732. sensation unit ==> 感觉单位
  14733. sensational ==> 驚くべき,素晴らしい
  14734. sensational triumph ==> 素晴らしい勝利
  14735. sensational victory ==> 素晴らしい勝利
  14736. sense ==> 方向,意义,觉,觉,自动检测,读出,断定,信号方向
  14737. sense aerial ==> 辨向天线
  14738. sense amplifier ==> 读出放大器=>センス増幅器
  14739. sense antenna ==> 辨向天线=>センスアンテナ
  14740. sense byte ==> 判断字节
  14741. sense club ==> 感觉球
  14742. sense coil ==> 读出线圈
  14743. sense command ==> 读出命令,读出指令,检测命令
  14744. sense cone ==> 感觉锥
  14745. sense console ==> 读出控制台
  14746. sense control ==> 视觉控制
  14747. sense data ==> 读出数据
  14748. sense dome ==> 感觉钟
  14749. sense finder ==> 无线电罗盘,探向指器,正负向测定器,指向测定器
  14750. sense hair ==> 感觉毛
  14751. sense indicator ==> 来去指示器,方向指示器
  14752. sense information ==> 读出信息
  14753. sense light ==> 传感指示灯
  14754. sense line ==> 读出线
  14755. sense loop ==> 读出环
  14756. sense of absolute pitch ==> 絶対音感
  14757. sense of business ==> 经营意识,经营意识
  14758. sense of cold ==> 冷觉
  14759. sense of coldness ==> 冷感
  14760. sense of compression ==> 紧压感
  14761. sense of crackling of ping-pong ball ==> 乒乓球感
  14762. sense of current ==> 电流的方向
  14763. sense of direction ==> 方向感=>方向感覚
  14764. sense of equilibrium ==> 平衡觉
  14765. sense of fruition ==> 達成感
  14766. sense of hearing ==> 听觉
  14767. sense of hotness ==> 热感
  14768. sense of hunger ==> 饥饿感
  14769. sense of movement ==> 动向
  14770. sense of obstruction ==> 梗塞感,梗阻感
  14771. sense of oppression ==> 闷压感
  14772. sense of orientation ==> 定向
  14773. sense of participation ==> 参与感
  14774. sense of pleural friction ==> 胸膜摩擦感
  14775. sense of rotation ==> 旋转方向,旋转感,自转方向
  14776. sense of sight ==> 视觉
  14777. sense of smell ==> 嗅觉
  14778. sense of taste ==> 味觉
  14779. sense of worth ==> 价值观
  14780. sense organ ==> 感官,感觉器,感觉器官,感觉瀑
  14781. sense organs ==> 感觉器官
  14782. sense pore ==> 感觉孔
  14783. sense refresh amplifier ==> 读出更新放大器
  14784. sense response ==> 读出响应
  14785. sense signal ==> 读出信号
  14786. sense station ==> 读出机构
  14787. sense strand ==> 有意义股(链)
  14788. sense strobe ==> 读出选通脉冲
  14789. sense switch ==> 读出开关,感测开关,更变开关,检测开关
  14790. sense wire ==> 读出线
  14791. sense(-)class ==> 指向类
  14792. sense-finding switch ==> 定向开关
  14793. sense-reversing ==> 逆向
  14794. senser ==> 敏感元件
  14795. sensibilisation ==> 敏化
  14796. sensibility ==> 灵敏度
  14797. sensibility analysis ==> 敏感分析
  14798. sensibility control ==> 灵敏度控制
  14799. sensibility of voltage regulator ==> 稳压器敏感性
  14800. sensibility reciprocal ==> 灵敏度倒数
  14801. sensible advice ==> 合理的な助言
  14802. sensible adviser ==> 思慮のある助言者
  14803. sensible answer ==> 賢明な回答
  14804. sensible cooling effect ==> 显热冷却效果
  14805. sensible heat ==> 显热
  14806. sensible heat cooler ==> 显热冷却器
  14807. sensible heat flow ==> 显热流,可感热流
  14808. sensible heat load ==> 显热负荷
  14809. sensible heat ratio ==> 显热比
  14810. sensible horizon ==> 感觉地平圈
  14811. sensible temperature ==> 感觉温度,可感温度
  14812. sensible-heat factor (SHF) ==> 显热因子
  14813. sensilized decomposition ==> 敏化分解
  14814. sensillary base ==> 感基
  14815. sensillum basiconicum ==> 锥形感器
  14816. sensillum sagittiforme ==> 矢形感器
  14817. sensing ==> 感觉,读出,感测,感觉,测向器件,辨向,射弹观测=>検知
  14818. sensing and switching device ==> 读出转换装置
  14819. sensing antenna ==> 辨向天线
  14820. sensing bulb ==> 感温包
  14821. sensing cable ==> 传感电缆
  14822. sensing circuit ==> 传感电路
  14823. sensing coil ==> 感觉线圈
  14824. sensing component number ==> 敏感元件数
  14825. sensing crystal ==> 敏感晶体
  14826. sensing device ==> 传感器=>検出装置,センシングデバイス
  14827. sensing element ==> 感应元件,传感器,传感元件,敏感元件
  14828. sensing equipment ==> 传感设备,测定设备,测向设备,指向设备
  14829. sensing filament ==> 敏感热丝
  14830. sensing head ==> 敏感头,传感头,读出头,灵敏头
  14831. sensing hole ==> 读出孔
  14832. sensing instrument ==> 灵敏仪表,灵敏仪器,敏感仪表
  14833. sensing marker ==> 读出指示器
  14834. sensing material ==> 传感材料
  14835. sensing pin ==> 读出针
  14836. sensing probe ==> 传感器,敏感探头,敏感元件
  14837. sensing reading ==> 传感读出
  14838. sensing station ==> 感测站,读出站
  14839. sensing surface ==> 敏感表面
  14840. sensing switch ==> 传感器开关
  14841. sensing system ==> 测读系统
  14842. sensing tape ==> 读数带
  14843. sensing unit ==> 敏感元件
  14844. sensing zone technique ==> 敏感区技术
  14845. sensistor compensation ==> 热敏电阻补偿
  14846. sensitised door mat ==> 感应门踏板
  14847. sensitive ==> 灵敏的
  14848. sensitive adjustment ==> 精调,精确调整
  14849. sensitive area ==> 敏感地区,敏感面,敏感区
  14850. sensitive area along a channel ==> 经络敏感区,经络敏感区
  14851. sensitive axis ==> 量测轴,量测轴线
  14852. sensitive bench drill ==> 高速手压台钻
  14853. sensitive clay ==> 敏感粘土
  14854. sensitive colour plate ==> 灵敏色板
  14855. sensitive composition ==> 敏感成分
  14856. sensitive detector ==> 灵敏探测器
  14857. sensitive developmental period ==> 敏感发育时期
  14858. sensitive drill ==> 高速手压钻机
  14859. sensitive drill press ==> 灵敏钻床
  14860. sensitive drilling machine ==> 手动进给钻床
  14861. sensitive element ==> 灵敏元件,敏感元件
  14862. sensitive emulsion ==> 感光乳剂
  14863. sensitive explosive ==> 敏感炸药
  14864. sensitive far infrared detector ==> 高感度遠赤外線検出器
  14865. sensitive fault program ==> 故障敏感程序
  14866. sensitive film ==> 感光胶卷,感光胶片
  14867. sensitive flame ==> 灵敏焰
  14868. sensitive form ==> 敏感形式
  14869. sensitive galvanometer ==> 灵敏电流计
  14870. sensitive goods ==> 敏感性商品
  14871. sensitive goods price ==> 敏感商品价格
  14872. sensitive information network ==> 敏感情报网络
  14873. sensitive infrared telescope ==> 灵敏红外望远镜
  14874. sensitive instrumentation ==> 高感度の機器
  14875. sensitive junction ==> 灵敏结
  14876. sensitive layer ==> 敏感层,感光膜
  14877. sensitive lever ==> 敏觉杆
  14878. sensitive line ==> 灵敏线
  14879. sensitive line along a channel ==> 经络敏感线,经络敏感线
  14880. sensitive load ==> 高感度負荷
  14881. sensitive load factory ==> 高感度負荷工場
  14882. sensitive market ==> 敏感市场,敏感性商品,敏感性市场
  14883. sensitive material ==> 敏感材料,感光材料,灵敏材料
  14884. sensitive metal ==> 敏感金属
  14885. sensitive monitor ==> 敏感监测器
  14886. sensitive paper ==> 感光纸
  14887. sensitive percussion fuze ==> 瞬发引信
  14888. sensitive period ==> 感应期,灵敏周期
  14889. sensitive period of teratogenesis ==> 致畸敏感期
  14890. sensitive periods ==> 敏感期
  14891. sensitive personality ==> 敏感人格
  14892. sensitive photographic material ==> 照相感光材料
  14893. sensitive pick-up ==> 敏感元件
  14894. sensitive plant ==> 敏感性植物,敏感植物
  14895. sensitive plate ==> 感光板,灵敏板
  14896. sensitive point on the route of a channel ==> 经络敏感点,经络敏感点
  14897. sensitive product ==> 敏感产品,敏感性产品
  14898. sensitive property ==> 敏感性能
  14899. sensitive radiation thermocouple ==> 灵敏辐射热电偶,灵敏辐射温差电偶
  14900. sensitive receiver in missile ==> 自导弹头的灵敏接收机
  14901. sensitive relay ==> 敏感继电器
  14902. sensitive spot ==> 敏感点,灵敏点,反应点
  14903. sensitive stock ==> 热敏原料
  14904. sensitive strain ==> 敏感品系
  14905. sensitive switch ==> 传感开关,快动开关
  14906. sensitive tapping machine ==> 灵敏攻丝机
  14907. sensitive thermometer ==> 敏感温度计
  14908. sensitive time ==> 感光时间,感应时间,灵敏时间
  14909. sensitive tint plate ==> 灵敏色辉片
  14910. sensitive to light ==> 对光灵敏的
  14911. sensitive upright drilling machine ==> 立式灵敏钻床
  14912. sensitive volume ==> 敏感体积,灵敏范围,灵敏区,灵敏体积
  14913. sensitive zone ==> 经络敏感区,经络敏感区
  14914. sensitiveness of (the) governor ==> 调速器灵敏度
  14915. sensitiveness of light ==> 光敏感性
  14916. sensitiveness to friction ==> 摩擦敏感度
  14917. sensitiveness to shock ==> 震动灵敏度
  14918. sensitivety ==> 敏感性
  14919. sensitivity ==> 敏感度,敏感性,感度,感光度,灵敏,灵敏度,灵敏限,灵敏性=>感度
  14920. sensitivity analysis ==> 灵敏度分析,敏感度分析,敏感性分析,在电力项目财务评价时,需对可能的物价总水平变动因素,对项目赢利能力和补偿能力的影响,进行的分析,重点是投资指标、上网电量、安全条件和燃料价格,以合理估计本项目的竞争能力=>感度解析
  14921. sensitivity bolometer ==> 灵敏测辐射热计
  14922. sensitivity calibration ==> 灵敏度校准
  14923. sensitivity centre ==> 敏感中心
  14924. sensitivity characteristic ==> 敏感特性
  14925. sensitivity co-ordination ==> 感度協調
  14926. sensitivity coefficient ==> 敏感系数,灵敏度系数,灵敏系数
  14927. sensitivity compensator ==> 灵敏补偿器
  14928. sensitivity constant ==> 灵敏度常数
  14929. sensitivity control ==> 灵敏度控制
  14930. sensitivity correction ==> 灵敏度校正
  14931. sensitivity curve ==> 灵敏度曲线
  14932. sensitivity distribution ==> 灵敏度分布
  14933. sensitivity drift ==> 灵敏度漂移
  14934. sensitivity equation ==> 灵敏度方程
  14935. sensitivity for temperature ==> 感温性
  14936. sensitivity funciton ==> 感度関数
  14937. sensitivity function ==> 灵敏度函数=>感度関数
  14938. sensitivity indices ==> 電力潮流感度指標(電圧安定性), voltage/reactive power sensitivity, dV/dQL,voltage collapse proximity indicator, dQL/dQG,tangent vector index, dV/dλ
  14939. sensitivity limit ==> 灵敏度极限
  14940. sensitivity of a photoresistive cell ==> 光敏电阻管灵敏度
  14941. sensitivity of a pickup ==> 拾音灵敏度
  14942. sensitivity of control system ==> 控制系统的灵敏度
  14943. sensitivity of follow-up system ==> 随动系统灵敏度
  14944. sensitivity of instrument ==> 仪表灵敏度
  14945. sensitivity of light ==> 感光灵敏度
  14946. sensitivity of optimal solution ==> 最適解の感度
  14947. sensitivity of relay protection ==> 继电保护灵敏性,继电保护装置对设定范围内的故障或异常状态,能够可靠的进行预定反映和动作的能力
  14948. sensitivity of telephone transmitter ==> 送话器灵敏度
  14949. sensitivity of tester ==> 探伤仪灵敏度
  14950. sensitivity of the level ==> 气泡灵敏度
  14951. sensitivity points method ==> 敏感点法
  14952. sensitivity range ==> 灵敏度范围
  14953. sensitivity ratio ==> 灵敏率
  14954. sensitivity reducing ==> 感度低下法
  14955. sensitivity shift ==> 灵敏度变化
  14956. sensitivity speck ==> 敏化中心
  14957. sensitivity test ==> 灵敏度试验
  14958. sensitivity testing ==> 敏感度试验
  14959. sensitivity tests ==> 敏感性试验
  14960. sensitivity threshold ==> 灵敏度阈
  14961. sensitivity threshold of fatigue ==> 疲劳感觉阈
  14962. sensitivity time control ==> 灵敏度时间调整
  14963. sensitivity to contamination ==> 对污染的敏感性
  14964. sensitivity to initiation ==> 起爆感度
  14965. sensitivity to light ==> 感光性
  14966. sensitivity training approach ==> 敏感性训练方式
  14967. sensitivity volume ==> 灵敏区
  14968. sensitivity-time control ==> 灵敏度时间控制
  14969. sensitization ==> 激活=>(感受性の増加)感作,鋭敏化
  14970. sensitization corrosion ==> 敏化腐蚀
  14971. sensitization of skin ==> 皮肤致敏
  14972. sensitization test ==> 敏感试验
  14973. sensitization test (STT) ==> 致敏试验
  14974. sensitization time ==> 敏化时间
  14975. sensitized bacteria agglutination test ==> 致敏细菌凝集试验
  14976. sensitized cathode ==> 敏化阴极
  14977. sensitized cube ==> 敏化立方
  14978. sensitized fabric ==> 敏化织物
  14979. sensitized fluorescence ==> 敏化荧光
  14980. sensitized laser material ==> 敏化激光材料
  14981. sensitized luminescence ==> 敏化发光
  14982. sensitized lymphocyte ==> 致敏淋巴细胞
  14983. sensitized material ==> 敏感材料,敏感物质,敏化材料
  14984. sensitized medium ==> 感光媒质
  14985. sensitized paper ==> 感光纸,敏化纸
  14986. sensitized phosphorescence ==> 敏化磷光
  14987. sensitized red cell ==> 致敏红细胞
  14988. sensitized screen ==> 敏化筛网
  14989. sensitized sheep blood ==> 致敏绵羊血
  14990. sensitized surface ==> 敏化面
  14991. sensitized vaccine ==> 敏感疫苗,血清疫苗
  14992. sensitized zone ==> 敏化区
  14993. sensitizer ==> 敏化剂,激活剂
  14994. sensitizing agent ==> 敏化剂,致敏剂,致敏因素
  14995. sensitizing antibody ==> 致敏抗体
  14996. sensitizing antigen ==> 致敏性抗原
  14997. sensitizing center ==> 敏化中心
  14998. sensitizing dose ==> 致敏量
  14999. sensitizing effect ==> 敏化效应
  15000. sensitizing layer ==> 敏化层
  15001. sensitizing pulse ==> 照明脉冲
  15002. sensitizing range ==> 敏感区
  15003. sensitizing solution ==> 敏化液
  15004. sensitizing treatment ==> 敏化处理
  15005. sensitlzing effect ==> 敏感效应
  15006. sensitometer ==> 感光计
  15007. sensitometric curve ==> 感光曲线,感光深浅曲线
  15008. sensitometric refraction ==> 感光折射
  15009. sensitve drilling machine ==> 手压钻床
  15010. sensor ==> 受感器,激光流量传感器,感察器,感应元件,敏感元件,传感器,读出器=>センサ,知覚器
  15011. sensor (-ser) ==> 敏感装置
  15012. sensor alarm ==> 传感报警器
  15013. sensor amplifier ==> 传感放大器
  15014. sensor aperture opening ratio ==> 传感器开口率
  15015. sensor array ==> 传感阵列,阵列传感器
  15016. sensor board ==> 传感插板
  15017. sensor coil ==> 传感线圈,敏感线圈
  15018. sensor detector ==> 传感探测器
  15019. sensor element ==> 传感元件
  15020. sensor group ==> 传感器组
  15021. sensor information ==> 传感器信息
  15022. sensor matrix ==> 读出矩阵
  15023. sensor peen ==> 传感尖端
  15024. sensor position ==> センサ位置
  15025. sensor signal ==> 传感器信号
  15026. sensor switch ==> 读出开关
  15027. sensor system ==> 敏感元件系统
  15028. sensor transmitter ==> 敏感变送器
  15029. sensor wiring ==> 传感器布线
  15030. sensor-based ==> 传感设备,以传感器为基础的设备,基于传感器的
  15031. sensor-based computer ==> 基于传感器的计算机,传感计算机,传感器用计算机
  15032. sensor-based navigation ==> センサベーストナビゲーション
  15033. sensor-based system ==> 传感器用系统,传感系统,基于传感器的系统,采用传感系统
  15034. sensori-motor phase ==> 感觉动作时相
  15035. sensorimotor area ==> 感觉运动区
  15036. sensorineural hearing loss ==> 神经性听力损失
  15037. sensorless control ==> センサレス制御
  15038. sensorless drive ==> センサレス駆動
  15039. sensorless sinusoidal drive ==> センサレス正弦波駆動
  15040. sensorless vector control ==> センサレスベクトル制御
  15041. sensory ==> 感觉的
  15042. sensory adaptation ==> 感觉适应
  15043. sensory aphasia ==> 感觉性失语
  15044. sensory area ==> 感觉皮质区,感觉区
  15045. sensory ataxia ==> 感觉性共济运动失调
  15046. sensory block ==> 感觉阻断
  15047. sensory block experiment ==> 感觉遮断实验
  15048. sensory capsule ==> 感觉囊
  15049. sensory cell ==> 感觉细胞
  15050. sensory center ==> 感觉中枢
  15051. sensory channel ==> 感觉通道
  15052. sensory circle ==> 触觉区
  15053. sensory club ==> 感觉棒
  15054. sensory conducting function ==> 感觉传导功能
  15055. sensory control ==> 感觉控制
  15056. sensory cortex ==> 感觉皮层
  15057. sensory current ==> 感知电流
  15058. sensory decussation ==> 感觉交叉
  15059. sensory deprivation ==> 感觉剥夺
  15060. sensory disturbance ==> 感觉障碍,知觉障碍
  15061. sensory disturbance of anterior commissura type ==> 前连合型感觉障碍
  15062. sensory disturbance of thalamic type ==> 丘脑型感觉障碍
  15063. sensory ecology ==> 感覚生態学
  15064. sensory epithelial cell ==> 感觉上皮细胞
  15065. sensory fiber ==> 感觉纤维
  15066. sensory function ==> 感觉功能
  15067. sensory ganglia ==> 感觉性神经节
  15068. sensory hair ==> 感觉毛
  15069. sensory hair cell ==> 感觉毛细胞
  15070. sensory information ==> 感觉信息,敏感元件信息
  15071. sensory inhibition ==> 感觉抑制
  15072. sensory isolatien ==> 感觉分离
  15073. sensory learning ==> 感觉学习
  15074. sensory nerve ==> 感觉神经
  15075. sensory nerve ending ==> 感觉神经末梢
  15076. sensory neuron ==> 感觉神经元
  15077. sensory nucleus ==> 感觉核
  15078. sensory organ ==> 感官
  15079. sensory package ==> 传感组件
  15080. sensory pathway ==> 感觉传导路
  15081. sensory perception ==> 感性知觉
  15082. sensory pit ==> 感觉窝
  15083. sensory plate ==> 感觉板
  15084. sensory presbyacusia ==> 感觉性老年聋
  15085. sensory process ==> 感觉突
  15086. sensory processing ==> 感覚処理
  15087. sensory relay nucleus ==> 感觉中继核
  15088. sensory root ==> 感觉根
  15089. sensory speech center ==> 感觉性言语中枢
  15090. sensory spots ==> 感觉点
  15091. sensory stimuli ==> 感觉刺激
  15092. sensory system ==> 感觉系统,敏感度系统
  15093. sensory test of skin ==> 皮层感觉检查法
  15094. sensory unit ==> 感觉单位
  15095. sent request circuit ==> 发送请求电路
  15096. sentence completion ==> 填空
  15097. sentence key ==> 句子关键字,句子关键字,句子键,句子键
  15098. sentence logic ==> 语句逻辑
  15099. sentence of bankruptcy ==> 破产判决
  15100. sentence structure ==> 句子结构,句子结构
  15101. sentence symbol ==> 句子符号,句子符号
  15102. sentential calculus ==> 句子演算,句子演算
  15103. sentential form ==> 句型,句型
  15104. senter tap ==> 設定能
  15105. sentinel ==> 传送器,标记,标记符号,标志,始终标记
  15106. sentinel antibody ==> 前哨抗体
  15107. sentinel node ==> 魏尔啸氏结,看守淋巴结
  15108. sentinel pile ==> 前哨痔
  15109. sentinel pyrometer ==> 标志高温计
  15110. sentinel valve ==> 报警阀
  15111. seocnd intermediate host ==> 第二中间宿主
  15112. seocndary distribution ==> 二次配电
  15113. seocndary pollutant ==> 二次污染
  15114. seondary tap ==> 二道螺丝攻
  15115. SEOS, synchronous earth observation satellite ==> 同期地球観測衛星
  15116. Seoul National University of Technology ==> 韩国国立首尔产业大学
  15117. SEP(S), solar electric propulsion ==> 太陽電気推進
  15118. SEP, separation ==> 分離
  15119. SEP, solar electric propulsion ==> セップ(SEP)
  15120. SEP, solar energetic particle ==> 太陽エネルギー粒子
  15121. SEP, Standard-Essential Patent ==> 標準必須特許
  15122. SEPAC, space experiments with particle accelerators ==> 粒子加速器による宇宙実験
  15123. sepal ==> 萼片
  15124. separable ==> 分離できる
  15125. separable attachment plug ==> セパラブルプラグ
  15126. separable characteristic ==> 可分离性,可分特性
  15127. separable cost ==> 可独立计算的成本,可分成本,可分费用
  15128. separable coupling ==> 可拆式联轴器
  15129. separable electric connector ==> 分离式电连接器
  15130. separable extension ==> 可分扩张
  15131. separable fixed cost ==> 可分的固定成本,可分固定成本
  15132. separable function ==> 可分离函数
  15133. separable kernel ==> 可分离核
  15134. separable library ==> 可分隔程序库
  15135. separable obligation ==> 可分的债务
  15136. separable optical coupler ==> 可分离光学耦合器
  15137. separable optimization problem ==> 可分最优问题
  15138. separable polynomial ==> 可分多项式
  15139. separable programming ==> 可分规划,可分离规划
  15140. separable rim ==> 可分开轮辋
  15141. separable slide fastener ==> 分开拉链
  15142. separable space ==> 可分空间
  15143. separate ==> 分離する
  15144. separate adjustment ==> 分别调整,分部平差
  15145. separate air friction clutch and brake units ==> 分离式空气磨擦离合制动装置
  15146. separate application ==> 分别敷用
  15147. separate assembly ==> 分别汇编
  15148. separate base(plate) ==> 单独底座
  15149. separate blade ==> 分离叶片
  15150. separate carrier ==> 分离载波
  15151. separate carry adder ==> 分离进位加法电路
  15152. separate carry representation ==> 分离进位表示法
  15153. separate cast test bar ==> 单铸试件
  15154. separate code ==> 分离码
  15155. separate collection ==> 分类收集
  15156. separate collector ==> 分离式集热器
  15157. separate combustion chamber ==> 分燃室,炉外燃烧室
  15158. separate compensation ==> 单独补偿,特别报酬
  15159. separate compilation ==> 个别编译,分离编译
  15160. separate connection ==> 单独联接,单独连接
  15161. separate contract ==> 分项合同
  15162. separate cooling ==> セパレート方式
  15163. separate cut-off valve ==> 独立停汽阀
  15164. separate cylinder ==> 分段汽缸,分铸气缸
  15165. separate data ==> 分散数据
  15166. separate data processing ==> 分散数据处理
  15167. separate drainage system ==> 分流制排水系统
  15168. separate drive ==> 单独传动
  15169. separate efficiency ==> 分部效率
  15170. separate electrical motor ==> 单独电机
  15171. separate entity system ==> 纳税单位分列计税制
  15172. separate excitation ==> 他励
  15173. separate excitation type inverter ==> 他励インバータ
  15174. separate excited motor ==> 分激电动机
  15175. separate exciter ==> 独立励磁机,他励励磁机
  15176. separate export department ==> 分设出口部
  15177. separate flushing ==> 旁侧给水冲洗
  15178. separate frame construction ==> 非承载式车身
  15179. separate function ==> 分离函数
  15180. separate galvanometer ==> 分装式检流计
  15181. separate game ==> 分离对策
  15182. separate gate ==> 分离栅
  15183. separate gate type ==> 分离栅极型
  15184. separate gravity structure ==> 分离式重力结构,独立式重力结构
  15185. separate heater valve ==> 旁热式真空管
  15186. separate heterodyne reception method ==> 分激外差式接收法
  15187. separate injection well ==> 分层注水井
  15188. separate layer ==> 隔离层
  15189. separate layer fluid production rate ==> 分层产液量
  15190. separate layer quantitative oil production ==> 分层定量采油,分层定量采油量
  15191. separate lead-sheathed cable ==> 分铅包型电缆
  15192. separate loading ==> 分装式
  15193. separate loading ammunition ==> 药包分装式弹药
  15194. separate lubrication ==> 分别润滑法
  15195. separate lubricator ==> 个别润滑器
  15196. separate luminance camera ==> 分离亮度摄像机
  15197. separate luminance system ==> 分離輝度方式,輝度分離方式
  15198. separate machine ==> 分割机
  15199. separate management ==> 分散经营
  15200. separate mesh ==> 分离网
  15201. separate mesh electrode ==> 分离电极
  15202. separate mesh vidicon ==> 分离网式视像管
  15203. separate mesh vidicon pick-up tube ==> 分离网光导摄像管
  15204. separate mode ==> 分离模式
  15205. separate network operation ==> 分网运行,一个电力系统与相邻系统解列后的运行状态
  15206. separate nozzle gas cutter ==> 串列式喷嘴气割机
  15207. separate optical element ==> 分离光学元件
  15208. separate out ==> 析出
  15209. separate processor mode ==> 分隔处理方式
  15210. separate ratio estimate ==> 分别比率估计值
  15211. separate reactor ==> 分离反应器
  15212. separate regression estimate ==> 分别回归估计值
  15213. separate ring ==> 分离型套圈
  15214. separate roller ==> 分离辊
  15215. separate room ==> (餐馆中与大餐厅分开的小间)单间
  15216. separate sanitary sewer ==> 分流污水管道
  15217. separate self-excitation ==> 间接自励磁
  15218. separate sewage system ==> 分流制排水系统
  15219. separate sewer ==> 分流污水管道,单用污水管,单用下水道
  15220. separate sewer system ==> 分流排污系统,分流下水道系统
  15221. separate sewerage system ==> 分区污水系统,单用污水系统
  15222. separate slit image ==> 分离的狭缝像
  15223. separate sludge digestion ==> 分离式污泥净化法
  15224. separate sources ==> 不同来源
  15225. separate stamen ==> 离心雄蕊
  15226. separate statement ==> 附加声明
  15227. separate Stirling cycle refrigerator ==> 分置式斯特林循环制冷机
  15228. separate storage rings ==> 分离存储环
  15229. separate stratum control ==> 分层管理
  15230. separate system ==> 分流系统,分流制,分流制排水系统,雨水污水分流系统,雨污水分流制
  15231. separate tank ==> 分离池
  15232. separate thrust collar ==> 斜挡圈
  15233. separate type SFAG accelerator ==> 分离型扫描场交变陡度加速器
  15234. separate unit ==> 分立单元
  15235. separate valve box type piston pump ==> 独立阀箱式活塞泵
  15236. separate ventilation ==> 分区通风,单独通风,外通风
  15237. separate VM cycle refrigerator ==> 分置式威勒米尔循环制冷机
  15238. separate water supply ==> 分散式给水
  15239. separate water supply system ==> 分区给水系统
  15240. separate weighing ==> 分别称量
  15241. separate winding ==> 分离线圈,分绕绕组
  15242. separate wood fibre ==> 分隔木纤维
  15243. separate zone production ==> 分层开采
  15244. separate zone waterflooding ==> 分层注水
  15245. separate-application adhesive ==> 分施胶粘剂
  15246. separate-excited ==> 他励
  15247. separate-excited block oscillator ==> 他激式间歇振荡器
  15248. separate-wall lock chamber ==> 分离式闸室,两侧闸墙与闸室底板在结构上分离,不形成刚性连接的船闸闸室
  15249. separate-zone producer ==> 分层采油井
  15250. separated accumulator ==> 隔离式蓄能器
  15251. separated addressing ==> 分隔导址
  15252. separated aggregate ==> 分级骨料
  15253. separated angle of offset beams ==> 差波束分离角
  15254. separated beam system ==> 分束系统
  15255. separated broadcaster ==> 离心状撒播机
  15256. separated charge ==> 分离电荷
  15257. separated clock ==> 分离时钟
  15258. separated data ==> 分离数据
  15259. separated excitation ==> 他励
  15260. separated excitation D.C. motor ==> 分激直流电机
  15261. separated filter ==> 分隔滤波器
  15262. separated fissile fuel ==> 分离裂变燃料
  15263. separated fissile material ==> 分离可裂变物
  15264. separated flame ==> 分离式火焰
  15265. separated flow ==> 分离流,分离水流
  15266. separated layer oil production rate ==> 分层产油量
  15267. separated layer water cut ==> 分层含水量
  15268. separated lift ==> 分离升力
  15269. separated manager ==> 脱离群众的经理
  15270. separated milk ==> 脱脂奶
  15271. separated multiclad laser ==> 分离多包层激光器
  15272. separated plasma ==> 分离血浆
  15273. separated print ==> 別刷り,抜刷り
  15274. separated production and united sales ==> 分产合销
  15275. separated pulse ==> 分离脉冲
  15276. separated resonance ==> 分离共振
  15277. separated space ==> 分离空间
  15278. separated synchronizing pulse ==> 分离同步脉冲
  15279. separated thin lense ==> 分离薄透镜
  15280. separated transport of fly ash ==> 干灰分排,又称“粗细灰分排”。将电除尘器各电场收集的飞灰,根据干灰综合利用的要求,按细灰、粗灰分开输送,各自入库的措施
  15281. separated turn isochronous cyclotron ==> 分离圈等时性回旋加速器
  15282. separated type inner tube ==> 分离式锭胆
  15283. separated type spindle ==> 分离式锭子
  15284. separated weight ==> 分離重量
  15285. separated-application adhesive ==> 分敷粘合剂
  15286. separated-function synchrotron ==> 分开作用质子同步加速器
  15287. separated-gang cultivator ==> 分组式中耕机
  15288. separately cast test bar ==> 单铸试棒
  15289. separately charged traffic ==> 分段计费的运费
  15290. separately compute and pay tax on each category ==> 分别计算纳税
  15291. separately driven circuit ==> 他激励电路
  15292. separately excited ==> 他励的
  15293. separately excited dynamo ==> 他励发电机
  15294. separately excited generator ==> 他励发电机=>他励発電機
  15295. separately excited induction generator ==> 分激感应式发电机
  15296. separately excited motor ==> 他励电动机=>他励電動機
  15297. separately excited multivibrator ==> 分激多谐振荡器
  15298. separately excited oscillator ==> 分激振荡器,他激振荡器
  15299. separately extinction of arc ==> 外力消弧
  15300. separately fired supercharger ==> 分烧式过热器
  15301. separately fired superheater ==> 独立燃烧式过热器
  15302. separately heated cathode ==> 旁热阴极
  15303. separately instructed carry ==> 外激式进位
  15304. separately leaded cable ==> 铅皮分包电缆
  15305. separately leadsheathed cable ==> SLケーブル,鉛シースケーブル
  15306. separately sustained oscillation ==> 外激持续振荡
  15307. separately ventilated machine ==> 外通风式电机,他力通风式电机=>他力通風形電機
  15308. separately ventilated type ==> 外力通风式
  15309. separately-cooled machine ==> 外冷式电机,他冷式电机
  15310. separately-driven circuit ==> 分激电路
  15311. separately-excited circuit ==> 分激电路
  15312. separately-excited dynamo ==> 分激发电机
  15313. separately-excited generator ==> 分激发电机
  15314. separately-excited inverter ==> 分激式变流器
  15315. separately-excited phase advancer ==> 分激式进相机
  15316. separately-lead sheathed cable (SL cable) ==> 分析铅套电缆
  15317. separately-leaded cable ==> 铅皮分包电缆
  15318. separateness ==> 分離
  15319. separating ==> 分離
  15320. separating agent ==> 分离剂
  15321. separating ball ==> 间隔球
  15322. separating bar ==> 分纱杆
  15323. separating belt ==> 分离带
  15324. separating bowl ==> 分离篮
  15325. separating by dilution ==> 稀释分离
  15326. separating capacity ==> 区分能力
  15327. separating capacity, discrimination ==> 事件分辨力,能正确区分事件发生顺序的最小时间间隔
  15328. separating centrifuge ==> 分离机
  15329. separating character ==> 分隔符,分离符号,分离字符,舍入字符
  15330. separating column ==> 分离塔
  15331. separating cone ==> 圆锥选矿机
  15332. separating control character ==> 分隔控制字符,分离控制符号
  15333. separating course ==> 分离横列
  15334. separating cylinder ==> 圆筒分选筛,分选滚筒
  15335. separating degree ==> 分离度
  15336. separating density ==> 分选密度
  15337. separating different plot on soil fertility ==> 分成地力不同的地块
  15338. separating discharge ==> 剥離放電
  15339. separating draw thread ==> 分离纱
  15340. separating drum ==> 分离汽锅
  15341. separating efficiency ==> 分离效率,分离总效率
  15342. separating element ==> 分隔器,滚动体隔离体
  15343. separating equipment for purification ==> 净化分离设备,净化分离设备
  15344. separating factor ==> 分离因数
  15345. separating filter ==> 分色滤光镜
  15346. separating floor ==> 分隔楼层
  15347. separating fruit ==> 离果
  15348. separating funnel ==> 分液漏斗
  15349. separating grade ==> 分选品位
  15350. separating guide ==> 分离导槽
  15351. separating hyperplane ==> 分离超平面
  15352. separating infected seed ==> 分开染病种子
  15353. separating knife ==> 分离刀
  15354. separating layer ==> 分离层
  15355. separating line ==> 分像线
  15356. separating lug ==> 定距耳
  15357. separating machine ==> 分离机
  15358. separating material ==> 脱模剂
  15359. separating mechanism ==> 脱粒机构,分离设备
  15360. separating medium ==> 分选介质
  15361. separating medium density ==> 分选介质密度
  15362. separating needle ==> 分纱针
  15363. separating of grease ==> 润滑脂的分油
  15364. separating plate ==> 分离板
  15365. separating powder ==> 脱模粉
  15366. separating power ==> 分离能力
  15367. separating property ==> 分离性能
  15368. separating rate ==> 分离速度
  15369. separating resonance ==> 分离共振
  15370. separating sample ==> 分别取样
  15371. separating saw ==> 分牙锯
  15372. separating screen ==> 分极筛,分级筛,分离筛,选别筛
  15373. separating shield ==> 分隔屏蔽
  15374. separating sieve ==> 分选筛
  15375. separating solution ==> 分离剂
  15376. separating tank ==> 分离槽
  15377. separating the useful from the waste ==> 泌别清浊
  15378. separating unit ==> 分离单元
  15379. separating valve ==> 分隔阀,隔离阀
  15380. separating wall ==> 分户墙
  15381. separating yarn ==> 分离纱
  15382. separating zone ==> 分离区
  15383. separation ==> 分离,导线间距离,分隔,分离,断距,选矿,析出,隔离,离距,离析,分选,膜分离,提取法,间隔,间距=>離隔距離,分離
  15384. separation air conditioner ==> 分离式空调
  15385. separation allowance ==> 解雇费
  15386. separation and identification ==> 离析与检定
  15387. separation angle ==> 夹角,释放角
  15388. separation area ==> 气流分离区
  15389. separation axiom ==> 分离公理
  15390. separation barrel ==> 分离滚筒
  15391. separation bubble ==> 分离气流,气流分离,离体气流
  15392. separation by crystallization ==> 结晶析出
  15393. separation by deep refrigeration ==> 深冷分离法
  15394. separation by development ==> 置换分离
  15395. separation by displacement ==> 置换分离
  15396. separation by electrolysis ==> 电解分离
  15397. separation by light refrigeration ==> 浅冷分离
  15398. separation by precipitation ==> 沉淀分离法
  15399. separation by shape ==> 形状选矿
  15400. separation chamber ==> 展开槽,分隔燃烧室,分离室
  15401. separation characteristic ==> 分选特征
  15402. separation circuit ==> 分隔电路,分离电路
  15403. separation coal ==> 洗选煤,精选煤
  15404. separation coefficient ==> 分离系数,分凝系数
  15405. separation command ==> 分离指令
  15406. separation condition ==> 可分条件
  15407. separation connector ==> 分离脱落式接插件,脱落插座
  15408. separation constant ==> 分离常数
  15409. separation control circuit ==> 分离控制电路
  15410. separation corona assembly ==> 分离电晕器
  15411. separation corona discharge ==> 分离电晕放电
  15412. separation corona wire ==> 分离电晕丝
  15413. separation coupling ==> 可拆联轴节
  15414. separation density ==> 分选密度
  15415. separation device ==> 分隔装置
  15416. separation diffusion ==> 分离扩散
  15417. separation displacement ==> 置换分置
  15418. separation eddy ==> 分离涡流
  15419. separation effect ==> 分离效应
  15420. separation efficiency ==> 分离效率,分选效率
  15421. separation energy ==> 分离能,分离能量
  15422. separation equipment ==> 分选设备
  15423. separation faction ==> 分离装置
  15424. separation factor ==> 分离系数,分选系数
  15425. separation factors ==> 分解因素
  15426. separation filter ==> 分隔滤波器
  15427. separation fluid effect ==> 脱流效应
  15428. separation fracture ==> 张裂隙,分离剥裂
  15429. separation grade ==> 分选品位
  15430. separation groin ==> 分水丁坝,导水丁坝
  15431. separation in streaming current ==> 水流分选
  15432. separation indicator ==> 分离指示器
  15433. separation instrumentation ==> 脱离设备
  15434. separation layer ==> 分离层
  15435. separation levee ==> 隔堤,分流堤
  15436. separation loss ==> 分离损耗,间隙损失
  15437. separation mechanism ==> 分离机构
  15438. separation medium ==> (混凝土下的塑料薄膜垫底)隔离介质
  15439. separation membrane ==> 分隔膜
  15440. separation negatives ==> 分色底片
  15441. separation number ==> 分离数
  15442. separation of bicuspid valve under direct vision ==> 直视下二尖瓣分离术
  15443. separation of both halves of the pod ==> 荚的两半的分开
  15444. separation of boundary layer ==> 边界层分离现象
  15445. separation of carbon residue from fly ash ==> 粉煤灰选炭,从火力发电厂的煤灰中分选出未燃尽的碳粒
  15446. separation of cranial sutures ==> 颅缝分离
  15447. separation of distal radioulnar joint ==> 下尺桡关节分离
  15448. separation of distal tibial and fibular epiphyses ==> 下胫腓骨骺分离
  15449. separation of epiphysis of distal end of tibia ==> 胫骨远端骨骺分离,胫骨远端骨骺分离
  15450. separation of ferro oxides from fly ash ==> 粉煤灰选铁,从火力发电厂的煤灰中分选出铁和氧化铁
  15451. separation of fragments ==> 碎片飞散
  15452. separation of ground water flow ==> 分割地下径流
  15453. separation of groundwater flow ==> 地下径流分割
  15454. separation of homologous chromosome ==> 同源染色体分离
  15455. separation of isotopes ==> 同位素分离
  15456. separation of kerogen ==> 干酪根分离
  15457. separation of losses ==> 损耗分离,损失区分
  15458. separation of lower humeral epiphysis ==> 肱骨下端骨骺分离
  15459. separation of molecular sieve ==> 分子筛分离
  15460. separation of musculus rectus abdominis ==> 腹直肌分离
  15461. separation of placenta ==> 胎盘剥离,胎盘早期分离
  15462. separation of principal part ==> 主部分离
  15463. separation of replanted limb ==> 再植肢体解脱
  15464. separation of roots ==> 隔根法
  15465. separation of spectra ==> 谱线间距
  15466. separation of spinal cord and arachnoid adhesions ==> 脊髓蛛网膜粘连松解术
  15467. separation of symphysis pubis ==> 耻骨联合分离
  15468. separation of symphysis pubis in pregnancy ==> 孕期耻骨联合分离
  15469. separation of thoracopagus ==> 胸联胎分离术
  15470. separation of tread ==> 胎面剥落
  15471. separation of two frequencies ==> 双频间隔,两频率间的间隔
  15472. separation of two-phase fluid ==> 汽水分层,蒸发管内壁面与蒸汽接触,不再受到水的冷却,管壁向工质的放热系数大幅度下降,使壁温急剧上升的现象,包括膜态沸腾和蒸干。
  15473. separation of upper epiphysis of tibia ==> 胫骨上骨骺分离,胫骨上骨骺分离
  15474. separation of variables ==> 分离变数
  15475. separation operation ==> 分选作业
  15476. separation orifice ==> 分离孔板
  15477. separation panel ==> 分流排
  15478. separation parameter ==> 分离参数
  15479. separation pay ==> 解雇费,遣散薪金
  15480. separation picture ==> 分幅像
  15481. separation pier ==> 分水墩,隔墩
  15482. separation plane ==> 分离面
  15483. separation plant ==> 分离工厂,分离设备
  15484. separation point ==> 分离点
  15485. separation point distance ==> 分离点距离
  15486. separation polynomial ==> 分离多项式
  15487. separation potential ==> 分离势
  15488. separation principle ==> 分离原理,分选原理
  15489. separation process ==> 分选作业,分离过程
  15490. separation property ==> 分离性
  15491. separation rate ==> 分离率,解雇率
  15492. separation region ==> 分离区
  15493. separation resistance ==> 分层阻力
  15494. separation ring ==> 分离环
  15495. separation roller ==> 分离辊
  15496. separation science ==> 分离科学
  15497. separation sensor ==> 分离传感器
  15498. separation size ==> 分级粒度
  15499. separation standard ==> 间隔标准
  15500. separation strip ==> 分隔带
  15501. separation structure ==> 分隔结构
  15502. separation surface ==> 分离面
  15503. separation system ==> 分离系统
  15504. separation tank ==> 隔油池
  15505. separation technique ==> 拆分技术=>分離技術
  15506. separation technology ==> 拆分技术=>分離技術
  15507. separation temperature ==> 分离温度
  15508. separation test facility ==> 脱离试验设备
  15509. separation test for greases ==> 润滑脂分油试验
  15510. separation theorem ==> 分离定理,分离理论
  15511. separation value ==> 分离值
  15512. separation wall ==> 分隔墙
  15513. separation-break-away connector ==> 分离脱落式连接器
  15514. separation-of-charge machine ==> 静电起电机,静电起电机
  15515. separative duty ==> 分离本领
  15516. separative element ==> 分离单元
  15517. separative power ==> 分离功率,分离率,分离单元或级联单位时间所能提供的分离能力。它等于定常态下一定量的同位素混合物通过分离系统后,输出流相对于输入流的价值增率,即单位时间内输出的同位素混合物价值总和与输入的价值之差
  15518. separative sign ==> 分隔符
  15519. separative signal ==> 分离信号
  15520. separative work ==> 分离功,一段时间内(通常以年计)全厂分离功率的总和。它是对分离单元、分离级,乃至分离工厂分离能力的度量,是进行分离单元的性能研究、级联设计和工厂经济分析的目标函数
  15521. separative work content ==> 分离功量值
  15522. separative work unit,SWU ==> 分离功单位,以年为单位的分离功率。其量纲与质量流量相同。为了区别,特加注“分离功单位”的英文缩写SWU。分离功单位可写作千克分离功单位/年(kgSWU/a),或吨分离功单位/年(tSWU/a)
  15523. separator ==> 分隔符,分隔件,分隔器,分离符号,分离器,除沫室,脱粒机,脱脂器,汽包,区分标记,分梳辊,分选机,分牙器,分液器,捕捉器=>セパレータ,隔離板
  15524. separator accumulator ==> 隔离式蓄能器
  15525. separator capacity ==> 分离器处理量
  15526. separator circuit ==> 分离线路
  15527. separator clutch ==> 脱粒装置离合器
  15528. separator clutch control ==> 脱粒装置离合器操纵手柄
  15529. separator cone ==> 分离器圆锥体
  15530. separator conveyer ==> 筛分输送机,筛分运输机
  15531. separator disk ==> 分离盘,分离器圆盘
  15532. separator inducer ==> 分流式导流轮
  15533. separator inserter ==> 分隔板
  15534. separator page ==> 分离页面
  15535. separator piston ==> 隔离活塞
  15536. separator pressure ==> 分离器压力
  15537. separator riddle ==> 逐稿器
  15538. separator roller drive damper ==> 分离辊制动器
  15539. separator roller gear ==> 分离辊传动机构
  15540. separator roller sprocket ==> 分离辊链轮
  15541. separator temperature ==> 分离器温度
  15542. separator thruput ==> 分离器处理量
  15543. separator tube ==> 分离管
  15544. separator valve ==> 缓冲管
  15545. separator-filter ==> 分离过滤器
  15546. separator-press ==> 分离压榨机
  15547. separator-scrubber ==> 分离涤气机,分离洗涤机
  15548. separatory funnel ==> 分料漏斗,分液漏斗
  15549. SEPAS, Student Environmental Protection Ambassador Scheme ==> 学生环境保护大使计划
  15550. sepatation etching ==> 分离腐蚀
  15551. SEPET, spacecraft electrical performance evaluation test ==> 衛星電気性能評価試験
  15552. SEPO, Space Experiment Program Office ==> 宇宙実験プログラム室
  15553. seppresssed type spark plug ==> 抑制型火花塞
  15554. SEPS, shuttle electrical power simulator ==> シャトル電力シミュレータ
  15555. sepsis intestinalis ==> 肠性脓毒病
  15556. septa interradicularia ==> 牙根间隔
  15557. septal ==> 中隔的
  15558. septal abscess ==> 中隔脓肿
  15559. septal aneurysm ==> 中隔动脉瘤,中间动脉瘤
  15560. septal area ==> 隔区
  15561. septal cell ==> 隔细胞
  15562. septal cusp ==> 隔尖瓣
  15563. septal cyst ==> 中隔嚢胞
  15564. septal defect ==> 间隔缺损
  15565. septal elevator ==> 鼻中隔剥离器
  15566. septal falx ==> 隔镰
  15567. septal filament ==> 隔壁丝
  15568. septal fluting ==> 隔壁褶皱
  15569. septal fossula ==> 内沟
  15570. septal myocardial infarction ==> 隔面梗死
  15571. septal neck ==> 隔颈
  15572. septal ostium ==> 隔壁孔
  15573. septal papillary muscles ==> 隔乳头肌
  15574. septal penetration rate ==> 间隔穿透率
  15575. septal perforation ==> 鼻中隔穿破,中隔穿孔
  15576. septal tissue ==> 中隔组织
  15577. septan fever ==> 七日热
  15578. septarian boulder ==> 龟背石
  15579. septarian nodule ==> 龟背石
  15580. septarian nodules ==> 龟甲结核
  15581. septate coaxial cavity ==> 隔片同轴空腔
  15582. septate fiber ==> 中隔纤维
  15583. septate fibre-tracheid ==> 分离纤维管胞
  15584. septate hymen ==> 中隔处女膜
  15585. septate mode ==> 旁模
  15586. septate wood fiber ==> 中隔木纤维
  15587. september equinox ==> 秋分
  15588. septenary number ==> 七进数
  15589. septet ==> 7ビットバイト
  15590. septic arthritis ==> 脓毒性关节炎
  15591. septic embolus ==> 脓毒性栓子
  15592. septic fever ==> 脓毒性热
  15593. septic granuloma ==> 脓性肉芽肿
  15594. septic infection ==> 脓毒性感染
  15595. septic knee ==> 化脓性膝关节炎
  15596. septic pulmonary embolism ==> 脓毒性肺栓塞
  15597. septic shock ==> 脓毒性休克
  15598. septic tank ==> 腐化池,化粪池
  15599. septic tank effluent ==> 化粪池污水
  15600. septic tank system ==> 化粪池系统
  15601. septicaemia pestis ==> 鼠疫败血病
  15602. septicemia of newborn ==> 新生儿败血病
  15603. septicemic plague ==> 败血性鼠疫
  15604. septinary number ==> 七进制数
  15605. Septobasidium formosense ==> 台湾隔担耳
  15606. Septobasidium sinense ==> 中国隔担耳
  15607. Septoria sinarum ==> 破坏壳针孢
  15608. septorial blight of rye ==> 黑麦斑枯病,黑麦叶斑枯病
  15609. septorial brown spot of sunflower ==> 向日葵褐斑病
  15610. septorial spot of hemp ==> 大麻斑枯病
  15611. septula ==> 中隔
  15612. septula of testis ==> 精巣中隔
  15613. septula testis ==> 睾丸小隔
  15614. septulum ==> 中隔
  15615. septum ==> 隔膜,隔片,隔墙=>隔膜,隔壁,体節間膜,中隔
  15616. septum (septa) ==> 间隔,中隔
  15617. septum atriorum ==> 心房间隔
  15618. septum atrioventriculare ==> 房室隔
  15619. septum bronchiale ==> 支气管隔
  15620. septum bulbi urethrae ==> 尿道球中隔
  15621. septum canalis musculotubarii ==> 肌咽鼓管隔=>筋耳管管中隔
  15622. septum cervicale intermedium ==> 颈中间隔,颈中间隔
  15623. septum cordis ==> 心隔
  15624. septum corporum cavernosorum ==> 海绵体中隔
  15625. septum dimension ==> 隔壁寸法
  15626. septum femorale ==> 股环隔=>大腿輪中隔
  15627. septum forceps ==> 鼻中隔钳
  15628. septum formation ==> 隔膜形成
  15629. septum glandis ==> 阴茎头中隔=>亀頭中隔
  15630. septum gouge ==> 鼻中隔娥眉凿,鼻中隔圆凿
  15631. septum interalveolare ==> 牙槽间隔=>槽間中隔
  15632. septum interatriale ==> 房间隔=>心房中隔
  15633. septum intermusculare ==> 肌间隔=>筋間中隔
  15634. septum intermusculare brachii laterale ==> 肱外侧肌间隔
  15635. septum intermusculare femoris laterale ==> 股外侧肌间隔
  15636. septum intermusculare femoris mediale ==> 股内侧肌间隔
  15637. septum magnet ==> 切隔磁铁
  15638. septum mucosa deptessor ==> 鼻中隔粘膜压迫器
  15639. septum mucosa needle ==> 鼻中隔粘膜缝合针,中隔缝针
  15640. septum mucosa raspatory ==> 鼻中隔粘膜剥离器
  15641. septum mucosa spatula ==> 鼻中隔粘膜压板
  15642. septum nasi ==> 鼻中隔
  15643. septum nasi osseum ==> 骨鼻中膈,骨性鼻中隔
  15644. septum of cervix ==> 子宫颈隔
  15645. septum of glans ==> 阴茎头中隔
  15646. septum of musculotubal canal ==> 肌咽鼓管隔
  15647. septum of scrotum ==> 阴囊中隔
  15648. septum of vagina ==> 阴道隔
  15649. septum of ventricles of heart ==> 室中隔
  15650. septum operating instrument set ==> 鼻中隔手术刀包
  15651. septum pectiniforme ==> 梳状中隔
  15652. septum pellucidum ==> 透明隔
  15653. septum penis ==> 阴茎中隔
  15654. septum perforation ==> 中隔穿孔
  15655. septum posticum ==> 后隔
  15656. septum primum ==> 原发隔,第一隔
  15657. septum rectovaginale ==> 直肠阴道隔
  15658. septum rectovesicale ==> 直肠膀胱隔
  15659. septum renis ==> 贝坦氏柱
  15660. septum retractor ==> 鼻隔拉刀
  15661. septum scroti ==> 阴囊隔,阴囊中隔
  15662. septum secundum ==> 第二隔,次隔
  15663. septum straightening forceps ==> 鼻中隔纠正钳
  15664. septum transversum ==> 原始横隔,横中隔
  15665. septum ventriculorum cordis ==> 室中隔,心室间隔
  15666. septum-type ==> 切割板型
  15667. septum-type separator ==> 切割板型分离器
  15668. septumless injector ==> 无隔片注射器
  15669. septumless syringe ==> 无隔片注射器
  15670. septuple space ==> 七维空间
  15671. sepulchral architecture ==> 坟墓建筑
  15672. SEQ, sequence ==> シーケンス
  15673. SEQUAM system ==> 塞宽制
  15674. sequela of paralysis ==> 麻痹后遗症
  15675. sequence ==> 顺序机,次,次序,程序,排列次序,定序,序,序列,数贯,天气集合,层序组,时序,定序器=>順序,列,シーケンス
  15676. sequence alternator ==> 序列改变器,序列交流发电机
  15677. sequence analysis ==> 序列分析
  15678. sequence automatics ==> 顺序自动装置
  15679. sequence axiom ==> 正合序列公理
  15680. sequence blasting ==> 顺序爆破
  15681. sequence break ==> 序列断点
  15682. sequence by merging, to ==> 併合によって順番付ける
  15683. sequence call ==> 顺序调用,顺序呼叫
  15684. sequence calling ==> 顺序调用,序列调用
  15685. sequence calls ==> 顺序呼叫
  15686. sequence camera ==> 连续照相机
  15687. sequence casting ==> 连包连铸,全连铸
  15688. sequence chart ==> 程序图表,序列图表,时序图,(开关的)转接顺序图
  15689. sequence check ==> 順番検査
  15690. sequence checking ==> 顺序检验,次序检验
  15691. sequence checking routine ==> 顺序检验程序
  15692. sequence circuit ==> 时序电路=>シーケンス回路
  15693. sequence code ==> 时序码,顺序代码,顺序码
  15694. sequence component filter ==> 対称分フィルタ
  15695. sequence conctrol register ==> 顺序控制寄存器
  15696. sequence contact ==> 程序接点
  15697. sequence control ==> 程序控制,序列控制,时序逻辑控制,顺控操作=>シーケンス制御
  15698. sequence control calculator ==> 序列控制计算器
  15699. sequence control counter ==> 程序控制计数器,顺序控制计数器
  15700. sequence control element ==> 顺序控制元件
  15701. sequence control of auxiliary equipment ==> 辅机顺序控制,按照电厂辅机及相关设备和系统在起动(投入)、停止(切除)过程中的时序和逻辑关系,将它们分组进行顺序或逻辑控制
  15702. sequence control of boiler feedwater pump ==> 给水泵顺序控制,按照电动给水泵及其辅助系统在起、停过程中的时序和逻辑关系,对它们进行顺序控制
  15703. sequence control of boiler ignition system ==> 锅炉点火系统顺序控制,按照锅炉点火系统中相关设备在投、切过程中的时序和逻辑关系,对它们进行顺序控制
  15704. sequence control of boiler sootblowing system ==> 锅炉吹灰系统顺序控制,按照锅炉吹灰系统中相关设备在起、停过程中的时序和逻辑关系,对它们进行顺序控制
  15705. sequence control of coal handling system ==> 输煤系统顺序控制,按照输煤工艺流程对火力发电厂进厂煤送锅炉房或储煤场、储煤场的煤送锅炉房等燃煤输送过程进行顺序控制
  15706. sequence control of pulverizing coal system ==> 煤粉制备系统顺序控制,按照煤粉制备系统中相关设备在起停过程中的时序和逻辑关系,对它们进行顺序控制
  15707. sequence control of water treatment system ==> 水处理系统顺序控制,对电厂中各种水处理系统的工艺过程实施顺序控制的总称,包括锅炉补给水处理系统顺序控制、凝结水处理系统顺序控制、循环水处理系统顺序控制、工业废水处理系统顺序控制以及生活污水处理系统顺序控制等
  15708. sequence control register ==> 时序控制寄存器
  15709. sequence control statement ==> 时序控制语句
  15710. sequence control system ==> 顺序检验系统,顺序控制系统,按照规定的时间或逻辑的顺序,对(某一工艺系统或主要辅机的)多个终端控制元件进行一系列操作的控制系统
  15711. sequence control tape ==> 程序带,序列控制带
  15712. sequence controlled computer ==> 程控计算机
  15713. sequence controlled machine ==> 程序控制机械
  15714. sequence controller ==> 程序控制器,顺序监控器,顺序控制器
  15715. sequence counter ==> 指令计数器
  15716. sequence criterion ==> 序列判据
  15717. sequence display system ==> 程序显示系统
  15718. sequence ejection ==> 依次弹射
  15719. sequence entropy ==> 序列熵
  15720. sequence equipment ==> 程序装置
  15721. sequence error ==> 序列误差,顺序错误
  15722. sequence etching ==> 顺序浸蚀
  15723. sequence field ==> 顺序字段
  15724. sequence filter ==> 相序滤波器
  15725. sequence flash lights ==> 顺序闪光灯
  15726. sequence generator ==> 程序发生器
  15727. sequence in time ==> 时序
  15728. sequence information data ==> 序列信息数据
  15729. sequence inhibitor ==> 时序禁止电路,时序禁止器
  15730. sequence initiation switch ==> 程序启动开关
  15731. sequence interlock ==> 顺序连结
  15732. sequence length distribution ==> 序列长度分布
  15733. sequence monitor ==> 巡回监测器,序列监视器,顺序监测器,顺序监督程序,顺序监控器
  15734. sequence number ==> 顺序号,序列数
  15735. sequence number indicator ==> 顺序号指示器
  15736. sequence of Bernoulli trials ==> 伯努利试验序列
  15737. sequence of connection ==> 接线顺序
  15738. sequence of control ==> 控制顺序
  15739. sequence of crank ==> 曲柄顺序
  15740. sequence of crystallization ==> 结晶顺序
  15741. sequence of current ==> 潮流顺序
  15742. sequence of event, SOE ==> 事件顺序记录,在发生事故时,记录开关动作的时间和顺序,并可按动作的顺序打印
  15743. sequence of events ==> 事件序列,事故顺序记录
  15744. sequence of fire ==> 射击步骤
  15745. sequence of giants ==> 巨星序,巨星序
  15746. sequence of information ==> 信息的顺序
  15747. sequence of instructions ==> 指令序列
  15748. sequence of linear functionals ==> 线性泛函序列
  15749. sequence of mapping ==> 映射序列
  15750. sequence of measurement ==> 测定次序
  15751. sequence of motor starting ==> 电机起动顺序
  15752. sequence of number ==> 数列
  15753. sequence of numbers ==> 数列
  15754. sequence of operation ==> 作用顺序,操作序列
  15755. sequence of operators ==> 算子序列
  15756. sequence of partial sums ==> 部分和序列
  15757. sequence of positive numbers ==> 正数序列
  15758. sequence of potentials ==> 位势序列
  15759. sequence of quotient group ==> 商群序列
  15760. sequence of random variables ==> 随机变量序列
  15761. sequence of real-valued functions ==> 实值函数序列
  15762. sequence of repeated trials ==> 重复试验序列
  15763. sequence of stellar spectra ==> 恒星光谱序
  15764. sequence of subspaces ==> 子空间序列
  15765. sequence of switches ==> 开关投入程序
  15766. sequence of tense ==> 时式序列
  15767. sequence of tide ==> 潮汐顺序
  15768. sequence of welding ==> 焊接顺序
  15769. sequence operation ==> 顺序运算
  15770. sequence optimization ==> 顺序最佳化
  15771. sequence photography ==> 顺序照相
  15772. sequence program ==> 次序程序
  15773. sequence program control method ==> 顺序程序控制方法
  15774. sequence program machine ==> 序列程序机
  15775. sequence program(me) ==> 顺序程序
  15776. sequence reactance ==> 相序电抗
  15777. sequence recognition ==> 顺序识别
  15778. sequence register ==> 顺序寄存器
  15779. sequence relay ==> 顺序动作继电器
  15780. sequence robot ==> 顺序控制机器人
  15781. sequence rule ==> 顺序法则
  15782. sequence scheduling ==> 时序信号
  15783. sequence search ==> 顺序检索
  15784. sequence separator ==> 顺序分隔符
  15785. sequence signal ==> 序列信号,时序信号=>顺序信号
  15786. sequence space ==> 序列空间
  15787. sequence starting ==> 顺序启动,顺起=>シーケンス起動
  15788. sequence stip nubmer ==> 定序步数
  15789. sequence switch ==> 程序开关,序轮机
  15790. sequence symbol ==> 顺序符号
  15791. sequence table ==> 程序表,序列表
  15792. sequence test ==> 程序试验,联锁顺序试验
  15793. sequence timer ==> 顺序时间调节器,序列时间调节器,时序脉冲发生器
  15794. sequence token ==> 顺序记号
  15795. sequence transformation ==> 序列变换
  15796. sequence unit ==> 程序装置
  15797. sequence valve ==> 程序阀门,顺序阀
  15798. sequence weld timer ==> 序列焊接时间调节器
  15799. sequence-checking routine ==> 序列检验程序
  15800. sequence-controlled computer ==> 程序控制计算机
  15801. sequence-controlled contacts ==> 程序控制触点
  15802. sequence-controlling advance ==> 顺序控制移动
  15803. sequence-number readout ==> 程序号读出
  15804. sequenced crossover ==> 迎面平行航向双机编队通过
  15805. sequenced ejection system ==> 顺序弹射系统
  15806. sequenced flashing approach light ==> 顺序闪光进近灯
  15807. sequencer ==> 程序装置,程控装置,程序控制器,定序程序,定序器,序列发生器=>シーケンサ
  15808. sequencer program ==> 序列程序,次序程序
  15809. sequencial ==> 順次(形容詞)
  15810. sequencial access ==> 順次アクセス
  15811. sequencial circuit ==> 順次回路
  15812. sequencial closing relay ==> 順序投入継電器
  15813. sequencial color television system ==> 順次式カラーテレビ(ジョン)
  15814. sequencial control ==> シーケンス制御,逐次制御
  15815. sequencial decoding ==> 逐次復号
  15816. sequencial operation ==> 順次演算
  15817. sequencial scanning ==> 順次走査
  15818. sequencing ==> 程序化,排序,定序
  15819. sequencing batch reactor system ==> 顺序分批式反应器系统
  15820. sequencing by merging ==> 归并排序,合并排序
  15821. sequencing circuit ==> 顺序回路
  15822. sequencing computation ==> 顺序计算
  15823. sequencing equipment ==> 定序设备
  15824. sequencing key ==> 定序键
  15825. sequencing model ==> 排序模式
  15826. sequencing problem ==> 排序问题
  15827. sequencing routine ==> 排序程序
  15828. sequencing theory ==> 顺序理论
  15829. sequencing valve ==> 程控阀
  15830. sequential ==> 顺次的,序列的,时序的
  15831. sequential absorption ==> 连续吸收
  15832. sequential access ==> 顺序存取,顺序作业,按序存取
  15833. sequential access disk ==> 顺序存取磁盘
  15834. sequential access display ==> 顺序存取显示
  15835. sequential access file ==> 顺序存取文件
  15836. sequential access medule ==> 按序存取模块
  15837. sequential access memory ==> 按序存取存储器
  15838. sequential access method ==> 顺序存取方法
  15839. sequential access module ==> 顺序存取模块
  15840. sequential access storage ==> 顺序存取存储,顺序存取存储器,按序存取存储器
  15841. sequential action ==> 連続作用
  15842. sequential activation ==> 逐次的活性化
  15843. sequential adaptation ==> 逐次適応化
  15844. sequential addressing ==> 按序编址,顺序寻址
  15845. sequential alarm ==> 顺序报警器
  15846. sequential algorithm ==> 按序算法
  15847. sequential allocation of stack ==> 堆栈的顺序分配
  15848. sequential allocation of tables ==> 表格的顺序分配
  15849. sequential analysis ==> 按序分析,序贯分析,序列分析,逐次分析,顺序分析
  15850. sequential analyzer ==> 序列分析器
  15851. sequential and numerically controlled machine ==> 程序及数字控制机器
  15852. sequential attribute ==> 顺序属性
  15853. sequential automatic control ==> 顺序自动控制
  15854. sequential automation ==> 顺序自动化
  15855. sequential bidding ==> 分次竞价,将竞价空间分成若干部分,并分次公布进行竞价
  15856. sequential branch opening ==> 逐次ブランチ開放
  15857. sequential carry ==> 按序进位,逐次进位
  15858. sequential circuit ==> 时序电路,时序线路,顺序电路=>順序回路
  15859. sequential classification algorithm ==> 顺序分类算法
  15860. sequential closing relay ==> 順序投入継電器
  15861. sequential coding ==> 连续编码,序列编码
  15862. sequential collating ==> 按序排序,按序整理
  15863. sequential collation of range ==> 不间断校对距离,距离顺序整理系统,距离顺序整理系统
  15864. sequential colo(u)r difference signal ==> 顺序色差信号
  15865. sequential colo(u)r systems ==> 顺序制彩色电视
  15866. sequential color system ==> 顺序彩色电视系统
  15867. sequential compactness ==> 列紧性
  15868. sequential compounding of games ==> 对策的序贯复合
  15869. sequential computation ==> 循序计算,时序计算
  15870. sequential computer ==> 顺序计算机
  15871. sequential construction ==> 序列施工法
  15872. sequential control ==> 时序控制,顺序控制,顺序控制时序控制,连续控制=>シーケンス制御,逐次制御
  15873. sequential control algorithm ==> 时序控制算法
  15874. sequential control mechanism ==> 时序控制机构
  15875. sequential controller ==> 程序控制器=>シーケンス制御装置
  15876. sequential conversion ==> 連続変換
  15877. sequential correcting element ==> 时序校正元件
  15878. sequential correlation ==> 逐次相関
  15879. sequential counter ==> 时序计数器
  15880. sequential cropping ==> 连作
  15881. sequential data bit ==> 顺序数据位
  15882. sequential data change ==> 顺序数据变换
  15883. sequential data set ==> 顺序数据集
  15884. sequential data storage ==> 顺序数据存储
  15885. sequential data structure ==> 顺序数据结构
  15886. sequential decision ==> 序贯决策
  15887. sequential decision problem ==> 顺序判定问题,连续决策问题
  15888. sequential decision procedure ==> 顺序决定方法,顺序判定方式
  15889. sequential decision process ==> 序贯决策过程
  15890. sequential decision-making problem ==> 连续性决策问题
  15891. sequential decoding ==> 顺序译码,序贯译码,时序译码
  15892. sequential dependent segment ==> 时序相关段
  15893. sequential design ==> 序贯设计
  15894. sequential detection ==> 序列检测
  15895. sequential determination ==> 顺序测定
  15896. sequential digital servomechanism ==> 顺序数字伺服机构
  15897. sequential disk ==> 顺序存取磁盘
  15898. sequential element ==> 时序元件
  15899. sequential encoding ==> 序贯构码,顺序编码
  15900. sequential estimation ==> 顺序寻优,序贯估计,序列估计
  15901. sequential exposure ==> 顺序曝光
  15902. sequential fault diagnosis ==> 顺序故障诊断
  15903. sequential fault simulation ==> 応動シミュレーション
  15904. sequential feature decision mechanism ==> 顺序特征判别机制
  15905. sequential feedback interactive retrieval system ==> 顺序反馈人机对话检索系统
  15906. sequential file ==> 顺序文件
  15907. sequential file structure ==> 顺序文件结构
  15908. sequential filtering ==> 序列滤波
  15909. sequential firing ==> 顺序起动
  15910. sequential flasher circuit ==> 顺序闪光回路
  15911. sequential formula translation ==> 顺序公式翻译
  15912. sequential fuel injection system ==> 顺序喷油系统
  15913. sequential function ==> 顺序函数
  15914. sequential hazard ==> 时序险态
  15915. sequential hierarchy ==> 时序层次
  15916. sequential hierarchy segment ==> 时序层次片段
  15917. sequential hypothesis testing ==> 序贯假设检验
  15918. sequential information ==> 连续信息
  15919. sequential interlace ==> 顺序隔行扫描
  15920. sequential investigation observation ==> 序贯调查观测值
  15921. sequential keyboard encoder ==> 时序式键盘编码器
  15922. sequential landform ==> 后继地形
  15923. sequential learning automaton ==> 时序学习自动机
  15924. sequential leave ==> 轮休
  15925. sequential light amplifier ==> 序贯光放大器
  15926. sequential lines ==> 相继行
  15927. sequential link ==> 时序链环
  15928. sequential lobing ==> 时序波瓣法,波瓣顺序扫掠法,顺序波束定向
  15929. sequential logic ==> 顺序逻辑,时序逻辑
  15930. sequential logic circuit ==> 时序逻辑电路
  15931. sequential logic element ==> 时序逻辑元件
  15932. sequential logic equation ==> 时序逻辑方程
  15933. sequential logic network ==> 时序逻辑网络
  15934. sequential logic system ==> 时序逻辑系统
  15935. sequential logical circuit ==> 时序逻辑电路
  15936. sequential machine ==> 时序机
  15937. sequential marked graph ==> 时序标记图
  15938. sequential measurement ==> 顺序检测
  15939. sequential memory ==> 顺序存储器
  15940. sequential memory location ==> 顺序存储单元
  15941. sequential method ==> 顺序法,序贯法,逐次逼近法
  15942. sequential mode ==> 按序方式
  15943. sequential monitoring ==> 顺序监控,顺序监视
  15944. sequential multielement analyzer ==> 多元素顺序分析仪
  15945. sequential mutation ==> 配列変異
  15946. sequential network ==> 时序网络
  15947. sequential network with reduced feedback ==> 少环时序网络
  15948. sequential notation ==> 顺序表示法
  15949. sequential number ==> 連番
  15950. sequential observation ==> 序贯观测=>連続的観測
  15951. sequential operation ==> 时序操作,顺序操作,顺序运算
  15952. sequential operator ==> 顺序操作符,顺序算子,顺序运算符
  15953. sequential organization ==> 顺序编排,顺序结构,顺序组织,时序组织
  15954. sequential organization file ==> 顺序编排文件
  15955. sequential parameters ==> 序列参数
  15956. sequential parsing scheme ==> 顺序剖析方案
  15957. sequential phase detection type ==> 順序回路形
  15958. sequential picture coding ==> 顺序图像编码
  15959. sequential prime implicant form ==> 时序质隐含式
  15960. sequential probability ratio ==> 序列概率比
  15961. sequential probability ratio test ==> 序贯概率比检验
  15962. sequential probability- ratio test ==> 序列概率比试验
  15963. sequential procedure ==> 序贯程序
  15964. sequential process ==> 顺次过程
  15965. sequential processing ==> 顺序处理,按序处理
  15966. sequential program(me) ==> 顺序规划
  15967. sequential programming ==> 顺序程序设计
  15968. sequential programming system ==> 顺序程序设计系统
  15969. sequential pulse ==> 顺序脉冲
  15970. sequential queue ==> 顺序队列,按序排队
  15971. sequential range gating technique ==> 作用距离连续接通技术
  15972. sequential raster ==> 顺序扫描光栅
  15973. sequential reaction ==> 接续反应
  15974. sequential reception ==> 序列接收
  15975. sequential reclosing ==> 顺序重合,为防止重合闸时对主设备和电力系统造成不必要的冲击,线路两侧断路器重合需按事先规定的先后顺序进行的一种重合方式
  15976. sequential recognition ==> 序贯识别
  15977. sequential record ==> 顺序记录
  15978. sequential relationship ==> 前后演变序列,时序关系
  15979. sequential relationship matrix ==> 时序关系矩阵
  15980. sequential relay ==> 顺序继电器,程序继电器
  15981. sequential rest ==> 轮休
  15982. sequential risk function ==> 序贯风险函数
  15983. sequential sample ==> 序贯试样,序贯样本
  15984. sequential sampling ==> 序贯抽样,序列采样,序列抽样,顺序抽样,顺序取样
  15985. sequential sampling inspection ==> 依次取样检验,序列抽样检验,逐次抽样检查
  15986. sequential sampling inspection plan ==> 序贯抽样检查方案
  15987. sequential sampling method ==> 按序抽样法
  15988. sequential sampling plan ==> 序列抽样法,逐次验收抽样法=>逐次サンプリング方式
  15989. sequential scan system ==> 顺序扫描系统
  15990. sequential scanning ==> 顺序扫描
  15991. sequential scheduler ==> 顺序调度程序
  15992. sequential scheduling ==> 顺序调度,时序调度
  15993. sequential scheduling system ==> 时序调度系统,按序调度系统,顺次调度系统,顺序调度系统
  15994. sequential search ==> 顺序寻优法,序贯选优法
  15995. sequential selection ==> 序贯选择,顺序选择
  15996. sequential signal ==> 顺序信号
  15997. sequential similarity detection algorithm ==> 时序相似性检测算法
  15998. sequential simplex method ==> 序贯单形法
  15999. sequential stacked job control ==> 时序堆栈作业控制
  16000. sequential steps ==> 顺序阶梯
  16001. sequential steroid therapy ==> 甾体激素序贯服药法
  16002. sequential stochastic programming ==> 顺序随机规划,序贯随机规划
  16003. sequential storage ==> 顺排存贮器
  16004. sequential storage device ==> 顺序存储器
  16005. sequential strategy ==> 序贯策略,序列战略
  16006. sequential stroke character generator ==> 序列线段字符产生器
  16007. sequential structure ==> 序列结构,顺序结构
  16008. sequential switch circuit ==> 时序开关电路
  16009. sequential switcher ==> 顺序换景器
  16010. sequential switching ==> 按序转接
  16011. sequential switching circuit ==> 依次转接电路
  16012. sequential switching network ==> 时序开关网络
  16013. sequential switching system ==> 顺序开关系统
  16014. sequential system ==> 顺序系统,顺序制,依次传送制,时序系统,序列系统
  16015. sequential television equipment programmer ==> 顺序电视设备节目控制器
  16016. sequential test ==> 顺序检验,序贯检定,逐次测定
  16017. sequential test of statistical hypotheses ==> 统计假设序贯检验
  16018. sequential testing ==> 按序检测,顺序测试
  16019. sequential therapy ==> 序贯治疗
  16020. sequential time delay ==> 顺序时延
  16021. sequential trace type scheme ==> いもづる方式
  16022. sequential transducer ==> 顺序转换器,时序变换器
  16023. sequential transmission ==> 顺序传输
  16024. sequential trial design ==> 序贯试验设计
  16025. sequential trials ==> 序贯试验
  16026. sequential tripping ==> 顺序脱扣
  16027. sequential value ==> 序列值
  16028. sequential welding ==> 程序焊接,连续焊
  16029. sequential working ==> 时序工作
  16030. sequential-access display ==> 顺序扫描显示
  16031. sequential-colo(u)r television system ==> 顺序制彩色电视系统
  16032. sequentially complete space ==> 序列完备空间
  16033. sequentially-lobed radar ==> 顺序直线扫探雷达
  16034. sequestered antigen ==> 隐蔽抗原,隔绝抗原
  16035. sequestering agent ==> 掩蔽剂,多价螯合剂
  16036. sequestration chelation ==> 多价螯合作用
  16037. sequestration cyst ==> 隔离性囊肿
  16038. sequestrum forceps ==> 死骨钳,腐骨钳
  16039. sequiatannic acid ==> 红杉单宁酸
  16040. sequnce calling ==> 顺序呼叫
  16041. sequoia ==> 红杉,加州红木=>セコイア
  16042. Ser, Serpens ==> へび座
  16043. SER, Solar Energy Research ==> 太陽エネルギー研究
  16044. SER, System Engineering Review ==> システムエンジニヤリングレビュー
  16045. serated fracture ==> 锯齿状骨折,锯齿状骨折
  16046. Serber force ==> 赛培尔力
  16047. Serber potential ==> 赛培尔势
  16048. SERC ==> 航运经济评估委员会
  16049. SERD, support equipment requirements document ==> 支援機器要求条件書
  16050. SERE, space effective resolution element ==> 空間実効分解能要素
  16051. sereened pan ==> 网罩蒸发皿
  16052. serendipitous ==> 予期せず見つけた,セレンディピタス
  16053. serendipitous association ==> 偶然の出会い
  16054. serendipitous find ==> 掘り出し物
  16055. serendipitous love ==> 奇縁で結ばれた恋
  16056. serendipitous surprise ==> 予期せぬ驚き
  16057. serendipitous thinking ==> 灵感
  16058. serendipity ==> 有意外发现,一见钟情=>セレンディピティー,the art of finding things that you are not looking for
  16059. serendipity element ==> セレンディピティ要素
  16060. serene ==> 静かな,穏やかな
  16061. Sergey Brin ==> 塞吉·布林
  16062. serial ==> 连续的,分期付款的,串行,串行的,串联的,顺次,顺次的=>直列
  16063. serial access ==> 串行存取,串行访问
  16064. serial access memory ==> 串行存取存储器
  16065. serial access storage ==> 串行存取存储器=>順次アクセス記憶装置
  16066. serial access system ==> 串行存取系统
  16067. serial accumulator ==> 串行累加器,串行式累加器
  16068. serial adder ==> 串行加法器=>直列加算器
  16069. serial adder and subtracter ==> 串行加减电路
  16070. serial addition ==> 直列加算
  16071. serial air-survey camera ==> 连续航空测绘(照)相机
  16072. serial analysis ==> 串行分析
  16073. serial arithmetic ==> 串行运算
  16074. serial arithmetic operation ==> 串行算术运算
  16075. serial arithmetic unit ==> 串行四则运算,串行运算装置
  16076. serial ask ==> 顺序任务
  16077. serial assignment table ==> (两栖)作战任务表
  16078. serial batch system ==> 串行成批处理系统,串行批处理系统
  16079. serial binary computer ==> 串行二进制计算机
  16080. serial bit ==> 位串行
  16081. serial bit string ==> 串行位串
  16082. serial bond ==> 系列债券
  16083. serial bonds ==> 分批偿还债券,分批还本债券,分期分批偿还的债券款,序列债券
  16084. serial camera ==> 自动摄影机
  16085. serial capacitor ==> 串联电容器
  16086. serial carry ==> 串行进位
  16087. serial clause ==> 串行子句
  16088. serial coding ==> 连续编码
  16089. serial communication ==> 直列通信
  16090. serial communication controller ==> 串行通信控制器
  16091. serial comparator ==> 串行比较程序
  16092. serial computer ==> 串行计算机
  16093. serial control processor ==> 串行控制处理机
  16094. serial correlation ==> 连续相关,序列相关
  16095. serial correlation coefficient ==> 序列相关系数
  16096. serial correlation model ==> 序列相关模型
  16097. serial correlation test ==> 序列相关检验
  16098. serial counter ==> 串行计数器
  16099. serial data ==> 串行数据
  16100. serial data analyzer ==> 串行数据分析器
  16101. serial data controller ==> 串行数据控制器
  16102. serial data input ==> 串行数据输入
  16103. serial data output ==> 串行数据输出
  16104. serial data set ==> 串行数据集
  16105. serial data transfer ==> 串行数据传送
  16106. serial data transmission ==> 串行数据传送
  16107. serial data transmitter ==> 串行数据发送机接收机
  16108. serial decomposition ==> 串行分解
  16109. serial design ==> 序列设计
  16110. serial device ==> 串行设备
  16111. serial digit operation ==> 串位数字运算
  16112. serial digital adder ==> 串行数字加法器
  16113. serial digital computer ==> 串行数字计算机
  16114. serial dilution ==> 连续稀释
  16115. serial distribution ==> (渗水系统的)串联布设
  16116. serial dot matrix printer ==> 串行点阵打印机
  16117. serial dot printer ==> 串行点式打印机
  16118. serial entry ==> 串行输入
  16119. serial epilepsy ==> 癫痫断续发作
  16120. serial extinction ==> 连续消光
  16121. serial feed ==> 串行馈送
  16122. serial feeding ==> 串行输送
  16123. serial file ==> 串行文件
  16124. serial file organization ==> 串行文件结构
  16125. serial flow ==> 串行流
  16126. serial format ==> 串行格式
  16127. serial full adder ==> 串行全加器
  16128. serial full subtractor ==> 串行全减器
  16129. serial half adder ==> 串行半加器
  16130. serial half subtractor ==> 串行半减器
  16131. serial hand tap ==> 成套手用丝锥
  16132. serial homology ==> 连续同源
  16133. serial I-O (SIO) ==> 串行输入输出
  16134. serial I-O buffer ==> 串行输入输出缓冲器
  16135. serial I-O command ==> 串行输入输出命令
  16136. serial impact dot matrix printer ==> 串行点矩阵击打式打印机
  16137. serial independence ==> 序列独立
  16138. serial ink-jet color printer ==> 彩色喷墨串行打印机
  16139. serial input ==> 串行输入
  16140. serial input-output address (SIO address) ==> 串行输入输出地址
  16141. serial input-output interface (SIO) ==> 串行输入输出接口
  16142. serial input-output interrupt ==> 串行输入输出中断
  16143. serial intelligent cable ==> 串行智能电缆
  16144. serial interface ==> 串行接口,串联接口
  16145. serial kymography ==> 连续式记波摄影
  16146. serial lag correlation ==> 序列滞后相关
  16147. serial learning ==> 系列学习
  16148. serial logic ==> 串行逻辑
  16149. serial loop ==> 串行环
  16150. serial machine screw tap ==> 成套机用丝锥
  16151. serial maturities ==> 分次到期
  16152. serial mean ==> 系列平均值,序列平均值
  16153. serial memory ==> 串行存储器
  16154. serial mode ==> 串行方式
  16155. serial model No. ==> 系列型号
  16156. serial multiplier ==> 串行乘法器
  16157. serial number ==> 串联数,串行数,成批号码,系列号,流水号,序号,序列号,编号=>通し番号
  16158. serial number control ==> 串行数控制
  16159. serial numbering ==> 串行编号
  16160. serial observation ==> 定点分层观测
  16161. serial operation ==> 串行操作=>直列運転
  16162. serial operation word ==> 串行操作字
  16163. serial output ==> 串行输出
  16164. serial parallel ==> 串并行
  16165. serial parallel converter ==> 串并转换器
  16166. serial photogrammetric camera ==> 连续测量摄影机
  16167. serial plate camera ==> 连续干板摄影机
  16168. serial port ==> 串行口
  16169. serial print ==> 串行打印,串行印刷
  16170. serial printer ==> 串行打印机,顺次打印机,字符打印机,字符式打印机=>逐次印字装置
  16171. serial processing ==> 串行处理,串行加工
  16172. serial processing system ==> 串行处理系统
  16173. serial processor ==> 串行处理机
  16174. serial production ==> 成批生产
  16175. serial production line ==> 连续生产线
  16176. serial program ==> 串行程序
  16177. serial programing ==> 串行编程序,串行程序设计
  16178. serial programming ==> 串编程序
  16179. serial punch ==> 串行穿孔
  16180. serial radiographic apparatus ==> 连续(X线)照相装置
  16181. serial radiography ==> 系列射线照相术
  16182. serial read ==> 串行读出
  16183. serial read punch ==> 串行读出穿孔机
  16184. serial register ==> 串行寄存器
  16185. serial regulator ==> 串联调节器
  16186. serial representation ==> 串行表示,数的串行表示
  16187. serial resonant frequency ==> 直列共振周波数
  16188. serial sampling ==> 连续取样
  16189. serial sampling inspection ==> 序列抽样检验
  16190. serial scan ==> 串行扫描
  16191. serial scheduling ==> 串行调度
  16192. serial section ==> 顺序剖面,连续剖面,连续切片
  16193. serial shift ==> 串行移位
  16194. serial shift register ==> 串行移位寄存器
  16195. serial sort ==> 串行分类,串行排序
  16196. serial station ==> 定点观测站
  16197. serial storage ==> 串行存储器
  16198. serial store ==> 串行存储器
  16199. serial synapse ==> 连续性突触
  16200. serial taps ==> 成套丝锥
  16201. serial terminal ==> 串行终端设备
  16202. serial thrombin time ==> 连续凝血酶时间
  16203. serial time-sharing system ==> 串行分时系统
  16204. serial transfer ==> 串行传送,串行转送
  16205. serial transmission ==> 串行传输,串行传递,串行传送,连续传输=>直列伝送
  16206. serial tube ==> 标准电子管
  16207. serial twin slider ==> 直列ツインスライダ
  16208. serial type of task ==> 串行任务类型
  16209. serial variance ==> 系列离散,序列方差
  16210. serial variation ==> 序列变差
  16211. serial vein ==> 序脉
  16212. serial word operation ==> 串行字操作
  16213. serial work flow ==> 串行工作流程
  16214. serial-by-bit processing ==> 按位串行处理
  16215. serial-by-character ==> 按字符串行处理
  16216. serial-contactor ==> 串动接触器
  16217. serial-gram ==> 系列照片,连续照片
  16218. serial-parallel ==> 串并行的
  16219. serial-parallel addition ==> 串并行加法
  16220. serial-parallel control ==> 串并行控制
  16221. serial-parallel conversion ==> 串并行转换
  16222. serial-parallel converter ==> 串并变换器,串并行转换器=>直並列変換器
  16223. serial-parallel mutiplication ==> 串并行乘法
  16224. serial-parallel operation ==> 串并行操作
  16225. serial-parallel register ==> 串-并行寄存器,串并寄存器,串并行寄存器
  16226. serial-parallel switch ==> 串并联开关
  16227. serial-parallel transmission ==> 串并行传输
  16228. serial-to-parallel converter ==> 串并变换器,串并行转换器,串并转换器
  16229. serial-type adder ==> 串联式加法器
  16230. serialization ==> 串行,串行化,连续化,系列化,编序,序列生产过程
  16231. serialization products ==> 系列化产品
  16232. serialize ==> 串行化
  16233. serialized manufacture ==> 连续生产
  16234. serializer ==> 并串数位转换器
  16235. serializer-deserializer (SERDES) ==> 串行器-解串器
  16236. serially connected arcs ==> 直列接続アーク
  16237. serially correlated error process ==> 序列相关误差过程
  16238. serially reusable ==> 可连续重用,可连续重用的,串行可重复使用的
  16239. serially reusable attribute ==> 可连续重用属性
  16240. serially reusable load module ==> 可连用装入模块,串行可重复加载模块
  16241. serially reusable module ==> 可连续重用模块
  16242. serially reusable program ==> 可连续重用程序,可连用程序
  16243. serially reusable resource (SRR) ==> 可连续重用资源,可连用资源,串行可重用资源
  16244. serially reusable routine ==> 可连续重用例程,可连续重用例行程序
  16245. serially shared resource ==> 串行共享资源,连续共享资源
  16246. serially uncorrelated disturbance ==> 序列不相关扰动
  16247. serially-transmitted data ==> 串行传输数据,串行发送数据
  16248. serialograph ==> 连续(X线)照相器,连续(X线)照相装置,连续拍摄照片,系列照相装置
  16249. serialography ==> 系列照相术,连续(X线)照相术
  16250. seriate poikilitic texture ==> 不等粒嵌晶结构
  16251. seriation method ==> 配列方法
  16252. sericite in powder ==> 绢云母粉,绢云母粉
  16253. sericite lumps ==> 绢云母块,绢云母块
  16254. serictery silk gland ==> 丝腺
  16255. sericultural meteorology ==> 蚕业气象学
  16256. series ==> 串联,数列,序,系列=>直列
  16257. series active filter ==> 直列形アクティブフィルタ
  16258. series ampere-turn ratio ==> 直巻度
  16259. series and parallel ==> 串并联
  16260. series and parallel circuit ==> 混联电路
  16261. series and tail series ==> 整数系列与零头系列
  16262. series arc regulator ==> 串联电弧调节器
  16263. series arc welding ==> 串联弧焊
  16264. series architecture ==> 串行体系结构
  16265. series arm ==> 串联支路,串联臂
  16266. series assignment algorithm ==> 串行分配算法
  16267. series board ==> 串列交换台,串联复式交换机
  16268. series bond ==> 系列债券
  16269. series booster ==> 串联升压机,串联增压机
  16270. series booster regulator ==> 串联升压机调节器
  16271. series branch ==> 串联分支=>直列分岐(導波管)
  16272. series capacitance ==> 串联电容
  16273. series capacitor ==> 串联电容器=>直列コンデンサ
  16274. series carry ==> 串列进位
  16275. Series cascade action ==> 串行级联作用
  16276. series characteristic ==> 串激特性
  16277. series choke ==> 串联扼流圈,串联轭流圈
  16278. series circuit ==> 串联电路
  16279. series classification ==> 顺序分类,连续分级
  16280. series coil ==> 串联线圈=>直列コイル
  16281. series commutator motor ==> 串励换向器电动机
  16282. series compensation ==> 串联补偿,利用串联接入的电容器组减小线路阻抗的一种无功功率补偿方式=>直列補償
  16283. series compensation method ==> 直列補償法
  16284. series condenser ==> 串联电容器
  16285. series conduction motor ==> 单相串励换向器电动机,交流串励换向器电动机
  16286. series conductor ==> 串联导体
  16287. series connected ==> 串联的
  16288. series connected starting motor starting ==> 串联起动电动机起动
  16289. series connected type ==> 直列形(磁気増幅器)
  16290. series connection ==> 串联=>直列接続
  16291. series connection of GCT thyristors ==> GCTサイリスタの直列接続
  16292. series connector ==> 直接插板
  16293. series contactor ==> 串联接触器
  16294. series control ==> 串联调整,连续控制
  16295. series convergence ==> 级数收敛
  16296. series copper refining ==> 串联铜精炼
  16297. series decay ==> 链式衰变,放射性系
  16298. series decomposition ==> 串行分解
  16299. series development ==> 展成级数,级数展开
  16300. series disintegration ==> 蜕变系列
  16301. series drive ==> 组合传动
  16302. series dynamo ==> 串激发电机
  16303. series electron ==> 系电子
  16304. series electronic self-balancing instrument ==> 连续式电子自动平衡仪
  16305. series element ==> 串联元件=>直列要素
  16306. series energizing type ==> 串联激励式
  16307. series equalizer ==> 串联截断电路,串联均衡器
  16308. series excitation ==> 串激
  16309. series excitation coil ==> 串励线圈
  16310. series excited machine ==> 串激电机
  16311. series expansion ==> 级数展开
  16312. series fault ==> 開放事故, "A fault for which the impedances of each of the three phases are not equal, usually caused by the interruption of one or two phases."
  16313. series fault, longitudinal fault ==> 纵向故障,通常由一相或两相断开造成的三相的各相阻抗不相等的故障
  16314. series feed ==> 串励馈电
  16315. series feed oscillator ==> 串馈振荡器
  16316. series feedback ==> 串联反馈=>直列帰還
  16317. series feedback amplifier ==> 串联反馈放大器=>直列帰還増幅器
  16318. series field ==> 串联磁场
  16319. series field coil ==> 串联磁场线圈
  16320. series filament ==> 串联灯丝
  16321. series firing ==> 连续引爆
  16322. series flow ==> 串流
  16323. series flow turbine ==> 串流式涡轮机,单轴多缸涡轮机,单轴汽轮机
  16324. series fluorescent lighting fitting ==> 荧光灯列
  16325. series forecasting methods ==> 系列预测法
  16326. series gap ==> 串联火花间隙
  16327. series gasoline meter pump ==> 自动加油计量泵
  16328. series generator ==> 串励发电机=>直巻発電機
  16329. series half shift register ==> 串行平分移位寄放器
  16330. series heater ==> 串联灯丝
  16331. series hole connection ==> 炮孔串联
  16332. series impedance ==> 串联阻抗=>直列インピーダンス
  16333. series impulse ==> 串脉冲
  16334. series in closed form ==> 闭式级数
  16335. series inductance ==> 串联电感
  16336. series interface board ==> 串行接口板
  16337. series lamp ==> 串联灯
  16338. series lighting ==> 串联照明
  16339. series load ==> 串联负荷
  16340. series loading ==> 串联加载
  16341. series loop ==> 串联回路
  16342. series machine ==> 串励电机,串行计算机
  16343. series magnet coil ==> 串激线圈,串联磁化线圈
  16344. series manufacture ==> 成批生产,系列生产
  16345. series manufacturing ==> 连续生产
  16346. series mode voltage ==> 直列モード電圧,シリースモード電圧
  16347. series modulation ==> 串联调制
  16348. series motor ==> 串激电动机,串励电动机=>直巻電動機
  16349. series multiple ==> 多重串联
  16350. series negative feedback ==> 串联负反馈
  16351. series negative impedance ==> 串联负阻抗
  16352. series network ==> 串联网络
  16353. series of concept ==> 相关概念系列
  16354. series of decreasing powers ==> 降幂级数
  16355. series of f-number ==> 光圈数系列
  16356. series of function ==> 関数列
  16357. series of intervals ==> 区間列
  16358. series of lines ==> 谱线系
  16359. series of mean ==> 均值数列,均值数列
  16360. series of natural numbers ==> 自然数级数
  16361. series of payments ==> 分期连续付款
  16362. series of payments or receipts ==> 分期分批付款或收款
  16363. series of positive terms ==> 正项级数
  16364. series of potentials ==> 电动次序,排代次序
  16365. series of powers ==> 幂级数
  16366. series of resales ==> 一系列的转卖
  16367. series of spectral lines ==> 光谱线系
  16368. series of strata ==> 岩系
  16369. series of time data ==> 时间序列数据
  16370. series of tolerance ==> 基本公差
  16371. series of variable terms ==> 变量项级数,变项数列
  16372. series of variates ==> 变量数列
  16373. series of voyage ==> 系列航次
  16374. series operation ==> 串联运转
  16375. series overcurrent relay ==> 串联过电流继电器
  16376. series paralled starting ==> 串并联起动
  16377. series parallel ==> 串并联的
  16378. series parallel battery control ==> 串并联电池控制
  16379. series parallel circuit ==> 串并联电路
  16380. series parallel connection ==> 串并联
  16381. series parallel control ==> 串并联控制
  16382. series parallel controller ==> 串并联控制器
  16383. series parallel field control ==> 串并联励磁绕组控制
  16384. series parallel motor ==> 串并激电动机,串并联电动机
  16385. series parallel starter ==> 串并联换接起动器
  16386. series parallel switch ==> 串并联开关
  16387. series parallel winding ==> 串并联绕组
  16388. series peaking ==> 串联峰化
  16389. series phase resonance ==> 串联相位谐振
  16390. series pipe still ==> 管组蒸馏釜
  16391. series port ==> 串口=>シリアルボート
  16392. series position ==> 串联位置
  16393. series printer ==> 串行式印刷机
  16394. series process ==> 串联法
  16395. series projection welding ==> 单边多极凸焊
  16396. series puffer (double volume) ==> 直列パッファ
  16397. series pyrolysis ==> 系列热解
  16398. series radio tap ==> 串联无线电分支
  16399. series reactance ==> 串联电抗
  16400. series reactor ==> 串联电抗器,串联扼流圈=>直列リアクトル
  16401. series reactor starting ==> 串联电抗起动,降低电压起动的方法之一,适用于高压异步电动机
  16402. series rectifier circuit ==> 串联整流电路
  16403. series regulator ==> 串联调整器
  16404. series relay ==> 串联继电器,电流继电器
  16405. series repeater ==> 串联增音器
  16406. series resistance ==> 串联电阻=>直列抵抗
  16407. series resistance lamp ==> 串联电阻灯
  16408. series resistor ==> 串联电阻器
  16409. series resistors ==> 串联电阻
  16410. series resonance ==> 串联谐振=>直列共振
  16411. series resonance circuit ==> 串联共振电路
  16412. series resonance frequency ==> 串联谐振频率
  16413. series resonant circuit ==> 串联谐振电路
  16414. series resonant inverter ==> 直列トランス共振形インバータ
  16415. series resonant testing equipment ==> 串联谐振试验装置,采用可调电感、电容或可变频电源,使回路发生串联谐振,以获得工频或接近于工频高电压的试验设备
  16416. series ring winding ==> 串联环式绕组
  16417. series river inflow duration curve ==> シリーズ流況曲線
  16418. series running ==> 串联运转
  16419. series seam welding ==> 串联缝焊,单边多极滚焊,单边双电极焊缝,单面多极滚焊
  16420. series sequence ==> 串联次序,串联顺序
  16421. series sharing type ==> 直列配分方式
  16422. series shot-firing ==> 串联爆破
  16423. series source resistance ==> 串联源电阻
  16424. series spark gap ==> 串联火花隙
  16425. series spot welding ==> 串点焊,串联点焊,单边多极点焊,单面点焊,单面多点点焊,连续点焊,单边多点点焊
  16426. series stabilization ==> 串联稳定化
  16427. series stage ==> 串联级
  16428. series storage battery ==> 串联蓄电池组
  16429. series submerged arc welding (SAW-S) ==> 横列双丝串联埋弧焊
  16430. series system ==> 串联系统,串联制
  16431. series system of distribution ==> 串联配电网
  16432. series transductor ==> 串联饱和电抗器
  16433. series transformer ==> 串联变压器=>直列変圧器
  16434. series transistor regulator ==> 串联晶体管稳压器
  16435. series trip coil ==> 串联解扣线圈,串联跳闸线圈
  16436. series tripping ==> 串联跳闸
  16437. series tuned circuit ==> 串联调谐电路
  16438. series tuning ==> 串联调谐
  16439. series type adder ==> 串联加法器
  16440. series ventilation ==> 串联通风,单路串列通风
  16441. series voltage ==> 串联电压
  16442. series voltage compensation ==> 直列電圧補償
  16443. series voltage regulator ==> 串联稳压器
  16444. series welding ==> 串焊,串联焊,单边多电极焊接,系列焊接
  16445. series winding ==> 串激绕法,串联绕组,串励绕组,直流电机主磁极上与电枢电路串联的励磁绕组称为串励绕组=>直列巻線
  16446. series wire terminal ==> 串联线接头
  16447. series wound dynamo ==> 串联磁电机
  16448. series wound generator ==> 串励发电机
  16449. series wound motor ==> 串绕电动机
  16450. series-aiding connection ==> 相助串联
  16451. series-and-shunt tee ==> 串并联T形接头,串并联三通,串联和并联的T形接头
  16452. series-arc furnace ==> 串联电弧炉
  16453. series-arc welding ==> 串联电弧焊接
  16454. series-break switch ==> 串联断点开关
  16455. series-characteristic motor ==> 串激特性电动机,反速电动机
  16456. series-connected voltage sag compensator ==> 直列形瞬時電圧低下対策装置
  16457. series-connected voltage-source PWM converter ==> 直列接続電圧形PWM変換器
  16458. series-excited generator ==> 串励发电机同步信号
  16459. series-excited radiator ==> 串激辐射器,串激天线
  16460. series-feed ==> 直列給電
  16461. series-feed system ==> 直列給電
  16462. series-feed vertical antenna ==> 串联馈电竖直天线
  16463. series-feedback amplifier ==> 串联反馈运算放大器
  16464. series-gap condenser ==> 串联间隙电容器,串联空气隙电容器
  16465. series-in-series-out register ==> 串入串出寄存器
  16466. series-line servomotor ==> 串联伺服马达
  16467. series-matching resistor ==> 串联匹配电阻器
  16468. series-multiple connection ==> 直並列
  16469. series-opposing connection ==> 反向串联
  16470. series-parallel ==> 串并联的=>直列
  16471. series-parallel circuit ==> 串并联电路
  16472. series-parallel compensation ==> 串并联补偿
  16473. series-parallel connection ==> 串并联=>直並列接続
  16474. series-parallel control ==> 串-并联控制,串并联控制=>直並列制御
  16475. series-parallel firing ==> 串-并联点火
  16476. series-parallel network ==> 串联网络
  16477. series-parallel operation ==> 串并联操作
  16478. series-parallel starting ==> 串并联起动
  16479. series-parallel winding ==> 串并联绕组
  16480. series-repulsion motor ==> 串激推斥电动机,串联推斥电动机
  16481. series-resonant circuit ==> 直列共振回路
  16482. series-shunt compensator ==> 直並列補償装置
  16483. series-spot welding ==> 单面点焊
  16484. series-to-parallel converter ==> 串至并行转换器,混联变换器
  16485. series-type limiter ==> 串联式限幅器,串联限幅器
  16486. series-type phase advancer ==> 串联式相位补偿器,串联式相位超前补偿机
  16487. series-wound arc lamp ==> 串联弧光灯
  16488. series-wound motor ==> 串激电动机,串励电动机
  16489. serif ==> 衬线
  16490. serific gland ==> 丝腺
  16491. serigraphy ==> 丝网漏印法
  16492. serine methylester ==> 丝氨酸甲酯
  16493. serine transhydroxymethylase ==> 丝氨酸转羟甲基酶
  16494. serious burn ==> 严重烧伤
  16495. serious incident report ==> 严重事故报告
  16496. seriplane test ==> 纱匀度试验
  16497. serir deposit ==> 卵石沙漠沉积,戈壁沉积
  16498. serium inorganic phosphorus ==> 血磷
  16499. serivce factor ==> 工作系数
  16500. serivice function ==> 服务函数
  16501. serizer-deserializer (SERDES) ==> 串行器-解串器
  16502. sero-amnion cavity ==> 浆羊膜腔
  16503. sero-fast ==> 抗血清的
  16504. sero-group ==> 血清群
  16505. sero-immunity ==> 血清免疫
  16506. sero-reaction ==> 血清反应
  16507. sero-reversal ==> 血清价倒退
  16508. seroalbumin human placental ==> 人胎盘血清白蛋白
  16509. seroenzyme activity determination ==> 血清酶活力测定
  16510. seroenzyme reaction ==> 血清酶反应
  16511. serologic identification ==> 血清学鉴定
  16512. serologic reaction ==> 血清反应
  16513. serologic test for syphilis ==> 梅毒血清学试验
  16514. serological characteristics ==> 血清特点
  16515. serological defined antigen ==> 血清学限定抗原
  16516. serological identification ==> 血清学鉴定
  16517. serological method ==> 血清方法
  16518. serological reaction ==> 血清学反应
  16519. serological specificity ==> 血清特异性
  16520. serological test ==> 血清试验,血清学试验
  16521. serologically defined antigen ==> 血清学检测抗原
  16522. serologically negative ==> 血清反应阴性的
  16523. serologically positive ==> 血清反应阳性的
  16524. serology ==> 血清学
  16525. seromucous cell ==> 浆粘液细胞
  16526. seromucous gland ==> 浆液粘液腺
  16527. seromuscular layer ==> 浆肌层
  16528. serondary lithium battery ==> 二次锂电池
  16529. serotonin ==> 血清素=>セロトニン
  16530. serotonine ==> セロトニン
  16531. serous apical pericementitis ==> 浆液性根尖牙周膜炎
  16532. serous cavity ==> 浆膜腔
  16533. serous coat ==> 浆模,浆膜
  16534. serous cyst ==> 浆液囊肿
  16535. serous cyst of nasal sinuses ==> 鼻窦浆液囊肿
  16536. serous cystadenocarcinoma ==> 浆液性囊腺癌
  16537. serous cystadenocarcinoma of ovary ==> 卵巢浆液性囊腺癌
  16538. serous cystadenofibroma of ovary ==> 卵巢浆液性囊腺纤维瘤
  16539. serous cystadenoma ==> 浆液性卵巢囊腺瘤,浆液性囊腺瘤
  16540. serous cystadenoma of ovary ==> 卵巢浆液性囊腺癌
  16541. serous diarrhea ==> 浆液性腹泻
  16542. serous effusion ==> 浆液性渗出物,浆液性渗漏液
  16543. serous fluid ==> 浆液
  16544. serous gland ==> 浆液腺,白蛋白腺
  16545. serous hemorrhage ==> 浆液性出血
  16546. serous membrane ==> 浆模
  16547. serous papillary cystadenoma ==> 浆液性卵巢乳头囊腺瘤,浆液性乳头状囊腺瘤
  16548. serous papillary cystenoma of ovary ==> 卵巢浆液性乳头(状)囊腺瘤
  16549. serous pericardium ==> 浆膜心包
  16550. serous perichondritis of auricle ==> 耳廓浆液性软骨膜炎
  16551. serous peritonitis ==> 浆液性腹膜炎
  16552. serous pigmentary epithelial detachment ==> 浆液性色素上皮脱离
  16553. serous sputum ==> 浆液性痰
  16554. serous tumors of ovary ==> 卵巢浆液瘤
  16555. serpent gourd ==> 蛇瓜
  16556. serpent melon ==> 蛇瓜
  16557. serpentine (trombone) cooler ==> 蛇管冷却器
  16558. serpentine aneurysm ==> 匐行性动脉瘤
  16559. serpentine coil ==> 蛇形盘管
  16560. serpentine cooler ==> 盘管冷却器
  16561. serpentine cut ==> ジグザグカット
  16562. serpentine domain ==> 螺旋形磁畴
  16563. serpentine duct ==> 蛇形导管
  16564. serpentine heater ==> 蛇管加热器
  16565. serpentine jigging tenter ==> 蛇形摆动拉幅机,盘旋形摆动拉幅机
  16566. serpentine layer ==> 蛇状压条
  16567. serpentine layerage ==> 波状压条法
  16568. serpentine moth ==> 微蛾
  16569. serpentine path ==> 蛇线轨迹
  16570. serpentine rock ==> 蛇纹岩
  16571. serpentine steps ==> 曲がりくねって歩く
  16572. serpentine twill ==> 人字形斜纹
  16573. serpentine wall ==> 蛇纹形石或砖墙,蛇形墙
  16574. serpentine-talc ==> 蛇纹滑石
  16575. serpentine-tube header type heater ==> 蛇形管联箱式加热器,传热面由若干平行的蛇形管屏组成的联箱式加热器
  16576. serpiginous corneal ulcer ==> 匐行性角膜溃疡
  16577. serpiginous hollow ==> 盘旋气泡,盘旋砂眼
  16578. Serpins' mystery ==> セルピンの謎
  16579. Serpollet boiler ==> 色波里特锅炉,(蒸汽机车用)快速发汽锅炉
  16580. serrasoide modulation ==> セラソイド変調
  16581. serrated base ==> 齿状底座
  16582. serrated belt ==> 齿形三角带
  16583. serrated camshaft ==> 凸轮花键盘
  16584. serrated change ==> 锯齿形改变,锯齿形改变
  16585. serrated face ==> 锯齿面,锯齿面
  16586. serrated fin ==> 锯齿形翅片,锯齿形翅片
  16587. serrated guard ==> 刻齿割刀护刃器
  16588. serrated joint ==> 三角齿花键连接
  16589. serrated knife ==> 刻齿动刀片,齿刀
  16590. serrated ledger plate ==> 刻齿定刀片
  16591. serrated nut ==> 细齿螺母
  16592. serrated pulse ==> 顶部有切口的帧同步脉冲,锯齿脉冲
  16593. serrated ring ==> (冲裁用)齿圈
  16594. serrated ring spanner ==> 细齿环形扳手
  16595. serrated roller ==> 齿形辊,槽纹滚筒,槽纹棍
  16596. serrated root ==> 锯齿形根,锯齿形根
  16597. serrated section ==> 刻齿动刀片
  16598. serrated section sickle ==> 刻齿刀片割刀
  16599. serrated shaft ==> 细齿轴
  16600. serrated suture ==> 锯状缝,锯状缝
  16601. serrated topography ==> 齿形山脊
  16602. serrated vertical synchronizing signal ==> 交错垂直同步信号
  16603. serrated wheel ==> 锯齿轮,锯齿轮
  16604. serrated wheel hub ==> 锯齿轮毂,锯齿轮毂
  16605. serrated-surface ==> 锯齿形表面,锯齿形表面
  16606. Serratia marcescens ==> 灵杆菌,粘质沙雷氏菌=>セラチア菌
  16607. serration ==> 细齿,锯齿=>鋸歯状
  16608. serration between points ==> 冠叉
  16609. serration broach ==> 细齿拉刀
  16610. serration gauge ==> 花键廓量规
  16611. serration hob ==> 细齿滚铣刀
  16612. serration hobber ==> 细齿滚刀
  16613. serration joint ==> 细齿联接
  16614. serration plate ==> 锯齿板,锯齿板,锯齿形板,锯齿形板
  16615. serration plug ga(u)ge ==> 细齿塞规
  16616. serration ring ga(u)ge ==> 细齿环规
  16617. serration shaft ==> 细齿轴,三角形齿花键轴
  16618. Serratula centauroides ==> 麻花头
  16619. Serratula cupuliformis ==> 钟苞麻花头
  16620. serratus anterior muscle ==> 前锯肌
  16621. Serret-Frenet formulas ==> 弗雷涅-塞雷公式
  16622. serrodyne modulation ==> セロダイン変調
  16623. Serrurier truss ==> 塞路里桁架
  16624. SERs, sequence of event recorders ==> SERs
  16625. SERT, Space Electric Rocket Test ==> サート(意訳,宇宙用電気推進ロケット実験衛星,またはその計画)
  16626. SERT, test of electric rockets(Space Electric Rocket Test) ==> 電気推進ロケット試験
  16627. Sertoli cell tumor ==> 睾丸滋养细胞瘤,睾丸足细胞瘤
  16628. Sertoli cell tumor of ovary ==> 支持细胞瘤
  16629. Sertoli's cell tumor ==> 足细胞瘤
  16630. Sertoli-cell-only syndrome ==> 足细胞唯存综合征,支持细胞唯存综合征
  16631. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor ==> 卵巢含睾丸母细胞瘤,卵巢支持间质细胞瘤,卵巢睾丸母细胞瘤,支持细胞间质细胞瘤,睾丸支持细胞-间质细胞瘤
  16632. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors ==> 卵巢塞莱二氏细胞瘤
  16633. Sertolicell tumor ==> 睾丸支持细胞瘤
  16634. serum AC-globulin ==> 血清加速球蛋白
  16635. serum accelerator ==> 血清促凝素
  16636. serum accelerin ==> 血清加速素
  16637. serum agar ==> 血清琼脂
  16638. serum agglutination test ==> 血清凝集试验
  16639. serum albumin ==> 血清白蛋白,血清清蛋白
  16640. serum albumin human placental ==> 人胎盘血清白蛋白
  16641. serum alkaline phosphatase determination ==> 血清碱性磷酸酶测定
  16642. serum allergic reaction ==> 血清变态反应
  16643. serum alpha fetal protein determination ==> 血清甲种胎儿蛋白测定
  16644. serum aminotransferase determination ==> 血清转氨酶测定
  16645. serum amylase determination ==> 血清淀粉酶测定
  16646. serum anaphylactic shock ==> 血清过敏性休克
  16647. serum antidiphthericum liquidum ==> 液体白喉血清,液体抗白喉血清
  16648. serum antigen ==> 血清抗原
  16649. serum antiglobulin test ==> 血清抗球蛋白试验
  16650. serum antistreptolysin determination ==> 血清抗链球菌素测定,血清溶血性链球菌抗体测定
  16651. serum arthritis ==> 血清性关节炎
  16652. serum bilirubin determination ==> 血清胆红素测定
  16653. serum bottle ==> 血清瓶
  16654. serum calcium ==> 血钙,血清钙
  16655. serum cholesterol ester determination ==> 血清胆固醇酯测定
  16656. serum cholesterol outfit ==> 血清胆固醇测定装置
  16657. serum coagulating apparatus ==> 血清凝固器
  16658. serum colloidal stability test ==> 血清胶体稳定性试验
  16659. serum conduction calculating apparatus ==> 血清电导计测仪
  16660. serum copper ==> 血清铜
  16661. serum copper oxidase activity ==> 血清铜氧化酶活力
  16662. serum factor ==> 血清因子
  16663. serum fast ==> 抗血清的
  16664. serum fatty acid determination ==> 血清脂肪酸测定
  16665. serum fibrin degradation product determination ==> 血清纤维蛋白降解产物测定
  16666. serum fibrin degradation product test ==> 血清纤维蛋白降解产物试验
  16667. serum gamma globulin of human placenta ==> 人胎盘血丙种球蛋白
  16668. serum gastrin determination ==> 血清胃泌素测定
  16669. serum globulin ==> 血清球蛋白
  16670. serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase(SGOT) ==> 血清谷草转氨酶
  16671. serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) ==> 血清谷丙转氨酶
  16672. serum glycoprotein determination ==> 血清糖蛋白测定
  16673. serum glycoprotein electrophoresis ==> 血清糖蛋白电泳
  16674. serum gonadotrophin ==> 血清促性腺激素,马血促性素
  16675. serum heat stability test ==> 血清耐热试验
  16676. serum hepatitis ==> 血清肝炎,血清性肝炎
  16677. serum hepatitis antigen(SHA) ==> 血清肝炎抗原
  16678. serum heterophile agglutination test ==> 血清嗜异凝集试验
  16679. serum icterus index determination ==> 血清黄疸指数测定
  16680. serum inhibitor ==> 血清抑制剂
  16681. serum iron determination ==> 血清铁测定
  16682. serum lactic dehydrogenase (SLDH) ==> 血清乳酸脱氢酶
  16683. serum level ==> 血清浓度水平
  16684. serum lipase determination ==> 血清脂肪酶测定
  16685. serum lipoprotein electrophoresis ==> 血清脂蛋白电泳
  16686. serum lutein ==> 血清黄体素
  16687. serum medium ==> 血清培养基
  16688. serum monoamine oxidase determination ==> 血清单胺氧化酶测定
  16689. serum mucoprotein determination ==> 血清粘蛋白测定
  16690. serum neutralization (SN) ==> 血清中和反应
  16691. serum neutralization test ==> 血清中和试验
  16692. serum non-esterized fatty acid determination ==> 血清非酯化脂肪酸测定
  16693. serum one minute bilirubin ==> 血清一分钟胆红素
  16694. serum phospholipid determination ==> 血清磷脂测定
  16695. serum potassium ==> 血清钾
  16696. serum protein ==> 血清蛋白,血清蛋白质
  16697. serum protein electrophoresis ==> 血清蛋白电泳测定
  16698. serum protein refractometer ==> 血清蛋白折射计
  16699. serum protein-bound iodine ==> 血清蛋白结合碘
  16700. serum prothrombin conversion factor ==> 血清凝血酶原转变因子
  16701. serum reaction ==> 血清反应
  16702. serum reaction plate ==> 血清反应板
  16703. serum rheumatoid factor (SRF) ==> 血清类风湿因子
  16704. serum sensitivity test ==> 血清敏感试验
  16705. serum shock ==> 血清性休克
  16706. serum sickness reaction ==> 血清病反应
  16707. serum sodium ==> 血清钠
  16708. serum test ==> 血清试验
  16709. serum total bilirubin ==> 血清总胆红素
  16710. serum total bilirubin determination ==> 血清总胆红素测定
  16711. serum total cholesterol ==> 血清总胆固醇
  16712. serum total cholesterol determination ==> 血清总胆固醇测定
  16713. serum transaminase ==> 血清转氨酶
  16714. serum transaminase activity determination ==> 血清转氨酶活性测定
  16715. serum transferrin saturation ==> 血清转铁蛋白饱和度
  16716. serum transfusion ==> 输血清
  16717. serum TSH concentration determination ==> 促甲状腺激素血清浓度测定
  16718. serum TSH determination ==> 血清促甲状腺激素测定
  16719. serum virus vaccination ==> 血清病毒接种
  16720. serum warmer bath ==> 血清加温浴锅
  16721. serum-amylase level ==> 血清淀粉酶水平
  16722. serum-dilution technique ==> 血清稀释技术
  16723. serumal calculus ==> 血清性牙垢
  16724. SERV Service ==> 服务
  16725. SERV, Sending End Reference Voltage ==> 送出基準電圧(配電)
  16726. servant brake ==> 伺服闸,伺服闸,随动闸
  16727. servant space ==> 服务性空间
  16728. serve-operated control ==> 非直接调节
  16729. serveillance ==> 監視(航空)
  16730. server ==> 服务器=>サーバー
  16731. service ==> 维护,服务,业务,送达,部门,保养,检修,技术维护,供电=>通話,供給(電力)
  16732. service (working) condition ==> 使用状况
  16733. service ability ==> 供电可靠性,工作能力
  16734. service access point address ==> 服务存取点地址
  16735. service account ==> 劳力项目
  16736. service acitivities ==> 服务活动
  16737. service action drawing ==> 维修图
  16738. service action log ==> 维修记录
  16739. service action parts list (SAPL) ==> 维修零件一览表
  16740. service adapter ==> 服务连接器
  16741. service advantages ==> 操作优点
  16742. service after sale ==> 售后服务
  16743. service agreement ==> 服务协议
  16744. service aid ==> 服务工具
  16745. service aircraft ==> 现役飞机
  16746. service ammunition ==> 作战用弹药
  16747. service and test restrictions ==> 使用及试验的限制
  16748. service application position ==> 常用制动位
  16749. service application zone ==> 常用制动区
  16750. service area ==> 服务面积,服务区域,辅助面积,供电区,可收听区域,服务区=>有効範囲,サービスエリア,供給区域(電力)
  16751. service band ==> 公务波段,服务频带,业务波段
  16752. service basin ==> 工作水池
  16753. service behavior ==> 工作性能
  16754. service bit ==> 服务位,辅助位=>サービスビット
  16755. service blister ==> 后生泡疤表面
  16756. service boar ==> 种公猪
  16757. service bomb ==> 作战用炸弹
  16758. service box ==> 供电线路箱,接线盒
  16759. service brake ==> 脚踏闸,常用闸,行驶制动器
  16760. service braking ==> 常用制动
  16761. service braking control ==> 行车制动器制动踏板
  16762. service braking system warning tell-tale ==> 行车制动系警报灯
  16763. service bridge ==> 工作桥,专用桥
  16764. service cable ==> 引入电缆,服务电缆,用户电缆=>引込ケーブル
  16765. service call ==> 业务呼叫,业务通话=>業務通話
  16766. service capacity ==> 服务能力,服务容量,工作容量,运行出力=>有效容量
  16767. service cartridge ==> 作战用子弹
  16768. service categories ==> 供給種別
  16769. service ceiling ==> 实用升限
  16770. service center ==> 服务中心
  16771. service center accounting ==> 服务中心会计
  16772. service channel ==> 服务通道,公务波道
  16773. service channel in series ==> 串联服务通道
  16774. service charge ==> 服务费
  16775. service chute ==> 服务性滑槽
  16776. service circuit ==> 业务通信电路
  16777. service class ==> 服务级别
  16778. service code ==> 业务电码
  16779. service command ==> 服务命令
  16780. service compartment ==> 辅助格间
  16781. service completion time ==> 服务完成时间
  16782. service condition ==> 使用情况
  16783. service condition(s) ==> 使用条件
  16784. service conditions ==> 操作条件,工作情况=>使用条件
  16785. service conductor ==> 用户引入线,引入线,接户线=>引込線
  16786. service connection ==> 引入连接
  16787. service contract ==> 服务合同
  16788. service core service ==> core
  16789. service corridor ==> 服务走廊,操作廊
  16790. service cost ==> 服务成本
  16791. service cost centre ==> 服务成本中心
  16792. service counter ==> 服务台
  16793. service counter terminals (SCT) ==> 服务台终端
  16794. service craft ==> 基地勤务船
  16795. service credit ==> 服务信用
  16796. service cycle ==> 服务周期
  16797. service data ==> 服务数据,业务资料,运行数据,运转数据,维护数据,技术数据,使用数据
  16798. service data unit ==> 服务数据块
  16799. service dead load ==> 工作恒载
  16800. service delay ==> 服务点的延时
  16801. service demand factor ==> 需求系数
  16802. service department allocated cost variance ==> 辅助部门费用摊配差异,辅助生产部门费用分配差异
  16803. service department budget ==> 服务部门预算
  16804. service department cost ==> 服务部门成本,服务或辅助部门成本,辅助部门费用,辅助生产部门成本
  16805. service department expenses ==> 辅助生产部门费用
  16806. service desk ==> 服务台
  16807. service diagram ==> 运行图
  16808. service digit ==> 服务位
  16809. service discharge ==> 供用量
  16810. service discipline ==> 服务训练,设备专业
  16811. service door ==> 服务入口
  16812. service door clear width ==> 乘客门净宽
  16813. service drawing ==> 设备图纸
  16814. service drop ==> 架空引入线
  16815. service dynamo ==> 照明发电机
  16816. service economy ==> 服务经济
  16817. service efficiency ==> 使用效率
  16818. service element ==> 勤务部队
  16819. service elevator ==> 服务电梯,服务梯
  16820. service engine ==> 维修发动机
  16821. service engineer ==> 维护工程师
  16822. service engineering ==> 服务工程,服务性工程
  16823. service entrance ==> 服务入口,进户线,进线口=>引込口
  16824. service entrance switch ==> 引込開閉器
  16825. service equipment ==> 服务设备,服务设施,辅助设备,养路设备,维护设备,维修设备,修理工具
  16826. service establishments ==> 服务性企业
  16827. service evaluation flight ==> 勤务鉴定飞行
  16828. service expense ==> 服务费
  16829. service experience ==> 运行试验,维修经验
  16830. service facilities ==> 生活服务设施
  16831. service facility ==> 服务设施,服务手段条件
  16832. service factor ==> 使用系数,工作条件系数,运行率,使用因素
  16833. service failure ==> 使用损坏,使用中破坏
  16834. service fee norm ==> 取费标准
  16835. service firing ==> 实弹射击
  16836. service firm ==> 服务性企业
  16837. service firm business ==> 服务企业
  16838. service floor area ==> 辅助面积
  16839. service fluid ==> 工作介质
  16840. service form ==> 适用形式
  16841. service function ==> 服务职能
  16842. service generator ==> 营运发电机,日用发电机
  16843. service generator room ==> 厂用发电机室
  16844. service head ==> サービスヘッド
  16845. service hours ==> 运行时数
  16846. service in the field ==> 战地勤务
  16847. service industry ==> 服务产业,服务工业,服务行业
  16848. service instruction ==> 使用维护规程,使用细则
  16849. service integration ==> 业务复用
  16850. service interrrupt ==> 服务中断
  16851. service interruption ==> 业务中断,电话中断,停电=>停電,不通
  16852. service kit ==> 维修包,维修箱
  16853. service lamp ==> 轻便灯
  16854. service lease ==> 提供维修服务的租赁
  16855. service leases ==> 服务性租赁
  16856. service level ==> 服务水平,服务水准,供货水平
  16857. service level cost curve ==> 供货水平费用曲线
  16858. service level update ==> 服务级更新
  16859. service library ==> 服务程序库
  16860. service life ==> 服务年限,工作期限寿命,运行寿命,使用寿命,耐用年限,有效寿命=>有効寿命
  16861. service life of die ==> 模具寿命
  16862. service lift ==> 送货吊机
  16863. service limits ==> 使用限度
  16864. service line ==> 接户线,业务线,引入线,动力管道,用户引入线
  16865. service linkage ==> 服务联系
  16866. service load ==> 工作荷载,工作载荷,实有载荷,使用荷载
  16867. service load spectrum ==> 使用负荷频谱
  16868. service machine ==> 工作机
  16869. service macro ==> 服务宏指令
  16870. service main ==> 分干线,用户干线,支干线
  16871. service mains ==> 服务干线,接户线,从配电系统供电到用户装置的分支线路,由供电部门负责运行维护
  16872. service maintenance shop ==> 维修车间
  16873. service manual ==> 维修规程,工作手册,使用手册,使用细则,操作规程,保养细则
  16874. service mark ==> 服务标记,服务商标
  16875. service market ==> 服务市场
  16876. service mechanism ==> 服务机构
  16877. service message ==> 服务报文,服务消息
  16878. service meter ==> 通话计次器=>通話度数計
  16879. service mine ==> 作战用雷
  16880. service missile ==> 现役导弹
  16881. service mode ==> 预检方式
  16882. service observation ==> 业务检查
  16883. service observation desk ==> 監査台
  16884. service observing board ==> 服务观测板
  16885. service observing desk ==> 服务观察台
  16886. service of notice ==> 送达通知书
  16887. service of summons ==> 送达传票
  16888. service order ==> 服务顺序=>サービスオーダ
  16889. service order program ==> 服务指令程序
  16890. service order table ==> 服务次序表,服务命令表,服务顺序表
  16891. service oscillator ==> 测试振荡器,射频发生器
  16892. service output ==> 运行输出功率
  16893. service part ==> 修理用零件
  16894. service parts ==> 修理用部件
  16895. service passage ==> 鸡舍作业通道
  16896. service percentage ==> 服务百分比
  16897. service performance ==> 使用性能
  16898. service period ==> 配种期
  16899. service personnel ==> 保修人员
  16900. service pipe ==> 给水管,工作管道,接户线管,进给管,用户水管
  16901. service pit ==> 检修坑
  16902. service platform ==> 操作平台
  16903. service point ==> 检修测试点
  16904. service population ==> 服务人口
  16905. service position ==> 开车位置
  16906. service potential ==> 服务潜力
  16907. service power ==> 厂用电力,厂用电源
  16908. service power rate of power plant, auxiliary power consumption rate of power plant ==> 发电厂厂用电率,发电厂电力生产过程中所必需的自用电量占所发电量的百分比
  16909. service practice ==> 实弹练习射击
  16910. service practice firing ==> 实弹演习射击
  16911. service pressure ==> 正常工作压力,服务压力
  16912. service primitive ==> 服务原语
  16913. service probability ==> 服务概率,业务概率
  16914. service processor ==> 服务处理机
  16915. service program ==> 服务程序=>サービスプログラム
  16916. service proofing cycle ==> 运转检验周期
  16917. service property (quality) ==> 使用质量
  16918. service protocol ==> 业务协议
  16919. service pump ==> 辅助泵,值勤泵
  16920. service quality ==> 作用质量,功能质量,有效性
  16921. service queue ==> 服务队列
  16922. service ram ==> 配种用公羊
  16923. service rank ==> 服务级别
  16924. service rate ==> 服务率,服务速度
  16925. service rating ==> 运行功率,使用等级
  16926. service register ==> 通話度数計
  16927. service registor ==> 配种登记册
  16928. service regulations ==> 工作规程,服务条例,维护规程
  16929. service reliability ==> 供給信頼度,Service Reliability in a competitive market
  16930. service representative privilege class ==> 服务表示特许级,服务代表特权级
  16931. service request ==> 服务请求
  16932. service request bit ==> 服务请求位
  16933. service request block (SRB) ==> 服务请求块
  16934. service request output ==> 服务请求输出
  16935. service requirements ==> 战术技术要求
  16936. service reser voir for farming ==> 提供农田用水的水库
  16937. service reservoir ==> 供水水库,配水池
  16938. service restoration ==> 復旧制御
  16939. service restoration problem ==> 配電系統事故復旧問題
  16940. service restoring relay ==> 恢复运行继电器,重合闸继电器
  16941. service restrictions ==> 使用限制
  16942. service road ==> 便道,服务性道路,辅助道路,厂用道路,临街道路
  16943. service rocket ==> 作战用火箭
  16944. service round ==> 实弹
  16945. service routine ==> 使用程序,服务程序,服务例行程序,辅助程序=>サービスルーチン
  16946. service science ==> サービスサイエンス, SSME,services sciences, management and engineering
  16947. service sector ==> 服务行业
  16948. service set ==> 厂用机组
  16949. service several thousand cows a year ==> 一年可给几千头母牛配种
  16950. service shaft ==> 辅助矿井
  16951. service shot ==> 实弹射击
  16952. service space ==> 服务面积
  16953. service speed ==> 营运速度,操作速度
  16954. service stair ==> 服务楼梯
  16955. service state ==> 服务状态
  16956. service station ==> 加油站
  16957. service subprogram ==> 服务子程序
  16958. service switch ==> 控制器
  16959. service system ==> 服务系统
  16960. service tails ==> 进户线,向用户设备供电并由用户负责运行维护的那段线路
  16961. service tank ==> 供给箱,辅助油箱,常用油箱
  16962. service target practice ==> 实弹射击练习
  16963. service tariff of exclusive transmission project ==> 专用输电工程服务价,电网企业通过专用输电工程提供输送电能服务的价格
  16964. service tee ==> 接户三通
  16965. service telegram ==> 业务电报
  16966. service telephone ==> 公务电话
  16967. service telex call(s) ==> 业务电报
  16968. service temperature ==> 工作温度,操作温度
  16969. service test ==> 使用试验,性能试验,出力试验
  16970. service test model ==> 性能试验模型
  16971. service time ==> 使用时间,配种期,业务时间
  16972. service time distribution ==> 服务时间分布
  16973. service tools ==> 维修工具
  16974. service trade ==> 服务贸易
  16975. service trades ==> 服务行业
  16976. service trial ==> 运行试验,使用试验
  16977. service tunnel ==> 工作隧洞
  16978. service unit ==> 服务单位,服务装置
  16979. service utility ==> 服务效用
  16980. service valve ==> 工作阀门,备用阀,检修阀
  16981. service velocity ==> 标准初速
  16982. service voltage ==> 使用电压,供电电压=>使用電圧,供給電圧(電力)
  16983. service volume ==> 勤务空间
  16984. service water ==> 工厂用水,家用水
  16985. service water system ==> 厂用水系统
  16986. service wear ==> 工作磨损,使用损耗,使用性磨损
  16987. service wear index ==> 实用耐磨指数
  16988. service weight ==> 工作重
  16989. service weldability ==> 使用焊接性,使用可焊性
  16990. service well ==> 补给井
  16991. service wholesaler ==> 提供服务的批发商
  16992. service wire ==> 入户线,引入线=>引込線
  16993. service-building elevator ==> 建筑用提升机
  16994. service-drop wire ==> 引込線
  16995. service-free life ==> 无保养使用期
  16996. service-rack ==> 洗车台
  16997. service-routine address ==> 服务程序地址
  16998. service-seeking ==> 服务查询,查找服务
  16999. service-seeking pause ==> 查找服务暂停,服务查询暂停
  17000. service-shock resistance ==> 实用上的耐冲击性
  17001. service-simulated conditions ==> 模拟使用条件,运转服务条件
  17002. service-test guided missile ==> 试用导弹
  17003. service-test machine ==> 使用试验机
  17004. service-test missile ==> 试用导弹
  17005. service-type bussiness ==> 服务型行业
  17006. service-type labor ==> 服务性劳动
  17007. service-type test ==> 移交试验,使用状态试验
  17008. serviceability ==> 使用可靠性,操作上的可靠性,操作性能,可服务性,可维护性,可维修性,耐用性=>保守性
  17009. serviceability (RAS) ==> 性能最佳性
  17010. serviceability level indicator processing (SLIP) ==> 可服务性级别指示处理,服务性级指示器处理
  17011. serviceability level indicator processing trap ==> 可服务级指示器处理陷阱
  17012. serviceability limitation ==> 使用性能范围
  17013. serviceability ratio ==> 使用可靠性系数,可服务时间比,耐用率
  17014. serviceability temperature ==> 使用温度
  17015. serviceability test ==> 耐用性试验
  17016. serviceable chest ==> 多用柜
  17017. serviceable condition ==> 完好状态,可使用状态
  17018. serviceable life ==> 耐用年限,使用年限,使用期=>使用可能寿命
  17019. serviceable parts ==> 使用可能部品
  17020. serviceable range ==> 使用范围
  17021. serviceable supplies ==> 使用可能補給品
  17022. serviceable time ==> 可服务时间
  17023. serviceable vehicle ==> 实用车辆
  17024. serviced land ==> 有设施用地
  17025. serviceman ==> 维修人员,修理工
  17026. servicer ==> 燃料加注车,业务人员
  17027. services for business negotiations ==> 洽商服务
  17028. services for trade talks ==> 洽商服务
  17029. services in a group of associated enterprises ==> 联营企业集团内部提供的劳务
  17030. services per conception ==> 一次妊娠配种次数
  17031. servicing account ==> 维持帐户
  17032. servicing crew ==> 技术维护班
  17033. servicing engineering time ==> 维修时间
  17034. servicing factor ==> 服务因素
  17035. servicing installation (SE) ==> 维修设备
  17036. servicing machine ==> 维修机械
  17037. servicing materials ==> 维修材料
  17038. servicing structure ==> 辅助装置
  17039. servicing system ==> 服务系统
  17040. servicing time ==> 预检时间
  17041. serving ==> 电缆外皮=>ジュート巻
  17042. serving performance ==> 配种性能
  17043. servo ==> 继动,执行机构,随动系统,伺服,伺服电动机,伺服机,交流伺服装置=>交流サーボ装置
  17044. servo accelerometer ==> 伺服加速度计
  17045. servo action ==> 继电作用
  17046. servo actuator ==> 伺服传动机构
  17047. servo amplifier ==> 伺服放大器=>サーボ増幅器
  17048. servo balancing type ==> 追従比較形(ディジタル電圧計)
  17049. servo board ==> 伺服机构试验台
  17050. servo brake ==> 加力制动器
  17051. servo brakes ==> 伺服制动器
  17052. servo channel ==> 伺服通道,伺服信号电路
  17053. servo clutch ==> 伺服离合器
  17054. servo computer ==> 伺服计算机
  17055. servo control ==> 继动控制=>サーボ制御
  17056. servo control for linear motion ==> 直线运动伺服控制
  17057. servo control mechanism ==> 伺服机构
  17058. servo control of lensiris ==> 透镜光阑的伺服控制
  17059. servo control receiver ==> 伺服接收机
  17060. servo control unit ==> 随动操纵装置
  17061. servo controller ==> 伺服控制器
  17062. servo curve plotter ==> 伺服绘图器
  17063. servo cutout switch panel ==> 伺服断路开关盘
  17064. servo driver ==> 伺服驱动器
  17065. servo dynamics ==> 伺服机构动力学
  17066. servo element ==> 随动系统元件
  17067. servo feed system ==> 伺服进给系统
  17068. servo function generator ==> 伺服函数发生器
  17069. servo generator ==> 伺服发电机
  17070. servo governor ==> 伺服控制器
  17071. servo head ==> 伺服磁头
  17072. servo head wheel ==> 伺服磁鼓
  17073. servo integrator ==> 伺服积分器
  17074. servo jack ==> 伺服千斤顶
  17075. servo loop ==> 单环伺服机构
  17076. servo manipulator ==> 伺服机械手,伺服机械手
  17077. servo modulation ==> 伺服调制
  17078. servo noise ==> 伺服系统噪声
  17079. servo operated valve ==> 伺服传动阀
  17080. servo parameter ==> 伺服系统参数,随动系统参数
  17081. servo relief valve ==> 伺服安全阀,继动安全阀
  17082. servo resolver ==> 伺服解算器
  17083. servo response rate ==> 伺服响应率
  17084. servo sensor ==> 伺服式传感器
  17085. servo simulator ==> 伺服模拟装置
  17086. servo stabilization ==> 伺服稳定性
  17087. servo swap ==> 交替换带
  17088. servo system ==> 从动系统,伺服机构=>サーボ系
  17089. servo system drive ==> 伺服传动装置
  17090. servo transducer ==> 伺服式传感器
  17091. servo type ==> 伺服型
  17092. servo typer ==> 伺服印字机
  17093. servo valve ==> 伺服阀,从动阀
  17094. servo-actuated control ==> 从动控制
  17095. servo-actuator ==> 伺服电机,伺服拖动装置,伺服执行机构,伺服作功器
  17096. servo-amplifier ==> 伺服增幅器
  17097. servo-analog computer ==> 伺服模拟计算机,伺服模拟计算机
  17098. servo-assisted brake ==> 继动闸
  17099. servo-assisted steering ==> 继动转向
  17100. servo-balance potentiometer ==> 随机电位计
  17101. servo-computing element ==> 伺服运算元件
  17102. servo-control mechanism ==> 伺服控制机构
  17103. servo-control system ==> 伺服控制系统
  17104. servo-drive system ==> 伺服系统
  17105. servo-loop ==> 伺服回路,伺服系统
  17106. servo-loop control ==> 闭环随从自动调整系统
  17107. servo-loop model ==> 伺服回路模型
  17108. servo-lubrication ==> 中央分布润滑法
  17109. servo-motor ==> 伺服电动机
  17110. servo-operated control ==> 利用伺服机构控制
  17111. servo-operated mechanism ==> 伺服传动机构
  17112. servo-piston ==> 伺服活塞,活塞式随动传动装置
  17113. servo-positioning ==> 伺服定位
  17114. servo-recorder ==> 伺服记录器
  17115. servo-selsyn system ==> 随动自动同步机系统,追踪自动同步机系统
  17116. servo-stabilization ==> 伺服稳定
  17117. servo-tuning ==> 伺服调谐
  17118. servo-valve ==> 伺服操纵阀
  17119. servoamp (lifier) ==> 伺服放大器
  17120. servoamplifier ==> 伺服放大器
  17121. servoanalyzer ==> 伺服分析器,随动系统分析器
  17122. servobrake ==> 伺服制动器
  17123. servocontrol ==> 伺服控制
  17124. servocontrol for linear motion ==> 直线运动的伺服控制
  17125. servocontrol mirror ==> 伺服控制镜
  17126. servocontrolled axis ==> 伺服控制轴
  17127. servocontrolled scanning interferometer ==> 伺服控制扫描干涉仪,随动控制扫描干涉仪
  17128. servocontroller ==> 伺服控制器
  17129. servocylinder ==> 伺服缸
  17130. servodrive ==> 随动传动,伺服传动,伺服拖动,助力传动
  17131. servodriven ==> 伺服系统驱动
  17132. servodriver ==> 伺服传动器,伺服传动装置
  17133. servodyne ==> 伺服系统的动力传动
  17134. Servofrax ==> (三硫化二砷透红外材料)塞沃弗雷克斯
  17135. servogear ==> 伺服机构
  17136. servohydraulic actuator ==> 液压伺服执行机构
  17137. servohydraulic cylinder ==> 液压助力缸
  17138. servohydraulic rotary motor ==> 液压伺服转子马达
  17139. servolink ==> 伺服传动装置
  17140. servomagnet ==> 伺服电磁铁
  17141. servomanometer ==> 伺服压力计,伺服压力计
  17142. servomechanism ==> 伺服传动,伺服传动系统,伺服机构,伺服机构,伺服机制,助力机构,伺服系统,实现输出变量精确地跟随或复现输入变量的控制系统,亦称伺服机械装置=>サーボ機構
  17143. servomechanism installation ==> 伺服装置
  17144. servomechanism tester ==> 伺服系统测试仪,随动系统测试仪,随动系统调谐操纵台
  17145. servomechanism types ==> 伺服机构类型
  17146. servomodulator ==> 伺服调制器,伺服调制器
  17147. servomotor ==> 伺服机构能源,伺服马达,接力器,伺服电动机,输出参数(如位置、速度、加速度或力矩等)可被控制的交流或直流电动机=>サーボモータ
  17148. servomotor cylinder ==> 接力器缸
  17149. servomotor for throttle regulation ==> 风门伺服器
  17150. servomotor valve ==> 发动机助力阀
  17151. servomultiplier ==> 伺服乘法器
  17152. servonoise ==> 伺服干扰
  17153. servopiston ==> 伺服活塞
  17154. servopotentiometer ==> 伺服电位计
  17155. servoprogramming ==> 伺服程序设计
  17156. servopump ==> 伺服泵,伺服泵
  17157. servoresolver ==> 伺服分解器
  17158. servoscribe recorder ==> 伺服笔绘记录仪
  17159. servosimulator ==> 伺服仿真机,伺服模拟机,模拟伺服机构
  17160. servostabilization ==> 人工稳定
  17161. servosteering ==> 动力转向
  17162. servosystem ==> 伺服系统
  17163. servotab ==> 伺服补偿机,伺服补偿机
  17164. servotable ==> 伺服转台
  17165. servounit ==> 伺服单位,伺服机构,伺服机构,助力机构
  17166. servovalve ==> 伺服阀
  17167. SES, science and engineering of space ==> 宇宙科学工学
  17168. SES, Ship Earth Station ==> 船舶地球局
  17169. SES, shuttle engineering simulator ==> シャトルエンジニアリングシミュレータ
  17170. SES, south earth sensor ==> 南側地球センサ
  17171. SES, system engineering simulator ==> システムエンジニアリングシミュレータ
  17172. SESAC, Space and Earth Science Advisory Committee ==> 宇宙地球科学諮問委員会
  17173. sesame ==> 芝麻
  17174. sesame flower ==> 芝麻花
  17175. sesame meal ==> 芝麻饼粉
  17176. sesame oil ==> 芝麻油,麻油
  17177. sesame seed ==> 芝麻籽
  17178. sesame soy ==> 芝麻酱
  17179. sesame spot glaze ==> 麻点釉
  17180. sesamoid bone ==> 籽骨
  17181. sesamoid cartilage ==> 籽状软骨
  17182. SESL, Space Environment Simulation Laboratory ==> 宇宙環境シミュレーション研究所
  17183. sesquioxidic clay ==> 铁铝性粘土
  17184. sesquisideband transmission ==> 倍半边带传输
  17185. sessile ==> 固着的,广基型,无蒂的
  17186. sessile antibody ==> 固着的抗体,固着抗体
  17187. sessile benthos ==> 无柄水底植物
  17188. sessile dislocation ==> 不动位错,不滑动位错
  17189. sessile drop method ==> 固着液滴法,(测定表面张力)液滴法
  17190. sessile hydatid ==> 囊状附件
  17191. sessile leaf ==> 无柄叶
  17192. sessile organism ==> 附着生物,底栖固着生物
  17193. sessile-flowered oak ==> 无柄花柔毛栎
  17194. session ==> 对话,对话期,对话期间,(如前市,后市)交易所等市场的市=>セッション,会議
  17195. session activation ==> 对话激活,对话期激活
  17196. session activation request ==> 对话激活请求
  17197. session address space ==> 对话地址空间
  17198. session awareness block (SAB) ==> 对话察觉块,对话内情块
  17199. session commitment unit ==> 管理工作间隔的约会块
  17200. session control ==> 对话期间的控制,会话控制,话路控制=>セッション制御
  17201. session control (SC) ==> 对话控制
  17202. session count ==> 对话计数
  17203. session credit ==> 学年学分
  17204. session cryptographic key ==> 对话密码键
  17205. session cryptography seed ==> 对话密码初始值,对话密码籽值
  17206. session date ==> 对话日期
  17207. session deactivation ==> 对话撤消
  17208. session deactivation request ==> 对话撤消请求
  17209. session end ==> 对话端
  17210. session establishment ==> 对话建立
  17211. session information block (SIB) ==> 对话信息块
  17212. session initiation ==> 对话开始,对话期开始,会话启动
  17213. session initiation request ==> 对话启动请求
  17214. session layer ==> 对话层
  17215. session limit ==> 对话限量
  17216. session manager ==> 对话管理程序
  17217. session network service ==> 对话网络服务
  17218. session pacing ==> 对话调步
  17219. session parameter ==> 对话参数
  17220. session partner ==> 对话伙伴
  17221. session presentation service ==> 对话表示服务
  17222. session quarantine unit ==> 不可分的约会部件
  17223. session seed ==> 对话初始值,对话籽值
  17224. session sequence identifier ==> 对话顺序标识符
  17225. session sequence number ==> 对话顺序号
  17226. session service ==> 对话服务
  17227. session started command ==> 会话启动命令
  17228. session started message ==> 会话启动信息
  17229. session structure ==> 会话结构
  17230. session termination ==> 会话终止,对话中止
  17231. session termination request ==> 对话中止请求
  17232. session trace ==> 对话跟踪
  17233. session trace data ==> 对话跟踪数据
  17234. session-establishment macroinstruction ==> 对话建立宏指令
  17235. session-establishment request ==> 对话建立请求
  17236. session-level pacing ==> 对话级调步
  17237. set ==> 变定,安置,机,集,置,置位,固着,凝固,批,抹灰罩面层,长插条,调节,调整,整齿,整锯齿,定势,对准,硬化,永久变形,组织=>セット,集合
  17238. set (moonset) ==> 月没
  17239. set a file ==> 集合文件
  17240. set a young ==> 一窝仔畜
  17241. set algebra ==> 集合代数
  17242. set analyser(-yzer) ==> 通信机试验器
  17243. set analyzer ==> 测定器
  17244. set and assembling parts department ==> 配件部
  17245. set and locking screw ==> 止动及锁紧螺钉
  17246. set aside ==> 拨出,闲置
  17247. set assembling ==> 总成装配
  17248. set back front axle ==> 后移前轴
  17249. set bar ==> 锁栓
  17250. set bit ==> 嵌镶钻头
  17251. set block ==> 整齿铁钻,块规
  17252. set bolt ==> 固定螺栓
  17253. set breakpoint ==> 设置断点
  17254. set casing ==> 固定壳
  17255. set chisel ==> 尖凿
  17256. set clause ==> 集子句
  17257. set clock ==> 置位时钟
  17258. set coil ==> 置位线圈
  17259. set collar ==> 固定轴承环,顶梁,定位环,定位轴环
  17260. set command ==> 置位指令
  17261. set composite ==> 报话复合制组件,复合回路,双信回路
  17262. set control ==> 置位控制
  17263. set copper ==> 凹铜
  17264. set covering ==> 集合覆盖
  17265. set covering problem ==> 集合覆盖问题
  17266. set deformation ==> 永久变形
  17267. set description entry ==> 系描述项
  17268. set design ==> 布景设计
  17269. set die ==> 铆钉模
  17270. set difference ==> 集合差
  17271. set dominant flip-flop ==> セット優先フリップフロップ
  17272. set enable ==> 可置位
  17273. set entry ==> 系项
  17274. set equality ==> 集合相等
  17275. set feeler ==> 定位触点,调整触点
  17276. set flush ==> 顶格排版
  17277. set forth ==> 阐述
  17278. set forward ==> 前冲运动
  17279. set forward force ==> 前冲力
  17280. set forward point ==> 预期前方点
  17281. set frame ==> 整条机,制条机
  17282. set free ==> 释,游离
  17283. set function ==> 集合関数
  17284. set ga(u)ge ==> 定位规
  17285. set gate ==> 随模浇口
  17286. set girt(h) ==> 支架横撑
  17287. set grazing ==> 固定放牧,定牧
  17288. set hammer ==> 压印锤,陷型锤,击平锤
  17289. set hoop ==> 紧定环箍,定位环
  17290. set identification ==> 文件组标识
  17291. set in the narrow sense ==> 狭义集
  17292. set in use ==> (电视机)开机率
  17293. set in use (电视机) ==> 开机率
  17294. set inclusion ==> 集合蕴涵
  17295. set index instruction ==> 设定变址指令
  17296. set inhibit ==> 禁置位
  17297. set interference ==> 机内干扰,本身干扰
  17298. set intersection ==> 集合交
  17299. set key ==> 柱螺栓键
  17300. set language ==> 集合语言
  17301. set level ==> 支平,放平
  17302. set lever ==> 摇尺杆,锁紧手柄
  17303. set light ==> 照明装置
  17304. set lights ==> 照明设备
  17305. set line-and-grade stakes ==> 设置平面与坡度桩
  17306. set location mode ==> 置位定位方式,系存放方式
  17307. set member ==> 系成员,成员组,从记录,棚架构件,集合成员
  17308. set method ==> 永久变形测定法
  17309. set mining method ==> 支柱采矿法
  17310. set name ==> 集合名,集名
  17311. set noise ==> 机内噪声,本身固有噪声=>機器雑音
  17312. set occurrence ==> 集具体值
  17313. set of axes ==> 轴系
  17314. set of bands ==> 带组,谱带组
  17315. set of bills ==> 成套单据
  17316. set of bills of loading ==> 整套提单
  17317. set of boundary conditions ==> 边界条件系统
  17318. set of brushes ==> 电刷组
  17319. set of car ==> 车组
  17320. set of characteristics ==> 特征线系
  17321. set of complex numbers ==> 复数集
  17322. set of conventional signs ==> 图式符号系统
  17323. set of coordinates ==> 坐标系
  17324. set of curves ==> 曲线组
  17325. set of data ==> 诸元
  17326. set of degeneracy ==> 退化点集
  17327. set of elementary event ==> 基本事件集
  17328. set of engines ==> 发动机组
  17329. set of equation ==> 联立方程
  17330. set of equipment ==> 整套设备
  17331. set of exchange ==> 联单汇票
  17332. set of fluidization ==> 流态化起点
  17333. set of fork spanners ==> 成套叉形扳手
  17334. set of homologous lines ==> 均称谱线组,均称谱线组
  17335. set of hyperemia of bulbar conjunctiva ==> 白睛暴赤
  17336. set of inequalities ==> 不等式组
  17337. set of inequalities of probability ==> 概率的不等式集
  17338. set of instructions ==> 指令表,指令系统,指令组
  17339. set of knives ==> 动刀片组
  17340. set of node ==> 节点集
  17341. set of nonnegative integer ==> 非负整数集
  17342. set of oil piping ==> 套装油管,润滑油压力油管套装在回油管内,以防止压力油管破裂时向外漏油引起火灾
  17343. set of operating conditions ==> 操作条件组
  17344. set of particles ==> 质点集
  17345. set of patterns ==> 模式集
  17346. set of points ==> 点集
  17347. set of posts ==> 接线柱组
  17348. set of pulleys ==> 滑车组
  17349. set of residuals ==> 残差集
  17350. set of rolls ==> 全套轧辊
  17351. set of rotor vanes ==> 转子叶栅组
  17352. set of rules ==> 规则组
  17353. set of spare parts ==> 成套备件
  17354. set of spare units ==> 成套备用零部件
  17355. set of structural equations ==> 结构方程组
  17356. set of symbols ==> 符号组
  17357. set of teeth ==> 锯齿偏侧度,锯齿偏侧度
  17358. set of terminals ==> 端子对
  17359. set of the rolls ==> 辊筒组
  17360. set of tools ==> 全套工具
  17361. set of tubes ==> 成套电子管
  17362. set of variables ==> 变数组
  17363. set of weights ==> 砝码组
  17364. set of wires ==> 梳针定位
  17365. set operation ==> 集合操作,集合运算
  17366. set option ==> 集合选择
  17367. set ordering criteria ==> 系定序准则
  17368. set owner ==> 系主,集的所有者
  17369. set pair ==> 集对,集合对
  17370. set partition ==> 集划分
  17371. set partitioning problem ==> 集合划分问题
  17372. set piece ==> 调整块,定位块
  17373. set pin ==> 定位销,定位销钉,销钉
  17374. set pin for scraper blade ==> 刮板固定销
  17375. set pin sleeve ==> 定位销套
  17376. set piston ==> 调整活塞
  17377. set plaster ==> 硬化烧石膏
  17378. set point ==> 凝结点,调定点=>設定値,目標値(自動制御)
  17379. set point adjuster ==> 给定值调节器,定值调节器
  17380. set point command ==> 给定值指令
  17381. set point control ==> 设定点控制,设定值控制
  17382. set point of temperature ==> 规定温度
  17383. set point value ==> 选定点值
  17384. set prescription ==> 成方
  17385. set press ==> 压力机=>セットプレス
  17386. set pressure ==> 调定压力,[安全阀]整定压力,安全阀起座压力与回座压力之差,一般以整定压力的百分数表示。
  17387. set pressure for safety valve ==> 安全阀的调定压力
  17388. set pulse ==> 置位脉冲
  17389. set round ==> 矫圆
  17390. set rule ==> 定位尺
  17391. set run ==> 装定的航程
  17392. set sail ==> 启航
  17393. set screw ==> 紧定螺钉,调节螺钉,定位螺丝,定位螺旋,止动螺钉
  17394. set screw piston pin ==> 固定螺钉式活塞销
  17395. set screw spanner ==> 止动螺钉扳手
  17396. set screw wrench ==> 止动螺钉扳手
  17397. set section ==> 系节
  17398. set seed ==> 结籽
  17399. set selection ==> 集选择
  17400. set selection criteria ==> 集合选择准则
  17401. set sill ==> 支架底梁
  17402. set solid ==> 满排
  17403. set spring ==> 离合杆簧
  17404. set square ==> 三角尺
  17405. set statement ==> 集语句
  17406. set stock ==> 定牧畜群
  17407. set stocking ==> 定牧,固定放牧
  17408. set stud ==> 定位销
  17409. set subentry ==> 系子登记项
  17410. set swinging ==> 支架安装
  17411. set symbol ==> 集合符,设定符
  17412. set system algebra ==> 集系代数
  17413. set tap ==> 手用丝锥
  17414. set tester ==> 試験器
  17415. set the azimuth ==> 装定方位角
  17416. set the standard ==> 控制标准
  17417. set theoretic definition ==> 集合论定义
  17418. set theoretic language ==> 集合论语言
  17419. set theory ==> 集合论,集论=>集合論
  17420. set thrust plate ==> 推力挡板
  17421. set time ==> 规定时间,变定时间
  17422. set time counter ==> 置位时间计数器
  17423. set to exact size ==> 调整到正确尺寸
  17424. set to zero ==> 调到零,零调整
  17425. set type ==> 类型,集合类型
  17426. set union ==> 集合并
  17427. set up ==> 设,安设,准备,调试
  17428. set up a business ==> 开业
  17429. set up a machine ==> 使用机器,调整机器
  17430. set up business ==> 经营,经营
  17431. set up hard ==> 拉紧
  17432. set up in business ==> 开始营业
  17433. set upper limit ==> 规定的上限
  17434. set value ==> 假定值,设定值=>設定値
  17435. set value for safety system ==> 安全系统整定值,为防止出现超过安全限值的状态,而对相关自动保护装置预先设置的、在发生预计运行事件或事故工况时该装置启动的触发点
  17436. set value of controlled variable ==> 受控变量给定值
  17437. set width ==> 铅字宽度
  17438. set work ==> 摇尺机构
  17439. set wrench ==> 止动螺钉扳手
  17440. set yielding ==> 永久变形
  17441. set(setting,level,given) pressure ==> 定压
  17442. SET, servicing technology group ==> サービステクノロジーグループ
  17443. SET, space environmental testing ==> 宇宙環境試験
  17444. set-associative organization ==> 成组相联结构
  17445. set-back ==> 停止
  17446. set-back levee ==> 套堤
  17447. set-back scale ==> 零调整刻度盘
  17448. set-depth ==> 埋入深度
  17449. set-forward device ==> 提前量计算器
  17450. set-forward rule ==> 提前量计算尺
  17451. set-forward scale ==> 提前量分划盘
  17452. set-frame ==> 制条机
  17453. set-hands dial ==> 校准用小钟盘,调整指针刻度盘
  17454. set-head rivet ==> 平头铆钉,型头铆钉
  17455. set-hold circuit ==> 置位保持电路
  17456. set-iron ==> 金属样板
  17457. set-off ==> 凸缘,突出部,断流
  17458. set-oriented language ==> 集合型语言
  17459. set-out detail ==> 放样详图
  17460. set-out of mold rains ==> 出梅
  17461. set-out of plum rains ==> 出梅
  17462. set-point ==> 置位点=>目標値
  17463. set-point command ==> 设定命令,向受控站传送运行设备所需状态为某一值的命令,该命令保存在受控站中
  17464. set-point scale ==> 定点标度
  17465. set-pressure ==> 整定压力
  17466. set-reset ==> 置位复位
  17467. set-reset control ==> 置位复位控制
  17468. set-reset flip flop ==> 置位复位触发器
  17469. set-reset pulse ==> 置位复位脉冲
  17470. set-reset word ==> 置位复位字
  17471. set-root ==> (种根)临时根
  17472. set-screw wrench ==> 固位螺钉扳手
  17473. set-stock grazing ==> 定区放牧法
  17474. set-theoretic topology ==> 集-理论拓扑学,集合拓扑学
  17475. set-theoretical topology ==> 集合論的位相幾何,一般位相幾何
  17476. set-up ==> 机构,安置,编排,组装,装配调整,准备工作,调整
  17477. set-up circuitry ==> 调定电路
  17478. set-up diagram ==> 准备工作框图,设置图
  17479. set-up error ==> 安全误差,调定误差
  17480. set-up instrument ==> 调定仪表
  17481. set-up level ==> セットアップレベル
  17482. set-up procedure ==> 调整步骤,准备程序
  17483. set-up production ==> 正规生产
  17484. set-up register ==> 设定寄存器
  17485. set-up scale ==> 无零标度
  17486. set-up scale instrument (刻度不是从零开始的仪表) ==> 无零点的仪表
  17487. set-up sheet ==> 装配图表
  17488. set-up spring ==> 预压弹簧
  17489. set-up the finishing mill ==> 调整精整机
  17490. set-up time ==> 装工具时间,展开时间,设置时间
  17491. set-up unit ==> 装定机构
  17492. set-up wheel ==> 研磨整形砂轮
  17493. set-up-scale meter ==> 无零点刻度仪表
  17494. set-value adjuster ==> 设定值调整器
  17495. set-valued mapping ==> 集值映射
  17496. seta ==> 刚毛
  17497. setal map ==> 毛序图
  17498. setal membrane ==> 毛窝膜
  17499. setamine blue ==> 毛胺蓝
  17500. setback building ==> 台阶式建筑
  17501. setback buttress ==> 角扶壁,收进式扶垛
  17502. setback corner joint ==> 内收转角缝
  17503. setback force ==> 后退力
  17504. setback line ==> 收进线
  17505. setback pin ==> 惯性销
  17506. setback type ==> 台阶式
  17507. SETI ==> 地球外知的生命体探査
  17508. SETI, search for extra terrestrial intelligence ==> 地球外文明探査
  17509. setiferous sense organ ==> 刚毛感觉
  17510. Seto inland sea ==> 瀬戸内海
  17511. setoff right ==> 相殺権
  17512. setoff sheet ==> 間紙
  17513. seton ==> 排液線
  17514. seton wound preventing plate ==> 线伤痕防护板
  17515. Setonaikai National Park ==> 瀬戸内海国立公園
  17516. setose asparagus ==> 文竹
  17517. setover method ==> 偏置法,跨距法
  17518. setover screw ==> 偏距螺钉
  17519. sets room ==> 大型道具室
  17520. setscrew ==> 固定螺钉
  17521. sett frame ==> 成条机
  17522. sett grease ==> 冷煮润滑脂
  17523. sett of timber ==> 一车组材
  17524. sett paving ==> 方块铺面层
  17525. settable orifice ==> 可变节流口
  17526. setter plate ==> (装窑用)垫板
  17527. setter up ==> 蝶工
  17528. setting ==> 高定值,高值整定,整定,正确的选择和调整继电保护系统(装置)的动作参数(故障的启动值和动作时间)的工作=>設定,据付け,根入れ(電柱)
  17529. setting accelerator ==> 凝固催速剂,凝结加速剂,促凝剂
  17530. setting accuracy ==> 整定精确性,调整精度,定位精度
  17531. setting accuracy on work ==> 加工坐标精度
  17532. setting agent ==> 硬化剂
  17533. setting and lustring ==> 定形及上光
  17534. setting angle ==> 装置角,安装角=>取り付け角
  17535. setting angle of blade ==> 叶片安装角=>取り付け角
  17536. setting area ==> 布景区
  17537. setting base for counter weight ==> 配重块底座
  17538. setting basin ==> 沉沙池
  17539. setting block ==> 整锯器
  17540. setting bolt spring ==> 压簧
  17541. setting calculation ==> 整定计算,根据对保护装置的要求和电力系统运行的情况,对保护装置的动作值、动作时间等动作参数进行计算以给出其合理值
  17542. setting circle ==> 定位度盘,定位圆
  17543. setting circuit ==> 置位电路
  17544. setting coat ==> 精修饰涂层,抹灰面层,抹灰罩面层
  17545. setting command ==> 整定命令,整定指令
  17546. setting condition ==> 凝固状况
  17547. setting current ==> 整定电流
  17548. setting density ==> 植针密度
  17549. setting depth ==> 埋入深度=>根入れ(電柱)
  17550. setting device ==> 设定装置
  17551. setting dial ==> 调节盘
  17552. setting effect ==> 凝固效应
  17553. setting element ==> 定位元件
  17554. setting error ==> 装定误差
  17555. setting expansion ==> 凝结膨胀
  17556. setting finger ==> 定位指
  17557. setting free the crown ==> 树冠疏枝
  17558. setting gage ==> 定位规
  17559. setting gauge ==> 标准量规
  17560. setting height(from bottom) ==> 安装高度
  17561. setting in seedling ==> 插秧
  17562. setting knob ==> 调整旋钮,调定旋钮
  17563. setting leak ==> 砌体漏泄
  17564. setting lever ==> 倒换杠杆,移动杆,操纵杆
  17565. setting limit ==> 落限
  17566. setting load ==> 初撑力
  17567. setting machine ==> 码坯机,定型机
  17568. setting mark ==> 定位符号
  17569. setting means ==> 整定元件
  17570. setting mechanism ==> 整定机构,固定装置
  17571. setting medium ==> 凝固介质
  17572. setting movement ==> 定位运动
  17573. setting of fracture ==> 骨折复位术,接骨
  17574. setting of valve ==> 阀的装配
  17575. setting out ==> 放线
  17576. setting out detail ==> 放样详图
  17577. setting out rice seedling ==> 插秧
  17578. setting percentage ==> 结实率
  17579. setting period ==> 凝结期
  17580. setting plan ==> 平面装配图
  17581. setting plane ==> 装配平面图
  17582. setting plate ==> 垫板
  17583. setting point ==> 调整点,下落点
  17584. setting pressure ==> 初撑力,给定压力,安装压力,设定压力
  17585. setting pulse ==> 置位脉冲
  17586. setting range ==> 整定范围=>制定範囲, All the predetermined setting values obtainable on a relay.
  17587. setting range of the characteristic quantity ==> 特性量的整定范围,在规定条件下继电器(或其他器件)应该动作的特性量门限值的范围
  17588. setting rate ==> 凝固速度,硬化速度
  17589. setting ratio ==> 成果率
  17590. setting ring ==> 引信固定环
  17591. setting screw ==> 定位螺钉,定位螺旋
  17592. setting strip ==> 配合条
  17593. setting switch ==> 转接开关,置位开关
  17594. setting tank ==> 沉淀箱
  17595. setting temperature ==> 凝固温度
  17596. setting test ==> 凝固试验
  17597. setting the pace for heavy industry ==> 突出重工业
  17598. setting time ==> 凝固时间=>整定時間
  17599. setting time apparatus ==> 凝固时间测定仪
  17600. setting tool ==> 调整用工具
  17601. setting tools ==> 切肩用具
  17602. setting up business ==> 开业
  17603. setting up cost ==> 准备成本
  17604. setting up error ==> 安装误差
  17605. setting value ==> 给定值,设定值,整定值,经过整定计算和试验,所得出保护装置(或继电器)完成预定保护功能所需的动作参数(动作值、动作时间等)规定值
  17606. setting value of the characteristic quantity ==> 特性量的整定值,在规定条件下继电器(或其他器件)应该动作的特性量的门限值
  17607. setting value==setting value … ==> 整定値
  17608. setting wheel ==> 校针轮
  17609. setting-out ==> 画线,平展
  17610. setting-out detail ==> 定线详图
  17611. setting-out diagram ==> 放样草图
  17612. setting-out line ==> 划定的线,测定的线
  17613. setting-out machine ==> 除屑机
  17614. setting-out rod ==> 定线杆,定线桩
  17615. setting-out work ==> 定线工作,放线工作
  17616. setting-point test ==> 凝固点试验
  17617. setting-sun sign ==> 落日征
  17618. setting-up cost ==> 生产调整准备成本
  17619. setting-up expense ==> 生产调整准备费用,开业准备费用
  17620. setting-up of beam ==> 束流调定
  17621. setting-up piece ==> 固定垫片
  17622. setting-up procedure ==> 调整顺序
  17623. setting-up screw ==> 固定螺钉,调距螺栓
  17624. settle a bill ==> 付帐
  17625. settle a claim ==> 付帐,解决索赔,清算债务
  17626. settle accounts ==> 清结
  17627. settle an account ==> 结算
  17628. settle blow ==> 朴气
  17629. settle dispute ==> 解决争议
  17630. settle mark ==> 收缩标志
  17631. settle tank ==> 澄清槽
  17632. settle time ==> 稳定时间
  17633. settle-out time ==> 进入终态时间
  17634. settleable matter ==> 可沉淀物质
  17635. settleable solids test ==> 可沉固体试验
  17636. settled account ==> 已结清帐款
  17637. settled grease ==> 成层滑脂
  17638. settled ground ==> 沉实地层
  17639. settled material ==> 沉渣
  17640. settlement ==> 澄清,沉降,沉陷,沉渣,结算,居住区,居住区,清偿,移民点,固定,确定,定居点=>確定
  17641. settlement & billing subsystem, SBS ==> 结算管理子系统,在电力市场运营系统中,依据市场规则对市场参与者进行考核和结算的子系统
  17642. settlement account ==> 结算帐户,市场主体在市场运营机构建立的用于结算电费的帐户
  17643. settlement analysis ==> 沉降分析
  17644. settlement based on system marginal price ==> 按边际价格结算,以系统边际电价作为市场的统一出清价,所有成交电量均根据此价格进行结算
  17645. settlement basis ==> 決済ベース
  17646. settlement by agreement ==> 协商和解
  17647. settlement check ==> 清算支票
  17648. settlement coefficient ==> 沉降系数
  17649. settlement contour ==> 沉降等值线,等沉降线
  17650. settlement cracks of walling ==> 墙身沉陷裂缝
  17651. settlement crater ==> 沉陷坑
  17652. settlement curve ==> 沉降曲线
  17653. settlement date ==> 清算日
  17654. settlement day ==> 清算日,结算日,交割日,记息日
  17655. settlement device ==> 沉陷测定装置
  17656. settlement discount ==> 结算折扣
  17657. settlement due to excavation ==> 开挖引起的沉降
  17658. settlement estate duty ==> 遗产税
  17659. settlement expectancy ==> 预计沉降量
  17660. settlement failure ==> 沉陷破坏
  17661. settlement for cash ==> 现金结算
  17662. settlement fund ==> 结算资金,清算资金
  17663. settlement gauge ==> 沉降计,沉陷计
  17664. settlement inquiry ==> 结算质疑,各市场主体在收到市场运营机构出具的结算清单以后,有权对结算清单的内容进行查询和质疑,并要求市场运营机构就结算内容做出解释说明,这一过程称为结算质疑
  17665. settlement interval ==> 结算周期,市场主体两次结算的时间间隔
  17666. settlement isoline ==> 沉降等值线,等沉降线
  17667. settlement joint ==> 沉降缝,为适应地基不均匀沉降而设置的接缝
  17668. settlement loan ==> 结算货款
  17669. settlement management ==> 结算管理
  17670. settlement metre ==> 沉降测定计,沉陷计
  17671. settlement observation ==> 沉降观测,沉陷观测
  17672. settlement of account by letter of credit ==> 信用证结算
  17673. settlement of balance ==> 结清差额,结清余额
  17674. settlement of cash ==> 现金清算
  17675. settlement of claims ==> 理赔
  17676. settlement of debt ==> 清偿债务
  17677. settlement of exchange ==> 结汇
  17678. settlement of loss ==> 赔付损失
  17679. settlement of project payments ==> 工程价款结算,承包合同双方的货币结算,是承包合同价的具体实施,主要包括预付款、保留金和工程进度款
  17680. settlement of sewage ==> 污水沉淀
  17681. settlement of walling ==> 墙身沉陷
  17682. settlement on account ==> 记帐结算
  17683. settlement option ==> 清算方式选择权,结算方式选择权,赔款选择保险
  17684. settlement plate ==> 沉降板
  17685. settlement platform ==> 沉降平台
  17686. settlement prediction ==> 沉降预测,沉陷预测
  17687. settlement price ==> 结算价格,清算价格
  17688. settlement process ==> 沉降过程
  17689. settlement rate ==> 沉降速率,沉陷率=>決済レート
  17690. settlement risk ==> 清算风险
  17691. settlement service ==> 決済サービス
  17692. settlement slope ==> 沉陷斜度
  17693. settlement stress ==> 沉降应力
  17694. settlement term ==> 决算期,决算期
  17695. settlement terms ==> 清算条件
  17696. settlement test for emulsified asphalts ==> 乳化沥青沉淀试验
  17697. settlement variation ==> 清算变量
  17698. settlement warrant ==> 清帐支付命令
  17699. settlement with retiring partner ==> 退伙人股份清偿
  17700. settlement within quota ==> 限额结算
  17701. settlement-time curve ==> 沉降时间曲线
  17702. settlements date ==> 期日
  17703. settlements through accounts ==> 非现金结算
  17704. settling ==> 整定,沉淀,沉积=>沈殿
  17705. settling accelerator head tank ==> 助沉剂高位槽
  17706. settling account ==> 结算
  17707. settling agent ==> 助沉剂,理赔代理人
  17708. settling annulus ==> 环形沉降段
  17709. settling bank ==> 结算银行
  17710. settling basin ==> 沉淀池,沉降池,沈沙池
  17711. settling centrifuge ==> 沉降式离心机
  17712. settling chamber ==> 沉淀室,沉积室
  17713. settling character ==> 沉降特性
  17714. settling classifier ==> 沉降分级机
  17715. settling control ==> セトリング制御,引き込み制御
  17716. settling convection ==> 沉降对流作用
  17717. settling day ==> 结算日,清算日,交割日
  17718. settling drum ==> 沉降鼓
  17719. settling height ==> 沉降高度
  17720. settling lag ==> 沉降滞后
  17721. settling matter ==> 沉淀物
  17722. settling method ==> 沉淀法
  17723. settling out ==> 沉出
  17724. settling pit ==> 沉降坑
  17725. settling pond ==> 澄清池
  17726. settling rate ==> 沉淀速率
  17727. settling ratio ==> 沉降系数
  17728. settling reservoir ==> 沉沙水库
  17729. settling rounds ==> 稳炮射击
  17730. settling section ==> 沉降段,澄清段
  17731. settling tank ==> 沉淀槽,澄清槽,澄清桶,沉淀池,沉积池,沉清槽
  17732. settling term ==> 决算期,决算期
  17733. settling test ==> 金属液脱氧度试验
  17734. settling time ==> 沉淀时间,校正时间,还原时间=>整定時間
  17735. settling up cost ==> 清偿成本
  17736. settling velocity ==> 沉降速度
  17737. settling vessel ==> 沉降器
  17738. settling volume ==> 沈殿量
  17739. settling zone ==> 沉淀区
  17740. setulose leaf ==> 具柔毛叶,具柔毛叶
  17741. setup ==> 装置
  17742. setup amplitude ==> 顶托幅度
  17743. setup cost ==> 调整费用
  17744. setup man ==> 调整机器设备的工人
  17745. setup time ==> 准备时间
  17746. SETUP, shuttle electrical timeline utility program ==> シャトル電気使用時間プログラム
  17747. SEU, single event upset ==> シングル・イベント・アップセット(重イオンによるビット反転)
  17748. SEUL, support equipment utilization ==> 支援機器利用
  17749. seuse finder ==> 辨向器
  17750. SEV, Sending End Voltage ==> 送出電圧
  17751. seven by seven cable ==> 七股七丝钢索
  17752. seven core ==> 七芯的
  17753. seven formulae ==> 七方
  17754. seven important portals ==> 七冲门
  17755. Seven International Oil Majors ==> 七大国际石油公司
  17756. seven kinds of impairments ==> 七伤
  17757. seven orifices ==> 七窍
  17758. seven paradoxical pulse conditions ==> 七怪脉
  17759. seven prescriptions ==> 七方
  17760. seven-barks ==> 八仙花
  17761. seven-bearing crankshaft ==> 七支曲轴
  17762. seven-bit byte ==> 七位字节
  17763. seven-core connecting cable ==> 七芯连接电缆
  17764. seven-day disease ==> 七日病
  17765. seven-day notice deposit ==> 七日通知存款
  17766. seven-eighths rule ==> 八分之七定则
  17767. seven-element lens ==> 七元透镜
  17768. seven-ribbed ==> 具七脉的,具七脉的
  17769. seven-roll Abramsen miachine ==> 艾布拉姆森七辊矫直机
  17770. seven-segment code ==> 七段代码
  17771. seven-segment conversion ==> 七段变换
  17772. seven-segment driver ==> 七段驱动器
  17773. seven-segment numeric indicator ==> 七段数码显示器
  17774. seven-segment representation ==> 七段表示法
  17775. seven-stage lazer ==> 七级激光器
  17776. seven-stand forming mill ==> 七机座成形机
  17777. seven-star needle ==> 七星针
  17778. seven-tenths rule ==> 十分之七定则
  17779. seven-thirds rule ==> 三分之七定则
  17780. seven-track compatibility ==> 七道兼容性
  17781. seven-unit code ==> 七单位制电码
  17782. seven-unit error detecting code ==> 七位检错码
  17783. sever supply ==> 切断供给
  17784. severable contract ==> 可分开合同
  17785. several divisions of primary endosperm nucleus ==> 初生胚乳核的几次分裂
  17786. several generations ==> 几代
  17787. several hundred kilometers ==> 数百公里
  17788. several searchers ==> 多个搜索者
  17789. several surface arrays ==> 多面アレイ(太陽光発電システム)
  17790. several-for-one ==> 多对一
  17791. several-layer solenoid ==> 多层螺线管
  17792. severance ==> 分離
  17793. severance and conservation taxes ==> 开采和保护税
  17794. severance benefit ==> 退职福利金
  17795. severance felling ==> 离伐
  17796. severance pay ==> 退职费,解雇费,解雇金
  17797. severance tax ==> 采掘税
  17798. severe accident ==> 严重事故,严重性超过设计基准事故,造成堆芯损坏甚至可能有放射性物质向环境失控外泄后果的事故工况
  17799. severe accident procedure of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂严重事故处理规程,当核电厂无法执行所有事故处理规程,事故工况有可能演化成为可能导致反应堆堆芯严重损坏,甚至破坏安全壳完整性、造成环境放射性污染及公众人身伤亡的严重事故时所执行的一种特殊事故处理规程
  17800. severe arrhythmia ==> 严重心律失常
  17801. severe asphyxia in newborn ==> 新生儿重度窒息
  17802. severe calcification of valve ==> 瓣膜严重钙化
  17803. severe cold ==> 严寒
  17804. severe cystocele ==> 重度膀胱膨出
  17805. severe depletion of oxygen ==> 严重缺氧
  17806. severe drought ==> 严重干旱
  17807. severe duty drive ==> 重载传动
  17808. severe environment ==> 恶劣环境
  17809. severe error ==> 严重错误
  17810. severe frost ==> 严霜
  17811. severe headache ==> 剧烈头痛,剧烈头痛
  17812. severe heat stroke ==> 重症中暑
  17813. severe injury of muscle and bone ==> 筋骨寸断
  17814. severe intoxication ==> 重度中毒
  17815. severe jolt ==> 强烈振动
  17816. severe knock ==> 强烈爆震
  17817. severe mediterranean anemia ==> 重型地中海贫血
  17818. severe palpebral edema ==> 胞肿如桃,目封塞
  17819. severe palpitation ==> 忪悸,怔忡
  17820. severe poisoning ==> 重症中毒
  17821. severe radiation belt ==> 强辐射带
  17822. severe rugged environment ==> 苛刻环境
  17823. severe storm ==> 大暴雨,狂烈风暴,猛烈风暴
  17824. severe strain ==> 危险应变
  17825. severe stress ==> 危险应力
  17826. severe test ==> 严格试验
  17827. severe tolerance ==> 严格容限
  17828. severe toxemia of pregnancy ==> 重度妊娠中毒症
  17829. severe traumatic edema ==> 重创伤性水肿
  17830. severe-storm observation ==> 强风暴观测
  17831. severely affected plot ==> 严重受影响的小区
  17832. severely impair ==> 严重危害
  17833. severity code ==> 严格代码,严重出错码
  17834. severity factor ==> 严重程度因子,强度系数
  17835. severity index ==> 人体受冲击的剧烈程度指数
  17836. severity of braking ==> (汽车)制动强度
  17837. severity of grind ==> 研磨强度
  17838. severity rate ==> 严重事故率
  17839. severse weather ==> 恶劣天气
  17840. seville orange flower ==> 代代花
  17841. sew-knitting machine ==> 缝编机
  17842. sewagage ==> 下水道
  17843. sewagage dredger ==> 挖泥机
  17844. sewagage law ==> 污水工程法
  17845. sewagage system ==> 下水道工程
  17846. sewagage system overflow ==> 下水道溢流
  17847. sewage ==> 污水
  17848. sewage (waste water) recirculating pump ==> 污水循环泵
  17849. sewage aeration ==> 污水曝气
  17850. sewage analysis ==> 污水分析
  17851. Sewage and Stormwater Disposal ==> 《污水及雨水排放》
  17852. sewage catchment area ==> 污水集水区
  17853. Sewage Charging Scheme ==> 污水处理服务收费计划
  17854. sewage chlorination ==> 污水氯化作用,污水加氯消毒,污水氯化
  17855. sewage chlorination plant ==> 污水氯化厂
  17856. sewage conduit ==> 污水管道
  17857. sewage decomposition ==> 污水分解
  17858. sewage diposal area ==> 污水处理区
  17859. sewage discharge ==> 污水排放
  17860. sewage discharge standard ==> 污水排放条件
  17861. sewage disposal ==> 污水处置
  17862. sewage disposal facilities ==> 污水排放设施
  17863. sewage disposal plant ==> 污水处理厂
  17864. sewage disposal process ==> 污水处理过程
  17865. sewage disposal programme ==> 污水排放计划
  17866. sewage disposal pump ==> 污水泵
  17867. sewage disposal strategy ==> 污水排放策略
  17868. Sewage Disposal Strategy Study ==> 污水处理策略研究
  17869. sewage disposal system ==> 污水处理系统
  17870. sewage disposal works ==> 污水处理厂
  17871. sewage drainage standard ==> 污水排放标准
  17872. sewage effluents ==> 污水厂出水
  17873. sewage ejector submersible pump ==> 喷射式潜入污水泵
  17874. sewage electrolytic treatment ==> 污水电解处理法
  17875. sewage evaporator plant ==> 污水蒸发器装置
  17876. sewage extraction method ==> 污水萃取法
  17877. sewage farm ==> 下水処理場
  17878. sewage farming of land treatment ==> 污水灌溉法
  17879. sewage filter ==> 污水过滤器
  17880. sewage final settling basin ==> 污水最终沉降池
  17881. sewage final settling tank ==> 污水最终沉降槽
  17882. sewage gas ==> 污泥气,垃圾沼气,沼气
  17883. sewage grease ==> 污水油脂
  17884. sewage grit chamber ==> 污水沉砂池
  17885. Sewage Infrastructure Planning Group (Environmental Protection Department) ==> 污水基础建设规划组(环境保护署)
  17886. sewage irrigation ==> 污水灌溉
  17887. sewage load ==> 污水负荷量
  17888. sewage loading ==> 污水负荷量
  17889. sewage outfall ==> 下水排出口
  17890. sewage oxidation pond ==> 污水氧化池
  17891. sewage pipe ==> 污水管
  17892. sewage pit ==> 污水坑
  17893. sewage plant ==> 下水処理場
  17894. sewage pollution ==> 污水污染
  17895. sewage preliminary basin ==> 污水预沉池
  17896. sewage preliminary tank ==> 污水预沉池
  17897. sewage pump ==> 污水泵
  17898. sewage pump house ==> 污水泵房
  17899. sewage pump plant ==> 污水泵房
  17900. sewage pumping station ==> 污水泵站,污水抽送站
  17901. sewage purification ==> 污水清化
  17902. sewage purification plant ==> 污水净化厂
  17903. sewage quantity ==> 污水量
  17904. sewage rate ==> 污水流量
  17905. sewage reservoir ==> 污水池
  17906. sewage rising mains ==> 加压污水管
  17907. sewage sampling method ==> 污水采样方法
  17908. sewage screen ==> 污水网筛
  17909. sewage screening plant ==> 污水隔筛厂,污水隔滤厂
  17910. Sewage Services (Sewage Charge) Regulation (Cap. 463) ==> 《污水处理服务(排污费)规例》(第463章)
  17911. Sewage Services (Trade Effluent Surcharge) Regulation (Cap. 463) ==> 《污水处理服务(工商业污水附加费)规例》(第463章)
  17912. Sewage Services Ordinance (Cap. 463) ==> 《污水处理服务条例》(第463章)
  17913. sewage services project ==> 污水处理服务工程项目
  17914. Sewage Services Trading Fund ==> 污水处理服务营运基金
  17915. Sewage Services Trading Fund (Cap. 430) ==> 《污水处理服务营运基金》(第430章)
  17916. sewage sludge ==> 污水污泥,下水道污泥=>下水スラッジ
  17917. sewage sludge drying bed ==> 污水污泥干燥床
  17918. sewage sludge gas ==> 污水污泥气体
  17919. sewage sludge incineration ==> 污水污泥焚烧
  17920. sewage sludge treatment ==> 污水处理
  17921. sewage sludge washing ==> 污水污泥淘洗
  17922. sewage solid extractor ==> 污水渣滓抽出器
  17923. sewage standards and policy ==> 污水标准及政策
  17924. Sewage Strategy and Waste Disposal Plan ==> 污水策略及废物处理计划
  17925. sewage strategy study ==> 污水处理策略研究
  17926. sewage stream ==> 污水系统
  17927. sewage system ==> 污水系统
  17928. sewage tank ==> 污水槽
  17929. sewage thertment plant ==> 污水处理场
  17930. sewage treatment ==> 污水处理
  17931. sewage treatment facilities ==> 污水处理设施
  17932. sewage treatment plant ==> 污水处理设施,污水处理厂
  17933. sewage treatment process ==> 污水处理过程
  17934. sewage treatment project ==> 污水处理工程
  17935. sewage treatment station ==> 污水处理站
  17936. sewage treatment structure ==> 污水处理构筑物
  17937. sewage treatment system ==> 污水处理系统
  17938. sewage treatment works ==> 污水处理工程厂
  17939. sewage tunnel works ==> 污水隧道工程
  17940. Sewage Tunnels (Statutory Easements) Ordinance (Cap. 438) ==> 《污水隧道(法定地役权)条例》(第438章)
  17941. sewage ventilation ==> 污水通风
  17942. sewage vessel ==> 垃圾船
  17943. sewage water ==> 污水
  17944. sewage work ==> 污水工程
  17945. sewage works ==> 污水工程=>下水処理場
  17946. sewage-disposal plant ==> 下水処理場
  17947. sewage-farm ==> 污水灌溉田
  17948. sewage-treatment plant ==> 污水处理装置
  17949. sewage-works effluent ==> 污水厂流出水
  17950. Sewell Wright effect ==> 赖特氏效应
  17951. sewer ==> 下水管,污水道,下水道,排污水,阴沟
  17952. sewer appurtenances ==> 污水道附属物
  17953. sewer branch ==> 污水支管
  17954. sewer brick ==> 阴沟砖
  17955. sewer capacity ==> 污水管容量
  17956. sewer catch basin ==> 污泥井
  17957. sewer evacuator ==> 污水管道排泄设备
  17958. sewer facility ==> 污水管设施
  17959. sewer flushing ==> 污水管冲洗
  17960. sewer gas ==> 下水道气体,阴沟气
  17961. sewer line ==> 污水管道,污水管线
  17962. sewer main ==> 污水干管
  17963. sewer man-hole ==> 下水道检查井
  17964. sewer outlet ==> 污水出口
  17965. sewer pipe ==> 污水管
  17966. sewer pipe drain ==> 污水排泄管
  17967. sewer pipe press ==> 污水管压制机
  17968. sewer sluice valve ==> 污水管冲洗阀
  17969. sewer system ==> 污水管道系统
  17970. sewer tile ==> 污水管,污水瓦管
  17971. sewer tunnel ==> 污水隧洞
  17972. sewer utility ==> 污水公用事业
  17973. sewerage ==> 下水道
  17974. sewerage dredger ==> 挖槽机
  17975. sewerage filter ==> 污水滤池
  17976. sewerage first-aid measure ==> 污水收集应急措施
  17977. sewerage improvement programme ==> 排污设备改善计划
  17978. Sewerage Master Plan (SMP) ==> 污水收集整体计划
  17979. sewerage of separate system ==> 分流制下水道
  17980. sewerage station ==> 废水处理场
  17981. sewerage system ==> 下水道送水系
  17982. sewerage system of radial patterns ==> 辐射式下水道系统
  17983. sewing ==> 串线订
  17984. sewing jaw ==> 活动颚板
  17985. sewing machine ==> 缝纫机
  17986. sewing machine head ==> 缝纫机头
  17987. sewing machine needle ==> 缝纫机针
  17988. sewing machine oil ==> 缝纫机油
  17989. sewing machine stand ==> 缝纫机架
  17990. sewing machine table ==> 缝纫机台板
  17991. sewing machine with rectangular cabinet ==> 长方柜缝纫机
  17992. sewing needle ==> 缝纫机针,缝合针,缝针
  17993. sewing press ==> 手工锁线架
  17994. sewing room ==> 缝纫室
  17995. sewing scissors ==> 缝纫剪
  17996. sewing thread ==> 缝纫线
  17997. sewing thread on cone ==> 宝塔线
  17998. sewing thread on cop ==> 管纱线
  17999. sewing thread on spool wooden bobbin ==> 木纱团
  18000. sewing threads on cylinders ==> 蜡筒线
  18001. sewing-machine oil ==> 缝纫机油
  18002. sewing-press ==> 锁线装订机
  18003. sex cell cord ==> 生殖细胞索
  18004. sex center ==> 性神经中枢
  18005. sex characteristic ==> 性特征
  18006. sex chromatin ==> 性染色质
  18007. sex chromosome ==> 性染色体
  18008. sex chromosome abnormalities ==> 性染色体异常疾患
  18009. sex chromosome mosaic syndrome ==> 性染色体嵌合型综合征
  18010. sex chromosomes ==> 奇染色体
  18011. sex composition ==> 性别构成
  18012. sex control ==> 性别控制
  18013. sex cord stromal tumor of ovary ==> 卵巢性索间质肿瘤
  18014. sex cords ==> 性索
  18015. sex cycle ==> 性周期
  18016. sex determination ==> 性别决定,性決定
  18017. sex deviation ==> 性畸形
  18018. sex difference ==> 性别差异
  18019. sex differentiation ==> 性别分化,性分化
  18020. sex dimorphism ==> 两性异形
  18021. sex distortion ==> 性比失常
  18022. sex distribution ==> 性别分布
  18023. sex drive ==> 性欲冲动
  18024. sex factor ==> 性因子,致育因子
  18025. sex feathers ==> (公鸭尾部的)性羽
  18026. sex gene suppressor ==> 性基因抑制因子
  18027. sex gland ==> 性腺
  18028. sex induction ==> 性引诱剂
  18029. sex maturity ==> 性成熟
  18030. sex organ ==> 性器官
  18031. sex psychopathy ==> 性病态人格
  18032. sex rate ==> 两性比率
  18033. sex ratio ==> 两性比率,性别比率
  18034. sex reversal ==> 性逆转,性转化
  18035. sex ridge ==> 生殖脊
  18036. sex structure ==> 性别构成
  18037. sex transformation ==> 性转化
  18038. Sex, Sextans ==> ろくぶんぎ座
  18039. sex-chromatin body ==> 性染色质小体
  18040. sex-chromosome theory ==> 性染色体说
  18041. sex-conditioned character ==> 从性性状
  18042. sex-conditioned inheritance ==> 从性遗传
  18043. sex-index ==> 性指数
  18044. sex-influenced inheritance ==> 从性遗传
  18045. sex-influenced trait ==> 从性性状
  18046. sex-intergrade ==> 雌雄间体,性交叉
  18047. sex-limited autosomal dominant inheritance ==> 性限常染色体显性遗传,限性常染色体显性遗传
  18048. sex-limited character ==> 限性性状
  18049. sex-limited inheritance ==> 限性遗传,性限遗传
  18050. sex-linked ==> 性连锁,伴性的
  18051. sex-linked agammaglobulinemia ==> 性联无丙种球蛋白血症
  18052. sex-linked gene ==> 伴性基因
  18053. sex-linked hypogamma globinemia ==> 性联低丙种球蛋白血症
  18054. sex-linked incomplete dominant inheritance ==> 伴性不完全显性遗传
  18055. sex-linked inheritance ==> 伴性遗传,性连锁遗传
  18056. sex-linked lethal ==> 伴性致死
  18057. sex-linked recessive hereditary disease ==> 性连锁隐性遗传性疾病
  18058. sex-linked recessive inheritance ==> 性连锁隐性遗传
  18059. sex-linked recessiveness ==> 伴性隐性
  18060. sex-ratio spirochete ==> 性比率螺旋体
  18061. sex-separation for bedrooms ==> 大子女分室
  18062. sex-specific death rate ==> 性别死亡率
  18063. sexagesimal circle ==> 六十分制度盘
  18064. sexagesimal counting table ==> 六十进制计数表
  18065. sexagesimal cycle ==> 六十干支周
  18066. sexagesimal system ==> 六十分制
  18067. sexfoil window ==> 六叶窗
  18068. sexhormones poisoning ==> 性激素中毒
  18069. sexless connector ==> 等同接合连接器
  18070. sexlinked dominant inheritance ==> 性连锁显性遗传
  18071. sextant ==> 六分仪
  18072. sextant adjustment ==> 六分仪调准
  18073. sextant altitude ==> 六分仪高度
  18074. sextant altitude correction ==> 六分仪高度修正
  18075. sextant error ==> 六分仪误差
  18076. sextet ==> 6ビットバイト
  18077. sextile aspect ==> 六分方位,六分相互方位
  18078. sextuple star ==> 六合星
  18079. sextuple-flow turbine ==> 六排汽口汽轮机
  18080. sexual ==> 性的,性欲的
  18081. sexual abnormality ==> 性别异常,性异常
  18082. sexual accessory gland ==> 副性腺
  18083. sexual activity ==> 性活动
  18084. sexual anesthesia ==> 性感缺失
  18085. sexual behavior ==> 性行为
  18086. sexual cell ==> 性细胞
  18087. sexual character ==> 性特征
  18088. sexual charms ==> 色气=>色気
  18089. sexual clorminance ==> 性优势
  18090. sexual coloration ==> 性征色
  18091. sexual copulation ==> 性配合
  18092. sexual crime ==> 性犯罪
  18093. sexual crouch ==> (母禽)性交蹲伏
  18094. sexual cycle ==> 性周期,生殖周期
  18095. sexual cycle stage ==> 性周期
  18096. sexual development ==> 性发育
  18097. sexual deviation ==> 性欲错乱症
  18098. sexual dimorphism ==> 性别二态
  18099. sexual diseases ==> 性病
  18100. sexual disorder ==> 性功能障碍
  18101. sexual drive ==> 性冲动
  18102. sexual dyspenesis ==> 性发育不全
  18103. sexual excitement ==> 性冲动
  18104. sexual expression ==> 性表现
  18105. sexual function ==> 性功能
  18106. sexual generation ==> 有性世代
  18107. sexual gland ==> 生殖腺
  18108. sexual hallucination ==> 性幻觉
  18109. sexual hormone disturbance ==> 性激素紊乱
  18110. sexual hybridization ==> 进行有性杂交
  18111. sexual hygiene ==> 性卫生
  18112. sexual hyperesthesia ==> 性感过敏,性欲亢进
  18113. sexual hypoesthesia ==> 性欲减退
  18114. sexual impotence ==> 阳萎
  18115. sexual impulse ==> 性冲动
  18116. sexual inhibition ==> 性的抑制
  18117. sexual instinct ==> 性本能
  18118. sexual intercourse ==> 性交
  18119. sexual inversion ==> 性欲反向
  18120. sexual isolation ==> 性隔离
  18121. sexual life ==> 性生活
  18122. sexual maturation period ==> 性成熟期
  18123. sexual maturity ==> 性成熟
  18124. sexual multiplication ==> 有性繁殖
  18125. sexual neurosis ==> 性神经官能症,性欲性神经机能病
  18126. sexual offence ==> 性犯罪
  18127. sexual organ ==> 性器官
  18128. sexual partner ==> 配偶
  18129. sexual periodicity ==> 性的周期性
  18130. sexual perversion ==> 性变态,性欲倒错,变态性欲
  18131. sexual polymorphism ==> 性多态现象
  18132. sexual precocity ==> 性早熟
  18133. sexual preparation ==> 性准备
  18134. sexual propagation ==> 有性繁殖
  18135. sexual receptivity ==> 性的接受
  18136. sexual reflex ==> 性反射
  18137. sexual refractoriness ==> 性间歇
  18138. sexual relations ==> 两性关系
  18139. sexual reproduction ==> 有性繁殖,有性生殖
  18140. sexual reproductive cell ==> 有性生殖细胞
  18141. sexual season ==> 发情季节
  18142. sexual selection ==> 性选择
  18143. sexual spore ==> 性孢子,有性孢子
  18144. sexual stage ==> 性阶段
  18145. sexual stance ==> 性姿态
  18146. sexual type ==> 性型
  18147. sexual valence ==> 性价
  18148. sexuales ==> 性蚜
  18149. sexuality ==> 性欲,性征
  18150. sexually matured ==> 性成熟的
  18151. sexy prime ==> 六素数,间隔为6的素数对
  18152. Seya concave-grating monochromator ==> 濑谷凹面光栅单色器
  18153. Seychelles ==> セーシェル=>塞舌尔
  18154. Seyler's classification ==> 赛勒分类法
  18155. Sezary syndrome ==> 塞扎莱综合征,西泽里综合征
  18156. SF Starboard Forward ==> 前方右舷
  18157. SF Stowage Factor ==> 装载代理商
  18158. SF6 fuse ==> 六氟化硫熔断器,为非限流型高压熔断器,在过载或短路故障时,熔体熔化蒸发形成电弧,利用在六氟化硫气体中旋弧的熄弧原理将电弧熄灭,使电路断开
  18159. SF6 alternative gas ==> SF6代替ガス
  18160. SF6 gas circuit breaker ==> SF6ガス遮断器
  18161. SF6 gas insulated transmission line ==> 管路気中送電線
  18162. SF6,sulphurhexafluoride gas ==> SF6(六ふっ化ガス)ガス
  18163. SF6-free GIS ==> SF6フリーガス絶縁開閉装置
  18164. SFA, sales force automation ==> セールスフォース・オートメーション,営業支援システム
  18165. SFA, Spacecraft and Fairing Assembling Building ==> 衛星フェアリング組立棟
  18166. SFA, special failure analysis ==> 特別故障解析
  18167. SFAP, spin free analytic platform ==> スピンフリー解析プラットフォーム
  18168. SFC, selection frequency control ==> 選択周波数制御
  18169. SFC, Sequencial Function Chart ==> SFC
  18170. SFC, Simulator Following Control ==> SFC
  18171. SFC, Specific Fuel Consumption ==> 燃料消費率
  18172. SFC, Static Frequency Converter ==> 静止变频器
  18173. SFCG, Space Frequency Coordination Group ==> 宇宙用周波数調整グループ
  18174. SFCL, Superconducting Fault Current Limiter ==> 超電導限流器
  18175. SFCLT, Superconducting Fault Current Limiting Transformer ==> 超電導限流変圧器
  18176. SFDU, standard format data unit ==> データ記録様式標準
  18177. SFE, smart front-end ==> スマートフロントエンド
  18178. sferics fix ==> 天电定位
  18179. sfet ==> 肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管
  18180. SFF, small formation flyer ==> スモールフォーメーションフライヤ
  18181. Sforzando (sf) ==> 突强
  18182. SFP, single failure point ==> 単一故障点
  18183. SFS, Sandia Frequency Shift ==> 分散電源単独運転検出手法の一種
  18184. SFS, Sound Field Synthesizer ==> 音場合成装置
  18185. SFU, Space Flyer Unit ==> 宇宙実験・観測フリーフライヤ
  18186. SFU, standard firing unit ==> 標準燃焼単位
  18187. SG ==> 蒸気発生器
  18188. SG, Selective Ground Relay, earth-fault transverse differential relay ==> 回線選択継電器(地絡)。平行2回線送電線の電流のバランス状況から事故回線を判定する。Baと同義語。
  18189. SG, signal generator ==> 信号発生器
  18190. SG, star ground ==> 星状結線接地
  18191. SG, study group ==> 研究委員会
  18192. sgare chain ==> 面积尺
  18193. Sge, Sagitta ==> や座
  18194. SGEP, supergravity environment plant ==> 超重力環境プラント
  18195. SGF, standard grapple fixture ==> 標準グラプルフィクスチャ
  18196. SGI, Silicon Graphics ==> SGI
  18197. SGL single ==> 单根
  18198. SGLS, space ground link subsystem ==> 宇宙・地上回線サブシステム
  18199. SGP, single ground point ==> 単一接地点
  18200. SGP, structure ground point ==> 構体接地点
  18201. Sgr, Sagittarius ==> いて座
  18202. SGSE, spacecraft ground support equipment ==> 衛星地上支援装置
  18203. SGT ==> 三次元半導体,舛岡富士雄教授が提唱
  18204. sgt ==> 硅栅晶体管
  18205. SGV, shut-off gas valve ==> ガスバルブ断
  18206. SH Superheater ==> 超级加热器
  18207. SH, sample hold ==> サンプルホールド
  18208. SH, sheet ==> シート
  18209. SH, sky horn antenna ==> スカイホーンアンテナ
  18210. SH, super heater ==> 加熱器
  18211. Sha Ling Livestock Waste Composting Plant ==> 沙岭禽畜废物堆肥厂
  18212. Sha Tau Kok Sewage Treatment Works ==> 沙头角污水处理厂
  18213. Sha Tin Fuel Restriction Area ==> 沙田燃料管制区
  18214. SHA, sidereal hour angle ==> 恒星時角
  18215. SHA, system hazard analysis ==> システムハザード分析
  18216. Shack-Hartmann method ==> 夏克-哈特曼法=>シャックハルトマン法
  18217. shackle ==> U形挂环,卸扣,带销U形钩,带销U形环,穿心绝缘子,钩环=>シャックル
  18218. shackle bar ==> 车钩,铐销,拔钉钩
  18219. shackle block ==> 带钩环滑车
  18220. shackle bolt ==> 钩环螺栓,连杆螺栓
  18221. shackle bracket ==> 钩环架
  18222. shackle hook ==> 旋转钩
  18223. shackle insualtor ==> 茶台绝缘子
  18224. shackle insulator ==> 茶托绝缘子
  18225. shackle joint ==> 钩环接头
  18226. shackle link ==> 铐链
  18227. shackle of coupling ==> 联接器钩环,联轴器钩环
  18228. shackle pin ==> 链钩销,钩环销
  18229. shackle stud ==> 钩环柱螺栓
  18230. shackle type strain insulator ==> 低圧引留がいし
  18231. shade ==> 灯罩,色荫,阴,遮光物,遮热板,遮阴棚,遮罩=>セード(照明器具),木陰(こかげ),陰影,少量,亡霊,幽霊
  18232. shade and shadow ==> 阴与影
  18233. shade bears ==> 耐阴性
  18234. shade colour ==> 暗色
  18235. shade demanding ==> 喜阴的
  18236. shade density ==> 遮阴度
  18237. shade endurance ==> 耐阴性
  18238. shade error ==> 阴影误差
  18239. shade glass ==> 遮光玻璃
  18240. shade holder ==> 灯罩座
  18241. shade leaf ==> 遮阴叶
  18242. shade line ==> 遮线,阴影线,影线
  18243. shade of gray ==> 灰度
  18244. shade plant ==> 阴地植物
  18245. shade species ==> 阴性树种
  18246. shade tolerance ==> 耐阴性
  18247. shade tree ==> 绿荫树
  18248. shade-adapted ==> 适荫性
  18249. shade-bearer ==> 阴性树,阳性树
  18250. shade-bearing tree ==> 阴性树
  18251. shade-demanding plant ==> 阴性植物
  18252. shade-loving plant ==> 喜阴植物
  18253. shaded area ==> 阴影面积
  18254. shaded ploe ==> くま取りコイル
  18255. shaded transducer ==> 束控换能器
  18256. shaded-pole motor ==> 罩极电动机=>くまとりモータ
  18257. shading ==> 发暗,遮蔽,遮光,遮阳,描影,描影法,明暗法,小量的折扣,荫影,细微差别,束控=>シェージング
  18258. shading adjustment ==> 黑斑补偿,噪声电平调整
  18259. shading amplifier ==> 黑点放大器,寄生信号放大器
  18260. shading circuit ==> 摄像管寄生信号补偿电路
  18261. shading coil ==> 校正线圈,罩极线圈,屏蔽线圈,荫蔽环=>くま取りコイル
  18262. shading coil starting method ==> 短路环起动法
  18263. shading compensating signal ==> 黑斑补偿信号
  18264. shading compensator ==> 黑斑补偿器
  18265. shading correcting ==> 荫影校正
  18266. shading correction ==> 图像斑点调整,黑点校正=>シェージング補正
  18267. shading error ==> 图像暗影
  18268. shading generator ==> 黑斑补偿信号发生器
  18269. shading loss ==> 日陰損失
  18270. shading ring ==> 罩极环,屏蔽环,荫蔽环=>くま取り環
  18271. shading signal ==> 黑斑信号,摄像管寄生信号,寄生信号
  18272. shading soil ==> 遮被土壤
  18273. shading to decrease photosynthate production ==> 遮阴减少了光合产物
  18274. shading wedge ==> 屏蔽楔
  18275. shading-pole ==> 罩极,磁极屏蔽
  18276. shading-pole type relay ==> 短路环继电器
  18277. shadow ==> 影,影子,遮蔽,屏蔽保护范围,阴影,暗影=>陰影
  18278. shadow aircraft ==> 侦察机
  18279. shadow angle ==> 荫影角,阴影角,影锥角
  18280. shadow area ==> 盲区,阴影区,投影面积
  18281. shadow attenuation ==> 阴影区衰减,阴影衰减
  18282. shadow bands ==> 影带
  18283. shadow casting ==> 投影电子显微术
  18284. shadow channel ==> 影道
  18285. shadow cone ==> 影锥
  18286. shadow corpuscle ==> 红细胞影
  18287. shadow director ==> 幕后董事
  18288. shadow distance ==> 陰影距離
  18289. shadow effect ==> 山地效应,屏蔽效应,荫影效应,阴影效应
  18290. shadow factor ==> 荫蔽因数,阴影系数,阴影因子=>陰影率
  18291. shadow filter ==> 阴影滤波器
  18292. shadow fringe ==> 阴影条纹
  18293. shadow fringe test ==> 阴影条纹试验
  18294. shadow graph ==> 阴影图
  18295. shadow graphing ==> 阴影图解
  18296. shadow grid ==> 阴影栅,镜像栅,镜像栅
  18297. shadow image ==> 阴影像
  18298. shadow line ==> 光影划线
  18299. shadow loss ==> 荫影损耗,阴影损耗,屏蔽损耗=>陰影損
  18300. shadow mask ==> 障板,遮罩,显像管荫罩,阴影掩模,影孔板,彩色显像管阴罩
  18301. shadow mask colo(u)r (CRT) ==> 障板彩色显像管
  18302. shadow mask colour picture tube ==> 荫罩式彩色显像管
  18303. shadow mask tricolor tube ==> 荫蔽三色管,荫罩三色管
  18304. shadow mask tube ==> 荫罩管,荫罩型显像管=>シャドウマスク管
  18305. shadow mask type color picture tube ==> 荫罩式彩色显象管
  18306. shadow mask type color tube ==> 荫罩式彩色显像管
  18307. shadow mask type tube ==> 荫罩式彩色显像管
  18308. shadow measurement ==> 影测量法
  18309. shadow method ==> 阴影法
  18310. shadow microdiffraction ==> 荫影显微绕射,阴影微绕射
  18311. shadow microscope ==> 荫影电子显微镜,阴影显微镜,影显微镜
  18312. shadow microscopy ==> 阴影显微术
  18313. shadow minimum ==> 影子极小
  18314. shadow of psoas muscle ==> 腰大肌阴影
  18315. shadow of worm ==> 虫体阴影
  18316. shadow page table ==> 阴影页表
  18317. shadow pattern ==> 阴影图
  18318. shadow peak ==> 暗影最大值
  18319. shadow photometer ==> 阴影光度计
  18320. shadow picture ==> 阴影照片
  18321. shadow price ==> 潜在价格,预兆价格,虚价,(推算价格)影子价格=>限界コスト
  18322. shadow projection microscope ==> 阴影投影显微镜
  18323. shadow region ==> 盲区,阴影区,阴影区域,死区,影区
  18324. shadow resource ==> 阴影资源
  18325. shadow scattering ==> 荫影散射,阴影散射,核影散射
  18326. shadow shield ==> 阴影屏蔽,局部屏蔽,局部屏蔽,遮阳光板
  18327. shadow stripes ==> 阴阳条织物
  18328. shadow surface ==> 阴影面
  18329. shadow table ==> 影像表
  18330. shadow test ==> 视网膜镜检查,暗影试验,检影法
  18331. shadow tone ==> 阴影色调
  18332. shadow transit ==> 卫影凌行星
  18333. shadow value vector ==> 影子价值向量
  18334. shadow weathering ==> 影区风化
  18335. shadow zone ==> 影带,影区,阴影区,震波微弱带
  18336. shadow-mark ==> 透影
  18337. shadow-mask kinescope ==> 荫罩彩色显像管
  18338. shadow-mask screen ==> 荫罩屏,阴影掩模屏,影孔板式荧光屏
  18339. shadow-mask tube ==> 影孔板彩色管
  18340. shadow-moire method ==> 影移法
  18341. shadow-Moire test ==> 阴影莫阿试验
  18342. shadow-tree zone ==> 遮阴影区
  18343. shadow-tuning indicator ==> 阴影式调谐指示器
  18344. shadowfactor ==> 影蔽因数
  18345. shadowgraph ==> 阴影照片,投影检测仪
  18346. shadowgraph camera ==> 阴影照相机
  18347. shadowgraph scales ==> 投射标度天平
  18348. shadowgraph system ==> 阴影照相系统
  18349. shadowgraphy ==> 影相术=>シャドウグラフ法
  18350. shadowing ==> 遮蔽
  18351. shadowing method ==> 阴影法
  18352. shadowless lamp ==> 无影灯
  18353. shadowless operating lamp ==> 无影手术灯
  18354. shadowy blue glaze porcelain ==> 影青瓷
  18355. shadowy blue ware ==> 影青瓷
  18356. shady ==> 荫=>木陰(こかげ)
  18357. Shaffer stroke function ==> 舍菲尔环节函数
  18358. shaft ==> 骨体,矿井,干,井筒,井筒,炉胸,烟囱,轴,后轴=>軸,シャフト
  18359. shaft (tower) furnace ==> 竖式炉
  18360. shaft alignement ==> 轴的对准
  18361. shaft alignment ga(u)ge ==> 轴定心卡规,找正测微仪
  18362. shaft alley ==> 轴隧
  18363. shaft allowance ==> 凿井加工留量
  18364. shaft angle ==> 轴角
  18365. shaft arm ==> 柄臂
  18366. shaft arm pin ==> 轴臂销
  18367. shaft axle ==> 轴
  18368. shaft balancing ==> 轴的平衡
  18369. shaft bearing ==> 轴承
  18370. shaft bearing plate ==> 轴承板
  18371. shaft bearing replacer ==> 轴承拆卸器
  18372. shaft blank ==> 轴坯
  18373. shaft bossing ==> 轴包套
  18374. shaft butt ==> 轴端
  18375. shaft cap ==> 轴盖
  18376. shaft casing ==> 轴壳
  18377. shaft cleaning ==> 清枝
  18378. shaft clevis ==> 连接叉
  18379. shaft clip ==> 轴箍
  18380. shaft collar ==> 凸缘,井筒锁口盘,轴环
  18381. shaft column ==> 轴承支柱
  18382. shaft compartment ==> 井筒隔间,井筒隔间
  18383. shaft concentricity ==> 轴同心度
  18384. shaft contact ==> 轴接点
  18385. shaft counter ==> 轴转数计,轴转速表
  18386. shaft coupling ==> 联轴节,联轴器=>軸継ぎ手
  18387. shaft coupling side ==> 联轴器侧
  18388. shaft crucible furnace ==> 竖筒坩埚炉
  18389. shaft current ==> 轴承电流,轴电流,由于发电机磁场不对称,发电机大轴被磁化,静电充电等原因在发电机轴上感应出的轴电压,引起的从发电机组轴的一端经过油膜绝缘破坏了的轴承、轴承座及机座底板,流向轴的另一端的电流=>軸電流
  18390. shaft current protection ==> 轴电流保护,为了防止励磁侧轴端的对地绝缘垫损坏而产生的轴电流损坏轴瓦和轴颈,大机组设有能反映工频或三次谐波分量的保护装置,动作于信号或跳闸以保护机组
  18391. shaft deepening ==> 竖井延深
  18392. shaft diameter ==> 轴径
  18393. shaft distortion ==> 主轴弯曲,汽轮机主轴在热应力和机械力作用下发生的永久挠曲变形
  18394. shaft drill jumbo ==> 钻井机,凿井钻车
  18395. shaft drilling ==> 钻粒钻机钻井
  18396. shaft drive ==> 轴传动装置,轴的传动装置
  18397. shaft eccentricity ==> 轴偏心度
  18398. shaft encoder ==> 轴端编码盘,计数鼓,转轴编码器
  18399. shaft end ==> 轴端
  18400. shaft end seal ==> 轴端汽封,又称“轴封”。在转子两端穿过汽缸的部位设置的用控制蒸汽压力来阻止机内蒸汽外泄或空气漏入的成组汽封
  18401. shaft excavation ==> 竖井掘进,井筒掘进,井筒掘进
  18402. shaft extension ==> 轴伸出,轴外伸部
  18403. shaft fatigue ==> 軸疲労?
  18404. shaft filler washer ==> 轴垫圈
  18405. shaft fit ==> 轴配合
  18406. shaft flange ==> 轴法兰
  18407. shaft for cover close ==> 筒体紧固轴,机盖压紧轴
  18408. shaft furnace ==> 竖炉,井式炉,井式炉,高炉
  18409. shaft furnace smelting ==> 鼓风炉熔炼
  18410. shaft gear ==> 轴齿轮
  18411. shaft generator ==> 轴传动发电机,轴发动机=>軸発電機
  18412. shaft generator system ==> 軸発電システム
  18413. shaft gland ==> 轴封,轴密封盖,轴端汽封,又称“轴封”。在转子两端穿过汽缸的部位设置的用控制蒸汽压力来阻止机内蒸汽外泄或空气漏入的成组汽封
  18414. shaft governor ==> 轴调速器
  18415. shaft grounding monitor ==> 轴电压监测器,与接地装置相配,测量轴电压及轴电流,可监测轴接地不良情况或转子绝缘故障的监测装置
  18416. Shaft Grounding Ring, SGR ==> シャフト・グラウンディング・ブラシ(イージス)
  18417. shaft guide ==> 轴导承
  18418. shaft hammer ==> 冲击器
  18419. shaft helical spring ==> 轴螺旋弹簧
  18420. shaft hoist ==> 矿井提升机
  18421. shaft hopper ==> 轴料料斗
  18422. shaft horsepower ==> 轴马力=>軸馬力
  18423. shaft inserting ==> 軸挿入
  18424. shaft installing sleeve ==> 密封用轴套
  18425. shaft insulation ==> 軸絶縁
  18426. shaft journal ==> 轴颈
  18427. shaft key ==> 轴键
  18428. shaft kiln ==> 竖式窑,竖窑,立式烘炉
  18429. shaft labyrinth ==> 轴迷宫密封
  18430. shaft lathe ==> 轴车床
  18431. shaft leakage ==> 轴端漏泄
  18432. shaft lever ==> 轴杆
  18433. shaft line ==> 轴线
  18434. shaft liner ==> 炉身内衬
  18435. shaft lining ==> 炉身里衬,竖井衬层
  18436. shaft locating ==> 轴定位
  18437. shaft locking ==> 轴锁紧
  18438. shaft machine ==> 轴类加工自动机
  18439. shaft material ==> 轴材料
  18440. shaft mixer ==> 轴式混合器,竖式混合器
  18441. shaft motor ==> シャフトモータ
  18442. shaft nut ==> 主轴螺帽
  18443. shaft of a hammer ==> 锤柄
  18444. shaft of an axe ==> 斧柄
  18445. shaft of chelicera ==> 螯肢杆
  18446. shaft of femur ==> 股骨体
  18447. shaft of fibula ==> 腓骨体
  18448. shaft of humerus ==> 肱骨体
  18449. shaft of ilium ==> 髂骨干
  18450. shaft of phalanx ==> 指骨体
  18451. shaft of radius ==> 桡骨体
  18452. shaft of rib ==> 肋骨体,肋体
  18453. shaft of rivet ==> 铆钉体
  18454. shaft of ulna ==> 尺骨体
  18455. shaft packing ==> 轴封填料
  18456. shaft pin ==> 轴销
  18457. shaft plumbing ==> 竖井垂线定向法
  18458. shaft pocket ==> 井底矿仓,井底矿仓
  18459. shaft position digitizer ==> 轴角模数转换器
  18460. shaft position indicator ==> 轴向位移指示器
  18461. shaft position mechanism ==> 调轴机构
  18462. shaft position-to-digital converter ==> 轴位数字变换器
  18463. shaft potential ==> 轴电位
  18464. shaft power ==> 轴功率,轴输出功率,轴端功率,汽轮机轴端输出的功率
  18465. shaft pump ==> 矿井泵
  18466. shaft revolution ==> 轴转速
  18467. shaft revolution indicator ==> 转速指示器
  18468. shaft run-out ==> 轴的径向跳动
  18469. shaft screen ==> 筒筛
  18470. shaft seal ==> 轴的密封装置
  18471. shaft seal housing ==> 轴封体
  18472. shaft seal pump ==> 轴封泵
  18473. shaft seal(ing) ==> 轴封
  18474. shaft service compartment ==> 辅助隔间
  18475. shaft shoulder ==> 轴肩
  18476. shaft signaling ==> 矿井提升信号
  18477. shaft sinking drill ==> 凿井大钻机,凿井用大钻机
  18478. shaft sleeve ==> 大轴衬面
  18479. shaft spillway ==> 直井式溢洪道,井式溢洪道,又称“竖井式溢洪道”。首部为喇叭口溢流堰,下接竖井和泄洪隧洞的溢洪道
  18480. shaft station ==> 井底车场,井底车场
  18481. shaft straightener ==> 轴矫直机,轴整直器
  18482. shaft straightening ==> 直轴,对发生永久弯曲的汽轮机、给水泵等旋转机械的主轴进行矫正,将其调直的工艺
  18483. shaft straightening machine ==> 轴整直机
  18484. shaft support ==> 轴的支架,轴支架
  18485. shaft supporting column ==> 炉身支柱
  18486. shaft tip ==> 轴端,轴梢
  18487. shaft top ==> 炉顶,井口,井口
  18488. shaft torsional oscillation monitor ==> 轴系扭振监测器,用以估计在发电机负荷突然变化,误并列和电网事故等情况下发电机大轴疲劳损伤程度的设施
  18489. shaft tube ==> 轴管
  18490. shaft tunnel alley ==> 轴隧
  18491. shaft turbine ==> 轴涡轮
  18492. shaft turning gear ==> 盘动装置
  18493. shaft type ==> 轴式
  18494. shaft unit ==> シャフトユニット
  18495. shaft vibration ==> 轴振动
  18496. shaft voltage ==> 軸電圧
  18497. shaft voltage measurement ==> 轴电压测定,在电机带电情况下,为测定电机可能产生轴电流的电压而进行的试验。被试电机在额定电压和额定转速下空载运行,测量转子两端轴上的电压以及轴承与机座之间的电压
  18498. shaft wall ==> 炉墙
  18499. shaft washer ==> 紧圈,止推轴承外圈
  18500. shaft well ==> 井窄,井窄
  18501. shaft with key ==> 带键的轴
  18502. shaft-base system ==> 基轴制
  18503. shaft-cup ==> 轴盖
  18504. shaft-cup spring ==> 轴盖簧
  18505. shaft-drive motorcycle ==> 轴动机器脚踏车
  18506. shaft-driven ==> 轴驱动的
  18507. shaft-driven exciter ==> 轴传动励磁机,同轴励磁机
  18508. shaft-driven helicopter ==> 轴转动式直升机
  18509. shaft-driven travel(l)ing crane ==> 轴动移动起重机
  18510. shaft-enclosing tube ==> 轴套管
  18511. shaft-end output ==> 轴端出力
  18512. shaft-packing leakage ==> 轴封漏气
  18513. shaft-position encoder ==> 轴角编码器
  18514. shaft-raise ==> 暗井
  18515. shaft-type governor ==> 轴调节器
  18516. shaft-well digger ==> 竖井挖掘机
  18517. shaft/bearing vibration monitor ==> 轴/轴承振动监视器,用于监视主轴承或轴振动的装置。
  18518. shafting ==> 轴系
  18519. shafting bearing ==> 轴承
  18520. shafting hanger ==> 传动轴用吊架
  18521. shafting lathe ==> 制轴车床
  18522. shafting oil ==> 轴油,传动油
  18523. shafting stability ==> 轴系稳定性,汽轮机-发电机组轴系在工作中能否稳定运行的性能
  18524. shaggy portulaca ==> 毛马齿苋
  18525. shagreen paper ==> 糙面纸
  18526. SHAIN ==> 共享模拟量
  18527. shake ==> 木瓦,轮裂,震,震动,振,振荡,振摇,摇,摇动=>振動,震動,震え,シェイク,ミルクセーキ
  18528. shake allowance ==> 松动量
  18529. shake amplitude ==> 振幅
  18530. shake culture ==> 震荡培养,振荡培养物,摇动培养法
  18531. shake frequency ==> 振动频率
  18532. shake mill ==> 摆动筛架
  18533. shake off ==> 摆脱
  18534. shake out ==> 落砂
  18535. shake table ==> 震动台
  18536. shake together ==> 仲良くやっていく
  18537. shake willey ==> 振荡式除杂机
  18538. shake-bol ==> 摇动螺栓
  18539. shake-out ==> 铸件振动脱砂,打箱
  18540. shake-out equipment ==> 振动装置
  18541. shake-resisted performance ==> 防振性能
  18542. shake-table ==> 振動台
  18543. shakedown ==> 调整,安定状态,新工艺试验
  18544. shakedown load ==> 安定状态载荷
  18545. shakedown temperary ==> 临时的
  18546. shakedown test ==> 调试=>テスト調整
  18547. shakeless deckle ==> 稳定框
  18548. shakeout ==> 落砂,落砂设备,去砂
  18549. shakeout device ==> 落砂机
  18550. shakeout equipment ==> 振动落砂机,落砂设备
  18551. shakeout grate ==> 落砂格子板,落砂栅
  18552. shakeout grid ==> 落砂格子板,落砂栅,脱砂箱格子
  18553. shakeout machine ==> 振动落砂机,摇动机
  18554. shakeout operation ==> 落砂工序
  18555. shakeout sand ==> 落箱砂
  18556. shakeout temperature ==> 打箱温度
  18557. shakeproof ==> 防振,抗振
  18558. shakeproof corrugated paper board ==> 防震瓦楞纸板
  18559. shakeproof lock washer ==> 减震锁紧垫圈
  18560. shaker ==> 筛,震动器,振打器,振荡器,振动机,振动器,振动筛,振动试验器,振子,振子,摇床
  18561. shaker arm ==> 振动臂
  18562. shaker bed ==> 分离筛
  18563. shaker chute ==> 摇动流槽,簸动槽
  18564. shaker conveyer ==> 振动输送机
  18565. shaker conveyor ==> 摇动式运输机=>振動コンベヤ
  18566. shaker convyer ==> 摇动输送机
  18567. shaker cooling ==> 振荡冷却,晃动冷却
  18568. shaker crank ==> 逐稿器曲轴
  18569. shaker digger ==> 振动筛式甜菜挖掘机
  18570. shaker digger for beet ==> 振动筛式甜菜挖掘机
  18571. shaker drier ==> 振动式干燥机
  18572. shaker feeder ==> 振动给料机
  18573. shaker hearth electric furnace ==> 摇床式电炉
  18574. shaker hearth furnace ==> 振底式炉
  18575. shaker knot screen ==> 振动除节机
  18576. shaker mechanism ==> 摇动机构
  18577. shaker pan ==> 振动筛盘,平格振动筛
  18578. shaker pitch ==> 摇动筛倾角
  18579. shaker rack ==> 分离筛
  18580. shaker screen ==> 分离筛,摇动筛,大筛
  18581. shaker separator ==> 振动分离筛
  18582. shaker share ==> 振动犁铧
  18583. shaker shoe pitman ==> 振动筛连杆
  18584. shaker type (flat) chip screen ==> 振动式木片平筛
  18585. shaker washer ==> 振动式清洗机
  18586. shaker(-pan) conveyor ==> 振动运输器
  18587. shaker-pan conveyer ==> 振动输送机
  18588. shaker-type conveyor ==> 振动式运输机
  18589. shakeup ==> 機構改革
  18590. shaking ==> 摇动
  18591. shaking a car to destruction ==> 汽车受振动试验破坏
  18592. shaking apparatus ==> 摇动器,摇动式混合机,摇动装置
  18593. shaking channel ==> 摇动槽
  18594. shaking chill ==> 恶寒战栗
  18595. shaking chute ==> 摇动漏斗
  18596. shaking conveyer ==> 摆动运输机
  18597. shaking conveyor ==> 摇动式运输机
  18598. shaking conveyor ballframe carriage ==> 振动式运输机滚珠支架
  18599. shaking conveyor carriage ==> 振动式运输机支架
  18600. shaking conveyor pan ==> 振动式运输机槽
  18601. shaking conveyor rod ==> 振动式运输机连杆
  18602. shaking conveyor screw jack ==> 振动式运输机螺旋顶杆
  18603. shaking conveyor supply truck ==> 振动式运输机给料车
  18604. shaking conveyor swivel ==> 振动式运输机回转座
  18605. shaking feeder ==> 摇动进给器
  18606. shaking flask ==> 振动烧瓶
  18607. shaking grate ==> 摇动炉篦
  18608. shaking grate stoker ==> 摇动炉篦
  18609. shaking grizzly ==> 摇动式格筛
  18610. shaking ladle ==> 摇动包
  18611. shaking machine ==> 振动机
  18612. shaking mixer ==> 摇动混合器
  18613. shaking of steering ==> 转向操纵机构振动
  18614. shaking palsy ==> 震颤性麻痹
  18615. shaking pan loader ==> 振动槽式装载机
  18616. shaking peroid ==> 摆动期
  18617. shaking pick breaker ==> 摇动针碎机
  18618. shaking picker ==> 簸动筛
  18619. shaking picking table ==> 摇动式拣矸台
  18620. shaking plate ==> 摇动式混汞板
  18621. shaking platform ==> 振动平台
  18622. shaking screen ==> 振荡筛,振动筛,摇动筛,摇筛
  18623. shaking separator ==> 振動選別機
  18624. shaking shale ==> 粘土页岩
  18625. shaking sieve ==> 振动筛
  18626. shaking sleeve ==> 摇动套筒
  18627. shaking table ==> 摇床,振动工作台=>振動台
  18628. shaking the needle ==> 摇针
  18629. shaking trough ==> 振动溜槽
  18630. shaking(-pan) conveyer ==> 震动输送机
  18631. shaking-bed sluicing device ==> 摇床流槽选矿装置
  18632. shaking-out machine ==> 理绪机
  18633. shaking-screen suction table ==> 摇动筛纤维吸出装置
  18634. shaking-screen vasher ==> 震动式洗矿筛
  18635. shaking-sieve digger ==> 振动筛式挖掘机
  18636. shaky steering ==> 转向机构摇动
  18637. shale ==> 页岩=>頁岩,泥や粘土鉱物から成る堆積岩,シェイル
  18638. shale band ==> 页岩夹层
  18639. shale break ==> 页岩夹层
  18640. shale clay ==> 页岩粘土=>頁岩粘土
  18641. shale core ==> 頁岩コア
  18642. shale cutter ==> 页岩刨泥机
  18643. shale gas ==> 页岩气=>シェールガス
  18644. shale gasoline ==> 页岩汽油
  18645. shale member ==> 頁岩部層
  18646. shale oil ==> 页岩油=>シェール油
  18647. shale planer ==> 页岩刨泥机
  18648. shale reservoir ==> 页岩储集层
  18649. shale rock ==> 页岩
  18650. shale shaker ==> 泥浆振动筛
  18651. shale-pebble conglomerate ==> 页岩砾砾岩
  18652. shallow ==> 浅,浅薄,浅的
  18653. shallow acceptor ==> 浅受主
  18654. shallow and rapid respiration ==> 浅速呼吸
  18655. shallow article ==> 盘类制品
  18656. shallow beam ==> 浅梁
  18657. shallow bed technique ==> 浅床法
  18658. shallow bending ==> 浅弯
  18659. shallow blasting ==> 浅孔爆破
  18660. shallow bowl ==> 浅浮槽
  18661. shallow box ==> 浅继箱,浅箱
  18662. shallow breathing ==> 浅呼吸
  18663. shallow chest ==> 浅胸
  18664. shallow chip structure ==> 芯片浅结构
  18665. shallow cut ==> 浅切口,浅切削,浅挖
  18666. shallow depth ==> 浅啮合
  18667. shallow diffused transistor ==> 浅扩散晶体管
  18668. shallow diffusion ==> 浅结扩散
  18669. shallow diode ==> 浅结二极管
  18670. shallow diode array ==> 浅结二极管阵列
  18671. shallow donor ==> 浅施主
  18672. shallow donor state ==> 浅施主能态
  18673. shallow dormancy ==> 浅休眠
  18674. shallow draft ==> 轻微压下
  18675. shallow draft quay ==> 浅水码头
  18676. shallow draught ==> 小量镦粗
  18677. shallow dredge ==> 浅部挖掘船
  18678. shallow dredging ==> 浅挖
  18679. shallow earthquake ==> 浅层地震,浅震
  18680. shallow emitter ==> 浅结发射极
  18681. shallow energy level ==> 浅能级
  18682. shallow exploratory boring ==> 浅孔钻探
  18683. shallow fault-zone dilatancy recovery ==> 浅部断層帯のダイラタンシーの回復
  18684. shallow fog ==> 浅雾
  18685. shallow footing ==> 浅基脚
  18686. shallow fording ==> 浅涉能力,浅水涉渡
  18687. shallow foundation ==> 浅基础
  18688. shallow freezing ==> 表层结冰,表面冻结
  18689. shallow furrow ==> 浅沟
  18690. shallow gravel ==> 浅部砂矿床
  18691. shallow hardening ==> 浅硬化,表面硬化
  18692. shallow hoisting ==> 浅井提升
  18693. shallow idea ==> 浅はかな考え
  18694. shallow impurity level ==> 浅い不純物準位
  18695. shallow inland seas ==> 浅い内海
  18696. shallow junction ==> 浅结=>浅い接合
  18697. shallow knowledge ==> 浅い知識
  18698. shallow layer ==> 薄层,薄涂层
  18699. shallow lens ==> 薄透镜
  18700. shallow level ==> 浅能级
  18701. shallow level impurity ==> 浅能级杂质
  18702. shallow marginal sea ==> 浅陆缘海
  18703. shallow marginal seas ==> 浅边缘海
  18704. shallow muck ==> 浅淤泥层
  18705. shallow needling ==> 浅刺
  18706. shallow open-cut surface mining ==> 浅部露天开采
  18707. shallow oxide ==> 半埋入式氧化物
  18708. shallow pan filter ==> 浅盘过滤器
  18709. shallow pass ==> 空轧道次,空轧孔型
  18710. shallow pattern abdominal retractor ==> 浅式腹部牵开器
  18711. shallow penetration ==> 浅近突破
  18712. shallow placer ==> 浅成砂矿
  18713. shallow ploughing ==> 浅耕
  18714. shallow ploughing and careless clutivation ==> 浅耕粗作
  18715. shallow pool ==> 浅熔池,浅水池
  18716. shallow puncture ==> 浅刺
  18717. shallow puncture with cupping ==> 浅刺拔罐法
  18718. shallow recessing ==> 浅成形,浅拉延,压凹
  18719. shallow ridge ==> 浅沟
  18720. shallow ridge slot ==> 浅槽
  18721. shallow sampling with soil auger ==> 麻花钻浅层取样
  18722. shallow scraping ==> 浅层刮泡
  18723. shallow sea ==> 浅海
  18724. shallow sea deposit ==> 浅海沉积
  18725. shallow sea facies ==> 浅海相
  18726. shallow seismic refraction ==> 浅层地震折射
  18727. shallow shell ==> 扁壳体
  18728. shallow shoal ==> 浅滩
  18729. shallow slot ==> 浅槽
  18730. shallow soil ==> 浅层土
  18731. shallow soil seeded rice ==> 旱稻
  18732. shallow tillage ==> 浅耕
  18733. shallow trap ==> 浅陷阱
  18734. shallow underground burst ==> 浅层地下爆炸
  18735. shallow underwater burst ==> 浅水爆炸
  18736. shallow v groove ==> 浅v型槽
  18737. shallow vein zone deposit ==> 浅成脉状矿床
  18738. shallow water ==> 浅水
  18739. shallow water attack light ==> 浅水攻击信号灯
  18740. shallow water blackout ==> 浅水黑视
  18741. shallow water cable ==> 浅海电缆
  18742. shallow water deposit ==> 浅水沉积
  18743. shallow water effect ==> 浅水效应
  18744. shallow water splash ==> 试车浅水池
  18745. shallow water stands for a long time ==> 浅水长期淤积
  18746. shallow water wave ==> 浅水波
  18747. shallow weld ==> 浅焊
  18748. shallow well pump ==> 浅井泵
  18749. shallow winter breaking ==> 浅耕灭茬
  18750. shallow work ==> 浅部开采工作,浅耕
  18751. shallow workings ==> 浅部巷道
  18752. shallow- vaulted roof ==> 囤顶
  18753. shallow-bodied ==> 体躯线的
  18754. shallow-draft vessel ==> 浅水船
  18755. shallow-focus earthquake ==> 浅源地震
  18756. shallow-hardening steel ==> 低淬透性钢
  18757. shallow-pocket classifier ==> 浅室式分级机
  18758. shallow-pocket free settling classifier ==> 浅室型自由沉降分级机
  18759. shallow-rooted ==> 浅根的
  18760. shallow-shell ==> 平扁壳
  18761. shallow-spherical shell ==> 扁球壳
  18762. shallow-water maneuvering ==> (水上飞机)浅水机动
  18763. shallow-water vessel ==> 浅水船
  18764. shallowfocus earthquake ==> 浅震
  18765. shaly structure ==> 页岩状结构
  18766. sham beam ==> 假梁
  18767. sham door ==> 假门
  18768. sham rage ==> 假怒,人工暴怒,伪怒
  18769. sham wood ==> 人造木,模造材
  18770. sham-movement vertigo ==> 环转眩晕
  18771. sham-operation ==> 假手术
  18772. shampoo bowl ==> 洗发盆
  18773. shampoo spray arch ==> 洗涤剂喷射拱门
  18774. Shan cotton ==> 掸棉
  18775. shank ==> 柄,镜身,镜筒,抬包,小腿,胫
  18776. shank angle ==> 刀柄角
  18777. shank base ==> 支撑面
  18778. shank clamp ==> 铲柄卡夹
  18779. shank collar ==> 钎肩
  18780. shank color ==> 腿色
  18781. shank cutter ==> 立铣刀
  18782. shank diameter ==> 柄直径
  18783. shank end mill ==> 带柄端铣刀
  18784. shank for rough boring tool ==> 粗镗刀柄
  18785. shank gear cutter ==> 带柄齿轮刀具
  18786. shank ladle ==> 端包,手浇包,手转铁水包,手转铁水桶
  18787. shank milling cutter ==> 柄式铣刀
  18788. shank of bolt ==> 螺栓杆
  18789. shank of connecting rod ==> 联杆体,连杆体
  18790. shank of drill ==> 钻头柄
  18791. shank of rivet ==> 铆钉杆
  18792. shank of screw ==> 螺钉杆
  18793. shank of tool ==> 刀具柄
  18794. shank pinion cutter ==> 带柄插齿刀
  18795. shank plug ==> 方头塞
  18796. shank reamer ==> 带柄铰刀
  18797. shank tools ==> 带柄刀具
  18798. shank type cutter ==> 柄式铣刀
  18799. shank type fraise ==> 带柄铣刀
  18800. shank type milling cutter ==> 柄式铣刀
  18801. shank type reamer ==> 柄式铰刀
  18802. shank with driving slot ==> 带卸刀槽的刀柄
  18803. shank with driving square ==> 带驱动方头的刀柄
  18804. shank with groove ==> 沟槽刀柄
  18805. shank with half tang ==> 半尾刀柄
  18806. shank with square tang ==> 方尾刀柄
  18807. shank with tang and keyway ==> 扁尾键槽刀柄
  18808. shank with tang and woodruff keyseat ==> 扁尾月牙键槽刀柄
  18809. Shank's extraction process ==> 香克氏提取法
  18810. shank-feathering ==> 腿毛
  18811. Shannon ==> シャノン
  18812. Shannon diagram ==> シャノン線図
  18813. Shannon number ==> シャノン数
  18814. Shannon's theorem ==> 香农理论(信息论的)=>シャノンの定理
  18815. Shannon-Fano code ==> シャノン・ファノ符号
  18816. Shantung soil ==> 非石灰性棕壤
  18817. shape ==> 形式,样,造型,形,形态,形状=>外形,輪郭,状態,様子,成形する
  18818. shape a future ==> 将来の方針を決める
  18819. shape a homogeneous community ==> 等質社会を作る
  18820. shape a manuscript ==> 原稿を仕上げる
  18821. shape asymmetry ==> 形状非対称性
  18822. shape beam ==> 成形波束
  18823. shape bifurcation ==> 形状分岐
  18824. shape boundary ==> 外形境界
  18825. shape broach ==> 成形拉刀
  18826. shape casting ==> 成型铸造,成形铸造
  18827. shape change ==> 形变
  18828. shape coding ==> 形状编码
  18829. shape coefficient ==> 形状係数
  18830. shape constant ==> 形状常数,梁常数
  18831. shape control ==> 形状调整
  18832. shape cutting ==> 仿形切割,成形切割
  18833. shape cutting machine ==> 成形切割机
  18834. shape detection ==> 形状检定
  18835. shape distortion ==> 形状畸变
  18836. shape distribution ==> 形状分配
  18837. shape factor ==> 形状因子,形状系数,波形因数,成形系数
  18838. shape factor- ==> 形状因子
  18839. shape function matrix ==> 形状函数矩阵
  18840. shape index ==> 形状指数
  18841. shape information ==> 波形信息
  18842. shape iron ==> 型铁
  18843. shape measure ==> 形状测量
  18844. shape memory alloy ==> 形状記憶合金
  18845. shape memory alloy engine ==> 形状記憶合金エンジン
  18846. shape memory alloys ==> 形状記憶合金
  18847. shape memory ceramics ==> 形状记忆陶瓷
  18848. shape mill ==> 型钢轧机
  18849. shape of appearance ==> 表面形状
  18850. shape of bottom roughness ==> 底部糙率型
  18851. shape of branch ==> 枝振り
  18852. shape of cup ==> 杯状
  18853. shape of exit pupil ==> 出瞳形状
  18854. shape of olyphant washer ==> オリファントワッシャー試験片の形状
  18855. shape of particle ==> 粒子形状
  18856. shape of response spectrum ==> 反应谱形状
  18857. shape of saddle ==> 马鞍形
  18858. shape of strip ==> 板形
  18859. shape of the root cap ==> 根冠形状
  18860. shape of the seed ==> 种子形状
  18861. shape of tool ==> 刀具形状
  18862. shape of tooth ==> 齿形
  18863. shape oscillation ==> 形状振荡
  18864. shape parameter ==> 形状参数
  18865. shape pruning ==> 成型修剪
  18866. shape recovery force ==> 形状回復力
  18867. shape retention ==> 形状保持性
  18868. shape rolling ==> 成形辊轧
  18869. shape stability ==> 形状稳定性
  18870. shape stabilization ==> 形状安定化
  18871. shape steel ==> 型钢
  18872. shape straightener ==> 型钢矫直机
  18873. shape symmetry ==> 形状対称性
  18874. shape syringe pear ==> 梨形洗涤球
  18875. shape up ==> 码头临时工的挑选
  18876. shape variable ==> 形状変数
  18877. shape variation ==> 形状変化
  18878. shape wave ==> 浪形
  18879. shape welding ==> 异形焊,成形零件堆焊,有型焊接
  18880. shape-based pattern matching ==> 形状ベースパターンマッチング
  18881. shape-cutting machine ==> 定形氧割机
  18882. shape-elastic scattering ==> 形状弹性散射
  18883. shape-faced ==> 棉背真丝天鹅绒
  18884. shape-righting ==> 矫形
  18885. shape-up ==> 挑选临时职工
  18886. shaped ==> 成形した
  18887. shaped bar ==> 成形杆
  18888. shaped beam ==> 定形射束,成形光束,特形光束=>成形ビーム
  18889. shaped beam antenna ==> 成形波束天线=>成形ビームアンテナ
  18890. shaped bloom ==> 异形初轧坯,异形钢坯
  18891. shaped brick ==> 定形耐火物
  18892. shaped channel ==> 定形河道
  18893. shaped charge ==> 锥孔装药
  18894. shaped conductor ==> 异形导线
  18895. shaped demolition charge ==> 锥形爆破装药
  18896. shaped dish reflector ==> 变形碟式反射器
  18897. shaped dual reflector ==> 异形双反射面
  18898. shaped electrode ==> 成形电极
  18899. shaped field stop ==> 成形的场光阑
  18900. shaped form ==> 曲线形
  18901. shaped goods ==> 定型制件,定形制件
  18902. shaped groove ==> 曲形槽
  18903. shaped iron ==> 异形钢,型铁
  18904. shaped like a pear ==> 梨形
  18905. shaped nozzle ==> 特形喷管
  18906. shaped orifice ==> 型线孔口
  18907. shaped plate ==> 形板
  18908. shaped plywood ==> 型押し合板
  18909. shaped pressure squeeze board ==> 异形压实板
  18910. shaped product ==> 成形品
  18911. shaped profile milling cutter ==> 成形铣刀
  18912. shaped pulse ==> 整形脉冲=>成形パルス
  18913. shaped reflector antenna ==> 成形反射器天线
  18914. shaped roll ==> 型钢轧辊
  18915. shaped size information ==> 形状尺寸信息
  18916. shaped steel ==> 型钢=>形鋼
  18917. shaped tree ==> 整形树
  18918. shaped tube ==> 成形管
  18919. shaped tube electrochemical machning ==> 型管电极电解加工
  18920. shaped wire ==> 成形线,异形钢丝
  18921. shaped work ==> 曲线木作
  18922. shaped-beam antenna ==> 赋形波束天线
  18923. shaped-chamber manometer ==> 异型腔流体压力计
  18924. shaped-charge antitank missile ==> 锥形装药反坦克火箭弹
  18925. shaped-charge effect ==> 锥形装药聚能效应
  18926. shaped-conductor cable ==> 特形铁芯电缆,特性导线电缆
  18927. shaper ==> 牛头刨床
  18928. shaper and planer tool ==> 刨刀
  18929. shaper chuck ==> 牛头刨的虎钳,牛头刨夹具
  18930. shaper part ==> 牛头刨零件
  18931. shaper rail ==> 成形轨
  18932. shaper tool ==> 刨刀
  18933. shaper-divider ==> 整形分频器
  18934. shaping ==> 刨削,成形,整形,刨光,立铣
  18935. shaping amplifier ==> 整形放大器
  18936. shaping and development of educational economics ==> 教育经济学形成与发展
  18937. shaping by handcraft work ==> 雕镶成形
  18938. shaping by stock removal ==> 切削成形
  18939. shaping circuit ==> 整形电路,成形电路=>整形回路
  18940. shaping dies ==> 成形模
  18941. shaping filter ==> 整形滤波器
  18942. shaping for laser pulse ==> 激光脉冲整形
  18943. shaping groove ==> 成形孔型
  18944. shaping lathe ==> 成形车床,刨削车床
  18945. shaping loop ==> 脉冲整形电路
  18946. shaping machine ==> 牛头刨床,牛头刨床
  18947. shaping method ==> 成形法
  18948. shaping mill ==> 成形机,冷弯机
  18949. shaping network ==> 整形网络,整形网路
  18950. shaping of metal powders ==> 金属粉末成形
  18951. shaping of teeth ==> 齿的成形
  18952. shaping operation ==> 成形操作,整形作用,刨削操作
  18953. shaping pass ==> 粗轧孔型
  18954. shaping plate ==> 样板,型板
  18955. shaping property ==> 成形性能
  18956. shaping stand ==> 粗轧成形机座
  18957. shaping technique for light pulse ==> 光脉冲整形技术
  18958. shaping the void ==> 無を形作る
  18959. shaping tool ==> 样板刀,成形切刀
  18960. shaping unit ==> 信号形成部件,信号形成器
  18961. shaping without pressure ==> 无压成形
  18962. shaping without stock removal ==> 无屑成形,非切削成形
  18963. Shapley-Snow procedure for matrix game ==> 矩阵对策的夏普莱-斯诺方法,矩阵对策的夏普莱-斯诺方法
  18964. share ==> 分担,锄铲,均分,均分,股份,共享,共用,份,分担量=>シェア
  18965. share assets of divisions ==> 分厂的分享资产
  18966. share beak ==> 铧尖
  18967. share bonus ==> 以股票作红利
  18968. share ceded ==> 分出的成份
  18969. share control takeover ==> 投资控股
  18970. share count ==> 共享计算,共享数目
  18971. share cover ==> 铧式覆土器
  18972. share electron pair ==> 共用电子对
  18973. share file ==> 共享文件
  18974. share holder ==> 株主
  18975. share limit ==> 共用限制
  18976. share milker ==> 分成牧工
  18977. share of market ==> 市场分配
  18978. share of trade ==> 贸易份额
  18979. share operating system ==> 共享操作系统,共用操作系统
  18980. share out equally ==> 平均分摊
  18981. share out in private the harvests they concealed ==> 瞒产私分
  18982. share plough ==> 锋式犁,铧式犁
  18983. share point ==> 铧尖
  18984. share premium account ==> 发行溢价股票
  18985. share profit ==> 分红
  18986. share request ==> 共享请求,请求共用
  18987. share responsibility for ==> 分担
  18988. share shaft ==> 铲柄
  18989. share split-up ==> 析产分股
  18990. share splitup ==> 分股
  18991. share supervisor ==> 共用管理程序
  18992. share the expenses ==> 分担费用
  18993. share the expenses equally ==> 均摊费用,均摊费用
  18994. share-cropping ==> 分成制
  18995. share-out ==> 分摊
  18996. share-the-work ==> 分享工作
  18997. share-type lifter ==> 铧式挖掘铲
  18998. shareable image ==> 可共享映像
  18999. shareable program ==> 可共享的程序
  19000. shared ==> 共通の
  19001. shared address ==> 共享地址
  19002. shared batch area (SBA) ==> 共享批处理区,共用成批程序区域
  19003. shared channel ==> 共用信道,同频信道
  19004. shared class ==> 共享分类
  19005. shared communication resource ==> 共享通信资源
  19006. shared control ==> 共享控制,共用控制
  19007. shared control unit ==> 共同控制器,共享控制器,共用控制器,分配型控制器
  19008. shared data base ==> 共享数据库
  19009. shared data set ==> 共享数据集,共用数据集
  19010. shared direct access storage device ==> 共用直接访问存储器
  19011. shared direct access storage device option ==> 共享DASD选择,共享直接存取存储器设备选择
  19012. shared disc system ==> 共享磁盘系统
  19013. shared electron ==> 公用电子,共享电子
  19014. shared experience ==> 分享经验
  19015. shared file ==> 共用文件
  19016. shared file system ==> 分时用外存储器系统
  19017. shared frequency station ==> 同频广播电台=>周波数共用局
  19018. shared hardware ==> 公用硬件
  19019. shared hospital information system (SHIS) ==> 共享型医院信息系统
  19020. shared index data base ==> 共享索引数据库
  19021. shared kiln ==> 搭烧窑
  19022. shared limit ==> 共享限量
  19023. shared lock ==> 共享封闭,共享锁,共享型锁
  19024. shared logic ==> 共享逻辑
  19025. shared logic word processing equipment ==> 共享逻辑字词处理设备
  19026. shared main storage ==> 共享主存储器
  19027. shared main storage multiprocessing ==> 共享主存储器多道处理,共享主存多重处理
  19028. shared memory ==> 共享存储区
  19029. shared page table ==> 共享页表
  19030. shared path ==> 共用路径
  19031. shared port ==> 共享入口
  19032. shared read-only system residence disk ==> 共享常驻磁盘的只读系统,共享只读系统常驻盘
  19033. shared revenue ==> 分成收入
  19034. shared routine ==> 共享程序,共用程序,共用例程,共用例行程序
  19035. shared row assignment ==> 共用行分配
  19036. shared space ==> 共享空间
  19037. shared spooling ==> 共享假脱机,共享伪脱机
  19038. shared storage ==> 共享存储器,共用存储器
  19039. shared storage manager ==> 共享存储管理程序
  19040. shared structure ==> 共享结构
  19041. shared system ==> 共享系统
  19042. shared task set ==> 共享任务组
  19043. shared tax ==> 分享的税收,分成税收
  19044. shared track ==> 共享磁道,共用磁道
  19045. shared variable ==> 共享变量
  19046. shared variable set ==> 共享变量集
  19047. shared virtual area (SVA) ==> 共享虚存区,共用虚拟区
  19048. shared-dead-time method ==> 均分死时间法,均分死时间法
  19049. shared-file system ==> 共享文件系统
  19050. shared-logic-system ==> 逻辑共享系统
  19051. shared-memory system ==> 共用存储器系统
  19052. sharedchannel broadcasting ==> 同频广播
  19053. shares in the per capita agricultural product ==> 人均农产品占有量
  19054. shares outstanding ==> 净发股票,净发股票
  19055. sharing circuit ==> 分配电路
  19056. sharing electron ==> 配对电子
  19057. sharing extra profit ==> 超额利润分成
  19058. sharing multiprocessing ==> 共享多重处理,共用多重处理,分担多重处理
  19059. sharing of procedure segments ==> 过程段的共享
  19060. sharing part of the load ==> 载荷分量
  19061. sharing system ==> 共享系统,共用系统,划分制
  19062. sharing the entire profit ==> 全额利润分成
  19063. sharing the total profit ==> 全额利润分成
  19064. shark liver oil ==> 鲨鱼肝油,鲨鱼肝油
  19065. shark oil ==> 鲨鱼肝油,鲨鱼肝油
  19066. shark-fin hydrophone ==> 敛形水听器
  19067. shark-tooth projection ==> 鲨牙突起,鲨牙突起
  19068. sharp ==> 尖锐的,尖锐,急剧的,陡的,明确的,明显的,锐,锐的,利=>シャープ,a sharper image, a lower price
  19069. sharp angle ==> 锐角
  19070. sharp appetite ==> 旺盛な食欲
  19071. sharp appreciation of the yen ==> 急激な円高
  19072. sharp beam ==> 锐光束,窄光束,尖波束
  19073. sharp bend ==> 锐弯,陡弯,弯管
  19074. sharp boundary model ==> 锐边界模型
  19075. sharp chalazion curet ==> 霰粒肿锐匙,霰粒肿锐匙
  19076. sharp contact ==> 明显接触
  19077. sharp corner ==> 锐角转角,尖角,急弯
  19078. sharp crested weir ==> 薄壁堰,堰顶厚度与堰上水头之比值小于0.67,对自由水舌没有影响的堰
  19079. sharp curve ==> 急弯曲线,锐曲线
  19080. sharp cut-off ==> 锐截止
  19081. sharp cut-off characteristics ==> 锐截止特性
  19082. sharp cut-off filter ==> 锐截止滤光片
  19083. sharp cut-off model ==> 锐截断模型
  19084. sharp cut-off pentode ==> 锐截止式五极管,锐截止五极管
  19085. sharp decline ==> 急剧下降
  19086. sharp decline in prices ==> 物価の下落
  19087. sharp decline in sales ==> 急激な売り上げの減少
  19088. sharp dissection ==> 锐器解剖法
  19089. sharp dock ==> 簇花酸模
  19090. sharp draft ==> 强力通风
  19091. sharp drill ==> 尖钻头
  19092. sharp drop ==> 暴跌
  19093. sharp drop in the birthrate ==> 少子化
  19094. sharp drop-off in production ==> 生産の激減
  19095. sharp ear hook ==> 锐耳用钩
  19096. sharp edge ==> 陡沿,锐边,清晰边沿
  19097. sharp etching ==> 陡沿腐蚀
  19098. sharp fall ==> 暴跌,激跌
  19099. sharp filter ==> 锐截止滤波器
  19100. sharp fluctuation ==> 激変,激しい変動
  19101. sharp focus ==> 锐聚焦
  19102. sharp focus(s)ing ==> 锐聚焦
  19103. sharp focusing ==> 准确调出图像
  19104. sharp focusing of laser beam ==> レーザー光線の絞り込み
  19105. sharp freezer ==> 强力致冷器
  19106. sharp freezing ==> 低温冻结,快速冰冻
  19107. sharp front ==> 陡锋
  19108. sharp height ==> 锐高
  19109. sharp hooklet ==> 小锐钩
  19110. sharp image ==> 清晰图象
  19111. sharp instrument injury ==> 锐器损伤
  19112. sharp iron ==> 板端捻缝凿
  19113. sharp junction ==> 突变结
  19114. sharp knife ==> 快刀
  19115. sharp layer ==> 特薄层,特薄片
  19116. sharp line ==> 锐谱线
  19117. sharp line spectra ==> 锐线光谱
  19118. sharp melting point ==> 明确熔点
  19119. sharp mind ==> 頭のさえ,鋭い知性
  19120. sharp mouth ==> 锐齿
  19121. sharp nose pliers ==> 尖嘴钳
  19122. sharp notch ==> 尖锐缺口
  19123. sharp observation ==> 鋭い観察力
  19124. sharp pain ==> 锐痛
  19125. sharp paint ==> 快干漆
  19126. sharp peak ==> 顶点
  19127. sharp point ==> 图像边界点
  19128. sharp pointed harelipknife ==> 裂唇修补尖刃刀
  19129. sharp pounding ==> 强烈震动
  19130. sharp prismatic crystal ==> 尖棱结晶
  19131. sharp product ==> 精确积
  19132. sharp pulse ==> 尖脉冲
  19133. sharp resonance ==> 锐共振
  19134. sharp rise ==> 猛涨,激涨
  19135. sharp sand ==> 尖角沙,尖砂,精硅砂,纯砂
  19136. sharp screw ==> 锐角螺纹
  19137. sharp selectivity ==> 锐选择性
  19138. sharp series ==> 锐线系,锐线系光谱
  19139. sharp shock ==> 强激波
  19140. sharp spoon ==> 锐匙
  19141. sharp starter cracks ==> 尖锐起始裂纹
  19142. sharp stone ==> 锐石
  19143. sharp tackle ==> 锐刀
  19144. sharp teeth profile milling cutter ==> 尖齿铣刀
  19145. sharp thoracodynia ==> 尖锐胸痛
  19146. sharp thread ==> 三角螺纹,锐角螺纹
  19147. sharp trace ==> 明显痕迹
  19148. sharp tuning ==> 锐调谐=>鋭同調
  19149. sharp turn ==> 陡弯
  19150. sharp twist ==> 急扭
  19151. sharp V thread ==> 锐角螺纹,非截顶三角螺纹
  19152. sharp video pulse ==> 锐视频脉冲
  19153. sharp wave ==> 锐波,狭频波,尖波
  19154. sharp wedge formation ==> 锐楔形队
  19155. sharp wire start ==> 尖丝引弧
  19156. sharp work ==> 快速作业
  19157. sharp yield ==> 明显屈服
  19158. sharp yield point ==> 明显屈服点
  19159. sharp-angle ==> 锐棱的
  19160. sharp-bend ==> 锐弯头,突跃弯头
  19161. sharp-cornered entrance ==> 锐角入口
  19162. sharp-cornered well ==> 锐角势阱
  19163. sharp-crested ==> 尖口
  19164. sharp-crested weir ==> 薄壁堰,锐缘堰
  19165. sharp-cutoff tube ==> 锐截止管
  19166. sharp-edge orifice meter ==> 锐孔流速计
  19167. sharp-edged ==> 边缘清晰的
  19168. sharp-edged cones ==> 锐缘锥体
  19169. sharp-edged gust ==> 突发阵风
  19170. sharp-edged intake ==> 锐缘进气口
  19171. sharp-edged orifice ==> 锐缘孔,锐缘孔口
  19172. sharp-edged orifice plate ==> 锐边孔板
  19173. sharp-flowered rush ==> 灯心草属
  19174. sharp-focus lens ==> 锐聚透镜
  19175. sharp-freezing room ==> 速冻间
  19176. sharp-lip inlet ==> 锐缘进气口
  19177. sharp-nosed ==> 尖头的
  19178. sharp-pointed ==> 急尖的
  19179. sharp-pointed nose ==> 尖锥形头部
  19180. sharp-tipped hairs ==> 锐尖茸毛
  19181. sharped dental curet ==> 锐匙口牙刮匙
  19182. sharpen ==> 磨,锐化,磨刀
  19183. sharpened steel ==> 锐钢钎
  19184. sharpener ==> 工具磨床,刃磨工
  19185. sharpening angle, tooth angle, grinding angle ==> 研磨角
  19186. sharpening guide ==> 刃磨导柱
  19187. sharpening machine ==> 磨钻机
  19188. sharpening of cutting tools ==> 刃具研磨
  19189. sharpening stone ==> 磨石
  19190. sharpening tool ==> 磨锐刀具
  19191. sharper ==> 磨具,磨刃器
  19192. Sharpey's fiber ==> 贯穿纤维
  19193. Sharpey's fibers ==> 骨纤维,夏皮氏纤维
  19194. Sharpey's fibres ==> 夏贝纤维
  19195. sharping dye ==> 阻光染料
  19196. Sharples oil purifier ==> 沙普尔斯净油器
  19197. Sharples separator ==> 沙普尔斯羊毛脂分离器
  19198. Sharples wool washing ==> 沙普尔斯油脂回收洗毛法
  19199. sharply defined image ==> 清晰像
  19200. sharply focused image ==> 清晰图像,明显聚焦图像,锐聚图像
  19201. sharpness ==> 清晰度
  19202. sharpness angle ==> 研磨角
  19203. sharpness definition ==> 临界清晰度,清晰度锐度
  19204. sharpness factor ==> 清晰度系数
  19205. sharpness of dots ==> 网点清晰度
  19206. sharpness of fractionation ==> 分馏精确度
  19207. sharpness of resonance ==> 谐振锐度=>共振の鋭さ
  19208. sharpness of selection ==> 选择锐度
  19209. sharpness of separation ==> 分离陡度
  19210. sharpness of tuning ==> 调谐锐度=>同調の鋭さ
  19211. sharpness of vision ==> 视觉锐度
  19212. Shatin Effluent Export Scheme ==> 沙田污水输出计划
  19213. Shatin Refuse Transfer Station ==> 沙田废物转运站
  19214. Shatin Sewage Treatment Works ==> 沙田污水处理厂
  19215. shatter ==> 粉砕する
  19216. shatter belt ==> 震裂带
  19217. shatter breccia ==> 震裂角砾岩
  19218. shatter index ==> 震裂系数,震裂指数,破碎指数
  19219. shatter mark ==> 震裂痕
  19220. shatter marks ==> 发裂痕
  19221. shatter proof bottle ==> 耐破損性に優れた瓶
  19222. shatter proof glass ==> 安全玻璃
  19223. shatter test ==> 震裂试验,硬度坠落试验
  19224. shatter zone ==> 震裂带
  19225. shatter-proof ==> 不碎的
  19226. shatter-proof glass ==> 防碎玻璃,防震玻璃
  19227. shattered zone ==> 碎裂带
  19228. shattering action ==> 震裂作用
  19229. shattering process ==> 破碎过程
  19230. shatterproof glass ==> 安全玻璃
  19231. shave grass ==> 木贼
  19232. shave hook ==> 钩形刮刀,铅锉
  19233. shave tooth ==> 划齿
  19234. shaver ==> 切除器,电动剃须刀=>シェーバー
  19235. shaving ==> 剃齿
  19236. shaving allowance ==> 整修余量,(冲压用语)修边余量
  19237. shaving arbor ==> 剃齿心轴
  19238. shaving board ==> 偏薄板,刨花板
  19239. shaving board and attaching veneer ==> 刨花板及贴面
  19240. shaving cutter ==> 剃齿刀
  19241. shaving machine ==> 刨花机,削片机,剃齿机,(制革用)刮里机
  19242. shaving press ==> 整修压力机
  19243. shaving stock ==> 剃齿留量
  19244. shaving stone ==> 刮面石
  19245. shaving tool ==> 精车刀具
  19246. shavings ==> 切屑
  19247. shavings exhauster ==> 废屑排除器
  19248. shavings separator ==> 切屑分离器
  19249. Shaw kiln ==> 肖氏窑
  19250. Shaw process ==> 肖氏精密铸造法,肖氏铸造法,陶瓷型法,陶瓷型铸造
  19251. SHC, Shipping Coordination Committee ==> 海运协调委员会
  19252. SHE, standard hydrogen electode ==> 标准氢电极
  19253. shea butter ==> 牛油树脂
  19254. Shea's operation ==> 希氏手术
  19255. sheaf binder ==> 割捆机
  19256. sheaf blower ==> 禾捆吹送器
  19257. sheaf carrier ==> 禾捆积运器
  19258. sheaf conveyer ==> 禾捆输送器
  19259. sheaf cutter ==> 禾捆切碎机
  19260. sheaf of planes ==> 平面束
  19261. sheaf-binding reaping machine ==> 收割打捆机
  19262. sheaflike structure ==> 束状结构
  19263. SHEAL, Shuttle High Energy Astrophysics Laboratory ==> シャトル高エネルギー天体物理実験室
  19264. shear ==> 剪切,切变,切力,垂直掏槽
  19265. shear (force) ==> 剪力
  19266. shear (ing) modulus ==> 剪切弹性模量
  19267. shear action ==> 切削作用
  19268. shear angle ==> 剪切角
  19269. shear approach table ==> 剪机给料辊道
  19270. shear bar ==> 剪切刀片,底刀片
  19271. shear beam ==> 剪切梁
  19272. shear blade ==> 剪切刀片,底刃
  19273. shear blade grinding machine ==> 剪切刀片磨床
  19274. shear bolt ==> 保险螺栓
  19275. shear bolt shank ==> 带剪销的支柱
  19276. shear buckling ==> 剪切造成材料压弯
  19277. shear building ==> 剪切形建筑
  19278. shear burst ==> 切力突出
  19279. shear center ==> 扭转中心,剪力中心,剪切中心
  19280. shear cleavage ==> 剪劈理,滑动劈理
  19281. shear coefficient ==> 切变系数
  19282. shear connector ==> 剪力接合器,受切接合部件
  19283. shear crack ==> 剪切裂缝,切变裂缝
  19284. shear crush zone ==> 剪碎带
  19285. shear cutter ==> 剪毛机刀片
  19286. shear deformation ==> 切变形,切形变
  19287. shear diagram ==> 剪力图
  19288. shear distortion ==> 切形变
  19289. shear distribution ==> 剪力分配
  19290. shear elastic wave ==> 剪切弹性波
  19291. shear elasticity ==> 切变模量
  19292. shear failure ==> 剪切破坏
  19293. shear fatigue test ==> 剪切疲劳试验
  19294. shear field ==> 剪切场,切变场
  19295. shear fissure ==> 剪切裂纹
  19296. shear flow ==> 切变流动
  19297. shear fold ==> 剪切褶曲
  19298. shear force ==> 剪力,切变应力
  19299. shear forming machine ==> 剪切成形机
  19300. shear fracture ==> 剪裂,剪裂面,剪破裂,剪切断口,剪切断裂,剪切裂隙,斜面断口
  19301. shear fracture percentage ==> 塑性断口百分率
  19302. shear fracture transition temperature ==> 剪切断裂转变温度
  19303. shear front ==> 剪切面
  19304. shear gauge ==> 定尺机
  19305. shear head ==> 剪毛机头,剪切器头
  19306. shear height ==> 倾斜切刃两端高度差
  19307. shear joint ==> 剪节理,剪切节理
  19308. shear key ==> 抗剪键
  19309. shear knife ==> 剪切刀,剪切机刀片
  19310. shear lag ==> 剪滞
  19311. shear layer ==> 剪切层
  19312. shear leg ==> 起重机挺杆
  19313. shear leg crane ==> 双腿式起重机,人字吊臂起重机
  19314. shear legs ==> 动臂起重架,三脚吊架
  19315. shear line ==> 切变线,剪力线,剪切线
  19316. shear lip ==> 剪切唇,切变裂痕
  19317. shear load ==> 剪切负荷,剪切载荷
  19318. shear mark ==> 切痕
  19319. shear measuring gear ==> 剪切机活动定尺挡板
  19320. shear mixing ==> 切剪混合
  19321. shear modulus ==> 切变模量,剪切模量
  19322. shear modulus of elasticity ==> 剪切弹性模量
  19323. shear motor ==> 剪切机电动机
  19324. shear mouth ==> 剪状齿
  19325. shear of lines of forces ==> 磁力线的剪切
  19326. shear of magnetic field lines ==> 磁力线的剪切
  19327. shear on girder edge ==> 梁缘剪力
  19328. shear pattern ==> 剪切形式
  19329. shear pin ==> 剪切销,安全销
  19330. shear pin bush ==> 安全销衬
  19331. shear pin clutch ==> 剪销式安全离合器
  19332. shear plane ==> 剪断面,剪切面,剪切平面,切变面,切应面
  19333. shear plate ==> 切边中厚板,剪力板,剪切板
  19334. shear pole derrick ==> 两足人字起重机
  19335. shear rate ==> 切变速率,切应变速率,剪切程度
  19336. shear reinforcement ==> 抗剪钢筋
  19337. shear resistance ==> 剪切阻力
  19338. shear shoulder ==> 桨叶附根
  19339. shear span ==> 剪跨
  19340. shear span length ==> 剪跨长度
  19341. shear spinning ==> 剪力旋压
  19342. shear stability ==> 剪切安定性
  19343. shear stability test ==> 剪节稳定性试验
  19344. shear stabilization ==> 剪切致稳
  19345. shear steel ==> 刀剪钢,高速切削钢
  19346. shear stiffness ==> 抗剪刚度,抗剪劲度
  19347. shear strain ==> 剪应变,切应变
  19348. shear strength ==> 切变强度,抗剪强度
  19349. shear stress ==> 剪应力,切变应力,切应力,粘性摩擦应力
  19350. shear stretch ==> 切变拉伸
  19351. shear structure ==> 剪力构造
  19352. shear test ==> 剪力试验,剪切试验,抗剪试验
  19353. shear testing machine ==> 剪切试验机
  19354. shear theory ==> 切变理论
  19355. shear thickening ==> 剪切增稠
  19356. shear thinning ==> 剪切变稀
  19357. shear thrust ==> 剪冲断层,切变推力
  19358. shear tool ==> 剪刨刀
  19359. shear transformation ==> 切变,切变相变
  19360. shear viscosity coefficient ==> 切变粘滞系数
  19361. shear visual control ==> 切变肉眼检查
  19362. shear wall ==> 剪力墙=>せん断壁
  19363. shear wall structure ==> 剪力墙结构
  19364. shear wave ==> 剪力波,剪切波,切变波,横波
  19365. shear web ==> 抗剪腹板
  19366. shear welder ==> 剪切-焊接机组
  19367. shear work ==> 剪切功
  19368. shear yield stress ==> 剪切屈服应力
  19369. shear zone ==> 剪力区,剪切带,剪切区,剪碎带,断层带
  19370. shear(ing) area ==> 受剪面积
  19371. shear(ing) cut ==> 剪断切削
  19372. shear(ing) die ==> 剪断模,剪切模
  19373. shear(ing) force ==> 剪切力
  19374. shear(ing) strength ==> 剪切强度
  19375. shear-bow ==> 剪切弯曲
  19376. shear-flocculation ==> 切变絮凝
  19377. shear-ga(u)ge length indicator ==> 定尺指示器
  19378. shear-gravity wave ==> 切变重力波
  19379. shear-leg ==> 人字起重机
  19380. shear-leg crane ==> 三脚起重机
  19381. shear-leg derrick crane ==> 合撑式起重机
  19382. shear-legs ==> 人字起重架,起重机三角架,剪形起重机
  19383. shear-out ==> 切开
  19384. shear-plate nozzle ==> 涡流片式喷嘴
  19385. shear-pole draw bridge ==> 支柱吊桥
  19386. shear-rate dependence ==> 切速依赖性
  19387. shear-seal type valve ==> 平板遮盖阀
  19388. shear-steel ==> 刃钢,剪钢,剪切钢
  19389. shear-stress gradient ==> 剪应力梯度
  19390. shear-type cutting off die ==> 带料型冲孔
  19391. shear-viscoslty function ==> 剪切-粘度函数
  19392. shear-wave anisotropy and texture ==> S波異方性と組織
  19393. sheared circle diameter covering a tube bundle ==> 管束包切圆直径
  19394. sheared edge ==> 剪断毛边,剪切边,剪切端面,剪切口
  19395. sheared hedge ==> 剪篱
  19396. sheared hysteresis ==> 切变磁滞
  19397. sheared length ==> 剪切长度
  19398. sheared plate mill ==> 切边中厚板轧机
  19399. sheared specimen ==> 整形标本树,整形独立树
  19400. sheared strip ==> 剪切的条料
  19401. shearer ==> 剪断机,剪毛机,剪毛器,齿滚刨煤机,滚齿刨煤机
  19402. shearer comb ==> 剪毛机固定刀片
  19403. shearer gearhead ==> 采煤机机头
  19404. shearer lamb ==> 待剪毛架子羔羊
  19405. Shearer plastometer ==> (测泥浆流动性)席勒塑性仪
  19406. shearforce ==> 切变力
  19407. sheargraph ==> 剪应力记录仪
  19408. shearing ==> 剪断,直立截槽,直立截槽法=>せん断変換
  19409. shearing action ==> 剪切作用
  19410. shearing and punching machine ==> 冲剪两用机
  19411. shearing area ==> 剪切断面
  19412. shearing blade ==> 剪断刀
  19413. shearing bushing ==> 凿环
  19414. shearing chip ==> 挤裂切屑
  19415. shearing clutch ==> 剪销式超载安全离合器
  19416. shearing coefficient of seismic force ==> 地震载荷剪切系数
  19417. shearing comb ==> 剪毛梳状刀片
  19418. shearing crack ==> 剪切裂缝
  19419. shearing crocodile machine ==> 杠杆式剪断机
  19420. shearing deformation ==> 剪切变形
  19421. shearing edge ==> 剪切刃口
  19422. shearing effect ==> 剪切效应
  19423. shearing equipment ==> 剪切设备
  19424. shearing ewe ==> 一岁母羊
  19425. shearing factor ==> 剪切系数
  19426. shearing failure ==> 剪断断裂,切变断裂
  19427. shearing field ==> 剪切场
  19428. shearing force ==> 剪力
  19429. shearing gang ==> 专业剪毛队
  19430. shearing instability ==> 切变不稳定性
  19431. shearing interference microscope ==> 切错干涉显微镜
  19432. shearing interferometer ==> 切变干涉仪,错位干涉仪
  19433. shearing length ==> 切断长度
  19434. shearing load ==> 剪载荷
  19435. shearing machine ==> 剪床,剪机,剪毛机,剪切机械=>せん断機
  19436. shearing machine table ==> 剪床工作台
  19437. shearing modulus ==> 抗剪模数
  19438. shearing modulus of elasticity ==> 剪切弹性模数
  19439. shearing plane ==> 剪断面
  19440. shearing pressure ==> 剪压力
  19441. shearing principle ==> 切变原理
  19442. shearing punch ==> 切料冲头
  19443. shearing ram ==> 一岁公羊
  19444. shearing rate ==> 剪切率
  19445. shearing resistance ==> 抗剪强度
  19446. shearing rigidity ==> 剪切刚度
  19447. shearing ring ==> 剪力环
  19448. shearing section ==> 剪切截面,承剪断面
  19449. shearing set ==> 剪毛机组
  19450. shearing strain ==> 切应变
  19451. shearing strength ==> 抗剪强度=>せん断強度
  19452. shearing stress ==> 剪切应力,剪应力,切应力=>せん断応力
  19453. shearing stress flow ==> 剪应力流
  19454. shearing test ==> 剪切试验
  19455. shearing thickness ==> 切断厚度
  19456. shearing tool ==> 剪切刀具
  19457. shearing tup ==> 一岁公羊
  19458. shearing wether ==> 一岁阉公羊
  19459. shearing work ==> 剪工工作,剪切工作
  19460. shearing-off ==> 切断,切面
  19461. shearing-strength of wood along the grain ==> 顺纹抗剪强度
  19462. shears ==> 剪切机,大剪刀,起重三角架,人字起重架,剪,升降托架
  19463. sheath ==> 护皮,铅包=>シース
  19464. sheath and culm blight of rice ==> 稻瘟枯病
  19465. sheath blight of rice ==> 稻纹枯病
  19466. sheath cell ==> 鞘细胞
  19467. sheath column ==> 鞘柱
  19468. Sheath current ==> 外皮电流
  19469. sheath current ==> 表皮电流,表皮涡流=>シース電流
  19470. sheath dynamics ==> シースの動的挙動
  19471. sheath eddies ==> 外皮涡流
  19472. sheath effects ==> 外皮效应
  19473. sheath extrusion ==> 护套挤压
  19474. sheath fold ==> 剑鞘褶皱
  19475. sheath for magnet coils ==> 电磁铁护罩
  19476. sheath heater ==> シーズヒーター=>护套加热器
  19477. sheath inoculation methods ==> 叶鞘接种法
  19478. sheath loss ==> 包皮损耗=>シース損
  19479. sheath losses ==> 负载损耗
  19480. sheath net blotch of rice plant ==> 水稻叶鞘网斑病
  19481. sheath of cable ==> 电缆外皮
  19482. sheath of eyeball ==> 眼球鞘
  19483. sheath of femoral vein ==> 股静脉鞘
  19484. sheath of penis ==> 阴鞘
  19485. sheath of Schwann ==> 许旺氏鞘,神经鞘
  19486. sheath of sting ==> 刺鞘
  19487. sheath of styloid process ==> 茎突鞘
  19488. sheath oxygen effect ==> シース酸素効果
  19489. sheath red rot ==> 叶鞘赤腐病
  19490. sheath red spot ==> 叶鞘毒斑病
  19491. sheath restrictive coating ==> 铠装
  19492. sheath rolling ==> 包壳轧制
  19493. sheath rot ==> (羊)龟头包皮炎
  19494. sheath rot of rice plant ==> 稻叶鞘腐败病
  19495. sheath voltage ==> シース電圧
  19496. sheath wilt ==> 鞘枯病
  19497. sheath-core bicomponent fibre ==> 皮芯型双组分纤维
  19498. sheath-core yarn ==> 皮芯双组分丝
  19499. sheath-like structure ==> 鞘状结构
  19500. sheathcircuit eddies ==> 外皮电路的涡流
  19501. sheathe ==> 装鞘
  19502. sheathed ==> 装有护套的
  19503. sheathed artery ==> 有鞘动脉
  19504. sheathed cable ==> 铠装电缆
  19505. sheathed capillary ==> 鞘毛细血管
  19506. sheathed explosive ==> 铠装炸药
  19507. sheathed plug ==> 密封式电热塞,屏蔽式电热塞
  19508. sheathed rubber insulated cable ==> 韧性橡胶护套绝缘电缆
  19509. sheathed wire ==> 金属包皮导线,金属护皮电线,铠装线
  19510. sheathed wire rope ==> 密封钢丝绳
  19511. sheathed-pilot system ==> 包皮控制系统
  19512. sheathing ==> 木望板,夹衬板,船帮材,鞘,覆套,望板,护套,韧性橡皮护皮
  19513. sheathing bronze ==> 镶饰青铜
  19514. sheathing material ==> 外壳材料
  19515. sheathing paper ==> 衬纸,绝热纸,绝热纸,隔热纸
  19516. sheathing tape ==> 覆盖钢带
  19517. sheathing tile ==> 望砖
  19518. sheathing wire ==> 铠装线
  19519. sheathreshaping converter ==> 外壳整形变模器
  19520. sheave ==> 牵引盘,绞缆轮,皮带轮,滑车轮,滑轮=>シーブ
  19521. sheave boss ==> 滑轮毂
  19522. sheave drive ==> 槽轮传动
  19523. sheave fork ==> 绞缆叉,绞缆轮叉
  19524. sheave pulley ==> 滑车
  19525. sheave wheel ==> 槽轮
  19526. sheave wheel horizon ==> 天轮水平
  19527. sheave wheel platform ==> 天轮平台
  19528. sheave-to-wire ratio ==> 槽轮和钢丝直径比,摩擦轮和钢丝直径比
  19529. sheazhing leaf ==> 具鞘叶,具鞘叶
  19530. sheblack rubber insertion sheet ==> 夹布胶片
  19531. shed ==> 榭,榭,舍,机库,绝缘子裙部,绝缘子裙部,洒,散发,车库,栈,棚,流出,窝棚=>落ちる,発散する
  19532. shed car ==> 棚车
  19533. shed coal ==> 煤线
  19534. shed dormer ==> 单坡老虎窗,三角形天窗
  19535. shed forms ==> 梭口形式
  19536. shed lambing ==> 舍内产羔
  19537. shed roof ==> 单坡屋顶=>片流れ屋根
  19538. shed station ==> 貨物上屋
  19539. shed stick ==> 分纱杆
  19540. shedder ==> 抽出机,推料机,抛料机,卸件装置,卸料器
  19541. shedder ewe ==> 育成母羊
  19542. shedding ==> 泄出,开口
  19543. shedding frequency ==> 散发频率
  19544. shedding mechanism ==> 卸料机构
  19545. shedding tappet ==> 凸轮推杆随动件
  19546. sheds water ==> 防水
  19547. Sheehan's syndrome ==> 席汉综合征,产后垂体坏死
  19548. sheen ==> 光沢,輝き
  19549. sheep ==> 绵羊,羊=>ヒツジ
  19550. sheep casing ==> 羊肠衣
  19551. sheep cell agglutination test ==> 绵羊细胞凝集试验
  19552. sheep classer ==> 绵羊鉴定员
  19553. sheep clipper ==> 羊毛剪
  19554. sheep coat ==> 羊衣
  19555. sheep cote ==> 羊圈
  19556. sheep country ==> 养羊地区
  19557. sheep erythrocyte agglutination (SEA) ==> 绵羊红细胞凝集反应
  19558. sheep erythrocyte receptor ==> 绵羊红细胞受体
  19559. sheep fold ==> 羊圈
  19560. sheep husbandry ==> 养羊学
  19561. sheep in fleece ==> 未剪毛羊
  19562. sheep in lamb ==> 妊娠母牛
  19563. sheep industry ==> 养羊业
  19564. sheep itch mite ==> 绵羊疥螨
  19565. sheep ked ==> 绵羊蜱
  19566. sheep leather ==> 绵羊革
  19567. sheep month ==> 绵羊头目,母羊月,牧羊月数
  19568. sheep operator ==> 羊场主
  19569. sheep path ==> 羊道
  19570. sheep pelt ==> 羊皮
  19571. sheep pen ==> 羊圈
  19572. sheep pox ==> 羊痘,绵羊痘
  19573. sheep production ==> 绵羊生产,养羊业
  19574. sheep pulmonary adenomatosis ==> 羊肺腺瘤样病
  19575. sheep raising ==> 养羊,养羊业
  19576. sheep RBC receptor ==> 绵羊红细胞受体
  19577. sheep red blood cell (SRBC) ==> 绵羊红细胞
  19578. sheep run ==> 养羊场地
  19579. sheep shearer ==> 剪羊毛机
  19580. sheep shearing unit ==> 剪毛装置
  19581. sheep shears ==> 羊毛剪
  19582. sheep skin ==> 羊皮
  19583. sheep skin roll ==> 羊皮覆面辊
  19584. sheep stud ==> 种羊场
  19585. sheep yard ==> 羊圈
  19586. sheep's foot roller ==> 弯脚羊蹄压路机
  19587. sheep-branding ==> 羊身标计
  19588. sheep-branding fluid ==> 羊身打印液
  19589. sheep-dung stools ==> 羊粪样便
  19590. sheep-flock effect ==> 羊群效应
  19591. sheep-foot roller ==> 羊蹄压路机,羊足碾
  19592. sheep-foot roller compaction ==> 羊足碾压实
  19593. sheep-foot tamper ==> 羊脚捣路机,羊蹄形压路机
  19594. sheepback rock ==> 羊背石
  19595. sheepfoot roller ==> 锥形羊蹄辗
  19596. sheer ==> 舷弧,崖面
  19597. sheer cliff ==> 峭壁
  19598. sheer earning power ==> 绝对的获利权
  19599. sheer lawns ==> 稀薄细麻布
  19600. sheer line ==> 舷弧线
  19601. sheer plan ==> 侧视图
  19602. sheet ==> 膜,岩席,漫洪,帆脚索,床单,图幅,片,片材,页,薄板,板,(薄钢板)张=>シート
  19603. sheet a of b ==> 第a张共b张
  19604. sheet alumin(i)um ==> 铝板
  19605. sheet anchor ==> 备用主锚
  19606. sheet and coil grinding machine ==> 薄板和带材磨床
  19607. sheet and kieselguhr filter ==> 板框硅藻土过滤机
  19608. sheet antenna ==> 平顶天线
  19609. sheet asbestos ==> 石棉板,石棉片
  19610. sheet backing ==> 背板,钢板衬背
  19611. sheet bar ==> 薄板坯
  19612. sheet bar mill ==> 薄板坯轧机
  19613. sheet bar stacker ==> 薄板坯垛放机
  19614. sheet bending machine ==> 弯板机
  19615. sheet billet ==> 钢板坯
  19616. sheet blowing ==> 薄膜吹制
  19617. sheet brass ==> 黄铜板
  19618. sheet breaker ==> 平板纸压光机
  19619. sheet calender ==> 平板纸压光机
  19620. sheet capacitance ==> 箔电容
  19621. sheet casting ==> 薄片注浆法
  19622. sheet cavitation ==> 面气蚀
  19623. sheet classifier ==> 薄钢板分选机
  19624. sheet clippings ==> 钢板的边废料
  19625. sheet collator ==> 配页机
  19626. sheet composting ==> 层状堆肥
  19627. sheet conductance ==> 薄层电导,面电导
  19628. sheet conductivity ==> 薄层导电率
  19629. sheet control ==> 纸张控制器
  19630. sheet copper ==> 薄铜皮,铜板,铜片
  19631. sheet copper roofing ==> 铜皮屋面
  19632. sheet core ==> 薄片铁芯
  19633. sheet cullet ==> 碎平板玻璃
  19634. sheet current ==> 表流
  19635. sheet cutter ==> 平板切纸机
  19636. sheet cutting table ==> 切片台
  19637. sheet deposit ==> 席状矿床
  19638. sheet detector ==> 供纸检测器,记录纸检测器
  19639. sheet diaphragm ==> 薄铁振动片
  19640. sheet dielectric ==> 片状电介质
  19641. sheet diked swarm ==> 席状岩墙群
  19642. sheet drawing process ==> 平板玻璃拉制法
  19643. sheet dryer ==> 纸页干燥器
  19644. sheet edge cutting device ==> 薄膜切边装置
  19645. sheet erosion ==> 片流侵蚀,片蚀,片状侵蚀
  19646. sheet extrusion ==> 板的挤压
  19647. sheet feed ==> 板料送进
  19648. sheet feeder ==> 供纸器
  19649. sheet feeding device ==> 板料送进机构
  19650. sheet fiber ==> 纤维纸板,硬纸板
  19651. sheet film ==> 单张胶片,散页片
  19652. sheet film camera ==> 单页片照相机
  19653. sheet film holder ==> 单页片暗匣
  19654. sheet flattening machine ==> 板料校平机
  19655. sheet flood ==> 漫流
  19656. sheet flooring ==> 卷材地面
  19657. sheet flow ==> 片流,薄层水流
  19658. sheet flow sheetwash ==> 片流
  19659. sheet format ==> 表格式
  19660. sheet former ==> 纸页成形器
  19661. sheet forming ==> 纸幅成形,板料成形,片材成形
  19662. sheet frost ==> 片霜
  19663. sheet furnace ==> 薄板加热炉
  19664. sheet gasket ==> 填密片,密封垫片,密封垫圈
  19665. sheet gauge ==> 板规,板料样规
  19666. sheet glass ==> 玻璃板,玻璃片,平板玻璃
  19667. sheet grab ==> 板状物件抓具
  19668. sheet grating ==> 片栅
  19669. sheet guard ==> 护板
  19670. sheet handling machine ==> 码纸机
  19671. sheet ice ==> 片冰,片状冰
  19672. sheet iron ==> 钢皮,薄铁皮,铁皮=>薄鋼板
  19673. sheet iron crane ==> 铁板起重机
  19674. sheet iron plate ==> 铁板
  19675. sheet iron shears ==> 钢皮切断机
  19676. sheet iron strip ==> 铁带
  19677. sheet iron tube ==> 薄钢焊接管
  19678. sheet jelly ==> 粉皮
  19679. sheet joint ==> 页状节理
  19680. sheet jointing ==> 页状剥落
  19681. sheet lead ==> 铅皮,薄铅板
  19682. sheet leveller ==> 薄板矫平机,薄板校平机
  19683. sheet lifter ==> 薄板升降台
  19684. sheet lightning ==> 片状闪电
  19685. sheet like ==> 薄片状的
  19686. sheet line ==> 图廓线
  19687. sheet material ==> 板材
  19688. sheet metal ==> 金属薄板,金属皮,金属片
  19689. sheet metal chaplet ==> 金属片芯撑
  19690. sheet metal forming ==> 薄钢板成形
  19691. sheet metal four edge folding cell ==> 板材四面折边单元
  19692. sheet metal laser processing systems ==> 板金レーザ加工機
  19693. sheet metal smoothing rollers ==> 薄板矫正辊
  19694. sheet metal stamping ==> 薄钢板成形
  19695. sheet metal strip ==> 金属带材
  19696. sheet mica ==> 云母片
  19697. sheet mill ==> 薄板压延机,薄板轧机
  19698. sheet mineral ==> 页硅酸盐
  19699. sheet nickel ==> 电解镍板
  19700. sheet number ==> 图表编号
  19701. sheet of armor ==> 装甲板
  19702. sheet of protective aircraft ==> 战斗机掩护
  19703. sheet of reclaimed cellulose for warpping ==> 包装用再生纤维纸
  19704. sheet pack ==> 薄板叠,钢板叠
  19705. sheet pack turnover ==> 板叠翻转机
  19706. sheet packing ==> 填密片,封密片,密封填料
  19707. sheet pasting machine ==> 包装粘糊机
  19708. sheet pavement ==> 整片式路面
  19709. sheet pick-up ==> 薄板分送机
  19710. sheet pile ==> 板桩=>シートパイル,矢板
  19711. sheet pile anchorage ==> 板桩锚定
  19712. sheet pile bulkhead ==> 板桩岸壁
  19713. sheet pile foundation ==> 板桩基础
  19714. sheet piler ==> 垛板机
  19715. sheet piling ==> 打板桩
  19716. sheet polarizer ==> 偏振层板
  19717. sheet polymer ==> 片状聚合物
  19718. sheet pump ==> 泥浆泵
  19719. sheet quarry ==> 水平节理花岗岩采石场
  19720. sheet rectifier ==> 薄板矫直机
  19721. sheet resistance ==> 薄层电阻,表面电阻
  19722. sheet resistivity ==> 薄层电阻率=>面積抵抗(率)
  19723. sheet rolling ==> 薄板滚压
  19724. sheet rolling mill ==> 薄板轧机,钢板轧机
  19725. sheet rubber ==> 生胶片
  19726. sheet sand ==> 砂席,平伏砂层,席状砂
  19727. sheet sandstone ==> 席状砂岩
  19728. sheet separation ==> 板间间隔,板间隙
  19729. sheet separator ==> 板料分离装置,分纸器
  19730. sheet silicate ==> 页硅酸盐
  19731. sheet slab ==> 大板坯
  19732. sheet stackers ==> 垛板机
  19733. sheet stamping ==> 薄板冲压
  19734. sheet steel ==> 薄钢板,钢皮,钢片,钢片=>鋼板
  19735. sheet steel enamel ==> 钢片搪瓷
  19736. sheet steel flume ==> 钢板渡槽
  19737. sheet steel form ==> 钢模板,用于混凝土浇筑成型的钢制模板
  19738. sheet steel mill ==> 薄钢板厂
  19739. sheet steel pipe ==> 薄钢管
  19740. sheet steel rolling mill ==> 薄钢板压延机
  19741. sheet steel straightening unit ==> 薄钢板矫平机
  19742. sheet stock ==> 薄钢板
  19743. sheet stretcher ==> 板材拉伸矫平机
  19744. sheet strip ==> 薄板条,带钢
  19745. sheet structure ==> 片状构造,片状结构
  19746. sheet thickness calibrator ==> 薄板测厚仪
  19747. sheet thickness gauge ==> 薄板厚度卡规
  19748. sheet thrust ==> 席冲断层
  19749. sheet tin ==> 锡板,马口铁皮
  19750. sheet train ==> 挤片生产线
  19751. sheet vein ==> 席状脉
  19752. sheet wash ==> 漫洪,片状冲刷
  19753. sheet wheel ==> 薄片砂轮
  19754. sheet winding ==> 扁线绕组
  19755. sheet wrench mark ==> 薄板折印
  19756. sheet-and-half foolscap ==> 四开图纸
  19757. sheet-annealing base ==> 薄钢板退火用固定式炉底
  19758. sheet-bar shears ==> 薄板坯剪切机
  19759. sheet-doubling machine ==> 薄板折叠机
  19760. sheet-fed cutter ==> 对开切纸机
  19761. sheet-fed offset perfector ==> 单张纸双面胶印机
  19762. sheet-fed offset press ==> 单张纸胶印机
  19763. sheet-fed offset rotary press ==> 单张纸轮转胶印机
  19764. sheet-fed press ==> 单张纸印刷机
  19765. sheet-fed rotary letterpress ==> 单张纸凸版轮转印刷机
  19766. sheet-fed rotogravure ==> 单张纸轮转凹印机
  19767. sheet-fed single colour perfector ==> 单张纸双面单色胶印机
  19768. sheet-fed stop cylinder press ==> 单张停转式凸版平台印刷机
  19769. sheet-folding machine ==> 折页机
  19770. sheet-forming machine ==> 板材成型机
  19771. sheet-galvanizing equipment ==> 薄板镀锌设备
  19772. sheet-galvanizing line ==> 薄板镀锌作业线
  19773. sheet-glass drawing machine ==> 平板玻璃拉制机
  19774. sheet-glass process ==> 平板玻璃制造法
  19775. sheet-glass tank furnace ==> 平板玻璃池窑
  19776. sheet-holder ==> 薄板定位销
  19777. sheet-iron chute ==> 铁板溜槽
  19778. sheet-iron gauge ==> 钢板厚度计
  19779. sheet-metal casing ==> 钢板蜗壳
  19780. sheet-metal chaplet ==> 箱式金属片芯撑
  19781. sheet-metal drawing ==> 板金工图
  19782. sheet-metal duct ==> 薄板管道,薄壁管道
  19783. sheet-metal flat roof ==> 金属板平屋顶
  19784. sheet-metal free from oxides ==> 酸洗薄钢板
  19785. sheet-metal gate ==> 金属板院门
  19786. sheet-metal grader ==> 薄板分选工
  19787. sheet-metal grinder ==> 板料磨床
  19788. sheet-metal lagging ==> 金属薄板外套
  19789. sheet-metal parts ==> 板金零件
  19790. sheet-metal perforating machine ==> 金属薄板冲孔机
  19791. sheet-metal press working ==> 板料冲压
  19792. sheet-metal processing ==> 钣金加工
  19793. sheet-metal roofing ==> 金属板屋面
  19794. sheet-metal screw ==> 金属板螺钉,自攻丝螺钉
  19795. sheet-metal shrinker ==> 板收缩机
  19796. sheet-metal smoothing roll ==> 金属板平轧机
  19797. sheet-metal stringer ==> 带筋的金属板
  19798. sheet-metal water jacket ==> 金属板水套
  19799. sheet-metal work ==> 金属板工件,金属板制品,板金工工作,钣金工程
  19800. sheet-metal worker ==> 钣金工
  19801. sheet-metal working ==> 板金加工
  19802. sheet-mill shears ==> 薄板剪切机
  19803. sheet-mill stand ==> 薄板轧机机座
  19804. sheet-pile breakwater ==> 板桩挡土墙,板桩防波堤
  19805. sheet-pile cell ==> 板桩格笼
  19806. sheet-pile cofferdam ==> 板桩围堰
  19807. sheet-pile curtain ==> 板桩帷幕
  19808. sheet-pile cut-off ==> 板桩截水墙
  19809. sheet-pile extracting ==> 板桩拔除
  19810. sheet-pile hammer ==> 板桩锤
  19811. sheet-pile levee ==> 板桩堤
  19812. sheet-pile retaining wall ==> 板桩式挡土墙
  19813. sheet-pile screen ==> 板桩防护栏,板桩围幕
  19814. sheet-pile wall ==> 板桩墙
  19815. sheet-pile wharf ==> 板桩码头
  19816. sheet-punching machine ==> 冲片机
  19817. sheet-reinforced ceramics ==> 金属板加固陶瓷
  19818. sheet-roller chain ==> 金属板链环滚子链
  19819. sheet-skin pass mill ==> 薄板平整机
  19820. sheet-straightening machine ==> 薄板矫直机
  19821. sheet-temper mill ==> 薄板平整机
  19822. sheetbar and billet mill ==> 薄板坯小坯轧机
  19823. sheeted complex ==> 席状杂岩
  19824. sheeted vein ==> 席状脉
  19825. sheeted vein deposit ==> 席状矿床
  19826. sheeted veins ==> 席状脉群
  19827. sheeted zone ==> 席状矿带
  19828. sheeting board ==> 护堤板
  19829. sheeting driver ==> 打板桩机
  19830. sheeting for excavation ==> 挖方支撑
  19831. sheeting jack ==> 板桩千斤顶
  19832. sheeting line ==> 薄板精整作业线
  19833. sheeting loom ==> 被单织机
  19834. sheeting of trench ==> 槽沟挡板
  19835. sheeting pile ==> 板桩
  19836. sheeting plank ==> 护堤板
  19837. sheeting plank of dyke ==> 护堤板桩
  19838. sheeting roll ==> 薄板轧辊
  19839. sheeting structure ==> 片状构造
  19840. sheeting twill ==> 二上二下斜纹
  19841. sheetpile quaywall ==> 板桩码头
  19842. Sheffieid plate ==> 包银铜片
  19843. Sheffield plate ==> 包银铜板
  19844. Sheffield process ==> 舍菲尔德平炉法
  19845. sheilding can-type centrifuge ==> 屏蔽型离心机
  19846. sheilding can-type pump ==> 屏蔽型泵
  19847. Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works ==> 石湖墟污水处理厂
  19848. SHEL, Shuttle High Energy Lab ==> シャトル高エネルギーラブ
  19849. shelf ==> 支架=>シェルフ
  19850. shelf angle ==> 座角钢
  19851. shelf board ==> 搁板
  19852. shelf bracket ==> 搁板托座
  19853. shelf break ==> 陆架坡折
  19854. shelf car ==> 棚架车
  19855. shelf channel ==> 陆架水道,(陆架沟谷)陆架谷
  19856. shelf characteristic ==> 贮存性能
  19857. shelf corrosion ==> 闲置腐蚀=>放置腐食
  19858. shelf depreciation ==> 闲置折旧,跑电
  19859. shelf edge ==> 陆架外缘,大陆架边缘
  19860. shelf for typewriter ==> 打字机架
  19861. shelf hydraulic regime ==> 陆架水力状态
  19862. shelf ice ==> 陆架冰
  19863. shelf label ==> 架子标签
  19864. shelf life ==> 适用寿命,保存期限,存放期,储藏期限,储藏寿命,储存期限,闲置寿命,贮存期限,搁置寿命,贮藏寿命
  19865. shelf operation ==> 造盖术
  19866. shelf operation of hip joint ==> 髋臼加盖术
  19867. shelf pin ==> 搁板座
  19868. shelf rest ==> 搁板座,搁座
  19869. shelf retaining wall ==> 搁板式挡土墙,搁架式挡土墙
  19870. shelf sea ==> 浅海,陆架海,陆棚海
  19871. shelf stand ==> 搁座
  19872. shelf support ==> 搁板座
  19873. shelf test ==> 闲置试验,存放试验=>放置試験
  19874. shelf-life ==> 搁置寿命,贮藏期限,适用期
  19875. shelf-type core oven ==> 架式烘芯炉
  19876. shell ==> 壳,壳层,壳体,壳体,机壳,筒体,型壳,剥,薄壳,疤皮,炮弹,坯材疤皮,电铸版壳,绝缘子裙,绝缘子裙,介壳,塔外壳,汽缸,汽锅身,外壳,罩,毛坯管=>貝殻,ハマグリ,外板,船殻,電子殻,砲撃する,ぶっ潰す
  19877. shell and coil condenser ==> 盘管式冷凝器
  19878. shell and milling cutter ==> 空心端铣刀
  19879. shell and tube ==> 列管式=>シェルアンドチューブ式
  19880. shell and tube (heat) exchanger ==> 列管式换热器
  19881. shell and tube condenser ==> 列管式冷凝器,管壳式冷凝器,壳管式冷凝器
  19882. shell and tube cooler ==> 管壳式冷凝器
  19883. shell and tube evaporator ==> 列管式蒸发器
  19884. shell and tube exchanger ==> 壳管式换热器
  19885. shell and tube heat exchanger ==> 管壳式换热器
  19886. shell and tube type floating head heat exchanger ==> 管壳式浮头换热器
  19887. shell aperture ==> 壳口
  19888. shell arch ==> 薄壳拱
  19889. shell armature motor ==> 管式电枢电动机
  19890. shell auger ==> 壳钻
  19891. shell bearing ==> 轴承壳
  19892. shell bearing boring machine ==> 轴承壳车孔机
  19893. Shell Better Environmental Award Scheme ==> 蚬壳美境奖励计划
  19894. shell bit ==> 筒形钻
  19895. shell boiler ==> 筒式锅炉,火管锅炉
  19896. shell broach ==> 套式拉刀
  19897. shell capacity ==> 容积,槽车容量
  19898. shell carving ==> 贝雕
  19899. shell casting ==> 壳型铸件
  19900. shell clearance ==> 套管间隙
  19901. shell coated sand ==> 复模砂
  19902. shell company ==> 控股公司
  19903. shell construction ==> 壳体结构,薄壳建筑,薄壳结构
  19904. shell cooling ==> 炉身冷却
  19905. shell core ==> 薄壳芯,壳芯
  19906. shell core blower ==> 壳芯吹制机
  19907. shell core drill ==> 筒形扩孔钻
  19908. shell core machine ==> 壳芯机
  19909. shell core process ==> 壳芯法
  19910. shell cover ==> 端盖
  19911. shell crown ==> 壳冠
  19912. shell cutter ==> 套式铣刀
  19913. shell drain nozzle ==> 壳
  19914. shell drill ==> 套式扩孔钻,套装扩孔钻,壳型钻,筒形钻
  19915. shell effect ==> 外壳效应
  19916. shell egg ==> 全蛋
  19917. shell electron ==> 壳层电子
  19918. shell element ==> 壳
  19919. shell end mill ==> 空心端铣刀,套式立铣刀,套装立铣刀,圆筒形端铣刀
  19920. shell end milling cutter ==> 套装立铣刀
  19921. shell expansion indicator ==> 汽缸膨胀指示器
  19922. shell feed plate ==> 铁托板
  19923. shell fine tooth face milling cutter ==> 套式细齿面铣刀
  19924. shell firm ==> 空壳公司
  19925. shell flange ==> 壳
  19926. shell flange of channel end ==> 管箱侧壳体法兰
  19927. shell flange of cover end ==> 盖侧壳体法兰
  19928. shell flower ==> 贝壳花
  19929. Shell fluid catalytic cracking ==> 壳牌流体催化裂化
  19930. shell formation ==> 蛋壳形成
  19931. shell foundation ==> 壳体基础
  19932. shell frame ==> 框架
  19933. shell fuse ==> 炮弹引信
  19934. shell gate ==> 薄壳闸门,面板为薄壳结构的闸门
  19935. shell gimlet ==> 套式手钻
  19936. shell gland ==> 壳腺
  19937. shell hit ==> 命中弹
  19938. shell innage ==> 容器充满部分,槽车剩余量
  19939. shell instability ==> 薄壳不稳定性
  19940. shell insulator ==> 马鞍形天线绝缘子
  19941. shell joint ==> 壳接
  19942. shell knocker ==> 敲击器,敲击器
  19943. shell lathe ==> 炮弹用车床
  19944. shell lime ==> 贝壳石灰
  19945. shell liner ==> 筒体衬板
  19946. shell manway ==> 壁侧人孔
  19947. shell membrane ==> 壳膜
  19948. shell model ==> 壳模型=>シェルモデル,殻模型
  19949. shell moisture content ==> 外部含水量
  19950. shell mold ==> 壳型
  19951. shell mold casting ==> 壳型铸造
  19952. shell mold process ==> 壳型铸造
  19953. shell mould casting ==> 壳型铸造
  19954. shell mould machine ==> 壳型造型机
  19955. shell moulded casting ==> 壳型铸件,薄壳铸造
  19956. shell moulding ==> 壳模法,壳型造型,壳型造型
  19957. shell moulding pattern ==> 壳型铸造用模型
  19958. shell number ==> 壳层内粒子数
  19959. shell of areca nut ==> 大腹皮
  19960. shell of boiler ==> 锅炉套
  19961. shell of ferro-cement ==> 铁丝网水泥壳体
  19962. shell of hawksbill turtle ==> 玳瑁
  19963. shell of hyperbolic paraboloids ==> 双曲抛物面薄壳
  19964. shell of pipe ==> 管壁,管壳
  19965. shell of radiation chamber ==> 辐射段外壳
  19966. shell of spark plug ==> 火花塞壳
  19967. shell of sword bean ==> 刀豆壳
  19968. shell of tank ==> 罐体,贮罐壳体
  19969. shell outage ==> 罐空残留容积,容器未充满部分,槽车减耗量
  19970. shell paper ==> 弹壳纸
  19971. shell pass ==> 壳程
  19972. shell pile ==> 带壳桩
  19973. shell plate ==> 锅炉板
  19974. shell plating ==> 船壳板
  19975. shell portion ==> 筒体部分
  19976. shell powder ==> 贝壳粉
  19977. shell pressure ==> 壳侧压力
  19978. shell protected egg ==> 涂油蛋
  19979. shell pump ==> 出泥筒,壳式泵
  19980. shell puncture ==> 外壳击穿
  19981. shell rack ==> 炮弹架
  19982. shell radial keyway cutter ==> 套式弧形键槽铣刀
  19983. shell reamer ==> 套式铰刀,套形铰刀,筒形铰刀
  19984. shell receiver ==> 压气爆破筒
  19985. shell ring ==> 容器筒节,卡箍带,筒节
  19986. shell road ==> 贝壳路
  19987. shell roof ==> 薄壳屋顶
  19988. shell sand ==> 贝壳砂,壳型砂
  19989. shell sanitizer ==> 消毒药
  19990. shell sections and heads ==> 筒节和封头
  19991. shell sequence ==> 壳层序列
  19992. shell shake ==> 壳裂,壳裂,环裂
  19993. shell shock ==> 炮弹休克
  19994. shell slotting cutter ==> 套式插齿刀
  19995. shell source ==> 壳源
  19996. shell source model ==> 壳源模型
  19997. shell star ==> 气壳星
  19998. shell still ==> 简单壳式蒸馏釜
  19999. shell structure ==> 壳层结构,壳层结构,壳体结构,薄壳结构
  20000. shell structure, shell construction ==> 壳体结构
  20001. shell tap ==> 筒形丝锥
  20002. shell test pressure ==> 壳体试验压力
  20003. shell theory with moments ==> 有力矩理论
  20004. shell theory without moments ==> 无力矩理论
  20005. shell thermocouple ==> 壳式热电偶
  20006. shell thickness ==> 蛋壳厚度
  20007. shell tracer ==> 炮弹曳光剂
  20008. shell tray ==> 炮弹夹
  20009. shell trough ==> 炮弹夹
  20010. shell type ==> 密闭式,贝壳型=>外鉄形
  20011. shell type core ==> 外铁型铁心
  20012. shell type magnetic circuit ==> 外铁型磁路
  20013. shell type surface attemperator ==> 管壳式表面减温器
  20014. shell type transformer ==> 外铁型变压器=>外鉄形変圧器
  20015. shell wall ==> 外壳壁,壳壁
  20016. shell with ribs ==> 加肋薄壳
  20017. shell with vacancy ==> 未填满壳层
  20018. shell wound ==> 炮弹伤
  20019. shell-and-auger boring ==> 冲击与螺旋钻探
  20020. shell-and-tube evapo(u)rator ==> 列管式蒸发器
  20021. shell-and-tube evaporator ==> 管壳式蒸发器
  20022. shell-and-tube exchanger ==> 管壳式换热器,管壳式热交换器
  20023. shell-and-tube fermentor ==> 管壳式发酵器
  20024. shell-and-tube preheater ==> 壳管式预热器
  20025. shell-bearing clay ==> 含贝壳粘土
  20026. shell-cooling annulus ==> 环形冷却套
  20027. shell-destroying device ==> 炮弹自炸装置
  20028. shell-destroying tracer ==> 炮弹引爆曳光管,炮枪曳光引爆剂
  20029. shell-form power transformer ==> 外铁形电力变压器
  20030. shell-form transformer ==> 壳式变压器,外铁形变压器
  20031. Shell-perm process ==> 包壳防渗法
  20032. shell-proof structure ==> 避弹结构
  20033. shell-rock ==> 贝壳岩
  20034. shell-slab ==> 薄壳板
  20035. shell-splash signal ==> 炮弹水柱信号
  20036. shell-structure ==> 殻構造
  20037. shell-to-shell distance ==> 设备外壳间距
  20038. shell-type ==> 铁壳式
  20039. shell-type baffle ==> 同心环形障板,迷宫式障板
  20040. shell-type edge seamer ==> 贝壳式缝边机
  20041. shell-type motor ==> 封闭型电动机
  20042. shellac ==> 紫胶片,虫胶,虫胶片,假漆,胶,胶漆皮
  20043. shellac bond ==> 虫胶粘结剂
  20044. shellac color ==> 虫胶色素
  20045. shellac disk ==> 唱片蜡盘
  20046. shellac ester ==> 虫胶酯
  20047. shellac insulating paint ==> 虫胶绝缘漆
  20048. shellac plastics ==> 虫胶塑料
  20049. shellac resin ==> 虫胶树脂
  20050. shellac varnish ==> 虫胶漆,虫胶清漆,虫漆,胶漆
  20051. shellac wax ==> 虫胶蜡
  20052. shellac wheel ==> 虫胶结合剂砂轮,虫胶砂轮,虫胶粘结砂轮
  20053. shellac(k) ==> 天然树脂
  20054. shelled cedar seed ==> 柏子仁
  20055. shelled corn cleaner ==> 玉米清选机
  20056. shelled corn drier ==> 玉米粒干燥机
  20057. shelled corn elevator ==> 玉米粒升运器
  20058. shelled corn saver ==> 玉米脱粒收集器
  20059. shelled cylinder ==> 脱粒滚筒
  20060. shelled rice ==> 玄米
  20061. sheller ==> 脱粒机,去壳机,去皮机
  20062. sheller cylinder ==> 搓擦滚筒
  20063. sheller unit ==> 脱粒装置
  20064. shellfish culture area ==> 贝介类养殖区
  20065. shellfish harvesting area ==> 贝介类养殖区,贝介类生产区
  20066. shellfish poisoning ==> 蛤贝中毒
  20067. shelling drum ==> 搓擦滚筒
  20068. shelling of rail ==> 钢轨表面剥落
  20069. shelling of refractory ==> 耐火材料剥落
  20070. shelling seed husking ==> 脱粒
  20071. shelling stone ==> 去壳机
  20072. shelling-out ==> (油漆或涂料)涂刷
  20073. shelly formation ==> 破裂岩层
  20074. shelly ground ==> 破裂地层
  20075. shelly limestone ==> 贝壳灰岩
  20076. shelly texture ==> 贝壳状结构
  20077. shelter ==> 保护地,蔽,护罩,防风雨罩,屏障,遮蔽,隐蔽处,隐避处=>避難所,シェルター
  20078. shelter belt ==> 防护林带,防田林带,海防林
  20079. shelter cost ==> 贮藏费用,保管费
  20080. shelter deck ==> 遮蔽甲板
  20081. shelter deck ship ==> 遮蔽甲板船
  20082. shelter forest ==> 护田林
  20083. shelter-clad ==> 金属防护罩,金属铠装
  20084. shelter-forest ==> 防护林
  20085. shelter-wood cutting ==> 伞伐更新法
  20086. shelter-wood forest ==> 伞伐林
  20087. shelter-wood group system ==> 群状伞伐作业
  20088. shelter-wood method ==> 伞伐作业
  20089. shelter-wood selection system ==> 伞伐择伐作业
  20090. shelter-wood uniform system ==> 全林伞伐作业
  20091. shelter-wood wedge system ==> 楔状伞伐作业
  20092. shelterdeck vessels ==> 遮蔽甲板船
  20093. sheltered bay ==> 避风河湾
  20094. sheltered ground ==> 保护地,遮蔽地,防护地区
  20095. sheltered position ==> 遮蔽阵地
  20096. sheltered shoreline ==> 隐蔽海岸线
  20097. sheltered site ==> 隐蔽场所
  20098. sheltering coefficient ==> 遮蔽系数
  20099. sheltering harbor ==> 避风港
  20100. shelterwood cutting ==> 渐伐
  20101. shelterwood group system ==> 划法作业
  20102. shelterwood method ==> 伞伐法
  20103. shelterwood system ==> 渐伐作业法
  20104. Shenzhen River Catchment ==> 深圳河集水区
  20105. Shenzhen River Pollution Control Management Plan ==> 深圳河水污染防治计划
  20106. Shenzhen River Regulation Project ==> 治理深圳河工程
  20107. shepherd dog ==> 牧羊犬
  20108. Shepherd P-F test ==> 谢泼德断口淬透试验
  20109. shepherd test ==> 高碳工具钢淬火试验,高碳工具钢的淬火性试验
  20110. Shepherd's fracture ==> 距骨后突骨折,距骨后突骨折
  20111. Sheppard's correction ==> 薛伯氏校正量
  20112. Sheppard-corrected estimator ==> 谢泼德校正估计量
  20113. sherardizing ==> 粉镀锌
  20114. Sherman Antitrust Act ==> 卸尔曼反托拉期法
  20115. sherrite process ==> 连续薄板电镀锌法
  20116. Sherwin electromagnetic vibrator ==> 肖文电磁振动器,舍尔温电磁振动器
  20117. sherwood number ==> 舍伍德数
  20118. shetterwood strip system ==> 带状渐伐作业法
  20119. Sheung Shui Slaughterhouse ==> 上水屠房
  20120. Shewhart control chart ==> 休哈特控制图
  20121. Shewhart control model ==> 休哈特控制模型
  20122. SHEX Sundays and Holidays Excluded ==> 不包括周日和节假日
  20123. SHF multiplex telephone facility ==> 超高频多路复用电话设备
  20124. SHF resonance frequency meter ==> 超高频谐振式频率计
  20125. SHF signal generator ==> 超高频信号发生器
  20126. SHF test receiver ==> 超高频测试接收器
  20127. SHF, super high frequency ==> 周波数帯の名称
  20128. SHF, superhigh frequency ==> 超短波
  20129. SHF2 ==> 低烟无卤聚烯烃
  20130. SHG, second harmonic generation ==> 二次高調波発生
  20131. shielced carbon-arc welding ==> 气保护碳弧焊
  20132. Shield ==> 盾牌星座
  20133. shield ==> 罩,遮护板,屏,屏蔽,屏蔽物,大陆核,地盾,溶残席,掩护支架,盾,护罩,防盾,防护物,铠装,保护,质构,盾构=>シールド
  20134. shield angle ==> 屏蔽角
  20135. shield arc welding ==> 封闭电弧焊
  20136. shield assembly ==> 屏蔽装置
  20137. shield basalt ==> 玄武岩盾
  20138. shield bearing ==> 防尘轴承
  20139. shield budding ==> 盾状芽接
  20140. shield bug ==> 盾椿象
  20141. shield case ==> 屏蔽箱
  20142. shield coil ==> 屏蔽线圈
  20143. shield cone ==> 盾状火山锥
  20144. shield configuration ==> 屏蔽布置
  20145. shield construction ==> 盾构施工法
  20146. shield cooling system ==> 屏蔽冷却系统
  20147. shield cost ==> 屏蔽造价
  20148. shield driving ==> 盾构掘进
  20149. shield driving method ==> シールド工法
  20150. shield effectiveness ==> 屏蔽效率
  20151. shield electrode ==> 保护电极
  20152. shield engineering ==> 屏蔽工程
  20153. shield facility ==> 屏蔽设施
  20154. shield factor ==> 屏蔽系数
  20155. shield gas ==> 保护气体
  20156. shield gas flow rate ==> 保护气体流量
  20157. shield grafting ==> 盾形嫁接
  20158. shield grid ==> 抑制栅
  20159. shield inert gas metal arc welding ==> 惰性气体保护金属极弧焊
  20160. shield method ==> (隧洞工程中用的)盾构法=>シールド工法
  20161. shield opening ==> 屏蔽孔
  20162. shield pit ==> 屏蔽坑
  20163. shield plug ==> 屏蔽塞=>遮蔽プラグ
  20164. shield relay ==> 屏蔽计数器
  20165. shield ring ==> 屏蔽环,挡圈
  20166. shield room ==> 屏蔽室
  20167. shield test apparatus ==> 屏蔽试验装置
  20168. shield test reactor ==> 屏蔽试验,屏蔽试验堆
  20169. shield tunnel construction ==> シールドトンネル施工
  20170. shield tunnel(l)ing ==> 盾构法开挖隧洞=>シールド工法
  20171. shield tunneling method ==> シールド工法
  20172. shield volcano ==> 盾状火山,火山
  20173. shield water ==> 屏蔽水
  20174. shield wire ==> 屏蔽线
  20175. shield-arc welding ==> 掩护电孤焊接
  20176. shield-cooling duct ==> 屏蔽冷却管道
  20177. shield-driven tunnel ==> 盾构掘进的隧道
  20178. shield-driven tunnel(l)ing ==> 盾构隧洞掘进法
  20179. shield-driven tunnelling ==> 铠架隧洞掘进法
  20180. shield-grid thyratron ==> 屏栅闸流管
  20181. shield-row tube ==> 屏蔽排管
  20182. shield-test facility ==> 屏蔽试验装置,防护试验装置
  20183. shielded arc welding ==> 有保护的电弧焊,保护电弧焊
  20184. shielded area ==> 阴影面积
  20185. shielded ball bearing ==> 带防护垫圈的滚珠轴承
  20186. shielded box ==> 屏蔽箱,屏蔽工作箱,采用结构和动作均较简单的工具操作放射性物质、具有强γ射线和中子屏蔽层以及窥视窗的密封箱式装置
  20187. shielded cable ==> 屏蔽电缆
  20188. shielded carbon arc welding ==> 碳弧保护焊
  20189. shielded cask ==> 屏蔽罐
  20190. shielded cathode ==> 屏蔽阴极
  20191. shielded coil ==> 屏蔽线圈
  20192. shielded electromagnet ==> 屏蔽电磁铁
  20193. shielded electron gun ==> 屏蔽式电子枪
  20194. shielded factor ==> 屏蔽系数
  20195. shielded flame ==> 屏蔽火焰
  20196. shielded flask ==> 屏蔽容器
  20197. shielded flexible cable ==> 屏蔽软电缆
  20198. shielded from interference ==> 防止干扰
  20199. shielded galvanometer ==> 屏蔽式检流计
  20200. shielded joint ==> 屏蔽接头
  20201. shielded line ==> 屏蔽线
  20202. shielded loop ==> 屏蔽环形天线
  20203. shielded macro camera ==> 屏蔽宏观照相机
  20204. shielded magneto ==> 隔电磁电机
  20205. shielded measuring instrument ==> 屏蔽型测量仪表
  20206. shielded metal (manual electric) arc welding ==> 手弧焊
  20207. shielded metal arc welding ==> 自动保护金属极电弧焊,熔化极自动保护电弧焊
  20208. shielded metal-arc welding ==> 掩护电孤焊接,气保护金属极电弧焊,保护式电弧焊
  20209. shielded nucleus ==> 屏蔽核
  20210. shielded oscillator ==> 屏蔽式振荡器
  20211. shielded pair ==> 屏蔽线对
  20212. shielded pair cable ==> 屏蔽线对电缆
  20213. shielded plug ==> 屏蔽火花塞
  20214. shielded thermocouple ==> 屏蔽式热电偶
  20215. shielded transformer ==> 屏蔽变压器
  20216. shielded wire ==> 屏蔽线
  20217. shielded-plate tube ==> 屏蔽管,帘栅管
  20218. shielded-pole motor ==> 屏蔽极电动机
  20219. shielding ==> 屏蔽,屏蔽物,电屏蔽,掩盖,护罩,保护屏=>シールド,遮蔽
  20220. shielding action ==> 屏蔽效应
  20221. shielding angle ==> 遮蔽角,遮光角,屏蔽角
  20222. shielding arc welding ==> 盾护电焊,盾护电弧焊
  20223. shielding box ==> 遮蔽箱,屏蔽盒
  20224. shielding can ==> 隔离罩
  20225. shielding case ==> 屏蔽壳,屏蔽壳箱=>シールドケース
  20226. shielding castle ==> 屏蔽容器
  20227. shielding coil ==> 屏蔽线圈
  20228. shielding concrete ==> 防护用混凝土
  20229. shielding constant ==> 屏蔽常数
  20230. shielding constituent ==> (药皮中的)保护剂
  20231. shielding container ==> 屏蔽容器,防护容器
  20232. shielding cooling system ==> 屏蔽冷却系统
  20233. shielding device ==> 屏蔽设备,屏蔽装置
  20234. shielding door for radioactive rays ==> 放射线防护门
  20235. shielding effect ==> 屏蔽效应,屏蔽作用=>遮蔽性能
  20236. shielding efficiency ==> 遮蔽効率
  20237. shielding electrode ==> 屏蔽电极
  20238. shielding facility ==> 屏蔽装置
  20239. shielding factor ==> 屏蔽系数,屏蔽因数,屏蔽因子
  20240. shielding failure ==> (雷电)绕击
  20241. shielding failure rate due to lightning stroke ==> 绕击率,雷电绕过避雷线(针)击于导线(设备)上的次数与雷击总次数之比
  20242. shielding film ==> 屏蔽膜
  20243. shielding gas ==> 保护气,保护气体
  20244. shielding gas atmosphere ==> 保护气氛
  20245. shielding geometry ==> 屏蔽几何形状
  20246. shielding ground ==> 屏蔽接地
  20247. shielding harness ==> 屏蔽系统
  20248. shielding layer ==> 屏蔽层
  20249. shielding length ==> 屏蔽长度
  20250. shielding line ==> 屏蔽线
  20251. shielding material ==> 屏蔽材料
  20252. shielding method ==> 盾构法,用带防护罩的特制机械(即盾构)在破碎岩层或土层中掘进隧洞的施工方法,可同时有序进行掘进、出碴、拼装预制混凝土衬砌块。
  20253. shielding parameter ==> 屏蔽参数
  20254. shielding pipe ==> 遮蔽管,已屏蔽电子管
  20255. shielding plug ==> 屏蔽塞
  20256. shielding pond ==> 屏蔽水池
  20257. shielding practice ==> 钢流保护法
  20258. shielding properties ==> 屏蔽性能
  20259. shielding ridge ==> シールディングリッジ
  20260. shielding ring ==> 屏蔽环=>シールドリング
  20261. shielding room 屏蔽室,又称“屏蔽笼(shielding cage)”或“屏蔽柜(shielding ==> cabinet)”。为防止电磁干扰的影响,由金属板或网格构成的封闭室
  20262. shielding slab ==> 屏蔽板,屏蔽块
  20263. shielding surface ==> 屏蔽面积
  20264. shielding system ==> 屏蔽系统,隔离系统
  20265. shielding tank ==> 屏蔽罐
  20266. shielding winding ==> 屏蔽线圈
  20267. shielding windows ==> 屏蔽窗
  20268. shielding wire ==> シールド線,遮蔽線
  20269. shielding-barrier equipment ==> 屏蔽设备
  20270. shift ==> 位移,漂移,调档,错箱,工作班,改变,移,移动,移距,移数,移位,移项,转,变速,换档,值班=>けた送り,転換,シフト
  20271. shift agriculture ==> 轮作
  20272. shift and group business accounting ==> 班组经济核算
  20273. shift and rotate ==> 移位及轮转
  20274. shift and rotate instructions ==> 移位及轮转指令
  20275. shift bar ==> 开关柄
  20276. shift bar arm ==> 换档杆
  20277. shift catalyst ==> シフト触媒
  20278. shift chain ==> 移位链
  20279. shift character ==> 移位符号
  20280. shift circuit ==> 移位电路
  20281. shift code ==> 移位码
  20282. shift comb ==> 变位梳
  20283. shift control ==> 变位调整,移位控制,偏移调整
  20284. shift conversion unit ==> 变换单元
  20285. shift converter ==> 相移变换器,移频变换器,移相变换器
  20286. shift count ==> 移位次数,移位计数值
  20287. shift counter ==> 移位计数器
  20288. shift cycle ==> 循环移位
  20289. shift defect ==> 移位缺陷
  20290. shift detection ==> シフト検出
  20291. shift device ==> 移动装置
  20292. shift differential ==> 交代勤務手当
  20293. shift divisor ==> 移位除数
  20294. shift down ==> 接低档,减速
  20295. shift driven shaft ==> 变速被动轴
  20296. shift driver ==> 移位激励器
  20297. shift driving shaft ==> 变速主动轴
  20298. shift effect hypothesis ==> 移动效应假设
  20299. shift end ==> 移位终止
  20300. shift engineer ==> 值班工程师
  20301. shift excursion ==> 偏移
  20302. shift factor ==> 平移因子
  20303. shift fault ==> 平移断层,变位断层
  20304. shift frequency ==> 移频=>ずれ周波数
  20305. shift gate ==> 移位门
  20306. shift gear ==> 调档齿轮
  20307. shift in brain wave frequencies ==> 脳波周波数の変化
  20308. shift in demand curve ==> 需求曲线的移动
  20309. shift in demand supply ==> 需求供给的转变
  20310. shift in pulse ==> 移入脉冲
  20311. shift inboard ==> 向内侧移动
  20312. shift instruction ==> 移位指令
  20313. shift integral ==> 移動積分
  20314. shift invariant ==> 移位不变性
  20315. shift joint ==> 移动接头
  20316. shift key ==> 移位键
  20317. shift keying ==> 移动键控
  20318. shift knob ==> 翻转开关
  20319. shift left ==> 左移位
  20320. shift left logical instruction ==> 向左移位逻辑指令
  20321. shift length ==> ずれ量
  20322. shift lever ==> 变速杆
  20323. shift lever bracket ==> 变速杆托架
  20324. shift lever interlock plunger ==> 变速杆联锁柱塞
  20325. shift lever shaft ==> 变速杆轴
  20326. shift linkage multiplexer ==> 移位键多路转换器
  20327. shift lock ==> 移位锁定
  20328. shift lock keyboard ==> 移锁键盘
  20329. shift logical instruction ==> 移位逻辑指令
  20330. shift matrix ==> 移位矩阵
  20331. shift mechanism ==> 换字体机构
  20332. shift mode ==> シフトモード
  20333. shift motion ==> 移动行程,移位动作
  20334. shift multibyte ==> 移位多数元组
  20335. shift network ==> 移数网络,移位网络
  20336. shift of crops ==> 作物轮作
  20337. shift of origin ==> 原点转移
  20338. shift of spectral line ==> 谱线频移
  20339. shift of taxes ==> 税负转移=>租税転嫁
  20340. shift operation ==> 移位计算,移位运算,转移操作
  20341. shift operation shifting ==> 移位操作
  20342. shift operator ==> 移位算子
  20343. shift order ==> 移位指令
  20344. shift out ==> 移出
  20345. shift out pulse ==> 移出脉冲
  20346. shift pedal ==> 控制踏板
  20347. shift plunger ==> 移动插塞
  20348. shift position ==> 移动位置,移位位置
  20349. shift pulse ==> 移位脉冲,偏移脉冲,位移脉冲
  20350. shift pulse driver ==> 移位脉冲激励器
  20351. shift rail ==> 拨叉导轨
  20352. shift reaction ==> 转移反应
  20353. shift reactor ==> 变换反应器
  20354. shift reagent ==> 位移试剂
  20355. shift register ==> 移位寄存器=>シフトレジスタ,送りレジスタ
  20356. shift register code ==> 移位寄存码,移位记发码
  20357. shift register memory ==> 移位寄存器式存储器
  20358. shift register sequence ==> 移位寄存器序列,移位暂存器顺序
  20359. shift right logical ==> 逻辑右移
  20360. shift ring ==> 控制环,调速环
  20361. shift sleeve ==> 连接套筒
  20362. shift supervisor ==> 值长,值班
  20363. shift supervisor station ==> 值长操作台
  20364. shift theorem ==> 移位定理
  20365. shift to left ==> 核左移
  20366. shift to right ==> 核右移
  20367. shift to the left ==> 白细胞左移,左移
  20368. shift to the right ==> 白细胞右移,右移
  20369. shift unit ==> 移位器装置
  20370. shift up ==> 上移
  20371. shift valve ==> (自动换档用)换档油阀
  20372. shift variant ==> 移变
  20373. shift voice frequency telegraph ==> 移频音频电报
  20374. shift winding ==> 移位绕组
  20375. shift work ==> 轮班工作
  20376. shift zone ==> 变位带
  20377. shift(ing) ring ==> 调整圈,移动环
  20378. shift-by-wire ==> シフトバイワイヤ
  20379. shift-converter ==> 变换反应器,变换炉
  20380. shift-group accounting ==> 班组核算
  20381. shift-in ==> 移进,移入
  20382. shift-in character ==> 移入符号,移入字符,移入字元,向下转移符号,换入符=>シフトイン文字
  20383. shift-out character ==> 向上转移符号,移出符号=>シフトアウト文字
  20384. shift-register circuit ==> 移位寄存器电路
  20385. shift-type decade counter ==> 移位型十进位记数器
  20386. shift-up mode ==> 上移位方式
  20387. shift-up operation ==> 上移位操作
  20388. shiftable mould-board ==> 可拆换的刀片
  20389. shifted diagonal test ==> 对角线移动测试
  20390. shifted indicator diagram ==> 移相示功图
  20391. shifted penalty function ==> 移位罚函数
  20392. shifted signal ==> 偏移信号,漂移信号,时移信号
  20393. shifted single-mode fiber ==> 分层心色散位移单模光纤
  20394. shifted structure ==> 错列结构
  20395. shifted tax ==> 已转嫁的税收
  20396. shifter ==> 变速机构
  20397. shifter cylinder ==> 关闭气缸
  20398. shifter fork ==> 换档叉
  20399. shifter fork groove ==> 换档叉轮槽
  20400. shifter housing ==> 变速杆罩
  20401. shifter hub ==> 拨叉凹口
  20402. shifter lever ==> 变速杆
  20403. shifter plate ==> 开关板
  20404. shifter shaft lock ball spring ==> 移动轴锁球弹簧
  20405. shifter shaft support ==> 移动轴支架
  20406. shifting ==> 移动,移位,改组目录,漂移,海面起伏,变更分类=>シフチング(ロラン)
  20407. shifting accumulator ==> 移位累加器
  20408. shifting agriculture ==> 移动农业,轮垦农业
  20409. shifting arm ==> 变速臂
  20410. shifting axle ==> 移动轴
  20411. shifting bar ==> 游荡性沙洲
  20412. shifting base ==> 可变基数
  20413. shifting base period ==> 变动基期,移动基期
  20414. shifting bearing ==> 活动支座
  20415. shifting bed ==> 游荡性河床
  20416. shifting block ==> 拨头
  20417. shifting bond(s) ==> 移动键
  20418. shifting cam ==> 换档凸轮
  20419. shifting channel ==> 不固定河槽,游荡性河槽,河槽变动河床
  20420. shifting charge ==> 码头搬运装卸费,搬运费
  20421. shifting chute ==> 移动槽
  20422. shifting coil voltage regulator ==> 移圈式调压器
  20423. shifting counter ==> 移位计数器
  20424. shifting coupling ==> 变速联轴节
  20425. shifting crane ==> 移动式起重机
  20426. shifting cultivation ==> 移动耕作,轮垦,毁林轮垦
  20427. shifting current ==> 不定流
  20428. shifting cylinder ==> 千斤顶
  20429. shifting down ==> 减速
  20430. shifting dullness ==> 移动性浊音
  20431. shifting field ==> 移動磁界
  20432. shifting field type ==> 移動磁界形
  20433. shifting finger bushing ==> 变换指衬套
  20434. shifting fork ==> 拔叉,齿轮换档叉
  20435. shifting fork shaft ==> 移动叉轴
  20436. shifting forward ==> 前转嫁
  20437. shifting function ==> 移位操作
  20438. shifting ga(u)ge ==> 划线规
  20439. shifting in both ratios ==> 二级传动比调档
  20440. shifting interference fringe ==> 位移干涉条纹
  20441. shifting lever ball ==> 变速杆球端,变速杠杆球端
  20442. shifting lever boot ==> 变速杆罩
  20443. shifting lever for exhaust air ==> 排风切换杆
  20444. shifting lever spring ==> 移动杆弹簧
  20445. shifting magnetic field ==> 移动磁场=>移動磁界
  20446. shifting nursery ==> 移动苗圃
  20447. shifting of a divide ==> 分水岭转移
  20448. shifting of brushes ==> 电刷的移位,电刷位移
  20449. shifting of divide ==> 分水界迁移,分水界移动,分水岭移动
  20450. shifting of house tax ==> 房屋税的转嫁
  20451. shifting of soil ==> 土体位移
  20452. shifting of tax ==> 赋税转嫁
  20453. shifting of taxation ==> 赋税的转嫁
  20454. shifting operator ==> 移位算子
  20455. shifting oscillator ==> 漂移振荡器
  20456. shifting process ==> 移位过程
  20457. shifting pump ==> 转移泵
  20458. shifting register ==> 移位寄存器
  20459. shifting reserve ==> 移动预备林
  20460. shifting responser ==> 换档反应器
  20461. shifting responser transmission shaft ==> 换档反应器传动轴
  20462. shifting rock arm bushing ==> 变速摇臂衬套
  20463. shifting sand ==> 流砂,流沙
  20464. shifting screw ==> 回动螺旋
  20465. shifting sledge ==> 移动滑轨
  20466. shifting sleeve ==> 爪型联轴节,凸轮联轴器
  20467. shifting slide gear ==> 滑移齿轮
  20468. shifting spanner ==> 活动扳手
  20469. shifting tenderness ==> 转移性触痛
  20470. shifting the base ==> 变动基期
  20471. shifting theorem ==> 移位定理,平移定理
  20472. shifting time ==> 换接时间
  20473. shifting unit ==> 移动装置
  20474. shifting wind ==> 变向风
  20475. shifting winding reel ==> 浮动式卷取机
  20476. shifting wrench ==> 活口扳手
  20477. shifting yoke ==> 拨叉
  20478. shifting yoke pin ==> 移动轭销
  20479. shifting zone ==> 换接区
  20480. shiftless register ==> 无移位寄存器
  20481. shiftout character ==> 移出字符
  20482. shifts system ==> 轮班制度
  20483. Shiga bacillus ==> 志贺氏杆菌
  20484. Shiga's bacillus ==> 志贺氏芽孢杆菌
  20485. Shigella dysenteriae type I ==> 志贺氏杆菌
  20486. shikimi fruit ==> 莽草果
  20487. shikimic acid ==> 莽草酸
  20488. shikimic acid pathway ==> 莽草酸途径
  20489. Shikoku Electric Power Co., Inc. ==> 四国電力
  20490. Shikoku National Industrial Research Institute ==> 四国工業技術研究所
  20491. shilling-stroke ==> 斜划(线)
  20492. shim ==> 垫片,填隙片
  20493. shim action ==> 填隙作用
  20494. shim block ==> 垫片
  20495. shim bolt ==> 固定衬垫螺栓
  20496. shim control ==> 粗稳定调节
  20497. shim control rod ==> 补偿控制棒
  20498. shim element ==> 补偿元件
  20499. shim plate ==> 垫板
  20500. shim rod ==> 粗调整棒,补偿棒
  20501. shim rod actuator ==> 补偿棒传动机构
  20502. shim washer ==> 填隙垫圈
  20503. Shimanami Kaido ==> しまなみ海道
  20504. Shimer process ==> 氰化浴中快速渗碳法
  20505. shimming coil ==> 补偿线圈
  20506. shimming plate ==> 填隙板
  20507. shimmy damper ==> 摆振阻尼器,减摆器,转向轮减振装置
  20508. shimmy damping device ==> 前轮摆动阻尼器,减摆装置,减摇装置
  20509. shimmy detector ==> 前轮摆动测定器
  20510. shimmy of front wheels ==> 前轮摆振
  20511. shimmy-free landing gear ==> 无摆振起落架
  20512. shimmy-proof ==> 不摆动的
  20513. Shin Kobe Ropeway ==> 新神戸ロープウェー
  20514. Shin Kobe Tunnel ==> 新神戸トンネル
  20515. SHINC Sundays and Holidays Included ==> 包括周日和节假日
  20516. Shindica method ==> 欣地卡方法
  20517. shine ==> 打磨,照,耀,发光=>明るさ,輝き,研磨
  20518. shine skin ==> 光板皮
  20519. shine skin papaya ==> 光皮木瓜
  20520. shiner ==> 毛石墙边扁石
  20521. Shineton Shales ==> 闪顿页岩
  20522. shingle bank ==> 粗砾岸
  20523. shingle barrier ==> 粗砾滩
  20524. shingle bolt ==> 木瓦短圆材,制瓦木段
  20525. shingle lap ==> 瓦片搭接
  20526. shingle nail ==> 墙面板
  20527. shingle roof covering ==> 木板屋面
  20528. shingle roofing ==> 木板屋面
  20529. shingle shell construction ==> 瓦片式炉壳结构
  20530. shingle trap ==> 拦砂墙
  20531. shingle-lap tile ==> 搭接瓦
  20532. shingles zoster ==> 带状疱疹
  20533. shingling hammer ==> 锻锤,锻炼锤,压紧锤
  20534. shingling press ==> 挤渣压力机
  20535. shingling roll ==> 挤渣轧辊
  20536. Shinji Kawaji ==> 川路紳治
  20537. Shinkansen ==> 新干线
  20538. Shinkansen, Japanese Bullet Train ==> 新幹線
  20539. Shinmel emulsion ==> 铵力散混剂
  20540. shiny seed coat ==> 光亮的种皮
  20541. shiny surface ==> 光滑面
  20542. shioze colour checked ==> 彩格纺
  20543. shioze colour striped ==> 彩条纺
  20544. ship ==> 舰,船
  20545. ship auger ==> 船用钻
  20546. ship beacon ==> 船舰导航用信标
  20547. ship beam ==> 船幅,船宽
  20548. ship berth ==> 船台
  20549. ship borer ==> 蛀船虫,海中蛀船虫
  20550. ship borne expendable bathythermograph ==> 海水测温仪
  20551. ship bottom anti-fouling paint ==> 船底防污漆
  20552. ship bottom anticorrosion paint ==> 船底防锈漆
  20553. ship breaking ==> 废船拆卸业
  20554. ship broker ==> 水险掮客
  20555. ship brokerage ==> 海運仲立人
  20556. ship brokering ==> 船舶仲立業
  20557. ship building ==> 造船学
  20558. ship building material ==> 造船材
  20559. ship caisson ==> 船形沉箱,浮箱式坞门
  20560. ship calculations ==> 造船设计
  20561. ship canal ==> 运河,船运河道,深水运河
  20562. ship chamber ==> 升船厢
  20563. ship coatings—determination of resistance to salt water—salt water and hot salt water immersion method ==> 船舶漆耐盐水性的测定,盐水和热盐水浸泡法
  20564. ship construction ==> 船舶构造,造船学
  20565. ship craft ==> 船舶
  20566. ship curve ==> 船体曲线
  20567. ship design ==> 船设计
  20568. ship dock ==> 载驳货船码头
  20569. ship drift ==> 船只漂移测流法
  20570. ship elevator ==> 升船机
  20571. ship engineering ==> 船舶工程
  20572. ship fever ==> 船热
  20573. ship gammaradiac ==> 船用γ辐射级仪
  20574. ship geometry ==> 船体形状
  20575. ship goods insurance policy ==> 海上货物保险单
  20576. ship goods without permit ==> 私自下货
  20577. ship heading marker ==> 船航向标志
  20578. ship hull ==> 船体
  20579. ship impact force ==> 船只冲撞力
  20580. ship in American bottoms legislation ==> 以美国轮船载运的立法
  20581. ship in commission ==> 现役舰
  20582. ship incline ==> 斜面升船机
  20583. ship jack ==> 船起重器
  20584. ship lift ==> 船舶升降机,升船机,用升降承船厢的方法使船舶通过航道上集中落差的一种过船机械
  20585. ship lift with counterweight ==> 平衡重式升船机
  20586. ship lift with floating balancing beams ==> 浮筒平衡梁式升船机
  20587. ship loader ==> 装船机
  20588. ship loader bridge ==> 装船机伸臂
  20589. ship log ==> 航海日记
  20590. ship mortgage ==> 轮船抵押
  20591. ship motion ==> 船体运动
  20592. ship navigation ==> 航海导航
  20593. ship nominations and layday period ==> 派船电及装卸期
  20594. ship of destination ==> 收报船
  20595. ship of the line ==> 战列舰
  20596. ship of war ==> 战舰
  20597. ship out of commission ==> 退役舰
  20598. ship oven ==> 船式炉
  20599. ship pass ==> 过船道,通航水道
  20600. ship permanent magnetism ==> 永久船磁性
  20601. ship plate ==> 船用钢板,造船钢板
  20602. ship position information ==> 船位情報
  20603. ship power cable ==> 船用电力电缆
  20604. ship products ==> 船舶产品
  20605. ship protest ==> 海事报告,海损异议书
  20606. ship radar ==> 船用雷达
  20607. ship railway ==> 船排,斜面升船机
  20608. ship reactor ==> 船用反应堆,用作军用舰艇(核潜艇、核航空母舰)和商用船动力的反应堆。一般采用压水堆
  20609. ship registered length ==> 船舶登记长度
  20610. ship repair ==> 修船
  20611. ship repairing yard ==> 船舶修理场
  20612. ship report ==> 船舶报告
  20613. ship resistance ==> 航行阻力
  20614. ship return ==> 船舰反射信号
  20615. ship safety officer ==> 船舶安全员
  20616. ship screw ==> 螺旋推进器螺旋桨
  20617. ship sheathed flexible cable ==> 船用护套软缆
  20618. ship sheathed-armoured cable ==> 船用护套铠装电缆
  20619. ship smoke generator ==> 舰船烟幕施放器
  20620. ship stabilizer ==> 船舶稳定器
  20621. ship stadimeter ==> 舰船视距仪
  20622. ship synoptic code ==> 船舶天气电码
  20623. ship tackle ==> 船用滑轮组
  20624. ship tanks ==> 油船
  20625. ship telescope ==> 舰船望远镜
  20626. ship timber ==> 造船木材
  20627. ship type caisson ==> 船式沉箱
  20628. ship type tractor ==> 船式拖拉机
  20629. ship wave ==> 船行波
  20630. ship worm ==> 蛀船虫
  20631. ship's clock ==> 船用时钟,船钟
  20632. ship's crane ==> 船用起重机
  20633. ship's field error ==> 船的场误差
  20634. ship's lines ==> 船体型线图
  20635. ship's manifest ==> 轮船载货清单
  20636. ship's number ==> 通信呼号
  20637. ship's space ==> 舱位
  20638. ship's steel side scuttle ==> 钢质舷窗
  20639. ship's steel weather tight door ==> 船用钢质风雨密门
  20640. ship's sweat insurance ==> 潮腐险
  20641. ship-and-galley tile ==> 防滑地砖
  20642. ship-based aircraft ==> 舰载飞机
  20643. ship-house ==> 造船棚
  20644. ship-jack ==> 升船起重机
  20645. ship-mounted power plant, floating power station ==> 船舶电站,将整套发电设备装在船舶上的发电站
  20646. ship-plant ==> 造船厂
  20647. ship-shaped floating dock ==> 船形浮船坞
  20648. ship-timber beetles ==> 食船虫
  20649. ship-to-shore pipe line ==> 舶岸输油管
  20650. ship-to-shore radio ==> 船岸通信无线电台,海对陆电台
  20651. shipboard ==> 船侧,船上
  20652. shipboard & off shore cable ==> 船舶及海上平台电缆
  20653. shipboard antenna ==> 船用天线
  20654. shipboard communication system ==> 船载通信系统
  20655. shipboard coring technique ==> 船上岩心钻取技术
  20656. shipboard gantry crane ==> 船上桥式吊车
  20657. shipboard wave recorder ==> 船用波浪计
  20658. shipboard-type motor ==> 船用电动机
  20659. shipborne plane ==> 舰载飞机
  20660. shipborne weapon ==> 舰载武器
  20661. shipbuilding ==> 船舶建造,造船,造船学,造船业
  20662. shipbuilding circles ==> 造船界
  20663. shipbuilding dock ==> 造船船坞
  20664. shipbuilding engineer ==> 造船工程师
  20665. shipbuilding industries ==> 造船工业
  20666. shipbuilding lien ==> 造船留置权
  20667. shipbuilding section ==> 船用钢板,船用型钢
  20668. shipbuilding slip ==> 造船滑道
  20669. shipbuilding ways ==> 造船滑道
  20670. shipbuilding yard ==> 造船厂
  20671. shipbuilding--bulbous bow and side thruster symbols ==> 造船,球鼻艏和侧推器符号
  20672. shipbuilding--identification colours for schemes for ventilation systems ==> 造船,通风系统图识别颜色
  20673. SHIPLA ==> シプラ(大画面フィルム型ディスプレイ)
  20674. shiplap boarding ==> 搭叠壁板
  20675. shiplap sheet piling ==> 搭叠板桩
  20676. shiplap siding ==> 搭叠壁板
  20677. shiplap timber-sheet-pile ==> 搭叠缝木板桩
  20678. shipment ==> 船装货,发货=>出荷
  20679. shipment advice ==> 装船通知
  20680. shipment by cheapest route ==> 以船运费最廉的航线装运
  20681. shipment by first opportunity ==> 一遇机会即装运
  20682. shipment by steamer ==> 以船舶装运
  20683. shipment certificate textile ==> 纺织品装船证明
  20684. shipment control system ==> 运输控制系统
  20685. shipment index ==> 交货指数
  20686. shipment not in accord with the sample ==> 来货与样品不符
  20687. shipment of crude ==> 原油船舶输送
  20688. shipment outward ==> 寄销
  20689. shipment store ==> 发料材料厂
  20690. shipment to branch ==> 发往分店商品
  20691. shipments billed above cost ==> 计价高于成本之发货
  20692. shipments billed at cost ==> 发货按成本计价
  20693. shipped bill of lading ==> 已装船提单,装船提单
  20694. shipped on board ==> 已装船
  20695. shipped on deck at shipper's risk ==> 货主负担甲板货风险
  20696. shipped weight ==> 装运重量
  20697. shipper rod ==> 移动杆
  20698. shipper style ==> 批发式
  20699. shipper's letter of instructions ==> 空运货物委托书
  20700. shipper's load ==> 货主装载
  20701. shipper's load and tally (sl & t) ==> 发货重量和理货
  20702. shipper-arm ==> 铲斗臂
  20703. shipping ==> 发货,航运,装运,船运=>出荷
  20704. shipping accident ==> 运输事故
  20705. shipping advice ==> 装运通知
  20706. shipping amount ==> 装运量
  20707. shipping and storage container ==> 海运和贮存的集装箱
  20708. shipping berth ==> 装船泊位
  20709. shipping bill ==> 舱单
  20710. shipping bills ==> 装运单据,出口清单
  20711. shipping by chartering ==> 租船运输
  20712. shipping by rail ==> 铁路运输
  20713. shipping cage ==> 邮寄笼
  20714. shipping capacity ==> 装货容量
  20715. shipping charge ==> 运输费用
  20716. shipping claim ==> 装运索赔
  20717. shipping clearance ==> 航运净空
  20718. shipping container ==> 运输用集装箱
  20719. shipping control ==> 船运管理
  20720. shipping control procedures ==> 运输控制程序
  20721. shipping conveyer ==> 装船输送机
  20722. shipping cost ==> 货运费=>送料
  20723. shipping damage ==> 运输损伤
  20724. shipping day ==> 开船日期
  20725. shipping department ==> 成品库
  20726. shipping designator ==> 海运标号
  20727. shipping destination ==> 收点
  20728. shipping document ==> 货运单据,航运文件,装船单据
  20729. shipping enterprise ==> 航运企业
  20730. shipping fee ==> 送料船積み料金
  20731. shipping fever ==> 航运热,出血性败血病,船运热
  20732. shipping house ==> 轮船公司
  20733. shipping instruction ==> 装船指示,装运指示=>通関業務指示書,船積指示書
  20734. shipping instructions ==> 装船须知,装运指令
  20735. shipping interest ==> 海运事业
  20736. shipping list ==> 装箱单,货单,货运单
  20737. shipping load ==> 起运载重
  20738. shipping mark ==> 发货标记,货物标志
  20739. shipping order ==> 发运单,交运单
  20740. shipping order (S.O.) ==> 装货清单
  20741. shipping order (ticket) ==> 装运单
  20742. shipping ore ==> 直接外运矿石
  20743. shipping origin ==> 发点
  20744. shipping package ==> 外包装
  20745. shipping parcels ==> 小件货物
  20746. shipping permit ==> 装运通知单,准许装货单
  20747. shipping plug ==> 装运堵塞
  20748. shipping pneumonia ==> 出血性败血病
  20749. shipping point ==> 装船地点,航运点
  20750. shipping port ==> 装运港
  20751. shipping quality ==> 装船品质
  20752. shipping receipt ==> 装货收据
  20753. shipping room ==> 码头发货仓库,码头上的发货仓库
  20754. shipping sample ==> 装船货样
  20755. shipping shock ==> 装运碰撞
  20756. shipping skid ==> 运输滑轨
  20757. shipping space ==> 舱位
  20758. shipping space broker ==> 舱位经纪人
  20759. shipping specification ==> 航运规程
  20760. shipping tag ==> 发料标签,货运标签
  20761. shipping tare ==> 卖方皮重
  20762. shipping ticket ==> 运货单
  20763. shipping time ==> 运送时间
  20764. shipping ton ==> 体积吨,装载吨,货运吨
  20765. shipping transportation costs ==> 发送运费
  20766. shipping unit ==> 装运装置
  20767. shipping weight ==> 装运重量,离岸重量,起运载重,启运重量
  20768. shipping weight (SW) ==> 出运重量
  20769. shipping yard ==> 成品发运工段
  20770. shipping-dry ==> 干运的
  20771. ships entered harbor ==> 进港船舶
  20772. ships turnover rate ==> 平均航次周转期
  20773. shipway ==> 船架
  20774. shipwrecked crew ==> 失事船船员
  20775. shipyard ==> 船舶修造场,船厂,船坞,造船厂
  20776. shipyard machine tool ==> 造船机械
  20777. ships manifest ==> 海轮载货清单
  20778. ships steel weather tight door ==> 船用钢质风雨密门
  20779. shiran (short-range navigation) ==> 希兰
  20780. Shirley card ==> 锡莱梳棉机
  20781. Shirley foash steamer ==> 锡莱快速蒸化机
  20782. Shirley opener ==> 锡莱开棉机
  20783. Shirley-Ferranti viscometer ==> 雪莉-费兰梯粘度计
  20784. shirt ==> 高炉炉衬=>シャツ
  20785. shirt band ==> 衬布
  20786. shirt collar corner modelling machine ==> 衬衫领角定型机
  20787. shirt collar ironing machine ==> 衬衫烫领机
  20788. shirt collar launder ==> 衬衫衣领整烫机
  20789. shirt jacket ==> シャツジャケット
  20790. shirt round collar machine ==> 衬衫圆领机
  20791. shirt-stud abscess ==> 哑铃形脓肿
  20792. SHITSUKE ==> 素养(日语),养成自我管理,自我控制的习惯
  20793. shivering ==> 碎花,瓷釉剥落,战栗,振寒=>震える
  20794. SHM, ship's heading marker ==> SHM
  20795. SHM, simple harmonic motion ==> 単調和振動
  20796. SHMK, safe haven medical kit ==> セーフヘブン医療キット
  20797. shnovial fold ==> 滑膜皱襞
  20798. SHNT, shunt ==> 分岐回路
  20799. SHNT, shunt circuit ==> 電源制御回路
  20800. SHNT, shunt dissipator ==> シャントデシペータ
  20801. SHNT, shunt resistor ==> 分路抵抗器
  20802. Sho-Saiko-To ==> 小柴胡汤=>小柴胡湯
  20803. shoal ==> 沙洲
  20804. shoal area ==> 浅水区
  20805. shoal area of sand ==> 沙洲浅水区
  20806. shoal head ==> 沙嘴
  20807. shoal indicator ==> 浅滩标志
  20808. shoal mark ==> 浅滩标志
  20809. shoal materials ==> 淤积物
  20810. shoal patches ==> 浅滩
  20811. shoal reef ==> 浅礁
  20812. shoal retreat massif ==> 浅滩后退砂体
  20813. shoal rock ==> 浅礁
  20814. shoal water ==> 浅水,浅水区
  20815. shoal-retreat massif ==> 浅滩残余砂体
  20816. shoaler ==> 沿海船
  20817. shoaling ==> 浅水作用
  20818. shoaling coeefficient ==> 变线系数
  20819. shoaling coefficient ==> 浅水系数
  20820. shoaling effect ==> 滩浅影响
  20821. shoaling factor ==> (波浪)浅水系数
  20822. shoaling water ==> 浅水区
  20823. shoaly land ==> 湖田
  20824. shock ==> 震,震动,震扰,振荡,冲击,冲撞,爆音,休克=>衝撃
  20825. shock (wave) ==> 激波
  20826. shock absorber ==> 缓冲器,冲击吸收器,消震器,减震器
  20827. shock absorber arm ==> 减震器臂
  20828. shock absorber ball joint ==> 减震器球节
  20829. shock absorber ball stud ==> 减震器球头柱螺栓
  20830. shock absorber body ==> 减震器体
  20831. shock absorber bracker ==> 减震器托架
  20832. shock absorber combustion head ==> 减震燃烧缸头
  20833. shock absorber compression valve ==> 减震器压缩阀
  20834. shock absorber conical rubber ==> 减震器锥形橡皮
  20835. shock absorber cylinder ==> 减震器筒
  20836. shock absorber end cap ==> 减震器端盖
  20837. shock absorber end cap gasket ==> 减震器盖衬
  20838. shock absorber expander ==> 水封护罩
  20839. shock absorber eye bolt sleeve ==> 减震器有眼螺栓衬套
  20840. shock absorber filler plug ==> 减震器注入塞
  20841. shock absorber filler plug gasket ==> 减震器注油塞垫密片
  20842. shock absorber filler screw ==> 减震器注入塞
  20843. shock absorber fluid ==> 减震器油
  20844. shock absorber friction disk(-isc) ==> 减震器摩擦盘
  20845. shock absorber gland nut ==> 减震器压盖螺母
  20846. shock absorber intake valve ==> 减震器进油阀
  20847. shock absorber link ==> 减震器连杆
  20848. shock absorber link bushing ==> 减震器连杆补套
  20849. shock absorber link pin ==> 减震器连节销
  20850. shock absorber link rod ==> 减震器拉杆
  20851. shock absorber link rod pin bronze bushing ==> 减震器拉杆销铜套
  20852. shock absorber link rod pin steel bushing ==> 减震器拉杆销钢套
  20853. shock absorber oil ==> 消震油
  20854. shock absorber packing ring ==> 减震器密封环
  20855. shock absorber piston ==> 减震器活塞
  20856. shock absorber recoil spring ==> 减震器反冲阀弹簧
  20857. shock absorber recoil valve ==> 减震器回跳阀
  20858. shock absorber relief valve ==> 减震器旁通阀
  20859. shock absorber relief valve gasket ==> 减震器保险阀垫密片
  20860. shock absorber rod guide ==> 减震器杆导管
  20861. shock absorber rubber ==> 减震器橡皮
  20862. shock absorber shaft ==> 减震器轴
  20863. shock absorber strap ==> 减震器环
  20864. shock absorber strut ==> 减震器支柱
  20865. shock absorber support ==> 减震器支架
  20866. shock absorber tester ==> ショックアブソーバー試験機
  20867. shock absorber wiper seal ==> 减震器水封
  20868. shock absorbing bushing ==> 减震衬套
  20869. shock absorbing circuit ==> 压力缓冲回路
  20870. shock absorbing mount(ing) ==> 减震架
  20871. shock absorbing seat ==> 减震座
  20872. shock absorbing spring can ==> 减震弹簧筒
  20873. shock absorbing spring for vehicle ==> 车辆用缓冲弹簧
  20874. shock absorbing stud ==> 减震支柱
  20875. shock absorption ==> 减震法,冲击吸收
  20876. shock accelerometer ==> 冲击加速表,冲击加速度表,冲击加速计
  20877. shock action ==> 冲击作用,突击动作
  20878. shock angle ==> 激波倾斜角
  20879. shock antigen ==> 休克抗原
  20880. shock arrester (-tor) ==> 振动吸收装置
  20881. shock at entry ==> 入口冲击
  20882. shock bending ==> 冲击弯曲
  20883. shock bending test ==> 冲击弯曲试验
  20884. shock blasting ==> 振动爆破
  20885. shock blow stress ==> 冲击应力
  20886. shock bottle ==> 瓶状激波系
  20887. shock bottom furnace ==> 振底炉
  20888. shock bump ==> 冲击地压,冲击突出
  20889. shock chamber ==> 激冷室,骤冷室
  20890. shock chilling ==> 骤冷
  20891. shock chilling medium ==> 激冷介质
  20892. shock coagulation ==> 冲击凝固
  20893. shock component ==> 冲击分力
  20894. shock compression ==> 冲击压缩
  20895. shock concrete ==> 振捣混凝土
  20896. shock cooling ==> 激冷,骤冷
  20897. shock cord ==> 减震绳
  20898. shock cord takeoff ==> 橡筋绳牵引起飞
  20899. shock corn ==> 全株玉米捆
  20900. shock current ==> 冲击电流,电击电流,由于触电通过人体或动物身体并可能引起病理、生理效应特征的电流
  20901. shock damper ==> 阻尼器,减震器
  20902. shock deformational fabric ==> 冲击变形组构
  20903. shock diamond ==> 钻石型激波
  20904. shock diffuser ==> 振动渗滤器
  20905. shock discharge ==> 撞击排料
  20906. shock discontinuity ==> 激波间断
  20907. shock drag ==> 波阻
  20908. shock driver ==> 冲击式螺丝刀
  20909. shock dynamics ==> 冲击动力学
  20910. shock effect ==> 冲击效应,冲击影响,震动作用
  20911. shock elasticity ==> 冲击弹性
  20912. shock eliminator ==> 除震器
  20913. shock energy ==> 震动能
  20914. shock excitation ==> 震激,冲击激励,冲击励磁,碰撞激励,激振
  20915. shock excitation contact ==> 强励磁接点
  20916. shock excite ==> 冲击激励,震激
  20917. shock excited oscillator ==> 震激振荡器,冲击激励振荡器=>ショック発振器
  20918. shock excited oscillatory circuit ==> 冲击励磁振荡电路
  20919. shock exciter ==> 冲击励磁机,强行励磁机
  20920. shock factor ==> 冲击系数
  20921. shock failure ==> 冲击破坏
  20922. shock fitting ==> 激波拟合
  20923. shock front ==> 激波波前,激波前沿,激震前沿,冲波面
  20924. shock gut ==> 马急性结肠炎
  20925. shock hanger insert ==> 防震悬架垫
  20926. shock hazard ==> 冲击危险性,电击事故
  20927. shock heat ==> 冲击波加热
  20928. shock heating ==> 激波加热
  20929. shock index ==> 休克指数
  20930. shock insulator ==> 隔垫
  20931. shock interaction ==> 激波相交
  20932. shock isolation ==> 震动隔离
  20933. shock isolation system ==> 隔震系统
  20934. shock isolator ==> 隔震体
  20935. shock kidney ==> 休克肾
  20936. shock line ==> 激波线
  20937. shock liquid ==> 防震液
  20938. shock load ==> 冲缓载,振动负载,突加负载,突加载荷,冲击负荷,冲击负载,冲击荷载,冲击载荷
  20939. shock loading ==> 冲击负载
  20940. shock loss ==> 冲击损失,激波损失
  20941. shock lung ==> 休克肺
  20942. shock Mach number ==> 冲击马赫数
  20943. shock machine ==> 冲击机
  20944. shock metamorphic effect ==> 冲击变质效应
  20945. shock metamorphism ==> 冲击变质作用,震动变质作用
  20946. shock mine ==> 震发地雷
  20947. shock mitigation ==> 缓冲
  20948. shock mitigation system ==> 减震系统
  20949. shock motion ==> 激振运动,冲击波传播,冲击运动
  20950. shock mount ==> 隔振垫,防震座,减震架,减震支座
  20951. shock of transplantation ==> 移植效应
  20952. shock organ ==> 休克器官
  20953. shock oscillation ==> 激波脉动
  20954. shock oscillator ==> 冲击振荡器
  20955. shock pad ==> 减震垫
  20956. shock ply ==> 冲击层
  20957. shock polar ==> 激波极线
  20958. shock polaric diagram ==> 冲击波极线图
  20959. shock power ==> 突击力
  20960. shock pressure ==> 冲击压力,激波压力
  20961. shock pressure absorber ==> 冲击压力吸收器,水击吸收器
  20962. shock pressure experiments ==> 冲压实验
  20963. shock protector ==> 减震防护装置=>ショックプロテクター
  20964. shock pulse ==> 冲击脉冲,震动脉冲
  20965. shock reaction ==> 伤害反应
  20966. shock received during transit ==> 运输途中受震
  20967. shock recovery ==> 激波恢复
  20968. shock reducer ==> 缓冲装置,减震器
  20969. shock reflection ==> 冲击波反射
  20970. shock region ==> 激波区
  20971. shock relay ==> 冲击继电器=>ショックリレー
  20972. shock relieve vent ==> 减震孔
  20973. shock resistance ==> 耐冲击,抗震,抗冲击,抗冲击性,抗冲击性能,耐震,耐震强度,防震
  20974. shock resistant ==> 耐冲荒
  20975. shock resistant sealant ==> 防震密封剂
  20976. shock ring ==> 减震环
  20977. shock seismograph ==> 冲击地震仪
  20978. shock shoe ==> 防冲滑脚,(保护犁铧用的)缓冲滑脚
  20979. shock sink ==> 冲击壑
  20980. shock smearing ==> 激波涂抹
  20981. shock spark ==> 冲击火花
  20982. shock spectrum ==> 冲击谱
  20983. shock speed ==> 冲击波速率
  20984. shock stage ==> 休克期
  20985. shock stall ==> 激波失速
  20986. shock stall effect ==> 激波离体效应
  20987. shock state ==> 休克状态
  20988. shock stop pin ==> 减震销
  20989. shock stoppage ==> 震惊停歇
  20990. shock strength ==> 冲击强度,抗冲击强度,抗震强度
  20991. shock stress ==> 冲击应力,冲胁强,冲应力
  20992. shock strut ==> 减震支柱
  20993. shock suppressor ==> 防冲击器
  20994. shock surface ==> 冲击表面,冲击面
  20995. shock synthesis ==> 冲击波合成
  20996. shock test ==> 冲击试验=>衝撃試験
  20997. shock test machine ==> 冲击试验机
  20998. shock test of extreme-pressure lubricants ==> 特压润滑剂的振动试验
  20999. shock test of grease ==> 润滑脂震击试验
  21000. shock tester ==> 冲击试验机,震动试验器,抗震试验机
  21001. shock testing machine ==> 冲击试验机
  21002. shock therapy ==> 休克疗法
  21003. shock tissue ==> 休克组织
  21004. shock transition region ==> 冲击波过渡区
  21005. shock transmissibility ==> 冲击传递率
  21006. shock troops ==> 突击部队
  21007. shock tube ==> 震动管,冲击管,冲击激励管,激波管
  21008. shock tunnel ==> 激波风洞
  21009. shock value ==> 冲击值
  21010. shock velocity ==> 激波速度,冲击波速,冲击波速率,冲击速度,冲击值
  21011. shock vibrator ==> 颠震振捣器,摇动式振捣器
  21012. shock voltage ==> 电压脉冲,脉冲电压
  21013. shock vulneralis ==> 创伤性休克
  21014. shock wave ==> 冲击波,震波,人字形激波=>衝撃波
  21015. shock wave discontinuity ==> 冲击波不连接性
  21016. shock wave drag ==> 波阻
  21017. shock wave drilling ==> 震激波凿岩
  21018. shock wave front ==> 冲击波面,冲击波前沿
  21019. shock wave heating ==> 激波加热
  21020. shock wave implosion ==> 冲击波内爆
  21021. shock wave ionization ==> 冲击波电离
  21022. shock wave lip ==> 唇部激波
  21023. shock wave luminescence ==> 激波发光
  21024. shock wave polymerization ==> 冲击波聚合作用
  21025. shock wave pumped laser ==> 冲击波抽运激光器
  21026. shock wave refraction ==> 激波折射
  21027. shock wave shadow ==> 冲击波痕
  21028. shock wave tests ==> 冲击波试验
  21029. shock wave thickness ==> 激波厚度
  21030. shock worker ==> 突击手
  21031. shock zone ==> 冲击区域
  21032. shock-absorbing cradle ==> 减震架
  21033. shock-absorbing device ==> 减震装置
  21034. shock-absorbing seat ==> 减震座
  21035. shock-compression curve ==> 冲击压缩曲线
  21036. shock-excitation ==> 冲击激发
  21037. shock-generating body ==> 激波发生体
  21038. shock-induced boundary layer ==> 冲击边界层
  21039. shock-lithification ==> 冲击石化作用
  21040. shock-produced deformation ==> 冲击变形
  21041. shock-proof glass electrode ==> 防震玻璃电极
  21042. shock-resistance test ==> 耐碰撞试验
  21043. shock-resistant ==> 抗震的
  21044. shock-response-spectrum analysis ==> SRS解析
  21045. shock-sensitive ==> 对冲击灵敏的
  21046. shock-sensitivity ==> 冲击灵敏度,震动灵敏度
  21047. shock-sink ==> 冲击逸除
  21048. shock-stall ==> 滞止激波
  21049. shock-wave angle ==> 激波倾斜角
  21050. shock-wave drilling ==> 冲击钻进
  21051. shock-wave gas ionization ==> 冲击波气体电离,冲击气体电离
  21052. shock-wave heating ==> 冲击波加热
  21053. shock-wave high-pressure technique ==> 冲击波高压技术
  21054. shock-wave ionization ==> 激波电离
  21055. shock-wave luminescence ==> 冲击波发光,冲击发光
  21056. shock-wave noise ==> 爆音
  21057. shock-wave reflection ==> 冲击波反射,冲击反射
  21058. shock-wave-pumped laser ==> 冲击泵浦激光器
  21059. shock-wavepumped laser ==> 冲击波泵浦激光器
  21060. shocked flow ==> 冲波气流,激波流
  21061. shocked plasma ==> 受冲等离子体
  21062. shocked sheaves ==> 禾捆堆
  21063. shocking house ==> 晒全株玉米用的木架
  21064. shockless jarring machine ==> 无震冲击机
  21065. shockless jolt molding machine ==> 微震造型机
  21066. shockley equation ==> 肖克莱方程
  21067. Shockley partial dislocation ==> 肖克利局部位错
  21068. shockley partial dislocation ==> 肖克莱部分位错
  21069. shockley read hall recombination ==> 肖克莱里德霍尔复合
  21070. shockproof ==> 耐冲荒
  21071. shockproof electric apparatus ==> 耐震电气设备,耐振电气设备
  21072. shockproof mount(ing) ==> 耐震台座,减震架
  21073. shockproof steering ==> 防震转向,无反冲转向
  21074. shockproof structure ==> 防震结构
  21075. shockproof suspension ==> 减震悬挂
  21076. shockproof switch ==> 防电击开关
  21077. shocks received during transit ==> 运输途中受震
  21078. shodding in cotton ==> 棉落铃
  21079. shoddy picker ==> 开纱头机
  21080. shoddy product ==> 冒牌货
  21081. shoddy work and inferior material ==> 偷工减料
  21082. shodop, short-range Doppler ==> 短距離ドップラ測法
  21083. SHODOP, short-range Doppler radar ==> 短距離ドップラーレーダー
  21084. shoe ==> 靴,起动导轨,瓦状物,导向板,地脚板轨座,承座,履,履带板,履带片,开口坩埚,基础板,闸瓦
  21085. shoe block ==> 制动块
  21086. shoe brake ==> 刹车块,闸瓦制动器,蹄式闸,蹄式制动器,块闸
  21087. shoe colter ==> 靴式开沟器
  21088. shoe connection ==> 箍环接合
  21089. shoe contact pressure ==> 制动蹄片接触压力
  21090. shoe drill ==> 靴式开沟播种器
  21091. shoe expander mechanism ==> 蹄片张开装置
  21092. shoe nog plate ==> 马蹄铁形磨盘
  21093. shoe pitman ==> 清粮器传动连杆
  21094. shoe plate ==> 蹄片,闸瓦,支撑板
  21095. shoe polisher ==> 擦鞋机
  21096. shoe pressure force ==> 制动闸块压力
  21097. shoe retaining clips ==> 闸瓦固定夹
  21098. shoe retracing spring ==> 制动片回位弹簧
  21099. shoe runner ==> 靴式开沟器
  21100. shoe shell ==> 钻泥提取器
  21101. shoe slipper ==> (割草机的)滑脚
  21102. shoe stick ==> 度鞋尺
  21103. shoe-button cell ==> 鞋扣形电池
  21104. shoe-elbow ==> 底弯肘管
  21105. shoe-shaped drag head ==> (挖泥船的)靴状吸嘴
  21106. shoe-string sand ==> 透镜状沉积砂
  21107. shoe-type furrow opener ==> 靴式开沟器
  21108. shoebutton tube ==> 橡实形电子管
  21109. shoeless track ==> 无瓦履带
  21110. shoestring ==> 小额资本,带状体,电线
  21111. shoestring sand ==> 带状砂层,鞋带状砂层
  21112. shoestring trading ==> 小本经营
  21113. shogged stitch ==> 波纹组织
  21114. Shokusenki ==> 植繊機
  21115. Shokusenki with crusher ==> 破砕機一体型植繊機
  21116. Shokusenki with fixed quantity supply device ==> 定量供給装置付植繊機
  21117. shoo away the sparrows ==> 轰麻雀
  21118. shoot ==> 加速,坑,摄,摄影,射,急痛,枝条,流下,芽,人工爆炸,萌芽,放炮,幼株,茎轴,根出条,拍摄,抛出,富矿体,斜沟
  21119. shoot an approach ==> 练习进场着陆
  21120. shoot apex ==> 苗端,苗间
  21121. shoot at right angles ==> 直射
  21122. shoot bag ==> 新果穗袋
  21123. shoot borer ==> 嫩梢蛀虫
  21124. shoot bud ==> 枝芽
  21125. shoot core machine ==> 射芯机
  21126. shoot cutting ==> 嫩枝插
  21127. shoot dead ==> 枪杀
  21128. shoot down ==> 击落
  21129. shoot gall ==> 枝瘿
  21130. shoot moth ==> 梢蛾
  21131. shoot mutation ==> 梢变
  21132. shoot off ==> 刨光,刨去
  21133. shoot plucking ==> 采摘新芽
  21134. shoot proof tyre ==> 防弹轮胎
  21135. shoot root ==> 苗根
  21136. shoot squeeze molding machine ==> 射压造型机
  21137. shoot system ==> 茎轴系统
  21138. shoot thorn ==> 枝刺
  21139. shoot up ==> 喷出,飞涨
  21140. shoot-out ==> 起弧
  21141. shoot-root ratio ==> 条根比率
  21142. shooter ==> 射手,枪,猎者
  21143. shooting ==> 木边刨,立射俑
  21144. shooting board fixture ==> 刨光板夹具
  21145. shooting box ==> 猎屋,狩猎小屋,狩猎小屋
  21146. shooting brake ==> 电视车
  21147. shooting flow ==> 超临界流
  21148. shooting into the solid ==> 过深炮
  21149. shooting method ==> 打靶法
  21150. shooting on-the-free ==> 多自由面爆破
  21151. shooting period ==> 拔节期
  21152. shooting plane ==> 修边刨
  21153. shooting range ==> 靶场
  21154. shooting star ==> 流星花
  21155. shooting-sheet shutter ==> 棱片快门
  21156. shootingstar ==> 流星花属
  21157. shop ==> 车间,店铺,商店,计算站,店=>小売店,工場,修理工場,会社
  21158. shop act ==> 商店法
  21159. shop air ==> 车间气源,工厂用压缩空气
  21160. shop allowance ==> 工厂容差,商店容差
  21161. shop assembling ==> 工厂装配=>工場組立
  21162. shop assembly ==> 工場組立
  21163. shop assistance ==> 店員
  21164. shop bill ==> 工厂材料单
  21165. shop car ==> 厂内运货车
  21166. shop card ==> 车间工作卡片
  21167. shop characteristics ==> 工艺性能
  21168. shop condition ==> 车间生产条件,车间条件
  21169. shop crane ==> 厂用起重机
  21170. shop detail drawing ==> 工厂施工详图,加工详图
  21171. shop drawing ==> 安装图,制作图
  21172. shop driven rivet ==> 厂合铆钉,厂铆铆钉
  21173. shop environment ==> 工場環境
  21174. shop equipment ==> 工厂设备
  21175. shop erection ==> 厂内安装
  21176. shop fabricated parts (SFP) ==> 车间制作组装件
  21177. shop fabrication ==> 工場製作
  21178. shop facilities ==> 工場設備
  21179. shop foreman ==> 车间工长
  21180. shop front ==> 门面
  21181. shop gage ==> 工卓规
  21182. shop gauge ==> 车间量规,工作量规
  21183. shop hoist ==> 车间起重机
  21184. shop illuminator ==> 工厂照明器
  21185. shop instruction ==> 工场说明,工厂工作细则
  21186. shop instructions ==> 车间守则
  21187. shop lifter ==> 冒充顾客的扒手
  21188. shop line ==> 车间风管
  21189. shop lumber ==> 半成材
  21190. shop management ==> 车间管理,工场管理,工厂管理
  21191. shop manual ==> 工厂规程,工厂手册
  21192. shop order ==> 工作单
  21193. shop painted ==> 厂内油漆的
  21194. shop preassembly ==> 厂内预安装
  21195. shop repair ==> 厂修
  21196. shop rivet ==> 工厂铆钉,厂合铆钉,工厂铆合的铆钉
  21197. shop riveting ==> 工厂铆接,厂铆
  21198. shop safety ==> 车间安全
  21199. shop sign ==> 牌号
  21200. shop splice ==> 工厂拼接
  21201. shop supplies ==> 车间备品
  21202. shop sweeping ==> 车间废料
  21203. shop term ==> 生产术语
  21204. shop test ==> 厂内试验,车间试验,工厂试验=>工場試験
  21205. shop test specification ==> 工厂试验规范
  21206. shop truck ==> 工程车
  21207. shop typhus ==> 地方性斑疹伤寒
  21208. shop weld ==> 工厂焊接
  21209. shop welding ==> 工厂焊接,车间焊接,车间中焊接
  21210. shop window glass ==> 橱窗玻璃
  21211. shop-built form ==> 厂制模板
  21212. shop-fabricated ==> 厂制,厂制的,车间预制
  21213. shop-fabricated boiler ==> 快装式锅炉
  21214. shop-fabricated member ==> 工厂预制构件
  21215. shop-field erection of tank ==> 工厂内油罐的焊接装置
  21216. shop-welded connection ==> 厂焊接头
  21217. shopkeeper's strike ==> 罢市
  21218. shopkeepers' books ==> 小销售商帐册
  21219. shopkeepers strike ==> 罢市
  21220. shopowner ==> 财东
  21221. shopping bag ==> 采购用纸袋
  21222. shopping centre ==> 购物中心
  21223. shopping district ==> 商店区
  21224. shopping goods ==> 挑选购买品,选购产品,选购品
  21225. Shopping Green Exhibition ==> 环保购物展览
  21226. shopping mall ==> 步行商业街
  21227. shopping oscillator ==> 间歇作用发生器
  21228. shopping street ==> 商业街
  21229. shopwindow ==> 商店橱窗
  21230. shoran ==> 肖兰
  21231. shoran (short-range navigation system) ==> 肖兰精密导航装置
  21232. shoran set ==> 近距离助航仪
  21233. SHORAN, short-range navigation ==> 短距離航法
  21234. shore ==> 顶撑杆,顶柱,岸
  21235. shore accomodation ==> 陆战设施
  21236. shore based radar ==> 海岸雷达
  21237. shore beacon ==> 岸标
  21238. shore bird ==> 岸禽类
  21239. shore clause ==> 陆上条款,陆运条款
  21240. shore crane ==> 岸吊
  21241. shore current ==> 岸边流,岸流,滨流
  21242. shore cutting ==> 岸边冲刷,海滨冲刷
  21243. shore deposit ==> 海滨沉积,岸边淤积
  21244. shore drift ==> 滨海漂积物,海岸漂积物,沿滨漂积物
  21245. shore dune ==> 海岸沙丘
  21246. shore end cable ==> 岸边电缆
  21247. shore end optical cable ==> 岸边光缆
  21248. shore erosion ==> 岸坡侵蚀
  21249. shore facilities ==> 陆域设备
  21250. shore hardness ==> 肖氏硬度
  21251. Shore hardness ==> ショア硬さ
  21252. shore hardness test ==> 回跳硬度试验
  21253. Shore hardness tester ==> 肖氏硬度计
  21254. shore ice ==> 岸冰,滨冰
  21255. shore intake ==> 河岸进水构筑物
  21256. shore lead ==> 冰岸水道
  21257. shore line ==> 海岸线
  21258. shore man ==> 陆上工