英汉日科技词汇(An English-Chinese-Japanese Dictionary of Technology,总数606812,I/25779)


船舶配件贸易分类==> Main Ship Equipments | Equipment Types | Main Marine Manufacturers
Ship Spare Parts, =1=A=B=C=D=E=F=G=H=I=J=K=L=M=N=O=P=Q=R=S=T=U=V=W=X=Y=Z=
女性肖像, by H. Nakajima | 燃料弁噴射テスト装置 | 油圧ポンプユニット | フラットソケット
化学品船 | Parts 1 | Parts 2 | Parts 3 | Parts 4 | Parts 5 | Parts 6 | Parts 7 | Parts 8 | Parts 9
  1. I action, integral action ==> I-作用,积分作用
  2. i bar ==> 工形材
  3. I bar ==> 工形材
  4. I beam ==> 工字钢,工字梁
  5. i beam ==> 工字梁
  6. i beam girder ==> 工字梁
  7. i iron ==> 工字钢
  8. I iron ==> 工字钢
  9. I neutrons ==> 碘中子
  10. i regulator ==> 积分调节器
  11. i s diagram i s ==> 线图
  12. i section ==> i字钢
  13. i steel ==> i字钢
  14. i type semiconductor ==> 本针导体
  15. I&C, installation and checkout ==> 設置点検
  16. I&S, ignition and separation ==> 点火及び分離
  17. I&T, inspection & test ==> 検査試験
  18. I&T, integration and test ==> 組立及び検査
  19. I&TE, integration and test equipment ==> インテグレーション及び試験機器
  20. I' Huilier's equation ==> 吕以利埃方程
  21. I-bar ==> 工字杆,工字铁
  22. I-beam web ==> 工字梁腹板
  23. I-column ==> 工字柱
  24. I-conversion ==> 定点数据转换
  25. i-empirical calculation ==> 半经验计算
  26. i-empirical equation ==> 半经验方程
  27. i-empirical relation ==> 半经验关系式
  28. i-empirical relationship ==> 半经验公式
  29. I-gauge ==> 工字形极限卡规
  30. I-groove ==> 工型槽
  31. I-head cylinder ==> 工形汽缸头,顶置气门气缸
  32. I-iron ==> 工字铁
  33. I-iron shearing machine ==> 工字铁剪切机
  34. I-prop ==> 工字撑
  35. I-rail ==> I形レール
  36. I-scope ==> Iスコープ
  37. I-section ==> 工形截面,工字形剖面
  38. I-section spar ==> 工字形翼梁
  39. I-section steel pile ==> 工字型钢桩
  40. I-shaped cross-section ==> 工字形截面
  41. I-shaped plan ==> 工字形平面
  42. I-shaped prop ==> 工字撑
  43. I-shaped suspension shaft ==> 工字悬挂轴
  44. I-signal ==> I信号
  45. i-spin ==> 同位旋
  46. I-steel ==> 工字形钢,窄边工字钢
  47. I-steel pile ==> 工字型钢桩
  48. I-strut ==> 工字铁支撑
  49. I-TAG, inspection TAG ==> 検査票
  50. I.B.valve ==> 铁体阀
  51. I.check unit ==> 国际雏鸡单位
  52. I.S., isothermal solidification ==> 等温凝固
  53. I/C, intercom ==> インターコミュニケーション
  54. I/F, interface ==> インタフェース
  55. I/O channel ==> 输入输出通道,I/O通道
  56. I/O, Input-Output equipment ==> 入出力装置
  57. I/O, input/output ==> 入出力
  58. I/O, Input/Output ==> 入出力
  59. I/OM, input/output mode ==> 入出力モード
  60. I/R, information request ==> 指摘票
  61. I/S, interconnecting station ==> 相互連絡ステーション
  62. IA, Industrial Automation ==> 工業オートメーション
  63. IA, input axis ==> 入力軸
  64. IAA, International Academy of Astronautics ==> 国際航空宇宙アカデミー
  65. IAB, Internet Architecture Board ==> 1983年に設立された、インターネットに関する技術標準を決定する団体。
  66. iac valve replacement with bovine pericardium ==> 心脏瓣膜用牛心包替换术
  67. IAC, Industrial Applications Center ==> 産業応用センター
  68. IAC, integrating assembly contractor ==> 総合組立契約者
  69. iacketed kettle ==> 带夹套的锅
  70. IACO, integrated assembly and checkout ==> 統合組立/検査
  71. IACO, Integration Assembly and Checkout ==> インテグレーション,アセンブリ,チェックアウト
  72. IACS conductivity ==> 紫铜导电率
  73. IACS, information acquisition and collection system ==> 情報取得収集システム
  74. IACS, information analysis capture system ==> 情報解析捕捉システム
  75. IACS, International Association of Classification Societies ==> 国际等级评定协会,国際船級協会会議
  76. IAD, installation assembly drawing ==> 組立て図面
  77. IADC International association drilling contractor ==> 国际钻井承包商
  78. IADC, International Association of Drilling Contractors ==> 国際掘削業者連合
  79. IAE, integral of absolute error ==> 誤差面積
  80. IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency ==> 国际原子能机构,国际原子能组织=>国際原子力機関
  81. IAF, International Astronautical Federation ==> 国際宇宙航行連盟
  82. IAG, International Association of Geodesy ==> 国際測地学協会
  83. IAHR ==> 国際水理学会
  84. IAIN, International Association of Institute of Navigation ==> 国際航海協会連合
  85. ial free supply and partial wages ==> 部分供给
  86. IALA International Association of Lighthouse Authorities ==> 国际灯塔当局协会
  87. IALA, International Association of Lighthouse Authorities ==> 国際航路標識協会
  88. IAM, incidental amplitude modulation ==> 入射振幅変調
  89. IAM, information asset management ==> 情報資産管理
  90. IAM, Initial Approach Mode ==> イニシャル・アプローチ・モード
  91. iamge description ==> 图像描述
  92. IAMU ==> 国際海事大学連合総会
  93. IAMU, International Association of Maritime Universities ==> 国際海事大学連合
  94. IANA, Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ==> インターネット・アサインド・ナンバー・オーソリティ
  95. Ianov schema ==> 雅诺夫模式
  96. IAP, Intelligent Alarm Processor ==> IAP
  97. IAPH International Association of Ports and Harbors ==> 国际海岸港口协会
  98. IAPH, International Association of Ports and Harbors ==> 国際港湾協会
  99. IARC ==> 国際がん研究機関
  100. IAS, International Application Satellite ==> 国際応用衛星
  101. IASPEI ==> 国际地震学和地球内部物理学联合会
  102. IAST, integrated assembly study team ==> インテグレーテッドアセンブリ研究チーム
  103. IASTED, The International Association of Science and Technology for Economic Development ==> IASTED is a major forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to present their latest research, results, ideas, developments, and applications in all areas of electric power and energy systems.
  104. IASY, International Active Sun Year ==> 太陽活動期国際観測年
  105. IAT, image annotation tape ==> 画像注釈テープ
  106. IATA ==> 国际航空运输协会
  107. IATA, International Air Transport Association ==> 国際航空運送協会
  108. iatric orthopedics ==> 小儿矫形外科
  109. iatrogenic adrenal cortical insufficiency ==> 医原性肾上腺皮质功能不全
  110. iatrogenic hypercortisonism ==> 医原性皮质醇增多症
  111. iatrogenic hyperthyroidism ==> 医原性甲状腺功能亢进
  112. iatrogenic hypothyroidism ==> 医原性甲状腺功能减退
  113. iatrogenic pituitary disorders ==> 医原性垂体障碍
  114. iatron ==> 投影电位示波器
  115. IAU galactic coordinate system ==> 国际通用银道坐标系
  116. IAU, International Astronomical Union ==> 国際天文学連盟,国際天文学連合
  117. IAW In Accordance With ==> 按照,根据
  118. IB, Instruction Book ==> NASA略語(意訳,教本,指導書)
  119. IB, Integration box ==> 集成箱
  120. IBA, Independent Broadcasting Authority ==> 独立放送協会
  121. IBA, International Bar Association ==> 国際棒材協会
  122. IBAD, Ion Beam Assisted Deposition ==> 複合照射法
  123. IBC International Code for Vessels Carrying Chemicals in Bulk (IMO) ==> 国际船只运输化学物质法案
  124. ibd ==> 离子束穿孔
  125. IBG, interblock gap ==> ブロック間隔
  126. ibl ==> 离子束刻蚀法
  127. IBL, initial binary load ==> 計算機の初期起動
  128. IBM, International Business Machines Corporation ==> IBM社
  129. ibt ==> 离子注入基极晶体管
  130. ic ==> 集成电路
  131. ic amino acid ==> 酸性氨基酸
  132. ic amplifier ==> 集成电路放大器
  133. IC array ==> 集成电路陈列
  134. ic array ==> 集成电路阵列
  135. ic artwork generation ==> 集成电路原图生成
  136. ic assortative mating ==> 表型选配
  137. ic benchmark ==> 集成电路参考标准
  138. ic breadboarding ==> 集成电路模拟板试验
  139. ic capacitor ==> 集成电路电容器
  140. ic chip ==> 集成电路芯片
  141. ic design ==> 集成电路设计
  142. ic development ==> 集成电路试制
  143. ic disassortative mating ==> 表型异类交配
  144. IC double waveguide laser ==> 集成双波导激器
  145. ic element ==> 集成电路元件
  146. ic embolism ==> 脓毒性栓塞
  147. ic embryology ==> 系统胚胎学
  148. IC engine spark arrester ==> 内燃机火星捕捉器
  149. ic family ==> 集成电路系列
  150. ic isolation technique ==> 集成电路隔离技术
  151. ic lead socket ==> 集成电路插座
  152. ic log ==> 岩性录井,岩性录井图,地质测井记录,地质柱状图
  153. ic log book ==> 气象日记簿
  154. IC logic control ==> 集成电路逻辑电磁控制
  155. ic matrix ==> 运动矩阵
  156. ic memory ==> 集成电路存储器
  157. ic mockup ==> 集成电路实体模型
  158. ic module ==> 集成电路组件
  159. ic network ==> 单一磁网络
  160. ic process technology ==> 集成电路工艺学
  161. ic processing ==> 集成电路加工过程
  162. ic processor ==> 集成电路微处理机
  163. IC regulator ==> 集成电路调节器
  164. IC voltage variable capacitor ==> 集成压控可变电容器
  165. IC, import certificate ==> 国際輸入証明書
  166. IC, Index Catalogue ==> IC星表
  167. IC, Integrated Circuit ==> 集積回路
  168. IC, integrated circuit ==> 集積回路
  169. IC, integration contractor ==> インテグレーションコントラクタ
  170. IC, interface check ==> インタフェース確認
  171. ICA, integrated configuration and analysis ==> インテグレーテッドコンフィギュレーション及びアナリシス
  172. ICAE, International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity ==> 大気電気国際会議
  173. ICAEAM, integrated computer-aided engineering and manufacturing ==> インテグレーテッド計算機支援エンジニアリング及び製造
  174. ical emf ==> 电化电动势
  175. ical emulsification ==> 化学乳化
  176. ICAM, integrated computer aided manufacturing ==> 電子計算機支援製造方式
  177. ICAN, International Commission for Aerial Navigators ==> 国際運航士委員会
  178. icand register ==> 被乘数寄存器
  179. ICANS, Industrial Consortium ANS ==> 米国標準規格産業協会
  180. ICAO ==> 国际民航组织
  181. ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization ==> 国際民間航空機関
  182. ICAP, Installed Capacity Market ==> 設備容量市場
  183. ICAP, International Carbon Action Partnership ==> 国際炭素取引協定
  184. ICB, Integration Control Board ==> インテグレーション管理委員会
  185. ICB, interconnecting box ==> インターコネクティングボックス
  186. ICB, Interface Control Board ==> インタフェース管理委員会
  187. ICBM alarm satellite ==> 洲际弹道导弹警戒卫星
  188. ICBM defence ==> 洲际弹道导弹防御
  189. ICBM defence mission ==> 洲际弹道导弹防御任务
  190. ICBM detection radar ==> 洲际弹道导弹探测雷达
  191. ICBM operational command ==> 洲际弹道导弹作战司令部
  192. ICBM vehicle ==> 洲际弹道导弹
  193. ICBM, Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile ==> 大陸間弾道ミサイル
  194. ICBM, intercontinental ballistic missile ==> 大陸間弾道弾
  195. ICC International Chamber of Commerce ==> 国际商会
  196. ICC, intercomputer control ==> 計算機相互間の制御
  197. ICC, interface control contractor ==> インタフェース確認契約者
  198. ICC, International Chamber of Commerce ==> 国際商工会議所
  199. ICCAT ==> 大西洋まぐろ類保存国際委員会
  200. ICCL International Council of Cruise Lines ==> 国际航线委员会
  201. ICCL, International Council of Cruise Lines ==> 国際周遊船社協会
  202. ICCP, Inter Control Center Protocol ==> 通信プロトコル,IEC-60870-6 Inter Control Center Protocol(TASE.2), ICCP is a standard real-time data exchange protocol. It provides numerous features for the delivery of data, monitoring of values, program control and device control. All the protocol specifics needed to ensure interoperability between different vendor's ICCP products have been included in the specifications.
  203. ICD, interface control document ==> インタフェース管理文書
  204. ICD, interface control documentation ==> インタフェース管理文書
  205. ICD, interface control drawing ==> インタフェース管理図面
  206. ICD, Interface Control Drawing(Bureau de Controle d'Interface) ==> インタフェース管理図面
  207. ICDIP package ==> 集成电路双列直插式组件
  208. ice ==> 冰
  209. ICE ==> 移民及海关执法局
  210. ice abrasion ==> 冰磨蚀
  211. ice accretion ==> 积冰
  212. ice action ==> 冰作用
  213. ice admixture ==> (用以减少混凝土放热)冰掺料
  214. ice age ==> 冰河时代,冰期
  215. Ice Age ==> 更新世
  216. ice anchor ==> 冰锚
  217. ice apparatus ==> 测冰器
  218. ice apron ==> 冰川舌,冰挡,冰覆面,挡冰板
  219. ice arena ==> 冰上运动场
  220. ice atlas ==> 冰图
  221. ice auger ==> 冰钻
  222. ice avalanche ==> 冰崩
  223. ice axe ==> 冰镐,破冰斧
  224. ice ball method ==> 冻土移植法
  225. ice band ==> 冰层,冰夹层
  226. ice bank evaporator ==> 冰箱式蒸发器,结冰式蒸发器
  227. ice bar ==> 冰坝
  228. ice barrier ==> 冰堰,冰缘,冰障
  229. ice bay ==> 冰凹湾
  230. ice belt ==> 浮冰带
  231. ice berg ==> 冰山
  232. ice bight ==> 冰凹湾
  233. ice blink ==> 冰映光
  234. ice blister ==> 冰堆
  235. ice blower ==> 风力送冰机
  236. ice blue ==> 冰染蓝
  237. ice boom ==> 防冰栅
  238. ice bore ==> 冰钻孔
  239. ice breaker ==> 冰挡,破冰船,破冰设备
  240. ice breccia ==> 冰角砾
  241. ice bridge ==> 冰桥,河川坚冰
  242. ice buoy ==> 抗冰浮标
  243. ice cake ==> 冰块
  244. ice caloing ==> 裂冰
  245. ice calorimeter ==> 冰量热计
  246. ice can crane ==> 吊冰行车
  247. ice can truck ==> 吊冰桶车
  248. ice canopy ==> 流冰群
  249. ice cap ==> 冰盖,冰冠,冰帽
  250. ice carapace ==> 冰盖,冰帽
  251. ice cascade ==> 冰瀑
  252. ice cave ==> 冰洞,冰穴
  253. ice cavern ==> 冰洞
  254. ice chain ==> 冰链
  255. ice chamber ==> 冰箱
  256. ice chart ==> 冰海图,冰情分布图
  257. ice chest ==> 冰柜,冰库,冰箱,冷箱
  258. ice chisel ==> 冰凿
  259. ice clause ==> 冰封条款
  260. ice climate ==> 冰雪气候
  261. ice clogging ==> 冰塞
  262. ice cloud crystal ==> 冰晶云
  263. ice coating ==> 覆冰=>被氷(送電線)
  264. ice cold ==> 冰冷
  265. ice color process ==> 冰染法
  266. ice colours ==> 冰染料
  267. ice compress ==> 冰敷
  268. ice concentration ==> 海冰密集度
  269. ice concrete ==> 冰混凝体
  270. ice condition ==> 冰情
  271. ice contact slope ==> 冰接坡
  272. ice content ==> 含冰率
  273. ice control ==> 防冰措施
  274. ice control structure ==> 防冰构筑物
  275. ice cover ==> 海冰密集度,冰层,冰盖
  276. ice crack ==> 冰裂
  277. ice cracks ==> 冰裂纹
  278. ice cream ==> 冰淇淋
  279. ice cream cone baking machine ==> 蛋卷冰淇淋烤烘机
  280. ice cream cone filling machine ==> 蛋卷冰淇淋灌装机
  281. ice cream freezer ==> 冰淇淋冷冻机
  282. ice cream mix ==> 冰淇淋粉
  283. ice crevasse ==> 冰隙
  284. ice crusher ==> 碎冰机
  285. ice crust ==> 冰壳
  286. ice crystal ==> 冰晶,冰晶体
  287. ice crystal imprint ==> 冰晶印痕
  288. ice cuber box ==> 冰柜
  289. ice dam ==> 冰坝
  290. ice damage ==> 冰灾
  291. ice day ==> 冰日
  292. ice desert ==> 冰漠
  293. ice detector ==> 测冰仪
  294. ice disaster ==> 冰灾
  295. ice divide ==> 分冰岭
  296. ice doubling ==> 抗冰衬板
  297. ice dye ==> 冰染料
  298. ice dyeing ==> 冰染
  299. ice engineering ==> 冰工学
  300. ice erosion ==> 冰川侵蚀,冰蚀
  301. ice evaporation level ==> 高空冰汽转相高度
  302. ice fall ==> 冰崩
  303. ice fat ==> 油脂状冰
  304. ice fathometer ==> 回声测冰仪
  305. ice feathers ==> 冰羽
  306. ice field ==> (两极地方的)冰原
  307. ice flaker ==> 刨冰片机
  308. ice floe ==> 浮冰块,大浮冰
  309. ice flow ==> 冰流
  310. ice flow control ==> 冰流控制
  311. ice flower glass ==> 冰花玻璃
  312. ice flowers ==> 冰花
  313. ice fog ==> 冰雾
  314. ice foot ==> 冰脚
  315. ice forecast ==> 冰情预报
  316. ice free ==> 不冻的
  317. ice fringe ==> 冰条带,冰条纹
  318. ice gage ==> 测冰尺
  319. ice gauge ==> 测冰仪
  320. ice gland ==> 冰腺
  321. ice glass ==> 冰花玻璃,冰花状玻璃
  322. ice gorge ==> 冰坝,冰谷,冰峡
  323. ice gruel ==> 粥状冰
  324. ice guard ==> 防冰屏
  325. ice hammer ==> 冰锤
  326. ice harbo(u)r ==> 冻港
  327. ice hockey bat ==> 冰球拍
  328. ice hockey rink ==> 冰球场
  329. ice hockey timer ==> 冰球计时器
  330. ice hummock ==> 冰堆
  331. ICE Institution of Civil Engineers ==> 民間(土木)技術者協会(イギリス)
  332. ice island ==> 浮冰岛,(指浮冰的)冰岛
  333. ice island iceberg ==> 岛状冰山
  334. ice jam ==> 冰块拥塞
  335. ice layer ==> 冰层
  336. ice laying ==> 冰封期
  337. ice lens ==> 冰透镜体
  338. ice load ==> 复冰负荷,冰负荷,冰荷载=>氷雪荷重
  339. ice loading ==> 氷雪荷重
  340. ice lolly freezer ==> 棒冰机
  341. ice maker ==> 制冰装置
  342. ice making factory ==> 制冰厂
  343. ice making plant ==> 制冰厂
  344. ice mantle ==> 冰盾,冰盖
  345. ice mechanics ==> 冰力学
  346. ice melting current ==> 熔冰电流
  347. ice milk ==> 冻牛乳
  348. ice mill ==> 磨冰机
  349. ice mine ==> 破冰雷
  350. ice mould ==> 冰铸
  351. ice mound ==> 冰堆,土底冰丘
  352. ice mountain ==> 冰山
  353. ice movement ==> 冰川运动
  354. ice needle ==> 冰针
  355. ice nucleus ==> 冰核
  356. ice over ==> 结冰
  357. ice pack ==> 浮冰群,流冰群,冰裹法
  358. ice pellets ==> 冰丸
  359. ice period ==> 冰冻期
  360. ice pillar ==> 冰蘑菇,霜柱
  361. ice pit storage ==> 冰窖贮藏
  362. ice plant ==> 冰厂
  363. ice point ==> 冰点
  364. ice pole ==> 冰极
  365. ice pressure ==> 冰压力
  366. ice prevention ==> 防凌
  367. ice prevention measure ==> 防冰措施
  368. ice prisms ==> 冰针
  369. ice push ==> 冰推力,冰壅
  370. ice quake ==> 冰崩
  371. ice radar ==> 测冰雷达
  372. ice raft ==> 浮冰排
  373. ice rain ==> 冻雨,冰雨
  374. ice rampart ==> 冰河堤
  375. ice reconnaissance ==> 冰情勘查
  376. ice reef ==> 冰礁
  377. ice refrigerator ==> 冰箱
  378. ice regime ==> 冰情
  379. ice regime forecast ==> 冰情预报
  380. ice regime observation ==> 冰情观测
  381. ice removal ==> 除冰器
  382. ice removing wheel ==> 除冰轮
  383. ice ribbon ==> 冰条纹
  384. ice rind ==> 冰皮
  385. ice rink ==> 冰上运动场
  386. ice rise ==> 冰隆
  387. ice run ==> 冰流
  388. ice runoff ==> 冰水径流
  389. ice sample ==> 冰样
  390. ice saw ==> 冰锯
  391. ice scouring machine ==> 锯冰机,锯冰机
  392. ice scraper ==> 刮冰机
  393. ice sheet ==> 冰盾,薄冰层
  394. ice shelf ==> 冰架
  395. ice shove ==> 冰壅
  396. ice situation ==> 冰情
  397. ice skates ==> 溜冰鞋
  398. ice slush ==> 冰凌
  399. ice spar ==> 透长石
  400. ice spicule ==> 冰针
  401. ice stadium ==> 冰上运动场
  402. ice stone ==> 冰晶石
  403. ice storage ==> 冰藏库
  404. ice store-house ==> 冰藏库
  405. ice storm ==> 冰灾,冰暴
  406. ice stream ==> 冰川,冰河,冰流
  407. ice strip ==> 浮冰带
  408. ice structure electroplating technique ==> 电镀冰花工艺
  409. ice therapy ==> 冰冻疗法
  410. ice thermal storage ==> 氷蓄熱システム
  411. ice thermal storage sytem ==> 氷蓄熱システム
  412. ice thrust ==> 冰推力,冰压力,冰壅
  413. ice tongs ==> 冰块夹,冰钳
  414. ice tongue ==> 冰舌
  415. ice up ==> 结冰
  416. ice vein ==> 冰脉
  417. ice warning ==> 冰情警报
  418. ice water ==> 冰水
  419. ice water enema ==> 冰水灌肠
  420. ice water test ==> 冰水试验
  421. ice wedge ==> 冰脉,片状冰
  422. ice(making) machine ==> 制冰机
  423. ICE, In-Circuit Emulator ==> デバッガ(Intel社の登録商標)
  424. ICE, Inter City Express ==> ドイツ高速鉄道
  425. ICE, international cometary explorer ==> 国際彗星探査機
  426. ice-accretion ==> 着氷
  427. ice-accretion indicator ==> 积冰指示器
  428. ice-bag ==> 冰袋
  429. ice-bar ==> 冰塞
  430. ice-boat ==> 冰上滑艇,破冰船
  431. ice-breaker ==> 破冰船
  432. ice-cap climate ==> 永冻气候,冰盖气候,冰冠气候
  433. ice-cold sense ==> 冰冷感
  434. ice-contact delta ==> 冰接三角洲
  435. ice-contact stratified drift ==> 冰界层状冰碛
  436. ice-cover water rating-curve ==> 冰盖水位流量曲线
  437. ice-covered ==> 冰川覆盖的,冰封的,冰覆盖的
  438. ice-covered channel ==> 冰封的渠道
  439. ice-crystal cloud ==> 冰晶云
  440. ice-crystal effect ==> 冰晶效应
  441. ice-crystal haze ==> 冰晶霾
  442. ice-crystal theory ==> 冰晶学说
  443. ice-flower-like structure ==> 冰花状组织
  444. ice-formation ==> 着氷
  445. ice-formed rock ==> 冰岩
  446. ice-free ==> 无冰的
  447. ice-free harbor ==> 不冻港
  448. ice-glazed ==> 涂冰
  449. ice-laid deposites ==> 冰川沉积
  450. ice-laid drift ==> 冰碛物
  451. ice-marginal lake ==> 冰边湖
  452. ice-paper ==> 透明纸
  453. ice-profile sonar ==> 冰轮廓探测声纳,测冰声纳
  454. ice-pushed ridge ==> 冰脊
  455. ice-pushed terrace ==> 冰壅阶地
  456. ice-rafted debris ==> 冰携碎屑
  457. ice-removal salt ==> 防冻盐
  458. ice-strengthened tanker ==> 冰区加强油轮
  459. ice-swimming ==> 冰泳
  460. ice-tongs traction bow ==> 冰钳式牵引弓
  461. ice-worn ==> 冰蚀的
  462. iceberg ==> 流冰
  463. iceberg furrow mark ==> 漂冰沟痕
  464. iceblink ==> 冰映光
  465. iceboat ==> 破冰船
  466. icebound ==> 冰封区
  467. icebreaker ==> 破冰船
  468. icebreaking ships ==> 砕氷船
  469. icecrete ==> 冰混凝体
  470. iced chamber ==> 冷冻房
  471. iced firn ==> 冻结粒雪
  472. iced tea ==> 冰茶=>アイスティー,冷たい紅茶
  473. ICEE, The International Conference on Electrical Engineering ==> 电机工程国际学术会议
  474. icefall ==> 冰瀑
  475. icehouse ==> 氷貯蔵庫
  476. icejam ==> 冰塞
  477. icejam flood ==> 冰壅凌汛
  478. icejam stage ==> 冰坝水位,冰壅水位
  479. Iceland agate ==> 黑曜岩
  480. iceland crystal ==> 冰洲石
  481. Iceland spar ==> 冰岛晶石矿,冰洲晶石
  482. iceland spar ==> 冰洲石
  483. icelandic low ==> 冰岛低压
  484. ICEM ==> 国際化学エネルギー鉱山一般労連
  485. icepatterned glass ==> 冰花玻璃
  486. ICFCS, interrogate channel frequency control subsystem ==> 呼掛通話路周波数制御系サブシステム
  487. ICFTU, International Confederation of Free Trades Unions ==> 国際自由労働組合連合
  488. ICFTU, International Federation of Free Trade Union ==> 国際自由労働連盟
  489. ICG, integrated coal gasification ==> 煤炭气化技术
  490. ICHCA, International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association ==> 国際貨物輸送調整会議
  491. ICHEP, International Conference on High Energy Physics ==> 高エネルギー物理学国際会議
  492. ICHQP, The International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power ==> ICHQP
  493. ichthyol oil ==> 鱼石油
  494. ichthyol-formaldehyde ==> 鱼石脂肪
  495. Ichthyornithi-formes ==> 鱼鸟目
  496. ichthyosiform dermatitis ==> 鱼鳞病样皮炎
  497. ichthyosis sebacea neonatorum ==> 新生儿鳞屑皮脂溢
  498. ichthyosis simplex ==> 单纯鳞癣
  499. icing ==> 结冰
  500. icing level ==> 积冰高度
  501. icing liver ==> 慢性增生性肝周炎,结霜样肝
  502. icing-rate meter ==> 积冰速率表
  503. ICJ International Court of Justice ==> 国际审判法庭
  504. Icl, insulation value of clothing ==> 衣類の絶縁値
  505. icle and machine part ==> 离子镀工艺品和机械零件
  506. icles apart ==> 疏松土粒
  507. ICLP, International Conference on Lightning Protection ==> 雷防護国際会議
  508. ICM, integrated circuit monitor ==> 集積回路モニタ
  509. ICMP, Internet Control Message Protocol ==> ICMP
  510. ICMS, interrogate channel modulator subsystem ==> 呼掛通話路変調器系サブシステム
  511. ICNIRP ==> 国際非電離放射線防護委員会
  512. ICNIRP, International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection ==> ICNIRP
  513. ICOLD, International Commission on Large Dams ==> 国际大坝委员会=>国際大ダム会議
  514. icon ==> アイコン
  515. iconductor light emitter ==> 半导体光发射器
  516. iconic document ==> 画像資料
  517. iconic imagery ==> 形象表象
  518. iconic model ==> 画像模型
  519. iconoclast ==> 因習打破主義者
  520. iconoscope ==> 光电摄像管,光电摄象管=>アイコノスコープ
  521. iconoscope film camera ==> 光电摄像管电视电影摄像机,光电摄像管式电视片摄像机
  522. icosahedral ==> 正20面体の
  523. icosahedral cluster ==> 正20面体クラスター
  524. icosahedral group ==> 20面体群
  525. icosahedral phase ==> 正20面体相
  526. icosahedral quasicrystal ==> 20面体準結晶
  527. icosahedral structure ==> 20面体構造
  528. icosahedral symmetry ==> 正20面体対称
  529. icosahedral virus ==> 二十面体病毒
  530. ICOT, Institute for New Generation Computer Technology ==> (財)新世代コンピュータ技術
  531. ICP, induction coupling plasma ==> 誘導結合型放電
  532. ICP, inductivery coupled plasma ==> 誘導結合型放電
  533. ICP, Integrated Communication Control Processor ==> 通信制御処理機構
  534. ICPO ==> 国際刑事警察機構
  535. ICPP, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ==> 国連の気候変動に関する政府間パネル
  536. ICR mass spectrometer, ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer ==> 离子回旋共振质谱计
  537. ICRM, intercontinental reconnaissance missile ==> 大陸間偵察ミサイル
  538. ICRP ==> 国际辐射防护委员会
  539. ICRS, intercom remote station ==> 船内通話装置
  540. ICS International Chamber of Shipping ==> 国际海运办公室
  541. ICS, Industrial Computer System ==> 産業用計算機システム
  542. ICS, Industrial Real Time Computer ==> 産業用リアルタイム計算機
  543. ICS, Interdepartmental Committee on Space ==> 省間宇宙委員会
  544. ICS, interface control specification ==> インタフェース管理仕様書
  545. ICS, International Chamber of Shipping ==> 国际航运公会=>国際海運会議所
  546. ICS, interpretive computer simulation ==> インタープリティブコンピュータシミュレーション
  547. ICS, Interpretive Computer Simulator ==> 誘導制御計算機シミュレータ
  548. ICS, inventory control system ==> 在庫管理システム
  549. ICSC, Interim Communications Satellite Committee ==> 暫定通信衛星委員会
  550. ICSC, International Communications Satellite Committee ==> 国際通信衛星委員会
  551. ICSP, interpretive computer simulation program ==> 計算機模擬試験プログラム
  552. ICSU, International Council of Scientific Unions ==> 国際学術連合会議
  553. ICT ==> 新一代电力信息通信=>情報通信技術,情報や通信に関する技術
  554. ICT, image center time ==> 画像中心時刻
  555. ICT, Information and Communication Technology ==> 情報通信
  556. icteric index ==> 黄疸指数
  557. icteric sputum ==> 黄疸性痰
  558. icterohemorrhagic fever ==> 外耳氏病
  559. icterohemorrhagic form ==> 黄疸出血型
  560. icterus gravis neonatorum ==> 新生儿重症黄疸
  561. icterus index ==> 黄疸指数
  562. icterus index test ==> 黄疸指数试验
  563. icterus intermittens juvenilis ==> 青年型间歇性黄疸
  564. icterus neonatorum ==> 新生儿黄疸
  565. ICTS method, isothermal capacitance transient spectroscopy method ==> ICTS法
  566. ICU, interface control unit ==> インタフェースコントロール装置
  567. icular cartilage ==> 关节软骨
  568. ICV, intercept valve ==> インタセプト弁
  569. ICWG, interface control working group ==> インタフェース管理作業グループ
  570. icy shower ==> 冰雨
  571. icy wind ==> 寒风
  572. id embolism of lung ==> 羊水肺栓塞
  573. id film lubrication ==> 液膜润滑
  574. ID inside-diameter ==> 外径
  575. id lubricant ==> 液体润滑剂
  576. id lubricated bearing ==> 液体润滑轴承
  577. id lubrication ==> 液体润滑,液体润滑作用
  578. ID Owner Identification Number ==> 物主证明号码
  579. ID, identification ==> 識別
  580. ID, inner diameter ==> 内径
  581. ID, insensitive detonator ==> 鈍感型起爆管
  582. ID, interface device ==> インタフェース装置
  583. IDA ==> 新加坡资讯通信发展管理局
  584. IDB, insuit drink bay ==> 宇宙服着用時のドリンクベイ
  585. IDB, interface data book ==> インタフェースデータブック
  586. IDC ==> データセンター
  587. IDC, instantaneous deviation control ==> 瞬時偏移制御
  588. IDC, Interchange Distribution Calculator ==> 電力市場用の解析システム
  589. iDC, internet data center ==> インターネットデータセンター
  590. IDCS, image dissector camera system ==> 画像分割カメラシステム
  591. IDCS, initial defense communications satellite ==> 初期防衛通信衛星
  592. IDCSP, Initial Defense Communications Satellite Program ==> 初期防衛通信衛星計画
  593. IDE, initial design evaluation ==> 初期設計評価
  594. idea ==> 意,观念,概念,思想,(建筑师或工程师的初步设想)构思
  595. idea bank ==> 意见库
  596. idea conception ==> 基本構想
  597. idea of dimaniting disease ==> 消灭疾病的想法
  598. Idea of Pacific Economic Sphere ==> 太平洋经济圈设想
  599. idea of reference ==> 牵连观念
  600. Ideal ==> 铜镍合金
  601. ideal ==> 标准的
  602. ideal aberration-free image point ==> 理想的无像差像点
  603. ideal amplifier ==> 理想増幅器
  604. ideal articulation ==> 理想传声清晰度
  605. ideal black body ==> 绝对黑体
  606. ideal black-body ==> 理想黑体
  607. ideal Bose gas ==> 理想ボース気体
  608. ideal bunching ==> 理想聚束
  609. ideal cable ==> 理想ケーブル
  610. ideal capacitor ==> 理想コンデンサ
  611. ideal climate ==> 理想气候
  612. ideal column ==> 理想塔,理想柱
  613. ideal communication channel ==> 理想信道
  614. ideal condenser ==> 理想电容器
  615. ideal conditions ==> 理想条件
  616. ideal conductor ==> 理想導体
  617. ideal constraint ==> 理想约束
  618. ideal coordinates ==> 理想坐标
  619. ideal current source ==> 理想电流源=>理想電流源
  620. ideal cycle ==> 理想循环
  621. ideal DC machine ==> 理想直流电机
  622. ideal detector ==> 理想探测器
  623. ideal diameter ==> 理想直径
  624. ideal dielectric ==> 理想电介质
  625. ideal diode ==> 理想ダイオード
  626. ideal diode equation ==> 理想二极管方程
  627. ideal drag ==> 理想流体中的阻力
  628. ideal elastic solid ==> 完全弹性固体
  629. ideal engine cycle ==> 理想发动机循环
  630. ideal enthalpy drop ==> 等熵焓降,又称“理想焓降”。蒸汽等熵膨胀时,从初始滞止热力状态点到终止热力状态点的比焓差值
  631. ideal exhaust velocity ==> 理想排气速度
  632. ideal Fermi gas ==> 理想フェルミ気体
  633. ideal filter ==> 理想滤波器
  634. ideal flow ==> 理想流动,无粘流动
  635. ideal fluid ==> 理想铃
  636. ideal frequency distribution ==> 理想的次数分配
  637. ideal frequency domain filter (IFDF) ==> 理想频域滤波器
  638. ideal fuel ==> 标准燃料
  639. ideal gas ==> 理想气体=>完全気体
  640. ideal gas constant ==> 理想气体常数
  641. ideal gas law ==> 理想气体定律=>理想気体の法則
  642. ideal gas law equation ==> 理想气体定律方程式
  643. ideal gas temperature scale ==> 理想气体温标
  644. ideal grain ==> 理想药粒
  645. ideal group ==> イデアル群
  646. ideal gyrator ==> 理想ジャイレータ
  647. ideal heat engine ==> 理想热机
  648. ideal image point ==> 理想像点
  649. ideal imperfect crystal ==> 理想非完美晶体
  650. ideal indicator ==> 理想指示剂
  651. ideal inductor ==> 理想誘導子
  652. ideal inherent equal percentage flow characteristic ==> 理想固有等百分比注量特性
  653. ideal instantaneous orbit ==> 理想瞬时轨道
  654. ideal jet velocity ==> 理想射流速度
  655. ideal line ==> 理想线路,理想直线
  656. ideal money ==> 虚拟货币
  657. ideal network ==> 理想网络,无损耗网络
  658. ideal nozzle ==> 理想喷嘴
  659. ideal of perfection ==> 鉴定标准
  660. ideal orientation ==> 理想取向
  661. ideal parallel ==> 理想并联
  662. ideal paralleling ==> 理想并联
  663. ideal photon receiver ==> 理想光子接收器
  664. ideal plane ==> 理想平面
  665. ideal plasma ==> 理想等离子体
  666. ideal plate ==> 理想塔板
  667. ideal point ==> 理想点
  668. ideal pole arc ==> 仮想極弧
  669. ideal power ==> 理想功率,在单位时间内蒸汽的等熵焓降转换成的机械功率
  670. ideal productivity index ==> 理想采油指数
  671. ideal profile ==> 理想剖面
  672. ideal propellant consumption ==> 理想燃料消耗量
  673. ideal quench(ing) ==> 理想淬火
  674. ideal radiator ==> 理想辐射体,黑体
  675. ideal rectifier ==> 理想整流
  676. ideal regenerative cycle ==> 理想回热循环
  677. ideal relay ==> 理想的リレー(非線形の種類)
  678. ideal resistor ==> 理想抵抗器
  679. ideal resonance ==> 理想共振
  680. ideal rocket ==> 理想火箭发动机
  681. ideal scan ==> 理想扫描
  682. ideal scanning ==> 理想扫描
  683. ideal section ==> 理想剖面
  684. ideal sensitivity ==> 理想灵敏度
  685. ideal separation factor ==> 理想分离系数
  686. ideal soil ==> 理想土壤
  687. ideal solution ==> 理想溶液
  688. ideal specific impulse ==> 理想比冲量
  689. ideal standard cost ==> 理想标准成本
  690. ideal synchronizing ==> 理想同步
  691. ideal system ==> 理想的系统,理想系统
  692. ideal theory ==> 理想理论
  693. ideal thermal radiator ==> 理想热辐射器
  694. ideal time domain filter (ITDF) ==> 理想时域滤波器
  695. ideal transducer ==> 理想转换器
  696. ideal transformer ==> 理想变压器=>理想変圧器,理想変成器
  697. ideal truss ==> 理想桁架
  698. ideal type ==> 理想类型
  699. ideal udder ==> 理想型乳房
  700. ideal value ==> 理想值
  701. ideal velocity ==> 理想速度,与级的等熵焓降对应的汽流速度
  702. ideal Venturi ==> 理想文突利管
  703. ideal voltage source ==> 理想电压源=>理想電圧源
  704. ideal weeder ==> 标准型中耕除草器
  705. ideal working substance ==> 理想工质
  706. ideal(perfect)gas ==> 理想流体
  707. idealisation ==> 理想化
  708. idealizal search service ==> 理想的检索服务
  709. idealization ==> 理想化
  710. idealized characteristic ==> 理想化特性
  711. idealized form ==> 理想化形式
  712. idealized model ==> 理想化模型,理想模式
  713. idealized pattern ==> 理想化模式
  714. idealized system ==> 理想化系统,理想系统
  715. idealized value ==> 理想化值,理想值
  716. ideally perfect crystal ==> 理想完美晶体
  717. ideally-reflecting ==> 理想反射
  718. idealoy ==> 理想坡莫合金
  719. ideas about business operation ==> 经营思想,经营思想
  720. ideas condensation ==> 观念凝缩
  721. ideas of influence ==> 受控观念
  722. ideational apraxia ==> 观念性失用
  723. ideational replacement ==> 观念置换
  724. idelological content ==> 思想性
  725. idem factor ==> 幺并矢
  726. idempotent ==> 冪等元,冪等の
  727. idempotent element ==> 幂等元
  728. idempotent law ==> 幂等定律,幂等律
  729. idempotent matrix ==> 幂等矩阵
  730. idempotent property ==> 幂等性质
  731. idempotent transformation ==> 幂等变换
  732. idenlification by hair ==> 毛发鉴定
  733. identation cup ==> 半球形压痕
  734. identical ==> 恒等的=>全く同じ,同一の
  735. identical argument list ==> 相同变元表
  736. identical band ==> 同一バンド
  737. identical base ==> 同一塩基
  738. identical bidding ==> 同一入札
  739. identical bond ==> 同一結合
  740. identical bridge ==> 同一橋梁
  741. identical component ==> 相同成分
  742. identical computation ==> 相同计算
  743. identical concept ==> 同一概念
  744. identical congruent ==> 相同
  745. identical cross ==> 相同的杂交组合
  746. identical element ==> 恒等元素
  747. identical entry ==> 相同项
  748. identical equation ==> 恒等式=>恒等式
  749. identical function reference ==> 相同函数引用
  750. identical functor ==> 恒等函子
  751. identical goods ==> 同样货物
  752. identical graduation ==> 同一刻度
  753. identical network ==> 恒等网络,相同网络
  754. identical operation ==> 相同运算
  755. identical parts ==> 可互换零件
  756. identical period ==> 等同周期
  757. identical permutation ==> 恒等置换,元排列,同等排列
  758. identical processor ==> 相同处理机
  759. identical product ==> 同一产品
  760. identical relation ==> 全等式,恒等式
  761. identical sand ==> 统一砂
  762. identical sections ==> 相同段片
  763. identical sublist ==> 相同子表
  764. identical substitution ==> 恒等代换
  765. identical subtree ==> 相同子树
  766. identical table ==> 相同表
  767. identical text ==> (电报)同文
  768. identical transformation ==> 恒等变换
  769. identical twin ==> 同卵双生
  770. identical twins ==> 同卵双胎,一卵双胞
  771. identically equal ==> 全等,恒等,恒等的
  772. identically true formula ==> 永真式
  773. identically vanishing ==> 恒等于零
  774. identifiability ==> 可辨识性,能辨识性
  775. identifiability criteria ==> 能识性原则
  776. identifiable cost ==> 可辨认的成本
  777. identifiable economic factors ==> 可识别的经济因素
  778. identifiable flying object (IFO) ==> 可识别飞行物
  779. identifiable point ==> 可辨认点
  780. identifiable signal ==> 识别信号
  781. identifiable target ==> 可识别恒等目标
  782. identification ==> 鉴别,鉴别反应,鉴定,鉴定法,识别,辨认,辨识,标识,证认,证实,认同作用,等同,工程试验鉴定,判断,(计算机)号码装定=>同定,識別
  783. identification accuracy ==> 同定精度
  784. identification address ==> 识别地址=>識別アドレス
  785. identification algorithm ==> 同定アルゴリズム
  786. identification beacon ==> 识别信标
  787. identification blink ==> 识别闪光
  788. identification burst ==> 识别段,识别字符组,记录密度标记,判断标识信号
  789. identification by anthropometry ==> 人身测定
  790. identification by fingerprint ==> 指纹鉴定
  791. identification by palm print ==> 掌纹鉴定
  792. identification by tattoomark ==> 文身鉴定
  793. identification call letter ==> 识别呼号
  794. identification caption ==> 识别字幕
  795. identification card ==> 识别卡,识别卡片,标识卡片,鉴定卡
  796. identification card reader ==> 标识卡片阅读器,识别卡阅读器
  797. identification character ==> 标识符,标识字符
  798. identification chart ==> 证认图
  799. identification circuit ==> 识别电路
  800. identification code ==> 识别码,标识码
  801. identification condition ==> 标识条件,识别条件
  802. identification division ==> 识别部分,标识部分
  803. identification equipment ==> 识别装置
  804. identification error ==> 识别误差
  805. identification field ==> 标识字段
  806. identification form ==> 识别单
  807. identification friend or foe ==> 敌我识别
  808. identification generator ==> 识别信号发生器
  809. identification impulse ==> 识别脉冲,辨认脉冲
  810. identification in disputed paternity ==> 亲权鉴定,亲子鉴定
  811. identification inscription ==> 铭牌
  812. identification item ==> 标识项,识别项
  813. identification key ==> 识别关键字,辨认标志
  814. identification lamp ==> 识别灯
  815. identification leader ==> 识别带头
  816. identification letter ==> 识别字母
  817. identification light ==> 标志灯
  818. identification mark ==> 识别标志,识别符号
  819. identification marker ==> 鉴别标志
  820. identification markers (marking) ==> 鉴定标志
  821. identification marking ==> 打印标号,打印商标,认识标记
  822. identification marks ==> 辨认标志
  823. identification method ==> (指各项存货计价)辨认法
  824. identification name ==> 标识名,识别名
  825. identification number ==> 识别数,标识号,机器编号,成套设备编号
  826. identification of a DNA sample ==> DNAサンプルの同定
  827. identification of a gene ==> 遺伝子同定
  828. identification of a high-risk group ==> 高リスク群の同定
  829. identification of a poison ==> 毒物の特定
  830. identification of bacteria ==> 细菌鉴定
  831. identification of blood ==> 血液鉴定
  832. identification of botanical origin ==> 原植物鉴定
  833. identification of castings ==> 铸件的鉴定
  834. identification of chromosomes ==> 染色体的鉴定
  835. identification of clones ==> 无性系鉴定
  836. identification of color test ==> 颜色识别试验
  837. identification of corpse ==> 验尸,验尸
  838. identification of fault types ==> 事故種別判別
  839. identification of fire-arm ==> 火器鉴定
  840. identification of forgings ==> 锻件鉴定
  841. identification of fragments of tissue ==> 组织碎片鉴定
  842. identification of friend or foe ==> 敌我辨别
  843. identification of human remains ==> 人体残骸鉴定
  844. identification of immature infant ==> 未成熟儿鉴定
  845. identification of instrument causing trauma ==> 致伤物认定
  846. identification of law ==> 法律的确认
  847. identification of living ==> 活体鉴定
  848. identification of partial discharge location ==> 部分放電発生位置標定
  849. identification of plates ==> 平板鉴定
  850. identification of podzols and podzolised soils ==> 鉴定灰壤土和灰化土
  851. identification of sound source ==> 音源識別
  852. identification of source ==> 発生源特定
  853. identification of spectrogram ==> 识谱
  854. identification of structural equation ==> 结构方程的识别
  855. identification of teeth mark ==> 牙齿鉴定,牙痕鉴定
  856. identification of transfer function models ==> 变换函数模型识别
  857. identification of user ==> 用户标识
  858. identification of variety ==> 品种鉴定
  859. identification of welds ==> 焊接鉴定
  860. identification plate ==> 标牌=>銘板
  861. identification point ==> 标识点,识别点
  862. identification probability ==> 识别概率
  863. identification problem ==> 识别问题
  864. identification pulse ==> 识别脉冲
  865. identification receiver ==> 辨识接收器
  866. identification record ==> 识别记录
  867. identification resolution chart ==> 分解力测试卡,清晰度测试卡
  868. identification satellite ==> 识别卫星
  869. identification sequence number ==> 识别序列号
  870. identification set ==> 识别无线电发射机
  871. identification sign ==> 识别记号
  872. identification signal ==> 识别信号
  873. identification sonar ==> 识别声纳
  874. identification source ==> 识别信号源
  875. identification string ==> 识别字串,标识串
  876. identification tag ==> 识别标签
  877. identification tape ==> 识别带
  878. identification threshold ==> 识别阈
  879. identification trailer ==> 识别带尾
  880. identified cost method ==> 识别成本法
  881. identified flying object(IFO) ==> 已证认飞行体
  882. identified radio source ==> 已证认射电源
  883. identifier ==> 名标,名称,识别符,辨识器,标识符号,标志符,鉴别器,鉴定剂,鉴定人,鉴定用试剂=>ID識別子,固有識別子
  884. identifier (CID,connection ID) ==> 连接标识符
  885. identifier (element ID) ==> 单元标识符
  886. identifier (ID) ==> 标识符
  887. identifier attribute ==> 标识符属性,识别符属性
  888. identifier circuit ==> (自动电话交换机的)识别电路
  889. identifier count ==> 识别符计数,标识符计数
  890. identifier declaration ==> 标识符说明,识别符说明
  891. identifier length ==> 识别符长度,标识符长度
  892. identifier list ==> 标识符表,识别符表
  893. identifier name ==> 标识符名
  894. identifier pointer ==> 标识符指针,识别符指示字
  895. identifier table ==> 标识符表
  896. identifier word ==> 标识符字,标识字,标识字
  897. identify ==> 辨别,辨认,标识,识别,等同
  898. identify alternatives ==> 辨识备选方案,鉴定备选方案
  899. identify code ==> 识别码
  900. identify control section ==> 标识控制段,识别控制段
  901. identify dummy section ==> 识别空段,标识空段,标识哑段
  902. identify the pathogen ==> 鉴别病原体
  903. identify unit ==> 标识单元
  904. identifying ==> 标识,识别
  905. identifying animal and human chromosomes ==> 鉴定动物和人类的染色体
  906. identifying call ==> 识别调用
  907. identifying chromosomes with light microscope ==> 光学显微镜坚定染色体
  908. identifying code ==> 验证码,验证码,标识码,参考代码
  909. identifying dye ==> 识别染料
  910. identifying feature ==> 识别标志
  911. identifying mark ==> 识别标记
  912. identifying of human resources ==> 人力资源的确定
  913. identifying plate ==> 识别牌
  914. identifying the payee of a check ==> 验明支票收款人
  915. identity ==> 同一性,恒等式=>単位元
  916. identity crisis ==> 认同的转折点
  917. identity declaration ==> 等同说明
  918. identity distance ==> 面间距
  919. identity document ==> 身份证件
  920. identity element ==> 单位元素,全同元件,恒等元素,同一元素,幺元,鉴别元件
  921. identity gate ==> 同门,恒等门,全同门,符合门=>一致ゲート
  922. identity law ==> 同一律
  923. identity mapping ==> 恒等写像
  924. identity matrix ==> 单位矩阵
  925. identity of a group ==> 单位元素
  926. identity of operation ==> 等同运算
  927. identity of views ==> 观点一致
  928. identity operation ==> 恒等运算,全同操作,全同运算=>一致演算
  929. identity property ==> 等同性
  930. identity ratio ==> アイデンティティー比
  931. identity tag ==> 识别标志
  932. identity thinking ==> 思维的同一性
  933. identity unit ==> 全同部件,全同单元
  934. identity-definition ==> 等同定义
  935. IDEOAS, Interactive Design and Evaluation of Advanced Spacecraft ==> 次期衛星の相互設計と評価
  936. ideological level ==> 思想性
  937. ideological system ==> 思想体系
  938. ideomotor action ==> 动念动作
  939. IDES, initial data exchange specification ==> 初期データ交換仕様
  940. idexing slot ==> 标引槽
  941. IDF ==> 国际乳制品联合会
  942. IDF, intermediate distributing frame ==> 中間分配架(中間配線盤)
  943. idial value ==> 理想值
  944. IDIMS, interactive digital image manipulation system ==> 会話型デジタル画像操作システム
  945. idio ==> 自
  946. idio-agglutinin ==> 自发凝集素
  947. idio-iso-agglutinin ==> 自发同种凝集素
  948. idio-isolysin ==> 自发同种溶素
  949. idio-morphosis ==> 特殊变形
  950. idioadaptation ==> 特殊适应
  951. idioadaptive evolution ==> 特殊适应性演化
  952. idioagglutinin ==> 自发凝集素
  953. idioblapsis ==> 自发性食物过敏
  954. idioblast ==> 自形变晶,异细胞
  955. idioblastic series ==> 自形变晶系列
  956. idiochromatic ==> 自色的
  957. idiochromatic crystal ==> 本质光电晶体,本质色晶体
  958. idiochromatic photoconductor ==> 本质光电导体
  959. idiochromation ==> 性染色质
  960. idiochromatism ==> 本质色性
  961. idiochromidia ==> 核外性染色质
  962. idiocrasy ==> 特异反应性,特异体质
  963. idiocy ==> 白痴
  964. idioelectric ==> 非导体的
  965. idiogenite ==> 同成矿床
  966. idiogenous ==> 同成的
  967. idiogeosyncline ==> 山间地槽,独地槽
  968. idioglossia ==> 自语,自语症
  969. idiogram ==> 染色体模式图,染色体组型
  970. idiographic ==> 特殊规律研究法
  971. idiohenesis ==> 自发病
  972. idiohetero-agglutinin ==> 自发异种凝集素
  973. idioheterolysin ==> 自发异种溶素
  974. idiohypnotism ==> 自我催眠
  975. idioisolysin ==> 自发同种溶素
  976. idiologism ==> 自解语症
  977. idiolysin ==> 自发溶素
  978. idiomere ==> 染色粒
  979. idiometer ==> 人差计
  980. idiomorph ==> 自形晶
  981. idiomorphic ==> 自形的
  982. idiomorphic crystal ==> 自形晶体
  983. idiomorphic granular ==> 自形粒状
  984. idiomorphic granular textrue ==> 自形晶粒状结构
  985. idiomorphic pore ==> 自发孔
  986. idiomorphism ==> 自形作用
  987. idioneurosis ==> 自发性神经病
  988. idionodal rhythm ==> 结性自主心律
  989. idioparasite ==> 自体寄生物
  990. idiopathetic ==> 自发的
  991. idiopathia ==> 自发病
  992. idiopathic ==> 自发的
  993. idiopathic arthritis ==> 莱特尔氏综合征
  994. idiopathic cholestasis of pregnancy ==> 妊娠期特发性胆汁郁积症
  995. idiopathic colitis ==> 自发性结肠炎
  996. idiopathic congenital nystagmus ==> 先天性特发性眼球震颤
  997. idiopathic dilatation of pulmonary artery ==> 原发性肺总动脉扩张
  998. idiopathic epilepsy ==> 原发性癫痫,特发性癫痫
  999. idiopathic eunuchoidism ==> 自发性类无睾症
  1000. idiopathic familial jaundice ==> 自发性家族性黄疸
  1001. idiopathic hearing loss ==> 自发性听力损失
  1002. idiopathic hypercalciuria ==> 特发性高钙尿
  1003. idiopathic hypercholesterolemia ==> 自发性高胆甾醇血
  1004. idiopathic hyperlipemia ==> 伯-格二氏病
  1005. idiopathic infantilism ==> 自发性幼稚型
  1006. idiopathic lipemia ==> 自发性脂血
  1007. idiopathic megacolon ==> 自发性巨结肠
  1008. idiopathic myocarditis ==> 菲德勒氏心肌炎
  1009. idiopathic neutropenia ==> 恶性中性白细胞减少
  1010. idiopathic pentosuria ==> 自发性戊糖尿
  1011. idiopathic pulmonary hemisiderosis ==> 自发性肺内血原铁质沉着病
  1012. idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpure ==> 自发性血小板减少性紫癜
  1013. idiopathic ulcerative colitis ==> 自发性溃疡性结肠炎
  1014. idiopathy ==> 自发病,特发病
  1015. idiophanism ==> 自现干涉圈
  1016. idiophase ==> 分化期
  1017. idiophonia ==> 不愉快音
  1018. idioplasm ==> 种质
  1019. idioreflex ==> 自发反射
  1020. idiosoma ==> 躯体
  1021. idiosome ==> 核旁体,胶粒
  1022. idiosomnambulism ==> 自发性梦行
  1023. idiospasm ==> 局部痉挛,局部痉挛
  1024. idiostatic ==> 等位差,等位差的,同电位差,同势差
  1025. idiostatic circuit ==> 等位差电路
  1026. idiostatic method ==> 同位差法,等电位法,同势差连接法,同位差连接法
  1027. idiosthenia ==> 自生力
  1028. idiosyncrasy ==> 特异反应性,特异品质,特异体质
  1029. idiosyncratic exchange ==> 特质交易
  1030. idiot ==> 白痴者=>大ばか者,間抜け
  1031. idiot tape ==> 无齐行指令的穿孔纸带,毛条穿孔带
  1032. idiothermous ==> 热血动物的
  1033. idiothermous animals ==> 恒温动物
  1034. idiotia ==> 白痴
  1035. idiotism ==> 白痴
  1036. idiotopic ==> 自形组构
  1037. idiotoxin ==> 变态反应原
  1038. idiotype ==> 个体基因型,个体型,遗传型
  1039. idiotype network ==> 基因网络
  1040. idiotype vaccine ==> 基因型疫苗
  1041. idiotypic antibody ==> 个体基因型抗体,个体遗传型抗体
  1042. idiotypicantigen ==> 个体基因型抗原
  1043. idioventricular rhythm ==> 心室自身节律
  1044. IDL, interface definition language ==> インターフェース定義言語
  1045. IDL, interface definition list ==> インタフェース定義リスト
  1046. idle ==> 空回りする,仕事がない
  1047. idle (off-stream) unit ==> 停运装置
  1048. idle activity ==> 待機状態
  1049. idle adjuster ==> 怠速调整器
  1050. idle adjusting screw ==> アイドル調整ネジ
  1051. idle adjustment ==> アイドリング調整
  1052. idle around ==> ブラブラする
  1053. idle balance ==> 遊休設備
  1054. idle bar ==> 闲导条,死导条,死线棒,无载铜条
  1055. idle battery ==> 无载电池,无负荷电池,闲置电池
  1056. idle block ==> 空载程序块
  1057. idle boiler ==> 压火锅炉
  1058. idle call ==> 空调用
  1059. idle capacity ==> 空转功率,备用电容,闲置能力,闲置生产能力,储备容量=>遊休生産能力
  1060. idle capacity cost ==> 闲置能量成本
  1061. idle capacity loss ==> 闲置能量损失
  1062. idle capacity variance ==> 闲置能量差异
  1063. idle capital ==> 闲散资金
  1064. idle carrier ==> 托滚座
  1065. idle cash ==> 闲置现金
  1066. idle channel ==> 闲线路
  1067. idle channel loading ==> 空信道加荷
  1068. idle channel state ==> 空闲通道状态
  1069. idle character ==> 空位字符,空闲字符,空转字符,无效字符
  1070. idle circuit ==> 无效电路,空闲电路
  1071. idle coil ==> 空置线圈,闲圈,死线圈
  1072. idle communication mode ==> 空闲通信方式
  1073. idle component ==> 无功分量
  1074. idle condition ==> 空闲状态,空载工况,空载条件
  1075. idle contact ==> 空触点,空接点,间隔触点,闲触点,闲接点=>あき接点
  1076. idle current ==> 无效电流
  1077. idle cut-off ==> 慢关闭油路
  1078. idle drum ==> 导向鼓轮
  1079. idle equipment ==> 闲置设备
  1080. idle facilities ==> 闲置设施
  1081. idle frequency ==> 闲频,中心频率
  1082. idle gear ==> 空转轮
  1083. idle gear (pulley,wheel) ==> 惰轮
  1084. idle hole ==> 空转孔
  1085. idle interval ==> 闭锁期间
  1086. idle labor ==> 闲散劳动力
  1087. idle labor cost ==> 闲置人工成本
  1088. idle line ==> 闲线,空闲线,空线=>あき線
  1089. idle link ==> 空闲链路
  1090. idle loop ==> 空环,空循环
  1091. idle machine time ==> 停歇机器时间
  1092. idle member ==> 无负荷构件
  1093. idle microphone ==> 空闲传声器
  1094. idle money-capital ==> 闲置的货币资本
  1095. idle needle valve ==> 怠速针阀
  1096. idle operator lamp ==> 空位表示灯
  1097. idle pass ==> 空轧孔型
  1098. idle period ==> 空转时间,停车时间,无功周期
  1099. idle position ==> 无负载位,停止位置,空载位置,空转位置
  1100. idle process ==> 空闲过程
  1101. idle pulley ==> 空转轮
  1102. idle register ==> 空闲记录器
  1103. idle resources effect ==> 闲置资源效果
  1104. idle roll ==> 传动轧辊,从动轧辊,空转轧辊
  1105. idle roller ==> 空转辊柱
  1106. idle route indicator ==> 路由示闲器
  1107. idle routine ==> 空闲程序,空闲例行程序
  1108. Idle Run ==> 怠速-快速运行选择键
  1109. idle running ==> 空运转
  1110. idle running idle stroke ==> 空行程
  1111. idle search ==> 备用搜索
  1112. idle shipping ==> 闲置船
  1113. idle signal ==> 空闲信号
  1114. idle speed ==> 空转速度,怠速
  1115. idle speed adjustment ==> 空转调整,空转速度调节
  1116. idle stand ==> 空转机座
  1117. idle state ==> 空闲状态,静止状态,静止状态
  1118. idle stroke ==> 空程
  1119. idle time ==> 空闲时间,空载时间,停工时间,停机时间,静寂时间,静寂时间,闲置时间=>アイドル時間,休止時間
  1120. idle time cost ==> 无效工时成本,停工费用,停工时间成本
  1121. idle time pay ==> 停工期工资
  1122. idle time supplementary rate ==> 空闲时间补充率,闲置时间补充率
  1123. idle time variance ==> 闲置时间差异
  1124. idle trunk lamp ==> 空中继线指示灯
  1125. idle two-way selector stage indicator ==> 双向选组级示闲器
  1126. idle unit ==> 闲置设备,空转机组
  1127. idle valve ==> 怠速阀
  1128. idle vehicle ==> 闲置的车辆
  1129. idle wheel ==> 空转轮
  1130. idle wire ==> 空线
  1131. idle work ==> 无用功,无功
  1132. idleness expense ==> 停机费用
  1133. idler ==> 空载,空转轮,支承轴承,惰轮,闲轮,闲频信号,张紧轮,张紧皮带轮,滚筒支承
  1134. idler arm ==> 空转轮臂
  1135. idler circuit ==> 空载电路=>アイドラ回路
  1136. idler frequency ==> 闲频=>あき周波数
  1137. idler gear ==> 空转轮,换向齿轮,中间齿轮
  1138. idler pulley ==> 支承滚筒,托滚,皮带张紧轮,惰轮,滚轮
  1139. idler pulse ==> 无效脉冲
  1140. idler reverse gear ==> 倒转惰齿轮
  1141. idler revolution ==> 空转轮转速
  1142. idler roll ==> 无载托辊
  1143. idler roller ==> 惰辊,导辊,托辊,张紧辊
  1144. idler shaft ==> 空转轮轴
  1145. idler shaft bearing ==> 空转轴轴承
  1146. idler shaft bearing cap ==> 空转轴轴承盖
  1147. idler shaft bearing cone ==> 空转轴轴承锥
  1148. idler shaft bearing cup ==> 空转轴轴承杯
  1149. idler shaft driven gear ==> 空转轴从动齿轮
  1150. idler shaft gear ==> 空转轴齿轮
  1151. idler shaft low speed gear ==> 空转轴低速齿轮
  1152. idler solenoid ==> 空转轮螺旋线圈
  1153. idler spring ==> 空转轮弹簧
  1154. idler stand ==> 托辊支承
  1155. idling ==> 空运转,低速轧制,闲置,慢速,空载,空转,电动机带动拖动设备旋转而不加载工作=>アイドリング,空転
  1156. idling adjusting needle ==> 空转调整计
  1157. idling adjustment ==> 空转调节装置,慢速调节,慢速喷嘴调节装置,无效调整
  1158. idling beam ==> 无用束
  1159. idling carburetor ==> 空转汽化器
  1160. idling conditions ==> 空转状态
  1161. idling control valve ==> 緩速制御弁
  1162. idling current ==> 无效电流=>暗電流
  1163. idling current connection ==> 开路接法
  1164. idling cut-off ==> 空载切断,空转切断
  1165. idling device ==> 緩速装置
  1166. idling engine speed ==> アイドリング回転数
  1167. idling frequency ==> 无效频率
  1168. idling gear ==> 空转轮
  1169. idling jet ==> 慢速喷嘴,怠速喷嘴
  1170. idling loss ==> 低速损失,闲置损失,空载损失,空转损耗,空转损失
  1171. idling period ==> 停产期,停产时间
  1172. idling speed ==> 空转速度
  1173. idling stop ==> 怠速停用=>アイドリングストップ
  1174. idling stop promotion ==> 怠速停用政策
  1175. idling system ==> 怠速系统,慢车系统=>緩速装置
  1176. IDM, information and data management ==> 情報及びデータ管理
  1177. IDMS, information and data management system ==> 情報とデータ管理システム
  1178. IDN, integrated digital network ==> ディジタル統合網
  1179. idonic acid ==> 艾杜酸,艾杜糖酸
  1180. idosaccharic acid ==> 艾杜糖二酸
  1181. idotron ==> 光电管检验仪
  1182. idoxuridine ==> 疮疹净
  1183. idoxuridine (IDU) ==> 碘脱氧脲嘧啶核甙,疱疹净
  1184. IDP, input data processing system ==> 入力監査システム
  1185. IDPS, image data processing subsystem ==> 画像データ処理系
  1186. IDRF, international domestic reference field ==> 国際国内基準フィールド
  1187. IDS, Intrusion Detection System ==> 侵入検知システム
  1188. IDTS, instrumentation data transmission system ==> 計測データ伝送システム
  1189. iduronic acid ==> 艾杜糖醛酸
  1190. Idwall stone ==> 爱德华尔石
  1191. ie ==> 离子刻蚀
  1192. IE, industrial engineering ==> 工業技術
  1193. IE, interface equipment ==> インタフェース機器
  1194. IE,Industrial Engineering ==> IE
  1195. IEA, International Energy Agency ==> 国际能源署=>国際エネルギー機関,国際エネルギー機構
  1196. IEA-PVPS ==> IEA傘下の太陽光発電システム研究開発協定
  1197. IEC ==> イスラエル電力公社
  1198. IEC 60505 Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulation systems ==> IECの絶縁システムの評価に関する基本規格
  1199. IEC 60870-5-104 ==> International Standard IEC 60870-5-104 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 57: Power system and associated communications.
  1200. IEC Electrotechnical Commission ==> 电工技术委员会
  1201. IEC standard ==> IEC标准
  1202. IEC, International Electrotechnical Commission ==> 国际电工委员会=>国際電気標準会議, The IEC is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising all national electrotechnical committees.
  1203. IEC61508 ==> 工作機器や化学プラント等の安全上の働き(安全機能)を電気/電子/プログラム可能な電子
  1204. IEC61850, application practice of substation automation with IEC61850 ==> 变电站自动化IEC618550系列标准的应用实践,数字处理总线技术
  1205. IEC61850, communication networks and systems in substations ==> 変電所における通信ネットワークとシステム
  1206. IECE, Columbus Interelement Communication Equipment ==> コロンバス計画エレメント間通信施設
  1207. IECEE ==> 国際電気機器認定制度
  1208. IECEE, IEC System for Conformity Testing to Standards for Safe of Electrical Equipment ==> IEC電気機器適合試験認証制度
  1209. IECEx ==> IEC防爆電気機器規格適合試験制度
  1210. IECL, Ibaraki Electrical Communications Laboratory ==> 茨城電気通信研究所
  1211. IECQ IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components ==> 電子部品品質認証制度
  1212. IECSA, Integrated Energy and Communications System Architecture ==> IECSA
  1213. IED capability description ==> IED能力描述文件,ICD文件
  1214. IED, instrument electrical diagram ==> 仪表电气图
  1215. IED, instrument engineering diagram ==> 仪表工程图
  1216. IED, Intelligent Electric Equipment ==> インテリジェント端末
  1217. IED, intelligent electronic devices ==> 控制设备智能集成系统
  1218. IEE Japan, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan ==> 日本エネルギー経済研究所
  1219. IEE Power ==> IEE Power
  1220. IEE, Institute of Electrical Engineers ==> 英国電気学会
  1221. IEE, Institute of Electronics Engineers ==> 英国電気学会
  1222. IEEE 1613 ==> standards for communications networks in substations
  1223. IEEE 754 ==> IEEE standard 754 for binary floating-point arithmetic
  1224. IEEE CPEM ==> IEEE精密电磁测量会议
  1225. IEEE Distribution Subcommittee ==> IEEE配電分科委員会
  1226. IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ==> 电力工程研究所
  1227. IEEE Lamme Medal ==> The IEEE Lamme Medal bears the inscription: 'The engineer views hopefully the hitherto unattainable.' These words exemplify the career of Benjamin Garver Lamme, who established the award in his will in 1924 to recognize members of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers for 'meritorious achievement in the development of electrical apparatus or machinery.' Benjamin Lamme was chief engineer of Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company. He was an outstanding design and development engineer whose many accomplishments included the design of the first large hydroelectric altering current generators in Niagara Falls, USA. The award was continued by the IEEE Board of Directors and the scope broadened to recognize 'meritorious achievement in the development of electrical or electronic power apparatus or systems.'
  1228. IEEE Nikola Tesla Award ==> The IEEE Nikola Tesla Award was established in 1975 through agreement between the IEEE Power Engineering Society and the Board of Directors of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. The Award is named in honor of Nikola Tesla, an electrical engineer, a distinguished Yugoslav-American inventor, and a pioneer in many fields, who is most renowned for the development of the coil that bears his name and the a-c induction motor.
  1229. IEEE Power Quality Subcommittee ==> IEEE電力品質分科委員会
  1230. IEEE standard 14 bus power sytem data set ==> IEEE 14機系統データ
  1231. IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ==> 电气和电子工程师学会(美国)=>米国電気電子技術者協会
  1232. IEEJ east 10-machine model ==> 電気学会東10機系統モデル
  1233. IEEJ EAST 10-machine system model ==> 日本電気学会EAST10機系統モデル
  1234. IEEJ EAST 30-machine system model ==> 日本電気学会EAST30機系統モデル
  1235. IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems ==> 電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌)
  1236. IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials ==> 電気学会論文誌A(基礎・材料・共通部門誌)
  1237. IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications ==> 電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌)
  1238. IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy ==> 電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌)
  1239. IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines ==> 電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌)
  1240. IEEJ WEST 10-machine system model ==> 日本電気学会WEST10機系統モデル
  1241. IEEJ WEST 30-machine system model ==> 日本電気学会WEST30機系統モデル
  1242. IEEJ, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan ==> 日本電気学会
  1243. IEEPA ==> 国際緊急経済権限法
  1244. IEF, isoelectric focusing ==> 等電焦点
  1245. IEGT, Injection Enhanced Gate Transistor ==> IEGT
  1246. IEOSC, International Earth Observation Satellite Committee ==> 国際地球観測衛星委員会
  1247. IEP ==> 国際電力パートナーシップ
  1248. IEP, ion engine system power conditioner ==> イオンエンジン電力増幅器
  1249. IEP, ion engine system power controller ==> イオンエンジン電力制御器
  1250. IEPC, ion engine power controller ==> イオンエンジン電力制御器
  1251. ier register ==> 乘数寄存器
  1252. IERE, International Electric Research Exchange ==> 国际电力研究交流协会,国际电力交流组织=>電力研究国際協力機構,IERE is a non-profit, financially self-sustaining international organization consisting of corporations and institutions not only from electricity supply industries, not only from developed economies, but also from manufacturers and developing economies.
  1253. IES, Institute of Engineers Singapore ==> シンガポール工学者協会
  1254. IES, ion engine subsystem ==> イオンエンジンサブシステム
  1255. IET ==> 英国工程技术学会
  1256. IET, The Institution of Engineering and Technology ==> 英国工程技术学会
  1257. IETF, The Internet Engineering Task Force ==> インターネット・エンジニアリング・タスク・フォース
  1258. IEU Independent Economic Unit (Employed Person) ==> 独立经济单位
  1259. IEU internal & external upset ==> 内外加厚
  1260. Iewis base ==> 路易斯碱
  1261. IF ==> 中频
  1262. IF amplifier, intermediate-frequency ==> 中間周波増幅器
  1263. if and only if ==> 当且仅当
  1264. IF combining ==> 中频合并
  1265. IF feed-through ==> 中频直通
  1266. IF interconnection ==> 中频互连
  1267. IF output ==> 中频输出
  1268. IF power amplifier ==> 中频功率放大器
  1269. if statement ==> 如果语句,条件语句
  1270. if sweep signal generator ==> 中频扫频仪
  1271. IF sweep signal generator ==> 中频扫频仪
  1272. if tree ==> 如果树
  1273. IF, frame identification ==> フレーム識別
  1274. IF, Interface ==> インタフェース
  1275. IF, InterFace ==> インターフェイス
  1276. IF, intermediate frequency ==> 中間周波数
  1277. IF, internal flush ==> 内平
  1278. IF-AND-ONLY-IF element ==> 等同元素=>等価素子
  1279. IF-AND-ONLY-IF gate ==> 等同门=>IF-AND-ONLY-IFゲート
  1280. IF-AND-ONLY-IF operation ==> IF-AND-ONLY-IF演算
  1281. IF-FIL, intermediate frequency filter ==> 中間周波フィルタ部
  1282. IF-THEN element ==> 含意素子
  1283. IF-THEN gate ==> IF-THENゲート
  1284. IF-THEN operation ==> IF-THEN演算
  1285. IFA, in-flight anomaly ==> 飛行途上アノマリー
  1286. IFA, intermediate frequency amplifier ==> 中間周波増幅器
  1287. IFAT, International Foreign Affairs Thailand ==> タイ国外務省
  1288. IFCS, Inductor type Flux Control Superconducting motor ==> 超导马达=>全超電導モータ,モータの界磁コイルと電機子コイルの両方を超電導化したモータです。IFCSモータ
  1289. IFE, interface electronics ==> インタフェース回路
  1290. IFF, identify friend or foe ==> 敵味方識別装置
  1291. IFF, identity friend of foe ==> 敵味方識別装置
  1292. iffraction grating ==> 衍射光栅
  1293. ificial earth satellite ==> 人造地球卫星
  1294. ificial earthquake ==> 人工地震,人造地震
  1295. ificial heart ==> 人工心脏
  1296. ificial heart-lung machine ==> 人工心肺机
  1297. ificial parthenogenesis ==> 人工单性生殖
  1298. ificial quartz crystal ==> 人造石英晶体
  1299. IFLOT, intermediate focal length optical tracker ==> 中間焦点距離光学追跡装置
  1300. IFM, in-flight maintenance ==> 飛行状態用メインテナンス
  1301. IFMIF ==> 国際核融合材料照射施設
  1302. IFO Intermediate Fuel Oil ==> 中级燃油
  1303. ifollicular hyperkeratosis ==> 毛囊和毛囊周角化过度病
  1304. IFOV, instantaneous field of view ==> 瞬間視野,瞬時視野角・空間分解能
  1305. IFR Interim Final Rule ==> 临时终极条例
  1306. IFR weather ==> 仪表天气
  1307. IFR, instrument flight rule ==> 計器飛行規則
  1308. IFR, instrument flight rules ==> 計器飛行規則
  1309. IFRB, International Frequency Registration Board ==> 国際周波数登録委員会
  1310. IFSMA, International Federation of Shipmasters′Association ==> 国際船長協会連合
  1311. IG Inert Gas ==> 惰性气体
  1312. IG&1P, igloo and 1 pallet ==> イグルーと1つの架台(イグルーは覆付のパレット)
  1313. IG, ignition ==> 着火
  1314. IGA, Intergovernment Agency ==> 政府間機構
  1315. IGA, Intergovernmental Arrangement/Agreement ==> 政府間調整/協定
  1316. IGBP, International Geosphere-Biosphere Program ==> 国際地圏生物圏探査計画
  1317. IGBT ==> 絶縁ゲートバイポーラトランジスタ
  1318. IGBT collector current waveforms ==> IGBTコレクタ電流波形
  1319. IGBT inverter ==> IGBTインバータ
  1320. IGBT module ==> IGBTモジュール
  1321. IGBT, Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor ==> 绝缘栅双极晶体管=>絶縁ゲートバイポーラトランジスタ
  1322. IGC Intergovernmental Conference (EU) ==> 政府间的会议
  1323. IGC International Code for Vessels Carrying Liquefied Gases (IMO) ==> 国际船只运输液化气法案
  1324. IGC, inertial guidance computer ==> 慣性誘導計算機
  1325. IGC, International Geophysical Cooperation ==> 国際地球観測協力
  1326. IGC, International Geophysical Corporation ==> 国際地球物理協会
  1327. IGCC, Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle ==> 整体煤气化联合循环发电技术,IGCC发电技术是将煤气化、净化与燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电有机结合的一种洁净煤发电技术,从目前掌握的情况来看,IGCC发电技术在高效、清洁的方面优于常规燃煤发电技术=>石炭ガス化複合発電
  1328. IGCC, integrated gasification combined cycle ==> 煤炭气化循环技术
  1329. IGES ==> 地球環境戦略研究機関
  1330. IGES, initial graphic exchange specification ==> 初期図面交換仕様
  1331. Igewsky's solution ==> 伊古斯基溶液
  1332. IGF, insulin-like growth factor ==> インスリン様成長(増殖)因子
  1333. IGFC, Integrated Coal Gasification Fuel Cell Combined Cycle ==> 石炭ガス化燃料電池複合発電
  1334. igfet ==> 绝缘栅场效应晶体管
  1335. IGFOV, instantaneous geometrical field of view ==> 瞬時視野角
  1336. IGH, ion gauge head ==> イオンゲージヘッド
  1337. IGI, industrial guest investigator ==> 企業研究者
  1338. IGLOO, spacelab experiment structure ==> スペースラブ実験用構造物
  1339. igmos ==> 绝缘栅金属氧化物半导体
  1340. IGMS, Intelligent Grid Management System ==> 電力系統最適運用システム
  1341. igneous ==> 火成的
  1342. igneous accumulate ==> 火成堆积
  1343. igneous complex ==> 火成杂岩
  1344. igneous concentration ==> 煅烧富集
  1345. igneous cycle ==> 火成旋回
  1346. igneous intrusions ==> 火成侵入
  1347. igneous magma ==> 岩浆
  1348. igneous metallurgy ==> 高温冶金学
  1349. igneous metamorphism ==> 火成变质
  1350. igneous meteor ==> 火型大气现象
  1351. igneous mineral ==> 火成矿物
  1352. igneous petrology ==> 火成岩石学,火成岩岩石学
  1353. igneous province ==> 火成岩区
  1354. igneous rock ==> 火成岩
  1355. igneous rock series ==> 火成岩系
  1356. igniction spark ==> 点火火花
  1357. ignifluid boiler ==> 半沸腾锅炉
  1358. ignitability ==> 点火性
  1359. ignite ==> 点火
  1360. igniter ==> 点火,点火器,利用高能量的电弧使周围气体电离形成高温等离子体,使煤粉瞬间加热着火的方
  1361. igniter body ==> 点火装置
  1362. igniter burner ==> 点火烧嘴
  1363. igniter chamber ==> 引燃点火室
  1364. igniter circuit tester ==> 点火器电路测试器
  1365. igniter cord ==> 点燃导火线,导火索
  1366. igniter fuse ==> 导火索,点火引信
  1367. igniter gas ==> 点火气
  1368. igniter motor ==> 点火发动机
  1369. igniter nozzle ==> 点火器喷嘴
  1370. igniter pad ==> 点火药包
  1371. igniter pellet ==> 点火雷管
  1372. igniter plug ==> 点火塞
  1373. igniter pressure ==> 点火压力
  1374. igniter wipe spark ==> 拂式火花点火器
  1375. igniting circuit ==> 点火电路
  1376. igniting composition ==> 起火剂
  1377. igniting fuse ==> 传爆信管
  1378. igniting magneto ==> 点火式磁电机
  1379. igniting primer ==> 传火管
  1380. ignition ==> 点火,点燃,起爆=>点弧,発火,点火,着火
  1381. ignition accelerator ==> 着火加速剂
  1382. ignition accumulator ==> 点火蓄电池
  1383. ignition advance ==> 点火提前
  1384. ignition advance angle ==> 点火提前角
  1385. ignition advance mechanism ==> 提前点火机构
  1386. ignition and lighting magneto ==> 点火及照明永磁发电机
  1387. ignition anode ==> 触发阳极
  1388. ignition apparatus ==> 点火装置
  1389. ignition arch ==> 点火拱
  1390. ignition battery ==> 点火电池
  1391. ignition booster ==> 点火升压器
  1392. ignition burner ==> 点火喷嘴
  1393. ignition by compression ==> 压缩发火
  1394. ignition by friction ==> 摩擦发火
  1395. ignition by magneto ==> 磁电机点火
  1396. ignition cable ==> 引爆电线
  1397. ignition cam ==> 点火凸轮
  1398. ignition characteristic of pulverizeel coal, ignitability of coal ==> 煤粉的着火特性,煤粉在规定的工艺条件下被引燃着火(迅速氧化放热并发生火焰)的难易程度。
  1399. ignition charge ==> 导火炸药,引火药,引火药
  1400. ignition circuit ==> 引燃电路,点火线路
  1401. ignition circuit tester ==> 点火电路测试仪
  1402. ignition coil ==> 点火线圈,发火线圈=>点火コイル
  1403. ignition coil head ==> 胶木盖
  1404. ignition coil primary cable ==> 点火线圈低压线
  1405. ignition coil secondary cable ==> 点火线圈高压线
  1406. ignition coil tester ==> 点火线圈试验器
  1407. ignition contact ==> 点火接点
  1408. ignition control lever ==> 发火杆
  1409. ignition control relay ==> 点火控制继电器
  1410. ignition controller ==> 提前引燃防止剂
  1411. ignition cord ==> 导火索
  1412. ignition delay ==> 点火延迟
  1413. ignition delay tester ==> 点火迟延时间测试器,点火滞后测试仪
  1414. ignition detector ==> 点火检测器
  1415. ignition device ==> 点火装置
  1416. ignition distributor ==> 点火分电器
  1417. ignition electrode ==> 点火电极
  1418. ignition energy ==> 点火能量,由点火器、点火油枪、煤粉锅炉点火油系统(包括前部供油系统和炉前油系统)及点火自动控制仪表系统构成的全套装置。或由等离子等高能点火装置作为点火器组成的系统。
  1419. ignition engine ==> 点火エンジン
  1420. ignition exciter unit ==> 点火激励器
  1421. ignition explosive ==> 导火炸药
  1422. ignition failure ==> 点火系故障
  1423. ignition failure protection ==> 点火失败保护,在接到点火指令后的规定时间内燃料未被证实点燃(燃烧室点火失败)时,迅速关断燃料、退出该点火系统,并禁止在规定时间内再次点火的保护措施
  1424. ignition fuse ==> 点火引线
  1425. ignition governor ==> 点火调节器
  1426. ignition harness ==> 引火线
  1427. ignition head ==> 感应配电帽
  1428. ignition heat ==> 着火热
  1429. ignition injection ==> 引燃点火喷射
  1430. ignition interference ==> 点火妨害
  1431. ignition interrupter ==> 点火断续器
  1432. ignition key ==> 点火开关
  1433. ignition lag ==> 着火延迟,延迟点火
  1434. ignition lever ==> 发火杆
  1435. ignition limits ==> 燃烧极度
  1436. ignition lock ==> 点火闩
  1437. ignition loss ==> 烧失量
  1438. ignition loss free ==> 无灼烧损失
  1439. ignition magneto ==> 点火永磁发电机
  1440. ignition mixture ==> 燃烧混合物
  1441. ignition noise ==> 点火雑音,点火系噪声
  1442. ignition nozzle ==> 点 JK 喷油嘴
  1443. ignition of gas generator ==> 燃气发生器点火
  1444. ignition of precipitate ==> 沉淀灼烧
  1445. ignition order ==> 点火顺序
  1446. ignition pilot burner ==> 点火バーナー,点火パイロットバーナー
  1447. ignition pin ==> 发火针
  1448. ignition plug ==> 火花塞,电嘴
  1449. ignition point ==> 着火点,燃烧点
  1450. ignition powder ==> 点火药
  1451. ignition precipitate ==> 灼烧沉淀
  1452. ignition primer ==> 引发剂
  1453. ignition pulse ==> 点火脉冲
  1454. ignition pulse amplifieer ==> 点火脉冲信号放大器
  1455. ignition quality ==> 燃烧性质
  1456. ignition quality improver ==> 发火性增进剂
  1457. ignition rating ==> 点火定额
  1458. ignition rectifier ==> 点火整流器,均匀点火器,均匀点火器,引燃管
  1459. ignition residue ==> 燃烧残渣
  1460. ignition scope ==> 点火检查示波器
  1461. ignition spanner ==> 点火扳手
  1462. ignition spark ==> 点火电火花,点火火花
  1463. ignition switch ==> 点火开关
  1464. ignition system ==> 点火系统,点火装置,发火系统
  1465. ignition temperature ==> 燃烧温度,点火温度,着火温度,在一定条件下,煤受热分解释放出足够的挥发分与周围气体形成的可燃混合物的最低燃烧温度=>着火温度
  1466. ignition temperature of pulverized coal-air mixture flow ==> 煤粉气流着火温度,在试验装置规范条件下实测的煤粉—空气混合物射流温度升高到与试验装置的壁温相等,并即将超过时的温度(IT),能更直接准确地判别出各种煤采用煤粉燃烧方式时的着火特性。
  1467. ignition tension ==> 点火电压
  1468. ignition test ==> 灼烧试验
  1469. ignition timer ==> 点火定时器
  1470. ignition timing ==> 点火定时
  1471. ignition timing adjustment ==> 点火定时蝶
  1472. ignition transformer ==> 点 JIC 变压器
  1473. ignition tube ==> 点火管,点火管
  1474. ignition unit ==> 点火装置
  1475. ignition voltage ==> 点火电压,引燃电压
  1476. ignition voltage reserve ==> 点火电压储备
  1477. ignition wire ==> 点火线
  1478. ignition-coil resistor ==> 点火线圈电阻器
  1479. igniton distributor ==> 分电器
  1480. ignitor ==> 点火器=>イグナイタ
  1481. ignitor drop ==> 起弧极电压降
  1482. ignitor oscillation ==> 引燃极振荡
  1483. ignitron ==> 点火管=>イグナイトロン
  1484. ignitron contactor ==> 引燃管接触器
  1485. ignitron control ==> 引燃管控制
  1486. ignitron leads ==> 引燃管引线
  1487. ignorable coordinate ==> 可忽视坐标
  1488. ignorance ==> 無知,無教育
  1489. ignorance factor ==> 不可知因素
  1490. Ignorance is bliss ==> 無知は至福
  1491. Ignorance is the mother of impudence ==> 不作法は無知から生まれる
  1492. ignorant end of tape ==> 钢卷尺活动端
  1493. ignore character ==> 作废符,取消符
  1494. ignore character block ==> 抹除符号组
  1495. ignore code ==> 忽略码,无作用码
  1496. ignore data ==> 从略数据
  1497. ignore instruction ==> 无动作指令
  1498. ignore specification ==> 舍弃说明
  1499. ignoring residual value ==> 不计残值
  1500. IGP, inertial guidance program ==> 慣性誘導プログラム
  1501. IGS Inert Gas System ==> 惰性气体系统
  1502. IGSE, instrument ground support equipment ==> 機器地上支援施設
  1503. IGSM, ion gauge multiplexer ==> イオンゲージマルチプレクサ
  1504. IGT, Insulated Gate Transistor ==> 絶縁ゲートトランジスタ
  1505. IGV, Inlet Guide Vane ==> ガスタービン発電機入口案内翼
  1506. IGY, International Geophysical Year ==> 国際地球観測年
  1507. IH cooking appliances ==> IHクッキングヒータ
  1508. IH cooking heater ==> IHクッキングヒータ
  1509. IH, induction heating ==> 電磁誘導加熱
  1510. IHB International Hydrographic Bureau ==> 国际水道测量局
  1511. IHB, International Hydrographic Bureau ==> 国際水路局
  1512. ihepatitis chronica hyperplastica ==> 结霜样肝,慢性增生性肝周炎
  1513. IHF, International Handball Federation ==> 国际手球联合会=>国際ハンドボール連盟
  1514. IHI, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. ==> 石川島播磨重工業株式会社
  1515. IHO International Hydrographic Organization ==> 国际水道测量组织
  1516. IHO, International Hydrographic Organization ==> 国際水路機関
  1517. ihrigized iron ==> 高耐酸性硅铁
  1518. IHSI, induction heating stress improvement ==> 誘導加熱による応力改善法
  1519. IHW, International Halley Watch ==> 国際ハレー彗星観測計画
  1520. ii vi compound semiconductor ==> 旋化合物半导体
  1521. ii vi crystal ==> 族化合物晶体
  1522. IIA, Instrument Interface Agreement ==> 計器インタフェース協定
  1523. IIAR ==> 国際アンモニア冷凍協会
  1524. IIC, International Institute of communications ==> 国際通信学会
  1525. IIE, Institute of International Education ==> 美国国际教育研究所=>米国際教育研究所
  1526. IIGS, initial image generating system ==> 初期画像システム
  1527. IIL chip ==> 集成注入逻辑片
  1528. IIL gate structure ==> 集成注入逻辑栅极结构
  1529. IIL instruction set ==> 集成注入逻辑指令组
  1530. IIL multichip system ==> 集成注入逻辑多片系统
  1531. IIL topological simplicity ==> 集成注入逻辑布局简化
  1532. IIL, integrated injection logic ==> アイ・スクウェア・エル
  1533. IIP, Information and Incentives Project ==> 規制のあり方を検討するプロジェクト(イギリス)
  1534. IIP, Information Integration panel ==> 情報システム統合パネル
  1535. IIP, instantaneous impact point ==> 瞬時落下予測点
  1536. IIPPF, International Intellectual Property Protection Forum ==> 国際知的財産保護フォーラム
  1537. IIR, International Institute of Refrigeration ==> 国际制冷学会=>国際冷蔵機関
  1538. IIRV, improved interrange vector ==> 改良型インターレインジベクトル
  1539. IIS, Internet Information Server ==> Ms社が開発した,Windows NT上で稼働するインターネット,イントラネットサーバー。
  1540. IISI, International Iron and Steel Institute ==> 国际钢铁协会=>世界鉄鋼協会,ワールドスチール(旧国際鉄鋼協会)
  1541. IIT ==> インド工科大学
  1542. IIT, Illinois Institute of Technology ==> イリノイ科学技術研究所
  1543. IJEEPS, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems ==> IJEEPS
  1544. IJETP, International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy ==> IJETP
  1545. IJGEI, International Journal of Global Energy Issues ==> IJGEI
  1546. IK process ==> 固体渗铬法
  1547. IKE spectra, ion kinetic energy spectra ==> 离子动能谱
  1548. Ikeda Nobuyuki ==> 池田信行
  1549. IKI, Space Research Institute ==> 宇宙研究所(ロシア)
  1550. IKL, iso-keraunic level ==> 年間雷雨日数
  1551. Ikuchijima ==> 生口島
  1552. il ==> 集成注入逻辑
  1553. il circuit ==> il电路
  1554. il gate ==> il门
  1555. il memory ==> il存储器
  1556. il slice microprocessor ==> il位片微处理机
  1557. IL system (Lindenmayersystem with interaction) ==> 林氏相关关系
  1558. IL, impulse load ==> 衝撃荷重
  1559. ILA International Longshoremen's Association ==> 国际码头工人协会
  1560. ILAC ==> 世界試験機関認証機構
  1561. ilago articularis ==> 关节软骨
  1562. ILAS, Improved Infrared Limb Absorption Spectrometer ==> 改良型大気周縁赤外分光計
  1563. ILAS, Instrument Landing Approach System ==> NASA略語(意訳,計器着陸・進入システム)
  1564. ilation vent cover ==> 通风孔盖
  1565. ILC, initial launch capability ==> 初期打上げ能力
  1566. ILC, International Latex Corporation ==> 国際ラテックスコーポレーション
  1567. ILC, International Linear Collider ==> 国際リニアコライダー(巨大粒子加速器)
  1568. ileadelphus ==> 髂部联胎
  1569. ileal arteries ==> 回肠动脉
  1570. ileal cystoplasty ==> 回肠膀胱成型术
  1571. ileal intussuception ==> 回肠套叠
  1572. ileal irrigation ==> 回肠冲洗
  1573. ileal kink ==> 回肠扭结
  1574. ileectomy ==> 回肠切除术
  1575. ileetomy ==> 回肠切开术
  1576. ileitis ==> 回肠炎
  1577. ileoappendicular hernia ==> 回肠阑尾窝疝
  1578. ileocecal conjunction ==> 阑门
  1579. ileocecal incompetence ==> 结肠瓣闭锁不全
  1580. ileocecal intussusception ==> 回肠盲肠套叠
  1581. ileocecal opening ==> 回盲口
  1582. ileocecal sphincter ==> 回盲肠括约肌,回盲括约肌
  1583. ileocecal valve ==> 回盲瓣,鲍安氏瓣
  1584. ileocecal valve syndrome ==> 回盲瓣综合征
  1585. ileocecostomy ==> 回肠盲肠吻合术
  1586. ileocolic artery ==> 回结肠动脉
  1587. ileocolic folds ==> 回结肠襞
  1588. ileocolic vein ==> 回结肠静脉
  1589. ileocolitis ==> 回肠结肠炎,回结肠炎
  1590. ileocolostomy ==> 回肠结肠吻合术,回结肠切开术
  1591. ileocolotomy ==> 回肠结肠切开术
  1592. ileocystoplasty ==> 回肠膀胱成型术
  1593. ileogastric reflex ==> 回肠胃反射
  1594. ileogastrone ==> 肠抑胃素
  1595. ileojejunitis ==> 回肠空肠炎
  1596. ileoproctostomy ==> 回肠直肠吻合术
  1597. ileorectostomy ==> 回肠直肠吻合术
  1598. ileorrhaphy ==> 回肠缝合术
  1599. ileosig-moidostomy ==> 回肠乙状结肠吻合术
  1600. ileostomy ==> 回肠造口术
  1601. ileotransverso-stomy ==> 回肠横结肠吻合术
  1602. ileotyphus ==> 肠伤寒
  1603. ilesite ==> 集晶锰矾
  1604. Ileton ==> (杀虫剂)敌农混剂
  1605. ileum ==> 回肠
  1606. ileus ==> 肠梗阻,肠塞绞痛
  1607. ileus duplex ==> 重复肠梗阻
  1608. ileus safety trocar ==> 肠梗阻安全套管针
  1609. ileus verminosus ==> 肠虫性肠梗阻,蠕虫性肠梗阻
  1610. ILF, International Lifeboat Federation ==> 国际救生艇联合会=>国際救命艇連合
  1611. Ilgner flywheel ==> 伊尔格纳型飞轮
  1612. Ilgner system ==> イルグナー方式
  1613. ilgner system ==> 伊尔格纳系统
  1614. iliac bone ==> 髂骨
  1615. iliac crest ==> 髂嵴
  1616. iliac fascia ==> 髂筋膜,艾伯内西氏筋膜
  1617. iliac lymph nodes ==> 髂淋巴结
  1618. iliac roll ==> 腊肠状腹块
  1619. iliac veins ==> 髂静脉
  1620. iliofemoral triangle ==> 髂股三角
  1621. iliohypogastric nerve ==> 髂腹下神经
  1622. ilioinguinal nerve ==> 髂腹股沟神经
  1623. iliolumbar artery ==> 髂腰动脉
  1624. iliolumbar vein ==> 髂腰静脉
  1625. iliopecptineal eminence ==> 髂耻隆起
  1626. iliopectineal brim ==> 髂耻缘
  1627. iliopectineal fascia ==> 髂耻弓,髂耻筋膜
  1628. iliopubic brim ==> 髂耻缘
  1629. ilk ==> 種類
  1630. Ilkoviě equation ==> 伊尔科维奇方程
  1631. ill health ==> 不健康
  1632. ill weed ==> 为害大的杂草
  1633. ILL, impact limit line ==> 落下限界線
  1634. ill-balanced soil ==> 不平衡土壤
  1635. ill-condition ==> 病态条件
  1636. ill-conditioned ==> 膘情差的,劣性的
  1637. ill-conditioned equation ==> 病态方程
  1638. ill-conditioned matrix ==> 病态矩阵
  1639. ill-conditioned polynomial ==> 病态多项式
  1640. ill-conditioned system of equations ==> 病态方程组
  1641. ill-conditioning ==> 病态的
  1642. ill-conditioning problem ==> 病态问题
  1643. ill-effect ==> 不良作用
  1644. ill-framed ==> 骨架不良的
  1645. ill-health ==> 健康不佳
  1646. illegal action ==> 非法行为
  1647. illegal acts by audited entity ==> 被审单位的违法行为
  1648. illegal address ==> 非法地址
  1649. illegal address check ==> 非法地址检查
  1650. illegal addressing mode ==> 非法寻地址方式
  1651. illegal arrest ==> 非法逮捕
  1652. illegal character ==> 非法字符,禁用字符,不合法字符
  1653. illegal code ==> 不合法代码,非法代码
  1654. illegal combination ==> 非法合并,非法联合,非法组合
  1655. illegal command ==> 非法命令,非法指令,无效指令
  1656. illegal confinement ==> 非法监禁
  1657. illegal consideration ==> 非法报酬,非法约因
  1658. illegal contract ==> 非法合同
  1659. illegal control-message error ==> 非法控制消息的错误
  1660. illegal drug traffic ==> 非法毒品买卖
  1661. illegal dumping of wastes ==> 违法弃置废物
  1662. illegal electronic snooping ==> 非法电子窃听
  1663. illegal element ==> 非法元素
  1664. illegal element name ==> 非法元素名
  1665. illegal function name ==> 非法函数名
  1666. illegal gains ==> 非法所得
  1667. illegal guard mode ==> 非法防护方式
  1668. illegal instruction ==> 非法指令,禁用指令
  1669. illegal interest ==> 非法高利
  1670. illegal interrogation ==> 非法讯问
  1671. illegal interrupt ==> 非法中断
  1672. illegal intervention ==> 非法干涉
  1673. illegal means ==> 非法手段
  1674. illegal memory access ==> 非法存储器访问
  1675. illegal omission ==> 非法遗漏
  1676. illegal operation ==> 非法操作
  1677. illegal organization ==> 非法组织
  1678. illegal packet ==> 非法包,非法信息包
  1679. illegal partnership ==> 非法合伙
  1680. illegal payment ==> 非法付款,非法支付
  1681. illegal procurement of foreign exchange ==> 套汇
  1682. illegal profit ==> 非法利润
  1683. illegal purchase and speculation ==> 套购倒卖
  1684. illegal remittance of foreign exchange ==> 逃汇
  1685. illegal report ==> 非法报表
  1686. illegal restraint ==> 非法限制
  1687. illegal search and seizure ==> 非法搜查与扣押
  1688. illegal speculation ==> 非法投机行为,某些市场主体违反国家有关法律法规、政策和条例,为了获取非法利润扰乱市场秩序的投机行为
  1689. illegal state ==> 非法状态
  1690. illegal strike ==> 非法罢工
  1691. illegal trade ==> 非法贸易
  1692. illegal traffic ==> 非法运输
  1693. illegal transaction ==> 非法交易
  1694. illegal trust ==> 非法信托
  1695. illegal-command check ==> 非法命令检查,不合法指令检验
  1696. illegally obtained evidence ==> 非法获得的证据
  1697. illegitimate crossing over ==> 不正常交换
  1698. illegitimate fertility rate ==> 非法生育率
  1699. illegitimate income ==> 非法收入
  1700. illegitimate instrumental variable ==> 不合理的工具变量
  1701. illegitimate mating ==> 不正常交配
  1702. illegitimate pollination ==> 不正常授粉,人工自花授粉
  1703. illepe fat ==> 莫那脂
  1704. illery cart ==> 双轮炮车
  1705. illery cartridge extractor ==> 火炮抽筒子
  1706. illicit income ==> 非法收入
  1707. illicit trade ==> 非法贸易,违禁贸易
  1708. illicium oil ==> 莽草油
  1709. Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Company ==> (美)伊利诺斯中央海湾铁路公司
  1710. illite hydromica ==> 伊利水云母
  1711. illite structure ==> 伊利石结构
  1712. illness finds its way in by the mouth ==> 病从口入
  1713. illumi yarn ==> 光亮丝
  1714. illuminance ==> 照度=>照度
  1715. illuminance from unobstructed sky ==> 全天空照度
  1716. illuminance meter ==> 照度計
  1717. illuminance of skylight ==> 天窗照度
  1718. illuminance transducer[sensor] ==> 照度传感器
  1719. illuminaned button switch ==> 照度押しボタンスイッチ
  1720. illuminaned track diagram ==> 照明軌道盤
  1721. illuminaned track model ==> 照明軌道盤
  1722. illuminaned-dial instrument ==> 自照計器
  1723. illuminant ==> 发光体
  1724. illuminate ==> 耀,照,照亮,照明,阐明
  1725. illuminate second flashing ==> 照秒发亮
  1726. illuminate time display ==> 照时显示
  1727. illuminated area ==> 照亮面积,照明区
  1728. illuminated barrier ==> 照明式围栏
  1729. illuminated batten ==> 照明吊棒
  1730. illuminated blood type viewer ==> 照明血型观察器
  1731. illuminated body ==> 受照体
  1732. illuminated court ==> 灯光球场
  1733. illuminated diagram ==> 发光图
  1734. illuminated diagram switch board ==> 照明配电盘
  1735. illuminated dial ==> 照明表盘
  1736. illuminated dial ammeter ==> 照明度盘式安培计
  1737. illuminated dial instrument ==> 刻度盘照明仪表
  1738. illuminated disk ==> 照亮圆面
  1739. illuminated duplex air ga(u)ge ==> 照明双针气压计
  1740. illuminated hemisphere ==> 照亮半球
  1741. illuminated inspection machine ==> 照明验布机
  1742. illuminated rectangular reader ==> 照明长方形阅读放大镜
  1743. illuminated scale ==> 照明度
  1744. illuminated sign ==> 照明式标志
  1745. illuminated switch ==> 发光开关
  1746. illuminated target ==> 照亮的目标
  1747. illuminated track diagram ==> 发光铁道图
  1748. illuminated track model ==> 照明轨道模型
  1749. illuminated-dial instrument ==> 发光标度盘仪器
  1750. illuminating aperture angle ==> 照明孔径角
  1751. illuminating apparatus ==> 照明器
  1752. illuminating beam ==> 照射光束
  1753. illuminating brightness ==> 照明亮度
  1754. illuminating effect ==> 照明效应
  1755. illuminating engineering ==> 照明工程=>照明工学
  1756. illuminating flare ==> 照明弹
  1757. illuminating gas ==> 照明气
  1758. illuminating glass ==> 照明玻璃
  1759. illuminating glassware ==> 照明玻璃制品
  1760. illuminating kerosene ==> 照明灯油
  1761. illuminating lamp ==> 照明灯=>蛍光灯,照明灯
  1762. illuminating laryngoscope ==> 电光喉镜
  1763. illuminating laser beam ==> 照射激光束
  1764. illuminating lens ==> 照明透镜
  1765. illuminating line ==> 照明线
  1766. illuminating mark ==> 光点测标
  1767. illuminating meter ==> 照度计
  1768. illuminating mouth mirror ==> 照明口镜
  1769. illuminating oil ==> 照明用油
  1770. illuminating power ==> 照明本领,亮度
  1771. illuminating quality ==> 照明质量
  1772. illuminating ray ==> 照明光线
  1773. illuminating source ==> 光源
  1774. illuminating sruface of a lighting device ==> 照明装置的光照面
  1775. illuminating surface of a reflex reflextor ==> 反射镜的光照面
  1776. illuminating surface of a signalling device ==> 信号装置的光照面
  1777. illuminating system ==> 照明系统
  1778. illuminating value ==> 照度
  1779. illuminating window ==> 照明窗
  1780. illumination ==> 照度,照明,照明法,照明学,照视法,映光,采光=>照明
  1781. illumination at low powers ==> 低倍照明
  1782. illumination climater ==> 光照气候
  1783. illumination control ==> 照明控制
  1784. illumination current ==> 照明电流
  1785. illumination curve ==> 照度曲线
  1786. illumination design ==> 照明设计
  1787. illumination desk ==> 调光台
  1788. illumination distribution ==> 照明分配,光照分布
  1789. illumination effect ==> 照射效应
  1790. illumination efficiency ==> 照明效率
  1791. illumination engineer ==> 照明工程师
  1792. illumination engineering ==> 照明工程,照明工程学
  1793. illumination factor ==> 照明因数
  1794. illumination fatigue effect ==> 光照疲劳效应
  1795. illumination intensity ==> 照明强度
  1796. illumination level ==> 照度级
  1797. illumination material ==> 照明材料
  1798. illumination measurement ==> 照明测量
  1799. illumination meter ==> 照度计=>照度計
  1800. illumination photometer ==> 照度计=>照度計
  1801. illumination photometry ==> 照度测定,照明光度学,明度测定计
  1802. illumination sensitivity ==> 照射灵敏度
  1803. illumination sign ==> 照明信号
  1804. illumination standard ==> 照度标准,照明标准
  1805. illumination taper efficiency ==> 照射递减效率
  1806. illumination value ==> 照明值
  1807. illumination zone ==> 照明范围
  1808. illuminative level ==> 照度级
  1809. illuminator ==> 照明灯,照明器,照明装置,反光板,发光器,映光器,施照器
  1810. illuminator lamp ==> 照明用灯
  1811. illuminator of reflected light ==> 反射光照明器
  1812. illumine ==> 照亮,照明
  1813. illuminometer ==> 照度计
  1814. illusory correlation ==> 錯誤相関
  1815. illustrate ==> 图解
  1816. illustrated catalogue ==> 图示目录,图示型录
  1817. illustrated parts catalog ==> 带图解的零件的目录表
  1818. illustrated parts catalog (IPC) ==> 插图部分目录
  1819. illustration ==> 挿絵,図解,説明
  1820. illustration board ==> 插图纸板
  1821. illustration diagram ==> 説明図
  1822. illustration of interruption of supply ==> 供給支障の説明
  1823. illustration printing paper ==> 插图印刷用纸
  1824. illustrative application ==> 事例的応用
  1825. illustrative quotation ==> 実例となる引用
  1826. illustraton of model ==> 模型图
  1827. illuvial clay ==> 沉积粘粒
  1828. illuvial horizon ==> 淀积层,土壤淀积层
  1829. illuvial soil ==> 淀积土,淀积土壤
  1830. ilmenite loaded concrete ==> 钛铁混凝土,钛铁混凝土
  1831. ilmenite type electrode ==> 钛铁矿型焊条,钛铁矿型焊条
  1832. ILMT, International Liquid Mirror Telescope ==> 液体镜望远镜
  1833. ILO ==> 国际劳工组织
  1834. ILO International Labor Organization ==> 国际劳工组织
  1835. ILO, International Labor Organization ==> 国際労働機関
  1836. ILO, International Labour Organization ==> 国際労働機関
  1837. ILS descend path ==> 仪表指挥着陆滑翔道
  1838. ILS marker ==> 仪表指挥着陆指示器
  1839. ILS reference point ==> 仪表指挥着陆系统基准点
  1840. ILS, instrument landing system ==> 計器着陸システム,地上施設からの電波誘導による計器着陸システム
  1841. ILS, integrated logistic support ==> 統合補給活動
  1842. ILS, International Logistics System ==> 国際ロジスティックスシステム
  1843. ILS, ionization lose spectroscopy ==> 离化损失谱法
  1844. ILSC, industry launch service ==> 打上げサービス産業
  1845. ILSP, integrated logistics support plan ==> 総合ロジスティック支援計画
  1846. ILSS, Industry Launch Services(Storable) ==> (貯蔵可能物用)打上げサービス産業
  1847. ILSS, integrated logistics support system ==> 総合ロジスティック支援システム
  1848. ILSWG, integrated logistics support working group ==> 総合ロジスティック支援作業班
  1849. ILU Institute of London Underwriters ==> 伦敦保险公司学会
  1850. ILV, industrial launch vehicle ==> 産業用ロケット
  1851. ILWA International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union ==> 国际码头工人和仓库管理人工会
  1852. ILWG, integrated logistics working group ==> 総合ロジスティック作業班
  1853. im situ salinometer ==> 现场盐度计
  1854. IM, instrument module ==> 計器モジュール
  1855. IM, interconnect module ==> 相互結合モジュール
  1856. IM, interim mission ==> 中間ミッション
  1857. IM, intermodulation ==> 相互変調
  1858. IM, item manager ==> アイテム管理者
  1859. IMA process ==> 结合移动平均数过程
  1860. Imabari ==> 今治
  1861. image ==> 影像,映像,像,图像,表象,形像=>影像,像
  1862. image (shift) camera tube ==> 移像式摄像管
  1863. image acceleration ==> 图像转移加速器
  1864. image accelerator ==> 图像加速电极
  1865. image accelerator voltage ==> 图像加速极电压
  1866. image activator ==> 映像激活程序
  1867. image acuity ==> 图像清晰度
  1868. image admittance ==> 对等导纳
  1869. image aerial ==> 镜像天线,镜像天线
  1870. image amplifier ==> 图像放大器
  1871. image amplifier iconoscope ==> 图像放大光电摄像管
  1872. image analizer ==> 图像扫描器
  1873. image analysing computer ==> 影像分析
  1874. image analysis ==> 影像分析,影像分析法,映像分析,图像分析
  1875. image analyzer ==> 画像分析器
  1876. image and waveform monitor ==> 图像和波形监视器
  1877. image angle ==> 图像角,像角
  1878. image antenna ==> 镜像天线,镜像天线
  1879. image area ==> 图像面积=>画像領域
  1880. image area test ==> 图像面积测量
  1881. image array ==> 图像阵列
  1882. image aspect ==> 像方位
  1883. image aspect ratio ==> 图像宽高比
  1884. image attenuation ==> 图像衰减,镜频衰减,镜频衰减,影像衰减
  1885. image attenuation coefficient ==> 图像衰减系数
  1886. image attenuation constant ==> 图像衰减常数,影像衰减常数
  1887. image averaging ==> 图像平均
  1888. image background ==> 图像背景
  1889. image band ==> 图像波段
  1890. image bandwidth compression ==> 图像带宽压缩
  1891. image basis ==> 图像基础
  1892. image blurring ==> 图像模糊
  1893. image border ==> 图像边缘
  1894. image boundary ==> 图像边界
  1895. image brightness ==> 图像亮度
  1896. image burn ==> 图像烧伤,图像损缺
  1897. image by inversion ==> 反演象=>鏡像
  1898. image card ==> 图像卡片
  1899. image carrier ==> 图像载波
  1900. image channel ==> 图像通道
  1901. image channel gain limited sensitivity ==> 图像通道最大灵敏度
  1902. image channel noise limited sensitivity ==> 图像通道的有限杂波灵敏度
  1903. image channel synchronizing sensitivity ==> 图像通道的同步灵敏度
  1904. image characteristics extraction ==> 图像特征提取
  1905. image charge ==> 图像电荷,镜像电荷,镜像电荷,像电荷
  1906. image chart ==> 象形图
  1907. image circle ==> 像圈,图像圈
  1908. image coding ==> 影像编码
  1909. image coding devices ==> 图像编码器件
  1910. image coding technique ==> 图像编码技术
  1911. image compression ==> 图像压缩
  1912. image conduit ==> 传像管
  1913. image confusion ==> 像弥散
  1914. image construction ==> 图像构成,影像作图法
  1915. image contrast ==> 图像对比度,像衬比
  1916. image control ==> 图像调整
  1917. image control coil ==> 图像调整线圈
  1918. image conversion ==> 图像变换
  1919. image converter ==> 图像光电变换器变像管
  1920. image converter camera ==> 图像变换摄像机=>イメージコンバータカメラ
  1921. image converter streak camera ==> 像转换器扫描照相机,变像管高速扫描照相机
  1922. image converter tube ==> 图像光电变换器变像管
  1923. image coordinates ==> 像面坐标
  1924. image copy ==> 影像副本
  1925. image correlator ==> 图像相关器
  1926. image counter ==> 形像专柜
  1927. image covariance matrix ==> 图像协方差矩阵
  1928. image current ==> 像电流,影像电流
  1929. image current density ==> 像电流密度
  1930. image curvature ==> 像弯曲
  1931. image curve ==> 像曲线
  1932. image data ==> 图像数据
  1933. image data base ==> 图像数据库
  1934. image data compression ==> 图像数据压缩
  1935. image data network ==> 图像数据网
  1936. image data page ==> 图像数据页面
  1937. image data processing ==> 图像数据处理
  1938. image database system ==> 图像数据库系统
  1939. image deblurring ==> 图像模糊消去
  1940. image defect ==> 图像缺陷,成像缺陷
  1941. image definition ==> 图像清晰度,反差度
  1942. image deflection scanning ==> 偏像扫描,移像扫描
  1943. image deflects ==> 图像缺陷
  1944. image degradation ==> 異常画像
  1945. image degradation model ==> 图像劣化模型,图像退化模型
  1946. image density ==> 影像深浅度
  1947. image detail ==> 图像细节
  1948. image detail factor ==> 图像细节因数
  1949. image detail region ==> 图像细节区
  1950. image detection ==> 图像检波,图像检测
  1951. image detector ==> 成像器
  1952. image deterioration ==> 图像变坏,图像退化
  1953. image device ==> 成像器件
  1954. image diagonal ==> 图像对角线
  1955. image differential operation ==> 画像微分処理
  1956. image digitizer ==> 图像数字转换器
  1957. image dimensions ==> 图像尺寸
  1958. image displacement ==> 像位移
  1959. image display ==> 图像显示
  1960. image dissection ==> 图像分解,析像
  1961. image dissection camera ==> 析像摄像机
  1962. image dissection photography ==> 图像分解摄影
  1963. image dissector ==> 图像分解器,析像器,析像管=>解像管
  1964. image dissector camera system ==> 图像分析照相机系统
  1965. image dissector multiplier ==> 析像倍增管
  1966. image dissector tube ==> 析像管
  1967. image distance ==> 像距
  1968. image distortion ==> 像畸变,图像畸变,图像失真,影像畸变
  1969. image disturbance ratio ==> 图像干扰比
  1970. image divider ==> 分像器
  1971. image dividing optical system ==> 光学分像系统
  1972. image drift ==> 图像漂移
  1973. image drop-out ==> 图像信号失落
  1974. image duration ==> 帧周期
  1975. image effect ==> 镜像效应,镜像效应
  1976. image electro magnetic shift ==> 象电位移
  1977. image element ==> 像素
  1978. image encoding ==> 图像编码
  1979. image energy ==> 图像能
  1980. image enhancement ==> 图像增强
  1981. image enlargement ==> 影像放大
  1982. image enlarger lamp ==> 图像放大灯
  1983. image error ==> 图像失真
  1984. image errors ==> 像差
  1985. image evaluation ==> 图像估价
  1986. image fault ==> 图像失真
  1987. image fiber ==> イメージファイバ
  1988. image fidelity ==> 图像逼真度
  1989. image field ==> 像场
  1990. image file ==> 图像档案,图像文件,影像文件
  1991. image filtering ==> 滤像
  1992. image flattening lens ==> 图像场修正信号,像场修正透镜
  1993. image flicker ==> 图像闪烁
  1994. image flyback ==> 帧回描
  1995. image focus ==> 图像聚焦
  1996. image focus voltage ==> 移像聚集电压
  1997. image focusing ==> 图像聚焦
  1998. image focusing electrode ==> 影像聚焦电极
  1999. image fog ==> 影像模糊
  2000. image force ==> 像力,镜像力,镜像力
  2001. image force effect ==> 鏡像力効果
  2002. image force model ==> 像力模型
  2003. image form ==> 图像幅面
  2004. image format ==> 图像形式
  2005. image formation ==> 图像形成
  2006. image formation by rays ==> 光线成像
  2007. image frequency ==> 像频,镜频,镜像频率,帧频=>影像周波数
  2008. image frequency interference ==> 镜频干扰,像频干扰=>影像妨害
  2009. image frequency rejection ratio ==> 像频抑制比
  2010. image frequency selectivity ==> 像频率选择性
  2011. image frequency signal ==> 镜频信号
  2012. image function ==> 像函数=>像関数
  2013. image fundamental ==> 图像基础
  2014. image furnace ==> 聚焦炉,聚焦炉
  2015. image generator of colour television ==> 彩色电视图像发生器
  2016. image geometric error ==> 图像几何误差
  2017. image geometry ==> 图像几何
  2018. image graphic ==> 非编码图形
  2019. image graphics ==> 映像图形学
  2020. image height ==> 图像高度
  2021. image hologram ==> 影像全息图=>イメージホログラム
  2022. image iconoscope ==> 移像光电摄像管=>イメージアイコノスコープ
  2023. image identification ==> 图像识别
  2024. image IF amplifier ==> 图像中频放大器
  2025. image illumination ==> 图像照度
  2026. image illumination uniformity ==> 像面照度的均匀性
  2027. image impedance ==> 镜像阻抗,镜像阻抗,影像阻抗,对像阻抗=>影像インピーダンス
  2028. image information ==> 图像信息
  2029. image information processing system ==> 图像信息处理系统
  2030. image integrating tracker ==> 图像累积跟踪器
  2031. image intensification ==> 图像强化
  2032. image intensifier ==> 图像亮化器,图像增强器,像亮化器,象亮化器,光放大器,变像管,图像亮度放大管=>イメージ増強管
  2033. image intensifier isocon ==> 像增强式分流直像管
  2034. image intensifier orthicon tube ==> 像增强析像管
  2035. image intensifier tube ==> 图像亮度放大管
  2036. image intensifier-microchannel plate ==> 像增强器微通道板
  2037. image intensifying photosensitive film ==> 像增强光敏薄膜
  2038. image intensifying system ==> 像增强系统
  2039. image intensity ==> 图像亮度,图像强度
  2040. image interference ==> 图像干扰,镜像干扰,影频干扰,虚源干涉
  2041. image interference ratio ==> 镜频抗拒比,镜频抑制比
  2042. image intermediate frequency amplifier ==> 图像中频放大器
  2043. image intermediate frequency transformer ==> 像信号中频变压器
  2044. image interpolation ==> 图像插行,图像内插
  2045. image inversion ==> 图像转换,像倒置
  2046. image inverter ==> 倒像板,倒像器
  2047. image isocon ==> 分流正析像管,分流直像管
  2048. image jitter ==> 图像跳动
  2049. image lag ==> 成像滞后
  2050. image lens ==> 图像透镜
  2051. Image library ==> 图像库
  2052. image line ==> 图像扫描线
  2053. image line-amplifier output ==> 图像线路放大器输出
  2054. image load ==> 镜像负载,镜像负载
  2055. image lock ==> 图像同步
  2056. image luminance ==> 图像亮度
  2057. image match ==> 镜像匹配,镜像匹配
  2058. image matching ==> 画像照合
  2059. image measuring apparatus ==> 图像测量装置
  2060. image method ==> 图像法,镜像法,镜像法
  2061. image mining ==> 画像マイニング
  2062. image mode ==> 映像方式
  2063. image model ==> 图像模型
  2064. image modulation ==> 像频调制
  2065. image monitor ==> 图像监控器
  2066. image motion ==> 图像移动
  2067. image motion compensation ==> 图像移动补偿
  2068. image multiplication ==> 图像放大
  2069. image multiplier ==> 图像放大器,像倍增器
  2070. image name ==> 映像名
  2071. image of a variate ==> 变量的像
  2072. image of bilateral teleoperation ==> バイラテラル制御計のイメージ図
  2073. image of frequency measurement ==> 周波数測定のイメージ図
  2074. image of phasor ==> フェーザのイメージ図
  2075. image of space synchrophasor ==> 空間同期フェーザのイメージ図
  2076. image of spherical center ==> 球心像
  2077. image of time synchrophasor ==> 時間同期フェーザのイメージ図
  2078. image optical reconstruction ==> 图像光学恢复
  2079. image optics ==> 成像光学
  2080. image orbiting facility ==> 图像旋转设备
  2081. image orientation ==> 图像取向
  2082. image orthicon ==> 超正析摄像管,超正析像管,低速电子束摄像放大管,移像式正析像管=>イメージオルシコン
  2083. image orthicon assembly ==> 图像正析像管装置
  2084. image orthicon camera ==> 图像正析像管摄像机
  2085. image orthiconoscope ==> 图像正析像管,超正析摄像管,移像直像管
  2086. image output ==> 图像输出
  2087. image parameter ==> 图像参数
  2088. image parameter design ==> 镜像参数设计
  2089. image patch ==> 像斑
  2090. image pattern ==> 像图
  2091. image pattern recognition ==> 图像模式识别
  2092. image penumbra ==> 图像模糊
  2093. image persistance ==> 影像暂留
  2094. image persistence ==> 图像持久性,图像持续时间
  2095. image phase constant ==> 像相常数,影像相位常数
  2096. image phase-change coefficient ==> 图像相位变化系统
  2097. image photocell ==> 图像光电管,光电摄像管
  2098. image pick-up ==> 摄像
  2099. image pick-up device ==> 摄像器
  2100. image pickup device ==> 摄像器
  2101. image pickup tube ==> 摄像管=>撮像管
  2102. image picture ==> 图像
  2103. image plane ==> 图像平面,像平面,象面
  2104. image plate ==> 图像板
  2105. image plates ==> 像信号板
  2106. image plumbicon ==> 超氧化铅视像管
  2107. image point ==> 像点,象点
  2108. image position ==> 像位置
  2109. image power amplifier ==> 图功率放大器
  2110. image processing ==> 图像处理=>画像処理
  2111. image processing in real-time ==> 实时图像处理
  2112. image processing system ==> 图像形成装置
  2113. image processing techniques ==> 画像処理技術
  2114. image processor ==> 图象处理机
  2115. image projection system ==> 图像投影系统
  2116. image quality ==> 图像品质,图像质量
  2117. image quality enhancement ==> 高画質化
  2118. image quality evaluation ==> 图像质量评价
  2119. image quality indicator ==> 像质计
  2120. image raster ==> 图像光栅
  2121. image ratio ==> 像频抗拒比,镜频相对增益,镜像比,镜频波道的相对增益=>影像比
  2122. image reactor ==> 仮りの原子炉
  2123. image receiving tube ==> 受像管
  2124. image recognition ==> 图象识别=>画像認識
  2125. image reconstruction ==> 图像重显
  2126. image reconstructor ==> 图像重显装置
  2127. image reconstructor tube ==> 图像组成管
  2128. image record ==> 录像
  2129. image recording ==> 影像录制
  2130. image redundancy ==> 图像多余度
  2131. image refresh database ==> 影像更新数据库
  2132. image regeneration ==> 画像再表示
  2133. image registration ==> 图像配准,图像重合
  2134. image rejection ==> 图像载波抑制,图像载频的抑制,镜像干扰抑制,镜像干扰抑制
  2135. image rejection ratio ==> 镜频抗拒比,镜频抗拒比
  2136. image rejector ==> 镜频抑制器,镜频抑制器
  2137. image repeator ==> 图像重复器
  2138. image repetition ==> 图像重复
  2139. image replication ==> 图像重复
  2140. image representation ==> 图像表示
  2141. image reproducer ==> 图像重显装置,像重现装置
  2142. image reproduction ==> 图像再现,图像重显
  2143. image resolution ==> 图像清晰度
  2144. image resolution ratio ==> 图像分辨率
  2145. image response ==> 像频响应,镜道响应,镜频响应=>影像レスポンス
  2146. image restoration ==> 图像复原
  2147. image retaining panel ==> 影像保留幕板
  2148. image retention ==> 图像保留,残留影像,残像
  2149. image retention time ==> 图像保留时间
  2150. image retrieval ==> 画像検索
  2151. image roll ==> 图像滚动
  2152. image rotation ==> 影像旋转
  2153. image rotation prism ==> 成像旋转棱镜,转像棱镜
  2154. image scale ==> 成像比尺,镜像比例尺,镜像比例尺,像标,图像比例尺
  2155. image scanner ==> 图像扫描器
  2156. image screw ==> 映像旋量
  2157. image searching ==> 画像検索
  2158. image section ==> 映像段,图像部分
  2159. image section descriptor ==> 映像段描述符
  2160. image segmentation ==> 图像分割法,局部图像分析法=>領域分割
  2161. image sensing ==> 图像检测
  2162. image sensor ==> 摄像传感器,摄像敏感元件=>イメージセンサ
  2163. image set ==> 像集
  2164. image shape ==> 镜像形状,镜像形状
  2165. image shape converter ==> 像形状变换器
  2166. image sharpening ==> 图像清晰化
  2167. image sharpness ==> 图像清晰度
  2168. image shield ==> 镜像屏蔽,镜像屏蔽
  2169. image shift ==> 图像偏移
  2170. image shift coil ==> 移像线圈
  2171. image signal ==> 图像信号,镜像信号,映像信号
  2172. image signal amplifier ==> 图像信号放大器
  2173. image signal amplitude ==> 图像信号幅度
  2174. image signal distribution amplifier ==> 图像信号分配放大器
  2175. image signal generator ==> 图像信号发生器
  2176. image signal polarity ==> 图像信号极性
  2177. image size ==> 图像尺寸
  2178. image smoothing ==> 图像平滑
  2179. image source ==> 仮想源
  2180. image space ==> 像方,像空间
  2181. image spacing ==> 画面空间
  2182. image spliting optical system ==> 影像分光系统
  2183. image spot ==> 像点
  2184. image spot size ==> 像点尺寸
  2185. image stabilization ==> 图像稳定
  2186. image stabilizer ==> 手振れ防止機構,手振れ補正機構
  2187. image stage ==> 图像传输部分
  2188. image statement ==> 映像语句
  2189. image storage ==> 图像存储=>画像蓄積
  2190. image storage device ==> 图像存储器件,录像设备
  2191. image storage medium ==> 画像蓄積媒体
  2192. image storage tube ==> 储像管
  2193. image store ==> 映像存储区
  2194. image storing tube ==> 图像存储管
  2195. image strip ==> 图带,图像条,条带
  2196. image study ==> 形像研究
  2197. image suppression ==> 镜频抑制,镜频抑制
  2198. image surface ==> 像面,焦面
  2199. image surface curvature ==> 像面曲率
  2200. image sweep frequency ==> 图像扫描频率
  2201. image switching ==> 图像切换
  2202. image symmetry ==> 影像对称
  2203. image synchronization ==> 影像同步
  2204. image synthesis ==> 图像合成,像合成
  2205. image synthesis array ==> 图像综合天线阵
  2206. image system ==> 映像系统
  2207. image template matching ==> 画像テンプレート照合
  2208. image termination ==> 图像终端设备
  2209. image theory ==> 镜像原理,镜像原理
  2210. image three-colo(u)r ==> 三色图像
  2211. image transcription ==> 像录制,图像录制,影像录制,录像=>録画テレビ
  2212. image transdcer[sensor] ==> 图象传感器
  2213. image transfer ==> 图像转移,影像转绘,影像转制,图像传输
  2214. image transfer characteristics ==> 图像转移特性
  2215. image transfer constant ==> 影像转移常数
  2216. image transfer converter ==> 图像转换设备
  2217. image transfer exponent ==> 图像转换指数
  2218. image transfer ratio ==> 图像转换比
  2219. image transformation ==> 图像变换
  2220. image transformer ==> 图像变换器
  2221. image translator ==> 图像变换器
  2222. image transmission ==> 视频传输
  2223. image transmission scanning ==> 图像传输扫描
  2224. image transmitter ==> 图像发射机
  2225. image transmitter power ==> 图像发射机功率
  2226. image tube ==> イメージ管
  2227. image velocity sensor ==> 图像速度传感器
  2228. image vericon ==> 超正析摄像管,移像正析摄像管,移像直像管
  2229. image vidicon ==> 超光电摄像管
  2230. image visibility ==> 图像可见度
  2231. image volume ==> 图像容积形状变换器
  2232. image wave function ==> 图像波函数
  2233. image well ==> 推测井,反射井
  2234. image white ==> 图像白色
  2235. image width ==> 图像宽度,像宽
  2236. image(shift) iconoscope ==> 移像光电摄像管
  2237. image-amplifying device ==> 图像增强器
  2238. image-based visual servo ==> 画像ベースビジュアルサーボ
  2239. image-bearing ==> 载像
  2240. image-carrying fiber ==> 传像纤维
  2241. image-combining mirror ==> 成像交联反射镜
  2242. image-contained data ==> 像含数据,像容数据
  2243. image-converter high-speed camera ==> 变像管高速摄影机
  2244. image-converter tube ==> イメージ変換管
  2245. image-dissector tube ==> 解像管
  2246. image-dividing relay optical system ==> 分像转向光学系统
  2247. image-enhancing equipment ==> 图像增强设备
  2248. image-forming block ==> 成像部件
  2249. image-forming component ==> 成像元件
  2250. image-forming condition ==> 成像条件
  2251. image-forming electron ==> 成像电子
  2252. image-forming infrared receiver ==> 成像红外线接收机
  2253. image-forming system ==> 成像系统
  2254. image-forming ultrasonic microscope ==> 成像超声显微镜
  2255. image-intensifier isocon ==> 增强式分流直像管
  2256. image-inverter prism ==> 倒像棱镜
  2257. image-motion compensation (IMC) ==> 像动稳定补偿
  2258. image-orthicon assembly ==> 超正析像管装置
  2259. image-orthicon camera ==> 超正析像管摄像机
  2260. image-recording ==> 图像录制
  2261. image-recovery technique ==> 图像恢复技术
  2262. image-reject mixer ==> 镜像抑制混频器,镜像抑制混频器
  2263. image-scanning device ==> 图像扫描装置
  2264. image-sensing panel ==> 图像检测板
  2265. image-separating prism ==> 分像棱镜
  2266. image-splitting eyepiece ==> 分像目镜
  2267. image-stone ==> 像石
  2268. image-storage array ==> 图像存储阵列
  2269. image-viewing tube ==> 图像光电变换管
  2270. imageo ==> 成虫
  2271. imageorthicon assembly ==> 超正析像管摄像机
  2272. imageplumbicon ==> 移像式氧化铅视像管
  2273. imager ==> 成像器
  2274. imagery ==> 图像,群像,刻像,摄像=>イメージ,像
  2275. imagery data ==> 画像データ
  2276. imagery database ==> 映像データベース
  2277. imagery debate ==> イメージ論争
  2278. imagery intelligence ==> 画像諜報活動(IMINT)
  2279. imagery interpretation ==> 画像解釈
  2280. imaginal germ ==> 器官芽
  2281. imaginal line ==> 虚线
  2282. imaginary ==> 虚数,虚数的,假想的,虚的=>虚数
  2283. imaginary accumulator ==> 虚数累加器
  2284. imaginary argument ==> 虚自变数
  2285. imaginary axis ==> 虚数轴,虚轴=>虚軸
  2286. imaginary beam ==> 虚梁
  2287. imaginary body ==> 仮想天体
  2288. imaginary characteristic ==> 虚数特性
  2289. imaginary characteristics ==> 虚特征
  2290. imaginary circle ==> 虚图,假想切圆,在采用直流燃烧器的锅炉中,以直流燃烧器同一高度喷口的几何轴线作为切线,在炉膛横截面中心部所形成的假想几何圆=>虚円
  2291. imaginary circle at infinity ==> 虚球圆
  2292. imaginary circle diagram ==> 虚数圆图
  2293. imaginary circular point ==> 虚圆点
  2294. imaginary combustion ==> 假想燃烧
  2295. imaginary component ==> 虚部,无功分量=>虚数部
  2296. imaginary component of complex function ==> 复变函数的虚分量
  2297. imaginary component of current ==> (螺旋矢量)电流虚部
  2298. imaginary component of instantaneous apparent power ==> 瞬时视在功率虚部,瞬时无功功率
  2299. imaginary component of rms apparent power ==> 视在功率虚部,无功功率
  2300. imaginary component of voltage ==> (螺旋矢量)电压虚部
  2301. imaginary cone ==> 虚锥
  2302. imaginary constant ==> 虚常数
  2303. imaginary conversation ==> 想像上の会話
  2304. imaginary cross section ==> 假想断面
  2305. imaginary cube root ==> 虚立方根
  2306. imaginary current ==> 虚電流
  2307. imaginary curve ==> 虚曲线
  2308. imaginary cyclic field ==> 虚循环域
  2309. imaginary demand ==> 虚假需求=>仮需要
  2310. imaginary elastic body ==> 假想弹性体
  2311. imaginary element ==> 虚元素
  2312. imaginary ellipse ==> 虚楕円
  2313. imaginary ellipsoid ==> 虚椭圆面
  2314. imaginary elliptic cylinder ==> 虚椭圆柱面
  2315. imaginary exponent ==> 虚指数
  2316. imaginary factor ==> 虚因子
  2317. imaginary field ==> 虚域
  2318. imaginary focus ==> 虚焦点
  2319. imaginary frequency ==> 虚频率
  2320. imaginary hinge ==> 虚铰
  2321. imaginary hypersphere ==> 虚超球面
  2322. imaginary infinite prime divisors ==> 虚无限素因子
  2323. imaginary intersection ==> 虚相交
  2324. imaginary line ==> 虚线,假想线
  2325. imaginary load ==> 虚载,假想荷载
  2326. imaginary loading ==> 虚负载,无功负载
  2327. imaginary mass ==> 假想质量
  2328. imaginary modulus ==> 虚模量
  2329. imaginary number ==> 虚数=>虚数
  2330. imaginary part ==> 虚数,虚数部分=>虚部
  2331. imaginary plane ==> 虚平面
  2332. imaginary point ==> 虚点
  2333. imaginary potential ==> 虚势=>仮想ポテンシャル
  2334. imaginary prime divisor ==> 虚素因子
  2335. imaginary quadratic field ==> 虚二次域
  2336. imaginary quadric hypersurface ==> 虚二次超曲面
  2337. imaginary quantity ==> 虚量=>虚数
  2338. imaginary refractive index ==> 虚数折射率
  2339. imaginary representation ==> 假想图示
  2340. imaginary root ==> 虚根=>虚根
  2341. imaginary sample points ==> 虚样本点
  2342. imaginary semi-axis ==> 虚半轴
  2343. imaginary source ==> 假想源
  2344. imaginary space ==> 虚空间
  2345. imaginary sphere ==> 虚球
  2346. imaginary surface ==> 虚曲面
  2347. imaginary terms ==> 虚数项
  2348. imaginary time ==> 虚時間,ホーキングの説は,虚時間理論を使えば,宇宙の誕生をよりスムーズに説明できるというもの。
  2349. imaginary time coordinate ==> 虚时间坐标
  2350. imaginary transformation ==> 虚数变换
  2351. imaginary unit ==> 虚数单位,假想单位,虚数单位=>虚数単位
  2352. imaginary variable ==> 虚变量
  2353. imaginary-real component method ==> 虚实分量法
  2354. imagination ==> 想像
  2355. imaging ==> 图像形成=>イメージング
  2356. imaging array ==> 成像阵列
  2357. imaging beam ==> 成像光束
  2358. imaging deformer ==> 成像变形器
  2359. imaging detector ==> 成像探测器
  2360. imaging device ==> 撮像デバイス
  2361. imaging fibre ==> 成像光纤
  2362. imaging focal length ==> 成像焦距
  2363. imaging infrared guidance ==> 成像红外制导
  2364. imaging infrared receiver ==> 成像红外接收机
  2365. imaging infrared system ==> 成像红外系统
  2366. imaging precision ==> 成像精度
  2367. imaging process ==> 成像工艺
  2368. imaging quality ==> 成像质量
  2369. imaging radar ==> 成像雷达
  2370. imaging sensor ==> 成像传感器,图像传感器
  2371. imaging system ==> 成象系统
  2372. Imagon lens ==> 伊梅冈镜头
  2373. IMAP, Internet Messaging Access Protocol ==> POPと同じくメールのダウンロードを目的としているが、POPとは設計思想、動作、その複雑さを含めて非常に対照的なプロトコルである。
  2374. IMB International Maritime Bureau ==> 国际海事局
  2375. IMB, International Maritime Bureau ==> 国際海事局
  2376. imbalance ==> インバランス
  2377. imbalance of consumption ==> 消费失调
  2378. imbalance of developments ==> 发展不平衡性
  2379. imbalance of supply and demand ==> 需給不平衡. A condition where the generation and interchange schedules do not match demand.
  2380. imbalance of three phase ==> 三相不平衡
  2381. imbed ==> 埋置=>埋める
  2382. imbedbed ==> 嵌镶的
  2383. imbedbed winding ==> 嵌入的绕组,下线后的绕组
  2384. imbedded code ==> 嵌入码
  2385. imbedded fin tube ==> 镶片式翅片管
  2386. imbedded guide ==> 埋封波导
  2387. imbedded prime ideal ==> 嵌入素理想
  2388. imbedded temperature detector ==> 埋入测温器
  2389. imbedded temperature-detector insulation ==> 埋入测温器绝缘
  2390. imbedded winding ==> 埋入式绕组,嵌入绕组
  2391. imbedding method ==> 嵌入法
  2392. imbedding tool ==> 埋线器
  2393. imbibition pressure ==> 浸渗压,吸涨压
  2394. imbricate fault ==> 叠瓦断层
  2395. imbricate structure ==> 叠瓦构造
  2396. imbricated fault zone ==> 叠瓦断层带
  2397. imbricated leaf ==> 覆丘状叶
  2398. imbricated texture ==> 叠瓦状结构
  2399. imbricated winding ==> 链形绕组
  2400. IMC, intermodule connector ==> モジュール間コネクタ
  2401. IMCO, International Maritime Consultative Organization ==> 国際海事協議機関
  2402. imcompressible body ==> 不可压缩物体
  2403. imcompressible hydrokinematics ==> 不可压缩流体运动学
  2404. IMCS Integlated Monitoring and Control System ==> 集中監視制御システム
  2405. IMCS, Integrated Monitoring & Control System ==> 船内計装の総合制御システム
  2406. IMD, International Institute of Management Development ==> スイスのローザンヌにある研究所
  2407. IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code ==> 国际海事危险货物法案
  2408. imental performance ==> 实验性能
  2409. imental period ==> 实验时间
  2410. IMF International Monetary Fund ==> 国际货币基金组织
  2411. IMF, image furnace ==> イメージ炉
  2412. IMF, International Monetary Fund ==> 国際通貨基金
  2413. IMF, interplanetary magnetic field ==> 惑星間空間磁場
  2414. IMF-DCV, IMF-furnace drive controller ==> イメージ炉駆動装置
  2415. IMG, Interferometric Monitor for Greenhouse Gases ==> 温室効果気体センサ
  2416. IMHO(In My Humble Opinion) ==> 拙見を述べますと
  2417. Imhoff cone ==> 英霍夫式锥形管
  2418. Imhoff sedimentation funnel ==> 伊姆号夫沉淀漏斗
  2419. Imhoff tank ==> 英霍夫式沉淀池,沉淀隐化池
  2420. imidazole (4)-ethyl formate ==> 咪唑甲酸乙酯
  2421. imidazole lactic acid ==> 咪唑乳酸
  2422. imidazolidone caproic acid ==> 咪唑酮己酸
  2423. imidazoline phosphonic acid ==> 咪唑啉膦酸
  2424. imidazoline phosphoramide ==> 咪唑啉膦酰胺
  2425. imide salt ==> 亚氨盐
  2426. imidecyl iodine ==> 咪癸碘
  2427. imidic acid ==> 亚氨酸
  2428. imido group ==> 亚氨基
  2429. imido-carbonic acid ==> 亚氨碳酸
  2430. imido-carbonic ester ==> 亚胺碳酸酯
  2431. imido-hydrogen ==> 亚氨型氢
  2432. imidoamine salt ==> 亚氨基胺盐
  2433. imidodicarboxylic acid ==> 亚氨二羧酸
  2434. imidodisulfuric acid ==> 亚氨二硫酸
  2435. imidophosphonic acid ==> 亚氨膦酸
  2436. imidopolyphenyl oxide ==> 亚氨多苯氧化物
  2437. imidotrimetaphosphoric acid ==> 亚氨三偏磷酸
  2438. imidotriphosphoric acid ==> 亚氨三磷酸
  2439. iMIEV ==> アイ・ミーブ,電気自動車
  2440. IMIF International Maritime Industries Forum ==> 国际海事工业论坛
  2441. imino group ==> 亚氨基
  2442. imino-acetic acid ==> 亚氨乙酸
  2443. imino-aceto-acetic acid ==> 亚氨乙酰乙酸
  2444. imino-acid ==> 亚氨基酸
  2445. imino-alkyl starches ==> 亚氨基烷基淀粉
  2446. imino-base ==> 亚氨碱
  2447. imino-ester ==> 亚氨醚,亚氨酸酯
  2448. imino-ether ==> 亚氨醚
  2449. imino-ether hydrochloride ==> 盐酸化亚氨基醚
  2450. imino-formyl chloride ==> 亚氨基甲酰氯
  2451. iminodiacetic acid ==> 亚氨基二乙酸
  2452. iminodicarboxylic acid ==> 亚氨基二羧酸
  2453. iminodiformic acid ==> 亚氨基二甲酸
  2454. iminoglutaric acid ==> 亚氨基戊二酸
  2455. iminourea ==> 亚胺基脲,胍
  2456. imipramine hydrochloride ==> 盐酸丙咪嗪,托法尼
  2457. IMIS, intelligent management information system ==> インテリジェント管理情報システム
  2458. IMIT, Institute for Micro-and Information-Technology ==> IMIT
  2459. imitate ==> 模仿,摹写=>模造する,模倣する,まねる
  2460. imitate a trademark ==> 冒牌
  2461. imitate others ==> 人のまねをする
  2462. imitating kang colour vase with floral design ==> 仿康彩花卉瓶
  2463. imitation ==> 模造,模造品,仿造,仿造品,仿制,仿制品,人造牛奶,临摹,模仿,模拟=>偽造品
  2464. imitation antique ==> 仿古瓷器
  2465. imitation antique carpet ==> 仿古地毯
  2466. imitation antique porcelain ==> 仿古瓷器
  2467. imitation art paper ==> 仿铜版纸,高灰分印刷纸
  2468. imitation art printing paper ==> 充粉纸
  2469. imitation brand ==> 冒牌,影射商标
  2470. imitation chease ==> 人造干酪
  2471. imitation copy ==> 摹仿本
  2472. imitation curios ==> 仿古玩
  2473. imitation effect ==> 模仿效应
  2474. imitation embroidered fabric ==> 仿绣织物
  2475. imitation glassine paper ==> 仿玻璃纸
  2476. imitation gold yarn ==> 充金线
  2477. imitation haircloth ==> 充马尾衬
  2478. imitation handmade printing paper ==> 仿手工印刷纸
  2479. imitation horse hair lining ==> 充马尾衬
  2480. imitation Japanese paper ==> 仿日本和纸
  2481. imitation jewel ==> 人造宝石
  2482. imitation lag ==> 仿制时滞
  2483. imitation leather ==> 人造皮革,人造革,假皮
  2484. imitation leather paper ==> 仿革纸
  2485. imitation manganese bronze ==> 仿造锰青铜
  2486. imitation marble ==> 人造大理石,假大理石
  2487. imitation milk products ==> 人造奶制品
  2488. imitation natural wool ==> 充原色羊毛
  2489. imitation parchment paper ==> 仿羊皮纸
  2490. imitation parts ==> 仿造品=>模造部品,社外部品
  2491. imitation platinum alloy ==> 仿造铂合金
  2492. imitation porcelain ==> 仿制瓷
  2493. imitation silk ==> 充丝
  2494. imitation silver yarn ==> 充银线
  2495. imitation stone ==> 人造石,假宝石,假石
  2496. imitation stone block ==> 假石砌块
  2497. imitation stone finish ==> 假石饰面
  2498. imitation test ==> 模倣試験
  2499. imitation wood ==> 人造木
  2500. imitation wool ==> 充羊毛
  2501. imitation woolen paper ==> 仿羊皮纸
  2502. imitative behaviour ==> 模仿行为
  2503. imitative colour ==> 模仿色
  2504. imitative deception ==> 模拟迷惑
  2505. imitative growth ==> 仿效性增长
  2506. imitative movement ==> 模倣運動
  2507. imitative or emulative consumption spending ==> 模仿或仿效的消费支出
  2508. imitative pricing ==> 模仿价格
  2509. imitative words ==> 擬声語
  2510. imitativeness ==> 模仿性
  2511. IML, International Microgravity Laboratory ==> 国際微小重力実験室
  2512. IMLI International Maritime Law Institute (IMO) ==> 国际海事法律研究所
  2513. immaterial ==> 本質的でない
  2514. immaterial capital ==> 无形资本
  2515. immaterial labour ==> 非物质劳动力
  2516. immaterial safety circuit ==> 非本质安全电路
  2517. immaterial value ==> 非物质价值
  2518. immature concrete ==> 未凝结混凝土
  2519. immature cotton ==> 未熟棉
  2520. immature cotton waste ==> 废元棉
  2521. immature delivery ==> 死胎早产
  2522. immature fibre ==> 未成熟纤维
  2523. immature form ==> 亚成熟形态
  2524. immature megakaryocyte ==> 成巨核细胞
  2525. immature nut ==> 未熟果
  2526. immature residual soil ==> 新残积土
  2527. immature soil ==> 未成熟的土,未成熟土,未熟土
  2528. immature wood ==> 未熟枝
  2529. immature wood cutting ==> 未熟枝插
  2530. immedial green ==> 直达绿
  2531. immedial pure blue ==> 直达纯蓝
  2532. immedial sky blue ==> 直达青
  2533. immediate ==> 直接,直接的,即时呼叫,立即=>直接の,即時の
  2534. immediate acceptance ==> 即期承兑
  2535. immediate access ==> 即时存取,快速访问,立即存取
  2536. immediate access storage ==> 快速存储器,立即存取存储器
  2537. immediate access store ==> 立即存取存储
  2538. immediate address ==> 立即地址,零地址,零级地址,直接地址=>即値アドレス
  2539. immediate address instruction ==> 直接地址指令,立即地址指令
  2540. immediate addressing ==> 快速寻址,立即编址,立即寻址,零级定址,零级寻址,直接选址=>即値アドレス指定
  2541. immediate addressing mode ==> 立即寻址方式
  2542. immediate allergy ==> 即刻变应性
  2543. immediate association ==> 即时联想
  2544. immediate biochemical oxygen demand ==> 直接生化需氧量
  2545. immediate bottom ==> 直接底板
  2546. immediate cancel ==> 立即取消,立即作废
  2547. immediate capture ==> 瞬时俘获
  2548. immediate cash payment ==> 立即付现,即时付现
  2549. immediate cause ==> 直接原因
  2550. immediate character ==> 立即字符,零级字符
  2551. immediate checkpoint ==> 立即检验点
  2552. immediate command ==> 立即命令
  2553. immediate compression ==> 瞬时压缩
  2554. immediate consequence ==> 直接后果
  2555. immediate contact ==> 直接接触
  2556. immediate contagion ==> 直接感染
  2557. immediate data ==> 直接数据,立即数据
  2558. immediate data dependency ==> 直接数据相关性
  2559. immediate delivery ==> 即时交货
  2560. immediate denture ==> 立刻义齿,临时托牙
  2561. immediate development ==> 近期发展
  2562. immediate device control block (IDCB) ==> 快速设备控制块,立即设备控制块
  2563. immediate diagnosis ==> 即刻诊断
  2564. immediate economic benefits ==> 近期经济效益
  2565. immediate effect ==> 瞬即效应
  2566. immediate elastic deformation ==> 瞬间弹性变形
  2567. immediate environment ==> 直接环境
  2568. immediate environment termination ==> 立即环境终止
  2569. immediate execution mode ==> 立即执行方式
  2570. immediate experience ==> 即时体验
  2571. immediate extended addressing ==> 立即扩展寻址
  2572. immediate hanging wall ==> 直接上盘
  2573. immediate hypersensitivity ==> 速发型超敏反应
  2574. immediate indebtedness ==> 急逼债务
  2575. immediate inference ==> 直接推理
  2576. immediate instability ==> 即時不安定,電圧安定度限界は主にサドルノード分岐点と即時不安定点の二種類に分類されている。特に後者は議論が多く,limit-induced bifurcation, breaking pointなど様様に呼ばれている。
  2577. immediate instruction ==> 立即指令,零地址指令=>即値命令
  2578. immediate integration ==> 直接积分法
  2579. immediate interests ==> 眼前利益
  2580. immediate load instruction ==> 立即送数指令
  2581. immediate means ==> 直接方法
  2582. immediate memory ==> 即刻回忆
  2583. immediate mission ==> 直接任务
  2584. immediate mode ==> 即时方式,快速方式
  2585. immediate movement ==> 瞬时位移
  2586. immediate operand ==> 立即操作数
  2587. immediate operation ==> 立即操作
  2588. immediate operation instruction ==> 立即操作指令
  2589. immediate packing ==> 直接安装
  2590. immediate passivation ==> 瞬时钝化
  2591. immediate percussion ==> 直接叩诊法
  2592. immediate predecessor ==> 直接先趋块,紧接前项活动
  2593. immediate processing ==> 快速处理,立即处理,即时处理,按需处理
  2594. immediate production ==> 直接生产
  2595. immediate reaction ==> 即时反应,即现反应
  2596. immediate reading ==> 瞬间读数
  2597. immediate record ==> 立即记录
  2598. immediate recourse ==> 立即追索
  2599. immediate release signal ==> 立即释放信号
  2600. immediate roof ==> 直接顶板
  2601. immediate set ==> 瞬间变定
  2602. immediate settlement ==> 瞬时沉降
  2603. immediate shipment ==> 立即装船
  2604. immediate skip ==> 立即跳动,跳指令
  2605. immediate subcommand ==> 立即型子命令
  2606. immediate subordinate ==> 直接从属
  2607. immediate successor ==> 直接后继,直接后继块,紧接后元
  2608. immediate superior ==> 直接上级
  2609. immediate support ==> 直接支援
  2610. immediate task ==> 立即任务
  2611. immediate transfusion ==> 直接输血
  2612. immediate transportation entry ==> 途中报关进口
  2613. immediate-access memory ==> 快速存取存储器,立即访问存储器,即时存取存储器
  2614. immediate-access storage ==> 即时存取存储器,快速存取存储器,立即访问存储器,瞬时存储器
  2615. immediate-capture efficiency ==> 瞬时俘获效率
  2616. immediate-request mode ==> 立即请求方式
  2617. immediate-response mode ==> 立即响应方式
  2618. immediately ==> 立即,立刻,马上
  2619. immediateness ==> 直接
  2620. immense ==> 巨大な,広大な,すごい
  2621. immense advantage ==> 多大な利点
  2622. immense amount ==> 膨大な量
  2623. immense amount of energy ==> 膨大な量のエネルギー
  2624. immense amount of information ==> 膨大な量の情報
  2625. immense amount of knowledge ==> 膨大な量の知識
  2626. immense amount of money ==> 莫大な額の金
  2627. immense amount of time and effort ==> 膨大な時間と労力
  2628. immense budget deficits ==> 巨額の財政赤字
  2629. immense complexity ==> ものすごい複雑さ
  2630. immensely ==> 非常に,広大に,大いに,イメンスリ
  2631. immensely difficult ==> 恐ろしく難しい
  2632. immensely important concept ==> 非常重要的概念
  2633. immerged coil heat exchanger ==> 沉浸蛇管式换热器
  2634. immerse ==> 沉浸,浸没,浸入,浸渍,泡=>浸す
  2635. immerseable finger ==> 浸入式深度规
  2636. immersed ==> 浸没式=>浸した
  2637. immersed bolometer ==> 浸没式热辐射计
  2638. immersed detctor ==> 浸没式探测器
  2639. immersed detector element ==> 浸没探测元件
  2640. immersed electrode furnace ==> 浸极式炉
  2641. immersed focal-plane lens ==> 浸没焦平面透镜
  2642. immersed marine tube unit ==> 海底管道组件
  2643. immersed pump ==> 沉没泵
  2644. immersed rheostat ==> 液体变阻器
  2645. immersed torque motor ==> 湿式力矩电动机,湿式力矩马达
  2646. immersed tunnel ==> 沉埋隧道
  2647. immersible concrete vibrator ==> 插入式混凝土振捣器
  2648. immersible motor ==> 浸入型电动机,潜水电动机
  2649. immersible pump ==> 潜水泵
  2650. immersible switchgear ==> 潜水开关装置
  2651. immersing cooling ==> 沉浸冷却
  2652. immersing heater ==> 沉浸式加热器
  2653. immersing medium ==> 浸没介质
  2654. immersion ==> 浸入,浸水,浸渍,沉浸,沉入,掩始,埋入,浸没,水库内的水渗入水库周边地层中,以致周边地区的地下水位抬高,使这些地区受到浸没影响,有可能造成周围农田的次生盐碱化,形成对农作物生长不利的环境,有的可能导致邻近地区地面建筑物基础沉陷,造成矿井淹没或崩坍=>液浸
  2655. immersion (objective) lens ==> 浸没物镜
  2656. immersion apochromat ==> 浸没复消色差透镜
  2657. immersion bell ==> 钟罩
  2658. immersion casting ==> 浸没铸造
  2659. immersion cleaning ==> 浸洗
  2660. immersion coating ==> 化学涂层
  2661. immersion colorimeter ==> 浸没式比色计
  2662. immersion condenser ==> 浸没式聚光器
  2663. immersion cooler ==> 浸入式冷却器,浸没式冷却器,沉浸冷却器,沉浸式冷却器
  2664. immersion cooling ==> 沉浸冷却
  2665. immersion counter ==> 浸入式计数管
  2666. immersion couple ==> 浸入式热电偶
  2667. immersion depth ==> 浸入深度
  2668. immersion development ==> 浸液显影
  2669. immersion electric heater ==> 浸没式电热器
  2670. immersion electrode ==> 浸液电极
  2671. immersion electron lens ==> 浸没式电子透镜
  2672. immersion error ==> 浸入误差
  2673. immersion filter tube ==> 浸液过滤管
  2674. immersion foot ==> 泡浸足,冷浸足,足浸病
  2675. immersion freezer ==> 浸液致冷器,沉浸式致冷器
  2676. immersion furnace ==> 沉渍式保温锅
  2677. immersion gain ==> 光学浸没增益
  2678. immersion grating ==> 浸没光栅
  2679. immersion hand ==> 冷浸手
  2680. immersion heater ==> 浸入式加热器,浸入式热水器,浸液加热器=>投込電熱器
  2681. immersion heating ==> 潜没加热法
  2682. immersion jig ==> 全浸式卷染机
  2683. immersion length ==> 浸没长度
  2684. immersion lens ==> 浸没透镜=>液浸レンズ,界浸レンズ
  2685. immersion line (of liquid in glass thermometer) ==> (玻璃温度计的)浸没线
  2686. immersion liquid-quenched fuse ==> 液体灭弧熔断器
  2687. immersion liquiol ==> 浸液
  2688. immersion magnifier ==> 浸没放大镜
  2689. immersion method ==> 浸渍法,油浸法
  2690. immersion objective ==> 浸液物镜,浸渍物镜
  2691. immersion of thermometor ==> 温度计浸入深度
  2692. immersion oil ==> 浸镜油,浸没油,浸油
  2693. immersion optics ==> 浸没光学
  2694. immersion pH ==> 工业用浸入式酸碱计
  2695. immersion pipe ==> 浸入管
  2696. immersion plating ==> 浸镀
  2697. immersion proof ==> 防浸器
  2698. immersion pump ==> 深潜泵
  2699. immersion pyrometer ==> 埋入式高温计,浸入式高温计
  2700. immersion reflectometer ==> 浸没反射计
  2701. immersion reflow soldering ==> 浸流焊接
  2702. immersion refractometer ==> 浸没折射计,油浸折射计
  2703. immersion refractometry ==> 浸没式折射分析法
  2704. immersion series ==> 油浸镜头组
  2705. immersion sintering ==> 浸没烧结
  2706. immersion system ==> 浸没系统,浸没装置
  2707. immersion technique ==> 油浸法
  2708. immersion test ==> 浸没试验=>液浸試験(腐食に対する)
  2709. immersion testing ==> 液浸法
  2710. immersion thermocouple ==> 浸入式热电偶
  2711. immersion type probe ==> 水浸探头
  2712. immersion vapor degreaser ==> 浸液蒸汽脱脂器
  2713. immersion vibrator ==> 浸入式振动器,振动钎杆,插入式振捣器,插入式振动器,棒式内部振捣器
  2714. immigration office ==> 移民局
  2715. imminent danger ==> 迫近的危险
  2716. immiscible butane ==> 不溶混丁烷
  2717. immiscible liquid ==> 不互溶液体,不溶混液体
  2718. immiscible liquids ==> 不混溶液体
  2719. immiscible range ==> 不混溶区
  2720. immiscible solution ==> 不混溶溶液,不溶混溶液
  2721. immiscible solvent ==> 不混合溶媒剂,不混溶溶剂,不溶混溶剂
  2722. immiserizing growth ==> 贫困化增长
  2723. immittance ==> 导抗=>イミタンス(インピーダンスとアドミタンスの総称)
  2724. immittance bridge ==> 导抗电桥
  2725. immittance converter ==> イミタンス変換器
  2726. immobile ==> 固定的,固定的
  2727. immobile block ==> 定滑车
  2728. immobile dislocation ==> 不可移动的位错
  2729. immobile hole ==> 束缚空穴
  2730. immobile liquid ==> 固定液
  2731. immobile phosphorus ==> 固定性磷
  2732. immobile temperature ==> 稳定温度
  2733. immobilisation factor ==> 固定因子
  2734. immobilization ==> 变流动资本为固定资本,变流资本为固定资本,活动抑制,制动术,固定,固定化,固定术,缩小迁移率=>固定化(技術),不動化,運動不足
  2735. immobilization matrix ==> 固定化マトリックス
  2736. immobilization mechanism ==> 固定化機構
  2737. immobilization method ==> 固定化法
  2738. immobilization of the wounded limb ==> 患肢固定
  2739. immobilization test ==> 制动试验
  2740. immobilization with adhesive tape ==> 胶布固定
  2741. immobilized spindle ==> 备用轴
  2742. immobilizing antibody ==> 制动抗体
  2743. immovable bed model ==> 定床模型
  2744. immovable bed model test ==> 定床模型试验
  2745. immovable fitting ==> 紧固配合
  2746. immovable landed property ==> 不动的地产
  2747. immovable property ==> 不动产,不动资产
  2748. immovable support ==> 固定刀架
  2749. immune ==> 免疫的,免疫者
  2750. immune adherence (IA) ==> 免疫粘连
  2751. immune adherence hemagglutination ==> 免疫粘连血凝试验
  2752. immune agglutinin ==> 免疫凝集素
  2753. immune animal ==> 免疫动物
  2754. immune antibody ==> 免疫抗体,免疫性抗体
  2755. immune bacteriolysis ==> 免疫溶菌
  2756. immune body ==> 免疫体,抗体
  2757. immune chemicals ==> 免疫化学药品
  2758. immune clearance ==> 免疫清除
  2759. immune clone ==> 免疫无性系
  2760. immune complex ==> 免疫复合物
  2761. immune complex allergic reaction ==> 免疫复合物变态反应
  2762. immune complex deposit ==> 免疫复合物沉着
  2763. immune complex disease ==> 免疫复合物病,免疫复合物型血清病
  2764. immune complex nephritis ==> 免疫复合物性肾炎
  2765. immune complex reaction ==> 免疫复合体反应
  2766. immune cytolysis ==> 免疫细胞溶解
  2767. immune defense ==> 免疫防御
  2768. immune defense mechanism ==> 免疫防御机理
  2769. immune deficiency state ==> 免疫缺陷状态
  2770. immune deposit disease ==> 免疫复合物沉着病
  2771. immune deviation ==> 免疫偏差,免疫偏离
  2772. immune electron microscopy ==> 免疫电子显微镜术
  2773. immune elimination ==> 免疫排除,免疫消除
  2774. immune engineering ==> 免疫工程
  2775. immune evasion ==> 免疫逃避
  2776. immune factor ==> 免疫因子
  2777. immune from taxation ==> 免除捐税
  2778. immune function ==> 免疫機能
  2779. immune functioning ==> 免疫機能
  2780. immune gel filtration ==> 免疫凝胶过滤
  2781. immune gene ==> 免疫遺伝子
  2782. immune globulin ==> 丙种球蛋白
  2783. immune hemagglutination ==> 免疫性血细胞凝集
  2784. immune hemagglutinin ==> 免疫血凝素
  2785. immune hemolysin ==> 免疫溶血素
  2786. immune hemolysis ==> 免疫溶血
  2787. immune hemolytic anemia ==> 免疫性溶血性贫血
  2788. immune hemolytic disease ==> 免疫性溶血病
  2789. immune hemolytic plaque technique ==> 免疫溶血空斑技术
  2790. immune hemolytic reaction ==> 免疫溶血反应
  2791. immune horse serum ==> 免疫马血清
  2792. immune isohemagglutinin ==> 免疫同族血凝素
  2793. immune lactoglobulin ==> 免疫乳球蛋白
  2794. immune lysin ==> 免疫溶素
  2795. immune lysis ==> 免疫溶解
  2796. immune macrophage ==> 免疫巨噬细胞
  2797. immune mechanism ==> 免疫机理
  2798. immune nephritis ==> 免疫性肾炎
  2799. immune nucleic acid ==> 免疫核酸
  2800. immune opsonin ==> 免疫调理素
  2801. immune organ ==> 免疫器官
  2802. immune polysaccharide ==> 免疫多糖
  2803. immune precipitation ==> 免疫沉淀反应
  2804. immune precipition ==> 免疫沉淀素
  2805. immune pregnancy test ==> 免疫妊娠试验
  2806. immune protection ==> 免疫防护
  2807. immune protein ==> 免疫蛋白,免疫蛋白质
  2808. immune reaction theory ==> 免疫反应学说
  2809. immune response ==> 免疫应答
  2810. immune response gene ==> 免疫应答基因
  2811. immune response organ ==> 免疫应答器官
  2812. immune riboncleic acid ==> 免疫核糖核酸
  2813. immune RNA (IRNA) ==> 免疫核糖核酸
  2814. immune sensor ==> 免疫感测器
  2815. immune serum ==> 免疫血清
  2816. immune serum globulin (ISG) ==> 免疫血清球蛋白
  2817. immune serum reaction ==> 免疫血清反应
  2818. immune spleen plaque test ==> 免疫脾空斑试验
  2819. immune state ==> 免疫状态
  2820. immune state of human group ==> 人群免疫状态
  2821. immune suppressor genes ==> 免疫抑制基因
  2822. immune surveillance function ==> 免疫监视功能
  2823. immune system ==> 免疫系统
  2824. immune to all pleas ==> 不容申辩
  2825. immune-complex disease ==> 免疫复合物沉着病
  2826. immune-complex disease (ICD) ==> 免疫复合物疾病
  2827. immunised cotton ==> 变性防染棉
  2828. immunity ==> 免除,免疫,免疫力,免疫性,高耐蚀状态,不敏感性=>不活性状態,イミュニティ
  2829. immunity from execution of judgement ==> 执行判决的豁免
  2830. immunity from judgement ==> 判决的豁免
  2831. immunity from prosecution ==> 免于公诉
  2832. immunity from taxes ==> 免税
  2833. immunity from trial ==> 不受审判
  2834. immunity substance ==> 免疫性物质
  2835. immunity tests regarding low frequency disturbances in power supply networks ==> 电力电网中的低频骚扰抗扰度试验
  2836. immunity to a disturbance ==> イミュニティ(耐量)
  2837. immunization ==> 免除,免疫,免疫法,免疫接种,免疫作用
  2838. immunization barrier ==> 免疫屏障
  2839. immunization inocultation ==> 防疫注射
  2840. immunization schedule ==> 免疫接种程序表
  2841. immunization therapy ==> 免疫治疗
  2842. immunizing agent ==> 免疫剂
  2843. immunizing dose ==> 免疫剂量
  2844. immunizing dose 50 ==> 半数免疫剂量
  2845. immunizing potency ==> 免疫效能
  2846. immunizing unit ==> 免疫单位
  2847. immuno suppressivedrug ==> 免疫抑制药物
  2848. immuno-block ==> 免疫封闭
  2849. immuno-electron microscope ==> 免疫电镜
  2850. immuno-iontophoresis ==> 免疫电离子透入法
  2851. immuno-latex agglutination inhibitory test ==> 免疫乳胶凝集抑制试验
  2852. immunobiologic reaction ==> 免疫生物学反应
  2853. immunocompetence-inducing factor ==> 免疫活性诱发因子
  2854. immunocontraception ==> 免疫避孕
  2855. immunocytoadherence test ==> 免疫细胞粘附试验
  2856. immunodeficency syndrome ==> 免疫不全综合征
  2857. immunoenhance-ment therapy ==> 免疫加固疗法
  2858. immunoenzyme bridge technique ==> 免疫酶桥技术
  2859. immunoenzyme technique ==> 免疫酶技术
  2860. immunofluorescence microscopy ==> 免疫荧光显微术
  2861. immunofluorescence technique ==> 免疫荧光技术
  2862. immunofluorescent band test ==> 免疫荧光带试验
  2863. immunofluorescent test ==> 免疫荧光试验
  2864. immunoglobulin class ==> 免疫球蛋白类,免疫球蛋白类型
  2865. immunoglobulin deficiency ==> 免疫球蛋白缺乏症
  2866. immunoglobulin deposit ==> 免疫球蛋白沉着
  2867. immunoglobulin domain ==> 免疫球蛋白辖区
  2868. immunoglobulin receptor ==> 免疫球蛋白受体
  2869. immunoglobulino-pathy ==> 免疫球蛋白病
  2870. immunohistochemical method ==> 免疫组织化学法
  2871. immunolabelling technique ==> 免疫标记技术
  2872. immunologic ==> 免疫学的
  2873. immunologic adjuvant ==> 免疫佐剂
  2874. immunologic balance ==> 免疫平衡
  2875. immunologic competence ==> 免疫活性
  2876. immunologic deficiency ==> 免疫缺陷
  2877. immunologic deficiency disease ==> 免疫力缺陷病,免疫缺陷病
  2878. immunologic deficiency syndrome ==> 免疫缺乏综合征,免疫缺陷综合征
  2879. immunologic diagnosis ==> 免疫诊断
  2880. immunologic drift ==> 免疫的漂离
  2881. immunologic engineering ==> 免疫工程
  2882. immunologic enhancement ==> 免疫促进作用,免疫增强作用
  2883. immunologic escape ==> 免疫逃逸
  2884. immunologic function ==> 免疫功能
  2885. immunologic function test ==> 免疫功能检查
  2886. immunologic homeostasis ==> 免疫稳定性,免疫自身稳定
  2887. immunologic inadequacy ==> 免疫功能不全
  2888. immunologic inertia ==> 免疫惰性
  2889. immunologic information ==> 免疫信息
  2890. immunologic intervention ==> 免疫调停
  2891. immunologic mjury ==> 免疫损伤
  2892. immunologic neutropenia ==> 免疫性中性白细胞减少
  2893. immunologic paralysis ==> 免疫麻痹
  2894. immunologic pregnancy test ==> 妊娠免疫试验
  2895. immunologic process ==> 免疫过程
  2896. immunologic reaction ==> 免疫反应
  2897. immunologic reconstitution ==> 免疫重建
  2898. immunologic rejection ==> 免疫排斥
  2899. immunologic response ==> 免疫应答
  2900. immunologic specificity ==> 免疫特异性
  2901. immunologic stimulant ==> 免疫刺激剂
  2902. immunologic suppression ==> 免疫抑制
  2903. immunologic system ==> 免疫系统
  2904. immunologic test ==> 免疫试验法,免疫学检查
  2905. immunological ==> 免疫学的
  2906. immunological adaptability ==> 免疫适应
  2907. immunological adaptation ==> 免疫适应
  2908. immunological adjuvant ==> 免疫佐药
  2909. immunological cell ==> 免疫细胞
  2910. immunological complaisance ==> 免疫顺从
  2911. immunological disease ==> 免疫性疾病
  2912. immunological drift ==> 免疫的连续变异
  2913. immunological homeostatic control ==> 免疫内环境稳定控制
  2914. immunological learning ==> 免疫熟习
  2915. immunological memory ==> 免疫记忆
  2916. immunological memory cell ==> 免疫记忆细胞
  2917. immunological pregnancy test ==> 免疫妊娠试验
  2918. immunological recognition ==> 免疫识别
  2919. immunological suicide ==> 免疫自杀
  2920. immunological surveillance ==> 免疫监视
  2921. immunological theory ==> 免疫学说
  2922. immunological tolerance ==> 免疫耐受性
  2923. immunological type ==> 免疫学分型
  2924. immunological unresponsiveness ==> 免疫无应答性
  2925. immunologically activated cell ==> 免疫活化细胞
  2926. immunologically competent cell ==> 免疫活性细胞
  2927. immunology ==> 免疫学
  2928. immunoperoxidase procedure ==> 免疫过氧化酶程序
  2929. immunopotentiation therapy ==> 免疫增强治疗
  2930. immunoquantitation plate ==> 免疫定量板
  2931. immunoreactive insulin ==> 免疫反应性胰岛素
  2932. immunosuppressive factor ==> 免疫抑制因子
  2933. immunosuppressive therapy ==> 免疫抑制疗法
  2934. IMO International Maritime Organization (UN) ==> 英国国际海事组织
  2935. IMO pump ==> 叶莫螺旋泵
  2936. IMO, International Maritime Organization ==> 国際海事機関
  2937. imos ==> 离子注入金属氧化物半导体
  2938. imos device ==> 离子注入金属氧化物半导体装置
  2939. IMP, impedance probe ==> インピーダンスプローブ
  2940. IMP, interplanetary monitoring platform ==> 惑星間調査衛星,惑星間空間観測プラットフォーム
  2941. IMPA International Maritime Pilots Association ==> 国际海事领航员协会
  2942. IMPA, International Maritime Pilots′Association ==> 国際水先人協会
  2943. impact ==> 冲击,冲击碰撞,命中,弹着,冲击,冲力,冲突,打击,突加,碰撞,撞击,影响=>衝撃
  2944. impact abrasion ==> 撞擦伤,冲击磨损
  2945. impact acceleration ==> 碰撞加速
  2946. impact acceleration process ==> 碰撞加速过程
  2947. impact accelerometer ==> 碰撞加速计,冲击加速表,冲击加速计
  2948. impact action ==> 冲击作用
  2949. impact agitation ==> 碰撞激励
  2950. impact air pressure ==> 气流冲击压力
  2951. impact allowance ==> 冲击留量
  2952. impact analysis ==> 影响分析
  2953. impact anvil ==> 冲砧
  2954. Impact Avalanch Transit Time diode ==> 碰撞雪崩渡越时间二极管
  2955. impact avalanche and transit time diode ==> 碰撞雪崩渡越时间二极管
  2956. impact bar ==> 冲击试杆
  2957. impact bend test ==> 冲弯试验
  2958. impact bending ==> 冲击弯曲
  2959. impact bending test ==> 冲击弯曲试验=>衝撃曲げ試験
  2960. impact bit ==> 冲击钻头
  2961. impact blaster ==> 冲击起爆器
  2962. impact blow ==> 冲击作用
  2963. impact break ==> 冲击断裂
  2964. impact breakdown ==> 衝撃破壊
  2965. impact breaker ==> 冲击式破碎机,冲击式碎石机,双转子锤式破碎机,反击式破碎机=>衝撃破砕機
  2966. impact brittleness ==> 冲击脆性,碰撞脆性
  2967. impact broadening ==> 碰撞致宽
  2968. impact buddle ==> 冲击式淘汰盘
  2969. impact burner ==> 射焰燃烧器
  2970. impact cast ==> 冲击模,撞击铸型
  2971. impact cleaning ==> 抛丸冲击清理,抛丸喷射清理,抛丸清理
  2972. impact coal mill ==> 冲击式碎煤机
  2973. impact coefficient ==> 冲击系数,冲量系数
  2974. impact compactor ==> 冲击式夯具
  2975. impact compression test ==> 冲击压缩试验
  2976. impact crash switch ==> 撞击应急开关
  2977. impact crater ==> 撞击坑
  2978. impact crusher ==> 冲击破碎机,冲击式破碎机,冲击式碎石机
  2979. impact crushing ==> 冲击粉碎
  2980. impact current ==> 冲击电流
  2981. impact cutter ==> 冲击式切割器
  2982. impact cutting ==> 冲击式切割
  2983. impact damper ==> 缓冲器
  2984. impact detector ==> 弹着点指示器,碰撞检测器
  2985. impact diode ==> 碰撞雪崩渡越时间二极管
  2986. impact disintegration ==> 碰裂反应,碰撞蜕变
  2987. impact disintegration reaction ==> 碰撞蜕变反应
  2988. impact drill ==> 冲击式钻机,冲击钻
  2989. impact ductility ==> 冲击韧性,冲击延性
  2990. impact ductility test ==> 冲击韧性试验
  2991. impact duration ==> 击打持续时间
  2992. impact dust collector ==> 冲击式除尘器
  2993. impact dynamics ==> 冲击动力学
  2994. impact earthquake ==> 冲击地震
  2995. impact effect ==> 冲击作用,碰撞作用
  2996. impact elasticity ==> 冲击弹性
  2997. impact electric drill ==> 冲击电钻
  2998. impact energy ==> 冲击能,冲击能量,碰撞能=>衝撃エネルギー
  2999. impact energy transition curve ==> 冲击能转变曲线
  3000. impact environment ==> 碰撞环境
  3001. impact epoch ==> 冲击期
  3002. impact erosion ==> 冲击腐蚀,冲击破裂,冲击侵蚀
  3003. impact excitation ==> 冲击激励,碰撞激发
  3004. impact excited transmitter ==> 脉冲激励发射机
  3005. impact exciter ==> 冲击励磁机,强行励磁机
  3006. impact extruded package ==> 冲拔式外壳
  3007. impact extruding ==> 冲环压
  3008. impact extruding press ==> 冲击挤压机,冲击挤压压力机,冲挤压力机
  3009. impact extrusion ==> 冲击挤压,冲挤
  3010. impact extrusion press ==> 冲击挤压机
  3011. impact face ==> 撞击面
  3012. impact factor ==> 冲击系数,影响因子
  3013. impact failure ==> 冲击破坏,冲击损坏,碰撞破损
  3014. impact fatigue ==> 冲击疲劳
  3015. impact fatigue test ==> 冲击疲劳试验
  3016. impact fatigue testing machine ==> 冲击疲劳试验机
  3017. impact figure ==> 撞击图像
  3018. impact finisher ==> 锤碾式去麸机
  3019. impact flexibility ==> 冲击韧性
  3020. impact fluorescence ==> 撞击萤光,碰撞荧光
  3021. impact force ==> 冲击力,前冲力
  3022. impact forging ==> 冲锻,冲击成形,模锻
  3023. impact formula ==> 冲击公式
  3024. impact fracture ==> 冲击断口=>衝撃破壊
  3025. impact fracture behavior ==> 衝撃破壊挙動
  3026. impact fuse ==> 碰炸导火索,着发引信
  3027. impact fuze ==> 碰炸引信
  3028. impact generator ==> 冲击电压发生器,冲击发电机
  3029. impact grinder ==> 冲击式研磨机,冲击研磨机
  3030. impact grinding ==> 冲击磨,冲击破碎
  3031. impact grinding mill ==> 冲击式磨机
  3032. impact hammer ==> 冲击锤体=>衝撃ハンマー
  3033. impact hardness ==> 冲击硬度
  3034. impact hardness test ==> 冲击硬度试验
  3035. impact hardness tester ==> 冲击硬度试验机
  3036. impact hardness testing ==> 冲徊度试验
  3037. impact hardness testing machine ==> 冲击硬度试验机
  3038. impact hypothesis ==> 撞击假说
  3039. impact idler ==> 防冲托辊
  3040. impact injury ==> 冲击伤
  3041. impact ionization ==> 碰撞电离
  3042. impact ionization switch ==> 碰撞电离开关
  3043. impact jaw crusher ==> 颚式冲击破碎机
  3044. impact jet flow ==> 冲击射流
  3045. impact law ==> 碰撞定律
  3046. impact line printer ==> 击打式行式打印机
  3047. impact load ==> 碰撞负载,碰撞载荷,冲击负载,冲击荷载,冲击载荷,突加负载,冲缓载,冲击负荷,相对于系统负荷而言,突然间变化很大的负荷=>衝撃荷重
  3048. impact load stress ==> 冲击载荷应力
  3049. impact loan ==> 冲击性贷款
  3050. impact loss ==> 冲击水头损失,冲击损失
  3051. impact machine ==> 冲击机,冲击试验机
  3052. impact mark ==> 椎痕
  3053. impact matrix ==> 碰撞矩阵
  3054. impact measurement ==> 冲击测量
  3055. impact mechanism ==> 触发机构
  3056. impact metamorphic facies ==> 冲击变质相
  3057. impact metamorphism ==> 冲击变质
  3058. impact method ==> 冲击法
  3059. impact metre ==> 冲击计
  3060. impact microphone ==> 撞击传声器
  3061. impact mill ==> 冲击锤磨机,冲击式碾磨机,冲击式铣刀,冲击式轧机,冲击研磨机,锤击式磨煤机,竖井式磨煤机=>衝撃式製粉機
  3062. impact mixer ==> 冲击式混合机
  3063. impact modulator ==> 冲击调制器,冲流调制器,对冲型元件
  3064. impact modulator amplifier ==> 冲击调制放大器
  3065. impact molding ==> 冲压法
  3066. impact momentum ==> 碰撞量
  3067. impact multiplier ==> 冲击乘数
  3068. impact neutron ==> 碰撞中子
  3069. impact noise ==> 冲击噪声
  3070. impact number ==> 冲击值读数
  3071. impact of collision ==> 纵向冲击
  3072. impact of information flow ==> 信息流的影响
  3073. impact of recoil ==> 反冲
  3074. impact oscillation graph ==> 冲击振荡图
  3075. impact oscillator ==> 碰撞雪崩渡越时间二极管振荡器
  3076. impact paper ==> 压敏纸
  3077. impact parameter ==> 冲击参数,冲击系数,碰撞参数
  3078. impact pend test ==> 冲击弯曲试验
  3079. impact pendulnm ==> 冲击摆锤
  3080. impact penetration test ==> 冲击穿透试验
  3081. impact penetration tester ==> 冲击刺入度测试仪,砂型皮下强度测定器
  3082. impact penetrometer ==> 锤击贯入仪
  3083. impact pile driving ==> 锤击打桩
  3084. impact plate ==> 击碎凹板
  3085. impact points ==> 课征点
  3086. impact polarization ==> 碰撞极化
  3087. impact potential ==> 冲击电势
  3088. impact press ==> 冲击式压力机
  3089. impact pressing ==> 冲击式加压
  3090. impact pressure ==> 冲击压力,冲击压强,碰撞压力,碰撞压强,滞点压力=>衝撃圧力
  3091. impact pressure probe ==> 冲压测量管,全压测针
  3092. impact printer ==> 冲击式打印机,击打式打印机,击打式印刷机=>衝撃式印字装置
  3093. impact probability ==> 碰撞概率
  3094. impact probe ==> 冲击探头
  3095. impact properties ==> 冲击性能
  3096. impact pulverizer ==> 冲击式磨粹机,冲击式磨碎机,锤击式磨煤机
  3097. impact radiation ==> 碰撞辐射
  3098. impact radius ==> 碰撞半径
  3099. impact recombination ==> 碰撞复合
  3100. impact recombination coefficient ==> 冲击复合系数
  3101. impact recorder ==> 冲击记录器
  3102. impact register ==> 冲击记录器,冲击自动记录器
  3103. impact relay ==> 冲击继电器=>ショックリレー
  3104. impact resilience ==> 冲击回弹性
  3105. impact resistance ==> 冲击抗力,冲击阻力,冲击度
  3106. impact resistance value ==> 冲击值
  3107. impact resistant plastics ==> 耐冲击塑料
  3108. impact roll ==> 冲击滚轮
  3109. impact roller ==> 冲击式碾压机
  3110. impact rupture ==> 冲击断口=>衝撃破壊
  3111. impact screen ==> 冲击筛,冲击式振动筛
  3112. impact sensitivity ==> 撞击敏感度
  3113. impact sensor ==> ショックセンサ
  3114. impact serial printer ==> 击打式串行打印机
  3115. impact shear strength ==> 冲击剪切强度
  3116. impact shock ==> 衝撃
  3117. impact sound ==> 碰撞声
  3118. impact sound insulation ==> 冲击声隔音
  3119. impact specimen retest ==> 冲击试样复试
  3120. impact specimen support ==> 冲击试校支架
  3121. impact speed ==> 冲击速度,碰撞速率
  3122. impact spot welding ==> 冲击点焊法
  3123. impact spray test ==> 冲击喷射式渗透性试验
  3124. impact strength ==> 冲击能,冲击强度,碰撞强度,耐撞性
  3125. impact strength index ==> 冲击强度指数,冲击强力指数
  3126. impact strength modifier ==> 冲击强度改进剂
  3127. impact stress ==> 冲击应力
  3128. impact stroke ==> 冲击冲程,冲击行程
  3129. impact surface ==> 撞击面
  3130. impact swaging ==> 旋转模锻
  3131. impact switch ==> 碰撞式开关
  3132. impact system ==> 打印法
  3133. impact temperature ==> 冲击温度,碰撞温度,滞止温度
  3134. impact tensile test ==> 冲画断试验
  3135. impact tension machine ==> 冲击拉伸试验机
  3136. impact tension test ==> 冲击拉伸试验
  3137. impact test ==> 冲击试验,碰撞试验
  3138. impact test certification ==> 冲击试验证明
  3139. impact test on notched test bar ==> 凹口冲击试验
  3140. impact test piece ==> 冲击试片
  3141. impact test properties ==> 冲击试验性能
  3142. impact test specimen ==> 冲击试件
  3143. impact test temperature ==> 冲击试验温度
  3144. impact tester ==> 冲击试验机
  3145. impact testing ==> 衝撃試験
  3146. impact testing machine ==> 冲击试验机
  3147. impact toughness ==> 冲击韧性,冲击试样的冲击吸收功除以试样缺口底部处横截面积的商,以aK表示
  3148. impact transmitter ==> 冲击发射机,脉冲发射机
  3149. impact tube ==> 全压管,冲击管,冲压管,皮托管
  3150. impact type insole stapling machine ==> 冲击式钉内底机
  3151. impact type rotary cutter ==> 冲击式回转切割器
  3152. impact value ==> 冲击值
  3153. impact velocity ==> 冲击速度,碰撞速度
  3154. impact velocity of the pendulum ==> 摆锤的冲击速度
  3155. impact viscometer ==> 冲击粘度计
  3156. impact viscosity ==> 冲击粘性
  3157. impact wave ==> 冲击波
  3158. impact wear ==> 击打磨损
  3159. impact wear test ==> 冲击磨损试验
  3160. impact wheel ==> 冲击式涡轮
  3161. impact wreckage ==> 碰撞破坏
  3162. impact wrench ==> 冲击扳手,冲击式套筒扳手,机动扳手
  3163. impact zone ==> 冲击区域,碰撞带,碰撞区
  3164. IMPACT, Integrated & Multi-purpose Package of Advanced Computational Tools for power system engineering ==> 系統解析統合環境(東京電力)
  3165. IMPACT, Integrated Modular Plant Analysis and Computing Technology ==> 原子力発電技術機構が,平成6年度から14年度までの9年間をかけて経済産業省からの受託事業の中で開発した軽水炉プラント安全解析ソフトウェアシステムです。
  3166. impact-ionization detector ==> 碰撞电离探测器
  3167. impact-lightflash sensor ==> 碰撞闪光传感器
  3168. impact-modified grade ==> 冲击性改进级
  3169. impact-pressure tube ==> 冲击压力管
  3170. impact-pressure velocity meter ==> 冲压式流速仪
  3171. impact-toughness tester ==> 冲击韧性试验机
  3172. impact-type energy dissipator ==> 冲击式消能工
  3173. impact-type pneumatic tool ==> 冲击类风动工具
  3174. impact-vane anemometer ==> 冲击叶式风速计
  3175. impacted ==> 嵌塞的
  3176. impacted bicuspid ==> 阻生双尖牙
  3177. impacted cuspid ==> 阻生尖牙
  3178. impacted fracture ==> 嵌入骨折,嵌入性骨折
  3179. impacted incisor ==> 阻生切牙
  3180. impacted medium ==> 击打介质
  3181. impacted molar ==> 阻生磨牙
  3182. impacted tooth ==> 阻生牙,埋伏牙
  3183. impacter ==> 冲击器
  3184. impacter for retractor ==> 牵开器压紧器
  3185. impacter forging hammer ==> 无砧座锻锤
  3186. impacting block oil nozzle ==> 冲击块油嘴
  3187. impacting electron ==> 碰撞电子
  3188. impacting gear ==> 冲齿齿轮
  3189. impacting proton ==> 碰撞质子
  3190. impacting shaft ==> 冲击轴
  3191. impaction ==> 嵌塞,碰冲,撞击=>固着
  3192. impaction collide ==> 碰撞
  3193. impaction forceps ==> 阻生牙钳
  3194. impaction loss ==> 碰撞损失
  3195. impaction of vitreous ==> 玻璃体嵌塞
  3196. impaction retractor ==> 阻生牙牵开器
  3197. impaction sampler ==> 碰撞取样器
  3198. impaction sampler jet impactor ==> 碰撞取样器
  3199. impactite ==> 碰撞岩
  3200. impactometer ==> 碰撞取样器,撞击计
  3201. impactor ==> 撞击计,冲击机,冲击器
  3202. impactor extractor for trifin nails ==> 三翼钉打拔器
  3203. impaired ==> 被损坏的
  3204. impaired area ==> 损坏面积
  3205. impaired development ==> 损害的发育=>発達障害
  3206. impaired loci ==> 损伤点
  3207. impairment ==> 损伤,故障,缺损,减损
  3208. impairment grade ==> 劣化度
  3209. impairment of capital account ==> 亏损帐户
  3210. impairment of co-ordination (human body) ==> 损害人体官能的协调
  3211. impairment of consciousness by turbid pathogens ==> 浊邪害清
  3212. impairment of dilution function ==> 稀释功能障碍
  3213. impairment of qi ==> 气伤
  3214. impairment of the liver and kidney ==> 肝肾亏损
  3215. impairment of the lung by dryness ==> 燥气伤肺
  3216. impalpable structure ==> 无定形结构
  3217. impalpable texture ==> 微粒状结构
  3218. imparipinnate leaf ==> 奇数羽状复叶
  3219. impatience ==> 短気
  3220. IMPATT, impact avalanche and transit time diode ==> インパクトダイオード
  3221. impeccable ==> 申し分がない
  3222. impeccable accuracy ==> 申し分のない正確さ
  3223. impeccable appearance ==> 非の打ちどころがない容姿
  3224. impeccable phrasing ==> 完璧な言葉遣い
  3225. impeccable pronunciation ==> 完璧な発音
  3226. impedance ==> 阻抗=>インピーダンス
  3227. impedance adapter ==> 阻抗适配器
  3228. impedance analysis ==> 阻抗分析=>インピーダンス解析
  3229. impedance angle ==> 阻抗相角=>インピーダンス角
  3230. impedance balance ==> 阻抗平衡
  3231. impedance balancing block ==> 阻抗平衡装置
  3232. impedance blood volume transducer[sensor] ==> 阻抗式血容量传感器
  3233. impedance bond ==> 阻抗轨隙连接器=>インピーダンスボンド
  3234. impedance bridge ==> 阻抗电桥=>インピーダンスブリッジ
  3235. impedance capacitance coupling ==> 阻抗电容耦合
  3236. impedance cardiogram ==> 心阻抗图
  3237. impedance center ==> インピーダンス中心
  3238. impedance change frequency test ==> 电阻抗变换频率试验
  3239. impedance characteristic ==> 阻抗特性=>インピーダンス特性(距離リレー):位相角を一定(一般的に最大感度角)とし,電流を変化させたときの動作電圧を測定し,計算によりインピーダンスを求めたものである。
  3240. impedance circle ==> 阻抗圆
  3241. impedance circle diagram ==> 阻抗圆图
  3242. impedance coil ==> 阻抗线圈
  3243. impedance compensator ==> 阻抗校正器,阻抗补偿器
  3244. impedance component ==> 阻抗部件,阻抗分量,阻抗元件,装置中反映或检测某一电力线路阻抗的器件或组件
  3245. impedance control ==> インピーダンス制御
  3246. impedance conversion ==> 阻抗变换
  3247. impedance correction network ==> 阻抗校正网络=>インピーダンス補正回路網
  3248. impedance corrector ==> 阻抗校正器,阻抗补偿器
  3249. impedance coupled amplifier ==> 阻抗耦合放大器=>インピーダンス結合増幅器
  3250. impedance coupling ==> 阻抗耦合=>インピーダンス結合
  3251. impedance curve ==> 阻抗曲线
  3252. impedance diagram ==> インピーダンスマップ
  3253. impedance dial(l)ing ==> 阻抗拨号
  3254. impedance drop ==> 阻抗降=>インピーダンス降下
  3255. impedance earthed[neutral]system ==> 中性点阻抗接地系统,一个或多个中性点经具有阻抗的设备接地的系统,分高阻抗非有效接地和低阻抗有效接地
  3256. impedance electrometer ==> 阻抗静电计
  3257. impedance exploration ==> 阻抗探索
  3258. impedance factor ==> 阻抗系数,阻抗因数
  3259. impedance frequency ==> 阻抗频率
  3260. impedance function ==> 阻抗函数=>インピーダンス関数
  3261. impedance head ==> 阻抗头
  3262. impedance inverter circuit ==> 阻抗变换电路
  3263. impedance inverting network ==> 阻抗倒置网络
  3264. impedance irregularities ==> 阻抗不规则性
  3265. impedance locus type ==> インピーダンス軌跡形
  3266. impedance loss ==> 阻抗损耗
  3267. impedance match ==> 阻抗匹配
  3268. impedance matching ==> 阻抗匹配,感应淬火=>インピーダンス整合
  3269. impedance matching coil ==> 阻抗匹配线圈
  3270. impedance matching load box ==> 阻抗匹配负载箱
  3271. impedance matching reactor ==> 阻抗匹配电抗线圈
  3272. impedance matching transformer ==> 阻抗匹配变压器
  3273. impedance matrix ==> 阻抗矩阵=>インピーダンス行列
  3274. impedance matrix method ==> インピーダンス行列法
  3275. impedance measurement ==> 阻抗测量=>インピーダンスの測定
  3276. impedance measuring equipment ==> 阻抗测量设备=>インピーダンス測定器
  3277. impedance measuring technique ==> インピーダンス測定法
  3278. impedance meter ==> 阻抗计
  3279. impedance method ==> 阻抗法=>インピーダンス法
  3280. impedance method calibration ==> 阻抗法校准
  3281. impedance normalization ==> インピーダンス正規化
  3282. impedance of listening ==> 收听干扰
  3283. impedance of wiring harness ==> 线束阻抗
  3284. impedance parameter ==> 阻抗参数
  3285. impedance plane diagram ==> 阻抗平面图
  3286. impedance plotter ==> 阻抗图示仪
  3287. impedance protection ==> 阻抗保护,以被测线路参数(阻抗、电抗、方向)并与设定的被保护区段参数的比较结果为作用量的保护方式
  3288. impedance protective system ==> 阻抗保护系统
  3289. impedance relay ==> 阻抗继电器,具有电流和电压两个输入量(激励量)并对相应电路阻抗值作出响应动作的一种继电器=>インピーダンス継電器, A relay of which the actuating quantity is the quotient of voltage divided by current reproducing the impedance of a circuit.
  3290. impedance respiratory frequency transducer[sensor] ==> 阻抗式呼吸频率传感器
  3291. impedance roller ==> インピーダンスローラ
  3292. impedance screw ==> 节流螺钉
  3293. impedance seen by relay ==> インピーダンス測距
  3294. impedance stability ==> 阻抗稳定性
  3295. impedance stabilization method ==> 阻抗稳定法
  3296. impedance standard ==> 阻抗标准
  3297. impedance starter ==> 阻抗启动器阻抗起动器
  3298. impedance tapered line ==> 阻抗渐变线
  3299. impedance test ==> インピーダンス試験(変圧器)
  3300. impedance tester ==> 阻抗试验器
  3301. impedance time relay ==> 延时阻抗继电器
  3302. impedance to earth ==> 大地へのインピーダンス
  3303. impedance to ground ==> 大地へのインピーダンス
  3304. impedance transducer ==> 阻抗转换器
  3305. impedance transformer ==> 阻抗变换器,阻抗变压器=>ンピーダンス変成器
  3306. impedance transformer line ==> インピーダンス変換ライン
  3307. impedance transformer network ==> 阻抗变换网络
  3308. impedance transforming filter ==> 阻抗变换滤波器
  3309. impedance transposition method ==> 阻抗换置法
  3310. impedance triangle ==> 阻抗三角形
  3311. impedance tuner ==> 阻抗调配器
  3312. impedance type FL ==> インピーダンス型故障点標定(FL)
  3313. impedance unbalance ==> インピーダンス不平衡
  3314. impedance unbalance measuring set ==> 阻抗失衡测定器
  3315. impedance variation method ==> 阻抗变化法
  3316. impedance voltage ==> 阻抗电压=>インピーダンス電圧
  3317. impedance voltage drop ==> 阻抗压降
  3318. impedance-admittance matrix ==> 阻抗导纳矩阵
  3319. impedance-capacity coupled amplifier ==> 阻抗电容耦合放大器
  3320. impedance-drop test ==> 阻抗压降试验
  3321. impedance-matching transformer ==> 阻抗匹配变压器
  3322. impedance-unbalance measuring-set ==> インピーダンス不平衡測定器
  3323. impedometer ==> 阻抗计
  3324. impedor ==> 阻抗器,二端阻抗元件
  3325. impeller ==> 推进器,末级叶轮,叶轮,转子,压缩器=>羽根車,インペラ
  3326. impeller (vane wheel) ==> 叶轮
  3327. impeller approach ==> 叶轮入口
  3328. impeller assembly ==> 叶轮组
  3329. impeller blade ==> 叶轮片,叶轮叶片
  3330. impeller boss ==> 叶轮毂
  3331. impeller breaker ==> 叶轮式粉碎机,叶轮式破碎机,叶轮轧碎机,时轮轧碎机
  3332. impeller casing ==> 叶轮箱,抛砂机壳体
  3333. impeller centrifugal fan ==> 叶轮离心式风扇
  3334. impeller channel ==> 叶轮道,叶轮流道
  3335. impeller channel velocity ==> 叶轮通道流速
  3336. impeller chimney ==> 叶轮罩
  3337. impeller clearance ==> 叶轮间隙,叶片间隙,导向叶片与工作叶片的间隙
  3338. impeller cup ==> 叶轮润滑油杯
  3339. impeller cut ==> 叶轮切割
  3340. impeller diameter ==> 叶轮直径
  3341. impeller diameter reduction ==> 车削叶轮直径
  3342. impeller disk ==> 叶轮盘
  3343. impeller drive ==> 叶轮驱动机构
  3344. impeller eye ==> 叶轮入口
  3345. impeller finger ==> 叶轮爪
  3346. impeller head ==> 抛砂头,抛头,抛丸器
  3347. impeller hub ==> 叶轮轮毂
  3348. impeller impact breaker ==> 叶轮冲击式破碎机
  3349. impeller inducer ==> 导风叶轮,导流叶轮
  3350. impeller inlet guide vane ==> 叶轮进口导向叶片
  3351. impeller labyrinth ==> 叶轮迷宫密封
  3352. impeller locking screw ==> 叶轮端螺钉
  3353. impeller mixer ==> 叶轮混合机
  3354. impeller mounting ring ==> 叶轮固定环
  3355. impeller nominal diameter ==> 叶轮名义直径
  3356. impeller nut ==> 叶轮螺母
  3357. impeller of pump ==> 泵叶轮
  3358. impeller outer diameter ==> 叶轮外径
  3359. impeller output ==> 叶轮排出量
  3360. impeller passage ==> 叶轮流道
  3361. impeller plate ==> 叶轮板
  3362. impeller pump ==> 叶轮泵,转子泵
  3363. impeller ramming ==> 抛砂造型,抛实
  3364. impeller selection ==> 叶轮选择
  3365. impeller shaft ==> 叶轮轴
  3366. impeller shaping ==> 修锉叶轮
  3367. impeller side plate ==> 转子侧板
  3368. impeller suction ==> 叶轮吸水口
  3369. impeller tip speed ==> 叶轮外缘速度
  3370. impeller type chopper ==> 叶轮式切碎机
  3371. impeller type log ==> 叶轮式计程仪
  3372. impeller type pulverizer ==> 叶轮式粉磨机
  3373. impeller type root chopper ==> 叶轮式块根切碎机
  3374. impeller type turbine ==> 叶轮式水轮机,浆式水轮机
  3375. impeller vane ==> 叶轮叶片
  3376. impeller wheel ==> 叶轮=>動翼輪
  3377. impeller with two side discs ==> 闭式叶轮
  3378. impeller-agitator ==> 叶轮搅拌器
  3379. impeller-blower ==> 叶轮式鼓风机
  3380. impeller-diffuser clearance ==> (浮选机)叶轮扩散器间隙
  3381. impelling action ==> 推进作用
  3382. impelling force ==> 推進力
  3383. impelling ratio ==> 推进比
  3384. impending myocardial infarction ==> 近迫性心肌梗塞
  3385. impenetrable layer ==> 不渗透层
  3386. imperative ==> 绝对必要,紧急,强制,急迫的=>命令,要請
  3387. imperative auditory hallucination ==> 命令性幻听
  3388. imperative instruction ==> 执行指令
  3389. imperative macro instruction ==> 执行型宏指令
  3390. imperative macroinstruction ==> 强制宏指令
  3391. imperative operation ==> 强制性操作,命令性操作
  3392. imperative sentence ==> 命令句,必行句
  3393. imperative statement ==> 无条件语句,命令式语句,命令语句,强制语句,动作语句,无条件指令
  3394. imperfect adhesion ==> 粘结不良
  3395. imperfect albumin ==> 不完全白蛋白
  3396. imperfect black ==> 不完全黑
  3397. imperfect black seeds ==> 不完全黑色种子
  3398. imperfect bonding ==> 粘结不良
  3399. imperfect combustion ==> 不完全燃烧
  3400. imperfect contact ==> 不良触点,不良接点
  3401. imperfect contact detector ==> 不良接触探测器
  3402. imperfect covariance ==> 不完全协方差
  3403. imperfect crystal ==> 不完整晶体
  3404. imperfect crystal formation ==> 不全晶型,不完全晶型
  3405. imperfect dielectric ==> 不完善电介体,非理想电介质,非理想介质
  3406. imperfect earth ==> 不良接地,接地不良=>不完全接地
  3407. imperfect elasticity ==> 不完全弹性
  3408. imperfect evidence ==> 不完全证据
  3409. imperfect field ==> 不完全域
  3410. imperfect flower ==> 不具备花,不完全花
  3411. imperfect flower-form ==> 不具备花型的
  3412. imperfect fluid ==> 不完全流体
  3413. imperfect frame ==> 不完整构架,不稳定框架,静不定结构,静不定结构
  3414. imperfect fungi ==> 不完全菌,半知菌
  3415. imperfect gas ==> 真实气体,实际气体,非理想气体
  3416. imperfect gift ==> 不完善赠与
  3417. imperfect hedge ==> 不完全避险,不完全对冲
  3418. imperfect hybridization ==> 不完全杂交
  3419. imperfect information ==> 不完全的信息,不完全信息
  3420. imperfect inversion ==> 不完全反转
  3421. imperfect magnetic circuit ==> 不全磁路
  3422. imperfect manufacture ==> 加工缺点
  3423. imperfect market ==> 不完全竞争的市场
  3424. imperfect mixing ==> 不完全混合
  3425. imperfect neutrality ==> 不完全中立
  3426. imperfect obligation ==> 不受法律约束的责任,不完全的义务
  3427. imperfect ownership ==> 不完全的所有权,不完全所有权
  3428. imperfect polarization ==> 不完全极化
  3429. imperfect real right ==> 不完全的物权
  3430. imperfect scattering ==> 不完全散射
  3431. imperfect specification of model ==> 模型设定不完善
  3432. imperfect stage ==> 无性阶段,不完全阶段,不完全期
  3433. imperfect tape ==> 缺陷带
  3434. imperfect thread ==> 不完全螺纹
  3435. imperfect time ==> 无性阶段
  3436. imperfect trust ==> 不完全的信托,不完全信托
  3437. imperfect tuning ==> 不全调谐
  3438. imperfect vacuum ==> 部分真空
  3439. imperfect vessel member ==> 维管管胞
  3440. imperfect wafer ==> 有缺陷的晶片
  3441. imperfect well ==> 不完善井
  3442. imperfection ==> 不完整性
  3443. imperfections in markets ==> 市场不完全性
  3444. imperforate hymen ==> 无孔处女膜=>無孔処女膜
  3445. imperforated hymen ==> 处女膜闭锁
  3446. imperial cap ==> 王帽裁
  3447. Imperial Chemical Industries ==> 帝国化学工业公司
  3448. Imperial Chemical Industry ==> 英帝国化学工业公司
  3449. Imperial College London ==> 英国帝国理工学院
  3450. imperial green ==> 巴黎绿,翡翠绿
  3451. Imperial Kiln's sagger ==> 官窑匣体
  3452. imperial red ==> 皇家红
  3453. imperial sedan ==> 高级轿车
  3454. imperial smelting furnace ==> 铅锌鼓风炉
  3455. Imperial smelting process ==> 铅锌鼓风炉熔炼法
  3456. imperial tape ==> 厚棉带
  3457. imperial wire ==> 英制标准电线规格
  3458. Imperical bushel (I.bu.) ==> 英国法定蒲式耳
  3459. impermeability ==> 不可透性
  3460. impermeability test ==> 抗渗试验
  3461. impermeable barrier ==> 不可渗透层,不渗水层,不渗透遮挡层,不透层,不透水隔层
  3462. impermeable boundary ==> 不渗透边界
  3463. impermeable break ==> 不渗透夹层
  3464. impermeable breakwater ==> 不透浪防波堤
  3465. impermeable clay ==> 不渗透粘土
  3466. impermeable confining bed ==> 不透水隔层
  3467. impermeable foundation ==> 不透水地基,不发生或发生不超过允许渗漏水量的地基
  3468. impermeable layer ==> 防渗层
  3469. impermeable material ==> 防渗材料,不透水材料
  3470. impermeable riveting ==> 紧密铆接
  3471. impermeable rock ==> 不渗透岩石,不透水岩
  3472. impermeable rock stratum ==> 不透水岩层
  3473. impermeable sand paper ==> 不透水砂纸
  3474. impermeable soil ==> 不透水土壤
  3475. impermeable wall ==> 不透水墙
  3476. impersonal accounts ==> 非人名帐户
  3477. impersonal corporation ==> 非个人的公司
  3478. impersonal ledger ==> 非人名总帐
  3479. impersonal organizational structure ==> 非人际的组织机构
  3480. impersonal tax ==> 非人身税
  3481. impersonalized market mechanism ==> 非人格化市场机制
  3482. impervionus barrier of upper reservoir for pumped storagestation ==> 抽水蓄能电站上池防渗,为减少抽水蓄能电站上池渗漏和地基恶化,在坝面和库盆(部分或全部)设防渗体。工程上已采用的有钢筋混凝土面板和沥青混凝面板,以及粘土或土工织物铺盖。当库盆地下水位较高时,可仅对局部渗漏通道进行帷幕灌浆
  3483. impervious barrier ==> 防渗层
  3484. impervious bed ==> 不透水河床
  3485. impervious blanket ==> 不透水铺盖,防渗铺盖
  3486. impervious boundary ==> 不透水边界
  3487. impervious break ==> 不渗透夹层,不透水夹层
  3488. impervious clay blanket ==> 不透水粘土层,不透水粘土铺盖
  3489. impervious core ==> 不透水心墙,防渗心墙
  3490. impervious element ==> 防渗设施
  3491. impervious face slab ==> 防渗面板,在坝的上游坝坡面或其他需防渗的部位,用防渗材料铺筑的面板
  3492. impervious facing ==> 防渗面层,不透水盖面
  3493. impervious fault ==> 不透水断层
  3494. impervious foundation ==> 不透水地基
  3495. impervious layer ==> 防渗层
  3496. impervious lining ==> 不透水衬里,不透性衬里
  3497. impervious machine ==> 密封式电机
  3498. impervious material ==> 防渗材料,不透水材料
  3499. impervious paint ==> 防渗油漆
  3500. impervious rock ==> 不透水岩,不透水岩石
  3501. impervious soil ==> 不可渗透的土壤,不透水土壤,不透性土
  3502. impervious stratum ==> 不渗透地层,不透水地层
  3503. impervious subsoil ==> 不渗透底土
  3504. impervious to moisture ==> 防潮的
  3505. impervious zone ==> 不透水区
  3506. impervious-area runoff ==> 不透水区径流
  3507. imperviousness factor ==> 不透水系数
  3508. impetigo neonatorum ==> 新生儿脓疱病
  3509. impinge ==> 冲击,碰撞
  3510. impingement ==> 撞击,冲打,冲撞,气雾捕集器=>衝撃
  3511. impingement aerator ==> 冲击式曝气器
  3512. impingement angle ==> 冲击角,碰撞角
  3513. impingement attack ==> 冲击腐蚀,冲击侵蚀,滴蚀
  3514. impingement baffle ==> 缓冲挡板
  3515. impingement black ==> 燃气炭黑,烟道炭黑
  3516. impingement particle ==> 碰撞粒子
  3517. impingement plate ==> 冲击板
  3518. impingement point ==> 碰撞点
  3519. impingement rate ==> 碰撞率,冲击率
  3520. impingement separator ==> 冲击分离器,撞击式气液分离器
  3521. impingement washing scrubber ==> 冲击水浴除尘器
  3522. impingementcorrosion ==> 冲击腐蚀
  3523. impinger ==> 冲击器,尘埃测定器,撞击滤尘器,撞击器,碰撞器,采尘器
  3524. impinging ==> 碰撞
  3525. impinging hole injector ==> 冲击射流式喷头
  3526. impinging injector ==> 流束互击式喷射器
  3527. impinging jet ==> 冲采射流
  3528. impinging radiation ==> 冲击辐射
  3529. implant ==> 插入,植入,植入片,植入物,离子注入=>移植組織片, Would you have a neural implant?
  3530. implant antigen ==> 外加性抗源
  3531. implant denture ==> 栽植托牙
  3532. implant isolation technique ==> 离子注入隔离技术
  3533. implant masking step ==> 离子注入用掩蔽工序
  3534. implant test ==> 插销试验,试验注入
  3535. implantation ==> 安放,植入,植入法,注入,着床,移植,移植法,埋入法,离子注入
  3536. implantation annealing ==> 离子注入后退火
  3537. implantation apparatus ==> 离子注入机
  3538. implantation bleeding ==> 卵植入期出血,孕卵植入期出血
  3539. implantation cyst ==> 植入性囊肿
  3540. implantation cyst of iris ==> 植入性虹膜囊肿,虹膜植入性囊肿
  3541. implantation damage ==> 离子注入损伤
  3542. implantation doping ==> 离子注入掺杂
  3543. implantation fossa ==> 植入窝
  3544. implantation gate MOS integrated circuit ==> 离子注入MOS集成电路
  3545. implantation knife ==> 移植刀
  3546. implantation metastasis ==> 种植性转移
  3547. implantation of amnion ==> 羊膜植入术
  3548. implantation of internal mammary artery ==> 乳内动脉植入术
  3549. implantation of ovum ==> 孕卵植入,孕卵着床,卵植入
  3550. implantation of sclera ==> 巩膜植入术
  3551. implantation of silicone ==> 硅胶植入术
  3552. implantation region ==> 植入区
  3553. implantation site ==> 置入位置
  3554. implanted channel ==> 离子注入沟道
  3555. implanted denture ==> 种植托牙
  3556. implanted dopant ==> 注入杂质
  3557. implanted electrodes ==> 埋藏电极
  3558. implanted impurity ==> 注入杂质
  3559. implanted oxide ==> 离子注入氧化物
  3560. implanted pacemaker ==> 埋藏式心脏起搏器,埋入起搏器,植入式起搏器
  3561. implanted secondary tumor ==> 种植性继发肿瘤
  3562. implanter ==> 离子注入机
  3563. implement ==> 工具,实施,机具,执行,器,器具,器械
  3564. implement carrier ==> 通用机架
  3565. implement lowering control ==> 农具下降速度调节
  3566. implement porter ==> 自动底盘,通用机架
  3567. implementation ==> 实现,执行,执行过程,器械化=>履行,実施
  3568. implementation approach ==> 実装法
  3569. implementation architecture ==> 実行アーキテクチャ
  3570. implementation aspect ==> 実施面
  3571. implementation assurance ==> 実行保証
  3572. implementation challenge ==> 実施課題
  3573. implementation classes ==> 实际应用课程
  3574. implementation concept ==> 実行概念
  3575. implementation constraint ==> 実装制約
  3576. implementation cost ==> 実行コスト
  3577. implementation courses ==> 实际应用课程
  3578. implementation language ==> 实现语言,工具语言
  3579. implementation module ==> 实现性模块
  3580. implementation of strategies ==> 策略的实施
  3581. implementation of the reference language ==> 参考语言的实现
  3582. implementation period of new technology ==> 新技术采用期
  3583. implementation procedure ==> 实现过程
  3584. implementation technique ==> 实现技术
  3585. implementer ==> 制订人
  3586. implementor ==> 实现者
  3587. implementor name ==> 实现者名,设备名
  3588. implication ==> 含意
  3589. implication function ==> 隐含操作
  3590. implication routine ==> 隐含程序
  3591. implication table ==> 隐含表
  3592. implication texture ==> 同期显微共生结构
  3593. implications ==> 基于蕴涵式的产生式规则
  3594. implicit ==> 隐含的
  3595. implicit address ==> 隐地址,隐式地址
  3596. implicit address instruction ==> 隐地址指令
  3597. implicit address instruction format ==> 隐地址指令格式
  3598. implicit attribute ==> 隐式属性
  3599. implicit cash cost ==> 内在付现成本
  3600. implicit computation ==> 隐函数法计算
  3601. implicit contract ==> 默认契约
  3602. implicit cost ==> 潜在成本,隐含成本,内在成本
  3603. implicit decision ==> 隐判定
  3604. implicit declaration ==> 隐式说明=>暗示的宣言
  3605. implicit definition ==> 隐定义
  3606. implicit difference equation ==> 隐式差分方程
  3607. implicit difference method ==> 隐式差分方法
  3608. implicit difference scheme ==> 隐式差分格式
  3609. implicit differentiation ==> 隐函数微分
  3610. implicit enumeration method ==> 隐式枚举法
  3611. implicit estimation technique ==> 隐式估计法
  3612. implicit expression ==> 隐式
  3613. implicit formula ==> 隐式公式
  3614. implicit function ==> 隐函数
  3615. implicit function equation ==> 隐函数方程
  3616. implicit function generation ==> 隐函数发生
  3617. implicit function theorem ==> 隐函数定理
  3618. implicit identification ==> 隐式辨识,隐式标识
  3619. implicit integration formula ==> 隐式积分公式
  3620. implicit interest ==> 内含利息,内在利息
  3621. implicit interest charge ==> 内含利息的开支
  3622. implicit interest revenue ==> 内含利息收入
  3623. implicit method ==> 隐含法,隐式方法=>陰性法(数値計算)
  3624. implicit mode ==> 隐方式
  3625. implicit opening ==> 隐打开,隐式打开
  3626. implicit parameter ==> 隐参数
  3627. implicit policy ==> 内含政策
  3628. implicit precedence ==> 固有优先性
  3629. implicit procedure ==> 隐过程
  3630. implicit procedure parameter ==> 隐过程参数
  3631. implicit quadratic equation ==> 隐二次方程
  3632. implicit reference ==> 隐式引用
  3633. implicit solution ==> 隐函数解
  3634. implicit storage management ==> 隐式存储管理
  3635. implicit structure ==> 隐结构
  3636. implicit synchronizing signal ==> 内隐同步信号
  3637. implicit system ==> 隐式系统
  3638. implicit tax ==> 默示税收
  3639. implicit time-difference method ==> 隐函时间差分法
  3640. implicit type ==> 隐式类型
  3641. implicit type association ==> 隐式类型结合
  3642. implicit type conversion ==> 隐式类型转换
  3643. implicit variable ==> 隐变量
  3644. implicit word order ==> 隐式字序
  3645. implicitly defined array ==> 隐定义阵列
  3646. implied ==> 默示的
  3647. implied acceptance of risk ==> 默示承担风险
  3648. implied address ==> 隐地址
  3649. implied addressing ==> 隐访问,隐含寻址,隐式编址,隐式访问,蕴含选址=>暗示アドレス指定
  3650. implied agreement ==> 默示协定
  3651. implied AND circuit ==> 隐与门电路
  3652. implied and induced output ==> 隐输出和诱导输出
  3653. implied association ==> 隐式结合
  3654. implied authority ==> 默示的授权
  3655. implied cash cost ==> 内在付现成本
  3656. implied condition ==> 默许条件,隐含的条件
  3657. implied consent ==> 隐含同意,默认,默示同意,默许
  3658. implied contract ==> 默认契约,默示合同,隐含的契约
  3659. implied datum ==> 基準
  3660. implied decimal point ==> 隐含小数点
  3661. implied deed ==> 默示合同,默示契约
  3662. implied DO ==> 隐循环
  3663. implied goodwill ==> 隐藏商誉
  3664. implied growth rate equation ==> 内含增长率公式
  3665. implied linear constraint ==> 隐式线性约束
  3666. implied objection ==> 默示异议
  3667. implied OR circuit ==> 隐或门电路
  3668. implied partnership ==> 默认合伙
  3669. implied power ==> 默示权力
  3670. implied promise ==> 默示承诺
  3671. implied rate of interest ==> 内含利率
  3672. implied ratification ==> 默示批准
  3673. implied recognition ==> 默示承诺,默示承认,默示的承认
  3674. implied representation ==> 默示代理
  3675. implied reservation ==> 默示权益保留
  3676. implied term ==> 默示条件
  3677. implied terms ==> 默认条件,默示的条款
  3678. implied trust ==> 默示信托,默许信托,法定信托,内在信托
  3679. implied undertaking ==> 默示义务
  3680. implied waiver ==> 默示放弃
  3681. implied warrant ==> 默示担保
  3682. implied warranties in sale by sample ==> 样品买卖的默认条件
  3683. implied warranty ==> 默认保证,内在保证
  3684. implode ==> 内爆炸,内向爆炸
  3685. implosion ==> 内爆,内爆波,内裂,内破裂,内向爆炸,暴缩,爆聚,聚爆=>爆縮
  3686. implosion drill ==> 内破裂钻机
  3687. implosion drilling ==> 内爆凿岩
  3688. implosion test ==> [后汽缸]刚性试验
  3689. implosion type A-bomb ==> 内爆型原子弹
  3690. implosion wave ==> 内爆波
  3691. implosion weapon ==> 核爆武器
  3692. imply ==> 暗示する
  3693. impolarizable electrode ==> 去极化电极
  3694. imponderability ==> 无重力
  3695. imponderable fluid ==> 无重量流体
  3696. import ==> 进口
  3697. Import (Radiation) (Prohibition) Regulations (Cap. 60) ==> 《进口(辐射)(禁止)规例》(第60章)
  3698. import advanced technology ==> 吸取先进技术
  3699. import agent ==> 进口代理,进口代理商
  3700. import airway bill ==> 空运进口货物提单
  3701. import and export corporation ==> 进出口公司
  3702. import and export licence ==> 进出口许可证
  3703. import and export license system ==> 进出口许可证制
  3704. Import and Export Ordinance ==> 香港輸出入令
  3705. import bounty ==> 输入奖励金
  3706. import cargoes ==> 进口货物
  3707. import certificate ==> 进口执照
  3708. import charges ==> 进口费用
  3709. import collateral ==> 进口担保品
  3710. import collection ==> 进口托收
  3711. import commission ==> 进口代理佣金
  3712. import commission agent ==> 进口代理商
  3713. import commission house ==> 进口代理商
  3714. import commitment ==> 进口承诺
  3715. import content ==> 进口商品内容
  3716. import control ==> 进口管制
  3717. import credit ==> 进口信用证
  3718. import credit account ==> 进口收入帐户
  3719. import curtailment ==> 削减进口
  3720. import customs clearance ==> 进口通关
  3721. import debit account ==> 进口支出帐户
  3722. import declaration ==> 进口报关单
  3723. import department ==> 进口部
  3724. import deposit ==> 进口保证金,进口存款,进口押金
  3725. import deposit scheme ==> 进口存款制,进口押金制
  3726. import documents ==> 进口单证
  3727. import documents arrival notice ==> 进口单据到达通知书
  3728. import duty ==> 进口关税,进口税,输入税
  3729. import duty memo ==> 进口税缴纳证,海关进口税缴纳证
  3730. import duty memo of customs ==> 海关进口税缴税单
  3731. import employment ==> 输入就业
  3732. import entitlement account ==> 进口头衔帐户
  3733. import entry ==> 进口报关,进口报关手续
  3734. import exchange ==> 进口外汇
  3735. import export link system ==> 输出入连锁制
  3736. import export offset agreement ==> 输出入相抵协定
  3737. import financing ==> 进口融资,进口资金融通
  3738. import for expanding export ==> (外贸)以进养出
  3739. import freight and insurance ==> 进口运费及保险费
  3740. import freight and insurance account ==> 进口运费用保险费帐户
  3741. import gold point ==> 进口黄金点
  3742. import house ==> 进口商行,进口行
  3743. import house 进口商行=> ==> 进口行
  3744. import letter of credit ==> 进口信用证
  3745. import levy ==> 进口捐
  3746. import licencing system ==> 输入签证制
  3747. import license ==> 进口许可证
  3748. import license system ==> 进口许可证制
  3749. import licensing bank ==> 进口签证银行
  3750. Import Licensing Code ==> 进口签证规约
  3751. import licensing system ==> 进口签证许可制,进口许可证制度
  3752. import list ==> 海关进口货物分类表
  3753. import manifest ==> 进口舱单
  3754. import merchant ==> 进口贸易商,进口商
  3755. import of complete machines ==> 整机进口
  3756. import of technique ==> 技术进口
  3757. import of volume index ==> 进口物量指数
  3758. import order ==> 进口定货单
  3759. import permit ==> 进口批准单,进口许可证,准进口证
  3760. import price ==> 进口价格
  3761. import procedure ==> 进口程序
  3762. import profit indices ==> 进口盈利指数
  3763. import quarantine ==> 进口检疫
  3764. import quota ==> 限额输入,输入限额
  3765. import quota system ==> 输入配额制,进口配额制
  3766. import quotas ==> 进口配额,进口限额
  3767. import rate ==> 进口货运费率
  3768. import relief ==> 进口救济
  3769. import requirement ==> 进口需求量
  3770. import restriction ==> 进口管制
  3771. import restrictions ==> 进口限制
  3772. import shares ==> 进口份额
  3773. import species point ==> 现金输入点
  3774. import subsidy ==> 进口补贴
  3775. import substitute and export substitute ==> 进口替代与出口替代
  3776. import substituting economy ==> 进口替代型经济
  3777. import substitution ==> 进口替代
  3778. import sundry charges ==> 进口杂费
  3779. import sundry charges account ==> 进口杂费帐户
  3780. import surcharge ==> 进口附加税
  3781. import surplus ==> 入超
  3782. import surtax ==> 进口附加税
  3783. import tariff ==> 进口税,进口税则,输入税率
  3784. import tax ==> 进口税
  3785. import tender ==> 进口招标
  3786. import trade ==> 进口贸易
  3787. import traffic ==> 进口运输
  3788. import value ==> 进口值,输入价值
  3789. import volume ==> 进口量
  3790. import-competing goods ==> 进口竞争货物
  3791. import-export commodity inspection ==> 进出口商品检验
  3792. import-export industry ==> 进出口业
  3793. import-export license system ==> 进出口许可证制
  3794. import-export link system ==> 进出口连锁制
  3795. import-export operation ==> 进出口作业
  3796. import-export operations right ==> 进出口经营权
  3797. import-export ports ==> 进出口口岸
  3798. import-export quota system ==> 进出口配额制
  3799. import-substitution strategy ==> 进口替代战略
  3800. importable merchandise ==> 可进口的商品
  3801. importance function ==> 重要性函数
  3802. importance of a flare ==> 耀斑级别
  3803. importance value ==> 重要值
  3804. important ==> 重要
  3805. important agricultural base ==> 重要农业基地
  3806. important dignitary ==> 要人
  3807. important ecological habitat ==> 生态上具重要价值的生境
  3808. important export crop ==> 重要的出口作物
  3809. important factor ==> 重要因素
  3810. important fiber crop ==> 重要的纤维作物
  3811. important food plant ==> 重要的食用植物
  3812. important meat source ==> 重要肉源
  3813. important pest ==> 重要害虫
  3814. important resonance ==> 重要共振
  3815. important sampling ==> 加重サンプリング
  3816. important spare-parts program ==> 重要备件计划
  3817. importation ==> 入口津贴
  3818. imported and exported products ==> 进出口货物
  3819. imported cabbageworm ==> 菜青虫
  3820. imported commodity ==> 进口商品
  3821. imported empty ==> 空箱进口
  3822. imported goods ==> 进口货物,来路货
  3823. imported material ==> 进口材料
  3824. imported materials and parts ==> 进口料件
  3825. imported product ==> 进口产品
  3826. imported weed ==> 带进来的杂草,非乡土性杂草
  3827. importer ==> 进口贸易商,进口商
  3828. importer quota ==> 进口商配额
  3829. importer's entry of goods ==> 进口商报关单
  3830. importers statement and guarantee bond ==> 进口商声明及保证书
  3831. importing market ==> 进口市场
  3832. importing wholesaler ==> 进口批发商
  3833. imports of good and material services ==> 货物和物质性服务的进口
  3834. impose fines on someone ==> 罚款
  3835. impose punishment in accordance with the law ==> 依法惩处
  3836. imposing stone ==> 装版台
  3837. impossible condition ==> 不能履行的条件
  3838. impossible event ==> 不可能事件
  3839. impotence ==> 阳萎,性交不能
  3840. impotent ==> 無力な,無能な
  3841. impotent neutrophil syndrome ==> 无力中性白细胞综合征
  3842. impotent pollen ==> 无效花粉
  3843. impotentia ==> 阳萎
  3844. impounded area ==> 蓄水面积
  3845. impounded basin ==> 蓄水池
  3846. impounded body ==> 蓄水池,贮水池
  3847. impounded dock ==> 港内船坞
  3848. impounded level ==> 蓄水位
  3849. impounded reservoir ==> 蓄水库
  3850. impounded surface water ==> 地面积水
  3851. impounded water level ==> 蓄水面标高
  3852. impounding basin ==> 蓄水池
  3853. impounding dam ==> 貯水ダム
  3854. impounding pond ==> 蓄水池
  3855. impounding reservoir ==> 蓄水池,蓄水库
  3856. impounding scheme ==> 蓄水方案
  3857. impoverished soil ==> 贫瘠地
  3858. imprecise communication ==> 不正確なコミュニケーション
  3859. imprecise information risk ==> 不精确信息风险
  3860. imprecise interruption ==> 不精确中断
  3861. impregnant ==> 浸渍剂=>含浸剤
  3862. impregnated asbestors web ==> 浸石棉布
  3863. impregnated base strain gauge ==> 浸胶基应变计
  3864. impregnated cable ==> 浸渍电缆=>含浸ケーブル
  3865. impregnated carbon ==> 浸渍碳棒
  3866. impregnated cathode ==> 浸渍式阴极
  3867. impregnated coil ==> 浸渍线圈
  3868. impregnated coke ==> 镁焦
  3869. impregnated electrode ==> 疗用电极
  3870. impregnated gas pressure cable ==> 压气浸渍电缆
  3871. impregnated glass colth ==> 浸渍玻璃布
  3872. impregnated graphite materials ==> 浸渍石墨材料
  3873. impregnated on activated carbon ==> 活性炭浸渍剂
  3874. impregnated ovum ==> 孕卵
  3875. impregnated paper ==> 绝缘浸渍纸,绝缘浸渍纸
  3876. impregnated paper insulated belted cable ==> ベルトケーブル
  3877. impregnated seal ==> 浸渍封接
  3878. impregnated tape ==> 浸渍磁带,含粉磁带
  3879. impregnated-tape metal-arc welding ==> 浸焊条金属弧焊
  3880. impregnating bath ==> 浸渍槽,浸渍池
  3881. impregnating depth ==> 浸渍深度
  3882. impregnating fluid ==> 防腐液
  3883. impregnating mangle ==> 浸染机,浸轧机
  3884. impregnating varnish ==> 浸渍漆
  3885. impregnating vessel ==> 浸胶罐,浸漆罐,浸渍罐
  3886. impregnation ==> 浸渍,注入,防腐剂浸渍,授孕=>含浸
  3887. impregnation compound ==> 浸渍化合物=>含浸用コンパウンド
  3888. impregnation deposit ==> 浸染矿床
  3889. impregnation machine ==> 浸渍机
  3890. impregnation pickling ==> 浸渍
  3891. impregnation structure ==> 浸染状构造
  3892. impregnation technology ==> 浸渍工艺
  3893. imprescriptible right ==> 不受时效限制的权利
  3894. impressed current cathodic protection ==> 外加电流阴极防护
  3895. impressed current cathodic protection system for ship hull ==> 船体外加电流阴极保护系统
  3896. impressed current protection ==> 外部電源防食法
  3897. impressed distortion ==> 强迫歪曲
  3898. impressed electric force ==> 印加電気力
  3899. impressed electromotive force ==> 外加电动势
  3900. impressed frequency ==> 外加频率
  3901. impressed leaf ==> 叶脉深凹的叶
  3902. impressed pressure ==> 外加压力
  3903. impressed vapour pressure ==> 外加蒸气压力
  3904. impressed variation ==> 强制变异
  3905. impressed voltage ==> 外加电压=>印加電圧
  3906. impressed-charge density ==> 外加电荷密度
  3907. impressed-current protection system ==> 外加电流保护系统
  3908. impressed-voltage ==> 外加电压
  3909. impressing hardness test ==> 押込み硬さ試験法
  3910. impressio gastrica ==> 胃压迹
  3911. impression ==> 压痕
  3912. impression block ==> 印痕测定器,打印模
  3913. impression control ==> 压印密度控制
  3914. impression cylinder ==> 压花滚筒,压印滚筒
  3915. impression die forging with small flash ==> 小飞边模锻
  3916. impression eccentric ==> 压印偏心调节法
  3917. impression material ==> 模槽材料
  3918. impression method ==> 印模法
  3919. impression packer ==> 印记收集器
  3920. impression per hour ==> 每小时印数
  3921. impression plaster ==> 印牙齿用烧石膏
  3922. impression system ==> 压印系统
  3923. impression tray ==> 牙印模托盘
  3924. impression tray for anteriors ==> 前牙印模托盘
  3925. impression-cup ==> 印模盘
  3926. impression-tray ==> 印模盘
  3927. impressive ability ==> 見事な才能
  3928. impressive display ==> 印象深い展示品
  3929. impressive track record ==> 目覚ましい経歴
  3930. imprimitive matrix ==> 非本原矩阵
  3931. imprint of inferior turbinate ==> 鼻下甲印片
  3932. imprint position ==> 印刷位置,打印位置
  3933. imprinter fraction ==> 可约分数,假分数
  3934. imprinting effect ==> 印刻效应=>インプリンティング,刷り込み(すりこみ)
  3935. imprisoned lake ==> 偃塞湖
  3936. imprisoned radiation ==> 束缚辐射
  3937. improper accumulation ==> 非法收益留存
  3938. improper character ==> 非正常特征,非正式符号,禁用字符
  3939. improper code ==> 禁码
  3940. improper command ==> 非法命令
  3941. improper command check ==> 非法命令检查,不适当指令检查
  3942. improper convex function ==> 非正常凸函数
  3943. improper fraction ==> 假分数,可约分数
  3944. improper Gaussian process ==> 反常高斯过程
  3945. Improper integral ==> 異常積分
  3946. improper integral ==> 广义积分,异常积分,奇异积分
  3947. improper intergral ==> 反常积分
  3948. improper orthogonal matrix ==> 非正常正交矩阵
  3949. improper packing ==> 包装不良
  3950. improper random variable ==> 非合适随机变量,非正常随机变量
  3951. improper rotation ==> 反射旋转,异常旋转
  3952. improper stowage ==> 装载不良
  3953. improper symbol ==> 非正常符号
  3954. improperly disinfected effluent ==> 未经适当消毒的污水
  3955. improve ==> 改进
  3956. improve an apparatus ==> 装置を改善する
  3957. improve and expand the protection of ==> ~の保護の拡充を行う
  3958. improve desertic soils ==> 改良荒漠土
  3959. improve economic performance ==> 提高效益
  3960. improve markedly ==> 明显好转
  3961. improve soil structure ==> 增进土壤作用
  3962. improve soil texture ==> 改良土壤结构
  3963. improve soil tilth ==> 改良土壤耕性
  3964. improve the quality of products ==> 提高产品质量
  3965. improve the quality of varieties ==> 提高品种质量
  3966. improve the tilth of the soil ==> 改良耕层
  3967. improve visual and auditory acuity ==> 明耳目
  3968. improved ==> 改进的
  3969. improved agricultural technology ==> 改变这种农业技术
  3970. improved bound ==> 改进的界
  3971. improved casale closure ==> 改进卡扎里密封
  3972. improved corrective fertilizer recommendations ==> 提出修改施肥建议
  3973. improved croprotation system ==> 改良的作物轮作制
  3974. improved crown grafting ==> 改良冠接
  3975. improved estimate ==> 矫正估计
  3976. improved estimation on variance ==> 矫正方差估计
  3977. improved extraction procedure ==> 改良提取程序
  3978. improved land ==> 有设施用地
  3979. improved mass selection ==> 改良混合选择
  3980. improved meat-type hogs ==> 良种肉用猪
  3981. improved mutton ==> 良种肉用羊
  3982. improved paper ==> 改良纸
  3983. improved pasture ==> 改良牧地
  3984. improved spool file recovery ==> 改进的假脱机文件恢复
  3985. improved variety ==> 经过改良的种子,经过改良的种子
  3986. improved variety of seed ==> 良种
  3987. improved Venturi flume ==> 改进文德里槽
  3988. improved wood ==> 改性木
  3989. improvement ==> 改进,完善化,改良,改善,增进,好转
  3990. improvement and betterment ==> 房屋修缮与改良
  3991. improvement cutting ==> 改进伐
  3992. improvement factor ==> 改进系数,改进因子,噪声改善系数,提高因素=>改善度(周波数変調・パルス時変調)
  3993. improvement felling ==> 改进伐,抚育伐
  3994. improvement in the conditions of the pumps ==> ポンプの増段点
  3995. improvement measure ==> 改进措施
  3996. improvement of ceyeals ==> 小粒作物改良
  3997. improvement of commodity quality ==> 提高商品质量
  3998. improvement of orbit ==> 轨道改进
  3999. improvement of river bed ==> 河床改善,河床治理
  4000. improvement on the utilization factor of the voltage ==> 電圧利用率の改善
  4001. improvement patent ==> 改进专利
  4002. improvement planting ==> 改进栽植
  4003. improvement programs ==> 改良方案
  4004. improvement thinning ==> 抚育性疏伐
  4005. improvement threshold ==> 改良限度
  4006. improvement time ==> 矫正时间
  4007. improvement trade ==> 加工贸易
  4008. improvement trade for import ==> 加工进口贸易
  4009. improvements to plant and equipment ==> 厂房和设备改良
  4010. improver ==> 改进剂
  4011. improverishment ==> 破产
  4012. improving acuity of vision ==> 明目
  4013. improving acuity of vision and removing nebula ==> 明耳退翳,明目退翳
  4014. improving agent ==> 改进剂
  4015. improving environmental sanitation ==> 改善环境卫生
  4016. improving food conversion ratio ==> 提高饲料转化率
  4017. improving furnace ==> 精炼炉
  4018. improving sight and hearing ==> 明目聪耳
  4019. improvised mine ==> 简易地雷
  4020. imprudent expenditure ==> 不适宜的支出
  4021. impudence ==> 生意気
  4022. impulse ==> 脉冲,刺激,冲动,冲击,冲激,冲量=>インパルス,衝撃
  4023. impulse accepting relay ==> 脉冲接收继电器
  4024. impulse accumulator ==> 脉冲累加装置
  4025. impulse action ==> 脉冲作用,冲动作用,推进作用
  4026. impulse amplitude ==> 脉冲振幅
  4027. impulse analyzer ==> 脉冲分析器
  4028. impulse approximation ==> 脉冲近似值
  4029. impulse arc ==> インパルスアーク
  4030. impulse attenuation ==> 脉冲衰减
  4031. impulse blade ==> 冲动式叶片
  4032. impulse blades ==> 冲击式叶片
  4033. impulse blaster ==> 脉冲引爆器
  4034. impulse breakdown ==> 冲击击穿
  4035. impulse breakdown strength ==> インパルス破壊強度
  4036. impulse breaker ==> 脉冲开关
  4037. impulse broading ==> 脉冲展宽
  4038. impulse buoy ==> 脉冲浮标
  4039. impulse burner ==> 脉冲烧嘴
  4040. impulse buy ==> 不在事先计划内的购置
  4041. impulse buyer ==> 一时冲动的买主
  4042. impulse buying ==> 凭一时的高兴购物
  4043. impulse cam ==> 脉冲凸轮
  4044. impulse capacitor ==> 脉冲电容器
  4045. impulse cascade ==> 冲动式叶片
  4046. impulse circuit ==> 脉冲电路,脉冲线路
  4047. impulse circuit breaker ==> 脉冲断路器
  4048. impulse clock ==> 脉冲钟,(钟)冲击钟
  4049. impulse code ==> 脉冲符号
  4050. impulse code modulation ==> 脉冲编码调制,脉码调制
  4051. impulse coding ==> 脉冲编码
  4052. impulse compaction ==> 脉冲压实
  4053. impulse condition test ==> 脉冲状态试验
  4054. impulse conducting fibers ==> 兴奋传导纤维
  4055. impulse conduction ==> 冲动传导
  4056. impulse contact ==> 脉冲接点,短时闭合触点
  4057. impulse control ==> 脉冲控制
  4058. impulse controller ==> 脉冲控制器
  4059. impulse conversion circuit ==> 脉冲变换电路
  4060. impulse correction ==> 脉冲校正
  4061. impulse corrector ==> 脉冲校正器
  4062. impulse counter ==> 脉冲积算表
  4063. impulse crowding ==> 脉冲拥挤
  4064. impulse current ==> 脉冲电流,冲击电流=>インパルス電流
  4065. impulse current apparatus ==> 脉冲电流治疗仪
  4066. impulse current automatic butt welding machine ==> 脉冲电流自动对焊机
  4067. Impulse current generator ==> 冲击电流发生器,用于产生冲击电流的设备
  4068. impulse current generator ==> 脉冲电流发生器=>インパルス電流発生器
  4069. impulse current meter ==> 脉冲电流测量仪
  4070. impulse current relay ==> 脉冲电流继电器
  4071. impulse current seam welding machine ==> 脉冲电流缝焊机
  4072. impulse current semiautomatic butt welding machine ==> 脉冲电流半自动对焊机
  4073. impulse current shunt ==> 冲击分流器
  4074. Impulse current shunts ==> 冲击电流分流器,将被测冲击电流按比例转化为适于示波器等记录仪器测量的电压信号的装置
  4075. impulse current system ==> 脉冲电流系统
  4076. impulse current test ==> 冲击电流试验,用于检验避雷器残压和冲击电流耐受能力或检验其他电气设备、器件和材料在冲击电流作用下电气性能,测定冲击接地电阻等目的的试验
  4077. impulse current waveform ==> インパルス電流波形
  4078. impulse cutting machine ==> 脉冲剪切机
  4079. impulse cylinder ==> 脉冲缸
  4080. impulse density ==> 脉冲密度
  4081. impulse discharge ==> インパルス放電
  4082. impulse distance meter ==> 脉冲式测距仪
  4083. impulse driven clock ==> 脉冲驱动钟
  4084. impulse drying ==> 脉冲干燥
  4085. impulse duct engine ==> 脉动式空气喷气发动机,脉动式喷气发动机
  4086. impulse duration ==> 脉冲宽度
  4087. impulse duration system ==> 脉冲时间系统=>インパルス時限式(遠隔制御)
  4088. impulse electromagnetic automatic welding machine ==> 电磁脉冲自动焊机
  4089. impulse electronic therapeutic meter ==> 脉冲电疗仪
  4090. impulse element ==> 脉冲元件
  4091. impulse equation ==> 脉冲方程式
  4092. impulse excitation ==> 脉冲激发,脉动激励
  4093. impulse excited circuit ==> 冲击激励电路
  4094. impulse excited oscillator ==> 冲击激励振荡器,脉冲激励振荡器
  4095. impulse exciter ==> 脉冲激励器,冲击激励器
  4096. impulse face ==> 冲击面,冲面
  4097. impulse firing ==> 脉冲烧成,脉冲煅烧
  4098. impulse flashover voltage ==> 脉冲闪络电压
  4099. impulse force ==> 冲力
  4100. impulse form ==> 脉冲形式,脉冲形状
  4101. impulse fre-quency ==> 脉冲频率
  4102. impulse frequency system ==> 脉冲频率制
  4103. impulse frequency telemetering ==> 脉冲频率遥测
  4104. impulse front ==> 脉冲面
  4105. impulse function ==> 冲激函数,脉冲函数=>インパルス関数
  4106. impulse function generator ==> 脉冲函数发生器
  4107. impulse function input ==> インパルス状入力
  4108. impulse generator ==> 脉冲发电机,脉冲发生器,脉冲振荡器,冲击电压发生器
  4109. impulse governed oscillator ==> 脉冲控制的振荡器
  4110. impulse heat sealer ==> 脉冲瞬间热封机
  4111. impulse hunting ==> 脉冲摆动,脉冲振荡
  4112. impulse impeller ==> 冲力叶轮,推进叶轮
  4113. impulse inertia ==> 冲击惯性,脉冲惯性
  4114. impulse input ==> 脉冲输入
  4115. impulse insulation level ==> 冲击电压绝缘水平
  4116. impulse interference ==> 脉冲干扰
  4117. impulse item ==> 一时冲动购买的商品
  4118. impulse jammer ==> 脉冲干扰机
  4119. impulse kill ==> 衝撃破壊
  4120. impulse laser amplifier ==> 脉冲激光放大器
  4121. impulse level ==> 脉冲电平
  4122. impulse load ==> 脉冲载荷,冲击载荷
  4123. impulse load tests ==> 冲击动荷试验
  4124. impulse machine ==> 脉冲发送机,脉冲发送器,自动电话拨号盘
  4125. impulse magnet ==> 脉冲磁铁,脉冲电磁铁
  4126. impulse maneuver ==> 冲击式操纵
  4127. impulse measurement ==> 冲击测量
  4128. impulse measurement facilities ==> 脉冲测量设备
  4129. impulse measuring device ==> 脉冲测量仪
  4130. impulse mechanical strength ==> 冲击机械强度
  4131. impulse meter ==> 脉冲积算器,脉冲积算表
  4132. impulse method ==> 脉冲法
  4133. impulse method calibration ==> 冲量法校准
  4134. impulse method electric finding ==> 脉冲法电波探测
  4135. impulse microphone ==> 脉冲传声器
  4136. impulse modulated telemetering ==> 脉冲调制遥测
  4137. impulse modulation ==> 脉冲调制
  4138. impulse modulator tube ==> 脉冲调制管
  4139. impulse momentum method ==> 冲量法
  4140. impulse motor ==> 脉冲电动机,脉冲马达
  4141. impulse movement core ==> 脉冲驱动的机心
  4142. impulse noise ==> 脉冲噪声
  4143. impulse noise analysis ==> 脉冲噪声分析
  4144. impulse noise blanking ==> 脉冲噪声消除
  4145. impulse noise frequency ==> 脉冲噪声频率
  4146. impulse noise generator ==> 脉冲噪声发生器
  4147. impulse noise inverter ==> 脉冲噪声倒置器
  4148. impulse noise level ==> 脉冲噪声电平
  4149. impulse noise limiter ==> 脉冲噪声限制器
  4150. impulse noise measurement ==> 脉冲噪声测量
  4151. impulse noise processing ==> 脉冲噪声处理
  4152. impulse noise signal ==> 脉冲噪声信号
  4153. impulse noise susceptibility ==> 脉冲噪声敏感性
  4154. impulse nozzle ==> 冲击喷嘴
  4155. impulse of motion ==> 冲动
  4156. impulse oscillator ==> 脉冲振荡器
  4157. impulse oscillograph ==> 脉冲示波器
  4158. impulse oscilloscope ==> 脉冲示波器
  4159. impulse overvoltage ==> 冲击过电压
  4160. impulse pallet ==> 圆盘钉
  4161. impulse parameters ==> インパルスパラメータ
  4162. impulse peak ==> 脉冲峰值
  4163. impulse peak power ==> 脉冲峰值功率
  4164. impulse period ==> 脉冲周期
  4165. impulse phase-locked loop ==> 脉冲锁相环
  4166. impulse pin ==> 冲击销
  4167. impulse plasma welding machine ==> 脉冲等离子焊机
  4168. impulse power ==> 脉冲功率
  4169. impulse precision sound level meter ==> 脉冲精密声级计
  4170. impulse preselection ==> 脉冲预选
  4171. impulse protection level ==> 脉冲保护水平
  4172. impulse pump ==> 冲击式泵
  4173. impulse push key phone set ==> 脉冲按键电话机
  4174. impulse radar ==> 脉冲雷达
  4175. impulse radar transmitter ==> 脉冲雷达发射机
  4176. impulse radiation ==> 脉冲辐射
  4177. impulse radiation source ==> 脉冲辐射源
  4178. impulse ratio ==> 脉冲比,脉冲系数,冲击系数=>衝撃比,断続比(通信)
  4179. impulse reactance ==> 冲击电抗
  4180. impulse reaction turbine ==> 冲动反动式汽轮机
  4181. impulse recorder ==> 脉冲记录器,脉冲自动记录器=>インパルス記録器
  4182. impulse recording paper ==> 脉冲记录纸
  4183. impulse rectifier ==> 脉冲整流器
  4184. impulse recurrent timing control ==> 脉冲再现计时控制
  4185. impulse reflection ==> 脉冲反射
  4186. impulse regeneration ==> 脉冲再生
  4187. impulse regenerator ==> 脉冲振荡器
  4188. impulse register ==> 脉冲寄存器,脉冲计数器
  4189. impulse regulator ==> 脉冲调节器
  4190. impulse relay ==> 脉冲继电器
  4191. impulse repeater ==> 脉冲转发机,脉冲中继器,脉冲重发器,脉冲转发器=>インパルスレピータ
  4192. impulse repeating ==> 脉冲重发
  4193. impulse repetition ==> 脉冲重复
  4194. impulse reporter ==> 脉冲记录器
  4195. impulse response ==> 冲激响应,脉冲响应=>インパルス応答
  4196. impulse response analyzer ==> 脉冲特性分析仪
  4197. impulse response function ==> 脉冲响应函数
  4198. impulse response matrix ==> 脉冲响应矩阵
  4199. impulse response model ==> 脉冲响应模
  4200. impulse response parameters ==> インパルス応答パラメータ
  4201. impulse scaler ==> 脉冲定标器,脉冲计数器
  4202. impulse sealer ==> 脉冲热封机,高频熔接机
  4203. impulse sealing ==> 脉冲封口,脉冲焊接,脉冲热合
  4204. impulse section blade ==> 冲动式叶型叶片
  4205. impulse seismogram ==> 脉冲地震记录
  4206. impulse sender ==> 脉冲发送器
  4207. impulse sending machine ==> 脉冲发送机=>インパルス送出器
  4208. impulse separator ==> 脉冲分离器
  4209. impulse sequence ==> 脉冲序列
  4210. impulse shape ==> 脉冲波形
  4211. impulse shaper ==> 脉冲形成器
  4212. impulse signal ==> 脉冲信号
  4213. impulse signal generator ==> 脉冲信号发生器
  4214. impulse signaling ==> 脉冲通信
  4215. impulse simulation circuit ==> 脉冲模拟电路
  4216. impulse slice circuit ==> 脉冲限制电路
  4217. impulse solenoid ==> 脉冲电磁铁,脉冲电磁线圈,脉冲螺线管
  4218. impulse sound level meter ==> 脉冲声级计
  4219. impulse source ==> 脉冲源,冲击源
  4220. impulse sparkover ==> 脉冲闪络
  4221. impulse sparkover voltage ==> インパルス放電開始電圧(避雷器)
  4222. impulse speed ==> 脉冲速度
  4223. impulse spot welder ==> 脉冲点焊机
  4224. impulse spring ==> 脉动弹簧,脉动簧=>インパルスばね
  4225. impulse spring break ==> 脉动簧断开
  4226. impulse springmake ==> 脉冲簧片闭合
  4227. impulse stage ==> 冲动级,蒸汽只在静叶栅中膨胀加速,而在动叶栅中不再膨胀的级。但一般应用的冲动级都带有少量反动度
  4228. impulse starter ==> 脉冲起动器,脉动起动机,冲击起动机
  4229. impulse starting ==> 脉冲起动
  4230. impulse steam trap ==> 脉冲式蒸汽疏水器
  4231. impulse steam turbine ==> 冲击式汽轮机,冲力式蒸汽轮机,冲动式汽轮机,蒸汽主要在喷嘴或静叶片中进行膨胀的汽轮机
  4232. impulse stepless gear box ==> 脉动无级变速器
  4233. impulse stepping motor ==> 脉冲步进电动机
  4234. impulse stimulation ==> 脉冲刺激
  4235. impulse strength ==> 冲击强度
  4236. impulse stretcher ==> 脉冲伸张器
  4237. impulse stroke ==> 脉冲行程,工作行程
  4238. impulse summation ==> 脉冲相加
  4239. impulse switch ==> 脉冲开关,冲击式断路器
  4240. impulse system ==> 脉冲系统=>インパルス式
  4241. impulse tachometer ==> 脉冲式转速计,脉冲转数计,脉动转数计,冲击式转速计
  4242. impulse target diagram ==> 脉冲目标图,脉冲速度界限曲线图
  4243. impulse technique ==> 脉冲技术
  4244. impulse telemeter ==> 脉冲遥测计
  4245. impulse test ==> 脉冲电压试验,脉冲试验,冲击试验
  4246. impulse testing machine ==> 脉冲测试机,脉冲试验机
  4247. impulse testing machine circuit ==> 脉冲测试器电路
  4248. impulse time delay ==> 脉冲时延
  4249. impulse time division system ==> 脉冲多路通信制,时间分隔脉冲多路通信制
  4250. impulse time margin ==> 脉冲时间裕度
  4251. impulse timer ==> 脉冲定时器,脉冲计时器,脉冲时间继电器
  4252. impulse torque ==> インパルストルク
  4253. impulse train ==> 脉冲链,脉冲群,脉冲系列
  4254. impulse transfer ==> 脉冲变换
  4255. impulse transfer function ==> インパルス伝達関数
  4256. impulse transformer ==> 脉冲变压器
  4257. impulse transmission ==> 脉冲传输,脉冲发射
  4258. impulse transmitter ==> 脉冲发射机,脉冲发送器
  4259. impulse transmitter tube ==> 脉冲发射管
  4260. impulse transmitting relay ==> 脉冲发送继电器
  4261. impulse trap ==> 脉动式排水阻汽阀,脉动式疏水器,冲力汽水阀
  4262. impulse turbine ==> 冲动式汽涡轮机,冲击式汽轮机,冲击式透平,冲击式涡轮机,冲力式轮机,脉冲透平=>衝動タービン
  4263. impulse turbine with velocity stages ==> 速度级冲动式汽轮机
  4264. impulse type ==> 冲击式,脉冲式
  4265. impulse type stage ==> 冲动级
  4266. impulse type steam turbine ==> 冲动式汽轮机
  4267. impulse type telemeter ==> 脉冲式遥测计,脉冲式遥测装置
  4268. impulse type voltage regulator ==> 脉冲式电压调整器
  4269. impulse unit ==> 冲击式机组
  4270. impulse valve ==> 脉冲阀
  4271. impulse voltage ==> 脉冲电压,冲击电压=>インパルス電圧
  4272. impulse voltage characteristics ==> 脉冲电压特性
  4273. impulse voltage divider ==> 冲击分压器
  4274. Impulse voltage dividers ==> 冲击电压分压器,由高压臂和低压臂串联组成的转换装置,能将被测(输入)冲击高电压转化为低压信号(冲击低电压的测量设备)
  4275. Impulse voltage generator ==> 冲击电压发生器,用于产生雷电冲击或操作冲击的高电压设备
  4276. impulse voltage generator ==> 冲击电压发生器,脉冲电压发生器=>インパルス電圧発生器
  4277. impulse voltage measurement ==> インパルス電圧測定
  4278. impulse voltage measurement system ==> インパルス電圧測定システム
  4279. impulse voltage measuring system ==> 雷インパルス電圧測定システム
  4280. impulse voltage oscilloscope ==> 脉冲电压示波器
  4281. impulse voltage test ==> 脉冲电压试验,冲击电压试验=>インパルス電圧試験
  4282. impulse voltage withstand test ==> 冲击耐压试验,施加规定次数和规定值的冲击电压,对绝缘耐受冲击电压能力进行考核的试验
  4283. impulse volume ratio ==> 冲量容积比
  4284. impulse water turbine ==> 冲击式水轮机,水戽式水轮机=>衝動水車
  4285. impulse water wheel ==> 冲击式水轮
  4286. impulse wave ==> 冲击波,脉冲波=>衝撃波
  4287. impulse wave generator ==> 脉冲波振荡器
  4288. impulse waveform ==> 脉冲波形
  4289. impulse weight ratio ==> 冲量重量比
  4290. impulse welding ==> 脉冲焊,脉冲焊接
  4291. impulse wheel ==> 冲动式叶轮,冲斗式水轮,冲击轮,冲击式水轮,冲击式水轮机
  4292. impulse width ==> 脉冲宽度,脉宽
  4293. impulse withstand voltage ==> 冲击耐压
  4294. impulse-blocking tube ==> 脉冲阻塞管
  4295. impulse-focused time-of-flight mass spectro-meter ==> 脉冲聚焦飞行时间质谱仪
  4296. impulse-forced response ==> 脉冲响应
  4297. impulse-forming circuit ==> 脉冲形成电路
  4298. impulse-forming tube ==> 脉冲形成管
  4299. impulse-frequency system ==> インパルス周波数式(遠隔制御)
  4300. impulse-governed oscillator ==> 脉冲控制振荡器
  4301. impulse-modulated radar ==> 脉冲调制雷达
  4302. impulse-momentum equation ==> 冲量动量方程
  4303. impulse-reaction turbine ==> 冲击反击式水轮机
  4304. impulse-reflction process ==> 脉冲反射法
  4305. impulse-steering circuit ==> 脉冲引导电路
  4306. impulse-train pause ==> 脉冲序列间歇
  4307. impulse-transmitting tube ==> 脉冲发射管
  4308. impulse-type multiplier ==> 脉冲乘法器
  4309. impulse-type output amplifier ==> 脉冲输出放大器
  4310. impulse-type relay ==> 脉冲式继电器
  4311. impulse-type telemetering system ==> 脉冲式遥测系统
  4312. impulse-type turbine ==> 衝動型タービン
  4313. impulse-type voltage regulator ==> 脉冲式调压器
  4314. impulse-wheel meter ==> 脉冲轮计
  4315. impulse-width modulation ==> 脉宽调制
  4316. impulsed spot welding ==> 脉冲点焊
  4317. impulser ==> 脉冲传感器
  4318. impulsic wave magnetron ==> 脉冲波磁控管
  4319. impulsing circuit ==> 脉冲激励电路
  4320. impulsing oscilloscope ==> 脉冲示波器
  4321. impulsing power source ==> 脉冲电源
  4322. impulsing relay ==> 脉冲继电器
  4323. impulsion ==> 衝撃
  4324. impulsive acceleration ==> 脉冲加速
  4325. impulsive action ==> 冲动作为
  4326. impulsive burst ==> 脉冲暴
  4327. impulsive control problem ==> 冲击控制问题
  4328. impulsive force ==> 冲力,冲击,冲击力,冲力,脉冲力
  4329. impulsive function ==> 脉冲函数=>衝撃関数
  4330. impulsive hard phase ==> 脉冲急速相
  4331. impulsive insanity ==> 冲动性精神病
  4332. impulsive load ==> 冲缓载
  4333. impulsive measurement ==> 脉冲测量
  4334. impulsive moment ==> 冲量矩
  4335. impulsive noise ==> 冲击噪声=>衝撃雑音
  4336. impulsive noise signal ==> 脉冲杂波信号
  4337. impulsive onset ==> 脉冲初动
  4338. impulsive rotatory motion ==> 冲击旋转运动
  4339. impulsive sound ==> 脉冲声=>衝撃音
  4340. impulsive sound equation ==> 脉冲声方程
  4341. impulsive torque ==> 冲击扭矩
  4342. impulsive transient ==> インパルス性過渡変動
  4343. impunity from market risks ==> 不承担市场风险
  4344. impure auricular flutter ==> 不整齐心房扑动
  4345. impure code ==> 非纯代码
  4346. impure metal ==> 不纯金属
  4347. impure public goods ==> 非纯粹的公共货物
  4348. impure substance ==> 不纯物质
  4349. impurities ==> 杂质
  4350. impurity ==> 杂质=>不純物
  4351. impurity absorption ==> 不純物吸収
  4352. impurity activation ==> 杂质激活
  4353. impurity activation energy ==> 杂质激活能
  4354. impurity additives ==> 不純添加物
  4355. impurity atom ==> 杂质原子
  4356. impurity band ==> 杂质能带
  4357. impurity center ==> 杂质中心
  4358. impurity compensation ==> 杂质补偿
  4359. impurity concentration ==> 杂质浓度
  4360. impurity conduction ==> 杂质导电=>不純物伝導
  4361. impurity contamination ==> 杂质沾污
  4362. impurity content ==> 杂质含量
  4363. impurity control ==> 杂质控制
  4364. impurity defect ==> 杂质缺陷
  4365. impurity density ==> 杂质浓度
  4366. impurity diffusion ==> 杂质扩散=>不純物拡散
  4367. impurity distribution ==> 杂质分布
  4368. impurity dopant ==> 杂质
  4369. impurity dopant incorporation ==> 掺杂
  4370. impurity doping ==> 掺杂
  4371. impurity element ==> 杂质元素
  4372. impurity energy level ==> 杂质能级
  4373. impurity gas ==> 掺杂气体
  4374. impurity gradient ==> 杂质梯度
  4375. impurity ion instability ==> 杂质离子不稳定性
  4376. impurity ionization ==> 杂质电离
  4377. impurity ionization energy ==> 杂质电离能
  4378. impurity level ==> 杂质能级=>不純物準位
  4379. impurity penetration ==> 杂质渗入
  4380. impurity profile ==> 杂质分布图
  4381. impurity profile measurement ==> 杂质分布测量
  4382. impurity scattering ==> 杂质散射=>不純物散乱
  4383. impurity segregation ==> 杂质偏析,杂质分凝
  4384. impurity selection ==> 杂质选择
  4385. impurity semiconductor ==> 杂质半导体=>不純物半導体
  4386. impurity source ==> 杂质源
  4387. impurity state ==> 杂质态
  4388. impurity type ==> 杂质型
  4389. impurity-band conduction ==> 杂质带传导
  4390. impurity-band conduction theory ==> 杂质带传导理论
  4391. imputation system ==> 扣除利润分配中重复课税的制度
  4392. imputed capital flow ==> 被转嫁的资本流量
  4393. imputed capital value ==> 被转嫁的资本价值
  4394. imputed cost ==> 设算成本,推算成本,应归成本,附加成本
  4395. imputed cost vector ==> 归属价值向量
  4396. imputed income ==> 推算收入,虚构收入
  4397. imputed interest ==> 被转嫁的利息,设算利息,推算利息,应归利息
  4398. imputed rent ==> 推算租金
  4399. imputed service charge for life insurance ==> 人寿保险服务费用估计数
  4400. imputed value ==> 推算价值
  4401. imputed value of food ==> 食品的估算价值
  4402. imputed value of fuel ==> 燃料的估算价值
  4403. IMQ ==> イタリア品質表示協会
  4404. IMS, Insitute for Microelectronics Stuttgart ==> IMS
  4405. IMS, institutional management system ==> 研究機関管理システム
  4406. IMS, Intelligent Manufacturing System ==> 知的生産システム
  4407. IMS, International Magnetic System ==> 磁気圏観測事業計画
  4408. IMS, International Magnetospheric Study ==> 国際磁気圏観測計画
  4409. IMS, inventory management system ==> 在庫管理システム
  4410. imtermenstrual pain ==> 经间痛,经间痛
  4411. IMTS, Intelligent Multimode Transit System ==> 2005年日本国際博覧会における長久手会場内移動用バスシステム。
  4412. IMU, inertial measuring unit ==> 惯性测量装置=>慣性計測装置(慣性センサユニット)
  4413. IMU, International Measurement Unit ==> 国際計測単位
  4414. imum axle load ==> 最大轴负载
  4415. imum compression axis ==> 最大压缩轴
  4416. IMV, intermodule ventilation ==> モジュール間換気
  4417. in (actual) fact ==> 事实上
  4418. in a binary tree ==> 二叉树中的左子树,二叉树中的右子树
  4419. in a cool climate ==> 在凉爽气候条件下
  4420. in a humid environment ==> 在潮湿的环境中
  4421. in a moment ==> 顷刻
  4422. in a name space ==> 名空间的名
  4423. in a number of ways ==> 在许多方面
  4424. in actural fire conditions ==> 在实际火情中
  4425. in addition ==> 另外
  4426. in advance ==> 提前
  4427. in alkaline soils ==> 在碱性土壤中
  4428. in and out rates ==> 进出费率,内外差异费率
  4429. in animal body ==> 在动物体内
  4430. in another tree ==> 一树嵌入另一树中
  4431. in any case ==> 任何情况下
  4432. in apparent good order and condition ==> 外表良好
  4433. in aqueous ==> 在水中
  4434. in breeding program ==> 在育种方案中
  4435. in bridge ==> 跨接
  4436. in bulk ==> 散装
  4437. in calf cow ==> 妊娠母牛
  4438. in charge ==> 主管的
  4439. in cladding and applied linings ==> 在覆层及所用衬里
  4440. in commendam ==> 代为保管
  4441. in commercial quantity ==> 工业规模地
  4442. in commission ==> 投产
  4443. in compliance with ==> 遵照
  4444. in compression ==> 受压
  4445. in cone ==> 叠锥
  4446. in connector ==> 内接符
  4447. in control ==> 在控制内的
  4448. in cross section the cotyledon ==> 子叶横切面
  4449. in damaged condition ==> 已受损
  4450. in dash installation ==> 内部仪表装配
  4451. in decades to come in ==> 在未来数十年内
  4452. in different forms ==> 不拘形式
  4453. in diffusion ==> 向内扩散
  4454. in disorder ==> 零乱,凌乱
  4455. in early spring season ==> 在早春季节
  4456. in effect ==> 实际上
  4457. in equilibrium ==> 处于平衡
  4458. in essence ==> 实质上
  4459. in excess of production capacity ==> 生产能力过剩
  4460. in excess of the quota ==> 超过限额
  4461. in full ==> 全数
  4462. in full charge ==> 负全部责任
  4463. in gate ==> 输入门
  4464. in general ==> 总之
  4465. in general use ==> 普遍采用
  4466. in good breeding condition ==> 饲养条件优良
  4467. in good condition ==> 完好的,膘情好
  4468. in good flesh ==> 膘情好
  4469. in good high flesh ==> 膘情好
  4470. in good preparations ==> 在良好的制片中
  4471. in good working order ==> 良好的工作状态
  4472. in grasses and dicotyledons ==> 在禾本科和双子叶植物中
  4473. in growth chambers and field plot ==> 在生长室及田间
  4474. in harmony ==> 谐
  4475. in high condition ==> 膘情好
  4476. in hindsight ==> 後から考えると
  4477. in humid climates ==> 在气候潮湿的地区
  4478. IN India (Flag) ==> 印度(注册)
  4479. in knee ==> 膝外翻
  4480. in labor ==> 分娩
  4481. in labor-in tensive agriculture ==> 在劳动密集的农业中
  4482. in light weight ==> 重量轻
  4483. in like manner ==> 同理
  4484. in line assembly ==> 顺序组装
  4485. in line engine ==> 直列式发动机
  4486. in line ic processor ==> 流线式集成电路加工装置
  4487. in line processing ==> 流线式处理
  4488. in line production mode ==> 流线式生产方式
  4489. in line sputterer ==> 直列式离子溅射装置
  4490. in low spirits ==> 委靡不振
  4491. in merchantable condition ==> 适合商销
  4492. in milk ==> 奶含有天然脂肪,产奶的母畜
  4493. in mother's diet during pregnancy ==> 在怀孕期间的母畜饲料中
  4494. in name ==> 名义上
  4495. in off position ==> 在关闭状态(位置)
  4496. in one piece nozzle ==> 单喷嘴
  4497. in one unknown ==> 一元方程
  4498. in operation ==> 在操作中,正在操作
  4499. in oppposition ==> 逆相の
  4500. in order ==> 顺次,顺次的
  4501. in order to promote patronage or sales ==> 以广招徕
  4502. in particular cases ==> 特殊情况下
  4503. in phase ==> 同相=>同相の
  4504. in phase component ==> 同相分量
  4505. in phase cross correlation ==> 同相交叉相关
  4506. in phase current ==> 同相电流
  4507. in phase voltage ==> 同相电压
  4508. in phase voltage control ==> 同相电压控制
  4509. in place ==> 当地,到位=>所定位置に着く
  4510. in place density ==> 原状密实度
  4511. in place of ==> 代替
  4512. in place soil-shearing test ==> 原状土剪力试验
  4513. in position ==> 正常位置,已在仓
  4514. in power system ==> fault,电力系统中出现的导致系统中设备失灵,危害系统运行的不正常事件
  4515. in process gaging ==> 在加工中尺寸检查
  4516. in process(labour in progress) ==> 在制人工
  4517. in properticn ==> 按比例
  4518. in proportion to the expenditure of living labor ==> 比例于活劳动的支出
  4519. in quadrature ==> 直角位相差の
  4520. in quadruplicate ==> 一式四份
  4521. in regular turn ==> 依常例顺序
  4522. in relays ==> 轮班
  4523. in response to ==> 根据
  4524. in sand cooling ==> 砂内冷却
  4525. in service ==> 运行中
  4526. in setting safety valves ==> 在安装安全阀时
  4527. in sexually mature phase of life ==> 在性发育成熟阶段
  4528. in short ==> 总之
  4529. in situ ==> 原位,当地=>原位置で,自然の位置で,その場
  4530. in situ CBR test ==> 原位加州承载比试验
  4531. in situ colour meter ==> 现场水色计
  4532. in situ combustion ==> 地下燃烧法=>火攻法
  4533. in situ composite ==> 定向凝固的共晶体复合材料
  4534. in situ composting ==> 原址堆肥,就地堆肥
  4535. in situ composting method ==> 原址堆肥法,就地堆肥法
  4536. in situ concrete ==> 原地混凝土
  4537. in situ developed dyes ==> 原地显色染料
  4538. in situ environmental improvement ==> 原地进行环境改善工程
  4539. in situ extraction sampler ==> 现场萃取采水器
  4540. in situ field measurement ==> 原地野外测量
  4541. in situ formation ==> 原地形成
  4542. in situ gasification ==> 地下气化
  4543. in situ leaching ==> 原地浸出
  4544. in situ measurement ==> 原位测量=>現地測定
  4545. in situ polymerization ==> 原地聚合=>現地重合
  4546. in situ precipitation ==> 原地沉淀
  4547. in situ precipitation method ==> 原地沉淀法
  4548. in situ preparation ==> 就地制造,就地制造
  4549. in situ pressiometer ==> 原地压力计
  4550. in situ quantitation ==> 原位定量
  4551. in situ recovery ==> 原地回收
  4552. in situ rock mass ==> 原岩体
  4553. in situ rock stress ==> 原地岩石应力
  4554. in situ seawater oxygenomter ==> 海水溶解氧现场测定仪
  4555. in situ soil test ==> 原地土壤试验
  4556. in situ stress ==> 原岩应力
  4557. in situ test ==> 现场试验
  4558. in situ testing ==> 原位试验
  4559. in situ theory ==> 原地生长说
  4560. in situ thrust test ==> 原位推裂试验
  4561. in situ tracer ==> 原位示踪剂
  4562. in situ weathered material ==> 原地风化物质
  4563. in some cases kill the seedlings ==> 在某种条件下便导致幼苗死亡
  4564. in sound condition ==> 情况正常
  4565. in straitened circumstances ==> 贫困
  4566. in substance ==> 实质上
  4567. in succession ==> 顺次
  4568. in the absence of different races of the fungus ==> 在缺乏真菌鉴别小种存在时
  4569. in the air ==> 空中
  4570. in the controlled environment chamber ==> 在人工气候室
  4571. in the course of cultivation ==> 在栽培过程中
  4572. in the development of each ear ==> 在每个穗的发育中
  4573. in the different employments of capital ==> 不同用途的资本
  4574. in the eye of the law ==> 依法律观点
  4575. in the fall ==> 在秋季
  4576. in the final analysis ==> 毕竟
  4577. in the horizontal position ==> 卧置
  4578. in the land owner's employ ==> 土地所有者的工作者
  4579. in the large ==> 全局的
  4580. in the open ==> 在露天
  4581. in the open (air) hypethral ==> 露天
  4582. in the pedigree method ==> 在系谱中
  4583. in the practice of agriculture ==> 在农业实践中
  4584. in the practices of breeding ==> 在育种实践中
  4585. in the presence of light and chlorophyll ==> 在光照和叶绿素条件下,在有光和叶绿素时,借助于光合叶绿素
  4586. in the present decade ==> 在目前十年内
  4587. in the public domain ==> 不受版权限制,不受专利权限制
  4588. in the red ==> 亏损,负债
  4589. in the rough ==> 未加工的
  4590. in the same way ==> 同じように,同様に
  4591. in the sky ==> 空中
  4592. in the small ==> 局部的,局部的
  4593. in the substrate ==> 在基质内
  4594. in the techniques used for breeding resistance ==> 在抗病育种技术中
  4595. in the upper of the cell ==> 在细胞的上部
  4596. in the vertical position ==> 立置
  4597. in the watery stage ==> 在灌浆期
  4598. in transit ==> 转运途中
  4599. in trinsic function ==> 内部函数
  4600. in triplicate ==> 一式三份
  4601. in use ==> 在用
  4602. in vessels subjected to external pressure ==> 在承受外压的容器
  4603. in vitro ==> 体外
  4604. in vitro activation analysis ==> 离体活化分析
  4605. in vitro culture ==> 体外培养
  4606. In vitro fertilisation ==> 体外受精
  4607. in vitro radio-assay ==> 体外放射测定
  4608. in vitro study ==> 体外研究
  4609. in vitro test ==> 体外试验
  4610. in vivo ==> 体内
  4611. in vivo activation analysis ==> 体内活化分析
  4612. in vivo neutron activation analysis ==> 体内中子活化分析
  4613. in vivo study ==> 体内研究
  4614. in vivo test ==> 体内试验
  4615. in water-stressed conditions ==> 在缺水情况下
  4616. in welded joints ==> 在焊缝上
  4617. in white and blue ==> (瓷器名)唐太宗青花瓶
  4618. in, inch ==> インチ
  4619. in-and-out ==> 即刻买卖,(牛舍)自由出入
  4620. in-and-out movement ==> 抓片机构
  4621. in-and-out reheating furnace ==> 分批加热炉
  4622. in-and-out stepwise method ==> 分批进入和退出的逐步回归法
  4623. in-and-out time card ==> 进出时间卡
  4624. in-and-out type furnace ==> 分批装出料的室式加热炉
  4625. in-band management ==> 帯域内管理
  4626. in-band signaling system ==> 帯域内周波数信号方式
  4627. in-base illuminator ==> 显微镜座内装置式显微镜灯
  4628. in-bath measurements ==> 熔池测试
  4629. in-between position ==> 中间位置
  4630. in-bin drying ==> 仓内干燥
  4631. in-box ==> 收件箱=>受信トレイ
  4632. in-bridge ==> 并联
  4633. in-calf ==> 怀孕的
  4634. in-churn milking runway ==> 装奶奶桶吊道
  4635. in-circuit emulator ==> 内部电路仿真器,内电路仿真程序
  4636. in-circuit emulator (ICE) ==> 电路内仿真器
  4637. in-circuit test ==> 电路内测试
  4638. in-core compiler ==> 常驻编译程序,常驻内存编译程序,磁心内的编译程序
  4639. in-core detector ==> 堆芯内探测器
  4640. in-core loop ==> 堆芯回路
  4641. in-defined boundary ==> 不清晰边界
  4642. in-degree of vertex ==> 顶点的入度
  4643. in-feed centerless grinding ==> 切入无心磨
  4644. in-gate core ==> 内浇口心
  4645. in-hand collections ==> 交入款项
  4646. in-hearth-out-hearth furnace ==> 旧砂再生炉,旧砂再生炉
  4647. in-hour equation ==> 倒时方程,又称“反应性方程”。表示反应堆渐近(或稳定)周期与反应性关系的方程,也是反应堆物理实验中通过测量反应堆周期来确定反应性的理论根据。“倒时”表示使堆功率以1小时的稳定周期增长的反应性
  4648. in-house ==> 本身的
  4649. in-house document ==> 社内文書
  4650. in-house interpreter ==> 企業内通訳
  4651. in-house investigation ==> 内部調査
  4652. in-house literature ==> 内部刊物
  4653. in-house manpower ==> 自社要員
  4654. in-house monetary accounting ==> 厂内货币核算
  4655. in-house network ==> 内部网络
  4656. in-house planned price ==> 厂内计划价格
  4657. in-house price ==> 厂内价格
  4658. in-house skill training program ==> 厂内技术训练计划
  4659. in-house system ==> 厂内系统,近距系统
  4660. in-house system 厂内系统=> ==> 近距系统
  4661. in-house transaction ==> 安全交易
  4662. in-house treatment plant ==> 内部处理设施
  4663. in-house utilization coefficient ==> 厂内利用系数
  4664. in-line ==> 串联,进油管路,进油路,在管线内,在线,联机,并行,轴向的,轴向式的,直列的=>インライン
  4665. in-line (plunger) motor ==> 直列式柱塞电动机
  4666. in-line antenna ==> 八木天线
  4667. in-line arrangement ==> 直列式,顺列布置,顺排
  4668. in-line assembly ==> 顺序组装,成行装配,插入组装
  4669. in-line assembly machine ==> 一列式组装机,流水装配机
  4670. in-line bank ==> 顺列布置管束
  4671. in-line barge transportation ==> 一列式拖带法
  4672. in-line blending ==> 管道混合,在管道中进行掺合
  4673. in-line booster ==> 串联式助推器,串联助推器,序列式增压器,轴向加速器
  4674. in-line check valve ==> 直通单向阀
  4675. in-line coding ==> 直接插入编码,内部编码,成簇编码,成簇数据编码,联机编码
  4676. in-line colo(u)r picture tube ==> 一字排列式彩色显像管
  4677. in-line combination ==> 直列组合
  4678. in-line combine ==> 直列型联合收割机
  4679. in-line control ==> 直接控制
  4680. in-line cylinder arrangement ==> 直列气缸排列
  4681. in-line data process ==> 成簇数据处理,联机数据处理
  4682. in-line data processing ==> 成簇数据处理
  4683. in-line diagnosis ==> 串行诊断
  4684. in-line engine ==> 单列汽缸发动机,直列式发动机,直排发动机
  4685. in-line engine crankshaft ==> 直列式发动机曲轴
  4686. in-line filter ==> 串联过滤器,管路过滤器,在线过滤器
  4687. in-line five-cyl engine ==> 直排五缸发动机
  4688. in-line four-point probe ==> 四点一列探针
  4689. in-line gears ==> 同轴齿轮
  4690. in-line gun ==> 一字排列式电子枪
  4691. in-line hologram ==> 一列式全息图,同轴全息图
  4692. in-line holography ==> 同轴全息摄影=>インラインホログラフィー
  4693. in-line linkage ==> 直连式动力转向装置
  4694. in-line macro ==> 直接插入宏指令,在线宏指令
  4695. in-line meter ==> 在管道中的仪器,在线仪表
  4696. in-line mixer ==> 液体连续搅拌机
  4697. in-line motor ==> 直列式马达,直列式柱塞马达
  4698. in-line needle valve ==> 管道针状阀
  4699. in-line package ==> 直插式封装
  4700. in-line package switch ==> ディップススイッチ
  4701. in-line pallet transfer machine ==> 板架轴向式连续自动工作机床
  4702. in-line plunger motor ==> 直列式柱塞马达
  4703. in-line plunger pump ==> 直列式柱塞泵
  4704. in-line position ==> 顺列布置
  4705. in-line procedure ==> 直接插入子程序,插入过程
  4706. in-line processing ==> 直接插入处理,联机处理
  4707. in-line pump ==> 管线泵,直列式柱塞泵
  4708. in-line quick coupling ==> 准直快速接头
  4709. in-line readout ==> 在线读出,即时读出
  4710. in-line screw type injection machine ==> インライン・スクリュー式射出成形機
  4711. in-line square pitch ==> 正方形排列,正方形直列
  4712. in-line stripe tube ==> 一字排列式条形屏显像管
  4713. in-line subroutine ==> 联机子程序,内子程序,直接插入子程序
  4714. in-line system ==> 联机系统,成簇数据处理系统
  4715. in-line triangular pitch ==> 三角形排列,正三角形直立
  4716. in-line tuning ==> (超外差收音机中频调谐法)同频调谐
  4717. in-milling ==> 横向铣削
  4718. in-movement ==> 横向进给运动,横向进磨运动
  4719. in-opening door ==> 内开门
  4720. in-opening window ==> 内开窗
  4721. in-out register ==> 出入寄存器
  4722. in-patient department ==> 住院部
  4723. in-patient TV monitor ==> 住院病人监护电视
  4724. in-phase ==> 同相
  4725. in-phase beam ==> 同相束
  4726. in-phase chrominance signal ==> 同相彩色信号
  4727. in-phase component ==> 同相分
  4728. in-phase compression ratio ==> 同相压缩比
  4729. in-phase filter ==> 同相滤波器
  4730. in-phase horizontal antenna array ==> 同相水平天线阵
  4731. in-phase loss ==> 同相损失,欧姆损耗
  4732. in-phase operation ==> 同相运用
  4733. in-phase opposition ==> 反相
  4734. in-phase particles ==> 同相粒子
  4735. in-phase potentiometer ==> 同相分電位差計
  4736. in-phase rejection ==> 同相抑制
  4737. in-phase signal ==> 同相信号
  4738. in-phase voltage ==> 同相电压
  4739. in-phase voltage control ==> 纵向电压调节,通过附加可变纵向电压分量实现的电压调节,即引入与被控电压相位一致的附加电压
  4740. in-phase yarn ==> 同相纱
  4741. in-pig ==> 妊娠母猪
  4742. in-pig sow ==> 妊娠母猪
  4743. in-pile ==> 堆内
  4744. in-pile loop ==> 堆内回路
  4745. in-pile test ==> 炉内試験,堆内试验
  4746. in-place ==> 原状
  4747. in-place bedrock ==> 原状基岩
  4748. in-place cleaning ==> 现场清洗
  4749. in-place drowning ==> 就地沉没,就地沉没
  4750. in-place leaching ==> 原地浸出
  4751. in-place pipe cleaning ==> 管线原地清洗
  4752. in-place regeneration ==> 就地再生,就地再生
  4753. in-place stress field ==> 环境应力场
  4754. in-place testing ==> 原地试验
  4755. in-plane eddy current ==> 面内渦電流
  4756. in-plant assay ==> 厂内测定
  4757. in-plant assy ==> 厂内装配
  4758. in-plant control ==> 厂内控制
  4759. in-plant handling ==> 厂内搬运
  4760. in-plant overall economic calculation system ==> 厂内全面经济核算制
  4761. in-plant stock handling ==> 半成品搬运
  4762. in-plant system ==> 厂内系统,近距离系统
  4763. in-pnase state ==> 同相
  4764. in-position ==> 进入位置,到达位置
  4765. in-position viewing ==> 静观,静观
  4766. in-process inventory ==> 过程中投入量,加工过程中的产品清单,加工清单
  4767. in-process material ==> 在制品=>中間生成物,在制品
  4768. in-process product ==> 中间产物
  4769. in-process raw material ==> 加工用原材料
  4770. in-process storage ==> 半成品保管
  4771. in-pulp electrolysis ==> 矿浆电解
  4772. in-sack drier ==> 袋装农产品干燥机
  4773. in-sack drier platform ==> 成袋粮食干燥台
  4774. in-sack drying ==> 袋装农产品干燥
  4775. in-seam driving ==> 脉内成巷
  4776. in-service (use) ==> 实际使用
  4777. in-service inspection ==> 在役检查,按国家核安全法规的要求,核电厂运行期间为确保核安全相关设备的结构和承压边界的完整性所进行的一系列无损检测和试验工作。采用的方法主要包括目视、渗透、超声、射线和涡流检测等
  4778. in-service monitoring ==> 常時監視
  4779. in-shore fishing ground ==> 沿海鱼场
  4780. in-situ coal gasification ==> 煤地下气化
  4781. in-situ density ==> (不采样测定的密度)原地密度
  4782. in-situ instrumentation for rock mass ==> 岩体原位测试
  4783. in-situ soil test ==> 土的原位测试
  4784. in-slot signalling ==> 时隙内信号方式
  4785. in-step ==> 同步的,同相的,同级的
  4786. in-step condition ==> 同步状态,相位一致条件
  4787. in-storage drying ==> 储藏干燥
  4788. in-swinging casement window ==> 内开窗
  4789. in-tank ==> 罐内
  4790. in-tank mixing ==> 罐内混合
  4791. in-test ==> 试验期中
  4792. in-the-hole drill ==> 潜孔钻机
  4793. in-the-seam mining ==> 单一煤层开采法
  4794. in-transit buffering ==> 带中间存储的传输
  4795. in-use (in-service) testing (OT) ==> 实用试验
  4796. in-vehicle camera image ==> 車載カメラ画像
  4797. in-vitro resistance ==> 试管内抗药性
  4798. in-wheel motor ==> 轮内马达
  4799. in-wintering ==> 舍内越冬
  4800. in/exh valve guide ==> 进排气导套
  4801. INA, International Navigation Association ==> 国際航法学会
  4802. inability to lie flat ==> 不得偃卧
  4803. inability to raise arm due to pain in shoulder ==> 肩不举
  4804. inaccessible ==> 难于接近的
  4805. inaccessible pore ==> 不可入孔隙
  4806. inaccessible state ==> 不可达状态
  4807. inaccessible stationary point ==> 不可达稳定点
  4808. inaccessible value ==> 不可达值
  4809. inaccuracy ==> 不准确度,不精确度
  4810. inaccurate drop ==> 不精确落种
  4811. inactinic glass ==> 非光化玻璃
  4812. inaction period ==> 非作用期
  4813. inactivated influenza vaccine ==> 灭活流感疫苗
  4814. inactivated measles vaccine ==> 麻疹灭活疫苗
  4815. inactivated tissue culture vaccine ==> 组织培养灭活疫苗
  4816. inactivated vaccine ==> 灭活疫苗,灭能疫苗
  4817. inactivation ==> 钝化,钝化作用,灭活作用,灭能作用,失效,灭活=>不活化
  4818. inactivation of complement ==> 补体灭活
  4819. inactivation of thrombin ==> 凝血酶灭活
  4820. inactivation ratio ==> 灭活率
  4821. inactive ==> 静态的,静态的,待用的,惰性的,非活动性的,非活化的,非活性的,非活跃的,非现用的,不操作的,不活动的,不活泼的=>不活性の
  4822. inactive account ==> 静止帐户
  4823. inactive block ==> 静态分程序,待用程序块,无效程序块
  4824. inactive coil ==> 端簧圈
  4825. inactive component ==> 无源设备
  4826. inactive constraint ==> 不起作用的约束
  4827. inactive constraints ==> 无效约束
  4828. inactive DO-loop ==> 非现用DO循环
  4829. inactive echo ==> 迟钝波
  4830. inactive element ==> 不活动元素
  4831. inactive entry ==> 待用入口,静入口,静入口
  4832. inactive event variable ==> 静态事件变量,静态事件变量,待用事件变量,非活动事件变量
  4833. inactive fault ==> 不活动断层
  4834. inactive file ==> 非现行文件,非现用档案,非现用文件,无效文件,待用文件
  4835. inactive filler ==> 非活性填充剂
  4836. inactive front ==> 不活跃锋
  4837. inactive gas ==> 不活泼气体,惰性气氛,惰性气体
  4838. inactive glacier ==> 不活动冰川
  4839. inactive ingredients ==> 添加物
  4840. inactive insect ==> 不传病毒昆虫
  4841. inactive level ==> 非活动程序
  4842. inactive line ==> 无效行,待用线,待用线路,虚描线
  4843. inactive link ==> 待用链路
  4844. inactive livestock farm ==> 非活跃禽畜饲养场
  4845. inactive mass storage volume ==> 待用海量存储器卷
  4846. inactive mode ==> 被动式
  4847. inactive molecule ==> 非活性分子
  4848. inactive money ==> 闲散资金
  4849. inactive needle ==> 不工作织针
  4850. inactive node ==> 不活动节点,待用节点
  4851. inactive optics ==> 非能动力学
  4852. inactive page ==> 待用页面,不活动页
  4853. inactive plate ==> 不活动板块,静止板块,静止板块
  4854. inactive population ==> 非职业人口
  4855. inactive porosity ==> 无效孔隙度
  4856. inactive program ==> 非现用程序
  4857. inactive queue ==> 待用队列
  4858. inactive queue of task ==> 待处理任务队列
  4859. inactive receptor ==> 非活性型受体
  4860. inactive region ==> 不活跃区
  4861. inactive segment ==> 非活跃段
  4862. inactive serum ==> 灭能血清
  4863. inactive state ==> 待用状态,非活动状态,非活性状态,不活动状态
  4864. inactive station ==> 不活动站,待用站
  4865. inactive stock ==> 滞销股票
  4866. inactive storage ==> 元效库容
  4867. inactive storage capacity ==> 静存储容量,静存储容量
  4868. inactive sweat glands ==> 非活动汗腺
  4869. inactive tartaric acid ==> 外消旋酸
  4870. inactive time ==> 无效时间
  4871. inactive tuberculosis ==> 静止性结核,静止性结核
  4872. inactive unemployed ==> 没有收入来源的失业者
  4873. inactive volume ==> 待用卷
  4874. inactive water drive ==> 不活跃水驱
  4875. inactivity cost ==> 停工成本
  4876. inadapted river ==> 不相称河
  4877. inadequacy ==> 不适当,不适宜,不适宜性,不适用,机能不全
  4878. inadequate capacity ==> 不敷用生产能力
  4879. inadequate circulatory blood volume ==> 循环血量不足
  4880. inadequate consumption ==> 消费不足
  4881. inadequate penetration ==> 未焊透
  4882. inadequate perfusion of microcirculation ==> 微循环灌流不良
  4883. inadequate personality ==> 不健全人格
  4884. inadequate soil tillage ==> 不合理的整地
  4885. inadequate stimulus ==> 不适宜刺激物
  4886. inadmissible ==> 許容できない
  4887. inadmissible assets ==> 不可税资产
  4888. inadmissible strategy ==> 不宜取策略
  4889. inadvertent ==> 故意でない,うっかりした
  4890. inadvertent administration ==> 不用意な投与
  4891. inadvertent breach of confidentiality ==> 不注意による守秘義務の違反
  4892. inadvertent climate modification ==> 偶然の気候調節
  4893. inadvertent contact ==> 不慮の接触
  4894. inadvertent file clobbering ==> 不注意な上書きによるファイルの消失
  4895. inadvertent operation ==> 不注意運転
  4896. inal emission ==> 遗精
  4897. inal ribonucleotide determination ==> 末端核苷酸测定
  4898. inalienable right ==> 不可让与的权利
  4899. inanimate object ==> 无生物
  4900. inanition fever ==> 饥饿热,新生儿脱水热
  4901. inanition syndrome in infant ==> 小儿营养不足综合征
  4902. inapparent antibody ==> 不显性抗体
  4903. inapparent infection ==> 不显性感染,无症状性感染
  4904. inappreciable error ==> 不显著误差
  4905. inarching by bark incision ==> 皮下靠接
  4906. inarching with a branch ==> 单枝靠接
  4907. inarmoured cable ==> 铅皮电缆
  4908. inarticulate shell ==> 无铰壳
  4909. inasmuch ==> 同じ程度で,考慮して
  4910. inated polyvinylchloride fibre ==> 后氯化聚氯乙烯纤维
  4911. inaudible noise ==> 不可聴騒音
  4912. inaudible sound ==> 不可聴音
  4913. inaugural ==> 就任演説,就任式
  4914. inaugural address ==> 就任演讲
  4915. inband signalling ==> 带内信号方式
  4916. INBD Inboard ==> 船的内部,中心
  4917. inblock cast ==> 整体铸造
  4918. inblock cylinder ==> 汽缸排
  4919. inboard ==> 船内,内纵的,机内
  4920. inboard cabin ==> 内侧舱室
  4921. inboard channel ==> 内侧信道
  4922. inboard engine ==> 内侧发动机=>船内(取付)エンジン
  4923. inboard profile ==> 纵剖面图=>船内側面図
  4924. inboard rotor ==> 内重心转子
  4925. inboard screw ==> 内侧螺旋桨
  4926. inboard turning (inward turning) ==> 内向旋转
  4927. inbond brick ==> 丁砖
  4928. inborn error of metabolism ==> 先天代谢病
  4929. inborn reflex ==> 先天反射,固有反射
  4930. inbound track ==> 到着線
  4931. inbred hybrid chick ==> 近交杂种小鸡
  4932. inbred line ==> 近交系,纯系
  4933. inbred line chick ==> 近交系小鸡
  4934. inbred line cross ==> 近交系杂交
  4935. inbred strain ==> 纯系株
  4936. inbred suitability ==> 近交的适合性
  4937. inbred-variety cross ==> 顶交
  4938. inbreed line ==> 近交系
  4939. inbreeding ==> 近亲交配
  4940. inbreeding coefficient ==> 近交系数,近亲繁殖,亲交系数
  4941. inbreeding depression ==> 近交衰退,近交退化,自交衰退
  4942. inbreeding systems ==> 繁殖系统
  4943. inbuilt jack ==> 内装式起重器
  4944. inbye compressor ==> 井下压风机,井下压风机
  4945. Incalcando ==> 加急,渐快并渐强
  4946. incandescent ==> 熱烈な,白熱灯の,白熱の
  4947. incandescent (electric) lamp ==> (白熱)電球
  4948. incandescent arc lamp ==> 白炽弧光灯
  4949. incandescent bulb ==> 白炽灯具
  4950. incandescent cathode ==> 白炽阴极,热阴极,炽热阴极
  4951. incandescent electric lamp ==> 白炽电灯
  4952. incandescent flame ==> 白热焰
  4953. incandescent gas mantle ==> 白热罩
  4954. incandescent globe ==> 球形白炽灯
  4955. incandescent lamp ==> 光热灯泡,白炽灯,电流加热发光体至白炽状态而发光的电光源
  4956. incandescent light ==> 白炽灯光
  4957. incandescent lighting ==> 白炽灯照明,白炽照明
  4958. incandescent mantle ==> 白熱マントル
  4959. incandescent readout ==> 白炽灯数字显示装置
  4960. incandescent screen ==> 白熱輝膜
  4961. incandescent solid ==> 白熱固体
  4962. incandescent source ==> 白熱光源
  4963. incandescent spot ==> 炽点
  4964. incandescent state ==> 白炽状态,白热状态
  4965. incandescent type ==> 白熱型
  4966. incandesence ==> 白炽
  4967. incarcerated femoral hernia ==> 嵌顿性股疝
  4968. incarcerated hernia ==> 嵌顿性疝
  4969. incarcerated oblique hernia ==> 嵌顿性斜疝
  4970. incarcerated placenta ==> 胎盘嵌顿,牢固胎盘
  4971. incarceration of internal hemorrhoid ==> 内痔嵌顿
  4972. incarceration of intrauterine device ==> 宫内避孕器钳闭
  4973. incarnad ==> 深红色的
  4974. incarnation ==> 入肉=>(超自然体の)化身
  4975. incarnation of evil ==> 悪魔の化身
  4976. incease of power ==> 提高功率
  4977. incendiary agent ==> 燃烧剂
  4978. incendiary bomb ==> 燃烧弹,燃烧炸弹
  4979. incendiary effect ==> 燃烧作用
  4980. incendiary file destroyer ==> 纵火器
  4981. incendiary fire ==> 纵火
  4982. incendiary hand grenade ==> 燃烧手榴弹
  4983. incendiary material ==> 燃烧材料,纵火材料
  4984. incendiary obstacle ==> 燃烧障碍
  4985. incendiary oil ==> 纵火油料
  4986. incendiary pencil ==> 纵火管
  4987. incendiary shell ==> 燃烧弹
  4988. incendiary weapon ==> 燃烧武器
  4989. incense ==> 香,香料,芳香,尊敬=>激怒させる
  4990. incense burner ==> 香炉
  4991. incense burner cover ==> 香炉盖
  4992. incense burner of celadon ==> 青磁の香炉
  4993. incense burning ==> 香道
  4994. incense pot ==> 香炉壶
  4995. incentive ==> インセンティブ,動機,誘因,奨励金
  4996. incentive export system ==> 奖励出口制,出口奖励制度
  4997. incentive industry ==> 奖励工业
  4998. incentive price ==> インセンティブ価格
  4999. incentive promotion ==> 进销售法
  5000. incentive regulation ==> インセンティブ規則
  5001. incentral quadric ==> 無心二次曲面
  5002. inceptive impulse ==> 初始脉冲,占线脉冲
  5003. incertitude zone ==> 未定带
  5004. inch ==> 英寸
  5005. inch for nominal size ==> 公称直径以英寸表示
  5006. inch module ==> 英制模数
  5007. inch of mercury ==> 英寸汞柱
  5008. inch plum ==> 英寸李
  5009. inch screw die ==> 英制螺纹板牙
  5010. inch screw tap ==> 英制螺纹丝锥
  5011. inch screw thread ==> 英制螺纹
  5012. inch size ==> 英制尺寸
  5013. inch system (screw) thread ==> 英制螺纹
  5014. inch thread ==> 英制螺纹
  5015. inch-tool ==> 石凿
  5016. incharge accountant ==> 主任会计师
  5017. inches per second ==> 每秒英寸数
  5018. inching ==> 微动,瞬时断续接电,低速转动发动机,精密送料,缓动=>寸動(電動機),インチング
  5019. inching button ==> 微动按钮
  5020. inching control ==> 微动控制,渐动控制
  5021. inching motion ==> 微动=>インチング動作
  5022. inching operation ==> 寸動動作
  5023. inching starter ==> 低速起动器,渐动起动器,缓转起动器
  5024. inching switch ==> 微动开关
  5025. inching valve ==> 微动阀
  5026. inchoate bill ==> 缺项汇票
  5027. incidence ==> 落下,发病率,冲角,入射,入射角,倾角=>発生の程度,出現,罹患率,入射
  5028. incidence (angle) yaw ==> 迎角
  5029. incidence angle ==> 冲角=>入射角
  5030. incidence axiom ==> 关联公理
  5031. incidence beam ==> 入射光束
  5032. incidence direction ==> 入射方向
  5033. incidence indicator ==> 倾角指示器,倾斜指示器
  5034. incidence loss ==> 冲角损失
  5035. incidence loss coefficient ==> 入射损失系数
  5036. incidence matrix ==> 关联矩阵
  5037. incidence measuring gear ==> 测攻角机构
  5038. incidence meter ==> 倾角表,倾角计
  5039. incidence of disease ==> 发病率
  5040. incidence of hot spots ==> 产生热点
  5041. incidence of light ==> 光线入射
  5042. incidence of poverty ==> 贫困率
  5043. incidence of stabilizer ==> 稳定器倾斜角
  5044. incidence of taxation ==> 纳税负担
  5045. incidence of unemployment ==> 失业范围
  5046. incidence plane ==> 入射面
  5047. incidence rate ==> 入射率,发病率,发生率
  5048. incidence wire ==> 倾角线
  5049. incidence(angle) yaw ==> 迎角
  5050. incident ==> 偶然事件,起因于内部或外部的、影响设备或供电系统,并干扰其正常运行的事件=>事故
  5051. incident angle ==> 入射角
  5052. incident angle of the entering ray ==> 入射光线的入射角
  5053. incident beam ==> 入射束
  5054. incident blast wave ==> 入射冲击波
  5055. incident defect ==> 轻微缺点
  5056. incident dose ==> 入射剂量
  5057. incident electron ==> 入射电子
  5058. incident face ==> 入射面
  5059. incident field intensity ==> 入射场强
  5060. incident field strength ==> 入射场强度
  5061. incident flow ==> 入射流,迎面流
  5062. incident gravity wave ==> 入射重力波
  5063. incident handling ==> 事故处理
  5064. incident illumination ==> 入射照明
  5065. incident image ==> 入射图像,入射像
  5066. incident ion ==> 入射离子
  5067. incident light ==> 入射光=>入射光
  5068. incident light beam ==> 入射光束
  5069. incident light illuminator ==> 入射照明器
  5070. incident light meter ==> 入射光式曝光表
  5071. incident light microscope ==> 反光显微镜
  5072. incident medium ==> 入射介质
  5073. incident mode ==> 入射模式
  5074. incident neutron ==> 入射中子
  5075. incident nucleon ==> 入射核子
  5076. incident particle ==> 入射粒子
  5077. incident path ==> 入射路径
  5078. incident plane ==> 入射面
  5079. incident point ==> 入射点
  5080. incident power ==> 入射波功率,入射功率
  5081. incident pressure ==> 入射压力
  5082. incident pulse ==> 入射脉冲
  5083. incident radiation ==> 入射辐射
  5084. incident rate ==> 事件率
  5085. incident ray ==> 入射光线,入射线=>入射光線
  5086. incident reporting system ==> 事故报告系统
  5087. incident sequence ==> 事件序列,在核设施安全分析时,从各种假设始发事件开始,根据设计,按照逻辑顺序分析其系统部件和运行人员可能的动作及其后果,直至最终安全状态或事故状态的一系列事件。如最后导致事故状态则称为事故序列
  5088. incident signal ==> 入射信号
  5089. incident sound ==> 入射声
  5090. incident wave ==> 入射波,浸入波=>入射波
  5091. incident wavefront ==> 入射波前
  5092. incident-noise ==> 入射噪声
  5093. incident-particle distribution ==> 入射粒子分布
  5094. incidental appeal ==> 附带上诉
  5095. incidental civil action ==> 附带民事诉讼
  5096. incidental claim ==> 附带请求
  5097. incidental consequence ==> 附带的结果
  5098. incidental costs ==> 附带成本
  5099. incidental discovery ==> 偶然の発見
  5100. incidental effect ==> 偶発的効果
  5101. incidental element ==> 偶発要素
  5102. incidental equipment ==> 付帯設備
  5103. incidental expense ==> 偶然费用
  5104. incidental fee tariff ==> 追加运费费率
  5105. incidental FM ==> 寄生调频
  5106. incidental frequency modulation ==> 临时频率调制
  5107. incidental information ==> 偶然信息
  5108. incidental judgment ==> 附带判决
  5109. incidental losses ==> 附带损失
  5110. incidental parasite ==> 偶然寄生物,不定寄生物
  5111. incidental phase modulation ==> 寄生调相
  5112. incidental production ==> 付随的生産
  5113. incidental purchase ==> 臨時仕入れ
  5114. incidental revenue ==> 偶然收益
  5115. incidental species ==> 偶生種
  5116. incidental technology ==> 付帯技術
  5117. incidental time ==> 非主要工作时间
  5118. incidental transaction ==> 非经常性交易,额外交易,附带交易
  5119. incidental transactions ==> 附带交易
  5120. incineration dish ==> 煅烧盘
  5121. incineration engineering ==> 焼却工学
  5122. incineration house ==> 垃圾焚化站
  5123. incineration of garbage ==> 垃圾焚化
  5124. incinerator ==> 垃圾焚化炉,垃圾焚烧炉,焚化炉,焚烧炉,锻烧炉,煅烧炉=>焼却炉
  5125. incinerator room ==> 焚化间,垃圾焚化间
  5126. incinerator stoker ==> 垃圾焚烧炉
  5127. incipient cavitation ==> 初始空蚀
  5128. incipient cavitation number ==> 初生空穴数
  5129. incipient combustion ==> 起始燃烧
  5130. incipient continental rift ==> 大陆初始裂谷
  5131. incipient crack ==> 初裂
  5132. incipient dental caries ==> 初期龋齿
  5133. incipient detonation ==> 初爆
  5134. incipient failure ==> 初期故障
  5135. incipient fault ==> 早期故障,潜在故障,隐患
  5136. incipient fluidized bed ==> 初始流化床
  5137. incipient fluidizing velocity ==> 初始流化速度
  5138. incipient fold ==> 初期褶皱
  5139. incipient fusion ==> 垂熔
  5140. incipient gullying ==> 初期沟蚀
  5141. incipient joint ==> 初始节理
  5142. incipient melting ==> 初熔
  5143. incipient plasmolysis ==> 初始质壁分离
  5144. incipient point ==> 始动点
  5145. incipient senile cataract ==> 状如枣花锯齿
  5146. incipient sintering ==> 起始烧结
  5147. incipient stability ==> 初始稳定
  5148. incipient stage ==> 初期,初生始阶段,初始阶段,开始阶段
  5149. incipient stage of decay ==> 初期腐朽阶段
  5150. incipient star ==> 早期恒星
  5151. incisal edge ==> 切缘
  5152. incisal guidance ==> 切导
  5153. incisal guide ==> 切导
  5154. incisal margin ==> 切缘
  5155. incise-chopped wound ==> 切砍创
  5156. incised leaf ==> 缺刻叶
  5157. incised meander ==> 深切曲流
  5158. incised river ==> 深切河
  5159. incised slab ==> 雕成木板
  5160. incised work ==> 雕刻工作
  5161. incised wound ==> 金创,切创,切伤,割切伤,割伤
  5162. incised wound of larynx ==> 喉切伤
  5163. incised wound of nerve ==> 神经割伤
  5164. incision and drainage of abscess of alveolus ==> 牙槽脓肿切开引流术
  5165. incision and drainage of abscess of iliac fossa ==> 髂窝脓肿切开引流术
  5166. incision and drainage of ankle joint ==> 踝关节切开引流术
  5167. incision and drainage of appendiceal abscess ==> 阑尾脓肿切开引流术
  5168. incision and drainage of breast abscess ==> 乳房脓肿切开引流术
  5169. incision and drainage of ear ==> 耳切开引流术
  5170. incision and drainage of ear skin ==> 耳皮切开引流术
  5171. incision and drainage of external auditory canal ==> 外耳道切开引流术
  5172. incision and drainage of lip abscess ==> 唇脓肿切开引流术
  5173. incision and drainage of liver abscess ==> 肝脓肿切开引流术
  5174. incision and drainage of palatal abscess ==> 腭脓肿切开引流术
  5175. incision and drainage of pelvic abscess ==> 盆腔脓肿切开引流
  5176. incision and drainage of perianal abscess ==> 肛周脓肿切开引流术
  5177. incision and drainage of perirectal abscess ==> 直肠周围脓肿切开引流术
  5178. incision and drainage of peritonsillar abscess ==> 扁桃体周围脓肿切开引流术
  5179. incision and drainage of retroperitoneal space ==> 腹膜后隙切开引流术
  5180. incision and drainage of shoulder joint ==> 肩关节切开引流术
  5181. incision and drainage of spermatic cord ==> 精索切开引流术
  5182. incision and drainage of subhepatic abscess ==> 肝下脓肿切开引流术
  5183. incision and drainage of subphrenic abscess ==> 膈下脓肿切开引流术
  5184. incision and drainage of testic abscess ==> 睾丸脓肿切开引流术
  5185. incision and threaddrawing therapy ==> 切开挂线法
  5186. incision of abdominal wall ==> 腹壁切口
  5187. incision of anal membrane ==> 肛膜切开术
  5188. incision of ear ==> 耳切开术
  5189. incision of great saphenous vein of femur ==> 股部大隐静脉剖开术
  5190. incision of longitudinal vaginal septum ==> 阴道纵隔切除术
  5191. incision of septum of vagina ==> 阴道隔切开术
  5192. incision of transverse septum of vagina ==> 阴道横膈切开术
  5193. incision of uterine septum ==> 子宫纵隔切除术
  5194. incision scissors ==> 切开剪
  5195. incisional biopsy ==> 切取活检
  5196. incisional hernia ==> 切口疝
  5197. incisive ==> 鋭利な,鋭い
  5198. incisive analysis ==> 鋭い分析
  5199. incisive bone ==> 门齿骨
  5200. incisive canal ==> 门齿管
  5201. incisive canal cyst ==> 切牙管囊肿
  5202. incisive suture ==> 切牙缝
  5203. incisive tooth ==> 切齿
  5204. incisor form seamless crown ==> 切牙形无缝冠
  5205. incisor path ==> 切道,切牙道
  5206. incisor teeth ==> 切牙,门齿
  5207. incisura apicis cordis ==> 心尖切迹
  5208. incisura cardiaca pulmonis sinistri ==> 左肺心切迹
  5209. incisura intertragica ==> 耳屏间切迹
  5210. incisura ischiadica major ==> 坐骨大切迹
  5211. incisura ischiadica minor ==> 坐骨小切迹
  5212. incisura lacrimalis ==> 泪切迹
  5213. incisura lienalis ==> 脾切迹
  5214. incisura nasalis ==> 鼻切迹
  5215. incisura tentori ==> 幕切迹
  5216. incisura tentorii cerebelli ==> 小脑幕切迹
  5217. incisura terminalis auris ==> 耳界切迹
  5218. incisura thyroidea inferior ==> 甲状软骨下切迹
  5219. incisura tympanica ==> 鼓切迹
  5220. incisura vertebralis inferior ==> 椎下切迹
  5221. incisura vertebralis interior ==> 椎骨下切迹
  5222. incisura vertebralis superior ==> 椎骨上切迹,椎上切迹
  5223. incisurae cartilaginis meatus acustici externi ==> 外耳道软骨切迹
  5224. INCJ, Innovation Network Corporation of Japan ==> 産業革新機構
  5225. inclinable press ==> 可斜式压力机
  5226. inclination ==> 倾度,倾角,倾斜,偏转,坡度,斜度=>傾斜,勾配,傾き,傾斜角(人工衛星軌道),法(のり,斜面)
  5227. inclination (incline) of nozzles flange ==> 接管法兰倾斜
  5228. inclination angle ==> 倾斜角,溜角=>傾斜角度,すべり角
  5229. inclination angle of a windscreen ==> 前风窗玻璃的安装角
  5230. inclination compass ==> 倾角罗盘
  5231. inclination correction ==> 倾斜改正
  5232. inclination factor ==> 倾斜因子=>傾斜係数
  5233. inclination ga(u)ge ==> 倾斜计
  5234. inclination joint ==> 倾斜关节
  5235. inclination limit ==> 傾斜限界
  5236. inclination method ==> (坝工)倾度计算法
  5237. inclination needle ==> 倾角指针
  5238. inclination of caldron ==> 炒锅倾角
  5239. inclination of orbit ==> 轨道倾角
  5240. inclination of planetary orbits ==> 行星轨道倾角
  5241. inclination of roof ==> 屋顶斜度
  5242. inclination of the wind ==> 风的偏差角
  5243. inclination of wave front ==> 波前倾斜
  5244. inclination pitch ==> 倾斜度
  5245. inclind staple shaft hoisting ==> 暗斜井提升
  5246. incline ==> 斜面,倾
  5247. incline bogie ==> 斜井罐笼
  5248. incline conveyer ==> 倾斜式输送机
  5249. incline cut and fill stoping ==> 倾斜分层
  5250. incline driving ==> 斜井掘进
  5251. incline engine ==> 斜井卷扬机
  5252. incline grab ==> 斜井抓岩机
  5253. incline grade ==> 倾度
  5254. incline impact test ==> 斜面冲击试验=>傾斜衝撃試験
  5255. incline inset ==> 斜井井底车场
  5256. incline landing ==> 斜井装卸台
  5257. incline opening ==> 斜井
  5258. incline raise ==> 斜天井
  5259. incline rope ==> 斜井提升钢丝绳
  5260. incline shaft ==> 斜井
  5261. incline skip hoist ==> 斜井箕斗提升机
  5262. incline stop ==> 斜井挡车器
  5263. incline trackman ==> 斜井维修工
  5264. inclined ==> 倾斜的
  5265. inclined adit ==> 斜硐
  5266. inclined antenna ==> 倾斜天线=>傾斜アンテナ
  5267. inclined anticline ==> 倾斜背斜
  5268. inclined approach ==> 斜坡道
  5269. inclined apron cleaner ==> 倾斜式绒布选种机
  5270. inclined armor ==> 斜置装甲板
  5271. inclined baffle ==> 倾斜挡板
  5272. inclined ball mill ==> 倾斜球磨机,倾斜式球磨机
  5273. inclined barrel arch ==> 斜拱筒
  5274. inclined barrel vault ==> 斜筒穹顶
  5275. inclined bathtub combustion chamber ==> 斜浴盆形燃烧室
  5276. inclined bearing ==> 斜支承
  5277. inclined bedding ==> 斜层理,倾斜层理
  5278. inclined belt conveyer ==> 倾斜皮带输送机,倾斜运输带
  5279. inclined borehole ==> 斜钻孔
  5280. inclined bottom car ==> 底卸式矿车,漏底车
  5281. inclined cableway ==> 倾斜索道
  5282. inclined casting ==> 倾斜浇法
  5283. inclined chain-and-bucket trench digger ==> 倾斜式链斗挖沟机
  5284. inclined channel ==> 倾孔道
  5285. inclined chord of truss ==> 桁架斜弦杆
  5286. inclined chord truss ==> 斜弦杆桁架
  5287. inclined chute ==> 斜溜槽
  5288. inclined clarifier ==> 斜式沉降器
  5289. inclined cleaner ==> 梯形开棉机
  5290. inclined coil type ==> 倾斜线圈型
  5291. inclined column grain drier ==> 倾斜筒式谷物干燥机
  5292. inclined contact ==> 倾斜接触
  5293. inclined conveyer ==> 倾斜运输机
  5294. inclined conveyer separator ==> 倾斜输送带式清选机
  5295. inclined core ==> 斜墙,在土石坝迎水面设斜的防渗墙体。
  5296. inclined course ==> 斜砌层
  5297. inclined cut ==> 倾斜工作面
  5298. inclined cut-and-fill ==> 倾斜分层充填法
  5299. inclined cut-and-fill stope ==> 倾斜分层充填采场
  5300. inclined cutting ==> 倾斜切削
  5301. inclined cylinder block ==> 倾轴式柱塞泵缸体,斜轴式柱塞泵缸体
  5302. inclined cylinder screen cleaner ==> 倾斜式圆筒筛网清花机
  5303. inclined damper ==> 倾插板阀
  5304. inclined dispersion ==> 倾斜色散
  5305. inclined dispersion of interference colours ==> 干涉色倾斜色散
  5306. inclined distributor ==> 倾斜布风板(沸腾炉)
  5307. inclined drift ==> 倾斜巷道
  5308. inclined drilling ==> 倾斜钻进
  5309. inclined drum leacher ==> 倾斜的鼓式浸出器
  5310. inclined earthquake zone ==> 倾斜地震带
  5311. inclined elevator ==> 倾斜升料机
  5312. inclined engine ==> 斜置发动机
  5313. inclined extinction ==> 斜消光
  5314. inclined fault ==> 倾斜断层
  5315. inclined field ==> 倾斜场
  5316. inclined fill ==> 倾斜分层充填
  5317. inclined floor ==> 倾斜地面,斜护坦
  5318. inclined fold ==> 倾斜褶皱
  5319. inclined fuel assembly transfer tube ==> 燃料组件斜传动管
  5320. inclined gauge ==> 倾斜高度计,倾斜水尺
  5321. inclined grate ==> 倾斜炉排
  5322. inclined grizzly ==> 斜置栅筛
  5323. inclined guide ==> 斜导杆
  5324. inclined guide plate ==> 斜面导板
  5325. inclined haulage or drift ==> 缓倾斜巷道
  5326. inclined haulage road ==> 缓倾斜巷道
  5327. inclined haulageway ==> 倾斜运输道
  5328. inclined hide processor ==> 倾斜式生皮加工器
  5329. inclined hole ==> 斜孔
  5330. inclined impact ==> 倾斜命中
  5331. inclined impact test ==> 倾斜冲击试验
  5332. inclined intake ==> 斜坡式进水口,设置在引水隧洞或坝内孔口的首部、闸门及轨道直接斜卧在经平整开挖和衬砌的岩坡或坝坡上的进水口
  5333. inclined joint ==> 斜接,斜缝,混凝土坝在分层分块浇筑混凝土时,大致沿坝的主应力方向设置的施工缝
  5334. inclined knuckle pivot ==> 斜关节枢轴
  5335. inclined lattice ==> 倾斜帘子
  5336. inclined layer ==> 倾斜层
  5337. inclined letter ==> 斜体字
  5338. inclined manometer ==> 斜管压力计
  5339. inclined mirror ==> 斜交镜,倾斜反射镜
  5340. inclined orbit ==> 倾斜轨道=>傾斜軌道
  5341. inclined overhead contact line ==> 斜链形悬挂的架空接触线
  5342. inclined paddle type agitator ==> 斜桨式搅拌器
  5343. inclined pan conveyer ==> 倾斜盘式输送机
  5344. inclined parallelopiped ==> 斜角平行六面体
  5345. inclined parking ==> 斜列停车
  5346. inclined parking arrangement ==> (停车场)斜向停车布置
  5347. inclined pea sorter ==> 斜带式豌豆分级机
  5348. inclined piece ==> 斜撑
  5349. inclined pile ==> 斜桩
  5350. inclined pipe ==> 倾斜管
  5351. inclined pipe intake ==> 卧管式进水口,斜置于土石坝上游坝坡或水库岸坡上的,在水库水位变动范围内不同高程处设有控制闸门的管式进水口
  5352. inclined piston pump ==> 倾斜柱塞泵
  5353. inclined plane ==> 倾面
  5354. inclined plane clock ==> 斜面钟
  5355. inclined plane machining ==> 斜面加工
  5356. inclined plane method ==> (测试用)斜面法
  5357. inclined plane viscometer ==> 斜面粘度计
  5358. inclined plate ==> 倾板
  5359. inclined plate planter ==> 倾斜排种盘式播种机
  5360. inclined polarization ==> 斜极化
  5361. inclined position ==> 倾斜位置
  5362. inclined position welding ==> 倾斜焊
  5363. inclined projection ==> 斜投影
  5364. inclined pusher bar elevator ==> 斜推杆式升料机
  5365. inclined rack ==> 斜齿轨
  5366. inclined ramp ==> 斜坡
  5367. inclined range ==> 斜距离
  5368. inclined ray ==> 倾斜射线
  5369. inclined ray paths ==> 倾斜射线途径
  5370. inclined reaction ==> 斜向反力
  5371. inclined reciprocating grate ==> 倾斜式往复炉排
  5372. inclined reel ==> 斜丝框
  5373. inclined retort ==> 斜式甑,倾斜式碳化炉
  5374. inclined rill system ==> 斜工作面上向采矿法
  5375. inclined roadway ==> 斜坡道
  5376. inclined rocker ==> 斜摇座
  5377. inclined rod grid water film scrubber ==> 斜棒栅水膜除尘器,在水膜除尘器烟气进口管道上安装一组倾斜的棒栅,并且喷入密集的水雾,含湿灰烟气通过棒栅区时发生绕流,把湿尘粒抛向棒栅而被水流带走,被水喷湿凝聚的尘粒在水膜除尘器内更容易被捕集下来,从而提高了除尘效率
  5378. inclined screen ==> 倾斜筛
  5379. inclined seam ==> 倾斜矿层
  5380. inclined segment ==> 斜面弧形板
  5381. inclined seismic zone ==> 倾斜地震带
  5382. inclined shaft ==> 斜井
  5383. inclined shaft skip ==> 斜井箕斗
  5384. inclined shaft timbering ==> 斜井木支护
  5385. inclined shed type ==> 倾斜式梭口
  5386. inclined ship lift ==> 斜面升船机,载运船舶的承船厢(车)沿斜坡轨道升降的升船机
  5387. inclined shock wave ==> 倾冲波
  5388. inclined shore ==> 斜撑
  5389. inclined shower ==> 斜簇射
  5390. inclined skip charger ==> 爬式加料机
  5391. inclined skip hoist ==> 爬式加料机,斜井箕斗提升机
  5392. inclined slicing ==> 倾斜分层崩落回采法
  5393. inclined slide ==> 倾斜装车台
  5394. inclined stacking ==> 斜堆法,斜垛法
  5395. inclined step grate producer ==> 斜级炉
  5396. inclined stirrup ==> 倾向箍筋
  5397. inclined stone drift ==> 倾斜岩石巷道
  5398. inclined stratum ==> 倾斜层
  5399. inclined stress ==> 倾斜应力
  5400. inclined strut ==> 斜撑
  5401. inclined subway ==> 斜坡道
  5402. inclined T joint ==> 斜接丁字接头
  5403. inclined tee joint ==> 斜角丁字接头
  5404. inclined test bed ==> 倾斜试验台
  5405. inclined throat shears ==> 斜刃剪切机
  5406. inclined to puddle ==> 容易胶粘
  5407. inclined track ==> 倾斜轨道
  5408. inclined trajectory ==> 倾斜轨迹
  5409. inclined transfer tube ==> 倾输送管
  5410. inclined traverser ==> 斜面转车台
  5411. inclined tray drier ==> 倾斜盘式干燥机
  5412. inclined tube bundle unit ==> 斜顶式管束单元
  5413. inclined tube evaporator ==> 斜管蒸发器
  5414. inclined tube ga(u)ge ==> 斜管气压计
  5415. inclined tube gauge ==> 倾斜式微压计
  5416. inclined tube manometer ==> 斜管式压力计,倾斜管式压力计
  5417. inclined tube micromanometer ==> 斜管微压计
  5418. inclined tube settler ==> 倾管沉降器
  5419. inclined tube viscometer ==> 斜管粘度计
  5420. inclined twin ==> 斜轴双晶
  5421. inclined undercut gate ==> 倾斜下开式闸门
  5422. inclined valve ==> 斜置气门
  5423. inclined water tube boiler ==> 卧式水管锅炉
  5424. inclined way for boat ==> 船用登陆板
  5425. inclined wedge ==> 倾斜楔体
  5426. inclined wedge method ==> 斜楔体法
  5427. inclined weir ==> 斜背堰
  5428. inclined weld ==> 斜焊
  5429. inclined wharf ==> 斜坡式码头
  5430. inclined wind-drift ==> 斜吹流
  5431. inclined-bottom car ==> 斜底车
  5432. inclined-catenary construction ==> 斜链线结构
  5433. inclined-field tube ==> 斜场管
  5434. inclined-hole cut ==> 斜孔掏槽
  5435. inclined-shaft tubular turbine ==> 斜轴贯流式水轮机
  5436. inclined-tube manometer ==> 斜管压力计
  5437. inclining test ==> 倾斜试验
  5438. inclinometer ==> 倾斜仪
  5439. inclosed meander ==> 环形河曲
  5440. incloud-icing ==> 着氷
  5441. inclsura anterior auris ==> 耳前切迹
  5442. include list ==> 禁用词表
  5443. include member ==> 内含成员
  5444. included angle ==> 夹角=>挟まれた角
  5445. included angle of arch ==> (指中心角)拱的包角
  5446. included angle of thread ==> 螺纹夹角
  5447. included pitapeture ==> 内含纹孔口
  5448. included sapwood ==> 内含边材
  5449. included variable ==> 列入变量
  5450. including export packing ==> 包含出口包装费
  5451. including postage ==> 送料込み
  5452. including tax ==> 税込み
  5453. inclusion ==> 包含,包含物,包涵,包涵物,包括,包体,参杂,掺杂物,内含物,内涵物,夹杂,夹杂物,蕴含=>含めること,包含,含有
  5454. inclusion blennorrhea ==> 包涵体结膜炎,包涵体脓溢
  5455. inclusion bodies ==> 包涵体,内含体
  5456. inclusion body ==> 内含体,包涵体,包合体
  5457. inclusion body disease ==> 封入体病
  5458. inclusion body encephalitis ==> 封入体脳炎
  5459. inclusion body of rhinitis ==> 猪萎缩性鼻炎包涵体
  5460. inclusion cell ==> 封入細胞
  5461. inclusion chromatography ==> 包接クロマトグラフィー
  5462. inclusion complex ==> 包合配合物,包络物
  5463. inclusion compound ==> 包络物
  5464. inclusion conjunctivitis ==> 包涵体结膜炎
  5465. inclusion conjunctivitis virus ==> 包涵体结膜炎病毒
  5466. inclusion count ==> 夹杂计数
  5467. inclusion cyst ==> 包涵囊肿
  5468. inclusion cyst of vagina ==> 阴道包涵囊肿
  5469. inclusion disease ==> 包涵体病
  5470. inclusion effect ==> 包括的影響
  5471. inclusion encephalitis ==> 包涵体脑炎
  5472. inclusion fluid ==> 包有物流体
  5473. inclusion formation ==> 封入体形成
  5474. inclusion gate ==> 蕴含门
  5475. inclusion granule ==> 内含颗粒
  5476. inclusion in expenses ==> 損金算入
  5477. inclusion in steel ==> 钢内夹杂
  5478. inclusion migration ==> 包合物的迁移
  5479. inclusion principle ==> 包含原理,包容原理
  5480. inclusion relation ==> 包含关系
  5481. inclusion relation for sets ==> 集的包含关系
  5482. inclusion texture ==> 包裹体结构,包体结构
  5483. inclusion-forming substance ==> 包合形成物
  5484. inclusive process ==> 内含过程
  5485. inclusive reaction ==> 内含反应
  5486. inclusive routine ==> 相容程序
  5487. INCLUSIVE-OR element ==> 論理和素子
  5488. INCLUSIVE-OR gate ==> INCLUSIVE-ORゲート
  5489. INCLUSIVE-OR operation ==> INCLUSIVE-OR演算
  5490. Inco cathode alloy ==> 铟钴阴极合金
  5491. Inco chrome nickel ==> 镍铬耐热合金,因科镍合金
  5492. Inco nickel ==> 因科镍,可锻镍
  5493. incoagulable blood ==> 不凝血液
  5494. incoagulable gas ==> 不凝气体,不凝性气体
  5495. INCOH, incoherent ==> 非同期,非相関
  5496. incoherence ==> 不相干性=>インコヒーレンス
  5497. incoherence of speech ==> 言语杂乱
  5498. incoherence of thought ==> 破裂性思维
  5499. incoherent ==> 不相干的,不连贯的=>非干渉化
  5500. incoherent analog modulation ==> 非相干模拟调制
  5501. incoherent approximation ==> 不相干近似
  5502. incoherent bundle ==> 非相关束
  5503. incoherent circular source ==> 非相干环形辐射源
  5504. incoherent detection ==> 不相干检波
  5505. incoherent disturbance ==> 非相干扰动,不相干扰动
  5506. incoherent emission ==> 非相干发射
  5507. incoherent fiber bundle ==> 非相关光纤束
  5508. incoherent fiber optics ==> 不相干纤维光学
  5509. incoherent generation ==> 非相干振荡
  5510. incoherent grain boundary ==> 非共格晶粒间界
  5511. incoherent illumination ==> 非相干照明
  5512. incoherent integral ==> 不相干积分
  5513. incoherent inter-phase boundary ==> 不相干相间边界
  5514. incoherent interaction ==> 不相干相互作用
  5515. incoherent interference ==> 不相干干涉
  5516. incoherent interphase boundary ==> 非相干相间边界
  5517. incoherent light ==> 非相干光,不相干光
  5518. incoherent light holography ==> 非相干光全息术
  5519. incoherent light source ==> 非相干光源
  5520. incoherent noise ==> 不相干噪声
  5521. incoherent optical arrangement ==> 非相干光学装置
  5522. incoherent optical converter ==> 非相干光转换器
  5523. incoherent optical information processing ==> 非相干光学信息处理
  5524. incoherent optical radar ==> 非相干光学雷达
  5525. incoherent point source ==> 非相干点光源
  5526. incoherent quasimonochromatic source ==> 非相干准单色光源
  5527. incoherent radiation ==> 不相干辐射
  5528. incoherent receiver ==> 非相干接收器
  5529. incoherent reception ==> 非相干接收
  5530. incoherent reception system ==> 非相干接收系统
  5531. incoherent reconstraction ==> インコヒーレント再生
  5532. incoherent reflecting ==> 不相干反射
  5533. incoherent rock ==> 不胶结岩石,不粘结岩石
  5534. incoherent scatter ==> 非相干散射
  5535. incoherent scattering ==> 不相干散射,非相干散射
  5536. incoherent scattering cross section ==> 不相干散射截面
  5537. incoherent scattering function ==> 非相干散射函数,不相干散射函数
  5538. incoherent signal ==> 非相干信号
  5539. incoherent slump ==> 松散滑塌
  5540. incoherent source ==> 非相干光源
  5541. incoherent source pumping ==> 非相干源泵浦
  5542. incoherent source pumping energy ==> 非相干源泵浦能
  5543. incoherent speech ==> 语无伦次
  5544. incoherent system ==> 非相干系统
  5545. incoherent wave ==> 非相干波
  5546. incoherent-light diode ==> 非相干光二极管
  5547. incoherent-light holography ==> 非相干光全息术
  5548. incombustibility ==> 不可燃性
  5549. incombustible ==> 不可燃的
  5550. incombustible construction ==> 不燃结构,非燃性构造
  5551. incombustible dust ==> 不可燃尘末
  5552. incombustible fabric ==> 不燃性织物
  5553. incombustible lining ==> 不燃支架
  5554. incombustible material ==> 不燃烧材料,非燃性材料
  5555. incombustible mixture ==> 不可燃混合物,不能燃烧的混合物,不燃混合物
  5556. incombustible paper ==> 不燃纸,耐火纸
  5557. incombustible refuse ==> 不可燃废物
  5558. income ==> 收入,收益,所得,进款,进项,入款
  5559. income account ==> 收益帐户
  5560. income and expenditure ==> 収支
  5561. income and outgo ==> 収支
  5562. income at liquidation ==> 清算所得
  5563. income beneficiary ==> 收益受益人
  5564. income benefit insurance policy ==> 遗益享受保险单
  5565. income bond ==> 营业收入债券
  5566. income bonds ==> 收入债券
  5567. income charges ==> 收益支出
  5568. income cycle ==> 收入周期
  5569. income deductions ==> 收益减除数
  5570. income demand elasticity ==> 需求收入的弹性
  5571. income determination ==> 收益决定
  5572. income distribution ==> 收入分配
  5573. income effect ==> 收入效应,所得效果
  5574. income elasticity ==> 收入弹性
  5575. income elasticity of demand for import ==> 进口需求的收入弹性
  5576. income exempted ==> 免税所得
  5577. income exempted from tax ==> 免税的所得
  5578. income falls short of the expenditure ==> 入不敷出
  5579. income for consumption ==> 消费收入
  5580. income from forfeited deposits ==> 没收定金收益
  5581. income from immovable property ==> 不动产收入
  5582. income from investment ==> 投资收入
  5583. income from investments ==> 投资收益
  5584. income from leasing property ==> 财产租赁所得
  5585. income from penalties ==> 罚金收入
  5586. income from recoveries of bad debts ==> 收回坏帐收益
  5587. income from royalties ==> 版税收益
  5588. income from sales of assets ==> 出售资产收入
  5589. income from sales of products ==> 销货收入
  5590. income from transferred property ==> 财产转移收入
  5591. income from undertakings ==> 事业收入
  5592. income in kind ==> 实物收入
  5593. income level ==> 收入水平
  5594. income net ==> 净收益,净收益
  5595. income of unincorporated enterprises ==> 非公司企业收入
  5596. income offset by depletion ==> 冲销折耗的收益
  5597. income on investment ==> 投资收入,投资收益
  5598. income option policy ==> 可选择保险额的保险
  5599. income originating from agricultural industry ==> 来源于农业的收入
  5600. income other than cash ==> 现金外收入
  5601. income per capita ==> 人均收入
  5602. income per head ==> 人均收入
  5603. income policy ==> 所得政策,收入政策
  5604. income sheet ratio ==> 收益表比率
  5605. income statement ==> 收益表,百分率收益表,损益表,损益计算书
  5606. income tax ==> 所得税
  5607. income tax allocation ==> 分摊所得税
  5608. income tax deduction ==> 课税所得减除额
  5609. income tax on intercompany profit ==> 内部利润所得税
  5610. income tax on salaries and remunerations ==> 薪给报酬所得税
  5611. income tax payable ==> 应付所得税
  5612. income tax returnblank ==> 空白所得税申报表
  5613. income tax withholding ==> 扣缴所得税
  5614. income terms of trade ==> 贸易收入条件
  5615. income to net sales ==> 净收入与销货净额比率,净收入与销货净额比率,净收益对销售比率,净收益对销售比率,纯益与销货总额比率
  5616. income to net worth ==> 纯益与资本净值比
  5617. income value ==> 所得值
  5618. income velocity ==> 收入速度
  5619. income-statement accounts ==> 收益表帐户
  5620. incoming ==> 引入的,入射的,输入的,进料,进来=>収入,所得
  5621. incoming aggregate signal ==> 入局集合信号
  5622. incoming air ==> 进入的空气=>流入空気
  5623. incoming and outgoing passengers ==> 乗降客
  5624. incoming angle ==> 入射角
  5625. incoming beam ==> 入射束=>入射ビーム,入射光束
  5626. incoming bit stream ==> 输入位流
  5627. incoming bitstream ==> 入力ビットストリーム
  5628. incoming body ==> 飛来した天体
  5629. incoming borrow ==> 输入借位
  5630. incoming brush ==> 入局电刷
  5631. incoming call ==> 呼入
  5632. incoming carrier ==> 进入载波
  5633. incoming channel ==> 入局信道
  5634. incoming charge ==> 进料,进料费用
  5635. incoming circuit ==> 入局电路,输入电路=>受電回路
  5636. incoming command ==> 受信コマンド
  5637. incoming condensing water ==> (凝汽器)进口凝结水
  5638. incoming conduit ==> 引き込み管路
  5639. incoming connection ==> 入接続
  5640. incoming connector ==> 输入接线器
  5641. incoming current ==> 输入电流
  5642. incoming data ==> 输入数据
  5643. incoming direction ==> 引入方向
  5644. incoming feeder ==> 进馈线,输入馈路
  5645. incoming first selector ==> 输入第一选择器
  5646. incoming frame ==> 入局机架
  5647. incoming frequency ==> 输入频率
  5648. incoming gas ==> 进气
  5649. incoming generator ==> 准备并车的发电机
  5650. incoming group ==> 引入组
  5651. incoming group selector ==> 入局选组器
  5652. incoming highway ==> 进厂公路
  5653. incoming inspection ==> 进厂检验=>受入れ検査
  5654. incoming junction ==> 输入连接点
  5655. incoming laser beam ==> 入射激光束
  5656. incoming level ==> 接收电平,受电电平,输入电平
  5657. incoming line ==> 进线,引入线=>引込線(送電線),入り線(交換機)
  5658. incoming line circuit ==> 入局电路
  5659. incoming line panel ==> 进线屏
  5660. incoming line reperforator ==> 入线复凿孔机
  5661. incoming mail tone ==> メール着信音
  5662. incoming mailbox ==> 受信メールボックス
  5663. incoming material ==> 受入材料
  5664. incoming molecular beam ==> 入射分子束
  5665. incoming multi-access channel ==> 输入多路访问通道
  5666. incoming multipoint unit ==> 入局多点设备
  5667. incoming neutron flux ==> 入射中子通量
  5668. incoming of foreign capital ==> 输入外资
  5669. incoming panel ==> 进线配电盘=>受電盤
  5670. incoming particle ==> 入射粒子
  5671. incoming particle state ==> 入射粒子状态
  5672. incoming pulse ==> 输入脉冲
  5673. incoming radiation ==> 入射辐射
  5674. incoming ray ==> 入射光
  5675. incoming road ==> 进厂道路
  5676. incoming routine test ==> 输入例行测试
  5677. incoming selector ==> 入局选择器
  5678. incoming selector circuit ==> 入局选择器电路
  5679. incoming selector switch ==> 入局选择开关
  5680. incoming signal ==> 入射信号=>输入信号
  5681. incoming slab ==> 轧前板坯,来料板坯
  5682. incoming SSTV signal ==> 输入慢扫描电视信号
  5683. incoming stock ==> 进料,进入原料
  5684. incoming symbol ==> 进入符号,输入符号
  5685. incoming sync pulse ==> 输入同步脉冲
  5686. incoming test ==> 入库检验
  5687. incoming traffic ==> 入局通信量,输入通信量
  5688. incoming trafiic ==> 输入通信量,入局通信量
  5689. incoming transmission ==> 输入传输
  5690. incoming trunk ==> 来中继线,收话专用中继线,入口干线
  5691. incoming unit ==> 入局设备
  5692. incoming waste water ==> 入流废水
  5693. incoming wave ==> 入射波,来波,输入电波
  5694. incommensurable quantity ==> 不可通约量
  5695. incomparability of consequence ==> 结果的不可比性
  5696. incomparable element ==> 不可比元素
  5697. incomparable product ==> 不可比产品
  5698. incompatible action ==> 不相容动作
  5699. incompatible computer ==> 不兼容计算机
  5700. incompatible data ==> 不兼容数据
  5701. incompatible displacement model ==> 不协调的位移模型
  5702. incompatible equation ==> 不协调方程
  5703. incompatible equations ==> 不相容方程
  5704. incompatible events ==> 不相容事件
  5705. incompatible parameter ==> 不兼容参数
  5706. incompatible transfusion ==> 不合输血
  5707. incompetence ==> 机能不全,功能不全,关闭不全
  5708. incompetence of cardiac valves ==> 心瓣闭锁不全,心瓣关闭不全
  5709. incompetence of internal orifice of uterus ==> 宫颈内口松弛
  5710. incompetence of pelvic floor ==> 骨盆底机能不全
  5711. incompetent bed ==> 软岩层,弱岩层
  5712. incompetent fold ==> 弱褶皱
  5713. incompetent internal orifice of cervix ==> 子宫颈内口机能不全
  5714. incompetent rock ==> 弱岩石,不坚实岩层
  5715. incomplete androgen-insensitivity syndrome ==> 不完全性雄激素不敏感综合征
  5716. incomplete antibody ==> 不完全抗体,非典型抗体
  5717. incomplete antigen ==> 不全抗原,不完全抗原
  5718. incomplete beta function ==> 不完全β函数
  5719. incomplete block ==> 不全阻滞,不完全区组,不完全阻滞
  5720. incomplete block design ==> 不完全配伍组设计,不完全区组设计
  5721. incomplete boundary condition ==> 不完全边界条件
  5722. incomplete branch ==> 不完全分支
  5723. incomplete breakdown ==> 不完全击穿
  5724. incomplete breech presentation ==> 不全臀先露,不完全臀先露
  5725. incomplete call ==> 未完成呼叫
  5726. incomplete chemical combination ==> 不完全化合
  5727. incomplete circuit ==> 不闭合电路
  5728. incomplete combustion ==> 不完全燃烧
  5729. incomplete combustion loss ==> 不完全燃烧损失
  5730. incomplete compensatory pause ==> 不完全代偿间歇
  5731. incomplete consolidation ==> 不完全固结
  5732. incomplete contraction ==> 不完全收缩
  5733. incomplete damping winding ==> 半阻尼绕组,转子两端设梳齿形阻尼环,梳齿伸入槽内槽稧下。槽内无阻尼条,护环直接压在短路环上的结构。另一种结构是在转子槽内放阻尼铜条和铝槽稧连成一体起阻尼作用的结构
  5734. incomplete data ==> 不完全数据,不完全资料
  5735. incomplete detonation ==> 不完全起爆
  5736. incomplete dialing ==> 未完拨号
  5737. incomplete diallel crosses ==> 不完全并列杂交
  5738. incomplete double circulation ==> 不完全双循环
  5739. incomplete elliptic integral ==> 不完全椭圆积分
  5740. incomplete equation ==> 不完全方程
  5741. incomplete equilibrium ==> 不完全平衡
  5742. incomplete estrous cycle ==> 不完全发情周期
  5743. incomplete evaporation ==> 不完全蒸发
  5744. incomplete expansion ==> 不完全膨胀
  5745. incomplete expansion cycle ==> 不完全膨胀循环
  5746. incomplete fertilizer ==> 不完全肥料
  5747. incomplete figures ==> 不完全统计数字
  5748. incomplete filling ==> 不完全充填
  5749. incomplete fistula ==> 不全性瘘
  5750. incomplete flower ==> 不全花,不完全花
  5751. incomplete fold ==> 不完全褶皱
  5752. incomplete fracture ==> 不全骨折,不完全骨折
  5753. incomplete function ==> 不完全函数
  5754. incomplete fusion ==> 不完全熔融,拟裂变,未焊透,未熔合
  5755. incomplete fusion zone ==> 不完全熔化区,半溶化区
  5756. incomplete gamma function ==> 不完全γ函数
  5757. incomplete hernia ==> 不全疝
  5758. incomplete inter-run fusion ==> 焊道间未熔合
  5759. incomplete inter-run penetration ==> 层间未焊透
  5760. incomplete isosexual precocity ==> 不全性同性早熟
  5761. incomplete latin square experiment ==> 不完全拉丁方试验
  5762. incomplete Latin-square ==> 不完全拉丁方
  5763. incomplete leaf ==> 不全叶,不完全叶
  5764. incomplete left bundle-branch block ==> 不完全左束支阻滞
  5765. incomplete linear system ==> 不完全线性系统
  5766. incomplete linkage ==> 不完全连锁
  5767. incomplete list ==> 不完全目录
  5768. incomplete lubrication ==> 不完全润滑
  5769. incomplete market model ==> 非完備市場モデル
  5770. incomplete mixing ==> 拌和不匀,混合不匀
  5771. incomplete moment ==> 不完全矩
  5772. incomplete observation ==> 不完全观测值
  5773. incomplete obstruction ==> 不完全梗阻
  5774. incomplete orchiocatabasis ==> 睾丸下降不全
  5775. incomplete oxidation ==> 不完全氧化
  5776. incomplete packing ==> 不完全充填
  5777. incomplete paralysis ==> 不全麻痹,不完全性瘫痪,轻瘫
  5778. incomplete penetrance ==> 不完全外显率
  5779. incomplete penetration ==> 未焊透,未钎透=>溶込み不良
  5780. incomplete performance ==> 不完全履行
  5781. incomplete polynomial ==> 不完全多项式
  5782. incomplete prior information ==> 不完全先验信息
  5783. incomplete program ==> 不完全程序
  5784. incomplete protein ==> 不完全蛋白质
  5785. incomplete quench ==> 部分淬火
  5786. incomplete randomization ==> 不完全随机化
  5787. incomplete ranking ==> 不完全秩评定
  5788. incomplete rarefaction wave ==> 不完全稀疏波
  5789. incomplete reaction ==> 不完全反应
  5790. incomplete recessive inheritance ==> 不完全性隐性遗传
  5791. incomplete recovery ==> 不完全恢复健康
  5792. incomplete recrystallization section ==> 不完全的再结晶区,不完全再结晶区
  5793. incomplete reduction ==> 不完全还原
  5794. incomplete reflection ==> 不完全反射
  5795. incomplete regen-eration ==> 不完全再生
  5796. incomplete right bundle-branch block ==> 不完全性右束支传导阻滞
  5797. incomplete root penetration ==> 根部未焊透
  5798. incomplete routine ==> 不完全例行程序
  5799. incomplete rupture of uterus ==> 子宫不完全破裂
  5800. incomplete segmentation ==> 不全分裂
  5801. incomplete separation ==> 不完全分离
  5802. incomplete separation of placenta ==> 胎盘剥离不全
  5803. incomplete sex-linkage ==> 不完全连锁,不完全性连锁
  5804. incomplete shell structure ==> 不完全壳结构
  5805. incomplete specification ==> 不完全说明
  5806. incomplete statistical observation ==> 不完全统计观测值
  5807. incomplete survey ==> 非全面调查
  5808. incomplete syntax description ==> 不完全句法描述
  5809. incomplete system of equation ==> 不完全方程组
  5810. incomplete tap changing sequence ==> タップずれ,タップ渋滞
  5811. incomplete test ==> 未完成的试验
  5812. incomplete testicular feminization syndrome ==> 不完全性睾丸女性化综合征
  5813. incomplete tetanus ==> 不全强直,不完全肌强直
  5814. incomplete thread ==> 不完全螺纹,不完整螺纹
  5815. incomplete tillage ==> 非全套耕作
  5816. incomplete virus ==> 不完全病毒
  5817. incomplete well ==> 不完善井
  5818. incomplete-block design ==> 不完全小区组设计
  5819. incompleted call ==> 不完了呼
  5820. incompletely closed osteon ==> 未满围骨单位
  5821. incompletely filling ==> 未焊满
  5822. incompletely specified Boolean function ==> 非完全指定的布尔函数,不完全说明布尔函数
  5823. incompletely specified function ==> 不完全确定函数
  5824. incompletely specified unicode assignment ==> 非完全指定的单码分配
  5825. incompressibility ==> 不可压缩性
  5826. incompressibility condition ==> 不可压缩性条件
  5827. incompressibility modulus ==> 不可压缩模量,不可压缩性系数
  5828. incompressible ==> 不可压缩,不可压缩的,不能压缩
  5829. incompressible boundary layer ==> 不可压缩边界层,不可压缩的边界层
  5830. incompressible deformation ==> 不可压缩变形
  5831. incompressible energy equation ==> 不可压缩能量方程
  5832. incompressible flow ==> 非圧縮性流体,不可压缩流动,不可压缩水流
  5833. incompressible fluid ==> 不可压流体,不可压缩的流体,不可压缩流体,非压缩流法,非压缩性流体
  5834. incompressible ideal fluid mechanics ==> 不可压缩理想流体力学
  5835. incompressible jet ==> 不可压射流
  5836. incompressible liquid ==> 不可压缩液体
  5837. incompressible material ==> 不可压缩材料
  5838. incompressible medium ==> 不可压缩介质
  5839. incompressible quantum fluid ==> 不可压缩的量子液体
  5840. incompressible visco-fluid mechanics ==> 不可压缩粘性流体力学
  5841. incompressible viscous fluid ==> 不可压缩粘性流体
  5842. incompressible volume ==> 不可压缩体积
  5843. incondensable gas ==> 不冷凝气体,不凝气体
  5844. inconel ==> 因科镍合金=>インコネル合金
  5845. inconel alloy ==> インコネル合金
  5846. inconel diaphragm ==> 因科镍膜片
  5847. inconel weld ==> 单面焊缝
  5848. incongruent articulation ==> 不等面关节
  5849. incongruent melting ==> 不一致熔融,异成分熔融
  5850. incongruent melting compound ==> 不一致熔融化合物
  5851. incongruent melting point ==> 不一致熔点,异元熔点
  5852. inconsequent drainage system ==> 不顺向水系
  5853. inconsequent stream ==> 非顺向河
  5854. inconsistent ==> 一貫性のない
  5855. inconsistent bias ==> 非一致性偏倚
  5856. inconsistent data ==> 非一致数据
  5857. inconsistent equation ==> 矛盾方程
  5858. inconsistent equations ==> 不相容方程
  5859. inconsistent fiducial distribution ==> 不一致置信分布
  5860. inconsistent formula ==> 全假公式
  5861. inconsistent merchandise assortment ==> 不配套品种
  5862. inconsistent shared data ==> 不相容的共享数据
  5863. inconsistent statement ==> 矛盾语句
  5864. inconsistent statements ==> 不相容语句
  5865. inconsistent statistic ==> 不一致统计量
  5866. inconstant element ==> 不稳定元素
  5867. inconstant fold ==> 不稳定褶皱
  5868. incontinence of anal sphincter ==> 肛门括约肌失禁
  5869. incontinence of milk ==> 乳汁失禁
  5870. incontinence of urine ==> 小便失禁,尿失禁
  5871. incontinentia pigmenti ==> 色素失调症
  5872. inconvertible currency ==> 不兑换通货,不能自由兑换货币
  5873. inconvertible paper ==> 不能转换契约
  5874. inconvertible paper currency ==> 不可兑换纸币
  5875. incoordinate movement ==> 不协调动作
  5876. incoordinate uterine contraction ==> 子宫不协调收缩
  5877. incoordination load ==> 不匹配负载
  5878. incorporate ==> 结合,存入,包括=>合体する,合併する
  5879. incorporate in ==> 并入
  5880. incorporated company ==> 有限公司
  5881. incorporated pocket-books ==> 皮包公司
  5882. incorporating foreign direct investment ==> 吸收外商直接投资的方式
  5883. incorporation intermix ==> 混合
  5884. incorporation time ==> 混合时间
  5885. incorporeal property ==> 无形财产
  5886. incorrect ==> 错误的,不正确的
  5887. incorrect connection ==> 错误接线
  5888. incorrect grinding of tool ==> 刀具不正确刃磨
  5889. incorrect length ==> 错误长度,不正确长度
  5890. incorrect manipulation ==> 误操作
  5891. incorrect marking ==> 标志不清
  5892. incorrect match ==> 不合色样
  5893. incorrect no-operation ==> 誤不動作
  5894. incorrect operation ==> 不正确动作=>誤動作
  5895. incorrect operation of protection,〔incorrect operation of relay system (USA)〕 ==> 保護の誤動作及び誤不動作,A failure to operate or an unwanted operation.
  5896. incorrect operation,(missing operation)==failure to operate of protection,〔failure to trip (USA)〕 ==> 誤不動作,保護の誤不動作,A missing or unnecessary operation,(A necessary operation which does not take place.),The lack of operation of a protection which should have operated but which did not operate.
  5897. incorrect operation==incorrect operation, (unnecessary operation)==unwanted operation of protection==incorrect…operation ==> 誤動作,保護の誤動作, A missing or unnecessary operation,(An operation which takes place without being necessary.),"The operation of a protection either without any power system fault or other power system abnormality, or for a system fault or other power system abnormality for which that protection should not have operated. "
  5898. incorrect performance ==> 誤動作
  5899. incorrect switching ==> 开关误操作
  5900. incorrect trip ==> 误跳闸
  5901. incorrect weld profile ==> 焊缝形状不对
  5902. incorrect weld size ==> 焊缝尺寸不对
  5903. incorrodible ==> 不腐蚀的,抗腐蚀的
  5904. incorruptible ==> 高潔な,公正な,清廉潔白な,腐食しない,溶解しない
  5905. INCOSPAR, Indian Committee on Space Research ==> インド宇宙研究委員会
  5906. INCOTERMS International Commercial Terms ==> 国际商务条例
  5907. increaing absorbing power ==> 提高土壤吸收性能
  5908. increase ==> 提高,增,增长,增多,增加,增进,增殖,添
  5909. increase during the year ==> 全年增长
  5910. increase gear ==> 增速传动装置,增速装置
  5911. increase global radiation reflection ==> 增加环球辐射反射
  5912. increase in absolute figures ==> 增长的绝对数
  5913. increase in amounts ==> 增加额
  5914. increase in capital ==> 资本增值
  5915. increase in demand supply ==> 需求供给量的增加
  5916. increase in density ==> 密度增高
  5917. increase in inventories ==> 库存增加
  5918. increase in left atrial pressure ==> 左房压力增高
  5919. increase in potential ==> 电势增长
  5920. increase in stock of inventories ==> 库存存货的增加
  5921. increase in the water-holding capacity of soil ==> 增加土壤保水力
  5922. increase in weight ==> 増量
  5923. increase in yield ==> 增产
  5924. increase lodging and seed costs ==> 增加倒伏程度和种子成本
  5925. increase of area ==> 断面增大率
  5926. increase of charge ==> 电荷增长
  5927. increase of circulating anticoagulant ==> 循环抗凝血剂增多
  5928. increase of demand ==> 增加需求
  5929. increase of efficiency ==> 提高效率
  5930. increase of frequency ==> 提高频率,频率升高
  5931. increase of function ==> 函数的增量
  5932. increase of power ==> 提高功率,功率增加
  5933. increase of premium ==> 增加保费
  5934. increase of pressure ==> 升压
  5935. increase of production ==> 增加生产,产量增长
  5936. increase of reactor power ==> 提升反应堆功率
  5937. increase of risk ==> 增加危险
  5938. increase of service life ==> 延长使用寿命
  5939. increase of speed ==> 升速
  5940. increase of stocks ==> 增加库存
  5941. increase of supply ==> 增加供给
  5942. increase of temperature ==> 温度上升
  5943. increase of value ==> 增值
  5944. increase of voltage ==> 电压升高,升压
  5945. increase operation rate ==> 提高利用率
  5946. increase or decrease clause ==> 增减条款
  5947. increase percent protein ==> 提高蛋白含量
  5948. increase plot ==> 繁殖区
  5949. increase position ==> 加码
  5950. increase productivity ==> 提高生产率
  5951. increase resistant system ==> 增加抵抗力系统
  5952. increase the acid content of soil ==> 提高土壤酸含量
  5953. increase the efficiency of artificial crossing ==> 提高人工杂交的效率
  5954. increase the par value ==> 提高票面价值,提高平价
  5955. increase yields per mu ==> 亩产增高
  5956. increased borborygmus and diarrhea ==> 肠鸣泄泻
  5957. increased bronchovascular shadows ==> 肺纹理增粗
  5958. increased competition ==> 竞争扩大,竞争扩大
  5959. increased cruising range ==> 增大的巡航航程
  5960. increased current metering ==> 增流计算
  5961. increased density ==> 增加密度
  5962. increased dull area over the base of heart ==> 心底部浊音界扩大
  5963. increased incoming longwave radiation reflection ==> 增加射入长波辐射反射
  5964. increased lung markings ==> 肺纹理增粗
  5965. increased outgoing longwave radiation ==> 增加射出长波辐射
  5966. increased output ==> 提高出力
  5967. increased rate of fire ==> 提高的发射速度
  5968. increased reflex ==> 反射亢进
  5969. increased resistance invasion ==> 高侵
  5970. increased resonance ==> 叩响增强
  5971. increased safety electrical apparatus ==> 增安型电气设备
  5972. increased safety type motor ==> 增安型防爆电动机,对在正常运行时不会产生火花、电弧或危险高温的电动机,再采取一些机械、电气和热的保护措施,使其进一步提高安全程度,防止在正常或认可的过载条件下出现危险高温、电弧和火花的可能性
  5973. increased value insurance ==> 增值保险
  5974. increased value policy ==> 增值保单
  5975. increased water use efficiency ==> 增加水分利用率
  5976. increased yield value ==> 增加的屈服值
  5977. increased-safety motor ==> 增安型电动机
  5978. increaser plant species ==> 致增植物种,增量植物种
  5979. increasing absorbing power ==> 提高土壤吸收性能
  5980. increasing amount ==> 增加量
  5981. increasing coupling ==> 渐扩管
  5982. increasing dosage effect ==> 提高剂量效应
  5983. increasing exchange power ==> 提高代替能力
  5984. increasing failure rate (IFR) ==> 单调增加故障率
  5985. increasing fertility ==> 肥力培养
  5986. increasing forest productivity ==> 增加森林生产率
  5987. increasing forward wave ==> 增大前进波
  5988. increasing function ==> 增函数,单调非减函数,递增函数,上升函数
  5989. increasing gear ==> 增速装置
  5990. increasing in yield ==> 增产
  5991. increasing irrigation efficiency ==> 提高灌溉效率
  5992. increasing mode ==> 递增模式
  5993. increasing nutrient concentration ==> 提高营养浓度
  5994. increasing of soil fertility ==> 提高土壤肥力
  5995. increasing oscillation ==> 增幅振荡,升幅振荡
  5996. increasing power ==> 升幂
  5997. increasing process ==> 增过程
  5998. increasing production of fresh and salt water fish ==> 增加淡水和盐水鱼生产
  5999. increasing production of photosynthate ==> 增加光和作物产量
  6000. increasing return ==> 递增收益
  6001. increasing returns ==> 增加利润,报酬渐增
  6002. increasing risk aversion ==> 递增厌恶风险
  6003. increasing runoff ==> 增强流量
  6004. increasing sequence ==> 增序列,递增序列
  6005. increasing shallow early rice productivity ==> 提高浅栽早稻生产率
  6006. increasing soil acidity ==> 增加土壤酸性
  6007. increasing soil moisture content ==> 提高土壤水分含量
  6008. increasing soil permeability ==> 提高土壤渗透性能
  6009. increasing specific surface area ==> 提高比表面积
  6010. increasing sucrose content ==> 提高蔗糖含量
  6011. increasing the solubility of zinc compounds ==> 增加锌化物的溶解性能
  6012. increasing the total area of cultivated land ==> 增加耕地总面积
  6013. increasing the total yield ==> 提高总产量
  6014. increasing tilth ==> 增强耕性
  6015. increasing velocity ==> 递增速度
  6016. increasing water quality ==> 提高水质
  6017. increasing wave ==> 增长波,增幅波
  6018. increment ==> 增量,子样,采样器具操作一次或截取一次煤流全断面所采取的一份煤样=>増加量,増大,増殖,インクリメント,あるものに自動的に1を加えること。
  6019. increment address ==> 增量地址
  6020. increment addressing ==> 增量寻址
  6021. increment and correction ==> 增量与改正量
  6022. increment angle ==> 齿端角
  6023. increment borer ==> 探木钻,取木钻
  6024. increment by two ==> 按2增量
  6025. increment core ==> 生长锥芯
  6026. increment dump ==> 增量转储
  6027. increment function ==> 增量函数
  6028. increment interrupt ==> 增量中断
  6029. increment list ==> 增量表
  6030. increment load ==> 增量装入
  6031. increment load procedure ==> 增量载荷方法
  6032. increment mode display ==> 增量式显示
  6033. increment of load ==> 增载
  6034. increment operation ==> 增量运算
  6035. increment pack up ==> 增量备分
  6036. increment percent ==> 增量百分率
  6037. increment quadruplex telegraphy ==> 增流式四路多工电报
  6038. increment rate ==> 增加率
  6039. increment reaction ==> 渐增反应
  6040. increment register ==> 增量寄存器
  6041. increment routine ==> 增量程序
  6042. increment size ==> 増分量
  6043. increment speed ==> 增长速度
  6044. increment table ==> 生长量表
  6045. increment tax on land value ==> 土地增值税
  6046. increment value duty ==> 增值税=>付加価値税
  6047. incremental ==> 增量
  6048. incremental address ==> 增量地址
  6049. incremental analysis ==> 增量分析
  6050. incremental attenuation ==> 增量衰减
  6051. incremental backup ==> 部分备份
  6052. incremental benefit ==> 增量利润
  6053. incremental capacitance ==> 增量电容
  6054. incremental capacitor ==> 精确调整电容器,精确校正电容器
  6055. incremental capital output ratio ==> 边际资本产出率
  6056. incremental coder ==> 增量编码器
  6057. incremental collapse ==> 增量失稳
  6058. incremental compaction ==> 增量精简数据法,增量压缩
  6059. incremental compiler ==> 增量编译程序,增量编译程序,可增编译程序
  6060. incremental compilers ==> 可增式编译程序
  6061. incremental computation ==> 增量计算
  6062. incremental computer ==> 增量计算机
  6063. incremental control ==> 增量控制
  6064. incremental control system ==> 增量控制系统
  6065. incremental coordinate ==> 増分座標
  6066. incremental cost ==> 增量成本,增支成本,增值,增值成本
  6067. incremental cost analysis ==> 增值成本分析
  6068. incremental creep ==> 增加的蠕变
  6069. incremental data ==> 增量数据
  6070. incremental delivered power ==> 输出功率增量,供电增量
  6071. incremental development ==> 渐增性开发
  6072. incremental digital computer ==> 增量数字计算机
  6073. incremental digital recorder ==> 增量式数字记录器,增量数字记录器
  6074. incremental discrepancy correction ==> 增量闭合差改正数
  6075. incremental displacement ==> 增量位移
  6076. incremental displacement sensitivity ==> 增量位移灵敏度
  6077. incremental display ==> 增量显示
  6078. incremental dump ==> 增量转储
  6079. incremental dump tape ==> 增量转储磁带
  6080. incremental duplex ==> 增流双工
  6081. incremental encoder ==> 增量编码器
  6082. incremental energy cost ==> 増分電力量原価
  6083. incremental execution ==> 部分执行
  6084. incremental extrusion ==> 渐近挤压
  6085. incremental frequence shift ==> 增量频移
  6086. incremental frequency control ==> 增量频率控制
  6087. incremental fuel cost ==> 増分燃料費
  6088. incremental generating cost ==> 发电成本增量
  6089. incremental hysteresis loop ==> 增量磁滞回线
  6090. incremental hysteresis loss ==> 增量磁滞损耗,磁滞损耗增量
  6091. incremental implementation ==> 渐增实现
  6092. incremental inductance ==> 增量电感
  6093. incremental inductance tuner ==> 增量电感调谐器
  6094. incremental induction ==> 增量磁感应强度,增量电感,增量感应
  6095. incremental information ==> 增量信息,量值按一个或几个单位量改变的监视信息
  6096. incremental installment allocation method ==> 分期递增分配方式
  6097. incremental integrator ==> 增量积分器,增量型积分器
  6098. incremental iron loss ==> 增量铁损
  6099. incremental line ==> 增生线
  6100. incremental lines ==> 生长线
  6101. incremental load deviation ==> 增量负荷偏差
  6102. incremental loading ==> 负荷增量
  6103. incremental losses ==> 增加损耗
  6104. incremental magnetic field strength ==> 増分磁界の強さ
  6105. incremental magnetic flux density ==> 増分磁束密度
  6106. incremental magnetic susceptibility ==> 增量磁化率
  6107. incremental magnetic tape ==> 增量磁带
  6108. incremental maintenance cost ==> 维护费用增量
  6109. incremental maneuver ==> 增速机动飞行
  6110. incremental manner ==> 递增方式
  6111. incremental method ==> 增量法=>インクレメンタル方式
  6112. incremental mode ==> 增量方式
  6113. incremental model ==> 增量模型
  6114. incremental motion ==> 增量运动
  6115. incremental motion control system ==> 增量运动控制系统
  6116. incremental movement ==> 增量运动
  6117. incremental noise ==> 增量噪声
  6118. incremental permeability ==> 增量磁导率,增量导磁率,增量噪声,磁导率增量=>増分透磁率
  6119. incremental plastic theory ==> 增量塑性理论
  6120. incremental plotter ==> 增量绘图器,不连续曲线描绘器
  6121. incremental plotter control ==> 增量绘图仪控制
  6122. incremental portion ==> 增长部分
  6123. incremental power ==> 递增的电力
  6124. incremental programming ==> 增量编程序
  6125. incremental quadruplex telegraphy ==> 增流式四路多工电报
  6126. incremental quantity ==> 增量
  6127. incremental range ==> 微调(增量)范围
  6128. incremental rate curve ==> 增量曲线
  6129. incremental ratio ==> 增量比
  6130. incremental recorder ==> 连续记录器,步进记录器,级进记录器
  6131. incremental regulation ==> 增量调节
  6132. incremental representation ==> 增量表示,增量表示法
  6133. incremental resistance ==> 增量电阻,交流电阻与直流电阻之差,动态阳极电阻
  6134. incremental resistivity measurement ==> 增量电阻率测量
  6135. incremental servo-drive ==> 增量式伺服传动
  6136. incremental speed ==> 转速增量
  6137. incremental speed governing droop ==> 局部转速不等率,在调节系统静态特性曲线上给定输出功率处的斜率
  6138. incremental speed regulation ==> 增量速度调整
  6139. incremental starting ==> 分级增压起动
  6140. incremental stiffness ==> 增量刚度
  6141. incremental strain theory ==> (锻压的)增量理论
  6142. incremental stress ==> 增量应力
  6143. incremental system ==> 增量方式
  6144. incremental tape unit ==> 增量磁带机
  6145. incremental ternary representation ==> 增量三元表示法
  6146. incremental testing ==> 增量测试
  6147. incremental theory ==> 增量理论
  6148. incremental transducer ==> 增量式传感器
  6149. incremental transmission loss ==> 输电损失增量
  6150. incremental tuner ==> 步进式调谐器,增量式调谐器
  6151. incremental vector ==> 增量向量=>増分ベクトル
  6152. incremental-charge polarography ==> 增量电荷极谱法
  6153. incrementary ratio ==> 增量比
  6154. incrementation by one ==> 按1增量
  6155. incrementation by two ==> 按2增量
  6156. incrementation parameter ==> 增量参数
  6157. incrementation processing ==> 增量处理
  6158. incretory gland ==> 内分泌腺
  6159. incrustation ==> 结垢,水锈,水锈,渣壳,结壳,结硬壳,硬壳,表面装饰,饰面细工=>インクラステーション,外被,化粧張り,堆積物,付着物
  6160. incrustation scale ==> 水垢
  6161. incrusted glass ==> 镶嵌的玻璃
  6162. incrusted soil ==> 结壳土壤
  6163. incrusting substance ==> 结壳物质
  6164. incubating fifty eggs at one time ==> 一次孵五十个鸡蛋
  6165. incubation ==> 孵化,孵育,培育,潜伏,潜伏期,温箱孵育=>抱卵,孵化,培養,定温放置
  6166. incubation atmosphere ==> 培養環境
  6167. incubation behavior ==> 抱卵行動
  6168. incubation media ==> 培养基
  6169. incubation period ==> 孵化期,孵育期,潜伏期,潜育期,孕育期=>培養時間,潜伏期
  6170. incubation periods of birds ==> 禽类孵化期表
  6171. incubation season ==> 孵化期
  6172. incubation test of semen ==> 精液体温存活试验
  6173. incubation time ==> 孕育时间,孵化期
  6174. incubationary carrier ==> 潜伏期带菌者
  6175. incubative temperature ==> 定温箱温度
  6176. incubator ==> 定温箱,恒温器,恒温箱,温箱,孵化器,孵卵器,孵育箱,培养箱,保温箱
  6177. incubator for eggs ==> 孵卵器
  6178. incubator offal ==> 孵化下脚
  6179. incubator oil ==> 孵化箱燃料油
  6180. incubator poultry station ==> 家禽人工孵化站
  6181. incubator thermometer ==> 恒温箱温度计
  6182. incubator tray ==> 蛋盘
  6183. incubatory carrier ==> 潜伏期带菌者
  6184. incumbent radicle ==> 内曲胚根
  6185. incur losses due to poor operation and management ==> 经营性亏损,经营性亏损
  6186. incur obligation ==> 负有义务
  6187. IND Indication ==> 指示,象征
  6188. IND, indicator ==> 表示器
  6189. Ind, Indus ==> インディアン座
  6190. IND, inverse Nyquist diagram ==> 逆ナイキスト線図
  6191. indanthrene blue ==> 阴丹士林蓝
  6192. indanthrene blue-green ==> 阴丹士林蓝绿
  6193. indanthrene brilliant blue ==> 阴丹士林亮蓝
  6194. indanthrene brilliant green ==> 阴丹士林亮绿
  6195. indanthrene brilliant orange ==> 阴丹士林亮橙
  6196. indanthrene brilliant rose ==> 阴丹士林亮玫瑰红
  6197. indanthrene dark blue ==> 阴丹士林暗蓝
  6198. indanthrene direct black ==> 阴丹士林直接黑
  6199. indanthrene golden orange ==> 阴丹士林金橙
  6200. indanthrene olive ==> 阴丹士林橄榄绿
  6201. indanthrene printing blue ==> 阴丹士林印染蓝
  6202. indanthrene red violet ==> 阴丹士林红紫
  6203. indeciduate placenta ==> 无蜕膜胎盘
  6204. indecomposable code ==> 不可分割解码,不可分解码
  6205. indecomposable matrix ==> 不可分解矩阵,不能分解矩阵
  6206. indefinite corymb ==> 无限伞房花序
  6207. indefinite equation ==> 不定方程式
  6208. indefinite equation indeterminate equation ==> 不定方程
  6209. indefinite form ==> 不定型,不定形式
  6210. indefinite integral ==> 不定积分
  6211. indefinite integration ==> 不定积分法
  6212. indefinite limitation of time ==> 不确定期限
  6213. indefinite matrix ==> 不定矩阵
  6214. indefinite point ==> 不定穴
  6215. indefinite respiration ==> 不定性呼吸音
  6216. indefinite right ==> 没有限定的权利
  6217. indefinite shape ==> 不定形
  6218. indefinite standard ==> 不定标准
  6219. indefinite storage ==> 无定期储存
  6220. indefinite suspension ==> 无限中止
  6221. indefinite term ==> 不确定期限
  6222. indefinite variability ==> 不定变异性
  6223. indefinitely variable transmission ==> 无级变速传动
  6224. indehiscent air ==> 闭气
  6225. indehiscent fruit ==> 闭果
  6226. indeicated strain ==> 指示应变
  6227. indelastic background ==> 非弹性本底
  6228. indelible ink ==> 不灭墨水
  6229. indelible marking ink ==> 不灭墨印
  6230. indemnify for damage of loss ==> 赔偿毁损
  6231. indemnify for the loss incurred ==> 赔偿所受损失
  6232. indemnity ==> 免罚,补偿物=>補償金
  6233. indemnity agreement ==> 赔偿协议
  6234. indemnity allowance ==> 補償金
  6235. indemnity bond ==> 赔偿契约,补偿保证
  6236. indemnity clause ==> 赔偿条款
  6237. indemnity contract ==> 赔偿契约
  6238. indemnity for defamation ==> 赔偿名誉,名誉损害赔偿
  6239. indemnity for risk ==> 风险赔偿
  6240. indemnity in kind ==> 赔偿实物
  6241. indemnity insurance ==> 损失补偿保险
  6242. indent ==> 订货单,压槽,缺刻,锯齿状,锯齿状,进口定货单,给文件加边,凹槽,凹砖牙,双联订单,空格,(国外订货单)委托购买书
  6243. indent (ind) ==> 订单
  6244. indent house ==> 进口代办行,进口订货行
  6245. indent house 进口代办行=> ==> 进口订货行
  6246. indent invoice ==> 托购清单
  6247. indent number ==> 订货单
  6248. indent tab character (IT) ==> 空格标记字符,空格制表符
  6249. indentation ==> 锯齿痕,压痕,凹槽,凹痕,凹入,凹陷,缺刻,压痕,压坑,曲折形,锯齿状,锯齿状,低凹,成穴作用,印压
  6250. indentation creep ==> 压痕蠕变
  6251. indentation depth ga(u)ge ==> 压痕深度计
  6252. indentation hardness ==> 压痕硬度
  6253. indentation hardness tester ==> 压痕硬度计
  6254. indentation index ==> 压痕指数
  6255. indentation machine ==> 压痕硬度机
  6256. indentation method ==> 刻痕法
  6257. indentation ratio ==> 压深率
  6258. indentation test ==> 压凹硬度试验,压痕试验,压痕硬度试验
  6259. indented bar ==> 刻痕钢筋
  6260. indented bars ==> 齿印钢筋
  6261. indented beam ==> 锯齿式组合梁,锯齿式组合梁
  6262. indented bolt ==> 齿纹螺栓,带纹螺栓
  6263. indented chisel ==> 齿状钻头,牙轮钻头
  6264. indented coast line ==> 海湾海岸线
  6265. indented girder ==> 锯齿式组合梁,锯齿式组合梁
  6266. indented joint ==> 齿合接缝,齿接合
  6267. indented roller ==> 凹纹压路机
  6268. indented steel wire ==> 齿纹钢丝
  6269. indented wire ==> 齿痕钢丝,刻痕钢丝
  6270. indenter ==> 硬度计压头
  6271. indentify individual chromosomes ==> 鉴定单个染色体
  6272. indenting apparatus ==> 凹进仪
  6273. indenting hammer ==> 锤头
  6274. indentor point ==> 压针头
  6275. indenture trustee ==> 契约受托人
  6276. independence in analysis of variance ==> 方差分析中的无关性
  6277. independence of fuzzy event ==> 模糊事件的独立性,模糊事件独立性
  6278. independence test ==> 独立性检验
  6279. independent ==> 独立的
  6280. independent accounting system ==> 独立核算制
  6281. independent adjustment ==> 单独调节,单独调整
  6282. independent arch method ==> 纯拱法
  6283. independent assortment ==> 自由组合
  6284. independent axledrive ==> 单独轴驱动
  6285. independent beam plow ==> 组式犁
  6286. independent brake valve ==> 独立制动阀,单独制动阀
  6287. independent broker ==> 独立ブローカー
  6288. independent catalogue ==> 独立星表
  6289. independent chuck ==> 分动夹盘,单独移爪卡盘
  6290. independent compilation ==> 独立编译
  6291. independent component ==> 独立组分
  6292. independent component analysis ==> 独立成分分析
  6293. independent component release (ICR) ==> 独立部件分离,独立部件释放,独立元件释放
  6294. independent condition ==> 独立条件
  6295. independent conforminty ==> 独立一致性
  6296. independent contact ==> 独立接点
  6297. independent contractor ==> 独立承包商
  6298. independent control ==> 单独控制,局部控制,局部控制=>独立制御
  6299. independent criteria ==> 独立准则
  6300. independent crowning fire ==> 离地树冠火
  6301. independent current source ==> 独立电流源
  6302. independent cylinder ==> 分置式油缸
  6303. independent data communication ==> 独立数据通信
  6304. independent day number ==> 独立日数
  6305. independent differential operators ==> 无关微分算子
  6306. independent double bonds ==> 孤双链
  6307. independent double linkages ==> 孤双链
  6308. independent drive ==> 单独传动=>独立駆動
  6309. independent drive oscillator ==> 他激振荡器,主振式振荡器
  6310. independent driven exciter system ==> 独立励磁制
  6311. independent earth electrode ==> 独立接地电极
  6312. independent economic growth ==> 经济自行增长,经济自行增长
  6313. independent equation ==> 独立方程
  6314. independent equatorial coordinate system ==> 恒星赤道坐标
  6315. independent excitation ==> 单独激励
  6316. independent failure ==> 独立故障,独立失效
  6317. independent function ==> 独立函数
  6318. independent indexing mechanism ==> 独立变址机构
  6319. independent inheritance ==> 独立遗传
  6320. independent input/output channel ==> 独立输入输出通道
  6321. independent integral ==> 无关积分
  6322. independent linear equation ==> 无关线性方程
  6323. independent linearity ==> 独立线性度
  6324. independent measurement ==> 单独测量
  6325. independent mesh ==> 独立回路
  6326. independent micro grid ==> 小規模独立電力系統
  6327. independent motor drive ==> 单独电动机传动
  6328. independent observation ==> 独立观测
  6329. independent oiler ==> 单独加油器
  6330. independent operation ==> 独立操作=>自主操作
  6331. independent overflow area ==> 独立溢出区
  6332. independent partial tide ==> 独立分潮
  6333. independent partition scheduling ==> 独立区分调度
  6334. independent periods ==> 独立周期
  6335. independent power producer,IPP ==> 独立发电商,从事电力生产但与电网经营企业没有资产纽带关系,其拥有的发电机组满足并网运行条件,且参与发电侧电力市场交易的发电企业
  6336. independent program loader ==> 独立程序装入程序
  6337. independent pulse generator ==> 独立式脉冲电源
  6338. independent pump ==> 单动泵
  6339. independent random variable ==> 独立随机变量
  6340. independent reference ==> 独立引用
  6341. independent resource ==> 独立资源
  6342. independent scaffold ==> 独立式脚手架
  6343. independent screw chuck ==> 分动螺旋卡盘
  6344. independent seconds watch ==> 每秒一跳的秒手表,每秒一跳秒表
  6345. independent sequence of partitions ==> 无关的分割序列
  6346. independent set ==> 无关集
  6347. independent side band transmitter ==> 独立边带发射机
  6348. independent source ==> 独立電源
  6349. independent space ==> 无关空间
  6350. independent stairs ==> 独立式楼梯
  6351. independent suspension ==> 独立悬挂
  6352. independent switch ==> 独立开关
  6353. independent synchronization ==> 独立同期
  6354. independent synchronizing system ==> 独立同步制
  6355. independent tide ==> 独立潮
  6356. independent time lag relay ==> 定时限继电器
  6357. independent time-lag ==> 定限時
  6358. independent utility ==> 独立实用程序
  6359. independent variable ==> 独立变量,自发量,自变量,自变数
  6360. independent voltage source ==> 独立电压源
  6361. independent windings ==> 单独绕组
  6362. independent wire strand core wire rope ==> 钢芯钢丝绳
  6363. independent-side-band receiver ==> 独立边带接收机
  6364. independently mounted ==> 独立悬挂式的
  6365. independentpole scaffold ==> 双排脚手架
  6366. independing mode ==> 独立方式
  6367. indepenent time-lag ==> 定时限
  6368. indeterminable losses ==> 不定损失
  6369. indeterminacy ==> 不确定性
  6370. indeterminancy principle ==> 测不准原理
  6371. indeterminate ==> 不定式,待定,未知数
  6372. indeterminate analysis ==> 不定分析,不定解析
  6373. indeterminate appropriation ==> 不定拨款
  6374. indeterminate boundary ==> 不定边界
  6375. indeterminate case ==> 不定情况
  6376. indeterminate cleavage ==> 不定裂
  6377. indeterminate coefficient ==> 不定系数,未定系数
  6378. indeterminate constant ==> 不定常数
  6379. indeterminate coupling constant ==> 不定耦合常数
  6380. indeterminate equation ==> 不定方程
  6381. indeterminate error ==> 不可测误差,不可定误差,未定误差
  6382. indeterminate fauit ==> 不确定性故障
  6383. indeterminate form ==> 不定形式,未定式
  6384. indeterminate function ==> 不定函数
  6385. indeterminate growth ==> 无限生长
  6386. indeterminate inflorescence ==> 无限花序
  6387. indeterminate lay days ==> 未确定装卸货日期
  6388. indeterminate leprosy ==> 未定类麻风
  6389. indeterminate line of curvature ==> 不定的曲率线
  6390. indeterminate operation ==> 不定操作
  6391. indeterminate principle ==> 测不准原理
  6392. indeterminate stem ==> 无限型茎
  6393. indeterminate stress ==> 不定应力
  6394. indeterminate structure ==> 超稳定结构
  6395. indeterminate truss ==> 超静定桁架
  6396. indeterminate zone ==> 不确定带
  6397. indeterminateness ==> 不定性
  6398. index ==> 指标,指示器,指数,索引,编索引,变址,标引,检索,指南,指向,指引,幂,针盘指针,附标,高程,归位,标志=>指標,指数,索引
  6399. index access method ==> 变址存取法
  6400. index adder ==> 变址加法器
  6401. index address ==> 变址地址
  6402. index analysis ==> 指数解析
  6403. index analysis method ==> 指数分析法
  6404. index area ==> 索引区
  6405. index arm ==> 六分仪标志杆,指臂,指标
  6406. index array ==> 变址寄存器组,变址数寄存器组
  6407. index bar ==> 指臂
  6408. index barricade register ==> 变址隔离寄存器
  6409. index beam ==> 指引射束,引示射束=>インデックスビーム
  6410. index bed ==> 指示层,标准层
  6411. index bit ==> 变址位,索引比特
  6412. index board ==> 指标板
  6413. index breeding ==> 指数选育
  6414. index bristol ==> 索引光泽纸板
  6415. index buffer ==> 引导缓冲器,变址缓冲器
  6416. index card ==> 索引卡片
  6417. index case ==> 索引患者
  6418. index center ==> 分度顶尖,分度虎钳
  6419. index change gears ==> 分度交换齿轮架
  6420. index chart ==> 海图索引图,索引图
  6421. index chuck ==> 分度卡盘
  6422. index compound ==> 索引化合物,母体化合物
  6423. index contour ==> 指标等高线
  6424. index correction ==> 指标订正,指标改正,刻度校正,仪表刻度校正
  6425. index counter ==> 粒码计数器,变址计数器,指数计数器
  6426. index crank ==> 分度头曲柄,分度摇柄
  6427. index curve ==> 指数曲线
  6428. index cycle ==> 指数循环,变址周期
  6429. index data item ==> 变址数据项,标引数据项
  6430. index definition ==> 变址定义,指数定义
  6431. index diagram ==> 索引图
  6432. index dial ==> 表盘
  6433. index disc ==> 指示盘
  6434. index disk ==> 变址磁盘
  6435. index domain ==> 索引区
  6436. index drawer ==> 索引抽屉
  6437. index electrode ==> 指引电报
  6438. index ellipsoid ==> 屈折率だ円体
  6439. index error ==> 指标差,指标误差,指示误差,分度误差
  6440. index factor ==> 指数因子
  6441. index feed ==> 分度进给
  6442. index field value ==> 变址域值
  6443. index file ==> 索引文件
  6444. index finger ==> 食指,指针
  6445. index forest ==> 指标林
  6446. index fossil ==> 标准化石
  6447. index ga(u)ge ==> 指示表
  6448. index gauge ==> 指示计,分度规
  6449. index gear ==> 分度齿轮
  6450. index glass ==> 分度镜,六分仪动镜,标镜
  6451. index gradient ==> 指数梯度
  6452. index hand ==> 指示针
  6453. index handle ==> 分度柄
  6454. index head ==> 分度头=>割出し台
  6455. index head slide ==> 分度头溜板
  6456. index hole ==> 分度孔
  6457. index horizon ==> 标准层位
  6458. index in terms of material products ==> 实物指标
  6459. index indirect addressing ==> 变址间接寻址
  6460. index instruction ==> 变址指令
  6461. index intensity ==> 标记亮度
  6462. index law ==> 指数律
  6463. index level ==> 竖直度盘指标水准器,变址级
  6464. index lever ==> 分度杆
  6465. index limestone ==> 标准石灰岩
  6466. index line ==> 指标线,指示线,分度线
  6467. index linking ==> 同物价指数相联系的
  6468. index liquid ==> 折射率液
  6469. index machine ==> 索引机
  6470. index manual ==> 索引手册
  6471. index map ==> 接合图
  6472. index mark ==> 指标,指示器,指数
  6473. index marker ==> 索引标记
  6474. index matched crystals ==> 折射率匹配晶体
  6475. index matching ==> 折射率匹配
  6476. index mechanism ==> 索引机构
  6477. index memory ==> 变址存储器
  6478. index method ==> 指数法
  6479. index microscope ==> 指标显微镜
  6480. index mineral ==> 指示矿物,标志矿物
  6481. index mirror ==> 标度镜,标镜,目标定位镜,指标镜,六分仪动镜
  6482. index modification ==> 索引修改,变址修改
  6483. index modification addressing ==> 变址修改型寻址
  6484. index modify ==> 变址修改
  6485. index movement ==> 指数变化
  6486. index name ==> 索引名
  6487. index number ==> 索引号,分度数,指数
  6488. index number of export prices ==> 出口物价指数
  6489. index number of food production ==> 食品生产指数
  6490. index number of import prices ==> 进口物价指数
  6491. index number of invariable construction ==> 不变结构指数
  6492. index number of nominal wages ==> 名义工资指数
  6493. index number of per capita food production ==> 人均食品生产指数
  6494. index number of quantum imports or exports ==> 进出口贸易量指数
  6495. index number of quantum of imports and exports ==> 进出口贸易量指数
  6496. index number of real wages ==> 实际工资指数
  6497. index number of sensitive prices ==> 敏感物价指数,敏感性物价指数
  6498. index number of value of imports and exports ==> 进出口贸易额指数
  6499. index number of variable construction ==> 可变构成指数
  6500. index numbers of capacity utilization ==> 开工率指数
  6501. index of a radical ==> 根指数
  6502. index of a subgroup ==> 子群的指数
  6503. index of abnormality ==> 非正态指数
  6504. index of absorption ==> 吸收指数
  6505. index of activity ==> 活度指数
  6506. index of an indicating device ==> 指示机构的指示器
  6507. index of aridity ==> 干燥率
  6508. index of asymmetry ==> 非对称性指数
  6509. index of atmospheric purity ==> 大气纯度指数
  6510. index of average unit price paid ==> 平均单位支付价格指数
  6511. index of basicity ==> 碱性指数
  6512. index of biological activity ==> 生物活性指标
  6513. index of business ==> 商业指数
  6514. index of business conditions ==> 商情指数
  6515. index of coincidence ==> 符合指数
  6516. index of conformity ==> 一致性指数
  6517. index of consumption ==> 消费指数
  6518. index of cooperation ==> 合作指数=>協働係数(写真電送)
  6519. index of correlation ==> 相关指数
  6520. index of coupling ==> 耦合指数=>結合指数
  6521. index of critical point ==> 临界点指数
  6522. index of current marriage fertility ==> 现时已婚生育率指标
  6523. index of dealer's stocks ==> 销售业库存指数
  6524. index of determination ==> 可决指数
  6525. index of diffraction ==> 衍射指数
  6526. index of discharge ==> 排量指数
  6527. index of dispersion ==> 离差指数,离中趋势指数
  6528. index of employment cost ==> 就业费用指数,就业费用指数
  6529. index of export prices ==> 出口价格指数
  6530. index of fatigue ==> 疲劳指数
  6531. index of fuzziness ==> 模糊性指数
  6532. index of harm ==> 危害指数
  6533. index of import and export ==> 进出口指数
  6534. index of import volume ==> 进口物量指数
  6535. index of imprimitivity ==> 非本原指数
  6536. index of inconsistency ==> 不一致性指数
  6537. index of inertia ==> 惯性指数
  6538. index of inventors and patentees ==> 发明人与专利人索引
  6539. index of irrigation need ==> 灌溉需水指数
  6540. index of land occupation ==> 土地占用指标
  6541. index of leading indicator ==> 主要指标的指数
  6542. index of liquidity ==> 流性指数
  6543. index of modulation ==> 调制系数
  6544. index of number employed ==> 就业人数指标,就业人数指标
  6545. index of operating rates ==> 开工率指数
  6546. index of partial production ==> 局部开工生产指数,局部开工生产指数
  6547. index of performance ==> 性能指数
  6548. index of platicity ==> 塑性指数
  6549. index of pollution ==> 污染指数
  6550. index of precision ==> 精度指数,精密度指数,精确度指数,精确指数
  6551. index of price ==> 物价指数
  6552. index of production cost ==> 生产成本指数
  6553. index of purchasing power of exports ==> 出口购买力指数
  6554. index of recovery ==> 恢复指数
  6555. index of reference ==> 引用索引,访问的索引
  6556. index of reflection ==> 反射率
  6557. index of refraction ==> 折射率
  6558. index of regional difference of consumer prices ==> 消费者地区差价指数
  6559. index of reliability ==> 可靠性指数
  6560. index of ring systems ==> 环系索引
  6561. index of salt deficiency ==> 缺盐指标
  6562. index of similarity ==> 相似度指标
  6563. index of social purchasing power ==> 社会购买力指数
  6564. index of speculation ==> 投机指数
  6565. index of stability ==> 稳定性指数
  6566. index of stabilization ==> 稳定指数
  6567. index of suboptimality ==> 次优性指数
  6568. index of terms of trade ==> 进出口商品比价指数,贸易条件指数
  6569. index of terms of trade for exports ==> 出口贸易条件指数
  6570. index of terms of trade for imports ==> 进口贸易比价指数
  6571. index of tilth ==> 耕性指数
  6572. index of wholesales ==> 批发销售额指数
  6573. index part ==> 变址部分
  6574. index per food production ==> 平均粮食生产指数
  6575. index percent ==> 指数率
  6576. index phrase ==> 标引短语
  6577. index pin ==> 指度针,分度销
  6578. index pin knob ==> 分度销钮
  6579. index plan ==> 索引平面,索引图
  6580. index plane ==> 标准面
  6581. index plate ==> 分度盘
  6582. index plate housing ==> 分度盘体
  6583. index plunger ==> 分度销=>インデックスプランジャ
  6584. index point ==> 标定点,标志点
  6585. index prism ==> 动棱镜
  6586. index properties ==> 指标特性
  6587. index pulse ==> 指引脉冲,标志脉冲
  6588. index qualifer ==> 变址修改
  6589. index qualifier ==> 变址限定符
  6590. index ratio ==> 趋肤指数比
  6591. index realm ==> 变址区域
  6592. index record ==> 变址记录
  6593. index reduction factor ==> 指数缩减因子
  6594. index reference line ==> 指数参考线
  6595. index register ==> 变址寄存器,指数寄存器=>指標レジスタ
  6596. index register pointer ==> 变址寄存器指示器
  6597. index return character ==> 变址返回符
  6598. index ring ==> 分度圈
  6599. index sequential file ==> 索引顺序文件
  6600. index series ==> 指标序列
  6601. index set ==> 指标集,变址组
  6602. index setting ==> 指数调整
  6603. index signal ==> 指引信号,变址信号
  6604. index signal amplifier ==> 指示射线位置
  6605. index sleeve ==> 分度筒
  6606. index slip ==> 标志条
  6607. index slit ==> 变址缝口
  6608. index space ==> 指标空间
  6609. index stock ==> 索引卡片纸
  6610. index stress ==> 指示应力
  6611. index strip ==> 指示带
  6612. index system ==> 指标系统
  6613. index table ==> 分度工作台=>インデックステーブル
  6614. index table machine ==> 转位工作台机床
  6615. index tag ==> 标牌
  6616. index term ==> 标引词,索引术语
  6617. index theorem ==> 指数定理
  6618. index thermometer ==> 指标温度计
  6619. index time ==> 转位时间
  6620. index to notation ==> 记号索引
  6621. index to subjects of invention ==> 发明主题索引
  6622. index tool ==> 转位刀具
  6623. index track ==> 变址磁道,变址道
  6624. index transducer ==> 标志传感器
  6625. index tube ==> 指引罐
  6626. index type ==> 变址类型
  6627. index type scheme ==> インデックス方式
  6628. index unit ==> 指示装置,分度装置
  6629. index value ==> 预定值,指标值,指数,变址值
  6630. index window ==> 指标窗
  6631. index word ==> 指標語
  6632. index word register ==> 变址字寄存器
  6633. index yarn ==> 标志纱线
  6634. index zero ==> 指标零
  6635. index zone ==> 标准带
  6636. index(ing) feed ==> 间歇进给
  6637. index(ing) table ==> 转位工作台
  6638. index-ellipsoid ==> 屈折率楕円体
  6639. index-linked loan ==> 保值借贷
  6640. index-sector separation circuitry ==> 标志区段分离电路
  6641. indexable ==> 可加索引
  6642. indexation ==> 指数化
  6643. indexation of tax allowances and taxation ==> 课税减免指数化与税收
  6644. indexed ==> 索引号
  6645. indexed access ==> 变址存取,变址访问
  6646. indexed access method (IAM) ==> 加下标访问方法
  6647. indexed address ==> 变址的地址,被变址地址,已变址地址
  6648. indexed addressing ==> 索引寻址,变址编址,变址访问,变址寻址
  6649. indexed addressing mode ==> 变址寻址方式
  6650. indexed bond ==> 物价指数债券
  6651. indexed bond (stabilized bond) ==> 指数化债券
  6652. indexed data name ==> 变址数据名,加标数据名,索引型数据名
  6653. indexed family ==> 加标族
  6654. indexed file ==> 加索引的文件
  6655. indexed file structure ==> 加索引的文件结构,定位文件结构
  6656. indexed list ==> 索引表,加下标表
  6657. indexed loan ==> 指数化贷款
  6658. indexed mode ==> 变址方式
  6659. indexed operand address ==> 经变址的操作数地址,经变址的操作数地址
  6660. indexed sequential ==> 变址顺序,变址序列
  6661. indexed sequential access disk ==> 索引顺序存取磁盘
  6662. indexed sequential access mode ==> 按索引顺序访问方式
  6663. indexed sequential data set ==> 加下标顺序数据集
  6664. indexed sequential file ==> 加下标顺序文件,索引顺序编制文件,索引顺序文件
  6665. indexed sequential organization ==> 索引顺序编制,索引顺序结构,索引顺序组织,加下标顺序结构
  6666. indexed set ==> 加下标组,索引集
  6667. indexed zero page addressing ==> 变址零页寻址
  6668. indexer ==> 指示器,分度器,频率调制定位装置
  6669. indexing ==> 分度,转换角度,转位,指标,指数,编制指数,变址,标刻度,标行,标引,加下标
  6670. indexing accuracy ==> 分度精度
  6671. indexing addressing ==> 变址型寻址
  6672. indexing applications unit ==> 变址单元,变址器
  6673. indexing attachment ==> 分度附件
  6674. indexing center ==> 分度顶尖
  6675. indexing circuit ==> 指引电路
  6676. indexing disc ==> 分度盘
  6677. indexing feed ==> 分级进给
  6678. indexing fixture ==> 分度夹具
  6679. indexing gear constant ==> 分度机构常数
  6680. indexing head ==> 分度头
  6681. indexing hole ==> 分度孔
  6682. indexing jig ==> 分度钻模
  6683. indexing language ==> 标引语言
  6684. indexing machine ==> 转位机
  6685. indexing mechanism ==> 转位机构,分度机构,间歇机构
  6686. indexing method ==> 变址法,索引法
  6687. indexing operation ==> 分度操作,变址操作
  6688. indexing plunger ==> 分度销
  6689. indexing register ==> 指数寄存器
  6690. indexing set ==> 指标集
  6691. indexing shaft ==> 分度轴
  6692. indexing system ==> 标引系统
  6693. indexing table ==> 分度工专
  6694. indexing transfer ==> 间歇传送
  6695. indexing type milling fixture ==> 分度式铣夹具
  6696. indexing unit ==> 检索装置
  6697. India canna ==> 美人蕉
  6698. India gum ==> 印度树胶
  6699. India ink staining ==> 墨汁染色法
  6700. India lawn ==> 印度上等细布
  6701. india mustard ==> 芥菜
  6702. India oil stone ==> (修表工磨雕刻刀用)印度油石
  6703. India print ==> 印度式花纹印花布
  6704. India rubber ==> 印度橡胶,弹性橡皮,橡皮,天然橡胶=>ゴム
  6705. India rubber cushion ==> 橡皮缓冲器
  6706. India rubber packing ==> 橡皮填料
  6707. India skullcap ==> 向天盏
  6708. India-Asia convergence ==> インド-アジア収束
  6709. India-ink capsule stain ==> 墨汁荚膜染色法
  6710. India-ink negative stain ==> 墨汁负染色法
  6711. India-ink preparation ==> 墨汁染法
  6712. India-rubber cable ==> 橡胶绝缘电缆,橡皮绝缘电缆
  6713. India-rubber hose ==> 软管
  6714. India-rubber ring ==> 橡皮圈
  6715. India-rubber spring ==> 橡胶簧
  6716. India-rubber wire ==> 橡胶电线
  6717. Indian abutilon ==> 印度苘麻
  6718. Indian alfalfa ==> 印度苜蓿
  6719. Indian blanket ==> 印度安花纹手织毛毯
  6720. Indian bow paralysis ==> 甲状披裂肌麻痹
  6721. Indian Buddist architecture ==> 印度佛教建筑
  6722. Indian cordage ==> 印度绳索
  6723. Indian cotton ==> 印度棉
  6724. Indian Council of Agricultural Research ==> 印度农业研究理事会
  6725. Indian era ==> 印度纪元
  6726. Indian ficus ==> 印度榕
  6727. Indian flying fox ==> インドオオコウモリ
  6728. Indian grass oil ==> 印度草油,玫瑰草香油
  6729. Indian gum ==> 印度胶
  6730. Indian hawthorn ==> 印度石斑木
  6731. Indian ink ==> 黑墨汁
  6732. indian ink ==> 墨
  6733. Indian Institutes of Technology ==> インド工科大学
  6734. Indian Journal of Veterinary ==> 印度兽医学报
  6735. Indian kale ==> 印度椰菜
  6736. Indian lace ==> 印度丝花边
  6737. Indian lamb ==> 印度羔羊皮
  6738. Indian laurel oil ==> 印度月桂油
  6739. Indian linen ==> 印度亚麻平布
  6740. Indian mahogany ==> 印度红木
  6741. Indian melissa oil ==> 印度蜂花油
  6742. Indian mustard seed oil ==> 印度芥子油
  6743. Indian Ocean ==> 印度洋=>インド洋
  6744. Indian Ocean area ==> 印度洋地区
  6745. Indian Ocean coverages ==> 印度洋区域的覆盖范围
  6746. Indian Ocean Equatorial current ==> 印度洋赤道洋流
  6747. Indian Ocean plate ==> 印度洋板块
  6748. Indian Ocean Region ==> 印度洋地区
  6749. Indian Ocean Satellite ==> 印度洋卫星
  6750. Indian paper ==> 印度纸
  6751. Indian parallel grammar ==> 印度并行文法
  6752. Indian plantain ==> 印度车前草
  6753. Indian Plate ==> インドプレート,(オーストラリアプレートとあわせてインド・オーストラリアプレートと考えることもある)
  6754. Indian print ==> 印度印花布
  6755. Indian pudding ==> 印第安布丁
  6756. Indian purple ==> 印度紫红色
  6757. Indian rape oil ==> 印度菜油
  6758. Indian red ==> 印度红
  6759. Indian rice grass ==> 印度落芒草
  6760. Indian rubber hose ==> 橡胶水龙带
  6761. Indian rubber tree ==> 印度橡皮树
  6762. Indian runner ==> 印度跑鸭
  6763. Indian spring low water ==> 印度洋大潮低潮面
  6764. Indian spring water ==> 印度大潮低潮面
  6765. Indian stone ==> 印度石
  6766. Indian style ==> 印度式建筑
  6767. Indian testing method for oxidation ==> 印第安那氧化试验法
  6768. Indian tide plane ==> 印度大潮低潮面
  6769. Indian transfer paper ==> 版画印样用薄纸
  6770. Indian turnip ==> 印度南天星
  6771. Indian Veterinary Journal ==> 印度兽医杂志
  6772. Indian waste silk ==> 印度废丝
  6773. Indian yellow ==> 印度黄
  6774. Indian-meal moth ==> 印度谷螟虫
  6775. Indiana cloth ==> (经防水处理可用作橡胶布)印第安纳高级细布
  6776. Indiana isopentane process ==> 印第安纳异戊烷法
  6777. Indiana oxidation test ==> 印第安纳氧化法
  6778. indicate ==> 标明,表明,表示,指示
  6779. indicated air temperature ==> 指示气温
  6780. indicated airspeed (IAS) ==> 表速
  6781. indicated altitude ==> 表高
  6782. indicated angle ==> 指示角
  6783. indicated board ==> 指示板
  6784. indicated course bend ==> 指示航线弯曲
  6785. indicated course curvature ==> 指示航线曲率
  6786. indicated course directional error ==> 指示航线方向误差
  6787. indicated course error ==> 指示航向误差
  6788. indicated course line ==> 指示航线
  6789. indicated course sector ==> 指示航向象限
  6790. indicated deposit ==> 暂定按金
  6791. indicated device ==> 指示器
  6792. indicated direction ==> 指示的方向
  6793. indicated displacement error ==> 指示位移误差
  6794. indicated efficiency ==> 指示效率
  6795. indicated electrode ==> 指示电极
  6796. indicated ga(u)ge ==> 指示计
  6797. indicated glass column ==> 指示玻璃柱
  6798. indicated glide path ==> 指示滑翔道
  6799. indicated glide path bend ==> 指示滑翔道弯曲
  6800. indicated glide path curvature ==> 指示滑翔道曲率
  6801. indicated glide path sector ==> 指示滑翔道象限
  6802. indicated heat specific consumption ==> 指示热消耗率
  6803. indicated horse power ==> 指示马力
  6804. indicated horse-hour ==> 指示马力小时
  6805. indicated horsepower ==> 指示马力
  6806. indicated horsepower (ihp) ==> 指示马力
  6807. indicated hydrogen ==> 指示氢
  6808. indicated instrument ==> 指示仪表
  6809. indicated lamp ==> 指示灯
  6810. indicated linearity sector ==> 指示线性象限
  6811. indicated mean effective pressure ==> 指示平均有效压力
  6812. indicated meter ==> 指示器
  6813. indicated micrometer ==> 指示测微计
  6814. indicated needle ==> 指针
  6815. indicated noise meter ==> 噪声指示计
  6816. indicated number ==> 指示数
  6817. indicated ore ==> 指示矿量
  6818. indicated output ==> 指示马力
  6819. indicated power ==> 指示功率
  6820. indicated pressure ==> 指示压力
  6821. indicated range ==> 指示范围
  6822. indicated recorder ==> 指示记录器
  6823. indicated relay ==> 指示继电器
  6824. indicated reserve ==> 指示储量,推论储量
  6825. indicated slant course directional error ==> 指示倾斜航线方向误差
  6826. indicated slant course line ==> 指示倾斜航线
  6827. indicated speed ==> 指示速率
  6828. indicated strain ==> 指示应变
  6829. indicated thermal efficiency ==> 指示热效率
  6830. indicated thrust ==> 指示推力
  6831. indicated tractive power ==> 指示牵引力
  6832. indicated value ==> 指示值=>表示値,指示値
  6833. indicated water level ==> 指示水位
  6834. indicated wattmeter ==> 指示瓦特计
  6835. indicated work ==> 指示功
  6836. indicating ==> 指示
  6837. indicating (measuring) instrument ==> (测量仪器仪表)的示值
  6838. indicating arm ==> 指示杆
  6839. indicating bell ==> 指示铃
  6840. indicating bit ==> 指示位
  6841. indicating calipers ==> 指示卡规
  6842. indicating circuit ==> 指示电路
  6843. indicating controller ==> 指示控制器,标尺式控制器
  6844. indicating desiccant ==> 指示干燥剂
  6845. indicating device ==> 指示装置,指示机构
  6846. indicating device bridge ==> 指示装置夹板
  6847. indicating diagram ==> 指示图
  6848. indicating dial ==> 指示盘
  6849. indicating end ==> 指示针
  6850. indicating equipment ==> 指示设备
  6851. indicating error ==> 指示误差,示值误差
  6852. indicating finger ==> 指示针
  6853. indicating flow meter ==> 指示流量计
  6854. indicating fuse ==> 指示熔断器
  6855. indicating ga(u)ge ==> 指示器
  6856. indicating gage ==> 指示计
  6857. indicating hand ==> 指针
  6858. indicating head ==> 仪表刻度盘
  6859. indicating instrument ==> 指示仪器仪表,指示仪表=>指示計器
  6860. indicating instrument method ==> 指示計器法
  6861. indicating lamp ==> 指示灯=>パイロットランプ
  6862. indicating length ==> 指示长度
  6863. indicating light ==> 指示灯
  6864. indicating liquid level ga(u)ge ==> 指示液面计,液面指示计
  6865. indicating lock ==> 表示鎖錠
  6866. indicating mechanism ==> 指示装置
  6867. indicating meter ==> 指示计,指示流量计
  6868. indicating micrometer ==> 指示测微计
  6869. indicating needle ==> 指针
  6870. indicating of operation ==> 运转指示
  6871. indicating of synchronism ==> 同步指示
  6872. indicating of throw-in ==> 投入指示
  6873. indicating oscillograph ==> 指示式示波器,显示式示波器
  6874. indicating panel ==> 指示仪表板
  6875. indicating plug ga(u)ge ==> 内径精测仪
  6876. indicating potentiometer ==> 指示电位计
  6877. indicating pressure gauge ==> 指示压力表
  6878. indicating range ==> 指示范围=>指示範囲
  6879. indicating recorder ==> 指示记录器
  6880. indicating relay ==> 指示继电器
  6881. indicating selsyn ==> 指示式自同步机,指示式自整角机
  6882. indicating snap ga(u)ge ==> 内径精测仪
  6883. indicating system ==> 指示系统
  6884. indicating test method ==> 指示试验法
  6885. indicating thermocouple ==> 指示热电偶
  6886. indicating thermometer ==> 指示温度计
  6887. indicating type ==> 指示式
  6888. indicating unit ==> 指示器
  6889. indicating value ==> 示值
  6890. indicating wattmeter ==> 指示瓦特计=>指示電力計
  6891. indicating wattmeter method ==> 指示瓦特计法
  6892. indication ==> 示度,适应症,指示,指征,显示,标示值=>目安,表示,指示
  6893. indication applied occurrence ==> 指示应用性出现
  6894. indication defining occurrence ==> 指示定义性出现
  6895. indication error ==> 指示误差,示值误差,显示误差,读数误差
  6896. indication lag ==> 指示延迟
  6897. indication lamp ==> 指示灯
  6898. indication magnet ==> 指示磁铁=>表示電磁石
  6899. indication mechanism ==> 指示机构,显示机构
  6900. Indication of Household Articles' Quality Law ==> 家庭用品品質表示法
  6901. indication of illegal acts ==> 非法行为的迹象
  6902. indication of measuring instrument ==> 测量器示值
  6903. indication of the presence of disease ==> 现有病态的迹象
  6904. indication plug unit ==> 表示插件
  6905. indication point ==> 指示点
  6906. indication price ==> 指示价格
  6907. indication range ==> 示值范围
  6908. indication relay ==> 指示继电器=>表示継電器
  6909. indication sign ==> 指示标志
  6910. indication transformer ==> 表示变压器
  6911. indication-defining occurrence ==> 指示定义性出现
  6912. indications of the colour of the nose ==> 鼻色主病
  6913. indicative abstract ==> 指示简介,指示性简述,指示摘要,内容提要,要点抄录
  6914. indicative character ==> 指示特征
  6915. indicative curve ==> 指示曲线
  6916. indicative data ==> 表示データ
  6917. indicative diagram of standard plan ==> 标准计划指示图表
  6918. indicative dump ==> 简易转储
  6919. indicative function ==> 示性函数
  6920. indicative mark ==> 指示标志
  6921. indicative structural plane ==> 标引性结构面
  6922. indicator ==> 标志器,示功器,计量仪表,指示剂,指示计,指示牌,指示器,指示物,显示器,找矿标志=>表示器,指示器,指示計,インディケータ,標識,表示
  6923. indicator air speed ==> 指示空速
  6924. indicator balance ==> 指针天平
  6925. indicator blank ==> 指示剂空白,指示剂空白校正
  6926. indicator board ==> 指示板,指示器盘
  6927. indicator button ==> 指示器按钮,有人无人钮
  6928. indicator card ==> 器示压容图,指示卡,指示图
  6929. indicator case ==> 指示板,指示病例,感知器框
  6930. indicator chart ==> 指示符图,指示图,指示字图
  6931. indicator circuit ==> 指示电路
  6932. indicator clip ==> 指示器固定簧片
  6933. indicator clutch ==> 指示器离合杆
  6934. indicator clutch operating lever ==> 指示器离合操作杆
  6935. indicator clutch spring ==> 指示器离合簧
  6936. indicator cock ==> 指示开关
  6937. indicator community ==> 指示群落
  6938. indicator connection plug ==> 指示器接头塞
  6939. indicator constant ==> 指示剂常数
  6940. indicator cord ==> 指示表拉绳
  6941. indicator correction ==> 指示剂校正
  6942. indicator current ==> 指示电流
  6943. indicator device clutch wheel ==> 指示装置离合轮
  6944. indicator device driver ==> 指示装置驱动轮
  6945. indicator device driver maintaining washer ==> 指示装置传动轮保护隔片
  6946. indicator diagram ==> 指示器图表,指示线图
  6947. indicator diagram of work ==> 示功图
  6948. indicator dial ==> 指示表刻度盘,指示盘
  6949. indicator dial cover ==> 指示器标度盘壳
  6950. indicator disc ==> 指示盘
  6951. indicator display ==> 指示器显示
  6952. indicator distance piece ==> 指示器隔片
  6953. indicator drive ==> 示功器传动机构
  6954. indicator driving wheel ==> 指示器传动轮
  6955. indicator driving wheel core ==> 指示器传动轮座
  6956. indicator driving wheel friction spring ==> 指示传动轮摩擦簧
  6957. indicator driving wheel ring ==> 指示器传动轮衬套
  6958. indicator drum ==> 指示器卷筒
  6959. indicator effect ==> 指示剂效应
  6960. indicator electrode ==> 指示电极
  6961. indicator element ==> 指示元素,显示元件
  6962. indicator equation ==> 指示器方程
  6963. indicator exponent ==> 指示剂指数
  6964. indicator for total credit ==> 信贷总额指标
  6965. indicator function ==> 指示函数=>特性関数
  6966. indicator gage ==> 指示压力计
  6967. indicator gate ==> 指示器门电路,指示器闸门,显示选通门
  6968. indicator gear ==> 指示表传动机构,指示器传动机构,指示器传动装置
  6969. indicator hole ==> 指示孔
  6970. indicator horizon ==> 指示层
  6971. indicator lamp ==> 指示灯
  6972. indicator lamp terminal ==> 指示灯接线柱
  6973. indicator length ==> 指示长度
  6974. indicator light ==> 指示灯,指示器信号灯
  6975. indicator maintaining plate distance piece ==> 指示器定位板隔片
  6976. indicator maintaining small plate ==> 指示器压片
  6977. indicator medium ==> 指示培养基
  6978. indicator motion ==> 指示器动作
  6979. indicator needle shaft ==> 指针轴
  6980. indicator of distribution ==> 分配指标
  6981. indicator of divergence ==> 发散指标,离散性指标
  6982. indicator of economic development ==> 经济发展指标,经济发展指标
  6983. indicator of physical output ==> 实物量指标
  6984. indicator of product variety ==> 品种指标
  6985. indicator of standard physical output ==> 标准实物产量指示
  6986. indicator of utilization of machine-hour ==> 台时利用程度指标
  6987. indicator OFF ==> 指示器关闭
  6988. indicator ON ==> 指示器开启
  6989. indicator organism ==> 指示生物
  6990. indicator panel ==> 指示屏,信号显示板
  6991. indicator paper ==> 试纸,示功器用纸
  6992. indicator pencil ==> 示功器笔,指示器记录头
  6993. indicator pinion ==> 指示器齿轴
  6994. indicator pipe ==> 指示器管
  6995. indicator piston ==> 指示器活塞
  6996. indicator plant ==> 指示植物
  6997. indicator plant of soil ==> 土壤指示植物
  6998. indicator plate ==> 指示板
  6999. indicator pointer ==> 指示器指针,指示针
  7000. indicator range ==> 指示幅度
  7001. indicator register ==> 指示寄存器
  7002. indicator safety ==> 指示器保险装置
  7003. indicator scale ==> 指示器,定尺指示器
  7004. indicator screen ==> 指示器荧光屏
  7005. indicator seating ==> 指示器垫
  7006. indicator setting wheel driving wheel ==> 指示器过轮传动轮
  7007. indicator solution ==> 指示剂溶液
  7008. indicator species ==> 指示种
  7009. indicator spring ==> 示功器弹簧
  7010. indicator stop ==> 指示限位器
  7011. indicator strain ==> 指示菌株
  7012. indicator switch ==> 指示器开关
  7013. indicator system ==> 指示系统
  7014. indicator system for economic results ==> 经济效果指标体系,经济效果指标体系
  7015. indicator system for moderately well-off society ==> 小康社会指标体系
  7016. indicator test ==> 指示剂试验
  7017. indicator tube ==> 调谐指示器
  7018. indicator valve ==> 带指示器的阀,示功考克
  7019. indicator vein ==> 指示脉
  7020. indicator wheel ==> 指示轮
  7021. indicator wheel bridge ==> 指示轮夹板
  7022. indicator wheel jumper ==> 指示轮定位杆
  7023. indicator work ==> 指示功
  7024. indicator-channel ==> 示功器通道
  7025. indicator-lamp cover ==> 指示灯罩
  7026. indicator-off ==> 指示指令断开
  7027. indicator-on ==> 指示指令接通
  7028. indicator-rod ==> 漏箭
  7029. indicators of demographic trend ==> 人口趋势指标
  7030. indicatrix of optic diaxial crystal ==> 二轴晶光率体
  7031. indicatrix of optic monoaxial crystal ==> 一轴晶光率体
  7032. indicatrix of scattering ==> 散射指示量
  7033. indices based on power flow solution pair ==> 潮流多根対に基づく指標, Voltage Instability Proximity Index(VIPI),Transient Energy Function(TEF),(Loadability margin indices, ΔPCLL,ΔPcr)
  7034. indices for singularity of Jacobian ==> 潮流ヤコビアンの特異性指標,test functions,second order performance index,minimum singular value, σmin,minimum eigenvalue,λmin,determinant of reduced Jacobian, det(JQV)
  7035. indices of crystallographic plane ==> 晶面指数
  7036. indicial admittance ==> 过渡导纳
  7037. indicial equation ==> 指数方程
  7038. indicial response ==> 指数特性,指数响应,过渡响应,单位阶跃响应=>インディシャル応答
  7039. indicial transfer function ==> 指数传递函数
  7040. indicolite ==> インディコライト
  7041. indide door handle ==> 门内手柄
  7042. indifference curve ==> 无差别曲线,无差异曲线
  7043. indifference interval ==> 无差别区间
  7044. indifference surface ==> 无差别曲面
  7045. indifferent air mass ==> 变性气团
  7046. indifferent business ==> 附带业务
  7047. indifferent electrode ==> 无关电极
  7048. indifferent equilibrium ==> 随遇平衡
  7049. indifferent gas ==> 中性气体,惰性气氛
  7050. indifferent stability ==> 中性稳定(度)
  7051. indifferent stimulus ==> 无关刺激,无关刺激物
  7052. indifferent tension ==> 惰性气体
  7053. indiffusible ion ==> 不扩散离子,非扩散离子
  7054. indigenous alveolar bone ==> 固有牙槽骨
  7055. indigenous blast furnaces ==> 土高炉
  7056. indigenous cover ==> 乡土覆盖植物
  7057. indigenous equipment ==> 土设备
  7058. indigenous experts ==> 土专家
  7059. indigenous materials ==> 乡土材料
  7060. indigenous method ==> 土办法
  7061. indigenous plant ==> 乡土植物
  7062. indigenous variety ==> 乡土品种
  7063. indigent capital ==> 贫困的资本
  7064. indigestible dextrin ==> 難消化性デキストリン
  7065. indigo ==> 靛蓝,靛蓝类染料=>インディゴ
  7066. indigo auxiliary ==> 靛蓝还原助剂
  7067. indigo blue ==> 靛蓝
  7068. indigo cake ==> 藍墨
  7069. indigo carmine ==> 靛蓝,靛蓝胭脂红,胭脂靛
  7070. indigo carmine solution ==> インジゴカルミン溶液
  7071. indigo carmine test ==> インジゴカルミン腎検査法
  7072. indigo copper ==> 铜蓝
  7073. indigo dyeing ==> 靛蓝染色=>藍染め,インディゴ染め
  7074. indigo plant ==> アイ
  7075. indigo process ==> 靛蓝法
  7076. indigo pure powder ==> 靛蓝粉
  7077. indigo red ==> 靛玉红
  7078. indigo vat ==> 靛瓮
  7079. indigo vatting ==> 靛蓝的瓮化
  7080. indigo white ==> 靛白
  7081. indigo-heliographic paper ==> 靛蓝晒图纸
  7082. indigoid dye ==> 靛属染料
  7083. indigolite ==> 蓝电气石=>インディコライト
  7084. Indigoplant Leaf ==> 蓼大青叶
  7085. indigosol ==> (染料)溶靛素
  7086. indigosol golden yellow ==> 溶靛素金黄
  7087. indigosol printing black ==> 溶靛素印染黑
  7088. indigosol printing blue ==> 溶靛素印染蓝
  7089. indigosol red-violet ==> 溶靛素红紫
  7090. indigotic ==> 靛蓝的
  7091. indimmed star ==> 未消光星
  7092. indirect ==> 间接的
  7093. indirect (spot) welding ==> 单面点焊
  7094. indirect absolute addressing ==> 间接绝对寻址
  7095. indirect acting ==> 间接动作的
  7096. indirect acting factor ==> 间接影响因素
  7097. indirect acting instrument ==> 间接作用仪表
  7098. indirect acting recording instrument ==> 间接作用记录仪
  7099. indirect action of noxious substance ==> 有害物质间接作用
  7100. indirect activation ==> 间接活化,间接激活,间接生效
  7101. indirect address ==> 間接アドレス
  7102. indirect address mode ==> 间接地址方式
  7103. indirect addressing ==> 间接定址,间接寻址=>間接アドレス指定
  7104. indirect agglutination ==> 间接凝集反应
  7105. indirect agglutination test ==> 间接凝集试验
  7106. indirect air cooling ==> 间接空冷
  7107. indirect air-conditioning system ==> 间接空调系统
  7108. indirect analog ==> 间接模拟
  7109. indirect analysis ==> 间接分析
  7110. indirect ancting instrument ==> 间接作用仪表
  7111. indirect antiglobulin test ==> 间接抗球蛋白试验
  7112. indirect arc heating ==> 间接弧热
  7113. indirect arc rocking furnace ==> 摇动式间接电弧炉
  7114. indirect assignment ==> 间接地址分配,间接赋值
  7115. indirect autogamy ==> 间接自花受精
  7116. indirect benefit ==> 间接效益
  7117. indirect binary n-cube network ==> 间接二进制n方体网络
  7118. indirect braking method ==> 间接制动法
  7119. indirect branch ==> 间接转移
  7120. indirect business ==> 间接贸易
  7121. indirect calculation of efficiency ==> 效率的间接计算
  7122. indirect call ==> 间接调入,间接调用,间接呼叫
  7123. indirect chaining method ==> 间接链接法
  7124. indirect circulation ==> 逆环流
  7125. indirect command file ==> 间接命令文件
  7126. indirect comparison of characteristics ==> 特点的间接比较
  7127. indirect component ==> 间接分量
  7128. indirect condenser ==> 间接冷凝器
  7129. indirect construction cost ==> 工程间接费
  7130. indirect contact ==> 间接接触
  7131. indirect control ==> 间接控制
  7132. indirect control system ==> 间接控制系
  7133. indirect cooling ==> 间接冷却
  7134. indirect cooling generator ==> 间接冷却发电机,外冷发电机
  7135. indirect cooling water ==> 间接冷却水
  7136. indirect correlation ==> 间接相关
  7137. indirect cost ==> 间接费
  7138. indirect coupling ==> 间接耦合
  7139. indirect cycle ==> 间接循环,间接周期
  7140. indirect daylight factor ==> 间接采光系数
  7141. indirect daylighting ==> 间接采光
  7142. indirect desulfurization ==> 间接脱硫
  7143. indirect determination ==> 间接测定
  7144. indirect development ==> 间接发育
  7145. indirect division ==> 间接分裂
  7146. indirect drain pipe ==> 间接排水管
  7147. indirect draught ==> 侧压下
  7148. indirect drive ==> 间接传动
  7149. indirect echoes ==> 间接回波
  7150. indirect effect ==> 间接效应,间接作用,非直接效应
  7151. indirect effects ==> 间接影响
  7152. indirect electrostatic process ==> 间接静电处理
  7153. indirect emission ==> 间接发射
  7154. indirect excitation ==> 间接激励,间接励磁
  7155. indirect experience ==> 间接经验
  7156. indirect extrusion ==> 间接挤压,反向挤压
  7157. indirect fertilizer ==> 间接肥料
  7158. indirect file ==> 间接文件
  7159. indirect fire ==> 间接射击
  7160. indirect fire suppression ==> 间接灭火,间接扑火
  7161. indirect flood damage ==> 洪水间接损失
  7162. indirect flow control ==> 间接流量控制
  7163. indirect fluorescent antibody ==> 间接荧光抗体
  7164. indirect fracture ==> 间接骨折
  7165. indirect frequency modulation ==> 间接频率调制,间接调频=>間接周波数変調
  7166. indirect harvester ==> 分段式收获机
  7167. indirect heat exchanger ==> 表面式换热器
  7168. indirect heater ==> 间接加热器
  7169. indirect heating ==> 间接取暖
  7170. indirect heating (i.h.) ==> 间接加热
  7171. indirect heating surface ==> 间接受热面
  7172. indirect hemagglutination inhibition reaction ==> 间接血凝抑制反应
  7173. indirect hemagglutination inhibition test ==> 间接血凝抑制反应
  7174. indirect hemagglutination test ==> 间接血凝试验
  7175. indirect hemolysis test ==> 间接红细胞溶解试验
  7176. indirect illuminance ==> 間接照度
  7177. indirect illumination ==> 间接照明
  7178. indirect improvements of soils ==> 土壤的间接改良
  7179. indirect index ==> 间接索引
  7180. indirect indexing ==> 间接分度法
  7181. indirect infection ==> 间接传染
  7182. indirect inguinal hernia ==> 腹股沟斜疝
  7183. indirect inhibitor ==> 间接抑制剂
  7184. indirect instruction ==> 间接地址指令,间接指令=>間接命令
  7185. indirect investigation ==> 侧面调查
  7186. indirect labour ==> 辅助工人的劳动
  7187. indirect laryngoscope ==> 间接喉镜
  7188. indirect laryngoscopy ==> 间接喉镜检查,喉反射镜检查
  7189. indirect laying ==> 间接瞄准
  7190. indirect light ==> 间接光
  7191. indirect light reflex ==> 间接光反射
  7192. indirect lighting ==> 间接采光,反射光照明,反射照明=>間接照明
  7193. indirect lighting stroke ==> 誘導雷
  7194. indirect liquefaction of coal ==> 煤间接液化
  7195. indirect matching of blood ==> 间接配血
  7196. indirect materials ==> 间接材料,辅助材料=>副資材
  7197. indirect measurement ==> 间接测量,间接测定=>間接測定
  7198. indirect measurement of efficiency ==> 间接测量效率
  7199. indirect mechanical transmission ==> 间接机械性传染
  7200. indirect method ==> 间接法=>間接法
  7201. indirect method of measurement ==> 间接测量法=>間接測定方法
  7202. indirect mode ==> 间接状态
  7203. indirect observation ==> 间接测量,间接观测
  7204. indirect offering of new bonds ==> 新债券的间接募集
  7205. indirect operation ==> 间接操作
  7206. indirect output ==> 间接输出
  7207. indirect percussion ==> 间接叩诊
  7208. indirect placentography ==> 间接胎盘X线造影术
  7209. indirect pointer ==> 间接指示器,间接指示字,间接指针
  7210. indirect pouring ==> 间接浇铸
  7211. indirect process ==> 间接法
  7212. indirect proof ==> 間接証明
  7213. indirect pulp capping ==> 间接盖髓术
  7214. indirect quadruple ==> 间接四元组
  7215. indirect quotation ==> 间接报价,间接汇价
  7216. indirect quotation of exchange rate ==> 间接报价法
  7217. indirect radiation ==> 间接辐射
  7218. indirect radiator ==> 间接放热器,间接散热器
  7219. indirect rate ==> 间接汇兑率
  7220. indirect ray ==> 间接射线,反射射线,电离层反射波
  7221. indirect reacting bilirubin ==> 间接反应胆红素
  7222. indirect reaction ==> 间接反应
  7223. indirect reading ==> 间接读数
  7224. indirect referencing ==> 間接参照
  7225. indirect reflection ==> 间接反射
  7226. indirect refrigerating system ==> 间接冷冻系统
  7227. indirect resistance furnace ==> 间接电阻炉
  7228. indirect resistance heaiting ==> 间接电阻加热
  7229. indirect resistance heating ==> 间接电阻加热
  7230. indirect retainer ==> 间接固位体
  7231. indirect reversed hemagglutination test ==> 间接反向血球凝集试验
  7232. indirect rolling action ==> 侧压下,轧制侧向压下
  7233. indirect rotary press ==> 胶版转轮印刷机
  7234. indirect route ==> 非直达线
  7235. indirect search ==> 间接搜索片
  7236. indirect selection ==> 间接选择
  7237. indirect shop labor expense ==> 辅助工人工资支出
  7238. indirect sign ==> 间接信号
  7239. indirect sound ==> 间接声
  7240. indirect steam ==> 二次蒸汽
  7241. indirect stimulation ==> 间接刺激
  7242. indirect stratification ==> 次级层理
  7243. indirect stress ==> 间接应力
  7244. indirect stroke ==> 间接雷击=>誘導雷
  7245. indirect synchronization ==> 间接同步
  7246. indirect synthesis technique ==> 间接合成法
  7247. indirect system ==> 间接系统
  7248. indirect template theory ==> 间接模板学说
  7249. indirect transformation ==> 间接转变
  7250. indirect transfusion ==> 间接输血法
  7251. indirect transition ==> 间接跃迁=>間接遷移
  7252. indirect transition semiconductor ==> 間接遷移形半導体
  7253. indirect transmission ==> 间接传动
  7254. indirect utility ==> 非直接效用,间接效用
  7255. indirect vision ==> 间接视,周围视觉
  7256. indirect waste pipe ==> 间接排水管
  7257. indirect wave ==> 间接波,电离层反射波
  7258. indirect welding ==> 单面点焊
  7259. indirect-acting carcinogen ==> 间接致癌物,间接致癌原
  7260. indirect-arc furnace ==> 间接电弧炉
  7261. indirect-cooled desuperheater ==> 间接冷却减温器,中间载热体降温器
  7262. indirect-fired furnace ==> 单独燃烧室炉
  7263. indirect-firing system ==> 间接燃烧系统
  7264. indirect-view thermal imager ==> 间视热像仪
  7265. indirectly controlled variable ==> 间接被控变量
  7266. indirectly heated cathode ==> 间接加热阴极,芳热式阴极=>傍熱陰極
  7267. indirectly heated thermistor ==> 傍熱形サーミスタ
  7268. indirectly heated type thermistor ==> 旁热式热敏感电阻器
  7269. indirectly visible area ==> 间接能见区
  7270. indirectly-coupled system ==> 间接耦合系统
  7271. indiscriminate transfer of resources ==> 平调
  7272. indiscriminate use of pesticide ==> 农药的滥用
  7273. indispensable ==> 必須の,欠くことのできない
  7274. indispensable amino acid ==> 必需氨基酸
  7275. indispensable element ==> 不可欠な要素
  7276. indispensable human food ==> 人类不可缺少的食物
  7277. indispensable protein ==> 必需蛋白
  7278. indistinct boundary ==> 不清晰边界
  7279. indistinguishable ==> 区別ができない
  7280. inditial response ==> インデシャル応答,ステップ応答と同じ
  7281. indium ==> 铟=>インジウム
  7282. indium arsenide detector ==> 砷化铟探测器
  7283. indium bromide ==> 三溴化铟
  7284. indium chloride ==> 氯化铟
  7285. indium gallium alloy ==> 铟镓合金
  7286. indium gate ==> 铟栅
  7287. indium monobromide ==> 一溴化铟
  7288. indium monochloride ==> 一氯化铟
  7289. indium monoiodide ==> 一碘化铟
  7290. indium monosulfide ==> 一硫化二铟
  7291. indium oxide ==> 氧化铟
  7292. indium sulfate ==> 硫酸铟
  7293. indium trioxide ==> 三氧化二铟
  7294. individed right ==> 不可分割的权利
  7295. individual ==> 单独的,个别的,独特的=>単独
  7296. individual account ==> 个体计算
  7297. individual adjustment ==> 单独调整,分别调整
  7298. individual analysis ==> 分别分析
  7299. individual axle drive ==> 单轴驱动
  7300. individual axle-drive ==> 单独轴驱动
  7301. individual batch bucket ==> 单独料罐
  7302. individual building ==> 个体建筑
  7303. individual burner flame detection ==> 单燃烧器火焰检测,每一个燃烧器都配置有用于检测各自燃烧状况的火焰检测方式
  7304. individual button ==> 单独操纵按钮
  7305. individual calling ==> 个别呼叫=>個別呼出
  7306. individual cast ==> 分开铸造,分块铸造
  7307. individual channel flow control ==> 单个通道流量控制
  7308. individual character ==> 个性品质
  7309. individual chip package ==> 单片组装
  7310. individual circuit chip ==> 单电路芯片
  7311. individual clutch ==> 单独离合器
  7312. individual coefficient of heat ==> 个别热系数
  7313. individual colour circuit ==> 单色电路
  7314. individual community density ==> 个体群密度
  7315. individual compensation ==> 单独电抗补偿,单机功率因数改进装置
  7316. individual constant ==> 个体常量
  7317. individual construction ==> 个体建筑
  7318. individual consumer ==> 单独用户,个体用户
  7319. individual contactor equipment ==> 单个式接触器控制牵引装置
  7320. individual control ==> 分级控制
  7321. individual control system ==> 分级控制系统=>個別制御方式
  7322. individual conveying duct ==> 单独输送管道
  7323. individual cylinder ==> 分段汽缸,分割铸造汽缸,分块铸造汽缸
  7324. individual death ==> 个体死亡
  7325. individual decision making ==> 个体决策
  7326. individual derivative ==> 物质导数
  7327. individual development ==> 个体发育
  7328. individual differences ==> 個人差
  7329. individual distributed control ==> 個別分散制御
  7330. individual drawing system ==> 单独制图制
  7331. individual drive ==> 单独传动=>個別運転
  7332. individual drive motor ==> 单独传动电动机
  7333. individual electronic spin ==> 個々の電子スピン
  7334. individual error ==> 单项误差,个体误差,人差
  7335. individual farm ==> 个人经营农场
  7336. individual farming ==> 小农业
  7337. individual feeding bail ==> 个体饲喂栏
  7338. individual filament ==> 单纤维
  7339. individual genomes diversify ==> 多様になった個人ゲノム
  7340. individual growth rate ==> 个体成长率
  7341. individual household operation ==> 分户经营
  7342. individual hygiene ==> 个人卫生
  7343. individual identification ==> 個人識別
  7344. individual immunity ==> 个体免疫
  7345. individual inheritance ==> 个体遗传
  7346. individual integer ==> 单个整数
  7347. individual lead ==> 单独引入线
  7348. individual leaflet ==> 单个小叶
  7349. individual lighting ==> 独立供电照明
  7350. individual line ==> 专线
  7351. individual line subscriber ==> 专线用户
  7352. individual liquid sample ==> 个别液体样,个别液体样品
  7353. individual malposed tooth ==> 个别牙错位
  7354. individual merit testing ==> 个体生产性能测定
  7355. individual modulation ==> 个别调制
  7356. individual motor control locomotives ==> 個別駆動方式電気機関車
  7357. individual nominal characteristic ==> 单个名义特性
  7358. individual ovules within an ovary ==> 子房里的单个胚珠
  7359. individual package delivery ==> 分别包装交货
  7360. individual packaging ==> 個装
  7361. individual packaging paper ==> 個装紙
  7362. individual particle ==> 单个颗粒
  7363. individual peculiarity ==> 個人的特性
  7364. individual pen ==> 单圈
  7365. individual piece production ==> 单件生产
  7366. individual plant ==> 单株
  7367. individual plasma ==> 单个等离子体,孤立等离子体
  7368. individual price ==> 個別価格
  7369. individual price index ==> 個別価格指数
  7370. individual production ==> 单件生产
  7371. individual psychology ==> 个别心理学,个体心理学
  7372. individual psychotherapy ==> 个别精神疗法,个别心理治疗
  7373. individual rationality ==> 个体合理性
  7374. individual reception ==> 個別受信(衛星放送)
  7375. individual reflex ==> 个体反射
  7376. individual register ==> 分级记发器
  7377. individual risk guidelines ==> 个别风险指引
  7378. individual running ==> 単独運転
  7379. individual sample ==> 个别试样
  7380. individual sealed wire ==> 各芯シールド線
  7381. individual seat ==> 单人座椅
  7382. individual section machine ==> 分列式制瓶机
  7383. individual sensitivity ==> 个体敏感性
  7384. individual services ==> 個別サービス(電力自由化)
  7385. individual shot ==> 单孔爆破
  7386. individual specificity ==> 个体特异性
  7387. individual stall barn ==> 单圈牛舍
  7388. individual stall housing ==> 单栏牛舍
  7389. individual system costing ==> 单系统费用估计
  7390. individual test ==> 个体测验
  7391. individual tolerance ==> 个体耐受性
  7392. individual traction control ==> 個別駆動
  7393. individual transmission ==> 个别式传动
  7394. individual variable ==> 个体变量,个体变项
  7395. individual weapon ==> 单兵武器
  7396. individual workshop ==> 小作坊
  7397. individual's account ==> 分户帐目
  7398. individual-assignment ==> 分片包片法
  7399. individual-drive motor ==> 单独传动电动机
  7400. individual-particle model ==> 单粒子模型
  7401. individually driven stand ==> 单独传动机座
  7402. individually-screened cable ==> 分析屏蔽电缆
  7403. indivisible credit ==> 不可分割债权
  7404. indivisible letter of credit ==> 不可分割信用证
  7405. indivisible obligation ==> 不可分债务
  7406. Indo-Australian realm ==> 印澳界
  7407. Indo-Chinese epoch ==> 印支期
  7408. Indo-Malayan region ==> 印度马来区
  7409. Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin (Chinese white dolphin) ==> 印度太平洋驼背豚(中华白海豚)
  7410. Indo-Pacific realm ==> 印度太平洋界
  7411. indocyanine green ==> 绿靛花青
  7412. indole ==> 吲哚,靛基质=>インドール
  7413. indole absorption ==> インドール吸収
  7414. indole acid ==> インドール酸
  7415. indole acrylate ==> アクリル酸インドール
  7416. indole alkaloid ==> インドールアルカロイド
  7417. indole base ==> インドール塩基
  7418. indole test ==> 吲哚试验
  7419. indoleacetic acid(IAA) ==> 吲哚乙酸
  7420. indolebutyric acid (IBA) ==> 吲哚丁酸
  7421. indoles ==> 吲哚类
  7422. indoor ==> 户内的,户内,室内
  7423. indoor aerial ==> 室内天线
  7424. indoor air pollution ==> 室内空气污染
  7425. indoor and outdoor bus bar bushing ==> 户内外母线式穿墙套管
  7426. indoor antenna ==> 室内天线=>屋内アンテナ
  7427. indoor apparatus ==> 室内设备
  7428. indoor cable ==> 户内电缆=>構内ケーブル
  7429. indoor cereal feeding ==> 谷类舍饲
  7430. indoor chassis rolls dynamometer ==> 室内滚筒式底盘测功器
  7431. indoor climate ==> 室内气候
  7432. indoor coal storage yard, dry coalshed ==> 干煤棚,多雨地区的燃煤电厂,覆盖在煤场上方、有一定净空高度的防雨大棚
  7433. indoor combined load switch ==> 户内式组合负荷开关
  7434. indoor conditions ==> 室内条件
  7435. indoor distribution line ==> 室内布线=>屋内配線
  7436. indoor electric equipment ==> 室内电气设备
  7437. indoor electrical installation ==> 室内电气设备
  7438. indoor equipment ==> 室内设备,户内设备
  7439. indoor facility ==> 室内设备
  7440. indoor fittings ==> 室内照明器附件
  7441. indoor garden ==> 室内花园
  7442. indoor growing ==> 室内栽培
  7443. indoor high-voltage isolating switch ==> 户内高压隔离开关
  7444. indoor humidity ==> 室内湿度
  7445. indoor hydro-electric station ==> 室内式水电站
  7446. indoor illumination ==> 室内照明
  7447. indoor insulator ==> 户内绝缘子
  7448. indoor isolator ==> 户内隔离开关
  7449. indoor lamp ==> 室内灯
  7450. indoor lighting ==> 室内照明
  7451. indoor location ==> 屋内取付
  7452. indoor meter ==> 户内仪表
  7453. indoor oil circuit breaker ==> 户内油断路器
  7454. indoor parking area ==> 室内停车场
  7455. indoor pipe system ==> 室内管道系统
  7456. indoor pipe trench ==> 室内管沟
  7457. indoor post insulator ==> 户内柱形绝缘子=>屋内支持がいし
  7458. indoor proving ground ==> 室内试验场
  7459. indoor recording ==> 室内录音
  7460. indoor regulator ==> 户内式电压调整器
  7461. indoor road tester ==> 室内道路模拟试验装置,室内转鼓试验台
  7462. indoor sample ==> 室内样品
  7463. indoor scene ==> 室内景物
  7464. indoor seeding ==> 室内播种
  7465. indoor set ==> 室内装置
  7466. indoor sheep production ==> 舍饲养羊
  7467. indoor shot ==> 室内拍摄
  7468. indoor single-pole isolating switch ==> 户内单极隔离开关
  7469. indoor skating rink ==> 室内溜冰场
  7470. indoor space ==> 室内空间
  7471. indoor stadium ==> 体育馆
  7472. indoor stairs ==> 室内楼梯
  7473. indoor stock keeping ==> 家畜舍饲
  7474. indoor storage elevator ==> 仓内升运器
  7475. indoor substation ==> 室内变电所=>屋内変電所
  7476. indoor switch gear ==> 室内开关装置
  7477. indoor temperature ==> 室内温度
  7478. indoor tennis court ==> 室内网球场
  7479. indoor tennis stadium ==> 网球馆
  7480. indoor test ==> 台架试验,室内试验
  7481. indoor thermal power plant ==> 室内火电厂
  7482. indoor transformer ==> 室内型变压器=>屋内変圧器
  7483. indoor trench ==> 室内管沟
  7484. indoor turbine ==> 室内汽轮机
  7485. indoor type circuit breaker ==> 户内式断路器
  7486. indoor type transformer ==> 户内式变压器
  7487. indoor use ==> 屋内型
  7488. indoor wintering ==> 室内越冬
  7489. indoor wiring ==> 室内布线=>屋内配線
  7490. indoor-outdoor carpet ==> 室内外两用地毯
  7491. indoor-outdoor thermometer ==> 户内外寒暑表
  7492. indophenol blue ==> 靛酚蓝
  7493. indophenol sodium ==> 2,6-二氯靛酚钠
  7494. Indore ==> 印多尔=>インドール
  7495. indorsed bond ==> 认可债券
  7496. indorsement of claim ==> 索偿的背书
  7497. indorsement of service ==> 送达的背书
  7498. indox ==> 钡磁材料
  7499. indoxyl sulfate ==> 硫酸吲哚酚
  7500. inducance ==> インダクタンス
  7501. inducance coil ==> インダクタンスコイル
  7502. inducance tuning ==> インダクタンス同調
  7503. induce ==> 誘起
  7504. induced ==> 感应的
  7505. induced abortion rate ==> 人工流产率
  7506. induced action ==> 感应辐射,感应作用
  7507. induced adaptation mechanism ==> 诱导适应机制
  7508. induced air ==> 诱导风,引风
  7509. induced air oxidation ==> 诱导空气氧化
  7510. induced angle of attack ==> 诱导迎角
  7511. induced anisotropy ==> 感生各向异性
  7512. induced birefringence ==> 感生双折射
  7513. induced bundle ==> 诱导丛
  7514. induced channel ==> 感应沟道
  7515. induced charge ==> 感应电荷
  7516. induced chemical reaction ==> 感应化学反应
  7517. induced circuit ==> 感应电路,被感应电路=>被誘導回路
  7518. induced circulation ==> 诱导循环
  7519. induced combination scattering ==> 受迫组合散射
  7520. induced Compton scattering ==> 受迫康普顿散射
  7521. induced conductivity ==> 感生电导
  7522. induced cracking ==> 感应裂缝
  7523. induced cross-linking ==> 诱导交联
  7524. induced crystallization ==> 诱导结晶
  7525. induced curent method ==> 感应电流法
  7526. induced current ==> 感生电流,感应电流=>誘導電流
  7527. induced current density ==> 誘導電流密度
  7528. induced current image ==> 感生电流象
  7529. induced current stimulator ==> 感应电刺激器
  7530. induced dangerous voltage ==> 誘導危険電圧
  7531. induced decomposition ==> 诱导分解
  7532. induced delusion ==> 感应性妄想
  7533. induced dipole moment ==> 感生偶极矩
  7534. induced dipole radiation ==> 受迫偶极辐射
  7535. induced disintegration ==> 诱发衰变
  7536. induced draft ==> 负压通风,用引风机压头克服烟、风道阻力使炉膛内保持负压的通风方式=>誘引通風
  7537. induced draft boiler ==> 引风锅炉
  7538. induced draft circular sinter cooler ==> 诱导通风式烧结矿回转冷却机
  7539. induced draft cooling tower ==> 诱导通风式凉水塔,引风式凉水塔
  7540. induced draft fan ==> 引风机=>誘引通風機
  7541. induced draft fan, IDF ==> 引风机,将部分热空气返送回送风机入口,与冷空气混合后再流经空气预热器,以提高空气预热器低温段管壁温度,防止低温腐蚀的一种措施。
  7542. induced drag ==> 诱导阻力
  7543. induced drag coefficient ==> 诱导阻力系数
  7544. induced draught ==> 诱导通风
  7545. induced draught fan ==> 诱导风扇,引风机
  7546. induced earthquake ==> 诱发地震
  7547. induced electric current ==> 感生电流,感应电流
  7548. induced electric field ==> 誘導電界
  7549. induced electrical polarity ==> 诱导极性
  7550. induced electricity ==> 感应电
  7551. induced electromotive force ==> 感应电动势,感生电动势,穿过导电回路所环绕的面积内的磁通发生变化时,在该回路中产生的电动势。或当导线切割磁力线时.在导线两端产生的电动势=>誘導起電力,誘起電圧
  7552. induced electrooptic axis ==> 感应电光轴
  7553. induced emission ==> 感应发射=>誘導放出
  7554. induced emission of light ==> 感应光发射
  7555. induced equation ==> 诱导方程
  7556. induced failure ==> 诱发故障
  7557. induced fan ==> 诱导风扇,引风机
  7558. induced field ==> 感生场
  7559. induced field voltage ==> 界磁誘起電圧
  7560. induced fit theory ==> 诱导契合学说
  7561. induced gamma-ray background ==> 感生γ射线背景
  7562. induced grid noise ==> 栅流感生起伏噪声,栅流感生起伏噪声
  7563. induced hardness ==> 感应硬度
  7564. induced inner content ==> 诱导内容度
  7565. induced insanity ==> 感应性精神病
  7566. induced iterative method ==> 诱导的迭代法
  7567. induced junction ==> 感应结
  7568. induced labor ==> 人工引产,引产
  7569. induced labor by oxytocin ==> 宫缩素引产术
  7570. induced lift ==> 诱导升力
  7571. induced lightning ==> 誘導雷
  7572. induced lysis ==> 人工溶解
  7573. induced magnetic anisotropy ==> 誘導磁気異方性
  7574. induced magnetic field ==> 誘導磁界
  7575. induced magnetism ==> 感应磁性
  7576. induced malaria ==> 疗病诱发疟,诱发疟疾
  7577. induced matrix norm ==> 导出的矩阵范数
  7578. induced metric space ==> 诱导度量空间
  7579. induced mission ==> 受迫发射
  7580. induced module ==> 诱导模
  7581. induced moment ==> 感生力矩,感应矩
  7582. induced movement ==> 诱发运动
  7583. induced moving magnet instrument ==> 感应动磁式仪表,感应移动磁铁式仪表
  7584. induced mutation ==> 诱导突变
  7585. induced neural tube ==> 诱导神经管
  7586. induced noise ==> 感应噪声=>誘導雑音
  7587. induced noise voltage ==> 誘導雑音電圧
  7588. induced norm ==> 导出范数
  7589. induced nuclear disintegration ==> 诱发核衰变
  7590. induced nuclear reaction ==> 诱发核反应
  7591. induced outer measure ==> 诱导外测度
  7592. induced over voltage withstand test ==> 感应耐压试验
  7593. induced oxidation ==> 诱导氧化
  7594. induced parthenocarpy ==> 诱发单性结实
  7595. induced parthenogenesis ==> 诱发孤雌生殖
  7596. induced phenomena ==> 誘導現象
  7597. induced photo liberation ==> 感应光子逸出
  7598. induced photoelectric effect ==> 感生光电效应
  7599. induced polarization ==> 感应极化
  7600. induced polarization logger ==> 井中激发极化仪
  7601. induced polarization method ==> 激发极化法
  7602. induced polyploid ==> 诱发多倍体
  7603. induced potential ==> 感生电压
  7604. induced precipitation ==> 诱导沉淀作用
  7605. induced probability measures ==> 诱导概率测度
  7606. induced protein ==> 诱导蛋白
  7607. induced psychosis ==> 感应性精神病
  7608. induced pulse transient system ==> 感应脉冲瞬变系统
  7609. induced quantum ==> 感应量子
  7610. induced radiation ==> 感应辐射
  7611. induced radioactivity ==> 誘導放射能
  7612. induced reaction ==> 诱导反应
  7613. induced remission stage ==> 诱导缓解期
  7614. induced resistance ==> 诱导阻力,感应阻力
  7615. induced rolling moment ==> 诱导滚动力矩
  7616. induced room air intake ==> 诱导风入口
  7617. induced sequence ==> 诱导序列
  7618. induced sinusoid ==> 感应正弦电压
  7619. induced spark ==> 感应火花
  7620. induced stress ==> 诱导应力
  7621. induced substance ==> 诱导物质
  7622. induced surface hardening ==> 感应加热表面淬火
  7623. induced test ==> 感应试验=>誘導試験
  7624. induced topology ==> 诱导拓扑
  7625. induced traffic ==> 诱增交通量
  7626. induced transition ==> 受激跃迁=>誘導遷移
  7627. induced transition cross section ==> 感应跃迁载面
  7628. induced transmission filter ==> 感应透射滤光片
  7629. induced uniaxial anisotropy ==> 诱导单轴各向异性
  7630. induced unitary operator ==> 诱导酉算子
  7631. induced unitary representation ==> 诱导酉表示
  7632. induced variation ==> 诱发变异
  7633. induced velocity ==> 诱导速度
  7634. induced velocity field ==> 诱导速度场
  7635. induced voltage ==> 感应电动势,感生电压=>誘導電圧
  7636. induced voltage regulator ==> 感应电压调节器
  7637. induced voltage test ==> 感生电压试验
  7638. induced-draft cooling tower ==> 吸风冷却塔
  7639. induced-draft fan ==> 排烟机
  7640. induced-draft water-cooling tower ==> 引风水冷却塔
  7641. induced-fit ==> 诱导契合
  7642. induced-flow heater ==> 强制流动加热器
  7643. inducer ==> 诱导器
  7644. inducible ==> 可诱导的,可导致的
  7645. inducible protein ==> 诱导蛋白
  7646. inducible system ==> 诱导系统
  7647. inducing catalyst ==> 诱导催化剂
  7648. inducing charge ==> 施感电荷,加感电荷
  7649. inducing circuit ==> 施感电路=>誘導回線,起誘導回路
  7650. inducing colour ==> 诱导色
  7651. inducing combustion ==> 诱导燃烧
  7652. inducing current ==> 施感电流=>起誘導電流
  7653. inducing current analysis ==> 起誘導電流解析
  7654. inducing current curve ==> 起誘導電流曲線
  7655. inducing diaphoresis to dispel wind ==> 解表祛风
  7656. inducing factor ==> 诱发因素(子)
  7657. inducing field ==> 加感场
  7658. inducing magnet ==> 施感磁化
  7659. inducing winding ==> 加感绕组,励磁绕组
  7660. induct heating ==> 感应加热
  7661. inductance ==> 感应系数,感应性,电感,电感应,线圈=>インダクタンス
  7662. inductance amplifier ==> 电感耦合放大器
  7663. inductance and capacitance lumped filter ==> 感容集总滤波器
  7664. inductance approach switch ==> 电感式接近开关
  7665. inductance attenuator ==> 电感型衰减器
  7666. inductance balance ==> 电感平衡,感应平衡
  7667. inductance bow ==> 电感箱
  7668. inductance box ==> 电感箱
  7669. inductance box with plugs ==> 插塞式电感箱
  7670. inductance bridge ==> 电感电桥
  7671. inductance bridge flowmeter ==> 感应电桥式流量计
  7672. inductance coefficient ==> 电感系数,感应系数
  7673. inductance coil ==> 感应线圈=>インダクタンスコイル,空心リアクトル
  7674. inductance comparator and measuring probe ==> 电感比较器及测量头
  7675. inductance connecting three point type oscillator ==> 电感三点式振荡器
  7676. inductance constant of crystal unit ==> 晶体振子电感常数
  7677. inductance coupled amplifier ==> 电感耦合放大器
  7678. inductance coupling ==> 电感耦合
  7679. inductance evaluation ==> インダクタンス評価
  7680. inductance factor ==> 电感因数
  7681. inductance filter ==> 电感滤波器
  7682. inductance gauge ==> 感应仪
  7683. inductance map ==> インダクタンスマップ
  7684. inductance measurement ==> 电感测量=>インダクタンス測定
  7685. inductance meter ==> 电感表,电感测定器,电感测量计,电感计,亨利计
  7686. inductance mutual ==> 互感
  7687. inductance per unit length ==> 每长度感应
  7688. inductance pressure transducer ==> 电感式压力传感器
  7689. inductance standard ==> 电感标准
  7690. inductance standards ==> 电感标准
  7691. inductance switch ==> 电感转换开关
  7692. inductance transducer ==> 感应式传感器
  7693. inductance tuning ==> インダクタンス同調
  7694. inductance type strain ga(u)ge ==> 电感式应变片
  7695. inductance type transducer ==> 电感式传感器
  7696. inductance unbalance ==> 电感性失衡
  7697. inductance-capacitance filter ==> 电感电容滤波器
  7698. inductance-type liquidometer ==> 电感式液位计
  7699. inducting circuit ==> 起誘導回路
  7700. induction ==> 感应,感应现象,电磁感应,电感,归纳,归纳法,诱导,诱导作用,诱发=>誘導
  7701. induction acceleration ==> 感应加速度=>誘導加速
  7702. induction accelerator ==> 感应加速器
  7703. induction alternator ==> 感应交流发电机
  7704. induction ammeter ==> 感应安培计
  7705. induction amplifier ==> 感应放大器
  7706. induction arc furnace ==> 感应电弧炉
  7707. induction balance ==> 感应平衡,电感平衡,电感平衡器,感应电秤
  7708. induction block ==> 感应器
  7709. induction brake ==> 感应制动器
  7710. induction brazing ==> 感应加热钎焊,感应钎焊,感应硬钎焊
  7711. induction bridge ==> 感应电桥
  7712. induction burner ==> 感应燃烧器
  7713. induction chamber ==> 吸气室
  7714. induction charging ==> 感应充电
  7715. induction circuit ==> 感应电路
  7716. induction coefficient ==> 感应系数
  7717. induction coil ==> 感应线圈,电感线圈=>誘導コイル
  7718. induction compass ==> 感应罗盘,地磁感应罗盘
  7719. induction component ==> 感应分量
  7720. induction cooker ==> 电磁灶,感应炉
  7721. induction coupling ==> 感应耦合器=>誘導継手
  7722. induction course ==> 研修
  7723. induction cup relay ==> 誘導円筒形継電器
  7724. induction current ==> 感应电流
  7725. induction cylinder type, induction cup type==induction cylinder (type), induction cup (type) ==> 誘導円筒形
  7726. induction degassing ==> 感应去气法
  7727. induction density ==> 感应密度
  7728. induction development ==> 感应显影
  7729. induction diathermy ==> 感应透热疗法
  7730. induction disc relay ==> 感应圆盘式继电器=>誘導円板形継電器
  7731. induction disc type directional power relay ==> 感应圆盘式定向功率继电器
  7732. induction disc type directional relay ==> 感应圆盘式定向继电器
  7733. induction disc type inverse-time overcurrent relay ==> 感应圆盘式反比时限过载流继电器
  7734. induction disc type ratio differential relay ==> 感应圆盘式比率差动继电器
  7735. induction disc type relay ==> 感应圆盘式继电器
  7736. induction disc wattmeter ==> 感应圆盘瓦特计
  7737. induction disk relay ==> 感应盘继电器,感应圆盘继电器
  7738. induction disk type==induction disk (type) ==> 誘導円板形
  7739. induction drag ==> 感生阻力
  7740. induction drill ==> 电动感应钻机
  7741. induction dynamic loudspeaker ==> 感应式电磁扬声器
  7742. induction dynamometer ==> 感应式测力计,感应式功率计,异步测功机
  7743. induction effect ==> 感应效应,感应作用,诱导效应,感应效果=>誘導作用
  7744. induction electric furnace ==> 感应电炉
  7745. induction electrolog ==> 感应电测井
  7746. induction electron accelerator ==> 感应式电子加速器
  7747. induction energy ==> 感应能
  7748. induction equation ==> 诱导方程
  7749. induction experiment ==> 诱导试验
  7750. induction factor ==> 诱导因素,诱发因素(子)
  7751. induction fan ==> 感应扇
  7752. induction field ==> 感应场=>誘導電磁界,誘導電界,誘導磁界
  7753. induction field locator ==> 感应场定位器
  7754. induction flame damper ==> 吸气管阻焰器
  7755. induction flowmeter ==> 感应流量计,感应量计
  7756. induction fluid amplifier ==> 引流型放大元件
  7757. induction flux ==> 感应通量
  7758. induction force ==> 感应力,诱导力
  7759. induction frequency conventer ==> 感应式变频机
  7760. induction frequency converter ==> 誘導周波数変換機
  7761. induction frequency meter ==> 感应频率计
  7762. induction furnace ==> 感应炉,感应电炉
  7763. induction generator ==> 感应发电机,感应式发电机,异步发电机=>誘導発電機
  7764. induction gum test ==> 诱导胶质试验
  7765. induction hardening ==> 感应淬火
  7766. induction hardening equipment ==> 感应淬火设备,感应淬火装置
  7767. induction hardening machine ==> 感应淬火机
  7768. induction heat ==> 感应热
  7769. induction heat sterilization ==> 感应热灭菌法
  7770. induction heat-treatment ==> 感应热处理
  7771. induction heater ==> 感应加热器=>誘導加熱装置(インダクションヒーター)
  7772. induction heater of electromagnetic cooker ==> 电磁灶感应加热器
  7773. induction heating ==> 感应加热=>誘導加熱
  7774. induction heating apparatus ==> 感应加热器,感应加热装置
  7775. induction heating coil ==> 感应加热线圈
  7776. induction hum ==> 感应哼声,感应交流声
  7777. induction inclinometer ==> 地磁感应器
  7778. induction instrument ==> 感应式仪表,感应系仪表=>誘導形計器
  7779. induction interrupter ==> 感应断续器
  7780. induction ion laser ==> 感应离子激光器
  7781. induction iron ==> アイロン
  7782. induction lightning stroke ==> 感应雷击
  7783. induction log ==> 感应测井,感应法测井图
  7784. induction log tool ==> 感应测井仪
  7785. induction logger ==> 感应测井仪
  7786. induction loop type==induction loop (type) ==> 誘導環形
  7787. induction loudspeaker ==> 感应式扬声器,感应扬声器
  7788. induction machine ==> 感应电机,感应加速器,感应式电机=>誘導機
  7789. induction magnetometer ==> 感应磁强计,感应式磁强计
  7790. induction manifold ==> 吸气歧管
  7791. induction melting ==> 感应电熔,感应熔化
  7792. induction melting furnace ==> 感应电熔炉
  7793. induction meter ==> 感应式电能表,感应式电度表,感应系电度表
  7794. induction method ==> 感生方法
  7795. induction moisture meter for textile ==> (美)纺织品电感测湿仪
  7796. induction motor ==> 感应电动机,又称“异步电动机”。由定子绕组形成的旋转磁场与转子绕组中感应电流的磁场相互作用而产生电磁转矩驱动转子旋转的交流电动机=>誘導電動機
  7797. induction motor controller ==> 感应电动机控制器
  7798. induction motor drive ==> 誘導電動機駆動
  7799. induction motor meter ==> 感应电动机式电度表
  7800. induction motor type synchronous motor ==> 感应电动机式同步电动机
  7801. induction noise ==> 进气噪声=>誘導ノイズ
  7802. induction of labor ==> 引产术
  7803. induction of labor by acupuncture ==> 针刺引产术
  7804. induction of labor by oxytocin ==> 催产素点滴引产
  7805. induction of labor by rivanol ==> 利凡诺引产
  7806. induction of labor by stripping of membranes ==> 剥膜引产术
  7807. induction of labor in midpregnancy ==> 中期妊娠引产
  7808. induction of labor with bougie ==> 探条引产
  7809. induction of ovulation ==> 刺激排卵
  7810. induction period ==> 感应周期,诱导期
  7811. induction period test ==> 诱导期试验
  7812. induction permeability curve ==> 磁通导磁率曲线
  7813. induction phase ==> 诱导期
  7814. induction phase shifter ==> 感应移相器
  7815. induction phenomena ==> 感应现象
  7816. induction pipe ==> 进气管
  7817. induction port ==> 吸气口
  7818. induction potentiometer ==> 感应式电位计
  7819. induction pressure ga(u)ge ==> 吸入压力计
  7820. induction principle ==> 归纳原理
  7821. induction probe ==> 感应式探针
  7822. induction problem ==> 感应问题
  7823. induction pump ==> 交流电磁泵,电磁感应泵
  7824. induction quenching ==> 感应淬火
  7825. induction ratio ==> 诱导比
  7826. induction receiver ==> 感应接收机
  7827. induction regulator ==> 感应调节器,感应倒器=>誘導電圧調整器
  7828. induction relay ==> 感应式继电路
  7829. induction rotor ==> 感应转子
  7830. induction salinometer ==> 感应式盐度计
  7831. induction scheme ==> 感应电路
  7832. induction sensor ==> 感应传感器
  7833. induction sheath ==> 感应屏蔽层,磁感应屏蔽层
  7834. induction shield ==> 感应屏蔽
  7835. induction silencer ==> 感应消音器
  7836. induction sintering ==> 感应烧结
  7837. induction soldering ==> 感应焊接,感应钎焊,感应软钎焊
  7838. induction spark ==> 感应火花
  7839. induction spark coil ==> 电火花感应线圈
  7840. induction spot welder ==> 感应点焊机
  7841. induction starter ==> 感应起动器,感应式起动器
  7842. induction stirred furnace ==> 感应搅拌电炉
  7843. induction stirrer ==> 感应搅拌器
  7844. induction stroke ==> 进气冲程
  7845. induction system ==> 感应装置
  7846. induction tachogenerator ==> 感应测速发电机
  7847. induction telephone ==> 感应式电话
  7848. induction tempering ==> 感应回火
  7849. induction tensor ==> 感应张量
  7850. induction thermal plasma ==> 誘導熱プラズマ
  7851. induction time ==> 诱导期
  7852. induction torque ==> 感应转矩,异步转矩
  7853. induction torquemeter ==> 感应式转矩计
  7854. induction turbine ==> 中间充汽汽轮机
  7855. induction type alternator ==> 感应式交流发电机
  7856. induction type ammeter ==> 感应式安培计
  7857. induction type distance relay ==> 感应式远距离继电路
  7858. induction type frequency converter ==> 感应式换频机
  7859. induction type frequency meter ==> 感应式频率计
  7860. induction type furnace ==> 感应式电炉
  7861. induction type instrument ==> 感应式仪表
  7862. induction type integrating watt-meter ==> 感应式累计功率表
  7863. induction type integrating wattmeter ==> 感应式累计瓦特计
  7864. induction type magneto ==> 感应式磁电机
  7865. induction type over current relay ==> 感应式过流继电器
  7866. induction type overcurrent relay ==> 感应式过流继电器
  7867. induction type overvoltage relay ==> 感应式过电压继电路
  7868. induction type power directional relay ==> 感应式功率定向继电器
  7869. induction type reactive power relay ==> 感应式无功功率继电路
  7870. induction type relay ==> 感应式继电器=>誘導形継電器
  7871. induction type strain gauge ==> 电感式应变仪
  7872. induction type synchronous alternator ==> 感应式同步交流发电机
  7873. induction type under voltage relay ==> 感应式过低电压继电器
  7874. induction type undervoltage relay ==> 感应式低压继电路
  7875. induction type voltage regulator ==> 电感式电压调节器
  7876. induction type voltmeter ==> 感应式伏特计
  7877. induction type watthour meter ==> 感应式瓦特小时计
  7878. induction type wattmeter ==> 感应式瓦特计
  7879. induction type==induction…(type) ==> 誘導形
  7880. induction unit ==> 诱导器
  7881. induction valve ==> 进气阀=>吸込み弁
  7882. induction variable ==> 归纳变量
  7883. induction vector ==> 感应矢量
  7884. induction velocity ==> 诱导速度
  7885. induction ventilation ==> 诱导式通风,诱导通风
  7886. induction voltage ==> 感应电压
  7887. induction voltage divider ==> 感应分压器
  7888. induction voltage regulator ==> 感应调压器,感应调压器,感应式调压器=>誘導電圧調整器
  7889. induction watthour meter ==> 感应式瓦时计
  7890. induction wattmeter ==> 感应式瓦特计
  7891. induction weld mill ==> 感应焊管机
  7892. induction welding ==> 感应焊,感应焊接,感应熔焊=>誘導溶接
  7893. induction wind tunnel ==> 诱导风洞
  7894. induction zone ==> 感应区
  7895. induction-heated screen ==> 感应加热筛分机
  7896. induction-heating cooker ==> IH調理器
  7897. induction-motor meter ==> 感应式电度表
  7898. induction-permeability characteristic ==> 感应导磁率特性曲线
  7899. induction-ring type high-speed relay ==> 感应环式高速继电路
  7900. induction-type acceleration mechanism ==> 感应加速机制
  7901. inductional damper ==> 感应阻尼器
  7902. inductionless ==> 无感的
  7903. inductionless conductor ==> 无感导线=>無誘導導体
  7904. inductiron stroke ==> 吸气冲程
  7905. inductive ==> 电感的=>誘導性の
  7906. inductive action ==> 感应作用
  7907. inductive AEM system ==> 感应式航空电磁系统
  7908. inductive approach ==> 归纳法
  7909. inductive assertion method ==> 归纳断言法
  7910. inductive balance ==> 电感平衡
  7911. inductive bond ==> 阻抗接合
  7912. inductive branch ==> 电感支路
  7913. inductive character ==> 电感性
  7914. inductive charge ==> 感应电荷
  7915. inductive choke ==> 电感线圈,扼流圈
  7916. inductive choke coil ==> 电感扼流圈
  7917. inductive circuit ==> 电感电路=>誘導性回路
  7918. inductive coil ==> 有感线圈
  7919. inductive compensator ==> 感应补偿器
  7920. inductive component ==> 誘導分
  7921. inductive control ==> 感应控制
  7922. inductive coordination ==> 感应协调
  7923. inductive coupler ==> 电感耦合器
  7924. inductive coupling ==> 电感耦合,感应作用=>電磁結合,誘導結合(無線)
  7925. inductive coupling factor of two circuits ==> 2回路の誘導結合係数
  7926. inductive current stimulus ==> 感应电刺激物
  7927. inductive definition of sets ==> 集合的归纳定义
  7928. inductive detector ==> 电感式检测器
  7929. inductive displacement measuring instrument ==> 电感式位移测量仪
  7930. inductive displacement transducer ==> 电感式位移传感器
  7931. inductive disturbance ==> 感应干扰=>誘導妨害,誘導障害
  7932. inductive divider ==> 电感分配器
  7933. inductive drag ==> 感应阻力
  7934. inductive drop ==> 感应降落,电感电压降
  7935. inductive effect index ==> 诱导效应指数
  7936. inductive energy storage generator ==> 誘導蓄積電源
  7937. inductive feedback ==> 电感反馈=>电感回授
  7938. inductive filter ==> 感应滤波器
  7939. inductive force transducer ==> 电感式力传感器
  7940. inductive generation ==> 帰納的生成
  7941. inductive grounding ==> 电感性接地
  7942. inductive heating ==> 誘導加熱
  7943. inductive hypothesis ==> 归纳假设
  7944. inductive ignitin system ==> 电感点火系统
  7945. inductive inference ==> 归纳推理
  7946. inductive interference ==> 感应干扰=>誘導妨害,誘導障害
  7947. inductive internal surface analyzer ==> 感应式内表面分析仪
  7948. inductive iris ==> 电感性膜片
  7949. inductive lightning surge ==> 誘導雷サージ
  7950. inductive line pair ==> 感应线对
  7951. inductive load ==> 电感性负载,电感负载,电感负荷=>誘導負荷
  7952. inductive loaded line ==> 电感性负载线路
  7953. inductive loading ==> 加感
  7954. inductive logic ==> 归纳逻辑
  7955. inductive loop ==> 感应涡流
  7956. inductive loop detector ==> 电感回路检测器
  7957. inductive meter ==> 感应式仪表
  7958. inductive method ==> 归纳法
  7959. inductive micromenter ==> 电感测微计
  7960. inductive microphone ==> 感应式话筒
  7961. inductive modeling method ==> 归纳建模法
  7962. inductive neutralization ==> 电感中和
  7963. inductive output tube ==> 感应输出管
  7964. inductive pick-off ==> 感应发送器
  7965. inductive pick-up ==> 感应传感器
  7966. inductive pickup ==> 电感传感器
  7967. inductive post ==> 电感柱
  7968. inductive pressure transducer ==> 电感压力传感器
  7969. inductive proof method ==> 归纳证明法
  7970. inductive pulsed power system ==> 誘導型パルスパワー方式
  7971. inductive radio ==> 誘導無線
  7972. inductive reactance ==> 感抗,在正弦电流电路中,电感和角频率的乘积=>誘導リアクタンス
  7973. inductive reaction ==> 电感反应
  7974. inductive read ==> 感应式读写磁头
  7975. inductive reasoning ==> 归纳推理
  7976. inductive relay ==> 电感继电器
  7977. inductive resistance ==> 感抗
  7978. inductive rise ==> 感应电压升
  7979. inductive sawtooth generator ==> 感应锯齿波发生器
  7980. inductive selection ==> 感应脉冲选择
  7981. inductive sensor ==> 感应传感器
  7982. inductive shunt ==> 感应分流=>誘導分流器
  7983. inductive spacing ==> 电感性间隔
  7984. inductive statistics ==> 归纳统计学
  7985. inductive strain gauge ==> 感应式应变仪
  7986. inductive surge ==> 感应性电涌,电感性电涌
  7987. inductive susceptance ==> 感纳,电感性电纳
  7988. inductive switch ==> 感应开关
  7989. inductive tensionmeter ==> 电感式张力计
  7990. inductive transducer ==> 电感传感器
  7991. inductive transducer[sensor] ==> 电感式传感器
  7992. inductive transistor ==> 感应型晶体管
  7993. inductive tuning ==> 电感调谐
  7994. inductive type pressure transducer ==> 感应式压力传感器
  7995. inductive ventilation ==> 诱导通风
  7996. inductive ventilation system ==> 诱导通风系统
  7997. inductive voltage divider ratio transformer ==> 誘導分圧器
  7998. inductive wave probe ==> 电感式浪高仪
  7999. inductive winding ==> 电感线圈
  8000. inductive window ==> 电感性窗口
  8001. inductively coupled plasma ==> 誘導結合プラズマ
  8002. inductively coupled plasma quantometer ==> 感应耦合等离子体光量计
  8003. inductively coupled thermal plasma ==> 誘導熱プラズマ
  8004. inductively-coupled plasma spectrometer ==> 电感耦合等离子体光谱仪
  8005. inductivity ==> 感应率,电容率
  8006. inductor ==> 感应器,电感器,感应线圈,感应体,手摇发电机=>インダクタ,誘導子
  8007. inductor alternator ==> 感应式交流发电机
  8008. inductor coil ==> 感应线圈
  8009. inductor filter ==> 电感滤波器
  8010. inductor form ==> 线圈架,线圈管
  8011. inductor generator ==> 感应式交流电机
  8012. inductor machine ==> 感应子电机
  8013. inductor magneto ==> 感应磁电机
  8014. inductor microphone ==> 感应式传声器,感应子传声器
  8015. inductor motor ==> 感应子电动机,作为发电机的感应电动机
  8016. inductor type alternator ==> 感应式交流发电机
  8017. inductor type generator ==> 感应式发电机
  8018. inductor type synchronous alternator ==> 感应式交流同步发电机,感应式同步交流发电机
  8019. inductor type synchronous motor ==> 感应子同步电动机
  8020. inductor voltage regulator ==> 感应式电压调整器
  8021. inductor with adjustable air gap ==> 空隙调节电感器
  8022. inductor-alternator excitation system ==> 感应发电机励磁系统
  8023. inductor-type generator ==> 誘導子形交流発電機
  8024. inductor-type tachometer ==> 电感式转速计
  8025. inductorium ==> (鲁门阔夫)感应线圈
  8026. inductoscope ==> 电感器
  8027. inductosyn ==> 感应式传感器
  8028. inductosyn displacment transducer ==> 感应同步式位移传感器
  8029. inductosyn droop meter ==> 感应式传感器倾斜计
  8030. inductotherm apparatus ==> 感应热疗机
  8031. inductothermy apparatus ==> 感应电热疗设备
  8032. inductuner ==> 感应调谐装置
  8033. induflux method ==> 疲劳电磁测定法
  8034. indulge ==> 容许延期付款=>耽溺する,喜ばせる
  8035. indulgence ==> 放纵,嗜好=>耽溺(たんでき)
  8036. induline spiritsoluble ==> 醇溶引杜林
  8037. induplicate leaf ==> 内向镊合叶
  8038. indurated clay ==> 硬化粘土
  8039. indurated fiber ==> 硬纤维
  8040. indurated mass of knee ==> 下石疽
  8041. indurated talc ==> 硬滑石
  8042. induration of corpora cavernosa ==> 海绵体硬结
  8043. induration of penis ==> 阴茎硬结症
  8044. Indus River (Ng Tung Ho) ==> 梧桐河
  8045. industrial ==> 工业的
  8046. industrial (air quality area) ==> 工业区(空气质素区)
  8047. industrial accident ==> 工伤事故
  8048. industrial acidity meter ==> 工业酸度计
  8049. industrial action ==> 罢工
  8050. industrial air conditioning ==> 工业用空气调节
  8051. industrial air pollution ==> 工业空气污染
  8052. industrial alcohol ==> 工业酒精,工业乙醇
  8053. industrial analysis ==> 工业分析
  8054. industrial and agricultural products ==> 工农业产品
  8055. industrial applicability of an invention ==> 发明的工业实用性
  8056. industrial architecture ==> 工业建筑
  8057. industrial area ==> 工业区=>工業地域
  8058. industrial aromatic hydrocarbons ==> 工业芳香烃
  8059. industrial art ==> 工业美术,工艺美术
  8060. industrial autoclave ==> 工业用蒸压器
  8061. industrial automation ==> 工业自动化
  8062. industrial automation instrument ==> 工业自动化仪表
  8063. industrial bacteriology ==> 工业细菌学
  8064. industrial balance ==> 工业天平
  8065. industrial ball ==> 工业钢球
  8066. industrial bank ==> 实业银行
  8067. Industrial Bank of Japan ==> 日本工业银行
  8068. industrial base ==> 工业基地
  8069. industrial battery ==> 工业电池
  8070. industrial bearing ==> 工业轴承
  8071. industrial boiler ==> 工业锅炉
  8072. industrial brush ==> 工业用电刷
  8073. industrial building ==> 工业建筑物
  8074. industrial car ==> 工业机动车
  8075. industrial caster ==> 工业用脚轮
  8076. industrial cathode ray tube ==> 工业用阴极射线管
  8077. industrial chain ==> 工业链条
  8078. industrial chemistry ==> 工业化学
  8079. industrial chiller ==> 工業用冷却装置
  8080. industrial chromatograph ==> 流程色谱仪
  8081. industrial cleaning ==> 工业清洗
  8082. industrial climatology ==> 工业气候学
  8083. industrial code ==> 工业法规
  8084. Industrial Communication Association (ICA) ==> 工业通信协会
  8085. industrial company ==> 工业公司
  8086. industrial computation ==> 工业计算
  8087. industrial computer ==> 工业控制机,工业控制用计算机=>制御用計算機
  8088. industrial computer language ==> 工业控制机语言,工业控制用计算机语言
  8089. industrial condensing unit ==> 工业用压缩冷凝机组
  8090. industrial consumer ==> 工业用户
  8091. industrial consumer goods ==> 日用工业品
  8092. industrial consumption ==> 工业消耗量
  8093. industrial contamination ==> 工业污染物
  8094. industrial control ==> 工业控制
  8095. industrial control analog device ==> 工业控制模拟设备
  8096. industrial control communication ==> 工业控制通信
  8097. industrial control component ==> 工业控制部件
  8098. industrial control computer ==> 工业控制计算机
  8099. industrial control module ==> 工业控制组件
  8100. industrial control push button ==> 工业控制按钮
  8101. industrial control system ==> 工业控制系统
  8102. industrial control unit (ICU) ==> 工业控制机,工业控制器
  8103. industrial cost control ==> 工业成本控制
  8104. industrial crop ==> 工业原料作物,经济作物,经济作物
  8105. industrial crops ==> 经济作物,经济作物
  8106. industrial cut stock ==> 工业用材
  8107. industrial data processing ==> 工业数据处理
  8108. industrial dermatitis ==> 工业性皮炎
  8109. industrial design ==> 工业设计
  8110. Industrial Development Center for Arab States ==> 阿拉伯国家工业发展中心
  8111. industrial device ==> 工业装置
  8112. industrial diamond ==> 工业金刚石,工业用钻石
  8113. industrial diamond stone ==> 工业用金刚石
  8114. industrial diaphragm pressure gauge ==> 工业用膜片式压力表
  8115. industrial diesel engine ==> 工程机械用柴油机
  8116. industrial diesel oil ==> 工业柴油
  8117. industrial disputes tribunal ==> 经济法庭,经济法庭
  8118. industrial distribution ==> 工业布局
  8119. industrial distribution equipment ==> 工业配电装置
  8120. industrial district ==> 工业区
  8121. industrial dust pollution ==> 工业粉尘污染
  8122. industrial dynamics ==> 工业动态
  8123. industrial economics ==> 工业经济学,经济性工学,经济性工学
  8124. industrial economy ==> 工业经济
  8125. industrial effluent ==> 工业废物
  8126. industrial electric conduction meter ==> 工业电导仪
  8127. industrial electric furnace ==> 工业用电炉
  8128. industrial electric heating ==> 工业电热
  8129. industrial electrical equipment ==> 工业电器
  8130. industrial electrical installation ==> 工业电气设备
  8131. industrial electricity ==> 工业用电
  8132. industrial electron tube ==> 工业用电子管
  8133. industrial electronics ==> 工业电子学
  8134. industrial embroidery machine ==> 工业锈花机
  8135. industrial emmition source ==> 工业排出源
  8136. industrial endoscope ==> 工业内窥镜
  8137. industrial engine ==> 汎用内燃機関
  8138. industrial engineer ==> 企业工程师
  8139. industrial engineering ==> 工业管理,生产管理技术
  8140. industrial estate ==> 工业用地
  8141. industrial ethyl alcohol ==> 工业用乙醇
  8142. industrial factory building ==> 工业厂房
  8143. industrial fair ==> 工业博览会
  8144. industrial fiber scope ==> 工业纤维镜
  8145. industrial fibre ==> 工业用纤维
  8146. industrial flat bed sewing machine ==> 工业平缝机
  8147. industrial floor brick ==> 工厂铺地砖,工业用铺地砖
  8148. industrial forestry ==> 工业性林业
  8149. industrial frequency ==> 工业频率,工频
  8150. industrial furnace ==> 工业电炉
  8151. industrial furnace centrifugal blower ==> 工业炉离心鼓风机
  8152. industrial gammagraphy ==> 工业γ射线照相法
  8153. industrial gas ==> 工业煤气
  8154. industrial gas chromatograph ==> 工业气相色谱仪
  8155. industrial gas chromatographic method ==> 工业气相色谱
  8156. industrial gas turbine ==> 工业燃气轮机,工业用燃气轮机
  8157. industrial gasoline ==> 工业汽油
  8158. industrial gelatine ==> 工业明胶
  8159. industrial geography ==> 工业地理学
  8160. industrial glass ==> 工业玻璃
  8161. industrial grade ==> 技术等级
  8162. industrial grade toluene ==> 工业级甲苯
  8163. industrial graphic display system ==> 工业图形显示系统
  8164. industrial grouping ==> 工业组合
  8165. industrial health statistics ==> 工业卫生统计
  8166. industrial heat ==> 工业用热
  8167. industrial heat pump ==> 工业热泵
  8168. industrial heat user ==> 工业热用户
  8169. industrial hollowing ==> 产业空心化=>産業の空洞化
  8170. industrial illumination ==> 工业照明
  8171. industrial inspection ==> 工业检查
  8172. industrial installation ==> 工业生产设备,工业生产装置
  8173. industrial instrument ==> 工业仪表=>工業計器
  8174. industrial instrumentation ==> 工业测量仪表
  8175. industrial integrated circuit ==> 工业用集成电路
  8176. industrial interference ==> 工业干扰
  8177. industrial irradiator ==> 工业辐射器
  8178. industrial jewel ==> 工业宝石
  8179. industrial land ==> 工业用地
  8180. industrial laser ==> 工业激光器
  8181. industrial light ==> 工厂照明器
  8182. industrial lighting ==> 工业照明
  8183. industrial load ==> 工业负载
  8184. industrial logic-sequence controller ==> 工业用逻辑顺序控制器
  8185. industrial lubricant ==> 工业润滑油
  8186. industrial management ==> 工业管理学
  8187. industrial management program ==> 工业管理程序
  8188. industrial mathematics ==> 工业数学
  8189. industrial measurement ==> 工業計測
  8190. industrial measurement instrument ==> 工业测量仪表
  8191. industrial meteorology ==> 工业气象学
  8192. industrial microbiology ==> 工业微生物学
  8193. industrial microcomputer ==> 工业用微型计算机
  8194. industrial microscope ==> 工业用显微镜
  8195. industrial mineral ==> 工业矿物
  8196. industrial mobile crane ==> 工业用自走式起重机
  8197. industrial naphthalene ==> 工业萘
  8198. industrial naphthas ==> 工业石脑油
  8199. industrial network ==> 工业网路
  8200. industrial new design ==> 实用新型=>実用新案
  8201. industrial noise ==> 工业噪声
  8202. industrial nuclear power ==> 工业用核动力
  8203. industrial oil ==> 工业用油
  8204. industrial oil-gas bed ==> 工业油气层
  8205. industrial organization ==> 工业企业
  8206. industrial oscillograph ==> 工业用示波器
  8207. industrial oxygen blow-pipe ==> 工业用吹氧管
  8208. industrial paint ==> 工业漆
  8209. industrial park ==> 工业园
  8210. industrial poison ==> 工业毒物
  8211. industrial poisoning ==> 工业中毒
  8212. industrial pollution ==> 工业污染
  8213. industrial port ==> 工业港
  8214. industrial potential ==> 工业潜力
  8215. industrial potentiometer ==> 工业用电位计
  8216. industrial power distribution ==> 工业配电
  8217. industrial power plant ==> 企业自备电厂
  8218. industrial power supply ==> 工业供电
  8219. industrial process ==> 工业过程
  8220. industrial process control ==> 工业过程控制
  8221. industrial process control system ==> 工业过程控制系统
  8222. industrial process heat load ==> 生产工艺热负荷,生产工艺过程中用热设备的热负荷
  8223. industrial processing system ==> 工业加工系统
  8224. industrial product ==> 工业产品,工业制品
  8225. industrial production ==> 工业生产
  8226. industrial property ==> 工业产权,工业特性=>工業所有権
  8227. industrial prototype cell ==> 工业原型电解槽
  8228. industrial psychology ==> 工业心理学
  8229. industrial public nuisance ==> 工业公害
  8230. industrial pump ==> 工业泵
  8231. industrial pump factory ==> 工业泵厂
  8232. industrial pumping ==> 工业泵送
  8233. industrial pure iron ==> 工业纯铁
  8234. industrial radiography ==> 工业射线照相法
  8235. industrial radiology ==> 工业辐射学
  8236. industrial railway ==> 工业铁路
  8237. industrial raw material ==> 工业原料
  8238. industrial reactor ==> 工业用原子炉
  8239. industrial reduced model ==> 工业缩小模型
  8240. industrial reflector ==> 工厂照明反射器
  8241. industrial refrigerating plant ==> 工业制冷装置
  8242. industrial refuse ==> 工业垃圾
  8243. industrial residue ==> 工业废渣
  8244. industrial residue pollution ==> 工业废渣污染
  8245. industrial resistance furnace ==> 工业用电阻炉
  8246. industrial rights of man ==> 人类产业权利
  8247. industrial robot ==> 工业机器人=>工業用ロボット,産業用ロボット
  8248. industrial rolling needle ==> 工业滚针
  8249. industrial salt ==> 工业用盐
  8250. industrial sanitary chemistry ==> 工业卫生化学
  8251. industrial scale ==> 工业规模
  8252. industrial screening ==> 工业筛分
  8253. industrial security manual ==> 工业安全手册
  8254. industrial sewage ==> 工业污水
  8255. industrial sewerage system ==> 工业污物排放系统
  8256. industrial sewing machine ==> 工业缝纫机
  8257. industrial sewing machine & spare parts ==> 工业缝纫机及零件
  8258. industrial sewing machine stand ==> 工业缝纫机机架
  8259. industrial slag ==> 工业渣
  8260. industrial soap ==> 工业皂
  8261. industrial sodium densimeter ==> 工业钠度计
  8262. industrial solvent ==> 工业溶剂
  8263. industrial standard ==> 工业标准
  8264. industrial steam plant ==> 工业蒸汽动力厂
  8265. industrial steam turbine ==> 工业汽轮机
  8266. industrial steel window ==> 工业厂房钢窗
  8267. industrial stethoscope ==> 工业探伤仪
  8268. industrial structure ==> 工业部门结构
  8269. industrial substation ==> 工业变电所
  8270. industrial sulphuric acid ==> 工业硫酸
  8271. industrial system ==> 工业体系,工业系统,实业制度
  8272. industrial tariff ==> 大工业电价,适用凡属用工业方法,从事物质生产及直接为生产服务,受电变压器在某规定容量及以上的用电。注:如规定容量为315kVA
  8273. industrial telemetering ==> 工业遥测术
  8274. industrial telemetering system ==> 工业遥测系统
  8275. industrial television ==> 工业电视,用于监视工业生产过程及其环境的电视系统。该系统主要由摄像机、传输通道、控制器和监视器组成。它应用在电力生产过程实时监视(如锅炉汽包水位监视、燃烧室火焰监视)、安全和消防等方面
  8276. industrial television (ITV) ==> 工业电视
  8277. industrial television camera ==> 工业电视摄像机
  8278. industrial television monitoring system ==> 工业电视监控系统
  8279. industrial television set ==> 工业电视机,工业用电视机
  8280. industrial test ==> 工业试验
  8281. industrial thermometer ==> 工业用温度计
  8282. industrial total radiation pyrometer ==> 辐射感温器
  8283. industrial town ==> 工业城镇
  8284. industrial tractor ==> 工矿牵引车,工业拖拉机,工业用拖拉机
  8285. industrial training centre ==> 工业训练中心
  8286. industrial truck ==> フォークリフト
  8287. industrial turbine set ==> 工业汽轮机组
  8288. industrial type fluid ==> 工业用液体
  8289. industrial tyre ==> 工业车辆轮胎
  8290. industrial unit ==> 工业设备,工业装置
  8291. industrial urbanization ==> 工业城市化
  8292. industrial use of water ==> 工业用水
  8293. industrial ventilation ==> 工业通风
  8294. industrial viscosimeter ==> 工业粘度计
  8295. industrial waste ==> 工业废料,工业废弃物,工业废水,工业废物
  8296. industrial waste discharge ==> 工业污水
  8297. industrial waste disposal ==> 工业废物处置
  8298. industrial waste gas ==> 工业废气
  8299. industrial waste heat ==> 工业余热
  8300. industrial waste liquid ==> 工业废液
  8301. industrial waste steam ==> 工业废汽
  8302. Industrial Waste Strategic Planning and Policy ==> 工业废物处理策略规划及政策
  8303. industrial waste water ==> 工业废水
  8304. industrial waste water disposal ==> 工业废水处理
  8305. industrial waste water treatment ==> 工业废水处理
  8306. industrial wastes ==> 工业废液
  8307. industrial wastewater ==> 工业废水,产业废水
  8308. industrial water ==> 工业用水
  8309. industrial water conditioning ==> 工业水处理
  8310. industrial water consumption ==> 工业耗水量
  8311. industrial water law ==> 工业用水法
  8312. industrial water pollution ==> 工业水污染
  8313. industrial water pump ==> 工业水泵
  8314. industrial water quality ==> 工业水质量
  8315. industrial water receive tank ==> 工业水贮存箱
  8316. industrial water requirements ==> 工业需水量
  8317. industrial water service ==> 工业供水
  8318. industrial water supply ==> 工业给水,工业供水
  8319. industrial water works ==> 工业水厂
  8320. industrial weighing machinery ==> 工业衡器
  8321. industrial X-ray apparatus ==> 工业用X射线机
  8322. industrial X-ray film ==> 工业X光胶片
  8323. industrial X-ray radiographic equipment ==> 工业用X射线照相设备
  8324. industrial yarn ==> 工业纱
  8325. industrial yeast ==> 工业酵母
  8326. industrial-process supervisory system ==> 工业过程监督系统
  8327. industrial-scale ==> 工業規模の
  8328. industrial-strength ==> 工業用強度の
  8329. industrialization ==> 工业化
  8330. industrialized building ==> 工业化建筑
  8331. industrialized building system ==> 工业化建筑体系
  8332. industrialized building technique ==> 工业化建筑技术
  8333. industrialized housing ==> 工业化住房
  8334. industrially pure titanium ==> 工业纯钛
  8335. industrials ==> 産業,工業,生産
  8336. industries close to consumption areas ==> 消费趋向性工业
  8337. industries in the nonmaterial sphere ==> 非物质领域中的产业部门
  8338. industries that are monopolistic in nature ==> 天然垄断性的行业
  8339. industrious and thrifty management of shops ==> 勤俭办商店
  8340. industry ==> 产业,工业,行业=>産業
  8341. industry analysis ==> 業界分析
  8342. industry and agriculture ==> 贸工农型生产结构
  8343. industry application ==> 工業利用
  8344. industry application program (IAP) ==> 工业应用程序
  8345. industry by-product ==> 工業副産物
  8346. industry capacity ==> 生産能力
  8347. industry chain ==> 产业链=>産業チェーン
  8348. industry change ==> 産業変化
  8349. industry code ==> 工业代码
  8350. industry computer ==> 工控计算机=>産業用計算機
  8351. Industry Environmental Hotline ==> 工业环保热线
  8352. industry gas turbine ==> 工业燃气轮机
  8353. industry hygiene standard ==> 工业企业卫生标准
  8354. industry in the coastal regions ==> 沿海工业
  8355. industry in the interior ==> 内地工业
  8356. industry molybdenum trioxide ==> 工业级三氧化钼
  8357. industry of robots ==> 机器人工业
  8358. industry plotting subroutine ==> 工业绘图子程序,工业用设计子程序
  8359. industry standard item ==> 工业标准项目
  8360. industry standard plotting package ==> (ISPP)工业标准绘图软件包
  8361. industry standard plotting package (ISPP) ==> 工业标准绘图软件包
  8362. industry standard specifications ==> 工业标准规格
  8363. industry standards ==> 業界標準化,The source to search, order, and download industry standards.
  8364. industry track ==> 专用线
  8365. industry waste ==> 工业废物
  8366. industry-based student ==> 以工业为基地的学员
  8367. industry-wide econometric model ==> 全工业经济计量模型
  8368. indwelling catheter ==> 留置导(尿)管
  8369. indxeable tool holder for turning tools ==> 机械夹固式车刀杆
  8370. inedible oil ==> 非食用油
  8371. INEEE, Iwate Network for Energy and Environment Education ==> 岩手エネルギー環境教育ネットワーク
  8372. ineffective call ==> 无效呼叫
  8373. ineffective dose ==> 无效剂量,无效量
  8374. ineffective rise ==> 无效上升
  8375. ineffective strain ==> 无效菌株
  8376. ineffective tank battalion ==> 无战斗力的坦克营
  8377. ineffective temperature ==> 无效温度
  8378. ineffective time ==> 无效时间
  8379. inefficient ==> 効果のない,非効率的な
  8380. inefficient combustion ==> 不良燃烧
  8381. inefficient exhaust system ==> 排気システムの不備
  8382. inefficient insecticide ==> 无效杀虫剂
  8383. inefficient type ==> 无效类型
  8384. ineincarnate ==> 深红色的
  8385. inelasdic demand ==> 非弹性需求
  8386. inelastic ==> 非弹性的=>弾力のない
  8387. inelastic absorption ==> 非弾性吸収
  8388. inelastic action ==> 非弹性作用
  8389. inelastic analysis ==> 非弾性解析法
  8390. inelastic background ==> 非弾性バックグラウンド
  8391. inelastic behavior ==> 非弾性的挙動
  8392. inelastic bending ==> 非弹性弯曲
  8393. inelastic body ==> 非弹性体
  8394. inelastic buckling ==> 非弹性屈曲,非弹性压曲
  8395. inelastic collision ==> 非弹性碰撞,非弹性碰撞=>非弾性衝突
  8396. inelastic column ==> 非弹性柱
  8397. inelastic cross section ==> 非弹性反应截面,非弹性截面
  8398. inelastic deformation ==> 非弹性变形,非弹性形变
  8399. inelastic demand ==> 无弹性需求=>非弾力的需要
  8400. inelastic design ==> 非弾性設計
  8401. inelastic diffraction ==> 非弾性回折
  8402. inelastic distortion ==> 非弾性歪み
  8403. inelastic effect ==> 非弾性効果
  8404. inelastic fluid ==> 非弹性流体
  8405. inelastic lateral buckling ==> 非弹性侧向压屈
  8406. inelastic liquid ==> 非弹性液体
  8407. inelastic loading ==> 非弹性荷载
  8408. inelastic optical scattering ==> 非弹性光散射
  8409. inelastic range ==> 非弹性范围
  8410. inelastic restitution ==> 非弹性恢复
  8411. inelastic scatter ==> 非弹性散射过程
  8412. inelastic scattering ==> 非弹性散射,又称“非弹性碰撞”。中子与原子核碰撞后,中子将大部分动能传递给原子核,使其内能增加而处于激发态,但核的同位素成分没有变化的现象
  8413. inelastic scattering amplitude ==> 非弹性散射振幅
  8414. inelastic scattering excitation ==> 非弹性散射激发
  8415. inelastic stability ==> 非弹性稳定性
  8416. inelastic state ==> 非弹性状态
  8417. inelastic strain ==> 非弹性应变
  8418. inelastic stress ==> 非弹性应力
  8419. inelastic supply ==> 无弹性供给
  8420. inelastic torsion ==> 非弹性扭曲
  8421. inelastic wave ==> 非弹性波
  8422. inelasticity coefficient ==> 非弹性系数
  8423. ineligible acceptance ==> 不合格的银行承兑汇票
  8424. ineligible commercial paper ==> 不合格商业票证
  8425. inequal heating ==> 不均匀加热
  8426. inequalities between means ==> 平均值间之不等式
  8427. inequality coefficient ==> 不等式系数
  8428. inequality constraint ==> 不等性约束
  8429. inequality constraints ==> 不等式约束
  8430. inequality proportion ==> 不等比例
  8431. inequality restriction ==> 不等式限制
  8432. inequality-restricted estimator ==> 不等式约束估计式
  8433. inequant fold ==> 不等翼褶皱
  8434. inequigranular fabric ==> 不等粒组构
  8435. inequilibrium system economics ==> 非平衡系统经济学
  8436. inequivalent site ==> 不等效晶体
  8437. inequivalved shell ==> 不等瓣壳
  8438. inermous gemmule ==> 无针芽球
  8439. inert ==> 惰性的,不活泼的,中和,中性
  8440. inert aggregate ==> 惰性骨料,非活性骨料
  8441. inert atmosphere ==> 惰性气氛
  8442. inert atmosphere processing cell ==> 惰性气氛处理热室
  8443. inert cell ==> 注水电池
  8444. inert chromosome ==> 惰性染色体
  8445. inert component ==> 惰性组分
  8446. inert construction material ==> 惰性建筑物料,泥尾料
  8447. inert diluent ==> 惰性稀释剂
  8448. inert dust ==> 惰性尘末
  8449. inert element ==> 惰性元素
  8450. inert filler ==> 惰性掺合料,惰性填料
  8451. inert free gas ==> 无惰性气体
  8452. inert gas ==> 惰性气氛,惰性气体=>不活性ガス
  8453. inert gas ambient ==> 惰性气氛
  8454. inert gas arc spot welding ==> 惰性气体电弧点焊
  8455. inert gas arc welding ==> 惰性气体保护焊
  8456. inert gas backing ==> 惰性气体衬垫
  8457. inert gas blanket ==> 惰性气体包层
  8458. inert gas filled ==> 充有惰性气体的
  8459. inert gas seal ==> 惰性气体密封
  8460. inert gas shielded arc welding ==> 保护气体焊
  8461. inert gas shielding ==> 惰性气体保护
  8462. inert gas spot welding ==> 惰性气体保护电弧点焊
  8463. inert gas welding ==> 惰性气体焊接法
  8464. inert gene ==> 惰性基因
  8465. inert granular material ==> 惰性粒状物料
  8466. inert humus ==> 惰性腐殖质
  8467. inert inductor ==> 无绕线感应体
  8468. inert ingredient ==> 农药助剂
  8469. inert layer ==> 不活泼层
  8470. inert material ==> 惰性材料
  8471. inert metal indicated electrode ==> 惰性金属指示电极
  8472. inert mineral ==> 惰性矿物
  8473. inert particle agglutination test ==> 无关颗粒凝集试验
  8474. inert pigment ==> 惰性颜料
  8475. inert primer ==> 惰性火帽
  8476. inert region ==> 惰性部分
  8477. inert solvent ==> 惰性溶剂
  8478. inert type ==> 安定型
  8479. inert zone ==> 非灵敏区
  8480. inert-gas (inert gas) arc welding ==> 惰性气体保护焊
  8481. inert-gas welding ==> 惰性气体保护焊
  8482. inertance ==> 惯性,迟滞=>イナータンス
  8483. inertia ==> 惯量,惯性,惰性,无力,不活动
  8484. inertia action ==> 慣性動作
  8485. inertia anti-lock device ==> 惯性防抱死装置
  8486. inertia axis ==> 惯性轴
  8487. inertia balance ==> 惯性平衡
  8488. inertia ball ==> 惯性球
  8489. inertia bar ==> 惯量棒
  8490. inertia break-off ==> 惯性折断
  8491. inertia breakoff ==> (挤压缺陷)惯性折断
  8492. inertia coeffecient ==> 惯性系数
  8493. inertia comparator ==> 摆轮转动惯量比较仪
  8494. inertia compensation ==> 惯性补偿
  8495. inertia constant ==> 惯性常数
  8496. inertia constant of a set ==> 机组惯性常数,表征同步电机转子机械惯性的参数,与转子飞轮力矩和转速的平方成正比,与电机额定视在功率成反比
  8497. inertia constant of rotating machine ==> 回転機の慣性定数
  8498. inertia couple ==> 惯性力偶
  8499. inertia coupling ==> 惯性耦合
  8500. inertia damper ==> 惯性阻尼器
  8501. inertia ellipsoid ==> 惯性椭圆体
  8502. inertia factor ==> 惯性因数
  8503. inertia force ==> 惯性力,惰力
  8504. inertia force classifier ==> 惯性分级机
  8505. inertia governor ==> 惯性调节器,惯性调速器
  8506. inertia grade ==> (公路的)惯性坡度
  8507. inertia head ==> 惯性水头
  8508. inertia immunity sync circuit ==> 惯性同步电路
  8509. inertia knock-out grid ==> 惯性落砂机
  8510. inertia load ==> 惯性荷载
  8511. inertia lock ==> 惯性自锁
  8512. inertia mass ==> 惯性质量
  8513. inertia mass bearing ==> 惯性体轴承
  8514. inertia matrix ==> 慣性行列
  8515. inertia measurement ==> 惯性测量
  8516. inertia moment ==> 惯性矩
  8517. inertia motion ==> 惯性运动
  8518. inertia of energy ==> 能量的惯性
  8519. inertia of photo ==> 感光惰性
  8520. inertia of population ==> 人口惯性
  8521. inertia of transistor switching circuit ==> 晶体管开关器的惰性
  8522. inertia of uterus ==> 子宫收缩无力
  8523. inertia oscillation ==> 惯性振动
  8524. inertia pressure ==> 惰性压力
  8525. inertia proportioning valve ==> 惯性比例阀
  8526. inertia ratio ==> 惯性比=>慣性比
  8527. inertia reaction moment tester ==> 惯性反作用力矩测试仪
  8528. inertia reactionary torque testing instrument ==> 惯性反作用矩测试仪
  8529. inertia relay ==> 愦性继电器
  8530. inertia resistance ==> 惯性阻力
  8531. inertia revolution counter ==> 惯性式转速表
  8532. inertia separator ==> 惯性分离器,又称"动态分离器"。分离器出口设有由多枚叶片制成的叶轮,通过调整叶轮的转速改变输出煤粉细度的分离设备。
  8533. inertia setting ==> 惯性沉降
  8534. inertia shaking force ==> 摇动惯性力
  8535. inertia shear ==> 惯性剪力
  8536. inertia stabilizer ==> 惯性稳定器
  8537. inertia starter ==> 惯性起动机
  8538. inertia starting ==> 惯性起动
  8539. inertia switch ==> 延时开关
  8540. inertia system ==> 惯性系统
  8541. inertia tensor ==> 惯性张量=>慣性テンソル
  8542. inertia test ==> 惯性试验
  8543. inertia time constant ==> 惯性时间常数
  8544. inertia torque ==> 惯性扭矩
  8545. inertia travel ==> 慣性動作
  8546. inertia type air classifier ==> 惯性风力分级机
  8547. inertia type locomotive ==> 惯性电机车
  8548. inertia type pickup ==> 惯性传感器
  8549. inertia type shaker ==> 惯性抖动器
  8550. inertia type starter ==> 惯性起动器
  8551. inertia uteri ==> 子宫无力
  8552. inertia variation ==> 慣性変動
  8553. inertia vibrating screen ==> 惯性振动筛
  8554. inertia vibrating shakeout machine ==> 惯性振动落砂机
  8555. inertia welding ==> 惯性焊接,贮能摩擦焊,储能摩擦焊
  8556. inertia wheel ==> 惯性轮
  8557. inertial ==> 惯性的
  8558. inertial angular acceleration sensor ==> 惯性角加速传感器
  8559. inertial circle ==> 惯性圆
  8560. inertial component ==> 惯性分量
  8561. inertial confinement ==> 惯性约束
  8562. inertial confinement fusion ==> 慣性核融合
  8563. inertial control ==> 惯性控制
  8564. inertial control system ==> 惯性控制系数
  8565. inertial coodinate system ==> 惯性坐标系
  8566. inertial coordinate system ==> 惯性参考坐标系,惯性坐标系统
  8567. inertial currents ==> 惯性流
  8568. inertial damping ==> 愦性阻尼
  8569. inertial delay ==> 惯性延迟
  8570. inertial drive starter ==> 惯性式起动机
  8571. inertial dust collection ==> 惯性除尘
  8572. inertial dust separator ==> 惯性除尘器
  8573. inertial effect ==> 惯性效应
  8574. inertial ellipsoid ==> 惯性椭球
  8575. inertial error ==> 惯性误差
  8576. inertial flight ==> 惯性飞行
  8577. inertial flow ==> 惯性流动
  8578. inertial force ==> 慣性力
  8579. inertial frame ==> 惯性架
  8580. inertial governor ==> 惯性调速器
  8581. inertial guidance ==> 慣性誘導
  8582. inertial guidance computer ==> 惯性制导计算机
  8583. inertial guidance integrating gyro ==> 惯性制导积分陀螺
  8584. inertial guidance system ==> 惯性制导系统
  8585. inertial gyrocompass ==> 惯性陀螺罗盘
  8586. inertial impaction ==> 惯性碰撞法,惯性撞击
  8587. inertial instability ==> 惯性不稳定性
  8588. inertial instrumen system ==> 惯性仪表系统
  8589. inertial laser sensor ==> 惯性激光传感器,激光惯性传感器
  8590. inertial load ==> 惯性载荷
  8591. inertial loading component ==> 惯性载荷分量
  8592. inertial mass ==> 惯性质量
  8593. inertial matrix ==> 惯性矩阵
  8594. inertial motion ==> 隋走量
  8595. inertial navigation ==> 惯性导航=>慣性航法,機内でジャイロを用いた慣性航法装置INSにより,地上の援助に頼らず,移動の加速度と向きから計算によって測位する。
  8596. inertial navigation and guidance ==> 惯性导航与制导
  8597. inertial navigation computer ==> 惯性导航计算机
  8598. inertial navigation system ==> 惯性导航系统
  8599. inertial navigator ==> 惯性导航仪,惯性异航仪
  8600. inertial oscillation ==> 惯性振动=>慣性振動
  8601. inertial period ==> 惯性周期
  8602. inertial platfrom ==> 惯性平台
  8603. inertial pressure ==> 惯性压力
  8604. inertial pressure head ==> 惯性压头
  8605. inertial reference frame ==> 惯性参考坐标系
  8606. inertial reference system ==> 惯性参考系
  8607. inertial sensor ==> 惯性传感器=>慣性センサー
  8608. inertial separator ==> 惯性集尘器
  8609. inertial shakeout machine ==> 惯性落砂机
  8610. inertial size ==> 空气动力学粒径
  8611. inertial space ==> 惯性空间
  8612. inertial space reference system ==> 惯性空间基准系统
  8613. inertial starter ==> 惯性起动器
  8614. inertial switch ==> 惯性开关
  8615. inertial system ==> 惯性系=>慣性系
  8616. inertial tensor ==> 惯性张量
  8617. inertial theory ==> 惯性理论
  8618. inertial time ==> 惯性时
  8619. inertial velocity meter ==> 惯性速度表
  8620. inertial wave ==> 惯性波
  8621. inertial welding ==> 惯性焊接
  8622. inertial-pressure method ==> 惯性压力法
  8623. INES ==> 国際原子力事象評価尺度
  8624. inescapable cost ==> 必然发生的成本
  8625. inessential cooperative game ==> 非本质合作对策
  8626. inessential general game ==> 非本质一般对策
  8627. inevitable accident ==> 不可避免的事故
  8628. inevitable succession ==> 必然演替
  8629. inexact concept ==> 不确切概念
  8630. inexact data ==> 不准确数据
  8631. inexact function ==> 不确切函数
  8632. inexact regression analysis ==> 不确切回归分析
  8633. inexact statement ==> 不确切命题
  8634. inexorable law ==> 必然规律
  8635. inexorable trend ==> 必然趋势
  8636. inextensional buckling ==> 非延伸压屈
  8637. inextensional deformation ==> 非伸缩变形,非延伸性变形,不可开拓性形变
  8638. inextricable mixture ==> 不可分混合物
  8639. INF, irradiated nuclear fuel ==> 使用済み(照射済み)核燃料
  8640. infall process ==> 沉降过程
  8641. infancy ==> 幼年期
  8642. infant food ==> 婴儿食品
  8643. infant heat stroke syndrome ==> 小儿暑热综合征
  8644. infant incubator ==> 早产儿暖箱
  8645. infant industry argument ==> 新生工业争论
  8646. infant of low-birth weight ==> 低体重儿
  8647. infant prodigy ==> 天才児
  8648. infantile acute laryngitis ==> 小儿急性喉炎
  8649. infantile convulsion with abdominal pain ==> 惊风腹痛
  8650. infantile convulsion with fever ==> 惊风热
  8651. infantile cortical hyperostosis ==> 婴儿骨外层肥厚症
  8652. infantile diarrhea ==> 婴儿腹泻,幼儿腹泻
  8653. infantile feverish perspiration ==> 变蒸
  8654. infantile genitalia ==> 幼稚型生殖器
  8655. infantile muscular atrophy ==> 小儿肌萎缩
  8656. infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy ==> 幼儿神经轴索性营养不良
  8657. infantile paralysis ==> 婴儿麻痹,小儿麻痹症,小儿瘫痪,脊髓灰质炎
  8658. infantile prodigy ==> 天才児,神童
  8659. infantile rest of testis ==> 小儿性睾丸残余
  8660. infantile rheumatoid arthritis ==> 儿童类风湿性关节炎
  8661. infantile sex-linked hypogammaglobulinemia ==> 婴儿伴性低丙种球蛋白血症
  8662. infantile sexuality ==> 幼稚性欲
  8663. infantile spasm ==> 婴幼儿痉挛
  8664. infantile spinal paralysis ==> 婴儿脊髓麻痹
  8665. infantile stage ==> 乳儿期
  8666. infantile tetany ==> 幼儿手足搐搦
  8667. infantile type ==> 幼稚型
  8668. infantile umbilical hernia ==> 小儿脐疝
  8669. infantry ==> 歩兵隊
  8670. infantry arm ==> 歩兵部隊
  8671. infantry battalion ==> 歩兵大隊
  8672. infantry brigade ==> 歩兵旅団
  8673. infantry button ==> 歩兵ボタン
  8674. infantry carrier vehicle ==> 歩兵輸送車
  8675. infantry division ==> 歩兵師団
  8676. infants ==> 幼児
  8677. infarct size ==> 梗塞面积
  8678. infarction ==> 梗塞,梗塞形成,梗死形成
  8679. infarction of pituitary ==> 垂体梗塞
  8680. infarction of spinal cord ==> 脊髓梗塞
  8681. infarctional pulmonary edema ==> 梗塞性肺水肿,肺梗塞性肺水肿
  8682. infared image tube ==> 红外图像转换器
  8683. infaunal organism ==> 内生动物群生物
  8684. infeasible ==> 実行不可能な
  8685. infeasible basic solution ==> 非許容解
  8686. infeasible linear program ==> 不可行线性规划
  8687. infeasible method ==> 不可行法
  8688. infeasible program ==> 不可行规划
  8689. infeasible solution ==> 不可行解=>非許容解
  8690. infect ==> 感染,侵染
  8691. infect dose ==> 侵染量
  8692. infect hypha ==> 侵染丝
  8693. infect tube ==> 侵染芽管
  8694. infect with a disease ==> 染病
  8695. infected ==> 伝染した
  8696. infected abortion ==> 感染性流産
  8697. infected allantoic fluid ==> 感染尿膜腔液
  8698. infected aneurysm ==> 感染性動脈瘤
  8699. infected animal ==> 感染動物
  8700. infected dislocation ==> 感染脱位
  8701. infected fracture ==> 感染骨折
  8702. infected individual ==> 感染者
  8703. infected infarct ==> 感染性梗塞
  8704. infected patch ==> 病区
  8705. infected patient ==> 感染者
  8706. infected person ==> 感染者
  8707. infected seed ==> 病粒
  8708. infected twig ==> 感染枝
  8709. infected water ==> 含菌水
  8710. infected wheat ==> 赤霉病麦
  8711. infected wound ==> 感染性创伤
  8712. infecting potential ==> 侵染力
  8713. infection ==> 侵染现象,传染,传染性,感染
  8714. infection after tonsillectomy ==> 扁桃体切除后感染
  8715. infection by air or water ==> 通过空气或水的传染
  8716. infection cell ==> 感染细胞
  8717. infection center ==> 发病中心
  8718. infection complex ==> 侵染复合
  8719. infection court ==> 侵染点
  8720. infection cycle ==> 侵染循环
  8721. infection disease ==> 侵染性疾病
  8722. infection experiment ==> 感染试验
  8723. infection immunity ==> 传染免疫
  8724. infection of abdominal wall ==> 腹壁感染
  8725. infection of amniotic cavity ==> 羊膜腔感染
  8726. infection of auricle ==> 耳廓感染
  8727. infection of bone ==> 骨感染
  8728. infection of canine fossa ==> 犬齿窝感染
  8729. infection of digestive canal ==> 消化道感染
  8730. infection of external auditory meatus ==> 外耳道感染
  8731. infection of gastrointestinal ==> 胃肠道感染
  8732. infection of incisional wound ==> 切口感染
  8733. infection of maxillofacial region ==> 颌面部感染
  8734. infection of newborn ==> 新生儿感染
  8735. infection of penis ==> 阴茎感染
  8736. infection of scrotum ==> 阴囊感染
  8737. infection of umbilicus ==> 脐部感染
  8738. infection portal of infection ==> 传染入口
  8739. infection processs ==> 侵染过程
  8740. infection rate ==> 感染率
  8741. infection thread cellulose ==> 侵染线纤维素
  8742. infection thread membrance ==> 侵染线膜
  8743. infection thread reaches base of epidermal cell ==> 侵染线达到表皮细胞底部
  8744. infection tube ==> 侵染管
  8745. infectional arthritis ==> 感染关节炎,感染性关节炎
  8746. infectiosity ==> 感染度
  8747. infectious ==> 感染性的,传染的,传染性的
  8748. infectious abortion ==> 传染性流产
  8749. infectious anemia ==> 传染性贫血
  8750. infectious aneurysm ==> 感染性动脉瘤
  8751. infectious arthritis ==> 传染性关节炎
  8752. infectious avian bronchitis ==> 雏鸡传染性支气管炎
  8753. infectious avian encephalomyelitis ==> 雏鸡传染性颤搐病
  8754. infectious bacteria ==> 感染菌
  8755. infectious bovine keratitis ==> 牛传染性角膜炎,新林病
  8756. infectious bovine rhinotracheitis ==> 牛传染性鼻气管炎
  8757. infectious bulbar paralysis ==> 伪狂犬病
  8758. infectious bursal agent ==> 传染性腔上囊病原体
  8759. infectious bursal disease ==> 鸡传染性腔上囊病
  8760. infectious canine hepatitis ==> 狗的传染性肝炎
  8761. infectious chlorosis ==> (植病)传染性退绿
  8762. infectious conjunctivitis ==> 传染性结膜炎
  8763. infectious coryza ==> 鲁布,鸡流行性感冒
  8764. infectious disease ==> 传染病
  8765. infectious disease hospital ==> 传染病医院
  8766. infectious disease notification ==> 传染病报告
  8767. infectious disease of digestive tract ==> 消化道传染病
  8768. infectious diseases ==> 感染症
  8769. infectious droplet ==> 传染性飞沫
  8770. infectious drug resistance ==> 可传播的药物抗性
  8771. infectious ectromelia virus ==> 传染性小鼠脱脚病病毒,小鼠脱脚病病毒
  8772. infectious edema ==> 传染性水肿
  8773. infectious encephalitis of foxes ==> 狐狸脑炎
  8774. infectious endocarditis ==> 传染性心内膜炎,感染性心内膜炎
  8775. infectious erythema ==> 传染性红斑
  8776. infectious feline agranulocytosis ==> 猫传染性粒细胞缺乏症
  8777. infectious feline panleucopaenia ==> 猫传染性胃肠类
  8778. infectious gastritis ==> 感染性胃炎
  8779. infectious granuloma ==> 感染性肉芽肿
  8780. infectious hemoglobinuria ==> 牛传染性血尿病
  8781. infectious hepatitis ==> 传染性肝炎,急黄
  8782. infectious hepatitis virus ==> 传染性肝炎病毒
  8783. infectious jaundice ==> 传染性黄疸
  8784. infectious keratitis ==> 牛传染性眼炎
  8785. infectious larva ==> 感染性蚴
  8786. infectious laryngotracheitis ==> (鸡)传染性喉气管炎,雏鸡传染性支气管炎
  8787. infectious laryngotracheltis ==> 雏鸡传染性支气管炎
  8788. infectious lymphocytosis ==> 传染性淋巴细胞增多
  8789. infectious mononucleosis ==> 传染性单核白细胞增多症,传染性单核细胞增多症,感染性单核细胞增多症,淋巴系统反应,发否氏病
  8790. infectious mononucleosis syndrome (IMS) ==> 传染性单核细胞增多综合征
  8791. infectious mononucleosis virus ==> 传染性单核白细胞增多症病毒
  8792. infectious myocarditis ==> 感染性心肌炎
  8793. infectious myositis ==> 传染性肌炎
  8794. infectious myxoma ==> 传染性粘液瘤
  8795. infectious necrotic hepatitis ==> 黑疫
  8796. infectious ophthalmia ==> 牛传染性眼炎
  8797. infectious ophthalmoplegia ==> 感染性眼肌麻痹
  8798. infectious papillomatosis ==> 传染性乳头状瘤病
  8799. infectious pig paralysis ==> 猪传染性麻痹病
  8800. infectious pododermatitis ==> 牛的腐蹄病
  8801. infectious polioencephalitis ==> 传染性脑灰质炎
  8802. infectious polyneuritis ==> 传染性多发性神经炎,传染性多神经炎
  8803. infectious polyneuroradiculitis ==> 传染性多发性神经根炎
  8804. infectious polyradiculitis ==> 传染性多发性神经根炎,感染性多发性神经根炎
  8805. infectious psychosis ==> 传染病性精神病
  8806. infectious pulmonary edema ==> 感染性肺水肿
  8807. infectious pustular vulvovaginitis ==> 传染性脓疱外阴阴道炎
  8808. infectious reticuloendotheliosis ==> 传染性网状内皮组织增殖
  8809. infectious root canal ==> 感染根管
  8810. infectious serpent ulcer of cornea ==> 感染匐行性角膜溃疡
  8811. infectious shock ==> 感染性休克
  8812. infectious sinusitis of turkeys ==> 火鸡传染性窦炎
  8813. infectious splenomegaly ==> 感染性脾大,传染性脾大
  8814. infectious stomatitis ==> 感染性口炎
  8815. infectious synovitis ==> 雏鸡传染性滑膜炎
  8816. infectious uroarthritis ==> 莱特尔氏综合征
  8817. infectious venereal sarcoma of dogs ==> 狗传染性交配肉瘤
  8818. infectious ward ==> 传染病室
  8819. infectious wound ==> 感染伤
  8820. infectious-toxic anemia ==> 感染性中毒性贫血
  8821. infectious-toxic psychosis ==> 感染中毒性精神病
  8822. infectiousness ==> 传染性
  8823. infective ==> 可侵染的,有传染性的
  8824. infective adhesion of pharynx ==> 感染性咽粘连
  8825. infective adhesions of nasal cavity ==> 感染性鼻腔粘连
  8826. infective agent ==> 感染因素,传染物
  8827. infective ankylosis of incudostapedial joint ==> 感染性砧镫关节强硬
  8828. infective anosmia ==> 感染性嗅觉缺失
  8829. infective asthma ==> 感染性气喘,感染性哮喘
  8830. infective atrophic laryngitis ==> 感染性萎缩性喉炎
  8831. infective balanitis ==> 感染性龟头炎
  8832. infective bronchitis ==> 传染性支气管炎
  8833. infective bulbar necrosis ==> 传染性延髓坏死
  8834. infective conjunctivitis ==> 感染性结膜炎
  8835. infective contracture of ureterovesical orifice ==> 感染性输尿管膀胱开口处挛缩
  8836. infective deflection of nasal septum ==> 感染性鼻中隔偏曲
  8837. infective deformity of auricle ==> 感染性耳廓畸形
  8838. infective deformity of nose ==> 感染性鼻畸形
  8839. infective degeneration of adrenal ==> 感染性肾上腺变性
  8840. infective degeneration of pituitary gland ==> 感染性垂体变性
  8841. infective degeneration of testis ==> 感染性睾丸变性
  8842. infective dermatitis ==> 感染性皮膚炎
  8843. infective destruction of testis ==> 感染性睾丸破坏
  8844. infective dose (ID) ==> 感染剂量
  8845. infective dose 50 ==> 半感染剂量
  8846. infective droplet ==> 侵染水珠
  8847. infective embolism ==> 感染性栓塞,脓毒性栓塞
  8848. infective endocarditis ==> 感染性心内膜炎,恶性心内膜炎
  8849. infective enteritis ==> 感染性肠炎
  8850. infective fibrosis of epididymis ==> 感染性附睾纤维化
  8851. infective fibrosis of seminal vesicle ==> 感染性精囊纤维化
  8852. infective fistula of anus ==> 感染性肛瘘
  8853. infective fistula of epididymis ==> 感染性附睾瘘
  8854. infective fistula of semicircular canal ==> 感染性半规管瘘
  8855. infective fistula of sinus of nose ==> 感染性鼻窦瘘
  8856. infective fistula of thoracic duct ==> 感染性胸导管瘘
  8857. infective fistula of ureter ==> 感染性输尿管瘘
  8858. infective gangrene of auricle ==> 感染性耳廓坏疽
  8859. infective granuloma of brain ==> 感染性脑肉芽肿
  8860. infective granuloma of sinus of nose ==> 感染性鼻窦肉芽肿
  8861. infective hemorrhage of peritonsillar tissue ==> 感染性扁桃体周围组织出血
  8862. infective hepatitis ==> 传染性肝炎
  8863. infective hypertrophic rhinitis ==> 感染性肥厚性鼻炎
  8864. infective hypertrophy of adenoids ==> 感染性增殖腺肥大
  8865. infective hypertrophy of lingual tonsil ==> 感染性舌扁桃体肥大
  8866. infective hypertrophy of tonsil ==> 感染性扁桃体肥大
  8867. infective infiltrative laryngitis ==> 感染性浸润性喉炎
  8868. infective lymphangiectasis ==> 感染性淋巴管扩张症
  8869. infective myositis ==> 感染性肌炎
  8870. infective neuronitis ==> 感染性神经元炎,传染性神经元炎
  8871. infective obstructive edema of glottis ==> 感染性声门梗阻性水肿
  8872. infective occlusion of lymphangion ==> 感染性淋巴管闭塞
  8873. infective optic neuritis ==> 感染性视神经炎
  8874. infective period ==> 传染期
  8875. infective pleurisy ==> 感染性胸膜炎
  8876. infective power ==> 传染力
  8877. infective psychosis ==> 感染性精神病
  8878. infective respiratory system disease ==> 感染性呼吸系统疾病
  8879. infective rupture of lymphangion ==> 感染性淋巴管破裂
  8880. infective shock ==> 感染性休克
  8881. infective sinus of testis ==> 感染性睾丸窦道
  8882. infective splenomegaly ==> 感染性脾大
  8883. infective stage ==> 感染期,传染期
  8884. infective stage larva ==> 感染期幼虫,感染期蚴
  8885. infective stage ovum ==> 感染期卵
  8886. infective stenosis of larynx ==> 感染性喉狭窄
  8887. infective stricture of anus ==> 感染性肛门狭窄
  8888. infective stricture of eustachian tube ==> 感染性咽鼓管狭窄
  8889. infective stricture of rectum ==> 感染性直肠狭窄
  8890. infective stricture of ureter ==> 感染性输尿管狭窄
  8891. infective stricture of urethra ==> 感染性尿道狭窄
  8892. infective thrombosis ==> 传染性血栓形成
  8893. infective thyroglossal cyst ==> 感染性甲状舌管囊肿
  8894. infective titration ==> 侵染滴定
  8895. infective ulcer of nose ==> 感染性鼻溃疡
  8896. infective uveitis ==> 感染性葡萄膜炎
  8897. infectivity ==> 感染力,传染力,传染性
  8898. infeed ==> 横进给
  8899. infeed cam ==> 横进给凸轮
  8900. infeed conveyor ==> 给料运输机
  8901. infeed grinding ==> 横磨,切入磨法,横磨法,横向进给磨削
  8902. infeed method grinding ==> 横磨法
  8903. infeed rate ==> 横进给率
  8904. infeed set-up ==> 横切装置
  8905. infeed stroke ==> 横向行程
  8906. infer ==> 推断=>推論する
  8907. infer meaning from ==> 意義を推論する
  8908. inferable ==> 推論できる
  8909. inferae ==> 下位系
  8910. inference ==> 推断,推理,推论=>推論,推定,推理
  8911. inference algorithm ==> 推論アルゴリズム
  8912. inference analysis ==> 推論解析
  8913. inference model ==> 推理模型=>推論モデル
  8914. inference network ==> 推論ネットワーク
  8915. inference operator ==> 推論オペレータ
  8916. inference problem ==> 推論問題
  8917. inference procedure ==> 推論方式
  8918. inference rule ==> 推理规则
  8919. inference strategy ==> 推理策略
  8920. inferencial statistics ==> 推断统计学
  8921. inferential flow meter ==> 间接流量计
  8922. inferential flowmeter ==> 推导式流量计
  8923. inferential liquidlevel meter ==> 间接液面计
  8924. inferential measurement ==> 独立测定
  8925. inferential statistics ==> 医学推断统计学
  8926. Infericornia ==> 下角类
  8927. inferior ==> 低劣,劣,劣质,亚,下的,下位
  8928. inferior aberrant ductule ==> 下迷小管
  8929. inferior advantage ==> 较小利益
  8930. inferior alveolar artery ==> 下齿槽动脉,下牙槽动脉,下颌牙槽动脉
  8931. inferior alveolar nerve ==> 下齿槽神经
  8932. inferior alveolar nerve injury ==> 下齿槽神经损伤
  8933. inferior anastomotic vein ==> 下吻合静脉
  8934. inferior angle ==> 下线角
  8935. inferior anterior segment ==> 下前段
  8936. inferior aperture of thorax ==> 胸廓下口
  8937. inferior aperture of tympanic canaliculus ==> 鼓室小管下口
  8938. inferior articular facet ==> 下关节凹面
  8939. inferior articular process ==> 下关节突
  8940. inferior boundary of lung ==> 肺下界
  8941. inferior breed ==> 劣种
  8942. inferior bulb of jugular vein ==> 颈静脉下球,颈静脉下球
  8943. inferior bursa of biceps femoris muscle ==> 股二头肌下囊
  8944. inferior calyx ==> 下位萼,下盏
  8945. inferior cardiac nerve ==> 心下神经
  8946. inferior carotid ganglion ==> 史米德氏神经节,颈动脉下神经节,颈动脉下神经节
  8947. inferior caval vein ==> 下腔静脉
  8948. inferior cecvical cardiac nerve ==> 颈下心神经,颈下心神经
  8949. inferior cerebellar peduncle ==> 小脑下脚
  8950. inferior cerebellar veins ==> 小脑下静脉
  8951. inferior cervical cardiac branches ==> 颈下心支,颈下心支
  8952. inferior cervical ganglion ==> 颈下神经节,颈下神经节
  8953. inferior coal ==> 低质煤,劣质煤
  8954. inferior cocoon ==> 下脚茧
  8955. inferior colliculus ==> 下丘
  8956. inferior conjunction ==> 下合
  8957. inferior conjunctival fornix ==> 结膜下穹
  8958. inferior constrictor muscle of pharynx ==> 咽下缩肌
  8959. inferior costal facet ==> 下肋凹
  8960. inferior dental arch ==> 下牙弓
  8961. inferior dental plexus ==> 下牙丛
  8962. inferior epigastric artery fold ==> 腹壁下动脉襞
  8963. inferior erigastric lymph nodes ==> 腹壁下淋巴结
  8964. inferior figures ==> (字母)下角符号
  8965. inferior fovea ==> 下凹
  8966. inferior fovea of rhomboid fossa ==> 菱形窝下凹
  8967. inferior frontal gyrus ==> 额下回
  8968. inferior frontal sulcus ==> 额下沟,额下裂
  8969. inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus ==> 额枕下束
  8970. inferior fuel ==> 低质燃料
  8971. inferior ganglion ==> 下神经节
  8972. inferior gastric lymph nodes ==> 胃下淋巴结
  8973. inferior geodesy ==> 初等大地测量学
  8974. inferior gingival branches ==> 下牙龈支
  8975. inferior hemorrhoidal veins ==> 痔下静脉
  8976. inferior horn ==> 下角
  8977. inferior horn of falciform margin ==> 镰缘下角
  8978. inferior horn of thyroid cartilage ==> 甲状软骨下角
  8979. inferior hypogastric plexus ==> 下腹下丛
  8980. inferior hypophyseal artery ==> 垂体下动脉
  8981. inferior labial artery ==> 下唇动脉
  8982. inferior labial branches ==> 下唇支
  8983. inferior labial veins ==> 下唇静脉
  8984. inferior laryngotomy ==> 喉下部切开术
  8985. inferior lateral cutaneous nerve of arm ==> 臂外侧下皮神经
  8986. inferior lateral wall myocardial infarction ==> 下侧壁心肌梗塞
  8987. inferior leaf ==> 下位叶
  8988. inferior ligament of epididymis ==> 附睾下韧带
  8989. inferior limit ==> 最小限度
  8990. inferior limit event ==> 下极限事件
  8991. inferior lingular branch ==> 下舌支
  8992. inferior lingular bronchus ==> 下舌段支气管
  8993. inferior lobar apical branch ==> 下叶尖支
  8994. inferior lobe ==> 下叶
  8995. inferior lobe of right lung ==> 右肺下叶
  8996. inferior longitudinal muscle ==> 下纵肌
  8997. inferior macular arteriole ==> 黄斑下小动脉
  8998. inferior maxilla ==> 下颌骨
  8999. inferior mediastinum ==> 下纵隔
  9000. inferior medullary velum ==> 下髓帆
  9001. inferior mesenteric artery ==> 肠系膜下动脉
  9002. inferior mesenteric ganglion ==> 肠系膜下神经节
  9003. inferior mesenteric lymph nodes ==> 肠系膜下淋巴结
  9004. inferior mesenteric plexus ==> 肠系膜下丛
  9005. inferior mesenteric vein ==> 肠系膜下静脉
  9006. inferior mirage ==> (超短波反常传布)下蜃景
  9007. inferior myocardial infarction ==> 下壁心肌梗塞
  9008. inferior nasal crossing fibers ==> 鼻下交叉纤维
  9009. inferior nuchal line ==> 下项线
  9010. inferior oblique muscle ==> 下斜肌
  9011. inferior olivary nucleus ==> 下橄榄核
  9012. inferior omental recess ==> 网膜囊下隐窝
  9013. inferior ophthalmic vein ==> 眼下静脉
  9014. inferior orbital fissure ==> 眶下裂
  9015. inferior ovary ==> 下位子房
  9016. inferior palpebral arch ==> 下睑弓
  9017. inferior palpebral branches ==> 下睑支
  9018. inferior palpebral veins ==> 下睑静脉
  9019. inferior pancreatic artery ==> 胰下动脉
  9020. inferior pancreatic lymph nodes ==> 胰下淋巴结
  9021. inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery ==> 胰十二指肠下动脉
  9022. inferior pancreaticoduodenal lymph nodes ==> 胰十二指肠下淋巴结
  9023. inferior parathyroid gland ==> 下甲状旁腺
  9024. inferior peduncle of thalanmus ==> 丘脑下脚
  9025. inferior pelvic aperture ==> 骨盆出口,骨盆下口
  9026. inferior pelvic strait ==> 骨盆出口,骨盆下口
  9027. inferior perforated spot ==> 下筛斑
  9028. inferior peroneal retinaculum ==> 腓骨肌下支持带
  9029. inferior petrosal sinus ==> 岩下窦
  9030. inferior phrenic artery ==> 膈下动脉
  9031. inferior phrenic lymph nodes ==> 膈下淋巴结
  9032. inferior phrenic veins ==> 膈下静脉
  9033. inferior planet ==> 内行星
  9034. inferior pore ==> (鞘藻)下位开孔
  9035. inferior pulmonary vein ==> 肺下静脉
  9036. inferior quality ==> 劣品,品质低劣,品质较差,低质量,质量低劣
  9037. inferior quality-high price ==> 质次价高
  9038. inferior ramus of ischium ==> 坐骨下支
  9039. inferior ramus of pubis ==> 耻骨下支
  9040. inferior rectal artery ==> 直肠下动脉
  9041. inferior rectal nerves ==> 直肠下神经
  9042. inferior rectal plexus ==> 直肠下丛
  9043. inferior rectal veins ==> 直肠下静脉
  9044. inferior rectus muscle ==> 下直肌
  9045. inferior retractor ==> 下缩肌
  9046. inferior root ==> 下根
  9047. inferior sagittal sinus ==> 下矢状窦
  9048. inferior salivatory nucleus ==> 下泌涎核
  9049. inferior segmental artery ==> 下段动脉
  9050. inferior semilunar lobule ==> 下半月小叶
  9051. inferior solution ==> 劣解
  9052. inferior strain ==> 劣种
  9053. inferior synovial membrane ==> 下滑膜
  9054. inferior tarsal muscle ==> 下睑板肌
  9055. inferior temporal line ==> 下颞线
  9056. inferior thalamostriate veins ==> 丘纹下静脉
  9057. inferior thyroid artery ==> 甲状腺下动脉
  9058. inferior thyroid notch ==> 甲状软骨下切迹
  9059. inferior thyroid vein ==> 甲状腺下静脉
  9060. inferior tide ==> (月球)下合潮
  9061. inferior tracheobronchial lymph nodes ==> 气管支气管下淋巴结
  9062. inferior tracheotomy ==> 气管下部切开术
  9063. inferior transit ==> 下中天
  9064. inferior transverse ligament of scapula ==> 肩胛下横韧带
  9065. inferior trunk ==> 下干
  9066. inferior turbinate scissors ==> 下鼻甲剪
  9067. inferior tympanic artery ==> 鼓室下动脉
  9068. inferior ulnar collateral artery ==> 尺侧下副动脉
  9069. inferior use ==> 恶性使用
  9070. inferior vein of choroid plexus ==> 脉络丛上静脉
  9071. inferior vein of lateral ventricle ==> 侧脑室下静脉
  9072. inferior veins of cerebellar hemisphere ==> 小脑半球下静脉
  9073. inferior vena cava ==> 下腔静脉
  9074. inferior vermis ==> 下蚓
  9075. inferior vertebral notch ==> 椎骨下切迹,椎下切迹
  9076. inferior vestibular area ==> 前庭下区
  9077. inferior vestibular nucleus ==> 前庭神经下核,前庭下核
  9078. inferior wing ==> 后翅
  9079. inferiority ==> 劣等,劣等感,次等
  9080. inferiority complex ==> 自卑感
  9081. inferiority gradient ==> 劣势差
  9082. inferiority of quality ==> 质量低劣
  9083. infernal circle ==> 恶性循环
  9084. Inferno ==> 胺吸磷
  9085. inferofrontal ==> 额叶下的
  9086. inferofrontal fissure ==> 额下裂
  9087. inferolateral surface ==> 下外侧面
  9088. inferred contact ==> 推断接触带
  9089. inferred fault ==> 推断断层
  9090. inferred ore ==> 推测矿量,推定储量,推断的矿石
  9091. inferred reserve ==> 推测储量
  9092. inferred reserves ==> 推定储量
  9093. inferred zero ==> 刻度外的零点
  9094. infertile egg ==> 无精蛋
  9095. infertile reproductive cycle ==> 未孕繁殖周期
  9096. infertilitas feminis ==> 不育症
  9097. infertility ==> 不生育,不育性,不育症
  9098. infested with weeds ==> 长满杂草的
  9099. infill development ==> 填空性建筑
  9100. infill panel ==> 填充板
  9101. infilling work ==> 填充工程
  9102. infiltrating area ==> 渗透面积
  9103. infiltrating cancer ==> 浸润性癌
  9104. infiltrating carcinoma of lactiferous duct ==> 乳管浸润性癌
  9105. infiltrating tumor ==> 浸润性瘤
  9106. infiltrating type of gastric carcinoma ==> 浸润型胃癌
  9107. infiltration ==> 渗透
  9108. infiltration anesthesia of alveolar process ==> 牙槽突浸润麻醉
  9109. infiltration area ==> 地下水补给区,渗透区
  9110. infiltration capacity ==> 渗入量,渗透量,下渗容量
  9111. infiltration channel ==> 渗水渠
  9112. infiltration control ==> 渗透控制
  9113. infiltration flow ==> 渗流
  9114. infiltration gallery ==> 渗水廊道
  9115. infiltration loss ==> 渗流损失
  9116. infiltration rate ==> 渗入率,渗入速率,吸收速度,地表渗入率
  9117. infiltration sintering ==> 浸渗烧结
  9118. infiltration stage ==> 浸润期
  9119. infiltration tunnel ==> 地下渗水道
  9120. infiltration vein ==> 渗成脉
  9121. infiltration velocity ==> 渗入速率
  9122. infiltrative carcinoma of cervix uteri ==> 子宫颈浸润癌
  9123. infiltrative growth ==> 浸润性生长
  9124. infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis ==> 浸润型肺结核
  9125. infiltrative type ==> 浸润型
  9126. infinite aggregate ==> 无穷集
  9127. infinite allele, infinite site, and ladder models ==> 有限的等位基因,有限位点及梯子模型
  9128. infinite amount of vaporization ==> (分馏时无限汽化)无限蒸发
  9129. infinite anisotropic source ==> 无限各向异性源
  9130. infinite attenuation network ==> 无限大衰减器
  9131. infinite automata ==> 无限自动机
  9132. infinite automaton ==> 无限自动机
  9133. infinite baffle ==> 无限障板
  9134. infinite bath ==> 无限浴比
  9135. infinite body ==> 无限物体
  9136. infinite branch ==> 无穷分枝
  9137. infinite bus ==> 无限大容量母线,无限大母线,电网的一个节点,此节点电压的幅值、相位和频率预先设定,在各种运行条件下保持恒定=>無限大母線
  9138. infinite cardinal number ==> 无限基数
  9139. infinite cascade ==> 无限叶栅
  9140. infinite chain ==> 无限链
  9141. infinite classical group ==> 无限典型群
  9142. infinite complex ==> 无穷复合形
  9143. infinite conical horn ==> 无限长锥形号筒
  9144. infinite continued fraction ==> 無限連分数
  9145. infinite cyclic group ==> 无限循环群
  9146. infinite decimal ==> 无尽小数
  9147. infinite degree of stability ==> 无限稳定度
  9148. infinite degrees of freedom ==> 无限自由度
  9149. infinite dilution ==> 无限冲淡,无限稀释
  9150. infinite dilution resonance integral ==> 无限稀释共振积分
  9151. infinite dilution worth ==> (材料)无限稀释价值
  9152. infinite dimensional control ==> 无限维控制
  9153. infinite dimensional linear systems theory ==> 无限维线性系统理论
  9154. infinite dimensional probability distirbution ==> 无限维概率分布
  9155. infinite direct product ==> 无限直积
  9156. infinite discrete group ==> 无穷离散群
  9157. infinite distance ==> 无穷远
  9158. infinite domain ==> 无穷域
  9159. infinite extension ==> 无限扩张
  9160. infinite extent ==> 无限域
  9161. infinite field ==> 无限域
  9162. infinite fluid viscometer ==> 无限流体粘度计
  9163. infinite game ==> 无限对策
  9164. infinite Gaussian mixture model ==> 無限混合正規分布
  9165. infinite Grassmann manifold ==> 无限格拉斯曼流形
  9166. infinite group ==> 无穷群=>無限群
  9167. infinite height ==> 无限高
  9168. infinite hierarchy model ==> 无限层次模型
  9169. infinite impedance detection ==> 无限阻抗检波
  9170. infinite impedance detector ==> 无限阻抗检波器
  9171. infinite induction ==> 无限归纳
  9172. infinite integral ==> 无穷积分
  9173. infinite interval ==> 无穷区间
  9174. infinite isotropic source ==> 无限各向同性源
  9175. infinite lattice ==> 无限栅格
  9176. infinite life ==> 无限寿命
  9177. infinite lifetime ==> 无限寿期
  9178. infinite limit ==> 无穷限
  9179. infinite line ==> 无限长线路
  9180. infinite loop ==> 无穷环,死循环
  9181. infinite lot ==> 无限量物料
  9182. infinite magnetic field ==> 无限磁场
  9183. infinite mass ==> 无限质量
  9184. infinite matrix ==> 无穷矩阵
  9185. infinite medium ==> 无限媒质
  9186. infinite medium [neutron] multiplication factor ==> 无限介质[中子]增殖因数,在无限扩展增殖介质内的中子增殖过程中,某代中子数与相邻前一代中子数之比,用符号k∞表示
  9187. infinite medium lifetime ==> 无限介质中子寿期
  9188. infinite medium spectrum ==> 无限介质谱
  9189. infinite membrane ==> 无限大膜
  9190. infinite memory filter ==> 无限存储过滤器
  9191. infinite multiplets ==> 无限多重谱线
  9192. infinite multiplication constant ==> 无限介质倍增常数
  9193. infinite multiplication factor ==> 无限倍增系数,无限介质倍增因子
  9194. infinite multiplicity ==> 无穷重数
  9195. infinite networks ==> 无限网状结构
  9196. infinite open interval ==> 无穷开区间
  9197. infinite order ==> 无限阶
  9198. infinite order state language ==> 无限阶状态语言
  9199. infinite orthogonal group ==> 无限正交群
  9200. infinite plane source ==> 无限平面源
  9201. infinite point ==> 无穷远点
  9202. infinite population ==> 无限群体,无限总体
  9203. infinite prime divisor ==> 无限素因子
  9204. infinite product ==> 无穷乘积,无穷积
  9205. infinite product representation ==> 无穷乘积表示
  9206. infinite programming ==> 无限规划
  9207. infinite quantity ==> 无穷量
  9208. infinite range approximation ==> 无穷范围逼近
  9209. infinite ratio ==> 无限大比
  9210. infinite reactor ==> 无限堆
  9211. infinite reflux ==> 无限回流,全回流
  9212. infinite reflux operation ==> 无限回流操作
  9213. infinite reflux rate ==> 无限回流率
  9214. infinite regular continued fraction ==> 无限正则连分数
  9215. infinite rejection filter ==> 无限衰减滤波器
  9216. infinite reservoir ==> 无限大容器
  9217. infinite rest mass ==> 无限静止质量
  9218. infinite rod bundle ==> 无限棒束
  9219. infinite semicomputable set ==> 无穷半可计算集
  9220. infinite sequence ==> 无限序列
  9221. infinite series ==> 無限級数
  9222. infinite set ==> 无穷集=>無限集合
  9223. infinite slab ==> 无限平板
  9224. infinite slab reactor ==> 无限平板堆
  9225. infinite slab source ==> 无限平面源
  9226. infinite solvable groups ==> 无限可解群
  9227. infinite source ==> 无限杂质源
  9228. infinite span ==> 无限跨度
  9229. infinite speed variation ==> 无级调速
  9230. infinite state automata ==> 无限状态自动机
  9231. infinite static stability ==> 无限静稳定性
  9232. infinite sum ==> 无穷和
  9233. infinite symplectic group ==> 无限辛群
  9234. infinite term ==> 无限词项
  9235. infinite tree ==> 无穷树
  9236. infinite tube bundle ==> 无限管束
  9237. infinite type ==> 无限型
  9238. infinite type power series space ==> 無限型のベキ級数空間
  9239. infinite unitary group ==> 无限酉群
  9240. infinite universe ==> 无限全域
  9241. infinite value logic ==> 无限多值逻辑
  9242. infinite variable speed mechanism ==> 无级变速装置
  9243. infinite wave train ==> 无限波列
  9244. infinite-baffle loudspeaker ==> 无限障板式扬声器
  9245. infinite-baffle speaker system ==> 无障板扬声器系统
  9246. infinite-dimensional ==> 無限次元
  9247. infinite-pad method ==> (光符识别用)无穷反衬法
  9248. infinite-sheeted region ==> 无限页区域
  9249. infinitely differentiable function ==> 无穷次可微函数
  9250. infinitely divisible distribution ==> 无穷可分分布
  9251. infinitely divisible law ==> 无穷可分律
  9252. infinitely fast control system ==> 无惯性控制系统
  9253. infinitely fine control ==> 无限细调
  9254. infinitely great ==> 无穷大
  9255. infinitely increasing ==> 无穷增加
  9256. infinitely large quantity ==> 无穷大值
  9257. infinitely long line ==> 无穷长线
  9258. infinitely narrow gap ==> 无限窄间隙
  9259. infinitely near ==> 无穷近
  9260. infinitely near points ==> 无限接近点
  9261. infinitely reflected reactor ==> 无限反射层堆
  9262. infinitely rigid ==> 无限刚性
  9263. infinitely rigid pile ==> 无限刚性桩
  9264. infinitely safe geometry ==> 无限安全几何条件
  9265. infinitely sharp leading edge ==> 无限陡前沿
  9266. infinitely slow process ==> 无限慢过程
  9267. infinitely small ==> 无穷小
  9268. infinitely small quantity ==> 无穷小值
  9269. infinitely thick sample ==> 无限厚样品
  9270. infinitely thick target ==> 无限厚靶
  9271. infinitely variable ==> 无穷变量,平滑调整
  9272. infinitely variable control ==> 无级调节
  9273. infinitely variable hydrodynamic transmission ==> 无级液体静压传动器
  9274. infinitely variable speed adjustment ==> 无限变速调整
  9275. infinitely variable speed drive ==> 无级变速传动
  9276. infinitely variable speed gearing ==> 无级变速传动机构
  9277. infinitely variable speed transmission ==> 无级变速传动装置
  9278. infinitely variable speeds ==> 无级变速
  9279. infinitely variable transmission ==> 无级变速器
  9280. infinitepad method ==> 无穷插入法
  9281. infinitesimal ==> 无穷小,极小量=>極微量
  9282. infinitesimal analysis ==> 微元分析
  9283. infinitesimal area ==> 无穷小邻域
  9284. infinitesimal balance equation ==> 微元平衡方程
  9285. infinitesimal calculus ==> 微积分学,无穷小计算
  9286. infinitesimal canonical transformations ==> 无穷小典型变换
  9287. infinitesimal change ==> 无限小变化
  9288. infinitesimal character ==> 无穷小特征标
  9289. infinitesimal circle ==> 无穷小圆
  9290. infinitesimal constant ==> 无穷小常数
  9291. infinitesimal deformation ==> 无限小形变
  9292. infinitesimal dipole ==> 无穷小偶极子
  9293. infinitesimal dipole antenna ==> 微小ダイポールアンテナ
  9294. infinitesimal dislocation ==> 无限小位错
  9295. infinitesimal displacement ==> 无穷小位移
  9296. infinitesimal disturbance ==> 微扰
  9297. infinitesimal element ==> 无穷小元素
  9298. infinitesimal error probability ==> 无限小误差概率
  9299. infinitesimal force ==> 无限小力
  9300. infinitesimal generator ==> 无穷小生成元
  9301. infinitesimal group ==> 无穷小群
  9302. infinitesimal linear transformations ==> 无穷小线性变换
  9303. infinitesimal mapping ==> 无限小映射
  9304. infinitesimal method ==> 无穷小法
  9305. infinitesimal motion ==> 无穷小运动
  9306. infinitesimal neighbo(u)rhood ==> 无穷小邻域
  9307. infinitesimal nucleus ==> 无穷小核
  9308. infinitesimal operators ==> 无穷小算子
  9309. infinitesimal quantity ==> 極微量
  9310. infinitesimal real number ==> 无穷小实数
  9311. infinitesimal relative displacements ==> 无穷小相对位移
  9312. infinitesimal rotation ==> 无穷小旋转=>無限小回転 (瞬間回転)
  9313. infinitesimal strain ==> 无限小应变
  9314. infinitesimal time ==> 无限短时间
  9315. infinitesimal transformation ==> 无穷小变换
  9316. infinitesimal unitary transformation ==> 无穷小幺正变换
  9317. infinitesimally small upper limit ==> 无穷小上限
  9318. infinitive progression ==> 无穷级数
  9319. infinitive stage transmission ==> 无级变速
  9320. infinitive variable gear box ==> 无级变速齿轮箱
  9321. infinity ==> 无穷限大
  9322. infinity focus ==> 无穷远焦点
  9323. infinity method ==> 无穷远法
  9324. infinity plug ==> 无穷大插塞
  9325. infinity point ==> 无限大点
  9326. infinity transmitter ==> 遥控窃听
  9327. infix expression ==> 插入表达式
  9328. infix extract ==> 中缀摘录
  9329. infix form ==> 插入形式
  9330. infix notation ==> 插入表示法,插入记号,中缀表示法,中辍表示法=>中置表記法
  9331. infix operation ==> 插入操作
  9332. inflame ==> 引燃,着火,燃
  9333. inflamer ==> 燃烧器
  9334. inflammability ==> 可燃性
  9335. inflammability limit ==> 着火极限
  9336. inflammability test ==> 易燃性试验
  9337. inflammable cargo ==> 易燃货物
  9338. inflammable constituent ==> 易燃成分
  9339. inflammable gas ==> 可燃气体
  9340. inflammable limit ==> 易燃限度
  9341. inflammable liquid ==> 易燃液
  9342. inflammable material ==> 可燃物,易燃材料
  9343. inflammable material detector ==> 可燃物探知装置
  9344. inflammable matter ==> 可燃物
  9345. inflammable mixture ==> 可燃混合气
  9346. inflammable solid ==> 易燃固体
  9347. inflammable store ==> 易燃品贮藏库
  9348. inflammable substance ==> 易燃品
  9349. inflammable vapour ==> 易燃蒸气
  9350. inflammation ==> 发火
  9351. inflammation of cervical canal ==> 子宫颈管炎
  9352. inflammation of external auditory canal ==> 外耳道炎症
  9353. inflammation of pancreatic islet ==> 胰岛炎
  9354. inflammation of the large intestine ==> 大腸炎
  9355. inflammation point ==> 着火点
  9356. inflammation reaction theory ==> 炎症反应学说
  9357. inflammatory adhesion ==> 炎性粘连
  9358. inflammatory affection ==> 炎性病变
  9359. inflammatory carcinoma ==> 炎性癌
  9360. inflammatory change ==> 炎性变化
  9361. inflammatory congestion ==> 炎性充血
  9362. inflammatory dermatitis ==> 炎症性皮膚炎
  9363. inflammatory diarrhea ==> 肠炎性腹泻
  9364. inflammatory edema ==> 炎性水肿
  9365. inflammatory effusion ==> 炎性积液
  9366. inflammatory factor ==> 炎症因子,发炎因子
  9367. inflammatory hyperemia ==> 炎性充血
  9368. inflammatory hyperplasia ==> 炎性增生
  9369. inflammatory hypertrophy ==> 炎性肥大
  9370. inflammatory lesion ==> 炎性病变
  9371. inflammatory mass ==> 炎性包块,炎症性肿物
  9372. inflammatory polyp ==> 炎性息肉
  9373. inflammatory polyp of rectum ==> 直肠炎性息肉
  9374. inflammatory process ==> 炎性过程
  9375. inflammatory pseudotumor of lung ==> 肺炎性假瘤
  9376. inflammatory reaction ==> 炎性反应,炎症反应
  9377. inflammatory stenosis of bile duct ==> 炎症性胆管狭窄
  9378. inflammatory type ==> 炎症型
  9379. inflatable ==> 可充气,可吹气,可膨胀
  9380. inflatable aircraft ==> 充气式飞机
  9381. inflatable boat ==> 充气橡皮艇
  9382. inflatable closure ==> 充气型密封
  9383. inflatable dam ==> 充气坝
  9384. inflatable diaphragm ==> 气力缓冲器
  9385. inflatable fabric dam ==> 充气式布料水坝
  9386. inflatable life jacket ==> 充气救生衣
  9387. inflatable life-raft ==> 充气式救生筏
  9388. inflatable liferaft ==> 膨張式救命いかだ
  9389. inflatable packer ==> 充气垫,充气止浆塞,膨胀式封隔器,膨胀型封隔器
  9390. inflatable rubber dam ==> 大型ゴム堰
  9391. inflatable seal ==> 膨胀式密封,充气式密封
  9392. inflatable seat ==> 充气座椅
  9393. inflatable structure ==> 充气式结构
  9394. inflated budget ==> 膨胀的预算
  9395. inflated currency ==> 膨胀的通货
  9396. inflated drag cone ==> 充气制动锥
  9397. inflated profits ==> 虚抬利润
  9398. inflated slag ==> 多孔渣,有孔渣
  9399. inflated tire ==> 气轮胎
  9400. inflated tyre ==> 气轮胎
  9401. inflating ==> 加压
  9402. inflating agent ==> 膨張剤
  9403. inflating pump ==> 打气泵,打气筒
  9404. inflation ==> 吹张法,吹胀,充气,填充,通货膨胀=>膨張
  9405. inflation accounting ==> 通货膨胀会计
  9406. inflation control ==> 通化膨胀控制,通货膨胀控制
  9407. inflation film manufacturing machine ==> 吹膜机
  9408. inflation indemnity program ==> 通货膨胀补偿计划
  9409. inflation inlet ==> 充气进口
  9410. inflation left ever from old China ==> 通货膨胀的余波
  9411. inflation of consumption ==> 消费膨胀
  9412. inflation of consumption demand ==> 消费需求膨胀
  9413. inflation of currency ==> 通货膨胀
  9414. inflation of prices ==> 涨价,物价上涨
  9415. inflation of the selling party ==> 卖方通货膨胀
  9416. inflation of tire ==> 轮胎打气
  9417. inflation of tyre ==> 充气
  9418. inflation of unplanned consumption ==> 突发性消费基金膨胀
  9419. inflation phobia ==> 通货膨胀恐怖症
  9420. inflation policy ==> 通货膨胀政策
  9421. inflation premium ==> 通货膨胀溢价
  9422. inflation pressure ==> 充气压力
  9423. inflation pressure thermometer ==> 充气压力温度计
  9424. inflation process ==> 充气法
  9425. inflation pump ==> 打气泵,打气筒
  9426. inflation rate ==> 通货膨胀率,通货膨胀年率
  9427. inflation receptor ==> 充气感受器
  9428. inflation sleeve ==> 充气套筒
  9429. inflation spiral ==> 通货膨胀螺旋式上升
  9430. inflation subsidy ==> 通货膨胀补贴
  9431. inflation tax ==> 通货膨胀税
  9432. inflation tube ==> 充气管
  9433. inflation uncertainty ==> 通货膨胀的不确定性
  9434. inflation valve ==> 充气阀
  9435. inflationary ==> 暴涨宇宙=>インフレーション宇宙
  9436. inflationary cosmology ==> 暴涨宇宙论=>インフレーション宇宙論
  9437. inflationary depression ==> インフレ的不況
  9438. inflationary economy ==> インフレ経済
  9439. inflationary effect ==> インフレ効果
  9440. inflationary gap ==> 膨胀缺口,通货膨胀差额,通货膨胀缺口
  9441. inflationary high prices ==> 膨胀性高价
  9442. inflationary pressure ==> 通货膨胀压力
  9443. inflationary recession ==> 通货膨胀的衰退,经济萧条,经济萧条
  9444. inflationary spiral ==> 膨胀螺旋,通货膨胀的恶性循环
  9445. inflationary trends ==> 通货膨胀趋势
  9446. inflationary universe ==> 暴涨宇宙
  9447. inflationism ==> 通货膨胀政策
  9448. inflationist ==> 通货膨胀论者
  9449. inflator pump ==> 充气泵,充气筒
  9450. inflected arch ==> 仰拱,反弯拱
  9451. inflection angle ==> 偏转角
  9452. inflection point ==> 拐点
  9453. inflection point emission current ==> 拐点发射电流
  9454. inflection temperature ==> 拐点温度
  9455. inflectional tangent ==> 拐切线
  9456. inflector assembly ==> 偏转装置
  9457. inflector plate ==> 偏转板
  9458. inflexible wheel base ==> 固定轴距
  9459. inflexion point ==> 反曲点
  9460. inflorescence types ==> 花序类型
  9461. inflow ==> 垂直补给,入流,进气,进水量=>流入量
  9462. inflow angle ==> 入流角,流入角
  9463. inflow current ==> 入流
  9464. inflow forecasting ==> 流入量予測
  9465. inflow Mach number ==> 进口马赫数
  9466. inflow ratio ==> 入流比
  9467. inflow to reach ==> 河段来水
  9468. inflow velocity ==> インフロー速度
  9469. influence ==> 影响
  9470. influence aeration of the soil ==> 影响土壤的通气
  9471. influence an optimum solution ==> 最適解に影響を与える
  9472. influence analysis ==> 影響解析
  9473. influence area ==> 影响面积,影响区
  9474. influence characteristic ==> 影响特性
  9475. influence circle ==> 影响范围
  9476. influence coefficient ==> 影响系数
  9477. influence coefficient method ==> 影响系数法
  9478. influence coefficient of an influence quantity ==> 影响量的影响系数
  9479. influence conefficient ==> 影響係数
  9480. influence electricity ==> 感应电
  9481. influence error ==> 影响误差
  9482. influence factor ==> 电话干扰系数
  9483. influence function ==> 影響関数
  9484. influence fuse ==> 感应信管
  9485. influence line ==> 影响线
  9486. influence machine ==> 感应起电机,静电发电机,静电发电机
  9487. influence mine ==> 感应地雷,感应水雷
  9488. influence number ==> 影响数
  9489. influence of color ==> 色彩影响
  9490. influence of equipment expansion on the minimum ATC ==> 設備拡充が最小ATCに与える影響
  9491. influence of forest on soil ==> 森林对土壤的影响
  9492. influence of magnetic field ==> 磁场影响
  9493. influence of photovoltaic random output on distribution networks node voltage ==> 光伏发电随机出力对配电网节点电压的影响
  9494. influence of seed size and emergence ==> 种子大小与发芽的影响
  9495. influence of ship body ==> 船体影响
  9496. influence of spacing and emergence time ==> 株距与出苗时间的影响
  9497. influence of static pressure ==> 静压影响
  9498. influence of the substrate to plant growth ==> 基质对植物生长的影响
  9499. influence of vibration ==> 振动影响
  9500. influence of wall thickness ==> 壁厚的影响
  9501. influence quantity ==> 影响量=>影響量
  9502. influence surface ==> 影响面
  9503. influence value ==> 感应值
  9504. influencing factor ==> 影响因素
  9505. influencing plant water use ==> 影响植株对水的利用效率
  9506. influent impounded body ==> 补给地下水的水体
  9507. influent pump with cutter device ==> 附有绞刀装置的给水泵
  9508. influent river ==> 地下水补给河
  9509. influent stream ==> 入渗河流,潜水注入河,补给地下水的河流
  9510. influential action ==> 感应作用
  9511. influential point of tendons ==> 筋会
  9512. influential point of viscera ==> 脏会
  9513. influential spreaders ==> 有力なスプレッダー
  9514. influential zone of pathogen ==> 病原感应圈
  9515. influenza ==> 感冒,流感,流行性感冒=>インフルエンザ,風邪
  9516. influenza A vaccine ==> A型インフルエンザのワクチン
  9517. influenza A virus ==> 甲型流感病毒=>A型インフルエンザウイルス
  9518. influenza activity ==> インフルエンザ活動性
  9519. influenza B virus ==> 乙型流感病毒=>B型インフルエンザウイルス
  9520. influenza pill ==> 感冒丹
  9521. influenza vaccine ==> 流感疫苗
  9522. influenza virus ==> 流感病毒,流行性感冒病毒,正粘病毒
  9523. influenza virus O-D variation ==> 流感病毒O-D相变异
  9524. influenzal laryngitis ==> 流行性感冒性喉炎
  9525. influenzal meningitis ==> 流感杆菌性脑膜炎,流感性脑膜炎,流行性感冒杆菌性脑膜炎,流行性感冒性脑膜炎
  9526. influenzal pneumonia ==> 流感性肺炎,流行性感冒性肺炎
  9527. influenzal trachitis ==> 流行性感冒性气管炎
  9528. influx ==> 岭
  9529. info broker ==> 情報ブローカー
  9530. Infoharness ==> 異種データベース統合ミドルウェア
  9531. infolding ==> 内折
  9532. InfoLead ==> 超高速ネット空間クルージング技術
  9533. inform ==> 通知
  9534. informal ==> 非形式的,非正式的
  9535. informal application ==> 非正式申请
  9536. informal audit report ==> 非正式审计报告
  9537. informal axiomatics ==> 非形式公理学
  9538. informal coalition ==> 非正式联盟
  9539. informal contract ==> 不要式合同
  9540. informal design ==> 不规则式设计
  9541. informal garden ==> 不规则园林
  9542. informal group ==> 非正式组织
  9543. informal leader ==> 非正式领导人
  9544. informal liaison roles ==> 非正式联络职位
  9545. informal meeting ==> 非正式会议
  9546. informal method ==> 非形式法
  9547. informal organization ==> 非正式组织
  9548. informal organization norm ==> 非正式组织的规范
  9549. informal programming language ==> 非形式程序设计语言
  9550. informal record ==> 非正式纪录
  9551. informal restriction ==> 非正式限制
  9552. informal sector ==> 非正式部门
  9553. informal state diagram ==> 非形式状态图
  9554. informal syntax tree ==> 非形式语法树
  9555. informal test ==> 非正式试验
  9556. informal training cost ==> 非正式训练费用
  9557. informal unit ==> 非正式地层单位
  9558. informant representation ==> 信息来源表示法
  9559. information ==> 情報,辅助信息,资料
  9560. information accumulation ==> 信息储存,信息积累
  9561. information acquisition ==> 信息采集
  9562. information additivity ==> 信息可加性
  9563. information age ==> 信息化时代
  9564. information algebra ==> 信息代数
  9565. information and drawing ==> 图纸资料
  9566. information asymmetry ==> 信息不对称,在社会政治、经济等活动中,一些成员拥有其他成员无法拥有的信息,由此造成信息不对称
  9567. information at source ==> 所得额来源资料
  9568. information bandwidth ==> 信息带宽
  9569. information bank ==> 信息库
  9570. Information Bank System ==> 情报库系统
  9571. information base ==> 信息库
  9572. information bit ==> 信息位=>情報ビット
  9573. information broker ==> 情報検索代行業者
  9574. information capacity ==> 信息容量,远动系统中可在控制中心或主站和在各子站处理的不同信息的总量
  9575. information carrier ==> 信息载体
  9576. information center ==> 信息中心,情报中心
  9577. information channel ==> 信息通道,信息量
  9578. information circuit ==> 信息传送线路,信息电路
  9579. information city ==> 信息城市
  9580. information code ==> 信息码
  9581. information collector ==> 信息收集器
  9582. information compression ==> 信息压缩
  9583. information computing center ==> 情报计算中心
  9584. information content ==> 负平均信息量,信据特征,信息量,红外发射机=>情報量
  9585. information content and entropy ==> 情報量とエントロピー
  9586. information conversion ==> 信息变换,信息转换
  9587. information cost function ==> 信息价格函数
  9588. information cycle ==> 信息周期,情报周期
  9589. information data ==> 信息数据
  9590. information data set (RIDS) ==> 重置信息数据集,复位信息数据集
  9591. information decoding ==> 信息译码
  9592. information density ==> 信息密度
  9593. information department ==> 情报部门
  9594. information desk ==> 问讯台,查询台=>案内台
  9595. information digit ==> 情報点(符号語)
  9596. information disclosure ==> 信息披露,根据电力市场运营规则的要求,市场主体和市场运营机构互相为对方提供相关的数据和信息,同时向社会公众和电力监管机构发布和提供必要的数据和信息=>情報開示
  9597. information display ==> 信息显示
  9598. information display rate ==> 信息再现速率
  9599. information documents ==> 情报资料
  9600. information drawing ==> 条件图
  9601. information economics ==> 信息经济学
  9602. information encoding ==> 信息编码
  9603. information engineer ==> 情报工程师
  9604. information engineering ==> 信息工程学
  9605. information environment science ==> 信息环境学
  9606. information equipment ==> 情報機器
  9607. information error ==> 信息误差
  9608. information exchange ==> 情报交流
  9609. information explosion ==> 信息爆炸
  9610. information extraction ==> 信息提取
  9611. information extraction ability ==> 信息提取能力
  9612. information feedback ==> 信息反馈
  9613. information feedback control loop ==> 信息反馈制环
  9614. information feedback system ==> 信息反馈系统
  9615. information field ==> 信息场,信息域
  9616. information firewall ==> 情報遮断
  9617. information firms ==> 信息企业
  9618. information flag ==> 信息标记
  9619. information flow ==> 信息流
  9620. information flow analysis ==> 信息流分析
  9621. information flow chart ==> 信息流程图
  9622. information flow-rate ==> 信息流速
  9623. information for power system dispatching ==> 电力系统调度信息,电力系统运行时,各级调度中心及各发电厂、变电站相互之间传递的反映运行工况和进行控制调节的信息
  9624. information format ==> 信息格式
  9625. information function ==> 信息函数
  9626. information function of a partition ==> 划分的信息函数
  9627. information gain ==> 情报增益,信息增益
  9628. information gate ==> 信息闸门
  9629. information gathering ==> 信息收集
  9630. information generator ==> 信息发生器,信息源
  9631. information handling ==> 信息处理
  9632. information handling center ==> 情报处理中心
  9633. information handling rate ==> 信息处理速率
  9634. information handling system ==> 信息处理系统
  9635. information heading ==> 信息标头
  9636. information hiding ==> 信息隐蔽
  9637. information identification ==> 信息识别
  9638. information industry ==> 信息产业
  9639. information interchange ==> 信息交换
  9640. information language ==> 信息语言
  9641. information lattice ==> 信息点阵结构
  9642. information limitation ==> 信息极限
  9643. information link ==> 数据自动传输装置
  9644. information logical machine ==> 信息逻辑机
  9645. information loss ==> 信息损失
  9646. information lossless machine ==> 信息无损计算机
  9647. information machine ==> 信息机
  9648. information management ==> 情报管理
  9649. information management system ==> 信息管理系统
  9650. information market ==> 信息市场
  9651. information matrix ==> 信息矩阵
  9652. information measure ==> 信息测度
  9653. information measurement ==> 信息测量
  9654. information media ==> 信息媒介
  9655. information medium ==> 信息介体
  9656. information model ==> 信息模型=>情報モデル
  9657. information network ==> 信息网络=>情報ネットワーク,情報流
  9658. information number ==> 信息数
  9659. information of a set system ==> 集系信息
  9660. information of heat treatment ==> 热处理资料
  9661. information office ==> 情报处,情报室
  9662. information office (room) ==> 问讯处
  9663. information operator ==> 查询台
  9664. Information Paper on Development Control and Conservation in Deep Bay Buffer Zone Areas ==> 《关于后海湾缓冲区的发展管制与保育的参考文件》
  9665. Information Paper on Site Search for the Development of the Low-level Radioactive Waste Storage Facility ==> 《发展低放射性废物贮存设施的选址参考文件》
  9666. Information Paper on Study on Port Back-up Land and Open Storage Requirements ==> 《研究港口后勤用地与露天贮存规定的参考文件》
  9667. information parameter of an electrical signal ==> 电信号的信息参数
  9668. information pattern ==> 信息模式
  9669. information payload ==> 情報ペイロード
  9670. information pollution ==> 信息污染
  9671. information process analysis ==> 信息处理分析
  9672. information processing ==> 信息处理,信息加工,情报处理=>情報処理
  9673. information processing centre ==> 信息处理中心
  9674. information processing code ==> 信息处理编码
  9675. information processing language ==> 信息处理语言
  9676. information processing machine ==> 信息处理机
  9677. information processing system ==> 信息处理系统
  9678. information processor ==> 信息处理机=>情報処理装置
  9679. information programme ==> 信息程序
  9680. information publishing subsystem, IPS ==> 信息发布子系统,在电力市场运营系统中,依据市场规则对市场成员和公众公布相关电力市场信息和电力系统运行数据的子系统
  9681. information pulse ==> 信息脉冲,光学信息脉冲
  9682. information quantity ==> 信息量
  9683. information rate ==> 信息接收速度,信息率,信息速率,数据接收速度=>情報速度
  9684. information read wire ==> 信息读出线
  9685. information readout time ==> 信息读出时间
  9686. information register ==> 信息寄存器
  9687. information reports ==> 情报
  9688. information representation ==> 信息表示
  9689. information requirements ==> 信息要求
  9690. information resources ==> 信息资源
  9691. information resources sharing ==> 信息资源共享
  9692. information retrieval ==> 信息恢复,信息检索,情报检索=>情報検索
  9693. information retrieval display ==> 情报检索显示,情报检索显示器
  9694. information retrieval language ==> 情报检索语言
  9695. information retrieval system ==> 情报检索系统,信息检索系统
  9696. information retrieval technique ==> 情报检索技术
  9697. information revolution ==> 信息革命
  9698. information science ==> 信息科学,情报科学,情报学
  9699. information science technology ==> 信息科学技术
  9700. information sciences institute ==> 信息科学讨论会
  9701. information search ==> 信息检索
  9702. information security ==> 信息安全
  9703. information selection systems ==> 信息选择系统
  9704. information sensing ==> 情报读出
  9705. information sensing capability ==> 信息感受能力
  9706. information separator ==> 信息分隔符,信息分离器=>情報分離文字
  9707. information separator character ==> 信息分隔符
  9708. information sequence ==> 信息序列
  9709. information service ==> 情报服务,情报工作,情报业务
  9710. information set ==> 信息集
  9711. Information Sheet on Application for Compliance with the Air Pollution Control (Vehicle Design Standards) (Emission) (Amendment) Regulation 1995 for Registration of Individually Imported Vehicles into Hong Kong ==> 《有关符合一九九五年空气污染管制(车辆设计标准)(排放)(修订)规例为个别输入香港车辆登记的申请事宜》
  9712. information signal ==> 信息信号
  9713. information social science ==> 信息社会科学
  9714. information society ==> 信息社会
  9715. information source ==> 信号源,信息源,信源,情报来源,情报源=>情報源
  9716. information source entropy ==> 信息源的平均信息量
  9717. information space ==> 信息空间
  9718. information stability ==> 信息稳定性
  9719. information storage ==> 信息存储,信息存储器
  9720. information storage and retrieval ==> 情报存储和检索,信息存储和检索
  9721. information storage means ==> 信息存储方式
  9722. information storage system ==> 信息存储系统
  9723. information storage tube ==> 信息存储管
  9724. information storage unit ==> 信息存储器
  9725. information storing device ==> 信息存储器,信息存储装置
  9726. information stream ==> 信息流
  9727. information structrue ==> 信息结构
  9728. information structure ==> 信息结构
  9729. information structure design ==> 信息结构设计
  9730. information structure model ==> 信息结构模型
  9731. information subsystem ==> 信息子系统
  9732. information symbol ==> 信息符号
  9733. information system ==> 信息处理系统,信息系统,指示系统=>案内機器
  9734. information system for electrical safety ==> 电气安全信息系统,为保证电气设施安全而建立的一套影像传输,信息收集,数据分析、处理、存储和传递的系统
  9735. information system for plant level ==> 厂级信息系统,厂级监控信息系统和管理信息系统的总称,是电厂内机组级和辅助车间(系统)级自动化系统的上一级信息系统
  9736. information system for process control ==> 过程控制信息系统
  9737. information system of inventory control ==> 库存管理信息系统
  9738. information system of personnel and payroll ==> 人事工资管理信息系统
  9739. information table (counter) ==> 问讯台
  9740. information technology ==> 情报科学,信息工程,信息技术
  9741. information theory ==> 信息理论,信息论,情报理论=>情報理論
  9742. information to aid in decision ==> 决策辅助信息,决策辅助信息
  9743. information track ==> 信息道
  9744. information transfer ==> 信息传输,信息传递
  9745. information transfer efficiency ==> 信息传送效率,从数据源传送并被数据宿作为有效信息收到的报文,其信息内容的比特数,与为该报文传送而开销的总比特数之比
  9746. information transfer rate ==> 信息传送率,每秒从数据源传送并被数据宿作为有效信息接收的信息的平均比特数
  9747. information transfer scheme ==> 信息转移电路
  9748. information transmission ==> 情報伝送
  9749. information transmission robot ==> 信息传输机器人
  9750. information trunk ==> 查询线
  9751. information unit ==> 信息单位
  9752. information vector ==> 信息矢量,信息向量
  9753. information wire ==> 信息线
  9754. information word ==> 信息元,信息字,数据字
  9755. information-handling capacity ==> 信息容量
  9756. information-handling technique ==> 情报处理技术
  9757. information-intensivetypes of industries ==> 信息密集工业
  9758. information-oriented language ==> 信息语言
  9759. information-oriented language(INFOL) ==> 面向信息的语言
  9760. information-processing element ==> 信息加工元件
  9761. information-processing system ==> 人对信息的处理系统
  9762. information-write-wire ==> 信息写入线
  9763. informational capacity ==> 信息容量,信息总量
  9764. informational committee ==> 情报委员会
  9765. informational linkage ==> 信息联系
  9766. informational macromolecule ==> 信息大分子
  9767. informational sign ==> 指示标志
  9768. informationally efficient ==> 信息功效
  9769. informative ==> 情報の,有益な,参考情報の,制約を課すものではない
  9770. informative abstract ==> 信息性摘要,内容提要,情报文献
  9771. informative vector machine ==> インフォマティブベクターマシン
  9772. infotainment ==> 信息娱乐
  9773. infotainment system ==> インフォテイメントシステム
  9774. infra focal image ==> 焦内图像
  9775. infra-acoustic ==> 亚声
  9776. infra-acoustic frequency ==> 亚声频率,亚音频
  9777. infra-acoustic telegraphy ==> 次声频电报
  9778. infra-acoustic vibration ==> 次声振动
  9779. infra-audible ==> 亚声
  9780. infra-audible sound ==> 超低声
  9781. infra-ray diameter gauge ==> 红外线测径仪
  9782. infra-ray width gauge ==> 红外线测宽仪
  9783. infra-red ==> 红外线的
  9784. infra-red absorption method ==> 红外线吸收分析法
  9785. infra-red absorption spectrum ==> 红外线吸收光谱
  9786. infra-red analysis ==> 红外线分析
  9787. infra-red analyzer ==> 红外线检偏镜
  9788. infra-red band ==> 红外线谱带
  9789. infra-red cell ==> 红外线试池
  9790. infra-red chromatography ==> 红外色谱法
  9791. infra-red countermissile ==> 反红外导弹
  9792. infra-red detection ==> 红外线探测
  9793. infra-red detector ==> 红外线探测器
  9794. infra-red distancer ==> 红外测距仪
  9795. infra-red drying ==> 红外干燥
  9796. infra-red felescope ==> 红外线望远镜
  9797. infra-red food warmer ==> 红外线食品加热器
  9798. infra-red frequency ==> 红外线频率
  9799. infra-red gas analyzer ==> 红外气体分析器
  9800. infra-red heating ==> 红外加热
  9801. infra-red interferometer spectrometer (IRIS) ==> 红外线干涉分光计
  9802. infra-red oven ==> 红外线烘箱
  9803. infra-red radiator ==> 红外线幅射器
  9804. infra-red range ==> 红外线范围
  9805. infra-red region ==> 红外线范围
  9806. infra-red sensitive material ==> 红外光敏材料
  9807. infra-red sepectrometry ==> 红外光谱法
  9808. infra-red spectrogram ==> 红外光谱图,红外线光谱图
  9809. infra-red spectrum ==> 红外光谱,红外线光谱
  9810. infra-red technique ==> 红外技术
  9811. infra-red technolgoy ==> 红外技术
  9812. infra-red thermometer ==> 红外线温度计
  9813. infra-red transmitting fiber ==> 红外透射光纤
  9814. infra-red transmitting filter ==> 红外透射滤光器
  9815. infra-red vidicon ==> 红外摄像管
  9816. infra-red vulcanization ==> 红外线硫化
  9817. infrablack synchronizing signal ==> 黑外同步信号
  9818. infracerebral gland ==> 脑下腺
  9819. infractive index ==> 屈光指数
  9820. infradyne receiver ==> 低外差接收机
  9821. infradyne reception ==> 低外差接收法
  9822. infralateral tangent arcs ==> 外侧切晕弧
  9823. infralobar part ==> 叶下部
  9824. inframolecular level ==> 亚分子水平
  9825. infranics ==> 红外线电子学
  9826. infraorbital suture ==> 眶下缝
  9827. infrapalpebral sulcus ==> 睑下沟,睑下沟
  9828. infrapatellar fat pad ==> 髌下脂体
  9829. infrapatellar synovial fold ==> 髌下滑膜襞
  9830. infrapulmonary effusion ==> 肺下积液
  9831. infrapulmonary fluid accumulation ==> 肺底积液
  9832. infrared ==> 赤外線の
  9833. infrared absorbing glass ==> 红外线吸收玻璃
  9834. infrared absorption spectra hygrometer ==> 红外吸收光谱湿度计
  9835. infrared absorption spectroscopy ==> 赤外吸収スペクトル
  9836. infrared acquisition ==> 红外探测
  9837. infrared aerial camera ==> 红外航空照相机
  9838. infrared aids ==> 红外装置
  9839. infrared aimed laser ==> 红外瞄准激光器
  9840. infrared airborne radar ==> 红外机载雷达
  9841. infrared analyzer ==> 红外线分析仪
  9842. infrared array detector ==> 红外阵列检测器
  9843. infrared astronomical satellite ==> 红外天文卫星
  9844. infrared astronomy ==> 红外天文学
  9845. infrared astronomy telescope ==> 红外天文望远镜
  9846. infrared autonavigator ==> 红外自动导航仪
  9847. infrared beam ==> 红外光束
  9848. infrared beam control ==> 红外射线控制
  9849. infrared beam splitter ==> 红外分光镜
  9850. infrared beams ==> 红外射线束
  9851. infrared binoculars ==> 红外双筒镜
  9852. infrared brazing ==> 红外钎焊
  9853. infrared camera ==> 红外照相机
  9854. infrared coincidence optometer detector ==> 红外重合视力计检测器
  9855. infrared color film ==> 红外彩色胶片
  9856. infrared colour index ==> 红外色指数
  9857. infrared communications set ==> 红外通信装置
  9858. infrared correlation chart ==> 红外相关图
  9859. infrared cryoelectronics ==> 红外线低温电子学
  9860. infrared cure ==> 红外线硬化
  9861. infrared detection ==> 红外探测
  9862. infrared detection unit ==> 热探头
  9863. infrared detector ==> 红外检测器,红外探测器,红外线检测器
  9864. infrared detector cell ==> 红外探测元件
  9865. infrared diode laser ==> 红外二极管激光器
  9866. infrared distance meter ==> 红外测距仪
  9867. infrared dome ==> 红外整流罩
  9868. infrared drier ==> 红外线干燥机
  9869. infrared dryer ==> 红外线干燥器=>赤外線乾燥装置
  9870. infrared drying ==> 赤外乾燥
  9871. infrared drying even ==> 红外线干燥炉
  9872. infrared drying stove ==> 红外线干燥炉,红外线烘干炉
  9873. infrared emanation ==> 红外辐射
  9874. infrared emanator ==> 红外辐射源
  9875. infrared emission ==> 红外发射
  9876. infrared emitting ability ==> 红外发射率
  9877. infrared excess ==> 红外超
  9878. infrared excitation ==> 红外线激励
  9879. infrared fast dryer ==> 红外线快速干燥器
  9880. infrared film ==> 红外胶片
  9881. infrared filter ==> 红外滤波器,红外线滤波器
  9882. infrared Fourier spectrometer ==> 红外傅里叶光谱仪
  9883. infrared furnace ==> 红外线加热炉
  9884. infrared gas analyzer ==> 红外线气体分析器
  9885. infrared gas-oven with electron lighter ==> 电子打火红外燃气灶
  9886. infrared gaseous pollution meter ==> 红外气体污染分析仪
  9887. infrared gear ==> 红外仪器
  9888. infrared generation ==> 红外振荡
  9889. infrared generator ==> 红外线发生器
  9890. infrared head-phone ==> 红外接收耳机
  9891. infrared heat lamp ==> 红外加热灯
  9892. infrared heater ==> 红外线加热器
  9893. infrared heating ==> 红外加热,红外线加热=>赤外加熱(赤外線加熱)
  9894. infrared heterodyne detector ==> 红外外差探测器
  9895. infrared high precision thermometer ==> 红外高精度测温仪
  9896. infrared horizon scanner ==> 红外线水平扫描器
  9897. infrared horizon sensor ==> 红外地平仪
  9898. infrared humidifier ==> 红外湿度计
  9899. infrared hygrometer ==> 红外湿度表
  9900. infrared illumination ==> 红外光照明
  9901. infrared illuminator ==> 红外发光器
  9902. infrared image ==> 红外影像
  9903. infrared image converter ==> 红外变像管,红外图像转换器,红外线像变换器
  9904. infrared image processor ==> 红外线成像处理器
  9905. infrared imaging ==> 红外线成像
  9906. infrared imaging system ==> 红外成像系统
  9907. infrared index ==> 红外指数
  9908. infrared inspection ==> 红外检验,红外线检测,采用测量构件红外辐射的办法,取得其表面温度或温度分布,以确定其运行状态或是否存在内部缺陷的无损检测技术
  9909. infrared interference filter ==> 红外干涉滤光片
  9910. infrared interference method ==> 红外干涉法
  9911. infrared interferometer ==> 红外干涉仪
  9912. infrared interferometer spectrometer ==> 红外干涉分光计
  9913. infrared interferometry ==> 红外干涉测量
  9914. infrared jamming ==> 红外线干扰
  9915. infrared lamp ==> 红外线灯,红外线治疗灯=>赤外線電球
  9916. infrared laser ==> 红外线激光器
  9917. infrared laser methane alarm ==> 红外激光甲烷报警器
  9918. infrared lead ==> 红外导引头
  9919. infrared light ==> 红外光
  9920. infrared light diagnosis instrument ==> 红外光诊断仪
  9921. infrared light supply ==> 红外光源
  9922. infrared light transducer[sensor] ==> 红外光传感器
  9923. infrared line ==> 红外谱线
  9924. infrared line scanner ==> 红外线扫描器,红外行扫描仪
  9925. infrared locator ==> 红外探测器
  9926. infrared lock-on ==> 红外跟踪,红外锁定
  9927. infrared magnitude ==> 红外星等
  9928. infrared maser ==> 红外激射器,红外脉塞
  9929. infrared measurement ==> 红外测量
  9930. infrared measuring radar ==> 红外光测雷达
  9931. infrared microgas analyzer ==> 红外微量气体分析仪
  9932. infrared microscope ==> 红外显微镜
  9933. infrared microscopic thermographer ==> 红外显微热像仪
  9934. infrared milk analyzer ==> 红外线牛奶速测器
  9935. infrared milking analyzer ==> 红外线牛奶速测器
  9936. infrared modulation technology ==> 红外调制技术
  9937. infrared moisture meter ==> 红外线水分测定仪
  9938. infrared multifunctional massager ==> 红外多功能按摩器
  9939. infrared object ==> 红外天体
  9940. infrared objective ==> 红外线物镜
  9941. infrared optical fiber ==> 红外光纤
  9942. infrared optical material ==> 红外光学材料
  9943. infrared optical measuring system ==> 红外光学测量系统
  9944. infrared phosphor ==> 红外磷光体
  9945. infrared photo multiplier ==> 红外光电倍增管
  9946. infrared photoconductivity detector ==> 红外光电导探测器
  9947. infrared photographic film ==> 红外照相胶片
  9948. infrared photographic plate ==> 红外照相底片
  9949. infrared photography ==> 赤外線写真
  9950. infrared pick-off ==> 红外传感器敏感元件
  9951. infrared picture ==> 红外图像
  9952. infrared plate ==> 红外线光谱感光版
  9953. infrared powder ==> 对红外线敏感的粉末
  9954. infrared prism interferometer-spectrometer ==> 红外棱镜干涉光谱仪
  9955. infrared pyrometer ==> 红外线高温计
  9956. infrared radiation ==> 红外辐射,红外线,热辐射=>赤外放射
  9957. infrared radiation ceramics ==> 红外线辐射陶瓷
  9958. infrared radiation curve ==> 红外辐射曲线
  9959. infrared radiation detection apparatus ==> 红外检测仪
  9960. infrared radiation detection system ==> 红外辐射探测系统
  9961. infrared radiation detector ==> 红外辐射探测器
  9962. infrared radiation pattern ==> 红外辐射图形
  9963. infrared radiation pyrometer ==> 红外线辐射高温计,红外线光电高温计
  9964. infrared radiation sounder ==> 红外辐射探测器
  9965. infrared radiation thermometer ==> 红外辐射温度计
  9966. infrared radiator ==> 红外辐射器
  9967. infrared radiometer ==> 红外辐射计
  9968. infrared radiometry ==> 红外线探伤法
  9969. infrared range ==> 红外线区域
  9970. infrared ratio image ==> 红外比影像
  9971. infrared ray ==> 红外线
  9972. infrared ray bulb ==> 红外线灯泡
  9973. infrared ray cocoon boiling machine ==> 红外线煮茧机
  9974. infrared ray detector ==> 红外线探测器
  9975. infrared ray gas analyzer ==> 红外线气体分析仪
  9976. infrared ray insulating glass ==> 隔红外线玻璃
  9977. infrared ray lamp ==> 红外线灯
  9978. infrared ray transmitting glass ==> 透红外线玻璃
  9979. infrared rays ==> 红外线=>赤外線
  9980. infrared receiver ==> 红外接收机,红外探测器
  9981. infrared receiving set ==> 红外辐射接收器,红外接收机
  9982. infrared reflectance analyzer ==> 红外反射率分析仪
  9983. infrared reflection method ==> 红外反射法
  9984. infrared reflow soldering ==> 红外回流焊接
  9985. infrared remote controller ==> 红外线遥控器
  9986. infrared remote receiver ==> 红外遥控接收机
  9987. infrared remote sensing ==> 红外遥感
  9988. infrared remote transmitter ==> 红外遥控发射机
  9989. infrared satellite ==> 赤外人工衛星
  9990. infrared scanner ==> 红外扫描器,红外线扫描装置
  9991. infrared scanning imager ==> 红外扫描成像仪
  9992. infrared searchlight ==> 红外探照灯
  9993. infrared sensing ==> 红外传感
  9994. infrared sensing element ==> 红外灵敏元件
  9995. infrared sensing head ==> 红外灵敏头
  9996. infrared sensitive film ==> 红外线感光胶片
  9997. infrared sensitive plate ==> 红外底片
  9998. infrared sensor ==> 红外传感器=>赤外線センサ
  9999. infrared slot reader ==> 红外线槽式阅读器
  10000. infrared solar radiation ==> 太阳红外辐射
  10001. infrared soldering ==> 红外线软钎焊
  10002. infrared sound transmitter ==> 红外声发射器
  10003. infrared source ==> 红外线源
  10004. infrared space astronomy ==> 红外空间天文学
  10005. infrared spectral range ==> 红外线区域
  10006. infrared spectral sensitivity ==> 红外光谱灵敏度
  10007. infrared spectrometer paper ==> 红外线光谱分析纸
  10008. infrared spectrometric analyzer ==> 红外光谱分析仪
  10009. infrared spectrometry ==> 红外光谱法
  10010. infrared spectrophotometer ==> 红外分光光度计
  10011. infrared spectrophotometry ==> 红外分光光度测量
  10012. infrared spectroscopy ==> 红外光谱学
  10013. infrared spectrum analysis ==> 红外光谱分析,简称“红外分析”。用红外光谱仪器吸收光谱法定性或定量分析有机物和无机物含量
  10014. infrared spin-scan radiometer ==> 红外线旋转扫描辐射计
  10015. infrared spotlight ==> 红外点光源
  10016. infrared star ==> 红外星
  10017. infrared static sensor ==> 红外静态传感器
  10018. infrared system ==> 红外系统
  10019. infrared tableware sterilizing equipment ==> 红外线餐具消毒设备
  10020. infrared target seeking device ==> 红外目标自动探寻器
  10021. infrared telescope ==> 红外望远镜
  10022. infrared television ==> 红外电视
  10023. infrared television camera tube ==> 红外电视摄像管
  10024. infrared temperature ==> 红外温度
  10025. infrared temperature profile radiometer ==> 红外温度轮廓辐射计
  10026. infrared temperature sounder ==> 红外温度探测仪
  10027. infrared therapy ==> 红外线疗法
  10028. infrared therapy apparatus ==> 红外线治疗仪
  10029. infrared thermometer ==> 红外线温度计
  10030. infrared tomography ==> 红外线断层摄影术
  10031. infrared tracker ==> 红外线跟踪器
  10032. infrared tracking radar ==> 红外线跟踪雷达
  10033. infrared transmission characteristic ==> 红外透射特性
  10034. infrared transmitter ==> 红外发射机
  10035. infrared transmitting ceramics ==> 透红外陶瓷
  10036. infrared transmitting glass ==> 透红外线玻璃,红外光透光玻璃,红外线玻璃
  10037. infrared transmitting material ==> 透红外线材料
  10038. infrared transmitting set ==> 红外线发射机
  10039. infrared transparent nose ==> 红外头整流罩
  10040. infrared transparent substrate ==> 红外透明衬底
  10041. infrared vidicon ==> 红外光导摄像管,红外视像管
  10042. infrared warmer ==> 红外取暖器
  10043. infrared warning receiver ==> 红外警戒接收机
  10044. infrared wave ==> 红外波
  10045. infrared welding ==> 红外线焊接
  10046. infrared window ==> 红外窗口
  10047. infrared-emitting diode ==> 红外发射二极管
  10048. infrared-excess object ==> 红外超天体
  10049. infrared-radiation heater ==> 红外线辐射加热器
  10050. infrared-ray dryer ==> 红外线烘干机
  10051. infrared-ray drying oven ==> 红外线干燥炉
  10052. infrared-ray oven ==> 红外线烘箱
  10053. infrared-ray transmitting glass ==> 透红外线玻璃
  10054. infrared-transparent material ==> 红外透明材料
  10055. infrasonic frequency ==> 次声频,亚声频
  10056. infrasound ==> 亚声,次声
  10057. infrasternal angle ==> 胸骨下角
  10058. infrastructure ==> 基础设施,下部结构,基础=>インフラ,an aging utility infrastructure
  10059. infrastructure building ==> 三通一平=>インフラ整備
  10060. infrastructure construction ==> 三通一平=>インフラ整備
  10061. infrastructure development ==> インフラ整備
  10062. infrastructure for daily needs ==> 日常需求的基础结构
  10063. infrastructure improvement ==> インフラ整備
  10064. infrastructure to a nuclear power program ==> 核电基础结构,适应核电规划的特定要求并借以实现规划预定目标的立法依据、工业基础、科技基础、教育体系、筹资渠道及核安全监管机构等一系列基本条件的总和
  10065. infrequent comprehensive inquiry ==> 非经常性综合调查
  10066. infrequent failure ==> 稀頻度事故
  10067. infrequent menstruation ==> 月经稀少
  10068. infrequent pulse ==> 迟脉
  10069. infrequent types ==> 稀有类型
  10070. infringe upon ==> 侵犯,侵入
  10071. infringe upon patent right ==> 侵犯专利权
  10072. infringement ==> 冒用商标=>特許権侵害
  10073. infringement of patent right ==> 专利权的侵犯
  10074. infringement of patent rights ==> 侵犯专利权
  10075. infringement of title ==> 侵犯所有权
  10076. infringement of trade mark ==> 侵犯商标
  10077. infringement of trademark ==> 侵犯商标专用权
  10078. infringer ==> 権利の侵害者
  10079. infundibular nucleus ==> 漏斗核
  10080. infundibular part ==> 漏斗部
  10081. infundibular process ==> 漏斗突
  10082. infundibular punch ==> 肺漏斗打孔器
  10083. infundibular recess ==> 漏斗隐窝
  10084. infundibular stenosis ==> 漏斗型肺动脉口(瓣)狭窄
  10085. infundibular stenosis of right ventricle ==> 右室漏斗部狭窄
  10086. infundibulectomy of right ventricle ==> 右心室漏斗部分切除术
  10087. infundibuliform hymen ==> 漏斗形处女膜
  10088. infused oil ==> 油浸剂
  10089. infusing drugs in wine ==> 浸酒
  10090. infusion ==> 浸剂,浸入,浸液,注入物,输液
  10091. infusion anesthesia ==> 静脉滴注麻醉,静脉滴注麻醉,醚静脉滴注麻醉
  10092. infusion broth ==> 肉浸汁
  10093. infusion for treating coryza of wind-cold type ==> 感冒清热冲剂
  10094. infusion in seam ==> 煤层注水
  10095. infusion jar ==> 浸剂罐
  10096. infusion of desiralbe character ==> 导入理想性状
  10097. infusion of fluid ==> 输液
  10098. infusion of hawthorn fruit ==> 大山楂冲剂
  10099. infusion of parched barley ==> 大麦茶=>麦茶
  10100. infusion of tea ==> 泡茶
  10101. infusion pump ==> 灌流泵
  10102. infusorial earth ==> 纤毛虫土
  10103. ing (development) tank ==> 展开罐
  10104. ing-electrode system ==> 选色电极系统
  10105. ing-electrode transmission ==> 选色电极系统透过率
  10106. ingest ==> 摄食
  10107. ingestive behavior ==> 摄食行为
  10108. ingestive infection ==> 摄食传染
  10109. ingle recess ==> 炉边凹处
  10110. inglorious ==> 無名の
  10111. ingoing control post ==> 轧机进口侧操纵台
  10112. ingoing power ==> 进入功率
  10113. ingoing side ==> 进料侧
  10114. Ingold cutter ==> 英戈尔德刀具
  10115. ingold fraise ==> 整形铣刀
  10116. ingor bay ==> 钢锭跨
  10117. ingot ==> 坯,坯料,块,铸铁,结晶块,初轧坯,料,锭,锭坯
  10118. ingot adapter ==> 移锭装置联接器
  10119. ingot bar ==> 铸块
  10120. ingot bay ==> 钢锭仓库
  10121. ingot blank ==> 锭坯
  10122. ingot bogie ==> 送锭车
  10123. ingot breaker ==> 钢锭折断机
  10124. ingot buggy ==> 翻锭车
  10125. ingot butt ==> 锭头,钢锭头
  10126. ingot cap ==> 钢锭压盖
  10127. ingot car ==> 锭车
  10128. ingot case ==> 钢锭模
  10129. ingot casting bay ==> 铸锭跨
  10130. ingot casting ingotting ==> 铸锭
  10131. ingot chair ==> 送锭车的锭座
  10132. ingot charging crane ==> 铸锭起重机,钢锭装料吊车
  10133. ingot charging gear ==> 装锭设备
  10134. ingot clamp ==> 锭料夹头
  10135. ingot cooling chamber ==> 锭料冷却室
  10136. ingot copper ==> 锭铜
  10137. ingot crack ==> 钢锭裂纹
  10138. ingot crane ==> 钢锭吊车,钢锭起重机,吊锭吊车
  10139. ingot crop end ==> 锭截头
  10140. ingot cropping ==> 晶锭修整
  10141. ingot cylinder ==> 结晶圆筒
  10142. ingot dogs ==> 锭钳
  10143. ingot drawing crane ==> 脱锭吊车
  10144. ingot furnace ==> 铸锭炉
  10145. ingot grinder ==> 晶锭研磨机
  10146. ingot gripper ==> 钢锭夹钳
  10147. ingot handling equipment ==> 钢锭处理设备
  10148. ingot heat furnace ==> 热锭炉
  10149. ingot iron ==> 工业纯铁,铁锭
  10150. ingot metal ==> 金属锭
  10151. ingot mold ==> 钢锭模
  10152. ingot mould ==> 钢锭模,铸锭模,铸锭型,锭模
  10153. ingot mould milling machine ==> 钢锭模铣床
  10154. ingot pattern ==> 钢锭试样
  10155. ingot pit ==> 铸锭均热坑,均热炉,均热炉
  10156. ingot pit crane ==> 均热炉钳式吊车,均热炉钳式吊车
  10157. ingot production process ==> 金属锭生产法
  10158. ingot puller ==> 拉锭器
  10159. ingot pusher ==> 钢锭推出机,推锭机
  10160. ingot retracter ==> 取锭器
  10161. ingot run ==> 铸锭车过道
  10162. ingot saw ==> 切锭锯
  10163. ingot scales ==> 钢锭秤
  10164. ingot scalping machine ==> 钢锭剥皮机床
  10165. ingot shape ==> 锭形
  10166. ingot skin ==> 锭皮
  10167. ingot slab mould ==> 扁钢锭模
  10168. ingot slicing machine ==> 切锭机
  10169. ingot steel ==> 钢锭,锭钢
  10170. ingot stirrup ==> 锭钳
  10171. ingot stripper ==> 脱模机
  10172. ingot stripping crane ==> 脱模吊车,钢锭脱模吊车
  10173. ingot structure ==> 铸锭组织
  10174. ingot surface ==> 锭表面
  10175. ingot tipper ==> 翻锭机
  10176. ingot tumbler ==> 翻锭机
  10177. ingot weigher ==> 锭秤
  10178. ingot yard ==> 储锭场
  10179. ingot-breaker press ==> 钢锭压断机
  10180. ingot-scalping machine ==> 钢锭表面修整机
  10181. ingotism ==> 树枝状巨晶
  10182. ingotism macrocrystalline ==> 巨晶,巨晶
  10183. ingotting ==> 铸锭
  10184. ingrain art paper ==> 花纹铜版纸
  10185. ingredient ==> 组成部分,组分,配料,成分,拼分,拼料
  10186. ingredient amount ==> 成分量
  10187. ingredient for perfume ==> 香水の成分
  10188. ingredient technology ==> 成分技術
  10189. ingress ==> 入口,进口处,进入,进食,人凌
  10190. ingress of air ==> 接触空气
  10191. ingress of groundwater ==> 地下水侵入
  10192. ingress of water ==> 水分渗入
  10193. ingress pipe ==> 导入管
  10194. ingression ==> 海泛
  10195. ingression speed ==> 海侵速率
  10196. ingrowing nail ==> 向肌内生长指甲,嵌甲
  10197. ingrown meander ==> 内生曲流
  10198. inguinal arch ==> 腹股沟弓
  10199. inguinal hernia ==> 阴狐疝
  10200. inguinal lymph nodes ==> 腹股沟淋巴结
  10201. inguinal reflex ==> 腹股沟反射,盖格尔氏反射
  10202. inguinal ring ==> 腹股沟环
  10203. inguinal triangle ==> 腹股沟三角,汉克氏三角
  10204. inguinocrural hernia ==> 腹股沟股疝
  10205. inguinofemoral hernia ==> 腹股沟股疝
  10206. inguinoproperitoneal hernia ==> 腹股沟腹膜前疝,克伦来因氏疝
  10207. inguinosuperficial hernia ==> 屈斯特氏疝
  10208. inhabit satellite ==> 载人卫星
  10209. inhabited satellite ==> 载人卫星
  10210. inhalation ==> 吸入毒性
  10211. inhalation apparatus ==> 吸入器械
  10212. inhalation dose ==> 吸入剂量
  10213. inhalation of silica particles ==> 矽尘吸入
  10214. inhalation of siliceous dust ==> 硅尘吸入
  10215. inhalation pulmonary abscess ==> 吸入性肺脓肿
  10216. inhalation route ==> 吸入途径
  10217. inhalation test ==> 吸入试验
  10218. inhalation valve ==> 吸气阀
  10219. inhalation-room ==> 吸入治疗室
  10220. inhaling and exhaling through the nose ==> 鼻吸鼻呼
  10221. inhaling hose ==> 吸气软管
  10222. inhaling method ==> 吸入法
  10223. inharmonic frequency ==> 不调和频率
  10224. inharmonious fold ==> 不调和褶皱
  10225. inherence ==> 内在=>固有
  10226. inherent ==> 本来的,固有,固有的,固有的
  10227. inherent addressing ==> 固有寻址
  10228. inherent ambiguity ==> 固有二义性,固有歧义性
  10229. inherent ash ==> 原生灰分,内在灰分
  10230. inherent cause ==> 附带原因
  10231. inherent character ==> 本性
  10232. inherent colour ==> 固有颜色
  10233. inherent command ==> 固有命令
  10234. inherent contradictions inner contradictions ==> 内在矛盾
  10235. inherent damping ==> 固有阻尼
  10236. inherent defect ==> 固有缺陷,内在缺陷
  10237. inherent diaphragm pressure range ==> 固有膜片压力范围
  10238. inherent error ==> 内在误差,固有误差
  10239. inherent feedback ==> 内反馈,固有反馈
  10240. inherent fertility ==> 潜在肥力,肥力潜在力,肥料潜在力
  10241. inherent filtration ==> 固有滤过当量,自过滤
  10242. inherent fine grain ==> 本质细晶粒
  10243. inherent floatability ==> 天然可浮性,固有可浮性
  10244. inherent flow characteristic ==> 固有流量特性
  10245. inherent grain size ==> 本质晶粒度
  10246. inherent immunity ==> 天然免疫,遗传免疫,先天免疫性
  10247. inherent impurity ==> 固有杂质
  10248. inherent instability ==> 固有不稳定性
  10249. inherent interference ==> 内部电磁干扰
  10250. inherent law ==> 内在规律
  10251. inherent loss ==> 固有损耗
  10252. inherent moisture ==> 内在水分,在一定条件下,煤样达到空气干燥状态时所保持的水分,固有水分
  10253. inherent nature ==> 本性
  10254. inherent noise ==> 固有噪声
  10255. inherent or parastic ==> 固有または寄生的な非線形
  10256. inherent porosity ==> 内在孔隙,固有孔隙
  10257. inherent quality ==> 内在质量
  10258. inherent regulation ==> 自平衡
  10259. inherent regulation rate ==> 内调节速率
  10260. inherent reliability ==> 内在可靠性,固有可靠性=>固有信頼度
  10261. inherent resistance ==> 内阻
  10262. inherent safety ==> 固有安全,核反应堆在运行参数偏离正常时能依靠自然物理规律趋向安全状态的性能。固有安全是保证安全首选的重要方法
  10263. inherent settlement ==> 固有沉陷
  10264. inherent shortcircuit protection ==> 固有的短路保护
  10265. inherent stability ==> 固有稳定性
  10266. inherent storage ==> 固有存储器
  10267. inherent strain ==> 内在应力
  10268. inherent strength ==> 固有强度
  10269. inherent stress ==> 固有应力,初应力,预应力,内在应力
  10270. inherent transparency ==> 固有的透明性,固有透明性
  10271. inherent vice ==> 内部缺陷,内在缺陷
  10272. inherent viscosity ==> 特性粘度
  10273. inherent viscosity number ==> 特性粘度数
  10274. inherent voltage regulation ==> 内部自动电压调节
  10275. inherent weakness failure ==> 固有弱质失效,内部缺陷引起的损坏
  10276. inherently ambiguous contextfree language ==> 固有二义性上下文无关语言
  10277. inherently ambiguous language ==> 固有多义语言
  10278. inherit ==> 遗传,继承
  10279. inheritable basin ==> 继承盆地
  10280. inheritable character ==> 遗传性状
  10281. inheritance ==> 遗产,遗传,承受,继承,继承物,保守遗传性
  10282. inheritance attribute ==> 继承属性
  10283. inheritance by operation of law ==> 法定继承
  10284. inheritance code ==> 继承代码
  10285. inheritance hierarchies ==> 继承分层
  10286. inheritance of flower color ==> 花颜色的遗传性
  10287. inheritance of protective reaction ==> 保护反应遗传
  10288. inheritance of the waxless character in wheat ==> 小麦无腊质性状的遗传
  10289. inheritance tax ==> 遗产继承税,继承税
  10290. inheritance tax law ==> 遗产税法
  10291. inherited attribute ==> 继承属性
  10292. inherited character ==> 遗传性状
  10293. inherited disease ==> 遗传病,遗传性疾病
  10294. inherited error ==> 固有错误,固有误差,承袭误差,继承误差
  10295. inherited immunity ==> 遗传免疫,遗传免疫性
  10296. inherited meander ==> 嵌入曲流
  10297. inherited tolerance ==> 遗传性耐受力
  10298. inherited valley ==> 遗留谷
  10299. inherited vigour ==> 遗传生势
  10300. inhibit ==> 禁止
  10301. inhibit circuit ==> 抑制电路,禁止电路=>抑止回路
  10302. inhibit command ==> 禁止指令
  10303. inhibit current pulse ==> 禁止电流脉冲,阻流脉冲
  10304. inhibit driver ==> 禁止驱动器
  10305. inhibit element ==> 禁止元件
  10306. inhibit excessively high interest rate ==> 平抑过高利率
  10307. inhibit function ==> 抑制作用
  10308. inhibit line ==> 禁止线
  10309. inhibit pulse ==> 禁止脉冲
  10310. inhibit reclosing ==> 禁止重合,当输电线路故障跳闸后,由于重合条件暂不具备而不允许进行重合闸
  10311. inhibit set ==> 禁置位
  10312. inhibit signal ==> 延迟信号,保持信号
  10313. inhibit stage ==> 抑制级
  10314. inhibit winding ==> 禁止绕阻
  10315. inhibit wire ==> 禁止线
  10316. inhibited brass ==> 耐蚀黄铜
  10317. inhibited effect ==> 抑制作用
  10318. inhibited oil ==> 抑制油,抗氧化油
  10319. inhibited oxidation ==> 受抑制氧化,抑制氧化
  10320. inhibited pulse ==> 被禁止脉冲
  10321. inhibited reaction ==> 受抑制反应,抑制反应
  10322. inhibited selfpollination ==> 抑制性自花授粉
  10323. inhibiting ==> 加抑制剂,加阻化剂,抑制
  10324. inhibiting action ==> 抑制效应
  10325. inhibiting agent ==> 抑制剂,缓凝剂
  10326. inhibiting antibody ==> 抑制性抗体
  10327. inhibiting circuit ==> 阻通电路
  10328. inhibiting degradation ==> 抑制降解
  10329. inhibiting device ==> 限位装置
  10330. inhibiting factor ==> 抑制因子
  10331. inhibiting film ==> 抑制膜
  10332. inhibiting gene ==> 抑制基因
  10333. inhibiting input ==> 禁门输入,禁止输入
  10334. inhibiting interpreter ==> 抑制的翻译程序
  10335. inhibiting signal ==> 抑止信号,禁止信号
  10336. inhibiting value ==> 抑制值
  10337. inhibition ==> 抑制,抑制作用,阻止,遏制,化学灭火,制止,制止令
  10338. inhibition action ==> 抑制作用
  10339. inhibition activity ==> 抑制活性
  10340. inhibition centre ==> 抑制中枢
  10341. inhibition choke ==> 扼止
  10342. inhibition domain ==> 阻害ドメイン
  10343. inhibition effect ==> 阻害効果
  10344. inhibition efficiency ==> 抑制効率
  10345. inhibition factor ==> 抑制因子
  10346. inhibition group ==> 抑制群
  10347. inhibition index ==> 抑制指数
  10348. inhibition of complement ==> 补体抑制
  10349. inhibition of corrosion ==> 腐蚀的阻力
  10350. inhibition of inhibition ==> 抑制性抑制
  10351. inhibition of nitrification ==> 硝化作用的抑制
  10352. inhibition of oxidation ==> 氧化的抑制
  10353. inhibition period ==> 抑制期
  10354. inhibition phenomena ==> 阻抑现象
  10355. inhibition ratio ==> 抑制比率
  10356. inhibition subunit ==> 抑制性亚单位
  10357. inhibition test ==> 抑制试验
  10358. inhibition time ==> 抑制时间
  10359. inhibition zone ==> 抑菌圈
  10360. inhibition-action balance ==> 抑制行动平衡
  10361. inhibitive substance ==> 防老剂
  10362. inhibitor ==> 抑制剂,防蚀剂,防锈蚀剂,抑制器,抑制物,抑制因子,缓蚀剂
  10363. inhibitor (-ter) ==> 禁止器
  10364. inhibitor dye ==> 抑制剂染料
  10365. inhibitor effectiveness ==> 抑制剂效力,抑制效能
  10366. inhibitor for nitrification ==> 硝化抑制剂
  10367. inhibitor gradient ==> 抑制物梯度
  10368. inhibitor in acid cleaning ==> 酸洗缓蚀剂,能减少由酸洗介质引起的金属腐蚀的化学药剂
  10369. inhibitor of enzyme ==> 酶抑制剂
  10370. inhibitor response ==> 抑制剂感应
  10371. inhibitor susceptibility ==> 抑制剂感应
  10372. inhibitor sweetening ==> 抑制剂脱臭法,抑制剂脱硫
  10373. inhibitory action ==> 抑制作用
  10374. inhibitory analogues ==> 抑制类似物
  10375. inhibitory area ==> 抑制区
  10376. inhibitory coating ==> 保护层
  10377. inhibitory connection ==> 抑制联系
  10378. inhibitory differential stimulus ==> 抑制分化刺激,分化抑制刺激物
  10379. inhibitory factor of thrombin ==> 凝血酶抑制因子
  10380. inhibitory hormone ==> 抑制激素
  10381. inhibitory interneuron ==> 抑制性中间神经元
  10382. inhibitory nerve ==> 抑制神经
  10383. inhibitory neuron ==> 抑制性神经元
  10384. inhibitory neurotransmitter ==> 抑制性递质
  10385. inhibitory postsynaptic potential ==> 抑制性突触后电势
  10386. inhibitory postsynaptic potential(IPSP) ==> 抑制性突触后电位
  10387. inhibitory reaction ==> 抑制反应
  10388. inhibitory reflex ==> 抑制反射
  10389. inhibitory stage ==> 抑制期
  10390. inhibitory state ==> 抑制状态
  10391. inhibitory substance ==> 抑制物质
  10392. inhibitory synapse ==> 抑制性突触
  10393. inhibitory type ==> 抑制型
  10394. inhomogeneity ==> 不均匀性
  10395. inhomogeneos semiconductor ==> 不均匀半导体
  10396. inhomogeneous ==> 非同次
  10397. inhomogeneous anisotropic medium ==> 不均匀各向异性介质
  10398. inhomogeneous base transistor ==> 不均一ベーストランジスタ
  10399. inhomogeneous boundary condition ==> 非齐次边界条件
  10400. inhomogeneous boundary value problem ==> 非齐次边值问题
  10401. inhomogeneous broadening ==> 非均匀展宽,不均匀增宽
  10402. inhomogeneous broadening effect ==> 不均匀效应,不均匀增宽效应
  10403. inhomogeneous broading ==> 不均一な広がり
  10404. inhomogeneous coating ==> 非均匀镀层
  10405. inhomogeneous deformation ==> 不均匀变形
  10406. inhomogeneous dispersion ==> 非均匀色散
  10407. inhomogeneous distribution ==> 不均匀分布
  10408. inhomogeneous excitation ==> 不均匀激励
  10409. inhomogeneous fiber ==> 非均匀光纤
  10410. inhomogeneous flow ==> 不均匀流动
  10411. inhomogeneous glide ==> 不均匀滑移
  10412. inhomogeneous integral equation of the second ==> 第2種非同次積分方程式
  10413. inhomogeneous lattice ==> 非均空格
  10414. inhomogeneous line broadening ==> 不均匀线展宽
  10415. inhomogeneous linear difference equation ==> 非齐次线性差分方程
  10416. inhomogeneous Lorentz group ==> 不均匀洛伦兹群
  10417. inhomogeneous magnetic field ==> 不均匀磁场
  10418. inhomogeneous medium ==> 不均匀介质,不均匀媒质
  10419. inhomogeneous plane wave ==> 不均匀平面波
  10420. inhomogeneous plastic flow ==> 不均匀范性流变
  10421. inhomogeneous pumping ==> 不均匀抽运,非均匀泵浦
  10422. inhomogeneous strain ==> 不均匀应变
  10423. inhomogeneous system of equations ==> 非齐次方程组
  10424. inhomogeneous turbulence ==> 非均匀性紊流
  10425. inhomogeneous wave ==> 不均匀波
  10426. inhour ==> 反时针
  10427. inhour equation ==> 倒时数公式
  10428. iniature switchboard ==> 小型配电盘
  10429. INIRC, International Non-Ionizing Radiation Committee ==> 国際非イオン化放射委員会
  10430. initial ==> 初期的,初始,初始的,最初的,首字母
  10431. initial absolute pressure ==> 绝对初压力,绝对初压力
  10432. initial absorption ==> 初步吸收,初吸收量,原吸收量
  10433. initial abstraction ==> 初始损失,初损
  10434. initial acceleration ==> 初始加速度
  10435. initial acidity ==> 起始酸度
  10436. initial action ==> 初始作用
  10437. initial activity ==> 初活性
  10438. initial actuation time ==> 起始激励时间
  10439. initial address message (IAM) ==> 起始地址信息
  10440. initial adhesive strength ==> 初期粘合强度
  10441. initial adjustment ==> 初调节,起始调整
  10442. initial age distribution ==> 初始年龄分布
  10443. initial aiming point ==> 最初瞄准点
  10444. initial allowance ==> 初步折扣,机械加工余量
  10445. initial amplitude ==> 初振幅
  10446. initial and final temperatures ==> 起始与最终温度
  10447. initial angular momentum ==> 初始角动量
  10448. initial appearance ==> 初始状态
  10449. initial application ==> 最初申请
  10450. initial approximation ==> 初始近似值
  10451. initial ash softening point ==> 灰初始软化点
  10452. initial attribute ==> 初始属性
  10453. initial audit ==> 初步审计,初次审计,初期审计
  10454. initial back bevel ==> 初后斜面
  10455. initial balance ==> 期初差额,期初余额
  10456. initial basic solution ==> 初始基本解
  10457. initial beating-up period ==> 打浆初期
  10458. initial bed ==> 底料层
  10459. initial behavior regime ==> 初始特性状态
  10460. initial bias ==> 初始偏置
  10461. initial blast ==> 初爆破
  10462. initial blasting ==> 初次爆破
  10463. initial boiling point ==> 初始沸点
  10464. initial bonding strength ==> 初期粘合强度
  10465. initial bottomhole flowing pressure (IBHPF) ==> 初始井底流压
  10466. initial breakdown ==> 初步击穿,初次压轧
  10467. initial budget estimate ==> 初步概算
  10468. initial budget estimates ==> 初步框算
  10469. initial byte synchronization ==> 初始字节同步
  10470. initial calibration ==> 初始校准
  10471. initial calibration level ==> 起始校正电平
  10472. initial capacitance ==> 起始电容
  10473. initial capacity ==> 初始容量
  10474. initial capitalization ==> 最初投资
  10475. initial carriage return ==> 起始回车
  10476. initial carrier ==> 出发道路,最初承运人
  10477. initial cathode emission ==> 阴极起始发射
  10478. initial cause of labor ==> 分娩动因
  10479. initial cavitation ==> 初始汽蚀
  10480. initial cavity photon flux ==> 共振腔初始光子通量
  10481. initial cell ==> 原始细胞
  10482. initial cell wall ==> 初生胞壁
  10483. initial chaining value (ICV) ==> 初始链值
  10484. initial characteristics ==> 初特性(光源)
  10485. initial charge ==> 初充电,初充电,初电荷,初始进料,期初费用=>初充電
  10486. initial code vector ==> 初始码矢
  10487. initial collision ==> 首次碰撞
  10488. initial color ==> 最初颜色
  10489. initial completion ==> 初次完成
  10490. initial components ==> 最初成分
  10491. initial concentration ==> 初始浓度
  10492. initial concentration of dust ==> 初始粉尘浓度
  10493. initial condensation ==> 初始凝结
  10494. initial condition ==> 初始条件,起始条件=>初期条件
  10495. initial condition adjustment ==> 起始条件调整
  10496. initial condition code ==> 起始条件码
  10497. initial condition hierarchy ==> 初始条件层次
  10498. initial condition mode ==> 初始条件方式,初始条件状态,初始状态方式,复位方式
  10499. initial condition setter ==> 起始条件调节器
  10500. initial conditional code ==> 初始条件码
  10501. initial conductor tension ==> 线路导线起始张力
  10502. initial configuration ==> 初始格局,初始构形,初始结构,初始配置
  10503. initial control ==> 起始控制
  10504. initial cooling ==> 初冷却,初始冷却
  10505. initial cost ==> 创办费,开办成本,开办费,原始成本,基本建设费,初始成本=>原価,初期コスト,イニシャルコスト
  10506. initial creep ==> 初蠕变,初始蠕变
  10507. initial criticality test ==> 初次临界试验
  10508. initial cross section ==> 初始截面
  10509. initial curing ==> 初期养护
  10510. initial current ==> 起始电流
  10511. initial current in limiting operation ==> 限流開始電流値
  10512. initial curve ==> 初始曲线
  10513. initial cycle ==> 起算
  10514. initial daily production ==> 最初日产量
  10515. initial data base ==> 初始数据库
  10516. initial data base description ==> 初始数据库描述
  10517. initial day ==> 起算日
  10518. initial decay ==> 初始衰减
  10519. initial definition of rights ==> 权利初始界定
  10520. initial deflection ==> 初始挠度
  10521. initial deformation ==> 初始变形,初始形变
  10522. initial delay ==> 起始延迟
  10523. initial delirium ==> 初期谵妄
  10524. initial depth ==> 原有水深
  10525. initial design ==> 原设计,初步设计
  10526. initial design stage ==> 初始设计阶段
  10527. initial detention ==> 初始滞流,地面蓄水
  10528. initial detonating agent ==> 初步起爆剂,起爆剂
  10529. initial development of the market ==> 初步发育
  10530. initial deviation ==> 初始偏差,起始偏差
  10531. initial diagenesis ==> 初始成岩作用
  10532. initial differential capacitance ==> 初始微分电容
  10533. initial digitalization ==> 初期洋地黄化
  10534. initial dip ==> 原始倾斜
  10535. initial discharge ==> 初始放电
  10536. initial distribution ==> 初始分布
  10537. initial disturbance ==> 初始扰动,起始扰动
  10538. initial dose ==> 初级剂量,初剂量,首次量
  10539. initial dry(ing) shrinkage ==> 原始干缩
  10540. initial drying shrinkage ==> 初始干缩
  10541. initial edge ==> 射出边
  10542. initial effective stress ==> 初有效应力
  10543. initial elasticity ==> 初始弹性
  10544. initial electron ==> 初期電子
  10545. initial elevater ==> 第一升运器
  10546. initial energy ==> 起始能量
  10547. initial enrichment factor ==> 初始增浓因子
  10548. initial error ==> 初始误差,起始误差
  10549. initial eruption ==> 初始喷发
  10550. initial estimate ==> 初始估计值
  10551. initial evidence ==> 初步证据
  10552. initial examination ==> 初次检查
  10553. initial excitation response ==> 起始励磁响应
  10554. initial excitation system response ==> 初始励磁系统响应
  10555. initial exciting device ==> 初期励磁装置
  10556. initial expenditure ==> 开办费
  10557. initial expenses ==> 开办费
  10558. initial explosive ==> 起爆剂
  10559. initial external procedure ==> 初始外过程
  10560. initial failure ==> 早期故障=>初始故障
  10561. initial fibre structure ==> 初始纤维结构
  10562. initial field observation on trioxys pallidus ==> 胡桃蚜寄生蜂的野外观察
  10563. initial filling ==> 初次蓄水,初期蓄水
  10564. initial financial difficulties ==> 初期财务困难
  10565. initial fire command ==> 最初射击命令
  10566. initial firing current ==> 点火电流,起动电流
  10567. initial flowing pressure (IFP) ==> 初始流压
  10568. initial foam height ==> 起始泡沫高度
  10569. initial form ==> 原始类型
  10570. initial free space ==> 初始自由空间
  10571. initial frequency ==> 起始频率
  10572. initial friction compensation ==> 始動時摩擦補償
  10573. initial fuel charge ==> 初始装燃料量
  10574. initial fuel-conversion ratio ==> 初始燃料转换比
  10575. initial function ==> 初始函数
  10576. initial fund ==> 开办基金,开办资金
  10577. initial gamma radiation ==> 初始γ射线辐射
  10578. initial gap ==> 初始间隔
  10579. initial generating level ==> 初期发电水位,根据水库初期蓄水的进度、水轮机的最小工作水头,以及其他综合利用和移民方面的要求的水库最低水位,所确定的水电站初期运行的起始水位,即初期发电水位
  10580. initial gradient ==> 初始坡降
  10581. initial great-circle course ==> 初始大圆航路
  10582. initial growth ==> 初期成長層
  10583. initial guess ==> 初始猜测值
  10584. initial hardness ==> 初始硬度,起始硬度
  10585. initial heading ==> 初始航向
  10586. initial heat ==> 初发热,初热
  10587. initial heat of hydration ==> 初始水化热
  10588. initial hematuria ==> 开始血尿
  10589. initial ignition ==> 初点火
  10590. initial ignition voltage ==> 初始点燃电压
  10591. initial ignorance ==> 起始未知
  10592. initial impulse ==> 起始脉冲
  10593. initial imput routine ==> 起始输入程序
  10594. initial incidence angle ==> 初始入射角
  10595. initial inclination ==> 初始倾斜角
  10596. initial incubation period ==> 最初培育期
  10597. initial index ==> 初始变址
  10598. initial index of refraction ==> 初始折射率
  10599. initial infiltration rate ==> 初期浸透强度
  10600. initial information ==> 初始信息
  10601. initial injection ==> 起始喷射
  10602. initial input program ==> 初始输入程序
  10603. initial input routine ==> 初始输入程序
  10604. initial installation ==> 初期装机
  10605. initial installation expense ==> 最初装备费
  10606. initial instruction ==> 起始指令
  10607. initial internal pressure ==> 初始内压
  10608. initial interval ==> 初始间隔
  10609. initial inventory ==> 期初存货
  10610. initial inverse voltage ==> 起始反向电压,初始反向电压
  10611. initial inversion ==> (粒子数)初始反转
  10612. initial investment ==> 初期投资,创办投资,期初投资,最初投资
  10613. initial ion pair ==> 初始离子对
  10614. initial ionization ==> 起始电离
  10615. initial isobaric period ==> 初始等压时间
  10616. initial lag ==> 初始滞后
  10617. initial landform ==> 原地形
  10618. initial lead ==> 提前量
  10619. initial leaf ==> 初生叶
  10620. initial length ==> 初长度
  10621. initial lesion ==> 初期损害
  10622. initial level ==> 初始能级,初始水平,基准面标高
  10623. initial line ==> 极轴,开始行,始线,初始线,初始行,起线
  10624. initial load ==> 初负荷,初始调入,初始负载,初始装入
  10625. initial loader ==> 初始装入程序
  10626. initial loading ==> 初始装入
  10627. initial lock mechanism ==> 初始闭锁机构
  10628. initial loss ==> 初始损失,开办期损失
  10629. initial lubrication ==> 起动润滑
  10630. initial luminosity function ==> 初始光度函数
  10631. initial machine code (IMC) ==> 初始机器码
  10632. initial machine load (IML) ==> 初始机器加载
  10633. initial magnetic field ==> 初始磁场
  10634. initial magnetization ==> 初磁化
  10635. initial magnetization characteristic ==> 起始磁化特性
  10636. initial magnetization curve ==> 起始磁化曲线=>初磁化曲線
  10637. initial magnetizing current ==> 初磁化電流
  10638. initial magnification ==> 初始放大率
  10639. initial main sequence ==> 初始主序
  10640. initial main sequence star ==> 初始主序星
  10641. initial management ==> 初期管理
  10642. initial margin ==> 暂定按金,初始保证金,期货交易双方在合约成交之后,第二天开市之前在各自经纪人处存入的保证金
  10643. initial market share ==> 初期市场占有率
  10644. initial mass function (IMF) ==> 初始质量函数
  10645. initial material ==> 原始物料
  10646. initial measurement ==> 初始量测
  10647. initial medium ==> 初始介质
  10648. initial memory address ==> 初始存储器地址
  10649. initial microprogram loading (IML) ==> 初始微程序装入
  10650. initial mode ==> 初始方式,起始方法
  10651. initial model ==> 初始模型
  10652. initial modulus ==> 初始模量,起始模量
  10653. initial moisture deficiency ==> 初始水分不足量
  10654. initial moment ==> 初力矩,原力矩
  10655. initial momentum ==> 初始动量
  10656. initial motion ==> 初动
  10657. initial Newtonian viscosity ==> 起始牛顿粘度
  10658. initial nuclear radiation ==> 初始核辐射
  10659. initial numberical data ==> 原始数据
  10660. initial operation ==> 初始操作,投料试车
  10661. initial operational capability ==> 初步作战能力
  10662. initial orbit ==> 初轨
  10663. initial order ==> 初始顺序,初始指令,起始指令,首批订货
  10664. initial orders ==> 起始程序
  10665. initial outlay ==> 初始投资
  10666. initial output ==> 初期产量
  10667. initial output test ==> 起始出力试验
  10668. initial overburden pressure ==> 起始超载压力
  10669. initial parameter ==> 初始参数,初值参数
  10670. initial parameters ==> 最初参数
  10671. initial parenchyma ==> 轮始薄壁组织,原始薄壁组织
  10672. initial particle ==> 原始粒子
  10673. initial payment ==> 分期付款中的首次付款,首期付款
  10674. initial penetration rate ==> 初始钻速
  10675. initial permeability ==> 初磁导率,起始导磁率=>初透磁率
  10676. initial perturbation ==> 初始微扰
  10677. initial phase ==> 初起阶段,初始相,初位相,初相位=>初期位相
  10678. initial phase angle ==> 初相角=>初期位相角
  10679. initial phase of oscillation ==> 振荡初相
  10680. initial photon density ==> 初始光子密度
  10681. initial pile ==> 原堆
  10682. initial pitting ==> 初期点蚀
  10683. initial placement condition ==> 初始填筑条件
  10684. initial planning ==> 原规划
  10685. initial point ==> 原点,初始点,初始位置,起始点,始点
  10686. initial point of expansion ==> 膨胀起点
  10687. initial pole position ==> 初期磁極位置
  10688. initial population ==> 原始群体
  10689. initial population inversion ==> 初始粒子数反转
  10690. initial porosity ==> 起始孔隙率
  10691. initial portion ==> 初始部分
  10692. initial position ==> 起点
  10693. initial potential distribution ==> 初期電位分布
  10694. initial potential flowing ==> 初始自喷产量
  10695. initial power ==> 初始功率,起动功率,启动功率
  10696. initial premium ==> 初期保险费
  10697. initial pressure ==> 初始压力,初压
  10698. initial prestress ==> 初预应力
  10699. initial price ==> 开价
  10700. initial problem ==> 初始问题
  10701. initial procedure ==> 初始过程
  10702. initial process name ==> 初始过程名,初始进程名
  10703. initial production ==> 初期产量
  10704. initial production check ==> 开始生产检验
  10705. initial program ==> 初始程序
  10706. initial program load (IPL) ==> 初始程序装入
  10707. initial program load mode switch ==> 初始程序装入方式开关
  10708. initial program loader ==> 初期プログラムローダ
  10709. initial program loader (IPL) ==> 初始程序的装入程序,初始程序装入程序
  10710. initial program loader(IPL) ==> 初始程序的装入程序
  10711. initial program loading ==> 初始程序调入
  10712. initial program loading (IPL) ==> 初始程序装入
  10713. initial protion ==> 原始部分
  10714. initial pulse ==> 始脉冲
  10715. initial quality ==> 原有的质量
  10716. initial rain ==> 初始雨量
  10717. initial rainfall ==> 初期降雨
  10718. initial range ==> 原始距离
  10719. initial rate ==> 初速度
  10720. initial rate of absorption ==> 吸收初速
  10721. initial rate of dyeing ==> 初染速率
  10722. initial rate of flow ==> 乳流的初速
  10723. initial rate of penetration ==> 初始钻速
  10724. initial ray ==> 原始射线
  10725. initial reactor core ==> 初始堆芯,又称“初装堆芯”。全部装载首次入堆的新燃料组件的堆芯,也就是新建核电厂反应堆装入的第一个堆芯。在反应堆整个寿期内初始堆芯的后备反应性最大
  10726. initial reading ==> 初次读数,初读数,初始读数
  10727. initial relative permeability ==> 初始相对渗透性
  10728. initial request ==> 初始请求
  10729. initial reserve ==> 初期准备金
  10730. initial reset ==> 初始复位
  10731. initial resistance ==> 初阻力
  10732. initial retention ==> 初保持量
  10733. initial reverberation time ==> 初始混响时间
  10734. initial reverse voltage ==> 初始反向电压=>飛躍逆電圧
  10735. initial rise ==> 初升
  10736. initial rotor phase estimation ==> 初期位相推定
  10737. initial rotor position estimation ==> 始動位置検出
  10738. initial row ==> 起始行
  10739. initial rubber ==> 原料胶
  10740. initial run ==> 开始运转
  10741. initial run-in ==> 初次磨合运转
  10742. initial samples ==> 原始油样
  10743. initial saturation ==> 原始饱和度
  10744. initial segment ==> 初始段,初始线段
  10745. initial sensitivity ==> 初始灵敏度
  10746. initial sentential form ==> 初始句型
  10747. initial separatory cell ==> 粗选槽
  10748. initial serum dilution ==> 起始血清稀释度
  10749. initial set ==> 初变定,初变形
  10750. initial setter ==> 起始置位器
  10751. initial setting ==> 初调,初始位置,初整定
  10752. initial setting time ==> 初凝时间
  10753. initial shear stress ratio ==> 初始剪应力比
  10754. initial shear thrust ==> 原始剪冲断层
  10755. initial shot start pressure ==> 初始发射压强
  10756. initial shut-in ==> 初关井
  10757. initial shut-in pressure ==> 初始关闭压力
  10758. initial side ==> 起算边
  10759. initial signal ==> 起始信号
  10760. initial skid resistance ==> 原始抗滑力
  10761. initial slow decay ==> 初始慢衰减
  10762. initial smallpox vaccination reaction ==> 初种反应
  10763. initial soil ==> 原始土壤
  10764. initial soil storage ==> 初期土壤储水量
  10765. initial solution ==> 初始解
  10766. initial special depreciation ==> 初期特别折旧
  10767. initial species ==> 原始种
  10768. initial speed ==> 初速
  10769. initial speed initial rate ==> 初速
  10770. initial spin ==> 初始自旋
  10771. initial stability ==> 初稳性
  10772. initial stage ==> 初创阶段,初始阶段,草创时期,(生态)原始期
  10773. initial stage of production ==> 开采初期
  10774. initial stages of selection ==> 选择的初期阶段
  10775. initial star ==> 初始恒星
  10776. initial start ==> 初始启动
  10777. initial start-up ==> 初次起动
  10778. initial start-up period ==> 最初起动期
  10779. initial starting ==> 起步
  10780. initial state ==> 初(始状)态,初态
  10781. initial state function ==> 初态函数
  10782. initial state manifold ==> 初态流形
  10783. initial statement ==> 开始语句
  10784. initial static pressure ==> 起始静压力
  10785. initial stationary phase ==> 最初静止期
  10786. initial steady discharge ==> 初始稳定流量,原稳定流量
  10787. initial steady level ==> 原稳定水位
  10788. initial steam flow rate ==> 主蒸汽流量,通过汽轮机主汽阀的蒸汽流量
  10789. initial steam pressure ==> 进汽压力,新汽压力
  10790. initial steam pressure regulator ==> 新汽压力调节器
  10791. initial steam temperature ==> 新汽温度
  10792. initial step ==> 起步
  10793. initial storage ==> 初始库容
  10794. initial storage gas weight ==> 压缩气体最初重量
  10795. initial strain ==> 初始应变,初应变
  10796. initial strength ==> 初始强度
  10797. initial stress ==> 初应力
  10798. initial stress method ==> 初始应力法,初应力法
  10799. initial strong component ==> 初始强分量
  10800. initial substance ==> 起始物质
  10801. initial subtransient short-circuit current ==> 起始次暂态短路电流
  10802. initial sum ==> 起始和,初始和
  10803. initial sun ==> 初始太阳
  10804. initial surface ==> 起始面
  10805. initial surge voltage ==> 初始浪涌电压
  10806. initial surplus ==> 期初盈余
  10807. initial survey ==> 初测,初检
  10808. initial susceptibility ==> 起始磁化率
  10809. initial symbol ==> 初始符号
  10810. initial symmetrical short-circuit current ==> 对称短路电流初始值,三相对称短路时,短路电流中对称交流分量的初始有效值
  10811. initial symmetrical short-circuit[apparent] ==> 对称短路视在功率初始值,power
  10812. initial symptom ==> 最初症状
  10813. initial synchronization ==> 初并网,初始同步
  10814. initial table ==> 初始表
  10815. initial tableau ==> 初始表
  10816. initial tangent modulus ==> 原切模数
  10817. initial tangential modulus ==> 初始切线模量
  10818. initial tape ==> 起始带
  10819. initial task index ==> 起始任务指标
  10820. initial tax on land per-mu ==> 初税亩
  10821. initial temperature ==> 初始温度,初温,最初温度
  10822. initial temperature difference ==> 初温差
  10823. initial temperature difference of condenser ==> 凝汽器初始温差,凝汽器中汽轮机排汽温度与冷却水进口温度之差
  10824. initial tension ==> 初拉力,初始张力,初张力,原张力
  10825. initial term ==> 初始项,初项
  10826. initial thrust ==> 初始推力,起始推力
  10827. initial time ==> 出发时间
  10828. initial torque ==> 初始力矩
  10829. initial toxicity ==> 初期毒性
  10830. initial transient ==> 初始瞬值
  10831. initial transition ==> 初步转轨
  10832. initial transmission ==> 初始透过率
  10833. initial treatment ==> 初步处理
  10834. initial treaty ==> 初期契约
  10835. initial tree ==> 起始树
  10836. initial trim ==> 空船首尾吃水差
  10837. initial turbulence ==> 初始湍流
  10838. initial unbalance ==> 初始不平衡量
  10839. initial unloaded sag ==> 起始无载垂度
  10840. initial upper bound solution ==> 初始上界解
  10841. initial utility ==> 最初效用
  10842. initial vacuum ==> 初期减压,前真空
  10843. initial value ==> 初期值,初始值,初值,始值
  10844. initial value compensation ==> 初期値補償
  10845. initial value estimator ==> 初值估计器
  10846. initial value method ==> 初值方法
  10847. initial value parameter ==> 初值参数
  10848. initial value problem problem of ordinary differential equation ==> 常微分方程式の初期値問題
  10849. initial value setting circuit ==> 初期値設定回路
  10850. initial value theorem ==> 初值定理=>初期値定理
  10851. initial values ==> 初期値
  10852. initial velocity ==> 初速
  10853. initial velocity of reaction ==> 反应初速度
  10854. initial verification ==> 初回検証
  10855. initial vertex ==> 初始顶点,起始顶点,始点
  10856. initial void ratio ==> 初始孔隙比,原始孔隙比
  10857. initial voltage ==> 起始电压
  10858. initial voltage response ==> 起始电压响应
  10859. initial volume ==> 初始体积
  10860. initial water deficiency ==> 初始水分不足量
  10861. initial water level ==> 点火水位,保持汽轮机进汽参数不变,通过改变进汽调节汽阀的个数和开度来改变进汽量,使汽轮机升速、定速、与电网并列,并满足电网对负荷要求的运行方式。
  10862. initial water production ==> 初产水量
  10863. initial wave ==> 初生波
  10864. initial weight ==> 初始重量,初重
  10865. initial workpiece ==> 首件
  10866. initial yaw ==> 初始摇摆
  10867. initial yield value ==> 初始屈服值,起始屈服值
  10868. initial zone, zero zone ==> 零时区
  10869. initial-abstraction retention ==> (降水的)初始截留
  10870. initial-abstraction retention (降水的) ==> 初始截留
  10871. initial-access time ==> 初始存取时间,初始访问时间
  10872. initial-condition circuit ==> 起始条件电路
  10873. initial-short circuit current ==> 起始短路电流
  10874. initial-value declaration ==> 初值说明
  10875. initial-value problem ==> 初值问题
  10876. initial-value theorem ==> 初值定理
  10877. initialization ==> 初始化
  10878. initialization mode ==> 初始化方式
  10879. initialization statement ==> 初始化语句
  10880. initialize ==> 初始化
  10881. initialize a variable ==> 给变量赋初值
  10882. initialize data ==> 预置数据
  10883. initialize format ==> 预置格式
  10884. initialize operation ==> 预置操作
  10885. initialize program ==> 预置程序
  10886. initialize routine ==> 预置程序,起始程序,初始化程序
  10887. initialize signal ==> 初始信号
  10888. initialize utility ==> 预置实用程序
  10889. initialize verification ==> 预置校验
  10890. initialize, to ==> 初期化する
  10891. initializer routine ==> 起始程序
  10892. initially twisted beam ==> 扭曲线型梁
  10893. initiate ==> 开始,首创=>始める,開始する
  10894. initiate key ==> 起动键
  10895. initiate log-on request ==> 启动请求
  10896. initiate mode ==> 启用状态
  10897. initiate poll ==> 起动询问
  10898. initiate potential ==> 启动电位
  10899. initiate stage of the engineering system ==> 工程系统的开发阶段
  10900. initiate statement ==> 初值化语句
  10901. initiating agent ==> 起爆药
  10902. initiating charge ==> 起爆药
  10903. initiating composition ==> 起爆药
  10904. initiating electron ==> 初始电子
  10905. initiating element ==> 起动元件=>起動要素
  10906. initiating explosive ==> 起爆药,引炸药
  10907. initiating laser ==> 引爆激光器
  10908. initiating mechanism ==> 引发机构,起动装置
  10909. initiating particle ==> 原始粒子
  10910. initiating process ==> 起始过程
  10911. initiating pulse ==> 起动脉冲,触发脉冲
  10912. initiating relay ==> 始动继电器=>始動リレー
  10913. initiating signal ==> 起动信号
  10914. initiating task ==> 启动任务,初始任务
  10915. initiating trigger ==> 起始触发器
  10916. initiating unit ==> 起动元件
  10917. initiation ==> 加入,入会,成年式,イニシエーション,開始,始動,創業
  10918. initiation area discriminator ==> 初始区域鉴别器,起始区判别器
  10919. initiation complex ==> 起始复合物
  10920. initiation control device ==> 起始控制装置
  10921. initiation defect ==> 開始欠損
  10922. initiation delay ==> 起動遅延
  10923. initiation effect ==> 開始効果
  10924. initiation efficiency ==> 開始効率
  10925. initiation of flame ==> 火焰的发生
  10926. initiation of lactation ==> 泌乳开始
  10927. initiation point ==> 起爆点
  10928. initiation site ==> 起动位点
  10929. initiation system ==> 起爆系统
  10930. initiative ==> 起始,初步,能动性=>イニシアチブ,主導,発議,独創力,第一歩,構想,戦略
  10931. initiative project ==> 先導的プロジェクト
  10932. initiative reaction ==> 起步反应
  10933. initiative role ==> 主導的役割
  10934. initiator ==> 启动站
  10935. initiator program ==> 起始程序,初始程序
  10936. initiator-terminator ==> 启动终止程序,启动终止程序
  10937. initil output ==> 初始产量
  10938. INJ, injector ==> インジェクター
  10939. inject ==> 注入,射入,注射,喷射
  10940. injected beam-backward wave oscillator ==> 注入式返波振荡管
  10941. injected body ==> 贯入体
  10942. injected charge ==> 注入电荷
  10943. injected electron ==> 注入电子
  10944. injected electrons ==> 注入的电子
  10945. injected frequency ==> 注入频率
  10946. injected fuel spray ==> 燃料喷雾
  10947. injected gas ==> 注入气
  10948. injected hole ==> 注浆孔,灌浆凝固钻孔
  10949. injected holes ==> 注入的空穴
  10950. injected laser ==> 注入型激光器
  10951. injected mass ==> 贯入体
  10952. injected plasma ==> 注入等离子体
  10953. injected pulse ==> 注入脉冲
  10954. injected stream ==> 注入流
  10955. injected value of current ==> 注入电流值
  10956. injected weight ==> 軌道投入重量
  10957. injecting contact ==> 注入接触
  10958. injecting electrode ==> 注入电极
  10959. injecting electrode structure ==> 注入电极结构
  10960. injecting nozzle ==> 喷嘴
  10961. injecting particle ==> 注入粒子
  10962. injecting system ==> 注入系统
  10963. injecting voltage ==> 注入电压
  10964. injection ==> 注入,注射,喷射,铸入,注频,注射,注射法,注射剂,注射液,引射,灌浆,灌入,单射,入射,进入轨道,针剂,射入轨道,肌注=>注入(半導体)
  10965. injection (mo(u)lding) machine ==> 注射成型机
  10966. injection adjusting apparatus ==> 注射液调节器
  10967. injection advance ==> 喷油提前
  10968. injection advance device ==> 喷油提前装置
  10969. injection air ==> 喷射空气
  10970. injection amplifier ==> 注入式放大器
  10971. injection angle ==> 注入角,喷射角
  10972. injection band spreading ==> 注射谱带扩展
  10973. injection block ==> 注射块
  10974. injection blow mo(u)lding ==> 注射吹塑
  10975. injection blow molding ==> 注坯吹塑
  10976. injection breccia ==> 贯入角砾岩
  10977. injection burner ==> 引射式喷燃器
  10978. injection cam ==> 喷油凸轮
  10979. injection carburetor ==> 喷射式汽化器
  10980. injection carburettor ==> 喷射式汽化器
  10981. injection catheter ==> 注射导管
  10982. injection chamber ==> 压射室
  10983. injection channel ==> 注入通道
  10984. injection circuit ==> 注入电路,信号注入电路
  10985. injection cock ==> 注射旋塞
  10986. injection complex ==> 贯入杂岩
  10987. injection condenser ==> 喷射冷凝器,喷水凝气器
  10988. injection condition ==> 注入条件
  10989. injection conditions ==> 喷射条件
  10990. injection cooking ==> 注液蒸煮法
  10991. injection cooler ==> 喷射式冷凝器
  10992. injection cooling ==> 喷射冷却,注入冷却
  10993. injection coupling ==> 注入耦合
  10994. injection cross section[station] ==> 注入横截面[部位]
  10995. injection cup ==> 喷头
  10996. injection current ==> 注入电流
  10997. injection cylinder ==> (压铸用)压射缸
  10998. injection delay ==> 喷射迟缓
  10999. injection density ==> 喷射密度
  11000. injection depth ==> 注射深度
  11001. injection device ==> 注入装置
  11002. injection differential pressure ==> 喷嘴的压降
  11003. injection diode ==> 注入二极管
  11004. injection domain ==> 注入区
  11005. injection doping ==> 注入掺杂
  11006. injection drain pipe ==> 喷射器放油管
  11007. injection drawing process ==> 注拉法
  11008. injection drop ==> 喷嘴压降
  11009. injection duration ==> 喷射持续时间
  11010. injection dyeing machine ==> 喷射式染色机
  11011. injection efficiency ==> 注入系数=>注入効率,注入率
  11012. injection electroluminescence ==> 注入式电致发光
  11013. injection equipment ==> 喷射机构
  11014. injection error ==> 注射误差
  11015. injection feeder ==> 喷射进料器
  11016. injection fiber ==> 注入光纤
  11017. injection field ==> 注入场
  11018. injection flow ==> 注入流
  11019. injection flow [rate] ==> 喷水量,锅筒锅炉运行中,为了保证锅水含盐量在规定的限度内,将部分含盐较浓的锅水从锅筒中连续不断排出的过程。
  11020. injection flow method ==> 注射流动方法
  11021. injection fluid ==> 注入流体
  11022. injection force ==> 注射力
  11023. injection gas-fluid ratio ==> 注入气油比
  11024. injection gear ==> 喷射装置
  11025. injection gneiss ==> 贯入片麻岩
  11026. injection grease gun ==> 高压黄油枪
  11027. injection grid ==> 注入式栅极
  11028. injection head ==> 喷头
  11029. injection heater ==> 注射加热器
  11030. injection heating ==> 注入加热
  11031. injection heparin ==> 肝素注射液
  11032. injection hotspot ==> 注射加热部位
  11033. injection instant ==> 注入瞬间
  11034. injection integrated logic ==> 集成注入逻辑
  11035. injection interval ==> 喷油间隔
  11036. injection junction laser ==> 注入式激光器
  11037. injection kit ==> 注射器械包
  11038. injection lag ==> 喷射迟缓
  11039. injection laser ==> 注入型激光器=>注入形半導体レーザ
  11040. injection length ==> 注入时间
  11041. injection level ==> 注入电平
  11042. injection life ==> 注射寿命
  11043. injection line ==> 高压燃油管
  11044. injection locked oscillator ==> 注频锁相振荡器
  11045. injection locking ==> 注入锁定=>注入同期(レーザ)
  11046. injection logic ==> 注入逻辑
  11047. injection luminescence ==> 注入发光
  11048. injection luminescent diode ==> 注入式发光二极管
  11049. injection machine ==> 喷射机=>射出成形機
  11050. injection magnet ==> 注入磁铁
  11051. injection mechanism ==> 喷射机构
  11052. injection metamorphis ==> 贯入变质作用
  11053. injection metasomatism ==> 贯入交代作用
  11054. injection method ==> 喷射法
  11055. injection method in tunnel construction ==> 注射法隧道施工
  11056. injection mo (u)lding ==> 喷射铸造法
  11057. injection mo(u)lded part ==> 喷射成形零件
  11058. injection mo(u)lded plasitcs ==> 喷射成形塑料
  11059. injection mo(u)lder ==> 注射模型成形机
  11060. injection mo(u)lding ==> 注射塑制,注塑成型,注塑铸造法,压射成型
  11061. injection mo(u)lding machine ==> 喷射模铸机
  11062. injection mode ==> 注入方式
  11063. injection modulator ==> 注频调制器
  11064. injection mold ==> 注摸
  11065. injection molded container ==> 射出成形容器
  11066. injection molded plate ==> 射出成形板
  11067. injection molder ==> 注射模型成形机=>射出成形機
  11068. injection molding ==> 射出成形
  11069. injection molding equipment ==> 射出成形機器
  11070. injection molding machine ==> 注入成型机=>射出成形機
  11071. injection molding press ==> 注射模型成形机=>射出成形機
  11072. injection moulding machine ==> 注塑成型机=>射出成形機
  11073. injection neutral beam ==> 注入中性束
  11074. injection noise ==> 喷射噪声
  11075. injection nozzle ==> 注射管嘴
  11076. injection nozzle carrier ==> 喷嘴架
  11077. injection nozzle tester ==> 喷油嘴试验器,喷嘴实验器
  11078. injection of ammonia ==> 喷氨处理
  11079. injection of corticotropin zinc ==> 促皮质素锌注射液
  11080. injection oil engine ==> 喷油发动机
  11081. injection optics ==> 注入光学
  11082. injection optics diagram ==> 注入光学系统图
  11083. injection orbit ==> 注入轨道
  11084. injection orbit radius ==> 注入轨道半径
  11085. injection order ==> 喷射顺序
  11086. injection orebody ==> 贯入矿体
  11087. injection orifice ==> 注射孔口
  11088. injection parameter ==> 注入参数
  11089. injection period ==> 喷射期
  11090. injection phase ==> 注入位置
  11091. injection phase angle ==> 注入相位角
  11092. injection phase locking ==> 注入锁相
  11093. injection pipe ==> 喷射管
  11094. injection piston ==> 注射柱塞,压塞
  11095. injection plunger ==> 注射柱塞
  11096. injection point ==> 注入位置
  11097. injection port ==> 注入孔
  11098. injection press ==> 射出成形機
  11099. injection pressure ==> 注入压力,灌注压力,喷射压力,喷注压力,压射压力
  11100. injection process ==> 喷射法,灌浆法,注液法
  11101. injection project ==> 注水计划
  11102. injection pulse ==> 注入脉冲
  11103. injection pump ==> 喷射油泵,喷油泵
  11104. injection pump assembly ==> 喷油泵总成
  11105. injection pump barrel ==> 喷油泵套筒
  11106. injection pump housing ==> 喷射泵体
  11107. injection pump plunger ==> 喷射泵柱塞,喷油泵柱塞
  11108. injection pump stroke ==> 喷油泵柱塞行程
  11109. injection quadrant ==> 注入象限
  11110. injection ram ==> 注射活塞
  11111. injection rate ==> 注入率,喷吹率
  11112. injection ratio ==> 注入系数
  11113. injection regime ==> 注入方式
  11114. injection region ==> 注入区
  11115. injection revolution frequency ==> 注入绕转频率
  11116. injection rinsing machine ==> 喷洗机
  11117. injection scheme ==> 喷射图
  11118. injection schlieren ==> 贯入异离体
  11119. injection semiconductor laser ==> 注入形半导体激光器=>注入形半導体レーザ
  11120. injection site ==> 注射部位
  11121. injection source ==> 喷射源
  11122. injection splicer ==> 注压接头机
  11123. injection spray pipe ==> 喷雾管
  11124. injection starter ==> 注射起动机
  11125. injection station ==> (色液测流法的)注入站
  11126. injection straight section ==> 注入直线段
  11127. injection stream ==> 喷射流,喷嘴射流
  11128. injection syringe ==> 注射管
  11129. injection technique ==> 注入技术
  11130. injection technology ==> 注入工艺
  11131. injection temperation ==> 喷射温度
  11132. injection testing ==> 注入试验
  11133. injection therapy of internal hemorroid ==> 内痔注射疗法
  11134. injection time ==> 注入时间
  11135. injection timing ==> 喷油定时,喷油时限
  11136. injection trajectory ==> 注入轨道
  11137. injection tube ==> 注入管,注射管
  11138. injection valve ==> 喷射阀=>注入バルブ
  11139. injection water ==> 喷射水,注射水
  11140. injection water cooling ==> 喷水冷却
  11141. injection wear ==> 喷射磨损
  11142. injection well ==> 注入井,补给井
  11143. injection work ==> 喷射功
  11144. injection-fluid front ==> 注入剂前缘
  11145. injection-locked magnetron ==> 注频锁定磁控管
  11146. injection-molded item ==> 注压制品
  11147. injection-type engine ==> 喷射式发动机
  11148. injection-valve closing pressure ==> 喷油阀关闭压力
  11149. injection-valve opening pressure ==> 喷油阀开启压力
  11150. injection-well plugging ==> 注入井堵塞
  11151. injective cochain complex ==> 内射上链复形
  11152. injective dimension ==> 内射维数
  11153. injective function ==> 内射的函数
  11154. injective homomorphism ==> 内射同态
  11155. injective module ==> 内射模
  11156. injective resolution ==> 内射分解
  11157. injectivity index ==> 吸水指数
  11158. injectivity test ==> 注入井试井
  11159. injectivity-index test ==> 注水系数测试
  11160. injector ==> 注模机,注入极,注入器,注射器,注水器,引射器,喷射泵,喷射器,喷油器,喷注器,进样器
  11161. injector accelerator ==> 注入器加速器
  11162. injector anode ==> 注入器阳极
  11163. injector assembly ==> 喷油嘴总成
  11164. injector blowpipe ==> 喷射式焊炬,低压喷焊器
  11165. injector body ==> 喷射器体,注吸器体
  11166. injector cathode ==> 注入器阴极
  11167. injector circuit ==> 注入电路
  11168. injector circulation ==> 喷射循环
  11169. injector column ==> 注入器柱
  11170. injector combining nozzle ==> 喷射器联合嘴
  11171. injector condenser ==> 注射冷凝器
  11172. injector configuration ==> 喷嘴排布
  11173. injector cooling pump ==> 喷油器冷却泵
  11174. injector current ==> 注入器束流
  11175. injector delivery ==> 喷射器输出管,喷嘴器输出管
  11176. injector dribble gallery pipe ==> 喷射器滴油总管
  11177. injector efficiency ==> 注入器效率
  11178. injector emittance ==> 注入器发射
  11179. injector face ==> 喷射头部表面,喷嘴头部面积
  11180. injector fuel pipe ==> 注射燃料管
  11181. injector gas burner ==> 高压煤气喷烧器
  11182. injector grid ==> 喷嘴网,注入栅极
  11183. injector gun ==> 注入器枪
  11184. injector head ==> 喷射头
  11185. injector hole area ==> 喷嘴孔的通过截面面积
  11186. injector junction ==> 注入结
  11187. injector kier ==> 注射式煮布锅
  11188. injector manifold ==> 喷雾器管道,喷雾器集流腔
  11189. injector mixer ==> 喷射混合器,注射混合器
  11190. injector modulator ==> 注入器调制器
  11191. injector nozzle ==> 喷射器嘴
  11192. injector nozzle holder ==> 喷射器嘴座
  11193. injector orifice ==> 喷油嘴孔
  11194. injector output ==> 注入器输出
  11195. injector overflow ==> 喷油器溢流孔
  11196. injector overflow pipe ==> 喷射器溢油管
  11197. injector port ==> 注射口
  11198. injector pump ==> 喷射泵,高压油泵
  11199. injector section ==> 注入器部分
  11200. injector set ==> 喷嘴组
  11201. injector setting ==> (喷射器)喷油嘴的安装
  11202. injector slot ==> 喷射器缝口
  11203. injector spacing ==> 喷嘴间距
  11204. injector spray tip ==> 喷射器喷头,喷嘴头
  11205. injector stage ==> 注入器级
  11206. injector staging ==> 喷嘴的配置,喷嘴配置
  11207. injector stop valve ==> 喷射器断流阀
  11208. injector stud ==> 喷油嘴固定螺柱
  11209. injector terminal ==> 注入器高压电极
  11210. injector testing ==> 喷射器试验
  11211. injector torch ==> 喷射式焊炬,低压吹管
  11212. injector tube ==> 注入器管道
  11213. injector tunnel ==> 注入孔道
  11214. injector valve ==> 喷油嘴针阀
  11215. injector ventilation ==> 注射通风
  11216. injector wall ==> 注射器壁
  11217. injector-type mill ==> 喷射式磨机
  11218. INJPP, injector purge portcap ==> インジェクタパージポートキャップ
  11219. injunction ==> 禁令,禁止令,禁制令,法院命令,法院强制令
  11220. injured by leaf-eating insect ==> 遭受食叶性昆虫的危害
  11221. injured party ==> 受害方
  11222. injured powder ==> 变质炸药
  11223. injurious beast of forest ==> 森林害兽
  11224. injurious bird of forest ==> 森林害鸟
  11225. injurious deformation ==> 有害变形
  11226. injurious ingredient ==> 有害成分
  11227. injurious insect ==> 害虫
  11228. injurous defect ==> 有害缺陷
  11229. injury by falling ==> 坠落伤
  11230. injury by nuclear ==> 核武器损伤
  11231. injury by nuclear weapon ==> 核武器损伤
  11232. injury due to electromagnetic field ==> 电磁场伤害,人体在电磁场作用下因吸收电磁波辐射而受到的伤害
  11233. injury of alveolar bone ==> 牙槽骨损伤
  11234. injury of anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint ==> 膝关节前十字韧带损伤
  11235. injury of birth canal ==> 产道损伤
  11236. injury of bladder and urethra ==> 膀胱尿道损伤
  11237. injury of cervical part of esophagus ==> 颈段食管伤,颈段食管伤
  11238. injury of cruciate ligment of knee joint ==> 膝十字韧带损伤
  11239. injury of diaphragm ==> 膈肌损伤,膈外伤
  11240. injury of digital nerve ==> 指神经损伤
  11241. injury of facial bone ==> 颜面骨损伤
  11242. injury of facial soft tissue ==> 颜面软组织损伤
  11243. injury of great vessel of abdominal cavity ==> 腹腔内大血管伤
  11244. injury of hollow viscus ==> 空腔性脏器损伤
  11245. injury of hypothalamus ==> 下丘脑损伤
  11246. injury of interspinal ligament ==> 棘间韧带损伤
  11247. injury of joint ==> 关节损伤
  11248. injury of knee joint ==> 膝关节损伤
  11249. injury of lateral meniscus ==> 外侧半月板损伤
  11250. injury of lower abdomen ==> 气门伤
  11251. injury of medial collateral ligament of knee joint ==> 膝关节内侧副韧带损伤
  11252. injury of mouth ==> 口腔损伤
  11253. injury of muscle and tendon ==> 肌肉肌腱损伤
  11254. injury of orbit ==> 眶部损伤
  11255. injury of penis ==> 阴茎损伤
  11256. injury of peripheral vessels ==> 周围血管创伤
  11257. injury of pharynx ==> 咽损伤
  11258. injury of phrenic nerve ==> 膈神经损伤
  11259. injury of pituitary gland ==> 垂体损伤
  11260. injury of radial nerve ==> 尺神经损伤,桡神经损伤
  11261. injury of sciatic nerve ==> 坐骨神经损伤
  11262. injury of sinus of nose ==> 鼻窦损伤
  11263. injury of small intestine ==> 小肠损伤
  11264. injury of spermatic cord ==> 精索损伤
  11265. injury of spinal cord ==> 脊髓损伤
  11266. injury of spleen ==> 脾损伤
  11267. injury of teeth ==> 牙损伤
  11268. injury of tendon of quadriceps femoris ==> 股四头肌腱损伤
  11269. injury of testis ==> 睾丸损伤
  11270. injury of the soft tissue of elbow ==> 肘部伤筋
  11271. injury of triquetral bone ==> 腕三角骨损伤
  11272. injury of urinary tract ==> 尿路损伤
  11273. injury of vestibular nerve ==> 前庭神经损害
  11274. injury of zygomatic bone ==> 颧骨伤
  11275. injury potential ==> 损伤电位
  11276. ink ==> 油墨,墨水,墨汁
  11277. ink adjustment key ==> 墨斗键
  11278. ink and wash ==> 水墨画
  11279. ink bleed ==> 墨水渗迹,渗墨,(光符识别)墨水渗出
  11280. ink box ==> 墨盒
  11281. ink cartridge ==> 墨水盒
  11282. ink case and paper-weight ==> 墨盒和镇尺
  11283. ink density ==> 墨水浓度
  11284. ink disease ==> 墨汁病,黑水病
  11285. ink distribution ==> 打墨
  11286. ink dot ==> 墨点
  11287. ink dot recognition ==> 墨水点识别
  11288. ink drawing ==> 墨水画,墨线图
  11289. ink droplet ==> 墨滴
  11290. ink duct roller ==> 墨斗辊
  11291. ink dyestuff ==> 墨水色料
  11292. ink eraser ==> 擦墨器
  11293. ink essence ==> 墨水精
  11294. ink film ==> 墨膜,彩色胶片
  11295. ink film split ==> 墨膜分离
  11296. ink film thickness ==> 油墨层厚度
  11297. ink fish ==> 墨鱼
  11298. ink floatation test ==> 墨水飘浮试验法
  11299. ink flow control ==> 墨流控制
  11300. ink fog printer ==> 墨水喷雾式印刷机,墨水雾印刷机
  11301. ink fountain ==> 墨斗
  11302. ink fountain agitator ==> 墨斗搅拌器
  11303. ink gland ==> 墨腺
  11304. ink gloss ==> 印刷面光泽
  11305. ink grinding mill ==> 轧墨机
  11306. ink jet console ==> 喷墨式控制台打字机
  11307. ink jet plotter ==> 墨喷绘图机
  11308. ink jet printer ==> 喷墨印刷机=>インクジェット印字装置
  11309. ink jet printing head ==> 墨喷印刷头,墨水喷射打印头,墨水喷射印刷头
  11310. ink knife ==> 油墨刮板,油墨刮刀
  11311. ink lay ==> 油墨层
  11312. ink lever ==> 上墨手柄
  11313. ink line ==> 墨线
  11314. ink mist ==> 墨雾
  11315. ink mist printer ==> 墨水喷射印刷机,墨水雾化打印机,墨雾打印机
  11316. ink mist process ==> 墨雾法
  11317. ink mist recording ==> 喷墨记录
  11318. ink mixing machine ==> 调墨机
  11319. ink particle ==> 油墨颗粒
  11320. ink penetration ==> 墨渗透
  11321. ink plotter ==> 墨水绘图机,墨水描迹器
  11322. ink powder ==> 墨粉
  11323. ink print ==> 油墨印件
  11324. ink pump ==> 墨泵
  11325. ink rail ==> 墨斗轨
  11326. ink recorder ==> 墨水记录器,油墨印码器,墨水记录仪,带墨水记录仪,带涂料记录仪,印码机
  11327. ink reflectance ==> 墨迹反射,墨色反射特性,墨水的反射率,墨水反射率
  11328. ink residue ==> 墨渣
  11329. ink rest ==> 墨床
  11330. ink ribbon ==> 墨带,打印色带
  11331. ink ribbons ==> 墨水带
  11332. ink roller cleaning device ==> 墨辊清洗装置
  11333. ink sac ==> 墨囊
  11334. ink slab ==> 调墨台
  11335. ink slice ==> 油墨刮板
  11336. ink smudge ==> 墨水污迹,墨渍
  11337. ink speck ==> 墨斑
  11338. ink squeezeout ==> 墨水挤出
  11339. ink stick ==> 墨锭
  11340. ink stick and Chinese ink ==> 墨块和墨汁
  11341. ink stone ==> 端砚
  11342. ink system ==> 墨斗装置
  11343. ink table ==> 墨台,调墨台
  11344. ink tank ==> 墨水容器
  11345. ink test ==> 吸墨水试验
  11346. ink transfer ==> 油墨转移
  11347. ink uniformity ==> 墨迹均匀性,墨水均匀性
  11348. ink vapo(u)r recorder ==> 喷墨记录器
  11349. ink vapour recorder ==> 墨汽记录
  11350. ink vibrator interrupter ==> 墨辊摆动中断器
  11351. ink well ==> 墨水水池
  11352. ink writer ==> 印字机
  11353. ink writing recorder ==> 墨水笔绘记录器,笔录器
  11354. ink-ball ==> 擦墨球垫
  11355. ink-bottle pore ==> 墨水瓶状孔
  11356. ink-cap (Coprinus atramentartius) ==> 墨汁鬼伞
  11357. ink-covered area ==> 墨区
  11358. ink-jet method ==> 喷墨法
  11359. ink-jet printer ==> 喷墨印刷机,墨水喷射打印机,墨水喷射式印刷机
  11360. ink-jet typewriter ==> 墨水喷射式打字机
  11361. ink-mist recording ==> 墨雾记录法
  11362. ink-sea inkstone ==> 墨海砚
  11363. ink-stand ==> 墨台
  11364. ink-stone screen ==> 砚屏
  11365. ink-vapo(u)r recording ==> 喷墨记录法
  11366. ink-vapor recording ==> 墨雾记录法
  11367. ink-well ==> 油墨缸
  11368. inkblot test ==> 墨迹测验
  11369. inker ==> 印字机
  11370. inker wash-up machine ==> 墨辊冲洗机
  11371. inkfish-bone carving ==> 墨鱼骨雕
  11372. inkfruit barberry (Berberis hakeoides) ==> 墨水果小檗
  11373. inking ==> 上墨=>線引き
  11374. inking ball ==> 擦墨球垫
  11375. inking pad ==> 打印台
  11376. inking roller ==> 墨辊
  11377. inking roller casting machine ==> 墨辊浇铸机
  11378. inking system ==> 输墨系统
  11379. inking wheel ==> 油墨轮
  11380. inkle loom ==> 织带机
  11381. inkless pen recorder ==> 无墨笔尖记录器
  11382. inkless recorder ==> 无墨记录器
  11383. Inkrom process ==> 固体渗铬法
  11384. inlaid flooring ==> 镶嵌地面
  11385. inlaid linoleum ==> 镶嵌油毡
  11386. inlaid wood ==> 镶嵌木
  11387. inlaid work ==> 镶嵌加工
  11388. inland arc ==> 内陆弧
  11389. inland basin ==> 内陆地,内陆盆地
  11390. inland bill ==> 境内票据,境内票据
  11391. inland bill of lading ==> 陆运提单,内陆提单
  11392. inland bill of lading clause ==> 内陆提单条款
  11393. inland boat ==> 内河船
  11394. inland canal ==> 内陆运河
  11395. inland clearance depot ==> 内地验关站
  11396. inland clearance depot (ICD) ==> 内地保税货站,内陆通关基地
  11397. inland consolidation depot ==> 内陆拼装站
  11398. inland container depot ==> 内地集装箱站栈
  11399. inland custom house ==> 内地海关
  11400. inland delivery price ==> 内陆交货价格
  11401. inland depot ==> 内地货运站,内陆装卸站
  11402. inland distribution depot ==> 内地调运站
  11403. inland drainage basin ==> 内陆流域盆地
  11404. inland duty ==> 内地税
  11405. inland earthquake ==> 内陆地震
  11406. inland fog ==> 内陆雾
  11407. inland freight ==> 内陆运费,内陆运费用
  11408. inland freight haulage ==> 内地货运
  11409. inland harbor ==> 内河港口
  11410. inland haulage ==> 内陆运费用
  11411. inland ice ==> 内陆冰,冰盾
  11412. inland inundation ==> 内涝
  11413. inland marine insurance ==> 内河运输保险,内陆水上运输保险,内陆水运保险,陆运险
  11414. inland navigation ==> 内河航行,内河航运
  11415. inland navigation projects ==> 内河航运工程
  11416. inland navigation rights ==> 内河航行权
  11417. inland place of discharge ==> 内陆卸货地点
  11418. inland plain ==> 内陆平原
  11419. inland port ==> 内河港口
  11420. inland river ==> 内河
  11421. inland sea ==> 内海,内陆海,陆缘海沟
  11422. inland sea dike ==> 内陆海堤
  11423. inland sea pilot ==> 内海引航员
  11424. inland ship ==> 内河船舶
  11425. Inland Steel ==> (美国)内陆钢铁公司
  11426. inland telegram ==> 国内电报
  11427. inland terminal depot ==> 内河码头
  11428. inland transport ==> 内陆运输
  11429. inland transportation ==> 内地运输,内陆运输
  11430. inland transportation charges ==> 内陆运费用
  11431. inland water grouping ==> 内陆水域组别
  11432. inland water transport ==> 内河运输
  11433. inland water-borne transport ==> 内地水运
  11434. inland water-borne transportation ==> 内陆水运
  11435. inland waterway bill of lading ==> 内河航运提单
  11436. inland waterway port ==> 内河港口
  11437. inland-sand ==> 内陆砂
  11438. inland-water ways vessel ==> 内河船
  11439. inlay ==> 补字,插入,镶嵌,镶嵌工艺,镶入,器材,嵌,嵌入法,嵌体,里层
  11440. inlay artyrodesis ==> 嵌入式关节融合术
  11441. inlay camera ==> 插入摄像机
  11442. inlay carver ==> 嵌体雕刻刀
  11443. inlay carving ==> 嵌雕
  11444. inlay clad plate ==> 双金属层板
  11445. inlay cladding ==> 镶嵌金属包覆
  11446. inlay contact ==> 插入接点
  11447. inlay mask ==> 插入罩片
  11448. inlay pattern ==> 镶嵌花纹
  11449. inlay thread ==> 衬垫纱线
  11450. inlay wax ==> 嵌体蜡
  11451. inlayer ==> 镶嵌者
  11452. inlaying ==> (额外织入丝线或金银线)镶嵌
  11453. inlaying grafting ==> 插接
  11454. inlaying saw ==> 镶嵌锯
  11455. inleakage ==> 漏入,渗入,吸入
  11456. inleakage of air ==> 空气漏入,空气渗入
  11457. inleakage of cooling water ==> 漏入冷却水
  11458. inlet ==> 雨水口,引入线,供料口,小湾,入口,进潮口,进口,进汽道,进入量,进水,进水道,嵌入,通入,投料口
  11459. inlet (dust contained gas) ==> 含尘空气入口
  11460. inlet absolute pressure (IAP) ==> 进口绝对压力
  11461. inlet air ==> 入风
  11462. inlet air temperature ==> 入口气温
  11463. inlet amount ==> 进料量
  11464. inlet angle ==> 进口角,入口角
  11465. inlet annulus ==> 进汽环室
  11466. inlet attack ==> 进口侵蚀
  11467. inlet bell ==> 入口铃形绝缘子
  11468. inlet bend ==> 进口弯头
  11469. inlet blade angle ==> 叶片进口角,叶片入口角
  11470. inlet box ==> 进口箱,滤油箱,吸入箱=>インレットボックス
  11471. inlet cam ==> 进气凸轮
  11472. inlet capacity ==> 吸入能力,吸入容量
  11473. inlet casing ==> 进气缸
  11474. inlet chamber ==> 进气室
  11475. inlet channel ==> 进气道
  11476. inlet characteristic ==> 进气道性能
  11477. inlet chest ==> 吸入箱
  11478. inlet circuit ==> 输入端电路
  11479. inlet clack ==> 吸入瓣
  11480. inlet close ==> 进气停止
  11481. inlet coefficient ==> 入口系数
  11482. inlet component ==> 进气道组件
  11483. inlet compressor stage ==> 压缩器的第一级
  11484. inlet connection ==> 入口连接,输入连接
  11485. inlet device ==> 入口装置
  11486. inlet diameter ==> 入口直径,进口直径
  11487. inlet diffuser ==> 进口扩压器
  11488. inlet distributing header ==> 进口分配联箱
  11489. inlet duct ==> 进气道,进气管,进气装置
  11490. inlet duct ventilation ==> 入口管道通风
  11491. inlet edge ==> 前缘
  11492. inlet entry ==> 入口
  11493. inlet fan ==> 进气风扇
  11494. inlet filter ==> (减压器的)过滤器
  11495. inlet flange ==> 入口法兰
  11496. inlet flange diameter ==> 进口法兰直径
  11497. inlet flow ==> 吸入流,输入流
  11498. inlet flow rate ==> 进口流量
  11499. inlet flushing system for pipe and cone ==> 管道和导风锥的冲洗装置
  11500. inlet forceps ==> 高位产钳,高位钳
  11501. inlet forceps delivery ==> 高位产钳分娩
  11502. inlet gas ==> 进气,入口气体
  11503. inlet grating ==> 进气篦子
  11504. inlet grid ==> 进风栅
  11505. inlet head ==> 进口压头,吸入压头
  11506. inlet hole ==> 吸入孔
  11507. inlet horn ==> 入口喇叭口
  11508. inlet line ==> 吸油管路
  11509. inlet Mach number ==> 进口马赫数
  11510. inlet manhole ==> 人孔入口
  11511. inlet manifold ==> 入口集合管
  11512. inlet nipple ==> 进口螺纹接套
  11513. inlet nominal size ==> 进口公称尺寸
  11514. inlet non-return valve ==> 入口止回阀
  11515. inlet nozzle ==> 吸入喷嘴
  11516. inlet of grate-ingutter type ==> 帘格式进水口
  11517. inlet of pass ==> 孔型入口侧
  11518. inlet of sewer ==> 下水道入口
  11519. inlet of surface water ==> 地面水入口
  11520. inlet of ventilating system ==> 通风系统进口
  11521. inlet open ==> 进气阀开
  11522. inlet opening ==> 进水孔,入口
  11523. inlet operating temperature ==> 入口操作温度
  11524. inlet part ==> 埋入部分,埋入件
  11525. inlet passage ==> 进路
  11526. inlet period ==> 进气时间
  11527. inlet pigtail ==> 入口猪尾管
  11528. inlet pipe ==> 进气管
  11529. inlet port ==> 入口,进气口,吸油口
  11530. inlet pressure ==> 入口压力
  11531. inlet ram ==> 进气挺杆
  11532. inlet region ==> 入口区
  11533. inlet rocker ==> 进气摇杆
  11534. inlet rose box ==> 过滤器
  11535. inlet scoop ==> 吸风口,吸气口,进风斗
  11536. inlet scroll ==> 进口涡管
  11537. inlet side ==> 入口侧,真空侧
  11538. inlet sleeve ==> 吸气套筒
  11539. inlet sluice ==> 吸入闸门
  11540. inlet steam pressure ==> 进汽压力
  11541. inlet steam temprature ==> 进汽温度
  11542. inlet strainer ==> 入口滤器
  11543. inlet stroke ==> 吸入冲程
  11544. inlet swirl ==> 入口スワール
  11545. inlet system ==> 进样系统
  11546. inlet temperature ==> 吸入温度,入口温度
  11547. inlet tube ==> 入口管
  11548. inlet union nut ==> 进口接管螺母
  11549. inlet valve ==> 进给汽阀,进料阀,进气阀,进汽阀,入口阀,吸入阀,压力水进口阀=>入口弁
  11550. inlet valve bank ==> 进气活门栅
  11551. inlet valve cam ==> 进气凸轮
  11552. inlet valve cap ==> 进给阀盖
  11553. inlet valve chest ==> 进汽阀柜
  11554. inlet valve deck ==> 进给阀盖
  11555. inlet valve guide upper ==> 进气阀上导套
  11556. inlet valve seat ==> 进气阀座
  11557. inlet valve spindle ==> 进气阀
  11558. inlet valve spring ==> 进给阀簧
  11559. inlet vane ==> 进口导叶片=>吸込ベーン
  11560. inlet velocity ==> 入口速度
  11561. inlet velocity head ==> 入口速度压头
  11562. inlet volute ==> 进口蜗壳
  11563. inlet water ==> 入口水柱
  11564. inlet well ==> 进水井
  11565. inlet whirl ==> 进口预旋
  11566. inlet wire ==> 进线
  11567. inlet-valvecam ==> 吸进凸轮
  11568. inline booster ==> 串列式助推器
  11569. inline processing ==> 成簇处理
  11570. inline pump ==> 管道泵
  11571. inline transfer ==> 直进式传送
  11572. INMARSAT International Maritime Convention on Communication by Satellite ==> 国际海事卫星通讯协定
  11573. INMARSAT, International Maritime Satellite Organization ==> 国際海事衛星機構
  11574. INMARSAT, International Mobile Satellite Organization ==> 国際移動衛星機構
  11575. innage ==> 剩油量=>残留燃料
  11576. innate ==> 埋生的,先天的,底着的=>生来の,生まれつきの
  11577. innate ability ==> 天賦の才能,本来持っている能力
  11578. innate character ==> 本质
  11579. innate characteristic ==> 本来の特性
  11580. innate ideas ==> 生得(本有)観念
  11581. innate immune reaction ==> 自然免疫応答
  11582. innate immune response ==> 先天性免疫応答
  11583. innate immunity ==> 天然免疫,先天免疫
  11584. innate releasing mechanism (IRM) ==> 先天的释放机制
  11585. innate right of man ==> 天赋人权
  11586. innateness ==> 先天
  11587. inner ==> 内部=>内的
  11588. inner (living) bark ==> 内皮
  11589. inner angle ==> 内角
  11590. inner anterior quadrant ==> 内前四分体
  11591. inner aperture ==> 内萌发孔
  11592. inner arc ==> 内弧
  11593. inner arc basin ==> 内弧盆地
  11594. inner arm ==> 臂内廉
  11595. inner auroral zone ==> 内级光带
  11596. inner automorphism ==> 内自同构
  11597. inner automorphism group ==> 内自同构群
  11598. inner Baillarger's line ==> 内粒层纹
  11599. inner band brake ==> 内带外张式制动器
  11600. inner bank ==> 内岸
  11601. inner barrel ==> 内岩心筒
  11602. inner basin ==> 内港池
  11603. inner basin of levee ==> 堤内集水区
  11604. inner bead ==> 提拉窗导轨
  11605. inner beam ==> 内梁
  11606. inner bearing ==> 内轴承
  11607. inner belt ==> 内环
  11608. inner belt protons ==> 内带质子
  11609. inner blanket ==> 内部再生区
  11610. inner body ==> 内部零件
  11611. inner bonder ==> 内引线键合器
  11612. inner boom ==> 下部ブーム
  11613. inner bottom ==> 内底
  11614. inner bracket ==> 内肘板
  11615. inner brake ==> 内闸,内制动器
  11616. inner brake shoe ==> 内制动瓦
  11617. inner breakwater ==> 内防波堤
  11618. inner bremsstrahlung ==> 内韧致辐射
  11619. inner cage ==> (汽轮发电机的)内机座
  11620. inner callipers ==> 内卡钳
  11621. inner canthus ==> 内眦
  11622. inner cap ==> 内盖
  11623. inner capacities ==> 内容量
  11624. inner capillary water ==> 内毛细水
  11625. inner capsid ==> 内衣壳
  11626. inner capsule ==> 内膜
  11627. inner carrier ==> 内活塞
  11628. inner casing ==> 内缸,内汽缸
  11629. inner casing of joint ==> (万向接头的)内活动接头
  11630. inner cell ==> 内细胞
  11631. inner cell mass ==> 内细胞团
  11632. inner center ==> 内心
  11633. inner chamber ==> 内室
  11634. inner check valve guide ==> 内止回阀导座
  11635. inner chiasma ==> 内神经交叉
  11636. inner chill ==> 内冷铁
  11637. inner circle ==> 内圈
  11638. inner circuit ==> 内电路
  11639. inner circular layer ==> 内环层
  11640. inner circumference highway ==> 内环路
  11641. inner clinch ==> 内旋结
  11642. inner cluster sets ==> 内部聚值集
  11643. inner clutch plate ==> 内鼓摩擦片
  11644. inner coil ==> 内层线圈,内蛇管
  11645. inner collar ==> 凹辊环
  11646. inner column ==> 内柱
  11647. inner combustion chamber ==> 内燃烧室
  11648. inner common tangent ==> 内公切线
  11649. inner complex ==> 内络合物
  11650. inner complex salt ==> 内络盐,分子内络盐
  11651. inner computer ==> 内部计算机
  11652. inner condenser ==> 内冷凝器
  11653. inner condensing tube ==> 冷凝器内管
  11654. inner conductor ==> 零线,内部导体,内层导体,内导体,中心线=>内部導体
  11655. inner cone ==> 内层,焰芯
  11656. inner consistency ==> 内部符合
  11657. inner container ==> 内容器
  11658. inner content ==> 内容度
  11659. inner continental shelf ==> 内陆架,大陆棚内半部
  11660. inner control limits ==> 内管理极限,内在管理界限
  11661. inner conversion ==> 内在转换
  11662. inner core ==> 内核,内筒
  11663. inner corona ==> 内冕
  11664. inner couette ==> 内筒
  11665. inner court ==> 内院
  11666. inner cover ==> 内罩,马弗罩
  11667. inner curve ==> 内曲线
  11668. inner cutting angle ==> 内刃角
  11669. inner cylinder ==> 内圆筒
  11670. inner dead center ==> 内止点
  11671. inner dead point ==> 内止点
  11672. Inner Deep Bay ==> 后海内湾
  11673. Inner Deep Bay Buffer Zone ==> 后海内湾缓冲区
  11674. inner deforming loss ==> 内变形损耗
  11675. inner derivation ==> 内部求导
  11676. inner diameter ==> 内径
  11677. inner die surface ==> 模内面
  11678. inner diffusion ==> 内扩散
  11679. inner dike ==> 内堤
  11680. inner door ==> 内针门
  11681. inner drive joint ==> 内传动接合
  11682. inner ear ==> 内耳
  11683. inner edge ==> 内缘
  11684. inner electron ==> 内层电子
  11685. inner element ==> 内部元素
  11686. inner enamel epithelium ==> 内釉上皮,内釉质上皮
  11687. inner endodermis ==> 内生内皮层
  11688. inner energy ==> 内能
  11689. inner envelope ==> (雪茄烟的)内包叶
  11690. inner envelope rotor flank ==> (转子发动机)内包络线转子工作面
  11691. inner epithelial sheath ==> 内上皮鞘
  11692. inner equilibrium ==> 内平衡
  11693. inner ester ==> 内酯
  11694. inner ether ==> 内醚
  11695. inner evaporation of soil ==> 土壤内蒸发
  11696. inner expanding brake ==> 内胀式制动器
  11697. inner face ==> 内面
  11698. inner face tubbing ==> 内面带法兰盘的丘宾筒
  11699. inner fan ==> 内扇
  11700. inner fender ==> 内挡泥板
  11701. inner film coefficient ==> 内膜系数
  11702. inner fire box ==> 内火箱
  11703. inner fish plate ==> 内鱼尾板
  11704. inner fissure ==> 内壳缝
  11705. inner flag register ==> 内标记寄存器
  11706. inner flame ==> 内焰
  11707. inner flange ==> 内法兰
  11708. inner flank ==> 内侧
  11709. inner flat keel ==> 内平板龙骨
  11710. inner flue ==> 内烟道
  11711. inner force ==> 内力
  11712. inner force sense ==> 力覚
  11713. inner form ==> 反面版
  11714. inner formword ==> 内模板
  11715. inner frame ==> 内骨架,内框架
  11716. inner friction ==> 内耗,内摩擦
  11717. inner function ==> 内涵数
  11718. inner gear ==> 内齿轮
  11719. inner gearing ==> 内啮合
  11720. inner gimbal ==> 内万向悬挂支架
  11721. inner gimbal ring ==> 内平衡环
  11722. inner gland ==> 内汽封,内腺
  11723. inner glume ==> 内颖
  11724. inner grease retainer ==> 内油挡
  11725. inner grid ==> 内栅极,调制栅
  11726. inner guide ==> 内导杆
  11727. inner hair cell ==> 内毛细胞
  11728. inner hair cells ==> 内毛细胞
  11729. inner hall ==> 内殿
  11730. inner harbo(u)r line ==> 内海港线
  11731. inner harbour ==> 内港
  11732. inner harmonic measure ==> 内调和测度
  11733. inner heat ==> 内部发热
  11734. inner heating surface ==> 内加热面
  11735. inner hemiacetal ==> 内半缩醛
  11736. inner hexagon spanner ==> 内六角扳手
  11737. inner hinge plate ==> 内铰合板
  11738. inner hip ==> 内肩节
  11739. inner hyperboloid ==> 内双曲面
  11740. inner indusium ==> 内胚被
  11741. inner insulation ==> 内绝缘
  11742. inner integument ==> 内珠被
  11743. inner investment ==> (蓝藻)内包膜
  11744. inner isomorphism ==> 内同构
  11745. inner iteration ==> 内迭代
  11746. inner jar ==> (电池的)内容器
  11747. inner jetty ==> 内防波堤
  11748. inner jib ==> 内侧船首三角帆
  11749. inner keel ==> 内龙骨,内平板龙骨
  11750. inner Lagrangian point ==> 内拉格朗日点
  11751. inner layer ==> 内层
  11752. inner layer of the wall of the pod ==> 荚壁的内层
  11753. inner lead bonder ==> 内部引线接合器
  11754. inner lead bonding ==> 内部引线接合法
  11755. inner lens cone ==> 内镜筒
  11756. inner level memory ==> 内级存储器
  11757. inner lift arm and tappet assembly ==> 内提升臂及挺杆总成
  11758. inner Lindblad resonance ==> 内林德布拉德共振区
  11759. inner linearization ==> 内线性化
  11760. inner liner ==> 内部衬垫
  11761. inner lining ==> 内衬
  11762. inner link ==> 内在联系
  11763. inner lip ==> 内唇
  11764. inner lobe ==> 内颚叶
  11765. inner loop ==> 内环,内环路,副环
  11766. inner macroinstruction ==> 内部宏指令
  11767. inner magnetosphere ==> 内磁层
  11768. inner malleolar rete ==> 内踝网
  11769. inner management ==> 内部管理
  11770. inner mantle ==> 地幔深部
  11771. inner margin ==> 内缘
  11772. inner marine subzone ==> 内海分区
  11773. inner marker ==> 内指点标=>内部メーカ
  11774. inner measure ==> 内测度
  11775. inner memory ==> 内存储器
  11776. inner meristem ==> 内分生组织
  11777. inner mixing air type burner ==> 内混合式烧嘴
  11778. inner model ==> 内模型
  11779. inner molecular layer ==> 内分子层
  11780. inner molecular reaction ==> 分子内反应
  11781. inner multiplication ==> 内乘法
  11782. inner normal ==> 内法线
  11783. inner nozzle ==> 内水口
  11784. inner nuclear layer ==> 内核层
  11785. inner oil seal ==> 内油封,内侧(轴承)油封
  11786. inner oil seal ring ==> 内油封环
  11787. inner oil sump ==> 内油槽
  11788. inner opposite angle ==> 内对角
  11789. inner orbit ==> 内层轨道
  11790. inner orientation ==> 内方位
  11791. inner pacdage ==> 内包装
  11792. inner packaging ==> 内包装
  11793. inner parenchyma ==> 内生薄壁组织
  11794. inner parenchyma layer ==> 内生薄壁组织层
  11795. inner passage ==> 内部通道
  11796. inner perforated bowl ==> 带孔内转鼓
  11797. inner pericycle ==> 内生中柱鞘
  11798. inner phalangeal cell ==> 内指状细胞
  11799. inner phase ==> 内相
  11800. inner photoeffect ==> 内光电效应
  11801. inner pillar cell ==> 内柱细胞
  11802. inner pipe nozzle ==> 管程接管口
  11803. inner piston ==> 内活塞
  11804. inner pit aperture ==> 纹孔内口
  11805. inner pivot ring ==> 内导环
  11806. inner planet ==> 内行星,带内行星
  11807. inner planet gear ==> 内行星齿轮
  11808. inner plexiform layer ==> 内分子层,内网织层
  11809. inner point ==> 内点
  11810. inner pole ==> 内极
  11811. inner pole type generator ==> 内极发电机
  11812. inner posterior quadrant ==> 内后四分体
  11813. inner potential ==> 内电位
  11814. inner pressure relief ==> 内部减压
  11815. inner pressure test ==> 内压试验
  11816. inner product ==> 内积=>内積
  11817. inner product control ==> 内积控制
  11818. inner product feedback control ==> 内积反馈控制
  11819. inner product of tensors ==> 张量的内积
  11820. inner product of vector ==> 矢量内积
  11821. inner product space ==> 内积空间
  11822. inner punch ==> 内冲头
  11823. inner quality ==> 内在质量
  11824. inner quantum number ==> 内量子数
  11825. inner race ==> 内环,内圈
  11826. inner radiation belt ==> 内辐射带
  11827. inner radiation zone ==> 内辐射带
  11828. inner rail ==> 内轨
  11829. inner reflected reactor ==> 内反射反应堆
  11830. inner reflector ==> 内部反射层
  11831. inner reflux ==> 内回流
  11832. inner region ==> 内区域
  11833. inner regular set ==> 内正则集
  11834. inner regularity ==> 内正则性
  11835. inner resistance ==> 内干扰
  11836. inner ring ==> 内环
  11837. inner ring spacer ==> 内隔圈
  11838. inner ringless roller bearing ==> 无内圈滚子轴承
  11839. inner room ==> 套间
  11840. inner root sheath ==> 内根鞘,内毛根鞘
  11841. inner rope ==> 内绳
  11842. inner rotor ==> 内齿轮,内转子=>インナロータ
  11843. inner rough zone ==> 内崎岖带
  11844. inner row teeth ==> 内排齿
  11845. inner saddle ==> 内鞍
  11846. inner salt ==> 内盐
  11847. inner scaffold ==> 室内脚手架
  11848. inner seal ==> 内部封接
  11849. inner sealed box ==> 内部密封箱
  11850. inner set ==> 内集
  11851. inner shell ==> 内壳层,内汽缸
  11852. inner shield ==> 内屏蔽
  11853. inner shoe ==> 内刃脚,内支承块
  11854. inner shroud ==> 内部側板
  11855. inner side ==> 内侧
  11856. inner sill panel ==> (车身)内门坎板
  11857. inner skirt ==> 内撑裙
  11858. inner sleeve ==> 内套筒
  11859. inner slide ==> 内滑道
  11860. inner slope ==> 内坡
  11861. inner solar system ==> 内太阳系
  11862. inner space ==> 内部空间
  11863. inner sphere complexation ==> 内层配位
  11864. inner sphere of complex ==> 络合物内界
  11865. inner spindle ==> 内轴
  11866. inner spiral bundle ==> 内螺旋束
  11867. inner splice bar ==> 内鱼尾棒
  11868. inner split ring ==> 内隔环
  11869. inner spring ==> 内弹簧
  11870. inner squama ==> 内腋瓣
  11871. inner stator ==> 内定子
  11872. inner steered angle ==> 内侧车轮的回转角
  11873. inner stope ==> 内回采工作面
  11874. inner storage ==> 内存储器
  11875. inner strain ==> 内应变
  11876. inner strake ==> 内列板
  11877. inner structure ==> 内部结构
  11878. inner submarginal bristle ==> 内亚缘毛
  11879. inner surface ==> 内表面=>内面
  11880. inner tangent common ==> 内公切线
  11881. inner term ==> 内项
  11882. inner terminal ==> 内端子
  11883. inner terminal curve ==> 内末端曲线
  11884. inner topology ==> 内部拓扑
  11885. inner total reflection ==> 内全反射
  11886. inner tower ==> 内架
  11887. inner track ==> 内部路径,内磁道
  11888. inner transformation ==> 内部变换
  11889. inner tube ==> 内胎
  11890. inner tube deflation ==> 内胎放气
  11891. inner tube of pneumatic tyre ==> 充气轮胎内胎
  11892. inner tube of pneumatic tyre for motor cycle ==> 摩托车用充气轮胎内胎
  11893. inner tube valve ==> 内胎气门
  11894. inner tubule ==> 内细管
  11895. inner vacuum vessel ==> 内部真空室
  11896. inner valve ==> 内瓣
  11897. inner valve spring ==> 气门内弹簧
  11898. inner veil ==> 内菌幕
  11899. inner ventral terminal spinule ==> (粉螨)内腹端剌
  11900. inner ventral terminal spinule (粉螨) ==> 内腹端剌
  11901. inner ventury ==> 内喉管
  11902. inner vertical shaft ==> 内垂直轴
  11903. inner viscosity ==> 内在粘度,结构粘度
  11904. inner volume ==> 内体积
  11905. inner vortex ==> (旋流集尘器)内螺旋线
  11906. inner wall ==> 内衬墙,内墙
  11907. inner waterproofing ==> 内防水
  11908. inner waters ==> 内陆水域
  11909. inner wear ==> 内衣
  11910. inner web of the middle toe ==> (足中趾与次趾间之缝隙)中指内间
  11911. inner wedge ==> (掏槽用)内楔形炮孔
  11912. inner width ==> 内宽
  11913. inner wire ==> 内导体
  11914. inner work function ==> 内功函数
  11915. inner yoke ==> 内磁轭
  11916. inner zone ==> (后肾)内带
  11917. inner(-gauge) stone ==> (金刚石岩心钻头)内缘钻石
  11918. inner-adjustable focus collimator ==> 内调平行光管
  11919. inner-cooled machine ==> 内冷电机
  11920. inner-cooled stator coil ==> 内冷定子线圈
  11921. inner-cooling ==> 内冷
  11922. inner-mesh ==> (造纸)内网
  11923. inner-orbital complex ==> 内轨型配合物
  11924. inner-orbital configuration ==> 内轨型
  11925. inner-pole type alternator ==> 内极式交流发电机
  11926. inner-shell electron ==> 内壳层电子
  11927. inner-shell ionization ==> 内壳电离
  11928. inner-sphere complex ==> 内层配合物
  11929. inner-tube adaptor ==> 内岩心管连接管
  11930. inner-tube core lifter ==> 内岩心管岩心提断器
  11931. inner-tube extension ==> 内岩心管接长管
  11932. inner-tube shoe ==> 内岩心筒靴
  11933. inner-tube valve cap ==> 内胎气门嘴帽
  11934. innermost core electron ==> 最内层电子
  11935. innermost DO range ==> 最内层循环区域
  11936. innermost electron ==> 最深层电子
  11937. innermost electron shell ==> 最内电子壳层
  11938. innermost layer ==> 最内层
  11939. innermost loop ==> 最内层循环
  11940. innersole ==> 内底
  11941. innerspring cotton-filled mattress ==> 棉塞弹簧垫
  11942. innerstress ==> 内应力
  11943. innervation ==> 神经分布,神经支配
  11944. innocent infringement ==> 非有意侵权
  11945. innocent party ==> 无优先权的一方
  11946. innocent treatment ==> 无害化处理
  11947. innocent tumor ==> 良性瘤
  11948. innocuity test ==> 安全试验
  11949. innocuous substance ==> 无害物质
  11950. innominate artery ==> 无名动脉
  11951. innominate bone ==> 胯骨,髋骨
  11952. Innoshima ==> 因島
  11953. innovation ==> 革新,改进,创新=>革新,イノベーション。We expect people to demonstrate innovation and continuous improvement.
  11954. innovation boundary ==> 技術革新領域
  11955. innovation cluster ==> 技術革新の群起
  11956. innovation diffusion ==> 技術革新の普及
  11957. innovation on energy power technology ==> 電力技術のイノベーション
  11958. innovation shoot ==> 更新枝
  11959. innovative ==> 革新的な,創造力に富む
  11960. innovative activity ==> 革新活動
  11961. innovative advance ==> 革新的進歩
  11962. innoxious substance ==> 无害物质
  11963. innumerable ==> 无数的=>無数の,無限にある
  11964. innumerable stars ==> 無数の星
  11965. innumerable stars of the Milky Way ==> 天の川の無数の星
  11966. innumerably ==> 無数に
  11967. ino ==> 纤维
  11968. ino-endothelioma ==> 纤维内皮瘤
  11969. ino-epithelioma ==> 纤维上皮瘤
  11970. inoblast ==> 成结缔组织细胞
  11971. inocherent rotation ==> 不相干转动
  11972. inochondritis ==> 纤维软骨炎
  11973. inochondroma ==> 纤维软骨瘤
  11974. inoculability ==> 可接种性
  11975. inoculable ==> 可接种的
  11976. inoculant ==> 孕育剂
  11977. inoculate ==> 接种,嫁接
  11978. inoculate garden legumes ==> 食用豆科植物的接种
  11979. inoculated cast iron ==> 变性铸铁,孕育铸铁
  11980. inoculated malaria ==> 接种疟
  11981. inoculating crystal ==> 晶种
  11982. inoculating legume seed ==> 豆科植物种子接种
  11983. inoculating loop ==> 接种环
  11984. inoculating needle ==> 接种针
  11985. inoculating seed ==> 晶种
  11986. inoculation ==> 接种,孕育,孕育处理,变质处理=>予防接種,予防注射
  11987. inoculation and seed treatment ==> 接种及种子处理
  11988. inoculation campaign ==> 予防注射運動
  11989. inoculation experiment ==> 接种试验
  11990. inoculation fade ==> 孕育衰退
  11991. inoculation medium ==> 接种培养基
  11992. inoculation syringe ==> 接种注射器
  11993. inoculation technique ==> 接种技术
  11994. inoculation test ==> 接种试验
  11995. inoculation(effect) ==> 孕育作用
  11996. inoculator ==> 孕育剂,接种器
  11997. inoculum ==> 接种体
  11998. inoculum concentration ==> 接种量
  11999. inoculum potential ==> 接种体势
  12000. inocystoma ==> 纤维囊瘤
  12001. inocyte ==> 纤维细胞
  12002. Inodes ==> 纤维棕榈属
  12003. inoganic nitrogenous fertilizer ==> 无机氮肥
  12004. inogen ==> 肌收缩原
  12005. inogenesis ==> 纤维组织形成
  12006. inoglia ==> 纤维胶质
  12007. inohymenitis ==> 纤维膜炎
  12008. inoisture ==> 潮气
  12009. inoleiomyoma ==> 纤维平滑肌瘤
  12010. inolin ==> 夜罗宁
  12011. inolith ==> 纤维石
  12012. inoment of resistance ==> 阻力矩
  12013. inomycin ==> 肌霉素
  12014. inomyoma ==> 纤维肌瘤
  12015. inomyositis ==> 纤维肌炎
  12016. inomyxoma ==> 纤维粘液瘤
  12017. inomyxoma fibromyxoma ==> 纤维粘液瘤
  12018. inoneuroma ==> 纤维神经瘤
  12019. inoperable ==> 不能操作,不能工作的,不能实行的,不能手术的,不宜手术的
  12020. inoperable cancer ==> 不宜动手术的癌
  12021. inoperable chip ==> 有故障芯片
  12022. inoperable time ==> 不可操作时间,不能操作时间=>動作不能時間
  12023. inoperating contact ==> 停用触点,静止触点,静止触点
  12024. inoperative period ==> 非运行期,停机时间
  12025. Inoperculatae ==> 无囊盖类
  12026. inophlogosis ==> 纤维织炎
  12027. inorder for binary tree ==> 二叉树的中根次序
  12028. inordinate wear ==> 异常磨损
  12029. inorganic ==> 无机的=>無機の
  12030. inorganic accelerator ==> 无机促进剂
  12031. inorganic acid ==> 无机酸
  12032. inorganic acid ester ==> 无机酸酯
  12033. inorganic acidity ==> 无机酸度
  12034. inorganic active filler ==> 活性无机填料
  12035. inorganic adhesive ==> 无机胶粘剂
  12036. inorganic aggregates ==> 无机骨料
  12037. inorganic analysis ==> 无机分析
  12038. inorganic arsenic chemicals ==> 无机砷化学物
  12039. inorganic base ==> 无机碱
  12040. inorganic base grease ==> 无机物稠化的润滑脂
  12041. inorganic binder ==> 无机粘结剂,无机粘结剂结剂
  12042. inorganic bond ==> 无机粘合剂
  12043. inorganic chemical dosimeter ==> 无机化学剂量计
  12044. inorganic chemical pollution ==> 无机化学物污染
  12045. inorganic chemical reagent ==> 无机化学试剂
  12046. inorganic chemistry ==> 无机化学=>無機化学
  12047. inorganic chert ==> 无机燧石
  12048. inorganic chromatography ==> 无机色谱法
  12049. inorganic clay ==> 无机粘土
  12050. inorganic coagulant ==> 无机凝结剂
  12051. inorganic coating ==> 无机敷层
  12052. inorganic colloid ==> 无机胶体
  12053. inorganic colloid-gelled grease ==> 无机胶体凝胶润滑脂
  12054. inorganic complex ==> 无机综合物
  12055. inorganic compound ==> 無機化合物
  12056. inorganic constituents ==> 无机成分
  12057. inorganic coordination chemistry ==> 無機錯体化学
  12058. inorganic crystal scintillator ==> 无机晶体闪烁器
  12059. inorganic dissolved component ==> 无机溶解组分
  12060. inorganic dissolved substance ==> 无机溶解物
  12061. inorganic drug ==> 无机药物
  12062. inorganic dust ==> 无机粉尘,无机性粉尘
  12063. inorganic element ==> 無機元素
  12064. inorganic elements ==> 无机元素
  12065. inorganic environment ==> 无机环境
  12066. inorganic fertilizer ==> 无机肥料
  12067. inorganic fiberboard ==> 无机纤维板
  12068. inorganic filler ==> 无机填料
  12069. inorganic forms of nitrogen ==> 氮的无机形态
  12070. inorganic formulation ==> 无机制剂
  12071. inorganic gas ==> 无机气体
  12072. inorganic gel-thickened grease ==> 无机稠化润滑脂
  12073. inorganic insecticide ==> 无机杀虫剂
  12074. inorganic insoluble substance ==> 无机不溶物
  12075. inorganic insoluble test ==> 无机不溶试验
  12076. inorganic insulating material ==> 无机绝缘材料
  12077. inorganic insulation ==> 无机绝缘
  12078. inorganic ion content ==> 无机离子含量
  12079. inorganic ion exchange ==> 无机离子交换
  12080. inorganic ion exchange membrane ==> 无机离子交换膜
  12081. inorganic ion exchange paper ==> 无机离子交换纸
  12082. inorganic ion exchanger ==> 无机离子交换剂
  12083. inorganic ions ==> 无机离子
  12084. inorganic liquid laser ==> 无机液体激光器
  12085. inorganic mass spectrometry ==> 无机质谱法
  12086. inorganic material ==> 无机材料,无机物质
  12087. inorganic materials which exist in the earth ==> 地球中存在的无机质
  12088. inorganic matter ==> 无机物,无机物质
  12089. inorganic mercury chemicals ==> 无机汞化学物
  12090. inorganic mercury compound ==> 无机汞化合物
  12091. inorganic mercury poisoning ==> 无机汞中毒
  12092. inorganic microgel grease ==> 无机微胶粒润滑脂
  12093. inorganic nitrogen ==> 无机氮
  12094. inorganic nutrition ==> 无机营养
  12095. inorganic origin theory ==> 无机成因说
  12096. inorganic orthophosphate ==> 无机正磷盐酸
  12097. inorganic particulate matter ==> 无机颗粒物
  12098. inorganic peroxide ==> 无机过氧化物
  12099. inorganic pesticide ==> 无机农药
  12100. inorganic petrochemicals ==> 无机石油化学品
  12101. inorganic phosphate ==> 无机磷酸盐
  12102. inorganic pigment ==> 无机颜料
  12103. inorganic pollutant ==> 无机污染物
  12104. inorganic polymer ==> 无机聚合物
  12105. inorganic radioiodine ==> 无机放射性碘
  12106. inorganic resin ==> 无机树脂
  12107. inorganic rubber ==> 无机橡胶
  12108. inorganic salt ==> 无机盐
  12109. inorganic scintillator ==> 无机闪烁体
  12110. inorganic sediment ==> 无机沉淀物
  12111. inorganic serum ==> 人造血清
  12112. inorganic silt ==> 矿质泥沙,粉砂
  12113. inorganic soil ==> 无机土,无机土壤
  12114. inorganic solvent ==> 无机溶剂
  12115. inorganic sorbent ==> 无机吸着剂
  12116. inorganic sphere ==> 无机界
  12117. inorganic substance ==> 无机质
  12118. inorganic sulfur ==> 无机硫
  12119. inorganic sulfur; mineral sulfur ==> 无机硫,煤中矿物质内的硫化物硫、硫铁矿硫、单质硫和硫酸盐硫的总称
  12120. inorganic theory ==> 无机学说
  12121. inorganic thin film ==> 无机薄膜
  12122. inorganic toxic material ==> 无机毒物
  12123. inorganic waste ==> 无机废弃物
  12124. inorganic wastewater ==> 无机废水
  12125. inorganic weak acid ==> 无机弱酸
  12126. inorganization ==> 无组织
  12127. inorgoxydant ==> 无机氧化菌
  12128. inorrhabdomyoma ==> 纤维横纹肌瘤
  12129. inosamine ==> 肌醇胺
  12130. inoscleroma ==> 纤维织硬结
  12131. inosclerosis ==> 纤维织硬化
  12132. inoscopy ==> 纤维质消化检查
  12133. inose ==> 肌糖
  12134. inosemia ==> 肌醇血
  12135. inosilicate ==> 链硅酸盐
  12136. inosinate ==> 肌苷酸盐
  12137. inosine ==> 肌苷,次黄嘌呤核苷,次黄嘌呤核甙
  12138. inosine inulase ==> 肌苷菊粉酶
  12139. inosinic acid ==> 肌核苷酸,次黄苷酸,次黄嘌呤核苷酸
  12140. inosinicase ==> 次黄核苷酸酶
  12141. inosiplex ==> 异丙肌苷
  12142. inositis fibrositis ==> 纤维织炎
  12143. inositol ==> 环己六醇
  12144. inositol hexanicotinate ==> 烟酸肌醇酯
  12145. inositol phosphatidyl transferase ==> 肌醇磷脂酰转移酶
  12146. inositoluria ==> 肌醇尿
  12147. inosituria ==> 肌醇尿
  12148. inosituria with polyuria ==> 肌糖性糖尿病
  12149. inosose ==> 肌醇单酮,肌糖
  12150. inosteatoma ==> 纤维脂瘤
  12151. inosuria ==> 纤维蛋白尿
  12152. inotropic ==> 变力性的
  12153. inotropic action ==> 变力作用
  12154. inoxidability ==> 不可氧化性
  12155. inoxidable ==> 不可氧化
  12156. inoxidizability ==> 不可被氧化性,抗氧化性
  12157. inoxidizable ==> 抗氧化,不可被氧化的
  12158. inoxidizing coating ==> 防护层
  12159. inoxidzable coating ==> 防氧化涂层
  12160. inpatient department ==> 住院部
  12161. INPE, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais ==> 国立宇宙研究所(ブラジル)
  12162. inphase angle ==> 同相角
  12163. inphase mixer ==> 同相混频器
  12164. inphase operation ==> 同相运行
  12165. inphase opposition ==> 反相的
  12166. inphase rejection ==> 共相抑制
  12167. inphase state ==> 同相
  12168. INPO ==> 美国核电运行研究所
  12169. inproper alignment ==> 不合适的对准
  12170. inprovement factor of signal to noise ratio ==> SN比改善係数
  12171. inpulsive discharge ==> 脉冲放电
  12172. inpurity conduction ==> 杂质传导
  12173. input ==> 输入,输入量,入炉量=>入力,投入量
  12174. input absolute noise level ==> 输入端等效噪声电平,输入端绝对噪声电平
  12175. input action ==> 输入作用
  12176. input adapter ==> 输入衔接器
  12177. input adjustment ==> 投入调整
  12178. input admittance ==> 输入导纳=>入力アドミタンス
  12179. input aerial ==> 输入天线
  12180. input air ==> 风量
  12181. input amount ==> 投入量
  12182. input amplifier ==> 输入端放大器
  12183. input analysis ==> 输入分析
  12184. input and output analysis ==> 投入产出分析
  12185. input and output with inolated common point ==> 带有隔离公共点的输入和输出
  12186. input and output with isolated common point ==> 浮動共通端子付き入出力
  12187. input architecture ==> 输入设备结构
  12188. input area ==> 输入区
  12189. input argument ==> 输入变元
  12190. input attribute ==> 输入属性
  12191. input back-off ==> 输入补偿
  12192. input bandpass filter ==> 输入端带通滤波器
  12193. input beam ==> 输入光束
  12194. input bias current ==> 输入偏置电流
  12195. input block ==> 输入部件,输入分程序,输入缓冲区,输入字块
  12196. input buffer ==> 输入缓冲器=>入力バッファ
  12197. input buffer register ==> 输入缓冲寄存器
  12198. input bundle ==> 输入束
  12199. input capacitance ==> 输入电容
  12200. input card ==> 输入卡片
  12201. input carry ==> 输入进位
  12202. input category ==> 输入分类
  12203. input cavity ==> 输入空腔,输入腔
  12204. input channel ==> 输入端,输入通道
  12205. input characteristic ==> 输入特性
  12206. input chip ==> 输入片
  12207. input choke ==> 输入扼流圈
  12208. input choke-oil ==> 输入扼流圈
  12209. input circuit ==> 输入电路
  12210. input clock ==> 输入时钟
  12211. input code ==> 输入代码
  12212. input coefficient ==> 投入系数
  12213. input common-mode range ==> 输入共模范围
  12214. input common-mode rejection ratio ==> 输入共模抑制比
  12215. input complement circuit ==> 输入求补电路
  12216. input computer ==> 输入计算机
  12217. input concentration ==> 输入浓度,进料浓度
  12218. input conductance ==> 输入电导
  12219. input connection ==> 吸入口接头
  12220. input control ==> 输入控制
  12221. input control unit ==> 输入控制器
  12222. input control valve ==> 输入调节阀
  12223. input controller ==> 输入控制器
  12224. input correlation ==> 输入相关
  12225. input cost ==> 投入成本
  12226. input coupler ==> 输入耦合器
  12227. input coupling factor ==> 输入耦合因数
  12228. input current ==> 输入电流=>入力電流
  12229. input current distortion ==> 入力電流歪み
  12230. input current stability control ==> 入力電流安定化制御
  12231. input data ==> 输入数据=>入力データ
  12232. input data bus ==> 输入数据总线
  12233. input data check ==> 入力データチェック
  12234. input data instruction ==> 输入数据指令
  12235. input data proof ==> 输入数据的检验
  12236. input data set ==> 输入数据集
  12237. input data structure ==> 输入数据结构
  12238. input data translator ==> 输入数据转换器
  12239. input device ==> 输入设备=>入力機構
  12240. input distributed processing ==> 输入分布处理
  12241. input distribution ==> 投入分布
  12242. input disturbance ==> 输入扰动
  12243. input duct ==> 输入流道
  12244. input electrode ==> 输入电极
  12245. input element ==> 输入元件
  12246. input enable control ==> 输入启动控制
  12247. input equation ==> 输入方程
  12248. input equipment ==> 输入设备
  12249. input error ==> 输入错误
  12250. input expander ==> 输入扩展电路,输入扩展器
  12251. input file ==> 输入文件
  12252. input file error handling ==> 输入文件错误处理程序
  12253. input file label handling ==> 输入文件标号处理
  12254. input filter ==> 输入滤波器
  12255. input filter condenser ==> 输入滤波电容器
  12256. input flow ==> 吸入流=>入力流れ
  12257. input flow rate ==> 输入流量=>入力流量
  12258. input flyback ==> 输入回描
  12259. input focus ==> 入力フォーカス
  12260. input form ==> 入力形式
  12261. input format ==> 输入格式=>入力フォーマット
  12262. input format control ==> 输入格式控制
  12263. input frequency ==> 入力周波数
  12264. input function ==> 输入函数
  12265. input gap ==> 入力ギャップ
  12266. input gap voltage ==> 输入隙电压=>入力ギャップ電圧
  12267. input gate ==> (电路)输入门
  12268. input generator ==> 输入发生器
  12269. input harmonic current ==> 入力電流高調波
  12270. input header ==> 输入标题
  12271. input hopper ==> 输入送卡箱
  12272. input impedance ==> 输入阻抗=>入力インピーダンス
  12273. input impedance of detector ==> 检波器输入阻抗
  12274. input impedance of the magnetizing winding ==> 激磁绕组输入阻抗
  12275. input impedance of the measuring winding ==> 测量绕组输入阻抗
  12276. input impulse ==> 输入脉冲
  12277. input in cash ==> 现金投入
  12278. input in kind ==> 实物投人
  12279. input interface adapter ==> 输入端接口器
  12280. input interface in a compiler ==> 编译程序中的输入接口
  12281. input jet ==> 输入射流
  12282. input job queue ==> 输入作业队列
  12283. input job stream ==> 输入作业流
  12284. input leakage ==> 输入漏泄
  12285. input level ==> 输入电平
  12286. input light beam ==> 输入光束
  12287. input limiter ==> 输入限制器
  12288. input line filter ==> 输入线路滤波器=>入力線路フィルタ
  12289. input linear group ==> 输入线性部分
  12290. input link ==> 输入连线
  12291. input list ==> 输入表
  12292. input loading ==> 输入加载
  12293. input loading factor ==> 输入负载率,输入加载因数
  12294. input loading type preamplifier ==> 输入加载式前置放大器
  12295. input logic ==> 输入逻辑
  12296. input logic variable ==> 输入逻辑变量
  12297. input machine variable ==> 输入计算机变量
  12298. input material ==> 原料
  12299. input matrix ==> 输入矩阵
  12300. input mechanism ==> 输入机构
  12301. input medium ==> 输入媒体
  12302. input modulation ==> 输入调制
  12303. input module ==> 输入模块
  12304. input node ==> 入力ノード
  12305. input node state ==> 输入节点状态
  12306. input noise ==> 输入噪声
  12307. input nozzle ==> 输入喷嘴
  12308. input number ==> 输入数
  12309. input objective ==> 输入物镜
  12310. input offset current ==> 入力オフセット電流
  12311. input offset current drift ==> 输入补偿电流漂移
  12312. input offset error ==> 输入偏置误差
  12313. input offset voltage ==> 输入补偿电压=>入力オフセット電圧
  12314. input offset voltage drift ==> 输入补偿电压漂移
  12315. input open type preamplifier ==> 输入开路式前置放大器
  12316. input operation ==> 输入操作
  12317. input orientation ==> 投入导向
  12318. input output ==> 输入输出
  12319. input output analysis ==> 投入产出分析
  12320. input output channel ==> 输入输出通道
  12321. input output control ==> 输入输出控制
  12322. input output control system ==> 输入输出控制系统
  12323. input output device ==> 输入输出设备
  12324. input output interface ==> 输入输出接口
  12325. input output model ==> 投入产出稳定性
  12326. input output supervisor ==> 输入输出管理程序
  12327. input output table ==> 投入产出表
  12328. input output unit ==> 输入输出设备
  12329. input parameter ==> 输入参数
  12330. input pass-band ==> 输入通带
  12331. input path ==> 入射光路
  12332. input pickup ==> (发动机示波器等的)输入传感器
  12333. input picture ==> 输入图像
  12334. input port ==> 输入口
  12335. input potentiometer ==> 输入电位计
  12336. input power ==> 输入功率=>入力電力
  12337. input power factor ==> 入力力率
  12338. input power winding ==> 输入电源绕组
  12339. input prediction method ==> 输入预估法
  12340. input primitive ==> 入力基本要素
  12341. input process ==> 输入处理=>入力処理
  12342. input processing ==> 输入加工
  12343. input program ==> 入力プログラム
  12344. input program tape ==> 程序输入带
  12345. input pull-down ==> 输入开路
  12346. input pulse ==> 输入脉冲
  12347. input pulse width ==> 输入脉冲宽度
  12348. input quantity ==> 输入量,进料量
  12349. input quantity to frequency conversion type ==> 输入量-频率转换型
  12350. input queue ==> 输入排队
  12351. input rank ==> 输入队列
  12352. input rate ==> 输入速率
  12353. input ray pencil ==> 入射光锥
  12354. input reactance ==> 输入电抗
  12355. input reactivity spectrum ==> 输入反应性谱
  12356. input reference ==> 输入参考值,输入访问
  12357. input reference axis ==> 输入基准轴
  12358. input reflection coefficient ==> 输入反射系数
  12359. input register ==> 输入寄存器
  12360. input relay ==> 输入继电器
  12361. input repeat time ==> 投入重复期
  12362. input requirement ==> 投入需求量
  12363. input resistance ==> 输入电阻
  12364. input resolution ==> 输入分辨能力
  12365. input resonator ==> 输入谐振器
  12366. input routine ==> 输入程序,输入例程=>入力ルーチン
  12367. input section ==> 输入区
  12368. input sensing ==> 输入感测
  12369. input sensitivity ==> 输入灵敏度
  12370. input service ==> 输入工作
  12371. input shaft ==> 输入轴
  12372. input side ==> 输入侧
  12373. input signal ==> 输入信号=>入力信号
  12374. input space ==> 输入空间
  12375. input specification ==> 输入规格,输入说明书
  12376. input spectral density ==> 输入谱密度
  12377. input speed ==> 输入速度
  12378. input stacker ==> (卡片机的)输入箱
  12379. input stage ==> 输入级
  12380. input storage ==> 输入存储器
  12381. input store ==> 输入储存
  12382. input stream ==> 输入流=>入力の流れ
  12383. input stroke ==> 输入冲击脉冲,进气冲程
  12384. input structure ==> 输入结构,投入结构
  12385. INPUT SW, input switch ==> 受信切換器
  12386. input symbol ==> 输入符号
  12387. input system ==> 输入系统
  12388. input table ==> 输入台,投入表
  12389. input tape ==> 输入带
  12390. input tape sorting ==> 输入带排序
  12391. input terminal ==> 输入端,输入端子
  12392. input terminals of a network ==> 回路網の入力端子
  12393. input time ==> 输入时间,投入期
  12394. input time constant ==> 输入时间常数
  12395. input torque ==> 输入扭矩
  12396. input traffic control ==> 输入流量控制
  12397. input transaction processing ==> 输入事务处理
  12398. input transfer ==> 输入传送
  12399. input transformer ==> 输入变压器=>入力トランス(入力変成器)(通信)
  12400. input transformer type ==> 输入变压器式
  12401. input translator ==> 输入变换器,输入翻译器
  12402. input unit ==> 输入单元,输入设备=>入力装置
  12403. input variable ==> 输入变数,输入变量
  12404. input variable name ==> 输入变量名
  12405. input vector ==> 输入向量,输入矢量
  12406. input voltage ==> 输入电压
  12407. input voltage filtration ==> 输入电压滤波
  12408. input voltage range ==> 输入电压范围
  12409. input wave ==> 输入波
  12410. input well ==> 输入井,注水井
  12411. input white noise ==> 输入白噪声
  12412. input winding ==> 输入绕组
  12413. input window ==> 输入窗,输入窗口
  12414. input with isolated common point ==> 公共端隔离输入
  12415. input with open collector ==> 集电极开路的输入
  12416. input word function ==> 输入字函数
  12417. input word real function ==> 输入字实函数
  12418. input work ==> 输入功
  12419. input work queue ==> 输入作业队列
  12420. input-data strobe ==> 输入数据选通脉冲
  12421. input-decoupling zero ==> 输入解耦零点
  12422. input-oriented budgeting ==> 编制侧重投入的预算
  12423. input-output ==> 入出力
  12424. input-output accounting ==> 投入产出核算
  12425. input-output analysis ==> 投产出产分析,投产出产分析,投入产出分析
  12426. input-output analysis method ==> 投入产出分析法
  12427. input-output channel ==> 入出力チャネル
  12428. input-output characteristic ==> 输入量与输出量的关系特性
  12429. input-output controller ==> 入出力制御装置
  12430. input-output device ==> 入出力機構
  12431. input-output limited ==> 受输入输出限制
  12432. input-output model ==> 输入产出模型
  12433. input-output process ==> 投入产出过程
  12434. input-output production table ==> 投入产出表
  12435. input-output ratio ==> 投入产出比,投入产出比率
  12436. input-output relationship ==> 投入产出关系
  12437. input-output signal ==> 入出力信号
  12438. input-output table ==> 投入产出表
  12439. input-output technique ==> 投入产出技术
  12440. input-output technology ==> 投入产出技术
  12441. input-output unit ==> 入出力装置
  12442. input-output variable ==> 投入产出变量
  12443. input-truncated condensation ==> 模式被输截入缩合
  12444. input/output expander ==> 输入输出扩展器
  12445. input/output operation ==> 输入/输出操作,输入输出操作
  12446. input/output pads ==> 输入输出焊盘
  12447. input/output port ==> 输入/输出端口
  12448. inputoutput device ==> 输入输出设备
  12449. inputs of services ==> 服务投入
  12450. INQ, inquiry ==> 照会
  12451. inquire by file ==> 按文件询问
  12452. inquire by unit ==> 按部件询问
  12453. inquire response ==> 询问应答
  12454. inquiry ==> 询价,问诊,调查,探价,查询=>引合い
  12455. inquiry agency ==> 征信机构
  12456. inquiry and answer system ==> 询问回答方式
  12457. inquiry and communication system ==> 询问与通信系统
  12458. inquiry and transaction processing ==> 查询和事务处理
  12459. inquiry character ==> 查询符,询问符
  12460. inquiry circuit ==> 查询电路
  12461. inquiry display terminal ==> 询问显示终端
  12462. inquiry language ==> 查询语言
  12463. inquiry list ==> 询价单
  12464. inquiry logical terminal ==> 查询逻辑终端
  12465. inquiry office ==> 问讯处
  12466. inquiry processing ==> 询问处理,查询处理
  12467. inquiry session ==> 查询对话,查询会话
  12468. inquiry station ==> 問合せ端末
  12469. inquiry system ==> 询问系统
  12470. inquiry terminal display ==> 询问终端显示器
  12471. inquiry test ==> 探询反应测验
  12472. inquiry transaction ==> 查询交往,查询事项
  12473. inquiry typewriter ==> 询问打字机
  12474. inquiry unit ==> 询问设备
  12475. inquiry-response communication ==> 查询响应通信
  12476. inquiry-response operation ==> 查询响应操作
  12477. inquiry-with-update ==> 查询并更新,查询更新处理
  12478. inregular terms ==> 一般条件
  12479. inroad ==> 侵略,襲撃
  12480. inroads on wheat field ==> 侵害麦田
  12481. inrush ==> 涌入
  12482. inrush current ==> 合闸电流,冲击电流,冲流,浪涌电流,起动电流=>突入電流,励磁突入電流, "Transient current associated with energizing of transformers, cables, reactors, etc."
  12483. inrush kVA ==> 冲击千伏安,冲击负荷
  12484. inrush starting current ==> 启动冲击电流
  12485. inrush transient current ==> 瞬时冲击电流
  12486. INS, inertial navigation system ==> 慣性航法装置
  12487. INS, information network system ==> 高度情報通信システム
  12488. INS, Integrated Navigation System ==> 統合航法システム
  12489. INS, integrated nitrogen system ==> 統合窒素システム
  12490. insanity ==> 产后精神病,精神病,精神异常
  12491. INSAT, Indian National Satellite System ==> インド国内衛星システム
  12492. InSb, indium antimonide ==> インジウムアンチモン
  12493. inscattering correction ==> 内散射校正
  12494. inscribe ==> 刻み込む
  12495. inscribed angle ==> 内接角
  12496. inscribed circle ==> 内接圆,内切圆=>内接円
  12497. inscribed circle of a triangle ==> 三角形的内切圆
  12498. inscribed cone ==> 内接圆锥
  12499. inscribed cylinder ==> 内切圆柱
  12500. inscribed figure ==> 内接形
  12501. inscribed in a circle ==> 圆内接
  12502. inscribed pyramid ==> 内接棱锥
  12503. inscribed quadrilateral ==> 内接四边形
  12504. inscribed sphere ==> 内切球
  12505. inscribed square ==> 内接四边形
  12506. inscribed stock ==> 记名股票
  12507. inscribed triangle ==> 内接三角形
  12508. inscription on a tablet ==> 碑文
  12509. insect ==> 节肢昆虫,昆虫
  12510. insect attractant ==> 引虫剂
  12511. insect bite ==> 虫咬
  12512. insect control ==> 昆虫防治
  12513. insect dermatitis ==> 虫咬皮炎
  12514. insect disease prevention ==> 防治病虫害
  12515. insect eater ==> 食虫生物
  12516. insect enemy ==> 害虫
  12517. insect farm ==> (石油炼厂内)杀虫剂车间
  12518. insect hormone as insecticides ==> 作为杀虫剂的昆虫激素
  12519. insect infestation ==> 遭受虫害
  12520. insect killer ==> 杀虫剂
  12521. insect parasite ==> 寄生天敌
  12522. insect paste method ==> 杀虫胶用法
  12523. insect pathology ==> 昆虫病理学
  12524. insect pest ==> 病虫害
  12525. insect pests and plant disease ==> 植物病害
  12526. insect physiology ==> 昆虫生理学
  12527. insect population ==> 虫口
  12528. insect powder ==> 除虫粉,杀虫粉
  12529. insect predator ==> 捕食性昆虫
  12530. insect prevention ==> 防虫
  12531. insect ravage ==> 被昆虫毁坏
  12532. insect repellant ==> 驱虫剂
  12533. insect repellent ==> 驱昆虫剂
  12534. insect trap ==> 捕虫器
  12535. insect trench ==> 捕虫沟
  12536. insect vector ==> 虫媒,媒介昆虫
  12537. insect vector of rice virus ==> 水稻病毒媒介昆虫
  12538. insect wax ==> 虫蜡
  12539. insect with sucking mouth part ==> 刺吸式口器害虫
  12540. insect-borne ==> 昆虫传播的
  12541. insect-borne diseases ==> 虫媒病
  12542. insect-borne infection ==> 昆虫传染
  12543. insect-borne infectious disease ==> 虫媒传染病
  12544. insect-box ==> 昆虫盒
  12545. insect-catching leaf ==> 捕虫叶
  12546. insect-paste ==> 杀虫胶
  12547. insect-trap light ==> 灯光捕虫器
  12548. Insecta ==> 昆虫纲
  12549. insectarium ==> 昆虫饲养室,养虫室
  12550. insectary ==> 养虫室
  12551. insecticidal activity ==> 杀虫活性
  12552. insecticidal dust ==> 杀虫粉剂
  12553. insecticidal lacquer ==> 杀虫漆
  12554. insecticidal oil ==> 杀虫油
  12555. insecticidal paint ==> 杀虫涂料
  12556. insecticidal plasticizer ==> 杀虫增塑剂
  12557. insecticidal preparation ==> 杀虫制剂
  12558. insecticidal smoke ==> 杀虫烟剂
  12559. insecticidal synergist ==> 杀虫增效剂
  12560. insecticide ==> 杀虫剂,杀昆虫剂
  12561. insecticide kerosene ==> 杀虫剂用煤油
  12562. insecticide paint ==> 杀虫涂料
  12563. insecticide poisoning ==> 杀死剂中毒
  12564. insecticide residues ==> 杀虫剂的残留
  12565. insecticide-dispersing machine ==> 杀虫剂喷散器
  12566. insecticides and absorbents ==> 杀虫剂和吸附剂
  12567. insectiform ==> 昆虫状的
  12568. insectifuge ==> 驱虫药,杀虫剂
  12569. insection ==> 齿纹
  12570. Insectivora ==> 食虫目
  12571. insectivore ==> 食虫动物
  12572. insectivorous ==> 食虫的
  12573. insectivorous animal ==> 食虫动物
  12574. insectivorous bird ==> 食虫鸟
  12575. insectivorous leaf ==> 食虫叶
  12576. insectivorous plant ==> 食虫植物
  12577. insectofungicide ==> 杀虫灭菌剂
  12578. insectoverdin ==> 虫绿素
  12579. insectoverdins ==> 虫绿蛋白
  12580. insects and other pests in tobacco seedbeds ==> 烟草苗床害虫
  12581. insecure ==> 危険な
  12582. insecure work ==> 危险工作
  12583. inseet wax ==> 白蜡
  12584. inseminating catheter ==> 输精导管
  12585. inseminating pipette ==> 输精细胞
  12586. inseminating pit ==> (羊)输精坑
  12587. inseminating syringe ==> 输精器
  12588. insemination dose ==> 输精量
  12589. insemination requirements ==> 输精技术要求
  12590. insemination site ==> 输精部位
  12591. insemination technique ==> 输精技术
  12592. insensible perspiration ==> 不显汗
  12593. insensitive interval ==> 不灵敏时间
  12594. insensitiveness ==> 不灵敏度
  12595. insensitivity ==> 不灵敏度
  12596. inseparable action ==> 不可分动作
  12597. inseparable bearing ==> 不可分离型轴承
  12598. inseparable element ==> 不可分元
  12599. inseparable polynomial ==> 不可分多项式
  12600. insequent stream ==> 斜向河
  12601. insert ==> 刀片,衬垫,介入,套帖,镶入,嵌片,插,插入,插入物,插页=>インサート
  12602. insert bearing ==> 镶嵌式轴瓦,精密轴承
  12603. insert bit ==> 镶嵌钻头,镶刃刀片,嵌镶钻头
  12604. insert blank ==> 镶刃刀胚
  12605. insert block ==> 预埋砌块
  12606. insert camera ==> 插入摄像机
  12607. insert core ==> 插入泥芯,插入型芯
  12608. insert cover ==> 嵌入盖
  12609. insert die ==> 镶块模,镶入式模具
  12610. insert drawing ==> 插图
  12611. insert earphone ==> 插入式耳机,小型耳机
  12612. insert electrode tip ==> 电极头
  12613. insert film ==> 插入胶片
  12614. insert glove ==> 镶边手套
  12615. insert hinge ==> 嵌入式铰链
  12616. insert hole ==> 嵌入孔
  12617. insert length ==> 插入长度
  12618. insert liner ==> 镶嵌式轴衬
  12619. insert pattern ==> 组合模板
  12620. insert pump ==> 杆式泵
  12621. insert punch ==> 嵌入冲头
  12622. insert ring ==> 嵌条,垫圈,可溶镶块
  12623. insert stressmeter ==> 插入式应力计
  12624. insert subcommand ==> 插入子命令
  12625. insert subroutine ==> 插入子程序
  12626. insert tube ==> 插入管
  12627. insert type turbine flowmeter ==> 插入式涡轮流量计
  12628. insert with gate valve ==> 带阀的管接头
  12629. inserted blade ==> 镶齿刀头,插入式叶片
  12630. inserted blade core drill ==> 镶齿扩孔钻
  12631. inserted blade cutter ==> 镶齿铣刀
  12632. inserted blade end mill ==> 镶齿端铣刀
  12633. inserted blade gear hob ==> 镶齿滚刀
  12634. inserted blade reamer ==> 镶齿铰刀
  12635. inserted bolt ==> 预埋螺检
  12636. inserted broach ==> 镶齿拉刀
  12637. inserted cable ==> 嵌入的电缆
  12638. inserted carbide ==> 镶齿硬质合金刀片
  12639. inserted casing ==> 插入套管
  12640. inserted chaser tap ==> 镶齿螺纹梳刀丝锥
  12641. inserted drill ==> 镶刃钻头,硬质合金钻头
  12642. inserted forging die ==> 镶块锻模
  12643. inserted fraise ==> 镶齿铣刀
  12644. inserted key ==> 埋头键
  12645. inserted line ==> 嵌线
  12646. inserted liner ==> 镶入式缸套
  12647. inserted link ==> 插杆
  12648. inserted magnet ==> 嵌入的磁铁
  12649. inserted mode ==> 插入方式
  12650. inserted piece ==> 嵌入加强块,预埋件,砂型骨
  12651. inserted pin ==> 插销
  12652. inserted reamer ==> 镶齿铰刀
  12653. inserted resistance ==> 嵌入的电阻
  12654. inserted shim ==> 嵌入垫片
  12655. inserted side milling cutter ==> 镶齿三面刃铣刀
  12656. inserted sleeve ==> 镶入的衬套
  12657. inserted stuffing box ==> 衬垫压盖
  12658. inserted tap ==> 镶齿丝锥
  12659. inserted tongue ==> 嵌入舌片
  12660. inserted tooth ==> 镶齿,镶嵌齿
  12661. inserted tooth broach ==> 镶齿拉刀
  12662. inserted tooth cutter ==> 镶齿铣刀
  12663. inserted tooth facing milling cutter ==> 镶齿平面铣刀
  12664. inserted tooth hob ==> 镶齿滚刀
  12665. inserted tooth saw ==> 嵌齿锯
  12666. inserted trick ==> (镶嵌针槽的)镶钢片
  12667. inserted valve seat ==> 嵌入阀座
  12668. inserted-tooth saw ==> 镶齿锯
  12669. inserting optical cable connector ==> 插入光缆连接器
  12670. inserting the needle ==> 扎针
  12671. inserting tool ==> 嵌线工具,下线工具
  12672. inserting winding ==> 嵌线
  12673. insertion ==> 插入=>装入
  12674. insertion character ==> 插入字符
  12675. insertion class ==> 插入类型
  12676. insertion coefficient ==> 插入系数
  12677. insertion criterion ==> 插入规则
  12678. insertion gain ==> 插入增益
  12679. insertion group ==> 嵌入集团
  12680. insertion into deque ==> 插入到双向队列中,插入双排队
  12681. insertion into thread tree ==> 插入到穿线树,插入到线索树
  12682. insertion into tree ==> 插入到树
  12683. insertion lace ==> 镶边花边
  12684. insertion liner ==> 镶入式缸套
  12685. insertion loss ==> 接入损耗,介入衰减,介入损耗,插入损耗=>挿入損
  12686. insertion machine ==> 插入机
  12687. insertion mutation ==> 插入突变
  12688. insertion of data ==> 数据插入
  12689. insertion of intrauterine device ==> 宫内避孕器放置术
  12690. insertion of node ==> 节点的插入
  12691. insertion of polyethylene into middle ear ==> 中耳塑料管插入术
  12692. insertion of stack ==> 堆栈的插入
  12693. insertion picture character ==> 插入图形字符
  12694. insertion piece ==> 插入件,嵌块
  12695. insertion point ==> 插入点
  12696. insertion potential ==> 插入电位
  12697. insertion power function ==> 介入功率函数
  12698. insertion ratio ==> 介入比,插入系数
  12699. insertion reaction ==> 插入反应
  12700. insertion ring ==> 垫圈
  12701. insertion robot ==> 嵌入椎机器人
  12702. insertion sequence ==> 插入顺序
  12703. insertion sort ==> 插入分类,插入排序
  12704. insertion spanner ==> 接头扳手,镶接扳手
  12705. insertion switch ==> 引入开关,插入开关
  12706. insertion transfer function ==> 挿入伝達量
  12707. insertion type vortex flow transmitter ==> 插入式涡流变送器
  12708. insertion-type thermocouple ==> 插入式热电偶
  12709. insertional growth ==> 插入生长
  12710. insertional translocation ==> 插入易位
  12711. insertionic periodontal membrane ==> 嵌入性牙周膜
  12712. inservice inspection ==> 在役检查
  12713. inset ==> 套帖,嵌入物,插入晶,插页,斑晶
  12714. inset hinge compensator ==> 内移铰链轴补偿器
  12715. inset inserting machine ==> 插页机
  12716. inset transmitter ==> 插入式话筒
  12717. inset type ==> 镶入式
  12718. insetion sequence ==> 插入序列
  12719. insetting machine ==> 插页机
  12720. inshore fishing ==> 近海渔业
  12721. inshore longitudinal girder ==> (减荷台式码头的)内岸纵主梁
  12722. inside ==> 内侧,里
  12723. inside (cutting) blade ==> 内切刀齿
  12724. inside admission ==> 内进汽
  12725. inside and outside caliper ==> 双用卡钳
  12726. inside and outside callipers ==> 双用卡钳
  12727. inside and outside grinding ==> 内外磨削
  12728. inside antenna ==> 内部天线
  12729. inside axle box ==> 内轴箱
  12730. inside band ==> 砂型加固圈
  12731. inside bank ==> 内坡
  12732. inside bank slope ==> 河岸内坡
  12733. inside bevel(led) chromium piston ring ==> 内倒角镀铬活塞环
  12734. inside bevel(led) piston ring ==> 内斜面活塞环
  12735. inside bevel(led) taper-face piston ring ==> 内倒角锥形活塞环
  12736. inside blade ==> 内侧刀齿
  12737. inside brake ==> 内制动
  12738. inside broach ==> 内拉刀
  12739. inside broker ==> 正式经纪人
  12740. inside butt strap ==> 内对接搭板
  12741. inside cabin ==> 内侧舱室
  12742. inside cal(l)iper ==> 内卡钳
  12743. inside cal(l)iper ga(u)ge ==> 内径千分尺
  12744. inside cal(l)ipers micrometer ==> 内卡钳千分表
  12745. inside caliper ==> 内卡钳
  12746. inside cap ==> 内轴承盖
  12747. inside casing ==> 内框,内压条
  12748. inside ceiling panel ==> (车身)内顶板
  12749. inside centering ring ==> 内定心环
  12750. inside chaser ==> 内螺纹梳刀
  12751. inside clearance ==> 内余隙
  12752. inside clearance ratio ==> 内间隙比
  12753. inside clinch ==> 内旋结
  12754. inside coil ==> 内插线圈
  12755. inside conductor ==> 内导线
  12756. inside connecting rod ==> 内连杆
  12757. inside cord ==> 内绳
  12758. inside corner ==> 阴角,(修型工具)内圆角子
  12759. inside corner molding ==> 阴角压条
  12760. inside corner weld ==> 内角焊接
  12761. inside counting ==> 内计数
  12762. inside covering ==> 内套
  12763. inside crank ==> 内曲柄
  12764. inside crankshaft ==> 内曲轴
  12765. inside curve ==> 内曲线
  12766. inside cylinder ==> 内汽缸
  12767. inside damper ==> 内部阻尼器
  12768. inside defense ==> 内防卫
  12769. inside dial indicator ==> 内径千分表
  12770. inside diameter ==> 内径
  12771. inside diameter (ID) ==> 内径
  12772. inside diameter of vessel ==> 容器内径
  12773. inside diameter saw ==> 内径锯
  12774. inside diameter shape of stator ==> ステータ内径形状
  12775. inside diameter slicer ==> 内圆切片机
  12776. inside dimension ==> 内部尺寸,内尺寸
  12777. inside director ==> 内部董事
  12778. inside door ==> 内门
  12779. inside door knob ==> 内锁手柄
  12780. inside drill ==> 侧孔电钻
  12781. inside engaged gear ==> 内啮合齿轮
  12782. inside exhaust pipe ==> 内排气管
  12783. inside expanding brake ==> 内胀式制动器
  12784. inside face ==> 内表面=>内面
  12785. inside fastening ==> 内钉法
  12786. inside fillet ==> 内角焊缝
  12787. inside fillet weld ==> 内角焊接
  12788. inside finish ==> 内部装修
  12789. inside force ==> 内侧力
  12790. inside frosted lamp ==> 磨砂灯泡
  12791. inside ga(u)ge ==> 内径规
  12792. inside gage ==> 内径规
  12793. inside gear ==> 内啮合
  12794. inside gearing ==> 内啮合
  12795. Inside gearing pump ==> 内齿轮泵
  12796. inside glazing ==> 内镶玻璃
  12797. inside groove ==> 内槽
  12798. inside guard rail ==> 内护轨
  12799. inside idimensions ==> 工作室尺寸
  12800. inside indicator ==> 内径测微指示计
  12801. inside info ==> 内部情报
  12802. inside information ==> 内部资料
  12803. inside jamb block ==> 内侧墙砖
  12804. inside jaw chuck ==> 内爪卡盘
  12805. inside kicker ==> 内缘钻石
  12806. inside lag ==> 内部时滞,内在时间差滞,决策时间滞差,决策时间滞差
  12807. inside lap ==> 排汽余面,乏汽余面,内搭接
  12808. inside lead ==> 内螺纹导程
  12809. inside lead ga(u)ge ==> 内螺纹导程螺距仪,内螺纹导程仪
  12810. inside leader ==> 内水落管
  12811. inside lining ==> 内衬,内衬砌
  12812. inside link ==> 内拉杆
  12813. inside market ==> 内部市场
  12814. inside measurement ==> 内尺寸
  12815. inside micrometer ==> 内径测微计,内径千分尺
  12816. inside micrometer cal(l)ipers ==> 内径千分卡
  12817. inside micrometer caliper ==> 内测千分卡尺
  12818. inside micrometer gauge ==> 千分内径规
  12819. inside mix nozzle ==> 内部混合喷嘴
  12820. inside money ==> 内部货币
  12821. inside nominal diameter ==> 公称通径
  12822. inside of blades ==> 叶片嵌装
  12823. inside packing ==> 内包装
  12824. inside passage ==> 内线航道,内通道
  12825. inside pitch line length ==> 齿根高度
  12826. inside plant ==> 内部通信装置,室内设施,室内线缆
  12827. inside price ==> 批发价格
  12828. inside race ==> 内套圈
  12829. inside radius ==> 内半径
  12830. inside rear view mirror ==> 内部后视镜
  12831. inside recess ==> 内凹座
  12832. inside recessing tool ==> 内凹槽车刀
  12833. inside rolling hitch ==> 内转结
  12834. inside scaffold ==> 室内脚手架
  12835. inside screw ==> 螺母
  12836. inside screw and non-rising stem ==> 暗杆内螺纹
  12837. inside screw and rising stem (ISRS) ==> 明杆内螺纹
  12838. inside screw rising stem ==> 内螺纹明杆
  12839. inside shedding ==> 内侧开口运动
  12840. inside shoe ==> 内履
  12841. inside shoe brake ==> 内蹄式制动器
  12842. inside slip ==> 内滑
  12843. inside spider ==> 内支撑片
  12844. inside spin ==> 内螺旋
  12845. inside spline ga(u)ge ==> 内花键量规
  12846. inside square- corner slick ==> 内直角光子
  12847. inside strake ==> 内刮板
  12848. inside system layout ==> 室内系统布置
  12849. inside taper gauge ==> 内锥度量规
  12850. inside tappet ==> 内侧踏盘
  12851. inside tappet loom ==> 内侧踏盘织机
  12852. inside thread ==> 内螺纹
  12853. inside tire ==> 内侧轮胎
  12854. inside treadle motion ==> (指开口运动)内踏盘运动
  12855. inside tube ==> 内管
  12856. inside turn ==> 内盘旋
  12857. inside union ==> 内部工会
  12858. inside vapor phase oxidation process ==> 管内气相氧化法
  12859. inside view ==> 内视图
  12860. inside wall of cylinder ==> 缸内壁
  12861. inside waterproofing ==> 内防水
  12862. inside weld ==> 内焊缝
  12863. inside wheel turning angle ==> 内转向轮转向角
  12864. inside width ==> 内宽
  12865. inside-angle tool ==> 阴角抹子
  12866. inside-corner trowel ==> 阴角抹子
  12867. inside-drum filter ==> 内鼓式过滤机
  12868. inside-engaged gear ==> 内齿轮
  12869. inside-frosted bulb ==> 内磨砂灯泡
  12870. inside-frosted lamp ==> 内表面闷光灯泡,乳白灯泡
  12871. inside-out filter ==> 外流式过滤器
  12872. inside-out motor ==> 旋转电枢式同步电动机,反结构同步电动机
  12873. inside-out redrawing ==> 反拉延,反向再拉延
  12874. inside-out type cell ==> 内锌外碳式干电池
  12875. inside-outside effect ==> 内外效应
  12876. inside-packed type piston pump ==> 内部填塞式活塞泵
  12877. inside-stained cocoon ==> 内印茧
  12878. insider trading ==> 内幕交易,内线交易
  12879. insidious onset ==> 起病隐袭
  12880. insight learning ==> 顿悟学习
  12881. insight therapy ==> 洞察疗法
  12882. insignificant error ==> 不显著误差
  12883. insignificant variable ==> 不显著变量
  12884. insolation ==> 日射=>日射量
  12885. insolation duration ==> 日照时间
  12886. insolation forecasting ==> 日射量予測
  12887. insolubility ==> 不溶性
  12888. insolubilizing process ==> 不溶性处理
  12889. insoluble ==> 不溶的,不可溶的,不溶解,不溶解的,难溶=>不溶性物質
  12890. insoluble alkaloid ==> 不溶性アルカロイド
  12891. insoluble amyloid ==> 不溶性アミロイド
  12892. insoluble anode ==> 不溶性阳极=>不溶性陽極
  12893. insoluble anti-immunoglobulin ==> 不溶性抗免疫グロブリン
  12894. insoluble azo color ==> 不溶偶氮染料
  12895. insoluble azo colour ==> 不溶性偶氮颜料
  12896. insoluble barite ==> 不溶性重晶石
  12897. insoluble bilirubin ==> 不溶性ビリルビン
  12898. insoluble compound ==> 不溶性化合物
  12899. insoluble enzyme ==> 不溶性酶,固相酶
  12900. insoluble fibrin ==> 不溶性血纤维蛋白
  12901. insoluble fibrin polymer ==> 不可溶性纤维蛋白聚合体,不溶性纤维蛋白聚合体
  12902. insoluble film ==> 不溶性膜
  12903. insoluble fructan ==> 不溶性フルクタン
  12904. insoluble granule ==> 不溶性颗粒
  12905. insoluble impurities ==> 不溶性杂质
  12906. insoluble material ==> 不可溶物质,非溶解质
  12907. insoluble matter ==> 不溶解物,不溶解物质,不溶物质
  12908. insoluble monolayer ==> 不溶物单分子膜,不溶性单层
  12909. insoluble photoresist ==> 非溶性光刻胶
  12910. insoluble protein ==> 不溶蛋白
  12911. insoluble residue ==> 不溶残积,不溶残余物,不溶残渣,不溶性残余物
  12912. insoluble resins ==> 不溶树脂
  12913. insoluble scale ==> 不溶性屑垢
  12914. insoluble sludge ==> 不溶残渣,不溶性残渣
  12915. insoluble soil ==> 不溶性沾污物
  12916. insoluble starch ==> 不溶性淀粉
  12917. insoluble substance ==> 不溶性物质
  12918. insoluble tar ==> 沉淀焦油
  12919. insoluble toxin ==> 不溶性毒素
  12920. insolubles ==> 不溶物质
  12921. insolvable ==> 不能偿还,和"insoluble"一样
  12922. insolvency guaranteed fund ==> 破产担保基金
  12923. insolvent law ==> 破产法
  12924. INSP, inspection ==> 検査
  12925. INSP, inspector ==> 検査員
  12926. INSP/L, inspection lead ==> 検査手引
  12927. inspect ==> 监,检
  12928. inspected area ==> 探伤范围
  12929. inspecting stand ==> 检查台
  12930. inspection ==> 检查,检修,证明,校对,调查,望诊=>検閲,査察,検討,点検
  12931. inspection (inspecting) item ==> 检验项目
  12932. inspection [of a measuring instrument] ==> [计量器具的]检验,为查明计量器具的检定标记或检定证书是否有效,保护标记是否损坏,检定后计量器具是否遭到明显改动,以及其误差是否超过使用中最大允许误差所进行的一种检查
  12933. inspection agency (IA) ==> 检验代理商
  12934. inspection algorithm ==> 検査アルゴリズム
  12935. inspection and testing company ==> 检验公司
  12936. inspection and testing of imports and exports ==> 进出口商品检验
  12937. inspection assorting process ==> 检查分选法
  12938. inspection before assembling ==> 组装之前检查
  12939. inspection bench ==> 产品检验台
  12940. inspection box ==> 观察箱
  12941. inspection by attributes ==> 品质检验
  12942. inspection by variable ==> 变量检验
  12943. inspection certificate ==> 检查证书
  12944. inspection certificate of imported motor vehicles ==> 进口机动车辆检验证明
  12945. inspection certificate of quality ==> 品质检验书
  12946. inspection certificate of weight ==> 重量检验书
  12947. inspection certificate on damaged cargo ==> 残损货物检验证书
  12948. inspection chamber ==> 检查井
  12949. inspection code ==> 检修规范,检修指示书
  12950. inspection code for special equipment ==> 特殊设备检验规范
  12951. inspection cover ==> 检查孔盖
  12952. inspection cover for nozzle ==> 喷嘴检查盖
  12953. inspection criteria ==> 検査基準
  12954. inspection during fabrication ==> 在制造期间检查
  12955. inspection engineer ==> 验收工程师,验收工程师
  12956. inspection enlarger ==> 检查放大机
  12957. inspection equipment ==> 检查仪器
  12958. inspection examination ==> 查验
  12959. inspection eye ==> 管道清扫孔
  12960. inspection fitting ==> 检修用的接头
  12961. inspection free ==> 免费检验
  12962. inspection ga(u)ge ==> 验收规,验收规
  12963. inspection gage ==> 检验量规
  12964. inspection gallery ==> 检查廊道,设置在坝体内用于检查的通道
  12965. inspection gate ==> 检查台
  12966. inspection gauge ==> 检验量规
  12967. inspection glass for ==> 油位检查镜oil level
  12968. inspection hole ==> 检查孔
  12969. inspection hole for exhaust gas pressure ==> 排气压力检查孔
  12970. inspection hole lamp ==> 视孔灯
  12971. inspection hole of ceiling ==> 顶棚检查孔
  12972. inspection hole on roof ==> 屋顶检查孔
  12973. inspection instrument ==> 检验仪器
  12974. inspection jig ==> 检验夹具
  12975. inspection lamp ==> 检验灯
  12976. inspection level ==> 抽检百分比
  12977. inspection machine ==> 校正机
  12978. inspection man ==> 检查员
  12979. inspection manhole ==> 检修人孔
  12980. inspection microscope ==> 检查显微镜
  12981. inspection of blank ==> 毛坯检验
  12982. inspection of chemical equipment ==> 化工设备检验
  12983. inspection of construction ==> 施工检查
  12984. inspection of contracted-out parts ==> 协作件检验
  12985. inspection of edge preparation ==> 坡口检查
  12986. inspection of foreign substance ==> 异物检查
  12987. inspection of foundation subsoil ==> 验槽
  12988. inspection of optical crystal ==> 光学晶体检验
  12989. inspection of plate edges ==> 板边检查
  12990. inspection of risks ==> 被保险物件检查
  12991. inspection of the boiler ==> 锅炉检验
  12992. inspection of the colour of the white of the eye ==> 白睛色诊
  12993. inspection of the superficial venules ==> 诊指纹
  12994. inspection office at the port ==> 口岸检查机关
  12995. inspection on damaged cargo ==> 货物残损检验
  12996. inspection opening ==> 检查孔
  12997. inspection peep hole ==> 检查视孔
  12998. inspection percentage ==> 抽检百分比
  12999. inspection photoelectric quality ==> 产品质量的光电检查
  13000. inspection pit ==> 检修坑
  13001. inspection plate ==> 监视孔盖,检查孔盖
  13002. inspection procedure specification ==> 检查规程
  13003. inspection provision ==> 检验规定,检验准备
  13004. inspection rack ==> 检修台,汽车检修台
  13005. inspection report ==> 鉴定报告
  13006. inspection requirements ==> 检查要求
  13007. inspection requirements manual ==> 检查要求手册
  13008. inspection result ==> 检查结果
  13009. inspection result of main dimension ==> 主要尺寸检查结果
  13010. inspection result of main item ==> 主要项目检查结果
  13011. inspection robot ==> 検査ロボット
  13012. inspection schedule ==> 检查图表
  13013. inspection seed ==> 经过检查的种子,经过检查的种子
  13014. inspection skid ==> 检查台
  13015. inspection standard ==> 检修标准=>検査規格
  13016. inspection test ==> 复核试验
  13017. inspection tour ==> 巡視
  13018. inspection visually inspect ==> 目测外观检查
  13019. inspection window ==> 观察窗
  13020. inspectionism ==> 窥阴癖
  13021. inspector ==> 检查员,产品检查员
  13022. inspector and satellite interceptor ==> 卫星监视与拦截器
  13023. inspector of court ==> 法院检验员
  13024. inspector of material ==> 材料检验员
  13025. inspector's gage ==> 检验量规
  13026. inspector's gauge ==> 检验量规
  13027. inspectors trunk ==> 监测线
  13028. inspectoscope ==> 检验镜,金属裂缝探伤器,探伤镜
  13029. inspiration ==> 启示,汲入=>インスピレーション,刺激,鼓舞,創造性,ひらめき
  13030. inspirator ==> 喷汽注水器,喷射器,喷注器,注入器,注射器,呼吸器,吸气器,吸入器
  13031. inspiratory capacity ==> 吸气量
  13032. inspiratory centre ==> 吸气中枢
  13033. inspiratory flow rate ==> 吸气流速
  13034. inspiratory force ==> 吸气力
  13035. inspiratory laryngeal dyspnea ==> 吸气性喉呼吸困难
  13036. inspiratory motor neuron ==> 吸气运动神经元
  13037. inspiratory muscles spasm ==> 吸气肌痉挛
  13038. inspiratory reserve volume ==> 吸气储量
  13039. inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) ==> 吸气储备量
  13040. inspiratory valve ==> 吸气阀
  13041. inspired air ==> 吸入气
  13042. inspissated bile ==> 浓缩胆汁
  13043. inspissation ==> 浓缩作用,蒸浓法=>濃縮
  13044. INSROP, International Northern Sea Route Programme ==> 北極海航路利用の可能性を探る国際プロジェクト
  13045. INSS ==> 原子力安全システム研究所
  13046. INSS, International conference on Networked Sensing Systems ==> センサネットワークに関する国際会議
  13047. instability ==> 不稳定性=>不安定
  13048. instability condition ==> 不稳定条件
  13049. instability constant ==> 不安定常数,不稳定常数
  13050. instability factor ==> 不稳定因子
  13051. instability index ==> 不稳定指数
  13052. instability line ==> 不稳定线
  13053. instability mode ==> 不稳定型
  13054. instability neutrons ==> 不稳定性中子
  13055. instability of gold market prices ==> 市场金价的不稳定
  13056. instability showers ==> 不稳定阵雨
  13057. instability stress ==> 不稳定应力
  13058. instability strip ==> 不稳定带
  13059. instable equilibrium ==> 不稳定平衡
  13060. instable governor ==> 不稳调节器,不稳定调节器
  13061. instable layer ==> 不稳定层
  13062. instable shower ==> 不稳定性阵雨
  13063. instable slope ==> 不稳定边坡
  13064. install ==> 安设,安装,设置=>インストール
  13065. install in parallel ==> 并联
  13066. install in series ==> 串联
  13067. install machinery ==> 安装机器
  13068. install machinery and equipment ==> 安装机器和设备
  13069. install winnower ==> 安装风选机
  13070. installation ==> 安装,装置,设备,安装设施,计算站=>据付け
  13071. installation (unit) weight ==> 设备重量
  13072. installation accuracy ==> 安装精度
  13073. installation and checkout ==> 安装与测试
  13074. installation and debugging ==> 安装调试
  13075. installation and maintenance ==> 安装和维护=>据付けと保守
  13076. installation and maintenance conditions at field ==> 现场安装和维修条件
  13077. installation and operation ==> 安装和运转
  13078. installation and overhaul specification ==> 安装及检修规范
  13079. installation and trial run ==> 安装调试
  13080. installation capacity ==> 安装能力
  13081. installation charge ==> 装机费,装机费用
  13082. installation conditions ==> 安装条件
  13083. installation cost ==> 安装费用,装置费,安装成本,设备费用
  13084. installation cost as per machine capacity ==> 单位容量安装成本
  13085. installation damages ==> 安装损伤
  13086. installation diagram ==> 安装图,装配图
  13087. installation dimension ==> 安装尺寸
  13088. installation drawing ==> 安装图
  13089. installation equipment ==> 安装设备
  13090. installation error ==> 安装误差
  13091. installation exit routine ==> 安装出口程序
  13092. installation hole of pipe duct ==> 管沟安装孔
  13093. installation insurance ==> 安装保险
  13094. installation kit ==> 装配工具,零配件
  13095. installation material ==> 安装材料,装置性材料=>据付材料
  13096. installation method ==> 装置法
  13097. installation microscope ==> 安装显微镜
  13098. installation notice ==> 安装须知
  13099. installation of Christmas tree ==> 采油树安装
  13100. installation of gaging station ==> 测站装置
  13101. installation of heating pipeline ==> 供热管道敷设
  13102. installation of instrument and control system ==> 仪表控制系统安装,与热力设备及其系统有关的热工仪表和控制装置的校验、安装、调试工作的总称
  13103. installation of oceanographic survey ==> 海洋调查装备
  13104. installation on vessels in service ==> 容器在役时的安装
  13105. installation processing control ==> 设备处理控制,计算站处理控制
  13106. installation production order ==> 设备生产定货
  13107. installation productivity option (IPO) ==> 计算中心生产率选件
  13108. installation project ==> 安装项目
  13109. installation rate ==> 安装速度=>設置率
  13110. installation rate of input/output point ==> 输入输出点接入率,已安装的输入、输出点数与设计的输入、输出点数之比,通常用百分数表示
  13111. installation safety evaluation ==> 设备安装安全评价
  13112. installation site ==> 安装场所,安装地点,安装位置
  13113. installation size ==> 安装尺寸
  13114. installation specification ==> 安装规范,安装检修规程
  13115. installation specifications ==> 装配指导书
  13116. installation tape number ==> 装带号,装配带号,磁带安装号,安装磁带号
  13117. installation time ==> 安装时间,装配时间
  13118. installation verification procedure ==> 安装验证过程
  13119. installation weight ==> 安装重量,装置重量
  13120. installation wire ==> 安装用电线
  13121. installation work ==> 安装工程=>据付工事
  13122. installed azimuth angles ==> 設置方位角
  13123. installed capacity ==> 设备容量,装机容量,装置容量,已安装能力=>設備容量
  13124. installed capacity of power station ==> 电站装机容量
  13125. installed cost of project ==> 新投资添置成本
  13126. installed diaphragm pressure range ==> 安装流量特性
  13127. installed engine ==> 装机发动机
  13128. installed gross capacity ==> 总装机容量
  13129. installed horsepower ==> 装机马力数
  13130. installed load ==> 接入载荷,安装荷重
  13131. installed net horsepower ==> 装机净马力
  13132. installed net torque ==> 装机净扭矩
  13133. installed plant capacity ==> 已安装工厂生产能力,电站装机容量
  13134. installed positions and shapes ==> 安装位置与形式
  13135. installed power ==> 设备容量,装机功率
  13136. installed rangeability ==> 安装可调比
  13137. installed user program ==> 用户安装程序,安装的用户程序
  13138. installed vacuum cleaner ==> 固定式真空吸尘器
  13139. installed weight ==> 安装后的重量
  13140. installing ==> 安装,装置,阵列
  13141. installing but not discharging ==> 藏而不泻
  13142. installment ==> 分期付款
  13143. installment and interest charges ==> 分期还本付息
  13144. installment basis ==> 分期付款法
  13145. installment bonds ==> 分期偿还公司债
  13146. installment certificate ==> 分期付款单据
  13147. installment contract ==> 分期分批履行的合同,分期付款合同
  13148. installment contracts ==> 分期付款契约
  13149. installment credit ==> 分期还款信贷
  13150. installment credit controls ==> 分期付款信贷控制
  13151. installment distribution liquidation ==> 分期分配结算
  13152. installment financing ==> 分期付款资金融通
  13153. installment house ==> 分期付款商店
  13154. installment in full ==> 全额分期付款
  13155. installment insurance ==> 分期缴费的保险
  13156. installment loans ==> 分期偿还的借款
  13157. installment method ==> 分期付款法
  13158. installment payment ==> 分期付款的支付
  13159. installment payment a/c ==> 分期付款帐户
  13160. installment payment clause ==> 分期付款条款,分期支付条款
  13161. installment payment of tax ==> 分期缴税
  13162. installment plan ==> 分期付款法
  13163. installment plan system ==> 分期付款销货
  13164. installment premium ==> 分期缴付的保险费
  13165. installment purchase ==> 分期付款购货
  13166. installment receivable account ==> 分期应收帐款
  13167. installment sale ==> 分期付款销售
  13168. installment sales contract ==> 分期付款销货合同
  13169. installment scrip ==> 分期股票收据
  13170. installment selling ==> 分期付款出售,分期付款销货
  13171. installment sore ==> 分期付款商店
  13172. installment system ==> 分期付款销货
  13173. installment terms ==> 分期付款条款
  13174. instalment basis ==> 分期付款标准
  13175. instalment basis accounting ==> 分期付款制的会计处理
  13176. instalment basis method ==> 分期付款制方法
  13177. instalment bond ==> 分期付款债券
  13178. instalment bonds ==> 分期偿还债券
  13179. instalment business ==> 分期支付营业
  13180. instalment buying ==> 分期付款购货,分期付款购买
  13181. instalment contracts ==> 分期付款售货合同
  13182. instalment credit ==> 分期付款信贷
  13183. instalment credit selling ==> 分期付款赊销
  13184. instalment delivery ==> 分期交货
  13185. instalment distribution liquidation ==> 分期派款清算
  13186. instalment financing ==> 分期还款信贷
  13187. instalment guarantee ==> 分期付款保证函
  13188. instalment payment ==> 分期付款
  13189. instalment payment credit ==> 分期付款信用证
  13190. instalment plan ==> 分期付款
  13191. instalment premium ==> 分期支付的保险费
  13192. instalment purchase ==> 分期付款进货
  13193. instalment receipt ==> 分期付款收据
  13194. instalment sale ==> 分期收款销售
  13195. instalment sales basis ==> 分期付款销货法
  13196. instalment scrip book ==> 分期付款收据簿
  13197. instalment selling ==> 分期付款销售法
  13198. instalment shipment ==> 分批装运
  13199. instalment system ==> 分期缴付制度
  13200. instalment trade ==> 分期付款交易
  13201. instamatic system ==> 飞机订票系统
  13202. instanataneous speed regulation ==> 瞬时速度调节
  13203. instance ==> 场合,例,例子,样品,实例,事例
  13204. instance level of court ==> 法院审级
  13205. instant ==> 瞬间,立刻的,紧急的,迫切的,瞬时的,即刻,瞬时=>時点
  13206. instant bridge ==> 瞬时建成桥
  13207. instant center ==> 瞬时中心,瞬心
  13208. instant chromatography ==> 瞬息色谱法
  13209. instant chrysanthemum beverage ==> 菊花晶,菊花晶
  13210. instant coffee ==> 速溶咖啡
  13211. instant data setting ==> 瞬时换日
  13212. instant data setting calendar ==> 瞬跳换日
  13213. instant dispatching ==> 迅速发运,迅速发运
  13214. instant estimation ==> 瞬時推定
  13215. instant foodstuff ==> 方便食品
  13216. instant insanity ==> 顿时错乱
  13217. instant nonfat milk powder ==> 速溶脱脂奶粉
  13218. instant on system ==> 瞬间接收制,即时接通制
  13219. instant photo machine to make tiny stickers ==> 贴纸相机=>プリクラ
  13220. instant reset ==> 瞬时复位
  13221. instant return mirror mechanism ==> 瞬时回镜机构
  13222. instant starting boiler ==> 快速启动锅炉
  13223. instant stop type ==> 立即停止方式
  13224. instant talk-in system ==> 即时对话系统
  13225. instant tea ==> 速溶茶
  13226. instant vision ==> 瞬间接收图像,瞬间可视图像
  13227. instant-change calendar ==> 瞬时变换日历
  13228. instant-jump calendar ==> 瞬跳日历
  13229. instant-on switch ==> 瞬动开关
  13230. instant-start ==> 瞬时接入,瞬时起燃
  13231. instant-start fluorescent lamp ==> 瞬时起动荧光灯=>スリムライン形蛍光ランプ
  13232. instantaneous ==> 瞬时的,同时的,即时的,瞬态的=>瞬時,即時
  13233. instantaneous acceleration ==> 瞬时加速度
  13234. instantaneous access ==> 立即存取,立即访问,立即访问
  13235. instantaneous acoustic pressure ==> 瞬时声压
  13236. instantaneous acting relay ==> 瞬动继电器,瞬时继电器
  13237. instantaneous active power ==> 瞬时有功功率=>瞬時有効電力
  13238. instantaneous active power in single phase circuit ==> 单相回路有功功率瞬时值
  13239. instantaneous active power in single-phase circuit ==> 単相回路の瞬時有効電力
  13240. instantaneous active power in three phase circuits ==> 三相回路有功功率瞬时值
  13241. instantaneous active power in three-phases circuit ==> 三相回路の瞬時有効電力
  13242. instantaneous AGC ==> 瞬时自动增益控制
  13243. instantaneous amplitude ==> 瞬态振幅,瞬时幅度
  13244. instantaneous analysis ==> 瞬态分析
  13245. instantaneous analyzer ==> 瞬态分析器
  13246. instantaneous angular frequency ==> 瞬时角频率
  13247. instantaneous angular velocity ==> 瞬时角速度
  13248. instantaneous annealing point ==> 瞬时熟炼点,瞬时退火点
  13249. instantaneous apparent power ==> 视在功率瞬时值,视在功率瞬时值为复变量,其实数分量是有功功率瞬时值,其虚数分量是无功功率瞬时值。=>瞬時皮相電力
  13250. instantaneous apparent power in single phase circuit ==> 单相回路视在功率瞬时值
  13251. instantaneous assembly ==> 瞬时装置
  13252. instantaneous attracted armature relay ==> 瞬动吸铁继电器
  13253. instantaneous automatic gain control ==> 瞬时自动增益控制
  13254. instantaneous availability ==> 瞬时可用度
  13255. instantaneous AVC ==> 瞬时自动音量控制,瞬时自动电压控制
  13256. instantaneous axis ==> 瞬时轴线
  13257. instantaneous axis of rotation ==> 瞬时转动轴
  13258. instantaneous bending strength ==> 瞬时抗弯强力
  13259. instantaneous billet energy ==> (高速成形)瞬时毛坯能量
  13260. instantaneous billet energy (高速成形) ==> 瞬时毛坯能量
  13261. instantaneous break ==> 瞬时切断
  13262. instantaneous calendar ==> 瞬跳日历机构
  13263. instantaneous cap ==> 瞬发雷管
  13264. instantaneous capacity ==> 瞬时功率
  13265. instantaneous carrying current ==> 瞬时极限电流
  13266. instantaneous carrying-current ==> 瞬时载流
  13267. instantaneous center ==> 瞬时中心
  13268. instantaneous center of rotation ==> 瞬时旋转中心
  13269. instantaneous centre ==> 瞬时中心
  13270. instantaneous centre of acceleration ==> 瞬时加速度中心
  13271. instantaneous centre of rotation ==> 瞬时旋转中心
  13272. instantaneous centre of velocity ==> 瞬时速度中心
  13273. instantaneous characteristics ==> 瞬時特性
  13274. instantaneous circle ==> 瞬时轨道圆
  13275. instantaneous code ==> 立即码
  13276. instantaneous collapse ==> 瞬时坍塌
  13277. instantaneous combustion ==> 瞬时燃烧
  13278. instantaneous communication ==> 瞬时通信
  13279. instantaneous compander ==> 瞬時圧伸器
  13280. instantaneous compliance ==> 瞬时柔量
  13281. instantaneous compressor ==> 瞬時圧縮器
  13282. instantaneous concentration ==> 瞬时浓度
  13283. instantaneous condition ==> 瞬时条件
  13284. instantaneous contact ==> 瞬时接触
  13285. instantaneous conversion ==> 瞬时转化
  13286. instantaneous couple ==> 瞬时力偶
  13287. instantaneous coupling modulus ==> 瞬时偶合模量
  13288. instantaneous current ==> 瞬时电流=>瞬時電流
  13289. instantaneous current control ==> 瞬時電流制御
  13290. instantaneous current protection, current quick-breaking protection ==> 电流速断保护,以[保护装置的]动作电流大于保护区域外短路时的最大短路电流而获得选择性的一种电流保护
  13291. instantaneous current vector ==> 瞬時電流ベクトル
  13292. instantaneous cut ==> 瞬时掏槽
  13293. instantaneous daily rate ==> 瞬时日差
  13294. instantaneous damper current ==> 瞬时阻尼电流
  13295. instantaneous data-transfer rate ==> 瞬时数据传输率
  13296. instantaneous date and day mechanism ==> (日,周)瞬跳双历机构
  13297. instantaneous date and day mechanism (日,周) ==> 瞬跳双历机构
  13298. instantaneous date mechanism ==> 瞬跳日历机构
  13299. instantaneous deflection ==> 瞬时变位
  13300. instantaneous deformation ==> 瞬时变形,瞬时形变
  13301. instantaneous delivery ==> 瞬时流量
  13302. instantaneous description ==> 瞬时描述
  13303. instantaneous detector ==> 瞬时探测器
  13304. instantaneous deviation control ==> 瞬间偏移控制,瞬时偏移控制=>瞬時偏移制御
  13305. instantaneous deviation control circuit ==> 瞬时偏移控制电路=>瞬時偏移制御回路(IDC回路)
  13306. instantaneous deviation indicator ==> 瞬时偏移指示器,瞬时频偏指示器
  13307. instantaneous deviation suppressing circuit ==> 瞬时最大频偏抑制电路
  13308. instantaneous dipole moment ==> 瞬时偶极矩
  13309. instantaneous discharge ==> 瞬时放电
  13310. instantaneous distance ==> 瞬时距离
  13311. instantaneous effect ==> 瞬时效应
  13312. instantaneous elasticity ==> 瞬时弹性
  13313. instantaneous electric detonator ==> 瞬时发电雷管
  13314. instantaneous electric water heater ==> 瞬时电热水器
  13315. instantaneous electromotive force ==> 瞬时电动势
  13316. instantaneous electronic scanning ==> 瞬时电子扫描
  13317. instantaneous emf ==> 瞬时电动势
  13318. instantaneous erection ==> 瞬时安装
  13319. instantaneous error ==> 瞬时误差
  13320. instantaneous error measurement ==> 瞬时误差测定
  13321. instantaneous exciter ==> 瞬时激励器
  13322. instantaneous expander ==> 瞬时扩展器=>瞬時伸張器
  13323. instantaneous exposure ==> 瞬时曝光
  13324. instantaneous extension ==> 瞬时延伸
  13325. instantaneous fading ==> 瞬时衰落
  13326. instantaneous failure ==> 瞬時故障
  13327. instantaneous failure rate ==> 瞬时故障率
  13328. instantaneous field ==> 瞬时场
  13329. instantaneous field of view ==> 瞬时视场
  13330. instantaneous firing ==> 瞬发爆发
  13331. instantaneous flash ==> 瞬时闪火
  13332. instantaneous frequency ==> 瞬时频率=>瞬時周波数
  13333. instantaneous frequency control circuit ==> 瞬時周波数制御回路
  13334. instantaneous frequency stability ==> 瞬时频率稳定度
  13335. instantaneous frequency-indicating receiver ==> 瞬时频率指示接收机
  13336. instantaneous fuse ==> 瞬发引信
  13337. instantaneous fusing ==> 瞬发引线
  13338. instantaneous gas-oil ratio ==> 瞬时油气比
  13339. instantaneous growth rate ==> 瞬时间生长率
  13340. instantaneous heat exchanger ==> 快速换热器
  13341. instantaneous heater ==> 瞬时加热器
  13342. instantaneous heating ==> 瞬时加热
  13343. instantaneous ignition ==> 瞬发点火
  13344. instantaneous image ==> 瞬时像
  13345. instantaneous imaginary power ==> 瞬時虚電力
  13346. instantaneous impact fuze ==> 瞬发撞击引信
  13347. instantaneous impulse ==> 瞬时传冲,瞬时脉冲
  13348. instantaneous inner product ==> 瞬時内積
  13349. instantaneous ladle inoculation ==> 瞬时浇包孕育
  13350. instantaneous latitude ==> 瞬时纬度
  13351. instantaneous linear velocity ==> 瞬时线速度
  13352. instantaneous load ==> 瞬时负载,瞬时负荷
  13353. instantaneous loading capacity ==> 瞬时装载能力
  13354. instantaneous longitude ==> 瞬时经度
  13355. instantaneous mass ==> 瞬时质量
  13356. instantaneous maximum speed ==> 瞬时最高转速
  13357. instantaneous maximum wind ==> 瞬时最大风
  13358. instantaneous measurement ==> 瞬时测量
  13359. instantaneous measuring apparatus ==> 瞬态测试仪器
  13360. instantaneous model ==> 瞬时模型
  13361. instantaneous modulus ==> 瞬时模量
  13362. instantaneous molal concentration ==> 瞬时摩尔浓度
  13363. instantaneous movement ==> 瞬跳机构
  13364. instantaneous neutron ==> 瞬发中子
  13365. instantaneous neutron of nucleus ==> 核瞬发中子
  13366. instantaneous neutron pulse ==> 瞬发中子脉冲
  13367. instantaneous noise ==> 瞬时噪声
  13368. instantaneous norm ==> 瞬時ノルム
  13369. instantaneous operation ==> 瞬时动作
  13370. instantaneous orbit ==> 瞬时轨道
  13371. instantaneous orbit of charged particle ==> 带电粒子的瞬时轨道
  13372. instantaneous output ==> 瞬时功率,瞬时出力
  13373. instantaneous overcurrent relay ==> 瞬动过电流继电器
  13374. instantaneous overload ==> 瞬时过载
  13375. instantaneous overvoltage ==> 瞬时过电压
  13376. instantaneous overvoltage capacity ==> 瞬时耐压容量
  13377. instantaneous peak current ==> 瞬时峰值电流
  13378. instantaneous peak demand ==> 瞬时尖峰负荷
  13379. instantaneous peak flow ==> 瞬时最高流量,瞬时顶峰流量
  13380. instantaneous peak power ==> 瞬时峰值电力
  13381. instantaneous peak value ==> 瞬时峰值
  13382. instantaneous phase current ==> 瞬时相电流
  13383. instantaneous phase indicator ==> 瞬时相位指示器
  13384. instantaneous point disturbance ==> 瞬时点扰动
  13385. instantaneous pore pressure ==> 瞬时孔隙压力
  13386. instantaneous position ==> 瞬时位置
  13387. instantaneous power ==> 瞬时功率=>瞬時電力,瞬時パワー
  13388. instantaneous power output ==> 瞬时功率输出
  13389. instantaneous pressure ==> 瞬时压力
  13390. instantaneous probability of detection ==> 瞬时检测概率
  13391. instantaneous protection ==> 瞬时保护,不带预定延时的保护=>即時保護 ,Protection with no intentional delay.
  13392. instantaneous pulse ==> 瞬时脉冲
  13393. instantaneous punch energy ==> (高速成形)瞬时冲头能量
  13394. instantaneous radiation ==> 瞬时辐射
  13395. instantaneous radius ==> 瞬时半径
  13396. instantaneous rate ==> 瞬时日差
  13397. instantaneous rate of deformation ==> 瞬时形变速率
  13398. instantaneous reactance ==> 瞬时电抗
  13399. instantaneous reaction ==> 瞬时反应
  13400. instantaneous reaction yield ==> 瞬时反应收率
  13401. instantaneous reactive power ==> 瞬时无功功率=>瞬時無効電力
  13402. instantaneous reactive power in single phase circuit ==> 单相回路无功功率瞬时值
  13403. instantaneous reactive power in single-phase circuit ==> 単相回路の瞬時無効電力
  13404. instantaneous reactive power in three phase circuits ==> 三相回路无功功率瞬时值
  13405. instantaneous reactive power in three-phases circuit ==> 三相回路の瞬時無効電力
  13406. instantaneous reactivity ==> 瞬时反应性
  13407. instantaneous reading ==> 瞬时读数
  13408. instantaneous readout ==> 瞬时读出
  13409. instantaneous real power ==> 瞬時実電力
  13410. instantaneous real value ==> 螺旋矢量瞬时值=>スパイラルベクトルの瞬時値
  13411. instantaneous reclosing ==> 瞬时重合闸
  13412. instantaneous recording ==> 瞬时录像,现用录音,即时录音,即席录声
  13413. instantaneous recovery ==> 瞬时恢复
  13414. instantaneous recovery time ==> 瞬时恢复时间
  13415. instantaneous relay ==> 瞬动继电器,速动继电器
  13416. instantaneous release ==> 瞬时释放
  13417. instantaneous releaser ==> 瞬时脱扣器,无任何人为的时间延迟而动作的脱扣器
  13418. instantaneous reoperate time ==> 瞬时再动作时间
  13419. instantaneous response ==> 瞬时反应
  13420. instantaneous response analysis ==> 瞬态响应分析
  13421. instantaneous response function ==> 瞬时响应函数
  13422. instantaneous return time ==> 瞬时复原时间
  13423. instantaneous reverse ==> 瞬时换向
  13424. instantaneous rotation ==> 瞬时旋转
  13425. instantaneous sample ==> 瞬时取样
  13426. instantaneous sampler ==> 瞬时采样器
  13427. instantaneous sampling ==> 瞬时采样
  13428. instantaneous set ==> 瞬时变定
  13429. instantaneous short circuit ==> 瞬时短路
  13430. instantaneous short-circuit test ==> 瞬时短路试验
  13431. instantaneous shot ==> 瞬时摄影
  13432. instantaneous shutter ==> 瞬间快门
  13433. instantaneous sound energy density ==> 瞬时声能密度
  13434. instantaneous sound particle acceleration ==> 瞬时声质点加速度
  13435. instantaneous sound particle displacement ==> 瞬时声质点位移
  13436. instantaneous sound particle velocity ==> 瞬时声质点速度
  13437. instantaneous sound pressure ==> 瞬时声压
  13438. instantaneous source ==> 瞬时作用源
  13439. instantaneous space vector diagrams ==> 瞬時空間ベクトル図
  13440. instantaneous specific heat ==> 瞬时比热,真实比热
  13441. instantaneous speech power ==> 瞬时语言功率
  13442. instantaneous speed ==> 瞬时速度
  13443. instantaneous speed change ==> 瞬时速度变动率
  13444. instantaneous spiral vector current ==> 螺旋矢量瞬时电流,复平面上的电流矢量,其实数部代表实测瞬时电流。论文见http://www.geocities.jp/ps_dictionary/yamamura/paper5.htm=>瞬時スパイラルベクトル電流
  13445. instantaneous spiral vector voltage ==> 螺旋矢量瞬时电压,复平面上的电压矢量,其实数部代表实测瞬时电压=>瞬時スパイラルベクトル電圧
  13446. instantaneous stability ==> 瞬时稳定性
  13447. instantaneous stand-by ==> 瞬时备用,短时备用
  13448. instantaneous state ==> 瞬时状态
  13449. instantaneous stopping ==> 瞬时停顿
  13450. instantaneous storage ==> 瞬时存储器,立即存取存储
  13451. instantaneous strain ==> 瞬时应变
  13452. instantaneous stream density ==> 瞬时流密度
  13453. instantaneous streamline ==> 瞬时流线
  13454. instantaneous stress ==> 瞬时应力
  13455. instantaneous surface tension ==> 瞬时表面张力
  13456. instantaneous switch ==> 瞬时开关
  13457. instantaneous system ==> 瞬时系统
  13458. instantaneous tangent modulus ==> 瞬时正切模量
  13459. instantaneous torque ==> 瞬时转矩
  13460. instantaneous total closure ==> 瞬时全关
  13461. instantaneous transmission rate ==> 瞬时传输率
  13462. instantaneous trip ==> 瞬间切断=>即時引き外し
  13463. instantaneous trip and over-current off/on ==> 速断及过流断通
  13464. instantaneous unlocking mechanism ==> 瞬跳机构
  13465. instantaneous value ==> 瞬时值=>瞬時値
  13466. instantaneous value symmetrical component method ==> 瞬時値対称座標法
  13467. instantaneous velocity ==> 瞬时速度
  13468. instantaneous velocity center ==> 瞬时速度中心
  13469. instantaneous velocity of reaction ==> 瞬时反应速度
  13470. instantaneous vibration acceleration ==> 瞬时振动加速度
  13471. instantaneous vibration displacement ==> 瞬时振动位移
  13472. instantaneous vibration velocity ==> 瞬时振动速度
  13473. instantaneous voltage ==> 瞬时电压
  13474. instantaneous voltage drop ==> 瞬時電圧低下
  13475. instantaneous voltage sag ==> 瞬時電圧低下
  13476. instantaneous volume control ==> 瞬时音量控制
  13477. instantaneous volume flow rate ==> 瞬时体积流量
  13478. instantaneous weight ==> 瞬时重量
  13479. instantaneous wind speed ==> 瞬时风速
  13480. instantaneous==instantaneous … ==> 即時 A relay which operates and re-sets without intentional delay.
  13481. instantaneously applied load ==> 瞬时荷载
  13482. instantaneously changing ==> 瞬跳
  13483. instantaneously changing simple calender ==> 瞬变单日历
  13484. instantaneously-operating apparatus ==> 瞬时运行电器
  13485. instantanous center ==> 瞬心
  13486. instantly familiar idea (be~) ==> 誰でもすぐにわかるアイデア
  13487. instantly feel friendly toward ==> すぐに人に親しみを感じる
  13488. instantly illuminate ==> 一瞬にして照らし出す
  13489. instantly-acting time-limit resetting system ==> 瞬动时限复归制
  13490. instep bar ==> 袜背导纱杆
  13491. instep half ==> 袜背半圆
  13492. instep needle ==> 袜背针
  13493. instigator ==> 扇動者
  13494. instinct ==> 本能,直感
  13495. instinct for art ==> 芸術的素質
  13496. instinct for making money ==> 金もうけの才能
  13497. instinct of imitation ==> 模仿本能
  13498. instinct of procreation ==> 生殖本能
  13499. instinct of workmanship ==> 提高艺术的本能
  13500. instinct theory ==> 本能論
  13501. instinctive ==> 本能的
  13502. instinctive activity ==> 本能活动
  13503. instinctive behavior ==> 本能行为
  13504. instinctive behaviour disturbance ==> 本能行为障碍
  13505. instinctive centre ==> 本能中枢
  13506. institute ==> 研究所=>協会,学会
  13507. institute (college) of science and technology ==> 理工学院
  13508. Institute Air Cargo Clause ==> 协会航空货物保险条款
  13509. institute an inquiry ==> 开始调查
  13510. Institute Cargo Clause ==> 协会货物平安险条款
  13511. Institute Cargo Clauses ==> 协会货运保险条款,协会全险条款
  13512. Institute Dangerous Drugs Clause ==> 协会危险药品条款
  13513. institute for drug control ==> 药品检验所
  13514. Institute for Energy and Environmental Research ==> 美国能源与环境研究所
  13515. Institute of Acoustics (United Kingdom) ==> 英国声学学会
  13516. institute of acupuncture and moxibustion ==> 针灸研究所
  13517. Institute of Chemical Engineers (United Kingdom) ==> 化学工程师学会(英国)
  13518. institute of Chinese materia medica ==> 中药研究所
  13519. institute of economics ==> 经济研究所,经济研究所
  13520. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ==> 电气与电子工程师学会
  13521. Institute of Energy (United Kingdom) ==> 能源学会(英国)
  13522. Institute of Experimental Biology ==> 实验生物研究所
  13523. Institute of Export ==> 出口学会
  13524. institute of foundrymen ==> 鋳物協会
  13525. Institute of Freight For warder (IFF) ==> 货运承揽业协会
  13526. institute of human relations ==> 人群关系研究所
  13527. institute of labor health ==> 劳动卫生研究所
  13528. Institute of Marine Engineers (United Kingdom) ==> 轮机工程师学会(英国)
  13529. institute of materia medica ==> 药物研究所
  13530. Institute of Meat Bulletin ==> 肉品研究所专刊
  13531. institute of medical biology ==> 医学生物学研究所
  13532. institute of medical instruments and apparatus ==> 医疗仪器及器械研究所
  13533. institute of mining engineers ==> 采矿工程师学会
  13534. institute of oceanography ==> 海洋研究所
  13535. institute of zootechnics and veterinary science ==> 畜牧兽医科学研究所
  13536. Institute policy ==> 协会保险单
  13537. Institute Replacement Clauses ==> 协会重置条款
  13538. institution ==> 事业单位,设置,机构=>公共機関,公共施設
  13539. institution of action ==> 民事诉讼的起诉
  13540. Institution of Mechanical Engineers (United Kingdom) ==> 机械工程师学会(英国)
  13541. institutional accounting ==> 事业机构会计
  13542. institutional advertising ==> 厂商广告
  13543. institutional arbitration ==> 机构仲裁
  13544. institutional factor ==> 体制因素
  13545. institutional function ==> 体制函数
  13546. institutional investment ==> 机构投资
  13547. institutional investors ==> 团体投资人
  13548. institutional network ==> 机构交易
  13549. institutional purchase ==> 厂商间购买
  13550. institutional reform ==> 機構改革
  13551. institutional sector of origin ==> 来源机构部门
  13552. institutional structure ==> 体制结构
  13553. institutionalized ==> 制度化された
  13554. institutionalized behavior ==> 制度的行動
  13555. institutions handling overseas Chinese affairs ==> 侨务系统
  13556. institutions of higher learning ==> 高等院校
  13557. instron ==> 拉伸强度试验机
  13558. Instron ==> 英斯特朗=>インストロン
  13559. Instron apparatus ==> 英斯特朗电子强力机
  13560. Instron capillary rheometer ==> 英斯特朗毛细管流变仪
  13561. instron tensile strength tester ==> 拉力测定仪
  13562. Instron tensile tester ==> 英斯特朗电子强力测试仪
  13563. instruct ==> 示,指导,指示
  13564. instruct to ==> 委托
  13565. instruction ==> 命令,说明,指令,指示,指示书=>命令,使用説明書
  13566. instruction address ==> 指令地址=>命令アドレス
  13567. instruction address register ==> 指令地址寄存器=>命令アドレスレジスタ
  13568. instruction address source ==> 指令地址源
  13569. instruction architecture ==> 指令体系结构
  13570. instruction area ==> 指令存储区
  13571. instruction array ==> 指令阵列
  13572. instruction bank ==> 指令存储体
  13573. instruction book ==> 说明书,操作手册=>取扱説明書
  13574. instruction book of spike tooth harrow ==> 钉齿耙使用说明书
  13575. instruction buffer ==> 指令缓冲器
  13576. instruction buffer register ==> 指令缓冲寄存器
  13577. instruction bus ==> 指令总线
  13578. instruction card ==> 指导卡片,说明卡
  13579. instruction carriage ==> 试验车
  13580. instruction case ==> 仪器柜
  13581. instruction catalogue ==> 指令表
  13582. instruction character ==> 控制字符,指令符号,指令字符,操作符
  13583. instruction check indicator ==> 指令检验指示器
  13584. instruction circuit ==> 指令电路
  13585. instruction classification ==> 指令分类
  13586. instruction code ==> 指令码=>命令コード
  13587. instruction command ==> 指令形式的命令
  13588. instruction command, standard command ==> 指示命令,又称"标准命令"
  13589. instruction compatibility ==> 指令兼容性
  13590. instruction constant ==> 指令常数
  13591. instruction control ==> 指令控制
  13592. instruction control circuit ==> 指令控制电路
  13593. instruction control unit ==> 指令控制器=>命令制御装置
  13594. instruction counter ==> 指令计数器
  13595. instruction cycle ==> 指令周期
  13596. instruction cycles ==> 指令周期数
  13597. instruction cycletime ==> 指令周期时间
  13598. instruction deck ==> 指令卡片组
  13599. instruction decode ==> 指令译码
  13600. instruction decode module ==> 指令译码模件
  13601. instruction decode network ==> 指令译码网络
  13602. instruction decoder ==> 指令译码器
  13603. instruction decoding by control processor ==> 借助控制处理机的指令译码
  13604. instruction dependency ==> 指令相关性
  13605. instruction diagnostic ==> 指令诊断机
  13606. instruction display ==> 示教显示器
  13607. instruction distribution channel ==> 指令分配通道
  13608. instruction element ==> 指令元件,指令元素
  13609. instruction execute ==> 指令执行
  13610. instruction execution control ==> 指令执行控制
  13611. instruction execution logic ==> 指令执行逻辑
  13612. instruction execution time ==> 指令执行时间
  13613. instruction fetch ==> 指令取出
  13614. instruction fetch cycle ==> 命令取出し段階
  13615. instruction fetch microoperation ==> 取指令微操作
  13616. instruction fetch operation ==> 取指令操作
  13617. instruction fetch phase ==> 取指令阶段
  13618. instruction field ==> 指令字段
  13619. instruction flow ==> 指令流
  13620. instruction for bidding ==> 投标须知
  13621. instruction for despatch of goods ==> 空运货物委托书
  13622. instruction for installation ==> 安装说明书
  13623. instruction for maintenance ==> (规程)维修说明书
  13624. instruction for maintenance plan ==> 整備計画支援
  13625. instruction for mounting ==> 安装说明书
  13626. instruction for use ==> 使用说明
  13627. instruction format ==> 指令格式=>命令形式
  13628. instruction forming ==> 指令形成
  13629. instruction generation ==> 指令生成程序
  13630. instruction group ==> 指令组
  13631. instruction ignore ==> 指令无动作,指令无效
  13632. instruction length ==> 指令长度,指向
  13633. instruction length code ==> 指令长度码
  13634. instruction level language ==> 指令级语言
  13635. instruction level multiprogram ==> 指令级多道程序
  13636. instruction list ==> 指令表
  13637. instruction machine code ==> 指令机器码
  13638. instruction main line ==> 指令主线
  13639. instruction manual ==> 使用说明书,操作手册,指令手册,使用手册,用户说明=>取扱説明書
  13640. instruction map ==> 指令变换
  13641. instruction memory ==> 指令存储器
  13642. instruction mix ==> 指令混合比例
  13643. instruction modification ==> 指令改变,指令修改,指令字修改
  13644. instruction modifier ==> 命令修飾子,指令修改量
  13645. instruction number ==> 指令数,指令数号,语句编号
  13646. instruction of technical operation ==> 技术操作规程
  13647. instruction operation code ==> 指令操作码
  13648. instruction packet ==> 指令包
  13649. instruction path ==> 指令通路
  13650. instruction pipeline ==> 指令流水线
  13651. instruction pointer ==> 指令指针
  13652. instruction processing unit ==> 指令处理器
  13653. instruction processor ==> 指令处理机
  13654. instruction queue ==> 指令队列
  13655. instruction register ==> 指令寄存器=>命令レジスタ
  13656. instruction repertoire ==> 指令程序,指令系统
  13657. instruction repertory ==> 指令表,指令系统,指令组
  13658. instruction retry ==> 指令复执,指令重复执行
  13659. instruction routine ==> 指令常规
  13660. instruction segment ==> 指令段
  13661. instruction sequence ==> 指令序列
  13662. instruction set ==> 指令表,指令系统,指令组=>命令集合
  13663. instruction set component ==> 指令系统成分
  13664. instruction set expandability ==> 指令系统扩展性
  13665. instruction sheet ==> 说明图表,样本
  13666. instruction space ==> 指令空间
  13667. instruction stack ==> 指令栈
  13668. instruction step ==> 指令步
  13669. instruction storage ==> 指令存储,指令存贮器
  13670. instruction stream ==> 指令流
  13671. instruction switch ==> 命令スイッチ
  13672. instruction system ==> 指令系统
  13673. instruction table ==> 指令表
  13674. instruction tape ==> 指令磁带
  13675. instruction target word ==> 目标指令
  13676. instruction time ==> 指令取出时间,指令时间,指令执行时间,指示时间,取指令时间
  13677. instruction to bidders ==> 投标须知
  13678. instruction to tender ==> 投标须知
  13679. instruction to the structure ==> 结构说明
  13680. instruction tracing ==> 指令追踪
  13681. instruction transfer ==> 指令转移
  13682. instruction type ==> 指令类型
  13683. instruction unit ==> 指令部件
  13684. instruction word ==> 指令语=>命令語
  13685. instruction words of location ==> 位置指令字
  13686. instruction-based architecture ==> 以指令为基础的结构
  13687. instruction-oriented algorithms ==> 面向指令算法
  13688. instructional design ==> 教学设计
  13689. instructional film ==> 指导片
  13690. instructional gaming program ==> 教学游戏程序
  13691. instructional management system (IMS) ==> 教育管理系统
  13692. instructional mode ==> 教学形式
  13693. instructional record ==> 教学唱片
  13694. instructional software ==> 教学软件
  13695. instructional strategies ==> 教学策略
  13696. instructional system ==> 教学系统
  13697. instructional television ==> 教学电视,教育电视
  13698. instructional terminal ==> 教学终端
  13699. instructional testing ==> 教学测试
  13700. instructions ==> 使用说明
  13701. instructions to attendants ==> 操作规程
  13702. instructive theory ==> 指导学说,诱导学说
  13703. instructor ==> 指导者=>講師
  13704. instructor station ==> 教练员台,教练员控制仿真机运行和监视受训人员用的监控设备,一般由屏幕显示器、键盘和操作台组成,还可根据需要配置无线遥控装置等设备以实现更多功能
  13705. instrument ==> 仪器,仪表,工具,证书,手段,方法=>計器,器具
  13706. instrument (-board) clock ==> 仪表板时钟
  13707. instrument air ==> 仪表气源,仪表用风
  13708. instrument air system ==> 仪表用空气系统
  13709. instrument amplifier ==> 测量放大器
  13710. instrument analysis ==> 仪器分析
  13711. instrument and meter plant ==> 仪表厂
  13712. instrument approach ==> 仪表进场着陆=>計器進入
  13713. instrument approach chart ==> 盲目降落临场导航图
  13714. instrument approach procedure ==> 盲目降落临场程序
  13715. instrument approach system ==> 盲目降落临场方式=>計器進入方式
  13716. instrument approach system steering computer ==> 盲目降落临场操纵计算机
  13717. instrument auto transformer ==> 仪用自耦互感器
  13718. instrument autotransformer ==> 表用自耦变压器
  13719. instrument availability ==> 仪表完好率,各工艺系统和设备所安装的仪表中,一、二类仪表数量与安装的仪表总数之比,通常用百分数表示。一类仪表指:系统综合误差在允许范围内、指示和记录清晰、信号动作正确、附属设备安装牢固、绝缘良好、管路和阀门不堵补漏、表牌和标志明显、技术资料及校验记录齐全的仪表。二类仪表指:系统中个别点超差但经调校后即符合要求,个别附件有缺陷但并未妨碍仪表正常使用,其它均符合一类仪表要求的仪表
  13720. instrument background ==> 仪器本底,仪表本底
  13721. instrument bay ==> 仪表架
  13722. instrument block valve ==> 仪表截止阀
  13723. instrument board ==> 仪表板,仪表盘
  13724. instrument board bracket clamp ==> 仪表板托架夹
  13725. instrument board dial glass ==> 仪器板玻璃字盘
  13726. instrument box ==> 仪表箱
  13727. instrument cabinet ==> 仪器舱,器械橱
  13728. instrument capsule ==> 仪表容器
  13729. instrument carriage ==> 测试仪表托架
  13730. instrument case ==> 仪表盒,工具角色
  13731. instrument chart ==> 仪表记录图纸
  13732. instrument cluster ==> 仪表板,仪表组
  13733. instrument cluster lamp ==> 仪表板灯
  13734. instrument compartment ==> 仪器舱
  13735. instrument computer ==> 仪表用计算机
  13736. instrument connection ==> 测试接管,测试孔
  13737. instrument constant ==> 仪表常数
  13738. instrument container ==> 仪器箱
  13739. instrument control ==> 仪表控制,仪器控制
  13740. instrument controller ==> 仪表控制器
  13741. instrument cord ==> 仪表电绳
  13742. instrument correction ==> 仪器修正
  13743. instrument cubicle ==> 仪表室
  13744. instrument current transformer ==> 仪用电流互感器
  13745. instrument data display ==> 仪表数据显示
  13746. instrument desk ==> 仪表台
  13747. instrument dial ==> 仪表标度盘
  13748. instrument digital technique ==> 仪表数字技术
  13749. instrument error ==> 仪表误差
  13750. instrument face plate ==> 仪表面板
  13751. instrument fascia bezel ==> 仪表饰带卡环
  13752. instrument fault rate ==> 仪表故障率,在规定时段内仪表故障停用时间与这一时段之比,通常用百分数表示
  13753. instrument flight ==> 仪表飞行
  13754. instrument flight rules (IFR) ==> 仪表飞行规则
  13755. instrument for automatic sequence control ==> 自动顺序控制仪表
  13756. instrument for electronic point massage ==> 电子穴位按摩器
  13757. instrument for measuring oxygen in molten steel ==> 钢液定氧仪
  13758. instrument for measuring water temperature ==> 水温测量仪器
  13759. instrument for quality analysis of water ==> 水质分析仪器
  13760. instrument for wax pattern preparation ==> 制作蜡型器械
  13761. instrument front ==> 仪表面板
  13762. instrument gallery ==> 仪表廊
  13763. instrument gas ==> 仪表用气体
  13764. instrument glass ==> 仪表玻璃
  13765. instrument glass dial ==> 仪表玻璃标度盘,仪器玻璃标度盘
  13766. instrument grease ==> 仪表脂
  13767. instrument headed screw ==> 半埋头螺钉
  13768. instrument identification ==> (石油加工厂)仪器标记
  13769. instrument ilght ==> 仪表灯
  13770. instrument indication ==> 仪器显示
  13771. instrument industry ==> 仪表制造业
  13772. instrument lag ==> 仪表惰性,仪表滞后
  13773. instrument lamp ==> 仪表板灯
  13774. instrument lamp switch ==> 仪表灯开关
  13775. instrument landing ==> 仪表着陆,盲目降落,盲目着陆
  13776. instrument landing approach ==> 盲目着陆方式
  13777. instrument landing station ==> 仪表着陆无线电台
  13778. instrument landing system ==> 盲目降落方式=>計器着陸方式
  13779. instrument landing system (ILS) ==> 盲目降落临场设备,仪表着陆系统
  13780. instrument landing system glide path ==> 仪表导降系统滑道
  13781. instrument landing system localizer ==> 盲目着陆系统信标
  13782. instrument lead ==> 仪表导线
  13783. instrument leads ==> 仪表连接线
  13784. instrument light ==> 仪表灯,仪表信号灯,仪表照明指示灯
  13785. instrument line ==> 测量线
  13786. instrument lubricant ==> 仪器用润滑剂
  13787. instrument luster ==> 仪表饰框
  13788. instrument maintenance code ==> 仪表维修规程
  13789. instrument mask ==> 仪表罩
  13790. instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) ==> 仪表飞行气象条件
  13791. instrument mode ==> 仪表工作状态
  13792. instrument motor ==> 仪表电动机
  13793. instrument mounting plate ==> 仪表座板
  13794. instrument multiplier ==> 仪表附加电阻,仪表扩程器
  13795. instrument nitrogen ==> 仪表用氮气
  13796. instrument nitrogen aftercooler ==> 仪表用氮气后置冷却器
  13797. instrument nitrogen compressor ==> 仪表用氮气压缩机
  13798. instrument nitrogen dryer ==> 仪表用氮气干燥器
  13799. instrument nitrogen supply system ==> 仪表用氮气供应系统
  13800. instrument nitrogen tank ==> 仪表用氮气用罐
  13801. instrument noise ==> 仪表噪声
  13802. instrument observation ==> 仪表观测
  13803. instrument of credit ==> 商业信用凭证,商业证券
  13804. instrument of credit control ==> 信用管制手段
  13805. instrument of examining pollen activity ==> 花粉活性检测仪
  13806. instrument of gauge observation ==> 水位观测仪器
  13807. instrument of ground electrochemical prospecting method ==> 地电化学法找矿仪器
  13808. instrument of magneto telluric method ==> 磁大地电流法仪器
  13809. instrument of modeling test ==> 模拟试验仪器
  13810. instrument of ratification ==> 批准证书
  13811. instrument oil ==> 仪表油
  13812. instrument panel ==> 仪表板,仪表操纵板,操纵盘
  13813. instrument panel bracket ==> 仪表板支架
  13814. instrument panel gasket ==> 仪表板衬
  13815. instrument panel lamp ==> 仪表板照明灯
  13816. instrument panel support ==> 仪表板支架
  13817. instrument panel warning light ==> 仪表信号灯
  13818. instrument parameter ==> 仪器参数
  13819. instrument payload ==> 仪表有效载荷
  13820. instrument pen ==> 仪表记录笔
  13821. instrument plant ==> 仪器厂
  13822. instrument plug ==> 仪表插头
  13823. instrument polarization ==> 仪器偏振
  13824. instrument precision ==> 仪表精度
  13825. instrument program ==> 仪表程序
  13826. instrument programmability ==> 仪表程序控制性
  13827. instrument range ==> 仪表量程
  13828. instrument reading ==> 仪表读数
  13829. instrument reading time ==> 仪器读出时间
  13830. instrument recording camera ==> 仪表记录摄影机
  13831. instrument recording photography ==> 仪表记录照相
  13832. instrument relay ==> 仪表继电器,计数继电器=>計器形リレー
  13833. instrument repair ==> 仪表检修
  13834. instrument repair shop ==> 仪表修理车间
  13835. instrument room ==> 仪表室
  13836. instrument screen ==> 仪器百叶箱
  13837. instrument security factor ==> 仪表的安全因数
  13838. instrument service division ==> 仪表服务部
  13839. instrument servo ==> 仪表伺服系统
  13840. instrument servo mechanism ==> 仪表伺服机构
  13841. instrument shed ==> 工具棚
  13842. instrument shelter ==> 仪器百叶箱,仪器箱,百叶箱
  13843. instrument shunt ==> 仪表分流
  13844. Instrument Society of America ==> 美国仪器学会
  13845. instrument stand ==> 仪表架
  13846. instrument stock room ==> 仪表储藏室
  13847. instrument switch ==> 仪表开关
  13848. instrument symbols ==> 仪器符号
  13849. instrument system ==> 仪器系统
  13850. instrument table ==> 仪表桌,试验台
  13851. instrument technology ==> 仪表工艺学
  13852. instrument terminal ==> 仪表接线端子
  13853. instrument test repair laboratory ==> 仪器检测修理实验室
  13854. instrument transformer ==> 仪表变压器,仪表互感器,仪表用互感器=>計器用変圧器
  13855. instrument transformer circuit ==> 計器用変圧器回路
  13856. instrument transformer for all purpose ==> 仪表用综合互感器
  13857. instrument truck ==> 仪器车
  13858. instrument trunking ==> 仪表槽板
  13859. instrument tube routing ==> 仪表管路敷设,仪表测量管、取样管、气源和气信号管、蒸汽伴热管、排污管等的弯管、铺放、连接和固定工作的总称
  13860. instrument unit ==> 仪器组
  13861. instrument voltage current transformer ==> 計器用変圧変流器
  13862. instrument voltage transformer ==> 仪用电压互感器
  13863. instrument weather ==> 仪表天气
  13864. instrument well ==> 仪表井
  13865. instrument with contacts ==> 带触点仪表
  13866. instrument with electrostatic screening ==> 静电屏蔽仪表,静电屏蔽仪表
  13867. instrument with locking device ==> 带有锁定装置的仪表
  13868. instrument with optical index ==> 光标式仪表=>光示式計器
  13869. instrument with suppressed zero ==> 无零位刻度仪表,无零点仪表
  13870. instrument workshop ==> 仪表修理间
  13871. instrument-making industry ==> 仪器制造工业
  13872. instrument-panel lamp ==> 仪表照明灯
  13873. instrument-panel light ==> 仪表灯
  13874. instrument-type relay ==> 仪表式继电器
  13875. instrumental acoustic technic ==> 仪器分析声响术
  13876. instrumental analysis ==> 仪器分析,物化分析
  13877. instrumental articulatory technic ==> 仪器分析发音术
  13878. instrumental background ==> 仪器本底
  13879. instrumental bias ==> 仪器偏差
  13880. instrumental broadening ==> 仪器致宽
  13881. instrumental capital ==> 生财资本
  13882. instrumental charged-particle activation analysis ==> 仪器带电粒子活化分析
  13883. instrumental conditioning ==> 操作性条件反射
  13884. instrumental constant ==> 仪器常数
  13885. instrumental contour ==> 仪器轮廓
  13886. instrumental correction ==> 仪器改正,仪器校正
  13887. instrumental drift ==> 仪器零点漂移
  13888. instrumental effect ==> 仪器效应
  13889. instrumental error ==> 仪器误差=>器差
  13890. instrumental fast neutron activation analysis ==> 仪器快中子活化分析
  13891. instrumental function ==> 仪器功能
  13892. instrumental height ==> 仪器高
  13893. instrumental latitude ==> 仪器纬度
  13894. instrumental line profile ==> 仪器谱线轮廓
  13895. instrumental longitude ==> 仪器经度
  13896. instrumental mannequin ==> (耐燃试验用)仪器式人体模型
  13897. instrumental match prediction ==> 仪器配色测示法
  13898. instrumental measurement ==> 仪器测定法
  13899. instrumental method ==> 仪器分析法
  13900. instrumental neutron activation analysis ==> 仪器中子活化分析
  13901. instrumental operation ==> 自动操作
  13902. instrumental parallax ==> 仪器视差
  13903. instrumental phone ==> 仪器鉴定的语音
  13904. instrumental phonetics ==> 仪器语音学
  13905. instrumental photon activation analysis ==> 仪器光子活化分析
  13906. instrumental refraction ==> 仪器内大气折射
  13907. instrumental resolution ==> 仪器的鉴别力,仪器分辨率
  13908. instrumental response ==> 仪器响应
  13909. instrumental seismology ==> 仪器地震学
  13910. instrumental sensitivity ==> 仪器灵敏度
  13911. instrumental technique ==> 仪表技术
  13912. instrumental variable ==> 媒介变量
  13913. instrumental variable method ==> 仪器变量法
  13914. instrumental variables ==> 仪器变量
  13915. instrumental voltage transformer ==> 仪用电感互感器
  13916. instrumentalities ==> 债券
  13917. instrumentation ==> 器械操作法,仪表工业,仪表化,仪表设备,仪表学,仪器,测试设备=>計装,計測
  13918. instrumentation amplifier ==> 测量放大器,仪器放大器
  13919. instrumentation board ==> 仪表盘
  13920. instrumentation buoy ==> 带仪器浮标
  13921. instrumentation complex ==> 全套测量设备
  13922. instrumentation console ==> 仪表板,仪表台,操纵台
  13923. instrumentation control rack ==> 操纵台
  13924. instrumentation device ==> 仪表设备=>計装機器
  13925. instrumentation engineering ==> 仪表工程学
  13926. instrumentation grounding ==> 仪表接地
  13927. instrumentation operation station ==> 仪表操作台
  13928. instrumentation panel ==> 仪表盘
  13929. instrumentation payload ==> 仪器有效载荷
  13930. instrumentation plan ==> 测量示意图
  13931. instrumentation probe ==> 测量探针
  13932. instrumentation recording ==> 模拟记录
  13933. instrumentation sensor ==> 测试设备传感器,仪表装置传感器
  13934. instrumentation symbol ==> 测量仪表符号
  13935. instrumentation system ==> 测试设备系统,仪表测量系统
  13936. instrumentation technology ==> 测量工学=>計測工学
  13937. instrumented satellite ==> 测量卫星
  13938. instruments and meters ==> 仪器仪表
  13939. instruments board ==> 仪表盘=>計器盤
  13940. instruments for chemical supervision ==> 化学监督仪表,在化学监督活动中,所使用的在线和离线的各种仪器仪表
  13941. instruments for cleft palate operation ==> 腭裂手术器械
  13942. instruments for operations on jaws ==> 颌骨手术器械
  13943. instruments for tooth extraction ==> 拔牙器械
  13944. instruments for uranoplasty ==> 腭裂手术器械
  13945. instruments panel ==> 仪表盘=>計器盤
  13946. instruments weight ==> 仪器重量
  13947. insuccation ==> 浸渍
  13948. insufficiency ==> 关闭不全,功能不全,机能不全,不充分性,闭锁不全
  13949. insufficiency of convergence ==> 辐辏机能不全
  13950. insufficiency of yang ==> 阳虚
  13951. insufficiency of yang brings about cold syndrome ==> 阳虚则外寒
  13952. insufficient ==> 不充分的,不够的,不足的=>不十分な
  13953. insufficient (incomplete) penetration ==> 熔深不足
  13954. insufficient compression ==> 压缩不足
  13955. insufficient feed ==> 输纸不足
  13956. insufficient justification ==> 不足理由
  13957. insufficient leg ==> 焊脚厚度不足
  13958. insufficient or excess reinforcement of weld ==> 加强焊缝不足或过量
  13959. insufficient oxygenation ==> 氧合不足
  13960. insufficient packing ==> 包装不良
  13961. insufficient reason rule ==> 同等机率原则
  13962. insufficient reward ==> 不足报酬
  13963. insufficient section ==> 不足部分
  13964. insufficient Vbelt tension ==> 三角皮带张力不足
  13965. insufflation of lungs ==> 肺吹气法
  13966. insulance ==> 绝缘电阻
  13967. insulant ==> 绝缘材料=>絶縁材
  13968. insular ==> 海岛的,孤立的,与世隔绝的,岛民的
  13969. insular slope ==> 岛坡
  13970. insulate ==> 绝缘=>絶縁する
  13971. insulate rail joint ==> レール絶縁
  13972. insulate the organizational management system ==> 封闭化
  13973. insulated ==> 绝缘的=>絶縁した
  13974. insulated body ==> 被绝缘体
  13975. insulated bolt ==> 绝缘螺栓,绝缘螺栓
  13976. insulated cable ==> 绝缘电缆
  13977. insulated clip ==> 绝缘夹线板,绝缘夹线板
  13978. insulated column ==> 隔立柱,保温蒸馏塔
  13979. insulated conductor ==> 绝缘电线
  13980. insulated conduit ==> 绝缘导管,绝缘导管
  13981. insulated container ==> 绝热集装箱,绝热集装箱,保温货柜
  13982. insulated cooling ==> 隔热缓冷
  13983. insulated diagnosis ==> 絶縁診断
  13984. insulated dowel ==> 绝缘定位销,绝缘定位销
  13985. insulated earth-wire carrier communication ==> 架空地線搬送通信
  13986. insulated electric conductor ==> 绝缘导体,绝缘导体,绝缘电线,绝缘电线
  13987. insulated evaporation pan ==> 挡罩式蒸发皿,隔热蒸发皿
  13988. insulated eye ==> 绝缘孔眼,绝缘孔眼
  13989. insulated furnace ==> 热处理绝热炉
  13990. insulated gate electrode ==> 绝缘栅极
  13991. insulated gate field effect transistor ==> 绝缘栅场效应晶体管
  13992. insulated handle ==> 绝缘手柄,绝缘手柄
  13993. insulated hanger ==> 绝缘吊线,绝缘吊线
  13994. insulated hook ==> 绝缘钩,绝缘钩
  13995. insulated isolated device ==> 绝缘隔离装置,用绝缘材料制成的隔离设备
  13996. insulated joint ==> 绝缘接头
  13997. insulated lake ==> 隔离湖
  13998. insulated metal roofing ==> 隔热金属屋顶,隔热金属屋面
  13999. insulated middle wire ==> 不接地的中线,不接地中线
  14000. insulated neutral ==> 不接地中点,不接地中性线
  14001. insulated neutral point to earth method ==> 非接地方式
  14002. insulated pliers ==> 绝缘钳,绝缘钳
  14003. insulated rail joint ==> 絶縁レールジョイント
  14004. insulated return system ==> 绝缘回疗
  14005. insulated riser ==> 保温冒口
  14006. insulated roof ==> 保温顶盖
  14007. insulated section ==> 绝缘区段
  14008. insulated spring ==> 绝缘弹簧,绝缘弹簧
  14009. insulated storage container ==> 隔热贮箱
  14010. insulated stream ==> 隔底水流,地表水流
  14011. insulated substrate integrated circuit ==> 绝缘衬底集成电路
  14012. insulated substrate monolithie circuit ==> 绝缘基片单片电路,绝缘基片单片电路
  14013. insulated supply system ==> 不接地电源
  14014. insulated system ==> 不接地制
  14015. insulated thermistor ==> 绝缘型热敏电阻器,绝缘型热敏电阻器
  14016. insulated tongs ==> 绝缘钳子
  14017. insulated truck ==> 隔热车
  14018. insulated wire ==> 绝缘线,绝缘电线=>絶縁電線
  14019. insulated wire stranded ==> 素線絶縁導体
  14020. insulated-return power system ==> 绝缘回路供电制,绝缘回路供电制
  14021. insulated-return system ==> 绝缘回流制,绝缘回流制
  14022. insulating asbestos paper ==> 石棉绝缘纸
  14023. insulating back-up material ==> 外部隔热材料
  14024. insulating bar ==> 绝缘棒,绝缘棒,绝缘杆,绝缘杆
  14025. insulating barrier ==> 绝缘层,绝缘隔板,絶縁隔壁=>绝缘障壁
  14026. insulating base ==> 绝缘板,绝缘板,绝缘底板,绝缘底板
  14027. insulating blanket ==> 绝缘垫层,绝缘垫层
  14028. insulating board ==> 绝缘板,绝缘板
  14029. insulating bolt ==> 绝缘螺栓=>絶縁ボルト
  14030. insulating boot ==> 绝缘靴,绝缘靴,绝缘罩,绝缘罩
  14031. insulating brick ==> 绝缘砖,绝缘砖,隔热砖,保温砖
  14032. insulating bulk-head ==> 隔热间壁
  14033. insulating bush ==> 绝缘套
  14034. insulating bushing ==> 绝缘套管,绝缘套管
  14035. insulating cardboard ==> 绝缘厚纸,绝缘厚纸
  14036. insulating cement ==> 绝缘胶,绝缘胶,绝缘水泥,绝缘水泥,隔热水泥
  14037. insulating clamp ==> 绝缘夹
  14038. insulating cloth ==> 绝缘布
  14039. insulating coating ==> 绝缘漆,绝缘漆,绝缘涂层,绝缘涂层,绝缘外套,绝缘外套
  14040. insulating coefficient ==> 绝缘系数
  14041. insulating compound ==> 绝缘化合物,绝缘膏=>絶縁コンポウンド
  14042. insulating concrete ==> 隔热混凝土
  14043. insulating coolant ==> 绝缘冷却剂,绝缘冷却剂
  14044. insulating coupling ==> 绝缘联轴节,绝缘联轴节=>絶縁継手
  14045. insulating covering ==> 绝缘包皮
  14046. insulating fibre material ==> 隔热纤维材料
  14047. insulating fibre-board ==> 隔热纤维板
  14048. insulating fibreboard ==> 隔热防寒纤维板
  14049. insulating film ==> 绝缘薄膜
  14050. insulating fire brick ==> 隔热耐火砖
  14051. insulating fire-retarding glass ==> 隔热防火玻璃
  14052. insulating gas mixtures ==> 混合ガス絶縁
  14053. insulating gum ==> 隔电胶
  14054. insulating jacket ==> 隔热夹套,绝热夹套,绝热夹套
  14055. insulating joint ==> 绝缘接头,绝缘接头
  14056. insulating laminaiton ==> 绝缘层
  14057. insulating laminated product ==> 绝缘层压制品,绝缘层压制品
  14058. insulating layer ==> 绝缘层,隔离层,保温层
  14059. insulating lining ==> 保温衬里,保温内衬,绝热衬里,绝热衬里
  14060. insulating liquid ==> 絶縁液体
  14061. insulating liquide ==> 绝缘液体
  14062. insulating mat ==> 绝缘毯
  14063. insulating material ==> 绝缘材料,隔热材料=>絶縁物,絶縁体,絶縁材料
  14064. insulating molded product ==> 绝缘模压制品,绝缘模压制品
  14065. insulating mortar ==> 隔热砂浆
  14066. insulating mould coating ==> 隔热涂料
  14067. insulating oil ==> 绝缘油=>絶縁油
  14068. insulating oil flash point ==> 绝缘油闪点,绝缘油闪点
  14069. insulating oil saponification number ==> 绝缘油皂化值,绝缘油皂化值
  14070. insulating pack-up block ==> 绝热垫砖,绝热垫砖
  14071. insulating pad ==> 保温垫片
  14072. insulating paint ==> 绝缘漆,绝缘漆
  14073. insulating paper ==> 绝缘纸=>絶縁紙
  14074. insulating paste ==> 绝缘膏,绝缘膏
  14075. insulating pedestal ==> 絶縁架台
  14076. insulating performance ==> 絶縁性能
  14077. insulating plastics ==> 绝缘塑料,绝缘塑料
  14078. insulating plate ==> 绝缘板,绝缘板
  14079. insulating polymer ==> 绝缘聚合物,绝缘聚合物
  14080. insulating powder ==> 保温粉
  14081. insulating power ==> 绝缘能力,绝缘能力
  14082. insulating property ==> 绝缘性质,绝缘性能
  14083. insulating property (properties) ==> 绝缘性质,绝缘性质
  14084. insulating refractory ==> 隔热耐火材料
  14085. insulating refractory brick ==> 隔热耐火砖
  14086. insulating refractory furnace lining ==> 隔热耐火炉衬
  14087. insulating riser sleeve ==> 保温冒口套
  14088. insulating rod ==> 绝缘棒
  14089. insulating roof ==> 隔热屋顶
  14090. insulating rubber glove ==> 橡皮手套
  14091. insulating rubber tape ==> 绝缘橡皮带=>電気用ゴムテープ
  14092. insulating sheath ==> 绝缘护套,绝缘护套
  14093. insulating sleeve ==> 绝缘套管,绝缘套管,保温套=>絶縁スリーブ
  14094. insulating spacer for 550kV GIS ==> 550kVGIS用スペーサ外観
  14095. insulating stand ==> 绝缘台=>絶縁台
  14096. insulating stool ==> 绝缘座
  14097. insulating storage surface ==> 绝缘靶,绝缘靶
  14098. insulating strength ==> 绝缘强度
  14099. insulating substrate ==> 绝缘衬底
  14100. insulating tape ==> 绝缘带,绝缘带,绝缘胶布,绝缘胶布=>絶縁テープ
  14101. insulating test voltage ==> 绝缘试验电压
  14102. insulating transformer ==> 绝缘变压器,隔离变压器=>絶縁変圧器
  14103. insulating trip ==> 绝缘片,绝缘片
  14104. insulating tube ==> 绝缘管=>がい管
  14105. insulating value ==> 保温值
  14106. insulating varnish ==> 绝缘漆=>絶縁ワニス
  14107. insulating varnished silk ==> 黄蜡绸,绝缘漆绸,绝缘漆绸
  14108. insulating varnished sleeving ==> 绝缘漆管,绝缘漆管
  14109. insulating washer ==> 绝缘垫圈
  14110. insulating wax ==> 绝缘蜡=>絶縁ワックス
  14111. insulation ==> 绝缘,绝热,隔离,绝缘体=>絶縁,分離
  14112. insulation ag(e)ing rate ==> 绝缘老化速度,绝缘老化速度
  14113. insulation against ground ==> 对地绝缘
  14114. insulation against heat ==> 热的绝缘
  14115. insulation ageing test ==> 绝缘老化试验,在不改变绝缘老化机理的条件下,人为增强导致老化的因素,使绝缘加速出现绝缘劣化的试验,用于估算和预期绝缘老化行为
  14116. insulation aging ==> 绝缘老化
  14117. insulation aging rate ==> 绝缘老化速度
  14118. insulation allowance ==> 绝缘公差,绝缘容差
  14119. insulation angle ==> 绝缘角
  14120. insulation barrier ==> 絶縁バリヤ
  14121. insulation between layers ==> 层间绝缘
  14122. insulation between phases ==> 相间绝缘
  14123. insulation between plates ==> 片间绝缘
  14124. insulation between strands ==> (线)股间绝缘
  14125. insulation between turns ==> 匝间绝缘
  14126. insulation blanket ==> 隔热衬垫,保温毯
  14127. insulation board ==> 隔音板,绝热板,绝热板
  14128. insulation breakdown ==> 绝缘破坏,绝缘击穿
  14129. insulation can ==> 隔热容器,保温箱
  14130. insulation characteristics ==> 絶縁特性
  14131. insulation cladding ==> 隔热套
  14132. insulation class ==> 绝缘等级,绝缘种类
  14133. insulation class voltage ==> 绝缘等级电压
  14134. insulation classification ==> 绝缘分类,绝缘等级
  14135. insulation co-ordination ==> 绝缘配合
  14136. insulation coating ==> 绝缘涂层,绝缘涂层=>絶縁被覆
  14137. insulation coefficient ==> 绝缘系数,绝热系数
  14138. insulation construction ==> 保温结构
  14139. insulation control ==> 绝缘监督,绝缘监督,绝缘控制,绝缘控制
  14140. insulation coordination ==> 絶縁協調
  14141. insulation core ==> 绝缘芯子,绝缘芯子
  14142. insulation cork board ==> 隔热软木板
  14143. insulation course ==> 隔热层,绝缘层,绝缘层,保温层
  14144. insulation covering ==> 绝缘套
  14145. insulation current ==> 绝缘电流
  14146. insulation damage ==> 绝缘损坏
  14147. insulation degradation diagnosis ==> 絶縁劣化診断
  14148. insulation design ==> 絶縁設計
  14149. insulation deterioration ==> 绝缘老化=>絶縁劣化
  14150. insulation diagnosis ==> 絶縁診断
  14151. insulation distance ==> 绝缘距离,间隔距离=>絶縁距離
  14152. insulation efficiency of heat-supply piping ==> 供热管道保温效率
  14153. insulation engineering ==> 绝缘工程
  14154. insulation factor ==> 隔热因数
  14155. insulation failure ==> 绝缘事故
  14156. insulation fault ==> 绝缘故障,电力系统中由于导体与地之间或导体与导体之间绝缘性能降低或消失而引起的故障
  14157. insulation fault detecting instrument ==> 绝缘损坏检示仪表
  14158. insulation felt ==> 绝缘毡,绝缘毡
  14159. insulation fibre ==> 保温纤维
  14160. insulation film ==> 绝缘薄膜,绝缘薄膜
  14161. insulation fluid ==> 絶縁油
  14162. insulation for strut ==> 支柱的绝缘
  14163. insulation for wall ==> 墙身保温
  14164. insulation grade ==> 绝缘等级
  14165. insulation in guy ==> 拉线绝缘
  14166. insulation indicator ==> 绝缘指示器
  14167. insulation isolation ==> 绝缘隔离
  14168. insulation jacketing ==> 隔热套
  14169. insulation layer ==> 绝缘层
  14170. insulation leakage ==> 绝缘漏电
  14171. insulation level ==> 绝缘水平,绝缘等级=>絶縁レベル
  14172. insulation life ==> 绝缘寿命
  14173. insulation material ==> 绝缘物,绝缘材料=>絶縁材
  14174. insulation material of vibration ==> 防震材料
  14175. insulation measurement ==> 绝缘电阻测量=>絶縁抵抗測定
  14176. insulation monitoring ==> 絶縁監視
  14177. insulation of equipment ==> 设备保温
  14178. insulation of furnace wall ==> 窑体保温
  14179. insulation oil ==> 絶縁油
  14180. insulation oxide ==> 绝缘氧化物
  14181. insulation paper ==> 绝缘纸
  14182. insulation paste ==> 绝缘胶
  14183. insulation pattern ==> 绝缘区图样
  14184. insulation property ==> 絶縁特性
  14185. insulation puncture ==> 绝缘击穿
  14186. insulation resistance ==> 绝缘电阻=>絶縁抵抗
  14187. insulation resistance measurement for stator and rotor winding 定、转子绕组绝缘电阻测量,通常采用2.5kV~10kV ==> 兆欧表测量发电机定子绕组绝缘电阻,采用500-1000V兆欧表测量转子绕组绝缘电阻.除绝缘电阻的绝对值外,对于定子绕组还要根据绝缘电阻的极化指数来综合判断绕组是否受潮
  14188. insulation resistance tester ==> 绝缘电阻测试器
  14189. insulation sampler ==> 保温取样器
  14190. insulation sheath ==> 绝缘外皮,绝缘外皮
  14191. insulation shielding ==> 绝缘屏蔽
  14192. insulation sleeve ==> 绝缘套管
  14193. insulation space factor ==> 绝缘占空系数,绝缘占空系数
  14194. insulation spacer ==> 绝缘垫片,绝缘隔离片
  14195. insulation strength ==> 绝缘强度=>絶縁強度
  14196. insulation stud ==> 绝缘螺杆
  14197. insulation supervision ==> 绝缘监视
  14198. insulation support ring for vertical vessels ==> 立式容器的保温支承圈
  14199. insulation tape ==> 绝缘用胶带,电工胶布=>絶縁テープ
  14200. insulation technique ==> 绝缘技术
  14201. insulation test ==> 绝缘试验=>絶縁試験
  14202. insulation tester ==> 绝缘试验器
  14203. insulation thermal life ==> 绝缘热寿命
  14204. insulation thermal resistivity ==> 绝缘热阻率
  14205. insulation thickness ==> 绝缘厚度
  14206. insulation to falls ==> 保温层找坡
  14207. insulation to the earth ==> 対地絶縁
  14208. insulation wall ==> 绝缘层,绝缘壁
  14209. insulation work ==> 保温
  14210. insulation workshop ==> 保温车间
  14211. insulation-resistance meter ==> 絶縁抵抗計
  14212. insulative rolling pole ==> 绝缘滚杆
  14213. insulativity ==> 绝缘性
  14214. insulator ==> 绝缘体,绝缘子,电瓷=>絶縁物,絶縁体,碍子(がいし)
  14215. insulator arc-over ==> 绝缘子闪络
  14216. insulator arcing horn ==> 绝缘子角形避雷器,绝缘子灭弧角
  14217. insulator arcing ring ==> 绝缘子弧环
  14218. insulator bolt ==> 瓷瓶穿钉
  14219. insulator bracket ==> 绝缘子托架=>ブラケット
  14220. insulator breakdown ==> 绝缘子击穿
  14221. insulator cap ==> 绝缘子帽
  14222. insulator chain ==> 绝缘子串
  14223. insulator icing test ==> がいしの着氷試験
  14224. insulator petticoat ==> 绝缘子裙
  14225. insulator pin ==> 绝缘体销,绝缘子连接插销,绝缘子球头,绝缘子直脚=>がいしピン
  14226. insulator rating number ==> 绝缘子额定数
  14227. insulator spindle ==> 绝缘子心轴=>がいしピン
  14228. insulator string ==> 绝缘子串=>がいし連
  14229. insulator type current transformer ==> 绝缘子式电流互感器
  14230. insulin ==> インスリン
  14231. insulin 131 胰岛素131 ==> 碘
  14232. insulin absorption ==> インシュリン吸収
  14233. insulin acceptor ==> インスリン受容体
  14234. insulin accumulation ==> インシュリン蓄積
  14235. insulin acetate ==> 酢酸インスリン
  14236. insulin antibody ==> 胰岛素抗体
  14237. insulin clearance test ==> 胰岛素清除率试验
  14238. insulin hypoglycemic stress test ==> 胰岛素低血糖应激试验
  14239. insulin inhibition test ==> 胰岛素抑制试验
  14240. insulin isophane ==> 低精蛋白胰岛素
  14241. insulin lente ==> 慢胰岛素,慢作用胰岛素
  14242. insulin lipodystrophy ==> 胰岛素注射处脂肪营养障碍
  14243. insulin pump ==> 胰岛素泵
  14244. insulin receptor ==> 胰岛素受体
  14245. insulin receptor antibody ==> 胰岛素受体抗体
  14246. insulin release test ==> 胰岛素释放试验
  14247. insulin shock ==> 胰岛素休克,低血糖休克
  14248. insulin shock therapy ==> 胰岛素昏迷疗法,胰岛素休克疗法
  14249. insulin syringe ==> 胰岛素注射器
  14250. insulin therapy ==> 胰岛素疗法
  14251. insulin tolerance test ==> 胰岛素耐量试验
  14252. insulin treatment ==> 胰岛素疗法
  14253. insulin zinc suspension ==> 胰岛素锌混悬液
  14254. insulin-resistant diabetes ==> 胰岛素抗药性糖尿病
  14255. insulinase inhibitor ==> 胰岛素酶抑制物
  14256. insuline autoimmune syndrome ==> 胰岛素自身免疫综合征
  14257. insulinogen determination ==> 胰岛素原测定
  14258. insulinotropic hormone ==> 促胰岛激素
  14259. insulted hold ==> 冷库 ( 冷藏舱 )
  14260. insuperable barrier ==> 不可逾越的鸿沟
  14261. insurable industry ==> 保险业
  14262. insurable portfolio ==> 保险业务总量
  14263. insurable property ==> 可接受保险的财产
  14264. insurable risk ==> 可受保的风险
  14265. insurance ==> 保险,保险费,安全保障,到岸价格,分保=>保険
  14266. insurance against all risk ==> 保综合险
  14267. insurance against all risks ==> 保全险
  14268. insurance against breakage ==> 保破碎险
  14269. insurance against litigation ==> 诉讼保险
  14270. insurance and freight (CIF) ==> (成本加保险费运费)到岸价
  14271. insurance application ==> 保险申请
  14272. insurance appraiser ==> 保险损害评价人
  14273. insurance business ==> 保险事业
  14274. insurance by way of indemnity ==> 补偿保险
  14275. insurance canvasser ==> 保险推广员
  14276. insurance certificate ==> 分保单
  14277. insurance claim ==> 保险索赔
  14278. insurance clause ==> 保险条款
  14279. insurance compensation ==> 保险赔偿费
  14280. insurance conditions ==> 保险条件
  14281. insurance conglomerate ==> 保险承保集团
  14282. insurance contract ==> 保险契约
  14283. insurance expense ==> 保险费用
  14284. insurance for impaired lives ==> 弱体保险
  14285. insurance for land transportation ==> 陆运保险
  14286. insurance for life ==> 人寿保险,终身保险=>終身保険
  14287. insurance for unemployment ==> 失业保险
  14288. insurance instruction ==> 投保通知
  14289. insurance lock ==> 保险门锁
  14290. insurance mechanism ==> 保险机制
  14291. insurance money ==> 保险金
  14292. insurance notification ==> 保险通知
  14293. insurance of credit guarantee ==> 信用保险
  14294. insurance of works ==> 工程保险
  14295. insurance policy ==> 保险单
  14296. insurance policy holder ==> 投保方
  14297. insurance portfolio ==> 保险业务量
  14298. insurance premium ==> 保险费,保险奖金
  14299. insurance premium of commercial enterprises ==> 商业企业保险费用
  14300. insurance premium unexpired ==> 未过期保险费
  14301. insurance reserve ==> 保险准备
  14302. insurance risk ==> 保险危险
  14303. insurance slip ==> 保险申请,投保单
  14304. insurance surveyor ==> 保险损害鉴定人
  14305. insurance till death ==> 人寿保险
  14306. insurance under a life policy ==> 人寿保险单下的保险
  14307. insurance value ==> 保险价值
  14308. insure ==> 保証する
  14309. insure against death ==> 保寿险
  14310. insure against fire ==> 保火险
  14311. insured bank deposits ==> 已保险银行存款
  14312. insured interests ==> 被保险物
  14313. insured letter ==> 保价信
  14314. insured unemployment rate ==> 已保险失业率
  14315. insured value ==> 保险价值,投保价值
  14316. insured value clause ==> 投保价值条款
  14317. insurmountable ==> 克服できない
  14318. insurmountable barrier ==> 不可逾越的鸿沟
  14319. inswept frame ==> 前端窄缩式车架,流线型机架
  14320. INT Intermediate Survey or Interval ==> 间隔检测
  14321. INT, integration hardware ==> 計装系,インテグレーションハードウェア
  14322. INT, interferometer ==> 干渉計
  14323. INT, internal ==> 内部
  14324. INTA, Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aerospacial ==> スペイン国立航空宇宙技術研究所
  14325. intact ==> 未扰动的=>そこなわれていない,完全なままの
  14326. intact cell ==> 無傷細胞
  14327. intact ecocystem ==> 完整的生态系统
  14328. intact fuse link ==> 未损坏的保险丝
  14329. intact leaves ==> 完整叶
  14330. intact liver ==> 無傷の肝臓
  14331. intact male ==> 正常公畜
  14332. intact nephron hypothesis ==> 完整肾单位学说
  14333. intact nephron theory ==> 健存肾单位学说
  14334. intaglio engraved process ==> 凹刻制版术
  14335. intaglio ink ==> 凹板墨
  14336. intaglio plate ==> 凹版印版
  14337. intaglio printing ==> 凹版印刷
  14338. intaglio printing press ==> 凹印机
  14339. intake ==> 取水口,输入能量,摄取,引入量,灌注量,入口,进风量,进给,进口,进气巷道,进水口,垂直补给,吸入;进水口,控制水电厂进水量的进水建筑物=>取入れ口,取水口
  14340. intake advance ==> 进气提前
  14341. intake air heater ==> 预热器
  14342. intake air manifold ==> 吸気管
  14343. intake air mass ==> 吸入空気量
  14344. intake area ==> 垂直补给区,受水区
  14345. intake area of aquifer ==> 含水层来水区
  14346. intake aspiroke ==> 进气冲程
  14347. intake auxiliary air ==> 辅助进气口
  14348. intake basin ==> 进入池
  14349. intake cam ==> 进气凸轮
  14350. intake capacity ==> 容纳量
  14351. intake casing ==> 进气口外室
  14352. intake chamber ==> 进气室,进水室,引入线室
  14353. intake check ball ==> 进口止回球
  14354. intake condition ==> 进口参数
  14355. intake cone liner (upper,lower) ==> 料斗衬板(上,下)
  14356. intake dam ==> 进水口挡水墙=>取水ダム
  14357. intake duct ==> 进气装置,进入道
  14358. intake energy ==> 进口能
  14359. intake flange ==> 吸入口法兰
  14360. intake flow ==> 吸入流动
  14361. intake gate ==> 取水ゲート
  14362. intake guidance ==> 吸气导管
  14363. intake guide ==> 吸气导管
  14364. intake line ==> 吸入管道
  14365. intake main of lock chamber ==> 船闸闸室进水总管
  14366. intake manifold ==> 吸入歧管=>吸込マニホルド
  14367. intake manifold stud ==> 进气歧管柱螺栓
  14368. intake muffler ==> 进气消声器
  14369. intake nozzle ==> 吸气管嘴
  14370. intake opening ==> 吸入口,进风口
  14371. intake period ==> 吸气期
  14372. intake pipe ==> 取水管
  14373. intake port ==> 进气口
  14374. intake pressure ==> 进气压力
  14375. intake recharge ==> 垂直补给,(含水层的)引入回灌量
  14376. intake resistance ==> 进气阻力
  14377. intake screen ==> 进口拦网,进料滤网
  14378. intake shutter ==> 进气活门片
  14379. intake silencer ==> 入口消音器
  14380. intake sluice ==> 进水闸,设在渠系首部控制入渠流量的闸
  14381. intake stroke ==> 进给冲程,进气冲程,吸入冲程
  14382. intake system ==> 吸入系统
  14383. intake temperature ==> 进气温度
  14384. intake tower ==> 进水塔
  14385. intake tunnel ==> 进水隧洞
  14386. intake valve ==> 进气阀,进汽阀=>吸気弁
  14387. intake valve cage ==> 进汽闸罩
  14388. intake water restriction ==> 取水制限
  14389. intake with artificial transvers circulation ==> 人工环流装置,使水流产生横向环流的工程设施
  14390. intakeport ==> 吸气口
  14391. intalio press ==> 凹版印刷机
  14392. Intalox saddle ==> 矩鞍形填料,矩鞍形填料,槽鞍形填料
  14393. intangible ==> 無体物
  14394. intangible asset ==> 无形的资产
  14395. intangible assets ==> 无形资产
  14396. intangible development cost ==> 无形开发成本
  14397. intangible fixed assets ==> 无形固定资产
  14398. intangible goods ==> 无形商品
  14399. intangible property rights ==> 无形财产权
  14400. intangible resources ==> 无形资源
  14401. intangible standard ==> 无形的标准
  14402. intangible value ==> 无形价值
  14403. intarsia fabric ==> 嵌花织物
  14404. intarsia flat knitting machine ==> 嵌花横机
  14405. intarsia knitting machine ==> 嵌花针织机
  14406. INTEG, integration ==> インテグレーション
  14407. integer ==> 整数,整体
  14408. integer angular momentum ==> 整数角动量
  14409. integer attribute ==> 整数属性
  14410. integer constant ==> 整常数,整数常数
  14411. integer conversion ==> 整数转换
  14412. integer conversion (I-conversion) ==> 定点数据转换
  14413. integer field ==> 整字段
  14414. integer form ==> 整型形式
  14415. integer harmonics ==> 整数倍谐波
  14416. integer item ==> 整数项
  14417. integer linear programming ==> 整数线性规划
  14418. integer multiple ==> 整数倍数
  14419. integer part ==> 整数部分
  14420. integer programming ==> 整数规划,整体程序设计
  14421. integer programming problem ==> 整数规划问题
  14422. integer quantity ==> 整型量
  14423. integer representation ==> 整数表示
  14424. integer slot winding ==> 整槽绕组
  14425. integer solution ==> 整数解
  14426. integer spin ==> 整数自旋
  14427. integer type ==> 整型
  14428. integer value ==> 整数值
  14429. integer variable ==> 整型变量
  14430. integer variable dimension ==> 整型变量维数
  14431. integer variable name ==> 整型变量名
  14432. integer variable reference ==> 整型变量引用
  14433. integer vector ==> 整型向量
  14434. integer-slot winding ==> 整槽绕组
  14435. integrability condition ==> 可积分条件,可积条件
  14436. integrable ==> 積分可能な
  14437. integrable function ==> 可积函数
  14438. integral ==> 积分,总体,整体,集成,整体的,累积,全悬挂=>積分,整数の,積分の
  14439. integral (-)type flange ==> 整体凸缘
  14440. integral (drill) bit ==> 整体式钻头
  14441. integral (drill) steel ==> 整体钢钎
  14442. integral (tip) shroud ==> 整体围带
  14443. integral (type) flange ==> 整体法兰
  14444. integral (unit) drive ==> 直接传动
  14445. integral absorbed dose ==> 积分剂量
  14446. integral action ==> 积分动作,积分演算,积分作用=>積分動作
  14447. integral action coefficient ==> 积分作用系数,积分动作系数
  14448. integral action control ==> 积分动作控制
  14449. integral action controller ==> 积分型控制器,积分控制器
  14450. integral action Iimiter ==> 积分作用限幅器
  14451. integral action limiter ==> 积分动作限制程序,积分动作限制器,积分作用限幅器
  14452. integral action time ==> 积分作用时间,积分动作时间=>積分時間(自動制御)
  14453. integral age ==> 累计寿命
  14454. integral air pump ==> 整装抽气泵
  14455. integral algebraic number ==> 代数整数
  14456. integral algebroidal function ==> 整代数体函数
  14457. integral approach ==> 积分近似=>積分法
  14458. integral armband ==> 整体式表带
  14459. integral atomic time ==> 累积原子时
  14460. integral basis ==> 整基
  14461. integral bearing ==> 浇铸轴承
  14462. integral bearing housing ==> 整体轴承箱体
  14463. integral bilinear form ==> 整双线性型
  14464. integral binary cubic forms ==> 整二元三次型
  14465. integral blade ==> 整体叶片,带叶冠叶片
  14466. integral blower ==> 内置式鼓风机
  14467. integral blower burner ==> 带鼓风机的燃烧器
  14468. integral body ==> 整体车身
  14469. integral boiling water nuclear superheating reactor ==> 一体化沸水核过热[反应]堆
  14470. integral boundary ==> 整数界限
  14471. integral bracelet ==> 整体式表带
  14472. integral by-pass system ==> 整体旁路系统,又称“一级旁路系统”。蒸汽旁通整台汽轮机,直接从主蒸汽管道引至凝汽器的汽轮机旁路系统
  14473. integral bypass ==> 整体旁路
  14474. integral cage ==> 整体保持架
  14475. integral calculation method ==> 积分计算法=>積分計算法
  14476. integral calculation method of frequency measurement ==> 测频积分计算法=>周波数測定の積分計算法
  14477. integral calculus ==> 积分学=>積分学
  14478. integral cam ==> 整体凸轮轴
  14479. integral cam shaft ==> 整体凸轮轴
  14480. integral cast ==> 整体浇铸
  14481. integral cast iron dished head ==> 整体铸铁碟形封头
  14482. integral casting ==> 整体浇铸,整体铸
  14483. integral characteristic ==> 积分特性
  14484. integral check valve ==> 内装式单向阀
  14485. integral choice pattern ==> 整选择模式
  14486. integral circuit ==> 积分电路
  14487. integral circulating pump ==> 整体式的循环泵
  14488. integral closure ==> 整闭包
  14489. integral coefficients ==> 整系数
  14490. integral color ==> 整体颜色,总的色泽
  14491. integral compensation ==> 积分补偿
  14492. integral computer ==> 整数计算机
  14493. integral condenser ==> 整体式凝汽器
  14494. integral constant ==> 积分常数,整常数
  14495. integral control ==> 整体控制,积分调节,积分控制
  14496. integral control action ==> 整体控制作用=>積分動作
  14497. integral controlled action ==> 整体调整作用
  14498. integral controller ==> 积分调节器
  14499. integral convergence ==> 整数收敛
  14500. integral convergence test ==> 积分收敛判别法
  14501. integral conversion ==> 积分变换
  14502. integral convolution ==> 积分卷积式,积分卷积,积分褶合式
  14503. integral cooling system ==> 整体化冷却系统
  14504. integral coordination ==> 一条龙协作
  14505. integral cosine ==> 余弦积分
  14506. integral counterweights ==> 整体式平衡重
  14507. integral coupling ==> 整体联轴器
  14508. integral cover ==> 整体围带
  14509. integral curve ==> 积分曲线
  14510. integral curves ==> 积分曲线
  14511. integral damping winding ==> 全阻尼绕组,转子各槽的槽稧下都压有全长的阻尼条,大齿浅槽内也放有阻尼条,所有阻尼条在端部联接在一起构成鼠笼形短路环的结构
  14512. integral denotation ==> 整标志,整数标志
  14513. integral density ==> 累积密度
  14514. integral detector ==> 积分型检测器
  14515. integral differential circuit ==> 积分微分电路
  14516. integral differential operation ==> 积分微分运算
  14517. integral discriminator ==> 积分鉴别器
  14518. integral distribution curve ==> 积分分布曲线,累积分布曲线
  14519. integral divisor ==> 整因子
  14520. integral domain ==> 整环,积分区域
  14521. integral dose ==> 积分剂量=>積算線量
  14522. integral drive ==> 整体式传动装置,整体式驱动装置
  14523. integral effect ==> 積分効果
  14524. integral electric actuator ==> 积分式电动执行机构
  14525. integral electrical heating ==> 整体电加热
  14526. integral element ==> 積分要素(自動制御)
  14527. integral equalization ==> 积分稳定
  14528. integral equalizer ==> 积分稳定环节
  14529. integral equation ==> 积分方程=>積分方程式
  14530. integral equation of the convolution type ==> 合成型積分方程式
  14531. integral equivalent ==> 等价整数
  14532. integral erection ==> 整体安装
  14533. integral error ==> 积分误差
  14534. integral estimation ==> 积分评价
  14535. integral experiment ==> 积分实验
  14536. integral exponent ==> 整指数
  14537. integral expression ==> 整式
  14538. integral fan ==> 轴上风扇
  14539. integral feedback ==> 积分反馈
  14540. integral fin ==> 整体散热筋
  14541. integral fit method ==> 积分符合法
  14542. integral fixedbed reactor ==> 固定床积分反应器
  14543. integral flock ==> 分牛群
  14544. integral form ==> 整型
  14545. integral form of the transport equation ==> 输运方程的积分形式
  14546. integral formula ==> 积分公式
  14547. integral fuel cell ==> 整体燃料箱
  14548. integral function ==> 整函数
  14549. integral gain ==> 积分调节增益
  14550. integral gear rotor ==> 整体带齿旋转活塞
  14551. integral glow curve ==> 积分辉光曲线
  14552. integral governing ==> 积分调节
  14553. integral group algebras ==> 整群代数
  14554. integral heat ==> 变浓热
  14555. integral heat of solution ==> 溶解热
  14556. integral horsepower motor ==> 整数马力电动机
  14557. integral housing ==> 整体桥壳,整体式壳体
  14558. integral hub bearing ==> 整体式轮毂轴承
  14559. integral ideal ==> 整数理想子环
  14560. integral in complex domain ==> 複素積分
  14561. integral inner ring ==> 整体内圈
  14562. integral insulation ==> 整体绝缘
  14563. integral insulation construction ==> 整体保温结构
  14564. integral intake manifold ==> 整体进气歧管
  14565. integral invariant ==> 积分不变式
  14566. integral key ==> 花键
  14567. integral key shaft ==> 花键轴
  14568. integral lattice ==> 整格
  14569. integral left ideal ==> 整左理想
  14570. integral length hypothesis ==> 积分长度假说
  14571. integral line-breadth ==> 积分谱线宽度
  14572. integral linear estimation ==> 积分线性评价
  14573. integral linear mapping ==> 整线性映射
  14574. integral linear polarization ==> 累积线偏振
  14575. integral linear programming ==> 整数线性规划
  14576. integral linkage power steering system ==> 整体杆系式动力转向系统
  14577. integral measurement of rms active power ==> 有功功率有效值的积分测量方法
  14578. integral measurement of rms reactive power ==> 无功功率有效值的积分测量方法
  14579. integral membrane protein ==> 膜本体蛋白质
  14580. integral mesh ==> 结合网
  14581. integral mesh tube ==> 结合网管
  14582. integral metal ==> 浇铸轴承合金,整体轴承
  14583. integral method ==> 积分法
  14584. integral method of waterproofing ==> 整体防水法
  14585. integral mode controller ==> 积分型控制器,积分控制器
  14586. integral mould ==> 整模型
  14587. integral multiple ==> 整倍数
  14588. integral norm ==> 整范数
  14589. integral number ==> 整数
  14590. integral number of times ==> 整倍数
  14591. integral of absolute value of error ==> 绝对误差积分
  14592. integral of angular momentum ==> 角动量积分
  14593. integral of energy ==> 能量积分
  14594. integral of error criterion ==> 误差积分标准
  14595. integral of force vive ==> 活力积分
  14596. integral of living force ==> 活力积分
  14597. integral of squared error ==> 平方误差积分
  14598. integral of time multiplied absolute error ==> ITAE
  14599. integral of time multiplied error ==> ITE
  14600. integral one-piece mainshaft ==> (多缸转子发动机用的)整体式偏心轴
  14601. integral operator ==> 积分算子
  14602. integral outer ring ==> 整体外圈
  14603. integral packaging ==> 集成包装
  14604. integral part ==> 整数部分=>整数部
  14605. integral pattern ==> 整模式
  14606. integral performance criterion ==> 积分质准则
  14607. integral performance index ==> 积分质评价
  14608. integral pitch winding ==> 整距绕组
  14609. integral planter ==> 悬挂式播种机
  14610. integral point ==> 整数点
  14611. integral procedure decomposition temperature ==> 积分过程分解温度
  14612. integral protein ==> 整合蛋白
  14613. integral quadratic forms ==> 整二次型
  14614. integral quantity ==> 整数值,积分值
  14615. integral rate action ==> 积分作用
  14616. integral rational invariant ==> 整有理不变式
  14617. integral rational operator ==> 整有理算子
  14618. integral reactor ==> 一体化反应堆
  14619. integral refractometer ==> 积分折射率仪
  14620. integral reinforcement ==> 整体补强
  14621. integral relation ==> 积分关系式
  14622. integral relief valve ==> 整体式减压阀
  14623. integral representation ==> 整数表示,积分表示
  14624. integral resonance ==> 整数共振
  14625. integral restrictor ==> 积分开关,积分限制器
  14626. integral right ideal ==> 整右理想
  14627. integral ring ==> 整数环,整体托圈
  14628. integral rotor ==> 整体转子,整锻转子,转子体为整体锻造的转子
  14629. integral scattering ==> 积分散射
  14630. integral shaft ==> 整体轴
  14631. integral shroud blade ==> 整体围带叶片,又称“自带冠叶片”。围带与叶片一体加工构成的总体
  14632. integral slot winding ==> 整数槽绕组
  14633. integral solution ==> 整数解
  14634. integral sound suppressor ==> 内装式消声器
  14635. integral spin ==> 整数自旋
  14636. integral square error ==> 平方误差积分=>平方誤差積分
  14637. integral square error approximation ==> 积分平方误差近似
  14638. integral square error criterion ==> 误差平方积分准则
  14639. integral square error method ==> 误差平方积分法
  14640. integral square estimation ==> 平方积分评价
  14641. integral square-error method ==> 误差平方积分法
  14642. integral steel ==> 整体钢钎
  14643. integral surface ==> 积分曲面
  14644. integral symbol ==> 整符号
  14645. integral temperature ==> 积分温度
  14646. integral test ==> 积分检验法,积分判别法
  14647. integral test system ==> 综合测试设备
  14648. integral testing ==> 积分检验,整体试验
  14649. integral time ==> 积分时间
  14650. integral time constant ==> 积分时间常数
  14651. integral transcendental function ==> 整超越函数
  14652. integral transform ==> 积分变换
  14653. integral transformation ==> 积分变换
  14654. integral transmission package ==> 整体式传动装置
  14655. integral transport equation ==> 积分输运方程
  14656. integral tripack ==> 累积彩色底版
  14657. integral type ==> 整体式
  14658. integral type flange ==> 整体凸缘
  14659. integral type powersteering ==> 整体型转向加力装置
  14660. integral unit ==> 成套机组,全套部件,联合机组
  14661. integral unit substation ==> 组装式变电站
  14662. integral value ==> 整数值,积分值
  14663. integral valued polynomial ==> 整值多项式
  14664. integral water jacket ==> 整体式水套
  14665. integral waterproofing ==> 整体防水,总体防水
  14666. integral wheel ==> 整体叶轮
  14667. integral(tip)shroud ==> 叶冠
  14668. integral-disk rotor ==> 整锻转子
  14669. integral-furnace boiler ==> 水冷炉膛锅炉
  14670. integral-joint casing ==> 整体联接套管
  14671. integral-mode controller ==> 积分型控制器
  14672. integral-slot winding ==> 整数スロット巻
  14673. integral-transform method ==> 积分变换法
  14674. integrality ==> 整体
  14675. integralization ==> 整化
  14676. integrally annealed ==> 整体退火
  14677. integrally closed ring ==> 整闭环
  14678. integrally finned tubes ==> 整体翅片管
  14679. integrally forged (monolayered) cylinder ==> 整体锻造式(单层)圆筒
  14680. integrally silenced plant ==> 配备灭音系统的机器,整体灭音机器
  14681. integrally-forged impulse wheel ==> (涡轮机)整锻冲动式转轮
  14682. integrand ==> 被积函数=>被積分関数
  14683. integrant ==> 成分
  14684. integratable reactance ==> 可集成电抗
  14685. integrate alternator ==> 整体式交流发电机
  14686. integrate control ==> 计划防治
  14687. integrate data ==> データを統合する
  14688. integrate techniques ==> 技術を組み合わせる
  14689. integrated ==> 集成的
  14690. integrated absorption ==> 积分吸收
  14691. integrated absorption coefficient ==> 累积吸收系数
  14692. integrated absorption cross-section ==> 积分吸收截面
  14693. integrated adapter ==> 集成适配器,集成转接器
  14694. integrated amplifier ==> 集成电路放大器
  14695. integrated approach ==> 综合方案
  14696. integrated attachment ==> 集成附件,集成配件
  14697. integrated automatic control ==> 総合自動化
  14698. integrated automation ==> 综合自动化,集成自动化,整体自动化
  14699. integrated band absorption ==> 积分谐带吸收
  14700. integrated biologicalchemical process ==> 综合生化法
  14701. integrated brightness ==> 累积亮度
  14702. integrated campaign ==> 综合防御
  14703. integrated cancellation ratio ==> 积累抵消率,积累抵消系数
  14704. integrated ceiling system ==> 复合顶棚体系
  14705. integrated channel ==> 集成电路通道
  14706. integrated chemical waste treatment plant ==> 综合化学废物处理厂
  14707. integrated chopper ==> 集成斩波器
  14708. integrated circuit ==> 集成电路
  14709. integrated circuit block ==> 集成电路块
  14710. integrated circuit breadboard ==> 集成电路试验板
  14711. integrated circuit chip ==> 集成电路片
  14712. integrated circuit component ==> 集成电路元件
  14713. integrated circuit design language ==> 集成电路设计语言
  14714. integrated circuit distance relay device ==> 集成电路距离保护装置
  14715. integrated circuit electrocardiograph ==> 集成电路心电图机
  14716. integrated circuit family ==> 集成电路系列
  14717. integrated circuit interconnection ==> 集成电路互连
  14718. integrated circuit layout ==> 集成电路布局图
  14719. integrated circuit logic ==> 集成电路逻辑
  14720. integrated circuit memory ==> 集成电路存储器
  14721. integrated circuit microelectrode ==> 集成电路型微电极
  14722. integrated circuit model ==> 集成电路模式组件,集成电路模型
  14723. integrated circuit module ==> 集成电路组件
  14724. integrated circuit package ==> 集成电路封装,集成电路组件
  14725. integrated circuit processing technique ==> 集成电路工艺技术
  14726. integrated circuit protection device ==> 集成电路继电保护装置,以集成运算放大器和集成门电路为基础构成的一种继电保护装置
  14727. integrated circuit resistor ==> 集成电路电阻器
  14728. integrated circuit simulator ==> 集成电路模拟器
  14729. integrated circuit technique ==> 集成电路技术
  14730. integrated circuit test clip ==> 集成电路测试夹
  14731. integrated circuit test system ==> 集成电路测试系统
  14732. integrated coal gasification combined generation ==> 石炭ガス化複合発電
  14733. integrated coil ==> 整体式线圈
  14734. integrated colour index ==> 累积色指数
  14735. integrated communication ==> 综合通信
  14736. integrated communication adapter ==> 整体通信衔接器
  14737. integrated communication adapter (ICA) ==> 集成通信转接器,集中通信适配器
  14738. integrated communication network ==> 综合通信网
  14739. integrated communications system ==> 综合通信系统
  14740. integrated component ==> 集成元件
  14741. integrated component circuit ==> 积分组件电路,集成元件电器,整体元件电路
  14742. integrated computer system ==> 集成计算机系统
  14743. integrated console ==> 集中控制台,综合控制台,联控台
  14744. integrated control ==> 综合防治=>統合制御
  14745. integrated control in plant ==> 厂内综合治理
  14746. integrated control system ==> 综合控制系统
  14747. integrated control technique ==> 综合防治技术
  14748. integrated cross-section ==> 积分截面
  14749. integrated cyclic process ==> 总体循环法
  14750. integrated data network ==> 综合数据网
  14751. integrated data processing ==> 集中数据处理
  14752. integrated data processing (IDP) ==> 统一数据处理
  14753. integrated data processing system ==> 集中数据处理系统
  14754. integrated data retrieval system ==> 集中数据检索系统
  14755. integrated data store ==> 集中数据存储,集中数据库
  14756. integrated data system ==> 综合数据系统
  14757. integrated demand ==> 平均累计需量=>平均積算需用
  14758. integrated demand meter ==> 平均累计最大需量计
  14759. integrated design ==> 总体设计
  14760. integrated device ==> 集成半导体器件,集成器件
  14761. integrated diagnostic system ==> 综合式诊断系统
  14762. integrated digital communication network ==> 集成数字通信网
  14763. integrated digital network ==> 综合数字网络
  14764. integrated diode array (IDA) ==> 集成二极管阵
  14765. integrated diode array(IDA) ==> 积分二极管阵
  14766. integrated disk ==> 集成磁盘
  14767. integrated display system ==> 综合显示系统
  14768. integrated Doppler ==> 积分多普勒
  14769. integrated drainage ==> 合成水系
  14770. integrated economy ==> 一体化经济
  14771. integrated electronic component ==> 集成元件
  14772. integrated electronics ==> 集成电子学
  14773. integrated electrooptics ==> 集成电光学
  14774. integrated emission ==> 累积发射
  14775. integrated emulation ==> 集中仿真
  14776. integrated emulator ==> 积分模拟程序,集成仿真器,集中仿真程序,统一仿真程序
  14777. integrated energy curve ==> 累积能量曲线
  14778. integrated energy density ==> 积分能量密度
  14779. integrated energy service ==> 総合エネルギーサービス
  14780. integrated enterprise ==> 综合企业
  14781. integrated equipment ==> 综合设备
  14782. integrated external dose (radiation) ==> 外来辐射的累积剂量
  14783. integrated file adapter ==> 文件合并衔接器,整体文件存储衔接器,集成文件适配器
  14784. integrated fire control system ==> 联合火控系统
  14785. integrated flow control carburetor ==> 综合流量控制式化油器
  14786. integrated flow curve ==> 综合流量曲线
  14787. integrated flowsheet ==> 综合流程
  14788. integrated flux ==> 累积流量,积分通量
  14789. integrated flying control system ==> 综合飞行控制系统
  14790. integrated forest utilization ==> 综合森林利用,森林综合利用
  14791. integrated form ==> 积分形式
  14792. integrated fuel control carburetor ==> 综合控制供油式化油器
  14793. integrated general register ==> 集中通用寄存器
  14794. integrated grounding system ==> 統合接地方式
  14795. integrated head ==> 集成磁头
  14796. integrated heat conductivity 积分热导率,为便于计算燃料芯块中心温度使用的一个参量。它是随温度变化的燃料芯块的热导率kU ==> (t)从表面温度tw到中心温度t0的积分,其单位是W/cm
  14797. integrated incident light ==> 累积入射光
  14798. integrated inductor ==> 集成电感器
  14799. integrated industrial robot ==> 集成工业机器人
  14800. integrated infection ==> 整合感染
  14801. integrated information processing ==> 综合信息处理,集中信息处理
  14802. integrated information system ==> 综合信息系统
  14803. integrated injection logic ==> 集成式注入逻辑线路
  14804. integrated injection logic (IIL) ==> 集成注入逻辑
  14805. integrated injection logic circuit ==> 集成注入逻辑电路
  14806. integrated instrument panel ==> 综合仪表盘
  14807. integrated intensity ==> 累积强度
  14808. integrated intercom set ==> 综合内部通信设备
  14809. integrated interferometric reflector ==> 集成干涉反光镜
  14810. integrated iron and steel works ==> 综合性钢铁厂
  14811. integrated layout ==> 一体化布置
  14812. integrated level ==> 集成度
  14813. integrated life support system ==> 综合生命维持系统
  14814. integrated light intensity ==> 积分光强度,集束光强度
  14815. integrated line ==> 综合生产流程
  14816. integrated load curve ==> 荷载累积曲线
  14817. integrated logging ==> 综合性采伐,木材综合利用采运
  14818. integrated magnitude ==> 累积星等
  14819. integrated management ==> 综合管理
  14820. integrated management information ==> 集中管理信息
  14821. integrated management of coal mines ==> 煤矿综合经营
  14822. integrated management planning ==> 整体化管理计划
  14823. integrated manager ==> 结合型经理
  14824. integrated manufacturing system ==> 集成制造系统
  14825. integrated manufacturing system (IMS) ==> 设计制造一体化,综合生产系统
  14826. integrated marketing system ==> 综合销售系统
  14827. integrated material handling ==> 综合的材料处理
  14828. integrated mechanization ==> 综合机械化
  14829. integrated mica ==> 结合云母
  14830. integrated microcircuit ==> 集成微型电路
  14831. integrated microelectronics ==> 集成微电子学
  14832. integrated mill ==> 大型工厂
  14833. integrated modem ==> 集成调制解调器
  14834. integrated morphology ==> 集成形态学
  14835. integrated motor ==> 机内电动机,积分马达,积分直流电动机,整体式电动机
  14836. integrated moving average process ==> 结合移动平均数过程
  14837. integrated navigation system ==> 総合航法装置
  14838. integrated neutron flux ==> 積分中性子束
  14839. integrated noise ==> 积分噪声,累积噪声
  14840. Integrated Noise Model (Federal Aviation Administration, United States) ==> 综合噪音仿真计算机软件(美国联邦航空管理局)
  14841. integrated noise temperature ==> 累积噪声温度
  14842. integrated oil company ==> 大型石油公司,综合性石油公司
  14843. integrated operating system ==> 集中操作系统
  14844. integrated operation ==> 整体操作
  14845. integrated operational amplifier ==> 集成运算放大器
  14846. integrated optical bolometer for radiation ==> 集成光学辐射热测量计
  14847. integrated optical circuit ==> 集成光路,集成光学电路
  14848. integrated optical communication ==> 集成光通信
  14849. integrated optical spectrum analyzer ==> 集成光谱分析器
  14850. integrated optical switch ==> 集成光学开关
  14851. integrated optical waveguide coupler ==> 集成光学波导耦合器
  14852. integrated optics ==> 集成光学=>集積光学
  14853. integrated optics (IO) ==> 集成光学
  14854. integrated optics technique ==> 集成光路技术
  14855. integrated optics technology ==> 集成光路工艺学
  14856. integrated optoelectronic circuit ==> 光电集成电路
  14857. integrated optoelectronics ==> 集成光电子学
  14858. integrated package ==> 集成块,集成组件
  14859. integrated pest management ==> 虫害综合治理,害物综合防治
  14860. integrated photographic magnitude ==> 累积照相星等
  14861. integrated photometer ==> 积分光度计
  14862. integrated photonic circuits ==> フォトニック集積回路
  14863. integrated planning ==> 整体规划
  14864. Integrated Planning and Development Studies on Northwest New Territories ==> 新界西北综合规划及发展研究
  14865. integrated processor ==> 集成处理器
  14866. integrated production line ==> 综合生产线
  14867. integrated program for rail transport ==> 铁路运输综合作业方案
  14868. Integrated Programme for Commodities ==> 商品综合方案
  14869. integrated protective circuit (IPC) ==> 集中保护电路
  14870. integrated radiance ==> 积分辐射率
  14871. integrated radiant emittance ==> 总辐射度,总辐射能
  14872. integrated radiation ==> 累积辐射
  14873. integrated range ==> 总射程
  14874. integrated reactor pressure vessel head structure ==> 堆顶一体化结构,为简化反应堆换料操作、减少换料时间,将堆顶屏蔽、防飞射物装置和反应堆压力容器顶盖(上封头)起吊装置设计成不需拆散的一体化结构
  14875. integrated recycle heat exchanger bed, INTREX ==> 整体化循环物料热交换器,锅炉部件起吊安装之前,在地面把设备零件在组合场地预先组合拼装成便于安装的组合件,然后再运到安装地点起吊就位、安装。
  14876. integrated refinery ==> 联合炼油厂,整体化炼厂
  14877. integrated reflecting power ==> 累积反射率
  14878. integrated reflection ==> 累积反射
  14879. integrated regional cooperation ==> 一体化区域合作
  14880. integrated regulator ==> 稳压集成电路
  14881. integrated resistor ==> 集成电阻
  14882. integrated reuse ==> 综合利用
  14883. integrated reuse-recycle treatment process ==> 综合利用循环处理过程
  14884. integrated semiconductor device ==> 集成半导体装置
  14885. integrated sensor ==> 集成传感器
  14886. integrated service ==> 集成运输
  14887. integrated service digital network ==> 综合服务数字网络
  14888. integrated service network ==> 综合业务通信网
  14889. integrated services digital network ==> 综合业务服务网
  14890. integrated signal ==> 综合信号,积分信号
  14891. integrated software package ==> 集成软件包
  14892. integrated sonar system ==> 综合声纳系统
  14893. integrated spectrum ==> 累积光谱
  14894. integrated square ==> 平方积分
  14895. integrated square error ==> 误差平方积分
  14896. integrated steam power plant ==> 总装式蒸汽动力装置
  14897. integrated steam turbine plant ==> 总装式汽轮机装置
  14898. integrated steelworks ==> 钢铁联合企业
  14899. integrated storage ==> 积累存储器
  14900. integrated survey ==> 综合考察
  14901. integrated system ==> 综合系统,成套系统,集成化系统,集成系统,集中式系统,统一系统
  14902. integrated tactical communications system ==> 综合战术通信系统
  14903. integrated task index ==> 综合的任务指标
  14904. integrated telecommunication system ==> 综合通信系统
  14905. integrated test system ==> 成套测试设备
  14906. integrated tower ==> 有反应器的蒸馏塔
  14907. integrated tracking ==> 综合跟踪
  14908. integrated tracking system ==> 综合跟踪系统,积分跟踪系统
  14909. integrated train ==> 专用整体化列车
  14910. integrated transmission system ==> 综合性传输系统,联合输电系统
  14911. integrated transport protocol ==> 综合传输协议
  14912. integrated transportation ==> 综合运输
  14913. integrated twin-guide laser ==> 集成孪生波导激光器
  14914. integrated unit ==> 整体化装置
  14915. integrated unit flip-flop ==> 集成单元触发器
  14916. integrated utilization of wood ==> 木材综合利用
  14917. integrated waste management planning tool ==> 综合废物管理规划工具
  14918. Integrated Waste Reduction Plan ==> 综合减废计划
  14919. integrated waste treatment service ==> 废物处理综合服务
  14920. integrated wideband communication system ==> 综合宽带通信系统
  14921. integrated word processing equipment ==> 集成字处理装置,集成字词处理设备
  14922. integrated-circuit capacitor ==> 集成电路电容器
  14923. integrated-energy curve ==> 電力電力量曲線
  14924. integrated-feed back laser ==> 集成反馈激光器
  14925. integrated-fluid-bed system ==> 综合流化床系统
  14926. integrated-transfer technique ==> 整体传输技术
  14927. integrating ==> 积分的
  14928. integrating (measuring) instrument ==> 积分[算](测量)仪表
  14929. integrating accelerometer ==> 综合加速测量仪,积分加速度表,积分仪
  14930. integrating actinometer ==> 累计光能计
  14931. integrating action ==> 积分动作
  14932. integrating active power measurement method ==> 有效功率实效值积分测量法
  14933. integrating ampere hour meter ==> 累计安时计
  14934. integrating amplifier ==> 积分放大器
  14935. integrating apparent energy meter ==> 累计表观功率计
  14936. integrating bellows ==> 积分膜盒
  14937. integrating block ==> 积算部件
  14938. integrating capacitor ==> 積分コンデンサ
  14939. integrating cavity ==> 累积腔
  14940. integrating circuit ==> 积分网络=>積分回路
  14941. integrating comb method ==> 冲量法
  14942. integrating conversion ==> 积分转换
  14943. integrating counting circuit ==> 积分计算电路
  14944. integrating demand meter ==> 积算最高需量计
  14945. integrating densitometer ==> 积分式浓度比色计
  14946. integrating detector ==> 积分检波器,积分探测器
  14947. integrating device ==> 积分器
  14948. integrating digital voltmeter ==> 积算数字式电压表
  14949. integrating divider ==> 脉冲积分选择器
  14950. integrating dose meter ==> 累计剂量计
  14951. integrating electric timer ==> 累计电流计时器
  14952. integrating element ==> 积分元件,积分环节,积分回路=>積分要素(自動制御)
  14953. integrating excess power meter ==> 积算超量功率表
  14954. integrating exposure meter ==> 积分曝光计
  14955. integrating factor ==> 积分因数,积分因子=>積分因子
  14956. integrating filter ==> 积分滤波器
  14957. integrating flow meter ==> 累计量计
  14958. integrating frequency measurement method ==> 积分频率测量法
  14959. integrating frequency meter ==> 总频率计,积分频率计
  14960. integrating galvanometer ==> 积分电流计
  14961. integrating gear ==> 积分齿轮,积分传动齿轮,积分传动装置
  14962. integrating gyro unit ==> 陀螺积分环节
  14963. integrating gyroscopic accelerometer ==> 积分陀螺加速表
  14964. integrating induced type polarization potentiometer ==> 积分式激发电位仪
  14965. integrating instrument ==> 积分[算](测量)仪表=>積分計(器)
  14966. integrating insutrument ==> 积算表
  14967. integrating ionization chamber ==> 累积电离室=>積分電離箱
  14968. integrating kilowatt-hour meter ==> 积算电度表,积算千瓦时计
  14969. integrating light detector ==> 积分光探测器
  14970. integrating luxmeter ==> 积算照度表
  14971. integrating manometer ==> 累计压力计
  14972. integrating maximum demand meter ==> 積算形最大需要電力計
  14973. integrating mechanism ==> 积分机,积分机构
  14974. integrating meter ==> 积算表,积分计,积分计算仪,积分器,积量计,积量器=>積分計(器)
  14975. integrating motor ==> 积分电动机,积分马达,积分直流电动机
  14976. integrating multiramp converter ==> 积分式多级变换器
  14977. integrating network ==> 积分网络
  14978. integrating pad ==> 积分衰减器
  14979. integrating photometer ==> 积分光度计=>積分光束計
  14980. integrating range ==> 积分区间
  14981. integrating reactive power measurement method ==> 无功功率实效值积分测量法
  14982. integrating reactive watthour meter ==> 积算无功瓦时计
  14983. integrating recording instrument ==> 积分式记录仪
  14984. integrating relay ==> 积分型继电器,积算继电器=>積分形リレー
  14985. integrating rms current measurement method ==> 电流实效值积分测量法
  14986. integrating rms voltage measurement method ==> 电压实效值积分测量法
  14987. integrating sound level meter ==> 积分声级计
  14988. integrating sphere ==> 积分球=>積分球
  14989. integrating system ==> 积分系统
  14990. integrating voltmeter ==> 积分伏特计
  14991. integrating wattmeter ==> 瓦时计
  14992. integrating wheel ==> 积分轮
  14993. integrating-sphere photometer ==> 积分球光度计
  14994. integration ==> 集成,集成化,集合,累积,累计,整合,整合作用,整体化,企业合并,平等待遇,积分,综合=>集積化,積分法
  14995. integration by decomposition ==> 分解求积分法
  14996. integration by partial fraction ==> 部分分数积分法
  14997. integration by parts ==> 分步积分法,分部积分法=>部分積分
  14998. integration by reduction ==> 渐化法
  14999. integration by substitution ==> 代换积分法=>置換積分
  15000. integration by successive reductions ==> 递推积分法
  15001. integration center ==> 整合中枢
  15002. integration circuit ==> 积分电路=>積分回路
  15003. integration comb ==> 汇集排管
  15004. integration constant ==> 积分常数=>積分定数
  15005. integration deficient mutant ==> 整合缺陷型
  15006. integration degree ==> 集積度
  15007. integration density ==> 集成密度
  15008. integration design ==> 一体化设计
  15009. integration efficiency ==> 整合效率
  15010. integration element ==> 积分要素
  15011. integration ionization chamber ==> 积分电离室
  15012. integration level ==> 集成度
  15013. integration limit ==> 集成限度
  15014. integration method ==> 积分法,积分方法=>积算法
  15015. integration of a matrix ==> 矩阵的积分,矩阵的积分
  15016. integration of distribution equipments ==> 配电设备的集成技术
  15017. integration of electro discharge machining plants ==> 电火花设备集成化
  15018. integration of genetic algorithm and tabu search ==> GAとTSを組み合せた手法
  15019. integration of muscular activity ==> 肌肉活动整合作用
  15020. integration of operation ==> 联合作业
  15021. integration of pulses ==> 脉冲的积分
  15022. integration step ==> 积分步长
  15023. integration subroutine ==> 积分子程序
  15024. integration system ==> 积分系
  15025. integration testing ==> 集成测试,综合测试
  15026. integration time ==> 积分时间
  15027. integration time constant ==> 积分时间常数
  15028. integration variable ==> 积分变量
  15029. integrative action ==> 整合动作
  15030. integrative levels ==> 整合层次
  15031. integrative suppression ==> 整合校正
  15032. integrator ==> 积分仪器,求积分器,积分机,积分描图仪,积分器,积分网络,积分仪,积分元件,积分装置,积分电路=>積算器
  15033. integrator gene ==> 整合基因
  15034. integrator method ==> 积分电路法
  15035. integrator-amplifier ==> 积分放大器
  15036. integrity ==> 完全性,整体性,诚正,完整性=>保全性,完全性,全体性,インテグリティ,誠実,正直
  15037. integrity basis ==> 整基
  15038. integrity condition ==> 完全性条件
  15039. integrity constraint ==> 整合性制約
  15040. integrity constraints ==> 完全性约束条件
  15041. integrity control ==> 一貫性制御
  15042. integrity domain ==> 整域
  15043. integrity error ==> 完全性誤り
  15044. integrity level ==> 完全性レベル
  15045. integrity measurement ==> 完全性測定
  15046. integrity monitoring ==> 完全性監視
  15047. integrity monitoring of containment ==> 安全壳完整性监督,为确保安全壳具备事故工况下包容放射性物质的功能,对安全壳的密封性和强度进行的监测。它包括密封性试验、强度试验、日常泄漏监测以及安全壳结构形变监测等
  15048. integrity monitoring of pressure boundary ==> 承压边界完整性监督,在核电厂运行期间,通过安全壳厂房和相关工艺系统的放射性监测、冷却剂收集容器和疏水系统的过程量测量和报警以及反应堆冷却剂系统泄漏率测量等手段,对反应堆冷却剂系统承压边界的完整性进行的有效监督
  15049. integrity of a company ==> 企業の整合性
  15050. integrity of data ==> データの完全性
  15051. integrity of science ==> 科学完整性=>科学の完全性
  15052. integrity protection ==> 完全性保護
  15053. integrity violation ==> 整合性違反
  15054. integro-differential equation ==> 微積分方程式
  15055. integronics ==> 集成电子学
  15056. integumentary embryo ==> 珠被胚
  15057. integumentary system ==> 皮肤系统
  15058. intel ==> インテル
  15059. Intel Application Accelerator ==> 「Intelアプリケーション・アクセラレータ」とは、何とも実体の分かりにくい名前だが、IAAはWindows標準のIDEドライバを置き換えるデバイス・ドライバや、IDEインターフェイス/デバイスのステータスを表示するユーティリティなどで構成されたツールである。
  15060. intellectronics ==> 人工智能电子学,智能电子学
  15061. intellectual ==> 智力的=>知識人,有識者,文化人,知的な,知力の
  15062. intellectual ability ==> 知的能力,知力
  15063. intellectual activity ==> 知的活動
  15064. intellectual and artistic products ==> 精神产品
  15065. intellectual aspect ==> 知的側面
  15066. intellectual asset ==> 知的財産
  15067. intellectual capability ==> 知力
  15068. intellectual capacity ==> 知的能力
  15069. intellectual capital ==> 知的資本
  15070. intellectual cooperation ==> 知的協力
  15071. intellectual creation ==> 知的創造物
  15072. intellectual creativity ==> 知的創造力
  15073. intellectual demand ==> 知的要求
  15074. intellectual depth ==> 深い知性
  15075. intellectual deterioration ==> 知的退行
  15076. intellectual disturbance ==> 智力障碍
  15077. intellectual exchange ==> 知的交流
  15078. intellectual excitement ==> 知的興奮,知的な刺激
  15079. intellectual exercise ==> 知的訓練
  15080. intellectual improvement ==> 知的発展
  15081. intellectual infrastructure ==> 知的インフラ
  15082. intellectual innovation ==> 知の革新
  15083. intellectual inquiry ==> 知識の探求
  15084. intellectual interest ==> 知的興味
  15085. intellectual maldevelopment ==> 智力发育不全
  15086. intellectual technology ==> 智能工艺学,智能技术
  15087. intellectualism ==> 智力活动
  15088. intellectualist ==> 唯理智论者
  15089. intellectualized organizing network ==> 智能组网
  15090. intellectualized simulation software ==> 智能化仿真软件
  15091. intelligence ==> 灵巧,情报,情报机构,智,智力,智能,理解力,信息
  15092. intelligence activity ==> 情报活动
  15093. intelligence agent ==> 情报人员
  15094. intelligence annex ==> 情报附件
  15095. intelligence card reader ==> 智能卡片阅读器
  15096. intelligence data ==> 情报资料
  15097. intelligence department ==> 情报部门
  15098. intelligence development ==> 智力发育
  15099. intelligence index ==> 智力指数
  15100. intelligence information ==> 情报资料
  15101. intelligence learning ==> 智能学习
  15102. intelligence machine ==> 智能机
  15103. intelligence personnel ==> 情报人员
  15104. intelligence quotient ==> 智能商数
  15105. intelligence quotient (IQ) ==> 智力商数,智商
  15106. intelligence receiver ==> 信息接收机,情报接收机
  15107. intelligence scale ==> 智力量表
  15108. intelligence signal ==> 情报数据信号
  15109. intelligence system ==> 情报系统
  15110. intelligence terminal ==> 智能终端,信息终端
  15111. intelligence test ==> 智力测验,智能测试,智能测验
  15112. intelligencer ==> 情报员
  15113. intelligent ==> 知的,智能化=>インテリジェント
  15114. intelligent amplifier ==> 智能放大器
  15115. intelligent automation ==> 智能自动化
  15116. intelligent automobile ==> 智能汽车
  15117. intelligent behavior ==> 智能行为
  15118. intelligent catalysts ==> インテリジェント触媒
  15119. intelligent computer ==> 智能计算机
  15120. intelligent control ==> 智能控制
  15121. intelligent control system ==> 智能控制系统
  15122. intelligent controller ==> 智能操纵器=>インテリジェント制御装置
  15123. intelligent conversation ==> 知的な会話
  15124. intelligent conversion ==> 知的変換
  15125. intelligent coordination ==> 知的協調
  15126. intelligent data entry terminal ==> 智能数据输入端
  15127. intelligent deyboard system ==> 智能键盘系统
  15128. intelligent display ==> 智能显示器
  15129. intelligent distribution equipment ==> 智能电气设备
  15130. intelligent environment ==> 知的環境
  15131. intelligent experimentation ==> 知的実験
  15132. intelligent eye ==> 知的な目
  15133. intelligent function ==> 知的機能
  15134. intelligent graphic ==> 智能图
  15135. intelligent graphic display ==> 智能终端图形显示
  15136. intelligent graphics printer ==> 灵巧印图机
  15137. intelligent instrument ==> 智能仪器
  15138. intelligent machine ==> 智能机器
  15139. intelligent management system ==> 智能管理系统
  15140. intelligent manufacturing system ==> 智能制造系统
  15141. intelligent measurement ==> 知的計測
  15142. intelligent measuring instrument ==> 智能测量仪表
  15143. intelligent mechanism ==> 人工的な知的メカニズム
  15144. intelligent mechine ==> 智能机器
  15145. intelligent memory ==> 智能存储器
  15146. intelligent menagement ==> 智能管理
  15147. intelligent method ==> 知的方法
  15148. intelligent motor ==> 知恵のモータ
  15149. intelligent navigation ==> 知的ナビゲーション
  15150. intelligent network ==> 智能网=>インテリジェントネットワーク
  15151. intelligent plotter ==> 智能标绘器
  15152. intelligent printer ==> 智能印字机
  15153. intelligent relay protection ==> 智能继电保护,能模仿、延伸、扩展人的智能,自行跟踪电力系统运行状态变化并自行调整自身的参数或部件组合,使其保持相应保护功能的新一代继电保护系统(或网络)
  15154. intelligent robot ==> 智能机器人=>知能ロボット
  15155. intelligent sensor ==> 智能传感器
  15156. intelligent simulation ==> 智能仿真
  15157. intelligent station ==> 智能站
  15158. intelligent system ==> 智能系统=>インテリジェントシステム
  15159. intelligent system model ==> 智能系统模型
  15160. intelligent terminal ==> 智能终端
  15161. intelligent transportation ==> 智能交通系统
  15162. intelligent use ==> 合理使用
  15163. intelligent wheelchair ==> 知的車椅子
  15164. intelligibility ==> 可懂度=>了解度
  15165. intelligible crosstalk ==> 可慌串话
  15166. intelligible crosstalk ratio ==> 可懂串话比
  15167. Intelligrid ==> 智能电网
  15168. intelsat ==> 国际通信卫星
  15169. intend ==> もくろむ
  15170. intended ==> 意図された
  15171. intended activity ==> 対象とする活動
  15172. intended application ==> 対象とする用途
  15173. intended effect ==> 意図された効果
  15174. intended end-usage ==> 使用目的,用途
  15175. intended size ==> 公称尺寸,额定尺寸
  15176. intended stress ==> 预计应力
  15177. intended target ==> 指定目标
  15178. intense ==> 強烈な
  15179. intense beam ==> 强束
  15180. intense beam ion source ==> 强离子源
  15181. intense colour ==> 强色
  15182. intense electron beam ==> 大強度電子ビーム
  15183. intense field ==> 强场
  15184. intense gamma radiation ==> 强γ辐射
  15185. intense ion beam ==> 强离子束
  15186. intense laser radiation ==> 强激光辐射
  15187. intense light pulse ==> 强光脉冲
  15188. intense light source ==> 强光源
  15189. intense line ==> 强谱线
  15190. intense magnetic field ==> 强磁场
  15191. intense neutron generator ==> 强中子发生器
  15192. intense pinch discharge ==> 强挟放电
  15193. intense polar temperature inversion ==> 極温度の強い逆転
  15194. intense pulsed relativistic electron beam ==> 大強度パルス相対論的電子ビーム(IREB)
  15195. intense radiation ==> 强辐射
  15196. intense shock wave ==> 强激波
  15197. intense source ==> 强源
  15198. intense thirst ==> 剧渴,剧渴
  15199. intense tunable IR source ==> 强可调红外源
  15200. intense ultrasonic wave ==> 强超声波
  15201. intense zone ==> 强烈区
  15202. intensely bunched ion source ==> 强聚束离子源
  15203. intensification ==> 潜影强化,强化,加强=>増強
  15204. intensification modulation ==> 亮度调制
  15205. intensification of apical impulse ==> 心尖搏动增强
  15206. intensification of traffic movement ==> (车流)强化交通流
  15207. intensification pulse ==> 加亮脉冲
  15208. intensified image ==> 增亮图像
  15209. intensified mining ==> 强化开采
  15210. intensified response ==> 增强反应
  15211. intensified silicon vidicon camera tube ==> 增强硅靶视像管
  15212. intensified test ==> 强化的试验
  15213. intensifier ==> 放大器倍增器
  15214. intensifier circuit ==> 增光电路,增强电路,放大器级间谐振电路
  15215. intensifier coil ==> 增强线圈
  15216. intensifier driven hydraulic press ==> 增压器传动液压机
  15217. intensifier effective gain ==> 增强器有效增益
  15218. intensifier electrode ==> 增光电极,增光极,增强电极,后加速电极
  15219. intensifier gain ==> 增强器增益
  15220. intensifier image orthicon ==> 增强式超正析像管
  15221. intensifier potential ==> 增光电位
  15222. intensifier pulse ==> 增强脉冲,照明脉冲
  15223. intensifier ring ==> (电子束管)增强环
  15224. intensifier stage ==> 放大级
  15225. intensifier target ==> 增强靶
  15226. intensifier type ==> 增强器类型
  15227. intensifier vidicon ==> 增强式光导摄像管,增强式视像管
  15228. intensify ==> 強める
  15229. intensifying electrode ==> 增强电极
  15230. intensifying foil ==> 箔制增光屏
  15231. intensifying gate ==> 增强门电路,照明脉冲
  15232. intensifying pulse ==> 增辉脉冲
  15233. intensifying ring ==> 增光环
  15234. intensifying screen ==> 增感屏,增光屏,加亮荧光屏=>増感スクリーン(X線用の)
  15235. intensifying-foil ==> 增感箔
  15236. intensitometer ==> 放射性剂量计=>線量計
  15237. intensity ==> 强度=>強さ
  15238. intensity alternation ==> 强度更迭
  15239. intensity amplification ==> 强度放大
  15240. intensity armature ==> 高欧姆电枢
  15241. intensity attenuation ==> 强度衰减
  15242. intensity bridge ratio ==> 强度分路比率
  15243. intensity circuit ==> 亮度控制电路
  15244. intensity contorl ==> 輝度調節
  15245. intensity contrast ==> 强度对比度
  15246. intensity control ==> 强度控制,亮度调节,亮度调整
  15247. intensity control amplifier ==> 亮度调节放大器
  15248. intensity convolution integral ==> 强度卷积积分
  15249. intensity curve ==> 强度曲线
  15250. intensity determination ==> 强度测定,强度确定,强度确定计算
  15251. intensity difference ==> 强度差
  15252. intensity diffraction pattern ==> 强度衍射图样
  15253. intensity dip ==> 强度降落,强度坑
  15254. intensity discrimination ==> 强度鉴别
  15255. intensity distribution ==> 强度分布,亮度分布
  15256. intensity factor ==> 强度因素
  15257. intensity factor of stress ==> 应力强度因子
  15258. intensity fluctuation factor ==> 强度起伏变化因数
  15259. intensity function ==> 强度函数
  15260. intensity gate ==> 强度控制闸,强度闸,亮度闸
  15261. intensity impulse response ==> 强度脉冲响应
  15262. intensity index ==> 强度指数
  15263. intensity interferometer ==> 强度干涉仪,光强干涉仪
  15264. intensity interferometry ==> 强度干涉测量法
  15265. intensity level ==> 强度级,场强电平,亮度电平,亮度级,辉度水平=>強さのレベル
  15266. intensity line ==> 强度线
  15267. intensity match ==> 强度匹配
  15268. intensity measuring device ==> 强度测定仪
  15269. intensity modulated indicator ==> 亮度调制指示器
  15270. intensity modulation ==> 亮度调制=>強度変調,輝度変調
  15271. intensity modulation scan ==> 亮度调制显示器
  15272. intensity of activation ==> 活化强度
  15273. intensity of breaking ==> 拉伸应力
  15274. intensity of burning power ==> 燃烧力强度
  15275. intensity of colour ==> 色强度
  15276. intensity of combustion ==> 燃烧强度
  15277. intensity of compression ==> 压缩强度
  15278. intensity of compressive stress ==> 压缩应力强度
  15279. intensity of cooling ==> 冷却强度
  15280. intensity of current ==> 电流强度
  15281. intensity of cut ==> 采伐强度
  15282. intensity of electric field ==> 电场强度=>電界の強さ
  15283. intensity of field ==> 场强
  15284. intensity of gravity ==> 重力强度
  15285. intensity of growth ==> 生长强度
  15286. intensity of heat dissipation in workshop ==> 车间散热强度
  15287. intensity of illumination ==> 照度
  15288. intensity of laying ==> 产蛋率,产蛋强度
  15289. intensity of light ==> 光强,光度,照度
  15290. intensity of light reflection ==> 反光强度
  15291. intensity of light source ==> 光源强度
  15292. intensity of magnetic field ==> 磁场强度=>磁界の強さ
  15293. intensity of magnetic flux ==> 磁通密度
  15294. intensity of magnetization ==> 磁化强度=>磁化の強さ
  15295. intensity of polarization ==> 极化强度=>分極の強さ
  15296. intensity of pressure ==> 压强
  15297. intensity of radiation ==> 辐射强度
  15298. intensity of radioactivity ==> 放射能强度
  15299. intensity of reflected light ==> 反射光强度
  15300. intensity of restraint ==> 拘束度,拘束度
  15301. intensity of roasting ==> 焙烧强度
  15302. intensity of selection ==> 选择强度
  15303. intensity of solar radiation ==> 太阳辐射强度
  15304. intensity of sollar radiation ==> 日辐射强度
  15305. intensity of sound ==> 声强
  15306. intensity of stress ==> 应力强度
  15307. intensity of turbulence ==> 湍流强度
  15308. intensity of vibration ==> 振动强度
  15309. intensity of washwater ==> 冲水强度
  15310. intensity of wave ==> 波的强度,波强度
  15311. intensity of wave pressure ==> 波压强度
  15312. intensity receiver ==> 场强接收机
  15313. intensity reducer ==> 减强器
  15314. intensity relative quantities ==> 强度相对数
  15315. intensity transfer function ==> 强度传递函数
  15316. intensity transformation ==> 强度变换
  15317. intensity transmission coefficient ==> 光强透射系数
  15318. intensity transmittance ==> 强度透射比
  15319. intensity vs time curve ==> 强度时间曲线
  15320. intensity-controlling electrode ==> (电子束电流)强度控制电极
  15321. intensity-duration curve ==> 强度时间曲线
  15322. intensity-duration formula ==> 强度时间公式
  15323. intensity-modulated indicator ==> 调幅指示器
  15324. intensity-scale calibration method ==> 强度标法
  15325. intensity-voltage dependence ==> 强度电压关系
  15326. intensive ==> 强,强烈的,密集,增强的,加强剂,加强器
  15327. intensive agriculture ==> 集约农业=>集約農業
  15328. intensive amount ==> 内含量
  15329. intensive analysis ==> 强度分析
  15330. intensive and meticulous cultivation ==> 精耕细作
  15331. intensive arc lamp ==> 强弧光灯
  15332. intensive bombardment ==> 集中爆撃
  15333. intensive brushing up ==> 集中的な改善
  15334. intensive care ==> 集中治療,必死の看護
  15335. intensive care infant incubator ==> 重症婴儿监护暖箱
  15336. intensive care unit (ICU) ==> 重病监护室
  15337. intensive cooling ==> 强冷却
  15338. intensive cultivation ==> 精耕细作
  15339. intensive culture ==> 集约栽培
  15340. intensive distribution ==> 密集的推销方法
  15341. intensive drying ==> 充分干燥
  15342. intensive farming ==> 精耕细作,强化农业,细耕农业,集约经营,集约农业,集约农业经营
  15343. intensive feeding ==> 强度饲养
  15344. intensive filtration ==> 强化过滤
  15345. intensive forestry ==> 集约林业
  15346. intensive grassland farming ==> 集约草地农业
  15347. intensive grazing system ==> 集约式放牧
  15348. intensive investment ==> 集约投资
  15349. intensive mixing ==> 强烈混合,充分混合
  15350. intensive parameter ==> 强度参数
  15351. intensive property ==> 强烈性
  15352. intensive quantity ==> 强度量
  15353. intensive recording mode ==> 集中的记录方式,集中记录方式
  15354. intensive reflector ==> 加强反光器,强光反射镜,探照反射器
  15355. intensive sampling ==> 密集抽样
  15356. intensive support ==> 密集支架
  15357. intensive system ==> 密集整枝法
  15358. intensive treatment ==> 强化治疗
  15359. intent propagation ==> 意图传播,集中传播
  15360. intention ==> 意向=>志向
  15361. intention agreement ==> 意向协定
  15362. intention formation ==> 意思形成
  15363. intention inference ==> 意図推論
  15364. intention letter ==> 意向书
  15365. intention movement ==> 意向运动
  15366. intention to purchase ==> 購入の意思
  15367. intention to succeed ==> 成功するという意志
  15368. intention tremor ==> 意向震颤
  15369. intentional ==> 意図的な,計画的な
  15370. intentional act ==> 計画的行為
  15371. intentional action ==> 意図的行為
  15372. intentional activity ==> 意図的行動
  15373. intentional myoclonus ==> 意向性肌阵挛
  15374. intentional stance ==> 志向的態度
  15375. inter (stage) surge tank ==> 中间缓冲器
  15376. Inter American Development Bank (IDB) ==> 泛美开发银行
  15377. inter brain ==> 间脑
  15378. inter coagulation ==> 互凝聚
  15379. inter connected circuit ==> 内联回路,在母线差动保护动作时用于防止双母线倒闸操作中引起误动作的回路
  15380. inter cooler ==> 中间冷却器
  15381. inter layer ==> 隔层
  15382. inter locking relay ==> 连锁继电器
  15383. inter marker group sender ==> 标识群互通发送器
  15384. inter planting filler ==> 间作物
  15385. inter process ==> 工序间
  15386. inter process annealing ==> 工序间退火
  15387. inter snubber ==> 中间缓冲器
  15388. inter switchboard line ==> 连结线
  15389. inter symbiont ==> 内共生体
  15390. inter woven floor mat ==> 合编地毡
  15391. inter-air space ==> 气隙空间
  15392. inter-allelic interaction ==> 等位基因直作
  15393. Inter-American Accounting Association (AAA) ==> 泛美会计协会
  15394. inter-annual variation ==> 年际变化=>年間変化
  15395. inter-area mode ==> 広域的な電力動揺
  15396. inter-bead lack of fusion ==> 焊道间未熔合
  15397. inter-boiler process ==> 锅内过程,一定负荷下,经过锅炉受热面的工质流量与流动压降之间的关系。
  15398. inter-branch account ==> 联行往来帐户
  15399. inter-branch accounts ==> 联号往来帐
  15400. inter-branch transaction ==> 分店间交易
  15401. inter-call telegraph ==> 选呼电报机
  15402. inter-class correlation ==> 组间相关
  15403. inter-class variance ==> 组间方差
  15404. inter-company transactions ==> 联营公司间会计事项
  15405. inter-connected system ==> 互连系统
  15406. inter-connection tariff ==> 联网价,电网企业利用专用联网工程为电网之间提供联网服务的价格
  15407. inter-cropping ==> 间作
  15408. inter-cultivation ==> 中耕
  15409. inter-dependent mechanical system ==> 連動機構
  15410. inter-digital field linac ==> 交叉指场直线加速器
  15411. inter-digital pause ==> インパルス列間隔
  15412. inter-drain ==> 间沟
  15413. inter-fertility ==> 互交可孕性
  15414. inter-fibre-bond ==> 纤维间粘合
  15415. inter-filler ==> 间作物
  15416. inter-harmonic ==> 次数間高調波
  15417. inter-iliac-crest line ==> 髂间线
  15418. inter-island gap ==> 岛间峡谷
  15419. inter-island platform ==> 岛间台地
  15420. inter-mating ==> 自群繁育
  15421. inter-modal coupler ==> 模间耦合器
  15422. inter-molecular attraction ==> 分子间吸引力
  15423. inter-office cable ==> 局间电缆,局间电缆
  15424. inter-peritoneal organ ==> 腹膜间位器官
  15425. inter-plant handling ==> 厂内运输
  15426. inter-plant hoeing ==> 株间锄草
  15427. inter-process annealing ==> 中间退火
  15428. inter-program communicating statement ==> 程序间通信语句
  15429. inter-regional power source development ==> 広域開発
  15430. inter-row ==> 行间的
  15431. inter-row cleaner ==> 行间中耕机
  15432. inter-row cultivator ==> 四行行间中耕机,行间中耕机
  15433. inter-row hoeing ==> 行间锄草
  15434. inter-row rotary hoe ==> 行间松土机,行间转锄机
  15435. inter-row weeder ==> 行间除草机
  15436. inter-scorers reliability ==> 信度
  15437. inter-setting ==> 卷筒纸套准,卷筒纸套准
  15438. inter-stitial ==> 填隙的
  15439. inter-sync ==> 内同步
  15440. inter-system power exchange ==> 2社間融通電力
  15441. inter-temporal consumption baskets ==> 跨时消费群
  15442. inter-tie ==> 水平系杆
  15443. inter-tissue bridge ==> 组织间桥
  15444. inter-train pause ==> 脉冲休止间隔=>インパルス列間隔
  15445. inter-turn short circuit in stator end winding ==> 定子端部绕组匝间短路,定子端部绕组的同相线圈之间由于电磁倍频振动,导致线圈绝缘磨损损伤而发生匝间短路的故障
  15446. inter-turn short circuit test for rotor winding ==> 转子绕组匝间短路测定,判断转子匝间短路的测定方法。测量方法有直流电阻法、交流阻抗和功率损耗法、空载和短路特性测量法,转子匝间短路监测器测定法、不同转速下测量转子的交流阻抗进行比较等方法
  15447. inter-unit connection ==> インタユニット接続
  15448. interacarpal ==> 腕内的
  15449. interacinar ==> 腺泡间的
  15450. interacinous ==> 腺泡间的
  15451. interact ==> 相互感应,相互作用
  15452. interactant ==> 相互作用物,反应物
  15453. interacted system ==> 互联系统,关联系统
  15454. interacting ==> 相互作用
  15455. interacting activity ==> 相互制约活动,交互式活动
  15456. interacting binary ==> 互扰双重星系
  15457. interacting close binary ==> 互扰密近双星
  15458. interacting computation ==> 交互计算
  15459. interacting control ==> 相互动作控制
  15460. interacting element ==> 互作用型元件
  15461. interacting field ==> 相互作用场
  15462. interacting galaxy ==> 互扰星系
  15463. interacting goal ==> 相互关联目标
  15464. interacting natural systems ==> 相互作用自然系统
  15465. interacting nuclei ==> 相互作用核
  15466. interacting parallel processing ==> 交互并行处理
  15467. interacting particles ==> 相互动作粒子
  15468. interacting prominence ==> 互扰日珥
  15469. interacting simulator ==> 交互模拟器
  15470. interacting space ==> 相互作用空间
  15471. interacting state ==> 相互作用状态
  15472. interacting subsystem ==> 相互作用的分支系统
  15473. interaction ==> 互联,关联,相互动作,相互作用=>基本相互作用
  15474. interaction among individuals ==> 个体间的相互关系,人与人的相互影响
  15475. interaction analysis ==> 相互影响分件,交互分析
  15476. interaction analysis code ==> 連成解析コード
  15477. interaction assay ==> 相互作用測定
  15478. interaction automatic control system ==> 相互动作自动控制系统
  15479. interaction balance ==> 交互平衡,关联平衡=>相互作用バランス
  15480. interaction balance principle ==> 关联平衡原理,交互平衡原理
  15481. interaction behavior ==> 相互作用挙動
  15482. interaction between distributed generation and distribution network ==> 分布式电源和电网的相互作用
  15483. interaction between electromagnetic wave and matter ==> 物質と電磁波の相互作用
  15484. interaction chamber ==> 互作用腔
  15485. interaction circuit ==> 互作用电路,相制电路
  15486. interaction coefficient ==> 相互作用系数
  15487. interaction cross section ==> 交互动作截面
  15488. interaction crosstalk ==> 互相串音
  15489. interaction effect ==> 相互作用效应
  15490. interaction energy ==> 相互动作能
  15491. interaction factor ==> 互作用系数,交互作用因子
  15492. interaction fault ==> 交互故障
  15493. interaction force ==> 相互酌力
  15494. interaction gap ==> 互作用间隙,互作用隙
  15495. interaction Hamiltonian ==> 相互作用哈密顿函数
  15496. interaction impedance ==> 互作用阻抗
  15497. interaction in social group ==> 社会集团的相互作用
  15498. interaction length ==> 交互动作长度
  15499. interaction loss ==> 互作用损耗
  15500. interaction matrix ==> 相互影响矩阵
  15501. interaction mean free path ==> 相互作用平均自由程
  15502. interaction of dislocation ==> 位错的交互作用
  15503. interaction of genes ==> 基因互作,基因相互作用
  15504. interaction of light and temperature ==> 光合温度的相互作用
  15505. interaction of molecules ==> 分子相互作用
  15506. interaction parameter ==> 相互作用係数
  15507. interaction partners ==> 相互作用对
  15508. interaction phase ==> 相间作用
  15509. interaction picture ==> 相互作用图像
  15510. interaction picture equation ==> 朝永-施温格尔方程
  15511. interaction potential ==> 相互作用势
  15512. interaction prediction ==> 关联预测,交互预测
  15513. interaction prediction approach ==> 交互作用预测法,关联预测法
  15514. interaction prediction principle ==> 关联预测原理,交互预估原理
  15515. interaction process ==> 交互作用过程,相互作用过程
  15516. interaction range ==> 交互动作空间
  15517. interaction rate ==> 相互作用率
  15518. interaction region ==> 互作用区
  15519. interaction representation ==> 相互作用图像
  15520. interaction sampleddata system ==> 相互动作脉冲系统
  15521. interaction space ==> 交互动作空间
  15522. interaction time ==> 相互作用时间,交互作用时间
  15523. interaction volume ==> 相互作用范围
  15524. interaction with interelectrode ==> 板间互作用
  15525. interaction zone ==> 相互作用区域
  15526. interactionism ==> 相互作用说,交互作用论
  15527. interactions with abiotic environment ==> 无生命环境的相互作用
  15528. interactive ==> 相互作用的,交互的=>対話式の,双方向の
  15529. interactive action ==> 人机交互动作
  15530. interactive architecture ==> 対話型アーキテクチャ
  15531. interactive batch processing ==> 交互成批处理
  15532. interactive behavior ==> 相互影响行为
  15533. interactive command language ==> 交互命令语言
  15534. interactive communication ==> 双方向のコミュニケーション
  15535. interactive computer aided design ==> 交互式计算机辅助设计
  15536. interactive computer graphics ==> 交互式计算机制图
  15537. interactive computer system ==> 交互式计算机系统
  15538. interactive computing and control facility (ICCF) ==> 交互计算和控制设备,交互计算与控制程序
  15539. interactive controller ==> 人机联系控制器
  15540. interactive data editing facilities ==> 对话数据编辑设施
  15541. interactive debug ==> 交互调试
  15542. interactive debugging ==> 交互程序调整,交互调试
  15543. interactive design system (IDS) ==> 交互式设计系统
  15544. interactive design tool ==> 対話型設計ツール
  15545. interactive display ==> 相互作用式显示器
  15546. interactive display controller ==> 人机联系显示控制
  15547. interactive display system ==> 交互显示系统
  15548. interactive display terminal ==> 交互式显示终端
  15549. interactive editing ==> 对话式编辑
  15550. interactive editor ==> 交互编辑,交互编辑程序
  15551. interactive environment ==> 交互环境,交互式环境
  15552. interactive evolutionary computation ==> 対話型進化計算
  15553. interactive forecasting ==> 交互性预测
  15554. interactive formatting system (IFS) ==> 交互格式形成系统
  15555. interactive graphics ==> 交互式图形,会话型图形处理,人机对话图
  15556. interactive graphics (IG) ==> 对话式图解,交互式制图,交互图形
  15557. interactive graphics system ==> 交互式绘图系统,交互制图系统
  15558. interactive image processing ==> 交互图像处理
  15559. interactive instruction ==> 交互指令
  15560. interactive keyboard ==> 交互键盘
  15561. interactive keyboard operation ==> 交互式键盘操作,对话式键盘操作
  15562. interactive keyboard printer ==> 交互键盘打印机,交互式键盘打印机
  15563. interactive light pen ==> 交互光笔
  15564. interactive method ==> 反复计算法
  15565. interactive minicomputer ==> 交谈式的小型电脑
  15566. interactive mode ==> 交互方式=>対話形
  15567. interactive operation ==> 交互操作
  15568. interactive placement ==> 交互式布置
  15569. interactive problem control system ==> 会话式问题控制系统
  15570. interactive problem control system (IPCS) ==> 交互问题控制系统
  15571. interactive process ==> 相互作用过程
  15572. interactive processing ==> 交互处理
  15573. interactive processor ==> 会话型处理机
  15574. interactive program ==> 交互程序
  15575. interactive program editing ==> 交互程序编辑
  15576. interactive program(me) ==> 人机对话程序
  15577. interactive property ==> 相互作用性质
  15578. interactive query ==> 人机对话式查询,交互查询
  15579. interactive restoration ==> 交互复原,交互式复原
  15580. interactive router ==> 交互式定线器
  15581. interactive routine ==> 交互式例行程序
  15582. interactive searching ==> 交互查找
  15583. interactive session ==> 交互式进程
  15584. interactive simulation ==> 交互仿真,对话式仿真=>会話型シミュレーション
  15585. interactive simulation language (ISL) ==> 交互仿真语言
  15586. interactive simulator ==> 交互式模拟程序,人机对话模拟器=>対話型シミュレータ
  15587. interactive skills ==> 相互影响技能
  15588. interactive system ==> 交互系统
  15589. interactive task ==> 会话型任务
  15590. interactive terminal ==> 会话型终端,交互式终端,交互终端,交互终端设备
  15591. interactive terminal interface (ITI) ==> 交互终端接口
  15592. interactive type communication ==> 交互式通信
  15593. interactive videodisc ==> 交互型电视唱片
  15594. interactivity ==> 相互作用
  15595. interadaptation ==> 相互适应
  15596. interallelic complementation ==> 等位基因互补
  15597. interalloy ==> 中间合金
  15598. interalveolar pores ==> 肺泡间孔
  15599. interalveolar septa ==> 牙间隔
  15600. interambulacrum ==> 间步带
  15601. interannealed wire ==> 中间退火钢丝
  15602. interannealing ==> 中间退火
  15603. interannual variability ==> 年际变率
  15604. interapicular abscess ==> 根尖间脓肿
  15605. interarc basin ==> 弧间盆地
  15606. interarcuate ligament ==> 弓间韧带
  15607. interarrival time ==> 到达时隔
  15608. interascicular pseudoparenchyma ==> 侧丝状菌丝
  15609. interassembler ==> 交互汇编程序,交互式汇编程序
  15610. interassimilation ==> 粒间同化作用
  15611. interasteric ==> 星点间的
  15612. interation ==> 交互影响
  15613. interatomic bonding force ==> 原子键力
  15614. interatomic diamagnetic current ==> 原子间抗磁性电流
  15615. interatomic distance ==> 原子间距(离)
  15616. interatomic force ==> 原子间力
  15617. interatomic interference ==> 原子间干涉
  15618. interatomic spacing ==> 原子间距(离)
  15619. interatomic spacings repeat ==> (描述纤维晶格)原子间的间隔重复
  15620. interatrial septum ==> 房隔
  15621. interatrial tract ==> 房间束
  15622. interattraction ==> 相互吸引
  15623. interaural axis ==> 耳间轴
  15624. interauricular bundle ==> 房间束
  15625. interauricular septrm ==> 房间隔
  15626. interavailability ==> 相互利用
  15627. interbaluster ==> 栏杆空档
  15628. interband ==> 带间
  15629. interband transition ==> 带间跃迁
  15630. interbank deposit ==> 银行同业存款
  15631. interbank exchange dealing ==> 银行同业外汇交易
  15632. interbank exchange rate ==> 银行间汇率,同业汇率
  15633. interbank loan ==> 同业拆款
  15634. interbank market ==> 银行同业拆放市场
  15635. interbank offer rate ==> 银行同业拆息率
  15636. interbank transactions ==> 联行往来
  15637. interbank transfers ==> 联行往来
  15638. interbasin area ==> 流域间面积
  15639. interbasin compensative regulation ==> 跨流域补偿调节,又称"跨流域电力补偿径流调节"
  15640. interbasin water diversion ==> 跨流域引水
  15641. interbasin water resources development ==> 跨流域水资源开发
  15642. interbed ==> 互层
  15643. interbedded ==> 互层的,夹层的,夹地层
  15644. interbedded strata ==> 互层
  15645. interbedding ==> 互层
  15646. interbehavior ==> 相互行为
  15647. interbiotic ==> 生物间的
  15648. interblend ==> 相互掺混
  15649. interblock ==> 信息记录组,中间封锁
  15650. interblock analysis ==> 区组间分析
  15651. interblock gap ==> 字组间隙,组间间隔=>ブロック間隔
  15652. interblock gap (IBG) ==> 块间隔
  15653. interbody ==> 介体
  15654. interbranch ==> 分行往来
  15655. interbranch account ==> 分支店间往来帐户
  15656. interbranch excess freight ==> 分店间超支运费
  15657. interbranch transaction ==> 分店间交易,分支店间往来业务
  15658. interbranch transfer ==> 分店间往来,分店间转帐事项
  15659. interbranchial bridge ==> (医)鳃弓间桥(胚)
  15660. interbranchial muscle ==> 鳃间肌
  15661. interbranchial septa ==> 鳃间隔
  15662. interbranchial septum ==> 鳃隔膜
  15663. interbreeding ==> 杂种繁殖
  15664. interbubble channel ==> 气泡间沟道
  15665. interburner ==> 中间补燃加力燃烧室
  15666. interbus ==> 旁路母线,联络母线
  15667. interbusiness credit ==> 企业间信用
  15668. intercable crosstalk ==> 电缆间串扰,电缆间串音
  15669. intercadence ==> 介脉,脉间脉
  15670. intercalary ==> 插入的
  15671. intercalary attachment ==> 中间附着
  15672. intercalary cell ==> 居间细胞,居间细胞
  15673. intercalary cells ==> 闰细胞
  15674. intercalary cycle ==> 闰周
  15675. intercalary day ==> 闰日
  15676. intercalary deletion ==> 中间缺失
  15677. intercalary growth ==> 居间生长,居间生长,节间生长
  15678. intercalary inflorescence ==> 居间花序,居间花序
  15679. intercalary inversion ==> 中间倒位
  15680. intercalary meristem ==> 居间分生组织,居间分生组织
  15681. intercalary month ==> 闰月
  15682. intercalary neuron ==> 中间神经元
  15683. intercalary segment ==> 闰节
  15684. intercalary tubule ==> 闰管
  15685. intercalary vein ==> 闰脉,加插脉
  15686. intercalary year ==> 闰年
  15687. intercalate ==> 插入
  15688. intercalated disc ==> 闰盘
  15689. intercalated duct ==> 闰管
  15690. intercalated ductal carcinoma ==> 闰管癌
  15691. intercalated nucleus ==> 中间核
  15692. intercalated plate ==> 闰板
  15693. intercalated texture ==> 穿织结构
  15694. intercalation ==> 闰期,隔行扫描,置闰,插入作用,插语症,添加,夹层
  15695. intercalation chemistry ==> 插入化学
  15696. intercalation compound ==> 插入化学物
  15697. intercalibration ==> 相互校准
  15698. intercall signal ==> 专机信号
  15699. intercalving interval ==> 产犊间隔
  15700. intercapillary ==> 毛细管间的
  15701. intercapillary glomerulosclerosis ==> 毛细血管间肾小球硬化症,毛血管间肾小球硬化症
  15702. intercapillary nephrosclerosis ==> 基默斯提氏病
  15703. intercapillary renal sclerosis ==> 毛细管间性肾硬化
  15704. intercapital veins ==> 掌骨头间静脉
  15705. intercardinal ==> 基点间
  15706. intercardinal plane ==> 主间平面
  15707. intercardinal point ==> 中间基本方位
  15708. INTERCARGO International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners ==> 国际货船主协会
  15709. INTERCARGO, International Association of Dry Cargo Ship Owners ==> 国际干散货船东协会=>国際乾燥貨物船主協会
  15710. intercarpal ==> 腕骨间的
  15711. intercarpal joint ==> 腕骨间关节
  15712. intercarpo-metacarpal ==> 腕掌骨间的
  15713. intercarrier ==> 载波差拍,内载波
  15714. intercarrier beat ==> 载波差拍干扰
  15715. intercarrier channel ==> 间载波信道
  15716. intercarrier circuit ==> 载波差拍电路
  15717. intercarrier distance ==> 载波间隔,载波间距离
  15718. intercarrier frequency ==> 载波差拍频率
  15719. intercarrier hum ==> 载波差拍哼声
  15720. intercarrier noise suppression ==> 内载波噪声抑制
  15721. intercarrier noise suppressor ==> 载波差拍噪声抑制
  15722. intercarrier receiver ==> 载波差拍接收机
  15723. intercarrier receiving system ==> 内载波接收系统=>インタキャリヤ受信方式
  15724. intercarrier signal ==> 内载波信号
  15725. intercarrier sound ==> 中频伴音,载波差拍伴音
  15726. intercarrier sound demodulator ==> 载波差拍伴音解调器
  15727. intercarrier sound detector ==> 载波差拍伴音检波器
  15728. intercarrier sound receiver ==> 内载波电视接收机
  15729. intercarrier sound receiving system ==> 内载波伴音接收方式
  15730. intercarrier sound reception ==> 内载波接收法
  15731. intercarrier sound rejector ==> 载波差拍伴音抑制器
  15732. intercarrier sound signal ==> 载波差拍伴音信号
  15733. intercarrier sound system ==> 内载波伴音系统
  15734. intercarrier system ==> 内载波接收方式,载波差拍制
  15735. intercarrier television ==> 内载波电视
  15736. intercartilaginous rima ==> 呼吸裂
  15737. intercaste ==> 间级
  15738. intercavernous ==> 腔间的
  15739. intercell ==> 注液电池
  15740. intercell communication ==> 单元间通信
  15741. intercellular ==> 细胞间的,胞间的
  15742. intercellular bridge ==> 细胞间桥
  15743. intercellular canal ==> 胞间道
  15744. intercellular cavity ==> 胞间腔
  15745. intercellular distribution of pathogen ==> 病原胞间蔓延
  15746. intercellular edema ==> 细胞间水肿
  15747. intercellular layer ==> 胞间层
  15748. intercellular mycelium ==> 胞间菌丝体
  15749. intercellular niche ==> 细胞间壁龛
  15750. intercellular plexus ==> 细胞间丛
  15751. intercellular secretory tubule ==> 细胞间分泌小管
  15752. intercellular space ==> 胞间隙
  15753. intercensal figures ==> 人口调查数字
  15754. intercensal study ==> 人口调查研究
  15755. intercentrum ==> 椎间体
  15756. intercept ==> 拦截,高度差,截段,截断,截距,截取,截听,窃听,交叉=>切片,傍受する
  15757. intercept ground-based optical recorder ==> 监视地面光学记录仪
  15758. intercept method ==> 截断法,截距法
  15759. intercept operator ==> 截听操作员
  15760. intercept point ==> 交会点,截击点,拦截点
  15761. intercept receiver ==> 截听接收机
  15762. intercept refractivity ==> 比折光度
  15763. intercept station ==> 截听站,侦听站
  15764. intercept tape ==> 暂录带
  15765. intercept trajectory ==> 拦截弹道
  15766. intercept trunk ==> 暂用中继线
  15767. intercept valve ==> 截流阀,再热调节[汽]阀,位于再热主汽阀之后,控制再热蒸汽流量的阀门=>インタセプト弁
  15768. intercepted drain system ==> 截流式排水系统
  15769. intercepted resource ==> 截听资源,被截资源
  15770. intercepted station ==> 被截站
  15771. intercepted terminal ==> 被截终端,截听终端
  15772. intercepter ==> 扼流板
  15773. intercepter valve (IV) ==> 遮断阀
  15774. intercepting ==> 截水沟,代行接收
  15775. intercepting ditch ==> 截水沟
  15776. intercepting drain ==> 截流排水道
  15777. intercepting screen ==> 截光屏,承影幕
  15778. intercepting sewer ==> 截流污水管
  15779. intercepting steam chest ==> 中间汽柜
  15780. intercepting subdrain ==> 地下截水沟
  15781. intercepting system ==> 截流式系统
  15782. intercepting trap ==> 截气弯管,排水防气瓣
  15783. intercepting trunk ==> 截取干线,截听干线
  15784. intercepting valve head connection ==> 中间阀盖接头
  15785. interception ==> 截装,截流,遮断,折射,侦听,拦截,阻截蒸失,阻截作用,阻留,阻止作用
  15786. interception loss ==> 阻截耗损
  15787. interception of rays ==> 光线的折射作用
  15788. interception probability ==> 拦截概率
  15789. interception spacecraft ==> 截击航天器
  15790. interception time ==> 截距时间
  15791. interceptometer ==> 阻留雨量计
  15792. interceptor ==> 截击器,截流存水弯,截砂阱,隔断器
  15793. interceptor (-ter) ==> 拦截导弹,拦截机,冷凝罐,遮断物
  15794. interceptor chest ==> 截止阀汽室
  15795. interceptor jar ==> 中间集乳器
  15796. interceptor missile ==> 拦截导弹
  15797. interceptor trap ==> 截流存水弯
  15798. interceptor(-ter) ==> 截听器,中间收集器
  15799. intercerebral ==> 脑半球间的
  15800. intercerebral fissure ==> 半球间裂
  15801. interchange ==> 交换,电能交换,换接,交替,互换,互通式立体交叉,反演=>交換
  15802. interchange agreement ==> 交换协定
  15803. interchange box ==> 交换盒
  15804. interchange channel ==> 交换通道
  15805. interchange circuit ==> 交换线路
  15806. interchange coefficient ==> 互换系数
  15807. interchange current ==> 环流
  15808. interchange energy ==> 互换能
  15809. interchange graph ==> 交换图
  15810. interchange instability ==> 槽纹不稳定性
  15811. interchange mw flow ==> 互换有效功率
  15812. interchange of cause and effect ==> 因果转化
  15813. interchange of energy ==> 能量交换
  15814. interchange point ==> 交换点
  15815. interchange power ==> 换接功率,互换功率
  15816. interchange price ==> 互供电价,相互独立的电网,通过联络线相互提供电能的结算价格
  15817. interchange reaction ==> 互换作用,交换反应
  15818. interchange service ==> 海陆接转服务
  15819. interchangeability ==> 互换性,可互换性=>互換性
  15820. interchangeability disk ==> 可换磁盘
  15821. interchangeability of parts ==> 部件互换表,零件的互换性
  15822. interchangeable ==> 可互换的=>交換できる
  15823. interchangeable accessory ==> 可互换附件
  15824. interchangeable anvil pallet ==> 可互换砧面
  15825. interchangeable assembling ==> 可互换装配
  15826. interchangeable assembly ==> 互换性装配=>互換組立
  15827. interchangeable bit ==> 可更换钻头,活钻头
  15828. interchangeable bond ==> 可换债券
  15829. interchangeable card feed ==> 可换卡片输入
  15830. interchangeable connector ==> 互换接头
  15831. interchangeable cutter ==> 互换刀片
  15832. interchangeable European pallet ==> 可互换的欧洲货盘
  15833. interchangeable fabricated parts ==> 互换配件
  15834. interchangeable facing ==> 可换式牙面
  15835. interchangeable grain sieve ==> 互换式谷粒筛
  15836. interchangeable ground ==> 标准玻璃磨口
  15837. interchangeable item ==> 可交换项目
  15838. interchangeable lens ==> 可互换镜头,可换透镜
  15839. interchangeable magazine ==> 互换式暗盒
  15840. interchangeable manufacture ==> 互换性生产,可互换的制造=>互換工作
  15841. interchangeable manufacturing ==> 互换性制造
  15842. interchangeable mirror ==> 可互换反射镜
  15843. interchangeable mount ==> 可换支座
  15844. interchangeable objective ==> 可换物镜
  15845. interchangeable oil filters ==> 互换滤油器
  15846. interchangeable part ==> 可替换零件
  15847. interchangeable parts ==> 可互换的部件,可互换零件,通用件,互换零件
  15848. interchangeable prism ==> 可互换棱镜
  15849. interchangeable program tape ==> 可互换程序带
  15850. interchangeable slide ==> 可互换滑板
  15851. interchangeable syringe ==> 互换注射器
  15852. interchangeable type bar ==> 可更换的打印字条,可换字锤
  15853. interchangeable wheel ==> 互换齿轮
  15854. interchangeableness ==> 互换性
  15855. interchanged power ==> 融通電力
  15856. interchanged power by system operation ==> 系統運用電力
  15857. interchanger ==> 交换机
  15858. interchanger of heat ==> 热互换器
  15859. interchannel ==> 信道间
  15860. interchannel area ==> 河间地区
  15861. interchannel crosstalk ==> 路际串音,信道间串音
  15862. interchannel noise ==> 信道噪声
  15863. interchondral fluid ==> 软骨间积液
  15864. interchondral joints ==> 软骨间关节
  15865. interchromatin ==> 柒色质间
  15866. interchromatin area ==> 染色质间区
  15867. interchromatin granule ==> 染色质间颗粒,柒色质间颗粒
  15868. interchromomere ==> 染色粒间部分
  15869. interchromosome balance ==> 染色间体平衡
  15870. interciliary fibers ==> 睫状突间纤维
  15871. intercity circuit ==> 城市间通信电路
  15872. intercity communication ==> 市际交通
  15873. intercity network ==> 城市间电网
  15874. intercity television system ==> 城市间电视传输系统
  15875. intercity traffic ==> 市际交通
  15876. intercloud discharge ==> 云间放电
  15877. intercoagulation ==> 相互凝聚
  15878. intercoil insulation ==> 线圈间绝缘
  15879. intercolpar thickening ==> 沟间加厚
  15880. intercolumniation ==> 分柱法,柱间距,柱间距离定比,塔间距离定比
  15881. intercom ==> 对讲机,内部通话制,内部通信
  15882. intercom master set ==> 内部通话主机
  15883. intercom set ==> 内部通信设备
  15884. intercom system ==> 内部通信系统,对讲电话系统
  15885. intercom telephone ==> 内部对讲电话
  15886. intercombination ==> 相互组合
  15887. intercombination line ==> 互组谱线
  15888. intercombination transition ==> 互组跃迁
  15889. intercommunicability ==> 相互传染性
  15890. intercommunicating ==> 内部通信
  15891. intercommunicating line ==> 内部通信线路
  15892. intercommunicating pore ==> 连通孔
  15893. intercommunicating porosity ==> 互通孔,穿通性疏松
  15894. intercommunicating system ==> 双工制
  15895. intercommunicating telephone ==> 内部电话,对讲电话
  15896. intercommunicating telephone system ==> 对讲电话系统
  15897. intercommunication ==> 双方通信
  15898. intercommunication circuit ==> 内部通信电路
  15899. intercommunication installation ==> 内部通话装置
  15900. intercommunication plug switchboard ==> 内部通信插塞式交换机
  15901. intercommunication set ==> 内部通信设备
  15902. intercommunication speaker ==> 内部通话扬声器
  15903. intercommunication switch ==> 内部通话开关
  15904. intercommunication system ==> 内部通信系统
  15905. intercommunication system with telephone ==> 电话内线
  15906. intercommunication telephone ==> 内部电话
  15907. intercommunicator ==> 内部通信机
  15908. intercommunity highway ==> 社区间公路
  15909. intercomparison ==> 相互比较
  15910. intercompilation ==> 编译
  15911. intercondenser ==> 中间电容器,中间冷凝器,中间凝汽器
  15912. intercondylar ==> 髁间的
  15913. intercondylar eminence ==> 髁间隆起
  15914. intercondylar fossa ==> 髁间窝
  15915. intercondylar fracture of femur ==> 股骨髁间骨折
  15916. intercondylar fracture of humerus ==> 肱骨髁间骨折
  15917. intercondylous ==> 髁间的
  15918. interconnect ==> 互联
  15919. interconnect pad ==> 互连焊盘
  15920. interconnect tape ==> 带有引线架的互连带
  15921. interconnectability ==> 可相互联接性
  15922. interconnected amplifier ==> 内部互联放大器
  15923. interconnected control ==> 联锁控制,相互联系控制机构
  15924. interconnected delta connection ==> 互相三角形连接
  15925. interconnected electric power system ==> 互联电力系统
  15926. interconnected estuarine channels ==> 河口河网
  15927. interconnected line ==> 連系線
  15928. interconnected network ==> 互联电网
  15929. interconnected operation ==> 互联运行,几个通过交流线路、变压器、直流联结线或其他互联装置进行连接的电网能够相互交换电力的运行状态,并联运行,互联电力系统或电网元件(如线路、变压器、发电机)间的同步运行
  15930. interconnected pore ==> 连通孔
  15931. interconnected power system ==> 互联电力系统,若干独立电力系统通过联络线或其它连接设备连接起来的系统
  15932. interconnected star connection ==> 曲折连接
  15933. interconnected star winding ==> 曲折连接绕组
  15934. interconnected synchronous generator ==> 互连同步发电机,并网同步发电机
  15935. interconnected system ==> 互联系统=>連系系統
  15936. interconnecting ==> 互连
  15937. interconnecting cable ==> 连接电缆
  15938. interconnecting device ==> 转接设备
  15939. interconnecting elbow ==> 反焰管
  15940. interconnecting feeder ==> 互联馈路,联络馈线,连络馈线
  15941. interconnecting network ==> 互连网路
  15942. interconnecting nut ==> 中间连接螺母
  15943. interconnecting piece ==> 连接部,连接件
  15944. interconnecting plug ==> 连接插头
  15945. interconnecting steam main ==> 互联蒸汽总管
  15946. interconnecting ties ==> 电网联络线
  15947. interconnecting transformer ==> 联络变压器
  15948. Interconnection ==> 联络线
  15949. interconnection ==> 互联,相互连接,并列,电力系统或发电设备按规定的技术要求,相互连接在一起进行同步运行的操作=>相互接続,連系線
  15950. interconnection [of power system] ==> 系統連系
  15951. interconnection bonding ==> 引线焊接
  15952. interconnection capacitance ==> 互连电容
  15953. interconnection capacity ==> 連系容量
  15954. interconnection circuit ==> 互连电路
  15955. interconnection constraint ==> 关联约束
  15956. interconnection crossover ==> 互连交迭
  15957. interconnection density ==> 互连密度
  15958. interconnection diagram ==> 互连图
  15959. interconnection equipment ==> 互连装置
  15960. interconnection film ==> 互连薄膜
  15961. interconnection layer ==> 互连层
  15962. interconnection layout ==> 互连草图
  15963. interconnection level ==> 互连层
  15964. interconnection list ==> 互连表
  15965. interconnection mask ==> 互连掩模
  15966. interconnection metal ==> 互连用金属
  15967. interconnection network ==> 互连图
  15968. interconnection of power system ==> 电力系统互连
  15969. interconnection of power systems ==> 电力系统互联,在电力系统之间,通过线路和(或)变流、变电等设备交换电能的连接
  15970. interconnection pattern ==> 互连图案
  15971. interconnection process ==> 互连工艺
  15972. interconnection reactor ==> 横流抑制用リアクトル
  15973. interconnection substation ==> 联络变电所
  15974. interconnection substrate ==> 互连层衬底
  15975. interconnection switch ==> 联络开关
  15976. interconnection system ==> 连接式
  15977. interconnection tie ==> 联络线
  15978. interconnection time delay ==> 互连时间延迟
  15979. interconnection vector ==> 关联向量
  15980. interconnector ==> 联络线路
  15981. interconsole message program ==> 控制台间信息程序,控制台消息程序
  15982. intercontinental ==> 洲际的,陆间的
  15983. intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) ==> 洲际弹道导弹
  15984. intercontinental circuit ==> 洲际电路
  15985. intercontinental connection ==> 洲际连接
  15986. intercontinental maintenance ==> 洲际维护
  15987. intercontinental missile ==> 洲际导弹
  15988. intercontinental rift system ==> 陆间裂谷系
  15989. intercontinental sea ==> 陆间海,大陆间海
  15990. intercontinental service ==> 洲际业务
  15991. intercontinental subduction ==> 陆间俯冲
  15992. intercontinental synchronization ==> 洲际同步
  15993. intercontinental through-shipment ==> 洲际直达货物
  15994. intercontinental traffic ==> 洲际话务
  15995. intercontinental transit circuit ==> 洲际经转电路
  15996. intercontinental transit exchange ==> 洲际经转交换台
  15997. intercontinental transmission ==> 洲际传送
  15998. intercontinental trunking ==> 洲际中继
  15999. interconversion ==> 互换,互相换算,相互转换
  16000. interconvertibility ==> 相变性
  16001. interconvertible ==> 可互换
  16002. intercoolant ==> 中间冷却剂
  16003. intercooled cycle ==> 中间冷却循环=>中間冷却サイクル
  16004. intercooled diesel engine ==> 中冷增压柴油机
  16005. intercooler ==> 中间冷却器,工质在压气机的压缩过程的中途抽出,使之降低温度的热交换器或蒸发冷却器
  16006. intercooler unit ==> 中间冷却装置
  16007. intercooling ==> 中间冷却
  16008. intercooling device ==> 中间冷却设备
  16009. intercooling stage ==> 中间冷却级
  16010. intercoordination ==> 相互协调,相互耦合
  16011. intercorrelation ==> 交互相关
  16012. intercostal ==> 加强肋,间断构件
  16013. intercostal anesthesia ==> 肋间神经阻滞麻醉
  16014. intercostal area ==> 脉间区
  16015. intercostal arteries ==> 肋间动脉
  16016. intercostal herpes ==> 肋间疱疹
  16017. intercostal lymph nodes ==> 肋间淋巴结
  16018. intercostal muscles ==> 肋间肌
  16019. intercostal nerve injury ==> 肋间神经损伤
  16020. intercostal nerves ==> 肋间神经
  16021. intercostal neuralgia ==> 胸壁神经瘤
  16022. intercostal space ==> 肋间隙
  16023. intercostal spaces ==> 肋间隙
  16024. intercostal veins ==> 肋间静脉
  16025. intercostobrachial nerves ==> 肋间臂神经
  16026. intercoupling ==> 相互作用,相互耦合,互耦合,寄生耦合
  16027. intercoxal ==> 髋间的
  16028. intercrescence ==> 并生
  16029. intercricocentesis ==> 环甲膜穿刺
  16030. intercricothyrotomy ==> 环甲膜切开术
  16031. intercristal diameter ==> 髂嵴间径
  16032. intercrop corn and soybean ==> 间作玉米和大豆
  16033. intercrop filler planting filler ==> 间作物
  16034. intercropping ==> 间混作
  16035. intercropping and close planting ==> 间作密植
  16036. intercross ==> 交叉,互交
  16037. intercrossing population ==> 互交集团
  16038. intercrural fibers ==> 脚间纤维
  16039. intercrystal porosity ==> 晶间孔隙
  16040. intercrystalline ==> 晶间的,晶粒间
  16041. intercrystalline attack ==> 晶间侵蚀
  16042. intercrystalline barrier ==> 晶间势垒
  16043. intercrystalline brittleness ==> 晶粒间脆性
  16044. intercrystalline corrosion ==> 晶间腐蚀
  16045. intercrystalline crack ==> 晶间裂纹
  16046. intercrystalline cracking ==> 晶界断裂,沿晶界破裂
  16047. intercrystalline failure ==> 晶间破坏,晶界断裂,晶界破坏
  16048. intercrystalline fracture ==> 晶界破裂
  16049. intercrystalline rupture ==> 粒间断裂
  16050. intercrystalline segregation ==> 晶间偏析
  16051. intercuneiform bone ==> 楔间骨
  16052. intercuneiform ligaments ==> 楔骨间韧带
  16053. intercupola ==> 圆顶夹层
  16054. intercurrent disease ==> 间发病
  16055. intercycle ==> 内部周期,内周期,中间循环,中间周期,循环间隔,循环区间
  16056. intercycle cooler ==> 中间循环冷却器
  16057. interdata processor ==> 中间数据处理机
  16058. interdeep ==> 内渊,山间拗陷
  16059. interdeltaic ==> 三角洲间的
  16060. interdendritic ==> 枝晶间
  16061. interdendritic attack ==> 枝晶间腐蚀
  16062. interdendritic corrosion ==> 枝晶间腐蚀,显微腐蚀
  16063. interdendritic graphite ==> 枝晶间石墨
  16064. interdendritic porosity ==> 枝晶间缩松
  16065. interdendritic segregation ==> 枝晶间偏析
  16066. interdendritic shrinkage ==> 枝晶间疏松,枝晶间缩松
  16067. interdendritic shrinkage porosity ==> 枝晶间缩松
  16068. interdental cell ==> 间齿细胞
  16069. interdental embrasure ==> 牙间楔状隙
  16070. interdental papilla ==> 牙间乳头
  16071. interdental papillitis ==> 牙间乳头炎
  16072. interdental septa ==> 牙间隔
  16073. interdental septum ==> 牙间隔
  16074. interdentil ==> 齿饰间距
  16075. interdependence ==> 相互依存性
  16076. interdependence among commodities ==> 商品间的相互依赖
  16077. interdependence between yin and yang ==> 阴阳互根
  16078. interdependency ==> 相互耦合
  16079. interdependency factor ==> 相倚因素
  16080. interdependent ==> 相互依存の
  16081. interdependent action ==> 相互依存的行為
  16082. interdependent economy ==> 相互依存経済
  16083. interdependent environment ==> 相互依存環境
  16084. interdependent network ==> 相互依存的ネットワーク
  16085. interdevice isolation ==> 装置间隔离
  16086. interdialling ==> 局间拨号,局间拨号
  16087. interdict ==> 禁令,禁治产
  16088. interdiction ==> 制止
  16089. interdiction countermeasure ==> 反干扰措施
  16090. interdiction fire ==> 拦阻射击
  16091. interdiffuse ==> 互扩散,互相扩散
  16092. interdiffusion ==> 相互扩散=>相互拡散
  16093. interdiffustion coefficient ==> 相互扩散系数
  16094. interdigital ==> 指间的,指状组合型
  16095. interdigital circuit ==> 交叉指形电路
  16096. interdigital cyst ==> 趾间囊肿
  16097. interdigital electrode ==> 叉指电极
  16098. interdigital emitter ==> 叉指形发射极
  16099. interdigital line ==> 叉指慢波线
  16100. interdigital magnetron ==> 叉指磁控管,交错阳极磁控管
  16101. interdigital pause ==> 间歇
  16102. interdigital pustule ==> 足丫疔
  16103. interdigital transducer ==> 叉指式换能器=>すだれ状トランスデューサ
  16104. interdigitate junction ==> 相嵌连接
  16105. interdigitated element ==> 交叉指状单元
  16106. interdigitated structure ==> 交叉指型结构
  16107. interdigitation ==> 交错结合
  16108. interdigited bipolar transistor ==> 梳状双极晶体管
  16109. interdigited capacitor ==> 叉指状电容器,片状分层电容器
  16110. interdimensional universality ==> 次元間普遍性
  16111. interdisciplinary ==> 多种学科的,边缘学科的,跨学科的=>学際的な
  16112. interdisciplinary activity ==> 跨学科活动=>学際的活動
  16113. interdisciplinary alliances ==> 総合的連携
  16114. interdisciplinary approach ==> 跨学科方法=>学際的アプローチ
  16115. interdisciplinary assessment ==> 学際的評価
  16116. interdisciplinary chemistry ==> 学際的化学
  16117. interdisciplinary collaboration ==> 学際的協力
  16118. interdisciplinary cooperation ==> 学際的協力
  16119. interdisciplinary course ==> 学際的なコース
  16120. interdisciplinary degree ==> 跨学科学位=>学際的学位
  16121. interdisciplinary economics ==> 跨学科经济学
  16122. interdisciplinary education ==> 学際的教育
  16123. interdisciplinary effort ==> 学際的努力
  16124. interdisciplinary field ==> 学際的分野
  16125. interdisciplinary integration ==> 学際的統合
  16126. interdisciplinary investigation ==> 学際的研究
  16127. interdisciplinary learning ==> 跨学科学习,综合学习,越来越重要了=>総合的学習
  16128. interdisciplinary major ==> 学際的学問専攻
  16129. interdisciplinary nature ==> 学際的性質
  16130. interdisciplinary or integrated research ==> 学際的で統合的な研究
  16131. interdisciplinary perspective ==> 学際的展望
  16132. interdisciplinary physics ==> 学際物理学
  16133. interdisciplinary research ==> 学際的な研究
  16134. interdisciplinary science ==> 学際的科学
  16135. interdisciplinary study ==> 学際的研究
  16136. interdisciplinary subject ==> 边缘学科,跨学科课题=>学際的課題
  16137. interdisciplinary work ==> 学際的な研究
  16138. interdisciplinary workers ==> 学際的な研究者
  16139. interdiscipline ==> 跨学科
  16140. interdistrict settlement fund ==> 区间清算资金
  16141. interdiural temperature variation ==> 温度日际变化
  16142. interdome ==> 圆顶夹层
  16143. interdorsal ==> 背间的
  16144. interdynode voltage ==> 倍增极极间电压
  16145. interealary cell ==> 间生细胞
  16146. interedependency ==> 相互依存
  16147. interelectric ==> 电子间的
  16148. interelectrode ==> 极间的
  16149. interelectrode capacitance ==> 极间电容=>電極間容量
  16150. interelectrode conductance ==> 极间电导
  16151. interelectrode leakage ==> 极间漏泄
  16152. interelectrode space ==> 极间空间
  16153. interelectrode transadmittance ==> 极间跨导
  16154. interelement ==> 单元间
  16155. interest ==> 利润,利息,利益,保险主体
  16156. interest account ==> 利息帐
  16157. interest accrues from loan ==> 放款带来利息
  16158. interest accuring from land funds ==> 土地资金利息
  16159. interest arbitrage ==> 套利,套息,利息套戥
  16160. interest bill ==> 附利息票据,附息汇票
  16161. interest bill of exchange ==> 附息汇票
  16162. interest bills ==> 附息汇票
  16163. interest charges ==> 收取的利率
  16164. interest claim ==> 利息债权
  16165. interest clause ==> 利息条款
  16166. interest clause bill ==> 附利息条款票据
  16167. interest concessions ==> 让利
  16168. interest cost ==> 利息费用,利息成本
  16169. interest coverage ratio ==> 盈利对利息的倍数
  16170. interest date ==> 付息日
  16171. interest differential ==> 利息差额,息差年率
  16172. interest during construction ==> 建造期利息
  16173. interest earned ==> 已取得的利息
  16174. interest expense ==> 利息支出
  16175. interest factor ==> 本利和系数
  16176. interest field ==> 权利范围
  16177. interest formula ==> 计息公式
  16178. interest free ==> 不计息的
  16179. interest in red ==> 应付利息
  16180. interest income ==> 利息收入
  16181. interest margin ==> 利差幅度
  16182. interest method of account current ==> 金额分类计息法
  16183. interest money ==> 附息的货币,附息货币
  16184. interest on arrears ==> 延期利息,欠款利息
  16185. interest on borrowings ==> 借款利息
  16186. interest on capital ==> 资本利息
  16187. interest on condition ==> 附有条件的权益
  16188. interest on consumer debt ==> 消费者债务利息
  16189. interest on debit balance ==> 借方应付利息
  16190. interest on interbranches accounts ==> 联行往来利息
  16191. interest on investment ==> 投资利息
  16192. interest on loans ==> 借入款利息
  16193. interest on money ==> 息钱
  16194. interest on payment for purchases ==> 进货付款利息,进货款利息
  16195. interest on tax free securities ==> 免税证券利息
  16196. interest on tax underpaid or postponed ==> 欠缴或滞纳税款利息
  16197. interest on the general government debt ==> 一般公债利息
  16198. interest paid ==> 已付利息
  16199. interest passbook ==> 息折
  16200. interest payable ==> 应付利息
  16201. interest payment date ==> 付息日
  16202. interest payment period ==> 付息期,付息期间
  16203. interest per day ==> 日息
  16204. interest per diem ==> 日息
  16205. interest period ==> 利息期
  16206. interest rate ==> 利率
  16207. interest rate for a Renminbi loan ==> 人民币贷款利率
  16208. interest rate futures ==> 利率期货
  16209. interest rate on borrowings ==> 借款利率
  16210. interest rate option ==> 利率期权
  16211. interest rebate ==> 退息
  16212. interest receivable ==> 应收未收利息
  16213. interest received ==> 已取得的利息,收入利息
  16214. interest reserve ==> 利息准备
  16215. interest revenue ==> 受取利息
  16216. interest statement ==> 息单
  16217. interest subsidization ==> 利息补贴
  16218. interest subsidy loan ==> 贴息贷款=>利子補給貸付
  16219. interest suspense ==> 利息暂记
  16220. interest table ==> 利率表
  16221. interest tax ==> 利息税
  16222. Interest Tax Deduction Certificate ==> 扣除利息税证明书
  16223. interest test ==> (人事管理用词)兴趣测验
  16224. interest to maturity ==> 满期前都附利息
  16225. interest warrant ==> 付息单
  16226. interest with holding tax ==> 利息预扣税
  16227. interest-bearing account ==> 计息帐户
  16228. interest-bearing assets ==> 计息资产
  16229. interest-bearing bank debenture ==> 附息银行债券
  16230. interest-bearing bank deposit ==> 银行计息存款
  16231. interest-bearing capital ==> 借货资本,生息资本
  16232. interest-bearing debt ==> 有利子負債
  16233. interest-bearing eligible liabilities ==> 附息合格负债
  16234. interest-bearing liabilities ==> 有利子負債
  16235. interest-bearing note ==> 附息票据
  16236. interest-bearing securities ==> 附息证券
  16237. interest-free credit ==> 无息信贷
  16238. interest-free deposit ==> 无息存款
  16239. interest-free loan ==> 无息贷款
  16240. interest-free loan fund ==> 免息贷款基金
  16241. interest-in-general depreciation method ==> 一般利息折旧法
  16242. interested motive ==> 不纯动机
  16243. interests of the whole ==> 全局利益
  16244. interface ==> 接口,交接面,交界面,界面,地震间断面,离合面,联系装置,连接,连接电路,连接设备,分界面,相互关系,相互作用=>インタフェース,界面
  16245. interface (port) ==> 接口
  16246. interface adapter ==> 接口衔接器
  16247. interface address decoder ==> 接口地址译码器
  16248. interface bus ==> 接口总线
  16249. interface cable ==> 接口电缆
  16250. interface card ==> 接口插件
  16251. interface channel ==> 接口通道,连接通道
  16252. interface charge ==> 界面电荷
  16253. interface checker ==> 接口检查程序
  16254. interface chip ==> 接口片,接口芯片
  16255. interface circuit ==> 接口电路
  16256. interface clear ==> 接口清除
  16257. interface collector ==> 界面集水器,中间排液装置
  16258. interface communication ==> 接口通信
  16259. interface computer ==> 接口计算机
  16260. interface condition ==> 接口条件,交接条件,交界条件
  16261. interface configuration ==> 界面构形,界面形状
  16262. interface connection ==> 穿通线
  16263. interface contact resistance ==> 界面接触电阻
  16264. interface control ==> 界面控制
  16265. interface control check ==> 接口控制检验
  16266. interface control mode ==> 接口控制方式
  16267. interface control module ==> 接口控制模块
  16268. interface controller ==> 接口控制器,分界面控制器
  16269. interface coupler ==> 界面耦合器
  16270. interface data unit ==> 接口数据部件
  16271. interface debugging ==> 接口调试
  16272. interface delay time ==> 接続回路遅延時間
  16273. interface design ==> 接口部件设计,接口设计
  16274. interface device ==> 接口设备,界面装置
  16275. interface distribution coefficient ==> 界面分配系数
  16276. interface distributor ==> 界面分配器
  16277. interface driver ==> 接口驱逐器
  16278. interface echo ==> 界面反射波
  16279. interface element ==> 界面元件,转换元件
  16280. interface energy ==> 分界面能
  16281. interface error control ==> 接口错误控制
  16282. interface flag ==> 接口标志
  16283. interface flexibility ==> 接口灵活性
  16284. interface function ==> 接口功能
  16285. interface ground state ==> 界面基底状態
  16286. interface information processor ==> 接口信息处理机
  16287. interface latch chip ==> 接口锁存器芯片
  16288. interface layer ==> 交界层,中间层=>中間層(酸化物陰極)
  16289. interface level converter ==> 逻辑接口电平变换器
  16290. interface level indicator ==> 界面指示器
  16291. interface location ==> 联络站,中间站
  16292. interface logic ==> 接口逻辑
  16293. interface loss ==> 界面损失
  16294. interface message ==> 接口消息,接口信息
  16295. interface message processor ==> 接口通信处理机
  16296. interface message processor (IMP) ==> 接口报文处理机,接口机,接口通信处理机,接口消息处理机,接口信息处理机
  16297. interface message processor throughput ==> 接口机吞吐量
  16298. interface migration rate ==> 界面迁移率,分界面徙动率
  16299. interface mixing ==> 界面混合
  16300. interface mobility ==> 界面迁移率
  16301. interface module ==> 接口模块,接口组件
  16302. interface parameters ==> 接口参数
  16303. interface pressure ==> 接触面压力
  16304. interface processor ==> 接口处理机
  16305. interface reaction ==> 界面反应
  16306. interface region ==> 界面区,分界面区
  16307. interface resis ==> 面间电阻
  16308. interface resistance ==> 界面电阻,层间电阻
  16309. interface routine ==> 接口例行程序
  16310. interface scattering ==> 界面散射
  16311. interface shape ==> 界面形状
  16312. interface software ==> 接口软件
  16313. interface stability ==> 分界面稳定性
  16314. interface standard ==> 接口标准
  16315. interface state ==> 界面状态
  16316. interface state density ==> 界面準位
  16317. interface status flag ==> 接口状态标记,联结状态标记
  16318. interface subsystem ==> 接口子系统
  16319. interface switch ==> 接口开关
  16320. interface termination ==> 接口终端
  16321. interface to communication circuit ==> 通信回線用インタフェース
  16322. interface unit ==> 连接器件
  16323. interface vector ==> 连接向量器
  16324. interface vehicle ==> 介面运动器,冲翼艇
  16325. interface velocity ==> 界面速度
  16326. interfacial activity ==> 界面活性
  16327. interfacial agent ==> 界面活性剂
  16328. interfacial angle ==> 面间角,面交角
  16329. interfacial area ==> 界面面积
  16330. interfacial contact ==> 面间接触
  16331. interfacial film ==> 面间膜,界面层,界面膜
  16332. interfacial force ==> 表面张力
  16333. interfacial friction ==> 层间摩擦
  16334. interfacial layer ==> 间层
  16335. interfacial medium ==> 界面介质
  16336. interfacial oscillation ==> 分界面振荡
  16337. interfacial oxide ==> 界面氧化物
  16338. interfacial phenomenon ==> 界面现象
  16339. interfacial polarization ==> 界面极化,空间电荷极化
  16340. interfacial potential ==> 界面势
  16341. interfacial surface tension ==> 面间表面张力=>界面張力
  16342. interfacial tension ==> 面际张力,界面间张力,分界面上的表面张力,表面张力,界面张力,沿着不相溶的两相(液-固、液-液、液-气)间垂直作用在单位长度液体表面上的表面收缩力。其单位是N·m-1=>界面張力,表面張力
  16343. interfacing device ==> 分界接合装置
  16344. interfascicular cambium ==> 束间形成层
  16345. interfascicular conjunctive tissue ==> 束间结合组织
  16346. interfascicular fasciculus ==> 束间束
  16347. interfascicular parenchyma ==> 束间的薄壁组织
  16348. interfascicular phloem ==> 束间韧皮部
  16349. interfascicular ray ==> 束间射线
  16350. interfascicular xylem ==> 束间木质部
  16351. interfere ==> 抵触,干扰,干涉
  16352. interference ==> 干扰,干涉=>干渉,混信
  16353. interference absorber ==> 干扰吸收器
  16354. interference absorption band ==> 干涉吸收带
  16355. interference amplitude ==> 干扰振幅
  16356. interference analyzer ==> 干扰分析器
  16357. interference area ==> 干扰区域
  16358. interference band ==> 干扰频带
  16359. interference blanker ==> 干扰消除器
  16360. interference characteristic ==> 干涉特性
  16361. interference coefficient ==> 干涉系数
  16362. interference color ==> 干扰色
  16363. interference color chart ==> 干涉色表
  16364. interference color filter ==> 干扰滤色镜
  16365. interference colors ==> 干涉色
  16366. interference colour ==> 干涉色
  16367. interference comparator ==> 干涉比长仪,光干涉比长仪
  16368. interference condition ==> 干涉条件
  16369. interference contrast ==> 干涉相衬
  16370. interference contrast microscopy ==> 干涉相衬显微术
  16371. interference correction ==> 干扰修正
  16372. interference current ==> 干扰电流
  16373. interference current therapy ==> 干扰电流疗法
  16374. interference demonstration ==> 干涉演示
  16375. interference detection ==> 干扰检测,干扰侦察
  16376. interference detector ==> 干扰检测仪
  16377. interference diagram ==> 叶片的频谱图
  16378. interference dialatomer ==> 干涉膨胀仪
  16379. interference dilatometer ==> 干涉膨胀仪
  16380. interference dissociation ==> 干扰分离
  16381. interference drag ==> 干涉阻力
  16382. interference effect ==> 干扰效应,干扰作用,干涉效应
  16383. interference elimination ==> 干扰消除
  16384. interference eliminator ==> 干扰抑制器
  16385. interference error ==> 干扰误差
  16386. interference eyepiece ==> 干涉目镜
  16387. interference factor ==> 干扰因子,干扰系数
  16388. interference fading ==> 干扰衰落
  16389. interference far field pattern ==> 远场干涉图样
  16390. interference field ==> 干扰场
  16391. interference figure ==> 干扰图形
  16392. interference filter ==> 干扰[涉]滤光片,干扰滤波器=>干渉フィルタ
  16393. interference filter monochromator ==> 干涉滤光片单色仪
  16394. interference finding instrument ==> 干扰寻迹器
  16395. interference fit ==> 干涉配合,紧配合,静配合,静坐配合
  16396. interference frequency ==> 干扰频率
  16397. interference fringe ==> 干涉带,干涉条纹,干涉图样
  16398. interference fringe method ==> 干涉条纹法
  16399. interference fringe modulation ==> 干涉条纹调制
  16400. interference fringe pattern ==> 干涉条纹图形
  16401. interference fringes ==> 干渉じま
  16402. interference function ==> 干涉函数
  16403. interference generator ==> 干扰发生器
  16404. interference grating ==> 干扰光栅
  16405. interference guard band ==> 防扰频带,抗干扰保护频带
  16406. interference image ==> 干涉像
  16407. interference intake ==> 干扰进气
  16408. interference inverter ==> 干扰补偿器,干扰倒相器,杂波抑制器,噪声限制器
  16409. interference level ==> 干扰电平=>妨害レベル
  16410. interference light filter ==> 干涉滤光器
  16411. interference limiter ==> 干扰限制器
  16412. interference lobe ==> 干涉波瓣
  16413. interference locator ==> 干扰定位器
  16414. interference loss ==> 干涉损耗
  16415. interference magnifier ==> 干涉放大镜
  16416. interference measurement ==> 干扰测定,干扰测量
  16417. interference meter ==> 干扰计
  16418. interference metrology ==> 干涉度量学
  16419. interference microscope ==> 干涉显微镜
  16420. interference microscopy ==> 干涉显微镜术,干涉显微术
  16421. interference mirror ==> 干涉镜
  16422. interference mode ==> 干扰形式
  16423. interference modulation ==> 干涉调制
  16424. interference modulator ==> 干涉调制器
  16425. interference near-field pattern ==> 近场干涉图形
  16426. interference noise ==> 干扰噪声=>干渉雑音
  16427. interference objective ==> 干涉物镜
  16428. interference of alternating current ==> 交流电干扰
  16429. interference of electromagnetic wave ==> 电磁波的干扰
  16430. interference of equal inclination ==> 等倾角干涉
  16431. interference of equal thickness ==> 等厚度干涉
  16432. interference of light ==> 光干涉
  16433. interference of sound ==> 声干涉
  16434. interference of tooth ==> 齿的干涉,轮齿干涉
  16435. interference of waves ==> 波的干扰,波干扰
  16436. interference order ==> 干涉级
  16437. interference path difference ==> 干涉程差
  16438. interference pattern ==> 干涉图,干涉特性
  16439. interference phase contrast microscope ==> 干涉相衬显微镜
  16440. interference phenomenon ==> 干扰现象,干涉现象
  16441. interference photocathode ==> 干涉型光电阴极
  16442. interference photometer ==> 干涉光度计
  16443. interference photometry ==> 干涉光度测量法
  16444. interference plane ==> 干涉平面
  16445. interference point ==> 干涉点
  16446. interference polarizing filter ==> 干涉偏振滤光器
  16447. interference power ==> 干扰功率
  16448. interference prediction ==> 干扰预测
  16449. interference preventer ==> 干扰防护装置,防干扰装置
  16450. interference prevention ==> 防止干扰
  16451. interference prism ==> 干扰棱镜,干涉棱镜
  16452. interference protection ==> 干扰保护
  16453. interference range ==> 干扰区
  16454. interference rangefinder ==> 干涉无线电测距仪
  16455. interference receiver ==> 干扰接收机
  16456. interference reduction ==> 干扰减少
  16457. interference reflector ==> 干涉反射镜
  16458. interference refractometer ==> 干扰折射计,干涉折射计
  16459. interference region ==> 干扰区,干扰区域
  16460. interference rejection ==> 抗干扰能力,干扰抑制,反干扰能力,抗干扰度,抗扰性
  16461. interference rejection unit ==> 抗干扰装置
  16462. interference ring ==> 干涉光环,干涉环,干涉圈
  16463. interference ripple ==> 干涉波痕
  16464. interference ripple mark ==> 干涉波痕,扰动波痕,交错波痕
  16465. interference search gear ==> 干扰定位器
  16466. interference settlement ==> 干扰性沉陷
  16467. interference signal ==> 干扰信号
  16468. interference source ==> 干扰源
  16469. interference source suppression ==> 干扰源抑制
  16470. interference spectroscope ==> 干扰分光镜,干涉分光镜
  16471. interference spectroscopy ==> 干涉分光光谱学,干涉分光学
  16472. interference spectroumeter ==> 干涉分光计
  16473. interference spectrum ==> 干扰频谱
  16474. interference spot ==> 干涉斑
  16475. interference suppression ==> 干扰减少,干扰抑制
  16476. interference suppression filter ==> 干扰抑制滤波器
  16477. interference suppressor ==> 干扰抑制器
  16478. interference susceptibility ==> 干扰敏感性
  16479. interference term ==> 干涉项
  16480. interference test ==> 干扰试验
  16481. interference time ==> 干扰时间
  16482. interference transmitter ==> 干扰发射机
  16483. interference trap ==> 干扰滤波器
  16484. interference tube ==> 干涉管
  16485. interference unit ==> 干扰器
  16486. interference voltage ==> 干扰电压
  16487. interference wave ==> 干扰波,干涉波
  16488. interference with reception ==> 接收干扰
  16489. interference with transmission ==> 传输干扰
  16490. interference zone ==> 干扰区,干扰范围
  16491. interference-field intensity tester ==> 干扰场强测试仪
  16492. interference-free ==> 无干扰的,抗干扰
  16493. interference-producing unit ==> 干扰发生器
  16494. interference-suppression device ==> 干扰抑制设备
  16495. interferent ==> 干扰物,干扰物质
  16496. interferential ==> 干扰的
  16497. interferential treatment unit ==> 干扰治疗装置
  16498. interfering ==> 干扰的,干扰性的
  16499. interfering background ==> 干涉背景
  16500. interfering beam ==> 干涉光束
  16501. interfering carrier ==> 干扰载波
  16502. interfering component ==> 干扰组分
  16503. interfering energy ==> 干扰能量
  16504. interfering float time ==> 干扰浮动时间,干扰宽裕时间
  16505. interfering impulse ==> 干扰脉冲
  16506. interfering ion ==> 干扰离子
  16507. interfering material ==> 干扰物质
  16508. interfering mode ==> 竞争模式,竞争模式
  16509. interfering noise ==> 干扰杂音,干扰噪声
  16510. interfering signal ==> 干扰信号
  16511. interfering singing ==> 干扰啸声
  16512. interfering space ==> 干扰区
  16513. interfering test pattern ==> 干涉测试图
  16514. interfering transmitter ==> 干扰发射机
  16515. interferogram ==> 干涉图,干涉图样=>干渉顕微鏡像
  16516. interferogram technique ==> 干涉图技术
  16517. interferography ==> 干涉摄影术
  16518. interferometer ==> 干涉仪=>干渉計
  16519. interferometer antenna ==> 干涉仪天线
  16520. interferometer base ==> 干涉仪基线长度
  16521. interferometer coating ==> 干涉膜
  16522. interferometer effect ==> 干涉仪效应
  16523. interferometer measuration system ==> 干涉测量系统
  16524. interferometer measurement ==> 干涉仪测定
  16525. interferometer metering technique ==> 干涉测量法
  16526. interferometer method ==> 干涉仪法
  16527. interferometer micrometer ==> 干涉仪式测微计
  16528. interferometer microscope ==> 干涉仪显微镜
  16529. interferometer modes ==> 干涉仪类型
  16530. interferometer modulation ==> 干涉仪调制
  16531. interferometer optics ==> 干涉仪光学
  16532. interferometer pattern ==> 干涉条纹,干涉仪测得的图样,干涉仪方向图
  16533. interferometer phase ==> 干涉仪相位
  16534. interferometer plate ==> 干涉仪玻璃板
  16535. interferometer polar diagram ==> 干涉仪极坐标方向图
  16536. interferometer radar ==> 干涉雷达
  16537. interferometer spectrometer ==> 干涉光谱仪
  16538. interferometer spectroradiometer ==> 干涉分光辐射计,干涉光谱辐射计
  16539. interferometer strain ga(u)ge ==> 应变干涉仪
  16540. interferometer strain gauge ==> 干扰式应变计,干涉应变仪
  16541. interferometer systems ==> 干涉仪系统
  16542. interferometer-plate ==> 干涉仪片
  16543. interferometric astronometry ==> 干涉天体测量
  16544. interferometric binary ==> 干涉双星
  16545. interferometric deflection ==> 干涉偏转
  16546. interferometric fiber optic accelerometer ==> 干涉型光纤加速度计
  16547. interferometric fiber optic current sensor ==> 干涉式光纤电流传感器
  16548. interferometric fiber optic gyroscope ==> 干涉型光纤陀螺仪
  16549. interferometric filter ==> 干涉滤光片
  16550. interferometric fringe ==> 干涉条纹
  16551. interferometric gas analyzer ==> 干涉气体分析仪
  16552. interferometric manometer ==> 干涉压力计,干涉真空计
  16553. interferometric microscopy ==> 干涉测量显微术
  16554. interferometric null method ==> 干涉衡消法
  16555. interferometric optical fiber acoustic sensor ==> 干涉型声光纤声传感器
  16556. interferometric radiometer ==> 干涉辐射计
  16557. interferometric sensor ==> 干涉型传感器
  16558. interferometric spectrometer ==> 干涉分光计
  16559. interferometric temperature monitor ==> 干涉计量式温度监视器
  16560. interferometric test ==> 干涉法试验
  16561. interferometry ==> 干涉测量,干涉测量法,干涉度量学,干涉量度学=>インターフェロメトリ
  16562. interferon ==> 干扰素
  16563. interferon (IF) ==> 干扰素
  16564. interferon inducer ==> 干扰素诱导剂
  16565. interferon α-2 ==> 干扰素α-2
  16566. interferoscope ==> 干扰显示器,干涉镜
  16567. interfibrous ==> 纤维间的
  16568. interfield cut ==> 场间切换
  16569. interfield disparity ==> 场间差异
  16570. interfilamentous matrix ==> 细丝间基质
  16571. interfilar substance ==> 丝间质
  16572. interfile relationship ==> 内部文件关系
  16573. interfingering ==> 相互贯穿
  16574. interfix ==> 互插,中间定位
  16575. interflare matter ==> 耀斑际物质
  16576. interflectance method ==> 预定照度法
  16577. interflection ==> 相互干渉
  16578. interfloor traffic ==> 楼层间交通
  16579. interfloor travel ==> 楼层间交通
  16580. interflow ==> 过渡流量,土内水流,间层流,混流,表层流,层间流
  16581. interfluent ==> 汇合的
  16582. interfluent flow ==> (不同密度的)层间水流
  16583. interfluve ==> 江河分水区,河间地,河间地分野,河间岭
  16584. interfolding ==> 交插褶皱
  16585. interform reliability coefficient ==> 形式间可靠性系数
  16586. interformational ==> 层间的
  16587. interformational conglomerate ==> 层组间砾岩
  16588. interformational sliding ==> 层间滑动
  16589. interformational unconformity ==> 层间不整合
  16590. interfoveolar ligament ==> 凹间韧带,黑塞耳巴赫氏韧带
  16591. interfoveolar muscle ==> 凹间肌
  16592. interframe ==> 帧间
  16593. interframe coding ==> 帧间编码=>フレーム間符号化
  16594. interframe differential coding method ==> フレーム間差分符号化方式
  16595. interframe encode ==> 帧间编码
  16596. interframe Hadamard method ==> 帧间哈达马德变换方法
  16597. interfrontal ==> 额骨间的
  16598. interfusion ==> 融合
  16599. intergalactic matter ==> 星系际物质
  16600. interganglionic branches ==> 节间支
  16601. intergelisol ==> 残冻层
  16602. intergenerational mobility table ==> 两代间变动率表
  16603. intergeneric crossing ==> 属间杂交
  16604. intergenic ==> 基因间的
  16605. intergenic complementation ==> 基因间互补
  16606. intergenic recombination ==> 基因的复合
  16607. intergenotypic competition ==> 基因型间的竞争
  16608. interglacial ==> 间冰期=>間氷期
  16609. interglacial epoch ==> 间冰阶
  16610. interglacial period ==> 间冰期
  16611. interglacial stage ==> 间冰期
  16612. interglobular areas ==> 球间区
  16613. interglobular dentin ==> 球间牙本质
  16614. intergradation ==> 间渡
  16615. intergrade ==> 渐次混合,中间形式=>中間段階
  16616. intergrant ==> 构成部分
  16617. intergranular ==> 晶间的,晶界,晶粒间,粒间,粒间的
  16618. intergranular attack ==> 晶间腐蚀
  16619. intergranular corrosion ==> 晶粒间腐蚀,粒间腐蚀,晶间腐蚀,又称“晶界腐蚀”。因金属中晶界组分在介质中的溶解速率远高于晶粒本体的溶解速率而产生的局部腐蚀。它是使金属强度、塑性和韧性大大降低的危害性很大的腐蚀类型
  16620. intergranular crack ==> 晶间裂纹
  16621. intergranular fracture ==> 晶界断口
  16622. intergranular friction ==> 颗粒间摩擦
  16623. intergranular penetration ==> 粒间穿透
  16624. intergranular porosity ==> 粒间孔隙度
  16625. intergranular pressure ==> 粒间压力
  16626. intergranular slip plane ==> 颗粒间滑动面
  16627. intergranular space ==> 颗粒间空隙,晶间间距
  16628. intergranular texture ==> 粒间结构
  16629. intergranule ==> 粒间,晶粒之间
  16630. intergrator ==> 积分器
  16631. intergrind ==> 相互研磨
  16632. interground ==> 相互研磨
  16633. interground addition ==> 破碎杂料,研磨添加剂
  16634. intergroup selection ==> 种间选择
  16635. intergrown knot ==> 混生节
  16636. intergrowth ==> 交互生长,连生体,互生,交生,共生
  16637. interhalogen ==> 卤间化合物
  16638. interhalogen compounds ==> 卤素互(间)化物
  16639. interharmonic ==> 次数間高調波
  16640. interharmonic component ==> 间谐波成分,周期性交流量中含有非基频频率(非50Hz)整数倍的频率分量
  16641. interharmonic distortion ==> 次数間高調波ひずみ
  16642. interharmonic frequency ==> 次数間高調波周波数
  16643. interharmonics ==> 间谐波=>次数間高調波。 a sinusoidal component of a periodic wave or quantity having a frequency that is not an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency. It is produced by static frequency converters, cyclo-converters, induction motors, and arcing devices.
  16644. interharmonics in Power System ==> 电力系统的间谐波
  16645. interheater(s) ==> 中间加热器
  16646. interhemispheric integration ==> 两半球间的整合作用
  16647. interilioabdominal amputation ==> 髂腹间离断术
  16648. interim ==> 临时=>合間,しばらくの間,仮協定
  16649. interim acceptance certificate ==> 初步验收证明书
  16650. interim accord ==> 暫定的合意
  16651. interim audit ==> 期中审计
  16652. interim balance ==> 期中余额
  16653. interim balance sheet ==> 期中资产负债表
  16654. interim bibliography ==> 暫定目録
  16655. interim binder ==> 暫定引き受け,仮引き受け
  16656. interim budget ==> 期中预算
  16657. interim closing ==> 期中结帐
  16658. interim dividend ==> 期中股利,暂定股利
  16659. interim earnings statement ==> 期中盈利报表
  16660. interim financial statement ==> 期中财务报表
  16661. interim index ==> 临时指数
  16662. interim interest ==> 临时利息
  16663. interim price ==> 暂时价格
  16664. interim procedure ==> 暂行办法
  16665. interim regulations ==> 暂行条例
  16666. interim report ==> 单记录速取报告,期中报告=>中間報告
  16667. interim statement ==> 期中报表
  16668. interim storage ==> 暂时贮藏,临时贮藏
  16669. interim trial ==> 期中试验
  16670. interimage effect ==> 像间效应
  16671. interindustry analysis ==> 产业关联分析
  16672. interindustry equilibrium ==> 部门间平衡
  16673. interindustry relation analysis ==> 工业关系分析法
  16674. interinsic efficiency ==> 净效率
  16675. interionic ==> 离子间,离子间的
  16676. interionic attraction ==> 离子互吸,离子间吸力,离子间引力
  16677. interionic attraction theory ==> 离子互吸理论
  16678. interior ==> 室内,内部,内部的,内面的
  16679. interior and exterior finishes ==> 内外装修
  16680. interior angle ==> 内角
  16681. interior angles of the same side ==> 同傍内角
  16682. interior architecture ==> 室内建筑学
  16683. interior aspect ==> 内面
  16684. interior ballistics ==> 内弹道学
  16685. interior basin ==> 内陆盆地
  16686. interior circuit ==> 室内电路=>屋内回路
  16687. interior cold syndrome ==> 里寒,里寒证
  16688. interior cold syndrome of deficiency type ==> 里虚寒证
  16689. interior collocation ==> 内部配置
  16690. interior conduit ==> 室内管道,暗线用导管
  16691. interior contact ==> 内切
  16692. interior container ==> 内容器
  16693. interior content ==> 内容量
  16694. interior core ==> 内部型芯
  16695. interior crop row ==> 作物中间行
  16696. interior decoration ==> 室内装饰,内部装修
  16697. interior design ==> 室内设计
  16698. interior designer ==> 室内设计师
  16699. interior diffusion ==> 内扩散
  16700. interior distribution system ==> 屋内配電方式
  16701. interior door ==> 内门
  16702. interior downpipe ==> 内水落管
  16703. interior drainage ==> 内陆水系
  16704. interior economy ==> 内地经济
  16705. interior elevation ==> 室内立面图
  16706. interior escape stair ==> 室内太平梯
  16707. interior extrapolation method ==> 内外插法,交叉法
  16708. interior finish ==> 室内装修
  16709. interior finish work ==> 内装修工程
  16710. interior focusing ==> 内调焦
  16711. interior focusing telescope ==> 内调望远镜
  16712. interior glue ==> 室内用胶着剂
  16713. interior heat syndrome ==> 里热,里热证
  16714. interior heat syndrome of deficiency type ==> 里虚热证
  16715. interior hung scaffold ==> 内挂脚手架
  16716. interior illumination ==> 室内照明
  16717. interior ingress ==> 内初切
  16718. interior label ==> 内标,内部标号,内数据说明符
  16719. interior lamp ==> 内部指示灯
  16720. interior landscape design ==> 室内景观设计
  16721. interior liabilities ==> 内部负债
  16722. interior light switch ==> 客厢顶灯开关
  16723. interior lighting ==> 室内照明=>屋内照明
  16724. interior mapping ==> 内映象
  16725. interior measure ==> 内测度
  16726. interior mirror ==> (车身)内部后视镜
  16727. interior of a set ==> 集合的内部
  16728. interior of dry dock ==> 干船坞坞室
  16729. interior package ==> 内包装
  16730. interior permanent magnet motor ==> 埋込磁石構造電動機(IPM形)
  16731. interior permanent magnet synchronous motor ==> 埋込磁石同期モータ
  16732. interior perspective ==> 室内透视
  16733. interior plain ==> 内陆平原
  16734. interior plantscape ==> 室内植物景观
  16735. interior plywood ==> 室内用胶合板,内用胶合板
  16736. interior point ==> 内点
  16737. interior point intermodal(IPI) ==> 一贯运输
  16738. interior point methods ==> 内点法(電圧安定性解析手法)
  16739. interior point QP ==> 内点法QP
  16740. interior post type container ==> 内柱式集装箱
  16741. interior profile ==> 内剖面
  16742. interior sap stain ==> 边材内部变色
  16743. interior shaft ==> 暗井
  16744. interior single cycle basin ==> 内陆单旋回盆地
  16745. interior space ==> 室内空间
  16746. interior span ==> 内跨,内跨度
  16747. interior stairs ==> 室内楼梯
  16748. interior styling ==> (汽车车身的)内部造型
  16749. interior surface ==> 内面
  16750. interior syndrome ==> 里证
  16751. interior thickness ==> 中部厚度
  16752. interior tissue ==> 内部组织
  16753. interior trim ==> 内部装修,室内装修
  16754. interior trim color ==> 车室内器具彩色
  16755. interior trimming ==> 内饰
  16756. interior varnish ==> 内皮漆
  16757. interior wire ==> 室内用线=>屋内線
  16758. interior wiring ==> 内部布线=>屋内配線
  16759. interior-type plywood ==> 内用胶合板
  16760. interior-wiring cable ==> 屋内配線
  16761. interirrigation ==> 灌溉间期
  16762. interischiadic ==> 坐骨间的
  16763. interisochrone area ==> 等时线间面积
  16764. interjectional ==> 插入的
  16765. interjoist ==> 搁栅空当
  16766. interjugal ==> 颧突间的
  16767. interkinesis ==> 减数分裂间期
  16768. interlabium ==> 间唇
  16769. interlace ==> 交叉存储,交错,交织,隔行扫描=>インタレース,織り交ざる,組み合わさる
  16770. interlace flicker ==> 行间闪烁
  16771. interlace operation ==> 交叉操作
  16772. interlace scan ==> 隔行扫描
  16773. interlace textured yarn ==> 交絡加工糸
  16774. interlaced ==> 编织状的
  16775. interlaced fencing ==> 交织围栏
  16776. interlaced field ==> 隔行扫描场
  16777. interlaced scanning ==> 隔行扫描=>飛越し走査
  16778. interlacing ==> 隔行,间行,交叉存取,交错存储
  16779. interlacing arragement ==> 编织状排列
  16780. interlacing memory ==> 交叉存取存储器
  16781. interlacing pattern ==> 交织图案
  16782. interlacing ratio ==> 隔行比
  16783. interlacunar crest ==> 隙间脊
  16784. interlacunar crista ==> 隙间脊
  16785. interlacunar lists ==> 隙间脊
  16786. interlacunar margina ==> 隙间边
  16787. interlacunar ridge ==> 隙间脊
  16788. interlacustrine transfer of water ==> 湖泊间水转移
  16789. interlamellar spacing ==> 层间距
  16790. interlaminar ==> 层间
  16791. interlaminated ==> 纹层状互层
  16792. interlaminated resistance ==> 中间电阻
  16793. interlamination ==> 层间
  16794. interlamination resistance ==> 层间电阻
  16795. interlanguage ==> 中间语言
  16796. interlap ==> 内覆盖,相互重叠
  16797. interlattice point distance ==> 阵点间距
  16798. interlay ==> 垫衬
  16799. interlayer ==> 间层,界层,互层,夹层,中间层
  16800. interlayer bonding ==> 层间连接
  16801. interlayer contact ==> 层间接触
  16802. interlayer continuity ==> 层间连接
  16803. interlayer dielectric ==> 层间绝缘
  16804. interlayer dirt ==> 胶合层杂质
  16805. interlayer effect ==> 界层效应
  16806. interlayer ion ==> 层间离子
  16807. interlayer isolation ==> 层间绝缘=>層間絶縁
  16808. interlayer metallization ==> 层间金属化
  16809. interlayer spacing ==> 层间距
  16810. interlayer water ==> 层间水
  16811. interlayer-gliding fault ==> 层间滑动断裂
  16812. interlayer-temperature ==> 层间温度
  16813. interlayered bedding ==> 互层层理
  16814. interleaf ==> 插入纸,夹层,中间层
  16815. interleaf friction ==> 板间摩擦,板片间摩擦力
  16816. interleave ==> 交插,交叉存取,交错,交织,隔行
  16817. interleave type core ==> 交叠式铁心
  16818. interleave, to ==> 交互配置する
  16819. interleaved additional channel ==> 插入波道
  16820. interleaved array ==> 交错数组
  16821. interleaved coil ==> 交错线圈,纠结式线圈,纠结式线圈
  16822. interleaved luminance signal ==> 亮色交错信号
  16823. interleaved memory system ==> 交叉存储系统
  16824. interleaved mode ==> 交叉方式
  16825. interleaved parallel ==> 2単位並列
  16826. interleaved reduction gear ==> 嵌入式减速齿轮箱
  16827. interleaved scanning ==> 隔行扫描
  16828. interleaved subscript ==> 交错下标
  16829. interleaved transmission ==> 交错传输
  16830. interleaved winding ==> 交错绕组,纠结式绕组,纠结式绕组
  16831. interleaver ==> 衬纸机
  16832. interleaving ==> 隔行,交叉存取
  16833. interleaving access ==> 交叉存取,交叉访问
  16834. interleaving memory ==> 交叉存取存储器
  16835. interleaving paper ==> 衬底纸,衬垫纸,衬纸
  16836. interleukin ==> 白细胞间介素
  16837. interlevel alignment ==> 层间对准
  16838. interlevel insulator ==> 层间绝缘体
  16839. interlevel oxidation ==> 层间氧化
  16840. interligamentary ==> 韧带间的
  16841. interligamentous ==> 韧带间的
  16842. interline ==> 行间插入
  16843. interline freight ==> 铁路联运货物
  16844. interlinear hybrid ==> 属间杂交,单交杂种
  16845. interlining material ==> 衬料
  16846. interlink ==> 链接,联节,联锁,互连
  16847. interlinkage ==> 互连=>鎖交
  16848. interlinkage flux ==> 交链磁通,联链磁通
  16849. interlinked ==> 互连的
  16850. interlinked circuit breaking ==> 連絡遮断
  16851. interlinked hierarchy ==> 互连次结构
  16852. interlinked leakage ==> 漏磁链,交链漏磁
  16853. interlinked tension ==> 相间电压
  16854. interlinking ==> 互连
  16855. interloan agreement ==> 相互出借协定
  16856. interlobar duct ==> 叶间导管
  16857. interlobar effusion ==> 叶间积液,叶间渗出物
  16858. interlobar fissure ==> 叶间裂,叶间隙
  16859. interlobar part ==> 叶内部
  16860. interlobar pleural effusion ==> 叶间胸膜积液
  16861. interlobar septum ==> 叶间隔
  16862. interlobar sulcus ==> 叶间沟
  16863. interlobar surface ==> 叶间面
  16864. interlobar veins ==> 叶间静脉
  16865. interlobate ==> 朵间
  16866. interlobate moraine ==> 冰舌间碛,中分碛
  16867. interlobe space ==> 叶间容积
  16868. interlobular ==> 小叶间的
  16869. interlobular artery ==> 小叶间动脉
  16870. interlobular connective tissue ==> 小叶间结缔组织
  16871. interlobular duct ==> 小叶间管
  16872. interlobular ducts ==> 小叶间小管
  16873. interlobular septum ==> 小叶间隔
  16874. interlobular veins ==> 小叶间静脉
  16875. interlock ==> 交替工作,棉毛布,联动,联锁,联锁器,联锁设备,联锁装置,连锁装置,闭锁,安全开关=>連動,インターロック(自動制御)
  16876. interlock alarm ==> 联锁报警器
  16877. interlock circuit ==> 联锁电路,联锁回路=>インターロック回路
  16878. interlock control ==> 联锁控制,某一参数达到规定值或某一设备起、停(开、关)时,联动或闭锁对另一设备的控制
  16879. interlock coupling ==> 联锁耦联
  16880. interlock cylinder ==> 联锁缸
  16881. interlock infant's sunsuit ==> 棉毛婴儿日光服
  16882. interlock interrupt ==> 联锁中断
  16883. interlock knitting machine ==> 棉毛针织机
  16884. interlock machine ==> 棉毛机
  16885. interlock pants ==> 棉毛裤
  16886. interlock pore ==> 通孔
  16887. interlock relay ==> 联锁继电器
  16888. interlock suit for children ==> 棉毛童套装
  16889. interlock suit with contrast color ==> 棉毛相色套装
  16890. interlock switch ==> 联锁开关
  16891. interlock system ==> 联锁系统
  16892. interlock T-shirt ==> 棉毛短袖圆领衫
  16893. interlock(ing) relay ==> 联锁继电器
  16894. interlocked chromosomes ==> 互锁染色体
  16895. interlocked circuit breaker ==> 联锁断路器
  16896. interlocked film wind and shutter mechanism ==> 卷片和快门联锁机构,卷片和快门联锁机构
  16897. interlocked grain ==> 交错木纹,交错纹理
  16898. interlocked operation ==> 联锁操作,互锁操作
  16899. interlocked oscillator ==> 联锁振荡器,内同步振荡器
  16900. interlocked switch ==> 联锁开关
  16901. interlocked type waveguide ==> 联锁波导管
  16902. interlocker ==> 联锁器,联锁装置
  16903. interlocking ==> 联锁,联锁法,联锁效应,互锁,交锁
  16904. interlocking (milling) cutter ==> 交齿铣刀
  16905. interlocking angle ==> (三镜摄影机)锁角
  16906. interlocking apparatus ==> 联锁装置
  16907. interlocking contact ==> 联锁触点
  16908. interlocking cutter ==> 联锁刀,联锁刀具
  16909. interlocking data ==> 连锁数据
  16910. interlocking device ==> 联锁装置=>連動装置
  16911. interlocking electromagnet ==> 联锁电磁铁
  16912. interlocking frame ==> 互联机构
  16913. interlocking gear ==> 闭锁机构
  16914. interlocking joint ==> 企口嵌缝
  16915. interlocking latch ==> 联锁销
  16916. interlocking line ==> 联锁线路,联锁用线路
  16917. interlocking machine ==> 联锁机=>連動機
  16918. interlocking mechanism ==> 联锁机构
  16919. interlocking milling cutter ==> 组合错齿槽铣刀
  16920. interlocking plant ==> 联锁设备
  16921. interlocking point ==> 互换点
  16922. interlocking pore ==> 连通孔
  16923. interlocking relay ==> 联锁继电器=>連動リレー
  16924. interlocking ring structures ==> 连结环形构造
  16925. interlocking shareholding ==> 交叉持股
  16926. interlocking side mill ==> 交齿侧铣刀
  16927. interlocking signal ==> 联锁信号
  16928. interlocking switch group ==> 联锁组合开关
  16929. interlocking system ==> 联锁系统
  16930. interlocking tile roofing ==> 联锁瓦屋面
  16931. interlocking tooth ==> 错齿,交齿
  16932. interlocks ==> 联动装置
  16933. interlooking tile ==> 搭接瓦
  16934. interlope ==> 侵占他人权利
  16935. interloper ==> 无牌营业者
  16936. interlude ==> 辅助子程序,插算,中间程序=>間奏,幕あい,インタールード,インタリュード
  16937. interlunation ==> 无月期间
  16938. intermal redox indicator ==> 液内氧化还原指示剂
  16939. intermalar ==> 颧骨间的
  16940. intermammary ==> 乳房间的
  16941. intermammery groove ==> 乳房间沟
  16942. intermammillary ==> 乳头间的
  16943. intermarginal line ==> 缘间线
  16944. intermarginal sulcus ==> 缘间沟
  16945. intermastoid ==> 乳突间的
  16946. intermate individuals ==> 入选的个体
  16947. intermaxillary ==> 下颚间片的
  16948. intermaxillary anchorage ==> 颌间安抗,颌间锚基
  16949. intermaxillary balance ==> 颌间平衡
  16950. intermaxillary contracture ==> 颌间挛缩
  16951. intermaxillary force ==> 颌间力
  16952. intermaxillary ligation ==> 颌间结扎法
  16953. intermaxillary space ==> 颌间隙
  16954. interme tallic metal ==> 中间金属
  16955. interme-diate gear ==> 中间齿轮
  16956. intermedian cubital vein ==> 肘正中静脉
  16957. intermediary ==> 中间的,中间形态,中介,媒
  16958. intermediary agent ==> 媒介
  16959. intermediary agent method ==> 媒介法
  16960. intermediary business ==> 牙行
  16961. intermediary character ==> 中间性状
  16962. intermediary hemorrhage ==> 中间期出血
  16963. intermediary integral ==> 中间积分
  16964. intermediary meiosis ==> 居间减数分裂,居间减数分裂
  16965. intermediary metabolism ==> 中间代谢
  16966. intermediary neuron ==> 中间神经元
  16967. intermediary orbit ==> 中间轨道
  16968. intermediary paper ==> 隔层纸
  16969. intermediary trade ==> 居间贸易,居间贸易
  16970. intermediat vector ==> 传染媒介
  16971. intermediate ==> 居间,居间,中等的,中等木,中间,中间的,中间片,中间体,中间物,中,中频
  16972. intermediate (-)coupling theory ==> 中介耦合理论
  16973. intermediate (-)grade ==> 中间坡度
  16974. intermediate (-)image spectrometer ==> 中间成像能谱仪
  16975. intermediate (-)level cave ==> 中等放射性工作室
  16976. intermediate (-)level cell ==> 中等放射性工作室
  16977. intermediate (-)level waste ==> 中等放射性废物
  16978. intermediate (crushing) chamber ==> 中碎室
  16979. intermediate (plant) house ==> 中温温室
  16980. intermediate access storage ==> 中间存取存储器
  16981. intermediate agent ==> 中间剂
  16982. intermediate ages ==> 中间年龄
  16983. intermediate alloy ==> 中间合金
  16984. intermediate amplifier ==> 中间放大器
  16985. intermediate angle ==> 中间边帮角
  16986. intermediate annealing ==> 中间退火
  16987. intermediate appendage ==> 间中附器
  16988. intermediate arbor support ==> 中间刀杆支架
  16989. intermediate assembly point ==> 中间装配地点
  16990. intermediate assignment ==> 中间赋值
  16991. intermediate axle ==> 中间轴,(三轴汽车的)中间轴
  16992. intermediate axle bevel gear and pinion ==> 中桥主动及被动伞齿轮
  16993. intermediate axle housing ==> (汽车的)中轴壳
  16994. intermediate axle left wheel brake tube ==> 中桥左轮制动管路
  16995. intermediate band photometry ==> 中带测光
  16996. intermediate base ==> 中间基,中形管座
  16997. intermediate base crude ==> 中间基石油
  16998. intermediate base crude (oil) ==> 中间基原油
  16999. intermediate battery supply board ==> 中间电池供给装置=>中間電流供給盤
  17000. intermediate bay ==> 中间板
  17001. intermediate beam ==> 中间梁
  17002. intermediate bearer ==> 中间托梁
  17003. intermediate bearing ==> 中间轴承
  17004. intermediate bearing casing ==> 中间轴承罩
  17005. intermediate belt ==> 过渡带,(间隙带)中间带
  17006. intermediate belt gearing ==> 中间皮带传动装置
  17007. intermediate bin ==> 中间仓
  17008. intermediate bisexual flower ==> 类心皮两性花
  17009. intermediate bleeding chamber ==> 中间抽汽室
  17010. intermediate block ==> 中间程序块,中间锤座,砧面托
  17011. intermediate block checking ==> 中间程序块检查
  17012. intermediate bloomer ==> 中间初轧机,中间开坯机座
  17013. intermediate board frame ==> 中间配线架
  17014. intermediate boson ==> 中间玻色子
  17015. intermediate boson field ==> 中间玻色子场
  17016. intermediate boson hypothesis ==> 中间玻色子假设
  17017. intermediate box ==> 中间箱
  17018. intermediate branch of atrium ==> 心房中间支
  17019. intermediate buffer ==> 中间缓冲器
  17020. intermediate bundle ==> 中间维管束
  17021. intermediate bunker ==> 中间料仓,中间料仓
  17022. intermediate cable ==> 中间电缆
  17023. intermediate cam ==> 中三角
  17024. intermediate capacity ==> 半成品生产能力
  17025. intermediate car ==> 中型小客车
  17026. intermediate card ==> 二道梳毛机,二道梳棉机
  17027. intermediate caries ==> 中层龋
  17028. intermediate carry status ==> 中间进位状态
  17029. intermediate casing ==> 中间套管
  17030. intermediate category ==> 中级晶族
  17031. intermediate ceiling ==> 假平顶
  17032. intermediate cell ==> 中间细胞
  17033. intermediate center ==> 中转中心
  17034. intermediate chafing block ==> 中间防擦块
  17035. intermediate character ==> 中间性状
  17036. intermediate charged vector boson ==> 中间荷电矢量玻色子
  17037. intermediate circuit ==> 中间电路
  17038. intermediate circuit sub-control station ==> 中间电路控制分站
  17039. intermediate cleavage ==> 中间卵裂
  17040. intermediate clone ==> 中间型无性系
  17041. intermediate code ==> 中间代码,中间码,半成码
  17042. intermediate colony ==> 中间型菌落
  17043. intermediate color ==> 过渡色
  17044. intermediate colour ==> 中间色
  17045. intermediate column ==> 中型柱,中柱
  17046. intermediate command ==> 中间指令
  17047. intermediate commercial organizations ==> 居间性的商业组织,居间性的商业组织
  17048. intermediate communication level ==> 中间水平
  17049. intermediate component ==> 中介子系
  17050. intermediate compound ==> 中间化合物
  17051. intermediate computer ==> 中间计算机
  17052. intermediate condenser ==> 中间冷凝器
  17053. intermediate condenser station ==> (输电线的)中间电容器站
  17054. intermediate connecting rod ==> 中间连杆
  17055. intermediate connector ==> 中间连接器
  17056. intermediate constiuent ==> 中间组成物
  17057. intermediate consumer ==> 中间消费者
  17058. intermediate contact ==> 中间触点
  17059. intermediate container ==> 中间罐
  17060. intermediate continuous motion statement ==> 连续运动中间语句
  17061. intermediate control ==> 中间控制
  17062. intermediate control change ==> 中间控制变换
  17063. intermediate control data ==> 中间控制数据
  17064. intermediate conversion ==> 中间转换
  17065. intermediate conveyor ==> 中间运输机
  17066. intermediate coolant ==> 中间冷却剂,中间载热剂
  17067. intermediate cooler ==> 中间冷却器
  17068. intermediate cooling ==> 中间冷却
  17069. intermediate cooling circuit ==> 中间冷却回路,又称“中间回路”。快中子堆核电厂中为将具有放射性的一回路钠与给水-蒸汽回路隔开、又将一回路的热量传给给水-蒸汽回路而设置的非放射性钠循环系统
  17070. intermediate coordinates ==> 中介坐标
  17071. intermediate corona ==> 中介日冕
  17072. intermediate coronary syndrome ==> 中间冠动脉综合征
  17073. intermediate cottons ==> 中等长度棉花
  17074. intermediate coupling ==> 中间耦合,中介耦合,居间耦合,居间耦合
  17075. intermediate course ==> 中间层
  17076. intermediate coverage range ==> 中间有效范围
  17077. intermediate cracking ==> (混凝土路面的)中间裂缝
  17078. intermediate crank pin ==> 中间曲柄销
  17079. intermediate cross-section ==> 中间截面
  17080. intermediate crown ==> 中始树冠
  17081. intermediate crude ==> 中间基石油
  17082. intermediate crusher ==> 中碎机
  17083. intermediate crushing ==> 中级压碎
  17084. intermediate crust ==> 过渡壳
  17085. intermediate culture ==> 补植
  17086. intermediate cuneiform bone ==> 中间楔骨
  17087. intermediate current ==> 中间值电流
  17088. intermediate current plasma arc welding ==> 中电流等离子弧焊
  17089. intermediate cut ==> 中间馏分
  17090. intermediate cutting ==> 间伐
  17091. intermediate cycle ==> 中间周期,过渡循环
  17092. intermediate cycling load ==> 中间载荷
  17093. intermediate cylinder ==> 中间筒,中压汽缸
  17094. intermediate data set ==> 中间数据集
  17095. intermediate decay ==> 中期腐朽
  17096. intermediate deck ==> 中层,中层桥面
  17097. intermediate developed country ==> 中度开发国家
  17098. intermediate diameter ==> 中径
  17099. intermediate differential ==> 中间微分
  17100. intermediate distillate ==> 中间馏分
  17101. intermediate distributing frame ==> 中间配线架=>中間配線盤
  17102. intermediate draft ==> 中区牵伸
  17103. intermediate draw bar ==> 中间拉杆
  17104. intermediate draw bar pin ==> 中间拉杆销
  17105. intermediate drift burst ==> 中介漂移暴
  17106. intermediate drill ==> 中间钻杆
  17107. intermediate drivage ==> 中间共巷道掘进
  17108. intermediate drive ==> 中间传动
  17109. intermediate drying ==> 中间烘燥
  17110. intermediate duty fireclay brick ==> 中等耐火砖
  17111. intermediate earthquake ==> 中深地震
  17112. intermediate echo suppressor ==> 中点回波抑制器
  17113. intermediate electrode ==> 中间电极
  17114. intermediate element ==> 中间分子
  17115. intermediate energy region ==> 中能区
  17116. intermediate enrichment stage ==> 中浓级
  17117. intermediate entry ==> 中间平巷
  17118. intermediate equipment ==> 中间设备=>中間装置
  17119. intermediate evolute ==> 中间渐屈线
  17120. intermediate exchange ==> 中间电话局
  17121. intermediate false rib ==> 中间假肋
  17122. intermediate feed ==> 中间喂给装置
  17123. intermediate feed inlet ==> 塔中部液体入口
  17124. intermediate feeder ==> 中间棉箱
  17125. intermediate field ==> 中间场,居间场,居间场
  17126. intermediate filament ==> 中间丝
  17127. intermediate film ==> 中间胶片
  17128. intermediate film pick-up ==> 中间电视胶卷摄影
  17129. intermediate film process ==> 中间影片过程
  17130. intermediate film projection ==> 中间电视电影放映
  17131. intermediate film system ==> 中间影片制
  17132. intermediate fire glaze ==> 中火釉
  17133. intermediate flange ==> 中间接合盘
  17134. intermediate flask ==> 中间砂箱
  17135. intermediate fluoride ==> 中间氟化物
  17136. intermediate flux ==> 中间熔剂
  17137. intermediate focal length tracking telescope ==> 中焦距光学跟踪器
  17138. intermediate focus ==> 中间焦点
  17139. intermediate focus earthquake ==> 中深源地震
  17140. intermediate form ==> 中间类型,中间形式,过度形状
  17141. intermediate formation ==> 中间形成
  17142. intermediate fraction ==> 中间馏份
  17143. intermediate frame ==> 二道粗纺机
  17144. intermediate franchise ==> 不定期特许
  17145. intermediate frequency ==> 中频=>中間周波数
  17146. intermediate frequency (i-f) ==> 中频
  17147. intermediate frequency amplifier ==> 中频放大器
  17148. intermediate frequency ceramic filter ==> 中频陶瓷滤波器
  17149. intermediate frequency channel ==> 中频通路
  17150. intermediate frequency distortion ==> 中频失真
  17151. intermediate frequency interference ratio ==> 中频干扰比
  17152. intermediate frequency preamplifier ==> 中频前置放大器
  17153. intermediate frequency stage ==> 中频级
  17154. intermediate fuel oil ==> 中间燃料油
  17155. intermediate function ==> 中间功能
  17156. intermediate ganglia ==> 中间神经节
  17157. intermediate ganglion ==> 中间神经节
  17158. intermediate gap ==> 中间隙
  17159. intermediate gasket ==> 中垫片
  17160. intermediate gasoline ==> 中级汽油
  17161. intermediate gastric carcinoma ==> 中期胃癌
  17162. intermediate gear ==> 中速齿轮,二档齿轮,第二速度齿轮
  17163. intermediate gear bracket ==> 中间齿轮托架
  17164. intermediate gear sleeve ==> 中间齿轮套筒
  17165. intermediate gear wheels ==> 中间齿轮
  17166. intermediate gearbox ==> 中间减速器
  17167. intermediate gearing ==> 中间传动
  17168. intermediate girder ==> 中间梁
  17169. intermediate glass ==> (焊接用)中间玻璃
  17170. intermediate glass former ==> 中间体玻璃形成物
  17171. intermediate goods ==> 中间产品,中间商品
  17172. intermediate grade ==> 中间等级
  17173. intermediate grade billet ==> 中级钢杆
  17174. intermediate grade steel ==> 中级钢
  17175. intermediate grain ==> 中级颗粒
  17176. intermediate grinding ==> 中碎
  17177. intermediate groundwater ==> 过渡层地下水
  17178. intermediate group ==> 子夜星组,中间群
  17179. intermediate guide blade ==> 中间导叶
  17180. intermediate handling ==> 中间处理
  17181. intermediate haulage conveyer ==> 中间运输机
  17182. intermediate haulage conveyor ==> 中间运输机
  17183. intermediate heading ==> 中间平巷
  17184. intermediate heat exchanger ==> 中间热变换器
  17185. intermediate heat exchanger,IHX ==> 中间热交换器,钠冷快堆一回路与二回路(中间回路)之间进行钠-钠热交换的设备
  17186. intermediate heater ==> 中间加热器
  17187. intermediate heating ==> 中间加热,中间预热
  17188. intermediate hemorrhage ==> 中间期出血
  17189. intermediate heredity ==> 中间性遗传
  17190. intermediate hole ==> 中间炮孔
  17191. intermediate hopper ==> 中间储棉箱
  17192. intermediate horizon ==> 中间视距,中间直视距离
  17193. intermediate host ==> 中间宿主,中间主体
  17194. intermediate host reservoir ==> 中间寄主贮主
  17195. intermediate hsg ==> (多缸转子发动机中各相邻缸之间的)中间缸盖
  17196. intermediate hybrid ==> 中间杂种,居间杂种,居间杂种
  17197. intermediate igneous rocks ==> 中性火成岩
  17198. intermediate image ==> 中间图像
  17199. intermediate impregnation ==> 中间浸渍
  17200. intermediate improvement cutting ==> 改进间伐,(林业的)抚育间伐
  17201. intermediate in the scale of development ==> 中度开发
  17202. intermediate inheritance ==> 中间性遗传
  17203. intermediate inspection ==> 中间检验,中期检验
  17204. intermediate integral ==> 中间积分
  17205. intermediate interference ratio ==> 中频干扰比
  17206. intermediate inventory ==> 半制品存量
  17207. intermediate ionization ==> 中度电离
  17208. intermediate isotope ==> 中等原子量同位素
  17209. intermediate jack ==> 中间接片
  17210. intermediate journal ==> 中间轴颈
  17211. intermediate junction ==> 中间连接
  17212. intermediate lamella ==> 中间板
  17213. intermediate landing-station ==> 中间水平井底车场
  17214. intermediate language ==> 中间语言
  17215. intermediate language table ==> 中间语言表
  17216. intermediate laryngeal cavity ==> 喉中间腔
  17217. intermediate layer ==> 硅镁层,硅镁带,中间层
  17218. intermediate lens ==> 中间镜
  17219. intermediate level ==> 中间能级
  17220. intermediate level radiation ==> 中能级辐射
  17221. intermediate level throat ==> 半深度的流液洞
  17222. intermediate lightning arrester ==> 中间避雷器
  17223. intermediate line ==> 中间线
  17224. intermediate line of fire ==> 中间射向
  17225. intermediate lining material ==> 中间衬料
  17226. intermediate links ==> 流转环节
  17227. intermediate load operation ==> 中间负荷运行,发电机组或发电容量承担平均负荷至最小负荷之间的负荷的运行
  17228. intermediate load unit ==> 中间负荷机组
  17229. intermediate lobe of pituitary ==> 垂体小叶
  17230. intermediate longitudinal girder ==> 中间纵梁
  17231. intermediate loop ==> 中间回路
  17232. intermediate main bearing ==> 中间主轴承
  17233. intermediate mass ==> 中间块
  17234. intermediate material ==> 中间产品
  17235. intermediate means ==> 中间设备
  17236. intermediate medium ==> 媒介物
  17237. intermediate memory ==> 中间存储器
  17238. intermediate memroy storage ==> 中间存储保持器
  17239. intermediate mesoderm ==> 中段中胚层,中间中胚层,间介中胚层
  17240. intermediate metabolism ==> 中间代谢
  17241. intermediate metabolites ==> 中间代谢物
  17242. intermediate metallization ==> 中间金属化
  17243. intermediate mill ==> 中间轧机
  17244. intermediate moraine ==> 中分碛
  17245. intermediate multiple ==> 中间倍数
  17246. intermediate negative carry ==> 中间反向进位,中间负进位
  17247. intermediate nerve ==> 中间神经
  17248. intermediate network node ==> 中间网络节点
  17249. intermediate neutron ==> 中能中子,中速中子
  17250. intermediate neutrons ==> 中速中子
  17251. intermediate nozzle ==> 中间喷嘴
  17252. intermediate nucleus ==> 中等质量数核
  17253. intermediate object program ==> 中间目标程序
  17254. intermediate octane rating ==> 中间辛烷值
  17255. intermediate of synthetic vitamin E ==> 合成维生素E中间体
  17256. intermediate office ==> 中间局
  17257. intermediate oil ==> 中间油品
  17258. intermediate operator ==> 中间站话务员
  17259. intermediate output file ==> 中间输出文件
  17260. intermediate oxide ==> 中间体氧化物
  17261. intermediate pack strip ==> 中间填充带
  17262. intermediate pan ==> 中间盘
  17263. intermediate parallel pack ==> 中间平行填充带
  17264. intermediate part ==> 中间部
  17265. intermediate pass ==> 中间轧制孔型,预轧孔型
  17266. intermediate pass sorting ==> 中间扫描分类法
  17267. intermediate phase ==> 中间相
  17268. intermediate phase modifiering system ==> 中间调相机方式
  17269. intermediate photomask ==> 中间掩模
  17270. intermediate picker ==> 二道清棉机
  17271. intermediate pier ==> 中间墩
  17272. intermediate pinion ==> 中间齿轮
  17273. intermediate pintle ==> 中间舵栓
  17274. intermediate pit design ==> 中间露天采场设计
  17275. intermediate plant ==> 中期植物
  17276. intermediate plasma ==> 中间等离子体
  17277. intermediate plate ==> 中间板,中间板块,夹片
  17278. intermediate points ==> 中间点
  17279. intermediate polar ==> 中介偏振星,中介漂移
  17280. intermediate population ==> 中介星族
  17281. intermediate port ==> 中间港,中途港
  17282. intermediate position ==> (坦克部队的)中间阵地
  17283. intermediate post ==> 中间立柱
  17284. intermediate potential ==> 中间电位
  17285. intermediate power amplifier ==> 中間電力増幅器
  17286. intermediate preheater ==> 中间预热器
  17287. intermediate pressure ==> 中间压力,中压,中压的
  17288. intermediate pressure admission parts ==> 中压进汽部分,包括再热主汽阀、再热调节汽阀、中压缸进汽管及汽室
  17289. intermediate pressure centrifugal blower ==> 中压离心鼓风机
  17290. intermediate pressure chamber ==> 中间压力室
  17291. intermediate pressure compressor ==> 中压压气机,中压压缩机
  17292. intermediate pressure cylinder ==> 中压缸,中压汽缸
  17293. intermediate pressure section ==> 中压部分,中压段
  17294. intermediate pressure turbine ==> 中压透平
  17295. intermediate principal stress ==> 中间主应力,第二主应力
  17296. intermediate processing element ==> 中间处理部件
  17297. intermediate product ==> 中间产品,中间产物,部分乘积
  17298. intermediate product theory ==> 中间产物理论
  17299. intermediate products ==> 中间商品
  17300. intermediate proof ==> 中间证明
  17301. intermediate propeller shaft ==> 中间传动轴
  17302. intermediate pulley ==> 中间皮带轮
  17303. intermediate pump ==> 中真空泵
  17304. intermediate pumping station ==> 中间泵站
  17305. intermediate quantity ==> 中间量
  17306. intermediate rafter ==> 中间椽
  17307. intermediate rail ==> 中档
  17308. intermediate range ==> 中间范围,中程
  17309. intermediate rays ==> 居间射线,居间射线
  17310. intermediate re-grafting ==> 中间重复嫁接法
  17311. intermediate reaction tower ==> 中间反应塔
  17312. intermediate reactor ==> 中能堆
  17313. intermediate readout ==> 中间读出
  17314. intermediate receiver ==> 中间接受器
  17315. intermediate reduction ==> 中间归约
  17316. intermediate reduction pinion ==> 中间减速过齿轮
  17317. intermediate reduction wheel ==> 中间减速轮
  17318. intermediate reflux ==> 中间回流
  17319. intermediate region ==> 中间区,中能量区
  17320. intermediate relay ==> 中间继电器
  17321. intermediate repair ==> 中間補修
  17322. intermediate repeater ==> 中间中继器
  17323. intermediate repeater station ==> 中間中継所
  17324. intermediate resistance ==> 中间电阻
  17325. intermediate resolution ==> 中等清晰度
  17326. intermediate resonance ==> 中间共振
  17327. intermediate result ==> 中间结果
  17328. intermediate revision ==> 中间检订
  17329. intermediate rib ==> 中间肋,居间肋,居间肋
  17330. intermediate rice soil ==> 中间型水稻土
  17331. intermediate ring road ==> 中环路
  17332. intermediate ringer ==> 中间局振铃器
  17333. intermediate road wheel ==> 中间负重轮
  17334. intermediate rock ==> 中性岩
  17335. intermediate roll ==> 中辊,中间轧辊
  17336. intermediate rolling ==> 中间轧制
  17337. intermediate rolling mill ==> 中间轧机
  17338. intermediate rolling train ==> 中间轧机组,粗轧机组
  17339. intermediate safety chain ==> 中间保险链,中间保险链
  17340. intermediate scale problem ==> 中型问题
  17341. intermediate scale wax ==> 中汗蜡
  17342. intermediate scattering function ==> 中间散射函数
  17343. intermediate scion ==> 居间接穗,居间接穗
  17344. intermediate screening ==> 中间筛
  17345. intermediate sealing glass ==> 过渡封接玻璃
  17346. intermediate section ==> 中段,中间部分,中部
  17347. intermediate segmentation ==> 中间分裂
  17348. intermediate setting wheel ==> 中间过轮
  17349. intermediate shaft ==> 中间轴,中间转动齿轮轴
  17350. intermediate shaft bearing ==> 中间轴承,中间轴轴承
  17351. intermediate shaft bearing sleeve ==> 中间轴轴承套筒
  17352. intermediate shaft cap ==> 中间轴盖
  17353. intermediate shaft sleeve ==> 中轴套
  17354. intermediate shaft supporting bracket ==> 中间轴支架
  17355. intermediate shape ==> 中间形状
  17356. intermediate ship ==> 中型船
  17357. intermediate shock ==> 中深地震
  17358. intermediate sight ==> 中间观测
  17359. intermediate sill ==> 中层帽木
  17360. intermediate sintering ==> 中间烧结
  17361. intermediate sinus ==> 中间窦
  17362. intermediate size homogeneous reactor ==> 中型均匀反应堆
  17363. intermediate slide ==> 中刀架
  17364. intermediate slope angle ==> 中间边坡角
  17365. intermediate soil ==> 中间土壤,过度土壤,过渡土壤
  17366. intermediate solid solution ==> 次生固溶体,中间固溶体
  17367. Intermediate Sorting Plant ==> 废料中间处理中心
  17368. intermediate spacing ==> 适中的植距
  17369. intermediate span ==> 中间跨
  17370. intermediate spectral types ==> 中间光谱型
  17371. intermediate spectrum reactor ==> 中能中子谱堆
  17372. intermediate speed ==> 中速
  17373. intermediate speed pinion ==> 中间小齿轮
  17374. intermediate spermatogonia ==> 中间型精原细胞
  17375. intermediate spindle ==> 中间轴
  17376. intermediate split thickness skin graft ==> 中厚皮片
  17377. intermediate split thickness skin grafting ==> 中厚皮片移植术
  17378. intermediate spotted woodpecker ==> 中斑啄木鸟
  17379. intermediate stage ==> 中间级,中间阶段,中期
  17380. intermediate stage of decay ==> 中期腐朽阶段
  17381. intermediate stand ==> 中间机座
  17382. intermediate state ==> 中间状态
  17383. intermediate state information ==> 中间状态信息,运行设备处于可持续一规定时间的不确定状态的监视信息
  17384. intermediate station ==> 中间站
  17385. intermediate steam ==> 中间蒸汽
  17386. intermediate steering arm ==> 中间转向臂
  17387. intermediate stem ==> 居间茎,居间茎
  17388. intermediate step ==> 中间级
  17389. intermediate stiffener ==> 中間補剛材
  17390. intermediate stiffness ==> 中级刚度
  17391. intermediate stock ==> 中间砧
  17392. intermediate stop valve ==> 中间截止阀
  17393. intermediate storage ==> 中间存储器
  17394. intermediate storage tank ==> 中间储罐
  17395. intermediate store ==> 中间存储器
  17396. intermediate stress ==> 中间应力
  17397. intermediate strike wheel ==> 中间打点轮
  17398. intermediate strip pack ==> 中间充填带
  17399. intermediate strong motion instrument ==> 中强震仪
  17400. intermediate structure ==> 中间组织
  17401. intermediate studdle ==> (井框间)中间支柱
  17402. intermediate sub-control station ==> 中间控制分站
  17403. intermediate subsystem ==> 中介次系
  17404. intermediate sulcus ==> 中间沟
  17405. intermediate sum ==> 中间和
  17406. intermediate sum digit ==> 中间和数位
  17407. intermediate super abrasion furnace (carbon) black ==> 中超耐磨炉法炭黑
  17408. intermediate superheater ==> 中间过热器,再热器
  17409. intermediate superheating ==> 中间过热
  17410. intermediate support ==> 中间支点
  17411. intermediate support spar ==> 中间架杆
  17412. intermediate survey ==> 中间检验
  17413. intermediate sweat wax ==> 中汗蜡
  17414. intermediate switch ==> 中间开关
  17415. intermediate switching station ==> (输电线的)中间开关站
  17416. intermediate syndrome ==> 中间综合征
  17417. intermediate tank ==> 中间罐,中间油罐
  17418. intermediate tap ==> 中间抽头,中间螺丝攻,中间丝锥,二道螺丝攻
  17419. intermediate target of monetary policy ==> 金融政策的中期目标
  17420. intermediate tax ==> 中间税
  17421. intermediate temperature deposits ==> 中温沉积物
  17422. intermediate temperature group ==> 中间温度菌群
  17423. intermediate temperature setting ==> 中间温度固化
  17424. intermediate temperature setting adhesive ==> 中温硬化胶着剂
  17425. intermediate temperature sludge ==> 中温淤渣
  17426. intermediate temperature varnish ==> 中温清漆
  17427. intermediate temperature-setting adhesive ==> 中温凝固胶粘剂
  17428. intermediate tendon ==> 中间腱
  17429. intermediate terminal ==> 中途站
  17430. intermediate theory ==> 中间产物学说
  17431. intermediate thermal medium tank ==> 热载体中间贮槽
  17432. intermediate tide ==> 中间潮
  17433. intermediate tie ==> 中间系杆
  17434. intermediate tissue ==> 中间组织
  17435. intermediate toll center ==> 长途电话中心局
  17436. intermediate total ==> 中计,中间计数
  17437. intermediate trade ==> 中间贸易,中介贸易
  17438. intermediate transfer point ==> 中间转运点
  17439. intermediate transformer ==> 中间变压器
  17440. intermediate transit point ==> 中转点
  17441. intermediate transmission ==> 中间传动
  17442. intermediate transport ==> 中间传送
  17443. intermediate transverse girder ==> 中间横梁
  17444. intermediate tree ==> 中庸木,间型木
  17445. intermediate trench ==> 中间壕
  17446. intermediate trunk distibuting frame ==> 中间中继线配线架
  17447. intermediate trunk distributing frame ==> 中间干线配线架
  17448. intermediate truss ==> 中间桁架
  17449. intermediate type arbo(u)r support ==> 中间刀杆支架
  17450. intermediate underdrive gear ==> 中间轴惰轮
  17451. intermediate unit ==> 中间单位
  17452. intermediate unlocking wheel ==> 中间释放轮
  17453. intermediate uranium fluoride ==> 中间铀氟化物
  17454. intermediate value ==> 中间值
  17455. intermediate value theorem ==> 中間値の定理
  17456. intermediate valve ==> 中间阀
  17457. intermediate valve chamber ==> 中间阀室
  17458. intermediate variable ==> 中间变量
  17459. intermediate variety ==> 中间型品种
  17460. intermediate vector boson ==> 中间矢量玻色子
  17461. intermediate vector meson theory ==> 中间矢量介子论
  17462. intermediate voltage capacitor of a capacitor voltage transformer ==> 电容器式电压互感器的中压电容器
  17463. intermediate voltage terminal (of a capacitor voltage transformer) ==> 电容器式电压互感器的)中压端
  17464. intermediate washer ==> 中间垫片
  17465. intermediate water ==> 过渡带水
  17466. intermediate water layer ==> 过渡带水层
  17467. intermediate wave ==> 中波=>中短波
  17468. intermediate wave energy ==> 中波能
  17469. intermediate waves ==> 中短波
  17470. intermediate wax ==> 中间蜡
  17471. intermediate wheel ==> 空转轮
  17472. intermediate wheel and pinion ==> 中心齿轴
  17473. intermediate wheel lock ==> 中间轮锁杆
  17474. intermediate wheel reverser bridge ==> 中间轮换向夹板
  17475. intermediate winding wheel ==> 中间上条轮
  17476. intermediate wood ==> 中间材
  17477. intermediate yield ==> 中等威力,中间收获
  17478. intermediate zone ==> 中间带,过渡带,过渡区,二次燃烧区
  17479. intermediate βstructure ==> 中间β结构
  17480. intermediate-altitude meteorological satellite ==> 中高度气象卫星
  17481. intermediate-altitude satellite ==> 中高度卫星
  17482. intermediate-current ==> 中电流
  17483. intermediate-focus earthquake ==> 中震源地震
  17484. intermediate-frequency amplifier ==> 中間周波増幅器
  17485. intermediate-frequency oscillator ==> 中频振荡器
  17486. intermediate-frequency strip ==> 中放部分
  17487. intermediate-frequency transformer ==> 中間周波トランス(中間周波変成器)(通信)
  17488. intermediate-period seismograph ==> 中周期地震仪
  17489. intermediate-range pallistic missile (IRBM) ==> 中程弹道导弹
  17490. intermediate-size car ==> 中型小客车
  17491. intermediate-temperature ==> 低温作動
  17492. intermediate-term financing ==> 中期资金筹措
  17493. intermediate-velocity cloud ==> 中速云
  17494. intermediateness ==> 中间性
  17495. intermediates ==> 中间产品,光泽辊
  17496. intermediation ==> 居间调停,居间调停
  17497. intermediation effect ==> 媒介效应
  17498. intermediator ==> 调停人
  17499. intermedin ==> 垂体中叶素,促黑激素,中间素,中叶激素
  17500. intermedio-lateral cell column ==> 侧灰柱
  17501. intermedium ==> 间介骨,中间物,媒介物
  17502. intermedius ==> 中间部
  17503. intermedius meso ==> 中间
  17504. intermedius type ==> 中间型
  17505. intermembrane space ==> 膜间腔
  17506. intermembranous ==> 膜间的
  17507. intermembranous ossification ==> 膜内骨化
  17508. intermembranous part ==> 膜间部
  17509. intermembranous space ==> 膜间腔
  17510. intermeningeal ==> 脑脊膜间的
  17511. intermenstrual bleeding ==> 经间期出血,经间期出血
  17512. intermenstrual fever ==> 经间期热,经间期热
  17513. intermenstrual flow ==> 子宫出血
  17514. intermenstrual period ==> 经间期,经间期,月经期间
  17515. intermenstruum ==> 经间期,经间期
  17516. interment ==> 埋葬
  17517. intermesenteric plexus ==> 肠系膜间丛
  17518. intermeshed scanning ==> 间隔扫描
  17519. intermeshing rolls ==> (磨碎机的)咬合对辊
  17520. intermeshing-rotors helicopter ==> 交叉旋翼式直升飞机
  17521. intermetacarpal ==> 掌骨间的
  17522. intermetacarpal joints ==> 掌骨间关节
  17523. intermetacarpal ligaments ==> 掌骨间韧带
  17524. intermetallic ==> 金属间
  17525. intermetallic compound ==> 金属间化合物
  17526. intermetallic compounds ==> 中间组成物
  17527. intermetallic conmound ==> 金属間化合物
  17528. intermetallic phase ==> 金属间相
  17529. intermetallic phase particle ==> 中间金属相微粒
  17530. intermetallic semiconductor ==> 金属间半导体
  17531. intermetallics ==> 金属间化合物
  17532. intermetatarsal joints ==> 跖骨间关节
  17533. intermicellar solution ==> 微胞际溶液
  17534. intermicellar space ==> 微胞间空隙
  17535. intermicellar substance ==> 微胞间物质
  17536. intermicellar swelling ==> 微胞间溶胀
  17537. intermicrotubular bridge ==> 微管间桥
  17538. intermigration ==> 相互迁移
  17539. intermingle ==> 掺杂
  17540. intermiscibility ==> 互混性
  17541. intermission ==> 间歇,中断,中止时间=>休止,中断,インタミッション
  17542. intermit ==> 中断
  17543. intermitent positive pressure ventilation ==> 间歇正压换气
  17544. intermitlent myocardial ischemia ==> 间歇性心肌缺血
  17545. intermitosis ==> 分裂间期
  17546. intermitotic ==> 分裂间期的,两次有丝分裂间的
  17547. intermitted feed ==> 間欠送り
  17548. intermitted relay ==> 断続継電器
  17549. intermitten service ==> 间断运行
  17550. intermittence ==> 间断,间歇性,中断,中止,周期性
  17551. intermittency ==> 间歇现象,间歇性
  17552. intermittency effect ==> 间歇效应
  17553. intermittent ==> 间歇,间歇机构=>断続的な,間欠的な
  17554. intermittent action ==> 间歇动作=>間欠作用
  17555. intermittent activation ==> 間欠的活性化
  17556. intermittent administration ==> 間欠投与
  17557. intermittent aeration ==> 間欠通気
  17558. intermittent air conditioning ==> 間欠空調
  17559. intermittent alarm ==> 断続的警報
  17560. intermittent aminoaciduria ==> 間欠性アミノ酸尿
  17561. intermittent apnea ==> 间歇性呼吸暂停
  17562. intermittent arc discharge ==> 断续电弧放电
  17563. intermittent arrangement ==> 離散配置
  17564. intermittent arthralgia ==> 间歇性关节痛
  17565. intermittent atrial fibrillation ==> 間欠性心房細動
  17566. intermittent attack ==> 间歇性发作
  17567. intermittent bundle-branch block ==> 间歇性束支阻滞
  17568. intermittent burning ==> 间断燃烧
  17569. intermittent carrier ==> 间歇带菌者
  17570. intermittent charging ==> 间断加料
  17571. intermittent claudication ==> 间歇性跛行综合征
  17572. intermittent combustion ==> 脉动燃烧
  17573. intermittent contact ==> 间断接触=>間欠接触
  17574. intermittent control ==> 间断调节,间歇控制=>点制御
  17575. intermittent controller ==> 不连续作用调节器
  17576. intermittent convection ==> 間欠的対流
  17577. intermittent current ==> 断续电流
  17578. intermittent cut ==> 间歇切削
  17579. intermittent d.c.noncapacitive arc ==> 非电容间歇直流电弧
  17580. intermittent defect ==> 间歇性故障
  17581. intermittent discharge ==> 间歇放电=>間欠放電
  17582. intermittent disconnection ==> 時時断
  17583. intermittent duty ==> 断续工作制,断续工作模式,间歇负载,断续[周期]工作制,电动机的一种标准工作制,表示按一系列相同的工作周期运行,每一周期包括一段恒定负载运行时间和一段停机和断能时间。这种工作制,每一周期的起动电流不致对温升有显著影响=>断続使用
  17584. intermittent duty rating ==> 断续负载额定出力
  17585. intermittent duty relay ==> 间歇工作继电器
  17586. intermittent duty zone ==> 反覆定格領域
  17587. intermittent earth ==> 间歇接地=>時時地気
  17588. intermittent error ==> 间发错误,间歇错误,间歇性错误
  17589. intermittent eruption ==> 间歇喷发
  17590. intermittent failure ==> 间断性故障,间歇失效
  17591. intermittent fault ==> 断续故障,间歇故障,在同一地点、由于同一原因,重复再现的瞬时故障
  17592. intermittent feed ==> 断续送进
  17593. intermittent fillet weld ==> 间断角缝焊接,断续角焊缝
  17594. intermittent fillet welding ==> 断续角焊
  17595. intermittent film projector ==> 断续式放映机
  17596. intermittent filter ==> 间歇过滤法
  17597. intermittent firing ==> 间歇燃烧
  17598. intermittent flow ==> 間欠流
  17599. intermittent flushing ==> 間欠的な洗浄
  17600. intermittent fountain ==> 間欠噴水
  17601. intermittent fractionation ==> 间歇分馏
  17602. intermittent gas lift ==> 间歇举气
  17603. intermittent gaslift ==> 间歇气升
  17604. intermittent generation ==> 間欠性電源
  17605. intermittent generator ==> 间歇振荡器
  17606. intermittent grazing ==> 间断放牧,间歇性放牧
  17607. intermittent heat ==> 断续加热
  17608. intermittent hematuria ==> 间歇性血尿
  17609. intermittent hepatic fever ==> 夏科氏热,肝病性间歇热
  17610. intermittent host ==> 间歇宿主
  17611. intermittent hydrosalpinx ==> 间歇性输卵管积水,外溢性输卵管积水
  17612. intermittent indexing ==> 间断分度法,逐齿分度法
  17613. intermittent input ==> 脉动输入
  17614. intermittent integration ==> 间歇积分,间歇累计
  17615. intermittent interrupted ==> 断续的
  17616. intermittent life ==> 间歇寿命
  17617. intermittent light ==> 间歇光
  17618. intermittent load ==> 间歇负载,间歇荷载,间歇载荷,断歇载荷,脉冲负荷
  17619. intermittent loading ==> 断续加载
  17620. intermittent manner ==> 間欠的方法
  17621. intermittent manufacture ==> 间断制造
  17622. intermittent measurement ==> 間欠測定
  17623. intermittent mixing ==> 间歇搅拌法
  17624. intermittent mode ==> 間欠モード
  17625. intermittent motion ==> 间歇运动=>間欠運動
  17626. intermittent motion mechanism ==> 间歇运动机构
  17627. intermittent movement ==> 间歇运动
  17628. intermittent movement projector ==> 断续传动式放映机
  17629. intermittent oiling ==> 间断油润滑
  17630. intermittent operation ==> 间歇动作,间断运行,机组随着电网负荷的变化,低负荷时停用,高负荷时起动运行的方式=>間欠作動
  17631. intermittent oscillation ==> 间歇振荡=>間欠振動
  17632. intermittent overhead spray nozzle ==> 间隙式顶喷嘴
  17633. intermittent oxygen therapy ==> 间歇给氧疗法
  17634. intermittent pain ==> 间歇痛=>間欠的な痛み
  17635. intermittent paralysis ==> 间歇性麻痹
  17636. intermittent parasite ==> 间歇寄生虫
  17637. intermittent period of transmission ==> 传播休止期
  17638. intermittent periodic duty type ==> 断续周期工作模式
  17639. intermittent periodic rating ==> 反復定格
  17640. intermittent point welding ==> 断续点焊
  17641. intermittent porphyria ==> 间歇性卟啉症
  17642. intermittent positive pressure breathing (IPPB) ==> 间歇性正压呼吸
  17643. intermittent power source ==> 間欠性出力電源
  17644. intermittent pre-excitation syndrome ==> 间歇性预激综合征
  17645. intermittent prodromal glaucoma ==> 间歇性前驱期青光眼
  17646. intermittent production ==> 间断生产
  17647. intermittent projector ==> 断续式放映机
  17648. intermittent pulse ==> 脉搏短绌,脉结代,间歇脉
  17649. intermittent ratio ==> 间歇运动比
  17650. intermittent reaction ==> 间歇反应
  17651. intermittent recorder ==> 间歇记录器,打点式记录器=>間欠記録計器
  17652. intermittent region ==> 断续区
  17653. intermittent regulation system ==> 断续调节系统
  17654. intermittent relay ==> 断続リレー
  17655. intermittent renewable energy source ==> 自然変動エネルギー
  17656. intermittent ringing ==> 断続信号
  17657. intermittent river ==> 間欠河川
  17658. intermittent running ==> 断続運転
  17659. intermittent scanning ==> 间歇扫描=>間欠走査
  17660. intermittent service ==> 断续工作模式,间断使用
  17661. intermittent slight fever ==> 间歇性低热
  17662. intermittent spray ==> 间断喷雾
  17663. intermittent spring ==> 间歇泉
  17664. intermittent sterilization ==> 间歇灭菌,分段灭菌
  17665. intermittent stimulation ==> 间频刺激
  17666. intermittent strabismus ==> 间歇性斜视
  17667. intermittent stream ==> 间歇河
  17668. intermittent stress ==> 间歇应力,周期应力
  17669. intermittent system ==> 断续系统
  17670. intermittent test ==> 间歇负载试验
  17671. intermittent thickener ==> 间歇浓缩机
  17672. intermittent total hematuria ==> 间歇性全血尿
  17673. intermittent transport ==> 間欠的輸送
  17674. intermittent treatment ==> 间歇疗法=>間欠式処理
  17675. intermittent type ==> 連断続形
  17676. intermittent type meter ==> 间歇式测量仪表
  17677. intermittent type milling cutter ==> 间歇式印片
  17678. intermittent unit ==> 断续装置
  17679. intermittent weld ==> 断续焊,断续焊缝
  17680. intermittent welding ==> 断续焊接
  17681. intermittent wind tunnel ==> 短时式风洞
  17682. intermittent wiping ==> 刮水器的间歇擦拭
  17683. intermittent working ==> 隔年作业
  17684. intermittent yield ==> 隔年收获
  17685. intermittent-acting mill ==> 周期式轧机
  17686. intermittent-firing duct engine ==> 脉动式喷气发动机
  17687. intermittently rainy climate ==> 间歇雨季气候
  17688. intermitter ==> 间歇调节器
  17689. intermix ==> 搅拌
  17690. intermix tape ==> 混用磁带
  17691. intermixing ==> 混合
  17692. intermixture ==> 混合剂,混合物,混合液
  17693. intermodal distortion ==> 模间畸变
  17694. intermodal road ==> 协调联运公路
  17695. intermodal transport ==> 协调联运=>インターモーグル輸送
  17696. intermode beats ==> 模间拍
  17697. intermode inferference ==> モード間干渉
  17698. intermode spacing frequency ==> 模间间隔频率
  17699. intermodulated fluorescence ==> 内调荧光
  17700. intermodulation ==> 交叉调制,交调,相互调制,互调,互扰调制=>相互変調
  17701. intermodulation crosstalk ==> 互调串话=>相互変調漏話
  17702. intermodulation distortion ==> 互调失真
  17703. intermodulation distortion meter ==> 互调失真仪
  17704. intermodulation effect ==> 交叉调制作用,交调效应
  17705. intermodulation frequency ==> 互调差频
  17706. intermodulation interference ==> 互调干扰
  17707. intermodulation noise ==> 互调制噪声=>相互変調雑音
  17708. intermodulation product ==> 相互调制分量,交调产物=>相互変調積
  17709. intermolecular ==> 分子间,分子间的=>分子間の
  17710. intermolecular addition ==> 分子間付加
  17711. intermolecular aggregation ==> 分子間凝集
  17712. intermolecular attraction ==> 分子间引力
  17713. intermolecular bonding energy ==> 分子间键合能
  17714. intermolecular cohesion ==> 分子间内聚力
  17715. intermolecular cross-linking ==> 分子间交联
  17716. intermolecular cyclization ==> 分子間環化
  17717. intermolecular distance ==> 分子间距离
  17718. intermolecular disulfide ==> 分子間ジスルフィド
  17719. intermolecular force ==> 分子间力
  17720. intermolecular hydro gen bonding ==> 分子间氢键
  17721. intermolecular interaction ==> 分子间相互作用
  17722. intermolecular labelling ==> 分子内标记
  17723. intermolecular ligation ==> 分子间连接
  17724. intermolecular linkage ==> 分子间键
  17725. intermolecular migration ==> 分子间转移作用
  17726. intermolecular orbital ==> 分子间轨道
  17727. intermolecular ordering ==> 分子间有序化
  17728. intermolecular oxidation ==> 分子间氧化作用
  17729. intermolecular potential energy ==> 分子间势能
  17730. intermolecular reaction ==> 分子相互反应
  17731. intermolecular repulsion ==> 分子间斥力
  17732. intermolecular respiration ==> 分子间呼吸
  17733. intermolecular transfer ==> 分子间转移
  17734. intermolecular transposition ==> 分子间重排作用,分子间重排作用
  17735. intermonsoonal rain ==> 间季风雨季
  17736. intermont ==> 山间凹地,山间的
  17737. intermontane ==> 山间的
  17738. intermontane basin ==> 山间盆地
  17739. intermontane deep ==> 山间拗陷
  17740. intermontane depression ==> 山间拗陷
  17741. intermontane glacier ==> 山谷冰川,山间冰川,山麓汇合冰川
  17742. intermontane trough ==> 山间槽地
  17743. intermountainous ==> 山间的
  17744. intermuscular fat ==> 肌肉间脂肪
  17745. intermuscular needling ==> 分刺
  17746. intermuscular septum ==> 肌间隔
  17747. intermyocytic substance ==> 肌细胞间质
  17748. intern ==> 实习生,实习医师,拘留=>インターンシップ
  17749. intern allayer ==> 内层
  17750. intern architect ==> 实习建筑师
  17751. internal ==> 内部的,内在的,分散相=>国内の,体内の,内の,内部の
  17752. internal (-)heat drier ==> 内部加热式干燥机
  17753. internal (position) isomer ==> 内异构体
  17754. internal (probe) target ==> 内靶
  17755. internal (submerged-type) desuperheater ==> 内部减热器
  17756. internal ablation ==> 内部烧蚀
  17757. internal abnormal voltage ==> 内部反常电压=>内部異常電圧
  17758. internal absorbent method ==> (元素分析的)内吸收法
  17759. internal absorptance ==> 内吸光率,内吸收比
  17760. internal absorption ==> 内吸收
  17761. internal absorption factor ==> 内吸收率,内吸收因数
  17762. internal accessories of tank ==> 油罐内部零件
  17763. internal account ==> 境内帐户,境内帐户
  17764. internal accounting ==> 内部会计
  17765. internal accounting control ==> 内部会计控制
  17766. internal accounting system ==> 内部会計システム
  17767. internal acetylene ==> 内部アセチレン
  17768. internal acidification ==> 内部酸性化
  17769. internal acoustic field ==> 内部音場
  17770. internal acoustic meatus ==> 内耳道
  17771. internal action ==> 内部作用
  17772. internal activity ==> 内在活动
  17773. internal addition ==> 内位加成
  17774. internal address ==> 内部地址
  17775. internal adjustment ==> 内部平差,内面校正
  17776. internal adjustment scope ==> 内调式瞄准镜
  17777. internal administrative control ==> 内部管理控制
  17778. internal admission ==> (蒸汽机)内进汽
  17779. internal adsorption ==> 内吸附
  17780. internal aerodynamics ==> 内流空气动力学
  17781. internal agent ==> 内在动因
  17782. internal agreement ==> 内部符合
  17783. internal air baffle ==> 内导风板
  17784. internal air duct ==> 内部通风沟
  17785. internal alphabet ==> 内字母表
  17786. internal analog loop ==> 内部模拟环路
  17787. internal analysis ==> 内部分析
  17788. internal and external equilibrium ==> 内外平衡
  17789. internal and external ga(u)ge ==> 内外径规
  17790. internal and external snap ga(u)ge ==> 内外径规
  17791. internal angle ==> 内部相差角
  17792. internal angle of an alternator ==> 交流电机内角,交流电机的内电动势和其端电压之间的相角差
  17793. internal angle to cove skirting ==> (釉面砖的配件砖)壁脚弯砖阴角
  17794. internal ankle height ==> 内踝高
  17795. internal annular shake ==> 木心环裂
  17796. internal antenna ==> 内天线
  17797. internal antistat ==> 内用抗静电剂
  17798. internal applied tanking ==> 内防水套
  17799. internal arcuate fibres ==> 内弓状纤维
  17800. internal area ==> 内域
  17801. internal area ratio ==> 内面积比
  17802. internal arithmetic ==> 内部运算
  17803. internal arithmetic (al) ==> 机内运算
  17804. internal arrangement ==> 内部协议
  17805. internal aspect ==> 内面
  17806. internal attachment ==> 内加工装置
  17807. internal attribute ==> 内部表征,内部属性
  17808. internal audit ==> 内部稽核,内部审计
  17809. internal audit service ==> 内部审计处
  17810. internal audit system ==> 内部审计制度
  17811. internal auditing ==> 内部审计
  17812. internal auditing manual ==> 内部审计规程
  17813. internal auditing standard ==> 内部审计标准
  17814. internal auditor ==> 内部审计员
  17815. internal auditory canal ==> 内耳道
  17816. internal auditory meatus ==> 内耳道
  17817. internal axis of eye ==> 眼内轴
  17818. internal band brake ==> 内带闸
  17819. internal barrier ==> 内势垒
  17820. internal base resistance ==> 基极内电阻
  17821. internal beam ==> 内束
  17822. internal beam current ==> 内束流
  17823. internal beam energy ==> 内束能量
  17824. internal beamsplitting layer ==> 内射束分离层
  17825. internal bending crack ==> 弯曲内裂
  17826. internal bevel gear ==> 内锥齿轮
  17827. internal bias ==> 内部偏移,腹偏移
  17828. internal bird's beak ==> 阴条角尖嘴砖
  17829. internal bisector ==> 内分角线
  17830. internal block ==> 内部分程序,内分程序
  17831. internal block brake ==> 内蹄外张式制动器
  17832. internal boiler water treatment, internal boiler water conditioning ==> 锅内水处理,通过向锅炉汽包加入适量的化学药剂并适量排污,调节锅水水质达到规定标准,以防止或减轻受热面腐蚀及积集沉积物的处理过程
  17833. internal bound block ==> 内带滑车
  17834. internal boundary condition ==> 内边界条件
  17835. internal bracing ==> 内部拉条
  17836. internal bracket ==> 内括号
  17837. internal brake ==> 内蹄制动器,内制动器
  17838. internal brake band ==> 内闸带
  17839. internal brake shoe ==> 内制动蹄
  17840. internal branch ==> 内支
  17841. internal branchia ==> 内鳃
  17842. internal break ==> 内裂
  17843. internal breakdown ==> 内部损坏
  17844. internal breeder ==> 内部再生区,增殖反应堆
  17845. internal breeding ==> 内增殖
  17846. internal breeding ratio ==> 内部再生系数,内增殖比
  17847. internal bremsstrahlung ==> 内韧致辐射
  17848. internal broach ==> 内拉刀
  17849. internal broacher ==> 内拉床
  17850. internal broaching ==> 内拉削
  17851. internal broaching machine ==> 内拉床
  17852. internal bud ==> 内芽
  17853. internal buffer ==> 内部缓冲区,内缓冲区
  17854. internal bull-nose brick ==> 内凹砖
  17855. internal bunching ==> 内聚束
  17856. internal buoyancy ==> 内部浮体
  17857. internal buoyancy appliance ==> 内部浮力装置
  17858. internal burden (of a current transformer) ==> (电流互感器的)内负载
  17859. internal cable ==> 内部电线
  17860. internal cal(l)iper ga(u)ge ==> 内径卡规
  17861. internal cal(l)ipers ==> 内卡钳
  17862. internal caliber gauge ==> 内径卡尺
  17863. internal calibration ==> 内校准
  17864. internal calibration source ==> 内校准源
  17865. internal capacitance ==> 内部电容,内电容
  17866. internal capacity ==> 管内电容
  17867. internal capsule ==> 内囊
  17868. internal carotid arteriography ==> 颈内动脉造影术,颈内动脉造影术
  17869. internal carotid plexus ==> 颈内动脉丛,颈内动脉丛
  17870. internal carotid venous plexus ==> 颈内动脉静脉丛,颈内动脉静脉丛
  17871. internal carotis aneurysm in cavernous sinus ==> 海绵窦内颈内动脉瘤
  17872. internal cast ==> 石核模
  17873. internal catalyst bed ==> 内催化剂床
  17874. internal cathodic protection ==> 内阴极保护
  17875. internal cause ==> 内因
  17876. internal cavity ==> 内部孔穴
  17877. internal cell ==> 内室
  17878. internal center drilling ==> 内中心钻孔
  17879. internal centerless grinder ==> 内圆无心磨床
  17880. internal centerless grinding machine ==> 内圆无心磨床
  17881. internal cephalic version ==> 儿头内回转
  17882. internal cervical orifice ==> 子宫颈内口
  17883. internal chaining ==> 内链接
  17884. internal channel ==> 内部沟道
  17885. internal characteristic curve ==> 内部特性曲线=>内部特性曲線
  17886. internal characteristics ==> 内部特性,固有特性
  17887. internal check ==> 内部干裂,内部牵制,内裂
  17888. internal check system ==> 内部牵制制度
  17889. internal check valve ==> (油罐)内单向阀
  17890. internal chiasma ==> 内部交叉,内交叉
  17891. internal chill ==> 内冷铁,反白口
  17892. internal circuit ==> 内电路
  17893. internal circular planing ==> 刨圆孔法
  17894. internal circulation ==> 内循环
  17895. internal circumferential lamella ==> 内环骨板
  17896. internal cladding ==> 内挂板
  17897. internal classification ==> (磨机)内部分级
  17898. internal clearance ==> (滚动轴承等的)内部间隙
  17899. internal clock ==> 内时标,内时钟
  17900. internal clock generator ==> 内时钟发生器
  17901. internal clock source ==> 内部时钟源
  17902. internal clocking ==> 内部计时,内部时钟
  17903. internal closing bracket ==> 内闭括号
  17904. internal clutch gear ==> 内离合齿轮
  17905. internal coagulant ==> 内施凝固剂
  17906. internal coconut piece ==> 阴三角
  17907. internal code ==> 内部代码,内部码
  17908. internal cohesion ==> (土或材料的)内粘聚力
  17909. internal combusion power plant ==> 内燃机发电厂
  17910. internal combustion ==> 内燃,内燃烧
  17911. internal combustion burner ==> 内燃喷嘴
  17912. internal combustion engine ==> 内燃機関,内燃机
  17913. internal combustion engine cycle ==> 内燃機関サイクル
  17914. internal combustion engine driven generator ==> 内燃机拖动的发电机
  17915. internal combustion engine motor vehicle ==> 内燃自動車
  17916. internal combustion engine oil ==> 内燃機関油
  17917. internal combustion engine power plant ==> 内燃力発電所
  17918. internal combustion engine repair ship ==> 内燃机修理船
  17919. internal combustion engine vehicle ==> 内燃機関自動車(ICEV)
  17920. internal combustion gas turbine ==> 内燃ガスタービン
  17921. internal combustion loco(motive) ==> 内燃机车
  17922. internal combustion locomotive ==> 内燃機関車
  17923. internal combustion piston engine ==> 内燃活塞式发动机
  17924. internal combustion power ==> 内燃力
  17925. internal combustion power generation ==> 内燃力発電
  17926. internal combustion power plant ==> 内燃力発電所
  17927. internal combustion power station ==> 内燃力発電所
  17928. internal combustion pump ==> 内燃泵
  17929. internal combustion turbine ==> 燃气轮机
  17930. internal commerce ==> 国内贸易
  17931. internal common tangent ==> 内公切线
  17932. internal common tangent plane ==> 内公切面
  17933. internal communication circuit ==> 内部通信线路
  17934. internal communication system ==> 内部通信系统
  17935. internal compensated inactive compound ==> 内消旋化合物
  17936. internal compensation ==> 内部补偿,内消旋作用
  17937. internal composition ==> 内部合成
  17938. internal compressor ==> 内部压气机
  17939. internal Compton effect ==> 内康普顿效应
  17940. internal concrete vibrator ==> 混凝土内部振捣器
  17941. internal condensation ==> 内缩合,内缩合作用
  17942. internal conductance ==> 内部电导
  17943. internal conduction ==> 内导
  17944. internal conductor ==> 内部导体
  17945. internal configuration ==> 内部构形
  17946. internal conical refraction ==> 内锥形折射
  17947. internal conjugate diameter ==> 真直径
  17948. internal connection ==> 内部连接
  17949. internal connection diagram ==> 器具内部接続図
  17950. internal consistency ==> 内部相容性
  17951. internal consistency criterion ==> 内部一致性准则
  17952. internal consistency index ==> 内部一致性指数
  17953. internal constant ==> 内部常数
  17954. internal consultants ==> 内部顾问师
  17955. internal consumption ==> 内部消耗,本体消耗
  17956. internal contact ==> 内接触
  17957. internal contact potential difference ==> 内部接触电位差
  17958. internal contour sawing ==> 内轮廓锯法
  17959. internal contracting brake ==> 抱闸
  17960. internal contraction ==> 内收缩
  17961. internal control point ==> 内部控制点
  17962. internal control questionnaire ==> 内部控制调查表
  17963. internal control report ==> 内部控制报告
  17964. internal control standard ==> 内部控制标准
  17965. internal control system ==> 内部管理制度,内部控制系统
  17966. internal controller ==> 燃气舵
  17967. internal controls ==> 内部控制
  17968. internal controls of growth and development ==> 生长及发育的内部控制因素
  17969. internal convection sensitive element ==> 内对流敏感元件
  17970. internal conversion ==> 内部转换
  17971. internal conversion coefficient ==> 内转换系数
  17972. internal conversion factor ==> 内转换因子
  17973. internal conversion neutron detector ==> 内转换中子探测器
  17974. internal conversion ratio ==> 内转换比
  17975. internal conversion routine ==> 内部转换程序
  17976. internal conversion spectrometer ==> 内转换谱仪
  17977. internal cooling ==> 内部冷却,内冷却
  17978. internal cooling blow pipe ==> 内冷式吹管
  17979. internal cooling generator ==> 内冷发电机
  17980. internal cooling grinding ==> 内冷却磨削
  17981. internal coordinate ==> 内坐标
  17982. internal coordination ==> 内部协调
  17983. internal core trade ==> 内部核心贸易
  17984. internal cork ==> 内木栓层
  17985. internal corner ==> 阴角
  17986. internal corrosion ==> 内部腐蚀,内锈蚀
  17987. internal cost ==> 内部成本
  17988. internal counter ==> 内计数管
  17989. internal crack ==> 内部裂纹
  17990. internal cremaster muscle ==> 内提睾肌
  17991. internal cross bracing ==> 内部交叉拉条
  17992. internal crucible ==> 本床
  17993. internal cutting off ==> 内切断
  17994. internal cylindrical ga(u)ge ==> 柱形测孔规
  17995. internal cystidium ==> 内囊状体
  17996. internal damping ==> 内阻尼
  17997. internal damping coefficient ==> 内阻尼系数
  17998. internal damping losses ==> 内阻尼损失
  17999. internal data ==> 内部数据,内部资料
  18000. internal data field ==> 内数据段,内数据域
  18001. internal data structure ==> 内数据结构
  18002. internal debt ==> 内债
  18003. internal decimal digit ==> 内部十进制数字
  18004. internal defect ==> (铸件橡胶制品等的)内部缺陷
  18005. internal defocusing ==> 内散焦
  18006. internal degree of freedom ==> 内自由度
  18007. internal delustring ==> 内部消光
  18008. internal deposit ==> 汽水侧沉积物,锅炉引风机、烟气再循环风机等处在低温烟气氛围中受到烟气中腐蚀性物质的腐蚀损坏的现象。
  18009. internal derangement of knee joint ==> 膝关节内扰乱
  18010. internal diagnostics ==> 内路诊断
  18011. internal dial ga(u)ge ==> 内径千分表
  18012. internal diameter ==> 内径
  18013. internal diameter method ==> 内径法
  18014. internal diameter of pipe ==> 管内径
  18015. internal diameter of pipe bore of pipe ==> 管的内径
  18016. internal diameter of right ventricle ==> 右室内径
  18017. internal dielectric loss ==> 内部介电损耗
  18018. internal dielectric membrane ==> 内弹性膜
  18019. internal differential compensating pinion ==> 内差速补偿小行星齿轮
  18020. internal diffusion ==> 内扩散
  18021. internal dimensions ==> 内部尺寸
  18022. internal direct sum ==> 内直和
  18023. internal discontinuity ==> 内部间断
  18024. internal diseconomy ==> 内部的不经济
  18025. internal dispersion ==> 内色散
  18026. internal displacement coordinate ==> 内位移坐标
  18027. internal disruption ==> 内部崩壊
  18028. internal dissension ==> 内紛
  18029. internal dissipation ==> 内部散逸
  18030. internal dissipation inequality ==> 内耗不等式
  18031. internal distance ==> 内部距離
  18032. internal distribution pattern ==> 内分布型
  18033. internal disturbance ==> 内干扰,内扰
  18034. internal diversity ==> 内部差异
  18035. internal division ==> 内分
  18036. internal donor ==> 内部ドナー
  18037. internal door ==> 内门
  18038. internal dormancy ==> (种子)内部休眠
  18039. internal dose ==> 内部線量
  18040. internal dosimetry ==> 内部線量
  18041. internal double bond ==> 内双键
  18042. internal double-run drill ==> 内槽轮排种播种机
  18043. internal double-run feed ==> 内槽轮双边排种器
  18044. internal drag ==> 内部阻力
  18045. internal drag curve ==> 内阻力曲线
  18046. internal drain ==> 内部流失
  18047. internal drainage ==> 内泄油,(不入海的)内陆水系,(指土壤)内部排水
  18048. internal drainage of pancreatic duct ==> 胰管内引流术
  18049. internal drainage system ==> 内部排水系统
  18050. internal drift current ==> 内部漂流,内部漂流
  18051. internal drilling ==> 内钻孔
  18052. internal drop ==> 内部电压降
  18053. internal drop hammer ==> 内部吊锤
  18054. internal drum filter ==> 内滤鼓式过滤机
  18055. internal dynamics ==> 内动力学
  18056. internal e.m.f. ==> 内电动势
  18057. internal ear ==> 内耳,内耳
  18058. internal ear fenestration knife ==> 内耳开窗刀
  18059. internal earth ==> 内搭铁
  18060. internal economy ==> 内部的节约
  18061. internal economy of scale ==> 厂内规模经济
  18062. internal education ==> 内部教育
  18063. internal efficiency ==> 内部效率,内效率,实际焓降与等熵焓降之比
  18064. internal efficiency ratio ==> 相对内效率
  18065. internal elastic membrane ==> 内弹性膜
  18066. internal electric source ==> 内部电源
  18067. internal electrically energizable heater element ==> 内供电式加热器元件
  18068. internal electrode position control ==> 内部电极位置控制
  18069. internal electrogravimetry ==> 内电重量法
  18070. internal electrolysis ==> 内电解法
  18071. internal electromotive force ==> 内电动势
  18072. internal emission line ==> 内发射线
  18073. internal energy ==> 内能=>内部エネルギー
  18074. internal energy balance ==> 内部能量平衡
  18075. internal energy per unit mass ==> 单位质量内能
  18076. internal entropy ==> 内部平均信息量
  18077. internal environment ==> 内部环境,内环境,内在环境
  18078. internal epicondyle of femur ==> 股骨内上髁
  18079. internal equalizer ==> 内部均压装置
  18080. internal equilibrium ==> 内部平衡
  18081. internal erosion ==> 暗蚀,层内侵蚀
  18082. internal ester ==> 内酯
  18083. internal exchange ==> 内汇
  18084. internal exhaust gas recirculation ==> 内部排气再循环
  18085. internal expanded coupling ==> 内胀式管接头
  18086. internal expanding ==> 内涨
  18087. internal expanding brake ==> 内胀式制动器
  18088. internal expanding drum brake ==> 内涨型鼓式制动器
  18089. internal expanding shoe brake ==> 内蹄外张式制动器
  18090. internal exposure ==> 体内照射
  18091. internal external rotary pump ==> 内外转子泵
  18092. internal factor ==> 内在因子
  18093. internal failsafe timer ==> 内保险计时器
  18094. internal Faraday rotation ==> 内禀法拉第旋转
  18095. internal fat ==> 腹油
  18096. internal fault ==> 内部故障,内部事故,Power system fault within the protected section.
  18097. internal fault current test ==> 区内故障电流试验
  18098. internal feed pipe ==> 内给水管
  18099. internal feedback ==> 内反馈
  18100. internal fertilization ==> 体内受精
  18101. internal fibrillation ==> 内部帚化
  18102. internal field ==> 内场
  18103. internal field alternator ==> 内极式同步发电机
  18104. internal field emission ==> 内场发射
  18105. internal finance ==> (收益留存加折旧)内部资金
  18106. internal financing ==> 内部筹款,内部资金提供
  18107. internal firebox boiler ==> 内火室锅炉
  18108. internal fired furnace ==> 内燃炉,内燃烧炉
  18109. internal firing of brick ==> 内燃烧砖法
  18110. internal fissure ==> 内部裂纹
  18111. internal fistula of rectum ==> 直肠内瘘
  18112. internal fittings of tank ==> 油罐内部设备
  18113. internal fixation of fracture ==> 骨折内固定术
  18114. internal fixation of fracture of femoral shaft ==> 股骨干骨折内固定术
  18115. internal fixation of fracture of humeral shaft ==> 肱骨干骨折内固定术
  18116. internal fixation of phalangeal fracture ==> 指骨骨折内固定术
  18117. internal fixation of spine ==> 脊柱内固定
  18118. internal fixation with screws ==> 螺丝钉内固定术
  18119. internal fixation with stainless plate ==> 不锈钢板内固定术
  18120. internal fixation with steel plate ==> 钢板内固定术
  18121. internal floating-head exchanger ==> 内浮盖式换热器
  18122. internal flow ==> (金属轧断时的)内变形
  18123. internal flow characteristics ==> 内部流动特性
  18124. internal flow counter ==> 内源流气计数器
  18125. internal flue ==> 内烟管,室内烟道
  18126. internal flue boiler ==> 内焰管锅炉
  18127. internal fluid friction ==> 液体内摩擦
  18128. internal fluorescent lighting ==> 内设荧光灯
  18129. internal flxation for fracture of patella ==> 髌骨骨折内固定术
  18130. internal focusing ==> 内调焦
  18131. internal focusing telescope ==> 内调望远镜,内对光望远镜
  18132. internal force ==> 内力
  18133. internal force feed ==> 内槽轮排种器
  18134. internal form ==> 内部格式,内部形式
  18135. internal fracture ==> 内部破碎
  18136. internal fragmentation ==> 内部存储残片,内部存储碎片
  18137. internal friction ==> 内部摩擦,内耗,内摩擦,内摩擦力,粘性
  18138. internal friction angle ==> (土壤)内摩擦角
  18139. internal friction twist principle ==> 内摩擦加捻原理
  18140. internal frictional losses ==> 内摩擦损失
  18141. internal frosting ==> 内面磨沙
  18142. internal function register ==> 内部功能寄存器,内操作寄存器
  18143. internal furnace ==> 内燃烧室
  18144. internal furnace ion source ==> 内炉离子源
  18145. internal gas counter ==> 内气体计数管
  18146. internal gas drive ==> 内部气驱
  18147. internal gas pressure ==> 内气压
  18148. internal gas-heated retort ==> 内热釜
  18149. internal gating ==> 内选通
  18150. internal gauge ==> 内径规
  18151. internal gear ==> 定子齿轮
  18152. internal gear broach ==> 内齿轮铰刀
  18153. internal gear clutch ==> 内齿离合器
  18154. internal gear drive ==> 内齿轮传动
  18155. internal gear grinder ==> 内齿轮磨床
  18156. internal gear motor ==> 内齿轮液压马达
  18157. internal gear pump ==> 内齿轮泵
  18158. internal gear rotary pump ==> 内齿轮回转泵
  18159. internal gear tester ==> 内齿轮检查仪
  18160. internal gearing ==> 内齿啮合,内啮合
  18161. internal genitalia ==> 内生殖器
  18162. internal gland ==> 内压盖
  18163. internal granular layer ==> 内颗粒层,内粒层
  18164. internal graticule ==> (阴极射线管的)内标度
  18165. internal grinder ==> 内圆磨床
  18166. internal grinding ==> 磨内圆,内表面研磨,内圆磨削
  18167. internal grinding action ==> 内磨作用
  18168. internal grinding attachment ==> 内磨附件,内圆磨削附件
  18169. internal grinding fixture ==> 内磨削夹具
  18170. internal grinding head ==> 内圆磨头
  18171. internal grinding machine ==> 内圆磨床
  18172. internal groove ==> 内槽
  18173. internal groove sidewall ==> 内槽壁
  18174. internal grooving ==> 内开槽
  18175. internal hair ==> 内毛
  18176. internal hair cell ==> 内毛细胞
  18177. internal harmonics ==> 内调和函数
  18178. internal haze ==> 内混浊
  18179. internal heat ==> 内能热,内热
  18180. internal heat exchange ==> 内部热交换
  18181. internal heat generation ==> 内发热
  18182. internal heat source ==> 内热源
  18183. internal heating ==> 内发热
  18184. internal heating method for rock fragmentation ==> 内加热法破岩
  18185. internal heating surface ==> 内受热面
  18186. internal hemorrhage ==> 内出血
  18187. internal hemorrhoid ==> 内痔
  18188. internal hemorrhoid with prolapse of rectum ==> 气痔
  18189. internal hemorrhoidectomy ==> 内痔切除术
  18190. internal honing ==> 内圆珩磨
  18191. internal honing machine ==> 内圆珩床
  18192. internal horizontal drive ==> 内行推动
  18193. internal humeral epicondylitis ==> 肱骨内上髁炎
  18194. internal hydrocephaly ==> 梗阻性脑积水
  18195. internal hydrogen cooling ==> 氢内冷
  18196. internal idle time ==> 内空闲时间
  18197. internal ignition ==> 内部燃烧
  18198. internal iliac artery ==> 髂内动脉
  18199. internal iliac lymph nodes ==> 髂内淋巴结
  18200. internal iliac vein ==> 髂内静脉
  18201. internal illumination ==> 内部照明
  18202. internal impedance ==> 内阻抗=>内部インピーダンス
  18203. internal incentive mechanism ==> 内部刺激机制
  18204. internal indicator ==> 内部指示剂,内指示剂
  18205. internal inductance ==> 内电感
  18206. internal information ==> 内部情报,内部信息
  18207. internal information processing system ==> 内部信息处理系统
  18208. internal inhibition ==> 内抑制
  18209. internal injury caused by metallic tool ==> 金疮内伤
  18210. internal inner ring ==> 内缓冲器
  18211. internal inspection ==> 内部检验
  18212. internal insulation ==> 内绝缘=>内部絶縁
  18213. internal integument ==> 内珠被
  18214. internal intercostal ligaments ==> 肋间内韧带
  18215. internal intercostal membrane ==> 肋间内膜
  18216. internal interference ==> 内干扰
  18217. internal interrupt ==> 内部中断,内中断
  18218. internal interruption ==> 内部中断=>内部割込み
  18219. internal irradiation ==> 内辐照
  18220. internal irradiation hazard ==> 内照射危险
  18221. internal irradiation of radioactive nuclide ==> 放射性核素内照射
  18222. internal irregular point ==> 内非正则点
  18223. internal irregularity ==> 内生紊乱
  18224. internal isolation voltage ==> 内部絶縁電圧(サーミスタ)
  18225. internal jugular vein puncture ==> 颈内静脉穿刺,颈内静脉穿刺
  18226. internal key ==> 内键
  18227. internal keyboard ==> 内键盘
  18228. internal keyway ==> 内键槽
  18229. internal kinetic energy ==> 内在动能
  18230. internal label ==> 内部标号=>内部レベル
  18231. internal labeling ==> 内标记
  18232. internal labor market ==> 内部劳动力市场
  18233. internal lamination ==> 内部层裂
  18234. internal lap ==> 内研磨杆
  18235. internal latent heat ==> 内潜能
  18236. internal layout ==> 内部布置图
  18237. internal lead ==> 内引线
  18238. internal leakage ==> 内泄漏
  18239. internal least squares ==> 内部最小平方法
  18240. internal lebensspuren ==> 内部生物遗迹
  18241. internal ligament ==> 内韧带
  18242. internal limit ga(u)ge ==> 内径极限规
  18243. internal limit gauge ==> 内径极限规
  18244. internal limiting cell ==> 内界细胞
  18245. internal limiting membrane ==> 内界膜
  18246. internal linear transformation ==> 内部线性变换
  18247. internal liner ==> 内衬
  18248. internal lip ==> 内唇
  18249. internal liquidity ==> 内在流量
  18250. internal loadbearing wall ==> 内承重墙
  18251. internal loading ==> (集装箱等的)内荷载
  18252. internal loan ==> 内债
  18253. internal lobe ==> 内叶
  18254. internal lock signal ==> 内锁信号
  18255. internal loss ==> 内损失
  18256. internal loss torque ==> 内损转矩
  18257. internal losses ==> 内部损失
  18258. internal lubrication ==> 内部润滑法
  18259. internal machine representation ==> 机内表示
  18260. internal machining operation ==> 内部切削加工
  18261. internal macro instruction ==> 内部宏指令
  18262. internal magnet ==> 内磁铁
  18263. internal magnetic recording ==> 内部磁记录
  18264. internal mammary artery ==> 乳房内动脉
  18265. internal mammary lymph nodes ==> 乳内淋巴结
  18266. internal manipulation instruction ==> 内部操纵指令,内操作指令,内加工指令
  18267. internal maxillary palpi ==> (昆虫)内下颚须
  18268. internal measurement ==> 内部丈量
  18269. internal measurement of tank ==> 油罐内体积
  18270. internal measuring ability ==> 内界計測機能
  18271. internal measuring instrument ==> 内径量测仪器,孔径测量仪器
  18272. internal medicine ==> 内科学
  18273. internal medullary mass ==> 内髓
  18274. internal member ==> 内套件,被包容件
  18275. internal memory ==> 内存储,内存储器=>内部記憶装置
  18276. internal memory-address register ==> 内存地址寄存器
  18277. internal mesogastric hernia ==> 胃系膜内疝,格鲁伯氏疝
  18278. internal metatarsal tubercle ==> 内跖突
  18279. internal micrometer ==> 内径千分尺
  18280. internal migration ==> 内迁移
  18281. internal milieu ==> 内环境
  18282. internal milling cutter ==> 内面铣刀
  18283. internal mix atomizer ==> 内混雾化器
  18284. internal mixer ==> 密闭式混合机,密炼机
  18285. internal mixing ==> 内混合
  18286. internal mobility ==> 内流动性
  18287. internal model ==> 内部モデル
  18288. internal model principle ==> 内模原理
  18289. internal modulated laser ==> 内调制激光器
  18290. internal modulation ==> 内调制=>内部変調
  18291. internal modulator ==> 内调制器
  18292. internal module ==> 内部模块
  18293. internal mold ==> 内模
  18294. internal moment ==> 内矩
  18295. internal motion resistance ==> 内部行驶阻力
  18296. internal motions of molecule ==> 分子内部运动
  18297. internal name ==> 内部名字
  18298. internal nares ==> 内鼻孔
  18299. internal nasal branches ==> 鼻内支
  18300. internal nasal bud ==> 内鼻芽
  18301. internal navigation ==> 内河航行
  18302. internal nephrostome ==> 内肾口
  18303. internal noise ==> 固有噪声=>内部雑音
  18304. internal noise source ==> 内噪声源
  18305. internal normalization ==> 内标归一化法
  18306. internal number ==> 内部编号,内部数
  18307. internal number system ==> 内部计数制
  18308. internal object ==> 内部对象,内部目标
  18309. internal oblique muscle of abdomen ==> 腹内斜肌
  18310. internal obturator nerve ==> 闭孔内肌神经
  18311. internal occipital crest ==> 枕内嵴
  18312. internal olefin ==> 内烯烃
  18313. internal oleyl sulfate ==> 内油醇硫酸酯
  18314. internal operation ==> 内表面加工
  18315. internal operation ratio ==> 内部操作比
  18316. internal optical density ==> 内光密度,内光学密度
  18317. internal optical parametric oscillation ==> 内光学参量振荡
  18318. internal optical parametric oscillator ==> 内光学参量振荡器
  18319. internal order ==> 内部秩序
  18320. internal organ ==> 内脏器官
  18321. internal orifice of aqueduct of vestibule ==> 前庭水管内口
  18322. internal orifice of cochlear aqueduct ==> 蜗水管内口
  18323. internal oscillator ==> 内振荡器
  18324. internal overvoltage ==> 内部过电压
  18325. internal oxidation ==> 内氧化,分子内氧化作用
  18326. internal pacemaker ==> 埋藏式心脏起搏器,埋入起搏器
  18327. internal packing ==> 内部汽封
  18328. internal pair formation ==> 内电子对形成
  18329. internal pair production ==> 内电子对产生
  18330. internal parasite ==> 内寄生
  18331. internal parasitic disease ==> 内寄生,内寄生虫病
  18332. internal partition function ==> 内分配函数
  18333. internal pelvimeter ==> 骨盆内径测量器
  18334. internal pelvimetry ==> 骨盆内径测量法
  18335. internal perihaemal canal ==> 内围血管
  18336. internal perimysium ==> 内肌束膜
  18337. internal phase angle ==> 内相位角=>内部相差角
  18338. internal phasing ==> 内部定相
  18339. internal phloem ==> 内生韧皮部
  18340. internal photoelectric effect ==> 内部光电效应
  18341. internal photoemission ==> 内部光致发射
  18342. internal plant ==> 内部通信设备
  18343. internal plasticization ==> 内增塑
  18344. internal plate ==> 内板
  18345. internal point ==> 定心孔
  18346. internal point of division ==> 内分点
  18347. internal pole ==> 内极
  18348. internal pole generator ==> 内极发电机
  18349. internal pore ==> 内空隙
  18350. internal porosity ==> 内孔隙度,内缩松
  18351. internal posterior seta ==> 内后毛,后内毛
  18352. internal potential vibration ==> 内部电位振动
  18353. internal power ==> 内部功率,内功率,单位时间内在汽轮机(或级)中蒸汽实际焓降全部转换成的机械功
  18354. internal power angle ==> 发电机功率角=>内部相差角,内部電力角
  18355. internal power source ==> 内部能源
  18356. internal pressure ==> 内压,内压力
  18357. internal pressure strength ==> 内压强度
  18358. internal pressure test ==> 内压试验
  18359. internal pressure tester ==> 内压试验机
  18360. internal primitive water ==> 深层原生水
  18361. internal priorities ==> 内部优先数
  18362. internal priority ==> 内部优先级
  18363. internal probe ==> 内探针
  18364. internal procedure ==> 内部过程,内过程
  18365. internal processor error ==> 内部处理机错误
  18366. internal processor register ==> 处理器内部寄存器
  18367. internal product ==> 内积
  18368. internal production ==> 自己生产=>内作(うちさく)
  18369. internal program ==> 内程序
  18370. internal pudendal artery ==> 阴部内动脉
  18371. internal pudendal vein ==> 阴部内动脉
  18372. internal pyocephalus ==> 脑室内积脓
  18373. internal Q-switch ==> 内腔Q开关
  18374. internal quantum efficiency ==> 内部量子効率
  18375. internal radiation ==> 内照射
  18376. internal ramp ==> 内坡道
  18377. internal rate of return ==> 内部报酬率,内部收益率,内部收益率,内在报酬率
  18378. internal rate of return method ==> 内部利率法,内部收益率计算法
  18379. internal rate of return on investment ==> 投资的内部收益率
  18380. Internal rate of return, IRR ==> 内部收益率,投资项目各年现金流量的折现值之和为项目的净现值,净现值为零时的折现率就是项目的内部收益率
  18381. internal ratio ==> 内比,内部比率
  18382. internal reactance ==> 内电抗
  18383. internal reamer ==> 内孔铰刀
  18384. internal reaming ==> 内铰孔
  18385. internal rearrangement ==> 内部重排
  18386. internal rebunching ==> 内部再聚束
  18387. internal receptor ==> 内部感受器
  18388. internal recessing ==> 内开槽
  18389. internal recessing tool ==> 凹槽车刀
  18390. internal rectus muscle ==> 内直肌
  18391. internal recycle ==> 内循环
  18392. internal recycling ==> 内部循环
  18393. internal reduction ==> 分子内还原作用
  18394. internal reference ==> 内反射,(核磁共振的)内标率
  18395. internal reference electrode ==> 内参比电极
  18396. internal reference generator ==> 内基准发生器
  18397. internal reference line ==> 内参比线
  18398. internal reference method ==> (磁共振)内标准法
  18399. internal reference muting ==> 内基准抑制
  18400. internal reference sample ==> 内参比试样
  18401. internal reflectance spectroscopy ==> 衰减全反射比
  18402. internal reflection ==> 内反射
  18403. internal reflection element ==> 内反射元件
  18404. internal reflection spectrometry ==> 内反射光谱法
  18405. internal reflux ==> 内回流
  18406. internal reflux ratio ==> 内回流比
  18407. internal reforming ==> 内部改質
  18408. internal register ==> 内部寄存器
  18409. internal regression ==> 内回归
  18410. internal relation ==> 内部联系,内在关系
  18411. internal relations ==> 内在联系
  18412. internal report system ==> 内部报告制度
  18413. internal reporting ==> 内部报告
  18414. internal reports for management ==> 内部管理报告
  18415. internal representation ==> 内部表示法=>内部表現
  18416. internal research ==> 内部調査
  18417. internal reserve ==> 内部留保
  18418. internal resistance ==> 内电阻,内阻=>内部抵抗
  18419. internal respiration ==> 内呼吸,组织呼吸
  18420. internal reticular apparatus ==> 高尔基氏内网器,内网器
  18421. internal return ==> 内部反合
  18422. internal revenue tax ==> 内地税
  18423. internal reversing gear ==> 内部回动装置,内反向齿轮
  18424. internal review ==> 内部审查=>内部レビュー
  18425. internal rewards ==> 内部奖励
  18426. internal rigging ==> 内部吊索,内部装配
  18427. internal ring ==> 内环
  18428. internal root sheath ==> 内根鞘,毛根内鞘
  18429. internal rotation ==> 内旋,内旋转
  18430. internal rotator ==> 内旋肌
  18431. internal rubber mixer ==> 密闭式混胶机
  18432. internal sac ==> 内脏囊
  18433. internal scaffolding ==> 里脚手架
  18434. internal scanned laser ==> 内扫描激光器
  18435. internal schema ==> 内部模式,内模式
  18436. internal sclerotic bar ==> 内骨棒
  18437. internal scour ==> 内部淘洗
  18438. internal screening ==> 内屏蔽
  18439. internal screw ==> 内螺旋
  18440. internal screw cutting tool ==> 内螺纹车刀
  18441. internal screw finish ==> 内螺纹瓶口
  18442. internal screw ga(u)ge ==> 内螺纹规
  18443. internal screw pump ==> 内螺旋泵
  18444. internal screw thread ==> 内螺纹
  18445. internal seal ==> 内密封
  18446. internal searching ==> 内部查找
  18447. internal secretion ==> 内分泌,内分泌激素
  18448. internal secretory gland ==> 内分泌腺
  18449. internal segment ==> 内节
  18450. internal self-focusing ==> 内自聚焦
  18451. internal sense ==> 内部感覚
  18452. internal sensitivity speck ==> 内部感光点
  18453. internal sensor ==> 内部传感器=>内界センサー
  18454. internal separation ==> 内分离
  18455. internal sequence ==> 内部配列
  18456. internal sequence number ==> 内部顺序号
  18457. internal serew thread finish ==> 内螺纹瓶口
  18458. internal serration ==> 内细齿
  18459. internal service ==> 内部业务
  18460. internal settlement price ==> 内部结算价格
  18461. internal shake ==> 内环裂
  18462. internal shaping ==> 内成形
  18463. internal shell ==> 内壳层
  18464. internal shield ==> 内部屏蔽,内屏蔽
  18465. internal shield ring ==> 内屏蔽圈
  18466. internal shift ==> 内移位
  18467. internal shoulder angle ==> 阴角扇形砖
  18468. internal shoulder boring ==> 内肩镗孔
  18469. internal shoulder turning ==> 内肩车削
  18470. internal shrinkage ==> 内部缩孔=>内ひけ
  18471. internal shroud ==> 内盖
  18472. internal shunt ==> 内シャント
  18473. internal side ==> 内側
  18474. internal signal ==> 内部信号
  18475. internal sinus of lymph gland ==> 淋巴结内窦
  18476. internal site ==> 内部部位
  18477. internal sizing ==> 内施胶=>内部サイジング
  18478. internal skeleton ==> 内骨骼
  18479. internal sleeve ==> 内套
  18480. internal slope resistance ==> 内电阻斜率
  18481. internal slot ==> 内槽
  18482. internal sort ==> 内部排序,内分类
  18483. internal sort phase ==> 内部分类阶段
  18484. internal sorting ==> 内部分类
  18485. internal sound insulation ==> 内隔音
  18486. internal soundness ==> 内部质量
  18487. internal source ==> 内放射源
  18488. internal source of revenue ==> 内部财源
  18489. internal source program ==> 内部源程序
  18490. internal source program pointer ==> 内部源程序指示字
  18491. internal source spectrometer ==> 内源谱仪
  18492. internal space ==> 内部空間
  18493. internal speaker ==> 内蔵スピーカー
  18494. internal specification ==> 内部仕様書
  18495. internal spectrum ==> 内部スペクトル
  18496. internal spermatic ==> 精索内动脉
  18497. internal spermatic fascia ==> 精索内筋膜
  18498. internal spermatic vein ==> 精索内静脉
  18499. internal sphincter muscle of anus ==> 肛门内括约肌
  18500. internal spiral ==> 内螺旋
  18501. internal spiral sulcus ==> 内螺旋沟
  18502. internal spline ==> 内花键
  18503. internal spring safety relief valve ==> 内弹簧安全阀
  18504. internal spur ==> 内距
  18505. internal spur gear ==> 内正齿轮
  18506. internal stability ==> 内固
  18507. internal stability number ==> 内固数
  18508. internal standard ==> 内标准,内部标准
  18509. internal standard area ==> 内标面积
  18510. internal standard element ==> 内标元素
  18511. internal standard line ==> 内标线
  18512. internal standard method ==> 内标法
  18513. internal standard normalization ==> 内标归一化法
  18514. internal standard sample ==> 内标试样
  18515. internal state ==> 内状态
  18516. internal state variable ==> 内态变量
  18517. internal stay ==> 内撑
  18518. internal steam pipe ==> 内集汽管
  18519. internal steam work ==> 蒸汽内能
  18520. internal stiffener ==> 内部補強材
  18521. internal stop ==> 内挡块
  18522. internal storage ==> 内部存储器,内存储器
  18523. internal storage capacity ==> 内存储容量
  18524. internal storage location ==> 内存单元
  18525. internal storage structure ==> 内存结构
  18526. internal storage system ==> 内存储系统,内存储装置
  18527. internal stored program ==> 内存储程序
  18528. internal straight boring ==> 内直线镗孔
  18529. internal straight turning ==> 内直线车削
  18530. internal strain ==> 内应变
  18531. internal strain-ga(u)ge unit ==> 内应变计
  18532. internal strapped block ==> 内带滑车
  18533. internal stress ==> 内应力
  18534. internal stress relaxation ==> 内应力松弛
  18535. internal stretcher ==> 内拉幅装置
  18536. internal stripping section ==> 内部汽提段
  18537. internal structure ==> 内部构造,内部结构,内结构
  18538. internal structure of diencephalon ==> 间脑内部结构
  18539. internal styling ==> 内部造型
  18540. internal supercharger ==> 内增压器
  18541. internal surface ==> 内面
  18542. internal surface area ==> 内表面积
  18543. internal surface of cranial base ==> 颅底内面
  18544. internal switch ==> 内部开关
  18545. internal symbol ==> 内部符号,内符号
  18546. internal symbol dictionary ==> 内符号字典
  18547. internal symbol form ==> 内符号形式
  18548. internal symmetry ==> 内对称性
  18549. internal symmetry group ==> 内部对称群
  18550. internal symmetry principle ==> 内部对称原理
  18551. internal synchronization ==> 内部同期
  18552. internal synchronization mode ==> 内同步方式
  18553. internal system results ==> (电脑)内部系统结果
  18554. internal table ==> 内部表
  18555. internal taper ==> 内锥度
  18556. internal taper boring ==> 内锥形镗孔
  18557. internal taper turning ==> 内锥形车削
  18558. internal tapered hole ==> 内锥形孔
  18559. internal tapping ==> 内攻丝
  18560. internal target ==> 内靶
  18561. internal target irradiation ==> 内靶辐照
  18562. internal tension ==> 内张力
  18563. internal thalamic medullary lamina ==> 丘脑骨髓板
  18564. internal theca ==> 内膜
  18565. internal therapentics ==> 内部治疗
  18566. internal thermal ==> 内热
  18567. internal thermal conductance ==> 内部热传导
  18568. internal thermal resistance ==> 内热阻
  18569. internal thoracic-coronary artery anastomosis ==> 胸廓内动脉冠状动脉吻合术
  18570. internal thread ==> 内螺纹
  18571. internal thread grinder ==> 内螺纹磨床
  18572. internal thread grinding machine ==> 内螺纹磨床
  18573. internal threading ==> 内螺纹车削
  18574. internal threading tool ==> 内螺纹车刀
  18575. internal threding tool ==> 内螺纹车刀
  18576. internal time base stability ==> 内部时基稳定度
  18577. internal time loop ==> 内时循环
  18578. internal time varying perturbations ==> 周期性内扰动
  18579. internal timer ==> 内计时器
  18580. internal tongue ==> 内舌片
  18581. internal tooth ==> 内齿
  18582. internal tooth lock washer ==> 内齿锁紧垫圈
  18583. internal toothed friction plate ==> 内齿摩擦片
  18584. internal toothing ==> 内齿啮合
  18585. internal torque ==> 内扭矩
  18586. internal trace table ==> 内部跟踪表
  18587. internal traction force ==> 内部牵引力
  18588. internal trans ==> 内转移
  18589. internal transactions ==> 内部会计事项
  18590. internal transfer ==> 人事異動
  18591. internal transfer price ==> 内部转让价格
  18592. internal transfer profit ==> 内部转让利润
  18593. internal transfer vehicle ==> 场内运输车
  18594. internal transformation ==> 内点变换
  18595. internal transmission factor ==> 内透射率
  18596. internal transmittance ==> 内部透射度,内透射比
  18597. internal transport ==> 内部运输
  18598. internal transportation ==> 内部运输
  18599. internal transportation system ==> 内部运输系统
  18600. internal trap ==> 内捕俘,内自陷
  18601. internal triggering ==> 内部同期
  18602. internal tube capacity ==> 极间电容
  18603. internal turning ==> 搪孔
  18604. internal turning tool ==> 内圆车刀
  18605. internal unit ==> 内部设备
  18606. internal upsetting ==> 内加厚
  18607. internal urethrotomy ==> 尿道内切开术
  18608. internal vacuum ==> 内部真空度
  18609. internal validity ==> 固定效力
  18610. internal valuation ==> 内部估价
  18611. internal valve ==> 内阀
  18612. internal variable ==> 内变量
  18613. internal verification testing ==> 内校验测试
  18614. internal version ==> 内倒转术
  18615. internal vertebral venous plexus ==> 椎内静脉丛
  18616. internal vertical drive ==> 内场推动
  18617. internal vibration ==> 内振动
  18618. internal vibrator ==> 插入式振动器
  18619. internal virtural address ==> 内虚拟地址
  18620. internal viscosity ==> 内粘滞
  18621. internal vocal sac ==> 内声囊
  18622. internal void ==> 内空隙
  18623. internal void fraction ==> 内部空隙分率
  18624. internal voltage ==> 内电压
  18625. internal voltage behind subtransient reactance ==> 初期過渡リアクタンスxd"背後の内部誘起電圧
  18626. internal volume ==> 内体积
  18627. internal wage differentials ==> 内部工资差别
  18628. internal wall ==> 内墙
  18629. internal wall curettage of periodontal pocket ==> 牙周袋内壁刮治
  18630. internal water ==> 内陆水,内水
  18631. internal water circulation ==> 内水分循环
  18632. internal water cooling ==> 水内冷
  18633. internal water pressure ==> 内水压力
  18634. internal water-feed machine ==> 内部供水式钻机
  18635. internal waterproof lining of basement ==> 内防水套
  18636. internal wave ==> 内波
  18637. internal wave of ocean ==> 海洋内波
  18638. internal wave range ==> 内部波領域
  18639. internal wedge adjustment ==> 内光楔调整
  18640. internal weight ==> 内部权
  18641. internal wheel brake ==> 内胀式车轮制动器
  18642. internal wheel spindle ==> 内圆磨削砂轮轴
  18643. internal wing cell ==> (晴蜓目)内翅室
  18644. internal wiring ==> 内部布线
  18645. internal wiring diagram ==> 内部接线图
  18646. internal work ==> 内表面加工,内功,内圆加工
  18647. internal yolk sac ==> 内卵黄囊
  18648. internal-coil evaporator ==> 内盘管蒸发器
  18649. internal-combustion engine ==> 内燃機関,内燃エンジン
  18650. internal-combustion engine for marine ==> 船舶用内燃機関
  18651. internal-combustion engine plant ==> 内燃机厂
  18652. internal-combustion gas engine ==> 内燃ガスエンジン
  18653. internal-combustion piston ==> 内燃機関のピストン
  18654. internal-combustion power ==> 内燃力
  18655. internal-combustion power generation ==> 内燃力発電
  18656. internal-combustion railcar ==> 内燃動車
  18657. internal-combustion turbine ==> 内燃タービン
  18658. internal-conversion coefficient ==> 内转换系数
  18659. internal-conversion electron ==> 内转换电子
  18660. internal-conversion pair ==> 内转换电子对
  18661. internal-conversion source ==> 内转换源
  18662. internal-discharge-bucket-elevator ==> 内卸斗式提升机
  18663. internal-external gear arrangement ==> 内外齿轮装置
  18664. internal-external gear clutch ==> 内外齿轮离合器
  18665. internal-fan kiln ==> 内煽风干燥窑,内装风扇式干燥
  18666. internal-geared axle ==> 内齿圈轮边减速式驱动桥
  18667. internal-noise bandwidth ==> 内噪声带宽
  18668. internal-phase ratio ==> 内相比
  18669. internal-type idle limiter ==> 内装式怠速浓度调程限制器
  18670. internalization ==> 内化作用,内在化
  18671. internalized as relations ==> 内在化为关系
  18672. internally coated bulb ==> 内磨砂灯泡
  18673. internally cooled supercharging ==> 内冷增压
  18674. internally cooled system ==> 内部冷却方法
  18675. internally diffused junction ==> 内扩散结
  18676. internally fired boiler ==> 内燃锅炉
  18677. internally frosted bulb ==> 内磨砂灯泡
  18678. internally geared motor ==> 内装减速器的电动机
  18679. internally humidified cell ==> 内部加湿セル
  18680. internally irregular point ==> 内非正则点
  18681. internally loss modulated laser ==> 内损耗调制激光器
  18682. internally lubricated wire rope ==> 内润滑钢丝绳
  18683. internally modulated gas laser ==> 内调气体激光器
  18684. internally phase modulated laser ==> 内相位调制激光器
  18685. internally piloted regulator ==> 整体指挥器操作型自力式调节阀
  18686. internally piloted valve ==> 内控阀
  18687. internally piloting ==> 内控
  18688. internally programed computer ==> 内程序计算机
  18689. internally scanned laser ==> 内扫描激光器
  18690. internally stepped compression ring ==> 内阶梯式压缩环
  18691. internally stored program ==> 内部存储程序,内存程序,常驻内存程序
  18692. internally stored program circuit ==> 内存程序电路
  18693. internally tangent ==> 内切
  18694. internally tangent circle ==> 内切圆
  18695. internally thin set ==> 内薄集
  18696. internally ventilated motor ==> 内通风式电动机
  18697. internally-compensated operational amplifier ==> 内补偿运算放大器
  18698. internally-driven ==> 内传动
  18699. internally-oriented and closed economy ==> 内向型的封闭经济
  18700. Internaltional Committe on Mental Hygiene ==> 国际心理卫生委员会
  18701. internasal suture ==> 鼻骨间缝
  18702. internatioal standard candle power ==> 国际标准烛光
  18703. international ==> 国际的=>国際的な
  18704. International ==> 国际性组织
  18705. International (Practical) Temperature Scale ==> 国际(实用)温标
  18706. International Active Sun Year (IASY) ==> 国际太阳活动年
  18707. international agreement ==> 国际协定
  18708. International airport ==> 国际机场
  18709. International Algebraic Language (IAL) ==> 国际代数语言
  18710. international ampere ==> 国际安培=>国際アンペア
  18711. international analysis code (IAC) ==> 国际分析电码
  18712. international angstrom (TA) ==> 国际埃
  18713. International Annealed Copper Standard ==> 国际退火铜标准
  18714. international architecture ==> 国际式建筑
  18715. International Association of Classification Societies, IACS ==> 国际船级社协会,国际船级社协会成立于1968年,在国际航运、造船及海上开发领域拥有领先、权威的技术能力和覆盖全球主要港口的检验服务网络。现有正式成员正式会员船级社10家(美国、法国、中国、挪威、德国、韩国、英国、日本、意大利、俄罗斯船级社),是IMO中唯一能制定和应用规范的具有观察员地位的非政府组织。国際船級協会連合。
  18716. International Association of Geodesy (IAG) ==> 国际大地测量协会
  18717. International Astronomical Union ==> 国际天文联合会
  18718. International Astronomical Union (IAU) ==> 国际天文学联合会
  18719. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) ==> 国际原子能机构
  18720. international atomic time (IAT) ==> 国际原子时间
  18721. international atomic weight ==> 国际原子量
  18722. international atomic weight table ==> 国际原子量表
  18723. international bidding ==> 国际招标
  18724. international blood group ==> 国际血型
  18725. international broadcast relay ==> 国际广播中继
  18726. International broadcast station ==> 国际广播电台
  18727. international broadcasting ==> 国际广播=>国際放送(放送法)
  18728. International Bureau of Weights and Measures ==> 国际计量局
  18729. international business ==> 国际商业
  18730. International Business and Industry Environment Conference ==> 工商界环保会议
  18731. International Business Machine Corp (IBM) ==> 国际商业机器公司
  18732. International Business Machine Corporation ==> 国际商业机器公司
  18733. International Business Machine Corporation,IBM ==> 国际商业机器公司
  18734. International cable code ==> 莫尔斯水线电码
  18735. international call ==> 国际呼叫,国际通话
  18736. international call letters ==> 国际通话
  18737. international call sign ==> 国际呼号,国际通话
  18738. international candle ==> 国际烛光
  18739. international carat ==> (金刚石重量单位)国际克拉
  18740. International Cardiology Foundation ==> 国际心脏病基金会
  18741. international chemical symbols for the element ==> 国际化学元素符号
  18742. international circuit ==> 国际电路
  18743. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) ==> 国际民航组织
  18744. International Coastal Cleaning Day ==> 国际海滩清洁日
  18745. international code ==> 国际电码
  18746. international code of signals ==> 国际信号代码
  18747. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature ==> 国际动物命名法规
  18748. international Code Signal ==> 国际电码信号
  18749. international colour index ==> 国际色指数
  18750. International Commission on Glass ==> 国际玻璃协会
  18751. international communication ==> 国际通信
  18752. International Communication Association (ICA) ==> 国际通信协会
  18753. international comparison test ==> 国際比較試験
  18754. international competition ==> 国际竞赛
  18755. International Computation Center ==> 国际计算中心
  18756. international computer ==> 国际制式计算机
  18757. International Computer Center ==> 国际计算中心
  18758. international conference for electrical units and standards ==> 万国電気基本単位会議(1908)
  18759. International Congress of Soil Science ==> 国际土壤会议
  18760. International Contest of Childrens Painting on the Environment ==> 国际儿童环保绘画大赛
  18761. international control frequency band ==> 国际管理频带
  18762. international control station ==> 国际控制电台
  18763. international convention ==> 国际惯例
  18764. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) ==> 《国际防止船舶造成污染公约》
  18765. International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage ==> 《油污损害民事责任公约》
  18766. International Convention on Patents ==> 专利权的国际公约
  18767. International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage ==> 《设立国际油污损害赔偿基金国际公约》
  18768. international coordinated solar observations ==> 国际太阳联合观测
  18769. international coulomb ==> 国际库仑
  18770. International Council of Pressel Vessel Technology ==> 国际压力容器学会理事会
  18771. international currency ==> 国际货币
  18772. international custom union ==> 世界关税同盟
  18773. International Dairy Federation ==> 国际乳业联盟
  18774. international date line ==> 国际日界线,国际日期变更线
  18775. international distress code ==> 国际遇险呼救电码,国际遇险求救电码
  18776. international distress frequency ==> 国际遇险呼救频率
  18777. international Earth Rotation Service (IERS) ==> 国际地球自转服务
  18778. International Earth Science Olympiad ==> 国際地学オリンピック
  18779. international electrical units ==> 国际电学单位
  18780. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) ==> 国际电工委员会,国际电子技术委员会=>国際電気標準会議
  18781. international ellipsoid ==> 国际椭球体
  18782. international ellipsoid of reference ==> 国际参考椭球体
  18783. international energy agency ==> 国際エネルギー機関
  18784. international environmental specimen bank ==> 国际环境标本库
  18785. international exchange ==> 国际电话局
  18786. International Exchange ==> 国际电话局
  18787. international exchange crisis ==> 国际外汇危机
  18788. International exhibition ==> 国际展览会
  18789. International fair ==> 国际博览会
  18790. international fair ==> 博览会
  18791. international farad ==> 国际法拉
  18792. international federation of automatic control ==> 国际自动控制联盟
  18793. international freight management ==> 国际货运管理
  18794. international Frequency Registration Board (IFRB) ==> 国际频率登记委员会
  18795. International Frequency Registration Board (IFRB) ==> 国际频率登记委员会
  18796. International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage ==> 国际油污损害赔偿基金
  18797. International Geophysical Year (IGY) ==> 国际地球物理年
  18798. international gravity formula ==> 国际重力公式
  18799. International harbor ==> 国际港
  18800. international henry ==> 国际亨利
  18801. international horse power ==> 国际马力
  18802. International Ice Patrol ==> 国际海水巡逻队
  18803. international index numbers ==> 国际区站号
  18804. International Institute of welding (IIW) ==> 国际焊接学会
  18805. international interest arbitrage loans ==> 套利贷款
  18806. International interest arbitrage loans ==> 套利贷款
  18807. International Investment Bank ==> 国际投资银行
  18808. international islanding, a planned island ==> 計画単独系運転
  18809. International Journal of Fertility ==> 国际生育学报
  18810. international kilocalorie ==> 国际千卡
  18811. International Labor Oraganization (ILO) ==> 国际劳动组织
  18812. International Labour Association ==> 万国劳动协会
  18813. International Latitude Service (ILS) ==> 国际纬度服务
  18814. International Latitude Station ==> 国际纬度站
  18815. International Livestock Exposition ==> 国际牲畜展览会
  18816. International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) ==> 《国际海运危险货物守则》
  18817. International Maritime Organization (IMO) ==> 国际海事组织
  18818. International Maritime Organization, IMO ==> 国际海事组织,国际海事组织是联合国负责海上航行安全和防止船舶造成海洋污染的专门机构,总部设在伦敦。该组织最早成立于1959年1月6日,原名"政府间海事协商组织",1982年5月改为现名,现有163个正式成员(2003年11月)。该组织宗旨为促进各国间航运技术合作,鼓励各国在促进海上安全,提高船舶航行效率,防止和控制船舶对海洋污染方面采取统一的标准,处理有关的法律问题。国际海事组织理事会共有40名成员,分为A、B、C三类。其中10个A类理事国为航运大国,10个B类理事国为海上贸易量最大国家,20个C类理事国为地区代表。国際海事機関。
  18819. international market ==> 国际市场
  18820. international maxwell ==> 国际麦
  18821. international measurement conference ==> 国际测量会仪
  18822. international money order ==> 国际汇款单
  18823. international Morse code ==> 大陆电码=>国際モールス符号
  18824. International Morse Code ==> 国际莫尔斯电码
  18825. international nautical mile ==> 国际海里
  18826. international network ==> 国际网络
  18827. International Network of Feed Information Centers ==> 国际饲料情报中心网
  18828. international nomenclature ==> 国际命名法
  18829. International Nonproprietary Names (INN) ==> 国际非专利药名
  18830. international number ==> 国际号码=>国際電話番号
  18831. international ohm ==> 国际欧姆=>国際オーム
  18832. International oil industry ==> 国际石油工业
  18833. International Organization for Standardization ==> 国际标准化组织
  18834. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ==> 国际标准化组织
  18835. International Pharmacopoeia ==> 国际药典
  18836. International pipe standard ==> 国际管材标准
  18837. International Polar Motion Service (IPMS) ==> 国际极移服务
  18838. International Polar Year ==> 国际极年
  18839. International Polar Year (IPY) ==> 国际地球极年
  18840. international practical system of units ==> 国际实用单位制
  18841. international practical temperature scale ==> 国际实用温标
  18842. International Practical Temperature Scale 1968(IPTS 68) ==> 1968年国际实用温标
  18843. international practice ==> 国际惯例
  18844. international prefix ==> 国際識別番号
  18845. international program change relay ==> 国际中断
  18846. International Property Rights Index ==> 国际财产权索引
  18847. international quarantine ==> 国际检疫
  18848. International Quiet Sun Year (IQSY) ==> 国际宁静太阳年,国际太阳宁静年
  18849. International radiation unit ==> 国际辐射单位
  18850. International Radio Consultative Committee (IRCC) ==> 国际电信咨询委员会
  18851. international radio silence ==> 国际无线电寂静时间
  18852. International Rapid Latitude Service (IRLS) ==> 国际纬度快速服务
  18853. international rated horsepower ==> 国际额定马力
  18854. International Record Carrier (IRC) ==> 国际文件传输业务
  18855. International Red Cross (IRC) ==> 国际红十字会
  18856. International Rice Research Institude ==> 国际水稻研究所
  18857. international river ==> 国际河流
  18858. international river basin ==> 国际河流盆地,国际流域
  18859. international rule ==> (英尺材)国际原木板积表
  18860. international rules of the road ==> 国际海上航道规则
  18861. International Sanitary Convention ==> 国际卫生公约
  18862. International Science Organization ==> 国际科学组织
  18863. International Scientific Radio Union (ISRU) ==> 国际无线电科学联合会
  18864. international screw die ==> 公制螺丝钢板
  18865. international screw pitch gauge ==> 国际螺距规,国际螺距规
  18866. international screw tap ==> 公制丝锥
  18867. international screw thread ==> 国际标准螺纹
  18868. international service ==> 国際業務
  18869. international shore connector ==> 国际通用接头
  18870. international sieve unit ==> 国际筛规
  18871. international situation ==> 国际形势
  18872. International Society and Federation of Cardiology ==> 国际心脏学会联盟
  18873. International Society of Cardiology ==> 国际心脏病学会
  18874. International Solid Waste Association ==> 国际固体废物协会
  18875. international spheroid ==> 国际参考椭球体
  18876. international standard ==> 国际标准,国际标准器=>国際規格
  18877. international standard annealed copper ==> 国际标准退火铜
  18878. international standard atmosphere ==> 国际标准大气压
  18879. International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) ==> 国际标准大气
  18880. International Standard Book Number ==> (ISBN)国际标准书号
  18881. International Standard Book Number (ISBN) ==> 国际标准书号
  18882. international standard meter ==> 国际米原器
  18883. international standard metric thread ==> 国际标准公制螺纹
  18884. International standard of biologicals ==> 国际生物制品标准
  18885. International Standard Serial Number ==> (ISSN)国际连续出版物号码
  18886. International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) ==> 国际连续出版物号码
  18887. international standard sieves ==> 国际标准筛
  18888. international standard thread ==> 国际标准螺纹=>国際標準ねじ
  18889. International standard thread ==> 国际标准螺纹
  18890. international standard time ==> 国际标准时
  18891. International Standardization Association (ISA) ==> 国际标准化协会
  18892. international standardization organisation ==> 国际标准化组织
  18893. international standards ==> 国际水平
  18894. international standards method ==> 国际标准化方法
  18895. International Standards Organization (ISO) ==> 国际标准组织=>国際標準化機構
  18896. International Standards Organization code ==> 国际标准机构编码
  18897. international steam table ==> 国际蒸汽表
  18898. international stream ==> 国际河流
  18899. international style ==> (一种功能主义的建筑形式)国际式
  18900. international switching ==> 国際交換
  18901. International symbol ==> 国际符号
  18902. international symbol ==> 国际标志,国际符号
  18903. International Symposium of Zrotechny ==> 国际畜产学术讨论会
  18904. International Symposium on River Pollution Control and Management ==> 河流污染防治与管理的国际会议
  18905. international synoptic code ==> 国际天气电码
  18906. international system ==> 国际分类制
  18907. International System of Electrical Units ==> 国际电工单位制
  18908. international system of electrical units ==> 国际电气单位制,国际电工单位制
  18909. international system of unit ==> 国际单位制
  18910. International system of units ==> 国际计量单位制,国际单位制
  18911. international System of Units ==> 国际单位制
  18912. international system of units ==> 国际单位制
  18913. international telecommunication ==> 国际电信=>国際電気通信
  18914. International Telecommunication Convension ==> 国际无线电通信会议
  18915. international telecommunication service ==> 国际电信业务,国际通信业务
  18916. International Telecommunication Union (ITU) ==> 国际电信联盟=>国際電気通信連合
  18917. International telecommunications satellite ==> 国际通信卫星组织
  18918. international telecommunications satellite ==> 国际通信卫星
  18919. International Telecommunications Union (ITU) ==> 国际电信联合会
  18920. international telegraph alphabet ==> 国际电报字母
  18921. international telegraph code ==> 国际电报字母
  18922. international teletype code ==> 国际电报字母
  18923. international Teletype Code ==> 国际电传打字机电码
  18924. international telex service ==> 国际用户电报业务
  18925. international temperature scale ==> 国际温标
  18926. International Temperature Scale 1990(ITS 90) ==> 1990年国际温标
  18927. international textural grade ==> 国际制土壤质地等级
  18928. international thermonuclear experimental reactor,ITER ==> 国际热核实验堆,由美国、俄罗斯、欧洲共同体、中国、日本等国合作研发的实验性聚变堆,目前尚处于设计阶段。其总目标是演示聚变能和平利用的科学与技术可行性
  18929. international thread ==> 国际螺纹
  18930. International Time Bureau ==> 国际时间局
  18931. International tolerance standard ==> 国际公差标准
  18932. International tourist hotel ==> 国际旅游旅馆
  18933. international trade ==> 国际贸易
  18934. International trade centre ==> 国际贸易中心
  18935. international trade deficit ==> 进出口差额
  18936. international trade system ==> 国际贸易系统
  18937. International Union Against Cancer ==> 国际抗癌联盟
  18938. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) ==> 国际自然及自然资源保护联盟
  18939. international unit ==> 生物国际单位=>国際単位
  18940. international unit (IU) ==> 国际单位
  18941. international universal test chart ==> 国际通用视力表
  18942. international volt ==> 国际伏特=>国際ボルト
  18943. international waters ==> 国际水域,公海
  18944. international watt ==> 国际瓦特=>国際ワット
  18945. International Wool Secretariat ==> 国际羊毛秘书处
  18946. International Yearbook of Agricultural Statistics ==> 国际农业统计年鉴
  18947. internationalization of the inflationary process ==> 通货膨胀过程的国际化
  18948. internationalized capital ==> 资本的国际化
  18949. interne ==> 实习医师
  18950. internegative ==> 中间底片
  18951. internet ==> 互联网
  18952. Internet backbone ==> インターネット基幹
  18953. internet censorship ==> 互联网监管
  18954. internodal cutting ==> 节间插条
  18955. internodal destination queue ==> 节点间目的地队列
  18956. internodal message handler (IMH) ==> 节点间报文处理程序
  18957. internodal sequence prefix ==> 节点间序号前缀
  18958. internodal tract ==> 结间束
  18959. internode ==> 节间,结间部
  18960. internship ==> 实习,见习=>インターンシップ
  18961. internuclear ==> 核间,核间的
  18962. internuclear cyclisation ==> 核间成环作用
  18963. internuclear distance ==> 核间距离
  18964. internuclear double resonance ==> 核间双共振(法)
  18965. internuclear double resonance (INDOR) ==> 核间双共振
  18966. internuclear potential ==> 核间互作用势
  18967. internucleonic interaction ==> 核子间相互作用
  18968. internucleonic potential ==> 核子互作用势
  18969. internuncial ==> 连接性的
  18970. internuncial neuron ==> 中间神经元
  18971. internuncial tract ==> 核间束
  18972. internus ==> 眼内直肌
  18973. intero-inferiorly ==> 向内下
  18974. interoception ==> 内感受
  18975. interoceptive ==> 内感受性,内感受性的
  18976. interoceptive stimulus ==> 内感受性刺激
  18977. interoceptor ==> 内感受器
  18978. interocular diameter ==> 两眼内径
  18979. interocular distance ==> 瞳孔间距离
  18980. interoffice account ==> 分支店帐户
  18981. interoffice communication ==> 局间通信,局间通信
  18982. interoffice signaling ==> 局間信号方式
  18983. interoffice trunk ==> 局间干线,局间干线,局间中继线,局间中继线,机关间直接干线
  18984. interoffice trunk line ==> 局間中継線
  18985. interoperability ==> 互操作性=>互換性,相互運用性
  18986. interoperability testing ==> 互操作性测试
  18987. interorder distance ==> 干涉带间距
  18988. interoreceptor ==> 内感受器
  18989. interosseous crest ==> 骨间嵴
  18990. interosseous intercarpal ligaments ==> 腕骨韧带
  18991. interosseous ligation ==> 骨间结扎法
  18992. interosseous membrane ==> 骨间膜
  18993. interosseous membrane of forearm ==> 前臂骨间膜
  18994. interosseous membrane of leg ==> 小腿骨间膜
  18995. interosseous metatarsal spaces ==> 跖骨间隙
  18996. interosseous muscles ==> 骨间肌
  18997. interosseous nerve of leg ==> 小腿骨间神经
  18998. interosseous talocalcaneal ligament ==> 距跟骨间韧带,距跟骨间韧带
  18999. interparietal ==> 间顶骨
  19000. interparietal hernia ==> 腹壁间层疝
  19001. interparticle bonding ==> 粒间粘结
  19002. interparticle cohesion ==> 粒间粘合力
  19003. interparticle dissolution pore ==> 粒间溶孔
  19004. interparticle distance ==> 粒子间距
  19005. interparticle porosity ==> 粒间空隙
  19006. interparticle structure ==> 粒间结构
  19007. interpass temperature ==> 程间温度,层间温度
  19008. interpeduncular cistern ==> 脚间池
  19009. interpeduncular fossa ==> 脚间窝
  19010. interpeduncular ganglion ==> 甘塞氏神经节
  19011. interpeduncular nucleus ==> 甘塞氏神经节,脚间核
  19012. interpeduncular perforated substance ==> 脚间穿质
  19013. interpellation ==> 质询
  19014. interpenetrate ==> 互相贯通
  19015. interpenetrating moulding ==> 交截线脚
  19016. interpenetrating network of samples ==> 交叉样本网
  19017. interpenetrating subsampling ==> 交叉子抽样
  19018. interpenetration ==> 穿插,相互渗透,互相贯穿,互相渗透
  19019. interpenetration twin ==> 互穿孪晶,穿插双晶
  19020. interperiod allocation ==> (指在前后两个会计期间分摊)跨期分摊
  19021. interperiod allocation (指在前后两个会计期间分摊) ==> 跨期分摊
  19022. interperiod allocation account ==> 跨期摊配帐户
  19023. interperiod tax ==> 跨期税款
  19024. interperiodic line ==> 周期间线
  19025. interpersonal behavior ==> 人群间的行为
  19026. interpersonal behavior school ==> 人际行为学派
  19027. interpersonal communication ==> 人际信息交流
  19028. interpersonal communication styles ==> 人际信息交流作风
  19029. interpersonal comparison of preference ==> 个人间偏好的比较
  19030. interpersonal comparison of utility ==> 个人间效用的比较
  19031. interpersonal difference ==> 人际的差异
  19032. interpersonal interaction ==> 人际交往
  19033. interpersonal relationship ==> 人际关系
  19034. interpersonal response trait ==> 人际反应特性
  19035. interpersonal roles ==> 人际关系方面的角色
  19036. interpersonal skills ==> 人际关系技巧
  19037. interphalangeal ==> 指节间的
  19038. interphalangeal articulations of hand ==> 指骨间关节,指关节
  19039. interphase ==> 中间相,间期,核分裂间期,相间,相间的
  19040. interphase boundary ==> 相间边界
  19041. interphase boundary energy ==> 相间边界能
  19042. interphase boundary junction ==> 相间边界结
  19043. interphase connecting rod ==> 相间连杆
  19044. interphase connection ==> 相间连接线
  19045. interphase coupling ==> 相间耦合
  19046. interphase interaction ==> 相间相互作用
  19047. interphase interface ==> 相间分界面
  19048. interphase mass transfer ==> 相界面传质
  19049. interphase nucleus ==> 间期核
  19050. interphase polycondensation ==> 相间缩聚
  19051. interphase potential ==> 相间电位
  19052. interphase precipitate ==> 相际沉淀
  19053. interphase reactor ==> 相间电抗器,中心抽头平滑扼流圈=>相間リアクトル
  19054. interphase short circuit ==> 相间短路
  19055. interphase transformer ==> 相间变换器
  19056. interphone ==> 内部互通电话=>インタホン
  19057. interphone amplifier ==> 内部对讲电话增音机
  19058. interphone equipment ==> 内部通话设备
  19059. interphone radio ==> 内部无线电话
  19060. interphone system ==> 内部对讲电话系统,对讲电话系统
  19061. interpial ==> 软脑膜间的
  19062. interplanar ==> 晶面间,平面间
  19063. interplanar (crystal) spacing ==> 晶面距离
  19064. interplanar distance ==> 晶面间距
  19065. interplanar spacing ==> 平面间距
  19066. interplanetary ==> 行星际
  19067. interplanetary communication ==> 行星间通信
  19068. interplanetary diffusion ==> 行星际扩散
  19069. interplanetary disturbance ==> 行星际扰动
  19070. interplanetary dust ==> 行星际尘埃
  19071. interplanetary exploration ==> 行星际探测
  19072. interplanetary explorer ==> 行星际探险者
  19073. interplanetary field ==> 行星际场
  19074. interplanetary flight ==> 行星间航行
  19075. interplanetary gas ==> 行星际气体
  19076. interplanetary ionized gas ==> 行星际电离气体
  19077. interplanetary magnetic field ==> 行星际磁场
  19078. interplanetary magnetic storm ==> 行星际磁暴
  19079. interplanetary matter ==> 行星际介质,行星际物质
  19080. interplanetary measurement satellite ==> 行星际测量卫星
  19081. interplanetary medium ==> 行星际介质
  19082. interplanetary meteor ==> 行星际流星
  19083. interplanetary monitor satellite ==> 星际监视卫星
  19084. interplanetary monitoring platform ==> 行星际监视台
  19085. interplanetary navigation ==> 星际导航,行星际航行
  19086. interplanetary particle ==> 行星际粒子
  19087. interplanetary plasma ==> 行星际等离子体
  19088. interplanetary probe ==> 行星际探测器
  19089. interplanetary propulsion ==> 行星际推进
  19090. interplanetary region ==> 行星际区
  19091. interplanetary rocket ==> 行星际火箭
  19092. interplanetary scintillation ==> 行星际闪烁
  19093. interplanetary sector ==> 行星际扇形区
  19094. interplanetary sector structure ==> 行星际扇形结构
  19095. interplanetary shock wave ==> 行星际冲击波
  19096. interplanetary solar wind ==> 行星际太阳风
  19097. interplanetary space ==> 行星际空间
  19098. interplanetary spacecraft ==> 行星际宇宙飞船
  19099. interplanetary station ==> 行星际站
  19100. interplanetary transfer orbit ==> 行星际转移轨道
  19101. interplanetary unmanned scientific satellite ==> 星际无人驾驶科学卫星
  19102. interplant operations directive ==> 工厂之间的操作指令
  19103. interplant shipping notice ==> 厂际装运通知
  19104. interplantation ==> 内植
  19105. interplanting ==> 套作,林间栽植
  19106. interplanting of another crop ==> 套种
  19107. interplate seismogenic zones along the Kuril-Japan trench ==> 千島-日本海溝に沿ったプレート間地震発生帯
  19108. interplay ==> 相互作用
  19109. interplay between ==> ~間の相互作用
  19110. interplay field ==> 相互作用場
  19111. interpleural ==> 胸膜间的
  19112. interpleural suture ==> 侧板间缝
  19113. interpleuricostal ==> 胸膜肋骨间的
  19114. interpleurites ==> 间侧片
  19115. interpluvial ==> 间雨期
  19116. interpluvial interval ==> 间雨期
  19117. interpolar ==> 极间的
  19118. interpolar axis ==> 极间轴线
  19119. interpolar gap ==> 极间空隙
  19120. interpolar space ==> 极间空间
  19121. interpolate ==> 内插,插入
  19122. interpolated contour ==> 内插等高线
  19123. interpolated data and speech transmission ==> 内插数据与语言传输
  19124. interpolated error ==> 内插误差
  19125. interpolated extrasystole ==> 间位性早搏,插入性期外收缩
  19126. interpolated interval ==> 内插间距
  19127. interpolated premature beat ==> 插进性过早搏动
  19128. interpolated section ==> 插补断面
  19129. interpolater ==> 插入器,补插器,篡改者,分数计算器
  19130. interpolating ==> 内插
  19131. interpolating coding area ==> 插值编码区域
  19132. interpolating function ==> 插值函数
  19133. interpolating multiplier ==> 插值乘法器
  19134. interpolating multipliers ==> 插值乘法器
  19135. interpolating oscillator ==> 補間発振器
  19136. interpolating potentiometer ==> 内插式电势计
  19137. interpolating property ==> 插入性质
  19138. interpolating splines ==> 内插样条函数
  19139. interpolation ==> 插入,插入法,内插法,内推法,插值,添改,估读误差,篡改,窜改=>補間
  19140. interpolation accuracy ==> 補間精度
  19141. interpolation algorithm ==> 補間アルゴリズム
  19142. interpolation approximation ==> 補間近似
  19143. interpolation by central difference ==> 中差插值法
  19144. interpolation by proportional parts ==> 比例插值
  19145. interpolation coefficient ==> 補間係数
  19146. interpolation condition ==> 補間条件
  19147. interpolation correlation ==> 補間相関
  19148. interpolation curve ==> 補間曲線
  19149. interpolation design ==> 内插式设计
  19150. interpolation effect ==> 補間効果
  19151. interpolation error ==> 内插误差,插入法误差,估读误差
  19152. interpolation error-filter ==> 内插误差滤波器
  19153. interpolation factor ==> 内插因子
  19154. interpolation formula ==> 内插公式
  19155. interpolation line ==> 内插行
  19156. interpolation method ==> 内插法,插入法,插值法
  19157. interpolation of contours ==> 等高线内插
  19158. interpolation oscillator ==> 内插振荡器
  19159. interpolation polynomial ==> 内插多项式,插值多项式
  19160. interpolation table ==> 内插表
  19161. interpolational growth ==> 插入生长
  19162. interpolative picture coding ==> 内插图像编码
  19163. interpolative relation analysis ==> 内插法相对分析
  19164. interpolator ==> 插补器
  19165. interpolator(-ter) ==> 转发器
  19166. interpolatory type integration function ==> 補間型数値積分公式
  19167. interpole ==> 附加磁极,辅助极,整流极,换向极=>補極
  19168. interpole coil ==> 辅助极线圈
  19169. interpole core ==> 辅助极铁芯,附加极铁芯
  19170. interpole generator ==> 辅极发电机,带中间极发电机
  19171. interpole machine ==> 辅助极电机
  19172. interpole motor ==> 辅助极电动机
  19173. interpole shoe ==> 整流磁极极靴,换向极极靴
  19174. interpole space ==> 極間空所
  19175. interpole winding ==> 间极绕组,换向极绕组,附加极绕组=>辅助极绕组
  19176. interpoles ==> 间极
  19177. interpoly dielectric ==> 多晶硅层间介质体
  19178. interpolymer ==> 共聚物,异分子聚合物
  19179. interpolymerization ==> 共聚作用
  19180. interpore ==> 聚孔质,聚孔质
  19181. interporosity flow coefficient ==> 窜流系数
  19182. interpose ==> 介入,插,插入
  19183. interposer ==> 插入式选样
  19184. interposing relay ==> 插入式继电器
  19185. interposition ==> 插入,间位,中间位
  19186. interposition growth ==> 侵入生长
  19187. interposition trunk ==> 席间中继线
  19188. interpositum ==> 中间帆
  19189. interpre(ta)tive code ==> 解释代码,解释码
  19190. interpre(ta)tive order ==> 解释指令
  19191. interpre(ta)tive system ==> 解释系统
  19192. interpre(ta)tive version ==> 解释方案
  19193. interpret ==> 解释,说明,翻译
  19194. interpret table ==> 翻译表,解释表
  19195. interpret, to ==> 解釈する
  19196. interpretation ==> 解释,说明,翻译=>演出
  19197. interpretation astronomy ==> 通俗天文学
  19198. interpretation by standard procedure ==> 由标准程序的说明
  19199. interpretation execution ==> 解释执行
  19200. interpretation method ==> 判读方法,译码方法
  19201. interpretation of a reduction rule program ==> 归约规则程序的解释
  19202. interpretation of air photograph ==> 航空照片判读
  19203. interpretation of law ==> 法律的解释
  19204. interpretation of result ==> 结果分析
  19205. interpretation of sample means ==> 样品平均数的解释
  19206. interpretation of scheme ==> 模式的解释,模式解释
  19207. interpretation of trade terms ==> 取引条件の解釈
  19208. interpretation process ==> 解释过程
  19209. interpretation subroutine ==> 解释子程序
  19210. interpretation time ==> 解释时间
  19211. interpretation-guided segmentation ==> 解释引导的分割
  19212. interpretative rule ==> 解释规则
  19213. interpretative subroutine ==> 演算子程序
  19214. interpretative system ==> 翻译方式
  19215. interpretative version ==> 运算方案
  19216. interpreter ==> 解译器,译码机,译印机,翻译器,翻译者,解释程序=>インタプリタ,せん孔翻訳機
  19217. interpreter code ==> 翻译程序代码,翻译代码,解释程序代码,象征码
  19218. interpreter definition ==> 解释程序的定义
  19219. interpreter for reduction rules ==> 归约规则的解释程序
  19220. interpreter language ==> 翻译语言
  19221. interpreter operation ==> 解释操作
  19222. interpreter programming ==> 翻译程序编制
  19223. interpreter routine ==> 解释例程,解释例行程序,解释子程序
  19224. interpreter-oriented instruction ==> 面向解释程序指令
  19225. interpreting ==> 解释过程,解释执行
  19226. interpretive classification ==> 解释分类,描述分类
  19227. interpretive code ==> 解释编码
  19228. interpretive element ==> 翻译因素
  19229. interpretive execution ==> 解释执行
  19230. interpretive language ==> 解释语言
  19231. interpretive method ==> 解释法=>インタプリティブ処理
  19232. interpretive mode ==> 解释方式
  19233. interpretive process ==> 解释过程
  19234. interpretive program ==> 翻译程序=>解釈プログラム
  19235. interpretive program translation ==> 解释程序翻译
  19236. interpretive programming ==> 翻译程序法
  19237. interpretive routine ==> 翻译程序,解释的例行程序,解释例行程序
  19238. interpretive scheme ==> 翻译模式
  19239. interpretive simulation ==> 解释模拟
  19240. interpretive structural modelling (ISM) ==> 解析结构模型
  19241. interpretive system ==> 翻译系统
  19242. interpretive trace program ==> 解释跟踪程序
  19243. interpretive tracing ==> 解释追踪,译码解释跟踪法
  19244. interpretive translation program ==> 解释翻译程序,释译程序
  19245. interpretoscope ==> 译释显示器,判读仪
  19246. interprismatic substance ==> 柱间物质
  19247. interprocess communication ==> 进程间通信
  19248. interprocess communication facility ==> 进程间通信设备,进程通信设备
  19249. interprocessor communication ==> 处理机间通信
  19250. interprocessor interference ==> 处理机间干扰
  19251. interprocessor interrupt ==> 处理机间中断
  19252. interprogram communication ==> 程序间通信
  19253. interprovincial highway ==> 省际公路
  19254. interprovincial power networks ==> 跨省电网
  19255. interproximal ==> 邻间的
  19256. interproximal caries ==> 邻面龋齿
  19257. interproximal cavity ==> 邻面洞
  19258. interproximal finishing bur ==> 邻面精修钻
  19259. interproximal trimmer ==> 牙间齐整器
  19260. interproximate ==> 邻间的
  19261. interpterygoid ==> 翼间窝
  19262. interpulse ==> 中介脉冲
  19263. interpulse noise ==> 脉间噪声
  19264. interpulse period ==> 脉冲间歇时间
  19265. interpupillary adjustment ==> 目距调节
  19266. interpupillary diameter ==> 瞳孔间径
  19267. interpupillometer ==> 目距仪
  19268. interquartile range ==> 四分位差,四分位数间距
  19269. interracial cross ==> 族间杂交
  19270. interradicular septa ==> 牙根间隔
  19271. interradius ==> 间辐
  19272. interray ==> 间辐条
  19273. interreaction ==> 互相反应,互相作用
  19274. interrecord gap ==> 记录间隔=>レコード間隔
  19275. interrecord gap (IGP) ==> 记录间隙
  19276. interrecord gap length ==> 记录间隔长度
  19277. interrecord relationship ==> 记录间关系
  19278. interrecord structure ==> 记录间结构,记录结构
  19279. interreflection ==> 相互発散
  19280. interregional trade ==> 区际贸易
  19281. interrelated logic accumulating scanner ==> 互相关逻辑累积扫描器
  19282. interrelation ==> 相互关系,相互联系
  19283. interrelationship ==> 相互影响=>相互関係
  19284. interrenal gland ==> 肾间腺
  19285. interrod spacing ==> 棒间距离
  19286. interrod substance ==> 釉柱间质
  19287. interrogate ==> 询问
  19288. interrogate generator ==> 询问信号发生器
  19289. interrogate interrupt ==> 询问中断
  19290. interrogate interrupt syllable ==> 询问中断字节
  19291. interrogating ==> 询问=>問合せ
  19292. interrogating processor ==> 询问处理机
  19293. interrogating radar ==> 询问雷达
  19294. interrogating range ==> 询问距离
  19295. interrogating signal ==> 询问信号
  19296. interrogation ==> 询问
  19297. interrogation antenna ==> 询问天线
  19298. interrogation code ==> 询问电码
  19299. interrogation coding ==> 询问编码
  19300. interrogation command ==> 查询命令=>問合せ命令
  19301. interrogation frequency ==> 询问频率
  19302. interrogation hole ==> 询问孔
  19303. interrogation link ==> 询问信道
  19304. interrogation mark ==> 疑问符
  19305. interrogation pulse ==> 询问脉冲
  19306. interrogation pulse spacing ==> 询问脉冲间隔
  19307. interrogation recording and location system ==> 询问记录和定位系统
  19308. interrogation responsor ==> 问答机
  19309. interrogation signal ==> 询问信号
  19310. interrogation spacing ==> 询问间隔
  19311. interrogation unit ==> 询问机
  19312. interrogation winding ==> 询问绕组
  19313. interrogative sentence ==> 疑问句
  19314. interrogator ==> 询问应答机=>質問機
  19315. interrogator circuit ==> 询问电路
  19316. interrogator delay ==> 询问延迟
  19317. interrogator set ==> 询问器
  19318. interrogator-responder ==> 询问应答器
  19319. interrogator-responder system ==> 询问应答方式
  19320. interrogator-responsor ==> 询问应答机,询问应答器
  19321. interrogator-transmitter ==> 询问器
  19322. interrow crop ==> 间作物
  19323. interrow cultivation ==> 行间耕作
  19324. interrow growth ==> 行间植物
  19325. interrupable instruction ==> 可中断指令
  19326. interrupt ==> 中断,断开,断电,间断,遮断,妨碍,阻止=>割り込み,ある連続した処理の最中に、別の処理を行なわせること。 たとえばキーボードなどのデバイスからCPUへのデータ転送は、CPUの処理とはまったく非同期に行なわれる。いつ起こるか分からないキーボード入力をCPUが待っているのでは効率が悪いので、CPUには他の処理をさせておき、入力が起こった時点でこれに割り込みをかけ、キーボードの処理を行なわせるようにする。具体的には、デバイスはCPUに割り込み信号を送ることで、デバイスからCPUへのデータ転送要求を伝える。するとこの割り込み信号を受け取ったCPUは、それまで行なっていた処理を中断し、割り込みハンドラと呼ばれるルーチンを実行する。
  19327. interrupt acknowledge ==> 批准中断
  19328. interrupt address ==> 中断地址
  19329. interrupt address register ==> 中断地址寄存器
  19330. interrupt address vector ==> 中断地址向量
  19331. interrupt analysis ==> 中断分析
  19332. interrupt assignment ==> 中断指定
  19333. interrupt assignment strategy ==> 中断指定策略
  19334. interrupt bus ==> 中断总线
  19335. interrupt button ==> 中断电钮
  19336. interrupt cycle ==> 中断周期
  19337. interrupt enable ==> 允许中断
  19338. interrupt enable flag ==> 允许中断标志
  19339. interrupt enable flip-flop ==> 允许中断触发器
  19340. interrupt error ==> 中断错误
  19341. interrupt feed-back signal ==> 中断反馈信号
  19342. interrupt flip-flop ==> 中断触发器
  19343. interrupt freeze mode ==> 中断冻结状态
  19344. interrupt handling ==> 中断处理
  19345. interrupt handling logic ==> 中断处理逻辑
  19346. interrupt handling routine ==> 中断处理程序
  19347. interrupt identification ==> 中断标志
  19348. interrupt indicator ==> 中断指示器
  19349. interrupt initialization sequence ==> 中断初始化序列
  19350. interrupt input ==> 割込み入力
  19351. interrupt instruction ==> 中断指令
  19352. interrupt isochronous ==> 等时中断
  19353. interrupt latency ==> 中断等待
  19354. interrupt lockout ==> 封锁中断
  19355. interrupt mask ==> 隐中断字,中断屏蔽
  19356. interrupt mask bit ==> 中断屏蔽位
  19357. interrupt mask flag ==> 中断屏蔽标志
  19358. interrupt mask out ==> 中断屏蔽输出
  19359. interrupt mask read ==> 中断屏蔽读出
  19360. interrupt mask word ==> 中断屏蔽字
  19361. interrupt mode ==> 中断方式,中断状态,保持状态
  19362. interrupt nesting ==> 中断嵌套
  19363. interrupt on overflow ==> 上溢中断
  19364. interrupt operation ==> 中断操作
  19365. interrupt phase ==> 中断状态
  19366. interrupt priority ==> 中断优先权
  19367. interrupt priority chip ==> 中断优先片
  19368. interrupt priority signal ==> 中断优先级信号
  19369. interrupt priority system ==> 中断优先系统
  19370. interrupt priority table ==> 中断优先表
  19371. interrupt priority threshold ==> 中断优先阈值
  19372. interrupt procedure ==> 中断过程
  19373. interrupt processing ==> 中断处理
  19374. interrupt processing routine ==> 中断处理程序
  19375. interrupt program signal ==> 中断程序信号
  19376. interrupt push switch ==> 中断按钮开关
  19377. interrupt reassignment ==> 中断重指定
  19378. interrupt reenabling of I-O ==> 重新开放I-O中断
  19379. interrupt request clearing ==> 清除中断请求
  19380. interrupt request handling ==> 处理中断请求
  19381. interrupt request signal ==> 中性请求信号
  19382. interrupt return control word ==> 中断返回控制字
  19383. interrupt return instruction ==> 中断返回指令
  19384. interrupt routine ==> 中断程序,断开程序
  19385. interrupt run ==> 中断运行
  19386. interrupt service routine ==> 中断服务程序
  19387. interrupt servicing ==> 中断服务
  19388. interrupt source ==> 中断源
  19389. interrupt stacking ==> 中断保存,中断堆叠
  19390. interrupt storage area ==> 中断存储区
  19391. interrupt trap ==> 中断捕获
  19392. interrupt trigger ==> 中断触发器
  19393. interrupt trigger signal ==> 中断触发信号
  19394. interrupt vector ==> 间断向量
  19395. interrupt word register ==> 中断字寄存器
  19396. interrupt-oriented system ==> 中断用系统,面向中断的系统
  19397. interruptable process industry ==> 中断程序工业
  19398. interruptable state ==> 中断状态,可中断的状态
  19399. interrupted ==> 中断的
  19400. interrupted acoustical ceiling ==> 间断式吸音吊顶
  19401. interrupted ageing ==> 断续时效
  19402. interrupted aging ==> 分级时效
  19403. interrupted circuit transfer ==> 停電切替
  19404. interrupted continuous wave ==> 间断等幅波
  19405. interrupted continuous waves ==> 断续等幅波
  19406. interrupted current ==> 断续电流
  19407. interrupted cut ==> 断续切削
  19408. interrupted cycle of erosion ==> 中断的侵蚀旋回,中断侵蚀回旋
  19409. interrupted dc tachometer ==> 断续直流转速计
  19410. interrupted earth ==> 断续接地
  19411. interrupted fault ==> 不连续断层
  19412. interrupted fire ==> 断续点放
  19413. interrupted fold ==> 不连续褶皱
  19414. interrupted galvanofaradic apparatus ==> 间断直流感应仪
  19415. interrupted gear ==> 断续机构
  19416. interrupted hardening ==> 阶段淬火,双液淬火
  19417. interrupted oil supply ==> 间歇供油
  19418. interrupted oscillation ==> 间歇振荡
  19419. interrupted pour ==> 间断浇注
  19420. interrupted profile ==> (河流)中断剖面
  19421. interrupted projection ==> 分瓣投影
  19422. interrupted quenching ==> 分级淬火,分级淬火
  19423. interrupted quick flashing light ==> 断续快速闪光灯
  19424. interrupted respiration ==> 齿轮状呼吸,间断性呼吸,间歇性呼吸
  19425. interrupted ringing ==> 断続信号
  19426. interrupted screw ==> 带槽螺钉
  19427. interrupted sero-muscular suture ==> 间断浆肌层缝合术
  19428. interrupted solution ==> 不连续解
  19429. interrupted speech ==> 断续语言
  19430. interrupted stream ==> 中断河
  19431. interrupted suture ==> 间断缝术
  19432. interrupted urination ==> 尿流中断
  19433. interrupted wave ==> 断续电波
  19434. interrupted whole layer inversion suture ==> 间断全层内翻缝合术
  19435. interruptedly pinnate ==> 参差羽状的
  19436. interrupter ==> 中断器,断续器,斩波器,障碍物,引信保险隔板
  19437. interrupter contact ==> 断续器触点
  19438. interrupter duty ==> 断续工作
  19439. interrupter gear ==> 断续齿轮,射击电动协调装置
  19440. interrupter structure ==> 遮断部構造
  19441. interrupter switch ==> 断续开关
  19442. interrupter type vibrator ==> 断续式振动器
  19443. interrupter vibrator ==> 断续式振动器
  19444. interruptibility ==> 可中断性
  19445. interruptible forward contract ==> 可中断远期合同,允许买方或卖方中断合同执行的一种远期合同
  19446. interruptible jet sensor ==> 遮断射流传感器
  19447. interruptible load ==> 可停电负荷,1、按合同规定可以被停供的电力需量。2、按合同规定供电部门可以将其断开电源一段时间的特定用户的负荷
  19448. interruptible price ==> 可中断电价,又称"可中断负荷电价"
  19449. interruptible sensor ==> 遮断式传感器
  19450. interruptible service ==> 可中断服务,电力用户为系统提供的一种辅助服务,它允许系统运行机构在必要时中断对用户的供电,并按合约给予用户相应补偿
  19451. interruptible state ==> 中断状态
  19452. interrupting capacity ==> 断开容量,遮断容量
  19453. interrupting current ==> 断开电流,分断电流=>遮断電流
  19454. interrupting performance ==> 遮断性能
  19455. interrupting relay ==> 断续继电器
  19456. interrupting speed ==> 断路速度,跳闸速度
  19457. interrupting spring ==> 断续弹簧
  19458. interrupting technology ==> 分断技术=>遮断技術
  19459. interrupting time ==> 断路时间=>遮断時間
  19460. interruption ==> 断续,断路,遮断物,中断,中断期,中止,间断,停止=>割込み,停電, momentary interruption: 0.5cycle-3s,temporary interruption: 3s-1min.
  19461. interruption arc ==> 断流电弧
  19462. interruption cable ==> 应急电缆,替换电缆
  19463. interruption cost ==> 停電コスト
  19464. interruption current ==> 断电电流
  19465. interruption duration ==> 停电持续时间
  19466. interruption frequency ==> 断续频率,断续频数
  19467. interruption frequency index ==> 断续频数指数
  19468. interruption governor ==> 断续调速器
  19469. interruption handling ==> 中断处理
  19470. interruption handling routine ==> 中断处理例行程序
  19471. interruption mask ==> 中断屏蔽
  19472. interruption masked status ==> 中断屏蔽状态
  19473. interruption of a right ==> 权利的中断
  19474. interruption of aortic arch ==> 主动脉弓离断
  19475. interruption of automatic checking at fault ==> 事故対応(保護継電装置)
  19476. interruption of circuit ==> 断路
  19477. interruption of lactation ==> 中止哺乳
  19478. interruption of power supply ==> 停电,中断对用户的供电
  19479. interruption of pregnancy ==> 中止妊娠
  19480. interruption of service ==> 停电,运行障碍
  19481. interruption pending ==> 中断保留
  19482. interruption queue ==> 中断队列,中断排队
  19483. interruption source ==> 中断原因
  19484. interruption status ==> 中断状态
  19485. interruption status word ==> 中断状态字
  19486. interruption subroutine ==> 中断子程序,中断子例行程序
  19487. interruption supervisor ==> 中断管理程序
  19488. interruption to service ==> 阻止
  19489. intersatellite communication ==> 卫星间通信
  19490. interscan ==> インタスキャン
  19491. interscapular region ==> 肩胛间区
  19492. interscendental curve ==> 半超越曲线
  19493. intersciatic ==> 坐骨间的
  19494. intersect ==> 交叉,相交
  19495. intersect peneplain ==> 交切准平原
  19496. intersecting ==> 相叉的
  19497. intersecting arcade ==> 交叉拱廊
  19498. intersecting axis ==> 交叉轴线
  19499. intersecting body ==> 相贯体
  19500. intersecting dislocations ==> 相交位错
  19501. intersecting frame ==> 交叉式针梳机
  19502. intersecting gill set frame ==> 重针制条机
  19503. intersecting gill spreader ==> 重针延展机,重针延展机
  19504. intersecting point ==> 交点,交会点,转角点
  19505. intersecting ribs ==> 交叉穹肋
  19506. intersecting roads ==> 交叉道路
  19507. intersecting roof ==> 交叉屋顶
  19508. intersecting routes ==> 交叉路线
  19509. intersecting slip bands ==> 相交滑移带
  19510. intersecting vault ==> 交叉穹顶
  19511. intersection ==> 交,交叉,交叉口,交会,交接点,交线,道路交叉口,横切,路口,逻辑乘,逻辑乘积
  19512. intersection chart ==> 交织图
  19513. intersection data ==> 相交数据
  19514. intersection function ==> 交集函数
  19515. intersection grade ==> 相交坡度
  19516. intersection graph ==> 交图
  19517. intersection height ==> 交点高度
  19518. intersection leg ==> 相交路段
  19519. intersection line ==> 相交线
  19520. intersection number ==> 相交数
  19521. intersection of barrier ==> 间壁交集
  19522. intersection of fuzzy sets ==> 模糊集的交
  19523. intersection of sets ==> 集的交,集合的相交
  19524. intersection of shock waves ==> 冲击波交会
  19525. intersection of solids ==> 相贯体
  19526. intersection point ==> 交叉点
  19527. intersection rate of return ==> 交叉报酬率,交叉盈利率
  19528. intersection theorem ==> 相交定理
  19529. intersection theory ==> 相交理论
  19530. intersection theory method ==> 相交理论法
  19531. intersectional elements ==> 相交因素
  19532. intersector curve ==> 横断曲线
  19533. interseeding intersowing ==> 添播
  19534. intersegment ==> 节间
  19535. intersegment reference ==> 段间引用
  19536. intersegmental ==> 段间的
  19537. intersegmental artery ==> 节间动脉
  19538. interselling ==> 交叉销售
  19539. intersertal ==> 填隙的
  19540. intersertal texture ==> 填隙结构,间片结构
  19541. interservice ==> 军种间,军种间
  19542. intersex ==> 雌雄间体,间性体
  19543. intersexuality ==> 间性,雌雄间体,雌雄间性
  19544. intersheathes ==> 金属间层
  19545. intershield ==> 中间屏蔽
  19546. intershop trucking expense ==> 二场间的搬运费
  19547. intersigmoid hernia ==> 乙状结肠间疝
  19548. intersigmoid recess ==> 乙状结肠间隐窝
  19549. intersite user communication ==> 各地用户间通信
  19550. intersity -modulated current ==> 强度调制电流
  19551. intersity -modulation circuit ==> 强度调制电路
  19552. intersity -modulation scan ==> 强度调制扫描
  19553. intersity grid ==> 强制栅
  19554. intersity limitation ==> 强度限
  19555. intersity meter ==> 强度测量计
  19556. intersity modulated beam ==> 强度调制光束
  19557. intersity modulating electrode ==> 强度调制电极
  19558. intersnubber ==> 中间缓冲器
  19559. intersolubility ==> 互溶性
  19560. interspace ==> 割面间隔带,中间=>空間,すき間,合間,間隔,
  19561. interspace loss ==> 间隙损失
  19562. interspace of double glazing ==> 双层玻璃空隙
  19563. interspace of lumbar vertebrae ==> 腰椎间隙
  19564. interspecies relation ==> 种间关系
  19565. interspecific association ==> 种间联合
  19566. interspecific chemical messenger ==> 种间的化学信使
  19567. interspecific chiasma ==> 种间杂交
  19568. interspecific competition ==> 种间斗争,种间竞赛
  19569. interspecific crossing ==> 种间杂交
  19570. interspecific difference ==> 种间差异
  19571. interspecific grafting ==> 种间嫁接
  19572. interspecific hybrid ==> 种间杂种,杂间杂种
  19573. interspecific hybrid cell ==> 种间杂交细胞
  19574. interspecific relationship ==> 种间关系
  19575. interspecific selection ==> 种间选择
  19576. interspecific sterility ==> 种间不育
  19577. interspecific transfer ==> 种间移植
  19578. interspecific transplantation ==> 种间移植
  19579. interspecific variability ==> 种间变率
  19580. intersperse ==> 交替
  19581. interspersed relation ==> 散在関係
  19582. interspersion ==> 混布
  19583. interspicular region ==> 针状物际区
  19584. interspike interval ==> 峰电位间隔
  19585. interspinal ==> 椎间的
  19586. interspinal ligament injury ==> 棘间韧带损伤
  19587. interspinal ligaments ==> 棘间韧带
  19588. interspinal line ==> 棘间线
  19589. interspinal muscles ==> 棘间肌
  19590. interspinal muscles of neck ==> 颈棘间肌,颈棘间肌
  19591. interspinal muscles of thorax ==> 胸棘间肌
  19592. interspinal plane ==> 棘间平面
  19593. interspinous ==> 椎间的
  19594. interspinous diameter ==> 髂棘间径,髂前上棘间径
  19595. interstage ==> 级际滤波器,级间,级间的
  19596. interstage amplifier ==> 中间放大级
  19597. interstage amplifier section ==> 中间放大级
  19598. interstage annealing ==> 中间退火
  19599. interstage attemperator ==> 级间减温器
  19600. interstage cooler ==> 中间冷却器
  19601. interstage cooling ==> 中间冷却
  19602. interstage coupling ==> 级间耦合,管子间耦合
  19603. interstage coupling method ==> 级间耦合法
  19604. interstage gland ==> 级间汽封
  19605. interstage load resistance ==> 级间负载电阻
  19606. interstage network ==> 级间耦合网络
  19607. interstage punching ==> 行间穿孔,隔行穿孔,奇数行穿孔
  19608. interstage reservoir ==> 中间罐
  19609. interstage section ==> 级间部分
  19610. interstage shielding ==> 极间屏蔽,级间屏蔽
  19611. interstage stabilizing network ==> 级间稳定网络
  19612. interstage structure ==> 级间结构
  19613. interstage transformer ==> 级间变压器=>段間変成器
  19614. interstall pillar ==> 中间矿柱
  19615. interstand ==> 中间机座
  19616. interstar connection ==> 接线
  19617. interstar winding ==> 曲折绕组
  19618. interstate airways communications station ==> 州间航空通信电台
  19619. interstate highway ==> 州际公路
  19620. interstate lines ==> 州际管线
  19621. interstate park ==> 州际公园
  19622. interstate quarantine ==> 州际检疫,洲际检疫
  19623. interstate road ==> 州际公路
  19624. interstate trucking ==> 州际货运
  19625. interstation interference ==> 局间干扰,局间干扰,电台间互扰
  19626. interstation transfer function ==> インターステーション応答関数
  19627. interstellar ==> 星际
  19628. interstellar cloud ==> 星际云
  19629. interstellar communication ==> 星际通信
  19630. interstellar dust ==> 星际尘埃
  19631. interstellar gas ==> 星际气体
  19632. interstellar hydrogen ==> 星际氢
  19633. interstellar lines ==> 星际谱线
  19634. interstellar magnetic field ==> 星間磁場
  19635. interstellar maser ==> 宇宙脉泽
  19636. interstellar matter ==> 星际介质
  19637. interstellar molecules ==> 星际分子
  19638. interstellar probe ==> 星际探测器
  19639. interstellar space ==> 宇宙空间
  19640. interstellar travel ==> 星际航行
  19641. interstep ==> 级间
  19642. interstep regulating transformer ==> 级间调节变压器
  19643. intersterility ==> 不可交配性
  19644. intersternal ==> 胸骨间的
  19645. intersternite ==> 间腹板
  19646. interstice ==> 间隙
  19647. interstices of soil ==> 土壤裂缝
  19648. interstitial ==> 填隙式,填隙子,中间的
  19649. interstitial alloy ==> 填隙式合金
  19650. interstitial anion ==> 填隙阴离子
  19651. interstitial atom ==> 填隙原子,间充原子,结点间原子=>格子間原子
  19652. interstitial cation ==> 填隙阳离子
  19653. interstitial cell ==> 睾丸间质细胞,间隙细胞
  19654. interstitial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH) ==> 间质细胞刺激素,促间质细胞激素
  19655. interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH) ==> 间隙细胞刺激素
  19656. interstitial cells ==> 莱迪希氏细胞
  19657. interstitial cells of Leydig ==> 莱迪希氏(间质)细胞,间质细胞
  19658. interstitial cells of ovary ==> 卵巢间质细胞
  19659. interstitial compound ==> 填隙化合物
  19660. interstitial condensation ==> 缝隙结露
  19661. interstitial configuration ==> 间隙位形
  19662. interstitial content ==> 节间密度
  19663. interstitial cracking ==> 穿晶断口
  19664. interstitial cystitis ==> 间质性膀胱炎
  19665. interstitial defect ==> 填隙式缺陷
  19666. interstitial diffusion ==> 填隙式扩散
  19667. interstitial edema ==> 间质性水肿
  19668. interstitial embrittlement-sensitive material ==> 间隙脆化敏感材料
  19669. interstitial emphysema ==> 间质性肺气肿
  19670. interstitial endocrine cells ==> 间质内分泌细胞
  19671. interstitial fibers ==> 间质纤维
  19672. interstitial fluid ==> 间隙流体,间液,组织间隙液
  19673. interstitial gland ==> 间质腺
  19674. interstitial hepatitis ==> 间质性肝炎
  19675. interstitial hydraulic pressure ==> 空隙水压力
  19676. interstitial ice ==> 空隙冰,地下冰
  19677. interstitial imperfection ==> 填隙式缺陷
  19678. interstitial implants ==> 组织内植入
  19679. interstitial impurity ==> 填隙式杂质
  19680. interstitial inflammation ==> 间质性炎症
  19681. interstitial inflammatory infiltration ==> 间质炎性浸润
  19682. interstitial ion ==> 填隙离子
  19683. interstitial keratitis ==> 间质性角膜炎
  19684. interstitial lamella ==> 间骨板
  19685. interstitial mastitis ==> 间质性乳腺炎
  19686. interstitial material ==> 填隙料
  19687. interstitial membrane ==> 间隙膜
  19688. interstitial myelitis ==> 间质性脊髓炎
  19689. interstitial myocarditis ==> 间质性心肌炎
  19690. interstitial myositis ==> 间质性肌炎,传染性肌炎
  19691. interstitial nephritis ==> 间质性肾炎
  19692. interstitial neuritis ==> 间质性神经炎
  19693. interstitial nucleus ==> 间位核
  19694. interstitial pair ==> 介在対
  19695. interstitial pancreatitis ==> 间质性胰炎
  19696. interstitial phase ==> 间隙相
  19697. interstitial pneumonia ==> 间质性肺炎,间质性肺炎,慢性纤维性肺炎
  19698. interstitial position ==> 节点间隙,晶格中节点间隙
  19699. interstitial proliferation ==> 间质增生
  19700. interstitial radiation ==> 组织内放射疗法
  19701. interstitial radiocolloid therapy ==> 间织内放射性胶体治疗
  19702. interstitial rate ==> 填隙率
  19703. interstitial site ==> 间隙,间隙位置
  19704. interstitial solid solution ==> 填隙固熔体,浸渍固体溶液=>侵入形固溶体
  19705. interstitial space ==> 组织间隙
  19706. interstitial structure ==> 填隙结构
  19707. interstitial texture ==> 填充结构
  19708. interstitial tissue ==> 间介组织,间质组织
  19709. interstitial tissue of testis ==> 睾丸间质
  19710. interstitial vacancy pair ==> 填隙空位偶
  19711. interstitial water ==> 间隙水,空隙水,孔隙水,缝隙水,构造水
  19712. interstitial water saturation ==> 饱和间隙水量
  19713. interstitial(cy) ==> 结点间
  19714. interstitial-cell tumor ==> 间质性气肿
  19715. interstitial-substitutional model ==> 填隙替位模型
  19716. interstitialcellstimulating hormone (ICSH) ==> 促黄体生成素
  19717. interstitialcy ==> 节间
  19718. interstitialoma ==> 间质瘤
  19719. interstitioma ==> 间质性气肿
  19720. interstitral atom ==> 填隙原子
  19721. interstratification ==> 间层作用
  19722. interstratified ==> 层间的
  19723. interstratified beds ==> 互层
  19724. interstratified coal sample ==> 分层煤样
  19725. interstream ==> 河间的
  19726. interstream area ==> 河间地区
  19727. interstream groundwater ridge ==> 河间地下分水线
  19728. interstrip pulse ==> 行间脉冲
  19729. intersuperciliary ==> 眉弓间的
  19730. intersuperciliary width ==> 眉间宽
  19731. intersymbol interference ==> 符号间干扰=>符号間干渉
  19732. intersystem communications ==> 系统间通信
  19733. intersystem comparison ==> 体系间比较
  19734. intersystem fault ==> 混触事故,A fault involving two different nominal power system voltages. 系统间故障,涉及到两个不同电压等级电力系统的故障
  19735. intersystem problem ==> 系统中的问题
  19736. intersystem transition ==> 系间跃迁
  19737. intersystole ==> 收缩间期
  19738. INTERTANKO , International Association of Independent Tanker Owners ==> 国際タンカー船主協会
  19739. INTERTANKO International Association of Independent Tanker Owners ==> 国际独立罐船主协会
  19740. INTERTANKO, International Association of Independent Tanker Owners ==> 国际独立油轮船东协会
  19741. intertentacular ==> 触手间的
  19742. intertergite ==> 间背片
  19743. interterminal capacitance ==> 接线端子间电容,端子间电容
  19744. intertexture ==> 交织,交织物
  19745. interthalamic adhesion ==> 丘脑间粘合
  19746. intertia force classifier ==> 惯性力分级机
  19747. intertidal ==> 潮间的,潮区内的
  19748. intertidal flat ==> 潮间坪
  19749. intertidal marsh ==> 潮间沼泽地
  19750. intertidal pool ==> 潮水坑
  19751. intertidal region ==> 潮间带,潮水浸淹带
  19752. intertidal zone ==> 潮间带,潮间区,潮汐带
  19753. intertidalite ==> 潮间带沉积物
  19754. intertie ==> 交接横木,交叉拉杆
  19755. intertill ==> 中耕
  19756. intertilled crops ==> 中耕作物
  19757. intertinctus ==> 染色不同的
  19758. intertoll trunk ==> 长途电话局间干线,长途局间中继线,长途台间中继线,内部长途中继线
  19759. intertonguing ==> 交错沉积,交错相变化
  19760. intertooth space ==> 齿间
  19761. intertrabecula ==> 间小梁
  19762. intertrack bond ==> 轨道间联接线
  19763. intertrack crosstalk ==> 串道,道间串扰
  19764. intertrade and transregional economic zones ==> 跨行业跨地区的经济区
  19765. intertragic incisure ==> 耳屏间切迹
  19766. intertragic notch ==> 耳屏间切迹
  19767. intertransverse ligament ==> 横突间韧带
  19768. intertriginous dermatitis ==> 間擦疹性の皮膚炎
  19769. intertrigo ==> 擦烂,擦烂红斑
  19770. intertrigo ani ==> 肛擦烂
  19771. intertrigo umbilicus ==> 脐湿
  19772. intertrip ==> 联动跳闸
  19773. intertripping ==> 联锁跳闸
  19774. intertripping protection==intertripping (protection)==transfer… tripping (protection) ==> 転送引外し継電方式, A method in which the tripping of the circuit-breaker at one end of a circuit is initiated by a signal transmitted from the protection at the other end.
  19775. intertripping system ==> 远方跳闸系统
  19776. intertripping underreach protection (IUP) (abbreviation) ,〔direct underreaching transfer trip protection (USA) (DUTT) (abbreviation)〕 ==> 無条件アンダリーチ保護
  19777. intertripping,〔transfer tripping (USA)〕 ==> 無条件転送トリップ, The tripping of circuit-breaker(s) by signals initiated from protection at a remote location independent of the state of the local protection.
  19778. intertrochanter fracture of femur ==> 股骨粗隆间骨折
  19779. intertrochanteric ==> 粗隆间的
  19780. intertrochanteric crest ==> 转子间嵴
  19781. intertrochanteric diameter ==> 股骨大转子间径,股骨转子间径
  19782. intertrochanteric fracture ==> 股骨转子间骨折
  19783. intertrochanteric line ==> 转子间线
  19784. intertrochanteric octeotomy ==> 转子间切骨术
  19785. intertrochanteric osteotomy of femur ==> 股骨粗隆间切骨术
  19786. intertropical convergence zone ==> 热带辐合区,热带聚集区
  19787. intertropical front ==> 热带锋
  19788. intertuberal diameter ==> 结节间径
  19789. intertubercular groove of humerus ==> 肱骨结节间沟
  19790. intertubercular plane ==> 结节间平面
  19791. intertubercular sulcus ==> 结节间沟
  19792. intertubercular synovial sheath ==> 结节间滑膜鞘
  19793. interturn ==> 匝间
  19794. interturn capacitance ==> 匝间电容
  19795. interturn fault ==> 匝间故障
  19796. interturn insulation ==> 匝间绝缘
  19797. interturn protection ==> 匝间保护
  19798. interturn short circuit protection ==> 匝间短路保护
  19799. interturn short-circuit relay==… interturn short-circuit (relay) ==> ターン間短絡継電器, 層間短絡継電器, Protection which operates in case of short-circuits between turns of the same phase of a machine or apparatus.
  19800. interturn test ==> 匝间试验
  19801. interturn test; turn to turn test ==> 匝间试验,在同一线圈相邻匝间施加高电压以检验其绝缘强度的试验
  19802. interturn tester ==> 线匝试验器
  19803. intertwine ==> 交扭
  19804. intertype ==> 整行排铸机,自动排印机
  19805. intertype competition ==> 非同行竞争
  19806. intervaginal ==> 鞘间的
  19807. intervaginal spaces ==> 鞘间隙
  19808. interval ==> 区间,间隔,空隙,间隙,差别,间隔时间,间期=>区間,隔たり,間隔,距離,合間
  19809. interval abutting one another ==> 毗连区间
  19810. interval algorithm ==> 区間アルゴリズム
  19811. interval analysis ==> 区间分析
  19812. interval arithmetic ==> 区间算术运算,区间四则运算,区间运算
  19813. interval between ecdyses ==> 蜕皮间隔
  19814. interval between inputs ==> 投入间隔期
  19815. interval between inspections ==> 检查间隔
  19816. interval between phasors ==> 相量间隔
  19817. interval contraction ==> 区间收缩
  19818. interval correlation ==> 间断对比
  19819. interval dividing technique ==> 区间分割技术
  19820. interval error ==> 间隔误差
  19821. interval estimate ==> 区间估计
  19822. interval estimation ==> 区间估计,区间推定
  19823. interval forecast ==> 区间预测
  19824. interval function ==> 区间函数
  19825. interval halving ==> 区间分半法,区间折半
  19826. interval integral ==> 区间积分
  19827. interval linear programming ==> 区间线性规划
  19828. interval mapping ==> 区间映射
  19829. interval method ==> 时间间隔法
  19830. interval migration ==> 区间迁移
  19831. interval mode ==> 区间方式,间隔方式
  19832. interval number ==> 区间数
  19833. interval of convergence ==> 收敛区间
  19834. interval of grouping ==> 分组间隔
  19835. interval of premature beats ==> 过早搏动间期
  19836. interval of rest ==> 静止的间歇,静止的间歇
  19837. interval of service ==> 换班时间,休息时间
  19838. interval of time synchrophasor ==> 时间同步相量间隔
  19839. interval of uncertainty ==> 不定区间
  19840. interval overlapping one another ==> 相叠区间
  19841. interval polling timer ==> 区间定时询问计时器,区间轮询计时器,间隔查询定时程序
  19842. interval prediction ==> 区间预测
  19843. interval running ==> 间歇跑
  19844. interval sampling ==> 间隔抽样
  19845. interval sampling theory ==> 区间抽样理论
  19846. interval scale ==> 区间尺度
  19847. interval scan ==> 间隔扫描
  19848. interval selection code ==> 区间选择符号
  19849. interval service value ==> 区间服务值
  19850. interval signal ==> 间隔信号
  19851. interval solutions ==> 区间解
  19852. interval time-out ==> 区间超时
  19853. interval timer ==> 区间定时器,区间计时器,精确测时计,间隔计时器,间隔时钟,时间间隔调节器
  19854. interval topology ==> 区间拓扑
  19855. interval transit time ==> 间隔传播时间
  19856. interval value ==> 区间值
  19857. interval valued extensions ==> 区间值扩展
  19858. interval valued function ==> 区间值函数
  19859. interval vector valued function ==> 区间值向量函数
  19860. interval velocity ==> 层速度
  19861. interval zone ==> 间隔带
  19862. interval-automatic ==> 间歇自动
  19863. intervaled scale ==> 区间标尺
  19864. intervallum ==> 间隔带
  19865. intervalometer ==> 间隔时间读出器,时间间隔计,时间间隔器,投弹间隔调整器,曝光节制器,定时曝光控制器
  19866. intervalve ==> 闸阀间,级间,级间的,中间管
  19867. intervalve coupling ==> 管间耦合,管子间耦合
  19868. intervalve transformer ==> 管间变压器
  19869. intervalvular ==> 瓣膜间的
  19870. intervane burner ==> 旋流叶片式喷燃器
  19871. intervariable similarity ==> 变量间相似性
  19872. intervarietal crossing ==> 品种间杂交
  19873. intervarietal free cross-pollination ==> 品种间自由异花传粉
  19874. intervarietal free crossing ==> 品种间自由杂交
  19875. intervarietal grafting ==> 品种间嫁接
  19876. intervarietal hybrid ==> 品种间杂种
  19877. intervarietal hybridization ==> 品种间杂交
  19878. intervascular ==> 管间的
  19879. intervascular pitting ==> 管间纹孔式
  19880. intervene ==> 介入,插入
  19881. intervening cooling ==> 中间冷却
  19882. intervening galaxy ==> 居间星系,居间星系
  19883. intervening statement ==> 中间语句,插入语句
  19884. intervening thickness ==> 介入厚度
  19885. intervening well ==> 补充井
  19886. intervening word ==> 插入字
  19887. intervenous tubercle ==> 静脉间结节,静脉间结节
  19888. intervention ==> 介入,行为干预
  19889. intervention button ==> 紧急保险按钮,应急按钮
  19890. intervention level ==> 干预水平
  19891. intervention switch ==> 应急开关,应争保险开关=>緊急スイッチ
  19892. intervention vector ==> 干涉向量
  19893. interventional therapeutic procedures ==> 介入性治疗法
  19894. interventional therapy ==> 介入治疗=>介入療法
  19895. interventional treatment ==> 介入治疗=>介入療法
  19896. interventral ==> 腹间的
  19897. interventricular branch of left coronary artery ==> 左心冠状动脉室间支
  19898. interventricular branch of right coronary artery ==> 右心冠状动脉室间支
  19899. interventricular foramen ==> 室间孔
  19900. interventricular septal defect ==> 心室间隔缺损
  19901. interventricular septum ==> 室间隔
  19902. intervertebral ==> 椎骨间的,椎间的
  19903. intervertebral disc punch ==> 椎间盘打孔器
  19904. intervertebral disc rongeur ==> 椎间盘咬骨钳
  19905. intervertebral discs ==> 椎间盘
  19906. intervertebral foramen ==> 椎间孔
  19907. intervertebral forceps ==> 椎管钳
  19908. intervertebral symphysis ==> 椎间联合
  19909. intervertebral vein ==> 椎间静脉
  19910. interview ==> 面询,访谈,口头查询
  19911. interview expenses ==> 访问费用
  19912. interview survey ==> 访谈式研究
  19913. interviewing ==> 面试
  19914. intervillous ==> 绒毛间的
  19915. intervillous circulation ==> 绒毛间循环
  19916. intervillous spaces ==> 绒毛间隙
  19917. intervisibility ==> 通视
  19918. intervolve ==> 互相盘绕
  19919. interweave ==> 交织=>織り混ざる
  19920. interwind ==> 互相盘绕
  19921. interwinding ==> 中间绕组
  19922. interwinding capacitance ==> 绕组间容量
  19923. interwinding capacity ==> 绕组间电容
  19924. interwine ==> 缠绕
  19925. interword gap ==> 字间间隔,字间隙
  19926. interwork ==> 互相配合
  19927. interworking ==> 交互工作
  19928. interwoven fencing ==> 交织围栏
  19929. interwoven fibrous structure ==> 交织纤维结构
  19930. interxylary cork ==> 木间木栓
  19931. interxylary phloem ==> 木间韧皮部
  19932. interzone ==> 间断带
  19933. interzone call ==> 区域间呼叫
  19934. interzone spacing ==> 区间间距,熔区间间距
  19935. intesdity of compression ==> 压力强度
  19936. intestial bleeding ==> 肠出血
  19937. intestinal ==> 肠的
  19938. intestinal absorption ==> 肠吸收
  19939. intestinal adenocarcinoma ==> 小肠腺癌
  19940. intestinal adhesion ==> 肠粘连
  19941. intestinal amebiasis ==> 肠阿米巴病
  19942. intestinal anastomosis ==> 肠吻合术
  19943. intestinal anastomosis clamp ==> 肠吻合夹,肠吻合钳
  19944. intestinal angioma ==> 小肠血管瘤
  19945. intestinal anthrax ==> 肠炭疽
  19946. intestinal arteries ==> 肠动脉
  19947. intestinal ascariasis ==> 肠道蛔虫病,肠蛔虫病
  19948. intestinal atony ==> 肠无力
  19949. intestinal atresia ==> 肠闭锁
  19950. intestinal auto-intoxication ==> 肠性自体中毒
  19951. intestinal benign tumor ==> 小肠良性肿瘤
  19952. intestinal blind loop syndrome ==> 小肠盲袢综合征
  19953. intestinal button ==> 肠钮
  19954. intestinal caecum ==> 肠盲管
  19955. intestinal calouli ==> 肠石
  19956. intestinal canal ==> 肠道,肠管
  19957. intestinal cancer ==> 肠癌
  19958. intestinal carrier ==> 肠道带菌者
  19959. intestinal catarrh ==> 肠卡他
  19960. intestinal cavity ==> 肠腔
  19961. intestinal ceca ==> 肠支,肠支吸虫
  19962. intestinal cestodiasis ==> 肠绦虫病
  19963. intestinal clamp ==> 肠夹,肠钳
  19964. intestinal clamp forceps ==> 肠夹钳
  19965. intestinal colic ==> 肠绞痛
  19966. intestinal colicky disease ==> 绞肠痧
  19967. intestinal crura ==> 肠腕
  19968. intestinal crushing clamps ==> 肠压挫钳
  19969. intestinal crypts ==> 肠隐窝
  19970. intestinal digestion ==> 肠消化
  19971. intestinal diseases ==> 肠疾病
  19972. intestinal distension ==> 肠腔膨胀
  19973. intestinal diverticulum ==> 肠憩室
  19974. intestinal dyspepsia ==> 肠消化不良
  19975. intestinal fermentation ==> 肠发酵
  19976. intestinal fevers ==> 肠热病类
  19977. intestinal fistula ==> 肠瘘
  19978. intestinal flagellate ==> 肠鞭毛虫
  19979. intestinal flora ==> 肠菌丛,肠内菌丛
  19980. intestinal fluid ==> 小肠液
  19981. intestinal flukes ==> 肠吸虫
  19982. intestinal forceps ==> 肠镊,肠钳
  19983. intestinal glands ==> 肠腺,小肠腺,利贝昆氏腺,加莱阿蒂氏腺
  19984. intestinal gurgling sound ==> 肠鸣音
  19985. intestinal hemorrhage ==> 肠出血
  19986. intestinal holding forceps ==> 持肠镊
  19987. intestinal hormones ==> 肠激素
  19988. intestinal indigestion ==> 肠消化不良
  19989. intestinal infantilism ==> 肠性幼稚型,季氏病
  19990. intestinal infarction ==> 肠梗塞形成
  19991. intestinal inflammatory pseudotumor ==> 小肠炎症性假性瘤
  19992. intestinal influenza ==> 肠型流感
  19993. intestinal intoxication ==> 肠中毒
  19994. intestinal intussusception ==> 肠套叠
  19995. intestinal juice ==> 肠液
  19996. intestinal lavage ==> 洗肠
  19997. intestinal leiomyoma ==> 小肠平滑肌瘤
  19998. intestinal leiomyosarcoma ==> 小肠平滑肌肉瘤
  19999. intestinal lipodystroph ==> 惠伯尔病
  20000. intestinal lipodystrophy ==> 肠原性脂肪代谢障碍
  20001. intestinal lipogranulomatosis ==> 肠脂肪肉芽肿病
  20002. intestinal lipoma ==> 小肠脂肪瘤
  20003. intestinal lymphangiectasia ==> 肠管淋巴管扩张症
  20004. intestinal lymphatic trunks ==> 肠淋巴干
  20005. intestinal malabsorption ==> 肠吸收障碍
  20006. intestinal malabsorption syndrome ==> 小肠吸收不良综合征
  20007. intestinal malignant tumor ==> 小肠恶性肿瘤
  20008. intestinal maltase ==> 肠麦芽糖酶
  20009. intestinal metaplasia ==> 肠上皮化生
  20010. intestinal metaplasia in gastric mucosa ==> 胃粘膜肠上皮化生
  20011. intestinal microorganisms ==> 肠道微生物
  20012. intestinal mucormycosis ==> 肠毛霉菌病
  20013. intestinal myiasis ==> 肠蝇蛆病
  20014. intestinal narrowing ==> 小肠狭窄
  20015. intestinal neurogenic tumor ==> 小肠神经源性瘤
  20016. intestinal neurosis ==> 肠神经官能症
  20017. intestinal obstruction ==> 肠梗阻
  20018. intestinal obstruction by meconium ==> 胎粪肠梗阻
  20019. intestinal obturation ==> 肠堵塞
  20020. intestinal paracentesis ==> 肠穿刺,肠穿刺术
  20021. intestinal parasite ==> 肠内寄生虫
  20022. intestinal parasitic disease ==> 肠寄生虫病
  20023. intestinal parasitosis ==> 肠寄生虫病
  20024. intestinal peptidase ==> 肠肽酶
  20025. intestinal perforation ==> 肠穿孔
  20026. intestinal peristaltic sound ==> 肠蠕动音
  20027. intestinal phase ==> 肠期
  20028. intestinal phase of gastric secretion ==> 胃液分泌肠期
  20029. intestinal plague ==> 肠鼠疫
  20030. intestinal polyp ==> 肠息肉
  20031. intestinal polyposis ==> 肠息肉病
  20032. intestinal protozoa ==> 肠内原生动物
  20033. intestinal reflex ==> 肠反射
  20034. intestinal rhabdomyosarcoma ==> 小肠横纹肌肉瘤
  20035. intestinal rupture ==> 肠破裂
  20036. intestinal Samonella infections ==> 肠道沙门氏菌感染
  20037. intestinal sarcoma ==> 小肠肉瘤
  20038. intestinal schistosomiasis ==> 肠血吸虫病
  20039. intestinal scissors ==> 肠剪
  20040. intestinal secretion ==> 小肠分泌
  20041. intestinal segment ==> 肠段
  20042. intestinal sepsis ==> 肠性脓毒病
  20043. intestinal spasm ==> 肠痉挛
  20044. intestinal spatula ==> 压肠板
  20045. intestinal sporozoa ==> 肠孢子虫
  20046. intestinal stasis ==> 肠停滞
  20047. intestinal stricture ==> 肠狭窄
  20048. intestinal surface ==> 肠面
  20049. intestinal suture needle ==> 肠缝合针
  20050. intestinal taeniasis ==> 肠绦虫病
  20051. intestinal tonic ==> 健肠剂
  20052. intestinal tonsil ==> 肠扁桃
  20053. intestinal toxemia ==> 肠性毒血症
  20054. intestinal tract ==> 肠道
  20055. intestinal trichomoniasis ==> 肠滴虫病
  20056. intestinal tuberculosis ==> 肠结核
  20057. intestinal tumor ==> 肠肿瘤
  20058. intestinal tympanites ==> 鼓肠
  20059. intestinal vertigo ==> 肠性眩晕
  20060. intestinal villi ==> 小肠绒毛
  20061. intestinal villus ==> 肠绒毛
  20062. intestine ==> 肠
  20063. intestine and casing ==> 肠衣
  20064. intestine camera ==> 肠照相机
  20065. intestinum ==> 肠,回肠
  20066. intestinum crassum ==> 大肠=>大腸
  20067. intestinum jejunum ==> 空肠
  20068. intestinum rectum ==> 直肠
  20069. intestinum tenue ==> 小肠
  20070. intial front bevel ==> 初前斜面
  20071. intial stage ==> 开始阶段
  20072. intimal arteriosclerosis ==> 动脉内膜硬化
  20073. intimal cushion ==> 内膜垫
  20074. intimate ==> 密切的,功能相似的
  20075. intimate contact ==> 密切接触
  20076. intimate intercostal muscles ==> 肋间最内肌
  20077. intimate intergrowth ==> 密集共生
  20078. intimate mixing ==> 精细混合
  20079. intimately ==> 親密に
  20080. intimately connected to ==> 密接に結び付いている
  20081. intimately interrelated ==> 密接に相関している
  20082. intimidation ==> 脅し,脅迫
  20083. into mapping ==> 映入的映射
  20084. into tree ==> 放在树中
  20085. intolerable concentration ==> 不可耐浓度
  20086. intolerable contamination ==> 超过容许值的污染,超容许标准的沾染,超容许污染
  20087. intolerable dose ==> 不容许剂量
  20088. intolerance ==> 不耐,不耐性=>アレルギー
  20089. intolerance of cold due to yang insufficiency ==> 阳虚恶寒
  20090. intolerance of light ==> 畏光
  20091. intolerance of shade ==> 需光度
  20092. intolerant tree ==> 阳性树
  20093. intoxication accident ==> 中毒事故
  20094. intra class correlation ==> 组内相关
  20095. intra plant system ==> 厂内系统
  20096. intra record data structure ==> 记录内部数据结构
  20097. intra vane ==> 内叶片
  20098. intra-abdominal oxygen insufflation ==> 腹腔注氧
  20099. intra-abdominal pressure ==> 腹内压
  20100. intra-African trade ==> 非洲内部贸易
  20101. intra-alar ==> 翅内鬃
  20102. intra-alveolar pressure meter ==> 肺泡内压力计
  20103. intra-amniotic injection ==> 羊膜腔内注射
  20104. intra-annular ==> 环内的
  20105. intra-annular tautomerism ==> 环核内互变异构现象,环内互变异构现象
  20106. intra-arc basin ==> 弧内盆地
  20107. intra-arterial ==> 动脉内的
  20108. intra-articular arthrodesis ==> 关节内固定术
  20109. intra-atrial block ==> 心房内传导阻滞
  20110. intra-atrial conduction ==> 心房内传导
  20111. intra-aural ==> 耳内的
  20112. intra-auricular ==> 心房内的
  20113. intra-auricular conductional block ==> 心房内传导阻滞
  20114. intra-auricular muscles ==> 耳内肌
  20115. intra-auricular pressure ==> 心房内压
  20116. intra-baculate ==> 具内棒的,具内棒的
  20117. intra-city ==> 同城往来
  20118. intra-class correlation ==> 同类相关,组内相关
  20119. intra-class variance ==> 组内方差
  20120. intra-cloud discharge ==> 雲内放電
  20121. intra-day limit ==> 日内限额
  20122. intra-day position ==> (外汇交易)日内部位
  20123. intra-epiphysial ==> 骺内的
  20124. intra-epithelial gland ==> 上皮内腺
  20125. intra-generational mobility ==> 同代人之内的变动
  20126. intra-granulate ==> 具内颗粒的,具内颗粒的
  20127. intra-intestinal ==> 肠内的
  20128. intra-issue ==> 限内发行
  20129. intra-medullary nailing of fracture by open method ==> 骨折切开髓内针固定术
  20130. intra-molecular potential ==> 分子内势能
  20131. intra-mucosal carcinoma ==> 粘膜内癌
  20132. intra-oceanic arc ==> 洋内弧
  20133. intra-ocular foreign body ==> 眼内异物
  20134. intra-ocular foreign body forceps ==> 眼内异物钳
  20135. intra-office and line-transmitter ==> 局内局外两用发报机,局内局外两用发报机
  20136. intra-office cable ==> 架間ケーブル
  20137. intra-office communications ==> 办公室内部通信
  20138. intra-osseous tumor of jaw ==> 颌骨内肿瘤
  20139. intra-peritoneal pelvic lymphadenectomy ==> 腹膜内盆腔淋巴结切除术
  20140. intra-record slack byte ==> 记录间隙字节
  20141. intra-striate ==> 内条纹
  20142. intra-striatus ==> 内条纹
  20143. intra-urban transportation ==> 市内运输
  20144. intra-uterine device (IUD) ==> 子宫内避孕器
  20145. intra-uterine infection ==> 子宫内感染
  20146. intra-uterine monitoring ==> 子宫内监护法
  20147. intraallelic complementation ==> 基因内互补作用
  20148. intraalveolar pocket ==> 骨内袋
  20149. intraaortic balloon pump ==> 主动脉内气囊泵
  20150. intraatrial ==> 心房内的
  20151. intraatrial ball thrombus ==> 心房内球形血栓
  20152. intraatrial heart block ==> 房间隔性传导阻滞
  20153. intraband transition ==> 带内过渡,带内跃迁
  20154. intrabasinal rock ==> 盆内岩
  20155. intrabeam viewing ==> 束内观察
  20156. intrabiopelmicrite ==> 内碎屑生物球粒泥晶灰岩
  20157. intrabony ==> 骨内的
  20158. intrabony pocket ==> 骨内袋
  20159. intrabranch ==> 内部往来
  20160. intrabronchial ==> 支气管内的
  20161. intrabuccal ==> 口内的
  20162. intrabundle ==> 绝缘股线间,绝缘股线间
  20163. intrabundle spacing ==> 分裂导线间距
  20164. intracanal epidural abscess ==> 椎管内硬脊膜外脓肿
  20165. intracanalicular fibroadenoma ==> 乳腺管内型纤维腺瘤
  20166. intracanalicular papilloma ==> 乳腺管内乳头状瘤
  20167. intracapsular ==> 囊内的
  20168. intracapsular ankylosis ==> 关节囊内强直
  20169. intracapsular cataract extraction ==> 囊内白内障摘除术,白内障囊内摘出术
  20170. intracapsular fracture ==> 关节囊内骨折
  20171. intracapsular ligaments ==> 囊内韧带
  20172. intracapsular pressure ==> 囊内压
  20173. intracardiac ==> 心内的
  20174. intracardiac injection ==> 心内注射
  20175. intracardiac phonocardiograph ==> 心脏内心音图机
  20176. intracardiac repair under direct vision ==> 心内直视修补术
  20177. intracardiac shunt ==> 心内分流
  20178. intracartilaginous ==> 软骨内的
  20179. intracartilaginous effusion of auricle ==> 耳廓软骨内积液
  20180. intracavitary irradiation ==> 腔内照射
  20181. intracavity ==> 腔内,内腔式
  20182. intracavity acoustic modulation ==> 腔内声调制
  20183. intracavity adaptive optic compensation ==> 腔内自适应光学补偿
  20184. intracavity annular coupling mirror ==> 腔内环形耦合反射镜
  20185. intracavity diffraction grating ==> 腔内衍射光栅
  20186. intracavity dyelaser ==> 内腔式染料激光器
  20187. intracavity electrooptic modulator ==> 内腔式电光调制器
  20188. intracavity gas laser ==> 内腔式气体激光器
  20189. intracavity image converter ==> 内腔式变像管
  20190. intracavity laser ==> 内腔式激光器
  20191. intracavity laser modulation ==> 腔内激光调制
  20192. intracavity loss modulation ==> 腔内损失调制
  20193. intracavity modeselecting element ==> 腔内选模元件
  20194. intracavity modulation ==> 腔内调制
  20195. intracavity perturbations ==> 腔内扰动
  20196. intracavity phase modulation ==> 腔内相调制
  20197. intracavity phase perturbations ==> (激光器)腔内相位微扰
  20198. intracavity pulse compression ==> 腔内脉冲压缩
  20199. intracavity resonantor ==> 内腔式共振器
  20200. intracavity saturated absorption ==> 腔内饱和吸收
  20201. intracell ==> 晶格内部,晶格之内
  20202. intracellular ==> 细胞内的,胞内的
  20203. intracellular body cavity ==> 胞内体腔
  20204. intracellular canaliculi ==> 胞内小管
  20205. intracellular canaliculus ==> 细胞内微管,细胞内小管
  20206. intracellular digestion ==> 细胞内消化
  20207. intracellular enzymes ==> 粘附酶
  20208. intracellular organelle ==> 細胞内顆粒
  20209. intracellular receptor ==> 细胞内受体
  20210. intracellular symbiosis ==> 胞内共生
  20211. intracellular toxin ==> 内毒素
  20212. intracellular toxoid ==> 内毒素
  20213. intracerebellar ==> 小脑内的
  20214. intracerebral foreignbody ==> 脑内异物
  20215. intracerebral hematoma ==> 脑内血肿
  20216. intracerebral hemorrhage ==> 脑内出血
  20217. intracerebral hemorrhage of external capsule ==> 脑内外囊出血
  20218. intracerebral hemorrhage of internal capsule ==> 脑内内囊出血
  20219. intracerebral steal phenmenon ==> 脑内偷漏现象
  20220. intracerebral tumor ==> 脳腫瘍
  20221. intracervical insemination ==> 子宫颈内输精
  20222. intrachondral ==> 软骨内的
  20223. intraciliary fibers ==> 毛丛内纤维
  20224. intracisternal ==> 脑池内的
  20225. intracisternal puncture ==> 小脑延髓池穿刺
  20226. intracistron complementation ==> 顺反子内互补
  20227. intraclass correlation coefficient ==> 同类相关系数
  20228. intraclass mixture ==> 同属混合物
  20229. intraclass sterile ==> 同群内不育
  20230. intraclass sterility ==> 同群内不育
  20231. intraclast ==> 内成碎屑灰岩,内碎屑
  20232. intracloud discharge ==> 云中放电
  20233. intracochlear direct current potential ==> 耳蜗内直流电位,蜗管内直流电位
  20234. intraconnection ==> 内部互连
  20235. intraconnection track ==> 互联轨迹
  20236. intracontinent collision orogen belt ==> 陆内碰撞造山带
  20237. intracontinental composite basin ==> 内陆复合盆地
  20238. intracontinental geosyncline ==> (内地槽)陆间地槽
  20239. intracontinental lowland ==> 内陆低地
  20240. intracontinental sea ==> 陆内海
  20241. intracontinental subduction ==> 陆内俯冲
  20242. intracordial ==> 心内的
  20243. intracoronal retainer ==> 冠内固位体
  20244. intracorpuscular ==> 小体内的
  20245. intracranial aneurysm ==> 颅内动脉瘤
  20246. intracranial arteriovenous malformation ==> 颅内动静脉畸形=>脳動静脈奇形
  20247. intracranial arteryclamps ==> 颅内动脉夹
  20248. intracranial cholesteatoma ==> 颅内胆脂瘤
  20249. intracranial complication ==> 颅内并发病
  20250. intracranial dermoid cyst ==> 颅内皮样囊肿
  20251. intracranial foreign-body ==> 颅内异物
  20252. intracranial hemangioendothelioma ==> 颅内血管内皮瘤
  20253. intracranial hematoma ==> 颅内血肿
  20254. intracranial hemorrhage ==> 颅内出血
  20255. intracranial hemorrhage in newborn ==> 新生儿颅内出血
  20256. intracranial hypertension ==> 颅内高压
  20257. intracranial hypotension ==> 颅内压降低
  20258. intracranial infarction ==> 脳梗塞
  20259. intracranial inoculation ==> 脑内接种
  20260. intracranial melanoma ==> 颅内黑(色)素瘤
  20261. intracranial melanosarcoma ==> 颅内黑(色)素肉瘤
  20262. intracranial neurofibroma ==> 颅内神经纤维瘤
  20263. intracranial periostitis ==> 颅内骨膜炎
  20264. intracranial pressure ==> 颅内压
  20265. intracranial pressure monitor ==> 颅内压监护器
  20266. intracranial pressure transducer[sensor] ==> 颅内压传感器
  20267. intracranial pyogenic infection ==> 颅内化脓性感染
  20268. intracranial sarcoidosis ==> 颅内结节病,颅内肉样瘤病
  20269. intracranial sarcoma ==> 颅内肉瘤
  20270. intracranial space-occupying lesion ==> 颅内占位(性)病变
  20271. intracranial teratoma ==> 颅内畸胎瘤
  20272. intracratonic basin ==> 平原地槽
  20273. intracrustal melting ==> 壳内熔融
  20274. intracrystalline ==> 晶内,穿晶
  20275. intracrystalline attack ==> 晶体内侵蚀
  20276. intracrystalline flow ==> 晶内流变
  20277. intracrystalline fracture ==> 晶粒内断裂
  20278. intracrystalline rupture ==> 晶粒内断裂
  20279. intractability ==> 难解性
  20280. intractable ==> 难加工,难控制,难治的
  20281. intractable angina pectoris ==> 顽固性心绞痛
  20282. intractable constipation ==> 顽固性便秘
  20283. intractable gastric ulcer ==> 顽固性胃溃疡
  20284. intractable heart failure ==> 顽固性心力衰竭
  20285. intractable nonlinearity ==> 难处理的非线性
  20286. intractable refractory ==> 顽固性的
  20287. intractable sneezing ==> 顽固性喷嚏
  20288. intractable sternutation ==> 顽固性喷嚏
  20289. intractable ulcer ==> 顽固性溃疡
  20290. intracular pressure ==> 眼球内压
  20291. intracutaneous ==> 皮内,皮内的
  20292. intracutaneous injection ==> 皮内注射,皮内注射法
  20293. intracutaneous inoculation ==> 皮内接种
  20294. intracutaneous test ==> 皮内试验,皮内注射试验
  20295. intracutaneous tuberculin test ==> 芒图氏试验
  20296. intracuti-reaction ==> 皮内反应
  20297. intracystic papilloma of breast ==> 乳房囊内乳头瘤
  20298. intracytoplasmic ==> 胞浆内的,胞质内的
  20299. intracytoplasmic canals ==> 胞浆内小管
  20300. intraday overdraft ==> 同一日内透支
  20301. intradeep ==> 内渊
  20302. intradermal ==> 真皮内的
  20303. intradermal abscess ==> 皮内脓肿
  20304. intradermal hemorrhage ==> 皮内出血
  20305. intradermal injection ==> 皮内注射,皮内注射法
  20306. intradermal needle ==> 皮内注射针
  20307. intradermal nevus ==> 皮内痣,真皮内痣
  20308. intradermal reaction ==> 皮内反应
  20309. intradermal test ==> 皮内试验,皮内注射试验
  20310. intradermal vaccination ==> 皮内接种
  20311. intradermal vaccine ==> 皮内接种菌苗
  20312. intradermic ==> 真皮内的
  20313. intradermic anaphylactic reaction ==> 皮内过敏反应
  20314. intradermic injection ==> 皮内注射法
  20315. intradermic suture ==> 皮内缝合法
  20316. intradermoreaction ==> 皮内反应
  20317. intrados ==> 拱底面,拱腹线,拱内侧面
  20318. intrados radius ==> 拱内弧半径
  20319. intrados springing line ==> 拱腹起拱线,拱内弧起拱线
  20320. intraductal pancreatic lithiasis ==> 胰腺导管内结石
  20321. intradural hemorrhage ==> 硬膜内出血
  20322. intraembryonic mesoderm ==> 胚内中胚层
  20323. intraepidermal ==> 表皮内的
  20324. intraepidermal carcin