英汉日科技词汇(An English-Chinese-Japanese Dictionary of Technology,总数606812,B/25371)
船舶配件贸易分类==> Main Ship Equipments |
Equipment Types |
Main Marine Manufacturers
Ship Spare Parts, =1=A=B=C=D=E=F=G=H=I=J=K=L=M=N=O=P=Q=R=S=T=U=V=W=X=Y=Z=
女性肖像, by H. Nakajima
| 燃料弁噴射テスト装置 | 油圧ポンプユニット | フラットソケット
化学品船 |
Parts 1 |
Parts 2 | Parts 3 |
Parts 4 |
Parts 5 |
Parts 6 |
Parts 7 |
Parts 8 |
Parts 9
- B & W screen LCD television set ==> 黑白屏幕液晶显示电视机
- B board ==> 中継台
- B category infectious disease ==> 乙类传染病
- B circuit ==> 乙电路
- b contact ==> b接点
- B eliminator ==> 代乙电池
- B gas ==> 高炉煤气
- b h curve ==> bh曲线
- B line ==> 变址数寄存器
- B one(Bl) ==> 二等
- B position ==> 乙座席
- B power supply ==> 乙电路
- B scope ==> B型显示
- B to B commerce ==> 企業間商取引
- B&G, bridges and gateways ==> ブリッジ及びゲートウェイ
- B&W, black & white ==> 白黒
- B-B fraction ==> 丁组分
- B-battery ==> 乙电池组,阳极电池组
- B-box ==> 变数寄存器,变址数寄存器
- B-coefficient ==> 受激发射系数
- B-Ga-silicon dioxide forming film component ==> 掺硼镓乳胶
- B-H curve ==> 磁化曲线=>BH曲線
- B-H loop ==> 磁滞曲线
- B-H saturation curve ==> BH飽和曲線
- B-instruction ==> 变数指令
- B-K oscillation ==> BK振動
- B-line ==> 变数寄存器,保持系
- b-lines ==> 中性锰三重线
- B-magnitude ==> 蓝星等
- B-N ==> ビーエヌ
- B-Phenylethyl Alcohol ==> B-フェニルエチルアルコール,ローズの花らしい香りの香水
- B-pillar ==> 中立柱
- B-PON, Broadband Passive Optical Network ==> NTTが開発しているシステム
- B-position ==> 乙交换机
- B-power ==> 乙电路,阳极电源,板极电源
- B-power supply ==> 阳极电源
- B-register ==> 变数寄存器,加法寄存器
- B-scope ==> Bスコープ
- B-source ==> 板极电源,阳极电源
- B-stage resin ==> 乙阶树脂
- B-unit ==> 变数部件,变址部件
- B-value ==> B値
- B-Y axis ==> 蓝色差信号轴
- B.B, baseband ==> ベースバンド
- B.B.Mandelbrot ==> マンデルブロ,フラクタル理論の提唱者。"The Fractal Geometry of Nature"の作者。
- B.C.D. of anchor (foundation) bolts ==> 地脚螺栓中心圆直径
- B.S. specification ==> 英国标准规范
- B/H, blockhouse ==> ブロックハウス(発射管制棟)
- B/H, boom hinge ==> ブームヒンジ
- B/H, launch control center(blockhouse) ==> 発射管制棟(ブロックハウス)
- B/L or BL Bill of Lading ==> 装载清单
- B/L surrender fee ==> 电放费
- B/L, baseline ==> ベースライン
- B/N Booking Note ==> 预定纪录
- b/sec, bits per second ==> ビット/秒
- B/W quad image processor ==> 黑白四分割图像处理机
- BA ==> ビルオートメーション
- BA demo-design ==> 幅広いアプローチ
- BA signal ==> 总线可用信号
- Ba, Balance relay ==> 平衡継電器,回線選択継電器。平行2回線送電線の電流のバランス状況から事故回線を判定する。
- BA, buffer amplifier ==> バッファーアンプ
- Ba-grease ==> 钡基润滑油
- Baad's Wesselink method ==> 巴德-韦塞林克方法
- Baad's window ==> 巴德窗
- Babal glass ==> 巴贝玻璃
- babal glass ==> 钡硼铝玻璃
- babassu kernel oil ==> 巴巴苏仁油
- babassu oil ==> 巴巴苏仁油
- babbit ==> 巴比合金
- babbit alloy ==> 巴氏合金
- Babbit alloy ==> 巴比特合金
- babbit bearing shoe ==> 巴氏合金瓦,又称“钨金瓦”。瓦面材料采用铅基合金制成,是推力轴承和导轴承中使用得最多的一种轴瓦
- Babbit bronze ==> 巴比特青铜,巴氏青铜
- babbit bronze ==> 巴氏青铜
- babbit layer ==> 巴氏合金层
- babbit lining ==> 巴氏合金衬
- babbit melter ==> 巴氏合金熔炉
- Babbit metal ==> 巴比合金,巴比特合金
- babbit metal bearing ==> 巴氏合金轴承
- babbit packing ring ==> 巴氏合金填密圈
- babbit-lined bearing ==> 巴氏合金衬套轴承
- Babbitt bushing ==> 浇铅轴承
- babbitt metal ==> 巴氏合金
- Babbitt metal ==> バビット合金
- babble signal ==> 迷惑信号
- Babcock and Wilcox boiler ==> 巴布科克及威尔科克斯锅炉,巴韦锅炉
- Babcock and Wilcox mill ==> 巴布科克及威尔科克斯碾磨机
- Babcock apparatus ==> 巴布科克乳脂测定仪
- Babcock coefficient of friction ==> 巴布科克摩擦系数
- Babcock magnetograph ==> 巴布科克磁像仪
- Babcock test ==> 巴布科克试验,巴氏测定法
- Babcock's clamp ==> 爪形肠钳
- Babcock's fat test bottle ==> 脂肪试验瓶
- Babcock's operation ==> 巴布科克氏手术
- Babcocks test ==> 巴布科克氏试验
- Babcok and Wilcox type luffing crane ==> 巴韦型俯仰起重机
- babel-quartz ==> 塔状石英
- Babes' sign ==> 巴贝斯氏征
- Babes treatment ==> 巴贝斯氏疗法
- Babinet goniometer ==> 巴比测角器
- Babinet's compensator ==> 巴比补偿器
- Babinet's principle ==> 巴比伦原理,巴比原理
- Babinet-Soleit compensator ==> 巴比涅-索累补偿器
- Babinski reflex ==> 巴彬斯奇反射
- Babinski's reflex ==> 足趾征
- Babinski's sign ==> 巴彬斯奇氏征
- Babinski-Mageotte syndrome ==> 瓦伦伯格氏综合征
- Babo's law ==> 巴波定律
- Babo's sand bath ==> 巴博氏沙浴
- Babos sand bath ==> 巴博氏沙浴
- babulating machine ==> 制表机
- baby beef ==> 肉用幼牛
- baby bessemer converter ==> 小型酸性转炉
- baby blue ==> 淡蓝色,浅蓝色
- baby bond ==> 票面百元以下的债券
- baby bonds ==> 小债券
- baby boom ==> 出生高峰,婴儿潮=>ベビーブーム
- baby budget ==> 小额预算
- baby chick ==> 鸡苗
- baby combine ==> 小型联合收割机
- baby compass ==> 小罗盘
- baby compressor ==> 小功率压缩机
- baby container ==> 小型集装船
- baby farm ==> 托儿所
- baby in correct position ==> 胎位正常
- baby pig ==> 仔猪
- baby pig disease ==> 仔猪病
- baby roller ==> 小型压土器
- baby spot ==> 小型聚光灯
- baby tower ==> 小塔,小型蒸馏塔
- baby track-layer ==> 小型履带式拖拉机
- baby transplanter ==> 小型插秧机
- baby truck ==> 坑道运输车
- Babylonian ==> バビロニア人
- Babylonian calendar ==> バビロニア暦
- babylonian quartz ==> 塔状石英
- BAC, Boeing Aerospace Co. ==> ボーイング社
- BAC, budget at completion ==> 完成予算
- Baccelli's sign ==> 巴切利氏征
- baccine ==> 疫苗
- bachelor ==> 学士
- bachelor of engineering ==> 工学士
- bachelor quarters ==> 单身宿舍
- bachelor's degree ==> 学士学位
- bachelor's dwelling unit ==> 单身公寓
- bachelors dwelling unit ==> 单身公寓
- Bachman diagram ==> バックマン図
- Bachman test ==> 巴克曼氏试验
- Bacho dust classifier ==> 贝乔粉末分级器
- bacillar structure ==> 纤维状组织
- bacillary emulsion tuberculin ==> 乳剂结核菌素
- bacillary emulsion(BE) ==> 杆菌性乳剂
- bacillary hemoglobinuria ==> 牛传染性血尿病
- bacillary layer ==> 杆体锥体层,杆体锥体层
- bacillary white diarrhea ==> 雏鸡白痢
- Bacillus ==> 芽胞杆菌属,杆菌属
- bacillus ==> 杆菌,芽胞杆菌=>バチルス,桿菌,細菌,病原菌
- Bacillus abortus ==> 流产布鲁氏菌,流产杆菌
- Bacillus acidi lactici ==> 乳酸杆菌
- Bacillus adhaerens ==> 粘杆菌
- Bacillus aegyptiacus ==> 埃及杆菌
- Bacillus aerogenes ==> 产气气杆菌
- Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus ==> 产气荚膜杆菌
- Bacillus alcaligenes ==> 产碱杆菌
- Bacillus alcaligenes septicemia ==> 产碱杆菌败血症
- Bacillus allantoides ==> 腊肠样杆菌
- Bacillus anthracis ==> 炭疽杆菌,炭疽芽孢杆菌
- Bacillus anthracoides ==> 类炭疽杆菌
- bacillus botulinus ==> ボツリヌス菌
- Bacillus botulinus ==> 肉毒杆菌
- Bacillus botulinus food poisoning ==> 肉毒杆菌食物中毒
- Bacillus brevis ==> 短芽孢杆菌
- Bacillus butyricus ==> 酪酸梭状芽胞杆菌
- Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine ==> 卡介苗
- bacillus carrier ==> 带杆菌体
- Bacillus casei ==> 酪杆菌
- Bacillus catenulus ==> 链状杆菌
- Bacillus cereus ==> 蜡样芽胞杆菌
- Bacillus cereus food poisoning ==> 蜡样芽胞杆菌食物中毒
- Bacillus cloacae ==> 阴沟气杆菌
- bacillus coli ==> 大肠杆菌
- Bacillus coli communis ==> 普通大肠杆菌
- Bacillus crassus ==> 肥大杆菌
- Bacillus dysenteriae ==> 痢疾杆菌
- Bacillus dysodes ==> 恶臭杆菌
- Bacillus endocarditis griseus ==> 心内膜炎灰色杆菌
- Bacillus enteritidis ==> 肠炎杆菌
- Bacillus enteritidis sporogenes ==> 产芽胞肠炎杆菌
- Bacillus foecalis alkaligenes ==> 粪产碱杆菌
- Bacillus foztidus ozaenae ==> 恶臭埃希氏杆菌
- Bacillus gasoformans ==> 产气杆菌
- Bacillus graveolens ==> 剧臭杆菌,剧臭杆菌
- Bacillus hemolyticus ==> 溶血棱状芽胞杆菌,溶血性杆菌
- Bacillus influenzae ==> 流感杆菌,流行性感冒嗜血杆菌
- Bacillus lactis viscosus ==> 粘性产碱杆菌,粘性乳杆菌
- Bacillus licheniformis ==> 地衣芽孢杆菌
- Bacillus megaterium ==> 巨大芽胞杆菌=>巨大菌
- Bacillus mesentericus ==> 马铃薯杆菌
- Bacillus oedematis maligni ==> 恶性水肿杆菌
- Bacillus paratuberculosis ==> 类结核分支杆菌
- Bacillus paratyphosus B ==> 乙型副伤寒杆菌
- Bacillus paratyphosus C ==> 丙型副伤寒杆菌
- Bacillus pasteurii ==> 巴斯德氏芽胞杆菌
- Bacillus perfringens ==> 产气荚膜杆菌
- bacillus pestis ==> ペスト菌
- Bacillus pestis ==> 鼠疫杆菌
- Bacillus pluton ==> 欧洲幼虫腐臭病
- Bacillus polymyxa ==> 多粘芽孢杆菌
- Bacillus popilliae ==> 波林杆菌芽孢
- Bacillus prodigiosus ==> 灵杆菌
- Bacillus pyocyaneus ==> 绿脓假单胞菌
- Bacillus smaragdinus phosphorescens ==> 磷光碧色杆菌
- bacillus species ==> バシラス属
- bacillus spoilage ==> 細菌腐敗
- Bacillus subtilis ==> 枯草杆菌,枯草芽孢杆菌
- Bacillus sulphureus ==> 硫黄色杆菌
- Bacillus tumescens ==> 剧臭杆菌,剧臭杆菌
- Bacillus vaginalis ==> 阴道杆菌
- Bacillus violaceus ==> 堇色杆菌,堇色杆菌
- Bacillus virescens ==> 绿荧光杆菌
- bacillus(cillus anaerobicus) ==> 厌氧杆菌
- back ==> 背部,背面,书脊,斧背,刀背,退回,拖欠,片基,顶头盖,反向=>うら,後退する,後方の,後方に
- back (backing)of veneer ==> 胶合板内衬
- back a bill ==> 负责兑付票据
- back a check ==> 负责付款,背书支票
- back a cheque ==> 负责付款
- back action ==> 反作用
- back action lock ==> 反作用锁
- back adjuster ==> 後部アジャスター
- back ampere turns ==> 逆向安匝
- back ampere-turn ==> 反作用安匝,逆向安匝数=>逆アンペア回数
- back ampere-turns ==> 反安匝
- back analysis ==> 反分析
- back angle ==> 后角,后视角,切削后角=>背面角
- back answer ==> 口答え
- back arc ==> 背弧
- back arc basins ==> 背弧海盆
- back arch ==> 内衬拱,八字砖
- back at some point ==> 普通の状態に戻す
- back at square one ==> 出発点に戻って
- back axle ==> 后轴,(汽车)后车轴
- back azimuth ==> 反方位角
- back balance ==> 后平衡,轮子坡,平衡锤,平衡块,平衡重
- back band ==> 背圈
- back barrier complex ==> 障壁后复合体
- back bay ==> 后湾
- back beach ==> 后滩,滨后
- back bead ==> 背面焊道
- back bearing ==> 后方位角,反方位,反象限角,反象限角
- back belt ==> 倒车皮带
- back bending ==> 回弯
- back bevel ==> 后斜面
- back bevel angles ==> 后斜角
- back bias ==> 反馈偏压,反偏压,回授偏压,背面照明
- back bias circuit ==> 反馈偏压电路
- back bias voltage ==> 反向偏压
- back blading ==> 倒车叶片
- back blast ==> 反向爆炸,废气冲击
- back board ==> 背板
- back bolting ==> 顶板杆柱支护
- back bond ==> 反担保,反向键,退回证券
- back bonding ==> バックボンディング
- back born wire ==> バックボーン線(鉄道)
- back brace ==> 后撑
- back bracing ==> 反斜撑
- back break ==> 超爆
- back bridge relay ==> 反桥接继电器=>被呼者継電器
- back bridge wall ==> 挡烟桥,火桥
- back bulb ==> 背生鳞茎,衰老球根
- back calculation ==> 反演计算
- back cap ==> 后盖
- back cap and quadrant tap bolt ==> 后盖及齿节弧形板
- back carbon ==> 反面印复写墨
- back catch ==> 门后钩
- back cavity ==> 后腔
- back centre ==> 后顶尖
- back charges ==> 决算后各种费用,决算后各种费用
- back chipping ==> 清根,背面錾平
- back clamping ==> 反向钳位
- back clearance ==> 背隙
- back cloth ==> (背景幕)天幕
- back coat ==> 底面涂层=>下塗り
- back coating ==> 背涂层=>裏面塗布
- back cock ==> 反向板机
- back conductance ==> 反向电导
- back conductance ratio ==> 反向电导率
- back cone ==> 背锥=>背円錐
- back cone angle ==> 背锥角
- back cone distance ==> 背锥距离
- back connection ==> 背面连接,差动连接,盘后接线=>裏面接続
- back connection type ==> 裏面接続形(配電盤など)
- back connection type instrument ==> 背面连接式仪器
- back contact ==> 静合接点,静合接点,后触点,后接点=>バック接点(継電器)
- back contact solar cell module ==> 裏面電極型太陽電池,バックコンタクト
- back contact spring ==> 后接点弹簧
- back coordination ==> 反馈配位
- back coupling ==> 反馈,反馈耦合,回授=>反結合
- back coupling condition ==> 回授条件
- back coupling oscillator ==> 反馈耦合振荡器
- back cover ==> 后壳,后罩
- back cupping ==> 背面受脂
- back current ==> 逆电流
- back current brake ==> 反向电流电刹车
- back current principle ==> 逆电流原理
- back current step ==> 逆流级
- back curtain ==> 挡风板
- back curved vane ==> (离心压缩机的)后曲叶片
- back cushion ==> 靠垫
- back cut ==> 上口,顶部切槽
- back cut-off power recorder ==> 反向截止功率记录仪
- back cutting ==> 回挖
- back cylinder cover ==> 后缸盖
- back cylinder head ==> 后缸盖
- back dead centre ==> 死顶尖
- back diffusion ==> 反扩散,反弥散,反向扩散,反行扩散,反行弥漫,背面扩散,逆拡散
- back digger ==> 反铲挖土机
- back diode ==> 反向二极管
- back discharge ==> 反向放电
- back dividend ==> 退回股利
- back door ==> 非法途径
- back door interference ==> 后门干扰
- back draft ==> 反拔模斜度,反拨模斜度,反斜度
- back drain ==> (堤或墙的)背面排水
- back draught ==> 反向气流
- back drilling attachment ==> 反钻附件
- back drive shaft bushing ==> 后主动轴衬套
- back drop ==> 跌落井,背景
- back duty ==> 欠交税款
- back dynamometer ==> 背肌力计
- back eccentric ==> 倒行偏心轮,反向偏心轮
- back eccentric wheel ==> 倒行偏心轮
- back echo ==> 后瓣回波,后回波
- back echo reflection ==> 障碍物回波反射
- back edge ==> 叶片出汽边,后沿,下降边
- back edging ==> 砖瓦清边法
- back electromotive force ==> 反电动势=>逆起電力,誘起電圧
- back electromotive force cell ==> 反压电池
- back electromotive force coefficient ==> 反电势系数
- back elevation ==> 后视图,背面立视图,背视图
- back emission ==> 反向发射
- back emission electron radiography ==> 反向发射式电子射线照相
- back end ==> 后端,推力轭
- back end processor ==> 后端处理机
- back entrance ==> 侧门
- back extraction ==> 反萃取
- back face ==> 背割面,后端面
- back fence ==> 后篱笆
- back file ==> 备用文件
- back fill ==> 后面充填物
- back filled region ==> 回填区
- back filler ==> 回填机,填土机
- back filter ==> 反回过滤
- back financing ==> 不可追溯的资金供应
- back fire ==> 反燃,反焰=>バックファイヤ(火炉が爆発する事故)
- back fire fault ==> 逆弧故障
- back flap hinge ==> 明铰链
- back flashover ==> 反击雷闪络,反向闪络=>逆フラッシオーバ
- back flow ==> 倒灌,回流
- back flow of sewage ==> 污水倒灌
- back flush ==> 反向冲洗
- back flush peak ==> 反冲锋
- back flushing ==> 反吹
- back focal length ==> 后焦距
- back focal plane ==> 后聚焦面,反聚焦面
- back focus ==> 反焦点,后焦点
- back freight ==> 退货运费,退货运费
- back furrow ==> 蛇形丘
- back gauge ==> 边距,背缘尺,车轮内距,后支档,反向行程限位器
- back gear ==> 倒档齿轮
- back geared motor ==> 带减速齿轮的电动机
- back geared upright drill press ==> 带齿轮立式钻床
- back geosyncline ==> 后地槽
- back gluer ==> 书脊上胶机,胶背机
- back goods freight ==> 退货费用,退货运费
- back gouging ==> 刨焊根,背刨
- back ground ==> (即底影)背景
- back ground current ==> 维弧电流
- back guide ==> 后导板
- back guy ==> 拉线,支撑
- back hand welding ==> 后退焊,反手焊接
- back haul ==> 返航载运,后曳
- back head ==> 机车外门板
- back header ==> 后汽鼓
- back hearth ==> 炉灰腔,壁炉炉床
- back heating ==> 逆加熱
- back hoe ==> 反向铲土机
- back hole ==> 顶板炮眼
- back holes ==> 后爆炮眼组
- back in the swing ==> 平常の状態に戻って
- back induction ==> 去磁作用
- back injury ==> 背部损伤
- back inlet gully ==> 排水管支管进口,后部进水集水井
- back iron ==> 背铁
- back joint ==> 石阶踏步背榫
- back kick ==> 反冲,反向放电
- back kiss roll ==> 反面接触舔液辊
- back knee ==> 膝反屈
- back lamp ==> 尾灯
- back land ==> 腹地
- back lapping ==> 底印重叠错位
- back lash ==> 侧隙,啮合间隙=>バックラッシ
- back lash phenomena ==> 回差现象,牵引现象
- back leg ==> 后床腿,背面支柱
- back letter ==> 认赔书
- back levee ==> 背水堤
- back light ==> 背景光,暗闪,后灯,后照光=>バックライト
- back light display ==> 后照光显示
- back lighting ==> 后照明,背光照明,背景光,背面补光,背面照明,逆光照明
- back line ==> 家畜背线
- back liner ==> 书脊烫印机
- back lining ==> 背衬,腔背
- back link ==> 后连杆
- back lintel ==> 内衬过梁
- back loader ==> 反铲装载机
- back loading ==> 退装货物
- back lobe ==> 后瓣,后波瓣=>バックローブ
- back locking ==> 回闭锁
- back magnetization ==> 反磁化
- back mark ==> 反标记
- back microbevel ==> 后微斜面
- back migration ==> 反迁移
- back mill table ==> 轧机后辊道
- back mirror ==> 后视镜
- back mirrors ==> 望后镜
- back mixing ==> 反混,返混
- back money ==> 拖欠款
- back mortaring ==> 抹里衬
- back motion ==> 倒转
- back mounted ==> 从背面安装的,背面安装的
- back mutation ==> 回复突变,反突变
- back nail ==> 平钉
- back noise ==> 底噪声
- back nut ==> 抵座螺母,限动螺母,后螺母,支承螺母,支持螺母
- back of arch ==> 拱背
- back of bearing ==> 轴瓦背面
- back of cam ==> 凸轮后侧边
- back of foot ==> 足跗
- back of panel mounting ==> 在面板后面的装配
- back of piston ring ==> 活塞环内侧边
- back of the saw ==> 锯背,锯背
- back of tool ==> 刀背
- back of tooth ==> 齿背
- back of weld ==> 焊缝背面
- back off compensate ==> 补偿
- back office force ==> 内勤人员
- back order ==> 返回次序,欠交订货,延迟交货,延期交货
- back order cost ==> 延迟交货成本
- back order memo ==> 延期交货通知单,欠交订货通知单
- back order sales ==> 欠拨销售量
- back ordering ==> 延迟交货
- back oscillation ==> 回程振荡
- back out ==> 取消,反回
- back pack camera ==> 背负式摄像机
- back pack transmitter ==> 背负式发射机
- back pad ==> 小鞍
- back pain ==> 背痛
- back panel ==> 后面板
- back panel wiring ==> 板后布线
- back part of stage ==> 舞台后方
- back pay ==> 欠付工资
- back pedaling brake ==> 反踏制动器
- back piece ==> 反向角钢
- back piston ==> (波导管的)后活塞
- back pitch ==> 后节距,背景距=>後ピッチ
- back plane ==> 底板
- back plastering ==> 抹里衬
- back plate ==> 挡板,后板,支承板,支点离合器圆盘=>背極板
- back play ==> 空程
- back pollinating ==> 回交授粉
- back poppet ==> 后顶针座
- back porch ==> 后肩,后沿=>バックポーチ(複合画像信号)
- back pouring ==> 补浇注
- back power ==> 反向功率
- back pressure ==> 反压力,吸入压力,背压力,回压=>背圧
- back pressure evaporator ==> 背压式蒸发器
- back pressure extraction turbine ==> 抽汽背压式汽轮机
- back pressure regulator ==> 背压调节器,通过控制调节阀以维持汽轮机背压稳定的装置
- back pressure relief valve ==> 背压安全阀
- back pressure steam turbine ==> 背压式汽轮机,排汽压力高于大气压力的汽轮机,排汽用于供热或其它用途
- back pressure turbine ==> 背压透平
- back pressure turbine governing system ==> 背压式汽轮机调节系统,可以分别以电功率为主或热负荷为主的调节系统,不能同时满足电、热两种负荷需要
- back print method ==> 反面印刷法
- back projection operation ==> 反投射运算
- back prop ==> 后撑,后支柱
- back pull ==> 后拉力
- back pull drawing ==> 后张力拉伸
- back pull stress ==> 逆应力
- back pull wire drawing-machine ==> 反拉力拉丝机
- back pullout (BPO) ==> 后开门
- back pulse ==> 反脉冲
- back pulse front ==> 脉冲背面
- back purge system ==> 反冲洗装置
- back putty ==> 打底油灰
- back radiation ==> 背面放射,反向辐射,逆辐射
- back radiator ==> 反向辐射体
- back rake ==> 后倾角
- back rake angle ==> 纵向前角
- back range ==> 尾距
- back reaction ==> 反向反应,逆反应
- back readig ==> 反向读数
- back reading ==> 左读数
- back reflection ==> 背反射,背射法
- back reflection method ==> 背反射法
- back reflection X-ray camera ==> 背面反射X射线照相机
- back reinforced knife saw ==> 夹背刀锯
- back rent ==> 欠租
- back resistance ==> 逆向电阻,背部阻力,反向电阻=>逆方向抵抗(整流器などの)
- back resistance meter ==> 反向电阻测量计
- back rest ==> 后梁,固定中心架,背靠
- back rigidity ==> 脊强
- back river ==> 后河
- back router ==> 反向刻模机
- back run ==> 反转,底焊焊缝
- back rush ==> 回卷
- back salary ==> 欠付工资,欠薪
- back sand ==> 背砂
- back saw ==> 脊锯,夹背锯,镶边手据
- back saw with wooden handle ==> 木柄手锯
- back scatter ==> 反向散射,反向散射仪,後方散乱
- back scatter beta gauge ==> 反射型β射线测厚计
- back scattered electron detector ==> 反散射电子检测器
- back scattering ==> 反射离散,后向散射
- back scheduling ==> 反向安排日程,反向调度
- back scraper ==> 反向刮板
- back scrubbing ==> 回洗
- back selling ==> 返销
- back set ==> 制动装置
- back sheet ==> 后板,副份
- back shift ==> 二次变换
- back shooting ==> 回程爆炸
- back shop ==> 大修厂
- back shore ==> 顶撑
- back shu points ==> 背俞穴
- back shunt ==> 矿车自动折返装置
- back side ==> 背面=>裏面
- back sight leaf ==> 表尺板
- back sight slide ==> 反测滑座
- back signal ==> 回应信号,回原信号
- back slagging ==> 炉后出渣
- back slope ==> 反坡,倾向坡,背坡
- back sloper ==> 整坡器,(筑路机的)刮沟刀
- back sloper (筑路机的) ==> 刮沟刀
- back space ==> 退位
- back space file ==> 回退文件
- back span ==> 反向间隔=>後ピッチ
- back speed ==> 退速
- back spin timer ==> 反转时间继电器
- back splint ==> 背夹
- back spread ==> (证券)逆差价,(证券交易)不同市场间的差价
- back square ==> 矩尺,矩尺
- back stagger ==> 后向斜罩
- back stamp ==> 底款
- back stay ==> 固定中心架,后拉缆
- back step welding ==> 反手焊接
- back stop ==> 逆行停止
- back stopper ==> 后退定程挡块
- back stops ==> 回复停止装置
- back strap ==> 背垫条
- back strength ==> 背力
- back strut ==> 后撑,反撑
- back substitution ==> 倒转代换,回代
- back suction ==> 反吸
- back surface ==> 后表面,底面,背面
- back swamp ==> 漫灌沼泽,漫滩见泽,漫滩沼泽
- back sweep ==> 後退計算
- back swimmer ==> 仰泳蝽
- back swing ==> 倒转,回摆,回程,回转=>バックスイング
- back swing phenomenon of synchronous generator ==> 同期発電機の一時的減速現象
- back tabulation ==> 反向制表
- back taper ==> 倒锥
- back taper tap ==> 倒锥丝锥,机用丝锥
- back tax ==> 退缴税
- back teetch ==> 后牙
- back teeth ==> 臼齿,臼齿,磨牙
- back tension ==> 反张力=>バックテンション
- back tension bridle ==> 带材张紧装置
- back tension drawing ==> 后张力拉伸
- back texture ==> 反面组织
- back timber ==> 顶梁
- back titrating ==> 反滴定
- back titration ==> 反滴定,回滴定
- back to back credit export first ==> 输出为先的对开信用证
- back to back credit import first ==> 输入为先的对开信用证
- back to back method ==> 反馈法
- back to face ==> 反面对反面相叠
- back tool rest ==> 后刀架
- back trace technique ==> 向后追踪技术,回溯技术
- back tracking ==> 回溯法
- back transient ==> 反向瞬变过程
- back transient procedure ==> 反向瞬变过程
- back tube sheet ==> (锅炉的)后管板
- back turn ==> 反转,反作用匝,逆向匝=>巻戻し(変成器)
- back turn pulley ==> 倒带轮
- back twisting ==> 反向加捻
- back up ==> 垫板,背撑,(铸造用语)填背砂
- back up area ==> 备用堆置场
- back up battery ==> 后备电池
- back up copy ==> 副本
- back up data ==> 备查资料
- back up in parsing ==> 分析的回溯
- back up memory ==> 后备存储器
- back up oscillator ==> 后备振荡器
- back up procedure ==> 后备过程
- back up protection ==> 后备保护
- back up system ==> 后援系统=>バックアップシステム
- back up tape ==> 后备带
- back up timer ==> 倒时定时器=>バックアップタイマ
- back up value ==> 倒推值
- back valve ==> 回动阀
- back vent ==> 背通气管,(虹吸管的)顶背排气管
- back view ==> 背视图,背面图,后视图
- back view mirror ==> 后视镜
- back voltage ==> 反电压
- back wall ==> (玻璃熔窑)投料端墙
- back ward impeller ==> 后弯叶轮
- back ward welding ==> 反手焊接
- back wash extractor ==> 反萃器
- back wash pump ==> 逆洗泵
- back washer ==> 毛条复洗机,复洗机
- back washing ==> 回洗
- back washing machine ==> 复洗机
- back water pump ==> 回水泵
- back water suppressor ==> 回水减低设备
- back wave ==> 反射波,反射波
- back wear ==> 背向磨损
- back weld ==> 裏溶接
- back welding ==> 底焊,退焊法
- back wheel ==> 后轮
- back wiring ==> 反面布线,背景布线,背面布线=>裏面配線
- back wiring diagram ==> 背部接线图=>裏面接続図
- back work ==> 辅助工作
- back yard industry ==> 小型工业
- back yoke flux ==> バックヨーク磁束
- back(-)up belt ==> 支承皮带
- back(ing) bar ==> 水平吊杆
- back(ing) board ==> 载模板,底托板
- back(ing) sand ==> 填充砂
- back-acting hay tedder ==> 反向作用式摊草机
- back-acting shovel ==> 反铲铲土机
- back-action-evading measurements ==> 反作用回避測定
- back-and-forth bending test ==> 反复弯曲试验
- back-and-forth mode ==> 前后扫描方式
- back-angle ==> 反向角
- back-angle counter ==> 记录逆向散射粒子的计数管
- back-arc area ==> 弧后区
- back-arc basin ==> 弧后盆地
- back-arc spreading ==> 弧后扩张
- back-arc subduction ==> 弧后俯冲
- back-back porch ==> 水平同步信号后延时间
- back-beaming method ==> 分批整经法
- back-bearer ==> 织机后梁
- back-bent occlusion ==> 后曲锢囚
- back-biased barrier ==> 反向偏压阻挡层
- back-biased resistance ==> 反馈偏压电阻
- back-biased silicon diode ==> 反向偏压硅二极管,反向偏置硅二极管
- back-blading ==> 倒刮
- back-bombardment ==> 反轰击
- back-boundary cell ==> 后膜光电管
- back-burn ==> 逆风用火
- back-by-back display ==> 双向距离显示器
- back-coated mirror ==> 背涂层反射镜
- back-contact transistor ==> 背面接触式晶体管
- back-coupled generator ==> 反馈振荡器
- back-coupled Hall generator ==> 反馈耦合霍尔发生器
- back-coupling condition ==> 反馈耦合条件
- back-cross ==> 反交
- back-current relay ==> 反向电流继电器
- back-diffusion ==> 逆拡散
- back-draft damper ==> 反向通风调节风门
- back-electromotive force ==> 反电动势
- back-emf constant ==> 逆起電力定数
- back-emission ==> 反向放射
- back-end ==> 后头
- back-end crop ==> 切尾
- back-end DB processor ==> 后端数据库处理机
- back-end sill ==> 后部端梁
- back-extract ==> 反萃取
- back-extraction ==> 反萃取
- back-fat thickness ==> 背膘厚度
- back-filling ==> 埋め戻し
- back-filling in layers ==> 分层回填
- back-fire ==> 反燃
- back-fire arrangement ==> 回火装置
- back-fire arrester ==> 回火制止器
- back-fire check valve ==> 逆火止回阀
- back-flame boiler ==> 回焰锅炉
- back-flap ==> 百叶窗
- back-flow velocity ==> 回流速度
- back-flushed waste disposal ==> 倒灌污水
- back-flushing technique ==> 反冲技术
- back-fold ==> 百叶窗
- back-folding ==> 折合
- back-geared ==> 后齿轮的
- back-geared upright drill press ==> 背齿轮立式钻床
- back-hand drainage ==> 倒转水系
- back-hoe bucket ==> 反铲斗
- back-hoe front end loader ==> 后挖前卸式挖装机
- back-kick ==> 逆转
- back-land ==> 堤后泛滥地
- back-lash potential ==> 逆格子電圧,反栅极电位
- back-lash voltage ==> 逆格子電圧
- back-letter ==> 念書,積荷保証状
- back-level release ==> 后层释放
- back-lighted plotting surface ==> 反光绘图面
- back-migration ==> 反向移动
- back-mix-flow reactor ==> 反向混流反应器,返混流反应器
- back-mixing ==> 回混
- back-moving spring ==> 复位弹簧,拉紧弹簧,延缓弹簧
- back-off ==> 倒转后解松,退下,去锐边,铲背=>バックオフ(電力)
- back-off angle ==> 后角
- back-off shooting ==> 松动性放炮
- back-pack camera ==> 背负式电视摄像机
- back-packing ==> 背法
- Back-Paschen effect ==> 巴克-帕邢效应
- back-pedal ==> 背弃
- back-pinched saw ==> 夹背锯
- back-planing ==> 刨背
- back-porch effect ==> 后沿效应
- back-pressing method ==> 压背法
- back-pressure curve ==> 回压曲线
- back-pressure manometer ==> 背压压力计
- back-pressure testing ==> 回压试井=>背圧試験
- back-pressure turbine ==> 背圧タービン
- back-pressure valve ==> 回压阀
- back-pressure-relief port ==> 反压泄料孔
- back-projection slide ==> 幻灯片
- back-reef facies ==> 礁后相
- back-reflection photography ==> 背反射照相
- back-ridge ==> 洋脊背侧
- back-roll ==> 倒卷,反绕,回原地再起动
- back-scatter ==> 反散射
- back-scattered current ==> 反散射电流
- back-scattered dose ==> 反散射辐射剂量
- back-scattered electron ==> 反散射电子
- back-scattered radiation dose ==> 反向散射辐射剂量
- back-scattering factor ==> 反散射因子
- back-scattering image ==> 反向散射像
- back-scattering thickness gage ==> 反向散射厚度计
- back-scratcher ==> 背挠
- back-seated valve ==> 后座阀,强迫就位阀
- back-selling ==> 逆向销售
- back-set bed ==> 逆流层
- back-setting effect ==> 逆流效应
- back-shunt keying ==> 后分路键控
- back-shutter ==> 百叶窗
- back-slope ==> 后坡
- back-space control ==> 速退按键
- back-space statement ==> 回退语句
- back-steam ==> 回汽
- back-step ==> 折标
- back-step marks ==> 折标
- back-step welding ==> 分段退焊法
- back-strap shoes ==> バックベルトの靴
- back-street factory ==> 町工場
- back-street workshop ==> 町工場
- back-surface mirror ==> 后表面反射镜
- back-swamp ==> 堤后池沼
- back-tensioned drawing ==> 反张力拔丝
- back-to-back ==> BTB、直流変換器
- back-to-back (counter) ==> 加倍计数器
- back-to-back 32-bit transfer ==> 两个前后相接的32位数据传送
- back-to-back circuit ==> 背对背电路
- back-to-back connection ==> 背对背连接,交叉连接
- back-to-back credit ==> 转开信用证
- back-to-back diode ==> 反向二极管,背对背二极管
- back-to-back duplex bearing ==> 成对双联轴承
- back-to-back letter of credit ==> 背对背信用证
- back-to-back method ==> 背靠背法,反馈法
- back-to-back running ==> 反馈运行,背靠背运行
- back-to-back starting ==> 反向起动
- back-to-back synchoronous starting ==> 背靠背同步起动,又称“同步拖动起动”。抽水蓄能电站水泵工况起动方式的一种。利用本电站或附近电站另一台容量足够的水轮发电机作为电源,在静止状态下对所需启动的机组输入励磁拖动其起动,直至同期并入电网
- back-to-back system ==> 双计算机背对背系统
- back-to-back test ==> 成对试验,整流子片试验
- back-to-back testing ==> 反馈试验,背靠背试验
- back-to-front ratio ==> 反-正比
- back-to-school goods ==> 学生用商品
- back-track algorithm ==> 回溯算法
- back-type life support system ==> 背包生命保护系统
- back-up ==> 后备的,备用的,应急的
- back-up auxiliary ==> 备用辅机
- back-up belt ==> 支撑皮带
- back-up block ==> 支撑块
- back-up breaker ==> 备用断路器
- back-up busbar ==> 备用汇流排
- back-up buzze ==> 倒车报警器
- back-up chock ==> 支承辊的轴承座,支承辊轴承座
- back-up coat ==> 加固层
- back-up disk (-sc) ==> 后援磁盘
- back-up drum ==> 后援磁鼓
- back-up file ==> バックアップファイル
- back-up heel ==> 侧支承块
- Back-up Intercept Control ==> 备用截击指挥系统
- back-up item ==> 备分项目,备用项目
- back-up lamp ==> 倒车灯
- back-up lamp siwthc ==> 倒车灯开关
- back-up light ==> 倒车灯
- back-up overspeed governor ==> 备用超速保安器
- back-up power supply ==> 备用电源
- back-up process ==> 反回过程
- back-up protection ==> 后备保护
- back-up protection==back-up protection,reserve protection==backup protection ==> 後備保護(継電器), Protection provided to act as a substitute for the main protection in the event of failure or inability of the latter to perform its intended function. ,"Protection which is intended to operate when a system fault is not cleared, or abnormal condition not detected, in the required time because of failure or inability of other protection to operate or failure of the appropriate circuit-breaker(s) to trip."
- back-up protective relay ==> 後備保護リレー
- back-up punch ==> 反向凸模
- back-up relaying ==> 後備保護
- back-up ring ==> 支承环
- back-up roll ==> 支撑轧辊,支承辊
- back-up roll arbor ==> 组合支承辊的心轴
- back-up roll bearing ==> 支承辊轴承
- back-up roll sleeve ==> 支承辊的辊套
- back-up safety device ==> 备用安全装置
- back-up sand ==> 填,填砂,充填砂
- back-up shaft ==> 支持辊辊轴
- back-up spring ==> 支承簧
- back-up strip ==> 垫板
- back-up supply ==> 备用电源
- back-up system library ==> 备分系统程序库,备用系统库
- back-up valve ==> 列车后端制动阀
- back-up washer ==> 支撑垫圈
- back-up water level ==> 回升水位
- back-wall cell ==> 后壁光电池
- back-water valve (BWV) ==> 回水阀
- backache in pregnancy ==> 妊娠期背痛
- backacting shovel ==> 反铲,反铲挖土机
- backblast area ==> 炮后风锥形区
- backbone ==> 供给中心,主脊,主脉,主轴,书脊,脊,脊柱=>背骨,脊柱,幹,基幹,バックボーン
- backbone architecture ==> 骨格構造
- backbone area ==> バックボーン領域
- backbone arrangement ==> 骨格配列
- backbone atom ==> 主鎖原子
- backbone carbon ==> 骨格炭素
- backbone chemistry ==> 骨格化学
- backbone conformation ==> 脊柱構造
- backbone curve ==> 背骨曲線
- backbone frame ==> 脊梁架
- backbone network ==> 中框网络=>基幹ネットワーク
- backbone road ==> 干道
- backcast stripping ==> 倒堆剥离
- backcoupled generator ==> 回授振荡器
- backcross breeding ==> 回交育种法
- backcross ratio ==> 回交率
- backdoor financing ==> 秘密理财,秘密融资
- backdrop ==> 背景
- backed bill ==> 保证票据
- backed frictional material ==> 衬背摩擦材料
- backed up bit ==> 后备位
- backed up type roller leveller ==> 带支承棍的辊式矫直机
- backed-off cutter ==> 铲齿刀
- backed-off milling cutter ==> 铲齿铣刀
- backed-off tap ==> 铲齿丝锥
- backed-up value ==> 备用值
- backed-up water level ==> 回水位
- backedge of impulse ==> 脉冲后沿
- backend computer ==> 后端计算机
- backend machine ==> 后端机
- backer ==> 垫板,垫座,背书人
- backer pump ==> 备用泵
- backfat thickness ==> 猪背膘厚度
- backfeed loop ==> 反馈回路
- backfill ==> 反填充,复土,回填,回填料,采空区充填=>埋め戻し,バックフィル
- backfill compaction ==> 回填土压实
- backfill consolidation ==> 复土压实
- backfill density ==> 回填密度
- backfill grouting ==> 回填灌浆,填充混凝土与对围岩或钢板之间空隙的灌浆
- backfill rammer ==> 回填夯实机
- backfill tamper ==> 回填夯
- backfill with mortar ==> 灰浆回填
- backfilling bucket ==> 斗式回填机
- backfin ==> 压折
- backfire ==> 回火=>逆効果,裏目,バックファイア
- backfire torch ==> 点迎面火枪
- backflap hinge ==> 明合页
- backflash ==> 回火
- backflow ==> 倒流=>還流,バックフロー
- backflow channel ==> 回流水道
- backflow connection ==> 回流管
- backflow contamination ==> 逆流汚染
- backflow effect ==> 逆流効果
- backflow lightning ==> 逆流雷
- backflow obstruction ==> 回流受阻
- backflow preventer ==> 回流防止器,防止回流设施
- backflow ripple ==> 回流波痕
- backflush chromatogram ==> 反冲色谱
- backflush valve ==> 反冲阀
- backgear ratio ==> 背齿轮比
- backgear shaft ==> 背齿轮轴
- backgroud change ==> 背景変動
- background ==> 背景,本底,基底,后台=>背板(鉄道),バックグランド
- background activity ==> 本底放射性
- background air ==> 本底空气
- background brightness ==> 背景亮度
- background camera ==> 背景摄影机,背景照相机
- background charge ==> 背景电荷
- background colour ==> 背景色
- background compiler ==> 后台编译程序
- background Compton scattering ==> 背景康普顿散射
- background concentration ==> 本底浓度
- background conductivity ==> 本底传导性
- background contamination ==> 背景污染
- background control ==> 背景亮度控制
- background correction ==> 本底校正,扣除背景
- background count ==> 背景计数,本底计数
- background counts ==> 本底计数
- background current ==> 本底电流,基值电流,基流
- background data ==> 背景数据信息
- background density ==> 背景密度,本底密度
- background discrimination ==> 背景鉴别,背景鉴别能力
- background display image ==> 背景显示图像
- background doping ==> 本底掺杂
- background doping level ==> 本底掺杂能级
- background electrolyte effect ==> 本底电解质效应
- background exposure ==> 本底照射
- background fade-in ==> 背景淡入
- background fluctuations ==> 背景波动,背景起伏
- background fog ==> 本底雾
- background genotype ==> 背景基因型
- background gradient spectrum ==> 背景陡度光谱
- background illumination ==> 背景照明,本底照度
- background image ==> 背景画像
- background impurity ==> 本底杂质
- background indensity ==> 背景光密度
- background information ==> 背景材料,背景资料
- background ink ==> 背景墨水,底色墨水,衬底印色
- background intensity ==> 背景强度
- background interference ==> 本底干扰
- background ions ==> 本底离子
- background Iuminescence ==> 本底发光
- background job ==> 后台作业
- background level ==> 本底水准
- background light ==> 背景光
- background lighting ==> 背景点灯
- background limited infrared detectivity ==> 背景限红外光电导探测率
- background loop ==> 背景循环
- background loudspeaker ==> 背景声扬声器,背景扬声器,电视拌音扬声器
- background luminance ==> 背景亮度
- background mass spectrum ==> 本底质谱
- background material ==> 背景材料
- background measurement experiment ==> 背景测量实验
- background measurement radiometer ==> 背景测量辐射计
- background mode ==> 后台方式
- background modulation noise ==> 背景调制噪声,本底调制噪声
- background monitor ==> 本底监测器
- background monitoring ==> 本底监视
- background noise ==> 背景噪声=>暗騒音(音響)
- background partition ==> 后台区
- background pollution ==> 背景污染,本底污染
- background processing ==> 背景处理,后台处理
- background processing interrupt ==> 后台处理中断
- background program ==> 后台程序,后台程度
- background projection ==> 背景投映
- background projector ==> 背景放映机
- background radiation ==> 背景辐射,本底辐射=>背景放射
- background radiation intensity ==> 背景辐射强度,本底辐射强度
- background radiation monitoring ==> 本底辐射监测,背景辐射监测
- background random process ==> 背景随机过程
- background reader ==> 后台读出器
- background reador ==> 后台阅读器
- background reflectance ==> 背景反光率,背景反射,背景反射性能,基底反光能力
- background rejection ==> 本底扣除
- background return ==> 地物回波
- background returns ==> 背景反射
- background roller ==> 满地印花辊筒
- background screen ==> 背景幕布
- background signal ==> 本底信号
- background sound ==> 背景声
- background suppression ==> 本底抑制
- background survey ==> 本底调查
- background task ==> 后台任务
- background temperature ==> 背景温度
- background terminal ==> 后备终端
- background transmissivity ==> 背景透射比
- background vapor pressure ==> 本底蒸气压
- background voltage noise ==> 基底电压噪声
- background wave ==> 背景波
- background-limieed infrared photography ==> 背景限红外摄影
- background-limited infrared photoconductor (BLIP) ==> 背景限红外光电导体
- background-noise control ==> 背景噪声控制
- background-noise level ==> 背景噪声电平
- backhand method ==> 右焊法
- backhand technique ==> 基值
- backhand welding ==> 逆向焊,右焊法,后焊法,向后焊
- backhaul ==> 载货返航,空载传输
- backhaul cable ==> 后曳索
- backhoe bucket ==> 反铲
- backhoe dredger ==> 反铲挖泥船
- backhoe loader ==> 反铲装载机
- backhoe shovel ==> 反铲挖掘机
- backhoe tamping ==> 反铲捣实
- backhoe trenching machine ==> 反铲挖沟机
- backing ==> 反接,后面充填物,牙背,窝托横梁,垫,垫底,墙背衬,里壁,基材,背衬,底座=>支援,支持,後ろ盾
- backing angle ==> 衬垫角铁
- backing bar ==> 衬垫板条
- backing belt ==> 倒车皮带
- backing block ==> 衬板
- backing board ==> 垫板,背纸板
- backing burr ==> 毛圈喂纱轮
- backing coil ==> 反接线圈,补偿线圈
- backing condenser ==> 前级冷凝器
- backing deal ==> 顶板
- backing deals ==> 背板
- backing eccentric rod ==> 后行偏心杆
- backing field ==> 反方向磁场
- backing gas ==> 背衬气体,背面保护气体
- backing groove ==> 背面坡口
- backing groove of weld ==> 焊缝反面坡口
- backing layer ==> 拡散層
- backing log ==> 挡边木
- backing material ==> 衬底材料=>基材,裏当て材
- backing memory ==> 后备存储器,后援存储器,备用存储器
- backing metal ==> 裏当て金
- backing of drift direction ==> 漂移方向的逆转
- backing of smoke ==> 推回火灾烟雾
- backing of veneer ==> 胶合板内衬,贴面板衬背
- backing of wall ==> 墙背衬
- backing out ==> 调整需要量
- backing pass ==> 底焊焊道
- backing pin ==> 挡销,支销
- backing plate ==> 垫模板,后板,搭板=>受け板
- backing power ==> 倒车功率
- backing pressure ==> 前级压强,托持压力,背压
- backing pulley ==> 回行皮带轮
- backing pump ==> 前级泵,初级泵,初级抽气泵
- backing register ==> 后援寄存器
- backing ring ==> 垫环,衬环,托圈=>支持環
- backing roll ==> 承压滚筒,支承辊
- backing rudder ==> 倒车舵
- backing run (weld) ==> 打底焊道
- backing sand ==> 背砂
- backing sheet ==> 底板
- backing space technique ==> 前级空间技术,积累法
- backing storage ==> 备用存储器,辅助存储器
- backing store ==> 辅助存储器,后备存储器
- backing stores ==> 后援存储器
- backing strap ==> 衬垫
- backing strip ==> 背垫条,(搪瓷金属板的)背筋
- backing tape ==> 带基,磁带基
- backing texture ==> 反面组织
- backing turbine ==> 倒车汽轮机,倒车透平
- backing up ==> 倒灌,回投
- backing up of sewage ==> 污水倒灌
- backing vessel ==> 里壁容器
- backing weld ==> 底焊,底焊焊缝=>裏当て溶接
- backing welding ==> 打底焊
- backing-off ==> 退绕,铲
- backing-off angle ==> 后角
- backing-off attachment ==> 铲齿附件,铲磨工附件
- backing-off cone clutch ==> 反转离合器
- backing-off lathe ==> 铲齿车床,铲工车床=>二番取旋盤
- backing-out ==> 反回,列车退行
- backing-out punch ==> 顶出器,冲床,冲床顶出杆
- backing-up ==> 倒车,里壁砖
- backing-up screw ==> 止动螺钉
- backings ==> 背衬木
- backlash ==> 空转,空回,反向爆炸,齿间隙,齿隙=>バックラッシュ
- backlash adjusting screw ==> 齿隙调整螺钉
- backlash allowance ==> 侧隙公差=>バックラッシュ許容差
- backlash circuit ==> 间断电路,齿隙式电路
- backlash compensation ==> 间隙补偿
- backlash connected type ==> バックラッシュ結合方式
- backlash current ==> 间断电流
- backlash eliminator ==> 间隙消除器,齿隙消除器
- backlash error ==> 侧隙误差
- backlash nonlinearity ==> 间隙非线性
- backlash unit ==> 反撞部件
- backlash valve ==> 无游隙阀门
- backlight ==> 逆光,背部照明
- backlog control ==> 储备管理
- backlog of business ==> 现有定货量
- backlog of demand ==> 受注残
- Backman thermometer ==> 贝克曼温度计
- backpack pump ==> 背负式喷雾器
- backpack transmitter ==> 便携式发射机
- backpad ==> 挤压垫
- backpart moulding machine ==> 后跟成形机
- backplane ==> 背板
- backpressure extraction turbine ==> 背压抽气式汽轮机
- backpressure manometer ==> 后压测压计
- backpressure operation ==> 背压操作
- backpressure regulator ==> 反压力调节器
- backpressure turbine ==> 背压式汽轮机
- backpressure valve ==> 反压阀
- backrest ==> 靠背
- backrest block ==> (镗床的)后立柱移动块
- backrun ==> 反转,逆向
- backrun process ==> 逆行制气法
- backscatter cross section ==> 反向散射截面
- backscatter gage ==> 反向散射测量计
- backscatter laser Doppler velocimeter ==> 反向散射激光多普勒测速仪
- backscatter peak ==> 反向散射峰
- backscatter radar ==> 后向散射雷达
- backscatter ultraviolet radiometer ==> 反向散射紫外线辐射仪
- backscattered electron ==> 背散射电子
- backscattered electron image ==> 背散射电子象
- backscattering coefficient ==> 背散射系数
- backscattering wave ==> 反向散射波
- backset bed ==> 涡流层
- backshore beach ==> 滨后
- backside thread ==> 反面起绒纱
- backsight method ==> 后视法
- backspace ==> 後退文字
- backspace character ==> 退格符=>後退文字
- backspace statement ==> 回退语句
- backspace, to ==> 後退させる
- backstep sequence ==> 分段后向法
- backstep welding ==> 分段逆焊,分段退焊,反向焊,逐步退焊法,逆向焊
- backstep welding sequence ==> 分段退焊次序
- backstepping ==> 逐步退焊法
- backstop porter bar ==> 后定位送料杆
- backstop tone ==> 后定位夹钳
- backstrap ==> 后腰搭扣=>背,つまみ革
- backsurge disc valve ==> 反冲洗圆盘阀
- backsurge tool ==> 反冲洗工具
- backswamp depression ==> 漫滩洼地
- backswept wing ==> 后掠翼
- backswing voltage ==> 回程电压
- backtracking method ==> 倒向追踪法
- backtracking organization ==> 回溯结构
- backup absorbent cartridge ==> 后备吸收筒
- backup battery ==> バックアップ電源
- backup circuit breaker ==> 保護遮断器
- backup control data set ==> 备份控制数据集
- backup copy ==> 备份拷贝
- backup cycle in normal conditions of the system ==> 系统正常情况下备份周期,在正常运行的情况下,系统进行一次全数据备份的时间间隔
- backup data set ==> 备用数据集
- backup file ==> 备份文件
- backup flange ==> 支持法兰
- backup fuse ==> 保险丝
- backup item ==> 备份项目
- backup lamp ==> 倒车灯
- backup methodology ==> バックアップ技法
- backup plate ==> 靠板,垫片
- backup power ==> 予備電源
- backup protection ==> 后备保护,主保护设备或断路器拒动时,用以切除故障或结束异常情况的保护
- backup radar ==> 辅助雷达
- backup relay ==> 后备继电器
- backup roll ==> 支承辊
- backup roll bending ==> 支承辊弯曲
- backup roll extractor ==> 支承辊换辊装置
- backup satellite ==> 备用卫星
- backup strip ==> 衬背带材
- backup supply ==> バックアップ供給
- backup system ==> 备用系统,后备系统
- Backus normal form ==> バッカス正規形
- Backus normal form (BNF) ==> 巴科斯范式
- Backus-Naur form ==> 巴科斯-诺尔范式
- Backus-Naur notation ==> 巴克斯-脑尔范式
- backwall photovoltaic cell ==> 后壁阻挡层光电池
- backwall photovoltaic effect ==> 后膜光电效应
- backward ==> 反向,落后,倒行=>後
- backward acting decoder ==> 后向译码器
- backward acting regulator ==> 反馈作用调节器,反向作用式调整器
- backward aerofoil blade ==> 反向流线形叶片
- backward alignment guard time ==> 後方保護
- backward and bidirectional ==> 反向与双向的
- backward and forward bending test ==> 反复弯曲试验
- backward and forward extrusion ==> 正反挤压
- backward and return movement ==> 前後運動
- backward angle ==> 後方角
- backward attribute ==> 反向表征,反向属性
- backward bending supply curve ==> 向后弯曲供给曲线
- backward bent vane ==> 后弯式叶片
- backward brush lead ==> 电刷后向超前
- backward busying ==> 反向占线信号
- backward chaining ==> 反向链接
- backward channel ==> 反向通道,反向信道,返回通道
- backward channel ready ==> 反向通道传送准备就绪
- backward counter ==> 反向计数器,减法计数器
- backward country ==> 落后国家,经济落后国家,经济落后国家
- backward creep ==> 金属后滑
- backward crosstalk ==> 后向串扰
- backward current ==> 逆電流
- backward curved vane ==> 后曲叶片,后弯式叶片
- backward decay ==> 反向衰变
- backward dictionary ==> 倒排词典
- backward difference ==> 反向差分,后向差分
- backward diode ==> 反向二极管
- backward dislocation ==> 后脱位
- backward drainage ==> 逆向水系
- backward echo ==> 反向重复
- backward effect ==> 逆流效应
- backward erosion ==> 反向冲刷
- backward extrusion ==> 反挤压,反向挤压
- backward failure ==> 向后衰竭
- backward feed ==> 反进给,反向进刀,逆流送料法
- backward field impedance ==> 反向磁场阻抗
- backward field torque ==> 反向磁场转矩
- backward file recovery ==> 反向文件恢复
- backward flashover ==> 反向闪络
- backward flow ==> 逆流,反流=>逆潮流
- backward forward counter ==> 正反向计数器
- backward gain ==> 反向增益
- backward gear ==> 倒档齿轮,倒退装置
- backward going ==> 倒退
- backward heart-failu ==> 后向性心力衰竭
- backward hold ==> 反向锁定
- backward impedance ==> 反向阻抗=>背後インピーダンス
- backward inclined type of impeller ==> 后弯式叶轮
- backward inductance ==> 背後インダクタンス
- backward integration ==> 反向企业合并,向后合并,向后整合
- backward interpolation ==> 后向插值
- backward jet ==> 反向射流
- backward lead ==> 电刷后移
- backward leaning vane ==> 后弯叶片
- backward link ==> 反向链接
- backward linkage ==> 向后连锁率
- backward linkage effect ==> 向后联系效应,向后连锁效果
- backward magnetic field ==> 逆相分磁界
- backward mode ==> 反向模式=>逆方向モード
- backward motion ==> 倒退
- backward option ==> 反向选择
- backward pass ==> 偶数道次
- backward phase component ==> 反向相分量
- backward phasor ==> 反向相量=>逆方向フェーザ
- backward photodiode ==> 反向光电二极管
- backward pig ==> 发育不良的仔猪
- backward polyphase sort ==> 反多相分类
- backward position ==> 反转位置,回程位置
- backward prediction ==> 反向预测
- backward processing ==> 反向处理
- backward pruning procedure ==> 反向修剪过程
- backward pull ==> 后张力
- backward read ==> 反读,倒读,回读
- backward reading ==> 反读,反向读出=>逆読み
- backward reasoning ==> 反向推理
- backward recovery ==> 反向恢复
- backward recovery time ==> 反向恢复时间
- backward reference ==> 反向参照,反向引用,返回访问
- backward repositioning ==> 反向再定位
- backward resistance ==> 反向电阻
- backward round-the-world echo ==> 逆方向地球周回エコー
- backward sequence ==> 反向序,逆序
- backward shift ==> 反向移刷,反移,后移位
- backward shifting ==> 逆转嫁
- backward signal ==> 返回信号
- backward signalling ==> 回铃信号
- backward slip ==> 后滑
- backward slip zone ==> 后滑区
- backward spatial harmonic ==> 反向空间谐波
- backward spinning ==> 反旋压
- backward spring ==> 反向弹簧,延缓弹簧,回程弹簧
- backward stagger ==> 后向斜罩
- backward station method ==> 反向测点法
- backward stroke ==> 返回冲程
- backward stroke of the piston ==> 活塞回程
- backward substitution ==> 後退代入
- backward supervision ==> 反向管理,反向监控
- backward sweep ==> 后掠角
- backward swept vane ==> 反弯式叶片
- backward take ==> 倒拍
- backward tension ==> 反张力
- backward thrust ==> 反推力
- backward tracing ==> 反向追踪
- backward transfer admittance ==> 反向转移导纳
- backward transfer character istic ==> 反向转移特性
- backward transfer characteristic ==> 反馈特性
- backward transter character ==> 反向传输特性
- backward travel ==> 后退行程
- backward unloading elevator ==> 后卸升运器
- backward vane ==> 反向叶片
- backward vision ==> 后视
- backward voltage ==> 反向电压=>逆電圧
- backward wave ==> 反射波,回波=>後進波
- backward wave amplifier ==> 回波放大器,逆行波放大器,反向波放大管
- backward wave oscillator ==> 反向波振荡器
- backward wave parametric amplifier ==> 回波参量放大器
- backward welding ==> 后倾焊,后退焊,向右焊
- backward-backward mode ==> 反反向模式=>反反方向モード
- backward-bladed aerodynamic fan ==> 后弯叶片风机
- backward-bladed impeller ==> 后弯叶轮
- backward-curved blade fan ==> 后向曲叶式风机
- backward-difference approximation ==> 後退差分法
- backward-differnece formula ==> 反向差分公式
- backward-forward counter ==> 加减计数器
- backward-forward mode ==> 反正向模式=>反正方向モード
- backward-sloping supply curve ==> 向后倾斜供给曲线
- backward-transfer signal ==> 占线回声信号
- backward-wave ==> 反向波
- backward-wave crossed-field amplifier ==> 反向波正交场放大管,返波正交场放大管
- backward-wave magnetron ==> 返波式磁控管,回波磁控管
- backward-wave oscillation ==> 返波振荡
- backward-wave oscillator ==> 回波振荡器
- backward-wave parametric amplifier ==> 反射波参量放大器
- backward-wave tube ==> 回波管=>後進波管
- backwardation ==> 交割延期,现货升水,现货溢价
- backwardation contango ==> 交割延期费
- backwardization ==> 延期交割金
- backwash ==> 反激浪,反溅,反洗,反响,逆吹,回冲,回卷波,回流,回刷=>引き波,余波,後流
- backwash controller ==> 返洗液控制器
- backwash effect ==> 反溅效果,出口畸形发展效应=>逆流効果
- backwash ileitis ==> 逆流性回腸炎
- backwash limit ==> 反冲界线
- backwash liquor ==> 反洗液
- backwash procedure ==> 反洗程序
- backwash pump ==> 逆洗ポンプ
- backwash ripple mark ==> 回流波痕
- backwash valve ==> 反冲洗阀
- backwash waste outlet ==> 返洗液废水出口
- backwash water ==> 回洗水
- backwash-regeneration cycle ==> 反冲洗再生循环
- backwashing ==> 回流冲刷,反洗,当设备停用后,采用具有一定压力的水,与运行时水流方向相反来清除设备及其系统内在运行时积集的污物的过程
- backwashing device ==> 反冲洗装置,为避免凝汽器管经常被垃圾堵塞管口,在循环冷却水进水口处装有四通阀,可定期使凝汽器内循环冷却水反向运行,冲走冷却管板上垃圾的装置
- backwashing filter ==> 反洗滤池
- backwashings ==> 回洗液
- backwater ==> 背水
- backwater area ==> 回水面积,回水区
- backwater curve ==> 回水曲线
- backwater effect ==> 回水影响,回水作用
- backwater envelope curve ==> 回水包络曲线
- backwater formula ==> 回水公式
- backwater from ice jam ==> 冰壅回水
- backwater function ==> 回水函数
- backwater gate ==> 逆流防止门,挡水闸门,防倒灌闸门
- backwater length ==> 回水长度
- backwater level ==> 回水高程
- backwater limit ==> 回水极限,回水界限
- backwater of reservoir ==> 水库回水,河渠水流受到坝、闸等挡水建筑物阻挡,使河渠水位抬高,因而形成一条从坝前到水库末端比天然水面线要高的新水面线
- backwater pump ==> 回水泵
- backwater slope ==> 回水坡度
- backwater storage ==> 回水库容
- backwater trap ==> 回水存水弯
- backwater zone ==> 回水区
- bacon spleen ==> 火腿脾
- BACS, billing account collection system ==> 顧客支払い用会計徴収システム
- bacteria ==> 细菌
- bacteria (water quality objective) ==> 细菌(水质指针)
- bacteria bearing ==> 带菌的
- bacteria contamination ==> 细菌污染
- bacteria enter the root hair cell ==> 细菌进入根毛细胞
- bacteria ether ==> 醋醚
- bacteria free ==> 无菌的
- Bacteria in Recreation Waters--A Regulators Concerns ==> 《休憩水域出现细菌──监管机构的忧虑》
- bacteria microscopic examining instruments set ==> 显微镜细菌检查器械包
- bacteria-carrier ==> 带菌者
- bacterial ==> 无菌的
- bacterial action ==> 细菌作用
- bacterial adherence ==> 细菌粘连
- bacterial aggregate ==> 细菌团块
- bacterial antitoxin ==> 细菌抗毒素
- bacterial balance index ==> 细菌平衡指数
- bacterial bight of soybean ==> 大豆细菌叶枯病
- bacterial blight ==> 大豆细菌性斑点病,白叶枯病
- bacterial blight of rice ==> 稻白叶枯病,水稻白叶枯病
- bacterial blight of soybean ==> 大豆细菌性斑点病
- bacterial canker and leaf spot of cherry ==> 甜樱桃溃疡及虫斑病
- bacterial capsule ==> 细菌荚膜
- bacterial cast ==> 菌管型,菌管型
- bacterial cell ==> 菌细胞,菌细胞
- bacterial clocks ==> 細菌の時計
- bacterial conjugation ==> 细菌结合
- bacterial contamination ==> 细菌污染
- bacterial count ==> 菌数,菌数
- bacterial counting technique ==> 细菌计数技术
- bacterial cultivation ==> 细菌培养法
- bacterial culture ==> 细菌培养,细菌培养物
- bacterial degumming method ==> 微生物脱胶法
- bacterial discoloration ==> (羊毛)细菌斑渍
- bacterial disease ==> 细菌病
- bacterial drug dependence ==> 细菌赖药性
- bacterial drug resistance ==> 细菌耐药性
- bacterial emulsion ==> 菌乳剂,菌乳剂
- bacterial encephalitis ==> 细菌性脑炎
- bacterial endocarditis ==> 细菌性心内膜炎
- bacterial enzyme ==> 细菌酶
- bacterial equilibrium ==> 细菌平衡
- bacterial exudation ==> 病原细菌的渗出块
- bacterial filament ==> 菌丝,菌丝
- bacterial filter ==> 细菌滤器,滤菌器
- bacterial food poisoning ==> 细菌性食物中毒
- bacterial homologue ==> 細菌ホモログ
- bacterial immunity ==> 菌免疫,菌免疫
- bacterial inclusion ==> 细菌细胞内含物
- bacterial inoculation ==> 细菌接种法,菌苗接种,菌苗接种
- bacterial insecticide ==> 细菌杀虫剂
- bacterial involutionary form ==> 细菌衰退型
- bacterial jelly ==> 菌胶冻,菌胶冻
- bacterial killing ==> 殺菌
- bacterial leaching ==> 细菌浸出
- bacterial leaf blight ==> 细菌性叶疫病
- bacterial leaf spot ==> 细菌性叶斑病
- bacterial leaf spot of cauliflower ==> 花椰菜细菌性叶斑病
- bacterial leaf spot of tobacco ==> 烟草野火病
- bacterial leaf stripe ==> 细菌性叶纹病
- bacterial manure ==> 菌肥,菌肥
- bacterial mating ==> 细菌结合
- bacterial meningitis ==> 细菌性脑膜炎
- bacterial methanogenesis ==> 甲烷生成
- bacterial mutation ==> 细菌致突变
- bacterial myocarditis ==> 细菌性心肌炎
- bacterial name ==> 細菌名
- bacterial nuclear filaments ==> 菌核的丝状体,菌核的丝状体
- bacterial nuclear region ==> 菌核区,菌核区
- bacterial overgrowth syndrome ==> 细菌过度繁殖综合征
- bacterial parasite ==> 寄生菌
- bacterial pericarditis ==> 细菌性心包炎
- bacterial pigmentation ==> 细菌色素作用
- bacterial plant disease ==> 细菌性植物病害
- bacterial plaque ==> 菌斑,菌斑
- bacterial poisoning ==> 细菌性中毒
- bacterial pollution ==> 细菌污染
- bacterial population ==> 细菌数
- bacterial proof filter ==> 防细菌滤器
- bacterial pustule ==> 细菌性脓疱=>葉焼病
- bacterial pustule of soybean ==> 大豆细菌性斑疹病
- bacterial pyrogen ==> 细菌性致热原
- bacterial reduction ==> 细菌还原作用
- bacterial ring rot o potato ==> 马铃薯环腐病
- bacterial soft rot ==> 细菌性软腐病
- bacterial spot ==> 细菌性斑点
- bacterial spot of pepper ==> 辣椒细菌性斑点病
- Bacterial spot of pepper ==> 番椒细菌性斑点病
- bacterial spot of tomato ==> 番茄细菌性斑点病
- bacterial suspension ==> 细菌悬液
- bacterial type ==> 菌型,菌型
- bacterial urethritis ==> 细菌性尿道炎
- bacterial vaccine ==> 细菌菌根,菌苗,菌苗
- bacterial vitamin ==> 细菌生长激素,细菌维生素
- bacterial wilt ==> 细菌性萎蔫病
- bacterial wilt of cucumber ==> 黄瓜细菌性萎蔫病
- bacterial wilt of eggplant ==> 黄瓜细菌性萎蔫病,茄青枯病
- bactericidal action ==> 杀菌作用
- bactericidal effect ==> 殺菌効果
- bactericidal lamp ==> 杀菌灯=>殺菌ランプ
- bactericidal rays ==> 灭菌射线
- bactericides ==> 杀细菌剂
- bacteriogical laboratory ==> 细菌检验室
- bacteriological examination of drinking water supplies ==> 食水供应的细菌检验
- bacteriological filtration ==> 滤菌
- bacteriological water quality objective ==> 水质含细菌量指针
- Bacteriological Water Quality of Bathing Beaches in Hong Kong ==> 《香港泳滩细菌水质年报》
- bacteriology ==> 微生物学
- bacteriolyic antibody ==> 溶菌性抗体
- bacteriolytic immunity ==> 溶菌免疫,细菌溶解免疫性
- bacteriolytic reaction ==> 溶菌反应,发否氏现象
- bacteriophage-like particle ==> 类噬菌体粒子
- bacteriosmelt ==> 细菌冶金
- bacteriostasis agent ==> 抑菌剂
- bacterium ==> 杆菌属
- bacterium (bacteria) ==> 菌,菌,细菌
- Bacterium ambiguum ==> 不定型细菌
- Bacterium aphthosus ==> 鹅口疮杆菌
- Bacterium cygni ==> 鹅杆菌
- Bacterium diphtheriae ==> 白喉棒状杆菌
- Bacterium enteritidis ==> 肠炎沙门氏菌
- Bacterium glischrogenes ==> 产粘素杆菌
- Bacterium paratyphosum B ==> 朔氏沙门氏菌
- Bacterium paratyphosum C ==> 希氏沙门氏菌
- Bacterium prodigiosum ==> 灵杆菌
- Bacterium putidum ==> 恶臭杆菌
- Bacterium typhosum ==> 伤寒沙门氏菌
- bacterium vaginae ==> 阴道杆菌
- Bactrian camel ==> 西亚骆驼
- bactrian camel ==> 双峰驼
- bad ==> 劣,恶,不良的
- bad bargain ==> 亏本生意
- bad break ==> 错断
- bad breath ==> 口臭
- bad cast ==> 钢丝盘卷不匀
- bad check ==> 空头支票
- bad cheque ==> 空头支票
- bad claim ==> 不良债权
- bad coin ==> 劣币
- bad colour ==> 墨色不匀
- bad conductor ==> 不良导体=>不良導体
- bad contact ==> 不良接触,不良触点,不良接点,接触不良
- bad data ==> 不良データ
- bad debts ==> 坏帐=>貸倒金
- bad debts recoveries ==> 重新收回呆帐
- bad delivery ==> 不当交割
- bad earth ==> 接地不良
- bad faith ==> 恶意
- bad geometry ==> 不利几何条件
- bad grade goods ==> 劣品
- bad grading ==> 劣级配
- bad hadit ==> 不良习惯
- bad havest ==> 歉收
- bad land ==> 荒原
- bad mold joint ==> 模缝线
- bad money ==> 劣币
- bad oil ==> 劣质油=>粗悪な油
- bad oil tank ==> 不合格油料储罐
- bad quality ==> 劣等质量
- bad repute ==> 无信用
- bad risk ==> 风险大的保险
- bad seaman ==> 操縦が下手な船員
- bad soil management ==> 土壤管理不良
- bad start ==> 不良起动
- bad top ==> 不稳固顶板
- bad track ==> 不良磁道
- bad usual practice ==> 不良习惯
- bad weather ==> 恶劣天气
- bad-i-sad-o-bistroz ==> 十二旬风
- Badals optometer ==> 巴达尔视力仪
- baddeckite ==> 赤铁粘土
- baddeleyite ==> 二氧化锆矿,斜锆石
- badge ==> 标记,徽章,符号=>記章,バッジ
- badge card ==> 标记卡
- badge card reader ==> 标记卡阅读器
- badge punch ==> 标记穿孔机
- badge reader ==> 标记阅读器
- BADGE, Base Air Defence Ground Environment ==> バッジ(防空管制組織の一種)
- BADGE, Base Air Defense Ground Environment System ==> バッジシステム(防空管制組織の一種)
- badger ==> 獾,排水管清扫器
- badger fat ==> 獾油
- badger hair ==> 獾毛
- badger plane ==> 槽刨
- Badger rule ==> 巴杰尔定则
- badger skin ==> 獾皮
- badger softener ==> 软毛宽刷
- badger-hair softener ==> 软毛宽刷
- badges of trade ==> 贸易象征
- badging ==> 印商标=>バッジをつける
- badian essence ==> 八角茴香香料
- badigeon ==> 嵌填灰膏
- badijun ==> 嵌填灰膏
- Badin metal ==> 巴丁合金
- badional ==> 磺胺硫脲
- Badisch converter ==> 巴迪氏转化器
- Badischer process ==> 巴迪氏法
- Badistan ==> 多菌灵
- badland ==> 重蚀地
- badlands ==> 崎岖地
- badly annealed ==> 退火不良的
- badly bleeding ==> 跑钢,冒顶
- badly bleeding ingot ==> 冒顶钢锭,冒了顶的钢锭
- badly rigged ==> 不良的安装
- badminton court ==> 羽毛球场
- badness of fit ==> 拟合劣度
- badwill ==> 负商誉
- BAe, British Aerospace Corporation ==> ブリティッシュエアロスペース社
- Baermann apparatus ==> ベールマン装置
- Baeyer strain theory ==> 拜尔张力学说
- Baeza method ==> 贝泽热压硬质合金法
- BAF Bunker Adjustment Factor ==> 燃料舱调节代理商
- baffle ==> 导流体,挡板,栅板,障板,折流板,反射体,拢流器,砥柱=>バフル,バッフル(照明器具)
- baffle arrangement ==> 折流板排列法,挡板排列法
- baffle blanket ==> 吸声毡,吸音毡
- baffle block ==> 消力墩,设置在消力池中的小墩,起辅助消能作用
- baffle board ==> 烟道风帽,反射板,折流板,炮口制退器=>バッフル板
- baffle box ==> 消能箱
- baffle chamber ==> 挡板室,隔板室
- baffle cloth ==> 喇叭布
- baffle construction ==> バッフル構造
- baffle core ==> 挡渣芯
- baffle crusher ==> 冲击反射式破碎机
- baffle cut ==> 折流板弓形缺口
- baffle feed heater ==> 挡板进料加热器,挡板式进料加热器
- baffle flame holder ==> 挡板式火焰稳定器
- baffle gear ==> 板牙齿轮
- baffle heater ==> 板式加热器
- baffle loudspeaker ==> 障板扬声器
- baffle pier ==> 分水墩
- baffle plate ==> 遮护板,折流板,挡板,模底板=>バッフルプレート,バッフル板
- baffle plate convertor ==> 挡板变换器
- baffle ring ==> 挡环
- baffle scrubber ==> 挡板式洗涤器
- baffle separator ==> 挡板式分离器
- baffle shield ==> 隔板屏蔽
- baffle sill ==> 尾槛,又称“消力槛”。设置在消力池底板末端的槛
- baffle spray tower ==> 挡板喷淋塔,挡板喷雾塔
- baffle tower ==> 挡板塔
- baffle type collector ==> 挡板式收尘器,百叶窗式收尘器
- baffle wall ==> 挡烟墙,分水墙=>バッフル壁
- baffle weir ==> 砥堰
- baffle(s) spacing ==> 折流板间距
- baffle-column mixer ==> 挡板混合塔
- baffle-type ==> 挡板式
- baffled exchanger ==> 折流热交换器
- baffled reflection chamber ==> 隔板式反应池
- baffled spray column ==> 挡板喷雾萃取塔
- bafflement ==> 当惑,困惑
- baffling wind ==> 无定向风
- bag ==> 袋,袋囊,料袋,猎获,鸟获量=>バッグ,かばん
- bag (deepbed) filter ==> 袋式过滤器
- bag and spoon dredger ==> 袋匙式挖泥船,袋勺式挖泥船
- bag barker ==> 小型鼓状剥皮机
- bag bunch-sealing machine ==> 米袋机
- bag catheter ==> 带囊导尿管
- bag clasping machine ==> 扣夹封袋机
- bag closer ==> 缝袋机
- bag closing machine ==> 封袋机
- bag collector ==> 袋式集尘器,货袋除尘器,货袋收尘器
- bag container ==> 袋式集装箱
- bag conveyer ==> 袋输送器
- bag conveyor ==> 袋输送器,粮袋输送器
- bag dam ==> 土袋埝坝
- bag dust filter ==> 袋式滤尘器
- bag elevator ==> 举袋机,举袋机,货袋提升器
- bag film ==> 薄膜袋
- bag filter ==> 囊式滤尘器,袋滤器,袋式过滤器,袋式滤器,袋式收尘器,袋式除尘器,采用织物袋滤除气体中尘粒的设备=>バグフィルタ
- bag filter system ==> 袋式过滤系统,袋形过滤系统
- bag filtration ==> 袋过滤
- bag heat-sealing machine ==> 袋热合机
- bag hides ==> 袋皮
- bag holder ==> 麻袋夹持器
- bag job ==> 非法搜查
- bag limit ==> 鸟获量限度
- bag loader ==> 码包机
- bag lock ==> 袋锁
- bag machine ==> 打包机
- bag molding ==> 袋塑成型
- bag moulding ==> 袋模成虫
- bag of foulness ==> 高压瓦斯包
- bag opening machine ==> 撑袋口机
- bag overturning machine ==> 翻袋机
- bag piler ==> 粮袋码垛机
- bag piling machine ==> 堆袋机
- bag plug ==> 袋式堵头
- bag pressure gauge ==> 呼吸袋测压表
- bag process ==> 布袋收尘法
- bag pump ==> 风箱泵
- bag sealer ==> 封袋机,袋封口机
- bag sealing machine ==> 袋封口机,纸袋封口机
- bag sewer ==> 缝袋机
- bag sewing machine ==> 缝袋机
- bag shaker ==> 布袋震动器
- bag silo ==> 青贮袋
- bag squeezer ==> 袋式挤压器
- bag stacker ==> 粮袋码堆机
- bag tank ==> 软油箱
- bag type cloth filter ==> 袋式布滤器
- bag type dust collector ==> 袋式除尘器,袋式收尘器
- bag weighing machine ==> 称袋机
- bag with fertilizer ==> 肥料袋
- bag-filter type collector ==> 袋滤式收集器
- bag-type cell ==> 软油箱
- bag-type collector ==> 袋式除尘器
- bag-type dust collector ==> 布袋除尘器
- bag-type dust remover ==> 布袋除尘器
- bag-type duster ==> 袋式除尘器
- bag-type strainer ==> 布袋滤器
- bag-wall ==> 挡火墙
- bagass ==> さとうきびの絞りかす
- bagasse ==> 干蔗渣,甘蔗渣,蔗渣=>バガス
- bagasse ash ==> 蔗渣灰
- bagasse baler ==> 甘蔗渣压捆机
- bagasse board ==> 甘蔗板
- bagasse boiler ==> バガスボイラー
- bagasse disease ==> 甘蔗渣尘肺
- bagasse fibre ==> 甘蔗渣纤维
- bagasse pump ==> 渣泵
- Bagel ==> 贝果,培果,焙果,百吉圈=>ベーグル
- baggage allowance ==> 免费行李,行李重量限度
- baggage cabin ==> 行李舱
- baggage car ==> 行李车
- baggage carrier ==> 行李架
- baggage compartment ==> 行李舱,行李间
- baggage declaration form ==> 行李报关单
- baggage hold ==> 行李舱
- baggage holder ==> 行李支架
- baggage insurance ==> 行李保险
- baggage rack ==> 行李架
- baggage truck ==> 行李小车
- bagged cement ==> 袋装水泥
- bagged conveyer ==> 袋运送器
- bagged rice ==> 袋装水稻
- bagger combine ==> 自动装袋式联合收获机
- bagging and weighing machine ==> 装袋秤重机
- bagging apparatus ==> 装袋装置
- bagging attachment ==> 装袋装置
- bagging auger ==> 装袋螺旋推运器
- bagging machine ==> 打包机
- bagging point ==> 装袋装置
- bagging pot ==> 皮囊壶
- bagging-off chute ==> 装袋滑槽
- bagging-off spout ==> 装袋口
- baggy fabric ==> 袋状织物
- baghouse ==> 袋滤室
- baghouse, BH ==> 袋式除尘器,采用织物袋滤除气体中尘粒的设备
- Bagnold number ==> 伯格诺德数
- bagpack ==> 背包
- bagworm ==> 袋虫=>ミノムシ
- Bahia grass ==> 巴哈雀稗
- bahnmetal ==> 巴鼎基轴承合金
- bai ==> 梅
- bai-u rainy period ==> 梅雨期
- baicalein ==> 黄芩素,黄芩甙元
- baicalin ==> 黄芩甙
- Baichongwo ==> 百虫窝
- Baihu Tang ==> 白虎汤
- Baihuanshu ==> 白环俞
- Baihui ==> 百会
- Baijiang Tablets ==> 败酱片
- Baikal skullcap root ==> 黄芩
- baikerite ==> 贝地蜡
- bail ==> 保释金,保证人,绳套,戽,夹紧箍,卡圈
- bail bond ==> 保释保证书
- bail out ==> 保证偿还
- bail skip ==> 排水箕斗
- bail-out bill ==> 救済法案
- bail-out funds ==> 緊急援助資金
- bail-out loan ==> 救済融資,救済貸し付け
- bailee ==> 受托人
- bailee clause ==> 受托人条款
- bailee's customers' insurance ==> 受托人代客保险
- bailer ==> 财物委托人,排水吊桶,捞砂筒,抽泥筒,钻泥提取管,委托人
- bailer dart ==> 捞砂筒底阀
- bailer grab ==> 打捞爪
- Bailey bridge ==> 贝雷式桥
- Bailey mater ==> 贝雷流量计
- Bailey meter ==> ベイリーメーター
- Bailey test for sulphur ==> 贝雷硫试验
- bailey wall ==> 水冷耐火壁
- bailiff ==> 法警
- bailing ==> 提捞,排水
- bailing bucket ==> 捞砂筒
- bailing experiment ==> 抽水试验
- bailing skip ==> 排水箕斗
- Baillarger's lines ==> 贝拉日线
- Baillargers external line ==> 柏亚尔惹氏外线
- Baillargers internal line ==> 柏亚尔惹氏内线
- bailment ==> 财物委托,寄托
- bailment lease ==> 分期租让
- bailor ==> 财物委托人
- bailout ==> 应急跳伞,政府救助=>脱出,緊急援助,救済
- bailout bottle ==> 备用气瓶,跳伞用氧气瓶
- bailout capsule ==> 弹射座舱
- bailout door ==> 跳伞门,安全门
- bailout package ==> 緊急援助計画
- bailsman ==> 保释人,保证人
- Baily furnace ==> 贝利炭粒炉
- Baily's bead ==> 贝利珠
- Baily's beads ==> 倍里珠
- Bailys bead ==> 贝利珠
- Bailys beads ==> 贝利珠
- Bain index ==> 贝恩指数,衡量行业垄断程度的一个指数
- bain-marie ==> 水浴器
- Bainbridge reflex ==> 班布里奇反射
- Bainbridge's mass spectrograph ==> 班布里奇质谱仪
- Bainbrige refiex ==> 静脉心脏反射
- bainite ==> 贝氏体,贝茵体
- bainite ductile iron ==> 贝氏法球墨铸铁,贝氏体铸铁
- bainite finish point ==> 贝氏体转变终了点
- bainite hardening ==> 贝氏体淬火
- bainite quenching ==> 贝氏体淬火
- bainite range ==> 贝氏体区域
- bainite start point ==> 贝氏体转变开始点
- bainite structure ==> 贝氏体组织
- bainite transformation ==> 贝氏体转变
- bainitic hardening ==> 贝氏体淬火
- bainitic steel ==> 贝氏体钢
- Bairdiacea ==> 贝特总科
- Baire function ==> 贝尔函数
- Baire's category theorem ==> ベールのカテゴリー定理
- bait ==> 饵料,诱饵=>餌,誘惑,おとり
- bait advertising ==> 誇大広告
- bait and switch ==> 上钩调包诱售法=>おとり販売
- bait applicator ==> 毒饵撒布机
- bait crop ==> 诱集作物
- bait formulation ==> 毒饵
- bait stick ==> 饵杆
- bait with sugar ==> 毒饵加糖
- baiting ==> 下料
- baize ==> 台面呢
- Baizi Yangxin Pills ==> 柏子养心丸
- bajada breccia ==> 荒漠泥流角砾
- Bajaj ==> 三輪タクシー(Indonesia語)
- bakanae byo of rice ==> 稻恶苗病
- bakanae disease of rice ==> 水稻恶苗病
- bake ==> 烘,烘焙,烘烤,焙
- bake bread ==> 烘面包
- bake lite ==> 电木
- bake out furnace ==> 烘箱
- bake oven ==> 烘箱=>焼付釜(がま)
- baked anode ==> 焙烧阳极
- baked core ==> 干砂型心,干型芯
- baked mould ==> 干型
- baked permeability ==> 干透气性
- baked sand ==> 烘干砂
- baked strength ==> 干强度
- Bakelite ==> 酚醛树脂
- bakelite ==> 酚醛塑料,电胶木,电木,绝缘电木,住友电木=>ベークライト,住友ベークライト
- bakelite adhesive ==> 酚醛树脂粘结剂
- bakelite B ==> 酚醛树脂B
- bakelite bobbin ==> 电木线圈管
- bakelite bonded wheel ==> 酚醛树脂结合剂砂轮
- bakelite bowl ==> 电木碗
- bakelite C ==> 酚醛树脂C
- bakelite douche fittings ==> 胶木灌洗配件
- bakelite lacquer ==> 酚醛塑胶漆
- bakelite moulding ==> 电木造型
- bakelite mouldings ==> 电木模型
- bakelite paper ==> 电木纸
- bakelite paste ==> 电木膏,胶木膏
- bakelite varnish ==> 胶木漆,电木漆,酚醛树脂清漆
- bakelized paper ==> 电木纸,胶木纸
- Baker bell dolphin ==> 贝克式钟形系船柱
- Baker clamp ==> 贝卡钳位
- Baker Schmidt mirror system ==> 贝克-施密特反射镜系统
- Baker's cyst ==> 贝克囊肿,窝粘液囊炎
- Baker's water jet pump ==> 贝克喷水抽气泵
- Baker-Schmidt telescope ==> 贝克-施密特望远镜
- bakers' yeast ==> 发面酵母
- baking ==> 烘干,烧成,烘烤法
- baking box ==> 烘箱
- baking coal ==> 炼焦煤
- baking enamel ==> 烘烤搪瓷
- baking enamel coating ==> 烘烤搪瓷涂料
- baking finish ==> 烘漆,烤漆
- baking furnace ==> 烘干炉
- baking machine ==> 焙烘机
- baking of resin ==> 烘烤树脂
- baking of varnish ==> 烘烤油漆,漆的烘干
- baking operation ==> 烘干工序
- baking oven ==> 烘炉,高温焙煤箱,烘箱=>焼付釜(がま)
- baking pan ==> 烘盘
- baking powder ==> 发酵粉,焙粉=>膨張剤
- baking properties ==> 烘烤品质
- baking quality ==> 烘烤质量
- baking quality test for wheat ==> 小麦烘烤质量试验
- baking soda ==> 小苏打,碳酸氢钠
- baking temperature ==> 熱処理温度
- baking test ==> 烘干试验
- baking tunnel ==> 烘干隧道炉
- baking varnish ==> 烘漆,烘用清漆,热干燥漆=>焼付ワニス
- Baku olive oil ==> 巴库橄榄油
- Bakun ==> 马来西亚巴贡
- Bakusoh ==> 肉団子スープ(Indonesia語)
- Balaenoptera musculus ==> 大长须鲸
- balance ==> 差额,天平,收付平衡,对比,尾数,相抵,结算差额表,平衡,权衡,配重平衡块=>平衡,バランス
- Balance ==> 天秤星座
- balance (bal.) ==> 结存
- balance a budget ==> 平衡预算
- balance account ==> 结算帐户,决算帐户,决算帐户
- balance achieved in a hot gas ==> 高温ガスで達成される平衡状態
- balance adjustment ==> バランス調整
- balance adjustment mechanism ==> バランス調節機構
- balance agitator ==> 摆式抖动器,摆式搅拌器
- balance and structure ==> 均衡と構造
- balance approximation ==> バランス近似
- balance arc ==> 摆弧,平衡弧
- balance arm ==> 平衡臂,均衡梁,均衡梁,秤杆,摆梁,天平臂
- balance arm file ==> 小三角锉
- balance armature type relay ==> 平衡接極形継電器
- balance at a bank ==> 銀行預金残高
- balance at beginning of year ==> 期首残高
- balance at the beginning of the period ==> 期初余额
- balance bar ==> 平衡杆
- balance based on a shortage of products ==> 按短线平衡
- balance based on an oversupply of products ==> 按长线平衡
- balance beam ==> 天平梁
- balance beam engine pump ==> 发动机平衡杆泵
- balance beam type relay ==> バランスビーム形継電器
- balance betweeen supply and demand of commodities ==> 商品供求平衡
- balance between cash receipts and payments ==> 现金收支平衡
- balance between credits and payments ==> 信贷收支平衡
- balance between energy supply and demand ==> 精确供能=>エネルギーの需給バランス
- balance between imports and exports ==> 进出口平衡
- balance between income and expenditure ==> 收支平衡
- balance between pastures and livestock ==> 畜草平衡
- balance between silkworm and mulberry output ==> 叶蚕平衡
- balance bob ==> 平衡臂
- balance book ==> 分类余额簿,分类帐差额簿,分类帐余额簿
- balance box ==> 衡重盒,平衡箱
- balance bridge ==> 平衡桥,开启桥
- balance brought forward ==> 结转余额
- balance brought over from the last account ==> 前期结转余额
- balance bush ==> 平衡衬套,平衡盘套筒
- balance calibration ==> 天平校准
- balance car ==> 平衡车
- balance carbon ==> 平衡碳
- balance check ==> 平衡检查,平衡校验,零点校验
- balance check mode ==> 平衡检验式,检衡式
- balance circuit ==> 平衡回路
- balance cock ==> 摆夹板,摆轮夹板,平衡开关
- balance coil ==> 平衡线圈
- balance contrast ==> 平衡反差
- balance control ==> 平衡控制
- balance converter ==> 平衡周波数変換器
- balance crane ==> 平衡起重机,平衡式起重机
- balance cuts and fills ==> 均衡控填,均衡控填
- balance cylinder ==> 平衡汽缸,平衡室
- balance cylinder cover ==> 平衡气缸盖
- balance des paiements courants ==> 经常项目,经常项目
- balance disc ==> 平衡盘
- balance down ==> 结转
- balance due ==> 结欠金额,欠款,不足额
- balance due from ==> 人欠
- balance due to ==> 欠人
- balance economy ==> 平衡经济
- balance equation ==> 平衡方程
- balance exercise ==> 平衡运动
- balance for measuring amount of precipitation ==> 水量秤
- balance forward ==> 结转下页,结转余额
- balance frame ==> 平衡机架
- balance fund ==> 平衡基金
- balance gate ==> 平衡门,平衡闸门
- balance gear ==> 平衡齿轮,补偿器
- balance handle ==> 平衡手柄
- balance hole ==> 平衡孔
- balance in hand ==> 库存余额
- balance in our favour ==> 我方余额
- balance in your favor ==> 你方结余
- balance indicator ==> 平衡指示器
- balance level ==> 水准仪
- balance magnetometer ==> 电磁秤
- balance mark ==> 平衡标志
- balance mass ==> 平衡质量
- balance matching ==> 平衡配板
- balance measurement ==> 天平法测量,重量试验
- balance mechanism ==> 平衡机构
- balance method ==> 平衡表法
- balance method of stores accounting ==> 材料核算余额法
- balance mill ==> 平衡铣
- balance of appropriation ==> 经费结余,经费结余
- balance of assembly ==> 装配程序
- balance of births and deaths ==> 出生和死亡的差额
- balance of clearing ==> 清算余额
- balance of contract ==> 现有契约限额
- balance of current account ==> 经常项目差额,经常项目差额,经常项目收支,经常项目收支
- balance of cut and fill ==> 土方平衡
- balance of debt ==> 负债余额
- balance of electromyography ==> 肌电描记平衡
- balance of estate ==> 财产余额
- balance of export and import ==> 进出口差额
- balance of finance and materials ==> 财政和物资平衡
- balance of foreign trade ==> 贸易收支差额
- balance of fuel ==> 燃料平衡表
- balance of heat ==> 热平衡
- balance of income and outlay ==> 收支平衡
- balance of international payment ==> 国际收支平衡
- balance of manpower resources ==> 人力资源平衡表
- balance of migration ==> 移入移出的差额
- balance of moving part ==> 运动部分的平衡
- balance of mutual accounts ==> 交互帐户差额
- balance of nature ==> 自然平衡
- balance of payment ==> 收支差额
- balance of payment adjustment ==> 调节国际收支
- balance of payments ==> 収支
- balance of payments credits and debits ==> 借贷收付平衡
- balance of payments on current account ==> 流动项目收支差额
- balance of plant,BOP ==> 核电厂配套设施,核电厂中核岛和常规岛以外的配套建筑物、构筑物及其设施的统称。它包括辅助核厂房、生产辅助厂房、厂前区建筑物、仓库类建筑物、厂区附近建筑物、厂区工程设施、厂外工程设施、环境监测工程设施、生活区及其他有关建筑项目
- balance of potential ==> 电势均衡
- balance of power ==> 动力平衡
- balance of power level ==> 电平平衡
- balance of preparation and winning work ==> 采掘平衡
- balance of profit ==> 利润结余
- balance of right and obligations ==> 权利与义务的平衡
- balance of stock ==> 永续盘存制
- balance of stores record ==> 材料差额记录
- balance of stores records ==> 材料记录余额,库存平衡记录,库存余额记录
- balance of stores sheet ==> 库存平衡表
- balance of trade ==> 贸易差额,贸易平衡,贸易收支
- balance of voltage ==> 电压平衡
- balance on current account ==> 经常项目平衡,经常项目平衡,经常项目收支,经常项目收支
- balance on current account and long-term capital ==> 经常项目和长期资本往来的平衡,经常项目和长期资本往来的平衡
- balance on goods and services ==> 货物和服务的平衡
- balance on hand ==> 库存余数,现有余款
- balance organ ==> 平衡器官
- balance out ==> 衡消
- balance output ==> 对称输出
- balance pipe ==> 平衡管
- balance piston ==> 假活塞,平衡盘,又称“平衡活塞”。反动式汽轮机中设置在调节级叶轮与前轴封之间,用以平衡转子轴向推力的等直径的凸起台阶
- balance pivot ==> 天平支点,杠杆支点
- balance plate ==> 平衡板
- balance plate unit ==> 平衡板组
- balance point ==> 平衡点
- balance point detector ==> 平衡点检测器
- balance poising ==> 摆轮平衡器
- balance pressure reducing valve ==> 平衡减压阀
- balance protection==balance… (protection) ==> 平衡継電方式,平衡保護
- balance quality ==> 平衡品质
- balance quality of rigid rotor ==> 刚性转子平衡品质
- balance quality of rotor ==> 转子平衡精度
- balance quantity ==> 阶段平衡产量
- balance reading ==> 天平读数
- balance relay ==> 平衡继电器
- balance rider ==> 天平游码
- balance rim ==> 摆轮轮缘
- balance ring ==> 平衡圈
- balance room ==> 天平室
- balance rope ==> 尾绳
- balance scale ==> 秤
- balance shaft ==> 平衡轴
- balance sheet ==> 平衡表,资产负债表=>バランスシート,貸借対照表
- balance sheet account ==> 资产负债表帐户=>貸借対照表勘定
- balance sheet adjustment ==> バランスシート調整
- balance sheet amount ==> 貸借対照表上の計上額
- balance sheet analysis ==> 貸借対照表分析
- balance sheet date ==> 结帐日期
- balance sheet for all purpose ==> 全能资产负债表
- balance sheet for all purposes ==> 通用资产负债表
- balance sheet hedge ==> 资产负债表项目对冲
- balance sheet of investment ==> 投资平衡表
- balance slide valve ==> 平衡滑阀
- balance spring ==> 游丝
- balance staff ==> 摆轴
- balance statistics ==> 平衡统计
- balance stop ==> バランス停止,需給停止
- balance stripe ==> 平衡磁声迹
- balance strut ==> 平衡支柱
- balance system ==> 平衡方式
- balance test ==> 差额测试=>平衡試験
- balance the books ==> 结算
- balance the profit and loss ==> 平衡损益
- balance ticket ==> 决算单,决算单
- balance to surplus ==> 结存盈余
- balance track ==> 平衡磁带
- balance tube ==> 均压管,均压管
- balance type potentiometer ==> 补偿式电位差计
- balance valve ==> 平衡阀,均压阀
- balance valves ==> 平衡阀
- balance weight ==> 摆锤,平衡重锤,平衡重量,配重
- balance wheel ==> 平衡轮,均衡轮,均衡轮,飞轮,摆轮
- balance wieght ==> 平衡块
- balance with removable pan ==> 活动盘秤
- balance zero ==> 天平零件
- balance-of-stores system ==> 仓储盘存制
- balance-spring chronometer ==> 摆轮游丝精密记时计
- balance-weight ==> 平衡锤
- balance-wheel watch ==> 摆轮游丝表
- balanced ==> 均衡性的,均衡性的,对称的
- balanced action ==> 平衡作用
- balanced addition ==> 已抵除增加额
- balanced allocation of risk ==> 均衡分摊风险,均衡分摊风险
- balanced anesthesia ==> 平衡麻醉
- balanced area ==> 平衡面积
- balanced armature type relay ==> 平衡接極形継電器
- balanced armature unit ==> 平衡式舌簧单元
- balanced beam ==> バランスビーム
- balanced beam relay ==> 平衡杆式继电器
- balanced biaxial tension ==> 二向平衡拉伸
- balanced block design ==> 平衡区组设计
- balanced brake ==> 平衡制动器
- balanced bridge ==> 平衡电桥
- balanced budget ==> 平衡的预算,平衡预算,自平预算
- balanced budget multiplier ==> 平衡预算乘数
- balanced budget rule ==> 平衡预算规则
- balanced budget with surplus ==> 节余预算
- balanced capacitor voltages ==> 平衡コンデンサ電圧
- balanced capacity ==> 平衡能力
- balanced circuit ==> 平衡电路
- balanced clamper ==> 平衡钳位电路
- balanced cloth ==> 平衡织物
- balanced condition of flame ==> 稳定火焰
- balanced configuration ==> 对称配置,均衡配置,均衡配置
- balanced connecting rod ==> 平衡连杆
- balanced construction ==> 平衡结构
- balanced contraction ==> 平衡收缩
- balanced converter ==> 平衡周波数変換器
- balanced core ==> 平衡型心,悬臂芯
- balanced crank ==> 平衡曲柄,带配重手柄
- balanced crystal mixer ==> 平衡晶体混频器
- balanced cutting ==> 平衡切削
- balanced deflection ==> 対称偏向
- balanced demodulator ==> 平衡解调=>平衡復調器
- balanced design ==> 平衡设计
- balanced desity solvent ==> 平衡密度溶剂
- balanced diet ==> 平衡膳食,均衡饮食,均衡饮食
- balanced differences ==> 平衡差
- balanced distribution ==> 平衡布局
- balanced distribution valve ==> 平衡配气阀
- balanced double mechanical seal ==> 平衡式双端面机械密封
- balanced draft ==> 平衡送风,平衡通风,用送风机压头克服风道阻力,用引风机压头克服烟道阻力,使炉膛内保持负压的通风方式=>平衡通風
- balanced draft boiler ==> 平衡通风锅炉,采用平衡通风方式燃烧的锅炉。通常炉膛内部烟气压力微低于大气压力。
- balanced draught ==> 平衡式通风
- balanced drawbridge ==> 上开桥
- balanced dynamometer ==> 平衡功率计
- balanced econmy ==> 平衡经济
- balanced economic development ==> 平衡的经济发展
- balanced equation ==> 平衡方程
- balanced error ==> 平衡误差,平均误差,对称误差,摆轮误差,比较误差=>平衡誤差
- balanced feed ==> 平衡饲料
- balanced feeder ==> 平衡馈线
- balanced fertilizer ==> 平衡肥料
- balanced filter ==> 衡消滤波器
- balanced finance policy ==> 平衡的财政金融政策
- balanced frequency converter ==> 平衡周波数変換器
- balanced fund ==> 平衡法的投资
- balanced gasoline ==> 平衡汽油
- balanced growth ==> 平衡增长,均衡增长,均衡增长
- balanced guard ==> 平衡防护装置,平衡卫板
- balanced handle ==> 球形手柄
- balanced hoisting ==> 平衡提升
- balanced hole ==> 均压孔,均压孔,垂直炮眼
- balanced housing ==> 平衡装置的机架
- balanced impedance ==> 平衡阻抗
- balanced incomplete block design ==> 平衡不定全区组设计
- balanced ingot ==> 平衡钢锭
- balanced lethal ==> 平衡致死
- balanced lever ==> 平衡杠杆
- balanced lever-type bell gauge ==> 杠杆平衡式钟形压力计
- balanced line ==> 对称线路
- balanced linkage ==> 平衡衔接
- balanced load ==> 平衡负载=>平衡負荷
- balanced load meter ==> 平衡负载电度表,平衡负载仪表
- balanced loop ==> 平衡环,平衡回路
- balanced merge ==> 平衡归并,平衡合并,对称合并
- balanced method ==> 对称法,平衡法
- balanced mill ==> 二辊式轧板机
- balanced mixer ==> 平衡混频器
- balanced modulator ==> 平衡调制器=>平衡変調器
- balanced multiphase circuit ==> 平衡多相回路
- balanced multivibrator ==> 平衡多谐振荡器
- balanced network ==> 平衡网络
- balanced noise limiter ==> 平衡式限噪器
- balanced null point ==> 稳定零点
- balanced opposed compressor ==> 对称平衡式压缩机
- balanced opposited reciprocating compressor ==> 对称平衡往复式压缩机
- balanced optical mixer ==> 平衡光学混频器
- balanced oscillator ==> 平衡振荡器
- balanced output ==> 平衡输出
- balanced overall development planning ==> 平衡的全面发展规则
- balanced pair cable ==> 平衡対ケーブル
- balanced partyline ==> 平衡形パーティライン
- balanced pedal ==> 平衡踏板
- balanced plug ==> 平衡型阀芯
- balanced polymorphism ==> 平衡多态现象
- balanced polyphase load ==> 多相平衡载荷
- balanced polyphase system ==> 平衡多相系
- balanced print ==> 平衡芯头
- balanced product mixer ==> 平衡乘积混频器
- balanced production line ==> 均衡生产线,均衡生产线
- balanced ration ==> 平衡日粮
- balanced reaction ==> 平衡反应
- balanced relay ==> 平衡继电器
- balanced repeater ==> 对称式增音器
- balanced ring modulator ==> 平衡环形调制器
- balanced rock ==> 坡栖岩块
- balanced rotor vane pump ==> 平衡转子式滑片泵
- balanced safety valve ==> 平衡式安全阀(可变动背压)
- balanced salt solution ==> 平衡盐液
- balanced sample ==> 平衡样本
- balanced sash ==> 平衡式窗扇
- balanced schedule ==> 平衡计划进度表
- balanced solution ==> 平衡溶液
- balanced sort ==> 平衡分类,平衡分类法
- balanced sorting ==> 对称排序
- balanced state ==> 平衡状态
- balanced station ==> 对称站
- balanced steel ==> 半镇静钢
- balanced step ==> 扇形踏步
- balanced stock ==> 平衡储存
- balanced strain ==> 平衡品系
- balanced suction pump ==> 双吸泵
- balanced supply and demand of energy ==> 能源供需平衡
- balanced surface ==> 平衡操纵面,平衡面
- balanced system ==> 平衡系统,对称系统
- balanced tape technique ==> 平衡磁带方法
- balanced taper roller bearing ==> 平衡式滚锥轴承
- balanced termination ==> 平衡闭合电路,平衡端接
- balanced three phase circuit ==> 平衡三相电路
- balanced three-phase system ==> 平衡三相制
- balanced threewire system ==> 平衡三线制
- balanced to ground ==> 对称接地,对地平衡
- balanced top roll ==> 非传动上辊
- balanced translocation ==> 平衡易位
- balanced transportation problem ==> 均衡运输问题,均衡运输问题
- balanced tray thickener ==> 平衡式多层增稠器
- balanced tree ==> 平衡树,均衡树,均衡树
- balanced two-port network ==> 平衡2端子対回路網
- balanced type ==> 均衡型,均衡型
- balanced type carburettor ==> 平衡式汽化器
- balanced valve ==> 平衡阀,均衡阀,均衡阀
- balanced valve coupler ==> 平衡式电子管耦合电路
- balanced vane relay ==> 平衡叶片式继电器
- balanced ventilation ==> 均衡通风,均衡通风
- balanced voltages ==> 平衡电压
- balanced weight lever ==> 衡重杆
- balanced welding ==> 对称焊
- balanced wicket ==> 活叶闸门,翻板闸门,借助水力使门叶绕水平轴或竖直轴旋转启闭的平面闸门
- balanced-armature loudspeaker ==> 平衡式衔铁扬声器
- balanced-armature pick-up ==> 平衡式衔铁拾声器
- balanced-armature relay ==> バランスアーマチュアリレー
- balanced-filter ==> 对称滤波器
- balanced-loop antenna ==> 对称环形天线
- balanced-pressure blow pipe ==> 同压吹管
- balanced-pressure torch ==> 等压式焊割炬
- balanced-to-unbalanced transformer ==> 平衡不平衡変成器
- balancer ==> 平衡器,均压器,均衡器,平衡发电机,平衡台,平衡装置=>バランサ
- balancer set ==> 平衡机组,均压机组,均压机组
- balancer transformer ==> 差接变压器
- balancer-transformer ==> 均压变压器,均压变压器,平衡变压器
- balancing ==> 平差,平衡=>平衡,つりあい,平衡する
- balancing a survey ==> 平衡测量
- balancing account ==> 平衡帐户,结出帐户余额,为满足区域电力市场建设需要,保持销售电价的相对稳定,妥善处理发电企业、电网经营企业和电力用户的利益关系,规范竞价上网产生的差价资金管理,促进电力市场的健康发展,建立的区域电力市场平衡帐户
- balancing action ==> 平衡作用
- balancing antenna ==> 平衡用アンテナ
- balancing apparatus ==> 平衡仪
- balancing apparatus for blood pH ==> 血液pH平衡仪
- balancing axial thrust ==> 平衡轴向力
- balancing band ==> 锚吊箍
- balancing battery ==> 补偿电池,缓冲电池组
- balancing bus, Vθ bus ==> 平衡节点,又称"Vθ节点","松弛节点(slack bus)"
- balancing capacitor ==> 均衡电容器=>平衡コンデンサ
- balancing capacity ==> 平衡电容=>平衡容量
- balancing cell ==> 附加电池
- balancing circuit ==> 平衡用回路
- balancing coil ==> 平衡线圈=>平衡コイル
- balancing components ==> 平衡元件
- balancing condenser ==> 补偿电容器
- balancing connection ==> 均压连接,均压连接
- balancing control ==> 同時同量制御,バランス制御
- balancing controller ==> 平衡调节器
- balancing controls ==> 控制平衡装置
- balancing delay ==> 平衡延迟,平衡延误
- balancing device ==> 平衡装置
- balancing drum ==> 平衡鼓,平衡活塞,平衡盘
- balancing dynamo ==> 平衡发电机
- balancing dynamometer ==> 平衡测力器
- balancing effect ==> 平衡效应
- balancing equation ==> 配平方程式
- balancing fault ==> 平衡误差
- balancing gate pit ==> 压力室
- balancing generator ==> 平衡发电机
- balancing hole ==> 平衡孔,为了减少冲动式汽轮机的轴向推力而均匀分布在轮盘上的圆孔
- balancing illumination ==> 均匀照明,均匀照明
- balancing in locomotive ==> 机车平衡
- balancing items ==> 平衡项目
- balancing ladder ==> 杠梯
- balancing lever ==> 补偿杆
- balancing loss ==> 平衡损耗
- balancing machine ==> 平衡试验机
- balancing machine sensitivity ==> 平衡机灵敏度
- balancing margins ==> 平衡的边际效用
- balancing method ==> 零点法,重心平衡法,重心平衡确定法
- balancing network ==> 平衡网络=>平衡回路網
- balancing of materials ==> 物料平衡
- balancing of tyre ==> 轮胎平衡
- balancing out ==> 中和
- balancing piston ==> ついあいピストン
- balancing plane ==> 修正面
- balancing plug ==> 平衡销
- balancing potentiometer ==> 平衡电位计
- balancing pressurizing tank ==> 平衡压力罐
- balancing repeating coil ==> 平衡转电线圈
- balancing resistor ==> 平衡电阻器
- balancing rheostat ==> 平衡变阻器=>平衡用加減抵抗器
- balancing rig ==> 平衡试验装置
- balancing ring ==> 平冲圈
- balancing rotor ==> 平衡转子
- balancing rule ==> 利益衡量基準
- balancing sheet ==> 平衡薄板,补偿薄板
- balancing side ==> 平衡测
- balancing speed ==> 均衡速率,平衡转速=>均衡速度
- balancing spring ==> 平衡弹簧
- balancing stripe ==> 平衡磁带,平衡磁声迹,平衡条纹
- balancing tank ==> 平衡油罐储槽,调节水池
- balancing technique ==> 平衡技术
- balancing the books ==> 结清各帐户
- balancing time ==> 平衡工作时间
- balancing transformer ==> 平衡用变压器
- balancing unit ==> 平衡单元
- balancing variable resistor ==> 平衡用可変抵抗器
- balancing weight ==> 平衡重,平衡重量
- balancing work station ==> 平衡工作站
- balancity ==> 和谐都市
- balanitis xerotica obliterans ==> 干燥性龟头炎,闭塞性干燥性龟头炎
- balata ==> バラダ
- balata belt ==> 巴拉塔胶带
- balayage method ==> 扫除法
- Balbach process ==> 巴尔巴赫法
- balbach thum process ==> 巴尔巴赫卧式电极银电解精炼法
- Balbiani chromosome ==> 巴尔比尼氏染色体
- Balbiani ring ==> 巴尔比尼氏环
- Balbiani's body ==> 卵黄核
- Balbianis nucleus ==> 巴比阿尼氏核
- balck cable ==> 黑色电缆
- balcony ==> バルコニー,ベランダ
- balcony lift ==> 平台升降机
- balcony outlet ==> 阳台雨水口
- balcony partition ==> 阳台隔墙
- balcony rainwater outlet ==> 阳台雨水口
- balcony-type ==> 外廊式
- bald ear ==> 剥掉苞叶的果穗
- Bald pine ==> 澳洲柏
- bald stem ==> 无芒穗
- bald tongue ==> 光滑舌,光舌
- Balduzzi's reflex ==> 巴尔杜齐氏反射
- Baldwin creep tester ==> 鲍德文蠕变试验机
- Baldwin receiver ==> 鲍德温受话器
- Baldwin spot ==> 苦坑病
- Baldwins test ==> 鲍德温氏试验
- bale ==> 打包,卡板,大包,捆,包,草捆=>俵,梱
- bale accumulator ==> 草捆收集车
- bale aligner ==> 草捆整平器,整捆器
- bale block ==> 分捆架
- bale blower ==> 草捆气力输送器
- bale bogie ==> 集捆车
- bale breaker ==> 拆包机,拆包器,松包机
- bale broken ==> 破包
- bale buncher ==> 草捆堆垛机
- bale burst ==> 破裂包
- bale buster ==> 草捆切碎机
- bale capacity ==> 包装容量=>ベール容積
- bale cargo ==> 包装货物
- bale carrier ==> 运草捆车
- bale chamber blade ==> 压捆室的定切刀
- bale channel ==> 压捆室
- bale collector ==> 拾草捆机
- bale conveyer ==> 草捆输送器
- bale cotton ==> 成包原棉
- bale counter ==> 草捆计数器,包件计数器
- bale cutter ==> 草捆切碎机
- bale density ==> 草捆密实度
- bale density adjuster ==> 压捆密度调节器
- bale density control handle ==> 草捆压实密度调节手柄
- bale dog ==> 草捆止退板
- bale elevator ==> 草捆升运器
- bale fork ==> 草捆叉
- bale grab ==> 草捆爪钩
- bale handler ==> 草捆堆垛机
- bale hay ==> 干し草を俵にする
- bale hoop cutter ==> 拆包钳
- bale loader ==> 草捆装运机
- bale number ==> 荷番
- bale of cotton ==> 一包棉花
- bale of wire ==> 线束
- bale off ==> 散包
- bale oil stained ==> 包装油污
- bale out ==> (铸造时)勺取
- bale packing ==> 捆包,麻袋包装
- bale pickup ==> 草捆捡拾机
- bale pickup elevator ==> 草捆捡拾升运器
- bale piler ==> 草捆码垛机
- bale press ==> 填料压机,打包机
- bale retainer ==> 草捆止退板
- bale retarder ==> 草捆止退板
- bale separator ==> 松捆器,分捆器
- bale slicer ==> 分捆器,分捆切刀
- bale space ==> 包装货容积
- bale splitter ==> 切胶机
- bale stacker ==> 草捆堆垛机,草捆码垛机
- bale stook lifter ==> 草捆堆提升机
- bale stook mover ==> 草垛运输车
- bale stooker ==> 草捆堆垛机,草捆码垛机
- bale tack ==> 铅平头钉
- bale tie wire ==> 打包钢丝
- bale ties ==> 打包绳
- bale trailer ==> 草捆挂车
- bale trip mechanism ==> 草捆捆结接通机构
- bale wagon ==> 草捆挂车
- bale-out furnace ==> 固定式坩埚炉,(铸造用)勺取炉
- bale-out pot furnace ==> 固定式保温炉
- balection moulding ==> 凸式线脚
- baled hay drier ==> 草捆干燥机
- baled scrap ==> 打包废金属
- baler plunger ==> 捡拾压捆机柱塞
- bales catch ==> 自动扣
- bales containing pieces of irreqular length ==> 不等长成包
- Balfour's law ==> 鲍尔弗定律
- Balfours granule ==> 巴尔弗氏粒
- Balfours test ==> 巴尔弗氏试验
- Bali wind ==> 巴厘风
- baling ==> 打包,压捆,废碴压块法,废物压实
- baling band ==> 打包铁皮,打包窄钢带
- baling equipment ==> 打包设备
- baling hay ==> 干草压捆
- baling hoop ==> 打包铁皮
- baling press ==> 打包机,包装机,填料压机
- baling press for waste ==> 废料打包机
- baling strip ==> 打包带钢
- baling wire ==> 打包钢丝
- balk ==> 顶板突出岩石,煤层包裹体,煤层尖灭,梁木,粗木方,大木,舷材,土梗,桥跨,田埂
- balk (baulk) ==> 大方木
- balk back ==> 绒背呢
- balk board ==> 障碍板
- balk cargo ==> 散料
- balk ring ==> 阻环
- balk timber ==> 大方木
- Balkan frame ==> 巴尔干架
- Balkan frame Balkan grippe ==> 巴尔干夹板
- Balkan nephritis ==> 巴尔干肾炎
- balkanite ==> 硫汞铜银矿
- balking ==> 慢行
- ball ==> 滚珠,海绵铁球,弹,磨球,线团,丝锥接套,球,球端,球核,球形药,气象风球,普通弹,耐火土块,缓沙坝,珠
- ball adapter ==> 球形连接器
- ball and burlap planting ==> 土球包扎装置
- ball and roller bearing ==> 滚珠滚柱轴承
- ball and socket base ==> 球窝座
- ball and socket joint ==> 球窝连结=>玉継手
- ball and socket type suspension insulator ==> 球窝式悬挂绝缘子
- ball anode ==> 球形阳极
- ball arm ==> 球杆
- ball attachment ==> 球形头
- ball bank indicator ==> 滚珠倾斜指示器
- ball bank unit ==> 滚珠倾斜装置
- ball bearing ==> 球轴承,泵体侧轴承=>玉軸受
- ball bearing (coupling side) ==> 联轴节侧轴承
- ball bearing grease ==> 滚珠轴承润滑脂
- ball bearing nut ==> 滚珠轴承螺母
- ball bearing retainer ==> 球轴承保持架
- ball bearing shielded ==> 带防尘盖球轴承
- ball bearing steel strip ==> 滚珠轴承钢带
- ball bearing tube ==> 滚珠轴承管
- ball bearing washer ==> 轴承座垫片
- ball bearing with seals ==> 带密封圈的球轴承
- ball bearing with shield ==> 单列有罩开口环滚珠轴承
- ball blast ==> 抛丸,喷丸
- ball blasting ==> 喷丸清理
- ball bond ==> 球焊接头,球压焊
- ball bonding ==> 球焊=>ボールボンディング
- ball breaker ==> 重锤
- ball burnishing ==> 钢珠滚光,钢珠抛光
- ball burst testing ==> 钢球式顶破强力试验
- ball bushing ==> 球轴套,直线运动球轴承
- ball cabbage ==> 甘蓝
- ball cage ==> 球隔离圈,球轴承罩,滚珠隔离圈,滚珠轴承罩
- ball callipers ==> 球径量规
- ball case cover ==> 滚珠轴承压盖
- ball catch ==> 门碰球,球掣
- ball change ==> 球形铰链换档杆
- ball charge capacity of tube mill ==> 磨煤机钢球装载量
- ball check ==> 球形单向阀
- ball check nozzle ==> 球形止回喷嘴
- ball check valve ==> 球形止回阀,钢球单向阀
- ball chuck ==> 球夹
- ball clack ==> 球瓣
- ball clay ==> 球土,球状粘土,粘土块
- ball cleaner ==> 小球清洗器
- ball coal ==> 球状煤
- ball cock ==> 球形阀,浮球旋塞
- ball cock device ==> 浮子装置
- ball cold header ==> 钢球冷镦机
- ball collar ==> 滚珠环
- ball collar thrust bearing ==> 滚珠环推力轴承
- ball condenser ==> 球形冷凝器
- ball contact tip ==> 球测头
- ball coupling ==> 球状连接器
- ball cover ==> 滚珠轴承盖
- ball crank ==> 球状曲柄
- ball crank handle ==> 带球端摇把
- ball crusher ==> 磨球机
- ball cutter ==> 球面刀,球形铣刀
- ball distance ring ==> 滚珠轴承座圈
- ball end mill ==> 圆头槽铣刀
- ball faced hexagonal nut ==> 球面六角螺母
- ball feeder ==> 球状冒口
- ball feeding device ==> ボール供給装置
- ball finishing ==> 钢球挤光
- ball fist ==> 马勃
- ball flashing machine ==> 光球机
- ball float ==> 浮球,球状浮体
- ball float level controller ==> 浮球液面调节器,浮子式液位控制器
- ball float meter ==> 浮球仪
- ball float valve ==> 浮球阀,浮子阀=>ボールフロート弁
- ball flower ==> 球心花饰,圆球饰
- ball forming machine ==> 制球机床
- ball forming mill ==> 成球机
- ball forming rest ==> 车球刀架
- ball gate ==> 挡渣内浇口,球顶补缩内浇口
- ball gauge ==> 球形量规
- ball governor ==> 球调节器
- ball grid array ==> ボール格子端子
- ball grinder ==> 球磨床,球磨机,磨球机
- ball grinding machine ==> 钢球磨床
- ball grip ==> 球状手柄
- ball gudgeon ==> 球体耳轴
- ball guide ==> 球状引导物
- ball hammer ==> 圆头锤
- ball hardness ==> 球印硬度,钢球硬度,布氏球测硬度,布氏球印硬度
- ball hardness machine ==> 钢球硬度试验机
- ball hardness number ==> 布氏硬度值
- ball hardness testing machine ==> 布氏硬度试验机
- ball head governor ==> 飞球调节器
- ball head insulator ==> 球头形绝缘子
- ball head stay ==> 球头撑杆
- ball headed conical bolt ==> 球头锥形螺栓
- ball header ==> 球形模锻机,球状压机,钢球模锻机
- ball heading ==> 钢球镦锻
- ball heater ==> 球形加热器
- ball holder ==> 滚珠轴承隔离圈
- ball hydrant ==> 球形消防栓
- ball impact test ==> 钢球冲击试验
- ball impression ==> 球凹,球印痕
- ball inclinometer ==> 球式倾斜计,球形倾斜仪
- ball indentation ==> 钢球压痕
- ball indentation test ==> 球压试验
- ball indentation testing apparatus ==> 球印硬度试验机
- ball indenter ==> 钢球压头
- ball index ==> 钢球分度装置
- ball insulator ==> 球形绝缘子=>玉がいし
- ball iron ==> 粒铁
- ball jet ==> 含球气动测头
- ball joint ==> 球节,球头节,球窝接合
- ball joint clamp ==> 球节夹
- ball joint cover ==> 球节盖
- ball joint cover latch ==> 球节盖闩
- ball joint manipulator ==> 球节机械手
- ball journal ==> 球轴颈
- ball journal bearing ==> 球颈轴承
- ball knob ==> 球形把手,球状捏手
- ball lamp ==> ボール電球
- ball lapping machine ==> 钢球精研机床
- ball lathe ==> 球面加工车床,制球车床
- ball lever ==> 浮球杆
- ball lightning ==> 球状闪电
- ball lock ==> 球形闸门
- ball lubricator ==> 钢珠式注油嘴
- ball lump ==> 钢种
- ball manipulator ==> 球窝机械手,球状铰接机械手
- ball method of testing ==> (测定硬度的)钢球压印试验
- ball mill ==> 球磨机
- ball mill pulverizer ==> 球磨粉粹机
- ball mill refiner ==> 球磨精研机
- ball milled powder ==> 球磨粉
- ball milling ==> 球磨
- ball mirror ==> 球反射镜
- ball non-return valve ==> 单向球阀
- ball nozzle ==> 球形喷嘴
- ball nut ==> 球状螺母
- ball of thumb ==> 鱼际
- ball path ==> 磨球路线
- ball peen ==> (锤的)圆头
- ball peen hammer ==> 奶子榔头
- ball pendulum test ==> 球摆试验
- ball penetrator ==> 钢球压头
- ball pin ==> 球轴颈
- ball piston motor ==> 球塞式电动机,钢球式发动机
- ball piston pump ==> 球形活塞泵
- ball pivot ==> 滚珠支枢
- ball plant ==> 带土栽植
- ball planting ==> 带土栽植,包土栽植
- ball plug ==> 球阀
- ball plug gauge ==> 球塞规
- ball plunger groove ==> 球塞槽
- ball pneumatic dead wieght tester ==> 浮球压力计
- ball point setscrew ==> 球端定位螺钉
- ball press ==> 钢球冲压机
- ball pulverizer ==> 钢球磨碎机
- ball pump ==> 球形泵
- ball race ==> 滚珠座圆
- ball race steel ==> 滚珠轴承圈钢
- ball rationing ==> 磨球配量
- ball reamer ==> 菊形铰刀,菊形铰刀,球面铰刀
- ball reciprocating bearing ==> 可后移滚珠轴承
- ball relief valve ==> 减压球阀,安全球阀,释放球阀,球形安全阀
- ball resolver ==> 球体解算器,球形解算器,球坐标分解器
- ball retainer ==> 滚珠护圈
- ball retaining spring ==> 滚珠回位弹簧
- ball return spring ==> 阀球返回弹簧
- ball ring ==> 滚珠环
- ball roller bearing grease ==> 滚珠滚柱轴承润滑脂
- ball rolling mill ==> 钢球轧机
- ball safety valve ==> 球形安全阀
- ball screw ==> 滚珠丝杠
- ball screw assembly ==> 滚珠丝杠副
- ball screw driven stage ==> ボールねじ駆動ステージ
- ball screw-driven table drive system ==> ボールねじ駆動テーブル
- ball sealer ==> 密封球
- ball seat ==> 密封圈
- ball sizing ==> 球校准,钢球挤光孔法,钢球挤孔
- ball sleeve tubing union ==> 球套管节
- ball socket ==> 球窝
- ball socket bearing ==> 球铰轴承
- ball socketed bearing ==> 耳轴轴承
- ball spark gap ==> 球形火花隙
- ball spinning ==> 钢球旋压,滚珠旋压
- ball spline ==> 滚珠花键
- ball spray treatment ==> 喷丸处理
- ball stanchion bed ==> 鹅头床,鹅头台
- ball stop ==> 球阀止逆器件,球形止逆阀
- ball stop valve ==> 球形止阀
- ball stud ==> 球头螺栓
- ball subgauge ==> 球分规值
- ball swage ==> 钢球冲模,钢球模具
- ball swager ==> 钢球挤光机
- ball tap ==> 球形旋塞=>ボールタップ
- ball terminal ==> 球状端点
- ball test ==> 球试验
- ball tester ==> 球式硬度试验机,球压式硬度试验机
- ball thrombus ==> 球形血栓
- ball thrust bearing ==> 推力滚珠轴承,滚珠止推轴承
- ball track ==> 球沟道,轴承滚道
- ball transplanting ==> 带土包扎移植
- ball tube ==> 滚珠循环导管
- ball tube mill ==> 球管磨机
- ball up ==> 滚成球
- ball valve ==> 球阀,球形单向阀,球形止逆阀,弹子阀
- ball valve seat ==> 球阀座
- ball valve with insulation jacket ==> 具有保温套的球阀
- ball variometer ==> 球形可变电感器
- ball warp beaming machine ==> 球经整经机
- ball warping ==> 球经整经
- ball warping machine ==> 整经机
- ball winder ==> 团绒机,绕球机
- Ball's operation ==> 鲍尔氏手术
- ball(ball thrust) bearing ==> 止推球(滚珠)轴承
- ball-and socket joint ==> 杵臼关节
- ball-and-disc integrator ==> 摩擦积分器
- ball-and-disk in tegrator ==> 球盘摩擦式求积分仪
- ball-and-lever valve ==> 杠杆球阀
- ball-and-pillow structure ==> 球枕构造
- ball-and-race type pulverizer mill ==> 钢球座圈式粉碎机,钢球座圈式磨煤机,中速钢球座圈式磨煤机
- ball-and-socket ==> 滚珠和承窝
- ball-and-socket attachment ==> 球窝联接
- ball-and-socket bearing ==> 球窝轴承
- ball-and-socket coupling ==> 球窝联接器
- ball-and-socket gear shifting ==> 球窝式变速杆,球窝式调档
- ball-and-socket head ==> 球窝节头
- ball-and-socket hinge ==> 球窝关节
- ball-and-socket joint ==> 球窝关节,球窝接头,球窝节
- ball-and-socket jointing ==> 关节状节理
- ball-and-socket type ==> 球窝式=>ボールソケット形
- ball-and-socket type suspension insulator ==> 球窝式悬式绝缘子
- ball-and-spigot ==> 球塞式,球销式
- ball-and-stick model ==> 球棒模型
- ball-bearing ==> 滚珠轴承
- ball-bearing brass washer ==> 滚珠轴承铜垫圈
- ball-bearing butt hinge ==> 滚珠轴承铰链
- ball-bearing cap screw ==> 滚珠轴承盖螺钉
- ball-bearing center ==> 滚珠轴承中心
- ball-bearing drive spring ==> 滚珠轴承主动簧
- ball-bearing felt packing ==> 滚珠轴承阻油毡
- ball-bearing fit ==> 滚珠轴承配合
- ball-bearing housing ==> 滚珠轴承座
- ball-bearing mill ==> 离心球磨机
- ball-bearing pillow block ==> 滚珠轴承轴台
- ball-bearing plumber block ==> 滚珠轴承轴台
- ball-bearing puller ==> 滚珠轴承拆卸工具
- ball-bearing seat ==> 滚珠轴承底座
- ball-bearing steel ==> 滚珠轴承钢
- ball-bearing thrust cap ==> 滚珠轴承抵盖
- ball-bearing trolley of chain ==> 链条滑轮滚珠轴承
- ball-bearing wire ==> 滚珠轴承钢丝
- ball-bearing with clamping sleeve ==> 带套滚珠轴承
- ball-bearing with filling slot ==> 带滚珠沟槽的轴承
- ball-bearing with taper bore ==> 锥孔滚珠轴承
- ball-clevis ==> 球头挂板,由脚球与双片或单片挂板所构成的一种连接件
- ball-cock ==> 浮球阀
- ball-cock assembly ==> 浮球阀装置
- ball-driving contact-type air plug gauge ==> 钢球传动型接触式气动塞规
- ball-float liquidlevel meter ==> 球形浮子液面计
- ball-frame carriage ==> 滚珠支座
- ball-hook ==> 球头挂钩
- ball-indentation hardness ==> 球压硬度
- ball-joint ==> 球承,球形连接
- ball-joint manipulator ==> 球承机械手
- ball-jointed screw ==> 万向球铰螺杆
- ball-pane hammer ==> 球头锤
- ball-passing test ==> 通球试验,确定锅炉设备或组合件的吊装方案中,为满足设备或组合件外形尺寸的要求,在不影响结构整体稳定的条件下,部分组件缓装所预留的设备吊装就位空间。
- ball-plant ==> 土球包扎植物
- ball-race ==> 球轴承座圈
- ball-race bearing ==> 滚珠轴承
- ball-race fit ==> 滚珠座圈配合
- ball-race mill ==> 球跑轨磨
- ball-shooting ==> 喷丸清理
- ball-tube mills ==> 钢球滚筒式磨煤机
- ball-turning rest ==> 车球刀架
- ball-type handler ==> 球状铰接机械手
- ball-type valve ==> 球型瓣膜,钢珠活门
- Ballance's sign ==> 巴兰斯氏征
- Ballantine voltmeter ==> 巴氏伏特计
- ballast ==> 安定,压舱物,压载,道碴,镇重,平稳器=>安定器,道床,バラスト
- ballast (float) valve tray ==> 重盘式浮阀塔板
- ballast bed ==> 道碴路基
- ballast body ==> 道碴床
- ballast box ==> 压载箱
- ballast car ==> 道渣车,石渣车
- ballast cargo ==> 压舱物
- ballast coil ==> 镇流线圈,负载线圈=>安定コイル
- ballast concrete ==> 石渣混凝土
- ballast condenser ==> 压载凝结器
- ballast crusher ==> 道碴轧碎机
- ballast distributing wagon ==> 分碴车
- ballast hammer ==> 碎石锤
- ballast harrow ==> 道碴耙
- ballast lamp ==> 镇流灯,镇流管,平稳灯
- ballast leakage ==> 镇流漏电
- ballast leakage conductance ==> 道床漏れコンダクタンス
- ballast leakage resistance ==> 镇流漏泄电阻
- ballast loader ==> 装石渣机
- ballast passage ==> 压舱货航程
- ballast pit ==> 采石场
- ballast pump ==> 压载泵,镇定泵,平衡泵
- ballast rake ==> 道碴耙,道渣耙,碎石耙
- ballast resistance ==> 电阻箱=>安定抵抗
- ballast resistor ==> 镇定电阻,镇流电阻
- ballast screen ==> 渣筛
- ballast screening machine ==> 道碴筛分机
- ballast spreader ==> 道碴撒铺车,撒石渣车
- ballast tank ==> 潜水艇沉浮箱,压舱柜,压载舱,压载水舱,压载箱=>バラストタンク
- ballast tray ==> 镇气分馏塔盘
- ballast truck ==> 石碴车
- ballast tube ==> 镇流管
- ballast wagon ==> 道渣车
- ballast weight ==> 压载物
- ballast-roller ==> 道碴碾压机
- ballast-surfaced ==> 麻面的
- ballast-tamper ==> 捣碴机
- ballast-tamping machine ==> 捣碴机
- ballasting and sinking of mattress ==> 柴排压载下沉
- ballastless rail ==> 无砟轨道
- ballastless track ==> 无砟(zhǎ)轨道
- ballastless track systems ==> 无砟(zhǎ)轨道系统
- balled iron ==> 铁坯
- balled plant ==> 带土栽植
- balled planting ==> 再包土栽植
- baller ==> 切边卷取机
- Ballet's sign ==> 巴累氏征
- balling drum ==> 球磨机滚筒,鼓形制球机
- balling furnace ==> 搅炼炉
- balling gun ==> 投丸器,投药器
- balling machine ==> 切边卷取机
- balling-up of particles ==> 粉粒成球
- ballistic ==> 弹道式,弹道学的,冲击=>弾道学の
- ballistic body ==> 弾道体
- ballistic breaker ==> 快速作用断路器
- ballistic camera ==> 弹道摄影机,弹道照相机=>弾道カメラ
- ballistic cap ==> 风帽
- ballistic coefficient ==> 弹道系数=>弾道係数
- ballistic computer ==> 弹道计算机
- ballistic conduction ==> バリスティック伝導
- ballistic constant ==> 冲击常数=>衝撃定数
- ballistic correction ==> 弾道修正
- ballistic correction of the moment ==> 实时弹道修正量
- ballistic curve ==> 弹道=>弾道曲線
- ballistic deck ==> 装甲甲板
- ballistic defence missile ==> 反弹道导弹
- ballistic deflection ==> 加速度誤差
- ballistic electrometer ==> 冲击静电计
- ballistic factor ==> 冲击因素
- ballistic factor of measuring instrument ==> 测量仪表的阻尼因数
- ballistic flow prover ==> 冲击式流量校验器
- ballistic galvanometer ==> 冲击电流计,冲击检流计,冲击式电流计=>衝撃検流計
- ballistic galvanometer constant ==> 冲击电流计常数
- ballistic instrument ==> 冲击式仪器
- ballistic intercontinental missile ==> 弹道式洲际导弹
- ballistic kick ==> 急冲
- ballistic laser holographic system ==> 激光弹道全息摄影系统
- ballistic limit ==> 冲击界限,穿甲弹道极限
- ballistic magnetometer ==> 冲击磁强计
- ballistic measurement ==> 冲击式测量
- ballistic method ==> 冲击法
- ballistic missile ==> 弹道导弹,弹道式导弹
- ballistic missile carrier ==> 弹道导弹运载工具
- ballistic missile defence ==> 弹道导弹防御
- ballistic missile defence committee ==> 弹道导弹防御委员会
- ballistic missile early warning system ==> 弹道导弹预警系统
- ballistic missile office ==> 弹道导弹局
- ballistic missile test vessel ==> 弹道导弹试验舰
- ballistic missile weapon system ==> 弹道导弹武器系统
- ballistic motion ==> 冲击运动
- ballistic movement ==> 冲击运动
- ballistic ordinate ==> 弹道高度
- ballistic pendulum ==> 弹道摆,冲击摆
- ballistic perturbation theory ==> 弹道摄动理论
- ballistic quality ratio ==> 冲击强力比值
- ballistic range converter ==> 弹道射程变换器
- ballistic research laboratory ==> 弹道研究实验室
- ballistic rocket ==> 弹道火箭,弹道式火箭
- ballistic round ==> 弹道式导弹
- ballistic separator ==> 冲击式分离机,抛掷式分级机
- ballistic test ==> 冲击强力试验,弹道试验
- ballistic testing machine ==> 冲击式强力试验机,冲击式试验机
- ballistic throw ==> 冲击摆幅,冲击偏转=>衝撃振れ
- ballistic trajectory ==> 弹道轨迹
- ballistic vehicle ==> 弹道式飞行器
- ballistic work ==> 冲击功
- ballistics of penetration ==> 穿甲弹道学
- ballonet fullness indicator ==> 囊满指示器
- balloon ==> 气瓶,气球,球形瓶,飘浮式偿付款,低压轮胎,份量轻体积大的货物,柱冠球
- balloon astronomy ==> 气球天文学
- balloon catheter ==> 气囊导管
- balloon cell nevus ==> 气球状细胞痣
- balloon construction ==> 轻捷构造
- balloon counterpulsation ==> 气囊反搏
- balloon dilatation ==> バルーン拡張
- balloon flask ==> 球形烧瓶
- balloon former ==> 汇总三角板
- balloon frame house ==> 轻捷构架房屋
- balloon framed construction ==> 轻捷骨架构造
- balloon framing ==> 轻骨构造
- balloon loan ==> 飘浮式货款
- balloon payment ==> 飘浮式偿付款,分期付款中的大额付款
- balloon photography ==> 气球照相术
- balloon platform ==> 球载平台
- balloon repayment ==> 飘浮式偿付款,最后一笔金额特大的分期付款法
- balloon satellite ==> 气球卫星
- balloon telescope ==> 气球望远镜
- balloon test ==> (市场调查)漫画法
- balloon theodolite ==> 气球用经纬仪,测风经纬仪
- balloon tire ==> 低压轮胎
- balloon tire gauge ==> 车胎低气压表
- balloon tyre ==> 低压轮胎,低压轮胎,球胆
- balloon vessel ==> 气球母船
- balloon-based astronomy ==> 气球天文学
- balloon-borne infrared telescope ==> 气球载红外望远镜
- balloon-borne IR telescope ==> 球载红外望远镜
- balloon-borne telescope ==> 球载望远镜
- balloon-type rocket ==> 增压式火箭
- ballooning degeneration of liver cells ==> 肝细胞气球样变
- ballooning instability ==> バルーニング不安定
- ballooning mode ==> バルーニングモード
- ballot ==> 投票,投票用紙
- ballot papers null and void ==> 废票
- ballpoint ==> ボールペン
- ballpoint ink ==> ボールペン用インキ
- ballpoint pen ==> ボールペン
- Balls's sledge sorter ==> 包氏棉纤维长度分析仪
- ballshaped CVD diamond crystal ==> 球形化学气相沉积金刚石晶体
- balm cricket ==> 蝉
- Balmer continuum ==> 巴尔末连续区
- Balmer formula ==> 巴尔末公式
- Balmer jump ==> 巴尔末跳变
- Balmer limit ==> 巴尔末系限
- Balmer lines ==> 巴耳末谱线
- Balmer progression ==> 巴尔末渐近
- Balmer series ==> 巴耳末系=>バルマー系列
- Balmes cough ==> 巴姆氏咳
- balmy breeze ==> 和风
- balsam ==> 凤仙花
- balsam apple ==> 胶苦瓜
- balsamic acid ==> 香脂酸
- balsaming lens ==> 胶合透镜
- Balser's fatty necrosis ==> 急性胰腺炎脂肪坏死
- Baltic brown ==> 啡钻麻石
- Baltic Sea ==> 波罗的海
- Baltimore groove ==> 凹形槽
- Baltimore groove contacts ==> 巴尔蒂摩型凹槽接触
- Baltimore oil ==> 土荆芥油
- Baltimore truss ==> 平弦再分桁架
- balun ==> バラン
- baluster column ==> 望柱
- baluster cover flange ==> 栏杆柱法兰底座
- baluster shaft ==> 望柱
- balustrade stay ==> 栏杆支撑
- balustrade with glass panel ==> 玻璃栏板
- balustraded caged-in window ==> 勾栏槛窗
- balzed grating ==> 闪耀光栅
- Bamberger's formula ==> 班伯格式
- Bambergers bulbar pulse ==> 班伯格氏颈静脉球脉搏
- bamboo ==> 竹
- bamboo back-scratcher ==> 竹抓痒耙
- bamboo broom ==> 竹扫巴
- bamboo brush ==> 竹刷子=>竹ブラシ
- bamboo cane ==> 竹蔗,茅竹
- bamboo fibre door mat ==> 毛竹门毡
- bamboo flute ==> 尺八
- bamboo grass ==> 竹叶草
- bamboo grove ==> 竹林
- bamboo jar (for cupping therapy) ==> 竹罐
- bamboo juice ==> 竹沥
- bamboo mat ==> 竹網代,竹のござ,巻き簾
- bamboo nail ==> 竹くぎ
- bamboo over porcelain ==> 瓷胎竹编
- bamboo raft ==> 竹排
- bamboo shape hat stand with yellow glaze ==> 黄釉竹形帽架
- bamboo shoot ==> 竹笋,笋
- bamboo spine ==> 竹节样脊柱
- bamboo sprout ==> 竹笋
- bamboo steel ==> 竹节钢筋
- bamethan sulfate ==> 硫酸丁酚胺
- ban on export ==> 禁止出口
- ban on import ==> 禁止进口
- ban on maritime voyages ==> 海禁
- BAN, Body Area Network ==> 人体局域网络
- Banach space ==> 巴拿赫空间
- banana ==> 芭蕉,香蕉
- banana aphid ==> 香蕉黑蚜病
- banana apple ==> 香蕉苹果
- banana beetle ==> 香蕉象甲
- banana borer ==> 香蕉象甲
- banana corm ==> 香蕉地下茎
- banana freckle ==> 香蕉雀斑
- banana jack ==> 香蕉插头
- banana milkshake ==> バナナミルクセーキ
- banana oil ==> 香蕉油,乙酸戊酯
- banana plug ==> 香蕉插头
- banana republic ==> (指只有单一经济作物的拉丁美洲国家)香蕉国
- banana ripening machine ==> 香蕉催熟设备=>バナナ追熟加工設備
- banana root borer ==> 香蕉象甲
- banana root weevil ==> 香蕉象虫
- banana rust thrip ==> 香蕉锈蓟马
- banana scab moth ==> 香蕉痂蛾
- banana tip ==> 香蕉型插塞尖
- banana tube ==> 香蕉管,长筒形单枪彩色显像管,长筒形单枪阴极射线彩色显像管
- banana weevil ==> 香蕉象甲
- banana wilt ==> 香蕉萎蔫病
- BANANA, build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything(anybody) ==> 住民の反対行動(NIMBYと同義)
- banat sweetclover ==> 细齿草木樨
- banbury mixer ==> 班伯里重型双轴混合机,生胶混炼机
- Banbury mixer ==> 班伯里重型双轴混合机,生胶混炼机,封闭式混炼器,密闭式混炼器,密炼机,班伯里密炼机
- banca tin ==> 花锡
- band ==> 带,频带,箍(gū),波段,范围,围带,域,光带,区域=>帯域,帯,バンド
- band adapter ==> 置圈器
- band adjustment ==> 区域调节
- band alignment ==> バンド配列
- band alternation ==> 結合交代
- band and gudgeon ==> 大门合页,大门活页,大门门铰,扁担合页
- band and hook ==> 扁担合页,大门合页
- band and strip rolling mill ==> 带材轧机
- band anticrossing ==> バンド反交差
- band apparatus ==> バンド装置
- band application ==> 带施,条施=>帯状散布
- band arc welding ==> 带极电弧焊
- band articulation ==> 频带清晰度
- band attachment ==> 接合圈
- band bending ==> 频带偏移
- band brake ==> 带式刹车
- band carrier ==> 传送带
- band chain ==> 带链,平链,条链
- band clutch ==> 带式离合器
- band combination ==> 波段组合
- band compensation ==> 频带补偿
- band compression ==> 帯域圧縮
- band compression coding method ==> 帯域圧縮符号化方式
- band compressor amplifier ==> 频带压缩放大器
- band conduction ==> 频波传导
- band constant ==> 谱带常数
- band conversion ==> 频带转换
- band conveyer ==> 带式运送机,传送带,皮带运输机
- band conveyor ==> 带式运输机
- band coupler ==> 带形耦合器
- band coupling ==> 带形联轴节,平接联结器
- band course ==> 带层,腰线
- band cramp ==> 钢带夹
- band day ==> 羊群单位日
- band discontinuity ==> バンド不連続
- band division ==> 波段划分
- band drier ==> 带式干燥机=>バンド乾燥機
- band edge ==> 带缘,能带边缘
- band electric cable connective-socket ==> 带状电缆接头座
- band electrode ==> 带状电极
- band elimination ==> 带阻
- band elimination filter ==> 带阻滤波器=>帯域除去フィルタ
- band emission ==> 能带发射
- band expansion factor ==> 频带展宽系数
- band extruder ==> 带式挤压机,铸带机
- band filter ==> 频带过滤器,带式过滤机,带通滤波器
- band for wheel hub ==> 车轮箍
- band form neutrophilic granulocyte ==> 中性杆状核粒细胞
- band form nucleus ==> 杆状核
- band fulling machine ==> 带式漂洗机
- band fuse ==> 条形保险丝
- band fusing machine ==> 带式热粘合机
- band gap voltage reference ==> 带隙电压参考
- band guide ==> 带材导板
- band head rig saw ==> 带锯主锯
- band horizontal dipole ==> 宽频带水平偶极子
- band hot mill ==> 带材热轧机
- band indicator ==> 频带指示器
- band iron ==> 带钢,带铁,铁箍,扁铁
- band jaw tongs ==> 锻工钳
- band kiln ==> 倒车
- band leading peak ==> 谱带伸前
- band lightning ==> 带状闪电
- band limited amplifier ==> 帯域増幅器
- band limiting ==> 频带限制
- band loss ==> 绑线损耗
- band matrix ==> 带状矩阵
- band merit ==> 带宽优值,带宽指标
- band meter ==> 波长计
- band microphone ==> 带式微音器
- band mill ==> 带式锯床
- band modal ==> 频带模
- band model ==> 能带模型
- band number ==> 带数
- band of frequencies ==> 频率带
- band of hardenability ==> 可淬硬地带
- band of position ==> 位置区域
- band of rotation-vibration ==> 转振谱带
- band of the Milky Way ==> 银河带
- band origin ==> 谱带基线
- band overlap ==> 能带重叠
- band pass filter ==> 通带滤光片
- band pickling machine ==> 带材酸洗机
- band placement ==> 条施
- band plate ==> 带状板=>バンドプレート
- band polishing machine ==> 带式抛光机=>帯やすり盤
- band printer ==> 带式打印机
- band pulley ==> 带动滑车
- band ratio ==> 波段比值
- band rejection filter ==> 带阻滤波器
- band rope ==> 扁钢丝绳
- band roughing mill ==> 带材粗轧机
- band saw ==> 带锯
- band saw (ing) machine ==> 带锯床,带锯机
- band saw blade ==> 带锯条
- band saw filing machine ==> 带锯锉齿机
- band saw for metal ==> 金属带锯条
- band saw for wood ==> 木工带锯
- band saw sharpener ==> 带锯刃磨机
- band saw stretcher ==> 带锯校正机
- band scheme ==> 能带图式
- band screen ==> 带条筛,带形屏蔽栅
- band seeding ==> 带状播种,施肥条播,条播
- band selector ==> 波段选择器
- band separation ==> 能带间距
- band separator ==> 带式除杂机,带式分选机,带式清洗机,频带分隔器
- band setting tuning condenser ==> 波段选择用调谐电容器
- band shaping circuit ==> 频带形成电路
- band shared simultaneous colo(u)r system ==> 频带分割同时制彩电系统
- band sharpening machine ==> 磨带锯机
- band shell ==> 壳形演奏台
- band shift ==> 带移
- band spectrum ==> 带光谱=>バンドスペクトル(帯スペクトル)
- band spinning machine ==> 带式熔融纺丝机
- band spitting equipment ==> 分频设备
- band splitting ==> 谱带分裂
- band splitting equipment ==> 频带分裂设备
- band spread ==> 频带展宽,波段展开,频带扩展=>バンドスプレッド
- band spread receiver ==> 展带接收机,带展接收机
- band spread system ==> 频带展开制
- band spreading ==> 频带扩展
- band spring ==> 弹簧压条,钢板弹簧
- band steel ==> 带钢
- band stop filter ==> 带阻滤波器
- band structure ==> バンド構造
- band suction ==> 河岸吸引
- band suspension meter ==> 带悬式仪表
- band switch ==> 波段选择器,波段转换开关
- band theory ==> 能带理论
- band theory of solid ==> 固体能带论
- band to band transition ==> 带间跃迁
- band transformer ==> 波带变压器
- band type magnetic separator ==> 带式磁力分离机
- band tyre ==> 实心轮胎
- band wagon effect ==> バンドワゴン効果
- band wagon technique ==> 潮流技术
- band wheel ==> 带闸皮带轮
- band wheel crank screw ==> 带轮曲柄螺丝
- band wheel crank screw nut ==> 带轮曲柄螺丝帽
- band wheel set screw ==> 带轮主头螺丝
- band width ==> 频带宽度
- band width control ==> 带宽调整
- band width correlator ==> 带宽相关器
- band width of video amplifier ==> 视频放大器频宽
- band-edge energy ==> 带边能量
- band-edge tailing ==> 能带尾伸
- band-exclusion filter ==> 带除滤波器
- band-form ==> 杆状的
- band-limited frequency spectrum ==> 限带频谱
- band-pass ==> 带通,通频带
- band-pass amplifier ==> 带通放大器
- band-pass filter ==> 带通滤波器,克里斯欣森滤光器=>帯域フィルタ
- band-pass limiter ==> 带通限制器
- band-pass of reflective coating ==> 反射膜的通带
- band-pass optical filter ==> 带通滤波器
- band-pass response ==> 带通响应
- band-pass transformer ==> 带通变压器
- band-pass tuner ==> 带通调谐器
- band-pass tuning ==> 带通调谐
- band-pass-TR tube ==> 带通保护放电管,带通收发管
- band-reject filter ==> 带阻滤波器
- band-rejection filter ==> 带除滤波器=>帯域消去フィルタ
- band-saw cutter ==> 带锯铣刀
- band-saw machine with auto-feed carriage ==> 自动送料带锯机
- band-saw mill with auto-feed carriage ==> 自动送料带锯机
- band-saw ring ==> 带动皮盘
- band-saw roll stretcher ==> 辊子式带锯校正机
- band-saw sharpener ==> 带锯刃磨机,带锯锉齿机
- band-saw sharpening grinding machine ==> 带锯刃磨机
- band-saw stretcher ==> 带锯校正机
- band-sawing machine ==> 带锯机
- band-sawn ==> 带锯锯的
- band-separation network ==> 频带分离网络,分带网络
- band-stop filter ==> 带阻滤波器=>帯域消去フィルタ
- band-suppression filter ==> 带阻滤波器
- band-to-band transition ==> 带间跃迁
- band-type brake ==> 抱闸
- band-type cut off saw ==> 带形切割锯
- band-type papering machine ==> 带式砂纸打磨机
- bandage ==> 轮箍,绑带,绑箍,绷带=>带
- bandage for dressing ==> 包扎绷带
- bandage roller ==> 卷绷带机器,卷绷带机器
- bandage scissors ==> 绷带剪
- bandage shears ==> 绷带剪
- bandage treatment ==> 包扎处理,绷带处理
- bandage-winder ==> 卷绷带机器,卷绷带机器
- bandaging ==> 绑扎法,包扎,绷带包扎
- bandaging strapping ==> 包扎法
- bandaletta diagonalis ==> 斜角小带
- Bandane ==> 多氯双茂除草剂
- bandazol ==> 地巴唑
- bandblock filter circuit ==> 带阻滤波器电路
- bandbox sound ==> 匣音
- banded cable ==> 带扎电缆
- banded clay ==> 带状粘土
- banded cloud ==> 带状云系
- banded coal ==> 带状煤,条带状煤
- banded column ==> 箍形柱,箍柱
- banded core ==> 穿带芯板
- banded differentiate ==> 带状分异
- banded iron formation ==> 条带状含铁建造
- banded iron formations ==> 縞状鉄鉱層
- banded iron ore ==> 条带状铁矿
- banded ore ==> 带状矿
- banded parenchyma strand ==> 带状薄壁组织束
- banded shaft ==> 箍柱
- banded structure ==> 条状组织,带纹构造,带状构造,带状结构,带状组织
- banded vein ==> 带状矿脉,带状矿脉,带状脉
- Bandeloux's bed ==> 班德劳氏气褥
- bander ==> 打包机
- banderoling machine ==> 贴封条机
- banding ==> 带状,带状层理,带状的,带状构造,打箍,箍紧,封边木料,条状的,条状化,包箍,加标带,加带环,木条镶边,化学环割=>バンディング
- banding chromosome ==> 显带染色体
- banding conveyer ==> 打捆运输机
- banding disease ==> 剑麻带枯病
- banding insulation ==> 绑扎绝缘
- banding machine ==> 胶粘带捆箍机,打锭绳机,金属带捆箍机
- banding of pulmonary artery ==> 肺动脉环束术
- banding plane ==> 线脚刨
- banding ring ==> 绑环
- banding steel ==> 带钢,箍钢
- banding technique ==> 显带术
- banding trap ==> 环阻捕获法
- banding treatment ==> 活树围干处理,螺纹绷带处理
- bandknife cloth cutting machine ==> 带刀裁布机
- bandknife cutting machine ==> 带刀裁衣机
- bandknife machine ==> 带式刀剖皮机
- bandknife splitting machine ==> 带刀片皮机
- bandlimited function ==> 有限带宽函数
- bandpass ==> 带通
- bandpass circuit ==> 带通电路
- bandpass flatness ==> 带通增益均匀性
- bandpass half-width ==> 带通半宽
- bandpass shape ==> 带通频率特性
- bands for band sawing machine ==> 带锯机用带锯条
- bandspread tuning control ==> 频带展开调谐控制
- bandwidth ==> 带宽=>帯域(幅),バンド幅
- bandwidth control ==> 带宽控制
- bandwidth correlator ==> 带宽乘积检波器,带宽环形解调电路
- bandwidth effect ==> 带宽效应
- bandwidth expansion ratio ==> 频带展宽比
- bandwidth limitation ==> 帯域制限
- bandwidth rule ==> 带宽法则
- bandy knees ==> 弯腿
- Banff ==> 加拿大的班夫城
- bang bang controller ==> 继电器式控制器
- bang bang servo ==> 开关伺服系统
- Bang's bacillus ==> 牛布氏杆菌,班氏杆菌
- bang-bang action ==> 继电器式动作,双位动作
- bang-bang circuit ==> 继电控制电路
- bang-bang control ==> 继电控制,继电器式控制,闪动控制,开关控制,开关式控制,起停控制,舵面快速振动控制=>バンバン制御,バングバング制御
- bang-bang robot ==> 继电式机器人
- bang-zone ==> 飞机噪音区
- banging the market ==> 冲击市场
- Bangkok Bank Ltd ==> 曼谷银行
- banish ==> 追い出す,追放する
- BANJAN, Ban Asbestos Network Japan ==> 石綿(アスベスト)対策全国連絡会議
- banjo axle ==> 班卓轴,整体式桥壳
- banjo case ==> 不可分箱体
- banjo fixing ==> 对接接头
- banjo frame ==> 曲线规
- banjo housing ==> 不可分箱体
- banjo lubrication ==> 曲柄销离心润滑,径向管子润滑,径向管子润滑
- banjo oiler ==> 长油嘴加油器,长嘴加油器
- banjo union ==> 鼓形管接头
- bank ==> 银行,贮料器,堤岸,触排,簇,存储单元,存储体,经纱架,经纱架,井口区,井口区,线弧,台架,坡度,堆,河岸,组,边坡,采煤工作区,岸,集,集合体,库=>バンク
- bank acceptance bill ==> 银行承兑汇票
- bank accommodation ==> 银行融通
- bank account ==> 银行往来帐,往来存款
- bank act ==> 银行条例
- bank address register ==> 存储地址寄存器
- bank address system ==> 存储地址式
- Bank Americard ==> 美洲银行信用卡
- bank and turn indicator ==> 倾斜转弯仪
- bank annuity ==> (政府向银行收取的年金)银行年金
- bank balance ==> 银行往来帐余额
- bank bar ==> 坡地切割器
- bank bars ==> 井壁衬板
- bank bill ==> 银行汇票
- bank bit ==> 存储位
- bank blasting ==> 阶段爆破
- bank breaching ==> 堤岸冲毁
- bank cable ==> 线弧电缆,多芯电缆
- bank call ==> 要求银行提交财务报表通知
- bank capacity ==> 线弧容量,触排容量,群容量
- bank card ==> 银行信用卡
- bank caving ==> 堤岸坍陷,河岸淘空,岸塌
- bank charges ==> 银行手续费
- bank check deposit ==> 本票存款
- bank cleaner ==> 触排清洁器,线弧清拭器
- bank commission ==> 银行手续费
- bank consortium ==> 银团
- bank contact ==> 触排接点
- bank control ==> 倾斜操纵,分组控制
- bank controller ==> 存储体控制器
- bank crane ==> 岸边起重机
- bank credit and loan ==> 银行信贷
- bank credit proxy ==> 美联邦储备会员行存款平均额
- bank credit transfer ==> 银行信用过户,银行信用证转让
- bank creel ==> 毛球架
- bank cushion ==> 河岸缓冲力
- bank cutter bit ==> 光身车头刀
- bank cutting ==> 河岸切割
- bank debenture ==> 银行债券,金融债券
- bank debits ==> 银行取款
- bank debt ==> 银行债务
- bank deposit ==> 岸边沉积
- bank deposit certificate ==> 银行存款证
- bank deposit on enterprise fund ==> 企业基金银行存款
- bank deposits subject to withdrawal by check ==> 凭支票取款的银行存款
- bank discount ==> 银行贴现费
- bank draft ==> 银行汇票
- bank eddy ==> 岸边涡流
- bank edge ==> 岸边
- bank erosion ==> 岸坡侵蚀,堤岸冲刷,河岸冲刷,河岸侵蚀
- bank error ==> 倾斜度误差
- bank exchanges ==> 通过交换托收的银行票据
- bank failure ==> 河岸淘空
- bank financing ==> 银行投资
- bank giro ==> 银行直接转帐制
- bank grading ==> 河岸修整
- bank gravel ==> 未过筛砾石,岸砾
- bank group ==> 银行集团
- bank guarantee ==> 银行担保
- bank height ==> 露天矿阶段高度
- bank high flow ==> 高岸流量
- Bank in Liechtenstein ==> 列支敦士登银行
- bank indicator ==> 倾斜显示器,倾斜指示表,倾斜转弯仪,触排指示器
- bank interest rate ==> 银行利率
- bank investment ==> 银行投资
- bank levee ==> 河岸堤
- bank lien ==> 银行留置权
- bank light ==> 排灯
- bank line ==> 河岸线
- bank line profile ==> 岸线纵断面
- bank liquidity ==> 银行清偿能力,银行资产流动性
- bank liquidity position ==> 银行资产流动能力
- bank liquidity ratio ==> 银行流动比率
- bank long bill ==> 银行长期票据
- Bank Markazi Iran ==> 伊朗国家银行
- Bank Melli Iran ==> 伊朗梅里银行
- bank moratorium ==> 法定银行延期偿付期
- bank multiple ==> 触排复接盘
- bank multiple cable ==> 线弧复式电缆
- bank note ==> 钞票
- bank note duty ==> 钞票发行税
- bank note paper ==> 钞票纸
- Bank of America ==> 美国银行
- bank of capacitors ==> 电容器组
- bank of cells ==> 槽组
- Bank of China ==> 中国银行
- bank of circulation ==> 发行银行
- bank of condensers ==> 电容器组
- bank of contacts ==> 触头排,接点排
- bank of cylinders ==> 汽缸组
- bank of deposit ==> 开户银行
- bank of discount ==> 贴现银行
- bank of emission ==> 发行银行
- Bank of France ==> 法兰西银行
- bank of information ==> 信息库
- bank of issue ==> 发行银行
- Bank of Japan ==> (中央银行)日本银行
- bank of ovens ==> 炉组
- bank of resistors ==> 电阻组
- bank of settlemnt ==> 结算银行
- Bank of Sweden ==> 瑞典银行
- Bank of Tanzania ==> 坦桑尼亚银行
- Bank of Thailand (BOT) ==> 泰国银行
- Bank of Tonga ==> 汤加银行
- bank of tubes ==> 管排
- bank on-line teller system ==> 银行联机用户服务系统
- bank opinion ==> 银行意见
- bank overdraft ==> 银行透支,向银行透支
- bank paper ==> 钞票,银行票据,银行纸
- bank plant ==> 岸堤栽植
- bank planting ==> 堤岸栽植
- bank portfolios ==> 银行有价证券
- bank protection ==> 堤岸护坡,河岸保护
- bank protector ==> 护岸工程
- bank raising ==> 提高加固=>嵩上げ
- bank rate of rediscount ==> 银行再贴现率
- bank reconciliation ==> 银行往来调节表
- bank reef ==> 滩礁,岸礁,不规则水下礁
- bank reference ==> 銀行信用照会
- bank refundment guarantee ==> 银行偿付保证书
- bank regulations ==> 银行规则
- bank reinstatement ==> 复岸
- bank reinstatement method ==> 复堤法
- bank return ==> 银行收益
- bank revetment ==> 堤岸护坡,护岸
- bank runs ==> 向银行提取存款的浪潮
- bank safe custody ==> 银行保险库
- bank sand ==> 河岸沙,岸沙
- bank scale ==> 倾斜标度盘
- bank seat ==> 岸上碇桩,碇桩
- bank settlement ==> 堤的沉陷,河岸沉陷
- bank side ==> 岸边
- bank side pump house ==> 岸边水泵房,位于自然水域岸边的安装有供火力发电厂用水的水泵的建筑物
- bank sill ==> 岸槛,岸坡底槛
- bank sliding ==> 河岸滑坡
- bank slip ==> 银行水单
- bank slope ==> 河岸斜坡,岸坡,边坡倾斜角
- bank sloping ==> 岸坡筑斜
- bank slough ==> 岸坡表层脱落
- bank sloughing ==> 堤岸坍塌
- bank span ==> 岸跨
- bank stability ==> 岸坡稳定
- bank stabilization ==> 岸坡稳定,堤岸加固,河岸加固
- bank stage ==> 平岸水位
- bank stock ==> 银行股票
- bank stop motion ==> 粗纱定长自停装置
- bank storage ==> 河岸储量,河岸调蓄量,河岸蓄水
- bank storage discharge ==> 河岸调蓄流量
- bank strengthening ==> 河岸加固,堤岸加固
- bank subsidence ==> 堤的沉陷
- bank suction ==> 贴岸吸力作用
- bank switching ==> 存储库开关
- bank teller ==> (美)银行支票员
- bank the fire ==> 封火
- bank transport turck ==> 现金运输车
- bank tube ==> 栅管,栅管
- bank unit ==> バンクユニット,変圧器ユニット
- bank up ==> 倒车,封炉
- bank winding ==> 迭绕线圈
- bank winding coil ==> バンク巻きコイル
- bank wire ==> 触排导线
- bank wiring ==> 触排布线
- bank with credits opened ==> 往来银行
- bank with whom the credits opened ==> 开证银行
- bank wound coil ==> 叠层线圈
- bank year ==> 银行年度
- bank's buying rate ==> 银行买入汇率
- bank's exchange settlement ==> 结汇
- bank's guarantee for bid bond ==> 投标保函
- bank's selling rate ==> 银行卖出汇率
- bank-and-climb gyro control unit ==> 倾斜升降回转控制器
- bank-and-turn indicator ==> 倾斜与转向指示器,转弯指示器
- bank-and-wiper switch ==> 触排和接帚开关,触排及弧刷转接器,双动选择器
- bank-head ==> 岸首
- bank-inset reef ==> 滩缘礁
- bank-protection works ==> 护岸工程
- bank-run aggregate ==> 岸集料
- bank-run gravel ==> 岸砾石,岸流砂砾,河岸砂砾
- bank-type barn ==> 双层畜舍
- bank-winding coil ==> 叠绕线圈
- Banka drill ==> 冲积层勘探钻,班克式人力勘探钻机
- Banka tin ==> 邦加锡
- bankable bill ==> 可贴现票据
- bankable project ==> 银行可担保的项目
- banked battery ==> 数路供电用电池组,并联电池组
- banked boiler ==> 热备用锅炉
- banked fire ==> 热备用锅炉
- banked relay ==> 遥控继电器,继电器组
- banked secondary distribution system ==> 低圧バンキング方式
- banked winding ==> 重叠绕法,叠绕线圈
- banker's acceptance credit ==> 银行承兑信用证
- banker's bank ==> 中央银行
- banker's bill ==> 银行汇票,银行票据,钞票
- banker's clean bill ==> 不抬头的银行票据
- banker's clearing house 票据交换所=> ==> 银行票据交换所
- banker's credit ==> 银行信贷
- banker's duty of secrecy ==> 银行保密责任
- banker's payment ==> 银行支付单据
- banker's rate ==> 银行贴现率
- banker's ratio ==> 银行用比率
- banker's reference ==> 银行资信证明书
- bankers' trust company ==> 银行信托公司
- banket ==> 护脚,含金砾岩层
- bankful flow ==> 平岸流
- bankfull flow ==> 满槽水流
- bankfull stage ==> 满岸水位,满槽水位,漫滩水位,齐岸水位
- bankfull water stage ==> 漫滩水位
- Banki turbine ==> 班基式水轮机,班克式水轮机
- banking ==> 压坡度,定位的,金融,银行业,封炉,侧倾=>銀行取引,バンキング(配電変圧器)
- banking body ==> 培土犁体
- banking business ==> 银行业
- banking center ==> 金融中心
- banking degree of freedom ==> 侧倾运动自由度
- banking facilities ==> 金融机构
- banking file ==> 齐头三角锉
- banking inclinometer ==> 倾角计
- banking index ==> 金融指数
- banking indicator ==> 倾角计
- banking institution ==> 金融机构
- banking insurance and estate ==> 金融保险和不动产
- banking loss ==> 压火损失,埋火消耗量,机组热备用损失
- banking losses ==> 封火损失
- banking machine ==> 覆土机,培土机
- banking mechanism ==> 金融机制
- banking on-line system ==> 银行业务联机系统
- banking panic ==> 银行恐慌
- banking pin ==> 限动销,限位钉,制动销
- banking power ==> 银行贷出能力,银行投资能力
- banking process ==> 堆积过程
- banking reserve ==> 银行兑现准备金
- banking screw ==> 止动螺钉
- banking secrecy ==> 银行机密
- banking system ==> 银行业务系统,银行制度,金融体制,金融制度
- banking transaction ==> 金融交易
- banking-up ==> 压火
- bankman's handle ==> 罐座操纵手把
- bankmans handle ==> 罐座操纵手把
- banknotes of one, two or five jiao denominations ==> 毛票
- bankrupt account ==> 破产帐
- bankrupt landlord ==> 破产地主
- bankrupt law ==> 破产法
- bankrupt's estates ==> 破产财产
- bankruptcy ==> 破产
- Bankruptcy Act ==> 破产法例
- bankruptcy administrator ==> 破产财产管理人
- bankruptcy bill ==> 破产法
- bankruptcy debtor ==> 破产债务人
- bankruptcy notice ==> 破产公告,破产通知书
- bankruptcy petition ==> 破产申请
- bankruptcy proceedings ==> 破产程序
- banks oil ==> 鱼肝油
- Banlangen Granules ==> 板蓝根冲剂
- banned area (livestock keeping) ==> 禁制区(禽畜饲养)
- banned products ==> 禁制品
- banner bead winding machine ==> 钢丝圈卷成机
- banner bracket ==> 旗帜托座
- banner cloud ==> 旗状云
- banner color ==> 旗瓣颜色
- banner land ==> 旗地
- bannister harness ==> 棒刀吊综装置
- Banque Centrale de Tunisia ==> 突尼斯中央银行
- Banque Centrale du Mali ==> 马里中央银行
- banquet ==> 宴会,晩餐会,バンクウェット,バンケット
- banquet hall ==> 宴会厅
- banquet room ==> 宴会室
- bant shaft ==> 曲轴
- bantam mixer ==> 非倾倒式拌和机
- bantam stem ==> 小型管管脚
- bantamizing large breed ==> 正常鸡微型化
- banthine bromide ==> 溴本辛,溴本辛
- Banti's syndrome ==> 充血性脾肿大
- Banting cure ==> 班廷氏疗法
- Banting treatment ==> 班廷氏疗法
- Bantis syndrome ==> 班替氏综合征
- baobab ==> 猴面包树
- baobab oil ==> 木棉油
- Baotou ==> 内蒙古包头
- BAPTA, bearing and power transfer assembly ==> 電力伝達軸受装置
- Baptist ==> バプテスト派
- bar ==> 棒,棒材,棒料,条,木障,沙坝,栅门,撑条,挡杆,刀杆,尺,杆,钢筋,拦,柜台,横梁架式凿岩机,横木,(压强单位)巴=>バー
- bar and key grate ==> 链条炉排
- bar and shape mill ==> 型材轧机
- bar and tube machine ==> 制棒和制管机
- bar and tube straightening machine ==> 管棒矫直机
- bar antenna ==> 棒状天线
- bar apparatus ==> 杆状基线尺
- bar armature ==> 条线圈电枢
- bar armo(u)r ==> 线棒保护层
- bar bank ==> 棒材冷却台
- bar beach ==> 沙坝滩
- bar bench ==> 棒材拉拔机
- bar bender ==> 钢筋挠曲器,钢筋弯具,钢筋弯折机
- bar bending machine ==> 钢筋弯折机,弯条机,棒材弯曲机,棒料弯曲机
- bar brass ==> 黄铜棒
- bar buoy ==> 浅滩指示浮标
- bar button ==> 杆状钮扣
- bar capacity ==> 棒料最大直径
- bar capstan ==> 推杆绞盘
- bar chain ==> 杆链
- bar chair ==> 钢筋座
- bar chamfering machine ==> 棒材倒角机
- bar chart ==> 条件图表,条形图表,直方图,直条图,柱状图,线条进度表,横线工程图表
- bar chuck plate ==> 棒料卡盘
- bar clasp ==> 卡箍
- bar coal cutter ==> 杆式截煤机
- bar code ==> 条码,条纹密码
- bar code label ==> 条件码标记,条形码标记
- bar code reader ==> 条形码读出器
- bar commutator ==> 铜条整流子
- bar console typewriter ==> 杆式控制台打字机
- bar conveyor ==> 推杆运输机
- bar copper ==> 铜条,棒铜
- bar coupler ==> 母线联络开关
- bar coupling ==> 杆形联接器
- bar cramp ==> 杆夹
- bar crane ==> 杆式起重机
- bar cropper ==> 钢筋剪断机,钢筋截断机,钢筋切断机
- bar crusher ==> 棒式破碎机
- bar cut-off machine ==> 棒料切断机
- bar cutter ==> 钢筋剪切机,钢筋截断机,钢筋切断机,截条机,切条机
- bar cutting ==> 钢筋切断
- bar cutting machine ==> 棒材切割机,棒料切割机
- bar cylinder ==> 击杆式脱粒滚筒
- bar diagram ==> 直条图
- bar diameter ==> 钢筋直径
- bar disintegrator ==> 棒式粉碎机
- bar display ==> 杆式显示装置
- bar dowel ==> 合缝接钢
- bar draught ==> 低潮沙槛水深
- bar drawbench ==> 拔棒机
- bar drawing ==> 棒材拉拔,芯杆拔管法
- bar drill ==> 杆钻,横梁架式凿岩机,横梁架式钻机
- bar edge ==> 条信号边沿
- bar electromagnet ==> 条形电磁铁
- bar feed ==> 杆进给
- bar feed mechanism ==> 棒料送进机构
- bar feeder ==> 棒料进给器,棒式进料器
- bar folder ==> 弯折机
- bar fork ==> 长叉
- bar formation ==> 钢筋构成,钢筋组架
- bar gauge ==> 杆规,钢筋规格,棒规
- bar graph ==> 棒状图,条线图,柱图=>棒グラフ
- bar graph generator ==> 彩条信号发生器
- bar graph memory ==> 条形图存储器
- bar grate ==> 条杆筛
- bar grinding attachment ==> 棒料磨光附件
- bar grizzl(e)y ==> 条筛
- bar grizzly ==> 格筛
- bar head ==> 带枢轴的螺钉头
- bar hold ==> 钳夹头
- bar insulation ==> 线棒绝缘,排间绝缘
- bar iron ==> 条钢
- bar iron crane ==> 铁条起重机
- bar joist ==> 轻钢搁架
- bar keel ==> 矩形龙骨,矩形龙骨,方龙骨
- bar lathe ==> 加工棒料车床
- bar lifter ==> 杆式升降器
- bar line ==> 杆形线
- bar linkage ==> 连杆机构
- bar list ==> 钢筋表
- bar longwall macthine ==> 链式截煤机
- bar magnet ==> 杆磁铁,磁棒=>棒磁石
- bar magnetic compass ==> 磁杆罗盘
- bar marker ==> 杆式划行器
- bar mat ==> 钢条网
- bar mill ==> 小型轧钢厂,小型轧机,棒材轧机
- bar mining ==> 河滩金砂矿开采法
- bar mould ==> 多穴压模
- bar movement ==> (钟的)杆状机心
- bar of flat ==> 板片,窄厚扁钢
- bar of Sanio ==> 沙尼沃条
- bar of statute of limitation ==> 消灭时效
- bar of uniform cross section ==> 等截面棒
- bar of uniform strength ==> 等强度棒
- bar pattern ==> 线条测试图,线条形图形,条形图样
- bar peeling machine ==> 棒料粗车机床
- bar phone ==> 直板手机
- bar photometer ==> 条形光度计
- bar plain ==> 沙坝平原
- bar platform ==> 沙坝台地
- bar pliers ==> 杠钳
- bar pointer ==> 压尖机
- bar pointing machine ==> 棒材轧尖机
- bar polishing machine ==> 棒材抛光机
- bar port ==> 候潮港
- bar primary ==> 条形一次绕组
- bar primary bushing type current transformer ==> 棒形电流互感器
- bar printer ==> 棒式印刷机,杆式打印机=>バー印字装置
- bar reinfercement ==> 粗钢筋
- bar reinforcement ==> 钢筋棒
- bar relay ==> 杆接多触点继电路,棒式多触点继电器
- bar response ==> 条响应
- bar rolled stock sorting unit ==> 型钢分选机组
- bar scale ==> 海图线比例尺
- bar screen ==> 分离筛,篦子筛,铁栅筛
- bar section ==> 杆剖面
- bar shear ==> 棒料剪床
- bar shearing machine ==> 棒材剪切机,剪条机
- bar shears ==> 剪条机,棒料剪断机,钢筋剪切机,小型钢材剪断机
- bar sight ==> 表尺
- bar signal ==> 河口潮水信号
- bar signal generator ==> しま信号発生器
- bar spacer ==> 钢筋定位卡,钢筋分隔器
- bar spacing ==> 钢筋间距,钢筋间距
- bar spade ==> 杆叉铲
- bar splicing ==> 钢筋搭接
- bar stand ==> 棒料架
- bar stay ==> 撑杆
- bar steel ==> 棒钢,条钢
- bar stock ==> 棒形钢材,钢筋储备
- bar stock cutting by punching ==> 冲压下料
- bar stock cutting capacity ==> 棒料切割容量
- bar stock turnover device ==> 棒料翻转机
- bar straightener ==> 棒材矫直机,棒杆调直机,棒料矫直机,钢筋调直机
- bar straightening ==> 钢筋调直
- bar straightening machine ==> 棒材矫直机,棒杆调直机
- bar strip ==> 薄板坯,杆条
- bar support ==> 钢筋支座,(浇灌混凝土时支承钢筋的装置)钢筋座
- bar target ==> (分辨率检查用)杆状目标
- bar test ==> 钢棒测温法
- bar thermometer ==> 棒状温度计
- bar timbering ==> 水平枝撑,顶梁支护法
- bar tracery ==> 铁楞窗格
- bar transition ==> 彩条跃变
- bar turning machine ==> 棒料车床
- bar turret lathe ==> 棒料转塔车床
- bar type crack(ing) test ==> 圆棒抗裂试验
- bar type current transformer ==> 棒式电流互感器
- bar type cylinder-gauge ==> 卡尔玛斯缸径规
- bar type multipoint tester ==> 杆式多点检验器
- bar type transformer ==> 条形铁心变流
- bar viscometer ==> 杆式粘度计
- bar warp machines ==> 狭条经编机
- bar winding ==> 条形绕组
- bar with hooked end ==> 带弯钩钢筋
- bar work ==> 棒料工件,棒料加工
- bar wound machine ==> 条绕电机
- bar-and-cake ==> 切皂机
- bar-and-dot generator ==> 点划发生器
- bar-code scanner ==> 线代码扫描器,条线代码扫描器,条形码扫描器
- bar-finger sand ==> 指状大透镜沙体,指状沙坝
- bar-frame ==> 巢框
- bar-mat reinforcement ==> 钢筋网
- bar-point plow ==> 伸出凿尖犁
- bar-point share ==> 伸出凿尖犁铧
- bar-rigged drifter ==> 架式凿岩机
- bar-stock needle valve ==> 杆控针形阀
- bar-to-bar test ==> 片间试验
- bar-to-bar voltage ==> 片间电压
- bar-type current transformer ==> 单匝电流互感器,汇流条式电流互感器
- bar-type multipoint tester ==> 棒式多点试验器
- bar-type transformer ==> 棒形铁心变压器
- bar-typer printer ==> 杆式打印机
- bar-wound armature ==> 杆式绕组电枢,条绕电枢
- Barany box ==> 巴腊尼氏箱
- Barany chair ==> 巴拉内椅
- Barany's tests ==> 巴拉内试验
- barb ==> 倒刺,倒刺钩,风羽,羽支=>かかり,返し,(動物)羽枝,鉤状毛
- barb bolt ==> 基础螺栓,棘螺栓
- barb radiator ==> 芒刺式散热器
- Barba's law ==> 巴尔拜定律
- Barbados ==> 巴巴多斯=>バルバドス
- Barbados earth ==> 放射虫石
- barbaloin ==> 芦荟大黄素甙,芦荟甙,坝巴苷
- barban ==> 燕麦灵
- Barbat Skullcap ==> 半枝莲
- barbatol ==> 坝巴醇
- barbatol-carboxylic acid ==> 坝巴醇羧酸
- barbed dowel pin ==> 带刺销钉
- barbed drainage ==> 倒钩水系
- barbed drainage pattern ==> 倒刺状排水系统,倒钩水系,上游羽状水系
- barbed filament ==> 毛刺丝
- barbed nail ==> 带齿钉,刺钉,不规则钉=>逆目くぎ
- barbed spike ==> 棘钉
- barbed spindle ==> 倒刺纺车轴,倒刺式纺绽,倒剌式纺绽
- barbed tributary ==> 倒钩支流
- barbed wire ==> 刺钢丝,刺铁丝,制网铁丝
- barbed wire fence ==> 倒刺铁丝围栏
- barbed wire machine ==> 制刺钢丝机
- barbed wire nippers ==> 带刺铁丝剪钳
- barbed-wire machine ==> 制刺线机
- barbed-wire strainer ==> 倒刺铁丝拉紧器,倒剌铁丝拉紧器
- barbell ==> 杠铃
- barbell sets ==> 举重器,举重器
- barber ==> 大风雪
- barber chair ==> 打拌子,椅状劈裂
- Barber Greene finisher ==> 巴伯格林修整机
- Barber pyrometer ==> 巴贝尔高温计,巴伯隐丝式光测高温计
- Barber's warp tying machine ==> 巴柏氏自动接经机
- Barber-Colman automatic spooler ==> 巴柏考尔门自动络纱机
- Barber-Greene ==> 巴伯格林铺路机
- Barberios test ==> 巴伯里欧氏试验
- barberite ==> 铜-镍-锡-硅合金,铜镍锡硅合金
- barberry ==> 伏牛花
- barbers' itch ==> 须癣
- barbertonite ==> 水镁铬矿
- barbette ==> 炮垛,炮台,炮座
- barbexaclone ==> 巴比沙隆=>バルベキサクロン
- barbican (barbacan) ==> 碉堡
- barbicel ==> 羽纤支
- barbierite ==> 钠正长石
- barbital ==> 巴比土,巴比妥,马罗那=>バルビタール
- barbital sodium ==> 麦地那,巴比土钠,巴比妥钠
- barbitalism ==> 巴比妥中毒
- barbitalum ==> 巴比妥
- barbitone ==> 巴比土,巴比妥=>バルビトン
- barbitone buffer reagent ==> 巴比妥缓冲液试剂
- barbitone sodium ==> 巴比妥钠
- barbituism ==> 巴比妥中毒
- barbiturate ==> 巴比土酸盐,巴比妥类药物,巴比妥酸盐
- barbituric acid ==> 巴比土酸,巴比妥酸
- barbojo ==> 蔗渣=>バガス
- barbone ==> 长须病
- barbotage ==> 起泡
- barbotage leach ==> 鼓泡浸出
- barbula hirsi ==> 耳毛
- barbule ==> 内齿层
- barbwire ==> 制网铁丝,刺钢丝
- Barcan formula ==> バルカン論理式
- barcode ==> バーコード
- barcode groove recognition ==> バーコード溝認識
- Barcol hardness ==> 巴氏硬度
- Barcoo rot ==> 沙漠疮
- bard vetch ==> 单花野豌豆
- Bard's sign ==> 巴尔氏征
- Bardac process ==> 巴达克法
- Bardachs test ==> 巴尔达赫氏试验
- Bardenheuers extension ==> 巴登霍伊厄氏牵伸术
- bare ==> 裸,微亏
- bare and barren land ==> 不毛之地
- bare area ==> 裸区,赤裸区
- bare area of liver ==> 肝裸区
- bare boat charter party ==> 让租租约
- bare boat charters on annual contracts ==> 空船年度租约
- bare bus bar ==> 裸母线
- bare cable ==> 裸电缆,裸缆
- bare charge ==> 裸装药
- bare computer ==> 硬件计算机
- bare conductor ==> 裸线=>裸導体
- bare contract ==> 无条件契约
- bare copper wire ==> 裸铜丝,裸铜线
- bare core ==> 裸堆心
- bare electrode ==> 裸电极
- bare electromagnet ==> 条形电磁铁
- bare engine ==> 无辅助设备发动机
- bare flow ==> 基本流量
- bare L-square ==> 直角尺
- bare lamp ==> 明露灯
- bare land ==> 出露地区,白地
- bare machine ==> 硬件计算机
- bare mass ==> 裸质量
- bare maximum ==> 绝对最大值,绝对最大值
- bare metal arc weld ==> 裸焊条电弧焊
- bare minimum ==> 绝对最小值,绝对最小值
- bare motor ==> 无配件电动机
- bare nucleon ==> 裸核子
- bare nucleus ==> 裸核
- bare optical fiber(-bre) ==> 裸光纤
- bare ownership ==> 不具名财产,空头产权
- bare particle ==> 裸粒子
- bare phace ==> 不毛之地
- bare pipe ==> 裸管
- bare place ==> 非耕地
- bare radiator ==> 裸露散热片,明散热器
- bare reactor ==> 裸反应堆
- bare rock ==> 裸礁石
- bare rod ==> 裸焊条,无药焊条
- bare root plant ==> 露根栽植
- bare spot ==> 裸点
- bare terminal ==> 焊条夹持端
- bare terminal end ==> 夹持端
- bare terminal end of an electrode ==> 电焊条的裸头
- bare thermocouple ==> 裸露热电偶
- bare trustee ==> 被动受托人
- bare tube ==> 露天管路,裸管
- bare turbine ==> 开式透平,开式涡轮机
- bare universal joint ==> 开式万向联轴节
- bare value ==> 裸值
- bare wall ==> むき出しの(壁紙の張られていない)壁
- bare weight ==> 皮重,空重
- bare welding rod ==> 光焊条
- bare wire ==> 光焊丝,裸铜丝,裸线=>裸線
- bare wire arc welding ==> 光焊丝电弧焊
- bare wire welding ==> 裸线弧焊
- bare(wire) electrode ==> 裸焊条
- bare-engine ==> 不带附属设备的发动机
- bare-rooted planting ==> 裸根栽植
- bareboat charter ==> 空船租赁
- bareboat charter party ==> 空船租船契约
- barefaced tongue ==> 裸面榫舌
- barefoot doctor ==> 赤脚医生
- barefoot running ==> 裸足走法
- Bareggis test ==> 巴雷季氏试验
- barely ==> 裸で,貧弱に,簡素に
- barely enough moisture to produce crops ==> 水分不足以生长作物
- Barety's method ==> 巴累提氏延长法
- barff process ==> 蒸气发蓝处理
- barffing ==> 蒸气发蓝处理
- Barfoed's test ==> 巴福德试验
- Barfoeds reagent ==> 巴费德氏试剂
- bargain ==> 交易,廉价品,商定价格,便宜货=>安売り,格安品,バーゲン
- bargain away ==> 廉价脱手,卖脱
- bargain center ==> 平价市场
- bargain centre ==> 廉价中心
- bargain counter ==> 廉价货品柜
- bargain for the coming out ==> 新股买卖
- bargain offer ==> 廉价优待
- bargain on the spot ==> 现款交易
- bargain over the price ==> 讨价还价
- bargain price ==> 廉价
- bargain purchase ==> 廉价收购
- bargain theory ==> 谈判决定工资论
- bargainer ==> 讨价还价者,卖主
- bargaining ==> 讨价还价,交涉,成交,契约=>交渉,取引,値切ること,バーゲニング
- bargaining cost ==> 契約費用
- bargaining model ==> 交涉模型
- bargaining position ==> 讨价还价的地位
- bargaining power ==> 讨价还价的能力
- bargaining right ==> 谈判权
- bargaining solution ==> 交涉解
- bargaining tariff ==> 协议关税,可谈判关税
- bargaining theory ==> 交易理论
- bargaining unit ==> 谈判单位
- bargainor ==> 卖主
- barge ==> 小铅字盒,座艇,驳,暗语
- barge bed ==> 驳船停舶区
- barge berth ==> 驳船码头,浮码头
- barge board ==> 山墙封檐板
- barge canal ==> 驳船渠,驳船运河
- barge carrier transport ==> 载驳运输
- barge couple ==> 檐口人字木
- barge course ==> 山墙砖压顶
- barge crane ==> 船式起重机,浮吊,浮式起重机
- barge derrick ==> 浮式转臂吊车,船式起重机
- barge dock ==> 驳船坞
- barge hopper ==> 开底船
- barge line ==> 内海航运线
- barge port ==> 驳船港
- barge spike ==> 船钉
- barge stone ==> 山墙封檐石
- barge train ==> 驳船队
- barge unit ==> 海洋测井船
- barge unloading suction dredge ==> 吹泥船
- barge-course ==> 山墙檐瓦
- barge-loading belt conveyor ==> 驳船装料皮带运输机
- barge-train ==> 船列
- Bargens treatment ==> 巴根氏疗法
- barges train ==> 驳船队
- bargianing power ==> 协议力量
- Bari-Sol process ==> 巴瑞苏尔脱蜡法
- bariable block ==> 变长字组
- baric area ==> 气压区
- baric flow ==> 压流
- baric topography ==> 气压形势,高度型式
- baric wind law ==> 白贝罗定律
- Barista ==> 咖啡师バリスタ
- barite ==> 重晶石
- barite glaze ==> 钡釉
- baritone ==> バリトーネ(管楽器)
- barium ==> 钡=>バリウム(元素,Ba)
- barium acetate ==> 醋酸钡
- barium aluminium alloy ==> 钡铝合金
- barium binoxide ==> 过氧化钡
- barium bromate ==> 溴酸钡=>臭素酸バリウム
- barium bromide ==> 溴化钡,溴化钡
- barium carbide ==> 二碳化钡
- barium carbonate ==> 沉淀碳酸钡,碳酸钡
- barium carbonate poisoning ==> 碳酸钡中毒
- barium chlorate ==> 氯酸钡
- barium chloride ==> 氯化钡
- barium chloride (dihydrate) ==> 氯化钡(二水)
- barium chloride poisoning ==> 氯化钡中毒
- barium chromate ==> 铬酸钡=>クロム酸バリウム
- barium chromate colorimetric method ==> 铬酸钡比色法=>クロム酸バリウム比色法
- barium colloidal suspension ==> 钡胶浆
- barium concrete ==> 含钡混凝土
- barium crown glass ==> 钡冕玻璃
- barium detergent additive ==> 含钡洗涤添加剂
- barium dihydrogen phosphate ==> 磷酸二氢钡
- barium enema examination of colon ==> 钡灌肠结肠检查
- barium ferrite ==> 钡铁氧体=>バリウムフェライト
- barium flint glass ==> 钡火石玻璃,铅玻璃,晶质玻璃
- barium fluoride ==> 氟化钡=>フッ化バリウム
- barium fluoride laser ==> 费化钡激光器
- barium fluoride substrate ==> 氟化钡衬底
- barium fluxing agent ==> 钡熔剂
- barium getter ==> 钡吸气剂
- barium glass ==> 钡玻璃,防射线玻璃
- barium glaze ==> 钡釉
- barium hydrogen phosphate ==> 磷酸氢钡
- barium hydrogen sulfide ==> 氢硫化钡
- barium hydrosulfide ==> 氢硫化钡
- barium hydroxide ==> 氢氧化钡,八水氢氧化钡
- barium hypochlorite ==> 次氯酸钡
- barium hypophosphite ==> 次磷酸钡
- barium hyposulfite ==> 硫代硫酸钡
- barium manganate ==> 锰酸钡
- barium meal examination of gastro-intestinal tract ==> 胃肠钡餐检查
- barium mercuric iodide ==> 碘化汞钡
- barium meta carbonate ==> 低碳酸钡
- barium monohydrate ==> 单水氢氧化钡
- barium monosulfide ==> 一硫化钡
- barium monoxide ==> 氧化钡
- barium naphthanate ==> 环烷酸钡
- barium oxide ==> 氧化钡
- barium perchlorate ==> 高氯酸钡
- barium permanganate ==> 高锰酸钡
- barium peroxide ==> 过氧化钡
- barium peroxydisulfate ==> 过二硫酸钡
- barium persulfate ==> 过二硫酸钡
- barium phosphate ==> 磷酸钡
- barium phosphate crown glass ==> 磷酸钡冕玻璃
- barium plasma ==> 钡等离子体
- barium plaster ==> 钡灰浆,钡胶浆,防射线抹灰
- barium platinate ==> 铂酸钡
- barium poisoning ==> 钡中毒
- barium pyrovanadate ==> 焦钒酸钡
- barium salt ==> 钡盐
- barium selenite ==> 亚硒酸钡
- barium shock ==> 钡剂休克
- barium silicate ==> 硅酸钡
- barium silicate cement ==> 硅酸钡水泥
- barium sodium niobate ==> ニオブ酸ナトリウムバリウム
- barium sodium niobate (BNN) ==> 铌酸钡钠
- barium sodium niobate crystal ==> 铌酸钡钠晶体
- barium solution ==> バリウム液
- barium sorption ==> バリウム収着
- barium source ==> バリウム源
- barium star ==> 钡星=>バリウム星
- barium stearate ==> 硬脂酸钡
- barium strontium niobate ==> 铌酸钡锶
- barium sulfate ==> 硫酸钡=>硫酸バリウム
- barium sulfate concentration ==> 硫酸バリウム濃度
- barium sulfate method ==> 硫酸バリウム法
- barium sulfate powder ==> 硫酸バリウム粉末
- barium sulfate solution ==> 硫酸バリウム溶液
- barium sulfate suspension ==> 硫酸钡混悬液
- barium superoxide ==> 过氧化钡
- barium swallow examination ==> 钡吞咽检查
- barium tetraiodomercurate ==> 碘化汞钡
- barium tetrasulfide ==> 四硫化钡
- barium titanate ==> 钛酸钡,钛酸钡
- barium titanate capacitor ==> 钛酸钡介质电容器,钛酸钡介质电容器
- barium titanate ceramics ==> 钛酸钡陶瓷=>チタン酸バリウム磁器
- barium titanate piezoelectric ceramics ==> 钛酸钡压电陶瓷,钛酸钡压电陶瓷
- barium titanate porcelain ==> 钛酸钡瓷器,钛酸钡瓷器
- barium titanate thermistor ==> 钛酸钡热敏电阻器,钛酸钡热敏电阻器
- barium titanium oxalate ==> 草酸氧钛钡盐
- barium white ==> 钡白,钨酸钡
- barium yield ==> バリウム収率
- barium zinc tantate ==> 钼锌酸钡
- barium zirconate ==> ジルコニウム酸バリウム
- barium-base grease ==> 钡基润滑油
- bark ==> 剥树皮,树皮,树皮鞣革,三桅帆船,脱碳薄层,脱炭薄层=>樹皮,帆船のバーク,小型帆船
- bark allowance ==> 树皮扣除率
- bark beetle ==> 小蠹
- bark blazer ==> 刮皮器
- bark cloth ==> 树皮布
- bark coal ==> 树皮煤
- bark consumption ==> 树皮消耗量
- bark covering for sound insulation ==> 隔音板
- bark cracking ==> 裂皮病
- bark deduction ==> 皮厚减量
- bark gauge ==> 树皮规
- bark graft ==> 皮接,皮下接
- bark knife ==> 剥皮刀
- bark leachate ==> 樹皮浸出液
- bark mantle ==> 皮层
- bark mill ==> 碾皮机
- bark miner ==> 树皮蛀虫
- bark miners ==> 荔枝蛀虫
- bark of eucommia ==> 杜仲
- bark of paper mulberry ==> 构树皮
- bark of tree of heaven ==> 椿皮
- bark of tree peony root ==> 牡丹皮
- bark peeling machine ==> 剥皮机
- bark picture ==> 树皮画
- bark pocket ==> 夹皮,皮囊
- bark press ==> 压皮机
- bark proliferation ==> 树皮增生
- bark renewal ==> 树皮再生
- bark scraper ==> 刮树皮器
- bark slip ==> 树皮剥脱
- bark slipping ==> 树皮脱离
- bark-bound ==> 皮封的
- barker ==> 剥皮工,剥皮机,剥树皮机
- Barker index ==> 巴克指数
- barker machine ==> 剥皮机
- Barker method ==> 巴克法
- Barker sequence ==> 巴克序列
- Barker's mill ==> 巴克水磨机
- Barker's point ==> 巴克氏点
- Barkers point ==> 巴克氏点
- barkevikite ==> 棕闪石
- Barkhausen effect ==> 巴克好森效应,巴克豪生效应=>バルクハウゼン効果
- Barkhausen interference ==> 巴克好森干扰
- barkhausen kurz oscillations ==> 巴克好森库尔兹振荡
- Barkhausen oscillation ==> 巴克好森振荡
- Barkhausen oscillator ==> 巴克好森-库尔茨振荡器
- Barkhausen-Kurz oscillation ==> 拒斥场场型振荡,拒斥场场型振荡=>BK振動
- Barkhausen-Kurz oscillator ==> 巴克好森-库尔茨振荡器
- barking cough ==> 犬吠样咳,吠样咳
- barking drum ==> 鼓式剥皮机,筒式去皮机
- barking machine ==> 剥皮机,剥树皮机
- Barkman's reflex ==> 巴克曼氏反射
- Barkmans reflex ==> 巴克曼氏反射
- barkometer ==> 鞣液比重计
- Barkows ligament ==> 巴尔科夫氏韧带
- barksplitting disease ==> 蜜环菌根腐病
- Barl. barrel ==> 桶
- barley ==> 大麦
- barley awner ==> 大麦除芒器
- barley breaker ==> 大麦粉碎机
- barley cleaner ==> 大麦清选机
- barley coal ==> 大麦粒级无烟煤
- barley corn ==> 大麦粒
- barley covered smut ==> 大麦坚黑穗病
- barley feed ==> 大麦饲料
- barley flake ==> 大麦片
- barley fork ==> 麦叉
- barley huller ==> 大麦脱壳机
- barley leaf blotch ==> 大麦云纹病
- barley malt ==> 大麦花
- barley net blotch ==> 大麦网斑病
- barley pearling mill ==> 大麦精磨机
- barley powdery mildew ==> 大麦白粉病
- barley press ==> 大麦碾轧机,大麦辗轧机,磨麦机
- barley press roller ==> 大麦碾轧机滚子
- barley scald ==> 大麦烫伤
- barley seed ==> 大麦粒
- barley separator ==> 大麦分离器,大麦分选机
- barley sheller ==> 大麦去壳机
- barley smut ==> 大麦黑粉病
- barley stripe ==> 大麦条纹病
- barley sugar ==> 麦芽糖
- barley tea ==> 大麦茶=>麦茶
- barley wire worm ==> 细肠叩头虫
- barley yield trials ==> 大麦产量试验
- barley-corn weave ==> 麦粒组织
- barley-sugar column ==> 螺旋形柱
- Barlow lens ==> 巴罗透镜
- Barlow's equation ==> 巴罗方程
- Barlow's rule ==> 巴罗规则
- Barlow's syndrome ==> 二尖瓣脱垂综合征
- barm ==> 酵母
- Barmeen machine ==> 巴明花边机
- Barmouth grits ==> 巴尔茅斯粗沙岩
- barn ==> 烟棚,粮仓,车库,谷仓,仓,牲口棚,(单位)靶恩
- barn door ==> 挡光板
- barn hay drying plant ==> 牧草人工干燥设备
- barn hoist ==> 厩舍起重机,厩舍起重机
- barn-door ==> 谷仓大门
- barn-drying method ==> 仓内干燥法
- Barnach stone ==> 巴纳克石
- Barnard satellite ==> 巴纳德卫星
- Barnard's star ==> 巴纳德星
- Barnards Loop ==> 巴纳德圈
- Barnesite polishing powder ==> 氧化钍抛光粉
- Barnett effect ==> 巴涅特效应
- Barnett method ==> 巴涅特法
- barnyard grass ==> 稗
- barnyard manure ==> 圈肥,圈肥,圈粪,圈粪,动物粪便
- baro-otitis ==> 气压耳炎
- baroclinic field ==> 斜压场
- baroclinic fluid ==> 斜压流体
- barograph ==> 气压计,气压记录嚣
- barometer ==> 气压表=>気圧計
- barometer cistern ==> 气压表水银槽,气压计杯
- barometer condenser ==> 气压式冷凝器
- barometer constant ==> 气压测高常数
- barometer of business cycle forecasting ==> 经济周期预测晴雨表,经济周期预测晴雨表
- barometer stock ==> 标记性股票,指标股票
- barometic leg condenser ==> 气压柱冷凝器
- barometric coefficient ==> 气压系数
- barometric condenser ==> 大气冷凝器,大气压凝汽器
- barometric correction ==> 气压表器差修正
- barometric depression ==> 低气压
- barometric disturbance ==> 气压扰动
- barometric error ==> 气压误差
- barometric fuel control ==> 按气压变化的燃料调节
- barometric fuse ==> 气压引信
- barometric height ==> 气压高度
- barometric jet condenser ==> 大气压喷射冷凝器
- barometric leg ==> 气压表管,气压真空腿,气压柱
- barometric millimeter of mercury ==> 气压单位
- barometric millimetre of mercury ==> 毫米水银气压表
- barometric pressure ==> 气压,大气压,大气压力
- barometric pressure switch ==> 气压继电器
- barometric price leadership ==> 晴雨表式价格领导
- barometric relay ==> 气压计继电器
- barometric release of parachute ==> 气压开伞机构
- barometric switch ==> 气压开关
- barometric wave ==> 气压波
- barometrograph ==> 空盒气压计
- barophilic bacterium ==> 适压细菌
- Baroque art ==> 巴罗克艺术
- baroque organ ==> 巴罗克风琴
- barothermograph ==> 气压温度计
- barotor machine ==> 高温高压卷染机
- barotraumatic otitis media ==> 气压损伤性中耳炎
- barotraumatic sinusitis ==> 气压损伤性鼻窦炎
- barotropic fluid ==> 正压流体
- barotropic gas ==> 正压气体
- barpoint bottom ==> 棒钢铧尖犁体
- barpoint plow ==> 棒钢铧尖犁
- barpoint share ==> 棒钢铧尖犁铧
- barque ==> バーク
- Barr body ==> 巴尔氏小体,性染色质
- barrage ==> 拦河闸,为拦河修建的闸
- barrage receiver ==> 电池式接收机,双天线抗干扰接收机
- barrage reception ==> 多方向选择接收
- barrage with stop plank ==> 插板式拦河堰
- barrage-type spillway ==> 堰式溢洪道
- Barraquer's operation ==> 巴勒魁尔氏手术
- Barre-Lieou syndrome ==> 颈后交感神经综合征,颈后交感神经综合征
- barred ==> 被拦住
- barred basin ==> 受限盆地,堰塞盆地
- barred body ==> 棒体
- barred claim ==> 失去时效债权
- barred code ==> 受阻码
- barred factor ==> (鸡)芦花基因
- barred right ==> 失去时效权利
- barred spiral galaxy ==> 棒旋星系
- barred twist ==> 合股色节花线
- barrel ==> 岩心管,油桶,炮管,柱体,套筒,圆筒,镜头筒,镜头筒,汽包,条盒,桶,桶状体=>バレル(電線撚架の)
- barrel (oil) pump ==> 油桶泵
- barrel amalgamation ==> 桶式混汞法
- barrel antenna ==> 桶形天线
- barrel arbor ==> 条盒心轴,卷筒轴
- barrel arch ==> 筒形拱
- barrel assembly ==> 炮身
- barrel bearing ==> 圆筒轴承
- barrel blank ==> 枪管半成品,炮管半成品
- barrel boiler ==> 筒形锅炉
- barrel bolt ==> 管销,管形插销
- barrel bulk ==> 桶
- barrel cam ==> 筒形凸轮,可调式圆柱凸轮,凸轮鼓
- barrel capacity ==> 腹部容积
- barrel casing feed pump ==> 筒式给水泵
- barrel ceiling ==> 筒形顶棚
- barrel chest ==> 桶状胸
- barrel cleaning ==> 滚筒清理
- barrel converter ==> 卧式吹炉
- barrel copper ==> 手选块铜
- barrel corrosion ==> 炮管锈蚀,枪管锈蚀
- barrel crankcase ==> 筒式曲轴箱
- barrel diameter ==> 辊身直径
- barrel distortion ==> 桶形畸变=>たる形ひずみ
- barrel drain ==> 筒形排水渠
- barrel elevator ==> 圆筒提升机
- barrel emptying pump ==> 箱筒抽空泵
- barrel extension ==> 枪管节套
- barrel filler ==> 灌桶机,装桶机
- barrel finishing ==> 滚磨,滚筒清理
- barrel fitting ==> 筒式接头
- barrel gravity method ==> 桶装重量法
- barrel hopper ==> 圆筒式装料斗
- barrel insert pump ==> 双壳泵
- barrel lapping machine ==> 精研缸机
- barrel length ==> 辊身长度
- barrel light ==> 筒形天窗
- barrel liner ==> 桶衬,枪管衬管
- barrel lug ==> 枪管凸耳,枪管驻退耳
- barrel mixer ==> 滚筒式混砂机,桶形搅拌机
- barrel number ==> 桶号
- barrel of pipe ==> 管膛
- barrel of puppethead ==> 随转尾座套筒
- barrel oil pump ==> 筒袋式油泵
- barrel organ ==> 鼓形风琴
- barrel packing machine ==> 装桶机,自动装桶机
- barrel plating ==> 桶镀,筒镀,筒式电镀
- barrel polishing ==> 滚筒抛光
- barrel printer ==> 鼓式打印机
- barrel printing ==> 鼓式印刷,字轮打印
- barrel pump ==> 桶泵,桶式喷雾泵
- barrel raft ==> 浮筒筏
- barrel roll ==> 横辊,筒形辊
- barrel roof ==> 筒形屋顶
- barrel roof ribs ==> 筒形屋顶肋
- barrel shaped roll ==> 桶形轧辊
- barrel shell ==> 筒壳
- barrel shutter ==> 筒形遮光器,筒状快门
- barrel switch ==> 筒形开关,鼓形开关
- barrel threads ==> 枪管尾端螺纹
- barrel throttle ==> 筒形节流阀
- barrel type cylinder ==> 筒形汽缸,呈筒形的无水平法兰的汽缸
- barrel type mixer ==> 滚筒式混砂机
- barrel type roll piercing mill ==> 带桶形轧辊的穿孔机
- barrel vault ==> 筒形拱顶,半圆形拱顶
- barrel vault form ==> 筒拱模板
- barrel vault formwork ==> 筒拱模板
- barrel whip ==> 炮口跳动
- barrel winding ==> 桶形绕法
- barrel-plating ==> 滚镀
- barrel-polishing ==> 滚筒清砂法
- barrel-shaped distortion ==> 桶形失真
- barrel-type airless shot-blasting machine ==> 滚筒式抛丸清理机
- barrel-type casing ==> 筒型汽缸
- barrel-type crankcase ==> 筒形曲轴箱
- barrel-type pump ==> 筒式泵,多级离心泵,鼓形泵
- barrel-type roll piercing mill ==> 带桶形轧辊的穿孔机
- barrel-type roller ==> 鼓形辊
- barrel-type roller bearing ==> 鼓型滚柱轴承
- barrel-type root cutter ==> 滚筒式块根切碎机
- barrel-type shot blasting machine ==> 喷丸滚筒,筒式喷丸机
- barrel-vault roof ==> 筒形穹顶
- barrels daily ==> 每日桶数
- barrels per calendar day ==> 每日历日桶数
- barrels per calendar day (BCD) ==> 每历日筒数
- barrels per day ==> 每日桶数
- barrels per month ==> 每月筒数
- barrels per stream day (BSD) ==> 每个生产日筒数
- barren hermaphrodite flower ==> 不结实两性花
- barren land ==> 荒地
- barren liquor ==> 贫液
- barren of seed ==> 不结枝
- barren ore ==> 贫矿
- barren sand ==> 不毛沙地
- barren solution ==> 贫液
- barren zone ==> 贫瘠带
- Barret effect ==> 巴勒特作用
- barrette file ==> 扁三角锉
- barretter ==> 镇流电阻器=>バレッタ
- barretter bridge ==> 镇流电阻器电桥=>バレッタブリッジ
- barretter mount ==> バレッタマウント
- barretter resistance ==> バレッタ抵抗
- barricade shield ==> 可动屏蔽
- Barrier ==> 网区
- barrier ==> 海关关卡,防碍因素,堤,堤坝,屏,屏障,障碍,障碍物,障壁,障阻,栏栅,拦障,隔离节,隔离物,壁垒,避垒=>障壁,バリア
- barrier action ==> 屏障作用
- barrier bar ==> 障壁坝,滨外沙坝
- barrier basin ==> 堤堰水池,堰塞盆地=>バリア盆地
- barrier beach ==> 沿滩沙埂,障壁滩,滨外沙埂,滨外沙滩,滨外滩
- barrier breaker ==> 障碍突破舰船
- barrier capacitance ==> 势垒电容=>障壁容量
- barrier capacity ==> (晶体管的)阻挡层电容
- barrier chain ==> 沙洲链
- barrier clutch ==> 安全矿柱
- barrier code ==> 隔离码
- barrier complex ==> 障壁复合体
- barrier curb ==> 栏式缘石
- barrier dischage ==> バリア放電
- barrier discharge lamp with an external electrode ==> 片側外部電極
- barrier effect ==> 屏障效应=>障壁効果,バリア効果
- barrier energy ==> 势垒能
- barrier field ==> 势垒场
- barrier film ==> 阻挡膜=>バリア膜
- barrier film photocell ==> 阻挡层光电管
- barrier filter ==> 吸收滤光片,屏障滤光片,屏状滤光片,遮光滤光器,隔紫外滤光片
- barrier flat ==> 堰洲坪
- barrier frequency ==> 截止频率
- barrier function ==> 闸函数,障碍函数
- barrier gate ==> 势垒栅
- barrier gown ==> 隔离衣
- barrier grid ==> 障栅,阻挡栅极,制动栅
- barrier grid mosaic ==> 障栅嵌镶幕
- barrier grid storage tube ==> 阻挡栅极存储管
- barrier height ==> 势垒高度=>障壁の高さ
- barrier ice ==> 冰障,陆架冰
- barrier injection and transit time diode ==> 势越二极管=>バリットダイオード
- barrier island ==> 障壁岛
- barrier island complex ==> 障壁岛复合体
- barrier lake ==> 堰塞湖=>ダム湖,せき止め湖,土砂ダム
- barrier layer ==> 栏障,屏障,耗尽层,阻挡层=>障壁(半導体)
- barrier layer capacitance ==> 阻挡层电容
- barrier layer capacitor ==> 势垒电容器=>障壁容量コンデンサ
- barrier layer cell ==> 光电池
- barrier layer photocell ==> 阻挡层光电管
- barrier layer semiconductive ceramics ==> えん層容量半導体磁器
- barrier marsh ==> 障阻沼泽
- barrier material ==> 防潮材料
- barrier mechanism ==> 屏障机制
- barrier metal ==> バリヤメタル
- barrier net ==> 拦网
- barrier of gastric mucosa ==> 胃粘膜屏障
- barrier penetration ==> 势垒穿透
- barrier pillar ==> 边界矿柱,安全矿柱
- barrier platform ==> 障壁台地
- barrier power station ==> 堤堰式电站
- barrier propterty ==> 防护性能
- barrier reef ==> 堤礁,可折叠铁栏,(指与海岸平行的珊瑚礁)堡礁
- barrier reef of pool trend ==> 障壁礁油气藏趋向带
- barrier region ==> 势垒层,势垒区
- barrier separation ==> 膜分离
- barrier shield ==> 屏蔽墙
- barrier spit ==> 障壁沙嘴,堰洲嘴
- barrier spring ==> 断层泉
- barrier to electrical storms ==> 激しい電気的異常に対する障壁
- barrier to entry ==> 进入市场壁垒
- barrier to infrared radiation ==> 红外线放射的障碍
- barrier to trade ==> 贸易壁垒,贸易障碍
- barrier width ==> 势垒宽度
- barrier-bar trap ==> 障壁砂坝圈闭
- barrier-free environment ==> 无障碍环境
- barrier-grid storage tube ==> 雷德康管
- barrier-layer cell ==> 光生伏打电池,障层电池
- barrier-layer photocell ==> 光生伏打电池
- barrier-layer rectification ==> 耗尽层整流
- barrier-retreat carpet ==> 障壁后退毯状沉积
- barring gear ==> 盘车装置,曲柄移位装置,曲轴变位传动装置=>クラック変位装置
- barring hole ==> 盘车孔,盘机孔
- barring motor ==> 盘车电动机
- barring-on ==> 移圈
- Barrovian zone ==> 巴罗式带
- bars of foot ==> 蹄支
- BARS, base-line accounting and reporting system ==> ベースライン会計及びレポーティングシステム
- Bart reaction ==> 巴尔特反应
- barter agreement ==> 易货协定
- barter contract ==> 易货合同
- barter control ==> 交換制御
- barter exchange ==> 易货汇兑
- barter peculiar to a seminatural economy ==> 半自然经济的物物交换
- barter system ==> 以货易货制,易货制度
- barter terms of trade ==> 纯交易条件,物物交易条件
- barter trade ==> 易货贸易
- barter transaction ==> 易货交易
- Barth plan ==> 巴斯计划
- bartholin gland ==> 前庭球腺
- Bartholin's abscess ==> 前庭大腺脓肿
- Bartholin's canal ==> 巴多林氏管
- Bartholin's cyst ==> 前庭大腺囊肿
- Bartholin's duct ==> 巴多林氏管
- bartholin's gland ==> 阴道前庭腺
- Bartholin's gland ==> 前庭大腺
- bartholinian abscess ==> 前庭大腺脓肿
- Bartholins canal ==> 巴多林氏管
- Bartlett force ==> 巴特勒脱力
- Bartlett window ==> 巴特兰窗口
- Barton's forceps ==> 巴尔通氏产钳
- Barton's fracture ==> 巴尔通氏骨折
- Barton's obstetrical forceps ==> 巴顿氏产钳
- Bartons bandage ==> 巴尔通氏绷带
- Bartters syndrome ==> 巴特氏综合征
- Barts fetal hydrops ==> 巴氏胎儿水肿
- Barus effect ==> 熔体突然膨胀
- barycentric dynamical time (TDB) ==> 质心力学时
- barycentric element ==> 质心要素
- baryon number ==> 重子数
- baryon resonance ==> 重子共振态
- baryta ==> バリタ(酸化バリウムの別名)
- baryta coated paper ==> 大光钡地纸
- baryta coated paper card ==> 绸纹钡地纸
- baryta coated paper card glossy smooth ==> 厚光钡地纸
- baryta coating ==> 钡地层
- baryta glass ==> 钡铅玻璃
- baryta paper ==> 钡涂纸
- baryta spar ceramics ==> 钡长石陶瓷
- baryta water ==> バリタ水
- baryta yellow ==> 钡黄
- baryte ==> 重晶石
- BAS, Building Automation System ==> 楼宇自动化系统=>ビル管理システム,ビルの設備機器の監視制御システム
- bas-relief ==> 浅浮槽
- basal anesthesia ==> 基础麻醉
- basal area ==> 底面积,茎占面积,断面积
- basal area of a stand ==> 林分底面积
- basal arkose ==> 基底长石砂岩
- basal bark treatment ==> 干基树皮处理
- basal biotransformation capacity ==> 基础生物转化能力
- basal body ==> 基底小体,基体
- basal body temperature ==> 基础体温
- basal brainage ==> 脑底引流法
- basal branch of tentorium cerebelli ==> 小脑幕底支
- basal bud ==> 基部芽
- basal cardiac branch ==> 心底支
- basal cell ==> 基底细胞,基室,基细胞
- basal cell carcinoma ==> 基底细胞癌,皮肤基底细胞癌
- basal cell carcinoma of ear ==> 耳基底细胞癌
- basal cell carcinoma of eyelid ==> 眼睑基底细胞癌
- basal cell carcinoma of face ==> 面部皮肤基底细胞癌
- basal cell carcinoma of lid ==> 睑基底细胞癌,睑基底细胞癌
- basal cell carcinoma of palate ==> 腭基底细胞癌
- basal cell carcinoma of penis ==> 阴茎基底细胞癌
- basal cell carcinoma of pharynx ==> 咽基底细胞癌
- basal cell carcinoma of sebaceous glands ==> 皮脂腺基底上皮瘤
- basal cell carcinoma of vulva ==> 外阴基底细胞癌
- basal cell epithelioma ==> 基底细胞上皮瘤
- basal cell epithelioma of sebaceous glands ==> 皮脂腺基底上皮瘤
- basal cell hyperplasia ==> 基底细胞增生
- basal cell hyperplasia of cervix uteri ==> 子宫颈基底细胞增生
- basal cell layer ==> 表皮生发层
- basal cell melanoma ==> 基底细胞黑素瘤
- basal cell nevus syndrome ==> 基底细胞母斑综合征
- basal cell of trichome ==> 毛状体基础细胞
- basal cell papilloma ==> 基底细胞乳头状瘤
- basal cell tumor ==> 基底细胞瘤
- basal cleavage ==> 基解理,底面解理
- basal coil ==> 基底圈
- basal conglomerate ==> 底砾岩
- basal contact ==> 底部接触
- basal coplane ==> 基线共面
- basal corpuscle ==> 基体
- basal crack ==> 底部裂缝,底面裂缝
- basal culture medium ==> 基本培养基,基础培养基
- basal decay ==> 基腐病
- basal decidua ==> 基蜕膜
- basal diet ==> 基础日粮,基础饮食
- basal disc ==> 基盘
- basal dressing ==> 施基肥
- basal dry rot ==> 基部干腐病
- basal erosion ==> 底部侵蚀
- basal face ==> 底面
- basal feed ==> 基础饲料
- basal film ==> 带基薄膜
- basal ganglia ==> 基底神经节
- basal ganglion ==> 基底神经节
- basal ganglionic paralysis ==> 基底神经节性麻痹
- basal granular cell ==> 基底颗粒细胞
- basal granule ==> 基粒
- basal green streak ==> 基部绿色条纹病
- basal growth ==> 基部生长
- basal hypnotics ==> 基础安眠药
- basal infolding ==> 基底褶
- basal lamina ==> 基底层
- basal lamina of choroid ==> 布鲁赫氏层,脉络膜基底层
- basal layer cell ==> 基底层细胞
- basal layer of endometrium ==> 子宫粘膜基底层
- basal leaf ==> 基生叶
- basal metabolic rate (BMR ) ==> 基础代谢率
- basal metabolic rate (BMR) ==> 基础代谢率
- basal metabolic test ==> 基础代谢试验
- basal metabolism ==> 基础代谢,基底代谢
- basal metabolism apparatus ==> 基础代谢仪
- basal moraine ==> 底冰碛
- basal nerved ==> 基础脉的
- basal nuclei ==> 基底核
- basal ophthalmoplegia ==> 颅底性眼肌麻痹
- basal organ ==> 基器官
- basal orientation ==> 基线定向,基向
- basal part ==> 基底部
- basal pinacoid ==> 底轴面
- basal placenta ==> 基底胎座
- basal placentation ==> 基底胎座式
- basal plane ==> 基面
- basal plate ==> 基层板
- basal ration ==> 基础日粮
- basal reflex ==> 基础反射
- basal ring ==> 底足圈
- basal rot ==> 基部腐病
- basal segment ==> 基底段
- basal segment of chelicera ==> 螯肢基节
- basal segments of lower lobe of left lung ==> 左肺下叶基底段
- basal skull drill ==> 颅底钻
- basal slip ==> 底面滑移
- basal spikelet ==> 基部小穗
- basal squamous acanthoma ==> 基底鳞状细胞棘皮瘤
- basal stem rot ==> 基腐病
- basal striation ==> 基底纵纹
- basal surface ==> 基底面
- basal tuberculosis ==> 肺底结核
- basal tuyere ==> 炉底风嘴
- basal wall ==> 基壁
- basal water ==> 最低地下水层
- basal- cell epithelioma ==> 基底细胞癌
- basal-area regulation ==> 断面积调节法
- basal-cell layer ==> 基细胞层
- basaloid carcinoma ==> 肛管基底细胞样癌
- basalt ==> 黑色炻器,玄武岩
- basalt depletion mechanism ==> 玄武岩亏损机制
- basalt obsidian ==> 玄武玻璃
- basalt stoneware ==> 玄武岩炻器
- basalt wool ==> 玄武岩矿棉
- basaltic crustal layer ==> 玄武质地壳层
- basaltic dome ==> 盾状火山
- basaltic hornblende ==> 玄闪石,玄武岩角闪石
- basaltic layer ==> 玄武岩层,硅镁层
- basaltic magma ==> 玄武岩浆
- basaltic rock ==> 玄武质岩
- basaltic shell ==> 玄武岩壳
- basculating fault ==> 扭转断层
- bascule ==> 吊桥活动桁架,开合桥扇
- bascule bridge ==> 上开桥,竖旋桥,吊桥
- bascule door ==> 吊门
- Bascule escapement ==> 锁轴式天文钟擒纵机构
- bascule leaf ==> 竖旋翅
- bascule span ==> 仰开跨
- base ==> 坯,底,底部,瓶底,盐基,路面基层,库,碱,硷,基,基部,基础,基地,基料,基面,基区,基数,基体,基托,基线,基质底,基准,基座,支架,支座,灯座,基值=>ベース,底,基剤
- base (electrode) ==> 基极
- base address ==> 基本地址,基地址,地址常数=>基底アドレス
- base address field ==> 基本地址字段,基地址字段
- base address register ==> 基址寄存器=>基底アドレスレジスタ
- base address relocation ==> 基地址再定位
- base addressing ==> 基本定址
- base adjuster ==> 基值整定器,底座调整装置
- base air defense ==> 战略空军基地防空
- base altitude ==> 基地高度
- base anchor ==> 地脚板
- base angle ==> 底角
- base apex line ==> 棱底线
- base apparatus ==> 基础装置,基线器械
- base area ==> 底部断面面积,底区
- base assembly ==> 基本汇编
- base attribute ==> 基本属性,基属性
- base band transmission ==> 基带传输=>ベースバンド伝送
- base bar ==> 杆状基线尺
- base beam lead ==> 基极梁式引线
- base bearing ==> 主轴承,底轴承
- base bias ==> 基极偏压
- base bias circuit ==> 基极偏置电路
- base bid ==> 基本标价
- base bid specifications ==> 基本标价清单,基本标价项目说明书
- base bleeder circuit ==> 基极分压电路
- base block ==> 基块,踢脚墩,门贴脸座
- base board ==> 基线板,踢脚板=>幅木
- base board register ==> 底板节气门
- base box ==> 标准盒,(镀锡薄板的商业单位)基本箱
- base budding ==> 底接
- base bullion ==> 粗金属锭,劣币
- base bullion lead ==> 粗铅锭
- base buret ==> 碱式滴定管
- base camp ==> 扑火野外指挥部,扑火营部
- base cap ==> 口金
- base cargo ==> 压舱物
- base carrier ==> 下部行走部分
- base catalysis ==> 碱催化,碱催化作用
- base catalyst ==> 碱催化剂
- base channel ==> 基极沟道
- base cicle ==> 基礎円(カム)
- base circle ==> 基圆
- base circle diameter (BCD) ==> 基圆直径
- base circular thickness ==> 基圆齿厚
- base class ==> 基本类
- base cluster ==> 基簇,基体组,基组
- base coat ==> 打底层,底层,底漆,底釉
- base code ==> 瓶底厂家密码
- base coin ==> 劣币
- base collector ==> 基极集电极
- base complement ==> 基数补数
- base condition ==> 基准条件
- base cone ==> 基圆锥,底锥
- base contact ==> 底部接触,基极接触,基极接点
- base contact diffusion ==> 基极接触扩散
- base content ==> 盐基含量
- base correction ==> 基点改正
- base course ==> 底层
- base course of cement mortar ==> 水泥砂浆底层
- base current ==> 基部电流,基电流,基线电流=>基部電流(アンテナ)
- base curve ==> 基础曲线=>基本曲線,基本波
- base cutter ==> 底切割机
- base cylinder ==> 基圆柱
- base data ==> 基本数据组,基数据
- base data model ==> 数据库数据模型
- base data name ==> 数据库数据名
- base deficit (BD) ==> 碱缺失
- base density ==> 片基密度
- base density plus fog ==> 胶片灰雾
- base desaturation ==> 盐基脱饱和
- base diameter ==> 底座对径,底座直径
- base diffusion ==> 基极扩散
- base diffusion layer ==> 基极扩散层
- base displacement addressing system ==> 基数位移定址系统
- base domain ==> 基畴
- base drag ==> 底部阻力
- base drawing ==> 底图
- base drive ==> 基极激励
- base electrode ==> 基极=>ベース電極(トランジスタ)
- base element ==> 成碱元素
- base emitter cut off current ==> 基极-发射极截止电流
- base emitter junction voltage ==> 基极-射极结电压
- base enamel ==> 搪瓷底釉
- base excess ==> 过剩碱
- base excess (BE) ==> 碱过剩
- base exchange ==> 碱离子交换法
- base exchange complex ==> 盐基交换复合体
- base exchange softening ==> 盐基交换软水法
- base exchangeable ion ==> 碱交换离子
- base exchanger ==> 碱性离子交换器
- base field ==> 基域
- base film ==> 带基薄膜
- base flow ==> 基本径流,基流=>ベース潮流
- base flow hydrograph ==> 地下径流过程线
- base fog ==> 乳剂灰雾
- base frame ==> 底台,底座
- base fuze ==> 弹底引信
- base group ==> 基本组
- base helix ==> 基圆螺旋线
- base helix angle ==> 基圆柱螺旋角
- base hospital ==> 后方医院
- base hydrologic data ==> 基础水文资料
- base identifier ==> 基标识符
- base impedance ==> 基本阻抗
- base index ==> 基本索引,指数基
- base initiation ==> 底起爆
- base insulator ==> 托脚绝缘子,支座绝缘子=>台がいし
- base iron ==> 原生铁,原铁水
- base item ==> 基本项
- base key ==> 基本键,基键
- base layer ==> 基极层
- base lead bullion ==> 粗铅锭
- base leakage ==> 管基漏泄
- base length ==> 基线长度
- base level ==> 基数电平,基准面,宁静辐射电平,起始水平,侵蚀基面
- base level of abrasion ==> 磨蚀基准面
- base level of corrosion ==> 溶蚀基准面
- base level of deposition ==> 沉积基准面
- base level of stream ==> 河流侵蚀基准面
- base level of system ==> 河流最低侵蚀面
- base light ==> 衬底照明,基础光
- base lighting ==> 基本照明
- base line ==> 计时基线,扫描行,底线,基线=>基線(工事,レーダ)
- base line dimensioning ==> 基线尺寸法
- base line extension ==> 基線延長線
- base line hologram ==> 基线全息图
- base line of normal respiration ==> 平静呼吸基线
- base load ==> 基本负载,基本荷载,基底负荷,基极负载=>ベースロード,ベース負荷
- base load boiler ==> 基本负荷锅炉,大容量、高效锅炉机组在接近全负荷运行条件下连续运行,运行小时通常较高
- base load electric station ==> 基底负载发电站
- base load generating set ==> 基荷机组,承担电力系统日负荷曲线基底部分负荷的发电机组
- base load generator ==> 基底负载发电机
- base load operating mode ==> 基本负荷运行方式,核电厂在满功率或接近满功率下长期运行、承担电网中恒定功率的运行方式。核电机组设备投资大,燃料费用低,适于基本负荷运行
- base load operation ==> 基本负荷运行,基荷运行,发电机组或发电容量承担负荷曲线基底部分负荷的运行
- base load power ==> 基本负荷动力
- base load power plant ==> 基荷电厂,在接近全负荷运行条件下连续运行,运行小时通常较高,以达到电厂和全网最佳经济运行模式为目的的电厂
- base load pump ==> 基本负荷泵
- base load station ==> 基底负载发电站=>ベースロード発電所
- base load thermal power plant ==> ベース火力
- base load turbine ==> 基本负荷汽轮机
- base load unit ==> 基本负荷机组,基荷机组
- base loudspeaker ==> 低音扬声器
- base machine ==> 雏形机床,基型机床
- base magnification ==> 基线放大率
- base map ==> 底图,工作草图
- base mass storage volume ==> 基本海量存储器卷
- base mat ==> 基礎マット
- base material ==> 材質,母材
- base measurement ==> 基线测量
- base measuring apparatus ==> 基线测量器械
- base measuring tape ==> 带状基线尺
- base measuring wire ==> 钢丝基线尺
- base metal ==> 底层金属,母材,母体金属,基底金属,基焊料,基体金属=>卑金属,ベースメタル,母材
- base metal couple ==> 基金属热电偶
- base metal fatigue strength (BMFS) ==> 基本金属疲劳强度
- base metal fusion zone ==> 母材熔合区
- base metal test specimen ==> 母材试件,基底金属试样
- base metal thermocouple ==> 基金属热电偶
- base metal welding ==> 母材(溶接の)
- base metals ==> 普通金币
- base modulation ==> 基极调幅,基极调制
- base moment ==> 基底力矩
- base money ==> 基准货币
- base mortar ==> 基准迫击炮,底座灌浆
- base moulding ==> 底座线脚
- base net ==> 基网
- base notation ==> 基本符号,基本记号,基本记数法,基数表示法,基数记数法,基数制
- base number ==> 基数,碱值
- base of a cup decorated with carved designs ==> 雕纹杯托
- base of a logarithm ==> 对数的底
- base of accounting period ==> 以会计期间为基础
- base of administrative control ==> 以管理是否能控制为基础
- base of cochlear axis ==> 蜗轴底
- base of dam ==> 坝基,坝脚
- base of epidermal cell ==> 表皮细胞底部
- base of excavation ==> 挖方底土
- base of exponential function ==> 指数函数的底
- base of heart ==> 心底
- base of leaf ==> 叶茎
- base of logarithmic function ==> 对数函数的底
- base of lung ==> 肺底
- base of mandible ==> 下颌底
- base of nebk ot femur ==> 股骨颈基底部
- base of neck ==> 瓶颈下部
- base of notation ==> 基本记号
- base of phalanx ==> 指骨底
- base of producing goods for minority nationalities ==> 民族用品生产基地
- base of prostate ==> 前列腺底
- base of regularity of occurence ==> 以成本发生之经常与否为基础
- base of relationship to the cost of unit ==> 以成本与产品间的关系为基础
- base of skull ==> 颅底
- base of slope ==> 坡脚,大陆坡底
- base of taxation ==> 课税标准,纳税基础
- base of the plant ==> 植株茎部
- base of the pulvinus of the compound leaf ==> 复叶叶枕的基部
- base of the rail ==> 轨基
- base of the terminal leaflet ==> 顶生小叶的茎部
- base of tool ==> 刀具座
- base of trajectory ==> 弹道基线,基准弹道
- base of valve ==> 瓣膜基底部
- base ohmic contact ==> 基极欧姆接触
- base oil ==> 基础油
- base operand ==> 基操作数
- base operand specifier ==> 基操作数说明符
- base packer ==> 底板垫塞物
- base page ==> 基页
- base page addressing ==> 基页定址
- base page select ==> 基页选择
- base pair ==> 碱基对
- base pair substitution ==> 碱基对取代作用
- base pairing ==> 碱基配对
- base parameter ==> 基参数
- base peak ==> 基底巅值,基峰,标准峰
- base period ==> 基本周期,基准期,地下径流时期
- base piece ==> 基准炮
- base pin ==> 插脚,管脚
- base pitch ==> 基圆节距
- base plane ==> 基准平面
- base plate ==> 基板,基准平面,支承板,底板,底面,底盘,垫板=>底板,ベースプレート
- base plate cracking ==> 基托折裂
- base plate wax ==> 基托蜡
- base point ==> 原点
- base pressure ==> 底部压力,基础压力,基底压力,基准压强
- base priority ==> 基优先级,基优先数
- base projection ==> 基线投影
- base pump station ==> 总泵站
- base quantity ==> 基本量
- base radius ==> 基圆半径
- base rate ==> 保证工资
- base ratio ==> 碱基比
- base record ==> 基本记录
- base record slot ==> 基本记录槽
- base region ==> 基极区=>ベース領域
- base register ==> 基址寄存器
- base relief ==> 浅浮槽
- base relining ==> 基托垫底
- base reservoir temperature ==> 基底温度
- base resistance ==> 基级电阻,基区电阻=>ベース抵抗
- base ring ==> 基区环,基座圈,底环,底座圈
- base saturation ==> 盐基饱和作用
- base screw ==> 底座螺钉
- base seat ==> 座
- base segment ==> 基本段,基段
- base sequence ==> 碱基顺序
- base set ==> 基本集
- base shear ==> 基底剪力
- base shield ==> 管座屏蔽
- base situation (case) ==> 基本情况
- base size ==> 终拔前尺寸,钢丝终拔前尺寸
- base slab ==> 垫板
- base slope ==> 底坡
- base speed ==> 基本速度=>基底速度
- base spray ==> 后飞破片
- base spreading resistance ==> 基极扩展电阻=>ベース広がり抵抗
- base stabilization ==> 地基稳定
- base stacking ==> 碱基堆积
- base station ==> 基地局,基地址,基台,基站=>基地局
- base status ==> 盐基质
- base stock ==> 底纸,基体
- base stock bin ==> 安全存仓
- base supply capability ==> ベース供給力
- base surface ==> 底板,底面
- base surge ==> 底散云,底涌云
- base tangent length ==> 公法线长度
- base terminal ==> 基极引出端
- base thickness ==> 底厚,基本轴向厚度
- base time ==> 正常时间,额定时间
- base track ==> (用于推拉隔断)地面滑轨
- base transit time ==> ベース走行時間
- base transmission factor ==> 基极传输因数
- base transport factor ==> 基极传输因数,基区迁移率
- base turbine ==> 后置汽轮机
- base type ==> 基底型
- base union ==> 底接结合点
- base unit weight ==> 基量
- base unit(of measurement) ==> 基本(测量)单位
- base units ==> 基本単位
- base value ==> 基准值,为进行标幺值的计算,而选择的作为全系统统一基准的三相功率和线电压的值=>基准数
- base vector ==> 基矢量,基向量,基准矢量
- base volume ==> 基卷
- base wad ==> 底垫
- base wafer assembly ==> 基片装置
- base weather station ==> 基地气象台
- base width ==> 基层宽度,基区宽度,底宽
- base width modulation ==> 基区宽度调制
- base word ==> 基址字
- base year ==> 基准年
- base(plate) ==> 底座
- base-altitude ratio ==> 基线与高度比
- base-bar ==> 基线杆尺
- base-catalysed rearrangement ==> 碱催化重排
- base-centered lattice ==> 底心晶格
- base-collector junction ==> 基极集电极结
- base-concordance ==> 底整合
- base-driven antenna ==> 底部馈电天线
- base-emitter saturation ==> 基极发射极间饱和电压
- base-exchange ==> 盐基交换
- base-exchange capacity ==> 盐基代换量
- base-forming food ==> 成碱食物,碱性食物
- base-height ratio ==> 基线与高度比
- base-level peneplain ==> 基面准平原
- base-leveled plain ==> 基准面平原
- base-line budget ==> 基线预算
- base-line check ==> 地面校正
- base-line data ==> 基线数据
- base-line delay ==> 基线时间延迟
- base-line projection ==> 基线预测
- base-load ==> 基本负荷,基底负荷
- base-load capacity ==> 基荷容量
- base-load control ==> 基荷控制
- base-load generator ==> 基荷发动机,基底负载发电机
- base-load heat source ==> 基本热源
- base-load hydro-plant ==> 基荷水电站
- base-load operation ==> 基荷运行
- base-load plant ==> 基荷发电厂
- base-load power ==> 基荷动力
- base-load power station ==> 基荷电站
- base-load regime ==> 基荷工况
- base-load station ==> 基底负载发电厂
- base-load supply ==> 基荷电源
- base-load thermal power plant ==> 基本负荷火力发电厂
- base-load turbine ==> 基荷汽轮机
- base-load unit ==> 基荷机组
- base-loaded antenna ==> 基载天线,底部负载天线
- base-metal (thermo) couple ==> 碱金属热电偶
- base-number ==> 底数
- base-one peak voltage ==> 基极-峰值电压
- base-pair ==> 碱基对
- base-plate engine ==> 底座发动机
- base-ship ==> 基地船舶
- base-surge deposit ==> 底涌云沉积
- base-timing sequencing ==> 基站定时程序,时分定序
- base-tray ==> 基底托盘
- base-vented hydrofoil ==> 底面开孔水翼
- baseball ==> 棒球
- baseball bar ==> 棒球棒
- baseball finger mallet finger ==> 棒球指
- baseband ==> 基本频带,基带
- baseband bank ==> 基带组合
- baseband combiner ==> 基带合并器
- baseband distribution unit ==> 基带分配单元
- baseband equalization ==> 基频带均衡化
- baseband frequency characteristics ==> ベースバンド周波数特性
- baseband frequency repeating system ==> 基频接转制,基频中继系统
- baseband frequency response ==> 基带频率响应
- baseband LAM ==> 基带局域网
- baseband modem ==> 基带调制解调器
- baseband pulse ==> 基带脉冲
- baseband response ==> 基带响应
- baseband response function ==> 基带响应函数
- baseband shaping filter ==> ベースバンド整形フィルタ
- baseband signal ==> 基本信号,基带信号,基频带信号
- baseband signalling ==> 基带信号传输
- baseband vocoder ==> 基带音码器
- baseboard ==> 基线段,踢脚板
- baseboard heater ==> 踢脚板式取暖器
- baseboard radiator unit ==> 踢脚板式暖气设备
- based ==> 向基底的
- based number ==> 带基数
- based on fuel ==> 根据燃料计算
- based on manufacturing cost ==> 依制造成本分配
- based reference ==> 基址参照
- based storage allocation ==> 基本变量存储区分配
- based storage area ==> 带基址存储区
- based variable ==> 基本变量,基底变量
- basedoid ==> 假性毒性甲状腺肿,类巴塞多氏病
- Basedow's disease ==> 突眼性甲状腺肿,巴塞多氏病
- basedowian insanity ==> 巴塞多氏病性精神病
- Basedows pseudoparaplegia ==> 巴塞多氏假截瘫
- Basedows psychosis ==> 巴塞多氏病性精神病
- Basedows triad ==> 巴塞多氏三征
- baseless ==> 没有基础的
- baseline ==> 西文字体基准线,初始期间,基线,基线,基准线=>基準,基線
- baseline adjustment ==> 基线调整
- baseline break ==> 基线中断
- baseline configuration management ==> 基准配置管理
- baseline correction ==> 基线校正
- baseline curvature ==> 基线弯曲
- baseline drift ==> 基线漂移
- baseline environmental survey ==> 基线环境调查
- baseline extension ==> 基線延長線
- baseline fitting ==> 基线拟合
- baseline fluctuation ==> 基线波动
- baseline groundwater condition ==> 基线地下水情况
- baseline method ==> 基线法
- baseline monitoring report ==> 基线监察报告
- baseline monitoring station ==> 基线监察站
- baseline noise ==> 基线噪声
- baseline of diagram ==> 图形基线
- baseline of maximal expiratory capacity ==> 最大呼气基线
- baseline potential ==> 空白电位
- baseline shift ==> 基线位移
- baseline stability ==> 基线稳定
- baseline stepping ==> 基线颤动
- baseline value ==> 空白值
- basement ==> 基座,窨,底座,地窖,地下室
- basement areaway ==> 地下室采光井
- basement complex ==> 基底杂岩
- basement fault ==> 基底断层
- basement floor ==> 地下室层
- basement level ==> 地下室层
- basement membrane ==> 基底膜,基膜
- basement membrane of blood vessel ==> 血管基底膜
- basement retaining wall ==> 地下室挡土墙
- basement rock ==> 基底岩石
- basement sump pump ==> 地下室深水泵
- basement tanking ==> 地下室防水层
- basement wall ==> 地下墙体=>地下壁
- basement waterproofing ==> 地下室防水
- basendite ==> 基内叶
- basephilous plant ==> 好硷植物
- baseplate ==> 底座,支承板
- basergin ==> 酒石酸麦角新碱,酒石酸麦角新碱
- bases for producing export commodities ==> 出口商品生产基地
- basetone ==> 低音
- BASF process ==> 巴登法
- basic ==> 基本,基价数,基性的,碱式氯化铝,安妥明铝,基礎
- basic (Bessemer) converter ==> 碱性转炉
- basic access method (BAM) ==> 基本访问方法
- basic accounting unit ==> 基本核算单位
- basic acetate ==> 碱式醋酸盐
- Basic Act on the Promotion of Core Manufacturing Technology ==> ものづくり基盤整備基本法(日本法)
- basic agreement ==> 基础协议
- basic aluminium acetate ==> 碱式醋酸铝
- basic aluminium chloride ==> 碱式氯化铝
- basic amino acid ==> 碱性氨基酸
- basic amplification ==> 基本放大率
- basic amplitude ==> 基本振幅
- basic anolyte ==> 碱性阳极液
- basic application ==> 施基肥
- basic assember language ==> 基本汇编语言
- basic assember program ==> 基本汇编程序
- basic assembler ==> 基本汇编程序
- basic assembler language ==> 基本汇编语言
- basic assembly language ==> 基本汇编语言
- basic Bessemer cast iron ==> 碱性转炉铸铁
- basic bessemer conveter ==> 托马斯转炉
- basic Bessemer process ==> 碱性转炉法
- basic bessemer process ==> 碱性转炉炼钢法
- basic bessemer slag ==> 碱性转炉炉渣
- basic Bessemer steel ==> 碱性贝氏转炉钢
- basic bessemer steel ==> 碱性转炉钢
- basic Bessemer steel converter ==> 碱性转炉钢转炉
- basic bismuth carbonate ==> 碱式碳酸铋,次碳酸铋
- basic bismuth salicylate ==> 碱式水杨酸铋
- basic block ==> 基本块
- basic bottom ==> 碱性炉底
- basic brick ==> 碱性砖
- basic capacity ==> 碱度,碱性,基本功率,基本能力,基本容量
- basic capacity of pulverizer ==> 磨煤机基本出力,由磨煤机的干燥能力所决定的磨煤机出力。
- basic capsule ==> 基裂
- basic carbonate ==> 碱式碳酸盐
- basic catalyst ==> 碱催化剂
- basic celerity ==> 基本波速
- basic character set ==> 基本字符集
- basic circle ==> 基准圆
- basic circuit ==> 基本线路,基本线路图
- basic clinker ==> 碱性熔渣
- basic coating ==> 碱性药皮
- basic cobaltous carbonate ==> 碱式碳酸钴
- basic code ==> 基本码,代真码,绝对代码,绝对代码,绝对码,绝对码
- basic coding ==> 绝对编码,绝对编码,基本编码
- basic colony system ==> 基本群体制
- basic combustion ==> 基礎燃焼
- basic compiler ==> 基本编译程序
- basic concept ==> 本义
- basic conception ==> 基本概念
- basic configuration ==> 基本形状
- basic contradiction ==> 基本矛盾
- basic control mode ==> 基本控制方式
- basic control system ==> 基本控制系统
- basic controller ==> 基本控制器
- basic converter ==> 碱性吹炉,碱性炉衬吹炉
- basic converter steel ==> 碱性转炉钢
- basic copper acetate ==> 碱式醋酸铜
- basic copper tartrate solution ==> 碱性酒石酸铜溶液
- basic counter ==> 主计数器
- basic course ==> 基本过程
- basic cover ==> 基本覆盖
- basic covering ==> 碱性药皮
- basic crops ==> 基本作物
- basic crown gear ==> 基准冠齿轮
- basic cut set ==> 基本カットセット
- basic cycle ==> 基本周期
- basic data ==> 基本数据,原始数据,原始资料
- basic data manipulation function ==> 基本数据操作功能
- basic data type ==> 基本数据类型
- basic decision model ==> 基本决策模型
- basic density ==> 基本密度
- basic depth factor ==> 基准齿高系数
- basic design ==> 基本设计
- basic design criteria ==> 基本设计准则
- basic design data ==> 设计原始资料
- basic design information ==> 基础设计资料
- basic design scheme ==> 基本设计方案
- basic deviation ==> 基本偏差
- basic device unit (BDU) ==> 基本设备单元
- basic diagram ==> 基本线图
- basic diet ==> 碱性饮食
- basic difference ==> 根本区别
- basic direct access method ==> 基本直接存取法
- basic direct access method (BDAM) ==> 基本直接访问方法
- basic document ==> 基本文件,基本文献,基本资料
- basic dollar ==> 基元
- basic drawings ==> 基本图纸
- basic dye ==> 碱染料,硷性染料
- basic dyes ==> 碱性颜料
- basic earnings share ==> 每股基本盈利
- basic edit ==> 基本编辑
- basic electric furnace ==> 碱性电炉
- basic electric furnace steel ==> 碱性电炉钢
- basic electric rhythm ==> 基本电节律
- basic electrode ==> 碱性焊条
- basic element ==> 基本动作,基本元素
- basic engineering design data ==> 工程设计基本数据
- basic equipment list (BEL) ==> 基本设备表
- basic exemption for the classified income tax ==> 分类所得税的基本免税额
- basic external function ==> 基本外部函数
- basic failure rate ==> 基本失效率
- basic feasible solution ==> 基本可行解,基础容许解=>基底許容解
- basic ferric acetate ==> 碱式醋酸铁
- Basic fibre ==> (聚碳酸酯纤维)贝西克纤维
- basic field attribute ==> 基本字段属性
- basic field description ==> 基本域说明,基本字段说明
- basic field descriptor ==> 基本域标识符,基本字段描述符
- basic filter ==> 标准滤光片
- basic flow sheet ==> 基本流程图
- basic flowchart ==> 基本流程图
- basic flux ==> 碱性熔剂
- basic flux electrode ==> 碱性熔剂焊条
- basic for application of overhead ==> 分配间接费的根据
- basic form ==> 基本形式
- basic frequency ==> 基频,主频,主频率
- basic front ==> 基性锋
- basic fuchsin ==> 碱性复红,硷性品红
- basic function ==> 基本功能
- basic functions of commercial enterprises ==> 商业企业基本职能
- basic furnace ==> 碱性炉
- basic gate circuit ==> 基本门电路
- basic group ==> 基礎群,基群,碱基,碱性基,碱性原子团
- basic hand tool ==> 随车工具
- basic harbour geometry ==> 海港基本几何
- basic hearth ==> 碱性炉床
- basic hornfels ==> 基性角页岩
- basic hydrograph ==> 基本水文过程线
- basic hydrologic forecast ==> 水文趋势预报
- basic hydrolysis ==> 碱水解
- basic igneous rock ==> 基性火成岩
- basic impulse insulation level ==> 基准脉冲绝缘水平
- basic impulse level ==> 基本脉冲电平
- basic indexed sequential access method ==> 基本索引按序存取法
- basic induction variable ==> 基本归纳变量
- basic industry ==> 基础工业,制碱工业=>基礎産業
- basic information unit (BIU) ==> 基本信息单位
- basic information unit segment (BIU segment) ==> 基本信息单位段
- basic ingredient ==> 基本原料
- basic input-output system (BIOS) ==> 基本输入输出系统
- basic instruction ==> 基本指令
- basic instruction set ==> 基本指令表
- basic insulation ==> 基本绝缘,能够对带电部分提供基本防护的绝缘
- basic interface ==> 基本界面
- basic internal operation of lathe ==> 车床基本内圆车削
- basic ion ==> 阳离子,碱离子,正离子
- basic iron ==> 碱性铁
- basic jumbo group ==> 基礎巨群
- basic language ==> 基本语言
- basic language project ==> 基本语言设计
- basic law of price change ==> 价格变化基本规律
- basic lead acetate ==> 碱式醋酸铅,碱式乙酸铅
- basic lead carbonate ==> 碱式碳酸铅
- basic lead chromate ==> 碱式铬酸铅
- basic lead sulphate ==> 碱式硫酸铅
- basic levelling origin ==> 水准原点
- basic limit ==> 基本极限
- basic line ==> 基础直线,底线
- basic line equalizer ==> 基本均衡器
- basic line of sight ==> 基准视线
- basic line space ==> 基本行间距
- basic lining ==> 碱性内补
- basic link ==> 基本链路
- basic link unit (BLU) ==> 基本连接部件,基本链路单元
- basic linkage ==> 基本连接,基本连接指令,基量连接
- basic load ==> 基本荷载,基本载荷,静力载荷,静力载荷,主要负载
- basic loader ==> 基本装入程序
- basic logic ==> 基本逻辑
- basic loop ==> 基本循环
- basic machine time ==> 基本周期
- basic magnesium carbonate ==> 碱式碳酸镁
- basic major diameter ==> 大径基准尺寸
- basic manipulation ==> 基本操作
- basic master group ==> 基礎主群
- basic material ==> 碱性材料
- basic matrix ==> 基阵
- basic mechanical design feature ==> 主要技术性能
- basic medium ==> 基础培养基
- basic metal ==> 碱性金属
- basic methodology ==> 基本的方法論
- basic minor diameter ==> 小径基准尺寸
- basic mode ==> 基本方式,基模
- basic mode control procedure ==> 基本方式控制过程
- Basic Mode Control Procedures (BMCP) ==> 基本型控制规程
- basic mode data transmission control procedure ==> 基本形データ伝送制御手順
- basic mode link control ==> 基本方式链路控制,基本型链路控制=>基本形リンク制御
- Basic Mode Link Control (BMLC) ==> 基本型链路控制规程
- basic model ==> 基本模型
- basic module ==> 基本模数,基本组件
- basic monitor ==> 基本监督程序
- basic motion ==> 基本动作
- basic multi-programming system ==> 基本多道程序设计系统
- basic multiplet ==> 基底多重項
- basic network ==> 基本网络=>基礎回路網
- basic neurosurgical headrest ==> 基础神经外科用头靠
- basic NMR frequency ==> 基本核磁共振频率
- basic noise ==> 基本杂波,基本噪声
- basic number ==> 基本数,底数,染色体基数
- basic of distribution ==> 分配根据
- basic open hearth furnace ==> 碱性平炉
- basic open hearth process ==> 碱性平炉炼钢法
- basic open hearth steel ==> 碱性平炉钢
- basic open-hearth process ==> 碱性平炉法
- basic operating system ==> 基本操作系统
- basic optimal solution ==> 基础最优解
- basic options ==> 基本期权
- basic order code ==> 主指令码
- basic overlay ==> 基本覆盖
- basic oxide ==> 碱性氧化物
- basic oxygen furnace ==> 碱性氧气转炉
- basic oxygen furnace slag ==> 氧气转炉渣
- basic oxygen process ==> 顶吹氧转炉法
- basic oxygen steel ==> 氧气吹炼钢
- basic parameter ==> 基本参量,基本参数
- basic partitioned access method (BPAM) ==> 基本划分访问法
- basic parts list ==> 基本零件清单
- Basic People's Court ==> 初级人民法院
- basic peptide ==> 碱性肽
- basic peptone water ==> 碱性蛋白胨水
- basic pharmacology ==> 基础药理学
- basic phthisis ==> 肺底结核
- basic pig ==> 塩基性銑
- basic pig iron ==> 碱性生铁=>塩基性銑
- basic pitch ==> 基节
- basic pitch diameter ==> 基本中径
- basic plagioclase ==> 基性斜长石
- basic plan ==> 底图
- basic plan generating system ==> 基本规划生成系统
- basic plane ==> 基础平面
- basic point ==> 基础点,基地址
- basic polypeptide ==> 碱性多肽
- basic power source ==> 基本能源
- basic price ==> 基础价格,人工、材料、施工机械台时、施工用电、风、水、砂石料等进入计价的资源的价格。它是计算建筑安装工程单价的基础
- basic primary operator control station ==> 基本主操作员控制台
- basic process ==> 碱性法,基本过程,基本制法,碱性炼钢法
- basic processing unit ==> 基本信息处理单元
- basic proposition ==> 基礎命題
- basic propositional function ==> 基本命题函数
- basic protein ==> 碱性蛋白
- basic pulse ==> 基本脉冲
- basic pulse generator ==> 基准脉冲发生器,标准脉冲发生器
- basic pulse recurrence rate ==> 基本パルス繰返し数
- basic pulse repetition rate ==> 基本脉冲重复频率,基准脉冲重复频率
- basic Q factor ==> 空载Q值
- basic rack ==> 标准齿条=>基準ラック(歯車)
- basic rack tooth profile ==> 基准齿条齿廓
- basic radiance ==> 基本辐射度
- basic rate ==> 基本运费率
- basic rate of exchange ==> 基本汇率
- basic real constant ==> 基本实常数
- basic recurrence matrix ==> 基本循環行列
- basic refractory ==> 碱性耐火材料
- basic refractory brick ==> 塩基性耐火れんが
- basic remedy ==> 主药
- basic repetition rate ==> 基本反復率
- basic representation ==> 基本表达式
- basic rock ==> 基性岩
- basic roof ==> 碱性炉顶
- basic rule ==> 基本规则
- basic salt ==> 碱式盐=>塩基性塩
- basic scheduling strategy ==> 基本调度策略
- basic schist ==> 基性片岩
- basic science ==> 基础科学=>基礎科学
- basic sealing width of gasket ==> 垫片基本密封宽度
- basic secondary operator control station ==> 基本辅助操作员控制台
- basic sediment and water (BS&W) ==> 水杂淀积
- basic seeds ==> 基本种子
- basic sequential access method ==> 基本按序存取法
- basic series ==> 基本级数
- basic services ==> 基本服务程序
- basic set ==> 基本集
- basic set of solutions ==> 基本解法组
- basic shaft ==> 基轴,主轴
- basic shaft system ==> 基轴制
- basic signal ==> 基本信号
- basic size ==> 基准尺寸
- basic skill ==> 基本功
- basic slag ==> 碱性溶渣,碱性渣
- basic soap ==> 碱性皂
- basic software ==> 基本软件,基本语言软件
- basic software library ==> 基本软件库
- basic soil ==> 碱性土壤
- basic solution ==> 基底解
- basic solvent ==> 碱性熔剂,碱性溶剂
- basic stain ==> 碱性染剂
- basic standard ==> 基础标准
- basic state ==> 基态
- basic statement ==> 基本语句
- basic static capacity (BSC) rating ==> 额定静负荷
- basic status ==> 基本状态
- basic status register (BSTAT) ==> 基本状态寄存器
- basic steel ==> 塩基性鋼
- basic step ==> 基本步骤
- basic stimulus ==> 基礎刺激
- basic stock ==> 碱性炉料
- basic stress ==> 基本应力
- basic string ==> 基础语符列
- basic structure ==> 基本構造
- basic structure of industry ==> インフラ
- basic super master group ==> 基礎超主群
- basic supergroup ==> 基礎超群
- basic superphosphate ==> 碱性过磷酸钙,沉淀磷酸钙
- basic support software ==> 基本支持软件
- basic switching term ==> 基本转换项
- basic symmetry ==> 基本的対称性
- basic system parameter ==> 基本系统参数
- basic tariff ==> 基本关税
- basic taste ==> 基味
- basic technical data ==> 主要技术数据,主要技术资料
- basic technique ==> 基本技术
- basic technology ==> 基礎技術
- basic telecommunication access method (BTAM) ==> 基本远程通信存取法
- basic term ==> 基本项,主项
- basic term and definition for reliability ==> 可靠性基本术语和定义
- basic theory ==> 基础理论
- basic thread overlap ==> 螺纹接触基准高度
- basic thread profile ==> 螺纹基准牙形
- basic time ==> 基本时间,基本时限
- basic timing cycle ==> 基本计时周期
- basic titrant ==> 碱滴定液
- basic token ==> 基本标记,基本记号
- basic training ==> 基本功
- basic transmission unit (BTU) ==> 基本发送单位
- basic trunk ==> 基幹回線
- basic utility ==> 基本实用程序
- basic value ==> 基数
- basic variable ==> 基本变量,基变量
- basic vector ==> 基本向量
- basic vegetative period ==> 基本营养生长期
- basic vibration mode ==> 基本振型
- basic waveform ==> 基本波形
- basic weight ==> 基准重量
- basic wood increment ==> 定期木材生长率
- basic work of business management ==> 企业管理基础工作
- basic work of economic calculation ==> 经济核算基础工作,经济核算基础工作
- basic zinc carbonate ==> 碱式碳酸锌
- basic zirconium chloride ==> 氯氧化锆
- basic zirconium phosphate ==> 磷酸锆
- BASIC, Beginner's All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code ==> ベーシック
- BASIC, beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code ==> コンピュータ言語の一つ
- basic-level production ==> 初级生产
- basic-lined converter ==> 碱性炉衬吹炉,碱性转炉
- basichromatin ==> 嗜硷染色质
- basicity ==> 碱度,碱性=>塩基性度
- basicity of slag ==> 炉渣碱度
- basicole ==> 碱生植物
- basiconic ==> 锥形的
- basicosta ==> 基缘
- basicranial adhesion ==> 颅底粘连
- basicranial fracture ==> 颅底骨折
- basicyte ==> 嗜碱性细胞
- basidial layer ==> 担子层
- basidiomycetes ==> 担子菌
- basil buff ==> 鲨皮布抛光轮,鲨皮布抛光轮
- basil oil ==> 罗勒油,丁香罗勒油
- basil oil sweet ==> 红花罗勒油
- basil polishing wheel ==> 羊皮抛光轮
- basilar artery ==> 基底动脉
- basilar bone ==> 基枕骨
- basilar crest ==> 基底嵴
- basilar fibers ==> 基底纤维
- basilar groove ==> 基底沟
- basilar membrane ==> 基底膜
- basilar migraine ==> 基底性偏头痛
- basilar plate ==> 基板
- basilar process ==> 基底突
- basilar style ==> 基生花柱
- basilar sulcus ==> 基底沟
- basilar sulcus of pons ==> 脑桥基底沟
- basilar vein ==> 基底静脉
- basilic vein ==> 贵要静脉
- basin ==> 承盘,船模试验池,船坞,骨盆,盆,盆槽,盆地,港湾内的停泊场,防潮船坞
- basin accounting ==> 水量平衡
- basin and range province ==> 盆地山脉省
- basin dam ==> 谷口凹顶坝,漫水坝
- basin dry dock ==> 池式干船坞
- basin entrance ==> 泊船池入口
- basin fold ==> 盆地褶曲
- basin irrigation ==> 池灌,淹灌
- basin irrigation system ==> 漫灌系统
- basin lag ==> 流域滞留
- basin length ==> 流域长度
- basin listing ==> 浅穴播种
- basin lock ==> 池形船闸
- basin order ==> 流域等级
- basin perimeter ==> 流域范围,流域周长
- basin planter ==> 鱼鳞坑田面播种机
- basin range ==> 断块盆岭,断块山岭
- basin shape ==> 流域形状
- basin siol cultivation ==> 盆地土壤栽培
- basin soil ==> 盆地土壤
- basin stand ==> 脸盆架
- basin valley ==> 河谷盆地
- basin with human face design ==> 人面纹盆
- basin-range structure ==> 断块构造
- basing lock ==> 盆形船闸
- basing machine ==> 管底安装机
- basing-point freight ==> 基点运费
- basing-point pricing ==> 基点订价
- basing-point system (of pricing) ==> 基点制
- basioccipital bone ==> 基枕骨
- basion-bregma height ==> 颅底前卤高
- basiphilous plant ==> 喜硷植物
- basis ==> 底,唇鞘基,基底,基线=>基準
- basis anesthesia ==> 基础麻醉
- basis box ==> 基准箱
- basis brass ==> 普通黄铜
- basis brasses ==> 铜基合金
- basis cochleae ==> 蜗底
- basis cordis ==> 心底
- basis cranii ==> 颅底
- basis cranii externa ==> 颅底外面
- basis cranii interna ==> 颅底内面
- basis encephali ==> 脑底
- basis for application of overhead ==> 制造费用分配基础
- basis for establishing ==> 规定的基础
- basis for recording sales ==> 销售计价基准
- basis frontalis ==> 额底
- basis function ==> 基底関数
- basis mandibulae ==> 下颌底
- basis material ==> 基础材料
- basis matrix ==> 基底矩阵
- basis modioli ==> 蜗轴底
- basis nasi ==> 鼻底
- basis of a vector module ==> 矢量模的基底
- basis of allocation ==> 分摊基础
- basis of apportionment ==> 分摊基础,分配基础
- basis of assessment ==> 摊额基准,课税标准,课税对象,课税根据,课征基准
- basis of coal analysis ==> 煤分析基准
- basis of credit ==> 放款的根据,信用基础
- basis of distribution ==> 分配基础
- basis of reference ==> 参照基准
- basis of satisfactory wages ==> 满意工资基础
- basis order ==> 指定差距跨期单
- basis pedunculi cerebri ==> 大脑脚底
- basis period tax ==> 课税基期
- basis phalangis ==> 指骨底,趾骨底
- basis prostatae ==> 前列腺底
- basis pulmonis ==> 肺底
- basis rate swap ==> 基本利率互换交易
- basis reserve ==> 基本准备金
- basis risk ==> 基差风险,期货价格和现货价格都是波动的,在期货合同的有效期内,基差也是波动的
- basis vector ==> 基底向量
- basis weight ==> 基本重量
- BASITS, Boeing Automated Self Instructional Training System ==> ボーイング社自動自習システム
- basivertebral veins ==> 椎体静脉
- basked plant ==> 悬篮植物
- basked planting ==> 悬篮栽培
- basket ==> 篓,转鼓,篮,单管岩芯筒,吊篮,触媒筐,铲斗,中间罐
- basket (wave)coil ==> 篮式线圈
- basket arm ==> 捕集器拖臂
- basket ball nets ==> 篮球网
- basket balls ==> 篮球
- basket barrel ==> 打捞筒
- basket bottom ==> 转鼓底
- basket braid ==> 方平组织饰带
- basket cell ==> 篮细胞,篮状细胞
- basket central rate ==> 一揽子中心汇率
- basket charging ==> 吊篮装料,炉顶装料,料篮装料
- basket coil ==> 笼形线圈,篮形绕组,篮形线圈
- basket evaporator ==> 悬筐式蒸发器
- basket filter ==> 篮式滤器
- basket hub ==> 转鼓毂
- basket layering ==> 篮压
- basket lid ==> 棉箱顶盖
- basket lip ==> 转鼓唇缘
- basket nursery ==> 篮插育苗
- basket planting ==> 篮苗栽植
- basket pot ==> 篮栽
- basket pouring ==> 中间包浇注,中间罐浇注
- basket purchase ==> 一揽子采购,整批购买,整套购买
- basket removal panel ==> 元件盒检修护板
- basket skirt ==> 转鼓裙
- basket star ==> 筐蛇尾
- basket strainer ==> 篮式粗滤器
- basket tube combustion chamber ==> 联筒式燃烧室
- basket type ==> 提篮式
- basket type centrifugal separator ==> 底部卸料离心机
- basket type centrifuge ==> 底部卸料离心机
- basket wave coil ==> 篮形线圈
- basket winding ==> 篮式线圈,篮形绕线,篮形绕组,链形绕组,笼形绕组
- basket worm ==> 袋虫
- basket-handle arch ==> 三心拱
- basket-weave ==> 方平组织
- basket-weave checker setting ==> 网织篮式格子砖砌筑
- basket-weave checkwork ==> 网织篮式格子体
- basketball boots ==> 篮球鞋
- basketball court ==> 篮球场
- basketball field ==> 篮球场
- basketball shoes ==> 篮球鞋
- basketball stands ==> 篮球架
- basketry ==> 编篮细工
- Basler Electric ==> リレーメーカー
- basocytosis ==> 嗜硷细胞增多
- basofortina ==> 马来酸甲基麦角新碱
- basograph ==> 步态描记器
- Basolan chrome dye ==> 巴佐兰铬媒染料
- Basolan dye ==> 巴佐兰染料
- basolateral part ==> 基底外侧部
- basonym ==> 有效名
- basophil ==> 嗜硷细胞
- basophil granules ==> 嗜硷性粒
- basophilia ==> 嗜碱性增多,嗜硷细胞增多
- basophilic adenoma ==> 嗜硷性腺瘤
- basophilic adenoma of pituitary ==> 垂体神经部的,垂体嗜碱性腺瘤
- basophilic aggregation erythrocyte ==> 碱粒凝聚红细胞
- basophilic normoblast ==> 早幼红细胞
- basophilla ==> 嗜碱性
- basophobia ==> 步行恐怖,直立恐怖
- basque shirt ==> 横条海军衫
- bass bar ==> 低音梁
- bass boost ==> 低频音增强电路,低音频放大,低音增强
- bass compensation ==> 低频音补偿
- bass control ==> 低频音控制
- bass drum ==> 低音鼓
- bass drum stick ==> 低音鼓槌
- bass guitar ==> 贝司吉他
- bass horn ==> 低音喇叭
- bass reflex ==> 低声频反射
- bass reflex baffle ==> 低频反音匣
- bass reflex enclosure ==> 倒相式扬声器箱
- bass response ==> 低频响应,低音响应
- bass response curve ==> 低音特性曲线
- bass slide trombone ==> 低音长号
- bass-reflex cabinet ==> 倒相式扬声器箱,低音反音箱
- bass-relief ==> 浅浮槽
- basse-taille enamel ==> 浅浮雕珐琅
- Basset's operation ==> 巴塞氏手术
- bassetite ==> バセット石(ウラン鉱)
- bassic acid ==> 椴树酸
- Bassini's operation ==> 精索腱下移位法
- Bassler's sign ==> 巴斯勒氏征
- bassora gum ==> 巴索拉树胶,黄蓍胶
- basswood oil ==> 椴树油
- Basszonoff's reagent ==> 贝斯聪诺夫试剂
- bast fiber ==> 韧皮纤维
- bast fibre plants ==> 麻类
- bast ray ==> 韧皮射线
- bast yarn and thread ==> 麻纱线
- BAST, batchwise activated sludge treatment ==> 分批式活性污泥处理
- bast-fibre ==> 麻类纤维
- bastard ==> 劣质,非婚生子女,粗齿,粗齿锉,粗纹,坚硬巨砾=>偽物の,まがい物の
- bastard asbestos ==> 变种石棉
- bastard ashlar ==> 粗琢石,毛石墙面琢石
- bastard coal ==> 煤矸,硬煤
- bastard cop ==> 中型管纱
- bastard cut ==> 粗切削
- bastard equaling file ==> 粗齿扁平头锉
- bastard fallow ==> 短期休耕地
- bastard file ==> 荒目やすり
- bastard flat rasp ==> 粗扁木锉
- bastard flat wood rasp ==> 粗扁木锉
- bastard fount ==> 长体铅字
- bastard freestone ==> 劣质建筑毛石
- bastard ganister ==> 粗纹致密硅岩
- bastard granite ==> 假花岗石
- bastard halfround file ==> 粗齿半圆木锉
- Bastard halibut ==> 比目鱼=>ヒラメ
- bastard knife file ==> 粗齿刀锉
- bastard machine tool ==> 联合机床
- bastard pointing ==> 凸勾缝,假勾缝
- bastard round straight file ==> 粗齿直圆锉
- bastard round wood rasp ==> 粗圆木锉
- bastard sawed board ==> 粗锯板
- bastard size paper ==> 等外品纸张
- bastard square blunt file ==> 粗齿直方锉
- bastard triangular file ==> 粗三角锉
- bastard tuck pointing ==> 凸勾缝
- bastard wing ==> 拇翼
- bastard-sawing ==> 弦锯
- baste ==> 流挂=>たれ
- Bastedo's sign ==> 巴斯特窦氏征
- Bastianelli's method ==> 巴斯蒂阿内利氏法
- bastion ==> 要塞
- BAT ==> 利用できる最良の技術
- bat angle adjuster ==> 拨禾板倾角调节器
- bat bolt ==> 棘螺栓
- bat ear ==> 招风耳
- bat of glass wool ==> 玻璃棉毡片
- bat printing ==> (陶瓷印坯装饰法)棒印法
- BAT, base acceptance test ==> 受領試験
- BAT, battery ==> 電池
- bat-handle switch ==> 铰链式开关,棒球柄开关,手柄开关
- batatic acid ==> 巴他酸
- batch ==> 间歇,成批,一份,一批,批,批次,批量,批料,装炉量,炉,炉批,分配,分批,分批法=>バッチ,一束,一団
- batch (-type) ==> 间歇式
- batch (batching) bin ==> 量斗
- batch accumulator ==> 累计
- batch agglomeration ==> 配合料成团
- batch agitator ==> 分批搅拌机,分批配料搅拌器,间歇式拨火板
- batch analysis ==> 分批试验
- batch and interactive network ==> 成批和交互式处理网,成批交互式处理网
- batch annealing ==> 分批退火
- batch area ==> 成批区域
- batch bin ==> 配料仓,分批箱
- batch blanket ==> 配合料薄层
- batch bleaching ==> 分批漂白
- batch blender ==> 分批拌和机,分批混合机
- batch blending control ==> 成批混合控制
- batch box ==> 配料量斗,分批箱,量斗
- batch budgeting ==> 分批预算
- batch bulk ==> 成批
- batch by batch ==> 分批堆垛
- batch by batch and stage by stage ==> 分批分期
- batch calculation ==> 配料计算
- batch capacity ==> 分批容量
- batch card reader ==> 成批卡阅读器
- batch carry-over ==> 配合料飞散
- batch centrifuge ==> 间歇式离心机
- batch charger ==> 投料机
- batch checking ==> 成批检查
- batch coke still ==> 分批焦化蒸馏器
- batch combustion ==> バッチ燃焼
- batch command ==> 成批命令
- batch component ==> 混合料组分
- batch condensed milk cooler ==> 分批式炼乳冷却器
- batch container ==> 配合料容器
- batch control ==> 分组控制,成批控制=>バッチ制御
- batch control station ==> 批量控制站
- batch control system ==> バッチ制御システム
- batch control total ==> 分批控制总数
- batch controller ==> 分批控制器
- batch conversion ==> 一括変換
- batch correction ==> 一括修正
- batch cost ==> 分批成本
- batch costing ==> 分批成本计算法,分批摊派成本法,整批成本计算法
- batch costing method ==> 分批成本计算法
- batch counter ==> 拌和计数器
- batch crystallization ==> 分批结晶
- batch crystallizer ==> 分批结晶器
- batch cure ==> 分批烘焙,分批硫化
- batch data exchange (BDE) ==> 成批数据交换
- batch data exchange services (BDES) ==> 成批数据交换服务程序
- batch data processing ==> 成批数据处理
- batch delay ==> バッチ遅延
- batch deodorizer ==> 分批除臭机
- batch depth ==> 投料深度
- batch desublimer ==> 分批凝华器
- batch determination ==> バッチ測定
- batch development ==> 分批显影
- batch device ==> バッチ装置
- batch dissolution ==> 分批溶解
- batch dissolver ==> 分批溶解器
- batch distillation ==> 分批蒸馏
- batch distillatoin ==> バッチ蒸留
- batch drier ==> 分批干燥器,分批式干燥机,干燥炉
- batch dryer ==> 分批干燥器
- batch dust ==> 配合料粉尘
- batch dyeing ==> 分批染色
- batch execution ==> 成批运行
- batch extraction ==> 分批提取,分批萃取
- batch fed ==> 分批给料的
- batch feeder ==> 配料,投料机
- batch feeding end ==> 投料端
- batch filter ==> 分批式过滤器
- batch filtration ==> 分批式过滤,间歇式过滤
- batch finishing ==> 分批整理
- batch floating ==> 分批浮选
- batch formula ==> 配方
- batch furnace ==> 分批装料炉,分层式烘炉,分批炉=>バッチ炉
- batch grinding ==> 回分粉砕
- batch growth ==> 回分増殖
- batch gun ==> 喷浆枪
- batch handling ==> 配合料装卸,分批处理
- batch hopper ==> 配合料料斗,装料斗
- batch house ==> 配料房
- batch incinerator ==> バッチ焼却炉
- batch initiation ==> 成批初启
- batch inlet ==> 分批进样
- batch input reader ==> 成批输入读出器
- batch ion exchange ==> 间歇离子交换,周期离子交换
- batch irradiation ==> 分批辐照
- batch job ==> 分批作业,成批作业
- batch job foreground partition ==> 成批作业前台区
- batch job queue ==> 成批作业等待序列
- batch kiln ==> 分层式烘炉,分批处理炉,间歇式加热炉
- batch kneader ==> 批量搅拌机
- batch leaching ==> 分批浸出
- batch lease real estate ==> 批租地产
- batch loader ==> 分批装料机,斗式装载机
- batch loading ==> 分批装料
- batch material ==> 批料
- batch message processing ==> 成批报文处理程序
- batch message processing program ==> 成批报文处理程序,成批文电处理程序
- batch meter ==> 给料量斗
- batch method ==> 分批法
- batch method of operation ==> 分批作业法
- batch method of treatment ==> 分批处理法
- batch metre ==> 分批称量器
- batch mixer ==> 分批混合器,分批搅拌机,批次式搅拌机
- batch monitor ==> 分组方式监督器
- batch number ==> 批次号,批号
- batch of products for inspection ==> 交验批
- batch of strain gauge ==> 应变计[片]批
- batch oil ==> 翻砂用油,绳缆用油
- batch operating system ==> 成批操作系统
- batch operation ==> 配料作业,分配操作,分批操作,分批式操作,间歇运行=>バッチ運転
- batch operation method ==> 分批作业法
- batch patenting ==> 分批铅处理
- batch pellet ==> 配合料球粒
- batch pelletizing ==> 配合料粒化
- batch pile ==> 分批料堆,材料储备量
- batch plant ==> 拌和楼,配料车间
- batch polymerization ==> 分批聚合,间断聚合
- batch preparation plant ==> 配料车间
- batch pricing ==> 整批定价法
- batch print function ==> 成批打印功能
- batch process ==> 成批处理,程序组处理,批量处理,批量生产,批量制法,分批法,分批生产,间歇法,间歇过程=>バッチ法,バッチ処理
- batch process system ==> 成批处理系统
- batch processing ==> 成批处理,批处理,分批处理,分批法,分批加工=>バッチプロセス,一括処理,バッチ処理
- batch processing interrupt ==> 成批处理中断,程序组处理中断
- batch processing mode ==> 成批处理方式,批量处理方式,分批处理方式
- batch processing simulation ==> 批处理仿真
- batch processing system ==> 批处理系统,成批处理系统,成组处理系统
- batch processing terminal ==> 成批处理终端
- batch processor ==> 分批显影机
- batch production ==> 分批生产,分批式生产,连续生产,成批生产,批量生产,间歇生产
- batch production process ==> 分批生产法
- batch program ==> 成批程序
- batch purification ==> 分批净化,分批式精制,分批提纯,间歇式净化
- batch quantity ==> 批量
- batch quantity analysis ==> 批量分析
- batch query ==> 成批询问,成批质问
- batch queue ==> 成批排队
- batch reactor ==> 分批处理反应器
- batch recovery compressor ==> 间断回收压缩机
- batch rectification ==> 分批精馏
- batch roller ==> 分批辊轧机,卷取辊,卷取辊
- batch run ==> 成批运行
- batch sampling ==> 分批进样
- batch sand mixer ==> 分批式混砂机
- batch save-restore ==> 成批保留恢复
- batch scale ==> 分批称量秤
- batch scheduler ==> 成批调度程序
- batch scouring ==> 分批煮练
- batch sedimentation ==> 回分沈降
- batch segregation ==> 配合料分层
- batch service ==> バッチサービス
- batch session ==> 成批对话
- batch sintering ==> 分批烧结,间歇烧结
- batch size ==> 批量
- batch steamer ==> 分批蒸煮器
- batch still ==> 分批蒸馏器,间歇蒸馏釜
- batch stoker ==> 批量加煤机
- batch stone ==> 配合料结石
- batch stream ==> 分批流量
- batch sucking ==> 多犊单批哺乳
- batch system ==> 分批系统,成批系统=>バッチシステム
- batch system control ==> バッチシステム制御
- batch table ==> 成批表
- batch task ==> 分批任务
- batch technique ==> バッチ法
- batch terminal ==> 成批处理终端,批处理终端
- batch terminal controller ==> 成批终端控制器
- batch test ==> 成批试验,分批试验
- batch total ==> 分类总数,分批总量,选组总数,成批总数,程序组总计
- batch tower ==> 塔式配合料仓
- batch transaction file ==> 分批事务文件
- batch treatment ==> 分批处理
- batch truck ==> 配料车,拌和卡车
- batch type freezer ==> 间歇式冻结器
- batch unit ==> バッチ装置
- batch up gear ==> 卷取装置,卷取装置
- batch update ==> バッチ更新
- batch user ==> 成批用户
- batch vaporization ==> 分批蒸发
- batch variation ==> 批变异
- batch verification ==> バッチ検証
- batch vessel ==> バッチ容器
- batch weigher ==> 配料秤,批次式配料秤
- batch weighing ==> 分批称重
- batch weight method of molding ==> 分批装模压型法
- batch word queue ==> 分批字队列
- batch zone refiner ==> 分批区域精炼炉
- batch-entry mode ==> 成批输入方式
- batch-header document ==> 成批首部文件
- batch-leasing landed property ==> 批租地产
- batch-mode data processing ==> 成批式数据处理
- batch-operated computer system ==> 分批作业计算机系统
- batch-type controller ==> 定量型控制器
- batch-type drying oven ==> 间歇式烘炉,周期式烘干炉
- batch-type furnace ==> 室式炉,分层式烘炉
- batch-type mill ==> 分批装料磨矿机
- batch-type muller ==> 间隙式混砂机
- batch-type production ==> 分批混合式生产,分批式生产
- batch-type seed mixer ==> 分批式拌种器
- batch-type sintering ==> 分批式烧结
- batch-weighing plant ==> 分批称重配料装置
- batch-wise ==> 分批的
- batched communication ==> 成批通信
- batched job ==> 成批作业
- batched job processing ==> 成批作业处理
- batched telecommunication ==> 成批远程通信
- batcher ==> 称量配料器
- batcher plant ==> 混凝土搅拌厂,分批加功装置,分批投配设备=>コンクリートプラント
- BATCHG, battery charge ==> 充電
- batching apparatus ==> 卷取装置,卷取装置,配料装置
- batching bin ==> 量斗
- batching by volume ==> 容积配料法,体积配料法
- batching by weight ==> 重量配料法
- batching of body and glaze ==> 坯釉配方
- batching out unit ==> 排胶装置
- batching plant ==> 分批配料装置,拌和厂,拌和楼
- batching roller ==> 卷布辊,卷布辊
- batchwise activated sludge treatment system ==> 分批式活性污泥处理系统
- bate damper ==> ベートダンパ
- batea ==> 晶体收集器,淘金木桶,尖底淘金盘
- batement light ==> 坡窗
- batent capital ==> 潜在资本
- Bates interferometer ==> 拜兹干涉仪
- Bates wave-front shearing interferometer ==> 贝茨波前剪切干涉仪
- bath ==> 泡,浴,浴器,浴室,沐浴=>槽,浴場,風呂,湯船
- bath analysis ==> 熔池分析,炉前分析,炉中分析
- bath cabinet ==> 浴箱
- bath carburizing ==> 液体渗碳
- bath closet ==> 沐浴更衣室
- bath component ==> 熔体组分
- bath composition ==> 熔体成分,熔体组成
- bath cooling ==> 浴冷
- bath delivery stacker ==> 槽式堆叠收纸机
- bath filter ==> 空气滤油器,浸油式空气滤清器
- bath foam ==> 沐浴液
- bath furnace ==> 浴炉
- bath level ==> 熔池水平
- bath life ==> 电解槽寿命
- bath lubrication ==> 油浴润滑
- bath mat ==> バスマット
- bath metal ==> 白铜
- Bath metal ==> 巴思脆性白铜
- bath nitriding ==> 液体氮化
- bath of cell ==> 电解槽熔体
- bath of glass ==> 玻璃水
- bath patenting ==> 铅浴淬火
- bath resistance ==> 电解质电阻
- bath sample ==> 浴池试样,电解质试样,熔体试样
- Bath stone ==> 巴思石,巴思鲕石
- bath stone ==> 奶色石
- bath surface ==> 熔体表面,熔池液面
- bath therapy ==> 淋浴疗法
- bath towel holder ==> 浴巾架
- bath tub ==> 浴盆
- bath voltage ==> 电解槽电压,槽电压=>浴電圧
- bath-fed tube ==> 凝固浴管
- bath-tub curve ==> バスタブ曲線
- bather ==> 水着
- Bathian ==> 巴通阶
- bathing beach ==> 海水浴场
- bathing beach management ==> 泳滩管理
- bathing beach subzone ==> 泳滩分区
- bathing costume ==> 水着
- bathing place ==> 海滨浴场
- batholite ==> 岩基
- batholith ==> 岩基
- batholithic granite ==> 岩基花岗岩
- bathometer ==> 水深测量器,测深计,测深器
- bathometric chart ==> 海洋深度图
- bathometry ==> 海洋测深学
- Bathonian ==> 巴通阶
- Bathonian series ==> 巴通统
- bathophenanthroline ==> 红菲绕啉
- bathophobia ==> 望下恐怖,深渊恐怖
- Bathornithidae ==> 高鸟科
- bathroom ==> 浴室
- bathroom cabinet ==> 浴室用品箱
- bathroom hook ==> 浴室挂钩
- bathroom layout ==> 浴室布置
- bathroom plumbing ==> 風呂場の配管工事
- bathtub ==> 浴缸,摩托车边车,机下浴缸形突出物
- bathtub capacitor ==> 金属壳纸质电容器,浴缸式电容器
- bathtub construction ==> 盆形结构,槽形结构
- bathtub curve ==> 故障率曲线,浴盆式曲线,浴盆曲线(产品失效曲线),Bathtub curve showing the failure rate of a population of products versus time.
- bathtub type ==> 槽形
- bathtub unit ==> 盆形底盘
- bathvillite ==> 黄褐块碳
- bathwillite ==> 暗光琥珀
- bathyal ==> 半深海
- bathyal deposit ==> 半深海沉积,次深海沉积
- bathyal environment ==> 次深海环境
- bathyal facies ==> 次深海相,半深海相
- bathyal zone ==> 半深海带,半深海区
- bathyconductograph ==> 深度电导仪,海水电导仪
- Bathyctenidae ==> 深海栉水母科
- Bathyergidae ==> 滨鼠科
- bathygenesis ==> 下降运动,负相运动
- bathygram ==> 水深图
- bathylith ==> 岩基
- bathymeter ==> 海深测量仪,海洋测深器,水深测量器,测深器,测深仪
- bathymetric ==> 海洋测深学
- bathymetric biofacies ==> 海深生物分相
- bathymetric chart ==> 海底等深线图,海洋深度图,等海深线图,等深线图
- bathymetric curve ==> 等海深曲线
- bathymetric line ==> 等海深线,等深线
- bathymetric measurement ==> 测深
- bathymetric(al) ==> 等海深的
- bathymetric(al) contour ==> 海底等深线
- bathymetry ==> 海洋生物分布学,测深法,测深学
- Bathyneliidae ==> 地虾科
- Bathynellacea ==> 地虾目
- bathyorographical ==> 大地高低分布的
- bathypelagic zone ==> 深层带
- bathyphotometer ==> 深水光度计
- bathyscaph ==> 探海艇
- bathyscaph(e) ==> 深海潜水器,深潜器
- bathysphere ==> 测深球,探海球,球形潜水器,海底观测球,(能载人和仪器,供研究深海动物)深海球形潜水器
- bathythermo graph ==> 海水深度温度自动记录仪
- bathythermogram ==> 深海温度记录图
- bathythermograph ==> 探水温器
- bathythermometer ==> 海洋深水温度表
- bathyvessel ==> 深海潜水器
- batik and waxprinting article ==> 蜡染和拔染制品
- batik fabrics ==> 蜡染布
- BATSE, burst and transient source experiment ==> 爆発及び過渡現象ソース試験
- batt printing ==> 泥片印花法
- BATT, battery ==> 蓄電装置
- batten and button ==> 木板接合法
- batten cleat ==> 舱口楔耳
- batten door ==> 板条门,木栅门
- batten floor ==> 木条地板
- batten plate ==> 缀板
- batten seam ==> 木楞式接缝
- batten seam metal roof ==> 木楞式金属屋面
- batten sheet piling ==> 打条板桩
- Batten system ==> 同位穿孔检索系统
- batten underdrain ==> 木板暗沟
- batten wall ==> 板壁
- batten-board ==> 条板蕊细木工板
- Battenberg braid ==> 巴藤贝克编带
- battened column ==> 双肢柱
- battened partition ==> 板条隔断
- battened steel column ==> 双肢钢柱
- battened wall ==> 板条墙
- batter board ==> 定斜板,定斜度板,龙门板
- batter brace ==> 桁架斜撑
- batter level ==> 测坡仪,测斜器
- batter of wall ==> 墙身收分
- batter pile ==> 斜桩
- batter rule ==> 坡规,定斜器
- batter(ing) rule ==> 定斜尺
- battered bank system ==> 倾斜护岸工程
- battered type ==> 磨损活字
- battered wall ==> 收分墙
- battering ram ==> 冲击夯
- battering rule ==> 坡规,测斜器
- batterium alloy ==> 铜铝镍合金
- battersoable grommet ==> 电池线护环
- battery ==> 电池,电池组,攻打,兵器群=>電池
- battery acid ==> 蓄电池酸液
- battery assay ==> 破碎试样分析
- battery backup module ==> 电池备用组件
- battery board ==> 干电池用纸板
- battery boiler ==> 并列汽包式锅炉
- battery booster ==> 充电调压器
- battery box cover ==> 电池箱盖
- battery bracket ==> 电池组托架
- battery breast system ==> 仓柱式开采法
- battery brooder ==> 笼架式育雏器
- battery cable clamp ==> 电池线夹头
- battery capacity ==> 电池组容量
- battery capital cost ==> 蓄電池設備コスト
- battery car ==> 电池汽车,电瓶车=>蓄電池車
- battery cart ==> 电瓶车
- battery cartridge ==> 电池套管
- battery case ==> 电池盒
- battery casting ==> 成组注浆
- battery cell ==> 电池,电瓶,蓄电池单位
- battery cell tester ==> 电池试验器,单电池测验表
- battery change -over switch ==> 起动转换开关
- battery charge ==> 蓄电池充电
- battery charge and discharge box ==> 充放电箱
- battery charger ==> 充电器,电池充电器,蓄电池充电器
- battery charging condition tell-tale ==> 蓄电池充电状况警报灯
- battery charging generator ==> 电池充电发电机
- battery charging regulator ==> 电瓶充电调节器
- battery charging switch ==> 充电转换开关
- battery clamp ==> 电池夹
- battery clip ==> 电池线夹
- battery clock ==> 电池钟
- battery coking ==> 炉组炼焦
- battery comaprtment ==> 蓄电池箱
- battery command periscope ==> 炮台指挥潜望镜
- battery commander's telescope ==> 炮队镜
- battery commutator ==> 电池互换器
- battery compartment door ==> 蓄电池箱门
- battery condition meter ==> 电池电能指示表
- battery coupling ==> 电池耦合
- battery cover ==> 电池盖
- battery cutout ==> 电池电路自动断路器
- battery depolarizer ==> 去极剂
- battery dialing ==> 单线拨号=>電池ダイヤル
- battery drive ==> 电池传动
- battery driven vehicle ==> 蓄电池车辆
- battery electric traction ==> 蓄电池牵引
- battery electrolyte ==> 蓄电池电解质
- battery eliminator ==> 电池代用器,代电池,代电池组,等效电池
- battery energy storage ==> 電池電力貯蔵
- battery energy storage system ==> 蓄電池システム,電力貯蔵装置
- battery exchanger ==> 电瓶交换器
- battery excited generator ==> 电池励磁发电机
- battery failure alarm ==> 电池故障信号设备
- battery fork lift truck ==> 电池叉车,电瓶叉车
- battery gassing ==> 电池电液泡
- battery gauge ==> 电池电流计,袖珍电流计
- battery generator ==> 电池励磁发电机
- battery grid ==> 电池铅板
- battery heating ==> 电池组加热
- battery holddown ==> 电瓶夹板
- battery holddown cover ==> 电瓶夹板盖
- battery hydrometer ==> 电池液体比重计
- battery ignition ==> 蓄电池点火
- battery impulse ==> 電池インパルス
- battery in quantity ==> 并联电池组
- battery insulator ==> 电池绝缘子
- battery isolating switch control ==> 蓄电池断路器操纵件
- battery jar ==> 电池瓶,电池外壳,电瓶壳,蓄电池壳=>電槽
- battery lamp ==> 低压白炽灯
- battery laying feed ==> 笼养产蛋鸡饲料
- battery lead ==> 电池引线
- battery lead plate ==> 电极板
- battery light kit ==> 电池式灯具
- battery limit (BL) ==> 界区
- battery locomotive ==> 电瓶机车=>蓄電池機関車
- battery loss ==> 電池損
- battery main swtich ==> 蓄电池总开关
- battery management ==> バッテリマネジメント
- battery meter ==> 电池充放电用的安时计
- battery model ==> 電池モデル
- battery motor ==> 电池电动机
- battery of autoclaves ==> 高压釜组
- battery of boiler ==> 锅炉组
- battery of capacitors ==> 电容器组
- battery of coke ovens ==> 炼焦炉组
- battery of genes ==> 基因的套组
- battery of lens ==> 透镜组
- battery of presses ==> 压滤机组
- battery of sishpons ==> 虹吸组
- battery of tests ==> 成套测验
- battery over charge ==> 电池过量充电
- battery pack ==> 电池组,蓄电池组
- battery panel ==> 电池盘
- battery paper ==> 干电池用纸
- battery plate ==> 蓄电池极板
- battery pliers ==> 长钳
- battery polarity ==> 电池端子极性
- battery post ==> 蓄电池接柱
- battery powered shaver ==> 电剃须刀
- battery powered stacker ==> (机械)电瓶码垛车
- battery rack ==> 蓄电池架
- battery radio set ==> 电池无线电接收机
- battery railcar ==> 电瓶轨道车
- battery rearing ==> 笼养
- battery receiver ==> 电池式接收机
- battery recharge ==> 电池再充电
- battery reverse switch ==> 电池转向电闸
- battery room ==> 蓄电池室=>蓄電池室
- battery saver ==> 电池保护元件
- battery separator ==> 电池隔板
- battery shaver ==> 电池剃须刀
- battery solar ==> 太阳能电池
- battery solution ==> 电液,蓄电池溶液
- battery starter ==> 电池起动器
- battery storage system ==> 蓄電池,蓄電システム
- battery supply ==> 蓄电池电源
- battery supply bridge ==> 馈电电桥
- battery supply coil ==> 电池馈电线圈
- battery supply set ==> 电池供电设备
- battery switch ==> 电池转换开关
- battery switch station ==> バッテリー交換ステーション
- battery system ==> 蓄電池
- battery terminal ==> 蓄电池电极
- battery tester ==> 蓄电池实验器
- battery triode ==> 电池供电式三极管=>電池三極管
- battery truck ==> 电瓶车
- battery unit ==> 电池组
- battery voltage ==> 电池电压
- battery voltage meter ==> 电瓶电压表
- battery welder ==> 蓄电池式焊机
- battery-conserving switch ==> 节电开关
- battery-driven movie camera ==> 电池驱动摄影机
- battery-operated car ==> (玩具)电动汽车
- battery-operated counter ==> 电池式计数器
- battery-operated dry shaver ==> 干电池剃须刀
- battery-operated motor cycle ==> (玩具)电动摩托车
- battery-operated playful cat ==> 电动玩具猫
- battery-operated radio receiver ==> 电池式接收机
- battery-operated toy ==> 电动玩具
- battery-operated toy ship ==> 电动式玩具轮船
- battery-operated train ==> (玩具)电动火车
- battery-powered ==> 电池供电的
- battety distribution board ==> 蓄电池配电盘
- Battey bacillus ==> 巴蒂杆菌
- batting machine ==> 弹絮机
- batting out ==> 压制泥片
- batting out device ==> 压泥片装置
- battle against pollution of environment ==> 反环境污染斗争
- battle game of extinction ==> 歼灭战对策
- battle pin ==> 环销
- battle plate ==> 避火板
- battle short ==> 保安短路器,保险短路开关
- battle sight ==> 表尺
- Battle's sign ==> 巴特尔氏征
- battle-sight range ==> 直射距离
- battledore placenta ==> 球拍状胎盘
- battlement ==> 城垛
- battleship ==> 战列舰,军舰,军舰
- batttery in quantity ==> 并联电池组
- batwing aerial ==> 超绕杆天线
- batwing antenna ==> バットウイングアンテナ
- batyl alcohol ==> 鲨肝醇
- Baud ==> 波特,(发报速率单位)波特,(发送电报讯号速度的单位)巴特,(信号速度单位)波德=>ボー
- Baud base ==> 波特基准制
- baud base system ==> 波特基准制
- Baud base system ==> 波特基准制
- baud generator ==> 波特发生器
- Baud generator ==> 波特发生器
- baud rate ==> 波特率,波特速率
- baud rate factor ==> 波特速率系数
- Baud rate generator ==> 波特率发生器
- baud rate generator ==> 波特率发生器
- Baud rate switch ==> 波特速率选择开关
- baud unit pulse ==> 波特
- BAUD, baud ==> ボー
- Baudelot type cooler ==> 波德洛特式冷却器,膜式冷却器
- Baudoin's alloy ==> 鲍多英合金
- baudot code ==> 博多码
- Baudot code ==> 波特码,博多码,搏多码
- Baudot multiplex speed ==> 博多多工速度
- Baudot printing telegraph ==> 搏多印字电报机
- Baudot telegraph ==> 博多电报机
- Baudot-type multiplex telegraph ==> 搏多型多工电报机
- Baudouin reaction ==> 博杜安反应
- Bauer refiner ==> 鲍尔双动盘磨机
- Bauhin's valve ==> 鲍安氏瓣
- baulage tractor ==> 搬运用拖拉机
- Baum wash box ==> 包姆洗煤机洗槽
- Baumann exhaust ==> 鲍曼式排汽
- Baumann print ==> 鲍曼硫印
- baumann printing ==> 包曼试验
- Baumann sulfur printing ==> 包曼试验
- baumann test ==> 包曼试验
- Baumbach formula ==> 鲍姆巴赫公式
- Baume ==> 玻美度,波美液体比重计
- Baume degree ==> 波美度
- Baume gauge ==> 玻美液体比重计
- Baume hydrometer ==> 玻美液体比重计,波美比重计,波美液体比重计
- Baume hydrometer scale ==> 波美比重计标度
- Baume meter ==> 波美液体比重计=>ボーメ計
- Baume scale ==> 波美比重标,波美比重计,波美标度
- Baume scale of specific gravity ==> 波美比重标度
- Baume's hydrometer ==> ボーメ比重計
- Baumes' law ==> 博梅氏定律
- Baumes' sign ==> 博梅氏征
- Baumkuchen ==> 年轮蛋糕=>バームクーヘン,バウム
- bauschinger effect ==> 巴斯青格效应
- Bauschinger effect ==> 包申格效应,包辛格效应,鲍氏效应
- Bautz-Morgan type ==> 鲍茨-摩根型
- bauxite ==> 铝土矿,高铝矾土=>ボーキサイト
- bauxite brick ==> 铝土砖,矾土砖,高铝砖=>高アルミナレンガ
- bauxite catalyst ==> ボーキサイト触媒
- bauxite deposit ==> ボーキサイト鉱床
- bauxite drier ==> 矾土干燥器
- bauxite fibrosis ==> ボーキサイト線維症
- bauxite mine ==> ボーキサイト鉱山
- bauxite mining ==> ボーキサイト採掘
- bauxite refractory ==> 铝钒土耐火材料
- bavarian splint ==> 巴伐利亚夹
- Baveno twin ==> 巴维诺双晶
- Baveno twin law ==> 巴温诺孪晶律
- Baw- Bulk Acoustic wave ==> 体声波
- bay ==> 跨间,河湾,海湾,港湾,隔舱,底板,月桂,机架,间,开间,变电所间隔=>ベイ,湾,柱間
- bay bar ==> 湾口沙洲,湾内沙坝
- bay bear ==> 支架
- bay bolt ==> 基础螺栓
- bay crossing ==> 海湾穿越
- bay delta ==> 海湾三角洲,湾头三角洲
- bay harbour ==> 海湾港
- bay head ==> 湾头
- bay head bar ==> 湾头坝
- bay head beach ==> 湾头滩
- bay horse ==> 枣红马
- bay ice ==> 湾冰
- bay joint ==> 跨间接缝
- bay leaf ==> 月桂树叶=>ベイリーフ,ローリエ
- bay level ==> (変電所システム)ベイレベル
- bay level functions ==> ベイレベル機能
- Bay of Bengal ==> 孟加拉湾=>ベンガル湾
- bay oil ==> 月桂油,香叶油
- bay rum ==> 月桂酒
- bay salt ==> 海盐
- bay shuttle ==> ベイシャトル
- bay stop ==> 灌水池门口
- bay tree ==> 月桂树
- bay window ==> 凸窗
- bay-stall ==> 凸窗座
- Bayard-Alpert gauge ==> 贝阿德-阿尔珀特真空计
- Bayard-Alpert ionization gage ==> 巴雅-阿尔培电离真空计
- Bayards ecchymosis ==> 巴雅尔氏瘀斑
- bayberry tallow ==> 蜡果杨梅脂
- bayberry wax ==> 蜡果杨梅脂,杨梅蜡
- baycaron ==> 强速尿灵
- Baycid ==> 倍硫磷
- Bayer alumina ==> 拜耳氧化铝
- Bayer constellation ==> 拜尔星座
- Bayer letter ==> 拜尔字母
- Bayer name ==> 拜尔星名
- bayer process ==> 拜耳法
- Bayer process ==> 拜尔法
- Bayer's constellations ==> 摆尔星座
- bayerite ==> 三羟铝石
- Bayes decision rule ==> 贝叶斯决策规则,贝叶斯判决规则
- Bayes estimation ==> ベイズ推定
- Bayes law ==> 贝叶斯定律
- Bayes risk ==> 贝叶斯风险
- Bayes rule ==> 贝叶斯规则
- Bayes test ==> 贝叶斯检验
- Bayes theorem ==> 贝斯定理
- Bayes' theorem ==> 贝叶斯定理
- Bayes's classification ==> 贝叶斯分类
- Bayesian ==> ベイズ統計学派,ベイジアン
- Bayesian algorithm ==> ベイジアン・アルゴリズム
- Bayesian analysis ==> ベイズ解析
- Bayesian approach ==> ベイズ的アプローチ
- Bayesian decision model ==> 培欣决策模式
- Bayesian decision theory ==> 贝叶斯决策理论
- Bayesian networks ==> ベイジアンネット
- Bayesian optimization algorithm ==> ベイジアン最適化アルゴリズム
- Bayesian posterior analysis ==> 贝叶斯后验分析
- Bayesian statistics ==> 贝叶斯统计
- Bayes test ==> 贝叶斯检测
- Bayess classification ==> 贝叶斯分类
- Bayess detection ==> 贝叶斯检测
- Bayess detection theory ==> 贝叶斯检测理论
- bayeta ==> 毛绒毯
- baygon ==> 残杀威
- baylanizing ==> 钢丝连续电镀法
- bayldonite ==> 乳砷铅铜矿
- bayleyite ==> 菱镁铀矿
- Bayles disease ==> 贝尔氏病
- bayluscid ==> 灭绦灵
- baymouth bar ==> 湾口沙洲
- bayonet ==> 卡口,接合销钉,刺刀
- bayonet base ==> 刺刀座,卡口灯头,卡口灯座,卡口底座,插口式灯座=>差込口金
- bayonet cap ==> 插头盖,卡口灯头,卡口帽=>差込口金
- bayonet catch ==> 锁梢
- bayonet coupling ==> 卡口接头,卡口式联结器,插栓式管接头
- bayonet fitting ==> 卡口式组装件
- bayonet fixing ==> 卡口式固定
- bayonet gage ==> 插入式油面计
- bayonet gauge ==> 插入式表,插入式测量仪器
- bayonet gauge stick ==> 插入式计量棍
- bayonet holder ==> 插入式灯座,卡口灯头,卡口灯头
- bayonet joint ==> 插接式接头,插销节
- bayonet lock ==> 插销栓,卡口式连接,卡销,卡住
- bayonet mount ==> 卡口固定件,插刀式插座
- bayonet peg ==> 灯头插脚
- bayonet plunger ==> 拜氏冲头
- bayonet shaped cataract knife ==> 枪状白内障刀
- bayonet shaped needle holder ==> 枪形持针钳
- bayonet socket ==> 卡口插座,卡口灯座=>差込ソケット
- bayonet spindle nose ==> 锁紧盘式主轴端部
- bayonet tube ==> 卡口式电子管
- bayonet type coagulation forceps ==> 枪状电凝镊
- bayonet type ear forceps ==> 枪形耳用镊
- bayonet type intestinal spatula ==> 枪形压肠板
- bayonet type nasal forceps ==> 枪形鼻用镊
- bayonet-tube exchanger ==> 插管式热交换器
- bayonet-type quick coupling ==> 插栓式快速联结管接头
- bayou ==> 长沼,河流入口
- bayou lake ==> 长沼
- bayrena ==> 磺胺对甲氧嘧啶
- baysalt ==> 海盐
- bayshore freeway ==> 沿海岸的高速公路
- bayside beach ==> 湾侧滩
- Bayston Group ==> 贝斯顿岩群
- Baytex ==> 倍硫磷杀菌剂
- baywood ==> 洪都拉斯桃花心木
- baza(a)r bill rate ==> 商场证券利率
- bazaar ==> 市集,商场,义卖的地方=>バザー,バザール
- bazar metal ==> 巴札镍银合金
- Bazett index ==> 巴泽特氏公式
- Bazhen Pills ==> 八珍丸
- Bazin roughness coefficient ==> 巴森糙率系数
- bazooka ==> 活动螺旋运送器,火箭筒,反坦克火箭,平衡变换装置,超高频转接变换器
- BB, ball bearing type wheel ==> ボールベアリング型ホイール
- BB, black body ==> 黒体
- BB, Black Brant ==> ブラック・ブラント(カナダの小型ロケット)
- BB, breadboard ==> ブレッドボード
- BB-block brazing ==> 加热块钎焊
- BBB Before Breaking Bulk (i.e. before discharge of cargo commences) ==> 卸货之前
- BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation ==> 英国放送協会
- BBD, bucket brigade device ==> バケットブリゲードデバイス
- BBDB, battery bus diode board ==> バッテリーバスダイオード盤
- BBE, baseband equipment ==> ベースバンド装置
- bbl ==> 桶
- BBLS Barrels ==> 桶
- BBM, breadboard model ==> 試作試験用モデル
- BBMW, ball bearing momentum wheel ==> 玉軸受型モーメンタムホイール
- BBR, booking to billing ratio ==> 受注高と出荷高の比率
- BBRW, ball bearing reaction wheel ==> 玉軸受型リアクションホイール
- BBS, bulletin board system ==> 電子掲示板
- BBTB, battery bus terminal board ==> バッテリーバス端子盤
- BBU, bubble behavior experiment unit ==> 泡挙動実験装置
- BBXRT, Broad Band X-ray Telescope ==> NASA略語(意訳:広帯域X線望遠鏡)
- BC, basic communication ==> ベーシックコミュニケーション
- BC, Bus Controller ==> バス・コントローラ
- BCA, battery condition analyzer ==> バッテリ状態分析装置
- BCA, battery control analyzer ==> バッテリ制御分析装置
- BCAP, battery capacity ==> バッテリー容量
- BCCU, battery charge control unit ==> バッテリ充電制御器
- BCD coding binary coded decimal coding ==> 二进制编码的十进制
- BCD, base-line configuration document ==> ベースライン構成文書
- BCD, binary coded decimal ==> 2進化10進数
- BCD, Binary-coded Decimal Representation ==> 2進化10進表記法
- BCD, budget change document ==> 予算変更文書
- BCE, beam splitter control electronics ==> ビームスプリッタ制御エレクトロニクス
- BCE, bench checkout equipment ==> ベンチチェック機器
- BCG inoculation ==> 卡介苗接种
- BCG vaccination ==> 卡介苗接种
- BCG vaccine ==> 卡介苗
- BChydro ==> カナダの電力会社
- BCI ==> 波罗的海海岬型船运价指数
- BCL, bias compensation layer ==> 磁気ヘッドのGMR素子で,再生信号の非対称性を減らす目的でフリー層の上に重ねる層
- BCM Bow to Center Manifold ==> 船头到中心歧管
- BCN XMTR, beacon transmitter ==> ビーコン送信器
- BCN, beacon ==> ビーコン
- BCP ==> 事業継続計画
- BCP, binary compatibility package ==> バイナリ互換パッケージ
- BCP, phase B commonality plan ==> フェーズB共通化計画
- BCR, battery charge regulator ==> バッテリ充電制御器
- BCR, binary counter reading ==> バイナリカウンタ読取
- BCS, bragg crystal spectrometer ==> ブラッグ結晶分光器
- BCT, bit cell time ==> 1ビット分経過時間
- BCT, bushing current transformer ==> ブッシング変流器
- BCT, Business Chinese Test ==> 商务汉语考试=>ビジネス中国語検定試験
- BCTS, Broadcasting & Composite Technology Satellite ==> 放送複合技術開発衛星
- BCU, based controlling unstable equilibrium point method ==> 支配的不安定平衡点を利用したエネルギー関数法,BCU法による過度安定度の高速スクリーニング
- BCU, Bay Controller ==> (変電所)ベイコントローラー
- BCU, Bus Control Unit ==> バスコントロールユニット。バスの制御を行なうコントローラ。
- BCU, bus control unit ==> バス制御装置
- BCV, bearing cooling valve ==> 軸受予冷バルブ
- BCWP, budgeted cost for work performed ==> 実績作業予算原価
- BCWS, budgeted cost for work scheduled ==> 計画作業予算原価
- BD, board ==> ボード
- BD, Bode diagram ==> ボード線図
- BD, Bonnor Durchmusterung ==> BD星表
- BDA, backup driver amplifier ==> 支援ドライバ増幅器
- BDA, broadcast driver architecture ==> 米Microsoft社が「WinHEC2000」で発表したパソコンによるテレビ受信に向けたフレームワーク
- bdaring support ==> 支承架
- BDC, backup domain controller ==> 米Microsoft社の「Windows NT Server」を使ったネットワークで,ユーザー台帳の予備を保持するサーバのこと
- BDCF, Base-line Data Collection Facility ==> 基礎医学データ収集設備
- BDCZ quantum repeater node ==> BDCZ量子中継器ノード
- BDD, binary decision diagram ==> 2分決定グラフ,二分決定図
- BDE, bearing drive electronics ==> ベアリング駆動エレクトロニクス
- BDF ==> バイオディーゼル燃料
- BDF, Bio Diesed Fuel ==> バイオディーゼル燃料
- BDF, Bio Diesel Fuels ==> バイオディーゼル油
- BDH, Bubble Generation Dynamics and Handling Experiment Equipment ==> 微小重力維持技術実験装置
- BDI ==> 德国工业联合会
- BDI Both Dates Inclusive ==> 两个日期都包括在内
- BDL, box description language ==> ボックス記述言語
- BDM, battery disconnect module ==> 蓄電池ディスコネクトモジュール
- BDMU, bi-level data multiplexer unit ==> バイレベルデータ分配器
- BDR, battery discharge regulator ==> バッテリ放電制御器
- BDR, bus data recorder ==> バスデータレコーダ
- BDU, baseband distribution unit ==> ベースバンド分配装置
- BDV, blow down valve ==> 疏水阀,排污阀
- be able to breed an entirely new variety ==> 能够培育一个全新品种
- be acted upon by temperature changes ==> 受温度变化的影响
- be affected by the heat ==> 受热,中暑
- be affected by the pathogens present ==> 受现有病原体影响
- be affected with damp ==> 受潮
- be afflicted with a severe drought ==> 旱情严重
- be always afloat ==> 保持浮泊
- be an extremely great advantage ==> 极大优越性
- be built by contract ==> 包盖,被包工建筑
- be cased up for transport ==> 装箱待运
- be choked to death ==> 窒息而死
- be classed as tolerant to phosphorus ==> 被分为耐磷肥的
- be clearly better ==> 明显好转
- be communicable from animals to man ==> 使牲畜病传染给人
- be compelled to cancel the order ==> 被迫取消订货
- be complicated by ==> 并发
- be computed and taxed separately ==> 分别计算纳税
- be considerably subnormal ==> 明显低于正常
- be controlled by a semi-dominant gene ==> 受半显性基因控制
- be critically ill ==> 病危
- be cut hard back ==> 重剪
- be deficient in resources ==> 缺乏资源
- be divided into three types ==> 分为三种型号
- be evaluated for salt tolerance ==> 耐碱性鉴定
- be exempted from income tax ==> 免征所得税
- be exempted from individual income tax ==> 免纳个人所得税,免征个人所得税
- be finally broken down into simple compounds ==> 最终分解成简单的化合物
- be found in several kinds of rocks ==> 在若干种岩石中找到
- be hard to cultivate ==> 耕作起来费劲
- be hard up ==> 经济拮据,经济拮据
- be heavier than air ==> 比空气重
- be in a dilemma ==> 進退窮まっている
- be in arrears with tax payment ==> 拖欠税款
- be in debit ==> 亏空
- be in the hole ==> 亏空
- be inseparably connected ==> 密接に関係している
- be inseparably linked ==> 密接に関連している
- be kept perfectly ==> 保持完整
- be kept upright ==> 保持正直
- be limited to temperate climates ==> 限于温带气候
- be markedly increased ==> 明显增加
- be mixed with hydrogen and oxygen ==> 氢氧结合
- be modelled on ==> 仿造
- be obligated to pay tax ==> 负有纳税义务
- be oil sludge ==> 润滑油淤渣
- be open to traffic ==> 交付运营
- be operating under capacity ==> 开工不足
- be out of debt ==> 不欠债
- be ploughed under for green manure ==> 翻入土壤做绿肥
- be prepared against natural disasters ==> 备荒
- be proficient in professional and technical work ==> 精通业务和技术
- be prolonged accordingly ==> 依此法顺延
- be prolonged in a similar manner ==> 依此法顺延
- be pulled out from the ground ==> 从土地拔出
- be purchased in small quantities ==> 少量购买
- be put in storage ==> (存货)入库
- be recognized by their characteristic shape ==> 根据其典型形状识别出来
- be responsible for ones own finance ==> 财政包干
- be seen for the first time ==> 初诊
- be separated into some plots to test ==> 分成几个小区试验
- be short ==> 少
- be short of ==> 缺
- be subjected to ==> 受
- be suitable for grow in tropical area ==> 适用于热带地区种植
- be suited to grow olive ==> 适合种植油橄榄
- be suited to local weather ==> 适合当地的气温条件
- be surrounded by envelope of tissue ==> 围被着组织包膜
- be taken at bed time ==> 临睡前服
- be too weak to develop well ==> 植株太弱发育不良
- be too wet during the period of tillage ==> 耕作季节过于潮湿
- be toxic to many plants ==> 对许多植物有毒
- be two months gone ==> 怀孕二个月
- be two months pregnant ==> 怀孕二个月
- be under the hammer ==> 被拍卖
- be up to sample ==> 符合货物样品规格
- be up to the neck in debt ==> 负债累累
- be used together ==> 一起使用
- Be-bronze ==> 铍青铜
- BEA/BEAR, bearing ==> 軸受
- beach ==> 海滨,海滩,搁浅,滩
- beach accretion ==> 海滩冲积,海滩堆积,海滩加积,海滩淤积
- beach advance ==> 海滩推进
- beach barrier ==> 海滩暗礁,海滩沙堤
- beach chute ==> 海滩流槽
- beach clean-up day ==> 清洁沙滩日
- beach coat ==> 海滨服
- beach cusp ==> 海滩嘴,滩嘴
- beach cycle ==> 海滩旋回
- beach deposit ==> 海滨沉积,海滩沉积
- beach detector ==> 海滩探测器
- beach drift ==> 海滩漂移物
- beach drifting ==> 海滨漂流,海滩漂浮物
- beach dune ==> 海岸沙丘,海滩沙丘
- beach ear ==> 海水浴耳病
- beach erosion ==> 海滩冲刷,海滩侵蚀
- beach erosion control ==> 海滩侵蚀控制
- beach excavator ==> 海滩挖泥车
- beach face ==> 滩面,前滨
- beach fills ==> 海岸淤填土
- beach formation ==> 海滨建造,海滩建造,海滩形成
- beach formation by waves ==> 海浪冲积滩地
- beach gear ==> 两栖登陆装备
- beach gradient ==> 海滩梯度
- beach grass ==> 海滩水草
- beach gravel ==> 海滨砾石,海滩砾石
- beach lamination ==> 海滩纹理
- beach line ==> 海滨线
- beach marker ==> 海滩标志器
- beach markings ==> 海滩状花纹
- beach marks ==> 贝壳状纹理
- beach material ==> 海滩物质
- beach phonograph ==> 轻便留声机
- beach pipe ==> 水力输泥管
- beach placer ==> 海滨砂矿
- beach plain ==> 海滩平原,湖滩平原,岸滩平原,滨平原
- beach profile ==> 岸滩剖面,海滩剖面
- beach protection and accretion promotion ==> 促淤保滩
- beach race ==> 滨海水道
- beach resort ==> 海滩度假村
- beach retreat ==> 海滩后退
- beach retrogression ==> 海滩后退
- beach ridge ==> 滩脊
- beach sand ==> 海滩泥沙,海滩砂
- beach sandstone ==> 海滩砂岩
- beach scarp ==> 海滩崖,滩崖
- beach slope ==> 海滨比降
- beach stability ==> 海滩稳定
- beach vehicle ==> 海滩作业车
- beach wagon ==> 客货两用汽车
- beach water pollution ==> 泳滩水质污染
- beaches pollution ==> 海滨污染
- beaching ==> 船只搁浅
- beaching accommodation ==> 登陆设备
- beaching gear ==> 登陆轮架,登陆用轮架,陆上起落装置
- beachrock ==> 滩岩
- beacon ==> 信标=>ビーコン,標識,灯台,水路(航路)標識
- beacon boat ==> 灯标艇,警标艇,警标艇
- beacon control ==> ビーコン制御
- beacon course ==> 标程
- beacon delay ==> 信标延迟
- beacon lamp ==> 标向灯
- beacon light ==> 信标灯,灯标
- beacon presentation ==> 指向标显示
- beacon range ==> 信标有效距离
- beacon receiver ==> 标向波接收机
- beacon skipping ==> 指向标失答
- beacon station ==> 标向电台
- beacon tower ==> 烽火台
- beacon tracking ==> 信标跟踪
- beacon vessel ==> 航标船
- BEACON, Bus Terminal Unit Extraction and Concentration ==> 集積ディジタルサービス網
- beacon-code ==> 信标码
- bead ==> 玻璃珠,珠,珠承,焊缝,焊珠,熔敷焊道,压条,车轮圆缘,串珠,磁珠,绝缘珠,绝缘珠,金属珠,小珠,圆线条,枪准星,珠,焊道=>ビード(溶接)
- bead and butt ==> 平圆接合
- bead and quirk ==> 圆凹饰
- bead angle ==> 阳角转角
- bead apex (core) ==> 三角胶带
- bead appearance ==> ビード外観
- bead bend test ==> 焊缝抗弯试验
- bead building machine ==> 撑轮圈机
- bead butt and square ==> 平圆方角接
- bead core ==> 叶轮心
- bead covering machine ==> 包装机
- bead crack ==> 焊道裂纹,焊缝裂纹=>ビード割れ
- bead cracking ==> 焊道裂纹
- bead curtain ==> 玉すだれ
- bead cutter ==> 切边机
- bead dropping ==> 中だれ
- bead end ==> ビード端
- bead filler ==> 胎边芯
- bead foiming ring ==> 撑轮圈
- bead former ==> 钢丝圈卷成机
- bead forming ==> 卷边
- bead geometry ==> ビード形状
- bead glazing ==> 压条装配玻璃法
- bead lightning ==> 珠状闪电=>数珠電光
- bead lock ring ==> 轮胎侧边撑圈
- bead moulding ==> 圆线条
- bead of perspiration ==> 玉の汗
- bead phototransistor ==> 玻珠式光电晶体管
- bead plane ==> 圆角刨,圆线条刨
- bead plant ==> コケサンゴ
- bead plate ==> 侧边盖板
- bead polymer ==> 珠状聚合物
- bead polymerization ==> 成珠聚合法
- bead reaction ==> 熔珠反应,溶珠反应
- bead resistance ==> 珠电阻,珠状热敏电阻
- bead seal ==> 珠状封接
- bead sequence ==> 焊道顺序
- bead slicker ==> (铸工用)小圆刮刀
- bead storage ==> 垫底库容
- bead test ==> 熔珠试验
- bead thermister ==> 热电偶连结珠
- bead thermistor ==> 珠形热敏电阻
- bead thermocouple ==> 珠形热电偶
- bead tool ==> 卷边工具,卷边工具,平圆墁刀
- bead transistor ==> 熔珠晶体管
- bead trimmer ==> 焊瘤除器
- bead weld ==> 珠焊,堆焊=>溶着ビード
- bead welding ==> 窄焊道焊接
- bead winder ==> 钢丝圈卷成机
- bead wire ==> 卷边嵌线,卷边嵌线,轮胎钢丝
- bead wire ring ==> 侧边金属丝制胎圈
- bead wire wrap ==> 侧边金属丝制胎圈外壳
- bead yarn ==> 珠球花线
- bead-and-quirk ==> 凹槽圆线脚
- bead-butt ==> 平圆接合作业
- bead-flush ==> 串珠镶边
- bead-on-plate weld ==> 堆焊焊缝
- bead-spring model ==> 珍珠弹簧模
- bead-supported line ==> 绝缘珠支持线路,绝缘珠支持线路
- bead-tool ==> 旋边工具
- beaded border ==> 串珠纹
- beaded chromatin ==> 念珠状染色质
- beaded coaxial cable ==> 加垫圈的同轴电缆
- beaded eccentric reducing socket ==> 偏心带边异径管箍
- beaded equal cross ==> 带边同径四通管
- beaded equal side outlet elbow ==> 带边同径三向弯头
- beaded equal side outlet tee ==> 带边同径二向三通管
- beaded ferrule ==> 扩口箍
- beaded glass ==> 玻璃珠
- beaded molding ==> 墙上圆线条
- beaded pearlite ==> 球状珠光体
- beaded reducing cross ==> 带边异径四通,带边异径四通管
- beaded reducing elbow ==> 带边异径弯头
- beaded reducing tee ==> 带边异径三通管
- beaded screen ==> 粒状荧光屏
- beaded structure ==> 带珠结构
- beaded transmission line ==> 珠承传输线
- beaded tyre ==> 嵌合轮胎
- beading ==> 成球
- beading block ==> 起始字组
- beading nodules ==> 串珠状结节
- beading of ribs ==> 串珠状肋骨,肋骨串珠
- beading roll ==> 波纹轧辊
- beading tool ==> 圆线条刨
- beading weld ==> 凸焊
- beadless tyre ==> 直边外胎
- beads with pottery body ==> 陶胎硫璃珠
- beads-shaped structure ==> 串珠状构造
- beagle ==> 小猎犬=>ビーグル犬
- beak ==> 壳尖=>(鳥の)くちばし
- beak iron ==> 角砧,砧角,丁字砧
- beak of dental forceps ==> 拔牙钳喙部
- beak-head moulding ==> 鸟嘴头饰
- beak-head ornament ==> 鸟嘴头饰
- beaked pelvis ==> 喙状骨盆
- beaker ==> 烧杯=>ビーカー
- beaker in low form ==> 低型烧杯
- beaker in tall form ==> 高型烧杯
- beaker sampler ==> 烧杯式取样器
- beakeven weight ==> 调和重量
- beakiron ==> 铁角砧
- beam ==> 射束,横梁,声速,犁梁,犁辕,道,经轴,经轴,梁,束,束流,射线=>ビーム
- beam accelerating voltage ==> 射束加速电压
- beam action ==> 梁的作用
- beam adjusting disc plate ==> 调光座盘
- beam adjustment ==> 犁辕调节
- beam alignment ==> 电子束校准,射束对中,射束校正,射线校直,束校正
- beam alignment assembly ==> 射束校正装置
- beam analyser ==> 波束分析器,分束器
- beam anchor ==> 梁端锚固
- beam and slab construction ==> 梁板构造
- beam and slab raft ==> 梁板筏式基础
- beam and slab structure ==> 梁板结构
- beam and sling ==> 吊链天平梁
- beam angle ==> 光束孔径角,波束宽度,射束孔径角
- beam angle of scattering ==> 散射束锥角
- beam antenna ==> 定向天线=>ビームアンテナ
- beam aperture ==> 梁口,射束孔,波束孔径
- beam approach beacon system ==> 盲目进场信标系统
- beam approach seeker ==> 波束引导进场寻的器
- beam area ==> 波束面积,射束横截面,射束面积=>ビームエリア
- beam array ==> 定向天线阵
- beam attenuation ==> 射束衰减
- beam attenuator ==> 射束衰减器,波束衰减器,光束衰减器
- beam axis ==> 射束轴
- beam axle ==> 光束轴,梁形横轴
- beam balance ==> 杠杆式秤,杠杆式天平
- beam balance ratio ==> 光束平衡比
- beam barrel ==> 轴筒
- beam bender ==> 压梁机
- beam bending ==> 射束弯曲
- beam bending machine ==> 弯梁机
- beam bifurcation ==> 光束分叉
- beam blank ==> 轧制工字梁用的异形坯
- beam blanker ==> 电子束熄灭装置
- beam blanking ==> 束消隐
- beam block ==> 辕杆垫板
- beam bottom ==> 梁底模,梁下皮
- beam bottom board ==> 梁底模
- beam boundary ==> 注流边界,波束边界
- beam brace ==> 犁辕斜拉杆
- beam breadth ==> 梁宽
- beam breakup ==> 束流消失
- beam bridge ==> 梁桥
- beam brightness ==> 光束亮度,束亮度
- beam broadening ==> 波束变宽
- beam burst ==> 束流脉冲
- beam calliper ==> 大卡尺
- beam cancellation ==> 光线对消
- beam candlepower ==> 射束烛光
- beam carving machine ==> 电子束雕刻机
- beam casing ==> 梁套
- beam catcher ==> 射线收注栅,束捕集器
- beam cathode ==> 集射阴极
- beam ceiling ==> 露梁平顶
- beam center ==> 束流中心
- beam centering ==> 定束流中心
- beam centre ==> 射束中心
- beam centring ==> 射束中心调整
- beam centroid ==> 束流重心
- beam channel ==> 槽形梁
- beam clipper ==> 束流限制器
- beam collimation ==> 光束准直
- beam collimation optics ==> 平行光束光学装置
- beam collimator ==> 光束平行光管,光束准直仪,束平行光管,束准直仪
- beam column ==> 射束柱
- beam combiner ==> 光束组合器
- beam compass ==> 横臂圆规,横杆圆规,横切圆规
- beam compasses ==> 长臂圆规=>ビームコンパス
- beam component ==> 束流成分,束流输送系统组件
- beam compression factor ==> 波束压缩因数
- beam conductance ==> 电子注电导=>ビームコンダクタンス
- beam configuration ==> 射束排列,射束组态
- beam confining electrode ==> 集射屏,聚束极,聚束极
- beam control ==> 亮度控制,射束控制,波束控制,束控=>源振統制
- beam convergence ==> 束会聚,射束会聚,聚束=>ビーム集中
- beam converter ==> 光束转换器
- beam coordinate ==> 束流坐标
- beam core ==> 束核心
- beam corridor ==> 束流输运线
- beam counter scale ==> 杠杆式衡器
- beam coupling ==> 光束耦合,电子束耦合,电子注相互作用
- beam coupling coefficient ==> 光束耦合系数=>ビーム結合係数
- beam crane ==> 单梁起重机
- beam crossing angle ==> 束流交叉角
- beam current ==> 束电流,束流,射束电流,电子束电流=>ビーム電流
- beam current control ==> 射束电流控制
- beam current convective instability ==> 束电流对流不稳定性
- beam current gain ==> 射束电流增益
- beam current lag ==> 束流残像
- beam cut-off ==> 闭束
- beam cutter ==> 冲切机
- beam deflecting crystal ==> 光束偏转晶体
- beam deflecting mirror ==> 射束偏转镜
- beam deflection ==> 射束偏转,束偏转,光束偏转,梁挠度
- beam deflection system ==> 光束偏转系数
- beam deflection tube ==> 射束偏转管
- beam deflection type proportional amplifier ==> 射束偏转形比例放大器
- beam deflection ultrasonic flowmeter ==> 声速偏转式超声流量计
- beam deflection valve ==> 电子束偏转管
- beam deflector ==> 电子束偏转器,光束偏转器
- beam density ==> 射束密度
- beam depth ==> 梁高
- beam deviation factor ==> 射束偏移因子
- beam deviation loss ==> 波束偏移损耗
- beam diameter ==> 波束直径,射束直径,光束直径
- beam diaphragm ==> 束光阑
- beam direction ==> 射束方向
- beam directional stability ==> 光束方向稳定性
- beam directionality ==> 光束方向性
- beam displacement ==> 束位移
- beam divergence ==> 光束发散,束发散=>ビーム広がり
- beam divergence angle ==> 光束发散角,束发散角=>ビーム広がり角
- beam diverging ==> 射束发散的
- beam diversity ==> 波束分散
- beam divider ==> 射束分配器,分束器,分规
- beam doffer ==> 落轴装置
- beam dosimetry ==> 束流计量学
- beam down solar concentrator ==> ビームダウン集光施設
- beam drill ==> 摇臂钻床
- beam droop ==> 波束下垂
- beam drop ==> 波束降落
- beam drying machine ==> 经轴烘燥机,经轴烘燥机
- beam dump ==> 束流收集器
- beam duty cycle ==> 束流负载周期
- beam dyeing machine ==> 经轴染色机,经轴染色机
- beam effect ==> 指向效应
- beam efficiency ==> 波束效率
- beam encastre ==> 固定ばり
- beam energy ==> 射束能,电子束能量
- beam engine ==> 横梁发动机
- beam engine pump ==> 横梁发动机泵
- beam envelope ==> 线束包线,射束包线
- beam evening device ==> 卷经匀整装置,卷经匀整装置
- beam expandar ==> 光束扩展器
- beam feeding system ==> ビーム給電方式
- beam fill ==> 梁间墙
- beam filling ==> 梁间墙
- beam filling factor ==> 注填充因数
- beam finder ==> 射束探测器
- beam fixed at one end ==> 一端固定梁
- beam flange ==> 梁的凸缘
- beam flying ==> 光束扫描
- beam focusing ==> 射线束聚焦,束聚焦
- beam for exterior wall ==> 外墙托梁
- beam form ==> 梁模
- beam forming ==> 波束形成
- beam forming optics ==> 射束形成光学,聚束光学系统,聚束光学系统
- beam foundation ==> 梁式基础
- beam frame ==> 梁架
- beam generating system ==> 射束发生系统
- beam geometry ==> 波束几何形状,束几何
- beam guidance system ==> 波束制导系统
- beam guide ==> 束流输运系统
- beam handling ==> 束流控制
- beam hanger ==> 油杆挂
- beam height ==> 射束高度
- beam holder ==> 支梁杆
- beam holding ==> 电子束存储复原
- beam hole ==> 引束孔道,束孔=>ビーム孔
- beam impedance ==> 电子束阻抗
- beam implosion ==> 重离子束内爆
- beam index color picture tube ==> 电子注引示彩色显像管
- beam index colour picture tube ==> 电子束指引彩色显像管
- beam indexing tube ==> 电子束指引管,束指引管=>ビームインデックス管
- beam indicator ==> 波瓣测定器,灯光指示器
- beam instability ==> 二束不稳定性,束不稳定性
- beam intensity ==> 光束亮度,束强度,光束强度
- beam intensity ratio ==> 光强比
- beam interferometer ==> 射束干涉仪
- beam knee ==> 梁柱隅铁
- beam knife ==> 刮皮刀
- beam lead ==> 梁式引线=>ビームリード
- beam lead bonding ==> 梁式引线接合法
- beam lead integrated circuit ==> 梁式引线集成电路
- beam lead transistor ==> 梁式引线晶体管
- beam length ==> 梁长
- beam limiter diode ==> 限束二极管
- beam load ==> 电子束负荷,横梁负荷
- beam loading coefficient ==> ビーム負荷係数
- beam loading conductance ==> 电子注负载电导=>ビームコンダクタンス
- beam loading impedance ==> 电子注负载阻抗=>ビーム負荷インピーダンス
- beam loading thermobalance ==> 水平式热天平
- beam lobe indicator ==> 波瓣测定器
- beam lobe switching ==> 波束瓣转换法
- beam locking ==> 射束锁定
- beam machine ==> 刨皮机
- beam magnetron ==> 电子束磁控管,束射磁控管
- beam maser ==> 束微波激射,射束量子放大器,射束脉塞
- beam masking ==> 射束遮拦
- beam method of rolling ==> 梁形材轧制法
- beam mill ==> 钢梁轨机,钢梁轧机
- beam misconvergence ==> 光束失聚
- beam model ==> 束流模型
- beam modulation ==> 射束调制,光束调制
- beam modulation percentage ==> 束调制百分数,束调制度
- beam modulator ==> 光束调制器
- beam mount ==> 梁架
- beam noise ==> 束电流杂波,射束噪声
- beam number ==> (指工程图纸中的梁编号)梁号
- beam of constant strength ==> 等强度梁
- beam of uniform strength ==> 等强度梁
- beam opening ==> 梁上开洞
- beam optics ==> 束流光学
- beam orifice ==> 束孔径,射线孔
- beam pad ==> 梁垫
- beam parameter ==> ビームパラメータ
- beam pass ==> 梁孔型
- beam path ==> 光路
- beam path distance ==> 声程
- beam pattern ==> 定向图,波束方向图,波束图,指向性图案
- beam pencil ==> 电子束
- beam pentode ==> 束射五极管
- beam power ==> 波束功率,电子束功率
- beam power amplifier ==> 电子束功率放大器,集射管功率放大器
- beam power tetrode ==> 束射四极管
- beam power tube ==> 电子束功率管
- beam power valve ==> 电子束功率管
- beam practice ==> 束流试验
- beam profile ==> 光束轮廓
- beam pulse rate ==> 束流脉冲重复率
- beam pump ==> 摇臂泵
- beam pumping unit ==> 抽油机
- beam ratio ==> 声束比
- beam reactor ==> 中子束反应堆
- beam rear suspension ==> 后悬架梁
- beam recombination prism ==> 光束组合棱镜
- beam recording ==> 电子束记录,射束记录
- beam reflector ==> 射束反射器,波束反射器,反射器=>ビーム反射器
- beam relaxor ==> 锯齿扫描振荡电路,锯齿扫描振荡电路
- beam relay ==> 平衡杆式继电器
- beam reversal ==> 光束翻转,束反向
- beam reversing lens ==> 光束返回透镜
- beam rider ==> 波束制导导弹
- beam rider guidance ==> 波束引导,射束制导,驾束制导
- beam rider mode ==> 波束制导方式
- beam rider radar ==> 波束制导雷达
- beam rider system ==> 波束制导系统
- beam riding ==> 驾束飞行
- beam rigidity ==> 束流刚度
- beam rolling mill ==> 钢梁轧机
- beam roughing method ==> 平轧法
- beam scale ==> 杆秤,杆式磅秤,杆式秤
- beam scanner ==> 束流扫描器
- beam scanning ==> 波束扫描
- beam screen-grid tube ==> 束射四极管
- beam sea ==> 横浪=>横波
- beam seat ==> 梁座
- beam selector circuit ==> 波段选择电路
- beam sensing system ==> 束流显示装置
- beam sensor ==> 光束传感器
- beam separation ==> 光束间距
- beam separator ==> 梁间隔材,束分离器
- beam shape ==> ビーム形
- beam shaping ==> 束成形
- beam sharpening ==> 束锐化,光束锐化
- beam shutter ==> 射束光闸
- beam side ==> 梁侧模
- beam side panels ==> 梁侧模
- beam soffit ==> 梁下皮
- beam spacing ==> 梁间距,射束间距
- beam span ==> 梁跨度,梁跨距
- beam spectrometer ==> 光束分光计
- beam splitter ==> 光束分裂器,分束镜,分束器,分光镜,射束分离器=>ビームスプリッタ
- beam splitter mirror ==> 色束分裂镜,分光镜,分束镜
- beam splitter prism ==> 分束棱镜
- beam splitting ==> 分束,光束分离,射束剖析法
- beam splitting coating ==> 分束膜
- beam splitting dichroic mirror ==> 双色分束镜,二向色分束镜
- beam splitting element ==> 分束元件
- beam splitting layer ==> 射束分离层
- beam splitting lens ==> 分光透镜
- beam splitting system ==> 分光系统
- beam spot ==> 射束点=>ビームスポット
- beam spot diameter ==> 束斑直径
- beam spread ==> 波束分散
- beam spread function ==> 射束扩展函数
- beam square ==> 横梁角尺
- beam stabilization ==> 束稳定化
- beam steel plate ==> 大梁钢板
- beam steering ==> 光束控制,光束转向,束流控制,束偏转,波束控制,波束扫描,波束转向
- beam stirrup ==> 梁箍筋
- beam storage ==> 电子束存储器,射束存储器
- beam storage tube ==> 射束存储管
- beam straightener ==> 工字钢矫直机,钢梁矫直机
- beam strength ==> 梁强度
- beam strength of tooth ==> 齿的弯曲强度
- beam support ==> 犁辕支撑架
- beam supported at both ends ==> 两端支承梁
- beam suppression ==> 射束抑制,波束抑制,束消隐,束抑制
- beam swinging ==> 射束摆动
- beam switch ==> 束开关
- beam switching ==> 波束转换,射束变向,射束转换法
- beam switching frequency ==> 射束开关频率
- beam switching tube ==> 射束开关管,射束转换管,射线开关管
- beam switchyard ==> 束流分配装置
- beam system ==> 定向通信系统
- beam test ==> 梁试验,抗弯试验
- beam tetrode ==> 射束四极管,电子束功率管
- beam texture ==> 梁状结构
- beam thermal velocity ==> 束热速度
- beam tilt ==> 波束倾斜=>ビームチルト
- beam tilt angle ==> 束倾角
- beam to column connection ==> 梁柱接合
- beam trace ==> 束道,束径迹
- beam trammel ==> 长臂圆规
- beam transformation matrix ==> 光束传输矩阵
- beam translator ==> 光束平移器
- beam transmitter ==> 定向发射机,波束发射机
- beam trap ==> 射束收集器,射线收注栅,电子束阱
- beam tube ==> 集射管,束管,束射管
- beam type maser ==> 分子束微波激射器
- beam type tube ==> 注型管
- beam up ==> 放大油嘴
- beam waist ==> 光束腰=>ビームウェスト
- beam warper ==> 分批整经机,轴经整经机
- beam warping machine ==> 轴经整经机
- beam waveguide ==> 光束波导
- beam well ==> 游梁抽油机井
- beam wheel ==> 卷取辊齿轮,卷取辊齿轮
- beam width ==> 束流表度,波束宽度,射束宽度=>ビーム幅
- beam wind ==> 横风
- beam with both ends built-in ==> 两端固定梁
- beam with central prop ==> 三托梁
- beam with compression steel ==> 双筋梁
- beam with fixed ends ==> 固端梁
- beam with free ends ==> 两端自由梁
- beam with overhanging ends ==> 两端悬挑梁
- beam with single reinforcement ==> 单筋梁
- beam wobbler ==> 射束摆动器
- Beam wrench ==> 扭矩扳手
- beam zone ==> 波束区
- beam-accessible memory ==> 光束存取存储器
- beam-addressed display ==> 束寻址显示
- beam-addressed memory ==> 束选址存储器
- beam-and-column construction ==> 梁柱结构
- beam-and-crank mechanism ==> 横梁曲柄机件
- beam-and-rail ==> 轨梁
- beam-and-rail bender ==> 轨梁弯曲压力机
- beam-and-slab floor ==> 梁板楼盖
- beam-angle-between-half-power-points ==> 半功率点间的束夹角
- beam-broadening ==> 波束展宽
- beam-column ==> 梁柱
- beam-column connection ==> 梁柱接合
- beam-condensing unit ==> 光束聚光部件
- beam-confining ==> 聚束,聚束
- beam-control(led) system ==> 调束系统,束流控制系统
- beam-current-lag ==> 注电流残像
- beam-defining aperture ==> 限束小孔
- beam-defining slit ==> 限束光阑
- beam-deflection tube ==> 电子束偏移管
- beam-dump magnet ==> 泄束磁铁
- beam-emergence direction ==> 射束出射方向
- beam-expanding telescope ==> 光束扩展望远镜
- beam-focus voltage ==> 束聚焦电压
- beam-focusing ==> 射束聚焦,焦点相合,对光
- beam-foil spectroscopy (BFS) ==> 束箔谱学
- beam-folding ==> 光束折叠
- beam-forming ==> 聚束,聚束
- beam-forming arrangement ==> 成束装置,射束形成装置
- beam-forming electrode ==> 电子束形成电极
- beam-forming optics ==> 波束形成光学装置
- beam-indexing tube ==> 电子束引示显像管
- beam-landing screen error ==> 束着屏误差
- beam-lead bonder ==> 梁式引线焊接机
- beam-lead bonding ==> 梁式引线连接(法)
- beam-lead technique ==> 梁式连接法
- beam-limiting aperture ==> 束限制孔径
- beam-measuring transformer ==> 束流监测变量器
- beam-modulating disk ==> 光束调制盘
- beam-modulating memory ==> 射束调制存储器
- beam-of-light-transistor ==> 光束晶体管
- beam-optics arrangement ==> 束流光学装置,束流输运系统
- beam-plasma amplifier ==> 等离子束放大器
- beam-plasma instability ==> 二束不稳定性
- beam-plasma interaction ==> 束等离子体相互作用
- beam-power tube ==> 电子注功率管=>ビームパワー管
- beam-rider ==> 驾束式导弹
- beam-riding ==> 驾束制导
- beam-riding missile ==> 驾束式导弹
- beam-rolling mill ==> 钢梁轧机
- beam-scanning method ==> 射束扫描法
- beam-shaper ==> 波束成形器
- beam-slab raft foundation ==> 梁板筏式基础
- beam-slab structure ==> 梁板结构
- beam-splitter ==> 分光板
- beam-switching tube ==> 电子注开关管
- beam-swithing tube ==> 电子注开关管
- beam-tetrode ==> 集射四极管
- beam-tetrode power amplifier ==> 集射四极管功率放大器
- beam-to-beam weld ==> 梁间焊接,梁式引线焊接
- beam-type magnetron ==> 束射型磁控管
- beam-type maser ==> 分子束脉塞
- beam-warping ==> 整经
- Beaman stadia arc ==> 毕门视距弧
- beamed rediation ==> 成束辐射
- beamer ==> 卷轴机,卷轴机,轴经整经机
- beamfoil spectroscopy ==> 束箔光谱学
- beaming ==> 集束,倒轴,整经
- beaming effect ==> 束流效应
- beamless hall ==> 无梁殿
- beamwidth ==> 束宽
- bean ==> 菜豆,油嘴,豆,管接头,籽粒=>豆
- bean anthracnose ==> (植病)菜豆炭疽病
- bean aphid ==> 豆蚜
- bean binder ==> 豆类收获机
- bean blight ==> 菜豆疫病
- bean blister beetle ==> 豆芜菁
- bean cake ==> 豆糟,豆饼=>ビーンケーキ,おはぎ
- bean cake press ==> 豆饼压机
- bean cleaner ==> 豆类清选机
- bean combine ==> 豆类作物联合收获机
- bean common mosaic ==> 四季豆花叶病
- bean curd leaf ==> 百页
- bean curd preserved ==> 腐乳
- bean curd sheet roll ==> 腐竹
- bean curd stick ==> 腐竹
- bean cutter ==> 豆类收割机
- bean dregs ==> 豆渣
- bean drill ==> 豆类条播机
- bean grader ==> 豆类筛选机,筛豆机
- bean green ==> 豆青
- bean harvester ==> 豆类作物收割机
- bean hook ==> 割豆钩镰
- bean huller ==> 豆类去荚机,豆类脱壳机
- bean husking machine ==> 豆类脱壳机
- bean juice ==> 豆乳
- bean lifter ==> 豆类作物扶茎器
- bean mosaic virus ==> 菜豆花叶病
- bean noodle mill ==> 粉坊
- bean oil ==> 豆油
- bean ore ==> 豆状铁矿,豆铁矿,(褐铁矿)豆状铁矿
- bean picker ==> 摘豆机,菜豆收获机
- bean picking machine ==> 豆类作物收获机
- bean planter ==> 豆类播种机
- bean pod ==> 豆荚
- bean puree ==> 豆の裏ごし
- bean sheller ==> 豆类脱皮机
- bean slicer ==> 菜豆切丝机
- bean slitter ==> 菜豆纵切机
- bean snipper ==> 菜豆切段机,菜豆尾梗剪
- bean sprout growing machine ==> 豆芽机
- bean sprouting machine ==> 豆芽机
- bean vermicelli ==> 粉丝
- bean weevil ==> 豆象
- bean windrower ==> 豆荚割晒机
- bean worm ==> 豆虫
- bean-cake fertilizer ==> 饼肥
- bean-rotating pulse ==> 转豆脉
- bear ==> 负担,利空,底部打孔,带有,承,承受,卖空,空头,空头业者,支承,支持,熊=>クマ,支える
- bear a loss ==> 负担损失
- bear account ==> 卖主帐,空头帐户
- bear building-up ==> 底结
- bear clique ==> 空头集团
- bear covering ==> 补空
- bear drive ==> 卖空
- Bear Driver ==> 牧夫星座
- bear expenses ==> 负担费用,负担经费
- bear frame ==> 支架
- bear interest ==> 负担利息
- bear market ==> 卖空市场,熊市,空头市场
- bear no responsibility for any other party ==> 不负连带责任
- bear operation ==> 空头操作,卖空行为
- bear pool ==> 卖方联合
- bear position ==> 空头部位,空头头寸,空头行情,(证券)看跌行情
- bear punch ==> 手动穿孔机
- bear raid ==> 空头猛跌,卖空浪潮
- bear reputation ==> 负有声誉
- bear seeds in cones ==> 在球果内结籽
- bear seller ==> 卖空的证券交易投机商,空头
- bear soratches ==> 熊抓纹
- bear speculation ==> 空头投机
- bear squeeze ==> 空头轧平
- bear the market by selling ==> 以抛售压低市价
- bear transaction ==> 空头交易
- bear trap gate ==> 熊阱式闸门
- bear-market strategies ==> 熊市策略
- bear-shaped lamp ==> 熊灯
- bear-trap dam ==> 熊阱式坝
- bearable load ==> 可支承载荷
- beard and hair ==> 须发
- beard dye ==> 胡须染料
- beard hair ==> 发毛,刚毛
- beard of a cereal spike ==> 谷穗的须
- Beard protective system ==> 皮尔德发电机保护装置
- Beard-Hunter protective system ==> 补偿控制线保护系统
- bearded needle ==> 钩针
- bearded needle circular machine ==> 钩针圆型针织机
- bearded needle warp knitting machine ==> 钩针经编机
- bearded needle warp loom ==> 钩针经编机
- bearer bill ==> 执票人票据,无记名票据
- bearer bond ==> 无记名债券
- bearer cable ==> 吊索,承载钢索,支持钢索
- bearer carrier ==> 托架座
- bearer cheque ==> 无记名支票
- bearer debentures ==> 不记名公司债券
- bearer depositary receipts ==> 无记名信托证券
- bearer frame ==> 支承框架
- bearer of tax ==> 负税人
- bearer paper ==> 无记名票据
- bearer plate ==> 支承板
- bearer rate ==> ベアラレート
- bearer share ==> 无记名股票
- bearer stock ==> 无记名股票
- bearer stock certificate ==> 无记名股票
- bearer supporting bracket ==> 垫块
- bearing ==> 轴承,承托部分,方位,支撑点,支承,支承面,支座,开口环轴承=>ベアリング=>軸受,方位,ベアリング
- bearing (ball) cover ==> 轴承端盖
- bearing (setting) plate ==> 轴承固定板
- bearing (surface) area ==> 支承面积
- bearing (upper) ==> 上轴承
- bearing adjustment ==> 轴承调整
- bearing age ==> 结果年龄
- bearing ainer ==> 轴承支圈
- bearing alloy ==> 轴承合金
- bearing anchor ==> 轴瓦固定螺钉
- bearing angle ==> 方位角
- bearing annular seal ==> 轴承环形密封
- bearing application ==> 轴承应用
- bearing area ==> 承托区,承压面积=>接地面積
- bearing arrangement ==> 轴承布置
- bearing assembly ==> 轴承装配
- bearing axis ==> 轴承轴线=>軸受中心軸
- bearing axle ==> 支承车轴,承压车轴
- bearing babbit ==> 轴承巴氏合金
- bearing backing ==> 轴承衬
- bearing ball ==> 轴承滚珠
- bearing band ==> 弹带
- bearing bar ==> 承受杆,承重杆,方位杆,支撑钢筋,支承梁,指南针
- bearing beam ==> 支撑梁,受力梁
- bearing block ==> 轴承座,煤矿柱,承重块
- bearing block connection ==> 垫板接合
- bearing blue ==> 普鲁士蓝
- bearing body ==> 轴承体
- bearing bolt ==> 轴承螺栓
- bearing bond ==> 轴承粘合剂
- bearing bore ==> 轴承腔
- bearing bousing ==> 轴承箱
- bearing box ==> 轴承箱=>軸箱
- bearing bracket ==> 轴承架
- bearing bracket stand ==> 轴承架
- bearing branch ==> 结果枝
- bearing brass ==> 轴承巴氏合金,轴承黄铜,轴承黄铜合金,轴承铜衬
- bearing bridge ==> 轴承支架
- bearing bronze ==> 轴承青铜
- bearing burning out ==> 轴承烧熔
- bearing bush ==> 轴瓦
- bearing bush(ing) ==> 轴承衬
- bearing bushing ==> 轴承套(衬)
- bearing cage ==> 轴承罩
- bearing calibration ==> 校正方法
- bearing cap ==> 轴承盖
- bearing cap oil seal remover ==> 轴承盖油封拆卸器
- bearing cap snap ring replacer set ==> 轴承盖弹簧圈拆装工具
- bearing capacity ==> 轴承允许载荷,结果能力,承载力,承载量,承载能力
- bearing capacity factor ==> 承载系数
- bearing capacity of soil ==> 土壤承载力
- bearing carrier ==> 承载构件
- bearing carsor ==> 方位カーソル
- bearing cast iron ==> 轴承铸铁
- bearing center ==> 轴承中心
- bearing chatter ==> 轴承振颤
- bearing chock ==> 轴承座
- bearing circle ==> 方和盘,方向圆
- bearing classification ==> 方位分级
- bearing clearance ==> 轴承间隙
- bearing collar ==> 轴承环
- bearing compass ==> 方位罗盘,定位罗盘,探向罗盘
- bearing cone ==> 轴承锥形内圈
- bearing cone puller ==> 锥形轴承内圈拔出工具
- bearing cone replacing tool ==> 锥形轴承内圈更换工具
- bearing conformability ==> 轴承与轴面的配合性
- bearing constant ==> 轴承常数
- bearing correction ==> 方位修正量
- bearing counter pressure ==> 轴承反压力
- bearing course ==> 承压层
- bearing cover ==> 轴承盖
- bearing cup ==> 轴承锥形外圈,滚动轴承杯
- bearing cup puller ==> 轴承外圈拔出工具
- bearing current ==> ベアリング電流
- bearing cursor ==> 方位标,方位游标=>方位カーソル
- bearing designation ==> 轴承标志,轴承型号
- bearing deviation indicator ==> 方位偏差指示仪,航向偏差指示器
- bearing diagram ==> 方位图
- bearing disintegration ==> 轴承面碎裂
- bearing disk ==> 止推轴承板
- bearing distance computer ==> 方位距离计算机,航线计算机
- bearing distance indicator ==> 方位-距离指示器
- bearing drag ==> 轴承摩擦阻力
- bearing driver set ==> 装轴承用的全套工具
- bearing end leakage ==> 轴承端部漏油
- bearing end pressure ==> 轴承端部油压
- bearing enelosure ==> 轴承油封
- bearing error ==> 方位誤差
- bearing extractor ==> 轴承拆卸工具
- bearing face ==> 轴承支承面
- bearing failure ==> 轴承损坏,承压破坏
- bearing fatigue point ==> 轴承疲劳强度极限
- bearing feed pipe ==> 轴承润滑油管
- bearing felt ==> 轴承毡圈
- bearing film ==> 轴承油膜
- bearing fit ==> 轴承配合
- bearing flaking ==> 轴承面剥落
- bearing flange ==> 轴承凸缘
- bearing for cover close ==> 机盖压紧轴承
- bearing for cover close shaft ==> 筒体紧固轴轴承
- bearing for screw conveyer ==> 螺旋输送机轴承
- bearing for washing ==> 洗涤用轴承
- bearing force ==> 承压力,支承力
- bearing frame ==> 支承架,支承框架
- bearing friction ==> 轴承摩擦
- bearing friction loss ==> 軸受摩擦損
- bearing friction losses ==> 轴承磨擦损耗
- bearing ga(u)ge ==> 同心度量规
- bearing gasket ==> 轴承垫
- bearing grease ==> 轴承油脂,轴承脂
- bearing groove ==> 轴承油槽
- bearing guard ==> 轴承罩
- bearing habit ==> 结果习性
- bearing holder (housing, cover) ==> 轴承套=>軸受台
- bearing housing ==> 轴承箱,轴承座,装在汽轮机汽缸本体或基础上用来支撑轴承的构件=>ベアリングハウジング
- bearing housing (box) ==> 轴承体
- bearing hub ==> 轴承毂
- bearing in pump ==> 泵用轴承
- bearing in reduction gears ==> 减速机轴承
- bearing in shell ==> 带外罩轴承
- bearing indicator ==> 偏位指示器,方位角指示器=>方位指示器
- bearing inner race ==> 轴承内圈
- bearing inner spacer ==> 轴承的内隔圈
- bearing insert ==> 轴承衬套,轴瓦
- bearing installing tool ==> 轴承安装工具
- bearing insulation ==> 轴承绝缘,为了切断轴电流,在励磁机侧包括发电机轴承、氢冷发电机的油密封、水内冷发电机转子的进出水支架和进出水管法兰、励磁机和副励磁机轴承与机座底板之间加装的绝缘垫
- bearing interest ==> 负担利息
- bearing journal ==> 支承轴颈
- bearing labyrinth ==> 轴承迷宫密封
- bearing line ==> 基线
- bearing liner ==> 轴承衬
- bearing lining ==> 轴承衬
- bearing lip ==> 轴瓦凸起
- bearing load ==> 轴承负荷
- bearing loads and stress ==> 承压载荷及应力
- bearing location ==> 轴颈
- bearing lock ==> 轴承罩
- bearing lock nut ==> 轴承锁紧螺母
- bearing lock nuts ==> 轴承锁紧螺母
- bearing lock sleeve ==> 轴承罩套
- bearing locking collar ==> 轴承锁圈
- bearing lubrication ==> 轴承润滑
- bearing mark ==> 方位マーク
- bearing marker ==> 方位标志
- bearing material ==> 轴承材料
- bearing metal ==> 轴承合金=>軸受メタル
- bearing metals ==> 轴承合金
- bearing meter ==> 方位计,方位指示器
- bearing module ==> 轴承系数
- bearing modulus ==> 轴承模数
- bearing monitor ==> 轴承报警器
- bearing neck ==> 轴承颈
- bearing nonscoring characteristics ==> 轴承抗磨伤特性
- bearing number ==> 轴承编号
- bearing nut ==> 轴承螺母,轴承压紧螺母
- bearing nut lock washer ==> 轴承锁紧螺帽垫圈
- bearing of bow ==> 弓轴承
- bearing of die ==> 模具成形部分,模具的成形部分
- bearing of journals ==> 轴颈轴承
- bearing of motor ==> 电动机轴承
- bearing of the connecting rod ==> 连杆轴承
- bearing of the crank pin ==> 曲柄轴承
- bearing of the cross head pin ==> 十字头销轴承
- bearing off side ==> 轴承泄油面
- bearing oil ==> 轴承润滑油,轴承油
- bearing oil groove ==> 轴承油槽
- bearing oil hole ==> 轴承油孔
- bearing oil interface ==> 轴承与润滑油的接触面
- bearing oil pipe ==> 轴承润滑油管
- bearing oil pressure trip device ==> 轴承低油压脱扣装置
- bearing oil seal ==> 轴承油封
- bearing outer race ==> 轴承外座圈
- bearing outer ring ==> 轴承外圈
- bearing overloading ==> 轴承过载
- bearing pad ==> 轴承垫,乌金轴瓦
- bearing partition ==> 承重壁,承重隔墙
- bearing pedestal ==> 轴承座,又称“轴承箱”。装在汽轮机汽缸本体或基础上用来支撑轴承的构件
- bearing pedestal movement indicator ==> 轴承座位移指示器
- bearing performance ==> 轴承性能
- bearing performance tester ==> 軸受性能試験機
- bearing pile ==> 承重桩
- bearing pile wall ==> 承重桩墙
- bearing pillow ==> 轴承垫座
- bearing pin ==> 轴承销
- bearing plate ==> 支承板,承压板,承重板,衬托板,底垫
- bearing plate bars ==> 钢轨垫板
- bearing plate for breastwall ==> 胸墙托板
- bearing plummer block unit ==> 立式轴承箱组
- bearing point ==> 方位点,支承点
- bearing post ==> 支承柱
- bearing potentiometer ==> 斜度分压器,方位电位计
- bearing power ==> 负载功率
- bearing preload indicator ==> 检验轴承预示功器
- bearing pressure ==> 支承压力,支力,轴承压力,承载压强
- bearing pressure of foundation ==> 地基承压力
- bearing pressurized water system ==> 轴承加压水系统
- bearing puller ==> 轴承拉出器
- bearing pulley ==> 轴承滑轮
- bearing quality steel ==> 滚珠钢
- bearing race ==> 轴承座圈
- bearing race puller ==> 轴承座圈拉出器
- bearing race snap ==> 轴承固定环
- bearing radio ==> 承载比
- bearing ratio test ==> 承重系数试验
- bearing reaction ==> 轴承反力,支承反力
- bearing release lever ==> 轴承放松杠杆
- bearing remover ==> 轴承拉出器
- bearing replacer ==> 轴承换装器
- bearing resistance ==> 轴承阻力
- bearing resolution ==> 方位分辨力,方位角分解度=>方位分解能
- bearing retainer ==> 轴承托
- bearing retainer puller ==> 对中心式轴承拆卸工具
- bearing retaining ring ==> 轴承护圈
- bearing return oil temperature ==> 轴承回油温度
- bearing ring ==> 轴承环,轴承套圈
- bearing ring seal ==> 轴承密封
- bearing rod ==> 支杆
- bearing roller ==> 轴承滚柱
- bearing running hot ==> 轴承过热
- bearing rust ==> 轴承生锈
- bearing saddle bore ==> 轴承座孔
- bearing scraper ==> 轴承刮刀,轴瓦刮刀
- bearing seal ==> 轴承密封
- bearing seat ==> 轴承座
- bearing segment ==> 轴衬
- bearing seizure ==> 轴承咬死
- bearing selector ==> 方位选择器
- bearing series ==> 轴承系列
- bearing servo amplifier ==> 方位伺服放大器
- bearing shell ==> 轴承壳套,轴瓦
- bearing shield ==> 轴承护罩
- bearing shim ==> 轴承垫片
- bearing shoe ==> 轴瓦
- bearing shoe grinding ==> 刮瓦
- bearing shoot ==> 结果枝
- bearing slackness ==> 轴承间隙
- bearing sleeve ==> 轴承座套
- bearing sleeve cover ==> 轴承座套盖
- bearing sleeve gasket ==> 轴承座套垫片
- bearing sleeve pin bushing ==> 轴承座套销衬套
- bearing sleeve seal ==> 轴承座套式密封
- bearing socket ==> 轴承承窝
- bearing spacer ==> 轴承隔离圈
- bearing spacer ring ==> 轴承隔环
- bearing spacer 轴承隔离圈, ==> 轴承定距环
- bearing spring ==> 承重板簧,托簧,片簧,悬架弹簧=>にないばね(鉄道車両用)
- bearing stand ==> 轴承台=>軸受台
- bearing steel ==> 轴承钢
- bearing stiffener ==> 承重加劲杆
- bearing stool ==> 轴承支架
- bearing stop ring ==> 轴承止环
- bearing strain ==> 交变应变,承压变形,承压应变,承载应变
- bearing stratum ==> 承重层
- bearing strength ==> 承压强度,承载强度
- bearing strength test ==> 负荷应力
- bearing stress ==> 承压应力,承载压强,支承应力
- bearing strip ==> 轴瓦垫片,衬垫
- bearing structure ==> 支承结构
- bearing stud ==> 支承螺柱
- bearing support ==> 轴承支架
- bearing support of agitator ==> 搅拌器轴承座
- bearing support tube ==> 轴承支承管
- bearing surface ==> 轴承面,轴承支承面,支撑面,支承面
- bearing surface of foundation ==> 地基支承面
- bearing surface of fundation ==> 基础支承面
- bearing suspension ==> 轴承吊架
- bearing symbol ==> 轴承代号
- bearing take up ==> 轴承拉紧
- bearing temperature relay ==> 軸受温度リレー
- bearing temperature rise ==> 軸受温度上昇
- bearing tension indicator ==> 轴承预载指示器
- bearing test ==> 承载试验,承重试验
- bearing thrust ==> 轴承推力
- bearing thrust face ==> 支承推力面
- bearing tiller ==> 成穗率
- bearing tracking ==> 方位角跟踪
- bearing transmission unit ==> 方位测定装置
- bearing tree ==> 定向树
- bearing tube ==> 轴承管
- bearing type ==> 轴承型式
- bearing unit ==> 定向装置,方位测定装置
- bearing up pulley ==> 紧轮
- bearing value ==> 承载值,载重量,支承能力
- bearing value of soil ==> 土壤承载力
- bearing vibration ==> 轴承振动
- bearing vibration measuring instrument ==> 轴承振动测量仪表
- bearing wall ==> 承重炉墙,承重墙
- bearing water line ==> 轴承水管线
- bearing water pressure booster pump ==> 轴承冷却水升压泵
- bearing water pump ==> 轴承水泵
- bearing water supply line ==> 轴承水供水管
- bearing water tank ==> 轴承水箱
- bearing water train ==> 轴承水管系
- bearing wear ==> 轴承磨损
- bearing white metal ==> 轴承白合金
- bearing with an outer aligning ring ==> 带球面衬圈的轴承
- bearing with extended inner ring ==> 宽内圈轴承
- bearing with segments ==> 分开模制式橡胶轴承
- bearing with side plate ==> 带侧板的轴承
- bearing with taper bore ==> 带锥孔轴承
- bearing-distance computer ==> 方位-距离计算机
- bearing-sense switch ==> 定向转换开关
- bearing-type mix ==> 轴承粉料
- bearingless motor ==> ベアリングレスモータ
- bearingless motors ==> ベアリングレスモータ
- bearish ==> 看跌的,卖空
- bearish market ==> 空头市场,市场疲跌,市场疲软
- bearish tone ==> 疲软
- bearishmarket ==> 利空市场
- Bearium bearing alloy ==> 比里昂姆轴承合金
- bearty in form ==> 形式美
- beast ==> 動物,獣性,めちゃいい
- beast of burden ==> 驮畜,役畜,力畜
- beat ==> 巡逻区,巡逻区,音差,拍,拍打,拍音,敲,敲打,取字时间,偏摆,偏幅,频差,捶,搅打,跳动,搏动,差拍=>うなり,拍,拍子
- beat carrier ==> 差频载波
- beat cepheid ==> 拍合造父变星
- beat cob work ==> 捣土工作
- beat cob works ==> 夯土工程
- beat counter ==> 差频式计数器
- beat cutter ==> 平压切断机
- beat cycle ==> 拍频周期
- beat down method ==> 逐次差拍法
- beat effect ==> 拍频效应,拍效应,差频效应
- beat frequency ==> 差频,拍频=>うなり周波数
- beat frequency amplifier ==> 拍频放大器
- beat frequency detector ==> 拍频检波器
- beat frequency meter ==> 差频测试计,差频频率计
- beat frequency oscillator ==> 差频振荡器=>うなり周波発信器
- beat frequency receiver ==> 拍频接收机
- beat generator ==> 节拍脉冲发生器
- beat indicator ==> 差频指示器
- beat interference ==> 差频干扰,交调干扰,相拍干扰
- beat knee ==> 膝蜂窝织炎
- beat mass ==> 拍频质量
- beat method ==> 差拍法
- beat method of measurement ==> 差拍测量法=>ビート測定方法
- beat noise ==> ビート雑音
- beat note ==> うなり音
- beat note signal ==> 拍频信号
- beat note zero ==> 零拍
- beat of crystallization ==> 结晶热
- beat of pointer ==> (测量仪器)指针摆动
- beat oscillator ==> 拍频振荡器
- beat output ==> 拍频信号输出
- beat patten ==> 拍频波形图
- beat pattern ==> 拍频波形图
- beat period ==> 拍频周期
- beat phenomenon ==> ビート現象
- beat pin ==> 节拍调整销
- beat rate ==> 拍频差率
- beat receiver ==> 超音频外差式接收机,外差式接收机
- beat reception ==> 差拍接收法=>うなり受信(ビート受信)
- beat record ==> 差拍录音
- beat screws ==> 节拍螺钉
- beat signal ==> ビート信号
- beat telephone ==> 调度电话
- beat the dead horse ==> 剩余杀人
- beat tone ==> 拍音
- beat voltage ==> 跳动电压,差拍电压
- beat-affected zone crack ==> 热影响区裂纹
- beat-down method ==> 逐次差拍法
- beat-frequency ==> 拍频,差频,差拍
- beat-frequency meter ==> 差频计
- beat-frequency oscillator ==> 拍频振荡器
- beat-less control method ==> ビートトレス制御
- beat-time programming ==> 节拍时间编程
- beat-up arm ==> 钳座脚
- beater blade ==> 击轮叶片,轮叶
- beater colloid mill ==> 打浆胶体磨
- beater finger grate ==> 指杆式漏种格
- beater grinder ==> 锤式粉碎机
- beater mechanism ==> 冲击机构,拍打机构
- beater mill ==> 冲击式碾磨机,冲击式辗磨机
- beater movement ==> 间歇机构
- beater paddle ==> 击送轮叶片
- beater pick ==> 捣击镐
- beater plate ==> 风扇用锤打,打击板
- beater pulverizer ==> 锤击磨煤机
- beater shaft ==> 打浆机轴,打棉机轴
- beater stuff tester ==> 打浆浆料检测仪
- beater-refiner ==> 打浆精研机
- beater-wheel pulverizer ==> 带前置击锤的风扇磨
- beating ==> 拍,节拍,打,跳动
- beating crusher ==> 锤碎机,打碎机
- beating effect ==> 差拍现象
- beating generator ==> 差拍信号发生器
- beating in ==> 合拍
- beating into leaf ==> 锻打成片
- beating machine ==> 打蛋机,打浆机,清棉机
- beating of optical frequencies ==> 光学频率的拍频
- beating of wave ==> 波浪拍岸
- beating the gun ==> 证券抢先成交
- beating tower ==> 打浆塔,塔式碎解机
- beating wave ==> 拍频波
- beatless control ==> ビートレス制御
- beatless welding ==> ビートレス溶接
- Beatrice Offshore Windfarm ==> (イギリス)ベアトリス洋上風車
- Beatrice twill ==> 纬面斜纹里子布
- Beattie and Bridgeman equation ==> 比特和布里奇曼方程
- Beau's line ==> ボー線
- Beaufort force ==> 蒲福级
- Beaufort notation ==> 蒲福天气符号
- Beaufort number ==> 蒲福级
- Beaufort scale ==> 蒲福风级=>ビューフォート風力階級
- Beaufort wind scale ==> 蒲福风级
- Beaume hydrometer ==> 玻美比重计
- Beaume scale ==> 玻美比重标度
- beautiful mining moth ==> 巢蛾
- beauty defects ==> 表面疵病
- beauty of art ==> 艺术美
- beauty spot ==> 风景区
- beauty wash ==> 美肤水
- beauty-slimming tea ==> 减肥茶
- beautyrest mattress ==> 甜眠型床垫
- beaver ==> 干扰雷达电台
- beaver cloth ==> 水獭呢
- Beaver respirator ==> 比埃佛呼吸器
- beaver yarn ==> 海狸毛纱
- beaver-tail beam ==> 海狸尾型射束
- beaver-type dam ==> 堆木坝
- beaver-type timber dam ==> 堆木坝
- beavy oil engine ==> 重油机
- beby cattle ==> 小牛
- Beccaria's sign ==> 贝卡里亚氏征
- Bechamp reduction ==> 贝尚还原
- beche-de-mer ==> 海参
- beche-de-mer with spike ==> 刺参
- beche-de-mer without spike ==> 光参
- Bechtereas-Mendel reflex ==> 跗趾反射
- Bechterew's reflex ==> 别赫捷列夫氏反射
- Bechterew-Mendel reflex ==> 足背反射
- Bechterews arthritis ==> 别赫捷列夫氏关节炎
- beck arc ==> 静弧,静弧
- beck bogen ==> 静弧,静弧
- Beck hydrometer ==> 贝克比重计
- beck iron ==> 砧角
- Becke test ==> 贝柯试验
- Becker and Kornetzki effect ==> 贝克尔与科尔内兹基效应
- Becker's sign ==> 贝克尔氏征
- becking bar ==> 扩孔锻造用心轴
- Beckley gauge ==> 贝克莱雨量计
- Becklin-Neugehaver object ==> 贝克林-诺伊格鲍尔天体
- Beckman coulometric SO2 analyzer ==> 贝克曼二氧化硫库仑分析仪
- Beckman coulometric SO・2 analyzer ==> 贝克曼二氧化硫库仑分析仪
- Beckman differential thermometer ==> 贝克曼温度计
- Beckman electronic analyzer of paramagnetic type ==> 贝克曼顺磁型电子分析器
- Beckman flow colorimeter ==> 贝克曼流动测色仪
- Beckman process oxygen monitor ==> 贝克曼流程氧量监测仪
- Beckman SO2 analyzer ==> 贝克曼二氧化硫分析仪
- Beckman SO・2 analyzer ==> 贝克曼二氧化硫分析仪
- Beckman spectrophotometer ==> 贝克曼分光光度计
- Beckman thermometer ==> 贝克曼温度计
- Beckman total oxidant analyzer ==> 贝克曼总氧化剂分析仪
- Beckman trace moisture analyzer ==> 贝克曼微量水分分析仪
- Beckmann apparatus ==> 贝克曼仪器
- Beckmann molecular transformation ==> 贝克曼分子转换
- Beckmann rearrangement ==> 贝克曼重排
- Beckmann thermometer ==> 贝克曼氏温度计
- beckmann thermometer ==> 贝克曼温度计
- Beckmantown limestone ==> 贝克曼镇石灰炭
- becloforte spray ==> 必可复气雾剂
- BECO, booster engine cut-off ==> ブースタエンジン停止
- become aware of ==> 觉察,觉察
- become due ==> 到期,满期
- become enthusiastic ==> 熱中する
- become improverished ==> 破产
- become opacified ==> 不透明化する
- become partner ==> 入股
- becoming gradually larger at one end ==> 在一端长的膨大
- BECON, Bioengieering Consortium ==> 生体工学コンソーシアム
- beconase nasal spray ==> 鼻可灵喷雾剂
- Becorit system ==> 贝克里悬吊式单轨运输设备
- becotide spray ==> 必可酮气雾剂
- becquerel ==> 贝克勒尔(Bq),简称贝克,每秒钟一次核裂变
- Becquerel effect ==> 贝克勒耳效应,贝克勒尔效应
- Becquerel rays ==> 贝克勒尔射线
- Becquerel's rays ==> 贝克勒射线
- becquerelite ==> ベクレル石(ウラン鉱)
- BECU Billion ECU ==> 十亿欧洲通货单位
- bed ==> 机座,基,层,版台,座,座,台,底,底座,垫,衬,床,路基,伐木平垫,河床=>台,鉱床
- bed accretion ==> 河床淤高
- bed box ==> 台座
- bed brush ==> 床刷
- bed cage ==> 床护架,床上支架
- bed chamber ==> 卧室
- bed characteristics ==> 河床特性
- bed charge ==> 底料
- bed closet ==> 卧具间
- bed clothes ==> 床上用品
- bed coke ==> 底焦
- bed coke height ==> 底焦高度
- bed condition ==> 河床状况
- bed configuration ==> 河槽形状,河床地形,河床形态
- bed contour ==> 河床等高线
- bed course ==> 垫层
- bed cradle ==> 床护架,床上支架
- bed crop-rotation ==> 温床轮作
- bed current ==> 底层流
- bed curtain ==> 床帷
- bed density ==> 床层密度
- bed detector ==> 油层检测装置
- bed development ==> 河床演变
- bed die ==> 底模,阴模
- bed dimension ==> 工作台尺寸
- bed dune ==> 河底沙丘
- bed elevation ==> 河床高程
- bed form ==> 河槽形状,河床形状,底形
- bed form roughness ==> 底形糙度
- bed form superimposition ==> 底形叠加作用
- bed formation ==> 河床形成
- bed forming discharge ==> 河道造床流量
- bed frame ==> 基架
- bed gradient ==> 河床比降
- bed groin ==> 河底潜堤
- bed groyne ==> 河底潜堤
- bed in ==> (地坑造型)卧模
- bed irregularity ==> 河床不平整度
- bed irrigation ==> 污水畦灌
- bed joint ==> 水平砌缝,层间接缝,层面节理
- bed knife ==> 底刀刀片
- bed layer ==> 河床底层
- bed level ==> 河床高程
- bed load ==> 底负载,底沙,推移质
- bed load deflecting sill ==> 导沙底槛
- bed material ==> 河床物质
- bed material load ==> 河床质
- bed material sampler ==> 河床质采样器
- bed material size ==> 河床质粒径
- bed mortar ==> 垫层砂浆
- bed movement ==> 河床移动
- bed necessaries ==> 床上用品
- bed of boiler ==> 锅炉座
- bed of land preparation ==> 播前土壤准备
- bed of material ==> 料层
- bed oil paint ==> 油性底层涂料
- bed out ==> 盆花下地,移植
- bed pan ==> 垫盘
- bed pan closet ==> 便器间
- bed perimeter ==> 床边视野计
- bed piece ==> 床身,垫板
- bed plane ==> 层理面
- bed plant ==> 花坛植物
- bed planting ==> 垄播,苗床栽培
- bed plate ==> 底板,底刀板,底座板,炉底,座板
- bed resistance ==> 河床阻力
- bed rest ==> 卧休息
- bed ripple ==> 河底波痕,河底高低不平
- bed river ==> 河床
- bed rock ==> 底岩
- bed roughness ==> 河床糙率
- bed roughness form ==> 河床糙率型
- bed separation ==> 层状剥落
- bed shear ==> 层面剪切,河床剪切
- bed sheet ==> 褥单
- bed side teaching ==> 临床教学
- bed silt ==> 底沙
- bed sintering ==> 料层结块
- bed slide ==> 刀架底板
- bed slope ==> 河底坡度
- bed sloped ==> 河床比降
- bed sore ==> 褥疮性溃疡
- bed stabilization ==> 河床加固
- bed surface ==> 床面
- bed timber ==> 枕木
- bed urinal ==> 便壶
- bed vein ==> 层状脉
- bed velocity ==> 河底流速
- bed vibrator ==> 床用振荡器
- bed waves ==> 河底波纹状起伏
- bed way grinder ==> 床身导轨磨床
- bed ways ==> 床身导轨
- BED, block error detection ==> ブロック誤り検出
- BED, block error detector ==> ブロック誤り率検出器
- bed-building stage ==> 造床水位
- bed-cage ==> 护床架
- bed-load calibre ==> 河床推移质输送能力
- bed-load discharge ==> 底沙输送量
- bed-load movement ==> 底沙运动
- bed-load sampler ==> 底沙取样器
- bed-load sampling ==> 底沙取样
- bed-making ==> 铺床
- bed-material load ==> 底负载
- bed-motion ==> 活字盘传送
- bed-plate ==> 台板
- bed-sitter ==> 卧室兼起居室
- bed-sitting-room ==> 卧室兼起居室
- bed-type milling machine ==> 床身式铣床,床型卧式铣床,高刚性铣床
- bed-type pheumatic concentrator ==> 床层式风选机
- bed-type vertical miller ==> 床型垂直式铣床,立柱移动工作台不升降铣床
- bed-wetting ==> 遗尿
- Bedaux plan ==> 贝杜工资奖励方案
- bedded deposit ==> 层状矿床
- bedded formation ==> 层状建造,层状岩系
- bedded heating element ==> 嵌入式加热元件
- bedded reinforcement ==> 埋置钢筋,预埋钢筋
- bedded rock ==> 层状岩石
- bedded structure ==> 层状构造
- bedded system ==> 嵌入系统
- bedded temperature detector ==> 嵌入式测温计,嵌入式温度计,埋入式温度计,埋置式温度探测器
- bedded vein ==> 层状脉
- bedder planter ==> 作垄播种机,垄作播种机
- bedding ==> 衬垫
- bedding a core ==> 稳芯垫砂
- bedding angle ==> 层面方向,层面角
- bedding article ==> 床上用品
- bedding bar ==> 作垄器安装梁
- bedding bottom ==> 作垄犁体
- bedding course ==> 垫层,垫底层
- bedding cushion ==> 垫层
- bedding fault ==> 模压缺陷,顺层断层,层面断层
- bedding glide ==> 顺层冲断层,顺层滑动,层面冲断层
- bedding joint ==> 层间接缝,层面节理
- bedding material ==> 垫底材料
- bedding mortar ==> 垫层砂浆
- bedding of a furnace ==> 分层铺炉底
- bedding of bearing ==> 支承刮削
- bedding on rubber cushions ==> 装在橡皮垫上
- bedding plane ==> 垫层面,顺层面,层理面,层面
- bedding plane fault ==> 顺层断层
- bedding plant ==> 储料场
- bedding point ==> 固定点
- bedding sand ==> 垫层砂
- bedding slip ==> 顺层滑动
- bedding slip structure ==> 层滑构造
- bedding stone ==> 扁平石
- bedding surface ==> 层面
- bedding sweep ==> 平畦铲
- bedding theorem ==> 嵌入定理
- bedding thrust ==> 顺层冲断层,层面冲断层
- bedding void ==> 层间空隙
- bedding-in period ==> 跑合期
- bedding-plane slip ==> 曲滑,层面滑动
- Bedford ==> ベッドフォード(英国)
- Bedford cord ==> 厚实凸条布
- BEDL ==> バラカチュラ・エレクトロ・ダイナミクス
- bedmate-daughter comparison ==> 群伴女儿比较法
- bedplate ==> 台=>台板
- bedplate knife ==> 底刀刀片
- bedrock ==> 岩盤,基盤岩
- bedrock absolutes ==> 根本原理
- bedrock aquifer ==> 岩盤地下水
- bedrock bath ==> 岩盤浴
- bedside monitor ==> 床边监护器
- bedsie card ==> 床头卡
- bedspring array ==> 横列定向天线阵
- bedspring-type antenna ==> ベッドスプリング形アンテナ
- bee bug ==> 蜂盲椿象
- bee colony ==> 蜂群
- bee culture ==> 养蜂业
- bee farm ==> 养蜂场
- bee gloves ==> 养蜂用手套
- bee glue ==> 蜂胶
- bee honey ==> 蜂蜜
- bee line ==> 捷径
- bee milk ==> 蜂皇精,王浆,王乳
- bee pest ==> 蜜蜂黑死病
- bee plant ==> 蜜源植物
- bee pollen panax ginseng extractum capsule ==> 花粉人参精胶丸
- bee yard ==> 养蜂场
- bee's wing ==> 蜂翅纹
- BEE, basic end effector ==> 基本エンドエフェクタ
- bee-escape ==> 脱蜂器
- bee-hole ==> 蜂孔
- bee-hole bore ==> 蜂孔蛀虫
- bee-venom poisoning ==> 蜂毒液中毒
- beech ==> 山毛榉
- beech bark disease ==> 山毛榉树皮病
- beech wood ==> 山毛榉木
- beef cattle ==> 肉牛,菜牛
- beef extract ==> 牛肉浸膏
- Beef Improvement Federation ==> 肉牛改良联合会
- Beef Recording Association ==> 肉牛测定协会
- beef type shorthorn ==> 短角肉用牛
- beef-cattle ==> 菜牛
- beef-heart antigen ==> 牛心抗原
- beef-wood ==> 木麻黄
- beefwood extract ==> 木麻黄栲胶
- beefy suit ==> 厚套装
- beehive coke oven ==> 蜂房炼焦炉
- beehive cooler ==> 蜂房式冷却器
- beehive gland ==> 蜂窝式汽封,利用蜂窝状元件减少漏汽的汽封
- beehive house ==> 蜂窝式房屋
- beehive kiln ==> 多孔窑
- beehive oven ==> 蜂房式炼焦炉
- beehive seal ==> 蜂窝式汽封,利用蜂窝状元件减少漏汽的汽封
- beehive type radiator ==> 蜂窝式散热器
- beehive-type radiator ==> 蜂巢式散热器
- beeling boom ==> 顶木架
- beep ==> 高频笛音,小型侦察车
- beep box ==> 操纵台
- beep tone ==> 嘟嘟声单音
- beeper ==> 雷达遥控装置
- beeper-control system ==> 遥控系统
- beer bottle ==> 啤酒瓶
- beer drinkers' cardiomyopathy ==> 饮啤酒者的心肌病
- beer duty ==> 啤酒税
- beer glass ==> 啤酒杯
- Beer Lambert law ==> 比尔-朗伯吸收定律
- Beer law ==> 比尔定律
- beer pump ==> 啤酒泵
- beer stone ==> 啤酒石
- Beer' law ==> 比尔定律
- Beer's knife ==> 贝尔氏刀
- Beer-Bouguer law ==> 比尔-布给定律
- Beer-Lambert law ==> 比尔-朗伯定律
- Beer-Lambert-Bouguer law ==> 波格-朗伯-比尔定律
- beer-like beverage ==> 啤酒类饮料
- beers law ==> 比尔定律
- bees wax ==> 黄蜡
- beeswax ==> みつろう
- beeswax yellow ==> 蜜蜡黄
- beet ==> 甜菜=>ビート,カエンサイ
- beet alcohol ==> 甜菜酒精
- beet breeder ==> 甜菜育种家
- beet breeding ==> 甜菜育种
- beet bug ==> 甜菜蝽象
- beet cancer ==> 甜菜
- beet cercospora leaf spot ==> 甜菜褐斑病
- beet cleaner loader ==> 甜菜清理装载机
- beet collecting station ==> 甜菜收购站
- beet conveyer ==> 甜菜输送器
- beet crater rot ==> 甜菜茎黑腐病
- beet crater-rot ==> 甜菜茎腐病
- beet curly-top ==> 甜菜曲顶病
- beet cutter ==> 甜菜切碎机
- beet drill ==> 甜菜条播机
- beet green headed ==> 青头甜菜
- beet harvester ==> 甜菜收获机
- beet haulage ==> 甜菜运输
- beet hopper ==> 甜菜箱
- beet juice ==> 甜菜汁
- beet leaf hopper ==> 甜菜叶蝉
- beet lifter and collector ==> 甜菜挖掘集运机
- beet lifting wheel ==> 甜菜挖掘轮
- beet monogerm ==> 单粒种甜菜
- beet over-ripe ==> 过熟甜菜
- beet plant bug ==> 甜菜盲蝽
- beet planter ==> 甜菜栽种机
- beet plow ==> 甜菜挖掘犁
- beet puller ==> 甜菜拔取机
- beet pulp ==> 甜菜浆,甜菜渣
- beet pulp press ==> 甜菜压浆机
- beet pump ==> 甜菜泵
- beet raw sugar ==> 甜菜粗糖
- beet root ==> 甜菜块根
- beet root sugar ==> 甜菜糖
- beet sample ==> 甜菜样品
- beet sampler ==> 甜菜取样器
- beet seed analysis ==> 甜菜种子分析
- beet seed breeding ==> 甜菜种子培育
- beet seed peeled ==> 甜菜种子剥裂
- beet shed ==> 甜菜根脱皮
- beet silo ==> 甜菜地下贮藏室
- beet sugar ==> 甜菜糖
- beet tails pump ==> 甜菜根泵
- beet top chopping machine ==> 甜菜顶切碎器
- beet top silage ==> 甜菜顶青贮
- beet topper ==> 甜菜切顶机,甜菜切顶器
- beet topping machine ==> 甜菜切顶机
- beet tops ==> 甜菜叶
- beet trimmer ==> 甜菜切顶机
- beet variety ==> 甜菜品种
- beet washing machine ==> 甜菜清洗机
- beetle calender ==> 捶打轮压机,锤打轧光机
- beetle faller ==> 捶布锤
- beetle stone ==> 龟背石
- beetling machine ==> 捶布机,搅打机
- BEF, band eliminate filter ==> バンド除去フィルター
- befog ==> 曖昧にする,困らせる
- before crop seedlings emerge ==> 作物出苗前
- before evaluating for yield ==> 测定产量之前
- before jacketed ==> 安装夹套前
- before long ==> 不久
- before measurement ==> 前测
- before planting ==> 播前
- before tax ==> 纳税前
- before-and-after test ==> 辐照前后试验
- before-separation costs ==> 分离前成本
- before-the-lens shutter ==> 镜前快门,镜前快门
- beforehand ==> 提前,预先,事前
- befuddle ==> 混乱させる
- beget ==> 生じさせる
- beget a thing ==> 物を生み出す
- beget development ==> 発展を生む
- beggar-my-neighbor import barriers ==> 以邻为壑的进口壁垒
- beggar-my-neighbour policy ==> 以邻为壑政策
- begin ==> 始める
- begin block ==> 开始块,开式分程序
- begin bracket ==> 开始括号
- begin bracket indicator (BB) ==> 开始括号指示符
- begin chain ==> 开始链,链头
- begin column ==> 开始栏,开始列,开始行
- begin construction ==> 动工
- begin symbol ==> 开始符号
- beginning ==> 始期
- beginning average method ==> 期初平均法
- beginning balance ==> 期初余额
- beginning block ==> 开始分程序
- beginning capital ==> 期初资本
- beginning character ==> 开始字符
- beginning engineer ==> 新米の技師
- beginning file label ==> 文件起始标记
- beginning height ==> 出现点高度
- beginning inventory ==> 期初存货
- beginning of partial eclipse ==> 偏食始,初亏
- beginning of period ==> 期初
- beginning of tape ==> 磁带始端
- beginning of tape marker ==> 磁带起始标记
- beginning of the bai-u ==> 梅雨开始
- beginning of ventricular ejection ==> 心室喷血开始
- beginning point ==> 出现点
- beginning tape label ==> 磁带起始标记,带起始标记
- beginning temperature ==> 初温
- beginning-of-chain ==> 链首部,链头,开始链
- beginning-of-information marker ==> 信息开始标志
- beginning-of-tape (BOT) ==> 磁带开始
- beginning-of-tape control ==> 磁带开始控制
- beginning-of-tape hole ==> 磁带开始标志孔
- beginning-of-tape label ==> 磁带开始标号
- beginning-of-tape mark ==> 磁带开始带标,磁带头标
- beginning-of-tape marker ==> 磁带开始标志,带开始标记=>テープ始端マーカ
- beginning-of-volume label ==> ボリューム始めラベル
- beginning-of-volume label (VOL) ==> 卷标的开始,卷标的开始,卷开始标号,卷开始标号,卷头标,卷头标
- begonia ==> 秋海棠
- behave ==> ふるまう
- behavio(u)r in service ==> 运转性能
- behavior ==> 行动,行为=>ビヘイビア,行動パターン
- behavior assumption ==> 行为假定
- behavior change ==> 行为变化
- behavior disorder ==> 行为失常,行为障碍,异常行为
- behavior mechanism ==> 行为机制
- behavior medicine ==> 行为医学
- behavior mode switching ==> 動作モード切換
- behavior modification ==> 行为修正
- behavior of average cost ==> 平均成本的行为
- behavior of positive ions ==> 正イオン挙動
- behavior of rivers ==> 河流特性
- behavior of the economy ==> 经济状况的变化,经济状况的变化
- behavior rating scale ==> 行为量表
- behavior relation ==> 行为关系
- behavior sampling ==> 行为抽样法
- behavior school of management ==> 人类行为管理学派
- behavior science ==> 行为科学
- behavior shaping ==> 行为塑造法
- behavior theories of the firm ==> 厂商的行为理论
- behavior therapy ==> 行为疗法
- behavioral accounting ==> 行为会计
- behavioral approaches to decision-making ==> 决策的行为方式,决策的行为方式
- behavioral chain ==> 行为链
- behavioral change ==> 行为变化
- behavioral decision function ==> 行为决策函数
- behavioral effect theory ==> (又叫做行为的有效性理论)行为效果理论
- behavioral genetics ==> 行为遗传学
- behavioral hypotheses ==> 行为假定
- behavioral intention ==> 行動意志
- behavioral model ==> 行为模式
- behavioral pattern recognition ==> 行動パターン認識
- behavioral psychophysics ==> 行为心理物理学
- behavioral reaction ==> 人格行为反应
- behavioral science ==> 行动科学,行为科学
- behavioral science school ==> 行为科学派
- behavioral sequence ==> 行为链
- behavioral system ==> 行动系统,行为系统
- behaviour ==> ふるまう
- behaviour chain ==> 行为连锁
- behaviour in service ==> 使用状况
- behaviour of electricity ==> 电气性能
- behaviour therapy ==> 行为治疗
- behavioural ecology ==> 行動生態学
- behavioural trait ==> 行为的特性
- Behcets syndrome ==> 白塞氏综合征,贝切特氏综合征
- beheaded river ==> 断头河,断源河,夺流河
- beheaded stream ==> 夺流河
- beheaded valley ==> 断头谷
- behen oil ==> 贝昂油
- behen-nut ==> 辣木果
- behind the lens (BTL) ==> 镜头后测光标志
- behind the lens BTL ==> 镜头后测光标志
- behind-the-lens shutter ==> 镜后快门,镜后快门
- Behrings law ==> 贝林格氏定律
- BEIER CYCLO ==> 住友联轴器=>バイエルサイクロ
- beier variator ==> バイエル変速装置
- beige ==> 浅褐色的,米色,米黄色=>ベージュ色
- Beijing spurge root ==> 京大戟
- beilby layer ==> 贝尔倍层
- Beilby layer ==> 贝尔俾层
- Beilstein flame detector ==> 贝尔斯坦火焰电离探测器
- Beilstein test ==> 贝尔斯登试验
- Bein kep gear ==> 贝恩罐笼托座
- being in arrears in handing over profits ==> 拖欠上交利润
- being poisoned by agricultural chemicals ==> 农药中毒
- Beishouling type pottery ==> 北首岭类型陶器
- bejuco fibre ==> 白粉藤皮纤维
- bel ==> 贝=>ベル(伝送損または利得の単位)
- BEL Belgium (Flag) ==> 比利时(注册)
- Belanger's critical flow ==> 伯朗格临界流
- Belanger's critical velocity ==> 伯朗格临界速度
- belaying cleat ==> 加强板
- belaying pin ==> 套索桩
- Belfast truss ==> 贝尔法斯特桁架
- belfry cloth ==> 粗厚方平棉织物
- Belgian ==> 比利时的=>ベルギーの
- Belgian block ==> 比利时式砌石块
- Belgian looping mill ==> 比利时式线材轧机
- Belgian mill ==> 比利时式轧机
- Belgian rod mill ==> 比利时式线材轧机
- Belgian truss ==> 法国式桁架
- Belgian wire mill ==> 交替二辊横列式线材轧机,比利时式线材轧机
- Belgian-type layout ==> 横列式布置
- believe ==> 信
- Belitzski's reducer ==> 比利兹基减薄剂
- bell ==> 钟,钟盖,钟形物,炉盖,料钟,铃,承口,起落架舱,高炉炉盖=>ベル,電鈴
- bell (jar) ==> 钟罩
- bell and flange piece ==> 承口法兰短管
- bell and hopper arrangement ==> (高炉的)钟斗装置
- bell and plain end joint ==> 平接
- bell and spigot ==> 承插口=>差し込み口
- bell and spigot joint ==> 承插接合,承插接头,承插式接头,套接
- bell and spigot reducer ==> 承插式大小头
- bell beam ==> 料钟平衡杆
- bell bearing ==> 钟杆推力轴承
- bell brass ==> 钟黄铜
- bell bronze ==> 钟青铜
- bell buoy ==> 钟浮标
- bell button ==> 电铃按钮
- bell cap ==> 泡帽,钟帽
- bell cell ==> 钟式电解池,钟形电解池
- bell center punch ==> 钟形中心冲头
- bell centre punch ==> 钟形中心冲孔器
- bell character ==> 报警符号=>ベル文字
- bell character (BEL) ==> 报警符,报警字符
- bell chuck ==> 钟形卡盘,带螺钉钟壳形夹头
- bell clapper ==> 电铃锤
- bell control lever ==> 振铃控制杆
- bell cot ==> 钟架
- bell counterweight ==> 料钟平衡锤
- bell coupling ==> 钟形联接器
- bell crank ==> 钟锤杠杆,钟形曲柄,直角杠杆,双臂曲柄=>ベルクランク
- bell crank bracket ==> 角杆托架
- bell crank governor ==> 直角杠杆调节器
- bell crank lever ==> 直角形杠杆,双臂曲柄杆
- bell crank shaft collar ==> 直角杠杆轴环
- bell curve ==> 钟形曲线
- bell design ==> 钟形结构设计
- Bell dresser ==> 贝尔型修整砂轮器
- bell end ==> 承插端
- bell furnace ==> 罩式炉
- bell gable ==> 吊钟山墙
- bell glass ==> 玻璃钟罩
- bell hanger ==> 吊钟钩
- bell hoist ==> 炉钟起重机
- bell hole ==> 矿核冒落空穴
- bell housing ==> 漏斗状罩,钟状罩
- bell idles ==> 空闲码
- bell indicator ==> 电铃指示器
- bell insulator ==> 铃形绝缘子
- Bell integrated optical device (BIOD) ==> 贝尔集成光学器件
- Bell Interpretive System ==> 贝尔解释系统
- bell jar ==> 玻璃罩,钟形烧结炉
- bell jar high straight form ==> 高直型钟罩
- bell jar high straight form with knob ==> 高直型有圆鼻钟罩
- bell jar testing ==> 钟罩试验
- bell key ==> 振铃电键
- Bell laboratory ==> 贝尔实验室
- bell less top ==> 无种炉顶
- bell less top charger ==> 无钟装料机
- bell less type system ==> 无钟装料机
- bell manometer ==> 浮钟式压力计
- bell metal ==> 钟青铜,钟铜
- bell mouth ==> 钟形套管,喇叭口,托叶鞘,漏斗口
- bell mouthed ==> 带托叶鞘的
- bell nozzle ==> 钟形喷管
- bell of capital ==> 钟形柱头
- bell of die ==> 凹模拉入的圆角部分
- bell of pipe ==> 管子承口
- bell operating rigging ==> 料钟操纵装置
- bell pepper ==> 灯笼椒
- bell prover ==> 钟罩校准器
- bell punch ==> 钟形冲孔器
- bell push button ==> 电铃按钮
- Bell receiver ==> 贝耳受话机,贝尔受话器
- bell receiver ==> 円形受話器
- bell recorder ==> 浮钟计压器
- bell rigging ==> 警钟装置,警钟装置
- bell ringing transformer ==> 电铃变压器
- bell rod ==> 钟杆
- bell screw ==> 钟形螺钉,丝锥接套
- bell set ==> 编钟
- bell shape ==> 喇叭皮带线盆
- bell shaped chain wheel ==> 杯形链轮
- bell shaped insulator ==> 铃式绝缘子
- bell shaped nozzle ==> 钟形喷嘴
- bell shaped pulse ==> 钟形脉冲
- bell shaped sprocket wheel ==> 杯形链轮
- bell signal ==> 振铃信号
- bell socket ==> 丝锥接套,套接,承插接口
- bell stopping ==> ベル停止
- bell tap ==> 丝锥接套
- bell test ==> 电铃式通路试验=>ベル通し
- bell transformer ==> 电铃变压器,电铃用变压器=>ベル変圧器
- bell trap ==> 钟形凝汽阀
- bell trsnsformer ==> 电铃变压器
- bell type ==> 带护锥复合中心钻
- bell type annealing furnace ==> 钟形退火炉
- bell type chest piece ==> 钟型胸件
- bell type top charger ==> 钟罩式装料机
- bell valve ==> 钟形阀,装料钟
- bell wire ==> 电铃线
- Bell's law ==> ベルの法則
- Bell's nerve ==> 胸长神经
- Bell's palsy ==> 贝耳麻痹,面神经麻痹,面神经瘫痪
- Bell's palsy in newborn ==> 新生儿面神经麻痹
- Bell's spasm ==> 面肌抽搐
- Bell's suture ==> 贝尔氏缝合术
- bell-and-plain end joint ==> 套管接头
- bell-crank lever ==> 直角形杠杆
- bell-hole bucket ==> 钟式穴坑挖掘铲斗
- bell-jar ==> 玻璃钟罩
- bell-jar exhaust ==> 钟罩排气
- bell-jar process ==> 鐘形法
- Bell-local states ==> ベル局所状態
- bell-mouth overflow ==> 钟形口溢流
- bell-mouthed ==> 钟形口,承口,漏斗口
- bell-shaped ==> 钟形
- bell-shaped crown gasket ==> 钟形柄头防水垫圈
- bell-stop ==> ベル停止
- bell-type accumulator ==> 钟型储蓄器
- bell-type distributing gear ==> 钟式旋转布料器,高炉配料钟
- bell-type furnace ==> 罩式炉
- bell-type generator ==> 浮筒式乙炔发生器,钟形乙炔发生器
- bell-type manometer ==> 钟式压力计,浮钟式压力计
- bell-weevil hanger ==> 套管挂
- belladonna ==> 颠茄
- belladonna (herb) ==> 颠茄草
- belladonna and phenobarbitone ==> 颠茄苯巴比妥片
- belladonna lily ==> 孤莲花
- belladonna liquid extract ==> 颠茄流浸膏
- belladonna root ==> 颠茄根
- belladonna tincture ==> 颠茄酊
- Bellamy drift ==> 贝拉米偏航角
- Bellatrix ==> 参宿五
- bellbine ==> 篱天剑
- bellboy ==> 随身电话装置
- bellcrank ==> 曲拐
- belle indifference ==> 泰然淡漠
- belled ==> 钟形口
- belled-out cylindrical pile ==> 大头圆柱桩
- bellend ==> 扩大端,(管道的)承插端
- Belleville spring ==> 贝氏弹簧,盘形弹簧
- Belleville spring washer ==> 贝氏弹簧垫圈
- bellfast ==> 快贝尔
- bellied ==> 膨胀,凸起的
- bellied file ==> 凸锉
- Belling saccharimener ==> 贝林糖量计
- bellingerite ==> 水碘铜矿
- bellings ==> 毛麻呢
- Bellings hypothesis ==> 贝林氏假论
- Bellini's ducts ==> 乳头管
- Bellini-Tosi antenna ==> 贝里尼-托西天线=>ベリニ・トシ アンテナ
- Bellinis ducts ==> 贝利尼氏管
- Bellinis ligament ==> 贝利尼氏韧带
- bellite ==> 贝里特混合炸药
- Bellman's equation ==> 贝尔曼方程式
- Bellman's principle of optimality ==> 贝尔曼最优性原则
- Bellmann ==> ベルマン
- Bellmer bleacher ==> 贝尔默漂白机
- bellmouth ==> 喇叭口=>ベルマウス
- bellmouth entrance ==> 喇叭形入口
- bellmouth orifice ==> 喇叭孔
- bellmouthed opening ==> 喇叭口
- Belloste's pill ==> 伯洛斯特氏丸
- Belloste's solution ==> 伯洛斯特氏溶液
- bellow ==> 膜盒压力传感器
- bellow expansion joint ==> 波形膨胀接头
- bellow form contact ==> 膜盒形接点
- bellow gas meter ==> 膜盒式气量计
- bellow-type expansion joint ==> 波纹管补偿接头
- bellows ==> 波纹管,蛇皮管,手用吹风器,皱纹管,膜盒,膜盒组件,折箱,膨胀节,皮老虎,皮腔,风箱=>ふいご,ベロー,ベローズ,金属製伸縮管,ジャバラ管
- bellows blow pipe ==> 风箱吹管
- bellows camera ==> 褶叠暗箱照像机
- bellows coupling ==> 波纹管联轴器
- bellows differential flowmeter ==> 波纹管差压流量计,膜盒式差动流量计,膜盒式差压流量计
- bellows differential gauge ==> 波纹管差动压力计
- bellows flowmeter ==> 波纹管式流量计,膜盒式流量计
- bellows gauge ==> 膜盒式压力计,膜盒压力计
- bellows instruments ==> 膜盒式仪表
- bellows joint ==> 膜盒连接,波纹管连接
- bellows manometer ==> 波纹管压力计,膜盒式压力计
- bellows mechanical seal ==> 波纹管机械密封
- bellows meter ==> 波纹管式差压流量计
- bellows operated pilot valve ==> 膜盒控制阀
- bellows pressure gauge ==> 波纹管压力表
- bellows pump ==> 隔膜泵,波纹管泵
- bellows radiator ==> 风箱式散热器
- bellows seal ==> 膜盒密封,波纹管式密封,波形密封
- bellows seal bonnet ==> 波纹管密封型上阀盖
- bellows sealed gate valve ==> 波纹管密封闸门阀
- bellows sealed valve ==> 风箱密封阀
- bellows type ==> ベロー形
- bellows type pressure gage ==> 膜盒式压力计
- bellows type sensor ==> 波纹管型传感器
- bellows valve ==> 波纹管阀
- bellows valves ==> 波纹管阀
- bellows-fish ==> 钝鱼
- bellows-operated pilot valve ==> 膜盒控制导阀,膜盒导引阀
- bellows-sealed valve ==> 波纹管式密封阀
- bellows-type ==> 波纹管式,风箱式的,膜盒式
- bellows-type gas flowmeter ==> 膜盒式气体流量计,波纹管气体流量计
- bellows-type manometer ==> 波纹管式压力计,皱纹管式压力计
- bellows-type mechanical seal ==> 风箱型机械密封
- bellows-type meter ==> 膜盒式仪表,波纹管式计量计
- bellows-type pneumatic suspension ==> 波纹管式气动悬架装置
- bellows-type regulator ==> 波纹管式调节器
- bellows-type steam trap ==> 波纹管式阻汽排水器
- bells ==> 排钟
- bellwether ==> 头羊
- belly ==> 腹,腹部,隆腹形,炉腰,字腹
- belly band ==> 肚带
- belly core ==> 内芯型
- belly dumper ==> 底卸载重汽车
- belly of blast furnace ==> 高炉炉腰
- belly of muscle ==> 肌腹
- belly pipe ==> 直吹管
- belly stay ==> (机车锅炉的)腹撑
- belly tank ==> 机腹油箱
- belly wool ==> (羊毛)腹毛
- bellybrace ==> 曲柄钻
- bellying ==> 鼓出部
- Bells disease ==> 贝尔氏病
- Bells mania ==> 贝尔氏病
- Bells phenomenon ==> 贝尔氏现象
- Bells suture ==> 贝尔氏缝合术
- belonephobia ==> 尖端恐怖症
- belong to the same generation ==> 属于同一代
- below bearing type generator ==> 伞式发电机
- below grade ==> 不合格
- below ground ==> 地面以下
- below proof ==> 不合格,不合格废品
- below resonance balancing machine ==> 谐振平衡试验机
- below standard performance ==> 效率低于标准
- below the aleurone layer ==> 糊粉层下面
- below the average quality ==> 一般水平以下的质量
- below the face of a mountain ==> 在山的阳面下部
- below the mark ==> 标准以下
- below zero ==> 零度以下
- below-center offset ==> 下偏置
- below-ground silo ==> 地下青贮窖
- below-knee amputation ==> 膝下截肢术
- below-the-line ==> 线下项目,栏外会计
- below-the-line expenditure ==> 线下预算支出,投资预算支出
- below-the-line item ==> 线下收支,线下项目
- below-threshold laser behaviour ==> 阀值前激光工作状态
- below-threshold operation ==> 在阀值以下运转
- belt ==> 带,带子,垂直带,皮带,引带,同心带=>ベルト
- belt and braces ==> 腰带和背带策略
- belt and bucket elevator ==> 带式提升机,带头式升降机
- belt applicator ==> 带式浸润器
- belt balance ==> 皮带称量计,皮带秤
- belt bench ==> 皮带测长台,皮带定长器
- belt box ==> 机枪弹带箱
- belt brake ==> 带式制动器
- belt bucket elevator ==> 斗带式升运器
- belt bucket-elevator ==> 斗式提升机
- belt buckle ==> 带扣
- belt cable ==> 铠装电缆
- belt carrier ==> 传动带导轮
- belt caster ==> 带式连铸机
- belt casting machine ==> 带式连铸机
- belt clamp ==> 传送带联结卡,皮带扣,皮带联结卡
- belt clasp ==> 带子扣钩
- belt composition ==> 传动皮带润滑剂,皮带结构
- belt cone ==> 皮带塔轮
- belt contact ==> 皮带包角
- belt conveyer ==> 皮带输送机,皮带运输机,传送带,带式运送机,胶带机=>ベルトコンベヤ
- belt conveyer scale ==> 传送带秤
- belt conveyer takeups ==> 带式运输机收紧器,皮带运输机收紧器
- belt conveyer type trencher ==> 皮带输送式掘沟机
- belt conveyer with lateral discharger ==> 带侧向卸料器的带式输送机
- belt conveyer, coal conveyer belt ==> 带式输送机,又称"皮带输煤机"
- belt conveyor ==> 带式输送机,皮带输送机,简称“皮带机”。一种构造简单的连续运输设备,由橡胶输送带、钢支架、辊筒、驱动装置和张紧装置组成=>ベルトコンベア
- belt conveyor system ==> 输送带系统
- belt course ==> 腰线,带状层
- belt creep ==> 皮带打滑,皮带轮缘滑动,皮带爬行=>ベルトのクリープ
- belt dressing ==> 皮带涂料,皮带油,皮带装置
- belt drier ==> 带式干燥机
- belt drive ==> 皮带传动=>ベルト駆動
- belt drive double housing planer ==> 皮带传动龙门刨床
- belt drive implement ==> 皮带传动作业机
- belt drive unit ==> 皮带传动装置
- belt drive winch ==> 皮带传动绞车
- belt driven blower ==> 皮带传动鼓风机
- belt driven lathe ==> 皮带车床
- belt driven pump ==> 皮带传动泵
- belt driven riveting machine ==> 皮带传动铆接机
- belt driven tachometer ==> 皮带传动转速计
- belt driving over ==> 带上张紧传动
- belt driving under ==> 带下张紧传动
- belt drop hammer ==> 皮带锤,皮带落锤
- belt elevator ==> 皮带斗式提升机
- belt experiment ==> 传动带试验
- belt fastener ==> 皮带扣=>ベルトとじ
- belt feed launcher ==> 弹带式发射装置
- belt feed lever ==> 拨弹带杆
- belt feed lever pivot ==> 拨弹杆轴帽
- belt feed pawl ==> 输弹钩
- belt feed slide ==> 带传滑板
- belt feeder ==> 带式给料机,带式给料器,带式进料器,带式送料器,皮带喂料机
- belt feeding ==> 皮带喂料
- belt filled ==> 皮带上料
- belt filler ==> 皮带油,皮带注油口
- belt filling machine ==> 弹带装弹机
- belt filter ==> 带式过滤器
- belt fish ==> 带鱼
- belt fork ==> 移带叉
- belt furnace ==> 带式炉,直通炉
- belt gear ==> 皮带传动机构
- belt gearing ==> ベルト伝動
- belt generator ==> 带式静电发电机
- belt grader ==> 皮带式分级机
- belt grain conveyer ==> 带式谷物输送器
- belt gravity separator ==> 带式比重分选机
- belt grinder ==> 带式磨光机
- belt grinding ==> 带式磨光,砂带磨光,砂带磨削
- belt grinding machine ==> 带式磨床
- belt grinding-lapping machine ==> 带式磨光机
- belt guard ==> 皮带护挡
- belt guidance ==> 皮带导槽
- belt guide ==> 导带器
- belt guide pulley ==> 皮带导向轮
- belt hammer ==> 皮带落锤
- belt hay loader ==> 带式装干草机
- belt holding pawl ==> 弹带扣勾
- belt hook ==> 带钩
- belt hook clipper ==> 皮带扣钳压器
- belt humidifier ==> 带式加湿器
- belt idler ==> 皮带空转轮
- belt insulated cable ==> 皮带绝缘电缆
- belt insulation ==> 铠包绝缘=>ベルト絶縁
- belt joint ==> 皮带接头
- belt kiln ==> 带式窑
- belt lacer ==> 皮带接头,皮带卡子,皮带扣
- belt lacing ==> 皮带接头,皮带结头,皮带卡子,皮带扣,引带接头
- belt lacing machine ==> 皮带接头机
- belt leakage ==> 相带漏磁
- belt leakage flux ==> ベルト漏れ磁束
- belt leather ==> 带皮
- belt lift hammer ==> 带式落锤
- belt lifter ==> 带式起重机
- belt loader ==> 带式装载机,皮带输送机
- belt loading ==> 弹带式装弹
- belt loop ==> 腰带环
- belt magnetic separator ==> 带式磁选机
- belt material ==> 带材,带衬,带衬料
- belt meander ==> 带状河曲
- belt mill ==> 带式锯床
- belt mo(u)ldboard ==> 带式犁壁
- belt mo(u)ldboard plow ==> 带形犁壁犁
- belt mounted conveyer ==> 吊运带式输送器
- belt of cementation ==> 胶结带
- belt of convergency ==> 辐合带
- belt of fault ==> 断层带
- belt of folded strata ==> 褶皱带
- belt of phreatic fluctuation ==> 地下水位波动带
- belt of soil moisture ==> 土壤水带
- belt of soil water ==> 土壤水带,土壤水分带
- belt of totality ==> 全食带
- belt of transition ==> 过渡带
- belt of wandering ==> 河流摆动带
- belt of water table fluctuation ==> 地下水位波动带
- belt of weathering ==> 风化带,风化地带
- belt package conveyer ==> 带式包装件输送机
- belt pipe wrench ==> 带式管子钳
- belt planting ==> 带播,防护带栽植
- belt polishing machine ==> 带式抛光机,皮带抛光机=>帯つや出し盤
- belt press ==> 带式压滤机=>ベルトプレス
- belt printer ==> 带式印刷机
- belt production ==> 皮带传动生产作业=>流れ作業
- belt prover ==> 带运机
- belt pulley ==> 皮带轮,皮带盘=>ベルト車
- belt pulley clutch ==> 皮带轮离合器
- belt punch ==> 皮带冲孔机,皮带冲压机
- belt punch pliers ==> 接合带冲钳
- belt puncher ==> 皮带冲孔机
- belt quarter-turn drive ==> 皮带直角转弯传动
- belt rail ==> 带形轨条
- belt railroad ==> 环行铁道
- belt reactance ==> 相带漏抗
- belt respirator ==> 带式呼吸器
- belt reversing drive ==> 皮带回动机构
- belt reversing gear ==> 皮带回动装置
- belt roller ==> 皮带轮,皮辊,皮滚筒
- belt sander ==> 带施砂光机,带式砂光机,砂带磨光机,砂带抛光机=>帯つや出し盤
- belt saw ==> 带锯
- belt scale ==> 带秤,皮带电子秤
- belt screen ==> 带筛机,带状拦污栅,带状筛
- belt seeder ==> 带式播种机,带式排种器播种机
- belt separator ==> 带式分离器
- Belt series Beltian series ==> 倍尔特统
- belt shifter ==> 皮带移动装置,移带器=>ベルト寄せ
- belt shifting mechanism ==> 皮带移动机构
- belt sizer ==> 带式分级机
- belt sling ==> ベルトスリング
- belt slip ==> 皮带的滑动
- belt slope lifter ==> 倾斜皮带提升机
- belt sorter ==> 皮带式分级机
- belt span ==> 相带宽度
- belt spanner ==> 平带拉紧装置
- belt speeder ==> 皮带变速装置
- belt stars ==> 腰带星
- belt stowing machine ==> 带式充填机
- belt stretcher ==> 皮带伸张器,皮带张紧装置=>ベルト引張機
- belt stretching machine ==> 皮带展幅机,带式拉幅机
- belt strike ==> 移带叉
- belt striker ==> 移带器
- belt take-up (take up) ==> 紧带装置
- belt tension ==> 皮带张力=>ベルト張力
- belt tension clutch ==> 皮带张紧式离合器
- belt tension release lever ==> 皮带松紧杆
- belt tensioner ==> 皮带松紧调整器
- belt tensioning idler pulley ==> 紧带惰轮
- belt tightener ==> 紧带器,皮带张紧装置=>ベルト締め
- belt tightening ==> 皮带张紧度
- belt tightening pulley ==> 游轮
- belt transect ==> 样带
- belt transfer system ==> 紙搬送転写ベルト
- belt transmission ==> 皮带传动=>ベルト伝動
- belt tripper ==> 带式卸料器
- belt truck loader ==> 带式装载机
- belt type apparatus ==> 带式装置
- belt vacuum filter ==> 带式真空过滤机
- belt wax ==> 皮带蜡
- belt weigh meter ==> 皮带秤
- belt weigher ==> 皮带计量机,带式计量秤
- belt weight meter ==> 带秤
- belt wheel ==> 带轮
- Belt's corpuscle ==> 贝尔特体
- belt-bucket elevator ==> 斗带式提升机
- belt-conveyer type furnace ==> 传送带式电炉
- belt-drive double housing planer ==> 龙门刨床
- belt-driven ==> ベルト駆動(形容詞)
- belt-dynamometer ==> 传动式测力计
- belt-feed planter ==> 带式播种机,带式排种器播种机
- belt-furnace ==> 带式炉
- belt-gear reduction type ==> 皮带-齿轮减速型
- belt-insulated cable ==> ベルトケーブル
- belt-lacing machine ==> ベルトとじ機
- belt-trough elevator ==> 斗带式升运器
- belt-type dry oven ==> 带式烘干炉
- belt-type electromagnetic separator ==> 带式电磁分离机
- belt-type fertilizer distributor ==> 带式散肥机
- belt-type oil skimmer ==> 带式刮油器
- belt-type permanentmagnet separator ==> 带式永磁分离机
- belt-type shutter ==> 卷帘式快门,卷帘式快门
- belt-type sinterer ==> 带式烧结机
- belt-type spindle picker ==> 带式摘锭摘棉机
- belt-type vacuum filter ==> 带式真空过滤器
- belt-up (take up) ==> 紧带装置
- belted cable ==> ベルトケーブル
- belted coastal plain ==> 带状沿岸平原
- belted electronic balance ==> 电子皮带秤
- belted outcrop plain ==> 高低地相间准平原
- belted plain ==> 分带平原
- Beltian body ==> 贝尔特体
- belting duck ==> 传动带帆布
- belting leather ==> 传动带
- belting loom ==> 传动带织机
- belting tightener ==> 皮带张紧轮
- belting wax ==> 传动带用蜡
- belting wire ==> 线带装置
- beltline railway ==> 环行铁道
- beltpress filter ==> ベルトプレス脱水機
- belttype pickup ==> 带式检拾器
- Bemberg sheer ==> 本伯格铜铵丝双面绉
- Bemberg's stretch spinning apparatus ==> 本伯格式拉伸纺丝机
- bementite ==> 蜡硅锰矿
- BEMS, Bioelectromagnetics Society ==> 生態電磁学会
- BEMS, Building and Energy Management System ==> ビルの設備、環境、およびエネルギーを管理するシステム
- BEMS, Building Energy Management System ==> 建築物及びエネルギー管理システム
- Ben Franklin ==> 本·富兰克林
- ben-oil ==> 贝昂油
- benardos system ==> 贝纳尔德斯法
- Bence Jones protein ==> 凝溶蛋白
- Bence-Jones protein ==> 本斯-琼斯蛋白
- bench ==> 拉伸机,工专=>作業台
- bench and stool cover ==> 凳套
- bench anvil ==> 台砧
- bench arc welding machine ==> 台式弧焊机
- bench axe ==> 木工斧
- bench blasting ==> 梯段爆破,将开挖面造成台阶,以一排或多排深孔爆破进行石方开挖流水作业的爆破
- bench block ==> 校正平台
- bench blower ==> 台式吹芯机
- bench board ==> 台式配电盘,斜操纵台=>ベンチボード
- bench charge ==> 台架充电
- bench clamp ==> 台虎钳,台钳
- bench dog ==> 台轧头
- bench drill ==> 台式钻床,台砧,合钻=>卓上ボール盤
- bench drilling machine ==> 台钻
- bench engine lathe ==> 台式普通车床
- bench excavation ==> 台阶式挖掘
- bench filing and sawing machine ==> 台式锉锯机
- bench floor ==> 阶段底板
- bench gravel ==> 阶地砾石,河滩砾石
- bench grinder ==> 台式手摇砂轮=>卓上研削盤
- bench hammer ==> 台用锤,钳工小锤
- bench height ==> 露天矿阶段高度
- bench hook ==> 木工工作台挡头木
- bench lathe ==> 台式车床=>卓上旋盤
- bench level ==> 台用水准仪,水准点高程
- bench life of a sand mix ==> 砂子存放期
- bench magma ==> 台阶熔岩
- bench mark ==> 基准,基准标记=>水准点
- bench mark (BM) ==> 水准点
- bench method ==> 台阶式挖土法
- bench milling machine ==> 台式铣床
- bench placer ==> 阶地砂矿
- bench plane ==> 台刨,木工台刨
- bench press ==> 台式压床
- bench roller ==> 台辊
- bench saw ==> 台锯
- bench seat ==> 长座椅
- bench section ==> 横剖面
- bench shears ==> 台剪机
- bench slope ==> 边坡倾斜角
- bench tapping machine ==> 台式攻丝机
- bench test ==> 试验台上试验
- bench trimmer ==> 截锯机
- bench type spot-welder ==> 台式点焊机
- bench type switchboard ==> ベンチ形配電盤
- bench vice ==> 台万力
- bench vice with anvil ==> 带砧台虎钳
- bench vice with anvil stationary base ==> 固定式带砧台虎钳
- bench vice with anvil swivel base ==> 活动式带砧台虎钳
- bench vice without anvil swivel base ==> 活动式无砧台虎钳
- bench vise for wood working ==> 木工台虎钳
- bench wall ==> 承拱墙
- bench work ==> 钳工,钳工工作,作台工=>台仕事
- bench-drilling machine ==> 卓上ボール盤
- bench-scale testing ==> 小规模试验
- bench-type core blower ==> 台式吹芯机
- bench-type terracing ==> 平坡梯田
- benchboard ==> 斜面台
- benched foundation ==> 阶形基础
- benching cut ==> 台阶式回采
- benching iron ==> 标尺垫
- benchmark ==> 标准检查程序,标准评估程序,基准标记,水准标点,标杆=>基準,ベンチマーク
- benchmark methodology ==> ベンチマーク方法論
- benchmark problem ==> 基准问题
- benchmark routine ==> 水准程序
- benchmark statistics ==> 标志性统计
- benchmark study ==> 基准研究
- benchmark task ==> 基准题
- benchmark test ==> 基准测试=>ベンチマーク試験
- benchmarking method and result ==> 基准程序方法和结果
- benchtop supply ==> 工作台电源
- bend ==> 倾,屈,弯,弯曲,河曲=>曲げる,曲げること,屈曲
- bend allowance ==> 弯曲余量
- bend alloy ==> 弯管合金,易熔合金
- bend bar ==> 弯起钢筋,挠钢
- bend cutting ==> 弯插
- bend detector ==> 頭付き棒体の曲がり検査
- bend discharge machine ==> 立弯式连铸机
- bend ductility ==> 弯曲延性
- bend flattening ==> 河曲变缓
- bend fracture ==> 弯曲断裂
- bend improvement ==> 裁弯取直
- bend in exhaust pipe ==> 排气管弯头
- bend line ==> 弯曲线
- bend loading ==> 弯曲负荷
- bend neck ==> 歪颈
- bend of vessel ==> 容器的弯曲
- bend over test ==> 弯曲试验
- bend piece ==> 弯管接头
- bend radius ==> 曲げ半径
- bend specimen ==> 弯曲试样
- bend strength ==> 抗弯强度
- bend summit ==> 河弯顶点
- bend test ==> 弯曲试验=>曲げ試験
- bend tester ==> 弯曲试验机
- bend tube ==> 曲管
- bend waveguide ==> 曲がり導波管
- bend wheel ==> 改向轮
- Benday process ==> 本戴底纹制版法
- bended strain ga(u)ge ==> 粘贴式应变计
- bender ==> 折弯机,折弯模,弯管器,弯筋机,弯曲机,弯曲压力机,挠曲机=>ベンダー,曲げ型
- bender (impression) ==> 弯曲模膛
- bender and cutter ==> 钢筋弯切两用机
- Bender process ==> 本德法
- Bendiens test ==> 本甸氏试验
- bending ==> 卷刀口,卷刃=>曲げ,ベント
- bending and denting clause ==> (对桶装货的)弯曲和凹陷条款
- bending and quenching machine ==> 弹簧成形淬火机,成形淬火机
- bending and straightening machine ==> 弯曲整直两用机
- bending and stretching exercises ==> 屈伸運動
- bending and unbending test ==> 反复弯曲试验
- bending angle ==> 挠曲角=>曲げ角度
- bending apparatus ==> 弯曲器,弯曲设备
- bending block ==> 弯型块
- bending brake ==> 板料弯折机
- bending chamber ==> 弯板室
- bending clasp ==> 弯制卡环
- bending coefficient ==> 挠曲系数
- bending creep ==> 弯曲蠕变
- bending deflection ==> 弯曲变位,挠偏转,挠曲变位,挠曲偏斜
- bending die ==> 压弯模
- bending displacement ==> 弯曲位移
- bending elasticity ==> 挠曲弹性
- bending fatigue ==> 弯曲疲劳
- bending field ==> 致偏场
- bending fold ==> 隆曲褶皱
- bending force ==> 弯曲力
- bending formula ==> 弯曲公式
- bending fracture ==> 弯曲骨折
- bending furnace ==> 弯板炉
- bending jaw ==> 弯曲钳口
- bending lehr ==> 弯板退火炉
- bending load ==> 弯曲负荷
- bending machine ==> 弯筋机,折弯机,屈挠试验机
- bending machine with fixed blocks ==> 带定滑车的折弯机
- bending method ==> 蝶形孔型轧制法
- bending modulus ==> 抗弯模数
- bending mold ==> 弯板模
- bending moment ==> 挠矩,弯曲力矩=>曲げモーメント
- bending moment diagram ==> 弯矩图,弯曲力矩图
- bending of light ==> 光线弯曲
- bending of light by the gravitational field of the sun ==> 太阳的引力场导致的光线弯曲,1919年通过日全食观测证实,广义相对论的三大预言之一=>太陽の重力場による光の曲がり
- bending of the hand ==> 手の振り
- bending or curling of the root hair ==> 根毛卷曲
- bending planer ==> 曲面刨光机
- bending point ==> 弯曲点
- bending press ==> 压弯机
- bending radius ==> 弯曲半径,挠曲半径
- bending resistance ==> 抗弯,抗弯力
- bending rigidity ==> 弯曲刚度
- bending roll ==> 弯曲辊=>曲げロール
- bending roll machine ==> 滚弯机
- bending rollers ==> 折页三角板夹纸辊
- bending rolls ==> 辊子卷板机,辊子弯板机
- bending schedule ==> 钢筋表
- bending shackle ==> 锚钩环
- bending slab ==> 弯材平台
- bending strain ==> 弯曲应变,挠应变=>曲げ歪
- bending strength ==> 弯曲强度,抗弯强度=>曲げ強さ
- bending strength of wood ==> 木材抗弯强度
- bending strength under high temperature ==> 高温下抗弯强度
- bending stress ==> 弯曲应力,挠应力=>曲げ応力
- bending table ==> 弯曲工作台
- bending test ==> 反复弯曲试验,弯曲试验,挠曲试验=>曲げ試験
- bending test under three-point loading ==> 三次载荷弯曲试验
- bending thick plates ==> 厚板卷制
- bending torsion stability ==> 抗弯扭稳定性
- bending up method ==> 蝶形孔型轧制法
- bending vibration ==> 弯曲振动=>曲げ振動
- bending-beading die ==> 压弯压筋模
- bending-curling die ==> 压弯卷圆模
- bending-flanging die ==> 压弯翻边模
- Bendix gear ==> 本迪克斯式齿轮
- Bendman arrester ==> 本德曼避雷器
- BENDS Both Ends ==> 两端
- beneath ==> 下に
- Benedicks effect ==> 贝内迪克斯效应
- Benedict equation of state ==> 贝内迪克特状态方程式
- Benedict metal ==> 镍黄铜合金
- Benedict's quantitative sugar reagent ==> 班氏糖定量试剂
- Benedict's solution ==> 班氏试液,本尼迪特氏试液
- Benedict's test ==> 贝内迪克特试验
- Benedicts glucose qualitative test ==> 本尼迪特氏糖定性试验
- Benedicts quantitative sugar reagent ==> 班氏糖定量试剂
- Benedicts reagent ==> 班氏试剂
- beneficence ==> 有益
- beneficial ==> 有益な
- beneficial bird ==> 益鸟
- beneficial insect ==> 益虫
- beneficial interest ==> 受益权益,可享用的利益
- beneficial owner ==> 受益所有人
- beneficial owner of the royalties ==> 特许使用费受益所有人
- beneficial ownership ==> 实际所有权
- beneficial use ==> 享用
- beneficial use of waters ==> 水域的实益用途
- beneficiary case ==> 受益者角色
- beneficiary of transferable credit ==> 可转让信用证的受益人
- beneficiated burden material ==> 精料
- beneficiated ore ==> 精矿
- beneficiation ==> 选矿
- benefit ==> 利益
- benefit for the change of job ==> 调职补助金
- benefit foregone ==> 放弃的权益
- benefit fund reserve ==> 职工福利基金准备,福利基金准备
- benefit level ==> 福利水平
- benefit method of selling ==> 强调顾客利益推销法
- benefit of division ==> 分配利益
- benefit of early harvest ==> 益于早收
- benefit of insurance clause ==> 保险利益条款
- benefit of interconnection ==> 联网效益,若干个独立电力系统互联所产生的经济和社会效益
- benefit of invention ==> 发明利益
- benefit payment ==> 保险费的支出
- benefit principle of taxation ==> 赋税受益原理
- benefit project ==> 效益工程
- benefit spill over ==> 肥水外流
- benefit system ==> 福利制度
- benefit value ==> 受益值
- benefit-cost analysis ==> 效益成本分析
- benefit-cost ratio ==> 效益成本比率,效益费用比率
- benefit-to-cost relationship ==> 效益成本关系,效益费用关系
- benefited-user charge ==> 受益费
- benet metal ==> 铝镁合金
- benevolent neutrality ==> 善意中立
- Benford's law ==> 本福特定律=>ベンフォードの法則
- Bengal gelatime ==> 琼脂
- bengaline velours ==> 厚罗缎
- Benger unit ==> 本格尔单位
- Benham Plateau ==> 本哈姆高原
- Benham top ==> 贝纳姆转盘
- benign ==> 良性,良性の,親切な,温和な
- benign acanthosis nigricans ==> 良性黒色表皮腫
- benign adenoma ==> 良性腺腫
- benign albuminuria ==> 良性蛋白尿
- benign cervical tumor ==> 宫颈良性瘤
- benign choroid melanoma ==> 良性脉络膜黑(色)素瘤
- benign chronic hypertension ==> 良性缓进型高血压病
- benign congenital hypotonia ==> 良性先天性肌张力减退
- benign cystic teratoma ==> 良性囊性畸胎瘤
- benign dermal lymphadenosis ==> 良性皮肤淋巴组织增生
- benign epidemic polyneuritis ==> 良性流行性多发性神经炎
- benign epithelial tumor ==> 良性上皮组织肿瘤
- benign exophthalmos ==> 良性突眼(症)
- benign familial hematuria ==> 良性家族性血尿
- benign familial pemphigus ==> 良性家族性天疱疮
- benign fibrous mesothelioma ==> 纤维型良性间皮瘤
- benign granulomatosis ==> 良性肉芽肿病
- benign hemangioendothelioma ==> 良性血管内皮瘤
- benign hemangiopericytoma ==> 良性血管外皮细胞瘤
- benign hematuria ==> 良性血尿
- benign hyperkeratosis ==> 良性过度角化病
- benign hypertension ==> 良性高血压,缓进型高血压
- benign hypertrophy of masseteric muscle ==> 嚼肌良性肥大
- benign intracranial hypertension ==> 良性颅内高压,假性脑瘤
- benign juvenile angioendothelioma ==> 青年良性血管内皮瘤
- benign lipoblastoma ==> 良性脂肪母细胞瘤
- benign lymphocytic meningitis ==> 良性淋巴细胞性脑膜炎
- benign lymphoepithelial lesion ==> 良性淋巴上皮病变
- benign lymphogranulomatosis ==> 良性淋巴肉芽肿(病)
- benign lymphoreticu losis ==> 猫抓病
- benign lymphoreticulosis ==> 良性淋巴网状内皮细胞增生(症)
- benign malaria ==> 良性疟
- benign mesenchymoma ==> 良性间叶瘤
- benign metastasizing goiter ==> 良性转移性甲状腺肿
- benign miliary lupus ==> 良性粟粒性狼疮
- benign mucosal pemphigoid ==> 良性粘膜炎天疱疮
- benign neoplasm ==> 良性赘生物
- benign ovarian fibroma ==> 良性卵巢纤维瘤
- benign paroxysmal nystagmus ==> 良性阵发性眼球震颤
- benign paroxysmal peritonitis ==> 良性阵发性腹膜炎
- benign pneumoconiosis ==> 良性尘肺=>良性塵肺症
- benign prostatauxe ==> 良性前列腺肥大
- benign recurrent cholestasis ==> 良性复发性胆汁郁积
- benign recurrent hematuria ==> 良性反复发作性血尿,良性再发性血尿
- benign recurrent nephrorrhagia ==> 良性反复性肾出血
- benign Sertoli's cell tumor ==> 睾丸良性支持细胞瘤
- benign stricture of cervical part of esophagus ==> 颈段食管良性狭窄,颈段食管良性狭窄
- benign syncytioma ==> 良性合胞体瘤
- benign synovioma ==> 良性滑膜瘤
- benign teratoma ==> 良性畸胎瘤
- benign teratoma of liver ==> 肝良性畸胎瘤
- benign tertian malaria ==> 良性间日疟,间日疟
- benign tumor ==> 良性瘤=>良性腫瘍
- benign tumor of bronchus ==> 支气管良性肿瘤
- benign tumor of chest wall ==> 胸壁良性肿瘤
- benign tumor of colon ==> 结肠良性肿瘤
- benign tumor of diaphragm ==> 膈良性肿瘤
- benign tumor of liver ==> 肝良性肿瘤
- benign tumor of lung ==> 肺部良性肿瘤,肺良性肿瘤
- benign tumor of pleura ==> 胸膜良性肿瘤
- benign tumor of spinal cord ==> 脊髓良性肿瘤
- benign tumor of stomach ==> 胃良性肿瘤
- Benioff seismic zone ==> 毕鸟夫地震带
- Benioff zone ==> 毕鸟夫带,贝尼奥夫带
- benitoite ==> 蓝锥矿
- Benjamin Apthorp Gould ==> ベンジャミン・グールド
- benne oil ==> 麻油
- Bennett's fracture ==> 贝奈特氏骨折
- Bennholds test ==> 本霍尔德氏试验
- Beno-Shilde drying machine ==> 贝诺希尔德单层烘燥机
- Bensleys specific granules ==> 本斯莱氏小粒
- Benson boiler ==> 本生锅炉,本生式锅炉
- bensuldazic acid ==> 苄硫嗪酸
- bent ==> 歪,排架,柱脚,横向构架=>曲げ,ベント
- bent antenna ==> 曲折天线=>折曲げアンテナ
- bent axis axial piston pump ==> 斜轴式轴向活塞泵
- bent axle ==> 曲轴,弯臂轴
- bent bar ==> 弯起钢筋,挠曲钢筋
- bent beam ==> 弯曲梁
- bent blade ==> 弯刀
- bent chisel ==> 弯凿,角凿
- bent clamp ==> 弯压板,弓形夹具
- bent coupling link ==> 互钩环
- bent crystal spectrometer ==> 弯晶体光谱仪
- bent dent ==> 弯形筘齿
- bent finish ==> 歪口
- bent glass ==> 曲面玻璃
- bent gouge ==> 曲柄弧口凿
- bent gun ==> 曲轴电子枪
- bent handle single head wrench ==> 弯柄单头扳手
- bent latch needle ==> 钢丝舌针
- bent lever ==> 曲杆,直角形杠杆
- bent neck ==> 歪颈
- bent nose plier ==> 弯嘴钳
- bent pipe ==> 弯头=>曲り管
- bent plate ==> 曲板,波形板
- bent plywood ==> 弯曲胶合板
- bent rod type stirrer ==> 弯棒式搅拌器
- bent socket wrench ==> 弯柄套筒扳手
- bent spanner ==> 弯头扳手
- bent spar ==> 弯曲翼梁
- bent steel ==> 挠曲钢筋
- bent stem ==> 倾斜茎
- bent stem earth thermometer ==> 曲管地温表
- bent stem thermometer ==> 曲管温度表
- bent strip ==> 镰刀形带材
- bent tail dog ==> 曲尾夹头
- bent tile ==> 曲瓦,弯曲瓦面
- bent tongue depressor ==> 角式压舌板
- bent tube ==> 弯管=>曲り管,ベンド管
- bent wood ==> 弯曲木
- bent wood turning machine ==> 弯式木工车床
- bent-back occlusion ==> 后曲锢囚
- bent-gun ion trap ==> 曲径式电子枪离子阱
- bent-handle wrench ==> 弯头扳手
- bent-shank needle ==> 曲柄唱针
- bent-tail carrier ==> 弯尾夹头
- bent-tail dog ==> 曲り回し金
- bent-tube boiler ==> 弯管锅炉,弯管式锅炉
- bent-tube evaporator ==> 弯管式蒸发器
- bent-up bar ==> 弯起钢筋
- benthic animal ==> 底栖动物
- benthic division ==> 海底区划
- benthic ecology ==> 海底生态学
- benthic infanau sampler ==> 底栖动物取样器
- benthonic organism ==> 底栖生物
- benthonic realm ==> 底栖生境
- Bentley's book ==> 彭脱里密码书
- Bentley's code ==> 彭脱里密码书
- Bentley's Complete Phases Code ==> 彭特莱电码大全
- Bentley's Complete Phrase Code ==> 彭脱里完备用语密码
- Bentley's Second Phases Code ==> 彭特莱第二套电码
- Bentley's Second Phrase Code ==> 彭脱里第二用语密码
- Benton grease ==> 本顿润滑脂
- Benton group ==> 本顿群
- bentonite ==> 膨润土=>ベントナイト
- bentonite bonded sand ==> 膨润土砂
- bentonite flocculation test ==> 皂土絮凝试验
- bentonite grease ==> 膨润土润滑脂
- Benturi Kascade tray ==> 本图利阶梯式塔板
- benyard ==> 铺草运动场
- Benz,Mercedes-Benz ==> 奔驰
- benzal chloride ==> 苄叉二氯
- benzalacetic acid ==> 肉桂酸
- benzaldehyde ==> 安息香醛,苯甲醚=>ベンズアルデヒド
- benzaldehyde cyanohydrin ==> 扁桃腈
- benzaldehyde-carboxylic acid ==> 苯醛酸
- benzalkonium bromide ==> 溴苄烷铵,溴苄烷铵,新洁尔灭,苯扎溴铵
- benzalkonium chloride ==> 苯扎氯铵,杀藻胺,氯化苯甲烃铵
- benzamidoxyacetic acid ==> 胺酸杀
- benzathine benzylpenicillin ==> 苄星青霉素
- benzathine penicillin G ==> 苄星青霉素G,比西林,他多西林
- benzdine ==> 联苯胺
- benzedrinum ==> 苯丙胺
- benzene ==> 苯环=>ベンゼン
- benzene arsonic acid ==> 苯胂酸
- benzene circle ==> ベンゼン環
- benzene combustion ==> ベンゼン燃焼
- benzene condenser ==> 苯冷凝器
- benzene diazonium chloride ==> 氯化重氮苯
- benzene dicarboxylic acid ==> 苯二甲酸
- benzene distilling apparatus ==> 苯蒸馏器
- benzene disulfonic acid ==> 苯二磺酸
- benzene formula ==> 苯式
- benzene hexacarbonic acid ==> 苯六甲酸
- benzene hexachloride ==> 六六六,六氯化苯,六氯环己烷
- benzene hexachloride(BHC) ==> 六六六
- benzene hydrocarbons ==> 苯系烃
- benzene metering tank ==> 苯计量槽
- benzene mixed ==> 混合苯
- benzene nucleus ==> 苯核
- benzene poisoning ==> 苯中毒
- benzene polycarbonic acid ==> 苯多甲酸
- benzene polycarboxylic acid ==> 苯多甲酸
- benzene ring ==> 苯环=>ベンゼン環
- benzene siliconic acid ==> 苯硅酸
- benzene still ==> 苯蒸馏器
- benzene storage ==> 苯贮槽
- benzene sulfinic acid ==> 苯亚磺酸
- benzene sulfinic acid sodium salt ==> 苯亚磺酸钠
- benzene sulfonic acid ==> 苯磺酸
- benzene sulfonic acid sodium salt ==> 苯磺酸钠
- benzene sulfonyl anthranilic acid ==> 苯磺酰邻氨基苯甲酸
- benzene sulfonyl chloride ==> 苯磺酰氯
- benzene sulfonyl hydroxylamine ==> 苯磺酰胲
- benzene tetracarboxylic acid ==> 苯四甲酸
- benzene thiosulfonic acid ==> 苯硫代磺酸
- benzene tricarboxylic acid ==> 苯三甲酸
- benzene trisulfonic acid ==> 苯三磺酸
- benzene-disulfo-chloride ==> 苯二磺酰氯
- benzene-para-dicarboxylic acid ==> 对酞酸
- benzene-pentacarboxylic acid ==> 苯五甲酸
- benzeneazo-naphthylamine ==> 苯偶氮萘胺
- benzenediazonium chloride ==> 氯化重氮苯
- benzenephosphonic acid ==> 苯膦酸
- benzenoid hydrocarbons ==> 苯型烃类
- benzenyl fluoride ==> 次苄基三氟
- benzethonium chloride ==> 苄索氯铵,氯化苄乙氧铵
- benzhexol hydrochloride ==> 盐酸苯海索
- benzhydroxamic acid ==> 苯氧肟酸
- benzhydryl amine ==> 二苯甲基胺
- benzhydryl bromide ==> 二苯甲基溴
- benzidine acetate ==> 醋酸联苯胺
- benzidine blue ==> 联苯胺蓝
- benzidine hydrochloride ==> 盐酸联苯胺
- benzidine peroxidase test ==> 联苯胺过氧化物酶试验
- benzidine poisoning ==> 联苯胺中毒
- benzidine reaction ==> 联苯胺反应
- benzidine reagent ==> 联苯胺试剂
- benzidine rearrangement ==> 二芳基肼重排作用
- benzidine sulfate ==> 硫酸联苯胺
- benzidine tank vehicle(trailer) ==> 联苯胺槽车
- benzidine test ==> 联苯胺试验
- benzidine transformation ==> 联苯胺转换
- benzidine yellow 10G ==> 联苯胺黄10G
- benzidine yellow G ==> 联苯胺黄G
- benzilic acid ==> 二苯乙醇酸
- benzilonium bromide ==> 苯咯溴铵
- benzine ==> ベンジン
- benzo blue ==> 苯并蓝
- benzo brilliant orange CR ==> 苯并亮橙CR
- benzo chrome brown G ==> 苯并铬棕G
- benzo fast blue ==> 苯并坚牢蓝
- benzo fast pink 2BL ==> 苯并坚牢桃红2BL
- benzo fast red 8BL ==> 苯并坚牢红8BL
- benzo fast scarlet 4BA ==> 直接猩红
- benzo fast yellow 5GL ==> 苯并坚牢黄5GL
- benzo light blue FR ==> 苯并浅蓝FR
- benzo light orange 2RL ==> 苯并浅橙2RL
- benzo orange ==> 苯并橙黄
- benzo red ==> 苯并红
- benzo sky blue ==> 苯并青
- benzo-black-blue ==> 苯并黑蓝
- benzo-fast-heliotrope ==> 苯并坚牢淡紫
- benzo-fast-orange ==> 苯并坚牢橙
- benzo-indigo-blue ==> 苯并靛蓝
- benzo-light rubine ==> 苯并亮玉红
- benzo-red-blue ==> 苯并红蓝
- benzoate fibre ==> 苯甲酸酯纤维
- benzododecinium chloride ==> 苯度氯铵
- benzohydroxamic acid ==> 苯基异羟肟酸
- benzoic acid ==> 苯甲基,苯甲酸=>安息香酸
- benzoic alcohol ==> 苄醇
- benzoic amide ==> 苯甲酰胺
- benzoic anhydride ==> 苯甲酸酐,苯酸酐
- benzoic conden-sation ==> 安息香缩合
- benzoic ether ==> 苯甲酸酯
- benzoic trichloride ==> 苄川三氯
- benzoid hydrocarbon ==> 苯型烃
- benzoin blue ==> 苯偶姻蓝
- benzoin condensation ==> 苯偶姻缩合
- benzoin dark-green ==> 苯偶姻暗绿
- benzoin ethyl ether ==> 苯偶姻乙醚
- benzoin fast-red ==> 苯偶姻坚牢红
- benzoin gum ==> 安息香胶
- benzoin test ==> 安息香试验
- benzoin tincture ==> 安息香酊
- benzois condensation ==> 醇酮缩合作用
- benzol ==> ベンゾール
- benzol equivalent ==> 苯当量
- benzol scrubber ==> 洗苯器
- benzophenone carboxylic acid ==> 二苯酮甲酸
- benzophenone dicarboxylic acid ==> 二苯甲酮二甲酸
- benzophenone phenylhydrazone ==> 二苯甲酮苯腙
- benzopyrene pollution ==> 苯并芘污染
- benzoxonium chloride ==> 苯佐氯铵
- benzoyl ==> 苯甲酰,苯甲酰基=>ベンゾイル
- benzoyl acetanilide ==> 苯甲酰乙酰替苯胺
- benzoyl acetic acid ==> 苯甲酰乙酸
- benzoyl acetonitrile ==> 苯甲酰乙腈
- benzoyl acrylic acid ==> 苯甲酰丙烯酸
- benzoyl amide ==> 苯甲酰胺
- benzoyl azide ==> 苯甲酰叠氮
- benzoyl chloride ==> 苯甲酰氯=>塩化ベンゾイル,ベンゾイルクロライド
- benzoyl compound ==> ベンゾイル化合物
- benzoyl fluoride ==> 苯甲酰氟
- benzoyl formic acid ==> 苯甲酰甲酸
- benzoyl hydrazine ==> 苯甲酰肼
- benzoyl hydroperoxide ==> 过氧苯甲酸
- benzoyl lactic acid ==> 苯甲酰乳酸
- benzoyl oxide ==> 苯甲酸酐
- benzoyl peroxide ==> 过氧苯甲酰,过氧苯酰,过氧化苯甲酰,过氧化甲苯酰,面粉增白剂=>過酸化ベンゾイル
- benzoyl peroxide concentration ==> 過酸化ベンゾイル濃度
- benzoyl peroxide decomposition ==> 過酸化ベンゾイル分解
- benzoyl peroxide function ==> 過酸化ベンゾイル機能
- benzoyl peroxide source ==> 過酸化ベンゾイル源
- benzoyl peroxide test ==> 過酸化ベンゾイル検査
- benzoyl peroxide type ==> 過酸化ベンゾイル型
- benzoyl phthalic acid ==> 苯甲酰邻苯二甲酸
- benzoyl ramanone ==> 苯甲酰来门酮
- benzoyl ring ==> ベンゾイル基環
- benzoyl superoxide ==> 过氧化甲苯酰,面粉增白剂
- benzoyl thiokinase ==> 苯甲酰硫激酶
- benzoyl thiourea ==> 苯甲酰硫脲
- benzoyl urea ==> 苯甲酰脲
- benzoyl-eu-genol ==> 苯甲酰丁子香酚
- benzoyl-β-glucuronate ==> 苯甲酰-β-葡萄糖醛酸酯
- benzoylaminobenzoic acid ==> 苯甲酰氨基苯酸
- benzoylating agent ==> 苯甲酰剂
- benzoylbenzoic acid ==> 苯甲酰苯甲酸
- benzoylphenyl-hydroxylamine ==> 苯甲酰苯基羟胺
- benzpyrinium bromide ==> 溴化苄吡啶,溴化苄吡啶
- benzy-cellulose ==> (光学塑料)苯基纤维素
- benzydamine hydrochloride ==> 盐酸炎痛静
- benzyl ==> 苄基=>ベンジル
- benzyl acetate ==> 乙酸苄酯
- benzyl acetone ==> 苄基丙酮
- benzyl acrylate ==> 丙烯酸苄酯
- benzyl alcohol ==> 苯甲醇
- benzyl aminophenol ==> 苄氨基苯酚
- benzyl amygdalate ==> 扁桃酸苄酯
- benzyl aniline ==> 苄基苯胺
- benzyl benzoate ==> 苄基苯甲酸盐,苯甲酸苄酯,苯甲酸酯
- benzyl benzoic acid ==> 苄基苯甲酸
- benzyl boric acid ==> 苄基硼酸
- benzyl boron dihydroxide ==> 苄基硼酸
- benzyl bromide ==> 溴化苄,溴化苄,溴甲苯,溴甲苯
- benzyl bromide α-bromotoluene ==> 苄基溴
- benzyl butyrate ==> 丁酸苄酯
- benzyl carbinol ==> 苯乙醇
- benzyl cellusolve ==> 苄基溶纤剂
- benzyl chloride ==> 苄基氯,氯化苄,氯苄
- benzyl chloroformate ==> 氯甲酸苄基酯
- benzyl cinnamate ==> 桂酸苄酯,肉桂酸苄酯
- benzyl cyanide ==> 苄基氰,苯乙腈
- benzyl dimethylamine ==> 苄基二甲胺
- benzyl disulfide ==> 二苄基二硫醚
- benzyl ether ==> 二苄醚
- benzyl ethyl ether ==> 苄基乙基醚
- benzyl fluoride ==> 苄基氟
- benzyl group ==> 苯甲基
- benzyl halide ==> 苄基卤
- benzyl hydrazine ==> 苄基肼
- benzyl iodide ==> 苄基碘
- benzyl isoeugenol ==> 苄基异丁子香酚
- benzyl isothiocyanate ==> 异硫氰酸苄酯
- benzyl isothiourea hydrochlotide ==> 盐酸苄异硫脲
- benzyl mercaptan ==> 苄硫醇
- benzyl oxide ==> 苄醚
- benzyl penicillin potassium ==> 苄基青霉素钾盐
- benzyl penicillin sodium ==> 苄基青霉素钠盐
- benzyl penicillinic acid ==> 苄基青霉酸
- benzyl propionate ==> 丙酸苄酯
- benzyl salicylate ==> 水杨酸苄酯
- benzyl succinate ==> 琥珀酸苄酯
- benzyl sulfonic acid ==> 苄磺酸
- benzyl sulfoxide ==> (苄亚砜)二苄亚砜
- benzyl-iso-thiourea hydrochloride ==> 苄基异硫脲盐酸盐
- benzylamine ==> 苄胺
- benzylamine carbonate ==> 苄胺碳酸盐
- benzylamine cinnamate ==> 苄胺肉桂酸盐
- benzylanilineazo-benzene ==> 苄基苯胺偶氮苯
- benzylate ==> 苄化
- benzylating agent ==> 苄化剂
- benzylbenzene ==> 二苯甲烷
- benzylbiphenyl ==> 苄基联苯
- benzylcarbonyl chloride ==> 氯甲酸苄基酯
- benzyldithio toluene ==> 二苄基二硫醚
- benzylene bromide ==> 二溴甲基苯
- benzylene chloride ==> 二氯甲基苯
- benzylephedrine ==> 苄麻黄碱
- benzylhydroperoxide ==> 过苯甲酸
- benzylhydroxylamine ==> 苄基胲
- benzylidene ==> 苄叉二氯,苯亚甲基
- benzylidene aniline ==> 苄叉苯胺
- benzylidene bromide ==> 二溴甲基苯
- benzylideneacetone ==> 苄叉丙酮
- benzylidenebutyramide ==> 苄烯丁胺
- benzylidyne ==> 次苄基
- benzylmorphine hydrochloride ==> 盐酸苯甲基吗啡
- benzylomorphine hydrochloride ==> 珀郎宁
- benzylpenicillin ==> 苄青霉素
- benzylpenicillin sodium ==> 青霉素G钠
- benzylpenicilloryl polylysine ==> 青霉烯酰聚赖氨酸
- benzylphenol ==> 苄基苯酚
- benzylphenyl carbamate ==> 氨基甲酸苄基苯酯
- benzylsulfamide ==> 苄磺胺
- benzyltrim-ethy-lammonium bromide ==> 苄基三甲基溴化铵
- benzyltrim-ethy-lammonium chloride ==> 苄基三甲基氯化铵
- benzyltrim-ethy-lammonium iodide ==> 苄基三甲基碘化铵
- benzyltrimethyl ketone ==> 苄基甲基酮
- benzyltrimethylammonium hydroxide ==> 苄基三甲基氢氧化铵
- benzyne intermediate ==> 苯炔中间体
- benzyq carbamate ==> 氨基甲酸苄酯
- BEPET, bus electrical performance evaluation test ==> バス電気性能評価試験
- bephenine hydroxynaphthoate ==> 羟萘酸苄酚宁
- bephenium hydroxynaphthoate ==> 灭虫宁,苄芬宁羟萘酸盐
- bequeath ==> 遺贈する
- bequeath a fortune ==> 遺産を残す
- BER, bit error rate ==> ビット誤り率
- berberine hydrochloride ==> 黄连素盐酸,盐酸小蘖碱
- berberine sulfate ==> 硫酸小蘖碱
- bereaved family ==> 遺族
- bereaved person ==> 遺族
- bereaved relative ==> 遺族
- bereavement ==> 死別
- bereavement counseling ==> 死別カウンセリング
- bereavement leave ==> 忌引(きびき)休暇
- bereavement pay ==> 忌引手当
- Berek compensator ==> 贝雷克补偿器
- berel edge ==> 倒角
- Berenices Hair ==> 后发星座
- berg ==> 大冰块,冰山
- berg crystal ==> 水晶
- berg till ==> 浮冰冰碛
- Berg's diver method ==> 潜沉法
- bergamot oil ==> 香柠檬油
- bergamot pear ==> 香梨
- Berger code ==> 伯格码
- Berger's operation ==> 肩胸间切断术
- Berger's sign ==> 贝格尔氏征
- Bergeron model ==> 贝瑞隆模型
- Bergeron's method ==> ベルシェロン法(EMTPの計算手法)
- Bergeron-Findeisen process ==> ベルシェロン-フィンダイセン作用
- Bergerons disease hysterical chorea ==> 贝尔热隆氏病
- Bergius process ==> 伯吉尤斯法
- Bergman generator ==> 伯格曼发电机
- bergman generator ==> 伯格曼发电机
- Bergman-Turner unit ==> 伯格曼-吐纳单位
- Bergmann's law ==> 伯氏定律
- Bergmann's rule ==> 伯格曼定律,伯格曼法则
- beriberi cardiopathy ==> 脚气病性心脏病
- Berkefeld filter ==> 伯克菲尔德滤器,贝克斐尔德氏细菌滤器
- Berkeleld filter ==> 白化过滤器
- Berkeley clay ==> 柏克里耐火高岭土
- berkelium ==> バーケリウム(放射線元素,Bk)
- Berksonian line ==> 伯克森线
- berl saddle ==> 鞍形填充物
- Berl saddle ==> 贝尔鞍形填料,马鞍形填料
- Berl saddle packing ==> 弧鞍形填料,贝尔鞍形填料
- Berlese funnel ==> 伯利斯漏斗
- Berlese's organ ==> 柏氏器官,柏累斯氏器
- Berlin blue ==> 柏林蓝,普鲁士蓝
- Berlin green ==> 柏林绿
- berlock dermatitis ==> 伯洛克皮炎,香料皮炎
- berm ==> 马道,又称“戗道”。在土石坝坝坡上每隔一定高度设置的平台
- berm crest ==> 滨后阶地脊部,滩肩脊
- berm ditch ==> 护路排水沟
- berm edge ==> 滨后阶地脊部
- berm scarp ==> 滩肩崖
- Bermann's rule ==> 伯格曼规律
- bermatypic coral ==> 造礁珊瑚
- Bermax bearing alloy ==> 伯马克斯轴承合金
- berme ditch ==> 边坡截水沟
- bermetic centrifuge ==> 密封离心机
- Bermuda cloth ==> (热带服用)百慕大布
- Bermuda grass ==> 狗牙草
- Bernard's duct ==> 伯尔纳氏管,伯纳尔氏管
- Bernard's puncture ==> 伯尔纳氏穿刺
- Bernard-Horner syndrome ==> 伯-霍二氏综合征,颈交感神经节麻痹,颈交感神经节麻痹
- Bernay's sponge ==> 伯内氏海绵
- Berne Convention ==> 伯恩公约
- Berne Union ==> (信用及投资保险人国际联盟)伯恩联盟
- Bernhardt's disturbance of sensation ==> 感觉异常性股痛
- Bernhardts formula ==> 伯恩哈特氏公式
- Bernheimer's fibers ==> 伯恩海默氏纤维
- Bernouilli force ==> 伯努利力
- Bernoulle polynomial ==> 伯努利多项式
- Bernoulli analysis ==> 伯努里分析
- Bernoulli constant ==> 伯努利常数
- Bernoulli differential equation ==> 伯努利方程
- Bernoulli distribution ==> 伯努里分布,二项分布
- Bernoulli effect ==> 伯努利效应
- Bernoulli equation ==> 伯努利方程
- Bernoulli flexible disk drive ==> 伯努利软磁盘机
- Bernoulli hypothesis ==> 伯努里假定
- Bernoulli number ==> 伯努利数
- Bernoulli number table ==> 伯努利数表
- Bernoulli process ==> 伯努里过程,伯努利过程
- Bernoulli stochastic process ==> 伯努利随机过程
- Bernoulli variation ==> 伯努里变异
- Bernoulli walk ==> 伯努里游走
- Bernoulli's energy equation ==> 伯努利能量公式
- Bernoulli's spiral ==> 伯努利螺线
- Bernoulli's theorem ==> ベルヌーイの定理
- Bernoulli-Euler law ==> 伯努利-欧拉定律
- bernoulli-euler law ==> 伯努利-欧拉定律
- Bernoullis law ==> 伯努利定律
- Bernsen algorithm ==> Bernsen算法
- berry aneurysm ==> 脑底动脉瘤,颅内小动脉(动脉)瘤
- berry blotch ==> 浆果疱斑病
- berry drop ==> 落甲病
- Berry machine ==> 柏里砖坯成形机
- berry producing plants ==> 浆果作物
- berry stripper ==> 浆果梳摘机
- berry thinning ==> 疏果
- Berry transformer ==> 贝里变压器
- Berry's circles ==> 贝里氏立体视力表
- berson simulation ==> 本森模拟
- berth ==> 停泊,停泊处,泊,泊船处,泊位,舱位,锚位,船位=>バース
- berth bill of lading ==> 码头提单
- berth cargo rate ==> 停埠船运费率,空航载货运费率
- berth charge ==> 停泊费
- berth charter ==> 舱位包租
- berth deck ==> 住舱甲板
- berth owner ==> 班轮船主
- berth rates ==> 班轮费率
- berth terms ==> 码头条件
- berth time ==> 停泊时间
- berthage space ==> 停泊区
- Berthelot equation ==> 贝特洛方程式
- Berthelot-Thomsen principle ==> 贝特洛-汤姆逊原理
- berthierite ==> 辉铁锑矿
- berthing accommodation ==> 锚泊设备,系船设备
- berthing force ==> 泊力,靠泊力
- berthing impact ==> 靠船撞击力,锚泊冲击力
- berthing note ==> 停泊提示
- Bertin's column ==> 贝坦氏柱
- Bertrand curve ==> 伯特兰曲线
- Bertrand lens ==> 勃氏镜,伯特兰透镜,(偏光显微镜观察用)伯特兰镜头
- Bertrand qualifying equation ==> 伯特兰验证方程式
- Bertrand's Duopoly Model ==> 伯特兰的双垄断模型
- Bertrand's rule ==> 伯特兰规则
- beryl ==> 绿柱石
- berylco alloy ==> 铜合金,铍铜合金
- berylia refractories ==> 氧化铍耐火材料
- beryllate ==> 铍酸盐
- beryllia ==> 氧化铍=>酸化ベリリウム
- beryllia ceramics ==> バリリヤ磁器
- beryllia refractory ==> 氧化铍耐火材料
- beryllia substrate ==> 氧化铍衬底
- beryllia valve seat ==> 氧化铍阀座
- berylliosis of lung ==> 铍尘肺,铍肺
- beryllite ==> 水硅铍石
- beryllium ==> 铍=>ベリリウム(元素,Be)
- beryllium (toxic metal) ==> 铍(有毒金属)
- beryllium alloy ==> 铍合金
- beryllium alumin(i)um alloy ==> 铍铝合金
- beryllium bronze ==> 铍青铜
- beryllium carbide ==> 碳化铍
- beryllium carbonate ==> 碳酸铍
- beryllium chloride ==> 氯化铍
- beryllium copper ==> 铍铜合金
- beryllium dome tweeter ==> 铍膜球顶形高音扬声器
- beryllium fluoride ==> 氟化铍,核纯氟化铍
- beryllium glass ==> 铍玻璃
- beryllium hydroxide ==> 氢氧化铍
- beryllium moderated reaction ==> 铍慢化反应堆
- beryllium moderated reactor ==> ベリリウム減速原子炉
- beryllium nitride ==> 氮化铍
- beryllium oxide ==> 氧化玻,氧化铍
- beryllium poisoning ==> 铍中毒
- beryllium pollution ==> 铍污染
- beryllium silicate ==> 硅酸铍
- beryllium sulfate ==> 硫酸铍
- beryllium zinc silicate ==> 硅酸锌铍
- beryllium-reflected reactor ==> 铍反射层堆
- beryllium-silver-copper alloy ==> 铍银铜合金
- beryllonite ==> 磷钠铍石
- berzelianite ==> 硒铜矿
- besd sed of rim ==> 鞍边
- besides compost ==> 除堆肥以外
- Besinc function ==> 贝森克函数
- Besniers lupus pernio ==> 贝尼埃氏冻疮样狼疮
- besoxyephedrine hydrochloride ==> 盐酸脱氧麻黄碱
- Besredka's reaction ==> 别兹列德卡氏反应
- Besredkas reaction ==> 别兹列德卡氏反应
- BESS, battery energy storage system ==> 電力貯蔵,常時並列型無停電電源
- Bessel ellipsoid of 1841 ==> 贝塞耳椭球体1841
- Bessel equation ==> 贝塞耳方程,贝塞尔方程
- Bessel function ==> 贝塞尔函数,贝塞耳函数=>ベッセル関数
- Bessel horn ==> 贝塞尔喇叭
- Bessel point ==> 贝塞耳支承点
- Bessel transform ==> 汉克尔变换
- Bessel's differential equation ==> 贝塞耳微分方程
- Bessel's inequality ==> ベッセルの不等式
- Besselian date ==> 贝塞尔日期
- Besselian day number ==> 贝塞尔日数
- Besselian star constant ==> 贝塞尔恒星常数
- Besselian star number ==> 贝塞尔星数
- Besselian star numbers ==> 贝塞耳星数
- Bessemer charge ==> 酸性转炉炉料
- Bessemer converter ==> ベッセマ転炉
- bessemer copper ==> 转炉铜
- Bessemer iron ==> 酸性钢,贝色麦铁
- Bessemer ladle ==> 底注盛钢桶
- Bessemer low carbon steel ==> 酸性转炉低碳钢
- Bessemer matte ==> 吹炉锍
- Bessemer mild steel ==> 贝色麦钢
- Bessemer pig ==> 酸性钢
- Bessemer pig iron ==> 贝色麦铁
- bessemer pig iron ==> 酸性转炉生铁
- Bessemer process ==> 贝色麦方法
- bessemer process ==> 酸性转炉炼钢法
- bessemer steel ==> 酸性转炉钢
- Bessemer steel ==> 贝色麦钢,酸性钢=>ベッセマ鋼
- bessemerizing ==> 贝氏炼钢法
- Bessey unit ==> 贝西单位
- Besson nephoscope ==> 贝森测云器
- best approximation ==> 最优逼近
- best bar ==> 二次精练条铁
- Best best wire ==> (美国商品名)中等电阻的钢丝
- best climbing angle ==> 最好上升角
- best coke grade tin plate ==> 高级镀锡钢板
- best economy rating ==> 最低燃料消耗率
- best efforts ==> 最善の努力
- best estimate of trajectory ==> 弹道的最佳估算
- best evidence ==> 最佳证据
- best fit ==> 最佳配合
- best fit approximation ==> 最优近似
- best form lens ==> 最佳形状透镜
- best hand-picked lime ==> 手选优质石灰
- best in quality ==> 品质优等
- best invariant estimate of location parameter ==> 局部参数的最佳不变量估计,局部参数的最佳不变量估计
- best invariant test for location parameter ==> 局部参数的最佳不变量试验,局部参数的最佳不变量试验
- best iron ==> 二次加工熟铁
- best linear unbiased estimator ==> 最优线性无偏估算子
- best load ==> 最大效率时的负荷
- best management practice ==> 最佳管理办法
- best match ==> 最佳配合
- best match file searching ==> 查询最近似的文件
- best matching ==> 最佳匹配
- best operating point ==> 最佳工作点
- best plough steel wire ==> 铅淬火高强度钢丝
- best point load ==> 经济负荷,经济负荷
- best power mixture ==> 最大动力的混合气
- best practicable means ==> 最佳可行办法,最佳实践方法
- best practicable technology ==> 最佳可行技术
- best process ==> 锭头电渣补注法
- best puddled bar ==> 精制熟铁棒材,精制熟铁棒材
- best recipe ==> 最善策
- best season for planting trees ==> 植树的最好季节
- best selected copper ==> 优质精铜
- best servo ==> 最佳随动系统
- best use of economic resources ==> 经济资源最优利用,经济资源最优利用
- best value ==> 最佳值
- best variety to be grown in a given region ==> 最适在某一特定地区种植的品种
- best when used by date ==> 賞味期限
- Best's operation ==> 贝斯特氏手术
- best-effects selling ==> 非包销发行
- best-fit polynomial approximation ==> 最优逼近多项式
- best-practice labor productivity ==> 先进企业的劳动生产率
- bet hit by a natural calamity ==> 遭灾
- BET, best estimate trajectory ==> 最良推定飛行経路
- beta ==> β,ベータ
- beta absorption gauge ==> 按吸收原理工作的β测量计
- beta curve ==> 脉冲曲线
- beta decay ==> 衰变=>ベータ崩壊
- beta disintegration ==> 衰变
- beta distribution ==> 贝塔分布
- beta function ==> 贝塔函数
- beta gauge ==> ベータ線測定器
- beta granules ==> 两染性粒
- beta interaction ==> 弱相互作用
- beta iron ==> 铁
- beta particle ==> 乙种粒子=>ベータ粒子
- beta ray ==> 乙种射线
- beta rays ==> β線
- beta region ==> 相区域
- beta site ==> 临时场地
- beta-decay electron ==> ベータ崩壊電子
- beta-emitting isotope ==> 发射β射线的同位素
- beta-hypophamine ==> 加压素
- beta-naphtol ==> 丑萘酚
- beta-particle distingration ==> ベータ粒子崩壊
- betafite ==> 钛铌铀矿
- betaine formula ==> 内铵盐式
- betaloc tablet ==> 倍他乐克片
- betamethasone aerosol ==> 倍他米松气雾剂
- betamethasone sodium phosphate ==> 倍他米松磷酸钠
- betatron ==> 电子回旋加速器,电子感应加速器=>ベータトロン
- betatron acceleration ==> 电子回旋加速
- betatron effect ==> 电子回旋加速效应
- betatron generator ==> 电子感应加速器
- betatron mechanism ==> 电子回旋加速机制
- betatron process ==> 电子回旋加速过程
- betel nut ==> 槟榔,槟榔子
- betel vine ==> 蒌叶
- bethanechol chloride ==> 氯化氨甲酰甲胆碱
- bethanidine sulfate ==> 硫酸苄甲胍
- bethanized wire ==> 电镀锌钢丝
- bethanizing ==> 钢丝电镀锌
- bethanizing process ==> 钢丝电解镀锌法
- Bethe's salining method ==> 贝提氏固定亚甲蓝染色法
- Bethe-Ansatz ==> ベーテ仮説
- Bethe-hole coupler ==> 倍兹孔耦合器
- Bethe-Salpeter equation ==> 贝弟-萨尔彼特方程
- Bethe-Weiz-sacker cycle ==> 贝蒂-魏茨泽克循环
- Bethenod-Latour alternator ==> 贝思诺特-拉图尔交流发电机
- betrayed ==> 暴露する
- betrunk stream ==> 断尾河
- betrunked river ==> 断尾河
- bets tax ==> 博彩税
- BETTA ==> 英国の卸電力取引制度
- Bettendorff's method ==> 白田道夫氏法
- Bettendorffs reagent ==> 白田道夫氏试剂
- Bettendorffs test ==> 贝腾多夫氏试验
- better ==> 上级=>上長,年長者
- better agriculture through biological research ==> 通过生物研究改良农业
- better bed fireclay ==> 培特煤层耐火粘土
- Better bend than break ==> 折れるよりは曲がった方がいい
- better business ==> 业务改善
- better distribution of investment ==> 调整投资结构
- better earth ==> 良接地
- better growing conditions ==> 良好的生长条件
- Better Market Initiative ==> 市場強化プラン
- better same order bias estimator (BSOBE) ==> 较优同阶有偏估计量
- better the price ==> 让价
- better-than-average purity ==> 高于一般纯度
- betterment ==> 改善
- betterment of land ==> 土地改良
- betterment order ==> 添购自用资产通知单
- betterment works ==> 改善工程
- betterments ==> 修缮经费
- Betterton-Kroll process ==> 贝特顿-克洛耳法
- bettery jar ==> 电瓶
- Betti number ==> 连通数
- betti reaction ==> 贝蒂反应
- Betti reciprocal theorem ==> 贝蒂互易定理
- Betti's method ==> 贝蒂法
- betting curve ==> 博弈曲线
- betting duty ==> 博彩税
- betting tax ==> 博彩税
- Betts process ==> 贝茨法
- betts process ==> 贝茨粗铅电解精炼法
- betula oil ==> 水杨酸甲酯
- betulinic acid ==> 桦木酸
- betulonic acid ==> 桦木酮酸
- between (on) centers ==> 中心间距
- between -and -within-plant ==> 植株间的植株内
- between centers ==> 轴间,轴间距
- between failures ==> 二次故障之间
- between outside ==> 外间距
- between outside faces ==> 在外表面之间
- between product ==> 中间产品
- between race ==> 中间宗
- between row distance ==> 行距
- between the rows of crops ==> 在作物行间开浅沟引水
- between tracks connection ==> 轨道连接
- between tree distance ==> 株距
- between-lens shutter ==> 镜间快门,镜间快门
- between-the-mean variation ==> 平均值之间的变差
- betwixt land ==> 中介地区
- Betz cell ==> 贝兹细胞
- Betz cell area ==> 贝茨氏细胞区,心理运动区
- Betz momentum theory ==> 贝兹动量理论
- bevel ==> 坡口,剖口,削面,对切,字肩斜面,制成斜面,斜截,开坡口,(木石等材料削斜角)割角
- bevel angle ==> 单边坡口角度,坡口面角度,板边角度,边缘斜角
- bevel arm piece ==> 斜三通管
- bevel brick ==> 斜边砖
- bevel clutch ==> 锥形离合器
- bevel cone friction clutch ==> 锥形摩擦离合器
- bevel cutter ==> 坡口铣刀,伞齿铣刀
- bevel cutting ==> 开坡口
- bevel differential ==> 锥形齿轮差动器
- bevel drive ==> 锥齿轮传动,伞齿轮传动
- bevel drive pinion ==> 主动小锥齿轮
- bevel drive pinion ball bearing ==> 主动小锥齿轮滚珠轴承
- bevel edge ==> 斜缘边,倒角边
- bevel edge core ==> 斜角端部コア
- bevel end ==> 坡管口,坡口端,坡口加工端
- bevel etch ==> 倾斜腐蚀
- bevel ga(u)ge ==> 量角器
- bevel gauge ==> 曲尺
- bevel gear ==> 伞齿轮,伞形齿轮,锥齿轮,直齿伞齿轮=>ベベルギア,傘歯車
- bevel gear blank ==> 锥齿轮坯料
- bevel gear burnishing machine ==> 伞齿轮研齿机
- bevel gear cutter ==> 锥齿轮铣刀
- bevel gear cutting machine ==> 锥齿轮切齿机床
- bevel gear differential ==> 锥齿轮差动装置
- bevel gear drive ==> 锥齿轮传动
- bevel gear gate lifting device ==> 斜齿轮闸门启闭机
- bevel gear generator ==> 伞齿轮刨齿机
- bevel gear housing ==> 锥齿轮传动箱
- bevel gear jack ==> 锥齿轮千斤顶
- bevel gear main drive ==> 锥齿轮主传动机构
- bevel gear mesh adjusting gasket ==> 锥齿轮啮合调整衬垫
- bevel gear pair ==> 锥齿轮副
- bevel gear reverse ==> 锥齿轮换向法
- bevel gear system ==> 锥齿轮系
- bevel gear tester ==> 锥齿轮检查仪
- bevel gear thrust bronze plate ==> 锥齿轮推力铜挡板
- bevel gear wheel ==> 圆锥齿轮
- bevel gearing ==> 锥齿轮装置
- bevel grinding ==> 斜磨,按角度研磨
- bevel grinding attachment ==> 斜度磨光装置
- bevel head rivet ==> 锥头铆钉
- bevel joint piston ring ==> 斜开口活塞环
- bevel lead ==> 斜导程
- bevel mortise wheel ==> 锥形嵌齿轮
- bevel pinion ==> 小斜齿轮,小锥齿轮
- bevel pinion adjusting sleeve ==> 锥齿轮校准套
- bevel pinion differential gear ==> 差动小锥齿轮
- bevel pinion shaft ==> 圆锥齿轮轴
- bevel planet gearing ==> 行星锥齿轮装置
- bevel plate heat exchanger ==> 伞板式换热器
- bevel protractor ==> 量角规,斜量角规
- bevel seat valve ==> 斜座阀
- bevel shearing machine ==> 斜剪机
- bevel tool ==> 角切刀,锥形刀具
- bevel washer ==> 斜垫圈
- bevel welding ==> 斜角焊
- bevel wheel ==> 斜摩擦轮,锥齿轮,伞齿轮,伞形齿轮
- bevel wheel change gear ==> 锥齿轮变速装置
- bevel wheel drill ==> 角钻
- bevel(l)ed claw clutch ==> 锥形爪式离合器
- bevel(l)ed firmer chisel ==> 木工斜边凿
- bevel(l)ed rectangular tie ==> 斜角轨枕
- bevel(l)ed sickle wheel ==> 磨刀锥形砂轮
- bevel(l)ed washer ==> 楔形螺栓垫圈
- bevel(l)ing ==> 做成斜边
- bevel(l)ing of the edge ==> 坡口加工
- bevel(l)ing post ==> 磨角架
- bevel-cut ==> 斜边切割
- bevel-cutting ==> 斜边切割
- bevel-edge mirror ==> 磨边镜子
- bevel-type differential gear ==> 锥式差动齿轮
- bevel-type planetary gear ==> 锥式行星齿轮
- bevel-type planetary gearing ==> 锥式行星传动装置
- beveled edge ==> 斜切的边缘
- beveled plate glass ==> 带斜边的板玻璃
- beveler ==> 磨石板机,磨斜边机
- beveling ==> 开坡口,磨斜棱,倒角,斜切
- beveling angle ==> 蹴上げ角度
- beveling machine ==> 刨边机
- bevelled brush ==> 削角电刷
- bevelled halving ==> 斜对接
- bevelled mirror glass ==> 磨边镜玻璃
- bevelled punch ==> 斜刃凸模
- bevelled wheel ==> 斜棱滚轮
- bevelled-edge chisel ==> 斜刃凿
- bevelling ==> 倒角,倒棱,倒斜角
- bevelling machine ==> 倒斜边机,倒斜角机
- bevelling plane ==> 榫槽刨,榫槽刨
- bevelling post ==> 磨角器
- beverage ==> 饮料=>飲み物,飲料
- Beverage antenna ==> 贝佛莱日天线=>ビバレージアンテナ
- beverage bottle ==> 饮料瓶
- beverage can ==> 飲料用缶
- beverage choice ==> 飲料選択
- beverage crop ==> 饮料作物
- beverage room ==> 饮料间
- bewel ==> 浇包柄
- Beyer's speed change device ==> 贝耶尔式变速机
- Beyerinck's thrax reaction ==> 拜厄林克氏反应
- Beyerincks thrax reaction ==> 拜厄林克氏反应
- beyond visual range radar ==> 超视距雷达
- beyond-critical Mach number ==> 超临界马赫数
- beyond-the-horizon communication ==> 散射传播
- beyond-the-horizon propagation ==> 超视距传播,超越地平线传播
- beyond-the-horizon transmission ==> 超视距传输
- bezalip tablet ==> 必降脂片
- bezel ring ==> 盖环
- Bezier curve ==> ベジエ曲線
- bezier curve ==> 贝齐尔曲线
- bezoar ==> 结石
- bezoar chest functioning pill ==> 安宫牛黄丸
- bezoar of stomach ==> 胃结块症
- bezzlement ==> 侵吞,贪污,贪污盗窃
- bezzlement of state property ==> 侵吞国家财产罪
- bezzlement of tax funds ==> 侵吞税款
- BF, Backward-Forward sweep Method ==> BF法潮流計算
- BFI Baltic Freight Index ==> 波罗的海货物索引
- BFN, beam forming network ==> ビーム形成回路(網)
- BFO, beat frequency oscillator ==> ビート周波数発振器
- BFP, best fit parabola ==> ベストフィットパラボラ
- BFP, boiler feed pump ==> BFP
- BFR, buffer register ==> 緩衝レジスタ
- BFRP, boron fiber reinforced plastic ==> ボロン繊維強化プラスチック
- BFS, backup flight system ==> バックアップ飛行システム
- BFSK, binary frequency shift keying ==> 2相周波数シフト変調
- BFT, battleship firing test ==> 厚肉タンク燃焼試験
- BFT, binary file transfer ==> バイナリ形式のファイル転送
- BFW pump ==> 锅炉给水泵
- BG, background sound ==> 背音(放送)
- BGA, Ball Grid Array ==> ボール格子端子型パッケージ(パッケージの底面に,電極を並べた構造で,基板との接続(接着)は,ハンダ・ボールを電極と基板間に置いて,炉で加熱して行う)
- BGM, background music ==> バックグラウンドミュージック
- BGP, border gateway protocol ==> RFC1105で規定されているインターネットの経路制御プロトコルAS間でのルーティングで使われている
- BH Belize (Flag) ==> 伯利兹(注册)
- BH macro ==> 块处理宏指令
- BH set ==> 块处理程序集
- BHA bottom hole assembly ==> 底部钻具组合
- Bhattacharyya distance ==> 巴特查里亚距离
- BHC, blockhouse console ==> ブロックハウスコンソール
- BHD Bulkhead ==> 隔墙,防水隔板
- BHD, bulkhead ==> バルクヘッド(隔壁)
- BHEL, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited ==> バーラト重電公社(インド)
- BHFT, basic human factor technology ==> 基本的な人間要素技術
- BHS Bahamas (Flag) ==> 巴哈马(注册)
- BHS, body heat storage ==> 本体蓄積熱量
- BHUV, biologically harmful ultraviolet ==> 生物有害紫外線
- BI Both Inclusive ==> 两个都包括
- bi directional vane ==> 双向风向标,双风信标
- Bi hollow cathode lamp ==> 铋空心阴极灯
- bi-cable ==> 双缆索道
- Bi-CMOS, bipolar-complementary metal oxide semiconductor ==> バイポーラとCMOSを組み合わせた半導体製造技術
- bi-component ==> 双组分
- bi-directioanl DC-DC converter ==> 双方向性DC-DCコンバータ
- bi-directioanl inverter ==> 双方向交直変換器
- bi-directioanl rectifier ==> 双方向整流器
- bi-directioanl switch ==> 双方向スイッチ
- bi-directional buck-boost choppers ==> 双方向昇降圧チョッパ回路
- bi-directional bus driver ==> 双向总线驱动器
- bi-directional chained list ==> 双向链接列表
- bi-directional chopper ==> 双方向チョッパ
- bi-directional contract for difference ==> 双向差价合同,同时保证买方和卖方规避市场价格下跌风险的差价合同
- bi-directional heuristic ==> 双向试探
- bi-directional list ==> 双向列表
- bi-directional voltage source converter ==> 両方向電圧形コンバータ
- bi-drum boiler ==> 双汽包锅炉
- bi-factorization technique ==> 双分解法
- Bi-FET, bipolar-FET ==> バイポーラ・トランジスタとFETを組み合わせた回路
- bi-fibre ==> 棉毛混纺地毯纱
- bi-film capacitor ==> 複合フィルムコンデンサ
- bi-flux heat exchanger ==> 汽-汽热交换器,利用过热蒸汽加热再热蒸汽,用于调节再热蒸汽温度的热交换器。
- bi-frequency system ==> 双频制
- bi-harmonic ==> 双谐的
- bi-MOS integrated circuit ==> バイMOS集積回路
- bi-parting door ==> 双开拉门
- bi-parting sliding door ==> 双扇推拉门,双开式平滑门=>両開閉スライドゲート
- bi-pass ==> 双通
- bi-rotation ==> 双异旋光,变异旋光
- bi-serial coefficient of correlation ==> 双列相关系数
- bi-serial ratio of correlation ==> 双列相关比率,两双数列相关比率
- bi-signal zone ==> 双信号区,等强信号区
- bi-stable relay ==> 双稳态继电器,有两个稳定状态的一种继电器
- bi-telephone ==> 耳机,双耳受话器
- bi-ter-nary system ==> 二-三进制
- BIA, bus interface adapter ==> バスインタフェースアダプタ
- Bial's test ==> 比亚耳氏试验
- Bianchis nodules ==> 比昂基氏小结
- bianry image ==> 二值图像
- bias ==> 经济预测中的倾向性,经济预测中的倾向性,偏,偏磁,偏见,偏性,偏倚,偏置=>かたより,バイアス,偏見,先入観
- bias beat ==> 偏拍频
- bias bell ==> 偏动电铃
- bias belted tyre ==> 带束斜交轮胎
- bias buff ==> 斜裁布抛光轮
- bias check ==> 边缘检验,边缘校验
- bias circuit ==> 偏压电路
- bias control ==> 偏置控制
- bias correction ==> 偏移修正值
- bias crosstalk ==> 偏磁串扰
- bias cutter ==> 斜裁机
- bias data ==> 偏离数据
- bias detection ==> 偏流检波
- bias distortion ==> 偏离失真,偏移畸变,偏移失真,偏置畸变,电报偏移畸变=>バイアスひずみ
- bias error ==> 偏移误差,偏倚误差,有偏误差=>かたより誤差
- bias factor ==> 偏因
- bias field ==> 偏磁场
- bias gear ==> 偏动装置
- bias light ==> 衬托光,背景光,本底光
- bias lighting ==> 背景照明,衬底照明,偏置光
- bias meter ==> 偏畸变计,偏流计,信号偏压计
- bias mute ==> 偏置抑制杂波
- bias off ==> 偏置截止,加偏压截止
- bias oscillator ==> 偏置振荡器
- bias proportion ==> 偏倚比例
- bias pulse ==> 偏置脉冲
- bias resistance ==> 偏压电阻=>バイアス抵抗
- bias resistor ==> 偏压电阻器
- bias source current waveform ==> バイアス電源電流波形
- bias sputtering ==> 偏置溅射
- bias telegraph distortion ==> 电报偏移畸变
- bias term ==> 偏项
- bias test ==> 拉偏试验
- bias uncertainty ==> 偏离不定度
- bias voltage ==> 偏压=>バイアス電圧
- bias winding ==> 偏压绕组,辅助磁化线圈=>バイアス巻線(磁気増幅器)
- BIAS, bias ==> 偏位
- bias-momentum system ==> バイアスモーメンタム公式
- biased blocking oscillator ==> 负偏压间歇振荡器
- biased charged Faraday cup ==> バイアス電圧印加形ファラデーカップ
- biased critical region ==> 偏倚临界域
- biased data ==> 分布不匀的数据,分布不匀数据
- biased detector ==> 偏置探测器
- biased differential protective system ==> 偏置差动保护装置,极化差动保护装置,比率差动保护装置
- biased electrode ==> 加偏压的电极
- biased error ==> 偏离误差,偏置误差
- biased estimate ==> 偏向估计
- biased multivibrator ==> 截止多谐振荡器,闭锁多谐振荡器
- biased relay ==> 百分率差动继电器,带制动的继电器
- biased result ==> 有偏结果
- biased statistic ==> 有偏统计量
- biased technological progress ==> 不全面的技术进展
- biased valve ==> 承载阀
- biasing characteristic ==> 偏置特性
- biasing logic ==> 偏值逻辑,偏置逻辑
- biasing spring ==> 偏动弹簧
- biasing technique ==> 偏置技术
- biax element ==> 双轴元件
- biax magnetic element ==> 双轴磁心元件
- biax memory ==> 非破坏读出存储器
- biaxial anisotropy ==> 双轴各向异性
- biaxial cable ==> 双轴电缆
- biaxial crystal ==> 二軸性結晶
- biaxial interference figure ==> 二轴晶干涉图
- biaxial optical symmetry ==> 双轴光学对称
- biaxial orientation ==> 双轴取向
- biaxial stress ==> 双向应力,双轴应力,平面应力,二向应力
- biaxial stress system ==> 二向应力系统
- biaxial system ==> 双轴系统
- biaxial tension ==> 双向拉伸
- biaxially-oriented film ==> 二軸延伸フィルム
- Biazzi process ==> 毕阿兹法
- bib nozzle ==> 旋塞嘴,龙头嘴
- bib tap ==> 弯嘴龙头,小水龙头
- BIB, built-in breathing unit ==> 組込式呼吸装置
- bib-valve ==> 弯管龙头
- bibasic acid ==> 二碱价酸
- bibasic amino acid ==> 二氨基酸
- BIBB, bus interface building block ==> バスインタフェースビルディングブロック
- Bibby coupling ==> 毕培式联轴器,蛇形弹簧联轴器,曲簧联轴器
- bibenzonium bromide ==> 比苯溴铵
- Biber-Haab-Pimmer syndrome ==> 角膜格状营养不良综合征
- bibliographic data base ==> 文献数据库
- bibliographic structure ==> 目录结构
- bibliographic term ==> 文献目录
- bibliographic tool ==> 目录工具书
- bibliographical ==> 図書目録の
- bibliography ==> 目录学,书目,书志学,参考书目,参考资料,文献学
- Bibra alloy ==> 比布拉铋锡铅合金
- bibulous paper ==> 吸涎纸,滤纸
- bicable ropeway ==> 双索索道
- bicarbonate buffer system ==> 重碳酸盐缓冲系
- bicarbonate ion ==> 碳酸氢盐离子
- bicarbonate ion concentration ==> 重碳酸钙盐离子
- bicarbonate of soda (sodium bicarbonate) ==> (小苏打)碳酸氢钠
- bicarbonate radical ==> 碳酸氢根
- bicentenary ==> 二百周年=>200年祭
- biceps muscle of arm ==> 肱二头肌
- biceps muscle of thigh ==> 股二头肌
- biceps reflex ==> 二头肌反射,肱二头肌反射
- Bichat's canal ==> 蛛网膜管
- Bichat's membrane ==> 比沙氏膜
- Bicheroux process ==> 比切鲁克斯法
- bichloride of tin ==> 二氯化锡
- bichromate ==> 重铬酸盐
- bichromate cell ==> 重铭酸电池=>重クロム酸電池
- bichromate process ==> 重铬酸盐处理法
- bichromate treatment ==> 重铬酸盐表面处理
- bichromic acid ==> 重铬酸
- bichu fibre ==> 大荨麻纤维
- bicipital eminence ==> 二头肌结节
- bicipital groove of humerus ==> 肱二头肌腱沟
- bicipital muscle of arm ==> 肱二头肌
- bicipital rib ==> 二头肋
- bick iron ==> 砧角,丁字砧
- bick-iron ==> 砧
- bicollateral bundle ==> 双韧维管束
- bicollateral vascular bundle ==> 双韧维管束
- bicomponent extruded spinning head ==> 双组份挤压纺丝头
- bicomponent filament yarn ==> 复合长丝
- bicomponent nozzle ==> 组合管口
- bicomponent spinning device ==> 双组份纤维纺丝装置
- biconcave ==> 双凹的
- biconcave lens ==> 双凹面透镜
- biconditional gate ==> 双条件门
- biconditional statement ==> 双态语句,双条件语句
- biconical antenna ==> バイコニカルアンテナ,双円すいアンテナ
- biconical horn ==> 双锥型喇叭=>双円すい電磁ホーン
- biconical reflector ==> 双锥形反射镜
- biconical speaker ==> 双锥扬声器
- bicontinuous function ==> 同胚
- bicontinuous mapping ==> 双连续映像
- biconvex lens ==> 双凸面透镜,双凸透镜
- bicrystal ==> 双晶体
- bicurve section ==> 两曲翼剖面
- bicuspid aortic valve ==> 二叶式主动脉瓣,两叶性主动脉瓣
- bicuspid teeth ==> 双尖牙,槽牙
- bicuspid valve ==> 二尖瓣
- bicycle dynamo ==> 自行车发电机
- bicycle gear ==> 自行车式起落架
- bicycle rifle ==> 长管单发手枪
- bicycle test ==> 脚踏车试验
- bicycle undercarriage ==> 双轮底盘
- bicyclic epoxide ==> 二环环氧化物
- bicyclic hydrocarbon ==> 二环烃
- bicylinder lens ==> 双柱面透镜
- bid ==> 投标,标底,工程“标的”的价格,是项目建设法人对划入标内的全部项目实施的期望价。水电站建设根据工程特点划分“标的”,一个“标的”只能有一个标底=>入札,入札の機会
- bid abstract ==> 标价汇总表
- bid against each other ==> 竞相投标,竞相投标
- bid and asked ==> 出价和讨价
- bid and offered rates ==> 出价和报价利率
- bid bond ==> 押标保证,押标金,投标保单,投标保证金
- bid by advertising ==> 競争入札
- bid comparison ==> 入札比較
- bid contract ==> 入札契約
- bid curve ==> 报价曲线,在交易时段内所申报的交易容量(或电量)段值及其价格的对应关系
- bid date ==> 投标日期
- bid deadline ==> 投标截止日期
- bid documents ==> 标书
- bid evaluation ==> 评标
- bid evaluation criteria ==> 评标准则
- bid form ==> 投标表格
- bid guarantee ==> 投标担保
- bid indicator ==> 请求指示符,捕获信道指示器
- bid invitation ==> 招标
- bid invitation specification ==> 招标说明书
- bid market ==> 出价市场
- bid participant ==> 入札参加業者
- bid sheet ==> 投标人名单
- bid sufficiency, BS ==> 申报充足率,市场成员申报的最大供给量之和与需求量之和的比值,它反映了市场供给的富余程度,从一个侧面反映了市场的竞争力度
- bid tabulation ==> 标价汇总表
- BID, boiler input demand ==> ボイラ入力要求量
- bid-rent function ==> 出价租金函数
- bid-winning rate for price cap bidding ==> 申报最高限价时的中标率,某个电厂申报了最高限价后中标(必然形成边际机组)的时段占其申报最高限价的时段的比例
- bidder ==> 投标者,投标人
- bidder's duration of validity ==> 报价员有效期,报价员注册的有效期限
- bidder's name ==> 报价员名称,报价员的代码和真实姓名
- Bidder's organ ==> 毕氏器官
- bidding ==> 求职申请,出价,竞价,通过市场运营机构(或电力交易中心)组织交易的卖方或买方参与市场投标,以竞争方式确定交易量及其价格的过程=>入札
- bidding and tendering system ==> 招投标制,项目法人就拟建工程准备指标文件,发布指标公告或信函,以吸引或邀请承包商购买指标文件和进行投标,直至确定中标者,签订招投标合同的全过程
- bidding block ==> 拍卖场
- bidding condition ==> 投标条件
- bidding contract ==> 投标合同,投标契约
- bidding documents ==> 招标文件
- bidding energy ==> 竞价空间,又称"竞价电量"
- bidding period ==> 投标阶段
- bidding procedure ==> 投标手续
- bidding process data ==> 报价数据,在电力市场中,市场成员申报的经济参数和技术参数
- bidding quotation ==> 标盘
- bidding requirements ==> 投标须知
- bidding rules ==> 投标规则
- bidding sheet ==> 标价单
- bidding strategy ==> 入札戦略
- bidding unit ==> 竞价机组,根据市场规则需要参与市场竞价上网的发电机组
- bidentate ligand ==> 二齿配位体,二合配位体
- bidery metal ==> 白合金
- bidiagonal matrix ==> 两对角线矩阵
- bidirectional bipolar transistor ==> 双向双极晶体管
- bidirectional cable ==> 双向光缆
- bidirectional clamping circuit ==> 双向箝位电路
- bidirectional clip ping circuit ==> 双向削波电路
- bidirectional clutch ==> 双向离合器
- bidirectional contact ==> 中立形接点,双方向接点
- bidirectional counter ==> 双向计数器
- bidirectional coupler ==> 双向耦合器
- bidirectional diode thyristor ==> 双向二极晶闸管
- bidirectional drive ==> 双向传动
- bidirectional flow ==> 双向流,双向流程线
- bidirectional line ==> 双向线路
- bidirectional lines ==> 双向线
- bidirectional microphone ==> 双向传声器=>両指向性マイクロホン
- bidirectional operation ==> 双向操作
- bidirectional pulse train ==> 双向脉冲序列
- bidirectional relay ==> 双向继电器=>双方向リレー
- bidirectional replication ==> 双向复制
- bidirectional test port ==> 双向测试口
- bidirectional thyristor ==> 双方向サイリスタ
- bidirectional transducer ==> 双向变换器
- bidirectional transistor ==> 双向晶体管
- bidirectional triode thyristor ==> 双向三极晶闸管
- biduplexed system ==> 两双工系统
- Biela Comet ==> 比拉彗星
- Biela's comet ==> ビエラ彗星
- biennial ==> 二年生,二年生的=>隔年行事
- biennial bearing ==> 隔年结果=>隔年結果
- biennial budget cycle ==> 两年预算周期
- biennial crop ==> 二年生作物
- biennial event ==> 隔年行事
- biennial fruit ==> 越年果,二年果
- biennial plant ==> 二年生植物
- biennial root ==> 宿根
- Bier's hyperaemia ==> 比尔充血法
- Bier's local anesthesia ==> 局部静脉麻醉,局部静脉麻醉,静脉麻醉,静脉麻醉,比尔氏局部麻醉
- Bierbaum scratch hardness ==> 比尔鲍姆划痕硬度
- Bierbaum scratch hardness equipment ==> 比尔鲍姆刮刻硬度仪
- Bierbaum scratch hardness test ==> 贝包姆划痕硬度试验
- Biermer's change of note ==> 比尔默氏征
- Biermer's sign ==> 比尔默氏征,格哈特氏征
- Biermers change of note ==> 比尔默氏征
- biexciton ==> 双励起子
- BIF, internal flow blown flap ==> 内部流吹出しフラップ
- biface tool ==> 双面工具
- bifacial solar cell ==> 両面受光型太陽電池
- bifid rib ==> 分叉肋
- bifid tongue ==> 分支舌,舌裂
- bifilar ==> 双线的
- bifilar bridged-T trap circuit ==> 双绕桥T型陷波电路
- bifilar choke ==> 双绕扼流圈
- bifilar coil ==> 双绕线圈
- bifilar electromagnetic oscillograph ==> 双线电磁示波器
- bifilar electrometer ==> 双线静电计
- bifilar galvanometer ==> 双线检流计
- bifilar helix ==> 双股螺旋,双螺旋线
- bifilar helix slow-wave circuit ==> 双螺线慢波电路
- bifilar oscillogram ==> 回线示波器
- bifilar potentiometer ==> 双线电位计
- bifilar suspension ==> 双线悬吊,双线悬置,双张丝悬吊
- bifilar transformer ==> 双绕变压器,双线变压器
- bifilar winding ==> 双股线圈,双线绕法,双线绕组,双线无感线圈=>二本巻
- bifilar winding coil ==> バイファイラ巻きコイル
- bifocal chord of a quadric ==> 二次曲面的两焦点弦
- bifocal lens ==> 双焦点透镜,双焦镜,双焦透镜
- bifocal surface ==> 双焦面
- bifolding door ==> 双折门
- bifoliolate leaf ==> 并生叶
- biform imaging system ==> 双型成像系统
- bifuel system ==> 双燃料系统
- bifurcate differentiation ==> 分叉分化
- bifurcated chute ==> 分叉溜槽
- bifurcated contact ==> 分支触点,分支接触体,双叉触点簧片,双叉接插件
- bifurcated E layer ==> 分叉E层
- bifurcated gate ==> 分水闸门
- bifurcated line ==> 分叉线路
- bifurcated penstock ==> 岔管,水电厂压力管道中连接主管与支管的岔形短管
- bifurcated rivet ==> 开口铆钉
- bifurcated runner ==> 分叉鳞
- bifurcated type stair ==> 双分楼梯
- bifurcated-rivet wire ==> 开口铆钉用钢丝
- bifurcating box ==> 双叉分接盒,分路电缆套,双芯线终端套管
- bifurcating ligature holding forceps ==> 分叉结扎把持钳
- bifurcation ==> 双态,分双叉,分枝,分岔,河道分叉口,二异状态,两歧状态,双叉口,岔口=>分岐
- bifurcation angle ==> 分叉角
- bifurcation buoy ==> 航道分叉浮标
- bifurcation connector ==> 分叉连接器,分支连接器
- bifurcation gate ==> 分水闸门
- bifurcation hypothesis ==> 分歧假设
- bifurcation index ==> 分叉指数
- bifurcation of urination ==> 尿流分叉
- bifurcation or trachea ==> 气管杈
- bifurcation point ==> 歧点,分叉点
- bifurcation ratio ==> 分叉比
- bifurcation structure ==> 分叉结构,分水结构
- bifurcation theory ==> 分支理论,分歧理论
- bifurcational value ==> 分歧值
- big ==> 大
- big (extensive) repair ==> 大修
- big bang ==> ビッグバン,宇宙大爆発
- big bang hypothesis ==> 大爆炸假说
- big bang model of the universe ==> ビッグバン宇宙モデル
- big bang origin ==> ビッグバン起源
- Big Bang theory ==> ビッグバン宇宙論,宇宙爆発起源論
- big base plow ==> 宽幅犁
- big bath ==> 巨额冲销
- Big Boffe cotton ==> (巴西)大波菲棉
- Big Boll cotton ==> (美)大铃棉
- big bore ==> 大口径枪
- big bounce ==> 大反冲
- big bowl ==> 大碗
- big boys gun ==> 大坦克炮
- big bracket bush ==> 大托架轴瓦衬
- big bud ==> 大芽病
- big capsicum ==> 柿子椒
- big coal D ==> 煤矿用D炸药
- big common ox ==> 高大黄牛
- big coup ==> 大成功,大当たり
- big crunch ==> 宇宙大収縮
- big current ==> 大电流
- big diameter welded tube ==> 大口径焊缝管
- Big dipper ==> 二苯胺杀虫剂
- Big Dipper ==> 北斗七星
- Big Eight ==> 八大会计师事务所
- Big Eight CPA Firms ==> 八大会计师事务所
- big end ==> 连杆大头
- big end down mold ==> 上小下大锭模
- big end up mold ==> 上大下小锭模
- Big four ==> 大四星
- big game ==> 大猎物
- big gap between income ==> 分配悬殊
- big gear wheel ==> 大齿轮
- big gourdshaped weevil ==> 大灰象
- big head ==> 大骨头病
- big head disease of sheep ==> 绵羊大头病
- big head disease of turkeys ==> 火鸡传染性窦炎
- big head tortoise ==> 大头龟
- big hole perforator ==> 大孔眼穿孔器
- big hole rock drill ==> 大孔岩石钻机
- big inch pipe ==> 大口径输油管
- big internal gear ==> 大内齿轮
- big mill ==> 开坯轧机
- big mill roughing mill ==> 粗轧机
- big minibus ==> 大面包车
- big nail ==> 大くぎ
- big needle ==> 巨针,巨针
- big opening easy open lid production line ==> 大开口易拉盖生产线
- big power network safety and regulation ==> 大电网安全和调控技术
- big power network,or power grid interconnection,safety and regulation technology ==> 大电网安全和调控技术
- big power station ==> 大型发电厂
- big powerstation ==> 大型发电厂
- big reed screen ==> 粗苇帘
- big repair ==> 大检修
- big restaurant ==> 饭庄
- big size ==> 大海棠盆
- big slip ==> 插条
- big ticket items ==> 高价商品
- big ticket leasing ==> 巨额租赁,巨额租赁
- big tractor ==> 大型拖拉机
- big tree ==> 巨杉,巨杉
- big vein ==> 大脉病
- big ware kiln ==> 大器窑
- big white kidney bean ==> 大白芸豆
- big-bang cosmology ==> 大爆炸宇宙论=>ビッグバン宇宙論
- big-bang model ==> 大爆炸模型
- big-boned ==> 骨太の
- big-bus ==> 大客车
- big-end ==> 大端
- big-end bearing ==> 大端轴承
- big-end bolts ==> 连杆螺栓
- big-end-up mould ==> 上大下小钢锭模
- big-headed fly ==> 头蝇
- big-headed turtle ==> 大头龟
- big-mouthed ==> 大宗=>大口の
- big-power tractor ==> 大功率拖拉机
- big-screen receiver ==> 大屏幕电视机
- big-stone bit ==> 大粒金刚石钻头
- bigeminal pregnancy ==> 双胎妊娠
- bigeminal pulse ==> 二联脉
- bigeminy ==> 二联=>(医)二段脈
- bigeminy coupled rhythm ==> 二联律
- bigeneric hybridization ==> 属间杂种
- bigger on the hoof ==> 长的比较高大
- Bighead tractylodes Powder for Life Saving ==> 全生白术散
- bigraded group ==> 双重分次群
- BIH, Bureau International de l'Heure ==> 国際標準時局
- BIH, Bureau International de L'heure ==> 国際時報局
- biharmonic equation ==> 双调和方程=>重調和方程式
- biharmonic function ==> 重調和関数
- BIIBA British Insurance and Investment Brokers Association ==> 英国保险和投资经纪人协会
- bijective mapping ==> 双向单射
- Bijur type booster ==> 毕朱尔式升压机
- BIL ==> 雷电冲击?
- BIL, band interleaved by line ==> ライン挟みこみバンド並び
- BIL, basic impulse insulation level ==> 基準衝撃絶縁強度
- bilabial prominence ==> 両唇性の隆起
- bilateral ==> 两侧的,双向,双向作用,双侧=>両側のある
- bilateral agreement ==> 双边协定
- bilateral agreement on tax credit ==> 双边税收抵免协定
- bilateral aid ==> 双边援助=>二国間援助
- bilateral air agreement ==> 二国間航空協定
- bilateral amplifier ==> 收发两用放大器,双向放大器
- bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation ==> 双边和多边经济合作
- bilateral antenna ==> 双向性アンテナ
- bilateral arbitrage ==> 双边套利
- bilateral blindness ==> 両眼の失明
- bilateral bodily asymmetry ==> 両側身体不対称
- bilateral brain infarction ==> 両側脳梗塞
- bilateral centrifugal compressor ==> 双面离心式压缩机
- bilateral circuit ==> 双边电路,可逆电路,双向电路=>双方向回路
- bilateral clearing ==> 双边清算
- bilateral cleavage ==> 两侧对称卵裂
- bilateral commitments of capital ==> 双边性投资
- bilateral contract ==> 双边合同=>相対契約
- bilateral contract for difference ==> 双边差价合同,在电力市场发展到多买方阶段后引入的由合同双方协商签订的一种差价合同
- bilateral contracts ==> 相対取引
- bilateral control ==> バイラテラル制御
- bilateral convention ==> 二国間条約
- bilateral current stabilizer ==> 双向稳流器
- bilateral deflection ==> 双向偏转
- bilateral diode ==> 双向二极管
- bilateral diode switch ==> 双向二极管开关
- bilateral duopoly ==> 相互两家垄断
- bilateral economic aid ==> 双边经济援助
- bilateral element ==> 双通电路元件,双向作用元件
- bilateral exophthalmos ==> 两侧突眼
- bilateral flow ==> 双边对流
- bilateral hemianopsia ==> 两侧偏盲
- bilateral hermaphroditism ==> 对称雌雄同体
- bilateral impedance ==> 双向阻抗=>両方向性インピーダンス
- bilateral import quotas ==> 双边进口配额
- bilateral Laplace transform ==> 双侧拉普拉斯变换
- bilateral legal relations ==> 双边法律关系
- bilateral level(l)ing ==> 对向水准测定
- bilateral loans ==> 双边贷款
- bilateral mandibular dislocation ==> 颊车骨落
- bilateral market ==> 相対市場
- bilateral matching ==> 双向匹配
- bilateral midterms loan ==> 双边中期贷款
- bilateral monopoly ==> 双边垄断,相互独家垄断
- bilateral negotiation and agreement ==> 双边谈判和协定
- bilateral network ==> 双向网络=>両方向性回路網
- bilateral observation ==> 对向观测
- bilateral partners ==> 双边合伙
- bilateral payments agreement ==> 双边支付协定
- bilateral pneumothorax ==> 两侧气胸
- bilateral point pairing ==> (针灸配穴法之一)左右配穴法
- bilateral portfolio investment ==> 双边有价证券投资
- bilateral quota ==> 双边配额,协定配额
- bilateral redeployment institution and fund ==> 重新部署的双边机构和基金
- bilateral scanning ==> 双向扫描
- bilateral servo-mechanism ==> 双向伺服机构
- bilateral servomechanism ==> 双向伺服机构=>双動形サーボ機構,バイラテラルサーボ機構
- bilateral slit ==> 双刀口狭缝
- bilateral strabismus ==> 两侧斜视
- bilateral swap agreement ==> 双边信贷互惠协定
- bilateral switching ==> 双通开关,双向转换
- bilateral symmetry ==> 两侧对称,左右对称
- bilateral system ==> 双侧系统,可逆系统,双向系统,双向制
- bilateral teleoperation ==> バイラテラル遠隔操作
- bilateral teleoperation method ==> バイラテラル遠隔操作手法
- bilateral teleoperation system ==> バイラテッル遠隔操作システム
- bilateral tolerance ==> 双向公差
- bilateral trade ==> 双边贸易
- bilateral trade and payments agreement ==> 双边贸易及支付协定
- bilateral trading ==> 双边交易,买卖双方(或其代理机构)本着自愿互利原则,通过双方协商,签订双边合同(包括交易量及其价格等)的交易方式
- bilateral transactions ==> 新規電力取引
- bilateral transducer ==> 双向变换器,双向传感器,双向换能器
- bilateral transistor ==> 双向晶体管
- bilateral-area track ==> 双边面积调制声道
- bilaterally adjustable ==> 双向可调的
- bilaterally matched attenuator ==> 双向匹配衰减器
- bilaterally symmetric ==> 左右対称な
- bilaterally variable slit ==> 双刀口狭缝
- bilaterally-symmetric animal ==> 左右相称動物
- bile ==> 胆汁
- bile acid ==> 胆汁酸
- bile cyst ==> 胆囊
- bile duct ==> 胆管
- bile duct forceps ==> 胆管钳
- bile duct ligature forceps ==> 胆管结扎钳
- bile ductules ==> 小叶内胆管
- bile pigment ==> 胆青素
- bile salt ==> 胆汁盐
- bile solubility test ==> 胆汁溶解度试验
- bile speculum ==> 胆管镜
- bile-duct ==> 胆小管
- bilevel drive ==> バイレベル駆動
- bilevel operation ==> 双电平工作
- bilge ==> 舭,矢高,船的下水部分,底舱=>湾曲部,ビルジ
- bilge block ==> 舱底垫块
- bilge delivery pipe ==> 舱底导水管
- bilge ejector ==> 舱底喷射器
- bilge hopper tank ==> ビルジホッパータンク
- bilge injection pipe ==> 船底喷水管
- bilge injection valve ==> 船底喷水阀
- bilge injector ==> 舱底喷射器
- bilge keel ==> 船底龙骨,船龙骨=>ビルジキール,湾曲部竜骨
- bilge line ==> 舱底吸水管
- bilge pipe ==> 船底吸水管=>汚水管,ビルジ管
- bilge plank ==> ビルジ外板
- bilge plate ==> 舭板
- bilge pump ==> 舱底水泵,喷射器
- bilge pump accessories ==> 舱底泵附件
- bilge pump air vessel ==> 舱底泵气膛
- bilge pump cock ==> 舱底泵塞门
- bilge pump discharge pipe ==> 舱底泵出水管
- bilge pump gland ==> 舱底泵压盖
- bilge pump neck bush ==> 舱底泵颈衬
- bilge pump petcock ==> 舱底泵小塞门
- bilge pump plunger ==> 舱底泵推水柱
- bilge pump plunger rod ==> 舱底泵推水柱杆
- bilge pump rod ==> 舱底泵挺杆
- bilge pump stud ==> 舱底泵枢键
- bilge pump suction pipe ==> 舱底泵吸水管
- bilge pump valve ==> 舱底泵阀
- bilge radius ==> 舭部半径,底边半径=>ビルジ半径
- bilge saw ==> 桶板锯
- bilge strake ==> 船底板条=>ビルジ外板
- bilge stringer ==> 船底长桁
- bilge suction ==> 船底水吸口,船底吸水管
- bilge water ==> 舱底污水=>ビルジ水,船底の汚水
- bilge water alarm ==> 船漏警报器
- bilge water gage ==> 船底测漏用水位表
- bilge water gauge ==> 船底测漏水位表
- bilged compartment ==> 底舱,浸水舱
- Bilgram bevel gear shaper ==> 彼尔格莱姆锥齿轮刨齿机
- biliary calculus ==> 胆石
- biliary colic ==> 胆绞痛,胆石绞痛,肝绞痛
- biliary fever ==> 马的巴贝西虫病
- biliary peritonitis ==> 胆汁性腹膜炎
- biliary system ==> 胆管系统
- bilinear ==> 双一次性,双直线
- bilinear control ==> 双線形制御
- bilinear expression ==> 双线性式
- bilinear form ==> 双一次形式
- bilinear law ==> 双线性律
- bilinear operator ==> 双线性运算符
- Bilinear transform ==> 双一次変換
- bilinear transformation ==> 双线性变换
- bilinear transformation analysis ==> 双线性变换分析
- bilinearity ==> 双线性
- bilingual soud track ==> 重语言声迹
- bilious remittent malaria ==> 黄疸弛张疟
- biliscopin solution ==> 必利显胆溶液
- bilithic filter ==> 双片式滤波器
- bill ==> 法案,单据,单子,单子广告,钞票,票据,帐单,活字编号目录,壳扁片
- bill accepted ==> 票据承兑
- bill accompanied by warehouse receipts ==> 附仓单票据
- bill after date ==> 开票后
- bill and charge system ==> 开票记帐法,发票记帐法
- bill at short sight ==> 近期票据
- bill board ==> 广告牌
- bill book ==> 票据簿
- bill broker ==> 票据经纪人
- bill business ==> 票据交易
- bill by negotiation ==> 逆汇
- bill center ==> 押汇中心
- bill clearing ==> 票据清算
- bill collection ==> 票据托收
- bill collector ==> 票据收款
- bill department ==> 发票部
- bill deposited as collateral security ==> 以汇票为抵押证券
- bill discount (BD) ==> 贴现汇票
- bill discount deposit ==> 票据贴现保证金,票据贴现押金
- bill discounted ==> 已贴现票据
- bill discounter ==> 票据贴现商,贴现业者
- bill dishonored by nonacceptance ==> 拒绝承兑汇票,拒绝承兑汇票
- bill dishonored by nonpayment ==> 拒付汇票,拒付汇票
- bill drawn in the regular course of business ==> 普通商业票据
- bill drawn on a letter of credit ==> 信用证汇票
- bill drawn payable at a certain time after date ==> 出票后若干日付款汇票
- bill drawn payable to bearer ==> 无记名汇票
- bill drawn to order ==> 指定式汇票,指示汇票
- bill duly protested ==> 制成拒绝证书的汇票,经制成拒绝证书汇票,经制成拒绝证书汇票
- bill endorsed in blank ==> 空白背书汇票
- bill exchanger ==> 纸币兑换机
- bill finance ==> 票据信贷
- bill fold ==> 票据夹,单据夹
- bill for acceptance ==> 认付汇票
- bill for collection ==> 托收汇票,托收票据
- bill for premature delivery ==> 提前交付的票据
- bill goods ==> 开列商品清单
- bill in process of clearing ==> 交换中票据,票据交换
- bill in three parts ==> 三联单
- bill market ==> 票据市场
- bill merchant ==> 票据商
- bill obligatory ==> 强制债务证书
- bill of approximate estimate ==> 概算书
- bill of clearance ==> 出港申报表
- bill of complaint ==> 控诉状
- bill of credit ==> 取款凭单
- bill of debt ==> 债票
- bill of dishonor ==> 拒付汇票,拒付汇票
- bill of entry ==> 入港呈报表,进口报关单,货物出入口报告书
- bill of estimate ==> 估价单
- bill of exchange in blank ==> 空白汇票
- bill of goods ==> 货物清单
- bill of goods adventure ==> 借贷抵押书
- bill of lading (BL) ==> 提单,提货单
- bill of loading ==> 运货单
- bill of material processor ==> 物品清单处理程序
- bill of materials ==> 材料表
- bill of parcels ==> 货单
- bill of particulars ==> 明细单
- bill of quantities ==> 工程数量表
- bill of sale ==> 销售契约,销售证,卖契,财产转让证书
- bill of sales (BS) ==> 卖据,卖契
- bill of sight ==> 海关临时起岸报关单,进口货临时报告书,性质不明的进口货物登记
- bill of store ==> 海关免税单
- bill of sufferance ==> 海关落货许可单,免税单,卸货许可单
- bill of view ==> 海关临时起岸报关单
- bill on deposit ==> 以汇票为担保的证券
- bill passengers ==> 填报乘客名单
- bill payable on demand ==> 来取即付的汇票
- bill purchased ==> 出口押汇
- bill rate ==> 票据贴现率
- bill rendered ==> 开出票据
- bill roll ==> 票券轮换
- bill signed in acknowledgement of debt (IOU) ==> 欠条
- bill sold on condition of repurchase ==> 附有回购条件的售出票据
- bill to fall due ==> 票据到期
- bill to mature ==> 票据到期
- bill to order ==> 须签字照付的票据
- bill to purchase ==> 出口结汇
- bill without credit ==> 非凭信用证开发的汇票,非信用证签发的汇票
- bill-hook ==> 钩镰
- bill-jobbing ==> 票据投机
- bill-of-lading freight ==> 提单运费
- billboard ==> 告示牌,置锚板
- billboard array ==> 横列定向天线阵
- billed cost ==> 标出成本
- billet ==> 方钢坯,短木段,坯,坯段,坯体,钢垫板,钢条,去髓短木段=>鋼片,ビレット
- billet and bar shears ==> 钢坯型钢剪切机
- billet bloom size ==> 钢坯尺寸
- billet car ==> 低框架车
- billet caster ==> 方坯连铸机
- billet casting ==> ビレット鋳造
- billet centering press ==> 定心压力机
- billet chipper ==> 钢坯清理装置
- billet cutter ==> 肥皂切条块机
- billet furnace ==> 坯锭加热炉,小钢坯加热炉
- billet heating ==> ビレット加熱
- billet marker ==> 坯料打印机
- billet mill ==> 坯料轧机,钢坯轧机
- billet mold ==> ビレット鋳型
- billet necking ==> 钢坯切口
- billet pusher ==> 钢锭推出机,钢坯推出机
- billet roll ==> 钢坯轧辊,钢坯轧机
- billet scalping unit ==> 畔剥皮装置
- billet shears ==> 钢坯剪,钢坯剪切机,坯料剪切机,剪铁条机
- billet sizer ==> 管坯回转定径机
- Billet split lens ==> 比累对切透镜,比耶对切透镜
- billet steel ==> 坯段钢,钢坯,短条钢
- billet storage ==> 坯料仓库
- billet switch ==> 坯料分配器
- billet unloader ==> 钢坯卸料机
- billet unscrambler ==> 钢坯自动堆垛机
- billet yard ==> 畔仓库
- billeteer ==> 钢坯剥皮机,粗加工机床
- billeting capacity ==> (钢铁工业)开坯能力
- billi condenser ==> 管状微调电容器
- billiard cloth ==> 台球呢
- billiard room (hall) ==> 弹子房
- billiard saloon (parlor) ==> 弹子房
- billiard table ==> 弹子台
- billiard-ball collision ==> 弹性碰撞
- billiary vessels ==> 马氏管
- billing ==> 決済
- billing cost ==> 开单成本
- billing machine ==> 开单机,票据处理机,发票登帐机,开票机,开帐机,记帐计算机
- billing of electric charges ==> 調定
- billing punch ==> 票证穿孔器
- billing rate ==> 开单价
- billion ==> 十亿
- billion electron-volts ==> 十亿电子伏
- billion-hertz barrier ==> ギガヘルツの壁
- billon ==> 毕隆铸币金合金
- billow cloud ==> 波状云,浪云
- Billroth's suture ==> 钮扣形缝合术
- bills account ==> 票据帐目
- bills book ==> 票据登记簿
- bills discounted ==> 贴现票据
- bills discounted and remittance bought ==> 贴现及买汇
- bills discounted daily list ==> 贴现票据日记帐
- bills discounted with collateral securities ==> 附担保的贴现票据
- bills drawn under letter of credit ==> 附有信用证的汇票
- bills due ==> 欠帐
- bills of payment ==> 支付票据
- bills of sale ==> 卖据
- bills payable ==> 应付未付票据
- bills payable account ==> 库付票据帐户
- bills retired ==> 已清偿票据,赎回票据
- bills sent for collection ==> 托收款项
- bills under letter of credit ==> 附有信用证的汇票
- bills under letter of instruction ==> 附通知书汇票
- bills-only policy ==> 专营国库券政策
- billy goat ==> 公山羊
- bilobed wheel ==> 双叶轮
- bilp-scan radar ==> 反射脉冲扫描雷达
- bilvalent chromosome ==> 二价染色体
- bimag core ==> 双稳态磁心
- Bimat film ==> 载液胶片
- bimber stair ==> 木楼梯
- BIMCO Baltic and International Maritime Council ==> 波罗的海和国际海事协会
- BIMCO, The Baltic and International Maritime Council ==> バルチック及び国際海事評議会
- bimetal ==> 双金属,双金属片=>バイメタル,二元金属
- bimetal blank ==> 双金属坯
- bimetal casting ==> 双金属铸造
- bimetal controller ==> 双金属调节器
- bimetal cover ==> 双金属片盖
- bimetal fuse ==> 双金属熔丝
- bimetal relay ==> 双金属继电器=>バイメタルリレー
- bimetal release ==> 双金属开关,双金属片断路器,双金属片开关
- bimetal sheet ==> 双金属板
- bimetal strip ==> 双金属条
- bimetal thermometer ==> 双金属温度计=>バイメタル温度計
- bimetal timedelay relay ==> 双金属延时继电器
- bimetal tube ==> 双金属管
- bimetal wire ==> 双金属线
- bimetalic instrument ==> 双金属系仪表
- bimetalic oil pressure indicator ==> 双金属式机油压力表
- bimetalic strip ==> バイメタル板
- bimetallic ==> 双金属的
- bimetallic (spring cone) seal ==> 双金属密封
- bimetallic actinometer ==> 双金属感光计
- bimetallic article ==> 双金属制品
- bimetallic balance ==> 双金属摆轮
- bimetallic bar ==> 双金属杆件
- bimetallic bearing ==> 双金属轴承
- bimetallic capacitor ==> 双金属片电容器
- bimetallic colloid ==> 二元金属コロイド
- bimetallic compensation strip ==> 双金属补偿片
- bimetallic complex ==> 二金属錯体
- bimetallic condenser ==> 双金属片电容器
- bimetallic conductor ==> 双金属导体,双金属导线
- bimetallic corrosion ==> 双金属腐蚀,双金属侵蚀
- bimetallic effect ==> バイメタル効果
- bimetallic element ==> 双金属元件=>バイメタル素子
- bimetallic fuel indicator ==> 双金属式油量表
- bimetallic fuse ==> 双金属保险丝
- bimetallic instrument ==> 双金属仪表,双金属式仪表
- bimetallic material ==> 双金属材料
- bimetallic monetary system ==> 复本位货币制度
- bimetallic money ==> 复本位货币
- bimetallic oil pressure snesor ==> 双金属式机油压力传感器
- bimetallic plate ==> 双金属板=>バイメタル板
- bimetallic plates ==> 双金属板
- bimetallic rotor ==> 双金属转子
- bimetallic saw blade for hack sawing machine ==> 弓形锯床用双金属锯条
- bimetallic shoe brake drum ==> 双金属式制动鼓
- bimetallic spring ==> 双金属弹簧
- bimetallic standard ==> 复本位
- bimetallic strip ==> 双金属条,双层金属带,双金属带
- bimetallic strip relay ==> 双金属片继电器
- bimetallic temperature regulator ==> 双金属温度调节器
- bimetallic temperature sensor ==> 双金属式温度传感器
- bimetallic temperature transducer[sensor] ==> 双金属温度传感器
- bimetallic thermocouple ==> 双金属热电偶
- bimetallic thermometer ==> 双金属温度计
- bimetallic thermostat ==> 双金属恒温控制器
- bimetallic tube ==> 双层管
- bimetallic wire ==> 双金属线=>バイメタル線
- bimetallism ==> 金银二本位制
- bimetallism double standard system ==> 复本位制
- biminialing tariff ==> 割引従量料金制
- bimodal cross-bedding ==> 双向交错层理
- bimodal current rose ==> 双向水流玫瑰图
- bimodal distribution ==> 双峰分布
- bimodal igneous activity ==> 双模式火成活动
- bimodal rift volcanism ==> 双模式裂谷火山活动
- bimodal size distribution ==> 双众数粒度分布
- bimodal volcanic complex ==> 双模式火山杂岩
- bimolecular collision ==> 双分子碰撞
- bimorph memory cell ==> 双态存储元件
- bin ==> 仓库,集料台,接收器,磁带箱,储藏室,分页格,料斗,料箱
- bin activator ==> 料斗抖动器
- bin card ==> 卡片箱
- bin drive belt ==> 分页格驱动带
- bin drive motor ==> 分页格驱动电机
- bin feeder ==> 漏斗给料机
- bin flow device ==> 料斗抖动器,料斗抖动装置
- bin for non-tipping trailer ==> 非倾翻拖车的倾翻箱
- bin gate ==> 料斗闸门,仓门
- bin home switch ==> 分页格位开关
- bin level indicator ==> 料位指示器
- bin space ==> 煤炭容量
- bin stopper ==> 料仓闸门
- bin storage ==> 仓库储藏
- BIN, binary ==> 2進法
- bin-stored material ==> 罐存材料
- bin-wall ==> 隔仓式挡土墙
- binac ==> 二进制自动计算机
- binangle ==> 双角器
- binary ==> 双,二,二变量,二叉的,二成分,二进位,二进位制,二进制,二进制的,二态的,二元,二元的,二元制,物理双星,双体,双星=>2値,バイナリ
- binary accumulation ==> 二进位累加器
- binary accumulator ==> 二进位累加器,二进制累加器
- binary adder ==> 二进加法器=>2進加算器
- binary adding circuit ==> 二进加法电路,二进位加法线路,二进制加法电路
- binary adding device ==> 二进制加法器
- binary addition ==> 二进制加法
- binary address ==> 二进制地址
- binary algebraic adder ==> 二进位代数加法器
- binary alloy ==> 二元合金
- binary alloy photoconductor ==> 二元合金光电导体,两元合金光电导体
- binary alphabet ==> 二进制字母表
- binary amplitude ==> 二元调幅
- binary arithmetic ==> 二进制计算法,二进制算术,二进制运算
- binary arithmetic computer ==> 二进制计算机
- binary arithmetic operation ==> 二进制算术运算,二进制运算,二进制运算操作=>2進算術演算
- binary array ==> 二进制点阵,二进制数组,二进制阵列
- binary attribute ==> 二进位表征,二进制属性
- binary automatic computer ==> 二进制自动计算机
- binary backward counter ==> 二进制反向计数器
- binary base ==> 二进制基数
- binary baud rate ==> 二进制波特率
- binary bit ==> 二进制位
- binary Boolean algebra ==> 二进制布尔代数
- binary Boolean operation ==> 二进位布尔运算,二进制布尔操作
- binary card ==> 二进制卡片
- binary carry ==> 二进制进位
- binary catalyst ==> 二元催化剂
- binary cell ==> 二进制元件=>2値セル
- binary cepheid ==> 造父双星
- binary chain ==> 二进制链
- binary channel ==> 二元通信路,二进制信道,二位信道,双通路,双信道,双波道
- binary character ==> 二进字符=>2進文字
- binary chop ==> 对分查找
- binary circuit ==> 二进位电路,二进制电路=>2進回路
- binary code ==> 二进码,二进代码,二进制代码,二进制码=>2進コード,バイナリコード
- binary code disc ==> 二进符号圆盘
- binary coded decimal ==> 二-十进制,二-十进制数
- binary coded decimal coding ==> 二-十进制编码
- binary coded decimal system ==> 二进制编码的十进制,二十进制
- binary coded decimal system (BCD system) ==> 二-十进制
- binary coded decimal(BCD) ==> 二-十进制编码
- binary coded information ==> 二进位编码信息
- binary coded octal ==> 2進化8進コード
- binary coder ==> 二进制编码器
- binary collision ==> 二体碰撞
- binary column ==> 二进制列
- binary combination head ==> 双重复合带头
- binary commutation circuit ==> 二进位转换线路
- binary comparator ==> 二进制比较器
- binary comparison ==> 二进制比较
- binary compound ==> 二元化合物
- binary computer ==> 二进制计算机
- binary condition ==> 二进制条件,二进制状态,双值条件,双值状态
- binary constant ==> 二进制常数
- binary constitutional diagram ==> 二元系状态图
- binary contact making counter ==> 二进制接触式计数器
- binary control ==> 二进制控制
- binary control field ==> 二进制控制字段
- binary converter ==> 单级换流器
- binary counter ==> 二进制计数器=>2進計数回路
- binary counter circuit ==> 二进制计数电路
- binary counting ==> 二进制计数
- binary cubic form ==> 二元三次形式
- binary cycle ==> 双汽循环
- binary cycle boiler ==> 双工质锅炉
- binary cycly ==> 双工质循环
- binary data ==> 二进制数据,二元数据
- binary data item ==> 二进制数据项
- binary decimal system ==> 二-十进制
- binary decision ==> 双择判定
- binary decision theory ==> 二元判定理论
- binary deck ==> 二进制穿孔卡片组,二进制卡片叠
- binary decoder ==> 二进制解码器
- binary dependent variable ==> 二进制因变量
- binary detection ==> 双择检验
- binary device ==> 二进制设备
- binary digit ==> 二进数位,二进位数,二进制数,二进制数位,二进制数字,二进制数字,二进制位=>2進数字
- binary digit character ==> 二进制数字符,二进制数字字符
- binary digit string ==> 2進数字列
- binary digital ==> 二进制数字
- binary digital encoding ==> 二进制数字编码
- binary digital system ==> 二进制数字系统
- binary directed tree ==> 二叉有向树,二元有向树
- binary divider ==> 二进制除法器
- binary divider stage ==> 二进制分频级
- binary division ==> 二分裂,二进制除法
- binary dump ==> 二进制打印,二进制转储,二进制转储程序
- binary dump program ==> 二进制打印程序,二进制转储程序
- binary elastic scattering event ==> 双弹性散射过程
- binary elastic scattering peak ==> 双弹性散射峰
- binary electrolyte ==> 二元电解质
- binary electrometer ==> 双极静电计
- binary element ==> 二进制元,二进位单元,二进制单元,二进制码元,二进制元件,二进制元素,双态元件
- binary element string ==> 二进位单元串,二进位元素串,二进制单元串,二进制码元串,二进制元素串
- binary emulsion ==> 二元乳状液
- binary encoder ==> 二进制编码器
- binary encoding ==> 二进制编码
- binary encounter approximation ==> 二体碰撞近似
- binary engine ==> 双元发动机,双元燃料发动机
- binary equivalent ==> 等效二进制数,等效二进制位数
- binary erasure channel ==> 二元消失通信路
- binary eutectic ==> 二元共晶
- binary explosive ==> 二元炸药
- binary file ==> 二进制文件
- binary filter ==> 二元滤波器
- binary fission ==> 二分核裂变,二分裂,二裂的
- binary fixed point constant ==> 二进制定点常数
- binary fixed point data ==> 二进制定点数据
- binary flip-flop ==> 二进制触发器
- binary floating point constant ==> 二进制浮点常数
- binary floating point resistor ==> 二进制浮点电阻器
- binary form ==> 二元形式
- binary format ==> 二进制格式
- binary format code ==> 二进制码
- binary forward counter ==> 二进制正向计数器
- binary fraction ==> 二进位分式
- binary gain control ==> 二进制增益控制
- binary glass ==> 二组分玻璃
- binary granite ==> 二元花岗岩
- binary half-adder ==> 二进制半加器
- binary hologram ==> 二元全息图=>2値ホログラム(バイナリーホログラム)
- binary image ==> 二进制映象
- binary incremental representation ==> 二进制增量表示,二进制增量表示法
- binary information ==> 二进制信息
- binary input ==> 二进制输入
- binary insertion ==> 二分插入法
- binary instruction code ==> 二进指令代码
- binary instruction packet ==> 二进制指令包
- binary integer ==> 二进制整数
- binary internal number base ==> 内部二进计数制
- binary invariant ==> 二元不变式
- binary ionic crystal ==> 二元离子晶体
- binary item ==> 二进位项目
- binary level ==> 二进制级
- binary linear substitution ==> 二元线性代换
- binary link ==> 两副杆
- binary liquid mixtures ==> 二元液体混合物
- binary load ==> 二进制装入
- binary loader ==> 二进制装配程序,二进制装入程序
- binary loader tape ==> 二进制装入程序带
- binary logarithm ==> 二进制对数
- binary logic ==> 二进制逻辑=>2値論理
- binary logic element ==> 2値論理素子,双态逻辑元件,双稳态逻辑元件,双值逻辑元件
- binary logic module ==> 二进制逻辑微型组件
- binary magma ==> 二元岩浆
- binary magnetic core ==> 二进制磁心,二进制单元磁心
- binary mass balancing ==> 二自由度系统的重力平衡
- binary matching ==> 二元匹配,二元匹配法
- binary matrix ==> 二元矩阵
- binary matroid ==> 二元拟阵
- binary message ==> 二进制消息,二进制信息
- binary metal ==> 二元合金
- binary minicomputer code ==> 二进制小型计算机代码
- binary mixture ==> 二元混合气体,二元混合物
- binary mode ==> 二进法,二进制方式
- binary modulation ==> 二元调制
- binary multiplication ==> 二进制乘法
- binary multiplication rule ==> 二进制乘法规则
- binary multiplier ==> 二进乘法器
- binary node ==> 二叉节点,二枝节点
- binary nomenclature ==> 二命名法
- binary nonalgebraic adder ==> 二进位非代数加法器
- binary normal ==> 二进制
- binary notation ==> 二进数制,二进位法,二进位符号,二进制记数法=>2進表記法
- binary notation system ==> 二进制记数系统,二进制记数制
- binary nubmer ==> 二进制数
- binary number ==> 二进数,二进制数
- binary number base ==> 二进制数字
- binary number coding ==> 二进信息码
- binary number system ==> 二进计数制
- binary numeral ==> 二进制数,二进制数码,二进制数值,二进制数字=>2進数表示
- binary numeration system ==> 二进数制,二进制数制
- binary object file ==> 二进制目标文件
- binary object format ==> 二进制结果格式
- binary octal decoder ==> 二-八进制译码器
- binary one ==> 二进制的1
- binary operation ==> 二进制操作,二进制运算,二元运算
- binary operator ==> 二进制算符,二目算符,二元运算符=>2項演算子
- binary ordinary ==> 二进制
- binary orthogonal code ==> 二元正交码
- binary output ==> 二进制输出
- binary pair ==> 二进制触发器
- binary parallel digital computer ==> 二进制并行数字计算机
- binary pattern ==> 二进模式
- binary phase diagram ==> 二元相图
- binary phase filter ==> 二元相位滤波器
- binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) ==> 二进位相键移控法
- binary picture data ==> 二进制图像数据
- binary place ==> 二进制数位
- binary point ==> 二进制小数点
- binary polynomial ==> 二进多项式
- binary process ==> 二元制处理
- binary product ==> 二进制乘积
- binary product generator ==> 二进制乘积发生器
- binary pulsar ==> 脉冲双星
- binary pulse ==> 二进制脉冲
- binary pulse-code modulation ==> 二元脉冲编码调制
- binary punch ==> 二进制穿孔
- binary punched card ==> 二进制穿孔卡
- binary quadric form ==> 二元二次形式
- binary quantizer ==> 二进制量化器,二进制数字转换器
- binary radio pulsar ==> 射电脉冲双星
- binary radix ==> 二进制基数
- binary random process ==> 二元随机过程
- binary raster ==> 二元光栅
- binary recording ==> 二进位记录
- binary reflex-code ==> 二进制反射码
- binary relation ==> 二目关系,二元关系
- binary representation ==> 二进位表示=>2進表示
- binary resolvent ==> 二元消解式
- binary ring ==> 二进位计算环,二进制计算环
- binary row ==> 二进制行
- binary salt ==> 二元盐
- binary scale ==> 二进法,二进制标度,二进制记数法
- binary scaler ==> 二进换算电路
- binary scaling circuit ==> 二进换算电路
- binary search ==> 二分法检索,对半检索,对分查找,对分检索,折半查找=>二等分探索
- binary search method ==> 对半检索法,二分检索法
- binary search tree ==> 对分查找树,二叉检索树,二进制搜索树
- binary sediment ==> 二相沉积物
- binary selfdefining term ==> 二进制自定义项
- binary separation ==> 二元分离
- binary serial signalling rate ==> 二进制串行信号传输速率
- binary signal ==> 二进制信号=>2値信号
- binary signalling ==> 双态通信
- binary silica optical fibre ==> 二元硅光学纤维
- binary solution ==> 二元溶液
- binary sort ==> 二分法分类
- binary state information ==> 双态信息,运行设备状态的监视信息,用两种状态中之一种表示,例如,闭合或断开
- binary steel ==> 二元合金钢
- binary storage cell ==> 二进制存储单元
- binary storage tube ==> 二进制存储管
- binary string ==> 二进制串
- binary subtracter ==> 二进制减法器
- binary subtraction ==> 二进制减法
- binary symmetric channel ==> 二进制对称通道
- binary synchronous communication ==> 二进制数同步通信,双同步通信
- binary synchronous communication (BISYNC,BSC) ==> 二元同步通信规程
- binary synchronous communication adapter (BSCA) ==> 二进制同步通信适配器
- binary synchronous device data block (BSCDDB) ==> 二元同步设备数据块
- binary synchronous protocol ==> 二进制同步协定
- binary synchronous transmission ==> 二元同步传输
- binary system ==> 二进记数制,二进数制,二进位制,二进制,二进制系统,二元物系=>二元系
- binary system piezo electric ceramic ==> 二元系压电陶瓷
- binary tape assembler ==> 二进制带汇编程序
- binary to decimal conversion ==> 二十进制变换
- binary to decimal converter ==> 二进十进制变换器
- binary translation ==> 二进变换
- binary tree ==> 二叉树,二元树=>二進木
- binary tree data structure ==> 二叉树数据结构,二进制树形数据结构
- binary tree search ==> 二叉树查找,二叉树检索
- binary unit ==> 二进制单位,二进制信息单位
- binary unit distance code ==> 二进制单位距离码
- binary vapor cycle ==> 双汽循环
- binary vapourengine ==> 双元蒸汽发动机
- binary variable ==> 二进制变量,二元变量,二状态变数
- binary vector ==> 二元向量
- binary weapon ==> 合成化学武器
- binary word ==> 二进制字=>2値語
- binary zero ==> 二进制的0,二进制零
- binary zone plate ==> 二元波带片
- binary-choice model ==> 二元抉择模型
- binary-coded address ==> 二进制编码地址,二进制码地址
- binary-coded character ==> 二进制编码符号,二进制字符
- binary-coded decimal (BCD) ==> 二进制编码表示的十进制数
- binary-coded decimal character code ==> 二-十进制字符码,二进制编码的十进制字符码
- binary-coded decimal code (BCD code) ==> 二-十进制码,二进制编码的十进制代码
- binary-coded decimal counter ==> 二十进制编码计数器
- binary-coded decimal interchange code (BCDIC) ==> 二进制编码的十进制交换码
- binary-coded decimal notation ==> 二-十进制表示法,二-十进制记数法,二十进制记数法=>2進化10進表記法
- binary-coded decimal notation (BCD) ==> 二进制编码的十进制记数法
- binary-coded decimal number ==> 二-十进制数,二进制编码的十进制数
- binary-coded decimal representation ==> 2進化10進表示
- binary-coded decimal representation (BCD) ==> 二-十进制表示法,二进制编码的十进制表示,二进制编码的十进制数的表示法,十进数二进码表示,十进制数用二进制码表示
- binary-coded digit ==> 二进制编码的数字,二进制编码数字
- binary-coded information ==> 二进制编码信息
- binary-coded interrupt vector ==> 二进制编码的中断向量
- binary-coded notation ==> 二进制编码表示法,二进制编码记数法=>2進化表記法
- binary-coded octal (BCO) ==> 二-八进制,二进制编码的八进制
- binary-coded output ==> 二进制编码输出
- binary-coded switch ==> 二进制码开关
- binary-decade counter ==> 二-十进制计数器
- binary-decimal ==> 二-十进制的
- binary-decimal conversion ==> 二-十进制转换
- binary-decimal notation ==> 二-十进制记数法
- binary-decimal number conversion ==> 二进-十进制数转换
- binary-floating-point data ==> 二进制浮点数据
- binary-multiplier ==> 二进乘法器
- binary-octal ==> 二-八进制
- binary-state variable ==> 二进制状态变量,二态变量,二值变量,二值变数,双态变量,双态变数
- binary-to analog converter ==> 二进制-模拟变换器
- binary-to decimal conversion ==> 二进制-十进制变换
- binary-to decimal converter ==> 二-十进制数变换器
- binary-to-BCD conversion ==> 二-BCD进制转换
- binary-to-decimal conversion ==> 二-十进制变换
- binary-to-decimal converter ==> 二-十进制转换程序,二-十进制转换器
- binary-to-decimal convesion ==> 二十进制变换
- binary-to-Gray coverter ==> 二进码-格雷码变换器
- binary-to-hexadecimal conversion ==> 二-十六进制转换
- binary-to-numeric conversion ==> 二进-数字变换
- binary-to-octal conversion ==> 二-八进制转换
- binary-to-octal converter ==> 二-八进制转换器
- binarycoded Fraunhofer hologram ==> 二进制码夫琅和费全息图
- binasal hemianopsia ==> 两鼻侧偏盲,两内侧偏盲,两内侧性偏盲
- binate ==> 一対の,双生の
- binate leaf ==> 双生叶
- binaural ==> 双耳听觉
- binaural broadcasting ==> 立体声广播
- binaural effect ==> 両耳効果
- binaural hearing ==> 両耳聴
- binaural intensity effect ==> 双耳强度效应
- binaural localization ==> 双耳定位
- binaural phase effect ==> 双耳相位效应
- binaural sound ==> 双耳声
- binaural stethoscope ==> 卡曼氏听诊器
- binauricular arc ==> 耳弧
- bind ==> 绑缚,联编,联结,连接,硬粘土,藤蔓,粘合,捆,绑,胶合
- bind command ==> 连接命令,连接指令
- bind image ==> 连接映像
- bind image table ==> 连接映像表
- bind, to ==> 結び付ける(アドレス),設定する(変数)
- bind-seize ==> 滞塞
- Binda's sign ==> 宾达氏征
- Bindas sign ==> 宾达氏征
- binder ==> 胶合剂,夹子,胶合物,联编程序,系杆,粘合剂,粘合剂,粘合料,粘结剂,结合剂,结合料=>バインダ
- binder bolt ==> 连接螺栓,连结螺栓=>引上ボルト
- binder bridge ==> 中间粘结剂
- binder canvases ==> 割捆机帆布输送带
- binder content ==> 粘合剂含量
- binder course ==> 结合层,拉结层
- binder for porcelain paste ==> 瓷件粘接剂
- binder for tractor draft ==> 机引割捆机
- binder for tractor draft with single canvas ==> 单帆布带机引割捆机
- binder metal ==> 粘结金属
- binder pool ==> 粘结金属池
- binder program ==> 联编程序
- binder sickle ==> 割捆机切割器割刀
- binder spray ==> 喷胶器
- binder stud ==> 结合件双头螺栓,结合柱螺栓
- binder thread ==> 滚边线
- binder twine ==> 单股捆包麻绳
- binder utility ==> 联编实用程序
- binder with gathering arms ==> 带集禾臂的割捆机
- binder's brass ==> 压印书壳的铜模
- binder(lever) ==> 系杆
- binder-hole card ==> 多孔卡
- binder-moving lever ==> 打捆装置移动杆
- binderless sand ==> 无粘结剂型砂
- bindheimite ==> 水锑铅矿
- binding ==> 绑扎,扎线,结合,紧固,粘合的,联编,连接,夹锯,包带,包箍=>バインディングは、ウィンドウでイベントが発生したときに、それに応じて定義したプログラムを実行します
- binding (post) screw ==> 接线螺钉
- binding a program ==> 联编一个程序
- binding ability ==> 结合能力
- binding admixture ==> 粘结剂
- binding agent ==> 粘合剂,接合剂,载色剂
- binding apparatus ==> 打捆装置
- binding attachment ==> 打捆装置
- binding band ==> 捆轧用钢带
- binding beam ==> 联结梁,联梁
- binding board ==> 扎捆台
- binding bolt ==> 紧固螺栓
- binding clasp jaw ==> 夹紧器
- binding clause ==> 拘束条款,拘束条款
- binding clip ==> 接线夹,钳头
- binding coal ==> 粘结性煤,结块煤
- binding constant ==> 结合常数
- binding constraint ==> 紧固约束
- binding course ==> 拉结层
- binding energy ==> 结合能,束缚能,把原子核完全分解成组成该核的核子需要添加的能量
- binding enthalpy ==> 键焓
- binding face ==> 贴合面,支撑面,支承面
- binding factor ==> 结合因子
- binding force ==> 结合力,约束力
- binding handle ==> 制动手把
- binding head screw ==> 扁头结合螺钉
- binding hours ==> 限制时间
- binding joist ==> 联结搁栅,系杆
- binding log ==> 封顶木
- binding machine ==> 捆扎机,订书机
- binding material ==> 胶合剂,粘结材料,胶结物质
- binding mechanism ==> 打捆机构
- binding mechanism for multilayer ==> 层板包扎机械
- binding metal ==> 拜恩丁锌合金,锌基合金
- binding nut ==> 夹紧螺母,扣紧螺母
- binding over ==> 具结,具结
- binding platform ==> 打捆台
- binding post ==> 接线端子,接线柱
- binding post nut ==> 接线柱螺母
- binding power ==> 粘结力
- binding process ==> 联编过程
- binding property ==> 粘合性
- binding quality ==> 秘结性
- binding receipt ==> 暂保收据
- binding ring ==> 锁紧环,卡环,调整环
- binding rivet ==> 结合用铆钉
- binding rod ==> 连接杆,系杆
- binding site ==> 结合部位
- binding thread ==> 紧固螺纹
- binding turns ==> 绑匝
- binding unit ==> 打捆装置
- binding up ==> 包扎
- binding vine ==> 缚蔓
- binding wire ==> 扎线,绑线,绑扎线,绑扎用铁丝
- bindweed ==> 田旋花
- binegative ==> 二阴电荷的
- Binet age ==> 比奈年龄
- Binet's formula ==> 比奈观点
- Binet-Cauchy theorem ==> 比奈-柯西定理,宾纳-柯西定理
- Binet-Simon intelligence scale ==> 比奈-西蒙智力测验表
- bing ==> 垛,材料堆
- bing ore ==> 富铅矿
- Bing's reflex ==> 宾格氏反射
- Bingham body ==> 宾汉塑性体
- Bingham fluid ==> 宾汉流体
- Bingham model ==> 宾汉模型
- Bingham number ==> 宾汉数
- Bingham plastic ==> 宾汉塑性体
- Bingham plastometer ==> 宾汉可塑性测定仪
- bingham's etching solution ==> 宾厄姆电解腐蚀液
- Bings entotic test ==> 宾格氏耳内试验
- Bings reflex ==> 宾格氏反射
- binifibrate ==> 比尼贝特
- biniramycin ==> 比尼拉霉素
- binistor ==> 双稳负阻四极管,四层半导体开关器件
- binit ==> 二进制符号,二进制数位
- binnacle ==> 罗盘箱,罗盘座
- Binnell ==> 氟草胺
- binning ==> (毛的)重新分级
- binnite ==> 淡铜矿
- binocle ==> 双眼鏡
- binocular ==> 双孔,双目,双目镜,双目望远镜,双筒,双筒镜,双眼单筒镜
- binocular 3D display ==> 双孔三维显示
- binocular accommodation ==> 双目调视,像散调节,两眼调节
- binocular adjustment ==> 双目调整
- binocular body ==> 双筒镜
- binocular coil ==> 双筒线圈,双孔线圈
- binocular colour matching ==> 双目配色
- binocular colour mixing ==> 双目混色
- binocular contrast ==> 双目衬比
- binocular diplopia ==> 双目双像,双眼性复视
- binocular field ==> 双目视野
- binocular field of view ==> 双目视野
- binocular fixation ==> 双眼视轴交会,双眼注视
- binocular glasses ==> 双眼鏡
- binocular head ==> 双眼观察头,双目镜头
- binocular hemianopsia ==> 双眼偏盲
- binocular heterochromia ==> 两眼虹膜异色
- binocular instrument ==> 双筒仪器,双眼仪器
- binocular integration ==> 双眼集合
- binocular loupe ==> 双筒放大镜
- binocular magnifier ==> 双筒放大镜
- binocular mat ==> 双筒望远镜遮片
- binocular microscope ==> 双目显微镜
- binocular parallax ==> 双目视差
- binocular photometry ==> 双目光度学
- binocular prism ==> 双目望远镜棱镜
- binocular sight ==> 双筒瞄准具
- binocular stereopsis ==> 双眼体视
- binocular telescope ==> 双眼鏡
- binocular tube ==> 双目镜管
- binocular viewer ==> 双筒观测镜
- binocular viewing head ==> 双目观察头
- binocular viewing system ==> 双目观察系统
- binocular vision ==> 双目视觉,双目视觉
- binocular visual field ==> 双目视场
- binocular visual system ==> 双目视系统
- binocular-type periscope ==> 双筒潜望镜
- binoculars ==> 双眼鏡
- binoculars telescope ==> 望远镜
- binoculus ==> 双眼
- binodal ==> 双节
- binodal curve ==> 双节固溶曲线
- binode ==> 双阳极,双阳极管
- binode of a surface ==> 二切面重点
- binomen ==> 双名
- binomial ==> 二项式
- binomial antenna array ==> 双正交天线阵
- binomial array ==> 双向阵
- binomial array antenna ==> 二项阵列天线
- binomial coefficient ==> 二项式系数,二项系数=>2項係数
- binomial correlation ==> 二项相关
- binomial curve ==> 二项式曲线
- binomial density function ==> 二项密度函数
- binomial differentia ==> 二项式微分
- binomial distribution ==> 二项分布,二项式分布=>2項分布
- binomial equation ==> 二次方程,二项方程
- binomial expansion ==> 二项展开式
- binomial experiment ==> 二项试验
- binomial expression ==> 二项式
- binomial factor ==> 二项式系数
- binomial formula ==> 二项式定理,二项式公式
- binomial frequency distribution ==> 二项式频率分布
- binomial index of dispersion ==> 二项式离差指数
- binomial law ==> 二项定律
- binomial model ==> 二项式模型
- binomial nomenclature ==> 二名法,双名法
- binomial number system ==> 二项数系
- binomial population ==> 二项式总体
- binomial probability ==> 二项式概率
- binomial probability distribution ==> 二项式概率分布
- binomial probability paper ==> 二项概率纸,二项式概率坐标纸
- binomial series ==> 二项级数
- binomial surd ==> 二项不尽根
- binomial test ==> 二项检验,二项式检验
- binomial theorem ==> 二项式定理=>2項定理
- binomial trial ==> 二项试验
- binomial trials model ==> 二项试验模型
- binomial two- sample model ==> 二项双样本模型
- binomial variable ==> 二项变量
- binomial variation ==> 二项变异
- binomial waiting time distribution ==> 二项等待时间分布
- binomially distributed random number ==> 二项分布随机数
- binophthalmoscope ==> 双眼检眼镜,双目检眼镜
- binoquercetin ==> 平诺槲皮黄素
- binormal ==> 次法线,副法线
- binovular twins ==> 二卵双生儿,双卵性的双胎
- Binswanger dementia ==> 宾斯万格氏痴呆
- Binswangers dementia ==> 慢性皮质下脑炎
- Binswangers encephalitis ==> 宾斯万格氏脑炎
- binturong ==> 熊狸
- binucleate phase ==> 双核阶段
- binucleated cell ==> 双核细胞
- Binzs test ==> 宾茨氏试验
- bio-aeration ==> 生物曝气
- bio-atmospheric unit ==> 生物大气单元
- bio-chemical room ==> 生物化学室
- bio-control ==> 生物电控制
- bio-control method ==> 生物防治措施
- bio-control system ==> 生物防治系统
- bio-economic ==> 生物经济学
- bio-element ==> 生物元素
- bio-fertilizer ==> 生物肥料
- bio-information ==> 超感信息
- bio-instruments ==> 生物仪器
- bio-interface ==> バイオインターフェイス
- bio-level ==> 生物水平带
- bio-medical instrumentation ==> 生体計測
- bio-organic chemistry ==> 生物有机化学
- bioassary method ==> 生物测定法
- bioassay ==> 活体鉴定=>バイオアッセイ,生物学的検定
- bioassay method ==> 生物検定法
- bioassay result ==> バイオアッセイ結果
- bioassay sample ==> バイオアッセイ試料
- bioassay system ==> バイオアッセイ系
- biochemical and cytological change ==> 生化与细胞变化
- biochemical characteristics ==> 生物化学特征
- biochemical cycle ==> 生物化学循环
- biochemical deposit ==> 生物化学沉积
- biochemical evolution ==> 生物化学进化
- biochemical fuel cell ==> 生化燃料电池
- biochemical function ==> 生物化学功能
- biochemical function of cells ==> 细胞生化功能
- biochemical genetics ==> 生化遗传学
- biochemical indicator ==> 生化指示剂
- biochemical medium ==> 生物化学培养基
- biochemical mutation ==> 生化突变
- biochemical oxygen demand ==> 生物化学需氧量
- biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) microbial transducer[sensor] ==> 微生物BOD传感器
- biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) test ==> 生化需氧量试验
- biochemical oxygen demand load ==> 生化需氧量负荷
- biochemical oxygen demand meter for seawater ==> 海水生化需氧量测定仪
- biochemical process ==> 生化过程
- biochemical processes in the simplest structures ==> 最简单结构中的生化过程
- biochemical quantity transducer[sensor] ==> 生化量传感器
- biochemical reduction ==> 生物化学还原
- biochemical rock ==> 生物化学岩
- biochemical sewage treatment ==> 污水生化处理
- biochemical test ==> 生物化学试验
- biochemical variant ==> 生物化学变异型
- biochemical variation ==> 生物化学变异
- biochemically active system ==> 生物化学活性系统
- biochemistry ==> 生化学
- biochemistry laboratory ==> 生化实验室
- biochemistry of lactation ==> 哺乳生物化学
- biochemistry of membrane transport ==> 膜传输生物化学
- biochemistry of nucleic acids ==> 核酸生物化学
- biochip ==> バイオチップ
- biocidal treatment ==> 灭菌处理
- bioclastic limestone ==> 生物碎屑灰岩
- bioclastic rock ==> 生物碎屑岩
- bioclimatic condition ==> 生物气候条件
- bioclimatic law ==> 生物气候规定
- bioclimatic rule ==> 生物气候律
- bioclimatic zone ==> 生物气候带
- biocoenotic dynamics ==> 生物群落动态
- biocuration ==> バイオキューレーション
- biodegradability ==> 生物可降解性=>生分解性
- biodegradability index ==> 生物退化性指数
- biodegradability of chemicals ==> 生物降解化合物的能力
- biodegradable plastics ==> 生分解性プラスチック
- biodegradable pollution ==> 生物降解性污染法
- biodegradable polymer ==> 生分解性高分子
- biodegradable substance ==> 生物可以降解的物质
- biodiesel ==> 生质柴油=>バイオディーゼル
- biodiversity ==> 生物多様性
- bioecological factor ==> 生物生态因素
- bioecological potential ==> 生态位能
- bioelectric model ==> 生物电模型
- bioelectric potential ==> 生物电势
- bioelectricity ==> 生物电=>生物電気
- bioelectrochemical conversion ==> 生物电化转换
- bioelectromagnetics ==> 生体磁気
- biofacies map ==> 生物相图
- biofeedback control ==> 生物反馈控制
- biofeedback therapy ==> バイオフィードバック療法
- biofluid dynamics ==> 生物流体动力学
- biofuel ==> 生物燃料=>バイオ(生物)燃料
- biofuel combustion ==> バイオ燃料燃焼
- biogalvanic battery ==> 生物电流电池
- biogas ==> 生物气体=>バイオガス
- biogas generation ==> バイオガス発電,廃水処理場やゴミ処理場或いは農業における家畜の排出するガスを利用した電力生産
- biogasification ==> バイオガス化
- biogasification installation ==> バイオガス化設備
- biogenetic law ==> 生物发生律
- biogenetic stimulation ==> 生物原刺激素
- biogenic accumulation ==> 生物聚集
- biogenic amine ==> 生物胺
- biogenic incrustation ==> 生物结壳
- biogenic migration ==> 生物迁移
- biogenic mineral ==> 生物矿物
- biogenic mud mound ==> 生物泥丘
- biogenic origin sand ==> 生物成因泥沙
- biogenic salt ==> 生物盐
- biogeochemical cycle ==> 生物地球化学循环
- biogeochemical nitrogen cycle ==> 生物地球化氮循环
- biogeochemical process ==> 生物地球化学过程
- biogeochemical prospecting ==> 生物地球化学探矿
- Biogeochemistry ==> 生物地球化学
- biogeoclimate zone ==> 生物地理气候区
- biogeography ==> 生物地理学
- Biogon lens ==> 比奥贡航摄镜头
- biography ==> 简历
- Biography ==> 略歴
- Biography of Medical Figures ==> 医史
- bioherm trap ==> 生物礁圈闭
- biohermal limestone ==> 生物礁灰岩
- biohydrogen ==> 生物水素
- bioinformatics ==> 生物信息学
- bioinorganic chemistry ==> 生物無機化学
- bioleaching ==> バイオリーチング
- bioling (-down) pan ==> 蒸煮锅
- biologic ==> 生物
- biologic photomicroscope ==> 光学生物显微镜
- biologic time scale ==> 生物地质年代表
- biologic weathering ==> 生物风化
- biologic(al)group ==> 生物群类
- biological ==> 生物学的=>生物学の,バイオロジカル
- biological abnormality ==> 生物学的異常
- biological absorption ==> 生物学的吸収
- biological accumulation ==> 生物蓄積
- biological action ==> 生物作用
- biological activated carbon ==> 生物活性炭
- biological activation ==> 生物活性化
- biological active ==> 生物学的に活性な
- biological activity ==> 生物活性
- biological adaptation ==> 生物学适应性
- biological admixture ==> 生物学上的混杂
- biological agent ==> 生物战剂,生物制剂,生物作用
- biological and chemical control ==> 生物和化学防治
- biological assary ways ==> 生物测定法
- biological balance ==> 生物学平衡
- biological barrier ==> 生物障碍
- biological bench-mark ==> 生物水准基点
- biological cleaning ==> 生物净化
- biological clock ==> 生物钟,人体时钟
- biological concentration ==> 生物浓缩
- biological contact aeration equipment ==> 接触曝气处理装置
- biological control ==> 生物防治学,生物控制,生物学防治
- biological corrosion ==> 生物腐蚀
- biological cycle ==> 生物循环
- biological decomposition ==> 生物分解作用
- biological degradation ==> 生物体退化
- biological denitrification ==> 生物的反硝化作用
- biological detection method ==> 生物鉴定法
- biological determination ==> 生物检定
- biological diagnosis ==> 生物学诊断
- biological dosimetry ==> 生物学剂量测定
- biological equilibrium ==> 生物平衡
- biological erosion ==> 生物侵蚀作用
- biological factor ==> 生物因素
- biological filter ==> 生物过滤池
- biological filtration ==> 生物过滤
- biological fitness ==> 生物学上的合理化
- biological fixation ==> 生物固定
- biological flocculation and precipitation ==> 生物凝聚
- biological flotation ==> 生物浮选
- biological form ==> 生物小种
- biological fuel cell ==> 生物燃料电池
- biological half life ==> 生物学半排出期
- biological half-life ==> 生物半衰期,生物学半衰期
- biological high polymer ==> 生物高聚合物
- biological hole ==> 生物实验孔道
- biological husbantry ==> 生物农业
- biological information ==> 生物信息
- biological insect control ==> 生物防除
- biological investigation of space ==> 空间生物研究
- biological limits ==> 生物极限
- biological luminescence ==> 生物发光现象
- biological magnification ==> 生物放大作用,生物学放大率
- biological magnify ==> 生物扩大作用
- biological materials ==> 生物材料
- biological maturity ==> 生物学成熟
- biological metal ==> 生物金属
- biological method for oxygen removal ==> 生物除氧法
- biological microscope ==> 生物显微镜
- biological mineralization ==> 生物矿物作用
- biological minima temperature ==> 生物最低温度
- biological nature ==> 生物特性
- biological nitrogen fixation ==> 生物固氮,生物固氮作用
- biological oceanography ==> 生物海洋学
- biological oil-spill control ==> 生物油溢控制
- biological orbiting space station ==> 生物学轨道空间站
- biological oscillator ==> 生物振荡器
- biological oxidation ==> 生物氧化
- biological oxidation and syntheses ==> 生物氧化与合成
- biological oxidation pond process ==> 生物氧化池法
- biological oxidation process ==> 生物氧化过程
- biological oxygen ==> 生物氧需要量
- biological oxygen demand (BOD) ==> 生化需氧量
- biological particle ==> 生物微粒
- biological pesticide ==> 生物农药
- biological plausibility ==> 生物学的妥当性
- biological polymer ==> 生物高分子,生物聚合物
- biological process ==> 生化过程
- biological processes ==> 生物进程
- biological product ==> 生物制品
- biological production system ==> 生物生产系统
- biological productivity ==> 生物生产力
- biological property ==> 生物学性质
- biological quantity transducer[sensor] ==> 生物量传感器
- biological race ==> 生物学品种,生物宗
- biological radio communication ==> 生物无线电通信
- biological rhythm ==> 生物节律
- biological rotation ==> 生物学轮伐期
- biological screening test ==> 生物筛选试验
- biological self-purification ==> 生物自净作用
- biological sewage treatment ==> 污水生物学处理
- biological sewage treatment works ==> 生物污水处理厂
- biological shield ==> 生物屏蔽
- biological sludge pump ==> 活性污泥泵
- biological spaceprobe ==> 生物宇航试验
- biological specialization ==> 生理专化现象
- biological specificity ==> 生物学特异性
- biological spectrum ==> 生物型谱
- biological standard ==> 生物标准
- biological standardization ==> 生物检定
- biological strain ==> 生物品系
- biological stress ==> 生物抗逆性
- biological system ==> 生物系统
- biological telemetry ==> 生物信息遥测术
- biological test of pregnancy ==> 妊娠生物试验
- biological tissue characterization ==> 生地組織キャラクタリゼーション
- biological transmission ==> 生物性传播
- biological treatment ==> 生物处理
- biological treatment plant ==> 生物处理设备
- biological unit ==> 生物学单位
- biological value ==> 生物价值
- biological value of protein ==> 蛋白生物物质
- biological vector ==> 媒介动物
- biological warfare (BW) ==> 生物战
- biological weapon ==> 生物武器,细菌武器
- biological weed control ==> 生物除草
- biological year ==> 生物年度
- biologicalassary ==> 生物检定
- biologically cumulative effect in food chain ==> 食物链的生物累积效应
- biologicals ==> 生物制品
- biology ==> 生物学
- biology collection room ==> 生物陈列室
- biology laboratory ==> 生物实验室
- biology of conidial fungi ==> 分生孢子真菌生物学
- biology of marine mammals ==> 海洋哺乳动物生物学
- biology of plants ==> 作物生物系
- bioluminescence ==> 生物発光
- bioluminescence detection ==> 生物発光検出
- biomacromolecule ==> 生体高分子
- biomacromolecule crystallization ==> 生体高分子の結晶化
- biomagnetic effect ==> 生物磁效应
- biomagnetic measurement ==> 生体磁気計測
- biomagnetism ==> 生体磁気,生体磁場計測
- biomarker ==> 生物标志物=>生物指標化合物,生体指標,バイオマーカー
- biomarker analysis ==> バイオマーカー解析
- biomarker detection ==> バイオマーカー検出
- biomarker distribution ==> バイオマーカー分布
- biomarker elevation ==> バイオマーカー上昇
- biomarker expression ==> バイオマーカー発現
- biomarker of effect ==> 效应生物标志物
- biomarker of exposure ==> 接触暴露生物标志物
- biomarker of susceptibility ==> 敏感性生物标志物
- biomarker protein ==> バイオマーカータンパク質
- biomarker record ==> バイオマーカー記録
- biomarker research ==> バイオマーカー研究
- biomarkers ==> 生物标志物=>バイオマーカー
- biomass ==> 生物量,生物质能,生物质=>バイオマス
- biomass combustion ==> バイオマス燃焼
- biomass combustion system ==> バイオマス燃焼システム
- biomass density ==> 生物量密度
- biomass energy ==> バイオマスエネルギー
- biomass energy conversion ==> バイオマスエネルギー変換
- biomass energy technology ==> バイオマスエネルギー技術
- biomass generation ==> バイオマス発電
- biomass power generation ==> バイオマス発電
- biomaterial ==> 医用材料=>バイオマテリアル
- biomathematics ==> 生物数学
- biomedical analyzer ==> 生物医学分析仪
- biomedical program ==> 仿生医学程序
- biomedical transducer ==> 生物医学换能器
- biometrical genetics ==> 生统遗传学
- biometrical method ==> 生物统计学方法
- biometrics ==> バイオメトリクス, 個人の身体的特徴をそのまま認証情報として利用する。その特徴とは、指紋・声紋・虹彩・人相などである。dientify or verify the identity of a person using a behavioral or physiological characteristic. Biometrics, recognition based on distinctive personal traits, has the potential to become an irreplaceable part of many human identification systems.
- biomimetic chemistry ==> 仿生化学
- biomimetics ==> 生体模倣技術,生物を手本にした技術
- biomineralization ==> バイオ還元
- biomolecular ==> 生体分子
- biomolecular simulation ==> 生体分子シミュレーション
- biomolecular structure ==> 生体分子構造
- biomolecular study ==> 生体分子研究
- biomolecular synthesis ==> 生体分子合成
- biomolecular system ==> 生体分子系
- biomolecular targeting ==> 生体分子標的
- bionermal suite ==> 生物丘组合
- bionic computer ==> 仿生电子计算机,仿生计算机,仿生学计算机
- bionic ear ==> 人工の耳
- bionics ==> 仿生学
- bionomic control ==> 生态防治
- bioorganomineral complex ==> 生理有机矿物综合体
- bioperl ==> 生物化学のPerlツール
- biophile element ==> 亲生物元素
- biophysical signature ==> 生物物理学的特徴
- biophysics ==> 生物物理学
- biophysics of membrane transport ==> 膜输送生物物理学
- biopotential ==> 生物电势
- bioprosthesis valve ==> 人工生物瓣膜
- biopsy ==> 活体检查,活组织检查
- biopsy forceps ==> 活检钳,活体取样钳
- biopsy guillotine needle ==> 活组织检查剪切针
- biopsy needle ==> 活检针,活体组织穿刺针=>生検針
- biopsy needle set ==> 活检穿刺器械包
- biopsy of breast ==> 乳房活组织检查
- biopsy of cervix ==> 宫颈活组织检查
- biopsy of cervix uteri ==> 子宫颈活组织检查
- biopsy of ear ==> 耳活组织检查
- biopsy of epididymis ==> 附睾活组织检查
- biopsy of larynx ==> 喉活组织检查
- biopsy of liver ==> 肝脏活体组织检查
- biopsy of lung ==> 肺活组织检查
- biopsy of lymph node ==> 淋巴结活组织检查法
- biopsy of muscle ==> 肌活组织检查
- biopsy of nasal sinuses ==> 鼻窦活组织检查
- biopsy of nasopharynx ==> 鼻咽活组织检查
- biopsy of palate ==> 腭活组织检查
- biopsy of pharynx ==> 咽活组织检查
- biopsy of salivary gland ==> 涎腺活组织检查
- biopsy of stomach ==> 胃活组织检查
- biopsy of testis ==> 睾丸活组织检查
- biopsy of urethra ==> 尿道活组织检查
- biopsy of urinary bladder ==> 膀胱活组织检查
- biopsy of vulva ==> 外阴活组织采取
- biopsy specimen ==> 活检标本
- Bioptix pyrometer ==> 比色光学高温计
- bioreductive deposition ==> バイオ回収
- BIOS, Basic Input/Output System ==> OSの下位層にあるハードウエアに依存する制御プログラム群。Pronounced "bye-ose," BIOS is an acronym for basic input/output system. The BIOS is built-in software that determines what a computer can do without accessing programs from a disk. On PCs, the BIOS contains all the code required to control the keyboard, display screen, disk drives, serial communications, and a number of miscellaneous functions.
- BIOS, biosatellite ==> 生物実験衛星
- biosensor ==> 生物传感器=>バイオセンサ
- biosimulation in neurodegeneration and nervous system ==> 脑神经退化的生物模拟
- biosorption process ==> 生物吸着过程
- biosteel ==> 生物钢
- biostratic unit ==> 生物地层单位
- biostratigraphic correlation ==> 生物地层对比
- biostratigraphic unit ==> 生物地层单位
- biostratigraphic zone ==> 生物地层带,生物地层区
- biostromal limestone ==> 生物层灰岩,层状生物石灰岩
- biosy of brain tissue ==> 脑活组织检查
- biosynthesis ==> 生物合成
- Biot laws ==> 毕奥定律
- Biot modulus ==> 毕奥模数
- Biot number ==> 毕奥数
- biot savart's law ==> 毕奥萨伐尔定律
- Biot's respiration ==> 脑膜炎性呼吸
- Biot, J.B.Biot ==> 1774-1862,毕奥,法国科学家
- Biot-Fourier equation ==> 热方程
- Biot-Savart law ==> 毕奥-萨伐定律
- Biot-Savart's law ==> ビオ・サーバルの法則,The Biot-Savart Law relates magnetic fields to the currents which are their sources. In a similar manner, Coulomb's law relates electric fields to the point charges which are their sources. Finding the magnetic field resulting from a current distribution involves the vector product, and is inherently a calculus problem when the distance from the current to the field point is continuously changing.
- Biota orientalis ==> 侧柏
- biotal distance ==> 生物差距
- biotar lens ==> 双高斯透镜
- Biotar lens ==> 比奥塔照相镜头,双高斯型镜头
- biotechnology ==> 生物技术
- biotest methodology ==> 生物监测法
- biothermal zones ==> 生物热量带
- biotic ==> 无生命的,非生物的
- biotic barrier ==> 生物阻限
- biotic climax ==> 生物性演替顶极,生物演替顶极
- biotic component ==> 生物组成
- biotic constitution ==> 生物宪法
- biotic factor ==> 生物条件,生物因素
- biotic index ==> 生物指数
- biotic index of pollution ==> 污染生物指数
- biotic level ==> 生物层次
- biotic population ==> 生物种群
- biotic potential ==> 生物繁殖能力,生物潜能
- biotic pyramid ==> 生物积累
- biotic resources ==> 生物资源
- biotic succession ==> 生物顺序,生物性演替,生物演替
- biotic-control ==> 生物防治
- biotin ==> 生物抗力,生物素,维生素H,辅酶R=>ビオチン
- biotin carboxylase ==> 生物素羧化酶
- biotin complex of yeast ==> 生物胞素
- biotin dimer ==> ビオチン二量体
- biotin intermediate ==> ビオチン中間体
- biotin metabolism ==> ビオチン代謝
- biotin-sulfone ==> 生物素砜
- biotite gneissic rock ==> 黑云母片麻岩
- biotroph ==> 活体营养
- bioturbate structure ==> 生物扰动构造
- biotype ==> 生物型
- Biots respiration ==> 比奥氏呼吸
- BIP, basic imaging profile ==> デジカメやプリンターなどの機器で静止画をやりとりするためのBluetooh向けプロファイル
- BIP2, band interleaved by 2 pixels ==> 二画素挟みこみバンド並び
- biparting door ==> 双向滑动门
- bipartite matroid ==> 二部拟阵
- bipartition ==> 对分,分为两部分
- bipartition angle ==> 对分角
- biped robot ==> 两足机器人=>2足歩行ロボット
- biped walking ==> 2足歩行
- biped walking robot ==> 2足歩行ロボット
- biped walking robots ==> 二足歩行ロボット
- biperiodical regime ==> 双周期状态
- biphase equilibrium ==> 两相平衡,双相平衡
- biphase motor ==> 两相电动机
- biphasic ==> 二双相性的
- biphasic aerosol ==> 二相气雾剂
- biphasic reaction ==> 二相反应
- biphasic toxicity ==> 二相毒性
- biphenyl ==> 二苯基,联苯,联二苯,溴联苯=>ビフェニル,ベフェエル
- biphenyl mercury ==> 二苯汞
- biphotonic process ==> 双光子过程
- biplanar coupler ==> 双平面耦合器
- biplanar image tube ==> 双平面显像管
- BIPM, Bureau International des Poids et Mesures ==> 国際度量衡局
- bipolar ==> 二极的,双极的,双极性=>バイポーラ
- bipolar amplifier ==> 双极放大器
- bipolar armature ==> 双极电枢
- bipolar armature winding ==> 双极电枢绕组
- bipolar bit-slice microcomputer ==> 双极位片微机
- bipolar cell ==> 双极电解槽,双极元件,两极神经细胞
- bipolar cells ==> 双极细胞
- bipolar chart ==> 二極線図
- bipolar circuit ==> 双极电路=>バイポーラ回路
- bipolar code with zero extraction ==> 零提取双极性码
- bipolar coordinates ==> 双极坐标,双极坐标系
- bipolar CPU slice ==> 双极中央处理器位片
- bipolar current rose ==> 双极水流玫瑰图
- bipolar decoder ==> 双极译码器
- bipolar devices ==> 双极性器件
- bipolar distribution ==> 双极性分布
- bipolar dynamo ==> 双极发电机
- bipolar electrode ==> 双极性电极=>双極極板
- bipolar fabrication ==> 双极器件制造
- bipolar field ==> 双极场
- bipolar flagellation ==> 极生鞭毛
- bipolar gate ==> 双极性栅
- bipolar generator ==> 双极发电机
- bipolar germination ==> 两极萌芽
- bipolar group ==> 双极群
- bipolar HVDC system ==> 双极高压直流输电系统
- bipolar integrated circuit ==> 双极集成电路,双极性集成电路=>バイポーラ集積回路
- bipolar junction transistor ==> 双极型结型晶体管
- bipolar large scale integration microprocessor ==> 双极大规模集成微处理机
- bipolar leads of electrocardiogram ==> 心电图双极导联
- bipolar linear ==> バイポーラ型リニア
- bipolar logic circuit ==> 双极逻辑电路,双极型逻辑电路
- bipolar machine ==> 两极电机,双向电机=>二極機
- bipolar magnetic driving unit ==> 双极电磁驱动单元
- bipolar magnetic region ==> 双极磁区
- bipolar mask bus ==> 双极屏蔽总线,双极掩膜总线
- bipolar memory ==> 双极存储器
- bipolar memory element ==> 双极型存储元件
- bipolar micro controller ==> 双极微控制器
- bipolar micro-instruction jump field ==> 双极微指令转移器件
- bipolar microcomputer element ==> 双极微计算机元件
- bipolar microcontroller ==> 双极微型控制器
- bipolar motor ==> 两极电动机
- bipolar nebula ==> 双极星云
- bipolar nerve cell ==> 两极神经细胞
- bipolar neuron ==> 两极神经元
- bipolar power supply ==> 双极电源
- bipolar pressure ==> 两端加压
- bipolar processor ==> 双极化处理器
- bipolar pulse ==> 双极性脉冲=>複極性パルス
- bipolar receiver ==> 双磁极受话器
- bipolar rectal probe ==> 双极直肠探棒
- bipolar rete ==> 二极网
- bipolar Schottky technology ==> 双极肖特基工艺
- bipolar shift register ==> 双极移位寄存器
- bipolar signal ==> 双极性信号
- bipolar single circuit DC transmission ==> 直流双極一回線送電
- bipolar slice ==> 双极芯片
- bipolar staining ==> 两极染色,两极染色法
- bipolar sunspot ==> 双极黑子
- bipolar system ==> 二極式
- bipolar transistor ==> 双极晶体管=>バイポーラトランジスタ
- bipolar transmission ==> 双向传输
- bipolar type ==> 复极式
- bipolar version ==> 两极倒转术
- bipolar violation ==> 双极性破坏点
- bipolar winding ==> 双极绕组
- bipolaron ==> 双极化子=>バイポーラロン
- bipost lamp ==> 双接点聚光灯
- bipotential electrostatic lens ==> 双电势静电透镜
- bipotential lens ==> 双电位透镜
- bipp paste ==> 铋碘仿石蜡糊
- biprism interference ==> 双棱镜干涉
- BIPS, billion instructions per second ==> 1秒間当たりの命令処理単位,1BIPSは10億回/秒
- BIPV ==> 建材一体型,建筑物集成太阳能电池
- biquadratic curve ==> 四次曲线
- biquinary code ==> 二五进制码,二-五进制码,二五混合进制码,二五混合码=>2-5進符号
- biquinary coded decimal number ==> 二-五进制编码的十进制数
- biquinary notation ==> 二-五进制记数法,二五混合进位制计数法,二五混合进制记数法,二五进制记数法
- biquinary number ==> 二-五进制数,二五混合进制数
- biquinary number representation ==> 二五混合进制数表示法
- biquinary number system ==> 二五混合进位制计数法
- biquinary representation ==> (数的)二五混合进制表示
- biquinary system ==> 二五混合进制
- biquinary-coded decimal number ==> 二五混合码十进制数
- biracial ==> 双种族混血
- biradial symmetry ==> 两侧辐射对称
- birch ==> 白桦
- birch bark tar ==> 桦皮焦油
- birch black ==> 桦木黑
- birch tar oil ==> 桦焦油,桦木焦油
- bird ==> 飞机,(航磁测量)吊舱
- bird and beast design ==> 鸟兽纹
- bird and beast pattern ==> 鸟兽纹
- bird banding ==> 鸟类环志
- bird caging ==> 局部扭曲,局部扭曲,钢丝打结
- Bird centrifuge ==> 伯德离心脱水机
- bird cherry ==> 稠李
- Bird coal filter ==> 伯德离心脱水机
- bird dog ==> 猎鸟狗,猎取经济情报者
- bird ecology ==> 鸟类生态学
- bird feeder jar ==> 鸟食罐
- bird guano ==> (肥料)海岛类
- bird in laying ==> 产蛋母禽
- bird manure ==> 鸟粪
- bird of paradise ==> ゴクラクチョウカ,ストレリチア
- bird of passage ==> 候鸟
- bird of prey ==> 猛禽类,食肉鸟
- bird pattern ==> 鸟纹
- bird receiving system ==> 吊舱接收系统
- bird screen ==> 鸟屏栅=>バードスクリーン
- bird strike ==> バードストライク
- bird swing ==> 瓶内粘丝
- Bird unit ==> 伯德单位
- bird's beak ==> 鸟嘴式线脚
- bird's eye ==> 鸟眼纹
- bird's eye perspective ==> 鸟瞰图
- bird's eye rot ==> 鸟眼腐病
- bird's eye spot ==> 鸟眼斑病
- Bird's formula ==> 伯尔德氏公式
- Bird's sign ==> 伯尔德氏征
- bird's view ==> 鸟瞰图
- bird's-beak moulding ==> 鸟嘴式线脚
- bird's-eye coal ==> 眼球状煤,眼纹煤
- bird's-eye grain ==> 鸟眼纹理
- bird's-eye perspective ==> 鸟瞰透视图
- bird's-eye survey ==> 鸟瞰测量
- bird's-eye view ==> 鸟瞰,鸟瞰图
- bird's-mouth ==> 凹角接
- bird-breeder's lung ==> 养鸟人肺
- bird-fancier's lung ==> 养鸟人肺
- bird-foot delta ==> 鸟足状三角洲
- bird-head bond ==> 喙形接头
- bird-peck ==> 鸟啄纹
- bird-shaped cup ==> 鸟形杯
- bird-shaped jar with lid ==> 鸟形盖罐
- birdge block ==> 桥砖
- birds specimen ==> 飞禽标本
- birds-eye view ==> 鳥瞰図,概観,大要
- birefringence ==> 双折射,双折射率,复折射,二次折射,重折率=>複屈折
- birefringence anisotropy ==> 双折射各向异性
- birefringence compensating plate ==> 双折射补偿板
- birefringence filter ==> 双折射滤光器
- birefringence pattern ==> 双折射图案
- birefringencemeter ==> 双折射检查仪
- birefringenct property ==> 双折射性能
- birefringent chain filter ==> 双折射连锁滤光器
- birefringent compensator ==> 双折射补偿器
- birefringent filter ==> 双折射滤光器
- birefringent interference microscope ==> 双折射干涉显微镜
- birefringent interferometer ==> 双折射干涉仪
- birefringent medium ==> 双折射媒质
- birefringent monochrometer ==> 双折射单色计
- birefringent plate ==> 双折射片
- Birfield ball-joint ==> 球笼式等速万向节
- Birge-Mecke rule ==> 伯奇-梅克法则
- Birkeland-Eyde process ==> 伯克兰-艾迪电弧法
- Birkett's hernia ==> 伯基特氏疝
- Birketts hernia ==> 滑膜突出
- Birkhill shales ==> 贝克希尔页岩
- Birkhoff regularization ==> 伯克霍夫正规化
- Birmal alloy ==> 伯马尔压铸铝合金
- Birmalite alloy ==> 伯马利特合金,伯马利特铸造铝基合金
- Birmasil special alloy ==> 伯马西尔硅铝特种合金
- Birmingham ==> 伯明翰=>バーミンガム
- Birmingham platina ==> 伯明翰高锌黄铜
- Birmingham platinum alloy ==> 伯明翰铂合金
- Birmingham wire gauge (BWG) ==> 伯明翰线径规
- Birmingham wrie gage (BWG) ==> 伯明翰线规
- Birnbaum-Sauders distribution ==> 伯恩鲍姆-索德斯分布
- Birnbaum-Tingey distribution ==> 伯恩鲍姆-廷吉分布
- birotary turbine ==> 双转子燃气轮机
- birotor pump ==> 双转子泵
- birth and death process ==> 增消过程,生灭过程
- birth asphyxia ==> 胎儿产时窒息
- birth calendar ==> 妊娠速算历
- birth calender ==> 妊娠速算历
- birth canal ==> 产道
- birth control ==> 节育
- birth control clinics ==> 节育门诊部
- birth control rate ==> 节育率
- birth fracture ==> 产伤骨折,分娩骨折
- birth function ==> 出生函数
- birth injury ==> 产伤
- birth injury of newborn ==> 新生儿产伤
- birth number ==> 出生率
- birth of the blood cell ==> 血液細胞の誕生
- birth of the jawed vertebrates ==> 顎のある脊椎動物の出産
- birth palsy ==> 产伤麻痹,产伤瘫痪
- birth paralysis ==> 产伤麻痹
- birth paresis ==> 产后轻瘫
- birth peak ==> 出生高峰
- birth policy ==> 限制出生率的政策
- birth pore ==> 产孔
- birth prccess ==> 产程
- birth probability ==> 出生概率
- birth rate ==> 出生率
- birth to finishing housing ==> 终生畜舍
- birth trauma ==> 产伤
- birth weight ==> 初生重
- birth wort vine ==> 马兜铃藤
- Birthday of Lord Buddha ==> 佛诞嘉年华=>仏祖誕
- birthday paradox ==> 生日判定
- birthmark ==> 母斑,胎记,胎生青记
- birthrate fluctuation ==> 出生率波动
- birthwor root ==> 青木香
- birthwort ==> 马兜铃
- BIS ==> 国际清算银行=>国際決済銀行
- bis methylarsine ==> 福美甲胂
- BIS, burst indicator subcode ==> DVDの次世代光ディスクの一種である「Blu-ray Disc」仕様に採用された誤り訂正方式
- bis-(4-acetamridophenyl)-sulfone ==> 罗地砜
- Bis-ethyl xanthogen ==> 草必散
- bis-ethyl xanthogen disulfide (BXD) ==> 二硫化双乙基磺原酸酯
- bis-isoquinoline ==> 原小蘖碱
- bisabolane ==> 没药烷
- bisabolene ==> 没药烯,红没药烯
- bisabolol ==> 没药醇
- bisacromial ==> 二肩峰的
- bisalbuminemia ==> 副白蛋白血
- bisalt ==> 酸式盐
- bisatin ==> 一轻松,二乙酰酚靛红,双醋酚汀
- bisaxillary ==> 两腋的
- bisaya ==> 比萨耶麻
- bisbenzimidazole ==> 二苯并咪唑
- bisbenzothiazole ==> 二苯并噻唑
- bischloroethyl-nitrosourea ==> 亚硝脲氮芥
- Bischof process ==> 比肖夫法
- Bischof's coefficient ==> 毕肖夫系数
- bischofite ==> 水氯镁石
- biscuit ==> 素瓷,素坯,素坯瓷,浅褐色,外壳铸型,盘料,盘状模制品,本色陶器,饼坯
- biscuit duck ==> 粗厚帆布
- biscuit firing ==> 初次焙烧
- biscuit manufacture ==> 饼干制造
- biscuit throwing ==> 旋坯
- BISD Basic Instruments and Selected Documents (GATT) ==> 基础器械和特别文件(关税及贸易总协定)
- bisdimethyl arsenic oxide ==> 卡可基氧(化物)
- bisebacate ==> 癸二酸氢盐
- bisecant ==> 二度割线
- bisect ==> 二等分,二等分图,平分,剖面样条
- bisecting compasses ==> 比例两脚规
- bisection ==> 二等分
- bisection error ==> 平分误差
- bisection method ==> 对分法,分半方法
- bisection technique ==> 分半技术
- bisection theorem ==> 二等分定理
- bisector ==> 二等分线,平分线,等分线
- biseko ==> 补血康
- biseptate ==> 二分隔的
- bisergostadienol ==> 联麦角醇
- biserial ==> 双列
- biserial coefficient ==> 双列系数
- biseriate ==> 二列的
- biserrate ==> 二重锯齿
- bisexual flower ==> 两性花
- bisexual gland ==> 两性腺
- bisexual hybrid ==> 两性杂种,双杂交种
- bisexual hybridition ==> 两性杂交
- bisexual reproduction ==> 两性生殖
- bisferious ==> 两次搏动的
- bishop's cloth ==> 粗厚方平织物
- Bishop's ring ==> 毕旭甫光环
- bishop-wort ==> 藿香
- bishops cloth ==> 粗厚方平织物
- Bishops sphygmoscope ==> 毕晓普氏脉搏检视器
- bishydrazicarbonyl ==> 环二脲
- bishydroxycoumarin ==> 双羟基香豆素
- bisiliac ==> 二髂嵴的
- bisilicate ==> 二硅酸盐,偏硅酸盐类
- bismanal ==> 铋锰磁性合金
- bismite ==> 铋华
- bismoid ==> 铋悬液
- bismuth ==> 铋=>ビスマス(元素,Bi)
- bismuth (Bi) ==> 铋=>ビスマス
- bismuth alloy ==> 铋合金
- bismuth amalgam ==> 铋汞合金
- bismuth base alloy ==> 铋基合金
- bismuth benzoate ==> 苯甲酸铋
- bismuth bronze ==> 铋青铜,铋青铜合金
- bismuth carbolate ==> 苯酚二羟铋
- bismuth carbonate ==> 碳酸铋,次碳酸铋
- bismuth chloride ==> 氯化铋
- bismuth chromate ==> 铬酸铋
- bismuth gingivitis ==> 铋毒性龈炎
- bismuth glance ==> 辉铋矿
- bismuth glass ==> 铋玻璃
- bismuth glycyrrhetate ==> 甘草酸铋
- bismuth granule ==> 铋粒
- bismuth hydrate ==> 氢氧化铋
- bismuth hydroxide ==> 氢氧化铋
- bismuth ingot ==> 铋锭
- bismuth iodide ==> 碘化铋
- bismuth iodoform paraffin paste ==> 铋碘仿石蜡糊,铋泼糊
- bismuth lactate ==> 乳酸铋
- bismuth lead alloy seal ==> 铅铋合金密封
- bismuth lustre ==> 铋质光泽彩
- bismuth magma ==> 铋乳
- bismuth meal ==> 铋粉
- bismuth naphtholate ==> 萘酚铋
- bismuth nitrate ==> 硝酸铋
- bismuth nitrite for chemical purpose ==> 化学用铋亚硝酸盐
- bismuth ocher ==> 铋华
- bismuth oleate ==> 油酸铋
- bismuth ore ==> 铋砂
- bismuth oxalate ==> 草酸铋
- bismuth oxide ==> 三氧化二铋,氧化铋
- bismuth oxide chloride ==> 氯化氧铋,氯氧化铋
- bismuth oxycarbonate ==> 次碳酸铋
- bismuth oxychloride ==> 氯化氧铋,氯氧化铋
- bismuth oxyiodogallate ==> 碘没食子酸铋
- bismuth phenate ==> 苯酚铋
- bismuth phenolate ==> 苯酚铋
- bismuth phenylate ==> 苯酚铋
- bismuth potassium iodide ==> 碘化铋钾
- bismuth salicylate ==> 水杨酸铋
- bismuth silicate ==> 硅酸铋
- bismuth soap ==> 铋皂
- bismuth sodium triglycollamate ==> 氨三乙酸铋钠
- bismuth spiral ==> 铋螺线
- bismuth stannate ==> 锡酸铋
- bismuth subcarbonate ==> 次碳酸铋,碱式碳酸铋
- bismuth subgallate ==> 碱式没食子酸铋,次没食子酸铋
- bismuth subnitrate ==> 次硝酸铋
- bismuth subsalicylate ==> 次水杨酸铋,水杨酸亚铋,碱式水杨酸铋
- bismuth telluride ==> 碲化铋
- bismuth test ==> 铋试验
- bismuth titanate ==> 钛酸铋,钛酸铋
- bismuth titanate ceramics ==> 钛酸铋陶瓷,钛酸铋陶瓷
- bismuth trioxide ==> 三氧化二铋
- bismuth white ==> 铋白
- bismuth yellow ==> 三氧化二铋
- bismuth-silver-oxygen-cesium photocathode ==> 铋银氧铯光电阴极
- bismuthate ==> 铋酸盐
- bismuthate glass ==> 铋酸盐玻璃
- bismuthic acid ==> 铋酸
- bismuthide ==> 铋化物
- bismuthine ==> 辉铋矿
- bismuthinite ==> 辉铋矿
- bismuthotartrate ==> 酒石酸铋,酒石酸铋
- bismuthyl carbonate ==> 碳酸氧铋
- bismuthyl chloride ==> 氯化氧铋
- bismuthyl phenolate ==> 苯酚二羟铋
- bismutosmaltite ==> 钴砷铋矿石
- bisolven ==> 必消痰
- bisolvon ==> 必嗽平,溴苄环己铵,溴苄环己铵
- bispectrum ==> 双频谱=>バイスペクトル
- bispelmicrite ==> 生物球粒微晶灰岩
- bisphenol A ==> ビスフェノールA
- bisphenol, p, p'-dihydroxydiphenyldimethylene ==> 双酚
- bispheric lens ==> 双球面透镜
- bispinous diameter ==> 坐骨棘间径,中骨盆横径
- bispore ==> 双孢子
- bisporic race ==> 双孢型
- bisque ==> 本色陶器
- bisque firing ==> 高温素爆
- bissextile ==> 闰年
- bissextile year ==> 闰年
- BIST, built-in self-test ==> 自己テスト
- bistability ==> 双稳定性
- bistable ==> 双稳,双稳定,双稳态,双稳态式=>双安定
- bistable behaviour ==> 双稳态性能
- bistable circuit ==> 双稳电路,双稳态电路,双稳线路=>双安定回路
- bistable device ==> 双稳定装置
- bistable injection laser ==> 双稳态注入式激光器
- bistable light emitter ==> 双稳态光发射体
- bistable magnetic core ==> 双稳态磁心
- bistable memory ==> 双稳存储器,双稳态存储
- bistable multi vibrator ==> 双安定マルチバイブレータ
- bistable multivibrator ==> 双稳态多谐振荡器=>二安定回路
- bistable operation ==> 双稳态工作
- bistable optical device ==> 双稳态光学装置
- bistable optical element ==> 双稳态光学元件
- bistable optoelectronic element ==> 双稳态光电子元件
- bistable relay ==> 双稳态继电器=>両側安定形継電器
- bistable state ==> 双稳态
- bistable trigger ==> 双稳触发器
- bistable trigger circuit ==> 双稳触发电路=>双安定トリガ回路
- bistable type storage tube ==> 双稳态存储管
- bistable unit ==> 双稳态部件,双稳元件
- bistatic radar ==> 双站雷达,收发分置雷达,双分雷达,双基地雷达
- bistatic reflectivity ==> 复线反射性
- bistatic sonar ==> 收发分置声纳
- biston boss ==> 活塞销壳
- bistort ==> 拳参
- bistorta ==> 拳参
- bistoury ==> 细长刀
- bistre ==> 褐色水彩颜料,颜料褐
- bistrique ==> 磨头
- bisuccinate ==> 丁二酸氢盐
- bisulfate ==> 硫酸氢盐
- bisulfide ==> 二硫化物
- bisulfite ==> 亚硫酸氢盐
- bisulphide ==> 二硫化物
- bisulphite ==> 亚硫酸氢盐
- bisvanil tablet ==> 必舒胃片
- biswitch ==> 双向硅对称开关
- bisymmetry ==> 两对称
- bisync protocol ==> 双同步协议
- bisynchronous motor ==> 双倍同步速度电动机
- bit ==> 比特,检验位,刀片,刀片头,刀头,斧刃,锥,二进制码,二进制数位,二进制数字,位,钻,钻头,二进制位=>ビット,演出
- bit accumulator ==> 位累加器
- bit arbor ==> 钻套
- bit bare ==> 空位
- bit binary number ==> 二进制数
- bit blank ==> 钻坯
- bit body ==> 钻头体
- bit brace ==> 摇钻,曲柄钻
- bit brace tap ==> 摇钻螺丝攻
- bit breaker ==> 钻头装卸器
- Bit buffer unit ==> 比特缓冲器
- bit capacity ==> 二进码位容量,二进制数容量
- bit changer ==> 位变换器
- bit code ==> 位码
- bit combination ==> 位组合
- bit comparate ==> 位比较
- bit copper ==> 焊铜
- bit count appendage ==> 附加按位计数
- bit cutting angle ==> 钻冠的尖度
- bit density ==> 位密度,二进制位密度
- bit drag ==> 切削型钻头
- bit dresser ==> 磨钎工
- bit drop-in ==> 信息混入
- bit drop-out ==> 信息丢失
- bit error rate ==> 误码率,位出错率,比特差错率,接收到的差错比特数与发送比特总数之比=>ビット誤り率
- bit error rate (BER) ==> 比特误差率
- bit error rate processor ==> 比特误差率处理机
- bit field ==> 位字段
- bit forging machine ==> 锻钎机
- bit frame ==> 钻头体
- bit frequency ==> 比特频率
- bit ga(u)ge ==> 对刀样板
- bit gatherer ==> 挑料工
- bit grinding ==> 堵钻处理
- bit grinding machine ==> 磨钎机
- bit holder ==> 钻套
- bit line ==> ビット線
- bit literal ==> 按位表示文字
- bit load ==> 钻头负载
- bit location ==> 位单元,数位位置
- bit loss ==> 位损
- bit manipulation ==> 位操作
- bit map ==> 位变换
- bit mask ==> 位屏蔽
- bit matrix ==> 比特矩阵
- bit memory organization ==> 位存储组织
- bit multiplex ==> ビット多重
- bit nozzle ==> 钻头钻管
- bit of a bridle ==> 嚼子
- bit of the vice ==> 虎钳口
- bit orient ==> 按位
- bit oriented memory ==> 按位存取存储器
- bit overfeed ==> 钻头超速
- bit parallel ==> 位并行
- bit pattern ==> 位组合
- bit per inch ==> 每英寸位数
- bit per second, bps ==> 秒あたり伝送ビット数
- bit per word cunter ==> 每词一位的计数器
- bit position ==> 比特位置
- bit puller ==> 卸钻头器
- bit pulse length ==> 位脉冲宽度
- bit rate ==> 二进位制信息传输率,比特率,位速率
- bit reamer ==> 锥铰刀
- bit reduction factor ==> 比特减缩因子
- bit register ==> 位寄存器
- bit serial ==> 位串行
- bit serial highway ==> 位串行信息公路
- bit shank ==> 钻坯,钎柄,钎尾
- bit sharpener ==> 截齿修整机
- bit shift ==> 位移
- bit slice ==> 位片
- bit slice processor ==> 位片处理机
- bit stealing ==> 比特占用
- bit stop ==> 钻头定程停止器
- bit stream ==> 位流,比特流
- bit stream transmission ==> 位流传输
- bit string ==> 位串
- bit string constant ==> 位串常数
- bit string data ==> 位串数据
- bit string operation ==> 位串运算
- bit string operator ==> 位串操作符
- bit switch ==> 按位开关
- bit synchronization ==> 位同步
- bit table ==> 位表
- bit time ==> 一位时间
- bit time counter ==> 比特时间计数器
- bit timing ==> ビット同期
- bit tool ==> 刀具,刀头
- bit torrent ==> 变态下载
- bit traffic ==> 二进制信息通道
- bit train ==> 位列
- bit transfer rate ==> 比特传送速率
- bit vector ==> 位向量
- bit weight ==> 钻头负荷
- bit wide ==> 位宽
- bit word ==> 位字
- bit zone ==> 标志位
- bit 比特,检验位,刀片,刀片头,刀头,斧刃,锥,二进制码,二进制数位,二进制数字,位,钻,钻头,二进制位(binary ==> digit)
- BIT, bench integration test ==> ベンチ組合せ試験
- BIT, binary digit ==> 2進化符号
- BIT, built-in test ==> 内蔵試験機能
- bit-bender ==> 二进位迷
- bit-by-bit control ==> 按位控制
- bit-by-bit memory ==> 按位存储器,打点式存储器
- bit-by-bit optical memory ==> 按位光存储器
- bit-by-bit register display ==> 逐位寄存显示
- bit-jitter ==> 比特跳动
- bit-manipulation ==> 二进制处理
- bit-oriented ==> 按位的
- bit-oriented procedure ==> 面向比特规程
- bitaleral constraint ==> 不可解约束
- bitangent ==> 双切,双切线,二重切
- bitangent plane ==> 二重切面
- bitch ==> 反向扒钉
- bite ==> 滚距,二进位组,酸腐蚀,吃刀量,切入量,切削刀,咬,咬合=>バイト, A set of Bits that represent a single character. Usually there are 8 Bits in a Byte, sometimes more, depending on how the measurement is being made.
- bite by dog ==> 犬咬伤
- bite by leech ==> 蛭食
- bite frame ==> 咬合计录用架
- bite in early spring ==> 早春放牧
- bite mark ==> 咬痕
- bite rim ==> 牙垫
- bite test ==> 咬诊法
- bite wing ==> 咬合翼片
- bite wound ==> 咬伤
- BITE, built-in equipment ==> バイト
- BITE, built-in test equipment ==> 内蔵試験設備
- bite-block ==> 牙垫
- bitegage ==> 咬合测距尺
- bitemporal hemianopsia ==> 两外侧偏盲
- biteplate ==> 咬合板
- bitermitron ==> 双端管
- biternary ==> 双三进
- biternate ==> 二回三出叶
- bites of lid by insects ==> 睑昆虫咬伤,睑昆虫咬伤
- bitesize ==> 一口体积
- bithin,2 ==> 硫双二氯酚
- bithiodine ==> 枸橼酸阿斯维林,枸橼酸阿斯维林,安嗽定
- bithionol ==> 比廷,硫双二氯酚
- Bithynia fuchslana ==> 赤豆螺
- bitin ==> 比廷
- biting ==> 轧辊咬入轧件
- biting angle ==> 侵彻度
- biting bird lice ==> 食毛虫
- biting force ==> 咬力
- biting force meter ==> 咬力测验计
- biting midge ==> 蠓
- biting mouth parts ==> 嘴嚼口器
- biting-in ==> 腐蚀
- bitolterol ==> 比托特罗
- bitone horn ==> 双音喇叭
- bitoric lens ==> 双复面透镜,双曲面透镜
- Bitot's patches ==> 结膜干燥斑
- Bitot's spots ==> 结膜干燥,结膜干燥斑,比托氏斑
- Bitots spots ==> 比托氏斑点,毕脱氏斑
- bitrochanteric ==> 二转子的
- bitrochanteric diameter ==> 转子间径
- bitrope ==> 二点重切面
- bitropic ==> 两向性的
- bits ==> 齿片
- bits per second ==> 位/秒,每秒位数
- bitsharpener ==> 钻头修整机
- bitt ==> 系柱
- bitt bollard ==> 带缆桩
- bitter ==> 苦的=>苦いもの,ビター
- bitter almond ==> 苦扁桃仁=>苦扁桃
- bitter almond oil ==> 苦扁桃仁油,苦杏仁油=>苦扁桃油
- bitter cardamon ==> 益智仁
- Bitter coil ==> 比特尔线圈
- bitter disk type coil ==> ビッタディスク形コイル
- bitter end ==> (船の)錨鎖の末端
- bitter flavor ==> 苦味
- bitter fleabance ==> 飞蓬
- bitter lake ==> 苦湖
- bitter orange ==> 臭橙,酸橙
- bitter orange oil ==> 苦橙皮油,苦橙油
- Bitter pattern ==> 毕特粉纹图
- bitter pit ==> 苦坑病
- bitter rot ==> 苦腐病
- bitter rot of apple ==> 苹果苦腐病
- bitter rot or anthracnose of grape ==> 葡萄炭疽病
- bitter taste ==> 苦味
- bitter tincture ==> 苦味チンキ
- bitter tonic ==> 苦味补药
- bitter-tasting coffee ==> 苦味のあるコーヒー
- bitterling ==> 苦鱼
- bittern ==> 卤水,盐卤
- bitterness ==> 苦味=>苦味,苦痛,敵意,恨み,皮肉
- bitters ==> 苦味补药,苦味药
- bittle rot of grape ==> 葡萄炭疽病
- Bittner milk factor ==> 乳因子
- bitumastic ==> 沥青砂胶
- bitumastic enamel ==> 沥青瓷漆
- bitumastic paint ==> 沥青涂料
- bitumen ==> 沥青=>ビチューメン,瀝青
- bitumen asbestos sealant ==> 沥青石棉嵌缝膏
- bitumen cable ==> 沥青绝缘电缆
- bitumen coating ==> 沥青涂层
- bitumen cord filler ==> 沥青麻绳填料
- bitumen damp-proof course ==> 沥青防潮层
- bitumen extraction ==> ビチューメン抽出
- bitumen felt packing ==> 油毡衬垫
- bitumen felt roofing ==> 沥青卷材屋面
- bitumen for building ==> 建筑沥青
- bitumen insulated wire ==> 沥青绝缘线
- bitumen insulation ==> 沥青绝缘
- bitumen layer ==> 沥青铺洒机
- bitumen poisoning ==> 沥青中毒
- bitumen pump ==> 沥青泵
- bitumen recovery ==> ビチューメン回収
- bitumen varnishes ==> 沥青清漆
- bitumen-dipped hemp ==> 麻丝沥青
- bitumeniferous ==> 含沥青的
- bitumenite ==> 块煤
- bitumenizing ==> 涂沥青
- bituminised paper ==> 沥青纸
- bituminite ==> 沥青质体,烟煤
- bituminite pneumoconiosis ==> 油页岩尘肺
- bituminization ==> 煤化作用,沥青化
- bituminize ==> 沥青处理
- bituminized fibre pipe ==> 沥青纤维管
- bituminosis ==> 沥青末沉着病,沥青末肺
- bituminous ==> 沥青质
- bituminous (bitumen) concrete pavement ==> 沥青混凝土铺面
- bituminous asbestos felt ==> 沥青石棉油毡
- bituminous asbestos rope ==> 沥青石棉绳
- bituminous binder course ==> 沥青结合层
- bituminous brown coal ==> 沥青煤
- bituminous carpet ==> 沥青毡
- bituminous cement ==> 沥青粘合剂
- bituminous coal ==> 沥青煤,软煤,烟煤,煤化程度高于褐煤而低于无烟煤的煤,其特点是挥发分产率范围宽,燃烧时有烟=>瀝青炭(れきせいたん)
- bituminous coal liquefaction ==> 瀝青炭液化
- bituminous coating ==> 沥青涂层
- bituminous concrete ==> 沥青混凝土
- bituminous concrete flooring ==> 沥青混凝土楼地面
- bituminous dressing ==> 沥青敷面
- bituminous emulsion ==> 沥青乳液
- bituminous epoxy paint ==> 环氧沥青漆
- bituminous felt ==> 沥青油毛毡,油毛毡
- bituminous fibre filler ==> 沥青纤维填料
- bituminous flax ==> 麻丝沥青
- bituminous flax cord ==> 沥青麻绳
- bituminous glass fabric felt ==> 玻璃纤维布油毡
- bituminous grout ==> 沥青浆
- bituminous grouting ==> 沥青灌浆
- bituminous insulating paint ==> 沥青绝缘涂料
- bituminous joint ==> 沥青缝
- bituminous leveling course ==> 沥青找平层
- bituminous lignite ==> 沥青褐煤
- bituminous limestone ==> 沥青石灰岩
- bituminous material ==> 沥青材料
- bituminous membrane ==> 沥青防水膜
- bituminous mineral wool felt(quilt) ==> 沥青矿棉毡
- bituminous mortar ==> 沥青砂浆
- bituminous mortar flooring ==> 沥青砂浆楼地面
- bituminous neoprene paint ==> 氯丁橡胶沥青漆
- bituminous odour ==> 沥青臭
- bituminous paint ==> 沥青漆
- bituminous paver ==> 沥青铺路机,沥青铺洒机
- bituminous plastics ==> 沥青塑料
- bituminous primer ==> 沥青冷底子油
- bituminous priming solution ==> 沥青冷底子油
- bituminous retreat ==> 二次沥青处理
- bituminous road ==> 沥青路
- bituminous rock ==> 沥青岩
- bituminous sand ==> 沥青砂
- bituminous seal coat ==> 沥青密闭层
- bituminous shale ==> 沥青页岩,沥青质页岩
- bituminous softening-point test ==> 沥青软化点试验
- bituminous surface treatment ==> 沥青表面处理
- bituminous texture ==> 沥青结构
- bituminous varnish ==> 沥青漆
- bituminous water-proof coating ==> 沥青防水层
- bituminous waterproof membrane ==> 沥青防水膜
- bituminous wood ==> 木煤,木煤体
- bituminouspaint ==> 沥青涂料
- bitumirous lump coal ==> 烟煤块
- bitumite ==> 烟煤
- bitumogene ==> 沥青成因
- bitwise operation ==> 逐位操作,逐位运算
- BIU, bus interface unit ==> バスインタフェースユニット
- biuret paper ==> 双缩脲试纸
- biuret reaction ==> 缩二脲反应,皮特罗夫斯基氏反应
- bivalent chromosome ==> 双价染色体
- bivalent element ==> 二价元素
- bivalent gas gangrene antitoxin ==> 二价气性坏疽抗毒素
- bivalent metallic ion complex ==> 二价金属络合物
- bivalent radical ==> 二价基
- bivalve rectal speculum ==> 双瓣直肠窥器
- bivalve vaginal speculum ==> 双瓣阴道窥器
- bivane ==> 双向风向标,双风信标
- bivariant system ==> 双变系
- bivariate analysis ==> 双变量分析
- bivariate binomial distribution ==> 二元二项分布
- bivariate Cauchy distribution ==> 二元柯西分布
- bivariate continuous distribution ==> 二元连续分布
- bivariate density function ==> 二元密度函数
- bivariate discrete distribution ==> 二元离散分布
- bivariate distribution ==> 二维分布,二元分布,双变量分布
- bivariate frequency table ==> 二元频率表
- bivariate generating function ==> 双变量母函数
- bivariate linear regression ==> 二元直线回归
- bivariate logarithmic distribution ==> 二元对数分布
- bivariate logarithmic series distribution ==> 二元对数序列分布
- bivariate negative binomial distribution ==> 二维负二项分布
- bivariate normal distribution ==> 双变量正态分布,二元正态分布
- bivariate normal probability density function ==> 二元正态概率密度函数
- bivariate normal surface ==> 二元正态曲面
- bivariate normal target distribution ==> 二维规范目标分布
- bivariate Pareto distribution ==> 二元帕累托分布
- bivariate Pascal distribution ==> 二元帕斯卡分布
- bivariate Poisson distribution ==> 二元泊松分布
- bivariate Poisson population ==> 二元泊松总体
- bivariate polynomial ==> 双变量多项式
- bivariate population bar graph ==> 二元总体条形图
- bivariate probability distribution ==> 二元概率分布
- bivariate process ==> 二元过程
- bivariate regression model ==> 二元回归模型
- bivariate sample ==> 二变量样本
- bivariate scatter plot ==> 二变量散点图
- bivariate sign test ==> 二元符号检验
- bivariate stochastic process ==> 二维随机过程,二元随机过程
- bivariate table ==> 二维表
- bivariate type Ⅱdistribution ==> 二元二型分布
- bivariate uniform distribution ==> 二元均匀分布
- bivector multinomial distribution ==> 二维向量多项式分布
- bivinyl rubber ==> 丁二烯橡胶
- bizarre behavior ==> 奇特行为
- bizarre nucleus ==> 畸形核
- Bizzarro ==> 古怪的
- Bjerrum's sign ==> 布耶鲁姆氏征
- BK Book ==> 预定
- BKT, BlanKeT ==> ブランケット
- BL Bulgarian Lloyd (Class Society) ==> 保加利亚罗意德(等级协会)
- BL date ==> 提单日期
- BL minimum charge ==> 提单单位运价
- BL, base line ==> ベースライン
- BL, biomedical laboratories ==> 生物医学研究室
- Blaauw mechanism ==> 布劳机制
- black ==> 黑,黑的,黑皮,黑色,黑色的,加密的,炭黑
- black absorber ==> 黑吸收体
- black absorber rod ==> 黑吸收棒
- black acids ==> 黑色酸
- black acrylic handle for man's folding umbrella ==> 黑色有机玻璃男折伞柄
- black acrylic matt enamel ==> 黑色丙烯酸消光磁漆
- black adobe soil ==> 黑色冲积粘土
- black after white ==> 白后黑,白拖黑
- black air drying paint ==> 黑色风干漆
- black alkali ==> 黑碱
- black alkali soil ==> 黑碱土
- black alum ==> 黑矾
- black amber ==> 煤精
- black amino alkyd baking transistor paint ==> 黑氨基醇酸烘干晶体管漆
- black and brown pigments ==> 黑色和褐色色素
- black and white image ==> 黑白图像
- black and white kinescope ==> 黑白显像管
- black and white panchromatic roll ==> 黑白全色照相胶卷
- black and white photographic paper ==> 黑白相纸
- black and white picture ==> 黑白图像
- black and white positive film ==> 黑白正片
- black and white signal carrier ==> 黑白信号载波
- black and white signal generator ==> 黑白信号发生器
- black and white television picture tube ==> 黑白显像管
- black and white tube ==> 黑白电视显像管
- black and white work ==> 木石构造
- black annealed iron wire ==> 黑退火钢丝
- black annealed wire ==> 黑退火钢丝
- black annealing ==> 黑色退火,黑退火,初退火
- black anodized ==> 阳极氧化致黑
- black anodizing ==> 黑色阳极化
- black area ==> 黑区
- black armband ==> 黑臂纱
- black ash ==> 黑灰
- black ash ball ==> 黑灰块
- black background ==> 黑色背景
- black backing varnish ==> 黑底漆
- black baking varnish ==> 黑色烘干漆
- black bamboo ==> 紫竹
- black band ==> 黑带,无火花换向区=>無火花帯
- black bean ==> 黑大豆,豆豉
- black beche-de-mer ==> 墨海参
- black beetle ==> 东方蜚蠊
- black bile ==> 黑胆汁体液
- black bile body humor ==> 黑胆汁体液
- black bindweed ==> 荞麦蔓
- black bituminous baking enamel ==> 黑沥青烘干磁漆
- black blight ==> 煤污病
- black blizzard ==> 黑尘暴
- black body ==> 黑体
- black body coefficient ==> 黑体系数
- black body radiation ==> 黑体辐射
- black body temperature ==> 黑体温度
- black body type cell ==> 黑体式光电池
- black bog ==> 黑色泥沼,黑色沼泽
- black bolt ==> 粗制螺栓
- black border ==> 黑色边缘
- black bottom plow ==> 黑粘土犁
- black box ==> 未知框,黑盒,黑盒子,黑匣,黑箱,密封组件,快速调换部分=>ブラックボックス
- black box calf ==> 黑匣,测谎器
- black bread ==> 黑面包
- black brick tea ==> 红砖茶
- black bridge washer valve ==> 黑色桥形洗涤阀
- black brittleness ==> 低温脆性
- black bronze glaze ==> 乌金釉
- black buran ==> 黑风暴
- black burn ==> 黑风暴
- black burst generator ==> 黑场发生器
- black calcareous soil ==> 碳酸盐黑土
- black camera paint ==> 黑色照相机漆
- black cancer ==> 黑色素癌
- black canker ==> 黑水病
- black canker of apple ==> 苹果黑色溃疡病
- black carbon ==> 碳黑
- black carbon counter ==> 炭黑计数器
- black carp ==> 青鱼=>マゴイ,真鯉
- black chaff ==> 小麦黑颖病
- black chaff of rice ==> 黑谷物
- black chaff of wheat ==> 黑颖病,小麦黑颖病
- black characteristic ==> 布莱克特性
- black cherry ==> 黑樱桃
- black cherry aphid ==> 樱桃瘤额蚜
- black chestnut ==> (马毛色)深栗毛
- black cinder ==> 黑炉渣
- black circuit ==> 传输加密信息的电路
- black citrus aphid ==> 桔二岔蚜
- black clay glaze pottery ==> 泥釉黑陶
- black clip ==> 黑色电平削波
- black clipped goathair ==> 黑色剪山羊毛
- black cloth ==> 黑布
- black coating ==> 黑涂料,镀黑
- black cobalt ==> 钴土
- black coffee ==> ブラックコーヒー
- black collar axle ==> 带内凸肩车轴
- black commutation ==> 無火花整流
- black content ==> 黑色成分
- black contrast lines ==> 黑白分辨线
- black copper ==> 黑色铜
- black coral ==> 黑珊瑚
- black core ==> (黑心)炭斑
- black corundum ==> 黑刚玉
- black cotton clay ==> 黑棉土
- black cotton soil ==> 黑棉土
- black countersunk head rivet ==> 粗制沉头铆钉
- black crystal ==> 墨晶
- black curded bean ==> 豆豉
- black currant rash ==> 黑醋栗疹,黑色干葡萄状疹
- black currant reversion ==> 黑刺莓重瓣病
- black cutworm ==> 小地老虎
- black cyanide ==> 氰化钙
- black dammar ==> 黑达马树脂
- black death ==> 黑死病
- black decoration on white ground ==> 白地黑花
- black degeneration of brain ==> 脑黑色变性
- black dermatographism ==> 黑色划皮现象
- black diamond ==> 黑金刚石,黑色金刚石
- black disease ==> 黑色病,黑疫
- black disease vaccine ==> 黑色病疫苗
- black dotted caddisfly ==> 斑须泥苞虫
- black draft ==> 黑色顿服剂
- black drop ==> 黑滴
- black durain ==> 黑暗煤
- black dusters ==> 黑色风暴
- black dwarf ==> 黑矮星
- black dyes ==> 黑色染料
- black earth ==> 黑钙土,黑土
- black enamelled conduit ==> 黑磁漆铁管
- black end ==> 黑端病
- black eye ==> 黑眼
- black eye-spot ==> 黑眼病
- black faced type ==> 粗体字
- black factice ==> 硫化油膏
- black fallow ==> 黑色休闲地,秋耕闲地
- black fever ==> 黑色热,落基山热
- black fibre ==> 黑纤维
- black filter ==> 不可见光滤光镜
- black finish adjust-able wrench ==> 发黑处理可调扳手
- black finish combination pliers ==> 发黑处理钢丝钳
- black finishing varnish ==> 黑色罩漆
- black flat taper head rivet ==> 粗制平锥头铆钉
- black fly ==> 墨蚊
- black forest earth ==> 暗色森林土
- black fracture ==> 黑色断口
- black frost ==> 黑冻,黑霜,严霜
- black fungus beetle ==> 黑菌病
- black furnace ==> 冷炉,不加热炉
- black fused alumina ==> 黑刚玉
- black glass ==> 黑色玻璃,中性滤光片
- black glaze ==> 乌釉
- black goathair ==> 黑山羊毛
- black goggles ==> 黑色扩目镜
- black granite ==> 黑花岗石,闪长岩
- black hard ==> 半干状态
- black harness oil ==> 黑色皮革油
- black head ==> 黑头粉刺
- black heart ==> 黑心病
- black heart malleable cast iron ==> 黑心可锻铸件
- black heart malleable castings ==> 黑心可锻铸件
- black heart malleable iron ==> 黑心可锻铸铁
- black heart of potato ==> 马铃薯黑心病
- black heart process ==> 黑心可锻化处理
- black heat-proof varnish ==> 黑色耐热漆
- black heat-resisting paint ==> 黑色耐高温漆
- black heel ==> 黑足跟
- black hole ==> 黑洞=>ブラックホール
- black hole astrophysics ==> ブラックホール天体物理学
- black hole binary ==> 双黑洞
- black hole disease ==> ブラック・ホール病
- black hole dynamics ==> ブラックホール力学
- black hole emission ==> ブラックホール放射
- black hole entropy ==> ブラックホールエントロピー
- black hole in the process of formation ==> 形成過程にあるブラックホール
- black hole magnetosphere ==> ブラックホール磁気圏
- black hole neighbourhood ==> 黑洞邻域
- black hot ==> 暗红热
- black humus earth ==> 黑色腐殖土
- black hyacinth bean ==> 黑扁豆
- black ice ==> 黑冰
- black insulating tape ==> 黑色绝缘胶布
- black iron ==> 黑钢板,黑铁板,平铁
- black iron conduit ==> 黑铁导线管
- black iron hexagon nut ==> 黑铁六角螺丝帽
- black iron ore ==> 磁铁矿
- black iron pipe ==> 黑铁管
- black iron plate ==> 黑铁板
- black iron washer ==> 黑铁垫板
- black jade ==> 墨玉
- black Japan ==> 沥青漆
- black japanned brass-plated iron hasp & staple ==> 黑漆镀黄铜锁牌
- black japanned iron hasp & staple ==> 黑漆铁锁牌
- black japanned iron hinge ==> 黑漆铁铰链
- black japanned iron wire hasp and staple ==> 黑漆铁丝锁牌
- black japanned screen door spring hinge ==> 黑漆纱门弹簧铰链
- black japanned spring hinge ==> 黑漆单弹簧铰链,黑漆双弹簧铰链
- black kernel ==> 稻黑粒病
- black knot ==> 黑癌病,黑节疤病
- black knot of plum ==> 梅李黑结带病
- black lava glass ==> 黑色熔岩玻璃
- black layout ==> 排样
- black lead ==> 石墨
- black lead paint ==> 石墨涂料,黑铅漆
- black lead powder ==> 黑铅粉
- black leaf spot ==> 黑色叶斑病
- black leg of beet ==> 甜菜立枯病,甜菜蛇眼病
- black leg of cabbage ==> 甘蓝黑胫病
- black leg of potato ==> 马铃薯胫病
- black lenbane ==> 莨菪根
- black lenos ==> 黑纬薄纱
- black level ==> 黑色电平,黑色信号电平,暗电平=>黒レベル
- black level clamp ==> 黑色电平钳位
- black level clumping ==> 黒レベル固定
- black level setting circuit ==> 黑色电平调整线路,黑色电平固定线路
- black light ==> 黑光,近紫外光,不可见光
- black light filter ==> 透过紫外线的滤光片
- black light lamp ==> 紫外线照射装置=>ブラックライトランプ
- black lighting ==> 黑光照明
- black lightning ==> 黑闪
- black lignite ==> 黑褐煤,黑色褐煤
- black line ==> 黑线病
- black liquor ==> 黑液,醋酸铁液
- black locust ==> 洋槐
- black loose smut of oat ==> 燕麦散黑穗病
- black lung ==> 煤尘肺
- black marble in grains ==> 黑大理石粒
- black marble mantel clock ==> 黑大理石座钟
- black mark-line ==> 墨斗线
- black marked prominent ==> 苹果舟形毛虫
- black market ==> 非法交易市场
- black marrow ==> 黑髓
- black matrix-screen color tube ==> ブラックマトリックス形カラー受像管
- black measles ==> 黑麻疹,麻毒入营,出血性麻珍
- black medic ==> 天蓝
- black mercurial lotion ==> 黑汞洗液
- black mercuric sulfide ==> 黑色硫化汞
- black mica ==> 黑云母
- black mild steel carriage bolt and nut ==> 黑铁马车螺丝闩
- black mild steel fish bolt and nut ==> 黑铁鱼尾螺丝闩
- black mild steel flat head rivet ==> 黑铁扁头铆钉
- black mild steel flat head tinmen rivet ==> 黑铁号头铆钉
- black mild steel hexagonal nut ==> 黑铁六角螺丝帽
- black mild steel pan head rivet ==> 黑铁锥头铆钉
- black mild steel round head rivet ==> 黑铁圆头铆钉
- black mild steel square nut ==> 黑铁四方螺丝帽
- black mineral oil ==> 重矿物油
- black mold ==> 黑霉
- black moonstone ==> 黑色月光石
- black mordant ==> 醋酸铁液
- black mortar ==> 黑砂浆
- black mould of rice ==> 黑变病
- black mud ==> 黑泥
- black mustard ==> 黑芥
- black negative ==> 黑色为负
- black negative or positive ==> 黑负或黑正
- black nickel ==> 黑色镍
- Black Nightshade ==> 龙葵
- black nut ==> 粗制螺母
- black oil ==> 润滑重油,黑机油,黑油
- black oil conversion ==> 黑油转化
- black onyx ==> 黑宝石
- black opal ==> 黑蛋白石
- black oxide ==> (指UO2)黑色氧化物
- black oxide finish ==> 氧化发黑处理
- black paint ==> 黑漆,黑涂料
- black paint soil amendment and mulch ==> 黑色涂料和覆盖
- black patch ==> 黑块
- black patches ==> 黑斑点
- black peak ==> 黑峰,黑色信号峰值
- black pearl ==> 黑珍珠
- black pepper ==> 黑胡椒,胡椒
- black pepper oil ==> 黑胡椒油
- black petroleum products ==> 石油重油
- black phenolic ready mixed paint ==> 黑色酚醛调和漆
- black phthisis ==> 黑色痨
- black pickling ==> 粗酸洗,初酸洗
- black piedra ==> 黑色发结节病
- black pigment ==> 黑色素,炭黑
- black pipe ==> 黑铁管,非涂锌管
- black pitch ==> 黑色松脂
- black plant startup ==> 电厂黑启动
- black plaster ==> 黑膏药
- black plate ==> 黑钢板
- black plate for tinning ==> 马口铁卷板
- black pod ==> 黑荚病
- black point ==> 黑点病
- black porch ==> 黑肩,黑色电平肩
- black positive ==> 黑色为正
- black pottery ==> 黑陶器
- black pottery with clay glaze ==> 泥釉黑陶
- black powder ==> 黑火药,黑色火药=>ブラックパウダ(電気接点)
- black precipitate ==> 黑色沉淀
- black print ==> 黑版
- black product ==> 黑色石油产品
- black pure phenolic resin primer ==> 黑色纯酚醛底漆
- black quartz ==> 墨晶
- black rabbit skin plate ==> 黑色兔皮褥子
- black race ==> 黑色人种
- black radiation ==> 黑体辐射
- black radiator ==> 黑辐射体
- black red ==> 黑红
- black red heat ==> 黑红色温度
- black region ==> 黑色信号区域
- black ribbon ==> 黑色带
- black rice stink bug ==> 稻黑蝽
- black ring ==> 黑环病
- black ringworm ==> 黑圆癣
- black roan ==> (马毛色)深青沙毛
- black root ==> 黑根
- black root of tobacco ==> 烟草根黑腐病
- black root rot ==> 黑根腐病
- black rot ==> 黑腐病,条溃疡
- black rot of cabbage ==> 蔬菜黑腐病
- black rot of cucurbits ==> 瓜类黑腐病
- black rot of grape ==> 葡萄黑腐病
- black rot of pear ==> 梨轮纹病
- black rot of rice grains ==> 黑蚀米病
- black rot of sweet potato ==> 甘薯黑疤病
- black rough bolt ==> 粗制螺栓
- black rubber ==> 炭黑橡胶
- black rubber cape-back coat ==> 黑橡胶披肩
- black rubber fireman's coat ==> 黑橡胶救火衣
- black rubber hat ==> 黑橡胶帽
- black rubber insertion ==> 夹布胶片
- black rubber police coat ==> 黑橡胶警衣
- black rust ==> 黑锈病,杆锈病
- black saddle seed ==> 黑色马鞍种子
- black salted turnip ==> 大头菜
- black sample ==> 黑试样
- black sand ==> 黑砂
- black saturation ==> 黑色饱和
- black scale ==> 黑白介壳虫,黑点介壳虫,黑色标度
- black schist ==> 黑色片岩
- black scope ==> 黑显示管,暗底显示管
- black screen ==> 暗色滤光镜,暗色滤光屏,中灰滤光屏=>ブラックスクリーン
- black scurf of potato ==> 马铃薯黑痣病,马铃薯丝核菌病
- black sea ==> 黑海
- black sesame ==> 黑芝麻=>黒ゴマ
- black sesame oil ==> 黑芝麻油
- black shaded ==> 加黑斑补偿
- black shale ==> 黑色页岩
- black sheath rot ==> 稻褐鞘病
- black sheet ==> 黑钢板
- black sheet iron ==> 黑铁皮,马口铁皮
- black short ==> 黑色裂口,冷脆
- black shortness ==> 冷脆性
- black signal ==> 黑信号
- black silicon carbide ==> 黑碳化硅
- black silicon carbide grain ==> 黑碳化硅磨料
- black silk cord band ==> 黑丝绳带
- black silk skirt ==> 黑绸裙
- black silk socks ==> 黑丝短袜
- black silver ==> 脆银矿
- black skin ==> 铸皮
- black smallpox ==> 出血性天花
- black smear ==> 黑色拖尾
- black smut of spinach ==> 菠菜叶黑粉病
- black snap head rivet ==> 粗制半圆头铆钉,粗制圆头铆钉
- black softened ==> 初退火
- black soil ==> 黑土
- black sonw ==> 黑雪
- black spot ==> 黑点,黑斑病=>事故多発区域,黒斑病
- black spot cardinalfish ==> クロホシイシモチ
- black spot distortion ==> 黑点失真
- black spot interference ==> 黑点干扰
- black spots ==> 黑色斑
- black spotter ==> 杂波抑制器
- black spotting ==> 黑斑
- black spun ==> 黑色着色纺丝
- black spun rayon netting ==> 黑色人棉纱布
- black square head bolt ==> 粗制方头螺栓
- black square nut ==> 粗制方螺母
- black stamping pad ==> 纯黑印泥
- black start ==> 黑启动=>ブラックスタート,系統再起動
- black start service ==> 黑启动服务,在系统大停电时,发电机组在无外来电源情况下,进行自启动称为机组黑启动,是机组为恢复系统供电而向系统提供的辅助服务
- black steel pipe ==> 黑钢板
- black steel sheet ==> 黑钢皮
- black stem ==> 黑茎病
- black stem rust ==> 杆锈病
- black stem rust of cereals ==> 麦类秆锈病
- black stem rust of wheat ==> 小麦茎秆黑锈病
- black stone powder ==> 黑石粉
- black storm ==> 黑风暴
- black strap ==> 黑色重润滑油
- black streaked dwarf ==> 黑条矮缩病
- black streaked dwarf virus of rice ==> 水稻黑条矮缩病
- black strip ==> 黑带钢,热轧带钢
- black stripe ==> 黑条,黑线病,条溃疡
- black striped plant bug ==> 中黑盲蝽
- black stump chalk ==> 黑炭粉
- black substance ==> 黑质
- black superfine ==> 黑色特细缩绒呢
- black tape ==> 黑胶布,摩擦带
- black tartarian oat ==> 东方燕麦
- black tea ==> 红茶=>紅茶,ホワンチャー,プーアール茶
- black tea extract ==> 紅茶エキス
- black tea fungus ==> 紅茶キノコ
- black teeth ==> 仔猪獠牙
- black test ==> 琼脂
- black thermit ==> 黑色铝热剂
- black thread ==> 黑线病
- black thread disease ==> 条溃疡
- black tin steel ==> 黑钢板
- black tip ==> 黑尖病
- black tongue ==> 黑舌
- black tongue disease ==> 黑舌病
- black top soil ==> 暗色表土
- black top wool ==> 黑端毛
- black truffle ==> 黑孢块菌
- black turf soil ==> 黑色生草土
- black urine ==> 黑色尿
- black vacuum ==> 低真空
- black varnish ==> 黑清漆
- black varnished cambric cloth ==> 黑漆布
- black varnished cambric tape ==> 黑漆带
- black vomit ==> 黑色呕吐
- black walnut ==> 黑胡桃
- black walnut oil ==> 黑胡桃油
- black wart fungus ==> 黑瘤病菌
- black wash ==> 黑汞洗液,黑色洗剂
- black washer ==> 毛垫圈
- black water ==> 黑水
- black waxy earth ==> 黑油土
- black waxy soil ==> 黑油土,深色毛
- black wheat aphid ==> 麦二叉蚜
- black widow spider ==> 黑寡妇毒蛛
- black wire rope ==> 黑钢丝绳
- black wool ==> 黑毛
- Black's test ==> 勃拉克试验
- black-and-white all plastic photographic paper ==> 黑白全塑相纸
- black-and-white channel ==> 黑白通道
- black-and-white receiver ==> 黑白电视机
- black-and-white system ==> 黑白电视系统
- black-and-white television ==> 黑白电视=>白黒テレビ(ジョン)
- black-ash revolver ==> 黑炭旋转炉
- black-band iron-ore ==> 黑菱铁矿
- black-board draft ==> 黑板图
- black-body photocell ==> 黑体光电管
- black-body temperature ==> 黑体温度
- black-box model ==> 黑盒模型
- black-box theory ==> 黑箱理论
- black-bulb thermometer ==> 黑泡温度计,黑球温度计
- black-earthen mask ==> 黑陶面具
- black-edged plate ==> 黑边铁皮
- black-face picture tube ==> 黑底显像管
- black-headed bud-worm ==> 黑头芽虫
- black-hole pairs ==> ブラックホール連星系
- black-lead crucible ==> 石墨坩埚
- black-lead paint ==> 黑铅油漆
- black-level clipping ==> 黑电平切割,黑色电平切割
- black-level constancy ==> 黑色电平恒定性
- black-necked crane ==> 黑颈鹤
- black-out amplifier ==> 消隐放大器
- black-out lamp ==> 防空灯
- black-out lamp swtich ==> 防空灯开关
- black-out of flyback ==> 回闪
- black-porch blanking level ==> 黑肩消隐电平
- black-surface enclosure ==> 黑表面包壳
- black-tailed gull ==> ウミネコ
- black-tailed python ==> 黑尾蟒
- black-tie ==> 黑色领结
- black-to-white level ==> 黑白电平
- black-to-white transition ==> 黑白过渡,亮度跃迁
- black-top ==> 黑色顶病
- black-water fever ==> 黑水热
- black-white control ==> 亮度调节
- black-white image grabbing card ==> 黑白图像采集卡
- black-white visual pigment ==> 黑白视觉物质
- black/white and colour TV generator ==> 黑白与彩色电视信号发生器
- blackband ==> 黑矿层,泥铁矿,菱铁矿
- blackberry ==> 黑刺莓,黑果莓
- blackbird ==> 黑鸟
- blackboard ==> 黑板
- blackboard enamel ==> 黑板用搪瓷
- blackboard eraser ==> 黑板擦
- blackbody ==> 黑体=>黒体(完全放射体)
- blackbody chamber ==> 黑体腔
- blackbody flame temperature ==> 绝对黑体火焰温度,绝对黑体火焰温度
- blackbody furnace ==> 黑体炉
- blackbody locus ==> 黒体軌跡(完全放射体軌跡)
- blackbody origin ==> 绝对黑体,绝对黑体
- blackbody photocell ==> 全吸收光电管
- blackbody radiating temperature ==> 绝对黑体辐射温度,绝对黑体辐射温度
- blackbody radiation ==> 绝对黑体辐射,黑体辐射=>黒体放射
- blackbody radiometer ==> 黑体辐射计
- blackbody receiver ==> 绝对黑体吸收器,绝对黑体吸收器
- blackbody standard ==> 绝对黑体标准,绝对黑体标准
- blackbody temperature ==> 黑体温度
- blackbuck ==> 印度黑羚
- blackburn printer ==> 布拉克本印花机
- Blackburn Rivet Head machine ==> 布拉克本铆绒地毯织机
- Blackburn's pendulum ==> ブラックバーン振子
- blackbutt ==> 黑基木
- blackdamp ==> 乌烟,窒息毒气,窒息性气体
- Blackdown beds ==> 布莱克当层
- blacken ==> 变黑,黑度,黑化
- blackened grain ==> 致墨晶粒
- blackened grains ==> 变黑颗粒
- blackened receiver ==> 涂黑接收器
- blackened stem base ==> 甘蓝根朽病
- blackening ==> 涂碳粉,黑度,变黑
- blackening line ==> 黑度线
- blacker-than-black level ==> 超黑电平
- blackground screen ==> 黑底荧光屏
- blackhead ==> 粉刺,火鸡黑冠病
- blackhead disease ==> 黑头病
- blackheaded hawfinch ==> 黑头锡嘴雀
- blackheart ==> 黑心材
- blackhull millet ==> 黑壳稷
- blackhull oat ==> 黑壳燕麦
- blacking ==> 黑色涂料,光学黑色涂料,铸造用黑粉料,造型涂料,涂黑,反制=>ブラッキング
- blacking hole ==> 涂料气孔,针孔
- blacking mill ==> 碳质涂料碾磨机
- blacking mixer ==> 黑色涂料搅拌机
- blacking scab ==> 涂料起皮
- blackish ==> 微黑的
- blackish-green epoxy baking paint for blackboard ==> 墨绿环氧烘干黑板漆
- blackjack ==> 烛煤
- blackjack bearing series ==> 含煤碳质粘土
- blackland planter ==> 重粘土用播种机
- blackland plow ==> 黑粘土犁
- blacklead ==> 石墨
- blackleading machine ==> 涂石墨机
- blackleg ==> 气肿性炭疽,黑腿病
- blackleg vaccine ==> 黑腿病疫苗
- blacklung ==> 煤肺病
- blackmail ==> 敲诈,恐吓索财
- blackmailer ==> 敲诈钱财的人
- Blackman window ==> 布兰克曼窗口
- blackness ==> 毛面,黑度
- blacknose ==> 黑鼻病
- blackout ==> 停电,断电,黑视,遮蔽,消隐,一过性黑蒙,一时性黑蒙=>失神,停電, total loss of electric power. Big blackout surprises politicians, but not the power community. 電力系統大停電情報リンク集
- blackout area ==> 盲区
- blackout building ==> 无窗房屋
- blackout defending ==> 停电灾变的防御
- blackout dial ==> 夜光表盘
- blackout effect ==> 关闭效应,遮蔽效应,(接收机)关闭效应
- blackout lamp ==> 防空灯
- blackout light ==> 防空灯
- blackout prevention ==> 防止大停电,Blackout Prevention will feature the latest concepts in event location prediction, power grid monitoring, state estimation, wide area reactive power control, and wide area visualization.
- blackout pulse ==> 熄灭脉冲,消隐脉冲
- blackout start ==> 黑启动,无外电源启动
- blackout voltage ==> 截止电压
- blackplate ==> 黑钢板
- blackpoll warbler ==> 黑顶白颊林莺
- blackroot share ==> 草根土用楔形犁铧
- blacksmith ==> 铁匠,手锻工,锻工
- blacksmith chisel ==> 锻工用凿子
- blacksmith punch ==> 锻工冲子
- blacksmith tongs ==> 锻工钳
- blacksmith welded joint ==> 煅接接头
- blacksmith welding ==> 锻工焊接,锻焊
- blacksmith's anvil ==> 锻砧,锻工铁砧
- blacksmith's bellows ==> 锻造风箱
- blacksmith's chisel for hot iron ==> 锻工热錾
- blacksmith's flat(ter) hammer ==> 锻工平锤
- blacksmith's hammer ==> 锻锤,锻工锤
- blacksmith's ruler ==> 锻工尺
- blacksmith's shop ==> 锻工车间,铁匠铺
- blacksmith's slag ==> 锻渣
- blacksmith's tongs ==> 锻工钳
- blacksmith's tool ==> 锻工工具
- blacksmithing ==> 锻造,手工锻造
- blacksmiths leg vise ==> 长脚虎钳
- blackspot ==> 黑斑,盲点
- blackstart ==> 黑起动
- blackstart capability ==> 黑起动能力=>The ability of a generating unit or station to go from a shutdown condition to an operating condition and start delivering power without assistance from the electric system.
- blackstrap molasses ==> 赤糖糊
- blackthorn ==> 黑刺李
- blacktop ==> 沥青路面,沥青路面层
- blacktop paver ==> 沥青铺路机
- blackwash ==> 黑色涂料,造型涂料,碳素涂料,铸模涂料
- blackwash sprayer ==> 涂料喷枪
- blackwater fever ==> 黑尿热,黑水热
- blackwood furniture ==> 红木家具
- blackwood furniture with filigree inlay ==> 红木嵌银丝家具
- blackwood products ==> 红木制品
- blackwood rule ==> 红木尺
- blackwook carving articles ==> 红木雕刻品
- blackwork ==> 铁锻件
- black/white and colour TV generator ==> 黑白与彩色电视信号发生器
- bladder ==> 水泡,皮囊,膀胱
- bladder atonia ==> 膀胱弛缓
- bladder biopsy forceps ==> 膀胱活体取样钳
- bladder capacity ==> 膀胱容量
- bladder cells ==> 囊细胞,赞德氏细胞
- bladder dilator ==> 膀胱扩张器
- bladder foreign forceps ==> 膀胱异物钳
- bladder injury ==> 膀胱损伤
- bladder irrigating catheter ==> 膀胱冲洗导管
- bladder irrigating syringe ==> 膀胱冲洗注射器
- bladder plum ==> 李袋果病
- bladder press ==> 轮胎压床
- bladder probe ==> 膀胱探子
- bladder reflex ==> 膀胱反射,膀胱排空反射
- bladder retractor ==> 膀胱牵开器
- bladder sarcoma ==> 膀胱肉瘤
- bladder scissors ==> 膀胱剪
- bladder stone forceps ==> 膀胱结石取出钳
- bladder stone spoon ==> 膀胱结石取出匙
- bladder syringe ==> 膀胱注射器
- bladder tank ==> 贮气袋
- bladder trocar ==> 膀胱穿刺套针
- bladder vulsellum forceps ==> 膀胱夹持钳
- bladder worm ==> 囊虫
- bladder-neck obstruction ==> 膀胱颈梗阻
- blade ==> 草片,条锯,桨叶,快门叶片,刮刀,斧身,叶片,闸刀盒,刀片,刀刃,刀身,托板,刃=>ブレード(風力発電機),ブレード(遮断器),腕木(信号機)
- blade adapter ==> 刀架
- blade adjusting mechanism ==> 叶片调整装置
- blade agitator ==> 叶片式搅拌器
- blade anchorage ==> 叶片定位
- blade angle ==> 托刀口角度,刃口角,桨叶角
- blade area ==> 叶片面积
- blade arrangement ==> 叶片配置
- blade attachment ==> 叶片紧固
- blade axial bending vibration ==> 叶片轴向弯曲振动,绕截面最大主惯性轴的振动
- blade back ==> 叶片背弧
- blade beam ==> 螺距测量器
- blade bearer ==> 棱形支撑,刀口支撑,刀面式支承
- blade bearing ==> 刃型支承,刃形支承
- blade camber ==> 叶片弯度
- blade carrier ==> 刀架
- blade carrying axle ==> 刀轴
- blade cascade ==> 叶栅,由叶片按一定规律排列形成汽流通道的组合体
- blade cascade loss ==> 叶栅损失,包括叶栅中动、静叶型面损失和端部损失
- blade cave ==> 風車空洞部
- blade centrifugal bending stress ==> 叶片偏心弯应力,当动叶片工作部分的质心与径向基准面不重合时,离心力在叶片中引起的弯应力
- blade centrifugal tensile stress ==> 叶片[离心]拉应力,由动叶片、围带及拉筋质量所产生的离心力在叶片中引起的拉应力
- blade cleaning equipment ==> 叶片清洗装置
- blade clearance ==> 冲裁间隙,剪刃间隙
- blade clearance cavitation ==> 叶片间隙汽蚀
- blade clip ==> 刀形夹头=>刃クリップ
- blade coater ==> 刮刀涂布机
- blade coating machine ==> 刮刀涂布机
- blade concavity ==> 叶片内弧
- blade connection ==> 刀形接触
- blade construction ==> 叶片结构
- blade contact ==> 刀口式触点
- blade convexity ==> 叶片背弧
- blade cooling by effusion ==> 放散式叶片冷却
- blade corrosion ==> 叶片腐蚀
- blade coverer ==> 铲式覆土器
- blade crusher ==> 叶片式破碎机
- blade cultivator ==> 平铲中耕机
- blade curvature ==> 叶片弯度
- blade damper ==> 桨叶减震器
- blade deposits ==> 叶片积垢
- blade diameter length ratio ==> 叶片径高比
- blade disc ==> 叶轮
- blade domain ==> 刃物状磁区
- blade drag ==> 刀片刮土机,刀片式刮土机
- blade duct ==> 叶片流道
- blade edge ==> 叶片缘
- blade efficiency ==> 叶片效率
- blade element theory ==> 翼素理論
- blade end loss ==> 叶片端部损失,端部损失,由于叶栅汽道上下两个端面附面层中的摩擦和二次流引起的能量损失
- blade erosion ==> 叶片侵蚀
- blade erosion shield ==> 叶片防蚀片
- blade erosion tester ==> 叶片侵蚀测试计
- blade exit ==> 叶片出口
- blade face ==> 叶片面
- blade face cavitation ==> 叶面汽蚀
- blade failure and repair ==> 叶片损坏及处理,叶片工作部分、叶片连接件(拉筋、围带)、铆钉头、叶根、叶根销钉及叶轮轮缘等,常有在运行中产生裂纹甚至断落。发现上述情况时应分析原因,采取对策,予以修复,防止叶片损坏事件扩大
- blade fan ==> 叶片式风扇
- blade fatigue ==> 叶片疲劳,叶片材料在交变应力的作用下,某些部位的微观结构逐渐产生了不可逆变化,导致在一定的循环次数以后,形成宏观裂纹或发生断裂的过程
- blade fin ==> 导向滑板
- blade foot ==> 叶根
- blade for earth borer ==> 地钻叶片
- blade for hack sawing machine ==> 弓形锯床用双金属锯条
- blade for plane ==> 刨刀片
- blade fouling ==> 叶片结污
- blade frequency test ==> 叶片频率试验
- blade grader ==> 刀片式平地机,平路机,铲式平地机
- blade grinder ==> 磨刀砂轮,磨刀石
- blade groove ==> 叶片槽
- blade grouping ==> 叶片分组
- blade harrow ==> 叶形耙,刀耙
- blade head ==> 滑动刀架
- blade height ==> 叶片高度
- blade holder ==> 磨刀夹,锯条夹,锯条夹
- blade implant ==> 叶片种植体
- blade incidence ==> 叶片安装角,叶片冲角
- blade inlet angle ==> 叶片进口角
- blade inlet edge ==> 叶片进汽边
- blade insertion hole ==> 叶片插入孔
- blade jaw ==> 刀形夹头=>刃クリップ
- blade latch ==> 闸刀保险销,断路器制动片,开关保险锁=>開き止(スイッチ)
- blade lattice ==> 叶栅
- blade leading edge ==> 叶片进汽边
- blade length ==> 叶片高度
- blade length ratio ==> 叶片相对高度
- blade letter ==> 刀顶宽代号
- blade load ==> 剪切力
- blade loading ==> 旋翼桨叶载荷
- blade loading diagram ==> 叶片载荷分布图
- blade locking device ==> 叶片锁紧装置
- blade loss ==> 叶片损失
- blade loss factor ==> 叶片损失系数
- blade machine ==> 平路机
- blade magnetic domain ==> 刀片形磁畴
- blade maintainer ==> 单刃养路机
- blade milled from solid material ==> 方钢铣制叶片
- blade mixer ==> 叶片式混砂机
- blade mixing ==> 刀片拌和
- blade of aviation engine ==> 航空发动机叶片
- blade of diaphragm ==> 光阑叶片
- blade of grader ==> 平路机铲刀
- blade of T-square ==> 丁字尺身
- blade of variable cross-section ==> 变截面叶片
- blade outlet angle ==> 叶片出口(离)角
- blade paddle mixer ==> 叶片式拌和机,叶片式搅拌机
- blade passage ==> 叶片流道
- blade pitgh ==> 叶片间距
- blade point ==> 刀顶宽
- blade pressure ==> 叶片压力
- blade profile ==> 叶片轮廓(剖面),叶型
- blade profile drag coefficient ==> 桨叶剖面阻力系数
- blade radius ==> 刀尖圆角半径
- blade resonant vibration ==> 叶片共振,当作用于叶片上的激振力频率与叶片固有振动频率相等或相近时,叶片产生的剧烈振动
- blade retainer ==> 叶片安装底架
- blade rim ==> 叶片轮缘
- blade ring ==> 叶片环
- blade saw ==> 片锯
- blade scraper ==> 刮铲式平地机
- blade seal ==> 叶片汽封,减少转子与静叶环或动叶片与静子之间漏汽的汽封
- blade shape ==> 叶片形式
- blade sharpening machine ==> 磨刀机
- blade sheath ==> 叶鞘
- blade shutter ==> 叶片快门
- blade spreader ==> 刮板式摊铺机
- blade spring ==> 片簧
- blade stropper ==> 磨刀片器
- blade tangential bending vibration ==> 叶片切向弯曲振动,绕截面最小主惯性轴的振动
- blade terminal ==> 片状接线柱,片式插头
- blade tip ==> 叶片尖端
- blade tip eddy ==> 叶顶旋涡
- blade trailing edge ==> 叶片出汽边
- blade twist ==> 叶片扭转
- blade twist vibration ==> 叶片扭转振动,围绕沿叶片长度方向各截面重心轴线的振动
- blade type damper ==> 叶片式挡板
- blade type sensor ==> 刀式传感器
- blade type sharpening stone ==> 刀形磨石
- blade vibration ==> 叶片振动,叶片在汽轮机运行时不断受到周期性汽流激振力作用而产生的振动
- blade vibration frequency tuning ==> 叶片调频,对叶片的基本振型固有振动频率或激振力频率进行调整,使它们避开一定频率范围处于安全区域的工艺
- blade vortex ==> 叶片涡流
- blade wheel ==> 叶轮
- blade-camber angle ==> 叶片脊线角
- blade-fork contact ==> 刀口音叉式簧片,刀口音叉式簧片触点
- blade-lift coefficient ==> 桨叶升力系数
- bladed allowable speed ==> 叶片的允许速度
- bladed disk ==> 叶轮,装有动叶的轮盘,是冲动式汽轮机转子的组成部分
- bladed disk vibration ==> 叶轮振动,又称“轮系振动”。作为弹性系统的叶轮与叶片的耦合振动
- bladed rotor ==> 装有叶片的转子
- bladed saw ==> 板锯
- bladed structure ==> 叶片状结构,叶状构造,刃状构造
- bladed wheel ==> 装有叶片的叶轮
- bladed-surface aerator ==> 叶片式曝气装置
- bladeless pump ==> 无叶片泵
- bladeless turbine ==> ブレードレス・タービン,テスラが開発した独自な構造のタービン,数枚から十数枚のデスクを軸上に配置し、デスクの間に高速の流体を吹き付けて回転させるタイプのタービン。発明家の名を取って「テスラ・タービン」とも呼ばれた。一般に使われているタービンに比べて、効率は悪いが、耐久性に優れ、メンテナンスが容易という特徴を持つ。その特徴を活かして、NASAのロケットエンジンや開発途上国での使用が検討されている。この技術の逆はブレードレス・ポンプとしてすでに実用化されている。
- blader of a ball ==> 球胆
- blades cooling ==> 叶片冷却
- blading back of earth ==> 倒向推土,回推泥土
- blaeket scaffold ==> 挑出式脚手架
- Blagden's law ==> 布莱格登定律=>ブラグデンの法則
- Blaine fineness tester ==> 布莱因细微粒度测定仪
- Blaine formation ==> 布莱因建造
- Blake bottle ==> 布莱克培养瓶,布来克培养瓶
- Blake breaker ==> 布来克型颚式破碎机,下动颚式破碎机
- Blake crusher ==> 下动颚式破碎机,布来克型颚式破碎机
- Blake jaw crusher ==> 布来克颚式压碎机
- Blake number ==> 布莱克数
- blake pulley ==> 闸轮
- Blake's hydraulic radius ==> 布莱克水力学半径
- Blake-type jaw crusher ==> 布莱克型颚式破碎机
- Blakely test ==> (坯釉适应性)布莱克利试验法
- blakleg of potato ==> 马铃薯黑胫病
- blanc fixe ==> 沉淀硫酸钡
- Blanc rule ==> 布朗规则
- blance test ==> 平衡试验
- blanching reaction ==> 转白试验,变白反应
- blancmange mold ==> 带浮雕的模型
- bland ==> 穏やかな,温和な,味気ない,平凡な,精彩がない
- bland liquid diet ==> 清淡流质饮食
- bland test ==> 空白试验
- blank ==> 制坯,空白,空白盘,空白片,空白式,空包弹,空格,板坯,不显示,数字间间隔,种板,切断件,冲切,刨成坯料,坯,坯件,坯料,钢坯,录音盘,落料件,毛坯,缺株点,断流板=>白紙,空欄
- blank acceptance ==> 不记名承兑票据,空白承兑汇票
- blank account book ==> 空白帐册
- blank after ==> 后消去
- blank and pierce die ==> 剪料穿孔模
- blank arcade ==> 封闭拱廊
- blank arch ==> 假拱,假拱廊
- blank assay ==> 空白试验
- blank back bill of lading ==> 背面空白提单
- blank bill ==> 空白票据
- blank bill of lading ==> 空白提单
- blank bolt ==> 非切制螺栓
- blank book ==> 空白簿
- blank cap ==> 盲盖板,盲孔盖
- blank carburizing ==> 假渗碳
- blank card ==> 空白卡片,空插件
- blank channel ==> 坯斜槽
- blank character ==> 空白字符
- blank check ==> 空白检验,空白支票
- blank cheque ==> 空白支票
- blank code ==> 空代码
- blank coil ==> 空白卷,空卷,空心线圈
- blank command ==> 空指令
- blank common ==> 空白公共区,空白公用存储区,无名公用区
- blank common block ==> 空白公用块,空公用块
- blank common data block ==> 空白公用数据块
- blank credit ==> 空额信用证,信用票据
- blank deleter ==> 空白符删除器,空白删除器,空白消除设备,消隐脉冲消除器
- blank diameter ==> 毛坯直径,螺纹毛坯直径
- blank dimension ==> 毛坯尺寸
- blank diskette ==> 空白软盘
- blank door ==> 假门
- blank drawing ==> 毛坯图
- blank endorsement ==> 空白背书,不记名背书
- blank experiment ==> 空转试验
- blank field descriptor ==> 空白域说明符,空白字段说明符
- blank fill ==> 空白填充
- blank flange ==> 盲板,盲法兰,盲凸缘,闷头法兰,法兰盲板,无孔法兰盘,无孔凸缘,死法兰,管口盖凸缘
- blank flat ==> 毛坯板
- blank foil ==> 纯箔
- blank form ==> 空白表格,空白表式,空白格式,空白媒体
- blank forms or schedules ==> 空白表式
- blank groove ==> 哑槽,哑纹,未调纹
- blank holder ==> 支架
- blank holding ==> 坯料压紧
- blank label ==> 空白标号
- blank lacquer ==> 空白胶片
- blank layout ==> 坯件布置,坯料排样=>板取り
- blank letter of credit ==> 空白信用证
- blank line ==> 空白行
- blank map ==> 空白地图
- blank material ==> 种板材料
- blank medium ==> 空白介体,空白媒体,间隔介质,参考介质
- blank mould turnover ==> 雏型模翻转
- blank mounting ==> 毛坯安装
- blank nest ==> 坯料定位窝
- blank nitriding ==> 坯料氮化,伪氮化,空氮化
- blank note ==> 空白汇票,空白支票
- blank off ==> 加盲板
- blank out ==> 使熄灭
- blank panel ==> 空盘
- blank paper tape coil ==> 空白纸带卷,空白纸带圈
- blank pipe ==> 空管
- blank plug ==> 塞子
- blank press ==> 落料压力机
- blank processing ==> 毛坯加工
- blank receipt ==> 空白收据
- blank run ==> 空机操作,空转
- blank sample ==> 空白试样,零试样
- blank seam ==> 雏型模缝痕
- blank sheet ==> 空白图幅
- blank signal ==> 空白符号
- blank slug ==> 毛坯条
- blank spot ==> 漏耕地
- blank stock ==> 调节备料,控制备料
- blank table ==> 雏型模转台
- blank tape ==> 空白纸带
- blank tear ==> 弯扭
- blank test ==> 空白试验=>対照試験
- blank through die ==> 漏件式落料模
- blank transfer ==> 空白过户凭证
- blank value ==> 空試験値
- blank vidicon retrace ==> 消隐光导管回描
- blank wall ==> 实墙=>窓や扉のない壁
- blank when zero ==> 零时空格
- blank window ==> 盲窗,假窗
- blank with structure level numbers ==> 结构层号中所具有的空格
- blank(ing) die ==> 落料模
- blank(ing) instruction ==> 间隔指令
- blank-and-cup die ==> 落料模
- blank-off volumetric efficiency ==> 零位容积效率
- blank-transmission test ==> 空传输测试,空格传输测试
- blanked off pipe ==> 关闭管
- blanked video signal ==> 消隐视频信号
- blanker ==> 消隐装置,粗模膛,关闭器,熄灭装置
- blanker conversion ration ==> 再生区转换比
- blanker damp ==> 橡皮布夹头
- blanker wind ==> 橡皮布紧轴
- blanket ==> 橡皮布,再生区,毡,毯,垫层,铺面,覆盖,掩盖,熄火装置,铺盖,将不透水土料、混凝土或土工织物等水平铺设在透水地基上的闸、坝上游,以增加渗流的渗径长度,减小渗透坡降,防止地基渗透变形并减小渗透流量的防渗体
- blanket area ==> ブランケットエリア
- blanket bog ==> 毡状酸沼
- blanket bond ==> 总括保证保险
- blanket charging ==> 薄层加料
- blanket cleaning control ==> 覆盖层清除控制
- blanket cleaning device ==> 覆盖层清除设备
- blanket clearance ==> 通用出入港许可
- blanket clip ==> 覆盖层夹具
- blanket currency ==> 不兑换通货
- blanket cylinder ==> 胶印滚筒,覆盖层柱面,橡皮滚筒,毛毯辊筒
- blanket deposit ==> 席状沉积
- blanket drainage ==> 褥垫式排水,铺设在土石坝下游坝体与坝基之间的水平排水,以便有效降低坝体浸润线,防止渗流由下游坝坡逸出
- blanket drying machine ==> 衬毯烘干机
- blanket feed ==> (薄层加料)毯式投料
- blanket feeder ==> 毯式投料机
- blanket filter ==> 毡滤器
- blanket gas ==> 保护气体
- blanket grout hole ==> 覆盖灌浆孔
- blanket grouting ==> 覆盖灌浆
- blanket heat exchanger ==> 封闭式热交换机,再生区热交换器
- blanket insulation ==> 绝缘卷材,绝缘卷材
- blanket insurance ==> 统保,(美国保险市场惯用术语)总括保险
- blanket licence ==> 一揽子许可证
- blanket license ==> 总许可证
- blanket loom ==> 毛毯织机
- blanket method ==> 毛毡干燥法
- blanket of glass wool ==> 玻璃棉毡
- blanket of nitrogen ==> 氮气层
- blanket order ==> 总括订货
- blanket peat ==> 毡状泥炭
- blanket plaid ==> 毛毯格子呢
- blanket policy ==> 总括保险单,统保单
- blanket power ==> 再生区功率,掩盖功率
- blanket price ==> 一揽子价格
- blanket rate ==> 分区运费率
- blanket robe ==> 车毡
- blanket sand ==> 冲积覆盖砂层,冲积沙,砂席
- blanket socket ==> 通用插座
- blanket steam ==> 覆盖水蒸气
- blanket strake ==> 绒衬洗矿槽
- blanket vein ==> 平伏矿脉,平状脉
- blanket washing machine ==> 衬布洗涤机
- blanket-edging machine ==> 毛毯缝边机
- blanket-hemming machine ==> 毛毯缝边机
- blanket-type cell ==> 气孔底式浮选机
- blanket-type insulant ==> 毯状绝缘材料
- blanket-type permit (construction noise) ==> 广泛区域适用的建筑噪音许可证
- blanket-type pneumatic machine ==> 毯式压气浮选机
- blanketing ==> 强信号噪扰,毛毡,闭塞,编织物选矿
- blanketing effect ==> 覆盖效应
- blanketing fctor ==> 覆盖因子
- blanketing frequency ==> 抑止频率
- blanketing gas ==> 填充气垫
- blanketing with gas ==> 用气体盖覆
- blanking ==> 熄灭,落料,断流,切料,取消,消隐,冲裁,冲割,空白显示=>空白化,帰線消去
- blanking amplifier ==> 消隐脉冲放大器,熄灭脉冲放大器
- blanking and embossing press ==> 轧凹凸机
- blanking bar ==> 熄灭脉冲黑带
- blanking circuit ==> 熄灭电路
- blanking clearance ==> 下料间隙,冲裁间隙
- blanking code ==> 消除码
- blanking die ==> 落料模,冲裁模,下料模,孔模
- blanking disc ==> 屏蔽盘
- blanking gate ==> 消隐门
- blanking gate photocell ==> 产生熄灭脉冲的光电管,猝灭选通脉冲光电管
- blanking impulse ==> 消隐脉冲
- blanking impulse generator ==> 消隐脉冲发生器
- blanking input ==> 截止输入
- blanking instruction ==> 空白指令
- blanking level ==> 消隐电平,熄灭电平,熄灭信号电平=>帰線消去レベル
- blanking line ==> 落料生产线,冲裁生产线
- blanking machine ==> 冲切机,下料机
- blanking mixer ==> 消隐混合器,逆程消隐混合器
- blanking mixer tube ==> 消隐脉冲混频管
- blanking pedestal ==> 消隐脉冲电平
- blanking press ==> 冲割压力机,冲压机,压箔机
- blanking pressure ==> 下料力,冲裁力
- blanking pulse ==> 帰線消去パルス
- blanking signal ==> 消隐信号=>帰線消去信号
- blanking time ==> 消隐时间,熄灭信号持续时间
- blanking tolerance ==> 下料公差
- blanking wave ==> 熄灭波,消隐波
- blanking with opposed dies ==> 对向凹模冲裁
- blanking-coining die ==> 落料压印模
- blanking-off plug ==> 浇口塞
- blanking-pulse amplifier ==> 熄灭脉冲放大器
- blanking-slotting die ==> 落料切槽模
- blankoff ==> 消隐
- blankoff flange ==> 盲板,盲法兰
- blankoff plate ==> 盲板,盲底板
- blankoff pressure ==> 极限低压强
- Blankophor ==> 勃仑可风荧光增白剂
- blase furnace cast iron ==> 高炉生铁
- Blashko effect ==> 布拉什科效应
- Blasius' duct ==> 腮腺管
- blast ==> 吹风=>突風
- blast air ==> 鼓风
- blast apparatus ==> 鼓风设备
- blast area ==> 爆破区
- blast atomizer ==> 喷射雾化器
- blast blower ==> 鼓风机
- blast box ==> 风箱
- blast burner for soldering ==> 焊接喷灯
- blast cap ==> 鼓风盖
- blast cap gasket ==> 鼓风盖垫密片
- blast cap screw ==> 鼓风盖螺钉
- blast capacity ==> 鼓风能力
- blast chamber ==> 鼓风室,燃烧室
- blast chest ==> 爆炸性肺震荡
- blast cleaning plant ==> 喷丸清理装置
- blast cock ==> 放气旋塞
- blast cold ==> 吹冷
- blast conditioning ==> 鼓风调剂
- blast connection ==> 鼓风支管
- blast conveyer ==> 气流式输送器
- blast cooling ==> 鼓风冷却
- blast cupola furnace ==> 鼓风化铁炉
- blast damper ==> 爆炸减震器
- blast deflector ==> 喷焰偏转器
- blast dehumidification ==> 鼓风减湿
- blast dehydration ==> 鼓风减湿
- blast fan ==> 鼓风机,风扇,风扇叶轮
- blast fence ==> 气流挡板
- blast finishing ==> 喷砂修整
- blast freezer ==> 速冻冷库
- blast furnace ==> 高炉=>溶鉱炉
- blast furnace air ==> 高炉鼓风
- blast furnace armor ==> 高炉护板
- blast furnace blast ==> 高炉鼓风
- blast furnace block ==> 高炉大砖,高炉砖
- blast furnace blower ==> 高炉鼓风机=>高炉用送風機
- blast furnace blowing engine ==> 高炉鼓风机
- blast furnace bosh ==> 高炉炉腰
- blast furnace bottom ==> 高炉炉底
- blast furnace brick ==> 高炉砖
- blast furnace brickwork ==> 鼓风炉砌砖
- blast furnace bucket hoist ==> 高炉料罐起重机
- blast furnace burden ==> 高炉炉料
- blast furnace bustle pipe ==> 高炉环状风管
- blast furnace car ==> 高炉料罐车
- blast furnace casting ==> 高炉出铁
- blast furnace cement ==> 高炉水泥,矿渣水泥
- blast furnace charge ==> 鼓风炉装料
- blast furnace cinder ==> 高炉熔渣
- blast furnace coke ==> 高炉焦炭=>高炉用コークス
- blast furnace cooling ==> 高炉冷却
- blast furnace crucibe ==> 高炉炉缸
- blast furnace dust ==> 高炉灰=>高炉ダスト
- blast furnace ferroalloys ==> 高炉铁合金
- blast furnace ferromanganese ==> 高炉锰铁
- blast furnace frame ==> 高炉炉架
- blast furnace gas ==> 高炉瓦斯,鼓风炉煤气,高炉煤气,高炉炼铁过程中产生的含有一氧化碳、氢等可燃气体的高炉排气
- blast furnace gas burner ==> 高炉煤气燃烧器
- blast furnace gas cleaner ==> 高炉煤气净化器,鼓风炉炉气除尘器
- blast furnace gas engine ==> 高炉煤气机
- blast furnace gas regulator ==> 高炉煤气调节器
- blast furnace gas turbine ==> 高炉煤气汽轮机
- blast furnace gas valve ==> 高炉煤气阀
- blast furnace gun ==> 高炉泥炮
- blast furnace hearth ==> 高炉炉缸
- blast furnace hoist ==> 高炉绞车
- blast furnace hot blast stove ==> 高炉热风炉
- blast furnace iron powder ==> 高炉矿粉
- blast furnace ironmaking ==> 高炉炼铁
- blast furnace lift ==> 高炉升降机
- blast furnace line ==> 高炉型线
- blast furnace lines ==> 高炉内型
- blast furnace lining ==> 高炉炉衬
- blast furnace lump ore ==> 高炉块矿
- blast furnace man ==> 高炉工
- blast furnace mantle ==> 高炉炉身托圈
- blast furnace matte ==> 鼓风炉锍
- blast furnace mixer ==> 混铁炉
- blast furnace muo gun ==> 高炉用泥泡
- blast furnace output ==> 鼓风炉产量
- blast furnace plant ==> 高炉车间
- blast furnace platform ==> 装料台,高炉工作台
- blast furnace process ==> 高炉法
- blast furnace production campaign ==> 高炉生产炉周期
- blast furnace profile ==> 高炉内型
- blast furnace ring ==> 鼓风炉环梁
- blast furnace shaft ==> 高炉炉身
- blast furnace skip hoist ==> 高炉翻斗绞车,高速冷轧管机
- blast furnace slag ==> 高炉渣
- blast furnace slag cement ==> 矿渣水泥,高炉矿渣水泥
- blast furnace smelting ==> 鼓凤炉熔炼
- blast furnace stack ==> 高炉烟囱
- blast furnace stack casing ==> 高炉炉身外壳
- blast furnace steam blower ==> 高炉蒸气鼓风机
- blast furnace tapping ==> 高炉出铁
- blast furnace tar ==> 高炉煤焦油
- blast furnace tear down apparatus ==> 高炉旧炉衬拆除设备
- blast furnace throat ==> 高炉炉喉
- blast furnace top ==> 高炉顶
- blast furnace top bell ==> 高炉料钟
- blast furnace top gas mud ==> 高炉炉尘泥
- blast furnace tuyere ==> 高炉羽口
- blast furnace well ==> 高炉炉缸,鼓风炉炉缸
- blast gate ==> 排气门
- blast gauge ==> 风压计
- blast governing ==> 鼓风调节
- blast grit ==> 喷丸
- blast heater ==> 热风炉,热风器
- blast heating ==> 热风
- blast hole ==> 炮眼,爆破孔
- blast hole bit ==> 炮眼钻,炮眼钻头
- blast hood ==> 鼓风罩
- blast humidity ==> 鼓风湿度
- blast indicator ==> 测风计
- blast injury of ear ==> 耳部爆震伤
- blast injury of tympanic membrane ==> 鼓膜震伤
- blast inlet ==> 鼓风进口
- blast lamp ==> 喷灯
- blast lamp for soldering ==> 焊接喷灯
- blast loading ==> 爆破装药
- blast main ==> 总风管,主空气管道
- blast meter ==> 测风计
- blast neurosis ==> 爆炸性神经机能病
- blast nuclear explosion ==> 核爆炸
- blast orifice ==> 鼓风口
- blast pipe ==> 风管
- blast pipe nozzle ==> 吹管嘴
- blast preheater ==> 鼓风预热器
- blast pressure ==> 鼓风压力,风压,瞬间燃烧压力,爆炸波压力,爆炸压力
- blast pressure gauge ==> 风压计
- blast proof ==> 防爆的
- blast rate ==> 鼓风速率
- blast regulation valve ==> 通风调节阀
- blast regulator ==> 风量调节器
- blast resistant construction ==> 防爆结构
- blast roasting ==> 鼓风焙烧法
- blast room ==> 鼓风室,喷砂室
- blast sand with tumbling barrel ==> 滚筒式喷砂机
- blast sanding ==> 喷砂处理
- blast shell ==> 爆破弹
- blast shield ==> 反焰板,反焰器
- blast shutter ==> 爆炸快门
- blast stower ==> 风力充填机
- blast supply ==> 鼓风供应
- blast temperature ==> 鼓风温度,爆炸温度
- blast transformation ==> 母细胞转化
- blast turbine ==> 喷气发动机射流涡轮机
- blast tuyere ==> 风口
- blast volume ==> 鼓风量
- blast volume controller ==> 风量控制器
- blast wall ==> 防爆墙
- blast wave ==> 冲击波,爆炸波
- blast-furnace burden ==> 高炉配料
- blast-furnace burden scale ==> 高炉配料秤
- blast-furnace cast iron ==> 高炉铸铁
- blast-furnace cement ==> 高炉渣水泥
- blast-furnace cinder ==> 高炉矿渣
- blast-furnace coke ==> 高炉焦,高炉焦炭
- blast-furnace man ==> 高炉工
- blast-furnace portland cement ==> 高炉硅酸盐水泥
- blast-furnace slag ==> 高炉矿渣
- blast-heating cupola ==> 热风冲天炉
- blast-hole charge ==> 炮眼装药
- blaster cap ==> 起爆雷管,雷管
- blasthole drill ==> 爆孔钻
- blastic deformation ==> 冲击变形
- blastic texture ==> 变晶结构
- blasting action ==> 鼓风作用
- blasting agent ==> 爆破剂
- blasting barrel ==> 导火线套管
- blasting cap ==> 起爆雷管,起爆筒,雷管,爆破雷管,火雷管
- blasting cartridge ==> 爆破管,爆破筒
- blasting charge ==> 轰裂药
- blasting compaction method ==> 爆炸挤密法
- blasting explosive ==> 轰炸药
- blasting fuse ==> 导爆索,导爆线,导火索,导火线,爆炸导火索
- blasting gear ==> 爆破设备,放炮用具
- blasting gelatine ==> 甘油炸药,爆炸胶
- blasting index ==> 岩石爆破性指数
- blasting layout ==> 爆破点布置
- blasting machine ==> 放炮器,发爆机,喷砂机
- blasting mat ==> 爆破垫
- blasting method ==> 爆破方法
- blasting monitor ==> 爆破监测器
- blasting oil ==> 爆炸油
- blasting operation ==> 爆破作业
- blasting power ==> 爆炸力
- blasting procedure ==> 爆破方法
- blasting shot ==> 喷的铁丸,喷丸
- blasting technique ==> 爆破技术
- blasting unit ==> 电力放炮机
- blasting vibration observation ==> 爆破地震观测
- blasting-tumbling machine ==> 滚筒喷砂机
- blastoaplitic texture ==> 变余细晶结构
- Blastochloris viridis ==> 紅色細菌
- blastocyst cavity ==> 胚泡腔
- blastocyst formation ==> 胚泡形成
- blastodermic layer ==> 胚盘
- blastodermic vesicle ==> 胚泡
- blastodisk layer ==> 胚层
- blastogenic factor ==> 母细胞形成因子
- blastogranite texture ==> 变余花岗结构
- blastogranitic rock ==> 变余花岗岩
- blastogranitic texture ==> 变余花岗状结构
- blastoid transformation ==> 幼细胞转化
- blastoporal canal ==> 胚孔管
- blastoporphyritic texture ==> 变斑晶结构,变余斑状结构
- blastopsephitic texture ==> 变余砾状结构
- blastula stage ==> 囊胚期,中胚期
- blau-gas ==> 纯净水煤气
- Blaut Lang process ==> 布劳特兰电解抛光法
- Blaviers test ==> 布莱维尔试验
- blaze ==> 刻标,火焰,树号,树身刻痕标志=>燃えさかる,猛勉強する
- blaze angle ==> 闪耀角
- blaze away ==> 连续射击,使劲干=>燃え続ける,連発する,連射する
- blaze of grating ==> 光栅闪耀
- blaze wavelength ==> 闪耀波长
- blazed diffraction grating ==> 闪耀衍射光栅
- blazed grating ==> 炫耀光栅,炫耀光栅,红外光栅,定向光栅
- blazed hologram ==> 炫耀全息图,炫耀全息图,闪耀全息图
- blazed iron ==> 高硅生铁
- blazed pig iron ==> 高硅生铁
- blazing off ==> 回火
- blazing-off ==> 油中回火
- BLCC, booster launch control console ==> 第一段ロケット制御卓
- BLDL table ==> 磁道地址表
- ble data ==> 可更新数据
- ble spectrum ==> 振动频谱
- bleach oil ==> 无色滑油,漂白油
- bleach on the green ==> 草地曝晒漂白
- bleach spot ==> 漂白斑
- bleachable absorber ==> 飽和性吸収体
- bleachalbe filter ==> 可漂白滤色片
- bleached bed ==> 漂白层,浅色层
- bleached bees wax ==> 白蜡
- bleached hologram ==> 漂白ホログラム
- bleached holographic grating ==> 漂洗全息摄影栅
- bleached horizon ==> 漂洗层
- bleaching ==> 漂白,漂白的,变白
- bleaching agent ==> 漂白剂
- bleaching and dying of garments ==> 成衣漂染
- bleaching assistant ==> 漂白辅助剂
- bleaching clay ==> 漂白土,漂白粘土
- bleaching earth ==> 漂白土
- bleaching earth activated ==> 活性漂白土
- bleaching effect ==> 漂白效应
- bleaching fluid ==> 漂白粉液
- bleaching in the bale ==> 毛包贮存漂白
- bleaching liquor ==> 漂液
- bleaching liquor storage tank ==> 漂液贮槽
- bleaching machine ==> 漂白机
- bleaching podzolisation ==> 漂白灰化作用
- bleaching powder ==> 漂白粉,漂粉,含氯石灰
- bleaching powder and liquor section ==> 漂粉与漂液工段
- bleaching powder machine ==> 漂粉机
- bleaching pressure ==> 伤流压
- bleaching sap ==> 伤流液
- bleaching signal ==> 变透明信号
- bleaching solution ==> 漂白液
- blear eye ==> 边缘性眼睑点
- bled steam ==> 撤汽,废蒸气
- bled steam evaporator ==> 抽汽加热蒸发器
- bled steam feed heater ==> 抽气回热给水加热器,抽汽回热给水加热器
- bled timber ==> 去脂材
- bleed ==> 出血,排污,冒油,漏出,流失,泄放,插图出血=>ブリード,出血,抽気
- bleed air ==> 放气
- bleed air flow ==> 抽气量
- bleed gas ==> 放气
- bleed heating ==> 抽汽加热
- bleed hole ==> 出铁口
- bleed line ==> 线条扩散
- bleed screw ==> 带孔螺钉
- bleed valve ==> 放气阀,泄放阀
- bleed-off ==> 放出过多液体,漏泄,溢流调节
- bleed-off circuit ==> ブリードオフ回路
- bleed-off passage ==> 抽气通道
- bleed-off rocket engine ==> 放气式火箭发动机
- bleed-out ==> 漏钢,跑钢
- bleed-through ==> 透背,渗胶
- bleeded feeder ==> 出气冒口
- bleeded head ==> 出气冒口
- bleeded riser ==> 出气冒口
- bleeder ==> 旁漏,分水口,分压器,易出血者,放出阀,放出管,降压电阻,泄放器,疏水阀
- bleeder circuit ==> 泄放电路,分压器电路
- bleeder cock ==> 放水龙头
- bleeder coil ==> 排流线圈
- bleeder condensing turbine ==> 汽冷涡轮机
- bleeder current ==> 旁漏电流=>分圧器電流,ブリーダ電流
- bleeder heater ==> 抽气加热器,回热加热器
- bleeder line ==> 放水管
- bleeder network ==> 旁漏网络
- bleeder nozzle ==> 抽汽管
- bleeder pipe ==> 排出管,放气管,放水管
- bleeder plug ==> 放油塞
- bleeder resistance ==> 分泄电阻,泄漏电阻=>ブリーダ抵抗
- bleeder resistor ==> 泄漏电阻器,分泄电阻器
- bleeder steam ==> 抽气,汽轮机抽气
- bleeder turbine ==> 抽气式汽轮机,放汽式汽轮机=>抽気タービン
- bleeder type condenser ==> 溢流式大气冷凝器
- bleeder valve ==> 抽气阀,出料阀
- bleeders' joint ==> 出血性关节
- bleeding ==> 抽汽,泌水,泌液,浸渍透过,溢剂,排气操作,泛浆,放出,分级加热,流血,伤流,渗出,渗色,(混凝土的)泌浆=>抽気
- bleeding after tonsillectomy ==> 扁桃体摘除后出血
- bleeding arteriovenous malformation ==> 動静脈奇形出血
- bleeding canker ==> 伤寒溃疡病
- bleeding capacity ==> 泌水能力
- bleeding cycle ==> 抽汽循环
- bleeding disease ==> 流胶病
- bleeding export ==> 流血输出,亏本的出口
- bleeding from orifices of the head ==> 诸窍出血
- bleeding from the nine orifices ==> 九窍出血,九窍出血
- bleeding hormone ==> 出血激素
- bleeding in late pregnancy ==> 晚期妊娠出血
- bleeding of a feeder ==> 冒口回涨
- bleeding of steam ==> 抽气
- bleeding of the umbilicus ==> 脐血
- bleeding of tonsil ==> 扁桃体出血
- bleeding part ==> 出血部位
- bleeding point ==> 抽气口,收集点,收取点
- bleeding polyp ==> 出血性息肉
- bleeding pressure ==> 根压
- bleeding rate ==> 泌水率
- bleeding resistant grease ==> 抗流润滑脂,抗凝胶收缩润滑脂
- bleeding time ==> 出血时间
- bleeding time test ==> 出血时间试验
- bleeding turbine ==> 抽气式汽轮机,抽汽式汽轮机
- bleeding-out ==> 出血
- Bleininger's method ==> (耐酸试验)布莱宁格法
- blem ==> 区标志,厂标,标志
- blem mark ==> 厂标
- blem oil ==> 巴林油
- blem ring ==> 徽章戒指
- blemish surface ==> 缺陷表面
- blend ==> 搅混,拌和,掺和,掺合,掺合料,掺合物,混合谱线,混合物,混合纤维=>ブレンド,混合
- blend ores ==> 掺合矿
- blend ratio ==> 掺合比
- blend stop ==> 挡条
- blende ==> 闪锌矿
- blende hornfels facies ==> 角闪角页岩相
- blended ==> 融合した,混乱した
- blended asphalt ==> 掺合沥青
- blended cement ==> 混合水泥=>混合セメント
- blended coal ==> 掺合煤=>配合炭
- blended data ==> 混合数据
- blended filament yarn ==> 长丝混合纱
- blended lamp ==> 安定器内蔵形(高圧)水銀ランプ
- blended lighting ==> 混光照明
- blended liquid phase ==> 混合液相
- blended pesticide emulsifier ==> 混合型农药乳化剂
- blended powder ==> 混合粉
- blended spun yarn ==> 短纤维混纺纱
- blended stock ==> 混和原料
- blended type cigarette ==> 混合型卷烟
- blended unconformity ==> 混合不整合
- blended whiskey ==> 混合威士忌
- blender ==> 搅拌器,混合机,混合器,混料师,掺和器,掺合机,掺合器=>ブレンダー
- blender grinder ==> 磨碎拌和机
- blending ==> 混匀,倒圆,松砂,配料,掺合,混纺,混合
- blending abrasives ==> 掺合的磨料
- blending bin ==> 混合箱
- blending character ==> 融合性状
- blending color ==> 配色
- blending composition ==> 掺和料组成
- blending constituent ==> 混合成分
- blending container ==> 混合容器
- blending credit ==> 协调信贷
- blending genetics ==> 融合遗传
- blending heredity ==> 混合遗传
- blending inheritance ==> 融合遗传
- blending machine ==> 混合机,掺合机
- blending of aviation gasoline components ==> 航空汽油组成的调合
- blending problem ==> 混合问题
- blending pump ==> 混合泵
- blending tank ==> 掺合槽
- blending theory of inheritance ==> 融合遗传学说
- blending willow ==> 混毛机
- blepharal herpes simplex ==> 眼睑单纯疱疹
- blepharitis ==> 眼睑炎
- blephorophimosis of the newborn ==> 初生目闭
- Blessigs cysts ==> 布累西格氏囊肿
- Blessigs spaces ==> 布累西格氏间隙
- Blessing's cysts ==> 视网膜周囊样变性,囊样变性
- Blessum compensation ==> 伯勒森补偿
- blet aerator ==> 皮带松砂机
- BLEU, blind landing experimental unit ==> 盲目着陸実験装置
- BLF, best lock frequency ==> 最良同期周波数
- BLF, Bus Load Forecasting ==> 母線負荷予測
- BLG Subcommittee on Bulk Liquids and Gases (IMO) ==> 大量液气体小组委员会
- BLG, Sub-Committee on Bulk Liquids and Gases ==> ばら積み液体・気体物質小委員会
- blight ==> 枯萎病,疫病
- blight of chestnut ==> 栗疫病
- blight or ink disease of chestnut ==> 栗黑水病
- blight trial ==> 不定样品试验
- blight wood ==> 盲枝
- blighted house ==> 陋宅
- blighting fungi ==> 疫菌
- blind ==> 堵板,挡板,隐棚,螺旋帽,盲,盲的,盲目的,断流板,不感光的,不着墨,百叶帘
- blind advertisement ==> 匿名广告
- blind alley ==> 死胡同
- blind approach ==> 盲目进场,盲目着陆
- blind approach beacon system (babs) ==> 盲目进场信标系统
- blind approach beam system ==> 波束导航盲目进场系统
- blind arcade ==> 假拱廊
- blind arch ==> 假拱,隐拱
- blind area ==> 封闭地块,遮视区,盲区
- blind axle ==> 静轴,静轴
- blind bag ==> 盲袋
- blind blocking ==> 无色凹凸印
- blind bolt ==> 封闭螺栓,暗插销
- blind bombing ==> 仪表投弹
- blind bore ==> 封闭的孔
- blind box ==> 百叶窗匣
- blind catch ==> 百叶窗扣,关闭把手
- blind catch basin ==> 盲沟式截留井,暗接井,暗截流井
- blind chintz ==> 横条子窗帘布
- blind coal ==> 瘦煤,天然焦
- blind competition ==> 盲目竞争
- blind concave ==> 闭式凹板
- blind conk ==> 畸形木疙瘩
- blind controller ==> 調節器
- blind controller system ==> 盲目控制器系统
- blind creek ==> 干谷,干河床,干涸小河
- blind cultivation ==> 出苗前松土
- blind curved road ==> 碍视弯路
- blind cylinder ==> 二端封闭筒
- blind deposit ==> 隐伏矿床
- blind ditch ==> 盲沟,暗沟
- blind door ==> 百叶门,假门
- blind drain ==> 暗沟,暗渠,盲沟,地下排水沟
- blind drainage ==> 盲沟排水,暗沟,内流水系
- blind end ==> 封闭端
- blind end of rectum ==> 直肠盲端
- blind enema ==> 肛管排气法,导肠气法
- blind entry ==> 失实记录
- blind eye ==> 不育芽眼
- blind eyepiece ==> 盲人目镜
- blind fastener ==> 单面紧固件
- blind feeder ==> 暗冒口
- blind fistula ==> 不全性瘘
- blind flange ==> 盲板法兰,盲法兰,堵塞法兰,堵头盲板,法兰盖=>ブライントフランジ
- blind flange gasket ==> 法兰盲板垫片
- blind flange. ==> 盲板
- blind floor ==> 毛地板
- blind flying ==> 盲目飞行
- blind flying instruments ==> 盲目飞行仪表
- blind fret ==> 盲纺,盲纹
- blind furrow ==> 闭垄
- blind green paint ==> 暗绿色漆
- blind gut ==> 盲肠
- blind head ==> 暗冒口
- blind header ==> 暗丁砖
- blind hinge ==> 暗合页,暗铰链
- blind hole ==> 不通孔,盲孔,盲眼,闷眼
- blind image ==> 不受墨图像
- blind impression ==> 平压印
- blind interception ==> 盲目拦截
- blind intubation ==> 盲探插管术
- blind joint ==> 盲接头,无间隙接头,隐节理
- blind keyboard ==> 盲键盘
- blind landing ==> 盲目飞行,仪表着陆=>盲目着陸
- blind landing experiment ==> 盲目着陆试验装置
- Blind Landing Experiment Unit (BLEU) ==> 盲目着陆实验所
- blind level ==> 倒置虹管式排水巷道
- blind lode ==> 无露头矿脉
- blind machine ==> 盲机
- blind monitoring ==> 盲目控制,监控传声器
- blind mortise ==> 暗榫眼,凹榫
- blind nail ==> 暗钉
- blind navigation ==> 仪表导航
- blind nut ==> 盲孔螺母,螺盖,螺母
- blind of a line ==> 在一条管线上加盲板
- blind page ==> 正文前的无页码页
- blind pass ==> 暗道
- blind passage ==> 盲目传代
- blind patch ==> 堵孔板
- blind perforator ==> 盲穿孔机
- blind pit ==> 盲纹孔,暗井
- blind plug ==> 空插头,堵塞,绝缘插头,绝缘插头
- blind pool ==> 盲式集团
- blind power ==> 电抗功率
- blind production ==> 盲目生产
- blind riser ==> 暗冒口
- blind rivet ==> 埋头铆钉,盲铆钉
- blind roaster ==> 马弗焙烧炉,套式炉
- blind roller ==> 暗浪
- blind rollers ==> 长涌
- blind search ==> 盲目搜索
- blind seas ==> 长涌
- blind sector ==> 荧光屏阴影区,扇形阴影
- blind seed ==> 瞎眼蔗种,死种子
- blind sending ==> 盲发送
- blind set core ==> 盲芯
- blind sewer ==> 污水暗管
- blind shaft ==> 暗井
- blind shell ==> 不発弾
- blind speed ==> ブランイドスピード(レーダ)
- blind spot ==> 盲点,收音不清楚地方,静区,(蛋)血斑
- blind spot enlarged ==> 盲点拡大
- blind spot in crisis management ==> 危機管理の死角
- blind storey ==> 暗层,暗楼
- blind story ==> 无窗楼层
- blind street ==> 袋形路
- blind taper joint ==> 锥柱堵头
- blind teat ==> 瞎奶头
- blind test ==> 盲试验,蒙眼测验,不加标识的商品测验
- blind tooling ==> 手工无色凹凸印
- blind tracery ==> 实心窗花格
- blind tree ==> 盲树
- blind trial ==> 盲目试验
- blind trust ==> 绝对信任委托,绝对信任委托,保密委托
- blind tyre ==> 无凸缘轮胎
- blind valley ==> 盲谷
- blind vein ==> 无露头矿脉
- blind wall ==> 实墙
- blind window ==> 假窗,盲窗
- blind window frame ==> 百叶窗架
- blind workings of the value principle ==> 盲目地起作用
- blind zone ==> 盲区,不感地帯
- blind-loop ==> 盲曲
- blind-spot area ==> 盲点領域
- blinder ==> ブラインダ(継電器)
- blindgut gunshot wound ==> 盲管枪弹创伤
- blindgut wound ==> 盲管伤
- blinding concrete ==> 盖面混凝土=>捨てコンクリート
- blinding off a line ==> 关闭管路
- blinding tile drain ==> 盖土瓦管
- blindspot ==> 盲点
- blink ==> 勃林克,反光,缩洼,缩注
- blink comparator ==> 瞬变比较镜,闪视比长仪
- blink microscope ==> 闪亮显微镜,闪视比较镜,闪视显微镜,瞬变显微比较镜
- blink of an eye ==> 一瞬
- blink reflex ==> 眨眼反射
- blinker ==> 移带叉,马眼罩,闪光警戒标
- blinker light ==> 闪光信号灯
- blinker relay ==> 闪灯继电器,闪光警戒继电器
- blinking ==> 闪视,闪烁,闪烁现象=>明滅,ブリンキング(ロラン)
- blinking character ==> 闪烁字符
- blinking characteristic ==> 闪烁特性
- blip ==> 尖头信号,标记,标志,反射脉冲,理想红外线检测器=>ブリップ(レーダ)
- blip detector ==> 标志信号检测器
- blip facility ==> 标志功能
- blip-scan ratio ==> 现扫比
- blister ==> 水疱,气泡,泡,泡疤,泡状纹,鼓泡,浮泡,发泡剂,煤层圆形结核,斑点,包皮,疱病=>気泡
- blister agent ==> 糜烂性毒剂
- blister bar ==> 起泡熟铁条
- blister beetle ==> 斑蝥
- blister blight ==> 疱状疫病
- blister bug ==> 斑蝥
- blister cake ==> 粗铜块,泡铜块
- blister canker ==> 疱状溃疡
- blister cloth ==> 泡泡呢
- blister copper ==> 泡铜,粗铜
- blister copper ore ==> 黄铜矿
- blister corrosion ==> 起泡腐蚀
- blister furnace ==> 泡铜熔炼炉
- blister gas ==> 糜烂性毒气
- blister hypothesis ==> 拱起假设
- blister of pregnancy ==> 妊娠水泡
- blister packaging ==> 起泡包装
- blister refining ==> 粗铜精炼,泡铜精炼
- blister roasting ==> 粗铜焙烧
- blister rust ==> 疱状锈病
- blister rust of white pine ==> 白松疱锈病
- blister steel ==> 泡钢,泡面钢
- blistered casting ==> 多孔铸件
- blistering ==> 起泡,起凸,爆皮,形成气孔
- blistering in plaster ==> 抹面起鼓
- blistering of felt ==> 油毡起鼓
- blistering on the stone ==> 石块爆皮
- blizzard snow dune ==> 暴风雪堆
- BLK Bulk ==> 体积,容量巨大的
- BLKCAR (B/C) Bulk Carrier ==> 容量大的货运公司或运货人
- BLKT, thermal blanket ==> 断熱ブランケット
- bloat ==> 瘤胃臌气=>膨張
- bloated cadaver ==> 巨人观
- bloated credit ==> 信用膨胀
- bloating ==> 炉渣起泡,炉衬膨胀
- bloating clay ==> 膨胀粘土
- bloating shale ==> 膨胀页岩
- blob of slag ==> 火山渣块
- BLOB, binary large object ==> データベース関連で使われるデータ型の1つ。膨大なテキストや画像,音声などを格納できる。
- Bloch band ==> ブロッホ帯
- Bloch bands ==> 布洛赫带
- Bloch colorimeter ==> 布洛赫色度计
- Bloch equations ==> 布洛赫方程
- Bloch function ==> 布洛赫函数
- Bloch theorem ==> 布洛赫定理
- bloch wall ==> 布洛赫壁
- Bloch wall ==> 布洛赫壁,布洛赫畴壁
- Bloch wave ==> 布洛赫波
- Bloch-De Dominicis ==> ブロック-ド・ドミニシス
- Bloch-Siegert effect ==> 布洛赫-西格特效应
- Bloch-Siegert frequency ==> 布洛赫-西格特频率
- bloch-siegert frequency ==> 布洛赫-西格特频率
- Blochmann's corpuscles ==> 鲍氏小体
- block ==> 块体,字块,字组,均温块,组=>ブロック,閉そく,区画,阻止(継電器)
- block (monobloc) ==> 整块
- block a line ==> 停用一条管路
- block access ==> 字组存放,成组存取
- block account ==> 封存帐户
- block accumulator ==> 条形极板蓄电池
- block activation ==> 分程序动用
- block adaptation ==> 程序块适配,部件适配
- block add ==> 块相加
- block address ==> 块地址,程序块地址
- block addressing ==> 程序块寻址
- block adjustment ==> 面积平差,区域网平差
- block analysis ==> 块分析,分程序分析
- block and falls ==> 滑车
- block and tackle ==> 滑车,滑车组
- block anesthesia ==> 阻滞麻醉
- block angular system ==> 方块角系统
- block antenna ==> 集合天线
- block apparatus ==> 区截机
- block assembly ==> 分组装配作业
- block automation system (BAS) ==> 巨额交易自动报价制度,巨额交易自动报价制度
- block bearing ==> 推力轴承,支承轴承
- block bill ==> 宽刃斧
- block board ==> 木板,木块芯细木工板,木芯板
- block body ==> 分程序体
- block book ==> 木刻版本
- block brake ==> 闸块式制动器,块式制动器
- block brazing ==> 块钎焊,加热块钎焊
- block brick ==> 大型砌块
- block bridging ==> 搁栅横撑
- block brush ==> 块状电刷,电刷块
- block cabinet ==> 闭塞机
- block cancel character ==> 信息组作废符号,块作废字符=>ブロック取消し文字
- block capacitor ==> 阻塞电容器=>ブロックコンデンサ
- block capial ==> 罗曼式柱头
- block capital ==> 方块式柱头
- block cast ==> 整铸
- block casting ==> 块铸
- block caving ==> 大块坍落,分块崩落开采法
- block caving coal mining method ==> 大块崩落采煤法
- block chain ==> 块环链
- block chaining ==> 块链接,分组连接
- block chart ==> 方块图
- block check ==> 块检验=>ブロック検査
- block check character ==> 码组校验符号
- block check character (BCC) ==> 块检验字符,块校验字符
- block check procedure ==> 块检验过程,码组校验过程
- block check sequence (BCS) ==> 块检查序列,块检验序列
- block cipher ==> 分组密码
- block circulant approximation ==> 分组循环近似法
- block clutch ==> 闸瓦离合器,伸缩闸瓦离合器
- block code ==> 信息组代码,程序块码,块码,分批码,分组码=>ブロック符号
- block code length ==> 分组码长
- block coefficient ==> 充满系数,船型系数,方形系数,填充系数
- block commutation drive ==> 120度通電
- block compare instruction ==> 块比较指令
- block concreting ==> 分块浇筑
- block condenser ==> 隔直流电容器
- block connection diagram ==> 方块接线图
- block constant ==> 数字组特性常数
- block construction ==> 部件结构
- block construction wall ==> 大块砌筑岸壁
- block contact ==> 闭塞接点,阻塞接点
- block control ==> 块控制
- block control word ==> 字组控制字
- block convered wall ==> 有护板炉墙
- block count ==> 块计数,程序块数,分程序块数
- block count exit routine ==> 块计数出口程序
- block count field ==> 块计数字段
- block crane ==> 钢锭起重机
- block creeling ==> 分段换筒
- block curve ==> 连续曲线
- block cutter ==> 切板机
- block data ==> 数据块
- block data statement ==> 数据块语句
- block decrease ==> 闭锁减
- block delete ==> 字组删除
- block descriptor ==> 块描述符
- block descriptor word ==> 分程序说明字
- block design ==> 分组设计,区组设计,木块设计测验
- block determinaion ==> 分程序确定
- block device ==> 閉塞(そく)装置
- block diagonal matrix ==> 分块对角矩阵,块对角矩阵
- block diagram ==> 方块(框)图,方块图=>ブロック図
- block diagram compiler ==> 框图编译程序
- block diagram language ==> 框图语言
- block diagram of closed-loop control of AC servomotor ==> 交流サーボモータの閉ループ制御ブロック図
- block diagram of speed control ==> 速度制御ブロック図
- block diagram of voltage-type closed-loop control ==> 電圧形閉ループ制御ブロック図
- block diagram symbol ==> 方块图符号
- block diagram system ==> 框图系统
- block directed graph ==> 块方向图
- block drill ==> 印版钻孔机
- block economy ==> 封锁经济
- block effect ==> 体效应
- block encoding ==> 分组编码
- block encryption ==> 块加密
- block end ==> 信息组终端
- block entrance ==> 分程序入口
- block entry ==> 分程序入口
- block equipment ==> 闭塞设备
- block error rate ==> 信息组差错率,信息组错误率,码组差错率,块出错率,块差错率,不正确接收到的块数与发送的块的总数之比
- block event control ==> 事件控制用信息组
- block exit ==> 分程序出口
- block fault ==> 地块断层
- block faulting ==> 块状断层
- block file ==> 粗齿方锉,分程序文件
- block filter ==> 阻塞滤波器
- block filter glass ==> 阻断滤片
- block fin ==> 块状散热器
- block flooring ==> 分块地板
- block format ==> 分程序格式,程序段格式,块格式
- block furnace ==> 分段组合式电炉,方形炉
- block gage ==> 块规
- block gap ==> 信息组间隙
- block gauge ==> 量块=>ブロックゲージ
- block Gauss-Seidel method ==> 分块高斯-赛德尔法=>ブロックガウスザイデル
- block grants ==> 分类财政补贴
- block graph ==> 框图
- block grease ==> 块状润滑油
- block group ==> 块组
- block hammer ==> 落锤
- block handler ==> 块处理程序
- block handler macroinstruction ==> 块处理宏指令
- block handler set ==> 块处理程序集
- block handling macroinstruction ==> 块处理宏指令
- block handling routine (BHR) ==> 块处理程序,块处理例行程序
- block harvesting ==> 成片采伐
- block head ==> 程序块首部
- block head cylinder ==> 整体汽缸
- block header ==> 程序块首部,分程序首部
- block heading statement ==> 块标题语句
- block heating ==> 分片供热
- block holder ==> 块规夹持器
- block hole ==> 大石块上钻的炮眼
- block holing ==> 岩块爆破,爆破大石
- block I-O ==> 成组输入输出
- block I-O instruction ==> 成组输入输出指令
- block identifier ==> 块标识符
- block ignore character ==> 信息块作废符号
- block increase ==> 闭锁增
- block independence ==> 分块独立,分块独立性
- block index ==> 字组索引
- block index address ==> 块索引地址
- block indicator ==> 区截指示器,闭塞指示器
- block initial statement ==> 信息组起始语句
- block instrument ==> 闭塞器
- block insulation ==> 块状绝缘
- block interlacing ==> 分组交错
- block iterative method ==> 成组叠代法,块迭代法
- block jacobi method ==> 分块雅可比法
- block journal ==> 止推轴颈
- block justifying machine ==> 整版机
- block lava ==> 熔岩块,块状熔岩
- block layer ==> 阻挡层
- block length ==> 块长,分组长度,分程序长度,字组长,信息组长度=>ブロック長
- block length indicator ==> 块长指示符
- block letter ==> 印刷体,大型字体
- block level ==> 气泡水准仪,钳位信号电平,平放水准器
- block linkage ==> 滑块联动装置
- block list ==> 分程序表,块表
- block load ==> 巨额负荷
- block loading ==> 程序块存入
- block lock state ==> 块封锁状态
- block logic design ==> 块逻辑设计
- block machine ==> 墙壁砌块制造机
- block mark ==> 块标志
- block mass ==> 团块
- block meter rate ==> ブロック従量料金制
- block method ==> 分段统制帐法
- block mica ==> 块云母
- block mill ==> 成组轧机
- block mining ==> 分块开采,分区开采
- block mining system ==> 分区开采法
- block mo(u)ld ==> 整体铸型
- block mo(u)ld process ==> 整体熔模铸造法
- block mold ==> 钢锭模
- block mount ==> 组装
- block mountain ==> 断块山
- block move ==> 成块调动
- block movement ==> 地块运动,块传送,块体移动,断块运动
- block multicolor ordering ==> ブロック化多色順序付け
- block multiplex mode ==> 成组多路方式
- block multiplexer channel ==> 成组多路通道,字组多路通道,数组多路通信
- block multiplexer mode ==> 成组多路方式,成组多路转接方式
- block multiplexing ==> 字组多路转换的
- block multiplexing control bit ==> 信息组多路控制位
- block multiplication ==> 分块相乘
- block multiplication of matrices ==> 矩阵的分块乘法,矩阵的分块乘法,矩阵分块乘法,矩阵分块乘法
- block name ==> 信息组名
- block number ==> 成组传送号,区组数,分程序编号
- block nut ==> 防松螺帽,止动螺母
- block of assignment statement ==> 赋值语句块
- block of code ==> 代码块
- block of decomposition ==> 分解块
- block of ganglion stellatum ==> 星状神经节封闭术
- block of glass wool ==> 玻璃棉板
- block of information ==> 信号字数
- block of lense ==> 透镜块
- block of memory ==> 存储块
- block of punch pins ==> (穿孔机上)穿孔针块
- block of shared memory ==> 共享存储块
- block of suspended arch ==> 炉顶吊砖
- block of words ==> 字组
- block oriented memory ==> 按块存储器
- block out method ==> 描绘制版法
- block output ==> 字块输出
- block paging ==> 成块调页,成组调页
- block panel system ==> 分区短柱开采法
- block parity ==> 块奇偶性
- block parity check system ==> 字组奇偶校验方式
- block pattern ==> 整体铸型
- block pavement ==> 块料路面,块体路面,块状路面
- block placement ==> 分块浇筑,分区填筑
- block plan ==> 分区规划,分区图,方框图
- block plane ==> 短刨
- block planning ==> 建筑用地规划
- block planting ==> 群状栽植
- block policy ==> 统保单
- block polymer ==> 成块聚合物,整体聚合物,嵌段共聚物
- block post ==> 闭塞信号控制站
- block power plant ==> 河床式水电站,单岸式电站
- block power station ==> 单岸式电站
- block prefix ==> 信息组前缀
- block prefix field ==> 信息组前缀字段
- block press ==> 粗锻机,模压机
- block printing ==> 木版印刷,木刻版印刷
- block prism ==> 立方棱镜
- block processor ==> 块处理程序
- block protector ==> 块状保护装置
- block push button ==> 闭塞按钮
- block rack ==> (磨光玻璃缺陷)屑伤
- block rake ==> 链状磨痕
- block record ==> 块记录
- block recursive system ==> 分块递归方程组
- block relaxation ==> 块松弛法
- block relay ==> 闭锁继电器
- block replacement ==> 整块替换
- block representating ==> 方块图表示法
- block representation ==> 方块线路表示
- block research ==> 分块查找,分块检索
- block resection of jaw ==> 颌骨大块切除术
- block reservation ==> 区保留
- block run length ==> 运行块长度
- block sample ==> 块体试样
- block sampling ==> 分块抽样
- block schematic diagram ==> 方式構成図
- block search ==> 分块查找,分批试验,分批搜索,分组调查
- block search technique ==> 分批搜索法
- block section ==> 闭塞区间=>閉そく区間
- block separation ==> 块分隔
- block separation of system ==> 系统分片
- block separator ==> 块分隔符
- block sequence ==> 分段多层焊
- block sequence indicator ==> 信息组顺序指示符
- block sequence weld ==> 分段多层焊
- block sequence welding ==> 分段多层焊,分段连续焊接
- block setter ==> 分捆架导轨
- block setting crane ==> 钢块起重机
- block shears ==> 钢坯剪机,剪块机
- block sheave ==> 滑车
- block signal ==> 闭塞信号,分段信号,截止信号,闭锁信号=>閉そく信号機
- block signal machine ==> 闭塞信号机
- block signal system ==> 闭塞信号系统
- block size ==> 程序块尺寸,块体尺寸,分程序大小
- block sort ==> 块分类,分组
- block sorting ==> 块分类
- block splitting ==> 块分离
- block square ==> 矩形角尺,矩形角尺
- block standby ==> 备用数据块
- block station ==> 信号場
- block stone ==> 块石
- block storage ==> 块存储器
- block stowage ==> 码头装载
- block stream ==> 块状岩流
- block structure ==> 块结构,结构块,成组结构,程序块结构,分程序,分程序结构,断块山,字组结构
- block structure mechanism ==> 分程序结构机构,分程序结构原理,块结构的机构
- block structured programming language ==> 块结构程序语言
- block sugar ==> 方糖
- block supply ==> 区域供电
- block swage ==> 粗型锻模
- block switch ==> 分组开关
- block switching ==> 字组交换
- block system ==> 分区开采法,分区切块开采法,框图系统,闭塞系统,闭锁系统=>閉そく方式
- block system relay ==> 闭塞系统继电器
- block tariff ==> 分档电价,在规定的供电时期内,按给定的kWh用电量的多少逐级分档,并分别按不同的kWh电费率计费的电价
- block technique ==> 封闭术
- block terminal ==> 程序块终止
- block terminal statement ==> 程序块终端语句
- block testing stand ==> 发动机试验台
- block the passage of message ==> 封锁消息
- block theory ==> 阻滞学说
- block therapy ==> 封闭疗法
- block thrust ==> 块状冲断层
- block time ==> 轮挡时间
- block tin ==> 锡块,纯锡块
- block to polyspermy ==> 多精子障壁
- block transfer ==> 块传递,字组转移=>ブロック転送
- block transmission ==> 块传输,块传送
- block treatment ==> 阻滞疗法
- block triangular matrix ==> 分块三角矩阵
- block type boring cutter ==> 插入式镗刀
- block type run-of-river power station ==> 单岸式径流式电站
- block up ==> (关闭)停用
- block valve ==> 断流阀
- block variable ==> 块变量
- block vote ==> 卡片投票法
- block wall ==> 磁畴壁
- block waterwall ==> 组合式水冷壁
- block welding ==> 分段多层焊
- block welding sequence ==> 分段多层焊
- block welding technique ==> 多层焊接工艺
- block wheel ==> (装金刚石的切裁玻璃用)刀轮
- block winding ==> 闭锁绕组
- block(EOL control block) ==> 列表结束控制块
- block(ing) relay ==> 联锁继电器
- block-block type ==> 時間測定形
- block-condenser ==> 级间耦合电容器
- block-cutpoint graph ==> 块-割点图
- block-faulting ==> 块断作用
- block-grid keying ==> 栅截止键控,栅截止键控
- block-heteric nonionics ==> 混嵌非离子表面活性剂
- block-holing ==> 分块钻孔
- block-house ==> 堡垒
- block-in-course ==> 成层砌石块体
- block-incourse ==> 层次整齐的琢石圬工
- block-like structure ==> 似块状结构
- block-organized holographic memory ==> 分块全息存储
- block-oriented ==> 面向块的
- block-oriented associative processor ==> 面向块的相联处理机
- block-oriented memory ==> 分方位存储,分立位存储
- block-press machine ==> 压块机
- block-signal system ==> 闭锁信号系统
- block-spike type ==> サンプリング形
- block-structured code ==> 分程序结构码
- block-structured languages ==> ブロック構造化言語
- block-switch technology ==> 分组交换技术
- block-tridiagonal matrix ==> 块三角矩阵
- block-type arrangement ==> 组式布置
- block-type boring cutter ==> 插刀式镗刀
- block-type reamer ==> 盘形铰刀
- block-type turbine ==> 组装式透平
- blockade ==> 阻断,封闭,封阻
- blockade a port ==> 封锁港口
- blockade and embargo ==> 封锁禁运,封锁与禁运
- blockade zone ==> 封锁地区
- blockage area ratio ==> 阻塞面积比
- blockage effect ==> 阻塞效应,收缩效应
- blockage of channel ==> 经络阻滞,经络阻滞
- blocked ==> 闭塞了的
- blocked account ==> 封存帐户,封锁帐户
- blocked byte ==> 分组字节
- blocked currency ==> 封存货币,封锁货币,不能兑换外汇的货币
- blocked exchange ==> 封存外汇,封锁外汇
- blocked file ==> 封锁的文件,成块文件
- blocked funds attestation ==> 封存货款银行证明
- blocked grid limiter ==> 栅截止限幅器,栅截止限幅器,栅截止限幅器
- blocked heat ==> 中止氧化
- blocked impedance ==> 停塞阻抗,阻挡阻抗=>制止インピーダンス
- blocked job ==> 分块作业,封锁的作业
- blocked level ==> 闭锁电平
- blocked level access ==> 封锁的层次访问,成块的层次访问,成组存取
- blocked mark account ==> 封存马克帐户
- blocked operation ==> 隔断操作
- blocked position ==> 护住了的位置
- blocked process ==> 封锁进程
- blocked rand ==> 封锁兰德
- blocked record ==> 封锁的记录,块式记录,成块记录,成组记录
- blocked resistance ==> 阻挡电阻,闭塞电阻
- blocked rotor ==> 闭锁转子,止转转子
- blocked rotor rest ==> 制动转子试验
- blocked stone ==> 分块石
- blocked sulfoleate ==> 封闭的磺化油酸盐
- blocked track ==> 闭塞线路
- blocked up ==> 过厚
- blocked-grid keying ==> 栅截止键控
- blockedout ore ==> 可靠储量
- blocker-type forging ==> 雏形锻模式锻造,胎模锻
- blocking ==> 闭塞,联锁,嵌入,熄灭,阻塞,堵塞,闭合,分块=>ブロック,阻止,閉塞
- blocking action ==> 阻塞作用
- blocking agent ==> 阻断剂,阻滞剂,阻滞药
- blocking and commutating capability test ==> 关断和转换能力试验
- blocking antibody ==> 封闭抗体,封闭性抗体,遮断抗体
- blocking antigen ==> 阻滞抗原,遮断抗原,封闭性抗原
- blocking bias ==> 截止偏压
- blocking brake ==> 滑块制动器
- blocking capacitor ==> 阻止コンデンサ
- blocking cement ==> 上胶盘
- blocking circuit ==> 间歇电路
- blocking coil ==> 闭锁线圈=>阻止コイル,ブロッキングコイル(BC)
- blocking component ==> 闭锁元件,装置中在规定条件下抑制装置内其它元件动作的元件(闭锁继电器就是一种闭锁元件)
- blocking condenser ==> 隔直流电容器,耦合电容器
- blocking contactor ==> 间歇接触器
- blocking course ==> 檐头墙
- blocking device ==> 闭塞装置
- blocking diode ==> 阻塞二极管
- blocking effect ==> 阻塞效应,块效应,封闭效应
- blocking efficiency ==> 整流效率
- blocking element ==> 联锁元件,闭锁元件
- blocking factor ==> 分块系数,封闭因子,封锁因素,块因子
- blocking filter ==> 闭塞滤波器,间歇滤波器
- blocking fixture ==> 上盘定位夹具
- blocking flow ==> 顶压流
- blocking foil ==> 金属箔
- blocking gear ==> 粗模锻传动机构,粗型锻传动机构
- blocking group ==> 保护基,保护基团
- blocking interlocking system ==> 闭塞连锁系统
- blocking interval ==> 闭锁期间
- blocking layer ==> 闭锁层,阻挡层,耗尽层
- blocking layer photocell ==> 阻挡层光电池
- blocking layer rectifier ==> 阻挡层整流器
- blocking level ==> 阻塞电平
- blocking lever ==> 联锁杆,闭塞杆=>閉そくてこ
- blocking mechanism ==> 闭锁机构
- blocking medium ==> 遮挡介质
- blocking mode pilot protection ==> 闭锁式纵联保护,各端经通道传输闭锁对端断路器跳闸的指令使保护动作不能产生的纵联保护方式
- blocking nut ==> 防松螺母
- blocking of engagement of fetal head ==> 胎头衔接受阻
- blocking of reclosure ==> 再閉路せず
- blocking of speech ==> 言语中断
- blocking of ventilation holes on hydrogen inner cooled rotor ==> 氢内冷转子通风孔堵塞,由于制造工艺不良、设计不当、导线运行变形,通风孔错位等而造成的风路堵塞
- blocking order ==> 闭锁命令
- blocking oscillator ==> 间歇振荡器=>ブロッキング発振器
- blocking oscillator modulator ==> 作为调制器用的间歇振荡器
- blocking oscillator transformer ==> 间歇振荡器变压器
- blocking overreach protection (BOP) (abbreviation),〔blocking directional comparison protection (USA)〕 ==> 阻止方式オーバリーチ保護
- blocking partition ==> 分块
- blocking period ==> 闭锁期
- blocking process ==> 分块过程
- blocking property ==> 粘附性能
- blocking protection ==> 闭锁式保护,收到信号后闭锁就地保护启动跳闸的一种保护方式,一般为距离保护=>阻止方式保護, "A protection, generally distance protection, in which the receipt of a signal blocks the local protection from initiating tripping."
- blocking relay ==> 闭锁继电器=>阻止継電器,閉そくリレー
- blocking scheme ==> 闭锁方案
- blocking state ==> 闭锁状态
- blocking switch ==> 阻断开关
- blocking test ==> 封闭试验
- blocking time ==> 闭锁时间
- blocking tool ==> 胶合模
- blocking tube oscillator ==> 电子管间歇振荡器
- blocking valve ==> 锁气阀,闭塞阀,闭锁阀
- blocking voltage ==> 闭锁电压
- blocking-lever ==> 停秒杠杆,止动杆
- blocklike structure ==> 块状构造
- blocks world-scene analysis ==> 积木世界景像分析
- blockwood pavement ==> 木块铺面
- blocky ferrite ==> 不均质铁素体
- blocky graphite ==> 块状石墨
- blocky structure ==> 块状构造,块状结构
- Blog ==> ブログ
- blogger ==> ブロガー:ブログを手軽に作成できるソフトウェアの名称(Blogger)。または、ブログを公開、運営している人のこと。
- Blom's method ==> 布洛姆法
- Blondel chart ==> 布朗德尔图表(计算机输电线弛度用)
- blondel diagram ==> ブロンデル線図(同期電動機の円線図)
- Blondel oscillograph ==> 布朗德尔示波器
- Blondel-Rey law ==> 布朗德耳-雷定律
- blood ==> 血,血液=>ブラッド
- blood & air partition coefficent ==> 血气分配系数
- blood acidity ==> 血酸度
- blood agar ==> 血液琼脂
- blood agglutinogen ==> 血凝集原
- blood albumin ==> 血白蛋白
- blood albumin of human placenta ==> 人胎盘血白蛋白
- blood ammonia ==> 血氨
- blood ammonia determination ==> 血氨测定
- blood analysis ==> 血液分析
- blood bank management ==> 血站管理
- blood calcium ==> 血钙
- blood calcium determination ==> 血钙测定
- blood calcium ion transducer[sensor] ==> 血钙传感器
- blood capillary ==> 毛细血管,微血管
- blood capsules ==> 抽血囊
- blood carbon dioxide transducer[sensor] ==> 血液二氧化碳传感器
- blood cast ==> 血细胞管型
- blood cell chromosome ==> 血细胞染色体
- blood cell counter ==> 血球計数器
- blood cell counting plate ==> 血细胞计数板
- blood cell separator ==> 血细胞分离机
- blood cell-seeking radioactive substance ==> 亲血细胞型放射性物质
- blood changes in pregnancy ==> 妊娠期血液变化
- blood chemical examination ==> 血液化学检查
- blood chemical examination outfit ==> 血液化学检查装置
- blood chimerism ==> 血细胞嵌合体
- blood chloride ==> 血氯化物
- blood chloried ion transducer[sensor] ==> 血氯传感器
- blood circulation ==> 血循环,血液循环
- blood circulation activating plaster ==> 活络膏
- blood circulation time ==> 血循环时间
- blood circulatory volume inadequacy ==> 血循环量不足
- blood clam ==> 蚶子
- blood clot ==> 血凝块
- blood clotting ==> 血凝
- blood clotting factor ==> 凝血因子
- blood coagulation ==> 血凝,血凝固
- blood coagulation disorder in obstetrics ==> 产科凝血障碍
- blood coagulation mechanism ==> 血液凝固机制
- blood coagulation system ==> 凝血系统
- blood coagulum ==> 血液凝块
- blood collecting bottle ==> 采血瓶
- blood collecting vehicle ==> 采血车
- blood concentration ==> 血药浓度
- blood corpuscle counter ==> 血球計数器
- blood count ==> 血细胞计数
- blood counter ==> 血球計数器
- blood countng chamber ==> 血细胞计数池
- blood creatinine ==> 血肌酸酐
- blood culture ==> 血培养
- blood culture medium ==> 血液培养基
- blood cyto-chemical stain ==> 血细胞化学染色
- blood cytolysate ==> 红细胞溶解液
- blood destroying organ ==> 毁血器官
- blood digest broth ==> 血消化液
- blood diluting pipette ==> 红白细胞吸管
- blood disease ==> 血液病,血状病
- blood dissemination ==> 血液播散
- blood distribution determination ==> 血液分布测定
- blood donor ==> 给血者,供血者
- blood drop stain ==> 落下血痕
- blood dust ==> 血尘
- blood dyscrasia ==> 血质不调
- blood effusion ==> 血性积液,血性渗出物
- blood electrolyte transducer[sensor] ==> 血液电解质传感器
- blood examination ==> 血液检查
- blood flagellate ==> 血内鞭毛虫
- blood flour ==> 细血粉
- blood flow ==> 血流
- blood flow transducer[sensor] ==> 血流传感器
- blood flow ultrasonic detector ==> 超声血流计
- blood flukes ==> 血吸虫
- blood follicle ==> 出血卵泡
- blood formation ==> 血液形成
- blood forming organ ==> 造血器官
- blood gas ==> 血液气体,窒息性毒气
- blood gas analyser ==> 血液气体分析器
- blood gas analysis ==> 血气分析
- blood gas analyzer ==> 血液气体分析器
- blood gas apparatus ==> 血液气体测定器
- blood gas tension ==> 血气张力
- blood gas transducer[sensor] ==> 血气传感器
- blood gaseous analysis ==> 血液气体分析
- blood ghost ==> 血影细胞
- blood gills ==> 血鳃
- blood gravimeter ==> 血液比重测定器
- blood group antibody ==> 血型抗体
- blood group antigens ==> 血型抗原
- blood group chimera ==> 血型嵌合体
- blood group examination ==> 血型检验
- blood group immune transducer[sensor] ==> 免疫血型传感器
- blood group serology ==> 血型血清学
- blood group substance ==> 血型物质
- blood grouping ==> 血型鉴定
- blood grouping incompatibility ==> 不合血
- blood grouping test ==> 血型分型试验
- blood horse ==> 纯血马
- blood island ==> 血岛
- blood island of yolk sac ==> 卵黄囊血岛
- blood ketone concentration determination ==> 血酮浓度测定
- blood lactate concentration determination ==> 血乳酸盐浓度测定
- blood lacuna ==> 血腔隙
- blood lead ==> 血铅=>血中鉛
- blood lead level ==> 血中鉛レベル
- blood loss ==> 失血
- blood manganese ==> 血锰
- blood mast cell ==> 血液肥大细胞
- blood mathcing test ==> 配血试验
- blood medium ==> 血培养基
- blood mole ==> 血性胎块
- blood moniter ==> 血液监护器
- blood morphological examination ==> 血液形态学检查
- blood nylon filter ==> 血液尼龙过滤网
- blood oxygen capacity ==> 血氧容量
- blood oxygen content ==> 血氧含量
- blood oxygen transducer[sensor] ==> 血氧传感器
- blood parasite ==> 血内寄生虫,血内寄生物
- blood perfusion ==> 血液灌流
- blood PH transducer[sensor] ==> 血液PH传感器
- blood picture ==> 血像
- blood pigment ==> 血液色素
- blood pipet ==> 血液吸管
- blood plate ==> 血平板
- blood platelet ==> 血小板,凝血细胞
- blood platelet counting plate ==> 血小板计数板
- blood poisoning ==> 血中毒
- blood potassium ion transducer[sensor] ==> 血钾传感器
- blood preparation ==> 血液标本
- blood pressure determination ==> 血压测定
- blood pressure gauge ==> 血压表
- blood pressure in pregnancy ==> 妊娠期血压
- blood pressure monitor ==> 血压监护器
- blood pressure regulation ==> 血压调节
- blood pressure transducer[sensor] ==> 血压传感器
- blood pressure(BP) ==> 血压
- blood proactivator ==> 血液前活化素
- blood products ==> 血液制品
- blood proof paper ==> 防血纸
- blood prosthesis ==> 人造血液
- blood pump ==> 血泵
- blood rain ==> 血雨
- blood relationship ==> 血缘关系
- blood routine examination ==> 血常规检查
- blood sampling pipet ==> 吸血管
- blood sedimentation rack ==> 血沉架
- blood sedimentation set ==> 血沉测定器
- blood sedimentation stand ==> 血沉架
- blood sedimentation tube ==> 血沉管
- blood serum medium ==> 血清培养基
- blood shadow ==> 红细胞影
- blood sinus ==> 血窦
- blood sinusoid ==> 血窦,血窦状隙
- blood smear ==> 血涂片,血液涂片
- blood sodium ion transducer[sensor] ==> 血钠传感器
- blood spavin ==> 飞节血肿
- blood specific gravity ==> 血液比重
- blood specimen ==> 血标本,血液标本
- blood spirochaete ==> 血内螺旋体
- blood spot ==> (蛋)血斑
- blood spots ==> 出血斑
- blood stagnation ==> 血流淤积,血流淤滞
- blood stain ==> 血痕,血迹
- blood staining of cornea ==> 血染角膜
- blood stream ==> 血流
- blood substitute ==> 血液代用品
- blood sucker ==> 蚂蝗,吸血虫,吸血动物
- blood sucking flies ==> 吸血蝇类
- blood sucking midge ==> 吸血蠓
- blood sugar ==> 血糖
- blood sugar colorimeter ==> 血糖比色计
- blood sugar concentration ==> 血糖浓度
- blood sugar determination ==> 血糖测定法
- blood sugar insulin ratio ==> 血糖胰岛素测定比值
- blood sugar tube ==> 血糖管
- blood supply ==> 血液供给
- blood taking needle ==> 采血针
- blood test ==> 化验血,验血,验血
- blood tinged sputum ==> 血丝痰
- blood tonic ==> 补血剂
- blood transfusion ==> 输血
- blood tube ==> 输血导管
- blood urea nitrogen (BUN) ==> 血液尿素氮
- blood vessel hook ==> 血管钩
- blood vessel of brain ==> 脑血管
- blood vessel prosthesis ==> 人造血管
- blood vessel suture instrument ==> 血管缝合器
- blood vessel suture needle ==> 血管缝合针
- blood vessels of endometrium ==> 子宫内膜血管
- blood vessels of umbilical cord ==> 脐带血管
- blood vessels of vagina ==> 阴道血管
- blood viscometer ==> 血液粘度计
- blood viscosity ==> 血液粘滞性,血粘度
- blood volume ==> 血量,血容量
- blood volume in pregnancy ==> 妊娠期血容量
- blood volume in puerperium ==> 产褥期血容量
- blood volume regulation ==> 血量调节
- blood volume transducer[sensor] ==> 血容量传感器
- blood-bouillon ==> 血液肉汤
- blood-brain barrier (BBB) ==> 血脑障壁
- blood-chlorides ==> 血液氯化物
- blood-CSF barrier ==> 血脑脊液屏障
- blood-eye barrier ==> 血眼屏障
- blood-fat ==> 血脂
- blood-glucose meter ==> 血糖计
- blood-group antigen ==> 血族抗原
- blood-group system ==> 血型系统
- blood-hound ==> 警犬,警犬
- blood-lipoids ==> 血脂类
- blood-plate hemolysis ==> 血平板溶血作用
- blood-platelet agglutometer ==> 血小板凝集检查器
- blood-regulating recipes ==> 理血剂
- blood-sucking habit ==> 吸血习性
- blood-sugar content ==> 血糖含量
- blood-supply ==> 供血
- blood-test ==> 血试验法
- blood-testis barrier ==> 血睾屏障
- blood-thymus barrier ==> 血胸腺屏障
- blood-urea clearance ==> 血脲清除率
- bloodhound ==> ブラッドハウンド
- bloodless castrator ==> 无血去势器
- bloodletting ==> 放血术
- bloodletting instrument ==> 抽血装置
- bloodmobile ==> 血浆车
- bloodstone ==> 赤铁矿,血滴石,血石玉髓,鸡血石
- bloodstone burnisher ==> 血玉髓磨光器,红石磨光器
- bloodsucking ==> 吸血
- bloody ==> 血样
- bloody abdomen ==> 血腹
- bloody ascites ==> 血性腹水,血样腹水
- bloody blister on the upper surface of the tongue ==> 卷帘疔,卷帘疔
- bloody bulla ==> 血泡
- bloody fluid ==> 血性液体
- bloody murrain ==> 黑腿病
- bloody peritonitis ==> 血性腹膜炎
- bloody pleural fluid ==> 血性胸水
- bloody purulent stool ==> 脓血便
- bloody sputum ==> 血痰,鲜血痰
- bloody stool ==> 血便,血性便,脏毒
- bloody urine ==> 血尿病
- bloody vesicle ==> 血泡
- bloody vomit ==> 血性呕吐物
- bloom ==> 初轧钢坯,海绵铁球,油霜,水花区,初轧,初轧方坯,大方坯,大钢坯,起霜,图像浮散,矿脉露头的风化,粉化,钢锭,钢坯,耐火土块,散晕,表面起晕加工=>花,開花,花盛り
- bloom base plate ==> 支柱座板
- bloom blank ==> 大异形坯
- bloom butts ==> 方坯切头
- bloom crop end ==> 方坯切头
- bloom date ==> 開花日
- bloom delay ==> 開花遅延
- Bloom gelometer ==> 布卢姆测胶计
- bloom pass ==> 初轧道次,初轧机孔型,初轧轧槽,开坯孔型
- bloom pressing ==> 钢殴制
- bloom pusher ==> 初轧方坯推出机
- bloom roll ==> 初轧辊
- bloom scales ==> 大方坯磅秤
- bloom shears ==> 大钢坯剪切机
- bloom side ==> 起霜面
- bloom slab ==> 扁钢坯
- bloom stamping machine ==> 方坯打印机
- bloom steel ==> 初轧钢,钢坯
- bloom yard ==> 初轧方坯仓库
- bloom-base ==> 支柱座
- bloomary ==> 精炼炉床,土法熟铁吹炼炉
- bloomed ==> 起霜,模糊
- bloomed lens ==> 敷霜透镜,镀膜透镜
- bloomer ==> 初轧机,开坯机
- bloomery ==> 熟铁精炼炉
- bloomery iron ==> 熟铁
- blooming ==> 开花模糊现象,开坯,加膜,模糊现象,图像发晕,敷霜,光学膜,初轧,巧克力的白化现象=>ブルーミング,花盛りの,全盛の
- blooming (mill) stand ==> 初轧机机座
- blooming housing ==> 初轧机外壳
- blooming mill ==> 初轧机,钢坯延压机,开坯机
- blooming mill housing ==> 初轧机外壳
- blooming period ==> 花期
- blooming roll ==> 方坯轧辊
- blooming slabbing mill ==> 方坯-板坯初轧机
- blooming stand ==> 初轧机座
- blooming time ==> 花期
- blooming train ==> 初轧机机组
- blooming-slabbing mill ==> 方板坯初轧机
- bloomless oil ==> 不起霜润滑油
- Blooms syndrome ==> 布卢姆氏综合征
- Bloors test ==> 布卢尔氏试验
- blossom ==> 花,快活になる
- blossom aroma ==> 花の芳香
- blossom buds ==> つぼみ,花の芽
- blossom cluster ==> 花簇丛
- blossom cup ==> 花眼
- blossom drop ==> 落花
- blossom fall ==> 花谢
- blossom shower ==> 催花雨
- blossomend rot ==> 花蒂腐病
- blot in double shear ==> 双剪螺栓
- blot socket ==> 套筒膨胀螺栓
- blotch ==> 污点
- blotch printing ==> 满地印花
- blotter coat ==> 吸油层
- blotter model ==> 吸水纸模型
- blotting paper ==> 吸墨纸
- blouse ==> 作業着
- bloused back ==> 背囊
- blow ==> 断开电路,吹,吹炼,偏吹,(锻压时)打击=>衝撃
- blow back ==> 倒吹气=>逆流する
- blow can ==> 喷水壶
- blow case ==> 吹气扬酸箱
- blow cleaner ==> 吹净器
- blow cold ==> 低温吹炼
- blow cores ==> 吹芯
- blow down ==> 吹净=>吹き倒す,排出する
- blow down container ==> 泄料罐
- blow down cooler ==> 排污冷却器
- blow down separator ==> 排放分离器
- blow down turbine ==> 冲击式涡轮机
- blow down valve ==> 吹扫阀,排污阀=>ブロー弁
- blow efficiency ==> 打击效率
- blow energy ==> 打击能量
- blow gun ==> 吹嘴,喷粉器
- blow head ==> 喷头,吹气头
- blow hole ==> 吹砂孔,吹穴,气孔,窑顶排气孔,(指海蚀洞天井)潮吹
- blow in ==> 鼓风,投产=>送風する
- blow lamp ==> 焊接灯
- blow molding ==> 吹塑
- blow moulding ==> 吹塑法
- blow moulding machine ==> 吹塑机
- blow nozzle ==> 空气喷嘴=>ブロー・ノズル
- blow number ==> 贯入击数
- blow off ==> 排污,喷出,停吹
- blow off pressure ==> 放气压力
- blow out ==> 熔断,吹风,打穿,停吹
- blow out cock ==> 吹放塞门
- blow out coil ==> 消火花线圈
- blow out current ==> 熔断电流
- blow out fuse ==> 吹灭保险丝
- blow out switch ==> 放气开关
- blow over ==> 吹出料泡头
- blow over cooling ==> 外部吹风冷却
- blow pipe ==> 压缩空气输送管
- blow pipe stand ==> 喷火管架
- blow pit ==> 吹制坑
- blow plate ==> 吹砂板
- blow plate bushing ==> 吹砂板销套
- blow rate ==> 吹胀速度
- blow sand ==> 飞沙
- blow speed ==> 打击速度
- blow squeeze molding machine ==> 吹压式造型机
- blow stress ==> 冲胁强,冲应力
- blow table ==> 成形吹制台
- blow tank ==> 放空罐,疏水箱,泄料桶
- blow through valve ==> 安全阀,吹除阀
- blow torch blowing tube ==> 吹管
- blow torch lamp ==> 焊接灯
- blow up ==> 鼓起,放漂
- blow valve ==> 送风阀,卸渣阀,通风阀
- blow vent ==> 通气口
- blow wash ==> 吹洗
- blow-and-blow machine ==> 吹-吹法成形机
- blow-and-blow process ==> 吹-吹成形法
- blow-by ==> 不密封
- blow-by gasleak ==> 漏气
- blow-cock ==> 排气栓
- blow-down drum ==> 放空罐
- blow-down facility ==> ブローダウン装置
- blow-down pit ==> 泄料池
- blow-down stack ==> 泄料烟道
- blow-down tank ==> 泄料箱
- blow-down turbine ==> 冲击式涡轮
- blow-down valve ==> 排放阀
- blow-in ==> 吹入,开炉
- Blow-Knox antenna ==> 布洛-诺克斯天线
- blow-moulding machine for extrathin film ==> 超薄薄膜吹塑机
- blow-off ==> 吹出,刮走,脱火,运行中锅炉出口蒸汽温度或受热面管管壁温度超过其规定值的现象。放水,在高温汽流和氧气的共同作用下,使锅炉蒸汽管路及设备中在制造、运输、保管、安装过程中产生的污物和大气腐蚀产物从管路中排出,并在金属表面形成保护膜的方法。
- blow-off branch ==> 排汽支管,放水支管
- blow-off chamber ==> 吹泄室
- blow-off cock ==> 吹除开关,排气栓
- blow-off cock hole ==> 放水塞孔
- blow-off line ==> 放水管道,排汽管道,排污管道
- blow-off nozzle ==> 吹嘴,断火喷嘴
- blow-off pipe ==> 放气管,吹除管,排污管,安全排气管
- blow-off point ==> 吹开点
- blow-off pressure ==> 停吹气压
- blow-off tank ==> 吹卸槽
- blow-off through valve ==> 吹通阀门
- blow-off valve ==> 吹泄阀,排料阀,排泄阀
- blow-off velocity ==> 灭火速度
- blow-on ==> 开炉
- blow-out ==> 暴发性火,吹出
- blow-out circuit ==> 灭弧电路
- blow-out coil ==> 吹消しコイル
- blow-out current ==> 熔断电流
- blow-out magnet ==> 熄弧磁铁
- blow-out patch ==> 补洞胶片
- blow-period ==> 吹风期
- blow-pipe flame ==> 吹管焰
- blow-pipe reaction ==> 吹管反应
- blow-pipe test ==> 吹管试验
- blow-tank ==> 卸料桶
- blow-test ==> 冲击试验
- blow-up ==> 突起
- blow-up mouth ==> 上部吹扫口
- blow-up of the charge ==> 吹过金属层上面
- blow-up ratio ==> 模膜直径比
- blowback gas ==> 泵回气体
- blowback gun ==> 后坐力枪
- blowdown ==> 吹除,增压,破坏性风暴,排料,排气,排污,放水,泄料,[安全阀]回座压差,按规定程序切断燃料和水,停止送、引风机,使锅炉停止运行的过程。分为正常停炉、故障停炉及紧急停炉三种情况=>突然の破裂,ブローダウン現象,吹きおろし,改修のため高炉の操業を止めること
- blowdown analysis ==> ブローダウン解析
- blowdown condenser ==> 放空冷凝器
- blowdown connection ==> 排污接管
- blowdown drum ==> 排污罐
- blowdown experiment ==> ブローダウン実験
- blowdown fan ==> 增压风机
- blowdown flow rate ==> 排污量,用升压方法检测安全阀起座压力是否准确可靠和符合有关规程要求的检验项目。
- blowdown line ==> 卸料导管
- blowdown pipe ==> 补气管
- blowdown piping ==> 泄料管路,放空气管路
- blowdown presssure ==> 排放压力
- blowdown pressure ==> ブローダウン圧力
- blowdown pressure of safety valve ==> 安全阀关闭压力
- blowdown rate ==> 排污率,锅筒锅炉运行中排出含较多盐类、沉渣的锅水量与锅炉蒸发量的比值,常用百分数来表示
- blowdown return ==> 排污回收
- blowdown sampling system ==> ブローダウンサンプリング系(BDSS)
- blowdown sealing face ==> 启,阀件密封面
- blowdown stack ==> 放空烟囱,放空烟道
- blowdown system ==> 放空系统,泄料系统=>ブローダウン系(BDS)
- blowdown tank ==> 排污箱
- blowdown test ==> ブローダウン試験
- blowdown tunnel ==> 放气式风洞
- blowdown valve ==> 高压放气阀,泄放活门,泄料阀=>排出弁
- blowdown valves ==> 泄料(放空,排污)阀
- blowdown wind tunnel ==> 放气式风洞
- blower ==> 风机,压缩机,鼓风机,鼓气机,排风机,增压器,吹风管,吹灰器=>送風機,ブロワー
- blower base ==> 鼓风机底座
- blower blade ==> 吹送机轮叶片
- blower body ==> 鼓风机体
- blower bottom ==> 鼓风机底部
- blower casing ==> 鼓风机壳,鼓风机壳体
- blower cooled diesel engine ==> 鼓风冷却式柴油机
- blower cooled engine ==> 鼓风冷却式发动机
- blower device ==> 鼓风装置
- blower drain valve ==> 鼓风机放泄阀
- blower drive ==> 鼓风机传动装置
- blower drum ==> 鼓风机外壳
- blower duster ==> 鼓风式喷粉机
- blower elevator ==> 鼓风抛送升运器
- blower fan ==> 鼓风扇,增压风机
- blower kiln ==> 鼓风干燥室
- blower line ==> 放汽管
- blower motor ==> 鼓风电动机,鼓风机用马达
- blower nozzle ==> 鼓风口
- blower performance ==> 通风机性能
- blower pipe ==> 吹送管
- blower pipe union ==> 吹风管连管节
- blower pressure ==> 吹风机压力
- blower production line ==> 鼓风机生产线
- blower pump ==> 增压泵
- blower ratio ==> 鼓风机增压比
- blower regulation valve ==> 通风调节阀
- blower rod ==> 鼓风机杆
- blower room ==> 鼓风机室
- blower rotor ==> 鼓风机转子
- blower section ==> 鼓风机部分
- blower slinger ==> 增压器分液环
- blower sprayer ==> 鼓风喷雾器
- blower steam pipe ==> 吹风进汽管
- blower system ==> 鼓风系统
- blower turbine ==> 鼓风机透平
- blower valve ==> 鼓风机阀
- blower wheel ==> 鼓风机叶轮
- blower-type specific gravity stoner ==> 吹式比重法去石机
- blowhole ==> 气孔=>ブローホール
- blowing ==> 喷出,喷吹,吹,吹气,吹塑,陶瓷表面起泡,气力吹开,放浆,烧断
- blowing activator ==> 发泡活性剂
- blowing agent ==> 起泡剂
- blowing angle ==> 吹炼角
- blowing boundary-layer control ==> 吹除式附面层控制
- blowing burner ==> 喷吹燃烧器
- blowing cave ==> 吹风洞
- blowing current ==> 熔断电流
- blowing device ==> 吹芯机
- blowing down ==> 停炉
- blowing dust ==> 吹尘,高吹尘
- blowing engine ==> 送风机
- blowing fan ==> 压风机
- blowing glaze ==> 吹釉
- blowing in ==> 开炉
- blowing in burden ==> 开炉底料
- blowing intensity ==> 鼓风强度
- blowing machine ==> 鼓风机,吹风机
- blowing method ==> 吹放法,吹制法
- blowing mould ==> 吹模
- blowing moulding ==> 吹模法
- blowing murmur ==> 吹风样杂音
- blowing nozzle ==> 吹嘴
- blowing of plaster ==> 抹灰爆裂
- blowing on taphole ==> 出铁口喷火
- blowing on the monkey ==> 渣口喷火
- blowing out ==> 停炉
- blowing picker ==> 气流分绒机
- blowing pipe ==> 吹洗管
- blowing piston ==> 漏气活塞
- blowing plant ==> 压缩空气装置
- blowing position ==> 吹炼位置
- blowing pressure ==> 吹塑压力
- blowing promotor ==> 发泡助剂
- blowing rate ==> 鼓风速率
- blowing respiration ==> 吹气样呼吸音
- blowing road ==> 主进风平巷
- blowing room ==> 清花车间
- blowing sand ==> 吹砂,高吹沙
- blowing snow ==> 高吹雪,吹雪,飞雪
- blowing sound ==> 吹音
- blowing spray ==> 高吹沫
- blowing still ==> 吹炼釜
- blowing stone-removing machine ==> 吹式去石机
- blowing tower tray ==> 吹液现象
- blowing tube ==> 排污管
- blowing tuyere ==> 风口
- blowing ventilation ==> 压入式通风
- blowing wool ==> 喷吹玻璃棉
- blowing wound ==> 开放性气胸
- blowing-down ==> 停风,排泄
- blowing-in ==> 送风
- blowing-in burden(ing) ==> 底炭
- blowing-in burdening ==> 开炉底料
- blowing-off ==> 吹净
- blowing-out ==> 停风,停炉
- blowing-out of lines ==> 炉衬腐蚀
- blowing-up furnace ==> 铅锌矿烧结炉
- blown ==> 吹制,吹制成的
- blown animal oil ==> 吹制动物油
- blown asphalt ==> 吹制沥青
- blown bitumen ==> 吹制沥青
- blown casting ==> 有气孔的铸件
- blown cobalt-blue glaze ==> 吹青釉
- blown fibre ==> 吹制纤维
- blown film ==> 吹塑薄膜
- blown fuse ==> 保险丝熔断
- blown fuse indicator ==> 保险丝熔断指示器,熔线熔断指示器,熔断指示器
- blown glass ==> 吹制的玻璃制品
- blown glass tumbler ==> 吹制玻璃杯
- blown glassware ==> 吹制玻璃器皿
- blown in burden ==> 开炉配料
- blown ingot ==> 多气孔钢锭
- blown joint ==> 吹接
- blown metal ==> 吹炼金属
- blown oil ==> 吹制油
- blown oxidized asphalt ==> 吹制沥青
- blown red glaze ==> 吹红釉
- blown rubber ==> 海绵胶
- blown sand ==> 飞沙,流沙
- blown sheet ==> 吹制的平板玻璃
- blown tubing ==> 吹塑模管
- blown tumbler ==> 吹制杯
- blown tumbler with enamelled decoration ==> 彩花吹制杯
- blown tumbler with intaglio decoration ==> 吹制车花杯
- blown up ==> 吹足
- blown-out concrete ==> 充气混凝土
- blown-out land ==> 风蚀区
- blown-out shot ==> 废炮,空炮
- blown-sponge ==> 海绵胶
- blowoff ==> 吹离=>吹き出し,噴出装置
- blowoff cock ==> 吹き出しコック
- blowoff pipe ==> 放風管,ブロー管
- blowoff valve ==> 急泄阀=>吹き出し弁,放風弁
- blowout ==> 停炉,砂涌,吹出,吹蚀坑,灭弧,风蚀坑,喷出=>破裂,吹き止め
- blowout coil ==> 灭弧线圈,磁吹线圈
- blowout diaphragm ==> 遮断膜片,快速光阑
- blowout disk ==> 安全隔膜
- blowout dune ==> 吹蚀沙丘
- blowout magnet ==> 磁性灭弧用磁铁,灭弧磁体
- blowout of an engine ==> 发动机灭火
- blowout patch ==> 轴圈
- blowout preventer ==> 防喷器
- blowout the furnace ==> 停炉
- blowout valve ==> 排出阀
- blowout water closet ==> 冲击式大便器
- blowpipe ==> 吹管
- blowpipe analysis ==> 吹管反应分析
- blowpipe assay ==> 吹管试金
- blowpipe reaction analysis ==> 吹管反应分析
- blows per minute ==> (锻锤的)每分钟打击次数
- blowup ratio ==> 吹胀比
- BLR Boiler ==> 锅炉
- BLRHS Boiler Heating Surface (Combined) ==> 锅炉供热表面
- BLS, balloon separation ==> バルーンの分離
- BLS, Bureau of Labor Statistics ==> 労働統計局
- blsat transformation ==> 原细胞转化
- BLT, greenbelt ==> グリーンベルト
- blue ==> 兰色,蓝,蓝色,蓝色的=>青,青色
- blue agate ==> 蓝玛瑙
- blue algae ==> 蓝藻
- blue and white with copper red colours ==> 青花五彩莲池鸳鸯图碗
- blue and white with overglaze colours ==> 青花斗彩
- blue annealed wire ==> 发蓝钢丝
- blue annealing ==> 发蓝退火
- blue apex ==> 蓝基色点
- blue asbestos ==> 青石棉
- blue asbestos (crocidolite) ==> 青石棉
- blue ash glaze ==> 青灰釉
- blue asphyxia ==> 青紫色窒息
- blue aura ==> 蓝辉
- blue baby ==> 婴儿发绀
- blue band ==> 蓝带
- blue barrier ==> 蓝障
- blue beam ==> 蓝色信号射束
- blue billy ==> 蓝渣
- blue bind ==> 硬粘土
- blue black level ==> 蓝路黑电平
- blue blindness ==> 蓝色盲
- blue branch ==> 蓝分支
- blue brick ==> 阴沟砖,青砖
- blue brittleness ==> 蓝脆,蓝脆性
- blue by ==> (经过性转换手术,由男性转为女性的人)变性女人
- blue canopy ==> 青空
- blue cap ==> 蓝色焰晕
- blue cell ==> 蓝光电池
- blue chalcocite ==> 蓝辉铜矿
- blue chip ==> 热门股票
- blue chip share ==> 热门股票
- blue chip shares ==> 头等证券
- blue chip stock ==> 热门股票
- blue chips ==> 篮筹股票
- blue clay ==> 青土
- blue collar computer ==> 第一流计算机
- blue colo(u)r difference axis ==> 蓝色差信号轴
- blue colo(u)r difference matrix ==> 蓝色差矩阵
- blue colo(u)r difference modulator ==> 蓝色差调制器
- blue comb ==> 蓝冠病,禽单核细胞增多症,火鸡蓝鸡冠
- blue compact galaxy (BCG) ==> 蓝致密星系
- blue cone cells ==> 感蓝视锥细胞
- blue control grid ==> 蓝色控制栅
- blue copper ==> 蓝铜矿
- blue copper ore ==> 蓝铜矿
- blue copperas chalcanthite ==> 胆矾
- blue cornflower ==> 矢车菊
- blue diaper ==> 蓝尿布综合征
- blue dichroic mirror ==> 蓝二向色反射镜,蓝分色镜,蓝色二向色镜
- blue disease ==> 蓝色病,落基山热
- blue dome cyst ==> 乳腺蓝顶囊肿
- blue dot cataract ==> 蓝点状白内障
- blue drawing ==> 描青
- blue drive control ==> 蓝枪激励控制
- blue drum ==> 蓝鼓膜
- blue dwarf ==> 蓝矮星
- Blue Eagle Agreement ==> 蓝鹰协定
- blue earth ==> 青土
- blue edema ==> 蓝色水浮肿
- blue edge ==> 蓝界
- blue filter ==> 蓝色滤光镜
- blue finished ==> 蓝色回火的
- blue flame ==> 蓝焰
- blue flash ==> 蓝闪,绿闪
- blue flax ==> 暗黑色亚麻
- blue galaxy ==> 蓝星系
- blue gas ==> 蓝水煤气,蓝煤气,氰毒气
- Blue Gene ==> ブルージーン,IBMのスーパーコンピュータプロジェクト
- blue giant ==> 蓝巨星
- blue glass ==> 蓝色玻璃
- blue glazed porcelain ==> 青釉瓷器
- blue glow ==> 蓝辉光
- blue gold ==> 蓝金,金铁合金
- blue grass ==> 早熟禾
- blue ground ==> 蓝土
- blue gum ==> 蓝桉木
- blue halo star ==> 蓝晕星
- blue heat ==> 蓝热
- blue heat range ==> 蓝脆性温度范围
- blue heating ==> 低温加热
- blue horizontal branch ==> 蓝水平支
- blue horizontal branch star ==> 蓝水平支星
- blue ice ==> 纯洁冰
- blue illuminating wave ==> 蓝色照明波
- blue iron earth ==> 蓝铁矿
- blue john ==> 蓝块萤石,萤石
- Blue lagoon spa in Iceland ==> アイスランドのブルーラグーン温泉
- blue landscape ==> 青山水
- BLUE language ==> 蓝色语言
- blue lateral convergence ==> 蓝色横向会聚,蓝位会聚,蓝位校正
- blue laws ==> 蓝法
- blue lead ==> 金属铅
- blue lead-ore ==> 方铅矿
- Blue Lias ==> 蓝里亚斯层
- blue lias lime ==> 蓝色水硬石灰
- blue light-emitting devices ==> 青色発光デバイス
- blue line ==> 蓝线,铅线,伯顿氏线
- blue litmus paper ==> 蓝石蕊试纸
- blue lupine ==> 毛羽扇豆
- blue magnetism ==> 蓝磁性,蓝色南极磁性
- blue magnitude ==> 蓝星等
- blue malachite ==> 蓝铜矿
- blue marl ==> 青泥灰岩
- blue metal ==> 蓝铜锍,蓝锌粉,铜硫层
- blue mold ==> 青霉
- blue mould of citrus ==> 柑桔青霉病
- blue mud ==> 青泥
- blue nankeen ==> 毛蓝土布
- blue nevus ==> 蓝色痣,蓝痣
- blue noise ==> 蓝噪声
- blue nose disease ==> 蓝鼻病
- blue ocher ==> 蓝铁矿
- blue of the sky ==> 天空蓝度
- blue oil ==> 蓝油
- blue pearl ==> 蓝花岗石,蓝珍珠
- Blue phase ==> 青相(B)
- blue pheasant ==> 蓝腹鹇
- blue phlebitis ==> 蓝色静脉炎
- blue phone line ==> 蓝色电话线
- blue phose ==> 蓝光幻视,蓝幻视
- blue phosphor ==> 蓝色磷光体
- blue pills ==> 汞丸
- blue planished steel ==> 发蓝薄钢板
- blue powder ==> 锌蓝粉
- blue primary ==> 蓝原色
- blue primary information ==> 蓝基色信息
- blue print ==> 图纸设计,规划蓝图
- blue print apparatus ==> 晒蓝图机,晒蓝图设备
- blue print drawing ==> 蓝图
- blue print lamp ==> 晒图灯
- blue printing ==> 晒蓝图
- blue printing paper ==> 晒图纸
- blue pus ==> 蓝脓
- blue radiation ==> 蓝色辐射
- blue response ==> 蓝光响应
- blue restorer ==> 蓝电平恢复器
- blue ribbon ==> 蓝带程序
- blue ribbon connector ==> 蓝带接插件,矩形接插件,矩形接插件
- blue ribbon program ==> 蓝带程序,一次通过程序
- blue roan ==> 青沙毛
- blue rot ==> 蓝腐病
- blue rubber bleb nevus ==> 蓝橡皮疱痣
- blue sclera ==> 蓝巩膜,蓝色巩膜
- blue screen ==> 蓝辉荧光屏
- blue sensitivity ==> 蓝敏度
- blue sheep ==> 岩羊
- blue shift ==> 蓝移
- blue shortness ==> 蓝脆性
- blue shortness (brittleness) ==> 蓝冷脆
- blue sky ==> 虚浮的,不健全的=>無価値な,非実際的な
- blue sky market ==> 青空市場
- blue slide ==> 青焼き
- blue spar ==> 天蓝石
- blue stain ==> 蓝变,(木材上形成蓝色霉斑)蓝霉斑
- blue stain fungi ==> 蓝霉菌
- blue stained cotton ==> 灰白棉
- blue star ==> 蓝星
- blue starch ==> 蓝淀粉
- blue static convergence magnet ==> 蓝静会聚磁铁
- blue steel ==> 蓝钢
- blue stone ==> 蓝石
- blue straggler ==> 蓝离散星
- blue striped heavy cees ==> 蓝线平纹袋
- blue supergiant ==> 蓝超巨星
- blue sweat ==> 青汗
- blue tetrazolium ==> 蓝四氮唑
- blue tinted glass ==> 蓝色玻璃
- blue tube ==> 蓝辉光管
- blue tympanic membrane ==> 蓝鼓膜
- blue urine ==> 蓝色尿
- blue variable ==> 蓝变星
- blue verditer ==> 蓝色铜盐颜料
- blue vitriod ==> 五水硫酸铜
- blue vitriol ==> 硫酸铜,蓝矾,胆矾
- blue vitriol (copperas) ==> 硫酸銅
- blue water gas ==> 蓝煤气,蓝水煤气
- blue whale ==> 大长须鲸
- blue(-heat) brittle ==> 蓝脆性的
- blue-and-green decorative painting ==> 青绿彩画
- blue-and-white ==> 青花
- blue-and-white porcelain ==> 青花瓷器
- blue-collar workers ==> 体力工人
- blue-eye ==> 眼蝇蛆病
- blue-finished ==> 蓝色回火
- blue-flame combustion ==> 青炎燃焼
- blue-fluorescence ==> 蓝色荧光
- blue-form income tax return ==> 蓝色所得税申报表
- blue-form return ==> 蓝色所得税申报表
- blue-free filter ==> 蓝色滤光镜
- blue-gas generator ==> 水煤气发生炉
- blue-green ==> 蓝绿色
- blue-green alga ==> 藍藻
- blue-green algae ==> 蓝绿藻=>藍藻,アオコ
- blue-green flame ==> 蓝绿闪,绿闪
- blue-green region of spectrum ==> 蓝绿光谱范围
- blue-light source ==> 蓝光源
- blue-line key ==> 蓝图拼套台纸
- blue-ribbon connector ==> 矩形插头座,矩形插头座
- blue-sclera syndrome ==> 蓝巩膜综合征
- blue-sensitive plate ==> 蓝敏底片
- blue-sky law ==> (美国证券)蓝天法
- blue-sky scale ==> 林克标
- blue-stain ==> 青变
- blue-yellow blindness ==> 蓝黄色盲
- blueberry ==> 越橘
- bluebottle ==> 丽蝇类
- bluebull ==> 蓝牛羚
- bluechip stock ==> 最佳股票
- blued chopping knide with wooden handle ==> 木柄发蓝菜刀
- blued edges ==> 氧化蓝边
- blued scissors ==> 法蓝剪
- bluefish ==> 蓝鱼
- bluegill ==> 蓝鳃太阳鱼=>ブルーギル
- blueing ==> 发蓝,发蓝处理,上蓝,烧蓝=>着色
- bluejack ==> 硫酸銅
- blueline ==> 蓝色线条图,蓝色印样
- blueline board ==> 蓝图板
- blueprint ==> 蓝图,图纸
- blueprint machine ==> 晒图机
- blueprinter ==> 晒蓝图机,晒图员
- blueprinting paper ==> 蓝图纸
- blueprinting room ==> 晒图室
- blueschist facies ==> 蓝片岩相,蓝闪片岩相
- bluestem grass ==> 须芒草
- bluestone ==> 蓝砂岩,胆矾
- bluethroat ==> 蓝脖
- bluetongue ==> 蓝舌病
- bluetooth ==> 蓝牙技术(无线耳机接听)
- bluff board ==> 挡泥板
- bluff body ==> 阻流体
- bluff body flame ==> 障板稳定火焰
- bluff erosion ==> 陡壁冲刷
- bluff failure ==> 陡壁坍毁
- bluff piece ==> 爪件
- bluff work ==> 边坡整平工作
- bluing ==> 烧蓝
- bluing of steel ==> 钢加蓝
- bluing salt ==> 烧蓝用盐
- bluish green spotted ==> 青点
- bluish red ==> 浅蓝红色的
- bluish white ==> 青白,青白色
- bluish white porcelain ==> 青白瓷
- bluish-green argon laser ==> 蓝绿氩激光器
- bluit up welding ==> 堆焊
- Blum reagent ==> 布路姆试剂
- Blum speed up theorem ==> 波鲁姆加速定理
- Blum substance ==> 布路姆氏物质
- Blum's compress theorem ==> 波鲁姆压缩定理
- Blumberg's sign ==> 布隆堡氏征
- Blumea oil ==> 艾叶油
- Blumer's sign ==> 布路姆氏征
- Blumlein line ==> ブルームライン線路
- Blums syndrome ==> 布路默氏综合征
- blunder ==> 误差,故障=>大失敗,大間違い
- blunder against ==> 冲撞
- blunt ==> 钝的
- blunt angle ==> 钝角
- blunt arch ==> 垂拱
- blunt bolt ==> 木螺栓
- blunt cutting edge ==> 钝切削刃
- blunt dissection ==> 钝器解剖,钝器解剖法
- blunt edge ==> 钝缘
- blunt end ==> 钝端
- blunt ended body ==> 钝尾物体
- blunt file ==> 齐头平锉,直边锉
- blunt mill file ==> 平行细锉
- blunt nosed cone ==> 钝头锥体
- blunt pile ==> 钝头桩
- blunt point suture needle ==> 锤头缝合计
- blunt round file ==> 齐头圆锉
- blunt square file ==> 平行方锉
- blunt start ==> 螺钉钝头
- blunt trailing edge ==> 钝后缘
- blunt(-nosed) body ==> 钝头物体
- blunt-edged ==> 去锐边
- blunt-ended root ==> 钝根
- blunt-nosed ==> 钝头的
- blunt-tipped hairs ==> 钝尖茸毛
- blunted cone ==> 钝锥
- blunting of affect ==> 感情迟钝
- blunting of feeling ==> 感情迟钝
- blur ==> 模糊=>ぼやけ,不鮮明な状態
- blur circle ==> 模糊圈,弥散圆
- blur factor ==> 模糊因数
- blur level ==> 模糊级
- blur spot ==> 模糊斑点
- blurb ==> 书籍护封广告
- blurred ==> 模糊的
- blurred contour ==> 模糊轮廓
- blurred image ==> 模糊图像,模糊形象=>ぼやけた画像
- blurred neuron ==> 模糊神经原
- blurred picture ==> 模糊图像
- blurred region ==> 模糊区域
- blurred target ==> 模糊目标
- blurred vision ==> 视力模糊,目昏
- blurring ==> 模糊
- blurring computer ==> 模糊计算机
- blurring effect ==> 模糊效应
- blurring formula ==> 模糊公式
- blurring highlight test 3 ==> 耐酸试验后搪瓷表面侵蚀程度试验
- blurring mapping ==> 模糊变换
- blurring transition function ==> 模糊转变函数
- blurry ==> 模糊=>ぼやけた,曖昧な
- blurry photo ==> ピンぼけの写真
- blurry vision ==> 視界不良
- blush proof for vinyl perchloside coating ==> 过氯乙烯漆防潮剂
- bluster ==> 怒号,こけおどし,空威張り
- blutene chloride ==> 氯化布鲁廷,氯化妥龙
- BLV, bleed valve ==> ブリード弁
- BLWT, balance weight ==> バランスウエイト
- Blyths test ==> 布莱恩氏试验
- BM Beam ==> 船梁
- BM Boom ==> 突然增加,繁茂昌盛时期
- BM Mayanmar (Burma) (Flag) ==> 缅甸(注册)
- BM tea ==> 混合碎茶
- BM, Barlekamp-Massey ==> BCH(Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem)符号や,RS(Reed-Solomon)符号の高速な多重誤り訂正復号のアルゴリズム
- BM, berthing mechanism ==> 結合機構
- BM, bias momentum system ==> バイアスモーメンタム方式
- BM, Biological Microscope ==> 生物顕微鏡
- BM, bus module ==> バスモジュール
- BM, bus monitor console ==> バス監視盤
- BMC ==> 模塑料块
- BMCB, Bus and Mission Equipment Checkout Control Board ==> 基本機器及び搭載機器チェックアウト管理委員会
- BMD, ballistic missile defence ==> 弾道ミサイル防御
- BMDSS, ballistic missile defence support system ==> 弾道弾防衛支援装置
- BME, Biomedical Engineering ==> 医用生体工学
- BMI, Bilinear Matrix Inequality ==> BMI
- BMI, Body Mass Index ==> 肥満判定の共通の尺度,体重÷{身長×身長},日本肥満学会はこの計算結果,22を標準として,20未満をやせ、26.4以上を肥満としています.
- BML, broadcast markup language ==> テレビ放送によるデータ配信用に策定した。XMLベースのコンテンツ記述言語の規格。
- BMLA British Maritime Law Association ==> 英国海事法律协会
- BMLTR, body mounted low temperature radiator ==> 本体取付型低温放熱器
- BMMD, body mass measuring device ==> 本体部質量測定装置
- BMO, Ballistic Missile Office ==> 弾道ミサイル局
- BMP Best Manufacturing Practices (U.S. Navy Program) ==> 最佳制造业实践(美国海军项目)
- BMP program ==> 成批文电处理程序
- BMP, basic multilingual plane ==> Unicodeのベースになっている文字コードの基本構造
- BMR, body-mounted radiator ==> 本体取付ラジエータ
- BMR, bubble memory recorder ==> バブルメモリレコーダ
- BMS, broadcast message server ==> アプリケーション間でデータを交換する米Hewlett-Packard社の機構
- BMS, Building Management System ==> ビルの設備管理システム
- BMSC, body-mounted solar collector ==> 本体取付太陽熱収集装置
- BMU ==> 德国环境部
- BMU Bermuda (Flag) ==> 百慕大(注册)
- BMU, battery management unit ==> バッテリ管理装置
- BMU, bi-level multiplexer unit ==> バイフェーズマルチプレクサユニット
- BNAe, National Office for Standards in Aeronautic(Bureau de Normalisation de l'Aeronautique) ==> (意訳:国立航空標準化局)
- BNC, Bayonet Neil-Concelman ==> 同軸ケーブル用のコネクタの1つで,差し込んで回すことでロックできる。「BNC」の由来についてはBritish National Connectorであるとか,Bayonet lock type N connectorであるなど,さまざまな説がある
- BNCSR, British National Committee on Space Research ==> 英国宇宙研究委員会
- BND, bond ==> ボンド
- BNF-like term ==> 类巴科斯范式术语
- BNL, basic noise level ==> 基准噪音声级
- BNM Broadcast Notice to Mariners ==> 水手广播通知
- BNSC, British National Space Center ==> 英国国立宇宙センター
- Bnusen ice calorimeter ==> 本生冰量热器
- bo be no marked by clear anatomical change ==> 没有明显的解剖学变化
- BO, burn out ==> 燃焼終了
- boar pig ==> 小公猪
- board ==> 舷,司,台,船舷,屏,复合板材,仪表板,条板,插件板,板,板材,支承板=>盤,台,板材
- board and batten ==> 薄厚板镶接
- board as a rare commodity ==> 奇货可居
- board B/L ==> 插件导轨
- board chronometer ==> 天文钟
- board clip ==> 单板夹
- board coal ==> 纤维质煤,木煤,木煤体
- board code ==> 插件板代码
- board computer ==> 单板电子计算机
- board cutter ==> 纸板裁切机
- board cutting machine ==> 锯板机,锯板机
- board deals ==> 厚宽板材
- board debugger ==> 插件调试器
- board destination ==> 目的地交货
- board drop hammer ==> 夹板锤
- board drop stamp ==> 夹板落锤捣碎机
- board edge iron ==> 包边
- board fence ==> 木板栅栏
- board foot ==> 木料英尺,板尺,板英尺
- board foot measure ==> 板英尺量度
- board for stretching leather ==> 钉皮板
- board guard ==> 夹板防护罩
- board guide ==> 插件导轨
- board hammer ==> 重力式落锤
- board level ==> 插板层次
- board lifter ==> 插件板插拔器
- board machine ==> 纸板机定形机
- board marker ==> 基板メーカー
- board measure ==> 板积测量,板积计
- board metre ==> 板米
- board mill ==> 板材制板厂,制板厂,锯板厂,锯板厂
- board notation ==> 已装船批注
- board of conciliation ==> 调解委员会
- board of directors ==> 理事会
- board of estimate ==> 财政监查委员会
- board of extraordinary directors ==> 非常董事会
- Board of Governors ==> 理事会
- board of review ==> 课税证价审查委员会
- Board of Trade ==> 英国贸易部
- Board of Trade unit ==> 商用电量单位(等于1千瓦小时)
- board of trustee ==> 信任理事会
- board of trustees ==> 托事会
- board officer ==> 海关联络员
- board paper ==> 厚纸,纸板
- board parquetry ==> 木板嵌镶,木板嵌镶
- board pump ==> 甲板泵
- board rule ==> 板尺,板英尺
- board sawmill ==> 制板厂
- board scraper ==> 板式刮土机
- board splitter ==> 缝楔,分板楔
- board testing system ==> 基板テストシステム
- board type console ==> 面板式控制台
- board type insulant ==> 板状绝热材料
- board wages ==> 膳宿工资
- board walk ==> 木板人行道
- board-and-brace work ==> 镶接木板
- board-and-lodging apartment ==> 膳宿公寓
- board-foot measure ==> 木材等级
- board-like ==> 板样的
- board-like consis ==> 板样硬度
- board-like rigidity ==> 板状强直
- board-marked texture ==> 模板印纹
- board-mounted controller ==> 面板式控制器
- board-rule ==> 量木尺
- board-type insulant ==> 毡状绝热材料
- boarded door ==> 木板门
- boarded leather ==> 磨光皮革
- boarding ==> 地板,搓纹,起纹,铺板,安装本板,安装木板,木装修板
- boarding check ==> 登机牌
- boarding joist ==> 板条托梁,楼板搁棚
- boarding line ==> 嵌接线
- boarding machine ==> 定型机
- boarding press ==> 热压定形机
- boarding ramp ==> タラップ
- boardinghouse ==> 膳宿公寓
- boardings ==> 验船条款
- Boas' point ==> 博阿斯氏点
- Boas' sign ==> 博阿斯氏征
- Boas' test ==> 博阿斯氏试验,博亚斯试验
- Boas-Oppler bacillus ==> 嗜酸乳杆菌
- boast ==> 自慢,自慢話
- boast a high academic standard ==> 学術水準が高い
- boast a large market share ==> 大きな市場占有率を誇る
- boast of one's high productivity ==> 生産性の高さを誇る
- boast of one's hometown ==> お国自慢をする
- boasted joint surface ==> 宽凿接缝槽面
- boasted work ==> 宽凿工
- boat ==> 船,舟,艇,(烧舟)挑料环
- boat basin ==> 泊地,锚地
- boat boom ==> 吊艇杆
- boat compass ==> 航海罗盘
- boat conformation ==> 船式构型
- boat crane ==> 吊艇起重机
- boat davit ==> 吊艇杆
- boat derrick ==> 船式起重机,水上起重机
- boat fall ==> 吊艇滑车索
- boat fly ==> 松藻虫
- boat for collection and transportation of fish ==> 集运鱼船,以船体集运鱼群过坝的一种过鱼设施
- boat form ==> 船式
- boat hire ==> 小船运费
- boat hook ==> 船拖钩,钩头篙
- boat measurement ==> 船测
- boat note ==> 交货记录,配载清单
- boat note (BN) ==> 卸货授受单
- boat of refractory metal ==> (真空镀膜用)高熔点金属舟
- boat of refractory metal (真空镀膜用) ==> 高熔点金属舟
- boat plug ==> 船底排水旋塞
- boat reactor ==> 舟形反应器
- boat scaffold ==> 悬挂式脚手架
- boat shaped object ==> 船形器
- boat shaped vase ==> 船形壶
- boat spar ==> 吊艇杆
- boat spike ==> 船钉
- boat tractor ==> 机耕船
- boat train ==> (与船运衔接的)联运列车
- boat-mounted streamflow-measuring equipment ==> 船用水文测验设备
- boat-shaped abdomen ==> 舟形腹
- boatman charge ==> 小船运费
- boatsail drill ==> 船帆布
- boatswain's chair ==> (高空作业用的)吊椅
- boax glass ==> 硼砂玻璃
- bob ==> 秤锤,敲,振子球,振子坠,擦光毡,测锤,暗冒口,摆,抛光轮
- BOB Bunkers on Board ==> 船上燃料舱
- bob pendulum ==> 连叉摆
- bob sled ==> 二橇拖材车
- bob sleigh ==> 二橇拖材车
- bob up like a cork ==> 东山再起
- bob weight ==> 反重
- bob wire ==> 铅垂准线
- bob(sled) ==> 大雪橇
- BOB, break out box ==> 信号取り出し用中継箱
- bobbejaan spanner ==> 自在スパナ
- bobber ==> 浮沉材
- bobbin ==> 点火线圈,线圈,绕线管,筒管,架圈,胶卷轴,线圈胎型=>ボビン,糸巻き
- bobbin and fly frame ==> 粗紡機
- bobbin back loading auto-doffer ==> 后部装管式自动落纱机
- bobbin case ==> ボビンケース
- bobbin core ==> 线圈架心,带绕磁心
- bobbin cutter ==> ボビンカッター
- bobbin disk(-sc) ==> 卷盘,卷盘
- bobbin feeder ==> 绕线管进给器,绕线架进给器,绕线筒进给器
- bobbin fibre paper ==> 纱管纸=>紙ボビン
- bobbin hanger ==> ボビンハンガー
- bobbin holder ==> ボビンホルダー
- bobbin net ==> 珠罗纱
- bobbin oil ==> 锭子油
- bobbin peg ==> 筒子插钉
- bobbin seal ==> 套管密封
- bobbin sorter ==> 筒管分径机
- bobbin spinning machine ==> 筒管纺纱机
- bobbin stripper ==> 清除筒脚车
- bobbin winder tension bracket ==> 倒线架小过线
- bobbin winding ==> 圆筒式绕组
- bobbine ==> 绕线管
- bobbiner ==> 粗纱机
- bobbinet frame ==> 花边织机
- bobbing ==> 标记干扰性移动
- bobbing machine ==> 振动机
- bobbing target ==> 隐显靶
- Bobbs' operation ==> 鲍勃斯氏手术
- Bobbs operation ==> 鲍勃斯氏手术
- bobby veal ==> 小牛肉
- bobcat ==> 短尾猫
- bobierite ==> 白磷镁石
- Bobierre's metal ==> 鲍氏黄铜
- Bobierres metal ==> 鲍氏黄铜
- Bobillier's law ==> 博比里尔定律
- bobrovkite ==> 高镍铁矿
- Bobrovska garnet ==> 绿钙铁榴石
- bobtail pooling ==> 拼凑的合伙经营
- boby bonds ==> 小额债券
- BOC, base operations contract ==> 射場運用契約
- BOCDR, Brillouin Optical Correlation Domain Reflectometry ==> 自然ブリルアン散乱と参照光の干渉状態を制御して分布測定を実現する方法
- bock beer ==> 黑啤酒
- bock kiln ==> 堆砌式烧砖窑
- Bock's ganglion ==> 颈动脉神经节,颈动脉神经节,颈动脉神经节,颈动脉神经节
- Bock's three-component model ==> 博克三分量模型
- Bockhart's impetigo ==> 博克哈特氏脓疱病
- bod ==> 泥塞
- BOD 50:SS 50 ==> 每公升废水的生化需氧量及悬浮固体比率为50︰50毫克
- BOD, biochemical oxygen demand ==> 生化需氧量,五日生物需氧量=>生化学的酸素要求量
- Bodansky unit ==> 博丹斯基氏单位,博唐斯基单位
- Bode diagram ==> 伯德图,博德图=>ボード線図
- Bode plot ==> 波特图
- Bode's law ==> 波得定则,伯德定则
- bode's theorem ==> 伯德定理
- Bodecker index ==> 博德克氏指数
- Bodenstein number ==> 博登斯坦数
- bodhisattva ==> 菩萨=>菩薩
- Bodian staining method ==> 博迪恩氏胶体银染色法
- bodily movement ==> 整体运动
- bodily pain ==> 躯体痛
- bodily tide ==> 固体潮
- body ==> 物体,阀体,船体,床身,墨水浓度,体,坯体,本体,本文,身,正文=>身体,人体,肉体,人物,人,主部,本文,胴体,集まり,塊,機関,物体,実質,濃度
- body accessories ==> 车身附件
- body acid ==> 主份酸
- body aid ==> 助体
- body armor ==> 防弹衣
- body assembly line ==> 车身装焊流水线
- body at the front ==> 前犁体
- body at the rear ==> 后犁体
- body axis ==> 联系轴,机体轴,机体轴线
- body bloating ==> (陶瓷缺陷)疙瘩
- body bolster ==> 车架承梁,车身承梁=>枕梁
- body bracket ==> 车身托架
- body break ==> 辊身折断
- body brick ==> 炉体砖=>炉体れんが
- body brush ==> 马刷
- body builder ==> 车身制造厂
- body building ==> 健美运动
- body burden ==> 体含量=>体内負荷量
- body capacitance ==> 人体电容
- body capacity ==> 人体容量
- body capacity effect ==> 人体电容影响
- body cavity ==> 体腔
- body cell ==> 体细胞
- body centered cubic lattice ==> 体心立方格子
- body centered lattice ==> 体心晶格
- body centered tetragonal lattice ==> 体心正方晶格
- body centred cubic packing ==> 体心立方堆积
- body centred grating ==> 体心格子
- body centred lattice ==> 体心晶格
- body charge ==> 体电荷
- body chassis frame construction ==> 非承载式车身
- body circulation ==> 体の血液循環
- body cleaner ==> 车身清洗器
- body colo(u)r ==> 体色
- body component ==> 車体部品
- body composition ==> 体躯成分
- body condition ==> 膘情
- body cone ==> 体锥面
- body conformation ==> 体型
- body constituents ==> 生物体的组成部分
- body construction ==> 车身构造
- body contact ==> 接壳
- body coordinate axis ==> 车身坐标轴线
- body core ==> 主芯
- body corporate ==> 法人团体
- body coupling ==> 本体結合
- body covering ==> 身体外层
- body damping ==> 机身阻尼
- body defect ==> 坯体缺陷
- body design ==> 车身设计
- body diode ==> ボディーダイオード
- body direction estimation ==> 身体方向推定
- body disc ==> 体盘
- body distortion ==> 本体变形,本体畸变
- body division ==> 车身分块
- body dose ==> 全身剂量
- body drag ==> 机体阻力
- body drawing ==> 车身制图
- body dumping mechanism ==> 车厢倾卸机构
- body durability test ==> 车身寿命(疲劳)试验
- body effect ==> 人体効果,人体电容效应,人体效应
- body fat ==> 体脂肪
- body feathers ==> 体羽
- body fitted grid generation method with moving boundaries ==> 移動境界適合座標系
- body flange ==> 法兰模板,凸缘体
- body fluid ==> 津液,体液
- body flux ==> 坯用熔剂
- body force ==> 体积力
- body formation ==> 坯体成形
- body forming machine ==> 罐身成形机
- body frame ==> 车底架,机体架,身架=>车身骨架
- body framing ==> 車体骨組み
- body freedom ==> 物体自由度
- body hardware ==> 车身金属构件
- body height ==> 身長
- body hold down bracket ==> 车身托架
- body image ==> 体像
- body in white ==> 白车身
- body integrity ==> 五体満足
- body interference ==> 机身干涉
- body jack ==> 车身千斤顶
- body label ==> 罐身商标纸
- body layout ==> 车身总布置图
- body leakage ==> 机壳漏泄
- body length ==> 身长,体长
- body light ==> 车内灯
- body longeron ==> 机身纵梁
- body lotion ==> 润肤露
- body louse ==> 体虱=>ヒトジラミ
- body manufacturing ==> 车身制造
- body material ==> 釜体材质
- body materials ==> 车身材料
- body matter ==> 毛条版面,本文
- body measurement ==> 体尺
- body measurements of a horse ==> 马体测量
- body model ==> 车身型式
- body mold ==> 模体
- body motion monitoring ==> 体動監視
- body necking-in machine ==> 罐身收颈机
- body nodal point ==> 机身重心
- body of axle ==> 轴身
- body of car ==> 车身
- body of casting ==> 铸体
- body of caudate nucleus ==> 尾状核体
- body of clitoris ==> 阴蒂体=>陰核体
- body of deed ==> 契据本文
- body of epididymis ==> 附睾体
- body of equipment ==> 设备的壳体
- body of fornix ==> 穹窿体
- body of gland ==> 腺体
- body of humerus ==> 肱骨体
- body of ilium ==> 髂骨体
- body of incus ==> 砧骨体
- body of lathe bed ==> 车床床身
- body of mamma ==> 乳房体
- body of masonry ==> 圬工主体
- body of oil ==> 润滑油底质
- body of pancreas ==> 胰体
- body of penis ==> 阴茎体
- body of prostate ==> 前列腺体
- body of pump ==> 泵体
- body of pure yang ==> 纯阳之体
- body of revolution ==> 回转体
- body of rod ==> 杆体
- body of roll ==> 辊身
- body of screw ==> 螺钉体
- body of sea water ==> 海水体
- body of stomach ==> 胃体
- body of talus ==> 距骨体,距骨体
- body of the needle ==> 针身
- body of the report ==> 报告正文
- body of the tentorium ==> 幕骨体
- body of the work ==> 正文
- body of urinary bladder ==> 膀胱体
- body of uterus ==> 子宫体
- body of valve ==> 阀体
- body of velocity ==> 速度体
- body of water ==> 贮水池
- body of wheel ==> 轮盘
- body opening ==> 体孔
- body oriented coordinate system ==> 固定于物体的坐标系
- body paint ==> 车身油漆
- body part of a pig ==> 猪体部位
- body parts of a cock ==> 公鸡躯体的部位
- body parts of a dairy cow ==> 乳用母牛躯身的部位
- body parts of a horse ==> 马体的部位
- body parts of sheep ==> 绵羊躯体的部位
- body peel off ==> 坯爆
- body piece ==> 全茎苗
- body pitch ==> 犁体倾斜度
- body plan ==> 弹体平面图,机身平面图
- body plethysmograph ==> 躯体容积描记器
- body polisher ==> 车身抛光工具
- body preparation ==> 坯体制备
- body products ==> 生物产品
- body proportion ==> 体尺比例
- body rail ==> 机身纵梁
- body reaction time ==> 全身反应时间
- body recess ==> 颈部,颈部
- body refuse ==> 泥渣
- body regulator ==> 身体调节剂
- body rhythm ==> 机体节律
- body rolling machine ==> 罐身成圆机
- body scab ==> 气疤
- body screw ==> 犁体螺钉
- body sealing test ==> 车身密封试验
- body section ==> 床身,机舱
- body shear bolt ==> 车身保险螺栓
- body shear bolt bracket ==> 车身保险螺栓架
- body shell ==> 车身外壳
- body size ==> 体格大小,铅字尺寸
- body size hole ==> 通孔
- body skirt ==> 车身裙部
- body slip ==> 坯用泥浆
- body slip angle ==> 車体すべり角
- body slitting machine ==> 罐身截断机
- body solid ==> 固体
- body source ==> 体源
- body stain ==> 坯用色料
- body statement ==> 本体语句
- body steadiness ==> 身体稳定
- body stock ==> 体砧
- body stress ==> 体应力
- body structural member ==> 车身结构件
- body support ==> 支身架
- body support rod ==> 车身支杆
- body surface ==> 辊身表面
- body surface development ==> 车身制表面
- body surface pressure distribution test ==> 车身表面压力分布试验
- body surface treatment ==> 车身表面处理
- body switchover ==> (双向犁的)犁体翻转机构
- body system ==> 体系
- body temperature ==> 体温
- body temperature transducer ==> 体温传感器
- body tender bolster ==> 煤水车身承梁
- body test ==> 车身试验
- body test of whole tank vehicle (trailer) ==> 整车车体检验
- body tide ==> 固体潮
- body training ==> 身体の鍛練
- body trajectory ==> 胴体軌道
- body truss rod ==> 车身骨架支柱
- body truss rod bracket ==> 车身内柱架
- body type ==> 体型
- body up ==> 变稠
- body upholstery ==> 车身衬里
- body varnish ==> 车身涂料
- body vibration test ==> 车身振动试验
- body wall ==> 体壁
- body warp ==> 地经纱
- body water ==> 体内水分量
- body wave ==> 体波
- body weight ==> 体重
- body welding machine ==> 罐身焊接机
- body wetting before glazing ==> 补水
- body whorl ==> 体層
- body wrinkle ==> 皮肤褶襞
- body wrinkles ==> 拉延件侧壁皱纹
- body-building apparatus ==> 锻炼身体肌肉器械
- body-cent(e)red ==> 体心
- body-centered ==> 体心的
- body-centered cubic ==> 体心立方
- body-centered cubic lattice ==> 体心立方格子
- body-centered cubic structure ==> 体心立方结构
- body-centred ==> 体心的
- body-centred cube ==> 体心立方体
- body-centred cubic ==> 体心立方的
- body-centred cubic lattice ==> 体心立方晶格
- body-centred tetragonal (bct) ==> 体心四方
- body-demilune body ==> 半月体
- body-fixed coordinate system ==> 地固坐标
- body-glaze fit ==> 坯釉适应性
- body-glaze intermediate layer ==> 坯釉中间层
- body-righting reflex ==> 身体翻正反射
- body-type ==> 车身式样
- body-type antenna ==> 弹力天线
- bodying ==> 稠化,变稠
- bodying agent ==> 基础剂
- Boedeker's test ==> 伯德克氏试验
- boehm lamellae ==> 勃姆薄层
- boehmite ==> 勃姆石
- Boeing aircraft ==> 波音飞机
- Boeing helicopter ==> 波音直升机
- Boeing Scientific Research Laboratory ==> 波音科学研究所
- Boerhaaves syndrome ==> 布尔哈夫氏综合征
- Boettger's test ==> 伯特格尔试验
- bof ==> 碱性氧气转炉
- BOF, back out file ==> 更新前ファイル
- BOFFER Best Offer ==> 最佳报价
- bog ==> 沼地,沼泽,采空区平巷,藓沼,藓沼,泥炭沼泽
- BOG ==> ボイルオフガス
- bog bath ==> 泥浴
- bog coal ==> 沼煤,土状褐煤
- bog gale ==> 香杨梅
- bog harrow ==> 重型沼泽地缺口圆盘耙
- bog iron ore ==> 沼铁矿
- bog land ==> 沼泽地
- bog lime ==> 沼泽石灰
- bog mine ore ==> 沼矿
- bog moss ==> 泥炭藓
- bog ore ==> 沼铁矿
- bog peat ==> 沼泽泥炭
- bog pondweed ==> 眼子菜
- bog road ==> 采空区内平巷
- bog soil ==> 沼泽土
- bog spavin ==> 飞节软肿
- BOG, Boil Off Gas ==> 気化ガス
- bog-moss association ==> 泥炭藓群丛
- bog-oak remover ==> 埋木清除器
- Bogardus scale ==> 博加德斯
- bogen structure ==> 玻璃碎片构造
- bogey ==> 非正式定额
- boghead ==> 烟煤,藻煤
- boghead cannel shale ==> 沼油页岩
- boghead coal ==> 藻煤
- boghead-cannel ==> 藻烛煤
- bogie ==> 转向架,小车,小矿车,吊车转盘,承轮梁,平衡装置,矿车,行走机构,双后轴轮架,支承轮,超过标准杆数的一击=>ボギー,ボギー車
- bogie arm ==> 地轮臂
- bogie axle ==> ボギー軸
- bogie bolster ==> 转向架承梁
- bogie bracket ==> 转向托架
- bogie car ==> 转架车,转向车=>ボギー車
- bogie frame ==> 转向构架
- bogie gudgeon ==> 转向架耳轴
- bogie hearth furnace ==> 活底炉
- bogie kiln ==> 窑车式间歇式窑
- bogie landing gear ==> 小车式起落架
- bogie link ==> 转向器连接架
- bogie locomotive ==> 转向机车
- bogie of car ==> 车辆转向架
- bogie pin ==> 转向架转轴
- bogie rocker arm ==> 地轮摇臂
- bogie slide ==> 转向架滑座
- bogie stock ==> 转向架小车
- bogie truck ==> 转向车架,矿车=>ボギー台車
- bogie undercarriage ==> 小车式起落架,多轮式起落架
- bogie vibration ==> 台車振動
- bogie volute spring ==> 转向架锥形弹簧
- bogie wheel ==> 负重轮
- bogie wheel bracket ==> 转向架轮托座
- bogie wheel gudgeon pin ==> 转向架轮耳轴销
- bogie-type furnace ==> 车底式炉
- Boglolubov-Parasiuk theorem ==> 巴哥罗伯夫-泊拉奇克定理
- bogmaster combine ==> 水田联合收获机
- Bogota ==> 圣菲波哥大=>ボゴタ
- Bogu Studio ==> 博古斋
- bogus ==> 伪造的
- bogus company ==> 虚设公司,空头商行
- bogus demand and supply system ==> 虚假供需系统
- bogus equation ==> 虚构方程
- bogus folio (bf) ==> 临时对开页码
- bogus paper ==> 仿制纸
- bogus stock company ==> 不合规章的股份公司
- bogus transaction ==> 虚市交易
- Bohai kiln ==> 渤海窑
- boheic acid ==> 茶酸
- Bohemian gemstones ==> 波希米亚宝石类
- Bohemian glass ==> 玻希米亚玻璃,硬玻璃
- Bohemian topaz ==> 黄晶
- bohler ==> 银亮钢
- Bohlin method ==> 波林群法
- Bohm flux ==> ボームフラックス
- Bohr atom ==> 玻尔氏原子,玻尔原子,波尔原子
- Bohr effect ==> 玻尔效应,波尔氏效应
- Bohr frequency ==> 玻尔频率
- Bohr frequency principle ==> 波玻尔频率定则
- Bohr frequency rule ==> 玻尔频率规则,波玻尔频率定则
- Bohr magneton ==> 玻尔磁子
- Bohr magneton number ==> 玻尔磁子数
- Bohr model ==> 玻尔模型
- Bohr orbit ==> 玻尔轨道
- Bohr postulates ==> 玻尔假设
- Bohr radius ==> 玻尔半径,波玻尔半径
- Bohr theory ==> 玻尔理论,玻尔学说,波尔理论
- Bohr transition ==> 玻尔跃迁,波尔跃迁
- Bohr's correspondence principle ==> 对应原理
- Bohr, N.H.D.Bohr ==> 1885-1962,丹麦物理学家
- Bohr-coster diagram ==> 玻尔-科斯特图
- Bohr-sommerfield atom ==> 玻尔-索末菲原子
- Bohr-Sommerfield atom ==> 玻尔-索末菲原子
- Bohr-sommerfield theory ==> 玻尔-索末菲理论
- Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem ==> 玻尔-冯刘文定理
- Bohr-wheeler theory of fission ==> 玻尔-惠勒裂变理论
- boi1er tube ==> 锅炉管
- boil ==> 沸腾,疖,煮,煮沸,沸腾声,沸腾细气泡
- boil medicine ==> 煎药
- boil off gas ==> ボイラオフガス
- boil on the toe ==> 趾疔
- boil over ==> 沸溢
- boil smut ==> 玉蜀黍黑粉病
- boil up ==> 滚沸
- boil-off ==> 蒸发,汽化损耗
- boil-off assistant ==> 脱胶助剂
- boiled ==> 煮沸的
- boiled linseed oil ==> 熟亚麻仁油,精炼熟胡麻油
- boiled oil ==> 清油,熟炼油,熟亚麻仁油
- boiled oil paint ==> 干性油漆
- boiled soybean ==> 枝豆
- boiled tar ==> 脱水焦油,熟焦油
- boiled-out water ==> 沸过的蒸馏水
- boiler ==> 锅炉,蒸发器,蒸发器,蒸煮器,煮锅,锅炉,利用燃料燃烧释放的热能或其它热能加热水或其他工质,以生产规定参数(温度,压力)和品质的蒸汽、热水或其他工质的设备=>ボイラ
- boiler accessories ==> 锅炉附件
- boiler accessory ==> 锅炉附件
- boiler air flow model ==> 锅炉冷态模化试验模型
- boiler air heater ==> 锅炉空气预热器
- boiler alarm ==> 锅炉警报器,缺水报警器
- boiler and pressure vessel ==> 锅炉及压力容器
- boiler antiscaling composition ==> 锅炉防垢剂
- boiler antiscaling compositions ==> 锅炉防锈剂
- boiler area ==> 锅炉区
- boiler arrangement of marine ==> 舶用锅炉装置
- boiler ash ==> 锅炉灰渣=>ボイラー灰
- boiler ash balance ==> 锅炉灰平衡,燃料在锅炉炉膛中燃烧产生的从炉底排渣口排出的灰渣。
- boiler attendance ==> 锅炉维护
- boiler automatic control ==> 锅炉自动控制=>ボイラー自動制御
- boiler auxiliaries ==> 锅炉附件
- boiler availability ==> 锅炉可用率
- boiler back end plate ==> 锅炉后挡板
- boiler back tube plate ==> 锅炉烟管后板
- boiler band ==> 锅炉箍圈
- boiler band joining bolt ==> 锅炉带圈连接螺栓
- boiler band joining eye bolt ==> 锅炉带圈连接眼螺栓
- boiler band joint piece ==> 锅炉带圈接合板
- boiler barrel ==> 锅炉圆筒,汽包
- boiler barrel first course ==> 第一节炉筒
- boiler barrel second course ==> 第二节炉筒
- boiler barrel third course ==> 第三节炉筒
- boiler bay ==> 锅炉房
- boiler bearer ==> 锅炉座
- boiler bedding ==> 锅炉座
- boiler blow-off ==> 锅炉排污
- boiler blow-off piping ==> 锅炉排污管
- boiler blowdown ==> 锅炉排污,连续排污和定期排污的排污水总流量。排污量占锅炉蒸发量的百分数称为排污率。
- boiler blowdown water ==> 锅炉冷凝水
- boiler body ==> 锅炉体
- boiler bottom ==> 锅炉底
- boiler bottom plate ==> 锅炉底板
- boiler brace ==> 锅炉拉条
- boiler bracket ==> 锅炉托架
- boiler brickwork ==> 锅炉衬砖
- boiler bridge ==> 炉坝,火坝
- boiler capacity ==> 锅炉容量=>ボイラー容量
- boiler casing ==> 锅炉套,锅炉外壁,锅炉围壁
- boiler chamber ==> ボイラー室
- boiler characteristic ==> ボイラー特性
- boiler check valve ==> 锅炉止回阀
- boiler circuit ==> 汽水系统
- boiler circulation ==> 锅炉环流
- boiler circulation pump ==> ボイラ再循環ポンプ
- boiler circumferential surface area ==> 锅炉外表面积
- boiler cleaning ==> 锅炉清洗
- boiler clothing ==> 炉套
- boiler clothing(boiler lagging) ==> 炉衣
- boiler coaling plant ==> 锅炉加煤设备
- boiler code ==> 锅炉规范
- boiler code penetrometer ==> 锅炉规范透度计
- boiler combustion ==> ボイラー燃焼
- boiler combustion adjustment test ==> 燃烧调整试验,根据冷、热态空气动力场相似理论的要求,计算室温下各次喷口的风量和风速,并在此工况条件下测定炉膛内的空气流动速度场的分布,以便掌握和评价炉内气流的流动特性的试验。该项试验可在实际炉膛内进行;也可在按几何相似缩小的模型上进行,称之为炉膛冷态模型试验。
- boiler component ==> 锅炉部件
- boiler composition ==> 锅炉防锈剂
- boiler compound ==> 锅炉防垢剂
- boiler conservation ==> 锅炉保养
- boiler construction ==> 锅炉构造
- boiler construction code ==> 锅炉制造规程
- boiler control ==> 锅炉调节
- boiler control box ==> 锅炉控制箱
- boiler control instrument ==> 锅炉控制仪
- boiler controls ==> 锅炉控制
- boiler convection bank ==> 锅炉对流传热管束
- boiler corrosion ==> 锅炉腐蚀
- boiler covering ==> 锅炉绝热罩
- boiler cradle ==> 锅炉托架
- boiler crown ==> 锅炉顶
- boiler dash plate ==> 锅炉中隔板
- boiler deposit ==> 锅垢
- boiler design performance ==> 锅炉设计性能,锅炉制造厂商根据燃料特性和用户的要求,设计时预期锅炉应具有的性能。
- boiler detergent ==> 锅炉洗涤剂
- boiler direct heat balance test ==> 锅炉正平衡试验,相对每千克固体、液体燃料或每标准立方米气体燃料,工质在锅炉能量平衡系统中所吸收的总热量,包括水和蒸汽吸收的热量、排污水和其他外用和自用蒸汽所消耗的热量等。
- boiler dome ==> 锅炉干汽室
- boiler draft ==> 锅炉通风力
- boiler drilling machine ==> 锅炉钻机
- boiler drum ==> 锅炉包
- boiler drum water level protection ==> 锅炉汽包水位保护,防止汽包锅炉发生因汽包水位过高或过低造成过热蒸汽带水或水冷壁管干烧等事故的保护措施
- boiler dust ==> 锅炉粉尘
- boiler duty ==> 锅炉蒸发量
- boiler economizer ==> 锅炉省煤器
- boiler efficiency ==> 锅炉效率
- boiler efficiency test ==> 锅炉热效率试验,随每千克或每标准立方米燃料输入锅炉的总热量,包括燃料收到基低位发热量和
- boiler efficiency, boiler thermal efficiency ==> 锅炉[热]效率,采用测量输入热量和锅炉各项热损失的方法来确定锅炉热效率的试验。
- boiler enclosure ==> 锅炉外壳
- boiler end ==> 锅炉封头
- boiler engineer ==> ボイラー技士
- boiler erection ==> 锅炉安装
- boiler evaporative section ==> 锅炉蒸发区
- boiler external piping ==> 锅炉外部管道
- boiler face ==> 炉面
- boiler fan turbine ==> 锅炉风机透平
- boiler feed ==> 锅炉给水
- boiler feed main ==> 锅炉给水母管
- boiler feed pipe ==> 锅炉给水管
- boiler feed pump ==> 锅炉给水泵
- boiler feed pump turbine ==> 锅炉给水泵透平
- boiler feed system instability ==> 锅炉给水系统不稳定性
- boiler feed valve ==> 锅炉给水阀
- boiler feed water ==> 锅炉给水
- boiler feed water pipe ==> 锅炉上水管
- boiler feeder ==> 锅炉给水器
- boiler feedpump ==> 锅炉给水泵
- boiler feedwater ==> 锅炉补给水
- boiler feedwater heating ==> 锅炉给水加热
- boiler feedwater regulation ==> 锅炉给水调节
- boiler feedwater treatment ==> 锅炉给水处理,采用除氧或加氧,以及加入药剂的方法调节锅炉给水水质符合要求,以防止给水系统金属腐蚀的处理过程
- boiler ferrule ==> 锅炉烟管套圈
- boiler fitting ==> 锅炉配件,锅炉装配附件
- boiler fittings ==> 锅炉附件
- boiler flexibility ==> 锅炉负荷适应性
- boiler flue ==> 锅炉烟道
- boiler flue gas monitoring ==> 锅炉排烟监测,用国家规定的方法测定和监视锅炉排烟中污染物浓度的工作
- boiler follow ==> 锅炉跟随
- boiler follow mode, BF ==> 锅炉跟踪方式,汽轮机控制功率,锅炉控制汽压,使锅炉的负荷适应汽轮机负荷变化需要的一种控制方式
- boiler follow up control system ==> ボイラ追従方式
- boiler following control system ==> 锅炉跟踪调节系统
- boiler following mode ==> 锅炉跟踪方式
- boiler foot ==> 锅炉支座
- boiler forge ==> 锅炉锻工车间
- boiler fouling ==> 锅炉污垢
- boiler foundation ==> 锅炉基础,承载锅炉全部荷重,并把它均匀地传递给下方岩土的钢筋混凝土结构。
- boiler front plate ==> 锅炉前挡板
- boiler front tube plate ==> 锅炉烟管前板
- boiler fuel ==> 锅炉燃料
- boiler fullpower capacity ==> (每小时能产生的蒸气量)锅炉满功率容量
- boiler furnace ==> 锅炉,锅炉火箱,锅炉炉膛
- boiler gasket ==> 锅炉垫密片
- boiler grate ==> 锅炉炉篦,锅炉篦
- boiler head ==> 锅炉封头
- boiler header ==> 锅炉联箱
- boiler heat balance ==> 锅炉热平衡
- boiler heat input ==> 锅炉输入热量,锅炉范围内最后一个受热面出口排出烟气的平均温度。
- boiler heating surface ==> 锅炉受热面
- boiler horsepower ==> (锅炉蒸发量单位)锅炉马力
- boiler house ==> 锅炉房
- boiler house for power station ==> 锅炉动力站
- boiler house layout ==> 锅炉房布置
- boiler hydrostatic test ==> 锅炉静压试验
- boiler improvement ==> 锅炉改进
- boiler indirect heat balance test ==> 锅炉反平衡试验,输入热量中未能为工质所吸收利用的部分,一般用所损失的热量占输入热量的百分率表示。
- boiler industry ==> 锅炉制造工业
- boiler inspection ==> 锅炉检查
- boiler installation ==> 锅炉安装
- boiler insulation ==> 锅炉保温
- boiler iron ==> 锅炉铁板
- boiler jacket ==> 锅炉外壳,锅炉外套
- boiler kier ==> 漂煮锅
- boiler lagging ==> 锅炉隔热套层,锅炉套箱,锅炉外套
- boiler lagging band ==> 锅炉外壳箍
- boiler lagging brass strap ==> 锅炉套铜圈
- boiler lagging plate ==> 锅炉隔热套层板
- boiler lagging plate band ==> 锅炉外套板箍
- boiler lagging plate band lug ==> 锅炉外套板带头
- boiler lagging plate joint piece ==> 锅炉套板接合板
- boiler lagging plate set screw ==> 锅炉套板止动螺钉
- boiler lagging spacing piece ==> 锅炉套间隔垫片
- boiler lighting up, ignition ==> 锅炉点火,利用高电压产生火花点燃油(气)燃料的装置。
- boiler load ==> 锅炉负荷
- boiler losses ==> 锅炉损耗
- boiler maker ==> 锅炉制造厂
- boiler maker's hammer ==> 锅炉工人用锤,锅炉用锤
- boiler maker's number ==> 锅炉出厂号码
- boiler maker's roll ==> 锅炉工人用轧轮
- boiler makers hammer ==> 锅炉工人用锤,锅炉用锤
- boiler makers roll ==> 锅炉工人用轧轮
- boiler manufacturer ==> 锅炉制造厂
- boiler maximum continuous rating, BMCR ==> 锅炉最大连续出力,又称"锅炉最大连续蒸发量"。锅炉在额定蒸汽(包括再热器进口蒸汽)参数、额定给水温度,并使用设计燃料时能安全连续运行的最大蒸发量。一般相应于汽轮机调节汽阀全开(VWO)工况时的最大连续蒸发量。
- boiler minimum combustion stable load rate, BMLR ==> 最低稳燃负荷率,锅筒锅炉运行中,将锅水中的沉渣和铁锈从汽水系统的较低处定期排出的过程。
- boiler minimum stable load without auxiliary fuel support ==> [燃煤锅炉]最低不投油稳燃负荷,锅筒锅炉运行中将含较多盐类、沉渣和铁锈的锅水排放到锅炉外的过程。
- boiler modulating control system ==> 锅炉模拟量控制系统,使锅炉适应负荷需要,或者维持锅炉各主要模拟量参数在要求范围内的各个模拟量控制系统的总称
- boiler mounting block ==> 锅炉架座
- boiler mountings ==> 锅炉装配附件
- boiler oil ==> 锅炉燃料,石油锅炉燃料
- boiler output ==> 锅炉输出
- boiler paint ==> 锅炉漆
- boiler patch bolt ==> 锅炉补块拧紧螺栓
- boiler performance ==> 锅炉性能
- boiler performance certificate test ==> 锅炉性能鉴定试验,检查锅炉炉膛、烟风道、空气预热器或制粉系统漏风的试验。
- boiler performance test ==> 锅炉性能试验,直吹式制粉系统在冷态下调节磨煤机出口一次风管上的缩孔或挡板,使各一次风管间风量均衡(相对偏差值不大于±5%)的试验。
- boiler pipe ==> 锅炉管
- boiler plant ==> 锅炉装置
- boiler plate ==> 锅炉板,锅炉钢板
- boiler plate bending machine ==> 锅炉板弯曲机
- boiler plate flanging machine ==> 锅炉板摺边机
- boiler plate gauge ==> 锅炉钢板量尺
- boiler plate planer ==> 锅炉板削边刨床
- boiler plug ==> 锅炉塞
- boiler plug alloy ==> 锅炉安全塞合金,易熔锅炉塞合金,易熔塞合金
- boiler pressure ==> 锅炉压力,锅炉压强
- boiler pressure gauge ==> 锅炉压力计
- boiler proper, boiler body ==> 锅炉本体,由锅筒、受热面及其间的连接管道、烟道、风道、阀门及附件、燃烧设备、构架(包括平台和扶梯)、炉墙等所组成的整体。
- boiler proving pump ==> 锅炉试验泵
- boiler pump ==> 锅炉试验泵
- boiler purge interlock ==> ボイラパージインタロック
- boiler rating ==> 锅炉额定蒸发量
- boiler regulator ==> 锅炉调节器
- boiler retarder ==> 锅炉阻流板
- boiler return circulating pump ==> 锅炉回水循环泵
- boiler return trap ==> 锅炉回水隔汽具
- boiler riveting machine ==> 锅炉铆接机
- boiler room ==> 锅炉房,锅炉间,证券推销所
- boiler saddle ==> 锅炉托架,锅炉支座
- boiler safety valve ==> 锅炉安全阀
- boiler scale ==> 锅炉垢,锅炉水垢
- boiler seal ==> 锅炉密封,防止炉膛、烟道内的烟气和外部空气从锅炉的非指定部位相互泄漏的结构。
- boiler seam ==> 锅炉接缝
- boiler seat ==> 锅炉座,锅炉座架
- boiler setting ==> 锅炉构架与护板,锅炉装置
- boiler setting, boiler wall ==> 锅炉炉墙,用耐火和保温材料等所砌筑或敷设的锅炉外壳。
- boiler shape ==> 锅炉型式
- boiler sheet ==> 锅炉筒钢皮
- boiler shell ==> 锅炉壳,锅炉壳体
- boiler shell drilling machine ==> 装锅炉外壳用钻机
- boiler shell foot ==> 炉筒角座
- boiler shell plate ==> 锅炉包板
- boiler shell ring ==> 锅炉外壳环箍
- boiler shop ==> 锅炉车间
- boiler shovel ==> 锅炉铲
- boiler shutdown ==> 停炉,采用向锅炉内充入氮气或气相缓蚀剂,将氧从锅炉汽水系统内驱赶出来,使金属表面与空气隔绝的停炉保护方法。
- boiler slag and bottom ash ==> 炉渣,燃煤锅炉从炉底排出的熔渣和粗灰
- boiler space ==> 锅炉房
- boiler start-up ==> [锅炉]起动,锅炉内为零表压,温度接近环境温度时的起动。
- boiler stay ==> 锅炉牵条
- boiler stay tap ==> 锅炉牵条螺丝攻
- boiler stays ==> 锅炉撑条
- boiler steam and water circuit ==> 锅炉汽水系统,又称"水动力特性试验"。检查锅炉在起动、停炉和各种运行工况下水循环可靠性的试验。
- boiler steam rate ==> 锅炉出力
- boiler steel ==> 锅炉钢,锅炉钢板
- boiler steel plate ==> 锅炉钢板
- boiler stool ==> 锅炉座
- boiler storage ==> 锅炉储备器
- boiler structure ==> 锅炉构架,用以支承锅炉本体及与锅炉本体相关联的管道、设备和部件的载荷并保持它们之间相对位置,并承受风、雪、地震作用引起的载荷的钢或钢与钢筋混凝土的空间结构。
- boiler stud ==> 锅炉双头螺栓
- boiler superheater ==> 锅炉过热器
- boiler suspender ==> 锅炉悬挂架
- boiler suspension ==> 锅炉吊架
- boiler system ==> 供热系统
- boiler test ==> 锅炉试验
- boiler trial ==> 锅炉试车
- boiler trim ==> 锅炉附件联接管
- boiler tube ==> 锅炉管
- boiler tube brush ==> 锅炉管刷
- boiler tube bundle ==> 锅炉管束,由同一进口集箱和出口集箱(或锅筒)之间并联管子所组成的束状对流受热面。
- boiler tube cleaner ==> 锅炉管清洁器,锅炉清洁器
- boiler tube stopper ==> 锅炉管塞子
- boiler unit ==> 锅炉机组,锅炉组,由锅炉本体,锅炉范围内管道,烟、风和燃料的管道及其附属设备、测量仪表和其它锅炉附属机械等组成的机械设备。
- boiler wall ==> 锅炉壁
- boiler water ==> 锅炉用水,锅水,锅炉炉内燃烧介质的流动、燃烧、传质与传热等过程的统称。
- boiler water circulation ==> 锅炉水循环,自然循环锅炉、强制循环锅炉和低循环倍率锅炉中,由下降管、上升管、锅筒(对低循环倍率锅炉为汽水分离器)和集箱(或下锅筒)所组成的工质循环流动的闭合蒸发系统。
- boiler water concentration ==> 锅水浓度,单位时间内锅炉有效利用热量占锅炉输入热量的百分比。或相应于每千克燃料(对固体和液体燃料;对气体燃料是每标准立方米)所对应的输入热量中有效利用热量所占百分比。
- boiler water conditioning ==> 锅炉水软化处理
- boiler water gauge ==> 锅炉水位表
- boiler water level regulator ==> 锅炉水位调节器
- boiler water quality ==> 锅水质量,锅水的SiO2、TDS(总含盐量)和电导率、氯离子、磷酸根以及pH值等符合规定要求的程度
- boiler water shortage ==> 锅炉缺水,低温粘结灰或松灰附着、聚集在受热面上的现象。
- boiler water treatment ==> 锅炉水处理
- boiler water tube ==> 锅炉水管
- boiler whistle ==> 锅炉汽笛
- boiler with bent tubes ==> 弯管式水管锅炉
- boiler with dry-bottom furnace ==> 固态排渣锅炉,燃料燃烧后生成的灰渣呈固态从炉膛排出的锅炉。
- boiler with large water space ==> 多水量锅炉
- boiler with slag-tap furnace,wet bottom boiler ==> 液态排渣锅炉,燃料燃烧后生成的炉渣在熔渣室的高温下熔化成液态从炉膛排出的锅炉。
- boiler with straight tubes ==> 直管式水管锅炉
- boiler working pressure ==> 锅炉工作压力
- boiler works ==> 锅炉厂
- boiler(water)concentration ==> 炉水浓度
- boiler-assembler ==> 锅炉安装单位
- boiler-follow control system ==> ボイラ追従制御
- boiler-incinerator composite ==> 锅炉焚烧炉联合装置
- boiler-plate model ==> 飞行器金属模型
- boiler-room operation ==> 期骗性证券经营
- boiler-tube washer ==> 锅炉洗管机
- boiler-turbine-generator unit protection ==> 单元机组保护,当单元机组运行过程中锅炉或汽轮发电机组发生紧急事故时,根据事故情况迅速将单元机组按预定的保护程序减负荷或停机
- boilermaker's hammer ==> 锅炉工用锤
- boilermakers hammer ==> 锅炉工用锤
- boilerplate ==> 导弹模拟舱
- boiliing point depression ==> 沸点降低
- boiling ==> 沸腾,滚沸,煮沸
- boiling bed ==> 沸腾床,流化层=>流動層
- boiling chamber ==> 沸腾室
- boiling constant ==> 沸点升高常数
- boiling crisis ==> 沸腾换热恶化,蒸发管内小汽泡不断在管子内壁上的汽化核心上产生和离开的正常传热模式,随着汽泡不断脱离壁面进入主水流,壁面附近的扰动增强,热交换过程强化,锅水及时填补到汽泡脱离的位置而冷却壁面。
- boiling flask ==> 长颈烧瓶
- boiling heat transfer coefficient ==> 沸腾传热系数
- boiling hole ==> 煮生石灰坑
- boiling hot ==> 滚烫
- boiling inflation ==> 恶性通货膨胀
- boiling kier ==> 沸煮锅,蒸煮锅
- boiling kiln ==> 沸煮炉
- boiling lake ==> 沸湖,高温湖
- boiling of cell ==> 电解槽沸腾
- boiling of soap ==> 肥皂的熬煮
- boiling over ==> 沸溢
- boiling period ==> 沸腾期
- boiling point ==> 沸点
- boiling point analyser ==> 沸点分析器
- boiling point apparatus ==> 沸点测定器
- boiling point curve ==> 沸点曲线
- boiling point diagram ==> 沸点图
- boiling point elevation ==> 沸点升高
- boiling point gravity constant ==> 沸点-比重值
- boiling point index ==> 沸点指数
- boiling point lowering ==> 沸点降低
- boiling point rising ==> 沸点升高
- boiling point test ==> 沸点试验
- boiling point viscosity constant ==> 沸点-粘度常数
- boiling range ==> 沸程,沸腾范围
- boiling spread ==> (石油馏分的)沸点范围
- boiling spring ==> 沸泉
- boiling steel ==> 沸腾钢
- boiling sterilization ==> 煮沸灭菌,煮沸灭菌法
- boiling sterilizer ==> 煮沸灭菌器,煮沸消毒器
- boiling stone ==> 沸腾石
- boiling surface ==> 沸腾表面
- boiling temperature ==> 沸点温度
- boiling test ==> 煮沸试验
- boiling the medicinal herbs ==> 煎药
- boiling tube ==> 蒸发管
- boiling water ==> 熱湯
- boiling water reactor ==> 沸騰水型原子炉
- boiling water reactor,BWR ==> 沸水反应堆,简称“沸水堆”。以沸腾轻水作慢化剂和冷却剂并在反应堆压力容器内直接产生饱和蒸汽的反应堆
- boiling water test ==> 耐沸水试验
- boiling-off ==> 煮练
- boiling-out ==> 煮炉,将锅炉中的水放出的过程。
- boiling-water reactor ==> 沸水堆
- boiling-water tub ==> 沸水管
- boiling-without vacuum ==> 常压油煮调湿法
- boilings ==> 搅炼矿渣
- boisterous ==> ばか騒ぎの,(天候が)荒れ狂った
- Boit-Savart law ==> 毕奥-萨伐尔定律
- Boivin antigen ==> 博伊文氏抗原
- BOL, beginning of life ==> 寿命初期
- BOL-weight, beginning of life weight ==> 軌道上寿命初期重量
- bolck code ==> 分组码
- bold ==> 勇敢な,ずうずうしい,力強い
- bold adventure ==> 思い切った冒険
- bold and dashing ==> 大胆で威勢の良い
- bold change ==> 思い切った改革
- bold cliff ==> 断崖
- bold corduroy ==> 粗条灯芯绒
- bold face letter ==> 粗线体,黑体字
- bold figure ==> 黑体字
- bold italics ==> 太字のイタリック(ベクトルの記号)
- bold line ==> 粗线=>太い線
- bold-type letter ==> 粗体字母
- boldenone ==> 勃地酮
- boldface ==> 粗体字,黑体字
- boldine ==> 波尔丁,(利尿药)波尔定
- bolding ground ==> 河绠贮木场
- boldoglucin ==> 波尔丁
- bole area ==> 干材断面积
- bolection molding ==> 镜框式线脚,镜框式线脚
- bolection moulding ==> 突线条
- Bolen test ==> 波伦氏试验
- boletic acid ==> 富马酸
- Bolinger Bands ==> 布林线指标,BOLL指标,研判股价运动趋势时使用
- Bolivian hemorrhagic fever ==> 波利维亚出血热
- boll ==> ボウル,円形の莢(さや)
- boll breaker ==> 荚壳破碎器
- boll crushers ==> 轧麻荚机
- boll rot ==> 铃腐,铃烂
- boll rot of cotton ==> 棉铃红腐病
- boll shedding ==> 落铃
- boll weevil ==> 棉象虫,棉子象鼻虫
- bollard ==> 系船柱,系船柱,系绳桩
- Bolley's gold purple ==> 波利紫金色料
- Bollinger body ==> 包氏
- Bollinger's granules ==> 博林格尔氏粒体
- Bollman extractor ==> 波尔曼萃取器
- Bollman truss ==> 包尔曼式桁架
- Bollmann extractor ==> 立式吊篮(波耳曼)萃取机
- bollom plate seam ==> 模底线印
- Bologna survey ==> 博洛尼亚射电源表
- bolometer ==> 辐射热测定器,辐射热计,热辐射仪=>ボロメータ
- bolometer bridge ==> 热辐射计电桥,测辐射热计电桥
- bolometer detector ==> 测辐射热计检验器
- bolometer mount ==> ボロメータマウント
- bolometer power meter ==> ボロメータ式電力計
- bolometric absolute magnitude ==> 绝对热星等,绝对热星等
- bolometric amplitude ==> 热星等变幅,测辐射热计
- bolometric correction ==> 热星等改正
- bolometric detector ==> 辐射探测器
- bolometric luminosity ==> 热光度
- bolometric magnitude ==> 热星等
- bolometric radiation ==> 热辐射
- bolometric standard irradiance ==> 测辐射热标准辐照度
- bolometric stellar magnitude ==> 辐射热计测量体大小
- bolometric wave detector ==> 辐射热检波器
- Bolsover Moor stone ==> 玻尔索瓦莫尔石
- bolster ==> まくら(車両)
- bolster connection ==> 垫枕接合
- bolster plate ==> 垫板,压床垫板,支承板
- bolster screw jack ==> 车架螺旋千斤顶
- bolster spring ==> 垫枕弹簧,承梁弹簧
- bolster spring cap ==> 承梁弹簧帽
- bolster spring plank ==> 车架承簧板
- bolster spring seat ==> 承梁弹簧座
- bolt ==> 锁舌,枪机,枪栓,杆柱,螺栓,锚杆,栓接=>ボルト
- Bolt ==> 博尔特=>ボルト
- bolt and nut ==> 带螺帽螺栓
- bolt and nut making machine ==> 制螺栓螺帽机
- bolt and nut split machine ==> 螺栓和螺帽拼合机
- bolt bar ==> 驻栓
- bolt cap ==> 螺母
- bolt chisel ==> 扁头錾
- bolt circle ==> 螺栓分布圆
- bolt circle diameter (B.C.D.) ==> 螺栓圆直径
- bolt clasp ==> 螺栓夹扣
- bolt clipper ==> 断线钳
- bolt clippers with pipe handle ==> 管式断线钳
- bolt clippers with tubular handle ==> 管式断线钳
- bolt connected joint ==> 螺栓接合
- bolt core ==> 螺栓型心
- bolt coupling ==> 螺栓联轴节
- bolt cropper ==> 割螺栓器
- bolt cutter ==> 螺栓刀具,断线钳
- bolt cutting lathe ==> 螺栓车床
- bolt die ==> 扳牙,板牙
- bolt end ==> 螺栓端
- bolt fastening ==> 螺栓连接
- bolt for tool post ==> 刀架螺栓
- bolt forcer ==> 螺栓冲孔器,螺栓压入机
- bolt forging machine ==> 锻螺栓机
- bolt former ==> 螺栓镦锻机
- bolt guide ==> 闩头导槽,闩头导槽
- bolt handle ==> 闩柄,闩柄
- bolt head trimming ==> 螺栓头冲压,冲压螺栓头
- bolt header ==> 螺杆冷镦机,螺栓头锻造机,螺栓头镦锻机
- bolt heading machine ==> 螺栓头镦压机,打螺钉头机
- bolt hole ==> 螺栓孔
- bolt holes of (for) nozzle flange ==> 接管法兰的螺栓孔
- bolt in single shear ==> 单剪螺栓
- bolt joint ==> 螺栓连接
- bolt lever ==> 闩柄,闩柄
- bolt load ==> 螺栓载荷
- bolt load for gasket sealing ==> 螺栓预紧载荷
- bolt load for operating conditions ==> 螺栓操作载荷
- bolt load under pretension condition ==> 螺栓预紧载荷
- bolt neck ==> 螺栓颈
- bolt pin ==> 螺栓销
- bolt press ==> 螺栓冲压机
- bolt race-way ==> 枪机闭锁槽
- bolt rails ==> 枪机导槽
- bolt retaining catch ==> 枪闩制动挡块
- bolt shackle ==> 螺栓钩环
- bolt shank ==> 螺栓杆
- bolt shank extruding ==> 螺栓挤压
- bolt shoulder ==> 螺栓肩
- bolt spring ==> 栓簧
- bolt stay ==> 撑螺栓
- bolt stock ==> 螺栓钢料
- bolt stress ==> 螺栓应力
- bolt support ==> 螺栓支撑,杆柱
- bolt thread rolling machine ==> 螺栓滚丝机
- bolt threader ==> 螺栓车床,螺栓割丝机
- bolt tightener ==> 螺栓绞紧器
- bolt tightner ==> 螺栓紧固器
- bolt timber ==> 短圆木材
- bolt wire ==> 螺栓钢条
- bolt with feather ==> 带鼻螺栓,带滑键螺栓
- bolt with one end bent back ==> 弯关螺栓,弯头螺栓
- bolt(hole) circle ==> 螺栓圆周(周圆)
- bolt, tap screw ==> 螺基
- bolt-hole brush ==> 清坯圆刷
- bolt-lock ==> 枪机闭锁器,螺栓保险
- bolt-locking lug ==> 枪闩锁块
- bolt-making machine ==> 制螺栓机
- bolt-on ==> 螺栓紧固
- bolt-on share ==> 螺栓固定的犁铧
- bolt-up ==> 螺栓紧固
- bolted (bolt)connection ==> 螺栓接合
- bolted bonnet (BB) ==> 螺栓连接阀盖,螺栓压盖
- bolted cap (BC) ==> 螺栓压帽
- bolted connection ==> 螺栓连接
- bolted fastening ==> 螺栓接合
- bolted fishplate splice ==> 螺栓夹板续接
- bolted flange ==> 螺栓结合凸缘
- bolted joint ==> 螺栓接合,螺栓联轴节
- bolted node connector ==> (用螺栓接合的节点接头)节点螺栓接头
- bolted rail crossing ==> 钢轨拼装交叉
- bolted splice ==> 螺栓铰接
- bolted three-phase fault ==> 金属性三相短路故障
- bolthole circle ==> 螺栓孔分布圆
- bolthole vacuum cleaner ==> 杆柱钻孔真空清扫器
- bolting cloth ==> 筛布
- bolting lug ==> 螺栓连接的凸缘
- bolting machine ==> 锚杆安装机,杆柱安装机,机械筛
- bolting mill ==> 筛分机
- bolting steel ==> 螺栓钢
- bolting tree ==> 缚枝
- Bolton point ==> 博尔顿氏点
- Bolton reed count ==> 博尔顿筘号
- bolts & nuts for steel slotted ==> 角钢螺丝
- bolts and locks ==> 小五金
- Boltz's reaction ==> 博尔茨氏反应
- Boltz's test ==> 博尔茨氏反应
- Boltzman distribution law ==> 玻耳兹曼分布律
- Boltzman's constant ==> 波耳兹曼常数
- Boltzmann constant ==> 玻耳兹曼常数,波尔兹曼常数
- Boltzmann distribution ==> 玻尔兹曼分布,波耳兹曼分布
- Boltzmann distribution law ==> 波耳兹曼分布律
- Boltzmann Einstein system of equations ==> 玻耳兹曼-爱因斯坦方程组
- Boltzmann entropy hypothesis ==> 玻耳兹曼熵假设
- Boltzmann equation ==> 玻耳兹曼方程,波耳兹曼方程式,波尔兹曼方程=>ボルツマン方程式
- Boltzmann equation of state ==> 玻耳兹曼物态方程
- Boltzmann factor ==> 玻耳兹曼因子,波耳兹曼系数
- Boltzmann formula ==> 玻耳兹曼公式
- Boltzmann plot ==> ボルツマンプロット
- Boltzmann principle ==> 玻耳兹曼原理=>ボルツマン原理
- Boltzmann statistics ==> 玻耳兹曼统计
- Boltzmann transport equation ==> 玻耳兹曼输运方程
- Boltzmann's constant ==> 波耳兹曼常数,波兹曼常数
- Boltzmanns constant ==> 玻耳兹曼常数
- Boltzmanns emission law ==> 波耳兹曼发射定律
- Bolza problem in calculus of variation ==> 变分法中的博尔赞问题
- BOM, beginning of the mission ==> 運用開始
- BOM, bill of material ==> 機器における部材コスト
- BOM-weight, beginning of mission weight ==> ミッション初期重量
- BOMAP, BOMEX analysis program ==> ボメックス解析プログラム
- bomb ==> 火山弹,高压液化气容器,瓶,炸弹,储气瓶,弹
- bomb adapterbooster ==> 炸弹附加助推器
- bomb aimer ==> 爆撃手
- bomb ballistics ==> 炸弹弹道学
- bomb bay ==> 炸弹舱
- bomb caloriemeter ==> 弹式测热器
- Bomb Calorific Value for Coal ==> 煤的弹筒发热量
- bomb calorific value,calorific value determination in a bomb calorimeter ==> 弹筒发热量,在有过剩氧气的氧弹中,单位质量的煤试样完全燃烧所产生的热量
- bomb calorimenter ==> 爆炸量热器
- bomb calorimeter ==> 弹式量热器,弹式量热计,炸弹量热计,量热弹
- bomb calorimetry ==> 弹式量热法
- bomb carpet ==> 面积轰炸散布面
- bomb carrier ==> 炸弹架
- bomb casing ==> 炸弹壳体
- bomb complete round ==> 完整炸弹
- bomb container ==> 炸弹架
- bomb crucible ==> 还原弹坩埚,还原钢罐
- bomb dispenser ==> 子母弹箱
- bomb dolly ==> 运弹车
- bomb ejection cartridge ==> 炸弹弹射弹
- bomb fin ==> 炸弹尾翼
- bomb fly ==> 皮蝇
- bomb furnace ==> 钢弹还原炉
- bomb head tray ==> 弹头托盘
- bomb hoist ==> 装炸弹起重机
- bomb proof ==> 防轰炸的
- bomb rack ==> 挂弹架
- bomb reconnaissance ==> 未爆炸弹侦察
- bomb reduced ==> 钢弹还原的
- bomb sag ==> 火山弹沉降
- bomb shelter ==> 避弹掩壕
- bomb sight clutch ==> 轰炸瞄准器离合器
- bomb-gear ==> 投弹器
- bomb-proof vault ==> 避弹窖
- bomb-release point ==> 投弹点
- bombard ==> 轰击,炮击
- bombarder ==> 轰击器
- bombardment ==> 轰击,曝光=>衝撃,ボンバードメント
- bombardment aircraft ==> 轰炸机
- bombardment energy ==> 冲击能量
- bombardment resistance ==> 抗轰击性
- bombardment system ==> 轰炸装置
- bombardon ==> 低音喇叭
- bombax cotton ==> 木棉
- Bombay blood group system ==> 孟买血型系
- bombay twill ==> 孟买斜纹布
- bombing computer ==> 横炸计算机
- bombing plane ==> 轰炸机
- bombing radar ==> 轰炸雷达
- bombing table ==> 横炸瞄准表
- bombing through overcast ==> 穿云轰炸
- bombsight system ==> 轰炸瞄准系统
- Bon festival dance ==> 盆踊り
- BON, building our network ==> 擬似線路回路網
- bona fide ==> 真実の,正真正銘の,本物の,真正な
- bona fide claimant ==> 善意原告
- bona fide contract ==> 善意合约
- bona fide cost ==> 真正成本=>真正の原価
- bona fide creditor ==> 善意の債権者
- bona fide diploma ==> 正規の卒業証明書
- bona fide holder ==> 真实持有人
- bona fide holders ==> 善意执票人
- bona fide information ==> 真実の情報
- bona fide possession ==> 善意占用
- bona fide purchaser ==> 善意买方
- bona fide third party ==> 善意第三者
- bona fide transaction ==> 正当交易=>善意の取引
- bona fide use ==> 善意使用
- bona fide website ==> 公式ウェブサイト
- bonamine ==> 敏克静
- bonanza ==> 大矿囊,富矿脉,富矿体
- bonanza of sympathy ==> 同情的巨款
- Bonawe granite ==> 伯纳维花岗岩
- bond ==> 保税单,化学键,浮动利率债券,低阻电焊接头,粘合层,粘结剂,熔合区,连接,连接器,链=>ボンド
- Bond albedo ==> 邦德反照率
- bond angle ==> 键角
- bond area ==> 握裹面积
- bond authorized ==> 额定债券
- bond beam ==> 圈梁
- bond between concrete and steel ==> 混凝土与钢筋间的结合力
- bond breaker ==> 防粘结材料
- bond certificate ==> 债券
- bond collateral loans ==> 债券抵押贷款
- bond contact ==> 熔合接触,键合接点
- bond conversion ==> 债券兑换
- bond coupons ==> 债券息票
- bond dealer ==> 债券自营商
- bond discount accumulation ==> 债券折价累积
- bond discount unamortized ==> 未摊销债券折价
- bond dissociation ==> 結合切断
- bond distance ==> 键长
- bond dividends ==> 债券股利
- bond electron pair ==> 成键电子对
- bond energy ==> 结合能=>結合エネルギー
- bond expenses ==> 债券费用
- bond fee ==> 海关关栈仓租费
- bond floatation ==> 债券发行
- bond floatation market ==> 债券发行市场
- bond flux ==> 结合焊剂,结合熔剂,粘结焊剂
- bond formation ==> 結合生成
- bond funds ==> 债券基金
- bond graph ==> 键合图
- bond holder ==> 债券持有人
- bond indentures ==> 债券信托契约
- bond interest ==> 债券利息
- bond interface ==> 熔合面
- bond investment ==> 债券投资
- bond investment trust ==> 债券投资信托
- bond issue ==> 债券发行
- bond issue cost ==> 债券发行成本
- bond issuing expense ==> 债券发行费用
- bond length ==> 握裹长度,键长,键距
- bond line ==> 胶层,熔合线
- bond market ==> 债券市场
- bond master ==> 环氧树脂类粘合剂
- bond moment ==> 键矩
- bond note ==> 保税单,海关保税输出证
- bond notes ==> 债券式票据
- Bond number ==> 邦德数
- bond open ==> 焊缝裂开,耦合断开
- bond order ==> 键级
- bond paper ==> 道林纸,高级书写纸
- bond parameter ==> 键参数
- bond permium ==> 债券溢价
- bond premium amortization ==> 债券溢价的摊销
- bond premium unamortized ==> 未摊销债券溢价
- bond pricing ==> 债券计价
- bond quality ==> 粘结质量
- bond redemption ==> 债券兑回
- bond refunding ==> 债券换新,发行新债券以换回旧债券
- bond register ==> 债券登记簿
- bond retirement fund ==> 债券偿债基金
- bond sinking fund ==> 债券偿债基金
- bond split failure ==> 握裹力劈裂破坏
- bond strength ==> 握裹强度,结合强度,粘结强度,砌合强度
- bond stress ==> 粘着应力,握裹力
- bond subscription ==> 认缴债券,债券认购书
- bond swaps ==> (将一种债券卖掉而同时买入另一种债券)债券掉期
- bond tables ==> 债券表
- bond test ==> 粘合试验
- bond tester ==> 接头电阻测试器
- bond timber ==> 系木
- bond trustee ==> 债券受托人
- bond underwriter ==> 债券担保人
- bond underwriting ==> 债券包销
- bond valuation ==> 债券估价
- bond value ==> 债券价值
- bond vitrified ==> 熔融粘结
- bond washing ==> 空头交易
- bond waviness ==> 接头波纹
- bond weld ==> 钢轨接头焊接
- bond wheel ==> 结合剂砂轮
- bond wire ==> 接合线
- bond with warrants ==> 附有认股权债券
- bond yields ==> 债券市场利息率
- bond(ing) clay ==> 造型粘土
- bond-angle deformation ==> 键角变形
- bond-limited subset ==> 紧密结合的表现
- bond-meter ==> 胶接检验仪
- bond-plus warrants ==> 附有优先认购券的债券
- bond-type diode ==> 链型二极管
- bondage ==> 约束
- bondbeam ==> 结合梁
- bonded ==> 砌合,化合的
- bonded arch ==> 咬合拱
- bonded area ==> 保税地区
- bonded block ==> 结合部件
- bonded brickwork ==> 咬合砌砖
- bonded cargo ==> 保税货物
- bonded coating ==> 胶粘涂料
- bonded debt ==> 发行债券所负担的债务,(指以发行公司债的形式而负担的债务)债券负债
- bonded debts ==> 债券债务
- bonded diode ==> ボンド形ダイオード
- bonded fabrics ==> 编织结合纸
- bonded foctory ==> 保税工厂
- bonded goods ==> 保税货物
- bonded magnet ==> ボンド磁石
- bonded manufacturing warehouse ==> (美国)保税工厂
- bonded material ==> 不織布
- bonded metal ==> 包层金属
- bonded NR diode ==> 组合负阻二极管
- bonded phase ==> 键合相,化学键合相
- bonded phase chromatography ==> 键合相层析
- bonded phase packings ==> 键合相填料
- bonded roof ==> 窑炉顶部砌接
- bonded sand ==> 造型砂
- bonded shed ==> 保税货棚
- bonded stationary phase ==> 化学键合相
- bonded system ==> 保税制度
- bonded textile ==> 不織布
- bonded vaults ==> 保税地窖
- bonded warehouse ==> 海关保税仓库
- bonded wire ==> 粘合漆包线
- bonded-barrier phototransistor ==> 接合势垒光电晶体管
- bonded-carrier ==> 键合势垒
- bonded-face fabric ==> 面粘合织物
- bonded-fiber fabric ==> 不織布
- bonded-phase coverage ==> 键合相覆盖率
- bonder ==> 结合物,丁砖,连接器=>小口,小面,ボンダー
- bonder mass foundation ==> 毛石砌体基础
- bonderite ==> 磷化剂,磷酸盐处理层
- bonderization ==> 磷酸盐处理
- bonderize(-ise) ==> 磷化
- bonderizing ==> 磷化处理
- bonding ==> 结点,结合,低电阻连接,成键的,粘合,粘结,砌合,键合,保证单,连接=>ボンディング,ボンド,結合形成
- bonding agent ==> 结合剂,保税授信机构,键合剂=>接着剤,結合剤
- bonding brick ==> 拉结砖
- bonding capacity ==> 胶合能力,胶结能力,胶结性能
- bonding course ==> 固结层
- bonding electron ==> 键电子
- bonding electrons ==> 成键电子
- bonding enthalpy ==> 键焓
- bonding equipment ==> 焊线机
- bonding force ==> 键合力
- bonding jumper ==> 搭地线,搭接片,金属片
- bonding land ==> 接合区
- bonding layer ==> 固结层
- bonding material ==> 結合剤
- bonding MO(BMO) ==> 成键分子轨道
- bonding orbital ==> 成键轨道,成键轨函,键轨函数
- bonding pad ==> 结合片,结合区,连接区=>ボンディングパッド
- bonding point ==> 接合点,结合点
- bonding power ==> 成键能力
- bonding process ==> 粘结法
- bonding sand ==> 肥砂
- bonding strength ==> 密着強度
- bonding stress ==> 粘着应力
- bonding strip ==> 铅条
- bonding treatment ==> 粘结处理
- bonding wire ==> 等电位连接线
- bonds authorized ==> 批准发行的债券,额定出债,额定公司债,额定债券
- bonds authorized and unissued ==> 已批准发行但尚未实际发行的债券
- bonds issued ==> 已发行债券
- bonds issued in Renminbi ==> 人民币债券
- bonds with warrants ==> 权利债券
- bondsman ==> 保证人
- bondstone ==> 束石,系石
- bone ==> 骨=>骨格,骨組織
- bone abnormality ==> 骨異常
- bone abscess ==> 骨脓肿
- bone absorption ==> 骨质吸收
- bone ache ==> 骨痛
- bone adhesive ==> 骨胶
- Bone Age ==> 骨器时代
- bone age ==> 骨龄,骨骼年龄
- bone ash ==> 骨灰
- bone bank ==> 骨库
- bone bed ==> 骨层
- bone black ==> 动物煤,骨黑
- bone blot ==> 接骨螺栓
- bone breccia ==> 骨角砾岩
- bone button ==> 骨钮
- bone canaliculi ==> 骨小管
- bone canaliculus ==> 骨小管
- bone carving ==> 骨刻
- bone cell ==> 骨细胞
- bone cell lineage ==> 骨细胞谱系
- bone char ==> 骨黑
- bone chert ==> 骨状燧石
- bone china ==> 骨瓷
- bone china table wares ==> 骨瓷制餐具,(JIS)S2401-1991
- bone chips ==> 骨碎片
- bone chisel ==> 骨凿
- bone coal ==> 骨煤,骨炭,高灰分煤,煤质页岩
- bone comb ==> 骨梳
- bone conduction ==> 骨传导=>骨導
- bone conduction transducer ==> 骨导传感器
- bone convex ring ==> 人字凸环
- bone crepitation ==> 骨摩擦音
- bone crusher ==> 骨头轧碎机
- bone curet ==> 骨刮匙
- bone curette ==> 骨刮匙
- bone cutter ==> 碎骨机
- bone cyst ==> 骨囊肿
- bone density estimation ==> 骨密度推定
- bone depresser ==> 压骨器
- bone dry ==> 全干
- bone element gelatin ==> 骨素明胶
- bone factor ==> 骨因子
- bone fan ==> 骨扇
- bone fertilizer ==> 骨肥,骨粉肥料
- bone fibers ==> 骨纤维,夏皮氏纤维
- bone flour ==> 细骨粉,骨粉
- bone forceps ==> 骨钳
- bone fracture plate ==> 接骨板
- bone fracture set ==> 接骨器械包
- bone gelatin ==> 骨胶
- bone glass ==> 乳白玻璃
- bone glue ==> 骨胶
- bone glue in ground form ==> 粉碎状骨胶
- bone graft ==> 骨移植片,骨移植物,移植骨
- bone grafting ==> 骨移植片,植骨
- bone grafting chisel set ==> 骨移植用骨凿包
- bone grain ==> 骨粒
- bone grease ==> 骨脂
- bone grinder ==> 碎骨机
- bone hammer ==> 骨锤
- bone healing unit ==> 骨伤治疗仪
- bone hemostat ==> 骨止血器
- bone hemostat hook ==> 骨止血钩
- bone hemostat rongeur ==> 骨止血咬骨钳
- bone holding clamps ==> 骨折固定夹
- bone holding forceps ==> 持骨钳
- bone injury ==> 骨损伤
- bone inlay ==> 嵌入植骨法
- bone island ==> 骨岛
- bone juncture ==> 岐骨
- bone knitting ==> 正骨
- bone knob ==> 角柄
- bone lacuna ==> 骨腔隙,骨陷窝
- bone lever ==> 骨杠杆
- bone mallet ==> 骨锤
- bone marrow ==> 骨髓
- bone marrow biopsy ==> 骨髓穿刺活组织检查,骨髓活体织织检查术
- bone marrow culture ==> 骨髓培养
- bone marrow embolism ==> 骨髓栓塞
- bone marrow infusion ==> 骨髓输注
- bone marrow puncture ==> 骨髓穿刺术
- bone marrow smear ==> 骨髓穿刺涂片,骨髓涂片,骨髓液涂片
- bone marrow transfusion ==> 骨髓输血法
- bone matrix ==> 骨基质
- bone meal ==> 骨粉
- bone mill ==> 骨粉磨
- bone mineralization ==> 骨盐沉积
- bone morphogenetic protein 7 ==> 骨形成タンパク質7
- bone nail extractor ==> 骨髓针拔出器
- bone needle ==> 骨针,刺骨针
- bone nippers ==> 骨钳
- bone nut ==> 接骨螺帽
- bone oil ==> 骨油
- bone phosphate ==> 骨质磷酸盐
- bone phosphate of lime ==> 骨质磷酸三钙
- bone plate ==> 骨板
- bone plate holding forceps ==> 接骨板夹持钳
- bone porous ==> 多孔骨架的
- bone powder ==> 骨粉
- bone probe ==> 骨探针
- bone protuberance ==> 骨隆凸
- bone punch ==> 骨打孔凿
- bone rasp ==> 粗骨锉
- bone reflex ==> 骨反射
- bone regeneration ==> 骨增生
- bone rongeur ==> 咬骨钳
- bone rongeur for thoracoplasty ==> 胸骨成形术用咬骨钳
- bone rongeur with angled sideway for brain ==> 脑侧角咬骨钳
- bone salts ==> 骨盐
- bone saw ==> 骨锯
- bone scanning ==> 骨扫描
- bone scintigram ==> 骨闪烁图
- bone scissors ==> 咬骨剪
- bone screw ==> 接骨螺钉
- bone screw and bolt outfit ==> 骨螺钉螺栓器械包
- bone screw driver ==> 接骨螺钉旋凿
- bone screw holding forceps ==> 接骨螺钉夹持钳
- bone screw tap ==> 接骨螺钉丝攻
- bone seal ring ==> 人字密封环
- bone seeker ==> 骨赘
- bone setting ==> 正骨
- bone shears ==> 骨剪,咬骨剪
- bone socket ==> 骨臼
- bone space filler ==> 骨间填充物
- bone spavin ==> 飞节内肿
- bone spicule ==> 骨针
- bone structure ==> 骨结构
- bone stump ==> 骨断端
- bone superphosphate ==> 骨粉过磷酸钙,过磷酸钙骨粉
- bone tankage ==> 脱脂骨粉
- bone tolerance dose ==> 骨耐受剂量
- bone trabecula ==> 骨小梁
- bone tractor ==> 骨牵引器
- bone transplantation ==> 骨移植片
- bone trimmer ==> 剔骨机
- bone tuberculosis ==> 骨结核
- bone tuberculosis curette ==> 骨结核刮匙
- bone tumor ==> 骨肿瘤
- bone tumour ==> 骨肿瘤
- bone turquoise ==> 齿绿松石
- bone vibrator ==> 骨振动器
- bone ware ==> 骨制品
- bone wax ==> 骨蜡
- bone-black ==> 骨炭,骨炭黑
- bone-cementum ==> 骨粘合剂
- bone-cutting forceps ==> 剪骨钳
- bone-fat ==> 骨脂
- bone-fracture nail ==> 骨折钉
- bone-in carcass ==> 带骨头胴体
- bone-knitting ==> 接骨
- bone-seeking radioactive substance ==> 亲肝型放射性物质
- bone-setting ==> 正骨法
- bone-setting instruments outfit ==> 骨折接合器械包
- bonecement filling ==> 骨粘合剂填充术
- boned corselet ==> 骨箍紧身甲
- boned-out carcass ==> 去骨胴体
- boneholding forceps for fracture pieces ==> 骨折碎片持骨钳
- boneless meat ==> 去骨肉
- bonemarrow-inhibitor ==> 骨髓抑制性药物
- bones of the body collectively ==> 百骸
- bongkrek acid ==> 米酵菌酸
- boning board ==> 测平板
- boning failure ==> 粘接失效
- boning out ==> 定直线
- boning rod ==> 测杆
- boning-out ==> 去骨
- boning-rod ==> 整坡杆
- Bonjean curve ==> 邦金曲线
- Bonner sphere spectrometer ==> 邦纳球谱仪
- Bonner-Ball neutron detector ==> 邦纳鲍尔中子探测器
- bonnet ==> 上阀盖,戗脊盖瓦,机罩,遮风,汽车罩盖,阀盖,阀梗罩,阀帽,炉罩,烟囱帽,烟囱罩,无边小圆软帽=>ボンネット
- bonnet body seal ==> 阀帽体密封
- bonnet bolt ==> 盖螺栓
- bonnet de tricot ==> 毛线无边帽
- bonnet gasket ==> 阀帽体密封垫圈
- bonnet hip tile ==> 屋脊弯瓦,弯面盖瓦
- bonnet of an engine ==> 发动机盖
- bonnet tile ==> 弯面盖瓦,罩瓦,戗脊盖瓦
- bonnet valve ==> 帽状阀
- bonnetted radiator ==> 带罩散热器
- Bonnets capsule ==> 邦内氏囊
- Bonnybridge fire clay ==> 鼓利桥耐火土
- bonus and dividend fund ==> 奖励分红基金
- bonus for attainment of goal ==> 目标奖
- bonus loading ==> 附加保险费
- bonus method ==> 分红法,奖金法
- bonus stock ==> 嬴利股
- bonus system ==> 分红制
- bonuses issued on the basis of a general voicing ==> 评奖
- bony coal ==> 骨煤,页岩煤
- bony defect ==> 骨质缺损
- bony fish ==> 硬骨鱼
- bony ingot ==> 过热金属锭
- bony landmark ==> 骨骼标志
- bony nasal cavity ==> 骨性鼻腔
- bony nasal septum ==> 骨鼻中膈
- bony nodule ==> 核骨
- bony part of auditory tube ==> 咽鼓管骨部
- bony process ==> 骨实
- bony prominence ==> 骨ばっている隆起
- bony semicircular canals ==> 骨半规管,骨性半规管
- bony septum of nose ==> 骨性鼻中隔
- bony shell ==> 骨包壳
- bony spiral lamina ==> 骨螺旋板
- bony union ==> 骨连结,骨性愈合,骨质连接
- Bonyhard organization ==> 博奈哈德结构
- Boo, Bootes ==> うしかい座
- booby trap ==> 饵雷
- boodstack ==> 书架
- book ==> 登帐,程序簿,样本,著作,注册,海存段,书,簿,册=>基準
- book back rounding machine ==> 书脊扒圆机
- book backbone lining up machine ==> 书脊粘纱布机
- book binding machinery ==> 订书机械
- book block production machine ==> 书芯加工机
- book by double entry ==> 复式簿记,复式记帐,复式帐册
- book capacitor ==> 调角电容,书状电容器
- book chase ==> 排书版印刷的版框
- book clay ==> 页状粘土,微薄层粘土,书页粘土
- book cloth ==> 封面布
- book conveyor ==> 图书传送带
- book copying ==> 多份复制
- book credit ==> 帐面信用,赊销金额
- book debt ==> 帐面欠债
- book entry ==> 帐面记录
- book gill ==> 书鳃
- book holder ==> 夹书架
- book inventory ==> 帐面盘存
- book inventory method ==> 帐面盘存法
- book keeping by card system ==> 卡片式簿记制
- book loss ==> 帐面损失
- book louse ==> 书虱
- book lung ==> 书肺
- book matching ==> 书页式拼板,木纹拼花
- book message ==> 多目标消息,多收报地址的电文
- book mo(u)ld ==> 叠箱铸型
- book mold ==> 铰接式铸型
- book of chronological entry ==> 序时帐簿
- book of final entry ==> 终结帐簿
- book of original document for payments ==> 支出凭证簿
- book of tender ==> 投标书
- book on ceramics ==> 陶雅
- book press ==> 压书机
- book profit ==> 帐面利润
- book sewer ==> 订书机
- book sewing machine ==> 锁线订书机
- book smashing machine ==> 书籍压平机
- book stacker ==> 堆书机
- book stitcher ==> 订书机
- book stitching machine ==> 订书机
- book surplus ==> 帐面盈余
- book value ==> 帐面价值
- book value per share ==> 每股票面价值,每股帐面价值
- book value per share(of stock) ==> 每股股票的帐面价值
- book your order for ==> 卖给贵方
- book-entry security ==> 记帐证券
- book-keeping machine ==> 簿记机
- book-keeping operation ==> 簿记操作
- book-kiosk ==> 书亭
- book-value shares ==> 帐面价值股票
- bookbinder wire ==> 装钉钢丝
- bookbinders shears ==> 订书剪机
- bookbinding machine ==> 装订机
- booking bookkeeping by card system ==> 卡片式记帐制度
- booking charge ==> 订舱费
- booking fee ==> 订舱费
- booking list ==> 预定单
- booking note ==> 托运单
- booking office ==> 售票处
- booking time ==> 通报挂号时间,通话挂号时间
- booking yarn ==> 打包纱绳
- bookkeeping ==> 簿记,内务操作=>簿記,ブックキーピング
- bookkeeping by card system ==> 卡片式簿记制
- bookkeeping by double entry ==> 复式簿记
- bookkeeping by Italian method ==> 复式簿记
- bookkeeping operation ==> 程序加工操作
- bookless accounting system ==> 无帐簿会计制度
- Boolean algebra ==> 布尔代数=>ブール代数,論理代数
- Boolean algebra of propositional logic ==> 命题逻辑布尔代数
- Boolean algebra system of notation ==> 布尔代数计数法
- Boolean analyzer ==> 布尔分析器
- Boolean array ==> 布尔数组,逻辑数组
- Boolean calculation ==> 逻辑代数运算,布尔运算
- Boolean calculations ==> 布尔计算
- Boolean calculus ==> 布尔计算法,布尔演算,逻辑演算
- Boolean character ==> 布尔字符
- Boolean choice model ==> 布尔选择模型
- Boolean coefficient ==> 布尔系数
- Boolean computer ==> 布尔计算机
- Boolean condition ==> 布尔条件
- Boolean conjunction ==> 布尔合取,布尔连接
- Boolean connective ==> 布尔运算符
- Boolean constant ==> 布尔常数
- Boolean data item ==> 布尔数据项
- Boolean data type ==> 布尔数据类型
- Boolean difference method ==> 布尔差分法
- Boolean equation ==> 布尔方程
- Boolean expression ==> 布尔表达式
- Boolean factor ==> 布尔因子
- Boolean field ==> 布尔域
- Boolean format ==> 布尔格式
- Boolean function ==> 布尔函数=>ブール関数
- Boolean homomorphism ==> 布尔同态
- Boolean hypercube ==> 布尔超正方体
- Boolean logic ==> 布尔逻辑,二值逻辑
- Boolean marker ==> 布尔标志符
- Boolean matrix ==> 布尔矩阵
- Boolean method ==> 布尔法
- Boolean multiplication ==> 布尔乘法
- Boolean network ==> 布尔网络
- Boolean number ==> 布尔数
- Boolean operation ==> 布尔运算=>ブール演算
- Boolean operation table ==> 布尔运算表=>ブール演算表
- Boolean operator ==> 布尔算子=>ブール演算子
- Boolean position ==> 布尔位置
- Boolean primary ==> 布尔一次式,布尔初等量,布尔一次量
- Boolean quantity ==> 布尔量
- Boolean recurrence function ==> 布尔递归函数
- Boolean recurrence solver ==> 布尔递归求解器
- Boolean ring ==> 布尔环
- Boolean search ==> 布尔搜索
- Boolean secondary ==> 布尔二次量,布尔二次式
- Boolean symbol ==> 布尔符号
- Boolean table ==> 布尔运算表
- Boolean term ==> 布尔项
- Boolean type ==> 布尔类型,布尔型
- Boolean unit ==> 布尔部件
- Boolean value ==> 布尔值
- Boolean variable ==> 布尔变量,布尔变数,逻辑变量
- Booleans to bits symbol ==> 布尔转字位符号
- boom ==> 集电束,悬臂,绠存木,桁梁,话筒吊杆,构架,拦船木栅,吊臂,吊杆,景气,景气,张帆桁,漂子,嗡嗡声,纵帆下桁,河中标柱,河绠,繁荣,防浪浮架=>ブーム,にわか景気,好況
- boom (defence) vessel ==> 基地布网船
- boom and bucket delivery ==> 吊杆和戽斗输送,吊杆与戽斗
- boom and burst ==> 繁荣而后崩溃
- boom and bust ==> 经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环=>ブームアンドバスト
- boom and slump ==> 经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环,经济萧条和经济繁荣的交替循环
- boom angle ==> 吊机臂转角,翼缘角钢
- boom attachment ==> 轴头装置
- boom brace ==> 吊臂斜杆
- boom cable ==> 绠缆
- boom chain ==> 绠缆
- boom concrete mixer ==> 横杆混凝土搅拌机
- boom crane ==> 吊杆起重机,桁梁起重机,臂式起重机,伸臂起重机
- boom crutch ==> 吊杆托架
- boom cylinder ==> 转臂油缸
- boom defence vessel ==> 布栅舰船
- boom derrick crane ==> 支臂桅杆起重机
- boom down ==> 摄像机下移
- boom excavator ==> 臂式挖土机,吊杆挖土机
- boom extension ==> 喷杆延长杆
- boom hoist ==> 旋臂起重机,臂式吊车,悬臂起重机
- boom jet nozzle ==> 喷杆喷嘴
- boom loader ==> 转臂式装载机
- boom lowering equipment ==> 臂架放倒机构
- boom microphone ==> 悬挂式麦克风,悬挂式送话器
- boom net ==> 栅栏网
- boom period ==> 景气时期,景气时期,繁荣时期
- boom pipe ==> 喷杆管
- boom pitch ==> 悬臂倾斜角
- boom plan ==> 景气计划,景气计划
- boom point ==> 伸臂末端
- boom prices ==> 猛涨起来的物价
- boom raising/lowering winch ==> ブーム起伏ウインチ
- boom reach ==> 起重机臂伸出极限长度,起重机伸臂长度,伸臂长度
- boom rig ==> 臂式起吊设备
- boom scraper ==> 臂式铲运机
- boom section ==> (喷雾器的)喷杆组
- boom shaker ==> 杆式抖动器
- boom sheave ==> 导向滑轮
- boom slew ==> 喷杆工作扇形,喷杆回转角度,转臂回转角度
- boom sprayer ==> 喷管式喷雾器
- boom sprinkler ==> 长臂喷灌机
- boom sticks ==> 绠漂木
- boom support ==> 弦杆支柱,梁支架
- boom suspension ==> 喷杆吊架
- boom tackle ==> 吊杆滑轮组
- boom up ==> 摄像机升高
- boom well ==> 构架槽
- boom year ==> 景气年份,景气年份
- boom(derrick boom) ==> 吊货杆
- boom-and-bust ==> 一时性繁荣
- boom-mounted drifter ==> 架式凿岩机
- boom-out ==> 最大伸距
- boomerang effect ==> 相反效果
- boomerang grab ==> 自返式取样器
- boomerang gravity corer ==> 自返式深海取样管
- boomerang needle holder ==> 前列腺缝合器
- boominess resonance ==> 箱共鸣,机盒共振,机箱共鸣
- booming business ==> 生意兴隆
- booming market ==> 景气市场,景气市场,繁荣的市场
- boony fiber ==> 木质纤维
- boony fibre ==> 麻杆纤维
- Boord olefin synthesis ==> 伯德烯羟合成法
- Boord synthesis ==> 布尔德合成
- boost ==> 升压,加速,气缸升压,助爆,助推,助推器,提高
- boost capacitor ==> 升压电容
- boost charge ==> 补充充电,加强充电,快速充电
- boost chopper ==> 昇圧回路
- boost control ==> 增压调节器,增压控制,升压控制
- boost converter ==> 昇圧チョッパ回路
- boost dose ==> 加强剂量
- boost driver ==> 昇圧ドライバ
- boost engine ==> 加力发动机
- boost ga(u)ge ==> 增压计
- boost gauge ==> 增压表
- boost horsepower ==> 加速功率
- boost melting ==> 电热促熔
- boost motor ==> 助推器,加速器
- boost power plant ==> 辅助动力装置
- boost pressure ==> 增压压力
- boost pressure ga(u)ge ==> 增压压力表
- boost productivity ==> 提高生产率
- boost pump ==> 接力泵
- boost ratio ==> 增压比
- boost resistor ==> 升压电阻
- boost type power factor correction rectifier ==> 高力率整流回路
- boost voltage ==> 增高电压,辅助电压
- boost(er) engine ==> 加速机组
- boost(er) power plant ==> 助推动力装置
- boost-(er) engine ==> 加速发动机
- boost-glide vehicle ==> 火箭助推滑翔飞行器
- boosted boost circuit ==> 升压增音电路
- booster ==> 升压机,加强剂量,助力器,助推发动机,排气辅助器,运载工具,增爆剂,增能器,增强放大器,增强器,增压器,增压装置,传爆管,传爆剂,局部通风机,局部通风机,起动磁电机=>昇圧機,ブースタ
- booster (pipe line) compressor ==> 增压压缩机
- booster (rod) ==> 增益棒
- booster air pump ==> 启动气泵
- booster alternator ==> 增速交流发电机,增压交流发电机
- booster amplifier ==> 高频前级放大器,辅助放大器,附加放大器,升压放大器=>ブースタ増幅器
- booster and sustainer ==> 助推器与主发动机
- booster assembly ==> 助推器组合
- booster battery ==> 升压电池组
- booster blower ==> 升压鼓风机
- booster brake ==> 增压制动器,真空加力制动
- booster case ==> 助推器壳体
- booster charge ==> 再充电,传爆药柱,传爆装药
- booster cluster ==> 助推器组
- booster coil ==> 起动点火线圈
- booster compressor ==> 升压压缩机
- booster connection ==> 助推器连结
- booster converter ==> 升压变流器
- booster cradle ==> 助推器架
- booster cylinder ==> 助力液压缸
- booster cylinder boot ==> 助力汽缸罩
- booster cylinder bracket ==> 升压缸托架
- booster diffusion pump ==> 增压扩散泵
- booster diode ==> 升压二极管,效率二极管
- booster dose ==> 加强剂量,激发剂量,促升剂量
- booster element ==> 增益元件
- booster engine ==> 助推发动机
- booster fan ==> 辅助鼓风机,辅助扇风机,增压风机,增压鼓风机,加压风机,升压风机
- booster flame ==> 辅助火焰
- booster gas turbine ==> 加力燃气轮机,加速燃气轮机
- booster heater ==> 中间加热器,辅助加热器
- booster hose clamp ==> 助力器软管夹
- booster hose clip ==> 助力器软管筘
- booster hose tee ==> 助力器T形软管
- booster injection ==> 加强注射,激发注射
- booster light ==> 增强光照
- booster locomotive ==> 辅助机车
- booster magneto ==> 助力磁电机
- booster nozzle ==> 助推器喷管
- booster oil diffusion pump ==> 增压油扩散真空泵
- booster oil pump ==> 升压油泵,增压油泵,又称“油涡轮泵”。用压力油驱动的油透平带动的向主油泵供给压力油的泵
- booster operating lever ==> 助推器操作杆
- booster oscillator ==> 增压振荡器
- booster piston packing ==> 助推器活塞填密物
- booster power lever ==> 助推器动力杆
- booster pump ==> 增压泵,接力泵,升压泵,加压泵,前置泵,用来提高给水泵进口压力,防止给水泵汽蚀,安置在给水泵之前的离心式泵
- booster pump control panel ==> 加压水泵开关控制箱
- booster pump house ==> 升压泵房
- booster reaction ==> 增热反应
- booster relay ==> 升压继电器
- booster resistor ==> 附加电阻器
- booster response ==> 加速响应,回忆应答
- booster ring ==> 环增强器
- booster rod ==> 点火棒,增益棒
- booster set ==> 增压机组
- booster shots ==> 加强注射
- booster signal ==> 提升信号
- booster stage ==> 增强级,助推级
- booster station ==> 辅助电台,辅助中继电台,接力电台=>中継局
- booster stations ==> 升压站
- booster telephone circuit ==> 电话增音电路
- booster tension ==> 提升电压
- booster thermocouple ==> 均衡热电偶,均衡热电偶,加温器热电偶
- booster thrust ==> 火箭助推器推力
- booster training device ==> 助推器训练设备
- booster transformer ==> 增压变压器
- booster transmitter ==> 辅助发射机
- booster unit ==> 助推器组
- booster valve ==> 辅助阀
- booster voltage ==> 辅增电压
- booster well ==> 传爆管孔
- booster-distribution amplifier ==> 升压器-分布放大器
- booster-feed ==> 增压给水泵
- booster-type diffusion pump ==> 增压式扩散泵
- booster-type master cylinder ==> 增压式主油缸
- boosting ==> 电压升高,辅助加热
- boosting battery ==> 加压电池,补充电池
- boosting charge ==> 补充充电=>急速充電
- boosting of furnace ==> 炉膛强化
- boosting pump ==> 增压泵
- boosting the competitiveness ==> 提高竞争能力
- boosting transformer ==> 升压变压器
- boosting voltage ==> 补充电势
- booststrap circuit ==> 自益放大电路
- boot ==> 无底坩埚,滑脚,模盒,进料斗,附得利益,引出线罩,引导,补价,保护罩,缓冲柱=>起動
- boot cap ==> 保护罩
- boot clamp ==> 密封套夹
- boot compartment ==> 行李舱
- boot floor ==> 行李舱底板
- boot jacks ==> 靴脱ぎ器
- boot lace ==> 長靴ひも
- boot leaf ==> 旗叶
- boot lid ==> トランクの蓋
- boot lintel ==> 挑口过梁
- boot location ==> ブート位置
- boot magnetron ==> 长阳极磁控管
- boot process ==> ブート処理
- boot program ==> 起動プログラム
- boot shaped cell ==> 长靴状细胞
- boot strap ==> 自举作用
- boot time ==> ブート時間
- boot top ==> 水線部
- boot topping ==> 水線部,水線塗料
- boot-shaped ==> 靴形
- boot-shaped heart ==> 靴形心
- Bootes void ==> 牧夫巨洞
- booth ==> 临时售货棚,室,暗箱
- Booth algorithm of binary multiplication ==> 二进制乘法的布斯算法
- boothite ==> 铜水绿矾
- Booths algorithm ==> 布斯算法
- bootle brick ==> 无底瓶形建筑装饰砖
- bootlight spot ==> 脚光聚光灯
- bootstrap ==> 引导,自持系统,共益,人工线路,自举=>ブートストラップ
- bootstrap amplifier ==> 阴极输出放大器,自益放大器
- bootstrap block ==> 引导块
- bootstrap cathode follower ==> 仿真线路阴极输出器
- bootstrap circuit ==> ブートストラップ回路
- bootstrap diode ==> 阴极输出二极管
- bootstrap driver ==> 阴极输出激励器,引导驱动器,引导指令
- bootstrap function ==> 自举作用
- bootstrap generator ==> 仿真线路振荡器
- bootstrap input program ==> 引导输入程序
- bootstrap instructor technique ==> 引导指令方法
- bootstrap loader ==> 引导装配程序,引导装入程序=>ブートストラップローダ
- bootstrap loading routine ==> 引导装入程序,引导装入例行程序
- bootstrap memory ==> 引导存储器,引导到存储器,辅助程序存储器
- bootstrap method ==> 引导法=>ブートストラップ法
- bootstrap process ==> 自持过程
- bootstrap program ==> 引导程序,引导指令程序
- bootstrap PROM ==> 引导可编程只读存储器
- bootstrap record ==> 引导指令记录
- bootstrap routine ==> 引导程序,引导例行程序,辅助程序,自举程序
- bootstrap sawtooth generator ==> 仿真线路锯齿波振荡器
- bootstrap scheme ==> 靴带方案
- bootstrap technique ==> 引导指令方法
- bootstraping ==> 引导指令
- BOP, blowout preventer ==> 封井器
- Bopyridae ==> 水怪科
- Bopyrina ==> 水怪族
- BOR, boundary of operating region ==> BOR
- bora fog ==> 布拉雾
- boracic acid ==> 硼酸
- boracic frit ==> 硼酸质熔块
- boracic glaze ==> 无铅硼釉
- boracite ==> 方硼石
- borane ==> 硼氢化物,硼烷,甲硼烷=>ボラン
- borane acid ==> ボラン酸
- borane activation ==> ボラン活性化
- borane carbon ==> ボラン炭素
- borane complex ==> ボラン錯体
- borane dimer ==> ボラン二量体
- borane formation ==> ボラン生成
- borane fuel ==> ボラン燃料
- borane generation ==> ボラン発生
- borane intermediate ==> ボラン中間体
- borane ligand ==> ボラン配位子
- borane poisoning ==> 甲硼烷中毒
- boranes ==> 硼烷
- boranes poisoning ==> 硼烷中毒
- borate ==> 硼酸盐
- borate flint glass ==> 含硼火石玻璃
- borate glass ==> 硼酸盐玻璃
- borate mineral ==> 硼酸矿物
- borax ==> 硼砂,丹石=>ホウ砂
- borax anhydrous ==> 无水硼砂
- borax bead ==> 硼砂熔珠,硼砂珠
- borax bead test ==> 硼砂珠试验
- borax concrete ==> 硼砂混凝土
- borax glass ==> 熔融硼砂
- borax paraffin collimator ==> 硼-石蜡准直仪,硼石蜡准直仪
- borax-carmine stain ==> 硼砂卡红染剂
- BORCO Bahamas Oil Refining Corp. ==> 巴哈马燃料提纯公司
- Borda mouthpiece ==> 博尔达管嘴
- Borda's mouthpiece ==> 博达营
- Bordeaux mixture ==> 波尔多混合液,波尔多液
- border ==> 缘,境,境,滚边,路缘,边界,边境
- border area ==> 边区
- border cell ==> 边缘细胞
- border contrast ==> 边界衬度
- border dike ==> 边堤,田埂
- border district ==> 边缘地区
- border effect ==> 边际效应,边界效应,边行影响,周边效应
- border etching ==> 边界蚀刻法
- border evaluation of a matrix ==> 矩阵的边缘估值
- border facies ==> 边缘相
- border growth ==> 路边绿篱
- border ice ==> 滨冰
- border in headers ==> 丁头镶边
- border irrigation ==> 带状灌溉
- border land ==> 交界地区,边缘地
- border light ==> 边界灯
- border line ==> 边界线,边线,图廓线
- border note ==> 图廓注记
- border of cardiac dullness ==> 心浊音界
- border of oval fossa ==> 卵圆窝缘
- border of relative dullness ==> 相对浊音界
- border parenchyma ==> 边缘薄壁组织
- border pen ==> (画轮廓线用的)绘图笔
- border pile ==> 边桩
- border plane ==> 边缘槽刨
- border price ==> 边境价格
- border rale ==> 肺缘罗音
- border region ==> 边区
- Border Region currency ==> 边币
- border rim ==> 反应缘
- border ring ==> 反应边
- border ring texture ==> 反应边结构
- border river ==> 边界河
- border row ==> 边行
- border stone ==> 路缘石
- border tax ==> 边境税
- border tax arrangement (BTA) ==> 商定国境税
- border tie ==> 边纹穿吊
- border trade ==> 边境贸易
- border wire ==> 绑接钢丝
- border zone ==> 边际区,边境免税贸易区
- border-line risk ==> 难以确定的风险
- border-punched card ==> 边穿孔卡,边沿穿孔卡片
- bordereau ==> 情况明细表
- bordereaux ==> 业务报表,分保明细帐
- bordered determinant ==> 加边行列式,加迪行列式
- bordered matrix ==> 加边矩阵
- bordered pit ==> 具缘纹孔,具缘纹孔
- bordered pit vessel ==> 具缘纹孔导管,具缘纹孔导管
- bordered symmetric matrix ==> 加边对称矩阵
- bordering ==> 共通の境界を有する,隣接する
- bordering tool ==> 折边工具
- borderland ==> 边界地方,边缘地带,边缘古陆
- borderland slope ==> 边缘地斜坡
- borderless easel ==> 无边界框
- borderline ==> 分界线,轮廓线,边界
- borderline curve ==> 边界线曲线
- borderline cystadenoma of ovary ==> 卵巢交界性囊腺瘤
- borderline group leprosy ==> 边缘类麻风
- borderline hypertension ==> 临界性高血压
- borderline leprosy ==> 界线类麻风
- borderline lesion ==> 临界病变
- borderline pelvic contraction ==> 临界性骨盆狭窄
- borderline product ==> 副产品
- borderline psychosis ==> 临界精神病
- borderline science ==> 边缘科学
- borderline syndrome ==> 临界综合征
- borderline tumor ==> 境界瘤,境界瘤
- borders ==> 边缘地区
- Bordet-Gengou bacillus ==> 百日咳嗜血菌
- Bordetella pertussis ==> 百日咳博德特氏菌
- Bordets law ==> 博代氏定律
- Bordini effect ==> 包廷尼效应
- bordroom-man ==> 煤房杂工
- bore ==> 钻,钻孔器,涌波,膛,汽缸筒,腔,缸径,炮眼,管内径,镗,镗,镗孔,镗孔,口径,内腔,砂芯,激浪=>潮津波,ボア,穴,内径,口径,穴あけ器,穿孔機,掘削機,穴掘機
- bore axis ==> 炮膛轴
- bore bit ==> 镗孔钻头,镗孔钻头
- bore brush ==> 炮刷,枪刷
- bore chip ==> 镗屑,镗屑
- bore chips ==> 镗屑,镗屑
- bore climb ==> (海啸的)高潮冲击
- bore diameter ==> 搪孔直径
- bore dust ==> 蛀屑
- bore evacuation ==> 炮膛吹气
- bore evacuator ==> 炮膛清除器
- bore face machine ==> 镗孔锪端面加工机床,镗孔锪端面加工机床
- bore gauge ==> 孔径规,缸径量规
- bore hammer ==> 凿岩机,凿岩落锤
- bore hole ==> 蛀孔,镗孔,镗孔
- bore hole lead insulation ==> 穿心引出线绝缘
- bore interferometer ==> 孔径干涉仪
- bore meal ==> 钻粉
- bore of liquid in glass thermometer ==> 玻璃温度计的内孔
- bore of pipe ==> 管的内径
- bore premature ==> 膛炸
- bore riding pin ==> 膛内保险销
- bore rod ==> 钻杆
- bore spacing ==> 气缸中心距
- bore specimen ==> 岩心标本
- bore stress ==> 内径应力
- bore stroke ratio ==> 缸径冲程比
- bore-hole poisoning ==> 钻孔毒杀
- bore-out-of-round ==> 孔不圆度
- bore-sight ==> 瞄准线
- boreal forest soils ==> 木炭炭素貯蔵庫
- Boreal life zone ==> 北方生物带
- Boreal period ==> 北方期
- bored pile ==> 螺旋钻孔桩
- borehloe gravimetry ==> 井中重力测量
- borehole acoustic television logger ==> 超声电视测井仪
- borehole bit ==> 不取芯钻头
- borehole cable ==> 矿井电缆=>立坑ケーブル
- borehole compensated sonic log ==> 补偿声波测井
- borehole compensated sonic logger ==> 补偿声波测井仪
- borehole deviation ==> 钻孔偏差
- borehole flushing pump ==> 钻井冲洗泵
- borehole gravimeter ==> 井中重力仪
- borehole hydraulic-circulating system ==> 钻孔水力循环系统
- borehole log ==> 测井曲线
- borehole mining ==> 钻井采矿法
- borehole pump ==> 深井泵
- borehole reciprocating pump ==> 往复式深井泵
- borehole seismic logging ==> 地震测井
- borehole shaft driven(centrifugal)pump ==> 长轴深井泵
- borehole submerged pump ==> 潜水深井泵
- borehole surveying ==> 钻探
- borehole thermometer ==> 井温仪
- borehole throw ==> 钻孔偏差
- Borel covering theorem ==> 波雷尔覆盖定理
- Borel function ==> 波雷尔函数
- Borel measurable function ==> 波莱尔可测函数,波雷尔可测函数
- Borel set ==> 波莱尔集
- Borel Set ==> 波雷尔集
- Borel set family ==> 波莱尔集合族
- Borel-Tanner distribution ==> 波雷尔-坦纳分布
- Borell unit ==> 博雷尔单位
- borer ==> 钻心虫,蛀虫,蛀心虫,镗床,镗床,镗床,镗床,镗孔刀,镗孔刀
- borer and rice blast ==> 水稻螟虫和稻瘟病
- borer injury ==> 螟害
- borer population ==> 虫数
- borerproof plywood ==> 防虫蛀胶合板
- boresight adjustment ==> 瞄准线零位调整
- boresight facility ==> 照準用設備
- boresight slope ==> 瞄准斜率
- boresight tower ==> 照準塔
- boresighting test ==> 瞄准线检验
- Borg-Warner overdrive ==> 博格-沃纳超速器
- BorgWarner ==> 美国博格华纳
- boric acid ==> 硼酸
- boric acid ester ==> 硼酸酯
- boric acid glycerin ==> 硼酸甘油
- boric acid lotion ==> 硼酸洗液
- boric acid ointment ==> 硼酸软膏
- boric acid spirit solution ==> 硼酸酒精溶液
- boric anhydride ==> 硼酸酐
- boric fertilizer ==> 硼素肥料
- boric oxide ==> 氧化硼
- boric oxide anomaly ==> 氧化硼的异常性
- boride ==> 硼化物
- boride base cerment ==> 硼化物基金属陶瓷
- boride coating ==> 硼化物涂层
- borided layer ==> 硼化层
- boriding ==> 硼化
- borine radical ==> 硼氢基
- boring ==> 钻机,钻进,钻探,镗,镗,镗孔,镗孔,镗削,镗削=>ボーリング,穿孔,試錐
- boring anchor ==> 钻座
- boring and facing machine ==> 镗孔车面机床,镗孔车面机床
- boring and mortising machine ==> 榫眼钻床,榫眼钻床
- boring and turning machine ==> 镗孔车削机床,镗孔车削机床
- boring and turning mill ==> 镗车两用机床,镗车两用机床
- boring animal ==> 穿孔動物
- boring apparatus ==> 镗孔刀具,镗孔刀具
- boring bar ==> 镗杆,钻杆=>中ぐり棒
- boring bar tool ==> 镗杆刀具,镗杆刀具
- boring bit ==> 錐の先
- boring by percussion ==> 冲击式凿岩
- boring cancer ==> 穿通性癌
- boring casing ==> 钻探套管
- boring choice ==> つまらない選択
- boring color ==> 味気ない色
- boring cut ==> 镗锯法,镗锯法
- boring cutter ==> 镗刀,镗刀
- boring depth ==> 镗孔深度,镗孔深度
- boring dust ==> 镗屑,镗屑
- boring finishing turning tool ==> 镗孔光车刀,镗孔光车刀
- boring fixture ==> 镗孔夹具,镗孔夹具
- boring harangue ==> 退屈な説教
- boring head ==> 镗床主轴箱,镗床主轴箱,镗刀盘,镗刀盘,镗头,镗头
- boring insect ==> 穿孔性昆虫
- boring instrument ==> 穴あけ用の器具
- boring investigation ==> ボーリング調査
- boring jig ==> 镗孔夹具,镗孔夹具
- boring lathe ==> 镗车两用机床,镗车两用机床,镗床,镗床
- boring log ==> 钻井记录
- boring machine ==> 钻机,镗床,镗床
- boring machine operator ==> 镗工,镗工
- boring machinery ==> 镗孔机械,镗孔机械
- boring mill ==> 镗床,镗床
- boring mud ==> 钻渣
- boring of cylinder block ==> 缸体镗孔
- boring organism ==> 钻孔生物
- boring pain ==> 钻痛
- boring pattern ==> 炮眼排列
- boring rig ==> 钻车
- boring rod ==> 镗杆,镗杆
- boring sponge ==> 穿孔海绵
- boring stay ==> 镗孔支柱,镗孔支柱
- boring table ==> 镗床工作台,镗床工作台
- boring taper ==> 镗孔锥度,镗孔锥度
- boring test ==> 钻孔试验
- boring tool ==> 钻探工具,镗刀,镗刀,镗孔车刀,镗孔车刀
- boring turning tool ==> 镗孔车刀,镗孔车刀
- boring unit ==> 镗削部件,镗削部件
- boring winch ==> 钻机绞车
- boring work ==> 镗孔工作,镗孔工作
- boring-mill work ==> 镗铣加工,镗铣加工
- boring-milling machine ==> 镗铣床,镗铣床
- borings ==> 金属切屑
- Born approximation ==> 玻恩近似=>ボルン近似
- Born equation ==> 博恩方程式
- born manager ==> 天生的经理人员
- Born-Haber cycle ==> 玻恩-哈伯循环,波恩哈伯循环
- Born-Madelung model ==> 玻恩-马德隆模型
- Born-Mayer equation ==> 玻恩-梅耶方程
- Born-Oppen-heimer approximation ==> 玻恩-奥本海默近似
- Born-Oppenheimer method ==> 博恩-奥本海默方法
- Born-von Karman theory ==> 玻恩-冯卡曼理论
- bornaprine ==> 波那普林
- borneene ==> 龙脑烯
- bornelone ==> 波尼酮
- borneol ==> 冰片
- borneol flake ==> 冰片
- borneol-2 ==> 茨醇-2
- bornhardt ==> (干旱带的)岛山
- bornite ==> 斑铜矿
- bornyl ==> 茨醇基,龙脑基
- bornyl acetate ==> 醋酸冰片酯
- bornyl alcohol ==> 冰片
- bornyl amine ==> 冰片基胺
- bornyl chloride ==> 冰片基氯
- bornyl isovalerylglycolate ==> 异戊酸基乙酸冰片酯
- bornylane ==> 冰片烷
- bornylhalide ==> 冰片基卤
- boro-carbon film resistor ==> 硼碳膜电阻器
- boro-silicated glass ==> ほうけい酸ガラス
- boron ==> 硼
- boron (B) ==> 硼
- boron addition pump ==> 加硼泵
- boron alloy ==> 硼合金
- boron bormide ==> 溴化硼,溴化硼
- boron capsule diffusion ==> 硼箱扩散,箱式硼扩散
- boron carbide ==> 碳化硼=>炭化ホウ素
- Boron Carbide Powder ==> 碳化硼粉末
- boron cast-iron ==> 含硼铸铁
- boron chamber ==> 硼电离室
- boron charged under pressure ==> 圧力下で帯電するホウ素
- boron counter tube ==> 硼计数管
- boron deficiency ==> 缺硼
- boron differential worth ==> 硼微分价值,堆芯冷却剂中单位硼浓度变化所引起的反应性变化。它是对硼酸溶液补偿反应堆后备反应性效率的一种度量。该值与堆芯硼浓度、冷却剂温度等因素有关
- boron diffusion ==> 硼扩散
- boron dilution ==> 硼稀释,在反应堆启动时或反应堆运行中,用降低冷却剂或慢化剂中硼浓度的方法引入正反应性的操作。稀释速率要严格计算和控制,以防止发生瞬发超临界、超功率事故
- boron doped silica ==> 掺硼二氧化硅
- boron family ==> 硼族
- boron fiber ==> 硼纤维
- boron filament ==> 硼丝,硼纤维
- boron fluoride ==> 氟化硼
- boron fluoride etherate ==> 三氟化硼醚化物
- boron fuel ==> 硼燃料
- boron glass ==> 硼玻璃
- boron hydride ==> 硼烷
- boron hydride poisoning ==> 硼氢化合物中毒
- boron injection ==> 硼注入,压水堆核电厂出现堆芯失水或地震等重大事故时,为确保反应堆达到深度次临界,除紧急停堆外,将高浓度硼溶液紧急注入堆芯的过程
- boron iron ==> 硼铁
- boron neutron detector ==> 硼中子检测器
- boron nitride ==> 氮化硼
- boron nitride ceramics ==> 氮化硼陶瓷
- boron nitride coating ==> 氮化硼涂层
- boron nitride fiber ==> 氮化硼纤维
- boron nitride filament yarn ==> 氮化硼长丝
- boron oxide ==> 氧化硼,二氧化硼
- boron oxygen tetrahedron ==> 硼氧四面体
- boron oxygen triangle ==> 硼氧三角钵
- boron phenyl difluoride ==> 苯硼化二氟
- boron polymer ==> 硼聚合物
- boron recycle system ==> 硼回收系统,又称“硼再生系统”。用蒸发和离子交换的方法处理反应堆冷却剂并回收浓硼酸的系统
- boron silicate ==> 硼硅酸盐
- boron steel ==> 硼钢
- boron trichloride ==> 三氯化硼
- boron triethoxide ==> 硼酸乙酯
- boron triethyl ==> 三乙基硼
- boron trifluoride ==> 氟化硼
- boron trifluoride etherate ==> 三氟化硼醚化物,醚合三氟化硼
- boron water ==> 含硼水
- boron wool ==> 硼棉
- boron-doping ==> 掺硼
- boron-dopped layer ==> 硼掺杂层
- boron-free glass ==> 无硼玻璃
- boron-lined counter ==> 衬硼计数管
- boron-oxygen ==> 硼氧化合物
- boronizing ==> 硼化
- borophenylic acid ==> 苯基硼酸
- borosilicate crown ==> 硅酸硼冕玻璃
- borosilicate crown glass ==> 硼硅酸盐冕玻璃
- borosilicate glass ==> 硼硅玻璃,硼硅酸盐玻璃,光学玻璃,硅酸硼玻璃
- borotungstic acid ==> 硼钨酸
- Borrelia vincentii ==> 奋森氏螺菌,奋森氏螺旋体
- Borrels blue ==> 包柔氏蓝
- Borrman effect ==> 博曼效应
- Borrmann anomalous-transmission technique ==> 博曼反常透射技术
- borrow ==> 贷,举债,举债,借,借位数,借用,取,采料=>借入
- borrow and loan contract ==> 借贷合同
- borrow area ==> 取土面积,采料场
- borrow cut ==> 借土挖方
- borrow digit ==> 借位数=>借り数
- borrow fill ==> 借土填方
- borrow generating device ==> 借位发生器
- borrow ideas from ==> 借鉴
- borrow money ==> 借款
- borrow money on ==> 押借
- borrow money on security ==> 押款
- borrow offer ==> 借报价,借发价
- borrow pit ==> 取土坑
- borrowed boom ==> 虚假繁荣
- borrowed capital ==> 借货资本,借入资本
- borrowed current fund ==> 借入流动资金
- borrowed funds ==> 借入资本
- borrowed money ==> 借入资本
- borrowed money accounts ==> 借入资金帐户
- borrowed prosperity ==> 虚假繁荣
- borrowed reserve ==> 借入准备金
- borrowed security ==> 借有价证券
- borrowed share ==> 借入股票
- borrowed stock ==> 借入股票
- borrower's bank ==> 借贷银行
- borrower's note ==> 借据
- borrowing arrangements ==> 借款安排
- borrowing authority ==> 借款授权
- borrowing cost ==> 借款成本
- borrowing costs ==> 借款费用
- borrowing demand ==> 借款需求
- borrowing limit ==> 借款限额
- borrowing on non-concessional terms ==> 非减让性借款
- borrowing potential power ==> 借款能力
- borrowing power ==> 借款权限
- borrowing powers ==> 举债权,举债权
- borrowing rate ==> 借贷利率
- borrowing requirement ==> 借款条件
- borrowing short to lend ==> 空头借人
- borrowing time ==> 借用时间
- borse power ==> 马力
- Borthen's operation ==> 博腾氏手术
- Bos frontalis ==> 大额牛
- BOS, bright object sensor ==> 発光目標物センサー
- Bosanquet's law ==> 博桑克特定律,博赞基特定律
- Bosch fuel injection pump ==> 波希柴油喷射泵,博施柴油喷射泵
- Bosch oil lubricator ==> 博式给油器,包式给油器
- Bosch process ==> 波希法,博施法
- Bosch pump type ==> ボッシュポンプ方式
- Bose ==> ボース
- Bose condensation ==> ボース凝縮
- Bose distribution ==> 玻色-爱因斯坦分布,博斯分布
- Bose gas ==> 玻色气体
- Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem code ==> BCH符号
- Bose-Einstein condensate ==> ボーズ・アインシュタイン凝縮体
- Bose-Einstein condensation ==> 玻尔-爱因斯坦凝聚
- Bose-Einstein distribution ==> 玻色-爱因斯坦分布
- Bose-Einstein distribution law ==> 玻色-爱因斯坦分布律
- Bose-Einstein nuclei ==> 玻色-爱因斯坦核
- Bose-Einstein statistic ==> 博斯-爱因斯坦统计量
- Bose-Einstein statistics ==> 玻色-爱因斯坦统计,玻色-爱因斯坦统计法=>ボース・アインシュタイン統計
- Bose-Kishen square ==> 博斯-基森方
- bosh ==> 炉腹=>(溶鉱炉の)朝顔
- bosh angle ==> 炉腹角
- bosh area ==> 炉腹区
- bosh break-out ==> 炉腹破裂
- bosh brick ==> 炉膛砖,高炉炉腹砖
- bosh casing ==> 炉腹外壳
- bosh cooler ==> 炉腹冷却装置
- bosh cooling box ==> 炉腹冷却箱
- bosh cooling plate ==> 炉腹冷却板
- bosh jacket ==> 炉腹外壳,炉腹外套
- bosh line ==> 炉腹水平线
- boshplate box ==> 炉腹冷却箱
- bosic chromatin ==> 碱性染质
- bosonic string theory ==> ボゾン弦理論
- boss ==> 上司,灰泥桶,轴套,止挡,雕花垂饰,四角螺丝套,凸瘤,凸起部,凸饰,凸台,浮凸饰,岩瘤,轮毂=>ボス
- boss bearing of pulley ==> 滑轮毂轴承
- boss ratio ==> 内外径比
- boss ring ==> 毂箍
- boss rod ==> 主机轴
- boss tool ==> 凸缘修正器
- Bostock sedimentation balance ==> 博斯托克沉降天平,搏斯托克沉降天平
- Boston caisson ==> 波斯顿沉箱
- Boston ridge ==> 博斯顿脊
- boswell classification ==> 包氏维尔分级法
- Boswellia carterii ==> 乳香树
- boswellic acid ==> 乳香脂酸
- BOT ==> 建設・運営後に譲渡
- bot pick ==> 钎子
- BOT, beginning of the tape ==> テープ始端
- BOT, Build-Operate-Transfer ==> 建设-经营-移交模式
- botal blood volume ==> 全血量
- Botallo's duct ==> 博塔洛氏管
- Botallo's ductus arteriosus ==> 动脉导管
- botanical ==> 植物学的
- botanical colony ==> 植物群落
- botanical companion ==> 植物
- botanical garden ==> 植物园
- botanical insecticide ==> 植物杀虫剂
- botanical zone ==> 植物带
- botanist ==> 植物学者
- botanogeochemical sample ==> 植物地球化学样品
- Botany Gazette ==> 植物学报
- BOTDA, Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis ==> BOTDA法
- BOTDR, Brillouin Optical Time Domain Reflectometry ==> ブリルアン散乱光時間領域反射計
- Botelho's test ==> 波特尔约氏血清试验
- both glabrous and curly pubescent plants ==> 无毛和卷曲茸毛的植株
- both left type and right type ==> 左右兼用型
- both mature and young soils ==> 成熟土和幼年土
- both principal and interest ==> 本利合计
- both regular and immediate command ==> 常规和立即命令
- both sewer system ==> 分流制下水道系统
- both sides welding ==> 双面焊接
- both sugar and starch in parts ==> 植株中的糖和淀粉
- both to blame collision clause ==> 双方过失碰撞条款
- both upper and lower epidermal layers ==> 上下表皮层
- both-way communication ==> 双向通信
- both-way trunk line ==> 双向干线,双向中继线
- bothway exchange line ==> 発着両用局線
- bothway operation ==> 両方向運用
- bothway trunk ==> 発着両用中継線
- bothway trunk line ==> 発着両用中継線
- Botkins hepatitis epidemica ==> 包特金氏流行性肝炎
- botryoid sarcoma of bladder ==> 膀胱葡萄状横纹肌肉瘤
- botryoidal structure ==> 葡萄状构造,葡萄状结构
- bott ==> 泥塞
- bott stick ==> 渣塞杆
- botting clay ==> 一种高塑性粘土
- bottle ==> 瓶,瓶子
- bottle blowing machine ==> 吹瓶机
- bottle brush ==> 洗瓶刷
- bottle cap ==> 瓶盖
- bottle capper ==> 瓶盖机,封瓶机
- bottle case ==> 药瓶箱(盒)
- bottle coal ==> 气煤
- bottle cork ==> 瓶塞
- bottle cullet ==> 瓶罐碎玻璃
- bottle filling machine ==> 灌瓶机,装瓶机
- bottle glass ==> 瓶罐玻璃
- bottle gourd ==> 葫芦,葫芦瓜
- bottle gourd carving ==> 葫芦雕刻品
- bottle graft ==> 瓶接
- bottle grafting ==> 插瓶靠接
- bottle green ==> 深绿,深绿色,瓶绿色
- bottle jack ==> 瓶式千斤顶
- bottle method ==> 比重瓶法
- bottle neck ==> 瓶颈,瓶颈谷,瓶颈口
- bottle oven ==> 瓶式窑
- bottle packing paper ==> 包瓶纸
- bottle pump ==> 玻璃水银扩散泵
- bottle respirator ==> 呼吸瓶
- bottle rinsing machine ==> 玻瓶冲洗机
- bottle robbin winding machine ==> 红木锭摇纱机
- bottle screw ==> 螺旋起重机,螺旋起重器
- bottle stone ==> 暗绿玻璃
- bottle stopper machine ==> 盖瓶机
- bottle tank ==> 瓶罐玻璃池窑
- bottle top mold ==> 瓶口锭模
- bottle washer ==> 洗瓶机
- bottle washing machine ==> 洗瓶机
- bottle wrapping paper ==> 包瓶纸
- bottle-feeding ==> 人工喂奶
- bottle-gourd shaped wine-jar ==> 匏尊
- bottle-jaw ==> 下颌水肿,水嗉子
- bottle-making mechines ==> 制瓶机
- bottle-nose curb ==> 圆边滴水槽
- bottle-nose drip ==> 圆边滴水槽
- bottle-nose whale oil ==> 槌鲸蜡油
- bottle-trap ==> 瓶式曲管
- bottled gas ==> 瓶装液化气
- bottleneck ==> 瓶颈,瓶颈状态,缩颈处,关键,涌塞,隘道=>ボトルネック,瓶首
- bottleneck analysis ==> 隘路分析,瓶颈分析=>障害分析
- bottleneck assignment problem ==> 阻塞分派问题
- bottleneck bandwidth ==> ボトルネック帯域幅
- bottleneck detection ==> ボトルネック検出
- bottleneck effect ==> 瓶颈作用=>ボトルネック効果,瓶首効果
- bottleneck entrance ==> 狭い入り口
- bottleneck equipment ==> ボトルネック装置
- bottleneck facility ==> 障害設備
- bottleneck inflation ==> 瓶颈式通货膨胀
- bottleneck problem ==> (瓶颈问题)薄弱环节问题
- bottlenose oil ==> 槌鲸油
- bottling clay ==> 堵塞出铁口用粘土
- bottling machine ==> 装瓶机
- Bottlinger model ==> 玻特林格模型
- Bottni's operation ==> 博蒂尼氏手术
- bottom ==> 炉底,此端向下,冲天炉炉底,底,底部,底床,底脚,底音,炉底,煤层底部
- bottom (dead) center ==> 下止点
- bottom (head) ==> 底封头
- bottom (lower) chord ==> 下弦
- bottom (moulding) box ==> 底箱
- bottom accretion ==> 河底淤高
- bottom adapter ==> 底部插头
- bottom angle ==> 齿根角,齿夹角
- bottom anvil ==> 底砧
- bottom arm ==> 下电极臂
- bottom articulated joint ==> 底部铰接缝
- bottom ash ==> 炉底渣,平衡通风锅炉由于炉膛负压非正常增大,致使内外气体压差骤增,超过炉膛结构瞬态承压强度而造成的向内爆破事故。
- bottom ash cooler ==> 冷渣器,锅炉各组合件金属重量之和与锅炉金属总重量之比,以百分率表示。
- bottom ash discharge valve ==> 排渣控制阀,循环流化床锅炉的飞灰分离装置中工作温度在500℃左右的分离器。
- bottom ash hopper ==> 冷灰斗,煤粉锅炉炉膛下部由水冷壁所形成的斗状(倾角一般为50°~55°)结构,用以冷却炉渣,使其呈固态排出。
- bottom bar ==> 下鼠笼条
- bottom beam ==> 窑底梁
- bottom bed ==> 台面
- bottom bell ==> 底料钟
- bottom block ==> 窑底砖
- bottom blow down valve ==> 底部排污阀
- bottom blowing ==> 底吹
- bottom blown converter ==> 底吹转炉
- bottom blug ==> 底塞
- bottom board ==> 底板,垫板,载型板
- bottom boiler connection ==> 锅炉下接头
- bottom border ==> 图廓下边
- bottom bottle ==> 底层浮标瓶
- bottom bounce ==> 海底反射
- bottom bracing ==> 底撑
- bottom bracket ==> 底托架,下托架
- bottom break ==> 底部断裂,基出枝
- bottom brick ==> 炉底砖
- bottom bush ==> 底衬
- bottom cap (head) ==> 底盖
- bottom cargo ==> 底货载,压舱物
- bottom case ==> 底壳,底箱
- bottom casting ==> 底注,底注铸造,下铸,下铸法
- bottom center-fired pit ==> 中心燃烧式均热炉
- bottom centrefired pit ==> 中心燃烧式均热炉
- bottom charge ==> ボトム充電
- bottom check ==> (玻璃缺陷)底部裂缝
- bottom chord ==> 底弦
- bottom clack ==> 进水活瓣,进油活瓣
- bottom clamping plate ==> 底部压紧板
- bottom cleaning plug ==> 底部清除塞
- bottom clearance ==> 底部净距
- bottom cloth ==> 衬垫织物
- bottom collector ==> 塔底集液管
- bottom compartment ==> 底室
- bottom configuration ==> 底部地形,底形
- bottom construction ==> 炉底结构
- bottom contact platform ==> 海底钻井平台
- bottom contour chart ==> 海底等深图
- bottom contraction ==> 底部收缩
- bottom coring ==> 海底取岩心
- bottom course ==> 底层
- bottom culture ==> 海底养植
- bottom current ==> 底层流,底流
- bottom current meter ==> 底层流速计
- bottom cut ==> 底部掏槽,底槽
- bottom cutter ==> 根部切割器
- bottom cutting ==> 底部截槽
- bottom dead center ==> 下死点
- bottom dead point ==> 下止点
- bottom dead-center indicator ==> 下止点指示器
- bottom dead-centre ==> 外死点
- bottom defoliation ==> 茎秆脱叶
- bottom delivery feed ==> 下排式排种器
- bottom deposit ==> 底部沉积
- bottom diameter of thread ==> 螺纹底径
- bottom die ==> 下模
- bottom discard ==> 锭尾切头
- bottom discharge ==> 底部排泄,下出料,活底卸料
- bottom discharge bucket ==> 底卸式吊桶
- bottom discharge car ==> 底卸式料斗车
- bottom discharge valve ==> 底部排料阀
- bottom dissolved oxygen ==> 水底溶解氧
- bottom dog ==> 底钩
- bottom door ==> 底门
- bottom double seaming machine ==> 罐底双重封缝机
- bottom drain valve ==> 底部放泄阀
- bottom drainage ==> 底部排水
- bottom draw cut ==> 底部掏槽
- bottom drift ==> 底部导洞
- bottom dump bucket ==> 底卸料斗
- bottom dump hopper car ==> 自卸式底开门车,底部设有可开启的车门的运煤车辆
- bottom dump truck ==> 底部卸料车,底卸卡车
- bottom dumper ==> 底卸运土车
- bottom dumping car ==> 底卸式料斗车
- bottom echo ==> 反面回声=>海底エコー
- bottom ejector plate ==> 喷射底板
- bottom electrode ==> 底电极
- bottom end cover ==> 下端盖
- bottom engine ==> 底级发动机
- bottom entering backswept agitator ==> 底伸式后掠形搅拌器
- bottom entering mixers agitator ==> 倒置式底面混合搅拌器
- bottom entering type agitator ==> 底伸式搅拌器
- bottom entry ==> 下端插入
- bottom fastening bolt ==> 底螺栓
- bottom fauna ==> 底栖生物
- bottom feed ==> 底部加料,底部喂料
- bottom feed waste oiler ==> 底给棉纱头加油器
- bottom fermentation ==> 底层发酵,底发酵
- bottom filling ewer ==> 倒灌壶
- bottom fired heater ==> 底烧炉
- bottom flange ==> 下阀盖
- bottom flange plate ==> 凸缘底板
- bottom flash ==> 底部飞边
- bottom flow ==> 底流,回卷流
- bottom flowing pressure ==> 井底流动压力,井底流动压力
- bottom flue ==> 底烟道
- bottom flushing of sediment ==> 底部排沙
- bottom fraction ==> 筛底粉
- bottom gate ==> 底部闸门,底浇口,底孔闸门,底注式浇口,底注式浇注系统
- bottom gating ==> 底注式浇注系统
- bottom gear ==> 低速排档
- bottom girder ==> 底梁
- bottom glade ==> 底谷
- bottom glass ==> 池底玻璃液
- bottom grass ==> 底层草
- bottom gravimeter ==> 海底重力仪
- bottom grazing ==> 底层放牧
- bottom guide ==> 下导板
- bottom half ==> 箱体底部,下半箱体
- bottom head ==> 底盘
- bottom heading ==> 底部导洞
- bottom heat ==> 坩埚底热量
- bottom heating ==> 底部预热
- bottom hold ==> 船底层舱
- bottom hole ==> 底孔
- bottom hole packer ==> 井底封隔器,井底封隔器
- bottom hole pressure ==> 井底压力,井底压力
- bottom hole pump ==> 井底沉没式泵,井底沉没式泵
- bottom hole separator ==> 井底油气分离器,井底油气分离器
- bottom hopper barge ==> 底开式驳船,底卸式船
- bottom ice ==> 底冰,锚冰
- bottom inlet pump ==> 底吸泵
- bottom intake rack ==> 底孔进水口拦污栅
- bottom inwall line ==> 炉腰水平线
- bottom kerf ==> 底槽
- bottom knockout ==> 下顶料,下脱模
- bottom land ==> 低洼地,齿槽底面
- bottom land forest ==> 河谷林
- bottom layer ==> 底层
- bottom leachate collection system ==> 底部集排水設備
- bottom lead type ==> 底部引线型
- bottom leaf ==> 底叶
- bottom life ==> 炉底寿命
- bottom line ==> (损益表中最末一行)末行数字=>純損失,純利益,総決算
- bottom line of teeth ==> 齿根圆线
- bottom liner ==> 底衬
- bottom lining ==> 底衬
- bottom load ==> 底沙,底移质
- bottom loading thermobalance ==> 下皿式热天平
- bottom longitudinal ==> 底部纵材,底部纵骨,船底纵向构件
- bottom margin ==> 底边
- bottom matter ==> 底质
- bottom member ==> 船底成件,船底杆件
- bottom mine ==> 沉底雷
- bottom moulding box ==> 下砂箱
- bottom mud ==> 底层泥浆
- bottom note ==> 注脚
- bottom of foundation ==> 基础底面
- bottom of hole ==> 井底,井底,钻孔底
- bottom of sedimentary ==> 沉积层底部
- bottom of slot ==> 槽底
- bottom of stack ==> 堆栈的底部
- bottom of the blade ==> 叶片底叶
- bottom of the excavation ==> 槽坑底
- bottom of the hearth ==> 炉底
- bottom of thread ==> 螺纹底部
- bottom oil ==> 油脚
- bottom or rooted member of a graft ==> 嫁接作物的基部生根部分
- bottom out ==> 开始回升
- bottom outlet ==> 深孔,设在坝体底部或深水区孔口
- bottom outlet diversion ==> 底孔导流,采用在坝体内(混凝土坝或浆砌石坝)预留临时或永久泄水孔洞,施工期引导河水下泄的施工导流
- bottom outlet hole ==> 底排水孔
- bottom outlet orifice ==> 底部放水孔口
- bottom packer ==> 底部打捆器
- bottom paint ==> 船底漆
- bottom pass ==> 下轧槽
- bottom pavement ==> 铺砌窑底
- bottom paving ==> 铺砌窑底
- bottom pinch roll ==> 下夹送辊
- bottom pitch ==> 铧尖犁梁距离
- bottom plate ==> 底板,主夹板
- bottom plate of column ==> 分馏塔底塔盘
- bottom plate screw ==> 底板螺钉
- bottom plating ==> 底板,船底板
- bottom plow ==> 铧式犁
- bottom plow with subsoiler ==> 带心土铲的铧式犁
- bottom pour ladle ==> 底注式浇包,漏包
- bottom pouring ==> 下铸,下铸法,下注,底注式=>底注ぎ
- bottom pressure ==> 底部压力,底压力
- bottom price ==> 底价
- bottom priming ==> 底部点火
- bottom probe ==> 河底取样钻
- bottom product ==> 底部产品,塔底产品,塔釜残液,残留产品,残液
- bottom prop ==> 炉底支柱
- bottom punch ==> 下模冲
- bottom radius ==> 槽底半径
- bottom rake ==> 后角
- bottom ramming machine ==> 炉底打结机
- bottom recessive ==> 隐性基因纯合体
- bottom reflector ==> 底部反射体
- bottom reverberation ==> 河底交混回响
- bottom ring ==> 底环
- bottom ripple ==> 河底波痕
- bottom roll ==> 下轧辊
- bottom roller ==> 底辊
- bottom rot ==> 底腐病
- bottom running ==> 底注法
- bottom sampler ==> 水底取土钻,采泥器
- bottom sampling ==> 底样采集器
- bottom scanning sonar ==> 海底扫描声纳
- bottom section ==> 底部截面
- bottom sector gate ==> 底部扇形闸门
- bottom sediment ==> 底部泥沙,罐底杂质
- bottom sediment (settling) and water ==> 底部残渣与水
- bottom set ==> 底层,小球茎
- bottom set bed ==> 底积层
- bottom settlings ==> 水杂淀积
- bottom shaft ==> 织机下地轴
- bottom shell plating ==> 船底外板
- bottom shore ==> 底部支柱
- bottom side ==> 底部
- bottom side rail ==> 下桁材
- bottom slide ==> 底部滑板
- bottom slide of saddle ==> 刀架底板
- bottom slope ==> 底坡
- bottom slot layer ==> 下层绕组
- bottom sluice ==> 底部泄水闸
- bottom sluice gate ==> 底部泄水闸门
- bottom soil ==> 底土
- bottom spindle ==> 下轴
- bottom spring ==> 底弹簧
- bottom squeeze ==> 底板隆起
- bottom squeeze moulding machine ==> 底压式造型机
- bottom stamp ==> (器皿底标记)底款
- bottom step ==> 踏步首步
- bottom stiffener ==> 底部加强肋
- bottom stitching machine ==> 封底钉铆机
- bottom stowage ==> 压载
- bottom suction pump ==> 底吸泵
- bottom surface ==> 底面
- bottom swage ==> 下凹锻模
- bottom tap ==> 下除渣口,平底丝锥
- bottom tap ladle ==> 塞棒式铸钢桶
- bottom tapping ==> 炉底出钢
- bottom temperature ==> 井底温度,井底温度
- bottom terrace ==> 河底阶地
- bottom tool ==> 底锻模
- bottom tooth thickness ==> 齿根截面厚
- bottom traction ==> (拖运)底部牵引
- bottom transverse ==> 底部横材,船底横材,船底横向构件
- bottom trash rack ==> 底部拦污栅
- bottom unloader ==> 底部卸载机
- bottom up ==> ボトムアップ
- bottom valve ==> 底阀
- bottom velocity ==> 底部流速
- bottom ventilated bin ==> 底部通风粮箱
- bottom view ==> 底视图,仰视图
- bottom wall ==> 下盘
- bottom water ==> 低层水,底层水,底面水,底水
- bottom water level gauge ==> 低位水位计
- bottom water sprays ==> 下喷水器
- bottom width ==> 底宽
- bottom working roll ==> 下工作辊
- bottom yeast ==> 管底酵母
- bottom(water) screen ==> 水筛炉底,炉底水帘管
- bottom-blown converter ==> 底吹转炉
- bottom-bounce sonar ==> 海底反射声纳
- bottom-discharge bit ==> 底冲式钻头
- bottom-dump ==> 底卸式,车底卸载
- bottom-dump bucket ==> 底部卸料斗,底卸式铲斗,活底铲斗
- bottom-dump car ==> 底卸车
- bottom-dump hauler ==> 底卸式拖运机
- bottom-dump haulet ==> 底卸拖运车
- bottom-dump skip ==> 底卸式箕斗
- bottom-dump tipper ==> 底部可拆开的自卸卡车
- bottom-dump tractor-trailer ==> 底卸拖拉机拖车
- bottom-dump trailer ==> 底卸拖车
- bottom-dump truck ==> 底卸车
- bottom-dump unit ==> 底部倾卸装置
- bottom-dump wagon ==> 底开式料车
- bottom-dumping gismo ==> 底卸式吉斯莫万能采掘机
- bottom-dumping hopper body truck ==> 底卸料斗式运货汽车
- bottom-emptying skip ==> 底卸式箕斗
- bottom-end of stroke ==> 行程的下死点
- bottom-fed evaporator ==> 底部供液的蒸发器
- bottom-feed wick oiler ==> 底吸油芯加油器
- bottom-hinged inswinging window ==> 底悬内开翻窗
- bottom-hole choke ==> 井底油嘴,井底油嘴
- bottom-hole samples ==> (石油)井底样品,井底样品
- bottom-line capitalism ==> マネー資本主義
- bottom-line effect ==> 収益効果
- bottom-loading conveyer ==> 下部装载运输机
- bottom-mounted current meter ==> 海底海流计
- bottom-mounted mooring pylon ==> 海底系泊塔
- bottom-mounted tide recorder ==> 海底潮汐记录仪
- bottom-mounted wave direction meter ==> 海底波浪方向仪
- bottom-plank ton sampler ==> 海底浮游生物采样器
- bottom-pour mold ==> 底浇铸型
- bottom-up ==> 倒置,底部朝上,自底向上
- bottom-up management ==> 上行式的管理
- bottom-up parsing ==> 自底向上句型分析
- bottom-wear chamfer ==> 底倒角
- bottombars ==> 底杆
- bottomdump tipper ==> 底部可拆开的自卸卡车
- bottomed region ==> 通导区
- bottoming ==> 输出下限,槽底找平,打底
- bottoming bending die ==> 校正弯曲模
- bottoming bit ==> 活钻头
- bottoming drill ==> 平底钻
- bottoming hand tap ==> 手用平底丝锥
- bottoming machine ==> 封底机
- bottoming reamer ==> 平底铰刀,精铰刀
- bottoming tap ==> 三锥,平底螺丝攻,盲孔丝锥
- bottomland ==> 底部地
- bottommounted wave recorder analyzer ==> 海底波浪自动记录分析仪
- bottomry ==> 冒险借款,押船借款,以船作抵押的借款,舱舶抵押贷款
- bottomry bond ==> 押船契约,冒险借款债券
- bottoms ==> 底部沉积物,底部残留物,底部产品,残留物
- bottoms pump ==> 底料泵,塔底液泵
- bottomset ==> 底积层
- bottomset bed ==> 底积层
- bottomset beds ==> 底积层
- bottonm-facing machine ==> 转底光面机
- bottorm echo ==> 底面反射波
- botulinal toxin test ==> 肉毒毒素试验
- botulinum ==> ボツリヌス菌
- botulinum antitoxin ==> 肉毒抗毒素
- botulinum intoxication ==> ボツリヌス菌中毒
- botulinus ==> 肉毒菌=>ボツリヌス菌
- botulinus antitoxin 肉毒抗毒素 ==>
- botulinus toxin ==> 肉毒杆菌类毒素
- bouble glazed unit ==> 双层中空玻璃
- Bouchard's index ==> 布夏尔指数
- Bouchards index ==> 布夏尔氏指数
- boucherizing ==> 硫酸铜注入法
- boucherot (squirrel-cage) motor ==> 双鼠笼式电动机
- Boucherot (squirrel-cage) motor ==> 双鼠笼式电动机
- Boucherot circuit ==> 波切洛特电路
- boucherot squirrel cage motor ==> 双鼠笼电动机
- boucherot squirrel cage winding ==> 双鼠笼绕组
- Boucherot starting method ==> 波切洛特起动法
- bouchon wire ==> (钟)衬管丝材
- Bouchut's method ==> 布许氏法
- Bouchuts respiration ==> 布许氏呼吸
- Boudins law ==> 布丹氏定律
- bough ==> 大树枝
- bough pot ==> 花束
- bought ==> 进货
- bought and sold notes ==> 经纪人所作的买卖契约,经纪人所作的买卖契约
- bought ledger ==> 进货分类帐,购买分类帐
- bought scrap ==> 外购废金属
- bought without any restriction ==> 敞开供应
- bought-in components ==> 外购件,外购设备=>購入品設備
- bougie decimal ==> 分烛光
- Bouguer anomaly ==> 布格异常
- Bouguer correction ==> 布格校正,布格校正值
- Bouguer plot ==> 布格图
- Bouguer reduction ==> 布格校正
- Bouguer's halo ==> 布格晕
- Bouguer's law ==> 伯格定律
- Bouguer-Lambert law ==> 波格-朗伯定律
- Bouillauds syndrome ==> 布优氏综合征
- bouillon cup ==> 肉汤杯
- Bouin's solution ==> 包音氏液
- boulangerite ==> 块硫锑铅矿
- boulder ==> 孤石,巨砾,大块石,漂砾,蛮石
- boulder base ==> 蛮石地基,蛮石基础
- boulder bed ==> 卵石层,大卵石层,巨砾层
- boulder belt ==> 漂砾带
- boulder blasting ==> 分块钻孔,爆破大石
- boulder buster ==> 岩石破碎机,岩石破碎器
- boulder clay ==> 砾泥,冰砾泥,冰碛物,泥砾
- boulder concrete ==> 卵石混凝土
- boulder cracker ==> 岩石破碎机,岩石破碎器
- boulder crusher ==> 粗碎机
- boulder ditch ==> 乱石盲沟
- boulder fan ==> 漂砾扇
- boulder flint ==> 卵石
- boulder flow ==> 土石流
- boulder paving ==> 大块石铺砌
- boulder prospecting ==> 漂砾勘探
- boulder setter ==> 蛮石铺砌层
- boulder stream canyon ==> 蛮石峡谷
- boulder strip ==> 条石
- boulder train ==> 漂砾列
- boulder wall ==> 漂砾墙,大块石墙
- boulevard ==> 広い並木道
- boulton process ==> 真空干燥法
- Boulton well function ==> 搏尔顿井函数
- Boulton's solution ==> 博尔顿氏溶液
- Bouma cycle ==> 鲍玛旋回
- Bouma sequence ==> 鲍玛层序
- bounce ==> 反跳,はね返り,バウンス
- bounce cast ==> 弹跳铸型,突型脊
- bounce cylinder ==> 缓冲汽缸
- bounce flash ==> 间接闪光,跳闪,反射闪光
- bounce frequency ==> 弹跳频率
- bounce mark ==> 弹跳痕迹
- bounce resonance ==> 反冲共振
- bounce response ==> 跳动响应
- bounce table ==> 冲击台,振动台
- bouncing ==> 反跳,接点反跳
- bouncing characteristic ==> 跳动特性
- bouncing motion ==> 高さの変動(レーダ)
- bouncing pin ==> 跳针,弹跳杆
- bouncing pin apparatus ==> 跳针指示仪
- bouncing putty ==> 弹性油泥
- bouncing time ==> 回跳时间,即将闭合(或断开)的触点在触点第一次闭合(或断开)的瞬间起至触点最后闭合(或断开)的瞬间止的时间间隔
- bouncing-pin apparatus ==> 弹针仪
- bound ==> 弹跳,界,联合,受限制,受约束,上下界,上下限=>限界,境界,限度,範囲
- bound acid ==> 结合酸
- bound analysis ==> 限界解析
- bound anaphor ==> 束縛照応形
- bound anaphora ==> 束縛照応
- bound auxin ==> 束缚生长激素
- bound barrel ==> 束紧的枪管
- bound calcium ==> 结合钙
- bound carbon dioxide ==> 结合二氧化碳
- bound charge ==> 束缚电荷=>拘束電荷
- bound component ==> 界分量,界元素
- bound constituent ==> 結合成分
- bound constraint ==> 範囲制約
- bound control module (BCM) ==> 界限控制模块
- bound drug ==> 結合した薬物
- bound dye ==> 結合色素
- bound electron ==> 束缚电子=>拘束電子,束縛電子
- bound electron hole ==> 束缚电子空穴
- bound energy ==> 束缚能=>束縛エネルギー
- bound entanglement ==> 束縛エンタングルメント
- bound excitation ==> 束縛励起
- bound excited state ==> 束縛励起状態
- bound exciton ==> 束縛励起子
- bound exciton line ==> 束缚激子谱线
- bound feet ==> 纏足
- bound for objective function ==> 目标函数的约束条件
- bound hole ==> 束缚空穴
- bound in leather ==> 皮面装订
- bound method ==> 界限法
- bound mode ==> 束缚模
- bound module ==> 界限模块
- bound moisture ==> 结合水
- bound motion ==> 束縛運動
- bound niacin ==> 結合性ナイアシン
- bound nucleon ==> 束縛核子
- bound occurrence ==> 界限出现
- bound of a ball ==> ボールの弾み
- bound of aggregation ==> 聚集边界,聚集边界
- bound of interconnection ==> 关联界限
- bound of parameter ==> 参数的界
- bound pair ==> 界对,界偶,限界对
- bound pair list ==> 界对表,界偶表
- bound pupa ==> 缚蛹
- bound rates of duty ==> 受约束税率
- bound register ==> 界限寄存器
- bound register for memory protection ==> 供存储保护用的界限寄存器
- bound scattering ==> 束缚散射
- bound segment ==> 联编段
- bound state ==> 束缚态
- bound symbol ==> 连接符,连接符号,界限符
- bound symbol sequence ==> 连接符号顺序
- bound task set (BTS) ==> 界限任务集
- bound task set load module ==> 界限任务集装入模块
- bound term ==> 约束项
- bound transition ==> 束縛遷移
- bound variable ==> 约束变项,界变量,范围变量=>束縛変項
- bound vector ==> 束缚向量=>束縛ベクトル
- bound vitamin ==> 結合ビタミン
- bound vortex ==> 束缚涡流
- bound water ==> 束缚水,结合水
- boundary ==> 边界,边缘,极限,界限,界面,边,界,境,境界,分界线
- boundary action ==> 境界作用
- boundary address register ==> 界地址寄存器
- boundary alignment ==> 对界,边界定位,边界对准
- boundary approximation ==> 边界逼近
- boundary band ==> 境界线色带,境界线色带
- boundary beam ==> 边梁
- boundary behavior ==> 境界挙動
- boundary belt ==> 保护带=>境界帯
- boundary between muscles ==> 分肉
- boundary brittle fracture ==> 边界脆性断裂
- boundary cavitation ==> 边界区空蚀
- boundary chain ==> 边界链
- boundary coding ==> 界编码
- boundary collocation ==> 边界配置
- boundary condition ==> 边界条件,极限条件=>境界条件
- boundary condition for electromagnetic field ==> 电磁场的边界条件
- boundary conditions ==> 边界条件
- boundary constraint ==> 边界约束
- boundary contraction method ==> 边界收缩方法
- boundary contrast ==> 边界对比度,亮度差阈
- boundary coupling ==> 境界結合
- boundary creep fracture ==> 边界蠕变断裂
- boundary crisis ==> 境界危機
- boundary current ==> 边界流
- boundary curve ==> 边界曲线
- boundary detection ==> 边界检测
- boundary diffraction ==> 边界衍射
- boundary diffusion ==> 晶界扩散
- boundary dimension ==> 轮廓尺寸
- boundary dimensions ==> 边界尺寸
- boundary effect ==> 边界效应
- boundary element ==> 边缘构件,边界单元,边界元素
- boundary element method ==> 边界单元法=>境界要素法
- boundary error ==> 边界错误
- boundary face ==> 边界面
- boundary fence ==> 边篱
- boundary film ==> 边界膜
- boundary films ==> 边界膜
- boundary flow method ==> 边界潮流法,一种输配电价的定价方法,采用边界潮流法,先计算由于输电业务而引起的输电网络边界潮流的变化,并根据该数据计算输电费
- boundary friction ==> 边界摩擦
- boundary function ==> 边界功能,边界函数,分界功能
- boundary geometry ==> 边界几何形状
- boundary growth ==> 边界增厚
- boundary integral method ==> 边界积分法
- boundary layer ==> 边界层=>境界層
- boundary layer acceleration ==> 边界层加速
- boundary layer accumulation ==> 边界层增厚
- boundary layer analysis ==> 境界層解析
- boundary layer blowing-off ==> 边界层吹除
- boundary layer buildup ==> 附面层的形成
- boundary layer capacitor ==> 境界層磁器コンデンサ
- boundary layer diffusion ==> 边界层扩散
- boundary layer effect ==> 边界层效应
- boundary layer energy equation ==> 边界层能量方程
- boundary layer equations ==> 边界层方程
- boundary layer friction loss ==> 附面层摩擦损失
- boundary layer growth ==> 边界层增厚
- boundary layer model ==> 边界层模型
- boundary layer momentum integral equation ==> 边界层动量积分方程
- boundary layer oscillation ==> 边界层脉动
- boundary layer phenomenon ==> 边界层现象
- boundary layer probe ==> 边界层探针
- boundary layer separation ==> 边界层脱离
- boundary layer separation loss ==> 附面层脱离损失
- boundary layer skin friction ==> 边界层表面摩擦
- boundary layer suction ==> 边界层吸除
- boundary layer theory ==> 边界层理论
- boundary layer thickness ==> 边界层厚度
- boundary layer transition ==> 边界层过渡,边界层过渡区,边界层转捩
- boundary layer trip ==> 边界层激流丝
- boundary layer velocity profile ==> 边界层速度剖面
- boundary light ==> 边界灯
- boundary lights ==> 边界灯
- boundary line ==> 分界线,边界线,边线,境界线,境界线,分界限线
- boundary lipid ==> 界面脂
- boundary lubricant ==> 边界润滑剂
- boundary lubrication ==> (轴承)面间润滑,界面润滑
- boundary lubrication additive ==> 边界润滑添加剂
- boundary marker ==> 边界指点标,机场标志板,界碑
- boundary marker beacon ==> 边界指示标
- boundary member ==> 限制器,停车器
- boundary monument ==> 界标
- boundary network node (BNN) ==> 分界网络节点,边界网络节点
- boundary node ==> 边界节点
- boundary of a set of points ==> 点集的边界
- boundary of basin ==> 盆地的边界
- boundary of groove ==> 轧槽外形
- boundary of grout zone ==> 灌浆区范围
- boundary of recharge area ==> 补给区边界
- boundary of safe region ==> 安全区域的边界
- boundary of set ==> 集合界限
- boundary or grain ==> 晶粒界
- boundary parenchyma ==> 轮界薄壁组织,轮限薄壁组织
- boundary particle ==> 界面颗粒
- boundary perturbation problem ==> 边界扰动问题
- boundary pillar ==> 分界矿柱
- boundary plane ==> 边界面
- boundary planting ==> 边界种植
- boundary point ==> 边界点
- boundary point of graph ==> 图的边界点
- boundary position ==> 极限位置
- boundary post ==> 界桩
- boundary problem ==> 边界问题
- boundary property ==> 边界性质
- boundary register ==> 边界寄存器,上下界寄存器,上下限地址寄存器,上下限寄存器
- boundary resistance ==> 边界电阻,边界阻力
- boundary river ==> 界河
- boundary row ==> 保护行
- boundary scattering ==> 边界散射
- boundary science ==> 边缘科学
- boundary separation ==> 边界分离
- boundary shear ==> 边界剪应力
- boundary similarity ==> 边界相似
- boundary solution method ==> 边界解法
- boundary spring ==> 边界泉,冲积坡泉,溢出泉
- boundary state of stress ==> 极限应力状态
- boundary stone ==> 界石
- boundary stratotype ==> 界线层型
- boundary stress ==> 边缘应力
- boundary strip ==> 边界地带,田界
- boundary surface ==> 边界面
- boundary survey ==> 地界测量,边界测量
- boundary tablet ==> 界碑,界石
- boundary tag method ==> 边界标志法
- boundary tag method of storage allocation ==> 存储分配的边界标志方法
- boundary temperature ==> 边界温度
- boundary tension ==> 表面张力
- boundary tissue ==> 界限组织
- boundary treatment ==> 边界处理
- boundary tree ==> 边行树
- boundary value ==> 边界值
- boundary value problem ==> 边界值问题
- boundary value problem of ordinary differential equation ==> 常微分方程式の境界値問題
- boundary vector ==> 界标向量
- boundary velocity ==> 界面速度
- boundary wall ==> 围墙
- boundary wall tube ==> 炉墙管
- boundary wave ==> 边界波
- boundary wavelength ==> 边界波长
- boundary zone ==> 边界区,边缘带,界面区
- boundary zone of capillarity ==> 毛管水边界层,毛管作用带,毛细管作用带
- boundary-contraction method ==> 边界蚀刻法
- boundary-drag coefficient ==> 边界阻力系数
- boundary-layer control (BLC) ==> 边界层控制
- boundary-layer flow ==> 边界层流动,边界层水流
- boundary-layer oscillation ==> 边界层振动
- boundary-layer photocell ==> 边界层光电池
- boundary-layer separation ==> 边界层分离
- boundary-layer theory ==> 边界层学说,薄膜理论
- boundarylayer photocell ==> 光生伏打电池
- bounded ==> 有界
- bounded context grammar ==> 限界上下文文法
- bounded context parser ==> 限界上下文分析程序
- bounded function ==> 有界函数
- Bounded gaps between primes ==> 质数间的有界距离
- bounded linear transformation ==> 有界线性变换
- bounded matrix ==> 有界矩阵
- bounded projection ==> 有界投影
- bounded set ==> 有界集
- bounded set of numbers ==> 有界数集
- bounded set of points ==> 有界点集
- bounded test ==> 界限检验
- bounded variable ==> 约束变量,有界变数,基本变量
- bounded variation ==> 有界变差
- bounding capacity ==> 粘着力
- bounding effect ==> 行边效应
- bounding erosion surface ==> 边界侵蚀面
- bounding hyperplane ==> 边界超平面
- bounding layer ==> 边界层
- bounding mine ==> 跳雷
- bounding pulse ==> 洪脉
- bounding surface ==> 分界面
- boundray branch ==> 花束状结果枝
- bounds on error ==> 误差界限
- BoundsChecker ==> Windows/C言語用動的解析ツール
- bouquet stage ==> 花束期
- bourbon metal ==> 包尔邦锡铝合金
- bourdon ==> 带边绳
- Bourdon ga(u)ge ==> 弹性金属曲管式压力计
- Bourdon gauge ==> 波尔登管式压力计,鲍登氏量规
- Bourdon manometer ==> 包尔登压力表
- Bourdon pressure gage ==> 波尔登压力计
- Bourdon pressure gauge ==> 包尔登压力表
- Bourdon pressure sensor ==> 弹簧管压力检测元件
- Bourdon pressure vacuum gauge ==> 包尔登低压真空计
- Bourdon spring ==> 博登管簧,弹簧管
- Bourdon tube ==> 弹簧管,波登管,布尔登管
- Bourdon tube gauge ==> 包尔登管压力计,波登管式压力计
- bourdon tube pressure gauge ==> 波登管式压力表
- bourdon tube temperature gauge ==> 波登管式温度表
- Bourdon tube type manometer ==> 波尔登管式压力计
- Bourdon tube type pressure gauge ==> 波尔登管式压力表
- Bourdon tube type vacuum gauge ==> 波尔登管式真空表
- Bourdon tube(pressure)gauge ==> 弹簧管压力表
- Bourdon's metallic barometer ==> 波尔登金属气压计
- Bourdon-tube manometer ==> 波登管压力表
- bourdony ==> 布尔多内呢
- Bourdons test ==> 包登氏试验
- bourette silk card ==> 绸丝梳绵机
- bourette spinning machine ==> 稠丝细纱机
- bourette yarn ==> 绸丝
- bourgeois system in general ==> 一般资产阶级制度
- Bourges process ==> 布尔格斯人工设色法
- bournonite ==> 车轮矿
- Bourquin-Sherman unit ==> 布尔奎-谢尔曼单位
- Bousins fixative ==> 鲍辛氏固定液
- Boussinesq approximation ==> 博欣内斯克近似,布西涅斯克近似
- Boussinesq coefficient ==> 布辛内斯克系数
- Boussinesq equation ==> 博欣内斯克方程,布西涅斯克方程
- Boussinesq number ==> 布西涅斯克数
- boutique ==> 璞缇客,妇女用品商店=>専門店
- boutonneuse fever ==> 南欧斑疹热,马赛热
- boutons terminaux ==> 终末膨大,终钮
- Bouvealt-Blanc method ==> 布维尔特-布朗法
- Bouverets syndrome ==> 布佛雷氏综合征
- Bouwers catadioptric system ==> 鲍沃斯折反射系统
- Bouwers telescope ==> 鲍沃斯望远镜
- Bouyocos hydrometer ==> (用于测定悬浮液固体颗粒大小)波友柯氏比重计
- Bouyoucos hydrometer ==> 鲍氏比重计
- Bouyoucous hydrometer ==> 布尤卡斯比重计
- Boveall Babbitt alloy ==> 博维尔巴比特合金
- Boveri's test ==> 博韦里氏试验
- bovey coal ==> 褐煤
- BOVG, Backup Over Voltage Ground relay ==> バックアップ地絡過電圧継電器
- bovine acetonaemia ==> 牛醋酮血病
- bovine cystic haematuria ==> 牛膀胱血尿症
- bovine farcy ==> 牛的皮疽
- bovine hyperkeratosis ==> 牛中毒性角化病
- bovine hypomagnesaemia ==> 牛低血镁症
- bovine pericardium ==> 牛心包膜
- bovine tetany ==> 牛缺镁强直
- bovine vaccine ==> 牛痘苗
- bow ==> 弓,弓弧形房屋,弓形,弓形弯,船头,锯弓,锯弓,锯框,锯框,屈,艏,艏,舰首=>船首,艦首,弓形に曲げる
- bow action ==> 弓形弯曲
- bow anchor ==> 船首锚
- bow and stern ==> 船首と船尾
- bow array ==> 艏基阵,艏基阵
- bow beam ==> 弓形梁
- bow cap ==> 机头罩
- bow chain saw ==> 弓形链锯
- bow charging crane ==> 船头装货起重机
- bow collector ==> 集电弓=>ビューゲル(電鉄)
- bow compartment ==> 艏舱,艏舱
- bow compasses ==> 弹簧圆规
- bow contact ==> 弓形接触
- bow divider ==> 弹簧分规
- bow dome ==> 艏声纳导流罩,艏声纳导流罩
- bow drill ==> 弓形钻,弓钻
- bow face ==> 弓面
- bow flare slamming ==> 船头猛倾
- bow frame ==> 集电弓支架
- bow girder ==> 弓形大梁,弓形梁
- bow gun ==> 前枪炮
- bow jet rudder ==> 艏喷水转向舵,艏喷水转向舵,首喷水转向舵
- bow member ==> 弓形构件,拱架
- bow motion ==> 弓の運動
- bow navigator ==> 船首推进器
- bow number ==> 船体番号
- bow of head ==> 拱顶
- bow pantograph ==> 集电弓
- bow pen ==> 小圆规,划线笔
- bow plane ==> バウプレーン,船首安定舵
- bow propeller ==> 艏螺旋桨,艏螺旋桨,艏推进器,艏推进器
- bow pump ==> 船头泵
- bow saw ==> 弓锯,弓形骨锯,弓形锯
- bow saw frame ==> 弓锯架,木工锯架
- bow seal ==> 艏气封,艏气封
- bow shackle ==> 弓型卸扣,弓形钩环
- bow shape ==> 弓形
- bow shell door ==> 艏门,艏门
- bow spring ==> 弓形片弹簧
- bow stall ==> 无栓分隔栏
- bow steering propeller ==> 艏转向推进器,艏转向推进器
- bow string pattern ==> 弦纹
- bow strip ==> 接触滑条,接触条
- bow supporter ==> 拱顶支架
- bow thruster ==> 侧向推进器=>バウスラスター
- bow troley ==> 触轮式电车
- bow warping ==> 板材翘曲
- bow wave ==> 艏波,艏波,冲激波,船头波,弹道波,头波,头部激波,正激波
- bow window ==> 圆肚窗,弓形凸窗
- Bow's notation ==> 包氏符号,鲍氏符号
- bow-engined ship ==> 艏机型船,艏机型船
- bow-leg ==> 胫骨内翻,胫骨内翻
- bow-on ==> 迎面
- bow-tie antenna ==> 蝴蝶结天线
- bow-tie tree ==> ボウ・タイ状水トリー
- bow-tupe spring ==> 叠板弹簧
- bow-twixter ==> 弓形扭绞机
- bow-type track gauge ==> 弓型道尺
- bow-wave ==> 脱体波,激波
- Bowden cable ==> 鲍登线
- bowden cable ==> 钢丝软轴,钢闸绳
- Bowditch's rule ==> 鲍狄奇规则
- bowed blade ==> 弯曲叶片,横截面形心连线按一定规律偏离径向位置的叶片
- bowed leg ==> 内弧肢势
- bowed-branch layering ==> 曲枝压条
- bowel ==> 肠
- bowel lumen ==> 肠腔
- bowel movement ==> 肠运动,排粪
- bowel oedema disease ==> 猪水肿病
- bowel sound ==> 肠鸣音
- Bowen fluorescence mechanism ==> 博恩荧光机制
- Bowen line ==> 博恩谱线
- Bowen reaction dnes series ==> 鲍文反应系列
- Bowen's disease of penis ==> 阴茎博温病
- bower anchor ==> 船头锚,大锚
- Bower-Barff process ==> 鲍威-巴尔伏法
- Bowers ridge ==> 鲍韦尔斯海岭
- Bowie effect ==> 鲍伊效应
- Bowie formula ==> 鲍维公式
- bowing ==> 翘曲,弯成弓形
- bowing under load ==> 负载弯曲
- bowl ==> 皿(照明器具),大酒杯,碗,球形物,盆,转鼓,杯,筒体=>ボウル
- bowl capital ==> 碗形柱头
- bowl classifier ==> 浮槽分级机,分极槽,分级槽
- bowl cover ==> 杆盖,杯盖
- bowl cover packing ==> 杯盖密垫
- bowl granulator ==> 盘式造球机
- bowl grinding machine ==> 滚球研磨机
- bowl in the shape of a steamed bun ==> 馒头形碗
- bowl line ==> 弓形曲线,船首缆
- bowl metall ==> 粗铸锑
- bowl mill ==> 盆式辊磨机
- bowl scraper ==> 斗式刮土机
- bowl temperature ==> 滚筒温度
- bowl with carved designs ==> 雕花碗
- bowl with fitted cover ==> (瓷器名)盖碗
- bowl with ringfoot ==> 圈足碗
- bowl with sapphire blue glaze ==> (瓷器名)宝石蓝釉碗
- bowl-feed polish ==> 滚筒抛光
- bowl-feed polishing machine ==> 滚筒进给抛光机
- bowl-feed polishing process ==> 滚筒抛光过程
- bowl-feed technique ==> 滚筒抛光技术
- bowl-shell wall ==> 离心机篮壁
- bowl-type classifier ==> 浮槽式分级机,分类槽
- bowl-type cutter ==> 切泥弓
- bowled floor ==> 碗形地面
- bowline ==> 张帆索,单套结
- bowling green ==> 草地保龄球
- bowling-alley test ==> 电球强度试验
- bowling-alley tester ==> 滚球强度测试器
- Bowmaker's plasticity index ==> 鲍麦克塑性指数
- Bowman's capsule ==> 包曼囊,肾小囊,肾小球囊
- Bowman's gland ==> 嗅腺
- Bowman's layer ==> 前弹性层,鲍曼氏层
- Bowman's membrane ==> 前弹性层
- Bowmans capsule ==> 鲍曼氏囊
- Bowmans lamina ==> 鲍曼氏层
- Bowmans layer ==> 鲍曼氏层
- Bowmans root ==> 鲍曼氏根
- bowser ==> 水槽车
- bowser (boat) ==> 加油艇
- bowser boat ==> 水槽艇,水柜艇
- bowshock ==> 弓形激波
- bowsprit ==> 船首斜桁
- bowstring arch ==> 弓弦拱
- bowstring beam ==> 弓弦梁,弓弦式梁
- bowstring bridge ==> 弓弦桥,弓弦式桥
- bowstring girder ==> 弓弦大梁,弓形横梁
- bowstring hemp ==> 弓弦大麻
- bowstring roof ==> 弓弦屋盖
- bowstring truss ==> 弓弦式桁架,弓弦桁架
- box ==> 配电盒,黄杨,框符,程序中的逻辑单元,锯钮,锯钮,箱,盒,逻辑框,钻盒,匣=>箱,ボックス
- box annealed sheet ==> 装箱退火的薄钢板
- box annealing ==> 装箱退火,密闭退火,闭箱退火
- box annealing furnace ==> 箱式退火窑
- box antenna ==> 箱形天线
- box baffle ==> 扬声器箱,扬声器助音箱
- box barrage ==> 方形弹幕
- box beam ==> 匣形梁,箱形桨
- box bearing ==> 空转轴承
- box bit drill ==> 梅花钻
- box board ==> 箱板
- box boriding ==> 填充渗硼
- box bridge ==> 匣式电桥
- box bubble ==> 球形水准器
- box caisson ==> 箱形沉箱
- box calf ==> 牛犊纹皮
- box camera ==> 盒式照相机
- box canyon ==> 箱形峡谷
- box carburizing ==> 固体渗碳,装箱固体渗碳,闭箱渗碳
- box casing ==> 衡重箱
- box chisel ==> 起钉錾
- box chuck ==> 双爪卡盘,两爪卡盘
- box cloth ==> 缩绒厚呢
- box column ==> 箱柱
- box cooler ==> 箱式冷却器
- box corner staying machine ==> 纸盒订角机
- box cotton ==> 标准样棉
- box coupling ==> 箱形联轴节,套筒联轴节
- box culvert ==> 箱形涵洞
- box cut ==> 开挖槽
- box dam ==> 围坝
- box drain ==> 方沟
- box driver ==> 套管螺丝起子
- box dumper ==> 倾箱机
- box end wrench ==> 套筒扳手=>めがねレンチ
- box face ==> 母扣端面
- box flange ==> 轴箱凸缘
- box fold ==> 箱状褶皱
- box for selected seed ==> 精选种子箱
- box frame ==> 箱枠
- box frame construction ==> 箱形框架结构
- box freight car ==> 有车箱的货车
- box furnace ==> 箱式窑
- box gauge ==> 箱式验潮仪
- box girder ==> 箱形梁,匣形梁
- box grain ==> 方格粒纹
- box groove ==> 箱形轧槽
- box gutter ==> 匣形水槽,槽形天沟
- box hardening ==> 箱渗碳
- box hat ==> 钢壳凹帽头
- box head ==> 配線かん
- box header ==> 盒式联箱
- box header boiler ==> 整联箱式锅炉
- Box Hole ==> 箱穴
- box horn ==> 喇叭形天线=>箱形電磁ホーン
- box iron ==> 槽钢
- box jib ==> 箱形臂架
- box jig ==> 箱式夹具,箱式钻模
- box joint ==> 套筒接合,母接头
- box link ==> 夹板滑环
- box link motion ==> 夹板滑环运动
- box loom ==> 多梭箱织机
- box loop ==> 箱形天线
- box lumber ==> 箱材
- box magazine ==> 弹匣
- box marking ==> 装箱标志
- box marking ink ==> 号箱墨水
- box metal ==> 减摩合金,轴承合金
- box molding ==> 砂箱造型
- box molding machine ==> 有箱造型机
- box moulding ==> 砂箱造型
- box moulding flask ==> 型箱
- box nailing machine ==> 打钉机
- box negative plate ==> 盒式阴极板
- box nut ==> 盖螺母
- box of shutters ==> 百叶窗匣
- box of tricks ==> 差速机构
- box office ==> 售票处
- box office value ==> 票房价值
- box opener ==> 开箱器
- box orbit ==> 盒轨道
- box pallet ==> 箱形托盘
- box pass ==> 箱形孔型,矩形孔型,矩形孔型
- box photometer ==> 箱形光度计,盒形光度计
- box photometry ==> 方格测光
- box pin ==> 箱销,砂箱定位销
- box plane ==> 槽刨
- box planting ==> (苗栽)箱植
- box plate girder ==> 箱形钣梁
- box pump ==> 箱形泵
- box radiation calorimeter ==> 盒式辐射热量计
- box rate ==> 包柜费率
- box rib ==> 盒形肋
- box sealing machine ==> 封纸盒机
- box seat ==> 箱座
- box section under frame ==> 箱形底架
- box separation device ==> 分箱装置
- box shaped pillow ==> 箱形枕
- box share ==> 盒形犁铧
- box shear apparatus ==> 盒式剪切仪
- box shear test ==> 盒式剪切试验
- box shooks ==> 箱板料
- box silk coloured brocade ==> 合锦
- box silo ==> 青贮槽
- box slip ==> 黄杨木护面板
- box socket set ==> 棘轮套筒扳手
- box spanner ==> 套筒扳手,梅花扳手=>ボックスレンチ,めがねレンチ
- box stall ==> 单圈
- box stand ==> 箱形座
- box stapling machine ==> 钉纸盒机
- box store ==> 箱型商店
- box switch ==> 匣式开关
- box thread ==> 母螺纹
- box tool ==> 组合刀具
- box truss ==> 箱形桁架
- box type boiler ==> 箱式锅炉
- box type bridge ==> 盒式电桥
- box type furnace ==> 箱式炉
- box type heater ==> 箱式加热炉
- box type regenerator ==> 箱式蓄热室
- box type vertical drilling machine ==> 方柱立式钻床
- box wagon ==> 棚车
- box willow ==> 打土机
- box wood ==> 箱板材
- box wrench ==> 套筒扳手=>ボックスレンチ
- box-and-arrow notation ==> 方盒-箭头表示法
- box-body dump car ==> 侧卸箱车
- Box-Cox transformation ==> 博克斯-考克斯变换
- box-end stacking ==> 箱形堆垛法
- box-frame ==> 箱框
- box-frame motor ==> 箱形机座电动机,框形电动机
- box-hat ==> 钢锭帽,钢壳
- box-in ==> 特异型制品装窑法,加边框线
- Box-Jenkins control ==> 博克斯-詹金斯控制
- Box-Jenkins forecasting ==> 博克斯-詹金斯预测
- Box-Jenkins forecasting method ==> 博克斯-詹金斯式预测法
- Box-Jenkins method ==> 勃克斯-詹金斯法=>Box-Jenkins法
- Box-Jenkins model ==> 博克斯-詹金斯模型
- Box-Jenkins seasonal model ==> 博克斯-詹金斯季节模型
- box-like arm ==> 盒形支臂
- box-note ==> 空盒音
- Box-Pierce chi-square test ==> 博克斯-皮尔斯卡方检验
- box-shrouded impeller ==> 壳内叶轮
- box-staple ==> 门锁槽
- box-type brush holder ==> 盒式电握夹
- box-type clip ==> 盒形卡簧
- box-type cut ==> 桶形掏槽
- box-type piston ==> 箱形活塞
- box-type rheostat ==> 箱式变阻器
- box-typed leg ==> 箱形床脚
- boxcar circuit ==> 矩形波串电路,矩形波串电路
- boxcar function ==> 方脉冲函数
- boxcar integrator ==> 矩形波串积分器,矩形波串积分器
- boxed dimension ==> 全尺寸,装箱总尺寸,轮廓尺寸,总尺寸
- boxed eaves ==> 封闭檐口
- boxed pith ==> 函髓材
- boxed rod ==> 方形连杆
- boxed-off ==> 隔成小间的
- boxer's fracture ==> 拳击者骨折
- boxing ==> 端部周边焊
- boxing field ==> 拳击场
- boxing ring ==> 拳击场
- boxing shutter ==> 箱型百叶窗
- boxing the compass ==> 连续罗经读数
- boxless molding ==> 无箱造型
- boxlike casting table ==> 箱式铸铁工作台
- boxthorn fruit ==> 枸杞子
- boxthorn leaf ==> 枸杞叶
- boxthorn root ==> 枸杞根
- boxwood calliper rule ==> 黄杨木卡尺
- boxwood folding rule ==> 黄杨木折尺
- boxwood T square ==> 黄杨木丁字尺
- Boyd winding machine ==> 波埃德卷纬机,博伊德卷纬机
- Boyden index ==> 博伊登指数
- Boyden radial outward flow turbine ==> 博伊登式辐向外流水轮机,博伊顿式辐向外流水轮机
- Boyes decision procedure ==> 博伊斯决策法
- Boyle's law ==> 玻意耳定律,波义耳定律,波义尔氏定律
- Boyle's law suit ==> 波义尔定律加压服
- Boyle's temperature ==> 玻意耳温度
- Boyles bottle ==> 波义耳氏瓶
- Boyles machine ==> 波义耳氏机
- boys gun ==> 坦克炮
- Boys radio-micrometer ==> 波伊斯辐射测微计,博伊斯辐射测微计
- Bozeman's operation ==> 博斯曼氏手术,博兹曼氏手术
- Bozeman's position ==> 博斯曼氏位置
- Bozeman's suture ==> 博斯曼氏缝合术
- Bozemans suture ==> 博斯曼氏缝合术
- Bozsin box ==> 波琴箱
- BP button ==> 按钮
- BP scope ==> BP型显示
- BP(BPR), Busbar Protection ==> 母線保護。変電所母線の保護リレーで、主にキルヒフォッフの法則に基づいて事故判定を行う。
- BP, back pressure ==> 背圧(NASA略語)
- BP, base panel ==> ベースパネル
- BP, batch processing ==> バッチ処理
- BP, berthing port ==> 結合用ポート
- BP, biological processing ==> 生物学的処理
- BP, blood pressure ==> 血圧
- BP, bus panel ==> バスパネル
- BP, Columbus Bridging Phase Study ==> コロンバス・ブリッジング・フェーズ・スタディ
- BPA ==> BPA
- BPA, Bonneville Power Administration ==> アメリカ政府エネルギー省ボンネビル電力庁
- BPC, barometric pressure control ==> 気圧制御
- BPC, bus protection circuit ==> バス保護回路
- BPD, Borderline Personality Disorder ==> BPD
- BPD, Bus Potential Device ==> 母線用電圧変換器(計器用)
- BPDM, blood pressure determination module ==> 血圧測定モジュール
- BPDP ==> バングラデシュ電力開発委員会
- BPET, bus performance evaluation test ==> バス特性評価試験
- BPF, band-pass filter ==> 帯域通過フィルタ
- BPF, Band-Pass Filter ==> ある周波数範囲の周波数の信号だけを通過させ,それ以外の周波数の信号を減衰させるフィルタ
- BPI, Bit Par Inch ==> 周方向で1インチに何ビットのデータを書ける
- BPI, bits per inch ==> ビット/インチ
- BPL, Broadband over Power Line ==> 電力線ブロードバンド
- BPM, basic parameters module ==> 基本パラメータモジュール
- BPM, biological production module ==> 生物生成モジュール
- BPN, Back Propagation Net ==> 誤差逆伝搬学習ネットワーク
- BPN, boron-potassium-nitrate ==> ボロン硝酸カリウム
- BPO, Business Process Outsourcing ==> 業務アウトソーシング
- BPR, Business Process Re-engineering ==> コスト、品質、サービスなどを改善する目的で、業務の課程や内容、組織などを見直し、抜本的に構築し直すこと。
- BPR, Bypass Ratio ==> ターボファンエンジンにおいて、コア部に流れ込む空気とバイパス部に流れ込む空気の割合
- bps, bit per second ==> ビット/秒,データ転送速度の単位
- BPS, bit per second ==> ビット/秒
- BPSK, binary phase-shift keying ==> ディジタル信号1,0に対して搬送波の位相0°,180°を対応させるもの.
- BPSK, biphase shift keying ==> 二相位相変移キー方式
- BPTD, bulk power transfer device ==> 背骨式パワー伝送デバイス
- BPV, bearing bypass valve ==> ベアリングバイパス弁
- BPV, bipropellant valve ==> 二液推薬弁
- BR Brazil (Flag) ==> 巴西(注册)
- BR Brazilian Class Society ==> 巴西等级社团
- BR, bio rack ==> バイオラック
- BR, bit rate ==> ビットレート
- BR, bridge ==> ブリッジ
- BR, Bureau de Radiocommunications ==> 無線通信局(ITUの組織)
- BRA, British Robot Association ==> 英国ロボット協会
- Brabancon lace ==> 布拉班康梭结花边
- brabant linen ==> 布拉邦特亚麻布
- brabant loop ==> 布拉邦特花边
- brace ==> 撑臂,撑条,大括号,大括弧,张力,托板,拉杆,中括弧=>受金物,ブレース
- brace and bit ==> 手摇曲柄钻,弓形钻
- brace angle ==> 撑杆角铁
- brace bit ==> 摇钻,钻孔器
- brace bolt and nut ==> 拉条螺栓及螺母
- brace button ==> 搭膊带钮
- brace counter-sink ==> 钝角菊花形尖头板钻
- brace drill ==> 曲柄钻
- brace for lightning rod ==> 避雷针拉铁
- brace of roof truss ==> 屋架斜撑
- Brace prism ==> 布雷斯棱镜
- brace rod ==> 联结杆,撑杆
- brace root ==> 支柱根
- brace screw ==> 撑柱螺丝
- brace screw driver ==> 撑臂起子
- brace strut ==> 撑杆,支柱
- brace summer ==> 支撑梁
- brace tube ==> 管状拉条
- brace type ==> 支撑式
- brace wrench ==> 曲柄头扳手
- braced and stayed surface ==> 支持和支撑面
- braced and stayed surfaces ==> 有拉撑和支撑的表面
- braced arch ==> 桁架式拱
- braced beam ==> 桁架式梁
- braced chain ==> 桁链
- braced door ==> 直拼斜撑框构门
- braced frame ==> 联结构架,刚性构架
- braced frame construction ==> 杆系框架结构
- braced framing ==> 联结构架
- braced reinforced concrete flume ==> 桁架式钢筋混凝土渡槽
- braced rib arch ==> 桁架式肋拱
- braced strut ==> 联结支撑
- braced-rib arch ==> 桁助拱
- Bracewell coater ==> 喷雾涂布机
- brach-on switch setting ==> 按预置开关转移
- brachial artery ==> 肱动脉
- brachial cavity ==> 腕骨腔
- brachial fascia ==> 臂筋膜
- brachial groove ==> 腕沟
- brachial neuralgia ==> 臂神经痛
- brachial palsy ==> 臂麻痹
- brachial paralysis ==> 臂麻痹
- brachial plexus block ==> 臂神经丛阻滞麻醉
- brachial plexus neuralgia ==> 臂丛神经痛
- brachial stethoscope ==> 臂听诊器
- brachial syndrome ==> 臂丛综合征
- brachial veins ==> 肱静脉
- brachiocarpal articulation ==> 桡腕关节
- brachiocephalic arteritis ==> 拇囊炎
- brachium colliculi inferioris ==> 下丘臂
- brachium of inferior colliculus ==> 下丘臂
- brachy-anticlinal fold ==> 短背斜褶皱
- brachy-synclinal fold ==> 短向斜褶皱
- Brachysporium blotch of rice ==> 稻煤纹病
- bracing ==> 撑臂,系杆,撑,拉紧,拉条,加撑,加固,交搭,支柱=>筋かい
- bracing beam ==> 联结梁
- bracing in open cut ==> 明挖支撑
- bracing piece ==> 加劲杆
- bracing plate ==> 撑板
- bracing sheet ==> 加强板
- bracing structure ==> 支撑结构
- bracing strut ==> 支柱撑杆
- bracing tube ==> 撑管
- bracing wire ==> 张线,拉线
- bracken poisoning ==> 蕨中毒,蕨中毒
- bracker fan ==> 台式风扇
- bracket ==> 托臂,托架,托座,括号,分档,标界消息,泵座,夹叉,夹线板,支架,支托,支座,肘板=>ブラケット
- bracket angle ==> 托架角铁
- bracket arm ==> 托臂=>ブラケットアーム
- bracket baluster ==> 踏步栏杆柱,挑出栏杆
- bracket bearing ==> 托架轴承=>ブラケット軸受
- bracket block ==> 托架垫块
- bracket bracing ==> 托座联条,托座支撑
- bracket capital ==> 伸臂柱头
- bracket clamp ==> 托架夹
- bracket communication ==> 标界通信
- bracket crab ==> 壁装起重绞车
- bracket crane ==> 悬臂吊车
- bracket fungi ==> 檐状菌
- bracket fungus ==> 多孔菌
- bracket height ==> 机架高度
- bracket insulator ==> 直脚绝缘子,卡口绝缘子,卡口绝缘子
- bracket joint ==> 角板
- bracket lamp ==> 托架灯
- bracket metal ==> 托架轴承合金
- bracket operation ==> 括号运算
- bracket pair ==> 括号对
- bracket panel ==> 副盘=>そで盤
- bracket pole ==> 托臂支柱
- bracket post ==> 托臂支柱
- bracket progression ==> 分等递进征税
- bracket protocol ==> 分类协议,标界协议
- bracket scaffold ==> 托架式脚手架
- bracket signal ==> 支架信号=>ブラケット信号機
- bracket state manager ==> 分类状态管理程序,标界状态管理程序
- bracket stringer ==> 挑出楼梯边梁
- bracket support ==> 托臂托座,托臂支柱,托臂支座
- bracket suspension ==> 横撑悬挂
- bracket system ==> 托架装置
- bracket-drilling machine ==> 托架钻床
- bracket-like ==> 撑架状
- bracket-supported plug-in bus way ==> 装在支架上的插接式母线
- bracket-type sandslinger ==> 单轨式抛砂机,壁行式抛砂机
- bracketed arithmetic expression ==> 括号算术表达式
- bracketed cornice ==> 托座飞檐
- bracketed logical expression ==> 括号逻辑表达式
- bracketed step ==> 悬臂楼梯
- bracketing method ==> 夹叉试射法
- bracketing method of mass measurement ==> 插入法质量测定
- Brackett continuum ==> 布拉开连续区
- Brackett limit ==> 布拉开系限
- Brackett spectral lines ==> 布拉开谱线
- brackish cooling water ==> 半咸冷却水
- bracky anticline trap ==> 短轴背斜圈闭
- braconid fly ==> 小茧蜂
- bract of each flower ==> 每个花的苞片
- bracteal leaf ==> 苞叶
- brad ==> 销钉,曲头钉,平头型钉
- brad awl ==> 锥钻
- brad nail ==> 曲头钉
- brad setter ==> 线脚钉夹钳
- brad(nail) ==> 角钉
- bradawl ==> 打眼钻,木工锥子
- Bradford Clay ==> 布雷德福特粘土
- Bradford distribution ==> 布雷德福分布
- Bradford gauge ==> 布拉福德雨量斗
- Bradford preferential separation process ==> 选择性浮游分选法
- Bradford system ==> 勃拉福分级制
- Bradford warping mill ==> 布莱德福整经机
- Bradford wool quality number ==> 勃拉福羊毛细度支数
- Bradfordian ==> 勃拉特福德期,巴通统
- bradisulfa ==> 磺胺甲氧嗪
- Bradley aberration ==> 布拉德莱光行差
- Bradley aberration method ==> 布拉德雷光行差法
- bradsot ==> 绵羊快疫
- brady ==> 遅い,鈍い
- brady-sporozoite ==> 缓发性孢子体
- bradyadministration ==> 缓给法
- bradyauxesis ==> 部分发育徐缓,生长徐缓
- bradycardia ==> 心搏徐缓,心动过缓,心动徐缓,心跳徐缓
- bradycardic ==> 减慢心率药
- bradycauma ==> 缓烙法
- bradycausis ==> 艾灸术
- bradycinesia ==> 运动徐缓
- bradycrotic ==> 脉搏徐缓的,徐脉
- bradydiastalsis ==> 蠕动徐缓
- bradydiastole ==> 心舒张期延长
- bradydiastolia ==> 心舒张期延长
- bradye ==> 布拉代染色法
- bradyesthesia ==> 感觉迟钝
- bradygenesis ==> 发育徐缓
- bradykinesia ==> 运动徐缓
- bradykinin ==> 血管舒缓激肽,血管徐缓激肽,徐缓激肽,缓激肽
- bradykininogen ==> 缓激肽原
- Bradyodonti ==> 缓齿目
- bradyphagia ==> 慢食癖
- bradyphrenia ==> 思想迟钝
- bradypnea ==> 呼吸徐缓
- bradypragia ==> 动作缓慢
- bradyscope ==> 慢示器
- bradyseism ==> 海陆升降,缓震
- bradysphygmia ==> 脉搏徐缓
- bradyspore ==> 缓慢孢子
- bradystalsis ==> 蠕动徐缓
- bradytely ==> 缓速进化
- bradyuria ==> 尿流缓慢,排尿徐缓
- bradyzoite ==> 缓殖子
- Bragard's sign ==> 布拉加尔氏征
- Bragard's test ==> 抬腿足背屈试验
- Bragg angle ==> 布拉格角
- Bragg condition ==> 布拉格条件
- Bragg cone ==> 布拉格衍射锥
- Bragg coupling efficiency ==> 布拉格耦合效率
- Bragg curve ==> 布拉格曲线
- Bragg deflector ==> 布拉格偏转器
- Bragg diffraction ==> 布拉格散射,布拉格衍射=>ブラッグ回折
- Bragg diffraction spectrograph ==> 布拉格光栅摄谱仪
- Bragg effect ==> 布拉格效应
- Bragg electro-striction ==> 布拉格电致伸缩
- Bragg equation ==> 布拉格方程
- Bragg focusing condition ==> 布拉格聚焦条件
- Bragg frequency ==> 布拉格频率
- Bragg grating sensor ==> 布雷格光栅传感器
- Bragg ionization spectrometer ==> 布雷格电离分光计
- Bragg method ==> 布拉格法
- Bragg plane ==> 布拉格平面
- Bragg reflection ==> 布拉格反射,布拉格散射=>ブラッグ反射
- Bragg reflection angle ==> 布拉格反射角
- Bragg reflector ==> 布拉格反射器
- Bragg rotating crystal method ==> 布拉格转动晶体法
- Bragg rule ==> 布拉格定则=>ブラッグの法則
- Bragg scattering ==> 布拉格散射
- Bragg X-ray microscope ==> 布拉格X射线显微镜
- Bragg's equation ==> 布拉格定律
- Bragg's law ==> 布拉格定律
- Bragg-Brentano parafocusing system ==> 布拉格-布伦塔诺仲聚焦系统
- Bragg-Gray cavity principle ==> 布雷格-格雷空腔原理
- Bragg-Gray principle ==> 布拉格-格雷原理
- Bragg-Gray relation ==> 布拉格-格雷关系
- Bragg-Kleeman rule ==> 布拉格定则
- Bragg-Pierce law ==> 布拉格-皮尔斯定律
- brahmic acid ==> 羟基积雪草酸
- braid ==> 条带,饰带=>編組
- braid bar ==> 网状河沙坝
- braid group ==> 辫子群
- braided acetylene hose ==> 编织乙炔胶管
- braided cable ==> 编包电缆,编缆
- braided channel ==> 辫状河道,网状水道,分叉河道
- braided compressionresistant hose ==> 编织耐压胶管
- braided construction hose ==> 编织胶管
- braided drainage ==> 辫状水系
- braided electrode ==> 网状包丝药皮焊条
- braided glass tube ==> 编织玻璃纤维管
- braided oxygen hose ==> 编织氧气胶管
- braided packing ==> 编织填料
- braided river ==> 分叉河流
- braided river course ==> 分叉河道,辫状河道
- braided rope ==> 辫带式钢索
- braided spray hose ==> 编织喷雾胶管
- braided stream ==> 辫状河道,辫状水道,叉河,网状河
- braided striation ==> 辫状条痕
- braided twill weaves ==> 变化网形斜纹
- braided wire ==> 编织线,股线,编线=>編組電線
- braided wire rope ==> 编织钢丝绳
- braider ==> 编组机,编带机,编织机=>編組機
- braiding ==> 编织,纤维编织保护层,河道的分支,河道分支=>編組
- braiding machine ==> 编线机,编织机=>編組機
- brail net ==> 抄网
- brailing operation ==> 抄鱼作业
- Braille printing machine ==> 盲文印刷机
- Braille printing paper ==> 盲文印刷纸
- braille typewrite ==> 凸字打字机
- Brailsford-Morquio syndrome ==> 莫固综合征
- brain ==> 脑,电子计算机,电子脑=>脳,大脳,頭脳,知力
- brain abnormality ==> 脳異常
- brain abscess ==> 脑脓肿=>脳膿瘍
- brain abscess formation ==> 脳膿瘍形成
- brain acetylcholine ==> 脳アセチルコリン
- brain activation ==> 脳の活性化
- brain activity ==> 脳活動
- brain activity during orgasm ==> オルガスム中の脳の活動
- brain activity in the motor cortex ==> 脳の運動野の活動
- brain adenosine ==> 脳アデノシン
- brain aneurysm ==> 脳動脈瘤
- brain ankyrin ==> 脳アンキリン
- brain antibody ==> 脳抗体
- brain antigen ==> 脳抗原
- brain block ==> 脳閉塞
- brain blood flow ==> 脳血流
- brain blood vessel ==> 脳血管
- brain cancer ==> 脳腫瘍
- brain carcinoma ==> 脳腫瘍(のうしゅよう)
- brain center ==> 脑中枢
- brain change ==> 脳変化
- brain checkup ==> 脳健診
- brain chemical ==> 脳内化学物質
- brain clips ==> 脑夹
- brain compression ==> 脑受压
- brain confusion ==> 脳の混乱
- brain congestion ==> 脳鬱血
- brain constituent ==> 脳の構成成分
- brain contusion ==> 脑挫伤
- brain coral ==> 脑珊瑚
- brain cytokine ==> 脳内サイトカイン
- brain cytosol ==> 脳サイトゾル
- brain death ==> 脑死亡
- brain depressor ==> 脑压匙
- brain dialysis ==> 脳透析法
- brain difference ==> 脳の違い
- brain differentiation ==> 脳の分化
- brain disability ==> 脳不全
- brain disease ==> 脳疾患
- brain disorder ==> 脳疾患=>脳障害,脳疾患
- brain distribution ==> 脳内分布
- brain dopamine ==> 脳内ドーパミン
- brain drain ==> 人才外流
- brain dressing forceps ==> 脑敷料镊
- brain enzyme ==> 脳酵素
- brain evolution ==> 脳の進化
- brain expert ==> 脳専門医
- brain fever ==> 脑热
- brain function determination ==> 脑功能测定
- brain heart infusion ==> 脑心浸液
- brain hemostatic forceps ==> 脑侧弯止血钳
- brain hormone ==> 脑激素
- brain hypertension ==> 脑压过高
- brain industry ==> 脑力工业,头脑产业
- brain infarct ==> 脳梗塞
- brain infarction ==> 脳梗塞
- brain injury in newborn ==> 新生儿大脑损伤
- brain insult ==> 脳損傷
- brain interstitium ==> 脳間質
- brain machine ==> 自动计算机
- brain model ==> 脑模型=>大脳モデル
- brain monitoring ==> 脳モニタリング
- brain monoamine ==> 脳内モノアミン
- brain morphology ==> 脳形態学
- brain mucosa forceps ==> 蛛网膜镊
- brain neoplasm ==> 脳腫瘍(のうしゅよう)
- brain nerve suture set ==> 脑神经缝合器
- brain pathology ==> 脑病理学
- brain power ==> 能力,智能
- brain pressure ==> 脑压
- brain problem ==> 脳疾患
- brain recognition ==> 脳での認知
- brain recovery ==> 脳回復
- brain recurrence ==> 脳再発
- brain region ==> 脳の領域,脳部位
- brain retractor ==> 脑部牵开器,脑牵开器
- brain scanning ==> 脑扫描,脑扫描术,大脑扫描术
- brain selfretaining retractor ==> 脑固定牵开器
- brain simulator ==> 脑仿真装置
- brain spatula ==> 脑压板
- brain spatula forceps ==> 脑压板镊
- brain stem ==> 脳幹
- brain stem encephalitis ==> 脑干脑炎
- brain stem potential (BSP) ==> 脑干电位
- brain stimulation ==> 脑刺激
- brain storming ==> 脑力冲击,头脑风暴法
- brain storming (BS) ==> 激发思维法,集思法
- brain substance ==> 脳質
- brain sugar ==> 脳糖
- brain surface ==> 脳表面
- brain surgeon ==> 脳外科医
- brain tire ==> 大脑疲惫
- brain tissue forceps ==> 脑组织镊
- brain tonic mixture ==> 健脑合剂
- brain topography ==> 脳局所解剖学
- brain toxicity ==> 脳毒性
- brain toxoplasmosis ==> 脑弓形体病
- brain training ==> 脳トレーニング
- brain transplant ==> 脳移植
- brain trauma ==> 脑外伤=>脳損傷
- brain trocar ==> 脑套管针
- brain tumor ==> 脑肿瘤=>脳腫瘍(のうしゅよう)(BT)
- brain tumor forceps ==> 脑肿瘤镊
- brain tumor spoon ==> 脑肿瘤匙
- brain tumours ==> 脳腫瘍
- brain vesicles ==> 脑泡
- brain volume ==> 脑量
- brain wave ==> 脑电波,灵机
- brain weight ==> 脑量=>脳重量
- brain wiring ==> 脳の神経経路
- brain wiring pattern ==> 脳内配線パターン
- brain work ==> 脑力劳动
- brain worker ==> 脑力劳动者
- Brain's reflex ==> 布雷恩氏反射
- brain-stem abnormality ==> 脳幹異常
- brain-stem area ==> 脳幹部位
- brain-stem cranial nerve ==> 脳幹脳神経
- brain-stem damage ==> 脳幹損傷
- brain-stem death ==> 脳幹死
- brain-stem injury ==> 脑干损伤
- brain-stem lesion syndrome ==> 脑干病变综合征
- brainstem arteriovenous malformation ==> 脳幹部動静脈奇形
- braised crisp chicken and sea weed ==> 海带酥鸡
- braised mushrooms and shrimps ==> 海棠冬菇
- braised sea slugs with pigeon eggs ==> 海参鸽蛋
- braised sea slugs with pork liver and pancreas ==> 肝胰扒海参
- brake ==> 刹,蕨,蕨,制动,制动器,制动器闸,闸,闸式测功器=>ブレーキ
- brake (axle, input) power ==> 轴功率
- brake accumulator ==> 刹车蓄压器
- brake adjuster ==> 制动器调节器
- brake adjusting tool ==> 闸调整工具
- brake adjusting wedge ==> 制动调整楔
- brake anchor ==> 闸瓦支持销
- brake anchor pin ==> 制动块支撑
- brake anchor pin bushing ==> 锚定螺杆衬套
- brake anchor plate ==> 制动块支撑板
- brake anchorage ==> 制动块支座
- brake apparatus ==> 制动装置,刹车装置
- brake application ==> 制动
- brake application magnet valve ==> 电磁制动阀
- brake application valve ==> 制动作用阀
- brake arm ==> 制动臂
- brake assembly ==> 制动系统
- brake assist ==> ブレーキアシスト
- brake assistor ==> 制动增力装置
- brake axle ==> 制动轴
- brake balancer ==> 精确调整制动器
- brake band ==> 制动器带,制动闸
- brake band anchor clip ==> 制动带支座
- brake band clevis ==> 制动带系杆
- brake bands ==> 制动带
- brake bar ==> 制动杆,闸杆
- brake bead ==> 拉延筋
- brake beam ==> 制动梁
- brake beam adjuster ==> 闸梁调整器
- brake beam safety chain eye ==> 闸杆安全链眼
- brake beam safety chain eye bar ==> 闸梁安全链眼铁
- brake beam strap link ==> 闸梁系带环
- brake beams ==> 制动器杠杆系统
- brake bell crank ==> 制动器直角杠杆
- brake bleeder ==> 制动油路排气装置
- brake block ==> 刹车片
- brake block adjusting gear ==> 制动器闸瓦调整装置
- brake block holder ==> 闸瓦托
- brake booster ==> 制动助力器
- brake bottom plate ==> 制动底板
- brake box ==> 制动盒
- brake Brake ==> 制动器
- brake bush ==> 制动衬带,制动器摩擦衬片,闸衬片
- brake cable ==> 制动器拉索
- brake cable wire ==> 制动钢丝绳用钢丝
- brake caliper ==> 制动钳
- brake caliper mounting bracket ==> 制动钳安装架
- brake caliper plate yoke ==> 制动钳板臂
- brake cam ==> 制动凸轮
- brake cam lever ==> 闸凸轮杠杆
- brake camshaft ==> 制动凸轮轴
- brake camshaft collar ==> 刹车凸轮轴环
- brake carrier ==> 制动器挂架
- brake chain ==> 制动链
- brake chamber ==> 闸盒
- brake chamber push rod ==> 闸盒推杆
- brake chamber push rod guide ==> 闸梁调整器导承
- brake chamber push rod spring ==> 闸盒推杆弹簧
- brake chatter ==> 制动颤振
- brake check ==> 闸颊板
- brake clearance ==> 闸间隙
- brake clevis ==> 制动拉杆叉
- brake clip ==> 制动夹
- brake compressor ==> 制动气泵
- brake cone ==> 制动锥体
- brake control ==> 制动器控制,刹车控制
- brake control machanism ==> 刹车操纵机构
- brake control valve ==> 制动控制阀
- brake controller ==> 闸控制器
- brake counter weight ==> 制动器平衡锤
- brake coupling ==> 制动离合器
- brake crank ==> 刹把
- brake cross lever ==> 横向制动杆
- brake cross shaft ==> 制动横轴
- brake crusher ==> 双肘板颚式破碎机
- brake current ==> 闸电流
- brake cylinder ==> 闸缸,制动器缸=>ブレーキシリンダ
- brake cylinder clamps ==> 制动器汽缸夹紧器
- brake cylinder lever shaft arm ==> 闸缸杠杆轴臂
- brake cylinder pipe ==> 闸缸管
- brake cylinder piston ==> 制动器汽缸活塞
- brake cylinder piston cup ==> 制动器汽缸活塞皮碗
- brake cylinder release valve ==> 制动缸缓解阀,制动缸放风阀
- brake decelerometer ==> 制动减速计
- brake die ==> 折弯模
- brake differential steering ==> 制动差速转向装置
- brake disc ==> 闸盘
- brake doctor ==> 制动摩擦片修磨机
- brake drag ==> 制动阻力
- brake dressing ==> 制动器润滑脂,刹车涂料
- brake drum ==> 制动鼓,轮闸鼓
- brake drum anvil ==> 制动鼓钻
- brake drum cooling rib ==> 制动鼓散热肋
- brake drum drilling machine ==> 闸轮式钻床
- brake drum dust cover ==> 制动鼓防尘罩
- brake drum dust shield ==> 闸轮防尘罩
- brake drum lathe ==> 闸鼓车床
- brake drum liner ==> 制动鼓板衬垫
- brake drum oil deflector ==> 制动轮导油器
- brake dust shield ==> 闸防尘罩
- brake dynamometer ==> 轮韧测力计,轮韧功率计,制动测力计
- brake eccentric ==> 制动偏心轮,刹车偏心轮
- brake efficiency ==> 制动效率
- brake electromagnet ==> 制动电磁铁
- brake engine ==> 制动发动机
- brake equalizer ==> 制动平衡器
- brake expander ==> 制动器扩张器
- brake facing ==> 制动衬片
- brake flange ==> 闸凸缘
- brake flap ==> 减速板
- brake fluid ==> 制动液
- brake fluid header ==> 制动液箱
- brake fluid system ==> 液压制动系统
- brake foot lever ==> 脚踏闸杆
- brake foot plate ==> 闸踏板
- brake force ==> 制动力
- brake friction area ==> 制动摩擦面积
- brake gear ==> 制动装置,闸装置
- brake governor ==> 制动调节器
- brake hand control lever ==> 手控闸杆
- brake handle ==> 制动器手柄,制动手柄
- brake head ==> 闸瓦托
- brake hoop ==> 制动环
- brake horsepower ==> 制动马力
- brake hose ==> 制动软管
- brake hose and coupling ==> 闸软管及接头
- brake hose assemblies ==> 制动软管总成
- brake hose impulse tester ==> ブレーキホース試験機
- brake hose pipe ==> 闸软管
- brake housing ==> 制动器箱
- brake hub ==> 制动轮毂,刹车轮毂
- brake hydrovac cylinder ==> 闸式真空液压制动器缸
- brake intermediate shaft ==> 制动器中间轴
- brake jack ==> 制动千斤顶
- brake key ==> 制动键
- brake lag ==> 制动生效时间,制动延时
- brake lamp switch ==> 刹车灯开关
- brake latch ==> 制动掣子,制动爪
- brake latch spoon ==> 制动掣子柄
- brake latch spring ==> 制动掣子弹簧
- brake lever ==> 制动杠杆,刹车杆,刹车手柄,闸杆
- brake lever axle ==> 制动杠杆轴
- brake lever latch ==> 制动杆爪
- brake lever pawl ==> 制动杆爪
- brake lever segment ==> 制动杆扇形板
- brake lever stop ==> 闸杠杆止动器
- brake leverage ==> 制动杠杆臂长比
- brake line ==> 制动系统管路,闸气管
- brake lining ==> 闸衬片,制动衬带,制动衬面,制动闸衬,刹车垫,刹车面
- brake lining (surface) ==> 制动面
- brake lining disc ==> 制动面摩擦片
- brake lining grinder ==> 闸瓦衬带磨光器
- brake lining refacer ==> 闸衬光面器
- brake lining stret cher ==> 制动摩擦片拉伸器
- brake link (connection rod) ==> 闸连杆
- brake linkage ==> 闸联动装置
- brake load ==> 制动负荷
- brake locomotive ==> 制动机车
- brake magnet ==> 制动磁铁=>制動磁石
- brake main cylinder ==> 主闸缸
- brake mast ==> 闸杆
- brake master cylinder assy ==> 制动主缸总成
- brake master cylinder cover ==> 制动主缸盖
- brake master cylinder filler plug ==> 制动主缸加油器塞
- brake mean effective pressure ==> 刹车平均有效压强
- brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) ==> 制动有效平均压力
- brake mean-effective pressure ==> 制动平均有效压力
- brake member ==> 制動部材
- brake metering valve ==> 制动调节阀
- brake method ==> 制动测量法
- brake moment ==> 制动力矩
- brake motor ==> 制动电动机
- brake noise ==> 制动噪声
- brake oil ==> 制动液,制动油,刹车油
- brake pad assembly ==> 制动块总成
- brake pad back plate ==> 制动衬块背板
- brake paddle ==> 刹车踏板
- brake pads ==> 制动块
- brake parachute ==> 减速伞
- brake parking lever ==> 停车制动杆
- brake pawl ==> 制动器掣子
- brake pedal ==> 刹车踏板,脚踏闸
- brake pedal arm ==> 制动器踏板杠杆
- brake pedal bushing ==> 刹车踏板轴衬
- brake pedal shaft ==> 制动器踏板轴
- brake percentage ==> 制动百分率,制动比
- brake performance ==> 制动器性能
- brake phenomenon ==> 制动现象,里格氏现象
- brake pipe ==> 制动系统管路,制动液管
- brake pipe compensating valve ==> 制动管补偿阀
- brake pipe strainer ==> 闸管滤气管
- brake piston ==> 制动器汽缸活塞
- brake plate anchor ==> 闸瓦固定板
- brake power ==> 制动力
- brake pressure ==> 制动压力
- brake pressure gauge ==> 制动压力机
- brake puck ==> 制动圆盘
- brake pull-rod ==> 拉闸杆
- brake pulley ==> 制动轮
- brake pulse ==> 断路脉冲
- brake pushrod ==> 制动推杆
- brake ratchet ==> 制动棘轮机构,制动爪
- brake ratchet wheel ==> 制动轮,闸棘轮
- brake ratio ==> 制动比
- brake reel ==> 制动绞盘
- brake regulator ==> 制动调节器,制动器调节器
- brake relay ==> 刹车继电器
- brake release ==> 松开制动器
- brake release magnet valve ==> 缓解电磁阀
- brake release spring ==> 制动器分离弹簧
- brake reliner ==> 制动衬带更换机
- brake relining machine ==> 换闸衬机
- brake reservoir ==> 制动器罐
- brake resistance ==> 制动力
- brake retracting spring ==> 制动拉簧
- brake ribbon ==> 刹车带
- brake rigging ==> 制动装置
- brake ring ==> 制动器接合盘,制动器止推环
- brake rocker arm ==> 制动摇臂
- brake rod crevice ==> 制动杆端叉形铁
- brake rod(bar) ==> 制动杆
- brake rubber ==> 刹车橡皮
- brake rubber plate ==> 刹车橡皮带
- brake scotch ==> 制动三角木,制动瓦
- brake screw ==> 制动螺杆
- brake service ==> 制动器操作,脚踏闸
- brake servo piston ==> 制动器伺服活塞
- brake shaft ==> 制动器轴,制动轴
- brake shaft bearing ==> 制动轴轴承
- brake shaft bracket ==> 制动轴架
- brake shaft carrier ==> 闸轴架
- brake shaft lever ==> 闸轴杆
- brake shaving ==> 强制剃齿
- brake shoe ==> 制动块,制动器闸瓦=>ブレーキ片
- brake shoe (automatic) adjuster ==> 蹄片(自动)调整装置
- brake shoe abutment ==> 制动蹄支承座
- brake shoe actuator ==> 制动蹄促动器
- brake shoe assembly ==> 制动蹄总成
- brake shoe hold down spring ==> 制动蹄限位弹簧
- brake shoe link ==> 制动蹄导板
- brake shoe return spring ==> 制动蹄回位弹簧
- brake signal ==> 制动信号
- brake silpper ==> 制动滑块
- brake spindle ==> 制动轴
- brake spring ==> 制动器弹簧
- brake spring pliers ==> 安装制动弹簧用手钳,装制动器张紧弹簧用的夹子
- brake squeak ==> 制动时的啸声
- brake staff ==> 制动器
- brake step (foot plate) ==> 闸踏板
- brake stop ==> 制动块,制动器停机,制动止点
- brake strap ==> 制动带
- brake support ==> 制动器支座
- brake support shield ==> 闸支板
- brake surface ==> 闸面
- brake switch ==> 制动开关
- brake system ==> 制动系统
- brake test ==> 制动试验
- brake tester ==> 制动试验台=>ブレーキ試験機
- brake thermal efficiency ==> 制动热效率,闸测热效率
- brake thrust ==> 制动推力
- brake thrust ring ==> 制动器止推环
- brake thrust screw ==> 制动器止推调节螺钉
- brake toggle ==> 制动凸轮,制动肘节
- brake torque ==> 制动力矩,制动转矩
- brake trial ==> 制动试验
- brake truss bar ==> 构架式闸杆
- brake tube ==> 闸管
- brake tube bracket ==> 闸管托架
- brake tube shutoff cock ==> 闸管关断旋塞
- brake tube tee ==> 闸管丁字管节
- brake turbine ==> 制动透平
- brake value ==> 制动值
- brake valve ==> 制动阀=>ブレーキ弁
- brake valves ==> 制动阀
- brake wheel ==> 闸轮
- brake(-holder) block ==> 制动片,制动器闸瓦
- brake-fade ==> 制动器热衰退
- brake-field triode ==> 减速场管
- brake-field tube ==> 正栅管,制动电场三极管,二次电子抑制管
- brake-operating pin ==> 闸操作销
- brake-operating rod(lever) ==> 闸操作杆
- brake-operating spindle ==> 制动器操作轴
- brake-operating system ==> 制动操作系统
- brake-operating wedge ==> 制动操作楔
- brake-press ==> 闸压床
- brake-protecting relay ==> 制动保护继电器
- brake-rod adjuster ==> 制动杆调整器
- brake-rod spring ==> 制动杆弹簧
- brake-rod yoke ==> 制动拉杆叉
- brake-shoe ==> 制动瓦,闸瓦
- brake-shoe adjuster ==> 闸瓦调整器
- brake-shoe adjusting cam ==> 闸瓦调整凸轮
- brake-shoe anchor pin ==> 闸瓦固定销
- brake-shoe clearance ==> 制动块间隙
- brake-shoe expander ==> 闸瓦扩张器
- brake-shoe ga(u)ge ==> 闸瓦规
- brake-shoe grinder ==> 闸瓦磨床
- brake-shoe guide ==> 闸瓦导柱
- brake-shoe guide pin ==> 闸瓦导(定位)销
- brake-shoe guide spring ==> 闸瓦导簧
- brake-shoe holder ==> 闸瓦托
- brake-shoe lining ==> 闸瓦片带摩擦片
- brake-shoe link pin ==> 闸瓦联杆销
- brake-shoe pressure ==> 制动块压力
- brake-shoe stop pin ==> 闸瓦止动销
- brake-shoe tester ==> 闸瓦试验器
- brake-van ==> 司闸车
- braked tie rod ==> 制动系杆
- braked wagon ==> 制动车辆
- braked wheel ==> 制动轮
- brakeman's cabin ==> 制动员室
- brakerod yoke ==> 制动拉杆叉
- braking ==> 制动,刹车=>制動
- braking absorption ==> 阻尼吸收
- braking action ==> 制动作用
- braking airscrew ==> 反矩螺桨,反距螺桨
- braking bench ==> 制动试验台
- braking clamp ==> 制动夹
- braking club ==> 闸辊
- braking coefficient ==> 制動率
- braking controller ==> 制动控制器
- braking current ==> 制动电流=>制動電流
- braking deceleration ==> 制动减速率
- braking deviation ==> 制动跑偏
- braking device ==> 制动装置=>ブレーキ装置,制動装置
- braking distance ==> 保留距离
- braking drag ==> 制动拖滞
- braking effect ==> 制动作用=>制動効果
- braking efficiency ==> 刹车效率=>ブレーキ効率
- braking effort ==> 制动力=>制動力
- braking element ==> (仪表的)制动元件
- braking ellipse ==> 减速椭圆轨道
- braking equipment ==> 制動装置
- braking factor ==> 制動率
- braking failure ==> 制动失效
- braking force ==> 制动力
- braking hop ==> 制动跳动
- braking hose ==> 制动软管
- braking index ==> 制动指数
- braking jack ==> 制动千斤顶
- braking jack-knifing ==> 制动折叠
- braking length ==> 制动距离
- braking lever ==> 闸杆
- braking light switch ==> 制动灯开关
- braking magnet ==> 制动磁铁
- braking maneuver ==> 制动操纵
- braking mechanism ==> 制动机构
- braking moment ==> 制动转矩
- braking nose dive ==> 制动点头
- braking orbit ==> 制动轨道
- braking period ==> 制动周期
- braking position ==> 制动位置
- braking power ==> 制动功率
- braking pump ==> 制动泵=>制動ポンプ
- braking radiation ==> 轫致辐射,阻尼辐射
- braking resistor ==> 制动电阻器=>制動抵抗,制動抵抗器
- braking rim ==> (水轮发电机)制动环,闸板
- braking rocket ==> 制动火箭
- braking signal switch ==> 制动信号开关
- braking skid ==> 制动滑移
- braking swerve ==> 制动甩尾
- braking system ==> 制动系统
- braking system of hydrogenerator [水轮发电机] ==> 制动系统,为强迫机组在规定时间内停止转动而设置施加制动力矩的成套装置。常用的制动方式有机械制动、电气制动及组合制动等
- braking time ==> 制动时间
- braking to standstill ==> 制动至全停
- braking torque ==> 制动转矩=>ブレーキトルク
- braking torque of an integrating instrument ==> 积分式仪表的制动力矩
- braking vane ==> 刹车板
- braking vapor lock ==> 制动气阻
- brale ==> 金刚石压头
- Bramah's press ==> 勃兰姆水压机
- Bramley Fall stone ==> 布立姆雷佛尔石
- bran ==> 粗硬麻布,麸,麸皮
- bran and middlings ==> 米糠
- bran bath ==> 糠浴
- bran coat ==> 麸皮,谷糠
- bran duster ==> 除糠机
- bran gluten ==> 面筋
- BRAN, broadband radio access networks ==> 欧州の広帯域移動アクセス・システムの規格
- branalcane ==> 雷锁辛硼酸甘油
- branch ==> 分行,分枝,分支,分支机构,转移,歧,分厂,分店,分流,树枝,部门,枝,支,支管,支链,支流,支路=>分岐,枝路,枝(えだ)
- branch abscission ==> 枝脱离
- branch account ==> 分类帐,分支机构往来帐
- branch accounting ==> 分支机构会计,分店会计
- branch accounts ==> 分行帐户
- branch address ==> 转移地址
- branch admittance matrix ==> 支路导纳矩阵,分支导纳矩阵=>ブランチアドミタンス行列
- branch amplifier ==> 分岐増幅器
- branch and bound ==> 分枝界限法
- branch and bound algorithm ==> 分支定界法
- branch and bound approach ==> 分枝限定法
- branch and bound method ==> 分枝限定法,分支定界法,分支限界法
- branch and bound model ==> 分店模式
- branch angle ==> 分叉角
- branch balance book ==> 分店总帐余额本
- branch balance sheet ==> 分店资产负债表
- branch bank ==> 分行
- branch banking ==> 分行制度
- branch banking system ==> 分行银行制度
- branch bar ==> 分支母线
- branch bound method ==> 分支估界法
- branch bound technique ==> 分支限界技术
- branch bounding method ==> 分支界法,分支限界法
- branch box ==> 分线盒=>分岐箱
- branch bus ==> 分支母线
- branch business ==> 分店
- branch cable ==> 分路电缆,分支电缆=>分岐ケーブル
- branch calling ==> 转移调用
- branch canal ==> 支渠=>支線用水路
- branch cash account ==> 分支机构现金帐户
- branch channel ==> 分支河道
- branch chuck ==> 四爪平面卡盘
- branch circuit ==> 分支电路,分流电路,支路=>分岐回路
- branch clamp ==> 分线线夹
- branch clearing ==> 分行清算
- branch conduit ==> 分支导管
- branch connection ==> 分支连接,分叉连接,分路连接
- branch consignments ==> 分店承销品
- branch construct ==> 分岐構成体
- branch control account ==> 分店控制帐户,分支机构管制帐户
- branch controller ==> 分支控制器,支线控制器
- branch courts ==> 分院
- branch current ==> 分路电流
- branch current method ==> 枝電流法
- branch current vector ==> 支路电流矢量
- branch curve ==> 分支曲线
- branch cut ==> 分支切割=>分岐線法
- branch cuts ==> 分支切割
- branch cutter ==> 枝切り
- branch dike ==> 支堤,在河流支流两岸所建的堤
- branch distribution ==> 分岐分布
- branch distributor ==> 分支分配器
- branch drain ==> 排水支管
- branch effect ==> 分岐効果
- branch element ==> ブランチ要素,分岐素子
- branch establishment ==> 分支机构
- branch exchange ==> 交换分机=>ブランチ交換
- branch fault ==> 副断层
- branch feeders ==> 分岐線
- branch feeding ==> 分支供电,分路供电,分路馈电
- branch financial statement ==> 分支机构损益计算书
- branch form factor ==> 枝材形数
- branch forth ==> (商店等)扩展分支机构
- branch gap ==> 枝隙
- branch gate ==> 分支浇口
- branch heading ==> 分支巷道,错车巷道
- branch hole ==> 分支钻孔,侧眼
- branch house ==> 分店
- branch impedance ==> 支路阻抗
- branch impedance matrix ==> 支路阻抗矩阵=>ブランチインピーダンス行列
- branch instruction ==> 分支指令,分岔指令=>分岐命令
- branch joint ==> 分线接头,分线套管,分支接头,分支连接,分支套管=>分岐接続
- branch leaf ==> 枝生叶
- branch ledger ==> 分支机构分类帐,分支机构帐,分店总帐
- branch line ==> 断叉线,分支线,支线,连接到主干线路中一点上的电力线路=>分岐線,支線
- branch linkage ==> 分支连接
- branch long-lived assets ==> 分支机构永久性资产
- branch loss ==> 分枝损耗
- branch manager ==> 分店经理
- branch manifold ==> 多歧管
- branch method ==> 分枝法,分支法
- branch net income or loss ==> 分店净损益
- branch network ==> 分支机构图
- branch node ==> 分支节点
- branch of a curve ==> 曲线的分支
- branch of clivus ==> 斜坡支
- branch of economic theory ==> 经济理论分支,经济理论分支
- branch of mainspring ==> 击针簧片
- branch of pterygoid canal ==> 翼管支
- branch of tonsil of cerebellum ==> 小脑扁桃体支
- branch of tympanic membrane ==> 鼓膜支
- branch off ==> 分支,分流
- branch office ==> 分局,分社,分行
- Branch Office (B.O.) ==> 分支行
- branch office current ==> 分支机构往来,分店往来
- branch office general account ==> 分店往来帐户,分支机构往来帐户
- branch office report ==> 分支机构报告
- branch office system ==> 分支机构制度
- branch offices ==> 分支机构
- branch on condition clear ==> 清零条件转移
- branch on count ==> 计数转移
- branch on false ==> 假条件转移
- branch on index high ==> 变址数大转移
- branch on true ==> 真条件转移
- branch on zero ==> 零转移
- branch on zero instruction ==> 零转指令,按零转移指令
- branch operation ==> 分路运算,分支动作
- branch order ==> 分支指令
- branch out around the hilum ==> 围绕种脐分枝
- branch piece ==> 分支
- branch pipe ==> 歧管,岔管,支管
- branch pipe strainer ==> 支管过滤器
- branch pipe(tube) ==> 支管道
- branch point ==> 分支点
- branch pole ==> 分线杆,分支杆塔
- branch process ==> 分枝过程,分支过程
- branch profit ==> 分号利润
- branch profit and loss account ==> 分店损益表
- branch profits ==> 分店利润
- branch records on home office books ==> 分店交易由总店记帐
- branch road ==> 歧路
- branch root ==> 侧根
- branch roots from the secondary roots ==> 从次生根发生的侧根
- branch rot ==> 枝枯病
- branch selection CO laser at room temperature ==> 室温选支CO激光器
- branch sewer ==> 污水支管
- branch sleeve ==> 连接套筒,筒形联轴器
- branch split ==> 枝条劈裂
- branch statement ==> 转移语句
- branch stem ==> 侧枝
- branch store ==> 分店
- branch strip ==> 分支带
- branch switch ==> 分支开关,分路开关
- branch switchboard ==> 分路配电盘
- branch system ==> 分路电话制,分支系统
- branch table ==> 支线辊道,转移表
- branch terminal ==> 分支线端
- branch terminal line ==> 分支终线,尽头支线
- branch trace ==> 枝迹
- branch tracer ==> 转移跟踪程序
- branch transition ==> 分支跃迁
- branch transmittance ==> 支路传递系数
- branch trust department ==> 分行信托部
- branch type switch board ==> 分立型配电盘
- branch value ==> 分支值
- branch vent ==> 通风支管
- branch voltage vector ==> 支路电压矢量
- branch, to ==> 分岐する
- branch-and-bound algorithm ==> 分枝限定アルゴリズム
- branch-and-bound search ==> 分枝限界搜索,分支限界搜索
- branch-and-bound solution strategy ==> 分支限界解法
- branch-and-bound technique ==> 分枝和限界法
- branch-bound algorithm ==> 分支界限算法
- branch-bound method ==> 分支界限法
- branch-exchange algorithm ==> 支线交换法
- branch-line Branch-line ==> 支线
- branch-line pumping system ==> 分支管路泵送系统
- branch-on indicator ==> 转移指示器
- branch-on-zero instruction ==> 零跳转指令,零转移指令
- branch-path incidence matrix ==> 支路回路关联矩阵
- branch-to-node connection table ==> ブランチーノード接続表
- branched ==> 分支的,分枝的
- branched acinous gland ==> 分支泡状腺
- branched cable ==> 分支光缆
- branched cage antenna ==> 分支笼形天线
- branched chain ==> 分枝链,支链
- branched chain amino acid ==> 分支氨基酸
- branched chain compound ==> 支链化合物
- branched chain fatty acid ==> 支链脂肪酸
- branched chain reaction ==> 支链反应
- branched chromosome ==> 分枝染色体
- branched disintegration ==> 分叉蜕变
- branched distributor ==> 分支配电线
- branched ear ==> 分枝穗
- branched endings ==> 分枝状末梢
- branched hair ==> 分支毛
- branched inflorescence ==> 分枝花序
- branched knot ==> 分叉节
- branched light guide ==> 分叉光导
- branched lode ==> 支矿脉
- branched metabolic pathway ==> 分支代谢途径
- branched molecule ==> 含支链分子
- branched oligosaccharide chain ==> 分支寡糖链
- branched panicles ==> 分枝圆锥花序
- branched passage ==> 分管
- branched pipe ==> 分支管
- branched polyethylene ==> 高压聚乙烯
- branched polymer ==> 分支聚合物=>分岐ポリマー
- branched polysaccharide chain ==> 分支多糖链
- branched root ==> 分支根
- branched root system ==> 分枝根系
- branched spark ==> 分支火花
- branched structure ==> 分支结构
- branched tubular gland ==> 分支管状腺
- branched-chain amino acid ==> 支链氨基酸
- branched-chain ketoaciduria ==> 支链酮酸尿,槭糖尿病
- branched-guide coupler ==> 分支波导耦合器,短截线分支耦合器
- branches of lateral geniculate body ==> 外侧膝状体支
- branches of nonmaterial production ==> 非物质生产部门
- branches of the regular meridians ==> 经别,经别
- branches to amygdaloid body ==> 杏仁体支
- branches to globus pallidus ==> 苍白球支
- branches to isthmus faucium ==> 咽峡支
- branches to tail of caudate nucleus ==> 尾状核尾支
- branchia ==> 鳃
- branchial arch ==> 鳃弓
- branchial bar ==> 鳃条
- branchial chamber ==> 鳃室
- branchial duct ==> 鳃管
- branchial groove ==> 鳃沟
- branchial heart ==> 鳃心
- branchial plume ==> 鳃羽
- branchial sac ==> 鳃囊
- Branchiata ==> 有鳃类
- branchiate ==> 有鳃类
- branchign of molecule ==> 分子支化
- branching ==> 分枝合成,分支,分支放射,分支过程,分岔,分接,支化作用,支脉,支线
- branching algorithm ==> 分支算法,转移算法
- branching bay ==> 分枝湾,河口湾
- branching cable ==> 分支电缆
- branching chain reaction ==> 分支链锁反应
- branching decay ==> 分支衰变
- branching diagram ==> 分支图
- branching enzyme ==> 分支酶
- branching factor ==> 分支因子,分子因子
- branching fault ==> 分枝断层
- branching filter ==> 分波器
- branching fraction ==> 分叉系数
- branching habit ==> 分枝习性
- branching insertion ==> 分枝着生
- branching jack ==> 分支塞孔
- branching Markov process ==> 分支马尔可夫过程
- branching network ==> 分支网络
- branching off point ==> 分支点
- branching operation ==> 转移操作,转移运算
- branching pattern ==> 分枝类型
- branching pipe ==> 分支管
- branching point ==> 分歧点
- branching Poisson process ==> 分枝泊松过程,分支泊松过程
- branching process ==> 分枝过程
- branching program ==> 线路图
- branching random walk ==> 分支随机游走
- branching ratio ==> 分支比,分支放射比
- branching renewal process ==> 分支更新过程
- branching repeater ==> 分支中继器
- branching stream ==> 分叉河流
- branching switchboard ==> 并联复式交换机
- branching unit ==> 支路装置,分路器,分向装置
- branching-point ==> 分枝点
- branchiomere ==> 鳃原节
- branchiomeric musculature ==> 鳃原节肌序
- Branchiopoda ==> (甲壳动物)鳃足类
- branchiostegal ray ==> 鳃盖条
- branchiostegite ==> 鳃盖,鳃甲
- Branchiostoma ==> 文昌鱼
- branchireme ==> 鳃肢
- Branchiura ==> 鳃尾亚纲
- branchofiberoscope ==> 纤维支气管镜
- branchpoinnt ==> 分歧点
- branchpoint ==> 分岐点,分支点,转移点,支化点
- branchwood ==> 枝条材
- branchy stem ==> 分枝
- brand ==> 烙,烙印,牌,牌号,牌子,印记,打印,品质,商标,火印=>種類,商標,ブランド
- brand awareness ==> 商标意识,牌子意识
- brand barometer report ==> 品牌晴雨报告
- brand choice ==> 牌号选择
- brand choice behavior ==> 品牌选择行为
- brand clothes ==> 名牌服装
- brand fluid ==> 牲畜打号液,(牲畜)打号液
- brand franchise ==> 牌子影响范围
- brand iron ==> 烙铁
- brand leader ==> 头号牌子
- brand manager ==> 牌子产品经理
- brand mark ==> 品标,商标符号
- brand name ==> 商標
- brand policy ==> 厂牌政策,牌名政策
- brand share ==> 牌子产品份额
- brand spore ==> 烙印孢子
- brand switch ==> 品牌转换
- brand switching ==> 转换牌子,商标转换
- brand-switching model ==> 牌子改用模型
- branded goods ==> 名牌货,商标产品
- branded oil ==> 名牌油
- branded products ==> 名牌货
- brander ==> 打商标机
- brandering ==> 板条子操作,双层灰条
- branding ==> 打烙印
- branding iron ==> 刻压机
- branding race ==> 打号栏,打号通道
- brandname products ==> 名牌产品
- brandreth ==> 井栏,井栏
- brandtite ==> 砷锰钙石
- Brandts treatment ==> 布兰特氏疗法
- brandy ==> 白兰地=>ブランデー,火酒
- brandy nose ==> 酒渣鼻
- brane cosmology ==> 膜宇宙论
- Branhamella ==> 布兰汉氏球菌属
- Branley coherer ==> 布冉利金屑检波器
- branner ==> 磨光机,清净机
- brannerite ==> 钛铀矿
- branners ==> 绒布磨轮
- branning machine ==> 钢板清净机
- branous empodium ==> 膜状爪间突
- Brans-Dicke cosmology ==> 布兰斯-迪克宇宙论
- Brans-Dicke theory ==> 布兰斯-迪克理论
- brash chopper ==> 枝梢切碎机
- brasilic acid ==> 巴西酸
- brass ==> 黄铜,铜器,黄铁矿块=>黄銅,真ちゅう,真鍮
- brass air cock ==> 黄铜气塞
- brass alloy ==> 黄铜合金
- brass alloys ==> 黄铜合金
- brass ball ==> 黄铜球
- brass ball valve ==> 黄铜球阀
- brass band ==> 黄铜带
- brass bar ==> 黄铜棒
- brass bearing ==> 黄铜轴承
- brass bib cock with nose for hose ==> 黄铜皮带水龙头
- brass billet ==> 黄铜环
- brass bobbins ==> 铜筒管
- brass borings ==> 黄铜屑
- brass brazing alloy ==> 黄铜焊接合金
- brass bush ==> 黄铜衬套,铜衬
- brass bushing ==> 黄铜衬套
- brass button nickelled ==> 镀镍铜钮扣
- brass casting ==> 黄铜铸件
- brass castings ==> 黄铜铸件
- brass chain ==> 黄铜链
- brass coating ==> 黄铜镀层
- brass coiled sheet ==> 黄铜卷片
- brass coins ==> 铜币
- brass coloring ==> 黄铜着色法
- brass cotter pin ==> 铜衬扁销
- brass countersunk head wood screw ==> 黄铜平头木螺丝
- brass curtain rod ==> 门窗帘铜棍
- brass cylinder bushing ==> 黄铜筒衬套
- brass die casting ==> 黄铜模铸
- brass dividing strip ==> 分格铜条
- brass division strip ==> 分格铜条
- brass door handle ==> 黄铜门拉手
- brass drum ==> 黄铜鼓
- brass electrode ==> 黄铜电焊条
- brass elelid spatula ==> 黄铜眼睑板
- brass file ==> 铜锉
- brass filled ==> 黄铜填充的
- brass finisher's lathe ==> 加工有色合金的高速车床
- brass fitting of steel window ==> 钢窗铜配件
- brass fittings ==> (机器的)黄铜配件
- brass flange ==> 黄铜法兰
- brass flat wire ==> 黄铜扁丝
- brass foil ==> 黄铜箔
- brass foundry ==> 铸铜场,铸铜车间
- brass furnace ==> 黄铜熔炼炉
- brass gas cock ==> 黄铜煤气龙头
- brass gate valve ==> 黄铜门阀
- brass globe valve ==> 黄铜球阀
- brass hammer ==> 黄铜锤
- brass hot water tap ==> 黄铜热水龙头
- brass ingot ==> 黄铜块
- brass lid ==> 黄铜盖板
- brass lining ==> 黄铜衬套,黄铜轴衬
- brass lock cock ==> 黄铜带锁扣水龙头
- brass long tail cock ==> 黄铜保暖水龙头
- brass mill machine ==> 黄铜轧机,轧铜机
- brass mill sheet in coil ==> 黄铜卷片
- brass ore ==> 绿铜锌矿
- brass parting strip ==> 分格铜条
- brass pattern ==> 黄铜模
- brass pipe ==> 黄铜管
- brass plate ==> 厚黄铜板
- brass plating ==> 镀黄铜,电镀黄铜
- brass polish ==> 擦铜油
- brass polish cream ==> 擦铜膏
- brass powder ==> 黄铜粉
- brass reheating furnace ==> 铜加热炉
- brass ring ==> 黄铜圈
- brass rod ==> 黄铜棒材
- brass rolling mill ==> 黄铜材轧机
- brass round head wood screw ==> 黄铜圆头木螺丝
- brass rule ==> 排界线的铜线
- brass scrap ==> 废黄铜
- brass screen ==> 黄铜网
- brass screw down bib cock ==> 黄铜水龙头
- brass screw down bib cock heavy type ==> 黄铜重型水龙头
- brass sheet ==> 黄铜板
- brass shell ==> (拉拔用)厚壁黄铜毛管
- brass shouldered cup screw hook ==> 黄铜螺丝弯钩
- brass single jack chain ==> 光身铜丝链
- brass solder ==> 黄铜焊料
- brass spring ==> 黄铜弹簧
- brass spring coil ==> 黄铜弹簧圈
- brass square bar ==> 方黄铜棒
- brass square screw hook ==> 黄铜螺丝曲尺钩
- brass strip ==> 黄铜带
- brass swing check valve ==> 黄铜横式逆止阀
- brass tacks ==> 铜钉
- brass tap ==> 黄铜水龙头
- brass tube ==> 黄铜管
- brass turning tool ==> 黄铜车刀
- brass valve ==> 黄铜阀
- brass ware ==> 黄铜制品
- brass washer ==> 黄铜垫圈
- brass watch case ==> 黄铜表壳
- brass watch case blank ==> 黄铜表壳粗胚
- brass welding rod ==> 黄铜焊条
- brass wire ==> 黄铜丝,割坯黄铜丝
- brass wire brush ==> 黄铜丝刷
- brass wire cloth ==> 黄铜网筛
- brass wire mesh ==> 黄铜丝网
- brass wood screw ==> 黄铜木螺丝
- brass-fitted cast-iron valve ==> 黄铜配制铸铁阀
- brass-founders ague ==> 黄铜铸工热病
- brass-plated heavy iron hinge ==> 黄铜厚铁铰链
- brass-plated iron hasp and staple ==> 镀黄铜铁锁牌
- brass-plated iron hooks and eye ==> 镀黄铜铁窗钩
- brass-plated iron square hinge ==> 镀黄铜抽心铁方铰链
- brass-plated L type iron tower bolt ==> 镀铜L形铁插销
- brass-plated light iron hinge ==> 镀黄铜薄铁铰链
- brass-plated mild steel round bead wood screw ==> 镀黄铜圆头软钢木螺丝
- brass-plated mild steel round head machine screw ==> 镀黄铜圆头软钢机器螺丝
- brass-plated steel wire ==> 镀黄铜钢丝
- brass-toned button ==> 镀铜扣
- brass-trimmed valve ==> 黄铜配制阀
- brassage ==> 铸币费
- brassbound ==> 包黄铜
- brasses ==> 铜板送经器,铜瓦,黄铁矿块
- Brassica ==> 芸苔
- Brassica alba boiss ==> 白芥子
- Brassica napobrassica ==> 大头菜
- Brassica olerac&a var.acsphala ==> 羽衣甘蓝
- brassicasterol ==> 菜籽甾醇,菜子甾醇
- brassidic acid ==> 巴西烯酸
- Brassiea oleracea var, italica ==> 硬花甘蓝
- brassiere ==> 乳罩
- brassin ==> 芸苔素
- brassing ==> 镀黄铜
- brassy ==> 似黄铜,黄铜色的
- brassy body ==> 黄铜色小体
- brassy eye ==> 黄铜屑眼
- brate force filter ==> 平滑滤波器
- Brathay Flags ==> 布拉雪大板层
- brattice cloth ==> 风幛布,黄麻或粗亚麻篷布
- brattice drying machine ==> 转帘烘干机
- Braun graft ==> 全层皮移植物,布朗氏移植片
- Braun sample grinder ==> 布劳恩试样研磨机
- Braun tube ==> 布朗管,布劳恩管,布劳恩阴极射线管,电子束管,阴极射线管=>ブラウン管
- Braun tube oscillograph ==> 阴极射线示波器,布劳恩管示波器,布劳恩示波管
- Braun's canal ==> 布郎氏管
- Braun's hook ==> 断胎头钩
- Braun's traction ==> 布郎氏牵引
- Braun's traction frame ==> 布朗氏牵引架
- braunite ==> 褐锰矿
- Brauns canal ==> 布郎氏管
- Brauns traction frame ==> 布朗氏牵引架
- Bravais lattice ==> 布拉菲点阵,布拉维点阵,布拉维空间格子
- Bravais Miller indices ==> 布拉菲-密勒指数
- Bravais plate ==> 布拉菲双片
- Bravais symbol ==> 布拉维符号
- Bravais system ==> 布拉菲系统
- Bravais unit cell ==> 布拉菲晶胞,布拉维晶胞
- Bravais' law ==> 布拉格定律
- Braxton-Hicks' sign ==> 希克斯氏征
- bray stone ==> 多孔砂岩
- Brayton cycle ==> 布雷顿循环,气涡轮机循环
- braze fixture ==> 铜焊件
- braze metal ==> 钎缝金属
- braze welding ==> 钎焊接,钎接,铜焊,钎焊,用比母材熔点低的钎料和焊件一同加热,使钎料熔化(焊件不熔化),钎料熔化后润湿并填满母材连接的间隙,钎料与母材相互扩散而形成牢固连接的方法
- braze-welding ==> 钎接焊
- brazed carbide turning tool ==> 焊接车刀
- brazed connections for nozzles ==> 接管的钎焊连接
- brazed joint ==> 钎焊接头,硬钎接合
- brazed natural diamond tool ==> 焊接式天然单晶金刚石刀具
- brazed seam ==> 铜焊缝
- brazed shank tool ==> 焊接刀具
- brazed vessel ==> 钎焊容器
- Brazi wood ==> 胡核木
- brazier ==> 铜匠=>(暖房用の金属製)火鉢
- brazier head rivet ==> 扁头铆钉
- brazier head screw ==> 扁头螺钉
- Brazil ==> 巴西,巴西木=>ブラジル
- Brazil nut ==> 巴西果
- Brazil Santos coffee ==> 马西桑托斯咖啡
- Brazil twin ==> 巴西双晶
- Brazil twin law ==> 巴西双晶律
- Brazil wax ==> 巴西棕榈蜡
- Brazil wood ==> 巴西苏木
- Brazilian emerald ==> 绿碧硒,绿电气石
- Brazilian fever ==> 巴西热
- Brazilian glory bush ==> 紫绀野牡丹=>シコンノボタン,ノボタン科の常緑低木
- Brazilian leish maniasis ==> 巴西利什曼病
- Brazilian mahogany ==> 巴西桃花心木
- Brazilian peridot ==> 巴西橄榄石
- Brazilian sapphire ==> 巴西蓝宝石,蓝碧硒
- Brazilian topaz ==> 巴西黄宝石,巴西黄玉
- Brazilian tourmaline ==> 巴西碧硒
- brazilic acid ==> 巴西酸
- Brazillian test ==> (混凝土陶瓷的抗张强度试验)巴西影试验
- brazing ==> 铜焊,硬钎焊=>硬ろう付け,ろう接
- brazing alloy ==> 硬钎料,钎焊合金,钎料
- brazing brass ==> 锌焊药
- brazing burner ==> 钎焊灯
- brazing by flame ==> 火焰钎焊
- brazing clamp ==> 焊接夹钳
- brazing filler metal ==> 硬钎料,钎料=>硬ろう
- brazing flux ==> 钎焊溶剂
- brazing in controlled atmosphere ==> 保护气氛钎焊
- brazing metal ==> 钎焊合金,钎焊金属,金属焊料
- brazing powder ==> 钎焊粉
- brazing sheet ==> 钎焊板
- brazing solder ==> 黄铜钎料
- brazing solders ==> 铜焊料
- brazing spelter ==> 黄铜钎料
- brazing temperature ==> 钎焊温度
- brazing torch ==> 气焊枪,钎焊焊炬,钎焊用喷灯,钎炬,喷灯
- brazing wire ==> 丝状钎料
- brazing with the unparallel clearance ==> 不等间隙钎焊
- brazinrg seam ==> 钎缝
- brcom corn millet ==> 糜子
- breach ==> 缺口,破口,溃决=>割れ目,違反,破棄
- breach a contract ==> 负约
- breach of an express guarantee ==> 违反明确的担保
- breach of condition ==> 违反条件
- breach of contract ==> 违背契约,违约
- breach of duty ==> 不负责任
- breach of obligation to pay an instalment ==> 违反分期付款的义务
- breach of promise ==> 违反诺言
- breach of recognizance ==> 违反保结
- breach of regulation ==> 违章
- breach of trading warranty ==> 违反航行范围的保证
- breach of trust ==> 违背信托,违反信托
- breach of warrant ==> 违反担保
- breach of warranty of authority ==> 违反有代理权的保证
- breach of warrenty ==> (水险单上附加的条款)违反特约条款
- breached anticline ==> 裂口背斜
- breached cone ==> 裂口火山锥
- breached crater ==> 裂火山口,马蹄形火山口
- bread ==> パン
- bread board ==> 手提式电子实验线路板
- bread board set up ==> 模拟板装置
- bread board socket ==> 试验板座
- bread panning machine ==> 面团入模机
- bread plate ==> パン皿
- bread product ==> パン製品
- bread-crust structure ==> 层剥构造
- breadboard ==> 機能試験品(宇宙通信)
- breadboard area ==> 模拟板区域
- breadboard circuit ==> 试验电路
- breadboard design ==> ブレッドボード設計
- breadboard model ==> 模型板,试验板模型=>ブレッドボードモデル
- breadcrust bomb ==> 剥层火山弹
- breading cap ==> 安全臼
- breadth ==> 宽度
- breadth coefficient ==> 绕组系数,分布系数
- breadth depth ratio ==> 宽深比
- breadth factor ==> 分布系数
- breadth length ratio ==> 宽长比
- breadth of beam ==> 梁宽
- breadth of spectrum line ==> 谱线宽度
- breadth of tooth ==> 齿宽
- breadth-and-depth-first search ==> 宽度与深度优先搜索
- breadth-first ==> 宽度优先
- breadth-first generation ==> 宽度优先生成
- breadth-first procedure ==> 宽度优先过程,横式生成过程
- breadth-first search ==> 宽度优先搜索
- breadths ==> 幅边
- break ==> 断线,溃决,破产,破裂,破碎,折,断,断距,断裂,断路,断入,缺口,煤层的不连续面,层缺,间歇,减弱,中断,(特性曲线的)转折=>開路,中止,中断,休み,休憩,ブレイク,割れ目
- break a deposit ==> 提前支取未到期存款
- break a loan ==> 提前归还未到期借款,借款中途解约
- break address ==> 中断点地址
- break alarm ==> 停止信号
- break arc ==> 断路时的电弧
- break barrow ==> 碎土机
- break before make contact ==> 先断后合触点=>ブレークビフォアメーク接点
- break bulk ==> 开始卸货
- break comparator ==> 中断比较器
- break connection ==> 断路接头
- break contact ==> 开路接点,断开触点,断开接点,静止接点,静止接点
- break contact spring ==> 断开触点簧片
- break contact=="b" contact, b-contact ==> b接点, A contact which opens a circuit when the relay picks up.
- break counter ==> 间歇计数器
- break delay ==> 断开时间
- break detector ==> 裂缝探测器
- break distance ==> 遮断距離
- break down ==> 分类剖析
- break down barriers ==> 障壁を打ち破る
- break down economic boundaries ==> 冲破经济界线
- break down from overwork ==> 過労で倒れる
- break down into simple compounds ==> 分解成简单的化合物
- break down mill ==> 开毗机
- break down stereotypes ==> 固定観念を打破する
- break down the statistics ==> 統計値を分析する
- break down the status quo ==> 現状を打破する
- break even ==> 无损失,无冗(rǒng)余
- Break Even Point (BEP) ==> 保本点
- break execution ==> 実行中止
- break faith ==> 失信用
- break flour ==> 粗面粉
- break frequency ==> 拐点频率=>折点周波数
- break impulse ==> 切断脉冲
- break in cross rates ==> 套算汇率差距
- break in the seed coat ==> 破种皮
- break induced current ==> 断路感应电流
- break iron ==> 碎花铁片,铁挡块
- break jack ==> 切断塞孔
- break joint ==> 错缝接合,间缝
- break key ==> 打断键,断路键
- break level ==> 断路电平
- break limit ==> 断裂极限
- break line ==> 段末短行,破裂线
- break load ==> 断裂载荷
- break make contact ==> ブレークメーク接点
- break make system ==> 先断后接式
- break of conductor ==> 导线断开
- break of contact ==> 触点断开
- break of load ==> 负荷的中断
- break off an engagement ==> 解约
- break off corn cobs ==> 掰玉米
- break pin ==> 安全销,剪断销
- break plane ==> 断裂面
- break point ==> 折点,转效点=>ブレークポイント,折点
- break point chlorination ==> 折点氯化法
- break point insertion ==> 断点插入
- break point order ==> 断点指令
- break pulse generator ==> 断路脉冲发生器
- break rate ==> 破约汇率
- break roll ==> 带钢压紧辊
- break roller mill ==> 辊式粉碎机
- break rolls ==> 对轨辊
- break scraper ==> 裂缝探测器
- break seal ==> 破坏密封
- break sequence ==> 间断顺序,间断序列
- break shovel ==> 松土铲
- break sign ==> 分隔记号
- break spark ==> 断路火花
- break test ==> 断裂试验,破坏试验
- break the bulk ==> 卸载
- break the leaf ==> 折断叶子
- break through ==> 突破,断缺
- break thrust ==> 切穿逆断层
- break time ==> 切断时间,转效时间,间断时间
- break transfer ==> 断续传送
- break up ==> 分解,分裂,分散
- break up into ==> 分裂成
- break up the clods ==> 打碎土块
- break up to form a soil ==> 粉碎而形成的土壤
- break up value ==> 破产企业财产清理价值
- break wind ==> 放屁
- break, to ==> 開く,切る
- break-away friction ==> 滑动摩擦
- break-away velocity ==> 分离速度
- break-before-make ==> 先开后合,先开后合(接点)
- break-before-make contact ==> 先开后合触点
- break-bulk cargo ==> 杂类船货
- break-bulk container ship ==> 杂货货柜(集装箱船)
- break-bulk liner ==> 杂货班轮
- break-down ==> 分项数字
- break-down strength ==> 断裂强度
- break-even analysis ==> 保本点分析=>損益分岐点分析
- break-even charts ==> 两平图表
- break-even computation ==> 保本计算
- break-even dollar sales ==> 保本销售额
- break-even exchange rate ==> 两平汇率
- break-even graph ==> 保本图
- break-even investment ==> 保本投资
- break-even load factor ==> 保本积载因素
- break-even method ==> 保本计算法
- break-even model ==> 保本模式
- break-even point ==> 盈亏相抵
- break-even price ==> 保本价格
- break-even probability ==> 保本概率
- break-even revenue ==> 保本销售额
- break-even sales volume ==> 保本销售量
- break-even units ==> 保本销售量
- break-in ==> 变向,木砖孔,挤,打断,截断=>ブレークイン
- break-in device ==> 插入收发机构
- break-in facility ==> 截断功能
- break-in invert ==> 槽底折断
- break-in key ==> 插话键
- break-in keying ==> 插话式键控
- break-in oil ==> 磨合油,跑合用油
- break-in operation ==> 插话
- break-in period ==> 试运转期,间断期
- break-in relay ==> 插入继电路,强拆继电器
- break-joint ==> 断缝
- break-make contact ==> 开合接点
- break-make contacts ==> 断合接点
- break-off ==> 折断,暂停工作
- break-out ==> 跑火
- break-over ==> 穿通
- break-over voltage ==> 导通电压,击穿电压
- break-point ==> 断点
- break-point chlorination ==> 断点加氯法
- break-point halt ==> 断点停止
- break-point instruction ==> 断点指令
- break-point order ==> 分割点指令,返回指令,射流返回指令
- break-proof tap ==> 防断丝锥
- break-through ==> ブレークスルー
- break-up ==> 崩裂
- break-up energy ==> 分裂能
- break-up value ==> 清理价值,分析价值
- breakage allowance ==> 破损折扣
- breakage failure ==> 破損
- breakage of packing ==> 包装破裂险
- breakage signal of trip circuit ==> 掉闸回路断线信号
- breakage-proof ==> 防破损
- breakaway ==> 断开力,起步,气流分裂区域,气流离体,气体分离,逃逸,剥裂,断气式
- breakaway connection ==> 断销式离合器
- breakaway connector ==> 易拆式管接头,拉脱式电缆接头
- breakaway corrosion ==> 剧增腐蚀,剧增腐蚀
- breakaway coupling ==> 断开式联轴节
- breakaway device ==> 安全分离装置,安全脱钩装置
- breakaway plow ==> 带有脱钩装置的犁
- breakaway point ==> 断裂点
- breakaway release ==> 断开式装置
- breakaway torque ==> (内燃机的)最小开机转矩
- breakback ==> 反击穿
- breakback contact ==> 静触点,静触点
- breakback mechanism ==> 碰返机构
- breakback mechanisms ==> 复位安全机构
- breakboard construction ==> 实验电路板
- breakbone fever ==> 登革热
- breakdown ==> 塌崩,启开,气流分离,气流离体,折断,蜕变,破坏,剖料,分为细数,分项数字,离解,故障,分镜头,分类细帐,分类帐,断裂,断损,事故停堆,击穿,按细目分类=>絶縁破壊,破壊(絶縁物),降伏(半導体),ブレークダウン
- breakdown area ==> 破坏区
- breakdown bar ==> 中间轧坯
- breakdown cable ==> 替换电缆,应急电缆
- breakdown car ==> 工程修理车
- breakdown characteristics ==> 絶縁破壊特性
- breakdown charge ==> 击穿电荷
- breakdown clause ==> 停租条款
- breakdown crane ==> 拆卸起重机,应急起重机,救险吊车,救险吊车,(铁路的)事故起重机
- breakdown crane wagon ==> 事故起重车
- breakdown current ==> 击穿电流
- breakdown debacle ==> 崩溃
- breakdown die ==> 开坯模
- breakdown diode ==> 击穿二极管,雪崩二极管
- breakdown diode-coupled trigger ==> 击穿二极管耦合触发器
- breakdown discharge ==> 絶縁破壊
- breakdown drawing ==> 分解图
- breakdown drawing machine ==> 粗拉伸丝机
- breakdown field strength ==> 击穿电场强度=>破壊電界強度
- breakdown impedance ==> 击穿阻抗
- breakdown law ==> 全概率定律
- breakdown lorry ==> 抢修工程车,救险起重车,救险起重车,救险汽车式起重机,救险汽车式起重机,工程救险车
- breakdown mainteance ==> 停工检修
- breakdown maintenance ==> 故障维修,损坏维护=>事後保全
- breakdown mill ==> 开坯机
- breakdown noise ==> 击穿噪声
- breakdown of economic values of storage system ==> 貯蔵設備の価値の内訳
- breakdown of fruit ==> 果实腐败
- breakdown of insulation ==> 绝缘击穿
- breakdown of service ==> 服务中断
- breakdown of soil materials ==> 土壤特质的碎裂
- breakdown of variation ==> 变差分解
- breakdown pass ==> 开抛型
- breakdown point ==> 击穿点,屈服点,破坏点
- breakdown potential ==> 击穿电压
- breakdown pressure ==> 击穿压强,破坏压力
- breakdown probability ==> 絶縁破壊確率
- breakdown probability distribution ==> 破壊確率分布
- breakdown process ==> 分解过程
- breakdown region ==> 击穿范围,击穿区
- breakdown reverse voltage ==> 反向击穿电压
- breakdown roll ==> 开毗辊
- breakdown service ==> 修理站
- breakdown signal ==> 击穿信号,故障信号
- breakdown slip ==> 临界转差率,极限转差率,停转转差率
- breakdown speed ==> 临界速度,破坏速度
- breakdown stand ==> 粗轧机座,开批座
- breakdown strength ==> 击穿强度=>絶縁耐力
- breakdown stress ==> 破坏应力
- breakdown switch ==> 故障开关
- breakdown tender ==> 修理工程汽车
- breakdown test ==> 击穿试验,破坏试验,破坏性试验,折断试验,电击穿试验,稳定性试验=>破壊試験
- breakdown threshold ==> 击穿阈值
- breakdown time ==> 击穿时间,停工时间,破坏期
- breakdown torque ==> 停转力矩,极限扭矩=>停動トルク,最大トルク
- breakdown torque speed ==> 停转转速,临界转速
- breakdown train ==> 开批组
- breakdown van ==> 抢修车,急救车
- breakdown vehicle ==> 抢修工程车,救险起重车,救险起重车
- breakdown voltage ==> 绝缘击穿电压,绝缘击穿电压,破坏电压,击穿电压,崩溃电压=>絶縁破壊電圧,破壊電圧,降伏電圧(半導体)
- breakdown voltage database ==> BDVデータベース
- breakdown voltage rating ==> 绝缘强度
- breakdwon pass ==> 粗轧孔型
- breaker ==> 揉布机,碎波,碎茎机,碎浪,轧碎机,破浪,破碎机,破土犁,遮断器,头道梳毛机,拍岸浪,裂碎机,断电器,直接熄弧断路器=>遮断器
- breaker arm ==> 断电臂
- breaker arm adjusting screw ==> 断电臂调整螺钉
- breaker arm spring ==> 断电臂弹簧
- breaker back up ==> 断路后备装置,备用断路器
- breaker beater ==> 半浆机,梳解机
- breaker bolt ==> 安全螺栓
- breaker cam ==> 断电器凸轮,断路器凸轮
- breaker camshaft ==> 断路器凸轮轴
- breaker contact point ==> 断路器触点
- breaker core ==> 隔片型芯
- breaker cover ==> 断路器盖
- breaker drawing frame ==> 头道并条机
- breaker fail protection ==> 断路器失灵保护[装置]=>遮断器不動作保護
- breaker lapper ==> 头道清棉机,排气式开棉机,排气式清棉机
- breaker lever ==> 断路器杆
- breaker lever axle ==> 断路器杆轴
- breaker mal-closing protection ==> 断路器误合闸保护,防止发电机在停机或盘车时意外合闸造成发电机异步运行的保护
- breaker plate ==> 断路器板,多孔板
- breaker point ==> 断闭点
- breaker point cam ==> 断路器凸(tū)轮
- breaker point wrench ==> 电流开关扳手
- breaker points ==> 断流点
- breaker props ==> 放顶密集支柱
- breaker roll ==> 轧碎机滚筒,破鳞辊
- breaker roll type oil seed press ==> 对辊式榨油机
- breaker scutcher ==> 头道清棉机,粗打麻机,揉麻梳麻机
- breaker spring ==> 断闭器弹簧
- breaker status ==> 断路状态
- breaker switch ==> 断路开关
- breaker terrace ==> 破浪阶地
- breaker time ==> 断路器跳闸时间
- breaker trip coil ==> 自动断路器线圈
- breaker zone ==> 破浪带,碎波区,拍岸浪带
- breaker-and a-half type ==> 3/2遮断器母線タイプ
- breaker-mill ==> 磨碎机
- breaker-terminal fault break ==> 端子短絡遮断
- breakeven ==> ブレークイーブン
- breakeven analysis ==> 得失相当分析,盈亏分析
- breakeven exchange rate ==> 均衡汇率,均衡汇率
- breakeven point ==> 平滑转折点,平均转效点,盈亏平衡点=>損益分岐点
- breaking ==> 打开,破碎,遮断=>ブレイク,破壊
- breaking (destruction) test ==> 断裂试验
- breaking arc ==> 切断电弧,掉闸电弧=>遮断アーク
- breaking arrangement ==> 断路装置
- breaking bulk ==> 开舱卸货
- breaking capacity ==> 遮断容量,断路容量=>遮断容量
- breaking capacity test ==> 遮断容量试验,开断容量试验
- breaking coil ==> 跳闸线圈
- breaking current ==> 分断电流=>遮断電流
- breaking distance ==> 断路距离
- breaking down ==> 出砂
- breaking down (waste water) ==> 分解(污水)
- breaking down mill ==> 粗轧机
- breaking edge ==> (顶板岩石的)崩落线
- breaking elongation ==> 破断伸长
- breaking factor ==> 破裂阻力系数
- breaking joint ==> 断缝,断裂缝,断裂节理
- breaking knife ==> 轧刀,撞击刀
- breaking length ==> 裂断长度
- breaking limit ==> 断裂限度
- breaking link ==> (水轮机的)脆性连杆
- breaking load ==> 裂断负荷,破坏载荷,断裂荷载,断裂载荷
- breaking machine ==> 切碎机,碎茎机,粉碎机
- breaking moment ==> 切断瞬间,断裂力矩
- breaking of arc ==> 断弧
- breaking of contact ==> 断接
- breaking of muscle and tendon ==> 筋断
- breaking of rest period ==> 打泡休眠期
- breaking of the meres ==> 水体杂锦
- breaking of the needle ==> 折针
- breaking of wire ==> 断線
- breaking off of base ==> (玻璃制品缺陷)掉底
- breaking out cut ==> 辅助裁切
- breaking piece ==> 保险连接件,保险零件,安全连接器,安全零件
- breaking pin device ==> 折断销装置
- breaking plant ==> 破坏装置,破碎装置,粉碎设备
- breaking plow ==> (装有近似螺旋型犁体)开荒犁
- breaking point ==> 断裂点,击穿点,破损点,破损强度,强度极限,断裂点
- breaking props ==> 放顶密集支柱
- breaking pulper ==> 打浆机
- breaking resistance ==> 抗断强度,抗裂强度
- breaking speed ==> 遮断速率=>遮断速度
- breaking step ==> 失步
- breaking strain ==> 断裂应变
- breaking strength ==> 断裂强度,破坏强度,破碎强度,抗断强度,抗裂强度,击穿强度,极限破坏强度
- breaking stress ==> 破坏应力,断裂应力
- breaking tenacity ==> 断裂强度
- breaking test ==> 破坏试验
- breaking time ==> 断路时间=>遮断時間
- breaking up of sand ==> 拌砂
- breaking up sand ==> 松砂
- breaking velocity ==> 断路速度
- breaking water level ==> 跌落水面
- breaking weight ==> 裂断负荷,断裂荷载,破坏荷重=>破壊荷重
- breaking-down ==> 失灵
- breaking-down process ==> 断裂过程
- breaking-down roll ==> 粗轧轧辊
- breaking-down stand ==> 粗轧机座
- breaking-down tool ==> 锻工錾
- breaking-drop theory ==> 水滴破碎理论
- breaking-in ==> 磨合,跑合,试车,开工
- breaking-in period ==> 溶解期,开动期
- breaking-off ==> 剥落,剥蚀
- breaking-out ==> 喷火
- breaking-up plow ==> 开荒犁
- breakless ignition system ==> 无触点式点火系统
- breakout ==> 烧穿
- breakout friction ==> 静摩擦力,静摩擦力
- breakout load ==> 断开力
- breakout point ==> 分叉点
- breakover voltage ==> ブレークオーバ電圧
- breakpoint ==> 断点=>区切り点
- breakpoint halt ==> 断点指令,断点停机=>区切り点停止
- breakpoint information ==> 断点信息,分割点信息
- breakpoint instruction ==> 断点指令=>区切り点命令
- breakpoint operation ==> 分割点操作
- breakpoint switch ==> 断点开关
- breakpoint symbol ==> 断点符,断点符号
- breakthrough ==> 贯穿,穿透,断缺,炉衬破裂,临界点,通风联络小巷=>ブレイクスルー
- breakthrough capacity ==> 漏过容量,贯流容量
- breakthrough point ==> 贯通点,离子交换漏过点,穿透点,漏过点
- breakthrough sweep efficiency ==> 水串时清扫效率
- breakup ==> 解散,蜕变,缺口,裂变,分散
- breakup age ==> 分解年龄
- breakwater ==> 防波堤,防浪堤
- breakwater capstone ==> 防波堤压顶石
- breakwater construction ==> 防波堤建設
- breakwater end ==> 防波堤端
- breakwater facilities ==> 防波施設
- breakwater gap ==> 防波堤缺口,堤头口门
- breakwater head ==> 防波堤頭部
- breakwater pier ==> 防波突堤
- breakwater pier head ==> 防波堤堤头
- breakwater quay ==> 防波堤堤岸
- breakwater-glacis ==> 防波堤铺石面
- brearing bore ==> 轴承内孔
- Brearley steel ==> 布里阿雷不锈钢,布氏高铬钢
- breast ==> 乳房=>胸部
- breast (plate) microphone ==> 带式送话器
- breast abscess ==> 乳房脓肿
- breast anchor ==> 船舷锚
- breast bandage ==> 乳房悬带
- breast beam ==> 船首横梁,胸梁
- breast beauty cream ==> 美乳霜
- breast board ==> 栏板
- breast box ==> 网前箱
- breast card ==> 头道梳棉机
- breast collar ==> 胸套
- breast drill ==> 胸压式手摇钻,脚摇钻
- breast flash ==> 乳房潮红
- breast height ==> 胸高
- breast hole ==> 中央渣口
- breast hook ==> 船首补强肘板
- breast hygiene ==> 乳房卫生
- breast line ==> 船中部横缆
- breast machine ==> 宽截盘截煤机
- breast milk ==> 母乳
- breast protector ==> 护胸
- breast roll ==> 中心辊,胸辊
- breast roller ==> 机架辊子
- breast suction ==> 吸乳器
- breast support ==> 乳房托
- breast telephone ==> ブレスト(電話機)
- breast thickness calipers ==> 胸厚测量计
- breast transmitter ==> 胸前送话器,话务员用送话器
- breast wall ==> 挡土墙,护岸,防浪墙,胸墙,位于闸门孔口上方,支承于闸墩的挡水墙
- breast wall brick ==> 胸墙砖
- breast wheel ==> 中间轮,中射式水轮
- breasting island ==> 靠船岛
- breaststroke knee ==> 蛙泳膝
- breath alcohol analyzer ==> 呼吸含醇量分杆仪
- breath odor ==> 呼吸味
- breath picture ==> 呼气象
- breath sound ==> 呼吸音
- breath-holding during labor ==> 分娩时屏气
- breather ==> 换气装置,通气孔=>息抜き
- breather bag ==> 袋式过滤器
- breather filler cap ==> 给油箱加油口盖
- breather hole ==> 气门,通气孔
- breather plug ==> 通气塞,呼吸塞
- breather valve ==> 通气阀=>ブリーザー
- breathing ==> ブリージング
- breathing apparatus ==> 氧气呼吸器,呼吸器,通气设备
- breathing apparatus, respiration ==> 氧气呼吸器
- breathing bag ==> 呼吸袋,呼吸橡皮囊
- breathing controlled pacemaker ==> 呼吸控制型心脏起搏器
- breathing drier ==> 放气干燥管
- breathing effect ==> 喘息效应
- breathing equipment ==> 氧气设备
- breathing ferment ==> 呼吸酵素
- breathing hole ==> 呼吸孔
- breathing line ==> 通风线
- breathing machine ==> 呼吸机
- breathing mask ==> 呼吸面具
- breathing movement ==> 呼吸活動
- breathing rate ==> 呼吸频率
- breathing rescue equipment ==> 呼吸抢救设备
- breathing reserve ==> 呼吸储备力
- breathing roof ==> 呼吸顶
- breathing root ==> 呼吸根
- breathing space ==> 膨胀区
- breathing tank ==> 呼吸式油罐
- breathing type safety valve ==> 呼吸式安全阀(罐车)
- breathing well ==> 呼吸井
- breccia ==> 角砾岩
- breccia marble ==> 角砾大理石
- breccia pipe ==> 角砾岩筒,火山筒
- brecciated structure ==> 角砾构造
- brecciated texture ==> 角砾结构
- brecciation ==> 角砾岩化
- bred material ==> 增生材料
- Bredig's arc process ==> 布雷德希电弧法
- breech ==> 腿臀毛,炮栓,炮闩
- breech block ==> 炮栓
- breech bolt ==> 枪闩
- breech extraction ==> 臀位取胎术
- breech flash ==> 炮尾焰
- breech loader ==> 后膛枪
- breech loading ==> 后膛装填
- breech lock ==> 闭锁卡铁,闩锁,闩锁
- breech mechanism ==> 炮闩机构
- breech operating mechanism ==> 开闭机构
- breech presentation ==> 臀先露,后肢先产
- breech pressure ==> 膛内压力
- breech ring ==> 炮尾环
- breech wool ==> 大腿粪块毛
- breech-block ==> 枪机,炮尾栓,炮闩
- breech-lock ring ==> 镜头锁紧卡口环,镜头锁紧卡口环
- breech-sight ==> 瞄准器
- breed ==> 繁殖,品种=>品種,種類,種族,血統
- breed average ==> 乳牛品种平均产量
- breed characteristic ==> 品种特征
- breed combination ==> 品种组合
- breed fertility ==> 繁殖力
- breed good strains ==> 繁育优良品种
- breed improved seeds ==> 培养优良品种
- breed in and in ==> 同种繁殖
- breed livestock ==> 繁殖牲畜
- breed new varieties of corn ==> 培育玉米新品种
- breed of variety ==> 品种培育
- breed out ==> 排除
- breed registry association ==> 品种登记协会
- breed standard ==> 品种标准
- breed structure ==> 品种结构
- breed true ==> 纯育
- breed type ==> 品种体型
- breed-average herdmate ==> 同品种同群牛平均产量
- breeder bird ==> 种禽
- breeder cockerel ==> 种用小公鸡
- breeder flock ==> 种鸡群
- breeder mash ==> 种禽用混合肥料
- breeder material ==> 增殖材料
- breeder plant ==> 增殖堆电站
- breeder reaction ==> 增殖反应
- breeder reactor ==> 增殖反应堆
- breeder's association ==> 品种协会
- Breeder's Association of Nation ==> 全国养猪育种者协会
- breeder's bag ==> 采精袋
- breeder-converter ==> 增殖反应堆
- breeding ==> 孳生,增殖,饲养,配种,繁育,繁殖,选育,育种=>繁殖,飼育,増殖
- breeding animal ==> 繁殖動物
- breeding area ==> 繁殖区
- breeding behavior ==> 繁殖行動
- breeding bird ==> 种鸡
- breeding by isolation ==> 分离育种法
- breeding by separation ==> 分离育种法
- breeding capacity ==> 配种能力
- breeding chute ==> 配种架
- breeding class ==> 种畜类
- breeding coefficient ==> 繁殖率
- breeding colony ==> 繁殖コロニー
- breeding condition ==> 配种体况=>繁殖条件
- breeding crate ==> 配种架
- breeding cycle ==> 繁育周期,繁殖周期
- breeding difficulty ==> 繁殖障碍
- breeding disturbance ==> 繁育障碍
- breeding efficiency ==> 繁殖效能
- breeding field crops for resistance to diseases ==> 培育抗病害的大田作物
- breeding flock ==> 种羊群
- breeding for chemical composition ==> 化学成分育种
- breeding for creeping root in lucerne ==> 苜蓿葡萄根的育种
- breeding for improved nutritional quality ==> 提高营养质量育种
- breeding for quality ==> 品种育种
- breeding for special qualities ==> 特殊品质的选择
- breeding for yearly plant ==> 一年生植物育种
- breeding gain ==> 增殖增益
- breeding garden ==> 种子园
- breeding ground ==> 繁殖场
- breeding group ==> 繁殖群
- breeding habit ==> 配种习性,孳生习性
- breeding heart ==> ケマンソウ,別名ケイツリソウ
- breeding hens ==> 种鸡
- breeding herd ==> 繁殖畜群
- breeding house ==> 种畜舍
- breeding hybrid animals ==> 繁育杂交动物
- breeding method ==> 繁育方法
- breeding nursery together ==> 集中育种圃
- breeding of cross-pollinated crops ==> 异花授粉作物的育种
- breeding of method ==> 繁育体系
- breeding of plants ==> 作物育种学
- breeding place ==> 孳生地,繁殖场
- breeding plumage ==> 婚羽
- breeding practice ==> 繁育手段,繁殖手段
- breeding pullet ==> 种用小母鸡
- breeding rate ==> 繁殖率,配种率
- breeding ratio ==> 增殖比
- breeding ration ==> 繁殖日粮
- breeding ratio,BR ==> 增殖比,燃料增殖过程中,每消耗一个易裂变核能产生的新易裂变核数。显然BR大于1
- breeding season ==> 繁育季节,繁殖季节
- breeding sheep ==> 种羊
- breeding stage ==> 繁殖期
- breeding station ==> 配种站
- breeding stock ==> 种畜
- breeding system ==> 繁育系统
- breeding time ==> 繁殖期
- breeding tool ==> 繁殖方法
- breeding true ==> 遗传纯同
- breeding unsoundness ==> 繁殖缺陷
- breeding value ==> 育種価
- breeze ==> 海陆风,煤粉,微风,矿粉,焦末,焦炭粉,焦屑,焦渣=>微粉炭
- breeze aggregate ==> 焦渣骨料
- breeze block ==> 焦渣砌块,煤渣砌块,煤渣水泥砖
- breeze brick ==> 煤渣砖,焦渣砖
- breeze concrete ==> 焦渣混凝土
- breeze fixing brick ==> 焦渣受钉砖
- breeze oven ==> 焦末化铁炉
- breeze-fixing brick ==> 煤渣固结砖
- Breguet hair spring ==> 挑框游丝
- Breguet spring ==> 挑框游丝
- Brehmers treatment ==> 布雷默氏疗法
- Breit-Rabi formula ==> 布赖特-拉比公式
- Breit-Wigner equation ==> 布赖特-维格纳方程
- Breit-Wigner formula ==> 布赖特-维格纳公式
- Breit-Wigner theory ==> 布赖特-维格纳理论
- breithauptite ==> 红锑镍矿
- Bremen blue ==> 布勒门蓝
- Bremen green ==> 布勒门绿
- Bremers test ==> 布列默氏试验
- bremsstra lung ==> 轫致辐射
- bremsstrahlung ==> 轫致辐射=>制動放射
- bremsstrahlung effect ==> 韧致辐射效应
- bremsstrahlung radiation ==> 轫致辐射
- Bren carrier ==> 履带式小型装甲车
- Brennan monorail car ==> 布仑南单轨车
- Brennemans syndrome ==> 布伦尼曼氏综合征
- Brenner gage ==> (搪瓷厚度仪)布伦纳量规
- Brenner tumor ==> 卵巢布伦纳氏瘤
- Brenner's sign ==> 布伦纳氏征
- Brenner's tumor ==> 卵巢纤维上皮瘤
- Brennert gauge ==> 伯伦纳规
- brennschluss time ==> 熄火时刻
- Bretonian strata ==> 布锐东地层
- Bretten Woods conference ==> 布雷顿森林会议
- Bretton Woods Agreement ==> 布雷顿森林协定
- Bretton Woods Agreement Act ==> 布雷顿森林协定法
- Bretton Woods Era ==> 布雷顿森林时代
- Bretton Woods Monetary System ==> 布雷顿林货币体系
- Bretton Woods Regime ==> 布雷顿林货币体系
- Bretton Woods System ==> 布雷顿森林体系,布雷顿森林制度
- Breus' mole ==> 血肿性胎块
- Breuster ==> ブルースター
- Breus mole ==> 布罗伊斯氏胎块
- brevicide complex ==> 黄青霉素
- brevity code ==> 缩语,简化码,简码
- brew kettle ==> 酿造锅
- Brewer's point ==> 布鲁尔氏点
- brewers' yeast ==> 啤酒酵母
- Brewers point ==> 布鲁尔氏点
- Brewster angle ==> 极化角,偏振角=>ブルースター角
- Brewster angle surface ==> 布儒斯特角表面
- Brewster angle window ==> 布儒斯特角窗
- Brewster angled rod ==> 布儒斯特角棒
- Brewster fringe ==> 布儒斯特条纹
- Brewster lamp ==> 布儒斯特灯
- Brewster optics Kerr cell ==> 布儒斯特角克尔盒
- Brewster point ==> 布儒斯特点,布儒斯特中性点
- Brewster process ==> 布儒斯特法
- Brewster window ==> 布儒斯特窗=>ブルースター窓
- Brewster's angle ==> 布儒斯特角
- Brewster's coefficient ==> 布儒斯特系数
- Brewster's law ==> (光的反射与折射定律)布鲁斯特定律
- Brewsters law ==> 布儒斯特定律
- BRF, band-rejection filter ==> 帯域除去フィルタ
- BRG Bearing ==> 轴承
- Brianchone luster ==> (不需要还原气氛的光泽彩)布来考恩光泽彩
- briar tooth ==> 偏锋齿
- bribery ==> わいろの授受,収賄
- bricant fluid ==> 合成润滑油
- bricant plug ==> 油盅
- brick ==> 砖
- brick and-stud work ==> 砖木墙壁
- brick axe ==> 瓦工锤
- brick beam ==> 钢筋砖过梁
- brick cement ==> 防水水泥
- brick clamp ==> 砖夹
- brick clay ==> 砖土,砖粘土
- brick coping on gable ==> 山墙砖压顶
- brick core ==> 砖砌拱模
- brick cup ==> 座砖
- brick cutter ==> 切砖机
- brick earth ==> 砖土
- brick game ==> 方块游戏机
- brick grab ==> 抓砖器
- brick grease ==> 块状润滑油,脂砖
- brick holder ==> 托砖板=>レンガホルダー
- brick kiln ==> 砖窑
- brick laid on edge ==> 侧砌砖
- brick laid on end ==> 立砌砖
- brick laid on flat ==> 平砌砖
- brick laid with mortar ==> 砂浆砌砖
- brick lining ==> 砖衬
- brick making machine ==> 制砖机
- brick mason ==> 瓦工
- brick masonary ==> 砌砖体
- brick mo(u)lding machine ==> 制砖机
- brick molding press ==> 压砖机
- brick nogged wall ==> 木架砖墙
- brick oil ==> 压砖机润滑油
- brick on header for border ==> 丁砖镶边
- brick press ==> 压砖机,制砖机
- brick rattler ==> 砖磨损试验机
- brick red ==> 砖红色
- brick rubbing ==> 磨砖
- brick rubbish ==> 碎砖渣土
- brick rubble ==> 粗面砖
- brick saw ==> 切砖锯
- brick setting ==> 砌砖体
- brick tea ==> 砖茶
- brick walling ==> 砖砌井壁
- brick with grooves ==> 带槽砖
- brick work ==> 砖筑=>れんが積み
- brick-and-a-half wall ==> 一砖半墙
- brick-framed wall ==> 包框墙
- brick-lined ==> 衬砖的
- brick-nogging building ==> 木架砖墙房屋
- brick-on-edge coping ==> 侧砖压顶
- brick-on-edge paving ==> 侧砖铺面
- brick-on-edge sill ==> 侧砖窗台
- brick-on-end ==> 立砌砖
- brick-set ==> 砖衬
- brick-vault hall ==> 无梁殿
- bricked ladle ==> 砖砌盛钢桶
- bricklayer's hammer ==> 瓦工锤
- bricklayer's scaffold ==> 瓦工脚手架
- Brickner's sign ==> 布里克讷氏征
- brickwork ==> 砌砖
- BRICs ==> 新興大国であるブラジル、ロシア、インド、中国
- bridge ==> 弥合,连接梁,过桥夹板,桥接器,桥接线,桥梁,桥墙,电桥,舰桥,船桥,(炉内)搭棚=>ブリッジ
- bridge abutment ==> 桥台
- bridge amplifier ==> 桥式放大器,电桥用放大器
- bridge amplitude balancing ==> 桥式振幅平衡
- bridge approach ==> 引桥
- bridge arch ==> 桥拱
- bridge arm ==> 电桥臂
- bridge arrester ==> ブリッジ避雷器
- bridge atom ==> 桥原子
- bridge balance ==> 电桥平衡
- bridge board ==> (木楼梯的斜帮,承载踏步)梯级搁板
- bridge bond ==> 桥键
- bridge box ==> 电桥箱
- bridge branch ==> 桥接旁路
- bridge cable ==> 吊桥钢缆
- bridge calibration ==> 电桥校准
- bridge circuit ==> 桥接电路,桥路=>ブリッジ回路
- bridge connection ==> 桥接,桥式接线=>ブリッジ接続
- bridge connector ==> 桥接条,桥接线
- bridge construction ==> 桥梁工程,桥梁建筑
- bridge contact ==> 桥接触点,桥接式触点,分路触点=>ブリッジ接点
- bridge converter ==> ブリッジ変換器
- bridge corpuscle ==> 桥粒
- bridge cover ==> 桥墙盖板
- bridge crane ==> 桥式吊车,桥式起重机
- bridge crane with level luffing crane ==> 装有起重杆升降设备的桥式起重机
- bridge current ==> 桥接电流,桥路电流
- bridge cutoff connection ==> BCO接続
- bridge dam ==> 桥坝
- bridge deck ==> 船桥甲板
- bridge design ==> 桥梁设计
- bridge detector ==> 桥路检波器
- bridge diagonal ==> 电桥斜杆
- bridge diagram ==> 桥形电路图,跨接图
- bridge die ==> 桥式孔型挤压模,空心件挤压模
- bridge diplexer ==> 桥接双工器=>ブリッジダイプレクサ
- bridge driver ==> 桥式驱动器
- bridge duplex ==> ブリッジ二重
- bridge duplex system ==> 桥接双工系统,桥式双工系统
- bridge engineer ==> 橋梁技術者
- bridge erection ==> 桥梁加设
- bridge fault ==> 桥接故障
- bridge feedback ==> 桥式反馈
- bridge for measuring temperature ==> 测温电桥
- bridge for stream-gaging ==> 测流桥
- bridge foundation ==> 桥基
- bridge framework ==> 桥梁构架
- bridge fuse ==> 桥接保险丝,插接保险丝
- bridge gallery ==> 过街楼
- bridge gauge ==> 桥规,桥式量规
- bridge grafting ==> 桥接法
- bridge host ==> 桥梁寄主
- bridge house ==> 桥楼
- bridge hybrid ==> 混合连接
- bridge in furnace ==> 炉坝,火坝
- bridge infection ==> 过渡侵染
- bridge joint ==> 桥接,架接
- bridge key ==> 桥路中电键
- bridge layer ==> 架桥汽车
- bridge limiter ==> 桥式限幅器
- bridge linkage ==> 桥式联接
- bridge machine ==> 桥接计算机
- bridge magnetic amplifier ==> 串桥磁放大器
- bridge measurement ==> 电桥测量,桥式电路测定
- bridge megger ==> 桥式测高阻电表,桥式高阻表
- bridge member ==> 橋梁部材
- bridge method ==> 桥接法,桥路法,电桥法=>ブリッジ法,接地計器用変圧器の中性点から直流電圧を高圧母線に印加し,接地計器用変圧器の中性点と被測定ケーブル遮蔽間に形成したブリッジのバランスをとることによって,活線下でのケーブルの絶縁抵抗を測定。
- bridge network ==> 桥型网络
- bridge neutralizing ==> 桥接抵消法
- Bridge of Asses ==> 驴桥定理,等腰三角形底边两角相等
- bridge of boiler ==> 火坝
- bridge of the nose ==> 鼻背,鼻柱
- bridge opening ==> 桥孔
- bridge oscillator ==> 桥式振荡器
- bridge over ==> 跨接
- bridge part ==> 架桥器材
- bridge piece ==> 马鞍
- bridge pier ==> 桥墩
- bridge pipe ==> 桥式管
- bridge plate ==> 架接板
- bridge polar duplex system ==> 桥接双工制
- bridge rail ==> 桥式起重机钢轨,桥形钢轨
- bridge ratio arm ==> 电桥比率臂
- bridge reamer ==> 桥工铰刀
- bridge rectifier ==> 桥式整流器
- bridge resistance ==> 桥路电阻
- bridge resistor ==> 电桥电阻
- bridge ring ==> 桥环
- bridge scale ==> 地秤
- bridge seam weld ==> 桥缝焊接,桥线焊
- bridge seat ==> 桥支座
- bridge sensitivity ==> 电桥灵敏度
- bridge spot welding ==> 带接合板点焊,单面衬垫点焊,单面搭板点焊
- bridge stabilized quartz-oscillator ==> ブリッジ水晶発振器
- bridge steel ==> 桥梁钢
- bridge substructure ==> 桥梁下部结构
- bridge superstructure ==> 桥梁上部结构
- bridge support ==> 桥式支架
- bridge tabulation ==> 编制换算表
- bridge tap ==> 桥接抽头,分路抽头
- bridge thrust ==> 拱桥推力
- bridge tower ==> 桥塔,桥头堡
- bridge transformer ==> 桥式差接变压器,等差作用线圈,混合变压器
- bridge transition ==> 桥式换接过程
- bridge type coal grab ==> 桥式抓煤机,一种具有可行走桥架的抓煤机
- bridge type coal grab-unloader ==> 桥式抓斗卸煤机
- bridge type detector ==> 桥式检测器
- bridge type filter pipe ==> 挤式滤水管
- bridge type frequency meter ==> 电桥式频率计
- bridge type relay ==> ブリッジ形継電器
- bridge voltage ==> 电桥电压
- bridge wall ==> 坝墙
- bridge wall cover ==> 桥墙盖板
- bridge washer ==> 阀桥衬垫
- bridge welding ==> 桥接焊,盖板焊
- bridge wiper ==> 并接弧刷
- bridge wire ==> 电桥标准导线
- bridge's balance range ==> 电桥平衡范围
- bridge-balanced d-c amplifier ==> 桥式平衡直流放大器
- bridge-balancing oscillator ==> 电桥平衡振荡器
- bridge-cut-off ==> 桥式断路
- bridge-cut-off relay ==> 桥式断路继电器,分隔继电器,断桥继电器
- bridge-cut-off test ==> 断桥试验
- bridge-laying truck ==> 架桥汽车
- bridge-megger ==> 电桥式兆欧计
- bridge-stabilized oscillator ==> 桥式稳频振荡器
- bridge-T-type oscillator ==> ブリッジT発振器
- bridge-type full-wave rectifier ==> ブリッジ全波整流回路
- bridge-type hammer ==> 桥式锤
- bridged ion ==> 桥状离子
- bridged rotary intersection ==> 桥式环形立体交叉
- bridged-M trap circuit ==> 桥M型陷波电路
- bridged-T circuit ==> 桥接T型电路=>橋絡T回路
- bridged-T filter ==> 桥接T型滤波器
- bridged-T network ==> 桥接T形网络
- bridged-T tap ==> 桥接T型抽头
- bridged-T trap ==> 桥接T型陷波器
- bridging ==> 桥接=>橋絡
- bridging amplifier ==> 分岐増幅器
- bridging beam ==> 横梁,渡梁
- bridging coil ==> 桥接线圈,并联线圈
- bridging condenser ==> 并联电容器,桥接电容器,分接电容器,分流电容器
- bridging cross ==> 过渡交配
- bridging effect ==> 遮蔽作用,跨隙效应
- bridging error ==> 加密误差
- bridging floor ==> 搁栅楼板
- bridging forehearth ==> 过渡通路
- bridging host ==> 过渡寄主
- bridging ion ==> 桥连离子
- bridging jack ==> 桥接塞孔,并联塞孔
- bridging line ==> 桥接线,共用线
- bridging loss ==> 桥接损耗
- bridging order ==> 返回指令,连接指令
- bridging over ==> 跨越
- bridging over bill ==> (指临时过渡性票据)架桥票据
- bridging over flue ==> 架空烟道
- bridging oxygen ==> 桥氧
- bridging oxygen atom ==> 桥氧原子
- bridging piece ==> 桥接片,挑板,(在搁栅之间的一块木料,承载隔断墙)搁栅横担
- bridging set ==> 分机,并联电话机
- bridging time ==> 过渡时间,又称"桥接时间"
- bridging wiper ==> 桥接弧刷
- Bridgman anvil ==> 布里奇曼压砧
- Bridgman effect ==> 布里奇曼效应
- Bridgman method ==> (晶体生长法)布里兹曼法
- Bridgman sampler ==> 布里奇曼取样机
- bridle ==> 承接梁,紧船索,限动器,托梁,鞍桥,板簧夹,束带=>拘束,係留索
- bridle backs ==> 车马挽具用背皮
- bridle butts ==> 车马挽具用背皮
- bridle electrode ==> 马笼头电极
- bridle hitch ==> 鞍形连接装置
- bridle iron ==> 钢支座
- bridle joint ==> 啮接
- bridle of prepuce ==> 包皮系带
- bridle ring ==> 吊线环
- bridle rolls ==> 张紧辊
- bridle suture ==> 制御糸
- bridle trimmer ==> 托梁
- bridle wire ==> 绝缘跨接线,跳线=>縁回し線
- bridled anemometer ==> 制动风速表
- bridled pressure plate ==> 制动风压板
- brief acceleration ==> 瞬时加速度,短时加速度
- brief description of the process ==> 工艺流程简述
- brief description on business ==> 业务简介
- brief dip-wash ==> 短暂浸洗
- briefcase computer ==> 公事皮包计算机
- briefing ==> 飞行员天气咨询
- Brieger's cachexia reaction ==> 恶病质反应
- Briegers cachexia reaction ==> 恶病质反应
- Briegers test ==> 布里格氏试验
- Brienll hardenss tester ==> 布氏硬度计
- brietal sodium ==> 甲己炔巴比妥钠
- brigantine ==> 双桅船
- Brigg's standard pipe thread ==> 布立格标准管螺纹
- brigg's standard pipe thread ==> 布立格标准管螺纹
- Brigg's thread ==> 布氏螺纹
- Briggean system of logarithm ==> 布氏对数,常用对数
- Briggs equalizer ==> 布立格均衡器
- bright ==> 光亮的,高度光泽,明亮的,亮
- bright adaptation ==> 明适应
- bright and black mild steel flat head tinmen rivet ==> 号头铆钉
- bright annealed wire ==> 光亮退火钢丝
- bright annealing ==> 光亮退火,非氧化退火
- bright annealing oven ==> 光亮退火炉
- bright band ==> 亮带
- bright bolt ==> 光螺栓,精制螺栓,精制螺栓
- bright border ==> 亮轮缘
- bright bridge ==> 亮桥
- bright brocade ==> 辉煌锦
- bright cherry-red ==> 樱桃红
- bright coal ==> 亮煤
- bright colour ==> 鲜艳夺目的颜色
- bright comb ==> 鲜细的鸡冠
- bright comet ==> 明るい彗星
- bright component ==> 亮子星
- bright contrast ==> 亮反差,明反衬
- bright crystalline fracture ==> 亮晶断口
- bright diffuse nebula ==> 弥漫亮星云
- bright dip ==> 浸亮剂
- bright dipping ==> 光亮浸渍
- bright display ==> 高輝度表示
- bright drawing ==> 光亮拉拔
- bright emitter ==> 高能热离子管
- bright emitter tube ==> 白炽灯丝电子管
- bright enamels ==> 高级上光纸
- bright etching ==> 光亮酸蚀刻
- bright field ==> 明视场,亮场,亮现场
- bright field condenser ==> 明场聚光镜
- bright field electron image ==> 明场电子象
- bright field image ==> 明场像
- bright finished ==> 磨光的
- bright flocculus ==> 亮谱斑
- bright fracture ==> (可锻铸铁件珠光体组织)亮口
- bright fringe ==> 明条纹
- bright fringes ==> 亮条纹
- bright giant ==> 亮巨星
- bright glaze ==> 亮釉,光泽釉=>光沢釉
- bright heat treatment ==> 光量热处理,光亮热处理
- bright hydrogen flocculus ==> 亮氢谱斑
- bright image ==> 亮像
- bright iron flag hinge ==> 光身旗铰链
- bright iron square hinge ==> 方形铁铰链
- bright iron wire ==> 光铁线
- bright light ==> 明,强光
- bright light iron hinge ==> 薄铁铰链
- bright limb ==> 亮边缘
- bright line ==> 亮线,明线
- bright line spectrum ==> 明线光谱,明线谱,亮线光谱
- bright luster ==> 镜面光泽,镜面光泽
- bright luster sheet ==> 光亮钢板
- bright metal ==> (装饰)光亮金属
- bright mild steel cotter pin ==> 光亮软钢开尾销
- bright mild steel countersunk head wood screw ==> 光亮软钢平头木螺丝
- bright mild steel hexagonal nut ==> 光亮软钢六角螺丝帽
- bright mild steel hexagonal nuts ==> 六角光螺帽,六角螺丝帽
- bright mild steel hexagonal pressed nut ==> 光亮软钢六角冲压螺丝帽
- bright mild steel round head wood screw ==> 光亮软钢圆头木螺丝
- bright mottle ==> 亮日芒
- bright multifilament rayon yarn in skein ==> 成绞有光人造复丝
- bright nebula ==> 亮星云
- bright nebulosity ==> 亮星云状物质
- bright normalizing ==> 光亮正火
- bright nut ==> 精制螺母,精制螺母
- bright plating ==> 光亮电镀
- bright point ==> 亮点
- bright quenching ==> 光亮淬火
- bright rays ==> 亮纹
- bright red ==> 鲜红
- bright region ==> 亮区
- bright resistance ==> 亮电阻
- bright rim structure ==> 亮环结构
- bright rim structures ==> 亮缘结构
- bright round steel ==> 光亮圆钢
- bright spot ==> 亮斑,亮点,辉点
- bright star ==> 亮星
- bright stars catalog ==> 亮星星表
- bright stock ==> 精制润滑油料,精制润滑油料,浅色高粘度润滑油配料
- bright sulfur ==> 纯硫
- bright trace ==> 亮迹
- bright viewing distance ==> 认视距离
- bright washer ==> 精制垫圈,光垫圈
- bright wire ==> 光面线
- bright wire rope ==> 光面钢丝绳,黑钢丝绳
- bright wisp ==> 亮条
- bright wool ==> 浅色毛
- bright yellow leaves ==> 鲜黄色叶子
- bright yellow yolk ==> 鲜黄的蛋黄
- bright-annealing line ==> 光亮退火作业线
- bright-banded coal ==> 亮煤
- bright-dark field condenser ==> 亮暗场聚光镜
- bright-drawing ==> 光亮拉拔
- bright-drawn bar ==> 冷拉光条
- bright-drawn free cutting steel ==> 光拉自由切削钢
- bright-drawn steel ==> 光亮拉拔钢材
- bright-field ==> 明视野
- bright-field condenser ==> 亮场聚光镜
- bright-field illumination ==> 亮现场照明
- bright-field image ==> 亮视场像
- bright-field imagery ==> 亮场成像
- bright-field microscope ==> 亮现场显微镜
- bright-field microscopy ==> 亮视野显微镜检查,亮现场显微术
- bright-field observation ==> 亮场观察
- bright-field vertical illumination ==> 亮场竖直照明
- bright-finished steel ==> 光亮精整钢
- bright-frame finder ==> 亮框取景器
- bright-line counting chamber ==> 明亮刻线型血细胞计数板
- bright-polished sheet ==> 磨光薄板
- brighten ==> 磨亮,增亮,发光
- brightened dot ==> 亮点
- brightener ==> 增亮剂,光亮剂,抛光剂
- brightening ==> 增亮,擦亮
- brightening impulse ==> 亮冲击
- brightening pulse ==> 照明脉冲
- brightening towards the limb ==> 临边增亮
- brightline spectrum ==> 亮线光谱
- brightness ==> 亮度,辉度,明亮度,光泽=>明るさ
- brightness acuity ==> 亮度敏锐性
- brightness adaption ==> 亮度适应
- brightness beat ==> 亮度差拍,亮度跳动
- brightness blink ==> 亮度闪烁
- brightness coefficient ==> 亮度系数
- brightness conservation ==> 亮度守恒
- brightness constancy ==> 亮度恒定性,明度常性
- brightness contour ==> 等亮度线
- brightness contrast ==> 明度对比,亮度对比=>明るさ対比
- brightness contrast border ==> 亮度对比界限
- brightness contrast range ==> 亮度对比范围
- brightness control ==> 亮度调节,亮度控制=>輝度調節
- brightness curve ==> 亮度曲线
- brightness decay ==> 亮度衰减
- brightness discrimination ==> 亮度鉴别,明度辨别
- brightness discriminaton ==> 亮度鉴别能力
- brightness distribution ==> 亮度分布
- brightness distribution curve ==> 亮度分布曲线
- brightness enhancing ==> 亮度增强
- brightness flicker ==> 亮度闪烁
- brightness fluctuation ==> 亮度扰动
- brightness gain ==> 亮度增益
- brightness impression ==> 亮度感
- brightness meter ==> 亮度计
- brightness modulation ==> 亮度调制
- brightness multiplication ==> 亮度倍增
- brightness noise ==> 亮度噪声
- brightness pulse ==> 亮度脉冲
- brightness range ==> 亮度范围
- brightness ratio ==> 亮度比
- brightness regulator ==> 亮度调节器
- brightness scale ==> 亮度分划
- brightness scanning ==> 明暗扫描
- brightness sensation ==> 亮度感觉
- brightness separation ==> 亮度间隔
- brightness signal ==> 亮度信号
- brightness signal detector ==> 亮度信号检测器
- brightness temperature ==> 亮度温度,亮度温度,亮温度
- brightness test chart ==> 亮度测试图
- brightness transfer characteristic ==> 亮度传输特性,亮度转移特性
- brightness transition ==> 亮度跃迁
- brightness value ==> 亮度值
- brightness vision ==> 亮度视觉
- brightness-temperature pyrometer ==> 亮度温度高温计
- brightness-voltage characteristic ==> 亮度电压特性
- brighton ==> 蜂巢纹织物
- Brightray ==> 布赖特瑞镍铬合金
- brightrope ==> 光亮钢丝索
- brights ==> 亮煤
- brightwork ==> 光亮零件
- Brightype ==> 活字版翻转制版法
- Brights blindness ==> 布赖特氏盲
- Brights murmur ==> 布赖特氏杂音
- Brikollare system ==> 布里科勒系统
- Brill-Symmers syndrome ==> 巨滤泡增生,巨滤泡增生
- brillance modulation ==> 輝度変調
- brillant blue ==> 煌蓝
- Brillante ==> 华丽而灿烂的
- brilliance ==> 亮度,辉度
- brilliance control ==> 亮度调节
- brilliance modulation method ==> 辉度调制法
- brilliant ==> 多面型,明,(宝石)钻石,琢磨的金刚石=>光り輝く,きらめく,卓越した,優秀な
- brilliant ability ==> 素晴らしい能力
- brilliant academic background ==> 輝かしい学歴
- brilliant achievement ==> 立派な業績
- brilliant biscuit ==> 辉煌饼干
- brilliant cresyl blue ==> 煌焦油蓝,灿烂甲酚蓝,亮甲酚蓝
- brilliant crocein ==> 亮藏花精
- brilliant cut ==> 磨光刻花法
- brilliant cutting ==> 磨光刻花法
- brilliant finder ==> 镜式取景器,镜式取景器,反转式检像镜
- brilliant green ==> 亮绿,乙绿,煌绿,碱性亮绿
- brilliant green-bile salt agar ==> 磺绿胆盐琼脂,煌绿胆盐琼脂,福克斯氏培养基
- brilliant green-bile salt culture-medium ==> 煌绿胆盐培养基
- brilliant polish ==> 光亮抛光
- brilliant varnish ==> 发亮清漆
- brilliant violet ==> 亮紫
- brilliant vital red ==> 光辉活染红
- brilliant white ==> 炽白光,亮白
- brilliant yellow ==> 亮黄
- Brillouin electronic efficiency ==> 布里渊电子效率
- Brillouin emission ==> 布里渊发射
- Brillouin fiber amplifier ==> 布里渊光纤放大器
- Brillouin field ==> 布里渊场
- Brillouin flow ==> 布里渊流
- Brillouin flux density ==> 布里渊磁通密度,布利渊场强
- Brillouin formula ==> 布里渊公式
- Brillouin function ==> 布里渊函数
- Brillouin laser ==> 布里渊激光器
- Brillouin light ==> 布里渊辐射,布里渊光
- Brillouin light amplifier ==> 布里渊光放大器
- Brillouin linewidth ==> 布里渊线宽
- Brillouin scattering ==> 布里渊散射=>ブリユアン散乱,ブリルアン散乱
- brillouin zone ==> 布里渊区
- Brillouin zone ==> 布里渊区(半导体的)=>ブリユアン帯域
- brim ==> 边,边缘,檐
- brim-ironing machine ==> 帽边热熨机
- brim-pressing machine ==> 帽边蒸汽熨压机
- brim-stretching machine ==> 帽边扩张机
- brimful capacity ==> 满装容量
- brimstone ==> 自然硫,硫黄石
- Brin's process ==> 泊伦法
- brindled brick ==> 斑点砖,(含铁质粘土)斑纹砖
- brine ==> 盐水,海水,卤水,加盐处理
- brine compartment ==> 盐水室
- brine concentration ==> 盐水浓度
- brine cooler ==> 盐水冷却管,海水冷却器
- brine cooling system ==> 盐水冷却系统
- brine deposit ==> 卤水矿
- brine disposal ==> 海水处理
- brine drum ==> 盐水桶
- brine freezing ==> 盐水冷冻
- brine gauging tank ==> 盐水计量箱
- brine hardening ==> 盐水淬火
- brine heat exchanger ==> 盐水换热器
- brine heater ==> 盐水加热器
- brine hydrometer ==> 海水比重计
- brine lake ==> 盐湖
- brine loop ==> 盐水回路
- brine neutralizing tank ==> 盐水中和槽
- brine pipe cooling ==> 盐水冷却管
- brine preheater ==> 盐水预热器
- brine pump ==> 盐水泵
- brine quenching ==> 盐水淬火
- brine refrigeration ==> 盐水制冷
- brine regenerant ==> 盐水再生剂
- brine retaining valve ==> 盐水箱保持阀
- brine section ==> 盐水工段
- brine sludge ==> 盐泥=>塩水汚泥
- brine solution ==> 盐溶液
- brine system ==> 盐水系统
- brine tank ==> 盐液箱,盐液槽
- brine-proof paint ==> 防盐水漆
- Brinell ball ==> 布氏硬度试验机
- Brinell ball test ==> 布氏球印试验
- Brinell figure ==> 布氏硬度数,布氏硬度值
- Brinell hardnell penetrator ==> 布氏硬度压头
- Brinell hardness ==> 布里涅耳硬度,布氏硬度=>ブリネル硬さ
- Brinell hardness number ==> 布氏硬度值
- Brinell hardness press ==> 布氏硬度试验机
- Brinell hardness scale ==> 布氏硬度刻度盘
- Brinell hardness test ==> 布氏硬度试验
- Brinell hardness tester ==> 布氏硬度计,布氏硬度试验仪
- Brinell impact hardness tester ==> 锤击式布氏硬度试验机
- Brinell micro-scope ==> 布氏硬度测量显微镜
- Brinell microscope ==> 布里涅尔显微镜
- Brinell number ==> 布氏硬度值
- brinell test ==> 布氏硬度试验
- Brinell test ==> 布氏试验,布氏硬度试验
- brinell's machine ==> 布氏硬度计
- Brinell's machine ==> 布氏硬度机
- bring (put) into service ==> 使运行
- bring ... into the orbit of ==> 纳入轨道
- bring a charge against sb. ==> 控告某人
- bring a suit against somebody ==> 起诉
- bring an action against somebody ==> 起诉
- bring down ==> 浓缩,收缩,下降
- bring forward ==> 结转=>繰り越す
- bring in focus ==> 使聚焦
- bring in funds ==> 吸收资金
- bring in phase ==> 使同相
- bring into action ==> 使动作
- bring into operation ==> 投入运行,开动
- bring into service ==> 使工作,使运行
- bring into step ==> 使同步,整步
- bring more land under cultivation ==> 扩大耕地面积
- bring recovery ==> 休养生息
- bring to critical ==> 使达临界,趋向临界
- bring to market ==> 卖出
- bring to power ==> 提升功率
- bring to rest ==> 停车,停止运行
- bring together ==> 集合,汇集,组装
- bring up to date ==> 使现代化
- bring-out ==> 引出接线,管道向外引出
- bring-up ==> 结转操作
- bring-up test ==> 发出测试
- bringing into service ==> 投入运行
- bringing on stream ==> (汽轮机)开始转动
- bringing onto load ==> 带负载
- bringing up ==> 提升功率
- bringing-up section ==> 加热段
- brinjaul-flower purple ==> 茄花紫
- brink depth ==> 边缘水深
- Brinkmann number ==> 布林克曼数
- briquette ==> 铁块,煤砖,标准水泥试块,型煤=>試験体,ブリケット
- briquetting ==> 制团
- briquetting machine ==> 压坯机,压制机,制团机
- briquetting pressure ==> 成型压力
- briquetting process ==> 团矿法
- brisance index ==> 炸药震力指数
- brisk bidding ==> 活発な入札
- brisk business ==> 活況
- brisk demand ==> 活発な需要
- brisk exchange ==> 活発なやりとり
- brisk expansion ==> 勢いの良い発展
- brisk exports ==> 好調な輸出
- brisk market ==> 繁荣的市场,市场繁荣
- brisk trade ==> 贸易繁荣
- Brissaud's reflex ==> 布里索氏反射
- bristle brush ==> 硬毛刷
- bristle roll ==> 毛刷罗拉
- bristly ==> 怒りっぽい,攻撃的な
- bristly ox-tongue ==> 刚毛毛连芽
- Bristol alloy ==> 布里斯托尔铜锌锡合金
- bristol alloy ==> 白铜
- Bristol board ==> 光泽纸板,细料纸板
- Bristol brass ==> 布里斯托尔黄铜
- Bristol joint ==> 布瑞斯涛接头
- Bristol paper ==> 细料纸板,图案纸
- Bristol steel belt lacing ==> 布瑞斯涛钢带接头
- Britannia joint ==> 不列颠式焊接=>ブリタニア接続
- britannia metal ==> 不列颠银
- Britannia metal ==> 不列颠合金
- British Alpine ==> 英国阿尔卑斯山羊
- British and America system ==> 英美制
- British Association for the Advancement of Science ==> 英国科学进步协会
- British Columbia ==> 卑诗省,不列颠哥伦比亚,是加拿大的一级行政区,位于该国最西部,西面靠太平洋,首府位于温哥华岛的维多利亚,该省最大城市是温哥华。
- British Export Board ==> 英国出口局
- British France Commercial Treaty ==> 科布顿条约
- British grid ==> 英国大电网
- british horsepower ==> 英制马力
- British Institute of Electrical Engineers ==> 英国电气工程师学会
- British Insurance Association ==> 英国保险协会
- British Journal of Nutrition ==> 英国营养学报
- British Metric Standards ==> イギリスメートル規格
- British Overseas Trade Board ==> 英国海外贸易局
- British pig breeds ==> 英国猪的品种
- British Poultry Science ==> 英国家禽学报
- British preferential tariff ==> 英联邦特惠关税
- British savings bonds ==> 英国储蓄公债
- British standard candle ==> 英国标准烛光
- british standard candle ==> 英国标准烛光
- British Standard Fine Thread ==> 英国细牙螺纹标准
- british Standard Fine Thread ==> 英国标准细牙螺纹
- British Standard Institution ==> 英国标准协会
- british Standard Institution ==> 英国标准协会
- British Standard Institution (BSI) ==> 英国标准学会
- british Standard Institution (BSI) ==> 英国标准学会
- british Standard Pipe Thread ==> 英国管螺纹标准
- British Standard Pipe Thread ==> 英国管螺纹标准
- british standard screen scale ==> 英国标准筛制
- British standard screen scale ==> 英国标准筛制
- british standard section ==> 英国标准型钢
- British standard section ==> 英国标准型钢
- british Standard Specfication ==> 英国标准规格
- British Standard Specfication ==> 英国标准规格
- british Standard Specification ==> 英国标准技术规范
- British Standard Specification ==> 英国标准技术规范
- British Standard Whitworth Thread ==> 英国惠氏标准螺纹
- british Standard Whitworth Thread ==> 英国惠氏标准螺纹
- british Standard Whiworth Thread ==> 英国标准惠氏螺纹
- British Standard Whiworth Thread ==> 英国标准惠氏螺纹
- british Standard Wire Gauge(BSWG) ==> 英国标准线规
- British Standard Wire Gauge(BSWG) ==> 英国标准线规
- British system ==> 英制
- British system of units ==> 英国单位制
- British thermal unit ==> 英热单位
- British Thermal unit ==> 英国热量单位
- British Transport Docks Board ==> 英国货运码头局
- British Veterinary Journal ==> 英国兽医学报
- British White ==> 英国白火鸡
- Brittain's sign ==> 布里顿氏征
- brittle ==> 脆,脆性的
- brittle alloy ==> 脆性合金
- brittle bean ==> 无纤维菜豆
- brittle coating ==> 脆性涂料
- brittle consistency ==> 脆性结持度
- brittle crack ==> 脆性裂纹
- brittle cracking of disk ==> 叶轮脆性断裂,受叶轮材料的断裂韧性低和内部存在密集性的夹杂物或白点等缺陷的影响,运行中发生的叶轮突然断裂
- brittle deformation ==> 脆性变形
- brittle ductile transition ==> 脆韧性转变
- brittle failure ==> 脆断,脆性疲劳,脆性破坏
- brittle fibre ==> 脆纤维
- brittle fracture ==> 脆性断裂,金属材料受力后没有发生明显的塑性变形就突然发生的断裂
- brittle fracture stress ==> 脆性断裂应力
- brittle fracture surface ==> 脆性断裂面
- brittle glass ==> 脆性玻璃
- brittle hair ==> 毛发焦枯
- brittle heart ==> 脆心材
- brittle lattice ==> 脆弱晶格,易碎晶格
- brittle material ==> 脆性材料
- brittle material structural model test ==> 脆性材料结构模型试验
- brittle materials tensile-strength tester ==> 脆性材料抗拉强度测试仪
- brittle metal ==> 脆金属,脆性金属
- brittle mica ==> 脆云母
- brittle mineral ==> 脆性矿物
- brittle model ==> 脆性模型
- brittle plastic transition 塑性 ==> 脆性过渡
- brittle point ==> 脆点,脆化点,脆裂点,脆折点
- brittle rachis ==> 脆穗轴
- brittle resistance sulphur black ==> 防脆硫化黑
- brittle rock ==> 脆性岩石
- brittle rupture ==> 脆裂,脆性断裂
- brittle silver ore ==> 脆银矿
- brittle star ==> 海蛇尾
- brittle temperature ==> 脆化点,脆化温度
- brittle transition temperature ==> 脆性转变温度,脆性转折温度,冷脆临界温度,变脆点
- brittle zone ==> 脆性区
- brittle-ductile transition ==> 脆韧转变,脆性一塑性转变
- brittle-lacquer technique ==> 脆性喷漆技术
- brittlement ==> 脆性,苛性脆化,碱蚀致脆,腐蚀脆化,变脆,脆变,脆化,脆裂,镀锌脆性,穿晶脆化,热硬化
- brittlement detector ==> 脆度检测器
- brittlement strain ==> 陈化脆性应变,老化脆性应变
- brittlement test ==> 应变时效脆性试验
- brittlement torque ==> 氢蚀脆断扭矩
- brittlement-sensitive material ==> 间隙脆化敏感材料
- brittleness ==> 脆度,脆碎性,脆性,易碎性
- brittleness index ==> 脆性指数
- brittleness test ==> 脆性试验
- Britton-Robinson buffer mixture ==> 勃-罗二氏缓冲剂
- Brix degree ==> 白利度
- Brix hydrometer ==> 布里克斯比重计
- brize weld ==> 硬焊
- brize welding ==> 硬焊
- BRKT, bracket ==> ブラケット
- BRL, battery reconditioning load ==> バッテリリコンディショニング負荷
- BRM Bridge Resources Management ==> 船桥/桥资源管理
- BRMP, Background Radiation Monitoring Programme ==> 本底辐射监测计划
- Brnner's acid ==> 布龙酸
- Brnsted acid ==> 布仑斯惕酸
- broach ==> 倒刺针,卷筒,髓针,拉刀,拉削,钢锥,拔髓针,剥刀,尖塔,芯子杆
- broach back pilot ==> 拉刀后导部
- broach for deep hole ==> 深孔拉刀
- broach for external broaching ==> 外拉刀
- broach grinder ==> 拉刀磨床,拉磨床
- broach grinding machine ==> 拉刀磨床
- broach length ==> 拉刀长度
- broach out ==> 穿孔
- broach reamer ==> 锥铰刀
- broach roof ==> 尖塔屋顶
- broach sharpener ==> 拉刀磨床
- broach sharpening machine ==> 拉刀刃磨床
- broach spire ==> 八角尖塔
- broach support ==> 拉刀支架
- broach travel ==> 拉刀行程
- broach(ing) machine ==> 铰孔机
- broaching bit ==> 扩孔钻头,拉刀
- broaching dovetail grooves ==> 燕尾槽拉削
- broaching fixture ==> 扩孔夹具,拉削夹具,铰孔夹具
- broaching gear ==> 拉齿
- broaching machine ==> 剥孔机
- broaching tool ==> 拉刀
- broad ==> 宽的,扩孔刀具,阔,灯槽
- broad axe ==> 宽斧,阔斧,劈斧
- broad azimuth trace ==> 宽方位角线,大方位角线
- broad band ==> 谱带,宽波段,宽频带=>ブロードバンド
- broad band amplifier ==> 宽频带放大器
- broad band circulator ==> 宽波带循环器
- broad band electrooptic modulator ==> 宽带电光调制器
- broad band filter ==> 宽带滤波器
- broad band hologram lens ==> 宽波段全息透镜
- broad band light pump ==> 宽带光泵
- broad band random vibration ==> 宽带随机振动
- broad band receiver ==> 宽带接收机
- broad band relay network ==> 宽频带中继网络
- broad band spectrum ==> 宽波段
- broad band switching ==> 広帯域交換機
- broad band video detector ==> 宽带视频检波器
- broad bandpass filter ==> 宽带滤光片
- broad base terrace ==> 宽底地埂
- broad beam ==> 宽光束
- broad bean ==> 蚕豆
- broad bean flower rot ==> 蚕虫花腐病
- broad bean podder ==> 蚕豆剥荚机
- broad bean vermicelli ==> 蚕豆粉丝
- broad bean weevil ==> 蚕豆象
- broad chisel ==> 平凿
- broad classification ==> 粗分类法
- broad cone nozzle ==> 宽锥形喷嘴
- broad crested weir ==> 宽顶堰,堰顶厚度与堰上水头之比值在2.5~10之间的堰
- broad fan nozzle ==> 宽扇形喷嘴
- broad flange beam ==> 宽缘工字钢
- broad forming cut ==> 粗成型切削
- broad gage ==> 宽轨距
- broad glass ==> 玻璃板
- broad halo ==> 延伸晕
- broad heading ==> 大类,大项目
- broad in the middle ==> 中间大
- broad leaved garlic ==> 熊葱
- broad ligament ==> 阔韧带
- broad ligament abscess ==> 阔韧带脓肿
- broad ligament of uterus ==> 子宫阔韧带
- broad light ==> 漫射光,散射灯
- broad loom ==> 宽幅织布机
- broad mare ==> 种母马
- broad mite ==> 广明螨
- broad nose pliers ==> 阔嘴钳
- broad nosed finishing tool ==> 阔头光车刀
- broad on the bow ==> 前八字方向
- broad on the quarter ==> 后八字方向
- broad pulse ==> 宽脉冲
- broad range regulator ==> 广限调整器
- broad ray ==> 宽射线
- broad red clover ==> 红三叶草
- broad scale physical development ==> 整体实质发展
- broad search ==> 广泛搜索,广阔搜索,宽域搜索
- broad search allocation ==> 广阔搜索布局
- broad search plan ==> 广阔搜索方案
- broad search sensor ==> 广阔搜索探测设备
- broad search time ==> 广阔搜索时间
- broad share ==> 宽铲
- broad sow ==> 种母猪
- broad spectrum ==> 广谱
- broad spectrum hormone ==> 广谱激素
- broad spectrum resistance ==> 广谱抗病性
- broad strip mill ==> 宽带钢轧机
- broad T-rest ==> (木工车床)宽丁字刀托
- broad tuning ==> 宽调谐,粗调谐
- broad vascular ray ==> 大的维管射线
- broad ways ==> 沿宽度方向
- broad wool ==> 直毛
- broad-band antenna ==> 宽带天线
- broad-band cable ==> 広帯域ケーブル
- broad-band channel ==> 宽带信道
- broad-band converter ==> 宽带变频器
- broad-band dissipative attenuator ==> 宽带耗散衰减器
- broad-band isolator ==> 宽带隔离装置
- broad-band klystron ==> 宽频带速调管
- broad-band matching ==> 宽频带匹配
- broad-band matching circuit ==> 広帯域整合回路
- broad-band path ==> 宽频带通路
- broad-band receiver ==> 宽频带接收机
- broad-band stub ==> 宽带调谐短截线
- broad-band transmission system ==> 広帯域伝送方式
- broad-banded salary structure ==> 宽幅薪水结构
- broad-base terrace ==> 宽广台地
- broad-beam irradiation ==> 宽束辐照
- broad-beam shielding ==> 宽束屏
- broad-beam γ-ray ==> 宽束γ-射线
- broad-crested measuring weir ==> 宽顶量水堰
- broad-crested weir ==> 宽顶堰
- broad-energy distribution source ==> 宽能分布源
- broad-energy-spectrum source ==> 宽能谱源
- broad-footed rail ==> 宽底轨
- broad-leaved forest ==> 阔叶林
- broad-line strategy ==> 宽产品系统战略
- broad-radiation pattern beam ==> 宽辐射图光束
- broad-row cultivator ==> 宽行中耕机
- broad-screen TV ==> 大屏幕巨型电视机
- broad-sense heritability ==> 广义遗传力
- broad-spectral-range spectrograph ==> 宽程摄谱仪
- broad-spectrum ==> 广谱的
- broad-spectrum antibiotic ==> 广谱抗菌素
- broad-spectrum disease resistance ==> 广谱抗病
- broadacre disc plough ==> 大田圆盘犁
- broadband ==> 宽带=>広帯域,Entangled in their copper wires, phone companies may miss out on the broader broadband revolution.
- broadband absorber ==> 宽带吸收体
- broadband absorption ==> 宽带吸收
- broadband calculable dipole antenna ==> 広帯域校正用ダイポールアンテナ
- broadband channel ==> 宽带通道
- broadband communication network ==> 宽带通信网络
- broadband electrooptic modulator ==> 宽带光电调制器
- broadband equipment ==> 宽带设备
- broadband exactness ==> 宽带精度
- broadband exchange (BEX) ==> 宽带交换,宽频带交换
- broadband exchange services (BEXS) ==> 宽带交换业务
- broadband grating filter ==> 宽带光栅滤波器
- broadband LAN ==> 定带局域网
- broadband metal-dielectric interference filter ==> 宽带金属-介质膜干涉滤光片
- broadband noise ==> 宽带噪声
- broadband nuclear magnetic resonance ==> 宽带核磁共振
- broadband photoconductive detector ==> 宽带光电导探测仪
- broadband radiation ==> 宽带辐射
- broadband radio frequency cable network ==> 宽带射频电缆网络
- broadband seismology ==> 広帯域地震学
- broadband signal ==> 宽带信号
- broadband stationary noise ==> 宽带稳态噪声
- broadband transmission ==> 宽带传输
- broadband two-element system ==> 宽波段双元件系统
- broadband video detector ==> 宽带视频探测器
- broadband wave plate ==> 宽带波带片
- Broadbent's inverted sign ==> 布罗德本特氏倒置征
- Broadbents apoplexy ==> 布罗德本特氏卒中
- Broadbents inverted sign ==> 布罗德本特氏倒置征
- broadcast ==> 撒播,广播,广播消息,播=>放送
- broadcast (seed) sower ==> 撒播播种机
- broadcast address ==> 广播地址
- broadcast application ==> 肥料撒施,撒肥,撒施法
- broadcast audio tape ==> 广播录音磁带
- broadcast band ==> 广播波段,广播频带
- broadcast burning ==> 全面用火
- broadcast channel ==> 广播信道
- broadcast command ==> 广播命令,发给一个远动网络中若干或所有子站的运行设备的命令
- broadcast communication ==> 广播通信
- broadcast conference ==> 广播会议
- broadcast control ==> 广播管理
- broadcast control desk ==> 广播桌式播控台
- broadcast data set ==> 广播数据集
- broadcast distribution ==> 撒施
- broadcast ephemeris ==> 广播星历
- broadcast message ==> 广播式消息,广播信息
- broadcast method ==> 肥料撒施,撒施法
- broadcast multipoint communication ==> 多点广播通信
- broadcast receiver ==> 广播收音机
- broadcast routing ==> 广播路径选择
- broadcast satellite ==> 广播卫星
- broadcast seeder ==> 撒种机,散播机
- broadcast sower ==> 撒播机
- broadcast station ==> 广播电台
- broadcast studio ==> 播音室,室内广播
- broadcast television test pattern ==> 广播电视测试卡
- broadcast transmitter ==> 广播发射机,广播发送机
- broadcast transmitter intellect test instrument ==> 广播发射机智能测试仪
- broadcast wave ==> 放送波
- broadcast-crop planter ==> 撒播作物播种机
- broadcast-tower antenna ==> 铁塔广播天线
- broadcasted distribution space ==> 撒施距离
- broadcaster ==> 撒播机,散播机,广播装置,播音员
- broadcaster model ==> 广播设备模型
- broadcasting ==> 广播,广播通信,播送=>放送
- broadcasting amplifier ==> 广播放大器
- broadcasting center ==> 播控中心
- broadcasting control table ==> 播音控制桌
- broadcasting equipment ==> 无线电广播设备
- broadcasting followed disking ==> 在耙地之后撒施
- broadcasting frequency ==> 广播频率
- broadcasting junctioning equipment ==> 广播中继设备
- broadcasting network ==> 放送網
- broadcasting program ==> 广播节目
- broadcasting repeater ==> 广播放大器,广播增音机
- broadcasting service ==> 放送業務
- broadcasting service area ==> 广播服务区
- broadcasting station ==> 广播站=>放送局
- broadcasting studio ==> 广播室
- broadcasting sweep-signal generator ==> 广播扫描信号发生器
- broadcasting transmission ==> 无线电广播
- broadcasting transmitter ==> 广播发射机
- broadcloth ==> 横罗纹布
- broadcrest weir ==> 宽顶堰
- broaden ==> 增宽,展宽,加宽
- broaden business ==> 扩大业务
- broaden sales ==> 扩大销路
- broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure ==> 开源节流
- broaden the channels of circulation ==> 扩大流通渠道
- broadened base period ==> 扩张基期
- broadened base system ==> 扩大基期法,扩张基期法
- broadened cross section ==> 加宽横断面
- broadening ==> 宽展,展宽=>広がり
- broadening by damping ==> 阻尼致宽
- broadening coefficient ==> 広がり係数
- broadening effect ==> 広がり効果
- broadening of spectral line ==> 光谱线增宽
- broadening vision in management ==> 开阔管理视野
- broader concept ==> 上位概念
- broader distribution of galaxies ==> 銀河の巨視的分布
- broader effort ==> 広範囲な努力
- broader issue ==> 広範な問題
- broader market ==> 広域市場
- broader perspective ==> 大局的見地
- broader term ==> 上界概念
- broadleaf evergreen ==> 常绿阔叶树
- broadloom ==> 磁控管波段干扰发射机,磁控管可调频率干扰发射机
- broadness of band ==> 频带宽度
- broadsheet ==> 宽面纸,双面印刷品
- broadside ==> 宽边,宽边方向,船舷侧
- broadside (directional) antenna ==> 同相天线
- broadside antenna ==> 边射天线
- broadside array ==> 垂射天线阵列,宽边天线阵=>横形アンテナ形
- broadside array antenna ==> 边射阵天线
- broadside directiona antenna ==> 垂射天线
- broadside directive ==> 垂射
- broadside mill ==> 宽展机座
- broadside on ==> 侧对
- broadside rolling ==> 宽展轧制
- broadside seismic reflection profiling ==> 侧向地震反射剖面法
- broadside slipway ==> 侧边滑道
- broadside stand ==> 宽展机座
- BROB Bunkers Remaining On Board ==> 船上剩余的燃料舱
- Broca's area ==> 布罗卡氏区
- Broca's center ==> 布罗卡氏中枢
- Broca's convolution ==> 布罗卡氏回,左额下回
- Broca's gyrus ==> 左额下回
- Broca's pouch ==> 女阴囊
- Broca-Sulzer effect ==> 布罗卡-苏尔泽效应
- Brocas amnesia ==> 布罗卡氏遗忘症
- Brocas center ==> 布罗卡氏中枢
- Brocas convolution ==> 布罗卡氏回
- Brocas pouch ==> 布罗卡氏囊
- brochovesicular respiration ==> 粗杂呼吸音
- brochure ==> 简介材料小册子
- Brock punch ==> 布罗克打孔器
- Brocken bow ==> 反日冕
- brocken-joint tile ==> 参错接缝瓦
- brockie oil ==> 陶瓷工业用润滑油,陶瓷业用润滑油
- Brocot suspension ==> (钟)布罗珂脱悬吊摆
- brode-flanged beam ==> 宽翼梁
- Brodie's abscess ==> 布劳第脓肿
- Brodie's abscess of osteomyelitis ==> 骨髓炎骨骺端脓肿
- Brodie's joint ==> 癔病关节
- Brodie's reaction ==> 布劳第反应
- Brodie's sign ==> 布罗迪氏征
- Brodie-Trendelenburg test ==> 静脉瓣功能试验,静脉瓣功能试验
- Brodies abscess ==> 布罗迪氏骨脓肿
- Brodmann's area 17 ==> 视觉投射区
- Broenner's acid ==> 布龙酸
- broiler plant ==> 童子鸡工厂
- broiler ration ==> 童子鸡日粮
- broiler-type chicken ==> 童子鸡型鸡
- broke pump ==> 碎纸浆泵
- broked bark ==> 碎桂皮
- broked stripe ==> 鹿斑纹
- broken ==> 破,破坏,破裂,破碎,碎,断开的=>壊れた,故障した
- broken and damaged cargo list ==> 货物残损单
- broken article ==> 破損品
- broken ashlar ==> 不等形琢石块,不规则琢石,乱砌方石工程
- broken ashlar masonry ==> 不等形琢石圬工,不规则琢石圬工
- broken back ==> 横裂纹带
- broken base ==> 轨底破裂
- broken belt ==> 海冰过渡带
- broken bond ==> 不规则砌缝
- broken brick ==> 碎砖
- broken brick hardcore ==> 碎砖垫层
- broken castings ==> 铸屑
- broken cell ==> 破壊細胞
- broken chord ==> 分散和音
- broken circuit ==> 断路=>開回路
- broken compensation ==> 代偿机能不全
- broken condition ==> 破損状態
- broken conductor strand of stator coil bar ==> 定子线棒导线断股,绕组线棒导线由于铜线上有裂纹或损伤,铜的质量差或因振动过大而疲劳等原因,在运行中发生导线断股现象
- broken corner ==> 缺角,角裂
- broken crow twill ==> 四页破斜纹
- broken curve ==> 虚线曲线
- broken ends ==> 断头
- broken English ==> 片言英語
- broken face ==> 裂面
- broken frame ==> 破損フレーム
- broken furrow ==> 不整齐的垄条
- broken gravel ==> 碎砾石
- broken ground ==> 松软地层,耕翻地
- broken hardening ==> 分级淬火
- broken herringbone ==> 变化山形组织
- Broken Hill man ==> 布罗肯山人
- broken iron ==> 废铁
- broken item ==> 破損した商品
- broken joint ==> 错缝接合,错列接头
- broken line ==> 折线
- broken line distortion ==> 断线像歪曲
- broken lot ==> 零星股,散批货物
- broken number ==> 折数,分数
- broken oil ==> 澄清了的油
- broken parting line ==> 折分模线
- broken parts of the outer covering of a kernel ==> 种子皮外的碎片
- broken picks ==> 断纬
- broken pollen sacs in vicinity of stigma ==> 柱头附近破碎的花粉囊
- broken range masonry ==> 断层石砌
- broken ray ==> 屈折光線
- broken ring ==> 缺口圈,开口环,开口圈
- broken rotational symmetry ==> 回転対称性の破れ
- broken section ==> 破碎剖面
- broken series ==> 非连续数列
- broken sky ==> 多云天
- broken space ==> 舱位损失
- broken stone ==> 破碎石块
- broken stone hardcore ==> 碎石垫层
- broken stowage ==> 亏舱,舱内不规则装货
- broken surface ==> (金属)折れ
- broken tape detection ==> 断带检测
- broken tea ==> 碎茶类
- broken transit instrument ==> 折轴中星仪
- broken udder attachment ==> 乳房附着松弛
- broken view ==> 局部视图,局部视图
- broken wire ==> (夹丝玻璃缺陷)断线
- broken wool ==> (羊毛)碎块毛
- broken-back transit ==> 折轴经纬仪
- broken-bar ==> バー切れ(モータ)
- broken-beam technique ==> 截止束技术
- broken-bow flower ==> 打破碗花花
- broken-delta circuit ==> ブロークンデルタ回路
- broken-down ==> 损毁
- broken-hooked fibre ==> 断弯钩纤维
- broken-in surface ==> 磨合表面
- broken-line analysis ==> 线段近似法
- broken-marble patterned flooring ==> 碎拼大理石地面
- broken-open view ==> 透视图
- broken-out section ==> 破断面
- broken-out section view ==> 破断面视图,局部剖视图,局部剖视图
- broken-period interest ==> 截期利息
- broken-tile foundation ==> 瓦渣基础
- broker ==> ブローカー,仲介業者
- broker agency ==> 经纪商代办,经纪商代办
- broker agent ==> 经纪人兼代理人=>取引員
- broker and dealer loans ==> 经纪人和交易员贷款,经理商及代理商贷款
- broker house ==> 証券会社
- broker loan rate ==> 証券担保貸付金利
- broker market ==> ブローカー市場
- broker the sale of power ==> 電力販売の仲介
- broker's advice ==> 经纪人通知单,经纪人通知单
- broker's agency ==> 经纪商,经纪商
- broker's board ==> 交易所
- broker's contract note ==> 经纪人契约,经纪人约书
- broker's cover note ==> 经纪人投保通知书
- broker's credit ==> 经纪人贷款,经纪人贷款
- broker's difference ==> 经纪人错失金,经纪人错失金
- broker's lien ==> 经纪人留置权,经纪人留置权
- broker's line ==> 经纪人专线,经纪人专线
- broker's order ==> 经纪人订单,经纪人订单
- broker's return ==> 货物装船明细表
- broker's slip ==> 经纪人传票,经纪人传票
- broker-dealer ==> 经纪自营商
- brokerage account ==> 经纪帐户,经纪帐户
- brokerage business ==> 经纪人行业,经纪人行业
- brokerage charge ==> 仲介手数料,仲買手数料
- brokerage commission ==> 经纪人手续费,经纪人手续费,经纪人佣金,经纪人佣金=>委託手数料
- brokerage cost ==> 仲介費用
- brokerage department ==> 经纪人部门,经纪人部门=>営業部門
- brokerage discount ==> 仲間割引
- brokerage fee ==> 売買委託手数料
- bromanilic acid ==> 2,5-二溴-3,6-二羟对苯醌
- bromate ==> 溴酸根,溴酸盐(一种致癌物)=>ブロメート,臭素酸塩
- bromcresol green ==> 溴甲酚绿,溴甲酚绿
- brome mosaic virus ==> 雀麦花叶病毒
- bromhexine hydrochloride ==> 必嗽平
- bromic acid ==> 溴酸
- bromic acid (HBrO・3) ==> 溴酸,溴酸
- bromic ether ==> 乙基溴
- bromide ==> 溴化物=>臭化物
- bromide ion ==> 臭化物イオン
- bromide laser ==> 溴化物激光器,溴化物激光器
- bromide paper ==> 溴化印相纸,溴素纸=>ブロマイド印画紙
- bromide postcard ==> 明信片度咪纸
- bromide salt ==> 臭化物塩
- brominating agent ==> 溴化剂,溴化剂
- bromine ==> 溴
- bromine acceptor ==> 溴接受剂,溴接受剂
- bromine in ring ==> 环上溴
- bromine number ==> 溴值
- brominized albumin ==> 溴化白蛋白,溴化白蛋白
- bromoacetic acid ==> 溴乙酸
- bromobenzoic acid ==> 溴苯甲酸
- bromobenzoly chloride ==> 溴苯甲酰氯,溴苯甲酰氯
- bromobenzoyl bromide ==> 溴苯甲酰溴,溴苯甲酰溴
- bromochlorodifluoromethane (halon 1211) (CF2BrCl) ==> 溴氯二氟甲烷(哈龙1211)
- bromochloromethane, methylene chlorobromide ==> 溴氯甲烷,溴氯甲烷
- bromochlorophenol blue ==> 溴氯酚蓝,溴氯酚蓝
- bromocresol blue ==> 溴甲酚蓝,溴甲酚蓝
- bromocresol green ==> 溴甲酚绿,溴甲酚绿
- bromocresol purple ==> 溴甲酚紫,溴甲酚紫
- bromomaleic acid ==> 溴代马来酸
- bromophenesic acid ==> 二溴酚
- bromoplatinic acid ==> 溴铂酸
- bromothymol blue ==> 溴百里酚蓝,溴百里酚蓝,溴麝香草酚蓝,溴麝香草酚蓝,二溴百里酚磺酞
- bromotrifluoro-methane ==> 溴三氟甲烷,溴三氟甲烷
- bromotrifluoromethane (halon 1301) (CF3Br) ==> 溴三氟甲烷(哈龙1301)
- bromphenol blue ==> 溴酚蓝,溴酚蓝
- bromphenol red ==> 溴酚红,溴酚红
- bromsulfalein test ==> 溴磺酞钠潴留试验,溴磺酞钠潴留试验
- bromsulphalein test ==> 磺溴酞钠试验,溴磺酞钠排泄试验,溴磺酞钠排泄试验,溴磺酞钠潴留试验,溴磺酞钠潴留试验
- Bromwich contour ==> 布朗维奇围道
- bronchial adenocarcinoma ==> 支气管腺癌
- bronchial arteriography ==> 支气管动脉造影术
- bronchial artery ==> 支气管动脉
- bronchial atomizing tip ==> 支气管喷雾头
- bronchial branches ==> 支气管支
- bronchial cartilage ==> 支气管软骨
- bronchial cast ==> 支气管管型
- bronchial catheter ==> 支气管导管
- bronchial cutting forceps ==> 支气管切断钳
- bronchial cyst ==> 支气管囊肿
- bronchial fistula ==> 支气管瘘
- bronchial gland ==> 支气管腺
- bronchial lithiasis ==> 支气管结石
- bronchial lymph nodes ==> 支气管淋巴结
- bronchial lymphoid tuberculosis ==> 支气管淋巴结结核
- bronchial microscope ==> 支气管显微窥镜
- bronchial respiration ==> 气管呼吸音,吹气样呼吸音
- bronchial suture clamp ==> 支气管缝合夹
- bronchial tree ==> 支气管树
- bronchial veins ==> 支气管静脉
- bronchioalveolar carcinoma ==> 细支气管肺泡癌
- bronchiogenic abscess of lung ==> 支气管原性肺脓肿
- bronchiolar carcinoma ==> 支气管癌,细支气管肺泡癌
- bronchiolar spasm ==> 小支气管痉挛
- broncho-allergic reaction ==> 支气管变态反应
- broncho-cutaneous fistula ==> 支气管皮肤瘘
- broncho-dilator aerosol inhalation ==> 支气管扩张剂雾化吸入
- broncho-esophageal fissure ==> 支气管食管裂
- broncho-esophageal fistula ==> 支气管食管瘘
- broncho-esophagology ==> 支气管食管病学
- broncho-esophagoscope ==> 支气管食管镜
- broncho-esophagoscopic forceps ==> 支气管食道异物钳
- broncho-pleurocutaneous fistula ==> 支气管胸膜皮肤瘘
- broncho-pulmonary leiomyoma ==> 支气管肺平滑肌瘤
- broncho-spirometer ==> 支气管肺量计
- bronchobiliary fistula ==> 支气管胆管瘘,气管胆道瘘
- bronchogenic carcinoma ==> 支气管癌
- bronchogenic cyst of lung ==> 支气管原性肺囊肿
- bronchogenic spread ==> 支气管播散
- bronchomediastinal trunk ==> 支气管纵隔干
- bronchopulmonary lymph nodes ==> 支气管肺淋巴结
- bronchosinusitis syndrome ==> 支气管鼻窦炎综合征
- bronchovesicular respiration ==> 粗糙呼吸音
- bronchus forceps ==> 支气管钳
- bronchus lingularis inferior ==> 下舌段支气管
- bronchus segemntalis basalis lateralis ==> 外侧底段支气管
- bronchus segmentalis anterior BⅧ ==> 前段支气管BⅧ
- bronchus segmentalis basalis anterior ==> 前低段支气管
- bronchus segmentalis basalis posterior ==> 后底段支气管
- bronchus segmentalis lateralis ==> 外侧段支气管
- bronchus segmentalis posterior ==> 后段支气管
- Bronniart's formula ==> (泥浆重与固体比重关系式)布朗尼尔特公式
- Bronsil Shales ==> 布龙西尔页岩
- Bronsted-Lowry concept of acid and base ==> 布朗斯特-劳瑞酸碱概念
- bronze ==> 古铜,古铜色,青铜,青铜色,青铜制品,铜器
- bronze acupuncture figure ==> 针灸铜人
- Bronze Age ==> 青铜器时代,青铜时代,铜器时代
- Bronze Age pottery ==> 青铜器时代陶器
- bronze alloy ==> 青铜合金
- bronze bar ==> 青铜棒
- bronze bearing ==> 青铜轴承
- bronze black ==> 黑色颜料
- bronze cage ==> 青铜保持架
- bronze casting ==> 青铜铸件
- bronze castings ==> 青铜铸件
- bronze coins ==> 铜币
- bronze colour ==> 青铜色
- bronze compact ==> 青铜坯块
- bronze conductor ==> 青铜导线
- bronze diabetes ==> 青铜色糖尿病
- bronze filled TFE ==> 填充聚四氟乙烯的青铜
- bronze fitted pump ==> 衬青铜泵
- bronze liner ==> 青铜衬
- bronze lustre ==> 青铜光泽彩
- bronze mirror ==> 铜镜
- bronze plating ==> 镀青铜
- bronze pottery ==> 古铜色陶瓷器
- bronze powder ==> 青铜粉
- bronze printing ==> 印金
- bronze red ==> 金光红
- bronze screw hook ==> 古铜螺丝钩
- bronze sheet ==> 青铜板
- bronze smoke ==> 青铜烟灰色
- bronze statue ==> 青铜像,铜像
- bronze steel ==> 镀青铜钢
- bronze tripod ==> 铜鼎
- bronze vessels ==> 青铜器
- bronze ware ==> 青铜器,铜器
- bronze welding rod ==> 焊青铜焊条
- bronze wire ==> 铜丝
- bronze-backed bearing ==> 青铜背轴承
- bronze-backed metal bearing ==> 青铜基滑动轴承
- bronze-graphite contact material ==> 青铜石墨电接触器材
- bronze-plated iron square hinge ==> 镀青铜抽心铁方铰链
- bronzed diabetes ==> 青铜色糖尿病
- bronzed pottery ==> 青铜色陶器
- bronzing ==> 镀青铜
- bronzing and dusting machine ==> 擦金粉机
- bronzing disease rice ==> 水稻古铜叶枯病
- bronzing liquid ==> 金属漆液,铜粉浆
- bronzing machine ==> 擦金粉机,烫金机
- brood body ==> 繁殖体
- brood capsule ==> 育囊,雏囊
- brood cyst ==> 育囊,雏囊
- brood gemma ==> 芽胞体
- brood leaf ==> 叶芽胞
- brood shoot ==> 枝芽胞
- brood stage ==> 孵化期
- brood tree ==> 放虫树
- brood-grow-lay house ==> 终生鸡舍
- brook anemone ==> 虎掌草
- Brook's type inductmeter ==> ブルックス型誘導器
- Brooke's tumor ==> 囊状腺样上皮瘤
- Brookhaven ==> 美国布鲁克海文国家实验室
- Brookhill waffler ==> 布鲁克希尔截装机
- Brookings model ==> 布鲁金斯模型
- brookite ==> 板钛矿
- Brooklyn Bridge ==> 布鲁克林大桥
- Brookmire-Harvard method ==> 布鲁克米亚-哈佛法
- Brooks comet ==> 布鲁克斯彗星
- Brooks variable inductometer ==> 布鲁克斯可变电感计
- broom ==> 帚,帚高粱
- broom brush ==> 地板刷
- broom closet ==> 清洁间
- broom corn ==> 帚高粱
- broom corn picker ==> 高粱收获机
- broom corn picking machine ==> 高粱收获机
- broom cypress fruit ==> 地肤子
- broom drag ==> 带刷刮路器,刮路刷
- broom finish ==> 扫面处理
- broom made of Gaoliang straw ==> 高粱穗扫帚
- broom made of kaoliang straw ==> 高粱苗笤帚
- broom-head harvesting machine ==> 高粱收获机,高粱穗采集机
- broomcorn picking machine ==> 高粱穗采集机
- brooming ==> 扫毛
- brosd irrigation ==> 泛灌
- broth culture ==> 肉汁培养
- broth dilution method ==> 肉汤稀释法
- brother field ==> 同级字段
- brother in a tree structure ==> 一树结构中的兄弟
- brother node ==> 同级节点
- brought down ==> 结转
- brought forward ==> 结转=>繰り越す
- brought forward account ==> 前期滚结帐目
- Brouwer's fixed point theorem ==> 布劳威尔不动点原理
- Brouwers fixed point theorem ==> 布劳威尔不动点原理
- brow leakage ==> 端部漏磁
- brow presentation ==> 额先露
- brown ==> 褐,褐色,马鹰片永子,棕色,棕色的,咖啡色
- brown acid ==> 棕色酸
- brown adipogenesis ==> 褐色脂肪細胞
- Brown agitator ==> 布朗型搅拌器
- brown alga ==> 褐藻
- brown alkali soil ==> 棕色碱土
- Brown and Sharpe taper ==> 布朗沙普锥度
- brown and sharpe wire gage ==> bs线规
- Brown and Sharpe wire gauge ==> 布朗沙普线规
- Brown antenna ==> 布朗天线=>ブラウンアンテナ
- brown atrophy ==> 褐色萎缩
- brown atrophy of myocardium ==> 心肌褐色萎缩
- brown back disease ==> 褐皮病
- brown back rice plant hopper ==> 褐稻虱
- brown bast ==> 褐皮病
- brown blight ==> 褐疫病,果苦腐病
- brown blotch ==> 褐色脓疱
- brown bread ==> 黑面包
- brown bud method ==> 大苗芽接
- brown budding ==> 大苗芽接
- brown calcareoul soil ==> 棕色钙质土
- brown canker ==> 褐色溃疡
- brown caterpillar ==> 茶蚕
- brown clay ==> 红粘土
- brown clay ironstone ==> 褐泥铁石
- brown cloth ==> 褐色布
- brown coal ==> 褐煤=>褐炭(かつたん)
- brown coal tar ==> 褐煤焦油
- brown coat ==> 二道抹灰,中间漆=>中塗り
- brown colour glass ==> 茶色玻璃
- brown desert soil ==> 褐色荒漠土,棕漠土,棕色荒漠土
- brown dwarf ==> 褐矮星
- brown dyes ==> 褐染料
- brown earth ==> 褐土,棕壤
- brown earths ==> 棕褐色土
- brown edge ==> 铜色口沿
- brown fat ==> 褐色脂肪
- brown fat cell ==> 棕脂肪细胞
- brown felt blight ==> 褐毡疫病
- brown forest soil ==> 褐色森林土
- brown gasoline ==> 褐色汽油
- brown glaze ==> あめ釉
- brown goods ==> 黑色家电,电脑,电视机,家庭影院等
- brown granular cast ==> 棕色粒性管型
- brown hay ==> 褐色干草
- brown heart ==> 褐心病
- brown hematite ==> 褐赤铁矿,褐铁矿
- brown induration ==> 褐色硬结,肺褐色硬结
- brown induration of lung ==> 肺棕色硬变
- brown iron ore ==> 褐铁矿
- brown jersey gloves ==> 褐色细毛绒手套
- brown lacewing ==> 褐蛉
- brown layer ot sclera ==> 巩膜棕黑层
- brown lead doxide ==> 二氧化铅
- brown leaf blight of grasses ==> 禾草褐条斑病
- brown leaf rust ==> 褐叶锈病
- brown lignite ==> 棕褐煤
- Brown lunar theory ==> 布朗月球运动理论
- Brown metal ==> 布朗黄铜
- brown millerite ==> 钙铁石
- brown mixture ==> 棕色合剂
- Brown noise ==> ブラウンのノイズ
- brown nose disease ==> 褐鼻病
- brown ocher ==> 褐铁矿粉
- brown paddy plant hopper ==> 褐飞虱
- brown patch ==> 褐块
- brown pea ==> 褐色豌豆
- brown plant-hopper ==> 稻褐飞虱
- brown podzolic ==> 棕色灰化土
- brown podzolic soil ==> 褐色灰化土
- brown powder ==> ブラウンパウダ(電気接点)
- brown prawn ==> 褐对虾
- brown process paper ==> 褐色印纸
- brown purple ==> 褐紫色
- brown race ==> 棕色人种
- brown rice ==> 糙米,极粗糙米=>玄米
- brown rice-grain ==> 茶色米
- brown rimmed moth ==> 稻褐边螟
- brown ring test ==> 棕色环试验,褐轮试法
- brown root ==> 褐根
- brown root rot ==> 褐根腐病
- brown rot ==> 褐腐病
- brown rot of peach ==> 桃褐腐病
- brown seaweed ==> 褐藻
- brown slab sugar ==> 黄片糖
- brown smoke ==> 褐烟
- brown snow ==> 褐色雪
- brown soil ==> 褐色土壤,棕钙土
- brown spot ==> 褐斑病
- brown spot of apple ==> 苹果褐斑
- brown spot of grape ==> 葡萄褐斑病
- brown spot of pea ==> 豌豆深褐斑病
- brown spot of rice ==> 稻胡麻斑病
- brown spot of soybean ==> 大豆褐皮病
- brown stem rot ==> 大豆茎褐腐病,茎褐腐病,褐茎腐病
- brown streak ==> 褐条病
- brown stringy rot ==> 褐色拉丝腐烂病,褐色纤维状腐烂
- brown sugar ==> 红糖=>ブラウンシュガー
- brown sugar lump ==> 黒糖
- Brown Swiss cattle ==> 瑞士褐牛
- brown tail moth ==> 桑毛虫
- Brown taper ==> 布朗锥度
- brown tiger prawn ==> 褐虎对虾
- brown tip webbed ==> 马鹰根永子
- brown tourmaline ==> 棕碧硒
- brown tumor of jaw ==> 颌骨棕色瘤
- brown weevil ==> 豆象
- brown wheat mite ==> 麦长腿蜘蛛
- brown windsor soap ==> 黄姜皂
- brown wood ==> 木栓化部分
- brown yellow ==> 褐黄色
- brown ytterbium niobium concentrate ==> 褐钇钶精矿
- Brown's method ==> 布朗方法
- Brown's test ==> 钢丝绳磨损试验
- brown-black ==> 褐黑色
- brown-glazed brick ==> 褐釉砖,防潮砖,盐釉砖
- Brown-Mood process ==> 布朗穆德过程
- brown-ring test ==> 棕环试验
- Brown-Sequard syndrome ==> 脊髓侧方压迫-脊髓半断综合征
- Brown-Sharp Wire Gauge ==> (美国线规)布朗-沙普线规
- Brown-Sharpe type dividing head ==> 布朗夏普分度头
- Brown-Symmer disease ==> 急性小儿浆液性脑炎
- brown-tail moth ==> 棕尾毒蛾,褐尾蠹
- brown-tail moth dermatitis ==> 褐尾蠹皮炎
- Brown-Twiss intensity interferometer ==> 布朗-特威斯光强干涉仪
- Browne's steriliser control tube ==> 高压灭菌器温度指示管
- Brownian diffusion ==> 布朗扩散
- Brownian method ==> 布朗方法
- brownian method ==> 布朗方法
- Brownian motion ==> 布朗运动=>ブラウン運動
- brownian motion process ==> 布朗运动过程
- Brownian motion process ==> 布朗运动过程
- Brownian movement ==> 布朗运动
- browning ==> 褐色氧化处理
- Browning automatic rifle ==> 布朗宁自动步枪
- Browning machine gun 军 ==> 布朗宁机关炮
- browning reaction ==> 褐变反应
- brownish black ==> 棕黑
- brownish red ==> 棕红
- brownish-black ==> 棕黑色
- brownish-black color ==> 棕黑色
- brownout ==> 灯火管制,限制用电,拉闸限电=>節電,計画停電
- Browster cut ==> 布儒斯特切割
- broxyquinoline, 5, 7-dibromo-8-hydroxyquinoline ==> 溴氧喹啉,溴氧喹啉
- BRP, Blue Ribbon Panel ==> 宇宙ステーション設計諮問委員会
- BRTS, bilateration ranging transponder system ==> 多方向測距中継システム
- Bruce's bundle ==> 角连合束
- brucea fruit ==> 鸦胆子
- Brucea javanica poisoning ==> 鸦胆子中毒
- brucella dermatitis ==> 波状热性皮炎,布鲁氏杆菌皮炎
- brucella vaccine ==> 布氏菌苗
- brucellar arthritis ==> 布鲁氏杆菌性关节炎
- brucellergen reaction ==> 布鲁氏杆菌过敏原反应
- brucellergen test ==> 布鲁氏菌变应原试验
- brucellin test ==> 波状热菌素试验,布鲁氏杆菌素试验
- brucellosis vaccine ==> 布鲁氏杆菌苗
- Bruceton method ==> 布鲁斯顿方法
- Bruch's layer ==> 布鲁赫氏层
- Bruch's membrane ==> 布鲁赫膜
- Bruchs layer ==> 布鲁赫氏层
- brucine test ==> 番木鳖碱试验
- brucite ==> 含水氧化镁矿石,水镁石,氢氧镁石,天然氢氧化镁=>水滑石,ブルース石
- brucite-marble ==> 水滑结晶灰岩,水镁石大理岩
- Brudzinski's reflex ==> 布鲁金斯基氏反射
- Brudzinski's sign ==> 屈颈试验,布鲁金斯基氏征
- brufen tablet ==> 拔怒风片
- Brugia malayi ==> 马来丝虫
- bruise ==> 压扁,挫伤,砸伤,擦伤痕,伤痕
- bruise check ==> 碰撞裂纹
- bruise mark ==> 碰痕
- bruise of quadriceps femoris ==> 股四头肌挫伤
- bruised place ==> 擦伤痕=>当傷
- bruiser ==> 捣碎机,压扁机,压碎机
- Brulax system ==> 布鲁勒氏系统
- Brunauer's syndrome ==> 精神发育不良
- Brunel ==> 布鲁内尔
- Brunhilde virus ==> 布伦希尔德病毒
- brunisolic soil ==> 棕壤土
- Brunks test ==> 布伦克检验
- brunner's gland ==> 十二脂肠腺
- Brunner's yellow ==> 布鲁钠锑黄色料
- Brunschwig's operation ==> 布朗希威格氏手术
- Brunson jig transit ==> 布朗桑工具经纬仪
- brunswick ==> 棉毛交织斜纹布
- Brunswick black ==> 布仑司维克黑
- Brunswick blue ==> 布仑司维克蓝
- Brunswick green ==> 硷或碳酸铜
- Brunswik ratio ==> 布仑司维克比
- brunt ==> 衝撃
- Brunton compass ==> 勃隆顿罗盘
- Brunton pocket transit ==> 勃隆顿罗盘
- Bruns syndrome ==> 布伦斯氏综合征
- brush ==> 热带密灌丛,刷,刷大巷道,刷子,擦掉,擦掉,电刷,电机旋转部分与静止部分进行电流传导的主要部件之一。具有良好的滑动接触特性(如摩擦系数,耐磨性等),对电阻率和接触电阻等也有特殊要求,通常以石墨为主要原材料=>ブラシ
- brush (handle) wire ==> 刷用钢丝
- brush aeration ==> 转刷曝气
- brush and slotless motor ==> 无电刷槽电动机
- brush angle ==> 电刷倾斜角
- brush application ==> 涂刷
- brush applied coating ==> 电刷用涂层,刷涂层
- brush arbor seal ==> 毛刷轴密封垫
- brush arc ==> 刷形电弧,刷弧
- brush arm ==> 刷臂
- brush assembly ==> 电刷装配
- brush back ==> 后刷边
- brush backward lead ==> 电刷反向超前
- brush beater ==> 灌木铲除切碎机
- brush beef ==> 丛林野牛
- brush block ==> 电刷块
- brush border ==> 刷状缘
- brush box ==> 刷握盒
- brush bracket ==> 电刷架
- brush breaker ==> 灌木犁,割灌机
- brush broom ==> 钢丝路刷
- brush burn ==> 擦伤
- brush buster ==> 灌木切除器
- brush carbon ==> 电刷碳
- brush carriage ==> 电刷支架
- brush carrier ==> 刷架,电刷架,刷握
- brush carrier ring ==> 刷架环
- brush cast ==> 刷铸型
- brush clamp ==> 电刷夹持器
- brush cleaner ==> 清扫刷,刷式清选机
- brush cleaning ==> 毛刷清洁
- brush coat ==> 电刷涂料,刷涂层
- brush coating ==> 毛刷涂布
- brush collector ==> 集电刷,集流刷
- brush colter ==> 灌木铲除器
- brush compare check ==> 电刷比较检验
- brush condition monitor ==> 电刷工况监测器,测量电刷和滑环间的压降以监测电刷/滑环工况的监测装置
- brush contact ==> 电刷触点,电刷接点,刷形触点
- brush contact loss ==> 电刷接触损失
- brush contact reactor ==> 电刷接触电抗器
- brush contact resistance ==> 电刷接触电阻
- brush cord ==> 电刷软绳
- brush corona ==> 刷形电晕
- brush cotton gin ==> 刷式轧花机
- brush coupling ==> 刷形联轴节
- brush covering factor ==> 电刷覆盖系数
- brush current ==> 电刷电流
- brush cutoff ==> 刷式阻种器
- brush cutter ==> 灌木铲除机,灌木清除机
- brush cylinder ==> 刷式滚筒
- brush dam ==> 枝条排坝
- brush discharge ==> 刷形放电=>ブラシ放電
- brush displacement ==> 刷移角
- brush drop ==> ブラシ電圧
- brush dust ==> 刷粉,刷灰
- brush electrode ==> 刷式电极
- brush encoder ==> 电刷编码器
- brush etching ==> 毛笔腐蚀
- brush feed ==> 刷式排种器
- brush feed mechaniam ==> 刷式排种装置
- brush finger ==> 刷指
- brush finish ==> 刷面处理
- brush fire ==> 灌丛火
- brush forward lead ==> 电刷正向超前
- brush friction loss ==> 电刷摩擦损失=>ブラシ摩擦損
- brush front ==> 前刷边
- brush furnisher ==> 毛刷给浆辊筒
- brush ga(u)ge ==> 电刷量具
- brush gear ==> 刷式机构
- brush graining ==> 刷木纹状漆面
- brush holder ==> 刷握,笔筒=>ブラシ保持器
- brush holder insulating bushing ==> 电刷柄绝缘衬套
- brush holder pin ==> 刷柄销
- brush holder rod ==> 刷握臂
- brush holder support ==> 刷握支架
- brush holder yoke ==> 刷握架
- brush hook ==> 截枝钩刀,割灌弯刀
- brush housing door ==> 毛刷仓盖
- brush housing upper baffle ==> 毛刷仓上挡板
- brush inclination ==> 电刷倾角=>ブラシの傾き
- brush latch opener ==> 毛刷开针舌器
- brush lead ==> 电刷引线
- brush lifting device ==> 举刷装置=>ブラシ操作装置
- brush line ==> 细线通
- brush lipless guard ==> 平顶短护刃器
- brush machine ==> 清道机,刷光机,擦光机
- brush mark ==> 刷印
- brush mattress ==> 柴排
- brush motor ==> 换向器电动机,整流式电动机
- brush of kernel ==> 刷毛
- brush painted decoration ==> 点画花
- brush pickup ==> 刷式检拾器
- brush pilling tester ==> 毛刷式起球试验仪
- brush plating ==> 刷镀
- brush plough ==> 铲掘机重型犁
- brush position change ==> 电刷位置变化
- brush potential ==> 电刷电位
- brush pressure ==> 电刷压力
- brush rack ==> 笔架
- brush reader ==> 电刷阅读器
- brush resistance ==> 电刷电阻
- brush resistance loss ==> 电刷电阻损耗,电刷接触电阻损耗=>ブラシ電気損
- brush rest ==> 笔架
- brush retouching ==> 毛刷修版
- brush ring ==> 刷环
- brush rocker ==> 电刷架,电刷摇杆
- brush rocker ring ==> 电刷摇杆转环,移动刷架
- brush roller ==> 毛刷罗拉
- brush saw gin ==> 毛刷式锯齿轧花机,刷式锯齿轧花机
- brush scraper ==> 钢刷刮管器
- brush scythe ==> 割灌大镰刀
- brush sensing ==> 电刷读出
- brush set ==> 电刷组
- brush shift ==> 电刷位移
- brush shifting device ==> 电刷移动装置
- brush short circuit current ==> 电刷短路电流
- brush shredder ==> 灌木切除机
- brush sickle ==> 灌木切刀
- brush sliding areas ==> 电刷滑动面积
- brush spark(ing) ==> 电刷发火花
- brush sparking ==> 电刷火花
- brush spindle ==> 刷握柄
- brush spring ==> 电刷弹簧
- brush spring adjuster ==> 电刷簧调整器,刷握弹簧调整器
- brush stagger ==> ブラシスタガ
- brush stand ==> 笔筒
- brush station ==> 刷子站,电刷测量点,电刷读孔头,电刷站
- brush stone separator ==> 刷式清石机,刷式石块分离机
- brush stripping saw gin ==> 毛刷式锯齿轧花机
- brush structure ==> 帚状构造
- brush stud ==> 刷握柄
- brush surface analyser ==> 电刷表面分析器
- brush sweeper ==> 清扫毛刷
- brush toe ==> 刷趾
- brush track ==> 刷迹圈
- brush treatment ==> 涂刷处理
- brush type stripper ==> 刷式摘棉铃机
- brush vein ==> 帚状矿脉
- brush voltage ==> 电刷电压
- brush wear ==> 电刷磨损
- brush weather strip ==> 毛绒防风条
- brush wheel ==> 刷轮
- brush width ==> 电刷宽度
- brush wire ==> 电刷线
- brush yoke ==> 刷架
- brush-box ==> 碳刷盒
- brush-breaker ==> 灌木清除机
- brush-carriage ==> 电刷托架
- brush-comb ==> 毛刷梳棉
- brush-dewing machine ==> 毛织品给湿机,给湿刷毛机
- brush-holder stud ==> 刷杆,刷握支柱
- brush-lead ==> ブラシの進み
- brush-off ==> 追い払うこと
- brush-off taffeta ==> 黑塔夫绸
- brush-rocker ring ==> 移刷环
- brush-shifting motor ==> 移刷型电动机
- brush-shifting speed ==> 电刷移动速度
- brush-stage ==> 乔木幼树期
- brush-type structure ==> 帚型构造
- brushcutter ==> 割草机=>刈払機,苅払機(かりはらいき),ブッシュカッター
- brushed concrete surface ==> 坑纹混凝土路面
- brushed finish ==> 刷面处理
- brushes of Ruffini's terminal cylinders ==> 露菲尼终柱
- brushing ==> 钢丝刷清理
- brushing and finishing machine ==> 烫绒机
- brushing shot ==> 挑顶刷帮炮眼,清扫性放炮
- brushing test ==> 刷损试验
- brushless ==> ブラシレス
- brushless alternator ==> 无刷交流发电机
- brushless DC motor ==> ブラシレスモータ,ブラシレスDCモータ
- brushless excitation ==> 无刷励磁,旋转整流器励磁系统的简称
- brushless excitation system ==> ブラシレス励磁方式
- brushless generator ==> 无电刷发电机
- brushless machine ==> 无电刷电机
- brushless motor ==> 无电刷电动机=>ブラシレスモータ
- brushless synchronous motor ==> ブラシなし同期電動機
- brushup ==> 磨炼=>復習,ブラッシアップ
- Brusselator ==> 一种非线性方程的轨迹,由普里高津(Prigogine)提出
- Brussels carpet jacquard ==> 布鲁塞尔地毯提花机
- Brussels classification ==> 布鲁塞尔分类法,布鲁塞尔十进分类法=>ブラッセル分類法
- Brussels Conference ==> 布鲁塞尔会议
- Brussels Protocol ==> 布鲁塞尔议定书
- Brussels sprouts ==> 芽洋白菜
- Brussels system ==> 布鲁塞尔分类系统,通用十进制系统
- Brussels Tariff Nomenclature (BTN) ==> 布鲁塞尔关税商品分类
- Brussin's reaction ==> 免疫粘连反应
- Brussins reaction ==> 免疫粘连反应
- brutal demand ==> 厳しい要求
- brute force ==> 强力
- brute force focussing ==> 强力聚焦
- brute force radar ==> 强力雷达
- brute-force approach ==> 强制法,粗略近似法
- Bryant's traction ==> 布赖恩特氏牵引
- Bryant's triangle ==> 髂股三角
- bryo shell membrane ==> 鸡胚壳膜
- bryo stem ==> 胚基,胚茎
- bryochemical ==> 胚胎化学的
- bryonal leukemia ==> 干细胞性白血病
- bryonal system ==> 胚系
- bryonic membrance ==> 胚膜,胎衣
- bryonic system ==> 胚系
- bryophoric membrane ==> 胚膜
- Brückner cycle ==> 勃吕克纳循环
- BS Boiler Survey ==> 锅炉检测
- BS speed ==> 英国标准感光度
- BS&W See S&W ==> 参看S&W
- BS, balance stop ==> 需給停止B
- BS, behind schedule ==> スケジュール遅れ
- BS, brain storming ==> ブレーン・ストーミング法
- BS, broadcasting satellite ==> 放送衛星
- BS, Broadcasting Satellite ==> 放送衛星
- BS, Bus Section ==> 母線区分
- BSC or SS line ==> 二进制同步通信或启停线路
- BSC or SS session ==> 二进制同步通信或启停对话
- BSC or SS station ==> 二进制同步通信或启停站
- BSC&PSD, beam steering computer & phase shift driver ==> ビームステアリング計算機と位相シフト用ドライバ
- BSC, binary synchronous communication ==> 二元同步通信=>二進データ同期通信,物理層RS-232Cに対応するデータリンク層 ←→ 別にRS-232Cに対応するデータリンク層として、HDLCがある。
- BSCCO superconducting wire ==> Bi系超電導線
- BSD, ballistic electron surface-emitting display ==> 弾道電子面放出型
- BSD, Berkeley Standard Distribution ==> Unix OSの一種
- BSE, Broadcasting Satellite for Experimental Purpose ==> 実験用中型放送衛星
- BSF, Back Surface Field ==> (太陽電池)セル裏面にボロン拡散による裏面電界
- BSF, back surface field ==> 裏面電界
- BSF, band separation filter ==> 帯域分波器
- BSF, Bifacial Cell with Boron Diffused Back Surface Field ==> 裏面全面BSF型
- BSI, binary state information ==> BSI
- BSI, British Standards Institution ==> 英国标准协会,イギリス規格協会
- BSIL, Basic Swtiching impulse Insulation Lavel ==> 開閉インパルス絶縁強度
- BSM, baseband switch matrix ==> ベースバンドスイッチマトリックス
- BSM, booster support motor ==> ブースタサポートモータ
- BSP test ==> 溴磺酞钠排泄试验,溴磺酞钠排泄试验
- BSP, business systems planning ==> ビジネスシステムプランニング
- BSPC, Block System Emergency Preventive Controller ==> ブロック制御事故波及防止装置(東北)
- BSQ, band sequential ==> バンド順データ並び
- BSR, back surface reflector ==> 裏面反射電極
- BSR, bit slippage rate ==> ビットずれ率
- BSR, bite status request ==> バイト状況要求
- BSS Basis ==> 基础
- BSS, Block System Stabilizer ==> ブロック系統安定化装置(関西)。
- BST, band segmented transmission ==> 階層伝送方式
- BSTS, Boost Surveillance Tracking System ==> 打ち上げ監視・追跡システム(SDI関連)
- BT Berth Terms ==> 锚位价格
- BT Bow Thruster ==> 船头助推器
- BT calibrationg installation ==> 深温计[BT]检定装置
- BT cut ==> BTカット
- BT, boosting transformer ==> 吸上変圧器
- BT, British Telecom ==> ブリティッシュテレコム社
- BTA ==> ベンゾトリアゾル
- BTB ==> 背靠背换流站
- BTB, Back To Back system ==> 線路なし交直変換設備
- BTB, branch target buffer ==> マイクロプロセサの分岐予測に使うバッファ
- BTE, bench test equipment ==> 試験調整装置
- BTL, Bell Telephone Laboratory ==> ベル電話会社研究所
- BTL, Biomass To Liquid ==> バイオマスから作られる人工液体燃料
- BTM Bottom ==> 底
- BTnet method ==> BTnet法
- BTO, built to order ==> 受注生産
- BTP, burst test pressure ==> 破壊試験圧力
- btrake hose end fitting ==> 制动软管管接头
- BTS, Broadcast Technical Standard ==> 放送標準規格
- BTT, ballistic transport transistor ==> BTT
- Bttger's test ==> 伯特格尔试验
- BTU British Thermal Unit – 0.252 kcal ==> 英国热量单位——0.252千卡
- BTU, British thermal unit ==> 英式熱量単位
- BTU, bus terminal unit ==> バス端末装置
- BU, backup ==> バックアップ
- buaze fibre ==> 蝉翼藤皮纤维
- bubble ==> 水泡,水准泡,水泡音,磁泡,气流离体区,气囊,气泡,前缘吸力式压力分布,泡=>バブル
- bubble aeration ==> 吹泡汽通
- bubble annihilation ==> 磁泡消除
- bubble annihilator ==> 磁泡消除器
- bubble canopy ==> 汽泡式座舱罩
- bubble cap ==> 球状盖,泡帽,泡罩
- bubble cap tray ==> 泡罩塔盘
- bubble cavitation ==> 空泡气蚀
- bubble cell ==> 气泡浮选槽
- bubble chamber ==> 气泡室=>泡箱,It is invented by Donald Arthur Glaser.
- bubble chamber photography ==> 气泡室摄影
- bubble chamber track ==> 气泡室径迹
- bubble chip ==> 磁泡芯片
- bubble chip control ==> 磁泡片控制
- bubble chip single-mask technology ==> 磁泡芯片一次掩蔽工艺
- bubble circuit ==> 磁泡电路
- bubble collimating system ==> 气泡式水准器视准系统
- bubble company ==> 皮包公司,虚设公司
- bubble computer ==> 磁泡计算机
- bubble counter ==> 计泡器
- bubble counting ==> 气泡计数
- bubble data ==> 磁泡数据
- bubble data module ==> 磁泡数据模块
- bubble deck ==> 起泡盘,泡罩塔盘
- bubble delay device ==> 磁泡延迟器件
- bubble density ==> 气泡密度
- bubble device ==> 磁泡器件
- bubble device margin ==> 磁泡器件容限
- bubble disk latch ==> 磁泡盘闩
- bubble display ==> 磁泡显示器
- bubble distribution ==> 气泡分布
- bubble domain ==> 磁泡畴
- bubble domain memory ==> 泡畴存储器
- bubble drive ==> 磁泡驱动
- bubble flow-steering switch ==> 磁泡流导向开关
- bubble formation ==> 形成气泡
- bubble former ==> 起泡器
- bubble gap ==> 磁泡隙
- bubble gauge ==> 气泡指示器
- bubble generator ==> 磁泡产生器
- bubble glass ==> 气泡玻璃
- bubble guide channel ==> 磁泡导向通道
- bubble hard error ==> 磁泡硬错率
- bubble heating ==> 吹泡加热
- bubble hydromassage unit ==> 气泡水按摩装置
- bubble idler ==> 磁泡空转器
- bubble impression ==> 气泡痕
- bubble in the interlayer ==> 胶合层气泡
- bubble inclinometer ==> 气泡测斜仪
- bubble ladder ==> 磁泡梯形网络,泡梯
- bubble ladder organization ==> 磁泡梯结构
- bubble lattice ==> 磁泡晶格
- bubble lattice device ==> 磁泡点阵器件
- bubble lattice file ==> 磁泡点阵文件存储器
- bubble level ==> 气泡水准仪
- bubble logic ==> 磁泡逻辑
- bubble machine ==> 气泡式浮选机,汽泡式浮选机
- bubble memory ==> 磁泡存储器=>バブルメモリ
- bubble memory card ==> 磁泡存储卡片
- bubble memory device ==> 磁泡存储器
- bubble memory module ==> 磁泡存储器模块
- bubble method leak detection ==> 气泡法探漏
- bubble mobility ==> 磁泡迁移率
- bubble mold cooling ==> 膜泡塑模冷却
- bubble noise ==> 气泡噪声
- bubble pattern ==> 磁泡图
- bubble pattern sensitivity testing ==> 磁泡模式过敏测试
- bubble physics ==> 磁泡物理学
- bubble plate tower ==> 泡罩层塔
- bubble point ==> 起泡点,始沸点
- bubble pressure method ==> 气压测孔法
- bubble proof ==> 吹验法
- bubble propagation ==> 磁泡传播
- bubble protractor ==> 气泡式分度规,汽泡式量角器
- bubble pulse ==> 气泡脉冲
- bubble quadrant ==> 汽泡水准测角仪
- bubble raft ==> 泡筏
- bubble replicator ==> 磁泡复制器
- bubble sand ==> 气泡砂
- bubble scheme ==> 空头计划
- bubble sextant ==> 气泡六分仪
- bubble shift register ==> 磁泡移位寄存器
- bubble signal ==> 磁泡信号
- bubble size ==> 磁泡尺寸
- bubble soft error ==> 磁泡软错,磁泡软错率
- bubble sort ==> 泡沫分类法,冒泡分类法,上推分类法,上推排序法
- bubble stretch ==> 磁泡延伸
- bubble stretcher ==> 磁泡延伸器
- bubble structure ==> 气泡结构,气泡状结构
- bubble system ==> 磁泡系统=>バブルシステム
- bubble test ==> 鼓泡试验
- bubble train ==> 成串气泡,气泡串
- bubble transfer ==> 磁泡转移门
- bubble transfer switch ==> 磁泡转移开关
- bubble trap ==> 磁泡陷阱
- bubble tray ==> 鼓泡塔盘
- bubble tube ==> 吹气管
- bubble type level meter ==> 气泡形水平计
- bubble vaporizer ==> 気泡型気化器
- bubble viscometer ==> 泡沫粘度计
- bubble-cap ==> 泡罩
- bubble-cap coloum ==> 泡罩塔
- bubble-cap plate ==> 泡罩板
- bubble-cap tower ==> 泡罩塔,泡罩蒸馏塔
- bubble-domain ==> 泡畴
- bubble