英汉日科技词汇(An English-Chinese-Japanese Dictionary of Technology,总数606812,E/27141)


船舶配件贸易分类==> Main Ship Equipments | Equipment Types | Main Marine Manufacturers
Ship Spare Parts, =1=A=B=C=D=E=F=G=H=I=J=K=L=M=N=O=P=Q=R=S=T=U=V=W=X=Y=Z=
女性肖像, by H. Nakajima | 燃料弁噴射テスト装置 | 油圧ポンプユニット | フラットソケット
化学品船 | Parts 1 | Parts 2 | Parts 3 | Parts 4 | Parts 5 | Parts 6 | Parts 7 | Parts 8 | Parts 9
  1. e ==> オイラーの数、an irrational number, 2.7182818284 5904523536 0287471352 6624977572 4709369995 9574966967 6277240766 3035354759 4571382178 5251664274 2746639193
  2. e beam ==> 电子束
  3. E beam bonding ==> 电子束压焊
  4. e beam pattern gereration ==> 电子束成象
  5. E branch ==> E分岐
  6. E coupling ==> E結合
  7. e definition ==> 高清晰度
  8. E early failure ==> 早期失效
  9. E Java Embedded Java ==> E Java
  10. e jfet ==> 增强型结式场效应晶体管
  11. E layer ==> E層
  12. e mail ==> 电子函政
  13. e match ==> 近似符合
  14. e mating ==> 不正常交配
  15. E mode ==> 横磁模式=>Eモード
  16. e of lubricant ==> 润滑剂减磨值
  17. e per meter (A/m) ==> 安培每米
  18. e per square centimeter (aA/cm2) ==> 电磁安/厘米2
  19. e quivalent conductance ==> 当量电导
  20. E register ==> 扩充寄存器
  21. E transformer ==> 误差信号变换器
  22. E value ==> 卷带余量,卷带余量
  23. E Waste ==> 电子垃圾
  24. E wave ==> 横磁波=>E波
  25. E&P Exploration And Production ==> 勘探和生产
  26. E&P FORUM, Oil Industry International Exploration and Production Forum ==> 石油産業国際開発生産評議会
  27. e, two or five jiao denominations ==> 毛票
  28. E-2PROM, electro-erasable programmable read only memory ==> エレクトロイレイザブルPROM
  29. e-ballot box ==> 電子投票箱
  30. E-beam laser ==> 电子束激光器
  31. E-beam-pumped free-electron laser ==> 电子束抽运自由电子激光器
  32. E-bend ==> E曲がり
  33. e-Business ==> IBMの基幹系システムにインターネット技術を取り込んだ新しいビジネス。キーワード①EC ②セキュリティー ③コラボレーション ④カスタマサービス(インターネットを利用してサービス) ⑤スケーラビリティ(限りある予算の中で拡張性のあるシステム)
  34. E-C mixture ==> 缓和醚
  35. e-cosine encoder ==> 正弦余弦编码器,正弦余弦编码器
  36. e-cosine potentiometer ==> 正弦余弦电位计,正弦余弦电位计
  37. e-CRB ==> トヨタの顧客管理システム
  38. e-cycling ==> 电子垃圾回收
  39. E-E reaction ==> 红斑水肿性反应
  40. E-face ==> 外胞半单位膜面
  41. E-I characteristic ==> 伏-安特性曲线
  42. E-Learning ==> Eラーニング,遠隔実習
  43. e-Learning system ==> eラーニングシステム
  44. E-metal ==> 锌铝合金
  45. E-MKW mill ==> 不可逆式八辊轧机
  46. e-oxide ==> 五氧化二镎
  47. E-P interlocking machine ==> 电动气动联锁机
  48. E-P signal motor ==> 电动气动信号机
  49. e-p signal motor ==> 电动气动信号机
  50. E-PKG, electronics package ==> 制御電子パッケージ
  51. E-plane lens ==> E面レンズ
  52. E-plane pattern ==> E面指向特性
  53. E-plane radiation pattern ==> E面指向特性
  54. E-plane sectoral horn ==> E面扇形ホーン
  55. e-ray ==> 非常光线
  56. E-region ==> E領域
  57. E-scope ==> Eスコープ
  58. E-VECTOR ==> 画面ビルダS/W
  59. e-voting ==> 電子投票
  60. E-W, east-west ==> 東西方向
  61. EA Environmental Assessment ==> 环境评定
  62. EA, effective analysis ==> 効果解析
  63. EA, effects analysis ==> 効果解析
  64. EA, Environment Agency ==> 環境庁
  65. EA, extension arm ==> 延長アーム,伸展可能腕
  66. EAA ==> 輸出管理法
  67. EAA Export Administration Act ==> 出口管理法案
  68. EAC ==> キプロス電力庁
  69. EAC, estimate at completion ==> 完成見積り
  70. EAC, ethics across the curriculum ==> 科目横断授業
  71. EAC, EVA access corridor ==> 船外活動アクセス通路
  72. EACCS ==> 江苏电网安全稳定实时预警及协调防御系统
  73. each maturity group ==> 每个成熟期区组
  74. each particular kind of product ==> 每种特殊产品
  75. each-pass own code ==> 每遍扩充工作码
  76. EAF, engineering analysis function ==> 技術分析機能
  77. EAGE, electrical aerospace ground equipment ==> 電気系地上支援装置
  78. EAGE, electrical aerospace to ground equipment ==> 電気的地上支援装置
  79. eagle ==> 鹰
  80. eagle ewer ==> 鹰壶
  81. Eagle mounting ==> 伊格尔装置
  82. eagle shaped din ==> 鹰鼎
  83. Eagle's medium ==> 伊格尔培养基
  84. Eagle's syndrome ==> 埃格尔氏综合征
  85. EAGLE, coal Energy Applications for Gas, Liquid & Electricity ==> 燃料電池用石炭ガス製造技術
  86. EAI, enterprise application integration ==> エンタープライズ・アプリケーション・インテグレーション
  87. EAM ==> 企业资产管理系统=>統合型保修管理システム
  88. EAM, earth acquisition mode ==> 地球捕捉モード
  89. EAMEX ==> イーメックス
  90. EAP, east access panel ==> 東面アクセスパネル
  91. EAP, Electroactive Polymer ==> ソフトアクチュエータ
  92. EAPM, Electroactive Polymer Artificial Muscle ==> 人工筋肉アクチュエータ
  93. EAQ, earth acquisition ==> 地球捕捉
  94. ear ==> 线夹,超短波五官电疗机,吊耳,穗,凸耳,耳,耳状物=>イーヤ(電鉄)
  95. ear acupuncture ==> 耳针术
  96. ear acupuncture anesthesia ==> 耳针麻醉
  97. ear axis ==> 穗轴
  98. ear bougie ==> 耳探条
  99. ear calorimeter ==> 耳测热计
  100. ear cap ==> 耳机盖
  101. ear chondroma ==> 耳软骨瘤
  102. ear clip ==> 耳夹,耳扣
  103. ear corn ==> 带穗玉米
  104. ear cough ==> 耳性咳,耳原性咳
  105. ear cup ==> 耳杯,耳机
  106. ear curet ==> 耳异物锐匙
  107. ear curette ==> 耳刮匙,耳用刮匙
  108. ear defender ==> 护耳器
  109. ear defenders ==> 护耳器
  110. ear deflector ==> 玉米穗导板
  111. ear deformity ==> 耳廓畸形
  112. ear density ==> 穗的密度
  113. ear drop ==> 耳坠
  114. ear drops ==> 滴耳剂
  115. ear drum ==> 鼓室,耳鼓
  116. ear forceps ==> 耳镊
  117. ear foreign body forceps ==> 耳用异物钳
  118. ear furuncle ==> 耳疖
  119. ear furuncle knife ==> 耳疖刀
  120. ear graft reconstruction ==> 耳移植再建术
  121. ear handle ==> 耳柄
  122. ear hemorrage ==> 耳出血
  123. ear hemostatic forceps ==> 耳用止血钳
  124. ear hook ==> 耳用钩
  125. ear implantation length ==> 耳移植长
  126. ear instruments ==> 耳科手术器械
  127. ear length ==> 耳长
  128. ear lifter ==> 谷穗导板
  129. ear lobe ==> 耳垂
  130. ear lotion ==> 洗耳剂
  131. ear marking ==> 标以耳号
  132. ear microphone ==> 耳内传声器
  133. ear mirror ==> 耳镜
  134. ear mirror rack ==> 耳镜架
  135. ear mould ==> 耳模
  136. ear muff ==> 耳机,耳机缓冲垫,耳机橡皮套,耳罩,减噪耳套
  137. ear operating instruments set ==> 耳科手术刀包
  138. ear oximeter ==> 耳氧测定仪
  139. ear pad ==> 耳垫
  140. ear pain ==> 耳痛
  141. ear piece ==> 耳件,接耳端,受话器盖=>受話口
  142. ear pit ==> 耳轮小凹
  143. ear plug ==> 防噪音耳塞
  144. ear polyp snare ==> 耳息肉勒除器,耳息肉圈断器
  145. ear probe ==> 耳探子,耳用探针
  146. ear protector ==> 护耳器
  147. ear puritus ==> 耳搔痒症
  148. ear receiver ==> 头带式耳机
  149. ear reflex ==> 耳反射
  150. ear retarder ==> (剥玉米苞叶装置的)阻穗板
  151. ear retriever ==> 拾穗器
  152. ear rot ==> 玉蜀黍棒腐病
  153. ear sarcoma ==> 耳肉瘤
  154. ear selection ==> 穗选
  155. ear shell ==> 鲍
  156. ear shield ==> 耳罩
  157. ear snare ==> 耳用勒除器
  158. ear speculum ==> 耳镜,耳窥器,检耳镜
  159. ear speculum for child ==> 小儿耳镜
  160. ear spoon ==> 耳匙
  161. ear stem ==> 穗茎
  162. ear structure ==> 穗结构
  163. ear suture ==> 耳缝合术
  164. ear to-row method ==> 穗行育期
  165. ear tuberculosis ==> 耳结核
  166. ear wax ==> 耳垢
  167. ear worm ==> 穗虫
  168. EAR, Export Administration Regulations ==> 商務省・輸出管理規則
  169. ear-corn auger ==> 玉米穗输送螺旋
  170. ear-corn conveyer ==> 玉米穗输送器
  171. ear-corn crusher ==> 玉米穗碾碎机
  172. ear-corn pickup ==> 玉米穗捡拾器
  173. ear-corn reducer ==> 玉米穗切碎机
  174. ear-lobe electrode ==> 耳垂电极
  175. ear-mark ==> 打耳标
  176. ear-nose-throat cauter ==> 耳鼻喉科烧灼器
  177. ear-nose-throat department ==> 耳鼻喉科
  178. ear-nosethroat operation ==> 耳鼻咽喉科手术
  179. ear-snapping unit ==> 玉米摘穗装置
  180. earation cooling ==> 通风降温
  181. EARC, Extraordinary Administrative Radio Conference ==> 臨時無線通信主官庁会議
  182. eardust ==> 耳砂,耳石
  183. eared ==> 带耳的
  184. eared nut ==> 翼形螺母
  185. eared pheasant ==> 马鸡
  186. earflap ==> 耳机,耳翼,听筒
  187. earing ==> 皱耳,耳索,出耳子,凸耳
  188. earlandite ==> 水柠檬钙石
  189. earlier failure period ==> 初期故障期
  190. earlier mating ==> 早配
  191. earlier stage ==> 前期
  192. earliest date ==> 最古の年代
  193. earliest event occurrence time ==> 事件的最早发生时间
  194. earliest finish time ==> 最早结束时间=>最早終了日程
  195. earliest infection ==> 最初侵染
  196. earliest node time ==> 最早结点时间=>最早結合点日程
  197. earliest stages of cultivation ==> 初期栽培阶段
  198. earliest start time ==> 最早开始时间=>最早開始日程
  199. earliest time ==> 最早时间
  200. earliness lambing ==> 早产性
  201. Earlumin aluminium alloy ==> 伊尔铝合金
  202. early ==> 早
  203. early abortient ==> 早期堕胎药
  204. early abortion ==> 早期流产
  205. early autumn crop ==> 早秋作物
  206. early awakening ==> 早醒
  207. early bark ==> 早皮
  208. early bearing ==> 早果
  209. Early Bird ==> 晨鸟卫星
  210. early blight ==> 早枯萎病,早疫病
  211. early blight of celery ==> 芹菜早疫病
  212. early blight of eggplant ==> 茄绵疫病
  213. early blight of potato ==> 马铃薯早疫病
  214. early blight of tomato ==> 番茄早疫病
  215. early blossoming ==> 早花
  216. early burning ==> 危险期前用火
  217. early carcinoma ==> 早期癌
  218. early carcinoma of stomach ==> 早期胃癌
  219. early commutation ==> 超前换向
  220. early contact ==> 先动触点
  221. early contraction ==> 早期收缩
  222. early countermeasure ==> 初期対策
  223. early cropping ==> 早熟
  224. early days ==> 前期
  225. early decline ==> 初降
  226. early detection ==> 早期発見
  227. early diagenesis ==> 早期成岩作用
  228. early diagnosis ==> 早期诊断
  229. early discovery ==> 早期発見
  230. early dough stage ==> 蜡熟初期
  231. early effect ==> 早期效应,阿莱效应=>アーリー効果
  232. Early equivalent circuit ==> 阿莱型等效电路
  233. early erythroblast ==> 早幼红细胞
  234. early evaluation ==> 早期鉴定
  235. early failure ==> 初期故障
  236. early failure period ==> 早期失效期
  237. early fallout ==> 早期沉降物
  238. early fallow ==> 早耕休闲,春季休闲
  239. early feathering ==> 早生羽
  240. early fetal death ==> 早期胎死
  241. early flowering season ==> 始花期
  242. early forcing of vegetables ==> 蔬菜早熟促成栽培
  243. early frost ==> 早霜
  244. early frost hidden ==> 黑霜
  245. early fruit species ==> 早结果树种
  246. early gastric cancer ==> 早期胃癌
  247. early gate ==> 前阀门,前闸门
  248. early generation ==> 早期世代
  249. early generation material ==> 早世代材料
  250. early generation test ==> 早代测验
  251. early generator ==> 阿莱发生器
  252. Early generator ==> 阿莱发生器
  253. early grown potato ==> 早栽马铃薯
  254. early growth ==> 早期生长,前期生长
  255. early growth and development ==> 早期生长和发育
  256. early hemolysis syndrome ==> 早期溶血综合征
  257. early history ==> 早期历史
  258. early history of domestication of animals ==> 早期的动物驯化史
  259. early identification ==> 早期発見
  260. early ignition ==> 提前点火
  261. early in its development ==> 初期
  262. early injection ==> 提前喷射
  263. early inspiratory crepitation ==> 早期吸气性爆裂音
  264. early invasive carcinoma ==> 早期浸润癌
  265. early ion ==> 早离子
  266. early iron deficiency anemia ==> 早期缺铁性贫血
  267. early latent syphilis ==> 早期隐性梅毒
  268. early leaf blight ==> 早期叶枯病
  269. early leaf fall ==> 早期落叶
  270. early life ==> 太古の生命
  271. early lodging ==> 早期倒伏
  272. early magmatic ore deposit ==> 早期岩浆矿床
  273. early magmatic segregation ==> 早期岩浆分凝作用
  274. early malignant change ==> 早期恶变
  275. early mature ==> 早熟
  276. early maturing breed ==> 早熟品种
  277. early maturing of consumption ==> 消费早熟
  278. early maturing selection ==> 早熟选系
  279. early maturing soybean ==> 早熟新品种大豆
  280. early maturity ==> 早熟性
  281. early maturity culture ==> 早期栽培
  282. early mixed fission product ==> 早期混合裂变产物
  283. early model ==> 初期型号
  284. early nonstorage type ==> 早熟非贮藏类型
  285. early operation ==> 早期手术
  286. early orange leaf rust ==> 早期褐锈病
  287. early period prevalence ==> 早期发生型
  288. early planting ==> 早播
  289. early postmortem phenomena ==> 早期尸体现象
  290. early pregnancy ==> 早期妊娠,早孕
  291. early proembryo stage ==> 早期原胚阶段
  292. early protein ==> 早期蛋白质
  293. early pruning ==> 早期修剪
  294. early receptor potential (ERP) ==> 早期感受器电位
  295. early recognition ==> 早期発見
  296. early repolarization syndrome ==> 早期复极综合征
  297. early reproductive stage ==> 早期生殖生长阶段
  298. early retirement benefit ==> 提前退休养老金
  299. early rice ==> 早稻
  300. early rice pests ==> 早稻虫害
  301. early ripeness ==> 早熟,早熟性
  302. early ripening ==> 速熟性
  303. early ripening variety ==> 早熟品种
  304. early scoop ==> 挖土铲斗
  305. early season rice ==> 早稻
  306. early seasonal strain ==> 早熟种
  307. early setting cement ==> 早强水泥
  308. early shipment ==> 提早装船
  309. early sign of heatstroke ==> 先兆中暑
  310. early slag ==> 初渣
  311. early soil ==> 早期温暖的土壤
  312. early sowing ==> 早播
  313. early soybean ==> 春大豆
  314. early spark ==> 提前火花
  315. early spectral type ==> 早光谱型
  316. early spring ==> 早春
  317. early spring bite ==> 早春放牧
  318. early stage ==> 早期,初期
  319. early stage of failure ==> 提早断裂期
  320. early stage of gastric cancer ==> 早期胃癌
  321. early stage of pyogenic infection of skin ==> 肿疡
  322. early stages of development ==> 生长初期阶段
  323. early summer ==> 夏初
  324. early summer budding ==> 早夏芽接
  325. early summer or late spring ==> 夏初或春末
  326. early suture ==> 早期缝合
  327. early symptom ==> 早期症状
  328. early symptomatic syphilis ==> 早期症状性梅毒
  329. early syphilis ==> 早期梅毒
  330. early test ==> 早期测验
  331. early tillering stage ==> 分蘖初期
  332. early timing ==> 超前成圈
  333. early transplanting ==> 早插
  334. early type gastric carcinoma ==> 早期型胃癌
  335. early universe ==> 早期宇宙
  336. early Universe ==> 初期宇宙
  337. early uses ==> 早期用途
  338. early valve actuation ==> 高速バルブ制御
  339. early varieties with late planting date ==> 早熟品种晚播
  340. early variety ==> 早熟品种
  341. early warning radar ==> 远程警戒雷达
  342. early warning station ==> 远程警戒雷达
  343. early watering ==> 提早灌水
  344. early weaning ==> 早期断奶
  345. early write ==> 初期写入
  346. early write cycle ==> 初期写入周期
  347. Early's equivalent circuit ==> 厄尔利等效电路
  348. early-bearing variety ==> 早结果矮种
  349. early-maturity ==> 早熟品种
  350. early-stage star ==> 早期演化星
  351. early-type emission star ==> 早型发射星
  352. early-type galaxy ==> 早型星系
  353. early-type nebula ==> 早型星云
  354. early-type spiral ==> 早型旋涡星系
  355. early-type star ==> 早型星
  356. early-type supergiant ==> 早型超巨星
  357. early-type variable ==> 早型变星
  358. early-warning radar ==> 预警雷达
  359. early-warning signals ==> 初期警戒信号
  360. early-warning(control) and reporting post ==> 预警控制和报知哨
  361. Earlys equivalent circuit ==> 厄尔利等效电路
  362. earmark ==> 耳戳,圈存资金
  363. earmarked deposits for taxes ==> 纳税准备金
  364. earmarked surplus ==> 指定用途盈余
  365. earmarked tax ==> 目的税
  366. earmarking ==> 打耳标
  367. earmarking of taxes ==> 税款专用
  368. earmu ==> 护耳
  369. earmuffs ==> 护耳
  370. earn foreign exchange ==> 附加值高
  371. earn one's bread (or living) ==> 谋生活
  372. earned capital ==> 赚得资本
  373. earned income ==> 赚得收益,已获收入,勤劳所得
  374. earned income credit ==> 勤劳所得的税收优惠
  375. earned income exemption ==> 勤劳所得的免税
  376. earned income for ordinary stock ==> 普通股能分到的收益
  377. earned income tax ==> 勤劳所得的所得税
  378. earned interest ==> 已获利息,赚得利息
  379. earned premium ==> 已到期保险金,满期保费,实收保险费
  380. earned revenue ==> 已获收入
  381. earned surplus ==> 已获盈余,赚得盈余
  382. earnest ==> 认真的
  383. earnest money ==> 定金
  384. earnest money received ==> 已收保证金
  385. earning ==> 赚钱,收入
  386. earning after tax (EAT) ==> 扣除税金后净利
  387. earning and expense ==> 収支
  388. earning chance ==> 赚钱机会
  389. earning power ==> 赚得能力,收益力,收益能力
  390. earning rate ==> 收益率,赚得率
  391. earning surplus ==> 营业盈余
  392. earnings ==> 业务收益,收益,报酬
  393. earnings after tax (EAT) ==> 课税后利润
  394. earnings before interest and tax ==> 减除利息和税款前收益
  395. earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) ==> 付息及税前利润
  396. earnings before tax ==> 纳税前收益额
  397. earnings capitalized value ==> 收益资本化价值
  398. earnings forecast ==> 收益预测
  399. earnings on invested capital ==> 投入资本盈利
  400. earnings per share ==> 每股平均收益
  401. earnings per share(EPS) ==> 每股收益
  402. earnings statement ==> 收益表
  403. earnings yield ==> 收益率
  404. earnose-throat instruments ==> 耳鼻喉科手术器械
  405. Earnshaw escapement ==> 天文钟擒纵机构
  406. Earnshaw's theorem ==> アーンショーの定理
  407. earom ==> 电改写只读存储器
  408. earphone ==> 头带受话器耳机=>イヤホン
  409. earphone adapter ==> 耳机转接器
  410. earphone coupler ==> 耳机耦合器
  411. earphone gain ==> 耳机增益
  412. earphone jack ==> 耳机塞孔
  413. earpiece ==> 受话平顶盖
  414. earplug ==> 耳塞
  415. ears of wheat ==> 小麦穗
  416. earshot ==> 听觉距离
  417. eart-witness ==> 耳闻证人
  418. earth ==> 接地,地面,泥土,大地,地线=>アース,接地
  419. earth (ground) capacitance ==> 对地电容
  420. earth (lead) ==> 地线
  421. earth albedo ==> 地球反射率
  422. earth anchor ==> 地锚
  423. earth antenna ==> 受信用的简单架空线
  424. earth arrester ==> 接地火花隙避雷器
  425. earth arrester(-tor) ==> 接地放电器
  426. earth atmosphere ==> 地球大气层
  427. earth attraction ==> 地球引力
  428. earth auger ==> 地螺钻,土钻,挖穴机,麻花钻
  429. earth auger truck ==> 钻土器卡车
  430. earth axis ==> 地轴
  431. earth backing ==> 还土
  432. earth ball cutting ==> 带土团扦插
  433. earth banking apparatus ==> 筑埂机器,筑埂器
  434. earth bar ==> 地线棒,接地棒=>接地棒
  435. earth based station ==> 地面站
  436. earth bearing strength ==> 接地耐力
  437. earth borer ==> 钻土器
  438. earth boring auger ==> 土钻
  439. earth boring machine ==> 平巷掘进机
  440. earth bus ==> 接地母线
  441. earth cable ==> 接地ケーブル
  442. earth capacitance ==> 地电容
  443. earth capacity ==> 对地电容=>対地容量
  444. earth central angle ==> 地球中心角
  445. earth chestnut ==> 花生
  446. earth circuit ==> 接地电路
  447. earth clamp ==> 地线夹头=>接地金具
  448. earth clamping machine ==> 堆藏覆土机
  449. earth clip ==> 接地夹
  450. earth closet ==> 土厕
  451. earth coil ==> 测地磁的线圈
  452. earth column ==> 土柱
  453. earth concrete ==> 掺土混凝土
  454. earth conductivity ==> 大地电导率=>大地導電率
  455. earth conductor ==> 接地导线=>地下導体
  456. earth conductor cable ==> 接地电线
  457. earth connection ==> 接地,接地线=>接地
  458. earth continuity conductor ==> 接地导线
  459. earth cord ==> 接地软线
  460. earth core ==> 地核,地心
  461. earth cover ==> 土被
  462. earth covering ==> 覆土
  463. earth crust ==> 地壳
  464. earth crust stress ==> 地壳应力
  465. earth current ==> 大地电流,泄地电流=>地電流
  466. earth current resistor ==> 接地电流电阻器
  467. earth curvature ==> 地球曲率
  468. earth curvature correction ==> 地球曲率改正
  469. earth dam ==> 土坝,以土砂、砂砾等当地材料填筑,其中土质材料占坝体积50%以上的坝
  470. earth dam by dumping soil into water ==> 水中填土坝,将土分层填入静水中,借助土在水中崩解和土自重压实作用下得到脱水固结的土坝
  471. earth dam with central core ==> 心墙土坝,在坝体中心设直立的或略偏上游设倾斜的防渗体(用粘土、钢筋混凝土、沥青混凝土或土工织物等)的土石坝
  472. earth dam with inclined core ==> 斜墙坝,靠近坝体上游坡面设有倾斜的防渗体(用粘土、钢筋混凝土、沥青混凝土或土工织物等)的土石坝
  473. earth day ==> 地球日
  474. earth deformation ==> 地形变
  475. earth detector ==> 接地检测器,接地指示器
  476. earth drill ==> 穴掘機,钻土机
  477. earth dynamic ellipticity ==> 地球力学椭率
  478. earth dynamics ==> 地球动力学
  479. earth elasticity ==> 地球弹性
  480. earth electrode ==> 地电极
  481. earth electrode system ==> 地电极系统
  482. earth ellipsoid ==> 地球椭球体
  483. earth embankment ==> 土堤
  484. earth excavation ==> 挖土工程=>掘削(くっさく)
  485. earth exploration satellite ==> 地球探査衛星
  486. earth family element ==> 土族元素
  487. earth fault ==> 接地故障=>地絡
  488. earth fault current ==> 接地故障电流,接地电流,由于故障而流入地的电流=>地絡故障電流
  489. earth fault protection ==> 防止故障性接地
  490. earth fault relay ==> 接地继电器,当被保护的电力元件发生接地故障时能作出相应动作的一种继电器(一般以零序电流或零序电压为激励量)
  491. earth flattening ==> 地球扁率
  492. earth flax ==> 石棉
  493. earth floor ==> 泥地
  494. earth flow ==> 土石流=>土流
  495. earth furrow ==> 垄沟
  496. earth gas ==> 天然气
  497. earth gravity ==> 地心引力
  498. earth grid ==> 接地栅极
  499. earth ground ==> 接地
  500. earth hauling ==> 运土
  501. earth history ==> 地质历史
  502. earth house ==> 土房
  503. earth hummock ==> 土岗,土丘
  504. earth humus ==> 土壤腐殖物质
  505. earth image ==> 地球图象
  506. earth impedance ==> 对地阻抗
  507. earth indicating lamp ==> 地絡表示灯
  508. earth indicator ==> 接地指示器
  509. earth induction ==> 地磁感应
  510. earth induction compass ==> 地磁感应罗盘,磁罗经
  511. earth inductor ==> 地磁感应器
  512. earth inductor compass ==> 地磁感应罗盘,地磁感应器
  513. earth insulation ==> 对地绝缘,主绝缘(电机的)
  514. earth interior ==> 地球内部
  515. earth jack ==> 接地插孔
  516. earth kiln ==> 土窑
  517. earth lamp ==> 地絡表示灯
  518. earth lead ==> 接地导线
  519. earth leakage ==> 接地漏电,对地泄漏
  520. earth leakage breaker ==> 漏電遮断器
  521. earth leakage current ==> 漏地电流,对地泄漏电流,在正常绝缘状况下,从设备或线路的带电部件流入大地的电流=>接地漏れ電流
  522. earth leakage detector ==> 接地漏电检示器
  523. earth leakage fault ==> 对地漏电故障
  524. earth leakage meter ==> 对地漏电测量器
  525. earth leakage relay ==> 对地泄漏信号继电器
  526. earth leakage trip ==> 接地保护自动断路器
  527. earth leakage-meter ==> 对地泄漏测量计
  528. earth level(l)er ==> 平土器
  529. earth light ==> 地球反照,地球反照光,大地光
  530. earth line ==> 接地线
  531. earth load ==> 土圧
  532. earth loop ==> 接地回路
  533. earth magnetic field ==> 地磁场=>地磁界,地磁気
  534. earth magnetic field balance ==> 地磁场平衡器
  535. earth magnetism ==> 地磁=>地磁気
  536. earth magnetosphere ==> 地球磁层
  537. earth mantle ==> 地幔
  538. earth mat ==> 地网=>アースマット
  539. earth metal ==> 土金属,土族金属
  540. earth model ==> 地球模型
  541. earth mound ==> 土丘
  542. earth movements ==> 地球运动
  543. earth mover ==> 大型推土机,运土机,推土机,堆土机
  544. earth mover equipment ==> 运泥工具
  545. earth moving ==> 运土
  546. earth moving machinery ==> 土方机械
  547. earth moving scraper ==> 铲土运土机
  548. earth mulch ==> 土盖
  549. earth neutral system ==> 中性点接地系统
  550. earth nucleus ==> 地核
  551. earth oblateness ==> 地球扁率
  552. earth observation satellite ==> 地球观测卫星
  553. earth of casing ==> 外壳接地
  554. earth oscillation ==> 地球振动
  555. earth pigment ==> 天然颜料
  556. earth pin ==> 接地销针
  557. earth pit ==> 地窖,地下温室
  558. earth pitch ==> 地沥青,土沥青
  559. earth plasmasphere ==> 地球等离子体层
  560. earth plate ==> 接地板=>接地板
  561. earth plate resistance ==> 接地板电阻
  562. earth plug ==> 带接地触头的插头
  563. earth point ==> 接地点
  564. earth pole ==> 地极
  565. earth potential ==> 地电势,地电位=>地電位,大地電位
  566. earth potential difference ==> 对地电位差
  567. earth potential difference variation ==> 地電位差変動
  568. earth potential field ==> 地引力势场
  569. earth pressure ==> 土压力=>土圧
  570. earth radiation ==> 地球辐射
  571. earth radio radiation ==> 地球射电辐射
  572. earth rammer ==> 土夯,夯土机
  573. earth rate ==> 地球自转速率
  574. earth rate unit ==> 地球角速度单位
  575. earth refining ==> 陶土精制
  576. earth resistance ==> 接地电阻,地电阻=>大地抵抗
  577. earth resistance meter ==> 接地电阻测量计,接地电阻表
  578. earth resistance tester ==> 接地电阻测量仪
  579. earth resistivity ==> 大地电阻率
  580. earth resistor ==> 接地电阻
  581. earth resource terrestrial satellite ==> 地球资源卫星
  582. earth resource test satellite ==> 地球资源观测卫星
  583. earth resources observation satellite (EROS) ==> 地球资源观测卫星
  584. earth resources satellite ==> 地面资源卫星
  585. earth resources technology satellite (ERTS) ==> 资源卫星
  586. earth return ==> 大地回路,接地回线=>地帰路
  587. earth return circuit ==> 接地回流电路,地回电路,单线送电大地返回电路=>接地帰路回路
  588. earth return component ==> 大地帰路成分
  589. earth return inductance ==> 大地帰路インダクタンス
  590. earth return method ==> 大地(海水)帰路方式
  591. earth return mode ==> 大地帰路モード
  592. earth return system ==> 地回路方式=>地帰路方式,大地帰路方式
  593. earth revolution ==> 地球公转
  594. earth road ==> 土路
  595. earth rod ==> 接地棒
  596. earth rotation ==> 地球自转
  597. earth rotation aperture synthesis ==> 地球自转综合
  598. earth rotation parameter (ERP) ==> 地球自转参数
  599. earth rotation rate ==> 地球自转速率
  600. earth rotation synthesis array ==> 地球自转综合天线阵
  601. earth satellite ==> 地球卫星
  602. earth science ==> 地球科学,地学
  603. earth screen ==> 接地屏蔽
  604. earth screw ==> 土钻,挖穴钻
  605. earth segment ==> 地球部分
  606. earth sensor ==> 地球传感器
  607. earth shadow ==> 地球影
  608. earth shell ==> 地壳
  609. earth shield ==> 接地屏蔽
  610. earth side wire ==> 接地側電線
  611. earth sillicon ==> 二氧化硅
  612. earth simulator ==> 地球シミュレータ
  613. earth slide ==> 滑坡,土滑
  614. earth slope ==> 土坡
  615. earth sound ==> 地声
  616. earth spaceship ==> 地球飞船
  617. earth spheroid ==> 地球扁球体
  618. earth spring ==> 泥泉
  619. earth stabilizer ==> 土壤稳定剂
  620. earth station ==> 地面无线站=>地球局
  621. earth stranded wire ==> 接地钢丝绳
  622. earth stratosphere ==> 地球平流层
  623. earth structure ==> 地球构造,地球结构,土工构造物
  624. earth subsidence ==> 地面沉降
  625. earth surface ==> 地面
  626. earth surface charge density ==> 地表面電荷密度
  627. earth survey ==> 土地测量
  628. earth switch ==> 接地开关=>接地開閉器
  629. earth system ==> 接地系统
  630. earth tank ==> 饮畜塘
  631. earth tap ==> 接地抽头
  632. earth temperature ==> 地温
  633. earth terminal ==> 地线接头,地线接线柱,接地端子=>接地端子,アース端子
  634. earth tester ==> 接地测试器
  635. earth thermometer ==> 地温表,地温计
  636. earth thrust ==> 土推力
  637. earth tide ==> 地球潮汐,陆潮
  638. Earth tide ==> 固体潮,地潮
  639. earth to be borrowed ==> 缺土
  640. earth up ==> 培土
  641. earth voltage bus ==> 接地電圧母線
  642. earth volume ==> 土方量
  643. earth wall ==> 土墙
  644. earth wax ==> 地蜡
  645. earth wire ==> 接地线,架空地线=>接地線,地線
  646. earth wire clamp ==> 地线夹
  647. earth wire for pole ==> 电杆地线
  648. earth worm ==> 地龙
  649. earth worm mark ==> 蚯蚓走泥印
  650. earth worm track-like mark ==> 蚯蚓走泥印
  651. earth's axis ==> 地轴
  652. Earth's deep crust ==> 地球地殻の深部にある
  653. Earth's inner core growth ==> 地球内核の成長
  654. earth's magnetism ==> 地磁
  655. earth's orbit ==> 地球轨道
  656. earth's radius chart ==> 地表放射线图
  657. earth's surface ==> 地表,地表面,地球表土层
  658. earth's temperature regime ==> 地球热状态
  659. earth(ed) circuit ==> 接地电路
  660. earth(ing) ==> 接地
  661. earth-air current ==> 地空电流
  662. earth-based ==> 地面的,陆地的
  663. earth-current ==> 地电流
  664. earth-current meter ==> 大地电流表,泄地电流表
  665. earth-current storm ==> 大地电流暴
  666. earth-fault directional relay ==> 地絡方向継電器
  667. earth-fault distance relay ==> 地絡距離継電器
  668. earth-fault overcurrent relay ==> 地絡過電流継電器
  669. earth-fault protection ==> 接地保护装置
  670. earth-fault protection circuit ==> 地絡保護回路
  671. earth-fault protection,〔ground-fault protection(USA)〕 ==> ,Protection intended to operate for power system earth faults.
  672. earth-fault protection==ground protection, earth-fault protection==earth-fault … (protection) ==> 地絡保護, Protection against faults between conductors and earth.
  673. earth-fault relay ==> 接地故障继电器
  674. earth-fault relay==earth-fault …==ground relay ==> 地絡継電器,Protection against faults between conductors and earth.
  675. earth-fault transient resistance ==> 接地瞬态电阻
  676. earth-fault ○○ relay ==… ground relay ==> 地絡○○継電器
  677. earth-fault-phase selector relay ==> 地絡相選別継電器
  678. earth-field magnetometer ==> 地磁场磁强计
  679. earth-filled dam ==> 土坝
  680. earth-fixed coordinate system ==> 地固坐标
  681. earth-free ==> 不接地的
  682. earth-friendly ==> 善待地球=>地球にやさしい
  683. earth-ionosphere cavity resonance ==> 地电离层空腔共振
  684. earth-ionosphere waveguide ==> 地电离层波导
  685. earth-layer propagation ==> 地层传播
  686. earth-leakage circuit-breaker ==> 接地保护断路器
  687. earth-leakage protection ==> 对地漏电保护
  688. earth-moon system ==> 地月系统
  689. earth-moving equipment ==> 运土设备,推土设备,堆土设备
  690. earth-moving machine ==> 运土机
  691. earth-moving plant ==> 运土机械
  692. earth-moving scraper ==> 运土刮土机
  693. earth-orbit rendezvous ==> 绕地轨道会合
  694. earth-pillars ==> 土柱
  695. earth-plate resistance ==> 接地板抵抗
  696. earth-probing radar ==> 地质探测雷达
  697. earth-rate correction ==> 地球转速修正
  698. earth-rate unit ==> 地球速率单位
  699. earth-resistivity ==> 地电阻率
  700. earth-retaining ==> 挡土的
  701. earth-retaining wall ==> 挡土墙
  702. earth-rock dam ==> 混合式土石坝
  703. earth-rockfill cofferdam ==> 土石围堰,用土石材料修建的围堰
  704. earth-rockfill dam ==> 土石坝,以土石等当地材料填筑的坝
  705. earth-satellite rocket ==> 地球卫星火箭
  706. earth-scraper ==> 铲土机
  707. earth-sensing relay ==> 接地敏感继电器
  708. earth-sheltered housing ==> 掩土住房
  709. earth-shielded ==> 接地屏蔽的
  710. earth-shine ==> 地球反照光
  711. earth-sound inspecting meter ==> 地音探测仪
  712. earth-station polarizer ==> 地球站极化器
  713. earth-station receiving antenna ==> 地球站接收天线
  714. earth-synchronous orbit ==> 地球同步轨道
  715. earth-tide gravity meter ==> 地球潮汐重力仪
  716. earth-type filter ==> 陶制过滤器
  717. earth-worm ==> 蚯蚓
  718. earthed ==> 接地的
  719. earthed aerial ==> 接地天线
  720. earthed antenna ==> 接地空中線
  721. earthed brush ==> 接地刷
  722. earthed cathode ==> 接地阴极
  723. earthed circuit ==> 单线回路=>接地回路
  724. earthed concentric wiring system ==> 接地同轴电缆制
  725. earthed conductor ==> 接地导线,地导体
  726. earthed input ==> 接地输出
  727. earthed neutral ==> 接地中线
  728. earthed neutral conductor ==> 接地中线
  729. earthed neutral system ==> 接地中线系统=>接地中性点系統
  730. earthed pole ==> 接地杆
  731. earthed system ==> 接地系統
  732. earthed telegraphy ==> 单线电报系
  733. earthed voltage transformer ==> 接地型电压互感器
  734. earthed[neutral]system, arc-suppression-coil earthed[neutral]system ==> resonant,又称"中性点消弧线圈接地系统"
  735. earthen ==> 陶制的
  736. earthen container ==> 陶制容器
  737. earthen kiln ==> 土窑
  738. earthen road ==> 土路
  739. earthen storage tank ==> 陶制贮罐
  740. earthen tower ==> 陶制蒸馏塔
  741. earthen ware container ==> 陶制容器
  742. earthen ware jars ==> 陶器罐,(炻器管)陶管
  743. earthen ware ring ==> 瓦圈
  744. earthenware ==> 陶,缸瓦器
  745. earthenware conduit ==> 陶瓷管道
  746. earthenware duct ==> 陶瓷管道
  747. earthenware pipe ==> 陶瓷管
  748. earthenware tile pavement ==> 陶砖铺面
  749. earthenware tower ==> 陶制塔
  750. earthenware vessel ==> 陶制容器
  751. earthfill dam ==> 土坝
  752. earthflow ==> 土流
  753. earthing ==> 接地=>接地
  754. earthing autotransformer ==> 中性点接地补偿器
  755. earthing blade ==> 培土铲
  756. earthing brush ==> 接地电刷
  757. earthing bus ==> 接地母线
  758. earthing busbar ==> 接地汇流排
  759. earthing bushing ==> 接地套管
  760. earthing by load dispatching instruction ==> 給電用接地
  761. earthing cable ==> 接地电缆
  762. earthing cable bond ==> 电缆铠甲的接地连接器
  763. earthing clip ==> 接地线夹
  764. earthing conductor ==> 接地导线=>接地線
  765. earthing contact ==> 接地接点
  766. earthing device ==> 接地装置=>接地装置
  767. earthing grip ==> 接地端
  768. earthing inductor ==> 接地感应线圈
  769. earthing isolator ==> 接地隔离开关
  770. earthing of casing ==> 外壳接地
  771. earthing of lightening arrester ==> 避雷器接地装置
  772. earthing of lightning arrester ==> 避雷器接地装置
  773. earthing of seeds ==> 种子层积
  774. earthing reactance ==> 接地电抗
  775. earthing reactor ==> 接地电抗器
  776. earthing relay ==> 接地继电器
  777. earthing resistance ==> 接地电阻=>接地抵抗
  778. earthing resistance measurement method ==> 接地抵抗値測定方法
  779. earthing resistance tester ==> 接地电阻测量仪
  780. earthing resistor ==> 接地抵抗器
  781. earthing rod ==> 接地棒,接地柱
  782. earthing screw ==> 接地螺钉
  783. earthing strip ==> 接地条
  784. earthing switch ==> 接地转换开关=>接地開閉器
  785. earthing system ==> 接地网络
  786. earthing terminal ==> 接地端子=>接地端子
  787. earthing thimble ==> 接地套管
  788. earthing transformer ==> 接地变压器
  789. earthing up plough ==> 中耕器
  790. earthing wire ==> 地线
  791. earthing-up plow ==> 培土犁
  792. earthingup plow ==> 培土器
  793. earthlight ==> 地球反照,灰光
  794. earthmeter ==> 接地测量,兆欧表
  795. earthmover ==> 土方机械,大型挖土机
  796. earthmoving machinery ==> 土方机械
  797. earthnut ==> 花生
  798. earthometer ==> 兆欧表,接地检查器,高阻表
  799. earthquake ==> 地震
  800. earthquake accelaration ==> 地震加速度
  801. earthquake action ==> 地震作用
  802. earthquake activity ==> 地震活动
  803. earthquake analysis ==> 地震分析
  804. earthquake bracing ==> (立柱间)防震拉撑
  805. earthquake center ==> 震源
  806. earthquake damage ==> 地震破坏
  807. earthquake design ==> 地震设计
  808. earthquake design criteria ==> 地震设计准则
  809. earthquake disaster ==> 地震灾害
  810. earthquake distribution ==> 地震分布
  811. earthquake due to collapse ==> 崩陷地震
  812. earthquake early warning ==> 地震预警
  813. earthquake effect ==> 地震影响
  814. earthquake engineering ==> 地震工程学
  815. earthquake epicenter ==> 地震震中
  816. earthquake fault ==> 地震断层
  817. earthquake force ==> 地震力
  818. earthquake forecasting ==> 地震预报
  819. earthquake geology ==> 地震地质学
  820. earthquake ground motion ==> 地震地面运动
  821. earthquake hazard ==> 地震危害
  822. earthquake hydrodynamic force ==> 地震动水作用力
  823. earthquake intensity ==> 地震烈度=>震度
  824. earthquake intensity scale ==> 地震烈度表
  825. earthquake light ==> 地震光
  826. earthquake load ==> 地震荷载
  827. earthquake loading ==> 地震荷载
  828. earthquake loads ==> 地震载荷
  829. earthquake magnitude ==> 地震等级
  830. earthquake mechanism ==> 地震机制,发震机制
  831. earthquake model ==> 地震模型
  832. earthquake monitoring system ==> 地震监测系统,测量和记录地震时地面运动和重要的大型构筑物及设备的地震响应运动的仪表和系统
  833. earthquake motion ==> 地震运动
  834. earthquake observing station ==> 地震观测站
  835. earthquake period ==> 地震周期
  836. earthquake precursor ==> 地震先兆现象
  837. earthquake prediction ==> 地震预报=>地震予知
  838. earthquake prevention subsidies ==> 抗震加固补助费
  839. earthquake proofing construction ==> 耐震構造
  840. earthquake record ==> 地震记录
  841. earthquake region ==> 地震区
  842. earthquake resistance ==> 抗震性
  843. earthquake resistant design ==> 抗震设计
  844. earthquake resistant structure ==> 抗震结构
  845. earthquake response spectrum ==> 地震反应谱
  846. earthquake seismology ==> 地震学
  847. earthquake shock ==> 地震冲击
  848. earthquake slip ==> 地震滑り
  849. earthquake sound ==> 地震声
  850. earthquake sounds ==> 地声
  851. earthquake source ==> 地震震源
  852. earthquake strength ==> 地震强度
  853. earthquake stress ==> 地震应力
  854. earthquake swarm ==> 地震群
  855. earthquake tremor ==> 地震颤动
  856. earthquake warning ==> 地震警报
  857. earthquake wave ==> 地震波=>地震波
  858. earthquake zone ==> 地震带,地震区
  859. earthquake-proof construction ==> 抗震建筑
  860. earthquake-proof foundation ==> 抗地震基础,抗震基础,防震基础
  861. earthquake-proof site ==> 抗震试验场
  862. earthquake-proof type steel rack ==> 防震型钢支架
  863. earthquake-related ULF electromagnetic field changes ==> 地震電磁気現象
  864. earthquake-resistance ==> 抗震
  865. earthquake-resistant ==> 抗震的
  866. earthquake-resistant design ==> 抗震设计=>耐震設計
  867. earthquake-resistant structure ==> 抗震建筑
  868. earthquake-response spectrum ==> 地震反应谱
  869. earthquakes cannot be predicted ==> 地震不能预报
  870. earthrise ==> 地出
  871. earthshine ==> 地球反照,灰光
  872. earthstar ==> 地星
  873. earthwork ==> 土方工程=>土木工事の掘削
  874. earthwork balance ==> 土方平衡
  875. earthworker's tools ==> 土工工具
  876. earthworm ==> 蚯蚓=>ミミズ,地中にすむ虫
  877. earthworm cast ==> 蚯蚓粪,蚯蚓排泄物
  878. earthworm community ==> ミミズ群集
  879. earthworm population ==> 蚯蚓群体=>ミミズ個体群
  880. earthy ==> 地电位的
  881. earthy cobalt ==> 钴土
  882. earthy element ==> 土族元素
  883. earthy gypsum ==> 土石膏
  884. earths layers ==> 地球圈层
  885. earths orbit ==> 地球轨道
  886. earths radius chart ==> 地表放射线图
  887. earths surface ==> 地表,地表面,地球表土层
  888. earths temperature regime ==> 地球热状态
  889. earths way ==> 地球向角
  890. eartrumpet ==> 听筒
  891. earwax ==> 耵聍
  892. EAS, East Asia Summit ==> 东亚峰会=>東アジア首脳会議
  893. EAS, equivalent airspeed ==> 等価対気速度
  894. easamatic power brake ==> 真空闸
  895. EASCON, Electronics and Aeronautics Systems Conference ==> 電子及び航空宇宙システム会議
  896. ease automatic ==> 简易自动式
  897. ease of credit ==> 放宽信贷条件,放宽信用,放松信贷
  898. ease of handling ==> 手控便利
  899. ease of ignition ==> 易起燃性
  900. ease of learning ==> 学習容易性
  901. ease of maintenance ==> 保守の容易さ
  902. ease of manageability ==> 管理のやりやすさ
  903. ease of operation ==> 操作の容易さ
  904. ease of testing ==> 易しい試験方法
  905. ease off ==> 减低冲程
  906. Ease Powder ==> 逍遥散
  907. easel ==> 画架
  908. easel mask ==> 障板,蔽光框
  909. easement curve ==> 介曲线,过渡曲线,调制曲线,缓和曲线
  910. easily controlled grasses ==> 容易防治的杂草
  911. easily degradable organic toxicant ==> 易解降有机毒物,易分解有机毒物
  912. easiness of money market ==> 金融市场松动,市场利率低,市场银根松
  913. easing gear ==> 卸货装置
  914. easing lever ==> 检查控制杆
  915. easing of money rates ==> 金融市场松动
  916. easing valve ==> 减荷阀,保险阀
  917. East Africa Coast Current ==> 东非沿岸海流
  918. East Antarctic ==> 東南極
  919. East Antarctic ice cores ==> 東南極氷床コア
  920. East Australia Current ==> 东澳大利亚海流
  921. east by north ==> 东偏北
  922. East China Sea ==> 东海
  923. East coast fever ==> 海岸热
  924. east elevation ==> 东立面
  925. East Greenland Current ==> 东格陵兰海流
  926. East Indian geranium oil ==> 玫瑰草香油
  927. East Indian satinwood ==> 东印度椴木
  928. east longitude ==> 东经
  929. east northeast ==> 东北东
  930. east orientation ==> 东向
  931. East Pacific rise ==> 东太平洋隆起
  932. east point ==> 东点
  933. east wind ==> 东风
  934. east-west asymmetry ==> 东西不对称性
  935. east-west effect ==> 东西效应
  936. east-west line ==> 东西线
  937. Easter Monday ==> (英国银行休业日)复活节后的星期一
  938. easterly wave ==> 东风波
  939. eastern blue-tongued skink ==> ヒガシアオジタトカゲ
  940. Eastern Buffer Water Control Zone ==> 东部缓冲区水质管制区
  941. eastern elongation ==> 东距角,(恒星视运动)东大距
  942. eastern equine encephalitis ==> 东方型马脑炎
  943. eastern greatest elongation ==> 东大距
  944. Eastern Guangdong Power Grid ==> 粤东电网
  945. Eastern Gulf of Aden ==> 東アデン湾
  946. Eastern Hemisphere ==> 东半球
  947. eastern honey buzzard tail ==> 蜂鹰尾
  948. eastern honey buzzard wing ==> 蜂鹰翅
  949. eastern honey buzzard wing and tail ==> 蜂鹰翎
  950. eastern philosophy ==> 東洋哲学
  951. eastern quadrature ==> 东方照
  952. eastern standard time ==> 东部标准时间
  953. eastern suburbs ==> 东郊
  954. easternism ==> 东方主义
  955. easting ==> 东西距,东行航程
  956. Eastman colour ==> 依斯特曼彩色胶片
  957. eastonite ==> 铁叶云母
  958. easy ==> 便当的,便利的,疲软,易,容易的
  959. easy access ==> 容易接近,便于检修
  960. easy bend ==> 慢弯管
  961. easy credit ==> 放松信贷,扩大信用
  962. easy credit policy ==> 放宽信贷政策,放松信贷政策
  963. easy credit terms ==> 放宽贷款条件,放松信贷
  964. easy curve ==> 平缓曲线
  965. easy direction of magnetization ==> 磁化容易方向
  966. easy fired ==> (过低温度或过短时间烧成的)低温烧成
  967. easy fit ==> 轻配合
  968. easy flow ==> 易流动
  969. easy for the roots of plants to grow ==> 根系易于生长
  970. easy grade ==> 慢坡
  971. easy jacking system ==> 简便起重器
  972. easy low-grade oil combustion ==> 粗悪油の燃焼が容易
  973. easy magnetizing axis ==> 易磁化轴
  974. easy monetary position ==> 头寸宽裕
  975. easy money ==> 放松银根
  976. easy money policy ==> 放宽信用政策,放松银根政策,金融缓和政策
  977. easy of sale ==> 销路好
  978. easy pay system (EPS) ==> 轻松付款制度
  979. easy payment ==> 分期付款
  980. easy position ==> 头寸宽裕
  981. easy push fit ==> 滑动配合
  982. easy running ==> 平滑运转
  983. easy running fit ==> 轻转配合
  984. easy slide fit ==> 轻滑配合,滑动配合
  985. easy squeeze blind rivet gun ==> 拉铆枪
  986. easy to machine ==> 便于加工
  987. easy to raise ==> 容易种植
  988. easy to shell ==> 容易脱壳
  989. easy-care ==> 免烫
  990. easy-care sheep ==> 无需助产的羊
  991. easy-change transmission ==> 易换速变速器
  992. easy-off flask ==> 滑脱砂箱
  993. easy-push fit ==> 松推配合
  994. eat up part of state revenue ==> 冲减财政收入
  995. eat-back ==> 回蚀
  996. eat-by freshness date ==> 賞味期限
  997. EATA Europe Asia Trades Agreement (Conference) ==> 欧洲亚洲贸易协议
  998. eatable ==> 可食的
  999. eath return ==> 地回路
  1000. eath-rockfill dam ==> 堆石土坝
  1001. eating ==> 腐蚀,膳宿税
  1002. eating away ==> 腐蚀
  1003. eating house ==> 饮食店
  1004. eating quality ==> 营养价值,食用品质
  1005. eating reflex ==> 吃食反射
  1006. eating the poisons ==> 食毒而死
  1007. Eaton agent ==> 伊顿因子
  1008. Eaton agent pneumonia ==> 支原体肺炎
  1009. Eaton-Lambert syndrome ==> 肌无力综合征,类重症肌无力综合征
  1010. eave purlin ==> 挑檐枋
  1011. eave-lead ==> 铅制屋檐水槽
  1012. eaves ==> 屋檐
  1013. eaves batten ==> 檐口挂瓦条
  1014. eaves board ==> 檐板
  1015. eaves cornice ==> 檐口线脚
  1016. eaves course ==> 檐口瓦层,双板层
  1017. eaves detail ==> 檐口大样
  1018. eaves flashing ==> 檐口披水,屋檐泛水
  1019. eaves gallery ==> 檐下廊道
  1020. eaves gutter ==> 檐沟
  1021. eaves height ==> 檐高
  1022. eaves moulding ==> 檐口线脚
  1023. eaves overhang ==> 檐口出挑
  1024. eaves projection ==> 檐口出挑
  1025. eaves purlin ==> 檐檩
  1026. eaves tile ==> 檐口瓦,檐瓦,瓦挡
  1027. eaves vent ==> 檐口通风口
  1028. eaves-hung fascia ==> 挂檐板
  1029. eavy buyer ==> 大口購入者
  1030. eb ==> 电子束
  1031. EB virus ==> 埃-巴二氏病毒
  1032. EBA, electron beam accelerator ==> 電子ビーム加速器
  1033. ebb ==> 退潮,潮路
  1034. ebb and flow zone ==> 潮涨落地带
  1035. ebb tide ==> 退潮,落潮
  1036. ebb-and-flow structure ==> 涨落潮流构造,潮流涨落构造
  1037. ebbing and flowing spring ==> 潮汐泉
  1038. EBCDIC, extended binary coded decimal interchange code ==> 拡張2進化10進コード
  1039. ebd ==> 电子束蒸涂
  1040. ebe ==> 电子束曝光
  1041. Eber's solution ==> 埃贝尔溶液
  1042. Eberhard effect ==> 埃伯哈德效应
  1043. Eberhardt effect ==> 艾巴哈德效应
  1044. Ebert ion counter ==> 埃伯特离子计数管
  1045. Ebert-Fastie ==> 艾勃特-法斯梯
  1046. Ebert-Fastie monochromator ==> 艾勃特单色器
  1047. Ebert-Fastie mounting ==> 艾勃特装置
  1048. Ebert-Fastie spectrograph ==> 艾勃特摄谱仪
  1049. ebes ==> 电子束曝光器
  1050. EBF, external-flow blown flap ==> 外部流吹出しフラップ
  1051. EBISU ==> エビス,関西電力のLNG船
  1052. ebl ==> 电子束蚀刻
  1053. ebonite ==> 硬化橡胶,硬橡胶,硬质胶=>エボナイト
  1054. ebonite board ==> 硬橡胶板
  1055. ebonite bush ==> 硬胶套管,硬橡皮衬套,胶木套管
  1056. ebonite cell ==> 胶木覆蔽电池
  1057. ebonite monoblock ==> 正铸胶壳
  1058. ebonite plate ==> 硬橡胶板
  1059. ebonite reed relay ==> 胶木簧片继电器
  1060. ebony ==> 乌檀
  1061. EBP, east bus panel ==> 東面バスパネル
  1062. ebr ==> 电子束记录
  1063. EBR, electron beam recorder ==> エレクトロンビームレコーダー
  1064. EBR, electron beam recording ==> 電子ビーム録画
  1065. EBRIC, electron beam recorder image correction ==> 電子ビーム記録装置画像補正
  1066. ebrietas alcoholic intoxication ==> 沉醉
  1067. EBS, Experimental Broadcasting Satellite ==> 実験用放送衛星
  1068. Ebstein's anomaly ==> 埃布斯坦氏异常
  1069. EBT, explosive bolt test set ==> 爆発ボルト試験装置
  1070. EBU, European Broadcasting Union ==> 欧州放送連盟,欧州放送連合
  1071. ebulizer chamber ==> 噴霧室
  1072. ebullated bed ==> 流化床
  1073. ebullience ==> 熱狂,情熱
  1074. ebullient cooling ==> 蒸发冷却
  1075. ebullioscopic equation ==> 沸点升高公式
  1076. ebullition ==> 沸腾
  1077. eburicoic acid ==> 齿孔酸
  1078. EBW, electron beam welding ==> 电子束焊=>電子ビーム溶接
  1079. EBW, exploding bridge wire ==> 爆破ブリッヂワイヤ
  1080. EC East Coast ==> 东海岸
  1081. EC European Community ==> 欧洲团体
  1082. EC mode ==> 扩充控制方式
  1083. EC, electron capture ==> 电子俘获=>電子捕捉
  1084. EC, electronic commerce ==> 電子商取引,エレクトロニック・コマース
  1085. EC, engine control ==> 发动机控制=>エンジンコントロール
  1086. EC, engine control console ==> エンジンコントロールコンソール
  1087. EC, engine cut-off ==> エンジン停止
  1088. EC, engineering change ==> 工程改变=>技術変更
  1089. EC, European Community ==> 欧州共同体=>ヨーロッパ共同体
  1090. EC, events controller ==> イベントコントローラ
  1091. EC, events coupler ==> イベントカップラー
  1092. EC, experiment computer ==> 実験用コンピュータ
  1093. ECA, EHT control assembly ==> EHT制御アセンブリー
  1094. ECA, Electro Chemical Array ==> DNA二本鎖の間に入り込むインターカレータを使って電気化学的に検出する
  1095. ecad ==> 适应型
  1096. ECAFE, Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East ==> アジア極東経済委員会
  1097. ECAS, experiment computer application software ==> 実験用計算機応用ソフトウエア
  1098. ECB, electro control box ==> コントロールボックス
  1099. ECBM ==> コールベッドメタン増進回収技術
  1100. ecc ==> 电解切断
  1101. ECC ==> 油水乳胶燃料=>油水エマルジョン燃料
  1102. ECC Environmental Coordinating Committee ==> 环境协调委员会
  1103. ECC, eccentricity ==> 離心率
  1104. ECC, Electronic Components Conference ==> 電子部品会議
  1105. ECC, error checking and correction ==> 误差检验与校正,错误检验和纠正,检错与纠错
  1106. ECC, error correcting code ==> 誤り訂正符号
  1107. ECC, The Energy Conservation Center ==> 省エネルギーセンター
  1108. ECCC, error checking and correction code ==> 誤りチェック訂正コード
  1109. eccentric ==> 偏心轮=>偏心器,変人,奇人
  1110. eccentric action ==> 偏心动作
  1111. eccentric adjusting sleeve ==> 偏心调节套,偏心套筒
  1112. eccentric anchor pin ==> 偏心支销
  1113. eccentric angle ==> 偏心角=>離心角
  1114. eccentric annual ring ==> 異常年輪
  1115. eccentric annulus ==> 偏心環
  1116. eccentric anomaly ==> 偏近点角=>離心近点角
  1117. eccentric axis ==> 偏心轴
  1118. eccentric balance-weight ==> 偏心配重,偏心平衡锤
  1119. eccentric bending moment ==> 偏心弯矩
  1120. eccentric block ==> 偏心块
  1121. eccentric bolt ==> 偏心螺栓
  1122. eccentric breaker ==> 偏心轧碎机
  1123. eccentric bush ==> 偏心衬筒=>偏心ブッシュ
  1124. eccentric bushing ==> 偏心衬垫,偏心轴衬=>偏心ブッシュ
  1125. eccentric cam ==> 偏心凸轮
  1126. eccentric center ==> 偏心
  1127. eccentric chuck ==> 偏心卡盘
  1128. eccentric circle ==> 偏心圆
  1129. eccentric circle-in ==> 偏心圈入
  1130. eccentric circle-out ==> 偏心圈出
  1131. eccentric clamp ==> 偏心压板
  1132. eccentric clip ==> 偏心夹环
  1133. eccentric compression ==> 偏心受压
  1134. eccentric conical shell ==> 偏心锥形筒体
  1135. eccentric contraction ==> 离心收缩
  1136. eccentric converter ==> 偏口转炉
  1137. eccentric core ==> 偏心コア
  1138. eccentric covering ==> 偏心药皮
  1139. eccentric crank ==> 偏心曲柄
  1140. eccentric crank mechanism ==> 偏置曲柄机构
  1141. eccentric cutter holder ==> 偏心刀架
  1142. eccentric cylinder ==> 偏心円筒
  1143. eccentric dipole ==> 偏心偶极=>偏心双極子
  1144. eccentric disc ==> 偏心盘=>偏心円板
  1145. eccentric disk ==> 偏心板=>偏心ディスク
  1146. eccentric distance ==> 偏心距离=>偏心距離
  1147. eccentric drive ==> 偏心传动
  1148. eccentric drive screen ==> 偏心振动筛
  1149. eccentric driven pump ==> 偏心泵
  1150. eccentric element ==> 偏必要素
  1151. eccentric fastening stud ==> 偏心轮紧固柱螺栓
  1152. eccentric feed motion ==> 偏心进给运动
  1153. eccentric force ==> 偏心力
  1154. eccentric fork ==> 偏心轮叉
  1155. eccentric gab ==> 偏心轮叉子
  1156. eccentric gear ==> 偏心齿轮,偏心机构
  1157. eccentric gear drive ==> 偏心齿轮传动
  1158. eccentric groove ==> 偏心纹
  1159. eccentric hypertrophy ==> 离心性肥大(厚)
  1160. eccentric impact ==> 偏心碰撞
  1161. eccentric inventor ==> 一風変わった発明家
  1162. eccentric jaw crusher ==> 颚式偏心碎石机
  1163. eccentric key ==> 偏心轮销
  1164. eccentric knockout grid ==> 偏心振动落砂机
  1165. eccentric lathe ==> 偏心车床
  1166. eccentric latitude ==> 偏心纬度
  1167. eccentric liner ==> 偏心轮衬面
  1168. eccentric link ==> 偏心连杆
  1169. eccentric load ==> 偏心载荷=>偏心荷重
  1170. eccentric mechanism ==> 偏心机构
  1171. eccentric moment ==> 偏心力矩=>偏心モーメント
  1172. eccentric nut ==> 偏心螺母
  1173. eccentric oiler ==> 偏心注油器
  1174. eccentric orbit ==> 偏心轨道
  1175. eccentric orifice plate ==> 偏心孔板
  1176. eccentric pin ==> 偏心销
  1177. eccentric piston ring ==> 偏心活塞环
  1178. eccentric position ==> 偏心位置
  1179. eccentric press ==> 偏心压力机
  1180. eccentric pulley ==> 偏心皮带轮
  1181. eccentric pump ==> 偏心泵,偏心轮式泵
  1182. eccentric reducer ==> 偏心异径管接=>偏心レジューサー
  1183. eccentric reducing coupling ==> 偏心异径管接
  1184. eccentric ring ==> 偏心环
  1185. eccentric ring emergency governor ==> 偏心环式危急保安器
  1186. eccentric ring structure ==> 偏心环形山构造
  1187. eccentric rod ==> 偏心杆
  1188. eccentric rod seat ==> 偏心杆座
  1189. eccentric roller ==> 偏心滚柱
  1190. eccentric roller rail bender ==> 偏心滚子弯轨器
  1191. eccentric rotary pump ==> 偏心泵
  1192. eccentric rotation ==> 偏转
  1193. eccentric rotor engine ==> 偏心转子发动机
  1194. eccentric runner ==> 偏心转子
  1195. eccentric sector ==> 偏心扇形齿轮
  1196. eccentric segment ==> 偏心扇形齿轮
  1197. eccentric shaft ==> 偏心轴
  1198. eccentric shaft plunger ==> 偏心轴柱销
  1199. eccentric shaft press ==> 偏心冲床,偏心曲柄压力机
  1200. eccentric sheave ==> 偏心轮,偏心皮带轮
  1201. eccentric sheave key way ==> 偏心皮带轮键槽
  1202. eccentric sheave set ==> 偏心滑轮制动螺钉
  1203. eccentric sleeve ==> 偏心衬筒
  1204. eccentric sliding vane pump ==> 偏心滑叶泵
  1205. eccentric station ==> 偏心站
  1206. eccentric stiffener ==> 偏心加劲杆
  1207. eccentric strap ==> 偏心环
  1208. eccentric swage ==> 压料器
  1209. eccentric theory ==> 一風変わった理論
  1210. eccentric throw-out ==> 偏心推出器
  1211. eccentric turning ==> 偏心车削
  1212. eccentric type vibrator ==> 偏心振动器
  1213. eccentric under-reaming bit ==> 管下扩眼偏心钻头
  1214. eccentric valve seat grinder ==> 偏心阀座磨床
  1215. eccentric vibrating screen ==> 偏心筛
  1216. eccentric wear ==> 偏心磨损
  1217. eccentric wheel ==> 偏心轮=>偏心輪
  1218. eccentric- shaft-press ==> 偏心轴压机
  1219. eccentric-andpitman drive ==> 偏心轮与连杆传动装置
  1220. eccentric-cylinder rotary oil pump ==> 偏心缸回转油泵
  1221. eccentric-motion reversing gear ==> 凸轮回行机构
  1222. eccentric-screw breechblock ==> 偏心闭锁机
  1223. eccentric-strap cleaning plug ==> 偏心环清除塞
  1224. eccentric-strap liner ==> 偏心环衬
  1225. eccentric-strap oil cup ==> 偏心环油杯
  1226. eccentric-strap oil pocket ==> 偏心环油槽
  1227. eccentric-strap seat ==> 偏心套环座
  1228. eccentric-type pick up ==> 偏心式捡拾器
  1229. eccentric-type vibrator ==> 偏心式振动器
  1230. eccentrically arranged valve ==> 偏置阀
  1231. eccentrically bored spindle ==> 偏心钻杆
  1232. eccentrically rotating mirror ==> 偏心旋转镜
  1233. eccentricity ==> 偏心率=>ロータ偏芯量
  1234. eccentricity correction device ==> 偏心矫正装置
  1235. eccentricity indicator ==> 偏心计
  1236. eccentricity of rest ==> 静止偏心距,静止偏心距
  1237. eccentricity of rotor ==> 转子偏心距
  1238. eccentricity pressure ==> 偏心压力
  1239. eccentricity ratio ==> 偏心率
  1240. eccentricity runout ==> 偏心跳动
  1241. eccentricity tester ==> 偏心距检查仪
  1242. eccentricity tolerance ==> 偏心度公差
  1243. eccles jordan circuit ==> 厄克勒斯约但电路
  1244. Eccles-Jordan circuit ==> 双稳态多谐振荡器,埃克勒斯-乔丹电路,艾克勤斯-乔丹电路=>エクルス・ジョルダン回路
  1245. Eccles-Jordan multivibrator ==> 埃克勒斯-乔丹触发器,双稳态多谐振荡器
  1246. ECCM, electronic counter countermeasure ==> 対電子対策
  1247. eccrine fiber ==> 分泌纤维
  1248. eccrine gland ==> 分泌腺,小汗腺
  1249. eccrine hidroadenoma ==> 小汗腺腺瘤
  1250. eccrine hidrocystoma ==> 小汗腺囊瘤
  1251. eccrine sweat gland ==> 排泄汗腺
  1252. ECCS, emergency core cooling system ==> 緊急炉心冷却装置
  1253. ecd ==> 电解去毛刺
  1254. ECD equivalent circulating density ==> 当量泥浆密度
  1255. ECD, electron capture detector ==> 电子捕获检测器
  1256. ECDB, environmental control data base ==> 環境条件データベース
  1257. ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems ==> 电子图表展示和信息系统
  1258. ECDIS, Electronic Chart Display System ==> 電子海図表示システム
  1259. ECE ==> 欧洲经济委员会
  1260. ECE, earth crossing envelope ==> 地球交叉包絡線
  1261. ECEE ==> 電気技術者試験センター
  1262. ECEPDI, East China Electric Power Design Institute ==> 中国華東電力設計院
  1263. ecesis anomaly ==> 定居
  1264. ecg ==> 电解磨削
  1265. ECG and PCG data automatic analyser ==> 心电心音数据自动分析装置
  1266. ECG and pulse rate oscilloscope ==> 心电脉率示波器
  1267. ECG data analyser ==> 心电图分析器
  1268. ECG memory ==> 心电记忆装置
  1269. ECG mounting sheet ==> 心电图图纸装订卡
  1270. ECG, electrocardiogram ==> 心電図
  1271. ECG, electroepitaxial crystal growth ==> 電子配向的結晶成長
  1272. ech ==> 电解珩磨
  1273. echaust-gas analyzer ==> 废气分析器
  1274. echelette ==> 红外光栅
  1275. echelette grating ==> 红外光栅,小阶梯光栅
  1276. echelle grating ==> 中阶梯光栅
  1277. echelon ==> 精度系列,梯次配置,梯列,雁行
  1278. echelon (grating) ==> 阶梯光栅
  1279. echelon (lens) ==> 阶梯透镜
  1280. echelon antenna ==> 梯形天线
  1281. echelon clouds ==> 梯状云
  1282. echelon device ==> 阶梯光栅装置
  1283. echelon faults ==> 雁行断层
  1284. echelon form ==> 梯形
  1285. echelon grating ==> 阶梯光栅
  1286. echelon lens antenna ==> 梯形透镜式天线
  1287. echelon maintenance ==> 分级维修
  1288. echelon matrix ==> 梯阵,阶梯矩阵
  1289. echelon prism ==> 阶梯棱镜
  1290. echelon spectroscope ==> 阶梯光栅分光仪
  1291. echelon strapping ==> 阶梯式绕带
  1292. echelon structure ==> 雁行构造
  1293. echiceric acid ==> 艾奇蜡酸
  1294. Echinacea ==> 海胆亚目=>エキナセア
  1295. echinococciasis of liver ==> 肝棘球蚴病
  1296. echinococciasis of peritoneum ==> 腹膜包囊虫病
  1297. echinococcosis disease of urinary system ==> 泌尿系包虫病
  1298. echinococcosis of brain ==> 脑棘球蚴病
  1299. echinococcosis of liver ==> 肝棘球蚴病
  1300. echinococcous antigen intradermal test ==> 包虫抗原皮内试验
  1301. echinococcus cyst ==> 棘球蚴囊
  1302. echinococcus cyst of bone ==> 骨包虫囊肿
  1303. echinococcus cyst of heart ==> 心脏包虫囊肿
  1304. Echinococcus hydatid cyst ==> 包虫
  1305. echinocystic acid ==> 刺囊酸
  1306. Echis carinatus ==> 锯鳞蝰,锯鳞蝰
  1307. Echizen jellyfish ==> エチゼンクラゲ
  1308. echo ==> 反射波,应,反射波,反响,反应,回波,回声,回声波=>反響,エコー
  1309. echo (depth) sounder ==> 回声测深仪
  1310. echo altimeter ==> 雷达测高计,回波测高计,回声测高仪
  1311. echo amplifier ==> 回波放大器,回波信号放大器,反射信号放大器
  1312. echo amplitude ==> 回波振幅
  1313. echo area ==> 回波面积
  1314. echo attenuation ==> 回声衰减=>反響減衰量
  1315. echo audio phone ==> 回音电话机
  1316. echo board ==> 回声屏
  1317. echo box ==> 回波谐振器=>エコー箱
  1318. echo box actuator ==> 回波箱激励器
  1319. echo cancellation ==> 回波对消,双回路对消,重影消除
  1320. echo canceller ==> 反響消去装置
  1321. echo cavity resonator ==> 回波空腔谐振器
  1322. echo chamber ==> 回声室
  1323. echo channel ==> 回波波道,回声波道
  1324. echo check ==> 返回检查
  1325. echo checking ==> 回送检验方式
  1326. echo contour ==> 回波等强线
  1327. echo depth recorder ==> 回声深度记录器
  1328. echo depth sounder ==> 回声测深仪,回音测深仪
  1329. echo depth sounding sonar ==> 回声测深声纳,回声测深仪,超波深度测定器,超声波深度测定器
  1330. echo distortion ==> 回波失真
  1331. echo Doppler indicator ==> 多普勒回波指示器
  1332. echo eliminator ==> 回波消除器
  1333. echo equalizer ==> 回声抑制器
  1334. echo filter ==> 回波滤波器
  1335. echo flutter ==> 回波颤动
  1336. echo frequency ==> 回波频率
  1337. echo function with weak infeed end ==> 弱電源端打返し機能
  1338. echo height ==> 反射波高度
  1339. echo image ==> 回波图像
  1340. echo impulse ==> 反射脉冲
  1341. echo killer ==> 反射信号抑制器,反射抑制器,回波抑制器
  1342. echo location ==> 回波测距
  1343. echo locator ==> 回声波勘定器,回声定位器
  1344. echo logical ==> 回波逻辑的
  1345. echo loss ==> 反響損
  1346. echo machine ==> 回声机,回音设备=>エコーマシン
  1347. echo measurement ==> 音响测量
  1348. echo meter ==> 回声测试器,回声计
  1349. echo microphone ==> 回声传声器
  1350. echo pip ==> 反射脉冲
  1351. echo pulse ==> 回波脉冲
  1352. echo ranger ==> 回声测距仪
  1353. echo ranging ==> 回波测距,回声测距法,回声定位
  1354. echo ranging apparatus ==> 回声测距仪
  1355. echo ranging sonar ==> 回声测距声纳,回声定位声纳
  1356. echo recognition ==> 回波识别
  1357. echo reset ==> 信息返回复位
  1358. echo room ==> エコールーム
  1359. echo sampler ==> 回波采样器
  1360. echo satellite ==> 回波卫星
  1361. echo sign ==> 回波符号,回声征
  1362. echo signal ==> 目标信号,反射信号,回波信号
  1363. echo signals ==> 重影信号
  1364. echo sonoscope ==> 回波式超声仪
  1365. echo sounder ==> 回声测深仪=>音響測深機
  1366. echo sounding ==> 回声探测=>音響測深
  1367. echo sounding apparatus ==> 回声测深仪
  1368. echo sourding ==> 回声测深
  1369. echo strength indicator ==> 回波强度指示器
  1370. echo studio ==> 回声播音室
  1371. echo suppression ==> 回波信号的抑制,回波信号抑制,回波抑制
  1372. echo suppression circuit ==> エコー消去回路(レーダ)
  1373. echo suppressor ==> 回波抑制器,回波阻尼器,回声抑制器,反射波抑制,反射抑制器=>反響阻止装置
  1374. echo talker ==> 回送干扰
  1375. echo tracing ==> 回声规迹
  1376. echo trap ==> 回波滤波器,回波陷波器,回波阱=>回声抑制器
  1377. ECHO virus ==> 埃可病毒,人肠道孤病毒
  1378. echo wave ==> 回波,回声波
  1379. echo(ed) signal ==> 回波信号
  1380. echo-box ==> 回波共振器
  1381. echo-box actuator ==> 回波空腔谐振器,回波谐振腔装置
  1382. echo-cardiograph ==> 回声心电仪
  1383. echo-encephalography ==> 回声脑部描记法
  1384. echo-image ==> 回波像,双像
  1385. echo-phenomena ==> 模仿现象
  1386. echo-plex ==> 返回传送
  1387. echo-ranging system ==> 回声测距系统
  1388. echo-resonator ==> 回波谐振器
  1389. echo-sign ==> 模仿病征
  1390. echo-sounder ==> 音响测深机
  1391. echo-sounding apparatus ==> 回声测深仪
  1392. echo-sounding gear ==> 回声探测仪
  1393. echo-sounding instrument ==> 回声探测仪
  1394. echo-splitting radar ==> 回波分裂雷达
  1395. echo-strength indicator ==> 反射信号强度指示器
  1396. echo-trap ==> 回波抑制设备
  1397. echocardiogram ==> 超声心动图
  1398. echocardiograph ==> 超声波音动描记器,超声心动描记器,超声心动图仪
  1399. echocardiography ==> 超声波心动描记法
  1400. echocardiophone ==> 超声心音计
  1401. echocinesis ==> 模仿运动
  1402. echoeliminator ==> 回波消除器
  1403. echoencephalogram ==> 脑回波图
  1404. echoencephalograph ==> 脑超声波描记器,脑回波描记器
  1405. echoencephalography ==> 脑超声波描记术,超声回波脑照相术
  1406. echogram ==> 音响测深图,回声波图,回声测声曲线
  1407. echograph ==> 回声测深仪,音响测深自动记录仪
  1408. echographia ==> 模仿书写
  1409. echography ==> 模仿书写,回波描记术,回声描记术
  1410. echoing ==> 反照现象
  1411. echoing characteristic ==> 回波特性,回声特性
  1412. echoing end reply ==> 返回结束回答
  1413. echokinesia ==> 模仿运动
  1414. echokinesis ==> 模仿运动
  1415. echolalia ==> 模仿言语
  1416. echoless area ==> 无回声区
  1417. echolocation ==> 回声测定,回声定位
  1418. echomatism ==> 模仿动作,模仿行动
  1419. echometer ==> 探鱼仪,音响测深机,回声探测仪
  1420. echometry ==> 测回声术
  1421. echomimia ==> 模仿表情
  1422. echopathia ==> 模仿病态
  1423. echopathy ==> 模仿病态
  1424. echophrasia ==> 模仿言语
  1425. echopraxia ==> 模仿动作,模仿行动
  1426. echopraxis ==> 模仿动作,模仿行动
  1427. echoranging ==> 回声测距法
  1428. echoscope ==> 回声听诊器
  1429. echosonogram ==> 超声回波图
  1430. echosounding ==> 音响测深法
  1431. echosymptom ==> 模仿症状
  1432. echouterograph ==> 子宫回波描记仪
  1433. echovirus ==> 埃可病毒,艾柯病毒
  1434. ECJ European Court of Justice ==> 欧洲审判法庭
  1435. Eck's fistula ==> 爱克氏瘘管
  1436. Eckart-Young factor analysis ==> 埃卡特-扬因素分析
  1437. Eckert (die cast) machine ==> 埃克特立式压铸机
  1438. Eckert machine ==> 埃克特立式压铸机
  1439. Eckert number ==> 埃克特数
  1440. ecl ==> 电解研磨
  1441. ECL gate ==> 发射极耦合逻辑门
  1442. ECL slice ==> 位片射极耦合逻辑微处理机
  1443. ECL, Electrical Communications Laboratory ==> 電気通信研究所
  1444. ECL, emitter coupled logic ==> 发射极耦合逻辑,电流开关逻辑
  1445. ECL, emitter coupled logic circuit ==> エミッタ結合論理回路
  1446. ECL, emitter-coupled logic ==> エミッタ結合論理回路
  1447. ECL, engineering configuration list ==> エンジニアリングコンフィギュレーションリスト
  1448. eclampsia of pregnancy ==> 妊娠惊厥
  1449. eclampsia puerperalis ==> 产惊
  1450. eclamptic idiocy ==> 惊厥性白痴
  1451. eclamptic malaria ==> 惊厥型疟
  1452. eclipse ==> 食(人工衛星),日食,月食
  1453. eclipse beginning ==> 初亏
  1454. eclipse blindness ==> 日蚀性盲
  1455. eclipse comet ==> 交食慧
  1456. eclipse duration ==> 掩食时间
  1457. eclipse factor ==> 日陰率
  1458. eclipse of satellite ==> 卫星食
  1459. eclipse of the moon ==> 月食
  1460. eclipse of the sun ==> 日食
  1461. eclipse period ==> 掩蔽期
  1462. eclipse seasons ==> 食季
  1463. eclipse weather ==> 日食天气
  1464. eclipse year ==> 食年
  1465. eclipsed body ==> 被食天体
  1466. eclipsed conformation ==> 重叠构像,重叠式构像,遮蔽构型
  1467. eclipsed form ==> 重叠式
  1468. eclipsing ==> 重叠
  1469. eclipsing component star ==> 主食子星
  1470. eclipsing effects ==> 重叠效应
  1471. eclipsing star ==> 主食星
  1472. eclipsing variable star ==> 食变星
  1473. ecliptic ==> 黄道
  1474. ecliptic armillary sphere ==> 黄道经纬仪
  1475. ecliptic coordinate system ==> 黄道坐标系
  1476. ecliptic coordinates ==> 黄道坐标
  1477. ecliptic diagram ==> 黄道图
  1478. ecliptic latitude ==> 黄纬
  1479. ecliptic limits ==> 食限
  1480. ecliptic longitude ==> 黄经
  1481. ecliptic map ==> 黄道星图
  1482. ecliptic meteor ==> 黄道流星
  1483. ecliptic obliquity ==> 黄赤交角,黄道斜度
  1484. ecliptic of date ==> 瞬时黄道
  1485. ecliptic plane ==> 黄道面
  1486. ecliptic pole ==> 黄极
  1487. ecliptic retinopathy ==> 日蚀性视网膜病
  1488. ecliptic stream ==> 黄道流星雨
  1489. ecliptic system of coordinates ==> 黄道坐标系
  1490. ECLS, Environmental Control and Life Support ==> 環境生命維持
  1491. ECLSS, Environmental Control and Life Support Subsystem ==> 環境制御生命維持サブシステム
  1492. ECLSS, Environmental Control and Life Support System ==> 環境制御生命維持システム
  1493. ecm machine ==> 电解加工机床
  1494. ECM, electrochemical machiening ==> 電気切削
  1495. ECM, engineering cost model ==> エンジニアリングコストモデル
  1496. ECM, environment contamination monitor ==> 環境汚染監視装置
  1497. ECM, equipment condition monitoring ==> ECM
  1498. ECM, ExtraCellular Matrix ==> 細胞外マトリックス
  1499. ECMA, European Computer Manufacturing Association ==> 欧州電子計算機製造組合
  1500. ecmd ==> 微小孔电解加工
  1501. ECMO ==> 体外循环膜肺支持疗法
  1502. ECN ==> 荷兰能源研究中心
  1503. ECN, engineering change notice ==> 技術変更通知書
  1504. ECNH East Coast North of Hatteras ==> 东海岸海特瑞斯北部
  1505. eco cement ==> 生态水泥=>エコセメント
  1506. eco right ==> 排出権
  1507. eco ship ==> エコシップ
  1508. ECO, engineering change order ==> 技術変更指示書
  1509. eco-city ==> 生态城
  1510. eco-community ==> 循環型社会
  1511. eco-energy system ==> エコエネルギーシステム
  1512. eco-environmental influence ==> 生态环境影响
  1513. Eco-Ice, Ice Thermal Storage Air Conditioning Systems ==> エコキュート,自然冷媒(CO2)ヒートポンプ給湯機
  1514. ecobuoy ==> 生态浮标
  1515. ecocar ==> エコカー
  1516. ecoclimatic forecasting pests ==> 害虫生态气候预测
  1517. ecologic displacement ==> 生态更替
  1518. ecologic facies ==> 生态相
  1519. ecologic niche ==> 生态小生境
  1520. ecologic replacement ==> 生态替换
  1521. ecological ==> 生态[学]的
  1522. ecological accounting ==> 生态会计学
  1523. ecological adaptability ==> 生态学适应能力
  1524. ecological adaptation ==> 生态气候适应
  1525. ecological age ==> 生态年龄
  1526. ecological alternation ==> 生态更替
  1527. ecological ampliture ==> 生态幅度
  1528. ecological analysis ==> 生态分析
  1529. ecological aspects ==> 生态概况
  1530. ecological assessment report ==> 生态评估报告
  1531. ecological assessment study ==> 生态评估研究
  1532. ecological association ==> 生态群落,社群,群丛
  1533. ecological backlashes ==> 生态冲击
  1534. ecological balance ==> 生态平衡,一个生物群落及其生态系统之中,各种对立因素互相制约而达到的相对稳定的平衡
  1535. ecological baseline information ==> 生态基线资料
  1536. ecological bonitation ==> 生态多度计算
  1537. ecological capacity ==> 生态容量
  1538. ecological classification ==> 生态分类
  1539. ecological climatology ==> 生态气候学
  1540. ecological community ==> 生态群落
  1541. ecological concentration ==> 生态浓集
  1542. ecological condition ==> 生态环境
  1543. ecological correlate ==> 生態学的相関
  1544. ecological crisis ==> 生态危机
  1545. ecological crop geography ==> 生态作物地理学
  1546. ecological cycle ==> 生态循环
  1547. ecological damage ==> 生态破坏
  1548. ecological density ==> 生态密度
  1549. ecological differentiation ==> 生态形分化
  1550. ecological disaster ==> 生态灾祸
  1551. ecological distance ==> 生态距离
  1552. ecological distribution ==> 生态分布
  1553. ecological divergence ==> 生态分歧
  1554. ecological dominace ==> 生态学优势
  1555. ecological dominancy ==> 生态优势
  1556. ecological effect ==> 生态影响
  1557. ecological efficiency ==> 生态等值,生态效应
  1558. ecological entomology ==> 生态昆虫学
  1559. ecological environment ==> 生态环境
  1560. ecological equilibrium ==> 生态平衡
  1561. ecological equivalance ==> 生态等值
  1562. ecological equivalent ==> 生态相同种
  1563. ecological equivalents ==> 生态相当者
  1564. ecological facies ==> 环境相
  1565. ecological factor ==> 生态因素
  1566. ecological geneties ==> 生态遗传学
  1567. ecological geobotany ==> 生态地植物学
  1568. ecological geography ==> 生态地理学
  1569. ecological growth efficiency ==> 生态生长效率
  1570. ecological habits of forest insects ==> 森林昆虫生活习惯
  1571. ecological health risk assessment ==> 生态健康风险评估
  1572. ecological impact ==> 生态影响,生态冲击
  1573. ecological indicators ==> 生态指示生物
  1574. ecological interaction ==> 生态相互作用
  1575. ecological interactions ==> 生态学的相互影响
  1576. ecological isolation ==> 生态隔离
  1577. ecological map ==> 生物地理图
  1578. ecological models ==> 生态系统模型
  1579. ecological morphology ==> 生态形态学
  1580. ecological niche ==> 生态位,生态小生境,生态龛位,小生境
  1581. ecological optimum ==> 生態的最適
  1582. ecological performance ==> 生态性能
  1583. ecological phase ==> 生态相
  1584. ecological physiology ==> 生态生理学
  1585. ecological plant geography ==> 植物生态地理学
  1586. ecological polymorphosm ==> 生态多态型现象
  1587. ecological potential ==> 生态势
  1588. ecological process ==> 生态过程
  1589. ecological psychology ==> 生态心理学
  1590. ecological pyramid ==> 生态金字塔
  1591. ecological range ==> 生态幅度
  1592. ecological regime ==> 生态状况
  1593. ecological relationship ==> 生态关系
  1594. ecological science ==> 生态科学
  1595. ecological sequente number ==> 生态序列数
  1596. ecological seral method ==> 生态系列法
  1597. ecological series ==> 生态系列
  1598. ecological speciation ==> 生态性物种
  1599. ecological stimulation ==> 生态刺激
  1600. ecological strain ==> 生态菌株
  1601. ecological structure ==> 生态结构
  1602. Ecological Study of Seagrass ==> 大叶藻的生态研究
  1603. ecological succession ==> 生态序列
  1604. ecological threshold ==> 生态阈
  1605. ecological value ==> 生态价值
  1606. ecological viewpoint ==> 生态学观点
  1607. ecological zoogeography ==> 生态动物地理学
  1608. ecological-phylo-coenotic series ==> 生态植物群落系列
  1609. ecologically important area ==> 生态上具重要价值的地方
  1610. ecologically sensitive area ==> 生态易受破坏地区
  1611. ecologo-geographic distribution ==> 生态地理分布
  1612. ecology ==> 生态学=>エコロジー,環境負荷,生態学
  1613. ecology action ==> 生態行動
  1614. ecology of domestic animals ==> 家畜生态学
  1615. ecology of marine sediments ==> 海洋沉积生态学
  1616. ecology right ==> 二氧化碳排放权=>排出権
  1617. ecolyte ==> 光解塑料(sùliào)
  1618. ecomomic planning council ==> 经济计划会议,经济计划会议
  1619. econd order phase change ==> 二级相变
  1620. ECONET ==> エコーネット
  1621. econometric approach ==> 经济计量方法,经济计量方法
  1622. econometric criteria ==> 经济计量准则,经济计量准则
  1623. econometric forecasting ==> 计量经济学预测
  1624. econometric forecasting method ==> 计量经济学预报法
  1625. econometric forecasting model ==> 经济计量预测模型,经济计量预测模型
  1626. econometric function ==> 经济计量函数,经济计量函数
  1627. econometric gaming ==> 经济计量对策模拟,经济计量对策模拟
  1628. econometric jargon ==> 经济计量学术语
  1629. econometric method ==> 经济计量方法,经济计量方法
  1630. econometric methodology ==> 经济计量学方法论,经济计量学方法论
  1631. econometric model ==> 经济计量模式,经济计量模式,经济模型,经济模型,计量经济模型
  1632. econometric model analysis ==> 经济计量模型分析,经济计量模型分析
  1633. econometric model method ==> 经济模型法,经济模型法,计量经济学法
  1634. econometric model simulation ==> 经济计量模型模拟,经济计量模型模拟
  1635. econometric modeling technique ==> 经济计量模型建立技术,经济计量模型建立技术
  1636. econometric program system (EPS) ==> 经济与财政分析专用程序语言,经济与财政分析专用程序语言
  1637. econometric research method ==> 经济计量研究方法,经济计量研究方法
  1638. econometric software package (ESP) ==> 经济计量软件包,经济计量软件包
  1639. econometric statistical inference ==> 经济计量统计推论,经济计量统计推论
  1640. econometric study ==> 经济计量研究方法,经济计量研究方法
  1641. econometric system ==> 经济计量系统,经济计量系统
  1642. econometric technique ==> 经济计量方法,经济计量方法,经济计量技术,经济计量技术
  1643. econometrics model ==> 計量経済学モデル
  1644. economic ==> 经济的,经济的
  1645. economic accounting ==> 经济核算,经济核算
  1646. economic accounting basis ==> 经济核算制,经济核算制
  1647. economic accounting of commercial enterprises ==> 商业企业经济核算
  1648. economic accounting of group ==> 班组经济核算
  1649. economic action ==> 经济活动,经济活动,经济行动,经济行动
  1650. economic activity ==> 经济活动,经济活动
  1651. economic activity analysis ==> 经济活动分析,经济活动分析
  1652. economic administrative law ==> 经济行政法,经济行政法
  1653. economic advance ==> 经济发展,经济发展
  1654. economic advantages ==> 经济优势,经济优势
  1655. economic advice ==> 经济方面的意见,经济方面的意见
  1656. economic adviser ==> 经济顾问,经济顾问
  1657. economic affairs ==> 经济事务,经济事务
  1658. economic aggregate ==> 经济活动总量,经济活动总量
  1659. economic agreement ==> 经济协定,经济协定
  1660. economic aid ==> 经济援助协定,经济援助协定
  1661. economic ailments ==> 经济失调,经济失调
  1662. economic analysis ==> 经济分析
  1663. economic analysis and accounting school ==> 经济分析和会计学派,经济分析和会计学派
  1664. economic analysis of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂经济分析,应用工程经济学的一般原理,对某个核电厂工程建设项目作投资概算、发电成本和经济效益分析的工作。或通过对核电厂的多个建设方案的投资概算、发电成本和经济效益分析,进行对比,研究并确定核电厂最佳工程建设方案和改进的方向
  1665. economic and behavioral discretion ==> 经济和行为判断,经济和行为判断
  1666. economic and commercial data bank ==> 经贸信息管理系统,经贸信息管理系统
  1667. economic and monetary union ==> 经济和货币同盟,经济和货币同盟
  1668. economic and monetary union (EMU) ==> 经济及货币同盟,经济及货币同盟
  1669. economic and secure currency ==> 经济的和稳定的货币,经济的和稳定的货币
  1670. economic and social determinant ==> 经济和社会决定因素,经济和社会决定因素
  1671. economic and social development plan ==> 经济和社会发展计划,经济和社会发展计划
  1672. economic and technical cooperation ==> 经济技术协作,经济技术协作
  1673. economic and technical norms ==> 经济技术指标,经济技术指标
  1674. economic animal ==> 经济动物,经济动物
  1675. economic appendages ==> 经济附庸,经济附庸
  1676. economic application ==> 经济应用,经济应用
  1677. economic arbitration ==> 经济仲裁,经济仲裁
  1678. economic area ==> 经济区域,经济区域
  1679. economic arteries ==> 经济命脉,经济命脉
  1680. economic assets ==> 经济资产,经济资产
  1681. economic associations ==> 经济联合,经济联合,经济协会,经济协会
  1682. economic atmosphere ==> 经济情势,经济情势
  1683. economic austerity ==> 经济紧缩,经济紧缩
  1684. economic background ==> 经济背景,经济背景
  1685. economic balance ==> 经济平衡,经济平衡
  1686. economic barometer ==> 经济观测指标,经济观测指标,经济情势观察指标,经济情势观察指标
  1687. economic base ==> 经济基础,经济基础
  1688. economic base multiplier ==> 经济基础乘数,经济基础乘数
  1689. economic batch determination (EBD) ==> 经济批量决定法
  1690. economic batch quantity ==> 经济批量,经济批量
  1691. economic benefit indicator ==> 经济效果指标,经济效果指标
  1692. economic benefit of hydropower station ==> 水电站经济效益,水电站为国民经济提供物质产品和服务价值,物质产品为电力和电量,且可承担电网的调峰、调频和事故备用;服务主要是除害兴利等经济效益和社会效益,如减免洪涝灾害、扩大城乡供水量、增大河道通航能力、发展渔业、开拓旅游等
  1693. economic benefits of slowing population growth ==> 放慢人口增长的经济利益
  1694. economic benefits of standardization ==> 标准化经济效果
  1695. economic blockade ==> 经济封锁
  1696. economic body ==> 经济主体
  1697. economic boiler ==> 经济式锅炉
  1698. economic boom ==> 经济繁荣,经济繁荣
  1699. economic boundaries ==> 经济界限
  1700. economic breakdown (bust) ==> 经济崩溃
  1701. economic burden ==> 经济负担
  1702. economic calculation ==> 经济核算,经济计算
  1703. economic calculation at the factory level ==> 厂级经济核算
  1704. economic calculation system ==> 经济核算制,经济核算制
  1705. economic calculation team ==> 经济核算队
  1706. economic capability ==> 经济能力,经济势能
  1707. economic capacity of land ==> 土地经济容力
  1708. economic case ==> 经济案件
  1709. economic category ==> 经济范畴
  1710. economic cell-form ==> 经济细胞形式
  1711. economic center ==> 经济中心
  1712. economic change ==> 经济变革
  1713. economic change in developed countries ==> 发达国家的经济变化
  1714. economic chaos ==> 经济混沌
  1715. economic character ==> 经济性状
  1716. economic circle ==> 经济圈
  1717. economic circles ==> 经济界
  1718. economic circulation ==> 经济流通
  1719. economic circulative graph ==> 经济循环图
  1720. economic circumstances ==> 经济环境
  1721. economic civilization ==> 经济文化
  1722. economic climate ==> 经济晴雨表,经济情势
  1723. economic coal reserves ==> 煤经济储量
  1724. economic code ==> 经济法典
  1725. economic coefficient ==> 经济系数
  1726. economic cohesion ==> 经济内聚力
  1727. economic colonialism ==> 经济殖民主义
  1728. economic combination ==> 经济联合
  1729. economic community ==> 经济共同体,经济界,经济群落
  1730. economic comparison ==> 经济比较
  1731. economic compensation ==> 经济赔偿
  1732. economic competition ==> 经济竞争
  1733. economic competition act ==> 经济竞争法
  1734. economic complementariness ==> 经济补助性
  1735. economic complex ==> 经济联合,经济综合体
  1736. economic concentration ==> 经济集中制
  1737. economic condition ==> 经济情况,经济条件,经济工况,在满足环境指标的条件下,要求保持火电机组最低一次能源消耗和最佳经济效益时的工况
  1738. economic conflict ==> 经济矛盾,经济矛盾
  1739. economic conflict groups ==> 经济冲突群
  1740. economic confrontation ==> 经济对抗
  1741. economic consequence ==> 经济结果
  1742. economic consequences ==> 经济后果
  1743. economic conservation ==> 经济资源保护
  1744. economic consideration ==> 经济考虑
  1745. economic constitution ==> 经济法
  1746. economic constraints ==> 经济制约
  1747. economic construction bonds ==> 经济建设公债
  1748. economic continuity ==> 经济连续性
  1749. economic contract ==> 经济合同
  1750. economic contract arbitration ==> 经济合同仲裁
  1751. economic contract arbitration committee ==> 经济合同仲裁委员会
  1752. economic contract law ==> 经济合同法
  1753. economic contraction ==> 经济紧缩,经济萎缩
  1754. economic control ==> 经济管制,经济控制
  1755. economic control law ==> 经济统制法
  1756. economic control theory ==> 经济控制理论
  1757. economic cooperation ==> 经济合作
  1758. economic cooperation administration ==> 经济协作局
  1759. economic cooperation as joint ventures ==> 合资经营
  1760. economic coordination region ==> 经济协作区
  1761. economic corporation ==> 经济法人,经济法人
  1762. economic cost ==> 经济成本,经济成本
  1763. economic cost comparison ==> 经济费用比较,经济费用比较
  1764. economic counselor ==> 经济参事,经济顾问
  1765. economic counselor's office ==> 经济参赞处,经济参赞处
  1766. economic courts ==> 经济法庭,经济法庭
  1767. economic crime ==> 经济犯罪,经济犯罪
  1768. economic crisis ==> 经济危机,经济危机
  1769. economic crisis cycle ==> 经济危机周期,经济危机周期
  1770. economic criteria ==> 经济准则,经济准则
  1771. economic criterion ==> 经济标准,经济标准
  1772. economic cross section ==> 经济断面,经济断面
  1773. economic crossbreeding ==> 经济杂交,经济杂交
  1774. economic current density ==> 经济电流密度
  1775. economic curve ==> 经济曲线,经济曲线
  1776. economic cybernetics ==> 经济控制论
  1777. economic cycle ==> 经济循环,经济循环
  1778. economic cycle theory ==> 经济周期理论,经济周期理论
  1779. economic cyclical changes ==> 经济周期波动,经济周期波动
  1780. economic data ==> 经济数据
  1781. economic decision ==> 经济决策
  1782. economic decision-making ==> 经济决策,经济决策
  1783. economic decline ==> 经济衰退,经济衰退
  1784. economic demand ==> 经济需求,经济需求
  1785. economic democracy ==> 经济民主,经济民主
  1786. economic demography ==> 经济人口学,经济人口学
  1787. economic density ==> 经济密度,经济密度
  1788. economic dependence ==> 经济依赖,经济依赖
  1789. economic dependency ratio ==> 经济信赖率,经济信赖率
  1790. economic depreciation ==> 实质折旧
  1791. economic depression ==> 经济萧条,经济萧条
  1792. economic determinism ==> 经济决定论
  1793. economic development ==> 经济发展,经济发展,经济开发,经济开发
  1794. economic development accountancy ==> 经济发展会计,经济发展会计
  1795. economic development cycle ==> 经济发展周期,经济发展周期
  1796. economic development plan ==> 经济发展计划,经济发展计划
  1797. economic development program ==> 经济发展规划,经济发展规划
  1798. economic development strategy ==> 经济发展战略理论,经济发展战略理论
  1799. economic development strategy of coastal areas ==> 沿海地区经济发展战略
  1800. economic development zone ==> 经济开发区,经济开发区
  1801. economic diameter ==> 经济直径,经济直径
  1802. economic die ==> 经济模
  1803. economic difficulty ==> 经济困难,经济困难
  1804. economic diplomacy ==> 经济外交,经济外交
  1805. economic dislocation ==> 经济混乱,经济混乱
  1806. economic disparities ==> 经济差异
  1807. economic dispatch ==> 经济调度
  1808. economic dispatching of interconnected power systems 互联电力系统经济调度,在满足各电力系统本身需求和不超过互联系统电能交换能力条件下按边际成本(margin ==> cost)确定各电力系统发电和交换功率计划,使整个互联电力系统的总发电
  1809. economic dispatching of power system ==> 电力系统经济调度,在满足安全、电能质量和备用容量要求的前提下,基于系统有功功率平衡的约束条件和考虑网络损失的影响,以最低的发电(运行)成本或燃料费用,达到机组间发电负荷经济分配且保证对用户可靠供电的一种调度方法
  1810. economic disproportions ==> 经济失调,经济失调
  1811. economic dispute cases ==> 经济纠纷案件,经济纠纷案件
  1812. economic distance ==> 经济距离,经济距离
  1813. economic doctrine ==> 经济原则,经济原则
  1814. economic downturn ==> 经济萎缩,经济萎缩,经济下降,经济下降
  1815. economic drain ==> 经济耗费,经济耗费
  1816. economic dualism ==> 经济二重性,经济二重性
  1817. economic dynamics ==> 经济动态,经济动态
  1818. economic effect ==> 经济效果,经济效果
  1819. economic effect of development ==> 开发的经济效果
  1820. economic effectiveness ==> 经济效益
  1821. economic effects ==> 经济成效,经济成效,经济效益效应,经济效益效应
  1822. economic efficiency ==> 经济效率,经济效率
  1823. economic efficiency of commecial enterprises ==> 商业企业经济效益
  1824. economic entities ==> 经济组织,经济组织
  1825. economic entity ==> 经济实体,经济实体,经济主体,经济主体
  1826. economic environment ==> 经济环境
  1827. economic equilibrium ==> 经济平衡,经济平衡
  1828. economic establishments ==> 经济事业,经济事业
  1829. economic estrangement ==> 经济的异化,经济的异化
  1830. economic evaluation ==> 经济评价=>経済性評価
  1831. economic evaluation of a project ==> 项目经济估价
  1832. economic evaluation of hydropower station ==> 水电站经济评价,应用工程经济学理论,结合水电站特点分析论证水电站经济性和财务可行性的原则和方法
  1833. economic evaluation of project ==> 工程经济评价
  1834. economic evalution ==> 经济估值,经济估值
  1835. economic events ==> 经济事态,经济事态
  1836. economic expansion incentives ==> 经济扩张动力,经济扩张动力
  1837. economic experiment ==> 经济试验,经济试验
  1838. economic exposure ==> 经济暴露,经济暴露
  1839. economic expression ==> 经济学用语,经济学用语
  1840. economic expropriation ==> 经济上的剥夺,经济上的剥夺
  1841. economic fertility ==> 经济肥力,经济肥力
  1842. economic fluctuation ==> 经济波动,经济波动
  1843. economic force ==> 经济力量,经济力量
  1844. economic forecast ==> 经济预测
  1845. economic forecasting method ==> 经济计量预测法,经济计量预测法
  1846. economic forecasting of new products ==> 新产品经济预测
  1847. economic forest ==> 经济林,经济林
  1848. economic forestry ==> 经济林,经济林
  1849. economic form ==> 经济形态,经济形态
  1850. economic formations ==> 经济结构,经济结构
  1851. economic foundation ==> 经济基础,经济基础
  1852. economic freedom ==> 经济自由,经济自由
  1853. economic friction ==> 经济摩擦,经济摩擦
  1854. economic functions ==> 经济职能,经济职能
  1855. economic gain ==> 经济成果,经济成果,赢利
  1856. economic gains ==> 经济效果,经济效果
  1857. economic gap ==> 经济差距,经济差距
  1858. economic generalization ==> 经济通则,经济通则
  1859. economic geography ==> 经济地理,经济地理
  1860. economic geology ==> 经济地质学,经济地质学
  1861. economic girth limit ==> 经济围级限界,经济围级限界
  1862. economic goal ==> 经济目标,经济目标
  1863. economic goods ==> 经济财货,经济财货,经济货物,经济货物,经济商品,经济商品,经济物品,经济物品
  1864. economic grade ==> 经济坡度,经济坡度
  1865. economic grant ==> 经济补助,经济补助
  1866. economic growth ==> 经济成长,经济增长=>経済成長
  1867. economic growth at an appropriate speed ==> 经济适度增长,经济适度增长
  1868. economic growth rate ==> 经济成长率,经济成长率,经济增长率,经济增长率
  1869. economic growth rate in the near future ==> 近期经济增长速度
  1870. economic growth theory ==> 经济增长论,经济增长论
  1871. economic hardship ==> 经济困难,经济困难
  1872. economic harmony theory ==> 经济和谐论,经济和谐论
  1873. economic hierarchical model ==> 经济递阶模型,经济递阶模型
  1874. economic hierarchy scheme ==> 经济阶层结构模式,经济阶层结构模式
  1875. economic hinterland ==> 经济腹地,经济腹地
  1876. economic hypothesis ==> 经济假设,经济假设
  1877. economic ill ==> 经济病症,经济病症
  1878. economic imbalance ==> 经济不平衡状态,经济不平衡状态
  1879. economic impact ==> 经济冲击,经济冲击,经济影响,经济影响
  1880. economic imperialism ==> 经济帝国主义,经济帝国主义
  1881. economic implications ==> 经济意义,经济意义
  1882. economic incentive ==> 经济鼓励,经济鼓励
  1883. economic incentive funds ==> 经济刺激基金,经济刺激基金
  1884. economic income ==> 实质收益
  1885. economic independence ==> 经济独立,经济独立
  1886. economic index ==> 经济指数
  1887. economic index number ==> 经济指数,经济指数
  1888. economic indication ==> 经济表现,经济表现
  1889. economic indicator ==> 经济指标,经济指标
  1890. economic indices of hydropower station ==> 水电站经济指标,用于对水电站经济评价的指标
  1891. economic infiltration ==> 经济渗透,经济渗透
  1892. economic information ==> 经济情报,经济情报,经济信息,经济信息
  1893. economic infrastructure ==> 经济基础设施,经济基础设施
  1894. economic institution ==> 经济机构,经济机构,经济制度,经济制度
  1895. economic integration ==> 经济一体化,经济一体化,经济整合,经济整合
  1896. economic intelligence ==> 经济情报,经济情报
  1897. economic interest ==> 经济利益,经济利益,经济权益,经济权益
  1898. economic internationalism ==> 经济国际主义,经济国际主义
  1899. economic internationalization ==> 经济国际化,经济国际化
  1900. economic interpretation ==> 经济阐述,经济阐述,经济解释,经济解释,经济意义,经济意义
  1901. economic interpretation of history ==> 经济史观,经济史观
  1902. economic issue ==> 经济问题,经济问题
  1903. economic judicature ==> 经济司法,经济司法
  1904. economic law ==> 经济法,经济法,经济规律,经济规律
  1905. economic law studies ==> 经济法学科,经济法学科
  1906. economic laws and decrees ==> 经济法规,经济法规,经济法则,经济法则
  1907. economic laws and regulations ==> 经济法规,经济法规
  1908. economic legal studies ==> 经济法学,经济法学
  1909. economic legislation ==> 经济法则,经济法则,经济立法,经济立法
  1910. economic leverage ==> 经济杠杆,经济杠杆
  1911. economic levers ==> 经济杠杆,经济杠杆
  1912. economic liberalism ==> 经济自由主义,经济自由主义
  1913. economic life ==> 经济寿命
  1914. economic life cycle forecast method ==> 经济寿命预测法,经济寿命预测法
  1915. economic lifeline ==> 经济命脉,经济命脉
  1916. economic limit ==> 经济限制,经济限制
  1917. economic limitations ==> 经济局限性,经济局限性
  1918. economic load dispatching ==> 经济负荷等=>経済負荷配分
  1919. economic load dispatching control ==> 経済運用
  1920. economic long cycle theory ==> 经济长周期论,经济长周期论
  1921. economic losses ==> 经济损失,经济损失
  1922. economic lot size ==> 经济批量,经济批量
  1923. economic lot size equation ==> 经济批量方程,经济批量方程
  1924. economic lot sizes in purchasing ==> 采购的经济批量规模
  1925. economic lot-size analysis ==> 经济批量规模分析,经济批量规模分析
  1926. economic lot-size formula ==> 经济批量公式,经济批量公式
  1927. economic lot-size model ==> 经济批量模型,经济批量模型
  1928. economic magnitude ==> 经济量,经济量,经济数量,经济数量
  1929. economic management ==> 经济管理,经济管理,经济经营,经济经营
  1930. economic manufacturing quantity (EMQ) ==> 经济生产量,经济生产量
  1931. economic maturation theory ==> 经济成熟论,经济成熟论
  1932. economic maturity ==> 经济成熟度,经济成熟度
  1933. economic meaning ==> 经济意义,经济意义
  1934. economic means ==> 经济方法,经济方法,经济手段,经济手段
  1935. economic measurement ==> 经济计量,经济计量
  1936. economic mechanism ==> 经济机制,经济机制
  1937. economic misfortunes ==> 经济不幸,经济不幸
  1938. economic mission ==> 经济使团,经济使团,经济特使,经济特使
  1939. economic mobility ==> 经济变动性,经济变动性
  1940. economic mobilization ==> 经济动员,经济动员
  1941. economic model ==> 经济模型
  1942. economic model analysis ==> 经济模型分析,经济模型分析
  1943. economic model construction ==> 经济模型结构,经济模型结构
  1944. economic model forecast ==> 经济模型预测,经济模型预测
  1945. economic momentum ==> 经济势头,经济势头
  1946. economic motive ==> 经济动机,经济动机
  1947. economic needs ==> 经济需求,经济需求,经济需要,经济需要
  1948. economic network equilibrium problem ==> 经济网络平衡问题,经济网络平衡问题
  1949. economic networks ==> 经济网络,经济网络
  1950. economic object ==> 经济客体,经济客体
  1951. economic objective ==> 经济目标,经济目标
  1952. economic obsolescence ==> 经济废弃,经济废弃
  1953. economic of integration ==> 一体化经济学
  1954. economic offensive ==> 经济攻势,经济攻势
  1955. economic operation model ==> 经济运行模式,经济运行模式
  1956. economic operation of boiler ==> 锅炉经济运行,喷水减温器的减温水流量。
  1957. economic operational mechanism ==> 经济运行机制,经济运行机制
  1958. economic opportunities for ==> 经济出路,经济出路
  1959. economic opportunity ==> 经济机会,经济机会
  1960. economic optimization ==> 経済的最適化
  1961. economic optimization criterion ==> 经济优化标准,经济优化标准
  1962. economic order ==> 经济秩序,经济秩序
  1963. economic order quantity ==> 经济采购量,经济采购量,经济订购批量,经济订购批量
  1964. economic order quantity (EOQ) ==> 经济订购量,经济订购量,经济订货量,经济订货量
  1965. economic order quantity method ==> 经济采购量决定法,经济采购量决定法
  1966. economic ore ==> 经济矿藏,经济矿藏
  1967. economic organization ==> 经济组织,经济组织
  1968. economic organization rationalization ==> 经济组织合理化,经济组织合理化
  1969. economic organization structure ==> 经济组织结构,经济组织结构
  1970. economic oscillation ==> 经济波动,经济波动
  1971. economic outlook ==> 经济前景,经济前景
  1972. economic output ==> 经济功率,在额定的蒸汽参数条件下,热耗率或汽耗率达到最低时的功率
  1973. economic outputs ==> 经济产量
  1974. economic overheating ==> 经济过热
  1975. economic parameters ==> 经济参数
  1976. economic parasite ==> 经济寄生者
  1977. economic pattern ==> 经济结构,经济模式,经济形态
  1978. economic penetration ==> 经济渗透
  1979. economic performance ==> 经济成就,经济成效,经济特性
  1980. economic performance index ==> 经济实效指标,经济实效指标
  1981. economic performance indicators ==> 经营成果指标,经营成果指标
  1982. economic phenomena ==> 经济现象
  1983. economic philosophy ==> 经济哲学,经济哲学
  1984. economic picture ==> 经济状态,经济状态
  1985. economic plan ==> 经济计划,经济计划
  1986. economic planning ==> 经济计划,经济计划
  1987. economic planning administration ==> 经济计划管理,经济计划管理
  1988. Economic Planning Board (EPB) ==> (英国)经济计划局,经济计划局
  1989. economic plants ==> 经济植物,经济植物
  1990. economic pleasure ==> 经济的享受,经济的享受
  1991. economic policy ==> 经济政策,经济政策
  1992. economic policy analysis ==> 经济政策分析,经济政策分析
  1993. economic policy insurance ==> 经济政策保险,经济政策保险
  1994. economic policy-making ==> 经济决策,经济决策
  1995. economic possibility ==> 经济可能性,经济可能性
  1996. economic postulate ==> 经济假设,经济假设
  1997. economic potential ==> 经济潜力,经济潜力
  1998. economic potentiality ==> 経済的可能性
  1999. economic power ==> 经济功率,经济功率,经济实力,经济实力
  2000. economic premise ==> 经济前提,经济前提
  2001. economic pressures ==> 经济压力,经济压力
  2002. economic principle ==> 经济原理,经济原理,经济原则,经济原则
  2003. economic principles of production ==> 生产经济原则
  2004. economic problem ==> 经济问题,经济问题
  2005. economic process ==> 经济过程,经济过程
  2006. economic product ==> 经济产品,经济产品
  2007. economic productivity ==> 经济生产率,经济生产率
  2008. economic profile ==> 经济概况,经济概况
  2009. economic profit ==> 经济利润,经济利润
  2010. economic progress ==> 经济进步,经济进步
  2011. economic projection ==> 经济预测,经济预测
  2012. economic prospect ==> 经济展望,经济展望
  2013. economic prosperity ==> 经济繁荣,经济繁荣
  2014. economic proximity ==> 经济接近性,经济接近性
  2015. economic purchase quantity ==> 经济购货量,经济购货量,经济购入量,经济购入量
  2016. economic purchasing quantity ==> 经济订购批量,经济订购批量
  2017. economic quality ==> 经济素质,经济素质
  2018. economic quantities ==> 经济数量,经济数量
  2019. economic ratio ==> 经济配筋率,经济配筋率
  2020. economic ratio of reinforcement ==> 经济配筋率,经济配筋率
  2021. economic readjustment ==> 经济调整,经济调整
  2022. economic realism ==> 经济现实主义,经济现实主义
  2023. economic reality ==> 经济现实,经济现实
  2024. economic reasoning ==> 经济推理,经济推理
  2025. economic recession ==> 经济衰退,经济衰退
  2026. economic reckoning ==> 经济核算,经济核算
  2027. economic reconstitution ==> 经济重建,经济重建
  2028. economic reconstruction and readjustment ==> 经济重建和调整
  2029. economic recovery ==> 经济采收率,经济采收率,经济复兴,经济复兴,经济复原,经济复原,经济恢复,经济恢复
  2030. economic recovery tax act ==> 经济复苏税收法,经济复苏税收法
  2031. economic regime ==> 经济体制,经济体制,经济制度,经济制度
  2032. economic region ==> 经济区,经济区,经济区域,经济区域
  2033. economic regulating mechanism ==> 经济调节机制,经济调节机制
  2034. economic regulations and ordinances ==> 经济法规,经济法规
  2035. economic regulatory mechanism ==> 经济调节机制,经济调节机制
  2036. economic rehabilitation ==> 经济复兴善后,经济复兴善后
  2037. economic relations ==> 经济关系,经济关系
  2038. economic relationships ==> 经济关系,经济关系
  2039. economic rent ==> 经济纯利,经济纯利,经济地租,经济地租,经济租金,经济租金
  2040. economic reorganization ==> 经济改组,经济改组
  2041. economic research ==> 经济调研,经济调研,经济研究,经济研究
  2042. economic research center ==> 经济研究中心,经济研究中心
  2043. economic research method ==> 研究经济的方法
  2044. economic resources ==> 经济资源,经济资源,财源
  2045. economic responsibility ==> 经济责任,经济责任
  2046. economic restructuring ==> 经济改组,经济改组
  2047. economic result ==> 经济结果,经济结果
  2048. economic result indicators ==> 经济效果指标,经济效果指标
  2049. economic results ==> 经济效果,经济效果
  2050. economic results in import and export trade ==> 进出口贸易经济效果
  2051. economic resurgence ==> 经济复苏,经济复苏,经济复兴,经济复兴
  2052. economic returns ==> 经济收益,经济收益,经济效果,经济效果
  2053. economic revival ==> 经济复兴,经济复兴
  2054. economic rhythm method ==> 经济节律法,经济节律法
  2055. economic rights and interests ==> 经济权益,经济权益
  2056. economic risks ==> 经济风险,经济风险
  2057. economic romanticism ==> 经济浪漫主义,经济浪漫主义
  2058. economic royalist ==> 经济上的保皇派,经济上的保皇派
  2059. economic ruin game ==> 经济破产对策,经济破产对策
  2060. economic sanction ==> 经济制裁,经济制裁
  2061. economic satisfaction ==> 经济满足,经济满足
  2062. economic scene ==> 经济实况,经济实况,经济状态,经济状态
  2063. economic science ==> 经济科学,经济科学
  2064. economic section ==> 经济断面,经济断面
  2065. economic sector ==> 经济成分,经济成分
  2066. economic security ==> 经济安全,经济安全
  2067. economic selection cutting ==> 经济择伐,经济择伐
  2068. economic self-sufficiency ==> 经济自足,经济自足
  2069. economic separation ==> 经济割据,经济割据
  2070. economic series ==> 经济序列,经济序列
  2071. economic service life ==> 经济寿命,经济寿命
  2072. economic service period ==> 经济服务期,经济服务期
  2073. economic setup ==> 经济结构,经济结构,经济体制,经济体制
  2074. economic sheet ==> 经济计算表,经济计算表
  2075. economic short trees ==> 矮型经济林
  2076. economic signals ==> 经济信号,经济信号
  2077. economic significance ==> 经济意义,经济意义
  2078. economic situation ==> 经济形势,经济形势
  2079. economic social overhead capital ==> 经济社会间接资本,经济社会间接资本
  2080. economic societies ==> 经济学会,经济学会
  2081. economic sociology ==> 经济社会学,经济社会学
  2082. economic span ==> 经济跨度,经济跨度
  2083. economic speed ==> 经济速度,经济速度
  2084. economic stability ==> 经济稳定,经济稳定,经济稳定性,经济稳定性
  2085. Economic Stabilization Act ==> 经济稳定法,经济稳定法
  2086. economic stabilization policy ==> 经济稳定政策,经济稳定政策
  2087. economic stabilizer ==> 经济稳定器,经济稳定器
  2088. economic stagnation ==> 经济停滞,经济停滞
  2089. economic statistics ==> 经济统计,经济统计,经济统计学,经济统计学
  2090. economic status ==> 经济地位,经济地位,经济身份,经济身份,经济状态,经济状态
  2091. economic statutes ==> 经济法规,经济法规,经济法则,经济法则
  2092. economic stimuli ==> 经济鼓励,经济鼓励
  2093. economic stimulus ==> 经济鼓励
  2094. economic stimulus (or incentive) ==> 经济刺激
  2095. economic stragegy ==> 经济战略,经济战略
  2096. economic strategy goal system ==> 经济战略目标系统,经济战略目标系统
  2097. economic stratification ==> 经济阶层的形成,经济阶层的形成
  2098. economic strength ==> 经济实力,经济实力
  2099. economic structural equation ==> 经济结构方程式,经济结构方程式
  2100. economic structural mode ==> 经济体制模式,经济体制模式
  2101. economic structure ==> 经济结构,经济结构,经济体制,经济体制
  2102. economic structure shift ==> 经济体制转机,经济体制转机
  2103. economic struggle ==> 经济斗争,经济斗争
  2104. economic study ==> 经济研究,经济研究
  2105. economic suffering ==> 经济困苦,经济困苦
  2106. economic suitability of seed ==> 种子经济适合度
  2107. economic superpower ==> 经济超级大国,经济超级大国
  2108. economic support ==> 经济支援,经济支援
  2109. economic surplus ==> 经济过剩,经济过剩,经济剩余,经济剩余
  2110. economic survey ==> 经济调查,经济调查
  2111. economic system ==> 经济体系,经济体系,经济体制,经济体制,经济系统,经济系统,经济制度,经济制度
  2112. economic system model. ==> 经济系统模型
  2113. economic tactic ==> 经济战术,经济战术
  2114. economic take-off ==> 经济起飞,经济起飞
  2115. economic targets ==> 经济目标,经济目标
  2116. economic technical system ==> 经济技术系统,经济技术系统
  2117. economic test ==> 经济检验,经济检验
  2118. economic theorem ==> 经济定理,经济定理
  2119. economic theoreticians ==> 经济理论工作者,经济理论工作者
  2120. economic theory ==> 经济理论,经济理论
  2121. economic theory of democracy ==> 民主经济论
  2122. economic theses ==> 经济学论文,经济学论文
  2123. economic thought ==> 经济思想,经济思想
  2124. economic thresholds ==> 经济阈值
  2125. economic ties ==> 经济纽带,经济纽带
  2126. economic time series ==> 经济时间数列,经济时间数列
  2127. economic traits ==> 经济特点,经济特点
  2128. economic transaction ==> 经济交易,经济交易
  2129. economic trend ==> 经济趋势,经济趋势
  2130. economic tribunals ==> 经济法庭,经济法庭
  2131. economic ultimate recovery ==> 经济极限采收率,经济极限采收率
  2132. economic underpinning ==> 経済基盤
  2133. economic unequality ==> 经济失衡,经济失衡
  2134. economic union ==> 经济联盟,经济联盟,经济同盟,经济同盟
  2135. economic unity ==> 经济统一,经济统一
  2136. economic utility ==> 经济效用,经济效用
  2137. economic value ==> 经济价值=>経済効果
  2138. economic variable ==> 经济变量,经济变数
  2139. economic viability ==> 经济可行性,经济生存能力
  2140. economic vigor ==> 经济活力
  2141. economic vitality ==> 经济活力
  2142. economic war ==> 经济战,经济战
  2143. economic warfare ==> 经济竞争,经济战
  2144. economic welfare ==> 经济福利
  2145. economic well-being of workers and staff ==> 经济收益
  2146. economic woe ==> 经济苦难
  2147. economic wonder ==> 经济奇迹
  2148. economic work ==> 经济业务
  2149. economic world ==> 经济世界
  2150. economic worth of project ==> 工程经济价值
  2151. economic-criterion system ==> 经济准则系统
  2152. economic-man model ==> 经济人模型
  2153. economic-man model of decision making ==> 经济人决策模式
  2154. economic-type appraisal method ==> 经济型评价法
  2155. economical and practical ==> 经济实惠
  2156. economical available hydroenergy resources ==> 水力资源经济可开发量
  2157. economical carburet(t)or ==> 经济汽化器
  2158. economical combustion ==> 经济燃烧
  2159. economical continuous rating ==> 经济连续出力
  2160. economical continuous rating, ECR ==> 锅炉经济连续出力,又称"经济连续蒸发量"。锅炉在额定蒸汽参数、额定给水温度,并使用设计燃料能安全、连续运行,且锅炉效率最高的蒸发量。
  2161. economical current density ==> 经济电流密度
  2162. economical efficiency ==> 经济性,经济性
  2163. economical engineering ==> 電力経済工学
  2164. economical facing point lock ==> 简易对向道岔锁闭器
  2165. economical feeder ==> 易肥马
  2166. economical gantry crane ==> 简单龙门起重机
  2167. economical load dispatcher ==> 经济负载调度装置
  2168. economical loading ==> 经济负载
  2169. economical operation ==> 经济操作运行=>経済運用
  2170. economical production ==> 经济生产
  2171. economical running ==> 经济运转
  2172. economical size ==> 经济尺寸
  2173. economical use ==> 经济使用
  2174. economically active employed population ==> 就业的经济活动人口
  2175. economically active population ==> 经济活动人口
  2176. economically advanced country ==> 经济发达国家
  2177. economically coordinated region ==> 经济协作区
  2178. economically dependent industrialenterprises ==> 非独立核算工业企业
  2179. economically feasible ==> 经济可行,经济可行,经济上合算,经济上合算
  2180. economically independent ==> 经济独立,经济独立
  2181. economically practical ==> 经济上切实可行的,经济上切实可行的
  2182. economically recoverable ==> 经济可采储量,经济可采储量
  2183. economically recoverable oil ==> 可经济地开采的石油
  2184. economics ==> 经济学,经济状况
  2185. economics for development ==> 发展经济学
  2186. economics of allocation ==> 配量经济学
  2187. economics of control ==> 控制经济学,统制经济学
  2188. economics of distribution network ==> 配电网经济性
  2189. economics of human capital ==> 人力资本经济学
  2190. economics of innovation ==> 技术革新经济学
  2191. economics of internal organization ==> 内部组织经济学
  2192. economics of land resources ==> 土地资源经济学
  2193. economics of materials ==> 材料经济学
  2194. economics of plant protection ==> 植物保护经济学
  2195. economics of production ==> 生产经济学
  2196. economics of scale ==> 经济比例,经济比例,经济规模,经济规模,规模经济学
  2197. economics of wastewater ozonation ==> 废水臭氧化的经济性
  2198. economics of welfare ==> 福利经济学
  2199. economies of learning ==> 学习的经济效果
  2200. economising degrees of freedom ==> 节约自由度
  2201. economize in raw materials ==> 节约原料
  2202. economize on raw materials ==> 降低原料消耗
  2203. economizer ==> 省煤器(经济器),省煤器,利用低温烟气加热给水的受热面=>節炭器
  2204. economizer bank ==> 节热器排管,预热管
  2205. economizer body ==> 省油器本体
  2206. economizer conic valve ==> 锥形省油器阀
  2207. economizer hopper passage plug ==> 经济喷口油道塞,经济喷口油道塞
  2208. economizer relay ==> 节电继电器
  2209. economizer surface ==> 省煤器受热面
  2210. economizer valve ==> 省油阀
  2211. economizing labor time ==> 节约劳动力时间
  2212. economy ==> 经济,经济性,缩减率
  2213. economy aggregate model ==> 经济集结模型,经济集结模型
  2214. economy brick ==> 小型砖
  2215. economy class ==> 客机普通舱
  2216. economy class, tourist class ==> 经济座
  2217. economy contactor ==> 经济接触器,经济接触器
  2218. economy in consumption ==> 节约消费
  2219. economy in oil consumption ==> 节约石油消费
  2220. economy is liable to get overheated ==> 经济过热,经济过热
  2221. economy lacks sufficient discernibility ==> 经济透明度不足,经济透明度不足
  2222. economy of abundance ==> 富裕经济
  2223. economy of energy ==> 能源的经济节约,能源经济
  2224. economy of forestry ==> 林业经济
  2225. economy of gain ==> 增重经济效益
  2226. economy of plenty ==> 富裕经济
  2227. economy of scope ==> 范围经济
  2228. economy of small private capital ==> 小的私人资本经济
  2229. economy of social labor ==> 节约人工的投资
  2230. economy ought to be restructured in a package deal ==> 一揽子经济体制改革
  2231. economy resistance ==> 经济电阻,经济电阻
  2232. economy survey ==> 经济调查,经济调查
  2233. economy's dark continent ==> (指经济未开发的非洲)经济的黑暗大陆,经济的黑暗大陆
  2234. economy's dark continent (指经济未开发的非洲) ==> 经济的黑暗大陆,经济的黑暗大陆
  2235. economy's payments mechanism ==> 经济的支付方法,经济的支付方法
  2236. economy's performance ==> 经济实绩,经济实绩
  2237. economy-type carburettor ==> 省油汽化器
  2238. econonic account ==> 经济帐户,经济帐户
  2239. eCos, embedded Configurable operating system ==> eCos
  2240. ECOS, experiment computer operating system ==> 実験コンピュータ運用システム
  2241. Ecoship ==> 环保船
  2242. ecostratigraphic unit ==> 生态地层单位
  2243. ecosystem ==> 生态系
  2244. ecosystem characterization ==> 生态特性
  2245. ecosystem development ==> 生态系统演化
  2246. ecosystem ecology ==> 生态系统生态学
  2247. ecosystem engineer ==> 生態系エンジニア
  2248. ecosystem hierarchical model ==> 生态递阶模型
  2249. ecosystem interfaces ==> 生态系统界面
  2250. ecosystem management theory ==> 生态系统管理理论
  2251. ecosystem mapping ==> 生态系统制图
  2252. ecosystem prediction ==> 生态系统预测
  2253. ecosystem stability ==> 生态系统稳定性
  2254. ecosystem structure ==> 生态系统结构
  2255. ecosystem-type ==> 生态系统类型
  2256. ecotechnology ==> エコテクノロジー
  2257. ecothiopate iodide ==> 碘磷灵
  2258. ecotypical selection ==> 生态变种选择
  2259. ECP, engineering change proposal ==> 技術変更提案書
  2260. ECPC, Enlarged Committee for Programming and Coordination ==> 拡大計画調整委員会
  2261. ECPE, Engineering Center for Power Electronics ==> EUパワーエレクトロニクス研究センター
  2262. ECR, engineering change request ==> 技術変更要求書
  2263. ECR, expected changes required ==> 所要変更予測
  2264. ECRS, EVA crew rescue system ==> EVA搭乗員救助システム(船外活動員救助システム)
  2265. ECRU, extravehicular contamination removal unit ==> 船外汚染除去装置
  2266. ECS, Electrochemical Society ==> 電気化学学会
  2267. ECS, Emergency Control System ==> 緊急系統制御装置(四国電力)
  2268. ECS, energy capacitor system ==> 電力貯蔵装置
  2269. ECS, energy conversion subsystem ==> エネルギー変換補助装置
  2270. ECS, environmental control system ==> 環境制御装置
  2271. ECS, European communications satellite ==> ECS
  2272. ECS, European Communications Satellite ==> 欧州通信衛星
  2273. ECS, Experimental Communications Satellite ==> 実験用通信衛星
  2274. ECS, exposed cargo section ==> 曝露荷物区
  2275. ECSA European Community Shipowners Associations ==> 欧洲团体船主协会
  2276. ECSJ, Electrochemical Society of Japan ==> (社)電気化学協会
  2277. ECT, electro-static charging tendency ==> 帯電度
  2278. ECT, electronic current transformer ==> 电子式电流互感器
  2279. ECT, electronics current transformer ==> ECT
  2280. ECT, emergency communication transceiver ==> 緊急通信トランシーバ
  2281. ectal layer ==> 外生层
  2282. ectendotrophic mycorrhiza ==> 内外生菌根
  2283. ectoendoblastic membrane ==> 外生内皮层膜
  2284. ectomesodermal dysplasia syndrome ==> 外中胚层发育异常综合征
  2285. ectomorphic type ==> 外胚层体型
  2286. ectoneural system ==> 外神经系
  2287. ectoparasite ==> 皮外寄生物,外寄生虫
  2288. ectopia ==> 异位
  2289. ectopia cordis ==> 异位心,心异位,心脏异位
  2290. ectopia iridis ==> 虹膜异位
  2291. ectopia lentis ==> 晶状体异位
  2292. ectopia of gastric mucosa ==> 胃粘膜异位
  2293. ectopia of scrotum ==> 阴囊异位
  2294. ectopia tarsi ==> 睑板异位,睑板异位
  2295. ectopia testis ==> 睾丸异位
  2296. ectopia vesicae ==> 膀胱外翻,膀胱异位
  2297. ectopic acute appendicitis ==> 异位急性阑尾炎
  2298. ectopic adrenal ==> 异位肾上腺
  2299. ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone syndrome ==> 异位促肾上腺皮质激素综合征
  2300. ectopic beat ==> 异位搏动,异位收缩,异位性心搏
  2301. ectopic calcification ==> 异位性钙化
  2302. ectopic calcitonin syndrome ==> 异位降钙素综合征
  2303. ectopic cardiac rhythm ==> 异位心律
  2304. ectopic contraction ==> 异位收缩
  2305. ectopic endocrine syndrome ==> 异位内分泌综合征
  2306. ectopic erythropoietin syndrome ==> 异位红细胞生成素综合征
  2307. ectopic gastric mucosa ==> 异位胃粘膜
  2308. ectopic gastric mucosa into Meckel's diverticulum ==> 美克尔氏憩室内胃粘膜异位
  2309. ectopic gastrin syndrome ==> 异位胃泌素综合征
  2310. ectopic gestation ==> 异位妊娠
  2311. ectopic gonadotropin hormone syndrome ==> 异位促性腺激素综合征
  2312. ectopic growth hormone syndrome ==> 异位生长激素综合征
  2313. ectopic heart ==> 心脏异位
  2314. ectopic hormone ==> 异位激素,异位性激素
  2315. ectopic hormone secretion ==> 异位激素分泌
  2316. ectopic human placental growth hormone syndrome ==> 异位人胎盘生长激素综合征
  2317. ectopic hydatid mole ==> 葡萄胎异位
  2318. ectopic hydroxyindole syndrome ==> 异位羟吲哚类综合征
  2319. ectopic impulse ==> 异位性冲动
  2320. ectopic insulin syndrome ==> 异位胰岛素综合征
  2321. ectopic intestinal glucagon syndrome ==> 异位肠升血糖素综合征
  2322. ectopic intestinal mucosa ==> 异位肠粘膜
  2323. ectopic kidney ==> 异位肾
  2324. ectopic lesion ==> 异位损害
  2325. ectopic melanocyte-stimulating hormone syndrome ==> 异位促黑细胞激素综合征
  2326. ectopic mesodermal tissue ==> 异位中胚层组织
  2327. ectopic nervous tissue ==> 异位神经组织
  2328. ectopic ossification ==> 异位性骨化
  2329. ectopic pacemaker ==> 异位起搏点
  2330. ectopic pairing ==> 异位配对
  2331. ectopic pancreas ==> 异位胰腺
  2332. ectopic pancreatic islet tissue in small intestine ==> 小肠胰岛组织异位
  2333. ectopic parathyroid ==> 异位甲状旁腺
  2334. ectopic parathyroid hormone syndrome ==> 异位甲状旁腺激素综合征
  2335. ectopic pineal body ==> 异位松果体
  2336. ectopic pineal gland ==> 异位松果体
  2337. ectopic pinealoma syndrome ==> 异位松果体瘤综合征
  2338. ectopic pregnancy ==> 子宫外孕,宫外孕
  2339. ectopic radial pulse ==> 反关脉
  2340. ectopic reflux of pulmonary vein ==> 肺静脉异位回流
  2341. ectopic rhythm ==> 异位节律
  2342. ectopic tachycardia ==> 异位性心动过速
  2343. ectopic testicle ==> 异位睾丸
  2344. ectopic thyroid gland ==> 异位甲状腺
  2345. ectopic thyroid- stimulating hormone syndrome ==> 异位促甲状腺激素综合征
  2346. ectopic tissue ==> 异位组织
  2347. ectopic tooth ==> 异位牙
  2348. ectoplasm ==> 外部原形質,心霊体
  2349. ectothrix spore ==> 发外癣菌孢子
  2350. ectotrophic mycorrhiza ==> 外生菌根
  2351. ectrix (bisectrices) ==> 等分线
  2352. ectropion ==> 外翻,睑外翻,睑外翻
  2353. ectropion luxurians ==> 肉瘤性外翻,结膜肥厚性睑外翻
  2354. ectropion of cervix uteri ==> 子宫颈外翻
  2355. ectropion of lower lip ==> 下唇外翻
  2356. ectropion sarcomatosum ==> 结膜肥厚性睑外翻,肉瘤性外翻
  2357. ectropion spasticum ==> 痉挛性睑外翻
  2358. ectropion uveae ==> 眼色素层外翻,虹膜外翻
  2359. ectropionization ==> 眼睑外翻法
  2360. ECU European Currency Unit ==> 欧洲通货单位
  2361. ECU, Electric Control Unit ==> 電子制御ユニット
  2362. ECU, electrical control unit ==> 電気制御装置
  2363. ECU, electrolysis unit ==> 電気分解装置
  2364. ECU, Electronic Control Unit ==> 電子制御ユニット,コントロールユニット
  2365. Ecuador ==> 厄瓜多尔=>エクアドル
  2366. ECVT, electronic current & voltage transformer ==> 电子式电流电压互感器
  2367. ECW, earth code width ==> 地球コード幅
  2368. eczema hypertrophicum ==> 肥大性湿疹,肥厚状湿疹
  2369. eczema intertrigo ==> 擦烂性湿疹
  2370. eczema of external auditory meatus ==> 外耳湿疹
  2371. eczema of external genitalia ==> 外生殖器湿疹
  2372. eczema of nipple ==> 乳头湿疹
  2373. eczema of shank ==> 下注疮
  2374. eczema vaccinatum ==> 牛痘性湿疹
  2375. eczematoid carcinoma of nipple ==> 乳头湿疹样癌
  2376. eczematoid reaction ==> 湿疹样反应
  2377. eczematous dermatitis ==> 湿疹性皮炎
  2378. ED painting, electro-phoretic ==> 電気泳動塗装
  2379. ED, engineering directorate ==> 技術委員会
  2380. eda ==> 电火花合金化
  2381. EDA, Electronic Design Automation ==> 電子回路設計自動化。
  2382. EDA, electronically despun antenna ==> 電子式デスパンアンテナ
  2383. Edale shales ==> 埃达尔页岩
  2384. edaphic ==> 土壤的
  2385. edaphic climax ==> 土壤顶极,土壤演替顶极
  2386. edaphic climax association ==> 土壤演替顶极群丛
  2387. edaphic climax community ==> 土壤演替顶极群落
  2388. edaphic community ==> 土壤生成群落
  2389. edaphic condition ==> 土壤条件
  2390. edaphic ecotype ==> 土壤生态型
  2391. edaphic factor ==> 土壤因素
  2392. edaphic formation ==> 土壤群系
  2393. edaphic indicator ==> 土壤指示剂,土壤指示植物
  2394. edaphic race ==> 土壤族
  2395. edaphic scale ==> 土壤图表
  2396. edapho-climatic condition ==> 风土条件
  2397. edapho-phytocoentic area ==> 土壤群落分布区
  2398. edaphogenic succession ==> 土壤发生演替
  2399. EDB, engineering data base ==> エンジニアリングデータベース
  2400. EDC ==> 乙烯氧氯化法=>二塩化工エチレン法
  2401. EDC, Economic Dispatching Control ==> 経済負荷配分制御,ELDとほぼ同義
  2402. EDC, EROS Data Center ==> EROSデータセンター
  2403. Eddington approximation ==> 爱丁顿近似
  2404. Eddington limit ==> 爱丁顿极限
  2405. Eddington luminosity ==> 爱丁顿光度
  2406. Eddington standard model ==> 爱丁顿标准模型
  2407. Eddington, A.S.Eddington ==> 1882-1944,英国科学家
  2408. Eddington-Bar-bier method ==> 爱丁顿-巴比叶方法
  2409. Eddowes' syndrome ==> 蓝巩膜综合征
  2410. eddy ==> 涡流,旋涡=>渦(うず)
  2411. eddy axis ==> 涡流轴线
  2412. eddy catching plate ==> 涡流捕尘板
  2413. eddy conduction ==> 涡流传导
  2414. eddy conductivity ==> 涡流传导性
  2415. eddy correlation ==> 涡动相关
  2416. eddy curent inspection instrument ==> 涡流探伤仪
  2417. eddy current ==> 涡电流,涡流电流,涡流,傅科电流=>渦電流
  2418. eddy current analysis ==> 渦電流解析
  2419. eddy current anomaly ==> 涡流损耗异常
  2420. eddy current brake ==> 涡流计动器=>渦電流ブレーキ
  2421. eddy current braking ==> 涡流制动法,涡流计动
  2422. eddy current circuit ==> 涡流电路
  2423. eddy current clutch ==> 涡流离合器=>渦電流クラッチ
  2424. eddy current coefficient ==> 涡流系数
  2425. eddy current confinement ==> 涡流约束
  2426. eddy current damping ==> 涡流阻尼
  2427. eddy current density ==> 渦電流密度
  2428. eddy current displacement vibration amplitude measuring instrument ==> 电涡流式位移振幅测量仪
  2429. eddy current displacement vibration amplitude transducer ==> 电涡注式位移振幅传感器
  2430. eddy current dynamometer ==> 涡力率计
  2431. eddy current effect ==> 涡流效应,涡流作用
  2432. eddy current factor ==> 涡流系数
  2433. eddy current field ==> 涡流
  2434. eddy current ga(u)ge ==> 涡流计
  2435. eddy current heater ==> 涡电流加热器
  2436. eddy current heating ==> 涡流加热
  2437. eddy current inspection ==> 涡电流探伤,涡流检验,涡流探伤
  2438. eddy current loss ==> 涡流损耗,涡流损失=>渦電流損
  2439. eddy current loss factor ==> 涡流损耗系数
  2440. eddy current motor ==> 涡流电动机
  2441. eddy current rail brake ==> 涡流缓行器
  2442. eddy current retarder ==> 涡流阻尼器
  2443. eddy current revolution counter ==> 涡流式转速表
  2444. eddy current rotating brake ==> 涡流旋转制动机
  2445. eddy current shield ==> 渦電流シールド
  2446. eddy current speed indicator ==> 涡流速度指示表
  2447. eddy current tachometer ==> 涡流式转速计,感应式转速表
  2448. eddy current test ==> 涡流探伤,利用交流电磁线圈在金属构件表面感应产生的涡流遇到缺陷会产生变化的原理,来检测构件缺陷的无损探伤技术=>渦流探傷検査
  2449. eddy current test(ing) ==> 涡流探伤
  2450. eddy current testing equipment ==> 涡流探伤机
  2451. eddy current testing method ==> 涡流探伤法
  2452. eddy current thickness meter ==> 电涡流厚流计
  2453. eddy current type retarder ==> 涡流式减速器
  2454. eddy current type transducer ==> 涡流式传感器
  2455. eddy currents ==> 涡流
  2456. eddy currents in attraction type motor ==> 吸引型电动机中的涡流
  2457. eddy currents ultrasonics ==> 涡电流超声
  2458. eddy damping ==> 涡流阻尼
  2459. eddy diffusion ==> 涡动扩散,涡度扩散,涡流扩散,扰动扩散
  2460. eddy diffusion coefficient ==> 涡流扩散率,涡流扩散系数
  2461. eddy diffusion term ==> 涡流扩散项
  2462. eddy diffusivity ==> 涡流扩散率
  2463. eddy displacement currents ==> 涡流位移电流
  2464. eddy effect ==> 涡流效应=>エッジ効果,縁効果(絶縁破壊)
  2465. eddy effusion ==> 涡流喷射
  2466. eddy energy ==> 涡动能,涡动能量
  2467. eddy error ==> 涡流误差
  2468. eddy field ==> 涡旋场
  2469. eddy flow ==> 涡流
  2470. eddy flux ==> 涡动通量,涡流通量
  2471. eddy frequency ==> 涡旋频率
  2472. eddy generation ==> 涡流形成
  2473. eddy heat conduction ==> 紊流热传导,涡流热传导
  2474. eddy heat flux ==> 涡流热传导
  2475. eddy kinematic viscosity ==> 涡流运动粘度
  2476. eddy kinetic energy ==> 涡动动能,涡流动能
  2477. eddy loss ==> 涡琉失
  2478. eddy losse ==> 涡流损耗
  2479. eddy mill ==> 涡流粉碎机,涡流式碾磨机,锅穴
  2480. eddy milling ==> 旋涡研磨
  2481. eddy motion ==> 涡流运动
  2482. eddy resistance ==> 涡旋阻力
  2483. eddy shedding ==> 涡流分离
  2484. eddy size ==> 涡旋尺度
  2485. eddy spectrum ==> 涡流谱,涡旋谱
  2486. eddy stress ==> 涡流压力,雷诺应力
  2487. eddy thermal diffusivity ==> 涡流热扩散系数
  2488. eddy transfer ==> 涡流传递
  2489. eddy velocity ==> 涡动速度,涡流速度
  2490. eddy viscosity ==> 涡流粘度
  2491. eddy wake ==> 涡流伴流
  2492. eddy washing machine ==> 旋涡式清洁机
  2493. eddy with horizontal axis ==> 横轴旋涡
  2494. eddy zone ==> 涡流区
  2495. eddy-built bar ==> 涡成沙坝
  2496. eddy-current ==> 涡流
  2497. eddy-current brake ==> 涡流制动
  2498. eddy-current coupling ==> 涡流耦合器
  2499. eddy-current damper ==> 涡电流阻尼器
  2500. eddy-current disc ==> 涡流盘
  2501. eddy-current flowmeter ==> 涡流流量计
  2502. eddy-current gravimeter ==> 涡流重差计
  2503. eddy-current heating ==> 感应加热
  2504. eddy-current instrument ==> 涡流测量仪器
  2505. eddy-current motor ==> 涡流电动机
  2506. eddy-current screen ==> 涡流屏蔽
  2507. eddy-current speed indicator ==> 涡流测速计
  2508. eddy-current tachometer ==> 涡流转速计
  2509. eddy-current test ==> 涡电流试验
  2510. eddy-current transducer ==> 涡流式传感器
  2511. eddy-current-type dynamometer ==> 涡电式测功器
  2512. eddy-deposited silt ==> 涡流沉积淤泥
  2513. eddy-free front ==> 流线型前身
  2514. eddy-making ==> 涡流形成
  2515. eddy-making resistance ==> 产生涡流的阻力
  2516. eddy-milled particle ==> 旋磨粉末
  2517. eddy-mixing ==> 涡流混合
  2518. eddy-resistance ==> 涡流阻力
  2519. eddycard memory ==> 涡流卡片存储器
  2520. eddycard store ==> 涡流卡片存储器
  2521. eddying effect ==> 涡流效应
  2522. eddying flow ==> 涡流流动
  2523. eddying resistance ==> 涡流阻力
  2524. eddying shedding ==> 涡流分离
  2525. eddying turbulence ==> 涡旋紊流
  2526. Edelean process ==> 爱迪林精炼法
  2527. edema ==> 瘤腺体,水肿,浮肿,皮下水肿
  2528. edema bullosum vesicae ==> 膀胱大疱性水肿
  2529. edema caused by infantile convulsion ==> 惊水
  2530. edema due to blood stasis ==> 血肿
  2531. edema due to dysfunction of the liver ==> 肝水
  2532. edema due to unacclimatization ==> 不服水土肿
  2533. edema due to yang insufficiency ==> 阳虚水泛
  2534. edema during menstruation ==> 经期水肿,经期水肿
  2535. edema during pregnancy ==> 子肿
  2536. edema frigidum ==> 非炎性水肿
  2537. edema neonatorum ==> 新生儿水肿
  2538. edema of cervix ==> 子宫颈水肿
  2539. edema of cirrhosis ==> 肝硬変の浮腫
  2540. edema of face ==> 面目浮肿
  2541. edema of lower extremity ==> 下肢浮肿
  2542. edema of pregnancy ==> 妊娠水肿
  2543. edema of scrotum ==> 阴囊水肿
  2544. edema of the face ==> 面肿
  2545. edematous calf ==> 水肿犊
  2546. edematous laryngitis ==> 水肿性喉炎
  2547. Edenborn coiler ==> 艾登堡式卷取机
  2548. Edenborn reel ==> 艾登堡式线材卷取机
  2549. edestin fiber ==> 麻仁纤维
  2550. edetic acid ==> 乙底酸,乙二胺四乙酸
  2551. EDF, Electric de France ==> 法国电力公司
  2552. EDF, Electricite de France ==> フランス電力公社
  2553. EDF, engineering data function ==> エンジニアリングデータ機能
  2554. EDFA ==> エルビウム光ファイバー増幅器
  2555. Edgar Allan Poe ==> 艾德加·爱伦·坡
  2556. edge ==> 边缘,边,棱,边界,主切削刃,缘,锯成棱边,交界处,界,刃,矢线,材边,Where is the edge for cascading failures?=>端面,エッジ,はずれ,境界
  2557. EDGE ==> 电子数据汇集系统
  2558. edge abrasion ==> 边缘磨损
  2559. edge absorption ==> 边缘吸收
  2560. Edge Act ==> 艾奇国际条例
  2561. edge action ==> 边缘作用
  2562. edge acuity ==> 图像边缘清晰度
  2563. edge analysis ==> 轮廓分析,图像边缘分析
  2564. edge angle ==> 棱角,边缘角=>エッジ角度
  2565. edge averaging ==> エッジ平均
  2566. edge beam ==> 縁げた
  2567. edge blurry ==> 边缘模糊
  2568. edge bonding machine ==> 封边机
  2569. edge bowl ==> (无槽法生产平板玻璃)碗形边型器
  2570. edge break ==> 边折
  2571. edge breakdown ==> エッジ破損
  2572. edge butt joint ==> 边缘对接
  2573. edge cam ==> 平面凸轮,端面凸轮=>側面カム
  2574. edge capacitance ==> 边缘电容
  2575. edge card ==> 边缘插件板,边缘卡片
  2576. edge clamp mounting ==> 夹边安装
  2577. edge clearance angle ==> 刃后角
  2578. edge clocked D-type register ==> 脉冲边沿同步的D型触发器,边沿同步的D型触发器
  2579. edge coal group ==> 边缘煤群
  2580. edge coated card ==> 边沿涂层卡片,边缘涂层卡片,包边卡片
  2581. edge coded card ==> 边缘编码卡
  2582. edge coil ==> 边缘线圈,扁绕线圈
  2583. edge collision ==> 擦边碰撞
  2584. edge compression ==> 边缘压缩
  2585. edge conditions ==> 边界条件
  2586. edge connectable ==> 带插接边的
  2587. edge connector ==> 印刷板插头,印制板插头,边缘插接件,边缘接头,边缘连接器
  2588. edge contact ==> 边缘接触
  2589. edge contact area ==> 边缘接触面
  2590. edge contour ==> 边缘外形
  2591. edge control device ==> 边缘控制装置
  2592. edge crack ==> 边裂缝,边缘裂缝,边缘裂纹
  2593. edge current ==> 边缘电流=>端電流
  2594. edge curvature ==> エッジ曲率
  2595. edge cutting ==> 縁切り
  2596. edge damage ==> 破边=>刃先損傷
  2597. edge defect ==> 角欠け
  2598. edge definition ==> 图像边缘清晰度
  2599. edge detection ==> 边缘检测
  2600. edge detection filter ==> 边缘检测滤波器
  2601. edge detector ==> 边缘检测器
  2602. edge deterioration ==> 边缘磨损
  2603. edge devices ==> 先端技術の機器
  2604. edge diffraction ==> 边缘衍射=>エッジ回折
  2605. edge direction ==> 边缘方向=>エッジ方向
  2606. edge disjoint circuit union ==> 边不相接回路的并集
  2607. edge disjoint cut-set union ==> 边不相接割集的并集
  2608. edge dislocation ==> 边缘位错,刃型位错,刃状位错=>刃状転位
  2609. edge distance ==> 边距
  2610. edge distance of rivets ==> 铆钉边距
  2611. edge drop plate ==> 侧落式槽口排种盘
  2612. edge effect ==> 边际效应,边行效应,边缘效果,边缘效应,边缘影响,翼缘效应,棱角效应=>エッジ効果,縁効果(絶縁破壊)
  2613. edge effect modulator ==> 边缘效应调制器
  2614. edge element ==> 辺要素
  2615. edge emission ==> 边缘发射
  2616. edge enhancement ==> 轮廓增强
  2617. edge file ==> 刃锉
  2618. edge filter ==> 流线式过滤器,边缘滤器
  2619. edge finish ==> 立轧
  2620. edge firing ==> 边缘点火法
  2621. edge flare ==> 边缘闪光
  2622. edge flux ==> 边缘磁通
  2623. edge focusing ==> 边缘聚焦
  2624. edge fog ==> 边沿灰雾,边缘灰雾,边缘模糊,边缘翳影
  2625. edge fold ==> 折边
  2626. edge folder ==> 叠边机
  2627. edge forming ==> 侧边成形
  2628. edge fracture ==> 边裂缝
  2629. edge frequency ==> 边界频率
  2630. edge fringing ==> 边缘起纹效应
  2631. edge function ==> 边缘函数
  2632. edge fusion ==> 熔边
  2633. edge fuzziness ==> 图形边缘模糊
  2634. edge gate ==> 压边浇口,缝隙内浇口
  2635. edge glass ==> 棱镜
  2636. edge gluer ==> 单板横接机,边缘涂胶机
  2637. edge gradient ==> 边沿梯度,边缘梯度
  2638. edge grinding machine ==> 磨边机
  2639. edge grip ==> 边侧插接
  2640. edge growth ==> 边缘生长
  2641. edge hinge ==> 明合页
  2642. edge inking machine ==> 边沿着墨机
  2643. edge iron ==> 边缘铁,角铁
  2644. edge irregularity ==> 边缘不规则性
  2645. edge jitter ==> 边缘跳动
  2646. edge joint ==> 边缘接缝,边缘连接,拼缝,端边接头,端接接头
  2647. edge joint weld ==> 边缘焊
  2648. edge knurling machine ==> 滚花机
  2649. edge light ==> 跑光
  2650. edge lining ==> 镶边
  2651. edge lip ==> 边缘凸起变形
  2652. edge load ==> 边缘荷载
  2653. edge load stress ==> 边载应力
  2654. edge machine ==> 缝边机
  2655. edge matching ==> 边匹配
  2656. edge melting ==> 熔边
  2657. edge melting machine ==> 熔边机
  2658. edge member ==> 边缘构件
  2659. edge mill ==> 碾碎机,碾子,轮碾式混砂机
  2660. edge milling ==> 轧边,侧压下
  2661. edge milling machine ==> 铣边机
  2662. edge notch ==> 边沿切口
  2663. edge notch card ==> 边缘切口卡片
  2664. edge notched card ==> 边缘切口卡片
  2665. edge notches ==> 边缘切口
  2666. edge number ==> 边缘标号,胶片编号
  2667. edge numbers ==> 片边号码
  2668. edge nurline machine ==> 滚花机
  2669. edge of a pulse ==> 脉冲边缘
  2670. edge of continental shelf ==> 大陆架边缘
  2671. edge of fracture ==> 破裂面边缘
  2672. edge of leaf ==> 叶缘
  2673. edge of Mach cone ==> 马赫锥母线
  2674. edge of punch ==> 冲头缘
  2675. edge of regression ==> 回归边缘,脊线
  2676. edge of shovel ==> 铲刃
  2677. edge of ski ==> 滑雪刀
  2678. edge of the optic disk ==> 視神経乳頭縁
  2679. edge of tool ==> 刀口
  2680. edge of vertical transition ==> 垂直过渡边缘
  2681. edge of work ==> 工件边缘,工作件边缘
  2682. edge of wound ==> 创缘
  2683. edge phenomena ==> 边沿现象
  2684. edge pick stitching machine ==> 边缝缝合机
  2685. edge placement ==> 边缘布置
  2686. edge plane ==> 边刨
  2687. edge planer ==> 刨边机
  2688. edge planing machine ==> 刨边机
  2689. edge polishing ==> 边抛光
  2690. edge position control ==> 边缘位置控制
  2691. edge positioner ==> 边缘定位器
  2692. edge preparation ==> 边缘整理,板边加工,接边加工,坡口加工
  2693. edge printer ==> 边缘印片机
  2694. edge printing ==> 边沿曝光,边沿印出,边缘印字
  2695. edge protection ==> 边缘加固,叶缘的保持
  2696. edge pulse ==> 边缘脉冲
  2697. edge purity magnet ==> 边缘色纯化磁铁
  2698. edge radius ==> 棱角半径
  2699. edge rail ==> 护轮轨
  2700. edge reading ==> 边缘读数
  2701. edge receptacle ==> 印制电路板插座
  2702. edge reduction ==> 侧边压缩
  2703. edge resolution ==> 边缘分辨率,光栅边缘鉴别力
  2704. edge resonance ==> 部分共振
  2705. edge response curve ==> 边缘响应曲线
  2706. edge roll ==> 辊式拉边器
  2707. edge rolled ==> 封面卷边的
  2708. edge rolling ==> 滚挤,滚压工步
  2709. edge run-out ==> 边偏转
  2710. edge runner ==> 碾磨机,碾子,磨轮
  2711. edge runner mill ==> 磨轮式碾机,双辊式碾碎机
  2712. edge runner mixer ==> 湿碾混合机
  2713. edge runner-wet mill ==> 湿碾机
  2714. edge sander ==> 侧边砂光机
  2715. edge scanner ==> 带材边缘位置调整器
  2716. edge scarfer ==> 铲疵工,火焰清理机
  2717. edge seal ==> 边封,刀口密封
  2718. edge sealing ==> 封边
  2719. edge seam ==> 边缘裂纹
  2720. edge seam welding ==> 端面接头滚焊
  2721. edge segmentation ==> 图像边缘分块
  2722. edge sence network ==> 边沿检测网络
  2723. edge sense circuit ==> 边沿检测电路,脉冲边沿检测电路
  2724. edge sense network ==> 脉冲边沿检测网络
  2725. edge sequence ==> 边序列
  2726. edge sharpening ==> 边缘锐化
  2727. edge sharpness ==> 图像边缘清晰度
  2728. edge shaver ==> 刨边机
  2729. edge shifting ==> 边缘漂移
  2730. edge skew ==> 斜边砖,单面斜砖
  2731. edge smoothing machine ==> 磨边机
  2732. edge sorter ==> 边选装置
  2733. edge spread function (ESF) ==> 刃边扩散函数
  2734. edge squeezer ==> 齐边压力机
  2735. edge stacking ==> 侧堆法,侧垛法
  2736. edge steepness of edge filter ==> 截止滤光片的陡度
  2737. edge stone ==> 边缘石
  2738. edge straightener ==> 边缘碾平器
  2739. edge strengthening ==> 边缘加固
  2740. edge stress ==> 边界应力,边缘应力,棱边应力
  2741. edge stretcher ==> 边拉伸器
  2742. edge substitution ==> 边缘取代
  2743. edge thickness difference ==> 边缘厚度差
  2744. edge thickness factor ==> 边缘厚度系数,扼流系数
  2745. edge tone ==> 哨音
  2746. edge tones ==> 边棱音
  2747. edge tool ==> 有刃口刀具,削边刀
  2748. edge trace ==> 边缘痕量,边缘迹线
  2749. edge tracker processor ==> 边沿跟踪器信息处理机
  2750. edge tree ==> 林缘树
  2751. edge trigger ==> 边缘触发
  2752. edge trigger flip flop ==> 边缘触发触发器
  2753. edge triggered flip-flop ==> 边沿触发的触发器
  2754. edge trimmer ==> 切边机
  2755. edge trimming plane ==> 修缘刨
  2756. edge type filter ==> 棱角式滤器
  2757. edge water ==> 边水,边缘,层边水
  2758. edge wave ==> 边缘波,棱波
  2759. edge wave diffraction ==> 棱波衍射
  2760. edge wavelength of edge filter ==> 截止滤光片的截止波长
  2761. edge weld ==> 端接焊,端接焊缝,端面焊缝,对边焊
  2762. edge welding ==> 边缘焊接
  2763. edge wheel ==> 研磨轮
  2764. edge winding ==> 边缘绕组
  2765. edge-arrissing residue ==> 磨边残留
  2766. edge-card connector ==> 板边插接器
  2767. edge-cell seed plate ==> 槽口式排种盘
  2768. edge-chamfering machine ==> 边缘倒棱机
  2769. edge-contact-cooled rectifier ==> 边缘接触冷却的整流器
  2770. edge-crimped yarn ==> 刀口卷曲变形纱
  2771. edge-dressing machine ==> 板边加工机床
  2772. edge-emitting diode ==> 边发射二极管
  2773. edge-flange joint ==> 卷边接头,卷边接头
  2774. edge-guide mode isolator ==> 边导模隔离器
  2775. edge-illuminated scale ==> 侧面照明度盘
  2776. edge-lift agitator ==> 边管提升搅拌器
  2777. edge-like identification ==> 类似边识别
  2778. edge-lit display ==> 边光显示
  2779. edge-mark ==> 材边标记
  2780. edge-notched card ==> 边缘凹口卡片=>ノッチカード
  2781. edge-on object ==> 侧向天体
  2782. edge-on spiral ==> 侧向旋涡星系
  2783. edge-perforated card ==> 边沿穿孔卡片
  2784. edge-preserving regularization ==> エッジ保存正則化
  2785. edge-punched card ==> 边沿穿孔卡片,边缘穿孔卡片=>エッジカード
  2786. edge-punched punch ==> 边缘穿孔机
  2787. edge-restraint condition ==> 边界约束条件,边缘约束条件
  2788. edge-runner dry mill ==> 干式轮碾机
  2789. edge-runout ==> 外周振れ
  2790. edge-shaving machine ==> 刨版边机
  2791. edge-spread function ==> 边缘扩散函数
  2792. edge-strip scanning equipment ==> 带材边缘扫描器,带材边缘自动控制器
  2793. edge-support interface ==> 边缘支承界面
  2794. edge-tone element ==> 哨音元件,流振元件
  2795. edge-trimmed roofing ==> 剪边屋顶
  2796. edge-trimming machine ==> 剪边机
  2797. edge-wise compression ==> 侧面压缩,测面压缩
  2798. edgeboard connector ==> 卡片边沿联接器
  2799. edged surface ==> 角面
  2800. edger ==> 磨边机器,齐边机,修边器
  2801. edger approach table ==> 轧边输入辊道
  2802. edger impression ==> 滚挤模腔
  2803. edger mill ==> 轧边机,立辊机座,立辊轧机
  2804. edger roll ==> 立辊,轧边辊
  2805. edger rolls ==> (平板玻璃)辊式拉边器
  2806. edger unit ==> 磨边设备
  2807. edges of plate ==> 钢板的边缘
  2808. edgetone effect ==> 尖劈效应
  2809. edgewise ==> 沿边
  2810. edgewise conglomerate ==> 竹叶状砾岩
  2811. edgewise indicator ==> 边缘读数式指示表,边转指示器
  2812. edgewise instrument ==> 边缘读数式仪表,边转仪器
  2813. edgewise needle ==> 刀刃形针
  2814. edgewise shear ==> 沿边剪切
  2815. edgewise welding ==> 沿边焊接
  2816. edgewise winding ==> 扁带线圈,扁立绕法,扁绕绕组
  2817. edgewise wound coil ==> 扁立缠绕线圈
  2818. Edgeworth contract curve ==> 埃奇沃思合同曲线
  2819. Edgeworth cycle ==> 埃奇沃思循环
  2820. Edgeworth index ==> 埃奇沃思指数
  2821. edging ==> 折边
  2822. edging brush ==> 修坯毛刷
  2823. edging grinder ==> 边条切碎机
  2824. edging machine ==> 折边机
  2825. edging mill ==> 轧边机,立辊轧机,立轧机架
  2826. edging operation ==> 磨边工序
  2827. edging pass ==> 轧边孔型,立轧道次,立轧孔型
  2828. edging plant ==> 饰边植物
  2829. edging shears ==> 修边剪刀
  2830. edging stand ==> 立辊机座
  2831. edging stone ==> 磨边石
  2832. edgm ==> 电火花磨床
  2833. edh ==> 电火花强化
  2834. EDI Electronic Data Interchange ==> 电子数据交换
  2835. ediate terminal ==> 中途站
  2836. ediate-term financing ==> 中期资金筹措
  2837. edible ==> 可食的
  2838. edible calories ==> 营养卡
  2839. edible canna ==> 蕉芋
  2840. edible fungi ==> 食用菌
  2841. edible greens ==> 食用绿叶菜类
  2842. edible maturity ==> 食用成熟度
  2843. edible meat yield ==> 去骨肉产量
  2844. edible oil ==> 食用油,食油
  2845. edible part of a nut ==> 坚果的
  2846. edible pigment ==> 食用色素
  2847. edible poded pea ==> 食荚豌豆
  2848. edible root ==> 食用根
  2849. edible roots ==> 食用根菜类
  2850. edible seaweed ==> 海菜
  2851. edible tree fungus ==> 木耳
  2852. edible tulip bulb ==> 光慈姑
  2853. edible vegetable oil ==> 食用植物油
  2854. edifice ==> 大建造物,組織,体系
  2855. Edinburgh sink ==> 爱丁堡水槽
  2856. Edison accumulator ==> 爱迪生蓄电池
  2857. Edison Award, international Edison Award ==> The Edison Award is presented annually to one U.S. and one international electric company selected from members of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI). HONOLULU (June 4, 2003) - In recognition of its creation of the Transient Stability Control System, a pioneering online program to help maintain electric system reliability, the Chubu Electric Power Company today was named the 2003 winner of the international Edison Award, the electric power sector's highest honor. The prestigious prize is given annually by the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) to the U.S. shareholder-owned member and international member making the most outstanding contributions to the advancement of the industry. A committee of national industry trade publication editors and a panel of past and current EEI chairmen select the finalists and ultimate winners. This year's award, the 44th, was given to Chubu Electric Power at EEI's annual convention, "Charting the Future Course," in Honolulu.
  2858. edison base ==> 爱迪生灯座
  2859. Edison base ==> 爱迪生灯座,螺旋灯座
  2860. Edison battery ==> 爱迪生电池,爱迪生蓄电池,镍铁电池
  2861. Edison bridge ==> 爱迪生电桥
  2862. Edison dynamo ==> エジソンダイナモ
  2863. Edison effect ==> 爱迪生效应,热电放射效应=>エジソン効果
  2864. Edison phonograph ==> 爱迪生留声机
  2865. Edison screw ==> 爱迪生螺纹,圆螺纹
  2866. Edison screw cap ==> 爱迪生灯泡头
  2867. Edison screw lampholder ==> ねじ込みソケット(ランプ)
  2868. Edison screw socket ==> ねじ込みソケット
  2869. edison socket ==> 螺丝口灯头
  2870. Edison socket ==> 螺口插座
  2871. Edison storage battery ==> 铁镍蓄电池
  2872. Edison storage cell ==> 爱迪生蓄电池
  2873. edison thread ==> 爱迪生螺纹
  2874. Edison, T.H.Edison ==> 1847-1931,爱迪生,美国发明家
  2875. Edison-Junger accumulator ==> 铁镍蓄电池
  2876. Ediswan wiring system ==> 爱迪斯璜布线制
  2877. edit capability ==> 编辑能力
  2878. edit code ==> 编辑码
  2879. edit control ==> 编辑控制
  2880. edit control character ==> 编辑控制符
  2881. edit directed transmission ==> 编辑式直接传输
  2882. edit dump ==> 编辑转储
  2883. edit file ==> 编辑信息
  2884. edit function ==> 编辑功能
  2885. edit information file ==> 编辑信息文件
  2886. edit item ==> 编辑项目
  2887. edit mask ==> 编辑掩码
  2888. edit mode ==> 编辑方式
  2889. edit mode command ==> 编辑状态指令
  2890. edit pulse ==> 编辑脉冲,剪辑脉冲
  2891. edit routine ==> 编辑程序,编辑例行程序
  2892. edit statements ==> 编辑语句
  2893. edit symbol ==> 编辑符号
  2894. edit, to ==> 編集する
  2895. edit-directed stream ==> 编排式流,定向编辑流
  2896. edit-directed transmission ==> 定向编辑传输,面向编辑的传输,编辑制导传输,编排式传输
  2897. edited copy ==> 已编辑的拷贝,编辑复本,编辑拷贝
  2898. editelectron lens ==> 电子透镜
  2899. editing ==> 編集
  2900. editing character ==> 编辑字符
  2901. editing console ==> 编辑台
  2902. editing controller ==> 编辑控制器
  2903. editing criteria ==> 取舍准则
  2904. editing function ==> 编辑功能
  2905. editing key ==> 编辑键,编辑索引
  2906. editing machine ==> 编辑机,剪辑机
  2907. editing mode ==> 编辑方式,编辑状态
  2908. editing operation ==> 编辑操作,编排操作
  2909. editing rack ==> 剪辑导轨
  2910. editing routine ==> 编辑例行程序
  2911. editing session ==> 编辑对话期,编辑会话期
  2912. editing sign control symbol ==> 符号编辑用字符
  2913. editing symbol ==> 编辑符号,编排符号
  2914. editing tape ==> 编辑纸带
  2915. editing terminal ==> 编辑终端设备
  2916. editing type ==> 编辑类型
  2917. editing videocorder automatic retrieval device ==> 编辑录像机自动检索装置
  2918. edition ==> 版本,版次
  2919. edition binding ==> 特装本
  2920. edition de luxe ==> 精装本,精装本
  2921. editional function ==> 编辑功能
  2922. editor command ==> 编辑程序命令
  2923. editor program ==> 编辑程序
  2924. editor's note ==> 编者按
  2925. editorial ==> 编辑的
  2926. editorial affairs ==> 編集業務
  2927. editorial department ==> 编辑部
  2928. editorial note ==> 编者按
  2929. editorial office ==> 编辑部
  2930. editorial supervisor ==> 監修者
  2931. edj ==> 放电连接
  2932. EDK, electric dynamic Kata thermometer ==> 電気式動カタ温度計
  2933. EDL, engineering data library ==> エンジニアリングデータライブラリー
  2934. EDLC, electric double layer capacitor ==> 電気二重層キャパシタ
  2935. Edlefsen's test ==> 检葡萄糖法
  2936. edm ==> 电腐蚀机
  2937. edm center ==> 电火花加工中心
  2938. EDM instrument ==> 电磁波测距仪
  2939. EDM machine tool ==> 电火花机床
  2940. EDM machines tracer controlled wire ==> 仿形控制的放电加工机床
  2941. edm plant ==> 放电加工设备
  2942. EDM shaping machine ==> 电火花成型机床
  2943. edm with normal polarity ==> 正极性加工
  2944. edm with reversed polarity ==> 负极性加工
  2945. EDM, electric discharge machining ==> 放電加工機
  2946. Edman degradation technique ==> 埃德曼降解技术
  2947. edmc ==> 电火花加工中心
  2948. Edmond's balance ==> 爱德蒙天平
  2949. edmos ==> 增强型耗尽型模式金属氧化物半导体
  2950. EDNS, Expected Duration Not Supplied ==> 供給支障時間
  2951. EDO DRAM, (RAM) Extended Data Out Dynamic RAM ==> 通常のRAMより高速なデータ転送が可能なRAM。Pentiumを使ったパソコンでは、これを使う機種が多い。
  2952. EDO, extended duty orbiter ==> 拡大任務オービタ
  2953. EDP center ==> 电子数据处理中心
  2954. EDP(S), electronic data processing system ==> 電子計算機処理システム
  2955. EDP, electronic data processing ==> 電子式データ処理
  2956. EDP, embedded data procedure ==> 埋込み型データ手続
  2957. EDPF-NT ==> 电科院国电智深公司自动化控制系统
  2958. EDPS, electronic data processing system ==> 電子データ処理装置
  2959. EDPS, EROS data center's digital image processing system ==> エロスデータセンターデジィタル画像処理システム
  2960. Edridge-Green lantern tests ==> 埃德里奇-格林坦信号灯测验
  2961. edrophonium chloride ==> 氯化乙基(3-羟苯基)二甲胺,氯化滕西隆
  2962. EDRP ==> エネルギー需要研究プロジェクト
  2963. EDRS, European Data Relay Satellite ==> 欧州データ中継衛星
  2964. EDRTS, Experimental Data Relay and Tracking Satellite ==> 実験用データ中継・追跡衛星
  2965. EDS, ElectroDynamic Suspension ==> 超電導コイルによる電磁誘導支持方式(磁気浮上式鉄道)
  2966. EDS, Electronic Data System Corporation ==> 電子データシステムコーポレーション
  2967. EDSA ==> メーカー
  2968. EDSCAN, Electric Discharge SCANning ==> 放電走査法
  2969. edt ==> 放电处理
  2970. EDT, eastern daylight time ==> 東部日照時間
  2971. EDT, Eastern Daylight Time ==> 米国東部時間
  2972. EDTA calcium complex disodium salt ==> 乙二胺四乙酸钙钠盐
  2973. EDTA magnesium complex disodium salt ==> 乙二胺四乙酸镁钠盐
  2974. EDTA-CaNa ==> 解铅乐
  2975. EDU, engineering development unit ==> 技術開発ユニット
  2976. education channel ==> 教育信道
  2977. education insurance ==> 教育保险
  2978. education management ==> 教育管理
  2979. education of automatics ==> 自动化教学
  2980. education or training received ==> 教育程度
  2981. education support system ==> 教育用システム
  2982. education with electrical audiovisual aids ==> 电化教育
  2983. educational appropriations ==> 教育经费
  2984. educational assessment ==> 教育评估
  2985. educational attainment ratio ==> 教育程度比率
  2986. educational broadcasting ==> 教育广播
  2987. educational communication ==> 教育传播
  2988. educational duty ==> 培养关税
  2989. educational equipment ==> 教育機器
  2990. educational evaluation ==> 教育评价
  2991. educational expenses ==> 教育费用
  2992. educational information ==> 教育信息
  2993. educational level ==> 教育水平
  2994. educational level of workers ==> 劳动者素质
  2995. educational machine ==> 教育机器
  2996. educational management information system (EMIS) ==> 教育管理信息系统
  2997. educational objective ==> 教育目标
  2998. educational opportunities ==> 教育机会
  2999. educational philosophy ==> 教育哲学
  3000. educational program ==> 教育程序,教育规划=>教育プログラム
  3001. educational psychology ==> 教育心理学
  3002. educational qualifications ==> 学历
  3003. educational satellite ==> 教育卫星
  3004. educational services ==> 教育机构
  3005. educational sociology ==> 教育社会学研究
  3006. educational statisitcs ==> 教育统计
  3007. educational statistics ==> 教育统计学
  3008. educational status ==> 教育程度
  3009. educational structure ==> 教育结构
  3010. educational supervision ==> 教育督导
  3011. educational system ==> 教育系统
  3012. educational system engineering ==> 教育系统工程
  3013. educational tariff ==> 培养关税
  3014. educational technology ==> 教育技术,教育技术设备
  3015. educational television ==> 教育电视,科教电视
  3016. eduction engine ==> 推論エンジン
  3017. eduction gear ==> 排出装置
  3018. eduction stroke ==> 排泄冲程
  3019. eduction valve ==> 排泄阀
  3020. eductor ==> 排放管,排放装置,排泄器=>排出装置
  3021. eductor condenser ==> 排出冷凝器
  3022. eductor pump ==> 排泄泥水泵
  3023. edulcorant ==> 甘味料
  3024. Edward's syndrome ==> 爱德华氏综合征
  3025. Edwin Armstrong ==> エドウィン・アームストロング,FM放送の発明者
  3026. Edzell shales ==> 埃德泽尔页岩
  3027. EE, electrical engineer ==> 電気系技術者
  3028. EE, end-effector ==> エンドエフェクタ
  3029. EEC, European Economic Community ==> 欧州経済共同体
  3030. EED, Electro (Electrical) Explosive Device ==> エレクトロエクスプローシブデバイス
  3031. EED, electro-explosive device ==> 電気式起爆装置
  3032. EED, electronics explosive device ==> 点火回路
  3033. EED-TEST, electro-explosive devices test connector ==> EED試験コネクタ
  3034. EEE "European-Economic-Ecological" Tanker Design ==> “欧洲经济生态”
  3035. EEE, electrical electronic and electromechanical parts ==> 電気,電子,電気機械部品
  3036. EEEU, end effector electronics unit ==> エンドエフェクタ電子装置
  3037. EEG automatic analyzer ==> 脑电自动分析器
  3038. eeg frequency analyzer ==> 脑电频率分析器
  3039. EEG frequency analyzer ==> 脑电频率分析器
  3040. EEG, electroence phalographic transducer[sensor] ==> 脑电图传感器
  3041. EEG, electroencephalogram ==> 脳電図
  3042. EEG, electroencephalography ==> 脳波
  3043. EEHC ==> エジプト電力公社
  3044. EEI, Edison Electric Institute ==> エジソン電気事業者協会,Edison Electric Institute (EEI) is the premier trade association for U.S. shareholder-owned electric companies, and serves international affiliates and industry associates worldwide.
  3045. Eel Brand antifriction metal ==> 伊尔布兰德减摩合金
  3046. eel grass ==> 苦草
  3047. eel oil ==> 鳗鱼油
  3048. eel poison ==> 鳗毒
  3049. EEL, electrical equipment list ==> 電気装置リスト
  3050. eel-liver oil ==> 鳗鱼肝油
  3051. eelctromagnetic fuel indicator ==> 电磁式油量表
  3052. EELS, electron energy loss spectroscopy ==> 電子エネルギー損失分光法
  3053. EEMD, ensemble empirical mode decomposition ==> 集合体経験的モード分解
  3054. EENS, Expected Energy Not Supplied ==> 供給支障電力量
  3055. EEOED, emergency earth orbital escape device ==> 緊急地球軌道脱出装置
  3056. EEPROM, electrical erasable programmable ROM ==> 書き込み/消去可能なメモリ
  3057. EEPROM, Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory ==> 電気的消去可能読み出し専用メモリー
  3058. EER ==> エマージング・エナジー・リサーチ(米コンサルティング企業)
  3059. eerom ==> 电可擦只读存储器
  3060. EES, earth exploration satellite ==> 地球探査衛星
  3061. EES, electricity energy storage ==> 電力エネルギー貯蔵
  3062. EES, exposed experiment section ==> 曝露実験区
  3063. EES-UETP, Electric Energy Systems - University Enterprise Training Partnership ==> EES-UETP is a consortium of European universities, research institutes and electric companies.
  3064. EEU, equipment exchange unit ==> 装置交換機構
  3065. EEU, extravehicular excursion unit ==> 船外遊泳装置
  3066. EEUSS, extravehicular excursion unit service system ==> 船外遊泳装置サービスシステム
  3067. EEV, extravehicular excursion vehicle ==> 船外活動機
  3068. EEX, European Energy Exchange ==> 欧州エネルギー取引所(ドイツ)
  3069. EEZ ==> 排他的経済水域
  3070. EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone ==> 高级经济区
  3071. ef ==> 射极跟随器
  3072. EF, exposed facility ==> 曝露部
  3073. EFC, emergency fuel control ==> 緊急燃料管制
  3074. Efco-Northrup furnace ==> 高频感应炉,埃弗科-诺思拉斯无芯高频感应炉
  3075. Efco-Udylite process ==> 埃费科-尤迪莱特光亮镀镍法
  3076. EFD, electric field ==> 電場
  3077. EFD, Experimental Fluid Dynamics ==> 実験流体力学
  3078. EFF, Electronic Frontier Foundation ==> 電子フロンティア財団は電子ネットワークの自由を守る活動をしている。
  3079. effacement of cervical canal ==> 颈管消失,颈管消失
  3080. effcetive output ==> 有效生产量
  3081. effect ==> 影响,效,效果,效应
  3082. effect a policy ==> 取得保险单
  3083. effect an insurance ==> 附加保险
  3084. effect disk(-sc) ==> 特技插盘
  3085. effect filter ==> 效应滤色器
  3086. effect glass ==> 效应玻璃,特技用玻璃
  3087. effect in response ratio ==> 响应率的效应
  3088. effect lacquer ==> 真空涂漆,美饰漆
  3089. effect lighting ==> 特技照明
  3090. effect machine ==> 特技机器,特技装置
  3091. effect manurial efficiency ==> 肥效
  3092. effect microphone ==> 效果传声器
  3093. effect monitor ==> 效果监察器
  3094. effect of a barrier ==> 屏障的隔声作用
  3095. effect of air pollution on human health ==> 空气污染对人体健康的影响
  3096. effect of bankruptcy ==> 破产的效力
  3097. effect of capacity ==> 电容效应
  3098. effect of cirrhosis ==> 肝硬変の影響
  3099. effect of civil law ==> 民法效力
  3100. effect of corrosion inhibition ==> 腐蚀抑制作用
  3101. effect of deposits within the boiler ==> 锅炉内部沉淀的效应
  3102. effect of dilution ==> 稀释效应
  3103. effect of evolution ==> 演化效应
  3104. effect of experimental variable ==> 实验变数效果
  3105. effect of factor movements ==> 要素移动后果
  3106. effect of fertilizer ==> 肥料效力,肥效
  3107. effect of grooves ==> 槽效应
  3108. effect of holes ==> 孔效应
  3109. effect of inductivity ==> 感应率效应
  3110. effect of inertia ==> 惯性效应
  3111. effect of inflation ==> 通货膨胀的影响
  3112. effect of investment ==> 投资效果
  3113. effect of lattice dilatation ==> 晶格膨胀效应
  3114. effect of microwave ==> 微波影响
  3115. effect of mode degeneracy ==> 波型退化效应
  3116. effect of pooling facility ==> 设备联合经营的效果
  3117. effect of risk ==> 风险的后果,风险的效应
  3118. effect of segregation ==> 分凝效应
  3119. effect of smoothing ==> 修匀效果
  3120. effect of soil drying ==> 土壤干旱效应
  3121. effect of spacing on the line inductance ==> 線路インダクタンスに与える素導体間隔の影響
  3122. effect of substitution ==> 替代效应
  3123. effect of the escapement ==> 擒纵机构效应
  3124. effect of trade ==> 贸易效果
  3125. effect of wall potential ==> 壁势效应
  3126. effect on atmospheric pressure ==> 海拔高度对大气压力的影响
  3127. effect sound ==> 效果声,特技声
  3128. effect track ==> 效果磁迹
  3129. effecter ==> 効果器
  3130. effective ==> 有效的
  3131. effective [neutron] multiplication factor ==> 有效[中子]增殖因数,在有限大小的增殖介质的中子增殖过程中,某代中子数与相邻前一代中子数之比。用符号keff表示。其数值等于相同组成的无限介质中子增殖因数k∞与中子不从该有限介质系统泄漏的概率之乘积
  3132. effective absorption ==> 有效吸附,(木材等)有效吸水量
  3133. effective absorption coefficient ==> 有效吸收系数
  3134. effective acceleration ==> 有效加速度
  3135. effective acceptance time interval ==> 有效接收时间间隔
  3136. effective accumulated temperature ==> 有效积温
  3137. effective acidity ==> 有效酸度
  3138. effective acoustic center ==> 有效声中心
  3139. effective acoustic power ==> 有效声功率
  3140. effective acoustic pressure ==> 有效声压
  3141. effective actuation time ==> 有效激励时间
  3142. effective address ==> 有效地址=>有効アドレス
  3143. effective admission ==> 有效进气
  3144. effective admittance ==> 有效导纳=>実効アドミタンス
  3145. effective age ==> 有效年限
  3146. effective agent ==> 有效药剂
  3147. effective aggregate tax rate ==> 实际综合税率
  3148. effective air gap ==> 等效气隙
  3149. effective air path ==> 有效空中路线
  3150. effective algorithm ==> 可行算法
  3151. effective alkali ==> 有效碱
  3152. effective alkalinity ==> 有效碱度
  3153. effective ampere ==> 有效安培
  3154. effective amplification ==> 有效放大
  3155. effective amplitude ==> 有效振幅
  3156. effective angle ==> 有效角
  3157. effective angle of attack ==> 有效迎角
  3158. effective angle of obliquity ==> (转子发动机的)有效摆动角
  3159. effective angular field ==> 有效视场
  3160. effective annual interest rate ==> 实际年利率
  3161. effective annual rate ==> 实际年利率
  3162. effective antenna length ==> 有效天线长度
  3163. effective antenna noise temperature ==> 実効アンテナ雑音温度
  3164. effective aperture ==> 有效孔径,有效口径,实际孔径
  3165. effective apparatus ==> 效应器
  3166. effective area ==> 有效面积=>実効面積
  3167. effective area of concrete ==> 混凝土有效面积
  3168. effective area of orifice ==> 孔口有效面积
  3169. effective area of picture ==> 有効画面
  3170. effective area of reinforcement ==> 有效钢筋面积,钢筋有效面积
  3171. effective aspect ratio ==> 有效长宽比
  3172. effective aspect ratio parameter ==> 有效伸长率
  3173. effective atmosphere ==> 有效大气压,有效气压,光学有效大气
  3174. effective atomic charge ==> 有效原子电荷
  3175. effective atomic mass ==> 有效原子质量
  3176. effective atomic number ==> 有效原子序数
  3177. effective attenuation ==> 有效衰减=>実効減衰量
  3178. effective attenuation factor ==> 有效衰减系数
  3179. effective averaging time ==> 有效平均时间
  3180. effective band ==> 有效频带
  3181. effective bandwidth ==> 有效带宽,谱带宽度
  3182. effective berthing energy ==> 有效靠船能量
  3183. effective bit rate ==> 有效位速
  3184. effective blood plasma flow ==> 有效血浆流量
  3185. effective blood volume ==> 有效血容量
  3186. effective bond length ==> 有效键长
  3187. effective brake drum braking area ==> 有效闸轮制动面积
  3188. effective branching factor ==> 有效分支因素
  3189. effective breeding threshold ==> 有效增殖阈
  3190. effective bunching angle ==> 有效聚束角
  3191. effective byte ==> 有效字节
  3192. effective byte location ==> 有效字节位置
  3193. effective cadmium cut off ==> 有效镉截止值
  3194. effective call ==> 有效呼叫
  3195. effective capacitance ==> 有效电容
  3196. effective capacity ==> 有效能力
  3197. effective capacity (effective power) ==> 有效功率
  3198. effective capacity of kiln ==> 窑的有效容积
  3199. effective capture cross-section ==> 有效俘获截面
  3200. effective cardiac muscular contraction ==> 心肌有效收缩
  3201. effective case depth ==> 有效硬化深度
  3202. effective cathode current ==> 有效阴极电流
  3203. effective cavitation number ==> 有效空泡数
  3204. effective charge ==> 有效电荷
  3205. effective chart width ==> 有效记录纸宽度
  3206. effective chimney height ==> 有效烟囱高度
  3207. effective circulating blood volume ==> 有效循环血量
  3208. effective circulation ==> 有效循环,通货的实际流通量,(货币)实际流通额
  3209. effective circulatory volume ==> 有效血循环量
  3210. effective clearance ==> 有效间隙
  3211. effective collector ==> 有效集电极
  3212. effective collision ==> 有效碰撞
  3213. effective collision cross-section ==> 有效碰撞截面=>有効衝突断面積
  3214. effective column height ==> 有效柱高
  3215. effective compression ratio ==> 有效压缩比
  3216. effective concentration ==> 有效浓度
  3217. effective conductance ==> 有效电导
  3218. effective conductivity ==> 有效电导率
  3219. effective confining pressure ==> 有效围压
  3220. effective confusion area ==> 有效干扰面积
  3221. effective constant ==> 有效常数
  3222. effective constituent ==> 有效成分
  3223. effective constitutive parameters ==> 等価構成定数
  3224. effective coupling constant ==> 有效耦合常数
  3225. effective coverage ==> 有效区域,可达范围
  3226. effective crimping radius ==> 有效卷曲半径
  3227. effective cross current ==> 有效横流
  3228. effective cross section ==> 有效截面
  3229. effective cross section of ionization ==> 有效电离截面
  3230. effective cross sectional area ==> 有效断面积
  3231. effective cross-section ==> 有效截面
  3232. effective cross-sectional area ==> 有效截面面积
  3233. effective crossing coefficient ==> 有効交差係数
  3234. effective crossing over ==> 有效交换
  3235. effective crossover ==> 有效截面
  3236. effective current ==> 有效电流
  3237. effective current flow ==> 有效电流
  3238. effective cut off frequency ==> 有效截止频率
  3239. effective cycle time ==> 有效循环时间
  3240. effective damping ==> 有效阻尼
  3241. effective damping constant ==> 有效阻尼常数
  3242. effective data process ==> 有效数据法
  3243. effective data transfer rate ==> 有效数据传送率=>有効データ転送速度
  3244. effective data transmission rate ==> 実効転送速度
  3245. effective date ==> 生效日期
  3246. effective date of regulations ==> 条例生效日期
  3247. effective dead time ==> 有效空载时间
  3248. effective dead-line scheduling ==> 有效期限调度
  3249. effective debt ==> 实际债务
  3250. effective decline rate ==> 有效递减率
  3251. effective deficiency ==> 有效亏数
  3252. effective degree ==> 有效次数
  3253. effective delivery stroke ==> 有效供油行程
  3254. effective demand ==> 有效需量,在供电系统高峰需量期间或给定的潜在高峰需量期间内,由某个用户、某类用户或某类负荷构成的需量量值
  3255. effective demand factor ==> 有效需量因数,某个用户、一组用户或一组设施的有效需量与其总设施负荷之比
  3256. effective density ==> 有效密度
  3257. effective density of state ==> 有效能态密度
  3258. effective depreciation ==> 实际贬值
  3259. effective depth ==> 有效板厚,有效高度,有效梁高,有效深度
  3260. effective depth of beam ==> 有效梁高
  3261. effective depth of slab ==> 有效板厚
  3262. effective descriptive set theory ==> 有效描述集合论
  3263. effective diameter ==> 有效直径,节径=>平均直径
  3264. effective diameter of picture area ==> 有效画面直径
  3265. effective diameter of pipe ==> 有效管径
  3266. effective diameter of thread ==> 螺纹中径
  3267. effective diaphragm ==> 有效光阑
  3268. effective diaphragm area ==> 膜片有效面积
  3269. effective dielectric constant ==> 有效介电常数
  3270. effective diffusion coefficient ==> 有效扩散系数
  3271. effective diffusion constant ==> 有效扩散常数
  3272. effective diffusion velocity ==> 有效扩散速度
  3273. effective diffusivity ==> 有效扩散率
  3274. effective digit ==> 有效数字
  3275. effective dimensions ==> 有效尺寸
  3276. effective dipole moment ==> 有效偶极矩
  3277. effective direct radiation ==> 有效直接放射
  3278. effective directivity factor ==> 有效指向性因数
  3279. effective discharge ==> 有效流量
  3280. effective discharge area ==> 有效通过面积
  3281. effective disk area ==> 有效圆盘面积
  3282. effective dispersion parameter ==> 有效扩散参数
  3283. effective distance ==> 有效距离
  3284. effective distortion ==> 有效失真=>実効ひずみ
  3285. effective distribution coefficient ==> 有效分布系数
  3286. effective dose ==> 有效剂量,有效量
  3287. effective dose 50 ==> 半数有效量
  3288. effective double-word ==> 有效双字
  3289. effective double-word location ==> 有效双字位置
  3290. effective draft ==> 有效抽力
  3291. effective drainage porosity ==> 有效孔隙率
  3292. effective driving force ==> 有效传动力
  3293. effective drying surface ==> 有效干燥面积
  3294. effective duration ==> 有效期间
  3295. effective dynamic permeability ==> 有效动磁导率
  3296. effective earth radius ==> 有效地球半径
  3297. effective efficiency ==> 有效效率
  3298. effective elastic constant ==> 有效弹性常数
  3299. effective electro-mechanical couple factor ==> 有效机电耦合系数
  3300. effective electromotive force ==> 有效电动势
  3301. effective electron density ==> 有效电子密度
  3302. effective elongation ==> 有效伸长
  3303. effective emission height ==> 有效排放高度
  3304. effective emissivity ==> 有效发射率
  3305. effective energy ==> 有效能量
  3306. effective entanglement density ==> 有效缠结密度
  3307. effective enthalpy ==> 有效焓
  3308. effective error ==> 有效误差
  3309. effective evaluation ==> 有效评价
  3310. effective evaporation ==> 有效蒸发
  3311. effective evaporation rate ==> 有效蒸发率
  3312. effective evapotranspiration ==> 有效蒸散
  3313. effective exchange rate index ==> 实际汇率指数
  3314. effective excitaion force ==> 有效激振力
  3315. effective exhaust velocity ==> 有效排气速度
  3316. effective exposure time ==> 有效曝光时间
  3317. effective f-number ==> 有效f数,有效光圈
  3318. effective facsimile band ==> 有效传真频带
  3319. effective factor ==> 有效因数
  3320. effective fertility ==> 有效生殖率
  3321. effective fertilizer composition ==> 肥料有效成分
  3322. effective field ==> 有效场
  3323. effective field intensity ==> 有效场强
  3324. effective field maintenance ==> 有效野外维护
  3325. effective field of fire ==> 有效射界
  3326. effective field ratio ==> 有效磁场比
  3327. effective figure ==> 有効数字
  3328. effective film ==> 有效界膜
  3329. effective film thickness ==> 膜有效厚度
  3330. effective filtration pressure ==> 有效过滤压,有效滤过压
  3331. effective firing range ==> 有效射程
  3332. effective firing time ==> 有效射击时间
  3333. effective flange width ==> 有效翼缘宽度
  3334. effective flow ==> 有效流量
  3335. effective flow parameter ==> 有效流动参数
  3336. effective flow pitch ==> 有效流距
  3337. effective flow resistance ==> 有效流阻
  3338. effective focal length ==> 有效焦距
  3339. effective force ==> 惯性力
  3340. effective fragment ==> 有效破片
  3341. effective fragmentation ==> 有效爆破
  3342. effective furnace volume ==> 炉膛有效容积,简称"炉膛容积"。炉膛边界范围以内燃料燃烧及有效辐射传热的空间容积。
  3343. effective gage length ==> (强力测试的)有效隔距长度
  3344. effective gain ==> 有效放大系数
  3345. effective gamma ==> 有效灰度系数
  3346. effective gap ==> 有效缝隙宽度
  3347. effective gap length ==> 有效隙长
  3348. effective gasket width ==> 有效垫片宽度
  3349. effective gate width ==> 有效选通脉冲宽度
  3350. effective generation time ==> 有效世代时间
  3351. effective genus ==> 有效亏格
  3352. effective gradient ==> 有效坡度
  3353. effective grain size ==> 有效粒径
  3354. effective ground pressure ==> 有效接地压力
  3355. effective grounded line ==> 有效接地线
  3356. effective grounding ==> 有效接地
  3357. effective grounding of neutral ==> 有効接地
  3358. effective growing season ==> 有效生长季
  3359. effective gun bore line ==> 有效炮孔线
  3360. effective gust velocity ==> 有效阵风速度
  3361. effective half life ==> 有效半衰期
  3362. effective half-life ==> 有效半排出期,有效半衰期
  3363. effective half-word ==> 有效半字
  3364. effective half-word location ==> 有效半字单元
  3365. effective Hall Parameter ==> 有效霍耳参数
  3366. effective head ==> 净落差,有效水头,有效压头=>有効落差
  3367. effective heat duty ==> 有效热负荷
  3368. effective heat exchange area ==> 有效换热面积
  3369. effective heating surface ==> 有效受热面
  3370. effective height ==> 有效高度=>実効高(アンテナ)
  3371. effective height of column ==> 有效柱高
  3372. effective helix angle ==> 有效螺旋角
  3373. effective hierarchy access time ==> 有效的层次存取时间
  3374. effective hitch point ==> 有效悬挂点
  3375. effective horizon ==> 有效地平线
  3376. effective horsepower ==> 有效马力
  3377. effective impedance ==> 有效阻抗=>実効インピーダンス
  3378. effective impulse ==> 有效脉冲
  3379. effective impulse width ==> 脉冲有效宽度
  3380. effective index ==> 有交折射率=>実効屈折率
  3381. effective indicated mean pressure ==> 有效平均指示压力
  3382. effective inductance ==> 有效电感=>実効インダクタンス
  3383. effective inertia mass ==> 有效惯量
  3384. effective ingredient ==> 有効成分
  3385. effective initial pressure ==> 有效初压力
  3386. effective injection ==> 有效注入
  3387. effective input admittance ==> 有效输入导纳
  3388. effective input capacitance ==> 有效输入电容
  3389. effective input resistance ==> 有效输入电阻
  3390. effective instruction ==> 有効命令
  3391. effective integral ==> 有效积分
  3392. effective intensity ==> 有效强度=>実効光度(せん光灯)
  3393. effective interaction ==> 有效互作用
  3394. effective interest method ==> 实际利息法
  3395. effective ionization coefficient ==> 実効電離係数
  3396. effective irradiance ==> 有效辐照度
  3397. effective kilogram (ekg) ==> 有效公斤
  3398. effective language ==> 执行语言
  3399. effective launcher line ==> 有效发射线
  3400. effective leakage path ==> 有效漏失面积
  3401. effective length ==> 有效长度=>実効長,有効長
  3402. effective length of bolt ==> 螺栓计算长度
  3403. effective length of column ==> 柱的有效长度
  3404. effective length of delivery ==> 有效输出长度
  3405. effective length of track ==> 線路有効長
  3406. effective lens aperture ==> 透镜有效孔径
  3407. effective lethal phase ==> 有效致死期,致死效应期
  3408. effective lever arm ==> 有效杠杆比
  3409. effective life ==> 有効期間
  3410. effective life time ==> 有效寿命
  3411. effective life-time ==> 有效寿期
  3412. effective lighting ==> 有效照明
  3413. effective line width ==> 有效谱线宽度
  3414. effective liquid water content ==> 有效液态含水量
  3415. effective load ==> 有效负载
  3416. effective load carrying capability ==> 等価負荷供給能力
  3417. effective magnetic field ==> 有效磁场=>有効磁界
  3418. effective magneton number ==> 有效磁子数
  3419. effective maintenance ==> 有效维护
  3420. effective management ==> 实际管理机构
  3421. effective margin ==> 有效界限=>実効マージュ(電信)
  3422. effective marginal tax rates ==> 实际边际税率
  3423. effective mass ==> 有效质量=>有効質量,実効質量
  3424. effective mass approximation ==> 有效质量近似
  3425. effective mass of the moving element ==> 运动部件有效质量
  3426. effective mean power ==> 有效平均功率
  3427. effective mean pressure ==> 平均有效压力
  3428. effective mean temperature difference ==> 有效平均温差
  3429. effective medicine ==> 良药
  3430. effective memory address ==> 有效存储器地址
  3431. effective memory band width ==> 有效存储器带宽
  3432. effective migration velocity ==> 有效驱进速度,根据静电除尘器实际结构、处理烟气量、电场内的烟气流速以及实测除尘效率等计算出来的荷电悬浮尘粒在电场力作用下向收尘极板表面运动的速度
  3433. effective minimum antenna height ==> 実効最小アンテナ高
  3434. effective minute ventilation ==> 每分有效通气量
  3435. effective mixing length ==> 有效交混长度
  3436. effective mobility ==> 有效迁移率
  3437. effective modulation ==> 有效调制
  3438. effective modulus ==> 有效模量
  3439. effective modulus of elasticity ==> 有效弹性模量
  3440. effective molecular diameter ==> 有效分子直径
  3441. effective molecular weight ==> 有效分子量
  3442. effective moment of inertia ==> 有效惯性矩
  3443. effective monopole radiated power ==> 有效单极子辐射功率
  3444. effective multiplication constant ==> 有效倍增常数
  3445. effective multiplication factor ==> 有效倍增系数
  3446. effective net head ==> 有效净水头
  3447. effective net margin ==> 有效净容限
  3448. effective network chain ==> 有效网链
  3449. effective neutron cycle time ==> 中子有效寿命时间
  3450. effective neutron lifetime ==> 有效中子寿期
  3451. effective neutron temperature ==> 有效中子温度
  3452. effective noise bandwidth ==> 有效噪声带宽
  3453. effective noise power ==> 有效噪声功率
  3454. effective noise temperature ==> 有效噪声温度
  3455. effective normal stress ==> 有效正应力
  3456. effective nuclear charge ==> 有效核电荷
  3457. effective number of plate ==> 有效塔板数
  3458. effective numerical aperture ==> 有效数值孔径
  3459. effective observation distance ==> 有效观察距离
  3460. effective opening ==> 有效孔径
  3461. effective operand address ==> 有效操作数地址,操作数有效地址
  3462. effective output ==> 有效功率,有效输出功率
  3463. effective output admittance ==> 有效输出导纳
  3464. effective output impedance ==> 有效输出阻抗
  3465. effective overlap period ==> 有效重叠期
  3466. effective overload output ==> 有效超载功率
  3467. effective par ==> 实际票面价值
  3468. effective particle density ==> 有效颗粒密度
  3469. effective particle diameter ==> 有效粒子直径
  3470. effective particle velocity ==> 有效粒子速度
  3471. effective passage throat ==> 有效喉道截面
  3472. effective path length ==> 有效光程长度
  3473. effective pay rate ==> 实际工资率
  3474. effective payload ==> 有效营业载荷
  3475. effective peak number ==> 有效峰数
  3476. effective perceived noise decibel ==> 有效感觉噪声分贝
  3477. effective perceived noise level ==> 有效感觉噪声级
  3478. effective percentage ==> 有效率
  3479. effective percentage modulation ==> 有效调制率
  3480. effective period ==> 有效期,有效周期=>有効期間
  3481. effective periodicity ==> 有效周期性
  3482. effective permeability ==> 有效磁导率,有效导磁率,有效渗透性,有效透磁率,实际渗透率=>実効透磁率
  3483. effective phase difference ==> 有效相位差
  3484. effective picture area ==> 有效图像面积
  3485. effective picture signal ==> 有效图像信号
  3486. effective pitch ==> 有效节距,有效螺距
  3487. effective pitch angle ==> 有效螺距角
  3488. effective pitch ratio ==> 有效螺距比
  3489. effective pixels ==> 有効画素数
  3490. effective plate height ==> 有效塔板高度
  3491. effective plate number ==> 有效塔板数
  3492. effective plate volume ==> 有效塔板容积
  3493. effective pneumatic capacitor ==> 膜片气动有效容量
  3494. effective population size ==> 有效群体大小
  3495. effective pore radius ==> 有效孔径
  3496. effective pore volume ==> 有效孔隙容积
  3497. effective porosity ==> 有效空隙率,有效孔隙度,实际空隙率
  3498. effective power ==> 有效功率=>有効電力
  3499. effective precipitable water ==> 有効給水量
  3500. effective precipitation ==> 有效降雨量
  3501. effective prescription ==> 良方
  3502. effective pressure ==> 有效压力
  3503. effective prestress ==> 有效预应力
  3504. effective price ==> 实际价格
  3505. effective procedure ==> 有效程序
  3506. effective propagation velocity ==> 有效传播速度
  3507. effective prophylactic inoculation ==> 有效预防接种
  3508. effective publication ==> 有效发表
  3509. effective pull ==> 有效拉力
  3510. effective pulse width ==> 脉冲有效宽度
  3511. effective pumping speed ==> 有效抽速
  3512. effective push ==> 有效推力
  3513. effective quantity ==> 有效量
  3514. effective quantum efficiency ==> 有效量子效率
  3515. effective quantum number ==> 有效量子数
  3516. effective radiated power ==> 有效发射功率,有效幅射功率=>有効放射電力
  3517. effective radiation ==> 有效辐射
  3518. effective radiation exitance ==> 有效辐(射)出(射)度
  3519. effective radium content ==> 有效镭含量
  3520. effective radius ==> 有效半径
  3521. effective radius of the earth ==> 等価地球半径
  3522. effective rainfall ==> 有效雨量
  3523. effective rake ==> 有效臂长
  3524. effective range ==> 有效测量范围,有效范围,有效量限,测量范围=>有効範囲,有効測定範囲(測定器)
  3525. effective rate ==> 实际比率,实际汇价,有效率
  3526. effective rate of exchange ==> 实际汇价
  3527. effective rate of fire ==> 有效射速
  3528. effective rate of protection ==> 实际保护率
  3529. effective rate of tax ==> 实际税率
  3530. effective ratio ==> 有效比
  3531. effective reactance ==> 有效电抗=>実効リアクタンス
  3532. effective recombination coefficient ==> 有效复合系数
  3533. effective recombination velocity ==> 有效复合速度
  3534. effective reflecting surface ==> 有效反射面
  3535. effective reflectivity ==> 有效反射率
  3536. effective refractive index ==> 実効屈折率
  3537. effective reinforcement ==> 有效筋,有效配筋
  3538. effective relative aperture ==> 有效f数
  3539. effective relaxation length ==> 有效张弛长度
  3540. effective removal cross-section ==> 有效移出截面
  3541. effective renal blood flow ==> 有效肾血流量
  3542. effective renal plasma flow ==> 有效肾血浆流量
  3543. effective resistance ==> 有效电阻=>実効抵抗
  3544. effective resistivity ==> 有效电阻率
  3545. effective resonance integral ==> 有效共振积分
  3546. effective respiration ==> 有效呼吸
  3547. effective responsive quantum effeciency ==> 有效响应量子效率
  3548. effective retarding force ==> (汽车的)有效减速力
  3549. effective Reynolds number ==> 有效雷诺数
  3550. effective roller length ==> (轴承的)有效滚柱长度
  3551. effective rolling radius ==> 有效滚动半径
  3552. effective salinity ==> 有效含盐量
  3553. effective sampling area ==> 有效取样面积
  3554. effective scanning line ==> 有效扫描线
  3555. effective scanning periodic ratio ==> 有效扫描周期比
  3556. effective scattering cross-section ==> 有效散射截面
  3557. effective scattering mass ==> 有效散射质量
  3558. effective sealing width of gasket ==> 垫片有效密封宽度
  3559. effective secondary emission factor ==> 有效二次发射因数
  3560. effective section ==> 有效断面,有效截面,有效剖面
  3561. effective section modulus ==> 有效剖面模数
  3562. effective sectional area ==> 有效截面面积
  3563. effective seedling ==> 有效实生苗
  3564. effective segregation ==> 有效分离,正分离
  3565. effective selectivity ==> 有效选择性=>実効選択度
  3566. effective self-bias voltage ==> 実効自己バイアス電圧
  3567. effective sensitivity ==> 有效灵敏度
  3568. effective separation factor ==> 有效分离系数
  3569. effective separation radius ==> 有效分选半径
  3570. effective shadow ==> 有效静区
  3571. effective shadow zone ==> 有效声影区
  3572. effective shear ==> 有效剪力
  3573. effective shear strength parameters ==> 有效抗剪强度参数
  3574. effective shearing rigidity ==> 有效抗剪刚度
  3575. effective shielding constant ==> 有效屏频常数
  3576. effective shrinkage ==> 有效收缩量
  3577. effective shunt impedance ==> 有效并联阻抗
  3578. effective sieve aperture size ==> 有效筛孔度,有效筛眼孔径
  3579. effective signal ==> 有效信号
  3580. effective signal duration ==> 有效信号持续期间
  3581. effective signal radiated ==> 有效发射信号
  3582. effective size ==> 有效尺寸
  3583. effective size of grain ==> 有效粒度
  3584. effective slip ==> 有效滑距
  3585. effective slip ratio ==> 有效滑距比
  3586. effective slip velocity ==> 有效滑动速度
  3587. effective slit width ==> 有效狭缝宽度
  3588. effective snowmelt ==> 有效融雪量
  3589. effective sound pressure ==> 有效声压
  3590. effective sound velocity ==> 有效声速
  3591. effective source area ==> 有效源面积
  3592. effective span ==> 有效跨度
  3593. effective specific gravity ==> 有效比重
  3594. effective specific impulse ==> 有效比冲
  3595. effective speed ==> 有效速度
  3596. effective spot size ==> 有效斑点尺寸,有效光点大小
  3597. effective spring length ==> 有效弹簧长
  3598. effective stack height ==> 有效烟囱高度,烟囱有效高度
  3599. effective stage ==> 效应阶段
  3600. effective standard deviation ==> 有效标准偏差
  3601. effective staple ==> 有效长度
  3602. effective steam pressure ==> 有效蒸汽压
  3603. effective steepness ==> 有效陡度=>規約しゅん度
  3604. effective stiffness ==> 有效劲度
  3605. effective stiffness constant ==> 有效劲度常数
  3606. effective stiffness matrix ==> 等效刚度矩阵
  3607. effective stiffness ratio ==> 有效劲度比
  3608. effective stimulus ==> 有效刺激
  3609. effective stop ==> 有效光阑
  3610. effective stopping power ==> 有效阻止本领
  3611. effective storage ==> 有效库容
  3612. effective storage capacity ==> 有効貯水容量
  3613. effective strain ==> 有效菌株
  3614. effective stress ==> 有效应力
  3615. effective stress law ==> 有效应力定律
  3616. effective stress parameter(s) ==> 有效应力参数
  3617. effective stress path ==> 有效应力路径
  3618. effective stroke ==> 有效冲程
  3619. effective suction ==> 有效吸力
  3620. effective surface ==> 有效表面,实测面
  3621. effective surface area ==> 有效表面积
  3622. effective susceptibility ==> 有效磁化率
  3623. effective sweep width ==> 有效检索宽度,有效扫描宽度
  3624. effective swept volume ==> 有效扫除容积
  3625. effective switching field ==> 有效开关场
  3626. effective target area ==> 有效靶面积
  3627. effective target length ==> 有效目标长度
  3628. effective tariff ==> 实际关税税率
  3629. effective tax rate ==> 实际关税税率,实际税率
  3630. effective temperature ==> 实感温度,有效温度,感触温度
  3631. effective temperature difference ==> 有效温度差
  3632. effective temperature rule ==> 有效温度法则
  3633. effective tensile strength ==> 有效抗张强度
  3634. effective tension ==> 有效张力
  3635. effective term ==> 有効期間
  3636. effective terrestrial radiation ==> 有效地球辐射
  3637. effective theoretical plate number ==> 有效理论塔板数
  3638. effective thermal cross-section ==> 有效热截面
  3639. effective thermal efficiency ==> 有效热效率
  3640. effective thermal resistance ==> 有效热阻
  3641. effective thickness ==> 有效厚度
  3642. effective thickness of wall ==> 有效墙厚
  3643. effective thread ==> 有效螺纹
  3644. effective threshold energy ==> 有效阈能
  3645. effective throat ==> (焊缝)有效厚度
  3646. effective throat thickness ==> 焊缝计算厚度
  3647. effective throw ==> (水枪)有效射程
  3648. effective thrust ==> 有效推力
  3649. effective thyroxin ratio ==> 有效甲状腺素比值
  3650. effective tillering ==> 有效分蘖
  3651. effective time ==> 有效工作时间,有效时间
  3652. effective time constant ==> 有效时间常数
  3653. effective tolerance ==> 有效公差
  3654. effective torque ==> 有效扭矩,有效转矩
  3655. effective traction ==> 有效牵引力
  3656. effective tractive effort ==> 有效牵引力
  3657. effective tractive power ==> 有效牵引力
  3658. effective transfer characteristic ==> 有效传递特性
  3659. effective transformation group ==> 有效变换群
  3660. effective transmission ==> 有效传输=>実効伝送当量
  3661. effective transmission equivalent ==> 有效传输当量=>実効伝送当量
  3662. effective transmission gain ==> 有效传输增益
  3663. effective transmission rate ==> 有效传输率
  3664. effective transmission rating ==> 有效传输定额=>実効伝送量
  3665. effective transmission speed ==> 有效传输速度
  3666. effective transport rate ==> 有效输移率
  3667. effective travel ==> 有效行程
  3668. effective true airspeed ==> 有效真空速
  3669. effective tube length ==> 有效管子长度
  3670. effective turn ==> 有效匝数
  3671. effective unit ==> 实际单位,统一换算单位
  3672. effective unit weight ==> 有效容重
  3673. effective use of system components ==> 設備の有効活用
  3674. effective utilization of funds ==> 资金利用效果
  3675. effective utilization rate of energy ==> 能源有效利用率
  3676. effective valuation ==> 有效赋值
  3677. effective value ==> 均方根值,有效值=>実効値
  3678. effective velocity ==> 有效速度
  3679. effective velocity ratio ==> (螺旋桨处)有效流速与船速比
  3680. effective ventilatory volume ==> 有效通气量
  3681. effective video ==> 有效视频
  3682. effective virtual address ==> 有效虚拟地址
  3683. effective viscosity ==> 有效粘度
  3684. effective volatility ==> 有效挥发度
  3685. effective voltage ==> 有效电压
  3686. effective voltage gradient ==> 有效电压梯度
  3687. effective volume ==> 有效体积
  3688. effective volume factor ==> 有效体积因子
  3689. effective wake ==> 有效伴流
  3690. effective watt ==> 有效瓦特
  3691. effective wave impedance ==> 有效波阻抗
  3692. effective wave length ==> 有效波长
  3693. effective wave number ==> 有效卷曲数
  3694. effective wavelength ==> 有效波长
  3695. effective weight ==> 有效重量
  3696. effective width ==> 有效宽度
  3697. effective width of slab ==> 有效板宽
  3698. effective word ==> 有效字
  3699. effective word location ==> 有效字位置
  3700. effective work ==> 有用功
  3701. effective work function ==> 有效逸出功
  3702. effective yield ==> 实际收益率
  3703. effective yield method ==> 实得率法
  3704. effective-call meter ==> 有效呼叫计数器
  3705. effectively grounded system ==> 有効接地系統,系統のいかなる地点において1線地絡事故が発生しても,健全相の電圧上昇が線間電圧の80%を超えないように中性点を低インピーダンスで接地することをいう。
  3706. effectiveness ==> 有效性,有效,效果,效力,效能,效用,可行性=>有効性,イフェクテブネス
  3707. effectiveness assessment ==> 有効性評価
  3708. effectiveness comparison ==> 有効性比較
  3709. effectiveness criterion ==> 効果の基準
  3710. effectiveness evaluation ==> 有効性評価
  3711. effectiveness factor ==> 效率外推法
  3712. effectiveness indicator ==> 有効性指標
  3713. effectiveness level ==> 効果の強弱
  3714. effectiveness measurement ==> 有効性計測
  3715. Effectiveness of Finish Materials and Room Air Conditioner on the Reduction of Indoor Radon Concentration in Hong Kong ==> 《装饰材料及室内空调机对减低香港室内氡气含量的效用》
  3716. effectiveness of investment ==> 投资效果
  3717. effectiveness of retrieval ==> 检索的效率
  3718. effectiveness theory ==> 效益理论
  3719. effectivity ==> 有效性
  3720. effector ==> 应变器,格式控制字符,试验器,效应部,效应基因,效应物,效应因子,操纵装置,操纵装置,(神经)效应器
  3721. effector cell ==> 效应细胞
  3722. effector mechanism ==> 效应机理
  3723. effector molecules ==> 效应物
  3724. effector neurone ==> 效应神经原
  3725. effector organ ==> 效应器,效应器官
  3726. effector phase ==> 效应期
  3727. effector substance ==> 效应子物质
  3728. effects ==> 财物
  3729. effects bank ==> (音响)效果切换单元
  3730. effects filter ==> 效果滤光片
  3731. effects microphone ==> 音响效果传声器
  3732. effects of demand ==> 需求效果
  3733. effects of ermination ==> 解除の効果
  3734. effects of financial leverage ==> 举债经营效果,举债经营效果
  3735. effects of pesticide ==> 农药的影晌
  3736. effects of thermal pollution ==> 热污染的影响
  3737. effects on decision-making ==> 决策效果,决策效果
  3738. effects on various compounds on enxyme reaction ==> 各种化合物对酶反应的效应
  3739. effects radius ==> 作用半径
  3740. effectual drug ==> 显效药
  3741. efferent artery ==> 输出动脉
  3742. efferent block ==> 传出阻滞
  3743. efferent branchial artery ==> 出鳃动脉
  3744. efferent duct ==> 输出管
  3745. efferent ductules of testis ==> 睾丸输出小管
  3746. efferent echo ==> 出波
  3747. efferent fiber ==> 离中纤维
  3748. efferent fibers ==> 传出纤维
  3749. efferent glomerular arteriole ==> 出球小动脉,输出小动脉
  3750. efferent impulse ==> 传出冲动
  3751. efferent impulse spread ==> 传出冲动
  3752. efferent limb block ==> 传出支封闭
  3753. efferent nerve ==> 传出神经,离中神经
  3754. efferent neurofibres ==> 传出神经纤维
  3755. efferent neuron ==> 传出神经元
  3756. efferent surface ==> 传出曲面
  3757. efferent synapse ==> 传出性突触
  3758. effervescence level ==> 泡沸面
  3759. effervescenced steel ==> 沸腾钢
  3760. effervescent bath tables ==> 泡腾浴台
  3761. effervescent granulation ==> 泡腾成粒
  3762. effervescent mixture ==> 泡腾合剂,泡腾混合物
  3763. effervescent phosphate ==> 泡腾磷酸盐
  3764. effervescent potassium citrate ==> 泡腾柠檬酸钾
  3765. effervescent salt ==> 泡腾盐
  3766. effervescent tablets ==> 泡腾片剂
  3767. effervescing clay ==> 泡沸粘土
  3768. effervescing steel ==> 沸腾钢
  3769. efficacy ==> 有効性,効能,効果
  3770. efficacy criterion ==> 有効性基準
  3771. efficacy evaluation ==> 有効性評価
  3772. efficacy expectation ==> 有効性期待
  3773. efficacy of law ==> 法律の効力
  3774. efficacy testing ==> 効力試験
  3775. efficacy trial ==> 有効性試験
  3776. efficatious ==> 灵验(指疗效)
  3777. efficiency ==> 效率=>効率
  3778. efficiency analysis ==> 效率分析
  3779. efficiency audit ==> 效率检查
  3780. efficiency average ==> 平均生产率,平均效率
  3781. efficiency band ==> 效率频带
  3782. efficiency brought about by information ==> 信息效益
  3783. efficiency budgeting ==> 效率预算法
  3784. efficiency by input-output test ==> 実測効率
  3785. efficiency by inputoutput test ==> 实测效率
  3786. efficiency characteristic ==> 效率特性
  3787. efficiency chart ==> 效率图
  3788. efficiency contract ==> 效率的契约
  3789. efficiency cost ==> 效率成本
  3790. efficiency curve ==> 效率曲线
  3791. efficiency diode ==> 阻尼二极管,高效率二极管
  3792. efficiency dip ==> 效率谷点
  3793. efficiency earnings ==> 效率收入
  3794. efficiency engineer ==> 能率専門家
  3795. efficiency equivalence ==> 效率等价
  3796. efficiency estimation ==> 效率估计
  3797. efficiency expert ==> 效率专家
  3798. efficiency extrapolation method ==> 效率外推法
  3799. efficiency factor ==> 效率因素,有效因子
  3800. efficiency for light utilization ==> 光利用効率
  3801. efficiency frequency characteristic ==> 效率频率特性
  3802. efficiency half life ==> 效率半衰期
  3803. efficiency hill ==> 等效率曲线图,等效率图
  3804. efficiency index ==> 有效指标,效率指数,效能指数
  3805. efficiency locus ==> 效率轨迹
  3806. efficiency map ==> 効率マップ
  3807. efficiency market ==> 效率市场
  3808. efficiency measure ==> 效果的衡量
  3809. efficiency modulation ==> 效率调制
  3810. efficiency of asynchronous motor ==> 异步电动机的效率,异步电动机的输出功率与输入功率之比,通常用百分数表示
  3811. efficiency of boiler ==> 锅炉效率
  3812. efficiency of construction ==> 施工效率
  3813. efficiency of control ==> 控制效率
  3814. efficiency of conversion ==> 变换效率
  3815. efficiency of covariance ==> 协方差的效率
  3816. efficiency of cycle ==> 热循环效率
  3817. efficiency of depreciation ==> 折旧效能
  3818. efficiency of diagram relative ==> 图表完备程度
  3819. efficiency of economic operations ==> 经济运行效率,经济运行效率
  3820. efficiency of education ==> 教育效率
  3821. efficiency of feed utilization ==> 饲料利用率
  3822. efficiency of feedlot gain ==> 围栏肥育时增重效率
  3823. efficiency of free energy capture ==> 自由能获得效率
  3824. efficiency of frontier ==> 效率限界
  3825. efficiency of gain ==> 增重效率
  3826. efficiency of heat exchanger ==> 换热器的效率
  3827. efficiency of heating surface ==> 加热面效率
  3828. efficiency of irrigation ==> 灌溉效率
  3829. efficiency of labor ==> 劳动效率
  3830. efficiency of light ==> 光效率
  3831. efficiency of loading ==> 装载效率
  3832. efficiency of management ==> 经营管理效率,经营管理效率
  3833. efficiency of plant ==> 电站效率
  3834. efficiency of preservation ==> 防腐力
  3835. efficiency of pump ==> 泵效率
  3836. efficiency of radiation ==> 辐射效率
  3837. efficiency of selection ==> 选择效率
  3838. efficiency of separation ==> 分选效率
  3839. efficiency of sieve plate ==> 筛板效率
  3840. efficiency of sizing ==> 分粒效率
  3841. efficiency of supply ==> 供给效率
  3842. efficiency of the furnace ==> 炉效率
  3843. efficiency of the shutter contact ==> 闪光接触效率
  3844. efficiency of water application ==> 水分利用率
  3845. efficiency rating ==> 效率评价
  3846. efficiency ratio ==> 效率比,功效比值
  3847. efficiency rotation ==> 合理轮作
  3848. efficiency system ==> 效率制
  3849. efficiency test ==> 效率试验,效率测定,为求出发电机的输出功率与输入功率之比而进行的试验=>効率試験
  3850. efficiency testing machine ==> 效率测定机,效率试验机
  3851. efficiency tracer method ==> 效率示踪法
  3852. efficiency unit ==> 效率单位
  3853. efficiency variance ==> 效率差异
  3854. efficiency wage system ==> 效率工资制
  3855. efficiency-based personnel allocation method ==> 效率定员法
  3856. efficient ==> 效率高的,因子
  3857. efficient agriculture ==> 高效率农业
  3858. efficient algorithm ==> 有效算法
  3859. efficient backscattered electron detector ==> 高效反向散射电子探测器
  3860. efficient blanking ==> 有效消隐
  3861. efficient circuit ==> 有效电路
  3862. efficient coding ==> 有效编码
  3863. efficient conversion ==> 有效转换
  3864. efficient crew ==> 有效乘员
  3865. efficient diffuser ==> 高效率扩压器
  3866. efficient drive ==> 効率駆動
  3867. efficient edge detector ==> 高效边缘检测器
  3868. efficient estimator ==> 有效估计量
  3869. efficient extraction ==> 有效引出
  3870. efficient loading ==> 有效装载
  3871. efficient menagement method for all personnel ==> 全员效率管理法
  3872. efficient nickel plating brightener ==> 高效镀镍光亮剂
  3873. efficient operation ==> 効率運転
  3874. efficient performance ==> 经营效果,经营效果
  3875. efficient picture coding ==> 有效图像编码
  3876. efficient point ==> 有效点
  3877. efficient power-shift transmission ==> 高效的动力变换输送,高效动力变换输送
  3878. efficient production structure ==> 高效型产业结构
  3879. efficient protocal ==> 有效协议
  3880. efficient routine ==> 经济工况
  3881. efficient silencer ==> 高效消音器
  3882. efficient sounding apparatus ==> 有效响器
  3883. efficient statistic ==> 有效统计量
  3884. efficient system of categories ==> 分类的有效系统
  3885. efficient wing span ==> 有效翼展
  3886. effiguration ==> 花托余
  3887. effigy ==> 雕像
  3888. efflorescence ==> 粉化,风化=>白華現象,エフロ
  3889. efflorescent ==> 风化的
  3890. efflorescent ice ==> 花状冰
  3891. effluence ==> 溢流,流出
  3892. effluent ==> 溢流
  3893. effluent activity meter ==> 流出液[放射性]活度测量计
  3894. effluent air ==> 排出的气体
  3895. effluent bed volume ==> 流出液床体积
  3896. effluent characteristics ==> 出水质量
  3897. effluent control ==> 废水及废气控制
  3898. effluent control system ==> 污水控制系统
  3899. Effluent Control--The Hong Kong Approach ==> 《污水管制──香港模式》
  3900. effluent dilution ==> 废水稀释
  3901. effluent discharge pipe ==> 污水排放管
  3902. effluent disposal ==> 废液处理
  3903. effluent export scheme ==> 污水输出计划
  3904. effluent farm ==> 废水区
  3905. effluent fluid ==> 流出流体
  3906. effluent fractioning ==> 流出物的分馏
  3907. effluent from a dye house ==> 染房污水
  3908. effluent gas ==> 废气,排出气体
  3909. effluent gases ==> 废气
  3910. effluent hopper ==> 排水漏斗
  3911. effluent limitation guidelines ==> 废物限制准则
  3912. effluent liquid ==> 流出液
  3913. effluent liquor ==> 废液
  3914. effluent monitor ==> 污水检测计
  3915. effluent oil recovery ==> 污油回收
  3916. effluent oil treatment ==> 污油处理
  3917. effluent per unit length ==> 单位长度出流
  3918. effluent pump ==> 污水排除泵
  3919. effluent river ==> 出流河
  3920. effluent seepage ==> 渗出
  3921. effluent segregation system ==> 排出物分流系数,废水分离系统
  3922. effluent settling chamber ==> 废水沉淀池,排出物沉淀池
  3923. effluent standard ==> 排放标准=>排出基準
  3924. effluent stream ==> 流出气流,出流河,潜水补给河
  3925. effluent tax ==> 废物税
  3926. effluent treatment ==> 废水处理
  3927. effluent weir ==> 出水堰
  3928. effluent-impounded body ==> 地下水补给水体
  3929. effluent-quality standard ==> 排放质量标准
  3930. efflux angle ==> 流出角
  3931. efflux coefficient ==> 流出系数,流速系数,射流系数
  3932. efflux control ==> 射流控制
  3933. efflux cup method ==> 流杯法
  3934. efflux deflector cone ==> 射流偏导锥
  3935. efflux door ==> 喷口调节片
  3936. efflux equation ==> 出流方程
  3937. efflux nozzle ==> 射流喷口
  3938. efflux of time ==> 满期
  3939. efflux velocity ==> 射流速度
  3940. efflux viscometer ==> 流出式粘度计
  3941. efflux viscosimeter ==> 射流粘度计
  3942. effort ==> 力
  3943. effort syndrome ==> 奋力综合征,用力综合征
  3944. effort training ==> 活动训练疗法
  3945. effort-controlled cycle ==> 手控周期
  3946. effortless operation ==> 不费力操作
  3947. effracture ==> 裂开
  3948. effset electrode ==> 偏心式电极
  3949. EFFU, Exposed Facility Flyer Unit ==> 搭載実験機機器部(SFU搭載実験機機器部)
  3950. effuse branch ==> 疏展枝
  3951. effusion ==> 喷发,溢出,隙透,泻流
  3952. effusion cooling ==> 泻流冷却,隙透冷却,喷射冷却
  3953. effusion method ==> 隙透法
  3954. effusion of knee joint ==> 膝关节积液
  3955. effusive rock ==> 喷出岩
  3956. effusive stage ==> 喷发期
  3957. EFI ==> 電子制御燃料噴射装置
  3958. efl ==> 射极跟随逻辑
  3959. EFNS, Expected Frequency Not Supplied ==> 供給支障頻度
  3960. EFPME, exposed facility power monitor equipment ==> 曝露部電力監視機器
  3961. EFT, electrical function test ==> 電気機能確認試験
  3962. eft-wound spiral ==> 左旋
  3963. EGADS, electronic ground automatic destruct sequencer ==> 緊急破壊装置
  3964. egalitarian ==> 平等主義者
  3965. egalitarianism in young children ==> 小児期の平等主義
  3966. EGAT ==> タイ国電力公社
  3967. EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor ==> 表皮生长因子受体=>上皮成長(増殖)因子受容体
  3968. egg ==> 虫卵,蛋,卵,卵形物,航空炸弹
  3969. egg albumin ==> 卵白,卵白蛋白,蛋白朊
  3970. egg albumin culture-medium ==> 卵蛋白培养基
  3971. egg and anchor ==> 卵箭饰
  3972. egg and dart ==> 卵箭饰
  3973. egg and tongue ==> 卵箭饰
  3974. egg apparatus ==> 卵器
  3975. egg beater ==> 打蛋器,搅蛋器
  3976. egg beater flying windmill ==> 直升飞机
  3977. egg blue ==> 蛋青色
  3978. egg bound ==> 母鸡难产
  3979. egg breaker ==> 打蛋器
  3980. egg breaking machine ==> 打蛋机
  3981. egg breed ==> 蛋用种
  3982. egg buff(er) ==> 蛋品软擦器
  3983. egg burster ==> 破卵器
  3984. egg candle and grader ==> 蛋品灯光检验和分级机
  3985. egg candler ==> 照蛋灯
  3986. egg candler and grader ==> 蛋品灯光检验和分级机
  3987. egg capsule ==> 卵囊
  3988. egg case ==> 卵鞘,装蛋箱
  3989. egg cell ==> 卵细胞
  3990. egg cleaner ==> 洗蛋机,蛋品清洗机
  3991. egg coal ==> 蛋级烟煤块
  3992. egg coke ==> 小块焦炭
  3993. egg collecting trough ==> 集蛋
  3994. egg collection ==> 集蛋
  3995. egg collection conveyer ==> 集蛋输送器
  3996. egg collection vehicle ==> 蛋品收集车
  3997. egg covering ==> 卵膜
  3998. egg culture ==> 卵培养
  3999. egg culture-medium ==> 鸡蛋培养基
  4000. egg cup ==> 蛋杯
  4001. egg dry cleaning machine ==> 蛋品干式清洁机
  4002. egg end ==> 半球形末端板
  4003. egg ended boiler ==> 蛋形端锅炉
  4004. egg follicle ==> 卵包
  4005. egg formation ==> 蛋的形成
  4006. egg grader ==> 蛋类分级器,蛋分级器,蛋品分级机,蛋品分级器,鸡蛋分级机
  4007. egg grading machine ==> 蛋分级机
  4008. egg inoculation ==> 鸡胚接种
  4009. egg insulator ==> 蛋形绝缘子,拉线绝缘子
  4010. egg laying ==> 产卵
  4011. egg laying performance ==> 产蛋能力
  4012. egg mass ==> 卵块
  4013. egg medium ==> 鸡蛋培养基
  4014. egg membrane ==> 卵膜
  4015. egg mother cell ==> 卵母细胞
  4016. egg moulding ==> 卵圆饰
  4017. egg nucleus ==> 卵核
  4018. egg or meat type ==> 蛋用型或肉用型
  4019. egg parasite ==> 卵蜂
  4020. egg plant Jun glaze ==> 茄均釉
  4021. egg plum ==> 卵形李
  4022. egg pod ==> 卵荚
  4023. egg pouch ==> 卵鞘
  4024. egg powder ==> 蛋粉
  4025. egg production ==> 产蛋量
  4026. egg pulp ==> 全蛋液
  4027. egg record card ==> 产蛋记录卡片
  4028. egg roll making machine ==> 蛋卷机
  4029. egg shape ==> 蛋型
  4030. egg shaped kiln ==> 蛋形窑
  4031. egg shell ==> 蛋壳,卵壳
  4032. egg shell china ==> 薄胎瓷
  4033. egg shell lampshade ==> 皮灯
  4034. egg shell porcelain ==> 薄胎瓷
  4035. egg size ==> 蛋重
  4036. egg sleeker ==> 蛋型墁刀,蛋形墁刀,小型圆角光子
  4037. egg spoon ==> 蛋匙
  4038. egg tempera ==> 蛋青画
  4039. egg tester ==> 照蛋灯
  4040. egg transfer ==> 卵移植,受精卵移植
  4041. egg tree ==> 蛋树果
  4042. egg tubercle ==> 虫卵结节,卵结节
  4043. egg turner ==> 翻蛋器
  4044. egg turning ==> (孵化器中)翻蛋
  4045. egg type ==> 蛋用型
  4046. egg washer ==> 洗蛋机
  4047. egg washing machine ==> 蛋品清洗机
  4048. egg weight ==> 蛋重
  4049. egg white ==> 卵白,卵清
  4050. egg white glaze ==> 乳白釉
  4051. egg yolk ==> 蛋黄
  4052. egg yolk agar ==> 卵黄琼脂
  4053. egg-albumin ==> 卵清蛋白
  4054. egg-biscuit-roll machine ==> 蛋卷机
  4055. egg-breaking machine ==> 打蛋机
  4056. egg-breaking plant ==> 打蛋厂
  4057. egg-chamber ==> 卵室
  4058. egg-collecting line ==> 集蛋传送带
  4059. egg-eating ==> 食蛋癖
  4060. egg-feed ratio ==> 产蛋饲料报酬
  4061. egg-globulin ==> 卵球蛋白
  4062. egg-holding ==> 蛋的保存
  4063. egg-incubation ==> 蚕卵孵化
  4064. egg-laying test ==> 产蛋性能测定
  4065. egg-pair ==> 双蛋
  4066. egg-peritonitis ==> 禽卵巢腹膜炎
  4067. egg-shaped cup saucer ==> 蛋形杯碟
  4068. egg-shaped diagram ==> 卵形線図
  4069. egg-shaped ornament ==> 卵形饰
  4070. egg-shaped sewer ==> 卵形下水道
  4071. egg-shell china ==> 蛋壳瓷
  4072. egg-shell finish ==> 蛋壳状加工
  4073. egg-shell glaze ==> 蛋壳釉
  4074. egg-shell gloss ==> 蛋壳光
  4075. egg-shell meal ==> 蛋壳粉
  4076. egg-shell painting ==> 彩绘蛋
  4077. egg-shell paper ==> 光厚绘图纸
  4078. egg-shell porcelain ==> 蛋壳瓷
  4079. egg-shell pottery ==> 蛋壳陶
  4080. egg-shelling ==> (釉面缺陷)蛋壳状釉面
  4081. egg-shelling glaze ==> 蛋壳釉
  4082. egg-white syndrome ==> 卵白综合征
  4083. egg-yolk citrate diluent ==> 卵黄柠檬酸稀释液
  4084. egg-yolk phosphate diluent ==> 卵黄磷酸酸盐稀释液
  4085. eggcrate canopy ==> 格片挑棚
  4086. eggcrate diffuser ==> 格片散光罩
  4087. eggcrate louver ==> 格片百叶窗
  4088. eggcrate overhang ==> 格片挑棚
  4089. eggcrate type louver ==> 格片百叶窗
  4090. eggcrate type shading device ==> 格片遮阳装置
  4091. Eggert's test ==> 埃杰特快速定碳试验
  4092. Eggertz's method ==> 埃格茨法
  4093. eggplant ==> 茄子
  4094. eggplant phomopsis rot ==> 茄褐纹病
  4095. eggplant purple ==> 茄皮紫
  4096. eggs per gram ==> 每克卵数
  4097. Egnell's law ==> 伊格尼尔定律
  4098. ego-defence mechanisms ==> 自我防御机制
  4099. ego-ideal ==> 自我理想
  4100. egoless programming ==> 无私程序设计
  4101. egomania ==> 自尊癖,利己狂=>病的な自己中心癖
  4102. EGP, experimental geodetic payload ==> 測地実験機能部
  4103. EGR ==> 排ガス再循環装置
  4104. EGR, Exhaust Gas Recirculation ==> 排気再循環
  4105. egress pressure ==> 出口压力
  4106. EGRET, energetic gamma ray experiment telescope ==> 強力ガンマ線実験望遠鏡
  4107. EGS, Experimental Geodetic Satellite ==> 測地実験衛星
  4108. EGSE, electrical ground support equipment ==> 電気的地上支援装置
  4109. EGT gauge ==> 排気温度計
  4110. EGT, Exhaust Gas Temperature ==> タービン出口のガス温度を示し,エンジン全体の性能や運転状態を推測するために計測される
  4111. eguiphase zone ==> 等相带
  4112. Egyptian architecture ==> 埃及建筑
  4113. Egyptian asphalt ==> 埃及地沥青
  4114. Egyptian blue ==> 埃及蓝
  4115. Egyptian chlorosis ==> 埃及萎黄病
  4116. Egyptian clovet ==> 埃及三叶草
  4117. Egyptian corn ==> 埃及高粱
  4118. Egyptian cotton ==> 埃及棉
  4119. Egyptian General Petroleum Corp. ==> 埃及石油总公司
  4120. Egyptian intestinal fluke ==> 埃及肠吸虫
  4121. Egyptian kidney bean ==> 埃及云豆
  4122. Egyptian lace ==> 埃及花边
  4123. Egyptian lupin ==> 埃及羽扇豆
  4124. Egyptian splenomegaly ==> 曼森氏血吸虫病性脾大
  4125. Egyptian wind ==> 埃及风
  4126. Egyptianized clay ==> 埃及的粘土
  4127. eh ==> 挤压珩磨
  4128. EH&S, Environment,Health and Safety ==> 环境,健康和安全
  4129. eharge stroke ==> (锻压时)充液行程
  4130. EHD pumping ==> EHDポンピング
  4131. ehemical equipment shop ==> 化工设备车间
  4132. EHF, extremely high frequency ==> ミリメートル波
  4133. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome ==> 埃-当二氏综合征,过度弹性皮肤综合征
  4134. EHP, earth head panel ==> 地球指向面
  4135. Ehrenfest model ==> 埃伦费斯特模型
  4136. Ehrenfest's adiabatic law ==> 埃伦费斯特寝渐定律
  4137. Ehrenhaft effect ==> 埃伦哈弗特效应
  4138. Ehrlich 5 (oxophenarsine hydrochloride) ==> 欧利希氏五
  4139. Ehrlich's preparation ==> 欧利希氏制剂
  4140. Ehrlich's side chain theory ==> 埃利希侧锁学说
  4141. Ehrlich's side-chain theory ==> 侧链学说,欧利希氏侧链学说
  4142. Ehrlich's solution ==> 欧利希氏溶液
  4143. Ehrlich-Hata preparation (arsphenamine) ==> 欧-秦二氏制剂
  4144. Ehrmann's pancreatic test ==> 埃尔曼氏胰腺功能试验
  4145. EHT cage ==> 极高压罩,高压罩
  4146. EHT supply ==> 超高压电源
  4147. EHT, Electrothermal Hydrazine Thruster ==> 電熱式ヒドラジンスラスタ
  4148. ehtyl potassium xanthate ==> 乙基黄原酸钾
  4149. ehv ==> 超高电压
  4150. EHV bushing ==> 超高压套管
  4151. EHV, Extra-High Voltage ==> 超高圧
  4152. EI ==> 工程索引=>日本電力調査委員会
  4153. EI CI source ==> 电子轰击—化学电离源
  4154. EI source, electron impact ion source ==> 电子轰击离子源
  4155. EI, emission index ==> 排出指数
  4156. EI, Enterprise Integuration ==> EI
  4157. EIA, Electronic Industries Alliance ==> 米国電子工業会
  4158. EIA, Electronic Industries Association ==> 電子工業会
  4159. eia, energy information administration ==> 米国・連邦エネルギー省・エネルギー情報局
  4160. EIAJ, Electronic Industries Association of Japan ==> 社団法人日本電子機械工業会
  4161. EIC, electrical interface check ==> 電気的噛合せ試験
  4162. EICE, ETS-1/ISS checkout ==> ETS-1/ISS共通チェックアウト
  4163. eicosadienoic acid ==> 二十碳二烯酸
  4164. eicosane dicarboxylic acid ==> 二十烷二甲酸
  4165. eicosapentaenoic acid ==> 二十碳五烯酸
  4166. eicosendioic acid ==> 二十碳烯二酸
  4167. eicosene dicarboxylic acid ==> 二十碳烯二甲酸
  4168. EID, electrical interface drawing ==> 電気的インタフェース図面
  4169. EID, electron impact desorption ==> 电子轰击解吸
  4170. eidetic imagery ==> 鲜明表象
  4171. Eidophor ==> アイドホール
  4172. Eidophor light valve ==> 艾多福光阀
  4173. eidophor projector system ==> 大图像投射系统
  4174. Eidophor system ==> 艾多福电视投影方式
  4175. Eidopohor projector system ==> 艾多福投影系统
  4176. Eifelian stage ==> 埃菲尔阶
  4177. Eiffel Tower ==> 埃菲尔铁塔
  4178. Eiffel wind tunnel ==> 埃菲尔式风洞
  4179. eigen displacement method ==> 特征位移法
  4180. eigen element ==> 特征元素
  4181. eigen force method ==> 特征力法
  4182. eigen frequency ==> 本征频率
  4183. eigen mode ==> 本征模
  4184. eigen space ==> 特征空间
  4185. eigen spot size ==> 固有スポットサイズ
  4186. eigen value ==> 固有値
  4187. eigen vector ==> 固有ベクトル
  4188. eigenfunction ==> 本征函数=>固有関数
  4189. eigenfunction expansion ==> 特征函数展开式,特征函数展开式
  4190. eigenfunction orbital ==> 本征轨道
  4191. eigentone ==> 固有音
  4192. eigenvalue ==> 本征值,特征值=>固有値
  4193. eigenvalue analysis ==> 本征值分析=>固有値解析
  4194. eigenvalue and eigenvector ==> 本征值和本征向量
  4195. eigenvalue equation ==> 本征值方程
  4196. eigenvalue method ==> 固有値法
  4197. eigenvalue problem ==> 本征问题,本征值问题,特征值问题,斯图姆-刘维尔问题,特盏问题
  4198. eigenvalues ==> 本征值
  4199. eigenvector ==> 本征矢量,固有向量
  4200. eight ball ==> 球形全向传声器
  4201. eight bit ==> 八位,八位二进制数
  4202. eight bit adder ==> 八位加法器
  4203. eight bit address counter ==> 八位地址计数器
  4204. eight bit address register ==> 八位地址寄存器
  4205. eight bit byte ==> 八位字节
  4206. eight bit character ==> 八位字符
  4207. eight bit control register ==> 八位控制寄存器
  4208. eight bit register ==> 八位寄存器
  4209. eight bit word counter ==> 八位字计数器
  4210. eight colour plotter ==> 八色绘图仪
  4211. eight convergent points ==> 八全
  4212. eight cylinder engine ==> 八缸发动机,八汽缸发动机
  4213. Eight Drinking Immortals ==> 饮中八仙
  4214. eight extra channels ==> 奇经八脉
  4215. eight influential points ==> 八会穴
  4216. eight joints ==> 八溪
  4217. eight manipulations of bone setting ==> 正骨八法
  4218. eight pen drifting plotter ==> 八笔绘图仪
  4219. eight pen vector plotter ==> 八笔向量绘图仪
  4220. eight soil profiles ==> 八个土壤剖面
  4221. eight track strip chart recorder ==> 八通道长图记录仪
  4222. Eight Trigram Palm ==> 八卦掌
  4223. eight working hour day ==> 八小时工作制
  4224. eight-channel automatic recording viscometer ==> 八线自动记录粘度计
  4225. eight-channel cathode-ray oscilloscope ==> 八线阴极射线示波器
  4226. eight-channel data processor ==> 八道数据处理器
  4227. eight-channel electroencephalograph ==> 八通道脑电流描记仪
  4228. eight-channel logic analyzer ==> 八通道逻辑分析仪
  4229. eight-channel magnetic tape recorder ==> 八通道磁带记录仪
  4230. eight-channel pressure recorder ==> 八道压力记录器
  4231. eight-channel recording paper ==> 八单位记录纸,八导程记录纸
  4232. eight-colour combined printing machine ==> 八色联合印花机
  4233. eight-colour printing machine ==> 八色印花机
  4234. eight-cylinder engine ==> 8気筒エンジン
  4235. eight-digit binary number ==> 八位二进数
  4236. eight-digit number ==> 八位数
  4237. eight-grade wage system ==> 八级工资制
  4238. eight-hour day ==> 八小时制
  4239. eight-hour shift ==> 八小时工作制
  4240. eight-hour system of labour ==> 八小时工作制
  4241. eight-in-line ==> 直排八汽缸
  4242. eight-level ==> 八单位的,八单位码
  4243. eight-level code ==> 八单位码,八电平编码
  4244. eight-level-code ==> 八级码
  4245. eight-ply tyre ==> 八层轮胎
  4246. eight-section brocade ==> 八段锦
  4247. eight-stack base ==> 八垛式炉台
  4248. eight-terminal network ==> 八端网络
  4249. eight-to-pica leads ==> 薄铅条
  4250. eighth power region ==> 八乗域
  4251. eighth-power ==> 八次方
  4252. eighty-column card ==> 八十列卡片
  4253. eighty-column puncher ==> 八十列穿孔机
  4254. EIH, electrical integration hardware ==> 電気的インテグレーションハードウェア
  4255. Eiht characters ==> 八字
  4256. Eiji Osawa ==> 大澤映二
  4257. Eikmeyer coil ==> 埃克梅耶线圈
  4258. eikonal ==> アイコナール
  4259. eikonal coefficient ==> 程差系数
  4260. eikonal equation ==> 程差方程,程函方程,镜像方程,镜像方程
  4261. EINA, Electrical Insulation News in Asia ==> EINA
  4262. Einchluss thermometer ==> 恩克腊斯温度计
  4263. Einisil coating ==> 镍硅合金镀覆层
  4264. Einstein A coefficient ==> 爱因斯坦自激系数
  4265. Einstein B coefficient ==> 爱因斯坦他激系数
  4266. Einstein canonized ==> 爱因斯坦成为圣人,通过观测日全食验证了相对论的光线弯曲预测计算值后,爱因斯坦一夜之间成了牛顿以来最大的科学家
  4267. Einstein coefficient ==> 爱因斯坦系数
  4268. Einstein condensation ==> 玻尔-爱因斯坦凝聚
  4269. Einstein diffusion equation ==> 爱因斯坦扩散方程
  4270. Einstein effect ==> 爱因斯坦效应
  4271. Einstein equation ==> 爱因斯坦方程
  4272. Einstein equation of the field of gravity ==> 爱因斯坦引力场方程
  4273. Einstein equations ==> 爱因斯坦方程组
  4274. einstein frequency ==> 爱因斯坦频率
  4275. einstein frequency condition ==> 爱因斯坦频率状态
  4276. Einstein frequency condition ==> 爱因斯坦频率状态
  4277. Einstein function ==> 爱因斯坦函数
  4278. Einstein fundamental equation ==> 爱因斯坦基本方程式
  4279. Einstein massenergy relation ==> 爱因斯坦质能关系式
  4280. Einstein Maxwell equations ==> 爱因斯坦-麦克斯韦尔方程
  4281. einstein Maxwell equations ==> 爱因斯坦-麦克斯韦尔方程
  4282. Einstein partition function ==> 爱因斯坦配分函数
  4283. Einstein photochemical equivalence law ==> 爱因斯坦光化当量定律
  4284. Einstein photoelectric law ==> 爱因斯坦光电定律
  4285. Einstein probability coefficient ==> 爱因斯坦概率系数
  4286. Einstein relation ==> 爱因斯坦关系式
  4287. Einstein shift ==> 爱因斯坦位移
  4288. Einstein universe ==> 爱因斯坦宇宙
  4289. Einstein viscosity equation ==> 爱因斯坦粘度方程式
  4290. Einstein's absorption coefficient ==> 爱因斯坦吸收系数
  4291. Einstein's equation for specific heat ==> 爱因斯坦比热方程
  4292. Einstein's equation of gravity field ==> アインシュタインの重力場方程式,R super mu nu of x minus one half R of x times g super mu nu of x equals kappa times T super mu nu of x.
  4293. Einstein's equation of the field gravity ==> 爱因斯坦引力场方程
  4294. Einstein's equivalency principle ==> 等效性原理
  4295. Einstein's field equations ==> 爱因斯坦场方程组
  4296. Einstein's formula ==> アインシュタインの公式,E equals m c squared.
  4297. Einstein's Law ==> 爱因斯坦定律
  4298. Einstein's law of gravitation ==> 爱因斯坦场方程组
  4299. Einstein's model ==> 爱因斯坦模型
  4300. Einstein's principle of relativity ==> 爱因斯坦相对性原理
  4301. Einstein's summation convention ==> 爱因斯坦求和约定
  4302. Einstein's theory for flow of suspension ==> 爱因斯坦悬浮体流动理论
  4303. Einstein's unified field theories ==> 爱因斯坦统一场论
  4304. Einstein, A.Einstein ==> 1879-1955,爱因斯坦,物理学家
  4305. einstein-Bohr equation ==> 爱因斯坦-玻尔方程
  4306. Einstein-Bohr equation ==> 爱因斯坦-玻尔方程
  4307. Einstein-Bose statistics ==> 爱里斯坦-玻色统计,玻色-爱因斯坦统计
  4308. Einstein-de Hass effect ==> 爱因斯坦-德哈斯效应,爱因斯坦德哈斯效应
  4309. Einstein-de Hass method ==> 爱因斯坦-德哈斯方法
  4310. Einstein-de Sitter model ==> 爱因斯坦-德西特模型
  4311. Einstein-Fowler equation ==> 爱因斯坦-否勒方程
  4312. Einstein-Hilbert action ==> 爱因斯坦—希尔伯特作用量
  4313. Einstein-Planck law ==> 爱因斯坦-普朗克定律
  4314. Einsteinde Sitter cosmological model ==> 爱因斯坦-德西特宇宙模型
  4315. Einsteinde Sitter model ==> 爱因斯坦-德西特模型
  4316. Einsteins A coefficient ==> アインシュタインのA係数
  4317. Einsteins B coefficient ==> アインシュタインのB係数
  4318. Einsteins law of photochemical equivalence ==> 光化当量的爱因斯坦定律
  4319. EINT, electrical integration hardware ==> 電気計装系
  4320. Einthoven galvanometer ==> 恩脱霍文电流计
  4321. Einthoven's galvanometer ==> 艾因托文氏电流计
  4322. Einthoven's triangle ==> 艾因托文氏三角
  4323. einzel lens ==> 单透镜
  4324. EIO ==> 数据通信总线
  4325. eipher tunnel ==> 假烟囱
  4326. Eirich mill ==> 艾里奇混砂机
  4327. eironosus ==> 梦病
  4328. EIRP, effective isotropically radiated power ==> 実効放射電力
  4329. EIRP, equivalent isotropic radiated power ==> 等価等方放射電力
  4330. EIRP, equivalent isotropically radiated power ==> 等価等方放射電力
  4331. EIS, end item specification ==> 最終項仕様
  4332. Eisenberg's milk-rice culture-medium ==> 埃森伯格氏乳米糊培养基
  4333. Eisenhart model ==> 艾森哈特模型
  4334. Eisenlohr's symptom-complex ==> 艾森洛尔氏复合症状
  4335. Eisenmenger's syndrome ==> 艾森门格综合征
  4336. either symbol ==> 抉择符号,抉择符号
  4337. either way ==> 不管怎样=>どちらにしても
  4338. either-rotation motor ==> 双向电机
  4339. either-way communication ==> 双向择一通信,半双向通信
  4340. either-way market ==> 两可市场
  4341. either-way operation ==> 半双工操作
  4342. EIU Even If Used ==> 即使使用
  4343. ej ==> 电喷射穿孔
  4344. ejaculate volume ==> 射精量
  4345. ejaculation frequency ==> 射精次数
  4346. ejaculation of flame ==> 射出火焰
  4347. ejaculatory duct ==> 射精管,注精器
  4348. ejaculatory orifice ==> 射精口
  4349. EJB, Enterprise Java Beans ==> (トランザクション処理を含む業務ロジックを部品化)
  4350. eject control ==> 拆卸器控制,抽出器控制,抽取控制器
  4351. eject drive ==> 弹起驱动
  4352. eject key ==> 弹起键,抽出键,拆卸键
  4353. eject lever ==> 弹出控制杆,脱出杆
  4354. eject solenoid ==> 弹起电磁线圈
  4355. ejecta blanket ==> 溅射覆盖物
  4356. ejected beam ==> 引出束
  4357. ejected electron ==> 放出电子
  4358. ejected matter ==> 喷出物,喷出物质
  4359. ejecting action ==> 喷射作用
  4360. ejecting force ==> 顶出力
  4361. ejecting gear ==> 卸卷机
  4362. ejecting mechanism ==> 推出机构
  4363. ejecting platform ==> 草捆抛送滑道
  4364. ejecting press ==> 喷射挤压机
  4365. ejecting-revolving pipe precalciner ==> 喷旋管道炉
  4366. ejection ==> 抽出,排出物,抛出,喷发,喷溅物,喷射,推出,退壳,脱模,出坯,射出,击出,挤出=>取出し
  4367. ejection air pump ==> 喷吸气泵
  4368. ejection capsule ==> 弹射座舱
  4369. ejection case mechanism ==> 抛壳机构
  4370. ejection click ==> 喷射性喀喇音
  4371. ejection cylinder ==> 喷油缸
  4372. ejection device ==> 弹射装置
  4373. ejection during combustion ==> 燃烧时的喷射
  4374. ejection escape ==> 弹射逃逸
  4375. ejection firing device ==> 弹射发射装置
  4376. ejection force ==> 弹射力
  4377. ejection fraction ==> 喷血分数
  4378. ejection gun ==> 喷枪
  4379. ejection load ==> 脱模负荷
  4380. ejection mechanism ==> 弹射机构,抛掷机构
  4381. ejection murmur ==> 喷射性杂音
  4382. ejection nozzle ==> 喷嘴
  4383. ejection of compact ==> 出料
  4384. ejection orbit ==> 弹射轨道
  4385. ejection period ==> 排出期,心室射血期
  4386. ejection phase ==> 心室射血期
  4387. ejection pipe ==> 喷射管
  4388. ejection port ==> 退壳孔
  4389. ejection pressure ==> 脱模压力,出坯压力
  4390. ejection pump ==> 喷吸泵
  4391. ejection rate ==> 排出率
  4392. ejection seat ==> 弹射座椅
  4393. ejection seat trainer ==> 弹射练习器
  4394. ejection sound ==> 喷射音
  4395. ejection stroke ==> 排气冲程,喷出冲程
  4396. ejection test tower ==> 弹射练习器
  4397. ejection trainer ==> 弹射训练器
  4398. ejection velocity ==> 抛射速度
  4399. ejector ==> 喷射器,喷射泵=>エゼクター
  4400. ejector air pump ==> 喷射抽气泵
  4401. ejector arm ==> 推顶臂
  4402. ejector beam ==> 顶料杆
  4403. ejector blade ==> 推种器
  4404. ejector booster pump ==> 喷射增压泵
  4405. ejector box ==> 顶杆框
  4406. ejector condenser ==> 喷水冷凝器
  4407. ejector die half ==> 动型
  4408. ejector effect ==> 喷吸作用
  4409. ejector exhaust pipe ==> 排气喷管
  4410. ejector filler ==> 喷射注入器,喷注器
  4411. ejector fore-stage ==> 喷射泵前级
  4412. ejector grille ==> 送风格栅
  4413. ejector half ==> 动型
  4414. ejector jet pump ==> 喷射器
  4415. ejector key ==> 推顶键
  4416. ejector machine ==> 喷射式机
  4417. ejector mark ==> 顶杆压痕
  4418. ejector mechanism ==> 工件自动拆卸机构
  4419. ejector mixing ==> 喷射式混合器
  4420. ejector nozzle ==> 喷口,喷射嘴
  4421. ejector pin ==> 推钉,推顶杆,推杆,起模杆,出坯杆,顶杆,顶销
  4422. ejector plate ==> 排出器
  4423. ejector pump ==> 喷气引射泵,喷射泵,水抽子
  4424. ejector pump(ejector) ==> 喷射泵
  4425. ejector punch ==> 出坯杆
  4426. ejector ram ==> 推顶活塞,喷筒活塞
  4427. ejector rod ==> 抛壳钩杆,推顶柱,出坯杆
  4428. ejector seat ==> 弹射座椅
  4429. ejector stage ==> 喷射级
  4430. ejector type exhaust manifold ==> 喷射式排气歧管
  4431. ejector vacuum pump ==> 喷射真空泵
  4432. ejector water air pump ==> 喷水空气泵
  4433. ejector well point ==> 喷射井点
  4434. ejectortype VTOL aircraft ==> 射流器式垂直起落飞机
  4435. EJU ==> 日本留学考试
  4436. ejusdem generis ==> 同类
  4437. ejusdem generis rule ==> 同类规则
  4438. eka-element ==> 准元素
  4439. eka-silicon ==> 准硅
  4440. EKG, electrocardiogram ==> 電子式心拍動曲線
  4441. Ekman convergence ==> 埃克曼辐合带
  4442. Ekman current meter ==> 厄克曼海流计
  4443. Ekman layer ==> 埃克曼层
  4444. Ekman rule ==> 埃克曼规则
  4445. Ekman spiral ==> 埃克曼螺线
  4446. Ekman transport ==> 埃克曼输送
  4447. Ekman water bottle ==> 埃克曼水瓶
  4448. Ektar lens ==> 艾克塔摄影透镜
  4449. el ==> 电子束蚀刻
  4450. El Nino ==> 厄尔尼诺,赤道太平洋冷水域中海温异常升高的现象=>エルニーニョ
  4451. El Nino-associated ==> エルニーニョの絡みの
  4452. EL, electroluminescence ==> エレクトロルミネセンス,電界発光,エレクトロ・ルミネッセンス,ELはシート状の電界発光体。ノ社製のELは蛍光物質や誘電体などを積層した基材をPETやPEN(ポリエチレンナフタレート)のフィルムで覆った構造で、厚さは0・2ミリメートル。ハサミやカッターで希望の形状にカットしたあと、ELの裏面に回路基板をプリントし、電源に接続すれば発光する。発光色は白、黄、緑、青がある。
  4453. EL, elevation ==> 仰角
  4454. EL, exposure limit ==> 曝露限度
  4455. elaborate ==> 精巧,精心制成=>複雑な,詳細に述べる
  4456. elaborate decorative coating ==> 饰面细工
  4457. elaborate embroidery ==> 掺针绣
  4458. Elaborate Equatorial Armillary Sphere ==> 玑衡抚振仪,玑衡抚振仪
  4459. elaboration ==> 精心制作,确立,详解=>詳細,詳述
  4460. elaboration product ==> 精制品,精制品,加工产物
  4461. elaborative sequence ==> 分解顺序
  4462. elaidic acid ==> 反油酸
  4463. elaidin reaction ==> 反油酸反应
  4464. elaidin test ==> 反油酸反应,反油酸检验
  4465. elan ==> 鋭気,活力
  4466. Elanyl dye ==> 埃拉尼尔染料
  4467. elapsed time ==> 经过时间,经过时间,消逝时间,实测时间=>経過時間
  4468. elapsed timer ==> 经时计时器,经时计时器
  4469. elapsed years ==> 已过年数
  4470. elapsed-time standards ==> 经历时间,经历时间
  4471. elastance ==> 倒电容=>エラスタンス
  4472. elastane ==> 氨纶,弹性=>ポリウレタン,エラスタイン
  4473. elastane fibre ==> 弹性纤维
  4474. elastic ==> 弹性的,有弹力的,弹性的,橡皮带,松紧带=>エラスティック,ゴムひも,輪ゴム
  4475. elastic acoustical reactance ==> 弹性声抗
  4476. elastic after deformation ==> 弹性后效变形
  4477. elastic after effect ==> 弹性后效
  4478. elastic air chamber ==> 弹性气室
  4479. elastic analogy ==> 弹性模拟
  4480. elastic analysis ==> 弹性分析
  4481. elastic and plastic flow ==> 弹性和塑性流
  4482. elastic anisotropy ==> 弹性各向同性
  4483. elastic arch theory ==> 弹性拱理论
  4484. elastic artery ==> 弹性动脉
  4485. elastic axis ==> 弹性轴,减震轴
  4486. elastic axle ==> 弹性轴
  4487. elastic background ==> 弹性元件
  4488. elastic backpull ==> 弹性后张力
  4489. elastic bandage ==> 弹性绷带
  4490. elastic barometer ==> 弹性气压表,变形气压表
  4491. elastic bearing ==> 弹性支承,弹性轴承
  4492. elastic behavior ==> 弹性
  4493. elastic bending ==> 弹性弯曲
  4494. elastic bitumen ==> 弹性沥青
  4495. elastic body ==> 弹性体
  4496. elastic bond wheel ==> 弹性胶结磨轮
  4497. elastic break down pressure ==> 弹性失效压力
  4498. elastic break-down ==> 弹性变形断裂
  4499. elastic breakdown ==> 弹性破坏
  4500. elastic bucking ==> 弹性挤曲,弹性压屈
  4501. elastic buckling ==> 弹性失稳,弹性弯曲
  4502. elastic buffer ==> 弹性缓冲器
  4503. elastic cable ==> 弹性索
  4504. elastic calibration device ==> 控制功率计
  4505. elastic caoutchouc ==> 弹性橡胶,橡胶
  4506. elastic cartilage ==> 弹性软骨,黄软骨
  4507. elastic cell ==> 弹性细胞,弹性元件
  4508. elastic center ==> 弹性中心
  4509. elastic center method ==> 弹性中心法
  4510. elastic chamber ==> 弹性室
  4511. elastic circular sandwich beam ==> 弹性圆形夹合梁
  4512. elastic claw ==> (耙的)弹齿
  4513. elastic clutch ==> 弹性离合器,弹性联轴节
  4514. elastic coefficient ==> 弹性系数
  4515. elastic coefficient method ==> 弹性系数法,用电力弹性系数预测用电量的方法,用于远期粗略的负荷预测
  4516. elastic collar ==> 弹性挡圈
  4517. elastic collision ==> 弹性碰撞=>弾性衝突
  4518. elastic collision model ==> 弹性碰撞模型
  4519. elastic comeback ==> 弹性回复
  4520. elastic compliance ==> 弹性顺度,弹性柔度
  4521. elastic compliance coefficient ==> 弹性顺度系数
  4522. elastic compliance constant ==> 弹性顺度常数
  4523. elastic compressibility ==> 弹性压缩度
  4524. elastic compression ==> 弹性压缩
  4525. elastic cone ==> 弹力圆锥,弹性圆锥
  4526. elastic cone of larynx ==> 喉弹性圆锥
  4527. elastic constant ==> 弹性常数=>弾性定数
  4528. elastic contact ==> 弹性接触
  4529. elastic container ==> 弹性壳
  4530. elastic continuum ==> 弹性连续体
  4531. elastic contrast ==> 弹性对比
  4532. elastic control ==> 弹性控制
  4533. elastic cord ==> 松紧线
  4534. elastic core ==> 弹性核心
  4535. elastic core packing ==> 弹性芯子填密物
  4536. elastic coupling ==> 弹性联轴节
  4537. elastic creep recovery ==> 弹性蠕动复原
  4538. elastic criterion ==> 弹性失效准则
  4539. elastic critical shearing stress ==> 弹性临界剪应力
  4540. elastic cross section ==> 弹性截面
  4541. elastic cross-section ==> 弹性反应截面,弹性截面
  4542. elastic currency ==> 弹性货币,伸缩性通货
  4543. elastic curve ==> 弹性曲线
  4544. elastic cushion ==> 弹性垫层
  4545. elastic deflection ==> 弹性挠曲
  4546. elastic deflection exponent ==> 弹性挠曲变形指数
  4547. elastic deformable aquifer ==> 弹性可变含水层
  4548. elastic deformation ==> 弹性变形
  4549. elastic deformation limit ==> 弹性变形极限
  4550. elastic demand ==> 弹性需求
  4551. elastic design (allowable stress design) ==> 弹性设计
  4552. elastic design method ==> 弹性阶段设计法
  4553. elastic dislocation theory ==> 弹性位错理论
  4554. elastic displacement ==> 弹性移位
  4555. elastic distortion ==> 弹性变形,弹性扭曲
  4556. elastic distribution ==> 弹性分布
  4557. elastic DLC film ==> 柔軟性DLC膜
  4558. elastic dolphin ==> 弹性靠船墩
  4559. elastic draw gear ==> 弹簧车钩
  4560. elastic draw hook ==> 弹性拉钩
  4561. elastic drift ==> 弹性残留变形
  4562. elastic duck ==> 厚浆黑衬里布
  4563. elastic dynamometer ==> 弹性测力计
  4564. elastic effect ==> 弹性效应
  4565. elastic element ==> 弹性元件
  4566. elastic elongation ==> 弹性延伸,弹性伸长
  4567. elastic energy ==> 弹性能
  4568. elastic energy degradation ==> 弹性能量降级
  4569. elastic energy resilience ==> 弹性能
  4570. elastic entropy ==> 弹性熵
  4571. elastic equation ==> 弹性方程
  4572. elastic equilibrium ==> 弹性平衡
  4573. elastic expandable bobbin ==> 弹性伸缩筒管
  4574. elastic expansion ==> 弹性膨胀
  4575. elastic expansion joint ==> 弹性膨胀接头
  4576. elastic extension ==> 弹性延伸
  4577. elastic extenuation ==> 弹性衰减
  4578. elastic failure ==> 弹性破坏,弹性失效
  4579. elastic failure criterion ==> 弹性失效准则
  4580. elastic fatigue ==> 弹性疲劳
  4581. elastic feedback ==> 弹性反馈
  4582. elastic feedback controller ==> 弹性反馈控制器
  4583. elastic fendering ==> 弹性护舷
  4584. elastic fiber ==> 弹性纤维
  4585. elastic fiber hyperplasia ==> 弹力纤维增生
  4586. elastic fibers ==> 弹力纤维,黄纤维
  4587. elastic fibro-cartilage ==> 弹性软骨
  4588. elastic fibroma ==> 弹性纤维瘤
  4589. elastic fibrosis ==> 弹力纤维变性
  4590. elastic fibrous tissue ==> 弹性组织
  4591. elastic fiduciary issue system ==> 弹性受托发行制
  4592. elastic filler ==> 弹性填料
  4593. elastic finish sheeting ==> 弹性整理稀薄平布
  4594. elastic fixing ==> 弹性固接,弹性连接
  4595. elastic flow ==> 弹性流动
  4596. elastic flow creep ==> 弹性流动蠕变
  4597. elastic fluid ==> 弹性介质,弹性流体
  4598. elastic force ==> 弹性力,弹力
  4599. elastic fore-effect ==> 弹性前效
  4600. elastic foundation ==> 弹性基础
  4601. elastic frame ==> 弹性机座
  4602. elastic gain ==> 弹性增值
  4603. elastic gel ==> 弹性凝胶
  4604. elastic grinding wheel ==> 弹性砂轮,橡胶砂轮
  4605. elastic grindstone ==> 弹性磨具
  4606. elastic gum ==> 弹性胶
  4607. elastic half-space theory ==> 弹性半空间理论
  4608. elastic halfspace ==> 弹性半无限体
  4609. elastic hardness ==> 弹性硬度
  4610. elastic heave ==> 弹性隆起
  4611. elastic hysteresis ==> 弹性滞后
  4612. elastic hysteresis loop ==> 弹性滞后闭合回线
  4613. elastic impact ==> 弹性冲击,弹性碰撞
  4614. elastic impedance ==> 弹性阻抗
  4615. elastic impression material of cellulose ether ==> 纤维素醚性印模材料
  4616. elastic instability ==> 弹性不稳定
  4617. elastic interaction ==> 弹性相互作用
  4618. elastic isotropy ==> 弹性各向同性
  4619. elastic joint ==> 弹性缝,弹性接头,弹性联轴器=>弾性関節
  4620. elastic kernel ==> 弹性核
  4621. elastic lag ==> 弹性滞后
  4622. elastic lateral bukling ==> 弹性侧向弯曲
  4623. elastic layer ==> 弹性层
  4624. elastic layered theory ==> 弹性层状体理论
  4625. elastic limit ==> 弹性极限=>弾性限度
  4626. elastic limit method ==> 弹性限制法
  4627. elastic limit of material ==> 材料弹性极限
  4628. elastic limit of materials ==> 材料的弹性极限
  4629. elastic limit of wood ==> 木材弹性极限
  4630. elastic limit strain ==> 弹性极限应变
  4631. elastic limit system ==> 弹性限制法,伸缩性发行法
  4632. elastic line ==> 弹性曲线
  4633. elastic linear contact seal ==> 弹性线接触密封
  4634. elastic lip ==> 弹性唇片
  4635. elastic liquid ==> 弹性液体
  4636. elastic load ==> 弹性荷载,弹性荷重
  4637. elastic loop dynamometer ==> 弹性环功率计
  4638. elastic loss ==> 弹性损失
  4639. elastic loss factor ==> 弹性损耗因子
  4640. elastic low-par stock ==> 伸缩性低面值股票
  4641. elastic mass ==> 弹性体
  4642. elastic material ==> 弹性材料
  4643. elastic material balance method ==> 弹性物质平衡法
  4644. elastic mechanics ==> 弹性力学
  4645. elastic medium ==> 弹性介质
  4646. elastic membrane ==> 弹性膜
  4647. elastic membrane seal ==> 薄膜密封,借助于一种耐油的橡胶隔膜,把油与氧及水分隔绝,防止油质劣化的保护措施
  4648. elastic memory ==> 弹性记忆
  4649. elastic metal-plastic segment ==> 弹性金属塑料瓦,又称“氟塑料瓦”。由氟塑料面、金属弹性层和钢质瓦体构成。表层摩擦面主体成分为聚四氟乙烯,具有摩擦系数小,热稳定性高、不粘和自润滑特性。是一种新型的使用于水轮发电机的推力瓦,或导轴瓦
  4650. elastic method ==> 弹性阶段设计法
  4651. elastic model ==> 弹性模型
  4652. elastic moderation ==> 弹性缓和
  4653. elastic modular ratio ==> 弹性模量比
  4654. elastic module ==> 弹性模数
  4655. elastic modulo ==> 弹性模数
  4656. elastic modulus ==> 弹性计量单位,弹性模数,弹性模量=>弾性係数
  4657. elastic modulus of shear ==> 剪切弹性模数
  4658. elastic modulus of tensile compression ==> 拉压弹性模数
  4659. elastic modulus tensor ==> 弾性率テンソル
  4660. elastic money ==> 弹性货币
  4661. elastic money supply ==> 弹性货币供应,伸缩性货币供应
  4662. elastic mounting ==> 弹性支座
  4663. elastic net ==> 弹性网眼
  4664. elastic netting ==> ゴム製のネット
  4665. elastic network(s) ==> 弹性网
  4666. elastic neutron ==> 弹性中子
  4667. elastic normal stress coefficient ==> 弹性正应力系数
  4668. elastic nut ==> 弹性螺母
  4669. elastic nylon ==> 弹性锦纶
  4670. elastic oscillation ==> 弹性振荡
  4671. elastic packing ==> 弹性垫料,弹性密封,弹性填料
  4672. elastic packing ring ==> 弹性填密环
  4673. elastic parameter ==> 弹性参数
  4674. elastic parts ==> 弹性组件
  4675. elastic photoproduction ==> 弹性光生
  4676. elastic pinch plate ==> 弹性扣板
  4677. elastic plan ==> 弹性计划
  4678. elastic plastic body ==> 弹塑性体
  4679. elastic plastic interface ==> 弹塑界面
  4680. elastic plastic material ==> 弹塑性体
  4681. elastic plate ==> 弹性板
  4682. elastic polymer liquid ==> 弹性聚合物液体
  4683. elastic potential ==> 弹性势
  4684. elastic potential energy ==> 弹性势能
  4685. elastic potential scattering ==> 势弹性散射
  4686. elastic precompression ==> 弹性预压缩
  4687. elastic pressure gage ==> 弹性压力表
  4688. elastic property ==> 弹性特性
  4689. elastic quadrant ==> 弹簧舵柄弧,弹性舵扇
  4690. elastic quartz ==> 弹性石英
  4691. elastic range ==> 弹性范围
  4692. elastic ratio ==> 弹性比率,弹性模数
  4693. elastic reactance ==> 弹性抗,弹性阻抗
  4694. elastic reaction ==> 弹性反应
  4695. elastic rebound hypothesis ==> 弹性回跳假说
  4696. elastic rebound theory ==> 弹性回跳理论
  4697. elastic recoil ==> 弹性反冲,弹性回弹
  4698. elastic recovery ==> 回弹,弹性复元,弹性复原,弹性回复
  4699. elastic reel ==> 弹性伸缩纱框
  4700. elastic region ==> 弹性区域
  4701. elastic relaxation time ==> 弹性弛豫时间
  4702. elastic removal ==> 弹性迁移
  4703. elastic resilience ==> 弹性回弹,弹性回复能力,弹性回能,回弹性
  4704. elastic resistance ==> 弹性阻力,弹阻力
  4705. elastic resisting force ==> 弹性阻力
  4706. elastic response ==> 弹性响应
  4707. elastic restitution ==> 弹性恢复
  4708. elastic restoring force ==> 弹性恢复力
  4709. elastic restraint ==> 弹性约束
  4710. elastic restraint coefficient ==> 弹性约束系数
  4711. elastic return ==> (提花机)弹力回综
  4712. elastic ring ==> 弹簧垫圈,弹性环,弹性圈
  4713. elastic robot finger grappin ==> 机器人抓手的弹性手指
  4714. elastic rotor ==> 弹性转子
  4715. elastic rubber ==> 弹性橡胶
  4716. elastic ruche tape ==> 弹性褶裥带
  4717. elastic saddle shaped washer ==> 弹性鞍形垫圈
  4718. elastic scaler ==> 弹性尺
  4719. elastic scatter ==> 弹性散射
  4720. elastic scattering ==> 弹性散射,核与任意能量的中子碰撞后,其同位素成分和内能均无变化的现象。它是热中子反应堆内中子慢化过程最主要的核反应。大多数情况下,入射中子将损失能量并改变飞行方向,但散射前后中子与核组合系统的动能和动量都守恒=>弾性散乱
  4721. elastic scattering collision ==> 弹性散射碰撞
  4722. elastic scattering cross-section ==> 弹性散射截面
  4723. elastic scattering electrons ==> 弹性散射电子
  4724. elastic scattering resonance ==> 弹性散射共振
  4725. elastic scattering wave ==> 弹性散射波
  4726. elastic seal ==> 弹性填料
  4727. elastic sealing compound ==> 弹性密封料
  4728. elastic sealing ring ==> 弹体封圈
  4729. elastic semi-infinite body ==> 弹性半无限体
  4730. elastic sensation ==> 弹力感,弹性感
  4731. elastic sensing element ==> 弹性敏感元件
  4732. elastic settlement ==> 弹性沉降
  4733. elastic shear ==> 弹性剪切
  4734. elastic shear deformation ==> 弹性剪切形变
  4735. elastic sheet ==> 弹性模片
  4736. elastic sheet analog ==> 弹性板模拟
  4737. elastic shinguard ==> 弹力护腿
  4738. elastic shortening ==> 弹性压缩
  4739. elastic side wall ==> 弹性边墙
  4740. elastic skin ==> 弹力性皮肤
  4741. elastic sleeve bearing ==> 弹性套筒轴承
  4742. elastic slip ==> 弹性滑移
  4743. elastic soil wedge ==> 弹性土楔
  4744. elastic solid ==> 弹性体
  4745. elastic solid (Hookean body) ==> 弹性固体
  4746. elastic sols ==> 弹性溶胶
  4747. elastic spacer ==> 弹性垫条
  4748. elastic spectrum ==> 弹性谱
  4749. elastic sphere ==> 弹性球体
  4750. elastic spike ==> 弹性道钉
  4751. elastic spindle ==> 弹性锭子
  4752. elastic spring ==> 弹簧,钢丝挡圈
  4753. elastic springing ==> 弹性挠曲变形
  4754. elastic stability ==> 弹性稳定
  4755. elastic stage ==> 弹性状态
  4756. elastic state of equilibrium ==> 弹性平衡状态
  4757. elastic stator ==> 弹性定子
  4758. elastic stiffness ==> 弹性劲度
  4759. elastic stiffness constant ==> 弹性刚度常数,弹性劲度常数
  4760. elastic stop ==> 弹性制动爪
  4761. elastic stop nut ==> 弹性防松螺母,弹性锁紧螺帽
  4762. elastic store ==> 弹性存储器,缓冲存储器=>エラスティックストア
  4763. elastic stored energy ==> 弹性贮能
  4764. elastic strain ==> 弹性应变
  4765. elastic strain energy ==> 弹性比功,弹性应变能,弹性应变能量
  4766. elastic straining ==> 弹性应变
  4767. elastic strength ==> 弹性强度
  4768. elastic stress ==> 弹性应力
  4769. elastic stretch ==> 弹性延伸
  4770. elastic stretching ==> 弹性伸长
  4771. elastic sulfur ==> 弹性硫
  4772. elastic supply ==> 弹性供应,伸缩性供应
  4773. elastic support ==> 弹性支点,弹性悬挂架,弹性支架,弹性支座
  4774. elastic supported cantilever ==> 弹性支承悬臂梁
  4775. elastic supported edge ==> 弹性支承边
  4776. elastic surface ==> 弹性表面
  4777. elastic surface wave ==> 弹性表面波
  4778. elastic surface wave device ==> 弹性表面波装置
  4779. elastic suspension ==> 弹性吊架
  4780. elastic synthetic ==> 弹性合成物
  4781. elastic system ==> 弹性系统
  4782. elastic tariff ==> 弹性关税,伸缩关税
  4783. elastic tensor ==> 弹性张量
  4784. elastic theory ==> 弹性理论
  4785. elastic thermal stress ==> 弹性热应力
  4786. elastic thread for textile use ==> 纺织用弹性线
  4787. elastic threads ==> 拉紧线
  4788. elastic tire (resilient tire) ==> 弹性轮胎
  4789. elastic tissue ==> 弹力组织,弹性组织,黄弹性组织
  4790. elastic tissue degeneration ==> 弹力组织变性
  4791. elastic tissue proliferation ==> 弹力组织增生
  4792. elastic torsion ==> 弹性扭力
  4793. elastic traction ==> 弹性牵引
  4794. elastic trip ==> 弹性片
  4795. elastic tube ==> 弹性管
  4796. elastic turbulence ==> 弹性湍流
  4797. elastic vibrating element ==> 弹性振动元件
  4798. elastic vibration ==> 弹性振动
  4799. elastic wall ==> 弹性墙
  4800. elastic washer ==> 弹性垫圈
  4801. elastic wave ==> 弹性波,声波
  4802. elastic webbing ==> 弹性织物
  4803. elastic wedge joint ==> 弹性楔接头
  4804. elastic weight ==> 弹性荷重
  4805. elastic wheel ==> (研磨的)弹性轮
  4806. elastic work schedule system ==> 弹性工时制,弹性工作时间制度
  4807. elastic wrinkle resistant fabric ==> 弹性抗皱织物
  4808. elastic yielding ==> 弹性屈服
  4809. elastic-breakdown pressure ==> 弹性终止压力
  4810. elastic-crack-growth fracture ==> 弹性裂纹增长断裂
  4811. elastic-palstic stress distribution ==> 弹塑性应力分布
  4812. elastic-perfectly plastic body ==> 完全弹塑性体,理想弹塑性体
  4813. elastic-plastic behavior ==> 弹塑性状态
  4814. elastic-plastic deformation ==> 弹塑性变形
  4815. elastic-plastic drive ==> 滩塑性驱动
  4816. elastic-plastic flow ==> 弹塑性流
  4817. elastic-plastic fracture ==> 弹塑性断裂
  4818. elastic-plastic fracture mechanics ==> 弹塑性断裂力学
  4819. elastic-plastic material ==> 弹塑性材料
  4820. elastic-plastic matrix ==> 弹塑性矩阵
  4821. elastic-plastic mechanics ==> 弹塑性力学
  4822. elastic-plastic model ==> 弹塑性模型
  4823. elastic-plastic range ==> 弹塑性范围
  4824. elastic-plastic solid ==> 弹塑性固体
  4825. elastic-plastic-creep analysis ==> 弹塑性蠕变分析
  4826. elastic-plasticity ==> 弹塑性
  4827. elastic-rebound ==> 弹性回跳
  4828. elastic-response line ==> 弹性感应线
  4829. elastic-rim wheel ==> 弹性轮辋车轮
  4830. elastic-strain-recovery ==> 弹性应变恢复
  4831. elastical metallic expansion ring ==> 弹性金属胀圈
  4832. elastically supported beam ==> 弹性支承梁
  4833. elastically supported bearing ==> 弹性轴承
  4834. elastically yielding bearing ==> 弹性支承轴承
  4835. elasticated net ==> 弹力网
  4836. elasticator (elasticizer) ==> 弹性剂
  4837. elasticin ==> 弹性硬蛋白
  4838. elasticity ==> 弹性,弹力,弹性力学,弹性学
  4839. elasticity coefficient ==> 伸缩性系数
  4840. elasticity correction ==> 弹性修正
  4841. elasticity effect ==> 空气密度影响
  4842. elasticity factor ==> 弹性因素
  4843. elasticity figure ==> 弹性图形
  4844. elasticity form factor ==> 弹性形状因素
  4845. elasticity gage ==> 弹性计
  4846. elasticity matrix ==> 弹性矩阵
  4847. elasticity measurement ==> 弹性测定
  4848. elasticity membrane model ==> 弹性膜模型
  4849. elasticity number ==> 弹性值
  4850. elasticity number 1 ==> 第一弹性数
  4851. elasticity number 2 ==> 第二弹性数
  4852. elasticity of bulk ==> 体积弹性
  4853. elasticity of compression ==> 压缩弹性
  4854. elasticity of demand ==> 需求伸缩性
  4855. elasticity of elongation ==> 伸长弹性
  4856. elasticity of employment ==> 就业弹性,就业弹性
  4857. elasticity of export and import ==> 进出口弹性
  4858. elasticity of flexure ==> 弯曲弹性
  4859. elasticity of form ==> 形状弹性
  4860. elasticity of gases ==> 气体弹性
  4861. elasticity of input substitution ==> 投入替代弹性
  4862. elasticity of lung ==> 肺弹性
  4863. elasticity of productivity ==> 生产力弹性
  4864. elasticity of response ==> 反应弹性
  4865. elasticity of shear ==> 剪切弹性
  4866. elasticity of shearing ==> 剪切弹性
  4867. elasticity of substitution ==> 替代弹性,替换弹性
  4868. elasticity of substitution of factor ==> 要素替代弹性
  4869. elasticity of supply of factor ==> 要素的供给弹性
  4870. elasticity of the production function ==> 生产力弹性
  4871. elasticity of torsion ==> 扭转弹性
  4872. elasticity of volume ==> 容积弹性
  4873. elasticity ratio ==> 弹性比
  4874. elasticity tensor ==> 弹性张量
  4875. elasticity test ==> 弹性试验
  4876. elasticity tester ==> 回弹仪
  4877. elasticity volume ==> 弹性容量
  4878. elasticized fabric ==> 弹性织物
  4879. elasticizer ==> 增韧剂,增塑剂
  4880. elastico-plastic solid ==> 可塑弹性固体
  4881. elastico-viscosity ==> 弹性粘度
  4882. elastico-viscous liquid ==> 弹粘性液体
  4883. elastico-viscous solid (Kelvin body) ==> 弹粘性固体
  4884. elasticoptic coefficient ==> 光弹性系统
  4885. elasticoviscosity ==> 弹粘性
  4886. elasticoviscous ==> 滩粘性的
  4887. elastivity coefficient ==> 倒电容系数
  4888. elasto bending ==> 弹塑性弯曲
  4889. elasto plasticity ==> 弹塑性
  4890. elasto-optical coefficient ==> 弹光系数
  4891. elasto-plastic analysis ==> 弹塑性分析
  4892. elasto-plastic balance ==> 弹塑性平衡
  4893. elasto-plastic bending ==> 弹塑性弯曲
  4894. elasto-plastic failure criterion ==> 弹塑性失效准则
  4895. elasto-plastic finite element method ==> 弹塑性有限元法
  4896. elasto-plastic matrix displacement analysis ==> 弹塑性矩阵位移分析
  4897. elasto-plastic plate ==> 弹塑性板
  4898. elasto-plastic range (elasto-plastic region) ==> 弹塑性区
  4899. elasto-plasticity ==> 弹塑性,塑弹性
  4900. elasto-plastio fracture mechanics ==> 弹塑性断裂力学
  4901. elasto-viscous system ==> 弹粘体系
  4902. elastodiene fibre ==> 二烯类弹性纤维
  4903. elastodynamic stress-intensity factor ==> 弹性动力应力强度因数
  4904. elastohydrodynamic lubrication theory ==> 弹性流体动力润滑理论
  4905. elastomer ==> 弹料,弹性体,高弹体,高弹性塑料,合成橡胶
  4906. elastomer adduct ==> 弹性体加成物
  4907. elastomer connector ==> 橡胶接头
  4908. elastomer diaphragm ==> 橡胶膜片
  4909. elastomer material ==> 弹性材料
  4910. elastomer plastic ==> 弹性体塑料
  4911. elastomer seal ==> 弹性密封
  4912. elastomeric bearing ==> 弹性支承
  4913. elastomeric coating ==> 弹性敷层
  4914. elastomeric coupling ==> 弹性联轴节
  4915. elastomeric gasket ==> 弹性垫圈
  4916. elastomeric material ==> 高弹性材料
  4917. elastomeric network ==> 弹性网络
  4918. elastomeric pad bearing (rubber bearing) ==> 弹性衬垫承座
  4919. elastomeric parts ==> 弹性材料零件
  4920. elastomeric polymer ==> 弹性聚合物
  4921. elastomeric property ==> 高弹性能
  4922. elastomeric seal ==> ゴム状シール
  4923. elastomeric sealant ==> 弾性シーリング材
  4924. elastomeric shield material ==> 弹性屏蔽材料
  4925. elastomeric state ==> 高弹态
  4926. elastomeric strain gate ==> 弹性应变仪
  4927. elastometric boot ==> 橡胶防护套
  4928. elastometric lining ==> 橡胶内衬
  4929. elastooptic material ==> 光弹性材料
  4930. elastoplastic polymer ==> 弹塑性聚合物
  4931. elastoplastic state ==> 弹塑态
  4932. elastoplastic system ==> 弹塑体系
  4933. elastoresistance coefficient ==> 弹性电阻系数,抗弹性系数
  4934. elastorheodynamic lubricant ==> 弹性变流动力润滑剂
  4935. elation-anxiety psychosis ==> 欣悦焦虑性精神病
  4936. Elbenyl dye ==> 埃尔贝尼尔染料
  4937. elbow ==> 急弯,肘,弯管,弯头,关节,拱底石,抓手=>エルボ
  4938. elbow amplifier ==> 双弯流型放大器
  4939. elbow bend ==> 弯管,肘管,直角弯头
  4940. elbow catch ==> 门轧头
  4941. elbow cock ==> 肘形龙头
  4942. elbow combustion chamber ==> 肘形燃烧室
  4943. elbow connection ==> 弯接头
  4944. elbow core box ==> 弯头芯盒
  4945. elbow cover opener ==> 弯管开盖器
  4946. elbow equivalent ==> 弯管当量长度
  4947. elbow feeder ==> 曲管送料器
  4948. elbow in the hawse ==> 锚链绞花
  4949. elbow jam unt ==> 弯头锁紧螺母
  4950. elbow jerk ==> 肘反射
  4951. elbow joint ==> 肘关节,肘节
  4952. elbow joint exerciser ==> 肘关节训练器
  4953. elbow jointed lever ==> 肘节杆
  4954. elbow lever ==> 弯肘杆
  4955. elbow meter ==> 弯管流量计
  4956. elbow pipe ==> 弯管,肘管
  4957. elbow prosthesis ==> 假肘
  4958. elbow reflex ==> 肱三头肌反射
  4959. elbow refractor ==> 折轴反光望远镜,折轴折射望远镜,曲折折光计
  4960. elbow separator ==> 弯头脱水器
  4961. elbow sight ==> 肘形瞄准具
  4962. elbow support ==> 护肘
  4963. elbow supporter ==> 护肘
  4964. elbow telescope ==> 肘形望远镜
  4965. elbow type locking mechanism ==> 肘形锁闭器
  4966. elbow union ==> 弯头套管
  4967. elbow unions ==> 直角弯管接头
  4968. elbow ventilator (goose-neck ven tilator) ==> 弯管通风筒
  4969. elbow with socket end ==> 端部带凸肩弯头
  4970. elbow-board ==> 镶嵌板
  4971. elbow-knee position examination ==> 肘膝位检查法
  4972. elbow-seat height ==> 肘部投影高
  4973. Elbs reaction ==> 埃尔勃斯反应
  4974. elc ==> 电解校正
  4975. ELC, end of line code ==> 走査終了コード
  4976. ELCC, effective load carrying capability ==> 有効な負荷を負担する能力
  4977. ELCID, Electromegnetic Core Imperfection Detector ==> 铁心缺陷电磁检测法
  4978. elcometer ==> 膜厚测定仪
  4979. elctric mechanical counter ==> 电动机械计数器
  4980. ELD, Economic Load Dispatching ==> 経済負荷配分
  4981. ELDAC, Effective Load Dispatching Automatic Controller ==> 需給自動制御システム
  4982. elder ==> 接骨木
  4983. elderly people living alone ==> 独居高齢者
  4984. ELDO, European Launcher Development Organization ==> 欧州打上げ開発機構(1975年,ESROと共にESAに統合)
  4985. Eldred's wire ==> 艾尔德里德镍铁芯镀铜线
  4986. ELE, earth leading edge ==> 地球前縁
  4987. elec trostatic accumulator ==> 电容器
  4988. elecampane ==> エレキャンペーン,別名オオグルマ,キク科の多年草
  4989. elecric instrument testing device ==> 试验电气仪表
  4990. elecromagnetic environment ==> 电磁环境
  4991. elecrophoretic coating ==> 电泳涂漆
  4992. elect ==> 选择
  4993. electic conducting glass fibre ==> 导电玻璃纤维
  4994. election ==> 选择
  4995. electirc railcars ==> 電気鉄道車両
  4996. elective ==> 选择性的
  4997. elective culture ==> 选择培养
  4998. elective genesis ==> 选择发生
  4999. elective mutism ==> 选择性缄默症
  5000. electo hydraulic servocontrolled fatigue testing machine ==> 电液伺服疲劳试验机
  5001. electomagnetic energy ==> 電磁エネルギー
  5002. electone ==> 电子琴
  5003. electonegative element ==> 阴电性元素
  5004. electoral wool ==> 美利奴细羊毛
  5005. Electorn metal ==> 埃雷克特龙铝镁合金
  5006. electra ==> 多区无线电导航系统
  5007. Electra complex ==> 恋父情结
  5008. electret ==> 永久极化电介质,驻极电介体=>エレクトレット
  5009. electret capacitor microphone ==> 驻极体电容传声器
  5010. electret condenser microphone ==> 驻极体电容传声器
  5011. electret headphone ==> 驻极体头戴耳机
  5012. electret microphone ==> 驻极体传声器
  5013. electret transducer ==> 驻极体换能器
  5014. electric ==> 电的,陡坡电制动闸
  5015. electric (al) cutter ==> 电动裁剪机
  5016. electric (al) hygrometer ==> 电湿度计
  5017. electric (al) moisture meter ==> 电气测湿计
  5018. electric (al) motor ==> 电机
  5019. electric (al) resistance strain gauge ==> 电阻应变仪
  5020. electric (al) tachometer ==> 电示转速计
  5021. electric (al)winch ==> 电动卷扬机
  5022. electric (heating) press ==> 电热压呢机
  5023. electric absorption ==> 电的吸收
  5024. electric absorption dynamometer ==> 电吸收式测功器
  5025. electric accessory ==> 电气设备
  5026. electric accommodation ladder winch ==> 电动舷梯绞车
  5027. electric accounting machine ==> 电动计算机
  5028. electric actuated stop valves ==> 电动截止阀
  5029. electric actuated wedge gate valves ==> 电动楔式闸阀
  5030. electric actuator ==> 电力传动装置=>電気式アクチュエータ
  5031. electric acupuncture ==> 电针术
  5032. electric acupuncture apparatus ==> 电针仪
  5033. electric adding machine ==> 电动加法机
  5034. electric air circulator ==> 电动气流旋转器
  5035. electric air drier ==> 电热干燥机
  5036. electric alarm ==> 电警报
  5037. electric alarm clock ==> 电闹钟
  5038. electric analog ==> 电模拟
  5039. electric analog(ue) model ==> 电模拟模型
  5040. electric analogue ==> 电子模拟
  5041. electric anchor capstan ==> 电动起锚绞盘
  5042. electric and hydraulic dental chair ==> 电动液压牙科椅
  5043. electric and pressure welding ==> 电压力焊接
  5044. electric anemometer ==> 电测风速仪
  5045. electric annealing furnace ==> 电热退火炉
  5046. electric anticorrosion ==> 電気防食
  5047. electric apparatus ==> 电气设备=>電気装置
  5048. electric appliance ==> 电气设备=>電気(消費)器具,電気機器
  5049. Electric Appliance Recycling Law ==> 家電リサイクル法,特定家庭用機器再商品化法
  5050. electric appliance safety law ==> 電気用品安全法
  5051. electric arc ==> 电弧=>アーク
  5052. electric arc air gouging ==> 电弧气割
  5053. electric arc cutting ==> 电弧切割
  5054. electric arc cutting machine ==> 电弧切割机
  5055. electric arc erosion plant ==> 电弧加工设备
  5056. electric arc furnace ==> 电弧炉,利用电弧加热实现预期工艺目的(如物料的冶炼、熔化、加热、烧结等)的电热设备
  5057. electric arc heating ==> 电弧加热
  5058. electric arc ignition ==> 电弧点火
  5059. electric arc induction furnace ==> 电弧感应炉
  5060. electric arc lamp ==> 电弧灯
  5061. electric arc lighting ==> 弧光灯
  5062. electric arc process ==> 电弧焊法
  5063. electric arc resistance ==> 电弧电阻
  5064. electric arc spot welding ==> 电弧点焊
  5065. electric arc spraying ==> 电弧喷涂
  5066. electric arc welder ==> 电弧焊机
  5067. electric arc welding ==> 电弧焊接,电弧焊,简称“弧焊”。利用电弧作为热源的熔焊方法
  5068. electric arc welding generators ==> 电弧焊接发电机
  5069. electric arc welding machine ==> 电弧焊机
  5070. electric arc welding process ==> 电弧焊接工序
  5071. electric arraying-puncher ==> 电动式排钉机
  5072. electric attachments ==> 电气附件
  5073. electric automatic time release ==> 电气自动定时解锁器
  5074. electric automatic toaster ==> 电自动面包炉
  5075. electric automatic waffle baker ==> 烘夹饼自动电炉
  5076. electric automatization ==> 电气自动化
  5077. electric automobile ==> 电动汽车
  5078. electric auxiliary machinery ==> 电动辅机
  5079. electric axis ==> 电轴
  5080. electric baking ==> 电热烘烤
  5081. electric baking apparatus ==> 电气烘烤器具
  5082. electric baking oven ==> 电烤炉
  5083. electric baking pan ==> 电热饼铛
  5084. electric balance ==> 电力秤,电平衡
  5085. electric ballast tamper ==> 电动石碴夯实机
  5086. electric band saw ==> 电动带锯
  5087. electric bar bender and cutter ==> 电动钢筋弯曲机及切削机
  5088. electric bathythermograph ==> 电测水深水温记录仪
  5089. electric battery ==> 电池
  5090. electric battery electrifier ==> 电池充电机
  5091. electric bedwarmer ==> 电暖床器
  5092. electric bell ==> 电铃=>ベル,電鈴
  5093. electric bell flat push button ==> 电铃平按钮
  5094. electric bell push button ==> 电铃按钮
  5095. electric bench drill ==> 台式电钻
  5096. electric bench grinder ==> 电动台式磨床
  5097. electric bicycle ==> 電動自転車
  5098. electric birefringence ==> 电场致双折射
  5099. electric blanket ==> 电暖毛毯,电热毯=>電気毛布
  5100. electric blast furnace ==> 电气高炉
  5101. electric blasting ==> 电炮
  5102. electric blasting machine ==> 电爆机
  5103. electric blasting unit ==> 电力放炮机
  5104. electric bleaching ==> 电漂白
  5105. electric block ==> 电动葫芦
  5106. electric blower ==> 电动吹风机,电动鼓风机
  5107. electric blower single-phase ==> 单相吹风机
  5108. electric blowpipe ==> 电弧喷焊器
  5109. electric blue ==> 钢青色,铁蓝色
  5110. electric boat winch ==> 电动起艇机
  5111. electric boathaulage machine ==> 电动船舶牵引机
  5112. electric boiler ==> 电锅炉,电热锅炉=>電気ボイラ
  5113. electric boiler feed regulator ==> 电热锅炉给水调节器
  5114. electric boiling sterilizer ==> 电煮沸消毒器
  5115. electric bonding ==> 接触加热金属喷涂
  5116. electric bone operating instrument set ==> 电动骨科手术器械包
  5117. electric bone saw ==> 电动骨锯
  5118. electric bone surgery apparatus ==> 电动骨科手术器械
  5119. electric book-bundling machine ==> 电动捆书机
  5120. electric booster ==> 电升压器
  5121. electric booster pump ==> 电动增压泵
  5122. electric boosting ==> 电强化加热
  5123. electric boring ==> 电气钻探
  5124. electric boring machine ==> 电动钻探机
  5125. electric bowl ==> 电饭锅
  5126. electric box furnace ==> 箱式电炉
  5127. electric brain telephone ==> 电脑电话机
  5128. electric brake ==> 电动制动器,电力制动器,电闸=>ブレーキ
  5129. electric braking ==> 电气制动,电力制动,电制动法=>電気制動
  5130. electric brazing ==> 电加热钎焊,电热钎焊,电热铜焊,电热硬钎焊
  5131. electric bread toaster ==> 电气烘面包炉
  5132. electric bread-cutter ==> 电动切面包机
  5133. electric breakdown ==> 电击穿,电破坏
  5134. electric breakdown voltage ==> 电击穿电压
  5135. electric bridge ==> 电桥
  5136. electric bridge coupler ==> 活动桥电路接合器
  5137. electric bridge temperature regulator ==> 电桥式温度调节器
  5138. electric broiler ==> 电焙炉
  5139. electric brooder ==> 电热式育雏器=>電気育すう器
  5140. electric brush ==> 电刷
  5141. electric brush cutter ==> 电刷切割机
  5142. electric brush rough grinder ==> 电刷粗磨床
  5143. electric bulb ==> 电灯泡,灯泡
  5144. electric bulb & lamp holder ==> 电灯泡及灯座
  5145. electric bulb oven ==> 电灯式干燥箱
  5146. electric burn ==> 电烧伤,发生电气事故时,电气设备与人体间产生电弧对人体皮肤的烧伤
  5147. electric bus ==> 电动公共汽车
  5148. electric butt welding ==> 电阻接触焊
  5149. electric butterfly valve ==> 电动蝶阀
  5150. electric button ==> 电钮
  5151. electric button sewing machine ==> 电动钉钮机
  5152. electric buzzer ==> 电蜂鸣器
  5153. electric cabinet ==> 电控箱
  5154. electric cable ==> 电缆=>電気ケーブル
  5155. electric cable conduit ==> 电缆导管
  5156. electric cable connector ==> 电缆接头
  5157. electric cabletowed plough ==> 电力绳索牵引机
  5158. electric calamine ==> 异极矿
  5159. electric calculating machine ==> 电动计算器
  5160. electric calculator ==> 电动计算器
  5161. electric caldron ==> 电煮锅
  5162. electric calorifie installation ==> 电热装置
  5163. electric calorimeter ==> 电气量热器
  5164. electric capacitor ==> 电容器
  5165. electric capacity ==> 电容
  5166. electric capacity altimeter ==> 电容测高计,电容高度计
  5167. electric capacity moisture meter ==> 电力湿度计,电容式水分测定表
  5168. electric capacity type liquidometer ==> 电容式液位计
  5169. electric capstan ==> 电动绞盘,电动起锚机,电力绞盘
  5170. electric car ==> 电车,电动汽车=>電気自動車
  5171. electric car design ==> 電気自動車設計
  5172. electric car retarder ==> 电动车辆减速器
  5173. electric carbon ==> 电刷碳
  5174. electric cardioversion ==> 心脏电复律
  5175. electric cargo winch ==> 电动起货机
  5176. electric cart ==> 電動カート
  5177. electric cash register ==> 电动现金出纳机
  5178. electric cash-register ==> 电动出纳机
  5179. electric cast mullite brick ==> 电熔莫来石砖,(铁砖)电熔铸莫来石砖
  5180. electric casting ==> 电熔铸
  5181. electric cataract ==> 电光性白内障
  5182. electric cater-pillar crane ==> 电动履带起重机
  5183. electric cattle cleaner ==> 电动牛体清洁器
  5184. electric cauterization of nasal mucosa ==> 鼻粘膜电烙术
  5185. electric cautery ==> 电烙术,电灼器
  5186. electric cautery set ==> 电热烧灼器
  5187. electric cell ==> 光电管
  5188. electric centrifugal blower ==> 电动离心式吹风机
  5189. electric centrifugal pump ==> 电动离心泵
  5190. electric centrifuge ==> 电动离心机
  5191. electric ceramics ==> 电瓷
  5192. electric chafing dish ==> 电火锅
  5193. electric chain hoist ==> 电动吊链
  5194. electric chain hoist with pendant rope control ==> 带吊索操纵器的电动链吊
  5195. electric chain saw ==> 电动链锯
  5196. electric charge ==> 电荷=>電荷
  5197. electric charge density ==> 電荷密度
  5198. electric charge surface density ==> 电荷表面密度
  5199. electric charge time constant ==> 充电时间常数
  5200. electric charge volume density ==> 电荷体密度
  5201. electric check valve ==> 电动截止阀
  5202. electric chipping machine ==> 电榔头
  5203. electric chlorinator ==> 氯化电炉
  5204. electric chopper ==> 电动切碎器,电斩波器
  5205. Electric chorea ==> 杜比尼病
  5206. electric chorea ==> 电击样舞蹈病
  5207. electric chronograph ==> 电动记时器
  5208. electric chuck ==> 电动卡盘
  5209. electric cigar lighter ==> 电气吸烟点火器
  5210. electric ciphering machine ==> 电动密码机
  5211. electric circuit ==> 电路=>電気回路
  5212. electric circuit shifter ==> 电路转接器
  5213. electric circuit theory ==> 电路理论=>電気回路論
  5214. electric circular saw ==> 电动圆锯,电圆锯
  5215. electric circular saw for wood working ==> 木工圆电锯
  5216. electric clipper ==> 电动剪毛机
  5217. electric clippers ==> 电动剪毛刀,电剪刀
  5218. electric clock ==> 电钟=>電気時計
  5219. electric clock synchronizer ==> 电钟同步器
  5220. electric clock system ==> 电钟系统
  5221. electric cloth cutter ==> 电裁衣刀
  5222. electric clothes dryer ==> 电干衣机
  5223. electric clutch ==> 电离合器
  5224. electric coagulation forceps ==> 电凝钳
  5225. electric code ==> 电工规程
  5226. electric coffee maker ==> 电咖啡壶
  5227. electric coffee percolator ==> 电咖啡滤壶
  5228. electric coffee pot ==> 电咖啡壶
  5229. electric coil ==> 线圈=>電気コイル
  5230. electric coil tongs ==> 电动钢卷钳
  5231. electric coil winder ==> 电动绕线机
  5232. electric collaring machine ==> 电动曲线机
  5233. electric colorimeter ==> 电动色度计
  5234. electric comb ==> 电梳
  5235. electric commutator ==> 整流器
  5236. electric comparator ==> 电量比较器
  5237. electric compressor governor ==> 电动压缩机调压阀
  5238. electric computer ==> 电动计算机,电动计算器
  5239. electric condenser ==> 电容器
  5240. electric condenser oil ==> 电容器油
  5241. electric conductance ==> 电导
  5242. electric conduction ==> 电气传导
  5243. electric conduction type flame detector ==> 电导式火焰探测器
  5244. electric conductivity ==> 电导率=>導電率,電気伝導度,電気伝導性
  5245. electric conductivity detector ==> 电导检测器
  5246. electric conductivity meter ==> 电导仪
  5247. electric conductor ==> 导体=>導体
  5248. electric conduit ==> 电线导管
  5249. electric connection ==> 电连接
  5250. electric connective tissue ==> 电结缔组织
  5251. electric connector ==> 电联接器,电连接器
  5252. electric consolidation ==> 电气固结法
  5253. electric constant ==> 電気定数
  5254. electric construction ==> 電気工事
  5255. electric construction law ==> 電気工事業法
  5256. electric constructor ==> 電気工事業者
  5257. electric contact ==> 电触点,电接点
  5258. electric contact (point) ==> 電気接点(コンタクト)
  5259. electric contact liquid in glass thermometer ==> 电接点玻璃温度计
  5260. electric contact liquid level indicator ==> 电接触液位指示器
  5261. electric contact material ==> 电接触器材,电接点材料
  5262. electric contact point pressure gauge ==> 电触点压力表
  5263. electric contact pressure gauge ==> 电接触压力表
  5264. electric contact set ==> 电接点装置
  5265. electric contact thermometer ==> 电触点温度计
  5266. electric contact-making micrometer ==> 电接触式测微计
  5267. electric control ==> 电气控制=>電気制御
  5268. electric control cable ==> 电控电缆
  5269. electric control dryer ==> 电控烘干机
  5270. electric control of air brake ==> 电动空气制动机
  5271. electric control panel ==> 电控箱
  5272. electric control photo-scattered ceramic ==> 电控光散射陶瓷
  5273. electric control system ==> 电气控制系统
  5274. electric control valve ==> 电动调节阀
  5275. electric controlled hoist ==> 电控卷扬机
  5276. electric controller ==> 电控制器
  5277. electric conveyor belt ==> 电动输送带
  5278. electric conveyor screw ==> 电动输送螺旋
  5279. electric convulsive ==> 电惊厥的
  5280. electric cooker ==> 电烤箱,电气炊具,电灶
  5281. electric cooker range ==> 电灶
  5282. electric cooking range ==> 電子レンジ
  5283. electric cooking stove ==> 电橱灶
  5284. electric coolant pump ==> 电动冷却液泵
  5285. electric cordless steam iron ==> 电池式蒸汽电熨斗
  5286. electric corona ==> 电晕放电
  5287. electric coupler ==> 电器连接器
  5288. electric coupling ==> 电磁联轴节=>電気継手,電界結合
  5289. electric coupling of signal arm ==> 信号臂板选别器
  5290. electric coverlet ==> 电床罩
  5291. electric crab winch ==> 电动起重绞车
  5292. electric crane ==> 电动吊车,电动起重机,电力起重机=>電気クレーン
  5293. electric cranial drill ==> 电动颅骨钻
  5294. electric cranking ==> 电力起动
  5295. electric cream maker ==> 电动拌奶油器
  5296. electric crystal clock ==> 电晶体钟
  5297. electric cup ==> 电热杯
  5298. electric curing ==> 電気養生
  5299. electric curing of concrete ==> 混凝土电热养护
  5300. electric curling iron ==> 电烫发钳
  5301. electric current ==> 电流=>電流
  5302. electric current density ==> 电流密度=>電流密度
  5303. electric current loop ==> 电流环
  5304. electric current meter ==> 电流表,电流计
  5305. electric current metre ==> 电测流速仪
  5306. electric current of heart ==> 心脏电流
  5307. electric current transducer[sensor] ==> 电流传感器
  5308. electric cutting machine ==> 电动切割机
  5309. electric cyclone furnace ==> 电热旋风炉
  5310. electric data collector ==> 电子数据汇集器
  5311. electric deep freezer ==> 低温箱
  5312. electric deep fryer ==> 电炸锅
  5313. electric defroster ==> 电动除霜器,电动溶冰机
  5314. electric defroster shield ==> 电力除霜器壳
  5315. electric dehydrator ==> 电脱水器
  5316. electric delay line ==> 电延迟线
  5317. electric demand ==> 需要容量
  5318. electric dental engine ==> 牙科电机,口腔科电动机
  5319. electric depth finder ==> 电测深仪,电气测深计
  5320. electric depth sounder ==> 电气测深仪
  5321. electric desiccant air conditioner ==> 電気式デシカント空調機
  5322. electric detarring precipitator ==> 电力脱焦油沉淀器,电脱焦沉降器
  5323. electric detonator ==> 电气雷管,电爆管,电雷管
  5324. electric dew-point hygrometer ==> 电露点湿度计
  5325. electric dewaterer ==> 电脱水器
  5326. electric diagnosis ==> 电反应诊断法
  5327. electric dial switch ==> 电动拨号开关
  5328. electric dialyzator ==> 电渗析器
  5329. electric diaphragm pump ==> 电动隔膜泵
  5330. electric differential pressure transmitter ==> 电动差压传感器
  5331. electric dipole ==> 电偶极子=>電気双極子
  5332. electric dipole moment ==> 电偶极子转矩,电偶极矩=>電気双極子モーメント
  5333. electric dipole radiation ==> 电偶极辐射
  5334. electric dipole transition ==> 电偶极跃迁
  5335. electric dipper ==> 电铲
  5336. electric disaster prevention and economic operation ==> 电力大系统灾变防治和经济运行的研究
  5337. electric disc sander ==> 电动打磨砂盘
  5338. electric discharge ==> 放电=>放電
  5339. electric discharge atomic vapor laser ==> 放电原子蒸汽激光器
  5340. electric discharge convection laser ==> 放电对流式激光器
  5341. electric discharge excited gaseous laser ==> 放电激励气体激光器
  5342. electric discharge gas-dynamic laser ==> 放电气动激光器
  5343. electric discharge in soil ==> 土中放電
  5344. electric discharge lamp ==> 放电灯
  5345. electric discharge laser ==> 放电激光器
  5346. electric discharge machine ==> 电腐蚀机
  5347. electric discharge machining ==> 电火花加工
  5348. electric discharge printer ==> 放电式印刷机
  5349. electric discharge time constant ==> 放电时间常数
  5350. electric discharge-pumped nitrogen ion laser ==> 放电泵浦氮离子激光器
  5351. electric displacement ==> 电位移=>電気変位
  5352. electric displacement density ==> 电位移,电位移密度
  5353. electric distance ==> 光距离单位
  5354. electric disturbance ==> 电扰
  5355. electric domain wall ==> 电畴壁
  5356. electric door bell ==> 电门铃
  5357. electric door closer ==> 电动关门器
  5358. electric door lock ==> 电门锁
  5359. electric door opener ==> 电动开门器,电开门器
  5360. electric double disk parallel gate valves ==> 电动平行式双闸板闸板
  5361. electric double layer ==> 电偶层,双电层=>電気二重層
  5362. electric double layer capacitor ==> 高能超级电容器=>電気二重層キャパシタ
  5363. electric double refraction ==> 电场致双折射
  5364. electric double-beam bridge crane ==> 电动双梁桥式起重机
  5365. electric doublet ==> 电偶极子
  5366. electric drainage ==> 排流器
  5367. electric drainager ==> 电排流器
  5368. electric draw-bridge lock ==> 开合桥电锁闭器
  5369. electric drier ==> 电气干燥机
  5370. electric drill ==> 电钻=>電気ドリル
  5371. electric drill arbor ==> 电钻床架
  5372. electric drill machine ==> 手电钻
  5373. electric drill stand ==> 电钻架
  5374. electric drilling machine ==> 电动钻机
  5375. electric drink cooling apparatus ==> 电冷饮料装置
  5376. electric drive ==> 电传动,电力传动,电力传动装置,电力拖动=>動力駆動
  5377. electric driven mechanical tube cleaner ==> 电动管子清洁器
  5378. electric driven toy panda ==> 电动玩具熊猫
  5379. electric driven welder ==> 电动焊机
  5380. electric driver ==> 电驱动装置
  5381. electric dry oven ==> 电烘箱
  5382. electric drying chamber ==> 电干燥箱
  5383. electric drying machine ==> 电力干燥器
  5384. electric drying oven ==> 电干燥炉,电烘箱
  5385. electric drying oven with forced convection ==> 电热鼓风干燥箱
  5386. electric dust cleaner ==> 电吹尘器
  5387. electric dust collector ==> 电动吸尘器
  5388. electric dust precipitator ==> 电气集尘器
  5389. electric dynamometer ==> 电气功率计,电测功器,电测力计,电动测功器,电动测力计,电气功率表=>電気動力計
  5390. electric ear ==> 电耳
  5391. electric eddy current dynamometer ==> 电涡流测功机
  5392. electric efficiency ==> 电机效率,电效率
  5393. electric egg mixer ==> 电动打蛋机
  5394. electric elements ==> 电气组件
  5395. electric elevator ==> 电梯
  5396. electric energy ==> 电能=>電力量
  5397. electric energy balance ==> 電力量バランス
  5398. electric energy density ==> 电能密度=>電力量密度
  5399. electric energy measurement ==> 电能测量
  5400. electric energy meter ==> 电能表
  5401. electric energy production ==> 发电量
  5402. electric engine ==> 电火箭发动机,电机=>電気エンジン
  5403. electric engine oil ==> 电机油
  5404. electric engineering ==> 电机工程=>電気工学
  5405. electric engineering material ==> 电工材料
  5406. electric engraving machine ==> 电刻机
  5407. electric enterprise ==> 电气事业=>電気事業(広義の場合)
  5408. electric equipment ==> 用电设备
  5409. electric equipment and controls ==> 电气设备和操纵件
  5410. electric equipment for cooling and heating ==> 冷熱機器
  5411. electric equivalent of calorie ==> 卡路里的电当量,热电当量
  5412. electric erosion machining ==> 电蚀加工
  5413. electric etcher ==> 电解蚀刻器,电蚀刻器,电蚀器
  5414. electric etching ==> 电蚀刻法
  5415. electric excavator ==> 电铲
  5416. electric exploder ==> 电爆器
  5417. electric exploration ==> 电探矿=>電気探査
  5418. electric exploration instrument ==> 电气勘探仪
  5419. electric explosion tested locomotive ==> 防爆电机车
  5420. electric exposure counter ==> 电动爆光计数器
  5421. electric express locomotive ==> 高速电力机车
  5422. electric extension units ==> 电拖板
  5423. electric eye ==> 光电池,光电管,电眼
  5424. electric facility ==> 電気工作物
  5425. electric fan ==> 电风扇,电扇,风扇=>扇風機
  5426. electric fan production line ==> 电扇生产线
  5427. electric fan timer ==> 电风扇定时器
  5428. electric fathometer ==> 电测深计
  5429. electric fault ==> 电气故障
  5430. electric feed water pump ==> 电动给水泵
  5431. electric fence ==> 电导墙围,电篱笆,电围栏=>電気さく
  5432. electric fence controller ==> 电牧栏控制器
  5433. electric fencing unit ==> 电牧栏设备
  5434. electric field ==> 电场=>電界
  5435. electric field computation ==> 数値電界計算
  5436. electric field controller ==> 电场控制仪
  5437. electric field distribution ==> 电场分布
  5438. electric field distribution calculation ==> 电位分布计算
  5439. electric field effect ==> 电场效应
  5440. electric field energy ==> 电场能
  5441. electric field gradient ==> 电场梯度
  5442. electric field intensity ==> 电场强度,电场矢量
  5443. electric field mixing tensor ==> 电场混频张量
  5444. electric field strength ==> 电场强度,电场矢量=>電界強度,電界の強さ
  5445. electric field strength transducer[sensor] ==> 电场强度传感器
  5446. electric field vector ==> 电场矢量,电场向量=>電界ベクトル
  5447. electric filter ==> 电滤波器
  5448. electric firing ==> 电引火,电点火,电发火,电放炮
  5449. electric firing lock ==> 电点火开关
  5450. electric firing mechanism ==> 电发火机构
  5451. electric fish ==> 发电鱼
  5452. electric fish counter ==> 电气数鱼器
  5453. electric fittings ==> 电气配件
  5454. electric fixture of a room ==> 室内电气装置
  5455. electric flashlight ==> 电筒
  5456. electric flat carriage ==> 电动平车
  5457. electric floor polisher ==> 电动地板打蜡机
  5458. electric flow meter ==> 电量计
  5459. electric flowmeter ==> 电流量计
  5460. electric fluviograph ==> 电测水位计
  5461. electric flux ==> 电通量,电焊剂,电通=>電束
  5462. electric flux density ==> 电通密度,电位移=>電束密度
  5463. electric fluxline ==> 电力线
  5464. electric focusing ==> 电聚焦
  5465. electric food conveyor ==> 电热送餐车
  5466. electric food warmer ==> 电热锅
  5467. electric foot warmer ==> 足温器
  5468. electric force ==> 电力
  5469. electric forging machine ==> 电锻机
  5470. electric fork lift ==> 叉式电池车
  5471. electric fork lift truck ==> 电动叉装卸车
  5472. electric fork truck ==> 叉式电动装卸车
  5473. electric forming ==> 电形成
  5474. electric freezer ==> 电冰冻器,电冻器
  5475. electric fryer ==> 电炸锅
  5476. electric frying pan ==> 电煎锅
  5477. electric fuel ga(u)ge ==> 电动油量计
  5478. electric fuel gauge ==> 电测燃料仪
  5479. electric fuel pump ==> 电动燃料泵
  5480. electric fuel spray for preheating air ==> 电气预热设备
  5481. electric function generator ==> 电函数发生器
  5482. electric furnace ==> 电炉,用电加热实现预期工艺目的(如物料的冶炼、熔化、加热、热处理、烧结、烘干等)的电热设备=>電気炉
  5483. electric furnace brazing ==> 电炉钎焊
  5484. electric furnace brick ==> 电炉衬砖
  5485. electric furnace heating wire ==> 电炉丝
  5486. electric furnace refining ==> 电炉精炼
  5487. electric furnace steel ==> 电炉钢
  5488. electric furnace tube ==> 电炉炉管
  5489. electric fuse ==> 电雷管,可熔保险丝=>ヒューズ
  5490. electric galvanometer ==> 検流器
  5491. electric gantry crane ==> 电动龙门式起重机
  5492. electric gas analyser ==> 电气气体分析器
  5493. electric gear ==> 电力机械传动
  5494. electric gear shift(ing) ==> 电动变速器
  5495. electric gearshift ==> 电力变速
  5496. electric generating set ==> 发电机组
  5497. electric generator ==> 发电机
  5498. electric gilding press ==> 电动烫金机
  5499. electric glow discharge method ==> 辉光放电法
  5500. electric grab ==> 电动抓岩机
  5501. electric gramophone ==> 电留声机
  5502. electric gramophone pick-up arm ==> 电唱臂
  5503. electric gramophone pick-up head ==> 电唱头
  5504. electric grid ==> 配电网=>配電網
  5505. electric grill ==> 电气烤炉
  5506. electric grinder ==> 电动磨床,电动砂轮机,电磨机
  5507. electric grinding machine ==> 电动砂轮机
  5508. electric grounding resistance ==> 接地抵抗
  5509. electric guillotine shears ==> 电动闸刀式剪切机
  5510. electric guitar ==> 电吉他,电子六弦琴
  5511. electric gun ==> 电子枪
  5512. electric gyrocompass ==> 电罗经
  5513. electric hair clipper ==> 电气剪发器
  5514. electric hair curler ==> 电烫发器
  5515. electric hair cutter ==> 电推剪
  5516. electric hair dryer ==> 电吹风机
  5517. electric haircutting scissors ==> 电动理发剪
  5518. electric hammer ==> 电锤
  5519. electric hammer drill ==> 电锤钻头,电动锤钻,电动冲击式钻机
  5520. electric hand drill ==> 手电钻,手用电钻
  5521. electric hand dryer ==> 电干手器
  5522. electric hand generator system ==> 手摇发电机制
  5523. electric hand shaper ==> 手提电刨
  5524. electric hardening ==> 电热淬火
  5525. electric harmonic analyser ==> 电谐波分析器
  5526. electric harmonic analyzer ==> 电谐波分析器=>電気的調波分析器
  5527. electric harmonic spraying ==> 电谐波喷涂
  5528. electric haulage locomotive ==> 运输电机车
  5529. electric hearing aid ==> 电助听器
  5530. electric heat ==> 電気加熱,電熱
  5531. electric heat radiator ==> 电热辐射器
  5532. electric heat tracing ==> 电伴随加热
  5533. electric heat treating furnace ==> 电热处理炉
  5534. electric heater ==> 电加热器,电炉,电热器=>電気加熱器,電気ヒータ
  5535. electric heater coil ==> 电热器线圈
  5536. electric heater for sterilization ==> 消毒用电热器
  5537. electric heater shovel ==> 电热铲
  5538. electric heater unit ==> 电加热装置
  5539. electric heating ==> 电加热,电热,电热供暖,将电能直接转变为热能实现加热的过程=>電気加熱
  5540. electric heating air-blowing drier ==> 电热鼓风干燥机
  5541. electric heating apparatus ==> 电热装置
  5542. electric heating appliance ==> 电热机器
  5543. electric heating blanket ==> 电加热毛毯
  5544. electric heating by electromagnetic induction ==> 电磁感应产生的电热
  5545. electric heating cable ==> 电热电缆
  5546. electric heating chamber ==> 电预热室
  5547. electric heating clothes ==> 电热服
  5548. electric heating device ==> 电热器
  5549. electric heating element ==> 电热元件
  5550. electric heating equipment ==> 電熱機器
  5551. electric heating floor ==> 电热地板
  5552. electric heating foot-binding ==> 电热裹腿
  5553. electric heating holding chamber ==> 电均热室
  5554. electric heating safety glass ==> 电热安全玻璃
  5555. electric heating shoes ==> 电热鞋
  5556. electric heating shower ==> 电热沐浴器
  5557. electric hedge shears ==> 电动修灌木篱墙剪
  5558. electric high speed locomotive ==> 高速电力机车
  5559. electric hoist ==> 电动吊车,电动葫芦,电动滑车,电动卷扬机,电葫芦,电力起重机,电动起重机=>電気ホイスト
  5560. electric hoist with creep lifting motor ==> 变速电葫芦
  5561. electric hole saw mandrel with pilot drill ==> 电锯心轴及导钻
  5562. electric hooter ==> 电笛
  5563. electric horn ==> 电喇叭
  5564. electric horn breaker point unit ==> 电喇叭继电器
  5565. electric horn relay ==> 电喇叭继电器
  5566. electric horsepower ==> 电动马力
  5567. electric hot bath for full body ==> 全身电热浴器
  5568. electric hot compacting press ==> 电热热压机
  5569. electric hot plate ==> 电气平底锅,电热板=>電気こんろ
  5570. electric hot tray ==> 电热盘
  5571. electric hot water boiler ==> 电热锅炉,电热热水锅炉
  5572. electric hot water bottle ==> 电热水瓶
  5573. electric hotbed ==> 电气温床
  5574. electric hydraulic controller ==> 电动液压调节器
  5575. electric hydraulic converter ==> 电—液转换器
  5576. electric hydrocel ==> 干燥度仪
  5577. electric hygrometer ==> 电测湿度仪
  5578. electric hysteresis ==> 電気ヒステリシス
  5579. electric hysteresis loop ==> 電気ヒステリシスループ
  5580. electric igniter ==> 电点火器
  5581. electric ignition ==> 电点火,电发火
  5582. electric ignition engine ==> 电点火发动机
  5583. electric ignition system ==> 电点火系统
  5584. electric image ==> 电象,电影像=>電気影像
  5585. electric impact wrench ==> 电动冲击扳手
  5586. electric impulse ==> 电脉冲
  5587. electric impulse counter ==> 电脉冲计数器
  5588. electric incandescent lamp ==> 白炽灯
  5589. electric incubator ==> 电孵化器
  5590. electric incubator for bacteria ==> 电热细菌培养器
  5591. electric indicating controller ==> 电动指示调节器
  5592. electric indication lock ==> 表示电锁器
  5593. electric indicator ==> 电动指示器
  5594. electric inductance measuring-testing instrument ==> 电感测试仪
  5595. electric induction ==> 电感应
  5596. electric induction coil ==> 电感线圈
  5597. electric induction furnace ==> 电感应炉,感应电炉
  5598. electric induction heating ==> 电感应加热
  5599. electric industrial robot ==> 电气式工业机器人
  5600. electric industrial truck ==> 电瓶车
  5601. electric industry ==> 电气制造工业=>電気事業(広義の場合)
  5602. electric inertia starter ==> 电动惯性起动机,电力惯性起动器
  5603. electric ingot process ==> 电渣法
  5604. electric injection molding machine ==> 電動射出成形機
  5605. electric installation ==> 电气设备,电气装置=>電気設備
  5606. electric installation drawing ==> 电气图纸
  5607. electric instrument ==> 电表,电工测量仪表
  5608. electric instruments ==> 电气仪表
  5609. electric instruments and apparatus ==> 电表仪器
  5610. electric insulating compressed asbestos fibre ==> 电绝缘压缩石棉纤维
  5611. electric insulating oil ==> 电气绝缘油=>電気絶縁油
  5612. electric insulating treatment ==> 电绝缘处理
  5613. electric insulation oil ==> 变压器油
  5614. electric integrator ==> 电积分仪
  5615. electric interlocker ==> 电动联锁器
  5616. electric interlocking apparatus ==> 电气联锁设备
  5617. electric interlocking installation ==> 电气联锁装置
  5618. electric interlocking machine ==> 电动联锁机,电力联锁机,电联动机=>電気連動機
  5619. electric interlocking power rack ==> 电气联锁电源屏
  5620. electric interrupter ==> 电力断续器
  5621. electric interval lubrication installation ==> 电动间歇润滑装置
  5622. electric iron ==> 电烙铁=>電気アイロン
  5623. electric items ==> 电气名词
  5624. electric jacket ==> 电热套
  5625. electric jib crane ==> 电动单臂起重机
  5626. electric joystick ==> 電気ジョイスティック
  5627. electric juice extractor ==> 电动榨汁器
  5628. electric juicer ==> 电榨汁机
  5629. electric kettle ==> 电气热水壶,电热水壶
  5630. electric knife ==> 电切刀,高频电刀,高频手术刀
  5631. electric kymograph ==> 电气脉搏曲线记录器
  5632. electric lamp ==> 电灯=>電灯
  5633. electric lamp bulb ==> 电灯泡
  5634. electric lamp filament ==> 电灯丝
  5635. electric lamp holder ==> 电灯座
  5636. electric lamp reflector ==> 电灯反射镜
  5637. electric lamp socket ==> 电灯座
  5638. electric lamp thread ==> 电灯圆螺纹
  5639. electric level meter ==> 电平表
  5640. electric lever ==> 电气握柄=>電気てこ
  5641. electric li ion battery car ==> 锂离子电池电动汽车
  5642. electric lift ==> 电动升降机,电梯
  5643. electric lift control ==> 电梯控制
  5644. electric lift controller ==> 电梯控制器
  5645. electric light bug ==> 负子蝽
  5646. electric light fittings ==> 电照明配件
  5647. electric light source ==> 电光源,将电能转化为光能的设备
  5648. electric lighter ==> 电引燃器,电照明器
  5649. electric lighting ==> 电气照明
  5650. electric lighting system ==> 电光系统
  5651. electric line ==> 输配电线路=>電線路
  5652. electric line of force ==> 电力线=>電気力線
  5653. electric liquid level alarm ==> 电气液面报警器
  5654. electric liquidizer ==> 电液化器
  5655. electric load ==> 电负载
  5656. electric loader ==> 电动装载机
  5657. electric loading ==> 电枢负载=>電気装荷
  5658. electric local tire spreader ==> 电动局部扩胎机
  5659. electric lock ==> 电锁,电动锁,电锁器=>電気鎖錠器
  5660. electric lock armature ==> 电锁器衔铁
  5661. electric lock derail ==> 电锁脱轨器
  5662. electric locking ==> 电气锁闭=>電気鎖錠
  5663. electric locomotive ==> 电力机车,电气机车=>電気機関車
  5664. electric locomotive crab-reel ==> 带绞车的电机车
  5665. electric locomotive crane ==> 电动机车起重机
  5666. electric locomotive with computer ==> 电脑控制电力机车
  5667. electric log ==> 电测记录,电测深仪,电计程仪
  5668. electric logger ==> 电测井仪器
  5669. electric logging device ==> 电测仪
  5670. electric logging equipment ==> 电测井设备
  5671. electric logging meter ==> 电测井仪
  5672. electric loss ==> 电损耗
  5673. electric machine ==> 电机=>電気機械,電気機器
  5674. electric machine and appliance ==> 電気機械器具
  5675. electric machine control ==> 电机控制
  5676. electric machine design ==> 电机设计
  5677. electric machine industry ==> 电机工业
  5678. electric machine operating characteristic ==> 电机运行特性
  5679. electric machine slot-conductor ==> 电机槽内导体
  5680. electric machinery ==> 电力机械=>電気機械,電磁機械
  5681. electric magnetic buzzer ==> 电磁蜂鸣器
  5682. electric magnetic chuck ==> 电磁卡盘,电磁吸盘
  5683. electric magnetic clutch ==> 电磁离合器
  5684. electric magnetic engine ==> 电磁力发动机
  5685. electric magnetic iron remover ==> 电磁除铁器
  5686. electric main ==> 主输电线,输电干线,主电线
  5687. electric mangle ==> 电碾压机
  5688. electric manometer ==> 电测压计
  5689. electric mantle ==> 电热罩
  5690. electric manufacturing ==> 电机制造业
  5691. electric marker ==> 电标志器
  5692. electric marking pen ==> 电标志笔
  5693. electric massage cushion ==> 电动按摩座垫
  5694. electric massager ==> 电动按摩器
  5695. electric mat ==> 电蚊香片
  5696. electric material ==> 电气材料
  5697. electric measurement ==> 电测学,电气测量
  5698. electric measurement technique of strain gauge ==> 应变计电测技术
  5699. electric measuring instrument ==> 电测仪表
  5700. electric meat grinder ==> 电动绞肉机
  5701. electric meat mincer ==> 电动绞肉机
  5702. electric medium constant ==> 电介质常数
  5703. electric megaphone ==> 电动喇叭筒
  5704. electric melting ==> 电熔
  5705. electric melting furnace ==> 电熔炉
  5706. electric metal ==> 电用金属,高频金属
  5707. electric metal induction brass melting furnace ==> 电感应黄铜熔炉
  5708. electric metal pulverizating device ==> 电力金属喷镀设备
  5709. electric metal pulverizator ==> 电力金属喷镀器
  5710. electric metallic tubing ==> 金属电线管
  5711. electric metallurgical works ==> 电气冶炼厂
  5712. electric meter ==> 电表=>電気計器
  5713. electric microbalance ==> 电动微量天平
  5714. electric micrometer ==> 电测微计
  5715. electric milker ==> 电动挤奶器
  5716. electric milking machine ==> 电动挤奶机
  5717. electric mixer ==> 电动搅拌机
  5718. electric mo(u)lding machine ==> 电动造型机
  5719. electric mode ==> 電気モード
  5720. electric moisture meter ==> 电动湿度计
  5721. electric moisture metre ==> 电测湿度计
  5722. electric moment ==> 电矩=>電気モーメント
  5723. electric monopole ==> 电单极
  5724. electric monorail crane ==> 电动单轨起重机
  5725. electric mosquite driver ==> 电驱蚊器
  5726. electric mosquito killer ==> 电灭蚊器
  5727. electric mosquito repellent heater ==> 电蚊香加热器
  5728. electric motive knitting carpet machine ==> 电动织毯机
  5729. electric motor ==> 电动机=>電動機
  5730. electric motor car ==> 电动车,电动机车
  5731. electric motor coach ==> 电动客车
  5732. electric motor drive ==> 电动机传动
  5733. electric motor driven butter churn ==> 电动乳脂制作器
  5734. electric motor for rolling way ==> 辊道电动机
  5735. electric motor generator ==> 电动发电机
  5736. electric motor movie camera ==> 电动式活动摄影机
  5737. electric motor oil ==> 电动机油
  5738. electric motor saw ==> 电锯,电力锯
  5739. electric motor short circuit test instrument ==> 电机短路测试仪
  5740. electric motor signal mechanism ==> 电动臂板信号机构
  5741. electric motor truck ==> 电气载重车
  5742. electric motor-drawn channel scraper ==> 电动粪槽刮铲
  5743. electric motor-operated fixed crane ==> 固定式电动起重机
  5744. electric motorcar ==> 电动车
  5745. electric motordriven point mechanism ==> 电动转辙机构
  5746. electric mower ==> 电动割草机
  5747. electric mucking machine ==> 电动开挖机
  5748. electric mud-slush pump ==> 电动泥浆泵
  5749. electric muffle furnace ==> 马弗炉
  5750. electric multi-purpose operation table ==> 电动综合手术台
  5751. electric multifunction side-turn nursing bed ==> 电动侧翻多功能护理床
  5752. electric multiple unit ==> 電車
  5753. electric multiple unit railcar ==> 电力多组机动有轨车
  5754. electric multiplication ==> 电乘法器
  5755. electric multipole ==> 电多极
  5756. electric multipole field ==> 电多极场
  5757. electric multipole radiation ==> 电多极辐射
  5758. electric nasopharyngoscope ==> 电鼻咽镜
  5759. electric nerve ==> 电神经
  5760. electric network ==> 电力网,电网,网络
  5761. electric network analyzer ==> 电网络分析器
  5762. electric nuttightening tool ==> 电动上紧螺帽工具
  5763. electric octupole moment ==> 电八极矩
  5764. electric oil heater ==> 燃油电加热器
  5765. electric oil pump ==> 电动油泵
  5766. electric omnibus ==> 电动公共汽车
  5767. electric operated control box ==> 电动控制箱
  5768. electric operated mucking machine ==> 电动开挖机
  5769. electric operation ==> 电运转=>電気運転
  5770. electric operationg station ==> 电动操作器
  5771. electric operator ==> 电动执行机构
  5772. electric ophthalmia ==> 电光性眼炎,光化性眼炎
  5773. electric organ ==> 电子琴,电风琴,放电器官,发电器官
  5774. electric oscillation ==> 电振荡=>電気振動
  5775. electric oscillations ==> 电振荡
  5776. electric oscillator ==> 电振荡器
  5777. electric oscillograph ==> 电示波器
  5778. electric osmosis ==> 电渗透
  5779. electric outgoing line corridor ==> 出线走廊
  5780. electric outlet ==> 电源插座
  5781. electric oven ==> 电烘炉,电烘箱,电烤箱,电炉
  5782. electric overhead travelling crane ==> 电动桥式起重机
  5783. electric overspeed tripping device ==> 电超速保护装置,汽轮机转速超过额定转速一定值时,利用电磁力作用使汽轮机调节阀迅速关闭,以改善调节系统动态特性的装置
  5784. electric pad ==> 电暖器,电热垫
  5785. electric pallet truck ==> 电动托盘搬运车
  5786. electric paper-box speaker ==> 电动纸盒扬声器
  5787. electric parameter ==> 電気定数
  5788. electric parts ==> 电器零件
  5789. electric pedestal grinder ==> 支座式电动砂轮机
  5790. electric pencil sharpener ==> 电动削铅笔器
  5791. electric pendulum ==> 电摆
  5792. electric perforator ==> 电动打孔机
  5793. electric permeater ==> 电测透气性试验仪
  5794. electric petrol pump ==> 电动汽油泵
  5795. electric phonograph ==> 电唱机
  5796. electric piano ==> 电钢琴
  5797. electric pick ==> 电镐
  5798. electric pig iron ==> 电炉生铁
  5799. electric pipe precipitator ==> 管式电沉降器,管型电极除尘器
  5800. electric plane ==> 电刨
  5801. electric planer cutter ==> 电刨刀
  5802. electric planer for wood working ==> 木工电刨
  5803. electric plaster saw ==> 电动石膏锯
  5804. electric plate precipitator ==> 电板除尘器,板式电沉降器
  5805. electric platen ==> 电热板
  5806. electric plating ==> 电镀,电解沉淀
  5807. electric ploghing ==> 电力耕种
  5808. electric ploughing ==> 电力耕种
  5809. electric plow ==> 电犁
  5810. electric plug ==> 电火花塞
  5811. electric pneumatic converter ==> 位置发送器
  5812. electric pneumatic temperature regulator ==> 电动气动调温器
  5813. electric pneumatic valve ==> 电空阀
  5814. electric point detector ==> 岔尖位置电检测器
  5815. electric point machine ==> 电动转辙机
  5816. electric point pressure type thermometer ==> 电接点压力式温度计
  5817. electric polarimeter ==> 电子伺服控制光电偏振计
  5818. electric polarizability ==> 电极化性
  5819. electric polarization ==> 电极化=>電気分極
  5820. electric polarization curve ==> 電気分極曲線
  5821. electric pole ==> 电杆,电极
  5822. electric pole centrifugal shaper ==> 电杆离心成型机
  5823. electric pole depositing car ==> 电杆灌注车
  5824. electric pole mould hanger ==> 电杆模型吊架
  5825. electric pole predrawn platform ==> 电杆预拉台
  5826. electric polisher ==> 电动抛光机
  5827. electric polishing machine ==> 电动抛光机
  5828. electric popper ==> 电爆米花器
  5829. electric porcelain ==> 电瓷,绝缘瓷,绝缘瓷
  5830. electric porcelain insulator ==> 电瓷绝缘子
  5831. electric porcelain teapot ==> 电瓷茶壶
  5832. electric portable drill ==> 便携式电钻,手电钻
  5833. electric portable fan ==> 便携式电扇
  5834. electric portable heater ==> 便携式电热器
  5835. electric potential ==> 电位=>電位
  5836. electric potential difference ==> 电势差
  5837. electric potential gradient ==> 电位梯度
  5838. electric potential therapy apparatus ==> 电位治疗仪=>電位治療器
  5839. electric potentiometer ==> 电子电位计
  5840. electric power ==> 电功率=>電力
  5841. electric power apparatus and facilities ==> 電力機器・設備
  5842. electric power assisted wheelchair ==> 電動パラーアシスト車椅子
  5843. electric power cable ==> 电力电缆=>電力ケーブル
  5844. electric power cart ==> 电动车,电瓶车
  5845. electric power cluster oriented network ==> 電力クラスターを指向したネットワーク,ECOネット
  5846. electric power consumption ==> 电力消耗量
  5847. electric power delivery ==> 电力传输
  5848. electric power demand ==> 電力需要
  5849. electric power deregulation ==> 電力自由化
  5850. electric power distribution ==> 电力分配=>配電
  5851. electric power drill ==> 電気ドリル
  5852. electric power drive ==> 电力联动机
  5853. electric power driven ==> 电动的
  5854. electric power economy ==> 电气动力经济
  5855. electric power engineering ==> 电力工程学
  5856. electric power equipment ==> 電力機器
  5857. electric power facility ==> 電力設備
  5858. electric power fitting ==> 电力金具
  5859. electric power flow computer ==> 電力潮流解析装置
  5860. electric power generation ==> 发电
  5861. electric power industry ==> 电力工业=>電気事業(広義の場合)
  5862. electric power layout plan ==> 电力平面布置图
  5863. electric power liberalization ==> 電力自由化
  5864. electric power lift ==> 电力起重机
  5865. electric power meter ==> 电表
  5866. electric power network calculation ==> 电力网计算,利用电力系统网络拓扑、元件参数和其他已知运行参量对电力网的运行状态进行分析所作的计算
  5867. electric power network composition ==> 电网结构
  5868. electric power network,[electric power]grid ==> 电[力]网,由输电、变电和配电三部分组成的整体
  5869. electric power plant ==> 发电站,电厂,发电厂,动力厂
  5870. electric power pool ==> 联合供电网,电力网系统
  5871. electric power recovery operation ==> 電源復旧操作
  5872. electric power router ==> 電力ルーター
  5873. electric power security communication equipment ==> 電力保安通信設備
  5874. electric power station ==> 发电站
  5875. electric power station near coal mines ==> 坑口电站
  5876. electric power steering ==> 電動パワーステアリング
  5877. electric power supply ==> 电力供应
  5878. electric power system ==> 电力系统=>電力系統
  5879. electric power system diagram ==> 电力系统图
  5880. electric power system, power system ==> 电力系统,由发电、变电、输电、配电和用电等环节组成的电能生产、传输、分配和消费的系统
  5881. electric power telecommunication net ==> 电力通信网
  5882. electric power tool ==> 电力工具
  5883. electric power transaction ==> 電力取引
  5884. electric power transmission ==> 电力输送
  5885. electric power utilization ==> 用电,按预定目的使用电能的行为
  5886. electric powered wheelchair ==> 電動車椅子
  5887. electric powersupply circuit ==> 馈电电路
  5888. electric precipitation ==> 电气集尘,电集尘,电力沉淀=>電力集塵,電気集塵
  5889. electric precipitator ==> 电力除尘器,电沉降器,电力沉淀器,电气除尘器
  5890. electric precision cracker ==> 电动精密粉碎机
  5891. electric preheating furnace ==> 预热电炉
  5892. electric pressure ==> 电压
  5893. electric pressure cooker ==> 电高压锅
  5894. electric pressure cooking saucepan ==> 电压力锅
  5895. electric pressure gage ==> 电气压力计
  5896. electric pressure testing pump ==> 电动式试压泵
  5897. electric price ==> 电力价格,在一定的供电方式和供电特性的条件下,购买一定数量的电力(例如,1kWh,1kW,1kVA)或接受一项服务应支付的金额
  5898. electric primer ==> 电发火器
  5899. electric probe ==> 电试探器,电探针
  5900. electric probe device ==> 电测装置
  5901. electric probing device ==> 电测装置
  5902. electric process ==> 电熔炼法
  5903. electric profiling ==> 电测剖面
  5904. electric property ==> 电气性能,电性
  5905. electric propulsion ==> 电力牵引,电推进
  5906. electric propulsion system ==> 电火箭发动机
  5907. electric prospecting ==> 电探矿
  5908. electric protection ==> 电保护,电防腐,电气保护
  5909. electric protection relay ==> 电力保护继电器
  5910. electric protective device ==> 电气保护器件
  5911. electric pulley block ==> 电动滑车
  5912. electric pulsator ==> 电力式脉动器
  5913. electric pulse ==> 电脉冲
  5914. electric pulse ignitor ==> 电脉冲点火器
  5915. electric pulse motor ==> 电脉冲电动机
  5916. electric pulse processing lathe ==> 电脉冲加工车床
  5917. electric pulse stimulation ==> 电脉冲刺激
  5918. electric pulse stimulator ==> 电脉冲刺激器
  5919. electric pump ==> 电泵,电动泵
  5920. electric pump governor ==> 电动泵调节器
  5921. electric pyrometer ==> 电测高温计
  5922. electric quadrupole ==> 电四极
  5923. electric quadrupole lens ==> 四极电透镜
  5924. electric quadrupole moment ==> 电四极矩
  5925. electric quadrupole shift ==> 电四极移位
  5926. electric quadrupole strength ==> 电四极强度
  5927. electric quadrupole transition ==> 电四极跃迁
  5928. electric quantity transducer[sensor] ==> 电学量传感器
  5929. electric quick saw ==> 电快锯
  5930. electric radiant heater ==> 辐射电热器
  5931. electric radiant stove ==> 辐射电炉
  5932. electric radiation furnace ==> 电热辐射炉
  5933. electric radiator ==> 电气散热器,电热辐射器
  5934. electric rail drill ==> 电动钢轨钻
  5935. electric rail drilling machine ==> 电动钢轨钻机
  5936. electric rail grinder ==> 电动钢轨砂轮机
  5937. electric railcar ==> 电动有轨车=>電車
  5938. electric railcar sleeper ==> 电动有轨卧车
  5939. electric railcar train ==> 电动有轨列车
  5940. electric railroad ==> 电气铁路=>電気鉄道
  5941. electric railway ==> 电气铁路,电气铁道,电气化铁路,地区与地区间或城市间采用电力牵引的铁路,不包括以轨道为导向以电力为牵引能源的城市轨道交通或工况企业内部运输线路=>電気鉄道
  5942. electric rake-rubber belt conveyor ==> 电扒-胶带输送机
  5943. electric rammer ==> 电动捣固机,电夯
  5944. electric ramming impact machine ==> 电动夯拍机
  5945. electric range ==> 电灶
  5946. electric rate ==> 电费率,电力费率,购买每单位电力(例如,1kWh,1kW,1kVA)应支付的金额=>電気料金率
  5947. electric rate schedule ==> 电费规定=>電気料金規程
  5948. electric razor ==> 电动刮胡刀,电动剃刀
  5949. electric reactor ==> 电抗器
  5950. electric reciprocating pump ==> 电动往复泵
  5951. electric reflector radiator ==> 电反射辐射器
  5952. electric refrigerator ==> 电冰箱,电气冰箱=>電気冷蔵庫
  5953. electric regenerative braking ==> 电力再生制动
  5954. electric regulator ==> 电调节器
  5955. electric relaxation ==> 电弛张
  5956. electric relay ==> 电子继电器
  5957. electric relief valve ==> 電磁リリーフ弁
  5958. electric remote control ==> 电气遥控
  5959. electric remote test pressure gauge ==> 电气遥测压力表
  5960. electric remote test tachometer ==> 电气遥测转速表
  5961. electric remotecontrol ==> 电力遥远控制
  5962. electric repair shop ==> 电气修理车间
  5963. electric reset ==> 電気復帰
  5964. electric reset auxiliary relay ==> キープ継電器
  5965. electric reset relay ==> 电复位继电器
  5966. electric residue ==> 剩余电荷
  5967. electric resistance ==> 电阻=>電気抵抗
  5968. electric resistance alloy ==> 电阻合金
  5969. electric resistance and dielectric constant measuring unit ==> 电阻—静电容量测量仪
  5970. electric resistance furnace ==> 电阻炉
  5971. electric resistance holding furnace ==> 电阻保温炉
  5972. electric resistance manometer ==> 电阻压力表,电阻压力计
  5973. electric resistance moisture meter ==> 电阻式湿度测定计,电阻式水分测定表,电阻水分计
  5974. electric resistance pressure gauge ==> 电阻压力计
  5975. electric resistance pyrometer ==> 电阻高温计
  5976. electric resistance self-balancing pyromter ==> 电阻自动平衡高温计
  5977. electric resistance sensor ==> 电阻传感器
  5978. electric resistance strain ga(u)ge ==> 电阻应变计
  5979. electric resistance thermometer ==> 电阻温度计
  5980. electric resistance type temperature indicator ==> 电阻式温度指示器
  5981. electric resistance weld mill ==> 电阻焊管机
  5982. electric resistance welding ==> 电阻焊,电阻焊接,热电阻焊
  5983. electric resistance, electromotive force ==> 電気抵抗と起電力
  5984. electric resistance-wire strain ga(u)ge ==> 电阻线弹性应变计
  5985. electric resistivity ==> 電気抵抗率,比抵抗
  5986. electric resonance ==> 电共振
  5987. electric response audiometer ==> 电反应听力计
  5988. electric revolution counter ==> 電気式積算回転計
  5989. electric revolution indicator ==> 电动转速表
  5990. electric revolving shovel ==> 电动旋转式挖土机,旋转式电铲
  5991. electric rice cooker ==> 电饭锅
  5992. electric riveted joint ==> 电铆接头
  5993. electric riveter ==> 电动铆钉机,电动铆机
  5994. electric riveting machine ==> 电动铆钉机,电铆机
  5995. electric roaster ==> 电烤炉
  5996. electric roaster oven ==> 电烤炉
  5997. electric robot ==> 电动机器人
  5998. electric rock drill ==> 电动凿岩机,电动钻岩机
  5999. electric rock drill bit ==> 电动钻岩机钻头
  6000. electric rock hammer ==> 电动凿岩锤
  6001. electric rock loader ==> 电动装岩机,电力装石机
  6002. electric rock mucker ==> 电动装岩机
  6003. electric rocket ==> 电火箭发动机
  6004. electric rocking furnace ==> 电弧摆动炉
  6005. electric rod-curtain precipitator ==> 棒帘式电收尘器
  6006. electric rodcurtain precipitator ==> 棒帘式电聚尘器
  6007. electric roll beater ==> 轧辊电热炉
  6008. electric rolling stock ==> 電気車
  6009. electric room ==> 電気室
  6010. electric room heater ==> 电暖器
  6011. electric rot ==> 电腐蚀
  6012. electric rotary fish screen ==> 电动旋转式鱼栅
  6013. electric rotating machinery ==> 旋转电机
  6014. electric routing analogy ==> 洪水演进电模拟
  6015. electric safety lamp ==> 电矿灯
  6016. electric salinity metre ==> 电测盐度计
  6017. electric salt bath ==> 电热盐浴
  6018. electric saucepan ==> 电锅
  6019. electric saw ==> 电锯
  6020. electric saw machine ==> 手电锯
  6021. electric scalar potential ==> 电标量势,标量电位
  6022. electric scanning ==> 电扫描
  6023. electric scissors ==> 电剪
  6024. electric scoreboard ==> 电动记分牌
  6025. electric screen ==> 电屏
  6026. electric screw clay gun ==> 电动螺旋式泥炮
  6027. electric screw down gear ==> 电动压下装置
  6028. electric screw driver ==> 电动螺丝刀,电动螺旋钻
  6029. electric screwdriver ==> 电动改锥
  6030. electric sealing machine ==> 电气熔缝机
  6031. electric seasoning ==> 电干燥
  6032. electric seawater thermometer ==> 电测海水温度计
  6033. electric second meter ==> 电秒表
  6034. electric second-meter ==> 电动秒表
  6035. electric security system engineering ==> [电力]安全系统工程,应用系统工程的原理和方法对电力系统中的安全问题从规划、建设、运行维护等多角度进行系统的分析、评价、预测并采取预防性措施,从而使系统达到最佳安全状态
  6036. electric seed bed heater ==> 电热温床
  6037. electric seine ==> 电鱼网
  6038. electric selfpriming centrifugal pump ==> 电自吸离心泵
  6039. electric separator ==> 电力分离器,电滤波器
  6040. electric series ==> 电位序
  6041. electric service ==> 电气设备维护和保养
  6042. electric service pump ==> 电动通用泵
  6043. electric servo ==> 电伺服机构
  6044. electric servo mechanism ==> 电伺服机构
  6045. electric servomechanism ==> 电伺服机构
  6046. electric sewer ==> 电动缝纫机
  6047. electric sewing machine ==> 电动缝纫机
  6048. electric shaft ==> 电联动,同速联动
  6049. electric shaft furnace ==> 竖井式电炉
  6050. electric shaker ==> 电动摇筛器
  6051. electric shave mirror ==> 电动剃须镜
  6052. electric shaver ==> 电动剃刀,电动剃须刀=>シェーバー
  6053. electric shears ==> 电动剪切机,电剪,电剪刀
  6054. electric shield ==> 静電遮蔽
  6055. electric shielding ==> 电屏蔽
  6056. electric ship ==> 电动船
  6057. electric ship propulsion ==> 电船推进=>電気推進(船舶)
  6058. electric shock ==> 触电,电击触电,电击,电流通过人体或动物躯体而产生的化学效应、机械效应、热效应及生理效应而致伤害=>感電
  6059. electric shock hazard ==> 感電
  6060. electric shock proof earth leakage breaker ==> 感電防止付漏電遮断器
  6061. electric shock tube ==> 电冲击波管
  6062. electric shoe polisher ==> 电动擦鞋器
  6063. electric shovel ==> 电铲,电动挖土机,电力铲
  6064. electric shutter camera ==> 电动快门摄影机
  6065. electric sieve ==> 电筛
  6066. electric signal ==> 电信号=>電気信号機
  6067. electric signal machine ==> 电动信号机
  6068. electric simulate test ==> 电拟试验
  6069. electric single beam crane ==> 电动单梁起重机
  6070. electric single line systematic diagram ==> 电气单线系统图
  6071. electric single-beam bridge crane ==> 电动单梁桥式起重机
  6072. electric siren ==> 电笛,电警报器
  6073. electric slag smelting ==> 炉渣电炉熔炼
  6074. electric slag welding ==> 电渣焊
  6075. electric sleep ==> 电流麻醉,电流睡眠
  6076. electric slewing crane ==> 电动旋臂起重机
  6077. electric slot ==> 电选别机
  6078. electric slow cooker ==> 电饭锅
  6079. electric sludge conveyer worm type ==> 电动螺旋式泥浆输送机
  6080. electric smelting ==> 电冶炼
  6081. electric smelting furnace ==> 电熔炼炉=>電気精錬炉
  6082. electric smoke precipitation ==> (静化)电气除尘
  6083. electric smolder iron ==> 电烙铁
  6084. electric snow melter ==> 电溶雪器
  6085. electric socket wrench ==> 电动套筒扳手
  6086. electric soldering ==> 电焊,电加热钎焊,电气钎焊,电热钎焊
  6087. electric soldering appliance ==> 电烙焊工具
  6088. electric soldering bit ==> 电烙铁头
  6089. electric soldering bolt ==> 电烙铁螺杆
  6090. electric soldering copper ==> 电热紫铜烙铁
  6091. electric soldering iron ==> 电烙铁
  6092. electric soldering pliers ==> 电焊钳
  6093. electric soldering wire ==> 电焊锡丝
  6094. electric solenoid ==> 螺线管
  6095. electric sound-recording ==> 电录音
  6096. electric sounding ==> 电测深
  6097. electric sounding machine ==> 电测水深计
  6098. electric source ==> 电源
  6099. electric space constant ==> 绝对磁导率,绝对磁导率
  6100. electric space heater ==> 电气供暖装置=>電気暖房器
  6101. electric Spanish guitar ==> 电西班牙吉他
  6102. electric spark ==> 电火花
  6103. electric spark CNC wire-cut machine ==> 电火花数控线切割机床
  6104. electric spark deposition ==> 电火花强化
  6105. electric spark drilling ==> 电火花穿孔
  6106. electric spark forming ==> 电火花成形加工
  6107. electric spark igniter ==> 电火花点火器,供煤粉燃烧锅炉点火及稳燃用的燃油装置。
  6108. electric spark ignitor ==> 电火花发火机
  6109. electric spark machine ==> 电火花加工机床
  6110. electric spark machine tool ==> 电火花加工机床
  6111. electric spark machining ==> 电火花加工
  6112. electric spark process ==> 电火花加工
  6113. electric spark sintering ==> 电火花烧结
  6114. electric spark small hole machine tool ==> 电火花小孔机床
  6115. electric spark working ==> 电火花加工
  6116. electric speed meter ==> 电气速度计
  6117. electric spot welding ==> 电点焊
  6118. electric squib ==> 电爆管,电气导火管
  6119. electric stacker ==> 电力堆垛机
  6120. electric staff instrument ==> 电气路签机
  6121. electric staff machine ==> 电气路签机
  6122. electric standard drawing ==> 电气标准图
  6123. electric starter ==> 电力起动器
  6124. electric starter motor ==> 电力起动机
  6125. electric starting ==> 电力起动
  6126. electric station ==> 电站
  6127. electric statistics machine ==> 电统计机
  6128. electric steam ga(u)ge ==> 电动气压机
  6129. electric steam generator ==> 电热锅炉
  6130. electric steam radiator ==> 电气蒸汽散热器
  6131. electric steam sterilizer ==> 电力蒸汽式消毒器
  6132. electric steamboiler ==> 电热锅炉
  6133. electric steamer ==> 电热蒸煮器,电蒸锅
  6134. electric steel ==> 电炉钢
  6135. electric steel furnace ==> 电炉钢炉,电气炼钢炉
  6136. electric steel heat ==> 电炉钢熔炼
  6137. electric steel making process ==> 电炉炼钢操作法
  6138. electric steelmaking ==> 电炉炼钢
  6139. electric steering engine ==> 电动舵机
  6140. electric steering machine ==> 电力控制机械
  6141. electric sterilization ==> 电气杀菌
  6142. electric sterilizer ==> 电气消毒器,电消毒器
  6143. electric stethoscope ==> 电听诊器
  6144. electric stimulator ==> 电刺激器,电兴奋机
  6145. electric stimulus ==> 电刺激
  6146. electric stone ware ==> 电热炻器
  6147. electric stop watch ==> 电秒表
  6148. electric stopwatch ==> 电气秒表
  6149. electric stove ==> 电炉
  6150. electric stove wire ==> 电炉丝
  6151. electric strain ga(u)ge ==> 电测应变仪
  6152. electric strength ==> 介质强度
  6153. electric strength test for non rewirable plug and socket outlet ==> 不可拆线插头插座的电气强度试验
  6154. electric stress ==> 电介质应力
  6155. electric stroboscope ==> 电气频闪观察仪
  6156. electric submersible pump ==> 电动潜水泵
  6157. electric substation ==> 变电站
  6158. electric substation fitting ==> 变电金具
  6159. electric suction apparatus ==> 电动吸引器
  6160. electric suction pump ==> 电动吸引泵,电动吸引器
  6161. electric supply line ==> 給電線
  6162. electric supply meter ==> 用户电表
  6163. electric surface charge ==> 表面电荷
  6164. electric surface heater ==> 表面电加热器
  6165. electric surface-recording thermometer ==> 地面记录电温度计
  6166. electric survey ==> 电法勘测
  6167. electric susceptibility ==> 电气感受性=>電気分極率,電気感受率
  6168. electric swaging ==> 电热型锻
  6169. electric switch ==> 电开关,电器开关
  6170. electric switch board ==> 电掣板
  6171. electric switch circuit controller ==> 转辙电路控制器
  6172. electric switch heater ==> 道岔电热器
  6173. electric switch lock ==> 电锁
  6174. electric switch machine ==> 电动转辙机=>電気転轍機
  6175. electric switch mechanism ==> 电动转辙机
  6176. electric switch oil ==> 电键油
  6177. electric switching locomotive ==> 调度电力机车
  6178. electric system ==> 电力系统,电气系统=>電力系統
  6179. electric system loss ==> 総合損失電力
  6180. electric table interlocker ==> 台式电联锁器
  6181. electric tablet instrument ==> 电气路牌机
  6182. electric tablet machine ==> 电动压片机
  6183. electric tachometer ==> 电气转速表
  6184. electric tamper ==> 电动夯土机
  6185. electric tamping machine ==> 电动捣固机
  6186. electric tank ==> 电解槽
  6187. electric tape ga(u)ge ==> 电测水位计
  6188. electric tar catcher ==> 电力熔焦油器
  6189. electric taximeter ==> 电计程表
  6190. electric tea kettle ==> 电茶壶
  6191. electric tea pot ==> 电茶壶
  6192. electric technical standard ==> 电气技术标准
  6193. Electric Technology Research Association ==> 電気協同研究会
  6194. electric telemeter ==> 电测远器,电力遥测器,电遥测计,电遥测仪
  6195. electric telemetering ==> 电气遥测
  6196. electric telethermometer ==> 电气遥测温度表
  6197. electric temperature regulator ==> 电动调温器
  6198. electric tempering ==> 电回火,接触焊机上加热回火
  6199. electric tension ==> 电压
  6200. electric tensioner ==> 电动张紧装置
  6201. electric tensometer (tensimeter) ==> 电压力计
  6202. electric terminal ==> 电气接点
  6203. electric terminals of a machine ==> 电机的电气线端
  6204. electric terminals of machine ==> 电机的电气线端
  6205. electric tester ==> 电测试器
  6206. electric testing car ==> 电气试验车
  6207. electric testing instrument ==> 电力试验仪器,电气测量仪器
  6208. electric thermal desiccator ==> 电热干燥器
  6209. electric thermo-couple ==> 热电偶
  6210. electric thermometer ==> 电测温度计,电温度表
  6211. electric thermos flask ==> 电暖水瓶
  6212. electric thermostat ==> 电热恒温器,恒温开关
  6213. electric thickness gage ==> 电气测厚规
  6214. electric thickness gauge ==> 电测厚计,电测厚仪
  6215. electric threading machine ==> 电动攻丝机,电动螺纹机
  6216. electric ticketdatemarker ==> 电动票据打日期机
  6217. electric time release ==> 电气定时解锁
  6218. electric timer ==> 电定时器,电子计时器=>電気タイマ
  6219. electric titling machine ==> 电动烫金机
  6220. electric titrimeter ==> 电子滴定计
  6221. electric toaster ==> 电烤面包炉
  6222. electric token instrument ==> 电气凭证机
  6223. electric tool ==> 电动工具
  6224. electric tool grinder ==> 电动工具磨床
  6225. electric tooltipping machine ==> 电焊刀片机
  6226. electric toothbrush ==> 电动牙刷
  6227. electric torch ==> 电焊枪,电筒
  6228. electric torsiograph ==> 电测扭力仪
  6229. electric torsional vibrometer ==> 电测扭振仪
  6230. electric touch-recording apparatus ==> 电触击记录器
  6231. electric tough pitch (ETP) ==> 电韧火精铜,电韧铜
  6232. electric towing trolley ==> 电气牵引车
  6233. electric toy ==> 电动玩具
  6234. electric toy train ==> 电动玩具火车
  6235. electric trace heating ==> 电气式伴随加热法
  6236. electric tracer heating system ==> 电伴热系统
  6237. electric track jack ==> 电动起道机
  6238. electric traction ==> 电力牵引,通过牵引电动机将电能转换为机械能,以驱动机车运行=>電気運転
  6239. electric tractor ==> 电动拖拉机
  6240. electric trailable switch machine ==> 可拉式电动转辙机
  6241. electric trailer ==> 电动拖车,电拖车
  6242. electric train ==> 电气列车
  6243. electric train staff instrument ==> 电气路签机
  6244. electric tramway ==> 电车道
  6245. electric transducer ==> 电换能器,换流器
  6246. electric transfer characteristic ==> 電気的伝達関数
  6247. electric transient ==> 电瞬态
  6248. electric transmission ==> 电力传动
  6249. electric transmission current meter ==> 电力传动流量计
  6250. electric transmission line ==> 输电线路
  6251. electric transport engineering ==> 電力輸送工学
  6252. electric transporting appliance ==> 电气运输设备
  6253. electric transverse weaving machine ==> 电动横织机
  6254. electric travel(l)ing crane ==> 电力移动起重机
  6255. electric travelling crane ==> 电动移动式起重机,电力移动式起重机
  6256. electric travelling roller ==> 电动移动滚筒
  6257. electric treadle ==> 轨道接触器
  6258. electric trolley ==> 电车
  6259. electric trolley hoist ==> 电动移动绞车
  6260. electric trowel ==> 电动抹子
  6261. electric truck ==> 电动卡车,电力搬运车,电瓶车
  6262. electric tube calipers ==> 管壁厚度电测仪
  6263. electric tube furnace ==> 管式电炉
  6264. electric tuning ==> 电调谐
  6265. electric turntable ==> 电唱盘,电动转盘
  6266. electric twinning ==> 电孪生
  6267. electric two-beam bridge crane ==> 电动双梁桥式起重机
  6268. electric two-speed wiper ==> 电动双速刮水器
  6269. electric typewriter ==> 电传打字机,电动打字机
  6270. electric tyre crane ==> 电动轮胎起重机
  6271. electric tyre groover ==> 电热轮胎切槽器
  6272. electric ultra low temperature incubator ==> 电气超低温细菌培养器
  6273. electric undertaking ==> 电业
  6274. electric unicycle ==> 电动独轮车代步器=>電動一輪車
  6275. electric unit ==> 电单位
  6276. electric upset forging ==> 电热镦
  6277. electric upsetter ==> 电热镦锻机
  6278. electric utility ==> 电业=>電気事業
  6279. electric utility industry ==> 电力工业
  6280. electric vacuum cleaner ==> 电吸尘器=>電気掃除機
  6281. electric vacuum drying oven ==> 电热恒温真空干燥箱
  6282. electric vacuum meter ==> 电气真空计
  6283. electric vacuum-meter ==> 电真空计
  6284. electric valve ==> 电动阀
  6285. electric valve grinder ==> 电动阀磨床
  6286. electric valve refacer ==> 电动阀面磨光机
  6287. electric valve seat cutter ==> 电动阀座铣刀
  6288. electric valve seat grinder ==> 电动阀座研磨机
  6289. electric vaporizer ==> 電動噴霧器
  6290. electric variable speed stirrer ==> 电动变速搅拌机
  6291. electric varnish ==> 绝缘清漆,绝缘清漆,高度绝缘清漆
  6292. electric vector ==> 电场矢量=>電気ベクトル
  6293. electric vector potential ==> 向量电位=>電気ベクトルポテンシャル
  6294. electric vehicle ==> 电动汽车=>電気自動車
  6295. electric vehicle motor ==> 牵引电动机
  6296. electric ventilator ==> 电通风机
  6297. electric vibrating feeder ==> 电振动给料机
  6298. electric vibrating screen ==> 电振筛
  6299. electric vibration meter ==> 电气测振计
  6300. electric vibrator ==> 电动振捣器,电动振动器,电振动器,电振动子
  6301. electric vibromasseur ==> 电振颤按摩器
  6302. electric viscometer ==> 电粘度计
  6303. electric voltage ==> 电压
  6304. electric vulcanizer ==> 电力补胎机
  6305. electric waffle baker ==> 烘夹饼电炉
  6306. electric wall type slewing ==> 电动墙式旋臂吊车
  6307. electric warmer ==> 电取暖器
  6308. electric warming ==> 电热法
  6309. electric warming oven ==> 电暖炉
  6310. electric warming pad ==> 电热垫
  6311. electric washer ==> 电动洗涤机,电动洗衣机=>電気洗濯機
  6312. electric washing machine ==> 电动洗涤机,电动洗衣机
  6313. electric water cooler ==> 电冷水器,电力冷水器
  6314. electric water heater ==> 电热水器,电热温水暖炉=>電気温水器
  6315. electric water heating tap ==> 电暖水器
  6316. electric water sounder ==> 电测水深器
  6317. electric wave ==> 电波=>電波
  6318. electric wave recorder ==> 电测波浪计
  6319. electric wedge valve ==> 电动楔式阀
  6320. electric weigher ==> 电秤
  6321. electric weld-pipe mill ==> 电焊管机
  6322. electric welded anchor cable ==> 电焊锚链
  6323. electric welded steel pipe ==> 电焊钢管
  6324. electric welder ==> 电焊机
  6325. electric welder's helmet ==> 电焊面罩
  6326. electric welding ==> 电焊,利用电能,通过加热加压,使两个或两个以上的焊件熔合为一体的工艺=>電気溶接
  6327. electric welding cast copper solder ==> 铸铜电焊条
  6328. electric welding equipment ==> 电焊设备
  6329. electric welding generator ==> 电焊发电机
  6330. electric welding hammer ==> 电焊锤
  6331. electric welding machine ==> 电焊机
  6332. electric welding plant ==> 电焊厂
  6333. electric welding pliers ==> 电焊钳
  6334. electric welding rod ==> 电焊条
  6335. electric welding strip ==> 电焊片
  6336. electric well log ==> 电测钻井记录,电测钻井剖面
  6337. electric wheel drive ==> (车辆主动轮电传动)电动轮驱动
  6338. electric whistle ==> 电笛
  6339. electric winch ==> 电动绞车,电力绞车=>電気ウィンチ
  6340. electric wind ==> 对流放电
  6341. electric wind shield wiper ==> 电动风挡刮水器
  6342. electric winding machine ==> 电动卷扬机,电动绕线机
  6343. electric windlass ==> 电动起锚机
  6344. electric windscreen wiper ==> 电动风挡刮板
  6345. electric wiper motor ==> 刮水器电动机
  6346. electric wire ==> 电线=>電線
  6347. electric wire braiding machine ==> 电线编织机
  6348. electric wire conduit ==> 电线套管
  6349. electric wire connecting junction ==> 接线器
  6350. electric wire hoist ==> 电动葫芦
  6351. electric wire traction instrument ==> 电动钢丝牵引器
  6352. electric wiring ==> 電気配線
  6353. electric wood planer ==> 电动刨木机
  6354. electric work ==> 电气工程=>電気工事
  6355. electric working drawing ==> 电气施工图
  6356. electric working of points ==> 道岔电操纵
  6357. electric works ==> 发电站
  6358. electric workshop ==> 电气车间
  6359. electric(al) altimeter ==> 电测高度计
  6360. electric(al) comparator ==> 电动比较仪
  6361. electric(al) control ==> 电力控制
  6362. electric(al) governor ==> 电力调节器
  6363. electric(al) haulage ==> 电机车运输
  6364. electric(al) insulator ==> 电绝缘子
  6365. electric(al) phonograph recorder ==> 电录音机
  6366. electric(al) steel ==> 电工钢
  6367. electric(al)analyzer ==> 电力分析器
  6368. electric-air valve ==> 电动气阀
  6369. electric-arc furnace ==> 电弧炉=>アーク炉
  6370. electric-arc lamp ==> 弧光灯
  6371. electric-arc spraying ==> 电弧喷镀
  6372. electric-arc welding ==> 电弧焊
  6373. electric-capacity moisture metre ==> 电容湿度计
  6374. electric-charge density ==> 电荷密度
  6375. electric-contact thermometer ==> 电接点温度计
  6376. electric-discharge lamp ==> 放電灯
  6377. electric-driven chain block ==> 电动链滑车
  6378. electric-field intensity ==> 电场强度
  6379. electric-field meter ==> 电场强计
  6380. electric-field probe ==> 电场测量探头,测量电场强度等参量的传感器
  6381. electric-field sensor ==> 电场传感器
  6382. electric-furnace slag ==> 电炉炉渣
  6383. electric-furnace smelting ==> 电炉熔炼
  6384. electric-heated high pressure sterilizer ==> 电热高压消毒器
  6385. electric-heated thermostatic water bath ==> 电热恒温水浴锅
  6386. electric-impulse stimulation ==> 脉冲电刺激
  6387. electric-magnetic forming ==> 电磁成形
  6388. electric-network reciprocity theorem ==> 电网络倒易定理
  6389. electric-power line ==> 电力线
  6390. electric-pulse magnet ==> 脉冲电吸铁
  6391. electric-resistance moisture ==> 电阻湿度计
  6392. electric-resistance seam-welding ==> 电阻缝焊
  6393. electric-resistance seam-welding machine ==> 电阻缝焊机
  6394. electric-resistance strain ga(u)ge ==> 电阻丝应变片
  6395. electric-resistance-welded steel pipe ==> 电阻焊钢管
  6396. electric-resistivity method ==> 电阻法
  6397. electric-signal storage tube ==> 电信号存储管
  6398. electric-singeing machine ==> 电板烧毛机
  6399. electric-spark grinding ==> 电火花磨削
  6400. electric-supply station ==> 電気所
  6401. electric-weld pipe mill ==> 电焊管机
  6402. electric-welded pipe ==> 电焊管
  6403. electrical ==> 电的,电气的
  6404. electrical (cable) trench ==> 电缆沟
  6405. electrical accident ==> 电气故障,电气事故,由电气设备故障直接或间接造成设备损坏、人员伤亡、环境破坏等后果的事件
  6406. electrical accident alarming ==> 电气事故报警,为防止电气事故扩大,能在发生事故时自动投入运行并发出声、光报警信号的系统
  6407. electrical accident analysis ==> 电气事故分析,发生电气事故后,对事故的起因、形成、扩大进行调查、研究、分析后得出结论的过程
  6408. electrical accident rush repair ==> 电气事故抢修,发生电气事故后,立即组织人员、设备紧急修理,最大限度地恢复原运行状态
  6409. electrical accounting machine ==> 电动式会计计算机,电子式会计机
  6410. electrical accounting machines ==> 电动记帐机
  6411. electrical accumulator ==> 蓄電池
  6412. electrical acoustical transducer ==> 电声换能器
  6413. electrical activity of brain ==> 脑电活动
  6414. electrical adapter ==> 接插元件
  6415. electrical adder ==> 电加法器
  6416. electrical alarm ==> 电力警报器
  6417. electrical alarm plate ==> 电气警告牌,提醒电气工作人员避免发生误操作或误入带电区域;避免非工作人员误碰电气设备或误入电气工作现场
  6418. electrical aluminium wire ==> 导电铝线
  6419. electrical analog ==> 电模拟
  6420. electrical analog computer ==> 电模拟计算机
  6421. electrical analog indicator ==> 电模拟指示器
  6422. electrical analog(ue) ==> 电气模拟装置
  6423. electrical analogue method ==> 电比拟法
  6424. electrical analogy ==> 电模拟,机电类比
  6425. electrical and magnetic measurements ==> 電磁気測定
  6426. electrical and mechanical domains ==> 電気機械系
  6427. electrical anemometer ==> 电传风速表,电动风速仪
  6428. electrical angle ==> 电角度=>電気角
  6429. electrical apparatus measuring device ==> 电器试验测试设备
  6430. electrical appliance ==> 电气设备,电气用品
  6431. Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law ==> 電気用品安全法
  6432. electrical applicance and material law ==> 電気用品取締法
  6433. electrical arc furnace ==> 电弧炼钢炉
  6434. electrical arc welding ==> 电弧焊接
  6435. electrical axis of heart ==> 心电轴
  6436. electrical back to back test ==> 反馈试验
  6437. electrical back-to-back test ==> 背靠背电气试验
  6438. electrical bar ==> 电热棒
  6439. electrical bias ==> 电偏压
  6440. electrical bibeam bridge crane ==> 电动双梁桥式起重机
  6441. electrical bicycle ==> 電気自転車
  6442. electrical blanket ==> 电毯
  6443. electrical blasting cap ==> 电雷管
  6444. electrical block ==> 电动葫芦
  6445. electrical booster ==> 电力升压器
  6446. electrical bore comparator gauge ==> 电测孔径比较仪
  6447. electrical brake of hydrogenerator ==> [水轮发电机]电气制动,又称“电气刹车”。用电磁力使转动部件停止转动的措施。在发电机解列停机时,用三相短路开关使定子外部三相短路,由专用励磁电源向转子回路输入恒定的励磁电流,使定子绕组产生的电流形成力矩对转子制动的一种制动方式
  6448. electrical bridge ==> 电桥
  6449. electrical brush ==> 电刷
  6450. electrical burn ==> 电灼伤
  6451. electrical cabinet ==> 电控箱=>電気キャビネット
  6452. electrical caging ==> 电力锁定
  6453. electrical caliper ==> 电动卡尺
  6454. electrical calorimeter ==> 电量热器
  6455. electrical capacitance level measuring device ==> 电容物位测量装置
  6456. electrical catalytic after burning system ==> 电力催化后燃系统
  6457. electrical center ==> 电中心,电气中心=>電気的中心
  6458. electrical centering ==> 静电法调整中心,静电法调整中心
  6459. electrical centrifuge ==> 电动离心机
  6460. electrical ceramics ==> 电瓷
  6461. electrical chain ==> 电路链
  6462. electrical character ==> 电气特性
  6463. electrical chemistry ==> 电化序
  6464. electrical chief engineer ==> 電気主任技術者
  6465. electrical clock receptacle ==> 电钟插座
  6466. electrical cloth cutting machine ==> 电动裁布机
  6467. electrical coal drill ==> 电动煤钻
  6468. electrical code ==> 电工规程,电气规程
  6469. electrical codes ==> 电气规程
  6470. electrical communication ==> 电气通信,电信
  6471. electrical computer ==> 电动计算机
  6472. electrical concentration ==> 电选法
  6473. electrical condenser ==> 电容器
  6474. electrical conductance ==> 电导
  6475. electrical conduction ==> 电导=>電気伝導
  6476. electrical conductivity ==> 电导率,导电性=>導電率
  6477. electrical conductivity alloy ==> 导电合金
  6478. electrical conductivity analyzer ==> 电导率分析器
  6479. electrical conductivity detector ==> 导电性检测器
  6480. electrical conductivity fibre ==> 导电性纤维
  6481. electrical conductor ==> 导电体,电导线
  6482. electrical conduit ==> 电缆
  6483. electrical connection diagram ==> 電気接続図
  6484. electrical connection diagrams of power system ==> 電気系統図
  6485. electrical connector ==> 插塞
  6486. electrical connector receptacle ==> 电插座
  6487. electrical contact ==> 电接触
  6488. electrical contact arc ==> 电接触弧
  6489. electrical contact clock ==> 电接触时钟
  6490. electrical contact controller ==> 电开关控制器
  6491. electrical contact detector ==> 电路接触式检测器
  6492. electrical contacts ==> 電気接点
  6493. Electrical Contractor Network ==> 米国電力関係の団体
  6494. electrical control ==> 电动调节
  6495. electrical control equipment ==> 电气控制设备
  6496. electrical control gear ==> 电气控制装置
  6497. electrical control panel ==> 电气设备控制板
  6498. electrical control system ==> 电气控制系统
  6499. electrical control unit ==> 控制盘
  6500. electrical conversion factor ==> 电换算因数
  6501. electrical cotton picker ==> 静电式摘棉机,静电式摘棉机
  6502. electrical coupler ==> 电路连接器
  6503. electrical cross ==> 电器混线
  6504. electrical current relay ==> 电流继电器
  6505. electrical cutter ==> 电动切割机,电气切割机
  6506. electrical damper ==> 电气阻尼器
  6507. electrical degradation ==> 課電劣化
  6508. electrical degree ==> 电角度
  6509. electrical deicer ==> 电气除冰器
  6510. electrical design ==> 电气设计
  6511. electrical deterioration ==> 電気劣化
  6512. electrical dew-point hygrometer ==> 电测露点湿度计
  6513. electrical differentiation ==> 电微分
  6514. electrical dipole ==> 电偶极子
  6515. electrical dipole moment ==> 电偶极矩
  6516. electrical discharge arc ==> 放电电弧
  6517. electrical discharge lamp ==> 放电管
  6518. electrical discharge machine ==> 放电加工机床,电火花加工机床
  6519. electrical discharge machining ==> 放电加工
  6520. electrical discharge sawing machine ==> 放电加工锯床
  6521. electrical disintegration ==> 电剥蚀
  6522. electrical distance ==> 电距离
  6523. electrical distiller ==> 电热蒸馏水器
  6524. electrical distributor ==> 电气分配器
  6525. electrical distrubance ==> 电干扰
  6526. electrical double layer ==> 電気二重層
  6527. electrical drainage ==> 电排流
  6528. electrical drill ==> 电钻
  6529. electrical drilling machine ==> 电钻机
  6530. electrical drying ==> 电加热干燥
  6531. electrical duct ==> 电线导管
  6532. electrical dust collector ==> 电吸尘器
  6533. electrical dust precipitation ==> 电收尘法
  6534. electrical dynamometer ==> 电动测功器
  6535. electrical efficiency ==> 电效率
  6536. electrical endurance ==> 电气耐久性
  6537. Electrical energy ==> 电量,以kWh为单位的电能的供应的量值
  6538. electrical energy ==> 电能=>電気エネルギー
  6539. electrical engineer ==> 电气工程师
  6540. electrical engineering ==> 电工学,电气工程=>電気工学
  6541. electrical engineering handbook ==> 电工手册
  6542. electrical engineers ==> 電気技術者
  6543. electrical English typewriter ==> 电动英文打字机
  6544. electrical equipment ==> 电动设备,电气设备
  6545. electrical equipment malfunction ==> 电气设备故障
  6546. electrical equipment potting material ==> 电器灌封材料
  6547. electrical equipment universal testing stand ==> 高压电路电器设备检查器
  6548. electrical equivalent ==> 电当量
  6549. electrical equivalent of calorie ==> 热电当量
  6550. electrical erosion ==> 电蚀
  6551. electrical erosion arc machining ==> 放电加工
  6552. electrical etching machine ==> 电解蚀刻机
  6553. electrical explosion preventing gate ==> 电气防爆门,为减小或隔断电气爆炸的影响而设置的门
  6554. electrical explosion resistant separating wall ==> 电气防爆隔墙,建筑物内部或相邻建筑物之间用以减小电气爆炸影响而设置的限制或阻挡爆炸的隔墙
  6555. electrical fault ==> 电气故障,电力系统或电气设备不能正常运行的状态
  6556. electrical fault on power transmission line ==> 電力線路における故障
  6557. electrical field ==> 电场
  6558. electrical fire compartment wall ==> 电气防火隔墙,建筑物内部或相邻建筑物之间用以防止电气火灾蔓延而设置的不可燃烧的隔墙
  6559. electrical fire fighting passageway ==> 电气消防通道,为扑救电气火灾,保证运送消防器材、提供消防水源、通行消防车辆而设置的专用通道
  6560. electrical fire prevention ==> 电气防火,防止电气设备或线路因本身缺陷导致温度升高或产生电弧将周围物体点燃
  6561. electrical fire protection equipment ==> 电气消防设施,防止或扑救电气火灾的设备和装置
  6562. electrical fitting ==> 电气安装
  6563. electrical fittings ==> 电气配件
  6564. electrical flowmeter ==> 电磁流量计
  6565. electrical forging machine ==> 电锻机
  6566. electrical forming ==> 电成形
  6567. electrical freezer ==> 电冰箱
  6568. electrical fridge ==> 电冰箱
  6569. electrical furnace ==> 电炉
  6570. electrical glass fibre ==> 电绝缘玻璃纤维
  6571. electrical goniometer ==> 电测角计
  6572. electrical governing system ==> 电力调速系统
  6573. electrical governor ==> 电调节器
  6574. electrical grinding machine ==> 电磨机,手提电磨机
  6575. electrical hair cutter ==> 电推子
  6576. electrical hand shears ==> 电动手剪
  6577. electrical hazard ==> 电气事故
  6578. electrical heater ==> 电热器
  6579. electrical heating ==> 电加热
  6580. electrical heating element ==> 电热元件
  6581. electrical heating method ==> 电加热法
  6582. electrical hoist ==> 电动卷扬机
  6583. electrical household appliance ==> 家電機器
  6584. electrical hygrometer ==> 电气湿度计,电测湿度表
  6585. electrical ice box ==> 电冰箱
  6586. electrical impedance ==> 电阻抗
  6587. electrical impedance cardiac output computer ==> 电阻抗心脏排出量计算机
  6588. electrical impedance meter ==> 阻抗计
  6589. electrical impulse compacting ==> 电冲击成形
  6590. electrical impulse frequency ==> 电脉冲频率
  6591. electrical indication plate ==> 电气标示牌,标示电气设备属性,避免工作人员误操作或误入带电区域,避免非工作人员误碰电气设备或误入电气工作现场
  6592. electrical indicator ==> 电动指示器=>電気的表示器
  6593. electrical industry ==> 电气工业
  6594. electrical inertia ==> 电惯性
  6595. electrical inertia starter ==> 电力惯性起动器
  6596. electrical inspection ==> 电参数检查
  6597. electrical instability ==> 电不稳定性
  6598. electrical installation ==> 电气装置,电器装置,电气安装
  6599. electrical installation work ==> 电气安装工作
  6600. electrical insulating board ==> 电绝缘板
  6601. electrical insulating fibre ==> 电绝缘纤维
  6602. electrical insulating material ==> 电绝缘材料
  6603. electrical insulating paper ==> 电绝缘纸
  6604. electrical insulation ==> 電気絶縁
  6605. electrical insulation ring ==> 电绝缘环
  6606. electrical insulator ==> 电绝缘体
  6607. electrical integration ==> 电积分法
  6608. electrical interconnection ==> 电互相联接
  6609. electrical interlocking ==> 电力锁紧
  6610. electrical interlocking automatic device ==> 电气联动式自动化装置
  6611. electrical interlocking frame ==> 电气联锁机
  6612. electrical interlocks ==> 电气联锁
  6613. electrical interrupter ==> 电力断续器
  6614. electrical interval of fire prevention ==> 电气防火间距,为有效防止火灾蔓延,在建筑物(设备)之间留有适当的距离
  6615. electrical isolation ==> 電気的分離
  6616. electrical isolation fibre ==> 电隔离纤维
  6617. electrical isolation optical memory ==> 电隔离光存储器
  6618. electrical jack ==> 电动起重机
  6619. electrical lamination press ==> 电动层压机
  6620. electrical leakage tester ==> 漏电试验器
  6621. electrical length ==> 电长度
  6622. electrical level ==> 电平
  6623. electrical lift (elevator) ==> 电力升降机,电梯
  6624. electrical lighting ==> 电照明,利用电能转换为光能,照亮物体及周围环境的技术
  6625. electrical line cutter ==> 电动管道割刀
  6626. electrical load ==> 电力负荷,电力负载,电气荷载
  6627. electrical loading ==> 加感
  6628. electrical locomotive ==> 电力机车
  6629. electrical log ==> 电测钻井记录曲线,电法测井
  6630. electrical logging ==> 电测
  6631. electrical long distance water level recorder ==> 电传水位计
  6632. electrical loss ==> 电损=>電気損
  6633. electrical machine ==> 電気機器
  6634. electrical machine teaching console ==> 电动机培训仪表
  6635. electrical machinery ==> 电力机械
  6636. electrical machinery and apparatus ==> 电机设备=>電気機器
  6637. electrical machining tool, electrical forming tool, electrical welding tool ==> 電気的加工・成形・接着機器
  6638. electrical maintenance engineer ==> 電気維持管理技術者
  6639. electrical manipulating emergencies ==> 电气紧急事故处理,对可能造成人身电击、电气火灾、设备严重损坏及引发系统重特大事故和大面积停电的紧急情况进行的处理
  6640. electrical manometer ==> 电动压力表
  6641. electrical mass filter ==> 电学滤质表,电学滤质器,电质谱仪
  6642. electrical material ==> 电气材料
  6643. electrical materials and appliances ==> 电料
  6644. electrical measurement ==> 电气测定,电测量,电气测量
  6645. electrical measurement method ==> 电测法
  6646. electrical measurement method of optical pyrometer ==> 光学高温计电测法
  6647. electrical measurement of physical quantities ==> 物理量の変換原理
  6648. electrical measurements ==> 电气测量=>電気測定
  6649. electrical measuring instrument ==> 电测量仪器仪表,电工测量仪器仪表,电法勘探仪器,电测仪表=>電気測定器
  6650. electrical meat mincer ==> 电动绞肉机
  6651. electrical mechanical parts counter ==> 机电式零件计数器
  6652. electrical medical apparatus ==> 电疗设备
  6653. electrical method ==> 电法
  6654. electrical method of sampling ==> 取样电气法
  6655. electrical micrometer tube ==> 电动测微筒
  6656. electrical miss operation ==> 电气误操作,违反电气操作规程和操作票要求的内容和程序进行的操作
  6657. electrical mode ==> 電気系モード
  6658. electrical modification ==> 電気的加工
  6659. electrical moisture meter ==> 电气水份计
  6660. electrical motor ==> 电动机
  6661. electrical multiplier ==> 电动倍加器
  6662. electrical musical instrument ==> 电气乐器
  6663. electrical neutral axis ==> 电气中性轴
  6664. electrical noise ==> 电噪声
  6665. electrical oil ==> 电气绝缘用油
  6666. electrical optical converter ==> 电光变换器
  6667. electrical ore finding ==> 电探矿
  6668. electrical outage ==> 断电
  6669. electrical outlet ==> 电气出线口,电拖板=>(米)電源コンセント
  6670. electrical output storage tube ==> 电讯号输出存储管
  6671. electrical overhead travelling crane (EOT crane) ==> 电动桥式起重机
  6672. electrical panel ==> 配电板,电气柜=>電気盤
  6673. electrical parameter ==> 电参数
  6674. electrical Peltier cooling ==> 珀尔帖电冷
  6675. electrical percussive drill ==> 电动冲钻
  6676. electrical pickoff ==> 电接触点
  6677. electrical plunger pump ==> 电动柱塞泵
  6678. electrical point indicator ==> 道岔位置电气表示器
  6679. electrical point operating mechanism ==> 电动转辙机
  6680. electrical pole ==> 電柱
  6681. electrical pollution ==> 電気汚染
  6682. electrical porcelain ==> 电瓷
  6683. electrical porcelain shearing strength test ==> 电瓷抗剪强度试验
  6684. electrical potential difference ==> 电位差
  6685. electrical potential energy ==> 电位能
  6686. electrical power ==> 电功率
  6687. electrical power consumption ==> 电功耗
  6688. electrical power package ==> 电源组
  6689. electrical power stabilization ==> 电力稳定
  6690. electrical power supply's frequency ==> 电源频率
  6691. electrical power system ==> 电力系统
  6692. electrical power unit (EPU) ==> 电力设备,电源设备
  6693. electrical precipitator ==> 电气集尘器
  6694. electrical predictor ==> 电动射击指挥仪
  6695. electrical pressure ==> 电压
  6696. electrical pressure pump ==> 电动压力泵
  6697. electrical preventive tests for generator ==> 发电机的电气预防性试验,在机组检修时为了发现隐性缺陷及时处理,避免在运行中发生事故而进行的一系列电气试验
  6698. electrical print frame ==> 电气印样架
  6699. electrical process ==> 电熔炼法
  6700. electrical process machine ==> 电加工机床
  6701. electrical processing ==> 电气加工
  6702. electrical product ==> 电气器材
  6703. electrical profile copyturning equipment ==> 电器型面靠模车削设备
  6704. electrical profiling ==> 电剖面法
  6705. electrical profilometer ==> 电接触式轮廓仪
  6706. electrical properties ==> 电气性质,电特性
  6707. electrical property ==> 电气性质
  6708. electrical prospecting ==> 电法勘探
  6709. electrical protection ==> 電気的保護
  6710. electrical protective barrier ==> 电气保护遮栏,为防止人或动物从任何方向接近带电体而设置的防护物
  6711. electrical protective enclosure ==> 电气保护外壳,为防止从任何方向触及危险带电体,将带电体用绝缘体或附加一定厚度空气层的金属护罩包围住的电器外壳
  6712. electrical protective obstacle ==> 电气保护阻挡物,为防止人体无意的直接接触带电体而提供的防护物
  6713. electrical protective screen ==> 电气保护屏蔽体,将电气元件和/或导体包围、隔离,其本身可靠接地但不作为导电回路的部件
  6714. electrical pump ==> 电动泵
  6715. electrical pyrometer ==> 电测高温计
  6716. electrical quadrupole moment ==> 电四极矩,四极电矩
  6717. electrical quality factor ==> 电学品质因数
  6718. electrical quantity ==> 电量
  6719. electrical radian ==> 電気角
  6720. electrical recorder ==> 电气记录器
  6721. electrical recording ==> 电录声
  6722. electrical refrigerator ==> 电冰箱
  6723. electrical relay ==> 电气继电器,继电器
  6724. electrical relay==electric relay ==> 継電器
  6725. electrical repair shop ==> 电气修理车间
  6726. electrical repair truck ==> 电气修理工程车
  6727. electrical reproduction ==> 电放声
  6728. electrical reset ==> 電気復帰
  6729. electrical resistance furnace ==> 电阻炉
  6730. electrical resistance hygrometer ==> 电阻湿度计
  6731. electrical resistance load-gauge ==> 电阻测力仪
  6732. electrical resistance moisture meter ==> 电阻式湿度计
  6733. electrical resistance pyrometer ==> 电阻高温计
  6734. electrical resistance thermometer ==> 电阻温度计
  6735. electrical resistance welding tube ==> 电阻焊接管
  6736. electrical resistivity ==> 电阻率
  6737. electrical resistor ==> 电阻器
  6738. electrical resonance frequency of the miving element ==> 运动部件电谐振频率
  6739. electrical riveting machine ==> 电铆机
  6740. electrical rolling stock traction ==> 電気車駆動
  6741. electrical rotating machine ==> 回転電機
  6742. electrical safe distance ==> 电气安全距离,为防止人体触及或接近带电体,确保作业者和电气设备不发生事故的电气距离
  6743. electrical safe life ==> 电气安全寿命,电气设备保持或基本保持原有性能的时间
  6744. electrical safety ==> 电气安全,不因电气事故引起人员伤亡、设备损坏、财产损失或环境损害
  6745. electrical safety color ==> 电气安全色,表达电气安全信息的颜色,如表示禁止、警告、指令、提示等
  6746. electrical safety control system ==> 电气安全控制系统,为保证电气设备安全运行,接受电气安全系统的信息后,可发出相应控制指令的软件和硬件系统
  6747. electrical safety management ==> 电气安全管理,以电气安全为目的,对安全生产工作进行有预见性的管辖和控制
  6748. electrical safety marking ==> 电气安全标志,由电气安全色、几何图形或图形符号与文字组成的标志,用以表达特定的安全信息
  6749. electrical safety measure ==> 电气安全措施,为保证电气作业安全而采取的系列措施
  6750. electrical safety regulation ==> 电气安全规程,为保证电气安全运行,根据电气设备属性和电气事故教训为生产人员制定的制度
  6751. electrical safety standard ==> 电气安全标准,为保证电气安全运行,根据电气设备属性和电气事故教训为电气设备制定的要求
  6752. electrical safety test ==> 电气安全试验,为检测电气设备、元器件和绝缘工、器具性能而进行的一系列相关试验
  6753. electrical salinometer ==> 电气盐液比重计
  6754. electrical scanner ==> 电扫描器
  6755. electrical secondmeter ==> 电秒表
  6756. electrical sensitivity, electrical hypersensitivity ==> 電磁波過敏症,高レベルの電磁波を浴びたり,低レベルでも長期間さらされたりすることで一度過敏になると,わずかな電磁波にも反応する状態
  6757. electrical servo system ==> 电动伺服系统
  6758. electrical sheet ==> 电工钢片,电气钢板=>電気鉄板
  6759. electrical sheet or strip ==> 电工钢板或带钢
  6760. electrical shield ==> 电屏蔽,用良好的导电材料制成的环形屏蔽对铁心压板(压圈)表面进行覆盖或装在压板与铁心之间,以利用感应的涡流削弱定子绕组端部的漏磁通,并同时起到隔断电磁波进入压板内圆和铁心的双重作用,防止压板和其它端部构件产生局部高温
  6761. electrical shielding ==> 电屏蔽
  6762. electrical shutter technique ==> 電気シャッター法
  6763. electrical signal ==> 电信号
  6764. electrical silicon carbide ==> 电工碳化硅
  6765. electrical soil moisture metre ==> 电传土壤湿度计
  6766. electrical sounding ==> 电测深
  6767. electrical source supply's frequency ==> 电源频率
  6768. electrical specification ==> 电气特性=>電気設備仕様
  6769. electrical speech level ==> 话音电平
  6770. electrical speed governor ==> 电调节器,电调速器,电气式调速器,利用电气组件产生主轴转速变化电信号的调速器
  6771. electrical spot displacemen ==> 光点的电位移
  6772. electrical steel ==> 电炉钢
  6773. electrical steel sheet ==> 电工硅钢片=>電磁鋼板
  6774. electrical stimulator ==> 电刺激器
  6775. electrical stop watch ==> 电秒表
  6776. electrical storage ==> 电存储器
  6777. electrical strain gauge ==> 电测应变仪
  6778. electrical strip ==> 电工钢片
  6779. electrical strip tension detector ==> 带材张力电测仪
  6780. electrical supply ==> 电源
  6781. electrical supply equipment ==> 供电设备
  6782. electrical supply plan ==> 供給計画
  6783. electrical surface resistivity ==> 表面电阻率
  6784. electrical survey (-ing) ==> 电法勘探,电法探测
  6785. electrical suspended gyroscope ==> 电悬式陀螺仪,静电支承陀螺仪,静电支承陀螺仪
  6786. electrical switching ==> 电气开关
  6787. electrical symbol ==> 电气符号
  6788. electrical synapse ==> 电突触
  6789. electrical system ==> 电气系统
  6790. electrical systematic drawing ==> 电气系统图
  6791. electrical tapping machine ==> 电动开孔机
  6792. electrical telemetry ==> 电遥测技术
  6793. electrical teletachometer ==> 电遥测转速表
  6794. electrical temperature control ==> 电气温度控制
  6795. electrical test ==> 电气试验
  6796. electrical test bench ==> 电工试验台
  6797. electrical thermometer ==> 电气温度计,电测温度表=>電気温度計
  6798. electrical thermostat ==> 恒温开关
  6799. electrical thickness ==> 电磁测流厚度
  6800. electrical thread ==> 导线铜管螺纹
  6801. electrical time constant ==> 電気的時定数
  6802. electrical to optical converter ==> 电光转换器
  6803. electrical torsional strength test ==> 电瓷抗剪强度试验
  6804. electrical toy ==> 电动玩具
  6805. electrical transients ==> 电瞬变
  6806. electrical trawl cable ==> 拖网电缆
  6807. electrical tree ==> 電気トリー
  6808. electrical twin ==> 電気的双晶
  6809. electrical unit ==> 电单位
  6810. electrical valence ==> 电价
  6811. electrical viscometer ==> 电粘度计
  6812. electrical voltage system ==> 电压系统
  6813. electrical weighing system ==> 电秤系统
  6814. electrical wet and dry bulb hygrometer ==> 电气干湿球湿度计
  6815. electrical winch ==> 电动绞车
  6816. electrical wind vane and anemometer ==> 电传风向风速仪
  6817. electrical wire ==> 電線
  6818. electrical wiring diagram ==> 電気接続図
  6819. electrical work ==> 电气工程
  6820. electrical yarn ==> 电气用绝缘纱
  6821. electrical zero ==> 电零位,电零点=>電気的零位
  6822. electrical zero adjuster ==> 电零位调节器
  6823. electrical-output storage tube ==> 电输出存储管
  6824. electrical-reset relay ==> 電気復帰リレー
  6825. electrical-type detector ==> 电信号输出探测器
  6826. electrically actuated convertible top ==> 电动折叠式车顶
  6827. electrically alterable read only memory ==> 可改写只读存储器,电改写只读存储器
  6828. electrically alterable read-only memory ==> 电可改写的只读存储器
  6829. electrically alterable storage ==> 电可改写存储器
  6830. electrically conducting glass ==> 导电玻璃
  6831. electrically conductive adhesive ==> 导电性胶粘剂
  6832. electrically conductive fibre ==> 导电性纤维
  6833. electrically conductive glass ==> 导电玻璃
  6834. electrically conductive ink ==> 导电油墨
  6835. electrically connected ==> 电气联接的
  6836. electrically controlled air horn ==> 电控喇叭
  6837. electrically controlled attenuator ==> 电调衰减器
  6838. electrically controlled magazine ==> 电动料斗
  6839. electrically controlled mechanical tripdevice ==> 电控机械撞击装置
  6840. electrically controlled regulation ==> 电气自动调节
  6841. electrically dependent light attenuator ==> 电相关光衰减器
  6842. electrically despun antenna ==> 電気的デスパンアンテナ
  6843. electrically driven (operated) ==> 电驱动的
  6844. electrically driven combine ==> 电动联合收获机
  6845. electrically driven crab ==> 电动起重绞车
  6846. electrically driven duplicator ==> 电驱动复印机
  6847. electrically driven feed pump ==> 电动给水泵,电动供给水泵
  6848. electrically driven pump ==> 电动泵
  6849. electrically driven rotary sidewall sampler ==> 电动钻进式井壁取样器
  6850. electrically driven vehicle ==> 电动车辆
  6851. electrically energized machine ==> 电气化装置
  6852. electrically erasable programmable ROM ==> 电可擦可编程序只读存储器
  6853. electrically erasable read only memory ==> 电可擦只读存储器
  6854. electrically floating region ==> 电浮区
  6855. electrically fused magnesite brick ==> 电熔镁砖
  6856. electrically heated backlight ==> 电加热汽车后灯
  6857. electrically heated boiler ==> 电加热锅炉
  6858. electrically heated distilling apparatus ==> 电热蒸馏水器,电蒸馏水器
  6859. electrically heated drying cabinet ==> 电热干燥箱
  6860. electrically heated flat bed press ==> 电热平板压烫机
  6861. electrically heated footmuff ==> (医疗保健)电暖脚套
  6862. electrically heated glass ==> 电加热玻璃
  6863. electrically heated hair-curler ==> 电热卷发器
  6864. electrically heated mirror ==> 电加热镜子
  6865. electrically heated rear window ==> 电加热汽车后窗
  6866. electrically heated thermocouple ==> 电热温差变换器
  6867. electrically heated welding torch ==> 电热焊枪
  6868. electrically heated windscreen ==> 电加热挡风玻璃
  6869. electrically heated windshield ==> 电加热挡风玻璃
  6870. electrically latched ==> 电锁闩的
  6871. electrically measuring instrument ==> 电气计测仪器
  6872. electrically melted ==> 电熔的
  6873. electrically neutral ==> 電気的中性の
  6874. electrically non-conductive material ==> 不导电材料
  6875. electrically operated ==> 电动操作的
  6876. electrically operated circular manure grab ==> 电动厩肥圆形抓爪
  6877. electrically operated curtain drawing device ==> 电控拉窗帘机
  6878. electrically operated flying shears ==> 电动飞剪
  6879. electrically operated motor car ==> 电动车
  6880. electrically operated stop semaphores ==> 电控停止信号机
  6881. electrically operated valve ==> 电动阀
  6882. electrically operation indicator ==> 電気的表示器
  6883. electrically powered press ==> 电动压力机
  6884. electrically programable ROM ==> 电可编程序只读存储器
  6885. electrically programmable read only memory ==> 电可编程序只读存储器
  6886. electrically programmable read-only memory ==> 电可编程序只读存储器
  6887. electrically programmable ROM (EPROM) ==> 电可编程序ROM
  6888. electrically reset ==> 電気復帰
  6889. electrically reset relay ==> 電気復帰リレー
  6890. electrically reset==electrically reset … ==> 電気復帰
  6891. electrically responsive blasting cap ==> 电敏起爆雷管
  6892. electrically scanned microwave radiometer ==> 电扫描微波辐射计
  6893. electrically scanning microwave radiometer ==> 电子扫描微波辐射计,电子扫描微波辐射仪
  6894. electrically submersible pump ==> 电动潜水泵
  6895. electrically superconducting alloy ==> 超导电合金
  6896. electrically suspended gyro ==> 电悬置陀螺仪
  6897. electrically suspended gyroscope ==> 电悬式陀螺仪
  6898. electrically welded tube ==> 电焊管
  6899. electrically wound clock ==> 电钟
  6900. electrically-alterable ROM ==> 可改写的只读存储器
  6901. electrically-alterable ROM (EAROM) ==> 电改写只读存储器,电可改写只读存储器
  6902. electrically-driven ==> 電動
  6903. electrically-erasable read-only memory ==> 电可擦只读存储器
  6904. electrically-erasable ROM (EEROM) ==> 电可擦除ROM,电可擦只读存储器
  6905. electrically-operated platform truck ==> 电池车,电动装卸车
  6906. electricallyerasable ROM (EEROM) ==> 电可擦除只读存储器
  6907. electricator ==> 电触式测微表
  6908. electrician ==> 电气技术员,电工,电气工程师,电气工人
  6909. electrician knife ==> 电工刀
  6910. electrician's bag ==> 电工袋
  6911. electrician's belt ==> 电工带
  6912. electrician's chisel ==> 电工凿
  6913. electrician's drill ==> 电工钻
  6914. electrician's hammer ==> 电工锤
  6915. electrician's knife ==> 电工刀
  6916. electrician's pliers ==> 电工钳=>電気工事用プライヤー
  6917. electrician's rubber gloves ==> 电工橡皮手套
  6918. electrician's scissors ==> 电工剪
  6919. electrician's screwdriver ==> 电工螺丝刀
  6920. electrician's solder ==> 电工用焊料
  6921. electricians' level ==> 电工水准仪
  6922. electricians' solder ==> 电工焊锡
  6923. electricians shop ==> 电工车间
  6924. electricians solder ==> 电工焊锡
  6925. electriciansscissors ==> 电工剪
  6926. electricity ==> 电,电气,电学=>電気
  6927. electricity amplifier ==> 电荷放大器
  6928. electricity charger ==> 充电器
  6929. electricity conduit ==> 电导线管
  6930. electricity consumption analysis ==> 用电分析,对用电变化态势和成因做出判断的工作。主要用于协助电力发展规划的制定,电力成本分析及制定或修订电价等
  6931. electricity consumption per unit output method ==> 用电单耗法,根据生产单位产品的产量或产值所耗用的电量,和预测期生产的产品产量或产值,来预测预测期用电量的方法
  6932. electricity consumption structure ==> 用电构成,在一个国家或地区内,各类用户在某一个统计期内消费电能总量的组成,可反映其经济发展的过程及趋势
  6933. electricity cut-off standard ==> 瓦斯煤矿停电标准
  6934. electricity demand and supply in summer weekday at micrograid A ==> マイクログリッドAにおける夏季平日電力需給
  6935. electricity derivative ==> 电力市场交易=>電力デリバテイブ
  6936. electricity driven heat pump ==> 电气驱动热泵=>ヒートポンプ給湯器
  6937. electricity failure ==> 断电
  6938. electricity fee ==> 电费,电力企业因销售电力产品或提供电力服务而向购买方或服务对象收取的全部费用
  6939. electricity futures price ==> 電力先物価格
  6940. electricity generated ==> 发电量
  6941. electricity generating station ==> 电厂
  6942. electricity generation cost of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂发电成本,核电厂每发出1千瓦小时电量的花费,即把某段时间间隔内为发电而在基本建设、核燃料、运行维修、放射性废物处置、乏燃料处理和退役等方面投入资金的总和除以该段时间间隔内的上网发电量
  6943. electricity industry ==> 电力工业=>電気事業
  6944. electricity industry utility ==> 電気事業者
  6945. electricity insulator ==> 电绝缘子
  6946. Electricity interchange ==> 电力交换=>電力融通
  6947. electricity lamp bulb ==> 电灯泡
  6948. electricity market ==> 电力市场,广义的电力市场是指电力生产、传输、使用和销售关系的总和=>電力市場
  6949. electricity market model ==> 电力市场模式,电力市场运作的方式
  6950. electricity market operation system, EMOS ==> 电力市场运营系统,基于电力系统及电力市场理论,应用计算机、网络通信、信息处理技术,满足电力市场运行规则要求的技术支持系统
  6951. electricity market regulation ==> 电力市场监管,根据有关法律、法规和规章,电力监管机构遵循市场规律对市场主体和市场运营机构及其行为进行监督和管理,以实现电力市场竞争的合理、有序、公正、公平和公开
  6952. electricity market simulator ==> 电力市场仿真器
  6953. electricity market simulators ==> 電力市場シミュレータ
  6954. electricity marketing ==> 電力市場
  6955. electricity measurer ==> 测电器
  6956. electricity meter ==> 电量计
  6957. electricity price ==> 电价,所有电力商品(产品和服务)价格的总称,是电力生产、输送、分配和销售等各环节价格的集合=>電気料金,電力価格
  6958. electricity production ==> 发电量,在确定的时段内,电站从发电机母线送出的总电量
  6959. electricity quality ==> 电能质量,电气质量=>電気品質
  6960. electricity quality control ==> 电能质量控制技术
  6961. electricity quality standards ==> 电能质量标准
  6962. electricity spot price ==> 電力スポット価格
  6963. electricity storage ==> 电力储存=>電力貯蔵
  6964. electricity storage systems ==> 電力貯蔵システム
  6965. electricity supply ==> 电力供应
  6966. electricity technology roadmap initiative ==> 電力技術ロードマップ
  6967. electricity theft ==> 電力万引き
  6968. electricity transaction ==> 電力取引
  6969. electricity utilities industry law ==> 電気事業法
  6970. electricity-only logic ==> 纯电气量逻辑
  6971. electrics ==> 电力机械
  6972. electrifiability ==> 可起电性
  6973. electrificated charge ==> 帯電電荷
  6974. electrification ==> 电气化,带电=>感電,電化(電鉄)
  6975. electrification by friction ==> 摩擦起电
  6976. electrification houses ==> オール電化住宅
  6977. electrification ice nucleus ==> 带电冰核
  6978. electrification method ==> 帯電法
  6979. electrification of railways ==> 鉄道の電化
  6980. electrification phenomena ==> 帯電現象
  6981. electrification scheme ==> 电气化计划
  6982. electrified ==> 电气化的
  6983. electrified body ==> 带电体
  6984. electrified main line ==> 电气化干线铁路
  6985. electrified railway ==> 电气铁道
  6986. electrify ==> 使电气化
  6987. electrifying ==> 毛绒电光整理
  6988. electrino ==> 电微子
  6989. electrion ==> 高压放电
  6990. electrion oil ==> 高压放电润滑油
  6991. electrion process ==> 高压放电法
  6992. electrionised oil ==> 高压放电合成油
  6993. electrization ==> 带电,电化,电激法
  6994. electro ==> 电镀
  6995. electro apparatus for acupuncture treatment ==> 电针灸治疗机
  6996. electro cardiography transducer[sensor] ==> 心电图传感器(ECG)
  6997. electro chemical capacitor ==> 电解质电容器
  6998. electro chemical series ==> 电化序
  6999. electro connecting pressure gauge ==> 电接点压力表
  7000. electro copper foil ==> 电镀铜箔
  7001. electro coupled oscillator ==> 电子耦合振荡器
  7002. electro coupling ==> 电磁联轴节
  7003. electro deposited copper ==> 电积铜
  7004. electro deposited nickel ==> 电积镍
  7005. electro deposition ==> 电镀
  7006. electro discharge alloying ==> 电火花合金化
  7007. electro discharge drilling machine ==> 电火花穿孔机
  7008. electro discharge generating machine ==> 电火花展成机床
  7009. electro discharge grinding machine ==> 电火花磨床
  7010. electro discharge hardening ==> 电火花强化
  7011. electro discharge jointing ==> 放电连接
  7012. electro discharge machining center ==> 电火花加工中心
  7013. electro discharge machining plant ==> 放电加工设备
  7014. electro discharge marking ==> 电火花表即
  7015. electro discharge sinking machine ==> 电火花成形机
  7016. electro discharge treatment ==> 放电处理
  7017. electro driven tools ==> 电气从动工具
  7018. electro eroding ==> 电腐蚀
  7019. electro erosion ==> 电腐蚀
  7020. electro erosion machining ==> 电蚀加工
  7021. electro erosion plant ==> 放电加工设备
  7022. electro hydraulic controller ==> 电动压液控制器=>電気油圧式調速器
  7023. electro hydraulic forming ==> 电液成形
  7024. electro hydraulic servovalve ==> 电液伺服阀
  7025. electro jet machining ==> 电火花加工
  7026. electro kinetic potential ==> 电动电位
  7027. electro magnetic field analysis of stator core ==> 固定子鉄心の電磁界解析
  7028. electro medical apparatus ==> 电疗器
  7029. electro optic cell ==> 电光元件
  7030. electro optic device ==> 电光元件
  7031. electro optical distance meter ==> 光电测距仪
  7032. electro photoluminescence ==> 场控光致发光
  7033. electro plated chromium finish ==> 电镀克罗米面
  7034. electro pneumatic control ==> 电空控制
  7035. electro probe-X-ray microanalysis ==> 电子探针X射线显微分析仪
  7036. electro psychrometer ==> 电气湿度计
  7037. electro puncture anaesthetic apparatus ==> 电针麻机
  7038. electro resistivity prospecting ==> 电阻探测法
  7039. electro retinograph ==> 网膜电图记录器
  7040. electro reversing gear ==> 电磁回动装置
  7041. electro sheet copper ==> 电工铜箔
  7042. electro spark detector (ESD) ==> 电火花检测器
  7043. electro stream drilling ==> 电射俩孔
  7044. electro-acoustic analogy ==> 电声类比
  7045. electro-acoustics ==> 电声学
  7046. electro-aerometer ==> 电气体比重计
  7047. electro-aluminothermic process ==> 电铝热法
  7048. electro-analysis ==> 电解分析
  7049. electro-anastomosis ==> 电吻合术
  7050. electro-anesthesia ==> 电麻醉
  7051. electro-appendectomy ==> 电刀阑尾切除术
  7052. electro-arc contact machining ==> 接触放电加工,接触放电加工
  7053. electro-arc depositing ==> 放电涂覆
  7054. electro-audiometer ==> 电测听计
  7055. electro-automatic doffer ==> 电动落纱机
  7056. electro-automatic drawing-in frame ==> 电动穿经架
  7057. electro-bath ==> 电镀槽
  7058. electro-beam machining ==> 电子束加工
  7059. electro-beam welding ==> 电子束焊接
  7060. electro-bus ==> 电动公共汽车
  7061. electro-calorimeter ==> 电量热器
  7062. electro-cardiographic auscultatory syndrome ==> 心电图听诊综合征
  7063. electro-carriage ==> 电动拖车
  7064. electro-cast refractory ==> 电炉熔铸耐火材料
  7065. electro-chemical corrosion ==> 电化学腐蚀
  7066. electro-chemical gauging ==> 电化学测流法
  7067. electro-chemistry ==> 电化序
  7068. electro-clock ==> 电钟
  7069. electro-compressor set ==> 电动压缩机组
  7070. electro-conductive coating ==> 导电涂层
  7071. electro-conductive glass ==> 导电玻璃
  7072. electro-conductive glaze ==> 电导釉
  7073. electro-conductive plastics ==> 导电塑料
  7074. electro-contact type surface roughness tester ==> 电接触式表面粗度试验仪
  7075. electro-control converter ==> 电液转换器
  7076. electro-copper glazing ==> 铜条嵌镶玻璃
  7077. electro-coppering ==> 电镀铜
  7078. electro-corundum ==> 电熔刚玉
  7079. electro-crawler loader ==> 电动履带装载机
  7080. electro-cutting machine ==> 电动剪裁机
  7081. electro-dense ==> 电子致密的
  7082. electro-discharge machining ==> 放电加工
  7083. electro-dissociation ==> 电离解作用
  7084. electro-dissociationary vacuum-gauge ==> 电离真空计
  7085. electro-dynamic suspension ==> 誘導式磁気浮上
  7086. electro-dynamic type ==> 電流力計形
  7087. electro-dynamometer ==> 电功率计
  7088. electro-dynamometer type tachometer ==> 电动式转速表
  7089. electro-ejaculation ==> 电刺激采精
  7090. electro-endosmosis ==> 电内渗现象
  7091. electro-engraving ==> 电刻
  7092. electro-enterostomy ==> 电肠造口术
  7093. electro-erosion ==> 电腐蚀,由于定子线棒主绝缘外表面防电晕层与槽壁间接触不良而产生的电火花放电,使发电机绝缘材料表面造成烧损和严重腐蚀的现象
  7094. electro-erosion machine ==> 电腐蚀机
  7095. electro-erosion machining ==> 电蚀加工
  7096. electro-erosion process ==> 电腐蚀加工法
  7097. electro-etching ==> 电解浸蚀
  7098. electro-extraction ==> 电解提取
  7099. electro-fixer ==> 电热蒸化机
  7100. electro-flash for micro-photography ==> 显微镜摄影用闪光灯
  7101. electro-forge ==> 电锻
  7102. electro-galvanised steel-clad fire door ==> 电镀钢包防火门
  7103. electro-galvanized steel wire ==> 电镀锌钢丝
  7104. electro-gas (enclosed) welding ==> 气电立焊
  7105. electro-geniometer ==> 电动测相角器
  7106. electro-geometric model ==> 電気幾何学的モデル(雷遮蔽)、A-Wモデル(Armstrong, Whitehead)
  7107. electro-granodising ==> 电磷化处理
  7108. electro-graphic paper ==> 电图纸
  7109. electro-gravimetric analysis ==> 电重量分析
  7110. electro-heating standing-temperature cultivator ==> 电热恒温培养箱
  7111. electro-hot regulator ==> 电热调节器=>電熱調節装置
  7112. electro-hydaulic kneading compactor ==> 电液搓揉压实机
  7113. electro-hydraulic actuator ==> 电动液压促动器,水电传动装置
  7114. electro-hydraulic actuator package ==> 电动液压作动器组
  7115. electro-hydraulic change-over valve ==> 电液换向阀
  7116. electro-hydraulic control system ==> 电液调节系统
  7117. electro-hydraulic control system ,EHC ==> 电气液压调节系统,表示汽轮机的功率、转速等参数的电信号经综合与放大后,通过电子控制器、电液转换器来操纵液压执行机构,以控制汽轮机运行的调节、保安系统
  7118. electro-hydraulic control unit ==> 电动液压操纵装置
  7119. electro-hydraulic control valve ==> 电动液压控制阀
  7120. electro-hydraulic controller ==> 电动液压控制器
  7121. electro-hydraulic converter ==> 电液转换器
  7122. electro-hydraulic cylinder ==> 电液推杆=>電油シリンダー
  7123. electro-hydraulic directional valve ==> 电液动换向阀
  7124. electro-hydraulic forming ==> 电液成形
  7125. electro-hydraulic forming machine ==> 电动液压成形机
  7126. electro-hydraulic governor ==> 电动液压调节器,电液调节器=>電気油圧式調速機,電気ガバナ
  7127. electro-hydraulic lifter ==> 电动液压起重机
  7128. electro-hydraulic pilot system ==> 电动液压操纵系统
  7129. electro-hydraulic power supply unit ==> 可変速モータ駆動油圧システム
  7130. electro-hydraulic press ==> 电动液压机
  7131. electro-hydraulic proportional valve ==> 电液比例阀
  7132. electro-hydraulic pulse motor ==> 電気-油圧パルスモータ
  7133. electro-hydraulic remoteoperated valve ==> 电动液压遥控阀
  7134. electro-hydraulic servo loop ==> 电液伺服回路
  7135. electro-hydraulic servo motor ==> 电动液压伺服电动机
  7136. electro-hydraulic servo unit ==> 电动液压伺服装置
  7137. electro-hydraulic servo valve ==> 电动液压伺服阀
  7138. electro-hydraulic servo-control valve ==> 电动液压伺服控制阀
  7139. electro-hydraulic servo-valve ==> 电液转换器,将电信号转换为液压信号的装置
  7140. electro-hydraulic servomechanism ==> 电动液压伺服机构
  7141. electro-hydraulic servomotor ==> 电动液压伺服马达
  7142. electro-hydraulic system ==> 電気-油圧式
  7143. electro-hydraulic transducer ==> 电液转换器
  7144. electro-hydraulic valve ==> 电动液压阀
  7145. electro-hydraulic winch ==> 电动液压绞车
  7146. electro-hydraulic windlass ==> 电动液压起锚机
  7147. electro-hypnotic stimulator ==> 电催眠机
  7148. electro-hypress greaser ==> 电控大压滑脂杯
  7149. electro-induction ==> 电感应
  7150. electro-ion recombination ==> 离子电子复合
  7151. electro-ionization gas laser ==> 电致电离气体激光器
  7152. electro-ionization laser ==> 电致电离激光器
  7153. electro-lapping process ==> 电解研磨工艺
  7154. electro-luminescent storage ==> 场致发光存储器
  7155. electro-magnet screw press ==> 电磁螺旋压力机
  7156. electro-magnetic acceleration ==> 電磁加速
  7157. electro-magnetic change-over valve ==> 电磁换向阀
  7158. electro-magnetic compactibility ==> 电磁学共存
  7159. electro-magnetic field intensity ==> 电磁场强度
  7160. electro-magnetic forming ==> 电磁成形
  7161. electro-magnetic induction type ==> 誘導形
  7162. electro-mechanical energy conversion ==> 電気・機械エネルギー変換
  7163. electro-mechanical screw time release ==> 机电螺旋式限时解锁器
  7164. electro-melting corundum ==> 电熔刚玉
  7165. electro-metal plant ==> 电冶工厂
  7166. electro-metallurgical method ==> 电冶法
  7167. electro-motor ==> 电动马达
  7168. electro-necrosis ==> 电坏死
  7169. electro-negativity ==> 電気陰性度
  7170. electro-oculogram ==> 眼电图
  7171. electro-oculogram(EOG) ==> 眼电流图
  7172. electro-oculograph ==> 眼电图机
  7173. electro-optic birefringent effect ==> 电控双折射效应
  7174. electro-optic ceramics ==> 电光陶瓷
  7175. electro-optic crystal ==> 电光晶体=>電気光学結晶
  7176. electro-optic crystal light modulator ==> 电光晶体调光器
  7177. electro-optic deflector ==> 电光偏转器
  7178. electro-optic directional coupler ==> 电光定向耦合器
  7179. electro-optic effect ==> 电光效应,光电效应=>電気光学効果
  7180. electro-optic material ==> 电光材料
  7181. electro-optic modulation ==> 电光调制
  7182. electro-optic modulator ==> 电光调制器
  7183. electro-optic phase modulator ==> 电光相位调制器
  7184. electro-optic polarization converter ==> 电光偏振变换器
  7185. electro-optic processor ==> 电光处理机
  7186. electro-optic scattering effect ==> 电光散射效应
  7187. electro-optic spectrograph ==> 电光频谱仪
  7188. electro-optic switch ==> 电光开关
  7189. electro-optic transducer ==> 电光变换器
  7190. electro-optic transfer characteristic ==> 电光转换特性
  7191. electro-optic transmitter ==> 电光发送机
  7192. electro-optical beamsplitter ==> 电光分光镜
  7193. electro-optical converter ==> 电光变换器
  7194. electro-optical crystal ==> 电光晶体
  7195. electro-optical detector ==> 电光检测器
  7196. electro-optical diffraction modulator ==> 电光衍射调制器
  7197. electro-optical digital deflector ==> 电光数字式偏转器
  7198. electro-optical effect ==> 電気光学効果
  7199. electro-optical guided bomb ==> 电子光学制导炸弹
  7200. electro-optical hot gas pyrometer ==> 电光热气高温计
  7201. electro-optical image tube ==> 光电移像管
  7202. electro-optical light intensity modulator ==> 电光光密度调制器
  7203. electro-optical light-detecting apparatus ==> 电光测光器,电光光探测器
  7204. electro-optical modulator ==> 电光调制器=>電気光学変調器
  7205. electro-optical multiframe camera ==> 光电多幅照相机
  7206. electro-optical property ==> 电光性质
  7207. electro-optical sensor ==> 电光传感器
  7208. electro-optical shutter ==> 电光快门
  7209. electro-optical switch ==> 电光开关
  7210. electro-optical system ==> 光电系统
  7211. electro-optical tracker system ==> 光电跟踪系统
  7212. electro-optical tube ==> 光电管
  7213. electro-optically tuned laser ==> 电光可调激光器
  7214. electro-optics ==> 电场光学,电光学
  7215. electro-osmosis ==> 电渗,电渗析=>電気浸透
  7216. electro-osmosis method ==> 电渗法
  7217. electro-osmotic coefficient ==> 電気浸透係数
  7218. electro-osmotic consolidation ==> 电渗固结
  7219. electro-osmotic dewatering ==> 电渗排水
  7220. electro-osmotic drainage ==> 电渗排水,在软基作井点排水时,增设一些电极(钢筋或其他金属材料)与井点管分别连成电路,接至直流电源,以加速地下水向井点管渗透并进行抽水
  7221. electro-osmotic flow ==> 电渗流动
  7222. electro-osmotic transmission coefficient ==> 电渗透射系数
  7223. electro-plate ==> 电镀
  7224. electro-plated pottery ==> 电镀陶瓷
  7225. electro-plated scissors ==> 电镀剪
  7226. electro-pneumatic controller ==> 电气气动控制器
  7227. electro-pneumatic operation ==> 电动气动控制
  7228. electro-pneumatic valve (EPV) ==> 电动气动阀
  7229. electro-polishing ==> 电解抛光
  7230. electro-precipitator ==> 电除尘器
  7231. electro-prostatectomy ==> 前列腺电切除术
  7232. electro-pulse stimulator ==> 电脉冲治疗机
  7233. electro-recording paper ==> 电子记录纸
  7234. electro-regulator ==> 电调节器
  7235. electro-servo control ==> 电气随动控制
  7236. electro-slag welding ==> 电磁渣焊,电渣焊
  7237. electro-slag welding with plate electrode ==> 板极电渣焊
  7238. electro-spark hardening ==> 火花放电硬化法
  7239. electro-spark polishing ==> 电火花抛光
  7240. electro-sphygmomanometer ==> 电血压计
  7241. electro-stencil master paper ==> 电子油印蜡纸
  7242. electro-stimulant therapy ==> 电兴奋疗法
  7243. electro-stream drilling ==> 电引流钻孔
  7244. electro-thalamogram ==> 丘脑电图
  7245. electro-therapeutic apparatus ==> 电疗仪
  7246. electro-therapeutic display of blunt needle ==> 电银针显示治疗仪
  7247. electro-thermol abdominal irrigating apparatus ==> 电热腹腔洗涤器
  7248. electro-thermosensitive recording paper ==> 电热感记录纸
  7249. electro-thermostat ==> 电恒温器
  7250. electro-tinplate ==> 电镀锡薄钢板
  7251. electro-tricycle ==> 电动三轮车
  7252. electro-vacuum gear shift ==> 电磁真空变速装置
  7253. electro-vibrating feeder ==> 电磁振动给料机
  7254. electro-welding ==> 电焊
  7255. electro-zinc coated sheet ==> 电镀锌薄钢板
  7256. electroabrasion ==> 电研磨加工
  7257. electroabsorption modulator ==> 电吸收调制器
  7258. electroacoustic apparatus ==> 电音响装置
  7259. electroacoustic effect ==> 电声效应,声电效应
  7260. electroacoustic factor ==> 电声系数
  7261. electroacoustic frequency meter ==> 电声频率计
  7262. electroacoustic modulator ==> 电声调制器
  7263. electroacoustic relay ==> 电声继电器
  7264. electroacoustic system ==> 电声系统
  7265. electroacoustic thermometer ==> 电声温度计
  7266. electroacoustic transducer ==> 电声换能器=>電気音響変換器
  7267. electroacoustic transformer ==> 电声变压器
  7268. electroacoustic wave ==> 电子声波
  7269. electroacoustical instrument ==> 电声仪器
  7270. electroacoustical modulator ==> 电声调制器
  7271. electroacoustical reciprocity theorem ==> 电声互易定理
  7272. electroacoustics ==> 电声学=>電気音響学
  7273. electroacoustomagnetic effect ==> 电声磁效应
  7274. electroanaesthesia apparatus ==> 电麻醉设备
  7275. electroanalgesia ==> 电针镇痛
  7276. electroanalgesia apparatus ==> 电止痛设备
  7277. electroanalysis ==> 电解分析=>電気分析
  7278. electroanalyzer ==> 电分析仪
  7279. electroantennogram ==> 触角电图
  7280. electroarcing process ==> 电火花加工
  7281. electroarteriograph ==> 电动脉搏描记器
  7282. electrobalance ==> 电动天平
  7283. electrobiologic test ==> 生物电试验
  7284. electrobiology ==> 电生物学
  7285. electrobioscopy ==> 电检定生死法
  7286. electroblast ==> 生电母细胞
  7287. electrobrightening ==> 电解抛光
  7288. electrobus ==> 电动公共汽车
  7289. electrocaloric coefficient ==> 电热系数
  7290. electrocaloric effect ==> 电热效应
  7291. electrocalorimeter ==> 电热量计
  7292. electrocapacitance altimeter ==> 电容性测高计
  7293. electrocapillarity ==> 电毛细管学=>電池毛管現象
  7294. electrocapillary maximum ==> 电毛细极大
  7295. electrocar ==> 电动车
  7296. electrocarbonization ==> 电法炼焦
  7297. electrocarbothermic reduction assembly ==> 电热碳还原装置
  7298. electrocardial potential ==> 心电位
  7299. electrocardial vector ==> 心电向量
  7300. electrocardiogram ==> 心电图
  7301. electrocardiogram (ECG, EKG) ==> 心电图
  7302. electrocardiogram data cabinet ==> 心电图资料柜
  7303. electrocardiogram scale ==> 心电图计算尺
  7304. electrocardiogram stress test ==> 心电图负荷试验
  7305. electrocardiogram telephone ==> 心电电话传送器
  7306. electrocardiograph ==> 心电描记器,心电图机,心电图描记器=>心電計
  7307. electrocardiograph paper ==> 心电图纸
  7308. electrocardiographic examination ==> 心电图检查
  7309. electrocardiographic lead ==> 心电图导联
  7310. electrocardiographic monitor ==> 心電計
  7311. electrocardiographic monitoring ==> 心电图监护
  7312. electrocardiographic oscillogram ==> 心电示波,心电图示波
  7313. electrocardiography ==> 心电描记术,心电图学
  7314. electrocardiophonogram ==> 心音电图
  7315. electrocardiophonograph ==> 电心音描记器
  7316. electrocardioscope ==> 心电示波器
  7317. electrocardioscopy ==> 心电图观测
  7318. electrocardiosignal ==> 心电信号
  7319. electrocast brick ==> 电熔耐火砖
  7320. electrocast refractories ==> 电熔耐火材料
  7321. electrocast refractory ==> 电熔铸耐火材料
  7322. electrocasting ==> 电铸法
  7323. electrocasting machine ==> 电铸机
  7324. electrocatalyst ==> 電極触媒
  7325. electrocathodoluminescence ==> 场控阴极射线发光
  7326. electrocauterization ==> 电烙术
  7327. electrocauterization of cervix ==> 子宫颈电烙术
  7328. electrocautery ==> 医用电烙器,电灸,电烙器,电烙术
  7329. electrocautery apparatus ==> 电烙设备
  7330. electrocautery of nasal muccsa ==> 鼻粘膜电烙术
  7331. electrocement ==> 电制水泥
  7332. electroceramics ==> 电瓷,电工陶瓷
  7333. electrochemical ==> 电化学的
  7334. electrochemical abrasive polishing ==> 磨料电解抛光
  7335. electrochemical action ==> 电化学作用,电化作用
  7336. electrochemical actuator ==> 电化学驱动器
  7337. electrochemical analysis ==> 电化学分析(法)
  7338. electrochemical analyzer ==> 电化学式分析器
  7339. electrochemical blade sinking machine ==> 叶片电解成形机
  7340. electrochemical carbonometer ==> 电化学定碳仪
  7341. electrochemical cell ==> 电化电池,电化还原电池
  7342. electrochemical chlorine flux monitor ==> 电化学氯量监测仪
  7343. electrochemical cleaning ==> 电化学清洗
  7344. electrochemical coating ==> 电化学涂层
  7345. electrochemical constant ==> 电化常数=>電気化学定数
  7346. electrochemical corrosion ==> 电化学腐蚀
  7347. electrochemical corrosion machining ==> 电解腐蚀加工
  7348. electrochemical cutting ==> 电解切断
  7349. electrochemical deburring ==> 电解去毛刺
  7350. electrochemical deburring machine ==> 电化学去毛刺机
  7351. electrochemical deposition ==> 电化学淀积(ECD)
  7352. electrochemical descaling process ==> 电化学除铁皮法
  7353. electrochemical desorption ==> 电化学脱附
  7354. electrochemical desulfuration ==> 电化脱硫
  7355. electrochemical diffused-collector phototransistor ==> 电化学扩散集电极光晶体管
  7356. electrochemical discharge machining ==> 电解放电加工
  7357. electrochemical dissolved oxygen analyzer ==> 电化学溶氧分析仪
  7358. electrochemical dissolved oxygen recorder ==> 电化学溶氧记录仪
  7359. electrochemical effect ==> 电化效应
  7360. electrochemical emf ==> 电化电动势
  7361. electrochemical equation ==> 电化学方程
  7362. electrochemical equivalent ==> 电化当量=>電気化学当量
  7363. electrochemical etching ==> 电化蚀刻
  7364. electrochemical etching and replating process ==> 电化腐蚀和电镀工艺
  7365. electrochemical finish ==> 电化学加工
  7366. electrochemical forming machine ==> 电化学成形加工机床
  7367. electrochemical furnace ==> 电化炉
  7368. electrochemical generator ==> 电化学发电机
  7369. electrochemical grinder ==> 电化学磨床
  7370. electrochemical grinding ==> 电化学研磨
  7371. electrochemical honing ==> 电解珩磨
  7372. electrochemical industry ==> 电化工业,电化学工业,以电化学反应过程为基础的工业。主要可分为电解工业,电热化学工业,化学电源工业三大类
  7373. electrochemical ion exchange ==> 电化学离子交换
  7374. electrochemical laboratory ==> 电化实验室
  7375. electrochemical lapping ==> 电解研磨
  7376. electrochemical luminescence ==> 电化学发光
  7377. electrochemical machine ==> 电化学加工机床
  7378. electrochemical machining ==> 电解加工
  7379. electrochemical marking machine ==> 电解刻印机
  7380. electrochemical micro drilling ==> 电喷射穿孔
  7381. electrochemical migration ==> 電気化学的泳動
  7382. electrochemical milling ==> 电化铣削,电化学研磨
  7383. electrochemical NOx meter ==> 电化学氮氧化物测定仪
  7384. electrochemical perforator ==> 电化学射孔器
  7385. electrochemical plating ==> 电化镀层,电化学镀法
  7386. electrochemical polarization ==> 电化极化
  7387. electrochemical polish ==> 电化学抛光
  7388. electrochemical polymerization ==> 电化学聚合
  7389. electrochemical potential ==> 电化电势,电化势
  7390. electrochemical probe ==> 电化学探针
  7391. electrochemical process ==> 电化过程,电化学法
  7392. electrochemical processing ==> 电化学加工
  7393. electrochemical protection ==> 电化学保护
  7394. electrochemical reaction ==> 电化学反应
  7395. electrochemical recording ==> 电化记录法
  7396. electrochemical reduction cell ==> 电化还原电池
  7397. electrochemical sensitive recording paper ==> 电化学感应记录纸
  7398. electrochemical sensor ==> 电化学传感器
  7399. electrochemical series ==> 電気化学列
  7400. electrochemical shaping ==> 电化学成形
  7401. electrochemical stabilization ==> 电化学加固
  7402. electrochemical surface grinding machine ==> 电化学平面磨床
  7403. electrochemical techniques ==> 电化学技术
  7404. electrochemical telephotographic paper ==> 电化学传真纸
  7405. electrochemical thermodynamics ==> 电化学热力学
  7406. electrochemical trace analyzer ==> 电化学痕迹分析仪
  7407. electrochemical transducer ==> 电化学变换器
  7408. electrochemical transducer[sensor] ==> 电化学式传感器
  7409. electrochemical treatment ==> 电化学处理
  7410. electrochemical valve ==> 电化阀,电解阀=>電解弁
  7411. electrochemical vapour deposition (EVD) ==> 电化学气相沉积
  7412. electrochemiluminescence ==> 电化学发光
  7413. electrochemistry ==> 电化学,研究电能与化学能之间相互直接转换的学科,包括出现荷电界面的行为,如量子电化学、固体电化学、光电化学、化学电化学、生物电化学、环境保护电化学等=>電気化学
  7414. electrochemomechanical deformation ==> 電解伸縮
  7415. electrochemotherapy ==> 电化学疗法
  7416. electrochondria ==> 电粒
  7417. electrochromatography ==> 电色谱法
  7418. electrochromic behaviour ==> 电变色行为
  7419. electrochromic device ==> 电变色装置
  7420. electrochromic display ==> 电致变色显示技术
  7421. electrochromic display device (ECD) ==> 电致变色显示器
  7422. electrochromic property ==> 电变色性能
  7423. electrochromics ==> 电变色
  7424. electrochromism ==> 电变色
  7425. electrochromism spectrometer ==> 电致变色光谱仪
  7426. electrochronograph ==> 电动精密记时计,电子计时仪
  7427. electrocision ==> 电切术
  7428. electrocladding ==> 电镀
  7429. electrocladding refractory metal ==> 电镀耐火金属
  7430. electrocoagulation ==> 电凝法
  7431. electrocoagulation of membranous labyrinth ==> 膜迷路电凝术
  7432. electrocoating ==> 电涂
  7433. electrocochleogram ==> 耳蜗电图
  7434. electrocochleograph ==> 耳蜗电描记器,耳蜗电图机
  7435. electrocolorimeter ==> 电色度计
  7436. electrocoma ==> 电昏睡法
  7437. electroconductibility ==> 导电性
  7438. electroconductive gas analyzer ==> 电导式气体分析仪
  7439. electroconductive rubber ==> 导电橡胶
  7440. electroconductive synthetic fibre ==> 导电合成纤维
  7441. electroconductivity ==> 电导性
  7442. electrocontact hardening ==> 电接触淬火
  7443. electroconvulsive shock ==> 电休克
  7444. electroconvulsive therapy apparatus ==> 电惊厥治疗设备
  7445. electrocortical potential ==> 脑电位
  7446. electrocorticogram ==> 脑皮层电图,皮质电流图,皮质电图
  7447. electrocorticography ==> 皮质电描记法
  7448. electrocryptectomy ==> 扁桃体隐窝电烙术
  7449. electroculture ==> 电气栽培
  7450. electrocution ==> 電気死刑,感電死
  7451. electrocyclic reaction ==> 电环化反应
  7452. electrocystography ==> 膀胱电描记法
  7453. electrocystoscope ==> 电光膀胱镜
  7454. electrocystoscopy ==> 电光膀胱镜检查
  7455. electrodata center ==> 电数据处理中心,计算中心
  7456. electrodata machine ==> 电动数据处理机
  7457. electrode ==> 电焊条,电极,焊条,极,点火棒=>電極,エレク,変圧器の一次側は交流電力線からエネルギーを与え,二次側は整流ダイオードの陽極に接続されている。
  7458. electrode adjuster ==> 电极调整器
  7459. electrode adjusting gear ==> 电极调整装置
  7460. electrode admittance ==> 电极导纳
  7461. electrode angle ==> 焊条夹角
  7462. electrode arm ==> 电极握臂
  7463. electrode arrangement ==> 電極形状
  7464. electrode array ==> 电极排列
  7465. electrode assembly ==> 电极装置
  7466. electrode bar ==> 电极棒
  7467. electrode bias ==> 电极偏压
  7468. electrode boiler ==> 电极锅炉,电热锅炉
  7469. electrode bonding ==> 電極接合
  7470. electrode cable detector ==> 电缆故障探测器
  7471. electrode capacitance ==> 电极电容,极间电容
  7472. electrode capacitor ==> 电极电容器
  7473. electrode carbon ==> 电极碳
  7474. electrode carrier ==> 焊条夹
  7475. electrode cement ==> 电极胶合剂
  7476. electrode characteristic ==> 电极特性
  7477. electrode circle ==> 电极圆
  7478. electrode clamp ==> 电极夹
  7479. electrode coating ==> 焊条涂料
  7480. electrode coating ingradient ==> 电焊条药皮成份
  7481. electrode coating material ==> 电焊条药皮材料
  7482. electrode collar ==> 电极圈
  7483. electrode compartment ==> 极室
  7484. electrode composition ==> 电分解作用
  7485. electrode compound ==> 电极涂料
  7486. electrode conductance ==> 电极电导
  7487. electrode connection ==> 电极接头
  7488. electrode contact ==> 电极接头
  7489. electrode contact surface ==> 电极接触面
  7490. electrode container ==> 电极筒
  7491. electrode control ==> 电极调节
  7492. electrode controller ==> 电极控制器
  7493. electrode cooling ring ==> 电极冷却环,电极冷却圈
  7494. electrode cooling tube ==> 电极水冷管
  7495. electrode core wire ==> 电焊条芯材
  7496. electrode couple ==> 电极对
  7497. electrode current ==> 电极电流
  7498. electrode dark current ==> 电极暗电流
  7499. electrode dissipation ==> 电极耗散
  7500. electrode drop ==> 电极电压降,电极压降
  7501. electrode dryer ==> 焊条保温筒
  7502. electrode earth ==> 接地电极
  7503. electrode economizer ==> 电极节省器
  7504. electrode edge ==> 电极端
  7505. electrode effect ==> 电极效应
  7506. electrode extension ==> 电极伸出长度,电极外伸长度,焊丝伸出长度
  7507. electrode extrusion press ==> 焊条压涂机
  7508. electrode feeding machine ==> 焊条送进机
  7509. electrode for arc welding ==> 电焊条,电弧焊条
  7510. electrode for electrodialysis ==> 电渗析电极
  7511. electrode for underwater cutting ==> 水下割条
  7512. electrode for vertical down welding ==> 向下立焊条
  7513. electrode force ==> 电极力
  7514. electrode frame ==> 极框
  7515. electrode furnace ==> 电极炉
  7516. electrode gap ==> 电极间距
  7517. electrode geometry ==> 电极几何形状
  7518. electrode glass ==> 电极玻璃
  7519. electrode grid ==> 电极栅
  7520. electrode guard ==> 电极防护罩
  7521. electrode holder ==> 电焊钳,电极夹,焊钳,焊条夹钳,焊条钳
  7522. electrode holding and slipping mechanism ==> 电极悬放机组
  7523. electrode humidifier ==> 电极式加湿器
  7524. electrode impedance ==> 电极阻抗
  7525. electrode insulation ==> 极间绝缘
  7526. electrode interval ==> 電極間隔
  7527. electrode jaw ==> 电极夹持器
  7528. electrode jib ==> 电极支架
  7529. electrode joint ==> 電極接合
  7530. electrode junction ==> 電極接合
  7531. electrode kinetics ==> 電極反応速度論
  7532. electrode layer ==> 電極層
  7533. electrode lead ==> 電極リード線
  7534. electrode life ==> 电极寿命=>電極寿命
  7535. electrode line unbalance protection ==> 接地极线路不平衡保护
  7536. electrode loss ==> 電極損失
  7537. electrode manipulation ==> 运条
  7538. electrode material ==> 电极材料=>電極材料
  7539. electrode measurement ==> 電極測定
  7540. electrode mechanism ==> 電極機構
  7541. electrode melting rate ==> 焊条熔化率
  7542. electrode metal ==> 电极合金=>電極金属
  7543. electrode method ==> 电极法=>電極法
  7544. electrode mixer ==> 电极粉料混合器
  7545. electrode modification ==> 電極修飾
  7546. electrode negative ==> 正接
  7547. electrode of vertical down welding ==> 立向下焊条
  7548. electrode of zeroth kind ==> 第零类电极
  7549. electrode oven ==> 电极炉
  7550. electrode paste ==> 电极糊
  7551. electrode pick-up ==> 电极粘损
  7552. electrode polarization ==> 电极极化=>電極分極
  7553. electrode positioning mechanism ==> 电极升降机
  7554. electrode potential ==> 电极电势,电极电位=>電極電位
  7555. electrode pressure ==> 电极压力
  7556. electrode prong ==> 电极把手架
  7557. electrode radiator ==> 电极辐射片
  7558. electrode reactance ==> 电极电抗
  7559. electrode reaction ==> 电极反应=>電極反応
  7560. electrode regulation ==> 电极调整
  7561. electrode regulator ==> 电极调节器,电极调节装置
  7562. electrode resistance ==> 电极电阻
  7563. electrode retainer ==> 电极护管
  7564. electrode retaining collar ==> 电极环
  7565. electrode rod ==> 电焊条
  7566. electrode salt-bath electric furnace ==> 电极盐浴电炉
  7567. electrode separation ==> 电极间距
  7568. electrode setback ==> 电极内缩长度
  7569. electrode shell ==> 电极筒
  7570. electrode signal ==> 电极信号
  7571. electrode size ==> 焊芯直径
  7572. electrode skid ==> 电极滑移
  7573. electrode slip ==> 电极滑移
  7574. electrode socket ==> 焊条插座,焊条夹持器
  7575. electrode spacing ==> 电极间距
  7576. electrode sticking ==> 电极粘着
  7577. electrode stroke ==> (电阻焊时)电极行程
  7578. electrode support ==> 电极支柱
  7579. electrode susceptance ==> 电极电纳
  7580. electrode system ==> 电极系
  7581. electrode tip ==> 电极端部,电极头,焊条端部
  7582. electrode tip holder ==> 电极座
  7583. electrode travel ==> 电极行程
  7584. electrode type salinometer ==> 电极式盐度计
  7585. electrode type salt-bath resistance furnace ==> 电极式盐浴电阻炉
  7586. electrode voltage ==> 电极电位
  7587. electrode wall ==> 电极壁
  7588. electrode weight ==> 放电极重锤
  7589. electrode welding ==> 电弧焊
  7590. electrode width ==> 电极宽度
  7591. electrode wire ==> 焊条钢丝
  7592. electrode with a mobile carrier ==> 流动载体电极
  7593. electrode with cast core ==> 铸芯焊条
  7594. electrode wrench ==> 电极扳手
  7595. electrode-carrying superstructure ==> 电极支架
  7596. electrode-forming mechanism ==> 电极成型机械
  7597. electrode-hearth arc-furnace ==> 底极电弧炉
  7598. electrode-lift regulating device ==> 电极高低调整设施
  7599. electrode-type liquid-level meter ==> 电极式液位计
  7600. electrodecantation ==> 电倾析
  7601. electrodecomposition ==> 电解分解作用
  7602. electrodeionization, EDI ==> 电除盐,将电渗析与离子交换技术结合,在电渗析器的淡水室中填充离子交换剂,在直流电场的作用下,即实现电渗析过程、离子交换除盐和离子交换连续电再生的过程
  7603. electrodeless discharge ==> 无电极放电
  7604. electrodeless discharge lamp ==> 无极放电灯
  7605. electrodeless lamp ==> 無電極ランプ
  7606. electrodeless plating ==> 无电极电镀
  7607. electrodeposit ==> 电解沉淀
  7608. electrodeposited coating ==> 电镀层
  7609. electrodepositing ==> 电解沉积
  7610. electrodeposition ==> 电解沉积,电附着=>電着,電析
  7611. electrodeposition analysis ==> 电沉积分析
  7612. electrodeposition cell ==> 电极沉积槽
  7613. electrodeposition coating ==> 電着塗装
  7614. electrodeposition coating line ==> 電着塗装ライン
  7615. electrodeposition method ==> 電着法
  7616. electrodermal audiometer ==> 皮肤电阻听力计
  7617. electrodermal audiometry ==> 皮肤电阻测听法
  7618. electrodermal effect ==> 皮肤电生理效应
  7619. electrodermal response audiometer ==> 皮肤电阻听力计
  7620. electrodermogram ==> 皮肤电阻图
  7621. electrodermography ==> 皮肤电阻描记法
  7622. electrodes for spark machining ==> 火花加工焊条
  7623. electrodesiccation ==> 电干燥法
  7624. electrodiagnosis ==> 电反应诊断法
  7625. electrodialysis ==> 电渗析=>電気透析
  7626. electrodialysis method for desalination ==> 电渗析淡化法
  7627. electrodialysis plant ==> 电渗析设备
  7628. electrodialysis reversal, EDR ==> 倒极电渗析,能自动倒换电极极性并同时自动改变浓、淡水流动方向的电渗析
  7629. electrodialysis set ==> 电渗析器
  7630. electrodialysis, ED ==> 电渗析,以电位差为推动力,利用离子交换膜的选择透过性,将带电组分的盐类与非带电组分的水分离的技术。可实现溶液的淡化、浓缩、精制或纯化等工艺过程
  7631. electrodialyzer ==> 电渗析器
  7632. electrodiaphake ==> 晶状体透热摘出器
  7633. electrodisintegration ==> 电致蜕变,电子核蜕变
  7634. electrodispersion ==> 电分散作用
  7635. electrodissolution ==> 电解溶解,电溶解
  7636. electrodissolver ==> 电解溶解器
  7637. electrodrill ==> 电钻,电钻具
  7638. electroduster ==> 静电喷粉器,静电喷粉器
  7639. electrodynamic ==> 电动力的
  7640. electrodynamic ammeter ==> 电动式安培计
  7641. electrodynamic analogy ==> 电动模拟
  7642. electrodynamic balance ==> 电动天平,电流秤
  7643. electrodynamic bridge ==> 电动式电桥
  7644. electrodynamic capacity ==> 自感系数
  7645. electrodynamic detector ==> 电动检波器
  7646. electrodynamic drift ==> 电动力漂移
  7647. electrodynamic force ==> 电动力=>電流力
  7648. electrodynamic galvanometer ==> 电动式电流计
  7649. electrodynamic instrument ==> 电动式电能表,电动系仪表
  7650. electrodynamic levitation ==> 誘導反発形磁気浮上,磁気浮上
  7651. electrodynamic loudspeaker ==> 电动式扬声器,励磁式电动扬声器
  7652. electrodynamic machine ==> 电动式电机
  7653. electrodynamic meter ==> 电动系电度表
  7654. electrodynamic microphone ==> 电动式话筒,电动送话器,动圈式话筒
  7655. electrodynamic multi-winding brake ==> 电动复绕组制动器
  7656. electrodynamic multiplier ==> 电动式乘法器
  7657. electrodynamic pick-up ==> 电动拾声器,电动式拾音器
  7658. electrodynamic potential ==> 电动势
  7659. electrodynamic power factor meter ==> 电动式功率因素计
  7660. electrodynamic pressure gauge ==> 电测压力计
  7661. electrodynamic program controller ==> 电动式程序控制器
  7662. electrodynamic receiver ==> 电动式耳机,电动式受话器
  7663. electrodynamic relay ==> 电动式继电器
  7664. electrodynamic retarder ==> 电动缓行器
  7665. electrodynamic seismograph ==> 电动式地震仪
  7666. electrodynamic shaker ==> 电动振动器,电动振子
  7667. electrodynamic steam engine ==> 电力蒸汽机
  7668. electrodynamic telephone ==> 电动式受话器
  7669. electrodynamic timer ==> 电动式定时器
  7670. electrodynamic torque ==> 同期機の電機トルク
  7671. electrodynamic transducer ==> 电动换能器,电动转换器
  7672. electrodynamic type high speed impedance relay ==> 电动式高速阻抗继电器
  7673. electrodynamic type meter ==> 电动式仪表
  7674. electrodynamic type power factor meter ==> 电动式功率因素计
  7675. electrodynamic type relay ==> 电动式继电器
  7676. electrodynamic type reverse-current relay ==> 电动式逆流继电器
  7677. electrodynamic type seismometer ==> 电动式地震检波器,电动式地震仪
  7678. electrodynamic type single phase power relay ==> 电动式单相功率继电器
  7679. electrodynamic type three phase power relay ==> 电动式三相功率继电器
  7680. electrodynamic type three phase wattmeter ==> 电动式三相瓦特计
  7681. electrodynamic vibration generator ==> 电动式震动发生器,电动振动发生器
  7682. electrodynamic vibrator ==> 电动振动器
  7683. electrodynamic voltmeter ==> 电动式伏特计
  7684. electrodynamic wattmeter ==> 电动式瓦特计
  7685. electrodynamic-type meter ==> 电动式仪表
  7686. electrodynamics ==> 电动力学=>電気力学
  7687. electrodynamometer ==> 电测力计,电力测功计,力测电流计,双流作用计,电动系仪表=>電流力計
  7688. electrodynamometer type ==> 電流力計形
  7689. electrodynamometer type impedance meter ==> 电测力计式阻抗表
  7690. electrodynamometer type meter ==> 电动式仪表
  7691. electrodynamometry ==> 电力测功法
  7692. electroencephalogram ==> 脑电图
  7693. electroencephalogram (EEG) ==> 脑电图
  7694. electroencephalogram of normal adult ==> 正常成人脑电图
  7695. electroencephalogram of normal adult at sleep ==> 正常成人睡眠脑电图
  7696. electroencephalograph ==> 脑电仪
  7697. electroencephalograph paper ==> 脑电图纸
  7698. electroencephalology ==> 脑电学
  7699. electroencephaloscope ==> 脑电检查仪,脑电镜
  7700. electroendosmose ==> 电渗=>電気浸透
  7701. electroendosmosis ==> 电渗
  7702. electroerosion machining ==> 电腐蚀加工
  7703. electroerosive machine ==> 电腐蚀机
  7704. electroerosive machining ==> 电子放电加工
  7705. electroetching ==> 电蚀刻
  7706. electroexplosive ==> 电控引爆器,电起爆炸药
  7707. electroextraction ==> 电解抽出,电解提取法,电解萃取=>電解抽出
  7708. electrofacing ==> 电镀
  7709. Electrofax ==> 电子照相机
  7710. electrofax ==> 电子摄影,电子摄影机,电子照相
  7711. electrofax paper ==> 电子传真复印纸
  7712. electrofilter ==> 电除尘器,电过滤器
  7713. electrofiltration ==> 电滤
  7714. electrofit ==> 电惊厥
  7715. electrofluid ==> 电流体
  7716. electrofluid dynamic generation of electricity ==> 电流体发电
  7717. electroflux refining furnace ==> 电渣精炼炉
  7718. electroformed mold ==> 电化成形模,电铸模
  7719. electroformed photomask ==> 电镀形成的光掩模
  7720. electroformed sieves ==> 电刻筛
  7721. electroforming ==> 电铸=>電鋳
  7722. electrofusion ==> 电熔,电熔化
  7723. electrogalvanizing ==> 电镀锌=>電気亜鉛めっき
  7724. electrogas arc welding ==> 气电焊
  7725. electrogas automatic signal ==> 电气体自动信号机
  7726. electrogas dynamics ==> 电气体动力学
  7727. electrogas process ==> 气体保护焊方法
  7728. electrogas welding ==> 气电焊,电气焊
  7729. electrogastrograph ==> 胃电图机
  7730. electrogen ==> 光电分子
  7731. electrogilding ==> 电镀
  7732. electrogram ==> 电记录图,大气电场自记曲线,大气电势梯度变化图
  7733. electrograph ==> 电记录器
  7734. electrographic analysis ==> 电图分析
  7735. electrographic image tube ==> 电子照相管
  7736. electrographic pencil ==> 电图铅笔
  7737. electrographic recording ==> 电图记录,电子图记录,示波记录
  7738. electrographite ==> 人工石墨
  7739. electrographite brush ==> 人造石墨电刷,石墨电刷=>電気黒鉛質ブラシ
  7740. electrography ==> 电笔,电记录术,电刻术
  7741. electrogravimetric analysis ==> 电重量分析(法)
  7742. electrogravimetry ==> 电重量分析法
  7743. electrograving ==> 电蚀刻=>電気食刻
  7744. electrogravure ==> 电刻
  7745. electrogustometer ==> 电味觉器
  7746. electrohemostasis ==> 电止血法
  7747. electrohydraulic actuator ==> 电动液压传动
  7748. electrohydraulic analogy ==> 电液模拟
  7749. electrohydraulic cabinet actuator ==> 电动液压整体型调速控制器
  7750. electrohydraulic coil lifter ==> 电动液压式带卷升降台
  7751. electrohydraulic control ==> 电液伺服阀,电液执行机构
  7752. electrohydraulic drive ==> 电动液压传动
  7753. electrohydraulic forming ==> 水中放电成形法
  7754. electrohydraulic governor ==> 电动液压调节器
  7755. electrohydraulic notching press ==> 电气液压凹模压床
  7756. electrohydraulic regulator ==> 电动液压调节器
  7757. electrohydraulic servo ==> 电液伺服机构
  7758. electrohydraulic servo system ==> 电液随动系统
  7759. electrohydraulic servo valve ==> 电液伺服阀
  7760. electrohydraulic stepping motor ==> 电液步进马达
  7761. electrohydrodynamic ==> 电流体
  7762. electrohydrodynamics ==> 電気流体力学(EHD)
  7763. electroimmunodiffusion ==> 电免疫扩散法
  7764. electroinc hoist scale ==> 电子料斗秤
  7765. electroinsulating material ==> 电气绝缘材料
  7766. electroinsulating varnish ==> 绝缘漆
  7767. electroiron ==> 电解铁
  7768. electrojet ==> 电喷射穿孔
  7769. electrokinematics ==> 电运动学
  7770. electrokinetic coupling ==> 电动耦合
  7771. electrokinetic effects ==> 动电效应
  7772. electrokinetic energy ==> 动电能
  7773. electrokinetic momentum ==> 电动量
  7774. electrokinetic phenomena ==> 电动现象
  7775. electrokinetic phenomenon ==> 动电现象=>動電現象
  7776. electrokinetic potential ==> 电动电位=>界面動電位
  7777. electrokinetic transducer ==> 电动传感器
  7778. electrokinetics ==> 动电学=>動電学
  7779. electrokinetograph ==> 电动仪,动电计,电动测速仪,电动流速仪
  7780. electrokymogram ==> 电记波照片
  7781. electrokymograph ==> 电动转筒记录仪,电记波器,电记波照相器,电记波照相仪
  7782. electrokymography ==> 电记波法,电记波照相术
  7783. electrola ==> 电唱机
  7784. electrolemma ==> 电膜
  7785. electrolepsy ==> 电击样舞蹈病
  7786. electroless deposit ==> 化学镀层
  7787. electroless deposition ==> 化学淀积
  7788. electroless nickel plated steel ==> 化学镀镍钢,无电镀镍钢
  7789. electroless plating ==> 无电镀,化学镀
  7790. electroless processing ==> 化学淀积
  7791. electrolier ==> 电烛台,枝形电灯架
  7792. electrolithotripsia ==> 电碎石术
  7793. electrolithotrity ==> 电碎石术
  7794. electrolock ==> 电气锁,电锁器
  7795. electrolog ==> 电测井
  7796. electrolon ==> 金刚砂
  7797. electroluminance ==> 场致发光
  7798. electroluminescence ==> 电发光,电致发光=>エレクトロルミネッセンス
  7799. electroluminescence display ==> ELディスプレイ
  7800. electroluminescence junction ==> 场致发光结
  7801. electroluminescence lamp ==> ELラップ
  7802. electroluminescence sensor ==> 电荧光传感器电发光传感器
  7803. electroluminescent cell ==> 场致发光板,场致发光盒,场致发光元件,电致发光元件
  7804. electroluminescent counting element ==> 场致发光计数元件
  7805. electroluminescent diode ==> 场致发光二极管,电发光二极管
  7806. electroluminescent display ==> 场致发光显示器
  7807. electroluminescent display filter ==> 场致发光显示过滤器
  7808. electroluminescent element ==> 场致发光元件
  7809. electroluminescent faceplate ==> 电发光荧光屏
  7810. electroluminescent image display ==> 场致发光显像
  7811. electroluminescent lamp ==> 场致发光板
  7812. electroluminescent laser ==> 场致发光激光器
  7813. electroluminescent panel ==> 场致发光板,电荧光板
  7814. electroluminescent phosphor ==> 电致发光磷光体
  7815. electroluminescent screen ==> 电发光荧光屏
  7816. electroluminescent-photoconductor circuit ==> 场致发光光电导电路
  7817. electroluminor ==> 电致发光磷光体
  7818. electrolyser ==> 电解器
  7819. electrolysing cell ==> 电解槽
  7820. electrolysis ==> 电解,电解作用,在电解槽中,直流电通过电极及电解质,在电极和电解质接触的界面上发生电化学反应,以制备所需产品的过程=>電解,電気分解
  7821. electrolysis and cell renewal section ==> 电解和修槽工段
  7822. electrolysis apparatus ==> 电解分析器
  7823. electrolysis batch ==> 电解批料
  7824. electrolysis bath ==> 电解槽
  7825. electrolysis cell ==> 铀电解槽=>電解そう
  7826. electrolysis condenser ==> 电解电容器
  7827. electrolysis copper ==> 电解铜
  7828. electrolysis humidity transducer[sensor] ==> 电解式湿度传感器
  7829. electrolysis of eyelashes ==> 睫毛电解术
  7830. electrolysis of solutions ==> 溶液电解
  7831. electrolysis process ==> 电解法
  7832. electrolysis relay ==> 电解式继电器
  7833. electrolysis tube ==> 电解管
  7834. electrolysis unit ==> 电解装置
  7835. electrolysis with air agitation ==> 空气搅拌电解
  7836. electrolysis with air blowing ==> 鼓风搅拌电解
  7837. electrolyte ==> 电解液,电解质=>電解質
  7838. electrolyte activated battery ==> 电解液激活蓄电池
  7839. electrolyte balance ==> 电解质平衡
  7840. electrolyte circuit ==> 电介质
  7841. electrolyte cooler ==> 电解液冷却器
  7842. electrolyte filter ==> 电解液过滤器
  7843. electrolyte fluid ==> 电解液
  7844. electrolyte hydrometer ==> 电解液比重计,电液比重计
  7845. electrolyte level ==> 电界液液面高度
  7846. electrolyte purification system ==> 电解液净化系统
  7847. electrolyte semiconductor junction ==> 电解质半导体结
  7848. electrolyte servo valve ==> 电解液伺服阀
  7849. electrolyte shell ==> 电解渣壳
  7850. electrolyte solution ==> 電解液
  7851. electrolyte strength ==> 电解质强度
  7852. electrolytes ==> 電気分解
  7853. electrolytic ==> 电解的,阳极抛光
  7854. electrolytic acid cleaning ==> 电解酸洗
  7855. electrolytic action ==> 电解作用
  7856. electrolytic alkali ==> 電解アルカリ
  7857. electrolytic aluminium ==> 电解铝=>アルミニウム電解
  7858. electrolytic aluminium capacitor production line ==> 电解铝电容器生产线
  7859. electrolytic analysis ==> 电解分析,电解分析=>電解分析
  7860. electrolytic anodization ==> 电解阳极氧化
  7861. electrolytic antimony ==> 电解锑
  7862. electrolytic apparatus ==> 电解仪器
  7863. electrolytic arrester ==> 电解避雷器,铝电池避雷器
  7864. electrolytic assay ==> 电解检验
  7865. electrolytic bath ==> 电解槽,电解池
  7866. electrolytic battery charger ==> 电解液蓄电池充电器
  7867. electrolytic battery regulator ==> 电解式充电电流调节器
  7868. electrolytic beryllium ==> 电解铍
  7869. electrolytic brightening ==> 电解抛光,电抛光
  7870. electrolytic cadmium ==> 电解镉
  7871. electrolytic calibrating ==> 电解校正
  7872. electrolytic capacitor ==> 电解电容器=>電解コンデンサ
  7873. electrolytic capacitor less inverter ==> 電解コンデンサレスインバータ
  7874. electrolytic capacitor paper ==> 电解电容器纸
  7875. electrolytic casting ==> 电解注浆法
  7876. electrolytic caustic soda ==> 电解烧碱
  7877. electrolytic cell ==> 电解电池=>電解槽
  7878. electrolytic cell assembly ==> 电解槽装置
  7879. electrolytic cell lining ==> 电解槽衬里
  7880. electrolytic charger ==> 电解充电器
  7881. electrolytic chlorination plant ==> 电解氯化设施,电解氯化厂
  7882. electrolytic cleaning ==> 电化学清洗
  7883. electrolytic cobalt ==> 电解钴
  7884. electrolytic condenser ==> 电解电容器,电解质电容器
  7885. electrolytic conductance ==> 电解电导
  7886. electrolytic conduction ==> 电解导电
  7887. electrolytic conductivity ==> 电解电导率
  7888. electrolytic conductor ==> 电解质导体
  7889. electrolytic copper ==> 电解铜=>電気銅
  7890. electrolytic copper foil ==> 电解铜箔
  7891. electrolytic copper sheet ==> 电解紫铜片
  7892. electrolytic copper wire ==> 电解紫铜丝
  7893. electrolytic copper wire rods ==> 电解铜盘条
  7894. electrolytic corrosion ==> 电流腐蚀,电蚀=>電食,電蝕
  7895. electrolytic cyaniding ==> 电解氰化法
  7896. electrolytic deburring ==> 电解去毛刺
  7897. electrolytic degreasing bath ==> 电解脱脂槽
  7898. electrolytic deposition ==> 电沉积,电解沉积,电解淀积
  7899. electrolytic detector ==> 电解检波器
  7900. electrolytic development ==> 电解显影
  7901. electrolytic dissociation ==> 电解解离,电离解,电离作用=>電離(化学)
  7902. electrolytic efficiency ==> 电解效率
  7903. electrolytic etching ==> 电解侵蚀,电解蚀刻,(金相磨片用)电解腐蚀
  7904. electrolytic extraction ==> 电解抽出=>電解抽出
  7905. electrolytic formation machining ==> 电解成形加工
  7906. electrolytic furnace ==> 电解炉
  7907. electrolytic generator ==> 电解用发电机
  7908. electrolytic grinder ==> 电解磨床
  7909. electrolytic grinding ==> 电解磨削
  7910. electrolytic grinding machine ==> 电解磨床
  7911. electrolytic hygrometer ==> 电解湿度计
  7912. electrolytic industry ==> 电解工业
  7913. electrolytic instrument ==> 电解式仪表
  7914. electrolytic interrupter ==> 电解断续器
  7915. electrolytic ion ==> 电解离子
  7916. electrolytic ionization ==> 电解电离
  7917. electrolytic iron ==> 电解铁=>電解鉄
  7918. electrolytic iron powder ==> 电解铁粉
  7919. electrolytic lead ==> 电解铅
  7920. electrolytic lightening arrester ==> 电解式避雷器
  7921. electrolytic lightning arrester ==> 电解式避雷器=>電解形避雷器
  7922. electrolytic machine ==> 电解加工机床
  7923. electrolytic machine tool ==> 电解加工机床
  7924. electrolytic machining ==> 电解加工
  7925. electrolytic machining set ==> 电解加工机
  7926. electrolytic magnesium ==> 电解镁
  7927. electrolytic manganese ==> 电解锰
  7928. electrolytic manganese dioxide ==> 电解二氧化锰
  7929. electrolytic manganese metal ==> 电解金属锰
  7930. electrolytic mercaptan process ==> 电解液脱硫醇法
  7931. electrolytic meter ==> 电解库仑计
  7932. electrolytic method ==> 电解法
  7933. electrolytic model ==> 电解模型
  7934. electrolytic nickel ==> 电解镍
  7935. electrolytic oxidation ==> 电解氧化=>電解酸化
  7936. electrolytic oxide film ==> 电解氧化膜
  7937. electrolytic oxygen generator ==> 电解氧气发生器
  7938. electrolytic paper ==> 电解纸
  7939. electrolytic parting ==> 电解分离
  7940. electrolytic photocell ==> 电解光电池,电解光电管
  7941. electrolytic photocopying ==> 电解摄影复印
  7942. electrolytic pickling ==> 电解浸洗,电解酸洗
  7943. electrolytic polarization ==> 电解极化,电解分极
  7944. electrolytic polishing ==> 电解抛光,电抛光=>電解研磨
  7945. electrolytic potential ==> 电解电势
  7946. electrolytic powder ==> 电解粉末
  7947. electrolytic process ==> 电解法,电解过程,电解影印
  7948. electrolytic protection ==> 阴极保护
  7949. electrolytic purification ==> 电解净化
  7950. electrolytic quenching ==> 电解淬火,电解液淬火
  7951. electrolytic recording ==> 电解记录
  7952. electrolytic recording paper ==> 电解记录纸
  7953. electrolytic rectifier ==> 电解整流器,电解质整流器
  7954. electrolytic reduction ==> 电解还原=>電解還元
  7955. electrolytic refining ==> 电精炼=>電解精錬
  7956. electrolytic refining bath ==> 电解精炼电槽
  7957. electrolytic refining plant ==> 电解精炼车间
  7958. electrolytic refining process ==> 电解精炼法
  7959. electrolytic refining unit ==> 电解精炼设备
  7960. electrolytic resistance ==> 电解质电阻=>電解抵抗
  7961. electrolytic rheostat ==> 电解变阻器
  7962. electrolytic route ==> 电解法
  7963. electrolytic sawing ==> 电解切断
  7964. electrolytic separation ==> 电解分离
  7965. electrolytic separation method ==> 电解分离法
  7966. electrolytic solution ==> 电解溶液=>電解質水溶液
  7967. electrolytic solution pressure ==> 電溶圧
  7968. electrolytic solution tension ==> 電溶圧
  7969. electrolytic strip ==> 测湿片
  7970. electrolytic surgearrester ==> 电解放电器
  7971. electrolytic switch ==> 电解开关
  7972. electrolytic tank ==> 电解槽
  7973. electrolytic tin ==> 电解锡
  7974. electrolytic tin plate ==> 电镀锡薄板
  7975. electrolytic tinning machine ==> 电镀锡机
  7976. electrolytic tinplate ==> 电镀马口铁,电镀锡薄钢板
  7977. electrolytic tissue ==> 电解用薄纸
  7978. electrolytic tool grinder ==> 电解工具磨床
  7979. electrolytic tough pitch ==> 电解韧铜
  7980. electrolytic vessel ==> 电解容器
  7981. electrolytic voltameter ==> 电解电量计
  7982. electrolytic zinc ==> 电解锌
  7983. electrolytic zinc plating line ==> 电镀锌作业线
  7984. electrolytical grinding ==> 电解磨削
  7985. electrolytical refined copper ==> 电解精炼铜
  7986. electrolytically deposited black ==> 电解淀积变黑
  7987. electrolytically polished slice ==> 电解抛光片
  7988. electrolytics ==> 电解化学
  7989. electrolyzation ==> 电解=>電気分解
  7990. electrolyzer ==> 电解槽,电解器,电解装置=>電解槽
  7991. electromachining ==> 电火花加工,电加工
  7992. electromagnet ==> 电磁铁=>電磁石
  7993. electromagnet armature ==> 电磁铁的衔铁,电磁铁衔铁
  7994. electromagnet assembly ==> 电磁铁组件
  7995. electromagnet bearing ==> 电磁轴承
  7996. electromagnet core ==> 电磁铁芯
  7997. electromagnet damping galvanometer ==> 电磁阻尼振动子
  7998. electromagnet drive ==> 电磁铁传动
  7999. electromagnet fluid damping galvanometer ==> 电磁液体阻尼振动子
  8000. electromagnet type detector ==> 电磁式探测器
  8001. electromagnetic ==> 电磁的=>電磁気の
  8002. electromagnetic (type) relay ==> 继电表
  8003. electromagnetic [slip] coupling ==> 电磁[滑差][耦合]离合器,采用电磁调速的电动机,轴伸端与负载之间通过电磁离合器联结,主要作用是实现感应电动机的无级平滑调速、改善起动性能和自动过载保护
  8004. electromagnetic ac relay ==> 电磁交流继电器
  8005. electromagnetic accelerometer ==> 电磁加速度计
  8006. electromagnetic acoustic instrument ==> 电磁声学仪器
  8007. electromagnetic acoustical instrument ==> 电磁声学仪器
  8008. electromagnetic action ==> 電磁作用
  8009. electromagnetic actuation ==> 電磁駆動
  8010. electromagnetic actuator ==> 電磁アクチュエータ
  8011. electromagnetic agitator ==> 电磁搅拌器
  8012. electromagnetic air brake ==> 电磁空气制动器,电磁气闸
  8013. electromagnetic air valve ==> 电磁风阀
  8014. electromagnetic ammeter ==> 电磁式安培表,电磁式安培计
  8015. electromagnetic amplifying lens ==> 电磁放大透镜
  8016. electromagnetic analysis ==> 電磁気解析
  8017. electromagnetic apparatus ==> 电磁疗机
  8018. electromagnetic attraction ==> 电磁吸引
  8019. electromagnetic balance ==> 电磁秤
  8020. electromagnetic bearing ==> 电磁轴承
  8021. electromagnetic bearing wear detector ==> 电磁式轴承磨损探测器
  8022. electromagnetic blood flow meter ==> 电磁血液流量计
  8023. electromagnetic brake ==> 电磁闸,电磁制动器,电力制动器=>電磁ブレーキ
  8024. electromagnetic braking ==> 电磁制动=>電磁制動
  8025. electromagnetic braking torque ==> 电磁制动转矩,由同步发电机定、转子磁场相互作用形成的作用于转子上与旋转方向相反的转矩.其大小和发电机励磁感应电动势超前于发电机端电压的时间相位角[功率角]有关
  8026. electromagnetic bubble ==> 電磁バブル
  8027. electromagnetic burst ==> 電磁バースト
  8028. electromagnetic calculation ==> 電磁計算
  8029. electromagnetic cam-group ==> 电磁凸轮组
  8030. electromagnetic capacity ==> 电磁容量
  8031. electromagnetic casing-thickness logging tool ==> 电磁套管测厚仪
  8032. electromagnetic cathode-ray tube ==> 电磁式阴极射线管
  8033. electromagnetic chuck ==> 电磁卡盘,电磁吸盘=>電磁チャック
  8034. electromagnetic circuit ==> 電磁回路
  8035. electromagnetic clock ==> 電磁時計
  8036. electromagnetic clutch ==> 电磁离合器=>電磁クラッチ
  8037. electromagnetic coil ==> 电磁感应圈=>電磁石コイル
  8038. electromagnetic collapse ==> 電磁崩壊
  8039. electromagnetic communication ==> 电磁通信
  8040. electromagnetic compatibility ==> 电磁兼容,电磁适应性=>電磁両立性
  8041. electromagnetic compatibility level ==> 電磁両立性レベル
  8042. electromagnetic compatibility margin ==> 電磁両立性マージン
  8043. electromagnetic compatibility, EMC ==> 电磁适应性=>電磁両立性
  8044. electromagnetic complex ==> 电磁集合体
  8045. electromagnetic component ==> 电磁分量
  8046. electromagnetic compression refrigerator ==> 电磁压缩式冰箱
  8047. electromagnetic constant ==> 光速
  8048. electromagnetic contactless relay ==> 电磁无接点继电器
  8049. electromagnetic contactor ==> 电磁接触器=>電磁接触器
  8050. electromagnetic control panel ==> 电磁控制盘
  8051. electromagnetic control relay ==> 制御用電磁リレー
  8052. electromagnetic controller ==> 电磁控制器=>電磁制御器
  8053. electromagnetic core ==> 电磁铁芯
  8054. electromagnetic counter ==> 电磁计量器,电磁计数器
  8055. electromagnetic countermeasure (ECM) ==> 电子对抗
  8056. electromagnetic coupler ==> 电磁耦合器
  8057. electromagnetic coupling ==> 电磁联轴节,电磁联轴器,电磁耦合=>電磁結合
  8058. electromagnetic coupling effect ==> 电磁耦合效应
  8059. electromagnetic coupling meter ==> 电磁耦合测试器
  8060. electromagnetic crack detector ==> 电磁裂痕探测器,磁力探伤仪
  8061. electromagnetic crane ==> 电磁铁起重机
  8062. electromagnetic current ==> 电磁流
  8063. electromagnetic current meter ==> 电磁流速计
  8064. electromagnetic current metre ==> 电磁流速仪
  8065. electromagnetic damper ==> 电磁阻尼器
  8066. electromagnetic damping ==> 电磁阻尼
  8067. electromagnetic deflection ==> 电磁偏转=>電磁偏向
  8068. electromagnetic deflector alignment system ==> 电磁偏转对中系统
  8069. electromagnetic delay line ==> 电磁延迟线
  8070. electromagnetic densitometer ==> 电磁密度计
  8071. electromagnetic depth sounder ==> 电磁测深仪
  8072. electromagnetic detector ==> 电磁检测器,电磁勘探器
  8073. electromagnetic digitizer ==> 电磁数字转换器
  8074. electromagnetic directional valve ==> 电磁换向阀
  8075. electromagnetic discharge ==> 电磁放电
  8076. electromagnetic discharges ==> 誘導放電
  8077. electromagnetic disk single-track crane ==> 电磁盘式单轨吊
  8078. electromagnetic distance measurement instrument ==> 電波測距儀
  8079. electromagnetic distance measuring instrument ==> 电磁波测距仪
  8080. electromagnetic distance meter ==> 电磁波测距仪
  8081. electromagnetic distance metre ==> 电磁波测距仪
  8082. electromagnetic disturbance ==> 電磁妨害
  8083. electromagnetic disturbance (EMD) ==> 电磁骚扰
  8084. electromagnetic disturbances of control circuits in power stations and substations ==> 発変電所低圧制御回路での障害例
  8085. electromagnetic door holder ==> 电磁定门器
  8086. electromagnetic drum ==> 电磁铁滚筒
  8087. electromagnetic effect ==> 电磁效应
  8088. electromagnetic effects in machine windings ==> 電気機器の電磁過渡現象
  8089. electromagnetic electron lens ==> 电磁电子透镜
  8090. electromagnetic electron microscope ==> 电磁式电子显微镜
  8091. electromagnetic element ==> 电磁元件
  8092. electromagnetic emission ==> 電磁波放射,エミッション
  8093. electromagnetic energy ==> 电磁能=>電磁エネルギー
  8094. electromagnetic energy accumulation type welder ==> 电磁储能式电焊机,电磁蓄能式熔接器
  8095. electromagnetic environment ==> 电磁环境
  8096. electromagnetic equipment ==> 電磁波装置
  8097. electromagnetic fathometer ==> 电磁测深仪
  8098. electromagnetic feeder ==> 电磁给料机,电磁进料器
  8099. electromagnetic field ==> 电磁场=>電磁界
  8100. electromagnetic field analysis ==> 電磁界解析,電磁界数値解析
  8101. electromagnetic field computation ==> 電磁界数値解析
  8102. electromagnetic field equation ==> 电磁场方程
  8103. electromagnetic field equations ==> 麦克斯韦场方程
  8104. electromagnetic field of high frequency ==> 高频电磁场
  8105. electromagnetic field tensor ==> 电磁场张量
  8106. electromagnetic field theory ==> 电磁场理论
  8107. electromagnetic fields numerical analysis ==> 電磁界数値解析
  8108. electromagnetic filter ==> 电磁过滤器,利用电磁吸附存在于水中的颗粒状的磁性氧化铁进行过滤的过滤器
  8109. electromagnetic fishing tools ==> 电磁打捞工具
  8110. electromagnetic flaw detector ==> 电磁探伤器
  8111. electromagnetic flow meter ==> 电磁流量计=>電磁流量計
  8112. electromagnetic flow rate meter ==> 电磁流速计
  8113. electromagnetic flowmeter ==> 电磁流量计
  8114. electromagnetic focusing ==> 电磁聚焦=>電磁集束
  8115. electromagnetic force ==> 电磁力=>電磁力
  8116. electromagnetic force wave ==> 電磁力波
  8117. electromagnetic force welder ==> 电磁加压焊机
  8118. electromagnetic forming ==> 电磁成形=>電磁成形
  8119. electromagnetic friction clutch ==> 電磁摩擦クラッチ
  8120. electromagnetic fuel ga(u)ge ==> 电磁式燃油平面指示器
  8121. electromagnetic gantry crane ==> 电磁龙门吊
  8122. electromagnetic gear ==> 电磁传动装置
  8123. electromagnetic ground detector ==> 电磁式接地检测器=>電磁検漏器
  8124. electromagnetic gun ==> 电磁枪
  8125. electromagnetic horn ==> 喇叭天线,喇叭形天线=>電磁ホーン
  8126. electromagnetic hydraulic valve ==> 电磁液压阀
  8127. electromagnetic hydromechanics ==> 电磁流体力学
  8128. electromagnetic ignition ==> 电磁点火
  8129. electromagnetic impulse counter ==> 电磁脉冲计数器
  8130. electromagnetic imterference ==> 电磁干扰
  8131. electromagnetic inductance seismometer ==> 电磁感应地震计
  8132. electromagnetic induction ==> 电磁感应=>電磁誘導
  8133. electromagnetic induction effect ==> 电磁感应效应
  8134. electromagnetic induction phenomena ==> 電磁誘導現象
  8135. electromagnetic inertia ==> 电磁惯量
  8136. electromagnetic instrument ==> 电磁测试仪器,电磁式测试仪表
  8137. electromagnetic insurance lock ==> 电磁保险门锁
  8138. electromagnetic interaction ==> 电磁相互作用=>電磁相互作用
  8139. electromagnetic interference (EMI) ==> 电磁干扰=>電磁波障害
  8140. electromagnetic interference (emi) ==> 电磁干扰
  8141. electromagnetic intermediate relay ==> 电磁式中间继电器
  8142. electromagnetic interrupter ==> 电磁断续器
  8143. electromagnetic isotope separation unit ==> 电磁同位素分离器
  8144. electromagnetic lens ==> 电磁透镜=>磁界レンズ
  8145. electromagnetic level ==> 电磁水准
  8146. electromagnetic levitation ==> 电磁浮置=>吸引形磁気浮上
  8147. electromagnetic lifter ==> 电磁吊,电磁起重机
  8148. electromagnetic loading 电磁负荷,电负荷和磁负荷的总称。电负荷[电枢线负荷]表示沿电枢表面单位周长的安培导体数,磁负荷[气隙磁密] ==> 表示气隙表面单位面积的平均磁通量
  8149. electromagnetic lock ==> 电磁锁
  8150. electromagnetic log ==> 电磁测程仪,电磁船速仪=>電磁ログ
  8151. electromagnetic logging ==> 电磁测井
  8152. electromagnetic looped network ==> 电磁环网,两条或两条以上不同电压等级的输电线路通过变压器的磁回路或电与磁的回路连接构成的环网
  8153. electromagnetic loudspeaker ==> 电磁扬声器
  8154. electromagnetic machine and apparatus ==> 電磁機器
  8155. electromagnetic mass ==> 电磁质量
  8156. electromagnetic materials ==> 磁性材料
  8157. electromagnetic mechanism ==> 電磁操作機構
  8158. electromagnetic meter ==> 电磁流量计,电磁式仪表
  8159. electromagnetic method ==> 电磁法
  8160. electromagnetic method instrument ==> 电磁法仪器
  8161. electromagnetic methods ==> 电磁法
  8162. electromagnetic micrometer ==> 电磁测微计
  8163. electromagnetic microphone ==> 电磁传声器,电磁受话器,电磁微音器
  8164. electromagnetic millivolt ammeter ==> 电磁式毫伏安培计
  8165. electromagnetic minesweeping gear ==> 电磁扫雷器
  8166. electromagnetic mirror ==> 电磁反射镜
  8167. electromagnetic mixing ==> 电磁搅拌
  8168. electromagnetic mo(u)lding machine ==> 电磁造型机
  8169. electromagnetic momentum ==> 电磁动量
  8170. electromagnetic moulding machine ==> 电磁式造型机
  8171. electromagnetic multitube water bottle ==> 电磁多筒采水器
  8172. electromagnetic noise ==> 电磁噪声,电气设备(如旋转电机、变压器等)在交流电磁场励磁下,铁心和绕组因电磁效应产生振动而发射的噪声=>電磁ノイズ
  8173. electromagnetic object detection switch ==> 電磁近接スイッチ
  8174. electromagnetic oil pressure indicator ==> 电磁式机油压力表
  8175. electromagnetic operation mechanism ==> 電磁駆動
  8176. electromagnetic ore separator ==> 电磁选矿机
  8177. electromagnetic oscillation compressor ==> 电磁振动式压缩机
  8178. electromagnetic oscillation refrigerator ==> 电磁振动式冰箱
  8179. electromagnetic oscillograph ==> 电磁式示波器,电磁示波器=>電磁オシログラフ
  8180. electromagnetic oven ==> 电磁炉
  8181. electromagnetic penetration ==> 电磁穿透
  8182. electromagnetic percussive welding ==> 电磁冲击焊
  8183. electromagnetic photo-detector ==> 光电磁光检测器
  8184. electromagnetic photodetector ==> 电磁光电检测器
  8185. electromagnetic pick-up ==> 电磁拾声头,电磁拾音器,电磁式拾音器
  8186. electromagnetic pickup ==> 电磁拾音器
  8187. electromagnetic platen ==> 电磁平台
  8188. electromagnetic pollution ==> 电磁污染,电磁辐射对环境造成的各种电磁干扰和对人体有害的现象
  8189. electromagnetic positioner ==> 电磁式定位器
  8190. electromagnetic potential ==> 电磁势=>電磁ポテンシャル
  8191. electromagnetic powder clutch ==> 磁気粉体クラッチ
  8192. electromagnetic power ==> 电磁功率,原动机克服电磁转矩所作的机械功率后转换为电枢电路中的电功率称为电磁功率,它减去电枢绕组的电阻损耗就等于发电机的输出功率
  8193. electromagnetic power press ==> 电磁成形压力机,电磁压力机
  8194. electromagnetic pressure ga(u)ge ==> 电磁压力计
  8195. electromagnetic pressure gage ==> 电磁压力计
  8196. electromagnetic pressure gauge ==> 电磁压力表
  8197. electromagnetic printer ==> 电磁打印机
  8198. electromagnetic probe ==> 电磁探针
  8199. electromagnetic properties ==> 电磁性质
  8200. electromagnetic propulsion ==> 电磁推动,电磁推进
  8201. electromagnetic prospecting ==> 电磁法勘深,电磁勘探
  8202. electromagnetic pulse ==> 电磁脉冲=>電磁パルス
  8203. electromagnetic pulse bomb ==> 電磁波爆弾
  8204. electromagnetic pump ==> 电磁泵=>電磁ポンプ
  8205. electromagnetic pump wave crest soldering machine ==> 电磁泵波峰焊机
  8206. electromagnetic puncher ==> 电磁冲床
  8207. electromagnetic radiation ==> 电磁辐射=>電磁放射
  8208. electromagnetic radiation reflector ==> 电磁波反射器
  8209. electromagnetic radiation tester ==> 电磁辐射测试器
  8210. electromagnetic rail brake ==> 电磁钢轨制动器
  8211. electromagnetic range ==> 电磁灶
  8212. electromagnetic receiver ==> 电磁式受话器,电磁受话器
  8213. electromagnetic recorder ==> 电磁录音机
  8214. electromagnetic rectifier ==> 电磁整流器
  8215. electromagnetic regulator ==> 电磁振动式调节器
  8216. electromagnetic relay ==> 电磁继电器,电磁式继电器=>電磁継電器,テレホンリレー
  8217. electromagnetic release ==> 电磁释放
  8218. electromagnetic relief valve ==> 电磁溢流阀
  8219. electromagnetic reluctance seismometer ==> 电磁磁阻地震仪,电磁地震仪
  8220. electromagnetic repulsion ==> 電磁反発
  8221. electromagnetic repulsion mechanism ==> 電磁反発機構
  8222. electromagnetic repulsion switch ==> 電磁反発スイッチ
  8223. electromagnetic resolver ==> 电磁分解器
  8224. electromagnetic retarder ==> 电磁缓行器
  8225. electromagnetic ring rejection ==> 电磁解环
  8226. electromagnetic riveting machine ==> 电磁铆接机
  8227. electromagnetic scalar potential ==> 电磁标势
  8228. electromagnetic scattering ==> 电磁散射
  8229. electromagnetic screen ==> 电磁屏,电磁屏蔽
  8230. electromagnetic scrub ==> 电磁清洗
  8231. electromagnetic seed cleaner ==> 电磁式种子清选机
  8232. electromagnetic seismograph ==> 电磁式地震计,电磁式地震仪
  8233. electromagnetic seismometer ==> 电磁地震计
  8234. electromagnetic self-force ==> 电磁自力
  8235. electromagnetic separation ==> 电磁分离
  8236. electromagnetic separator ==> 电磁分离器,磁选机
  8237. electromagnetic shaker ==> 震动器
  8238. electromagnetic shield ==> 电磁屏蔽,利用导电材料或铁磁材料制成的部件对大容量汽轮发电机定子铁心端部进行屏蔽,以降低由定子绕组端部漏磁在结构件中引起的附加损耗与局部发热的措施
  8239. electromagnetic shielding ==> 电磁屏蔽=>電磁シールド,電磁遮蔽
  8240. electromagnetic shielding cable ==> 誘導遮蔽ケーブル
  8241. electromagnetic shock wave ==> 电磁冲击波
  8242. electromagnetic shoe brake ==> 电磁靴式制动器
  8243. electromagnetic shutter ==> 电磁快门
  8244. electromagnetic sieve ==> 电磁筛
  8245. electromagnetic signal box diagram ==> 信号楼电磁式表示盘
  8246. electromagnetic solenoid braking ==> 电磁螺线管制动
  8247. electromagnetic solenoid switch ==> 电磁螺线管开关
  8248. electromagnetic spectrum ==> 电磁波频谱,电磁波谱,电磁光谱
  8249. electromagnetic speed-adjustable motor ==> 电磁调速电动机
  8250. electromagnetic starter ==> 电磁起动器=>電磁始動器
  8251. electromagnetic starting ==> 电磁起动,通过交流接触器和热电继电器等实现交流笼型异步电动机的起动。可分为不可逆电磁起动与可逆电磁起动两类
  8252. electromagnetic stirrer ==> 电磁搅拌器
  8253. electromagnetic stirring ==> 电磁搅拌=>電磁攪拌(かくはん)
  8254. electromagnetic stirring autoclave ==> 电磁搅拌式高压反应器
  8255. electromagnetic stored energy welding ==> 电磁储能焊
  8256. electromagnetic stored-energy machine ==> 电磁储能机
  8257. electromagnetic stored-energy welder ==> 电磁储能焊接机,感应焊接机
  8258. electromagnetic strain gauge ==> 电磁应变仪
  8259. electromagnetic surveying ==> 电磁勘探,电磁探测
  8260. electromagnetic susceptibility ==> 电磁敏感性
  8261. electromagnetic susceptibility, EMS ==> 电磁敏感性=>電磁感受性
  8262. electromagnetic suspension ==> 电磁悬浮=>電磁吸引支持,常電導吸引式磁気浮上
  8263. electromagnetic switch ==> 电磁开关=>電磁開閉器
  8264. electromagnetic system ==> 电磁式
  8265. electromagnetic system of units ==> 电磁单位制
  8266. electromagnetic tamper ==> 电动轨道夯实机
  8267. electromagnetic telephone ==> 电磁式受话器
  8268. electromagnetic temperature indicator ==> 电磁式温度计
  8269. electromagnetic test ==> 电磁探伤
  8270. electromagnetic testing ==> 电磁检测
  8271. electromagnetic theory ==> 电磁理论=>電磁界理論
  8272. electromagnetic theory of light ==> 光的电磁理论
  8273. electromagnetic therapeutic apparatus ==> 电磁治疗仪
  8274. electromagnetic thickness indicator ==> 电磁厚度指示器
  8275. electromagnetic thickness meter ==> 电磁测厚仪
  8276. electromagnetic thruster ==> 電磁推進船
  8277. electromagnetic titration instrument ==> 电磁滴定器
  8278. electromagnetic torque ==> 电磁转矩
  8279. electromagnetic transducer ==> 电磁换能器
  8280. electromagnetic transducer[sensor] ==> 电磁式传感器
  8281. electromagnetic transfer device ==> 电磁输送装置
  8282. electromagnetic transient ==> 电磁暂态过程,电磁瞬变过程
  8283. electromagnetic transient analysis ==> 瞬時値解析
  8284. electromagnetic transient analysis of the induction motor ==> 誘導モータの過渡現象解析
  8285. electromagnetic transient simulations ==> 瞬時値解析
  8286. electromagnetic transmission line storage ==> 电磁传输线存储器
  8287. electromagnetic transmitter ==> 电磁式话筒
  8288. electromagnetic treadle ==> 电磁式接触器
  8289. electromagnetic trip ==> 电磁脱扣
  8290. electromagnetic tripping ==> 电磁释放
  8291. electromagnetic type flow meter ==> 电磁式流量计
  8292. electromagnetic type relay ==> 电磁式继电器
  8293. electromagnetic type retarder ==> 电磁式缓行器
  8294. electromagnetic type seismometer ==> 电磁式地震计
  8295. electromagnetic type vibrometer ==> 电磁式振动计
  8296. electromagnetic unit ==> 电磁单位,电磁系单位=>電磁単位
  8297. electromagnetic units(emu) ==> 电磁单位制
  8298. electromagnetic valve ==> 电磁阀
  8299. electromagnetic variable-speed motor ==> 电磁调速电动机
  8300. electromagnetic vector potential ==> 电磁矢势
  8301. electromagnetic velocity metre ==> 电磁速度计
  8302. electromagnetic velocity profiler ==> 电磁速度廓线仪
  8303. electromagnetic vibrating feeder ==> 电磁振动加料机
  8304. electromagnetic vibrating screen ==> 电磁振动筛
  8305. electromagnetic vibration ==> 電磁振動
  8306. electromagnetic vibration generator ==> 电磁式振动发生器
  8307. electromagnetic vibration sand screen ==> 电磁振动筛砂机
  8308. electromagnetic vibrator ==> 电磁振动器
  8309. electromagnetic vibrator knock-out machine ==> 电磁振动落砂机
  8310. electromagnetic viscosimeter ==> 电磁粘度计
  8311. electromagnetic voltmeter ==> 电磁伏特计
  8312. electromagnetic water thermometer ==> 电磁式水温表
  8313. electromagnetic wave ==> 电磁波=>電磁波,電波
  8314. electromagnetic wave absorber ==> 電磁波吸収材料
  8315. electromagnetic wave analysis ==> 電磁波解析
  8316. electromagnetic wave filter ==> 电磁波滤波器
  8317. electromagnetic wave gyrator ==> 电磁波旋转器
  8318. electromagnetic wave propagation logging instrument ==> 电磁波传播测井仪
  8319. electromagnetic wave spectrum ==> 电磁波谱
  8320. electromagnetic well logging ==> 电磁测井
  8321. electromagnetic wheel brake ==> 电磁轮闸
  8322. electromagnetic window ==> 电磁窗
  8323. electromagnetic wire ==> 电磁线
  8324. electromagnetic-type disk friction clutch ==> 电磁式圆盘摩擦离合器
  8325. electromagnetical analogies ==> 电磁模拟
  8326. electromagnetics ==> 电磁学=>電磁気学
  8327. electromagnetism ==> 电磁学=>電磁気学
  8328. electromagnetism dynamic triaxial test system ==> 电磁振动三轴试验系统
  8329. electromagnetostatic field ==> 静电磁场,静电磁场
  8330. electromalux ==> 玛鲁克丝管
  8331. electromanometer ==> 电子液压计
  8332. electromanometer transducer ==> 电子压强计换能器
  8333. electromassage ==> 电按摩法
  8334. electromasseur ==> 电按摩器
  8335. electromassor ==> 电按摩器
  8336. electromatic ==> 电控自动方式,电气自动的,电气自动方式
  8337. electromatic drive ==> 电动式自动换排
  8338. electromechanic sealing device ==> 机电定标装置
  8339. electromechanical ==> 机电的,电动机械的=>電気機械形
  8340. electromechanical accelerometer ==> 机电式加速度计
  8341. electromechanical actuator ==> 电子机械传动器
  8342. electromechanical amplifier ==> 机电放大器
  8343. electromechanical analog computer ==> 机电模拟计算机
  8344. electromechanical analogy ==> 机电模拟
  8345. electromechanical analysis ==> 電気機械的解析
  8346. electromechanical appliance ==> 机电式调整器,机电式器具
  8347. electromechanical arrangement ==> 电力排列器
  8348. electromechanical assembly ==> 電気機械アセンブリ
  8349. electromechanical brake ==> 电闸
  8350. electromechanical breakdown ==> 電気機械的破壊
  8351. electromechanical cab signaling ==> 接触式机车信号设备
  8352. electromechanical characteristic ==> 電気機械的特性
  8353. electromechanical check ==> 机电检查
  8354. electromechanical chopper ==> 机电换流器
  8355. electromechanical circuit ==> 電気機械回路
  8356. electromechanical clock ==> 電気機械時計
  8357. electromechanical component ==> 電気機構部品
  8358. electromechanical computer ==> 机电式计算机
  8359. electromechanical control ==> 電気機械制御
  8360. electromechanical control system ==> 電気機械制御システム
  8361. electromechanical converter ==> 電気機械変換器
  8362. electromechanical convertor ==> 机电变换器
  8363. electromechanical counter ==> 机电计量器
  8364. electromechanical coupling ==> 机电耦合=>電気機械結合
  8365. electromechanical coupling factor ==> 机电耦合系数
  8366. electromechanical coupling system ==> 机电耦合系统
  8367. electromechanical data processing ==> 机电式数据处理
  8368. electromechanical device ==> 机电装置,机电设备
  8369. electromechanical dialer ==> 机电拨号器
  8370. electromechanical drive ==> 电动-机械传动
  8371. electromechanical effects of oscillations in motors and generators ==> モータ発電機振動に関連する電磁過渡現象
  8372. electromechanical equipment ==> 电力机械设备=>電気機械設備
  8373. electromechanical filter ==> 電気機械フィルタ
  8374. electromechanical hand time release ==> 机电式人工限时解锁器
  8375. electromechanical integrator ==> 电动机械积分仪,电子机械积分仪
  8376. electromechanical intergrator ==> 机电积分器
  8377. electromechanical interlock ==> 机电连锁
  8378. electromechanical interlocking device ==> 電気機連動装置
  8379. electromechanical interlocking machine ==> 电力机械联动设备=>電気機連動機
  8380. electromechanical means ==> 電気機械的手段
  8381. electromechanical measurement ==> 電気機械的測定
  8382. electromechanical muscle ==> 電気機械力
  8383. electromechanical oscillation ==> 机电振荡
  8384. electromechanical oscillograph ==> 机电示波器
  8385. electromechanical pick-up ==> 机电传感器
  8386. electromechanical plotter ==> 机电式绘图机
  8387. electromechanical power ==> 電気機械力
  8388. electromechanical power supply ==> 机电电源
  8389. electromechanical printer ==> 机电印刷机,电子印刷机
  8390. electromechanical product ==> 電気機械製品
  8391. electromechanical properties ==> 机电性能
  8392. electromechanical property ==> 電気機械的性質
  8393. electromechanical protection device ==> 机电型继电保护装置,以机电型(包括电磁型、感应型等)继电器为基础构成的一种继电保护装置
  8394. electromechanical recording ==> 机电记录
  8395. electromechanical regulator ==> 机电调节器
  8396. electromechanical relay ==> 机电继电器=>エレクロメカニカル継電器,電気機械形継電器,電気-機械式継電器
  8397. electromechanical relay system ==> 机电继电系统
  8398. electromechanical resonance ==> 電気機械共振
  8399. electromechanical robot ==> 电气机械传动机器人
  8400. electromechanical scanner ==> 机电扫描装置
  8401. electromechanical selector switch ==> 机电选择机键
  8402. electromechanical servo ==> 机电伺服机构
  8403. electromechanical slot ==> 机电选别器
  8404. electromechanical spindle slot ==> 圆盘型机电选别器
  8405. electromechanical switch ==> 电动机械开关
  8406. electromechanical switching system ==> 電磁機械交換方式
  8407. electromechanical torque ==> 励磁機の電機トルク
  8408. electromechanical transducer ==> 机电换能器=>電気機械交換器
  8409. electromechanical transduction ==> 電気機械変換
  8410. electromechanical transient ==> 电气机械暂态过程,电气机械瞬变过程
  8411. electromechanical transmission ==> 电力机械传动
  8412. electromechanical treadle ==> 机电式接触器
  8413. electromechanical type ==> 電気機械形
  8414. electromechanical vibration ==> 電気機械的振動
  8415. electromechanical working ==> 电机械加工
  8416. electromechanically operated fingers ==> 电力机械操作的手爪
  8417. electromechanics ==> 电动机械学,电机学,机电学
  8418. electromechanization ==> 电动机械化
  8419. electromedication ==> 电透药法
  8420. electromerism ==> 气体电离过程
  8421. electrometal furnace ==> 电弧熔化炉
  8422. electrometal furnace process ==> 电炉炼铁法
  8423. electrometallization ==> 电喷镀金属
  8424. electrometallurgy ==> 电冶=>電位冶金
  8425. electrometer ==> 静电测量器,静电计,电位计,静电表=>電位計
  8426. electrometer amplifier ==> 静电计放大器
  8427. electrometer tube ==> 静电计电子管
  8428. electrometer valve ==> 静电计管,静电计管
  8429. electrometric ==> 电测量的
  8430. electrometric analysis ==> 量电分析
  8431. electrometric method ==> 电测法
  8432. electrometric observation ==> 电子仪器观测
  8433. electrometric titration ==> 電位滴定
  8434. electrometric titration outfit ==> 电势滴定装置
  8435. electrometrics ==> 测电学
  8436. electrometrograph ==> 分娩子宫收缩电描记器
  8437. electrometry ==> 量电法,测电术,测电学
  8438. electromicro-graphy plate ==> 电子显微照相干版
  8439. electromicrometer ==> 电子测微计
  8440. electromicrometry ==> 电子测微法
  8441. electromigration ==> 电迁移,电迁移法=>エレクトロマイグレーション
  8442. electromigration immunity ==> 电迁移耐力
  8443. electromigration resistance ==> 电迁移耐力
  8444. electromobile ==> 电动车,电动汽车,电力自动车,电瓶车
  8445. electromodulation ==> 电调制
  8446. electromotance ==> 电动势
  8447. electromotion ==> 电力起动
  8448. electromotive ==> 电动车,电力机车,电气机车
  8449. electromotive dental drill ==> 电动牙钻机
  8450. electromotive force ==> 电动势=>起電力
  8451. electromotive force (emf) ==> 电动势
  8452. electromotive force equation of synchronous machine ==> 同步电机电动势方程,同步电机运行中,励磁磁动势产生的励磁电动势、电枢反应磁动势产生的电枢反应电动势、漏抗电动势和电枢端电压和电枢电流在绕组中产生的阻抗压降等物理量构成的平衡关系方程式
  8453. electromotive force standard ==> 电动势标准
  8454. electromotive force(EMF) ==> 电(动)势
  8455. electromotive intensity ==> 电场强度
  8456. electromotive series ==> 电动次序,电化序,置换序列
  8457. electromotor ==> 电动机
  8458. electromotor grease ==> 电动机润滑脂
  8459. electromyogram ==> 眼动图
  8460. electromyogram (EMG) ==> 肌电图
  8461. electromyogram of face ==> 面肌电图
  8462. electromyograph ==> 肌电图仪
  8463. electromyograph (EMG) ==> 肌电图机
  8464. electromyographic electrode ==> 肌电图测量电极
  8465. electromyographic integrator ==> 肌电积分仪
  8466. electromyographic integrogram ==> 肌电积分图
  8467. electromyographic signal ==> 肌电信号
  8468. electromyography ==> 肌电描记法,肌电图描记法,肌电图学
  8469. Electron ==> 埃雷克特龙镁合金
  8470. electron ==> 电子=>電子
  8471. electron accelerating voltage ==> 电子加速电压
  8472. electron accelerator ==> 电子加速器
  8473. electron acceptor ==> 电子接受体
  8474. electron admittance ==> 电子导纳
  8475. electron affinity ==> 电子亲合力,电子亲合势,电子亲合性,电子亲和力
  8476. electron affinity energy ==> 电子亲合能
  8477. Electron alloy ==> 埃雷克特龙镁铝锌合金
  8478. electron alloys ==> 镁合金
  8479. electron atmosphere ==> 电子云
  8480. electron attachment ==> 电子附着=>電子付着
  8481. electron automatic compensator ==> 电子自动补偿仪
  8482. electron avalanche ==> 电子雪崩=>電子雪崩
  8483. electron avalanche amplification ==> 电子雪崩倍增
  8484. electron avalanche breakdown ==> 电子雪崩击穿
  8485. Electron AZF ==> 埃雷克特龙AZF铸造铝镁合金
  8486. electron ballast ==> 电子镇流器
  8487. electron ballistics ==> 电子弹道学
  8488. electron beam ==> 电子束=>電子ビーム
  8489. electron beam (EB) ==> 电子束
  8490. electron beam aligner ==> 电子束曝光器
  8491. electron beam alignment ==> 电子束对准
  8492. electron beam annealer ==> 电子束退火装置
  8493. electron beam annealing ==> 电子束退火
  8494. electron beam atomizer ==> 电子束原子化器
  8495. electron beam bonding ==> 电子束焊接
  8496. electron beam bonding (E beam bonding) ==> 电子束压焊
  8497. electron beam deposition ==> 电子束沉积
  8498. electron beam device ==> 电子束装置
  8499. electron beam direct write on wafer system ==> 薄片上电子束直接绘图系统
  8500. electron beam drilling ==> 电子束钻孔
  8501. electron beam equipment ==> 电子束设备
  8502. electron beam evaporation ==> 电子束蒸发
  8503. electron beam evaporator ==> 电子束蒸发器
  8504. electron beam exposer ==> 电子束曝光器
  8505. electron beam exposure ==> 电子束曝光
  8506. electron beam exposure apparatus ==> 电子束曝光机
  8507. electron beam exposure system ==> 电子束曝光器
  8508. electron beam furnace ==> 电子束炉
  8509. electron beam fusion ==> 电子束熔炼
  8510. electron beam generated mask ==> 电子束技术制造的掩模
  8511. electron beam gun ==> 电子束枪
  8512. electron beam heating ==> 电子束加热=>電子ビーム加熱
  8513. electron beam image repeater ==> 电子束步进重复照相机
  8514. electron beam imaging ==> 电子束成象
  8515. electron beam lithography ==> 电子束蚀刻
  8516. electron beam machine ==> 电子束设备
  8517. electron beam machining ==> 电子束加工
  8518. electron beam mask ==> 电子束掩膜
  8519. electron beam mask generator ==> 电子束掩模图象发生器
  8520. electron beam mask system ==> 电子束掩模制造系统
  8521. electron beam melting furnace ==> 电子束熔化炉
  8522. electron beam melting purification ==> 电子束精炼
  8523. electron beam metalization ==> 电子束金属化
  8524. electron beam parametric amplifier ==> 电子束参放
  8525. electron beam pattern writer ==> 电子束绘图机
  8526. electron beam patterning ==> 电子束成象
  8527. electron beam printing ==> 电子束蚀刻
  8528. electron beam probe ==> 电子探针,电子束探针
  8529. electron beam probing ==> 电子束探测
  8530. electron beam processing ==> 电子束加工
  8531. electron beam processing machine ==> 电子束加工机
  8532. electron beam profiling ==> 电子束仿形加工
  8533. electron beam projection ==> 电子束投影
  8534. electron beam projector ==> 电子枪
  8535. electron beam pumped laser ==> 电子束抽运激光器
  8536. electron beam recorder (EBR) ==> 电子束记录器
  8537. electron beam recording ==> 电子束记录
  8538. electron beam recording (EBR) ==> 电子束记录法
  8539. electron beam resist ==> 电子束抗蚀剂
  8540. electron beam reticle ==> 电子束掩膜
  8541. electron beam scanning ==> 电子束扫描
  8542. electron beam slitting ==> 电子束切缝
  8543. electron beam technology ==> 电子束工艺
  8544. electron beam tube ==> 电子射线管
  8545. electron beam vapor deposition method ==> 电子束蒸发淀积法
  8546. electron beam welding ==> 电子束焊接
  8547. electron beam welding machine ==> 电子束焊接机
  8548. electron beam writing ==> 电子束成象
  8549. electron bombard ==> 电子轰击
  8550. electron bombarded semiconductor amplifier ==> 电子束半导体放大管
  8551. electron bombardment ==> 电子轰击
  8552. electron bombardment engine ==> 电子轰击式发动机
  8553. electron bombardment furnace ==> 电子轰击炉
  8554. electron bombardment melting furnace ==> 电子轰击熔炼炉
  8555. electron bombardment-induced conductivity ==> 电子轰击感生电导
  8556. electron brain ==> 电脑
  8557. electron bridge ==> 电子桥
  8558. electron bunch ==> 电子聚束
  8559. electron buncher ==> 电子集束器
  8560. electron bundle ==> 电子束
  8561. electron calculating machine ==> 电子计算机,电子计算器
  8562. electron camera ==> 电子摄象机
  8563. electron capture ==> 电子俘获
  8564. electron capture detector ==> 电子俘获检测器
  8565. electron channelling pattern ==> 电子通道花样
  8566. electron charge ==> 电荷,电子电荷
  8567. electron charge mass ratio ==> 电子荷质比
  8568. electron chrome mask ==> 电子束光刻用铬掩模
  8569. electron cloud ==> 电子云
  8570. electron collection ==> 电子收集
  8571. electron collector ==> 电子收集极,电子显微镜的集电极
  8572. electron collision ==> 电子碰撞
  8573. electron collision cross sections ==> 電子衝突断面積
  8574. electron colour scanner ==> 电子分色机
  8575. electron compound ==> 电子化合物
  8576. electron computer ==> 电子计算机
  8577. electron concentration ==> 电子浓度
  8578. electron conduction ==> 电子传导,电子导电
  8579. electron conductivity ==> 电子电导率
  8580. electron configuration ==> 电子构型,电子组态
  8581. electron continuity equation ==> 电子连续性方程
  8582. electron control semi-automatic winder ==> 电子控制半自动绕线机
  8583. electron cooling ==> 电子冷却
  8584. electron counter ==> 电子计数管
  8585. electron coupled oscillator ==> 电子耦合振荡器
  8586. electron coupler ==> 电子耦合器
  8587. electron coupling ==> 电子耦合
  8588. electron coupling oscillator ==> 电子耦合振荡器
  8589. electron current ==> 电子电流=>電子流
  8590. electron cyclotron ==> 电子回旋加速器
  8591. electron cyclotron maser ==> 電子サイクロトロンメーザ
  8592. electron cyclotron oscillation ==> 电子回旋振荡
  8593. electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ==> 电子回旋共振
  8594. electron cyclotron resonance heating(ECRH) ==> 电子回旋共振加热
  8595. electron cyclotron transverse-wave device ==> 电子回旋横波器件
  8596. electron cyclotron wave ==> 电子回旋波
  8597. electron defectoscope ==> 电子探伤仪
  8598. electron degeneracy pressure ==> 电子简并压
  8599. electron density ==> 电子密度=>電子密度
  8600. electron density control ==> 電子密度制御
  8601. electron density distribution ==> 电子密度分布
  8602. electron density profile ==> 電子密度分布
  8603. electron density projection ==> 电子密度投射
  8604. electron detector ==> 电子探测器
  8605. electron device ==> 电子装置,电子器件,电子设备=>電子デバイス
  8606. electron diffraction ==> 电子衍射
  8607. electron diffraction analysis ==> 电子衍射分析
  8608. electron diffraction apparatus ==> 电子衍射装置
  8609. electron diffraction camera ==> 电子衍射摄影机,电子衍射照相机
  8610. electron diffraction contrast effect ==> 电子衍射衬比效应
  8611. electron diffraction diagram ==> 电子衍射图
  8612. electron diffraction image ==> 电子衍射象
  8613. electron diffraction instrument ==> 电子衍射仪
  8614. electron diffraction investigation ==> 电子衍射调查
  8615. electron diffraction method(EED) ==> 电子衍射法
  8616. electron diffraction pattern ==> 电子衍射图样
  8617. electron diffractograph ==> 电子衍射仪
  8618. electron diffractometer ==> 电子衍射谱仪
  8619. electron diffusion constant ==> 电子扩散常数
  8620. electron diffusion length ==> 电子扩散长度
  8621. electron discharge ==> 电子放电
  8622. electron discharge machining ==> 电子放电加工
  8623. electron displacement ==> 电子位移
  8624. electron display tube ==> 电子显示管
  8625. electron distribution ==> 电子分布
  8626. electron distribution curve ==> 电子分布曲线
  8627. electron donating ==> 供电子
  8628. electron donating group ==> 给电子基团,推电子基团
  8629. electron donating solvent ==> 供电子溶剂
  8630. electron donor ==> 给电子体,供电子体,电子给予体,电子供体,电子施主,施主
  8631. electron donor-acceptor (EDA) ==> 电子给受体
  8632. electron dosimetry ==> 电子剂量测定
  8633. electron drift ==> 电子漂移
  8634. electron drift detector ==> 电子漂移检测器,电子漂移检测仪
  8635. electron drift velocity ==> 电子漂移速度
  8636. electron drift velocity detector ==> 电子漂移速度检测器
  8637. electron efficiency ==> 电子束效率
  8638. electron elastic scattering ==> 电子弹性散射
  8639. electron emission ==> 电子发射=>電子放出
  8640. electron emission microscope ==> 电子发射显微镜
  8641. electron emissivity ==> 电子发射率
  8642. electron emitter ==> 电子发射体
  8643. electron energy analyzer ==> 电子能量分析器
  8644. electron energy band ==> 电子能带
  8645. electron energy level ==> 电子能级,电子能量级
  8646. electron energy lose spectroscopy(EELS) ==> 电子能量损失谱法
  8647. electron energy loss spectroscopy ==> 电子能量损失能谱学
  8648. electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) ==> 电子能量损失谱
  8649. electron energy spectrum ==> 电子能谱
  8650. electron envelope ==> 电子壳层
  8651. electron event ==> 电子事件
  8652. electron exchange ==> 电子交换
  8653. electron exchange resin ==> 电子交换树脂
  8654. electron exchanger ==> 电子交换机,电子式交换机
  8655. electron excitation ==> 电子激发
  8656. electron feedback ==> 电子反馈
  8657. electron flare ==> 电子耀斑
  8658. electron flow ==> 电子流动
  8659. electron flux ==> 电子通量
  8660. electron focusing ==> 电子聚焦
  8661. electron fractography ==> エレクトロンフラクトグラフィ
  8662. electron gain ==> 获得电子
  8663. electron gas ==> 电子气=>電子ガス
  8664. electron gear shifting ==> 电子换档
  8665. electron geometrical optics ==> 电子几何光学
  8666. electron gun ==> 电子枪=>電子銃
  8667. electron gun alignment adjustment ==> 电子枪对中调节装置
  8668. electron gun vacuum lock ==> 电子枪真空密封装置
  8669. electron gyro-frequency ==> 电子回旋频率
  8670. electron gyroradiation ==> 电子回旋辐射
  8671. electron heating ==> 电子加热
  8672. electron hole ==> 电子空穴,空穴
  8673. electron hole avalanche ==> 电子空穴雪崩
  8674. electron hole collision ==> 电子空穴碰撞
  8675. electron hole droplets ==> 电子空穴液滴
  8676. electron hole pair ==> 电子空穴对,电子空穴碰撞偶
  8677. electron hole pair generation ==> 电子空穴对发生
  8678. electron hole pairs ==> 电子—空穴对
  8679. electron hole recombination ==> 电子空穴复合
  8680. electron hole scatter ==> 电子空穴散射
  8681. electron illuminating system ==> 电子照明系统
  8682. electron image intensifier ==> 电子象增强器
  8683. electron image projection ==> 电子图象投影
  8684. electron image projector ==> 电子投影装置
  8685. electron image tube ==> 电子图像管,移像管
  8686. electron impact ==> 电子轰击
  8687. electron impact ionization ==> 电子碰撞电离
  8688. electron induced desorption(EID) ==> 电子诱导解吸
  8689. electron induction accelerator ==> 电子感应回旋加速器
  8690. electron injection ==> 电子注入
  8691. electron injector ==> 电子注射器
  8692. electron interferometer ==> 电子干涉仪
  8693. electron ion recombination ==> 电子离子复合
  8694. electron irradiated silicon ==> 电子束照射硅
  8695. electron irradiation ==> 电子辐照=>電子線照射
  8696. electron lattice interaction ==> 电子点阵相互作用
  8697. electron lattice theory ==> 电子点阵论
  8698. electron lens ==> 电子透镜=>電子レンズ
  8699. electron lepton number ==> 电子轻子数
  8700. electron linear accelerator ==> 电子线性加速器,电子直线加速器
  8701. electron lperation desk of EPMA ==> 电子探针的电子操纵台
  8702. electron magnetic moment ==> 电子磁矩
  8703. electron mass ==> 电子质量
  8704. electron metal ==> 镁铝合金
  8705. electron metallography ==> 电子金相学
  8706. electron micrograph ==> 电子微写器,电子显微放大器,电子显微镜相片,电子显微镜照片
  8707. electron microprobe ==> 电子探针
  8708. electron microprobe analysis ==> 微区电子探针分析
  8709. electron microprobe X-ray analyzer ==> 电子显微探针X射线分析仪
  8710. electron microscope ==> 电子显微镜=>電子顕微鏡
  8711. electron microscope microanalyser ==> 电子显微镜微分析器,电子显微镜微量分析器
  8712. electron microscopic autoradiography ==> 电镜自动放射照相术
  8713. electron microscopy ==> 电子显微镜检查=>電子顕微鏡法
  8714. electron mirror ==> 电子镜,打拿极
  8715. electron mirror microscope ==> 电子镜显微镜
  8716. electron mobility ==> 电子移动性
  8717. electron mobility detector ==> 电子迁移率检测器
  8718. electron mosquito killer ==> 电子杀蚊器
  8719. electron motion ==> 电子运动
  8720. electron multiplicity ==> 电子多重性
  8721. electron multiplier ==> 电子倍增器=>電子増倍管
  8722. electron neutrino ==> 电子中微子
  8723. electron noise ==> 电子噪声
  8724. electron number ==> 电子数
  8725. electron octet ==> 电子八隅体
  8726. electron optical image converter ==> 电子光学图象转换器
  8727. electron optical prism ==> 电子光学棱镜
  8728. electron optical system ==> 电子光学系统
  8729. electron optical system of EPMA ==> 电子探针的电子光学系统
  8730. electron optics ==> 电子光学=>電子光学
  8731. electron optics component ==> 电子光学部件
  8732. electron orbit ==> 电子轨道
  8733. electron oscillating engine ==> 电子振荡发动机
  8734. electron oscillation ==> 電子振動
  8735. electron oscillator ==> 电子振荡器
  8736. electron oscillograph ==> 电子示波器
  8737. electron pair ==> 电子对,电子偶=>電子対
  8738. electron pair bond ==> 共价键
  8739. electron pair bonding ==> 電子対結合
  8740. electron pair generation ==> 電子対生成
  8741. electron pair spectrometer ==> 电子偶分光计
  8742. electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) ==> 电子顺磁共振
  8743. electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum (EPR) ==> 电子顺磁共振波谱
  8744. electron paramagnetism ==> 电子顺磁性
  8745. electron physics ==> 电子物理学
  8746. electron plasma frequency ==> 电子等离子体频率,等离子体频率
  8747. electron plate ==> 电子板
  8748. electron polarization ==> 电子极化
  8749. electron pole ==> 電子極
  8750. electron population ==> 电子布居
  8751. electron positron storage ring ==> 电子正电子储存环
  8752. electron power tube ==> 电子功率管
  8753. electron probe ==> 电子探针
  8754. electron probe microanalyser ==> 电子探针微区分析仪
  8755. electron probe microanalysis ==> 电子探针微量分析
  8756. electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) ==> 电子探针微区分析,电子探针显微分析
  8757. electron probe microanalyzer ==> 电子探针显微分析仪
  8758. electron probe micrograph ==> 电子探针显微照片
  8759. electron probe X ray microanalyzer ==> 电子探针X射线微区分析仪
  8760. electron probe X-ray analyzer ==> 电子探针X射线分析器
  8761. electron probe X-ray microanalyzer ==> 电子探针X射线微分析仪
  8762. electron probing analysis ==> 电子探针分析
  8763. electron projector ==> 电子投射器
  8764. electron radius ==> 电子半径
  8765. electron ray ==> 电子射线
  8766. electron ray indicator tube ==> 电子射线指示管
  8767. electron rays ==> 电子束=>電子線
  8768. electron recording tube ==> 记录用阴极射线管
  8769. electron rectifier ==> 电子整流器
  8770. electron relay ==> 电子继电器
  8771. electron release ==> 释电子
  8772. electron repeller ==> 电子反射极
  8773. electron repelling ==> 电子排斥
  8774. electron resist ==> 电子束抗蚀剂
  8775. electron resonance breakdown ==> 次级电子倍增击穿
  8776. electron resonance magnetometer ==> 电子共振磁强计
  8777. electron rest frame ==> 电子静坐标系
  8778. electron rest mass ==> 电子静止质量,电子质量
  8779. electron ring accelerator (ERA) ==> 电子环加速器
  8780. electron scanned complex detector ==> 电子扫描复合控测器
  8781. electron scanning microscope ==> 电子扫描显微镜
  8782. electron scanning pupillometer ==> 电子扫描式瞳孔计
  8783. electron scattering ==> 电子散逸
  8784. electron scattering continuum ==> 电子散射连续区
  8785. electron secondary ==> 二次电子
  8786. electron sensitive emulsion ==> 电子灵敏乳胶
  8787. electron sensitive resist ==> 电子束抗蚀剂
  8788. electron sharing ==> 电子共有化
  8789. electron shell ==> 电子壳层
  8790. electron sink ==> 电子冷阱
  8791. electron source ==> 电子源
  8792. electron spectrograph ==> 电子摄谱仪
  8793. electron spectrometer ==> 电子能谱仪
  8794. electron spectroscopy ==> 电子能谱术
  8795. electron spectrum ==> 电子光谱,电子能谱
  8796. electron speed regulator ==> 电子调速器
  8797. electron spin ==> 电子转动,电子自旋=>電子スピン
  8798. electron spin density ==> 电子自旋密度
  8799. electron spin resonance ==> 电子自旋共振=>電子スピン共鳴
  8800. electron spin resonance (ESR) ==> 电子顺磁共振,电子自旋共振
  8801. electron spin resonance magnetometer ==> 电子自旋共振磁力仪
  8802. electron stain ==> 电子染料,电子着色剂
  8803. electron stimulated desorption (ESD) ==> 电子致脱附
  8804. electron stream amplifier ==> 电子束放大器
  8805. electron swarm ==> 電子スオーム
  8806. electron switch ==> 电子开关
  8807. electron synchrotron ==> 电子同步加速器
  8808. electron technology ==> 电子技术
  8809. electron telescope ==> 电子望远镜
  8810. electron temperature ==> 电子温度=>電子温度
  8811. electron temperature probe ==> 电子温度控制器
  8812. electron theory ==> 电子论,电子理论,电子学说
  8813. electron time-of-flight spectrometer ==> 电子飞行时间谱仪
  8814. electron trajectory ==> 电子轨道
  8815. electron trajectory plotter ==> 电子轨迹标绘器
  8816. electron transfer ==> 电子传递,电子迁移,电子转移
  8817. electron transit angle ==> 電子走行角
  8818. electron transit time ==> 电子渡越时间=>電子走行時間
  8819. electron transition ==> 电子跃迁
  8820. electron transmission ==> 電子透過率
  8821. electron transport chain ==> 电子传递链
  8822. electron transport coefficient ==> 電子輸送係数
  8823. electron transport system ==> 电子传递体系
  8824. electron trap ==> 电子陷阱
  8825. electron tube ==> 电子管=>電子管
  8826. electron tube amplifier ==> 电子管放大器
  8827. electron tube base ga(u)ge ==> 电子管管座量规
  8828. electron tube instrument ==> 电子管式测试仪表,电子管式测试仪器
  8829. electron tube power amplifier ==> 电子管功率放大器
  8830. electron tube rack ==> 电子管试验台
  8831. electron tube static characteristic ==> 电子管静态特性
  8832. electron tube voltmeter ==> 电子管伏特计
  8833. electron tunneling ==> 电子隧道效应,电子贯穿
  8834. electron type rock ore densimeter ==> 电子式岩矿密度仪
  8835. Electron V-1 ==> 埃雷克特龙V-1镁合金,爱莱特龙强硬镁铝合金
  8836. electron vacancy ==> 电子空位
  8837. electron vacuum gage ==> 电子真空计
  8838. electron valve ==> 电磁阀,电子管
  8839. electron velocity ==> 电子速度
  8840. electron velocity analyzer ==> 电子速度分析器
  8841. electron velocity spectrometer ==> 电子速度谱仪
  8842. electron volt ==> 电子伏特
  8843. electron wave function ==> 电子波函数
  8844. electron wave length ==> 电子波长
  8845. electron wave magnetron ==> 电子波磁控管
  8846. electron wave tube ==> 电子波放大管,电子波管
  8847. electron wavelength ==> 电子波长
  8848. electron waves ==> 电子波
  8849. electron withdraw group ==> 吸电子基团
  8850. electron work functon ==> 电子逸出功
  8851. electron(ic) camera ==> 电子摄影机
  8852. electron-accelerating device ==> 电子加速器
  8853. electron-amplifier ==> 电子放大器
  8854. electron-atom bremsstrahlung ==> 电子原子韧致辐射
  8855. electron-baem spot ==> 电子束光点
  8856. electron-beam ==> 阴极射线
  8857. electron-beam (melted) ingot ==> 电子束熔锭
  8858. electron-beam addressed memory ==> 电子束寻址存储器
  8859. electron-beam counter tube ==> 电子束计数管,计数开关管
  8860. electron-beam current ==> 电子束电流
  8861. electron-beam drafting machine ==> 电子束绘图机
  8862. electron-beam drilling ==> 电子束钻孔
  8863. electron-beam drilling machine ==> 电子束钻床,电子束钻孔机
  8864. electron-beam evaporator ==> 电子束蒸发器
  8865. electron-beam excitation ==> 电子束激发
  8866. electron-beam excited laser ==> 电子束激发激光器
  8867. electron-beam film scanning ==> 胶片电子束扫描录像
  8868. electron-beam floating zone furnace ==> 电子束浮区提纯炉
  8869. electron-beam furnace ==> 电子束熔炼炉,轰击炉
  8870. electron-beam generator ==> 电子束发生器
  8871. electron-beam heater ==> 电子束加热器
  8872. electron-beam image recorder ==> 电子束图像记录器
  8873. electron-beam injected transistor amplifier ==> 电子束注入晶体管放大器
  8874. electron-beam laser ==> 电子束激光器
  8875. electron-beam lithography ==> 电子束平印术
  8876. electron-beam machining ==> 电子束加工
  8877. electron-beam magnetometer ==> 电子式磁强计,电子束磁力仪,电子束磁强计
  8878. electron-beam melted material ==> 电子束熔炼的材料
  8879. electron-beam melting ==> 电子束熔化
  8880. electron-beam melting furnace ==> 电子束熔炼炉
  8881. electron-beam melting system ==> 电子束熔炼设备
  8882. electron-beam memory ==> 电子束存储器
  8883. electron-beam microprobe ==> 电子束显微探头
  8884. electron-beam parametric amplifier ==> 电子束参量放大器
  8885. electron-beam probe ==> 电子束探示器,电子束探针
  8886. electron-beam process ==> 电子束熔炼法
  8887. electron-beam pumped laser ==> 电子束抽运激光器
  8888. electron-beam pumped semiconductor laser tube ==> 电子束激励抽运半导体激光管
  8889. electron-beam pumping ==> 电子束抽运
  8890. electron-beam recorder ==> 电子束记录器
  8891. electron-beam recording ==> 电子束录像
  8892. electron-beam refining ==> 电子束精炼
  8893. electron-beam regulator ==> 电子束调节器
  8894. electron-beam scanner ==> 电子束扫描器
  8895. electron-beam scanning system ==> 电子束扫描系统
  8896. electron-beam sintering ==> 电子束烧结
  8897. electron-beam sustainer-pumped laser ==> 电子束持续抽运激光器
  8898. electron-beam treatment ==> 电子束加工
  8899. electron-beam tube ==> 电子束管
  8900. electron-beam vacuum furnace ==> 电子束真空炉
  8901. electron-beam welder ==> 电子束焊机
  8902. electron-beam welding ==> 电子束焊接
  8903. electron-beam welding machine ==> 电子束焊机
  8904. electron-beam-accessed memory (EBAM) ==> 电子束存储器
  8905. electron-beam-activated micromachining ==> 电子束显微机械加工
  8906. electron-beam-induced conductivity ==> 电子束感应导电率
  8907. electron-bombardment welding ==> 真空电子束焊
  8908. electron-capture ionization detector ==> 电子捕获电离探测器
  8909. electron-capture oxygen analyzer ==> 电子捕获氧分析仪
  8910. electron-collection counter ==> 电子收集计数管
  8911. electron-controlled profile milling ==> 电子控制靠模铣
  8912. electron-coupled frequency converter ==> 电子耦合变频器
  8913. electron-coupled oscillator (ECO) ==> 电子耦合振荡器
  8914. electron-defect compound ==> 缺电子化合物
  8915. electron-deficient rearrangement ==> 缺电子重排反应
  8916. electron-density map ==> 电子密度图
  8917. electron-density measurement probe ==> 电子密度探测器
  8918. electron-discharge tube ==> 电子放电管
  8919. electron-donating group ==> 供电子基
  8920. electron-electron bremsstrahlung ==> 电子电子韧致辐射
  8921. electron-gundensity multiplication ==> 电子枪密度倍增量
  8922. electron-induced conductivity vidicon ==> 电子感生导电视像管
  8923. electron-like ==> 类电子
  8924. electron-microscopic examination ==> 金属电子显微技术,利用电子光学显微仪器研究金属显微组织等的技术
  8925. electron-multiplier photo tube ==> 电子倍增光电管
  8926. electron-multiplier phototube ==> 光电倍增管
  8927. electron-nuclear double resonance helix ==> 电子核子双共振螺旋管
  8928. electron-optical aberration ==> 电子光学象差
  8929. electron-optical image intensifier ==> 电光像增强器
  8930. electron-optical system ==> 电子光学系统
  8931. electron-photon scattering ==> 电子光子散射
  8932. electron-photon shower ==> 电子光子簇射
  8933. electron-positron annihilation ==> 电子正电子湮没
  8934. electron-positron field ==> 阴阳电子场
  8935. electron-positron pair ==> 电子正电子对,正负电子对
  8936. electron-proton spectrometer ==> 电子质子谱仪
  8937. electron-ray tube ==> 电子射线管
  8938. electron-rich alloy ==> 富电子合金
  8939. electron-stream amplifier ==> 电子流放大器
  8940. electron-stream potential ==> 电子流电位
  8941. electron-stream transmission efficiency ==> 电子流传输效率
  8942. electron-tube generator ==> 电子管振荡发生器
  8943. electron-tube heater ==> 灯丝
  8944. electron-withdrawing ==> 吸电子
  8945. electron-withdrawing group ==> 吸电子基
  8946. electronarcosis ==> 电流麻醉
  8947. electronarcosis apparatus ==> 电麻醉设备
  8948. electronasoscope ==> 电光鼻镜
  8949. electronating agent ==> 增电子剂
  8950. electronation ==> 增加电子作用,加电子作用
  8951. electronegative ==> 电负性的,负电性的,阴电性
  8952. electronegative metal ==> 负电性金属
  8953. electronegative potential ==> 阴电势
  8954. electronegative valency effect ==> 阴电原子价效应
  8955. electronegativity ==> 阴电性,负电性,电负性
  8956. electroneurographic signal ==> 神经电信号
  8957. electroneurolysis ==> 电针神经松解术
  8958. electroneurotone ==> 电按摩器
  8959. electroneutrality principle ==> 电中和原理
  8960. electronfractography ==> 断口电子显微镜检验
  8961. electronic ==> 电子的
  8962. electronic absorber ==> 电子吸声器,电子吸收器
  8963. electronic absorption spectrum ==> 电子吸收光谱
  8964. electronic AC switch ==> 交流电子开关
  8965. electronic AC voltage stabilizer ==> 电子交流稳压表
  8966. electronic ac voltmeter ==> 电子交流伏特计
  8967. electronic AC voltmeter ==> 电子交流电压表
  8968. electronic AC-DC voltage stabilizer ==> 电子交直流稳压器
  8969. electronic accounting machine ==> 电子记帐机
  8970. electronic acupunctoscope ==> 电针仪
  8971. electronic acupuncture and moxibustion device ==> 电子针灸器
  8972. electronic acupuncture massager ==> 电子针灸按摩器
  8973. electronic acupuncture needle for body fitness ==> 电子健美针
  8974. electronic admittance ==> 电子导纳=>電子アドミタンス
  8975. electronic aid ==> 电子设备
  8976. electronic aid to navigation ==> 导航电子设备
  8977. electronic air cleaner ==> 电子空气净化器
  8978. electronic alarm ==> 电子报警器
  8979. electronic alternating-current voltmeter ==> 电子交流电压表
  8980. electronic altimeter ==> 无线电测高计
  8981. electronic amplifier ==> 电子放大器,电子管式放大器
  8982. electronic analog computer ==> 电子模拟计算机
  8983. electronic analog correlator ==> 电子模拟相关器
  8984. electronic analog multiplier ==> 电子模拟乘法器
  8985. electronic analogue to digital converter ==> 电子模/数转[变]换器
  8986. electronic anemometer ==> 电子风速仪
  8987. electronic angular momentum ==> 电子角动量
  8988. electronic annunciator ==> 电子信号机
  8989. electronic antenna distributor ==> 电子式天线分配器
  8990. electronic antiphlogistic and analgesic membrane ==> 电子消炎止痛膜
  8991. electronic apparatus ==> 电子器具
  8992. electronic arc welder ==> 电子弧焊机
  8993. electronic arc-control device ==> 电子灭弧器
  8994. electronic attachment ==> 电子附着
  8995. electronic attenuator ==> 电子式衰减器
  8996. electronic attitude director ==> 电子姿态指引仪
  8997. electronic audiometer ==> 电子听力计
  8998. electronic auscultation device ==> 电子听诊器
  8999. electronic auscultator ==> 电子听诊器
  9000. electronic auto telephone ==> 电子自动电话机
  9001. electronic automatic balance instrument ==> 电子式自动平衡仪
  9002. electronic automatic balancing recorder ==> 电子式自动平衡记录器
  9003. electronic automatic blood-cell counter ==> 电子自动血细胞计数器
  9004. electronic automatic compensator ==> 电子自动补偿仪
  9005. electronic automatic digital computer ==> 电子式自动数字计算机
  9006. electronic automatic exchange ==> 电子自动交换机
  9007. electronic automatic navigator ==> 电子自动导航仪,电子自动领航仪
  9008. electronic automatic switch ==> 电子自动开关
  9009. electronic automatic system ==> 电子自动系统
  9010. electronic autopilot ==> 电子式自动驾驶仪,电子自动驾驶仪
  9011. electronic azimuth marker ==> 电子方位标记
  9012. electronic balance ==> 电子天平
  9013. electronic balancer ==> 电子平衡器
  9014. electronic ballast ==> 电子镇流器=>電子回路式安定器
  9015. electronic band spectrum ==> 电子带光谱
  9016. electronic batch(ing) counter ==> 电子剂量计数器
  9017. electronic batching scale ==> 电子配料秤
  9018. electronic batching weigher ==> 定值控制电子秤
  9019. electronic bathythermograph(EBT) ==> 电子深温计
  9020. electronic battery clock ==> 电池钟
  9021. electronic beam ==> 电子束
  9022. electronic beam flue gasdesulfurization and deNOx ==> 电子束烟气脱硫脱氮,利用电子束照射烟气所产生的自由基等强活性基团氧化烟气中的SO2和NOx,并与加入的氨进行反应,生成硫酸铵和硝酸铵的脱硫工艺
  9023. electronic beam laser ==> 电子束激光器
  9024. electronic beam leveling unit ==> 电子束抄平器
  9025. electronic beam machining ==> 电子束加工
  9026. electronic beam processing ==> 电子束处理,电子束加工
  9027. electronic beam recorder ==> 电子束记录器,电子束记录仪
  9028. electronic beam-steering device ==> 电子束扫描装置
  9029. electronic bearing cursor ==> 电子方位游标
  9030. electronic bearing marker ==> 电子方位游标
  9031. electronic belt conveyor scale ==> 电子皮带秤
  9032. electronic belt milling machine ==> 电子磨带机
  9033. electronic belt scale ==> 电子皮带秤,能检测皮带输煤机上输送煤流累计重量的燃煤(散货)动态计量装置
  9034. electronic belt weigher ==> 电子皮带秤
  9035. electronic billing machine ==> 电子会计机
  9036. electronic biologic microscope ==> 电子生物显微镜
  9037. electronic bionics ==> 电子仿生学
  9038. electronic blood counter ==> 电子血球计数器
  9039. electronic blood pressure and heart rate monitor ==> 电子血压心率监测器
  9040. electronic blood pressure monitor ==> 电子血压监测仪
  9041. electronic blood-cell counter ==> 电子自动血细胞计数器
  9042. electronic body temperature balancer ==> 电子体温平衡仪
  9043. electronic book ==> 電子ブック,電子書籍
  9044. electronic bottle inspector ==> 电子验瓶机
  9045. electronic box ==> 电子盒
  9046. electronic brain ==> 电脑,电子计算机
  9047. electronic brain driven centrifuge ==> 电脑控制离心机
  9048. electronic brain urinalysis instrument ==> 电脑尿生化分析仪
  9049. electronic breakdown ==> 电子击穿
  9050. electronic bug killer ==> 电子杀虫器
  9051. electronic building brick ==> 电子组件
  9052. electronic bulk memory ==> 大容量电子存储器
  9053. electronic bulk storage ==> 电子大容量存储器
  9054. electronic bulletin board ==> 电子通报,电子通报板
  9055. electronic calculating punch ==> 电子计算穿孔,电子计算穿孔机
  9056. electronic calculator ==> 电子计算机,电子计算器
  9057. electronic camera ==> 变像管照相机
  9058. electronic camouflage ==> 电子伪装
  9059. electronic canister ==> 电子仪器装运箱
  9060. electronic cardiac pacemarker ==> 电子心脏起搏器
  9061. electronic carillon ==> 电子钟琴
  9062. electronic cash register ==> 电子点钞机,电子现金出纳机
  9063. electronic cash register (ECR) ==> 电子现金收入记录机
  9064. electronic catcher detector ==> 电子捕获鉴定器
  9065. electronic central office (ECO) ==> 电子中心局
  9066. electronic cephalohemometer ==> 电子颅内血压计
  9067. electronic ceramics ==> 电子陶瓷
  9068. electronic chart display ==> 电子海图
  9069. electronic chart scanner ==> 电子扫描读卡仪
  9070. electronic chopper ==> 电子斩波器
  9071. electronic chronometer ==> 电子时计
  9072. electronic chronometric tachometer ==> 电子计时式转速表,电子计时式转速计
  9073. electronic cipher machine ==> 电子密码机
  9074. electronic circuit ==> 电子电路=>電子回路
  9075. electronic circuit analysis program ==> 电子电路分析程序
  9076. electronic circuit analysis program (ECAP) ==> 电子线路分析程序语言
  9077. electronic circuit packaging ==> 电子电路组装
  9078. electronic clock ==> 电子钟
  9079. electronic coder ==> 电子编码管
  9080. electronic coding tube ==> 电子编码管
  9081. electronic colo(u)r corrector ==> 电子彩色改正器
  9082. electronic color combiner ==> 电子彩色合成仪
  9083. electronic color scanner ==> 电子分色机
  9084. electronic colour analyser ==> 电子分色机
  9085. electronic colour scanner ==> 电子彩色扫描器
  9086. electronic colour separator ==> 光电分离机
  9087. electronic colour splitter ==> 电子分色机
  9088. electronic colour-correction scanner ==> 电子校色扫描机
  9089. electronic commerce ==> 電子商取引
  9090. electronic commutator ==> 电子转换器,电子转接器,电子转向器
  9091. electronic comparator ==> 电子比较仪
  9092. electronic component ==> 电子线路元件
  9093. electronic components laboratory ==> 电子元件实验室
  9094. electronic composition ==> 电子排版
  9095. electronic computer ==> 电子计算机
  9096. electronic computing gunsight ==> 电子计算射击瞄准器
  9097. electronic computing machine ==> 电子计算机
  9098. electronic computing units ==> 电子计算单元
  9099. electronic condensed-water stirrer ==> 电子冷凝水搅拌器
  9100. electronic conduction ==> 电子传导
  9101. electronic conductivity ==> 电子电导率
  9102. electronic conductor ==> 电子导电体
  9103. electronic configuration ==> 电子构型
  9104. electronic confusion area ==> 电子扰乱区
  9105. electronic consistency regulator ==> 电子浓度调节器
  9106. electronic console ==> 电子显示器
  9107. electronic contact rectifier ==> 电子接触整流器
  9108. electronic contactor ==> 电子接触器=>電子コンタクタ
  9109. electronic control ==> 电子调节,电子控制
  9110. electronic control governor ==> 電子制御調速機
  9111. electronic control system ==> 电子控制系统
  9112. electronic controlled intermittent tractor ==> 电子控制间断式牵引器
  9113. electronic controlled test rack ==> 电子控制的试验设备
  9114. electronic controller ==> 电子调节器,电子控制器
  9115. electronic cool pillow ==> 电子凉枕
  9116. electronic cooler ==> 电子冷却装置
  9117. electronic cooling ==> 電子冷却
  9118. electronic cooling pillow ==> 电子凉枕
  9119. electronic coordinatograph and read-out system ==> 电子坐标仪和读出系统
  9120. electronic copier ==> 电子复印机
  9121. electronic correlator ==> 电子环形解调电路,电子相关器
  9122. electronic cottage ==> 电子化住宅
  9123. electronic counter ==> 电子计数器
  9124. electronic counter relay ==> 电子式计数继电器
  9125. electronic counter type frequency meter ==> 电子计数式频率计
  9126. electronic counter-countermeasures ==> 电子反对抗
  9127. electronic counter-measures jammer ==> 电子对抗干扰机
  9128. electronic counter-measures receiver ==> 电子对抗接收机
  9129. electronic countermeasure ==> 电子对抗
  9130. electronic countermodulation ==> 电子干扰
  9131. electronic counting scale ==> 电子计数秤
  9132. electronic coupling ==> 电子耦合
  9133. electronic crack detector ==> 电子控伤器,电子探伤器
  9134. electronic crane scale ==> 电子吊秤
  9135. electronic cross-section ==> 电子截面
  9136. electronic curing ==> 高频磁化,高频固化
  9137. electronic current ==> 电子电流=>電子電流
  9138. electronic curve tracer ==> 电子曲线描记仪,电子曲线示踪器
  9139. electronic data calculator ==> 电子数据计算器
  9140. electronic data gathering equipment ==> 电子数据收集设备
  9141. electronic data processing ==> 电子数据处理
  9142. electronic data processing (EDP) ==> 电子数据处理
  9143. electronic data processing machine ==> 电子数据处理机
  9144. electronic data processing system ==> 电子数据处理系统
  9145. electronic data processor ==> 电子数据处理机
  9146. electronic data transmissing set ==> 电子数据传输装置
  9147. electronic data-processing center (EDP center) ==> 电子数据处理中心
  9148. electronic data-processing equiment ==> 电子数据处理设备
  9149. electronic data-processing system ==> 电子数据处理系统
  9150. electronic data-switching center ==> 电子数据交换中心
  9151. electronic decelerometer ==> 电子减速仪
  9152. electronic deception ==> 电子欺骗
  9153. electronic defense evaluation ==> 电子防务测定
  9154. electronic defibrillator ==> 电子去纤颤器
  9155. electronic delocalization ==> 电子非定域位
  9156. electronic denier monitor ==> 电子纤度监测仪
  9157. electronic desk lamp ==> 电子台灯
  9158. electronic detector ==> 电子探测器
  9159. electronic detonation meter ==> 电子爆震计,电子爆震仪
  9160. electronic device ==> 电子装置=>電子素子,電子部品
  9161. electronic device simulation ==> 電子デバイスシミュレーション
  9162. electronic dial exchange ==> 电子式拨号交换机
  9163. electronic diamagnetism ==> 电子抗磁性
  9164. electronic dictionary ==> 电子词典,电子字典
  9165. electronic differential analyzer ==> 电子微分分析机
  9166. electronic digital calipers ==> 电子数字卡尺
  9167. electronic digital computer ==> 电子数字计算机
  9168. electronic digital display calipers ==> 电子数显卡尺
  9169. electronic digital display combined machine ==> 电子数显组合机
  9170. electronic digital display depth calipers ==> 电子数显深度尺
  9171. electronic digital display gauge ==> 电子数显卡规
  9172. electronic digital display height scale ==> 电子数显高度尺
  9173. electronic digital display machine scale ==> 电子数显机床标尺
  9174. electronic digital display micrometer ==> 电子数显千分尺
  9175. electronic digital displaying calipers ==> 电子数显卡尺
  9176. electronic digital readout micrometer ==> 电子数显千分尺
  9177. electronic digital wristwatch ==> 电子数字式手表
  9178. electronic dilatometer ==> 电子膨胀仪
  9179. electronic directional coupler ==> 电子定向耦合器
  9180. electronic discriminator ==> 电子鉴别器
  9181. electronic displacement polarization ==> 电子移位极化
  9182. electronic display ==> 电子显示
  9183. electronic display controller ==> 电子显示控制器
  9184. electronic distance measuring device ==> 电子测距仪器
  9185. electronic distance measuring instrument ==> 电子测距仪器
  9186. electronic distance meter ==> 电子测距仪
  9187. electronic distance meter theodolite ==> 电子测距光学经纬仪
  9188. electronic distance-measuring equipment ==> 电子测距设备
  9189. electronic distancer ==> 电子测距仪
  9190. electronic distributor ==> 電子的分配器
  9191. electronic divider ==> 电子除法器,电子分配器
  9192. electronic document communication system (EDCS) ==> 电子文档通信系统
  9193. electronic drawing board ==> 电子画板
  9194. electronic drift ==> 电子仪器漂移
  9195. electronic driftmeter ==> 电子偏航测量仪
  9196. electronic dummy ==> 电子半身模型
  9197. electronic dynamometer ==> 电子测力计
  9198. electronic editor ==> 电子编辑机
  9199. electronic educational toy ==> 电子育儿玩具
  9200. electronic efficiency ==> 电子效率
  9201. electronic electrocardiagram analyzer ==> 电子心电分析仪
  9202. electronic embroidery machine ==> 电子刺绣机,电子绣花机
  9203. electronic emission ==> 电子发射
  9204. electronic emission spectrum ==> 电子发射光谱
  9205. electronic emitter ==> 电子发射器
  9206. electronic energy ==> 电子能
  9207. electronic energy curve ==> 电子能曲线
  9208. electronic energy-saving lamp ==> 电子节能灯
  9209. electronic engine ==> 電子エンジン
  9210. electronic engine analyzer ==> 电子式引擎分析器
  9211. electronic engine control and airframe interface connector ==> 電子エンジン制御装置と機体の接続部
  9212. electronic engine control unit ==> 電子エンジン制御装置
  9213. electronic engine controller ==> 電子エンジン制御装置
  9214. electronic engineering ==> 电子工程学
  9215. electronic engraver ==> 电子刻版机,电子刻图仪
  9216. electronic engraving ==> 电子雕刻,电子刻版
  9217. electronic engraving machine ==> 电子雕刻机,电子刻版机
  9218. electronic enhancement viewer ==> 电子增强观测器
  9219. electronic equation ==> 电子方程
  9220. electronic equilibrium ==> 电子平衡
  9221. electronic equipment ==> 电子设备
  9222. electronic equipment rack ==> 电子设备架
  9223. electronic exchange ==> 电子交换机
  9224. electronic exchanger ==> 电子交换机,电子交换器
  9225. electronic excitation ==> 电子激发
  9226. electronic exposure meter ==> 电子曝光表
  9227. electronic eye ==> 电眼
  9228. electronic eyeballs ==> 電子の眼球
  9229. electronic fault indicator ==> 电子故障指示器
  9230. electronic feedback ==> 电子反馈
  9231. electronic field frequency converter ==> 电子场频变换器
  9232. electronic filter ==> 电子滤波器
  9233. electronic fire-control equipment ==> 电子射击指挥仪
  9234. electronic flame safeguard ==> 电子火焰防护装置
  9235. electronic flash ==> 电子闪光
  9236. electronic flash generator ==> 电子闪光发生器
  9237. electronic flash lamp ==> 电子闪光灯
  9238. electronic flasher ==> 电子闪光器
  9239. electronic flat knitting machine ==> 电子针织横机
  9240. electronic flowmeter ==> 电子流量计
  9241. electronic flowmeter system ==> 连续式电子流量计
  9242. electronic flutter simulator ==> 电子颤振模拟器
  9243. electronic fluxmeter ==> 电子磁通表
  9244. electronic flying insect killer ==> 电子蚊蝇杀灭器
  9245. electronic follow-up steering apparatus ==> 电子随动操舵仪
  9246. electronic formula ==> 电子公式
  9247. electronic frequency converter ==> 静止周波数変換装置
  9248. electronic frequency counter ==> 电子频率计数据
  9249. electronic frequency meter ==> 电子管式频率计,电子频率计
  9250. electronic function generator ==> 电子函数发生器,电子式函数发生器
  9251. electronic funds transfer system (EFTS) ==> 电子金融传输系统,电子金融传送系统,电子资金转移系统
  9252. electronic fuse ==> 电子引信
  9253. electronic ga(u)ge ==> 电子测微仪
  9254. electronic game ==> 电子游戏机
  9255. electronic gasoline injection ==> 电子汽油喷射
  9256. electronic gauge ==> 电子测量仪,电子测微计
  9257. electronic generator ==> 电子管振荡器,电子振荡器
  9258. electronic glass ==> 电子玻璃
  9259. electronic governor ==> 电子自动调速器=>電子ガバナ
  9260. electronic grade chemical ==> 电子工业纯度级化学试剂
  9261. electronic grade control ==> 电子坡度控制器
  9262. electronic grade gas ==> 电子工业纯度级气体
  9263. electronic grade solvent ==> 电子工业纯度级溶剂
  9264. electronic grade water ==> 电子工业纯度级水
  9265. electronic guidance equipment ==> 电子制导装置
  9266. electronic guitar ==> 电子吉他
  9267. electronic gun ==> 电子枪
  9268. electronic hairness meter ==> 电子式毛羽测试仪
  9269. electronic hanging balance ==> 电子吊秤
  9270. electronic heating ==> 电子加热
  9271. electronic helicopter ==> 电子直升机
  9272. electronic hoist[hanging] scale ==> 电子吊秤
  9273. electronic hole opener ==> 电子打孔机
  9274. electronic humidistat ==> 电子恒湿器
  9275. electronic hydrotreater ==> 电子水处理器
  9276. electronic ignitin system ==> 电子点火系统
  9277. electronic ignition ==> 电子点火
  9278. electronic ignition system ==> 电子点火系统
  9279. electronic image ==> エレクトロニックイメージ
  9280. electronic image correlator ==> 电子影像相关器
  9281. electronic image pick-up device ==> 电子式摄像装置
  9282. electronic image pickup device ==> 电子摄像装置
  9283. electronic image sensor ==> 電子的撮像感知装置
  9284. electronic image storage device ==> 电子录像设备,电子录像装置
  9285. electronic image-tube ==> 电子像管
  9286. electronic impact ==> 电子撞击
  9287. electronic impact furnace ==> 电子轰击炉,电子撞击炉
  9288. electronic impedance ==> 电子阻抗=>電子インピーダンス
  9289. electronic impulse ==> 电子脉冲
  9290. electronic impulser ==> 电子脉冲发生器
  9291. electronic indicator ==> 电子示功器
  9292. electronic industrial stethoscope ==> 电子工业听诊器
  9293. Electronic Industries Association (EIA) ==> 电子工业协会
  9294. electronic ink ==> 电子墨水=>電子インク
  9295. electronic installation ==> 电子装置
  9296. electronic instrument ==> 电子系仪表
  9297. electronic instrument for dilatating uterus ==> 电子扩宫仪
  9298. electronic instrument transformer ==> 电子式互感器
  9299. electronic integrating fluxmeter ==> 电子积分式磁通表
  9300. electronic integrator ==> 电子积分器
  9301. electronic intelligence ==> 电子情报,电子侦察
  9302. electronic interchange machine ==> 电子交换机
  9303. electronic interference ==> 电子干扰
  9304. electronic interpreter ==> 电子翻译器
  9305. electronic inverter ==> 电子变流器,电子换流器,电子逆变器
  9306. electronic jacquard interlock knitting machine ==> 电子提花双罗纹针织机
  9307. electronic jacquard machine ==> 电子提花机
  9308. electronic jammer ==> 干扰发射机
  9309. electronic jamming ==> 人为干扰
  9310. electronic judging and timing equipment ==> 电子裁判计时设备
  9311. electronic key generator ==> 电子密钥发生器
  9312. electronic key loading device ==> 电子密钥装填器
  9313. electronic keyboard ==> 电子键盘
  9314. electronic keying ==> 电子发报
  9315. electronic keying unit ==> 电子键控器
  9316. electronic knitting machine ==> 电子针织机
  9317. electronic larynx diagnostic apparatus ==> 喉头电子诊断仪
  9318. electronic leak detector ==> 电子检漏仪
  9319. electronic lean meter ==> 电子瘦肉测定器
  9320. electronic leather area measuring machine ==> 电子皮革面积测量机
  9321. electronic legacy ==> 電子遺産
  9322. electronic lens ==> 电子透镜
  9323. electronic level ==> 电子水准仪
  9324. electronic library search ==> 电子式图书查找程序
  9325. electronic lighter ==> 电子打火机,电子引燃器
  9326. electronic line scanner ==> 电子行扫描仪
  9327. electronic line scanning ==> 电子行扫描
  9328. electronic listening device ==> 电子监听装置
  9329. electronic loadcell scale ==> 电子秤
  9330. electronic lock ==> 电子门锁
  9331. electronic locking ==> 电子锁定
  9332. electronic log ==> 电子计程仪
  9333. electronic logger ==> 电子记录器
  9334. electronic machinability computer ==> 机械加工性电子计算机
  9335. electronic machine ==> 电子仪器
  9336. electronic machine tool control ==> 电子机床控制,机床电子控制
  9337. electronic magnetic moment ==> 电子的磁矩
  9338. electronic magnetometer ==> 电子磁强计,电子式磁强计
  9339. electronic magneton ==> 电子磁子
  9340. electronic mail ==> 电子函政
  9341. electronic management system ==> 电子管理系统
  9342. electronic material ==> 电子材料
  9343. electronic measurement ==> 电子仪器量测
  9344. electronic measuring apparatus ==> 電子測定器
  9345. electronic measuring instrument ==> 电子测量仪器,电子测量仪器仪表
  9346. electronic membrane osmometer ==> 电子膜渗透仪
  9347. electronic memory ==> 电子存储器
  9348. electronic memory apparatus ==> 电子记忆装置
  9349. electronic memory drum ==> 电子存储磁鼓
  9350. electronic memory pressure probe ==> 电子存储压力计
  9351. electronic memory recorder ==> 电子存储记录器
  9352. electronic metal detector ==> 电子金属探测器
  9353. electronic meter ==> 电子表
  9354. electronic metronome ==> 电子节拍器
  9355. electronic micro balance ==> 电子微量天平
  9356. electronic micro probe ==> 电子微探针
  9357. electronic microelectrode X-ray analyzer ==> 电子微电极X射线分析仪
  9358. electronic microgauge ==> 电子厚度计
  9359. electronic micrometer ==> 电子测微计,电子测微仪
  9360. electronic microphone ==> 电子传声器
  9361. electronic microradiography ==> 电子显微射线照相术
  9362. electronic microscope ==> 电子显微镜
  9363. electronic microscopy ==> 电子显微测定法
  9364. electronic microsecond meter ==> 电子微秒表
  9365. electronic microwave tube ==> 微波电子管
  9366. electronic migration ==> 电子移动
  9367. electronic millisecond meter ==> 电子毫秒表
  9368. electronic millsecondmeter ==> 电子毫秒表
  9369. electronic mirror ==> 电子后视镜
  9370. electronic model ==> 电子模型
  9371. electronic moisture meter ==> 电子湿度计
  9372. electronic mosquito killer ==> 电子灭蚊器
  9373. electronic motor control ==> 电动机电子控制
  9374. electronic motor controller ==> 电子电动机控制器
  9375. electronic moxibustion ==> 电子药灸仪
  9376. electronic multichannel recorder ==> 电子多道记录器
  9377. electronic multimeter ==> 电子万用表
  9378. electronic multiple automatic exchange ==> 电子复式自动交换机
  9379. electronic multiplier ==> 电子倍增器,电子乘法器
  9380. electronic music ==> 电声音乐,电子音乐
  9381. electronic musical instrument ==> 电子乐器
  9382. electronic navigation ==> 電子航法
  9383. electronic noise jammer ==> 电子噪声干扰器
  9384. electronic notebook ==> 电脑记事本
  9385. electronic objective ==> 电子光学物镜
  9386. electronic ophthalmotonometer ==> 电子眼压计
  9387. electronic optical comparator ==> 光电比较仪
  9388. electronic orbit ==> 电子轨道
  9389. electronic organ ==> 电子琴
  9390. electronic organ and electronic keyboard ==> 电子琴
  9391. electronic oscillation ==> 電子振動
  9392. electronic oscillations ==> 电子振荡
  9393. electronic oscillator ==> 电子振荡器
  9394. electronic oscillograph ==> 电子示波器
  9395. electronic oven ==> 电子炉
  9396. electronic package ==> 电子仪器组件
  9397. electronic package section ==> 电子设备外壳部分
  9398. electronic packaging ==> 电子电路组装,电子封装,电子组装
  9399. electronic pantograph ==> 电子伸缩绘图器
  9400. electronic paper ==> 电子纸,象纸一样的显示技术=>電子ペーパー
  9401. electronic paramagnetic resonance spectrometer ==> 电子顺磁共振波谱仪
  9402. electronic part ==> 电子零件
  9403. electronic patterning unit ==> 电子提花装置
  9404. electronic pen ==> 电子笔
  9405. electronic phase angle meter ==> 电子相位计
  9406. electronic phase-angle meter ==> 电子相角计
  9407. electronic photo-voltaic cell ==> 电子光生伏打电池
  9408. electronic photoengraving machine ==> 电子刻版机
  9409. electronic photometer ==> 电子光度计,光电光度计
  9410. electronic phototype-setter ==> 电子照相排字机
  9411. electronic piano ==> 电子钢琴
  9412. electronic pick-up ==> 电子拾音器
  9413. electronic pilot ==> 电子自动驾驶仪
  9414. electronic plane table equipment ==> 电子平板仪
  9415. electronic plasma oscillations ==> 电子波
  9416. electronic platform scale ==> 电子平台秤
  9417. electronic polarization ==> 电子极化
  9418. electronic polisher ==> 电子抛光机
  9419. electronic pollution ==> 电子污染
  9420. electronic position indicator (EPI) ==> 电子定位器
  9421. electronic position readouts ==> 电子位置读数器
  9422. electronic positioning unit ==> 电子定位器
  9423. electronic post parcel scale ==> 电子邮寄包裹秤
  9424. electronic potentiometer ==> 电子电位计
  9425. electronic power conditioner ==> 电子电源调节器
  9426. electronic power converter ==> 电子大功率变流器=>静止電力変換装置
  9427. electronic power frequency control system ==> 电子电源频率调节装置
  9428. electronic preprint ==> 電子プレプリント
  9429. electronic pressure controller ==> 电子调压器
  9430. electronic pressure transmitter ==> 电子压力变送器
  9431. electronic price computing scale ==> 电子计价秤
  9432. electronic print reader ==> 电子印刷阅读器
  9433. electronic printer ==> 电子打印机,电子印刷机,电子印刷装置,电子印相机
  9434. electronic printing ==> 电子印刷
  9435. electronic printing machine ==> 电子印刷机
  9436. electronic probe ==> 电子探针
  9437. electronic processing ==> 电子处理
  9438. electronic product ==> 电子产品
  9439. electronic profilometer ==> 电子表面光洁度测量仪
  9440. electronic programmer ==> 电子程序装置
  9441. electronic publishing ==> 电子出版
  9442. electronic pulsating stimulator ==> 电子式脉动刺激器
  9443. electronic pulsating stimulators ==> 间动电流刺激器
  9444. electronic pulsator ==> 电子式脉动器
  9445. electronic pulse counter ==> 电子脉冲计数器
  9446. electronic pulse height analyzer ==> 电子脉冲振幅分析器
  9447. electronic pump ==> 电子泵
  9448. electronic punch ==> 电子穿孔机,电子凿孔机
  9449. electronic puncher ==> 电子穿孔器
  9450. electronic punching machine ==> 电子穿孔机
  9451. electronic quantum bit ==> 電子量子ビット
  9452. electronic radiography ==> 电子辐射照相术
  9453. electronic railway scale ==> 电子轨道衡
  9454. electronic raster scanner ==> 电子光栅扫描器
  9455. electronic reading ==> 电子阅读器
  9456. electronic reading machine ==> 电子阅读机
  9457. electronic reconnaissance ==> 电子侦察
  9458. electronic reconnaissance meter ==> 电子侦察仪
  9459. electronic recorder ==> 电子记录器
  9460. electronic recording ==> 电子记录
  9461. electronic recording equipment ==> 电子记录设备,电子记录装置
  9462. electronic rectifier ==> 电子整流
  9463. electronic refrigerator ==> 电子冰箱,电子制冷器
  9464. electronic register control ==> 电子定位控制器
  9465. electronic regulator ==> 电子调节器,电子稳压器
  9466. electronic relaxation polarization ==> 电子弛豫极化
  9467. electronic relay ==> 电子继电器=>電子リレー
  9468. electronic resolver ==> 电子式分解器
  9469. electronic resonance spectrometer ==> 电子共振波谱仪
  9470. electronic respirator ==> 电子呼吸器
  9471. electronic reverser ==> 电子反向器
  9472. electronic rice cooker ==> 电饭锅
  9473. electronic robot ==> 电子式机器人
  9474. electronic rotary viscosimeter ==> 电子旋转粘度计
  9475. electronic saccharimeter ==> 电子糖量计
  9476. electronic safety warner ==> 电子安全报警器
  9477. electronic sampling switch ==> 电子取样开关,电子转换器
  9478. electronic scale ==> 电子称,电子秤
  9479. electronic scanner ==> 电子扫描器
  9480. electronic scanner microscope ==> 电子扫描显微镜
  9481. electronic scanning ==> 电子扫描=>電子走査
  9482. electronic scanning radar ==> 电子扫描雷达
  9483. electronic scanning spectrometer ==> 电子扫描分光仪
  9484. electronic scanning television ==> 电子扫描式电视
  9485. electronic schedule telephone ==> 电子调度电话机
  9486. electronic scrambler ==> 电子加扰器
  9487. electronic screen ==> 电子显示器荧光屏
  9488. electronic sculpturing ==> 电子模型法
  9489. electronic sea-wave recorder ==> 电子海波记录仪
  9490. electronic seam detector ==> 电子裂缝检查仪
  9491. electronic security ==> 电子保密措施
  9492. electronic seismograph ==> 电子式地震仪
  9493. electronic selector ==> 电子选择器
  9494. electronic self balancing instrument ==> 电子式自动平衡仪表
  9495. electronic self-balancing type recorder ==> 电子自动平衡式记录仪
  9496. electronic semi-conductor ==> 电子半导体
  9497. electronic semiconductor ==> 电子半导体
  9498. electronic semiprecision winder ==> 电子半精密卷绕机
  9499. electronic sensor ==> 电子传感器=>味覚センサ
  9500. electronic sentry ==> 电子警戒器
  9501. electronic separation ==> 电子分离
  9502. electronic separator ==> 电子分离机,电子式分离器
  9503. electronic serial computer ==> 电子串行计算机
  9504. electronic serial digital computer ==> 电子串行数字计算机
  9505. electronic servo ==> 电子随动系统
  9506. electronic sewing machine ==> 电子缝纫机,电子式绝缘材料焊接机
  9507. electronic shaftspeed pick-up ==> 电子式轴转速传感器
  9508. electronic shell ==> 电子层
  9509. electronic shock therapy ==> 电震治疗器
  9510. electronic shutter ==> 电子快门
  9511. electronic simulation ==> 电子模拟,电子模拟装置
  9512. electronic simulator ==> 电子模拟装置
  9513. electronic skiving machine ==> 电子削刮机
  9514. electronic sky screen equipment ==> 电子空网设备
  9515. electronic slide rule ==> 电子计算尺
  9516. electronic sorter ==> 电子分类机,电子分类器=>電子ソーター
  9517. electronic sorting machine ==> 电子分拣机
  9518. electronic sorting system ==> 电子分类装置
  9519. electronic sound reverberator ==> 电子混响器
  9520. electronic specific heat ==> 电子比热
  9521. electronic spectrograph ==> 电子光谱仪
  9522. electronic spectroscope ==> 电子分光镜
  9523. electronic spectrum ==> 电子光谱
  9524. electronic spedometer ==> 电子车速里程表
  9525. electronic speech synthesizer ==> 电子语言合成仪
  9526. electronic speed sensor ==> 电子速度传感器
  9527. electronic speedometer ==> 电子速率计
  9528. electronic sphygmomanometer ==> 电子血压计
  9529. electronic sphygmometer ==> 电子脉力计
  9530. electronic spin resonance magnetometer ==> 电子自旋共振磁强计
  9531. electronic spreadsheet ==> 电子表单
  9532. electronic stabilizer ==> 电子管稳压器,电子稳定器,电子稳压器
  9533. electronic standard ==> 電子品規格
  9534. electronic starter ==> 電子スタータ
  9535. electronic state ==> 电子态=>電子状態
  9536. electronic statistical machine ==> 电子统计机
  9537. electronic stethoscope ==> 电子听诊器
  9538. electronic stimulator ==> 电子刺激器
  9539. electronic storage system ==> 电子存储系统
  9540. electronic streak camera ==> 超快扫描摄影机
  9541. electronic structure ==> 电子结构
  9542. electronic stylus ==> 电子笔
  9543. electronic subassembly ==> 电子组合件
  9544. electronic sunflower ==> (玩具)电子向日葵
  9545. electronic surge arrester ==> 电子电涌放电器
  9546. electronic surveillance equipment ==> 电子监视设备
  9547. electronic survey sensor ==> 电子测量传感器
  9548. electronic surveying ==> 电子测量
  9549. electronic switch ==> 电子开关=>電子スイッチ
  9550. electronic switch board ==> 电子交换台
  9551. electronic switching ==> 电子开关=>電子切換
  9552. electronic switching center ==> 电子交换中心
  9553. electronic switching system ==> 電子交換方式
  9554. electronic switching system (ESS) ==> 电子交换系统,电子转换系统,电子转接系统
  9555. electronic switching tube ==> 电子开关管
  9556. electronic system simulator ==> 电子系统模拟器
  9557. electronic tabulator control ==> 电子表格控制
  9558. electronic tacheometer ==> 电子速测仪
  9559. electronic tachometer ==> 电子转速计
  9560. electronic telecontrol ==> 电子遥控
  9561. electronic telephone exchange ==> 电子电话交换机
  9562. electronic teleprinter ==> 电子电传打字电报机
  9563. electronic telescope ==> 电子望远镜
  9564. electronic television ==> 电子电视
  9565. electronic temperature contact controller ==> 电子温度开关控制器,接触式电子调温器
  9566. electronic temperature control system ==> 电子温度调节系统
  9567. electronic temperature controller ==> 电子式温控器,电子温度控制器
  9568. electronic temperature recorder ==> 电子式温度记录器,电子温度计
  9569. electronic tensile tester ==> 电子拉伸试验器
  9570. electronic tension meter ==> 电子张力测定仪
  9571. electronic tesing machine ==> 电子式试验机
  9572. electronic test equipment ==> 电子测试设备
  9573. electronic test instrument ==> 电子试验仪器
  9574. electronic test pattern generator ==> 电子测试图发生器
  9575. electronic test socket ==> 电子测试插座
  9576. electronic tester ==> 电子式测试器
  9577. electronic theodolite ==> 电子经经纬仪
  9578. electronic theory of valency ==> 价键的电子理论
  9579. electronic therm static heat circulator ==> 电子恒温热循环器
  9580. electronic thermometer ==> 电子体温计,电子温度计
  9581. electronic thermostat ==> 电子恒湿器,电子控制的恒温器
  9582. electronic thickness ga(u)ge ==> 电子测厚仪
  9583. electronic time meter ==> 电子测时计,电子毫秒表
  9584. electronic timer ==> 电子定时器,电子式计时器
  9585. electronic timing machine ==> 电子校时机
  9586. electronic tonometer ==> 电子眼压计,眼压计
  9587. electronic top loading balance ==> 电子上皿天平
  9588. electronic torch ==> 电子焊枪,电子火炬
  9589. electronic torch generator ==> 电子火炬发生器
  9590. electronic torch melting ==> 电子束熔炼
  9591. electronic torque meter ==> 电子式测扭计
  9592. electronic totalizer ==> 电子累积器
  9593. electronic toy ==> 电子玩具
  9594. electronic traffic-recording machine ==> 电子话务记录机
  9595. electronic transconductance ==> 電子変換コンダクタンス
  9596. electronic transducer ==> 电子换能器
  9597. electronic transfer unit ==> 电子转接器
  9598. electronic transformer ==> 电子变压器
  9599. electronic transient visualizer ==> 电子瞬变观察仪
  9600. electronic translator ==> 电子翻译器,电子译码器
  9601. electronic transmission ==> 電子送信
  9602. electronic transmission densimeter ==> 电子透射密度计
  9603. electronic transmitter ==> 电子发送机
  9604. electronic trawl-net ==> 电拖网
  9605. electronic treating device for paralysis ==> 电子截瘫治疗仪
  9606. electronic trunk scale ==> 电子汽车秤
  9607. electronic tube ==> 电子管=>電子管
  9608. electronic tube amplifier ==> 电子管放大器
  9609. electronic tube generator ==> 电子管信号发生器
  9610. electronic tube glass ==> 电子管玻璃
  9611. electronic tube oscillator ==> 电子管振荡器
  9612. electronic tube-type amperemeter ==> 电子管式电流计
  9613. electronic tuning ==> 电子调谐=>電子同調
  9614. electronic tuning sensitivity ==> 电子调谐灵敏度
  9615. electronic tuning unit ==> 电子调谐器
  9616. electronic tutor ==> 电子教学机,电子教员
  9617. electronic type automatic voltage regulator ==> 电子管式自动电压调整器,电子式自动电压调整器
  9618. electronic type regulator ==> 电子式调节器
  9619. electronic typewriter ==> 电子打字机
  9620. electronic UHF tuner ==> 超高频电子调谐器
  9621. electronic unit ==> 电子单元
  9622. electronic universal shaving machine ==> 电子通用剃须刀
  9623. electronic universal thermometer ==> 电子通用温度计
  9624. electronic unscrambler ==> 电子辨音器
  9625. electronic vacuum dilatometer ==> 电子真空膨胀计
  9626. electronic valve ==> 电子阀,电子管
  9627. electronic valve type power directional relay ==> 电子管功率定向继电器,电子管式功率定向继电器
  9628. electronic vehicle ==> 電気自動車
  9629. electronic vehicle scanning equipment ==> 车辆电子扫描设备
  9630. electronic ventilator ==> 电子通风机
  9631. electronic vertical long-period seismometer ==> 电子立式长周期地震仪
  9632. electronic video recorder ==> 电子录像机,电子视频记录装置
  9633. electronic video recording (EVR) ==> 电子录像
  9634. electronic viewfinder ==> 电子取景器,电子寻像器
  9635. electronic voltage regulator ==> 电子电压调节器,电子式电压调节器
  9636. electronic voltage transformer ==> 电子式电压互感器(EVT)
  9637. electronic voltmeter ==> 电子电压表,电子伏特计,电子管伏特计=>電子電圧計
  9638. electronic voltohmmeter ==> 电子伏欧表
  9639. electronic vulcanizer ==> 高频电波硫化器
  9640. electronic walk helper ==> 电子助行器
  9641. electronic warfare ==> 电子战
  9642. electronic warfare support measures ==> 电子战支援手段
  9643. electronic watch ==> 电子表
  9644. electronic watt-hour-meter ==> 電子式電力量計
  9645. electronic wave ==> 电子波
  9646. electronic weigher ==> 电子秤
  9647. electronic width ga(u)ge ==> 电子测宽仪
  9648. electronic window ==> 电子窗
  9649. electronic wobbulator ==> 电子摆频振荡器
  9650. electronic writing ==> 电子书写
  9651. electronic yarn clearer ==> 电子清纱器
  9652. electronic yarn selector ==> 电子选纱器
  9653. electronic-beam generator ==> 电子束发生器
  9654. electronic-countermeasures receiver ==> 电子对抗接收机
  9655. electronic-flash lamp ==> 閃(せん)光ランプ
  9656. electronic-flash meter ==> 电子闪光计
  9657. electronic-hydraulic control ==> 电子液压调节
  9658. electronic-raster scanning ==> 电子扫描
  9659. electronical digital computer ==> 电子数字计算机
  9660. electronical time relay ==> 电子式时间继电器
  9661. electronically agile radar ==> 电子敏捷雷达
  9662. electronically conducting glass ==> 电子导电玻璃
  9663. electronically conductive glass ==> 电子导电玻璃
  9664. electronically controllable coupler ==> 电子控制耦合器
  9665. electronically controlled screwdriver ==> 电子控制螺丝刀
  9666. electronically controlled telephone exchange ==> 电子控制电话交换机
  9667. electronically controlled truck ==> 电子控制的小车
  9668. electronically operated mill ==> 自动控制轧机
  9669. electronically tined pulsator ==> 电子式脉动器
  9670. electronically tunable filter ==> 电子可调滤波器
  9671. electronically tunable optical filter ==> 电子可调谐光学滤波器
  9672. electronically tuned oscillator ==> 电子调谐振荡器
  9673. electronicgyro compass ==> (指南针)电子陀螺罗盘
  9674. electronickelling ==> 电镀镍
  9675. electronics ==> 电子设备,电子学=>電子工学,エレクトロニクス
  9676. electronics for ocean technology ==> 海洋技术电子学
  9677. electronics gadgetry ==> エレクトロニクスの小道具
  9678. electronics industry ==> エレクトロニクス産業,電子工業
  9679. electronics room ==> 电子设备间,安装除值班人员监视控制直接需要的监控装置外的电子(电气)设备(包括计算机、控制保护机柜及相关电源配供装置等)的房间
  9680. electronics watch ==> 电子手表
  9681. electronimage ==> 电子图象
  9682. electronmirror ==> 电子镜
  9683. electronogram ==> 电子衍射图
  9684. electronograph ==> 电子显微镜照片
  9685. electronographic camera ==> 电子照相机
  9686. electronographic detector ==> 静电印刷探测器,静电印刷探测器
  9687. electronographic device ==> 电子成像器件
  9688. electronographic photometry ==> 电子照相测光
  9689. electronographic tube ==> 电子图摄像管
  9690. electronography ==> 电子图摄像术
  9691. electronoptical transducer ==> 电子光换能器
  9692. electronphonic music ==> 电声音乐
  9693. electronray tube (ERT) ==> 阴极射线管
  9694. electrons leaves welding ==> 电子束焊接
  9695. electronuclear machine ==> 粒子高能加速器
  9696. electronystagmogram ==> 眼球震颤电图
  9697. electronystagmograph ==> 眼震电图
  9698. electronystagmographic electrode ==> 眼球震颤记录用电极
  9699. electronystagmography ==> 眼球震颤电流描记法
  9700. electrooptic block ==> 电光部件
  9701. electrooptic cell ==> 电光元件
  9702. electrooptic crystal light modulator ==> 电光晶体光调制器
  9703. electrooptic deflector ==> 電気光学偏向器
  9704. electrooptic effect ==> 電気光学効果
  9705. electrooptic material ==> 电光材料
  9706. electrooptic modulating cell ==> 电光调制元件
  9707. electrooptic modulator ==> 電気光学変調器
  9708. electrooptic radar ==> 电光雷达
  9709. electrooptic(al)modulator ==> 电光调制器
  9710. electrooptical beamsplitter ==> 电光分光镜
  9711. electrooptical bench ==> 电光具座
  9712. electrooptical birefringence ==> 电光克尔效应
  9713. electrooptical ceramics ==> 电光陶瓷
  9714. electrooptical character recognition ==> 光学字符识别
  9715. electrooptical countermeasures receiving set ==> 电光对抗接收装置
  9716. electrooptical deflector ==> 电光偏转器
  9717. electrooptical effect ==> 电光效应
  9718. electrooptical effect in dielectrics ==> 电光效应
  9719. electrooptical hardware ==> 电光硬件
  9720. electrooptical imaging and storage tape ==> 电光成像和录像磁带
  9721. electrooptical input device ==> 电光输入装置
  9722. electrooptical Kerr effect ==> 电光克尔效应
  9723. electrooptical light intensity modulator ==> 电光光强调制器
  9724. electrooptical light modulation ==> 光电法光波调制
  9725. electrooptical light modulator ==> 电光调节器
  9726. electrooptical light-detecting apparatus ==> 光辐射电光探测器
  9727. electrooptical means of communication ==> 电光通讯工具
  9728. electrooptical modulator ==> 电光调制器
  9729. electrooptical q switch ==> 电光q开关
  9730. electrooptical shutter ==> 电光快门
  9731. electrooptical space navigation simulation ==> 电光空间导航模拟
  9732. electrooptical switch ==> 电光开关
  9733. electrooptical switching ==> 电光开关
  9734. electrooptical technology ==> 光电技术
  9735. electrooptical window ==> 电光窗
  9736. electrooptically tuned laser ==> 电光可调激光器
  9737. electrooptics ==> 电光学
  9738. electroosmosis ==> 电渗=>電気浸透
  9739. electroosmotic driver ==> 电渗激发器
  9740. electropainting ==> 电涂
  9741. electropane ==> 导电膜玻璃
  9742. electropathology ==> 电病理学
  9743. electropathy ==> 電気療法
  9744. electropercussive processor ==> 电冲击处理器
  9745. electropercussive welding ==> 电冲击焊,冲击焊,储能焊
  9746. electropherography ==> 电色谱法,载体电泳图法
  9747. electrophilic ==> 亲电子的,吸电子,吸电子的
  9748. electrophilic addition ==> 亲电子加成
  9749. electrophilic center ==> 亲电中心
  9750. electrophilic group ==> 亲电子基团
  9751. electrophilic reaction ==> 亲电子反应
  9752. electrophilic reactivity ==> 亲电子反应性
  9753. electrophilic reagent ==> 亲电子试剂
  9754. electrophilic substitution ==> 亲电子取代作用
  9755. electrophilicity ==> 亲电性
  9756. electrophobia ==> 电流恐怖,恐电症
  9757. electrophobic ==> 疏电子,拒电子,拒电子
  9758. electrophone ==> 电子乐器
  9759. electrophonic effect ==> 电响效应
  9760. electrophonic musical instrument ==> 電気楽器
  9761. electrophonoide ==> 电助听训练器
  9762. electrophonoide apparatus ==> 电助听训练器
  9763. electrophoresis ==> 电泳,电泳法=>電気泳動
  9764. electrophoresis apparatus ==> 电泳器
  9765. electrophoresis apparatus trophoresis ==> 电泳仪
  9766. electrophoresis meter ==> 电泳仪
  9767. electrophoresis scanner ==> 电泳扫描器
  9768. electrophoretic analysis ==> 电泳分析
  9769. electrophoretic apparatus ==> 电泳装置
  9770. electrophoretic body-paint line ==> 车身电泳涂漆生产线
  9771. electrophoretic buffer ==> 电泳缓冲液
  9772. electrophoretic casting ==> 电泳注浆
  9773. electrophoretic coating ==> 电镀,电泳涂层=>電着塗装
  9774. electrophoretic deposition ==> 电泳淀积
  9775. electrophoretic display ==> 电泳显示
  9776. electrophoretic display device (EPD) ==> 电泳显示器
  9777. electrophoretic effect ==> 电泳效应
  9778. electrophoretic examinations ==> 电泳检查
  9779. electrophoretic filtering ==> 电泳过滤
  9780. electrophoretic finishing ==> 电泳涂漆
  9781. electrophoretic focusing ==> 电泳聚焦
  9782. electrophoretic image display ==> 电泳成像显示器
  9783. electrophoretic mobility ==> 电泳迁移率
  9784. electrophoretic pattern ==> 电泳图案
  9785. electrophoretic property ==> 电泳性能
  9786. electrophoretic separation ==> 电泳选矿
  9787. electrophoretic techniques ==> 电泳技术
  9788. electrophoretic variant ==> 电泳变体
  9789. electrophorus ==> 静电机摩擦发电,起电盘
  9790. electrophosphorescence ==> 有機りん光発光素子
  9791. electrophoto-fluorescence ==> 电控光致发光
  9792. electrophotocopy ==> 静电摄影复制品,静电摄影复制品
  9793. electrophotograph ==> 电子摄影
  9794. electrophotographic copier ==> 电子照相复印机
  9795. electrophotographic copy paper ==> 电子照相复印机
  9796. electrophotographic device ==> 電子複写機
  9797. electrophotographic microfilm ==> 电子照相缩微胶片
  9798. electrophotographic paper ==> 电子照相感光纸
  9799. electrophotographic printer ==> 电子照相印刷机
  9800. electrophotographic printing paper ==> 电子照相印刷纸
  9801. electrophotographic projector printer ==> 电子照相投影复印机
  9802. electrophotographic recording paper ==> 电子照相记录纸
  9803. electrophotography ==> 电照相术,电子摄影术=>電子写真
  9804. electrophotoluminescence ==> 电控光致发光
  9805. electrophotometer ==> 光电比色计,光电光度计
  9806. electrophotometry ==> 光电测光,光电光度学
  9807. electrophotonic detector ==> 光电探测器
  9808. electrophototherapy ==> 电光疗法
  9809. electrophrenic respiration ==> 电动膈式呼吸
  9810. electrophysical machining ==> 电物理加工
  9811. electrophysical working ==> 电物理加工
  9812. electrophysics ==> 电物理学
  9813. electrophysiology ==> 电气生理学=>電気生理学
  9814. electrophysiology signal processor ==> 电生理学信号处理机
  9815. electrophytogram ==> 植物电图
  9816. electropism ==> 趋电性
  9817. electropla ==> 电镀
  9818. electroplane camera ==> 光电透镜摄像机
  9819. electroplate ==> 电镀品,电解沉淀
  9820. electroplate liquid ==> 电镀液
  9821. electroplate zinclead wire ==> 电镀锌铅丝
  9822. electroplated coating ==> 电镀层
  9823. electroplated contact ==> めっき接点
  9824. electroplated decoration ==> 电镀装饰
  9825. electroplated layer ==> 电镀层
  9826. electroplated phototransistor ==> 电镀光电晶体管
  9827. electroplating ==> 电解沉积,电镀,利用电解工艺,将金属或合金沉积在镀件表面,形成金属镀层的表面处理技术=>電気めっき
  9828. electroplating bath ==> 电镀槽,电镀浴
  9829. electroplating dynamo ==> 电镀用的发电机
  9830. electroplating film machine ==> 电镀膜机
  9831. electroplating filter ==> 电镀滤器
  9832. electroplating industry ==> 电镀工业
  9833. electroplating machine ==> 电镀机
  9834. electroplating meter ==> 电镀仪
  9835. electroplating workshop ==> 电镀车间
  9836. electroplax ==> 电板
  9837. electroplexy ==> 电休克
  9838. electropneumatic ==> 电空气压的
  9839. electropneumatic actuator ==> 电动气动致动器,电动气动装置,电动气压传动
  9840. electropneumatic brake ==> 电动气动制动器
  9841. electropneumatic braking connector ==> 电动气动制动联结器
  9842. electropneumatic contactor ==> 电动气动接触器
  9843. electropneumatic controller ==> 电动气动调节器,电动气动控制器
  9844. electropneumatic converter ==> 电动气动变换器,电气气动转换器
  9845. electropneumatic distributing valve ==> 电动气动分配阀
  9846. electropneumatic fire detector ==> 电气联动火情探测器
  9847. electropneumatic governor ==> 电动气动调速器,电气气动调速器
  9848. electropneumatic horn ==> 电动气喇叭
  9849. electropneumatic interlocking device ==> 电动气动联锁装置
  9850. electropneumatic interlocking machine ==> 电动气动联锁机
  9851. electropneumatic loudspeaker ==> 电动气流扬声器
  9852. electropneumatic master controller ==> 电动气动制动主控制器
  9853. electropneumatic plant ==> 电动气动设备
  9854. electropneumatic point machine ==> 电动气动转辙机
  9855. electropneumatic point motor ==> 电动气动转辙机
  9856. electropneumatic positioner ==> 电气定位器
  9857. electropneumatic pusher ==> 电动气动推车器,电动气动推料机
  9858. electropneumatic regulator ==> 电动气动调节器
  9859. electropneumatic remote control system ==> 电动气动遥控制
  9860. electropneumatic semaphore ==> 电动气动臂板信号机
  9861. electropneumatic signal ==> 电动气动信号机
  9862. electropneumatic signal motor ==> 电动气动信号机
  9863. electropneumatic signal valve ==> 信号机电动气动阀
  9864. electropneumatic signaling ==> 电动气动信号装置
  9865. electropneumatic single plate friction clutch ==> 电气单盘摩擦离合器
  9866. electropneumatic straight air brake ==> 电动气动直通空气制动器
  9867. electropneumatic switch ==> 电动气动开关
  9868. electropneumatic switch apparatus ==> 电动气动转辙机
  9869. electropneumatic switch circuit controller ==> 电动气动转辙电路控制器
  9870. electropneumatic switch machine ==> 电动气动转辙机,电动气动转辙机器=>電空転てつ機
  9871. electropneumatic switch operating apparatus ==> 电动气动转辙机
  9872. electropneumatic transducer ==> 电动气动变换器电气转换器
  9873. electropneumatic transfer switch ==> 电动气动转换开关
  9874. electropneumatic transmitting equipment ==> 电动气动传递设备
  9875. electropneumatic valve ==> 电动气动阀
  9876. electropneumatic valve positioner ==> 电气阀门定位器
  9877. electropneumato-therapy instrument ==> 喉感应电疗仪
  9878. electropneumograph ==> 电子呼吸记录器
  9879. electropolar ==> 电极性的
  9880. electropolarized relay ==> 极化继电器
  9881. electropolisher ==> 电解抛光机
  9882. electropolishing ==> 电解抛光,电磨光,电抛光=>電解研磨
  9883. electropolymer ==> 带电聚合物
  9884. electroporcelain ==> 电瓷
  9885. electropositive ==> 电正性的,正电性
  9886. electropositive metal ==> 正电性金属
  9887. electropositive potential ==> 高电位,阳电势
  9888. electropositivity ==> 阳电性,正电性
  9889. electroprobe ==> 电笔,电测计,电测针,电子探针
  9890. electroprobe microanalysis ==> 电子探针微量分析
  9891. electroprognosis ==> 电预后法
  9892. electropsychrometer ==> 电测湿度计
  9893. electroptic range finder ==> 光电测距仪
  9894. electropulse engine ==> 电脉冲发动机
  9895. electropulsograph ==> 脉象仪
  9896. electropuncture ==> 电针术
  9897. electropyrexia ==> 电发热法
  9898. electropyrometer ==> 电阻高温表,电阻高温计,热电偶温度计
  9899. electroquartz ==> 电熔石英
  9900. electroradiology ==> 电放射学
  9901. electroradiometer ==> 电放射测量计,放射测量计
  9902. electroradioscence ==> 电致辐射
  9903. electrorammer ==> 电夯
  9904. electrorefine ==> 电解精炼
  9905. electrorefining ==> 电精炼,静电精制,电解精炼=>電気精錬
  9906. electrorefining process ==> 电解精炼法
  9907. electroreflectance (ER) ==> 电反射比
  9908. electroresection ==> 电切除术
  9909. electroresistance alloy ==> 电阻合金
  9910. electroresistive effect ==> 电阻压效应
  9911. electroresponse ==> 电响应
  9912. electroretinogram (ERG) ==> 视网膜电流图
  9913. electrorheograph ==> 电流
  9914. electroscope ==> 静电测量器,验电器=>検電器
  9915. electroscope induction ==> 静電誘導
  9916. electroscopy ==> 验电法,气体电离检定法
  9917. electrosection ==> 电切除术
  9918. electrosemaphore ==> 电信号机
  9919. electrosensitive metallic paper ==> 电敏金属纸
  9920. electrosensitive paper ==> 电感光纸,电敏纸
  9921. electrosensitive printer ==> 电火化式印刷机
  9922. electrosensitive processor ==> 电敏处理器
  9923. electrosensitive recording ==> 电火花刻蚀记录法,电灼式记录
  9924. electroshape ==> 电力水压成形机
  9925. electroshock ==> 电休克,触电
  9926. electroshock therapy ==> 电休克疗法
  9927. electrosilicification ==> 电动硅化法
  9928. electrosilvering ==> 电镀银
  9929. electrosinogram ==> 心窦电图
  9930. electroslag ==> 电渣
  9931. electroslag casting ==> 电渣熔铸=>エレクトロスラグ鋳造
  9932. electroslag furnace ==> エレクトロスラグ炉
  9933. electroslag melting ==> 电渣熔炼=>エレクトロスラグ溶解
  9934. electroslag melting process ==> 电渣冶炼法=>エレクトロスラグ溶接法
  9935. electroslag refining ==> 电渣精炼
  9936. electroslag remelting ==> 电渣精炼
  9937. electroslag smelting casting ==> 电渣熔铸
  9938. electroslag welder ==> 电渣焊机
  9939. electroslag welding ==> 电渣焊,电阻焊
  9940. electroslag welding machine ==> 电渣焊机
  9941. electroslag welding with consumable nozzle ==> 熔嘴电渣焊
  9942. electroslag welding with wire electrode ==> 丝极电渣焊
  9943. electrosleep ==> 电睡眠
  9944. electrosleep apparatus ==> 电催眠设备
  9945. electrosmelting ==> 电炉熔炼
  9946. electrosmelting bath ==> 电炉熔炼池
  9947. electrosmelting of steel ==> 电炉炼钢
  9948. electrosmelting plant ==> 电炉熔炼设备
  9949. electrosol ==> 电溶胶,电容胶,金属电胶液
  9950. electrosome ==> 化学线粒体
  9951. electrosome theory ==> 化学线粒体学说
  9952. electrosonde ==> 电位探空仪
  9953. electrospark ==> 电火花
  9954. electrospark forming ==> 电爆炸成形
  9955. electrospark machining ==> 电火花加工,电子放电加工
  9956. electrospark machining combinations ==> 电火花加工组合机
  9957. electrospark sintering ==> 放电粉末烧结
  9958. electrospark wire-electrode cutting ==> 电火花线切割
  9959. electrosparking ==> 电火花加工
  9960. electrosparking & machinery tool grinding machine ==> 电火花机械复合工具磨床
  9961. electrosparking machine ==> 电火花加工机床
  9962. electrospectrogram ==> 电光谱图
  9963. electrospectrography ==> 电光谱描记术
  9964. electrospinogram ==> 脊髓电流图
  9965. electrostatic ==> 静电的=>静電
  9966. electrostatic (cathode-ray) tube ==> 静电电子束管,静电电子束管
  9967. electrostatic (percussive) welding ==> 电能储能焊接
  9968. electrostatic accelerater ==> 静电加速器
  9969. electrostatic accumulator ==> 静电累加器,静电累加器
  9970. electrostatic acoustical instrument ==> 静电声学仪器,静电声学仪器
  9971. electrostatic actuator ==> 静电激发器,静电激发器,静电激励器,静电激励器
  9972. electrostatic adherence ==> 静电附着,静电附着,静电吸附,静电吸附
  9973. electrostatic adhesion ==> 静电附着,静电附着
  9974. electrostatic altimeter ==> 静电式测高计,静电式测高计
  9975. electrostatic analyzer ==> 静电分析器
  9976. electrostatic atomization ==> 静电雾化,静电雾化
  9977. electrostatic attraction ==> 静电吸引
  9978. electrostatic bearing ==> 静电轴承,静电轴承
  9979. electrostatic belt ==> 静电带,静电带
  9980. electrostatic bonding ==> 静电结合,离子结合
  9981. electrostatic bremsstrahlung ==> 静电轫致辐射,静电轫致辐射
  9982. electrostatic capacitor ==> キャパシタ
  9983. electrostatic capacity ==> 静电电容=>静電容量
  9984. electrostatic cathode lens ==> 静电阴极透镜,静电阴极透镜
  9985. electrostatic cathode-ray tube ==> 静电阴极射线管,静电阴极射线管
  9986. electrostatic charge ==> 静电电荷,静电荷=>静電荷
  9987. electrostatic charge printing tube ==> 静电记录管,静电记录管
  9988. electrostatic charging tendency ==> 帯電度
  9989. electrostatic chuck ==> 静电夹头,静电夹盘,静电吸盘=>静電チャック
  9990. electrostatic cleaner ==> 静电清洁器,静电清洁器
  9991. electrostatic coating ==> 静电喷涂
  9992. electrostatic component ==> 静电分量,静电分量
  9993. electrostatic confinement ==> 静电约束,静电约束
  9994. electrostatic control ==> 静电控制,静电控制
  9995. electrostatic convergence ==> 静电会聚,静电会聚
  9996. electrostatic copying ==> 静电复印制板机,静电复印制板机
  9997. electrostatic coupling ==> 静电耦合=>静電結合
  9998. electrostatic current ==> 静电流,静电流
  9999. electrostatic deflection ==> 静电偏转=>静電偏向,電界偏向
  10000. electrostatic deflection system ==> 静电偏转系统,静电偏转系统
  10001. electrostatic detection ==> 静电探测,静电探测
  10002. electrostatic discharge ==> 静電気放電
  10003. electrostatic discharge shield ==> 静電気放電遮蔽
  10004. electrostatic discharge susceptibility symbol ==> 静电放电敏感性标志,为了识别静电放电敏感性产品,放置在硬件、部件和文件上的图形。
  10005. electrostatic discharge susceptible item ==> 静电放电敏感产品,具有静电放电敏感性级别的电气或电子零部件、装置、组件、部件或设备。
  10006. electrostatic discharge withstand voltage ==> 静电放电耐压,不引起元件失效的最大静电放电级别。
  10007. electrostatic display recorder ==> 静电显示记录仪
  10008. electrostatic document copying machine ==> 静电资料复印机,静电资料复印机
  10009. electrostatic duster ==> 静电式喷粉机,静电式喷粉机
  10010. electrostatic earphone ==> コンデンサイヤホン
  10011. electrostatic effect ==> 静电效应
  10012. electrostatic electromicroscope ==> 静电式电子显微镜,静电式电子显微镜
  10013. electrostatic electron coupler ==> 静电电子耦合器,静电电子耦合器
  10014. electrostatic electron lens ==> 静电电子透镜,静电电子透镜
  10015. electrostatic electron microscope ==> 静电型电子显微镜,静电电子显微镜
  10016. electrostatic electron optics ==> 静电电子光学,静电电子光学
  10017. electrostatic elimination ==> 静电消除
  10018. electrostatic eliminator ==> 静电消除器,静电消除器
  10019. electrostatic emanometer ==> 静电计式射气仪
  10020. electrostatic energy ==> 静电能量
  10021. electrostatic engine ==> 静电发电机,静电发电机,离子发动机
  10022. electrostatic field ==> 静电场,由于电荷的存在,在空间产生的吸引或推斥力量。=>静電界
  10023. electrostatic field strength ==> 静电场强度,静电场强度
  10024. electrostatic filter ==> 静电滤波器
  10025. electrostatic flocking process ==> 静電植毛
  10026. electrostatic fluctuation ==> 静電揺動
  10027. electrostatic flux ==> 静电通量,静电通量
  10028. electrostatic focusing ==> 静电聚焦=>電界集束
  10029. electrostatic focusing klystron ==> 静电聚焦速调管,静电聚焦速调管
  10030. electrostatic focusing lens ==> 静电聚焦透镜,静电聚焦透镜
  10031. electrostatic focusing system ==> 静电聚焦系统,静电聚焦系统
  10032. electrostatic force ==> 静电力=>静電力
  10033. electrostatic generator ==> 静电发电机=>静電発電機
  10034. electrostatic getter-ion pump ==> 静电消气离子泵,静电消气离子泵
  10035. electrostatic ground detector ==> 静电式接地检测器,静电式接地检测器=>静電検漏器
  10036. electrostatic gun ==> 静电聚焦电子枪,静电聚焦电子枪
  10037. electrostatic gyroscope ==> 静电陀螺仪,静电陀螺仪
  10038. electrostatic image ==> 静电图像,静电图像
  10039. electrostatic image dissector ==> 静电析像管,静电析像管
  10040. electrostatic image orthicon ==> 静电超正析像管,静电超正析像管
  10041. electrostatic image section ==> 静电像截面,静电像截面
  10042. electrostatic image tube ==> 静电显像管,静电显像管
  10043. electrostatic induced accelerator ==> 静电感应加速器,静电感应加速器
  10044. electrostatic induction ==> 静电感应=>静電誘導
  10045. electrostatic instrument ==> 静电系仪表=>静電形計器
  10046. electrostatic interaction ==> 静电相互作用,静电相互作用
  10047. electrostatic interactions ==> 库伦相互作用
  10048. electrostatic latent image ==> 静电复制像,静电复制像,静电潜像,静电潜像
  10049. electrostatic lens ==> 静电透镜=>電界レンズ
  10050. electrostatic loudspeaker ==> 静电扬声器,静电扬声器
  10051. electrostatic loundspeaker ==> コンデンサスピーカ
  10052. electrostatic machine ==> 静电发电机,静电发电机,静电起电器,静电起电器,感应起电机=>静電機器
  10053. electrostatic magnetic β-spectrometer ==> 复合式静电β磁谱仪
  10054. electrostatic measuring instrument ==> 静电式电表,静电式电表
  10055. electrostatic memory ==> 静电存储器
  10056. electrostatic method ==> 静电法,静电法
  10057. electrostatic microphone ==> 静电传声器,静电式话筒,静电式话筒,电容传声器,电容式话筒=>コンデンサマイクロホン
  10058. electrostatic microscope ==> 静电显微镜,静电显微镜
  10059. electrostatic motor ==> 静电电动机,静电电动机
  10060. electrostatic multistage intensifier tube ==> 静电多级像增强管,静电多级像增强管
  10061. electrostatic octupole lens ==> 静电八极透镜,静电八极透镜
  10062. electrostatic painting ==> 静电喷涂=>静電塗装
  10063. electrostatic percussing welding ==> 静电焊,静电焊,冲击焊,储能焊
  10064. electrostatic percussive welding ==> 静电冲击焊,静电冲击焊
  10065. electrostatic photography ==> 静电摄影术,静电摄影术,静电照相术,静电照相术
  10066. electrostatic plotter ==> 静电绘图仪,静电绘图仪,静电式绘图仪,静电式绘图仪=>静電作図装置
  10067. electrostatic potential ==> 静电势,静电位,一个点和一个基准之间的电压差。=>静電位
  10068. electrostatic powder coating ==> 静電粉体塗装
  10069. electrostatic precipitation ==> 电集尘,静电沉淀,静电集尘
  10070. electrostatic precipitator ==> 静电滤尘器=>電気集じん装置
  10071. electrostatic precipitator, ESP ==> 静电除尘器,利用强电场使尘粒带电,并在静电场的作用下将尘粒分离、捕集的装置
  10072. electrostatic prefocusing ==> 静电预聚焦,静电预聚焦
  10073. electrostatic prevention ==> 防静电
  10074. electrostatic prevention flooring ==> 防静电地面
  10075. electrostatic printer ==> 静电印刷机
  10076. electrostatic printer head ==> 静电印刷头,静电印刷头
  10077. electrostatic printing ==> 静电复制,静电复制,静电印刷,静电印刷
  10078. electrostatic probe ==> 静電プローブ
  10079. electrostatic process ==> 静电处理,静电处理
  10080. electrostatic protection ==> 静电保护
  10081. electrostatic pull ==> 静电引力,静电引力
  10082. electrostatic quadrupole lens ==> 静电四极透镜
  10083. electrostatic radiography with selenium ==> 硒静电摄影
  10084. electrostatic receiver ==> 静电式受话器
  10085. electrostatic recorder ==> 静电记录器,静电记录器
  10086. electrostatic recording ==> 静电记录,静电记录(法)
  10087. electrostatic recording paper ==> 静电记录纸,静电记录纸
  10088. electrostatic relay ==> 静电式继电器,静电式继电器=>静電リレー
  10089. electrostatic repulsion ==> 静电推斥
  10090. electrostatic return beam camera tube ==> 静电反射束摄像管,静电反射束摄像管
  10091. electrostatic scanning ==> 静电扫描,静电扫描
  10092. electrostatic screen ==> 静电屏,静电屏蔽
  10093. electrostatic screening ==> 静电屏蔽
  10094. electrostatic separator ==> 静电选矿机,静电选矿机
  10095. electrostatic seperator ==> 静电选矿机
  10096. electrostatic shield ==> 静电屏蔽,用一件屏障物或封装物来限制静电场的穿透。
  10097. electrostatic shielding ==> 静電遮蔽,静電シールド
  10098. electrostatic sorter ==> 电子式分级机
  10099. electrostatic spark therapy ==> 静电火花疗法,静电火花疗法
  10100. electrostatic spinning ==> 静电纺纱,静电纺纱
  10101. electrostatic spray paining ==> 静电喷漆
  10102. electrostatic spraying ==> 静电喷涂
  10103. electrostatic storage ==> 静電記憶装置
  10104. electrostatic storage tube ==> 静电存储管,静电存储管
  10105. electrostatic strain ==> 静电应变,静电应变
  10106. electrostatic stress ==> 静电应力,静电应力
  10107. electrostatic strip-oiling apparatus ==> 带材静电涂油机
  10108. electrostatic system ==> 静电制
  10109. electrostatic tweeter ==> 静电高频扬声器,静电高频扬声器
  10110. electrostatic type ==> 静電形
  10111. electrostatic type meter ==> 静电系仪表=>静電型計器
  10112. electrostatic unit ==> 静电单位=>静電単位
  10113. electrostatic unit of potential difference ==> 静电系电势差单位
  10114. electrostatic units ==> 静电系单位
  10115. electrostatic voltmeter ==> 静电电压表,静电伏特计=>静電電圧計
  10116. electrostatic wafer chuck ==> 静电薄片夹头
  10117. electrostatic wattmeter ==> 静电瓦特计,静电瓦特计
  10118. electrostatic wave ==> 静电波
  10119. electrostatic winding insulation ==> 绕组静电绝缘
  10120. electrostatic writing head ==> 静电记录头,静电记录头
  10121. electrostatic writing tube ==> 静电印刷管,静电印刷管
  10122. electrostatic zoom image intensifier ==> 静电变倍像增强器,静电变倍像增强器
  10123. electrostatic-type image tube ==> 静电显像管,静电显像管
  10124. electrostatical loudspeaker ==> 静电扬声器
  10125. electrostatically facused image intensifier ==> 静电聚焦像增强器,静电聚焦像增强器
  10126. electrostatically focus(s)ed tube ==> 静电聚焦管,静电聚焦管
  10127. electrostatically focused image converter ==> 静电聚焦变像管,静电聚焦变像管
  10128. electrostatically focused image tube ==> 静电聚焦像管,静电聚焦像管
  10129. electrostatics ==> 静电学,研究静电荷和它作用的学科=>静電学
  10130. electrostatographic imaging process ==> 静电摄影成像法,静电照相成像法
  10131. electrostatography ==> 静电复印法,静电复印法
  10132. electrosteel ==> 电炉钢
  10133. electrostenolysis ==> 细孔隔膜电解=>細孔電解
  10134. electrostethograph ==> 电心音描记器,心音描记仪
  10135. electrostethophone ==> 电扩音听诊器
  10136. electrostethoscope ==> 电扩音听诊器
  10137. electrostimulator ==> 电刺激器
  10138. electrostrain effect ==> 电气应变效应
  10139. electrostriction ==> 电致伸缩=>電気ひずみ
  10140. electrostriction ceramics ==> 电致伸缩陶瓷
  10141. electrostriction coefficient ==> 电致伸缩系数
  10142. electrostriction transducer ==> 电致伸缩换能器
  10143. electrostriction vibrator ==> 电致伸缩振动器
  10144. electrostrictive compliance ==> 电致伸缩顺度
  10145. electrostrictive relay ==> 电致伸缩继电器=>誘導体リレー
  10146. electrostrictive transducer ==> 电致伸缩换能器
  10147. electrostrictor ==> 电致伸缩体
  10148. electrosurgery ==> 电外科
  10149. electrosurgery unit ==> 电外科设备
  10150. electrosurgical enterostomy ==> 电肠造口术
  10151. electrosurgical equipment ==> 电手术器械
  10152. electrosurgical switch-ing knife ==> 电动转换手术刀
  10153. electrosyneresis ==> 免疫过滤法
  10154. electrosynthesis ==> 电合成,电合成法
  10155. electrotape ==> 电子测距装置,基线电测仪
  10156. electrotaxis ==> 趋电性,移电性,应电作用
  10157. electrotechnical ==> 电工学的
  10158. electrotechnical carbon ==> 电工炭
  10159. electrotechnical ceramics ==> 电工陶瓷
  10160. electrotechnical department ==> 电工车间
  10161. electrotechnical instrument ==> 电工仪表
  10162. electrotechnical measurement ==> 电工测量
  10163. electrotechnical porcelain ==> 电瓷
  10164. electrotechnical porcelain products ==> 电工陶瓷制品
  10165. electrotechnics ==> 电工学
  10166. electrotechnology ==> 电工艺学
  10167. electrotellurograph ==> 大地电流测定器
  10168. electrothalamogram ==> 视丘电流图
  10169. electrothanasia ==> 触电死
  10170. electrotherapeutics ==> 电疗法
  10171. electrotherapy ==> 电疗法
  10172. electrotherapy apparatus ==> 电疗设备
  10173. electrotherapy room ==> 电疗室
  10174. electrotherm ==> 电热器
  10175. electrothermal ==> 电热的
  10176. electrothermal alloy ==> 电热合金
  10177. electrothermal ammeter ==> 温差电偶安培计
  10178. electrothermal baffle ==> 半导体障板
  10179. electrothermal blowing dry box ==> 电热鼓风干燥箱
  10180. electrothermal constant-temperature dry box ==> 电热恒温干燥箱
  10181. electrothermal effect ==> 电热效应
  10182. electrothermal efficiency ==> 电热效率
  10183. electrothermal energy conversion ==> 电热能量转化
  10184. electrothermal furnace ==> 电热炉
  10185. electrothermal generator ==> 电热发生器
  10186. electrothermal instrument ==> 热电系仪表=>熱電形計器
  10187. electrothermal load ==> 电热负荷
  10188. electrothermal metallurgy ==> 电热冶金
  10189. electrothermal meter ==> 电热表,热电表,热丝电流表
  10190. electrothermal printer ==> 电热打印机
  10191. electrothermal process ==> 电热法
  10192. electrothermal propulsion ==> 电热推进
  10193. electrothermal recording ==> 电热记录
  10194. electrothermal recording head ==> 熱記録ヘッド
  10195. electrothermal simulation ==> 電気・熱連成シミュレーション
  10196. electrothermal smelting ==> 电热熔炼
  10197. electrothermal water temperature ==> 电热式水温度
  10198. electrothermic ==> 电热的
  10199. electrothermic ferroalloy shop ==> 电热铁合金车间
  10200. electrothermic instrument ==> 热电式仪表
  10201. electrothermic regulator ==> 电热调节器=>電熱調節装置
  10202. electrothermic type ==> 熱電形
  10203. electrothermics ==> 电热学=>電熱工学
  10204. electrothermoluminescence ==> 电控加热发光,场控加热发光
  10205. electrothermometer ==> 热电偶温度计
  10206. electrothermostat ==> 电热恒温箱
  10207. electrothermy ==> 电热法
  10208. electrotimer ==> 电子定时器
  10209. electrotinning ==> 电镀锡
  10210. electrotitration apparatus ==> 电子滴定仪
  10211. electrotome ==> 电刀
  10212. electrotomy ==> 电切术
  10213. electrotonus ==> 电紧张
  10214. electrotransport ==> 电迁移
  10215. electrotropism ==> 趋电性,应电性
  10216. electrotype ==> 电铸版
  10217. electrotype metal ==> 英国标准铅字合金
  10218. electrotyping ==> 电铸术=>電型法
  10219. electrotypograph ==> 电排字机,电子排字机
  10220. electrotypy ==> 电铸术
  10221. electrovagogram ==> 迷走神经电流图
  10222. electrovalence ==> 电价
  10223. electrovalency ==> 电价
  10224. electrovalent ==> 电价的
  10225. electrovalent bond ==> 离子键
  10226. electrovalve ==> 电子阀
  10227. electrovibrating feeder ==> 电磁振动喂料器
  10228. electrovibrator ==> 电振动器
  10229. electroviscosity ==> 电荷粘滞性,电粘度效应
  10230. electroviscous ==> 电滞的
  10231. electroviscous effect ==> 电滞效应
  10232. electrovolumetric analysis ==> 电容量分析(法)
  10233. electroweak gauge symmetry ==> 電弱ゲージ対称性
  10234. electrowelding ==> 电焊
  10235. electrowelding machine ==> 电焊机
  10236. electrowelding net ==> 电焊网
  10237. electrowinning ==> 电解制取=>電解採取
  10238. electroworking ==> 电加工
  10239. electrum ==> 银金矿,埃勒克特卢姆金银合金,琥珀金
  10240. Electrum ==> 埃雷克特鲁金银合金
  10241. electuary ==> 膏剂,药糖剂
  10242. Elegance ==> 优雅的,风流潇洒的
  10243. elegant art ==> 高尚的艺术
  10244. Elegiaco ==> 哀悼的,挽歌的
  10245. ELEI, elevation angle ==> 仰角
  10246. elelctrochemical power generation ==> 电化发电
  10247. Elema furnace ==> 埃立马硅炭棒加热炉
  10248. Elema heating resistor ==> 埃莱马加热电阻器
  10249. element ==> 电池,单元,素,分子,因素,零件,组成部分,元件,元素,滤芯=>元素,素子,要素(集合),エレメント(データ伝送),成分
  10250. element address ==> 单元地址
  10251. element analysis ==> 元素分析
  10252. element antenna ==> 单元天线,振子天线
  10253. element area ==> 单元面积
  10254. element aspect ratio ==> 元素细长比
  10255. element assembly ==> 素体(電気機器)
  10256. element battery ==> 乾電池
  10257. element cell ==> 单元电池,单元室
  10258. element characteristics ==> 单元特性
  10259. element control ==> 元件控制
  10260. element conveyor ==> (燃料)元件运输机
  10261. element density ==> 元件密度
  10262. element design ==> 构件设计
  10263. element displacement ==> 单元位移
  10264. element duration ==> 元件长度
  10265. element effect ==> 元素效应
  10266. element error ==> 元件误差
  10267. element error rate ==> 元件出错率,元件故障率,单元差错率,单元出错率
  10268. element factor ==> 要素,基本因子
  10269. element file ==> 单元文件
  10270. element identifier (element ID) ==> 单元标识符
  10271. element interface ==> 单元交界面
  10272. element jacket ==> 元件包壳
  10273. element mass matrix ==> 单元质量矩阵
  10274. element of a cone ==> 锥的母线
  10275. element of a cylinder ==> 柱的母线
  10276. element of a function ==> 函数的元素
  10277. element of an arc ==> 弧元素
  10278. element of area ==> 面积元素
  10279. element of coal seam occurrence ==> 煤层要素
  10280. element of confidence ==> 信任要素
  10281. element of credit ==> 信用要素
  10282. element of eclipse ==> 交食根数
  10283. element of electric-charge ==> 元电荷
  10284. element of finite order ==> 有限阶元素
  10285. element of fluid ==> 流体单元
  10286. element of matrix ==> 矩阵元,矩阵元
  10287. element of mixed fertilizer ==> 混合肥料要素
  10288. element of phase shifter ==> 移相器元件
  10289. element of sequential control ==> シーケンス制御要素
  10290. element of symmetry ==> 对称要素
  10291. element of taxonomy ==> 分类要素
  10292. element of the integral ==> 积分元素
  10293. element of wave ==> 波浪要素
  10294. element of winding ==> 绕组元件
  10295. element pair ==> 元对
  10296. element protection ==> 设备保护
  10297. element redundancy ==> 元件冗余
  10298. element semiconductor ==> 元素半导体,单质半导体
  10299. element sensitivity ==> 素子感度
  10300. element size ==> 元素大小
  10301. element spacing ==> 元件间距
  10302. element stiffness ==> 单元刚度,单元劲度
  10303. element stiffness matrix ==> 单元刚度矩阵
  10304. element storage rack ==> (燃料)元件存放架
  10305. element stress ==> 单元应力
  10306. element string ==> 单元串,单元字符串
  10307. element subdivision ==> 单元剖分
  10308. element value iteration ==> 元素值迭代法
  10309. element variable ==> 单元变量
  10310. element with distributed parameter ==> 分布常数要素
  10311. element with lumped parameters ==> 集中参数要素
  10312. element with time delay ==> 延迟元件
  10313. elemental abundance ==> 元素丰度
  10314. elemental area ==> 元面积,像素面积
  10315. elemental charge ==> 单电子电荷
  10316. elemental chromatography ==> 元素色谱法
  10317. elemental composition ==> 元素组成
  10318. elemental crystal furnace ==> 单晶炉
  10319. elemental error ==> 单元误差
  10320. elemental form ==> 基本形式
  10321. elemental furnace ==> 单风嘴炉,单元炉缸
  10322. elemental ingredient ==> 基本的構成要素
  10323. elemental lipid ==> 基本脂
  10324. elemental network ==> 基本网络
  10325. elemental operation ==> 要素作业
  10326. elemental oxygen ==> 原子氧
  10327. elemental particle ==> 基本粒子
  10328. elemental semiconductor ==> 元素半导体
  10329. elemental substances ==> 単体
  10330. elemental sulfur ==> 元素硫
  10331. elemental term ==> 初等项,基本项
  10332. elementary ==> 初步的
  10333. elementary aerodynamics ==> 初级空气动力学
  10334. elementary analysis ==> 元素分析
  10335. elementary ancillary service ==> 基本辅助服务,为保证电力系统安全稳定运行和电能质量需要,根据并网调度协议规定的技术性能要求,发电企业、电网经营企业和电力用户必须无偿提供的辅助服务,包括发电机组一次调频、基本调峰、基本无功调节等
  10336. elementary area ==> 像点面积,像素面积,图像单元,元面积
  10337. elementary arithmetic ==> 基本算术
  10338. elementary ash ==> 基元灰分
  10339. elementary beam ==> 基本光束,元光束
  10340. elementary body ==> 原生小体,原体,病毒原生小体
  10341. elementary calculation ==> 基本计算
  10342. elementary carburetor ==> 简单化油器
  10343. elementary chain ==> 初级链
  10344. elementary charge ==> 元电荷,基本电荷
  10345. elementary composition ==> 元素成分
  10346. elementary conduction current ==> 素伝導電流
  10347. elementary corpuscle ==> 支原体原生微体
  10348. elementary cost accounting ==> 初步成本会计
  10349. elementary current ==> 元电流
  10350. elementary cycle ==> 基本环路,基本循环,基本周期
  10351. elementary data type ==> 基本数据类型
  10352. elementary diagram ==> 原理图,简图,原理性电路图
  10353. elementary diffusion equation ==> 基本扩散方程
  10354. elementary dipole ==> 元偶极子
  10355. elementary event ==> 基本事件
  10356. elementary excitation ==> 元激发
  10357. elementary force ==> 元力
  10358. elementary form ==> 元素形成
  10359. elementary frequency ==> 基本频率
  10360. elementary frequency bands ==> 基本周波数幅
  10361. elementary functions ==> 初等関数
  10362. elementary gas ==> 单质气体,气态元素
  10363. elementary gases ==> 单质磁铁
  10364. elementary generator ==> 单元发电机
  10365. elementary Hermitian transformation ==> 鏡像変換
  10366. elementary homomorphism ==> 基本同态
  10367. elementary instruction ==> 基本指令,基本指令
  10368. elementary item ==> 基本项,初等项
  10369. elementary knowledge ==> 基本知识
  10370. elementary length ==> 元度
  10371. elementary magnet ==> 单元磁铁
  10372. elementary mass ==> 微元质量
  10373. elementary matrix ==> 初等矩阵
  10374. elementary meridianal beam ==> 基本子午光束
  10375. elementary model ==> 基本模型
  10376. elementary mos device ==> 分立金属氧化物半导体装置
  10377. elementary move ==> 基本项传送
  10378. elementary name ==> 基本元素名
  10379. elementary number theory ==> 初等数论
  10380. elementary operation ==> 初等运算,基本操作
  10381. elementary organic analysis ==> 元素有机分析
  10382. elementary particle ==> 元质点,基本粒子,基本质点=>素粒子
  10383. elementary path ==> 基本路径
  10384. elementary path problem ==> 基本路程问题
  10385. elementary period ==> 基本周期
  10386. elementary plane-wave hologram ==> 基元平面波全息图
  10387. elementary process ==> 元素过程
  10388. elementary product ==> 基本积
  10389. elementary reaction ==> 基元反应
  10390. elementary renewal theory ==> 基本更新理论
  10391. elementary ring structrue ==> 简单环形构造
  10392. elementary row and column operation ==> 初等的行与列运算
  10393. elementary slot ==> 虚槽
  10394. elementary state ==> 元素状态
  10395. elementary statistical approach ==> 基础统计方法
  10396. elementary step ==> 初步阶段
  10397. elementary stream ==> 通量线,电流线,水流线
  10398. elementary substance ==> 元素
  10399. elementary sum ==> 基本和
  10400. elementary symmetric function ==> 初等对称函数
  10401. elementary test ==> 初级检验
  10402. elementary transformation ==> 初等变换
  10403. elementary volume ==> 体积单位,元体积
  10404. elementary wave ==> 元波,基波
  10405. elements found in smaller amounts in plants ==> 植物中含量微少的元素
  10406. elements of a fix ==> 定位坐标
  10407. elements of an orbit ==> 轨道根数
  10408. elements of attitude ==> 岩层产状要素
  10409. elements of comparison ==> 比较的要素
  10410. elements of orbit ==> 轨道根数
  10411. elements of semi-variable costs ==> 半变动成本的变动部分
  10412. elements of statistical theory ==> 统计理论初步
  10413. elementstructural component ==> 构件
  10414. eleostearic acid ==> 桐酸
  10415. elephant apple ==> 象桔
  10416. elephant boiler ==> 象形锅炉
  10417. elephant ear ==> 耳形凸缘
  10418. elephant grass ==> 象草
  10419. elephant paper ==> 大画纸
  10420. elephant skin ==> 皱皮
  10421. elephant trunk ==> 溜管
  10422. elephant trunk spout ==> 巨人式混凝土料斗
  10423. elephant's peel ==> 皱皮
  10424. elephant-legshaped vase ==> 筒瓶
  10425. elephantiasis genitalis ==> 阴囊阴茎象皮病
  10426. elephantiasis of lower limb ==> 下肢淋巴水肿
  10427. elephantiasis of penis and scrotum ==> 阴茎阴囊象皮病
  10428. elephantiasis therapy unit ==> 象皮病治疗机
  10429. eletric coal drill ==> 煤电钻
  10430. eletric milking machine ==> 电动挤奶器
  10431. eletric welding ==> 电焊
  10432. eletrical transmission systems ==> 送配電工学
  10433. eletro-hydraulic steering gear ==> 电动液压舵机
  10434. eletromechanical hammer ==> 电动机械锤
  10435. eletronic oxytocic apparatus ==> 电子催产仪
  10436. eleurites montana oil ==> 木油树油
  10437. elevate above the soil ==> 伸出地面
  10438. elevated approach ==> 高架引道
  10439. elevated basin ==> 高水池
  10440. elevated beach ==> 上升海滩,岸边高地,岸边台地
  10441. elevated block ==> 上升地块
  10442. elevated bunker ==> 高位料槽
  10443. elevated car ==> 高架电车
  10444. elevated coal track ==> 提升输煤栈桥
  10445. elevated coast ==> 上升海岸
  10446. elevated crossing ==> 高架交叉道
  10447. elevated duct ==> 增大的波导
  10448. elevated emission ==> 高架源排放
  10449. elevated freeway ==> 高架快车道
  10450. elevated jet condenser ==> 注水冷凝塔
  10451. elevated line ==> 高架道路
  10452. elevated path ==> 递升路线,上升途径
  10453. elevated pedestrian crossing ==> 人行天桥
  10454. elevated plain ==> 高原
  10455. elevated railway ==> 高架铁道,高架铁路
  10456. elevated reservoir ==> 高架水柜
  10457. elevated road ==> 高架道路
  10458. elevated shore line ==> 上升海岸
  10459. elevated shoreline ==> 上升滨线
  10460. elevated single-track trolley bus ==> 高架单轨电车
  10461. elevated spur track ==> 高架分支轨道
  10462. elevated stall ==> 高位式挤奶台
  10463. elevated supply tank ==> 高架供水塔
  10464. elevated tank ==> 高架储罐,高架罐,高架水柜,高架水柜,高架水箱,高位槽,高位水箱
  10465. elevated temperature ==> 高温,温升
  10466. elevated temperature creep ==> 高温蠕变
  10467. elevated temperature creep forming ==> 高温蠕变成形
  10468. elevated temperature holograph ==> 高温全息照相
  10469. elevated temperature impact test ==> 高温冲击试验
  10470. elevated temperature inversion ==> 高层逆温,高空逆温
  10471. elevated temperature property ==> 高温性能
  10472. elevated temperature strength ==> 高温强度
  10473. elevated temperature tension test ==> 高温拉力试验
  10474. elevated temperature testing machine ==> 高温试验机
  10475. elevated temperature vessel ==> 高温容器
  10476. elevated track ==> 高架轨道
  10477. elevated wave-cut bench ==> 上升浪蚀台
  10478. elevated white blood cell count ==> 白血球数の増加
  10479. elevated zero range ==> 零点提升范围
  10480. elevated-temperature seal ==> 高温密封
  10481. elevating ==> 升降机构
  10482. elevating and conveying machinery ==> 升运和输送机械
  10483. elevating belt ==> 提升运输带
  10484. elevating capacity ==> 起重量,起重能力,升举能力
  10485. elevating chain ==> 升运链,输送链
  10486. elevating conveyor ==> 升运机
  10487. elevating drum ==> 卷扬机鼓轮,卷扬机鼓轮,升运鼓轮
  10488. elevating endless screw ==> 升降蜗杆
  10489. elevating force ==> 起重力
  10490. elevating gear ==> 提升机构
  10491. elevating grader ==> 起土平路机,平土升送机,升降平路机,升降式平路机,升运平路机
  10492. elevating handle ==> 高低机转把
  10493. elevating handwheel ==> 高低机手轮
  10494. elevating hopper feeder ==> 斗式提升送料机
  10495. elevating jack ==> 升高千斤顶
  10496. elevating lever ==> 升降杆,上升杆
  10497. elevating loader ==> 传送式装载机
  10498. elevating machine ==> 昇降機
  10499. elevating mechanism ==> 提升机械,高低机,升运机构
  10500. elevating motor ==> 升降电动机
  10501. elevating piler ==> 升降堆垛机
  10502. elevating pinion ==> 高低机齿轮
  10503. elevating platform truck ==> 带升降台的载重汽车
  10504. elevating rudder ==> 升降舵
  10505. elevating scraper ==> 升降式刮土机,升运式铲运机
  10506. elevating screw ==> 升降丝杠,上升螺旋,螺旋起重器
  10507. elevating screws ==> 升降螺旋
  10508. elevating sensation ==> 抬举感
  10509. elevating shaft ==> 上升轴
  10510. elevating stops ==> 竖直位移限位器
  10511. elevating table ==> 升降台
  10512. elevating tail gate ==> 升降尾门
  10513. elevating valve ==> 升杆阀
  10514. elevating wagon ==> 升运装载车
  10515. elevating wheel ==> 升运鼓轮
  10516. elevation ==> 上升,正视图,垂直切面,高程,立面,立面图,仰角,断面图,海拔,海拔高度=>高度,標高,海抜
  10517. elevation (over-and-under) type ==> 升降式
  10518. elevation accuracy ==> 仰角精度,仰角准确度,高度准确度
  10519. elevation and latitude ==> 海拔和纬度
  10520. elevation and subsidencei ==> 升降
  10521. elevation angle ==> 升运角,高度角,仰角,出绳角
  10522. elevation angle couple unit ==> 仰角耦合装置
  10523. elevation angle error ==> 仰角误差
  10524. elevation angle measurement ==> 仰角測定
  10525. elevation antihunt ==> 仰角阻尼,天线仰角阻尼
  10526. elevation axis ==> 仰角轴,俯仰轴
  10527. elevation bearing ==> 仰角方位
  10528. elevation cable wrap ==> 仰角缆包
  10529. elevation commutator ==> 仰角转换器
  10530. elevation computer ==> 高度计算机
  10531. elevation control ==> 高程控制
  10532. elevation control voltage ==> 仰角控制电压
  10533. elevation correction ==> 高程改正,高程校正,海拔校正
  10534. elevation coverage ==> 仰角范围
  10535. elevation coverage diagram ==> 仰角反射特性曲线,仰角视野特性曲线,垂直切面覆盖图,竖观覆盖图
  10536. elevation datum ==> 高程基准面
  10537. elevation detail ==> 立面细部
  10538. elevation difference ==> 仰角差,标高差,射角差
  10539. elevation drive ==> 仰角传动,仰角驱动
  10540. elevation drive gear ==> 仰角传动机构
  10541. elevation drive motor ==> 仰角传动电动机,仰角驱动电动机
  10542. elevation effect on atmospheric pressure ==> 海拔高度对大气压力的影响
  10543. elevation error ==> 仰角误差
  10544. elevation error signal ==> 仰角误差信号
  10545. elevation figure ==> 高程注记
  10546. elevation finder ==> 仰角指示器
  10547. elevation frequency curve ==> 高程频率曲线
  10548. elevation handwheel ==> 高低角操纵轮,仰角手轮
  10549. elevation head ==> 高程水头,水力静压头
  10550. elevation indication ==> 高程读数
  10551. elevation indicator ==> 高度显示器,高度指示器,仰角显示器,射角指示器
  10552. elevation information ==> 仰角信息
  10553. elevation knob ==> (火炮瞄准具)俯仰转螺
  10554. elevation level ==> 仰角电平
  10555. elevation meter ==> 仰角计,高程计
  10556. elevation number ==> 高程注记
  10557. elevation of blood pressure ==> 血压升高
  10558. elevation of boiling point ==> 沸点升高
  10559. elevation of building ==> 建筑立面
  10560. elevation of depressed cranial fracture ==> 颅骨凹陷骨折掀起术
  10561. elevation of diaphragm ==> 横膈抬高
  10562. elevation of floor level ==> 室内地面标高
  10563. elevation of irritability ==> 应激性增高
  10564. elevation of levelled ground ==> 室外地面标高
  10565. elevation of pole ==> 仰极高度
  10566. elevation of pulmonary venous pressure ==> 肺静脉压增高
  10567. elevation of stage ==> 舞台高程
  10568. elevation of suggestibility ==> 暗示感受性增高
  10569. elevation of zero point of barometer ==> 气压表零点高度
  10570. elevation perspective ==> 立面透视图
  10571. elevation planning ==> 竖向设计
  10572. elevation position-finding antenna ==> 仰角测位天线
  10573. elevation potentiometer ==> 仰角电位计,仰角分压器
  10574. elevation prediction correction ==> 射角的前置修正量
  10575. elevation pressure drop ==> 提升压降,又称“重力压降”。流体自一个截面流至另一个截面时由流体位能改变而引起的静压变化
  10576. elevation radiation pattern ==> 仰角辐射图案
  10577. elevation rate ==> 射角速率
  10578. elevation resolution ==> 仰角分辨能力
  10579. elevation rotating joint ==> 仰角旋转连接
  10580. elevation scale ==> 仰角标度,射角分划
  10581. elevation selsyn ==> 仰角自动同步机
  10582. elevation selsyn drive gear ==> 仰角自动同步传动机构
  10583. elevation selsyn transformer ==> 仰角自动同步机变压器
  10584. elevation servo power amplifier ==> 俯仰伺服功率放大器
  10585. elevation setting ==> 仰角定位
  10586. elevation stop ==> 俯仰限制器
  10587. elevation stowing switch ==> 仰角限制器
  10588. elevation synchro gear ==> 仰角同步传动
  10589. elevation system ==> 高程系统
  10590. elevation table ==> 射角表
  10591. elevation tints ==> 高程分层设色
  10592. elevation tracker ==> 高低跟踪器,仰角跟踪器
  10593. elevation tracking ==> 仰角跟踪
  10594. elevation tracking cursor ==> 仰角跟踪指示器
  10595. elevation view ==> 立面图,立视图,正视图
  10596. elevation yoke ==> 仰角偏转线圈
  10597. elevation zero ==> 高程零点
  10598. elevation-capacity curve ==> 高程-库容关系曲线,高程库容关系曲线
  10599. elevation-capacity relation ==> 高程容积关系
  10600. elevation-distance curve ==> 高程距离曲线
  10601. elevation-position finding ==> 仰角测位
  10602. elevation-position indicator ==> 仰角位置雷达指示器
  10603. elevational point ==> 高程点
  10604. elevationnet storage curve ==> (水库的)高程净蓄量曲线
  10605. Elevato ==> 崇高的,升华的
  10606. elevator ==> 电梯,升降机,起重机=>エレベータ
  10607. elevator actuating cylinder ==> 升降动作筒
  10608. elevator angle ==> 升降舵偏转角
  10609. elevator apartment ==> 高层公寓
  10610. elevator balance ==> 升降机平衡
  10611. elevator bank ==> 电梯组
  10612. elevator bar ==> 防磨凸块
  10613. elevator belt ==> 提升带
  10614. elevator bolt ==> 提升螺栓,大平头螺栓
  10615. elevator boom ==> 升降机伸臂
  10616. elevator boot ==> 升运器底滑脚
  10617. elevator bottom ==> 升运器底滑板
  10618. elevator bucket ==> 吊斗,升运斗,提升机勾斗
  10619. elevator cable ==> 升降舵控制索,升运机用索
  10620. elevator cage ==> 升降吊笼,电梯车厢=>エレベータケージ
  10621. elevator canvas ==> 升运器帆布带
  10622. elevator capacity ==> 电梯容量
  10623. elevator car ==> 电梯车厢
  10624. elevator car buffer ==> 梯厢减振器
  10625. elevator car leveling device ==> 车厢平准装置
  10626. elevator car safety ==> 电梯安全装置
  10627. elevator casing wearing plate ==> 升降机罩衬板
  10628. elevator chain ==> 升运链,提升链
  10629. elevator channel ==> 升运器槽
  10630. elevator control ==> 升降舵控制
  10631. elevator control gear ==> 电梯控制装置
  10632. elevator control lever ==> 升降舵控制杆
  10633. elevator controller ==> 升降机控制器
  10634. elevator crank ==> 升降机曲柄
  10635. elevator cup ==> 升运器斗
  10636. elevator digger with transverse delivery ==> 横送升运式挖掘机
  10637. elevator dredge ==> 挖泥提升机,升降挖泥机
  10638. elevator dredger ==> 升降挖泥机
  10639. elevator driving rack ==> 升降机主动齿条
  10640. elevator equipment ==> 昇降機
  10641. elevator flight ==> 提升机刮板
  10642. elevator for root cutter ==> 块根切碎机升运器
  10643. elevator furnace ==> 升降底式炉,升降式炉,升降台式炉
  10644. elevator gear ==> 升降机装置
  10645. elevator gear reducer box ==> 电梯减速箱
  10646. elevator hall ==> 电梯厅
  10647. elevator hay loader ==> 升运器式装干草机
  10648. elevator horn ==> 升降舵杆
  10649. elevator kiln ==> 升降窑
  10650. elevator landing ==> 升降机平台
  10651. elevator leg ==> 升运器支架
  10652. elevator liner ==> 升降机衬垫
  10653. elevator loader ==> 升运装载机
  10654. elevator lobby ==> 电梯厅
  10655. elevator machine beam ==> 电梯设备钢梁
  10656. elevator machine room ==> 电梯机房
  10657. elevator motor ==> 升降电动机,起重电动机
  10658. elevator pawl casing ==> 升降机棘爪套
  10659. elevator pawl pin ==> 升降机爪销
  10660. elevator pawl spring ==> 升降机爪簧
  10661. elevator periscope ==> 升降式潜望镜,升降式望远镜
  10662. elevator pinion ==> 升降机小齿轮
  10663. elevator pit ==> 电梯坑,升运器喂料坑,电梯井坑
  10664. elevator plant ==> 升降机制造厂
  10665. elevator platform ==> 升降台
  10666. elevator power-off protection device ==> 电梯停电保护装置
  10667. elevator pump ==> 提升泵
  10668. elevator pushrod ==> 昇降舵プッシュロッド
  10669. elevator quadrant ==> 升降机扇形齿轮
  10670. elevator ratchet wheel ==> 升降机棘轮
  10671. elevator reaction ==> エレベーター反応
  10672. elevator rocking arm ==> 昇降舵作動用ロッキングアーム
  10673. elevator rope ==> 起重机用索
  10674. elevator scoop ==> 升降斗
  10675. elevator screw ==> 升降机螺旋
  10676. elevator servo ==> 升降舵伺服系统
  10677. elevator shaft ==> 升降机井,电梯井
  10678. elevator shaft bush ==> 升降机轴衬
  10679. elevator sheave beam ==> 电梯设备钢梁
  10680. elevator speed ==> 电梯速度
  10681. elevator split ring ==> 升降机开口环
  10682. elevator spout ==> 升运器排出槽
  10683. elevator stage ==> 升降舞台
  10684. elevator stick ==> 升降舵操纵杆
  10685. elevator tower ==> 升降机塔,电梯塔
  10686. elevator travel ==> 电梯行程
  10687. elevator well ==> 电梯井,升降机井
  10688. elevator wrist pin ==> 升降机关节销
  10689. elevator(-ladder) dredge ==> 链斗式挖泥船
  10690. elevator(lift) machine room ==> 电梯机房
  10691. elevator-ladder dredger ==> 链斗式挖掘机
  10692. elevator-launcher ==> 升降发射装置
  10693. elevator-type pickup loader ==> 升运器式捡拾装载机
  10694. elevator-type potato digger ==> 升运式马铃薯挖掘机
  10695. elevatory ==> 上升的,举起的
  10696. eleven punch ==> 十一行穿孔,第十一行穿孔
  10697. eleven-punch ==> 第11穿孔位
  10698. ELF magnetic field ==> 低周波磁界
  10699. ELF non-uniform magnetic field ==> 低周波不平等磁界
  10700. ELF, extremely low frequency ==> 極低周波
  10701. ELF, Extremely Low Frequency ==> 極超長波
  10702. elfin face ==> 丑陋面容
  10703. elfin face syndrome ==> 小妖精面容综合征
  10704. elfin tree ==> 高山矮曲林
  10705. Elfving distribution ==> 埃尔文分布
  10706. Elgin extractor ==> 埃尔金萃取器
  10707. elidible hypernotion ==> 可除的超概念
  10708. eligibility for tax credit ==> 符合税收抵免条件
  10709. eligible bill for rediscounting ==> 可再贴现票据
  10710. eligible process ==> 可选进程
  10711. Eliica ==> 日本庆应大学开发的电动汽车
  10712. elimanating pests and preventing disease ==> 除害防治
  10713. eliminable cost ==> 可节省成本
  10714. eliminate ==> 除去する,消去する
  10715. eliminate foreign exchange risk ==> 消除外汇风险
  10716. eliminate smoke and dust ==> 消烟除尘
  10717. eliminate the budget dificit ==> 消灭赤字
  10718. eliminating cold-phlegm for resuscitation ==> 逐寒开窍
  10719. eliminating dampness ==> 祛湿,燥湿
  10720. eliminating dampness and eliminating phlegm ==> 燥湿化痰
  10721. eliminating dampness and heat ==> 清利湿热
  10722. eliminating dampness to stop diarrhea ==> 祛湿止泻
  10723. eliminating ill weeds ==> 消灭危害性大的杂草
  10724. eliminating infection ==> 消除感染
  10725. eliminating of outmoded products ==> 淘汰落后产品
  10726. eliminating pathogen ==> 消灭病原体
  10727. eliminating pathogenic heat from the blood ==> 清热凉血
  10728. eliminating pest ==> 消灭虫害
  10729. eliminating phlegm and diminishing swelling ==> 祛痰消肿
  10730. eliminating spiritual pollution ==> 清除精神污染
  10731. eliminating summer heat and removing dampness ==> 祛暑化湿
  10732. eliminating the heart-fire ==> 清心火
  10733. eliminating the pathogenic factor ==> 祛邪
  10734. eliminating trouble some weeds ==> 消灭难以根除的杂草
  10735. elimination ==> 销除,消去,消元法,除去,清除=>除去,消去
  10736. elimination by addition or subtraction ==> 加减消元法
  10737. elimination by comparison ==> 比较消去法
  10738. elimination by substitution ==> 代入消元法
  10739. elimination constant ==> 消除常数
  10740. elimination entry ==> 冲销分录
  10741. elimination factor ==> 消除率,消去率,消去系数
  10742. elimination method ==> 消去法
  10743. elimination of constant ==> 常数消去法
  10744. elimination of customs barrier ==> 废除关税壁垒
  10745. elimination of discrimination treatment ==> 取销歧视待遇
  10746. elimination of heat ==> 散热
  10747. elimination of iron ==> 除铁
  10748. elimination of plant disease and pests ==> 消灭植物病虫害
  10749. elimination period ==> 剔出期间
  10750. elimination rate constant ==> 消除速度常数
  10751. elimination reaction ==> 消去反应
  10752. elimination run ==> 预运转
  10753. elimination sulfur ==> 除硫
  10754. elimination test ==> 消去试验
  10755. elimination test of anion ==> 阴离子消去试法
  10756. elimination-addition mechanism ==> 消去加成机制
  10757. eliminations ==> 控除
  10758. eliminator ==> 限止器,带阻滤波器,挡水板,抑制器,排出器,液滴分离器,分离机,消除器电源整流=>エリミネータ
  10759. eliminator power ==> 整流电源
  10760. eliminator receiver ==> 交流收音机
  10761. eliminator supply ==> 整流电源
  10762. ELINT, electronic intelligence ==> エリント
  10763. elinvar ==> 艾林瓦尔铁镍铬合金=>エリンバ
  10764. elinvar alloy ==> 弹性不变合金
  10765. elipse season ==> 食季
  10766. elite market ==> 富有的市场
  10767. elite model ==> 精英模型=>エリートモデル
  10768. elite of tea ==> 上品茶叶
  10769. ELITE, ELectronic Procurement by Internet Trading Environment ==> インターネット取引環境による電子調達(オムロン)
  10770. Elizabethan style ==> 伊丽莎白建筑形式
  10771. elk leather ==> 麋皮革
  10772. elk's horn ==> 麋茸
  10773. Elkraft ==> メーカー
  10774. ellagic acid ==> 鞣花酸
  10775. Elland eave-lead ==> 爱兰屋檐铅皮排水槽
  10776. Elland stone ==> 爱兰石
  10777. Ellerman bomb ==> 埃勒曼炸弹
  10778. Elliont type knuckle ==> 埃利奥特变向关节
  10779. elliot axle ==> 端叉前轴
  10780. Elliot cycle ==> 埃利奥特循环
  10781. Elliot sequence control ==> 埃利奥特顺序控制
  10782. Elliot test ==> 埃利奥特闪点测定试验,埃利奥特试验
  10783. Elliot tester ==> 埃利奥特试验器,爱立特测定器
  10784. elliot type front axle ==> 叉式前轮轴
  10785. Elliot wave ==> エリオット波動
  10786. Elliot's operation ==> 埃利奥特氏手术
  10787. Elliot's sign ==> 埃利奥特氏征
  10788. ellipse ==> 椭圆=>楕円
  10789. ellipse head ==> 椭圆封头
  10790. ellipse of inertia ==> 惯量椭圆=>慣性楕円
  10791. ellipse of stress ==> 应力椭圆
  10792. ellipse of zero velocity ==> 零速度椭圆
  10793. ellipse valve diagram ==> (蒸汽机)椭圆配汽图
  10794. ellipse-hyperbolic system ==> 椭圆双曲线系统
  10795. ellipsin ==> 椭圆素
  10796. ellipsis ==> 省略符号
  10797. ellipsograph ==> 椭圆规=>楕円コンパス
  10798. ellipsoid ==> 椭面,椭球,椭球面,椭球体,椭圆粒体,椭圆体
  10799. ellipsoid dome ==> 椭圆形穹顶
  10800. ellipsoid method ==> (探伤定位的)椭球体法
  10801. ellipsoid of deformation ==> 变形椭球体
  10802. ellipsoid of inertia ==> 惯性椭圆体
  10803. ellipsoid of revolution ==> 回转椭球
  10804. ellipsoid of spleen ==> 脾椭圆体
  10805. ellipsoid of stress ==> 应力椭圆体
  10806. ellipsoid of wave normals ==> 波面法线椭球
  10807. ellipsoid particle ==> 椭圆粒
  10808. ellipsoid resonator ==> 椭圆形谐振器,椭圆形旋转式谐振器
  10809. ellipsoid vault ==> 椭圆形拱顶,椭圆状拱顶
  10810. ellipsoid-dome ==> 椭圆形球顶
  10811. ellipsoidal binary ==> 椭球双星
  10812. ellipsoidal bound ==> 椭球界
  10813. ellipsoidal cavity resonator ==> 椭圆形旋转式空腔谐振器
  10814. ellipsoidal coordinates ==> 椭球坐标
  10815. ellipsoidal core antenna ==> 椭圆形铁心的磁性天线
  10816. ellipsoidal distribution of velocities ==> 速度椭球分布
  10817. ellipsoidal drift tube ==> 椭球形漂移管
  10818. ellipsoidal floodlight ==> 椭球体泛光灯
  10819. ellipsoidal function ==> 椭球函数
  10820. ellipsoidal geoid ==> 椭球状水准面
  10821. ellipsoidal grating ==> 椭球面光栅
  10822. ellipsoidal harmonics ==> 椭球函数,调和函数
  10823. ellipsoidal head ==> 椭圆形封头
  10824. ellipsoidal head lamp ==> 椭圆形前大灯
  10825. ellipsoidal height ==> 椭球体高程
  10826. ellipsoidal lava ==> 枕状熔岩
  10827. ellipsoidal mirror ==> 椭变面镜,椭球镜,椭圆形球面镜
  10828. ellipsoidal model ==> 椭球模型
  10829. ellipsoidal norm ==> 椭球模数
  10830. ellipsoidal normal ==> 椭球体法线
  10831. ellipsoidal of gyration ==> 回转椭球
  10832. ellipsoidal of inertia ==> 惯量椭球
  10833. ellipsoidal reflector ==> 椭球反射镜
  10834. ellipsoidal shell ==> 椭圆球面壳
  10835. ellipsoidal spotlight ==> 椭球体聚光灯,椭圆聚光灯
  10836. ellipsoidal tubesheet ==> 椭球管板
  10837. ellipsoidal variable ==> 椭球变星
  10838. ellipsoidal zenith ==> 椭球体天顶距
  10839. ellipsoideus yeast ==> 椭圆形酵母
  10840. ellipsometer ==> 椭圆计,椭率计,偏振光椭圆率测量仪,(偏振光)椭圆计=>エリプソメーター,偏光解析器
  10841. ellipsometry ==> 椭率测量术,椭圆对称
  10842. ellipsometry measurement ==> エリプソメトリー測定
  10843. ellipsometry method ==> 椭圆计法
  10844. elliptic arc ==> 椭圆弧
  10845. elliptic arch ==> 椭圆拱
  10846. elliptic bearing ==> 椭圆轴承
  10847. elliptic blade section ==> 椭圆叶片截面
  10848. elliptic bolt hole ==> 椭圆螺栓孔
  10849. elliptic catenary ==> 椭圆悬链线
  10850. elliptic chuck ==> 椭圆卡盘
  10851. elliptic coiling ==> (管子的)椭圆盘绕
  10852. elliptic collineation ==> 椭性直射
  10853. elliptic compasses ==> 椭圆规
  10854. elliptic complex ==> 椭圆复形
  10855. elliptic conchoid ==> 椭圆蚌线
  10856. elliptic cone ==> 椭圆锥面
  10857. elliptic congruence ==> 椭性线汇
  10858. elliptic conical surface of no distortion ==> 不变歪椭圆锥面
  10859. elliptic coordinate ==> 椭圆坐标
  10860. elliptic coordinates ==> 椭圆座标
  10861. elliptic curve ==> 椭圆曲线
  10862. elliptic cyclic group ==> 椭圆循环群
  10863. elliptic cylinder ==> 椭圆柱面
  10864. elliptic cylinder coordinates ==> 椭圆柱坐标
  10865. elliptic cylinder function ==> 椭圆柱函数
  10866. elliptic cylindrical coordinates ==> 椭圆柱坐标
  10867. elliptic cylindrical surface ==> 椭圆柱面
  10868. elliptic cylindrical wave function ==> 椭圆柱面波函数
  10869. elliptic differential equation ==> 椭圆微分方程,椭圆型微分方程
  10870. elliptic differential operator ==> 椭圆型微分算子
  10871. elliptic domain ==> 椭圆域
  10872. elliptic dome ==> 椭圆形穹顶
  10873. elliptic equation ==> 椭圆方程
  10874. elliptic function ==> 椭圆函数=>楕円関数
  10875. elliptic function field ==> 椭圆函数域
  10876. elliptic galaxy ==> 椭圆星系
  10877. elliptic gear ==> 椭圆齿轮
  10878. elliptic geometry ==> 椭圆几何
  10879. elliptic harmonic motion ==> 椭圆和谐运动
  10880. elliptic homology ==> 椭性透射
  10881. elliptic integral ==> 椭圆积分=>楕円積分
  10882. elliptic involution ==> 椭性对合
  10883. elliptic irrational function ==> 椭圆无理函数
  10884. elliptic loading ==> 按椭圆分布的负荷
  10885. elliptic magnetic axis ==> 椭圆形磁轴
  10886. elliptic meridian ==> 椭圆经线
  10887. elliptic modular function ==> 椭圆模函数
  10888. elliptic modular function field ==> 椭圆模函数域
  10889. elliptic modular group ==> 椭圆模群
  10890. elliptic motion ==> 椭圆运动
  10891. elliptic non-Euclidean geometry ==> 椭圆型非欧几何学
  10892. elliptic norm ==> 椭圆型模
  10893. elliptic operator ==> 椭圆算子
  10894. elliptic orbit ==> 椭圆轨道
  10895. elliptic orbit life ==> 椭圆轨道寿命
  10896. elliptic orbiting capture ==> 椭圆轨道捕获
  10897. elliptic orbiting velocity ==> 椭圆轨道速度
  10898. elliptic paraboloid ==> 椭圆抛物面
  10899. elliptic paraboloid shell ==> 椭圆抛物面壳
  10900. elliptic parallel ==> 椭圆纬线
  10901. elliptic partial differential equation ==> 椭圆型偏微分方程,椭圆型微分方程
  10902. elliptic partial differential operators ==> 椭圆型偏微分算子
  10903. elliptic pencil of circle ==> 椭性圆束
  10904. elliptic pin ==> 椭圆形销
  10905. elliptic plane geometry ==> 椭圆平面几何学
  10906. elliptic point ==> 椭圆点
  10907. elliptic polarization ==> 椭圆偏振,椭圆极化,椭振
  10908. elliptic polarized antenna ==> 椭圆极化天线
  10909. elliptic problem ==> 椭圆型问题
  10910. elliptic projection ==> 椭圆投影
  10911. elliptic projectivity ==> 椭性直射
  10912. elliptic pseudo-differential operator ==> 椭圆型伪微分算子
  10913. elliptic quadratic surface ==> 椭圆型二次曲面
  10914. elliptic quadric hypersurface ==> 椭圆型二次超曲面
  10915. elliptic region ==> 椭圆区域
  10916. elliptic restricted problem ==> 椭圆型限制性问题
  10917. elliptic Riemann surface ==> 椭圆型黎曼曲面
  10918. elliptic rotating field ==> 椭圆旋转场,椭圆旋转磁场
  10919. elliptic sector ==> 椭圆扇形
  10920. elliptic segment trajectory ==> 椭圆弧轨迹
  10921. elliptic sine function ==> 椭圆正弦函数
  10922. elliptic singular point ==> 椭圆奇点
  10923. elliptic space ==> 椭圆空间,椭圆空间
  10924. elliptic spring ==> 椭圆形板弹簧,椭圆形弹簧
  10925. elliptic spring bolster ==> 椭圆形板弹簧
  10926. elliptic stern ==> 椭圆形船尾
  10927. elliptic surface ==> 椭圆曲面
  10928. elliptic system ==> 椭圆系统
  10929. elliptic tire ==> 椭圆轮胎
  10930. elliptic trammel ==> 椭圆规
  10931. elliptic trammels ==> 椭圆规
  10932. elliptic transformation ==> 椭圆变换,椭圆交换
  10933. elliptic trochoid ==> 椭圆摆线
  10934. elliptic trochoidal wave ==> 椭圆余摆线波
  10935. elliptic type ==> 椭圆型
  10936. elliptic type of Riemann surface ==> 椭圆型黎曼曲面
  10937. elliptic vault ==> 椭圆穹窿
  10938. elliptic waveguide ==> 椭圆形波导管
  10939. elliptic wheel ==> 椭圆轮
  10940. elliptic-nosed cylinder ==> 椭圆形头部汽缸
  10941. elliptical ==> 椭圆,椭圆的
  10942. elliptical anagalactic nebula ==> 椭圆河外星云
  10943. elliptical antenna ==> 椭圆形天线
  10944. elliptical aperture ==> 椭圆孔
  10945. elliptical arch ==> 椭圆拱
  10946. elliptical bearing ==> 椭圆形轴承
  10947. elliptical blade ==> (推进器)椭圆叶片
  10948. elliptical coil ==> 椭圆线圈
  10949. elliptical compass ==> 椭圆规
  10950. elliptical conducting cylinder ==> 椭圆导电柱
  10951. elliptical coordinates ==> 椭圆坐标
  10952. elliptical cross section ==> 椭圆截面
  10953. elliptical distribution ==> 椭圆分布
  10954. elliptical extragalactic nebula ==> 椭圆河外星云
  10955. elliptical fiber ==> 椭圆型纤维
  10956. elliptical field ==> 椭圆旋转磁场
  10957. elliptical fin tube ==> 椭圆管式翅片管
  10958. elliptical flat-plate ==> 椭圆形板
  10959. elliptical form ==> 長円形
  10960. elliptical galaxy ==> 椭圆星系
  10961. elliptical glass reflector ==> 双曲线反光镜
  10962. elliptical guide ==> 椭圆波导
  10963. elliptical head ==> 椭圆封头
  10964. elliptical hole ==> 椭圆孔
  10965. elliptical horn ==> 椭圆形喇叭
  10966. elliptical involution ==> 椭圆对合
  10967. elliptical iris waveguide ==> 椭圆形光圈式波导管
  10968. elliptical life raft ==> 椭圆形救生筏
  10969. elliptical loudspeaker ==> 椭圆形扬声器
  10970. elliptical mirror ==> 椭圆镜
  10971. elliptical motion ==> 椭圆运动
  10972. elliptical nozzle ==> 楕円ノズル
  10973. elliptical object ==> 楕円オブジェクト
  10974. elliptical orbit ==> 椭圆轨迹=>楕円軌道
  10975. elliptical orbit around the Sun ==> 太陽を回る楕円軌道
  10976. elliptical particle ==> 楕円粒子
  10977. elliptical point ==> 椭圆点
  10978. elliptical pointed arch ==> 椭圆形尖拱
  10979. elliptical polarization ==> 椭圆偏振
  10980. elliptical polarization instrument ==> 椭圆极化仪
  10981. elliptical polarized light ==> 椭圆偏振光
  10982. elliptical projection ==> 椭球投影
  10983. elliptical radio galaxy ==> 椭圆射电星系
  10984. elliptical reflector ==> 椭圆反射镜
  10985. elliptical revolving field ==> だ円回転磁界
  10986. elliptical ring ==> 椭圆环
  10987. elliptical ring structure ==> 椭圆环形构造
  10988. elliptical rotating field ==> 椭圆形旋转磁场
  10989. elliptical scanning ==> 椭圆扫描
  10990. elliptical semiflexible waveguide ==> 椭圆半软式波导
  10991. elliptical shaft ==> 椭圆形井筒
  10992. elliptical shape ==> 椭圆形
  10993. elliptical skirted piston ==> 椭圆裙活塞
  10994. elliptical slot ==> 椭圆形槽
  10995. elliptical space ==> 椭圆空间
  10996. elliptical spike ==> 椭圆形穗
  10997. elliptical spot ==> 椭圆形斑
  10998. elliptical spring ==> 椭圆形弹簧,双弓板弹簧
  10999. elliptical stair ==> 椭圆楼梯
  11000. elliptical stern ==> 椭圆船尾
  11001. elliptical strand rope ==> 椭圆形股钢丝绳
  11002. elliptical stylus ==> 椭圆形唱针
  11003. elliptical subcarrier ==> 椭圆色度副载波
  11004. elliptical subsystem ==> 椭圆次系
  11005. elliptical sweep ==> 椭圆扫描
  11006. elliptical system ==> 椭圆系统
  11007. elliptical time base ==> 椭圆时基扫描线
  11008. elliptical trace ==> 椭圆扫描
  11009. elliptical tube ==> 椭圆管
  11010. elliptical tubesheet ==> 椭圆管板
  11011. elliptical type weight ==> 椭圆形测深重锤,铅鱼
  11012. elliptical vessel ==> 椭圆形容器
  11013. elliptical vibration ==> 椭圆振动
  11014. elliptical wave ==> 椭圆波
  11015. elliptical waveguide ==> 椭圆波导=>楕円形導波管
  11016. elliptical wheel ==> 椭圆车轮
  11017. elliptical winch ==> 椭圆形绞盘
  11018. elliptical wire ==> 椭圆形截面织针
  11019. elliptically ==> 楕円形に
  11020. elliptically polarized light ==> 椭圆偏振光
  11021. elliptically polarized radiation ==> 椭圆偏振辐射
  11022. elliptically polarized wave ==> 椭圆偏振波
  11023. elliptically symmetric distribution ==> 椭圆对称分布
  11024. elliptically-polarized light ==> 楕円偏光
  11025. elliptically-polarized wave ==> 楕円偏波
  11026. ellipticalness ==> 椭圆性
  11027. ellipticine ==> 玫瑰树碱
  11028. ellipticity ==> 椭率,椭圆度,椭圆率,长短轴比
  11029. ellipticity condition ==> 椭圆型性条件
  11030. ellipticity effect ==> 椭球状效应
  11031. ellipticity of ellipse ==> 椭圆扁率
  11032. ellipticity of spheroid ==> 椭圆扁率
  11033. ellipticity parameter ==> 椭圆率参数
  11034. ellipticity ratio ==> 椭圆度比
  11035. ellipticity tables ==> 椭圆表
  11036. elliptocyte ==> 椭圆红细胞,卵形红细胞
  11037. elliptocytosis ==> 椭圆形红细胞性贫血,椭圆形红细胞症
  11038. elliptocytotic anemia ==> 卵圆状红细胞性贫血
  11039. elliptone ==> 毛鱼藤酮
  11040. Ellis' sign ==> 艾利斯氏征
  11041. Ellis-van Creveld line ==> 艾-加二氏线
  11042. elm ==> 榆木树
  11043. elm bark ==> 榆树皮
  11044. elm flea beetle (Altica ulmi) ==> 榆跳甲
  11045. elm leaf beefle(Galerucella xanthomelaena) ==> 榆叶甲
  11046. ELM, element ==> 要素
  11047. ELM, experiment logistic module ==> 実験用補給部
  11048. elmendorf machine ==> 单板片削机
  11049. Elmendorf tearing tester ==> 爱尔门道夫式撕裂度测定仪
  11050. Elmo pump ==> 爱尔莫真空泵
  11051. ELO-Vac process ==> 电炉真空脱碳脱气法
  11052. elobw type lock ==> 肘形锁闭器
  11053. elongate ==> 延长,细长形,拉长
  11054. elongate along the axis of the root ==> 沿根轴伸长
  11055. elongate bisexual flower ==> 长蕊两性花
  11056. elongate hole ==> 長穴
  11057. elongate renifore shape ==> 细长的肾形
  11058. elongate ribbon-like feathers ==> 長いリボン状の羽毛
  11059. elongate with long axis ==> 沿长轴伸展
  11060. elongated ==> 狭身字
  11061. elongated anticline trap ==> 狭长背斜圈闭
  11062. elongated apical system ==> 延伸顶系
  11063. elongated cocoon ==> 长茧
  11064. elongated grain ==> 拉长的晶粒
  11065. elongated hole ==> 延伸孔
  11066. elongated needle ==> 芒针
  11067. elongated shoot ==> 延长枝
  11068. elongated slot ==> 长槽
  11069. elongating mill ==> 延伸轧机
  11070. elongation ==> 延伸,延展率,大距,距角,延长率,伸长,伸长度,伸长率,延长=>伸び,楕円度
  11071. elongation areas ==> 伸长区
  11072. elongation at break ==> 破坏时伸长量,断裂伸度,扯断伸长率
  11073. elongation at rupture ==> 断裂伸度,断裂时试样的拉伸
  11074. elongation factor ==> 延长因子,延伸因子,伸长系数
  11075. elongation for each pass ==> 每道次延伸量
  11076. elongation growth ==> 伸长生长
  11077. elongation in deep water ==> 在深水中的生长力
  11078. elongation line ==> 延长线
  11079. elongation load ==> 延伸试验负载
  11080. elongation modulus ==> 延伸系数
  11081. elongation of cervix ==> 宫颈过长,子宫颈延长
  11082. elongation of circumpolar star ==> 拱极星大距
  11083. elongation of internode ==> 节间延长
  11084. elongation of styloid process ==> 茎突过长症
  11085. elongation of thumb ==> 拇指加长术
  11086. elongation of valve stem ==> 阀杆伸长
  11087. elongation pad ==> 延长器
  11088. elongation pass ==> 延伸孔型
  11089. elongation percentage ==> 延伸率
  11090. elongation rate ==> 延伸率
  11091. elongation ratio ==> 延长率
  11092. elongation sign ==> 延长符号
  11093. elongation stage ==> 伸长期,拔节期
  11094. elongation strain ==> 伸长变形
  11095. elongation test ==> 延伸率试验,延伸试验
  11096. elongation zone ==> 伸长区
  11097. elongational flow ==> 延伸流动
  11098. elongational viscosity ==> 延伸粘度
  11099. eloxal ==> 铝阳极氧化处理
  11100. eloxal coating ==> 铝阳极涂层处理
  11101. ELS, emergency landing site ==> 緊急着陸場
  11102. Elsasser band model ==> 艾尔萨沙带模式
  11103. Elsasser's radiation chart ==> 艾尔萨沙辐射图
  11104. else if symbol ==> 否则如果符号
  11105. else symbol ==> 否则符号
  11106. Elsholtzia Powder ==> 香薷散
  11107. elsi ==> 特大规模集成
  11108. ELSS, emergency life support system ==> 緊急生命維持装置
  11109. Elster-Geitel effect ==> 埃尔斯特-盖特尔效应
  11110. ELT, Emergency Locator Transmitter ==> 緊急ロケータートランスミッター
  11111. ELT, emergency locator transmitter ==> 非常用位置送信機
  11112. ELT, Enterprise-resource Linking Technology ==> ELT
  11113. ELT, extended long tank ==> 長大型ロングタンク
  11114. ELT, extremely low frequency ==> 周波数帯の名称
  11115. Eltanin fracture zone ==> 埃尔塔宁断裂带
  11116. Elton's ring test ==> 埃尔顿氏环试验
  11117. eluant ==> 洗提液
  11118. eluant component ==> 洗脱液组分
  11119. eluant gas ==> 洗脱用气体
  11120. eluant strength ==> 洗脱液强度
  11121. eluant strength gradient ==> 洗脱液强度梯度
  11122. eluant stripper column ==> 洗脱液清洗柱
  11123. eluate grade ==> 洗出液浓度
  11124. elucidate ==> 释=>解明する
  11125. eluent gas ==> 洗脱气体
  11126. elusive ==> 見つけにくい,理解しにくい
  11127. elusive answer ==> 遁辞
  11128. elusive bug ==> 分かりにくいバグ
  11129. elusive criminal ==> なかなか捕まらない犯人
  11130. elusive dream ==> 难以实现的梦想=>捉えどころのない夢
  11131. elusive enemy ==> 捕らえどころのない敵
  11132. elusive figure ==> 捕らえどころのない人
  11133. elusive goal ==> 困难的目标
  11134. elusive happiness ==> 最高的幸福=>言いようのない幸せ
  11135. elusive name ==> 覚えにくい名前
  11136. elusive ulcer ==> 亨纳溃疡
  11137. eluting effect ==> 洗脱效应
  11138. eluting order ==> 洗脱顺序
  11139. eluting peak ==> 洗脱峰
  11140. eluting power ==> 洗脱能力
  11141. eluting reagent ==> 洗提剂
  11142. eluting sequence ==> 洗脱顺序
  11143. eluting temperature ==> 洗脱温度
  11144. elution ==> 洗脱
  11145. elution chromatography ==> 洗脱色谱法
  11146. elution chromatorgraphy ==> 冲洗色谱法
  11147. elution column ==> 洗提塔
  11148. elution curve ==> 洗提曲线
  11149. elution cycle ==> 洗提循环
  11150. elution development ==> 洗提展开
  11151. elution efficiency ==> 洗脱效率
  11152. elution fractionation ==> 洗提分级
  11153. elution gas chromatography ==> 洗提气体色层分离法,淘析气体色层分离法,气体色谱法
  11154. elution method ==> 冲洗法,洗提法,洗脱法,淋洗法
  11155. elution mode ==> 洗脱方式
  11156. elution period ==> 洗提周期
  11157. elution process ==> 洗脱过程
  11158. elution program ==> 洗脱程序
  11159. elution requirement ==> 洗脱条件
  11160. elution section ==> 洗提段
  11161. elution system ==> 洗脱系统
  11162. elution time ==> 洗脱时间
  11163. elution volume ==> 洗脱体积
  11164. elutive power ==> 洗脱能力
  11165. elutriated product ==> 淘析精矿
  11166. elutriating apparatus ==> 淘析器,分粒装置
  11167. elutriating flask ==> 淘析瓶
  11168. elutriating funnel ==> 淘析漏斗
  11169. elutriation apparatus ==> 淘洗设备
  11170. elutriation by air ==> 空气淘析
  11171. elutriation leg ==> 析出段
  11172. elutriation method ==> 水析分级法,冲洗法
  11173. elutriation ring ==> 扬析环
  11174. elutriation separator ==> 淘洗分选器
  11175. elutriation test ==> 淘析试验
  11176. elutriator-centrifugal apparatus ==> 离心式淘析器
  11177. elutriator-centrifuge ==> 淘析离心机,淘洗离心机
  11178. eluvial deposit ==> 残积矿床
  11179. eluvial gravels ==> 残积砾石
  11180. eluvial laterite ==> 残积红土
  11181. eluvial ore deposit ==> 残积矿床
  11182. eluvial placer ==> 残积砂矿
  11183. eluvial sand ==> 残积砂
  11184. eluvium gravels ==> 残积砾石
  11185. ELV, electrically operated valve ==> NASA略語(電気駆動バルブ)
  11186. ELV, expendable launch vehicle ==> 使い捨て型ロケット
  11187. ELVENT Electric Ventilation ==> 电力通风设备
  11188. Elves Emissions of Light and VLF perturbations due to EMP Sources ==> Elves
  11189. ELy's test ==> 伊利氏试验
  11190. Ely's test ==> 艾利氏试验
  11191. Elys test ==> 俯卧屈膝试验
  11192. Elzholz's mixture ==> 埃尔兹霍兹氏合剂
  11193. em ==> 电加工
  11194. em quad ==> 全身空铅
  11195. em rule ==> 破折号
  11196. em score ==> 破折号
  11197. EM simulation software ==> 電磁界解析ソフト
  11198. EM specimen autoprocessor ==> 电子显微镜标本自动处理机
  11199. EM specimen penetrator ==> 电子显微镜标本渗透器
  11200. EM specimen polymerizer ==> 电子显微镜标本聚合器
  11201. EM wave absorber ==> 電波吸収体
  11202. EM, early make contact ==> アーリーメーク接点
  11203. EM, electromagnetic ==> 電磁的
  11204. EM, electromagnetic energy ==> 電磁エネルギー
  11205. EM, engineering model ==> 開発モデル
  11206. EM, experiment module ==> 実験モジュール
  11207. EMA ==> シンガポールのエネルギー市場庁
  11208. emaciated face ==> 面脱
  11209. emaciation ==> 憔悴
  11210. emaciation with sallow complexion ==> 面黄肌瘦
  11211. emaculation ==> 除斑术
  11212. emagram ==> 气压温度图,埃玛图
  11213. emailloid ==> 牙釉质瘤
  11214. eman ==> 埃曼
  11215. emanate ==> 発する,発散する,放射する,広まる,出てくる
  11216. emanate a blue light ==> 青い光を発する
  11217. emanate confidence ==> 自信にあふれている
  11218. emanate from ==> ~から出て来る
  11219. emanating power ==> 射气率
  11220. emanation ==> 发射,射气,放射,放射性射气,析出=>エマネーション
  11221. emanation chamber ==> 射气箱
  11222. emanation electrometer ==> 射气静电计,放射性静电计
  11223. emanation electroscope ==> 射气验电器
  11224. emanation exhalation ==> 喷气
  11225. emanation prospecting ==> 射气测量
  11226. emanation rate ==> 射气率
  11227. emanation security ==> 放射保密措施
  11228. emanation strength ==> 射气强度
  11229. emanation survey ==> 射气测量
  11230. emanation technique ==> 射气技术
  11231. emanation test ==> 射气试验氡
  11232. emanation thermal analysis ==> 放射(性)热分析
  11233. emanation thermal analysis (ETA) ==> 射气热分析
  11234. emanation thermal analysis apparatus ==> 放射热分析仪
  11235. emanation thermal analysor (ETA) ==> 放射热分析仪
  11236. emanative ==> 放射性的
  11237. emanator ==> 射气测量计,测氡仪
  11238. emanatorium ==> 射气治疗院
  11239. emanium ==> 射气
  11240. emanometer ==> 测氡仪,射气仪
  11241. emanometry ==> 射气测量法
  11242. emanotherapy ==> 射气疗法
  11243. emarginate ==> 凹缘的
  11244. emasculate ==> 去勢された
  11245. emasculation ==> 去雄
  11246. emasculator ==> 去势器
  11247. EMB, Engineering in Medicine and Biology ==> 医用生体工学
  11248. embacle ==> 冰堆
  11249. embankment ==> 堤,堤岸,堤防,(指土石坝的)坝体
  11250. embankment foundation ==> 堤基
  11251. embankment material ==> 堆筑材料,坝体土石料
  11252. embankment mower ==> 堤坡割草机
  11253. embankment project ==> 堤防工程
  11254. embankment slope ==> 堆筑体边坡
  11255. embankment wall ==> 堤墙
  11256. embargo ==> 禁运,禁止进出口
  11257. embargo on ships ==> 禁止船舶出口
  11258. embargo on the export of gold ==> 禁止黄金出口
  11259. embark ==> 冒险投资,投资
  11260. embark money in an enterprise ==> 投资于某企业
  11261. embarkation ==> 装载,配=>搭載
  11262. embarrass ==> 尴尬,窘困=>当惑させる
  11263. embassy ==> 大使馆,使馆
  11264. embata ==> 恩巴塔风
  11265. embayed coast ==> 多湾海岸
  11266. embayed coastal plain ==> 多湾海岸平原
  11267. embayed mountain ==> 多湾山
  11268. embayed shore ==> 多湾海滨
  11269. embayment ==> 横越地槽,海湾,成弯,岸湾,枝地槽
  11270. embed ==> 包埋,嵌,嵌入,装入
  11271. embedability ==> 嵌入性,压入能力,压入性,挤入性
  11272. embedded ==> 装入的
  11273. embedded anchor ==> 预埋锚=>埋め込みアンカー
  11274. embedded bar ==> 预埋钢筋
  11275. embedded blank ==> 嵌入式空白
  11276. embedded block ==> 预埋砌块
  11277. embedded bolt ==> 预埋螺检
  11278. embedded chain ==> 嵌入链
  11279. embedded code ==> 嵌入码
  11280. embedded coil side ==> 槽内线圈边
  11281. embedded column ==> 暗柱
  11282. embedded command ==> 嵌入命令
  11283. embedded component ==> 嵌入分量
  11284. embedded computer ==> 嵌入式计算机
  11285. embedded conductor ==> 嵌入导体
  11286. embedded conduit tube ==> 埋込配管
  11287. embedded coordinate ==> 嵌入坐标
  11288. embedded core ==> 补砂芯
  11289. embedded cost method ==> 埋没費用方式(電力自由化)
  11290. embedded cost pricing ==> 会计成本定价,又称"财务成本定价"
  11291. embedded depth ==> 埋深
  11292. embedded depth of foundation ==> 基础埋深
  11293. embedded footing ==> 埋入式基脚,嵌入式基脚
  11294. embedded generation ==> 小型発電
  11295. embedded grit ==> 型砂斑点
  11296. embedded hanger ==> 预埋吊件
  11297. embedded heating element ==> 嵌入式加热元件
  11298. embedded heterostructure laser ==> 嵌入式异质结构激光器
  11299. embedded inserts ==> 预埋件
  11300. embedded instrument ==> 埋设仪器
  11301. embedded key ==> 装填键
  11302. embedded length ==> 嵌入长度
  11303. embedded length of bar ==> 钢筋埋入长度
  11304. embedded magnet type ==> 埋込磁石型
  11305. embedded Markov chain ==> 嵌入马尔可夫链
  11306. embedded multivalue dependency ==> 嵌入型多值相关
  11307. embedded part ==> 嵌入部分,嵌入件,埋置部分
  11308. embedded parts ==> 埋设件,预埋件
  11309. embedded penstock ==> 埋藏式压力水管
  11310. embedded pipe ==> 埋藏管道,埋入式管道
  11311. embedded pipe cooling ==> 埋管冷却
  11312. embedded pointer ==> 嵌入指示字
  11313. embedded primary component ==> 嵌入准素分支
  11314. embedded prime divisor ==> 嵌入素除子
  11315. embedded reinforcement ==> 埋置钢筋,预埋钢筋
  11316. embedded scraper transporter ==> 埋刮板输送机
  11317. embedded sensor ==> 埋置式传感器
  11318. embedded software ==> 嵌入式软件
  11319. embedded steel ==> 埋置钢筋
  11320. embedded stone pitchin ==> 埋藏式砌石护坡
  11321. embedded strain gauge ==> 埋入式应变计,埋入应变片
  11322. embedded stripe double-heterostructure laser ==> 嵌入式条状双异质结构激光器
  11323. embedded suction hose ==> 埋吸胶管
  11324. embedded system ==> 嵌入系统=>組込みシステム
  11325. embedded teeth ==> 包埋牙
  11326. embedded temperature control system ==> 組み込み温度制御システム
  11327. embedded temperature detector ==> 嵌入式测温计,嵌入式温度计,埋入式温度计,埋置式温度探测器,安装于定子铁心(包括端部压板和压指等结构)上和上下层线棒间的电阻型或热偶型测温装置=>埋込温度計
  11328. embedded type ==> 嵌入式
  11329. embedded wire acid and alkali suction hose ==> 埋线吸酸碱胶管
  11330. embedded wire oil suction hose ==> 埋线吸油胶管
  11331. embedded wire water suction hose ==> 埋线吸水胶管
  11332. embedded wood brick ==> 预埋木砖
  11333. embedding ==> 埋封,埋入,植入
  11334. embedding compound ==> 埋封胶
  11335. embedding mapping ==> 嵌套映射
  11336. embedding of ovum ==> 卵子着床
  11337. embedding of tree in another tree ==> 一树嵌入另一树中
  11338. embedding operator ==> 嵌入算子
  11339. embedding principle ==> 嵌入原理
  11340. embedding technique ==> 嵌入法
  11341. embedment ==> 嵌入件,埋置
  11342. embedment anchor ==> 埋入锚
  11343. embedment depth ==> 埋置深度
  11344. embedment length ==> 埋入长度,埋置长度,嵌入长度
  11345. embedment pressure ==> 嵌入压力
  11346. embedment stress ==> 嵌入应力
  11347. embeliate ==> 恩贝酸盐
  11348. embelic acid ==> 信筒子酸,信筒子醌,摁贝素,(恩贝灵)恩贝酸
  11349. embelin ==> 恩贝酸,摁贝素
  11350. embellin ==> 信筒子醌
  11351. embezzle ==> 侵吞,贪污
  11352. embezzle public funds ==> 侵吞公款
  11353. embezzlement of tax funds ==> 侵吞税款
  11354. embezzler ==> 贪污分子
  11355. Embioptera ==> 纺足目
  11356. embitter ==> つらい思いをさせる
  11357. emblem ==> 汽车商标
  11358. emblem mark ==> 厂标
  11359. emblem oil ==> 巴林油
  11360. emblem ring ==> 徽章戒指
  11361. embodied technical progress ==> 被体现的技术进步
  11362. embodiment ==> 具体化,具体的表現,実施,(特許)実施例
  11363. embodiment phase ==> 具体化段階
  11364. embody ==> 包含,包括有,补充,具体化,具体化,连接
  11365. emboldening ==> 加深
  11366. embolism ==> 栓塞
  11367. embolism of uterine vein ==> 子宫静脉栓塞
  11368. embolismic year ==> 闰年
  11369. embolite ==> 氯溴银矿
  11370. embolium ==> 绿片
  11371. Embolobranchiata ==> 安鳃类
  11372. embolus ==> 栓子,插入物=>塞栓
  11373. emboly ==> 陷入
  11374. embose ==> 浮花雕饰
  11375. emboss ==> 浮花雕饰,压花,压纹
  11376. embossed calico ==> 压花装订布
  11377. embossed candle ==> 浮雕蜡
  11378. embossed cloth ==> 压花布
  11379. embossed decoration ==> 堆贴,浮花雕饰
  11380. embossed effect ==> 压花效应
  11381. embossed finish ==> 压花涂饰剂
  11382. embossed glass ==> 浮雕玻璃
  11383. embossed groove recording ==> 压刻式唱片录音法
  11384. embossed integrated optics ==> 浮雕集成光学
  11385. embossed lacquer ==> 堆漆
  11386. embossed leather ==> 压花革
  11387. embossed metal ornamentation ==> 金属浮雕饰
  11388. embossed ornament ==> 雕刻凸饰
  11389. embossed paper ==> 绸纹纸,凸凹纸,浮雕墙纸
  11390. embossed pattern ==> 浮雕纹样,(立体图案)凸纹图案
  11391. embossed plate evaporator ==> 凹凸板式蒸发器
  11392. embossed plate print ==> 凸板打印机
  11393. embossed sheet metal panel ==> 压制金属薄板面板
  11394. embossed stamp ==> 压花邮票
  11395. embossed tile ==> 雕纹花砖,浮雕面砖
  11396. embossed wallpaper ==> 凸纹墙纸
  11397. embossed work ==> 模压加工,压印加工,刻花加工
  11398. embosser ==> 压纹机=>エンボッサー
  11399. embossing ==> 压花,压花法,雕刻凸饰,起伏成形,凹凸印,凹凸印刷,凹凸轧花
  11400. embossing black ==> 防蚀蜡
  11401. embossing calender ==> 压纹机,浮花辊压机,凹凸轧花机
  11402. embossing die ==> 压花模,压筋模,压凸冲模
  11403. embossing flask ==> 浮雕瓶
  11404. embossing iron ==> 压花铁
  11405. embossing machine ==> 压花机,凸印机
  11406. embossing pad ==> 压花垫
  11407. embossing press ==> 压印机
  11408. embossing roller ==> 压花辊子,螺旋辊子
  11409. embossing stylus ==> 划针
  11410. embossment ==> 压花,模压加工,浮花雕饰
  11411. embouchure ==> 峡门
  11412. embrace reflex ==> 拥抱反射,搂抱反射,婴儿紧抱反射,紧抱反射
  11413. embracing grammar ==> 包围文法
  11414. embramine ==> 恩布拉敏
  11415. embranchment ==> 分支机构
  11416. embrasure ==> 炮眼,喷口,枪眼,堡眼,八字门窗口,楔状隙
  11417. embrasured watchtower ==> 箭楼
  11418. Embrithopoda ==> 重脚目
  11419. embrittle ==> 使脆化
  11420. embrittlement ==> 脆化
  11421. embrittlement detector ==> 脆度检测器
  11422. embrocation ==> 擦剂
  11423. embroider ==> 绣花
  11424. embroidered back ==> 绣花手套背
  11425. embroidered braid ==> 绣花带
  11426. embroidered carpet ==> 绣花地毯
  11427. embroidered gauze ==> 绣花纱罗
  11428. embroidered hose ==> 绣花袜
  11429. embroidered organdy ==> 绣花玻璃纱
  11430. embroidered painting ==> 刺锈画
  11431. embroidered picture ==> 刺绣画片
  11432. embroidered portrait ==> 刺绣肖像
  11433. embroidered robe ==> 蟒袍
  11434. embroidered stripe principle ==> 绣花直条纹原理
  11435. embroidering ==> 绣花
  11436. embroidering feeder attachment ==> 绣花用导纱器
  11437. embroidering machine ==> 刺绣机
  11438. embroidery ==> 绣花,刺绣品,曲线弯曲度
  11439. embroidery clipping machine ==> 刺绣挖剪机
  11440. embroidery cotton ==> 刺绣纱线,绣花纱线
  11441. embroidery darning stitch ==> 绣花补缀针迹
  11442. embroidery effect ==> 绣花效应
  11443. embroidery frame ==> 绣花绷,刺绣绷子
  11444. embroidery guide ==> 绣花梳栉
  11445. embroidery lace ==> 绣花花边
  11446. embroidery lathe ==> 绣花支架
  11447. embroidery machine ==> 绣花机,刺绣机
  11448. embroidery plating hosiery machine ==> 绣花纱织袜机
  11449. embroidery rib top machine ==> 绣花罗口机
  11450. embroidery silk ==> 绣花丝线
  11451. embroidery stitch ==> 绣花线迹
  11452. embroidery-plating ==> 绣花添纱组织
  11453. embry onal lipoma ==> 脂母细胞瘤
  11454. embryo ==> 种胚,晶芽,胎儿,胚,胚胎,胚体
  11455. embryo adaptation ==> 胚胎适应性
  11456. embryo adoption ==> 胚養子
  11457. embryo and seed development ==> 胚和种子的发育
  11458. embryo brain ==> 胎児脳
  11459. embryo bud ==> 胚芽
  11460. embryo cap ==> 胚冠
  11461. embryo cell ==> 胚細胞
  11462. embryo cloning ==> 胚クローン
  11463. embryo culture ==> 胚培養
  11464. embryo culture method ==> 胚胎培养
  11465. embryo development rate ==> 胚胎发育率
  11466. embryo fisheries ==> 初始渔业
  11467. embryo fusion ==> 胚并合
  11468. embryo germination ==> 胚発芽
  11469. embryo grafting ==> 种胚嫁接
  11470. embryo growth retardation ==> 胚胎生长迟缓
  11471. embryo hepatocytes ==> 胚肝細胞
  11472. embryo implantation ==> 胚着床
  11473. embryo initial cell ==> 胚原始细胞
  11474. embryo lethality ==> 胎児死亡率
  11475. embryo liver ==> 胚肝臓
  11476. embryo manipulation ==> 胚操作
  11477. embryo myoblasts ==> 胚筋芽細胞
  11478. embryo nucleus ==> 胚核
  11479. embryo oceans ==> 胚胎期海洋
  11480. embryo of a plant seed ==> 植物种子的胚
  11481. embryo sac ==> 胚膜
  11482. embryo sac haustorium ==> 胚囊吸器
  11483. embryo sac mother cell ==> 胚囊母细胞
  11484. embryo sac tube ==> 胚囊管
  11485. embryo size ==> 胚晶尺寸
  11486. embryo stem ==> 胚基,胚茎
  11487. embryo transplantation ==> 胚胎移植
  11488. embryo transplantation method ==> 胚移接法
  11489. embryo-grafting ==> 胚芽嫁接
  11490. embryo-sac cell ==> 胚囊细胞
  11491. Embryobionta ==> 有胚植物亚界
  11492. embryoblast ==> 成胚区
  11493. embryocardia ==> 胎样心音
  11494. embryogenesis ==> 胚胎发生,胚胎形成,胚体形成
  11495. embryogenetic ==> 胚胎发生的
  11496. embryogenetic culture ==> 胚发生培养
  11497. embryogenetic stage ==> 胚胎发生阶段
  11498. embryogenic ==> 胚胎发生的
  11499. embryogeny ==> 胚胎,胚胎发生,胚体演化
  11500. embryograph ==> 胚胎描记器
  11501. embryography ==> 胚胎描记法
  11502. embryoid ==> 胚胎样的,胚状体
  11503. embryoism ==> 胚胎状态
  11504. embryologist ==> 胚胎学家
  11505. embryology ==> 胎生学,発生学
  11506. embryoma ==> 胚瘤,胚组织瘤
  11507. embryoma of kidney ==> 肾胚胎瘤
  11508. embryoma of the ovary ==> 未分化胚细胞瘤
  11509. embryometrotrophia ==> 胚胎营养
  11510. embryomorphous ==> 胚胎形的
  11511. embryon ==> 胚,胚胎
  11512. embryonal ==> 胚胎的
  11513. embryonal adenoma of thyroid ==> 胚胎型甲状腺腺瘤
  11514. embryonal antigen ==> 胚胎性抗原
  11515. embryonal antigen of tumor ==> 肿瘤胚胎性抗原
  11516. embryonal axis ==> 胚轴
  11517. embryonal carcinoma ==> 胚胎癌,胚胎性癌
  11518. embryonal carcinoma of ovary ==> 卵巢胚胎性癌
  11519. embryonal carcinoma of testis ==> 睾丸胚胎性癌
  11520. embryonal carcinosarcoma ==> 韦尔姆斯氏瘤,维尔姆斯氏瘤,胚胎性癌肉瘤
  11521. embryonal carcinosarcoma of lung ==> 肺胚胎性癌肉瘤
  11522. embryonal cell ==> 胚性细菌
  11523. embryonal layer ==> 生殖层
  11524. embryonal leukemia ==> 干细胞性白血病
  11525. embryonal lipoma ==> 胚胎性脂肪瘤
  11526. embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma ==> 胚胎性横纹肌肉瘤
  11527. embryonal system ==> 胚系
  11528. embryonal tumor ==> 胚胎性瘤
  11529. embryonal-cell lipoma ==> 脂肪肉瘤
  11530. embryonary ontogenesis ==> 胚胎个体发生
  11531. embryonate ==> 胚胎的
  11532. embryonic ==> 胚胎的
  11533. embryonic adaptation ==> 胚胎适应,胚胎适应性
  11534. embryonic area ==> 胚区
  11535. embryonic axis ==> 胚轴
  11536. embryonic bud ==> 胚芽
  11537. embryonic cell ==> 胚细胞
  11538. embryonic center ==> 胚中心
  11539. embryonic circulation ==> 胚循环
  11540. embryonic coelom ==> 胚体腔
  11541. embryonic complex ==> 胚复合
  11542. embryonic connective tissue ==> 胚性结缔组织
  11543. embryonic cord ==> 胚索
  11544. embryonic cortex ==> 胚皮层
  11545. embryonic crystal ==> 胚晶
  11546. embryonic death ==> 胚胎死亡
  11547. embryonic development ==> 胚胎发育
  11548. embryonic development period ==> 胚胎发育期
  11549. embryonic diapause ==> 胚胎滞育
  11550. embryonic differentiation ==> 胚胎分化
  11551. embryonic disc ==> 胚盘
  11552. embryonic doom ==> 胚胎死亡
  11553. embryonic environment ==> 胎児環境、胎児期環境
  11554. embryonic epidermis ==> 胚表皮
  11555. embryonic epithelial tissue ==> 胚上皮組織
  11556. embryonic epithelium ==> 胚上皮
  11557. embryonic feather ==> 胚羽
  11558. embryonic foot ==> 胚足
  11559. embryonic form ==> 雏形=>胚型
  11560. embryonic genome ==> 胚性ゲノム
  11561. embryonic gonad ==> 胎児性腺
  11562. embryonic haematopoiesis ==> 胚の造血
  11563. embryonic implantation ==> 胚胎移植,胚移植
  11564. embryonic inducer ==> 胚胎诱导者
  11565. embryonic induction ==> 胚胎诱导
  11566. embryonic kidney ==> 胚肾
  11567. embryonic knob ==> 胚结
  11568. embryonic knot ==> 胚结
  11569. embryonic layer ==> 胚层
  11570. embryonic loss ==> 胚胎死亡
  11571. embryonic nucleus ==> 胚胎核
  11572. embryonic ore formation ==> 雏形成矿
  11573. embryonic period ==> 胚胎期
  11574. embryonic pharynx ==> 胚咽
  11575. embryonic phase ==> 胚胎期
  11576. embryonic pith ==> 胚髓
  11577. embryonic plant ==> 胚体
  11578. embryonic plate ==> 胚板
  11579. embryonic pole ==> 胚极
  11580. embryonic procambium ==> 胚原形成层
  11581. embryonic root ==> 胚根
  11582. embryonic selection ==> 胚胎选择
  11583. embryonic shield ==> 胚盾,胚质
  11584. embryonic stage ==> 胚期
  11585. embryonic stem cell ==> ES細胞
  11586. embryonic stem cells ==> 胚性幹細胞
  11587. embryonic system ==> 胚系
  11588. embryonic tissue ==> 胚胎性组织,胚胎组织,胚性组织
  11589. embryonic tube ==> 胚管
  11590. embryonic type ==> 胚胎发生类型,胚型
  11591. embryoniform ==> 胚胎样的
  11592. embryonin ==> 胚素
  11593. embryonism ==> 胚胎状态
  11594. embryonization ==> 胚胎化
  11595. embryonoid ==> 胚胎样的
  11596. embryopathia ==> 胚胎病,胎儿病
  11597. embryopathology ==> 胚胎病理学
  11598. embryopathy ==> 胚胎病,胎儿病
  11599. embryophore ==> 胚膜,胚托
  11600. embryophoric membrane ==> 胚膜
  11601. embryophyta ==> 胚生植物
  11602. embryoplastic ==> 胚胎形成的
  11603. embryoscope ==> 胚胎发育观察器
  11604. embryotega ==> 胚盖
  11605. embryotome ==> 碎胎刀
  11606. embryotomy ==> 碎胎术,毁胎术
  11607. embryotoxicity ==> 胚胎毒性
  11608. embryotoxon ==> 青年环,青年角膜弓
  11609. embryotransfer ==> 胚胎移植
  11610. embryotroph ==> 胚体营养物,胎体营养物
  11611. embryotrophy ==> 胎体营养,胚胎营养,胚体营养
  11612. embryulcia ==> 钳胎术
  11613. embryulcus ==> 牵胎钩
  11614. Embutox ==> (除草剂)滴丁酸
  11615. EMC ==> 氯化乙基汞
  11616. EMC test, electromagnetic compatibility test ==> 電磁適合試験
  11617. EMC virus ==> 脑心肌炎病毒
  11618. EMC, electromagnetic compatibility ==> 電磁的両立性,電磁適合性
  11619. EMC, Requirements for each Telecommunication Network Equipment ==> 電気通信装置毎のEMC要求
  11620. EMD, Empirical mode decomposition ==> 経験的モード分解
  11621. Emden equation ==> 埃姆登方程,艾姆登方程
  11622. Emden function ==> 埃姆登函数,艾姆登函数
  11623. EME, electromagnetic effect ==> 電磁効果
  11624. emeald ==> 祖母绿
  11625. EMEC, electromagnetic effects compatibility ==> 電磁効果適合性
  11626. emedullate ==> 去髓
  11627. EMEEC, electromagnetic environment effects control ==> 電磁環境効果制御
  11628. Emeishan large igneous province ==> 峨眉山大規模火成区
  11629. emeleusite ==> 高铁锂大隅石
  11630. ement picture (movement plan) ==> 运动分布图样
  11631. EMEOS, Electromagnetic Environment Observation Satellite ==> 電磁環境観測衛星
  11632. EMER Emergency ==> 紧急情况
  11633. EMER, emergency ==> 緊急事態
  11634. emerada ==> 人造尖晶石
  11635. emerald ==> 绿宝石,纯绿柱石,翡翠,翡翠色=>エメラルド,鮮緑色
  11636. emerald brass alloy ==> 翡翠黄铜合金
  11637. emerald cut ==> 祖母绿琢磨花样=>エメラルドカット
  11638. emerald green ==> 翡翠绿,巴黎绿=>エメラルドグリーン
  11639. Emerald Mountain ==> 哥伦比亚绿宝山(翡翠山)咖啡豆=>エメラルドマウンテン
  11640. emerald nickel ==> 翠镍矿
  11641. emerald pearl ==> 绿星石
  11642. emerge ==> 出苗,出现=>現れる,出現する
  11643. emerge from a break in the seed coat ==> 破种皮而出
  11644. emerged shoreline ==> 上升岸线
  11645. emerged wedge ==> 露出楔
  11646. emergence ==> 羽化,突出体,突露,出露
  11647. emergence and growth ==> 出苗与生长
  11648. emergence angle ==> 出射角
  11649. emergence of land ==> 陆地上升
  11650. emergence of seedlings ==> 出苗
  11651. emergency ==> 非常,紧急,紧急,意外,应急,急,急救,急症,安全停车
  11652. emergency -exit lighting ==> 紧急出口照明
  11653. emergency air compresser ==> 应急空气压缩机
  11654. emergency air inlet ==> 安全气孔
  11655. emergency air system ==> 应急空气系统
  11656. emergency airway kit ==> 气管切开器械包
  11657. emergency alarm bell ==> 报警铃
  11658. emergency alarm signal ==> 应急警铃信号
  11659. emergency altitude ==> 极限高度
  11660. emergency ambulance ==> 急救车
  11661. emergency amortization ==> 紧急偿还,非常情况下的加速折旧
  11662. emergency anchorage ==> 应急锚地
  11663. emergency antenna ==> 备用天线
  11664. emergency apparatus ==> 安全装置,应急装置
  11665. emergency application ==> 紧急应用
  11666. emergency application position ==> 紧急制动位置
  11667. emergency application valve ==> 紧急作用阀
  11668. emergency arrangement ==> 应变部署
  11669. emergency auxiliary power ==> 事故备用电源
  11670. emergency back-up fuel ==> 应急燃料
  11671. emergency backup power ==> 事故時バックアップ,事故時補給電力
  11672. emergency banking relief act ==> 紧急银行救济法
  11673. emergency battery ==> 应急电池,应急用电池,备用电池
  11674. emergency battery room ==> 事故备用蓄电池室
  11675. emergency bay ==> 非常駐車帯
  11676. emergency bearing oil pump ==> 备用润滑油泵,备用油泵
  11677. emergency bilge pump ==> 应急舭水泵
  11678. emergency blowdown valve ==> 紧急排污阀
  11679. emergency boat ==> 应急救生艇
  11680. emergency brake ==> 应急刹车,紧急制动器,安全制动器=>非常ブレーキ
  11681. emergency brake application ==> 紧急加闸
  11682. emergency brake band ==> 紧急闸带
  11683. emergency brake carrier plate ==> 紧急闸座板
  11684. emergency brake gear ==> 紧急闸装置
  11685. emergency brake lever ==> 紧急闸杆
  11686. emergency brake lever spring ==> 紧急闸杆弹簧
  11687. emergency brake switch ==> 紧急刹车开关,紧急闸开关
  11688. emergency brake valve ==> 紧急制动阀
  11689. emergency braking ==> 紧急制动
  11690. emergency braking control relay ==> 应急制动控制继电器
  11691. emergency breakaway valve ==> 紧急断气阀
  11692. emergency breakdown repairs ==> 紧急破损修理
  11693. emergency breakoff ==> 紧急停车装置
  11694. emergency broadcast system ==> 应急用广播系统
  11695. emergency button ==> 应急按钮,应急钮,备用按钮,事故按钮
  11696. emergency cable ==> 应急电缆
  11697. emergency call ==> 紧急呼叫
  11698. emergency call key ==> 紧急呼叫键
  11699. emergency call-on button ==> 事故引导按钮
  11700. emergency capacity ==> 事故备用容量,应急储备
  11701. emergency capecity ==> 安全储备
  11702. emergency carrier generator ==> 备用载频振荡器
  11703. emergency cart ==> 抢救推车
  11704. emergency case ==> 急诊病例
  11705. emergency cell ==> 应急电池,应急用电池
  11706. emergency closing device emergency closure (gate) ==> 应急关闭装置
  11707. emergency closing valve ==> 应急阀
  11708. emergency cock ==> 应急开关,应急旋塞
  11709. emergency communication ==> 应急通信
  11710. emergency communication net ==> 应急通信网
  11711. emergency communication terminal ==> 应急通信终端站
  11712. emergency compass ==> 应急罗经
  11713. emergency condition ==> 事故状态
  11714. emergency connection ==> 应急接线,事故接线
  11715. emergency control ==> 安全控制,紧急控制=>緊急制御
  11716. emergency control list ==> 紧急控制措施集
  11717. emergency control room ==> 应急控制室,在主控室不可停留或失去执行基本安全功能时,为使反应堆停闭并将其保持在停闭状态、排出堆芯余热、并监测核电厂重要参数而设置的应急操作控制室
  11718. emergency cooling ==> 应急冷却,骤冷
  11719. emergency cooling system ==> 应急冷却系统
  11720. emergency core cooling system ==> 非常用炉心冷却装置
  11721. emergency coupler ==> 紧急车钩装置
  11722. emergency coupling device ==> 紧急连结器
  11723. emergency credit ==> 紧急信贷
  11724. emergency credit assistance ==> 紧急信贷援助
  11725. emergency crew ==> 抢修队
  11726. emergency crop ==> 应急作物,短生长期植物
  11727. emergency currency ==> 非常时期通货
  11728. emergency cut-off ==> 紧急停车
  11729. emergency decontamination measures ==> 应急消毒措施
  11730. emergency decree ==> 安全技术规程
  11731. emergency device ==> 应急装置
  11732. emergency diesel generator set ==> 应急柴油发电机组,核电厂失去正常电源后向厂内安全系统和其他指定的安全重要设备紧急提供可靠电力,以保证在假设始发事件后能将电厂维持在安全状态的厂内自备应急发电系统。它需具有快速启动和优良的加、卸载性能
  11733. emergency diesel-electric generator set ==> 备用柴油发电机组
  11734. emergency dispute ==> 紧急争端
  11735. emergency district ==> 应急林
  11736. emergency docking facilities ==> 应急靠泊设备
  11737. emergency door ==> 太平门
  11738. emergency dose ==> 应急剂量
  11739. emergency drain system ==> 危急疏水系统,当加热器水位异常升高到设定值时,紧急排出疏水的系统
  11740. emergency drug analysis ==> 紧急药物分析
  11741. emergency dump steam ==> 事故排汽
  11742. emergency duty ==> 事故备用,紧急关税
  11743. emergency electric current ==> 应急电流
  11744. emergency electric supply unit ==> 备用供电设备
  11745. emergency electrical system ==> 紧急电力系统
  11746. emergency engine ==> 备用发动机,紧急备用机,救急机车,救急机车,应急发动机
  11747. emergency equipment ==> 应急设备
  11748. emergency escape ladder ==> 应急梯
  11749. emergency exchange ==> 应急交换
  11750. emergency exciter set ==> 备用励磁机组
  11751. emergency exhaust valve ==> 应急排气阀
  11752. emergency exhaust valve head connection ==> 紧急排汽阀盖接头
  11753. emergency exit ==> 紧急出口,备用引出端,安全门
  11754. emergency exit spoiler ==> 应急出口挡板
  11755. emergency exit(door) ==> 安全出口
  11756. emergency facilities ==> 紧急设备
  11757. emergency feature ==> 应急用装置
  11758. emergency feed pump ==> 事故给水泵
  11759. emergency feed-water system ==> 应急给水系统,在蒸汽发生器主给水系统失效时,为防止蒸汽发生器烧干和堆芯失去冷却而向蒸汽发生器应急供水的系统。有的设计中将该系统与辅助给水系统合二而一
  11760. emergency feeder ==> 备用馈电线
  11761. emergency field ==> 备耕地
  11762. emergency floatation gear ==> 紧急浮水装置
  11763. emergency flood fighting ==> 防汛抢险
  11764. emergency flooding ==> 应急淹没
  11765. emergency food ==> 应急食品
  11766. emergency fuel regulator ==> 应急燃料调节器
  11767. emergency fuel tank ==> 应急燃料箱
  11768. emergency fuel trip ==> 紧急停料装置,燃料紧急自动切断器
  11769. emergency gasoline tank ==> 应急汽油箱
  11770. emergency gate ==> 应急闸门,事故闸门,在出现事故情况下,能在动水中截断水流关闭,平压静水开启,以便处理或防止事故扩大的闸门
  11771. emergency gear ==> 应急齿轮,安全齿轮
  11772. emergency generating set ==> 备用发电机组
  11773. emergency generator ==> 备用发电机,备急发电机,事故备用发电机,事故用发电机,应急发电装置=>非常用発電機
  11774. emergency governor ==> 安全调速器,应急调速器,防险调速器,急流调节器,危急保安[遮断]器,又称“危急遮断器”。汽轮机转速超过额定转速一定值时立即动作,切断进汽使汽轮机-发电机组紧急停机的保护装置
  11775. emergency grounding ==> 应急接地
  11776. emergency hand control device ==> 应急手动操纵装置
  11777. emergency hand drive ==> 事故手动装置
  11778. emergency hand pump connector ==> (油轮)应急手泵联接器
  11779. emergency hand trip ==> 危急手动脱扣
  11780. emergency hand(-)drive ==> 临时手动装置,应急手动装置
  11781. emergency hand-drive ==> 事故手动装置
  11782. emergency handle ==> 紧急手柄
  11783. emergency head back-up connection ==> 自动连接器助接器
  11784. emergency housing ==> 应急住房
  11785. emergency import ==> 紧急输入
  11786. emergency import duties ==> 紧急进口税
  11787. emergency installation ==> 应急设备,备用装置
  11788. emergency interconnection ==> 紧急相互连接,紧急联络=>非常時連系(電力)
  11789. emergency issue ==> 临时版
  11790. emergency joint bar ==> 救险鱼尾板,救险鱼尾板
  11791. emergency key ==> 应急电键
  11792. emergency lagoon ==> 应急池
  11793. emergency lamp ==> 应急灯,事故备用灯
  11794. emergency lamp signal telegraph ==> 应急信号灯
  11795. emergency light ==> 故障信号灯,紧急灯,事故照明器
  11796. emergency light reflex ==> 强光反射
  11797. emergency lighting ==> 紧急照明,应急照明,事故照明,安全照明=>非常時用照明
  11798. emergency lighting circuit ==> 事故照明线路
  11799. emergency lighting distribution box ==> 事故照明配电箱
  11800. emergency lighting distribution equipment ==> 事故照明配电设备
  11801. emergency lighting fitting ==> 事故照明灯
  11802. emergency lighting set ==> 应急照明电机
  11803. emergency line ==> 事故备用线路
  11804. emergency load dump ==> 事故甩负荷
  11805. emergency loan ==> 紧急贷款
  11806. emergency locator transmitter (ELT) ==> 事故地点发射机
  11807. emergency lock ==> 事故闸,安全闸,备用闸
  11808. emergency lubrication ==> 应急润滑
  11809. emergency maintenance ==> 应急维修,紧急维修
  11810. emergency maintenance time ==> 应急维修时间
  11811. emergency maitenance ==> 应急修理
  11812. emergency maneuver ==> 应急操纵
  11813. emergency material ==> 应急备料,应急用备料
  11814. emergency measures ==> 紧急措施,抢救措施
  11815. emergency medical system ==> 急救医疗系统
  11816. emergency medical technician ==> 救命士
  11817. emergency message handling ==> 应急信息处理
  11818. emergency mobile communication ==> 应急移动通信
  11819. emergency mode ==> 应急方式,应急运行方式
  11820. emergency network ==> 紧急灾情通信网,备用电网,事故供电网
  11821. emergency O2 valve ==> 氧气快速开关
  11822. emergency opening ==> 安全出口
  11823. emergency operating plan ==> 事故运行方式,为电力系统在发生事故时可以暂时维持运行而编制的非正常运行方案
  11824. emergency operation ==> 急症手术,紧急手术,应急操作,应急运转,紧急操作,在紧急情况下进行的未填写操作票的操作=>緊急操作
  11825. emergency operations system ==> 应急操作系统
  11826. emergency organization ==> 应急组织
  11827. emergency outage ==> 紧急停运,事故停机
  11828. emergency outage power ==> 事故停止電力
  11829. emergency outlet ==> 安全出口,安全出水口,应急泄洪口
  11830. emergency overspeed trip ==> 超速保安器,超速紧急脱扣
  11831. emergency O2 valve ==> 氧气快速开关
  11832. emergency O・2 valve ==> 氧气快速开关
  11833. emergency panel ==> 事故配电盘
  11834. emergency parking ==> 应急停车场
  11835. emergency pipe line ==> 应急管线
  11836. emergency piston ==> 紧急活塞
  11837. emergency plant ==> 应急备用设备
  11838. emergency power ==> 紧急备用动力
  11839. emergency power flow control ==> 緊急時潮流制御
  11840. emergency power plant ==> 事故备用电站
  11841. emergency power shut off ==> 紧急停电
  11842. emergency power source for buildings ==> 建物向け非常用電源
  11843. emergency power station ==> 应急电站
  11844. emergency power supply ==> 应急动力电源,应急动力源,事故电源,保安电源,备用电源,事故备用电源,发电厂或变电站内为保证事故照明、通讯、保护、自动化等设备基本用电的紧急状态下可快速启动的备用电源,可以是柴油发电机组,也可以是取自与另一电源点相联的高压线路上的备用变压器;保安电源,为避免停电造成某些重要设备失控而设置的向保安负荷供电的专用电源
  11845. emergency power supply unit ==> 事故电源装置
  11846. emergency pressure increasing valve ==> 紧急增压阀
  11847. emergency pressure reducing valve ==> 紧急减压阀
  11848. emergency procedure ==> 应急操作步骤
  11849. emergency project ==> 备耕方案
  11850. emergency protection ==> 事故保护,故障防护
  11851. emergency pulse ==> 呼救脉冲
  11852. emergency pulses ==> 呼救信号
  11853. emergency pump ==> 危急排水泵,应急泵,备用泵,事故应急泵
  11854. emergency pushbutton switch ==> 备用按钮开关
  11855. emergency radio ==> 应急无线电设备
  11856. emergency radio channel ==> 应急无线电信道
  11857. emergency rates ==> 紧急费率
  11858. emergency ration ==> 应急干粮
  11859. emergency receiver ==> 应急接收机
  11860. emergency recorder plot (ERP) ==> 应急记录标绘
  11861. emergency reference level (ERL) ==> 应急参考水平
  11862. emergency relay valve ==> 紧急继动阀
  11863. emergency release ==> 紧急释放
  11864. emergency releasepush ==> 应急释放开关
  11865. emergency repair ==> 应急修理,事故修理
  11866. emergency repair truck ==> 应急修理车,紧急修理车
  11867. emergency reporting system ==> 应急报告系统
  11868. emergency requirement ==> 应急需要
  11869. emergency reserve ==> 事故预备,紧急预备费,事故备用,由于发电设备可能发生故障而影响供电,系统必须设置一定的可快速调用的发电容量作为发电设备可能发生故障时的备用
  11870. emergency response plan ==> 紧急响应计划
  11871. emergency restart ==> 紧急重新启动,应急再启动
  11872. emergency review ==> 事故追忆
  11873. emergency risks ==> 紧急危险
  11874. emergency rotary converter ==> 应急旋转换流机
  11875. emergency route ==> 应急路由,应急通路,安全路线
  11876. emergency safety evaluation ==> 应急安全评价
  11877. emergency satellite communications system ==> 应急卫星通信系统
  11878. emergency seat ==> 安全座
  11879. emergency sensitiveness ==> 紧急制动灵敏度
  11880. emergency separation ==> 紧急解列
  11881. emergency service ==> 事故情况下运行,紧急供电,应急服务,应急供电,应急通信业务
  11882. emergency set ==> 应急电台,抢救包,备用机组,备用装置
  11883. emergency shut (of) valve (ESV) ==> 紧急切断阀
  11884. emergency shut down ==> 紧急停机=>緊急停止
  11885. emergency shut down rod ==> 事故停机棒
  11886. emergency shutdown ==> 事故停机,紧急关机=>緊急停止
  11887. emergency shutdown (cut-off) ==> 紧急停车
  11888. emergency shutdown at substation ==> 变电所紧急停车
  11889. emergency shutdown system ==> 緊急遮断システム
  11890. emergency shutoff device ==> 紧急切断装置
  11891. emergency signal ==> 紧急信号,事故信号
  11892. emergency signal transmitter ==> 事故信号发送器
  11893. emergency signal(l)ing ==> 事故信号装置
  11894. emergency special tax ==> 非常特别税
  11895. emergency spillway ==> 非常溢洪道,用以宣泄超过设计标准的洪水,以保证大坝安全的泄洪建筑物或临时设施
  11896. emergency sport ==> 突发变种
  11897. emergency staircase ==> 安全梯,疏散楼梯
  11898. emergency stand by electricity ==> 保安备用电源,正常电源故障时,为保证向重要负荷连续供电而设置的备用电源
  11899. emergency state ==> 緊急状態
  11900. emergency state of power system ==> 电力系统紧急运行状态,电力系统紧急状态分为电力系统静态紧急状态和动态紧急状态
  11901. emergency steering gear ==> 应急舵机
  11902. emergency stop ==> 非常停止
  11903. emergency stop (apparatus) ==> 紧急停车装置
  11904. emergency stop cock ==> 紧急制动阀,应急开关
  11905. emergency stop equipment ==> 非常停止装置
  11906. emergency stop indicator ==> 紧急停止指示器
  11907. emergency stop protection ==> 紧急停车保护装置
  11908. emergency stop switch ==> 紧急停车开关
  11909. emergency stop valve ==> 危急遮断阀
  11910. emergency stoplog ==> 应急叠梁闸门
  11911. emergency stopping ==> 应急隔墙
  11912. emergency stopping push-button ==> 事故紧急按钮
  11913. emergency storage ==> 应急储备
  11914. emergency supply ==> 应急电源
  11915. emergency support ==> 车底制动拉杆安全托
  11916. emergency surcharge ==> 紧急附加费
  11917. emergency suture set ==> 急救缝合手术包
  11918. emergency switch ==> 紧急保险开关,紧急开关,应急开关=>非常スイッチ
  11919. emergency switchboard ==> 应急配电盘
  11920. emergency switching-off ==> 应急切断,事故切断
  11921. emergency system ==> 应急系统
  11922. emergency tank ==> 备用槽,应急油箱,危急油箱,又称“事故油箱”。布置在汽轮机房外,当厂房着火无法控制或危及油箱时,用来储存紧急排放的润滑油的油箱
  11923. emergency tariff ==> 紧急关税
  11924. emergency telemetry ==> 应急遥测术
  11925. emergency telex route ==> 应急用户电报路由
  11926. emergency temporary construction ==> 应急临时建筑
  11927. emergency terminal switch ==> 终端安全开关
  11928. emergency theory ==> 应急说
  11929. emergency throwover equipment ==> 事故转换设备
  11930. emergency tiller ==> 应急舵柄
  11931. emergency tracheotomy ==> 紧急气管切开术
  11932. emergency tracheotomy instruments set ==> 急救气管切开器械包
  11933. emergency traffic ==> 非常通信
  11934. emergency transfer capability ==> 备用交换功率,备用转换功率,紧急转换能力
  11935. emergency transmitter ==> 应急发射机
  11936. emergency transmitter beacon ==> 应急发射指向标
  11937. emergency treatment ==> 抢救,急救措施
  11938. emergency treatment of collapse ==> 救脱,救脱
  11939. emergency trip ==> 紧急跳闸,紧急脱扣,应急脱扣
  11940. emergency trip magnet valve ==> 紧急脱钩电磁阀
  11941. emergency trip mechanism ==> 应急跳闸机构
  11942. emergency trip speed ==> 紧急跳闸转速
  11943. emergency trip switch ==> 紧急脱钩开关
  11944. emergency trip system, ETS ==> 汽轮机紧急跳闸系统,当汽轮机运行过程中出现异常时,能采取必要措施进行处理,并在异常情况继续发展到可能危及设备安全时,采取紧急措施停止汽轮机运行的保护系统
  11945. emergency trip valve ==> 紧急截止阀
  11946. emergency trip wire system ==> 事故跳闸电气系统
  11947. emergency tyre chain ==> 应急胎链
  11948. emergency tyre sleeve ==> 紧急胎套
  11949. emergency unit ==> 应急装置,备用机件
  11950. emergency valve ==> 安全阀,安全阀,事故阀
  11951. emergency valve nut ==> 安全阀螺母
  11952. emergency valve piston ==> 安全阀活塞
  11953. emergency valve seat ==> 安全阀座
  11954. emergency vehicle ==> 緊急車両
  11955. emergency vent ==> 安全排气口,应急排气孔,应急用排气孔
  11956. emergency vent valve ==> 紧急放风阀
  11957. emergency ventilation ==> 事故通风
  11958. emergency voltage limits ==> The operating voltage range on the interconnected system that is acceptable for the time, sufficient for system adjustments to be made following a facility outage or system disturbance.
  11959. emergency warning lamp ==> 警告灯
  11960. emergency water supply ==> 紧急供水
  11961. emergency work ==> 应急工作
  11962. emergency-exit window ==> 紧急出口窗
  11963. emergency-off ==> 应急断电
  11964. emergency-run characteristic ==> 应急运转特性
  11965. emergencytapping tank ==> 放玻璃液池
  11966. emergent ==> 发出的,紧急,出射,突出的,突出木=>発生する,姿を現す,突発的な,新生の,創発的な
  11967. emergent declearation change ==> 冲关费
  11968. emergent electron ==> 出射电子
  11969. emergent evolution ==> 突生进化
  11970. emergent light ==> 出射光
  11971. emergent medium ==> 出射介质
  11972. emergent network ==> 突现网络
  11973. emergent node ==> 后方节点
  11974. emergent pacemaking method ==> 紧急心脏起搏法
  11975. emergent particle ==> 出射粒子
  11976. emergent power ==> 出射功率,出现功率
  11977. emergent property ==> 突现特性=>創発特性
  11978. emergent pupil ==> 出射光瞳,出瞳
  11979. emergent radiation ==> 出射辐射
  11980. emergent ray ==> 出射光线,出射线
  11981. emergent structure ==> 紧急结构
  11982. emergent wave ==> 出射波
  11983. emergeny cut-off valves ==> 紧急切断阀
  11984. emerging countries ==> 新兴国家
  11985. emerging nation ==> 新兴国家
  11986. emerging particle ==> 出发粒子
  11987. emersion ==> 浮出
  11988. emersion time ==> 复现时刻
  11989. Emerson ==> 爱默生
  11990. Emerson beater ==> 爱默生打浆机
  11991. Emerson cuirass ventilator ==> 厄默桑氏护胸甲通气器
  11992. Emerson efficiency plan ==> 依默逊工资奖励制
  11993. Emerson Plan ==> 埃默森计划
  11994. emery ==> 刚砂,刚玉砂,金刚砂,天然刚玉,宝砂
  11995. emery band ==> 金刚砂带
  11996. emery bar ==> 棒状抛光膏
  11997. emery belt ==> 金刚砂抛光带
  11998. emery bit ==> 金刚砂钻头
  11999. emery buff ==> 金刚砂磨光轮,刚玉磨光轮
  12000. emery cake ==> 刚砂饼,金刚砂磨块,研磨用磨块
  12001. emery cloth ==> 金刚砂布,砂布
  12002. emery cylinder ==> 砂轮鼓
  12003. emery disk ==> 刚砂磨盘
  12004. emery file ==> 金刚砂锉
  12005. emery fillet ==> 刚玉砂布带
  12006. emery flour ==> 细金刚砂粉
  12007. emery grain ==> 砻砂
  12008. emery grinder ==> 刚玉砂磨床
  12009. emery grinding grease ==> 金刚砂研磨膏
  12010. emery grinding machine ==> 刚玉砂磨床
  12011. emery grit ==> 金刚砂粒
  12012. emery paper ==> 金刚砂纸,刚玉砂纸,砂纸
  12013. emery papering machine ==> 砂纸抛光机
  12014. emery paste ==> 金刚砂研磨膏
  12015. emery powder ==> 金刚砂粉,刚玉粉
  12016. emery rock ==> 刚玉岩
  12017. emery sand ==> 金刚砂
  12018. emery stick ==> 薄的磨光锉,薄磨光锉
  12019. emery stone ==> 金刚砂磨石,刚砂石
  12020. emery tape ==> 砂带
  12021. emery wheel ==> 砂轮,金刚砂轮
  12022. emery wheel dresser ==> 砂轮修整器砂轮整形器
  12023. emery wheel grinder ==> 砂轮机
  12024. emery-cloth ==> 刚砂布
  12025. emery-coated beam ==> 金刚砂卷布辊
  12026. emery-covered roller ==> 金刚砂导布辊,金刚砂卷布辊
  12027. Emery-Dietz gravity corer ==> 埃默里-迪茨重力取样器
  12028. emery-wheel ==> 金刚砂轮
  12029. emesfet ==> 增强型肖特基势垒场效应晶体管
  12030. emesis gravidarum ==> 孕吐
  12031. emetic ==> 催吐的,催吐剂,催吐药
  12032. emetic action ==> 催吐作用
  12033. emeticclogy ==> 催吐药物学
  12034. emetine ==> 吐根碱,依米丁
  12035. emetine bismuth iodide ==> 碘化铋吐根碱
  12036. emetine hydrochloride ==> 依米丁盐酸盐,盐酸吐根碱,盐酸依米丁
  12037. emetisan ==> 灭吐灵
  12038. emetocathartic ==> 吐泻药
  12039. emetogenic rupture ==> 呕吐原性破裂
  12040. emetology ==> 催吐药物学
  12041. emetomania ==> 呕吐癖
  12042. emetomorphine ==> 阿朴吗啡
  12043. emetophobia ==> 呕吐恐怖
  12044. EMF exposure from common appliances ==> 一般家庭用器具による電磁波の人体への影響度
  12045. emf induced by cutting magnetic flux ==> 導体が磁束を切るために生じる起電力
  12046. EMF, element data file ==> 決定値データファイル
  12047. emfet ==> 增强型场效应晶体管
  12048. EMFS, element data file for storage ==> 決定値データ保存ファイル
  12049. EMG control ==> 肌电控制
  12050. EMG integrator ==> 肌电积分仪
  12051. EMG measuring electrode ==> 肌电图测量电极
  12052. EMG, electromyogram ==> 筋電図
  12053. EMG, electromyograph ==> 筋電図計
  12054. EMG, electromyogrphic transducer[sensor] ==> 肌电图传感器
  12055. EMI noise reduction ==> EMIノイズ低減
  12056. EMI, electromagnetic inductive interference ==> 電磁誘導障害
  12057. EMI, electromagnetic interference ==> 电磁干扰=>電磁干渉,電磁的障害・妨害
  12058. emiction ==> 排尿
  12059. emigrant ==> (移出)移居者
  12060. emigrate ==> 移居国外
  12061. emigration ==> 移居国外,血管外游出,血细胞游出,白细胞渗出
  12062. EMILAC ==> エミラック
  12063. emimycin ==> 放霉素
  12064. eminence ==> 隆起,高处,高地,高地,高地处
  12065. eminence of concha ==> 耳甲隆起
  12066. eminence of scapha ==> 耳舟隆起
  12067. eminent domain ==> 土地征用权,(国家的)征用权
  12068. eminentia arcuata ==> 弓状隆起
  12069. eminentia collateralis ==> 侧副隆起
  12070. eminentia conchae ==> 耳甲隆起
  12071. eminentia fossae triangularis auriculae ==> 耳三角窝隆起
  12072. eminentia hypothenaris ==> 小鱼际隆起
  12073. eminentia iliopubica ==> 髂耻隆起
  12074. eminentia intercondyloidea ==> 胫骨棘,胫骨棘,髁间隆起
  12075. eminentia lateralis cartilaginis cricoideae ==> 环状软骨外侧结节
  12076. eminentia pyramidalis ==> 锥隆起
  12077. eminentia scaphae ==> 耳舟隆起
  12078. eminentia thenaris ==> 鱼际隆起
  12079. eminentia triangularis ==> 耳三角窝隆起
  12080. emiocytosis ==> 胞内分泌
  12081. Emirates ==> アラブ首長国連邦
  12082. EMISM, electromagnetic interference safety margin ==> 電磁干渉安全マージン
  12083. EMISM, EMI safe margin ==> 電磁干渉安全マージン
  12084. Emison ==> 磺胺二甲异嘧啶糖溶液
  12085. emissarium ==> 导血管
  12086. emissarium occipitale ==> 枕骨导血管
  12087. emissary sky ==> 预兆性天空
  12088. emissary veins ==> 异静脉
  12089. emissing ability ==> 发射率
  12090. emission ==> 发射,排出污染物,排放物=>発射(電波),放出(電子),排出,放射,発光,エミッション
  12091. emission abatement ==> 排出低減
  12092. emission activity ==> 放出活動
  12093. emission analyser ==> 排气污染成分分析仪
  12094. emission analysis ==> 発光分析
  12095. emission antenna ==> 发射天线
  12096. emission area ==> 发射面积=>放出面積
  12097. emission assessment ==> 排出評価
  12098. emission at par ==> 平价发行
  12099. emission band ==> 发射光谱带=>発光帯
  12100. emission band spectrum ==> 发射光谱
  12101. emission baseline ==> 排出量ベースライン
  12102. emission beam angle between half power points ==> 半功率点间的发射束角
  12103. emission behavior ==> 排放性能
  12104. emission cap ==> 排出上限値(規制)
  12105. emission cell ==> 发射光电管,发射式光电元件
  12106. emission center ==> 発光中心
  12107. emission certification ==> (汽车发动机的)排气污染鉴定
  12108. emission character ==> 発光特性
  12109. emission characteristic ==> 放射特性
  12110. emission characteristics ==> 发射特性
  12111. emission coefficient ==> 发射系数
  12112. emission component ==> 发射子线
  12113. emission concentration ==> 排气污染物浓度
  12114. emission concentration regulation ==> 濃度規制
  12115. emission constraint ==> 排出ガス規制
  12116. emission control ==> 排ガス規制,放出電流制御(EMCON)
  12117. emission control deadline ==> 排放控制极限
  12118. emission control device ==> 排气污染控制装置
  12119. emission control equipment ==> 排出制御装置
  12120. emission control method ==> 排出制御手法
  12121. emission control standard ==> 排放控制标准=>排出ガス規制基準
  12122. emission control strategy ==> 排出規制戦略
  12123. emission control system ==> 排气净化系统
  12124. emission control technology ==> 排出制御技術
  12125. emission controller ==> 排出ガスコントロール
  12126. emission core ==> 放射核
  12127. emission credit ==> 二氧化碳排放权=>排出権
  12128. emission current ==> 发射电流=>放出電流
  12129. emission data ==> 排出データ
  12130. emission database ==> 排出データベース
  12131. emission decay ==> 発光減衰
  12132. emission decreases ==> 排出量の削減分
  12133. emission delay ==> 放出遅延
  12134. emission density ==> 放出濃度
  12135. emission detector ==> (红外辐射)发射型探测器=>発光検出器
  12136. emission direction ==> 放出方向
  12137. emission distribution ==> 放出分布
  12138. emission duration ==> 放出持続時間
  12139. emission effect ==> 放出効果
  12140. emission efficiency ==> 发射效率=>放出効果
  12141. emission electrode ==> 发射电极
  12142. emission electron microscope ==> 发射电子显微镜
  12143. emission engine ==> 场电离放射发动机
  12144. emission estimate ==> 排出量推定値
  12145. emission estimation ==> 放出量評価
  12146. emission experiment ==> 放出実験
  12147. emission factor ==> 排放系数,排放因素=>排出係数
  12148. emission field ==> 放射場
  12149. emission flame photometer ==> 发射光学火焰光度计
  12150. emission flame photometry ==> 发射火焰光度法
  12151. emission flocculi ==> 发射谱斑
  12152. emission flow ==> 放射流
  12153. emission forecast ==> 放出予測
  12154. emission formation ==> 排气污染物的形成
  12155. emission frequency ==> 发射频率
  12156. emission from a stationary source ==> 固定来源的废气,固定喷源的废气
  12157. emission gas ==> 排出ガス
  12158. emission gas purification ==> 排ガス浄化
  12159. emission gas standards ==> 排出ガス規制基準
  12160. emission intensity ==> 排出原単位
  12161. emission inventory of greenhouse gases ==> 温室气体排放数据库
  12162. emission law ==> 发射定律
  12163. emission legislation ==> 排ガス法
  12164. emission level ==> 排放水平,排气污染程度=>放出レベル
  12165. emission lifetime ==> 発光寿命
  12166. emission limit ==> 排放限度=>放射限度,放出限度,放射限界,放出限界
  12167. emission limitted diode ==> 发射限制二极管
  12168. emission line ==> 发射谱线
  12169. emission linewidth ==> 辐射谱线宽度
  12170. emission management ==> 排出管理
  12171. emission matter ==> 排出物質
  12172. emission maximum ==> 発光極大
  12173. emission measure ==> 放射量度
  12174. emission measure (EM) ==> 发射量,辐射量度
  12175. emission measurement ==> 排放计量=>放出測定
  12176. emission mechanism ==> 发射机制
  12177. emission medulation ==> 放射调制
  12178. emission microanalyzer ==> 二次离子发射显微分析仪
  12179. emission microscope ==> 场离子发射显微镜
  12180. emission microscopy ==> 发射显微术
  12181. emission monitoring ==> 排放监测
  12182. emission monochromator ==> 发射光单色仪
  12183. emission nebula ==> 发射星云
  12184. emission of electron ==> 電子放出
  12185. emission of heat ==> 热辐射
  12186. emission of light ==> 光线发射=>発光,光放出
  12187. emission of radiation ==> 辐射
  12188. emission pattern ==> 发射图样
  12189. emission peak ==> 发射峰
  12190. emission permission ==> 排出認可
  12191. emission phototube ==> 发射光电管
  12192. emission point ==> 发射点,排放点
  12193. emission polarization tensor ==> 辐射偏振张量
  12194. emission policy ==> 排出政策
  12195. emission power ==> 放射強度
  12196. emission prediction ==> 放出予測
  12197. emission prevention ==> 排出防止
  12198. emission probability ==> 放出確率
  12199. emission problem ==> 放出問題
  12200. emission process ==> 放出過程
  12201. emission property ==> 発光特性
  12202. emission pyrometer ==> 輻射式温度計
  12203. emission quenching ==> 発光消光
  12204. emission quota ==> 排出割当
  12205. emission quota transactions ==> 排出量取引
  12206. emission rate ==> 发射速率=>排出率、放出速度
  12207. emission ratio ==> 放出比
  12208. emission reduction ==> 排出量削減
  12209. emission reduction purchase agreement ==> 排出削減量購入協定(ERPA)
  12210. emission regulation ==> 排气污染法规
  12211. emission regulations ==> 排ガス規制
  12212. emission regulator ==> 电子发射调节器,电子放射稳定器
  12213. emission requirement ==> エミッション要求
  12214. emission resonance ==> 发射共振
  12215. emission restrictions ==> 排ガス規制
  12216. emission security ==> 发射保密
  12217. emission source ==> 排放源
  12218. emission spectra ==> 发射光谱
  12219. emission spectro-chemical analysis ==> 发射光谱化学分析
  12220. emission spectrograph ==> 发射摄谱仪
  12221. emission spectrographic analysis ==> 发射光谱分析
  12222. emission spectrography ==> 发射摄谱法
  12223. emission spectrometer ==> 发射分光计,发射光谱仪
  12224. emission spectrometric analyzer ==> 发射光谱分析仪
  12225. emission spectrometric method ==> 发射光谱测定法
  12226. emission spectrometry ==> 发射光谱测量学
  12227. emission spectrophotometer ==> 发射分光光度计
  12228. emission spectroscope ==> 发射分光镜
  12229. emission spectroscopy ==> 发射光谱,发射光谱学=>発光分光診断
  12230. emission spectrum ==> 发射光谱=>発光スペクトル
  12231. emission spectrumqa instrument ==> 发射光谱仪器
  12232. emission standard ==> 排放标准
  12233. emission standards for sulfur dioxide ==> 二氧化硫排放标准
  12234. emission surface ==> 发射面,阴极面
  12235. emission system ==> 排出ガスシステム
  12236. emission target ==> 排出目標
  12237. emission test ==> 排气污染试验
  12238. emission testing notice ==> 废气测试通知书
  12239. emission theory ==> 微粒论
  12240. emission threshold ==> 发射阈
  12241. emission trading ==> 排放权交易,在一定范围内满足环境质量要求的条件下,授予排污单位以一定数量合法的污染物排放权,允许对排放权视同商品进行买卖,调剂余缺,实现污染物排放总量控制=>排出権商取引
  12242. emission transition ==> 辐射跃迁
  12243. emission type electron microscope ==> 发射式电子显微镜
  12244. emission vacuum spectrometer ==> 发射真空分光计
  12245. emission vacuum spectroscopy ==> 发射真空光谱学
  12246. emission X ray spectrometry ==> 发射X射线谱法
  12247. emission-control equipment ==> 排气净化装置
  12248. emission-line galaxy ==> 发射线星系
  12249. emission-line object ==> 发射线天体
  12250. emission-line star ==> 发射线星
  12251. emission-line variable ==> 发射线变星
  12252. emission-reduction credit ==> 排出削減クレジット
  12253. emissions cut ==> 排ガス削減
  12254. emissions formation ==> 汚染物質生成
  12255. emissions inspection ==> 排出ガス検査
  12256. emissions reduction targets ==> 减排目标=>排出削減目標
  12257. emissions trading ==> 二氧化碳排放贸易=>排出権取引
  12258. emissions trading system ==> 排出権取引制度
  12259. emissions-reduction efforts ==> 排出削減努力
  12260. emissions-reduction policy ==> 减排政策=>排出削減政策
  12261. emissions-trading ==> 排出権取引
  12262. emissiontype tube tester ==> 发射式电子管测试仪
  12263. emissive ==> 发射,发射的
  12264. emissive frequency ==> 发射频率
  12265. emissive material ==> 放射性材料=>電子放出物質
  12266. emissive power ==> 发射能力,放射能力=>放射度
  12267. emissivity ==> 发射率,发射能力,放射能力=>放射率
  12268. emit ==> 放射
  12269. emit data ==> 发射数据
  12270. emit field ==> 发射域,常数字段
  12271. emitron ==> 光电摄像管,光电摄像管
  12272. emitron camera ==> 光电摄像管摄像机,光电摄像机,电视摄影机
  12273. emittance ==> 出射度,辐射本领,发射度,放射=>エミッタンス
  12274. emittance of the earth's surface ==> 地表面辐射
  12275. emitted dose ==> 喷射量
  12276. emitted electron ==> 放出电子
  12277. emitted electron energy ==> 发射电子能量
  12278. emitted light ==> 发射光
  12279. emitted radiation ==> 发射辐射
  12280. emitter ==> 发射极,发射器,导电的尖锐物体,通常是针或金属丝,当保持在高电位的时候,将会引起电晕放电=>エミッタ
  12281. emitter ballast resistance ==> 发射极镇流电阻
  12282. emitter barrier ==> 发射区势垒
  12283. emitter base diffusion ==> 发射极-基极扩散法
  12284. emitter base diffusion transistor ==> 发射极-基极扩散晶体管
  12285. emitter base diode ==> 发射极基极二极管
  12286. emitter base junction ==> 发射极基极结
  12287. emitter beam lead ==> 发射极梁式引线
  12288. emitter bias ==> 射极偏压
  12289. emitter branch ==> 发射极支路
  12290. emitter characteristic ==> 射极特性
  12291. emitter circuit ==> 射体电路
  12292. emitter control ==> 发射极控制
  12293. emitter coupled ==> 射极耦合的
  12294. emitter coupled logic ==> 射极耦合逻辑
  12295. emitter coupled logic (ECL) ==> 发射极耦合逻辑
  12296. emitter coupled logic gate ==> 射极耦合逻辑门
  12297. emitter coupled transistor logic (ECTL) ==> 发射极耦合晶体管逻辑
  12298. emitter current ==> 发射极电流
  12299. emitter cut-off current ==> 射极截止电流,发射极截止电流
  12300. emitter degeneration ==> 射极负反馈
  12301. emitter diffusion ==> 发射极扩散
  12302. emitter diffusion capacitance ==> 射极扩散容量
  12303. emitter diffusion layer ==> 射极扩散层
  12304. emitter diffusion opening ==> 发射极扩散窗
  12305. emitter dip ==> 发射极陷落
  12306. emitter efficiency ==> エミッタ効率
  12307. emitter electrode ==> 发射电极
  12308. emitter emitter coupled logic ==> 射极射极耦合逻辑
  12309. emitter follow diode transistor logic ==> 射极跟随二极管三极管逻辑
  12310. emitter follower ==> 射极跟随器=>エミッタホロワ
  12311. emitter follower amplifier ==> 射极跟随放大器
  12312. emitter follower circuit ==> 射极输出器电路,发射极跟随器电路
  12313. emitter follower diode logic ==> 射极输出器二极管逻辑
  12314. emitter follower diode transistor logic ==> 射极输出器二极管-晶体管逻辑
  12315. emitter follower input ==> 输入射极跟随器
  12316. emitter follower logic ==> 射极跟随逻辑
  12317. emitter follower logic circuit ==> EFL
  12318. emitter function logic ==> 射极功能逻辑
  12319. emitter function logic circuit ==> 发射极功能逻辑电路
  12320. emitter impurity concentration ==> 发射区杂质浓度
  12321. emitter ion implantation ==> 发射区离子注入
  12322. emitter junction ==> 发射结=>エミッタ接合
  12323. emitter layer ==> 发射极层
  12324. emitter leak current ==> 发射极漏电流
  12325. emitter leg ==> 射极引线
  12326. emitter mask ==> 发射极掩模
  12327. emitter modulation ==> エミッタ変調
  12328. emitter pattern ==> 发射极图形
  12329. emitter power ==> 射极功率
  12330. emitter pulse ==> 射极脉冲,发射器脉冲
  12331. emitter push ==> 发射极陷落
  12332. emitter region ==> 发射极区
  12333. emitter resistance ==> 射极电阻,发射极电阻
  12334. emitter terminal ==> 发射极端子
  12335. emitter time constant ==> 发射极时间常数
  12336. emitter timing monostable circuit ==> 射极定时单稳电路
  12337. emitter timing multivibrator ==> 射极定时多谐振荡器
  12338. emitter with light trap ==> 光トラップ付きエミッタ
  12339. emitter-collector separation ==> 射极集极间距
  12340. emitter-controlled oscillator ==> 发射极控制振荡器
  12341. emitter-coupled ==> 射极耦合
  12342. emitter-coupled cell ==> 射极耦合单元
  12343. emitter-coupled logic (ECL) ==> 射极耦合逻辑,发射极耦合逻辑电路
  12344. emitter-coupled monostable circuit ==> 射极耦合单稳电路
  12345. emitter-coupled trigger ==> 射极耦合触发器
  12346. emitter-coupled-pair modulator ==> 发射极耦合对调制器
  12347. emitter-follower ==> 射级输出器
  12348. emitter-follower logic ==> 射极跟随器逻辑
  12349. emitting ==> 发射
  12350. emitting antenna ==> 发射天线
  12351. emitting area ==> 发射区
  12352. emitting atmosphere ==> 发光大气
  12353. emitting diode ==> 发光二极管
  12354. emitting diode coupler ==> 发射二极管耦合器
  12355. emitting layer ==> 放射层
  12356. emitting LED ==> 发光二极管
  12357. emitting molecule ==> 发射分子
  12358. emitting probe ==> 发射探针
  12359. emitting sole tube ==> 底极发射管
  12360. emitting stage ==> 发射级
  12361. emitting substance ==> 发射物
  12362. emitting surface ==> 放射面
  12363. EML, Electromagnetic Launcher ==> 電磁発射装置(通称,レールガン)
  12364. EML, Equatorial Magnetospheric Laboratory ==> 赤道磁気圏研究所
  12365. Emley plastometer ==> 恩来氏可塑性仪
  12366. emltability ==> 可熔性
  12367. Emma ==> 声频信号雷达站
  12368. emmagee ==> 机关枪
  12369. emmatos extra ==> 马拉硫磷
  12370. Emmel cast iron ==> 埃姆尔高级铸铁
  12371. Emmel process ==> 埃姆尔铸铁炼制法
  12372. emmenagogue ==> 通经药
  12373. emmeniopathy ==> 月经病
  12374. Emmerich Scholl serum ==> 埃-朔二氏血清
  12375. Emmet's suture ==> 埃梅特氏缝合术
  12376. emmetropia ==> 折光正常
  12377. emmetropia (EM) ==> 屈光正常
  12378. emmetropia (Em) ==> 正视眼
  12379. Emmi ==> 埃米
  12380. emmonsite ==> 绿铁碲矿
  12381. EMO ==> 欧州国際工作機械見本市
  12382. emodin ==> 大黄素
  12383. emol ==> 伊莫
  12384. emoline oil ==> 艾摩林低粘度油,艾摩林油
  12385. emollescence ==> 软化作用
  12386. emolliate ==> 软化
  12387. emollient ==> 软化剂,润滑药
  12388. emollient cathartic ==> 润滑性泻药,滑润性泻药
  12389. emollient ingredient ==> エモリエント成分
  12390. emollient species ==> 滑润茶剂
  12391. emolsifier ==> 乳化剂
  12392. emoluments ==> 津贴,报酬
  12393. emos ==> 增强型金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管
  12394. emosfet ==> 增强型金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管
  12395. emotiometabolic ==> 情绪性代谢的
  12396. emotiomotor ==> 情绪性活动的
  12397. emotion ==> 情感,情绪,感情
  12398. emotion estimation ==> 感情推定
  12399. emotion experiment ==> 感性実験
  12400. emotion expression ==> 感情表出
  12401. emotion extraction ==> 感情抽出
  12402. emotional ==> 情绪的
  12403. emotional aftermath ==> 精神的後遺症
  12404. emotional akinesia ==> 情感性运动不能
  12405. emotional amenorrhea ==> 情感性经闭
  12406. emotional appearance ==> 情绪表现
  12407. emotional balancing process ==> 情绪平衡程序
  12408. emotional center ==> 情绪中枢
  12409. emotional deterioration ==> 情绪颓废
  12410. emotional diarrhea ==> 情绪性腹泻
  12411. emotional expression ==> 情绪表现
  12412. emotional glycosuria ==> 情感性糖尿,情绪性糖尿
  12413. emotional infantility ==> 情感幼稚
  12414. emotional lability ==> 情绪不稳
  12415. emotional leukocytosis ==> 情绪性白细胞增多
  12416. emotional outburst ==> 情感爆发
  12417. emotional paralysis ==> 情感性麻痹
  12418. emotional stress ==> 情志过极
  12419. emotional stupor ==> 情感性木僵
  12420. emotionality ==> 情感性
  12421. emotiovascular ==> 情绪性血管变化的
  12422. emotive ==> 情绪的
  12423. EMP resistance ==> 抗电磁脉冲性
  12424. EMP, electromagnetic pulse ==> 電磁パルス
  12425. Empedocles, (c.490-430BC) ==> エムペドクレス
  12426. empennage ==> 尾翼
  12427. emperor ==> 帝王裁
  12428. emperor moth ==> 天蚕蛾
  12429. emphasis ==> 加重,重点=>エンファシス
  12430. emphasis circuit ==> 校正电路=>エンファシス回路
  12431. emphasis on wheat ==> 着重小麦方面
  12432. emphasize ==> 强调,加强
  12433. emphasize application season ==> 注重喷撒时间
  12434. emphasized second marker ==> 加重秒信号
  12435. emphasizer ==> 加重电路,加重器,预加重网络
  12436. emphractic ==> 闭塞毛孔的
  12437. emphysatherapy ==> 注气疗法
  12438. emphysematous chest ==> 桶状胸
  12439. Empididae ==> 舞虻科
  12440. Empidinae ==> 舞虻亚科
  12441. Empidoidea ==> 舞虻总科
  12442. empids ==> 舞虻
  12443. Empire ==> (美)帝国棉
  12444. empire cloth ==> 绝缘布
  12445. empire silk ==> 绝缘丝
  12446. empiric function generator ==> 经验函数发生器,经验函数发生器,实验函数发生器,实验函数生成程序
  12447. empiric treatment ==> 经验疗法,经验疗法
  12448. empiric(al) ==> 经验,经验
  12449. empirical ==> 经验的,经验的,实验的=>経験による
  12450. empirical analysis ==> 经验分析,经验分析
  12451. empirical assumption ==> 经验假设,经验假设
  12452. empirical average ==> 经验平均值,经验平均值
  12453. empirical Bayes procedure ==> 经验贝叶斯过程,经验贝叶斯过程
  12454. empirical Bayes' estimator ==> 经验贝叶斯估计量,经验贝叶斯估计量
  12455. empirical coefficient ==> 经验系数,经验系数
  12456. empirical comparison ==> 经验比较,经验比较
  12457. empirical constant ==> 经验常数,经验常数
  12458. empirical cumulative distribution function ==> 经验累积分布函数
  12459. empirical curve ==> 经验曲线
  12460. empirical data ==> 经验数据=>実験によって得られるデータ
  12461. empirical demand function ==> 经验需求函数
  12462. empirical design ==> 经验设计,经验设计
  12463. empirical distribution ==> 经验分布,经验分布
  12464. empirical distribution function ==> 经验分布函数
  12465. empirical documentation ==> 经验性资料,经验资料,感性资料
  12466. empirical drying equation ==> 经验干燥方程,经验干燥方程
  12467. empirical econometrics ==> 经验经济计量学,经验经济计量学
  12468. empirical entropy ==> 经验熵,经验熵
  12469. empirical equation ==> 经验方程,经验方程,经验公式,经验公式
  12470. empirical estimate ==> 经验估计,经验估计
  12471. empirical estimation ==> 经验估计,经验估计
  12472. empirical experiment ==> 经验试验,经验试验
  12473. empirical fit ==> 经验符合,经验符合,经验拟合,经验拟合
  12474. empirical formula ==> 经验公式
  12475. empirical formula in smoothing ==> 修匀的经验公式
  12476. empirical formula of body ==> 坯式
  12477. empirical generalization ==> 经验概括化,经验概括化
  12478. empirical hypothesis ==> 经验假设,经验假设
  12479. empirical index number ==> 经验指数,经验指数
  12480. empirical law ==> 经验法则,经验法则
  12481. empirical management school ==> 经验主义管理学派,经验主义管理学派
  12482. empirical materials ==> 经验材料,经验材料
  12483. empirical mean ==> 经验平均值,经验平均值
  12484. empirical method ==> 经验方法,经验方法
  12485. empirical mode ==> 经验模式,经验模式,经验众数,经验众数
  12486. empirical model ==> 经验模型,经验模型
  12487. empirical norm ==> 经验定额,经验定额
  12488. empirical observation ==> 经验观测值,经验观测值
  12489. empirical orthonormal functions ==> 経験的正規直交系展開
  12490. empirical prescription ==> 验方
  12491. empirical proportioning ==> 经验配合,经验配合
  12492. empirical psychology ==> 经验心理学,经验心理学
  12493. empirical quantitative approach ==> 经验定量方法,经验定量方法
  12494. empirical regression relationship ==> 经验回归关系,经验回归关系
  12495. empirical regularity ==> 经验规律性,经验规律性
  12496. empirical sample mean ==> 经验样本平均值,经验样本平均值
  12497. empirical school ==> 经验学派,经验学派
  12498. empirical series ==> 经验数列,经验数列
  12499. empirical significance level ==> 经验显著性水平,经验显著性水平
  12500. empirical statistics ==> 经验统计,经验统计
  12501. empirical statistics analysis method ==> 经验统计分析法,经验统计分析法
  12502. empirical statistics rate ==> 经验统计定额,经验统计定额
  12503. empirical study ==> 实证研究
  12504. empirical term ==> 经验项,经验项
  12505. empirical test ==> 经验检验,经验检验
  12506. empirical validity ==> 经验的正确性,经验的正确性
  12507. empirical value ==> 经验值,实验数值
  12508. empirical yield table ==> 经验收获表,经验收获表
  12509. empirical-rational change strategy ==> 经验理性的变革策略,经验理性的变革策略
  12510. empiricism ==> 经验医学,经验医学,经验主义,经验主义
  12511. empirismus ==> 经验疗法,经验疗法
  12512. emplastic ==> 致便秘药,便秘药
  12513. emplectite ==> 硫铜铋矿
  12514. emplectum ==> 空斗石墙
  12515. employ ==> 采用,用,聘请
  12516. employed labor force ==> 就业劳动力,就业劳动力
  12517. employed persons ==> 就业人员数,就业人员数
  12518. employed population ==> 就业人口,就业人口
  12519. employee ==> 职工
  12520. employee movement ==> 人事異動
  12521. employee on a short-term contract ==> 嘱託
  12522. employee stock option ==> 职工股票购买权
  12523. employee turnover ratio ==> 职工周转率
  12524. employee's pension fund ==> 职工退休基金
  12525. employment ==> 职务,职业,就业,就业,求业者,人事任用
  12526. employment agency ==> 职业介绍所
  12527. employment agent ==> 经营职业介绍所者,经营职业介绍所者
  12528. employment coefficient ==> 就业系数,就业系数
  12529. employment demand function ==> 就业需求函数,就业需求函数
  12530. employment disease ==> 职业病
  12531. employment effects ==> 就业效果,就业效果
  12532. employment function ==> 就业函数,就业函数
  12533. employment income deduction ==> 发薪扣除所得税
  12534. employment index ==> 就业指数,就业指数
  12535. employment insurance ==> 就业保险,就业保险
  12536. employment interest ==> 就业利息,就业利息
  12537. employment multiplier ==> 就业乘数,就业乘数
  12538. employment of capital ==> 资本的运用
  12539. employment rate ==> 就业率,就业率
  12540. employment security ==> 就业保障,就业保障
  12541. employment stabilization fund ==> 就业稳定基金,就业稳定基金
  12542. employment statistics ==> 就业统计,就业统计
  12543. employment status ==> 就业情况,就业情况,就业状况,就业状况
  12544. employment structure ==> 就业结构,就业结构
  12545. employment survey ==> 就业调查,就业调查
  12546. employment system ==> 就业制度,就业制度
  12547. employment test ==> 就业测验,就业测验
  12548. empodium ==> 爪间突
  12549. emporary weld ==> 临时点定焊缝
  12550. emporiatrics ==> 旅行医学
  12551. emporium ==> 商场
  12552. EMPRESS, expert mission planning and replanning scheduling system ==> エキスパートミッション計画及び再計画スケジューリングシステム)
  12553. empretron ==> 汞弧离子管
  12554. emprosthotonos ==> 前弓反张
  12555. emprosthozygosis ==> 前身部联胎
  12556. emptied rectum ==> 直肠空虚
  12557. emptier ==> 卸载器,清洁车,退火炉出炉工,倒空装置
  12558. emptiness of the essence and marrow ==> 精髓空虚
  12559. empty ==> 空的
  12560. empty and load brake equipment ==> 空重车制动装置
  12561. empty and load change-over cock ==> 空重车转换塞门
  12562. empty and load valve ==> 空重车转换阀
  12563. empty archives ==> 空のアーカイブ
  12564. empty argument ==> 空变元
  12565. empty band ==> 空带
  12566. empty body weight of lamb ==> 羔羊空腹体重
  12567. empty by gravity ==> 重力卸车
  12568. empty case ejector mechanism ==> 排筒机构
  12569. empty clause ==> 空子句
  12570. empty container ==> 空容器
  12571. empty descriptor segment ==> 空描述段
  12572. empty forms ==> 空白表格
  12573. empty graph ==> 空图
  12574. empty level ==> 空能级
  12575. empty medium ==> 空白媒体,空的媒体=>空き媒体
  12576. empty queue ==> 空队列
  12577. empty run ==> 空行程
  12578. empty running ==> 空载运行
  12579. empty sentence ==> 空句子
  12580. empty set ==> 空集,空系=>空集合
  12581. empty sinking ==> 空拔
  12582. empty space ==> 真空
  12583. empty statement ==> 空白语句
  12584. empty store ==> 空存储
  12585. empty string ==> 空行
  12586. empty substitution ==> 空置换
  12587. empty symbol ==> 空符号
  12588. empty tape ==> 空带
  12589. empty upper defect level ==> 空缺陷上能级
  12590. empty van ==> 空箱
  12591. empty visual field ==> 无参考目标视野
  12592. empty wagon safety valve ==> 空车安全阀
  12593. empty weight ==> 空车重量
  12594. empty weight of equipment ==> 设备空重
  12595. empty word ==> 空字
  12596. empty-cell process ==> 空细胞法,不完全浸注法
  12597. emptying ==> 放空,排空
  12598. emptying auger ==> 出料搅龙
  12599. emptying chute ==> 卸料滑槽
  12600. emptying culvert ==> 放空涵洞
  12601. emptying device ==> 放空设备
  12602. emptying time ==> 放空时间
  12603. emptying valve ==> 泄空阀
  12604. empyema gaseosum ==> 气脓胸
  12605. empyesis ==> 眼前房积脓
  12606. EMR magnetometer ==> 电磁辐射磁强计
  12607. EMR, Electromagnetic Radiation ==> 電磁放射
  12608. EMR, electronic microphone rotator ==> EMR
  12609. EMS ==> エレクトロメカニクスソリューション
  12610. EMS, ElectroMagnetic Suspention ==> 電磁石による電磁吸引制御方式(磁気浮上式鉄道)
  12611. EMS, Energy Management System ==> 电力控制系统=>電力供給制御
  12612. EMS, engineering master schedule ==> エンジニアリングマスタスケジュール
  12613. EMSF, external maintenance and servicing facility ==> 外部保守及びサービス施設
  12614. Emsian ==> 艾姆斯阶
  12615. EMSIS Emergency Shipping Information System ==> 紧急海运信息系统
  12616. EMSS, emulated MSS ==> エミュレイテッド多重スペクトル走査放射計
  12617. EMSS, experimental mobile satellite system ==> 実験用移動衛星システム
  12618. EMT Emergency Medical Technicians ==> 紧急医学技师
  12619. EMT, emergency medical technician ==> 緊急医療技術者
  12620. EMTDC ==> EMTDC
  12621. EMTP analysis model ==> EMTP解析モデル
  12622. EMTP, Electro-Magnetic Transients Program ==> 汎用回路解析プログラム,電力系統過渡解析プログラム
  12623. EMTP, electromagnetic transients program ==> 电磁暂态分析程序
  12624. EMTP96 ==> EMTP96
  12625. emu ==> 鸸鹋
  12626. EMU Economic and Monetary Union ==> 经济和货币联盟充分实现经济一体化的计划
  12627. EMU, Energy Management Unit ==> エネルギー管理ユニット
  12628. EMU, External Maneuvering Unit ==> 外部作業用ユニット
  12629. EMU, Extravehicular Maneuvering Unit ==> 船外作業用ユニット
  12630. EMU, Extravehicular Mobility Unit ==> 船外活動ユニット
  12631. emulate ==> 赶上,仿真=>まねる
  12632. emulate a model ==> 手本をまねる
  12633. emulate system architecture ==> 仿真系统结构
  12634. emulate, to ==> エミュレートする
  12635. emulated data ==> 仿真数据
  12636. emulation ==> 仿真,竞赛,竞赛=>エミュレーション
  12637. emulation among workers of the same type of work ==> 同工种竞赛
  12638. emulation bus ==> 模拟总线,仿真总线
  12639. emulation bus trace ==> 仿真总线跟踪
  12640. emulation command ==> 仿真命令
  12641. emulation job ==> 仿真作业
  12642. emulation mode ==> 仿真方式
  12643. emulation program (EP) ==> 仿效程序
  12644. emulation programming ==> 仿真程序设计
  12645. emulation terminal system ==> 仿真终端系统
  12646. emulator ==> 仿真程序,仿真器=>エミュレータ
  12647. emulator control ==> 仿真器控制
  12648. emulator debug ==> 仿真器调试
  12649. emulator generation ==> 仿真程序生成,仿真器形成
  12650. emulator memory ==> 仿真程序存储器
  12651. emulator mode ==> 仿真方式
  12652. emulator program ==> 仿真程序
  12653. emulator section ==> 仿真器部分
  12654. emulator simulator ==> 模拟器
  12655. emulgator ==> 乳化剂
  12656. emulgent ==> 利泄药,泄出的
  12657. emulphor ==> 乳化剂
  12658. emulsibility ==> 乳化性
  12659. emulsible oil ==> 乳化油
  12660. emulsicool ==> 乳浊状油
  12661. emulsifiability ==> 乳化度,乳化性
  12662. emulsifiability test ==> 乳化试验
  12663. emulsifiable ==> 乳油
  12664. emulsifiable base ==> 可乳化基质
  12665. emulsifiable concentrate containing ==> 含有效成分
  12666. emulsifiable formulation ==> 乳油
  12667. emulsifiable oil ==> 乳化油
  12668. emulsifiable paste ==> 乳膏
  12669. emulsifiable solution ==> 乳油
  12670. emulsification ==> 乳化,乳化的过程,乳化作用
  12671. emulsification apparatus ==> 乳化器
  12672. emulsification property ==> 乳化特性
  12673. emulsification test ==> 乳化试验
  12674. emulsified ammonium nitrate ==> 乳化硝酸铵
  12675. emulsified asphalt ==> 乳化沥青
  12676. emulsified bases ==> 乳化基质
  12677. emulsified bitumen ==> 乳化沥青
  12678. emulsified bituminous materials ==> 乳化沥青材料
  12679. emulsified coolants ==> 乳化冷却剂
  12680. emulsified crude oil ==> 乳化原油
  12681. emulsified hydrocarbon fuel ==> 乳化烃燃料
  12682. emulsified material ==> 乳料
  12683. emulsified oil ==> 乳化油
  12684. emulsified oil quenching ==> 乳化油淬火
  12685. emulsified paint ==> 乳化涂料
  12686. emulsified particles ==> 乳化颗粒
  12687. emulsified pearlite ==> 乳状化珠光体,索拜珠光体
  12688. emulsified rubber ==> 乳化橡胶
  12689. emulsified solvent ==> 乳化溶剂
  12690. emulsifier ==> 乳化剂,乳化液槽=>乳化剤
  12691. emulsifier injector ==> 乳化器
  12692. emulsifier system ==> 乳化剂灭火系统
  12693. emulsifier viscosity ==> 乳化剂粘度
  12694. emulsify ==> 乳化
  12695. emulsifying ==> 乳化
  12696. emulsifying ability ==> 乳化性
  12697. emulsifying additive ==> 乳化添加剂
  12698. emulsifying agent ==> 乳化剂,分散剂
  12699. emulsifying agitator ==> 乳化搅拌器
  12700. emulsifying aid ==> 乳化剤
  12701. emulsifying capacity ==> 乳化能力
  12702. emulsifying colloid ==> 乳化胶体
  12703. emulsifying hydrocarbon ==> 乳化烃
  12704. emulsifying lubricants additive ==> 乳化润滑油添加剂
  12705. emulsifying machine ==> 乳化机
  12706. emulsifying mill ==> 乳化磨
  12707. emulsifying mixer ==> 乳化混合器
  12708. emulsifying oil ==> 乳化油,可溶油
  12709. emulsifying power ==> 乳化本领
  12710. emulsifying property ==> 乳化特性
  12711. emulsifying salt ==> 乳化用盐
  12712. emulsifying tank ==> 乳化槽
  12713. emulsifying tower ==> 乳化塔
  12714. emulsifying wax ==> 乳化蜡
  12715. emulsin ==> 苦杏仁酶
  12716. emulsio ==> 乳剂
  12717. emulsio olei morrhuae cum malto ==> 麦精鱼肝油乳剂
  12718. emulsion ==> 感光乳胶,乳化液,乳剂,乳胶,乳浊液,感光乳剂=>エマルション,乳液,乳濁液
  12719. emulsion (polymerized) rubber ==> 乳液聚合橡胶
  12720. emulsion aeration ==> 乳化液充气
  12721. emulsion asphalt ==> 乳化沥青
  12722. emulsion band ==> 乳化带
  12723. emulsion bases ==> 乳剂基质
  12724. emulsion binder ==> 乳胶粘合剂
  12725. emulsion break ==> 乳胶分解
  12726. emulsion breaker ==> 乳胶分解剂,去乳化剂
  12727. emulsion breaking ==> 乳胶分解
  12728. emulsion build up ==> 乳胶层加厚
  12729. emulsion calibration curve ==> 乳化校正曲线,乳剂校正曲线
  12730. emulsion carrier ==> 乳胶载体
  12731. emulsion chamber ==> 乳化室
  12732. emulsion cleaner ==> 乳状洗涤剂
  12733. emulsion cleaning ==> 乳化液清洗
  12734. emulsion collector ==> 乳胶收集体
  12735. emulsion colloid ==> 乳胶体
  12736. emulsion contrast ==> 乳胶对比度
  12737. emulsion copolymerization ==> 乳液共聚
  12738. emulsion counting ==> 乳胶计数
  12739. emulsion creaming ==> 乳剂分层
  12740. emulsion cutting oil ==> 乳化切削油
  12741. emulsion density ==> 乳胶光密度
  12742. emulsion dispersion ==> 乳剂分散性
  12743. emulsion dyeing ==> 乳化液染色
  12744. emulsion floatation ==> 乳化浮选
  12745. emulsion flow properties ==> 乳剂流动性
  12746. emulsion fog ==> 乳胶灰雾
  12747. emulsion fuel ==> 乳化燃料
  12748. emulsion glue ==> 乳胶粘合剂
  12749. emulsion granularity ==> 乳剂颗粒度
  12750. emulsion inhibitor ==> 乳化抑制剂
  12751. emulsion injection ==> 乳液灌注法
  12752. emulsion interference filter ==> 乳胶干涉滤光片
  12753. emulsion inverse ==> 乳液转相
  12754. emulsion inversion ==> 乳剂变型
  12755. emulsion layer ==> 乳胶层
  12756. emulsion machine ==> 乳化机
  12757. emulsion mask ==> 乳胶掩模
  12758. emulsion mask pattern ==> 乳胶掩模图形
  12759. emulsion mixer ==> 乳化混合器
  12760. emulsion numbers ==> 乳剂号
  12761. emulsion of chloroform ==> 氯仿乳剂
  12762. emulsion ointment base ==> 乳剂软膏基质
  12763. emulsion opal glass ==> 乳浊玻璃
  12764. emulsion opal glasses ==> 乳光玻璃
  12765. emulsion paint ==> 乳化漆,乳胶漆
  12766. emulsion particle ==> 乳胶粒
  12767. emulsion paste ==> 乳化浆
  12768. emulsion photomask ==> 乳胶光掩模
  12769. emulsion photometer ==> 乳胶光度计
  12770. emulsion plate ==> 乳胶光掩模
  12771. emulsion polymer ==> 乳胶聚合物,乳液聚合物
  12772. emulsion polymer adhesive ==> 乳胶聚合物胶粘剂
  12773. emulsion polymerization ==> 乳液聚合
  12774. emulsion printing ==> 乳化浆印花
  12775. emulsion process ==> 乳化法,乳化过程
  12776. emulsion proteinuria ==> 乳状蛋白尿
  12777. emulsion pump ==> 乳化液泵,乳浊液输送泵
  12778. emulsion resolving ==> 乳胶分解
  12779. emulsion response ==> 乳胶响应
  12780. emulsion sensitivity ==> 乳胶灵敏度
  12781. emulsion shelf life ==> 乳剂搁置寿命
  12782. emulsion shift ==> 乳胶位移
  12783. emulsion shrinkage ==> 乳胶收缩
  12784. emulsion sintering method of spinning ==> 乳液烧结纺丝法
  12785. emulsion sludge ==> 乳化淤渣,乳胶淤渣沉液
  12786. emulsion slurry ==> 乳液稀砂浆
  12787. emulsion speed ==> 乳剂感光度,乳胶感光速率
  12788. emulsion spinning ==> 乳液纺丝
  12789. emulsion stability ==> 乳化稳定性,乳剂稳定性
  12790. emulsion stabilizer ==> 乳液稳定剂
  12791. emulsion star ==> 核乳星
  12792. emulsion strength ==> 乳化强度
  12793. emulsion surface ==> 乳胶面
  12794. emulsion technique ==> 乳胶技术
  12795. emulsion test ==> 乳胶试验
  12796. emulsion theory ==> 乳化理论
  12797. emulsion thickener ==> 乳化糊
  12798. emulsion track ==> 乳胶径迹
  12799. emulsion treater ==> 乳化处理器
  12800. emulsion type ==> 乳状液类型
  12801. emulsion type cleaner ==> 乳液型洗净剂
  12802. emulsion type lubricant ==> 乳状润滑油
  12803. emulsion varnish ==> 乳胶清漆
  12804. emulsion viscosity ==> 乳化剂稠粘度
  12805. emulsion wool washing ==> 乳化洗毛
  12806. emulsion xanthation ==> 乳态黄酸酯化
  12807. emulsion-laser storage ==> 乳胶激光存储器
  12808. emulsion-type metalworking liquid ==> 乳化型金属加工液
  12809. emulsionize ==> 乳化
  12810. emulsity agent ==> 乳化剂
  12811. emulsive ==> 乳化的
  12812. emulsoid ==> 乳胶,乳胶体
  12813. emulsor ==> 乳化剂,乳化器
  12814. emulsum ==> 乳剂
  12815. emulsus ==> 乳状
  12816. emunctory ==> 排泄的,排泄器
  12817. emusculate ==> 无肌的
  12818. EMUSS, Extravehicular Mobility Unit Service System ==> 船外移動装置サービスシステム
  12819. Emy's roof ==> 爱米式屋顶
  12820. Emydidae ==> 池龟科
  12821. emylcamate ==> 氨基甲酸叔己脂
  12822. en echelon ==> 雁列状
  12823. en echelon fault blocks ==> 雁列断块
  12824. en echelon faults ==> 雁列断层
  12825. en echelon folds ==> 雁列褶皱
  12826. en echelon joints ==> 雁列节理
  12827. en echelon structure ==> 雁列状构造,雁行式构造
  12828. en masse conveyor ==> 埋刮板=>エンマッセコンベヤ
  12829. en quad ==> 半身空铅
  12830. en rule ==> 半身铅线
  12831. en score ==> 半身铅线
  12832. En steel ==> (英国标准)工程用低碳钢
  12833. EN, engineering notice ==> 技術告知
  12834. en-block ==> 单体
  12835. en-block cast ==> 整体铸造
  12836. en-block construction ==> 整块结构,单块结构
  12837. enable ==> 充讦操作
  12838. enable buffer ==> 使能缓冲器
  12839. enable level ==> 允许电平
  12840. enable position ==> 启动位置,开启位置
  12841. enable pulse ==> 启动脉冲
  12842. enable signal ==> 使能信号
  12843. enable statement ==> 连上语句
  12844. enabled condition ==> 允许条件
  12845. enabled instruction ==> 启动指令
  12846. enabled state ==> 允许状态
  12847. enabling address ==> 启动地址
  12848. enabling count memory ==> 启动计数存储器
  12849. enabling gate ==> 启动门
  12850. enabling pulse ==> 启动脉冲
  12851. enabling signal ==> 恢复操作信号,使能信号,许可信号=>許可信号
  12852. enamel ==> 搪瓷=>ほうろう,エナメル(塗料)
  12853. enamel back tubing ==> 搪瓷敷层管
  12854. enamel badge ==> 搪瓷釉商标
  12855. enamel bead ==> 搪瓷珠
  12856. enamel blue ==> 搪瓷青
  12857. enamel brush ==> 瓷漆刷
  12858. enamel can ==> エナメル缶
  12859. enamel cap ==> エナメル冠
  12860. enamel caries ==> エナメル質齲蝕
  12861. enamel cell ==> エナメル細胞
  12862. enamel clay ==> 涂搪瓷用粘土
  12863. enamel coating ==> 搪瓷涂层=>エナメル塗料
  12864. enamel color ==> 上絵の具
  12865. enamel colour ==> 搪瓷颜料
  12866. enamel contour line ==> 釉质外廓线
  12867. enamel cooler ==> 搪瓷冷却器
  12868. enamel covered wire ==> 漆包线
  12869. enamel crystal ==> エナメル質結晶
  12870. enamel crystallite ==> エナメル質結晶
  12871. enamel cuticle ==> エナメル小皮
  12872. enamel defect ==> 搪瓷缺陷=>エナメル質欠損
  12873. enamel drops ==> 釉珠
  12874. enamel dye ==> 搪瓷颜料
  12875. enamel finish ==> 末涂瓷漆
  12876. enamel firing ==> (烤花)搪烧
  12877. enamel frit ==> 搪瓷熔块,珐琅粉
  12878. enamel furnace ==> 搪瓷窑
  12879. enamel gauging tank ==> 搪瓷计量罐
  12880. enamel glass ==> 搪瓷玻璃
  12881. enamel glaze ==> 搪瓷釉
  12882. enamel heat exchanger ==> 搪玻璃换热器
  12883. enamel high pressure still ==> 搪瓷高压釜
  12884. enamel hypoplasia ==> 牙釉质发育不全
  12885. enamel impregnation ==> 上釉
  12886. enamel incremental line ==> 釉质生长线
  12887. enamel insulated aluminium wire ==> 漆包铝线
  12888. enamel kiln ==> 搪瓷窑,釉窑
  12889. enamel label ==> 搪瓷釉商标
  12890. enamel lamella ==> 釉板
  12891. enamel lined pump ==> 搪瓷泵
  12892. enamel manganin ==> 漆包锰铜线
  12893. enamel metabolism ==> 釉质代谢
  12894. enamel organ ==> 釉器,釉质器,造釉器
  12895. enamel oxide ==> 搪瓷氧化物
  12896. enamel paint ==> 搪瓷漆,磁漆,瓷漆
  12897. enamel painting ==> 搪瓷涂敷
  12898. enamel painting on porcelain ==> 瓷胎画珐琅
  12899. enamel pan ==> 搪瓷锅
  12900. enamel paper ==> 涂布纸,蜡图纸=>塗工紙
  12901. enamel pearl ==> 釉珠
  12902. enamel polymerization still ==> 搪瓷聚合釜
  12903. enamel powder ==> 珐琅粉
  12904. enamel pulp ==> 釉髓
  12905. enamel reactor ==> 搪瓷反应罐
  12906. enamel reflector ==> 搪瓷罩
  12907. enamel rod ==> 釉柱
  12908. enamel seal ==> 搪瓷封接
  12909. enamel sheet ==> 搪瓷用钢板
  12910. enamel silk-covered wire ==> 丝包漆包线
  12911. enamel spindle ==> 釉梭
  12912. enamel still ==> 搪瓷釜
  12913. enamel storage tank ==> 搪瓷贮罐
  12914. enamel strip ==> 涂塑料钢片
  12915. enamel tile ==> 瓷砖
  12916. enamel varnish ==> 瓷漆
  12917. enamel wash basin ==> 搪瓷脸盆
  12918. enamel white ==> 白粉
  12919. enamel wire ==> 漆包线=>エナメル線
  12920. enamel-germ ==> 釉胚
  12921. enameled cable ==> 漆包线
  12922. enameled high bay lighting fitting ==> 搪瓷深照型灯
  12923. enameled reflector ==> 涂瓷漆反射器=>エナメル反射がさ
  12924. enameled wire ==> 漆包线=>エナメル線
  12925. enameling ==> 上搪瓷
  12926. enameling furnace ==> 烘焙炉
  12927. enamelized variable resistor ==> 法琅可变电阻器
  12928. enamelled blade ==> 搪瓷臂板
  12929. enamelled brick ==> 釉瓷砖,釉砖
  12930. enamelled cable ==> 漆包电缆
  12931. enamelled cast-iron bathtub ==> 搪瓷铸铁浴盆
  12932. enamelled cloth ==> 漆皮布
  12933. enamelled coating ==> 漆层
  12934. enamelled copper wire ==> 漆包铜线
  12935. enamelled glass ==> 釉面玻璃
  12936. enamelled hard board ==> 漆面硬质纤维板
  12937. enamelled jewellery ==> 珐琅首饰
  12938. enamelled leather ==> 漆皮
  12939. enamelled paper ==> 图版纸,铜版纸
  12940. enamelled pressed steel ==> 搪瓷钢板
  12941. enamelled strip ==> 涂珐琅钢带
  12942. enamelled tile ==> 釉瓷瓦
  12943. enamelled vessel ==> 搪玻璃容器,搪瓷容器
  12944. enamelled wire wound resistor ==> 漆包线绕电阻
  12945. enamelled-wire cable ==> 漆包线电缆
  12946. enamelling clay ==> 涂搪瓷用粘土
  12947. enamelling iron ==> 搪瓷钢板
  12948. enamelling sheet steel ==> 钢板搪瓷
  12949. enamine ==> 烯胺
  12950. enanthic acid ==> 庚酸
  12951. enanthylic acid ==> 庚酸
  12952. enantiomer ==> 光学異性体,鏡像体
  12953. enantiomer excess ==> 鏡像体過剰率
  12954. enantiomer separation ==> エナンチオマー分離
  12955. enantiomeric composition ==> 鏡像異性の配置
  12956. enantitropic ==> 互変性
  12957. enathic acid ==> 庚酸
  12958. ENB ==> エンジニアリングナノバイオ
  12959. ENC Electronic Navigation Chart ==> 电子航行图表
  12960. ENC, Electrical Nautical Chart ==> 航海用電子海図
  12961. ENC, encoder ==> 符号化器
  12962. ENC, telemetry encoder ==> テレメトリエンコーダ
  12963. encapaulstion ==> エンキャプスレーション
  12964. encapsulant ==> 密封剂
  12965. encapsulate ==> 封装
  12966. encapsulate pesticides ==> 微囊农药
  12967. encapsulated chip capacitor ==> 密封薄片电容器
  12968. encapsulated circuit ==> 封装电路
  12969. encapsulated component ==> 封装元件
  12970. encapsulated form ==> 微囊剂
  12971. encapsulated formulation ==> 微囊剂
  12972. encapsulated Ge detector ==> 密封锗探测器
  12973. encapsulated hybrid ==> 封装混合电路
  12974. encapsulated hydropericardium ==> 包裹性心包积液
  12975. encapsulated hydropneumoperitoneum ==> 包裹性液气腹
  12976. encapsulated integrated circuit ==> 封装集成电路
  12977. encapsulated nerve ending ==> 有被囊神经末梢
  12978. encapsulated paper capacitor ==> 密封纸介电容器
  12979. encapsulated type ==> 密閉型
  12980. encapsulated winding ==> 密封绕组,绝缘绕阻,绝缘绕阻,浇注绕组
  12981. encapsulated window ==> 密封窗,气囊窗
  12982. encapsulating glass ==> 封接玻璃
  12983. encapsulation ==> 密封=>カプセル化,カプセル充填,カプセル封じ
  12984. encapsulation effect ==> カプセル化効果
  12985. encapsulation efficiency ==> カプセル化効率
  12986. encapsulation equipment ==> カプセル化装置
  12987. encapsulation material ==> 封入材料
  12988. encapsulation mold ==> 封装用塑模
  12989. encapsulation technique ==> 成囊技术
  12990. encapsulation(Exm) ==> 浇封(Exm)
  12991. encased back gear ==> 封闭式背齿轮
  12992. encased gear ==> 封闭式齿轮传动装置
  12993. encased knot ==> 死节
  12994. encased magnet ==> 铠装磁铁
  12995. encasing steelwork for fire protection ==> 钢结构防火包壳
  12996. encaustic brick ==> 彩色釉砖,彩砖
  12997. encaustic painting ==> 蜡画,蜡绘
  12998. encaustic tile ==> 彩色瓦,彩瓦
  12999. Enceladus ==> エンセラダス
  13000. encephalic neuromere ==> 脑原节
  13001. encephalisicalis subcorticalis chronica ==> 慢性皮质下脑炎
  13002. encephalitis periaxialis ==> 弥漫性轴周性脑炎
  13003. encephalitis periaxialis diffusa ==> 弥漫性轴周性脑炎
  13004. encephalization ==> 机能皮层化
  13005. encephalograph ==> 脑x射线摄影器
  13006. encephalography ==> 脑X射线摄影术
  13007. encephaloid cancer ==> 脑样癌
  13008. encephaloma ==> 脳腫瘍
  13009. encephaloma embolism ==> 脑肿瘤栓塞
  13010. encephalomyocarditis virus ==> 脑心肌炎病毒,脑炎-心肌炎病毒
  13011. encephalon ==> 脑
  13012. enchancement factor ==> 随机因素
  13013. enciphered data ==> 加密数据
  13014. enciphered facsimile communication ==> 机密传真通信
  13015. enciphered message ==> 加密信息
  13016. encipheror ==> 编码器
  13017. encirclage of internal orifice of cervix ==> 子宫颈内口环扎术
  13018. encircling arcuate fracture ==> 旋回弧形断裂
  13019. encircling coil ==> 环形线圈
  13020. encircling groove ==> 圆形槽
  13021. encircling ring ==> 环形垫
  13022. Encke division ==> 恩克环缝
  13023. Encke roots ==> 恩克根
  13024. Encke's method ==> 恩克方法
  13025. Enckes comet ==> 恩克彗星
  13026. enclave economy ==> 飞地式经济
  13027. enclave for foreign residents ==> 外国人居留地
  13028. enclose tideland for cultivation ==> 围垦
  13029. enclosed accumulator ==> 封闭式蓄电池
  13030. enclosed arc ==> 封闭式弧光
  13031. enclosed arc lamp ==> 封闭式弧光灯
  13032. enclosed area ==> 封闭区
  13033. enclosed auger ==> 闭式螺旋
  13034. enclosed belt conveyor ==> 封闭式皮带运输机
  13035. enclosed body ==> 封闭式车身
  13036. enclosed bus-bars ==> 閉鎖母線
  13037. enclosed cam shaft ==> 闭式凸轮轴
  13038. enclosed carbon arc lamp ==> 封闭式碳极弧灯
  13039. enclosed cell ==> 封闭式电池=>密閉蓄電池
  13040. enclosed condensation combusting system ==> 密封式冷却循环燃烧系统
  13041. enclosed construction ==> 封闭结构
  13042. enclosed conveyer conduit ==> 封闭式输送管道
  13043. enclosed cooling system ==> 封闭式冷却系统
  13044. enclosed cutter ==> 带罩切削器
  13045. enclosed cutter head ==> 带罩切削盘
  13046. enclosed door bell ==> 封闭式门铃
  13047. enclosed drive ==> 闭式传动
  13048. enclosed dyeing machine ==> 封闭式染色机
  13049. enclosed electric machine ==> 封闭式电机
  13050. enclosed end bay ==> 暗间
  13051. enclosed feed gear ==> 封闭式进刀齿轮
  13052. enclosed fuse ==> 封闭式保险丝=>包装ヒューズ
  13053. enclosed guide rod ==> 闭式导杆
  13054. enclosed housing ==> 封闭式箱体
  13055. enclosed impeller ==> 封闭式叶轮,闭式叶轮
  13056. enclosed knife switch ==> 铁壳开关,封闭式闸刀开关,金属盒开关
  13057. enclosed knot ==> 隐生节
  13058. enclosed laser device ==> 封闭型激光装置
  13059. enclosed low voltage switch ==> 封闭式低压开关第三世界
  13060. enclosed mall ==> 封闭式购物中心
  13061. enclosed mass ==> 包块
  13062. enclosed meander ==> 环形河曲
  13063. enclosed motor ==> 密封式电动机,封闭电动机,封闭式电动机,封闭型电动机
  13064. enclosed press ==> 封闭式压力机
  13065. enclosed propeller shaft ==> 闭式螺旋桨轴
  13066. enclosed radiator ==> 暗装散热器
  13067. enclosed relay ==> 封装式继电器=>閉鎖形継電器,ケース入り継電器
  13068. enclosed scale liquid in glass thermometer ==> 内标式玻璃温度计
  13069. enclosed sea ==> 封闭海,内海
  13070. enclosed sensitive switch ==> 封入形マイクロスイッチ
  13071. enclosed separately ventilation ==> 闭路强迫通风
  13072. enclosed single point press ==> 闭式单点压力机
  13073. enclosed single-shell drier ==> 封口单壳干燥器
  13074. enclosed slot ==> 封闭槽=>全閉スロット
  13075. enclosed small container ==> 封闭式小型集装箱,封闭型小型集装箱
  13076. enclosed stair ==> 封闭楼梯
  13077. enclosed starter ==> 封闭式起动器
  13078. enclosed structure ==> 密閉構造
  13079. enclosed switch ==> 封闭式低压开关,封闭型开关
  13080. enclosed switch board ==> 封闭式配电盘
  13081. enclosed switchboard ==> 封闭配电盘
  13082. enclosed tubular bearing ==> 密封套管轴承
  13083. enclosed type ==> 封闭型=>閉鎖形
  13084. enclosed type breast drill ==> 封闭式胸摇钻
  13085. enclosed type electrical equipment ==> 封闭型电气设备
  13086. enclosed type induction motor ==> 封闭式感应电动机
  13087. enclosed type motor ==> 封闭式电动机
  13088. enclosed ventilated machine ==> 封闭式风冷电机
  13089. enclosed ventilated motor ==> 封闭通风式电动机
  13090. enclosed ventilated type ==> 封闭通风型电机
  13091. enclosed welding ==> 强制成形焊接
  13092. enclosed-type turbine ==> 封闭式水轮机
  13093. enclosing cover ==> 紧密盖,轮盖
  13094. enclosing cover for impeller ==> 叶轮轮盖
  13095. enclosing rock ==> 围岩
  13096. enclosing wall ==> 围墙
  13097. enclosure ==> 关闭,外壳=>包囲,囲い込み
  13098. enclosure bulkhead ==> 圈围舱壁,围闭舱壁,围舱壁,围封舱壁
  13099. enclosure check ==> エンクロージャ検査
  13100. enclosure direction ==> 同封物指示
  13101. enclosure installation ==> 箱式安装=>エンクロージャ設置
  13102. enclosure management ==> エンクロージャ管理
  13103. enclosure method ==> 封闭方法
  13104. enclosure movement ==> 占地运动=>エンクロージャー運動
  13105. enclosure of oil ==> (石油)圈闭油
  13106. enclosure structure ==> 密围式构筑物,密围式搭建物
  13107. enclosure wall ==> 围护墙
  13108. encode ==> エンコード
  13109. encode address ==> 编码通信处
  13110. encode block ==> 码组
  13111. encode combination ==> 码组合
  13112. encode element ==> 码元
  13113. encode table ==> 编码表
  13114. encode video information ==> 编码视频信息
  13115. encode, to ==> 符号化する
  13116. encoded abstract ==> 编码式文摘,编码文摘
  13117. encoded control ==> 编码控制
  13118. encoded image ==> 编码图像
  13119. encoded mode ==> 编码方式
  13120. encoded multiplex spectrometer ==> 编码多路分光计
  13121. encoded photogrammetric plotter ==> 编码摄影绘图仪
  13122. encoded point ==> 编码点
  13123. encoded Turing machine ==> 编码图灵机
  13124. encoder ==> 编码器,号码机,编码机=>符号器,エンコーダ
  13125. encoder block diagram ==> 编码器方框图
  13126. encoder digital electronic balance ==> 码盘数字电子秤
  13127. encoder group ==> 编码器组
  13128. encoder matrix ==> 编码矩阵
  13129. encoder relay ==> 编码继电器
  13130. encoder system ==> 编码系统
  13131. encoding ==> 编码=>符号化
  13132. encoding board ==> 编码盘
  13133. encoding by bit ==> 按位编码
  13134. encoding impairment ==> 编码缺损
  13135. encoding law ==> 编码规律,编码律
  13136. encoding mask ==> 编码掩膜
  13137. encoding method ==> 编码方法
  13138. encoding pack ==> 编码组件
  13139. encoding rate ==> 编码率
  13140. encoding strip ==> 编码条
  13141. encompassing block ==> 包括分程序
  13142. encounter ==> 対決
  13143. encounter hypothesis ==> 偶遇假说
  13144. encounter sequence ==> 相互作用序列
  13145. encounter superficial ==> 冲击面
  13146. encourage native products ==> 提倡国货
  13147. encouraging a high level of consumption ==> 拼高消费水平
  13148. encouraging development of fruit buds ==> 使果芽得到发育
  13149. encrinal limestone ==> 海百合灰岩
  13150. encroach on ==> 侵犯
  13151. encroach on ecological balance ==> 侵害生态平衡
  13152. encroach on standars of pollution control ==> 侵犯污染控制法
  13153. encroachment of sea water ==> 海水入侵
  13154. encrustation ==> 垢=>堆積物,付着物
  13155. encrusted cystitis ==> 碱性沉着性膀胱炎
  13156. encrusted tongue ==> 厚苔舌
  13157. encrusting substance ==> 包被物
  13158. encrypt ==> 暗号化する
  13159. encrypt messages ==> メッセージを暗号化する
  13160. encrypted information ==> 暗号化情報
  13161. encrypted mail ==> 暗号化メール
  13162. encrypted message ==> 密码信息=>暗号化メッセージ
  13163. encrypted message part ==> 加密电文部分
  13164. encrypted page ==> 暗号化ページ
  13165. encrypted password ==> 暗号化パスワード,機密パスワード
  13166. encrypted product ==> 暗号化製品
  13167. encrypting key ==> 辅助加密键,辅助键,加密键
  13168. encryption ==> 暗号化
  13169. encryption function ==> 暗号化機能
  13170. encryption information ==> 暗号情報
  13171. encryption key ==> 加密狗,加密锁=>暗号鍵,暗号化キー
  13172. encryption technique ==> 加密技术
  13173. Encyclopaedia Britannica ==> ブリタニカ大百科事典
  13174. encysted hernia ==> 包绕性腹股沟疝,黑氏疝
  13175. end ==> 端=>先端,末端,端部,ネジ先,小口
  13176. end address ==> 结束地址,终点地址
  13177. end adjuster ==> 端调整器
  13178. end adjustment ==> 端面调整
  13179. end anchorage of bar ==> 钢筋端部锚固
  13180. end anchored reinforcement ==> 端锚钢筋
  13181. end angle ==> 终止角
  13182. end arch ==> 端拱
  13183. end axle ==> 端轴
  13184. end bank ==> 端部炉坡
  13185. end bay ==> 端部桥孔,端部闸孔,末端开间,尽间,(靠岸的)边跨
  13186. end beam ==> 端梁
  13187. end bearing ==> 端轴承,末端支承
  13188. end bearing cover ==> 端轴承盖
  13189. end bell ==> 端承口,钟形端板
  13190. end bit ==> 结束位
  13191. end block ==> 块规,引线端子
  13192. end boiling point ==> 终沸点
  13193. end bond ==> 端键
  13194. end bracket ==> 端部牛腿,尾架,结束括号
  13195. end bracket type bearing ==> 端盖式轴承,以端盖为支承构件,并且轴瓦或滚动轴承安装在端盖内的轴承
  13196. end brake ==> 端闸
  13197. end branch ==> 末端分支
  13198. end built-in ==> 末端嵌固,末端嵌入
  13199. end byte ==> 结束字节
  13200. end cam ==> 端面凸轮
  13201. end cap ==> 堵头,端盖,盲板,管端盖板
  13202. end capacitance ==> 终局容量
  13203. end capacity ==> 极限容量
  13204. end capped ==> 封端的
  13205. end cavity ==> 端部空腔谐振器,终端谐振腔
  13206. end cell ==> 末端电池=>端電池
  13207. end cell switch ==> 末端电池转换开关
  13208. end cell system ==> 末端电池式
  13209. end clamp plate ==> 端压板
  13210. end clearance ==> 端面间隙
  13211. end clearance angle ==> 端刃后角
  13212. end closure ==> 端盖
  13213. end coating ==> 端面涂层,端面涂刷
  13214. end coil ==> 端部线圈,末端线圈,终端线圈=>端コイル
  13215. end coil leakage ==> 末端线圈漏泄
  13216. end collar ==> 边辊环,端环
  13217. end column ==> 结束栏,结束列
  13218. end composition ==> 最终成分
  13219. end condition ==> 末端条件
  13220. end conditioning ==> 端头预加工
  13221. end conductor ==> 导体端部
  13222. end connection ==> 端部连接,连接端=>端接続
  13223. end connection leakage flux ==> 绕组端部漏磁通
  13224. end connection reaction ==> 绕组端部漏抗
  13225. end connector ==> 终接器
  13226. end constraint ==> 终端约束
  13227. end construction ==> 堵头建筑
  13228. end contact method ==> 通电磁化法
  13229. end cooling ==> 末端冷却
  13230. end core ==> 端部铁心
  13231. end correction ==> 末端改正,末端校正,末端修正,端面校正
  13232. end count ==> エンド数
  13233. end cover ==> 端盖,头盖
  13234. end cut ==> 帮槽
  13235. end cut-off error ==> 末尾切割误差
  13236. end cutter ==> エンド・カッター
  13237. end cutter nippers ==> 顶切钳
  13238. end cutting edge ==> 副切削刃
  13239. end cutting edge angle ==> 副偏角,离角
  13240. end cutting nippers ==> 顶口剪钳,中心剪丝钳
  13241. end cutting pliers ==> 顶切钳
  13242. end cutting reamer ==> 端切削铰刀
  13243. end cutting stripper ==> 顶切剥皮器
  13244. end cylinder ==> 末端的汽缸,末端汽缸
  13245. end delivery date (EDD) ==> 最后交货日期
  13246. end demand ==> 最終需要
  13247. end device ==> 终端装置,终端设备
  13248. end discharge truck mixer ==> 后卸式拌和车
  13249. end distortion ==> 末端失真,终端失真,畸变
  13250. end driver ==> 端齿状驱动顶尖
  13251. end dump body ==> (自动倾卸车)后倾卸车身
  13252. end dump truck ==> 后卸式自卸汽车
  13253. end edging machine ==> 端折机
  13254. end effect ==> 末端效应,边缘效应,直线电机的末端效应
  13255. end effector ==> 末端执行器=>エンドエフェクタ
  13256. end eigenvalue ==> 末端本征值
  13257. end elevation ==> 端视图,侧视图
  13258. end equipment ==> 末端设备,末端装置
  13259. end error ==> 终端误差
  13260. end face ==> 端面
  13261. end face run-out ==> 端面跳动
  13262. end file condition ==> 结束文件条件
  13263. end file label ==> 结束文件标号
  13264. end file record ==> 结束文件记录
  13265. end file statement ==> 结束文件语句
  13266. end fixing ==> 端部固定
  13267. end float ==> 轴端浮动,轴向端游隙
  13268. end floor beam ==> 端横梁
  13269. end force ==> 端面压力
  13270. end frame ==> 端盖,端罩
  13271. end game ==> 終局,大詰め
  13272. end gas ==> 末端ガス
  13273. end gate distributor ==> 车尾撒肥器,安装在车尾的撒肥装置
  13274. end gate seeder ==> 车尾悬挂的撒播机
  13275. end gate spreader ==> 车尾撒肥器,车厢后部撒肥器
  13276. end gauge ==> 挡料装置
  13277. end glow fiber ==> 末端发光光纤
  13278. end goal ==> 最終目標
  13279. end grinding ==> 端面研削
  13280. end group ==> 末端基
  13281. end guide ==> 端导规
  13282. end hardening ==> 顶端淬火法
  13283. end hardness ==> 端面硬度
  13284. end hinge ==> 端铰
  13285. end hooks ==> 端钩
  13286. end housing ==> 端盖
  13287. end inspiratory crepitation ==> 晚期吸气性爆裂音
  13288. END instruction ==> 结束指令
  13289. end instrument ==> 传感器
  13290. end item ==> 个别项目,最终产品
  13291. end joint ==> 端部接缝,端接
  13292. end journal ==> 端轴颈
  13293. end journal bearing ==> 端枢轴承
  13294. end key ==> 结束键
  13295. end land ==> 刀尖
  13296. end lap ==> 末端搭接,端搭叠,端搭接
  13297. end lap joint ==> 端搭接,端搭接头
  13298. end lathe ==> 卡盘车床,卡盘车床
  13299. end leakage ==> 端部泄漏
  13300. end line ==> 结束行,终点行
  13301. end liner ==> 侧衬板,底衬
  13302. end link ==> 终端连杆
  13303. end links ==> 端环
  13304. end load ==> 末端荷载,末端载荷
  13305. end loaden ==> 后端装载机
  13306. end loss ==> 末端损失
  13307. end machining tool ==> 端加工机床
  13308. end manhole ==> 端部人孔
  13309. end mark ==> 末端标记,结束标记,结束符,终止标记
  13310. end marker ==> 端点标志
  13311. end matched board ==> 端接企口板
  13312. end matched lumber ==> 端边企口板,端头拼接板
  13313. end matcher ==> 多轴制榫机
  13314. end matching ==> 端拼
  13315. end matter ==> 正文后的排版条目
  13316. end measuring ga(u)ge ==> 内径杆规
  13317. end measuring instrument ==> 触端型侧量仪
  13318. end measuring machine ==> 测长机
  13319. end measuring rod ==> 内径杆规
  13320. end member ==> 端元,端员
  13321. end mill ==> 立铣床=>(フライス盤の)エンドミル
  13322. end mill gashing and radius grinder ==> 端铣刀和侧面铣刀磨床
  13323. end mill head ==> 立铣头
  13324. end mill with straight teeth ==> 直齿端铣刀
  13325. end mill(ing) cutter ==> 端铣刀
  13326. end milling ==> 端铣,端铣削
  13327. end milling attachment ==> 端铣附件
  13328. end milling cutter ==> 立铣刀
  13329. end milling machine ==> 端铣机
  13330. end moment ==> 端力矩
  13331. end mould ==> 端模
  13332. end movement ==> 端移动
  13333. end node ==> 结束结点,末端结点
  13334. end nut ==> 端螺母
  13335. end of address (EOA) ==> 地址结束,地址结束符
  13336. end of address code ==> 地址结束代码
  13337. end of arm speed ==> 机械臂末端速度
  13338. end of block ==> 信息块结束,信息组结束
  13339. end of block (EOB) ==> 块结束
  13340. end of block character ==> 块结束符
  13341. end of calling code ==> 调用结束码,呼叫结束码
  13342. end of chain (EOC) ==> 链结束,链结束符
  13343. end of conversion ==> 换算结束
  13344. end of data set ==> 数据集结束
  13345. end of dialing signal ==> 拨号结束信号
  13346. end of extent ==> 区结束,区结束符
  13347. end of extent (EOE) ==> 范围结束
  13348. end of file code ==> 文件结束码
  13349. end of file mark ==> 结束标记
  13350. end of file(EOF) ==> 文件结束
  13351. end of identify ==> 鉴别终止
  13352. end of job ==> 作业结束
  13353. end of life ==> 寿命终止
  13354. end of list (EOL) ==> 表结束,列表结束,列表结束符
  13355. end of list control block ==> 表结束控制块
  13356. end of list control block(EOL control block) ==> 列表结束控制块
  13357. end of medium ==> 媒体结束,媒体末端,介质末端,记录媒体末端
  13358. end of medium character ==> 媒体终端符=>媒体終端文字
  13359. end of message ==> 信息结束符
  13360. end of messgae character ==> 信息结束字符
  13361. end of oil production ==> 采油末期
  13362. end of page condition ==> 页面结束条件
  13363. end of period statements ==> 期末报表
  13364. end of procedure division ==> 过程部分结尾,过程结尾部分
  13365. end of program ==> 程序结束
  13366. end of reel ==> 带卷结束,磁带卷尾,卷尾,卷尾
  13367. end of shift ==> 移位终止
  13368. end of shift activities ==> シフト作業の終わり
  13369. end of tape ==> 带末端
  13370. end of tape marker ==> 带结束标记
  13371. end of tape warning ==> 带末端预告
  13372. end of test ==> 试验结果
  13373. end of text character ==> 文本结束符=>テキスト終結文字
  13374. end of the chain ==> 链端
  13375. end of the ear ==> 穗的末端
  13376. end of thread ==> 螺纹端,螺纹退刀扣
  13377. end of track ==> 磁道结束
  13378. end of transmission ==> 传输结束符,传送结束字符
  13379. end of transmission (EOT) ==> 传输结束,传送终止符
  13380. end of transmission block ==> 字组传送结束字符,信息块传送结束,信息组传输结束符
  13381. end of transmission block character ==> 传输区终了字符=>伝送ブロック終結文字
  13382. end of transmission character ==> 伝送終了文字
  13383. end of volume (EOV) ==> 卷结束,卷结束,卷结束符,卷结束符,卷终,卷终
  13384. end of warning area ==> 告警区域末端
  13385. end of-message character ==> 信息终点字符
  13386. end off ==> 终止
  13387. end office ==> 终端局
  13388. end office (EO) ==> 端局
  13389. end on ==> 端对,末端对接
  13390. end organ ==> 灵敏元件,终器
  13391. end outline marker lamp ==> 外形示廓灯
  13392. end page condition ==> 末页条件,页结束条件
  13393. end panel ==> 终端配电板,终端屏
  13394. end paragraph name ==> 结束段名
  13395. end parameter ==> 结尾参数
  13396. end part ==> 末端部,尾部
  13397. end patch ==> 补强衬小角
  13398. end period ==> 终结期
  13399. end piece ==> 尾端件
  13400. end pier ==> 终端杆
  13401. end pin ==> 尾销=>脚棒
  13402. end plane ==> 端面
  13403. end plank washer plate ==> 端板压板
  13404. end plate ==> 端板,端盖,端面板,后端板,底型,封头,终板=>端板
  13405. end plate grid ==> 终板栅
  13406. end plate hanging hook ==> 后端板吊钩
  13407. end plate nozzle ==> 后端板接管
  13408. end plate oiler ==> 末端板加油器
  13409. end plate potential ==> 终板电位
  13410. end plate side ==> 后端板侧
  13411. end play ==> 轴向间隙
  13412. end plug ==> 端塞
  13413. end point ==> 终点,终端,终馏点
  13414. end point carbon ==> 终点碳
  13415. end point control ==> 终点控制
  13416. end point control problem ==> 终端控制问题
  13417. end point detection ==> 终点检测
  13418. end point detector ==> 端点检测器
  13419. end point energy ==> 终点能量
  13420. end point gasoline ==> 终点汽油
  13421. end point mutation ==> 终点突变
  13422. end point of distillation ==> 终馏点
  13423. end point of fraction ==> 终点馏分
  13424. end point temperature ==> 终点温度
  13425. end point voltage ==> 终点电压
  13426. end point yield curve ==> 终馏点收率曲线
  13427. end points ==> 端点
  13428. end position ==> 端位置
  13429. end post ==> 端柱
  13430. end pressure ==> 端头压力,端压,端压力,末端压力,终压力
  13431. end print ==> 终端打印
  13432. end printing ==> 末端打印,末尾打印
  13433. end process ==> 最終過程
  13434. end processing ==> 終了処理
  13435. end product ==> 成品,最后产品,最后产物,最后制品,终产物,最终产物
  13436. end products of weathering ==> 风化的终极产物
  13437. end properties ==> 成品的性能
  13438. end puller ==> 回程鼓
  13439. end quench ==> 顶端淬火
  13440. end quench hardenability test ==> 顶端淬火试验
  13441. end quenched bar ==> 端淬试棒
  13442. end quenching test ==> 端淬试验
  13443. end racking ==> 叉堆法
  13444. end ratchet ==> 端面棘轮
  13445. end reaction ==> 终结反应,支座反力
  13446. end reading ==> 最终读出
  13447. end readout ==> 终读数,最后读出
  13448. end reamer ==> 前锋铰刀,不通孔铰刀
  13449. end release ==> 终端安全释放机构
  13450. end relief ==> 齿端倒角,端形
  13451. end relief angle ==> 副后角
  13452. end repeater ==> 终端中继器
  13453. end restraint ==> 端部约束
  13454. end restraint effect ==> 端限制效应
  13455. end rib ==> 端肋
  13456. end ring ==> 终端环,轴承挡圈=>端絡環
  13457. end round ==> 齿端修圆
  13458. end runner mill ==> 双辊研磨机
  13459. end saw ==> 截头锯
  13460. end scale value ==> 满标度值
  13461. end sealing ==> (电缆的)终端扎结
  13462. end section ==> 终端段,端截面
  13463. end sell ==> 端電池
  13464. end seller ==> 末端の売人
  13465. end sensing ==> 终端读出
  13466. end sentinel ==> 終了標識
  13467. end session ==> 終了セッション
  13468. end shape ==> 端部形状
  13469. end shear ==> 端剪力
  13470. end shears ==> 切头机,剪边机
  13471. end sheathing ==> 端板
  13472. end sheathing brace ==> 端板横铁
  13473. end sheathing diagonal stay ==> 端板对角撑
  13474. end sheet ==> 端板
  13475. end shield ==> 端罩
  13476. end shield bearing ==> 机油滤清器内盖头轴承
  13477. end shielding ==> 末端屏蔽
  13478. end sill ==> 端梁
  13479. end sill bracket ==> 端梁角补强铁
  13480. end sill corner plate ==> 端梁角补强铁
  13481. end sill cover plate ==> 端梁盖板
  13482. end sill gusset plate ==> 端梁角补强铁
  13483. end sill plate ==> 端梁铁板
  13484. end skew brick ==> 端斜砖
  13485. end sleeve ==> 终端筒形联轴器
  13486. end slope ==> 端部斜面板
  13487. end slope of groin ==> 丁坝头部坡度
  13488. end slope of groyne ==> 丁坝头部坡度
  13489. end slot ==> 端槽
  13490. end slot piston pin ==> 端槽活塞销
  13491. end socket ==> 端头
  13492. end span ==> 端跨
  13493. end speed ==> 末速度
  13494. end stacking ==> 竖堆法
  13495. end stake socket ==> 端柱插口
  13496. end standard ==> 顶端标准
  13497. end standard rod ==> 标准端测规
  13498. end statement ==> 结束语句
  13499. end stiffener angle ==> 端部加劲角钢
  13500. end stone ==> 托钻,终端宝石
  13501. end stopping of chain ==> 链的终止
  13502. end suction centrifugal pump ==> 端吸离心泵
  13503. end support ==> 端承
  13504. end support column ==> 支端柱
  13505. end surface ==> 端面
  13506. end system ==> エンドシステム
  13507. end tab ==> 引出板,引弧板
  13508. end tape ==> 端贴尺
  13509. end thrust ==> 轴端推力,轴向推力,端推力
  13510. end thrust ball bearing ==> 止推滚珠轴承
  13511. end thrust bearing ==> 止推轴承
  13512. end tie-bar ==> 末端拉杆
  13513. end tightening ==> 端部紧固
  13514. end tilt ingot car ==> 端卸式送锭车
  13515. end time ==> 结束时间,终止时间
  13516. end tipping barrow ==> 端卸手车
  13517. end title ==> 结尾字幕
  13518. end tooth ==> 端齿
  13519. end transom and pole piece ==> 端横梁及磁极块
  13520. end travel ==> 轴端移动
  13521. end trimming ==> 端截头
  13522. end trimming machine ==> 端部修饰机
  13523. end trimming shears ==> 切边剪
  13524. end truck ==> 端车
  13525. end truck controller ==> 端车控制器
  13526. end turning ==> 绕焊
  13527. end user ==> 最后用户,终端用户,直接用户,最终用户
  13528. end user-to-end user session ==> 端点用户到端点用户对话
  13529. end vacuum ==> 极限真空
  13530. end value ==> 最终值,结果值
  13531. end valve ==> 尾阀
  13532. end view ==> 端视,侧面图,侧视图
  13533. end view (drawing) ==> 端视图
  13534. end view drawing ==> 端面图
  13535. end wall ==> 端壁,投料端墙
  13536. end wall boundary layer ==> 端壁边界层
  13537. end wall bracket ==> 端壁托架
  13538. end wall loss ==> 端壁损失
  13539. end warning area ==> 结束警告区
  13540. end washer ==> 端面垫圈
  13541. end wear ==> 端部损耗
  13542. end web ==> 端腹板
  13543. end wheel drill ==> 两端装轮式播种机
  13544. end wheel fertilizer distributor ==> 两端装轮式撒肥机
  13545. end wheel press ==> 轮端成形压力机
  13546. end winding ==> 端部绕组=>コイル端
  13547. end winding region ==> 绕组端部区域
  13548. end window counter ==> 端窗计数器,钟罩形计数管
  13549. end window counter tube ==> 端窗计数管
  13550. end window G-M tube ==> 端窗型盖革-弥勒计数管
  13551. end window photomultiplier ==> 端窗式光电倍增管
  13552. end window X-ray tube ==> 端窗X射线管
  13553. end wire strippers ==> 顶切剥线钳
  13554. end wise ==> 末端朝上
  13555. end wrench ==> 平扳手
  13556. end yoke ==> 端叉
  13557. end zone ==> 结束区
  13558. end-anchored reinforcement ==> 端部锚固钢筋
  13559. end-arch brick ==> 端拱砖
  13560. end-around borrow ==> 循环借位=>循環借り
  13561. end-around carry ==> 循环进位,舍入进位=>循環けた上げ
  13562. end-around shift ==> 循環けた送り
  13563. end-artery ==> 终动脉
  13564. end-bearing pile ==> 端承桩
  13565. end-bearing steel H-pile ==> 端部承载的工字钢桩
  13566. end-body ==> 终体
  13567. end-brush ==> 终树突
  13568. end-coincidence method ==> 端点符合法
  13569. end-condition ==> 终点条件
  13570. end-connection leakage flux ==> 绕组端部漏磁通
  13571. end-connection reactance ==> 绕组端部漏抗
  13572. end-construction tile ==> 尾端结构砖
  13573. end-contraction ==> 末端收缩
  13574. end-cut brick ==> 端切砖
  13575. end-door car ==> 端卸式矿车
  13576. end-dump car ==> 后卸车
  13577. end-dump truck ==> 后倾自卸车,后卸式卡车
  13578. end-effect simulation ==> 端部效应模拟
  13579. end-expiratory positive pressure ==> 呼气末正压
  13580. end-face seal ==> 端面式机械密封
  13581. end-fatigue ==> 边缘疲劳
  13582. end-feed centerless grinding ==> 纵向进给无心磨
  13583. end-feed cross-flow zone refiner ==> 侧端加料纵横流动区域精炼炉
  13584. end-feed grinding ==> 纵向定程进刀磨削
  13585. end-fire aerial array ==> 端射天线阵
  13586. end-fire antenna ==> 顺射天线阵
  13587. end-fire array ==> 顺射天线阵,轴向辐射天线阵=>縦形アンテナ列
  13588. end-fire array antenna ==> 端射阵天线
  13589. end-fired furnace ==> 端焰炉
  13590. end-flake ==> 终板
  13591. end-frame ==> 终端架
  13592. end-grain cutting ==> 端纹切削
  13593. end-group analysis ==> 末端分析
  13594. end-lifting apparatus ==> 端起重装置
  13595. end-milled keyway ==> 成形键槽
  13596. end-nucleus ==> 终核
  13597. end-of tape marker ==> テープ終端マーカ
  13598. end-of transmission card ==> 传送终止卡
  13599. end-of-block ==> 字组终了
  13600. end-of-block signal ==> 数据组末信号
  13601. end-of-copy signal ==> 图像终了信号
  13602. end-of-data mark ==> 数据结束标志
  13603. end-of-data-set exit routine ==> 数据集结尾出口程序
  13604. end-of-field mark ==> 字段结束标志
  13605. end-of-file indicator ==> 文件结束标志,文件终止标识符
  13606. end-of-file label ==> ファイル後書きラベル
  13607. end-of-file mark ==> 文件结束标志
  13608. end-of-file routine ==> 文件结束程序
  13609. end-of-file spot ==> 文件结束反射片
  13610. end-of-job ==> 工作结束
  13611. end-of-job routine ==> 作业结束程序
  13612. end-of-medium ==> 介质终端
  13613. end-of-medium character ==> 媒体末端符
  13614. end-of-medium character (EM character) ==> 介质末端符
  13615. end-of-medium character (EM;EM character) ==> 记录媒体结束符,记录媒体用毕字符
  13616. end-of-medium indicator ==> 记录媒体结束指示符
  13617. end-of-message ==> 信息终止
  13618. end-of-message (EOM) ==> 报文结束符
  13619. end-of-message code ==> 报文结束码
  13620. end-of-message code (EOM) ==> 电文结束码
  13621. end-of-page indicator ==> 页结束指示器
  13622. end-of-page phrase ==> 页结束短语
  13623. end-of-page stop ==> 页末停止信号
  13624. end-of-period adjusting entry ==> 期末调整分录
  13625. end-of-period cutoff ==> 期末截帐
  13626. end-of-reel mark ==> 磁带终端标志
  13627. end-of-reel marker ==> 带卷尾标志,卷尾标志,卷尾标志
  13628. end-of-reel routine ==> 卷尾处理程序,卷尾处理程序,卷尾例行程序
  13629. end-of-run routine ==> 运行结束例行程序
  13630. end-of-selection signal ==> 选接完成信号
  13631. end-of-tape ==> 磁带结束标志
  13632. end-of-tape arrangement ==> 磁带结束安排
  13633. end-of-tape hole ==> 磁带结束标志孔
  13634. end-of-tape label ==> 带尾标记
  13635. end-of-tape mark ==> 磁带结束标志,磁带尾标
  13636. end-of-tape marker ==> 磁带结束标记,磁带结束标志,磁带终点标志
  13637. end-of-tape routine ==> 磁带结束程序
  13638. end-of-tape warning ==> 带终警告
  13639. end-of-text block ==> 正文结束块
  13640. end-of-transmission card ==> 报终卡,传输终止卡
  13641. end-of-transmission character ==> 传输结束符,传送结束字符,传送终止符
  13642. end-of-transmission character (EOT) ==> 传送结束符
  13643. end-of-transmission code (EOT) ==> 传输结束码,传送结束码
  13644. end-of-transmission recognition ==> 传送结束识别
  13645. end-of-transmission-block character ==> 传送块结束符
  13646. end-of-transmission-block character (ETB) ==> 传输块结束符,块传输结束符,块传送结束符
  13647. end-of-volume label ==> ボリューム後書きラベル
  13648. end-of-volume label (EOV label) ==> 卷结束标号,卷结束标号,卷尾标号,卷尾标号
  13649. end-of-word character ==> 字终符号
  13650. end-of-work signal ==> 收发终止信号
  13651. end-off shift ==> 舍入移位,舍尾移位
  13652. end-on ==> 终端对接,端头向前的,主解理直角工作面
  13653. end-on aerial array ==> 端射天线阵
  13654. end-on coupling ==> 端键,终端耦合
  13655. end-on directional array ==> 轴向辐射天线阵
  13656. end-on object ==> 端向天体
  13657. end-on photomultiplier ==> 端窗式光电倍增管
  13658. end-on spread ==> 端点放炮排列
  13659. end-on-courses ==> 接续学程
  13660. end-on-fire antenna ==> 端射天线,轴向辐射天线
  13661. end-over-end mixer ==> 直立圆筒混合机
  13662. end-piece ==> 尾段,末端片
  13663. end-piled loading ==> 纵向堆垛法
  13664. end-plate fin ==> 端板式垂直尾翼
  13665. end-plate potential ==> 终板电位
  13666. end-point ==> 终点
  13667. end-point analysis ==> 最后结果分析
  13668. end-point control ==> 端点控制
  13669. end-point energy ==> 极限能量
  13670. end-point method ==> 终点法
  13671. end-position nystagmus ==> 末位性眼震
  13672. end-post ==> 端压杆
  13673. end-process ==> 终突
  13674. end-product ==> 制成品
  13675. end-racking ==> 叉堆法
  13676. end-region magnetic field of electrical machine ==> 电机端部磁场
  13677. end-reply packet ==> 终点回答包
  13678. end-resistance material ==> 终端电阻材料,末端电阻材料
  13679. end-ring rotor ==> 带端环转子,带短路环转子
  13680. end-runner mill ==> 端辊研磨机
  13681. end-shake vanner ==> 端摇床
  13682. end-suction pump ==> 单侧吸入泵
  13683. end-tip trailer ==> 后倾卸式拖车
  13684. end-tipping barrow ==> 端卸式手推车
  13685. end-to-end ==> 端末間
  13686. end-to-end communication ==> 终端站间通信
  13687. end-to-end distance ==> 末端距
  13688. end-to-end flow control ==> 点到点流量控制,端到端流量控制
  13689. end-to-end intestinal anastomosis ==> 肠端端吻合术
  13690. end-to-end joint ==> 端点连接,端接,对接
  13691. end-to-end measurement ==> 直通测量线路
  13692. end-to-end placed cells ==> 纵向排列电解槽
  13693. end-to-end protocol (EEP) ==> 端到端传输协议,端到端协议,点到点传输协议,点到点协议
  13694. end-to-end session ==> 点到点会话期,端到端对话,端到端会话期
  13695. end-to-end signaling ==> エンドツーエンド信号方式
  13696. end-to-end signalling ==> 端到端信号方式
  13697. end-to-end test ==> 端到端双向测试,点到点双向测试
  13698. end-to-reel marker ==> 磁带卷结束标记
  13699. end-to-side jejunojejunostomy ==> 空肠空肠端侧吻合术
  13700. end-use device ==> 端点使用设备
  13701. end-user ==> 终端用户,为自身需要而使用电能的用户
  13702. end-user to SSCP echo check ==> 端点用户到SSCP回送检验
  13703. end-view ==> 端侧视图
  13704. end-window counter ==> 端窗型计数器
  13705. Endangered Species Advisory Committee ==> 保护稀有动植物咨询委员会
  13706. endaround shift ==> 循环移位
  13707. endeavor ==> 努力,試み
  13708. endeavor for recognition ==> 顕示欲
  13709. endeavour ==> 努力,試み
  13710. Endell's method ==> 恩德尔耐碱试验法
  13711. endellite ==> 水埃洛石
  13712. endemic center ==> 地方中心
  13713. endemic goiter ==> 地方性甲状腺肿
  13714. endemic influenza ==> 地方性流感
  13715. endemic malaria ==> 疫疟
  13716. endemic plant ==> 当地植物
  13717. endergonic metabolism ==> 吸热代谢
  13718. endexospore lamella ==> 内孢壁层
  13719. endfire antenna array ==> 端射天线阵
  13720. ending ==> 终点
  13721. ending balance ==> 期末余额
  13722. ending beat ==> 端面跳动
  13723. ending inventory ==> 期末存货
  13724. ending quotation mark ==> 结束引号,终止引号
  13725. ending tape label ==> 磁带结束标号
  13726. ending wave ==> 终末波
  13727. endless apron ==> 循环输送带
  13728. endless apron hay loader ==> 输送带式装干草机
  13729. endless apron manure spreader ==> 输送带式厩肥撒播机
  13730. endless bed drum sander ==> 带式进给辊筒砂光机
  13731. endless belt ==> 皮带运输机,无极带,环形带=>エンドレスベルト
  13732. endless belt conveyer ==> 环带式输送机,环形带式输送机,循环式输送机
  13733. endless belt conveyor drier ==> 环形输送带干燥机
  13734. endless belt elevator ==> 环带式升运机
  13735. endless belt loop galvonometer ==> 环形回线电流计
  13736. endless belt peener ==> 环带式喷丸机
  13737. endless cable ==> 无极钢缆
  13738. endless cartridge ==> 循环式盒带,环形磁带卷
  13739. endless chain ==> 循环链,轮链,无端链
  13740. endless chain coalcutter ==> 无极链式截煤机
  13741. endless chain feeder ==> 无极链式给矿机
  13742. endless chain grate ==> 无极链炉篦
  13743. endless chain log haul-up ==> 无端链条拉木机
  13744. endless chain trench excavator ==> 无极链式多斗挖掘机,环链式多斗挖沟机
  13745. endless conveyer ==> 环带运输机,无极运输机
  13746. endless fabric ==> 环形织物
  13747. endless felt ==> 无端毛毯
  13748. endless film ==> 无端胶片,循环胶片,环状胶带
  13749. endless grate ==> 链式炉篦
  13750. endless groove ==> 环状槽
  13751. endless loop ==> 循环磁带,无端环,无限循环,死循环
  13752. endless magnetic tape loop ==> 无端磁带
  13753. endless main ==> 无极绳运输主要平巷
  13754. endless master tape ==> 环形主带
  13755. endless oil groove ==> 环状油槽
  13756. endless punched-pattern control-paper ==> 冲孔纹样控制循环纸带
  13757. endless roller chain ==> 环形滚子链
  13758. endless rolling ==> 无头轧制
  13759. endless rope ==> 无极绳,环绳,环索
  13760. endless rope haulage ==> 无极绳运输
  13761. endless round belt ==> 环形圆皮带
  13762. endless saw ==> 带锯,带锯机
  13763. endless screw ==> 蜗杆
  13764. endless solenoid ==> 环形螺线管=>端なしソレノイド
  13765. endless tangent screw sextant ==> 微调螺杆六分仪
  13766. endless tape ==> 无端带,环形磁带,环形纸带
  13767. endless track ==> 环道
  13768. endless track vehicle ==> 履带式汽车
  13769. endless variable capacitor ==> 环转可变电容器
  13770. endless wire ==> 无端铜网
  13771. endless woven felt ==> 无端毛毯
  13772. endless-rope car-haul ==> 无极钢绳矿车运输
  13773. endless-rope scraper haulage ==> 无极绳耙斗搬运
  13774. endless-rope system ==> 无极绳运输系统
  13775. endlessly rooted tree ==> 无端有根树
  13776. endlss grate ==> 链式炉栅
  13777. endo ==> 内
  13778. Endo's medium ==> 远藤氏培养基
  13779. endo-adaptation ==> 内适性
  13780. endo-chordo-mesoblast ==> 内-脊-中胚层
  13781. endo-configuration ==> 内向构型
  13782. endo-endothelial layer ==> 内皮内层
  13783. endo-epithelial gland ==> 上皮内腺
  13784. endo-exo configuration ==> 内-外构型
  13785. endo-exo isomerization ==> 内-外异构化
  13786. endo-exocrine gland ==> 内外分泌腺
  13787. endo-exogenetic succession ==> 内外因演替
  13788. endo-form ==> 锈孢型
  13789. endobatholite zone ==> 内岩基带
  13790. endocapillary layer ==> 毛细管内层,毛细血管内层
  13791. endocardial cushions ==> 心内膜垫
  13792. endocardial cushions defect ==> 心内膜垫缺损
  13793. endocardial electrode ==> 心内膜电极
  13794. endocervical biopsy curet ==> 颈管内活检刮匙,颈管内活检刮匙
  13795. endocervical reserve cell hyperplasia ==> 颈管储备细胞增生,颈管储备细胞增生,宫颈管储备细胞增生
  13796. endocochlear potential ==> 蜗管内电位
  13797. endocrine dysfunction ==> 内分泌功能障碍
  13798. endocrine function ==> 内分泌功能
  13799. endocrine gland ==> 内分泌腺
  13800. endocrine hormone ==> 内分泌激素
  13801. endocrine organ ==> 内分泌器官
  13802. endocrine system ==> 内分泌系统
  13803. endocrinic cardiopathy ==> 内分泌性心脏病
  13804. endocrinopathy of pancreatic islets ==> 胰岛内分泌病
  13805. endoderm lamella ==> 内胚层板
  13806. endodermal cell with casparian strip ==> 具有凯式带的内皮层细胞,具有凯式带的内皮层细胞
  13807. endodermal groove ==> 内胚层沟
  13808. endodermal sinus tumor of ovary ==> 卵巢内胚层窦瘤
  13809. endodermis depression ==> 内胚层低降
  13810. endodermis jump ==> 内皮层跃升
  13811. endodontic implant ==> 根管内种植术
  13812. endodynamic soil ==> 内动力土
  13813. endodynamic succession ==> 内因动态演替
  13814. endodyne ==> 自差
  13815. endoergic collision ==> 第一种碰撞
  13816. endoergic reaction ==> 收能反应
  13817. endoerythrocytic cycle ==> 红细胞内环
  13818. endogas unit ==> 裂化气体设备,吸热型气体发生设备
  13819. endogen force ==> 内力
  13820. endogenetic action ==> 内成作用
  13821. endogenetic deformation ==> 内成变形
  13822. endogenetic force ==> 内力
  13823. endogenetic process ==> 内力作用
  13824. endogenetic subsidence ==> 内因沉降
  13825. endogenetic succession ==> 内因演替
  13826. endogenetic texture ==> 内成结构
  13827. endogenic action ==> 内生作用
  13828. endogenic geological process ==> 内动力地质作用
  13829. endogenic halo ==> 内生晕
  13830. endogenic inclusion ==> 内源包体
  13831. endogenic mineralization ==> 内生成矿作用
  13832. endogenous antigen ==> 内原性抗原
  13833. endogenous branching ==> 内生分枝
  13834. endogenous change ==> 内生变动
  13835. endogenous creatinine clearance rate ==> 内生肌酸酐廓清率
  13836. endogenous cycle ==> 内生环
  13837. endogenous depression ==> 内因性抑郁症
  13838. endogenous dome ==> 内成隆起
  13839. endogenous excretion ==> 内源性分泌
  13840. endogenous explanatory variable ==> 内生解释变量
  13841. endogenous fibers ==> 内生纤维
  13842. endogenous fluid ==> 内生流体
  13843. endogenous force ==> 内力
  13844. endogenous growth ==> 内生性生长,内源生长期
  13845. endogenous halo ==> 内生晕
  13846. endogenous heat gain ==> 内原性获热
  13847. endogenous inclusion ==> 内源包体,内在夹杂物
  13848. endogenous income hypothesis ==> 内生收入假设
  13849. endogenous infection ==> 内原性感染
  13850. endogenous lagged variable ==> 内生滞后变量
  13851. endogenous level ==> 内呼吸水平
  13852. endogenous lipid pneumonia ==> 内原性脂质性肺炎
  13853. endogenous metabolism ==> 内生代谢作用,内原代谢
  13854. endogenous money supply ==> 内生货币供应量
  13855. endogenous movement ==> 内因运动
  13856. endogenous periodicity ==> 内源周期性
  13857. endogenous pigment ==> 内生色素
  13858. endogenous pigmentation ==> 内原性色素沉着
  13859. endogenous process ==> 内生过程
  13860. endogenous protein ==> 内原性蛋白质
  13861. endogenous psychocause ==> 内因性精神病
  13862. endogenous purine ==> 内原性嘌呤
  13863. endogenous pyrogen ==> 内热源,内原性致热物
  13864. endogenous respiration ==> 内源呼吸
  13865. endogenous spore ==> 内生芽孢,内生孢子,内孢子
  13866. endogenous theory of business cycles ==> 内生经济周期论
  13867. endogenous turnover ==> 内源代谢的周转
  13868. endogenous urina nitrogen ==> 内源尿氮
  13869. endogenous variable ==> 内生变量
  13870. endogenous variable(s) ==> 内源变量
  13871. endogenous variables ==> 内生变量,内源变量
  13872. endogenous variate ==> 内生变量
  13873. endogenous vein ==> 内成脉
  13874. endogenous virus ==> 内生病毒
  13875. endokinetic fissure ==> 内成裂缝,内生裂隙
  13876. endolymphatic cavity ==> 内淋巴腔
  13877. endolymphatic duct ==> 内淋巴管,前庭水管
  13878. endolymphatic formation ==> 内淋巴形成
  13879. endolymphatic hydropa ==> 内淋巴积水
  13880. endolymphatic hydrops ==> 膜迷路积水,迷路内淋巴水肿
  13881. endolymphatic system ==> 内淋巴系统
  13882. endomagmatic hydrothermal differentiation ==> 内成岩浆热液分导作用
  13883. endometrial biopsy ==> 子宫内膜活组织检查
  13884. endometrial biopsy curet ==> 子宫内膜活检刮匙
  13885. endometrial carcinoma ==> 子宫内膜癌
  13886. endometrial cup ==> 子宫内膜环
  13887. endometrial cycle ==> 子宫内膜周期
  13888. endometrial cyst ==> 子宫内膜囊肿,巧克力样囊肿
  13889. endometrial cyst of ovary ==> 卵巢巧克力囊肿,卵巢子宫内膜囊肿
  13890. endometrial hyperplasia ==> 子宫内膜增生,内膜增生
  13891. endometrial implantation ==> 子宫内膜种植
  13892. endometrial implantatior cyst ==> 子宫内膜异位囊肿
  13893. endometrial polyp ==> 子宫内膜息肉
  13894. endometrial smear ==> 子宫内膜涂片
  13895. endometrial spiral arterioles ==> 子宫内膜螺旋小动脉
  13896. endometrioid adenocarcinoma of ovary ==> 卵巢子宫内膜样腺癌
  13897. endometrioid stromal sarcoma of ovary ==> 卵巢子宫内膜样间质肉瘤
  13898. endometrioid tumor of ovary ==> 卵巢子宫内膜样瘤
  13899. endometrioma of borderline malignancy ==> 卵巢交界性子宫内膜样瘤
  13900. endometriosis interna ==> 子宫内子宫内膜异位,内在性子宫内膜异位症
  13901. endometriosis of abdominal wall ==> 腹壁子宫内膜异位症
  13902. endometriosis of broad ligament ==> 阔韧带子宫内膜异位症
  13903. endometriosis of colon ==> 结肠子官内膜异位
  13904. endometriosis of pelvic peritoneum ==> 盆膜腹膜子宫内膜异位症
  13905. endometriosis of recto uterine excavation ==> 直肠子宫陷凹子宫内膜异位
  13906. endometriosis of rectovaginal septum ==> 阴道直肠隔子宫内膜异位
  13907. endometriosis of round ligament ==> 圆韧带子宫内膜异位症
  13908. endometriosis of vagina ==> 阴道子宫内膜异位
  13909. endometriosis vesicae ==> 膀胱子宫内膜异位症
  13910. endomorphic system ==> 符号序列变换系统
  13911. endoparasitic ==> 内部寄生的
  13912. endophlebitis hepatica obliterans ==> 肝静脉闭塞性内膜炎,肝静脉阻塞综合征
  13913. endophragmal skeleton ==> 内隔骨骼
  13914. Endophyllum emasculatum ==> 内锈菌
  13915. endoplasmic reticulum cisterna ==> 内质网池
  13916. endopleural ridge ==> 侧内脊
  13917. endopodal plate ==> 内足板
  13918. endopodal shield ==> 内足板
  13919. endorheic basin ==> 内流盆地
  13920. endorsable cheque ==> 可背书支票
  13921. endorse a bill ==> 背签票据
  13922. endorse in blank ==> 空白背书
  13923. endorse over a bill to another one ==> 背书票据转让他人
  13924. endorsed bond ==> 背书债券
  13925. endorsed bonds ==> 背书债券
  13926. endorsed in blank ==> 空白背书
  13927. endorsed notes payable a-c ==> 背书的应付票据帐户
  13928. endorsement ==> 裏書
  13929. endorsement commission ==> 背书手续费
  13930. endorsement confirmed ==> 背书证实
  13931. endorsement for collection ==> 委托取款背书
  13932. endorsement for collections ==> 托收背书
  13933. endorsement in blank ==> 无记名式背书,空白背书
  13934. endorsement in full ==> 特别背书,详细背书
  13935. endorsement irregular (E-I) ==> 背书不符
  13936. endorsement to order ==> 指定式背书
  13937. endorser for accommodation ==> 通融资金背书人
  13938. endoscope ==> 内视镜=>内視鏡
  13939. endoscope adapter ==> 内窥镜转接器
  13940. endoscope examining chair ==> 内窥镜检查椅
  13941. endoscopic biopsy ==> 经内窥镜活组织检查,经内窥镜活组织检查
  13942. endoscopic dilatation ==> 内視鏡的拡張術
  13943. endoscopic embryology ==> 内向极胚胎学
  13944. endoscopic film projector ==> 内腔镜摄片投影仪
  13945. endoscopic fulguration of tumor ==> 经内窥镜肿瘤电灼术,经内窥镜肿瘤电灼术
  13946. endoscopic high-speed photography ==> 高速内窥摄影
  13947. endoscopic injector ==> 内窥镜注射器
  13948. endoscopic instrument ==> 内視鏡
  13949. endoscopic lithotomy ==> 经内窥镜结石取除术,经内窥镜结石取除术
  13950. endoscopic picture ==> 内窥图像
  13951. endoscopic removal of foreign body ==> 经内窥镜异物取除术,经内窥镜异物取除术
  13952. endoscopic television ==> 内窥镜电视
  13953. endosmotic equivalent ==> 内渗当量
  13954. endosperm culture ==> 胚乳培养
  13955. endosperm embryo ==> 胚乳胚
  13956. endosperm initial ==> 胚乳原始细胞
  13957. endosperm jacket ==> 胚乳套
  13958. endosperm mother ==> 胚乳原
  13959. endosperm mother cell ==> 胚乳母细胞,胚乳原细胞
  13960. endosperm nucleus ==> 胚乳核
  13961. endosperm or cotyledons of the seed ==> 种子的胚乳及子叶
  13962. endosteal lamella ==> 骨内板
  13963. endosternal ridge ==> 内腹脊
  13964. endosulfan, 6,7,8,9,10,10-hexachloro-1,5 ==> 硫丹
  13965. endothelial carcinoma ==> 内皮癌
  13966. endothelial junction ==> 内皮连接
  13967. endothelial layer ==> 内皮细胞层
  13968. endothelial system ==> 内皮系统
  13969. endotheliochorial placenta ==> 内皮绒膜胎盘
  13970. endotheliocytic swelling ==> 内皮细胞肿胀
  13971. endothelioma of bone ==> 骨内皮细胞瘤
  13972. Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli ==> 鸡内金
  13973. endotherm knife ==> 高频电刀,高频手术刀
  13974. endothermal change ==> 吸热变化
  13975. endothermic catalytic reaction ==> 吸热催化反应
  13976. endothermic change ==> 吸热变化
  13977. endothermic character ==> 吸热特性
  13978. endothermic compound ==> 吸热化合物
  13979. endothermic conversion ==> 吸热转化
  13980. endothermic degradation reaction ==> 吸热降解反应
  13981. endothermic disintegration ==> 吸热转化
  13982. endothermic gas ==> 吸热型气体
  13983. endothermic peak ==> 吸热峰
  13984. endothermic process ==> 吸热过程
  13985. endothermic reaction ==> 吸热反应
  13986. endothermic transition ==> 吸热转换
  13987. endothrix spore ==> 发内癣菌孢子
  13988. endotoxic shock ==> 内毒素性休克
  13989. endotracheal catheter ==> 气管内导管
  13990. endotron ==> 振荡管
  13991. endotrophic mycorrhiza ==> 内生菌根
  13992. endow them with new use values ==> 赋予新的使用价值
  13993. endowed by nature ==> 天赋
  13994. endowment annuity ==> 养老年金
  13995. endowment drives ==> 募捐活动
  13996. endowment earnings fund balance ==> 留本收益基金余额
  13997. endowment insurance ==> 养老保险,人寿定期保险
  13998. endowment of human capital ==> 人力资本赋予量
  13999. endowment policy ==> 养老保险单
  14000. endowment principal fund balance ==> 留本基金本金余额
  14001. endpiece of complement ==> 补体末段
  14002. endpoint node ==> 端部节点,末端节点
  14003. endpoint voltage ==> 截止电压,终点电压
  14004. ends down ==> 断头
  14005. ends of piston ring ==> 活塞圈末端
  14006. endscale value ==> 满度值,仪表满标值
  14007. ENDSUM byte ==> 结束总和字节
  14008. endurable pressure ==> 持久压力
  14009. endurance ==> 强度,耐久性=>耐久性
  14010. endurance bending strength ==> 抗弯疲劳强度
  14011. endurance bending test ==> 弯曲疲试验
  14012. endurance character ==> 疲劳特性
  14013. endurance curve ==> 持久曲线
  14014. endurance failure ==> 疲劳破裂
  14015. endurance fatigue limit ==> 疲劳极限,耐劳极限
  14016. endurance impact test ==> 冲击疲劳试验
  14017. endurance life ==> 疲劳寿命,耐久寿命
  14018. endurance life characteristic ==> 耐用寿命特性
  14019. endurance life test ==> 持久性试验
  14020. endurance limit ==> 持久极限,持久限度,疲劳极限,疲劳限度,耐久限度,耐力限度
  14021. endurance limit at pulsating strerss ==> 脉冲应力疲劳极限
  14022. endurance limit on base ==> 对称的应力换向循环下的疲劳极限
  14023. endurance limit stress ==> 耐久极限应力
  14024. endurance limit under pulsating tension ==> 脉冲拉伸疲劳极限
  14025. endurance limit under pulsating torsion ==> 脉冲扭转疲劳极限
  14026. endurance period ==> 持续时间
  14027. endurance range ==> 持久限,应力极限
  14028. endurance ratio ==> 疲劳比,耐久比
  14029. endurance road test ==> (汽车的)耐久性路线
  14030. endurance road testing ==> 耐久性道路试验
  14031. endurance tension test ==> 持久张力试验
  14032. endurance test ==> 持久性试验,耐久性试验=>耐久試験
  14033. endurance test bed ==> 耐久性试验台
  14034. endurance testing machine ==> 持久试验机
  14035. endurance testing machine for repeated torsion ==> 反复扭转疲劳试验机
  14036. endurance testing machine for torsion repeated ==> 重复扭转疲劳试验机
  14037. endurance transverse stress test ==> 横向弯曲疲劳试验
  14038. endurance trial ==> 耐久试验,续航力试验
  14039. endure ==> 忍耐,持久,机把=>耐える,持ちこたえる,持続する
  14040. endure a lifetime of hardship ==> 忍受一辈子的苦难=>一生の苦難を耐え忍ぶ
  14041. enduring ==> 長続きする,永続的な
  14042. enduring change ==> 永続的変化
  14043. endwise slip ==> 轴向滑动
  14044. endy veneer ==> 斜纹刨切单板
  14045. ENEL, Ente Nazionale per I'Energia Elettrica ==> 意大利国家电力公司=>イタリア電力公社
  14046. enema ==> 灌肠,灌肠法,灌肠剂
  14047. enema syringe ==> 灌肠注射器
  14048. enemator with vulcanite nozzle ==> 带硬橡胶嘴的灌肠器
  14049. enen mode ==> 偶数膜
  14050. energency generator ==> 应急发电机
  14051. energency transmitter ==> 应急发送机
  14052. energetic ==> 精力的な,エネルギッシュな
  14053. energetic assessment ==> エネルギー評価
  14054. energetic atom ==> 高能原子
  14055. energetic barrier ==> エネルギー障壁
  14056. energetic basis ==> エネルギー的基礎
  14057. energetic beam ==> エネルギービーム
  14058. energetic decay ==> 高能衰变
  14059. energetic emission ==> 高能发射
  14060. energetic gamma rays ==> 高能γ射线
  14061. energetic ingredient ==> エネルギー原料
  14062. energetic meson ==> 高能介子
  14063. energetic particle ==> 高能粒子
  14064. energetic particle burst ==> 高能粒子爆
  14065. energetic particle event ==> 高能粒子事件
  14066. energetic particle instrument ==> 高能粒子仪器
  14067. energetic plasma ==> 高能等离子体
  14068. energetic recoil particle ==> 高能反冲粒子
  14069. energetic shower ==> 高能簇射
  14070. energetic solar particles ==> 高能太阳粒子
  14071. energetic storm particle ==> 高能暴粒子
  14072. energetic γ-ray ==> 高能γ射线
  14073. energetics ==> 能量学
  14074. Energico ==> 有精力的
  14075. Energinet ==> 丹麦电网公司
  14076. energize ==> 励磁
  14077. energize, to ==> 生かす
  14078. energized ==> 已激励的,已通电的
  14079. energized circuit ==> 带电回路,励磁回路,激励回路
  14080. energized conformation ==> 高能构象
  14081. energized facility ==> 赋能设备
  14082. energized field generator ==> 电磁激励发电机
  14083. energized for holding ==> 保持通电
  14084. energized force by pressure ==> 压力自紧力
  14085. energized network ==> 通电网络,赋能网络
  14086. energized position ==> 激励位置
  14087. energized relay circuit ==> 继电器磁路
  14088. energized system ==> 励磁系统,激励系统
  14089. energizing ==> 通电
  14090. energizing apparatus ==> 励磁设备,激励设备
  14091. energizing circuit ==> 励磁电路,激励电路
  14092. energizing circuit relay ==> 激励电路继电器
  14093. energizing coil ==> 励磁线圈
  14094. energizing frequency ==> 激励频率
  14095. energizing interval (dwell angle) ==> 励磁时间间隔
  14096. energizing lug ==> 驱动用凸铁
  14097. energizing voltage ==> 激励电压
  14098. energonic reaction ==> 收能反应
  14099. energy ==> 能量=>エネルギー, エナジー
  14100. energy absorbed in fracture ==> 断裂所吸收的能量
  14101. energy absorber ==> 能量吸收器
  14102. energy absorbing material ==> 能量吸收材料
  14103. energy absorbing methods ==> 能量吸收法
  14104. energy absorbing roadside crash barrier ==> 能量吸收式路边防撞护栅
  14105. energy absorbing tube ==> 能量吸收管
  14106. energy absorption ==> 能量吸收
  14107. energy absorption capability ==> 能量吸收能力=>エネルギー耐量
  14108. energy absorption coefficient ==> 能量吸收系数
  14109. energy absorption cross section ==> 能量吸收截面
  14110. energy acceptance ==> 能量接收度
  14111. energy accounting ==> 能量会计
  14112. energy accumulation ==> 能量积累
  14113. energy accumulator ==> 蓄能器
  14114. energy albedo ==> 能量反照率
  14115. energy amplification ==> 能量放大,功率放大
  14116. energy analysis method ==> 能量分析法
  14117. energy analyzer ==> エネルギー分析器
  14118. energy analyzing microscope ==> 能量分析显微镜
  14119. energy and gases supply for construction ==> 施工力能供应,对施工所需的水、电、热、氧气、乙炔气、氮气、压缩空气等的供应
  14120. energy and transportation fund ==> 能源交通基金
  14121. energy approach ==> 能量法=>エネルギー法,電力系統安定度判定手法
  14122. energy attenuation ==> 能量衰减
  14123. energy availability factor ==> 能量利用率
  14124. energy balance ==> 能量平衡,电量平衡,电力系统规划设计和电力生产调度在进行电力平衡后,对规定的时间内(如年、月、日)各类发电设备的发电量与预测需用电量的平衡
  14125. energy balance sheet ==> 能量平衡表
  14126. energy band ==> 能带=>エネルギー帯
  14127. energy band structure ==> 能带结构
  14128. energy barrier ==> 能垒,能量垒,能量位垒,(能量位垒)能障
  14129. energy beam ==> 能量射束
  14130. energy beaming ==> 能量辐射
  14131. energy belt ==> 能量预算
  14132. energy bill ==> 電力料金
  14133. energy bite ==> 能量间隔
  14134. energy brush ==> 供能电刷
  14135. energy budget ==> 能量估算,能量核算,能源预算
  14136. energy budget method ==> 能量平衡法
  14137. energy build up factor ==> 能量积累因子
  14138. energy build-up factor ==> 能量积累因数
  14139. energy by ocean current ==> 海流能
  14140. energy by wave motion ==> 波浪运动能
  14141. energy calculation ==> エネルギー計算
  14142. energy calibration standard ==> 能量校准标准
  14143. energy capacity ==> 能量
  14144. energy carrier ==> 能量载体
  14145. energy chain ==> 能链
  14146. energy change ==> 能量交换
  14147. energy charge ==> 电费=>電力量料金
  14148. energy circuit ==> 能路
  14149. energy coefficient ==> 能量系数
  14150. energy coincidence ==> 能量一致
  14151. energy component ==> 有功部分,有功分量
  14152. energy confinement time ==> 能量约束时间
  14153. energy conservation ==> 能量守恒,节能=>省エネルギー,省エネ
  14154. energy conservation equation ==> 能量守恒方程
  14155. energy conservation law ==> 能量守恒定律=>エネルギー保存則
  14156. energy conservation plan ==> 节能计划
  14157. energy conservation principle ==> 能量守恒定律,能量守恒原则
  14158. energy conservation program ==> 节能计划
  14159. energy constant ==> 能量常数
  14160. energy consumer ==> 电力用户
  14161. energy consumption ==> 能量消耗=>エネルギー消費量
  14162. energy consumption brake ==> 能量吸收制动器
  14163. energy consumption elasticity coefficient ==> 能源消费弹性系数
  14164. energy consumption for auxiliary load ==> 所内電力量
  14165. energy consumption growth coefficient ==> 能源消耗增长系数
  14166. energy consumption structure ==> 能源消费结构
  14167. energy content ==> 能的储量,含能量
  14168. energy continuum ==> 连续能区,能量连续区
  14169. energy control ==> 能源管理
  14170. energy conversion ==> 能量变换,能量转换=>エネルギー変換
  14171. energy conversion device ==> 能量转换设备
  14172. energy conversion efficiency ==> 能量转换效率=>エネルギー変換効率
  14173. energy conversion factor ==> 能量转换系数
  14174. energy conversion factor of discharge ==> 電水比
  14175. energy conversion rate ==> 能量转换率
  14176. energy converter ==> 能量变换器
  14177. energy cost ==> 能量消耗,能源成本
  14178. energy crisis ==> 能量危机
  14179. energy criterion ==> 能量判据
  14180. energy current ==> 有效电流
  14181. energy curtlaiment ==> 电量削减
  14182. energy curve ==> 能量曲线=>エネルギー曲線
  14183. energy cut off ==> 能量截止
  14184. energy cut-off ==> 能量阈
  14185. energy cycle ==> 能量循环
  14186. energy datum ==> 能量数据
  14187. energy decay ==> 能量衰减
  14188. energy deficiency ==> 能量不足
  14189. energy deficit ==> 能量不足
  14190. energy deflection curve ==> 能量变形曲线
  14191. energy degradation ==> 能量递减
  14192. energy delivering ==> 传送能量的
  14193. energy demand ==> 能量需求,能量需要=>エネルギー需要
  14194. energy demand analysis ==> 能量需求分析
  14195. energy demand and supply ==> エネルギー需給
  14196. energy demand of household ==> 家庭用エネルギー需要
  14197. energy demand trend ==> 能源需求趋势
  14198. energy density ==> 能量密度
  14199. energy density of electromagnetic field ==> 电磁场的能量密度
  14200. energy density of radiation ==> 辐射能密度
  14201. energy density of sound ==> 声能密度
  14202. energy density spectrum ==> 能量密度谱
  14203. energy deposition ==> 能量沉积
  14204. energy deposition event ==> 能量沉积事件
  14205. energy depot ==> 能源库
  14206. energy development ==> 能量开发,能源开发
  14207. energy diagram ==> 能量图解
  14208. energy difference ==> 能量差
  14209. energy discharge ==> 能量释放
  14210. energy discrimination method ==> 能量甄别法
  14211. energy dispersal ==> エネルギー拡散
  14212. energy dispersal characteristics ==> 能量扩散特性
  14213. energy dispersal signal ==> 能量扩散信号
  14214. energy disperser ==> 缓冲器
  14215. energy dispersion ==> 能量色散=>エネルギー拡散
  14216. energy dispersion analysis (EDA) ==> 能量色散分析
  14217. energy dispersion X-ray analysis ==> 能量色散X射线分析
  14218. energy dissipation ==> 能量消耗,消能,在泄水建筑物中,为消耗分散水流落差的能量,防止或减轻水流对水工建筑物及其下游河床河岸等冲刷破坏而采取的措施
  14219. energy dissipation by aeration ==> 掺气消能,高速水流与空气接触的界面,因水质点的紊动而导致气水两相掺混的现象,常被用作挑流掺气消能,以提高消能效果
  14220. energy dissipation by bottom flow ==> 底流消能,坝下设消力池,利用底流流态衔接的水跃,消耗分散泄水槽下泄水流的能量
  14221. energy dissipation by surface flow ==> 面流消能,利用设在泄水槽末端挑坎,使下泄水流与下游水垫呈面流流态衔接,以消耗分散下泄水流的能量
  14222. energy dissipation device ==> エネルギー吸収装置
  14223. energy dissipation rate of exercise ==> 运动热能消耗率
  14224. energy dissipatoer by shirt ==> 裙板消能工,在低水头闸、坝底板或护坦末端设有用以促成面流消能并防止地基淘刷的挑流平板,(又称裙板)消能工
  14225. energy dissipatoer through friction loss ==> 沿程消能工,在过水途径中设置阻流墩、多级阶梯或采取加糙底面等措施,逐步消耗分散下泄水流的能量
  14226. energy dissipator ==> 消能工,在泄水建筑物中,为消耗分散下泄水流的能量,防止或减轻水流对水工建筑物及其下游河床河岸等的冲刷破坏而修建的工程,其类型有:底流消能工、挑流消能工、面流消能工、戽斗消能工、沿程消能工、自由跃落式消能工、宽尾墩消能工和洞内消能工以及混合型式消能工等
  14227. energy dissipator within the tunnel ==> 洞内消能工,设于隧洞内的一种消能方式,常见洞内消能工有:突缩突扩式(孔板、洞塞等)、涡流式(坚井、平洞等)、塔内式和混合式
  14228. energy distribution ==> 能量分布,能量分配,能源分布
  14229. energy distribution curve ==> 能量分布曲线
  14230. energy distribution function ==> 能量分布函数
  14231. energy driver ==> エネルギードライバ
  14232. energy economics ==> 能源经济学
  14233. energy economy ==> 动能经济
  14234. energy effciency ratio ==> 能量效率比
  14235. energy effect ==> 能量效应
  14236. energy efficiency ==> 能量系数,能量效率,能源效应=>エネルギー効率
  14237. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Sub-committee ==> 能源效益及节约小组委员会
  14238. Energy Efficiency Label Implementation Rules 能源效率标识实施规则 ==> エネルギー効率標識実施規則
  14239. energy efficiency labelling scheme for household refrigerators ==> 家用雪柜能源效益卷标计划
  14240. Energy Efficiency Peace Award ==> 省エネルギー貢献賞
  14241. energy efficient space ==> 节能空间
  14242. energy elasticity ==> 能量弹性
  14243. energy elasticity coefficient ==> 能源弹性系数
  14244. energy electronics ==> エネルギーエレクトロニクス
  14245. energy emergency ==> 能源危机,供应短缺
  14246. energy emission ==> 能量发射
  14247. energy end-use database ==> 能源最终用途数据库
  14248. energy equation ==> 能量方程
  14249. energy equilibrium ==> 能量平衡
  14250. energy equipartition ==> 能量均分
  14251. energy equipartition time ==> 能量均分时间
  14252. energy equivalence ==> 能量当量
  14253. energy equivalent ==> 能当量
  14254. energy error ==> 能量误差
  14255. energy exchange ==> 能量交换=>エネルギー授受
  14256. energy expenditure ==> 能量消耗=>エネルギー消費
  14257. energy exploration ==> 能源勘探
  14258. energy factor ==> 能量因数
  14259. energy filter ==> 能量过滤器
  14260. energy flow ==> 能量流,能流=>エネルギーフロー
  14261. energy flow chart ==> 能流图
  14262. energy flow diagram ==> 能流图
  14263. energy flow model ==> 能流模型
  14264. energy fluence ==> 能注量,能量流量,能量注量
  14265. energy fluence rate ==> 能注量率
  14266. energy flux ==> 能通量
  14267. energy flux density ==> 能通量密度
  14268. energy flux vector ==> 能通量矢量
  14269. energy focusing ==> 能量聚焦
  14270. energy food ==> 能源食品
  14271. energy for bodily growth ==> 身体的生长能量
  14272. energy function ==> 能量函数
  14273. energy function method ==> エネルギー関数法
  14274. energy gain ==> 能量增益
  14275. energy gap ==> 禁带宽度=>エネルギーギャップ,禁制帯幅
  14276. energy generation ==> 能量产生
  14277. energy grade line ==> 能量梯度线
  14278. energy gradient ==> 能量梯度
  14279. energy group ==> (中子)能群=>エネルギー群
  14280. energy group number ==> エネルギー群数
  14281. energy group structure ==> エネルギー群構造
  14282. energy guideline factor ==> 能量基准因素
  14283. energy harvesting ==> 環境発電
  14284. energy head ==> [水流]能头
  14285. energy hubs ==> 能源供应中心. An energy hub is considered a unit where multiple energy carriers can by converted, conditioned, and stored.
  14286. energy imbalance ==> 電力量偏差調整
  14287. energy imparted ==> 授予能
  14288. energy import ==> 能量输入
  14289. energy impulse ==> 能脉冲
  14290. energy indices of hydropower station ==> 水电站能量指标,表示水电站能量的各种指标
  14291. energy industry ==> 能源工业
  14292. energy input ==> 能量输入
  14293. energy integral ==> 能量积分
  14294. energy intensity ==> 能量强度
  14295. energy intensive diffusion process ==> 能源密集扩散过程
  14296. energy interchange ==> エネルギー融通
  14297. energy interval ==> 能量间隔
  14298. energy jump ==> 能量跳变
  14299. energy kernel ==> 能量核
  14300. energy law ==> 能量定律
  14301. energy level ==> 能级=>エネルギー準位
  14302. energy level depopulation ==> 能级粒减少
  14303. energy level diagram ==> 能级图
  14304. energy level difference ==> 能级差
  14305. energy level distribution ==> 能级分布
  14306. energy level population ==> 能级粒子数
  14307. energy level scheme ==> 能级图
  14308. energy level splitting ==> 能级分裂
  14309. energy level transition ==> 能级跃迁
  14310. energy liberation ==> 能量释放
  14311. energy life time ==> 能量寿命
  14312. energy limit ==> 能量极限
  14313. energy line ==> 能量线
  14314. energy load ==> 能量负荷
  14315. energy loss ==> 能量损耗,能量损失=>エネルギー損失,エネルギー損
  14316. energy loss calculation ==> 电能损耗计算
  14317. energy loss spectrometer ==> 能量损失谱仪
  14318. energy loss spectroscopy ==> 能量损失谱
  14319. energy losses ==> 能量损耗,电能损耗,功率损耗对时间的积分
  14320. energy management ==> 能量管理,能量控制,能量消耗监控,能源管理
  14321. energy management system, EMS ==> 能量管理系统,一种计算机系统,包括提供基本支持服务的软件平台,以及提供使发电和输电设备有效运行所需功能的一套应用,以便用最小成本保证适当的供电安全性
  14322. Energy Managers in Business Programme ==> 商业机构能源经理计划
  14323. energy market ==> エネルギー市場
  14324. energy mass equivalence ==> 能量质量当量
  14325. energy matching ==> 能量匹配
  14326. energy measurement ==> 能量测量
  14327. energy metabolism ==> 能量代谢,耗能代谢
  14328. energy meter ==> 能量计,电度表,累积式瓦特计,能量表,火表
  14329. energy meter basic current ==> 电能表基本电流
  14330. energy meter class index ==> 电能表等级指数
  14331. energy meter maximum current ==> 电能表最大电流
  14332. energy meter rated current ==> 电能表额定电流
  14333. energy meter reference frequency ==> 电能表参比频率
  14334. energy meter reference voltage ==> 电能表参比电压
  14335. energy method ==> 能量法
  14336. energy mix ==> 能源混合体
  14337. energy model ==> 能量模型
  14338. energy modulation ==> 能量调制
  14339. energy momentum conservation ==> 能量动量守恒
  14340. energy momentum relationship ==> 能量动量关系
  14341. energy momentum tensor ==> 能量-动量张量,能量动量张量
  14342. energy multiplication factor ==> 能量倍增因子
  14343. energy needs ==> 能源需要
  14344. energy network ==> エネルギー流,エネルギーネットワーク
  14345. energy noise immunity ==> 能量-噪声抗扰度,能量抗扰度
  14346. energy not supplied ==> 缺供电量,在给定时间内,由一个或几个非正常条件而引起电力系统少供的电量
  14347. energy of a charge ==> 电荷能量
  14348. energy of a magnetic field ==> 磁界のエネルギー
  14349. energy of a quantum ==> 量子能量
  14350. energy of absolute zero ==> 绝对零点能量,绝对零点能量
  14351. energy of activation ==> 活化能
  14352. energy of adhesion ==> 粘附能
  14353. energy of deformation ==> 变形能
  14354. energy of electromagnetic field ==> 電磁界のエネルギー
  14355. energy of electron motion ==> 电子运动能
  14356. energy of electrostatic field ==> 静電界のエネルギー
  14357. energy of ensemble member ==> 集元能量
  14358. energy of light ==> 光能
  14359. energy of magnetic field ==> 磁场能量
  14360. energy of molecular dissociation ==> 分子离解能
  14361. energy of nucleus ==> 核能
  14362. energy of pile driving ==> 打桩能量
  14363. energy of plasma ==> 等离子体能量
  14364. energy of position ==> 电势能,位能,势能
  14365. energy of radiation ==> 辐射能
  14366. energy of resonance ==> 共振能
  14367. energy of rotation ==> 转动能
  14368. energy of sea current ==> 海流能
  14369. energy of the channel arises ==> 脉气所发
  14370. energy of thermal motion ==> 热运动能
  14371. energy of voluntary activity ==> 随意活动用能
  14372. energy olss of electron spectrometer ==> 电子能量损失谱仪
  14373. energy operation ==> 经济运行
  14374. energy oscillation ==> 能量振荡
  14375. energy outlook ==> エネルギー需給見通し
  14376. energy output ==> 输出能量,能量输出
  14377. energy pathway ==> 能量途径
  14378. energy per mole ==> 摩尔能量
  14379. energy period ==> 发芽势期
  14380. energy pipelines and systems ==> 能源管道与系统
  14381. energy plan ==> 能源计划
  14382. energy policy ==> 能源政策
  14383. energy poor ==> 能源贫乏,能源贫乏国家
  14384. energy power ==> 经济功率
  14385. energy price ==> 电量电价,又称"电度电价"=>エネルギー料金
  14386. energy pricing study ==> 能源价格研究
  14387. energy principle ==> 能量原理
  14388. energy processor module ==> 能量处理组件
  14389. energy product ==> 能积
  14390. energy product curve ==> 能积曲线
  14391. energy production and consumption ==> 能源生产与消耗量
  14392. energy production capacity ==> 能源生产能力
  14393. energy production of power station ==> 发电厂电能生产量
  14394. energy production structure ==> 能源生产结构
  14395. energy program ==> 能源计划
  14396. energy projection operators ==> 能量投影算符
  14397. energy protein ratio ==> 能量蛋白比
  14398. energy pulse bonding ==> 脉冲焊
  14399. energy pyramid ==> 能量金字塔
  14400. energy quantum ==> 能量子
  14401. energy radiation rate ==> 能量辐射率
  14402. energy range ==> 能量范围
  14403. energy rate ==> 能率,电量费率,使用每单位电能(kWh)应支付的电费
  14404. energy ratio ==> 能量比=>エネルギー収支比
  14405. energy recovery ==> 能量回收
  14406. energy recovery diode ==> 能量恢复二极管
  14407. energy recovery system ==> 能量恢复系统
  14408. energy recovery system engineering works ==> 热能回收工程设施
  14409. energy recuperation ==> 能量回收
  14410. Energy Reduction Programme ==> 能源节约方案
  14411. energy reflection build-up factor ==> 能量反射积累因数
  14412. energy release ==> 能量释放
  14413. energy requirement ==> 能量需要,需能量
  14414. energy reserve ==> 能量储备
  14415. energy resolution ==> 能量分辨率
  14416. energy resolving power ==> 能量分辨本领
  14417. energy resource ==> 能源
  14418. energy resource survey ==> 能源勘探
  14419. energy resources ==> 能源资源
  14420. energy resources data system ==> 能源数据系统
  14421. energy response ==> 能量特性,能量响应
  14422. energy retention ==> 能量存留
  14423. energy revolution ==> 能源革命
  14424. energy rich ==> 能源丰富国家
  14425. energy saving ==> 节能=>省エネルギー,省エネ,エコ
  14426. energy saving apparatuses ==> 节能设备
  14427. energy saving building ==> 节能建筑
  14428. energy saving space ==> 节能空间
  14429. energy saving technologies ==> 节能技术
  14430. energy scaling factor ==> 能量定标因数
  14431. energy scheme ==> 能量图
  14432. energy security ==> エネルギー安定供給
  14433. energy selection ==> 能量选择
  14434. energy sensitivity ==> 能量灵敏度
  14435. energy separation ==> 能量间隔
  14436. energy shortage ==> 能量不足,能源短缺,电能短缺,在一段时间内与电能需量相比的可用电能不足
  14437. energy slope ==> 能量梯度
  14438. energy source ==> 能源
  14439. energy spacing ==> 能量间隔
  14440. energy spectral density ==> 能谱密度
  14441. energy spectrum ==> 能谱=>エネルギースペクトラム
  14442. energy spectrum analysis ==> 能谱分析
  14443. energy spectrum density function ==> 能谱密度函数
  14444. energy spectrum function ==> 能谱函数
  14445. energy spread ==> 能量分散,能量扩展度
  14446. energy spreading waveform ==> 能量展布波形
  14447. energy stability ==> 能量稳定性
  14448. energy stabilization ==> 能量稳定
  14449. energy stage ==> 能量级
  14450. energy state ==> 能态=>能量状态
  14451. energy statistics ==> 能源统计
  14452. energy storage ==> 能量存储=>エネルギー貯蔵
  14453. energy storage braking ==> 能量积聚制动
  14454. energy storage capacitor ==> 蓄能电容器
  14455. energy storage cell ==> 蓄電セル
  14456. energy storage device ==> エネルギー蓄積要素,エネルギー蓄積媒体
  14457. energy storage material ==> 储能材料
  14458. energy storage of power system ==> 电力系统储能,把电力系统的电能转换成其他形式的能量储存起来,在需要时再转换成电能输入电力系统
  14459. energy storage problem ==> エネルギー保存の問題
  14460. energy storage spring ==> 储能弹簧
  14461. energy storage spring brake chamber ==> 储能弹簧制动气室
  14462. energy storage spring release mechanism ==> 储能弹簧放松机构
  14463. energy storage system ==> エネルギー貯蔵システム,電力貯蔵装置(ESS)
  14464. energy storage unit ==> 贮能元件
  14465. energy storage welding ==> 贮能焊,储能焊,脉冲焊接
  14466. energy store ==> 能量存储
  14467. energy stored in electric field ==> 電界のエネルギー
  14468. energy stored in magnetic field ==> 磁界のエネルギー
  14469. energy storing device ==> 储能装置
  14470. energy stream ==> 能流
  14471. energy supply ==> 电源,供能=>エネルギー供給
  14472. energy supply center ==> エネルギー供給施設
  14473. energy supply system ==> エネルギー供給システム
  14474. energy supply to the brain ==> 脳へのエネルギー供給
  14475. energy surface ==> 能面
  14476. energy synthesis ==> 能量综合
  14477. energy system ==> 能源系统,能量体系,能量系统
  14478. energy systems analysis ==> エネルギーシステム分析
  14479. energy systems engineering ==> 动力系统工程
  14480. energy systems laboratory ==> 能源设备实验
  14481. energy technology ==> 能源工程学
  14482. energy term ==> 能量项
  14483. energy terminal ==> 能源码头
  14484. energy theft ==> エネルギー万引き
  14485. energy thickness ==> 能量损失强度
  14486. energy to failure ==> 断裂能
  14487. energy to fracture ==> 断裂能量,冲击韧性
  14488. energy to initiate crack ==> 初始裂纹能量
  14489. energy transducer ==> 换能器
  14490. energy transfer ==> 能量传输,能量转移
  14491. energy transfer as heat ==> 以热的形式传能
  14492. energy transfer as work ==> 以功的形式传能
  14493. energy transfer equation ==> 能量交换方程
  14494. energy transfer function ==> 能量转移函数
  14495. energy transfer matrix ==> 能量转移矩阵
  14496. energy transfer mechanism ==> 能量转换机理
  14497. energy transfer process ==> 能量转移过程
  14498. energy transfer time ==> 能量转移时间
  14499. energy transformation ==> 能量变换
  14500. energy transformer ==> 能量转化者
  14501. energy transition ==> 能级阶跃
  14502. energy transition temperature ==> 能量-脆性转变温度
  14503. energy transmission ==> 能量传递
  14504. energy transmission build-up factor ==> 能量透射积累因子
  14505. energy transmission test ==> 能量透射法试验
  14506. energy transport ==> 能量输送
  14507. energy transport infrastructure ==> エネルギー輸送インフラ
  14508. energy trap vibration mode ==> 能陷振动模式
  14509. energy uniformity ==> 能量均匀性
  14510. energy unit ==> 能量单位
  14511. energy use ==> 能量的利用,能源消费
  14512. energy users ==> 能源利用者
  14513. energy utility management ==> 能源使用管理
  14514. energy utilization ==> 能的利用
  14515. energy value ==> 能量值=>電力量価値
  14516. energy volume density ==> エネルギー体積密度
  14517. energy waste ==> 能量损耗
  14518. energy web ==> エナジーウェブ
  14519. energy yield ==> 能量输出
  14520. energy-absorbing bumper system ==> 能量吸收式保险杠系统
  14521. energy-absorbing frame ==> 能量吸收式车架
  14522. energy-absorbing front end ==> (汽车的)能量吸收前端
  14523. energy-absorbing hitch ==> 减振挂钩
  14524. energy-absorbing steering assembly ==> 能量吸收型转向装置
  14525. energy-absorbing steering column ==> 能量吸收式转向柱
  14526. energy-absorption capacity ==> 能量吸收能力
  14527. energy-absorption cross-section ==> 能量吸收截面
  14528. energy-analyzing magnet ==> 能量分析磁铁
  14529. energy-balance equation ==> 能量平衡方程
  14530. energy-balance method ==> 能量平衡法
  14531. energy-based index ==> 基本农量指标
  14532. energy-charge relation ==> 能量-电荷比
  14533. energy-dependent flux ==> 能量相关通量
  14534. energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) ==> 能量分散X射线分析
  14535. energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) ==> 能量色散X射线荧光
  14536. energy-economic system ==> 动能经济系统
  14537. energy-efficient ==> 省エネルギーの
  14538. energy-efficient engine ==> 燃費の良いエンジン
  14539. energy-exchange time ==> 能量交换时间
  14540. energy-flow diagram ==> 能流图
  14541. energy-flux density ==> 能流密度
  14542. energy-handling capability ==> 能量处理能力
  14543. energy-hungry advanced country ==> 缺能源的工业先进国
  14544. energy-impulse matrix ==> 能量-动量矩阵,能量动量矩阵
  14545. energy-insensitive detector ==> 能量不灵敏探测器
  14546. energy-intensive technology ==> 能源密集的技术
  14547. energy-level width ==> 能级宽度
  14548. energy-loss-time ==> 能量置换时间
  14549. energy-magnitude ==> 能量-震级
  14550. energy-modulated beams ==> 能量已调制束
  14551. energy-momentum pseudotensor ==> 能量-动量赝张量
  14552. energy-product curve ==> 能量积曲线
  14553. energy-replacement time ==> 能量置换时间
  14554. energy-rich bond ==> 高能键
  14555. energy-rich chemical fuel ==> 高能化学燃料
  14556. energy-rich compound ==> 高能化合物
  14557. energy-rich phosphate ==> 高能磷酸化物
  14558. energy-rich phosphate bond ==> 高能磷酸键
  14559. energy-rich thioester bond ==> 高能硫酯键
  14560. energy-saving ==> 节能=>省エネの
  14561. energy-saving air conditioner ==> 节能型空调=>省エネルギー型エアコン
  14562. energy-saving checkout automobile ==> 节能检测车
  14563. energy-saving cookware ==> 省エネの調理器具
  14564. energy-saving effect ==> 省エネ効果
  14565. energy-saving equipment ==> 省エネ設備
  14566. energy-saving home appliance ==> 省エネ型の家庭電化製品
  14567. energy-saving investment ==> 节能投资
  14568. energy-saving month ==> 省エネルギー月間
  14569. energy-saving products ==> 节能产品=>省エネ製品
  14570. energy-saving project ==> 节能事业=>省エネ事業
  14571. energy-saving ratio ==> 省エネルギー率
  14572. energy-saving society ==> 节能社会=>省エネルギー型社会
  14573. energy-saving strategy ==> 节能对策=>省エネ対策
  14574. energy-saving system ==> 省エネシステム
  14575. energy-saving technique ==> 节能技术=>省エネ技術
  14576. energy-selective slit ==> 能量选择缝
  14577. energy-storage AI electrolytic capacitor ==> 储能铝电解电容器
  14578. energy-supply circuit ==> エネルギー供給回路
  14579. energy-supply crisis ==> エネルギー供給危機
  14580. energy-thrifty vending machine ==> エネルギー節約形の自動販売機
  14581. energy-valley ==> 能谷
  14582. energy-variant sequential detection ==> 能量变化顺序检测,变能序列检测
  14583. enetrating wound of posterior cranial fossa ==> 颅后窝穿通伤
  14584. enfaced paper ==> 具名支票,具名支票
  14585. enfacial junction ==> 贴面接合
  14586. Enfield rifle ==> 恩菲尔德式步枪
  14587. enfoldig batch charger ==> 包料式加料机
  14588. enforce payment ==> 强制性支付
  14589. enforceable contract ==> 可强制执行的合同
  14590. enforced currency ==> 强制通货
  14591. enforced idle time ==> 强制空闲时间
  14592. enforced meander ==> 强化曲流
  14593. enforced settlement ==> 强迫下沉
  14594. enforcement management system (EMS) ==> 执行管理系统
  14595. enforcement of rights ==> 执行权利
  14596. ENG Engine ==> 引擎
  14597. ENG, engineering ==> 技術
  14598. engage ==> 啮合=>かみ合う
  14599. engage a gear ==> 挂档
  14600. engage angle ==> 接触角
  14601. engage in all kinds of foreign exchange operations ==> 经营外汇业务,经营外汇业务
  14602. engage in contango operations as a taker in ==> 期货溢价交易
  14603. engage in labour to a very small extent ==> 附带劳动
  14604. engage in speculation ==> 投机倒把
  14605. engage in speculation and profiteering ==> 投机倒把
  14606. engage in trade ==> 货殖
  14607. engage relay ==> 接通继电器
  14608. engage spring ==> 啮合弹簧
  14609. engage switch ==> 啮合器
  14610. engage test ==> 忙碌试验
  14611. engaged ==> 占线的
  14612. engaged click ==> 占线试验音
  14613. engaged column ==> 嵌墙柱,附墙柱
  14614. engaged condition ==> 占线状态
  14615. engaged lamp ==> 占线信号灯
  14616. engaged line ==> 占线,忙线
  14617. engaged pier ==> 嵌墙墩
  14618. engaged signal ==> 占线信号
  14619. engaged switch ==> 接通开关
  14620. engaged test ==> 占线测试=>話中試験
  14621. engaged tone ==> 占线信号,忙音
  14622. engaged wheel ==> 从动轮
  14623. engagement ==> 啮合=>かみ合っていること
  14624. engagement area ==> かみ合い範囲
  14625. engagement area of rifle ==> ライフルの射距離
  14626. engagement book ==> 備忘録
  14627. engagement factor ==> 接触比,重合度
  14628. engagement latch ==> 咬合锁=>掛け金
  14629. engagement letter ==> 聘书
  14630. engagement memorandum ==> 业务备忘录
  14631. engagement of fetal head ==> 胎头衔接
  14632. engagement range ==> 接合范围,啮合范围,捕获距离
  14633. engagement sleeve ==> 齿轮离合器
  14634. engagement system ==> 啮合方式
  14635. engaging contact ==> 进啮
  14636. engaging friction ==> 进入摩擦,啮合摩擦
  14637. engaging friction cone ==> 同步摩擦锥轮
  14638. engaging lever ==> 接合杆,开动杆
  14639. engaging lug ==> 连接耳
  14640. engaging means ==> 接通机构,接通装置
  14641. engaging mechanism ==> 接合机构,啮合机构
  14642. engaging reverse gear ==> 接倒档齿轮
  14643. engaging side of gears ==> 齿轮啮合边
  14644. Engel coefficient ==> 恩格尔系数
  14645. Engel curve ==> 恩格尔曲线
  14646. Engel curve analysis ==> 恩格尔曲线分析
  14647. Engel elasticity ==> 恩格尔弹性
  14648. Engel's coefficient ==> エンゲル係数
  14649. Engelhardt testing ==> 恩格尔哈特实验
  14650. Engelhardt value ==> 恩格尔哈特值
  14651. Engelian coefficient ==> 恩格尔系数
  14652. Engels law ==> 恩格尔定律
  14653. engender a crisis ==> 危機を生む
  14654. engine ==> 发动机,引擎,机车,火车头=>エンジン
  14655. engine access panel ==> エンジン点検口
  14656. engine accessories ==> 发动机附属品=>エンジン付属部品
  14657. engine accessory ==> 发动机辅助装置
  14658. engine adjustments ==> エンジン調整
  14659. engine aft bulkhead ==> エンジン後部隔壁
  14660. engine afterburner system ==> 发动机加力燃烧系统
  14661. engine air capacity ==> 发动机的空气流量
  14662. engine air inlet ==> エンジン空気取り入れ口
  14663. engine air intake precleaner ==> 发动机进气粗滤器
  14664. engine alternator ==> 机动同步发电机
  14665. engine alternator set ==> 发动机交流发电机组
  14666. engine altitude chamber ==> 发动机高空低压实验室
  14667. engine analyzer ==> 引擎分析器=>エンジンアナライザー
  14668. engine and gearbox unit ==> 发动机和齿轮箱组
  14669. engine anti-icing system ==> 发动机防冰系统
  14670. engine antifreeze ==> 发动机防冻剂=>不凍液
  14671. engine application ==> エンジン応用
  14672. engine arm ==> 发动机起动摇把,牙机臂
  14673. engine ash ==> 炉渣
  14674. engine assembly ==> 发动机装配=>エンジン組立
  14675. engine attendant ==> 司机,机工
  14676. engine balance ==> 发动机平衡=>機関のつりあい
  14677. engine barn ==> 機関車庫
  14678. engine bay ==> 機関室
  14679. engine bay cooling system ==> 发动机舱冷却系统
  14680. engine bearer ==> 发动机座
  14681. engine bearer foot ==> 发动机支座支撑脚
  14682. engine bearing ==> エンジン軸受
  14683. engine bed ==> 发动机架
  14684. engine behavior ==> エンジン挙動
  14685. engine bit ==> 牙钻
  14686. engine block ==> 发动机组,汽缸体
  14687. engine blower ==> 发动机风扇
  14688. engine body ==> 发动机机体
  14689. engine bonnet ==> 发动机罩
  14690. engine book ==> 发动机记录薄
  14691. engine bracket ==> 发动机托架
  14692. engine brake ==> 发动机闸
  14693. engine braking ==> 发动机制动
  14694. engine bulkhead ==> 发动机隔壁
  14695. engine capacity ==> 发动机容量=>エンジン排気量
  14696. engine car ==> 发动机吊舱
  14697. engine case ==> 曲轴箱,发动机箱
  14698. engine casing ==> 機関ケーシング
  14699. engine casing (Eng Cas) ==> 电动机罩
  14700. engine cast pad ==> 发动机壳垫
  14701. engine chamber ==> 機関部
  14702. engine characteristic ==> エンジン特性
  14703. engine characteristics ==> エンジン特性
  14704. engine choke ==> エンジン空気吸込み調節装置
  14705. engine cleaning agent ==> 发动机洗涤剂
  14706. engine cleansing agent ==> 发动机清洗剂
  14707. engine clutch ==> 发动机离合器
  14708. engine clutch housing ==> 发动机离合器壳
  14709. engine cold running test installation ==> 发动机冷试转设备
  14710. engine cold start control ==> 发动机冷起动操纵件
  14711. engine combustion ==> エンジン燃焼
  14712. engine combustion chamber ==> エンジン燃焼室
  14713. engine company ==> 消防車隊
  14714. engine company number ==> 消防車番号
  14715. engine compartment ==> 发动机舱,机舱=>エンジンルーム,エンジン室
  14716. engine compartment door ==> 发动机舱门
  14717. engine compartment drain valve ==> 机舱放泄阀
  14718. engine compartment heater ==> 机舱加热器
  14719. engine compartment heater duct ==> 机舱加热器导管
  14720. engine compartment lamp ==> 发动机室照明灯
  14721. engine compartment terminal box ==> 机舱接线盒
  14722. engine component ==> 機関部品
  14723. engine compression ignition engine ==> 压燃式发动机
  14724. engine compressor ==> エンジン圧縮機
  14725. engine concept ==> エンジン構想
  14726. engine conditioning ==> 发动机调节
  14727. engine conditioning oil ==> 发动机清洗油
  14728. engine conditions ==> エンジン条件
  14729. engine configuration ==> 发电机布置,发动机布置=>エンジン形態
  14730. engine continuous output ==> 发动机持续功率
  14731. engine control ==> エンジン制御
  14732. engine control characteristic ==> 发动机控制特性
  14733. engine control gear ==> 发动机控制机构
  14734. engine control lever ==> 发动机操纵杆
  14735. engine control panel ==> 发动机控制盘
  14736. engine control stand ==> 发动机操纵台
  14737. engine control system ==> 发动机操纵系统,发动机控制系统=>エンジン制御システム
  14738. engine control unit ==> エンジン制御装置
  14739. engine controller ==> 发动机调节器=>エンジン制御器
  14740. engine conversion ==> エンジン改造
  14741. engine coolant ==> 发动机冷却液
  14742. engine coolant heater ==> 发动机冷却液加温器
  14743. engine coolant temperature ==> エンジン冷却水の温度
  14744. engine cooling ==> 发动机冷却=>機関冷却
  14745. engine cooling fan ==> エンジン冷却ファン
  14746. engine cooling water ==> エンジン冷却水
  14747. engine cover ==> エンジンカバー
  14748. engine cover handle ==> エンジンカバーの把手
  14749. engine cowl ==> エンジンカウル
  14750. engine cowling ==> 发动机罩
  14751. engine cradle ==> 发动机架
  14752. engine crank ==> 发动机曲柄
  14753. engine crank shaft loading ==> 发动机曲轴负载
  14754. engine cranking motor ==> 发动机起动马达
  14755. engine crankshaft ==> 发动机曲轴=>エンジンクランク軸
  14756. engine crew ==> 轮机组
  14757. engine cross-drive casing ==> 发动机横向传动箱
  14758. engine cut off timer ==> 发动机停车记时器
  14759. engine cut-off ==> 发动机停车
  14760. engine cut-off velocity ==> 发动机停车瞬时速度
  14761. engine cutoff ==> エンジンの遮断
  14762. engine cycle ==> 发动机循环,热机循环=>機関サイクル
  14763. engine cycle pressure ratio ==> 发动机循环增压比
  14764. engine cylinder ==> 发动机气缸=>エンジンシリンダー
  14765. engine cylinder displacement ==> 发动机汽缸排量
  14766. engine cylinder oil tank ==> 发动机汽缸油箱
  14767. engine cylinders in line arrangement ==> 发动机汽缸直线单行排列
  14768. engine cylinders opposed arrangement ==> 发动机双排汽缸相对平放
  14769. engine cylinders radial arrangement ==> 发动机双排汽缸星形排列
  14770. engine damage ==> エンジン損傷
  14771. engine data ==> 发动机数据
  14772. engine department ==> 機関部
  14773. engine depot ==> 機関区
  14774. engine design ==> エンジン設計
  14775. engine design department ==> エンジン設計室
  14776. engine designer ==> エンジン設計者
  14777. engine detail ==> 发动机详图
  14778. engine deterioration ==> エンジン劣化
  14779. engine detonation indicator ==> 发动机爆燃指示器
  14780. engine development ==> エンジン開発
  14781. engine diagnosis ==> エンジン診断
  14782. engine diagnosis system ==> 機関診断システム
  14783. engine diagnostics ==> エンジン診断
  14784. engine displacement ==> 排気量
  14785. engine distillate ==> 发动机用轻油
  14786. engine drag ==> 发动机阻力
  14787. engine drive ==> エンジン駆動
  14788. engine driven arc welding machine ==> エンジンアーク溶接機
  14789. engine driven self-priming pump ==> 柴油机自吸泵
  14790. engine driver ==> 司机
  14791. engine dry weight ==> 发动机自重
  14792. engine durability ==> エンジン耐久性
  14793. engine dust pan ==> 发动机防尘盘
  14794. engine dynamics ==> 发动机动力学
  14795. engine dynamometer ==> エンジン動力計
  14796. engine economy ==> エンジン経済
  14797. engine efficiency ==> 发动机效率=>エンジン効率
  14798. engine emission ==> エンジン排気
  14799. engine enclosure ==> エンジンカバー
  14800. engine endurance ==> エンジン耐久性
  14801. engine endurance test ==> 发电机耐久性试验,发动机耐久试验
  14802. engine equipment ==> エンジン装置
  14803. engine exhaust ==> エンジン排気
  14804. engine exhaust gas ==> エンジン排ガス
  14805. engine exhaust manifold ==> 发动机排气歧管
  14806. engine exhaust noise ==> エンジン排気騒音
  14807. engine exhaust pipe ==> 发动机排气管
  14808. engine exhaust port ==> 機関排気口
  14809. engine experiment ==> エンジン試験
  14810. engine failure ==> 发动机故障
  14811. engine fan pulley ==> 风扇主动皮带轮
  14812. engine feed pump ==> 发动机供料泵
  14813. engine filter ==> 发动机滤清器
  14814. engine firing ==> エンジン着火
  14815. engine flame ==> エンジン炎
  14816. engine floor ==> 機関室床
  14817. engine fluid ==> 发动机防冻液
  14818. engine flywheel ==> 发动机飞轮
  14819. engine for boat ==> 船舶引擎
  14820. engine fouling ==> 发动机污脏
  14821. engine frame ==> 机架,发动机机架=>エンジン架構
  14822. engine friction ==> 发动机摩擦力=>エンジン摩擦
  14823. engine front ==> 发动机前面面积
  14824. engine front mount ==> エンジン前部取付部分
  14825. engine front mounting plate ==> エンジン前部取付板
  14826. engine front support ==> 发动机前支架
  14827. engine front support bracket ==> 发动机前支架
  14828. engine front support link ==> エンジン前部支持機構
  14829. engine fuel ==> 機関燃料
  14830. engine gasket ==> 发动机密封垫=>エンジン用ガスケット
  14831. engine gasoline ==> エンジンガソリン
  14832. engine gauge ==> 发动机指示器=>エンジン計器
  14833. engine gauge unit ==> 发动机仪表组
  14834. engine gearbox ==> 发动机齿轮箱
  14835. engine gearbox unit ==> 发动机齿轮箱组
  14836. engine generator ==> 发动机驱动型发电机=>エンジン発電機
  14837. engine geometry ==> エンジン形態
  14838. engine governed speed ==> 发动机调速
  14839. engine governor ==> 发动机调速器,引擎调速器
  14840. engine governor testing stand ==> 柴油机调速器试验台
  14841. engine ground strap ==> 发动机接地片
  14842. engine gudgeon pin ==> 发动机活塞销
  14843. engine guide ==> 十子头导承
  14844. engine gum ==> 发动机工作中形成的胶状物质
  14845. engine hand piece ==> 发动机手柄
  14846. engine handling ==> エンジン操作
  14847. engine hatch ==> 发动机舱口
  14848. engine head ==> エンジン頭部
  14849. engine health monitoring ==> 发电机安全检查,发动机安全检查
  14850. engine heat indicator ==> 发动机温度计
  14851. engine heater ==> 发动机保温箱
  14852. engine heating rate ==> 发动机发热速率
  14853. engine high temperature alarm switch ==> 发动机高温告警开关
  14854. engine hoist ==> 发动机起重机
  14855. engine hoisting sling ==> 发动机吊索
  14856. engine hood ==> 发动机罩
  14857. engine hood panel ==> 发动机盖板
  14858. engine hood upper side panel ==> 发动机盖上侧板
  14859. engine hour meter ==> 发动机工作小时表=>機関運転時間計
  14860. engine house ==> 动力车间=>機関車庫
  14861. engine housing ==> エンジンハウジング
  14862. engine idling speed adjusting screw ==> 发动机怠速调整螺丝
  14863. engine improvement ==> エンジン改良
  14864. engine in frame aligement device ==> 发动机在车架上定中心设备
  14865. engine in situ ==> 底盘发动机,原位发动机
  14866. engine in v arrangement v ==> 型发动机
  14867. engine indicator ==> 示功器
  14868. engine inlet ==> エンジン吸気口
  14869. engine inlet ram ==> 发动机进气口冲压
  14870. engine installation ==> エンジン設置
  14871. engine instrumentation ==> エンジン計器
  14872. engine instruments ==> エンジン計器
  14873. engine insurance ==> 機関保険
  14874. engine intake ==> 发动机进气口=>エンジン吸気口
  14875. engine jet pipe ==> 发动机喷管
  14876. engine keelson ==> 承受发动机的内龙骨
  14877. engine kilometer ==> 机车公里
  14878. engine knock ==> 敲缸,发动机爆燃,发动机爆声,发动机爆震
  14879. engine knocking ==> ノッキング
  14880. engine lathe ==> 普通车床=>普通旋盤
  14881. engine layout ==> エンジン配置
  14882. engine life ==> 发动机寿命=>エンジン寿命
  14883. engine lifting bracket ==> 发动机吊架
  14884. engine lifting fixture ==> 发动机吊架
  14885. engine lifting hook ==> 发动机吊钩
  14886. engine load ==> 发动机载荷=>エンジン負荷
  14887. engine loading ==> エンジン搭載
  14888. engine location ==> 发动机位置=>エンジン取付位置
  14889. engine log book ==> 機関日誌
  14890. engine long stroke ==> 长冲程发动机
  14891. engine louver ==> 发动机放气孔
  14892. engine louvers ==> エンジンルーバー,放熱孔
  14893. engine lubricant ==> エンジン潤滑油
  14894. engine lubricating oil ==> 发动机润滑油
  14895. engine lubrication ==> エンジン潤滑
  14896. engine lubrication system ==> 发动机润滑系统
  14897. engine lug ==> 发动机凸耳
  14898. engine lugging ==> 发动机振动
  14899. engine maintenance ==> エンジン整備
  14900. engine maintenance area ==> 发动机保养范围
  14901. engine malfunction ==> エンジン不調
  14902. engine mallet ==> 牙机锤
  14903. engine man ==> 司机
  14904. engine man's indicator ==> 机车信号机
  14905. engine management ==> エンジン管理
  14906. engine manufacturer ==> エンジン製造者
  14907. engine mass ==> 機関質量
  14908. engine material ==> エンジン材料
  14909. engine mechanic ==> エンジン整備工
  14910. engine mechanism ==> エンジン機構
  14911. engine midship ==> 舯机舱船
  14912. engine mission ==> 发动机变速箱
  14913. engine mission gauge ==> 发动机变速箱转数表
  14914. engine mission meter ==> 发动机变速箱转数计
  14915. engine model ==> エンジンモデル
  14916. engine modeling ==> エンジンモデル
  14917. engine moment ==> 发动机力矩
  14918. engine monitor ==> 发动机监测器
  14919. engine monitoring ==> エンジン監視
  14920. engine monitoring and marine navigation support system ==> エンジン監視と船舶運航支援システム,エンジン監視と陸上支援システム
  14921. engine monitoring system ==> エンジン監視システム
  14922. engine motion ==> エンジン運動
  14923. engine mount ==> エンジンマウント,発動機架
  14924. engine mount stiffness ==> エンジンマウント剛性
  14925. engine mounted longitudinally ==> 纵向布置发动机
  14926. engine mounted transversally ==> 横向布置发动机
  14927. engine mounting ==> 发动机架,发动机固定方式=>エンジンマウンティング,エンジン搭載
  14928. engine mounting bolt hole ==> エンジン懸架用ボルト穴
  14929. engine mounting bracket ==> 发动机安装支架=>エンジン取り付けブラケット
  14930. engine mounting ring ==> 发动机环架
  14931. engine mounting structure ==> 发动机机架结构
  14932. engine nacelle ==> 发动机短舱
  14933. engine nameplate ==> 发动机标牌
  14934. engine noise ==> 发动机噪声=>エンジン音
  14935. engine nozzle ==> エンジンノズル,エンジン噴射口
  14936. engine number ==> 发动机号数
  14937. engine off ==> 发动机停车
  14938. engine oil ==> 发动机润滑油
  14939. engine oil capacity ==> 发动机油容量
  14940. engine oil conditioner ==> 机油脱水装置
  14941. engine oil dilution system ==> 发动机润滑油稀释系统
  14942. engine oil filling cap ==> 发动机加油口盖
  14943. engine oil filter ==> 发动机润滑油滤清器
  14944. engine oil gallery ==> 发动机润滑油路
  14945. engine oil heater ==> 机车燃油加热器
  14946. engine oil level indicator ==> 发动机油面高度指示器
  14947. engine oil pan ==> 发动机油盘
  14948. engine oil pressue indicator ==> 发动机油压表
  14949. engine oil pressure gauge ==> 发动机机油压力表
  14950. engine oil sludge ==> 发动机油渣
  14951. engine oil sump ==> 发动机油槽
  14952. engine oil supply passage ==> 发动机输油路
  14953. engine oil system ==> 发动机滑油系统
  14954. engine oil tank ==> 发动机油箱
  14955. engine on ==> 发动发动机
  14956. engine operating mode ==> エンジン運転モード
  14957. engine operating temperature ==> 发动机操作温度
  14958. engine operation command ==> 发动机操作指令
  14959. engine oscillograph ==> 发动机示波器
  14960. engine output ==> 发动机输出功率=>エンジン出力
  14961. engine overhaul ==> 发动机大修
  14962. engine overspeed switch ==> 发动机超速开关
  14963. engine pack ==> 发动机组件
  14964. engine pan ==> 发动机底盘
  14965. engine parameter ==> 发动机参数
  14966. engine parts ==> 发动机零件
  14967. engine pedestal ==> 发动机台架
  14968. engine performance ==> 发动机性能=>エンジン性能
  14969. engine performance chart ==> 发动机性能图表
  14970. engine performance curve ==> エンジン性能曲線
  14971. engine performance test ==> 发动机性能试验
  14972. engine pick-ups ==> 发动机支台
  14973. engine piston ==> 发动机活塞
  14974. engine pit ==> 飞轮槽,曲柄箱油槽,汽车检修坑,修车坑
  14975. engine placement ==> エンジンの搭載位置
  14976. engine plant ==> 发动机车间
  14977. engine plow ==> 机动犁
  14978. engine pod ==> 发动机短舱
  14979. engine power ==> 发动机功率=>エンジン出力,機関軸出力
  14980. engine power output ==> エンジン出力
  14981. engine power rating ==> 发动机额定功率,发动机功率定额
  14982. engine preheater ==> 发动机预热器
  14983. engine pressure ==> 发动机爆燃压力=>エンジン圧力
  14984. engine pressure radio gauges ==> エンジン圧力計
  14985. engine preventive maintenance ==> 发动机预防性保养
  14986. engine primer ==> 发动机起动器
  14987. engine program ==> エンジン計画
  14988. engine programmer ==> 发动机程序设计
  14989. engine propeller unit ==> 发动机螺旋桨组
  14990. engine purchase ==> エンジン購入
  14991. engine racing ==> 发动机超速转,发动机的高速空转
  14992. engine radiation ==> 发动机热辐射
  14993. engine radiator ==> 引擎散热器
  14994. engine radius rod bracket ==> 发动机半径杆托架
  14995. engine ram ==> 发动机进气口冲压
  14996. engine rating ==> エンジン定格
  14997. engine rear ==> エンジンリア,エンジン後部
  14998. engine rear mount ==> エンジン後部取付部分
  14999. engine rear mounting plate ==> エンジン後部取付板
  15000. engine rear support ==> 发动机后支架
  15001. engine refurbishment ==> エンジン改装
  15002. engine reliability improvement ==> エンジン信頼性向上
  15003. engine removal ==> エンジンの取り外し
  15004. engine repair ==> エンジン修理
  15005. engine repair section ==> 发动机修理组
  15006. engine repair stand ==> 发动机修理台
  15007. engine research ==> エンジン研究
  15008. engine restart ==> 发动机重新启动
  15009. engine revolution ==> 发动机转数
  15010. engine revolution counter ==> 发动机转数表,发动机转数计
  15011. engine rig test ==> 发动机试验台试验
  15012. engine room ==> 发动机房,机舱,轮机舱=>機関室
  15013. engine room bulkhead ==> 機関室の隔壁
  15014. engine room casing ==> 機関室の囲壁
  15015. engine room floor ==> 機関室床
  15016. engine room log ==> 機関日誌
  15017. engine room monitor panel ==> 機関室監視盤
  15018. engine room skylight ==> 機関室天窓
  15019. engine room window ==> 機関室窓
  15020. engine rotation ==> エンジン回転
  15021. engine rotational frequency ==> 发动机转速
  15022. engine rumbling loudly ==> ブルブルと大きな音を立てているエンジン
  15023. engine runner ==> 司机
  15024. engine salvage machine ==> 发动机补修机
  15025. engine scope ==> 发动机示波器=>エンジンスコープ
  15026. engine scuffing ==> 发动机磨损
  15027. engine seat ==> 機関台
  15028. engine section ==> 发动机部分
  15029. engine sequence panel ==> 发动机次序操纵台
  15030. engine set protecting relay ==> 机组保护继电器
  15031. engine shaft ==> 发动机轴=>エンジンシャフト
  15032. engine shed ==> 機関車庫
  15033. engine shop ==> 发动机制造厂=>エンジン部門
  15034. engine shorting-out ==> 发动机停火
  15035. engine shroud ==> 发动机挡板
  15036. engine shutdown device ==> 发动机停机装置
  15037. engine simulator ==> エンジンシミュレータ
  15038. engine skylight ==> 機関室天窓
  15039. engine sludge ==> 发动机淤渣
  15040. engine smoke ==> 排気煙
  15041. engine solar oil ==> 发动机太阳油,发动机瓦斯油,粗柴油,柴油机燃料
  15042. engine sound ==> エンジン音
  15043. engine specifications ==> エンジン仕様
  15044. engine speed ==> 发动机转速度=>エンジン速度
  15045. engine speed indicator ==> 发动机转速表
  15046. engine speed recorder ==> 发动机转速表
  15047. engine speed sensor ==> エンジンスピードセンサー
  15048. engine spigot ==> 发动机塞
  15049. engine stabilizer arm ==> 发动机安全臂
  15050. engine stabilizer bar ==> 发动机稳定器杆
  15051. engine stabilizer bracket ==> 发动机安定架
  15052. engine stabilizer pad ==> 发动机安定垫
  15053. engine stabilizer spring ==> 发动机稳定器弹簧
  15054. engine stall ==> エンジン失速,エンスト
  15055. engine stalling ==> 发动机自动停车
  15056. engine stand ==> 发动机架,发动机座=>エンジンスタンド
  15057. engine start ==> 发动机起动
  15058. engine start levers ==> エンジン始動レバー
  15059. engine start preheating switch ==> 发动机预热起动开关
  15060. engine start switch ==> 发动机起动开关
  15061. engine starter ==> 起动器起动机=>エンジン始動器
  15062. engine starter fluid ==> エンジン始動液
  15063. engine starting ==> エンジン始動
  15064. engine starting contactor ==> 发动机起动接触器
  15065. engine starting fuel ==> 发动机起动燃料
  15066. engine starting gear ==> 发动机起动装置
  15067. engine starting handle ==> 发动机起动手柄
  15068. engine starting mechanism ==> 发动机起动机构
  15069. engine starting system ==> 发动机起动系统
  15070. engine starts ==> エンジンがかかる
  15071. engine sticking ==> 发动机活塞卡住
  15072. engine stop ==> エンジンストップ
  15073. engine stop valve ==> 停车阀
  15074. engine stripping ==> 发动机拆卸
  15075. engine stroke ==> 发动机活塞冲程
  15076. engine structure ==> エンジン構造
  15077. engine sump ==> 发动机底壳
  15078. engine sump well ==> 发动机滑油沉淀器
  15079. engine super charger ==> 发动机增压器
  15080. engine supervision ==> エンジン監視
  15081. engine support ==> 发动机支架
  15082. engine support bar ==> 发动机支杆
  15083. engine support bracket ==> 发动机支架
  15084. engine support cushion ==> 发动机支架垫
  15085. engine support insulator ==> 发动机支架软座
  15086. engine support oil shield ==> 发动机支架防油罩
  15087. engine support spring ==> 发动机支架弹簧
  15088. engine supporting arm ==> 发动机曲轴箱支座臂
  15089. engine supporting plate ==> 发动机座板
  15090. engine surge ==> 发动机喘振
  15091. engine swap ==> エンジン交換
  15092. engine swept volume ==> エンジンの排気量
  15093. engine system ==> 发动机系统
  15094. engine temperature gauge ==> 发动机温度计
  15095. engine temperature indicator ==> 发动机温度计
  15096. engine temperature sensing unit ==> 发动机温度传感器
  15097. engine terminal tracks ==> 導線,リード線
  15098. engine test ==> 发动机试验=>エンジン試験
  15099. engine test bed ==> 发动机试验台
  15100. engine test bench characteristic ==> 发动机试验台特性
  15101. engine test cell ==> 发动机试验车间
  15102. engine test facility ==> 发动机试验设备
  15103. engine test plant ==> 发动机试验装置
  15104. engine test stand ==> 发动机试验台=>エンジンテストスタンド
  15105. engine test tool kit ==> 发动机测试工具箱
  15106. engine tester ==> 发动机试验器
  15107. engine testing equipment ==> 发动机试验设备
  15108. engine testing room ==> 发动机试验室
  15109. engine thermostat housing drain valve ==> 发动机恒温器壳放泄阀
  15110. engine three point suspension ==> 发动机三点固定
  15111. engine throttle ==> 发动机节流阀
  15112. engine throttle bellcrank ==> 发动机节气门操纵臂
  15113. engine throttled back ==> 发动机节气门关闭
  15114. engine thrust ==> エンジン推力
  15115. engine thrust measuring ==> 发动机用推力测定
  15116. engine thrust reverser ==> エンジン逆噴射装置
  15117. engine timing case ==> 发动机定时齿轮壳
  15118. engine timing pointer ==> 发动机定时指针
  15119. engine tool kit ==> 发动机成套工具
  15120. engine top cowling ==> エンジン上部カウリング
  15121. engine torque ==> 发动机转矩=>エンジントルク
  15122. engine trends ==> 发动机发展趋向=>エンジン動向
  15123. engine trouble ==> 发动机故障=>エンジントラブル,エンジンの故障
  15124. engine truck side bearing ==> 机车转向架旁轴承
  15125. engine truck swing frame ==> 机车转向架摆架
  15126. engine truck swing link ==> 机车转向架摆杆
  15127. engine tune-up ==> エンジンチューンアップ
  15128. engine turning at peak revolution ==> 最大转数旋转的发动机
  15129. engine turning lathe ==> 陶瓷坯刻花车床
  15130. engine type ==> 发动机型号=>エンジン形式
  15131. engine under seat ==> 座下发动机
  15132. engine underpan ==> 发动机底盘
  15133. engine unit ==> 发动机组=>エンジンユニット
  15134. engine unit sender ==> 发动机组传感器
  15135. engine unloading pressure regulator ==> 发动机卸荷调压器
  15136. engine upper rubber mounting assy ==> 发动机上软垫总成
  15137. engine v-belt ==> エンジンVベルト
  15138. engine vacuum checking gauge ==> 发动机真空测试计
  15139. engine valve ==> 发动机阀=>エンジンバルブ
  15140. engine valve control ==> エンジンバルブ制御
  15141. engine variable ==> エンジン変数
  15142. engine varnish ==> 发动机清漆
  15143. engine vibration ==> エンジン振動
  15144. engine volume coefficiency ==> 发动机容积效率
  15145. engine volume efficiency ==> 发动机容积效率
  15146. engine warm-up ==> 发动机加温=>エンジン暖機
  15147. engine warming up ==> 发动机预热
  15148. engine wash ==> 发动机清洗
  15149. engine waste heat ==> エンジン廃熱
  15150. engine water inlet ==> 发动机进水口
  15151. engine water outlet hose connection ==> 发动机出水软管接头
  15152. engine wear ==> 发动机磨损=>エンジン摩耗
  15153. engine weight ==> エンジン重量
  15154. engine weight per horsepower ==> 每马力发动机重量
  15155. engine winterization system ==> 发动机防冻系统
  15156. engine with antechamber ==> 预燃室式发动机
  15157. engine with opposed cranks ==> 对置曲柄发动机
  15158. engine with outside guide ==> 十字头发动机
  15159. engine with revolving cylinders ==> 转缸式发动机
  15160. engine with supercharger ==> 增压发动机=>過給機付きエンジン
  15161. engine wobble ==> 发动机摆动
  15162. engine works ==> 发动机厂
  15163. engine-building ==> 发动机制造
  15164. engine-cooling thermometer ==> 发动机冷却系温度计
  15165. engine-drive ==> 发动机传动
  15166. engine-driven ==> 发动机驱动的
  15167. engine-driven air compressor ==> 机动空气压缩机
  15168. engine-driven bale loader ==> 发动机驱动的装草捆机
  15169. engine-driven fuel pump ==> 发动机驱动燃料泵
  15170. engine-driven hydraulic pump ==> 机动液压泵
  15171. engine-driven knapsack sprayer ==> 背负式机动喷雾机
  15172. engine-driven portable self-priming pump ==> 发动机驱动便携式自起动泵
  15173. engine-driven pump ==> 发动机传动泵
  15174. engine-driven vacuum pump ==> 机动真空泵
  15175. engine-mounting bracket ==> 发动机机架
  15176. engine-mounting construction ==> 发动机机架结构
  15177. engine-scope ==> 发动机电子显示器
  15178. engine-sized paper ==> 机内施胶纸
  15179. engine-type plate ==> 发动机标牌
  15180. enginedriven knapsack duster ==> 发动机驱动背负式喷粉机
  15181. engineer ==> 技术员,工程师=>エンジニア,技師,技術者
  15182. engineer certification ==> 技術者証明書
  15183. engineer design test ==> 設計試験、設計者の技術試験
  15184. engineer in charge ==> 担当技術者,主任工程师,主管工程师
  15185. engineer in the field ==> 現場の技師
  15186. engineer manual ==> 技術者用マニュアル
  15187. engineer of human relation ==> 人群关系工程师
  15188. engineer station ==> 工程师站,供工业过程控制工程师使用的,对计算机系统进行组态、编程、修改等的工作站
  15189. engineer testing ==> 工艺试验
  15190. engineer training ==> 技術者訓練
  15191. engineer turned writer ==> 作家に転身したエンジニア
  15192. engineer's approval ==> 工程师认可证明
  15193. engineer's brake valve ==> 司机制动阀
  15194. engineer's brake valve spindle ==> 司机制动阀杆
  15195. engineer's cab ==> 驾驶室
  15196. engineer's chain ==> 工程师用链
  15197. engineer's cross pein hammer ==> 扁尾锤
  15198. engineer's indicator ==> 机车信号机
  15199. engineer's kit ==> 工具包
  15200. engineer's level ==> 工程师用水准仪,工程水准仪
  15201. engineer's operating station ==> 工程师操作站
  15202. engineer's representative ==> 工程师代表
  15203. engineer's theodilite ==> 工程经纬仪
  15204. engineer's transit ==> 工程经纬仪
  15205. engineered safety features,ESF ==> 专设安全设施,核电厂在事故工况下投入使用并执行安全功能,以控制事故后果,使反应堆在事故后达到稳定的、可接受状态而专门设置的各种安全系统的总称
  15206. engineered swap transaction ==> 拼凑换汇交易
  15207. engineering ==> 工程
  15208. engineering (technical) report ==> 技术报告
  15209. engineering administration manual ==> 工程管理手册
  15210. engineering aerodynamics ==> 工程气体动力学
  15211. engineering approximation ==> 工程近似法
  15212. engineering aspects ==> 工程展望
  15213. engineering assembly parts list ==> 工程装配零件单
  15214. engineering brick ==> 高强砖,工程用砖,半釉砖
  15215. engineering calculation ==> 工程计算
  15216. engineering cast iron ==> 工程铸件
  15217. engineering casualty control ==> 技术装备故障控制
  15218. engineering change ==> 工程改变
  15219. engineering change (EC) ==> 工程更改
  15220. engineering change notice ==> 工程改变注释
  15221. engineering change order ==> 技术更改指令
  15222. engineering change plane ==> 工程修改层
  15223. engineering change procedure ==> 技术更改程序
  15224. engineering college ==> 工程学院,工学院
  15225. engineering compromise ==> 工程折中方案
  15226. engineering construction ==> 工程建设
  15227. engineering construction standard ==> 工程建设标准
  15228. engineering control of air pollution ==> 空气污染的工程控制
  15229. engineering conveyer ==> 工程输送机
  15230. engineering corporation ==> 工程公司
  15231. engineering cost ==> 工程费,工程费用,工程造价
  15232. engineering creep ==> 工程蠕变
  15233. engineering cybernetics ==> 工程控制论
  15234. engineering data ==> 工程数据
  15235. engineering data base ==> 工程数据库
  15236. engineering data information system ==> 工程数据信息系统
  15237. engineering data micro reproduction system ==> 工程数据微型再生系统
  15238. engineering data requirements ==> 工程数据的要求
  15239. engineering data retrieval system ==> 工程数据检索系统
  15240. engineering department ==> 工程处,工程系
  15241. engineering design ==> 工程设计
  15242. engineering design assignment ==> 设计任务书
  15243. engineering design data ==> 工程设计数据
  15244. engineering design plan (EDP) ==> 工程设计方案
  15245. engineering design procedure ==> 设计程序
  15246. engineering discipline ==> 工程学科
  15247. engineering documentation ==> 技术文本=>技術文書
  15248. engineering driller ==> 工程钻机
  15249. engineering economics ==> 技术经济
  15250. engineering economy ==> 工程经济
  15251. engineering economy study ==> 工程经济研究
  15252. engineering education ==> 技術者教育
  15253. engineering eduction ==> 工学教育
  15254. engineering elasticity ==> 工程弹性力学
  15255. engineering engine ==> 工学エンジン
  15256. engineering enthalpy rise factor ==> 工程焓(hán)升因子
  15257. engineering enthalpy rise hot channel factor ==> 工程焓升热通道因子
  15258. engineering ethics ==> 技術者倫理,工学倫理
  15259. engineering factor ==> 工程因子,技术条件
  15260. engineering factors ==> 工程因子,又称“工程不确定因子”。由于燃料组件(元件)制造和安装等工程因素引起的热工不确定性
  15261. engineering feasibility study ==> 工程技术可行性研究
  15262. engineering flow sheet ==> 工艺流程图
  15263. engineering fluid mechanics ==> 工程流体力学
  15264. engineering geological drilling rig ==> 工程地质钻机
  15265. engineering geological investigation of dock ==> 码头工程地质勘察
  15266. engineering geological prospecting ==> 工程地质勘探
  15267. engineering geology ==> 工程地质
  15268. engineering goods ==> 工程器材
  15269. engineering graphics ==> 工程图学
  15270. engineering hot spot factor ==> 工程热点因子
  15271. engineering hydraulics ==> 工程水力学
  15272. engineering hydrology ==> 工程水力学
  15273. engineering improvement time ==> 工程改进时间
  15274. engineering index ==> 工程技术文献索引
  15275. engineering information control system ==> 工程技术情报管理系统
  15276. engineering inspection specification ==> 工程检查标准
  15277. engineering instruction ==> 工程说明书
  15278. engineering instructions ==> 工程细则
  15279. engineering job analysis ==> 工程任务分析
  15280. engineering kinematics ==> 工程运动学
  15281. engineering legislation ==> 工程法规,工程法制
  15282. engineering management ==> 工程管理
  15283. engineering manual ==> 工程手册
  15284. engineering material ==> 工程材料
  15285. engineering material specification ==> 工程材料规范
  15286. engineering mechanics ==> 工程力学
  15287. engineering mechanics of material ==> 材料工程力学
  15288. engineering metrology ==> 工程计量学
  15289. engineering model ==> エンジニアリングモデル
  15290. engineering note ==> 技術ノート
  15291. engineering oceanography ==> 工程海洋学
  15292. engineering of nuclear power ==> 核动力工程学
  15293. engineering optics ==> 工程光学
  15294. engineering order ==> 工程等级
  15295. engineering performance standards ==> 工程性能标准
  15296. engineering plastic material ==> エンプラ材料
  15297. engineering plastics ==> 工程塑料
  15298. engineering practice ==> 工程实践,技术实践
  15299. engineering process ==> 工程程序,工程过程
  15300. engineering project ==> 工程计划,工程设计
  15301. engineering properties ==> 工程性质,机械性质
  15302. engineering psychology ==> 工程心理学
  15303. engineering purchasing specification manual ==> 工程采购规格手册
  15304. engineering reactor ==> 工程反应堆
  15305. engineering receiving inspection (ERI) ==> 工程验收检查
  15306. engineering reliability ==> 工程可靠性,技术可靠性
  15307. engineering reliabilty ==> 工程可靠性
  15308. engineering repair truck ==> 工程修理车
  15309. engineering report ==> 工程报告,工程技术报告,技术报告
  15310. engineering sample ==> 样机,样品
  15311. engineering scale ==> 工程规模
  15312. engineering science ==> 工程科学
  15313. engineering seismology ==> 工程地震学=>工学地震学
  15314. engineering service ==> 工程设计服务=>エンジニアリングサービス
  15315. engineering service car ==> 工程修理汽车
  15316. engineering service memo ==> 工程维修备忘录
  15317. engineering service publication ==> 工程技术业务出版物
  15318. engineering simulator ==> 工程仿真机
  15319. engineering simulator of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂工程仿真机,又称“核电厂分析机”。利用计算机仿真技术对核电厂的正常运行和事故过程进行仿真分析和实验研究的设备
  15320. engineering specification ==> 工程标准
  15321. engineering standard ==> 工程技术标准
  15322. engineering standard department ==> 工程标准部门
  15323. engineering standards manual ==> 工程技术标准手册
  15324. engineering strain ==> 工程应变
  15325. engineering structure ==> 工程结构
  15326. engineering study ==> 工程研究
  15327. engineering supervision ==> 工程管理,工程监督,工程检查
  15328. engineering survey ==> 工程测量
  15329. engineering system ==> 工程系统
  15330. engineering system of units ==> 工程单位制
  15331. engineering system simulation ==> 工程系统仿真
  15332. engineering technical design specification ==> 工程技术设计规范
  15333. engineering technical personnel ==> 工程技术人员
  15334. engineering technique ==> 工程技巧
  15335. engineering test evaluation qualification ==> 工程试验鉴定
  15336. engineering test facility ==> 工程试验设备
  15337. engineering test laboratory ==> 工程试验实验室
  15338. engineering test procedure ==> 工程试验程序
  15339. engineering test program ==> 工程试验规划
  15340. engineering test unit ==> 工程试验装置
  15341. engineering thermodynamics ==> 工程热力学
  15342. engineering time ==> 预检时间,维修时间
  15343. engineering train ==> 工程列车
  15344. engineering truck ==> 工程车
  15345. engineering uncertainty ==> 工程不确定性
  15346. engineering unit ==> 工程单位
  15347. engineering unit conversion ==> 工程单位换算
  15348. engineering unit system ==> 工程单位制
  15349. engineman ==> 火车司机
  15350. engineman's indicator ==> 机车信号机
  15351. engines equipped with a hydraulic reversing gear ==> 油圧逆転機付機関
  15352. englacial debris ==> 冰川碎屑物
  15353. englacial drift ==> 冰川内碛
  15354. englacial lake ==> 冰内湖
  15355. England ==> 英格兰=>イングランド
  15356. Engler curve ==> 恩氏蒸馏曲线
  15357. engler degree ==> 恶列尔度
  15358. Engler degree ==> 恩氏粘度
  15359. Engler distillation flask ==> 恩氏蒸馏烧瓶
  15360. Engler distillation test ==> 恩氏蒸馏试验
  15361. Engler flask ==> 恩氏瓶
  15362. Engler number ==> 恩氏粘度值
  15363. Engler second ==> 恩格勒秒数
  15364. Engler unit ==> 恩氏粘度单位
  15365. Engler viscosimeter ==> 恩氏粘度计
  15366. engler viscosimeter ==> 断粘度计
  15367. Engler viscosity ==> 恩氏粘度
  15368. Engler's degree ==> 恩氏度
  15369. Engler-type viscometer ==> 恩氏粘度计
  15370. English antique lace ==> 英式仿古机制花边
  15371. English architecture ==> 英国建筑
  15372. English basement ==> 英国式房屋底层
  15373. English blowing ==> 英式蒸呢法
  15374. English bond ==> 英国式砌合
  15375. English candle (international candle) ==> 英国烛光
  15376. English Channel ==> 英吉利海峡
  15377. English cotton yarn count ==> 英制棉纱支数
  15378. English cross bond ==> 英式十字砌法
  15379. English degree ==> 英制硬度
  15380. English garden-wall bond ==> 英国园墙式砌合法
  15381. English gauge ==> 英制机号
  15382. English grass ==> 草地早熟禾
  15383. English hardness ==> 英制硬度
  15384. English hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) ==> 英国山楂
  15385. English heating test ==> 润滑脂加热试验
  15386. English knot net making machine ==> 英式有结织网机
  15387. English lavender ==> 英国熏衣草=>イングリッシュラベンダー,シソ科の常緑小低木
  15388. English lever ==> 英式擒纵叉,尖齿式擒纵叉
  15389. English melting point ==> 英国法蜡熔点
  15390. English metal ==> 英国合金
  15391. English method of timbering ==> 英国式隧道支撑法
  15392. English Milanese machine ==> 米兰尼斯平型经编机
  15393. English number ==> 英式精纺毛纱支数
  15394. English oak (Quercus robur) ==> 英国栎
  15395. English philology ==> 英語学
  15396. English red ==> 英国红
  15397. English reel ==> 英式卷纸机
  15398. English Renaissance architecture ==> 英国文艺复兴建筑
  15399. English rib ==> 英式罗纹组织
  15400. English roof truss ==> 英国式屋架
  15401. English screw ==> 英制螺纹
  15402. English screw pitch ga(u)ge ==> 英制螺距规
  15403. English sea mile ==> 英制海里
  15404. English spanner ==> 活动扳手
  15405. English standard thread ==> 英制标准螺纹
  15406. English system ==> 英制
  15407. English system of wet twisting ==> 英式湿捻
  15408. English system of worsted spinning ==> 英式精梳毛纺系统
  15409. English thread ==> 英国标准螺纹
  15410. English translucent china ==> 英国半透明瓷,英国透明瓷
  15411. English truss ==> 英式桁架,三角桁架
  15412. English twist multiplier ==> 英制捻系数
  15413. English unit ==> 英制单位
  15414. English vermilion ==> 英国银朱
  15415. English walnut ==> ペルシャグルミ
  15416. English white ==> 白粉
  15417. English wool matchings ==> 英国并级羊毛
  15418. English yarn ==> 英式精纺毛纱
  15419. English-type tubbing ==> 英式预制弧形块井壁
  15420. engrafted stream ==> 接流河,接枝河
  15421. engraved block ==> 木刻印版
  15422. engraved invitation ==> 印刷した招待状
  15423. engraved line ==> 彫り込み線
  15424. engraved mark ==> 刻印
  15425. engraved point ==> 铭记点
  15426. engraved ring ==> 雕刻戒指
  15427. engraved roller ==> 螺旋辊子
  15428. engraver's needle ==> 雕刻针
  15429. engravers brass ==> 雕刻黄铜
  15430. Engravers brass ==> 恩格雷弗斯含铅黄铜
  15431. engraving ==> 雕刻=>彫刻,エッチング
  15432. engraving cut ==> 版木
  15433. engraving cutter ==> 刻模铣刀
  15434. engraving disc revolver ==> 轮形旋刻刀
  15435. engraving head ==> 彫刻ヘッド
  15436. engraving in color ==> 彩色した彫刻板
  15437. engraving in relief ==> 浮雕压花
  15438. engraving ink ==> 雕刻油墨
  15439. engraving knife ==> 雕刻刀
  15440. engraving machine ==> 雕刻机,刻模机
  15441. engraving needle ==> 雕刻钢针,雕刻针
  15442. engraving plate ==> 雕刻板
  15443. engraving process ==> 雕刻方法
  15444. engraving tool ==> 錾刀
  15445. Engset distribution ==> 恩格塞特分布
  15446. engulf ==> 巻き込む
  15447. engulf particles ==> 微粒子を取り込む
  15448. enhance scalability ==> 拡張性を高める
  15449. enhanced beam ==> 增强束
  15450. enhanced carrier demodulation ==> 增强载波解调
  15451. enhanced charge ==> 增加的电荷
  15452. enhanced coexpression ==> 同時過剰発現
  15453. enhanced diffusion ==> 增强扩散
  15454. enhanced emission ==> 增强发射
  15455. enhanced field ==> 增强场
  15456. enhanced line ==> 增强谱线
  15457. enhanced prop treatment ==> 高浓度支撑剂压裂
  15458. enhanced protective provision ==> 加强的防护措施,比正常防护所需要的等级更高的防护措施
  15459. enhanced radiation weapon ==> 增加核辐射武器
  15460. enhanced reflecting safety glazing material ==> 增反射安全玻璃
  15461. enhanced sensitivity ==> 增敏
  15462. enhanced sensitivity manostat ==> 增高灵敏度的冲压器
  15463. enhanced spectral line ==> 增强光谱线
  15464. enhanced type ==> 增强型
  15465. enhanced type FET ==> 增强型场效应晶体管
  15466. enhanced virus ==> 增强病毒
  15467. enhanced-carrier demodulation ==> 加强载波解调
  15468. enhancement ==> 增强=>エンハンスメント
  15469. enhancement antigen ==> 增强抗原
  15470. enhancement channel ==> 增强型沟道
  15471. enhancement coefficient ==> 增大系数
  15472. enhancement depletion mos ==> 增强型耗尽型模式金属氧化物半导体
  15473. enhancement effect ==> 增强效应
  15474. enhancement load ==> 增强型负载
  15475. enhancement mode ==> 增强型,增强型模式
  15476. enhancement mode fet ==> 增强型场效应晶体管
  15477. enhancement mode fet integrated circuit ==> 增强型场效应晶体管集成电路
  15478. enhancement mode junction fet ==> 增强型结式场效应晶体管
  15479. enhancement mode operation ==> 增强型动作
  15480. enhancement mos ==> 增强型金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管
  15481. enhancement of national prestige ==> 国威の宣揚
  15482. enhancement type ==> 增强型
  15483. enhancement type channel ==> 增强型沟道
  15484. enhancement type schottky barrier fet ==> 增强型肖特基势垒场效应晶体管
  15485. enhancement-mode field effect transistor ==> 增强型场效应晶体管
  15486. enhancement-type curve ==> 增强型曲线
  15487. enhancer gene ==> 强化基因
  15488. enhancing antibody ==> 增强性抗体,促进性抗体
  15489. enhancing the economic reform ==> 推进经济改革
  15490. enhineering simulator ==> 工程仿真器
  15491. Enide dinitro EC ==> (除草剂)地乐酚
  15492. enivronmental parameter ==> 环境参数
  15493. enjoyment of right ==> 行使权利
  15494. Enka nylon ==> (美)恩卡耐纶
  15495. Enkatherm fibre ==> (德)恩卡特姆纤维
  15496. enkephalin ==> 脑啡肽=>エンケファリン
  15497. enkephalin accumulation ==> エンケファリン蓄積
  15498. enkephalin action ==> エンケファリン作用
  15499. enkephalin activation ==> エンケファリン活性化
  15500. enlarge lamp ==> 放大机灯
  15501. enlarge test ==> 扩管试验
  15502. enlarged detail ==> 大样
  15503. enlarged fleshy main stem ==> 粗壮的肉质主茎
  15504. enlarged intersection ==> 加宽式交叉口
  15505. Enlarged nodes must be resolved. ==> 结者散之
  15506. enlarged period ==> 扩大时期
  15507. enlarged sample ==> 扩大的样本,扩大样本
  15508. enlarged scale ==> 放大尺
  15509. enlarged section ==> 放大断面
  15510. enlarged view ==> 放大图
  15511. enlarged viewing screen ==> 放大的目视荧光屏
  15512. enlargement factor ==> 放大倍数,放大因数
  15513. enlargement loss ==> 扩大损失,扩张损失
  15514. enlargement mode ==> 增强型
  15515. enlargement of mandibular angle ==> 下颌角增大
  15516. enlargement of pulmonary hilus ==> 肺门增大
  15517. enlargement of ring grooves ==> 环槽扩大
  15518. enlargement of the liver ==> 肝肿大
  15519. enlargement of the scissors gap ==> 扩大剪刀差
  15520. enlargement range ==> 放大幅度
  15521. enlarger lens ==> 放大机镜头
  15522. enlarger printer ==> 放大印刷机,放印机
  15523. enlarging hammer ==> 扁锤
  15524. enlarging meter ==> 放大光度计
  15525. enlarging moulding ==> 放大线脚
  15526. enlarging paper ==> 放大纸
  15527. enlarging rod ==> 放大机竖杆
  15528. enlightened political economy ==> 启蒙国民经济学
  15529. enlightenment ==> 啓発,啓もう主義
  15530. enlivening the economy ==> 放活经济
  15531. enlivening the markets ==> 启动市场
  15532. enlivenment ==> 活性化
  15533. Enlund method ==> 快速测碳法,恩龙方法
  15534. enneastyle building ==> 九柱式建筑,九柱式建筑
  15535. enol form ==> 烯醇式,烯醇型
  15536. enol phosphate ==> 烯醇磷酸酯
  15537. enol pyruvic acid ==> 烯醇式丙酮酸
  15538. enolate ion ==> 烯醇盐离子
  15539. enolic ester type ==> 烯醇型脂
  15540. enolic hydroxyl ==> 烯醇羟基
  15541. enolphosphopyruvic acid ==> 烯醇磷酸丙酮酸
  15542. Enor motor ==> 埃诺罗式叶片液压马达
  15543. enor motor ==> 埃诺罗式叶片液压马达
  15544. enormous potentiality ==> 膨大な可能性
  15545. enough moisture ==> 足够的水分
  15546. enough sunshine duration ==> 日照时间充足
  15547. enoyl acyl carrier protein hydrase ==> 烯酰脂酰载体蛋白水化酶
  15548. ENQ, enquiry ==> 照会
  15549. enquiry call ==> 询问呼叫
  15550. enquiry character ==> 询问字符=>問合せ文字
  15551. enquiry character sequence ==> 询问符次序
  15552. enquiry circuit ==> 查询电路
  15553. enquiry signal ==> 询问信号
  15554. enquiry station ==> 询问台
  15555. ENRI, Electronic Navigation Research Institute ==> 電子航法研究所
  15556. enrich ==> 浓缩=>エンリッチ
  15557. enrich the soil ==> 肥田
  15558. enrich the top-soil layer ==> 使表土层肥沃
  15559. enriched boron trifluoride neutron detector ==> 富化的三氟化硼中子探测器
  15560. enriched buckling ==> 浓缩燃料堆芯曲率
  15561. enriched chamber ==> 浓缩室
  15562. enriched fraction ==> 浓缩馏分
  15563. enriched fuel ==> 浓缩燃料
  15564. enriched gas ==> 浓缩汽油
  15565. enriched gas oil ==> 浓缩粗柴油
  15566. enriched layer ==> 浓缩层
  15567. enriched material ==> 浓缩材料,浓缩物
  15568. enriched medium ==> 富集培养基,增菌培养基,加富培养基
  15569. enriched mixture ==> 浓缩混合物
  15570. enriched oil ==> 浓缩油
  15571. enriched oxidation zone ==> 氧化富集带
  15572. enriched pile ==> 浓缩燃料炉
  15573. enriched reactant gas ==> 浓集反应气体
  15574. enriched reactor ==> 浓缩反应堆
  15575. enriched target ==> 浓缩靶
  15576. enriched uranium ==> 濃縮ウラン
  15577. enriched uranium reactor ==> 浓缩铀反应堆
  15578. enriched-fuel reactor ==> 浓缩燃料堆
  15579. enriched-uranium fission chamber ==> 浓缩铀裂变室
  15580. enriched-uranium reactor ==> 浓缩铀堆
  15581. enriching blood and inducing diaphoresis ==> 养血解表
  15582. enriching column ==> 富集柱
  15583. enriching needle ==> 加浓针
  15584. enriching section ==> 浓缩段,塔中浓缩段,提浓精馏段
  15585. enriching shoot ==> 强枝
  15586. enriching the blood and moistening dryness ==> 养血润燥
  15587. enriching the blood and moisturizing the intestine ==> 养血润肠
  15588. enrichment ==> 使浓缩=>濃縮
  15589. enrichment coefficient ==> 浓缩系数
  15590. enrichment control ==> 浓缩度控制
  15591. enrichment culture ==> 富集培养,增殖培养,加富培养
  15592. enrichment factor ==> 浓缩率,浓缩因子,富集因子
  15593. enrichment layer ==> 浓缩层
  15594. enrichment medium ==> 富集培养基
  15595. enrichment meter ==> 浓缩度计
  15596. enrichment mode ==> 浓缩模
  15597. enrichment of mixture ==> 混合物的浓缩
  15598. enrichment of soil ==> 土壤加肥
  15599. enrichment plant ==> 浓缩工厂
  15600. enrichment seeding ==> 增播
  15601. enrichment zone ==> 富集带
  15602. enrichment-system ==> 加浓装置
  15603. enrollment ==> 登録,記載
  15604. Enroth's sign ==> 恩罗特氏征
  15605. enroute turning area ==> 航途转弯区
  15606. ensemble ==> 总体,集合,采集,信号群,组。Communication theory is properly concerned, as has been emphasized by Wiener, not with operating on particular functions, but with operations on ensembles of functions. A communication system is designed not for a particular speech function and still less for a sine wave, but for the ensemble of speech functions.=>アンサンブル,無数に多くの回路について記録した波形全体の集合
  15607. ensemble aggregate ==> 集结合
  15608. ensemble average ==> 总体平均值,集平均,统计平均值,系综平均值,总体均值=>母集団平均,アンサンブル平均
  15609. ensemble of communication ==> 信息集合
  15610. ensemble of electrons ==> 电子集
  15611. ensialic basin ==> 硅铝壳盆地
  15612. ensign fly ==> 旗腹姬蜂
  15613. ensilage ==> 生牧草貯蔵(法)
  15614. ensilage blower ==> 青饲料吹送器
  15615. ensilage crop ==> 青饲料作物,青贮作物
  15616. ensilage cutter ==> 切饲料机
  15617. ensilage cutter-blower ==> 青贮料切割吹送机
  15618. ensilage dump blower ==> 强力鼓风机
  15619. ensilage fermentation ==> 青贮饲料,青贮饲料发酵
  15620. ensilage harvester ==> 青饲料收割机,青贮作物收割机
  15621. ensilage process ==> 青贮法
  15622. Enslin apparatus ==> 恩斯林粘土吸水量装置
  15623. ensnare ==> 誘惑する
  15624. ensonified area ==> 水声仪器监听海区
  15625. ensurance period ==> 保用期
  15626. ensure a stable energy supply ==> エネルギーの安定供給を確保する
  15627. ensuring proper downward flow of the blood ==> 引血下行
  15628. ENT doctor ==> 耳鼻喉科医师
  15629. ENT instruments ==> 耳鼻喉科手术器械
  15630. ent test for emulsified asphalts ==> 乳化沥青沉淀试验
  15631. entagenic acid ==> 过岗龙酸
  15632. entamoeba ==> 内阿米巴
  15633. entangled families ==> もつれ合いファミリー
  15634. entangled mechanical oscillators ==> もつれた力学的振動子
  15635. entangled pathways ==> 絡み合う経路
  15636. entanglement ==> 量子もつれ,絡み合い,エンタングルメント
  15637. entary emitter follower ==> 互补发射极输出器
  15638. entasis treatment ==> 卷杀,卷杀
  15639. Entecavir ==> 恩替卡韦,抗病毒药物中的核苷类逆转录酶抑制剂=>エンテカビル
  15640. entended stream ==> 延长河
  15641. enter an item in an account ==> 入帐
  15642. enter an item of expenditure in the accounts ==> 出帐
  15643. enter duty free ==> 免税进口
  15644. enter into the account book ==> 入帐
  15645. enter key ==> 进入键,输入键
  15646. enter mark ==> 进口轧痕
  15647. enter mode ==> 进入形式
  15648. enter point ==> 输入点
  15649. enteral diarrhea ==> 肠性腹泻
  15650. enteramine ==> セロトニン
  15651. enteric abscess ==> 小肠脓肿
  15652. enteric cavity ==> 消化管
  15653. enteric coating ==> 肠溶衣
  15654. enteric coating tablets of pancreatin ==> 肠衣胰酶片
  15655. enteric cyst ==> 肠原囊肿
  15656. enteric cytopathogenic human orphan virus ==> 人肠道孤病毒
  15657. enteric epithelioma ==> 小肠表皮样癌
  15658. enteric eytopathogenic human orphan virus ==> 埃可病毒
  15659. enteric fistula ==> 小肠瘘
  15660. enteric hemorrhage ==> 小肠出血
  15661. enteric infection ==> 肠道感染
  15662. enteric lymphoma ==> 小肠淋巴瘤
  15663. enteric pathogenic bacteria ==> 肠道病原菌
  15664. enteric perforation ==> 小肠穿孔
  15665. enteric protozoal infection ==> 肠内原生动物感染
  15666. entering angle ==> 咬入角
  15667. entering edge ==> 前缘
  15668. entering momentum ==> 输入动量
  15669. entering signal ==> 場内信号機
  15670. entering variable ==> 插入变量,进入变量
  15671. entering warehouse ==> 入库
  15672. enteritis polyposa ==> 息肉性肠炎
  15673. entero-antigen ==> 肠抗原
  15674. entero-chromaffin cell ==> 肠亲铬细胞
  15675. entero-uterine anus ==> 肠子宫肛门畸形
  15676. enteroceptive reflex ==> 内感受性反射
  15677. enterocoelic cavity ==> 肠体腔
  15678. enterocolic fistula ==> 肠结肠瘘
  15679. enterocutaneous fistula ==> 肠皮瘘
  15680. enterogastric reflex ==> 肠胃反射
  15681. enterogenous cyst ==> 肠原囊肿
  15682. enterohepatic circulation ==> 肠肝循环,肝肠循环
  15683. enterohepatic cycle ==> 肠肝循环
  15684. enteroinsular axis ==> 肠胰岛轴
  15685. enterolithic deformation ==> 肠状变形
  15686. enterolithic folding ==> 肠状褶皱
  15687. enterolithic structure ==> 肠状构造
  15688. enteron ==> 消化管
  15689. enterotomy scissors ==> 剖肠剪
  15690. enterotoxaemias of sheep ==> 绵羊肠毒血症
  15691. enterovaginal fistula ==> 肠阴道瘘
  15692. enterovesical fistula ==> 肠膀胱瘘
  15693. enterprise ==> 企业
  15694. enterprise accounting ==> 企业核算
  15695. enterprise asset management ==> 企业资产管理系统
  15696. enterprise budget ==> 企业预算
  15697. enterprise function ==> 企业机能
  15698. enterprise fund system ==> 企业基金制度
  15699. enterprise group ==> 企业集团
  15700. enterprise incorporated into enterprise groups ==> 企业集团化
  15701. enterprise integration information system ==> 企业信息集成系统
  15702. enterprise management of coal industry ==> 煤炭企业管理
  15703. enterprise management of dye-stuffs industry ==> 染料企业管理
  15704. enterprise management of paints industry ==> 涂料企业管理
  15705. enterprise management of textile industry ==> 纺织企业管理
  15706. enterprise operative technology ==> 企业实用技术
  15707. enterprise plan ==> 企业计划
  15708. enterprise standard industrial classification ==> 企业标准工业分类
  15709. enterprise systems engineering ==> 企业系统工程
  15710. enterprise's economic appraisal of a project ==> 项目企业经济评价
  15711. enterprise's informationization ==> 企业信息化
  15712. enterprises owned by foreign capitalists ==> 外资产业
  15713. enterprises using advanced technology ==> 技术先进型企业
  15714. entertainment center ==> 娱乐中心
  15715. entertainment duty ==> 筵席捐
  15716. entertainment expense ==> 交際費
  15717. entertainment tax ==> 筵席捐
  15718. enthalpy ==> 焓=>エンタルピー
  15719. enthalpy calculation ==> エンタルピー計算
  15720. enthalpy change ==> エンタルピー変化
  15721. enthalpy concentration diagram ==> エンタルピー濃度線図
  15722. enthalpy control ==> エンタルピー制御
  15723. enthalpy control system ==> 焓值控制系统
  15724. enthalpy decrease ==> エンタルピー減少
  15725. enthalpy diagram ==> エンタルピー図
  15726. enthalpy difference ==> 焓差=>エンタルピー差
  15727. enthalpy drop ==> 焓降
  15728. enthalpy entropy chart ==> 焓熵图
  15729. enthalpy gain ==> 热函增加
  15730. enthalpy of moist air ==> 湿空气量
  15731. enthalpy of reaction ==> 反应热函
  15732. enthalpy of transition ==> 转变热函
  15733. enthalpy potential method ==> 焓差法
  15734. enthalpy-controlled flow ==> 受控焓流
  15735. enthesiopathy of Achilles tendon ==> 跟腱止点末端病
  15736. enthusiastic ==> 熱心な,熱中している
  15737. enthusiastic scientist ==> 熱心な科学者
  15738. entire agreement clause ==> 完整条款
  15739. entire area ==> 全部面积
  15740. entire car ==> 整车
  15741. entire colony ==> 光边菌落
  15742. entire function ==> 整函数
  15743. entire leaf ==> 全缘叶
  15744. entire leaf cutting ==> 全叶插
  15745. entire life ==> 总寿命
  15746. entire male ==> 未去势公畜
  15747. entire margins of the leaflets ==> 全缘小叶
  15748. entire plant covered by an epidermis ==> 整株覆盖着一层外皮
  15749. entire seed coat ==> 整个种皮
  15750. entire social income tax ==> 全额社会所得税
  15751. entire split system ==> 全分流系统
  15752. entire surface of the seed ==> 整个种子表面
  15753. entire tenancy ==> 完整租借
  15754. entire thermal resistance ==> 总热阻
  15755. entirely accurate ==> 完全准确
  15756. entirely in spherical portion ==> 全部在球体部分
  15757. entirely shut ==> 完全闭塞
  15758. entitle ==> 権利を与える
  15759. entity relationship model ==> 实体关系模型
  15760. entity set model ==> 实体集合模型
  15761. Entner Doudoroff pathway ==> 恩特纳-杜多罗夫途径
  15762. entodermal cavity ==> 内胚层腔
  15763. entodermal field ==> 内胚层区
  15764. entodermal vesicle ==> 内胚层泡
  15765. entognathous type ==> 内口式
  15766. entomogenous fungi ==> 虫寄生真菌
  15767. entomophilic fungi ==> 喜虫真菌
  15768. entopeduncular nucleus ==> 脚内核
  15769. entopic pregnancy ==> 子宫内妊娠
  15770. entoptic scattering ==> 眼内散射
  15771. entourage of building ==> 建筑配景
  15772. entrain ==> 夹带,传输
  15773. entrained air ==> (液压系统中混入的小气泡)混入空气
  15774. entrained bed integrated coal gasification combined cycle power generation ==> 噴流床石炭ガス化複合サイクル発電技術
  15775. entrained fluid ==> 曳出流体
  15776. entrained oil ==> 带走的油
  15777. entrained steam ==> 残留蒸汽
  15778. entraining velocity ==> 夹带速度
  15779. entrainment ==> エントレインメント,(飛沫)同伴
  15780. entrainment eliminator ==> 除沫器
  15781. entrainment filter ==> 夹带物过滤器=>飛沫同伴防止用フィルタ
  15782. entrainment phenomena ==> 卷吸现象
  15783. entrainment ratio ==> 诱导比
  15784. entrance ==> 入口
  15785. entrance angle ==> 入射角,切入角
  15786. entrance boundary ==> 入口边界
  15787. entrance boundary point ==> 入口边界点
  15788. entrance bucket ==> 导叶
  15789. entrance bushing ==> 进线套管,引入线绝缘套,引线导管
  15790. entrance cable ==> 引入电缆=>引込ケーブル
  15791. entrance channel ==> 入射道
  15792. entrance channel spin ==> 入射道自旋
  15793. entrance curve ==> 入口曲线
  15794. entrance design radius ==> 入口设计半径
  15795. entrance door ==> 入口门,大门
  15796. entrance door location ==> 入口车门的布置
  15797. entrance dose ==> 入口剂量
  15798. entrance effect ==> 入口段效应
  15799. entrance face ==> 入射面
  15800. entrance friction ==> 进口阻力
  15801. entrance gate ==> 入口门
  15802. entrance geometry ==> 入口几何形状
  15803. entrance half-angle ==> 入射半角
  15804. entrance hall ==> 入口大厅=>エントランスホール
  15805. entrance jetty ==> 入口导堤
  15806. entrance knob ==> 进口旋钮
  15807. entrance lip ==> 进刃,引进刃
  15808. entrance lock ==> 进料密封装置,入口船闸,船坞进口闸
  15809. entrance loss ==> 入口损失
  15810. entrance of feed liquid ==> 料液进(入)口
  15811. entrance orifice ==> 入口节流圈
  15812. entrance point ==> 入射点,进口端
  15813. entrance port ==> 入射口
  15814. entrance pressure ==> 进口压力,进压
  15815. entrance pressure drop ==> 入口压降
  15816. entrance pupil plane ==> 入瞳平面
  15817. entrance ramp ==> 入口坡道=>進入ランプ
  15818. entrance ramp marking ==> 入口坡道路面标示
  15819. entrance ray angle ==> 入射光线角
  15820. entrance relay ==> 进口继电器
  15821. entrance roadway ==> 入口车行道
  15822. entrance side ==> 入口侧
  15823. entrance slit height ==> 入射狭缝高度
  15824. entrance taper ==> 入口锥形岛
  15825. entrance terminal ==> 入口终点
  15826. entrance ticket ==> 门票
  15827. entrance track ==> 入口轨道
  15828. entrance velocity ==> 入口速度
  15829. entrance velocity of whirl ==> 入口涡流速度
  15830. entrance window ==> 入射窗
  15831. entrance wire ==> 引入线
  15832. entrance-exit button ==> 进出选路式按钮
  15833. entrance-exit coded system ==> 电码进出选路制
  15834. entrance-exit console ==> 进出选路式操纵台
  15835. entrance-exit interlocking ==> 出入口联锁
  15836. entrance-exit panel ==> 进路集中装置控制板
  15837. entrant sound ==> 透声
  15838. entrapment vacuum pump ==> 捕集真空泵
  15839. entrapped air ==> 夹带空气,带入的空气
  15840. entrapped dirt ==> 卷入杂质,卷入杂质
  15841. entrapped enzyme ==> 截留酶
  15842. entrapped gas ==> 带走的气体,夹气
  15843. entrefer ==> 空隙
  15844. entrenched meander ==> 嵌入曲流
  15845. entrenching shovel ==> 挖壕锹
  15846. entrepot duty ==> 转口税
  15847. entrepot trade ==> 转口贸易
  15848. entrepreneur ==> 請負人
  15849. entrepreneurial income ==> 业主收入
  15850. entropic analysis ==> エントロピ解析
  15851. entropic effect ==> エントロピー効果
  15852. entropic elasticity ==> エントロピー弾性
  15853. entropic factor ==> エントロピー因子
  15854. entropic force ==> エントロピー力
  15855. Entropic gravity ==> 引力的熵力假说,一种关于万有引力本质的理论假说,由荷兰弦理论家埃里克·韦尔兰德于2009年提出
  15856. entropy ==> 熵,平均信息量,信息熵(shāng)=>エントロピー
  15857. entropy change ==> 熵变=>エントロピー変化
  15858. entropy chart ==> 熵图
  15859. entropy coefficient ==> 熵系数指标,衡量市场集中度和市场力作用程度的一种指标
  15860. entropy criterion ==> 熵判据,熵判据
  15861. entropy derivative ==> 熵的导数
  15862. entropy diagram ==> 熵图
  15863. entropy elasticity ==> 熵弹性
  15864. entropy flux ==> 熵流
  15865. entropy function ==> 熵函数,熵函数
  15866. entropy generation ==> 熵产
  15867. entropy increase principle ==> 熵增原理
  15868. entropy model ==> 熵模型,熵模型
  15869. entropy of a partition ==> 划分的熵
  15870. entropy of a transformation ==> 柯尔莫哥洛夫-希奈不变量
  15871. entropy of activation ==> 活化熵
  15872. entropy of binary source ==> 二元信源熵
  15873. entropy of dilution ==> 稀释熵
  15874. entropy of evaporation ==> 蒸汽熵
  15875. entropy of fusion ==> 熔解熵
  15876. entropy of joint event ==> 联合事件熵
  15877. entropy of mixing ==> 混合熵
  15878. entropy of superheating ==> 过热熵
  15879. entropy of transition ==> 转变熵
  15880. entropy power ==> 熵功率,熵功率
  15881. entropy production ==> 熵产,熵增
  15882. entropy rate ==> 熵速率,熵速率
  15883. entropy wave ==> 熵波,熵波
  15884. entropy-temperature curve ==> 温熵曲线图
  15885. entropy-temperature diagram ==> 温-熵图
  15886. entrustment ==> 委托,信托,托付=>委託
  15887. entry ==> 入口,进口,项目,记录,进入,报关手续,报关单,条目,入帐=>登録
  15888. entry address ==> 入口地址
  15889. entry attribute ==> 入口属性,表目属性
  15890. entry block ==> 项目表,表目块
  15891. entry bridle ==> 入口张紧装置
  15892. entry cluster ==> 登记项簇
  15893. entry coil conveyer ==> 供卷运输机
  15894. entry condition ==> 进入条件,启动条件,数据输入条件,记入条件=>入口条件,入口点
  15895. entry condition(s) ==> 入口条件
  15896. entry conditions ==> 入口条件
  15897. entry data ==> 入口数据
  15898. entry date ==> 进入日期
  15899. entry device ==> 输入设施
  15900. entry edge ==> 入口缘
  15901. entry equipment ==> 分录设备
  15902. entry for free goods ==> 免税货物进口报单,免税品进口报单
  15903. entry for home use ==> 完税进口报关单
  15904. entry forms ==> 入境调查表
  15905. entry guide vane ==> 进口导叶
  15906. entry hatch ==> 入舱口
  15907. entry hole ==> 入口
  15908. entry instruction ==> 入口指令
  15909. entry into force ==> 生效
  15910. entry into power ==> 逐渐加荷
  15911. entry loader ==> 平巷装车机
  15912. entry lock ==> 入口锁
  15913. entry loss ==> 入口损失,进口损失
  15914. entry mode program ==> 入口态程序
  15915. entry name ==> 入口名
  15916. entry name attribute ==> 登记项名字属性
  15917. entry name required for procedure statement ==> 过程语句所要求的输入名
  15918. entry object ==> 描述体客体
  15919. entry of a matrix ==> 矩阵的元,矩阵的元
  15920. entry of a procedure ==> 手続の入口
  15921. entry of goods inward ==> 申报进口
  15922. entry of goods outward ==> 申报出口
  15923. entry of infection ==> 传染门户
  15924. entry of infection portal of infection ==> 传染入口
  15925. entry of notes dishonored ==> 拒付票据分录,拒付票据分录
  15926. entry of stab wound ==> 刺入口
  15927. entry point ==> 入口,入口点,进入点,指令转移点=>入口点
  15928. entry portal ==> 射入口
  15929. entry position ==> 入口位置,登记项位置
  15930. entry procedures ==> 入境手续
  15931. entry program ==> 入口程序
  15932. entry ramp ==> 流入ランプ
  15933. entry section ==> 带卷送进区段
  15934. entry sequenced file ==> 入口顺序文件
  15935. entry shape ==> 进口形状
  15936. entry slot ==> 进口缺槽
  15937. entry speed ==> 入口速度
  15938. entry spin ==> 进气预旋
  15939. entry statement ==> 入口语句
  15940. entry subject ==> 描述体主体
  15941. entry symbol ==> 入口符号
  15942. entry tension roll ==> 进口张紧辊
  15943. entry time ==> 进入时间
  15944. entry variable ==> 入口变量
  15945. entry zone ==> 入口区
  15946. entry-driving machine ==> 掘进机,掘进机
  15947. entry-end effect ==> 入口效应,入端效应
  15948. entry-exist visa valid for a single journey ==> 一次性有效出入境签证,一次有效出入境签证
  15949. entry-point ==> 指令变换点
  15950. ENTSO ==> 欧州電力系統運用システムネットワーク
  15951. entwine ==> 絡み合う
  15952. entwining dragon vase ==> 蟠龙瓶
  15953. Entwistle' gearing ==> 恩氏齿轮传动
  15954. Entz booster ==> 恩兹升压器
  15955. enucleation of cyst of jaw ==> 颌骨囊肿摘除术
  15956. enucleation of palatal cyst ==> 腭囊肿剜除术
  15957. enucleation scissors ==> 眼球摘出剪
  15958. enucleation spoon ==> 眼球摘出匙
  15959. enumcleation hook ==> 眼球摘出钩
  15960. enumerable set ==> 可枚举集,可数集
  15961. enumerate ==> 列挙,数える
  15962. enumerating all paths ==> 列举所有路径
  15963. enumerating function ==> 枚举函数
  15964. enumeration correlation ==> 计数相关
  15965. enumeration data ==> 计数数据,计数资料
  15966. enumeration method ==> 列挙法
  15967. enumeration of binary tree ==> 二叉树的枚举
  15968. enumeration of labelled structure ==> 带标号结构的枚举
  15969. enumeration type ==> 枚举类型
  15970. enumerative ==> 枚挙の,計数の
  15971. enumerative induction ==> 枚挙的帰納法
  15972. enumerator's schedule ==> 普查员用表
  15973. enunciation ==> 宣言
  15974. ENV, environmental test ==> 環境試験
  15975. envelop ==> 包絡線
  15976. envelop delay distortion ==> 包线延迟畸变
  15977. envelope ==> 包络,外壳
  15978. envelope antigen ==> 细菌包被抗原,外膜抗原,封套抗原,包封抗原,包膜抗原,囊膜抗原
  15979. envelope barrier ==> 包面栅栏
  15980. envelope cancellation ==> 包迹对消,包线补偿
  15981. envelope card ==> 包络
  15982. envelope constant ==> 包絡定数
  15983. envelope curve ==> 包络曲线
  15984. envelope cut-off ==> 包迹截止波长
  15985. envelope delay ==> 包络时延,包络线延迟,包络延时线,包线延迟,群时延
  15986. envelope delay data ==> 包络线延迟数据
  15987. envelope delay distortion ==> 包络线延迟畸变
  15988. envelope delay distortion meter ==> 包络延迟失真测量仪
  15989. envelope delay scanner ==> 包络延迟特性测定器,包络延迟特性扫描器,包线延迟特性扫描仪
  15990. envelope delay time ==> 包絡線遅延時間
  15991. envelope delay time meter ==> 包络延时测量器
  15992. envelope delay tracer ==> 包络延迟显迹器
  15993. envelope demodulation circuit ==> 包络解调电路
  15994. envelope detection ==> 包络检波=>包絡線検波
  15995. envelope detector ==> 包络检波器,包络探测器,包线检波器,检波器=>包絡線検波器
  15996. envelope distortion ==> 包络失真,群时延失真
  15997. envelope factor ==> 包迹因数
  15998. envelope following method ==> 包絡追跡法
  15999. envelope function ==> 包络函数
  16000. envelope kiln ==> 封套窑
  16001. envelope line ==> 包络线
  16002. envelope machine ==> 制信封机
  16003. envelope match ==> 匹配封装
  16004. envelope material ==> 包装材料
  16005. envelope method ==> 包迹法,包络法
  16006. envelope modulation ==> 包络调制
  16007. envelope multiplex ==> 包络线多路传送
  16008. envelope noise ==> 包络噪声
  16009. envelope of curve ==> 曲线包络
  16010. envelope of hood ==> 罩套
  16011. envelope oscilloscope ==> 包迹示波器,包络示波器,包线示波器
  16012. envelope principle ==> 包络原理,包容原则
  16013. envelope star ==> 气壳星
  16014. envelope surface ==> 包络面,包络曲面
  16015. envelope synchronization ==> 包迹同步
  16016. envelope test ==> 静态试验,静态试验
  16017. envelope threshold detector ==> 包络阈检定器
  16018. envelope velocity ==> 群速度
  16019. envelope wide-scope ==> 包络宽带示波器
  16020. envelope-threshold detection ==> 包络阈检测
  16021. enveloped thermistor ==> 密封型热敏电阻器
  16022. enveloping curve ==> 包线
  16023. enveloping glass ==> 封接玻璃
  16024. enveloping plane ==> 包络面
  16025. enveloping solid ==> 包络体
  16026. enveloping space ==> 包络空间
  16027. enveloping surface ==> 包络面
  16028. enveloping worm ==> 包络蜗杆,环面蜗杆
  16029. enveloping worm wheel ==> 包络蜗轮
  16030. enveloping worm-gear reducer ==> 球面蜗轮减速箱
  16031. enviromental contamination ==> 环境污染
  16032. environment ==> 周围,环境,影响生物机体生命、发展与生存的所有外部条件的总体=>環境,周囲
  16033. Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF) ==> 环境及自然保育基金
  16034. Environment and Conservation Fund Committee ==> 环境及自然保育基金委员会
  16035. Environment and Conservation Fund Ordinance (Cap. 450) ==> 《环境及自然保育基金条例》(第450章)
  16036. Environment and Conservation Fund Vetting Sub-committee ==> 环境及自然保育基金审查小组委员会
  16037. environment attribute ==> 环境属性
  16038. environment cabinet ==> 人造环境室
  16039. environment chamber ==> 人造环境室
  16040. Environment Database Services (EDS) ==> 环境数据库服务
  16041. environment description ==> 環境記述
  16042. environment division ==> 设备部分,环境部分
  16043. Environment Division (Hong Kong Institution of Engineers) ==> 学会环境部(香港工程师学会)
  16044. Environment Division (Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau) ==> 环境部(规划环境地政局)
  16045. environment effects ==> 环境影响
  16046. environment equipment ==> 環境整備
  16047. environment inquiry ==> 设备询问
  16048. environment noise ==> 环境噪声
  16049. environment of a label constant ==> 标号常数环境
  16050. environment of competition ==> 竞争环境,竞争环境
  16051. environment of sedimentation ==> 沉积环境
  16052. environment pollution ==> 环境污染
  16053. environment protection ==> 环境保护
  16054. environment quality ==> 环境质量
  16055. environment quarrier ==> 環境クオリヤ
  16056. environment simulator ==> 环境模拟装置,设备模拟程序
  16057. environment survey satellite ==> 环境勘测卫星
  16058. environment system monitor ==> 环境系统监控器
  16059. environment tax ==> 環境税
  16060. environment temperature ==> 周围温度
  16061. environment water quality ==> 环境水质
  16062. environment-based learning ==> 以环境为基础的学习
  16063. environment-oriented state ==> 環境立国
  16064. Environment: Hong Kong 199X ==> 《环境保护,香港一九九X》
  16065. environmental ==> 环境的
  16066. environmental accounting ==> 環境会計
  16067. environmental activities corner ==> 环保活动阅览角
  16068. environmental adaptation ==> 环境适应
  16069. environmental analysis ==> 环境分析
  16070. environmental appraisal ==> 环境评价
  16071. environmental appraisal of a project ==> 项目环境生态评价
  16072. environmental area ==> 环境地域
  16073. environmental arrangement ==> 环境治理=>環境整備
  16074. environmental aspect ==> 环境状况
  16075. environmental assessment ==> 环境评价
  16076. environmental astronomy ==> 环境天文学
  16077. environmental awareness campaign ==> 提高环保意识运动
  16078. Environmental Awareness Sub-committee (Hong Kong Institution of Engineers) ==> 环保意识小组委员会(香港工程师学会)
  16079. environmental background value ==> 环境背景值,又称“环境本底”。在未受人类活动干扰的情况下,各环境要素(大气、水、土壤、生物、光、热等)的物质组成或能量分布的正常值
  16080. environmental behavior of toxic elements ==> [有毒元素]环境行为
  16081. environmental black spot ==> 环境污染黑点
  16082. environmental cab ==> 推土机司机室
  16083. environmental cabinet ==> 人造环境室
  16084. Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) ==> 环境保护运动委员会
  16085. Environmental Campaign Committee Organ Bulletin (ECCO Bulletin) ==> 《环保通讯》
  16086. environmental capacity ==> 环境容量
  16087. environmental careers ==> 环境专业
  16088. environmental chamber ==> 环境舱,人工环境室
  16089. environmental characteristics ==> 環境特性
  16090. environmental charging scheme ==> 环境收费计划
  16091. environmental chemical pollutants ==> 环境化学污染物
  16092. environmental chemistry ==> 环境化学
  16093. environmental clock ==> 环境钟
  16094. environmental complex ==> 环境综体
  16095. environmental condition ==> 环境条件
  16096. environmental conditions ==> 環境条件
  16097. environmental conditions at time of maturity ==> 成熟期的环境条件
  16098. environmental consequence ==> 环境影响
  16099. environmental conservation ==> 环境保护=>環境保全
  16100. environmental consideration ==> 环境研究
  16101. environmental considerations ==> 環境への取り組み
  16102. environmental consultants ==> 环境咨询
  16103. environmental contamination ==> 环境污染=>環境汚染(原子力)
  16104. environmental control ==> 环境控制
  16105. environmental control organization ==> (美国)环境控制组织
  16106. environmental control system ==> 环境控制系统,防污染系统,防污染装置
  16107. environmental control technology activities ==> 环境控制技术活力
  16108. environmental conviction statistics ==> 违反环境法例的定罪统计数字
  16109. Environmental Coordination Board ==> 环境协调委员会
  16110. environmental correclation ==> 环境相关
  16111. environmental correlation ==> 环境关联
  16112. environmental crisis ==> 环境危机
  16113. environmental criteria ==> 环境标准=>環境基準
  16114. environmental cure ==> 环境对策
  16115. environmental damage ==> 环境损害
  16116. environmental data ==> 环境资料
  16117. environmental data base guides ==> 环境数据库指南
  16118. environmental decay ==> 环境破坏
  16119. environmental defence fund ==> 环境保护基金
  16120. environmental degradation ==> 环境退化
  16121. environmental density ==> 环境密度
  16122. environmental dependence and change ==> 环境相关性和变化
  16123. environmental design ==> 环境设计
  16124. environmental destruction ==> 环境破坏
  16125. environmental detection control center ==> 环境监测控制中心
  16126. environmental detection set ==> 环境检测装置
  16127. environmental deterioration ==> 环境恶化
  16128. environmental determinism ==> 环境决定论
  16129. environmental development plan ==> 环境开发规划
  16130. environmental deviation ==> 环境差异
  16131. environmental dilemma ==> 环境困境
  16132. environmental diseconomy ==> 环境不经济
  16133. environmental disfunction ==> 环境功能丧失
  16134. environmental disruption ==> 环境破坏
  16135. environmental disturbance ==> 环境失调
  16136. environmental disutility ==> 环境失效
  16137. environmental dose ==> 环境剂量
  16138. environmental dosemeter ==> 环境剂量计
  16139. environmental ecology ==> 环境生态学
  16140. environmental economics ==> 环境经济学
  16141. Environmental Education and Hong Kong Primary School Curriculum ==> 《环境教育与香港小学课程》
  16142. Environmental Education in Action and Partnership (theme of RESAW in 1995) ==> 环保教育──实践及合作(一九九五年亚太区环保研讨会主题)
  16143. environmental education package ==> 环境保护教材
  16144. environmental effect ==> 环境效应
  16145. environmental electricity ==> 环境电学
  16146. environmental emergency ==> 环境紧急事故
  16147. environmental emission ==> 環境排出物
  16148. environmental engineering consulting ==> 环境工程咨询
  16149. environmental engineering laboratory ==> 环境工程实验室
  16150. environmental entity ==> 环境本质
  16151. environmental entomology ==> 环境昆虫学
  16152. environmental epidemiology ==> 环境流行病学
  16153. environmental error ==> 环境误差
  16154. environmental evaluation ==> 环境评价
  16155. environmental exposure ==> 环境照射量
  16156. environmental factor ==> 环境因素
  16157. environmental fatigue ==> 介质疲劳
  16158. environmental field ==> 环境范围
  16159. environmental forecasting ==> 环境预测
  16160. environmental form ==> 环境类型
  16161. environmental gap ==> 环境间隔
  16162. Environmental Garden (facilities in the Environmental Resource Centre) ==> 环保花园(环境资源中心设施)
  16163. environmental gas analyzer ==> 环境气体分析仪
  16164. environmental gas chromatograph ==> 环境气相色谱仪
  16165. environmental goals ==> 环境目标
  16166. environmental guideline ==> 环境方针
  16167. Environmental Guidelines for Planning in Hong Kong (joint publication of EPD and Planning Department) ==> 《香港环境规划指引》(环境保护署与规划署联合出版)
  16168. environmental handbook (Curriculum Development Institute) ==> 环保手册(课程发展处)
  16169. environmental handler ==> 环境控制器
  16170. environmental hazard ==> 环境公害
  16171. environmental health ==> 环境卫生
  16172. environmental health criteria ==> 环境健康标准
  16173. environmental health engineering ==> 环境健康工程学,环境卫生工程
  16174. environmental health information ==> 环境健康情报
  16175. environmental health manpower ==> 环境卫生人力
  16176. environmental health monitoring ==> 环境卫生监测
  16177. environmental health monitoring and surveil lance ==> 环境卫生监测
  16178. environmental health perspectives ==> 环境健康远景
  16179. environmental health problems ==> 环境健康问题
  16180. environmental health scientist ==> 环境卫生科学家
  16181. environmental hormone ==> 环境激素
  16182. environmental hydrobiology ==> 环境水生物学
  16183. environmental hydrology ==> 环境水文学
  16184. environmental hygiene ==> 环境卫生
  16185. environmental impact ==> 环境影响=>環境負荷
  16186. environmental impact analysis ==> 环境影响分析
  16187. environmental impact and safety assessment (EISA) ==> 环境影响和安全评估(环安评)
  16188. environmental impact assessment ==> 环境影响估价,环境影响评价,依据国家有关环境保护的法律、法规和标准,对拟建工程项目在建设中和投产后排出的废气、废水、灰渣、噪声及排水对环境的影响以及需要采取的措施进行预测和评估,并提出书面报告
  16189. Environmental Impact Assessment (Appeal Board) Regulation (9 of 1997) ==> 《环境影响评估(上诉委员会)规例》(1997年第9号)
  16190. environmental impact assessment (EIA) ==> 环境影响评估(环评)
  16191. Environmental Impact Assessment (Fees) Regulation (9 of 1997) ==> 《环境影响评估(费用)规例》(1997年第9号)
  16192. Environmental Impact Assessment Follow-up and Management ==> 《环境影响评估的跟进工作及管理》
  16193. environmental impact assessment for nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂环境影响评价,对核能利用可能对环境造成的影响所进行的评估,包括对辐射源或实践的规模与特性的概述、对厂址或场所环境现状的分析、以及对正常条件下和事故情况下可能造成的环境影响或后果的分析
  16194. environmental impact assessment legislation ==> 环境影响评估法例
  16195. Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (9 of 1997) ==> 《环境影响评估条例》(1997年第9号)
  16196. environmental impact assessment process ==> 环境影响评估程序
  16197. environmental impact assessment report ==> 环境影响评估报告
  16198. Environmental Impact Assessment Seminar ==> 环境影响评估座谈会
  16199. environmental impact assessment study ==> 环境影响评估研究
  16200. environmental impact assessment study brief ==> 环境影响评估研究概要
  16201. Environmental Impact Assessment Study on Shenzhen River Regulation Project ==> 治理深圳河工程环境影响评估研究
  16202. Environmental Impact Assessment Sub-committee (Advisory Council on the Environment) ==> 环境影响评估小组委员会(环境问题咨询委员会)
  16203. environmental impact monitoring ==> 环境影响监测
  16204. environmental impact procedures ==> 环境冲击过程,环境影响通讯
  16205. environmental impact report ==> 环境影响报告,营运单位在申请核电厂许可证时,就核电厂的环境影响提交给国家环保部门审批的必要文件
  16206. environmental impact statement ==> 环境变化报告书,环境影响报告,环境影响声明
  16207. environmental impact study ==> 环境影响研究
  16208. environmental impact units ==> 环境冲击单位
  16209. environmental improvement ==> 环境改良
  16210. environmental index ==> 环境指数
  16211. environmental indicator ==> 环境指示物
  16212. environmental influence ==> 环境条件影响
  16213. environmental information ==> 環境情報
  16214. environmental interaction ==> 环境相互影响
  16215. environmental issues ==> 環境関連
  16216. environmental lapse rate ==> 环境递减率,环境直减率
  16217. environmental law ==> 环境法
  16218. environmental legislation ==> 环境法规
  16219. environmental limit ==> 环境极限
  16220. environmental load ==> 環境負荷
  16221. environmental loads ==> 环境负载
  16222. environmental loss time ==> 外因損失時間
  16223. environmental lubrication ==> 贯流式润滑
  16224. environmental management ==> 环境管理,,运用法律、经济、行政、技术和宣传教育等手段,限制人类损害环境质量的行为。通过全面规划和有效监督,使经济发展与环境协调,达到可持续发展的目标
  16225. Environmental Management Association ==> (美国)环境管理协会
  16226. Environmental Management Division (Hong Kong Productivity Council) ==> 环境管理部(香港生产力促进局)
  16227. Environmental Management Initiatives in Hong Kong ==> 《香港的环境管理措施》
  16228. environmental management system (EMS) ==> 环境管理系统,环境管理制度
  16229. environmental matrices ==> 环境基质
  16230. environmental matters ==> 环境物质
  16231. environmental medium ==> 环境介质
  16232. environmental meteorology ==> 环境气象学
  16233. environmental microbiology ==> 环境微生物学
  16234. environmental model ==> 环境模型
  16235. environmental monitor station ==> 环境监测站
  16236. environmental monitoring ==> 环境监测,对影响环境质量的各种因素进行实时或定期采样、分析测量以发现异常的因素
  16237. environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) ==> 环境监察及审核
  16238. Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual ==> 《环境监察及审核手册》
  16239. Environmental Monitoring and Audit of the Airport Core Programme Projects in Hong Kong ==> 《香港机场核心工程的环境监察及评核》
  16240. Environmental Monitoring and Audit Programme ==> 环境监察及审核计划
  16241. Environmental Monitoring and Audit Report ==> 《环境监察及审核报告》
  16242. Environmental Monitoring and Audit--The Hong Kong Experience ==> 《环境监察及审核──香港经验》
  16243. environmental monitoring and surveillance ==> 环境监测
  16244. environmental monitoring centre ==> 环境监察站,环境监测站
  16245. environmental monitoring information network ==> 环境监测情报网
  16246. environmental monitoring programme ==> 环境监察计划
  16247. environmental monitoring system ==> 环境监测系统
  16248. Environmental Mutagen Society ==> 环境突变原学会
  16249. environmental neutron dosimeter ==> 环境污染中子剂量计
  16250. environmental newsletters ==> 环境新闻通讯
  16251. environmental noise ==> 环境噪声
  16252. environmental noise control ==> 环境噪音控制
  16253. environmental noise level ==> 环境噪音级
  16254. environmental noise monitoring system ==> 环境噪音监测系统
  16255. environmental noise valuation ==> 环境噪音评价
  16256. environmental objective ==> 环境目标
  16257. environmental objectives ==> 环境目标
  16258. environmental organization ==> 环境组织
  16259. environmental performance requirement ==> 环境表现规定
  16260. environmental permit holder ==> 环境许可证持有人
  16261. environmental planning ==> 环境规划,指对一定时期内环境保护目标和措施所作出的规划
  16262. environmental planning advice ==> 环境规划咨询
  16263. environmental planning assessment ==> 环境规划评估
  16264. environmental planning committee ==> 环境计划委员会
  16265. environmental plasma ==> 外围等离子体
  16266. environmental policy ==> 环境政策
  16267. environmental policy act ==> 环境政策法令
  16268. environmental pollutant ==> 环境污染物=>環境汚染物質
  16269. environmental pollutant analysis ==> 环境污染物分析
  16270. environmental pollutant judgement ==> 环境污染物评价
  16271. environmental pollution ==> 环境污染,人类活动中向水、空气、土壤等自然环境,排入化学物质、放射性物质、病原体、噪声、废热等污染物,当数量和浓度达到一定程度,可危害人类健康,影响生物正常生长和生态平衡的现象
  16272. environmental pollution analyzer ==> 环境污染分析器
  16273. environmental pollution class ==> 环境污染类型
  16274. environmental pollution control ==> 环境污染控制
  16275. environmental pollution control measure ==> 环境污染对策
  16276. environmental pollution control regulations ==> 环境污染管理条例
  16277. environmental pollution control technique ==> 环境污染控制技术
  16278. environmental pollution damage ==> 环境污染危害
  16279. environmental pollution episode forecasting ==> 环境污染事件预告
  16280. environmental pollution indicators ==> 环境污染指示剂
  16281. environmental pollution macroscopic investigate ==> 环境污染宏观调查
  16282. environmental pollution mathematics model ==> 环境污染数学模拟
  16283. environmental pollution mechanism ==> 环境污染机制
  16284. environmental pollution monitor ==> 环境污染监测仪
  16285. environmental pollution phenomenon ==> 环境污染现象
  16286. environmental pollution prevention ==> 环境污染防治
  16287. environmental pollution range ==> 环境污染区域
  16288. environmental pollution regulation ==> 环境污染管理
  16289. environmental pollution source investigate ==> 环境污染源调查
  16290. environmental pollution source judgement ==> 环境污染源评价
  16291. environmental pressure ==> 环境压力
  16292. environmental project ==> 环境规划
  16293. Environmental Project Office (ENPO) ==> 环境监察办事处
  16294. Environmental Project Office (ENPO)--West Kowloon Project Area Quarterly Report ==> 《环境监察办事处──西九龙工程区的环境监察季报》
  16295. Environmental Project Office (West Kowloon) ==> 西九龙工程环境监察办事处
  16296. Environmental Project Office for Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi ==> 葵涌及青衣区环境监察办事处
  16297. environmental protection ==> 环境保护,防止环境破坏或变质的方法和控制措施
  16298. environmental protection agency ==> 环保机构
  16299. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ==> 环境保护局
  16300. Environmental Protection Agency (United States) ==> 环境保护局(美国)
  16301. environmental protection agency progress report ==> 环境保护局进度报告
  16302. Environmental Protection and Health in Hong Kong ==> 《香港的环境保护及保健情况》
  16303. Environmental Protection Bag Bags ==> 环保袋中袋
  16304. environmental protection convention ==> 环境保护协定
  16305. Environmental Protection Department (EPD) (formerly known as Environmental Protection Agency) ==> 环境保护署(前称环境保护局)
  16306. Environmental Protection Festival (EPF) ==> 环保节
  16307. environmental protection for electric power ==> 电力环境保护,对电力建设和电力生产过程中产生的废气、废水、废渣、噪声等污染物进行治理及回收利用,以达到国家环境保护法规、标准的要求
  16308. environmental protection guide ==> 环境保护指南
  16309. Environmental Protection Inspector ==> 环境保护督察
  16310. environmental protection matters ==> 环境保护要素
  16311. environmental protection measure ==> 环保措施
  16312. Environmental Protection of Deep Bay and its Catchments ==> 《后海湾及其集水区的环境保护工作》
  16313. Environmental Protection Officer ==> 环境保护主任
  16314. environmental protection program ==> 环境保护规划
  16315. Environmental Publicity Campaign ==> 环境宣传运动,环保宣传运动
  16316. environmental pullution ==> 环境污染
  16317. environmental quality ==> 环境特点,环境质量,某一区域性或局部自然环境要素的优劣程度
  16318. environmental quality investigate ==> 环境质量调查
  16319. environmental quality issues ==> 环境质量问题
  16320. environmental quality management ==> 环境质量管理
  16321. environmental quality monitoring ==> 环境质量监测
  16322. environmental quality objective ==> 环境质素指针
  16323. environmental quality performance limit ==> 环境质素表现规限
  16324. environmental quality requirement ==> 环境质量要求
  16325. environmental quality sensor ==> 环境大气质量检测传感器
  16326. environmental quality standards ==> 环境质量标准
  16327. environmental quality valuation ==> 环境质量评价
  16328. environmental radiation ==> 环境辐射
  16329. environmental radiation level ==> 环境辐射水平
  16330. environmental radiation monitor ==> 环境辐射监测仪
  16331. environmental radiation monitoring ==> 环境辐射监测
  16332. environmental radioactivity ==> 环境放射性
  16333. environmental range ==> 环境范围
  16334. environmental receptivity ==> 环境受纳能力
  16335. environmental reform ==> 环境改造
  16336. environmental releases ==> 环境性释放
  16337. environmental report ==> 环境报告
  16338. environmental resistance ==> 环境阻力
  16339. environmental resource ==> 环境资源
  16340. Environmental Resource Centre (ERC) (Environmental Protection Department) ==> 环境资源中心(环境保护署)
  16341. Environmental Resources Data System ==> 环境资源数据系统
  16342. environmental review ==> 环境评论
  16343. environmental safety ==> 环境安全
  16344. environmental safety standard ==> 环境安全标准
  16345. environmental sampling ==> 环境取样
  16346. environmental satellite ==> 环境卫星
  16347. environmental science ==> 环境学=>環境科学
  16348. environmental science and engineering ==> 环境科学及工程
  16349. environmental science and technology ==> 环境科技
  16350. environmental selling ==> 模拟环境销售
  16351. environmental sensitivity ==> 环境敏感性
  16352. environmental service project ==> 环保服务计划
  16353. environmental severity factor ==> 环境的劣度系数
  16354. environmental simulation ==> 环境模拟
  16355. environmental simulation equipment ==> 环境模拟装置
  16356. environmental simulation test ==> 环境模拟试验
  16357. environmental soil ==> 土壤环境
  16358. environmental sound ==> 对环境无害的
  16359. environmental specification ==> 环境规格
  16360. environmental standard ==> 环境标准
  16361. environmental statement ==> 环境报告
  16362. environmental statistics ==> 环境统计,用统计数字反映人类活动与环境变化之间的相互影响
  16363. environmental stress ==> 环境重点
  16364. environmental stress cracking ==> 环境应力裂纹
  16365. environmental study ==> 环境研究
  16366. environmental surveillance ==> 环境监测
  16367. environmental survey ==> 环境调查
  16368. environmental survey satellite ==> 环境勘测卫星
  16369. environmental survey satellite (ESSA) ==> (即艾萨卫星)环境调查卫星
  16370. environmental system ==> 环境系统
  16371. environmental systems management ==> 环境系统管理
  16372. environmental systems modeling ==> 环境系统模拟
  16373. environmental temperature ==> 周围温度
  16374. environmental test ==> 环境试验=>環境試験
  16375. environmental test chamber ==> 环境试验室
  16376. environmental test equipment ==> 环境试验设备
  16377. environmental testing ==> 环境试验
  16378. environmental training programme ==> 环保训练计划
  16379. environmental training seminar ==> 环保培训研讨会
  16380. environmental training workshop ==> 环保培训研习班
  16381. environmental tset ==> 环境试验
  16382. environmental unit ==> 环境设备
  16383. environmental variable ==> 环境变数
  16384. environmental variation ==> 环境变异
  16385. environmental weight ==> 環境重量
  16386. environmental wind ==> 环境风
  16387. environmentally safe household product ==> 环保家用产品
  16388. environmentally sensitive use ==> 环境感应强的用途
  16389. environmentally-benign arc quenching medium ==> 環境低負荷消弧媒体
  16390. envisage ==> 予想する,想像する
  16391. enzootic ataxia ==> 地方性运动失调症
  16392. enzootic hepatitis ==> 里夫特裂谷热
  16393. enzygotic twins ==> 同卵双生
  16394. enzymatic conversion ==> 酶致转变
  16395. enzymatic inhibition ==> 酶抑作用
  16396. enzymatic oxidation ==> 酶催化氧化
  16397. enzymatic reaction ==> 酶促反应
  16398. enzymatic scalpel ==> 酶解剖刀
  16399. enzymatic synthetic ==> 酶催化合成
  16400. enzymatic yeast hydrolysate ==> 酵母酶解物
  16401. enzyme ==> 酶=>酵素
  16402. enzyme action ==> 酶作用=>酵素作用
  16403. enzyme constitution ==> 酶结构
  16404. enzyme defect ==> 酶缺陷
  16405. enzyme electrode ==> 酶底极,酶电极=>酵素電極
  16406. enzyme hydrolysis ==> 酶水解
  16407. enzyme induction ==> 酶诱导
  16408. enzyme inhibition ==> 酶抑制
  16409. enzyme inhibitor ==> 酶抑制剂,酶抑制物
  16410. enzyme kinetics ==> 酶促反应动力学,酶反应动力学
  16411. enzyme label-ed antibody method ==> 酶标记抗体法
  16412. enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ==> 酶标法
  16413. enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) ==> 酶联免疫吸附测定
  16414. enzyme model ==> 酶模型
  16415. enzyme multiplied immunoassay ==> 酶放大免疫试验
  16416. enzyme multiplied immunoassay (EMIA) ==> 酶倍增免疫测定
  16417. enzyme of mesocarp ==> 果肉解酯酶
  16418. enzyme precursor ==> 酶前体
  16419. enzyme preparation ==> 酶制剂=>酵素製剤
  16420. enzyme reaction ==> 酶反应
  16421. enzyme specificity ==> 酶特异性
  16422. enzyme substrate electrode ==> 酶敏电极
  16423. enzyme system ==> 酶系统
  16424. enzyme unit ==> 酶单位
  16425. enzymes active in acid or alkaline medium ==> 酶在酸性抑碱性介质中活动
  16426. enzymes of oxidation and reduction ==> 氧化还原酶类
  16427. enzymic change ==> 酶变化
  16428. enzymic conversion ==> 酶致转变
  16429. enzymic inactivation ==> 酶钝化作用
  16430. enzymic protein ==> 酶类蛋白质
  16431. enzymic reaction ==> 酶促反应
  16432. enzymic rearrangement ==> 酶致重排作用
  16433. enzymic structure analysis ==> 酶结构分析
  16434. enzymic synthesis ==> 酶促合成法,酶合成
  16435. enzymoimmuno electrophoresis ==> 酶免疫电泳
  16436. EO, earth observation ==> 地球観測
  16437. EO, end office ==> 端局
  16438. EO, engineering order ==> 技術指示書
  16439. EOC, Earth Observation Center ==> 地球観測センター
  16440. Eocene epoch ==> 始新世
  16441. Eocene era oils ==> 始新纪石油
  16442. Eocene System ==> 始新系
  16443. Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 ==> 始新世高温期2
  16444. EOD, end of discharge ==> 放電末期
  16445. eoectro anti-lock device ==> 电子防抱死装置
  16446. EOF, end of a file ==> ファイルの終り
  16447. EOF, end of file marker ==> ファイル終了マーカー
  16448. EOG, electro-oculogram ==> 眼振図
  16449. EOG, electrooculographic transducer[sensor] ==> 眼电图传感器
  16450. Eogene (period) old Tertiary ==> 早第三纪
  16451. Eogene period ==> 老第三纪
  16452. EOIM, evaluation of oxygen interactions with materials ==> 宇宙用材料の対酸素原子性の評価
  16453. EOL, end of life ==> 寿命末期
  16454. EOL-weight, end of weight ==> 軌道上寿命末期重量
  16455. eolian ==> 风成的
  16456. eolian anemometer ==> 风琴式风速计
  16457. eolian basin ==> 风成盆地
  16458. eolian constituent ==> 风成组分
  16459. eolian deposit ==> 风成沉积
  16460. eolian dune ==> 风成丘
  16461. eolian plain ==> 风成平原
  16462. eolian ripple mark ==> 风成波痕
  16463. eolian rock ==> 风成岩
  16464. eolian sand ==> 风成沙,风积沙
  16465. eolian soil ==> 风成土
  16466. eolian sounds ==> 风吹声
  16467. eolian suspension ==> 风悬浮作用
  16468. eolian transportation ==> 风力搬运
  16469. eolianite ==> 风成岩
  16470. Eolithic Period ==> 始石器时代
  16471. EOM, earth observation mission ==> 地球観測ミッション
  16472. EOM, end of the mission ==> ミッション終了
  16473. EOP, earth orient precession ==> 地球捕捉プリセッション
  16474. EOP, End Of Pipe ==> 出口側
  16475. EOPAP, Earth and Physics Applications Program ==> 地球及び海洋物理応用計画
  16476. EOR ==> 原油・天然ガス増進回収技術
  16477. EOR, Enhanced Oil Recovery ==> 石油増進回収
  16478. EORC, Earth Observation Research Center ==> 地球観測研究センター
  16479. EOS, Earth Observation Satellite ==> 地球観測衛星
  16480. EOS, earth observatory satellite ==> 地球観測衛星
  16481. Eos, Earth Observing System ==> 地球観測システム
  16482. EOS, earth one shot pulse ==> アースワンショットパルス
  16483. EOS, electrophoresis operation in space ==> 宇宙における電気泳動運用
  16484. EOS, end of set marker ==> セット終了マーカー
  16485. EOSAT, Earth Observation Satellite Company ==> イオサット社
  16486. EOSAT, Earth Observation System Satellite ==> 地球観測システム衛星
  16487. EOSD, Earth Observations Sensor Development Laboratory ==> 地球観測センター開発研究所
  16488. eosin methylene blue agar ==> 伊红美蓝琼脂
  16489. eosinophil granules ==> 嗜曙红粒
  16490. eosinophilic granuloma ==> 嗜曙红细胞肉芽肿,骨嗜酸性肉芽肿
  16491. eosinophilic granuloma of bone ==> 骨嗜伊红肉芽肿
  16492. eosinophilic granuloma of lung ==> 肺嗜酸性肉芽肿
  16493. eosinophilic granuloma of skull ==> 颅骨嗜酸性肉芽肿
  16494. eosinophilic granuloma of stomach ==> 胃嗜酸性肉芽肿
  16495. eosinophilic leukocytes ==> 粒性曙红白细胞
  16496. eosinY ==> エオシンY
  16497. EOT, end of the tape ==> テープの終り
  16498. EOT, end of transmission ==> 伝送終了
  16499. EOTS, electronic optical tracking system ==> 電子光学式追跡装置
  16500. Eotvos equation ==> 厄缶方程
  16501. EOV label ==> 卷结束标号,卷结束标号,卷尾标号
  16502. EOV, end of volume marker ==> ボリューム終了マーカー
  16503. Ep corder ==> 电子照相式直接记录器
  16504. Ep gear oil ==> 极压齿轮油
  16505. EP, electrical power ==> 電力
  16506. EP, end processor ==> 終端処理器
  16507. EPA ground bonding point ==> EPAグランド接続点
  16508. EPA ground cord ==> EPAグランドコード
  16509. EPA ground facility ==> EPAグランド設備
  16510. EPA, Economic Partnership Agreement ==> 経済連携協定
  16511. EPA, Enhanced Performance Architecture ==> EPA
  16512. EPA, Environment Protection Agency ==> 环境保护署
  16513. EPA, Environmental Protection Agency ==> 环境保护局=>環境庁,米国環境保護局,環境保護庁
  16514. EPA, ESD protected area ==> ESD保護区域
  16515. EPAct, Energy Policy Act ==> 米国国家エネルギー政策法
  16516. EPC ==> 海外工程承包业务=>設計・調達・建設・試運転
  16517. EPC, Economic Policy Council ==> 経済政策評議会
  16518. EPC, electric power conditioner ==> 電源調整器
  16519. EPC, electric power control ==> 電源制御
  16520. EPC, electrical power converter ==> 電力変換器
  16521. EPC, Emergency Power Control ==> 緊急潮流制御
  16522. EPC, Emergency Power Controller ==> 緊急発電指令装置(中部)
  16523. EPC, Engineering Procurement Construction ==> EPCコントラクター
  16524. EPC, equipment power converter ==> 機器電源変換器
  16525. EPCC, International Workshop on Electric Power Control Centers ==> 国际电力调度控制中心工作会议
  16526. EPDB, electrical power data base ==> 電力データベース
  16527. EPDB, electrical power distribution box ==> 電力分電盤
  16528. EPDB, experiment power distribution box ==> 実験電力分配装置
  16529. EPDC, electric power distribution and control ==> 電力分配と制御
  16530. EPDM, ethylene propylene diene monomer ==> エチレン・プロピレン・ジエン三元共重合体
  16531. EPDS, electrical power distribution system ==> 電力分配システム
  16532. ePDXP-2100 ==> 国家电网公司数据交换平台
  16533. EPEE ==> 電力技術者教育
  16534. epeiric sea ==> 陆缘海,浅海
  16535. epeirogenic earth movement ==> 造陆运动
  16536. epeirogenic folds ==> 造陆褶皱
  16537. epeirogenic movement ==> 造陆运动的
  16538. epeirogenic uplift ==> 造陆上升
  16539. ependymal cavity ==> 室管腔
  16540. ependymal layer ==> 室管膜
  16541. EPER, European Pollutant Emission Register ==> 欧州汚染物質排出登録簿
  16542. EPET, electrical performance evaluation test ==> 電気性能評価試験
  16543. EPF, exposed processing facility ==> 曝露処理部
  16544. EPG, Electric Program Guide ==> 電子番組ガイド
  16545. EPGS, electrical power generation and energy storage ==> 電力発電とエネルギー貯蔵
  16546. EPH, luni-solar ephemeris file ==> 月・太陽位置情報ファイル
  16547. ephaptic transmission ==> 旁触传递
  16548. epharmonic convergence ==> 适应趋同
  16549. ephedra root ==> 麻黄根
  16550. Ephedra sinica ==> 草麻黄
  16551. Ephedra sinica poi-soning ==> 麻黄中毒
  16552. ephedrine hydrochloride ==> 盐酸麻黄碱(素)
  16553. ephedrine spray ==> 麻黄碱喷雾剂
  16554. ephedrine sulfate ==> 硫酸麻黄碱
  16555. ephedroid perforation plate ==> 麻黄式穿孔板
  16556. ephemeral ==> はかない,短命の
  16557. Ephemeral fever ==> 三日热
  16558. ephemeral fever ==> 短暂热,一日热
  16559. ephemeral plant ==> 短命植物
  16560. ephemeral plant label ==> 短生植物标记
  16561. ephemeral plant region ==> 短生植物区
  16562. ephemeral region ==> 瞬现区
  16563. ephemeral stream ==> 季节性河流=>一時河川
  16564. ephemeris ==> 天文历表,星历表,历表,宇宙飞行器
  16565. ephemeris day ==> 历书日
  16566. ephemeris hour angle ==> 历书时角
  16567. ephemeris longitude ==> 历书经度
  16568. ephemeris meridian ==> 历书子午线
  16569. ephemeris second ==> 历书秒
  16570. ephemeris sidereal time ==> 历书恒星时
  16571. ephemeris time ==> 历书时,星历表时间
  16572. ephemeris transit ==> 历书中天
  16573. epi ==> 外延层
  16574. epi island ==> 外延岛
  16575. epi-illuminator ==> 反射照明器
  16576. epi-planarintegrated circuit ==> 表面集成电路
  16577. epi-position ==> 表位
  16578. EPIA ==> 欧州太陽光発電産業協会
  16579. epiandrosterone acetate ==> 醋酸异雄酮
  16580. epibasal half ==> 基上半
  16581. epibolic gastrula ==> 外包原肠胚
  16582. epibolic gastrulation ==> 外包原肠胚形成
  16583. epibolic stress ==> 弛失应力
  16584. epic ==> 外延钝化集成电路=>叙事詩,大作
  16585. epic approach ==> 外延钝化集成电路方法
  16586. epic struggle ==> 勇壮な闘い, The annals of technology are filled with stories about inventors whose epic struggles over their inventions drive them over the edge.
  16587. epicadmium ==> エピカドミウム
  16588. epicadmium neutron ==> 超镉中子
  16589. epicadmium neutrons ==> 超镉中子
  16590. epicardial electrode ==> 心外膜起搏电极
  16591. epicenter coordinate ==> 震中坐标
  16592. epicenter determination ==> 震中测定
  16593. epicenter distribution ==> 震中分布
  16594. epicenter location routine ==> 震中定位程序
  16595. epicenter map ==> 震中图
  16596. epicenter migration ==> 震中迁移
  16597. epicenter shift ==> 震中迁移
  16598. epicentral area ==> 震中区=>震源域
  16599. epicentral distance ==> 震中距=>震央距離
  16600. epicentral earthquake ==> 直下型地震
  16601. epicentral intensity ==> 震中烈度=>震央震度
  16602. epicentral location ==> 震中位置
  16603. epicentral region ==> 震中区=>震央地域
  16604. epicentral zone ==> 震中带
  16605. epiclastic rock ==> 外力碎屑岩
  16606. epicondylus lateralis femoris ==> 股骨外上髁
  16607. epicondylus medialis ==> 内上髁
  16608. epicondylus medialis femoris ==> 股骨内上髁
  16609. epicontinental platform ==> 陆缘地台
  16610. epicontinental sea ==> 陆缘海,浅海,内陆海
  16611. epicormic knot ==> 徒长枝节
  16612. epicranial arm ==> 头盖缝臂
  16613. epicranial lobe ==> 头盖叶
  16614. epicranial plate ==> (幼虫)头盖板
  16615. epicranial stem ==> 头盖缝干
  16616. epicranial suture ==> 头盖缝
  16617. epicuticular wax ==> 角质层蜡
  16618. epicycle ==> 小旋回,本轮,周转圈,周转圆,地心说理论用语,The result was that the study of non-linear electrical engineering was getting into a state comparable with that of the last stages of the Ptolemaic system of astronomy, in which epicycle was piled on epicycle, correction upon correction, until a vast patchwork structure ultimately broke down under its own weight.(维纳)=>周転円
  16619. epicycle motor ==> 行星减速电动机
  16620. epicycle theory ==> 本轮说
  16621. epicyclic arm ==> 周转臂
  16622. epicyclic clutch brake ==> 周转离合器闸
  16623. epicyclic drive ==> 周转齿轮传动,周转传动
  16624. epicyclic gear ==> 周转齿轮,行星齿轮=>遊星歯車装置
  16625. epicyclic gear drive ==> 周转传动
  16626. epicyclic gear train ==> 周转轮系
  16627. epicyclic gear transmission ==> 行星齿轮传动
  16628. epicyclic gearbox ==> 行星齿轮箱
  16629. epicyclic gearing ==> 周转轮系
  16630. epicyclic reduction gear ==> 周转减速装置
  16631. epicyclic reduction gear of planetary type ==> 行星式齿轮减速
  16632. epicyclic reduction gear of solar type ==> 恒星式齿轮减速箱
  16633. epicyclic reduction gear of star type ==> 定星式齿轮减速箱
  16634. epicyclic reduction gear solar type ==> 恒星式周转减速齿轮
  16635. epicyclic reduction gear star type ==> 定星式周转减速齿轮
  16636. epicyclic reduction gear unit ==> 行星齿轮减速装置
  16637. epicyclic singleplanet helical gear ==> 行星斜齿轮
  16638. epicyclic train ==> 行星齿轮系,周转轮系,外摆线轮系=>遊星歯車装置
  16639. epicyclic train of gears ==> 周转齿轮系
  16640. epicyclic transmission ==> 行星传动
  16641. epicycloid ==> 外転サイクロイド
  16642. epicycloidal and hypocycloidal gear tooth ==> 内外摆线轮齿
  16643. epicycloidal gear ==> 外摆线齿轮
  16644. epicycloidal gear cutter ==> 外摆线齿轮铣刀
  16645. epicycloidal or planetary gear train ==> 周转轮系
  16646. epicycloidal tooth ==> 外摆线齿
  16647. epicycloidal wheel ==> 外摆轮,外摆线轮
  16648. epicycloidal wheel tooth ==> 外摆线齿轮
  16649. epidemic arthritic erythema ==> 流行性关节红斑
  16650. epidemic diarrhea ==> 流行性腹泻
  16651. epidemic diarrhea of newborn ==> 新生儿腹泻,新生儿流行性腹泻
  16652. epidemic encephalitis B virus ==> 流行性乙型脑炎病毒
  16653. epidemic exfoliative dermatitis ==> 流行性剥脱性皮炎
  16654. epidemic factor ==> 流行因素
  16655. epidemic focus ==> 疫原,疫源地
  16656. epidemic gastroenteritis ==> 流行性胃肠炎
  16657. epidemic hemor-rhagic fever ==> 流行性出血热
  16658. epidemic hepatitis ==> 传染性肝炎
  16659. epidemic hepatitis associated antigen (EHAA) ==> 传染性肝炎相关抗原
  16660. epidemic hysteria ==> 流行性癔病
  16661. epidemic index ==> 流行指数
  16662. epidemic infantile paralysis ==> 流行性婴儿麻痹
  16663. epidemic influenza ==> 流行性感冒
  16664. epidemic law ==> 防疫法规
  16665. epidemic method ==> 防疫方法
  16666. epidemic period ==> 防疫阶段
  16667. epidemic practice ==> 防疫手段
  16668. epidemic prevention station ==> 防疫站
  16669. epidemic process ==> 流行过程
  16670. epidemic spread ==> 流行扩散
  16671. epidemic station ==> 防疫站
  16672. epidemic strain ==> 流行株
  16673. epidemic treatment ==> 疫病防治
  16674. epidemic tremor ==> 雏鸡传染性颤搐病
  16675. epidemiologic observation ==> 流行病学观察
  16676. epidemiological analysis ==> 流行病学分析
  16677. epidemiological dynamics ==> 流行病动力学
  16678. epidemiological investigation ==> 疫学的調査
  16679. epidemiological process ==> 流行过程
  16680. Epidemiological Study of Swimming--Associated Illnesses Relating to Bathing Beach Water Quality ==> 《与泳滩水质有关的游泳引致流行病学研究》
  16681. epidemiological surveillance ==> 流行病学监视
  16682. epidemiological survey ==> 流行病学调查
  16683. epidemiological-microbiological studies (beach water pollution) ==> 流行病学及微生物学研究(泳滩水质污染)
  16684. epidemiology ==> 流行病学=>疫学,伝染病学
  16685. epidemiology of cancer ==> 癌症流行病学
  16686. epidemiology of immigration ==> 移民流行病学
  16687. epidemiology of tumor ==> 肿瘤流行病学
  16688. epidermal area ==> 表皮层
  16689. epidermal cyst of ovary ==> 卵巢表面上皮包涵囊肿
  16690. epidermal desquamation ==> 表皮剥脱
  16691. epidermal glide tectonics ==> 表皮滑动构造
  16692. epidermal inclusion cyst of ovary ==> 卵巢表面上皮包涵囊肿
  16693. epidermal laceration ==> 表皮撕裂
  16694. epidermal layer ==> 表皮层
  16695. epidermal melanin unit ==> 表皮黑色素单元
  16696. epidermal ridge ==> 表皮嵴
  16697. epidermic graft ==> 表皮移植物,雷维尔丹氏移植物
  16698. epidermic method ==> 表皮法
  16699. epidermocytic spine ==> 表皮细胞棘
  16700. epidermoid carcinoma ==> 鳞状细胞癌
  16701. epidermoid carcinoma of anus ==> 肛表皮样癌
  16702. epidermoid carcinoma of breast ==> 乳腺表皮样癌
  16703. epidermoid carcinoma of ear ==> 耳表皮样癌
  16704. epidermoid carcinoma of nasopharynx ==> 鼻咽上皮样癌
  16705. epidermoid carcinoma of penis ==> 阴茎表皮样癌
  16706. epidermoid carcinoma of pharynx ==> 咽表皮样癌
  16707. epidermoid cyst ==> 类表皮囊肿,表皮样囊肿
  16708. epidermoid cyst of cerebellum ==> 小脑表皮样囊肿
  16709. epidermolysis simplex ==> 单纯性表皮松解症
  16710. epidiascope ==> 实物幻灯机
  16711. epididymo-orchitis ==> 睾丸附睾炎
  16712. epidural abscess ==> 硬膜外脓肿
  16713. epifaunal organism ==> 表栖动物有机体
  16714. epifilm ==> 外延膜
  16715. epigamic selection ==> 引诱选择
  16716. epigastric angle ==> 腹上角
  16717. epigastric hernia ==> 上腹疝
  16718. epigastric puncture ==> 马方氏法
  16719. epigenetic concretion ==> 次生结核
  16720. epigenetic deposit ==> 后成矿床,后生矿床
  16721. epigenetic development ==> 渐成式发育
  16722. epigenetic mineralization ==> 后生成矿作用
  16723. epigenetic river ==> 上遗河
  16724. epigenetic valley ==> 上遗谷
  16725. epigenetics ==> 发育遗传学,表观遗传学=>エピジェネティックス,後成的遺伝学,後生学
  16726. epiglottic cartilage ==> 会厌软骨
  16727. epiglottic cartilage cutting forceps ==> 会厌软骨切除钳
  16728. epiglottis holder ==> 持会厌器
  16729. epigular suture ==> 上外咽缝
  16730. epigynial plate ==> 上殖板
  16731. epigynial shield ==> 上殖板
  16732. epigynous flower ==> 上位花
  16733. epihyal bone ==> 上舌骨
  16734. epilation ==> 脱毛(原子力)
  16735. epilayer ==> 外延层
  16736. epilepsia ==> 癫痫,羊痫疯=>てんかん
  16737. epilepsia gravior ==> 大発作
  16738. epilepsia minor ==> 小発作
  16739. epileptic character ==> 癫痫特征
  16740. epileptic mania ==> 癫痫性躁狂
  16741. epilim tablet ==> 定百痉片
  16742. epilittoral zone ==> 海岸带上的
  16743. epilogue ==> エピローグ
  16744. EPIMS, Electrical Electronic and Electromechanical Parts Information Management Syste ==> EEE部品情報管理システム
  16745. epipelagic zone ==> 海洋光合作用带
  16746. epiphany ==> 顿悟=>エピファニー,突然のひらめき
  16747. epipharyngeal organ ==> 内唇器官
  16748. epiphora induced by wind ==> 冲风泪出
  16749. epiphta arboricosa ==> 树上附生植物
  16750. epiphyllum ==> 昙花
  16751. epiphyseal arch ==> 脑上体弓
  16752. epiphyseal avulsion ==> 骨骺撕脱
  16753. epiphyseal fracture ==> 骨骺骨折
  16754. epiphyseal line ==> 骺线
  16755. epiphyseal osteo-chondritis of navicular bone ==> 足舟状骨骨骺骨软骨炎
  16756. epiphyseal plate ==> 骨骺板
  16757. epiphyseal separation ==> 骨骺分离
  16758. epiphyseal separation of ischial tuberosity ==> 坐骨结节骨骺分离
  16759. epiphysial bone lamella ==> 骺骨板
  16760. epiphysiolysis of distal end of femur ==> 股骨远端骨骺分离
  16761. epiphysiolysis of femoral head ==> 股骨头骨骺分离
  16762. epiphysiolysis of lower end of femur ==> 股骨下端骨骺分离
  16763. epiphysiolysis of upper femur ==> 股骨上端骨骺分离
  16764. epiphysitis of iliac crest ==> 髂骨嵴骨骺炎
  16765. epiphysitis of ischial tuberosity ==> 坐骨结节骨骺炎
  16766. epiphysitis of tibial tuberosity ==> 胫骨结节骨骺炎,胫骨结节骨骺炎
  16767. epiphysitis of vertebral body ==> 椎体骨骺炎
  16768. epiphysitis syndrome ==> 骨骺炎综合征
  16769. epiphytotic pathogen ==> 流行性病原
  16770. epiphytotics ==> 植物流行病的,植物流行病
  16771. epiplanar device ==> 外延平面装置
  16772. epiplanar technology ==> 外延平面工艺
  16773. epiploic ==> 网膜的
  16774. epiploic appendages ==> 肠脂垂
  16775. epiploic branches ==> 网膜支
  16776. epiploic foramen ==> 网膜孔
  16777. epipolar geometry ==> 核面几何学
  16778. epipolarized light ==> 外表偏振光,表射偏振光
  16779. EPIRB, emergency position indicating radio beacon ==> 非常用位置指示無線標識,遭難発見ビーコン
  16780. EPIRB, Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon ==> 卫星无线电应急示位标=>イパーブ, 遭難信号自動発信装置,非常用位置指示無線標識装置
  16781. episcleral arteries ==> 巩膜上动脉,巩膜外动脉
  16782. episcleral lamina ==> 巩膜外层
  16783. episcleral space ==> 巩膜上腔,巩膜外隙,环球间隙
  16784. episcleral veins ==> 巩膜上静脉,巩膜外静脉
  16785. episcopic illumination device ==> 反射照明装置
  16786. epistatic deviation ==> 上位离差
  16787. epistatic gene ==> 上位基因
  16788. epistatic immunity ==> 被动免疫性
  16789. epistatic interaction ==> 上位互作,上位相互作用
  16790. epistatic parameter ==> 上位参量
  16791. epistaxis and hematemesis after menstruation ==> 经后吐衄,经后吐衄
  16792. epistemic logic ==> 認識論理
  16793. epistemic meaning ==> 認識様態の意味
  16794. epistemic passive ==> 認識様態受動文
  16795. epistemic sense ==> 認識様態的意味
  16796. epistemic uncertainty ==> 知識の不確実性
  16797. epistemological aspect ==> 認識論的側面
  16798. epistemological assumption ==> 認識論的仮定
  16799. epistemological base ==> 認識論的基礎
  16800. epistemological belief ==> 認識論的信念
  16801. epistemology ==> 认识论=>認識論
  16802. epitaxial ==> 外延的=>エピタキシャルの
  16803. epitaxial alloyed device ==> 外延合金器件
  16804. epitaxial autodoping ==> 外延自动掺杂
  16805. epitaxial backfill ==> 外延后填
  16806. epitaxial body ==> 外延衬底
  16807. epitaxial cell ==> 外延元件
  16808. epitaxial collector ==> 外延集电极
  16809. epitaxial cvd ==> 外延化学汽相淀积
  16810. epitaxial CVD growth ==> 外延化学气相沉积生长
  16811. epitaxial deposited silicon ==> 外延淀积硅
  16812. epitaxial deposition ==> 外延淀积
  16813. epitaxial diffuse ==> 外延扩散
  16814. epitaxial diffused method ==> 外延扩散法
  16815. epitaxial diffused phototransistor ==> 外延扩散型光电二极管
  16816. epitaxial diposition ==> 外延淀积
  16817. epitaxial edge grown ==> 外延层边缘生长
  16818. epitaxial effect ==> 外延生长作用
  16819. epitaxial film ==> 外延膜=>エピタキシャル膜
  16820. epitaxial furnace ==> 外延生长炉
  16821. epitaxial garnet film ==> 外延榴石膜
  16822. epitaxial growth ==> 外延生长=>エピタキシアル成長
  16823. epitaxial integrated circuit ==> 外延集成电路
  16824. epitaxial interface ==> 外延界面=>エピタキシャル界面
  16825. epitaxial isolation method ==> 外延隔离法
  16826. epitaxial junction ==> 外延结=>エピタキシアル接合
  16827. epitaxial layer ==> 外延层=>エピタキシャル層
  16828. epitaxial method ==> 外延法
  16829. epitaxial overgrowth ==> 异轴增生
  16830. epitaxial passivated integrated circuit ==> 外延钝化集成电路
  16831. epitaxial planar technique ==> 外延平面技术=>エピタキシアルプレーナ技術
  16832. epitaxial planar transistor ==> 外延平面晶体管
  16833. epitaxial pocket ==> 外延阱区
  16834. epitaxial polycrystalline film ==> 外延多晶膜
  16835. epitaxial process ==> 外延过程
  16836. epitaxial reactor ==> 外延生长炉
  16837. epitaxial region ==> 外延区
  16838. epitaxial regrowth ==> 外延层再生长
  16839. epitaxial silicon ==> 外延硅
  16840. epitaxial silicon controlled rectifier ==> 外延硅可控整流管
  16841. epitaxial silicon variable capacitance diode ==> 外延硅变容二极管
  16842. epitaxial slice ==> 外延生长薄片
  16843. epitaxial solution ==> 外延溶液
  16844. epitaxial spike ==> 外延层凸起部分
  16845. epitaxial substrate ==> 外延衬底,外延生长衬底
  16846. epitaxial substrate film ==> 外延衬底膜
  16847. epitaxial susceptor ==> 外延用衬托器
  16848. epitaxial transister ==> 外延型晶体管
  16849. epitaxial transistor ==> 外延型晶体管
  16850. epitaxial type diode ==> 外延型二极管
  16851. epitaxial vapor growth ==> 外延气相生长
  16852. epitaxial wafer ==> 外延生长薄片,外延片
  16853. epitaxially grown film ==> 外延膜
  16854. epitaxially grown junction ==> 外延结
  16855. epitaxially grown silicon crystal ==> 外延生长硅晶体
  16856. epitaxy ==> 外延=>エピタキシー
  16857. epithelial attachment ==> 上皮附着,附着上皮
  16858. epithelial bed ==> 上皮床
  16859. epithelial body ==> 上皮体
  16860. epithelial cancer ==> 上皮癌
  16861. epithelial cells of basal layer ==> 基底层上皮细胞
  16862. epithelial cord ==> 上皮索
  16863. epithelial cyst ==> 上皮囊肿
  16864. epithelial gland ==> 上皮腺
  16865. epithelial layer ==> 上皮层
  16866. epithelial metaplasia of membranous labyrinth ==> 膜迷路上皮化生
  16867. epithelial portion ==> 上皮部
  16868. epithelial sheath ==> 上皮鞘
  16869. epithelial sheath of enamel ==> 釉护膜
  16870. epithelial sheath of Hertwig ==> 赫特维希氏上皮鞘
  16871. epithelial sprout ==> 上皮芽
  16872. epithelial surface ==> 上皮面
  16873. epithelial tumor ==> 上皮细胞瘤
  16874. epithelial tumor of larynx ==> 喉上皮细胞瘤
  16875. epithelial tumor of mammary glands ==> 乳腺上皮肿瘤
  16876. epithelial tumor of ovary ==> 卵巢上皮性肿瘤
  16877. epithelial-muscular cell ==> 皮膜肌细胞
  16878. epithelio-vaccinia ==> 上皮层牛痘
  16879. epitheliochorial placenta ==> 上皮绒膜胎盘
  16880. epithelioid body ==> 上皮样体
  16881. epithelioid vestige ==> 上皮样体
  16882. epithelioid-like body ==> 上皮状体
  16883. epithelioma ==> 上皮癌,上皮瘤
  16884. epithelioma adenoides cysticum ==> 囊状腺样上皮瘤
  16885. epithelioma contagiosum fowlpox ==> 传染性上皮瘤
  16886. epithelioma of ciliary body ==> 睫状体上皮瘤
  16887. epithelioma of penis ==> 阴茎上皮瘤
  16888. epithelium anterius cornea ==> 前上皮
  16889. epithelium posterius ==> 后上皮
  16890. epithermal activation ==> 超热中子激活
  16891. epithermal capture ==> 超热俘获
  16892. epithermal deposit ==> 浅成低温热液矿床,浅成热沉积
  16893. epithermal neutron ==> 超热能中子,超热中子=>中速中性子
  16894. epithermal neutron activation ==> 超热中子活化
  16895. epithermal neutron activation analysis ==> 超热中子活化分析
  16896. epithermal neutron log ==> 超热中子测井
  16897. epithermal neutrons ==> 超热中子
  16898. epithermal reactor ==> 超热中子堆
  16899. epithermal thorium reactor ==> 超热中子钍反应堆
  16900. epitrochlear lymph nodes ==> 西格蒙德氏腺,滑车上淋巴结
  16901. Epitropic fibre ==> 埃比特罗比克纤维
  16902. Epitropic filament yarn ==> 埃比特罗比克长丝
  16903. epitympanic recess ==> 鼓上隐窝
  16904. epizootic catarrhal fever ==> 马流行性感冒
  16905. epizootic fox encephalitis ==> 狐狸脑炎
  16906. epizootic infection ==> 兽疫传染
  16907. epm ==> 电物理加工
  16908. EPM, Electromagnetic Processing of Materials ==> 材料電磁プロセッシング
  16909. EPM, experiment pressurized module ==> 与圧実験モジュール
  16910. EPMA, electron probe micro analysis ==> 电子探针微分析
  16911. epoch ==> 纪元,时代,时期,历元,初相
  16912. epoch of neutralization ==> 中和纪元
  16913. epoch of observation ==> 观测历元
  16914. epoch of orientation ==> 定向历元
  16915. epoch of place ==> 位置历元
  16916. EPOCH, epoch ==> 元期,基準時刻
  16917. epoxide ==> 环氧化物
  16918. epoxide absorption ==> エポキシド吸収
  16919. epoxide accumulation ==> エポキシド蓄積
  16920. epoxide acrylate ==> アクリル酸エポキシド
  16921. epoxide alloy ==> 环氧树脂金属
  16922. epoxide cement ==> 环氧胶接剂
  16923. epoxide number ==> 环氧值
  16924. epoxide powder coating ==> 环氧粉末涂料
  16925. epoxide resin ==> 环氧树脂
  16926. epoxide-resin glue ==> 环氧树脂胶
  16927. epoxides ==> 环氧衍生物
  16928. epoxidized methyl acetorieinoleate ==> 环氧乙酰蓖麻油酸甲酯
  16929. epoxidized soybean oil ==> 环氧大豆油
  16930. epoxidizing agent ==> 环氧化剂
  16931. epoxirane formation ==> 环氧化作用
  16932. epoxy ==> 环氧树脂=>エポキシ
  16933. epoxy acrylate ==> 环氧丙烯酸酯
  16934. epoxy adhesive ==> 环氧胶粘剂,环氧树脂粘合剂,环氧粘合剂
  16935. epoxy alloy ==> 环氧树脂合金
  16936. epoxy anti-corrosive powder ==> 防腐型粉末涂料
  16937. epoxy asphalt concrete ==> 环氧沥青混凝土
  16938. epoxy butane ==> 环氧丁烷
  16939. epoxy chloroparaffin ==> 环氧氯烃
  16940. epoxy chloropropane ==> 环氧氯丙烷
  16941. epoxy coal tar ==> 环氧煤焦油
  16942. epoxy coal tar varnish ==> 环氧沥青清漆
  16943. epoxy coating ==> 环氧树脂涂料,环氧涂层
  16944. epoxy cotton paper ==> 环氧棉纸
  16945. epoxy cure ==> 环氧树脂硬化
  16946. epoxy derivative ==> 环氧衍生物,环氧衍生物
  16947. epoxy die attachment ==> 环氧树脂芯片粘合
  16948. epoxy die bonder ==> 环氧矢芯片接合器
  16949. epoxy dispenser ==> 环氧树脂配量器
  16950. epoxy dispensing system ==> 环氧树脂配量器
  16951. epoxy encapsulant ==> 环氧树脂密封剂
  16952. epoxy encapsulated transformer ==> 环氧树脂外包之变压器
  16953. epoxy encapsulation ==> 环氧树脂密封
  16954. epoxy enclosed mica capacitor ==> 环氧包封云母电容器
  16955. epoxy ester baking insulating coating ==> 环氧酯烘干绝缘漆
  16956. epoxy ester baking varnish ==> 环氧酯烘干清漆
  16957. epoxy ester varnish ==> 环氧酯清漆
  16958. epoxy ethane alcohol solution ==> 环氧乙烷乙醇溶液
  16959. epoxy ethane fumigation ==> 环氧乙烷熏蒸法
  16960. epoxy film adhesive ==> 环氧树脂薄膜粘合剂
  16961. epoxy foam plastics ==> 环氧泡沫塑料
  16962. epoxy glass ==> 环氧玻璃
  16963. epoxy hardener ==> 环氧树脂硬化剂
  16964. epoxy insulation varnish ==> 环氧绝缘漆
  16965. epoxy insulator ==> エポキシ絶縁物
  16966. epoxy iron red shop primer ==> 环氧铁红底漆
  16967. epoxy isocyanate paint ==> 环氧异氰酸漆
  16968. epoxy laminate ==> 环氧迭层片,环氧薄片
  16969. epoxy mica paper ==> 环氧云母纸
  16970. epoxy molding ==> 环氧树脂模制
  16971. epoxy novolac adhesive ==> 线型酚醛环氧粘合剂
  16972. epoxy package ==> 环氧树脂外壳
  16973. epoxy phenol aldehyde glass cloth laminated board ==> 环氧酚醛玻璃布板
  16974. epoxy phenol aldehyde glass cloth laminated rod ==> 环氧酚醛玻璃布棒
  16975. epoxy phenolic resin ==> 环氧酚醛树脂
  16976. epoxy plastics ==> 环氧塑料
  16977. epoxy polyamide paint ==> 环氧聚酰胺漆
  16978. epoxy polyester powder coating ==> 环氧聚酯树脂粉末涂料
  16979. epoxy polymer ==> 环氧聚合物
  16980. epoxy potting ==> 环氧树脂密封
  16981. epoxy powder coating ==> 环氧粉末涂料,环氧树脂粉末涂料
  16982. epoxy powder coating material ==> 环氧树脂塑封材料
  16983. epoxy primer ==> 环氧底漆
  16984. epoxy propane rubber ==> 环氧丙烷橡胶
  16985. epoxy repair putty ==> 环氧修补腻子
  16986. epoxy resin ==> 环氧树脂=>エポキシ樹脂
  16987. epoxy resin adhesive ==> 环氧树脂胶
  16988. epoxy resin dipping paint ==> 环氧树脂浸渍漆
  16989. epoxy resin enclosed transistor ==> 环氧树脂密封晶体管
  16990. epoxy resin filling equipment ==> 环氧树脂灌注设备
  16991. epoxy resin finish ==> 环氧树脂面漆
  16992. epoxy resin floor paint ==> 环氧树脂地板漆
  16993. epoxy resin lining ==> 环氧树脂衬
  16994. epoxy resin poisoning ==> 环氧树脂中毒
  16995. epoxy resin silver paint ==> 环氧树脂银漆
  16996. epoxy resin varnish ==> 环氧树脂清漆
  16997. epoxy seal transistor ==> 环氧树脂封装晶体管
  16998. epoxy sealing ==> 环氧树脂密封
  16999. epoxy solventless baking insulating varnish ==> 环氧无溶剂绝缘烘漆
  17000. epoxy solventless immersion baking varnish ==> 环氧无溶剂浸渍烘漆
  17001. epoxy substrate ==> 环氧基质
  17002. epoxy zinc rich primer ==> 环氧富锌底漆=>シンクリッチ下塗
  17003. epoxy-ester ==> 环氧酯
  17004. epoxy-phenol resin paint ==> 环氧酚醛树脂涂料
  17005. epoxy-phenolic cotton paper ==> 环氧酚醛棉纸
  17006. epoxy-polyethylene coating ==> 环氧聚乙烯涂层
  17007. epoxypropyl phenylether ==> 环氧丙基苯醚
  17008. EPPD, Emergency Power Preset Switch ==> 緊急電力設定スイッチ
  17009. Eppenstein's principle ==> 爱本斯坦原理
  17010. EPPS ==> 爱德华个人偏好量表
  17011. EPPS, Emergency Power Preset Switch ==> 緊急応援制御方式
  17012. EPPS, Emergency Power Presetting Switch ==> 緊急融通装置
  17013. EPR ==> 压水堆核电,欧洲先进压水堆技术
  17014. EPR spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy ==> 电子顺磁共振波谱法
  17015. EPR, Engine Pressure Ratio ==> エンジン入口と燃焼室の圧力の比を表し,エンジン性能を評価するパラメータの一つ
  17016. EPR, extended producer responsibility ==> 拡大生産者責任
  17017. EPR-steering ==> EPRステアリング
  17018. EPRB, emergency position beacon ==> 緊急位置無線ビーコン
  17019. EPRI, Electric Power Research Institute ==> 電力研究所
  17020. EPRI, Electric Power Research Institute, P.R.China ==> 中国電力科学研究院
  17021. eprom ==> 电可编程序只读存储器
  17022. EPROM, erasable programmable read only memory ==> 書込み消去ができるROM
  17023. EPROM, erasable programmable ROM ==> 書き込み/消去ができるROM
  17024. EPS, electric pipe shaft ==> 電気配線シャフト
  17025. EPS, Electric Power Steering ==> 電気式パワーステアリング,電動パワーステアリング
  17026. EPS, Electrical Power Subsystem ==> 電力供給系
  17027. EPS, electrical power supply ==> 電力供給
  17028. EPS, electrical power system (subsystem) ==> 電力系統
  17029. EPSA, electrical power subsystem panel assembly ==> EPSパネルアセンブリ
  17030. epsilon ==> ε,エプシロン
  17031. epsilon-type structure ==> 山字形构造
  17032. Epsom salt ==> 泻盐,硫酸镁
  17033. EPSP, experiment power switching panel ==> 実験用パワー切換えパネル
  17034. EPSS, electrical power storage system ==> 電力貯蔵システム
  17035. Epstein frame ==> 爱普斯坦方圈
  17036. Epstein hysteresis tester ==> 爱泼斯坦磁滞仪
  17037. Epstein measuring apparatus ==> 爱普斯坦测量装置
  17038. Epstein method ==> 爱泼斯坦法
  17039. Epstein square ==> 爱泼斯坦方圈仪
  17040. Epstein test ==> 铁损试验
  17041. Epstein tester ==> 爱泼斯坦测试仪
  17042. Epstein's syndrome ==> 爱泼斯坦氏综合征
  17043. Epstein-Barr virus ==> 埃-巴二氏病毒
  17044. EPT ==> エネルギーペイバックタイム
  17045. EPT, electrical performance test ==> 電気性能試験
  17046. EPT-SA, electronic programmable timer ==> 電子式タイマー
  17047. epulis granulomatosum ==> 肉芽肿性龈瘤
  17048. epw ==> 电物理加工
  17049. EQ, Emotional Quotient ==> 情緒指数
  17050. EQ, equator ==> 赤道
  17051. EQP, equipment panel ==> 機器パネル
  17052. EQP, piece of equipment ==> 装置
  17053. eqrth screw ==> 搭铁螺钉
  17054. EQS Environmental Quality Standard ==> 环境质量标准
  17055. Equ, Equuleus ==> こうま座
  17056. equable moderate ==> 温度均衡而适中
  17057. equal ==> 相等的,均,均一,等,等号,等同,等于,相等的,同样,平等
  17058. equal advantage ==> 同等利益
  17059. equal altitude circle ==> 等高圈
  17060. equal altitudes ==> 相等高度
  17061. equal altitudes method ==> 等高法
  17062. equal angle ==> 等边角钢
  17063. equal angle iron ==> 等边角钢
  17064. equal angle steel ==> 等边角钢
  17065. equal annual accrual method ==> 每年等额应计法
  17066. equal area chart ==> 等面积图
  17067. equal area criteria ==> 等面積法
  17068. equal area criterion ==> 暂态稳定中的等面积法则=>等面積法,等面積則
  17069. equal area criterion of two machine system ==> 两机系统的等面积准则
  17070. equal area map ==> 等积投影地图
  17071. equal area method ==> 等面积法=>等面積法
  17072. equal area projection ==> 等积投影
  17073. equal arm bridge ==> 等臂电桥
  17074. equal authenticity ==> 具有同等效力,具有同等效力
  17075. equal brightness photometer ==> 等亮度光度计
  17076. equal chance ==> 均等机会,均等机会,同等机会
  17077. equal circumference ==> 等圆周
  17078. equal clearances ==> 等余隙
  17079. equal competition ==> 平等竞争
  17080. equal coverage ==> 同等保证条款
  17081. equal delay angle control ==> 等滞后角控制=>各相制御
  17082. equal diameter ==> 等直径
  17083. equal distribution ==> 平均分配
  17084. equal distribution of load ==> 负载均匀分布
  17085. equal distribution of wealth ==> 财富的平均分配
  17086. equal division ==> 平均分配
  17087. equal employment opportunity ==> 同等就业机会
  17088. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ==> (美国)同等就业机会委员会
  17089. equal energy depth ==> 等能量水深
  17090. equal energy depths ==> 等能量水深
  17091. equal energy white ==> 等エネルギー白色光
  17092. equal falling particles ==> 等速下沉颗粒
  17093. equal gain combiner ==> 等增益合并器
  17094. equal height tooth cutting method ==> 等高齿切削法
  17095. equal heterodyne ==> 等幅差拍,等幅外差法
  17096. equal in quality ==> 相同质量
  17097. equal inclination frings ==> 等倾条纹
  17098. equal inclination interferometer ==> 等倾干涉仪
  17099. equal incremental cost loading method ==> 等増分燃料費法
  17100. equal incremental dispatching ==> 等微增率调度,按微增率相等原则分配并列运行发电机组(发电厂)之间出力的经济调度方法
  17101. equal instalment system ==> 均等分摊法,均等分摊法
  17102. equal intercept restrictions ==> 相等截距约束
  17103. equal interval quantizing ==> 线性量化,等间隔量化
  17104. equal laid wire rope ==> 平行捻钢丝绳
  17105. equal leg ==> 对称焊脚
  17106. equal leg angle ==> 等边角钢
  17107. equal length code ==> 等长度编码,等长码
  17108. equal listener response scale ==> 等听觉响应等级,等闻响应标度
  17109. equal loudness contour ==> 音の大きさの等感曲線
  17110. equal matrix language ==> 等矩阵语言
  17111. equal nipple ==> 等径螺纹接套
  17112. equal observation ==> 等精度观测
  17113. equal observations ==> 等精度测量
  17114. equal opportunity ==> 均等机会,均等机会
  17115. equal pay ==> 同酬
  17116. equal pay for equal work ==> 同工同酬
  17117. equal percentage characteristic ==> 等百分率特性
  17118. equal performance of labor ==> 同等的劳动
  17119. equal pitch contour ==> 音の高さの等感曲線
  17120. equal pitch winding ==> 等节距线圈
  17121. equal precision measurement ==> 等精密度测量
  17122. equal pressure ==> 等压,等压式
  17123. equal pressure method ==> 等圧法(ガス圧点検法)
  17124. equal pulse ==> 均脉,均脉
  17125. equal ripple property ==> 相等波纹性质
  17126. equal sacrifice theory ==> 均等牺牲说,均等牺牲说
  17127. equal sets ==> 相等集
  17128. equal settlement ==> 均匀沉降,均匀沉降,等量沉陷
  17129. equal sides ==> 等边
  17130. equal sign ==> 等号
  17131. equal signal system ==> 等信号无线电导航系统
  17132. equal span ==> 等跨
  17133. equal status of legal persons ==> 平等的法人身份
  17134. equal stop ==> 对称触止
  17135. equal strength ==> 等强度
  17136. equal tails test ==> 等尾检验
  17137. equal thick fringes ==> 等厚条纹
  17138. equal thickness interferometer ==> 等厚干涉仪
  17139. equal time ==> 均等机会,均等机会
  17140. equal to ==> 等于
  17141. equal treatment ==> 平等待遇
  17142. equal weighting ==> 同量加权
  17143. equal-addendum tooth ==> 等齿顶高齿
  17144. equal-angle projection ==> 等角投影,等角投影图
  17145. equal-annual depreciation payment method ==> 平均年金折旧法
  17146. equal-area map projection ==> 等积地图投影
  17147. equal-arm balance ==> 等臂天平
  17148. equal-deflection method ==> 等偏转法
  17149. equal-energy phosphor ==> 等能荧光体
  17150. equal-energy spectrum ==> 等能光谱
  17151. equal-energy white ==> 等能白色
  17152. equal-force trainer ==> 等力训练器
  17153. equal-gain diversity combining ==> 等增益分集组合
  17154. equal-inclination method ==> 等倾角法
  17155. equal-increment solution ==> 等增长解
  17156. equal-interval peak ==> 等时距洪峰
  17157. equal-leg angle ==> 等肢角钢
  17158. equal-length code ==> 等长电码,时标电码
  17159. equal-level patching bay ==> 等值接线架
  17160. equal-mileage rate ==> 均一料金
  17161. equal-pitch contour ==> 等音调线
  17162. equal-pressure method ==> 等压法
  17163. equal-ripple filter ==> 等波纹滤波器
  17164. equal-ripple passband filter ==> 等波纹通带滤波器
  17165. equal-ripple stopband filter ==> 等波纹阻带滤波器
  17166. equal-sided angle iron ==> 等边角钢
  17167. equal-signal white ==> 等信号白色
  17168. equal-thickness fringe ==> 等厚边缘
  17169. equal-utility contour ==> 效用等高线
  17170. equal-zero indicator ==> 等零指示位,等于零指示器
  17171. equalarea latitude ==> 等积投影纬度
  17172. equaled time of payment ==> 平均付款期
  17173. equalenergy stimulus ==> 等能刺激
  17174. equaling needle-handle file ==> 平齐头针锉
  17175. equalitarian distribution method ==> 平均分配方式
  17176. equalitarianism ==> 平均主义
  17177. equality ==> 等式,均一性,均一性,相等性
  17178. equality and mutual benefit ==> 平等互利
  17179. equality circuit ==> 相等电路
  17180. equality constraint ==> 等式约束
  17181. equality gate ==> 同门
  17182. equality of brightness photometer ==> 等亮度光度计
  17183. equality of contrast photometer ==> 等对比场光度计,等对比光度计
  17184. equality of fuzzy set ==> 模糊集的相等
  17185. equality of fuzzy sets ==> 模糊集相等
  17186. equality of luminosity photometer ==> 等亮度场光度计
  17187. equality of luminous photometer ==> 等亮度光度计
  17188. equality of nationality ==> 民族平等
  17189. equality of rate of profit ==> 利润率均等化
  17190. equality of taxation ==> 纳税平等
  17191. equality system ==> 等式组
  17192. equality unit ==> 等同装置
  17193. equality-of-contrast photometer ==> 等反衬光度计
  17194. equalization ==> 调和,均等化,均等化,均衡,均衡,均涂作用,均涂作用,均值化,均值化,相等性,校平,平衡,废水均化,应力消除=>等化
  17195. equalization account ==> 平均股息帐
  17196. equalization box ==> 平衡箱
  17197. equalization brake gear ==> 平衡闸装置,平衡制动装置
  17198. equalization characteristics of bracking ==> 平均制动性能
  17199. equalization charger ==> バランス充電器
  17200. equalization circuit ==> 平衡电路=>バランス回路
  17201. equalization claim ==> (均衡债权)统一债权
  17202. equalization condenser ==> 均衡电容器,均衡电容器
  17203. equalization effects ==> 均平效应,均平效应
  17204. equalization fund ==> 平准基金
  17205. equalization grants ==> 平衡补助金
  17206. equalization of assessments ==> 确定税款平等
  17207. equalization of burden ==> 负担均等化
  17208. equalization of discharge ==> 平衡出水
  17209. equalization of incidence ==> 平均负担
  17210. equalization of land rent ==> 平均地租
  17211. equalization of level ==> 均衡电平,均衡电平
  17212. equalization of profit rates ==> 利润率平均化
  17213. equalization of profit rates on capital ==> 资本利润率平均化
  17214. equalization of tax ==> 赋税均等化
  17215. equalization of tax payment ==> 纳税平等
  17216. equalization point ==> 基地址,平均点
  17217. equalization reserve ==> 平衡准备,均衡补偿准备,均衡补偿准备
  17218. equalization stage ==> 均等期,均等期
  17219. equalization treatment ==> 平衡处理
  17220. equalize ==> 平衡,使均衡=>イコライズ
  17221. equalized clamps ==> 平衡卡头
  17222. equalized heat distribution ==> 等热分配法
  17223. equalized tip ==> 均压电极头,均压电极头,均压焊嘴,均压焊嘴
  17224. equalized tip holder ==> 均压焊嘴夹头,均压焊嘴夹头
  17225. equalized vector ==> 均等向量,均等向量
  17226. equalizer ==> 均压母线,均衡器,均值器,均值器,起模同步机构,补偿器,天平梁,均压线,在多极叠绕组中,各并联支路的感应电势可能不同,为消除由此引起的电流环流,将各对支路在理论上的等电位点连接起来的导线=>等化器,均圧結線,均圧母線
  17227. equalizer (connection) ==> 均压线,均压线
  17228. equalizer amplifier ==> 均衡放大器,均衡放大器
  17229. equalizer bar ==> 平衡架
  17230. equalizer bar equalizing ==> 平衡杆
  17231. equalizer bar pivot ==> 平衡杆枢
  17232. equalizer bay ==> 均衡器架,均衡器架
  17233. equalizer beam ==> 平衡梁
  17234. equalizer block ==> 平衡器功能块
  17235. equalizer circuit ==> 均衡电路,均衡电路,均压电路,均压电路
  17236. equalizer coil ==> 均压线圈,均压线圈
  17237. equalizer connection ==> 均压线连接,均压线连接
  17238. equalizer curve ==> 均衡特性曲线,均衡特性曲线
  17239. equalizer fulcrum ==> 均衡梁支点,均衡梁支点
  17240. equalizer network ==> 均衡网络,均衡网络,校正四端网络
  17241. equalizer pipe ==> 平衡管
  17242. equalizer ring ==> 均衡环,均衡环,均压环,均压环
  17243. equalizer safety strap ==> 平衡器安全环
  17244. equalizer set ==> 均衡机组,均衡机组
  17245. equalizer spring ==> 补偿弹簧
  17246. equalizer support ==> 均衡梁支架,均衡梁支架
  17247. equalizer supporting bar ==> 平衡器支杆
  17248. equalizer switch ==> 均衡开关,均衡开关,均压开关,均压开关
  17249. equalizer-analyzer combination ==> 平衡器-分析器组合
  17250. equalizing ==> 均衡,均衡
  17251. equalizing amplifier ==> 等化増幅器
  17252. equalizing bar ==> 平衡杆,平衡架
  17253. equalizing basin ==> 反调节池
  17254. equalizing beam ==> 平衡梁
  17255. equalizing bed ==> 垫平整的基底,管沟垫层,(铺管道时用的)垫床
  17256. equalizing block ==> 均温块
  17257. equalizing buffer ==> 平衡缓冲器
  17258. equalizing buffer spring ==> 均衡缓冲弹簧,均衡缓冲弹簧
  17259. equalizing bus-bar ==> 均圧母線
  17260. equalizing busbar ==> 均压母线,均压母线
  17261. equalizing cable ==> 均压电缆,均压电缆,均压线,均压线
  17262. equalizing charge ==> 均衡充电
  17263. equalizing components ==> 平衡元件
  17264. equalizing conductor ==> 平衡导线,平衡线
  17265. equalizing connection ==> 平衡连接,均压连接,等位连接
  17266. equalizing current ==> 平衡电流,均压电流
  17267. equalizing device ==> 平衡装置
  17268. equalizing differences ==> 补偿差别
  17269. equalizing discharge valve ==> 均衡放风阀,均衡放风阀
  17270. equalizing dividend ==> 平衡股利
  17271. equalizing dynamo ==> 平衡发电机
  17272. equalizing effect of lake ==> 湖泊调节作用
  17273. equalizing file ==> 细平齐头锉
  17274. equalizing frame ==> 平衡架
  17275. equalizing gear ==> 平衡装置,差动齿轮
  17276. equalizing graduating valve ==> 均衡递动阀,均衡递动阀
  17277. equalizing hole ==> 平衡孔,卸负荷孔
  17278. equalizing lapping ==> 配合研磨法
  17279. equalizing lever ==> 平衡杆
  17280. equalizing line ==> 均压管,均压管
  17281. equalizing main ==> 平衡管道
  17282. equalizing mechanism ==> 平衡机构
  17283. equalizing occupational differentials ==> 平衡职业差别
  17284. equalizing orifice ==> 平衡孔
  17285. equalizing pipe ==> 平压管
  17286. equalizing piston ==> 平衡活塞
  17287. equalizing piston packing ring ==> 平衡活塞密封圈
  17288. equalizing pressure ==> 平衡压力
  17289. equalizing pulse ==> 平衡脉冲=>等化パルス
  17290. equalizing pulse signal ==> 均衡脉冲信号,均衡脉冲信号
  17291. equalizing reactor ==> 均流电抗器,均流电抗器
  17292. equalizing reservoir ==> 均衡蓄水池,均衡蓄水池,平衡水池,反调节水库
  17293. equalizing resistance ==> 均衡电阻,均衡电阻,均压电阻,均压电阻
  17294. equalizing ring ==> 均压环
  17295. equalizing rolling mill ==> 平整辊机
  17296. equalizing section ==> (窑池的)温度调节区
  17297. equalizing slide valve ==> 均衡滑阀,均衡滑阀
  17298. equalizing spring ==> 均衡弹簧
  17299. equalizing stage ==> 均衡期,均衡期
  17300. equalizing support ==> 平衡支柱
  17301. equalizing suspension system ==> 平衡悬挂
  17302. equalizing tank ==> 调压水箱
  17303. equalizing the dividend ==> 均期股利,均期股利
  17304. equalizing value ==> 均值,均值
  17305. equalizing valve ==> 均压阀,预启阀,为减轻阀门提升力而设置的可预先开启的旁通阀
  17306. equalizing washer ==> 平衡垫圈
  17307. equalizing yoke guide ==> 平衡轭导承
  17308. equalling ==> 均等,均等
  17309. equalling needlehandle file ==> 平齐头针锉
  17310. equally authentic ==> 具有同等效力,具有同等效力
  17311. equally distributed sequence ==> 等分布序列
  17312. equally likely event ==> 等可能事件
  17313. equally loaded ==> 等载,等载的,均衡负载,均衡负载
  17314. equally spaced ==> 等距的
  17315. equally tempered scale ==> 等程音阶
  17316. equally tempered semitone ==> 等程半音
  17317. equant point ==> 偏心等距点
  17318. equated call ==> 等值通话
  17319. equated maturity ==> 平均到期日
  17320. equating coefficient ==> 使系数相等
  17321. equation ==> 相等性,等分,公式,反应式,方程,方程式
  17322. equation clock ==> 均时钟差,均时钟差
  17323. equation division ==> 均等分裂
  17324. equation entry ==> 方程式入力
  17325. equation error ==> 方程式誤差
  17326. equation factor ==> 换算率
  17327. equation for steady incompressible flow ==> 不可压的稳定流动方程,不可压式稳定流动方程
  17328. equation for the different generation quark mixture in Kobayashi and Maskawa's theory ==> 小林-益川理論のクォーク世代混合式
  17329. equation governing the motion ==> 运动方程
  17330. equation in one unknown ==> 一元方程
  17331. equation of a fuzzy relation ==> 模糊关系方程
  17332. equation of circle ==> 円の方程式
  17333. equation of compressible flow ==> 可压缩流体流动方程
  17334. equation of continuity ==> 连续性方程=>連続の方程式
  17335. equation of correlation ==> 相关方程
  17336. equation of diffusion ==> 扩散方程式
  17337. equation of ellipse ==> 楕円の方程式
  17338. equation of equal altitude ==> 等高差
  17339. equation of equilibrium ==> 平衡方程
  17340. equation of evolution ==> 发展方程
  17341. equation of exchange ==> 费雪氏交换方程式,交易方程式
  17342. equation of first variation ==> 第一变分方程,一次变分方程
  17343. equation of heat conduction ==> 热传导方程
  17344. equation of higher degree ==> 高次方程
  17345. equation of higher order ==> 高阶方程
  17346. equation of intersector equilibrium ==> 门部间流量均衡方程
  17347. equation of law and regulation ==> 法规方程
  17348. equation of light ==> 光差,光行时差
  17349. equation of line ==> 线路方程式
  17350. equation of linear regression ==> 线性回归方程
  17351. equation of locus ==> 轨迹的方程
  17352. equation of mass conservation ==> 质量守恒定律方程
  17353. equation of momentum ==> 动量方程
  17354. equation of motion ==> 运动方程=>運動方程式
  17355. equation of motion of a charged particle in the electromagnetic field ==> 電磁場中の荷電粒子の運動方程式
  17356. equation of network ==> 网络方程式
  17357. equation of payments ==> 平均分期付款
  17358. equation of piezotropy ==> 压性方程
  17359. equation of radiative transfer ==> 辐射转移方程
  17360. equation of regression ==> 回归方程
  17361. equation of renormalizatin group ==> くりこみ群の方程式
  17362. equation of rotor motion, swing equation ==> 转子运动方程,又称"摇摆方程"
  17363. equation of state ==> 状态方程,状态方程式,物态方程,物态方程式
  17364. equation of state of real gas ==> 实际气体状态方程
  17365. equation of states ==> 状態方程式
  17366. equation of structure ==> 结构方程
  17367. equation of the center ==> 中心差
  17368. equation of the equinoxes ==> 赤经章动,二分差
  17369. equation of three moments ==> 三弯矩方程
  17370. equation of through flow ==> 连续性方程,流动方程
  17371. equation of time ==> 时差
  17372. equation of transfer ==> 转移方程
  17373. equation of variation ==> 变分方程
  17374. equation root ==> 方程的根
  17375. equation set-up ==> 方程组
  17376. equation solver ==> 方程解算机,方程解算装置,方程求解器
  17377. equation statement ==> 方程语句
  17378. equation technique ==> 方程式法
  17379. equation type ==> 方程类型
  17380. equation-division ==> 均等分裂,均等分裂
  17381. equation-oriented simulation language ==> 面向方程的仿真语言
  17382. equational maturation division ==> 均等成熟分裂,均等成熟分裂
  17383. equational reduction ==> 均等减数分裂,均等减数分裂
  17384. equations set ==> 方程组
  17385. equations system method ==> 方程解法
  17386. equator ==> 赤道,赤道线,中规,中纬线=>赤道
  17387. equator correction ==> 赤道改正
  17388. equator of date ==> 瞬时赤道
  17389. equator of epoch ==> 历元赤道
  17390. equator of lens ==> 晶状体赤道部,中纬线
  17391. equator side ==> 赤道侧
  17392. equatorial ==> 赤道装置
  17393. equatorial acceleration ==> 赤道加速度,赤道加速现象
  17394. equatorial aeronomy ==> 赤道高层大气物理学
  17395. equatorial air ==> 赤道空气,赤道气团
  17396. equatorial air mass ==> 赤道气团
  17397. equatorial angle ==> 赤道角
  17398. equatorial aperture ==> 赤道萌发孔
  17399. equatorial armilla ==> 赤道经纬仪
  17400. equatorial armillary sphere ==> 赤道经纬仪
  17401. equatorial atmospheric dynamics ==> 赤道大气动力学
  17402. equatorial axis ==> 赤道轴
  17403. equatorial band ==> 赤道带
  17404. equatorial belt ==> 赤道带
  17405. equatorial bond ==> 赤道键,平伏键
  17406. equatorial bulge ==> 赤道隆起,赤道区鼓起
  17407. equatorial calm belt ==> 赤道无风带
  17408. equatorial calms ==> 赤道无风带
  17409. equatorial camera ==> 赤道式摄影机
  17410. equatorial circle ==> 赤道圆
  17411. equatorial circumference ==> 赤道圈,赤道圆
  17412. equatorial climate ==> 赤道气候
  17413. equatorial contour ==> 赤道轮廓
  17414. equatorial convergence zone ==> 赤道辐合区,热带辐合区
  17415. equatorial coordinate system ==> 赤道坐标系
  17416. equatorial coordinates ==> 赤道坐标
  17417. equatorial countercurrent ==> 赤道逆流
  17418. Equatorial Current ==> 南赤道海流,北赤道海流
  17419. equatorial current ==> 赤道洋流
  17420. equatorial cylindrical orthomorphic chart ==> 墨卡托投影地图
  17421. equatorial day ==> 赤道日
  17422. equatorial depression ==> 赤道低压
  17423. equatorial diameter ==> 赤道直径
  17424. equatorial drift ==> 赤道暖流
  17425. equatorial dry zone ==> 赤道干旱带
  17426. equatorial easterlies ==> 赤道东风带
  17427. equatorial ejection ==> 赤道抛射
  17428. equatorial electrojet ==> 赤道电射流
  17429. equatorial forest ==> 热带雨林
  17430. equatorial fringe ==> 赤道边饰
  17431. equatorial front ==> 热带锋
  17432. equatorial gully ==> 赤道沟
  17433. equatorial horizontal parallax ==> 赤道地平视差
  17434. equatorial instrument ==> 赤道仪
  17435. equatorial limb ==> 赤道轮廓
  17436. equatorial line ==> 赤道线=>赤道
  17437. equatorial low ==> 赤道低压
  17438. equatorial moment of inertia ==> 中线惯性矩
  17439. equatorial monsoon ==> 赤道季风
  17440. equatorial mounting ==> 赤道式装置,赤道仪座,赤道装置
  17441. equatorial net ==> 赤面网
  17442. equatorial orbit ==> 赤道轨道
  17443. equatorial oribit ==> 赤道軌道
  17444. equatorial parallax ==> 赤道视差
  17445. equatorial plane ==> 赤道面
  17446. equatorial plante ==> 赤道平面
  17447. equatorial plate ==> (细胞)赤道板
  17448. equatorial precipitation belt ==> 赤道多雨带
  17449. equatorial profile ==> 球环带外形
  17450. equatorial projection ==> 赤道投影,赤道凸出物
  17451. equatorial prominence ==> 赤道日珥
  17452. equatorial quantum number ==> 赤道量子数
  17453. equatorial radius ==> 赤道半径
  17454. equatorial rainforest climate ==> 赤道雨林气候
  17455. equatorial rectangular coordinates ==> 赤道直角坐标
  17456. equatorial reflection ==> (X线衍射图中的)赤道反射
  17457. equatorial satellite ==> 赤道卫星
  17458. equatorial sediment bulge ==> 赤道沉积物增厚
  17459. equatorial staphyloma ==> 赤道葡萄肿,中纬线葡萄肿
  17460. equatorial sundial ==> 赤道日规,赤道日晷仪
  17461. equatorial symmetry ==> 赤道对称
  17462. equatorial system ==> 赤道系统
  17463. equatorial telescope ==> 赤道望远镜,赤道仪
  17464. equatorial tide ==> 赤道潮
  17465. equatorial torquetum ==> 简仪
  17466. equatorial trough ==> 赤道槽
  17467. equatorial undercurrent ==> 赤道潜流
  17468. equatorial vortex ==> 赤道涡旋
  17469. equatorial wave ==> 赤道波
  17470. equatorial westerlies ==> 赤道西风带
  17471. equatorial zone ==> 赤道带
  17472. equestrain tourism ==> 骑马旅游
  17473. equi energy spectrum ==> 等能量谱
  17474. equi-area method of reinforcement ==> 等面积补强法
  17475. equi-arm ==> 等臂的
  17476. equi-band coder ==> 等带宽编码器
  17477. equi-energy spectrum ==> 等エネルギー白色光
  17478. equi-error contour ==> 等误差线
  17479. equi-field-strength curve ==> 等電界強度曲線
  17480. equi-incremental fuel cost method ==> 等増分燃料費則
  17481. equi-join ==> 等结合
  17482. equi-marginal principle ==> 边际均等原理
  17483. equi-marginal utility ==> 边际效用均等
  17484. equi-potential bonding ==> 等電位ボンディング
  17485. equi-proportional sacrifice ==> 均等牺牲,均等牺牲
  17486. equiangular spiral ==> 等角螺线=>等角らせん
  17487. equiangular spiral antenna ==> 等角螺线天线
  17488. equiangular transformation ==> 等角变换
  17489. equianharmonic curve ==> 等交比曲线
  17490. equiareal mapping ==> 保积映射
  17491. equiaxed ==> 等轴的
  17492. equiaxed dendritie structure ==> 等轴树枝状组织
  17493. equiaxed ferritic grain ==> 等轴铁素体晶粒
  17494. equiaxed grain structure ==> 等轴结晶构造
  17495. equiaxed structure ==> 等轴组织
  17496. equiaxed system ==> 等轴晶系
  17497. equiband receiver ==> 等带宽接收机
  17498. equibinary polymer ==> 平衡二元聚合物
  17499. equiblast cupola ==> 等风冲天炉
  17500. equicontinuous family of function ==> 等度连续函数族
  17501. equicrescent variable ==> 等半圆变数
  17502. equidensity film ==> 等密度胶片
  17503. equidep gear ==> 等高齿圆锥齿轮
  17504. equidistance firing control ==> パルス間隔一定制御
  17505. equidistant ==> 等距,等间距的
  17506. equidistant curve ==> 等距曲线
  17507. equidistant firing control ==> パルス間隔一定制御
  17508. equidistant line ==> 等距线
  17509. equidistant locking ==> 等距锁面
  17510. equidistant locking pallets ==> 等距螫尖
  17511. equidistant projection ==> 等距投影
  17512. equidistant pulse ==> 等距离脉冲
  17513. equidistant spacing ==> 等距
  17514. equidistant surface ==> 等距曲面
  17515. equidiurnal effect ==> 等日效应
  17516. equifield intensity curve ==> 等场强曲线
  17517. equiflux heater ==> 均匀加热炉,均匀加热炉
  17518. equifrequent ==> 等频率的
  17519. equigeopotential surface ==> 位势面
  17520. equilateral ==> 等边的
  17521. equilateral angle steel ==> 等边角钢
  17522. equilateral arch ==> 等边二心拱,等角拱,尖拱
  17523. equilateral cross curve ==> 等边十字线
  17524. equilateral hyperbola ==> 等轴直角双曲线
  17525. equilateral points ==> 等边点
  17526. equilateral roof ==> (其跨度和椽子形成一等边三角形)等角屋顶
  17527. equilateral state of stress ==> 多面等应力状态
  17528. equilateral triangle ==> 等边三角形=>正三角形,正3角形
  17529. equilateral triangle point ==> 等边三角形点
  17530. equilibrated valve ==> 压力平衡阀,预启阀
  17531. equilibrating action ==> 平衡作用
  17532. equilibrating operation ==> 平衡手术
  17533. equilibration ==> 平衡,平衡化,平衡作用,均势,均势
  17534. equilibration period ==> 平衡周期
  17535. equilibration time ==> 平衡时间,平衡稳定时间,到达平衡时间
  17536. equilibrator spring ==> 平衡器弹簧
  17537. equilibrium ==> 平衡,均衡,均势,平衡点,非线性科学的常用概念
  17538. equilibrium about rolling axis ==> 滚动力矩平衡
  17539. equilibrium absorption ==> 平衡吸收
  17540. equilibrium accelerating voltage ==> 平衡加速电压
  17541. equilibrium activity ==> 平衡放射性
  17542. equilibrium adsorption model ==> 平衡吸附模型
  17543. equilibrium air distillation ==> 平衡空气蒸馏
  17544. equilibrium amount ==> 平衡量,均衡数量,均衡数量
  17545. equilibrium amplitude ==> 平衡振幅
  17546. equilibrium analysis ==> 平衡分析,均衡分析,均衡分析
  17547. equilibrium anomaly ==> 均衡异常,均衡异常
  17548. equilibrium ball charge ==> 平衡装球量
  17549. equilibrium ball load ==> 平衡装球量
  17550. equilibrium ball valve ==> 平衡球阀
  17551. equilibrium beam ==> 平衡束
  17552. equilibrium beam dimensions ==> 平衡束流尺寸
  17553. equilibrium beam size ==> 平衡束流大小
  17554. equilibrium blast cupola ==> 等风冲天炉
  17555. equilibrium blast furnace ==> 等风冲天炉
  17556. equilibrium boiling point ==> 平衡沸点
  17557. equilibrium bomb ==> 平衡弹
  17558. equilibrium box ==> 平衡箱
  17559. equilibrium brightness ==> 平均亮度
  17560. equilibrium carrier ==> 平衡载流
  17561. equilibrium carrier density ==> 平衡载流密度
  17562. equilibrium carriers ==> 平衡载流子
  17563. equilibrium carrying telephone ==> 平衡式载波电话
  17564. equilibrium catalyst ==> 平衡催化剂
  17565. equilibrium compliance ==> 平衡柔量
  17566. equilibrium composition ==> 粒子組成
  17567. equilibrium concentration ==> 平衡浓度
  17568. equilibrium condensation curve ==> 平衡冷凝曲线
  17569. equilibrium condition ==> 平衡条件,平衡状况,均衡条件
  17570. equilibrium conditions ==> 平衡条件
  17571. equilibrium configuration ==> 平衡形状
  17572. equilibrium constant ==> 平衡常数
  17573. equilibrium contact stage ==> 平衡接触级
  17574. equilibrium conversion ==> 平衡转化
  17575. equilibrium copolymerization ==> 平衡共聚合
  17576. equilibrium core ==> 平衡堆芯,在换料循环中加入燃料和卸出燃料的组成分别保持不变时的堆芯。它表示换料数量、富集度和周期(频度)处于相对稳定时期的堆芯
  17577. equilibrium criterion ==> 平衡判据,平衡数据
  17578. equilibrium curve ==> 平衡曲线,均压曲线,均压曲线
  17579. equilibrium cycle ==> 平衡循环
  17580. equilibrium density ==> 平衡密度
  17581. equilibrium depth ==> 平衡深度
  17582. equilibrium dew point ==> 平衡露点
  17583. equilibrium diagram ==> 平衡状态图
  17584. equilibrium dialysis ==> 平衡渗析法,平衡透析
  17585. equilibrium distillation ==> 平衡蒸馏
  17586. equilibrium distillation curve ==> 平衡蒸馏曲线
  17587. equilibrium distribution ==> 平衡分布,均衡分布,均衡分布
  17588. equilibrium distribution coefficient ==> 平衡分布系数
  17589. equilibrium division ==> 平衡分割
  17590. equilibrium dose constant ==> 平衡剂量常数
  17591. equilibrium economics ==> 均衡经济学,均衡经济学
  17592. equilibrium electrod potential ==> 平衡电极电位
  17593. equilibrium electrode potential ==> 平衡電極電位
  17594. equilibrium elution ==> 平衡淋洗
  17595. equilibrium energy ==> 平衡能量
  17596. equilibrium enrichment factor ==> 平衡浓缩系数
  17597. equilibrium equation ==> 平衡方程
  17598. equilibrium eutectic ==> 平衡低共熔物,平衡共熔物
  17599. equilibrium evaporation ==> 平衡汽化
  17600. equilibrium exchange rate ==> 均衡汇率,均衡汇率
  17601. equilibrium factor ==> 平衡因数
  17602. equilibrium failure rate ==> 平衡故障率
  17603. equilibrium figure ==> 平衡形态
  17604. equilibrium figures ==> 均衡图,均衡图
  17605. equilibrium firm ==> 均衡厂商,均衡厂商
  17606. equilibrium flash ==> 平衡闪蒸
  17607. equilibrium flash curve ==> 平衡闪蒸曲线
  17608. equilibrium flash still ==> 平衡闪蒸锅
  17609. equilibrium flash vaporization ==> 平衡闪蒸法
  17610. equilibrium flash vaporization still ==> 平衡汽化釜
  17611. equilibrium flash vaporizer ==> 平衡闪蒸器,平衡闪蒸设备
  17612. equilibrium flow ==> 平衡流
  17613. equilibrium flux ==> 平衡通量
  17614. equilibrium freezing ==> 平衡凝固
  17615. equilibrium freezing-in ==> 平衡凝入
  17616. equilibrium gas saturation ==> 平衡气体饱和率
  17617. equilibrium humidity ==> 平衡湿度
  17618. equilibrium in production ==> 均衡生产,均衡生产
  17619. equilibrium in pure strategy ==> 纯策略中的平衡
  17620. equilibrium income ==> 均衡收入,均衡收入
  17621. equilibrium index ==> 平衡指数
  17622. equilibrium interest rate ==> 均衡利率,均衡利率
  17623. equilibrium ion ==> 平衡离子
  17624. equilibrium isomer ==> 平衡异构体
  17625. equilibrium lattice position ==> 晶格平衡位置
  17626. equilibrium level ==> 均衡水平,均衡水平
  17627. equilibrium level of income ==> 均衡收入水平,均衡收入水平
  17628. equilibrium level of national income ==> 均衡国民收入水平,均衡国民收入水平
  17629. equilibrium line ==> 均衡线,均衡线,平衡曲线
  17630. equilibrium liquid ==> 平衡液
  17631. equilibrium load ==> 平衡荷载
  17632. equilibrium mass distribution ==> 平衡分布
  17633. equilibrium melting point ==> 平衡熔点
  17634. equilibrium mixture ==> 平衡混合物
  17635. equilibrium model ==> 均衡模型,均衡模型
  17636. equilibrium modulus ==> 平衡模量
  17637. equilibrium moisture ==> 平衡湿度
  17638. equilibrium moisture content ==> 平衡含水量,平衡湿量,干燥平衡水
  17639. equilibrium moisture regain ==> 平衡回潮率
  17640. equilibrium momentum ==> 平衡动量
  17641. equilibrium multiplier ==> 均衡乘数,均衡乘数
  17642. equilibrium neutron shape ==> 平衡中子分布
  17643. equilibrium number ==> 平衡数
  17644. equilibrium of firm ==> 厂商平衡
  17645. equilibrium of floating bodies ==> 浮体平衡
  17646. equilibrium of forces ==> 力平衡
  17647. equilibrium of pressure ==> 平衡压力
  17648. equilibrium oil ==> 平衡油
  17649. equilibrium operating ==> 均衡运行,均衡运行
  17650. equilibrium operating temperature ==> 平衡工作温度
  17651. equilibrium orbit ==> 平衡轨道
  17652. equilibrium orbit radius ==> 平衡轨道半径
  17653. equilibrium parity zone ==> 均衡平价区,均衡平价区
  17654. equilibrium partial pressure ==> 等分压力
  17655. equilibrium particle ==> 平衡粒子
  17656. equilibrium phase ==> 平衡相
  17657. equilibrium phase angle ==> 平衡相角
  17658. equilibrium phase diagram ==> 平衡相图
  17659. equilibrium plasma ==> 平衡等离子体
  17660. equilibrium plasma temperature ==> 平衡等离子体温度
  17661. equilibrium point ==> 平衡点,均衡点=>平衡点
  17662. equilibrium point algorithm for computing ==> 计算中的平衡点算法
  17663. equilibrium point measurement ==> 平衡点测量
  17664. equilibrium polygon ==> 平衡多边形
  17665. equilibrium population ==> 平衡群体
  17666. equilibrium position ==> 平衡位置,均衡部位,均衡部位
  17667. equilibrium potential ==> 平衡电位
  17668. equilibrium power level ==> 平衡功率级
  17669. equilibrium price ==> 平衡价格,平均价格,均衡价格,均衡价格
  17670. equilibrium principle ==> 平衡原理
  17671. equilibrium prism ==> 平衡棱镜
  17672. equilibrium problem ==> 平衡问题
  17673. equilibrium process ==> 平衡过程
  17674. equilibrium profile ==> 平衡纵剖面
  17675. equilibrium proton ==> 平衡质子
  17676. equilibrium purchase point ==> 平衡购入点
  17677. equilibrium quantity ==> 均衡产量,均衡产量,均衡数量,均衡数量
  17678. equilibrium radiation ==> 平衡辐射
  17679. equilibrium radius ==> 平衡半径
  17680. equilibrium range ==> 平衡滑翔距离
  17681. equilibrium rate of exchange ==> 平衡汇率,均衡汇率,均衡汇率
  17682. equilibrium rate of growth ==> 均衡增长率,均衡增长率,平衡成长率
  17683. equilibrium rate of inflation ==> 均衡通货膨胀率,均衡通货膨胀率
  17684. equilibrium rate of interest ==> 平衡利率
  17685. equilibrium ratio ==> 平衡比,平衡汽化比
  17686. equilibrium reflux ==> 平衡回流
  17687. equilibrium reflux boiling point ==> 平衡回流沸点
  17688. equilibrium relationship ==> 平衡关系
  17689. equilibrium relative humidity (ERH) ==> 平衡相对湿度
  17690. equilibrium response function ==> 平衡响应函数
  17691. equilibrium ring ==> 平衡环
  17692. equilibrium running ==> 平衡运转
  17693. equilibrium saturation ==> 平衡饱和度
  17694. equilibrium scour ==> 平衡冲刷
  17695. equilibrium segregation coefficient ==> 平衡分凝系数
  17696. equilibrium sense ==> 平衡感
  17697. equilibrium shear compliance ==> 平衡剪切柔量
  17698. equilibrium shear modulus ==> 平衡剪切模量
  17699. equilibrium slide valve ==> 平衡滑阀
  17700. equilibrium solar tide ==> 平衡太阳潮
  17701. equilibrium solid solubility ==> 平衡固溶度
  17702. equilibrium solubility ==> 平衡溶解度
  17703. equilibrium solution ==> 均衡解,平衡解,均衡解决
  17704. equilibrium spectrum ==> 平衡谱
  17705. equilibrium speed ==> 平衡速率
  17706. equilibrium spheroid ==> 平衡球面,平衡球状体
  17707. equilibrium stage ==> 平衡级
  17708. equilibrium state ==> 平衡态,平衡状态,均衡状态,均衡状态
  17709. equilibrium still ==> 平衡蒸馏锅
  17710. equilibrium strategy ==> 平衡策略
  17711. equilibrium surface structure ==> 平衡表面结构
  17712. equilibrium surface tension ==> 平衡表面张力
  17713. equilibrium swelling ==> 平衡溶胀
  17714. equilibrium temperature ==> 平衡温度,平稳状态温度,稳定温度
  17715. equilibrium test ==> 平衡检查
  17716. equilibrium theory ==> 均衡理论,均衡理论
  17717. equilibrium theory of tide ==> 潮汐均衡理论
  17718. equilibrium thickness ==> 平衡厚度
  17719. equilibrium tide ==> 平衡潮
  17720. equilibrium unit ==> 平衡装置
  17721. equilibrium value ==> 平衡值
  17722. equilibrium valve ==> 平衡阀
  17723. equilibrium vapor pressure ==> 平衡蒸汽压
  17724. equilibrium vaporization ==> 平衡蒸发
  17725. equilibrium vaporization ratio ==> 平衡汽化比
  17726. equilibrium water ==> 平衡水
  17727. equilibrium water content ==> 平衡水分
  17728. equilibrium water surface ==> 平衡水面
  17729. equilibrium writing ==> 均衡记录,均衡记录
  17730. equilibrium xenon ==> 平衡氙
  17731. equilibrium xenon poisoning ==> 平衡氙中毒
  17732. equilibrium-controlled reaction ==> 平衡控制反应
  17733. equilibrium-reaction temperature ==> 平衡-反应温度
  17734. equiluminous curve ==> 等照度曲线
  17735. equilux sphere ==> 等勒克斯球面
  17736. equimarginal principle ==> 限界均等原理
  17737. equimarginal productivity ==> 限界生産力均等
  17738. equimolar series method ==> 等摩尔系列法,连续浓度变更法
  17739. equimultiple ==> 等倍数
  17740. equine ==> ウマ科の
  17741. equine abortion virus ==> 马流产病毒
  17742. equine encephalomyelitis virus ==> 马脑脊髓炎病毒
  17743. equine gonadotropin ==> 雌马促性腺素
  17744. equine grass sickness ==> 马牧草病
  17745. equine infectious anaemia ==> 马传染性贫血
  17746. equine infectious anemia virus ==> 马传染性贫血病毒
  17747. equine influenza ==> 马流感,马流行性感冒
  17748. equine influenza virus ==> 马流感病毒
  17749. equine veterinary science ==> 马科动物兽医科学
  17750. equine virus arteritis ==> 马病毒性动脉炎
  17751. equine virus rhinopneumonitis ==> 马病毒性鼻肺炎
  17752. equinoctial ==> 天赤道,天球赤道,昼夜平分线
  17753. equinoctial colure ==> 二分圈
  17754. equinoctial day ==> 恒星日
  17755. equinoctial flower ==> 定时开闭花
  17756. equinoctial point ==> 二分点
  17757. equinoctial rain ==> 二分雨
  17758. equinoctial spring tide ==> 分点大潮
  17759. equinoctial storm ==> 二分点风暴
  17760. equinoctial system of coordinates ==> 赤道系统,分至坐标系
  17761. equinoctial tide ==> 二分潮,分点潮
  17762. equinoctial year ==> 分至年
  17763. equinox ==> 二分点,二分时刻,昼夜平分点
  17764. equip ==> 装备
  17765. EQUIP Equipment ==> 设备
  17766. equipage ==> 设备
  17767. equiparte ==> 伊奎帕特雨
  17768. equipartition ==> 均分,均分,平均分隔=>均等分配
  17769. equipartition law ==> 均匀分布定律=>均等分配の法則
  17770. equipartition law of energy ==> 能量均匀分布定律=>エネルギーの等分配則
  17771. equipartition of energy ==> 能量均分,能量均分=>エネルギー等分配
  17772. equipartition theorem ==> 能量均分定理
  17773. equipatos ==> 伊奎帕特雨
  17774. equiphase ==> 等相位,等相位的
  17775. equiphase plane ==> 等相平面
  17776. equiphase surface ==> 等相位面
  17777. equiphase zone ==> 等相位区=>等位相帯
  17778. equiplanation ==> 冰冻夷平作用
  17779. equipluve ==> 等雨量线
  17780. equipment ==> 器材,器械,仪器,设备=>装置,設備
  17781. equipment acceptance ==> 设备验收
  17782. equipment acceptance requirements and inspections ==> 设备接收的要求与检验
  17783. equipment advisory group ==> 设备咨询组
  17784. equipment airlock ==> 设备运输气闸
  17785. equipment and load curtailment contract ==> 設備投資と負荷削減契約
  17786. equipment and piping drains ==> 设备及管道疏水
  17787. equipment and pump area ==> 设备和泵区
  17788. equipment and spare parts ==> 设备与备件
  17789. equipment applied electric motive power ==> 電動力応用機器
  17790. equipment augmentation ==> 设备扩充
  17791. equipment availability ==> 设备完好率
  17792. equipment box ==> 设备箱
  17793. equipment capacity ==> 设备容量
  17794. equipment capacity factor ==> 设备负载因数,设备利用率
  17795. equipment center ==> 设备中心
  17796. equipment characteristic ==> 设备性能
  17797. equipment characteristic distortion ==> 设备特性失真
  17798. equipment code ==> 设备规范
  17799. equipment compartment ==> 设备小室
  17800. equipment compatibility ==> 设备互换性,设备兼容性,设备相容性
  17801. equipment complex ==> 设备综合,复合设备,整套设备
  17802. equipment component ==> 设备部件,设备元件
  17803. equipment component list ==> 设备部件零件表
  17804. equipment component list (ECL) ==> 设备元件明细表
  17805. equipment concrete block ==> 设备混凝土砌块
  17806. equipment configuration control ==> 设备外形检查
  17807. equipment control switch ==> 设备控制开关
  17808. equipment cooling ==> 设备的冷却
  17809. equipment cost ==> 设备费=>設備経費
  17810. equipment delay-output ==> 设备延迟输出
  17811. equipment dependability ==> 设备可靠性
  17812. equipment depot (ED) ==> 设备仓库
  17813. equipment design ==> 设备设计=>設備設計
  17814. equipment diagnosis technique ==> 设备诊断技术,在设备基本不解体的情况下,通过对设备及其工作过程的信息检测、辨识和分析,判断设备及其工作过程的状态并进行定量评价的技术
  17815. equipment distributor ==> 設備販売者
  17816. equipment division ==> 设备科
  17817. equipment drainage system ==> 设备疏水系统
  17818. equipment erection ==> 设备安装,在工程施工中,将设备安装就位连接成有机整体的工作
  17819. equipment error ==> 设备误差
  17820. equipment expansion planning ==> 設備拡充計画
  17821. equipment facility ==> 现有生产设备
  17822. equipment failure ==> 设备故障
  17823. equipment failure rate ==> 设备故障率
  17824. equipment falut diagnosis ==> 设备缺陷诊断
  17825. equipment fault diagnosis ==> 设备故障诊断
  17826. equipment flowsheet ==> 设备流程图
  17827. equipment for cutter positioning ==> 刀具定位装置
  17828. equipment for electronic anti-interference ==> 电子反干扰设备
  17829. equipment for excavation ==> 采掘设备
  17830. equipment for flue curing ==> 烟熏干燥装备
  17831. equipment for high voltage generation ==> 高電圧発生装置
  17832. equipment for maintenance shop ==> 修配车间设备
  17833. equipment for terminal station ==> 终端站设备
  17834. equipment for water supply works ==> 水源工程设备
  17835. equipment foundation ==> 设备基础
  17836. equipment funds ==> 设备基金
  17837. equipment gear ==> 辅助齿轮
  17838. equipment ground ==> 设备接地,设备外壳接地
  17839. equipment guarantee ==> 设备担保
  17840. equipment hatch ==> 设备舱口
  17841. equipment identification code ==> 设备识别符号
  17842. equipment improvement ==> 設備改善
  17843. equipment input noise sound level ==> 设备输入噪音级
  17844. equipment inspection ==> 设备检查
  17845. equipment installation ==> 设备安装
  17846. equipment installation and checkout (EIC) ==> 设备安装与检修
  17847. equipment installation cost ==> 设备安装费
  17848. equipment installation notice ==> 设备安装通知
  17849. equipment interface ==> 设备接口
  17850. equipment investment ==> 設備投資
  17851. equipment laydown ==> 设备搁置
  17852. equipment lease ==> 设备租赁
  17853. equipment life ==> 设备寿命
  17854. equipment life management ==> 设备寿命管理,为实现电厂安全经济运行,以评估被管理对象的使用寿命损耗为基础对设备进行的技术管理工作
  17855. equipment list ==> 设备表,设备清单,设备一览表
  17856. equipment lock ==> 设备运输气闸
  17857. equipment maintenance ==> 设备维修
  17858. equipment misuse error ==> 设备误用错误
  17859. equipment modification ==> 设备改装
  17860. equipment modification list ==> 设备改变表
  17861. equipment modification list (EML) ==> 设备型变形
  17862. equipment name ==> 设备名称
  17863. equipment number ==> 设备号
  17864. equipment officer ==> 艤装員
  17865. equipment opening ==> 设备孔
  17866. equipment operational procedure ==> 设备操作顺序
  17867. equipment optimization ==> 设备最优化
  17868. equipment outlay ==> 設備投資
  17869. equipment output port ==> 设备输出口
  17870. equipment patch bay ==> 设备接线架
  17871. equipment perfectness 设备完好率,它反映设备技术状况的指标,是设备完好台日数与制度台日数的比值,按百分率表示:完好率= ==> 报告期内制度台日数中的完好台日数报告期内制度台日数×100%
  17872. equipment performance ==> 设备性能
  17873. equipment performance log ==> 设备性能表
  17874. equipment procurement cost ==> 设备购置费,用于购置设备部分的工程费
  17875. equipment protection system ==> 机组备用制
  17876. equipment protective relay ==> 機器保護リレー
  17877. equipment rack alarm ==> 设备机架报警
  17878. equipment receipt ==> 设备交接单,设备收据
  17879. equipment record card ==> 设备记录卡片
  17880. equipment registration ==> 产品定型,产品注册
  17881. equipment rehabilitation ==> 设备更新改造,以新的先进的设备或工艺对现有的落后的设备或工艺进行替换或改造工作
  17882. equipment reliability ==> 设备可靠性
  17883. equipment rental ==> 设备租用
  17884. equipment replacement ==> 设备更新
  17885. equipment replacement model ==> 设备更新模型
  17886. equipment replacement problem ==> 设备更新问题
  17887. equipment requiring installation in storage ==> 库存需要安装设备
  17888. equipment room ==> 设备间,设备室
  17889. equipment selection ==> 设备选择
  17890. equipment selection model ==> 选购设备模式
  17891. equipment shakedown ==> 设备试运转
  17892. equipment sparing ==> 设备备用
  17893. equipment specification ==> 设备说明书
  17894. equipment spending ==> 設備投資
  17895. equipment standard ==> 设备标准=>設備標準
  17896. equipment supporting deck ==> 设备支承构架
  17897. equipment test facility (ETF) ==> 设备检验装置
  17898. equipment tester ==> 测试设备检验装置
  17899. equipment trnasfer airlock ==> 设备运输空气闸门
  17900. equipment trouble ==> 设备故障
  17901. equipment trust ==> 成套设备托拉斯
  17902. equipment trust bond ==> 设备信托债券
  17903. equipment unit ==> (总称)设备部件
  17904. equipment warranty ==> 设备担保
  17905. equipment-hour ==> 台时
  17906. equipments of electric repair ==> 电修车间设备
  17907. equipoise ==> 静平衡位置,静平衡位置,静态平衡状态,静态平衡状态,平衡力,平衡物
  17908. equipolar loudspeaker ==> 等极式扬声器
  17909. equipolarization ==> 等配极变换
  17910. equipollent ==> 等价,等力,等重,均等,均等
  17911. equipollent load ==> 等代荷载,等力荷载,等力载荷
  17912. equiponderance ==> 等功,等力,等重
  17913. equiponderate ==> 等重,使平衡
  17914. equiponderous ==> 等重
  17915. equipotent ==> 等力
  17916. equipotential ==> 等电势,等电位,等电位的,等势=>等電位,等ポテンシャル
  17917. equipotential cathode ==> 旁热式阴极
  17918. equipotential connection ==> 等位连接,等电位连接
  17919. equipotential curve of velocity ==> 等速度势线
  17920. equipotential layer ==> 等势层,等位层
  17921. equipotential lens ==> 等电位透镜
  17922. equipotential line ==> 等位线=>等電位線
  17923. equipotential lines ==> 等势线
  17924. equipotential metallization ==> 等电位金属化
  17925. equipotential pitch ==> 等位距
  17926. equipotential plane ==> 等势面,等位面
  17927. equipotential plate ==> 等势片,等位片
  17928. equipotential point ==> 等电位点
  17929. equipotential ring ==> 等势环,等位环
  17930. equipotential surface ==> 等势面,等位面,等压面=>等電位面
  17931. equipotential surface of velocity ==> 等速度势面
  17932. equipotential winding ==> 均压绕组,等位绕组
  17933. equipped ==> 装备的
  17934. equipped capacitor ==> 装机容量,配备容量
  17935. equipped with ==> 装备有
  17936. equipressure boiler ==> 等压锅炉
  17937. equipressure cycle ==> 等压循环
  17938. equipressure line ==> 等压线
  17939. equipressure surface ==> 等压面
  17940. equiprobability ==> 等概率,几率相等
  17941. equiprobability curve ==> 等概率曲线
  17942. equiprobable choice ==> 等可能选择
  17943. equiry draft ==> 照会原案
  17944. equisignal effect ==> 等信号效应
  17945. equisignal glide path ==> 等信号滑翔道
  17946. equisignal line ==> 等信号线
  17947. equisignal localizer ==> 等信号式定位器,等信号着陆信标
  17948. equisignal navigator ==> 等信号导航台
  17949. equisignal radio beacon ==> 等信号无线电信标
  17950. equisignal radio station ==> 等信号无线电台
  17951. equisignal radio-range beacon ==> 等信号着陆信标
  17952. equisignal sector ==> 等感度帯
  17953. equisignal system ==> 等强信号制
  17954. equisignal zone ==> 等信号区
  17955. equitable assignment of debt ==> 平衡法上债务让与
  17956. equitable interests ==> 平衡法上利益
  17957. equitable share of world export trade ==> 世界出口贸易公平比率
  17958. equitable tax ==> 纳税公平
  17959. equitable waste ==> 平衡法上毁坏
  17960. equity ==> 主权,资产净值,公道,公平,公认之事
  17961. equity capital ==> 主权资本,权益资本,自有资本,投入资本,投资于新企业的资本
  17962. equity capital turnover ==> 投资总额周转率
  17963. equity convertible Eurobonds ==> 可转换股权欧元债券
  17964. equity earnings ==> 参股收益
  17965. equity financing ==> 增股筹资
  17966. equity investor ==> 权益投资者
  17967. equity margin ==> 权益保障金
  17968. equity method ==> (即产权净值法)吸收法
  17969. equity method of valuation ==> 净值估价法,净值估价法
  17970. equity of redemption ==> 平衡法上赎回权,赎回抵押权
  17971. equity ownership ==> 业主权益
  17972. equity participant ==> 参股者
  17973. equity participation ==> 参股,资本分担,出资方式
  17974. equity principle of taxation ==> 纳税公平原则
  17975. equity ratio ==> 权益比率,主权比率
  17976. equity receiver ==> 清理财产接管人
  17977. equity stock ==> 普通股
  17978. equity trading ==> 举债经营,举债经营
  17979. equity transaction ==> 净值交易事项,净值交易事项,权益交易
  17980. equity treatment of commerce ==> 通商待遇公平
  17981. equity-debt ratio ==> 资产负债比率
  17982. equity-type investment ==> 资本性的投资
  17983. EQUIV Equivalent ==> 相等的事物或数量
  17984. equivalant resistance ==> 等效电阻
  17985. equivalence ==> 等积,等价,等效,等值,等值性,当量,当量的,相当,对等物
  17986. equivalence algorithm ==> 等价算法
  17987. equivalence between list ==> 列表间的等价性
  17988. equivalence between two algorithm ==> 两个算法间的等价性
  17989. equivalence class ==> 等价类
  17990. equivalence declaration ==> 等价性说明
  17991. equivalence distribution ==> 当量分布
  17992. equivalence element ==> 符合元件
  17993. equivalence group ==> 等价群,等价组=>等価群
  17994. equivalence of dependency ==> 依赖的等价
  17995. equivalence of expression ==> 表达式的等价
  17996. equivalence of query ==> 查询等价
  17997. equivalence operation ==> 等价操作=>等価演算
  17998. equivalence principle ==> 等效原理
  17999. equivalence problem ==> 等价问题
  18000. equivalence problem of flowchart schema ==> 框图模式的等价问题
  18001. equivalence proposition ==> 等值命题
  18002. equivalence relation ==> 等价关系,等价值关系,等值关系
  18003. equivalence statement ==> 等价语句
  18004. EQUIVALENCE statement ==> 等值语句
  18005. equivalence static load ==> 等效静载荷
  18006. equivalence theorem ==> 等価定理
  18007. equivalence value ==> 等效值
  18008. equivalence zone ==> 最适比例带
  18009. equivalency ==> 等价性
  18010. equivalent ==> 当量,当量的,等价,等价的,等效,等效的,等值,相等的,对等,同价品
  18011. equivalent a.c.resistance ==> 等效交流电阻
  18012. equivalent absolute nozzle flow ==> 喷嘴绝对等值流
  18013. equivalent absorption area ==> 等效吸声量
  18014. equivalent acidity ==> 当量酸度
  18015. equivalent activity ==> 等量活动
  18016. equivalent address ==> 等效地址
  18017. equivalent admittance ==> 等效导纳=>等価アドミタンス
  18018. equivalent air volume ==> 等效空气容积
  18019. equivalent airspeed (EAS) ==> 当量空速
  18020. equivalent annual cost ==> 每年成本等值
  18021. equivalent antenna ==> 等效天线
  18022. equivalent area ==> 等效面积,当量面积
  18023. equivalent articulation loss ==> 等效清晰度衰减=>明りょう度等価減衰量
  18024. equivalent aspect ==> 等效示像
  18025. equivalent automaton ==> 等价自动机
  18026. equivalent axis coil ==> 等效轴线圈
  18027. equivalent B-H method ==> 等価BH法
  18028. equivalent background irradiance ==> 等效背景辐照度
  18029. equivalent bandwidth ==> 等价带宽
  18030. equivalent bending moment ==> 等量弯矩,等效弯矩
  18031. equivalent binary digit ==> 等价的二进制数字,等效二进位数,等值二进数
  18032. equivalent binary digit factor ==> 等价的二进制因子,等价二进制数位因子
  18033. equivalent binary digits ==> 等价二进制位,等效二进制位
  18034. equivalent bit rate ==> 等效比特率
  18035. equivalent block diagram ==> 等価ブロック線図
  18036. equivalent bond yield ==> 相等债券收益率
  18037. equivalent breadth ==> 等值宽度
  18038. equivalent capacitance ==> 等效电容
  18039. equivalent capacity ==> (変圧器)等価容量
  18040. equivalent capacity method ==> 等效容量法
  18041. equivalent carbon content ==> 当量碳含量
  18042. equivalent change ==> 等效变化
  18043. equivalent characteristic ==> 等效特性曲线
  18044. equivalent charge ==> 当量电荷
  18045. equivalent circuit ==> 等效电路,等值电路=>等価回路
  18046. equivalent circuit model ==> 等価回路モデル
  18047. equivalent circuit of a transformer ==> 変圧器等価回路モデル
  18048. equivalent circuit of bipolar transistor ==> 双极晶体管等效电路
  18049. equivalent circuit of leak current ==> 漏れ電流の等価回路
  18050. equivalent circuit of piezoelectric resonator ==> 压电振子等效电路
  18051. equivalent circuit of three-phase induction motor ==> 三相誘導電動機の等価回路
  18052. equivalent code ==> 等效码
  18053. equivalent collecting area ==> 等效面积
  18054. equivalent compiler ==> 等效编译程序
  18055. equivalent compressive stress ==> 当量压应力
  18056. equivalent concentrated reaction ==> 等价集中反力
  18057. equivalent concentration ==> 当量浓度
  18058. equivalent conductance ==> 当量电导,等效电导
  18059. equivalent conductivity ==> 等效电导率=>当量導電率
  18060. equivalent consolidation pressure ==> 等效固结压力
  18061. equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level ==> 等価騒音レベル
  18062. equivalent continuous noise level (Leq) ==> 等效连续噪音声级
  18063. equivalent control signal ==> 仮想的制御入力
  18064. equivalent core diameter ==> 堆芯等效直径,与反应堆堆芯实际截面面积相等的圆之直径
  18065. equivalent cost ==> 相等成本
  18066. equivalent cross-section ==> 等效断面,等效截面
  18067. equivalent curve ==> 等效曲线
  18068. equivalent damping ==> 等效减衰
  18069. equivalent dead time ==> 等死时间
  18070. equivalent depth ==> 等效深度,当量厚度
  18071. equivalent design flow ==> 当量设计流量
  18072. equivalent detector ==> 等效检波器
  18073. equivalent diagram ==> 等效线路图
  18074. equivalent diameter ==> 等效直径,当量直径,标称直径
  18075. equivalent difference ==> 当量差
  18076. equivalent diode ==> 等效二极管
  18077. equivalent eccentric wheel ==> 等效偏心轮
  18078. equivalent education ==> 同等学历
  18079. equivalent effective strain ==> 等效应变
  18080. equivalent effective stress ==> 等效应力
  18081. equivalent electric circuit ==> 等価電気回路
  18082. equivalent electrons ==> 等效电子
  18083. equivalent equation ==> 等价方程
  18084. equivalent equations ==> 同値な方程式
  18085. equivalent evaporation ==> 等量蒸发,等效蒸发量,当量蒸发量,蒸发当量=>相当蒸発量
  18086. equivalent exposure ==> 等值暴露面
  18087. equivalent flat plate area ==> 当量平板面积
  18088. equivalent flaw diameter ==> 当量缺陷直径
  18089. equivalent flocculation ==> 当量絮凝作用
  18090. equivalent focal length ==> 等效焦距,等值焦距
  18091. equivalent focus ==> 等值焦点
  18092. equivalent force ==> 等效力,当量力
  18093. equivalent forced outage rate ==> 当量强迫停机率
  18094. equivalent formula ==> 当量式
  18095. equivalent four terminal network ==> 等效四端子网络
  18096. equivalent four-wire system ==> 等效四线制
  18097. equivalent free-falling diameter ==> 等效自由沉降直径
  18098. equivalent frequency operation circuit ==> 等頻度操作回路
  18099. equivalent fuel ==> 基准燃料
  18100. equivalent future ==> 等价远景
  18101. equivalent gate ==> 等效门
  18102. equivalent gate complexity ==> 等效门复杂度
  18103. equivalent gate current ==> 等效门电流,等效栅极电流
  18104. equivalent generator ==> 等效发电机,等效发生器
  18105. equivalent generator law ==> 等效发生器法则
  18106. equivalent generator theorem ==> 等效发电机定理
  18107. equivalent grain size ==> 等效粒径
  18108. equivalent head wind ==> 等效逆风
  18109. equivalent heat ==> 当量热
  18110. equivalent height ==> 等效高度,虚高
  18111. equivalent hiding power ==> 等值遮光力
  18112. equivalent horsepower ==> 当量功率
  18113. equivalent hydrostatic pressure ==> 当量水压
  18114. equivalent impedance ==> 等效阻抗=>等価インピーダンス
  18115. equivalent index of thin film ==> 薄膜等效折射率
  18116. equivalent inductance ==> 等效电感
  18117. equivalent input impedance ==> 等效空气容积,等效输入阻抗
  18118. equivalent isentropic velocity ratio ==> 等熵速度比当量
  18119. equivalent lamps ==> 等效灯具
  18120. equivalent law ==> 互等定律
  18121. equivalent law of shearing stress ==> 剪应力互等定律
  18122. equivalent length ==> 等效长度,当量长度
  18123. equivalent length of pendulum ==> 等值单摆长
  18124. equivalent length on penetrated crack ==> 当量穿透裂纹尺寸
  18125. equivalent lens ==> 等焦透镜
  18126. equivalent level ==> 等效电平
  18127. equivalent line capacitance ==> 线路等值电容
  18128. equivalent load ==> 等效负载,等效荷载,等值负载
  18129. equivalent load method ==> 等価負荷法
  18130. equivalent luminance ==> 等価輝度
  18131. equivalent map projection ==> 等积地图投影
  18132. equivalent mass ==> 等価質量
  18133. equivalent material ==> 等效材料
  18134. equivalent matrice ==> 等价矩阵
  18135. equivalent mean diameter of aggregate ==> 骨料等效平均粒径
  18136. equivalent mesh current ==> 等效回路电流
  18137. equivalent moment ==> 等量力矩
  18138. equivalent moment of force ==> 等量力矩
  18139. equivalent monoplane ==> 等量单翼机
  18140. equivalent n th modal unbalance ==> 第n阶振型等效不平衡谐量
  18141. equivalent network ==> 等效网络,一个给定网络的替代网络,在规定的边界节点上采用的替代网络与给定网络的电气特性表现相似=>等価回路網
  18142. equivalent neutral density ==> 当灰密度
  18143. equivalent nitrogen pressure ==> 等效氮气瓶压力
  18144. equivalent noise bandwidth ==> 等価雑音帯域幅
  18145. equivalent noise conductance ==> 等效噪声电导
  18146. equivalent noise resistance ==> 等效噪声电阻,等效噪音电阻=>等価雑音抵抗
  18147. equivalent noise resistence ==> 等效噪声电阻
  18148. equivalent noise temperature ==> 等效噪声温度=>等価雑音温度
  18149. equivalent normal form method ==> 等价范式法
  18150. equivalent nozzle ==> 等效喷管
  18151. equivalent object program ==> 等价目标程序
  18152. equivalent observation ==> 等效观测
  18153. equivalent of binary tree ==> 等价的二叉树
  18154. equivalent of coal ==> 标准煤
  18155. equivalent optical thickness of thin film ==> 薄膜等效厚度
  18156. equivalent parallel resistance ==> 等效并联电阻
  18157. equivalent particle diameter ==> 等效粒径
  18158. equivalent path ==> 等価路程
  18159. equivalent pendulum ==> 等值摆
  18160. equivalent performance ==> 实绩统一换算
  18161. equivalent periodic line ==> 等效周期线路
  18162. equivalent permittivity ==> 等価誘電率
  18163. equivalent piston ==> 等效活塞
  18164. equivalent point ==> 等当量点,当量点
  18165. equivalent porosity ==> 当量孔隙度
  18166. equivalent potential screen ==> 等电位屏蔽
  18167. equivalent power ==> 等效功率
  18168. equivalent principle ==> 等效原理
  18169. equivalent profile ==> 等效断面
  18170. equivalent proportion ==> 当量比,当量比定律
  18171. equivalent radius ==> 当量半径
  18172. equivalent reactance ==> 等效电抗=>等価リアクタンス
  18173. equivalent rectangular stress distribution ==> 等值矩形应力分布
  18174. equivalent reflectance ==> 等価反射率
  18175. equivalent refractive index ==> 等価屈折率
  18176. equivalent replacement method ==> 等量置换法
  18177. equivalent resistance ==> 等效电阻=>等価抵抗
  18178. equivalent resistivity ==> 等效电阻率
  18179. equivalent roughness coefficient ==> 等值糙率系数
  18180. equivalent scheme ==> 等效电路
  18181. equivalent section ==> 等圆断面,当量截面
  18182. equivalent sectional radius ==> 等效截面半径
  18183. equivalent short circuit reactance ==> 等価短絡リアクタンス
  18184. equivalent sine wave ==> 等效正弦波=>等価正弦波
  18185. equivalent single conductor ==> 等值单根导线
  18186. equivalent site ==> 等同位置
  18187. equivalent sound level ==> 等效声级=>等価騒音レベル
  18188. equivalent sound pressure level due to inherent noise of microphone ==> 传声器等效噪声级
  18189. equivalent source ==> 等效电源
  18190. equivalent space charge ==> 等效空间电荷
  18191. equivalent specific fuel consumption ==> 当量比油耗
  18192. equivalent sphere ==> 当量球体,等效球
  18193. equivalent spring ==> 当量弹簧
  18194. equivalent spur gear ==> 当量直齿轮
  18195. equivalent state ==> 等价状态,等效状态
  18196. equivalent statement ==> 等价的语句
  18197. equivalent statement label ==> 等价的语句标号
  18198. equivalent steam ==> 当量蒸汽,标准蒸汽
  18199. equivalent stiffness ==> 等效刚度=>等価スチフネス
  18200. equivalent strain ==> 等效应变
  18201. equivalent stress ==> 等效应力
  18202. equivalent stress yield criterion ==> 等效应力屈服条件
  18203. equivalent string ==> 等效字符串
  18204. equivalent surface ==> 等位面
  18205. equivalent surface diameter ==> 等效表面直径
  18206. equivalent system ==> 等价系统,等效系统
  18207. equivalent system for qualitative investigation ==> 当量质量集中系
  18208. equivalent system of equations ==> 等价方程组
  18209. equivalent T circuit ==> 等価T回路
  18210. equivalent t circuit ==> 等效t电路
  18211. equivalent T-network ==> 等效T型网络
  18212. equivalent table ==> (例如长度单位的)换算表
  18213. equivalent tail wind ==> 等效顺风
  18214. equivalent taxable yield ==> 相等课税收益率
  18215. equivalent temperature ==> 等效温度
  18216. equivalent tensile force ==> 当量张力
  18217. equivalent test ==> 等效试验法=>等価試験
  18218. equivalent thickness ==> 等值厚度
  18219. equivalent to ==> 等于,折合=>相当,換算
  18220. equivalent transfer function method ==> 等価伝達関数法
  18221. equivalent transform of block diagram ==> 方框图等效变换
  18222. equivalent tree ==> 等价树
  18223. equivalent triangular burst ==> 等效三角形脉冲群
  18224. equivalent twisting moment ==> 等量扭矩
  18225. equivalent uniform annual cost ==> 每年相等的费用
  18226. equivalent uniform live load ==> 等代均布动载荷
  18227. equivalent uniform load ==> 等效均布荷载,等效均布载荷
  18228. equivalent uniform roughness ==> 等效均匀粗糙度
  18229. equivalent unit ==> 等效部件,当量单位,实际单位,统一换算单位
  18230. equivalent value ==> 换算值,当量换算值,当量值,等效值
  18231. equivalent valve ==> 等效电子管
  18232. equivalent vapor volume ==> 当量蒸汽体积
  18233. equivalent veiling luminance ==> 等效罩纱亮度=>等価光幕輝度,等效罩纱亮度
  18234. equivalent viscous damping ==> 等效粘性阻尼
  18235. equivalent volt ==> 电子伏特
  18236. equivalent volume diameter ==> 等效体积直径
  18237. equivalent water level ==> 等值水位,相应水位
  18238. equivalent weight ==> 等效重量,当量
  18239. equivalent wheel load ==> 当量轮载,等代轮载
  18240. equivalent width ==> 等值宽度
  18241. equivalent π circuit ==> 等価π回路
  18242. equivalent-to-element ==> 符合元件
  18243. equivalently airgap shortening effect ==> 等価狭ギャップ効果
  18244. equivelocity contour ==> 等流速线
  18245. equivocal surface ==> 模糊曲面
  18246. equivocation ==> 模糊度=>あいまい量
  18247. equivocation and dissemination ==> あいまい度と散布度
  18248. equivolume inclination ==> 等体积倾斜
  18249. EQVLV, equalization valve ==> 平衡バルブ
  18250. ER Engine Room ==> 引擎室
  18251. ER, emotion recognition ==> 感情認識
  18252. ER, Equivalence Ratio ==> 燃料と酸化剤(空気)の流量混合比,化学反応を行うために理想的な流量比を1とする
  18253. ER, event recorder ==> イベントレコーダ
  18254. era ==> 代,时代,纪元
  18255. Era ==> 耐蚀耐热合金钢
  18256. ERA, ETS-VII Robot Arm ==> ETS-VII搭載ロボットアーム
  18257. eradiation ==> 地面辐射
  18258. eradicant ==> 铲除的,铲除剂
  18259. eradicant action ==> 铲除作用
  18260. eradicant eating ==> 铲除法
  18261. eradicant fungicide ==> 直接杀菌剂
  18262. eradication ==> 消灭,扑灭
  18263. eradicator ==> 除草机
  18264. eradicator erase ==> 药水擦改
  18265. ERAP Agreement ==> 埃拉普协议
  18266. erasability ==> 消磁程度,可擦度,可擦性,记录可消除性
  18267. erasability of storage ==> 存储器的可擦除性,存储器可擦除性
  18268. erasable ==> 可擦,可擦的
  18269. erasable and alterable read-only memory ==> 可擦可改写只读存储器
  18270. erasable area ==> 可清除区
  18271. erasable memory ==> 可擦存储器
  18272. erasable optical disk ==> 可擦光盘
  18273. erasable programmable ==> 可擦除编程
  18274. erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) ==> 可擦除可编程只读存储器,可擦与可编程只读存储器
  18275. erasable programmed read only memory ==> 可擦可编程序只读存储器
  18276. erasable read-only memory ==> 可擦除只读存储器,可擦只读存储器
  18277. erasable storage ==> 可擦存储器,可清存储器=>消去可能記憶装置
  18278. erase ==> 擦掉,擦掉,擦去,抹除,抹掉,抹迹,抹去,抹音,消除=>消す,消去する,抹消する
  18279. erase a data structure ==> 擦去一个数据结构
  18280. erase amplifier ==> 消除放大器,消迹放大器,消音放大器
  18281. erase binary tree ==> 抹消二叉树
  18282. erase character ==> 抹去字符,取消符,擦除符,删除字符,删去符
  18283. erase circuit ==> 抹迹电路
  18284. erase error ==> 擦除错
  18285. erase frequency ==> 消磁频率
  18286. erase head ==> 消除磁头,消磁头,消音磁头,抹去磁头,抹音磁头,清除磁头,清洗磁头,擦除磁头
  18287. erase list ==> 清除表格
  18288. erase oscillator ==> 抹除振荡器,消磁振荡器,消迹振荡器
  18289. erase residual ==> 清洗残余
  18290. erase, to ==> 消去する
  18291. erasement ==> 消磁
  18292. eraser ==> 消磁器,消磁头,抹音器,清洗器,辙迹消除器,擦除器,擦去器
  18293. eraser gate ==> 擦去装置门,消除装置开关
  18294. eraser system ==> 消磁系统
  18295. erasing ==> 取消
  18296. erasing ability ==> 抹去能力,可抹性
  18297. erasing factor ==> 抹音系数,抹音因数,消磁因素,消声系数
  18298. erasing gun ==> 消迹电子枪,抹除电子枪,擦除枪
  18299. erasing head ==> 抹磁头,抹音磁头,消磁头,消音磁头
  18300. erasing knife ==> 刮刀,刮刀
  18301. erasing magnetic head ==> 消磁头
  18302. erasing move ==> 擦除动作
  18303. erasing of binary tree ==> 二叉树的擦去
  18304. erasing of information ==> 信息清除
  18305. erasing of tree ==> 抹去树
  18306. erasing production ==> 删符产生式
  18307. erasing pulse ==> 擦除脉冲
  18308. erasing record ==> 消去记录
  18309. erasing rubber ==> 擦字橡皮
  18310. erasing shield ==> 擦图孔板,擦图片
  18311. erasing shields ==> 消し板
  18312. erasing speed ==> 擦去速度,抹迹速率,抹去速度,抹声速率
  18313. erasing time ==> 抹去时间,消磁时间
  18314. erasion ==> 消迹,抹掉,刮术
  18315. erasure ==> 疑符,消除
  18316. erasure channel ==> 删除信道
  18317. erasure effect ==> 消磁效果,抹音效果
  18318. erasure locator ==> 疑符定位子,删除定位子
  18319. erasure signal ==> 清除信号
  18320. Erathyrus ==> 尔大锥蝽属
  18321. Eratosthenes sieve ==> 厄拉多塞筛法
  18322. Eratosthenes' sieve method ==> 厄拉多塞筛法
  18323. Eratosthenes sieve method ==> 厄拉多塞筛法
  18324. Eratyrus ==> 尔大锥蝽属
  18325. Erb's myotonic reaction ==> 欧勃氏肌强直反应
  18326. Erb's point ==> 欧勃氏点
  18327. Erb's wave ==> 欧勃氏波
  18328. ERB(E), earth radiation budget ==> 地球放射収支
  18329. ERB, earth radiation budget experiment ==> 地球放射収支実験
  18330. Erb-Goldflam disease ==> 假麻痹性重症肌无力
  18331. Erben's reflex ==> 埃尔本氏反射
  18332. ERBI, earth radiation budget instrument ==> 地上放射バジェット計器
  18333. erbium chloride ==> 氯化铒
  18334. erbium glass ==> 铒玻璃
  18335. erbium glass laser ==> 铒玻璃激光器
  18336. erbium halide ==> 卤化铒
  18337. erbium ion ==> 铒离子
  18338. erbium laser ==> 铒激光器
  18339. erbium oxide ==> 氧化铒
  18340. erbium sulfate ==> 硫酸铒
  18341. erbium-doped optical fiber amplifier ==> 掺铒光纤放大器
  18342. erbium-doped silica fiber amplifier ==> 掺铒二氧化硅光纤放大器
  18343. erbium-doped single-mode fiber ==> 掺铒单模光纤
  18344. erbium-doped yttrium lithium fluoride laser ==> 掺铒氟化钇锂激光器
  18345. erbiumdoped yttrium aluminium garnet crystal ==> 掺铒钇铝石榴石晶体
  18346. ERBS, Earth Radiation Budget Satellite ==> 地球放射測定衛星
  18347. ERCOT ==> 美国德州电力可靠性委员会
  18348. ERCOT, Electric Reliability Council of Texas ==> テキサス電気信頼性評議会
  18349. ERD, experiment requirements document ==> 実験要求書
  18350. ERDA, Energy Research and Development Administration ==> エネルギー研究開発庁
  18351. ERDI method ==> ERDI法
  18352. erect ==> 勃起的,安装,竖直,建,直立,直立的
  18353. erect branch ==> 直立枝
  18354. erect cover ==> 直立覆盖植物
  18355. erect embryo ==> 直立胚
  18356. erect film ==> 立位片
  18357. erect head ==> 直立穗
  18358. erect image telescope ==> 正像望远镜
  18359. erect image viewfinder ==> 正像录像器
  18360. erect position ==> 立位,站位
  18361. erect standard ==> 旗瓣
  18362. erect stem ==> 直立茎
  18363. erect therophytes ==> 直立一年生植物
  18364. erect(ing) image ==> 直立图像
  18365. erected container ==> 垂直安装的容器
  18366. erectile ==> 能勃起的
  18367. erectile angel ==> 勃起角度
  18368. erectile dysfunction ==> 勃起功能障碍
  18369. erectile tissue ==> 勃起组织
  18370. erectility ==> 安装能力
  18371. erecting bed ==> 安装场,安装台,安装现场
  18372. erecting by overhang ==> 吊挂装配,吊挂装置
  18373. erecting crane ==> 装配吊车,安装用起重机
  18374. erecting equipment ==> 安装设备,起重设备
  18375. erecting eyepiece ==> 正像目镜
  18376. erecting fixture ==> 安装架
  18377. erecting floor ==> 安装台,装配场地
  18378. erecting frame ==> 装配用构架
  18379. erecting lens ==> 正像透镜
  18380. erecting machinist ==> 装配工
  18381. erecting prism ==> 正像棱镜
  18382. erecting shop ==> 装配车间
  18383. erecting stage ==> 装配期,装配台
  18384. erecting telescoope ==> 正像望远镜
  18385. erecting tool ==> 装配工具
  18386. erecting tools ==> 安装工具
  18387. erecting welding ==> 装配焊接
  18388. erecting work ==> 安装工作
  18389. erecting yard ==> 安装场,装配场
  18390. erection ==> 装配,安装,勃起,直立=>据付け,組み立て,勃起
  18391. erection and dismantling bay ==> 装配拆卸间
  18392. erection bay ==> 装配场,装配间,安装间,在机组安装和检修时为摆放、组装和检修主要部件的场地=>組立室
  18393. erection bolt ==> 安装螺栓,组装螺栓=>仮締めボルト
  18394. erection bracing ==> 安装支撑
  18395. erection clearance ==> 安装净空
  18396. erection code ==> 安装规程
  18397. erection crane ==> 安装起重机
  18398. erection deck ==> 船楼甲板
  18399. erection device ==> 起立装置
  18400. erection diagram ==> 安装图,装配图=>組立図
  18401. erection dip ==> 安装垂度
  18402. erection drawing ==> 装配图
  18403. erection equipment ==> 安装润滑剂=>架設設備
  18404. erection error ==> 安装误差
  18405. erection jack ==> 安装用千斤顶
  18406. erection joint ==> 安装接头,安装连接
  18407. erection load ==> 装配负载
  18408. erection loop ==> 吊环,安装环
  18409. erection mark ==> 装配证号
  18410. erection material ==> 安装材料
  18411. erection of boiler proper ==> 锅炉本体安装,锅筒锅炉本体安装中,在锅炉构架验收合格之后,将锅筒运到安装地点起吊到锅筒安装位置上、找正校水平和定位。
  18412. erection of boiler steel structure ==> 锅炉钢架安装,将锅炉的水冷壁、顶棚过热器、墙式过热器、对流过热器、再热器和省煤器受热面组合件,按吊装方案规定的顺序,起吊、就位、安装。
  18413. erection of boiler unit ==> 锅炉机组安装,锅炉受热面管在组合安装之前,为检查管内部畅通、清洁、内径值符合要求,用规定直径的球,由压缩空气压送通过管子进行的试验。
  18414. erection of boiler with pre-assembled pieces ==> 锅炉组合安装,锅炉钢架构件组合、吊装、就位、找正、连接、固定的施工作业。
  18415. erection of form work ==> 模板构筑
  18416. erection of formwork ==> 立模
  18417. erection of framing ==> 构架安装
  18418. erection of steel work ==> 钢架装置
  18419. erection of tank ==> 储罐的安装
  18420. erection sag ==> 安装垂度
  18421. erection schedule ==> 安装进程
  18422. erection seat ==> 装置座
  18423. erection sequence ==> 安装程序
  18424. erection space ==> 安装面积
  18425. erection stress ==> 安装应力,架设应力,装配应力
  18426. erection support ==> 安装支座
  18427. erection system ==> 垂直安装系统
  18428. erection tolerance ==> 安装容许误差
  18429. erection torque motor ==> 竖起力矩电动机,架设转矩电动机
  18430. erection tower ==> 安装塔架
  18431. erection unit ==> 安装设备
  18432. erection weight ==> 安装重量
  18433. erection welding ==> 安装焊接
  18434. erection work ==> 安装,装配工作
  18435. erection works ==> 安装工程
  18436. erectionand construction plot ==> 安装施工图表
  18437. erecton hinge ==> 装置铰链
  18438. erector ==> 装配工,装配机具,安装工人,安装器,升降架,架设器
  18439. erector pili ==> 立毛肌
  18440. ered tap ==> 锥形打捞器
  18441. EREP, earth resources experiment package ==> 地球資源実験システム
  18442. erethismic shock ==> 兴奋性休克
  18443. erethistic granulation ==> 敏感性肉芽
  18444. erfect balance ==> 完全平衡
  18445. erg ==> 尔格=>エルグ
  18446. ERG, electroretinographic transducer[sensor] ==> 视网膜电图传感器
  18447. ergastic material ==> 后含物
  18448. ergastic matter ==> 后含物
  18449. ergastic substance ==> 后含物
  18450. ergency air system ==> 应急空气系统
  18451. ergency arrangement ==> 应变部署
  18452. ergency broadcast system ==> 应急用广播系统
  18453. ergency buoyancy system ==> 潜艇紧急上浮系统
  18454. ergency communication system ==> 潜艇应急通信系统
  18455. ergency cooling system ==> 应急冷却系统
  18456. ergency electrical system ==> 紧急电力系统
  18457. ergency medical system ==> 急救医疗系统
  18458. ergency operations system ==> 应急操作系统
  18459. ergency reporting system ==> 应急报告系统
  18460. ergency requirement ==> 应急需要
  18461. ergency satellite communications system ==> 应急卫星通信系统
  18462. ergency separation system ==> 特种武器应急投放装置
  18463. ergency system ==> 应急系统
  18464. ergency telemetry ==> 应急遥测术
  18465. ergency temporary construction ==> 应急临时建筑
  18466. ergency trip wire system ==> 事故跳闸电气系统
  18467. ergent pacemaking method ==> 紧急心脏起搏法
  18468. ergodic condition ==> 遍历条件
  18469. ergodic hypothesis ==> 遍历假设,遍历性假说,各态历经假说=>エルゴード仮説
  18470. ergodic noise ==> 遍历噪声
  18471. ergodic noise, a random noise with identical time and statistical mean values. ==> エルゴード雑音, 時間平均及び統計平均の値が等しいランダム雑音.
  18472. ergodic process ==> 遍历过程,遍历过程
  18473. ergodic property ==> 遍历性
  18474. ergodic random process ==> 遍历性随机过程,各态历经性随机过程
  18475. ergodic state ==> 遍历状态
  18476. ergodic system ==> 埃尔过德系统
  18477. ergodicity ==> エルゴード性
  18478. Ergokic hypothesis ==> 各态经历假说
  18479. ergometer ==> 测力计,测功计
  18480. ergonomics ==> 人类工程学,工效学=>エルゴノミクス,人間工学
  18481. Ergonomics ==> 人間工学
  18482. ergosphere ==> 能层
  18483. ergosphere effect ==> 能层效应
  18484. ergot fluid extract ==> 麦角流浸膏
  18485. ergot liquid ==> 麦角流膏
  18486. ergot of rye ==> 麦角病
  18487. ergot oil ==> 麦角油
  18488. ergot poisoning ==> 麦角中毒
  18489. ergotamine caffeine ==> 麦角胺咖啡因
  18490. ergotamine tartrate injection ==> 酒石酸麦角胺注射液,酒石酸麦角胺注射液
  18491. ergothi oneine ==> 麦角硫因
  18492. ergotic acid ==> 麦角酸
  18493. ergotoxine phosphate ==> 磷酸麦角毒碱
  18494. ergotropic system ==> 增进抵抗力系统
  18495. ergulating characteristic ==> 调节特性
  18496. Eri, Eridanus ==> エリダヌス座
  18497. erial price for estimation ==> 材料预算价格
  18498. ERIC, Early Recycling Initiate Concept ==> 早期回收概念
  18499. Ericaceae ==> 欧石楠科,杜鹃花科
  18500. Erical mould ==> 可压锭模,挤压锭模
  18501. Ericales ==> 杜鹃花目,欧石楠目
  18502. Erichsen cupping machine ==> 埃氏冲盂试验机
  18503. Erichsen deep drawing cup test ==> 埃氏拉延试验
  18504. Erichsen depth index ==> 埃氏深度指标
  18505. Erichsen ductility machine ==> 埃里克森深拉试验机,埃氏金属板延展性试验机
  18506. Erichsen number ==> 埃里克森氏杯突深度值,杯突深度值
  18507. Erichsen test ==> 埃里克森试验,埃氏杯突试验,拉伸性能试验
  18508. Erichsen value ==> 埃里克森氏杯突深度值,埃氏杯突深度值,埃氏值
  18509. Erichsen's sign ==> 埃里克森氏征
  18510. Ericksen cupping test ==> エリクセン試験
  18511. Ericksen value ==> エリクセン値
  18512. ericoid type mycorrhiza ==> 杜鹃科型菌根
  18513. Ericsson cycle ==> 埃里克森循环
  18514. Ericsson screw ==> 埃里克森螺纹
  18515. Ericsson selector ==> 埃里克森选择器,爱立克生式选择器
  18516. Ericsson separating filter ==> 埃里克森分隔滤波器
  18517. Ericsson system ==> 埃里克森制
  18518. Ericssons automatic telephone system ==> 埃里克森自动电话交换制
  18519. erie Congo base ==> 大红色基
  18520. Erie Railroad Company ==> (美)伊利铁路公司
  18521. Erienmeyer flask ==> 爱伦美瓶
  18522. erigeron oil ==> 飞蓬油
  18523. Erik Verlinde ==> 埃里克·韦尔兰德
  18524. Erika ==> エリカ
  18525. ERIM, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan ==> ミシガン環境研究所
  18526. erio alizarine blue ==> 羊毛茜素蓝
  18527. erio anthracene blue ==> 羊毛蒽蓝
  18528. erio fast brilliant fuchsine ==> 羊毛坚牢亮品红
  18529. erio fast floxine ==> 羊毛坚牢根皮红
  18530. eriocheir sinensis ==> 毛蟹
  18531. Eriocheir sinensis ==> 中华绒螯蟹
  18532. eriochrome black ==> 羊毛铬黑
  18533. eriochrome black A ==> 羊毛铬黑A
  18534. eriochrome black T ==> 羊毛铬黑T,依来铬黑T
  18535. eriochrome blue black ==> 铬蓝黑
  18536. eriochrome blue black R ==> 依来铬蓝黑R
  18537. eriochrome blue black R (Zinchrome R) ==> 羊毛铬蓝黑R
  18538. eriochrome blue-black ==> 羊毛铬蓝黑
  18539. eriochrome red B ==> 依来铬红B
  18540. eriochrome-red ==> 羊毛铬红
  18541. ERIS, Exoatmospheric Re-entry Interceptor System ==> 大気圏外における再突入要撃システム
  18542. eritis nodosa of hepatic artery ==> 肝动脉结节性动脉周围炎
  18543. eritis Takayasus arteritis ==> 多动脉炎
  18544. erlang ==> 厄兰
  18545. Erlang distribution ==> 厄兰分布
  18546. Erlang loss formula ==> 厄兰损失公式
  18547. Erlang's formula ==> 爱尔郎公式=>アーランの式
  18548. Erlang's loss formula ==> 爱尔朗损失公式
  18549. Erlanger blue ==> 厄兰格蓝
  18550. Erlangian distribution ==> 爱尔朗分布
  18551. erlangmeter ==> 厄兰计
  18552. erlangs(erl) ==> アーラン
  18553. Erlenmeyer flask ==> 依氏烧瓶,锥形烧瓶
  18554. ERM, Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters ==> ERM
  18555. Erni's sign ==> 埃尔尼氏征
  18556. eroded field ==> 冲刷土地,侵蚀土地
  18557. eroded soil ==> 侵蚀土
  18558. eroding shore ==> 冲刷海岸
  18559. eroding state assets ==> 侵害国有资产
  18560. eroding velocity ==> 冲刷速度
  18561. erogenous ==> 性欲发生的=>性的満足を与える
  18562. erogenous zones ==> 性感带=>性感帯
  18563. EROS, earth resources observation system ==> 地球資源観測システム
  18564. erosion ==> 糜烂,腐蚀,侵蚀,片蚀,冲蚀,冲刷,熔蚀,溶蚀,浸蚀,浸蚀作用,酸蚀,剥蚀=>浸食,減肉,エロージョン,衰退,減退,先細り
  18565. erosion base ==> 侵蚀基面
  18566. erosion basis ==> 侵蚀基面
  18567. erosion by water ==> 水蚀
  18568. erosion caused by ==> 磨蚀原因
  18569. erosion control ==> 冲刷防护,侵蚀防治,防冲
  18570. erosion control below dam ==> 坝下冲刷防治
  18571. erosion control measure ==> 防冲措施
  18572. erosion cycle ==> 侵蚀旋回,冲蚀循环
  18573. erosion depth of wave ==> 波浪冲刷深度
  18574. erosion effect ==> 侵蚀作用
  18575. erosion gully ==> 侵蚀沟
  18576. erosion in the bore ==> 内膛腐蚀
  18577. erosion intensity ==> 侵蚀强度
  18578. erosion loss ==> 冲蚀流失
  18579. erosion mark ==> 浸蚀痕,酸蚀痕
  18580. erosion of cervix ==> 宫颈糜烂
  18581. erosion of levee slope ==> 堤坡冲刷
  18582. erosion of penis ==> 阴茎糜烂
  18583. erosion of refractory ==> 耐火材料的侵蚀现象
  18584. erosion of streams ==> 河泥侵蚀
  18585. erosion of vulva ==> 阴蚀
  18586. erosion pavement ==> 浸蚀砾幕,防侵蚀砾层
  18587. erosion pilot ==> 冲蚀控制器
  18588. erosion plain ==> 侵蚀平原
  18589. erosion platform ==> 侵蚀台地
  18590. erosion probe ==> 冲蚀探测器
  18591. erosion protection ==> 冲刷防护,侵蚀防护,防冲
  18592. erosion protection shield ==> 防蚀片
  18593. erosion quantity ==> 冲刷量
  18594. erosion resistance ==> 耐蚀性,抗腐蚀性
  18595. erosion resistant ==> 抗蚀材料,耐侵蚀的
  18596. erosion resistant coating ==> 防腐层
  18597. erosion resisting ==> 耐侵蚀性,耐蚀
  18598. erosion ridge ==> 风蚀雪波
  18599. erosion scab ==> 冲蚀结疤,侵蚀铸瘤,剥蚀结疤
  18600. erosion soil ==> 侵蚀土壤
  18601. erosion surface ==> 侵蚀面,冲蚀面,风化面
  18602. erosion terace ==> 侵蚀阶地
  18603. erosion test ==> 侵蚀试验
  18604. erosion wearing ==> 电腐蚀
  18605. erosion-control dam ==> 防冲坝
  18606. erosion-corrosion ==> 冲蚀腐蚀,磨蚀腐蚀
  18607. erosion-resistant channel ==> 抗侵蚀河槽
  18608. erosion-resisting characteristics ==> 抗冲性能,抗侵蚀性能
  18609. erosional basin ==> 冲刷盆地,侵蚀盆地
  18610. erosional landform ==> 侵蚀地形
  18611. erosive aneurysm ==> 侵蚀性动脉瘤
  18612. erosive collision ==> 侵蚀性碰撞
  18613. erosive gastritis ==> 糜烂性胃炎
  18614. erosive type ==> 糜烂型
  18615. erosive type of cervical carcinoma ==> 糜烂型宫颈癌
  18616. erosive velocity ==> 侵蚀速度,冲刷流速
  18617. erotopsychopathy sexual psychopathy ==> 性欲性精神变态
  18618. ERP ==> 企业资源管理系统
  18619. ERP, effective radiated power ==> 実効放射電力
  18620. ERP, Enterprize Resource Planning ==> 企业资源计划=>統合業務。財務会計や人事管理、生産管理、在庫管理など企業の基幹業務をサポートするシステム。統合業務ソフトウェア。会計を中心にした基幹統合業務システム
  18621. ERP, Enterprize Resource Planning ==>
  18622. ERPG, Earth Resources Payload Group ==> 地球資源ペイロードグループ
  18623. erps cupola ==> 螺旋风口式化铁炉
  18624. ERR, error ==> 誤り
  18625. ERR, experiment requirements review ==> 実験要求審査
  18626. erratic block ==> 漂块,漂砾
  18627. erratic boulder ==> 漂块,漂砾,漂石
  18628. erratic doping ==> 不规则掺杂
  18629. erratic error ==> 不规则误差
  18630. erratic firing ==> 不规则发火
  18631. erratic flow ==> 扰动流
  18632. erratic form ==> 漂积层
  18633. erratic function ==> 不规则函数
  18634. erratic germination ==> 不稳定发芽
  18635. erratic index ==> 漂砾指数
  18636. erratic motion of the moving element ==> 运动部件的漂移运动
  18637. erratic process ==> 漂游过程
  18638. erratic soil ==> 无规律的土壤
  18639. erratic stitch pattern ==> 不规则变化花纹
  18640. ERRE, effective radiative resolution element ==> 実効放射分解能要素
  18641. erroneous indication ==> 假像
  18642. erroneous overreaching ==> (誤)オーバリーチ ,"The operating condition of a protection, generally distance protection, where its reach, due to measuring errors, corresponds to a reach longer than its zone setting. "
  18643. erroneous picture ==> 错误概念
  18644. erroneous underreaching ==> (誤)アンダリーチ ,"The operating condition of a protection, generally distance protection, where its reach, due to measurement errors, corresponds to a reach shorter than its zone setting."
  18645. error ==> 误差,偏差,误操作,错误=>誤差,制御偏差
  18646. error absolute ==> 绝对误差,绝对误差
  18647. error accumulation ==> 误差累积
  18648. error actuated system ==> 误差控制系统
  18649. error adjustment ==> 误差调整
  18650. error alarm list ==> 故障信号表
  18651. error ambiguity ==> 歧义性误差
  18652. error amplifier ==> 误差信号放大器
  18653. error analysis ==> 误差分析
  18654. error and omission excepted (E & O E) ==> 保留更改差错权
  18655. error and omissions excepted ==> 误差和遗漏除外
  18656. error and trial method ==> 试差法
  18657. error angle ==> 失调角,误差角
  18658. error band ==> 误差带,误差范围
  18659. error bar ==> 误差棒
  18660. error bounds ==> 误差界
  18661. error box ==> 误差框,偏位框
  18662. error burst ==> 错误段,突发差错,错误串,错误群,错误猝发,误差区间
  18663. error by good faith ==> 善意过失
  18664. error call ==> 错误调用
  18665. error calls ==> 误差呼叫
  18666. error cancelling ==> 误差消除
  18667. error cause elimination ==> 消除错误原因
  18668. error cause removal ==> 消除错误原因
  18669. error character ==> 错误字符,误差记号
  18670. error characteristics ==> 误差特性
  18671. error check ==> 误差检验
  18672. error checking and correction ==> 误差检验与校正
  18673. error checking and correction (ECC) ==> 错误检验和纠正,检错与纠错
  18674. error checking and recovery ==> 错误校验和改正
  18675. error checking arrangement ==> 误差校验装置
  18676. error checking code ==> 误差检验码
  18677. error circle ==> 誤差円
  18678. error code ==> 错误代码=>エラーコード
  18679. error code diagnostic message ==> 错误代码诊断信息
  18680. error code word ==> 误码字
  18681. error coefficient ==> 误差系数,误差率
  18682. error comment ==> 出错注释
  18683. error compensation ==> 误差补偿=>誤差補償
  18684. error compensation method ==> 误差补偿法
  18685. error compensator ==> 误差补偿器
  18686. error condition ==> 误差条件
  18687. error constant ==> 系统错误,误差常数,误差系数
  18688. error control ==> 误差控制,错误控制,差错控制=>誤り制御
  18689. error control character ==> 控错字符,误差控制记号
  18690. error control equipment ==> 差错控制设备
  18691. error control system ==> 错误控制系统=>誤り制御方式
  18692. error control technique ==> 出错控制技术,误差控制技术
  18693. error correcting ==> 误差校正,纠错的,纠错的,改错的,改正错误的
  18694. error correcting capability ==> 纠错能力,纠错能力
  18695. error correcting code ==> 错误校正码
  18696. error correcting decoder ==> 误差校正译码器
  18697. error correcting main memory ==> 纠错主存储器,纠错主存储器
  18698. error correcting routine ==> 错误校正程序
  18699. error correcting system ==> 错误校正系统,纠错系统,纠错系统,误差校正系统=>誤り訂正方式
  18700. error correction ==> 误差校正,误差修正=>誤り訂正
  18701. error correction circuit ==> 误差改正电路
  18702. error correction code ==> ECC,误差校正码
  18703. error correction console ==> 误差校正操纵台
  18704. error correction operation ==> 纠错操作,纠错操作
  18705. error correction procedure ==> 纠错程序,纠错程序,纠错过程,纠错过程
  18706. error correction routine ==> 纠错程序,纠错程序
  18707. error correction save point ==> 纠错保留点,纠错保留点
  18708. error correction servo ==> 误差更正的伺服机构
  18709. error correction submode ==> 纠错子方式,纠错子方式
  18710. error correction training procedure ==> 误差校正训练步骤
  18711. error corrector device ==> 误差校准器
  18712. error criterion ==> 误差准则,误差判据=>誤差評価関数
  18713. error curve ==> 误差曲线=>誤差曲線
  18714. error curve of mean ==> 平均值的误差曲线
  18715. error deletion by interactive transmission ==> 用交互传输法消除误差
  18716. error detecting ==> 错误检测
  18717. error detecting and feedback system ==> 错误检测和反馈系统
  18718. error detecting code ==> 错误检测码,检测码,检错码=>誤り検出符号
  18719. error detecting code system ==> 错误检测码方式
  18720. error detecting facility ==> 误差检测设备
  18721. error detecting program ==> 错误检测程序
  18722. error detecting routine ==> 错误检测程序,错误检测例行程序
  18723. error detecting system ==> 错误检测系统,误差检出方式,检错系统
  18724. error detection ==> 检错,误差检测=>誤り検出
  18725. error detection and correction ==> 错误检测与校正
  18726. error detection and recovery ==> 错误检测和补救
  18727. error detection code ==> 误差检测码
  18728. error detection routine ==> 错误检测程序
  18729. error detection system ==> 誤り検定方式
  18730. error detector ==> 错误检测器,误差检测器,检错器
  18731. error determine ==> 误差测定
  18732. error diagnostic ==> 错误诊断
  18733. error diagnostics ==> 错误诊断,出错诊断
  18734. error distance ==> 误差距离
  18735. error distributing code ==> 误差分配码
  18736. error distribution ==> 误差分布
  18737. error distribution principle ==> 误差分布原理
  18738. error due to bias ==> 偏倚误差
  18739. error dump ==> 检错转储
  18740. error dumping ==> 误差清除
  18741. error effect ==> 誤差影響
  18742. error effects ==> 误差效应
  18743. error ellipse ==> 误差椭圆
  18744. error ellipse element ==> 误差椭圆单元
  18745. error equation ==> 误差方程式
  18746. error estimate ==> 误差估计
  18747. error estimation ==> 误差估计
  18748. error evaluator polynomial ==> 误差计值多项式
  18749. error excepted ==> 允许误差
  18750. error exception ==> 出错故障,例外错误
  18751. error exit ==> 错误出口
  18752. error file ==> 出错登记文件,出错文件,差错文件
  18753. error flag ==> 错误标记,错误标志
  18754. error flag(s) ==> 误差标记
  18755. error frequency ==> 差错频率
  18756. error frequency limit ==> 出错频率界限
  18757. error function ==> 误差函数
  18758. error function complement ==> 补余误差函数
  18759. error function diffusion ==> 误差函数扩散
  18760. error function distribution ==> 误差函数分布
  18761. error function integral ==> 误差函数积分
  18762. error function test ==> 误差函数试验
  18763. error handler ==> 错误处理程序
  18764. error handling ==> 错误处理
  18765. error handling routine ==> 错误处理程序
  18766. error in address ==> 地址误差
  18767. error in classification ==> 分类误差
  18768. error in economic analysis ==> 经济分析的误差,经济分析的误差
  18769. error in equation ==> 方程内误差,方程误差
  18770. error in geometrical form ==> 几何形状误差
  18771. error in indication ==> 指示误差
  18772. error in judgement ==> 判断误差
  18773. error in label ==> 标号错误
  18774. error in lable ==> 符号误差
  18775. error in length ==> 长度误差
  18776. error in line ==> 方向误差
  18777. error in observation ==> 观测误差
  18778. error in omission ==> 漏计误差
  18779. error in operation ==> 操作错误
  18780. error in pointing ==> 指向误差
  18781. error in reading ==> 连续误差,读数错误,读数误差
  18782. error in spectrochemical analysis ==> 光谱分析误差
  18783. error in variable bias ==> 变量误差偏倚
  18784. error in variable model ==> 变量误差模型
  18785. error in viewing ==> 视差
  18786. error indicating circuit ==> 误差指示电路
  18787. error indication ==> 误差指示,出错指示
  18788. error indication facility ==> 误差指示设备
  18789. error indicator ==> 误差指示器,出错指示符
  18790. error influence ==> 誤差影響
  18791. error information ==> 误差数据
  18792. error integral ==> 误差积分
  18793. error integrator ==> 误差积分器
  18794. error interrupt ==> 错误中断,误差中断,出错中断,差错中断
  18795. error latence ==> 错误潜伏期
  18796. error law ==> 误差律
  18797. error limit ==> 误差极限
  18798. error list ==> 错误表,故障表
  18799. error listing ==> 故障列表,出错列表
  18800. error locating ==> 错误定位
  18801. error locating code ==> 误差定位码
  18802. error lock ==> 错误封锁,出错封锁
  18803. error log ==> 出错记录
  18804. error log manager (ELM) ==> 出错登记管理程序,出错记录管理程序,错误记录管理
  18805. error logger ==> 错误记录程序,出错登记程序
  18806. error logging ==> 错误记录
  18807. error macro ==> 查错宏指令
  18808. error margin ==> 误差容限
  18809. error mark ==> 错误标记
  18810. error matrice ==> 误差矩阵
  18811. error matrix ==> 误差矩阵
  18812. error measuring element ==> 温差测量元件,误差测量元件
  18813. error measuring function ==> 误差测量函数
  18814. error measuring means ==> 误差测量装置,偏差检测装置
  18815. error measuring system ==> 误差测量系统
  18816. error message ==> 误差信息,错误报文,错误信息,出错信息,查错信息
  18817. error meter ==> 误差测量计
  18818. error method ==> 误差法,尝试法
  18819. error model ==> 误差模型
  18820. error monitor ==> 误差监督程序
  18821. error multiplier ==> 误差乘法器
  18822. error of approximation ==> 近似误差
  18823. error of behaviour ==> 系统品质误差
  18824. error of calculation ==> 计算误差
  18825. error of calibration ==> 检验误差
  18826. error of closure ==> 闭合差
  18827. error of closure of angles ==> 方位角闭合差
  18828. error of division ==> 分度误差
  18829. error of estimate ==> 估计量的误差
  18830. error of estimation ==> 估计误差
  18831. error of fitting ==> 拟合误差
  18832. error of graduation ==> 分度误差
  18833. error of lens distortion ==> 透镜畸变误差
  18834. error of mean square ==> 均方误差
  18835. error of mean suare ==> 均方误差
  18836. error of measurement ==> 测量误差
  18837. error of observation ==> 观测误差
  18838. error of observation data ==> 观测数据误差
  18839. error of omission ==> 遗漏误差
  18840. error of perpendicularity ==> 垂直度误差
  18841. error of reading ==> 读数误差
  18842. error of scale ==> 刻度误差
  18843. error of the first kind ==> 第一种错误
  18844. error of transmission ==> 传输错误
  18845. error of traverse ==> 导线闭合差
  18846. error of truncation ==> 截断误差
  18847. error on the safe side ==> 安全误差
  18848. error on the side of safety ==> 安全性的计算误差
  18849. error option ==> 误差选择
  18850. error parallelogram ==> 误差平行四边形
  18851. error pattern ==> 误差方向图,误差型
  18852. error pattern generator ==> 错误模式生成程序
  18853. error per digit ==> 每个数位误差,每位误差
  18854. error percentage ==> 误差百分数
  18855. error persistent model ==> 偏差継続モデル
  18856. error phasing ==> 误差调相
  18857. error pick-up ==> 误差传感器,失配信号传感器
  18858. error probability ==> 误差概率,错误概率
  18859. error processing ==> 错误处理
  18860. error processing procedure ==> 错误处理过程
  18861. error processing subsystem ==> 错报处理子系统
  18862. error production ==> 误差产生
  18863. error propagation ==> 误差传播,错误传播
  18864. error propagation limiting code ==> 错误传播受限码
  18865. error protection ==> 错误保护,故障保护,误差防护
  18866. error pulse ==> 误差信号脉冲
  18867. error queue ==> 错误队列
  18868. error range ==> 誤差範囲
  18869. error rate ==> 故障率,误码率,误差率,出错率,差错率
  18870. error rate measuring equipment ==> 误差率测量设备
  18871. error rate of keying ==> 安键误差率,按键误差率
  18872. error rate of telegraph ==> 电报出错率
  18873. error rate of translation ==> 翻译误差率
  18874. error ratio ==> 误差比
  18875. error record ==> 错误记录
  18876. error recording ==> 故障记录
  18877. error recording data set ==> 故障记录数据集
  18878. error recovery ==> 错误恢复,出错恢复,误差恢复
  18879. error recovery manager (ERM) ==> 错误恢复管理程序
  18880. error recovery procedure ==> 错误校正过程
  18881. error recovery procedure (ERP) ==> 错误恢复过程
  18882. error recovery routine ==> 错误校正程序
  18883. error register ==> 误差记录器
  18884. error regression ==> 机误回归
  18885. error reset ==> 误差复原
  18886. error resonance ==> 误差共振
  18887. error retry ==> 误差重算
  18888. error return ==> 出错返回
  18889. error return address ==> 出错返回地址,错误返回地址
  18890. error routine ==> 查错程序,差错程序
  18891. error sensing device ==> 误差传感装置
  18892. error sensor ==> 误差敏感元件
  18893. error sequence ==> 误差序列
  18894. error severity code ==> 标志错误严重性的代码
  18895. error signal ==> 误差信号,出错信号
  18896. error signal decoder ==> 误差信号解码器
  18897. error signal detection ==> 误差信号检测
  18898. error signal detector ==> 误差信号检测器
  18899. error signal encoder ==> 误差信号编码器
  18900. error signal generation ==> 误差信号产生
  18901. error signal generator ==> 误差信号发生器
  18902. error signal transmitter ==> 失调传感器
  18903. error source ==> 误差源
  18904. error space ==> 误差空间
  18905. error span ==> 误差距离=>誤差幅
  18906. error spectral density ==> 误差谱密度
  18907. error squared criterion ==> 误差平方准则
  18908. error state ==> 错误状态,误差状态,异常状态
  18909. error statistics by tape volume (ESTV) ==> 磁带卷错误统计程序
  18910. error statistics by volume (ESV) ==> 卷错误统计,卷错误统计
  18911. error status ==> 错误状态
  18912. error status condition ==> 错误状态条件
  18913. error status register ==> 错误状态寄存器
  18914. error sum of squares ==> 误差平方和
  18915. error symbol ==> 误差符号,错误符号
  18916. error synthesis ==> 误差综合
  18917. error system ==> 误差检测系统
  18918. error tape ==> 改错磁带,差错带,记错磁带
  18919. error term ==> 残项,误差项
  18920. error theory ==> 误差理论
  18921. error transfer function ==> 误差传递函数
  18922. error transformation ==> 误差转换
  18923. error trapping ==> 错误捕捉
  18924. error variance ==> 误差方差,误差离散,机误变量
  18925. error vector ==> 误差向量
  18926. error voltage ==> 误差电压
  18927. error voltage polarity ==> 误差电压极性
  18928. error volume analysis (EVA) ==> 卷错误分析,卷错误分析
  18929. error-actuated system ==> 误差控制系统
  18930. error-checking ==> 验错,检验误差的
  18931. error-checking code ==> 错误校验码
  18932. error-control code ==> 误差控制码
  18933. error-correcting capacity ==> 纠错能力
  18934. error-correcting code ==> 错误校正码=>誤り訂正符号
  18935. error-correcting parser ==> 误差修正剖析器
  18936. error-correcting parsing ==> 误差修正剖析
  18937. error-correcting program ==> 误差校正程序
  18938. error-correcting routine ==> 纠错程序,纠错程序
  18939. error-correcting telegraph system ==> 纠错电报系统,纠错电报系统,改错电报系统
  18940. error-correction logic ==> 误差校正逻辑
  18941. error-deformation string ==> 误差畸变链
  18942. error-detecting ==> 错误检测
  18943. error-detecting code ==> 检错码=>誤り検出符号
  18944. error-detecting system ==> 检错系统=>誤り検出方式
  18945. error-detection system ==> 误差检测系统
  18946. error-detector circuit ==> 误差检测电路
  18947. error-free ==> 安全的,可靠的,无误差的
  18948. error-free channel ==> 无错误信道
  18949. error-free coding ==> 无错误编码
  18950. error-free encoding ==> 无误差编码
  18951. error-free information ==> 无错误信道
  18952. error-free operation ==> 无误差操作
  18953. error-free running ==> 无误差运行
  18954. error-free running period ==> 无差错运转周期,正常运行期
  18955. error-free transmission ==> 无误传输
  18956. error-in-equation model ==> 方程误差模型
  18957. error-indicating system ==> 误差指示系统
  18958. error-induced grammar ==> 误差导出文法
  18959. error-locator polynomial ==> 错误定位多项式
  18960. error-sampled control system ==> 误差抽样控制系统
  18961. error-sensitivity ==> 误差灵敏度
  18962. error-spectral density ==> 误差谱密度
  18963. error-squared criterion ==> 误差
  18964. error-tested ==> 误差检验
  18965. error==… error ==> 誤差
  18966. errors and omissions excepted ==> 错误遗漏不在此限,如有错漏可予更改
  18967. errors in the invoice ==> 发票金额错误
  18968. errors of book entry ==> 记帐错误
  18969. errors of compensation ==> 相抵错误
  18970. errors of omission ==> 遗漏错误
  18971. errors of pessimism ==> 悲观误差
  18972. errow detector ==> 误差检测器
  18973. ers of the same type of work ==> 同工种竞赛
  18974. ERS, Earth Resources Satellite ==> 地球資源衛星
  18975. ERS, Entry and Recovery Simulation ==> NASA略語(意訳,大気圏突入・帰還シミュレーション)
  18976. ERS, European Remote Sensing Satellite ==> 欧州リモートセンシング衛星
  18977. ersatz material ==> 代用材料
  18978. ERSDAC, Earth Resources Satellite Data Analysis Center of Japan ==> (財)資源観測解析センター
  18979. ershaft ==> 副羽
  18980. ERT, ETS-VII Robot Tool ==> ETS-VIIツール機構部
  18981. ERTB ==> 大地回路转换断路器
  18982. ERTS image ==> 地球资源卫星图像
  18983. ERTS, earth resource technology satellite ==> 地球资源技术卫星
  18984. ERTS, Earth Resources Technology Satellite ==> 地球資源探査技術衛星(米国)
  18985. ERU, Experiment ORU ==> 実験用ORU
  18986. erucic acid ==> 芥酸,芥酸
  18987. eructation with fetid odor ==> 嗳腐
  18988. erupt completely ==> 出齐
  18989. eruption canal ==> 喷发管道
  18990. eruption cyst ==> 出牙囊肿,萌出期囊肿
  18991. eruption fissure ==> 喷发裂缝
  18992. eruption of the teeth ==> 出牙时间表
  18993. eruption period ==> 萌出期
  18994. eruptive arch ==> 爆发拱
  18995. eruptive binary ==> 爆发双星
  18996. eruptive deposit ==> 喷发沉积,喷发矿床
  18997. eruptive fever ==> 发疹热
  18998. eruptive prominence ==> 爆发日珥
  18999. eruptive rock ==> 喷发岩
  19000. eruptive stage ==> 出疹期,发疹期
  19001. eruptive star ==> 爆发星
  19002. eruptive variable ==> 爆发变星
  19003. ERUs, Emission Reduction Units ==> 排出削減単位
  19004. ervation of momentum momentum conservation ==> 动量守恒
  19005. erysipelas on leg ==> 流火
  19006. erythema ==> 紅はん(紫外線による)
  19007. erythema annulare centrifugum ==> 离心性环形红斑
  19008. erythema arthriticum epidemicum ==> 流行性关节红斑
  19009. erythema centrifugum ==> 离心性红斑
  19010. erythema chronicum migrans ==> 慢性游走性红斑
  19011. erythema dose (ED) ==> 红斑量
  19012. erythema dyschromicum perstans ==> 持久性色素障碍性红斑
  19013. erythema effect ==> 红斑作用
  19014. erythema figuratum perstans ==> 持久性回状红斑
  19015. erythema infectiosum ==> 传染性红斑
  19016. erythema intertrigo ==> 擦烂红斑
  19017. erythema iris ==> 环形红斑,虹彩形红斑
  19018. erythema multiforme ==> 猫眼疮,多形性红斑
  19019. erythema perstans ==> 持久性红斑
  19020. erythema simplex ==> 充血性红斑
  19021. erythema zone ==> 红斑区
  19022. erythematous frostbite ==> 红斑性冻疮
  19023. erythematous-edematous reaction (E-E reaction) ==> 红斑水肿性反应
  19024. erythremoid reaction ==> 红细胞增多反应
  19025. erythrina bark ==> 海桐皮
  19026. erythrite peachblossom ore ==> 钴华
  19027. erythrityl tetranitrate ==> 丁四硝酯,赤藓醇四硝酸酯
  19028. erythro configuration ==> 赤系构型
  19029. erythro salt ==> 赤配位盐
  19030. erythroblastic shower ==> 成红细胞骤增
  19031. erythroblastosis fetalis ==> 胎儿成红细胞增多
  19032. erythrocyte antibody (EA) ==> 红细胞抗体
  19033. erythrocyte autohemolysis test ==> 红细胞自溶试验
  19034. erythrocyte diluting fluid ==> 红细胞稀释液
  19035. erythrocyte life span ==> 红细胞寿命
  19036. erythrocyte maturation factor ==> 红细胞成熟因子
  19037. erythrocyte sedimentation rate ==> 红血球沉降速度,沉降反应
  19038. erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) ==> 红细胞沉降率
  19039. erythrocyte sedimentation reaction ==> 红细胞沉降反应
  19040. erythrocyte sedimentation test ==> 红细胞沉降试验
  19041. erythrocyte sensitizing substance (ESS) ==> 红细胞致敏物质
  19042. erythrocyte stage ==> 红细胞内期
  19043. erythrocyte-stimulating factor ==> 促红细胞生成素
  19044. erythrocytic stage ==> 红细胞内期
  19045. erythrocytosis megalosplenica ==> 巨脾性红细胞增多,巨脾性红细胞增多
  19046. erythrodermie pityriasique enplaques disseminees ==> 斑块状类牛皮癣
  19047. erythrogenic acid ==> 赤精酸
  19048. erythrokeratodermia congenitaris progressiva ==> 进行性先天性红斑角化病
  19049. erythromycin propionate lauryl sulfate ==> 无味红霉素,丙酸红霉素
  19050. erythromycin stearate ==> 红霉素硬脂酸酯
  19051. erythronic acid ==> 赤糖酸,赤酮酸
  19052. erythropoietic factor ==> 促红细胞生成因子
  19053. erythropsia scope ==> 红幻视检测镜
  19054. erythrose-4-phosphate ==> 4-磷酸赤藓糖
  19055. erythrosine sodium ==> 赤藓红钠
  19056. erythrosine sodium salt ==> 赤藓红钠盐
  19057. ES, earth sensor ==> 地球センサ
  19058. ES, electrical subsystem ==> 電気サブシステム
  19059. ES, energy storage converter ==> エネルギー蓄積コンバータ
  19060. ES, Engineering Sheet ==> エンジニアリングシート(技術検討書)
  19061. ES, equipment section ==> 装置区
  19062. ES, EVA support ==> EVA支援
  19063. ES, Evolution Strategy ==> ES
  19064. ES, execution and storage ==> イクスキューションアンドストレージ
  19065. ES, expert system ==> エキスパートシステム
  19066. ESA ==> 欧州宇宙機関
  19067. ESA, earth sensor assembly ==> 地球センサアセンブリ
  19068. ESA, electronics system assembly ==> 電気系組立
  19069. ESA, European Space Agency ==> 欧州宇宙機関
  19070. ESA, explosive safe area ==> 対爆発安全区域
  19071. ESA, explosive site area ==> 爆発物区域
  19072. Esaki current ==> 江崎电流
  19073. Esaki diode ==> 江崎二极管=>エサキダイオード
  19074. Esaki effect ==> 江崎效应=>エサキ効果
  19075. Esaki junction ==> 江崎结
  19076. Esaki tunnel diode ==> 隧道二极管
  19077. Esaki type transistor ==> 隧道型晶体管,江崎型晶体管
  19078. ESB, Engine Sequence Box ==> エンジンシーケンスボックス
  19079. Esbach's method ==> 埃斯巴赫氏检查法
  19080. Esbach's reagent ==> 埃斯巴赫氏试剂,埃斯巴赫试剂
  19081. Esbach's test ==> 埃斯巴赫氏试验
  19082. ESBS, EURECA Space-Based Study ==> ユレーカ宇宙研究
  19083. esbt ==> 增强型肖特基势垒场效应晶体管
  19084. ESBWR ==> 革新型単純化沸騰水型軽水炉
  19085. ESBWR, General Electric's simplified boiling water reactor ==> 革新型単純化沸騰水型炉、140万キロワット
  19086. ESC, Economic and Social Council ==> 経済社会理事会
  19087. ESC, electrical system control console ==> 電気系統制御盤
  19088. ESC, escape ==> エスケープ
  19089. ESC, escape character ==> 拡張文字
  19090. ESC, European Space Conference ==> 欧州宇宙会議
  19091. ESC, experiment support system control unit ==> 実験支援システム制御装置
  19092. Escaine synthetic chamois ==> 爱斯凯恩人造麂皮
  19093. escalating coefficient of material price ==> 材料费上涨系数
  19094. escalator ==> 阶梯式自动电梯,自动扶梯,自动楼梯,自动电梯=>エスカレータ
  19095. escalator bond ==> 调整债券,伸缩债券
  19096. escalator clause ==> 伸缩条款,调整条款
  19097. escalator drive ==> 自动梯传动装置
  19098. escalator method ==> 迭代法,梯降法
  19099. escapable cost ==> 可节省成本,可免成本
  19100. escape ==> 空刀槽,换码,退刀槽,脱逸,擒纵机轮,逃,逃脱,司行轮,逸,逸出,逸出植物,逸野,逸野种,扩充功能符,漏出
  19101. escape angle ==> 擒纵角
  19102. escape beat ==> 逸搏,(心脏的)补充收缩
  19103. escape behavio(u)r ==> 逃避行为
  19104. escape capability ==> 逃逸能力
  19105. escape character ==> 扩充字符,信息漏失符号,换码符,换码字符=>拡張文字
  19106. escape character (ESC) ==> 扩展符,扩展字符
  19107. escape clause ==> 例外条款,逃避条款,免除条款,免责条款
  19108. escape compartment ==> 逃生舱
  19109. escape conditioning ==> 逃走条件作用
  19110. escape cone ==> 逃逸锥,逃逸锥面
  19111. escape covert ==> 逃避隐蔽植被
  19112. escape crank ==> エスケープクランク
  19113. escape depth ==> 逸出深度
  19114. escape engine ==> 分离发动机
  19115. escape exit ==> 安全出口
  19116. escape factor ==> 逸出因子,逃脱因子
  19117. escape from stage ==> 舞台疏散口
  19118. escape gate ==> 放水闸门
  19119. escape grid ==> 凹板筛
  19120. escape hatch ==> 安全舱口,脱险舱口
  19121. escape hole ==> 排气口
  19122. escape instruction ==> 流出指令
  19123. escape ladder ==> 疏散爬梯
  19124. escape level ==> 脱离能级,逃逸能级
  19125. escape lighting ==> 避難照明
  19126. escape lock ==> 安全闸,备用闸,事故闸
  19127. escape mechanism ==> 逃避机理
  19128. escape mediocrity ==> 平凡から抜け出す
  19129. escape of chips ==> 排屑
  19130. escape orifice ==> 排泄口,泄放孔
  19131. escape peak ==> 逃逸峰
  19132. escape pinion ==> 擒纵齿轮
  19133. escape pipe ==> 出气管
  19134. escape poverty towards well-off conditions ==> 脱贫致富
  19135. escape probability ==> 逃脱几率,逸出概率
  19136. escape procedure ==> 换码过程
  19137. escape ramp ==> 疏散坡道=>脱出シューツ
  19138. escape rate ==> 逃逸速度
  19139. escape rate coefficient ==> 逃逸率系数
  19140. escape react test ==> 回避反应试验
  19141. escape rocket ==> 逃逸火箭,救生火箭,救生火箭,应急分离火箭,宇宙火箭
  19142. escape route ==> 迂回进路,疏散路线
  19143. escape sequence ==> 换码序列,代码换向序列
  19144. escape speed ==> 逃逸速度
  19145. escape stair ==> 防火楼梯,疏散楼梯
  19146. escape synthesis ==> 逃避合成
  19147. escape test ==> 逃逸试验
  19148. escape tower ==> 逃离塔,应急脱离塔
  19149. escape trace ==> 逃逸迹
  19150. escape trajectory ==> 逸离轨道
  19151. escape trunk ==> 潜水艇逃生舱
  19152. escape valve ==> 安全阀
  19153. escape velocity ==> 脱离速度,逃逸速度,第二宇宙速度,出流速度
  19154. escape way ==> 第二条出口
  19155. escape wheel ==> 擒纵轮
  19156. escape wheel and pinion ==> 擒纵轮
  19157. escape wheel bridge ==> 擒纵轮夹板
  19158. escape wheel cock jewel ==> 擒上钻
  19159. escape wheel foot jewel ==> 擒下钻
  19160. escape wheel grinding machine ==> 擒纵轮磨床
  19161. escape wheel guard ==> 擒纵轮护板
  19162. escape wheel pinion ==> 擒纵轮齿轴
  19163. escape wheel teeth ==> 擒纵轮齿
  19164. escape-capture ==> 逸搏夺获
  19165. escape-capture rhythm ==> 逸搏夺获心律
  19166. escapement ==> 擒纵机构
  19167. escapement crank ==> 擒纵曲柄
  19168. escapement error ==> 擒纵误差
  19169. escapement faults ==> 擒纵机构误差
  19170. escapement file ==> 擒纵机锉,带方形断面尾的锉
  19171. escapement impulse ==> 擒纵机构冲击
  19172. escapement lever ==> 擒纵叉
  19173. escapement mechanism ==> 擒纵机构
  19174. escapement noise ==> 擒纵机构声音
  19175. escapement plate ==> 擒纵机构夹板
  19176. escapement repeater ==> 出口围盘
  19177. escapement sequence ==> 换码顺序
  19178. escapement timing ==> 带制动的时滞装置
  19179. escapement wheel ==> 擒纵机轮,擒纵轮
  19180. Escherich's reflex ==> 埃舍利希氏反射
  19181. Escherich's sign ==> 埃舍利希氏征
  19182. Escherichia coli (E. coli) ==> 大肠杆菌,大肠埃希氏菌
  19183. Escherichia coli count ==> 大肠杆菌含量
  19184. Escherichia coli trend ==> 大肠杆菌量的趋势
  19185. Eschka mixture ==> 埃史卡混合融剂
  19186. Eschka mixture for sulfur determination ==> 埃斯卡测硫混合剂
  19187. ESCJ, Electric Power System Council of Japan ==> 日本电力系统利用协议会=>(有限責任中間法人)電力系統利用協議会
  19188. Esclangon effect ==> 埃斯克朗贡效应
  19189. ESCN, engineering specification change notice ==> 技術仕様書変更通知
  19190. ESCO, Energy Service Company ==> エネルギーサービス会社=>省エネルギー提案型サービス事業,エネルギー・サービス・カンパニー,エネルギーサービス会社,事業者が省エネに関する包括的なサービス提供。顧客の省エネメリットの一部を報酬として受ける。
  19191. Escobillo fibre ==> 埃斯科比洛纤维
  19192. escort goods in transportation ==> 押运
  19193. escort plane ==> 护航机
  19194. escort vessel ==> 护航舰
  19195. escribed circle ==> 傍接円
  19196. escribed circle of a triangle ==> 三角形的旁切圆
  19197. escribed sphere ==> 旁切球
  19198. escrow account ==> 条件交付帐户
  19199. escrow credit ==> 托付信用证,寄托信用证
  19200. escrow letter of credit ==> 条件交付信用证,托付信用证
  19201. esculetinic acid ==> 七叶亭酸
  19202. esculo side ==> 马栗树糖苷
  19203. escutcheon plate ==> 饰框,铭牌
  19204. esd ==> 电射俩孔
  19205. ESD ground ==> ESD接地
  19206. ESD protective ==> ESD防护
  19207. ESD protective station ==> ESD防护站
  19208. ESD, Education for Sustainable Development ==> 持続可能な社会の実現のための教育
  19209. ESD, electro spark detector ==> 电火花检测器
  19210. ESD, electrostatic discharge ==> 静电放电=>静電気放電
  19211. ESD, static discharge ==> 静電気放電
  19212. ESDAC, European Space Data Centre ==> 欧州宇宙データセンター
  19213. ESE, Early Streamer Emission ==> 放射性同位元素や電子回路の搭載で結合リーダを早期に生成し避雷針の保護範囲を拡大する
  19214. ESE, earth sensor electronics ==> アースセンサ回路
  19215. ESE, electrical support equipment ==> 電気的支援装置
  19216. ESEF ==> フランス電気試験所
  19217. Esequibo cotton ==> 埃塞奎博棉
  19218. ESFRS Electronic Supply Fund Reporting System ==> 电子辅助基金报告系统
  19219. ESH, equivalent sun hour ==> 等価太陽照射時間
  19220. Eshka method ==> 埃史卡测硫法
  19221. ESI, Essential Science Indicators ==> 基本科学指标数据库
  19222. esinophilic cell adenoma of thyroid gland ==> 甲状腺嗜酸性细胞腺瘤
  19223. Eskimo dog ==> 北极犬
  19224. Eskimo fabric ==> 爱斯基摩缎纹呢
  19225. ESKOM ==> 南アフリカ電力会社(エスコム),南アフリカの国営電力会社
  19226. Eskom Holdings Limited ==> 南アフリカ電力公社
  19227. ESLAB, European Space Research Laboratory ==> 欧州宇宙研究所
  19228. ESM, energy spectrum of particles ==> 粒子のエネルギースペクトル
  19229. Esmarch's bandage ==> 埃斯马赫驱血带
  19230. Esmarch's culture ==> 埃斯马赫氏培养,培斯马赫氏培养物
  19231. ESMC, Eastern Space and Missile Center ==> 東部宇宙ミサイルセンター
  19232. ESMR, electrically scanned microwave radiometer ==> 電気走査型マイクロウエーブ放射計
  19233. ESMR, electrically scanning microwave radiometer ==> マイクロ波放射計
  19234. ESO, Environmental Systems Office ==> 環境システム局
  19235. ESOC, European Space Operations Center ==> 欧州宇宙運用センター
  19236. esophageal diverticulum ==> 食管憩室
  19237. esophageal fistula ==> 食管瘘
  19238. esophageal gland ==> 食道腺
  19239. esophageal groove ==> 食管沟
  19240. esophageal ring ==> 食道环
  19241. esophageal sound ==> 食管探子
  19242. esophageal teeth ==> 食管齿突
  19243. esophagitis dissecans superficialis ==> 表层脱落性食管炎
  19244. esophago ==> 食管
  19245. esophago-cardiac gland ==> 食管贲门腺
  19246. esophago-enterostomy ==> 食管肠吻合术
  19247. esophagocele ==> 食管突出
  19248. esophagoduodenostomy ==> 食管十二指肠吻合术
  19249. esophagodynia ==> 食管痛
  19250. esophagofiberscope ==> 纤维光束食道镜
  19251. esophagogastrectomy ==> 食管胃切除术
  19252. esophagogastro-anastomosis ==> 食管胃吻合术
  19253. esophagogastroduodenoscopy ==> 消化管内視鏡検査(EGD)
  19254. esophagogastroplasty ==> 食管胃成形术
  19255. esophagogastroscopy ==> 食管胃镜检查
  19256. esophagogastrostomy ==> 食管胃吻合术
  19257. esophagojejunogastrostomosis ==> 食管空肠胃吻合术
  19258. esophagojejunostomy ==> 食管空肠吻合术
  19259. esophagology ==> 食管病学
  19260. esophagometer ==> 食管长度计
  19261. esophagomycosis ==> 食管真菌病
  19262. esophagopathy ==> 食管病
  19263. esophagoplasty ==> 食管成形术
  19264. esophagoplegia ==> 食管瘫痪
  19265. esophagoplication ==> 食管襞折术
  19266. esophagopolypus ==> 食管息肉
  19267. esophagoptosis ==> 食管下垂
  19268. esophagorrhagia ==> 食管出血
  19269. esophagorrhea ==> 食管液溢
  19270. esophagosalivary ==> 食管性唾液分泌的
  19271. esophagosalivary reflex ==> 罗惹氏反射
  19272. esophagosalivation ==> 食管性多涎
  19273. esophagoscope ==> 食管镜
  19274. esophagoscopy ==> 食管镜检查
  19275. esophagospasm ==> 食管痉挛
  19276. esophagostenosis ==> 食管狭窄
  19277. esophagostoma ==> 食管瘘
  19278. esophagostomiasis ==> 食道口线虫病,结节线虫病
  19279. esophagostomy ==> 食管造口术
  19280. esophagotome ==> 食管刀
  19281. esophagotomy ==> 食管切开术
  19282. esophagus ==> 食管
  19283. esophagus cancer ==> 食道癌
  19284. esophagus chestwall fistula ==> 食管胸壁瘘
  19285. esophagus hemangioma ==> 食管血管瘤
  19286. esophagus malformation ==> 食管畸形
  19287. esoteric ==> 難解な,深遠な
  19288. esoteric point ==> 奥義
  19289. esoteric research ==> 難解な研究
  19290. esoteric style ==> 難解な文体
  19291. esoteric technique ==> 奥義
  19292. esoteric theme ==> 深遠なテーマ
  19293. ESP Enhanced Survey Program ==> 增强检测项目
  19294. ESP Spain (Flag) ==> 西班牙(注册)
  19295. ESP, electrostatic precipitator ==> 電気集塵装置
  19296. ESP, Energy Service Provider ==> エネルギーサービス提供者=>エネルギーサービス提供者、エネルギー・サービス・プロバイダー
  19297. ESP, Environmental Study Program ==> 環境研究計画
  19298. ESP, European Society of Propulsion ==> 推進力に関する欧州協会
  19299. espagnolette bolt ==> (长插销)通天插销
  19300. espalier growth form ==> 匍匐生长型
  19301. espalier training ==> 篱形整枝
  19302. esparto fabric ==> 编织用禾本科草织物
  19303. esparto wax ==> 茅草蜡
  19304. ESPC, engineering specification ==> 技術仕様書
  19305. Espressivo (espr) ==> 富有表情的
  19306. espresso ==> 浓缩咖啡,一种综合咖啡=>エスプレッソ
  19307. ESPRINT, Europe Strategic Program for Information Technology ==> 欧州情報技術戦略計画
  19308. Espritline ==> エスプリライン
  19309. ESR spectroscopy ==> ESR分光
  19310. ESR, earth science research ==> 地球科学研究
  19311. ESR, engine sequence recorder ==> エンジンシーケンスレコーダ
  19312. ESRANGE, European Sounding Rocket Range ==> 欧州観測ロケット打上基地
  19313. ESRD, experiment simulator requirement document ==> 模擬実験装置要求文書
  19314. ESRF, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ==> 位相X線イメージング装置
  19315. ESRIN, European Space Research Institute ==> 欧州宇宙研究所
  19316. ESRO, European Space Research Organization ==> 欧州宇宙研究機構(1975年,ELDOと共にESAに統合)
  19317. ESS, electronic security system ==> 電子式防御システム
  19318. ESS, energy storage subsystem ==> エネルギー貯蔵サブシステム
  19319. ESS, experiment subsystem simulator ==> 実験サブシステムシミュレーター
  19320. ESS, experiment support system ==> 実験支援系
  19321. ESSA, Environmental Science Services Administration ==> アメリカ環境科学業務庁(現在はNOAA)
  19322. ESSA, Environmental Survey Satellite ==> 環境観測衛星
  19323. essay ==> 论文,实验
  19324. ESSC, Earth System Sciences Committee ==> 地球システム科学委員会
  19325. Essen coefficient ==> 埃森系数
  19326. essence ==> 香精,本质=>エキス,香料
  19327. essence and blood ==> 精血
  19328. essence corporation ==> 香精公司
  19329. essence exhaustion ==> 精极
  19330. essence gate ==> 精门
  19331. essence of an invention ==> 发明的实质
  19332. essence of chicken with ganoerma lucidum ==> 灵芝鸡精
  19333. essence of life ==> 精
  19334. essence of the contract ==> 契约要素
  19335. essential ==> 本质的
  19336. essential amino acid ==> 必需氨基酸,必需的氨基酸
  19337. essential amino acid index ==> 必需氨基酸指数
  19338. essential amino acid number ==> 必需氨基酸指数
  19339. essential auxiliaries ==> 主要辅助设备
  19340. essential boundary condition ==> 实在边界条件
  19341. essential brown induration of lung syndrome ==> 原发性肺褐色硬结综合征
  19342. essential component ==> 主要成分
  19343. essential constant ==> 本质常数
  19344. essential convergence ==> 本质收敛
  19345. essential cooperative game ==> 本质合作对策
  19346. essential element ==> 主要元素
  19347. essential element of analysis ==> 分析的基本元素
  19348. essential element of information ==> 信息基本元素
  19349. essential facility ==> エッセンシャル・ファシリティ,不可欠施設
  19350. essential fatty acid ==> 必需脂肪酸
  19351. essential fatty acid index ==> 必需脂肪酸指数
  19352. essential food ==> 要素饮食
  19353. essential general game ==> 本质一般对策
  19354. essential group ==> 必需基团
  19355. essential hypertension ==> 本质性高血压,原发性高血压,特发性高血压
  19356. essential hypotension ==> 原发性低血压
  19357. essential information ==> 基本信息
  19358. essential ingredients ==> 主要成分
  19359. essential laryngitis tablets ==> 精制喉症片,精制喉症片
  19360. essential load ==> 基本负荷
  19361. essential mineral ==> 主要矿物
  19362. essential mineral element ==> 必需矿物质元素
  19363. essential minerals ==> 必需矿物质
  19364. essential multiple output prime implicant ==> 实质多重输出本原
  19365. essential oil ==> 精油,香精油
  19366. essential parameter ==> 基本参数
  19367. essential prime implicant ==> 基本素蕴涵,实质本原蕴涵
  19368. essential progressive atrophy of iris ==> 原发性进行性虹膜萎缩
  19369. essential pulmonary hemosiderosis ==> 自发性肺含铁血黄素沉积症
  19370. essential quality of damages ==> 实质上的损害
  19371. essential raw cooling water ==> 重要原冷却水
  19372. essential service water ==> 重要厂用水
  19373. essential service water discharge canal ==> 重要厂用水系统排水渠
  19374. essential service water system ==> 重要厂用水系统,为将与安全相关设备的热负荷传输至最终热阱而设置的冷却水系统,是专设安全设施的支持系统之一
  19375. essential singular point ==> 真性特異点(複素関数)
  19376. essential singularity ==> 本性奇点
  19377. essential supplies bus ==> 安全母线(核电厂事故电源)
  19378. essential technique ==> 基本功
  19379. essential term ==> 本质项
  19380. essential uterine hemorrhage ==> 自发性子宫出血
  19381. essential variables ==> 管子与管板焊接的主要参数
  19382. essential work of enterprise management ==> 企业管理基础工作
  19383. essentially complete class of decision rule ==> 决策规则的本质完全类,决策规则的本质完全类
  19384. essentially equivalent ==> 实质等价
  19385. essentially non-negative matrix ==> 本性非负矩阵
  19386. essentially periodic sequence ==> 本性周期序列
  19387. essentially positive matrix ==> 本性正矩阵
  19388. Essentials of Materia Medica ==> 本草备要
  19389. Essex board ==> 爱赛克斯纤维板
  19390. ESSM, essential systems status monitor ==> 主系统状态监测器
  19391. Esson coefficient ==> 埃松系数
  19392. ESSU, electronic selective switching unit ==> 电子开关选择装置
  19393. essy chair ==> 安乐椅
  19394. EST Estonia (Flag) ==> 爱沙尼亚(注册)
  19395. EST, Eastern Standard Time ==> 東部標準時
  19396. EST, estimate ==> 見積り
  19397. ESTA, Electronic System for Travel Authorization ==> 電子渡航認証システム
  19398. establish market ==> 建立市场
  19399. established ==> 定着した
  19400. established angle ==> 安装角
  19401. established answer ==> 定着した答え
  19402. established brand ==> 有力なブランド
  19403. established cell ==> 樹立細胞
  19404. established clientele ==> 既存の顧客
  19405. established competitors ==> 大手会社
  19406. established connection ==> 确立连接
  19407. established crop ==> 已稳固生长作物
  19408. established custom ==> 确定的惯例
  19409. established customs ==> 成例
  19410. established data ==> 确定的数据
  19411. established design ==> 定型设计
  19412. established diagnosis ==> 確定診断
  19413. established disease ==> すでにかかっている病気
  19414. established energy source ==> 従来のエネルギー源
  19415. established fact ==> 既成の事実
  19416. established flow ==> 定型流动
  19417. established line bearing ==> 非标准轴承
  19418. established pregnancy ==> 确实妊娠
  19419. established procedure ==> 规定程序
  19420. established right ==> 确定的权利
  19421. establishment ==> 成林过程,创办,企业,确立,规定,机构,编制,形成过程=>設立,秩序,体系,法典
  19422. establishment charges ==> 开办费
  19423. establishment of credit ==> 开立透支帐户
  19424. establishment of L & C ==> 开信用证,开证
  19425. establishment of L/C ==> 开证,开信用
  19426. establishment of letter of credit ==> 开立信用证,信用证的开立
  19427. establishment of standard ==> 标准的建立
  19428. establishment of the port ==> 标准潮汛,潮候时差
  19429. estate ==> 房地产,产业,遗产
  19430. estate accounting ==> 遗产会计
  19431. estate administrator ==> 遗产管理人
  19432. estate agent ==> 土地管理人
  19433. estate and gift tax ==> 遗产及赠与税
  19434. estate car ==> 轻便旅行车,(英国)客货两用轿车
  19435. estate car tourist coach ==> 旅行车
  19436. estate contract ==> 不动产契约
  19437. estate corpus ==> 财产本金,遗产本值
  19438. Estate Duties Investment Trust ==> 遗产税投资信托公司
  19439. estate duty ==> 遗产税,财产税
  19440. estate encumbered with mortgages ==> 已抵押出去的地产
  19441. estate in gage ==> 作抵押品的地产
  19442. estate income ==> 财产收益,遗产收益
  19443. estate inventory ==> 遗产清单
  19444. estate of deceased person ==> 死者的遗产
  19445. estate of inheritance ==> 世袭财产
  19446. estate sprayer ==> 场内建筑物及树木消毒用喷雾机
  19447. estate tax ==> 遗产税
  19448. estates by the entirely ==> 夫妻共有财产
  19449. ESTEC, European Space Research and Technology Centre ==> 欧州宇宙技術センター
  19450. esteem ==> 尊重,尊敬
  19451. esteem value ==> 品位价值
  19452. ESTELLE ==> Extended State-Transition Language
  19453. ester ==> 酯(zhǐ)
  19454. ester bond ==> 酯键
  19455. ester condensation ==> 脂缩合作用
  19456. ester emission ==> エステル排出
  19457. ester exchange ==> 酯交换
  19458. ester gum ==> 酯树胶
  19459. ester number ==> 酯值
  19460. ester oil ==> 酯油=>エステル油
  19461. ester test ==> 酯试法
  19462. ester value ==> 酯化值
  19463. ester wax ==> エステル・ワックス
  19464. ester-bentonite grease ==> 酯膨润土润滑酯
  19465. ester-formation test ==> 酯生成试法
  19466. Estera ==> 埃斯特拉醋酯短纤维
  19467. esterase ==> 酯酶
  19468. esterase staining ==> 酯酶染色法
  19469. estergum ==> 松酯胶
  19470. esterification ==> 酯化作用
  19471. esterification number ==> 酯化值
  19472. esterolysis ==> 酯水解作用
  19473. Esterophile dye ==> 埃斯特罗菲染料
  19474. Esteroquinone dye ==> 埃斯特罗基农染料
  19475. Esterweld ==> 埃斯特韦尔德聚酯长丝
  19476. Estes' operation ==> 埃斯提斯氏手术
  19477. estimability of coefficient ==> 系数的可估性
  19478. estimability of parameters ==> 参数的可估性,参数可估性
  19479. estimable function ==> 可估函数
  19480. estimate ==> 预测,预计,预算,估计,估算=>見積もる
  19481. estimate by ratio ==> 按比例估计
  19482. estimate cost ==> 估计成本
  19483. estimate lower limit on bids ==> 标底
  19484. estimate maximum load ==> 最大估算负荷
  19485. estimate of cost ==> 成本估算,预算
  19486. estimate of error ==> 误差的估计量
  19487. estimate of standard deviation ==> 标准差估计
  19488. estimate of standard error ==> 标准误估计值
  19489. estimate of variance ==> 方差估计
  19490. estimate on cubic metre basis ==> 立方米预算
  19491. estimate sheet ==> 估价单,预算表
  19492. estimated ==> 计算的,估计的
  19493. estimated accuracy ==> 估计精度
  19494. estimated actual radium analyzer ==> 估计真实镭含量分析仪
  19495. estimated additional reserves ==> 估计附加资源
  19496. estimated amounts ==> 预算造价
  19497. estimated average transmitting ability ==> 平均遗传能力估计值
  19498. estimated cost ==> 预算成本,预算造价=>見積価格
  19499. estimated course ==> 预计航向
  19500. estimated data ==> 估算数据
  19501. estimated date of completion ==> 预计完工日期
  19502. estimated disbursement ==> 预计费用
  19503. estimated end pressure control ==> 推定末端圧力制御
  19504. estimated expenses ==> 费用估计数
  19505. estimated flux ==> 估计通量,推定磁束
  19506. estimated heritability ==> 估计遗传力
  19507. estimated horse power ==> 估计马力
  19508. estimated life ==> 估算寿命
  19509. estimated load curve ==> 想定されたロードカーブ
  19510. estimated luminance ==> 估定亮度
  19511. estimated net energy ==> 估计净能
  19512. estimated net energy value ==> 估计净能值
  19513. estimated performance ==> 估算性能,计算性能,预测性能
  19514. estimated price ==> 估价
  19515. estimated producing ability ==> 估计产奶量,母牛产乳力估值
  19516. estimated reasonably assured reserves ==> 估计合理保证储量
  19517. estimated residual value ==> 预计净残值=>見積残存価額
  19518. estimated steam rate ==> 估计耗气率
  19519. estimated stress ==> 预计应力
  19520. estimated theoretical depreciation ==> 估计折旧额
  19521. estimated theory ==> 估计理论
  19522. estimated time ==> 计算时间
  19523. estimated time of arrival ==> 预计到达时间
  19524. estimated time of completion ==> 估计的完工时间
  19525. estimated time of departure ==> 估计出发时间,预计开航时间
  19526. estimated uncollectible current taxes ==> 本期税收损失估计
  19527. estimated uncollectible tax liens ==> 欠税留置权损失估计
  19528. estimated value ==> 估计值
  19529. estimated weight ==> 估计重量
  19530. estimates of optimum plot size ==> 适宜面积的确定
  19531. estimates of total root hair number ==> 总根毛数的估计
  19532. estimating ==> 编写预算
  19533. estimating chlorophyll content of leaves ==> 估测植物叶片中叶绿素含量
  19534. estimating leaf water potential ==> 叶片水热能的估计
  19535. estimating of molecular weight ==> 分子量的计算,分子量计算
  19536. estimating saturated hydraulic conductivity ==> 估计饱合水的导电性
  19537. estimating techniques ==> 估算技术
  19538. estimating water potential ==> 水势能的估计
  19539. estimation ==> 推定,评定,评价,估定,估计,估价,估算,判断,预算=>推定値,見積もり,評価
  19540. estimation by the method of moment ==> 矩法估计,矩法估计
  19541. estimation device ==> 估计装置
  19542. estimation error ==> 估测误差,估算误差
  19543. estimation method of man-hours by experience ==> 经验估工法,经验估工法
  19544. estimation method of reserve ==> 储量估算方法
  19545. estimation of approximate quantities ==> 工程量估算
  19546. estimation of burial time ==> 埋葬时间测定
  19547. estimation of construction ==> 工程预算
  19548. estimation of dielectric location ==> 誘電体位置推定
  19549. estimation of elasticity ==> 弹性估计
  19550. estimation of lethal tools ==> 凶器推断
  19551. estimation of magnetic field strength waveforms ==> 磁界強度波形推定
  19552. estimation of parameter ==> 参量估计,参数估计
  19553. estimation of population ==> 人口推算
  19554. estimation of quality ==> 质量评价
  19555. estimation of range ==> 范围估计
  19556. estimation of ratio ==> 比率估计
  19557. estimation of sales volume ==> 销售量估计
  19558. estimation of sample size with proportions ==> 比例抽样样本容量估计
  19559. estimation of stability ==> 稳定性评价
  19560. estimation of total leaf areas ==> 总叶面积的计算
  19561. estimation of truncation ==> 截断误差估计
  19562. estimation population ==> 估计人口
  19563. estimation range ==> 预测范围,预测区域
  19564. estimation value ==> 估计值
  19565. estimative figure ==> 估计的数字
  19566. estipulate flower ==> 无柄花
  19567. estivation period ==> 夏眠期
  19568. estivo-autumnal malaria ==> 夏秋疟
  19569. estivoautumnal malaria ==> 恶性疟
  19570. estopa fiber ==> 麻类短纤维
  19571. estopic hormone syndrome ==> 异位激素综合征
  19572. ESTRACK, European Tracking and Telemetry Network ==> 欧州トラッキングテレメトリネットワーク
  19573. estracyt capsule ==> 癌腺治胶囊
  19574. estrin treatment ==> 雌激素疗法
  19575. estriol succinate ==> 雌三醇琥珀酸酯
  19576. estrogen level ==> 雌激素水平
  19577. estrogen receptor ==> 雌激素受体蛋白
  19578. estrogen test ==> 雌激素试验
  19579. estrogen unit ==> 雌激素单位
  19580. Estrol dye ==> 埃斯特罗染料
  19581. estrone piperazine sulfate ==> 硫酸胡椒嗪雌酮
  19582. estrone sodium sulfate ==> 硫酸钠雌酮
  19583. estrous cycle ==> 发情周期,动情周期
  19584. estrous period ==> 发情期
  19585. estrous sign ==> 发情症状
  19586. estrus control ==> 发情控制
  19587. estrus detection ==> 发情检查
  19588. estrus duration ==> 发情持续期
  19589. estrus in gestation ==> 妊娠发情
  19590. estrus synchronization ==> 发情同期化,同期发情
  19591. estuarial circulation ==> 河口环流
  19592. estuarial model ==> 河口模型
  19593. estuarine chemistry ==> 港湾化学
  19594. estuarine circulation ==> 河口环流
  19595. estuarine deposit ==> 河口沉积,河口泥沙,海湾沉积,港湾沉积
  19596. estuarine ecology ==> 港湾生态学,河口生态学
  19597. estuarine flat ==> 港湾低洼地
  19598. estuarine marine science ==> 港湾海洋科学
  19599. estuarine muds ==> 港湾泥
  19600. estuarine oceanography ==> 河口海洋学
  19601. estuarine sand ==> 河口沙
  19602. estuarine works ==> 河口工程
  19603. estuary ==> 河口,河口湾,海湾,潮区,江口段
  19604. estuary cable ==> 过河电缆,水下电缆
  19605. estuary dam ==> 河口坝
  19606. estuary delta ==> 河口三角洲
  19607. estuary deposit ==> 河口泥沙,港湾沉积
  19608. estuary facies ==> 港湾相
  19609. estuary firth ==> 河口湾
  19610. estuary model ==> 河口模型
  19611. estuary mud bar ==> 河口泥滩
  19612. estuary pollution ==> 河口污染
  19613. estuary region ==> 河口区域
  19614. estuary regulation ==> 河口整治
  19615. estuary station ==> 河口测站
  19616. ESW, electrostatic wave ==> 静電プラズマ波
  19617. ET, effective temperature ==> 有効温度
  19618. ET, electrical technician ==> 電気系技能者
  19619. ET, Energy Technology ==> ET
  19620. ET, ephemeris time ==> 暦表時
  19621. ET, execute time ==> イクスキュートタイム
  19622. ET, execution time ==> 実行時間
  19623. ET, external tank ==> 外部タンク
  19624. ET, extraterrestrial ==> 地球外人類
  19625. ET0LRP system (Russian parallel ET0L system) ==> 俄罗斯并行ET0L系统
  19626. ETA ==> 廊坊电科院东芝避雷器有限公司
  19627. ETA Estimated Time of Arrival ==> 估算到达时间
  19628. eta patch ==> 加强补片
  19629. ETA, event tree analysis ==> ETA
  19630. ETA, explosive transfer assembly ==> 火薬式信号伝達系
  19631. eta-type structure ==> 歹字型构造
  19632. ETAC, Environmental Technical Application Center ==> 環境技術応用センター
  19633. etalon ==> 标准器
  19634. etalon clock ==> 标准钟
  19635. etalon optical power ==> 标准光强度
  19636. etalons in tandem ==> 串列标准具
  19637. ETAP ==> A power system analysis software.
  19638. Etard reaction ==> 埃塔德反应
  19639. Etard's reaction ==> 埃塔反应
  19640. etary system of winds,planetary wind system ==> 行星风系
  19641. ETB, end of transmission block ==> 伝送ブロック終結
  19642. ETBE, Ethyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether ==> 再生可能なバイオマス燃料
  19643. ETC Estimated Time of Completion ==> 估算完成时间
  19644. ETC, Electronics Toll Collection system ==> 自動料金支払いシステム,自動料金収受システム
  19645. ETC, engineering training center ==> 技術訓練センター
  19646. etch ==> 腐蚀,蚀刻,酸蚀=>腐食する
  19647. etch bath ==> 腐蚀槽
  19648. etch cleaning ==> 酸洗
  19649. etch cut ==> 蚀割
  19650. etch cut method ==> 腐蚀截割法
  19651. etch cutting ==> 腐蚀切割
  19652. etch depth ==> 腐蚀深度
  19653. etch end point ==> 腐蚀终点
  19654. etch factor ==> 腐蚀系数
  19655. etch figure ==> 蚀刻图形
  19656. etch hill ==> 蚀丘
  19657. etch hole ==> 蚀刻孔
  19658. etch moat ==> 腐蚀槽
  19659. etch off ==> 腐蚀掉
  19660. etch out backfill isolation ==> 腐蚀反填充隔离
  19661. etch pit ==> 腐蚀坑,蚀刻坑,浸蚀坑=>エッチピット
  19662. etch pits method ==> 腐蚀坑法
  19663. etch polishing ==> 腐蚀抛光
  19664. etch primer ==> 反应性底漆
  19665. etch printing ==> 蚀刻印刷
  19666. etch profile ==> 腐蚀断面图
  19667. etch rate ==> 腐蚀速率
  19668. etch ratio ==> 腐蚀速度比
  19669. etch reaction ==> 浸蚀反应
  19670. etch removal ==> 腐蚀除去
  19671. etch resistant layer ==> 抗腐蚀层
  19672. etch response ==> 腐蚀灵敏度
  19673. etch rinse processor ==> 薄片腐蚀冲洗装置
  19674. etch slide ==> 蚀刻片
  19675. etch stop layer ==> 腐蚀停止层
  19676. etch tank ==> 腐蚀槽
  19677. etch taper ==> 腐蚀锥度
  19678. etch trench ==> 腐蚀槽
  19679. etch virus ==> 蚀刻病毒
  19680. etch virus of tobacco ==> 烟草蚀纹病
  19681. etch(ing) test ==> 酸蚀试验
  19682. etch-figure ==> 蚀像
  19683. etch-pit counting method ==> 蚀刻坑计数法
  19684. etch-polish ==> 蚀刻抛光
  19685. etch-proof ==> 防腐蚀的
  19686. etchant ==> 蚀刻剂
  19687. etchant gas ==> 腐蚀气体
  19688. etchant regeneration system ==> 腐蚀剂再生装置
  19689. etchant solution ==> 腐蚀溶液
  19690. etched cavity ==> 蚀刻腔
  19691. etched circuit ==> 蚀刻电路
  19692. etched circuit board ==> 蚀刻线路板
  19693. etched circuit card ==> 印刷电路板
  19694. etched figures ==> 蚀像
  19695. etched foil process ==> 腐蚀法
  19696. etched glass ==> 酸蚀毛玻璃,无光玻璃
  19697. etched grating ==> 蚀刻光栅
  19698. etched groove ==> 蚀沟
  19699. etched mesa ==> 腐蚀台面
  19700. etched pattern ==> 蚀刻图形
  19701. etched printed circuit ==> 侵蚀法印刷电路
  19702. etched roll ==> 蚀刻辊
  19703. etched surface ==> 腐蚀面=>エッチング表面
  19704. etched wire technique ==> 蚀刻电路技术
  19705. etched-permalloy toroid memory ==> 蚀刻玻莫合金环存储器
  19706. etcher ==> 腐蚀器
  19707. etcher's needle ==> 蚀刻用针
  19708. etcher's wax ==> 蚀刻用的石蜡
  19709. etching ==> 腐蚀,蚀刻,蚀刻法,镂蚀,腐蚀法,浸润,浸蚀=>エッチング
  19710. etching acid ==> 腐蚀酸
  19711. etching agent ==> 镂蚀剂,蚀刻剂
  19712. etching agent stirrer ==> 腐蚀剂搅拌机
  19713. etching anisotropy ==> 腐蚀各向异性
  19714. etching bath ==> 蚀刻槽
  19715. etching bias ==> 腐蚀锥度
  19716. etching blanking ==> 照相腐蚀法
  19717. etching chemical ==> 蚀刻剂
  19718. etching factor ==> 腐蚀系数
  19719. etching fuse ==> エッチングヒューズ
  19720. etching gas mixture ==> 腐蚀用气体混合物
  19721. etching glass ==> 蚀刻玻璃
  19722. etching ink ==> 耐酸漆
  19723. etching knife ==> 蚀刻刀
  19724. etching machine ==> 蚀刻机,腐蚀制版机
  19725. etching mark ==> 蚀刻痕迹
  19726. etching mask ==> 蚀刻掩模,腐蚀掩膜
  19727. etching material ==> 蚀刻材料
  19728. etching method ==> 蚀刻法,箔腐蚀法,刻蚀法
  19729. etching paper ==> 腐蚀版印刷用纸
  19730. etching pattern ==> 蚀刻图像
  19731. etching period ==> 蚀刻时间
  19732. etching pit ==> 蚀刻法
  19733. etching plate ==> 腐蚀凹板
  19734. etching powder ==> 磨毛粉,蚀刻粉
  19735. etching primer ==> 腐蚀性涂料,防护涂料
  19736. etching process ==> 刻蚀过程
  19737. etching rate ==> 侵蚀速度
  19738. etching reaction ==> 侵蚀反应
  19739. etching reactor ==> 腐蚀反应器
  19740. etching reagent ==> 腐蚀剂,浸蚀剂,腐刻玻璃试剂
  19741. etching residue ==> 腐蚀残渣
  19742. etching resist ==> 侵蚀涂层
  19743. etching room ==> 酸洗间,腐蚀制版车间
  19744. etching solution ==> 蚀刻溶液
  19745. etching solutions for examination of materials ==> 检验材料的侵蚀溶液
  19746. etching tank ==> 浸蚀槽
  19747. etching technique ==> 蚀刻技术
  19748. etching test ==> 蚀刻试验,浸蚀试法,腐蚀试验
  19749. etching time ==> 蚀刻时间
  19750. etching to frequency ==> 腐蚀到所需频率
  19751. etching treatment ==> 蚀刻处理
  19752. ETD Estimated Time of Departure ==> 估算离港时间
  19753. ETE, earth trailing edge ==> 地球後縁
  19754. ETED, external thermal environment data ==> 外部温度環境データ
  19755. ETEDB, external thermal environment data base ==> 外部熱環境データベース
  19756. eternal frost climate ==> 永冻气候
  19757. eternit ==> 石棉水泥
  19758. eternit duct ==> 石棉水泥管道
  19759. eternity ==> 永恒,来世
  19760. ETF, Engineering Test Free Flyer ==> 技術試験フリーフライヤ
  19761. ethanal ethyl aldehyde ==> (增香剂)乙醛
  19762. ethane cracking ==> 乙烷裂解
  19763. ethane dicarboxylic acid ==> 乙烷二甲酸
  19764. ethane disulfonic acid ==> 乙烷二磺酸
  19765. ethane emission ==> エタン排出
  19766. ethane nitrile ==> 乙脲
  19767. ethane peroxide ==> 过氧乙烷
  19768. ethane phosphonic acid ==> 乙膦酸
  19769. ethane selenonic acid ==> 乙基硒酸
  19770. ethane tellurinic acid ==> 乙基亚碲酸
  19771. ethane telluronic acid ==> 乙基碲酸
  19772. ethane tetracarboxylic acid ==> 乙烷四甲酸
  19773. ethanearsonic acid ==> 乙胂酸
  19774. ethanedioic acid ==> 乙二酸,草酸
  19775. ethanedioyl chloride ==> 乙二酰氯
  19776. ethanoic acid ==> 乙酸
  19777. ethanol ==> 乙醇,醇=>エタノール
  19778. ethanol acid ==> 乙醛酸
  19779. ethanol amine ==> 乙醇胺
  19780. ethanol butanol amine ==> 乙醇丁醇仲胺
  19781. ethanol gel test ==> 乙醇胶试验
  19782. ethanol lignin ==> 乙醇木素
  19783. ethanol propanol amine ==> 乙醇丙醇仲胺
  19784. ethanol-gasoline ==> 酒精汽油,酒精汽油
  19785. ethanol-toluene azeotrope ==> 乙醇甲苯恒沸法
  19786. ethanol/distilled water mixture ==> 酒精-蒸馏水混合液
  19787. ethanolamine ==> 乙醇胺,氨基乙醇
  19788. ethanolamine gas treating process ==> 乙醇胺气体处理过程
  19789. ethanolamine phosphokinase ==> 乙醇胺磷酸激酶
  19790. ethanolamine phosphotransferase ==> 乙醇胺转磷酸酶
  19791. ethanolic extract ==> 乙醇萃取物
  19792. ethanolurea ==> 乙醇脲
  19793. ethanolysis ==> 乙醇分解
  19794. ethargy group ==> 勒群
  19795. ethene ==> 乙烯=>エテン
  19796. ethenol (vinyl alcohol) ==> 乙烯醇
  19797. ethenyl testosterone ==> 乙烯基睾丸甾酮
  19798. ethephon (CEPHA),2-(chloroethyl) phosphonic acid ==> 乙烯利
  19799. ether ==> 以太,醚=>エーテル
  19800. ether (hydrogen acid ester) ==> 氢酸酯
  19801. ether acid ==> 醚酸
  19802. ether alcohol ==> 醚醇
  19803. ether anesthesia apparatus ==> 乙醚麻醉器
  19804. ether anesthesicus ==> 麻醉醚
  19805. ether carburetor ==> 乙醚汽化器
  19806. ether cleavage ==> 醚裂开
  19807. ether drag ==> 以太曳引
  19808. ether drift ==> 以太漂移
  19809. ether ester ==> 醚酯
  19810. ether extract ==> 乙醚,乙醚抽出物=>エーテル抽出物
  19811. ether extraction ==> 乙醚提取法=>エーテル抽出
  19812. ether extractive ==> エーテル可溶分
  19813. ether formalin method ==> 乙醚蚁醛法
  19814. ether fume ==> 乙醚蒸气
  19815. ether inhalation anesthesia ==> 乙醚吸入麻醉
  19816. ether inhaler ==> 乙醚吸入器
  19817. ether link ==> 醚键
  19818. ether oil ==> 醚油
  19819. ether poisoning ==> 乙醚中毒
  19820. ether ring ==> 醚环
  19821. ether scanner ==> 全景接收机
  19822. ether soluble substance ==> 乙醚可溶物
  19823. ether starting device ==> 乙醚起动装置
  19824. ether thermoscope ==> 乙醚验温器
  19825. ether vapor concentration scale ==> 乙醚蒸发浓度计
  19826. ether vinylicus ==> 乙烯醚
  19827. ether wave ==> 以太波,电磁波
  19828. ether(C2H5OC2H5) ==> 乙醚
  19829. ether-air anesthesia apparatus ==> 乙醚空气麻醉机
  19830. ether-soluble extractive ==> 醚溶性浸出物
  19831. etherate ==> 醚合物,乙醚络合物
  19832. ethereal ==> 醚制的
  19833. ethereal blue ==> 纯蓝,天蓝色
  19834. ethereal essence ==> 醚香料
  19835. ethereal extract ==> 乙醚萃取物
  19836. ethereal liquid ==> 醚状液
  19837. ethereal oil ==> 醚油,香精油
  19838. ethereous ==> 醚的
  19839. etherfied ==> 醚化了的
  19840. etheric ==> 醚的
  19841. etheric acid ==> 乙酰乙酸
  19842. etherification ==> 醚化,醚化作用
  19843. etherified cotton ==> 醚化棉
  19844. etherify ==> 醚化
  19845. etherifying agent ==> 醚化剂
  19846. etherin ==> 醚浸出菌素
  19847. etherism ==> 醚瘾
  19848. etherization ==> 醚麻醉
  19849. etherize ==> 醚麻醉
  19850. Ethernet ==> 以太计算机网,以太网络,以太网=>イーサネット,1976年にゼロックス社が開発したネットワーク方式(現在はIEEEによりIEEE802.3として規格化されている)。PCやWSなどで使われるネットワーク方式としては,現在もっとも広く普及している。通信速度は10Mbit/秒。接続ケーブルには,10Base-T,10Base-2,10Base-5がある。
  19851. Ethernet file transfer protocol ==> 以太网文件传送协议
  19852. ethero-sulfuric acid ==> 硫酸氢乙酯
  19853. etherobacillin ==> 醚浸出菌素
  19854. etheromania ==> 醚瘾
  19855. etherometer ==> 乙醚滴定器
  19856. etherone ==> 乙炔睾酮
  19857. etherosulfuric acid ==> 乙硫酸
  19858. ethical ==> 倫理学の,道徳上の
  19859. ethics of medical workers ==> 医务工作者道德
  19860. ethidium bromide ==> 溴化乙锭
  19861. ethiodized oil ==> 乙碘油
  19862. ethiodol oil ==> 乙碘油
  19863. ethion poisoning ==> 乙硫磷中毒
  19864. ethionic acid ==> 乙二磺酸
  19865. Ethiopian architecture ==> 埃塞俄比亚建筑
  19866. ethmoid bone ==> 筛骨
  19867. ethmoid plate ==> 筛板
  19868. ethmoidal air-cell ==> 筛骨气房
  19869. ethmoturbinal plate ==> 筛鼻甲板
  19870. ethnic group ==> 人种群
  19871. ethnic tour ==> 民俗旅游
  19872. ethnic tourism ==> 民俗旅游
  19873. ethology ==> エソロジー,人性学
  19874. ethology of domestic animals ==> 家畜行为学
  19875. ethoxy castor oil ==> 乙氧基蓖麻油
  19876. ethoxy cellulose ==> 乙氧基纤维素
  19877. ethoxy determination ==> 乙氧基测定
  19878. ethoxy ethylene ==> 乙氧基乙烯
  19879. ethoxy group ==> (原子团)乙氧基
  19880. ethoxy hexane ==> 乙氧基己烷
  19881. ethoxy methane ==> 乙氧基甲烷
  19882. ethoxy octane ==> 乙氧基辛烷
  19883. ethoxy pentane ==> 乙氧基戊烷
  19884. ethoxy-benzaldehyde ==> 乙氧基苯醛
  19885. ethoxy-cinnamic acid ==> 乙氧基肉桂酸
  19886. ethoxy-dithioformic acid ==> 乙基黄原酸
  19887. ethoxy-ethanol ==> 乙氧基乙醇
  19888. ethoxy-phenylurea ==> 乙氧基苯脲
  19889. ethoxyacetic acid ==> 乙氧基乙酸
  19890. ethoxyalkyl phenol ==> 乙氧烷基酚
  19891. ethoxybenzoic acid ==> 乙氧基苯醛
  19892. ethoxyl group ==> 乙氧基
  19893. ethoxylated amine ==> 乙氧化胺
  19894. ethoxylated coco amine ==> 乙氧基化椰子胺
  19895. ethoxylated fatty acid ==> 乙氧基脂肪酸
  19896. ethyl -phenol ==> 乙基苯酚
  19897. ethyl 4,4'-dichlorobenzilate ==> 乙酯杀螨醇
  19898. ethyl acetate ==> 乙酸乙酯,醋酸乙酯=>酢酸エチル
  19899. ethyl acetic acid ==> 丁酸
  19900. ethyl acetoacetate ==> 乙酰乙酸乙酯
  19901. ethyl acetoacetic acid ==> 乙基乙酰乙酸
  19902. ethyl acetoacetic ester ==> 乙基乙酰乙酸酯
  19903. ethyl acetylene ==> 乙基乙炔
  19904. ethyl acetylsalicylate ==> 乙酰水杨酸乙酯
  19905. ethyl acrylate ==> 丙烯酸乙酯
  19906. ethyl alcoh(ol) ==> 普通酒精
  19907. ethyl alcohol ==> 醇,酒精,酒精,乙醇
  19908. ethyl allyl ether ==> 乙基烯丙基醚
  19909. ethyl aluminum dichloride ==> 二氯乙基铝
  19910. ethyl amine ==> 乙胺
  19911. ethyl aminobenzoate ==> 氨基苯甲酸乙酯,苯佐卡因
  19912. ethyl amyl ketone ==> 乙基戊基甲酮
  19913. ethyl anisate ==> 茴香酸乙酯
  19914. ethyl anthracene ==> 乙基蒽
  19915. ethyl arsine ==> 乙胂
  19916. ethyl arsine oxide ==> 乙胂化氧
  19917. ethyl arsine sulfide ==> 乙胂化硫
  19918. ethyl arsinic acid ==> 乙胂酸
  19919. ethyl arsonic acid ==> 乙胂酸
  19920. ethyl benzene ==> 乙基苯,苯乙烷
  19921. ethyl benzenesulfonate ==> 苯磺酸乙酯
  19922. ethyl benzoate ==> 苯甲酸乙酯
  19923. ethyl benzoylacetate ==> 苯酰乙酸乙酯
  19924. ethyl benzoylformate ==> 苯甲酰甲酸乙酯
  19925. ethyl benzyl cellulose ==> 乙苯纤维素
  19926. ethyl biscoumacetate ==> 二痉香豆素乙酸乙酯
  19927. ethyl borate ==> 硼酸乙酯
  19928. ethyl bromide ==> 乙基溴,溴乙烷,溴乙烷
  19929. ethyl butyl cellulose ==> 乙基丁基纤维素
  19930. ethyl butyl ketone,3-heptanone ==> 乙基丁基甲酮
  19931. ethyl butyl propanediol ==> 乙丁丙二醇
  19932. ethyl butyrate ==> 丁酸乙酯
  19933. ethyl cacodylic acid ==> 乙基卡可酸
  19934. ethyl caprilate ==> 辛酸乙酯
  19935. ethyl caproate ==> 己酸乙酯
  19936. ethyl carbamate ==> 氨基甲酸乙酯,乌拉坦
  19937. ethyl carbamide ==> 乙基脲
  19938. ethyl carbazole ==> 乙基咔唑
  19939. ethyl carbinol ==> 丙醇,二甲基乙基甲醇
  19940. ethyl carbonate ==> 碳酸二乙酯,碳酸乙酯
  19941. ethyl carbostyrile ==> 乙基喹诺酮
  19942. ethyl carbylamine ==> 乙基异腈,乙胩
  19943. ethyl cartrizoate ==> 碘卡乙酯
  19944. ethyl cellulose ==> 乙基纤维,乙基纤维素
  19945. ethyl cellulose plastics ==> 乙基纤维塑料
  19946. ethyl chaulmoograte ==> 晁模酸乙酯
  19947. ethyl chloride ==> 乙基氯,氯化乙基,氯乙烷
  19948. ethyl chloroacetate ==> 氯醋酸乙酯,氯乙酸乙酯
  19949. ethyl chlorocarbon