英汉日科技词汇(An English-Chinese-Japanese Dictionary of Technology,总数606812,F/31321)


船舶配件贸易分类==> Main Ship Equipments | Equipment Types | Main Marine Manufacturers
Ship Spare Parts, =1=A=B=C=D=E=F=G=H=I=J=K=L=M=N=O=P=Q=R=S=T=U=V=W=X=Y=Z=
女性肖像, by H. Nakajima | 燃料弁噴射テスト装置 | 油圧ポンプユニット | フラットソケット
化学品船 | Parts 1 | Parts 2 | Parts 3 | Parts 4 | Parts 5 | Parts 6 | Parts 7 | Parts 8 | Parts 9
  1. F center ==> F中心
  2. F factor ==> 致育因子
  3. F layer ==> F層
  4. f prom ==> 现场可编程序只读存储器
  5. f reversing diesel engine ==> 直接逆转式柴油机
  6. f scope ==> f型显示器
  7. F test ==> 方差比检验
  8. F&CP, fluid and chemical process ==> 液体と化学処理
  9. f-actor mule (self-acting mule) ==> 走锭细纱机
  10. f-excited diesel generator set ==> 复式自激柴油发电机组
  11. F-format ==> 固定长格式,固定格式
  12. F-mode record ==> 固定方式记录
  13. f-number ==> 光圈数
  14. F-rule ==> 正向规则
  15. F-scope ==> Fスコープ
  16. F-spot ==> 后随黑子
  17. f-sustaining vessel ==> 自有装卸机械的船舶
  18. F-SYS ==> フードシステムソリューション
  19. f-unloading vessel ==> 自卸船
  20. F/A, fuel-air ratio ==> 空気燃料比
  21. F/C, flow chart ==> フローチャート
  22. F/D, fill/drain valve ==> 注入排出弁,充填/排出バルブ
  23. f/f ==> 触发电路
  24. F/P-INT, Fabry-Perot interferometer ==> ファブリペロー干渉計
  25. F/V Fishing Vessel ==> 渔船
  26. F0L system ==> 带有限公理集的林氏无关系统
  27. fa ==> 工厂生产自动化
  28. FA, factory automation ==> 工場用オートメーション
  29. FA, Factory Automation ==> 工厂自动化=>工場全体の生産システムの自動化・無人化を、コンピュータを用いて、総合的に図ること。自動倉庫、無人搬送システム、産業用ロボットなどを組み合わせ、設計段階から製品完成にいたるまでをコントロールする。
  30. FA, False Accept ==> 他人受け入れ
  31. FA, Feeder Automation ==> 配電線自動化
  32. FA, final approach ==> 最終アプローチ
  33. FA, first article ==> 第1条
  34. FA-LAN, Factory Automation-Local Area Network ==> FA-LAN
  35. FAA, Federal Aviation Administration ==> 連邦航空局
  36. FAA, Federal Aviation Agency ==> 連邦航空庁
  37. FAB, fabrication ==> 製造
  38. FAB, frontal assessment battery at bed side ==> 脳の前頭前野機能を測定
  39. Faber flaw ==> 法伯瑕
  40. Faber viscosimeter ==> 法贝尔粘度计
  41. fabere sign ==> 屈展旋伸征
  42. Fabers syndrome ==> 法伯尔氏综合征
  43. Fablan system ==> 费布伦钻眼法
  44. fabless ==> 无厂企业=>ファブレス
  45. fabri cation plant ==> 加工软化
  46. fabric ==> 织品,织物,组构,纤维品,纤维织物,结构=>織物,繊維
  47. fabric absorption test ==> 织物吸湿试验
  48. fabric air permeability test ==> 织物透气性试验
  49. fabric analysing glass ==> 织物分析镜
  50. fabric analysis ==> 织物分析,组织分析,岩组分析=>ファブリック解析
  51. fabric anisotropy ==> 構造の異方性
  52. fabric backing ==> 织物反面
  53. fabric belt ==> 織物ベルト
  54. fabric breathability ==> 织物透气性
  55. fabric bursting test ==> 织物顶破强力试验
  56. fabric carcass ==> 织物胎壳
  57. fabric cling-testing ==> 织物粘附性试验
  58. fabric coating ==> 织物涂胶
  59. fabric coating unit ==> 织物覆胶装置
  60. fabric collector ==> 织物除尘器
  61. fabric comfort ==> 织物穿着舒适性
  62. fabric composition ==> (按纤维成分)织物的组成
  63. fabric construction ==> 繊維構造
  64. fabric count ==> 织物经纬密度
  65. fabric cover ==> 织料覆盖物
  66. fabric covering ==> 布罩
  67. fabric cutting machine ==> 裁布机
  68. fabric data ==> 组构数据
  69. fabric defects ==> 织物疵点
  70. fabric design ==> 织物设计
  71. fabric diagram ==> 组构图
  72. fabric dipping unit ==> 织物浸胶装置
  73. fabric distortion ==> 织物变形
  74. fabric domain ==> 组构域
  75. fabric draft ==> 织物设计草图
  76. fabric drying machine ==> 织物烘燥机
  77. fabric dust collector ==> 织物集尘器
  78. fabric elasticity test ==> 织物弹性试验
  79. fabric element ==> 织物滤芯,组构要素
  80. fabric extension ==> 织物伸长
  81. fabric external appearance inspection ==> 织物外观检验
  82. fabric fall ==> 织物悬垂性
  83. fabric filler ==> 织物填料
  84. fabric filter ==> 纤维织网过滤器=>繊維性フィルター
  85. fabric filtration ==> 布ろ過
  86. fabric finish ==> 织物整理
  87. fabric flamability ==> 织物可燃性
  88. fabric fuel tank ==> 织物油箱,软燃料箱
  89. fabric geometry ==> 织物几何学
  90. fabric growth ==> 织物增长
  91. fabric heat conductivity test ==> 织物传热性试验
  92. fabric hose ==> 夹布胶管
  93. fabric impact test ==> 织物冲击强力试验
  94. fabric inflating lead ==> 布制充气管
  95. fabric inspection ==> 织物检验
  96. fabric inspection of penalty system ==> 织物扣分式检验法
  97. fabric joint ==> 织料接合,织物挠性万向节
  98. fabric laminate ==> 织物层压材料
  99. fabric light ==> 织物照明
  100. fabric lineation ==> 组构线理
  101. fabric matrix ==> 织构结合料
  102. fabric of aggregate ==> 团集体组织
  103. fabric of imitation animal skin ==> 仿兽皮织物
  104. fabric patterning ==> 织物花纹设计
  105. fabric porosity ==> 织物透孔性
  106. fabric proofing ==> 织物覆胶,布上涂胶
  107. fabric pull ==> 织物牵引力
  108. fabric reinforcement ==> 织物加强件,钢丝网配筋
  109. fabric reinforcing patch ==> 织料补胎片
  110. fabric resilience ==> 织物回弹性
  111. fabric ribbon ==> 编织色带,纺织色带
  112. fabric seal ==> 织物封
  113. fabric sewability tester ==> 织物缝纫性能试验仪
  114. fabric sheen ==> 织物光泽
  115. fabric shift tester ==> 织物经纬纱线滑移性试验仪
  116. fabric shock test ==> 织物冲击强力试验
  117. fabric shrinkage ==> 织物缩水率
  118. fabric shrinkage test ==> 织物缩水试验
  119. fabric silket machine ==> 织物丝光整理机
  120. fabric slitting ==> 织物剖幅
  121. fabric specification ==> 织物规格
  122. fabric stiffness test ==> 织物硬挺度试验
  123. fabric strength test ==> 织物强力试验
  124. fabric structure ==> 织物结构
  125. fabric take-off ==> 织物卷取
  126. fabric take-up ==> 织物卷取
  127. fabric take-up and batching device ==> 织物卷取和打卷装置
  128. fabric tank ==> 织物制容器,软桶
  129. fabric tape ==> 织带,布质卷尺=>布テープ
  130. fabric texture ==> 织物组织
  131. fabric treating unit ==> 织物处理装置
  132. fabric tyre ==> 织物胶轮胎
  133. fabric universal joint ==> 织料接合,软性万向节
  134. fabric width ==> 织物幅宽
  135. fabric-reinforced seal ==> 织物加强密封件
  136. fabric-seal bearing ==> 织料密封轴承
  137. fabric-skin ==> 护肤织物
  138. fabric-to-fabric bonding ==> 织物与织物粘合
  139. fabric-to-fabric lamination ==> 织物与织物层压粘合
  140. fabric-to-foam laminating ==> 织物与泡沫塑料层压粘合
  141. fabric-type dust collector ==> 织物过滤集尘器
  142. fabricant ==> 制造人,制作者
  143. fabricate ==> 建造,制作,装配,制造,组合
  144. fabricated ==> 焊接的
  145. fabricated building ==> 装配式房屋
  146. fabricated by the buyer ==> 由买方制造
  147. fabricated claim ==> 虚构的索赔
  148. fabricated construction ==> 装配式结构
  149. fabricated element ==> 预制构件
  150. fabricated frame ==> 装配式机架
  151. fabricated language ==> 人工语言
  152. fabricated lining ==> 装配式衬砌,由预制厂或工场预制构件在现场组装的一种混凝土衬砌
  153. fabricated materials ==> 已加工原材料
  154. fabricated metal industry ==> 金属制品工业
  155. fabricated metal product ==> 金属加工制品
  156. fabricated parts ==> 现成构件,互换配件
  157. fabricated product ==> 装配式成品,加工制品
  158. fabricated rotor ==> 组合式转子
  159. fabricated runner ==> 组合式转轮
  160. fabricated shaft ==> 组合轴
  161. fabricated ship ==> 分段装配船,组装船
  162. fabricated steel ==> 结构钢
  163. fabricated steel body ==> 装配式钢体
  164. fabricated structure ==> 装配式建筑物,装配式结构
  165. fabricated textile ==> 仿织造织物
  166. fabricated wound ==> 伪伤
  167. fabricating cost ==> 制造费用,制造费用
  168. fabricating dispatch ==> (零部件的)制造工艺卡
  169. fabricating process ==> 变形制造程序
  170. fabricating yard ==> 安装场地,施工现场,制作场
  171. fabrication ==> 制造,装配,制作=>製造,作製
  172. fabrication cost ==> 造价
  173. fabrication facilities ==> 生产设备
  174. fabrication method ==> 加工技術
  175. fabrication of bulk metallic glasses ==> バルク金属ガラス作製法
  176. fabrication on site ==> 现场制作
  177. fabrication order ==> 生产命令,生产凭单
  178. fabrication procedure ==> 制造过程
  179. fabrication process ==> 制造工艺
  180. fabrication processing ==> 工艺处理
  181. fabrication schedule ==> 制造程序
  182. fabrication sequence ==> 制造程序
  183. fabrication specifications ==> 製作仕様
  184. fabrication stage ==> 製造段階
  185. fabrication standard ==> 製作基準
  186. fabrication technology ==> 制造工艺=>製作技術
  187. fabrication tolerance ==> 制造公差
  188. fabrication weldability ==> 工艺焊接性
  189. fabricator ==> 装配工,制造者,制作者,修整工
  190. Fabriclinae ==> 法帚虫亚科
  191. Fabritius correction ==> 法布里蒂乌斯改正
  192. fabroil bearing ==> 夹布胶木轴承
  193. fabroil gear ==> 夹布胶木齿轮,纤维胶木齿轮
  194. Fabry lens ==> 法布里透镜
  195. fabry perot laser ==> 法布里珀罗激光器
  196. Fabry-Barot method ==> 法布里-巴罗法
  197. Fabry-Perot ==> 法布里-珀罗
  198. Fabry-Perot amplifier ==> 法布里-珀罗放大器
  199. Fabry-Perot cavity ==> 法布里-珀罗谐振腔
  200. Fabry-Perot etalon ==> 法布里-珀罗标准具,标准具
  201. Fabry-Perot filter ==> 法布里-珀罗滤光片,法布里-珀罗滤光器
  202. Fabry-Perot fringes ==> 法布里-珀罗干涉条纹,法布里-珀罗条纹
  203. Fabry-Perot injection laser ==> 法布里-珀罗半导体注入式激光器,法布里-珀罗注入式激光器
  204. Fabry-Perot interference spectroscope ==> 法布里-珀罗干涉分光镜
  205. Fabry-Perot interferometer ==> 法布里珀罗干涉仪=>ファブリペロー干渉計
  206. Fabry-Perot laser cavity ==> 法布里-珀罗激光腔
  207. Fabry-Perot modulator ==> 法布里-珀罗调制器
  208. Fabry-Perot photograph ==> 法布里-珀罗照片
  209. Fabry-Perot recycling spectrometer ==> 法布里-珀罗重复分光计
  210. Fabry-Perot reflector ==> 法布里-珀罗反射器
  211. Fabry-Perot resonator ==> 法布里-珀罗谐振器=>ファブリペロー共振器
  212. Fabry-Perot spectrogram ==> 法布里-珀罗光谱图
  213. Fabry-Perot spectrometer ==> 法布里-珀罗分光计
  214. Fabry-Perot type laser ==> 法布里-珀罗型激光器
  215. Fabry-Perot-type cavity ==> 法布里-珀罗腔
  216. fabulous ==> 法外な,驚くべき
  217. FAC MGMT, facility management ==> 施設管理,設備管理
  218. Fac, facility ==> 施設
  219. FAC, frequency analysis and control ==> 電波妨害監視装置,周波数解析管制
  220. facade ==> 正面
  221. FACC, Ford Aerospace & Communications Corp. ==> フォードエアロスペースコミュニケーションズ社
  222. face ==> 割面,颜,颜面,面,面部,面对,面临,面容,膜面,地貌面,砌面,字面,字形,荧光面,端面,支撑面,板面,版面,表面,材面,采掘面,采矿工作面,采脂面
  223. face (side) ==> 正面
  224. face a crisis ==> 面临危机
  225. face acupuncture anesthesia ==> 面针麻醉
  226. face acupuncture therapy ==> 面针疗法
  227. face advance ==> 齿面接触提前量,工作面进度,工作面推进
  228. face amount ==> 面额,面值,票面额,票面金额
  229. face and fill ==> 面上和装满
  230. face and side cutter ==> 三面刃铣刀,平侧两用铣刀
  231. face and side milling ==> 平侧铣刀,平侧铣法
  232. face angle ==> 面角,齿面角=>すくい角,面角
  233. face angle of a polyhedral angle ==> 多面角的面角
  234. face angle of a polyhedron ==> 多面体的面角
  235. face ashlar ==> 表面琢石
  236. face belt ==> 工作面皮带运输机
  237. face belt conveyor ==> 工作面胶带运输机
  238. face bend test ==> 表面弯曲试验
  239. face block ==> 端面大砖
  240. face bond ==> 面接
  241. face bonding ==> 面接合法,平面焊接
  242. face brick ==> 面砖,饰面砖
  243. face cam ==> 平面凸轮
  244. face centered cubic lattice ==> 面心立方晶格=>面心立方格子
  245. face centered lattice ==> 面心晶格
  246. face centred cubic lattice ==> 面心立方晶格
  247. face centred lattice ==> 面心点阵
  248. face change character ==> 字形变换字符
  249. face character nonimpact printing technique ==> 非击打式表面字符印刷技术
  250. FACE chip ==> 可变字段控制器片
  251. face chuck ==> 花盘,平面卡盘
  252. face clearance ==> 铣刀端面后角
  253. face cleat ==> 面割理
  254. face cloth ==> 方巾
  255. face coat ==> 表面涂层
  256. face colour ==> 面色
  257. face contact ==> 按钮开关,按压接触
  258. face conveyor ==> 工祖运输机
  259. face cosmetic ==> 面霜膏
  260. face count ==> 材面检量
  261. face cover ==> 面毛绵羊
  262. face covering score ==> 面部绒毛多少评分
  263. face cut ==> 基准材面
  264. face cutting ==> 端面车削
  265. face cutting edge ==> 端面切削刃
  266. face defect ==> 面缺陷
  267. face detection ==> 顔検出
  268. face diagonal ==> 面对角线
  269. face down ==> 面向下
  270. face down bonding ==> 倒装焊接,侧焊=>フェースダウンボンディング
  271. face down chip ==> 倒装芯片
  272. face down integrated circuit ==> 倒装芯片集成电路
  273. face drill ==> 工作面用钻机
  274. face driver center ==> 端面拨动顶尖
  275. face end ==> 工作面终点
  276. face equipment ==> 面板设备
  277. face feed ==> 表面供料
  278. face gear ==> 平面齿轮,端面齿轮
  279. face grinder ==> 平面磨床,表面磨光机
  280. face grinding ==> 平面研磨,磨端面
  281. face grinding device ==> 端面磨削装置
  282. face grinding machine ==> 端面磨床,平面磨床
  283. face grinding wheel ==> 平面磨轮
  284. face grippee ==> 腹病面容
  285. face guard ==> 面具,防护面具
  286. face hardening ==> 表面淬火
  287. face haulage ==> 回采工作面运输
  288. face head attachment ==> 端面刀架附件
  289. face height ==> 工作面高度
  290. face in 3/4 view ==> ななめ横顔
  291. face in frames ==> 框架中的侧面
  292. face joint ==> 明缝,出面接缝,表面接缝,材面接合
  293. face knot ==> 材面节疤
  294. face lapping mill ==> 平面研磨机
  295. face lathe ==> 落地车床
  296. face left ==> 盘左
  297. face length ==> 面长
  298. face line of teeth ==> 齿顶线
  299. face mark ==> 面层符号,材面标记
  300. face mask ==> 面具
  301. face measure ==> 单面量度
  302. face measuring instrument ==> 平面测量仪,表面测量仪
  303. face mechanization ==> 工作面机械化
  304. face mill ==> 平面铣刀
  305. face miller ==> 端面铣床
  306. face milling ==> 端面铣削,端铣,表面研磨
  307. face milling cutter ==> 端铣刀
  308. face mix ==> 筛面混合料
  309. face mould ==> 面模
  310. face nailing ==> 面钉
  311. face of an instrument ==> 票面
  312. face of instrument ==> 票据票面
  313. face of note ==> 票据面额
  314. face of pulley ==> 滑轮端面
  315. face of the screen ==> 屏蔽面,屏面
  316. face of the value ==> 支票票面值
  317. face of theodolite ==> 经纬仪望远镜位置,经纬仪望远镜位置
  318. face of tooth ==> 齿尖面
  319. face of weld ==> 焊缝表面,焊接面
  320. face panel ==> 外装パネル
  321. face par ==> 票面价格
  322. face parallel cut ==> 平行面切割
  323. face perpendicular cut ==> 垂直面切割
  324. face pin spanner ==> 端面扳手
  325. face plate ==> 花卡盘,花盘,划线平台,面板
  326. face plywood ==> 复面胶合板
  327. face pofiling ==> 端面仿形车削
  328. face potential gradient ==> 表面电位梯度
  329. face powder ==> 擦面粉
  330. face preparation ==> 切割工作面
  331. face presentation ==> 面先露
  332. face profile ==> 平面轮廓
  333. face pumped laser ==> 面抽运激光器
  334. face putty ==> 外露油灰
  335. face recovery coefficient ==> 工作面的生产率
  336. face relief angle ==> 端面后角
  337. face runout ==> 端面跳动
  338. face sampling ==> 暴露面取样
  339. face seal ==> 面密封
  340. face seating pressure ==> 端面压力
  341. face shield ==> 护面罩,电焊面罩
  342. face shovel ==> 正铲
  343. face shovel (excavator) ==> 正铲挖土机
  344. face side ==> 木面
  345. face signal ==> 回采工作面信号
  346. face spanner ==> 叉形螺母扳手
  347. face stone ==> 面石
  348. face string ==> 外露楼梯基
  349. face structure ==> 面结构
  350. face template ==> 划线样板
  351. face the challenge ==> 面临挑战
  352. face timbering ==> 工作面支护
  353. face tissue production line ==> 面巾纸生产线
  354. face to face dimension ==> 端面距尺寸
  355. face tooth ==> 端面铣刀齿
  356. face towel ==> 毛巾
  357. face type ==> 连接面形式
  358. face up ==> 面朝上,面向上,拉平
  359. face up bonding ==> 面朝上焊接,正面焊接=>フェースアップボンディング
  360. face value ==> 面额,面值,票据面值,票面价值
  361. face veneer ==> 表层装饰薄板=>表板
  362. face vener ==> 表层薄板
  363. face voltage ==> 工作面电压
  364. face waling ==> 工作面横撑
  365. face wheel ==> 平面轮
  366. face width ==> 齿宽
  367. face width of tooth ==> 齿面宽
  368. face work ==> 车端面,抹面工作
  369. face-airing ==> 工作面通风
  370. face-amount certificate ==> 面额证券,面值证书,面值证书
  371. face-and-slab plan ==> 分段回采程序
  372. face-bend specimen ==> 表面弯曲试样
  373. face-bend test ==> 面弯试验,(焊缝的)正弯曲试验
  374. face-bend[test]specimen ==> 面弯试样
  375. face-bow ==> 面弓
  376. face-centered cube ==> 面心立方体
  377. face-centered cubic ==> 面心立方
  378. face-centered cubic copper-gold alloy ==> 面心立方铜金合金
  379. face-centered cubic lattice ==> 面心立方格子
  380. face-centered cubic packing ==> 面心立方堆积
  381. face-centered lattice ==> 面心格子
  382. face-centered orthorhombic ==> 面心正交
  383. face-centered orthorhombic lattice ==> 面心正交晶格
  384. face-centred ==> 面心的
  385. face-centred crystal ==> 面心晶体
  386. face-centred cubic ==> 面心立方的
  387. face-centred cubic structure ==> 面心立方结构
  388. face-centred grating ==> 面心网格
  389. face-contact ==> 面接触
  390. face-discharge bit ==> 底冲式钻头
  391. face-down bonder ==> 倒装焊接机
  392. face-down bonding ==> 倒焊,倒焊法,倒装焊接,面朝下焊接法
  393. face-down feed ==> 背面馈送
  394. face-down supporter ==> 面部支撑器
  395. face-ejection bit ==> 底冲式钻头
  396. face-fed brazing ==> 外加钎料的钎焊
  397. face-flange ==> 平面法兰
  398. face-flushing ==> 工作面通风
  399. face-harden ==> 表面硬化
  400. face-hardened ==> 表面淬硬的
  401. face-loading equipment ==> 工作面机械化装载设备
  402. face-masked pressure respiration ==> 面罩加压呼吸
  403. face-milling cutter grinder ==> 端面铣刀刃磨机
  404. face-milling machine ==> 磨面机
  405. face-off ==> 侧角=>対決
  406. face-on object ==> 正向天体
  407. face-piece ==> 面具,面壳
  408. face-plate controller ==> 表面形制御器
  409. face-plate rheostat ==> 平板式变阻器
  410. face-plate speed regulator ==> 表面形速度調整器
  411. face-pumped liquid laser device ==> 面泵浦液体激光装置
  412. face-pumping ==> 面泵浦
  413. face-sprigging ==> 插型钉
  414. face-to-face ==> 面对面
  415. face-to-face coupling ==> 面对面耦合
  416. face-to-face duplex ball bearing ==> 成对双联向心推力球轴承
  417. face-to-face duplex bearing ==> 成对双联轴承
  418. face-to-face duplex tapered roller bearing ==> 成对双联圆锥滚子轴承
  419. face-to-face picturephone ==> 图像电话
  420. face-to-face transactions ==> 直接取引
  421. face-type motor ==> 凸缘型电动机
  422. face-up bonding ==> 面朝上焊接法,正面焊接法
  423. face-up feed ==> 正面馈送
  424. face-work ==> 外装
  425. faced and drilled ==> 表面加工及钻孔
  426. faced block ==> 饰面砌块
  427. faced surface ==> 削光面
  428. faced wall ==> 饰面墙
  429. faced washer ==> 平面垫圈
  430. facelifting ==> 整容术
  431. faceplate ==> 面板
  432. faceplate screw ==> 面板螺丝
  433. facet analysis ==> 逐面分析法
  434. facet effect ==> 刻面效应,小平面效应
  435. faceted classification ==> 分面分类法,逐面分类法
  436. faceted cornea ==> 角膜小面
  437. faceted lens ==> 多面体透镜
  438. FACI, first article configuration inspection ==> 初回品目コンフィギュレーション検査
  439. facia panel ==> 仪器盘
  440. facial ==> 正面
  441. facial actinomycosis ==> 颜面部放线菌病
  442. facial anesthesia ==> 面麻醉
  443. facial angiomalosis glaucoma syndrome ==> 颜面血管痣青光眼综合征
  444. facial angle ==> 面角
  445. facial artery ==> 面动脉
  446. facial atrophy ==> 面萎缩症,颜面萎缩症
  447. facial bone ==> 面骨
  448. facial bones ==> 面颅骨,颜面骨
  449. facial burn ==> 颜面部烧伤,面部烧伤
  450. facial canal ==> 面神经管
  451. facial carina ==> 颜隆线
  452. facial cleft ==> 面裂
  453. facial cleft cyst ==> 面裂囊肿
  454. facial contouring ==> 顔面輪郭形成術
  455. facial cyst ==> 面部囊肿
  456. facial deformity ==> 面部畸形
  457. facial dimension ==> 面部距离
  458. facial edema ==> 颜面浮肿
  459. facial expression ==> 面部表情
  460. facial expression muscle ==> 面部表情肌
  461. facial hair remover ==> 面毛脱发剂
  462. facial hemangioma ==> 面部血管瘤
  463. facial hemiatrophy ==> 面偏侧萎缩,单侧面萎缩,偏面萎缩,罗姆伯格氏病,半面萎缩
  464. facial hemihypertrophy ==> 面偏侧肥大
  465. facial hemispasm ==> 半面痉挛
  466. facial hypertrophy ==> 颜面肥大症
  467. facial index ==> 面指数
  468. facial information ==> 面部信息
  469. facial lymphadenitis ==> 颜面部淋巴结炎
  470. facial nerve ==> 颜面神经,面神经
  471. facial nerve anastomosis ==> 面神经吻合术
  472. facial nerve decompression ==> 面神经减压术
  473. facial nerve grafting ==> 面部神经移植
  474. facial nerve injury ==> 面神经损伤
  475. facial nerve injury in newborn ==> 新生儿面神经损伤
  476. facial nerve protector ==> 面神经保护器
  477. facial nerve repair ==> 面神经修补术
  478. facial nerve transplantation ==> 面神经移植术
  479. facial neuralgia ==> 面神经痛
  480. facial neurolysis ==> 面神经松解术
  481. facial pallor ==> 铅容
  482. facial palsy ==> 面神经麻痹,面神经瘫痪,面瘫
  483. facial papule ==> 面部丘疹
  484. facial paralysis ==> 面肌麻痹,面神经麻痹,面神经瘫痪,面瘫
  485. facial paralysis in newborn ==> 新生儿面神经麻痹
  486. facial paralysis of newborn ==> 新生儿面神经瘫痪
  487. facial parts extraction ==> 顔部品抽出
  488. facial pigmented nevus ==> 面部色素痣
  489. facial planes ==> 面部平面
  490. facial restoration ==> 面修复术
  491. facial sarcoma ==> 面部肉瘤
  492. facial sebaceous cyst ==> 面部皮脂腺囊肿
  493. facial sign ==> 面征
  494. facial soap ==> 面皂
  495. facial spasm ==> 面肌痉挛,面痉挛
  496. facial suture ==> 面线
  497. facial tic ==> 面肌抽搐,半面痉挛
  498. facial tissue ==> 搽面纸
  499. facial triangle ==> 面部三角区
  500. facial vein ==> 面静脉
  501. facial-contracted wire rope ==> 面接触钢丝绳
  502. facies anterior lateralis ==> 前外侧面
  503. facies anterior lentis ==> 晶状体前面
  504. facies articular posterior ==> 后关节面
  505. facies articulares calcanea media ==> 中跟关节面
  506. facies articularis ==> 关节面
  507. facies articularis acromialis ==> 肩峰关节面
  508. facies articularis anterior ==> 前关节面
  509. facies articularis calcanea posterior ==> 后跟关节面
  510. facies articularis capitis costae ==> 肋头关节面
  511. facies articularis capitis fibulae ==> 腓骨头关节面
  512. facies articularis carpea ==> 腕关节面
  513. facies articularis carpea radii ==> 桡骨腕关节面
  514. facies articularis fibularis ==> 腓关节面
  515. facies articularis inferior ==> 下关节凹面
  516. facies articularis malleoli ==> 外侧踝关节面
  517. facies articularis sternalis ==> 胸骨关节面
  518. facies articularis talaris anterior calcanei ==> 前距关节面
  519. facies articularis talaris posterior calcanei ==> 后距关节面
  520. facies articularis thyroidea ==> 甲关节面
  521. facies articularis tuberculi costae ==> 肋结节关节面
  522. facies auricularis ==> 耳状关节面,耳状面
  523. facies buccalis dentis ==> 颊面
  524. facies change ==> 相变
  525. facies contactus loborum ==> 肺叶接触面
  526. facies dorsales ==> 背侧面
  527. facies fossil ==> 指相化石
  528. facies gastrica ==> 胃面
  529. facies group ==> 相阻
  530. facies hepatica ==> 肝病性面容
  531. facies inferior cerebri ==> 脑底
  532. facies inferolateralis ==> 下外侧面
  533. facies interlobares ==> 叶间面
  534. facies intestinalis ==> 肠面
  535. facies lateralis ==> 外侧面
  536. facies lateralis ossis zygomatici ==> 颊面
  537. facies masticatoria ==> 嚼面
  538. facies medialis ==> 内侧面,内面
  539. facies mediastinalis pulmonis ==> 纵隔面
  540. facies model ==> 相模式
  541. facies nasalis ==> 鼻面
  542. facies orbitalis ==> 眶面
  543. facies palmares ==> 掌侧面
  544. facies plantares digitorum pedis ==> 足底面
  545. facies poplitea ==> 面
  546. facies posterior ==> 后面
  547. facies posterior lentis ==> 晶状体后面
  548. facies pulmonalis cordis ==> 肺面,心肺面
  549. facies suite ==> 相套
  550. facies tibialis ==> 胫侧面,胫侧面
  551. facies ventralis ==> 腹侧面
  552. facies vesicalis uteri ==> 膀胱面
  553. facies vestibularis ==> 前庭面
  554. facies zone ==> 相带
  555. facilitate ==> 便利=>容易にする
  556. facilitate adaptation to the environment ==> 環境への順応性を高める
  557. facilitated area ==> 易化区
  558. facilitated diffusion ==> 易化扩散
  559. facilitating agency ==> 服务代理机构
  560. facilitation ==> 易化,促进
  561. facilities and equipment ==> 工厂和设备
  562. facilities comparison ==> 设备比较
  563. facilities control console ==> 设备控制台
  564. Facilities Development Group (Environmental Protection Department) ==> 废物设施发展组(环境保护署)
  565. facilities life ==> 設備寿命
  566. Facilities Management Group (Environmental Protection Department) ==> 废物设施管理组(环境保护署)
  567. Facilities Planning Group (Environmental Protection Department) ==> 废物设施规划组(环境保护署)
  568. facilities purchase order (FPO) ==> 设备购买订货单
  569. facilities replacement ==> 設備更新
  570. Facilities, Services and Features of Interests of the Environmental Resource Centre ==> 《环境资源中心的设施、服务及特色》
  571. facility ==> 设备=>施設
  572. facility assignment ==> 设备分配
  573. facility design ==> 設備設計
  574. facility installation review ==> 设备安装检查
  575. facility investment ==> 設備投資
  576. facility location ==> 设备布置,厂址选择
  577. facility management ==> 设备管理=>設備保全
  578. facility of access ==> 有效性
  579. facility of payment clause ==> 便宜支付条款
  580. facility operation rate ==> 設備稼働率
  581. facility request separator ==> 技术能力请求分解器
  582. facing ==> 镶面,衬片,密封面,面饰,砌面,平面加工,铺面,刮削,盖面,牙面,端面车削,假牙面,贴面,车端面=>表面の仕上げ,縁取り,上塗り
  583. facing (operation) ==> 端面加工
  584. facing alloy ==> 表面加硬用硬合金
  585. facing arm ==> 横刀架,横旋转刀架
  586. facing bar ==> 支撑板
  587. facing between centers ==> 顶尖间车削端面
  588. facing brick ==> 面砖,贴面砖,(颜色质地等有特点的砖)饰面砖
  589. facing brickwork ==> 饰面砖工
  590. facing concrete ==> 面层混凝土
  591. facing cows in ==> 对头式栓头,双列内向牛舍
  592. facing cut ==> 端面铣
  593. facing cutter ==> 铣刀盘
  594. facing expansion joint ==> 面层伸缩缝
  595. facing gauge ==> 总压头测定仪
  596. facing head ==> 平旋盘,回转刀架
  597. facing joint ==> 面层接缝
  598. facing jointer ==> 表面刨光机
  599. facing machine ==> 镶面机,刨床
  600. facing material ==> 护面材料,表面装饰料,饰面材料
  601. facing parking ==> 対向駐車
  602. facing paviors ==> 过火面砖
  603. facing pin ==> 対面ピン
  604. facing porcelain ==> 瓷牙面
  605. facing punch ==> 精整冲头,端面冲头
  606. facing reverse pin porcelain ==> 反订瓷面
  607. facing ring ==> 衬片环
  608. facing rivet ==> 复面铆钉
  609. facing sand ==> 复面砂
  610. facing set ==> 平面刮刀
  611. facing slide ==> 端面切削滑板
  612. facing stone ==> 护面石料,面石,贴面石
  613. facing stone slab ==> 饰面石板
  614. facing stop ==> 端面挡块
  615. facing surface ==> 接面
  616. facing tile ==> 外墙面砖=>外装タイル
  617. facing tool ==> 端面车刀
  618. facing wall ==> 护面墙=>外装壁
  619. facing-point lock ==> 对向道岔锁闭器
  620. facing-type cutter ==> 套式面铣刀
  621. facing-up ==> 配研,滑配合
  622. facio-acupuncture ==> 面针疗法
  623. facio-buccal flap transplant ==> 面颊部皮瓣移植
  624. facio-buccal free skin flap transplant ==> 面颊部游离皮瓣移植
  625. faciobrachial ==> 面臂的
  626. faciocervical ==> 面颈的
  627. faciocervical parenchymatous tumor ==> 面颈部实质性肿瘤
  628. faciolingual ==> 面舌的
  629. faciolingual hemiplegia ==> 面舌偏瘫
  630. facioplasty ==> 面成形术
  631. facioscapulohumeral ==> 面肩胛臂的
  632. facioscapulohumeral muscular atrophy ==> 面肩胛臂萎缩
  633. facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy ==> 面肩胛肱型肌营养不良症
  634. FACS Federation of American Controlled Shipping ==> 美控海运联盟
  635. FACS, facility control system ==> 施設管理システム
  636. facsimile ==> 传真=>ファクシミリ
  637. facsimile apparatus ==> 传真机
  638. facsimile cipher unit ==> 传真密码机
  639. facsimile ciphering terminal ==> 传真加密终端
  640. facsimile coding ==> 传真编码
  641. facsimile communication ==> 传真通信
  642. facsimile communication (FAX) ==> 传真通信
  643. facsimile data crypto unit ==> 传真数据密码机
  644. facsimile density ==> 传真密度
  645. facsimile encryption unit ==> 传真密码机
  646. facsimile equipment ==> 传真设备
  647. facsimile information ==> 传真信息
  648. facsimile laser plate maker ==> 传真激光制版机
  649. facsimile machine ==> 传真机
  650. facsimile modulation ==> 传真调制
  651. facsimile network ==> 传真网
  652. facsimile paper ==> 传真感光纸
  653. facsimile paper roll ==> 传真纸卷
  654. facsimile picture ==> 传真图像
  655. facsimile printer ==> 传真打印机
  656. facsimile printing ==> 摹真印花
  657. facsimile procedure ==> ファクシミリ制御手順
  658. facsimile receiver ==> 传真接收机
  659. facsimile receiving converter ==> 传真接收变换器
  660. facsimile recording ==> 传真记录
  661. facsimile scanner ==> 传真扫描器
  662. facsimile seismograph ==> 传真式地震仪
  663. facsimile service ==> 传真服务
  664. facsimile set ==> 传真设备
  665. facsimile signal ==> 传真图像,传真信号
  666. facsimile signal level ==> 传真信号电平
  667. facsimile signature ==> 复制签字,印鉴样本
  668. facsimile system ==> 传真系统
  669. facsimile telegram ==> 传真电报
  670. facsimile telegraph ==> 传真电报,传真电报机
  671. facsimile telegraphy ==> 传真电报
  672. facsimile telephone ==> 传真电话机
  673. facsimile transceiver ==> 传真收发二用机,传真收发机,传真收发两用机
  674. facsimile transmission ==> 传真发送,传真电报,传真发送,真迹电报传输
  675. facsimile transmission paper ==> 传真感光纸
  676. facsimile transmitter ==> 传真发送机
  677. facsimile transmitting converter ==> 传真发送变换器
  678. facsimile vestigial sideband ==> 传真残留边带
  679. facsimile-signal simulator ==> 传真信号模拟器
  680. fact ==> 论据
  681. fact retrieval ==> 事件检索,事实检索,事项检索
  682. fact retrieval system ==> 事实检索系统
  683. fact-finding ==> 进行实地调查
  684. fact-finding technique ==> 调查研究技术
  685. factor ==> 系数,融资商,率,经纪人,经纪人,曝光系数,因式,因数,因素,因子,保收人,条件,克雷司马斯因子,指数,中间商人代理商,率=>係数,率,因子,因数,ファクター
  686. factor (苏格兰) ==> 土地经管人
  687. factor algebra ==> 因子代数
  688. factor analysis ==> 因式分解,因数分析,因素分析,因子分解,因子分析,要素分析
  689. factor augmenting technical progress ==> 要素增广的技术进步
  690. factor clause ==> 因子子句
  691. factor combination ==> 要素组合
  692. factor comparison ==> 因素比较
  693. factor comparison system ==> 因素比较法
  694. factor compensation ==> 因子补偿作用
  695. factor cost ==> 因素成本,要素成本
  696. factor for overcapacity ==> 过载因数
  697. factor group ==> 因子群,商群
  698. factor group analysis ==> 因子群分析
  699. factor I ==> 促凝血酶原激酶
  700. factor in precipitation ==> 沉淀系数
  701. factor input coefficient ==> 要素投入系数
  702. factor interaction ==> 因子相互作用
  703. factor level ==> 因素水平
  704. factor loading ==> 因子载荷
  705. factor loading matrix ==> 因子負荷行列
  706. factor lytic ==> 裂解因子
  707. factor matrix ==> 因子矩阵=>因子行列
  708. factor model ==> 因子模型
  709. factor modulus ==> 因子模
  710. factor of a model ==> 模型因子
  711. factor of a polynomial ==> 多项式的因子
  712. factor of adhesion ==> 附着系数=>粘着系数
  713. factor of an integer ==> 整数的因子
  714. factor of assurance ==> 安全系数
  715. factor of assurance of cable insulation ==> 电缆绝缘保险系数
  716. factor of dilution of radiation ==> 辐射稀化因子
  717. factor of erosion ==> 侵蚀因素
  718. factor of evaluation ==> 评价因素
  719. factor of evaporation ==> 蒸发系数
  720. factor of expansion ==> 膨胀系数,热膨胀系数,热膨胀因数
  721. factor of foundation bearing capacity ==> 地基承载系数
  722. factor of fuel utilzation ==> 燃料利用系数
  723. factor of ignorance ==> 安全系数
  724. factor of inertia ==> 惯性系数
  725. factor of influence ==> 影响因子
  726. factor of life scatter ==> 寿命分散系数
  727. factor of merit ==> 质量因子,灵敏值,优质率,品质系数,(仪表的)灵敏度=>標準感度
  728. factor of plant location ==> 厂址选择因素
  729. factor of probability ==> 几率
  730. factor of production ==> 生产的因素,生产要素=>生産要素
  731. factor of proportionality ==> 比例因子
  732. factor of quality ==> 质量因数
  733. factor of rigidity ==> 刚性系数
  734. factor of safety ==> 安全率,保险系数,安全因数,安全因子=>安全率
  735. factor of safety against cracking ==> 抗裂安全系数
  736. factor of safety against failure ==> 抗破坏安全系数
  737. factor of safety against floatation ==> 抗浮动安全系数
  738. factor of safety against overturning ==> 抗倾覆安全系数
  739. factor of safety against sliding ==> 抗滑安全系数
  740. factor of stress concentration ==> 应力集中系数
  741. factor of subdivision ==> 分舱因数
  742. factor of the habitat ==> 生境因子
  743. factor of transmission ==> 传播因素
  744. factor of utilization ==> 利用系数
  745. factor of variability ==> 变动性因素
  746. factor pair ==> 因子对
  747. factor pattern ==> 因子模型
  748. factor pattern matrix ==> 因子パターン行列
  749. factor price frontier ==> 因子价格界限
  750. factor productivity ==> 要素生产力
  751. factor proportions ==> 要素比例
  752. factor rate ==> 要素比率
  753. factor representation ==> 因子表示
  754. factor reversal test ==> 因子互换检验
  755. factor reversals ==> 要素反转
  756. factor score ==> 因子評点
  757. factor serum ==> 因子血清
  758. factor service ==> 要素服务
  759. factor set ==> 因子集,因子组
  760. factor structure ==> 因子结构
  761. factor structure matrix ==> 因子構造行列
  762. factor system ==> 因子组
  763. factor theorem ==> 因子定理
  764. factor theorem of algebra ==> 代数学因式定理
  765. factor total ==> 因子总计
  766. factor transformation ==> 因子变换
  767. factor utilization ==> 要素利用
  768. factor V ==> 促凝血球蛋白原,加速球蛋白
  769. Factor V ==> 前加速素
  770. factor value ==> 要素价值
  771. factor weight ==> 因数重量
  772. factor X ==> 司徒因子
  773. factor XII ==> 接触因子
  774. factor Ⅱ ==> 凝血酶原
  775. factor Ⅵ ==> 血清加速球蛋白,血清加速素
  776. factor Ⅶ ==> 前凝血酶原
  777. factor Ⅷ ==> 抗血友病因子
  778. factor Ⅷdeficiency ==> 甲型血友病
  779. factor Ⅺ ==> 血浆促凝血酶原激酶前体
  780. factor-cost value ==> 要素成本价值
  781. factor-factor relationship ==> 要素间关系
  782. factor-price differentials ==> 要素价格差别
  783. factor-price equalization ==> 要素价格均等化
  784. factor-price frontier ==> 要素价格边界
  785. factor-saving innovation ==> 节约生产要素的技术革新
  786. factorable polynomial ==> 可分解的多项式
  787. factored estimate ==> 係数見積もり
  788. factored load ==> 设计极限荷载
  789. factorial ==> 级乘,阶乘=>階乗
  790. factorial analysis ==> 因子分析
  791. factorial arrangement ==> 因子排列
  792. factorial design ==> 因子设计,析因设计
  793. factorial development ==> 因子显影
  794. factorial distribution ==> 阶乘分布
  795. factorial ecology ==> 分解生态学
  796. factorial effect ==> 因子效应
  797. factorial experiment ==> 因子试验,阶乘试验,析因试验
  798. factorial experiment design ==> 析因实验设计
  799. factorial fertilizer trial ==> 肥料因子试验
  800. factorial function ==> 阶乘函数
  801. factorial jump function ==> 阶乘跳跃函数
  802. factorial lumber ==> 加工用材
  803. factorial moment ==> 阶乘矩
  804. factorial moment generating function ==> 阶乘矩母函数
  805. factorial multinomial distribution ==> 阶乘多项式分布
  806. factorial operator ==> 阶乘运算符
  807. factorial polynomial ==> 阶乘多项式
  808. factorial power ==> 阶乘的幂
  809. factorial series ==> 阶乘级数
  810. factorial ship ==> 加工船
  811. factorial test ==> 因子试验,析因试验
  812. factorial trials ==> 析因试验
  813. Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work) Regulation (Cap. 59) ==> 《工厂及工业经营(工作噪音)规例》(第59章)
  814. factoring correlation matrix ==> 析因相关矩阵
  815. factoring method ==> 因数法
  816. factorization ==> 因子分解
  817. factorization method ==> 因子分解方法
  818. factorization of a transformation ==> 变换的因式分解,变换因式分解,变换因子分解
  819. factorization of algebraic equations ==> 代数方程的因式分解
  820. factorization technique ==> 因子分解技巧
  821. Factors Affecting Air Quality in Hong Kong ==> 《影响香港空气质素的因素》
  822. factors affecting radio sensitivity ==> 影响放射敏感性的因素
  823. factors affecting response of testing ==> 影响试验反应的各种因素
  824. factors in the fixation of phosphorus ==> 磷素固定因子
  825. factory ==> 制造厂,商行在国外的代理处,工厂,厂=>工場,製造所
  826. factory acceptance test ==> 工厂验收试验(FAT)
  827. factory acceptance test specification ==> 工厂验收试车规范
  828. factory acceptance testing ==> 工厂验收试验
  829. factory acts ==> 工厂管理条例
  830. factory adjusted control ==> 出厂调整控制
  831. factory administration ==> 工場管理
  832. factory area ==> 工場地帯
  833. factory assembly ==> 工厂装配=>工場組立品
  834. factory attached to school ==> 实习工厂
  835. factory automation ==> 工厂自动化
  836. factory automation (FA) ==> 工厂自动化
  837. factory building ==> 工厂建筑,厂房
  838. factory burden ==> 製造間接費
  839. factory communication ==> 工厂通信
  840. factory construction abroad ==> 海外工厂建设
  841. factory cost ==> 制造成本
  842. factory cost sheet ==> 制造成本单
  843. factory development ==> 工場展開
  844. factory direct sales ==> 工場直販
  845. factory director ==> 工場長
  846. factory disposal ==> 工場排水
  847. factory district ==> 工厂区域=>工場地区
  848. factory effluent ==> 生产废水
  849. factory engineering ==> 工厂工程
  850. factory engineering inspection ==> 工厂工程检验
  851. factory expense ledger ==> 制造费用分类帐
  852. factory farm ==> 工厂化农场
  853. factory for prefabrication ==> 预制构件厂
  854. factory girl ==> 女子工員
  855. factory hand ==> 工場労働者,工員
  856. factory head ==> 工場長
  857. factory help ==> 工場労働者
  858. factory hygiene ==> 工場衛生
  859. factory illumination ==> 工厂照明
  860. factory information protocol ==> 工厂信息协议
  861. factory inspection ==> 工厂检验,厂内检查
  862. factory invoice ==> 厂商发票
  863. factory land-use coefficient ==> 厂区土地利用系数
  864. factory layout ==> 厂区配置
  865. factory lighting ==> 工厂照明
  866. factory load ==> 工厂负荷
  867. factory management ==> 工厂管理
  868. factory noise ==> 工厂噪声
  869. factory outlet ==> ファクトリー・アウトレット,工場直売店,工場直送販売
  870. factory preassembly ==> 工厂预装配
  871. factory pricing ==> 厂盘
  872. factory processing ==> 工厂条件下加工
  873. factory production ==> 工厂生产
  874. factory programmable chip ==> 制造厂家可编程序集成电路
  875. factory programmable read only memory ==> 制造厂家可编程序只读存储器
  876. factory record ==> 写实记录
  877. factory regulation ==> 工厂规章
  878. factory regulations ==> 工厂法规
  879. factory report ==> 写实报告
  880. factory research ==> 工厂研究
  881. factory set price ==> 厂定价格
  882. factory sewage ==> 工厂废水
  883. factory ship ==> 加工船
  884. factory site ==> 工厂用地
  885. factory test ==> 工厂试验=>工場試験
  886. factory test and inspection plan ==> 工厂试验与检查计划
  887. factory test equipment ==> 工厂试验设备
  888. factory testing ==> 工厂条件下试验
  889. factory timber industrial lumber ==> 加工用材
  890. factory waste ==> 工厂废料
  891. factory-adjusted ==> 出厂调整
  892. factory-data collection ==> 工业数据收集
  893. factory-fitting ==> 工厂照明装置
  894. factory-level accounting ==> 厂级经济核算
  895. factory-like production in livestock husbandry ==> 畜牧业生产工厂化
  896. factory-made component ==> 工厂预制构件
  897. factory-made house ==> 工厂预制房屋
  898. factory-made terrazzo ==> 预制水磨石
  899. factory-made trim ==> 预制门窗贴脸
  900. factory-mounted ==> 在工厂安装的
  901. factory-set value ==> 出厂调整值
  902. factory-trawler ==> 拖网加工渔船
  903. FACTS device ==> FACTS機器
  904. FACTS, Flexible AC Transmission System ==> 灵活交流输电系统=>フレキシブルAC送電システム,These depend on power control arrays that are based on thyristors-large semiconductor devices that allow second-to-second control of voltage and other ac power characteristics. This level of control makes it possible to better channel the flow of power through branches of the grid, regulate voltage levels, and safely operate existing transmission lines closer to their theoretical thermal limits. As peak demand increases, utilities can shunt as much as 50 percent more power through existing lines, allowing them to avoid the expensive and politically challenging process of adding transmission infrastructure.
  905. facula ==> 白はん
  906. facular area ==> 光斑区
  907. facular granule ==> 光斑米粒
  908. facular point ==> 光斑亮点
  909. facultative autotrophs ==> 兼性自养生物
  910. facultative plant ==> 不定型植物
  911. facultative saprophyte ==> 兼腐生物,兼性腐生菌
  912. facultative treaty ==> 临时分保合同
  913. faculty of engineering ==> 工学部
  914. faculty principle of taxation ==> 课税能力原则
  915. fad ==> 一時的流行
  916. FAD, flexible air duct ==> フレキシブルエアダクト
  917. fade and lap-dissolve circuit ==> 淡变和叠化电路
  918. fade area ==> 盲域,消失区,衰落区
  919. fade characteristics ==> 衰退特性
  920. fade chart ==> 盲域図
  921. fade down ==> 衰减
  922. fade from ==> 見えなくなる
  923. fade in ==> 淡入
  924. fade indicator ==> 衰落指示器
  925. fade out ==> 渐隐
  926. fade test ==> 热衰退试验
  927. fade zone ==> 盲域,消失区,衰落区
  928. fade-and-recovery test ==> 衰退和恢复试验
  929. fade-in fade-out ==> 淡入淡出
  930. fade-out ==> 淡出,渐隐,衰落现象
  931. fade-out system ==> 渐隐系统,淡出系统
  932. fade-over ==> 淡出淡入
  933. faded colour ==> 褪色的颜色
  934. fadeout ==> 淡出
  935. fader ==> 音量控制器=>フェーダ
  936. fader control ==> 音量渐减调整,光量控制,照明渐减调整,衰退控制
  937. fader potentiometer ==> 双路混合器,信号电平比调整电位计
  938. fading ==> 衰减,褪色,退色,衰落,枯萎病=>フェージング,変退色
  939. fading amplifier ==> 抗衰落放大器,淡变放大器
  940. fading area ==> 衰落区
  941. fading bandwidth ==> 衰落带宽
  942. fading by absorption ==> 吸收衰落
  943. fading by interference ==> 干扰性衰落
  944. fading channel ==> 衰落信道
  945. fading characteristic ==> 衰减特性
  946. fading compensate antenna ==> 抗衰落犬线
  947. fading control ==> 衰落控制
  948. fading depth ==> 衰落度=>フェージング幅
  949. fading distribution ==> 衰落分布
  950. fading effect ==> 衰退效应
  951. fading loss ==> 衰落损失
  952. fading machine ==> 衰减试验器,衰落试验器
  953. fading margin ==> 衰减极限,衰落边际,衰落储备,衰落余量
  954. fading memory ==> 衰退记忆
  955. fading memory filter ==> 存储衰落筛选程序
  956. fading murmuring ==> 郑声
  957. fading on line-of-sight path ==> 视线电路衰落
  958. fading on troposphericscatter path ==> 对流层散射电路衰落
  959. fading peak ==> 衰落峰值
  960. fading period ==> 衰落周期
  961. fading range ==> 衰退范围
  962. fading rate ==> 衰退率
  963. fading region ==> 衰减区
  964. fading rise ==> 衰落增长
  965. fading safety factor ==> 衰减安全系数
  966. fading signal ==> 衰落信号
  967. fading spectrum ==> 衰落频谱
  968. fading unit ==> 输入功率调节装置,衰落装置
  969. FAEMA, Federation of Asian Electrical Manufacturers’Association ==> アジア電機工業会連盟
  970. FAFC, Fluctuation Absorption by Flywheel Characteristic ==> フライホイール特性による電気出力変動吸収制御
  971. fag station ==> 吸烟站
  972. fag(g)oted iron ==> 束铁
  973. Fager green cell ==> 费戈格林直流槽型浮选机
  974. Fagersta cut ==> 费格斯塔超前打眼法
  975. faggot of steel ==> 束铁
  976. faggoted iron ==> 锻焊的层状熟铁
  977. fahlum metal ==> 法拉姆铅锡合金
  978. Fahlun brilliant alloy ==> 法伦银亮合金
  979. Fahnestock clip ==> 法耐斯托克线夹
  980. Fahrenheit ==> 华氏度
  981. Fahrenheit degree ==> 华氏温度
  982. Fahrenheit temperature scale ==> 华氏温标
  983. Fahrenheit thermometer ==> 华氏温度计
  984. Fahrenheit thermometric scale ==> 华氏温标
  985. fahrenheit's temperature scale ==> 华氏温标
  986. Fahrenheits hydrometer ==> 华氏比重计
  987. Fahrig metal ==> 锡铜轴承合金
  988. Fahry alloy ==> 锡铜轴承合金
  989. fahua colour ==> 法华彩
  990. fahua green ==> 法翠
  991. FAI, first article inspection ==> 初品検査
  992. faience pottery ==> 彩陶
  993. fail ==> 损坏,破坏,故障,失败,中断,破坏=>失敗する,落第する,落ちる
  994. fail address ==> 故障地址,失效地址
  995. fail category ==> 失效类别
  996. fail closed ==> 出故障时自动关闭的
  997. fail data ==> 失效数据
  998. fail delivery ==> 荷渡し不能となる
  999. fail in ==> 失敗する
  1000. fail in a hurricane ==> ハリケーンで壊れる
  1001. fail in bond ==> 粘接失效
  1002. fail in compression ==> 压力破坏,受压损坏
  1003. fail in shear ==> 剪切损坏
  1004. fail in tension ==> 拉伸损坏=>引張で壊れる
  1005. fail open ==> 出故障时自动打开
  1006. fail safe ==> 换效安全,故障安全,失效保护,失效保险,差错防止=>フェイルセーフ
  1007. fail safe control ==> 保安控制,无故障控制
  1008. fail safe interlock ==> フェールセーフ・インターロック
  1009. fail safe operation ==> 安全运行
  1010. fail safe safety interlock ==> 失效保护安全联锁,故障保险防护装置
  1011. fail safe system ==> 故障保险系统
  1012. fail safety ==> 破损安全
  1013. fail safety interlock ==> 失效保护安全联锁,故障保险防护装置
  1014. fail soft ==> 故障弱化=>フェイルソフト
  1015. fail temperature ==> 破坏温度
  1016. fail to be chosen ==> 落选
  1017. fail to distribute to the extremities ==> 不能外达的四肢
  1018. fail to heal ==> 不愈合
  1019. Fail to Start Shutdowns ==> 起动失败停机
  1020. fail tree analysis ==> 失效树分析
  1021. fail year ==> 歉收年
  1022. fail(ure) ==> 失灵
  1023. fail-all fault simulation ==> 全失效故障模拟
  1024. fail-passive ==> 工作可靠但性能有下降
  1025. fail-safe ==> 故障保险,破损安全,防错,不出故障的,可靠的
  1026. fail-safe analysis ==> 可靠性分析
  1027. fail-safe control ==> 失效保险控制
  1028. fail-safe design ==> 可靠设计
  1029. fail-safe disconnect ==> 故障保险切断
  1030. fail-safe equipment ==> 破损安全装置
  1031. fail-safe facility ==> 故障保险设施
  1032. fail-safe principle ==> 故障安全原则,系统或部件发生故障时,核设施能在无需任何触发动作的条件下进入有利于安全的状态的设计原则。在设计核设施的安全重要系统和部件时应尽可能贯彻这个原则
  1033. fail-safe program ==> 不安全的程序
  1034. fail-safe system ==> 安全装置,失效保险系统,故障保护设备,故障保险系统
  1035. fail-safe test ==> 破损安全试验
  1036. fail-soft ==> 工作可靠但性能下降,失效弱化
  1037. fail-soft behaviour ==> 故障软化特性
  1038. fail-soft capability ==> 故障弱化能力
  1039. fail-soft system ==> 故障弱化系统
  1040. failed areas ==> 造林失败地
  1041. failed arm of a triple junction ==> (三联点遗弃臂)三联点夭折臂
  1042. failed bank ==> 破产银行
  1043. failed fuel element ==> 破损燃料元件
  1044. failed places ==> 造林失败地
  1045. failed rift ==> 衰亡裂谷,夭折裂谷
  1046. failed test piece ==> 不合格试件
  1047. failed test sample ==> 不合格样品,不合规格的样品
  1048. failing load ==> 破坏荷载,破坏载荷
  1049. failing strength ==> 破坏强度
  1050. failing stress ==> 破坏应力
  1051. failover operation ==> 系切替
  1052. failpoint ==> 破坏点,失效点
  1053. failsafe ==> 破损安全
  1054. failure ==> 失效,破产,破断,破坏,破裂,破损,折断,故障,断裂,变钝,衰竭,损坏,电气故障,电力系统或电气设备不能正常运行的状态=>故障,不具合
  1055. failure analysis ==> 断裂分析,失效分析,又称“损坏分析”。对运行中丧失原有功能的金属构件或设备进行损坏原因分析研究的技术=>失敗分析
  1056. failure analysis (FA) ==> 破损分析
  1057. failure analysis report ==> 事故分析报告
  1058. failure arc ==> 破坏弧
  1059. failure bit ==> 故障位
  1060. failure breaking ==> 断裂
  1061. failure by piping ==> 管涌破坏
  1062. failure by rupture ==> 破裂变形
  1063. failure by shear ==> 剪切破坏
  1064. failure by subsurface erosion ==> 地下侵蚀破坏
  1065. failure cable ==> 流线型拖缆
  1066. failure cause ==> 故障原因
  1067. failure caused by bending ==> 弯曲损坏
  1068. failure circle ==> 破坏弧
  1069. failure classes ==> 故障类
  1070. failure condition ==> 破坏条件
  1071. failure cost ==> 故障费用
  1072. failure cost function ==> 故障费用函数
  1073. failure crack ==> 断裂纹
  1074. failure criteria ==> 破坏判据,失效判据
  1075. failure criterion ==> 故障判据
  1076. failure criticality analysis (FCA) ==> 故障致命性分析
  1077. failure cuase identification ==> 不良要因特定
  1078. failure current ==> 故障电流
  1079. failure data analysis ==> 故障数据的分析
  1080. failure density ==> 失效密度
  1081. failure density function ==> 故障密度函数
  1082. failure detecting method ==> 故障検出法
  1083. failure detection ==> 故障探测
  1084. failure diagnosis ==> 失效诊断
  1085. failure diagnosis time ==> 故障诊断时间
  1086. failure diagnostics ==> 故障诊断
  1087. failure distribution ==> 故障分布,缺陷分布,失效分布
  1088. failure effect analysis (FEA) ==> 故障影响分析
  1089. failure energy ==> 破坏能量
  1090. failure exception mode ==> 失败异常方式
  1091. failure extension protection equipment ==> 事故波及(防止)継電装置
  1092. failure extension protection system ==> 事故波及防止リレーシステム
  1093. failure free ==> 无故障的
  1094. failure free operation ==> 无故障运行,正常运行
  1095. failure function ==> 故障函数
  1096. failure go-to field ==> 失败区域
  1097. failure identification ==> 故障标识
  1098. failure in sending down turbid yin ==> 浊阴不降
  1099. failure in service ==> 使用中的故障
  1100. failure in shear ==> 剪切破坏,剪切损坏
  1101. failure in tension ==> 拉伸损坏
  1102. failure indication ==> 失事指示信号
  1103. failure isolation ==> 故障隔离
  1104. failure law ==> 破坏规律
  1105. failure level ==> 失效级
  1106. failure line ==> 破坏线
  1107. failure load ==> 破坏荷重
  1108. failure logging ==> 故障登记,故障记录
  1109. failure logging (record) ==> 失效记录
  1110. failure mechanism ==> 失效机理,破坏机理
  1111. failure mode ==> 破裂方式,故障模型,故障种类,失效模式,失效模型=>故障モード
  1112. failure mode analysis (FMA) ==> 失效模式分析,故障模式分析
  1113. failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) ==> 故障模式和影响分析
  1114. failure mode severity classification ==> 失效程度的等级
  1115. failure model ==> 失败模型
  1116. failure model and effect analysis ==> 失效模式与影响分析
  1117. failure moment ==> 破坏力矩
  1118. failure monitor ==> 故障监控仪
  1119. failure node ==> 失效节点
  1120. failure of blood to nourish the fetus ==> 不能摄血养胎
  1121. failure of burner torch ==> バーナ着火失敗
  1122. failure of fusion ==> 闭合不全
  1123. failure of middle-jiao yang ==> 中阳不振
  1124. failure of oscillations ==> 停止振荡
  1125. failure of performance ==> 未履行合同
  1126. failure physics ==> 失效物理
  1127. failure plane ==> 滑动面,破坏面
  1128. failure point ==> 破坏点
  1129. failure predication ==> 故障预测
  1130. failure prediction ==> 破损预测,故障预测,缺陷预测,失效预测
  1131. failure probability ==> 失效概率
  1132. failure rate ==> 故障率,事故率,平均故障率=>事故率,故障率
  1133. failure rate acceleration factor ==> 故障率加速系数,失效率加速系数
  1134. failure rate allocation ==> 故障率分配
  1135. failure rate average function ==> 失效率平均函数
  1136. failure rate characteristic ==> 故障率特性
  1137. failure rate curve ==> 故障率曲线
  1138. failure rate function ==> 故障率函数
  1139. failure rate level ==> 失效率等级
  1140. failure rate sampling plan ==> 故障率采样计划
  1141. failure rate test ==> 故障率试验
  1142. failure recognition ==> 失效识别
  1143. failure recovery ==> 故障后的恢复,故障恢复,故障排除
  1144. failure state ==> 失效状态=>事故状態
  1145. failure strain ==> 破坏应变
  1146. failure stress ==> 破坏应力,裂断应力
  1147. failure surface ==> 破坏面,破毁面,失效面
  1148. failure terms ==> 故障测定
  1149. failure testing ==> 故障检测
  1150. failure theory ==> 破坏理论
  1151. failure threshold ==> 故障极限
  1152. failure to actuate ==> 不动作
  1153. failure to open ==> 遮断失敗
  1154. failure to operate ==> 誤不動作
  1155. failure to suck in newborn ==> 初生不乳
  1156. failure to trip ==> 脱扣受阻,未能跳闸=>トリップミス
  1157. failure tree analysis (FTA) ==> 故障树分析
  1158. failure unit ==> 失效单位
  1159. failure valve position ==> 阀断源位置
  1160. failure voltage ==> 破坏电压
  1161. failure warning relay ==> 故障警告继电器
  1162. failure wedge ==> 破坏棱体
  1163. failure zone ==> 破坏区
  1164. failure-free operation ==> 正常运行
  1165. failure-rate data ==> 故障率数据
  1166. failure-rate level ==> 故障率水平
  1167. faint ==> 弱的,晕厥,暗淡的,衰弱的,昏倒=>淡い,ぼやけた,失神
  1168. faint blue objeet ==> 暗蓝天体
  1169. faint blue star ==> 暗蓝星
  1170. faint companion ==> 暗伴星
  1171. faint due to emotional upset ==> 惊厥
  1172. faint galaxy ==> 暗星系
  1173. faint green coloured celadon ==> 缥瓷
  1174. faint haze ==> 薄雾
  1175. faint image ==> 模糊图像
  1176. faint impression ==> 压印图案模糊
  1177. faint in place ==> 安装原处
  1178. faint meteor ==> 暗流星
  1179. faint object ==> 暗天体
  1180. faint pulse and cold extremities ==> 脉微肢冷
  1181. faint red ==> 淡红色
  1182. faint source ==> 弱源
  1183. faint star ==> 暗星
  1184. faint yellow ==> 淡黄色
  1185. faint-hearted ==> 臆病な
  1186. fainting ==> 失神
  1187. fainting fit ==> 失神
  1188. faintsupernova ==> 暗い超新星
  1189. fair ==> 博览会
  1190. fair average ==> 适当平均数
  1191. fair average quality ==> 中等品质,平均良好品质,良好平均品质
  1192. fair average sample ==> 平均中等样品
  1193. fair copy ==> 清样
  1194. fair curve ==> 整形曲线,修正曲线
  1195. fair cutting (FC) ==> 修整切削
  1196. fair dealing ==> 公正な取引
  1197. fair demand ==> かなりの需要
  1198. fair ends ==> 琢石露头
  1199. fair game ==> 公平博弈
  1200. fair grounds ==> 露天交易会场
  1201. fair lead ==> 绳索滑车
  1202. fair leader ==> 导缆滚筒,导索器
  1203. fair line ==> 光顺线
  1204. fair play principle ==> 公平游戏原则
  1205. fair tide ==> 顺潮
  1206. fair valuation ==> 合理的估价
  1207. fair value of gamble ==> 赌博的公平值
  1208. fair weather ==> 晴天积云
  1209. fair weather cirrus ==> 晴天卷云
  1210. fair wind ==> 惠风
  1211. fair(ed) curve ==> 整平曲线
  1212. FAIR, fairing ==> フェアリング
  1213. fair-coin-tossing experiment ==> 抛硬币试验
  1214. fair-faced concrete ==> 清水面混凝土
  1215. fair-lead logging arch ==> 导索集材拱架
  1216. fair-price shop ==> 平价商店
  1217. fair-trade agreement ==> 不擅自降低零售价格的协定
  1218. fair-weather cumulus ==> 淡积云
  1219. fairchildite ==> 碳酸钾钙石
  1220. fairdrawing ==> 清绘
  1221. faired cable ==> 流线型绳缆
  1222. faired contour balance ==> 流线型减阻平衡
  1223. faired curve ==> 展平曲线
  1224. fairer sex ==> 女性
  1225. fairfieldite ==> 磷钙锰石
  1226. fairing ==> 整林,流线型罩,整流,整流片,整流罩,整流装置,整形,减阻装置
  1227. fairing spoke ==> 整流形辐条
  1228. fairlead ==> 导缆孔,导缆器,导索板,导索架,导索器,导线管,导向滑轮,导向套,导引片,引线孔
  1229. fairleader ==> 卷扬机械
  1230. Fairlight clay ==> 费尔莱特粘土
  1231. fairness of financial statements ==> 财务报表公允性
  1232. fairshaped ==> 流线型,流线型的
  1233. fairwater ==> 指挥台围壳
  1234. fairway ==> 安全通航区,航道
  1235. fairway buoy ==> 航标
  1236. fairway buoy engineering vessel ==> 航道浮标工程船
  1237. fairy fly ==> 柄翅卵蜂
  1238. fairy ring ==> 食用小皮伞蕈
  1239. fairy ring spot ==> (植病)成环斑病
  1240. Fairs graticules ==> 费尔分度镜
  1241. FAIS, Foundation for the Advancement of International Science ==> (財)国際科学技術振興財団
  1242. faith cure ==> 信仰疗法
  1243. faithful linear representation ==> 一一线性表示
  1244. faithful module ==> 一一的模
  1245. faithful permutation representation ==> 一一置换表示
  1246. faithful representation module ==> 一一表示模
  1247. faithfully flat morphism ==> 一一平坦射
  1248. Fajans rule for ionic bonding ==> 法扬斯离子键规则
  1249. FAK rate ==> 同一运费率,不分级运费率
  1250. FAK Rate ==> 同一费率
  1251. fake ==> 盘索,绳圈
  1252. fake debt issue ==> 虚伪的债券发行
  1253. fake malaria drugs ==> 假疟疾药=>偽マラリア薬
  1254. fake mobile phone ==> 山寨机=>闇ケータイ
  1255. FAL, Facilitation Committee ==> 簡易化委員会
  1256. falcate ==> 弯月形=>鎌形の,三日月状の
  1257. falcated teal outer shoulder bundled ==> 黑眉毛扎把
  1258. falciform hymen ==> 镰状处女膜
  1259. falciform ligament of liver ==> 肝镰状韧带
  1260. falciform margin ==> 镰缘
  1261. falciform process ==> 镰突
  1262. falciform septum ==> 镰状隔膜
  1263. falciparum malaria ==> 恶性疟,恶性疟疾
  1264. Falconbridge process ==> 费尔康布里奇方法
  1265. fale itemization of accounts ==> 帐目不实
  1266. Falex friction machine ==> 法列克司摩擦试验机
  1267. Falex tester ==> 润滑剂耐热耐压试验机
  1268. Falk flexible coupling ==> 蛇形弹簧联轴器
  1269. Falk rail-joint ==> 福尔克钢轨接头
  1270. Falkland Current ==> 福克兰海流
  1271. fall ==> 起重机索,瀑布,坍落,落,落差,下降,见落陨星,降,降落
  1272. fall apart ==> 分离,散=>壊れる,崩れる
  1273. fall army worm ==> 草地夜蛾
  1274. fall asleep ==> 入睡
  1275. fall back ==> 后退
  1276. fall back disposal facilities ==> 后备处置设施
  1277. fall behind ==> 落后
  1278. fall block ==> 动滑轮,动索滑车,活动滑车
  1279. fall cloud ==> 下降云
  1280. fall delay ==> 下降延迟
  1281. fall diameter ==> 沉降球直径
  1282. fall down ==> 落下,塌,坍,下降
  1283. fall due ==> 满期
  1284. fall dust ==> 降尘
  1285. fall flat ==> 没有达到预期效果
  1286. fall from the plant ==> 脱离
  1287. fall goods ==> 秋季货品
  1288. fall head ==> 压头高度,跌落水头,降落水头
  1289. fall head of water ==> 降落水头
  1290. fall in the bank rate ==> 降低贴现率
  1291. fall into oblivion ==> 湮
  1292. fall lever ==> 补偿杆
  1293. fall line ==> 起重索,瀑布线,吊索
  1294. fall of blood pressure ==> 血压下降
  1295. fall of current ==> 电流下降
  1296. fall of potential ==> 电位降=>電位降下
  1297. fall of pressure ==> 压降
  1298. fall of the sea ==> 落潮
  1299. fall of thunderbolt ==> 雷击
  1300. fall off ==> 下降,火箭各级脱开
  1301. fall on the silk ==> 落在穗丝上
  1302. fall out ==> 口論する,落ちる,出る
  1303. fall out of step ==> 失步
  1304. fall over ==> 下倾
  1305. fall pipe ==> 水落管
  1306. fall plowing ==> 秋耕
  1307. fall plowing time ==> 秋耕日
  1308. fall pruning ==> 秋剪
  1309. fall rate ==> 下沉速率
  1310. fall rye ==> 冬黑麦
  1311. fall short ==> 不足
  1312. fall short of the specifications ==> 不合规格
  1313. fall sow ==> 秋季产仔母猪
  1314. fall sown type ==> 秋播型
  1315. fall streak ==> 幡状云
  1316. fall streifen ==> 幡状云
  1317. fall through ==> 导向,归于
  1318. fall time ==> 熄灭时间,下落时间,降落时间=>立下り時間,降下時間
  1319. fall velocity ==> 沉降速度
  1320. fall way ==> 升降道
  1321. fall wheat ==> 冬小麦
  1322. fall wheat snow mould ==> 冬小麦雪霉病
  1323. fall wind ==> 下坡风
  1324. fall witchgrass ==> 下垂恶婆草
  1325. fall(-)in ==> 下沉
  1326. fall(-)out ==> 下降
  1327. fall(ing) angle ==> 落角
  1328. fall-and-spring-applied nitrogen fertilizers ==> 秋季和春季施氮肥
  1329. fall-away ==> 分开,下降
  1330. fall-back mode ==> 低效方式运行
  1331. fall-back state ==> 低效运行状态
  1332. fall-farrowed pig ==> 秋产仔猪
  1333. fall-in ==> 进入同步,坍方,一致
  1334. fall-of-potential method ==> 电位降法=>電位降下法
  1335. fall-of-potential test ==> 电压降测试法,电压降试验
  1336. fall-off meter ==> 偏振测量仪
  1337. fall-out ==> 附带成果
  1338. fall-planted beet ==> 秋播甜菜
  1339. fallacious deferred charges ==> 虚伪的递延费用
  1340. fallacious derivation ==> 谬误推导,谬误推理
  1341. fallacious inference ==> 谬误推理
  1342. fallacy ==> 谬误,假饰
  1343. fallaway section ==> 分离度
  1344. fallback ==> 后退,撤退,低效率运行,低效运行,待援,引退,降落原地,回降物
  1345. fallback function ==> 后退功能
  1346. fallback mode ==> 后退方式
  1347. fallback procedure ==> 撤退过程
  1348. fallback recovery ==> 撤退校正
  1349. fallback state ==> 后退状态
  1350. fallen wool ==> 落下毛,死羊毛
  1351. faller ==> 针板,落体,练条机
  1352. faller bar ==> 毛条针板痕
  1353. faller screw ==> 针板螺杆
  1354. falling ==> 落像,缺陷,下降,凹陷,倾翻=>転倒
  1355. falling (weight) test ==> 落锤试验
  1356. falling apron ==> 堆石防冲护坦
  1357. falling back ==> 可放下的
  1358. falling ball viscosimeter ==> 落球粘度计
  1359. falling body ==> 落体
  1360. falling body viscometer ==> 落体粘度计
  1361. falling characteristic ==> 降落特性
  1362. falling coaxial cylinder viscometer ==> 同轴圆筒下落粘度计
  1363. falling dart test ==> 落箭试验
  1364. falling disease ==> 缺铜病,缺铜衰弱病
  1365. falling film ==> 降落液漠
  1366. falling film type absorber ==> 湿壁降膜吸收塔
  1367. falling gradient ==> 下坡,坡度
  1368. falling head ==> 下降高度
  1369. falling head permeameter ==> 变水头渗透仪
  1370. falling hinge ==> 水平铰链
  1371. falling limb ==> 过程线下降段
  1372. falling mould ==> 曲型线条
  1373. falling of vagina ==> 阴道脱垂
  1374. falling out of step ==> 失步
  1375. falling over ==> 倒伏,极度倒伏
  1376. falling pawl ==> 下降卡子
  1377. falling period ==> 下降周期
  1378. falling phyllotaxy ==> 下行叶序
  1379. falling pressure ==> 下降压力
  1380. falling rate ==> 下沉速率
  1381. falling rate of profit ==> 利润率下降
  1382. falling slag ==> 高钙高炉渣
  1383. falling sluice ==> 跌落式泄水闸
  1384. falling speed ==> 下落速度
  1385. falling sphere test ==> 落球试验
  1386. falling sphere viscometer ==> 落球粘度计
  1387. falling sphere viscosimeter ==> 落球粘度计
  1388. falling stage ==> 水位下降期
  1389. falling star ==> 流星
  1390. falling stile ==> 垂落门梃
  1391. falling tendency ==> 看跌
  1392. falling tide ==> 退潮,落潮
  1393. falling top ==> 折叠式车顶
  1394. falling torque ==> 下降转矩
  1395. falling tup machine ==> 落锤机
  1396. falling type safety fuse filament ==> 跌落式保险熔断丝
  1397. falling volt-ampere characteristic ==> 下降伏安特性
  1398. falling weight ==> 下落重量
  1399. falling weight test ==> 冲击试验
  1400. falling(-)off ==> 下降
  1401. falling-drop method ==> 落滴法
  1402. falling-film tubular absorber ==> 降膜式列管吸收器
  1403. falling-in ==> 啮合
  1404. falling-into (coming into) step ==> 进入同步
  1405. falling-sphere viscometer ==> 沉球式粘度计
  1406. fallingball viscometer ==> 沉球式粘度计
  1407. falloff curve ==> 压降曲线
  1408. falloff law ==> 衰减定律
  1409. Fallopian tube ==> 输卵管
  1410. fallout ==> 放射性微尘,放射坠尘,沉降,沉降灰,沉降物
  1411. fallout area ==> 放射性沉降区
  1412. fallout collector ==> 沉降物收集器
  1413. fallout damage ==> 落下灰损伤
  1414. fallout injury ==> 落下灰损伤
  1415. fallout measure ==> 错检率
  1416. fallout meter ==> 沉降物测定仪,辐射量测试器
  1417. fallout monitoring ==> 沉降物监测
  1418. fallout particles ==> 落下灰粒子
  1419. fallout predictor ==> 沉降物预测器
  1420. fallout protection ==> 放射性微粒保护
  1421. fallout ratio ==> 错检率
  1422. fallout shelter ==> 沉降物掩蔽所,放射性微粒掩蔽所,放射性物体掩蔽室
  1423. fallout tester ==> 沉降物测试器
  1424. fallout winds ==> 沉降风
  1425. fallow crop ==> 休闲地作物,休闲作物
  1426. fallow field ==> 休闲田
  1427. fallow ground ==> 休耕地,休闲地
  1428. fallow paddy field ==> 休闲水田
  1429. fallow soil ==> 休闲土壤
  1430. fallow system ==> 休闲制度
  1431. fallowed and nonfallowed land ==> 休耕与不休耕地
  1432. fallowing ==> 休闲制
  1433. fallowland ==> 休闲地
  1434. fallowness ==> (土地)休闲
  1435. fallway ==> 吊物竖道
  1436. Falope ring ==> 硅橡胶节育环
  1437. Falret's circular insanity ==> 法尔雷氏循环性精神病
  1438. false ==> 谬,假,错误的=>誤った
  1439. false account ==> 假帐
  1440. false action ==> 误动作=>虚偽訴訟
  1441. false add ==> 假加,半加,无进位加法
  1442. false adrenergic transmitter ==> 假肾上腺素能递质
  1443. false advertisement ==> 虚偽の広告
  1444. false advertising ==> 不良広告,羊頭狗肉,虚偽広告
  1445. false air ==> 漏风
  1446. false alarm ==> 错误警告,假警报,虚警
  1447. false alarm rate ==> 虚率
  1448. false alarm time ==> 虚警时间
  1449. false albino ==> 伪无色个体
  1450. false amethyst ==> 假紫晶
  1451. false amnion ==> 假羊膜
  1452. false aneurysm ==> 搏动性血肿
  1453. false aneurysm due to war injury ==> 战伤假性动脉瘤
  1454. false ankylosis ==> 假性关节强直
  1455. false annual ring ==> 假年轮
  1456. false anorexia ==> 假性厌食症
  1457. false appearance ==> 假像
  1458. false arch ==> 假拱
  1459. false attic ==> 假屋顶层
  1460. false bank note ==> 偽札
  1461. false beam ==> 假梁,不承压梁,不受载梁
  1462. false bearing ==> 虚假定位
  1463. false bedding ==> 假层理
  1464. false berry ==> 假浆果
  1465. false biliary ducts ==> 假胆管
  1466. false bill ==> 假票据
  1467. false billing ==> (货物运单)虚假填报
  1468. false blossom ==> 假花
  1469. false bob ==> 假摆,模拟摆
  1470. false bottom ==> 假底,活底
  1471. false bottom retort ==> 假底甑
  1472. false branching ==> 假分枝
  1473. false brinelling ==> 虚假硬度,摩擦腐蚀压痕
  1474. false cabbage aphid ==> 萝卜蚜
  1475. false ceiling ==> 假平顶
  1476. false cell ==> 假室
  1477. false center ==> 假顶尖
  1478. false charge ==> 构陷=>誣告
  1479. false cheek ==> 箱圈
  1480. false claim ==> 虚假索赔
  1481. false cleavage ==> 假劈理
  1482. false clue ==> 間違った手掛かり
  1483. false cocoon ==> 伪茧
  1484. false code ==> 偽りコード
  1485. false code check ==> 非法代码校验,假代码检验
  1486. false codonopsis ==> 明党参
  1487. false cognate ==> 偽同族語
  1488. false coin ==> 伪造货币=>偽硬貨,偽造貨幣
  1489. false colonic obstruction ==> 假结肠梗阻
  1490. false color composite image ==> 伪彩色合成影像
  1491. false colour ==> 虚色,不坚牢色
  1492. false combination ==> 假组合
  1493. false command ==> 错误指令
  1494. false conductance ==> 假电导
  1495. false contact ==> 偽探知
  1496. false contouring ==> 假轮廓,虚假轮廓线
  1497. false core ==> 假型心
  1498. false corpus luteum ==> 假黄体
  1499. false course ==> 假航向,模拟航向=>擬似コース
  1500. false curvature ==> 假曲率
  1501. false cyst ==> 假性囊肿
  1502. false data ==> 假数据
  1503. false dawn ==> 假曙光
  1504. false deal ==> 架空取引
  1505. false deck ==> 補助甲板
  1506. false declaration ==> 虚报,虚假声明
  1507. false dichotomy ==> 假二歧分枝
  1508. false dip ==> 假倾角
  1509. false dismissal ==> 漏警
  1510. false dismissal probability ==> 漏检概率,漏警概率
  1511. false dismissal time ==> 漏警时间
  1512. false dissepiment ==> 假隔膜
  1513. false distance ==> 虚距
  1514. false drop ==> 误选
  1515. false drupe ==> 假核果
  1516. false echo ==> 虚像(無線航法),偽エコー(レーダ)
  1517. false echo image ==> 虚像(無線航法)
  1518. false echoes ==> 假回波
  1519. false egalitarianism ==> 悪平等主義
  1520. false ellipse arch ==> 近似椭圆拱
  1521. false entry ==> 伪造记录=>虚偽の記載
  1522. false error ==> 假错
  1523. false exclusion ==> 错误排除
  1524. false exit ==> 假出口
  1525. false expectation ==> 誤った期待
  1526. false firing ==> 誤点弧
  1527. false flattery ==> 心にもないお世辞
  1528. false flax ==> 亚麻芥
  1529. false floor ==> 夹层地板,假楼板
  1530. false flower ==> 造花
  1531. false form ==> 假像结构
  1532. false front ==> 假门面,散热器前护栅
  1533. false galena ==> 闪锌矿
  1534. false germination ==> 假萌发
  1535. false glide path ==> 模拟滑翔道
  1536. false header ==> 假丁砖
  1537. false heart wood ==> 假心材
  1538. false heat ==> 假发情
  1539. false hematuria ==> 假性血尿
  1540. false hood ==> 虚假
  1541. false horizon ==> 假水平线
  1542. false host ==> 假主机
  1543. false identification ==> 错误辨识
  1544. false image ==> 误像,假像,虚像=>偽像
  1545. false impersonation ==> 詐称
  1546. false intramural diverticulum ==> 假性壁内憩室
  1547. false jaw ==> 虎钳口
  1548. false joint ==> 假缝,假关节
  1549. false keel ==> 假龙骨,龙骨板
  1550. false key ==> 活键
  1551. false knot ==> 假结,脐带假结
  1552. false labor pains ==> 假阵痛
  1553. false lapis ==> 天蓝石
  1554. false leaders ==> 导桩架
  1555. false leak ==> 虚漏
  1556. false ligament ==> 假韧带
  1557. false light ==> 假光
  1558. false lights ==> (灯塔)虚假光
  1559. false loading method ==> 假负载法
  1560. false longeron ==> 辅助纵梁
  1561. false maneuver ==> 假操纵
  1562. false manifestation of vitality ==> 假神
  1563. false market and trading ==> 造假市买卖
  1564. false marriage ==> 偽装結婚
  1565. false membrane ==> 伪膜,假膜
  1566. false money ==> 假币
  1567. false mounting ==> 假爬跨
  1568. false mud crack ==> 假泥裂
  1569. false nerved ==> 具假脉的,具假脉的
  1570. false neurotransmitter ==> 伪神经介质,假神经递质,假性神经递质
  1571. false neutron ==> 不稳定性中子
  1572. false notion ==> 誤った考え
  1573. false nucleolus ==> 染色仁
  1574. false ogive ==> 整流罩,风帽
  1575. false operation ==> 虚假动作=>不正動作,不要動作
  1576. false output ==> 假输出
  1577. false pains ==> 假阵痛
  1578. false pass ==> 空走轧道
  1579. false pelvis ==> 假骨盆
  1580. false position ==> 试值法
  1581. false positive ==> 假正问题
  1582. false pregnancy ==> 假妊娠,假孕
  1583. false profit ==> 虚盈实亏
  1584. false proposition ==> 假命题
  1585. false proscenium ==> 假台口
  1586. false prosperty ==> 虚假繁荣
  1587. false pulse ==> 擬似パルス
  1588. false pyroelectricity ==> 第三热电性
  1589. false quay ==> 辅助码头
  1590. false rafter ==> 假椽
  1591. false range ==> 假距离
  1592. false rejection ==> 误拒绝
  1593. false reporting ==> 虚报
  1594. false retrieval ==> 假检索
  1595. false ribs ==> 假肋
  1596. false rice blast ==> 拟稻瘟病
  1597. false roof ==> 假屋顶,伪顶
  1598. false ruby ==> 假红宝石
  1599. false scorpions ==> 伪蝎目
  1600. false septum ==> 假隔膜
  1601. false set ==> 假凝,假凝结,假凝现象
  1602. false shaft ==> 虚轴
  1603. false signal ==> 错误信号=>擬似信号
  1604. false smoke ==> 假烟
  1605. false smut ==> 假黑粉病,稻曲病
  1606. false social value ==> 虚假社会价值
  1607. false social value theory ==> 虚价社会价值理论
  1608. false sorts ==> 假类
  1609. false stable fly ==> 厩腐蝇,厩腐蝇
  1610. false start ==> 不正确开动
  1611. false statement ==> 虚假的陈述,假命题,假语句
  1612. false strain ==> 虚假应变
  1613. false surface ==> 假面
  1614. false switching ==> 误合闸
  1615. false synchronization ==> 假同步,虚同步
  1616. false target ==> 假目标
  1617. false target generator ==> 假目标发生器
  1618. false tax ==> 虚税
  1619. false testimony ==> 伪证
  1620. false timber root ==> 木板假顶
  1621. false tooth ==> 义牙,假牙
  1622. false topaz ==> 假黄玉,黄晶,仿造黄晶
  1623. false trading ==> 虚假贸易
  1624. false tripping ==> 误脱扣=>ミストリップ
  1625. false tube ==> 假管
  1626. false Turner's syndrome ==> 假特纳氏综合征
  1627. false twist ==> 假拈,虚捻
  1628. false twist crimping machine ==> 假燃机
  1629. false vertebra ==> 假椎
  1630. false vocal cord ==> 假声带
  1631. false warm sector ==> 假暖区
  1632. false window ==> 假窗,盲窗
  1633. false wintergreen ==> 鹿含草
  1634. false yeast ==> 拟酵母
  1635. false zero ==> 虚零
  1636. false zero method ==> 虚零法
  1637. false zero test ==> 零值法测试
  1638. false zodiacal light ==> 假黄道光
  1639. false-alarm probability ==> 虚警概率
  1640. false-bottom bucket ==> 活底料斗
  1641. false-heart ==> 伪心材
  1642. false-leg jig ==> 假腿钻模
  1643. false-zero test ==> 虚零检验
  1644. falsely accused person ==> 被诬告的人
  1645. falsetto ==> 假音
  1646. falsework ==> 临时支撑,临时支架,模板支架
  1647. falsification ==> 篡改=>改ざん,偽造,歪曲,偽証
  1648. falsification of accounts ==> 不正経理
  1649. falsification of data ==> データ改ざん
  1650. falsification of document ==> 伪造文件
  1651. falsification of documents ==> 文書偽造
  1652. falsification of econometric model ==> 经济计量模型的误用,经济计量模型的误用
  1653. falsification of reality ==> 事実の曲解
  1654. falsification test ==> 反証テスト
  1655. falsify ==> 篡改,窜改,歪曲=>偽る,反証をあげる
  1656. falsify accounts ==> 伪造帐目
  1657. falsifying the account ==> 虚报亏损
  1658. falt bed cylinder press ==> 平台圆压印刷机
  1659. falt fillister screw ==> 凹槽扁头螺杆
  1660. Falten apparatus ==> 福尔特软化点测定仪
  1661. falter ==> 吃り,くじける,つまずく,行き詰まる,低迷する
  1662. faltering demand ==> 需求下降
  1663. faltering engine ==> ガタガタのエンジン
  1664. faltung integral ==> 褶合积分
  1665. falut detector ==> 故障指示器
  1666. falx of cerebellum ==> 小脑镰
  1667. falx straw ==> 亚麻杆
  1668. FAM ==> 财务及资产管理系统
  1669. FAM, field acceleration method ==> 交流电机磁场加速控制法(山村昌提案,spiral vector theory),论文见http://www.geocities.jp/ps_dictionary/yamamura/paper5.htm=>磁界加速法(山村昌氏提案の誘導機制御法)
  1670. FAM, Final Approach Mode ==> ファイナル・アプローチ・モード
  1671. fame ==> 名声
  1672. fame and fortune ==> 名声と富
  1673. familial hypo-beta-lipoproteinemia ==> 家族性低β-脂蛋白血症
  1674. familial idiocy ==> 家族性痴呆
  1675. familial intestinal polyposis ==> 家族性肠息肉病
  1676. familial Mediterranean fever ==> 家族性地中海热
  1677. familial periodic paralysis ==> 卡魏尔氏病
  1678. familial splenic anemia ==> 高歇氏病
  1679. famille rose decoration ==> 软彩
  1680. famille-rose porcelain ==> 粉彩瓷
  1681. family ==> 族
  1682. family ataxia ==> 弗里德赖希氏共济失调
  1683. family brand ==> 统一品牌
  1684. family brands ==> 同族牌子
  1685. family breeding ==> 家畜繁育
  1686. family broken horse ==> 温驯马
  1687. family card ==> 分类卡
  1688. family chip ==> 系列片
  1689. family component ==> 族部件
  1690. family connections ==> 家族の絆
  1691. family line investigation ==> 家系调查
  1692. family machine ==> 族计算机
  1693. family mold ==> 多腔铸型
  1694. family of characteristics ==> 特性曲线族
  1695. family of functions ==> 関数族
  1696. family of half-curves ==> 半曲线族
  1697. family of sets ==> 集合族
  1698. family of stationary curves ==> 平稳曲线族
  1699. family of the deceased ==> 遺族
  1700. family of victims ==> 遺族
  1701. family selection ==> 家系选择,系谱选择
  1702. family tree ==> 系谱,系谱树,族树,家系
  1703. family wagon body ==> 家庭用旅行车车身
  1704. family-run business ==> 町工場
  1705. family-use grinder ==> 家用粉碎机
  1706. famine edema ==> 飢餓水腫
  1707. famine price ==> 严重缺货时的市价
  1708. famos ==> 浮栅雪崩注入型金属氧化物半导体
  1709. FAMOS memory ==> 浮栅雪崩注入MOS存储器
  1710. famotine hydrochloride(UK 2054) ==> 抑感灵
  1711. famous and precious ==> 名贵
  1712. famous brand ==> 名牌,名牌货
  1713. famous painting ==> 名画
  1714. famous product ==> 名产
  1715. famous scenic spot ==> 胜地
  1716. famousbrand products ==> 名牌产品
  1717. fan ==> 风扇,风选机,排风机,排风扇,扇,扇形地,扇状流,扇状物=>扇風機,扇形,ファン
  1718. fan aerial ==> 扇形天线
  1719. fan air intake ==> 风扇进气口
  1720. fan antenna ==> 扇形天线=>ファンアンテナ
  1721. fan atomizer ==> 扇式喷雾器,风扇式喷雾器
  1722. fan baffle ==> 风扇导流板
  1723. fan beam ==> 扇形波射束,扇形波束,扇形光束=>ファンビーム
  1724. fan beam beacon ==> 扇形波束信标
  1725. fan belt ==> 风扇传动皮带,风扇带,风扇皮带
  1726. fan belt tester ==> ファンベルト試験機
  1727. fan blade ==> 风机叶片,风扇叶片,风扇叶子板
  1728. fan blade arm ==> 风扇叶片支架
  1729. fan blower ==> 扇风机
  1730. fan board ==> 风扇架
  1731. fan box ==> 风扇盒
  1732. fan brake ==> 叶片式空气制动器
  1733. fan burden ==> 扇形炮孔间距
  1734. fan cardan shaft ==> 风扇万向轴
  1735. fan chamber ==> 扇风机房
  1736. fan characteristic ==> 风扇特性曲线
  1737. fan chart ==> 扇形图
  1738. fan chimney ==> 扇风机出风筒
  1739. fan cleavage ==> 扇形劈理
  1740. fan coil ==> 风机盘管
  1741. fan compression ratio ==> 风扇压缩比
  1742. fan connector ==> 扇形连接器
  1743. fan control ==> 风扇调节器
  1744. fan control word ==> 扇控制字
  1745. fan convector heater ==> 扇动对流加热器
  1746. fan conveyer ==> 旋转式运送机
  1747. fan cooler ==> 风扇冷却器
  1748. fan cooling ==> 风扇冷却
  1749. fan coral ==> 扇柳珊瑚
  1750. fan coupler ==> 风扇耦合器
  1751. fan cut ==> 扇形掘进,扇状展开
  1752. fan delivery ==> 风机风量
  1753. fan delta ==> 扇状三角洲
  1754. fan diagram ==> 扇形图
  1755. fan dial ==> 扇形度盘,扇形刻度盘,半圆形刻度盘
  1756. fan diffuser ==> 扇风机扩散器
  1757. fan discharge ==> 扇风机出风口
  1758. fan drift ==> 扇风机引风道,通风道
  1759. fan drill rig ==> 扇形孔凿岩台车
  1760. fan drilling ==> 扇形孔凿岩,扇形钻孔
  1761. fan drive ==> 风机传动装置
  1762. fan driven generator ==> 风动发电机
  1763. fan driven turbine ==> 驱动风扇涡轮
  1764. fan drum ==> 风扇外壳
  1765. fan duster ==> 翼式除尘机
  1766. fan duty ==> 风扇特性
  1767. fan dynamometer ==> 风扇测力计,风扇式测力计
  1768. fan effect ==> 扇风效应
  1769. fan efficiency ==> 风机效率,风扇效率
  1770. fan electromotor ==> 风扇电机
  1771. fan end thrust ball bearing ==> 风扇端止推滚球轴承
  1772. fan engine ==> 扇风机
  1773. fan evase ==> 扇风机出风筒
  1774. fan evasion stack ==> 扇风机出风筒
  1775. fan exhaust ==> 风扇排气
  1776. fan filter ==> 扇形滤波,扇形滤光器
  1777. fan flywheel ==> 带扇飞轮
  1778. fan fold ==> 扇状褶曲,扇状褶皱
  1779. fan forced heater ==> 温風暖房器
  1780. fan gate ==> 扇形浇口,扇形闸门
  1781. fan gear housing ==> 风扇齿轮箱
  1782. fan geometry mixing laser ==> 扇形结构混合激光器
  1783. fan governor ==> 风扇调节器
  1784. fan guard ==> 风扇罩
  1785. fan heating ==> 风扇式热风供暖
  1786. fan holes ==> 扇形炮孔组
  1787. fan house ==> 通风机房
  1788. fan housing ==> 风扇罩
  1789. fan hub ==> 扇风机工作轮轮壳
  1790. fan impeller ==> 扇风机叶轮,风扇叶轮
  1791. fan in ==> 扇出=>ファンイン
  1792. fan in fan out ==> ファンインファンアウト
  1793. fan inlet ==> 通风进气口
  1794. fan inversion ==> 扇风机反转
  1795. fan jet ==> 扇形喷流
  1796. fan joint ==> 风扇接头
  1797. fan jumbo ==> 扇形孔凿岩台车
  1798. fan layout ==> 扇风机布置
  1799. fan marker ==> 扇形指点标=>ファンマーカ
  1800. fan marker beacon ==> 扇形指点标
  1801. fan mill ==> 风扇磨煤机,将磨煤机送出的煤粉中的不合格粗粉从气粉混合物中分离出来,送回磨煤机继续磨碎的装置。
  1802. fan motor ==> 风扇电动机,风扇马达
  1803. fan nozzle ==> 扇形喷嘴
  1804. fan out ==> 扇出,扇形展开=>ファンアウト
  1805. fan out branch ==> 扇出转移
  1806. fan out capability ==> 扇出能力
  1807. fan outlet ==> 扇风机出风道,电扇出线口
  1808. fan palm ==> 蒲葵,扇形棕榈
  1809. fan pattern ==> (炮孔的)扇形布置
  1810. fan propeller ==> 风扇转子
  1811. fan pulley ==> 风扇皮带轮
  1812. fan pump ==> 风扇式泵
  1813. fan rating ==> 风机额定性能,扇风机额定能力
  1814. fan ratio ==> 扇出率
  1815. fan ray ==> 扇形射线
  1816. fan reversal ==> 扇风机反转
  1817. fan ring ==> 风扇外环
  1818. fan roof ==> 扇形花格交叉拱顶
  1819. fan room ==> 鼓风机室
  1820. fan round ==> 扇形炮孔组
  1821. fan runner ==> 扇风机操作工
  1822. fan section ==> 扇形区
  1823. fan shaft ==> 扇风机轴,风扇轴
  1824. fan shaft bearing ==> 风扇轴轴承
  1825. fan shaft gear ==> 风扇轴齿轮
  1826. fan shooting ==> 扇形放射
  1827. fan shutter ==> 扇风机节风闸门,通风机闸门
  1828. fan shutter adjustment lever ==> 风扇进风门调节杆
  1829. fan shutter control ==> 风扇进风门调节器
  1830. fan slip ==> 风扇滑流
  1831. fan speed regulator switch ==> 风扇变速开关
  1832. fan spider ==> 扇风机星形轮
  1833. fan spindle bearing ==> 风扇轴承
  1834. fan spoked wheel ==> 风扇辐轮
  1835. fan static head ==> 扇风机静压头
  1836. fan static pressure ==> 扇风机静压力,风机静压力
  1837. fan stern ==> 扇形船尾
  1838. fan structure ==> 扇状构造
  1839. fan system ==> 扇形系统
  1840. fan terrace ==> (冲积成)扇阶地
  1841. fan test ==> 扇风试验,风机试验
  1842. fan test object ==> 扇形测试物
  1843. fan thrust reverser ==> 风扇推力反向器
  1844. fan total head ==> 风机总压头
  1845. fan total pressure ==> 风机总压力
  1846. fan tracery ==> 扇形格架,扇形花格架
  1847. fan trained cordon ==> 扇状单干形
  1848. fan trained tree ==> 扇状整枝树
  1849. fan truss ==> 扇形桁架
  1850. fan unit ==> 扇风设备
  1851. fan vault ==> 扇形拱顶,扇形穹顶
  1852. fan vaulting ==> 扇形穹顶,扇形穹拱
  1853. fan veined ==> 扇状脉的
  1854. fan ventilation ==> 扇风机通风
  1855. fan ventilator ==> 风扇式通风机,风扇通风器
  1856. fan wheel ==> 扇风机风轮
  1857. fan window ==> 扇形窗
  1858. fan-beam ==> 扇束
  1859. fan-blast ==> 通风机的鼓风
  1860. fan-coil unit ==> 风机盘管机组,冷暖气送风机
  1861. fan-cooled machine ==> 扇冷电机
  1862. fan-cooled motor ==> 全封密风冷式电动机
  1863. fan-draught cooler ==> 风扇冷却器
  1864. fan-drill ==> 扇形孔凿岩机
  1865. fan-driven generator ==> 风力发电机
  1866. fan-head nozzle ==> 扇形头喷嘴
  1867. fan-heater ==> 风扇式空气加热器
  1868. fan-in ==> 扇入
  1869. fan-in argument ==> 扇入变元
  1870. fan-in network ==> 扇入网络,输入网络
  1871. fan-jet ==> 鼓风式喷气发动机
  1872. fan-key cock ==> 阔把龙头
  1873. fan-like pattern ==> 扇面形
  1874. fan-out ==> 输出端数,逻辑输出
  1875. fan-out argument ==> 扇出变元
  1876. fan-out limitation ==> 扇出极限
  1877. fan-out logic function ==> 扇出逻辑函数
  1878. fan-out modem ==> 扇出调制解调器
  1879. fan-out network ==> 扇出网络
  1880. fan-out node ==> 扇出节点
  1881. fan-out stem ==> 扇出干线
  1882. fan-pattren holes ==> 扇形炮孔组
  1883. fan-shaped ==> 扇形的,扇状,扁形的
  1884. fan-shaped allurium ==> 冲积扇
  1885. fan-shaped alluvial tract ==> 扇形冲积地带
  1886. fan-shaped arc ==> 扇形弧
  1887. fan-shaped beam ==> 扇形射束
  1888. fan-shaped dock ==> 扇形港池
  1889. fan-shaped drainage ==> 扇形水系
  1890. fan-shaped floor tile ==> 扇形铺地砖
  1891. fan-shaped fold ==> 扇状褶皱
  1892. fan-shaped gate ==> 扇形门
  1893. fan-shaped grating ==> 扇形光栅
  1894. fan-shaped laser beam ==> 扇形激光束
  1895. fan-shaped manhole ==> 扇形人孔
  1896. fan-shaped nebula ==> 扇状星云
  1897. fan-shaped pattern ==> 扇形图案
  1898. fan-shaped plan ==> 扇形平面
  1899. fan-shaped reed ==> 扇形筘
  1900. fan-shaped round ==> 扇形炮孔组
  1901. fan-shaped tail ==> 扇状彗尾
  1902. fan-shaped training ==> 扇形整枝
  1903. fan-shaped tree ==> 扇形树
  1904. fan-spray nozzle ==> 雾化膜喷嘴
  1905. fan-talus ==> 扇形岩堆
  1906. fan-type aeroengine ==> 扇形航空发动机
  1907. fan-type engine ==> 扇形发动机,风扇式发动机=>扇形機関
  1908. fan-type nozzle ==> 扇形喷嘴
  1909. fan-ventilated moter ==> 风扇冷却电动机
  1910. fan-volute ==> 扇风机出风扩散螺道
  1911. fan/blower loads ==> ファン・ブロワ負荷
  1912. fanboy ==> 御宅族,宅男宅女=>おたく
  1913. fancy accounting ==> 粉饰结算
  1914. fancy basket weave ==> 变化方平组织
  1915. fancy bird ==> 观赏型家禽
  1916. fancy breed ==> 观赏品种
  1917. fancy carp ==> 観賞コイ
  1918. fancy carton ==> 彩色纸盒
  1919. fancy crepe de Chine ==> 采新绉
  1920. fancy embossing card ==> 美术纸板
  1921. fancy fabric ==> 变化组织织物
  1922. fancy fair ==> 杂货市集
  1923. fancy finish ==> 美术涂饰剂
  1924. fancy glass ware ==> 艺术玻璃皿
  1925. fancy glaze ==> 花釉
  1926. fancy goods ==> 杂货,新奇商品
  1927. fancy lantern ==> 彩灯
  1928. fancy loom ==> 花式织物织机
  1929. fancy mat weave ==> 变化方平组织
  1930. fancy packing box ==> 彩印包装盒
  1931. fancy paper ==> 彩色纸,热门股票
  1932. fancy points ==> 观赏性状
  1933. fancy rib top machine ==> 花罗纹袜口机
  1934. fancy wood ==> 贵重木材
  1935. fancy-jersey machine ==> 单面花式针织机
  1936. fang bolt ==> 地脚螺丝,板座螺栓,板座栓
  1937. Fangeron kiln ==> 法格仑窑
  1938. fango ==> 矿泥
  1939. fango therapy ==> 温泉泥疗法
  1940. fanlight opener ==> 楣窗开关
  1941. fanlight opening gear ==> 扇形窗开闭传动装置
  1942. fanlight quadrant ==> 扇形窗上的扇形档
  1943. fanlike structure ==> 扇形构造
  1944. Fanling Sewage Treatment Works ==> 粉岭污水处理厂
  1945. fanned beam antenna ==> 扇形射束天线
  1946. fanned-beam antenna ==> 扇形定向天线
  1947. Fannia canicularis ==> 夏厕蝇
  1948. fanning ==> 扇形編出(布線)
  1949. fanning beam ==> 扇形射束
  1950. fanning machine ==> 通风机,通风器,风选机
  1951. fanning mill ==> 风车
  1952. fanning mill anemometer ==> 叶轮式风速表
  1953. fanning mill chute ==> 风选机喂入槽
  1954. fanning mill shutter adjuster ==> 分选机进风门调节器,风选机进风门调节器
  1955. fanning pollutant ==> 弱状污染物
  1956. fanning strip ==> 扇形板,扇形端子板,扇形片
  1957. Fanno flow ==> 法诺流动
  1958. Fano effect ==> ファノ効果
  1959. Fano interference ==> ファノ干渉
  1960. Fano manifold ==> ファノ多様体
  1961. Fano plane ==> ファノ平面
  1962. fanout capability ==> 输出能力
  1963. fanout feature ==> 扇出特点
  1964. fantail arch ==> 扇形拱
  1965. fantail burner ==> 扇尾形火焰喷燃器,鸠尾燃烧器
  1966. fantail deck ==> 船尾甲板
  1967. fantail joint ==> 鸠尾接合
  1968. fantail roof ==> 扇形屋顶
  1969. fantail stern ==> 扇形船尾
  1970. fantail suction hood ==> 扇形吸入罩
  1971. fantastic ==> 幻想的
  1972. fantastic architecture ==> 奇趣建筑
  1973. fantastron multivibrator ==> 幻像多谐振荡器
  1974. fantasy ==> 想像,空想,気まぐれ
  1975. fantasy and reality ==> 空想と現実
  1976. fantom view ==> 剖视图
  1977. FANUC ==> 发那科,日本的机器人制造厂家=>ファナック株式会社
  1978. FAP laser ==> 氟磷酸钙激光器
  1979. FAPS, flexible automation and production system ==> フレキシブルオートメーションと生産システム
  1980. FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions ==> よく寄せられる質問。一般に、基本的な事柄についての質問と回答を含む文書。ほとんどの Web サイトに FAQ が用意されています。利用者は、FAQ を見ることで、その Web サイトに含まれるトピックやテーマと、最も適切な使用方法に関する一般的なガイドラインを知ることができます。
  1981. far ==> 远
  1982. far advanced tuber culosis ==> 重度肺结核
  1983. far and away ==> 远远
  1984. far beam ==> 远光
  1985. far contact printer ==> 接近式曝光装置
  1986. far end crosstalk ==> 运端串扰
  1987. FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations ==> 联邦条例
  1988. far field ==> 远场
  1989. far field pattern ==> 遠視野パターン,遠方場電磁界パターン(アンテナ電磁界解析用語)
  1990. far field pattern of laser ==> 激光远场图
  1991. far infra red radiant element ==> 远红外副射元件
  1992. far infrared ==> 遠赤外線
  1993. far infrared absorption spectrum ==> 远红外吸收光谱
  1994. far infrared application ==> 遠赤外線応用
  1995. far infrared communication ==> 远红外通信
  1996. far infrared detection ==> 遠赤外検出
  1997. far infrared image ==> 远红外成像
  1998. far infrared imagery ==> 远红外成像
  1999. far infrared interference ==> 远红外干涉
  2000. far infrared interferometer ==> 远红外干涉仪
  2001. far infrared laser ==> 远红外激光器=>遠赤外レーザ
  2002. far infrared photoconductivity ==> 远红外光电导
  2003. far infrared photodiode ==> 远红外光电二极管
  2004. far infrared radiation ==> 远红外辐射=>遠赤外線
  2005. far infrared radiation source ==> 遠赤外放射源
  2006. far infrared ray ==> 远红外线
  2007. far infrared rays ==> 远红外线
  2008. far infrared reststrahlen spectrum ==> 远红外余辉带光谱
  2009. far infrared technology ==> 遠赤外線技術
  2010. far infrared transmission filter ==> 远红外透射滤光片
  2011. far IR ==> 远红外
  2012. far off ==> 遥远
  2013. far point ==> 远点,明视远点
  2014. far region ==> 夫琅和费区
  2015. far ultraviolet ==> 远紫外线
  2016. far ultraviolet laser ==> 远紫外激光器
  2017. far ultraviolet radiation ==> 远紫外辐射
  2018. far ultraviolet rays ==> 遠紫外線
  2019. far uv laser ==> 远紫外激光器
  2020. far vane ==> 远瞄准照尺
  2021. far zone ==> 远区,夫琅和费区
  2022. far zone condition ==> 远区条件
  2023. FAR, False Accept Rate ==> 他人受け入れ率
  2024. FAR, Federal Acquisition Regulation ==> 連邦データ捕捉規則
  2025. FAR, Federal Aviation Regulation ==> 連邦飛行規則
  2026. FAR, flow alternative record ==> フロー変更記録
  2027. far-end ==> 远端
  2028. far-end cross talk ==> 远端串扰
  2029. far-end cross-talk attenuation ==> 远端串话衰减
  2030. far-end crosstalk ==> 远端串话
  2031. far-end field ==> 远端场
  2032. far-end infrared frequency ==> 超级高频
  2033. far-end interference ==> 远端干扰
  2034. far-end operated terminal echo suppressor ==> 远端操作的终端回波抑制器
  2035. far-end-crosstalk ==> 遠端漏話
  2036. far-field analyser ==> 远场分析器
  2037. far-field approximation ==> 远场近似
  2038. far-field Cassegrainian antenna ==> 远场凯氏天线
  2039. far-field displacement ==> 远场位移
  2040. far-field distribution ==> 远场分布
  2041. far-field expressions ==> 远场表示式
  2042. far-field fringes ==> 远场条纹
  2043. far-field holography ==> 远场全息术
  2044. far-field interference pattern ==> 远场干涉图
  2045. far-field noise ==> 远场噪声
  2046. far-field pattern ==> 远场图形
  2047. far-field polar radiation ==> 远场极辐射
  2048. far-field region ==> 远场区域
  2049. far-field seismic signal ==> 远场地震讯号
  2050. far-field sensitivity ==> 远场灵敏度
  2051. far-field spectra ==> 远场谱
  2052. far-flung area ==> 遠隔地
  2053. far-from generator short-circuit ==> 远端短路,短路电流的对称交流分量的值在短路过程中基本保持不变的短路
  2054. far-infrared ==> 远红外线
  2055. far-infrared ays drying ==> 远红外线烘干
  2056. far-infrared band ==> 远红外波段,远红外区
  2057. far-infrared detector ==> 远红外探测器
  2058. far-infrared gear ==> 远红外仪器
  2059. far-infrared heater ==> 远红外加热器
  2060. far-infrared laser ==> 远红外线激光器
  2061. far-infrared maser ==> 远红外脉泽
  2062. far-infrared photoconductor ==> 远红外探测器
  2063. far-infrared radiation ==> 远红外辐射,远红外线辐射
  2064. far-infrared region ==> 远红外区
  2065. far-infrared therapeutic unit ==> 远红外线治疗机
  2066. far-miss ==> 远距脱靶
  2067. far-off place ==> 遠隔地
  2068. far-reaching ==> 深远的
  2069. far-reaching design ==> 远景设计
  2070. far-reaching designs ==> 长远的计划
  2071. far-reaching headlamp ==> 远光头灯
  2072. far-reaching plan ==> 远景规划
  2073. far-red light ==> 远红光
  2074. far-seeing plan ==> 远景规划
  2075. far-sight ==> 远见力
  2076. far-superheavy nuclei ==> 远超重核
  2077. far-to-near rotation ==> 遠近回転法
  2078. far-ultraviolet ray ==> 远紫外线
  2079. far-ultraviolet region ==> 远紫外区
  2080. fara ==> 款冬,款冬叶
  2081. Farabeuf's operation ==> 法腊布夫氏手术
  2082. Farabeufs operation ==> 法腊布夫氏手术
  2083. farad ==> 法,(电容单位)法拉
  2084. farad (F) ==> 法
  2085. farad bridge ==> 电容电桥
  2086. Faradaic impedance ==> 法拉第阻抗
  2087. Faraday ==> 法拉第
  2088. faraday ==> 法拉第
  2089. Faraday balance ==> 法拉第天平
  2090. Faraday birefringence ==> 法拉第双折射
  2091. Faraday cage ==> 法拉第筒(静电屏蔽),法拉第笼,法拉第屏蔽,法拉第氏罩
  2092. Faraday constant ==> 法拉第,法拉第常数
  2093. Faraday cylinder ==> 法拉第圆筒
  2094. Faraday dark space ==> 法拉第暗区
  2095. Faraday depolarization ==> 法拉第消偏振
  2096. Faraday disk machine ==> 法拉第圆盘机
  2097. Faraday driver ==> 法拉第驱动器
  2098. Faraday effect ==> 法拉第效应=>ファラデー効果
  2099. Faraday generator ==> 法拉第圆盘机
  2100. Faraday isolator ==> 法拉第绝缘体
  2101. Faraday magnetooptical effect ==> 法拉第磁光效应
  2102. Faraday pulsation ==> 法拉第脉动
  2103. Faraday rotation ==> 法拉第旋转,法拉第效应
  2104. Faraday rotation effect ==> 法拉第旋转效应
  2105. Faraday rotation isolator ==> 法拉第旋转式隔离器
  2106. Faraday rotator ==> 法拉第旋转器
  2107. faraday screen ==> 静电屏蔽,静电屏蔽
  2108. Faraday screen ==> 静电屏蔽,静电屏蔽,法拉第屏
  2109. Faraday shield ==> 法拉第屏蔽
  2110. Faraday shutter ==> 法拉第快门
  2111. Faraday tube ==> 法拉第管
  2112. Faraday type generator ==> ファラデー形発電機
  2113. Faraday's cup ==> ファラデーカップ
  2114. Faraday's dark space ==> ファラデー暗部
  2115. Faraday's disc dynamo ==> 法拉第圆盘发电机
  2116. Faraday's effect ==> ファラデー効果
  2117. Faraday's law ==> 电磁感应定律,法拉第定律=>ファラデーの法則
  2118. faraday's law of electrolysis ==> 法拉第电解定律
  2119. Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction ==> 法拉第电磁感应定律
  2120. Faraday's law of induction ==> 法拉第感应定律
  2121. Faraday's laws of electrolysis ==> 法拉第电解定律
  2122. Faraday's rotation ==> ファラデー回転
  2123. Faraday's rotation isolator ==> ファラデー回転形単向管
  2124. Faraday's screen ==> ファラデースクリーン
  2125. Faraday's tube ==> ファラデー管
  2126. Faraday, M.Faraday ==> 1791-1867,法拉第,英国科学家
  2127. Faraday-ice bucket experiment ==> 法拉第冰桶试验
  2128. Faradays law ==> 法拉第定律
  2129. faradic current ==> 感应电流
  2130. faradic currents ==> 法拉第电流
  2131. faradic electricity ==> 感应电
  2132. faradic shock ==> 感应电震
  2133. faradic tetanic stimulation ==> 感应电强直刺激
  2134. Faradic treatment unit ==> 感应电治疗装置
  2135. faradimeter ==> 感应电流计
  2136. faradism ==> 感应电疗,感应电疗法
  2137. faradization ==> 感应电疗法
  2138. faradize ==> 感应电流刺激
  2139. faradmeter ==> 电容测试器,法拉计
  2140. faradotherapy ==> 感应电疗
  2141. faratron ==> 液面控制器
  2142. farcy ==> 马皮疽,鼻疽
  2143. fardage ==> 承载垫层
  2144. fare free age ==> 免费年龄
  2145. fare register ==> 里程计
  2146. fare-thee-well ==> 最大限
  2147. Fareham reds ==> 法列哈姆式红面砖
  2148. farewell buoy ==> 海界浮标,海口浮标
  2149. Farewell rock ==> 磨刀砂岩
  2150. fargelin ==> 化痔灵
  2151. farina ==> 谷粉,马铃薯淀粉
  2152. Farinales ==> 粉粒目
  2153. farinfrared spectrophotometer ==> 远红外分光光度计
  2154. Faringdon sponge bed ==> 法林登海绵层
  2155. farinha ==> 木薯粉
  2156. farinograph ==> 淀粉测定记录仪
  2157. farinometer ==> 面粉谷胶测定器
  2158. farinose ==> 被粉的
  2159. Farkas lemma ==> 法卡斯引理
  2160. Farleigh Down stone ==> 法雷当石
  2161. farm ==> 田间,饲养场
  2162. farm animal ==> 家畜
  2163. farm antibiotics ==> 农用抗生素
  2164. farm building ==> 农村建筑
  2165. farm cart ==> 农用拖车
  2166. farm crane ==> 农用起重机
  2167. farm crop ==> 农作物
  2168. farm ditch ==> 农沟,毛渠
  2169. farm drain tile ==> 农田用瓦管
  2170. farm drainage ==> 农田排水
  2171. farm electrification ==> 农村电气化
  2172. farm engine ==> 农用发动机=>農業用エンジン
  2173. farm equipment factory ==> 农机制造厂
  2174. farm fence ==> 农田栅栏
  2175. farm field ==> 农田
  2176. farm forestry ==> 农场式林业,混农林业
  2177. farm household disease ==> 农家病
  2178. farm implement ==> 农具
  2179. farm implements ==> 农具
  2180. farm insecticide ==> 农药
  2181. farm investment ==> 农业投资
  2182. farm land ==> 农业土地
  2183. farm leveller ==> 农用平地机
  2184. farm loading equipment ==> 农用装载设备
  2185. farm machine ==> 农场用机器
  2186. farm machinery ==> 农用机械
  2187. farm machinery and implement ==> 农业机械及农具
  2188. farm machinery production ==> 农业机械生产
  2189. farm management ==> 农场管理
  2190. farm mechanization ==> 农业机械化
  2191. farm milk cooler ==> 农场用牛奶冷却器
  2192. farm motor ==> 农用电动机
  2193. farm neutron ==> 農事電化
  2194. farm plot for one's personal needs ==> 自留地
  2195. farm pond ==> 农业用贮水池,池塘
  2196. farm posthole auger ==> 合抱式取土钻
  2197. farm power ==> 农业动力,农用动力
  2198. farm production cost ==> 农场生产成本
  2199. farm research station ==> 农业试验站
  2200. farm team ==> 同套挽马
  2201. farm tools showroom ==> 陈列农具室
  2202. farm tractor ==> 农用拖拉机
  2203. farm tractor fuel ==> 农业拖拉机燃料
  2204. farm tractor tyre ==> 农用拖拉机轮胎
  2205. farm truck ==> 农用载货汽车
  2206. farm wagon ==> 农场用带篷挂车,农用拖车,四轮大车
  2207. farm water requirement ==> 田间需水量
  2208. farm woodland ==> 农场式林地
  2209. farm woodlot ==> 农场式林地
  2210. farm woods ==> 农场式森林
  2211. farm-land management ==> 农业土地管理
  2212. farm-machinery industry ==> 农业机械工业
  2213. farm-raised calf ==> 本场培育的犊牛
  2214. farmer sausage ==> 猪牛肉腊肠
  2215. farmer's lung ==> 农民肺,霉尘肺
  2216. Farmer's reducer ==> 法梅减薄液
  2217. farmer's year ==> 农事年
  2218. farmers reserving grain for the state ==> 民代国储
  2219. farming ==> 耕种
  2220. farming industry ==> 农产品加工业
  2221. farming machine ==> 农业机器
  2222. farming method ==> 耕作方法
  2223. farming system ==> 农作制度
  2224. farmland ==> 耕地,田地
  2225. farmland running to weeds ==> 草荒
  2226. farmland water ==> 农业土壤用水
  2227. farmout ==> 転貸
  2228. farms producing good poultry and animal strains ==> 畜禽良种场
  2229. farmstead ==> 农场建筑物
  2230. farmstead engineering ==> 农场工程
  2231. farmyard ==> 农业场地
  2232. farmyard manure ==> 农家肥料
  2233. farmyard manure spreader with horizontal roller ==> 带水平辊农家肥撒布机
  2234. farnesene ==> 金合欢烯,法呢烯
  2235. farnesol ==> 法呢醇,金合欢醇
  2236. farnesyl- ==> 法呢基
  2237. farnesylpyrophosphate ==> 焦磷酸法尼酯
  2238. faro ==> 小环礁,小珊瑚礁
  2239. faroelite ==> 杆沸石
  2240. Farre's white line ==> 法尔氏线
  2241. farrerol ==> 杜鹃素
  2242. farrerolum syntheticum ==> 杜鹃合成素
  2243. Farres line ==> 法尔氏线
  2244. Farres white line ==> 法尔氏线
  2245. Farror's process ==> 费洛法
  2246. Farrors process ==> 费洛法
  2247. farrow ==> 一窝新产猪
  2248. farrow two litter a year ==> 一年生两窝猪
  2249. farrowing cage ==> 产仔栏
  2250. farrowing fever ==> 产仔热
  2251. farrowing house ==> 产仔猪舍
  2252. farrowing hut ==> 产仔临时猪舍
  2253. farrowing of premature pig ==> 早产仔猪
  2254. farrowing pen ==> 猪产圈
  2255. farrowing sow ==> 怀孕母猪
  2256. farrowing stall ==> 产仔栏
  2257. Farrs technique ==> 法尔氏技术
  2258. Fars Series ==> 法尔斯流
  2259. farsightedness ==> 远视
  2260. farvitron ==> 线振质谱计,分压指示计
  2261. FAS Free Alongside Ship ==> 船边交货价格
  2262. FAS, facility accommodation system ==> 設備格納システム
  2263. FAS, fixed airlock shroud ==> 固定エアロックシュラウド
  2264. FAS, Foreign Agricultural Service ==> 外国農業局
  2265. FAS, Free Alongside Ship ==> 船側渡条件
  2266. FASA Federation of ASIAN Shipowners Association ==> 亚洲船主协会联盟
  2267. fascia ==> 汽车仪表板,托板
  2268. fascia antebrachii ==> 前臂筋膜
  2269. fascia axillaris ==> 腋筋膜
  2270. fascia board ==> 仪表板,挑口板
  2271. fascia brachii ==> 臂筋膜
  2272. fascia buccopharyngea ==> 颊咽筋膜
  2273. fascia bulbi ==> 眼球筋膜
  2274. fascia cervicalis ==> 颈筋膜,颈筋膜
  2275. fascia coracoclei dopectoralis ==> 喙锁胸筋膜
  2276. fascia coracocleido-pectoralis ==> 喙锁胸筋膜
  2277. fascia cribrosa ==> 卵圆窝筛状板
  2278. fascia cruris ==> 小腿筋膜
  2279. fascia cutter ==> 筋膜切割器
  2280. fascia diaphragmatis ==> 膈筋膜
  2281. fascia diaphragmatis pelvis inferior ==> 肛筋膜,盆膈下筋膜
  2282. fascia diaphragmatis pelvis superior ==> 盆膈上筋膜
  2283. fascia dorsalis pedis ==> 足背筋膜
  2284. fascia endothoracica ==> 胸内筋膜
  2285. fascia iliaca ==> 髂筋膜,艾伯内西氏筋膜
  2286. fascia iliopectinea ==> 髂耻弓,髂耻筋膜
  2287. fascia massetrica ==> 咬肌筋膜
  2288. fascia muscularis ==> 肌筋膜
  2289. fascia obturatoria ==> 闭孔肌筋膜,闭孔筋膜
  2290. fascia of nape ==> 项筋膜
  2291. fascia pectinea ==> 耻骨筋膜
  2292. fascia pectoralis ==> 胸肌筋膜
  2293. fascia pelvis ==> 盆筋膜
  2294. fascia pelvis parietalis ==> 盆壁筋膜
  2295. fascia pelvis visceralis ==> 盆腔筋膜,盆脏筋膜
  2296. fascia penis ==> 阴茎筋膜,布克氏筋膜
  2297. fascia perinei superficialis ==> 会阴浅筋膜,克律韦利埃氏筋膜
  2298. fascia pharyngobasilaris ==> 咽颅底筋膜
  2299. fascia phrenicopleuralis ==> 膈胸膜筋膜
  2300. fascia propria ==> 固有筋膜
  2301. fascia prostatae ==> 前列腺筋膜
  2302. fascia spermatica ==> 精索筋膜
  2303. fascia spermatica externa ==> 精索外筋膜
  2304. fascia spermatica interna ==> 精索内筋膜
  2305. fascia stripper ==> 筋膜切割器
  2306. fascia subcutanea ==> 皮下筋膜
  2307. fascia subperitonealis ==> 腹膜下筋膜
  2308. fascia superficialis ==> 颈筋膜浅层,颈筋膜浅层,颈皮下筋膜,颈皮下筋膜,颈浅筋膜,颈浅筋膜,浅筋膜
  2309. fascia thoracica ==> 胸廓筋膜
  2310. fascia thoracolumbalis ==> 胸腰筋膜
  2311. fascia transversalis ==> 横筋膜
  2312. fascia unchae ==> 项筋膜
  2313. fascia-fat transplantation ==> 筋膜-脂肪移植
  2314. fasciae orbitales ==> 眶筋膜
  2315. fasciagram ==> 筋膜造影片
  2316. fasciagraphy ==> 筋膜造影术
  2317. fascial bursa ==> 筋膜囊
  2318. fascial graft ==> 筋膜移植片
  2319. fascial grafting ==> 筋膜移植
  2320. fascial hernia ==> 筋膜疝
  2321. fascial plane ==> 筋膜平面
  2322. fascial reflex ==> 筋膜反射
  2323. fascial rupture ==> 筋膜破裂
  2324. fascial sarcoma ==> 筋膜肉瘤
  2325. fascial space ==> 筋膜间隙
  2326. fasciaplasty ==> 筋膜成形术
  2327. fasciated yarn ==> 包缠纱
  2328. fasciation ==> 带化现象,(植病)绷带化
  2329. fascicular system ==> 维管束系统
  2330. fasciculate root ==> 丛状根
  2331. fasciculation potential ==> 束电位
  2332. fasciculi longitudinales ==> 纵束
  2333. fasciculi proprii dorsales ==> 背侧固有束
  2334. fasciculi proprii posteriores ==> 后固有束
  2335. fasciculus dorsalis ==> 后索
  2336. fasciculus dorsolateralis ==> 背外侧束
  2337. fasciculus fronto-occipitalis ==> 额枕束
  2338. fasciculus intermedius ==> 中间束
  2339. fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis ==> 背侧纵束
  2340. fasciculus longitudinalis medialis ==> 内侧纵束
  2341. fasciculus longitudinalis superior ==> 上纵束
  2342. fasciculus medialis ==> 内侧束
  2343. fasciculus occipitofrontalis inferior ==> 额枕下束
  2344. fasciculus posterior ==> 后束
  2345. fasciculus prosencephalicus medialis ==> 前脑内侧束
  2346. fasciculus thalamicus ==> 丘脑束
  2347. fascine barge ==> 柴捆船
  2348. fascine bundle ==> 柴捆
  2349. fascine dyke ==> 柴笼堤坝
  2350. fascine foundation ==> 柴排基础
  2351. fascine mattress ==> 柴排,柴排席
  2352. fascine revetment ==> 柴排护岸,木排护岸
  2353. fascine roll ==> 柴笼,沉辊
  2354. Fasciola hepatica ==> 肝片吸虫
  2355. fase corrdinate ==> 假坐标
  2356. FASEB ==> 美国实验生物学学会联盟
  2357. fashion ==> 方式,流行,风格,款式,样式=>種類
  2358. fashion count ==> 流行计数
  2359. fashion parts ==> 异形配件
  2360. fashion photography ==> 样式摄影术
  2361. fashion shares ==> 流行股
  2362. fashion style ==> 时样
  2363. fashionable ==> 流行,流行式
  2364. fashioned ==> 成型的
  2365. fashioning flat knitting machine ==> 成形扁平针织机
  2366. fast ==> 急,禁食,速,快速,迅,迅
  2367. fast access memory ==> 快速存取存储器
  2368. fast adaptation ==> 快速适应
  2369. fast address ==> 快速地址
  2370. fast advance cam ==> 快拨凸轮
  2371. fast amplifier ==> 快速放大器
  2372. fast and precise positioning ==> 高速・高精度位置決め制御
  2373. fast atom bombardment(FAB) ==> 快速原子轰击
  2374. fast automatic gain control ==> 快速自动增益控制
  2375. fast automatic reclosing ==> 快速自动再投入
  2376. fast axis ==> 快光轴,快速轴
  2377. fast back body ==> 直背式车身
  2378. fast back marseilles ==> 马赛加固被套布
  2379. fast black base ==> 黑色基
  2380. fast bleeder reactor ==> 快中子增殖反应堆
  2381. fast blink ==> 快速闪烁
  2382. fast blow fuse ==> 快速熔线
  2383. fast blue 2B base ==> 蓝色基2B
  2384. fast blue B base ==> 蓝光偶氮胺蓝
  2385. fast body waves ==> 快波群
  2386. fast bolometer ==> 快速测辐射热计,快速辐射热测量计
  2387. fast break ==> 快速断电
  2388. fast breeder ==> 快增殖反应堆
  2389. fast breeder reactor ==> 快中子增殖反应堆,由快中子引起裂变链式反应的反应堆。它在运行时,能在消耗易裂变核素的同时生产易裂变核素,且能使所产多于所耗,实现易裂变核素的增殖=>高速増殖炉
  2390. fast burner cut back ==> 急速バーナ遮断
  2391. fast burst reactor ==> 快中子脉冲反应堆
  2392. fast capture ==> 快中子俘获
  2393. fast ceramic reactor ==> 快中子陶瓷反应堆
  2394. fast charging ==> 急速充電
  2395. fast chemical reaction ==> 快速化学反应
  2396. fast chopper ==> 快速断路器
  2397. fast circuit ==> 快速电路
  2398. fast coding ==> 快速编码
  2399. fast coincidence circuit ==> 快速符合线路
  2400. fast compact color printer ==> 彩色小型快速印片机
  2401. fast connect ==> 快速连接
  2402. fast control memory ==> 快速控制存储器
  2403. fast conversion ==> 快速转换
  2404. fast cool zone ==> 急冷工段
  2405. fast core memory ==> 快速磁心存储器
  2406. fast cornering ==> 快速回转
  2407. fast cotton blue ==> 坚牢棉蓝
  2408. fast coupling ==> 可移式刚性联轴器,刚性联轴节,死联轴节,硬性联轴节
  2409. fast crosstalk ==> 快速交错
  2410. fast cut back ==> 急速バーナー遮断, 所内単独運転,ファーストカットバック
  2411. fast cutback, FCB 机组快速切负荷,当汽轮机或发电机甩负荷时,使锅炉不停运的一种控制措施。根据FCB后机组的不同运行要求,可分为以下两种运行方式:a) 5%FCB,是机组带厂用电单独运行的方式。b) ==> 0%FCB,是停机不停炉的运行方式
  2412. fast decoupled load flow method ==> 高速分離潮流計算
  2413. fast decoupled method ==> 快速分解法,又称"PQ分解法"
  2414. fast decoupled state estimator ==> 高速分離状態推定器
  2415. fast detector ==> 快速探测器
  2416. fast diffusant ==> 快扩散杂质
  2417. fast discrete cosine transform ==> 快速离散余弦变换
  2418. fast drift burst ==> 速漂爆发
  2419. fast dye ==> 不褪色染料
  2420. fast dyed yarn ==> 不褪色纱线
  2421. fast dynamic phenomena ==> 高速の動的現象
  2422. fast effect ==> 快效应
  2423. fast electron ==> 快电子
  2424. fast ening bolt ==> 扣紧螺杆
  2425. fast exponential experiment ==> 快中子指数实验装置
  2426. fast fault detection ==> 高速故障判別
  2427. fast fault-clearing ==> 快速切除故障,电力系统出现故障后,有关的继电保护和相关装置尽可能快地切除故障,以缩小故障影响并恢复电力系统稳定运行的措施
  2428. fast feathering ==> 出羽快
  2429. fast feed ==> 快速进给,快速走带
  2430. fast film ==> 快速感光片
  2431. fast fission ==> 快中子分裂
  2432. fast fission factor ==> 快中子裂变系数,快中子增殖系数
  2433. fast foods ==> 现成食品,方便食品
  2434. fast forward ==> 快速进带
  2435. fast forward control ==> 快速正向控制,快速正向控制器
  2436. fast fourier analyser ==> 快速傅里叶分析器
  2437. fast Fourier analysis ==> 快速傅里叶分析
  2438. fast fourier transform ==> 快速傅里叶变换
  2439. fast Fourier transform ==> 快速傅里叶变换(FFT)
  2440. fast fracture ==> 快速断裂
  2441. fast freight ==> 快运货物
  2442. fast freight line ==> 快运货物直达运输线
  2443. fast freight traffic ==> 快运货物运输
  2444. fast gaining ==> 增重快
  2445. fast governor ==> 快调速器
  2446. fast groove ==> 稀纹
  2447. fast grower ==> 生长快的作物
  2448. fast growing species ==> 速生种
  2449. fast growth ==> 生长速度快
  2450. fast hardening concrete ==> 快硬混凝土
  2451. fast head ==> 固定式车床头
  2452. fast headstock ==> 床头,固定式前顶针座
  2453. fast hitch mechanism ==> 快速联接装置
  2454. fast ice ==> 固定冰,紧密冰
  2455. fast idle ==> 快速空转
  2456. fast idle cam ==> 高速空行程用凸轮
  2457. fast image intensifier ==> 快速像增强器
  2458. fast ionization wave ==> 高速電離波
  2459. fast laser pulse ==> 激光短脉冲
  2460. fast leakage factor ==> 快中子漏逸率
  2461. fast lens ==> 快镜,强光透镜
  2462. fast light ==> 耐光
  2463. fast load ==> 快速装入
  2464. fast mass storage ==> 快速海量存储器,(计算机)快速大容量存储器
  2465. fast milker ==> 排奶快的母牛
  2466. fast mill ==> 高速轧机
  2467. fast molten-steel temperature gauge ==> 钢液快速测温仪
  2468. fast motion gear ==> 速动齿轮,变速齿轮
  2469. fast moving vehicle lane ==> 高速车道
  2470. fast multiplier ==> 高速乘法器,快速乘法器
  2471. fast multipole method ==> 高速多重極法
  2472. fast neutron ==> 快中子=>高速中性子
  2473. fast neutron breeding factor ==> 快中子增殖因数,曾称“快中子裂变因数”。在无限介质中,由各种不同能量中子引起裂变产生的平均中子数与仅由热中子引起裂变产生的平均中子数之比值,用符号ε表示,其值略大于1
  2474. fast neutron reactor ==> 快中子堆
  2475. fast neutron 快中子,能量大于0.1 ==> MeV的中子
  2476. fast neutrons ==> 快中子
  2477. fast nova ==> 快新星
  2478. fast parallel arithmetic ==> 快速平行运算器
  2479. fast parallel arithmetic unit ==> 快速平行运算装置
  2480. fast particle ==> 快粒子
  2481. fast pass ==> 最终传送
  2482. fast path dependent region ==> 快速路径相关区,快速通路相关区
  2483. fast path exclusive transaction ==> 快速路径专有事项处理,快速通路互斥事务处理
  2484. fast path feature ==> 快速路径性能,快速通路特性
  2485. fast path potential transaction ==> 快速路径潜在事项处理,快速通路潜在事务处理
  2486. fast period ==> 快周期
  2487. fast pin butt hinge ==> 固杆铰链
  2488. fast plutonium reactor ==> 快中子钚反应堆
  2489. fast pull down system ==> (电视)快速关闭方式
  2490. fast pulley ==> 固定滑轮,固定轮,固定皮带轮,紧轮,定滑轮
  2491. fast pumpdown ==> 高速抽气
  2492. fast quadratic method ==> 高速二次法
  2493. fast reactor ==> 快中子堆,高速中子炉,快中子反应堆
  2494. fast recovery diode ==> 快速恢复二极管
  2495. fast recovery photodiode ==> 快速复元光电二极管
  2496. fast red ==> 坚牢红
  2497. fast red A ==> 黄光酸性红
  2498. fast refractive infrared optical system ==> 快速折射红外光学系统
  2499. fast register ==> 快速寄存器
  2500. fast relay ==> 高速继电器=>速度継電器
  2501. fast repair method ==> 快速修理法
  2502. fast repetitive analogue computer ==> 快速重复模拟计算机
  2503. fast resist ==> 高灵敏光刻胶
  2504. fast response ==> 快响应,快速响应
  2505. fast response reactive power compensator ==> 快速调节型无功补偿装置,基于大功率晶闸管元件等新型电力电子器件实现的能自动快速调节无功功率输出并实现快速无功补偿的装置
  2506. fast response servo ==> 快速伺服
  2507. fast retardation axis ==> 快速延迟轴
  2508. fast return ==> 快速返回
  2509. fast return control ==> 快速返回控制,快速返回控制器
  2510. fast rewind control ==> 快速反绕控制,快速反绕控制器
  2511. fast scan ==> 快速扫描
  2512. fast scratchpad memory ==> 快速便笺式存储器,快速暂时存储器
  2513. fast screen ==> 短余辉荧光屏
  2514. fast select ==> 快速选择=>高速セレクト
  2515. fast signal ==> 快速信号
  2516. fast solar wind ==> 快太阳风
  2517. fast speed interruption ==> 高速度遮断
  2518. fast spiral ==> 急转磁带
  2519. fast state ==> 快态
  2520. fast store ==> 快速存储器
  2521. fast surface state ==> 速い表面準位
  2522. fast sweep ==> 快速扫描=>高速掃引
  2523. fast switch over ==> 快速转接
  2524. fast sync extend ==> 快速同步扩充,快速同步扩展方法
  2525. fast target ==> 快靶
  2526. fast telescope ==> 强光力望远镜
  2527. fast thermal coupled reactor ==> 快热耦合反应堆
  2528. fast thermocouple ==> 快速热电偶,小惯性热电偶
  2529. fast time constant circuit ==> 短时间常数电路
  2530. fast time scale ==> 快时标,快速时标,快速时间比例
  2531. fast timing ==> 快定时,快计时
  2532. fast travel ==> 快速行程
  2533. fast traverse ==> 快速横动
  2534. fast traverse forwards ==> 快速接近
  2535. fast turnaround (FTA) ==> 快速换向,快速交接,快速运转,快速周转,快速转换
  2536. fast valve ==> 快关阀,高速阀
  2537. fast valving ==> 快动
  2538. fast valving protection during transient load cutback ==> 瞬间甩负荷快控保护,在电网故障甩负荷的瞬间,利用汽轮机进汽调节阀快速控制来提高电力系统暂态稳定的保护措施
  2539. fast variable ==> 速い変数
  2540. fast wave sleep (FWS) ==> 快波睡眠
  2541. fast working yeast ==> 速效酵母
  2542. fast yellow ==> 坚牢黄
  2543. fast-access information retrieval ==> 快速存取信息检索,快速访问信息检索
  2544. fast-access memory chip ==> 快速存取存储器芯片
  2545. fast-access retrieval system ==> 快速存取信息检索系统,快速访问信息检索系统
  2546. fast-access storage ==> 快速访问存储器
  2547. fast-acting ==> 快速作用
  2548. fast-acting micro-relay ==> 快速微型继电器
  2549. fast-acting relay ==> 快速用继电器,高速继电器
  2550. fast-back algorithm ==> 快返回算法
  2551. fast-back parser ==> 快返回分析程序,快返回语法分析程序
  2552. fast-back top-down analysis ==> 快返回自顶向下分析
  2553. fast-burst reactor ==> 快脉冲反应堆
  2554. fast-carry look-ahead arithmetic ==> 快速超前进位算术运算
  2555. fast-carry lookahead ==> 快速超前进位
  2556. fast-carry lookahead arithmetic ==> 快速超前进位算术
  2557. fast-cash ==> 快速付现法
  2558. fast-cycling synchrotron ==> 快循环同步加速器
  2559. fast-fired coating ==> 快速氧化膜
  2560. fast-freezing slag layer ==> 快凝渣层
  2561. fast-hitch plow ==> 快速挂结犁
  2562. fast-interface-state capture ==> 快速界面态俘获
  2563. fast-interface-state loss ==> 快速界面态损失
  2564. fast-moving depression ==> 快速移动的低气压
  2565. fast-neutron spectrometry ==> 快中子测谱学
  2566. fast-operating relay ==> 快动作继电器
  2567. fast-oscillating impulse ==> 高周波振動性インパルス
  2568. fast-response ==> 快响应
  2569. fast-response and high-precision positioning ==> 高速・高精度位置決め
  2570. fast-response infrared device ==> 快速响应红外装置
  2571. fast-response instrument ==> 灵敏仪器
  2572. fast-response laser flowmeter ==> 快速响应激光流量计
  2573. fast-response laser receiver ==> 快速激光接收器
  2574. fast-response photomultiplier ==> 快速光电倍增器
  2575. fast-response probe ==> 灵敏传感器
  2576. fast-response recorder ==> 快速记录
  2577. fast-response time ==> 快速反应时间
  2578. fast-response transducer ==> 小惯性传感器
  2579. fast-screen tube ==> 短余辉电子管
  2580. fast-selling stock report ==> 快货销售库存报告
  2581. fast-setting ==> 快凝
  2582. fast-speed ==> 高速的
  2583. fast-spiking cells ==> 高速発火細胞
  2584. fast-spiral drill ==> 高速螺旋钻
  2585. fast-spreading ==> 迅速传播的,迅速传播的
  2586. fast-switching arrangement ==> 快速开关装置
  2587. fast-time constant ==> 短时间常数
  2588. fast-transverse-flow CO2 laser ==> 快速横流二氧化碳激光器
  2589. fast-transverse-flow CO2 laser ==> 快速横流二氧化碳激光器
  2590. fast-transverse-flow CO・2 laser ==> 快速横流二氧化碳激光器
  2591. fast-vibration direction ==> 快速振动方向
  2592. fasten ==> 夹紧,支撑=>固定する
  2593. fasten alumin(i)um ==> 铝连接件
  2594. fastener ==> 闸,接合件,紧固件,夹持器,扣件,闭锁器=>留め具,締め金具,ファスナー
  2595. fastener component ==> 締結部品
  2596. fastener element ==> 締結要素
  2597. fastener means ==> 固定手段
  2598. fastener member ==> 締結部材
  2599. fastening ==> 扣件,支撑设备,紧固,紧固接头,连接
  2600. fastening angle ==> 联系角铁,连系角铁
  2601. fastening bolt ==> 紧固螺钉,紧固螺栓
  2602. fastening device ==> 締結装置
  2603. fastening lug ==> 紧固凸耳
  2604. fastening piece ==> 紧固件
  2605. fastening plate ==> 疲労曲線
  2606. fastening screw ==> 紧固螺钉
  2607. fastening thread ==> 紧固螺纹
  2608. fastening torque ==> 夹紧扭矩
  2609. fastening wire ==> 绑扎用钢丝
  2610. fastenings ==> 紧固零件,连接件
  2611. faster than real time simulation ==> 超实时仿真
  2612. faster welding ==> 快速焊接
  2613. fastest mile ==> 最大风速英里
  2614. fastest ratio ==> 最小传动比
  2615. Fasteur effect ==> 巴斯德氏效应
  2616. Fastie-Ebert monochromator ==> 法斯梯-艾伯特单色仪
  2617. Fastie-Ebert spectrometer ==> 法斯梯-艾伯特分光计
  2618. fastigiate ==> 锥形的
  2619. fastigium ==> 高峰期
  2620. fasting ==> 禁食,绝食,绝食,空腹的
  2621. fasting blood-glucose ==> 空腹血糖
  2622. fasting hypoglycemia ==> 饥饿性低血糖
  2623. fasting treatment ==> 艾伦氏疗法,禁食疗法
  2624. fastness ==> 急速,坚牢=>固着
  2625. fastness rate ==> 耐光度
  2626. fastness to abrasion ==> 耐磨损牢度
  2627. fastness to acid spotting ==> 耐淡碱渍牢度
  2628. fastness to air pollution ==> 耐空气污染牢度
  2629. fastness to alkali ==> 耐碱度
  2630. fastness to alkali spotting ==> 耐淡碱渍牢度
  2631. fastness to anti-crease processing ==> 耐皱加工牢度
  2632. fastness to artificial light ==> 耐人造光牢度
  2633. fastness to atmospheric gases ==> 耐大气牢度
  2634. fastness to bleaching ==> 耐漂白牢度
  2635. fastness to boiling ==> 耐煮度
  2636. fastness to brushing ==> 耐刷洗牢度
  2637. fastness to carbonizing ==> 耐炭化牢度
  2638. fastness to chemical washing ==> 耐化学洗涤牢度
  2639. fastness to chlorinated water ==> 耐氯水牢度
  2640. fastness to chlorination ==> 耐氯化牢度
  2641. fastness to chlorine ==> 耐氯牢度
  2642. fastness to chlorine-bleaching ==> 耐氯漂牢度
  2643. fastness to crocking ==> 耐摩擦脱色牢度
  2644. fastness to crossdyeing ==> 耐交染牢度
  2645. fastness to daylight ==> 耐天然光牢度
  2646. fastness to decatizing ==> 耐蒸度
  2647. fastness to degumming ==> 耐脱胶牢度
  2648. fastness to dry-cleaning ==> 耐干洗牢度
  2649. fastness to dryheat ==> 耐干热牢度
  2650. fastness to dust ==> 耐尘度
  2651. fastness to gas fumes ==> 耐烟气牢度
  2652. fastness to heat ==> 耐热牢度
  2653. fastness to home washing ==> 耐家常洗涤牢度
  2654. fastness to hot pressing ==> 耐热压烫牢度
  2655. fastness to hot water ==> 耐热水牢度
  2656. fastness to ironing ==> 耐熨烫牢度
  2657. fastness to laundering ==> 耐机洗牢度
  2658. fastness to light ==> 耐光度,耐光性,耐日光牢度
  2659. fastness to mercerizing ==> 耐丝光牢度
  2660. fastness to milling ==> 耐缩绒牢度
  2661. fastness to nitrogen oxides ==> 耐氧化氮牢度
  2662. fastness to organic solvents ==> 耐有机溶剂牢度
  2663. fastness to perspiration ==> 耐汗度
  2664. fastness to planking ==> 耐酸缩绒牢度
  2665. fastness to rain ==> 耐雨淋牢度
  2666. fastness to rubbing ==> 耐摩擦牢度
  2667. fastness to scrooping ==> 耐丝鸣牢度
  2668. fastness to sea water ==> 耐海水牢度
  2669. fastness to soaping ==> 耐皂洗牢度
  2670. fastness to soda boiling ==> 耐碱煮牢度
  2671. fastness to soil burial ==> 耐土埋牢度
  2672. fastness to solvent ==> 耐溶剂牢度
  2673. fastness to steaming ==> 耐汽蒸牢度
  2674. fastness to stoving ==> 耐二氧化硫气体牢度
  2675. fastness to sublimation ==> 耐升华牢度
  2676. fastness to trubenizing ==> 耐胶合牢度
  2677. fastness to washing ==> 耐洗牢度
  2678. fastness to water ==> 耐水浸牢度
  2679. fastness to water spotting ==> 耐水渍牢度
  2680. fastness to wear ==> 耐穿着牢度
  2681. fastness to weather ==> 耐气候性
  2682. fastness to weathering ==> 耐气候牢度
  2683. Fastoso ==> 显赫辉煌地,华美地
  2684. Fastraverse press ==> 快速双效水压机
  2685. fastselling products ==> 热门货
  2686. fat ==> 肥胖,肥胖的,胖,胖零,黄油=>脂質,油脂
  2687. fat acid ==> 脂肪酸
  2688. fat allowance ==> 脂肪供给量
  2689. fat and fatty oil ==> 油脂
  2690. fat and meat ratio ==> 脂肉比率
  2691. fat and oil ==> 油脂
  2692. fat beams and columns ==> 肥梁胖柱
  2693. fat bloom ==> 脂肪花白=>ファットブルーム
  2694. fat board ==> 灰浆板,托灰板
  2695. fat body ==> 脂肪体
  2696. fat cell ==> 脂肪细胞,脂细胞
  2697. fat center ==> 脂肪中枢
  2698. fat clay ==> 重粘土,富粘土,肥土
  2699. fat clearance ==> 脂肪廓清作用
  2700. fat coals ==> 肥煤
  2701. fat columns ==> 皮下脂肪柱
  2702. fat concrete ==> 富混凝土,肥混凝土
  2703. fat content ==> 脂肪含量=>脂肪分
  2704. fat corrected milk ==> 乳脂
  2705. fat corrected milk(FCM) ==> 标准乳
  2706. fat decomposing bacteria ==> 脂肪分解细菌
  2707. fat deposit ==> 脂肪沉积体,脂肪沉着
  2708. fat deposition ==> 脂肪积贮
  2709. fat depot ==> 脂肪库,脂肪蓄积
  2710. fat diabetes ==> 肥胖性糖尿病
  2711. fat drop ==> 脂肪滴
  2712. fat droplet ==> 脂肪滴
  2713. fat dye ==> 油脂染料
  2714. fat edges ==> 肥边
  2715. fat embolism ==> 脂肪栓
  2716. fat embolism of brain ==> 脑脂肪栓塞
  2717. fat embolism syndrome ==> 脂肪栓塞综合征
  2718. fat embolus ==> 脂栓子
  2719. fat free ==> 脱脂的
  2720. fat generation ==> 脂肪积聚
  2721. fat gland ==> 脂腺
  2722. fat globule ==> 脂肪球
  2723. fat graft ==> 脂肪移植物
  2724. fat granule ==> 脂肪粒,脂粒
  2725. fat grease ==> 动物油润滑脂
  2726. fat hog ==> 肥型猪
  2727. fat induline R ==> 脂肪杜林R
  2728. fat job ==> 肥缺
  2729. fat lamb ==> 肥羔
  2730. fat layer ==> 脂膜
  2731. fat lime ==> 肥石灰,富石灰
  2732. fat link ==> 粗链路,多链传输组
  2733. fat liquor ==> 油乳液
  2734. fat liquoring ==> 涂油
  2735. fat liquoring agents ==> 脂肪液化剂
  2736. fat liquoring complex agent ==> 复合加脂剂
  2737. fat lobule ==> 脂小叶
  2738. fat matter ==> 易排印件
  2739. fat meal ==> 脂肪餐
  2740. fat meat ==> 肥肉
  2741. fat metabolism ==> 脂肪代谢作用
  2742. fat metabolism test ==> 脂肪代谢试验
  2743. fat mix ==> 富拌合料
  2744. fat mobilization ==> 脂肪调动
  2745. fat mortar ==> 富砂浆,强粘胶泥
  2746. fat necrosis ==> 脂肪坏死
  2747. fat necrosis of breast ==> 乳房脂肪坏死
  2748. fat nigrosine GD ==> 脂溶性尼格GD
  2749. fat oil ==> 脂肪油,饱和的油,饱和油
  2750. fat pad ==> 脂垫,脂肪垫
  2751. fat pad of pericardium ==> 心包脂肪垫
  2752. fat pasture ==> 肥沃牧场
  2753. fat percentage ==> 含脂率,乳脂率
  2754. fat phanerosis ==> 脂肪显现
  2755. fat pig ==> 肥猪
  2756. fat purse ==> 富裕
  2757. fat reducing tea ==> 减脂茶
  2758. fat rendering ==> 脂肪熔炼
  2759. fat soluble substance ==> 脂溶性物质
  2760. fat solvent ==> 脂溶剂
  2761. fat spark ==> 强火花
  2762. fat splitting ==> 脂肪分离
  2763. fat splitting enzyme ==> 解酯酶
  2764. fat stains ==> 脂肪染色
  2765. fat stock ==> 食用家畜
  2766. fat storage ==> 储存脂肪
  2767. fat test ==> 乳脂率测定,脂肪测定
  2768. fat thickness over rib per cwt carcass weight ==> 每英担胴体重的肋部膘厚
  2769. fat tissue ==> 脂肪组织
  2770. fat trim ==> 脂肪剔除
  2771. fat turpentine ==> 脂化松节油
  2772. fat type soil ==> 脂肪类污垢
  2773. fat uptake cell ==> 脂肪摄取细胞
  2774. fat vacuole ==> 脂肪空泡,脂泡
  2775. fat work ==> 肥差
  2776. fat yield ==> 乳脂产量,乳脂量
  2777. fat(-)splitting ==> 脂肪分解
  2778. FAT,file allocation table ==> FAT ファイル システム,MS-DOS がファイルを管理、編成するために使用するシステム。FAT はディスクがフォーマットされるときに MS-DOS がディスク上に作成するデータ構造です。MS-DOS がファイルをフォーマット済みディスクに保存する際、要求に応じてMS-DOS がファイルを取り出せるように、保存するファイルの情報がオペレーティング システムによって FAT に書き込まれます。FAT は MS-DOS が使用できる唯一のファイル システムです。
  2779. FAT-1, Flight Safety Tracking Station No.1 ==> 第一飛行安全観測所
  2780. fat-free ==> 无脂的
  2781. fat-free diet ==> 无脂日粮
  2782. fat-lub test ==> 液体中含油量的测定
  2783. fat-metabolizing hormone ==> 生酮激素
  2784. fat-mobilizing hormone ==> 脂肪调动激素
  2785. fat-mobilizing substance ==> 脂肪调动物质
  2786. fat-muscle ratio ==> 脂肪肌肉比
  2787. fat-pad injury of knee ==> 膝脂肪垫损伤
  2788. fat-solubility ==> 高脂溶性
  2789. fat-soluble ==> 脂溶性
  2790. fat-soluble bilirubin-albumin complex ==> 脂溶性胆红素白蛋白复合物
  2791. fat-soluble compound ==> 脂溶性化合物
  2792. fat-soluble vitamin ==> 脂溶性维生素
  2793. fat-storing cell ==> 贮脂细胞
  2794. fat-tail sheep ==> 肥尾羊
  2795. fat-tailed sheep ==> 肥尾羊
  2796. fat-weight gain ==> 肥膘增重
  2797. Fata Morgana ==> 复杂蜃景
  2798. fatal ==> 致命的,致死的
  2799. Fatal ==> 敌草索
  2800. fatal accident ==> 失事
  2801. fatal atmosphere ==> 致命空气
  2802. fatal concentration ==> 致死浓度
  2803. fatal disease ==> 不治之症
  2804. fatal dose ==> 致死剂量
  2805. fatal dryness ==> 致死干度
  2806. fatal error ==> 致命错误=>致命的エラー
  2807. fatal error message ==> 严重错误信息
  2808. fatal hepatic failure ==> 致死的な肝不全
  2809. fatal high temperature ==> 致死高温
  2810. fatal humidity ==> 致死湿度
  2811. fatal illness psychiatry ==> 绝症,绝症
  2812. fatal low temperature ==> 致死低温
  2813. fatal rate ==> 致死率
  2814. fatal syncope ==> 致死性晕厥
  2815. fatal temperature ==> 致死温度
  2816. fatal trauma ==> 致命伤,致死伤
  2817. fatality rate ==> 致死率,病死率
  2818. fatalness ==> 致命性
  2819. FATCS, FDF automated control and tracking system ==> 飛行用データファイル自動制御と追跡システム
  2820. fate ==> 命运=>運命,宿命
  2821. fate assessment ==> 運命評価
  2822. fate determination ==> 運命決定
  2823. fate map ==> 预定命运图
  2824. fate of drug in vivo ==> 药物体内命运
  2825. fate pathway ==> 運命経路
  2826. fate subject ==> 絶滅問題
  2827. father ==> 创造者,上辈
  2828. father chain ==> 父链
  2829. father clone ==> 父本无性系
  2830. father field ==> 父域
  2831. father file ==> 父文件
  2832. father link ==> 父连线,父链接
  2833. father node ==> 父节点
  2834. father of node ==> 节点上层
  2835. father plant ==> 父本植株
  2836. father vertex ==> 前代顶点
  2837. fathom ==> 英寻,材积名=>尋(fm),探る,推測する
  2838. fathom curve ==> 等深線
  2839. fathom scale ==> 标深尺
  2840. fathometer ==> 测深计,回声测深仪,回音测深仪,水深计,水深仪
  2841. fathometer sounding ==> 测深仪测深
  2842. fatibue life ==> 疲劳寿命
  2843. fatigability ==> 易疲劳性
  2844. fatigue ==> 疲乏,疲劳,材料或构件在长期交变载荷持续作用下产生裂纹,直至失效或断裂的现象=>疲労,作業着
  2845. fatigue allowance ==> 疲劳补偿,生理空裕,耐劳津贴
  2846. fatigue analysis ==> 疲れ解析
  2847. fatigue analysis of attachment ==> 连接的疲劳分析
  2848. fatigue area ==> 疲劳破坏区域
  2849. fatigue assessment ==> 疲労評価
  2850. fatigue at high temperature ==> 高温疲劳
  2851. fatigue behaviour ==> 疲劳特性,疲劳行为
  2852. fatigue bending test ==> 弯曲疲劳试验
  2853. fatigue break ==> 疲劳断裂,疲劳裂口
  2854. fatigue break-down ==> 疲劳破坏
  2855. fatigue breakdown ==> 疲劳破坏=>疲労破壊
  2856. fatigue breaking ==> 疲労破壊
  2857. fatigue capability ==> 疲劳能力
  2858. fatigue characteristic ==> 疲劳特性
  2859. fatigue corrosion ==> 疲劳腐蚀
  2860. fatigue countermeasure ==> 疲労対策
  2861. fatigue crack ==> 疲劳裂纹
  2862. fatigue crack growth ==> 疲劳裂纹增长
  2863. fatigue crack growth rate ==> 疲労亀裂進展速度
  2864. fatigue crack propagation ==> 疲劳裂纹扩张
  2865. fatigue crack propagation test ==> 疲劳裂纹扩展试验
  2866. fatigue crack tip ==> 疲劳裂纹尖端
  2867. fatigue cracking ==> 疲劳龟裂,疲劳开裂
  2868. fatigue curve ==> 疲劳曲线=>疲労
  2869. fatigue damage ==> 疲劳损坏
  2870. fatigue damage indicator ==> 疲劳损伤指示器
  2871. fatigue data ==> 疲劳试验数据,疲劳数据
  2872. fatigue deformation ==> 疲劳变形
  2873. fatigue durability ==> 耐疲劳性
  2874. fatigue effect ==> 疲劳效应
  2875. fatigue endurance ==> 疲劳寿命
  2876. fatigue endurance limit ==> 疲劳持久极限
  2877. fatigue factor ==> 疲劳因素
  2878. fatigue failure ==> 疲劳破坏,疲劳破裂
  2879. fatigue failure criterion ==> 疲劳失效准则
  2880. fatigue flake ==> 疲劳剥落
  2881. fatigue fracture ==> 疲劳断面,疲劳骨折,疲劳裂缝,疲劳断裂,材料或构件在交变应力作用下,因疲劳而发生的断裂
  2882. fatigue fracture mechanism ==> 疲劳断裂机理
  2883. fatigue fracture of metatarsus ==> 跖骨疲劳骨折
  2884. fatigue hardening ==> 疲劳硬化
  2885. fatigue impact strength ==> 疲劳冲击强度
  2886. fatigue indicator ==> 疲劳度指示器
  2887. fatigue initiation ==> 疲劳起始
  2888. fatigue life ==> 疲劳负荷寿命,疲劳寿命
  2889. fatigue life cycle ==> 疲劳循环次数
  2890. fatigue life gage ==> 疲劳寿命片
  2891. fatigue life prediction of blade ==> 叶片疲劳寿命预估,预先估计叶片萌生疲劳裂纹前所经历的运行时间的方法
  2892. fatigue lifetime ==> 疲劳寿命
  2893. fatigue limit ==> 疲乏强度,疲劳限度,疲劳极限,材料能长久经受的最大交变应力。对于钢材,一般规定Nf≥107次时的应力为疲劳极限;对于铝合金等有色金属,其疲劳曲线无明显水平段,一般规定Nf≥(5~10)×107次时的应力为疲劳极限
  2894. fatigue limit for torsion ==> 扭转疲劳极限
  2895. fatigue limit test ==> 耐久极限试验
  2896. fatigue loading ==> 疲劳负荷,疲劳加载
  2897. fatigue loss ==> 疲劳损耗
  2898. fatigue machine ==> 疲劳试验机
  2899. fatigue measurement ==> 疲劳测定
  2900. fatigue mechanism ==> 疲劳机理
  2901. fatigue meter ==> 疲劳度测定仪,疲劳强度计
  2902. fatigue notch factor ==> 疲劳切口系数,疲劳缺口因子
  2903. fatigue notch sensitivity ==> 疲劳缺口灵敏度
  2904. fatigue nucleus ==> 疲劳核
  2905. fatigue of materials ==> 材料疲劳
  2906. fatigue of metals ==> 金属疲劳
  2907. fatigue of soil ==> 土壤疲乏
  2908. fatigue of wood ==> 木材抗疲劳性
  2909. fatigue phenomenon ==> 疲劳现象
  2910. fatigue pitting ==> 疲劳剥蚀
  2911. fatigue point ==> 疲劳点,疲劳极限点
  2912. fatigue precracking ==> 疲劳预裂
  2913. fatigue products ==> 疲劳产物
  2914. fatigue property ==> 疲劳特性
  2915. fatigue range ==> 疲劳范围
  2916. fatigue ratio ==> 疲劳比
  2917. fatigue resistance ==> 疲劳抗力,疲劳强度,抗疲劳性
  2918. fatigue rig ==> (材料)疲劳试验设备
  2919. fatigue rupture ==> 疲劳破断,疲劳破坏
  2920. fatigue spasm ==> 疲劳性痉挛
  2921. fatigue specimen ==> 疲劳试样
  2922. fatigue state ==> 疲劳状态
  2923. fatigue strain gauge ==> 疲劳应变计
  2924. fatigue strength ==> 疲劳强度
  2925. fatigue strength coefficient ==> 疲劳强度系数
  2926. fatigue strength for finite life ==> 有限寿命疲劳强度
  2927. fatigue strength reduction factor ==> 疲劳强度折减因子
  2928. fatigue strength under oscillation stresses ==> 振动疲劳强度
  2929. fatigue strength under reversed bending stress ==> 反复弯曲应力疲劳强度
  2930. fatigue stress ==> 疲劳应力
  2931. fatigue stress concentration factor ==> 疲劳应力集中系数
  2932. fatigue study ==> 疲劳研究
  2933. fatigue tension test ==> 张力疲劳试验
  2934. fatigue test ==> 疲劳试验
  2935. fatigue test of materials ==> 材料疲劳试验
  2936. fatigue test specimen ==> 疲劳试样
  2937. fatigue tester ==> 疲劳试验机
  2938. fatigue testing at low temperature ==> 低温疲劳试验
  2939. fatigue testing machine ==> 疲劳试验机
  2940. fatigue testing specimen ==> 疲劳试样
  2941. fatigue testing types of stress ==> 疲劳试验应力类型
  2942. fatigue testing under actual service conditions ==> 真实工作条件下疲劳试验
  2943. fatigue testing under axial loading ==> 轴向载荷疲劳试验
  2944. fatigue testing with several load steps ==> 多级加载疲劳试验
  2945. fatigue toxin ==> 疲劳毒素
  2946. fatigue under scrubbing ==> 摩擦疲劳
  2947. fatigue uniform ==> 工作服=>作業着
  2948. fatigue usage factor ==> 疲劳使用因子
  2949. fatigue value ==> 疲劳极限
  2950. fatigue wear ==> 疲劳磨损
  2951. fatigue yield limit ==> 疲劳屈服极限
  2952. fatigue-proof rubber ==> 耐劳橡胶
  2953. fatigue-reduction factor ==> 疲劳折减因子
  2954. fatigue-tesing machine ==> 疲劳试验机
  2955. fatigue-testing ==> 疲劳试验
  2956. fatiguestrength reduction factor ==> 应力集中因子
  2957. fatique testing at elevated temperature ==> 高温疲劳试验
  2958. fatness ==> 脂肪
  2959. Fatou-Lebesgue lemma ==> 法都-勒贝格引理
  2960. Fatous lemma ==> 法托引理
  2961. Fatous lemma ==> 法都引理
  2962. fats ==> 脂肪
  2963. fatsoluble vitamin ==> 脂溶性维生素
  2964. fatten ==> 催肥
  2965. fattening ==> 肥育
  2966. fattening calf ==> 肥育用小牛
  2967. fattening cattle ==> 肥育牛
  2968. fattening cutter ==> 肥育肉猪
  2969. fattening pig ==> 肥育猪
  2970. fattening ration ==> 肥育配制饲料
  2971. fattening stock ==> 肥育牲畜
  2972. fattening trial ==> 肥育试验
  2973. fattening unit ==> 肥育场
  2974. fatty ==> 肥胖的,脂肪的
  2975. fatty acid ==> 脂肪酸,合成脂肪酸,油脂酸
  2976. fatty acid activating enzyme ==> 脂肪酸活化酶
  2977. fatty acid alkylolamine condensate ==> 脂肪酸烷醇胺缩合物
  2978. fatty acid amide ==> 脂肪酸酰胺
  2979. fatty acid binding protein ==> 脂肪酸结合蛋白
  2980. fatty acid composition ==> 脂肪酸成份遗传
  2981. fatty acid dehydrogenase ==> 脂肪酸脱氢酶
  2982. fatty acid ester ==> 脂肪酸酯
  2983. fatty acid mixed ==> 混合脂肪酸
  2984. fatty acid oxidation ==> 脂肪酸氧化
  2985. fatty acid oxidizing cofactor ==> 脂肪酸氧化辅因子
  2986. fatty acid peroxidase ==> 脂肪酸过氧化物酶
  2987. fatty acid pitch ==> 脂肪酸沥青
  2988. fatty acid process ==> 脂肪酸法
  2989. fatty acid residue ==> 脂肪酸残基
  2990. fatty acid series ==> 脂肪酸系
  2991. fatty acid sulfate ==> 脂肪酸硫酯
  2992. fatty acid synthetase ==> 脂肪酸合成酶,脂酸合成酶
  2993. fatty acid thiokinase ==> 脂酸硫激酶
  2994. fatty acid value ==> 脂肪酸价
  2995. fatty acids in phospholipids ==> 磷脂中脂肪酸
  2996. fatty acyl carnitine ==> 酯酰肉碱
  2997. fatty acyl desaturase ==> 脂酰去饱和酶
  2998. fatty acyl-CoA synthetase ==> 脂酰辅酶A合成酶
  2999. fatty acyl-CoA-dehydrogenase ==> 脂肪酰辅酶A脱氢酶
  3000. fatty acyl-coenryme A ==> 脂肪酰辅酶A
  3001. fatty alcohol ==> 脂肪醇
  3002. fatty alcohol phosphoric acid ester ==> 脂族醇磷酸酯
  3003. fatty alcohol sulfate ==> 脂肪醇硫酸酯
  3004. fatty alcohol sulfonate ==> 脂族醇磺酸酯
  3005. fatty aldehyde ==> 脂肪醛
  3006. fatty amine ==> 脂肪胺,脂肪族胺=>脂肪族アミン
  3007. fatty antioxidant ==> 脂肪抗氧化剂
  3008. fatty capsule ==> 脂囊
  3009. fatty cast ==> 脂肪管型
  3010. fatty compound ==> 脂肪属化合物,脂肪族化合物
  3011. fatty cut of port ==> 猪的分割肥肉
  3012. fatty cutting oil ==> 脂肪切削油,切削用乳液
  3013. fatty degeneration ==> 脂肪变态
  3014. fatty degeneration of cornea ==> 角膜脂肪变性
  3015. fatty degeneration of leiomyoma of uterus ==> 子宫平滑肌瘤脂肪变
  3016. fatty degeneration of liver ==> 肝脂肪变性
  3017. fatty degeneration of myocardium ==> 心肌脂肪变性
  3018. fatty degeneration of tarsus ==> 睑板腺脂肪变性,睑板腺脂肪变性
  3019. fatty desenerating ==> 指肪变性
  3020. fatty deseneration ==> 指肪变性
  3021. fatty diarrhea ==> 脂肪泻
  3022. fatty ester ==> 脂肪脂,脂肪酯
  3023. fatty ether ==> 脂肪族醚
  3024. fatty glyceride ==> 脂肪酸甘油酯
  3025. fatty granule ==> 脂粒
  3026. fatty group ==> 脂肪族
  3027. fatty heart ==> 脂肪心
  3028. fatty hydrocarbon ==> 脂肪族烃
  3029. fatty inclusion ==> 脂肪内含物
  3030. fatty infiltration ==> 脂肪浸润
  3031. fatty infiltration of liver ==> 肝脂肪性浸润
  3032. fatty ingredient ==> 脂肪分
  3033. fatty iodine value ==> 脂肪碘价
  3034. fatty liver ==> 脂肪肝
  3035. fatty marrow ==> 脂髓
  3036. fatty membrane ==> 脂肪膜
  3037. fatty metamorphosis ==> 脂肪变态
  3038. fatty n-alcohol ==> 脂肪族直链醇
  3039. fatty nitrile ==> 脂族腈
  3040. fatty oil ==> 脂肪油,脂油
  3041. fatty peroxide value ==> 脂肪过氧化值
  3042. fatty resin ==> 脂肪树脂
  3043. fatty seed ==> 脂肪种子
  3044. fatty series ==> 脂肪系
  3045. fatty streaks ==> 脂肪条纹
  3046. fatty substance ==> 脂质
  3047. fatty tissue ==> 脂肪组织
  3048. fatty-acid collector ==> 脂肪酸捕收剂
  3049. fatty-acid flo(a)tation ==> 脂肪酸浮选
  3050. fatty-acid peroxidase ==> 脂肪酸过氧化物酶
  3051. fatty-type gear lube additive ==> 脂肪型齿轮油添加剂
  3052. fattyacyl-acyl carrier protein ==> 脂酰酰基载体蛋白
  3053. fatuity ==> 愚昧
  3054. fatwood ==> 明子
  3055. Faucault mercury interrupter ==> 弗科水银断续器
  3056. faucet ==> 旋塞,承口,(管子的)承插口,(旋塞)龙头=>蛇口,飲み口,コック
  3057. faucet ear ==> 管子吊环
  3058. faucet filter ==> 蛇口フィルター
  3059. faucet handle ==> 蛇口ハンドル
  3060. faucet joint ==> 套筒接合,龙头接嘴
  3061. faucet pipe ==> 承接管=>蛇口パイプ
  3062. faucet socket ==> 水栓ソケット
  3063. Faugeron kiln ==> 福杰隆窑
  3064. faulf-free ==> 无故障
  3065. fault ==> 故障,断层,堆垛层错,疵,错,错误,分枝断层,层错,不合格,瑕疵,瑕疵=>故障,障害,断層
  3066. fault alarm ==> 故障报警[器]
  3067. fault analysis ==> 故障分析,事故分析=>故障計算
  3068. fault analyzer ==> 故障分析器
  3069. fault annunciator ==> 故障表示器
  3070. fault anticipator ==> 故障予測装置
  3071. fault automatic diagnosis ==> 故障自动检测,微机保护装置利用调试程序或保护功能程序对装置本身的有关元件进行自动检测
  3072. fault barrier ==> 断层遮挡
  3073. fault basin ==> 断层盆地,断陷盆地
  3074. fault bench ==> 断层阶地
  3075. fault bit ==> 故障位
  3076. fault block ==> 断块,断裂地块
  3077. fault block pool ==> 断块油气藏
  3078. fault breccia ==> 断层角砾层,断层角砾岩
  3079. fault bus ==> 故障母线
  3080. fault bus protection ==> 母線保護
  3081. fault bus relaying ==> 事故母線方式
  3082. fault by inductive noise ==> 誘導障害
  3083. fault cascading ==> 事故波及
  3084. fault cascading prevention scheme ==> 事故波及防止制御
  3085. fault clay ==> 断层泥,断层粘土
  3086. fault clearance ==> 故障消除,故障清除,从电力系统中自动或手动断开发生故障的设备以消除故障对电力系统的影响,维持或恢复供电
  3087. fault clearance protection equipement ==> 事故除去継電装置
  3088. fault clearance protection equipment ==> 事故除去継電装置
  3089. fault clearance time ==> 故障消除时间
  3090. fault clearance time, 〔clearing time (USA)〕 ==> 事故除去時間, The time interval between the fault inception and the fault clearance.
  3091. fault clearing ==> 故障消除,排除故障,抢修
  3092. fault clearing surge ==> 事故遮断サージ
  3093. fault clerk's desk ==> 障碍控制台
  3094. fault cliff ==> 断层崖
  3095. fault coast ==> 断层岸
  3096. fault collapsing ==> 故障收缩
  3097. fault component ==> 故障元件,电力系统或保护装置中存在、产生功能故障的器件或组件=>故障成分
  3098. fault component analysis ==> 故障成分解析
  3099. fault component method ==> 故障成分法
  3100. fault condition ==> 故障条件
  3101. fault conditions ==> 故障状态
  3102. fault connection ==> 错误连接
  3103. fault control ==> 故障控制,事故监督
  3104. fault control stream ==> 断层控制河流
  3105. fault correction time ==> 故障修复时间
  3106. fault crevice ==> 断层裂隙
  3107. fault current ==> 故障电流,事故电流,由于故障而流经电网给定点或给定元件的电流=>事故電流,故障電流
  3108. fault current analysis ==> 故障電流計算法
  3109. fault current distribution ==> 事故電流分布
  3110. fault current interruption time 〔interruption time (USA)〕 ==> 事故電流遮断時間, The time interval from fault inception until the end of the break-time of the circuit-breaker.
  3111. fault current limiter ==> 限流器
  3112. fault detect ==> 故障检测
  3113. fault detecting device of rectifier element ==> 整流素子故障検出装置
  3114. fault detecting relay ==> 事故検出継電器
  3115. fault detection ==> 故障检测,缺陷检验=>異常検出
  3116. fault detection system ==> 故障检测系统=>事故区間検出装置
  3117. fault detector ==> 毁损指示器
  3118. fault detector relay ==> 事故検出継電器
  3119. fault diagnosis ==> 事故分析,故障诊断=>故障診断
  3120. fault dictionary ==> 故障辞典,故障字典
  3121. fault dip ==> 断层倾角,断层倾斜
  3122. fault display ==> 故障显示
  3123. fault distribution ==> 破壊分布(絶縁試験)
  3124. fault dominance ==> 故障支配
  3125. fault drop ==> 断层落距
  3126. fault earthquake ==> 断层地震
  3127. fault effect ==> 断层作用
  3128. fault electrode current ==> 故障电极电流
  3129. fault equivalence ==> 故障等效
  3130. fault escarpment ==> 断层崖
  3131. fault finder ==> 故障位置测定器故障查找器,故障探测器,故障寻迹器,故障指示器,障碍检查器=>障害点測定器
  3132. fault fissure ==> 断层裂缝,断层裂隙
  3133. fault fold ==> 断层褶皱,断褶构造
  3134. fault free ==> 无故障的
  3135. fault gap ==> 断层峡谷
  3136. fault gouge ==> 断层泥
  3137. fault ground ==> 故障接地
  3138. fault ground bus ==> 故障接地母线
  3139. fault image ==> 假图像,失真图像
  3140. fault impedance ==> 短路阻抗,故障阻抗,在故障点,故障相导线与地间或者与几个故障相导线间发生的非正常连接的阻抗,如故障电弧电阻等=>事故点インピーダンス, The impedance at the point of the fault between the faulted phase conductor and earth (ground) or between the faulted phase conductors themselves.
  3141. fault in enlargement ==> 放大误差
  3142. fault in excitation ==> 励磁故障
  3143. fault in material ==> 材料缺陷
  3144. fault in process ==> 工艺故障
  3145. fault in seam ==> 接缝缺陷
  3146. fault indicating lamp ==> 故障指示灯
  3147. fault indicator ==> 故障指示器,探伤器,探伤仪=>故障表示器
  3148. fault indicator block ==> 集合故障表示器
  3149. fault infeed ==> 故障馈电
  3150. fault isolation mode ==> 错误隔离方式
  3151. fault ledge ==> 断层崖
  3152. fault level ==> 故障率水平
  3153. fault liability ==> 易出故障
  3154. fault line ==> 故障线,裂纹线
  3155. fault localization ==> 故障探测,测定事故地点,故障定位=>障害点測定
  3156. fault localizer ==> 障碍位置测定器,故障点探测器
  3157. fault locating ==> 故障探测,故障定位
  3158. fault locating instrument ==> 故障定位仪
  3159. fault locating program ==> 故障定位程序
  3160. fault locating scheme ==> 事故捜査方式
  3161. fault location ==> 故障定位,故障测定,测定事故地点=>故障標定,事故点標定
  3162. fault location gear ==> (电缆的)故障探测装置
  3163. fault location monitor ==> 故障位置监测器
  3164. fault location problem ==> 故障定位问题
  3165. fault location test (FLT) ==> 故障定位测试,故障定位测试法,错误定位测试
  3166. fault location time ==> 故障部位寻找时间,故障探测时间
  3167. fault locator ==> 故障位置测定器,故障探测器,故障定位器,输电线路发生故障时用来迅速判断故障点(位置)的一种自动装置=>故障点標定器,事故点標定器,フォルトロケータ
  3168. fault locator for transmission line ==> 送電線故障点標定装置
  3169. fault masking ==> 故障屏蔽
  3170. fault matrix ==> 故障矩阵
  3171. fault model ==> 故障模型
  3172. fault mountain ==> 断层山
  3173. fault movement ==> 断层错动,断层作用
  3174. fault neighborhood method ==> 誤り近傍法
  3175. fault of construction ==> 结构缺陷
  3176. fault oscillograph ==> 故障录波器,电力系统发生故障时自动连续记录多路电流、电压模拟量波形的仪器
  3177. fault outcrop ==> 断层露头
  3178. fault pattern ==> 断层型式
  3179. fault phase ==> 故障相,三相或多相回路中发生故障的相
  3180. fault pit ==> 断层坑
  3181. fault plane ==> 断层面
  3182. fault plate ==> 带疵板
  3183. fault point ==> 故障点,引发非正常运行的位置=>故障点
  3184. fault power ==> 故障情况下的功率
  3185. fault prevention ==> 防止事故
  3186. fault progression ==> 故障发展
  3187. fault protection ==> 故障保护
  3188. fault rate ==> 故障率,损坏率
  3189. fault reactance ==> 事故点リアクタンス
  3190. fault reason ==> 故障原因
  3191. fault recognition ==> 故障识别
  3192. fault recorder ==> 故障记录器,一种连续工作并具有记忆功能(可用于记录故障前及故障期间的事件和暂态变量)的仪器
  3193. fault recovery program ==> 障害処理プログラム
  3194. fault redundancy ==> 故障冗长度
  3195. fault relay ==> 故障继电器,事故继电器
  3196. fault remedy ==> 排除故障
  3197. fault reporting system ==> 事故情報システム
  3198. fault resistance ==> 故障电阻
  3199. fault ribbon ==> 层错带
  3200. fault ride through ==> 事故時運転継続
  3201. fault rock ==> 断层岩
  3202. fault rupture ==> 断层断裂
  3203. fault scarp ==> 断层崖
  3204. fault section ==> 故障区段,发生故障的范围或区域=>障害区間,事故区間
  3205. fault secure ==> 故障保险
  3206. fault secure circuit ==> 故障安全电路
  3207. fault sensor ==> 故障传感器
  3208. fault set ==> 断层组
  3209. fault shoreline ==> 断层岸线
  3210. fault signal in manual/automatic operation ==> 手动、自动操作时事故信号
  3211. fault signaling ==> 事故信号
  3212. fault signalling ==> 事故信号
  3213. fault signature ==> 故障表征
  3214. fault simulation ==> 故障模拟
  3215. fault slip ==> 断层滑动
  3216. fault slip cleavage ==> 滑断劈裂
  3217. fault space ==> 断层间隔
  3218. fault spring ==> 断层泉
  3219. fault state information ==> 故障状态信息,以运行设备的不确定状态为特征,且此状态延续超过规定时间的监视信息
  3220. fault state range ==> 故障状态范围
  3221. fault statistics ==> 故障统计,事故统计
  3222. fault striation ==> 断层擦痕
  3223. fault strike ==> 断层走向
  3224. fault subsidence basin ==> (断层盆地)断陷盆地
  3225. fault surface ==> 断层面
  3226. fault surge ==> 地絡サージ
  3227. fault switching ==> 开关误操作
  3228. fault system ==> 断层系
  3229. fault terrace ==> 断层阶地
  3230. fault test generation ==> 故障测试生成
  3231. fault testing ==> 故障测试=>試充電(電力)
  3232. fault threshold ==> 故障门限
  3233. fault throw ==> 断层断距,断层落差
  3234. fault throwing ==> 人工短路跳闸
  3235. fault time ==> 故障时间
  3236. fault tolerance ==> 故障容许水平,失效容差=>フォールトトレランス
  3237. fault tolerant approach ==> 容错法
  3238. fault trace ==> 故障跟踪,裂纹迹
  3239. fault transient ==> 故障过渡过程
  3240. fault trap ==> 断层圈闭
  3241. fault treatment ==> 事故处理
  3242. fault tree ==> 故障树
  3243. fault tree analysis (FTA) ==> 故障树分析,失效树分析
  3244. fault trip signal of breaker ==> 断路器事故掉闸信号
  3245. fault trough ==> 地堑,断层槽
  3246. fault trough submarine valley ==> 断槽海底谷
  3247. fault valley ==> 断层谷
  3248. fault vein ==> 断层矿脉
  3249. fault wall ==> 断层壁,(断层盘)断盘
  3250. fault wire ==> 故障线=>障害線
  3251. fault zone ==> 断层带
  3252. fault-avoidance ==> 免错,故障避免,避免错误
  3253. fault-blcok oil-gas field ==> 断块油气田
  3254. fault-block basin ==> 断块盆地
  3255. fault-block mountains ==> 断块山
  3256. fault-block movement ==> 断块运动
  3257. fault-block structure ==> 断块构造
  3258. fault-control memory ==> 故障控制存储器
  3259. fault-dam spring ==> 断层壅水泉
  3260. fault-finding ==> 故障探测
  3261. fault-folding ==> 断层褶皱
  3262. fault-intolerance approach ==> 不容错方法
  3263. fault-line scarp ==> 断线崖
  3264. fault-line scarp shoreline ==> 断线崖滨线
  3265. fault-line valley ==> 断线谷
  3266. fault-location problem ==> 故障查找问题
  3267. fault-locator network ==> フォルトロケータ網
  3268. fault-rate threshold ==> 故障率门限,故障率阈值
  3269. fault-recognition program ==> 故障识别程序
  3270. fault-scarp shoreline ==> 断崖滨线
  3271. fault-sensing circuit ==> 故障敏感电路
  3272. fault-strike slip basin ==> 走向滑动盆地
  3273. fault-tolerant ==> 失效容限
  3274. fault-tolerant computer ==> 容错计算机
  3275. fault-tolerant computing ==> 容错计算
  3276. fault-tolerant control ==> 耐故障制御
  3277. fault-tolerant technique ==> 容错技术
  3278. fault-trough lake ==> 地堑湖
  3279. faultblock mountain ==> 断块山
  3280. faulted bedding plane ==> 错动层面,错断层面
  3281. faulted circuit ==> 有故障的电路
  3282. faulted condition ==> 事故工况
  3283. faulted joint ==> 断裂缝
  3284. faulted phase ==> 故障相
  3285. faulted seam ==> 断裂矿层
  3286. faulted zone ==> 断层带
  3287. faultfinder ==> 故障检查装备
  3288. faulting ==> 断层错动,断层作用=>断層
  3289. faultless ==> 无故障的
  3290. faultless gear change ==> 无冲击变速
  3291. faultless mask ==> 无缺陷掩模
  3292. faultless operation ==> 无事故运行
  3293. faults of nuclear power plant and effects on transient stability of power system ==> 核电机组故障及对电网暂态稳定的影响
  3294. faulty action ==> 误动作
  3295. faulty circuit ==> 故障电路
  3296. faulty coal ==> 劣质煤
  3297. faulty component ==> 故障部分
  3298. faulty control ==> 误调节
  3299. faulty diet ==> 不全食物
  3300. faulty fusion ==> 未焊透,未熔合
  3301. faulty goods ==> 劣货
  3302. faulty insulation ==> 有故障的绝缘
  3303. faulty insulator ==> 漏电绝缘子,故障绝缘子,不合格绝缘子=>不良がいし
  3304. faulty item ==> 报废项目
  3305. faulty line ==> 故障线路
  3306. faulty lubrication ==> 润滑不当
  3307. faulty machining ==> 机加工不当
  3308. faulty nutrition ==> 缺乏营养
  3309. faulty operation ==> 错误操作
  3310. faulty operation and management ==> 经营管理不善,经营管理不善
  3311. faulty packing ==> 包装不完备
  3312. faulty part ==> 报废零件
  3313. faulty phase ==> 故障相
  3314. faulty prosthesis ==> 不良假体
  3315. faulty restoration ==> 不良修复
  3316. faulty section ==> 障害区間
  3317. faulty transformer ==> 故障变压器
  3318. faulty union ==> 不良愈合
  3319. faulty wire ==> 障害線
  3320. fauna ==> 动物群,动物区系,动物志
  3321. faunal extinction ==> 动物区系消亡
  3322. faunal stage ==> 动物群阶
  3323. faure plate ==> 涂浆极板
  3324. Faure type plate ==> フォール形極板
  3325. faure type plate ==> 福勒式极板
  3326. faure-type plate ==> 涂浆极板
  3327. Fauser process ==> 佛瑟法
  3328. Faust's test ==> 福斯特氏试验
  3329. faut detection ==> 故障检测
  3330. fauts group ==> 断层群
  3331. FAV, first article verification ==> 初回品確認
  3332. FAVDRV, fast acting valve driver ==> 速動バルブ駆動装置
  3333. favo(u)rable case ==> 有利情形
  3334. favo(u)rable event ==> 有利事件
  3335. favo(u)rable interference ==> 有效干扰
  3336. favo(u)rable result ==> 有利结果
  3337. favo(u)rable separation ==> 有益分离
  3338. favo(u)rable target ==> 有利目标
  3339. favo(u)rable weather ==> 有利天气
  3340. favo(u)red state ==> 有利状态
  3341. favo(u)red transition ==> 有利跃迁
  3342. favor ==> 促成=>利益
  3343. favorable balance ==> 贸易顺差
  3344. favorable balance of trade ==> 贸易出超,贸易顺差,出超
  3345. favorable current ==> 顺气流
  3346. favorable economic conditions ==> 经济优势,经济优势
  3347. favorable export terms ==> 具有优越性的出口产品
  3348. favorable geometry ==> 有利几何条件
  3349. favorable opposition ==> 大冲
  3350. favorable variation ==> 有利变异
  3351. Favorskii rearrangement ==> 法沃斯基重排
  3352. favourable balance ==> 顺差
  3353. favourable balance of foreign exchange and outlays ==> 外汇收支顺差
  3354. favourable balance of trade ==> 贸易顺差
  3355. favourable exchange ==> 顺汇
  3356. favourable trade balance ==> 贸易顺差
  3357. favourable trade payment ==> 贸易顺差
  3358. FAVV, fill and vent valve ==> 注排弁
  3359. FAW ==> 中国第一汽车集团公司
  3360. Fawcus's culture-medium ==> 磺绿胆盐琼脂
  3361. Fawcuss culture-medium ==> 煌绿胆盐琼脂,福克斯氏培养基
  3362. fawn canton ==> 棉毛斜纹防雨布
  3363. fawn colour ==> 淡黄褐色
  3364. fawn foot ==> 鹿脚形斧柄
  3365. fax ==> 传真
  3366. fax card ==> 传真卡
  3367. fax cipher unit ==> 传真加密机
  3368. fax communication ==> 传真通信
  3369. fax map ==> 传真图
  3370. fax service ==> 摹写传输业务
  3371. FAX, facsimile ==> ファクシミリ
  3372. FAX, facsimile transmission ==> ファクシミリ伝送
  3373. Faxen drag factor ==> 曳力系数
  3374. faxfilm process ==> 塑料印相检验法
  3375. faying face ==> 钎焊面
  3376. faying surface ==> 重叠面,(电阻焊的)贴合面
  3377. fazadinium bromide ==> 法扎溴铵
  3378. FB, front to back ratio ==> 前後の利得の比
  3379. FBC-value ==> 平底拉延值
  3380. FBD, fuel bleed disconnect ==> 燃料ブリードディスコネクタ
  3381. FBGA, fine-pitch ball grid array ==> ICパッケージの一つ
  3382. FBNCC, Fallback Network Control Center ==> 臨時ネットワークコントロールセンター
  3383. fbr ==> 快增殖反应堆
  3384. FBR fuel assembly ==> 快中子增殖堆燃料组件,用于快中子增殖堆的燃料组件。现代快堆均采用铀钚混合氧化物(MOX)燃料和上、下贫铀转换段、带不锈钢盒的组件。所用材料要承受远高于热堆的热和辐照负荷
  3385. FBR, Fast Breeder Reactor ==> 快中子增殖反应堆=>高速増殖炉
  3386. FBT, feedback technology ==> フィードバック技術
  3387. FBV, fuel bleed valve ==> 燃料排出弁(逃気弁)
  3388. FBW, fly by wire ==> フライバイワイヤ
  3389. FC Facilitation Committee (IMO) ==> 助力委员会
  3390. Fc receptor ==> 结晶段受体
  3391. FC, flight control ==> 飛行管制
  3392. FC, flight crew ==> 搭乗員
  3393. FC, foot candle ==> フィート燭光(照度単位)
  3394. FC, Frequency Converter Station ==> 周波数変換所
  3395. FC, Frequency Converting Substation ==> 周波数変換所
  3396. FC, fuel cell ==> 燃料電池
  3397. FC, functional check ==> 機能試験
  3398. FC-TCR, The Fixed Capacitor-Thyristor-Controlled Reactor ==> FC-TCR
  3399. FCA, Fixed Channel Assignment ==> 固定割当方式
  3400. FCA, flow control assembly ==> 流量制御装置
  3401. FCA, functional configuration audit ==> 機能コンフィギュレーション監査
  3402. FCB, Fast Cut Back ==> FCB是指机组主变出线开关跳闸,不联跳汽机和锅炉,汽机保持额定转速,锅炉快速减少燃料量,高、低压旁路快速开启,实现机组仅带厂用电的"孤岛运行",大机组FCB功能对于电网特殊事故处理和没有水电的区域电网黑启动都具有十分重要的意义=>(火力)所内単独運転,ボイラ入力急変絞込み制御
  3403. FCB, film circuit board ==> 薄膜回路基板
  3404. FCB, Fracture Control Board ==> 破壊制御委員会
  3405. FCB, frame count bit ==> FCB
  3406. FCB, function control block ==> 功能控制块
  3407. FCBGA, fine chip ball grid array ==> ICパッケージの一つ
  3408. FCC ==> 流動接触分解
  3409. FCC, Federal Communications Commission ==> アメリカ連邦通信委員会
  3410. FCC, U.S.Federal Communications Commission ==> 米連邦通信委員会
  3411. FCCJ, Fuel Cell Commercialization Conference of Japan ==> 燃料電池実用化推進協議会
  3412. FCCS, Fluorescence Cross Correlation Spectroscopy ==> 蛍光相互相関分光法
  3413. FCE, fixed-satellite communication equipment ==> 固定衛星通信装置
  3414. FCE, Fuel Cell Energy ==> 米国FCE社
  3415. FCEV, fuel cell electric vehicle ==> 燃料電池電気自動車
  3416. FCHP, fixed conductance heat pipe ==> 固定コンダクタンスヒートパイプ
  3417. FCHV, Fuel Cell Hybird Vehicle ==> FCHV
  3418. FCI, functional configuration identification ==> 機能コンフィギュレーション識別
  3419. FCL cargo ==> 整柜装货物
  3420. FCL, fault-current limiter ==> These devices dampen surges of current in transmission and distribution networks. FCLs rely on a superconductor’s sensitivity to temperature. Below a certain temperature, superconductors offer virtually no resistance, but above that temperature, their resistance increases sharply.
  3421. FCLT, Fault Current Limiting Transformer ==> FCLT
  3422. FCM, Frame Control Message ==> FCM
  3423. FCM, fuel cell module ==> 燃料セルモジュール
  3424. FCP, fluid and chemical processing ==> 流体と化学処理
  3425. FCP, Fracture Control Plan ==> 破壊制御計画
  3426. FCP, fuel cell plant ==> 燃焼電池プラント
  3427. FCPA, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ==> (美国)反海外腐败法
  3428. FCR, flight control room ==> 飛行管理室
  3429. FCS ==> 富士電機機器制御
  3430. FCS, facility control system ==> ファシリティ管理システム
  3431. FCS, Fieldbus Control System ==> 现场总线控制系统
  3432. FCS, Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy ==> 蛍光相関分光法
  3433. FCS, frame check sequence ==> フレームチェック手順
  3434. FCT, Flip Chip Technology ==> ベア・チップ実装技術の一種(LSIチップの電極パッドにハンダなどの金属のバンプを形成し,セラミック基板あるいはプリント基板などの実装基板の電極パッドに金属バンプを押し付けて接続する。実装占有面積はチップ寸法とほとんど変わらない)
  3435. FCT, flight control team ==> 飛行管理チーム
  3436. FCTESQA, Fuel Cell TEsting, Safety and Quality ==> EU燃料电池工程
  3437. FCTESTNET, Fuel Cell TEsting and STandardsation thematic NETwork ==> EU燃料电池工程
  3438. FCTS, flight controller test set ==> フライトコントローラ試験設備
  3439. FCV ==> 燃料電池自動車
  3440. FCV, frame count bit valid ==> FCV
  3441. FCV, fuel check valve ==> 燃料チェックバルブ
  3442. FCV, fuel chill down valve ==> 燃料予冷弁
  3443. FD Free Discharge ==> 免费卸货
  3444. FD&D/FDD Freight, Demurrage, And Deadfreight ==> 货物,滞留费和重量
  3445. FD, fault detection ==> 故障検出
  3446. FD, fault detector ==> 事故検出リレー。使用目的から、一般にフェイルセーフリレーとも呼ぶ。
  3447. FD, flat deck ==> 機器搭載板
  3448. FD, flight deck ==> フライトデッキ
  3449. FD, flight dynamics ==> 飛行力学
  3450. FD/FI, fault detection/fault isolation ==> 故障検出/故障分離
  3451. FDA, Food and Drug Administration ==> 美国食品医药品局
  3452. FDC, furnace drive controller ==> ファーネスドライブコントローラ
  3453. FDDI, Fiber Distributed Data Interface ==> 光ファイバー分散データインタフェース
  3454. FDESP Free Dispatch ==> 免费发送
  3455. FDF, flight data file ==> 飛行データファイル
  3456. FDF, forced draft fan ==> 押込み通風機
  3457. FDI ==> 外国直接投資
  3458. FDIR, Fault Detection Isolation and Reconfiguration ==> 故障検出,分離及び再構成
  3459. FDIR, Fault Detection Isolation Identification and Recompensation ==> 故障検知・分離・証明,保証
  3460. FDIS Free Discharge ==> 免费卸货
  3461. fdisply ==> f型显示器
  3462. fdm ==> 频分多路传输
  3463. FDM, Frequency Division Multi ==> 频率分离
  3464. FDM, Frequency Division Multiplex ==> 周波数分割多重方式
  3465. FDM, frequency division multiplexing ==> 周波数分割多重
  3466. FDMA, frequency division multiple access ==> 周波数分割多元接続
  3467. FDMS, flight data management system ==> 飛行データ管理システム
  3468. FDOR, final design/operation review ==> 最終設計/運用審査
  3469. FDP, fatigue decreased proficiency ==> 疲労により低下した熟練度
  3470. FDP, flight data processing system ==> 飛行計画情報処理システム
  3471. FDPS, flight data processing system ==> 航空路飛行計画情報処理システム
  3472. FDR, final design review ==> 最終設計審査
  3473. FDR, flight data recorder ==> 飛行記録計
  3474. FDR, Functional Design Review ==> 機能要求設計審査
  3475. FDS, fire detection and suppression ==> 火災探知及び消火
  3476. FDS, flight data system ==> 飛行データシステム
  3477. FDS, fuse disconnecting switch ==> ヒューズ付き断路器
  3478. FDT, Formal Description Technique ==> A FDT is chosen when a protocol has to be specified in a formal way.
  3479. FDTD, finite difference time domain ==> 有限差分時間領域法,FDTD法
  3480. FDV, fill and drain valve ==> 注排弁
  3481. fdx ==> 全双工
  3482. fdx operation ==> 双工工作
  3483. fe ==> 泡沫腐蚀
  3484. Fe alloy ==> Fe合金
  3485. Fe deficiency symptoms ==> 缺铁病
  3486. FE, final electrical performance test ==> 最終電気性能検査
  3487. Fe, iron ==> 鉄
  3488. FEA, finite element analysis ==> 有限要素解析
  3489. feabitten gray ==> (马毛色)斑青毛
  3490. fear ==> 畏惧,恐惧
  3491. fear of unemployment ==> 失业恐慌
  3492. fearful ==> 恐ろしい,ものすごい
  3493. fearless ==> 恐れ知らずの,勇敢な
  3494. fearnought blending willey ==> 开清混毛机
  3495. feasibility ==> 可行性,可能性,现实性=>フィージビリティ
  3496. feasibility analysis ==> 可行性分析
  3497. feasibility assessment ==> 可行性的估计
  3498. feasibility criterion ==> 可行性标准
  3499. feasibility investigation ==> 可行性调查研究
  3500. feasibility of linear programming problem ==> 线性规划问题的可行解区域
  3501. feasibility report ==> 可行性报告=>企業化調査報告
  3502. feasibility study ==> 初步可行性研究,可行性研究,可行性调查=>事業化調査,フィージビリティースタディ
  3503. feasibility study (FS) ==> 可能性研究
  3504. feasibility study report ==> 可行性研究报告
  3505. feasibility test ==> 可行性试验
  3506. feasibility testing ==> 可行性测定
  3507. feasible capacity ==> 可调出力,电力系统中一段时期内全部发电设备实际可调出的容量
  3508. feasible constraints ==> 可行约束
  3509. feasible cooordination ==> 可行协调
  3510. feasible decomposition ==> 可行分解
  3511. feasible discounted price for utility and customers ==> 両経済主体が受容可能な割引料金
  3512. feasible domain ==> 許容領域
  3513. feasible hours ==> 可调小时,发电机组在一年时间内扣除计划和非计划检修小时数后,余下的运行和备用时间
  3514. feasible limit of increase in financial revenue ==> 财政收入增长可行限量
  3515. feasible method ==> 可行法
  3516. feasible normal plant capacity ==> 可达到的正常工厂生产能力
  3517. feasible plan ==> 可行的计划=>実行可能な計画
  3518. feasible program ==> 可行方案
  3519. feasible region ==> 可行域
  3520. feasible schedule ==> 可行的计划
  3521. feasible sequence ==> 可行序列
  3522. feasible set ==> 可行集合
  3523. feasible solution ==> 可行解,容许解
  3524. feasible zone ==> 可行域
  3525. feather ==> 桨叶水平运动,变桨距,凸出部分,风羽,铸造毛刺,铸造披缝,旋翼周期变距,羽,羽毛,顺浆=>フェザー,種類
  3526. feather alum ==> 毛矾石,铁明矾
  3527. Feather analysis ==> 费瑟分析法
  3528. feather bed ==> 羽毛状池底
  3529. feather bunchgrass ==> 羽状丛生禾草
  3530. feather check ==> 羽毛状裂缝
  3531. feather checking ==> 产生裂缝
  3532. feather chenille ==> 羽毛雪尼尔线
  3533. feather cloth ==> 羽毛呢
  3534. feather crotch ==> 羽状纹板
  3535. feather crystal ==> 羽毛状晶体
  3536. feather cutter ==> 企口凿
  3537. feather eating ==> 食羽癖
  3538. feather edge file ==> 刀形锉
  3539. feather edged brick ==> 斜削砖
  3540. feather edging ==> 毛状饰
  3541. feather fault ==> 羽状断层
  3542. feather figure ==> 羽状花纹
  3543. feather follicle ==> 羽囊
  3544. feather fractures ==> 羽状结构
  3545. feather game ==> 野禽
  3546. feather germ ==> 羽胚
  3547. feather joint ==> 羽状节理,榫连接,榫连接
  3548. feather key ==> 滑键,导向键
  3549. feather leg ==> 多毛腿
  3550. feather mite ==> 羽螨
  3551. feather ones own nests ==> 肥私囊
  3552. feather ore ==> 羽毛矿
  3553. feather out ==> 羽灭
  3554. feather palm ==> 羽叶棕榈
  3555. feather papilla ==> 羽乳头
  3556. feather picking ==> 拔毛
  3557. feather pitch ==> 顺桨螺距
  3558. feather pulp ==> 羽髓
  3559. feather rot ==> 羽毛状腐病
  3560. feather sander ==> 羽毛打磨机
  3561. feather stitch ==> 羽状绣花针迹
  3562. feather tongue ==> 导销,斜削销
  3563. feather twill ==> 山形斜纹
  3564. feather valve ==> 卸载阀,弹性阀,滑阀
  3565. feather veined ==> 具羽状脉的,具羽状脉的
  3566. feather yarn ==> 羽毛纱
  3567. feather-cloth figure ==> (木材的)羽毛花纹
  3568. feather-edge brick ==> 削边砖
  3569. feather-edged ==> 羽毛状边饰,薄缘的
  3570. feather-edged board ==> 薄边板
  3571. feather-fleece ==> 羽绒花
  3572. feather-touch function button ==> 轻触式功能按钮
  3573. featherbedding ==> 强迫雇用,限产超雇,超过工作需要的人员雇佣
  3574. featherbone ==> 羽毛撑骨
  3575. featherboning ==> 羽毛撑骨
  3576. feathered ==> 导键联接的
  3577. feathered assets ==> 虚构资产
  3578. feathered bristle ==> 羽状须
  3579. feathered tin ==> 羽状锡
  3580. featheredge ==> 薄边
  3581. featheredge board ==> 楔边板
  3582. featheredge section ==> 薄边式断面
  3583. featheredged coping ==> 薄边式盖顶,单坡屋顶
  3584. featheredging ==> 渐细等高线
  3585. featheriness ==> 羽毛状
  3586. feathering ==> 羽毛,出羽,顺桨,桨叶水平旋转,絮羽化
  3587. feathering airscrew ==> 顺桨螺旋桨
  3588. feathering auger ==> 带偏心扒杆的螺旋
  3589. feathering hinge ==> 顺桨铰链
  3590. feathering paddles ==> 活桨叶
  3591. feathering pitch ==> 顺桨桨距
  3592. feathering propeller ==> 顺桨螺旋桨
  3593. feathering pump ==> 顺桨泵
  3594. feathers ==> 羽状裂缝
  3595. featherstitch ==> 羽状绣花针迹
  3596. featherweight paper ==> 轻磅纸
  3597. feathery ==> 羽毛状
  3598. feathery awn ==> 羽状芒
  3599. feathery bainite ==> 羽毛型贝氏体
  3600. feathery crystal ==> 羽状晶体
  3601. feathery crystalline material ==> 羽毛状结晶物质
  3602. feathery needles ==> 羽毛针状体
  3603. feating means ==> 加热方法
  3604. feature ==> 特征,结构元件,特性,零件,部件,装置,性能=>特徴
  3605. feature (loop 1) ==> 第一环路适配器
  3606. feature control symbol ==> 特征控制符号
  3607. feature detection ==> 特征检测
  3608. feature dimension ==> 形体尺寸
  3609. feature distributions ==> 特徴量分布
  3610. feature edge ==> 形体边缘
  3611. feature estimation ==> 特徴推定
  3612. feature evaluation ==> 特徴評価
  3613. feature extraction ==> 特徴抽出
  3614. feature film ==> 長編映画,主要作品
  3615. feature for attaching communication (FAC) ==> 附属通信性能,加接通信的特性
  3616. feature placement ==> 形体布置
  3617. feature points ==> 特徴点
  3618. feature space ==> 特征空间
  3619. febrile ==> 热病的,热性的
  3620. febrile albuminuria ==> 发热性蛋白尿
  3621. febrile antigen ==> 热病抗原
  3622. febrile crisis ==> 热骤退
  3623. febrile delirium ==> 热病谵妄,热性谵妄,发热谵妄
  3624. febrile lysis ==> 热渐退
  3625. febrile psychosis ==> 发热性精神病
  3626. febrile pulse ==> 热病脉,热性脉
  3627. febrile urine ==> 热病性尿
  3628. febris ==> 热
  3629. febris comitata ==> 恶性间歇热
  3630. FEC, forward error correction ==> 誤り訂正符号技術,機首誤差補正
  3631. fecal energy ==> 粪便能,粪能
  3632. fecal ileus ==> 粪性肠梗阻
  3633. fecal impaction ==> 粪便嵌塞
  3634. fecal incontinence ==> 肛门失禁,大便失禁
  3635. fecal nitrogen ==> 粪氮
  3636. fecal occult blood ==> 粪便潜血=>便潜血
  3637. fecal sewage ==> 粪便污水
  3638. fecal suspension ==> 粪便悬液
  3639. fecal vomiting ==> 粪便性呕吐,吐粪
  3640. fecaloma ==> 球状硬便,粪结
  3641. Fechner color ==> 费克纳色
  3642. Fechner fraction ==> 费克纳分数
  3643. Fechner law ==> 费克纳定律
  3644. Fechner's constant ==> フェヒナーの分数
  3645. Fechner's fraction ==> フェヒナーの分数
  3646. Fechner's law ==> フェヒナーの法則
  3647. Fecraloy alloy ==> 费克拉洛伊合金
  3648. FECS ==> 电厂厂用电气监控系统
  3649. fect paper ==> 足令纸
  3650. fecund animal ==> 多产的动物
  3651. fecund soil ==> 肥沃的土地
  3652. fed cattle ==> 料饲肉牛
  3653. FED, field emission display ==> 表面電界ディスプレイ
  3654. FED, field emittion display ==> 场致发射显示器
  3655. FED-STDS, Federal Telecommunications Standards ==> 連邦テレコミュニケーション基準
  3656. feddback relay amplifier ==> 反馈继电放大器
  3657. Federal arc converter ==> 费特尔电弧换流机
  3658. Federal budget ==> 联邦预算
  3659. federal control ==> 中央控制
  3660. Federal debt subject to limitation ==> 限额内联邦债务
  3661. Federal Fund Rate ==> (美国)联邦资金利率
  3662. Federal Reserve Note ==> 美钞
  3663. Federal Reserve System (FRS) ==> 联邦储备系统
  3664. Federal Telecommunications System ==> 联邦电信系统
  3665. Federal Telecommunications System (FTS) ==> 联邦远程通信系统
  3666. Federal Wire System (Fed Wire System) ==> 联邦有线系统
  3667. federated computer system ==> 联合计算机系统
  3668. Federation of Economic Organizations ==> 经济团体联合会,经济团体联合会
  3669. Fedorov group ==> 费德罗夫群=>空間群
  3670. Fedorov stage ==> 万用旋转台
  3671. fedorov stage ==> 费氏旋转台
  3672. FEDP, Facility and Equipment Design Plan ==> 設備,機器設計計画
  3673. fee ==> 费用=>料金
  3674. fee charged for the use of ==> 占用费
  3675. fee checking account ==> 收费支票户
  3676. fee for land use ==> 土地使用费
  3677. fee for possession and use of ==> 占用费
  3678. fee method ==> 收费法
  3679. fee of permit ==> 牌照费
  3680. fee television ==> 投币式电视
  3681. feeble ==> 软弱的,微弱的
  3682. feeble and impalpable pulse ==> 脉微欲绝
  3683. feeble beam ==> 弱束
  3684. feeble current ==> 弱电流
  3685. feeble field ==> 弱场
  3686. feeble pulse ==> 脉虚
  3687. feeblemindedness ==> 低能,智力低下
  3688. feebleness ==> 弱
  3689. feebly cohesive soil ==> 弱粘性土
  3690. feebly hydraulic lime ==> 弱水硬性石灰
  3691. feed ==> 供给=>フィード,給電,副走査(ファクシミリ)
  3692. feed additive ==> 饲料添加剂
  3693. feed additive premix ==> 饲料添加剂预混物
  3694. feed adjustment ==> 进刀调整,馈电调整
  3695. feed agitator ==> 饲料搅拌器,饲料震动器
  3696. feed analysis ==> 饲料分析
  3697. feed and filter tank ==> 进给过滤箱
  3698. feed and grain mill ==> 磨粉厂
  3699. feed apparatus ==> 进料装置
  3700. feed apron ==> 进料板,裙板进料机
  3701. feed arm ==> 馈电臂
  3702. feed axis ==> 送り軸
  3703. feed back ==> 回料
  3704. feed back rod ==> 反馈杆
  3705. feed back system ==> 考核制度
  3706. feed back-clamp circuit ==> 反馈箝位电路
  3707. feed bar ==> 进给杆
  3708. feed barn ==> 饲喂场
  3709. feed basis ==> 供給基準
  3710. feed belt ==> 进给皮带,传送皮带
  3711. feed bin ==> 饲料仓,给料斗,装料斗,料仓
  3712. feed block ==> 给油导管,夹钳式送料机构
  3713. feed blower ==> 饲料吹送器
  3714. feed box ==> 浇口箱,给料箱,料箱=>送り変速装置
  3715. feed bridge ==> 送进搭边,送料搭边
  3716. feed bunk ==> 饲槽,饲喂槽
  3717. feed cable ==> 馈电电缆
  3718. feed cam ==> 进给凸轮
  3719. feed canal ==> 传动塔轴,供水渠
  3720. feed cap ==> 进料盖
  3721. feed capability ==> 供給能力
  3722. feed carriage ==> 饲料车,饲料车
  3723. feed cart ==> 饲料分送车
  3724. feed chamber ==> 供給室
  3725. feed change ==> 进刀箱,进给变速
  3726. feed change gear ==> 进刀变速齿轮
  3727. feed change gears ==> 进刀机构变速齿轮
  3728. feed change lever ==> 进刀变速手柄
  3729. feed change unit ==> 走刀箱
  3730. feed channel ==> 送料道=>引込水路
  3731. feed charge ==> 装料
  3732. feed check valve ==> 給水逆止め弁
  3733. feed chute ==> 送料槽,进料槽,进料管,进料斜槽=>供給シュート
  3734. feed circuit ==> 补油回路=>給電回路
  3735. feed cistern ==> 給水槽
  3736. feed clutch ==> 自动进退刀离合器
  3737. feed cock ==> 进气龙头,进水龙头
  3738. feed collector ==> 饲料集存器,饲料收集器
  3739. feed compartment ==> 进料室
  3740. feed cone ==> 进给锥轮
  3741. feed cone pulley ==> 进刀锥形轮
  3742. feed consumption ==> 饲料消费
  3743. feed control ==> 进刀控制,进给控制,进料控制,供纸控制,供纸控制器,馈送控制
  3744. feed control lever ==> 进给控制手柄
  3745. feed control valve ==> 进给控制阀
  3746. feed controller ==> 给料调节器
  3747. feed controlling device ==> 送り装置
  3748. feed conversion ==> 饲料转化率
  3749. feed conversion rate ==> 饲料转化率
  3750. feed conversion ratio ==> 饲料消耗比
  3751. feed conveyer ==> 饲料传送机
  3752. feed conveyor trough ==> 自动送料饲槽
  3753. feed cooker ==> 饲料蒸煮器
  3754. feed cord ==> 馈电软线
  3755. feed crop ==> 饲料作物
  3756. feed cup ==> 排种杯
  3757. feed cup bottom ==> 槽轮排种器底板
  3758. feed current ==> 馈电电流
  3759. feed cutoff ==> 阻塞套
  3760. feed cutter ==> 饲料切割机
  3761. feed dial ==> 进料刻度盘
  3762. feed distribution pump ==> 给水分配泵
  3763. feed distribution system ==> 进给分配系统
  3764. feed ditch ==> 灌溉沟,灌沟,灌水沟
  3765. feed dog ==> 传动卡爪
  3766. feed door ==> 加料炉门
  3767. feed drive gearing ==> 进给传动装置
  3768. feed drum ==> 筒式送料机
  3769. feed efficiency ==> 饲料效率,饲料转化效率
  3770. feed engine ==> 給水機
  3771. feed expansion honing ==> 定进给量珩磨
  3772. feed filter ==> 给水滤器
  3773. feed finger ==> 进料指
  3774. feed flow adjustment ==> 流送量调节
  3775. feed force ==> 进刀力
  3776. feed formula ==> 饲料配方
  3777. feed formulation ==> 饲料配方
  3778. feed forward ==> 正向输送
  3779. feed forward control ==> 前馈控制=>フィードフォワード制御
  3780. feed forward principle ==> 前馈原理
  3781. feed fraction ==> 给料粒度级
  3782. feed frame ==> 饲料框架
  3783. feed friction ==> 进给摩擦
  3784. feed function ==> 馈送功能
  3785. feed gate ==> 进料闸门
  3786. feed gear ==> 送り装置
  3787. feed gear bonnet ==> 进给齿轮罩
  3788. feed gear wheel ==> 进给齿轮
  3789. feed gearing ==> 进刀传动装置
  3790. feed gearing mechanism ==> 齿轮进给机构
  3791. feed given to animals ==> 喂牲畜的食物
  3792. feed glass ==> 给油指示器
  3793. feed glass washer ==> 玻璃眼垫圈
  3794. feed governor ==> 给水调节器
  3795. feed grain crop ==> 谷物饲料
  3796. feed grinder ==> 饲料粉碎机
  3797. feed grinding ==> 横向进磨法
  3798. feed gun ==> 进料枪,加料枪
  3799. feed handling equipment ==> 饲料装卸分送设备
  3800. feed heater ==> 给水加热器,进料加热器
  3801. feed hold ==> 进给保持
  3802. feed hole ==> 传动导孔,馈送孔,输纸孔=>繰出し孔
  3803. feed holes ==> 输送孔
  3804. feed hopper ==> 供料斗,进料斗
  3805. feed hopper liner (left, right) ==> 料斗衬板(左,右)
  3806. feed hopper liner (left, right) 料斗衬板(左, ==> 右)
  3807. feed horn ==> 号角形馈电器,馈电喇叭
  3808. feed in ==> 引入线
  3809. feed in winding ==> 馈入线圈
  3810. feed ingredient ==> 饲料成分
  3811. feed inlet ==> 进料口,加料口
  3812. feed intake ==> 采食量
  3813. feed lever ==> 播种量调节杆
  3814. feed lime ==> 饲用石灰
  3815. feed line ==> 饲料输送管道,进给线,给水管路,供料液管线
  3816. feed liquid ==> 供液,料液
  3817. feed liquid inlet ==> 供液口
  3818. feed liquid pump ==> 供液泵
  3819. feed loader ==> 装饲料机,牵引式饲料装运车
  3820. feed lot ==> 饲养场
  3821. feed machine ==> 馈送机
  3822. feed make-up boiler ==> 配料蒸锅
  3823. feed mark ==> 进刀痕迹
  3824. feed materials ==> 给料物质
  3825. feed mechanism ==> 馈送机构,上料机构
  3826. feed metal ==> 原料金属
  3827. feed metering ==> 饲料计量
  3828. feed metering unit for pigs ==> 猪饲料计量装置
  3829. feed mill ==> 饲料粉碎机,送料磨
  3830. feed mixer ==> 饲料拌和机
  3831. feed mixer-and-elevator combination wagon ==> 饲料拌和分送小车
  3832. feed mixing machine ==> 饲料混合机
  3833. feed motion ==> 送り装置
  3834. feed motor ==> 进给电动机
  3835. feed movement ==> 进给运动
  3836. feed nozzle ==> 进料嘴
  3837. feed number ==> 哺育量
  3838. feed nut ==> 进给螺母
  3839. feed oat ==> 饲用燕麦
  3840. feed of drill ==> 钻头进程
  3841. feed on animal's blood ==> 吸食血
  3842. feed opening ==> 进料口,加料孔
  3843. feed operating link ==> 进刀连杆
  3844. feed path ==> 进给路
  3845. feed per minute ==> 每分钟走刀量
  3846. feed per revolution ==> 每转走刀量
  3847. feed per stroke ==> 每次行程走刀量,每行程走刀量
  3848. feed per tooth ==> 每齿走刀量
  3849. feed per unit gain ==> 每单位增重消耗饲料
  3850. feed pipe ==> 给水管
  3851. feed pipe with nozzle ==> 带喷嘴料液入口管
  3852. feed pitch ==> 导孔间距,进给传送孔距,馈送孔间距,输送孔距=>繰出し孔ピッチ
  3853. feed point ==> 馈电点
  3854. feed point impedance ==> 馈电点阻抗
  3855. feed port ==> 进料口
  3856. feed preheater ==> 进料预热器,原料预热器
  3857. feed preparation ==> 饲料调制,备料
  3858. feed pressure ==> 输送压力,进给压力
  3859. feed processing building ==> 饲料加工间
  3860. feed proportioning ==> 配料
  3861. feed pulley ==> 驱动进料三角皮带轮,主动滑轮
  3862. feed pump ==> 进给泵,给料泵,给水泵,料液泵=>給水ポンプ
  3863. feed punch ==> 馈送穿孔,导孔穿孔,送卡穿孔机
  3864. feed rack ==> 进给齿条
  3865. feed range ==> 进给范围
  3866. feed rate ==> 馈送率,(焊丝的)送进速度=>供給速度
  3867. feed rate indicator ==> 进给率指示器
  3868. feed rate number ==> 馈送率数
  3869. feed rate of welding wire ==> 焊丝送进速度
  3870. feed rate override ==> 进给速度修调
  3871. feed ratio ==> 馈电比
  3872. feed reactor ==> 馈电电抗器
  3873. feed reel ==> 供带盘,进给卷盘,进料卷取机,折卷机
  3874. feed regulating lever ==> 进刀调节手柄
  3875. feed regulator ==> 给料调节器,供水调节装置,加料控制器
  3876. feed reverse ==> 进给换向
  3877. feed reverse lever ==> 进刀反向手柄
  3878. feed reversing ==> 反向进给
  3879. feed reversing gear ==> 反进给装置
  3880. feed rock shaft ==> 长牙挡
  3881. feed rod ==> 走刀桢
  3882. feed rod bracket ==> 走刀杆托架
  3883. feed roll ==> 送料辊,馈带辊,排种槽轮
  3884. feed roller ==> 送纸轮,进料辊
  3885. feed sampler ==> 给料取样机
  3886. feed screw ==> 进给螺杆,螺旋给料机,螺旋送料机
  3887. feed screw collar ==> 进给螺杆挡环
  3888. feed screw mechanism ==> 进料螺杆机构
  3889. feed screw nut ==> 丝杆螺母
  3890. feed selection lever ==> 进给变速杆,走刀箱变速杆
  3891. feed shaft ==> 进给轴,排种轴=>送り軸
  3892. feed shelter ==> 进给盘
  3893. feed side ==> 进料侧
  3894. feed slide ==> 进给滑板
  3895. feed slurry ==> 滤浆
  3896. feed slurry (liquor) inlet ==> 滤浆入口
  3897. feed slurry inlet ==> 料浆进(入)口
  3898. feed space ==> 进料室
  3899. feed speed ==> 进给速度
  3900. feed spindle ==> 走刀桢
  3901. feed spool ==> 供片轴,输带轴
  3902. feed steam ==> 进汽
  3903. feed stop valve ==> 进给安全阀,给料截止阀
  3904. feed stopper ==> 进给停止器
  3905. feed storage ==> 饲料库
  3906. feed store ==> 饲料库
  3907. feed strainer ==> 进料滤器
  3908. feed system ==> 给油系统,供电系统,供料系统,馈电系统
  3909. feed table ==> 送料盘
  3910. feed tank ==> 给水箱
  3911. feed test ==> 哺育性试验
  3912. feed through ==> 馈通
  3913. feed through conductance ==> 馈通电导
  3914. feed through signal ==> 馈通信号
  3915. feed through system ==> 馈通式
  3916. feed track ==> 馈送道,输送道=>繰出し孔トラック
  3917. feed travel ==> 进给行程
  3918. feed traverse ==> 送り
  3919. feed tray ==> 进料塔盘,送料盘,馈送托盘,馈送支架,给料盘
  3920. feed unit ==> 进刀机构,进给装置
  3921. feed valve ==> 送料阀,给气阀,给水阀,供给阀
  3922. feed valve block ==> 给水阀组
  3923. feed valve gasket ==> 进给阀垫密片
  3924. feed valve stem nut ==> 进给阀杆螺母
  3925. feed velocity ==> 进刀速度
  3926. feed water ==> 给水=>給水
  3927. feed water booster pump ==> 给水升压泵
  3928. feed water check valve ==> 给水止回阀
  3929. feed water control ==> 给水控制
  3930. feed water filter ==> 给水过滤器
  3931. feed water heater ==> 給水過熱器
  3932. feed water injector ==> 给水注入器
  3933. feed water inlet ==> 供水口
  3934. feed water ion exchanger ==> 给水离子交换器
  3935. feed water plug ==> 注水口旋塞
  3936. feed water preheater ==> 给水加热器
  3937. feed water pump ==> 给水泵=>給水ポンプ
  3938. feed water purifier ==> 给水净化器
  3939. feed water regulator ==> 给水调节器
  3940. feed water stop valve ==> 给水截止阀
  3941. feed water strainer ==> 给水过滤器
  3942. feed water system ==> 给水系统
  3943. feed water tank ==> 给水箱
  3944. feed water valve ==> 给水阀
  3945. feed well ==> 给料孔,给水井
  3946. feed wheel ==> 供带轮,排种盘,进给轮
  3947. feed worm ==> 进给蜗杆
  3948. feed(er) reactor ==> 线路电抗器
  3949. feed(ing) mechanism ==> 进给机构
  3950. feed(raw material)inlet ==> 原料入口
  3951. feed-back compensating winding ==> 反馈补偿绕组
  3952. feed-back of ovarian hormone ==> 卵巢激素反馈作用
  3953. feed-box ==> 走刀箱,进给箱
  3954. feed-check valve ==> 供水止回阀
  3955. feed-hole ==> 输送孔
  3956. feed-horn ==> 喇叭天线
  3957. feed-in-pull-out technique ==> 馈入-拉出技术
  3958. feed-past document copying machine ==> 馈入资料复印机
  3959. feed-rate word ==> 馈给速度字
  3960. feed-regulating valve ==> 给水调节阀
  3961. feed-shoe ==> 给料刮板
  3962. feed-tank ==> 进刀箱
  3963. feed-tape ==> 供带机
  3964. feed-through ==> 馈电导体,导孔,穿通线
  3965. feed-through collar ==> 引线环
  3966. feed-through connector ==> 传输接插件,传输用的接插件,直连插头座
  3967. feed-through document copying machine ==> 馈送资料复印机
  3968. feed-through power meter ==> 馈通功率测量仪,通过功率测量仪
  3969. feed-through spool ==> 转动送进盘管,转动送进筒
  3970. feed-through switch ==> 穿线开关
  3971. feed-through terminal ==> 穿通接线柱,穿通送进管
  3972. feed-through voltage ==> 馈通电压
  3973. feed-through wire ==> 穿通线
  3974. feed-thru connection ==> 正反面连接
  3975. feed-to-milk conversion efficiency ==> 饲料到乳转化率
  3976. feed-water heating loop ==> 给水加热回路
  3977. feed-water injector ==> 喷水器
  3978. feed-water makeup ==> 补给水
  3979. feed-water tank ==> 给水箱
  3980. feedback ==> 应答,提供的成果,反馈,反应=>帰還,フィードバック
  3981. feedback accumulator ==> 回授储蓄器
  3982. feedback action ==> 反馈作用
  3983. feedback adjustment ==> 反馈调节
  3984. feedback admittance ==> 反馈导纳,回授导纳
  3985. feedback amplification ==> 回输放大,反馈放大
  3986. feedback amplifier ==> 反馈放大器=>帰還増幅器
  3987. feedback amplifier characteristic ==> 反馈放大器特性
  3988. feedback automation ==> 反馈自动化
  3989. feedback bellow ==> 反馈波纹管
  3990. feedback bellows ==> 反馈膜盒
  3991. feedback bias ==> 回授偏压
  3992. feedback branch ==> 反馈支路
  3993. feedback bridging fault ==> 反馈桥接故障
  3994. feedback capacitance ==> 反馈电容
  3995. feedback capacitor ==> 反馈电容器=>帰還コンデンサ
  3996. feedback channel ==> 反馈通道,反馈信道
  3997. feedback characteristic ==> 反馈特性
  3998. feedback circuit ==> 反馈电路,反馈路线
  3999. feedback classroom ==> 反馈教室
  4000. feedback coder ==> 帰還形符号器
  4001. feedback coefficient ==> 反馈系数
  4002. feedback coil ==> 回授线圈=>帰還コイル
  4003. feedback communication ==> 反馈通信
  4004. feedback compensation ==> 反馈补偿=>フィードバック補償
  4005. feedback compensation technique ==> 反馈校正技术
  4006. feedback condenser ==> 反馈电容器
  4007. feedback connection ==> 反馈接线=>フィードバック結合
  4008. feedback control ==> 反馈调节,反馈控制,反馈抑制,回授控制=>フィードバック制御
  4009. feedback control loop ==> 反馈环路,反馈控制环路
  4010. feedback control signal ==> 反馈控制信号
  4011. feedback control system ==> 反馈控制系统=>フィードバック制御系
  4012. feedback controller ==> 反馈控制器
  4013. feedback counter ==> 反馈计数器
  4014. feedback coupling ==> 反馈耦合,回授耦合
  4015. feedback current ==> 反馈电流
  4016. feedback cutter ==> 反馈刻纹头,反馈切割器
  4017. feedback cutter head ==> 反馈式刻纹头
  4018. feedback decoder ==> 反馈解码器,反馈译码器
  4019. feedback decoding ==> 反馈解码
  4020. feedback device ==> 反馈装置
  4021. feedback differentiator ==> 反馈微分器
  4022. feedback divider ==> 反馈分频器
  4023. feedback dynamics ==> 反馈动态学
  4024. feedback effect ==> 反馈效应
  4025. feedback element ==> 反馈部件,反馈环节,反馈元件
  4026. feedback elements ==> 反馈元件
  4027. feedback encoder ==> 反馈编码器
  4028. feedback encoding ==> 反馈编码
  4029. feedback envelope ==> 反馈包迹
  4030. feedback equalization ==> 帰還等化
  4031. feedback equalizer ==> 反馈均衡器
  4032. feedback excitation ==> 反馈激励,反馈励磁
  4033. feedback factor ==> 反馈系数,反馈因数
  4034. feedback filter ==> 反馈滤波器
  4035. feedback frequency-demultiplier ==> 帰還形分周器
  4036. feedback function ==> 反馈函数
  4037. feedback gain ==> 反馈增益=>帰還利得
  4038. feedback generator ==> 反馈发生器,反馈振荡器,回授振荡器
  4039. feedback heater ==> 反馈加热器
  4040. feedback impedance ==> 反馈阻抗
  4041. feedback index ==> 反馈指数
  4042. feedback influence ==> 反馈影响
  4043. feedback information ==> 反馈信息
  4044. feedback inhibition ==> 反馈抑制
  4045. feedback integrator ==> 反馈积分器
  4046. feedback laser ==> 反馈激光器
  4047. feedback limiter ==> 反馈限幅器
  4048. feedback line ==> 反馈线路,回授线,回授线圈
  4049. feedback link ==> 反馈链
  4050. feedback linkage ==> 反馈传动杠杆
  4051. feedback loop ==> 反馈回路,反馈电路,反馈环,反馈环路
  4052. feedback loop system ==> 反馈回路系统
  4053. feedback mechanism ==> 反馈机制,反馈作用
  4054. feedback modulator ==> 反馈调节器,反馈调制器
  4055. feedback network ==> 反馈电路
  4056. feedback of the information ==> 情報のフィードバック
  4057. feedback oscillation ==> 反馈振荡
  4058. feedback oscillator ==> 反馈振荡器
  4059. feedback parameter ==> 反馈参数
  4060. feedback path ==> 反馈电路,反馈通路
  4061. feedback potentiometer ==> 反馈电势计
  4062. feedback process ==> 反馈程序
  4063. feedback quantity ==> 反馈量
  4064. feedback ratio ==> 反馈比,反馈系数=>帰還率(磁気増幅器)
  4065. feedback recorder ==> 回授记录装置
  4066. feedback regulation ==> 反馈调节
  4067. feedback regulator ==> 反馈调节器
  4068. feedback relationship ==> 反馈关系
  4069. feedback report ==> 反馈报告
  4070. feedback repression ==> 反馈阻遏
  4071. feedback resistance ==> 反馈电阻
  4072. feedback resistor ==> 反馈电阻器
  4073. feedback response ==> 反馈响应
  4074. feedback sawtooth generator ==> 反馈式锯齿波发生器
  4075. feedback search ==> 反馈搜索
  4076. feedback searching ==> 反馈检索
  4077. feedback shift register ==> 反馈移位寄存器
  4078. feedback signal ==> 反馈信号,回授信号,回输信号=>フィードバック信号
  4079. feedback solution ==> 反馈解
  4080. feedback stabilisation ==> 反馈稳定作用
  4081. feedback stabilization ==> 反馈稳定
  4082. feedback stabilized amplifier ==> 反馈稳定放大器
  4083. feedback suppressor ==> 反馈抑制器
  4084. feedback susceptance ==> 反馈电纳
  4085. feedback system ==> 反馈系统
  4086. feedback system automation ==> 反馈系统自动化
  4087. feedback test ==> 反馈试验
  4088. feedback time ==> 反馈时间
  4089. feedback to all levels ==> 各级的反馈
  4090. feedback transducer ==> 反馈传感器,反馈换能器,反馈转换器
  4091. feedback transfer function ==> 反馈传递函数
  4092. feedback transformer ==> 反馈变压器
  4093. feedback transmitter ==> 反馈发射机
  4094. feedback type ==> 帰還形
  4095. feedback type current transformer ==> 反馈式电流互感器
  4096. feedback type uncertainty ==> フィードバック型誤差
  4097. feedback variable ==> 反馈变量
  4098. feedback voltage ==> 反馈电压
  4099. feedback voltmeter ==> 反馈式伏特计
  4100. feedback volume output ==> 回输声量
  4101. feedback winding ==> 反馈绕组=>帰還巻線(磁気増幅器)
  4102. feedback windings ==> 反馈线组
  4103. feedback wire for TV ==> 电视机馈线
  4104. feedback with evaluation ==> 反馈评估
  4105. feedback-clamp circuit ==> 反馈钳位电路
  4106. feedback-controlled optics ==> 反馈控制光学
  4107. feedback-stabilized amplifier ==> 反馈稳定放大器
  4108. feedback-time lag effects ==> 反馈时间差距影响
  4109. feedboard raising and lowering control ==> 馈送盘升降控制,供纸板升降控制,供纸板升降控制器
  4110. feedcode lock ==> 进给代码闭锁
  4111. feeder ==> 馈电线,给料器馈电装置,给料机,馈线,由配电系统中主变电站向二次变电站供电的电力线路=>給電線,フィーダ,き電線(電鉄)
  4112. feeder assembly ==> 馈线组件
  4113. feeder beach ==> 补给海滩
  4114. feeder boot ==> 供料罩
  4115. feeder bowl ==> 供料机料盒
  4116. feeder box ==> 馈电箱,分线箱
  4117. feeder brush ==> 馈电刷
  4118. feeder bus-bar ==> 馈电线,馈路母线
  4119. feeder busbars ==> 馈电汇流
  4120. feeder bush ==> 冒口圈
  4121. feeder cable ==> 用户馈电电缆,馈电电缆,馈线电缆,电力干线=>き線ケーブル,加入者き線ケーブル
  4122. feeder cable distribution ==> き線ケーブル配線法
  4123. feeder canal ==> 引水渠
  4124. feeder canvas ==> 进料帆布输送带
  4125. feeder cattle ==> 肥育母牛,架子牛
  4126. feeder channel ==> 供水渠道
  4127. feeder circuit ==> 馈路
  4128. feeder clamp ==> 馈线夹
  4129. feeder clip ==> 馈线夹
  4130. feeder compartment ==> 给料室
  4131. feeder connection ==> 供料机通道口
  4132. feeder container ship ==> 集装箱集散船
  4133. feeder cord ==> 馈电软线
  4134. feeder distribution center ==> 馈线分配中心
  4135. feeder distribution centre ==> 馈电分配中心,馈电配线盘
  4136. feeder drain ==> 支沟
  4137. feeder drive link ==> 进刀传动杆
  4138. feeder drop ==> 馈路电压降,馈线电压降
  4139. feeder ear ==> 馈电夹耳
  4140. feeder equipment ==> 馈电装置,送料设备
  4141. feeder floor ==> 底板,给料台
  4142. feeder gate ==> 供料机闸砖
  4143. feeder head ==> 冒口
  4144. feeder height ==> 冒口高度
  4145. feeder holder ==> 导纱器托架
  4146. feeder house ==> 进给室
  4147. feeder hundreds dial ==> 进给器百分度盘
  4148. feeder industry ==> 补给性工业
  4149. feeder line ==> 馈电线
  4150. feeder liner ==> 支线运输机
  4151. feeder link ==> フィーダリンク
  4152. feeder loss ==> 馈电损耗
  4153. feeder machine ==> 给料机,供料机
  4154. feeder main ==> 馈电干线
  4155. feeder messenger wire ==> 馈线吊线
  4156. feeder modulation ==> 給電線変調
  4157. feeder modulus ==> 冒口模数
  4158. feeder neck ==> 冒口颈
  4159. feeder needle ==> 供料机冲头
  4160. feeder nose ==> 投料口
  4161. feeder opening ==> 供料机通道口
  4162. feeder panel ==> 馈电板,馈电盘,馈电线控制板=>フィーダー盤
  4163. feeder pig ==> 待肥育猪
  4164. feeder pillar ==> 馈电柱,馈线柱,分支箱
  4165. feeder plug ==> 供料机闸砖
  4166. feeder plunger ==> 供料机冲头
  4167. feeder port ==> 集散港
  4168. feeder process ==> 供料过程
  4169. feeder protection equipment ==> 馈电保护装置,馈线保护装置
  4170. feeder ratchet ==> 进料器棘轮机构
  4171. feeder ratchet stop link ==> 进给棘轮停止杆
  4172. feeder ratchet stop pin ==> 进给棘轮制动销
  4173. feeder ratio ==> 供料机传动比
  4174. feeder reactor ==> 馈电电抗器,馈电扼流圈,馈路电抗器=>フィーダリアクトル
  4175. feeder reservoir ==> 饲料储藏
  4176. feeder road ==> 专用线,分路支线,支路
  4177. feeder rod ==> 捣冒口棒
  4178. feeder section ==> 馈电区域,馈路区间=>き電空間(電鉄)
  4179. feeder service ==> フィーダー輸送
  4180. feeder sheep ==> 供肥畜羊
  4181. feeder ship ==> 分运
  4182. feeder space ==> 饲槽间隔
  4183. feeder spout ==> 供料机料盆
  4184. feeder stock ==> 待肥育家畜
  4185. feeder switch ==> 馈路开关
  4186. feeder system ==> 供料系统
  4187. feeder tens dial ==> 进给器十分度盘
  4188. feeder tie post ==> き電タイポスト(電鉄)
  4189. feeder transformer ==> 配電線用変圧器(FT)
  4190. feeder unit ==> フィーダユニット
  4191. feeder voltage regulator ==> 馈路电压调整器
  4192. feeder worm ==> 喂送螺旋
  4193. feeder-breaker ==> 装料破碎机
  4194. feeder-conveyer ==> 进料机
  4195. feedforward ==> 前馈,正反馈
  4196. feedforward compensation ==> 前馈补偿=>フィードフォワード補償
  4197. feedforward control ==> 前馈控制=>フィードフォワード制御
  4198. feedforward of information ==> 信息前馈
  4199. feedforward path ==> 前馈通路
  4200. feedforward system ==> 前馈系统
  4201. feeding ==> 供电,供给,喂料=>給送,フィーディング
  4202. feeding a little at a time and often ==> 少添勤喂
  4203. feeding area ==> 饲喂区
  4204. feeding bank ==> 送油槽
  4205. feeding bird ==> 哺育鸟
  4206. feeding bottle ==> 哺乳器,喂奶瓶
  4207. feeding box ==> 进给箱
  4208. feeding branch ==> き電分岐(電鉄)
  4209. feeding burrow ==> 觅食潜穴
  4210. feeding bus ==> き電母線
  4211. feeding canal ==> 给水沟
  4212. feeding capacity ==> 供给容量,补缩能力
  4213. feeding carriage ==> 进给托架
  4214. feeding center ==> 牲畜肥育站
  4215. feeding centre ==> 馈电中心
  4216. feeding chute ==> 供料溜子,进料滑槽
  4217. feeding conduit ==> 供水道
  4218. feeding crop ==> 饲料作物
  4219. feeding dial ==> 进料盘
  4220. feeding distance ==> 进给距离,补缩距离
  4221. feeding dose ==> 给饲定额
  4222. feeding drawer ==> 喂料耙
  4223. feeding drum ==> 进料圆筒=>フィディングドラム
  4224. feeding finger ==> 送料叉
  4225. feeding fissure ==> 补给裂缝
  4226. feeding floor ==> 饲喂间
  4227. feeding force ==> 进给力
  4228. feeding funnel ==> 进料斗,送料斗,上料斗
  4229. feeding gate ==> 进料门
  4230. feeding governor ==> 喂入量调节器
  4231. feeding guide ==> 枪弹进膛导条
  4232. feeding hole ==> 进料口
  4233. feeding hopper ==> 喂料斗
  4234. feeding industry ==> 牲畜肥育业
  4235. feeding leg ==> 溜送槽
  4236. feeding machine ==> 饲料分送机,饲料进给机,给料机,加料机械
  4237. feeding method ==> 馈电法
  4238. feeding neck ==> 冒口颈
  4239. feeding on beetle larvae ==> 食叶甲幼虫
  4240. feeding organelle ==> 栄養小器官
  4241. feeding pack ==> 馈电部件
  4242. feeding pitch ==> 送料节距
  4243. feeding plant ==> 肥育场
  4244. feeding platform ==> 投料平台
  4245. feeding point ==> 投料点,馈电点=>給電点,き電点(電鉄)
  4246. feeding pot ==> 供液壶
  4247. feeding power ==> 走刀力
  4248. feeding pressure ==> 进刀压力
  4249. feeding process ==> 供料方法
  4250. feeding pump ==> 送料泵
  4251. feeding quality ==> 饲料质量
  4252. feeding ramp ==> 枪弹进膛导条
  4253. feeding ratio ==> 补液比
  4254. feeding robot ==> 装载用机器人
  4255. feeding rod ==> 补缩捣杆,进给杆,捣冒口棒
  4256. feeding root ==> 营养根
  4257. feeding schedule ==> 饲喂时间表
  4258. feeding speed ==> 走刀速度
  4259. feeding standard ==> 饲养标准,标准饲养
  4260. feeding structure ==> 觅食构造
  4261. feeding stuff cuber ==> 饲料制粒机
  4262. feeding system ==> 冒口补缩系统=>供給システム
  4263. feeding tank ==> 送料槽
  4264. feeding transformer ==> 馈电变压器
  4265. feeding trough ==> 饲槽
  4266. feeding value ==> 饲用价值
  4267. feeding web ==> 进料输送带
  4268. feeding with fodder concentrate ==> 精饲料饲喂
  4269. feeding zone ==> 冒口补缩区
  4270. feedlot gain ==> 围栏肥育时增重
  4271. feedover ==> 馈越
  4272. feedstock ==> 给料=>原材料
  4273. feedthrough capacitor ==> 貫通コンデンサ
  4274. feedthrough terminal ==> 穿通端子
  4275. feedwater ==> 给水管路,给水,又称"炉水"。锅炉蒸发受热面(直流锅炉)或循环回路(锅筒锅炉)中的水。
  4276. feedwater condition ==> 给水质量,水力除灰系统中输送每吨灰渣所消耗的水量。
  4277. feedwater control system ==> 给水控制系统,使给水流量适应锅炉的蒸发量,并维持汽包水位在设定范围内(汽包锅炉)的模拟量控制系统;给水调节系统,通过调节给水流量将蒸汽发生器水位维持在设定范围内的系统
  4278. feedwater flow ==> 给水流量
  4279. feedwater heater ==> 给水加热器,给水回热系统中由汽轮机抽汽加热给水或凝结水的热交换器=>給水加熱器
  4280. feedwater pump ==> 给水泵,将给水从除氧器水箱中抽出,升压输送到锅炉的泵=>給水ポンプ
  4281. feedwater system ==> 给水系统,除氧器给水箱中的给水经给水泵升压并经过高压加热器加热后送到锅炉省煤器进口的管道系统
  4282. feedwater temperature ==> 给水温度,作为工质的水进入蒸汽锅炉时(称给水)的温度。额定给水温度为在规定负荷范围内应予保证的给水温度。
  4283. feedwater treatment ==> 给水处理
  4284. feedwater-steam circuit ==> 给水-蒸汽回路,核电厂内产生蒸汽以驱动汽轮机做功的汽水循环系统。对于压水堆核电厂称二回路系统;对于三个回路的钠冷堆核电厂称三回路系统
  4285. feel test ==> 触觉试验
  4286. feeler ==> 触点,塞尺,接触子,探测杆,探头,探纬针,探针,灵敏元件,厚薄规,隙片,测隙规=>感触器,触角,触覚器
  4287. feeler blade ==> 测隙片,隙片
  4288. feeler block ==> 对刀块
  4289. feeler control ==> 仿形控制器
  4290. feeler dilatometer ==> 探针膨胀仪
  4291. feeler filling changing device ==> 探针式换纬装置
  4292. feeler ga(u)ge ==> 塞尺
  4293. feeler gage ==> 测隙规
  4294. feeler gauge ==> 千分垫,测隙规=>すき間ゲージ
  4295. feeler head ==> 测隙头
  4296. feeler hole ==> 探孔
  4297. feeler inspection ==> 触探
  4298. feeler leaf ==> 塞尺片
  4299. feeler lever ==> 触杆,探杆,探纬针杆
  4300. feeler lever gauge ==> 触杆规
  4301. feeler mechanism ==> 仿形机构,检测机构
  4302. feeler motion ==> 探纬运动
  4303. feeler pin ==> 触针
  4304. feeler plate ==> 探纬板
  4305. feeler plug ==> 测孔规
  4306. feeler search ==> 传感器
  4307. feeler stock ==> 千分垫,量隙规
  4308. feeler switch ==> 测试键
  4309. feeler unit ==> 传感器
  4310. feeler wheel ==> 仿形轮
  4311. feeler wire ==> 探触器
  4312. feeling ==> 触头,情感,感情
  4313. feeling of asphyxia ==> 窒息感
  4314. feeling of being controlled ==> 被支配感
  4315. feeling of being revealed ==> 被洞悉感,被泄露感
  4316. feeling of despair ==> 绝望情绪,绝望情绪
  4317. feeling of guilty ==> 罪恶感
  4318. feeling of numbness ==> 麻木感
  4319. feeling of numbness and distension ==> 麻胀感
  4320. feeling of passivity ==> 被动感,被动体验,被控制感
  4321. feeling of quantity ==> 量感
  4322. feeling of repletion ==> 饱胀感
  4323. feeling of superiority ==> 自大
  4324. feeling of unreality ==> 非现实感,非真实感
  4325. feeling pulse with pressure ==> 按脉
  4326. feeling the pulse ==> 脉诊,诊脉
  4327. feeling the pulse with the finger-tip ==> 指目
  4328. feeling the soil ==> 手感土壤
  4329. feeling threshold ==> 痛阈
  4330. feeltape printer ==> 纸条式电报印字机
  4331. fees for construction site facilities ==> 临时设施费
  4332. fees for trial production of new products ==> 新产品试制费
  4333. fees quota ==> 费用定额
  4334. feet ==> 英尺
  4335. feet painful syndrome ==> 足痛综合征
  4336. feet per minute ==> 每分钟英尺
  4337. feet switch ==> 地脚开关
  4338. FEF, Field Enhancement Factor ==> 電界強調係数
  4339. Fehling test ==> 费林试验
  4340. Fehling's solution ==> 费林溶液
  4341. Fehlings reagent ==> 费林氏试剂,费林试剂,斐林氏试剂
  4342. feigned column ==> 假柱
  4343. Feijoa ==> フェイジョア
  4344. Feinc filter ==> 芬克型过滤机
  4345. Feine filter ==> 飞利过滤机
  4346. feinted edge ==> 卷折边,卷折边
  4347. FEL, Free-Electron Laser ==> 自由電子レーザ(SDI関連)
  4348. Feld washer ==> 菲尔德煤气洗涤机
  4349. feldspar earthenware ==> 长石精陶,长石质精陶
  4350. feldspar glaze ==> 长石釉
  4351. feldspar in lump ==> 长石块
  4352. feldspar in lumps ==> 钾长石块
  4353. feldspar in powder ==> 钾长石粉
  4354. feldspar powder ==> 长石粉
  4355. feldspar structure ==> 长石结构
  4356. feldsparphyric rock ==> 长石斑岩
  4357. feldspathic glass ==> 长石质玻璃
  4358. feldspathic glaze ==> 长石釉,长石质釉=>長石釉
  4359. feldspathic graywacke ==> 长石玄武,长石杂砂岩
  4360. feldspathic grit ==> 长石粗砂岩
  4361. feldspathic shale ==> 长石页岩,长石质页岩
  4362. Felici balance ==> 费利西电桥,电感测量电桥
  4363. Felici generator ==> 费利西静电高压发生器
  4364. felici generator ==> 费利西静电高压发生器
  4365. feline influenza ==> 猫肺炎
  4366. Felix Villars ==> 维拉斯
  4367. Felix-Weil reaction ==> 斐-外二氏反应
  4368. fell sewing machine ==> 毛皮拼缝机
  4369. Fell system ==> 菲尔系统
  4370. fell-field ==> 稀矮植物区
  4371. felled sale ==> 伐倒出售
  4372. feller ==> 伐木机
  4373. Fellgett advantage ==> 费尔盖特增益
  4374. felling area ==> 伐区
  4375. felling area statistics ==> 采伐面积统计
  4376. felling axe ==> 伐木斧
  4377. felling cycle ==> 采伐间隔期,采伐期
  4378. felling dog ==> 支锯片
  4379. felling industry ==> 采伐工业
  4380. felling machine ==> 伐木机
  4381. felling marks ==> 分匹色纬
  4382. felling plan ==> 采伐一览表
  4383. felling point ==> 伐倒点,伐点
  4384. felling saw ==> 伐木锯
  4385. felling shake ==> 伐木裂纹
  4386. felloe ==> 轮缘
  4387. Fellow of Chartered Accountants ==> 特许会计师学会会员
  4388. Fellow's cutter ==> 费洛插齿刀
  4389. Fellow's gear shaper ==> 费氏刨齿机
  4390. fellow-trader commission ==> 同业佣金
  4391. fellow-trader discount ==> 同业折扣
  4392. fellows process ==> 滚成法
  4393. fellowship ==> 研究奨学金
  4394. fellowship grant ==> 研究補助金
  4395. felly ==> 轮缘
  4396. felon on the palmar surface of the middle finger ==> 鳅肚疔
  4397. felsitic texture ==> 霏细结构
  4398. felsophyric texture ==> 霏细结构
  4399. felt ==> 毡,毡垫圈,油毡
  4400. felt (glass) paper ==> 绝缘纸,绝缘纸
  4401. felt backing ==> 油毡衬背
  4402. felt blistering ==> 油毡起鼓
  4403. felt buff ==> 重缩毡
  4404. felt buffer ==> 毛毡缓冲垫
  4405. felt calender ==> 毛毡滚筒,毛毡式砑光机
  4406. felt carpet ==> 毛毡地毯,油毡覆盖层
  4407. felt chamber ==> 毛腔
  4408. felt cleaner ==> 毛布洗涤器
  4409. felt collar ==> 毡圈,管座勒脚
  4410. felt collar of pipe ==> 管座勒脚
  4411. felt conditioner ==> 毛布洗涤器
  4412. felt covering ==> 毛毡衬面
  4413. felt cylinder ==> 毛毡圆筒,毡圈
  4414. felt damp-proof course ==> 油毡防潮层
  4415. felt deadener ==> 毛毡隔音板
  4416. felt draught excluder ==> 防风毡条
  4417. felt drier ==> 毛布干燥剂
  4418. felt dryer ==> 毛毯烘燥机
  4419. felt dust packing ==> 毛毡填充物
  4420. felt element ==> 毛毡过滤元件,毛毡零件
  4421. felt filter ==> 毡滤器
  4422. felt finish ==> 毛布纹加工
  4423. felt floorcovering ==> 毛毡地毯
  4424. felt gasket ==> 毛毡垫圈
  4425. felt guide ==> 毛布校正辊
  4426. felt guide roll ==> 毛毯校正辊
  4427. felt mark ==> 抄网痕
  4428. felt nail ==> 油毡钉
  4429. felt oil ring ==> 毛毡油环
  4430. felt packing ==> 毛毡衬垫
  4431. felt pad ==> 毛毡坐垫,绝缘垫,绝缘垫
  4432. felt paper ==> 油毡,油毡纸
  4433. felt polisher ==> 毛毡抛光机
  4434. felt polishing wheel ==> 抛光毡轮
  4435. felt press machine ==> 毛毡压烫机
  4436. felt retainer ==> 毛毡油封座圈
  4437. felt ring ==> 毡垫圈,毡质阻油圈
  4438. felt ring (collar,cylinder) ==> 毡环
  4439. felt roll ==> 毡辊,毛毯辊
  4440. felt seal ==> 毛毡封,毡密封,毡密封
  4441. felt side ==> 毛布面
  4442. felt stretcher ==> 毛毡伸张器
  4443. felt suction roll ==> 毛毯吸水辊
  4444. felt tarpaulin ==> 防雨毡
  4445. felt thrower ==> 毛毯揭取器
  4446. felt tightener ==> 毛毯张紧器
  4447. felt underlining ==> 油毡衬底
  4448. felt undersarking ==> 油毡衬底
  4449. felt washer ==> 毛毯洗涤槽,毡垫圈
  4450. felt washer pad ==> 油毡衬垫
  4451. felt washing ==> 毛毯洗涤
  4452. felt washing agent ==> 毛毯洗涤剂
  4453. felt washing device ==> 毛毯洗涤装置
  4454. felt wheel ==> 毡轮
  4455. felt widening roll ==> 麻花辊
  4456. felt wiper ==> 毛毡擦试器
  4457. felt wrapped roll ==> 压光辊
  4458. felt wringer ==> 毛毯挤水装置
  4459. felt-and-gravel roofing ==> 油毡豆石屋面
  4460. felt-cloth ==> 毛布
  4461. felt-lined ==> 毛垫毡
  4462. felt-neoprene seal ==> 氯丁橡胶毡密封
  4463. felt-ring seal ==> 毡圈密封
  4464. felted membrane ==> 毛毡滤清器
  4465. felting ==> 油毡铺贴,毡化
  4466. felting machine ==> 缩绒机,制毡机
  4467. feltless polishing bob ==> 抛光用毛毡
  4468. feltless retainer ==> 毡护圈
  4469. feltless ring ==> 毡垫圈
  4470. felty body ==> 毡状体
  4471. felty texture ==> 毡状结构
  4472. Feltys syndrome ==> 费尔蒂综合征,费尔提氏综合征
  4473. fem ==> 有限元法
  4474. FEM, Finite Element Method ==> 有限要素法
  4475. FEM, finite element model ==> 有限要素モデル
  4476. FEM, finite element modeling ==> 有限要素モデリング
  4477. FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency ==> 連邦緊急管理庁
  4478. femal mold ==> 阴膜
  4479. female ==> 阴,雌性,雌性生物
  4480. female adapter ==> 压环,凹面接合器,内螺纹过渡管接头,内螺纹接头
  4481. female and young animal ==> 母畜和幼畜
  4482. female ass ==> 雌驴
  4483. female bend ==> 包管弯头
  4484. female bird ==> 母禽
  4485. female branch tee ==> 内螺纹三通
  4486. female cap ==> 凹形盖
  4487. female cavity ==> 阴模模槽
  4488. female cell ==> 母细胞
  4489. female center ==> 反顶尖
  4490. female character ==> 雌性性征
  4491. female cone ==> 阴锥,凹锥,内圆锥
  4492. female connection ==> 内螺纹连接
  4493. female connector ==> 母连接器,连接器插口=>雌コネクタ
  4494. female contact ==> 塞孔接点
  4495. female coupling tap ==> 母锥
  4496. female die ==> 凹模
  4497. female dovetail ==> 鸠尾槽,鸠尾槽
  4498. female elbow ==> 内螺纹弯管接头
  4499. female end ==> 承口端
  4500. female fern ==> 蹄盖蕨
  4501. female fitting ==> 内螺纹管接头配件,凹接头,凹形配件
  4502. female flange ==> 凹面法兰,带槽法兰
  4503. female flower ==> 雌花
  4504. female ga(u)ge ==> 外测量规
  4505. female gamete ==> 雌配子
  4506. female gametocyte ==> 雌大配子体
  4507. female gametophyte ==> 雌配子体
  4508. female gauge ==> 缺口样板
  4509. female heterogamety ==> 雌异配性
  4510. female homogamety ==> 雌同配性
  4511. female hormone ==> 雌性激素
  4512. female horse ==> 雌马
  4513. female joint ==> 插承接合,套筒接合
  4514. female kid ==> 母山羊羔
  4515. female line ==> 母系
  4516. female lug ==> 凹耳
  4517. female member ==> 包容零件
  4518. female metal catheter ==> 女用金属导尿管
  4519. female mold ==> 凹模
  4520. female mould ==> 阴模
  4521. female multipoint connector ==> 多点母连接器,多点连接器插口
  4522. female organ ==> 雌性器官
  4523. female parent ==> 母本
  4524. female parent line ==> 母本品系,母系
  4525. female phase ==> 雌性期
  4526. female plant ==> 雌株,母木瓜树,母木瓜数
  4527. female pronucleus ==> 雌原核,女性原核,卵原核
  4528. female receptacle ==> 插孔板
  4529. female repro ductive system ==> 雌性生殖系统
  4530. female reproductive system ==> 女生殖系
  4531. female rotor ==> 凹形转子
  4532. female rule ==> 公母尺
  4533. female sapphire ==> 淡色蓝宝石
  4534. female scale ==> 雌性介壳
  4535. female screw ==> 阴螺丝,阴螺旋,螺母,内螺旋=>雌ネジ
  4536. female screw cutting tool ==> 内螺纹车刀
  4537. female screw thread ==> 内螺纹
  4538. female sex hormones ==> 雌激素
  4539. female spline ==> 内花键
  4540. female sterility ==> 气门
  4541. female support ring ==> 内螺纹过渡接头密封环
  4542. female surface ==> 包容面
  4543. female thread ==> 阴螺纹
  4544. female thread ga(u)ge ==> 螺纹量规,内螺纹量规
  4545. female union ==> 内螺纹联管节,管内接头,管子内接头
  4546. female which has produced young ==> 产过仔的母畜
  4547. female young ==> 青年母畜
  4548. female-tease ==> 试情母畜
  4549. femic constituents ==> 铁镁质组分
  4550. femoral ==> 股的,股骨的
  4551. femoral arteriography ==> 股动脉造影
  4552. femoral arteriotomy ==> 股动脉剖开术
  4553. femoral artery ==> 股动脉
  4554. femoral canal ==> 股管
  4555. femoral epiphysiolysis ==> 股骨骨骺分离
  4556. femoral fracture ==> 股骨骨折
  4557. femoral hernia ==> 股疝
  4558. femoral herniorrhaphy ==> 股疝修补术
  4559. femoral neck fracture instruments set ==> 股骨颈骨折手术器械包
  4560. femoral nerve ==> 股神经
  4561. femoral nerve block anesthesia ==> 股神经阻滞麻醉
  4562. femoral nerve graft ==> 股神经移植术
  4563. femoral nerve injury ==> 股神经损伤
  4564. femoral nerve stretching test ==> 股神经牵拉试验
  4565. femoral plexus ==> 股丛
  4566. femoral reflex ==> 股反射,雷马克氏反射
  4567. femoral ring ==> 股环
  4568. femoral screw ==> 股骨螺钉
  4569. femoral septum ==> 股环隔
  4570. femoral sheath ==> 股鞘
  4571. femoral thrombophlebitis ==> 股静脉血栓静脉炎
  4572. femoral triangle ==> 股三角
  4573. femoral vein ==> 股静脉
  4574. femoral venous puncture ==> 股静脉穿刺
  4575. femorotibial index ==> 股胫指数
  4576. FEMSS Facility Engineering Management Support System ==> 辅助支持工程管理系统
  4577. femtochemistry ==> フェムト化学
  4578. femtosecond ==> 1000兆分の1秒,10E-15秒
  4579. femtosecond laser ==> フェムト秒レーザ
  4580. femur ==> 股骨,股节,髀骨
  4581. fen fire ==> 沼泽磷火
  4582. fen land ==> 沼地,沼泽地
  4583. fen soil ==> 沼地土
  4584. Fen-all ==> 草芽平
  4585. Fenac plus ==> 伐草克
  4586. fenaftic acid ==> 非那夫酸
  4587. fenamic acid ==> 灭酸
  4588. fenbutatin oxide ==> 六苯丁锡氧
  4589. fencder rod ==> 防护杆
  4590. fence ==> 围栏,导流栅,电子篱笆,警戒网,警戒网,栅栏,栅栏,栅栏,篱笆,翼刀,石围栏
  4591. fence diagram ==> 透视断块图
  4592. fence gate ==> 栅门
  4593. fence line ==> 栅栏线,警戒线,警戒线
  4594. fence of wheel ==> 装轮子的栅栏
  4595. fence plate ==> 导板
  4596. fence post ==> 栅栏柱
  4597. fence posts ==> 篱笆桩
  4598. fence power flow ==> フェンス潮流
  4599. fence rail ==> 栅栏,防护梁
  4600. fence row ==> 篱笆行
  4601. fence silo ==> 围栏青贮搭
  4602. fence wire ==> 围栏铁丝
  4603. Fenchel wet expasion test ==> 芬切尔湿伸长试验
  4604. fenchenic acid ==> 葑烯酸
  4605. fencholic acid ==> 葑酸,小茴香酸
  4606. fenchyl alcohol ==> 小茴香醇
  4607. fencing wall ==> 护墙
  4608. fenclozic acid ==> 芬克洛酸
  4609. fender ==> 防冲物,护板,护舷材,炉围,围护物,小煤柱,挡泥板,电钢琴,汽车挡泥板,汽车翼子板,碰垫,缓冲材
  4610. fender anti-squeak ==> 保护板减声片
  4611. fender apron ==> 挡泥板
  4612. fender block ==> 缓冲块
  4613. fender board ==> 挡泥板
  4614. fender brace ==> 挡泥板拉条,保护板拉条
  4615. fender bracket ==> 保护架
  4616. fender guide ==> 保护板导杆
  4617. fender lamp ==> 保护板灯
  4618. fender log ==> 护木
  4619. fender pier ==> 护墩,防冲突堤,码头防冲桩
  4620. fender pile ==> 防护桩,防御桩,护舷桩,护桩,缓冲棒
  4621. fender post ==> 围护桩
  4622. fender set ==> 挡泥具
  4623. fender shield ==> 挡泥板
  4624. fender splash shield ==> 保护板防溅罩
  4625. fender system ==> 保护装置
  4626. fender wall ==> 防护墙
  4627. fender welt ==> 保护板的衬板
  4628. fender-beam ==> 护舷木
  4629. fender-guard ==> 保险杠
  4630. fending groin ==> 防冲堤,防护堤
  4631. fending groyne ==> 防护堤
  4632. fenestra vestibuli ==> 前庭窗,卵圆窗
  4633. fenestral fabric ==> 格状组构
  4634. fenestrated sinusoid ==> 有孔血窦
  4635. fenestratedl bandage ==> 开孔绷带
  4636. fenestratedl compress ==> 开孔敷布
  4637. fenestration knife ==> 开窗刀
  4638. fenestration scoop ==> 开窗匙
  4639. Fenilon fibre ==> 费尼龙纤维
  4640. fennel ==> 茴香=>ウイキョウ,フェンネル
  4641. fennel bulb ==> フェンネルの球根
  4642. fennel oil ==> ウイキョウ油
  4643. fennel water ==> 茴香水
  4644. fennelflower ==> クロタネソウ
  4645. Fenske equation ==> 芬斯基-安特乌得方程式,芬斯克方程
  4646. Fenske helix packing ==> 芬斯克螺旋型填料
  4647. Fenske-Underwood equation ==> 芬斯基-安特乌得方程式
  4648. fentanyl ==> 芬太尼=>フェンタニル
  4649. fentanyl citrate ==> 枸橼酸芬太尼
  4650. fentanyl intoxication ==> フェンタニル中毒
  4651. fentin hydroxide ==> 毒菌锡
  4652. Fenton bearing metal ==> 锌锡轴承合金
  4653. fentonium bromide ==> 芬托溴铵
  4654. fenugreek seed ==> 胡芦巴籽
  4655. FEP, fluorinated ethylene propylene ==> 沸化エチレンプロピレン
  4656. FEP, front-end processor ==> 前処理装置,フロントエンド・プロセッサ,前置通信制御処理装置,データ処理を行うコンピュータに対して、その前処理を行うハードウェアやソフトウェアのこと。
  4657. FEPCJ, The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan ==> 日本電気事業連合会
  4658. FEPCS ==> 安全可靠运行四级梯度预警预控系统
  4659. FEPORT Federation of European Private Terminal Operator ==> 欧洲私人终极经营者联盟
  4660. FEPS, Failure Extension Protection System ==> 事故拡大防止保護システム
  4661. feral animal ==> 野化家畜
  4662. FERC, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ==> 美国联邦能源监管委员会=>米国連邦エネルギー規制委員会, Independent Federal agency within the U.S. Department of Energy that, among other responsibilities, regulates the transmission and wholesale sales of electricity in interstate commerce.
  4663. FERD, facility and equipment requirements document ==> 施設設備要求文書
  4664. fereed switch ==> フェリードスイッチ
  4665. ference on Medical Informatics (MEDINFO) ==> 国际医学信息学会议
  4666. Fergussons speculum ==> 福格逊氏窥器
  4667. Fermat's conjecture ==> 费马猜想,费马推测
  4668. Fermat's equation ==> フェルマーの方程式,x to the n plus y to the n equals z to the n.
  4669. Fermat's last theorem ==> 费马最后定理
  4670. Fermat's principle ==> 费马原理
  4671. Fermat's spiral ==> 抛物螺线=>フェルマーのスパイラル
  4672. ferment ==> 酵素,发酵素,酶=>発酵,酵素,興奮
  4673. ferment oil ==> 発酵油
  4674. fermentability ==> 发酵能力
  4675. fermentable ==> 可发酵的
  4676. fermental ==> 酶的
  4677. fermentation ==> 发酵
  4678. fermentation accelerator ==> 发酵加速剂
  4679. fermentation alcohol ==> 发酵酒精
  4680. fermentation chamber ==> 发酵室
  4681. fermentation chemistry ==> 发酵化学
  4682. fermentation coefficient ==> 发酵系数
  4683. fermentation energy ==> 发酵能
  4684. fermentation fever ==> 发酵热
  4685. fermentation industry by-product ==> 发酵工业副产物
  4686. fermentation insurance ==> 发酵保险
  4687. fermentation liquid ==> 发酵溶液
  4688. fermentation media ==> 发酵介质
  4689. fermentation method ==> 发酵法
  4690. fermentation plant ==> 发酵厂
  4691. fermentation powder ==> 发酵粉
  4692. fermentation tank ==> 发酵槽,发酵罐
  4693. fermentation test ==> 发酵试验
  4694. fermentation tube ==> 发酵管
  4695. fermentation tun ==> 发酵槽
  4696. fermentation-like ==> 发酵样
  4697. fermentative assimilation ==> 发酵同化作用
  4698. fermented bean ==> 豆豉
  4699. fermented bean curd ==> 腐乳
  4700. fermented beverage ==> 发酵饮料
  4701. fermented feed ==> 发酵饲料,糖化饲料
  4702. fermented fodder ==> 发酵饲料
  4703. fermented food ==> 发酵食品
  4704. fermented mare's milk ==> 酸马奶
  4705. fermented milk ==> 发酵奶,发酵牛奶
  4706. fermented pig-feed ==> 发酵饲料
  4707. fermented preparation ==> 曲
  4708. fermented soil ==> 熟土
  4709. fermented tea ==> 发酵茶
  4710. fermenter ==> 发酵罐
  4711. fermenting plant ==> 发酵厂,发酶工厂
  4712. fermentoid ==> 类酶
  4713. fermentor with forced aeration ==> 强制曝气发酵场
  4714. fermentor without aeration ==> 非曝气发酵场
  4715. fermentum ==> 酵母
  4716. Fermi ==> 费密(长度单位,等于10E-13厘米)=>フェルミ
  4717. fermi (fm) ==> 非姆托米
  4718. Fermi age ==> 费密年龄
  4719. Fermi age equation ==> 费米年龄方程,又称“年龄扩散方程”。连续慢化模型与中子扩散模型结合求得的、描述伴随中子动能降低(被慢化)过程中中子慢化密度、空间位置与中子年龄关系的方程
  4720. Fermi age model ==> 费密年龄模型
  4721. Fermi age theory ==> 费密年龄理论
  4722. Fermi age-diffusion equation ==> 费密年龄
  4723. Fermi beta-decay theory ==> 费密β衰变理论
  4724. Fermi characteristic energy level ==> 费密特征能级
  4725. Fermi constant ==> 费密常数
  4726. Fermi contact interaction ==> 费密接触相互作用
  4727. Fermi decay ==> 费密衰变
  4728. Fermi Dirac gas ==> 费密气体
  4729. Fermi distribution ==> 费米迪拉克分布,费密分布
  4730. Fermi distribution function ==> 费密分布函数
  4731. Fermi energy ==> 费密能量=>フェルミエネルギー
  4732. Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope ==> 费米伽马射线太空望远镜
  4733. Fermi gas ==> 费密气体
  4734. Fermi hole ==> 费密空穴
  4735. Fermi interaction ==> 费密相互作用
  4736. Fermi level ==> 费密能级,费米能级=>フェルミ準位
  4737. Fermi level diagram ==> 费密能级图
  4738. Fermi liquid ==> 费密液体
  4739. Fermi momentum ==> 费密动量
  4740. Fermi potential ==> 费密势
  4741. Fermi resonance ==> 费密共振
  4742. Fermi selection rules ==> 费密选择定则
  4743. Fermi sphere ==> 费密球
  4744. Fermi surface ==> 费密面=>フェルミ面
  4745. Fermi temperature ==> 费密温度=>フェルミ温度
  4746. Fermi threshold ==> 费密阈
  4747. Fermi transition ==> 费密跃迁
  4748. Fermi velocity ==> フェルミ速度
  4749. Fermi wavenumber ==> フェルミ波数
  4750. Fermi's golden rule ==> フェルミの黄金則
  4751. Fermi's golden rules ==> 费密黄金法则
  4752. Fermi-age model ==> 费密年龄模型(连续慢化模型)
  4753. Fermi-Dirac distribution function ==> 费密-狄拉克分布函数=>フェルミ・ディラック分布関数
  4754. Fermi-Dirac distribution law ==> 费密-狄拉克分布律
  4755. Fermi-Dirac integral ==> フェルミ・ディラック積分
  4756. Fermi-Dirac nucleus ==> 费密-狄拉克核
  4757. Fermi-Dirac statistics ==> 费密-狄拉克统计法,费密-狄拉克统计
  4758. Fermi-Dirac statstics ==> フェルミ・ディラック統計
  4759. Fermi-liquid state ==> フェルミ液体状態
  4760. Fermi-Yang model ==> 费密-杨(振宁)模型
  4761. fermion field ==> 费密场
  4762. Fermion field ==> 费密子场
  4763. fermion pair size ==> フェルミオン対の大きさ
  4764. fermionic atoms ==> フェルミ原子
  4765. Fermis golden rules ==> 费密黄金法则
  4766. fern basket ==> 芒草篮
  4767. fern case and laundry basket ==> 芒箱和芒洗衣篮
  4768. fern caterpillar ==> 蕨夜蛾幼虫,蕨夜蛾幼虫
  4769. fern crystallization of cervical mucus ==> 宫颈粘液羊齿状结晶
  4770. fern cushion ==> 芒垫
  4771. fern leaf ==> 蕨叶病,蕨叶病
  4772. fern leaf of tomato ==> 番茄蕨叶病
  4773. fern plaited rope ==> 芒制草绳
  4774. fern-leaf crystal ==> 锯齿状晶体,锯齿状晶体,枝晶
  4775. fern-leaf crystallization of cervical mucus ==> 宫颈粘液羊齿状结晶
  4776. Fernels disease aortic aneurysm ==> 费内尔氏病
  4777. Fernico alloy ==> 非尔尼可铁镍钴合金
  4778. Fernie Shales ==> 费尔尼页岩
  4779. ferning of cervical mucus ==> 宫颈粘液羊齿
  4780. fernleaf hedge bamboo ==> 凤尾竹
  4781. Ferranti effect ==> 费兰梯效应=>フェランチ効果: 急に負荷が外れるなどして電力需要が少なくなると、送電端から見た負荷が容量性になることがある。送電線が作る巨大なコンデンサが、相対的に大きく見えてくるからである。このような状態では、送電線のインダクタンスとキャパシタンスとが共振的となって、負荷側の電圧が発電機側の電圧よりも高くなってしまうことがある。これをフェランチ効果という。
  4782. Ferranti meter ==> 费兰梯电度表
  4783. Ferranti phenomena ==> 费兰梯现象
  4784. Ferranti rectifier ==> 费兰梯整流器
  4785. Ferranti-Hawkins protective system ==> 费兰梯-霍金斯保护装置
  4786. ferrari's motor ==> 费拉里电动机
  4787. Ferrari's motor ==> 费拉里电动机
  4788. Ferraris gauge ==> 费拉里斯计
  4789. Ferraris, Galileo ==> ガリレオ・フェラリス,イタリアの物理学者,1885年、テスラとは別に回転磁界の原理を発見し、小型の二相交流電動機を製作した。
  4790. ferreed switch ==> 铁簧开关
  4791. ferret ==> 电子侦察机,电子侦察装备=>フェレット,白イタチ
  4792. ferret receiver ==> 侦察电视接收机
  4793. ferret-badger ==> 鼬獾
  4794. Ferri diffuser ==> 费里扩散器
  4795. Ferri's induction ==> 起始感应
  4796. ferri-albumin ==> 铁蛋白
  4797. ferri-alluaudite ==> 铁钠磷锰矿
  4798. ferri-fluoride ==> 铁氟化物
  4799. ferri-gehlenite ==> 铁黄长石
  4800. ferri-sericite ==> 铁绢云母
  4801. ferri-sicklerite ==> 铁磷锂矿
  4802. ferriammonium chromate ==> 铬酸铵铁
  4803. ferric ==> (三价的)铁的,(正)铁的,含铁的
  4804. ferric acetate ==> 醋酸铁
  4805. ferric acid ==> 高铁酸
  4806. ferric ammonium alum ==> 硫酸铁铵
  4807. ferric ammonium citrate ==> 枸橼酸铁铵,枸橼酸铁铵
  4808. ferric ammonium oxalate ==> 草酸铁铵
  4809. ferric ammonium sulfate ==> 硫酸铁铵
  4810. ferric ammonium tartrate ==> 酒石酸铁铵,酒石酸铁铵
  4811. ferric blast furnace ==> 焦炉型高炉
  4812. ferric bromide ==> 溴化铁,溴化铁
  4813. ferric carbide ==> 碳化铁
  4814. ferric charge ==> 含铁料
  4815. ferric chlorate ==> 氯酸铁
  4816. ferric chloride ==> 氯化铁
  4817. ferric chloride (FeCl36H2O) ==> 六水三氯化铁
  4818. ferric chloride gargle ==> 氯化铁(含)漱液
  4819. ferric chloride solution ==> 氯化铁溶液
  4820. ferric chromate ==> 铬酸铁
  4821. ferric citrate ==> 柠檬酸铁
  4822. ferric cyanide method ==> 铁氰法
  4823. ferric ferricyanide ==> 铁氰化铁
  4824. ferric hydroxide ==> 氢氧化铁
  4825. ferric hypophosphite ==> 次磷酸铁
  4826. ferric induction ==> 铁磁感应
  4827. ferric iodide ==> 碘化铁
  4828. ferric ion ==> 高铁离子
  4829. ferric iron ==> 三价铁
  4830. ferric iron oxide ==> 氧化铁
  4831. ferric nuclein ==> 核铁质
  4832. ferric oxide ==> 氧化铁
  4833. ferric oxide red ==> 三氧化二铁
  4834. ferric oxide rouge ==> 氧化铁红
  4835. ferric phosphate ==> 磷酸铁
  4836. ferric potassium alum ==> 铁钾矾
  4837. ferric potassium sulphate ==> 铁钾矾
  4838. ferric potassium tartrate ==> 酒石酸铁钾,酒石酸铁钾
  4839. ferric protoporphyrin ==> 高铁原卟啉
  4840. ferric pyrophosphate ==> 焦磷酸铁
  4841. ferric red oxide ==> 赤色氧化铁
  4842. ferric salt ==> 高铁盐,铁盐
  4843. ferric sesquioxide ==> 三氧化二铁
  4844. ferric stearate ==> 硬脂酸铁
  4845. ferric subsulfate solution ==> 蒙塞尔氏溶液,次硫酸铁溶液
  4846. ferric sulfate ==> 硫酸铁
  4847. ferric sulfide ==> 硫化铁
  4848. ferric tape ==> 铁带
  4849. ferric-cement ==> 高铁水泥
  4850. ferric-siallitic soil ==> 铁质硅铝土
  4851. ferricinum ion ==> 二茂铁离子
  4852. ferricyanic acid ==> 铁氰酸,氰铁酸
  4853. ferricyanide ==> 铁氰化物
  4854. ferriferous ==> 含铁的
  4855. ferrihydrite ==> 鉄酸化物
  4856. ferrimagnetic material ==> 铁氧磁材料=>フェリ磁性体
  4857. ferrimagnetic resonance ==> 亚铁磁共振
  4858. ferrimagnetic substance ==> フェリ磁性体
  4859. ferrimagnetism ==> 铁氧体磁性,铁磁共振=>フェリ磁性
  4860. ferrite ==> 自然铁,纯粒铁,纯铁体,铁素体,铁酸盐,铁氧体=>フェライト
  4861. ferrite absorbent material ==> 铁氧体吸收材料
  4862. ferrite band ==> 条状铁素体
  4863. ferrite banding ==> 条状铁素体,脱碳层
  4864. ferrite bar ==> 铁氧体棒,铁氧体磁棒
  4865. ferrite bar antenna ==> 铁氧体棒形天线
  4866. ferrite bead ==> 铁氧体磁环
  4867. ferrite cast iron ==> 铁素体铸铁
  4868. ferrite ceramics ==> 铁氧体陶瓷
  4869. ferrite circulator ==> 铁氧体循环器
  4870. ferrite core ==> 铁氧体芯=>フェライトコア
  4871. ferrite cored coil ==> 铁氧体磁芯线圈
  4872. ferrite electric effect ==> 铁电效应
  4873. ferrite electrode ==> 铁素体钢焊条
  4874. ferrite filled waveguide ==> 铁氧体波导管
  4875. ferrite film ==> 铁氧体薄膜
  4876. ferrite film disk ==> 铁氧体薄膜磁盘
  4877. ferrite garnet ==> 钇铁石榴石
  4878. ferrite grain size ==> 铁素体晶粒度
  4879. ferrite guard head ==> 铁氧体保护磁头
  4880. ferrite keeper ==> 铁素体保通片,铁氧体保通片
  4881. ferrite lamina ==> 铁氧体薄片
  4882. ferrite lattice ==> 铁素体晶格
  4883. ferrite magnet ==> フェライト磁石
  4884. ferrite malleable cast iron ==> 铁素体可锻铸铁
  4885. ferrite memory ==> 铁氧体存储器
  4886. ferrite memory core ==> 铁氧体贮存铁芯
  4887. ferrite microwave device ==> 铁氧体微波器件
  4888. ferrite net ==> 网状铁氧体
  4889. ferrite net (work) ==> 铁素体网
  4890. ferrite number ==> 铁素体数
  4891. ferrite orthogonal-core ==> フェライト直交磁心
  4892. ferrite parameter amplifier ==> 铁氧体参量放大器
  4893. ferrite particles ==> フェライト粒子
  4894. ferrite phase modulator ==> 铁氧体调相器
  4895. ferrite phase shifter ==> 铁氧体移相器
  4896. ferrite resonator ==> 铁氧体谐振器
  4897. ferrite rod ==> 铁氧体磁棒
  4898. ferrite rod antenna ==> 铁氧体棒形天线=>フェライトロッドアンテナ
  4899. ferrite steel ==> 铁素体钢
  4900. ferrite storage ==> 铁氧体存储器
  4901. ferrite switch ==> 铁氧体开关
  4902. ferrite tape ==> 铁氧体磁带
  4903. ferrite tile ==> フェライトタイル
  4904. ferrite waveguide ==> 铁氧体波导管
  4905. ferrite yellow ==> 铁黄
  4906. ferrite yoke ==> 铁氧体磁轭
  4907. ferrite-bead memory ==> 铁氧体珠存储器
  4908. ferrite-excited machine ==> 铁素体励磁电机
  4909. ferrite-magnet field ==> 铁磁磁场
  4910. ferrite-plate memory (storage) ==> 铁氧体板存储器
  4911. ferrite-rod antenna ==> 铁氧体棒天线
  4912. ferrite-rod memory ==> 铁氧体磁杆存储器
  4913. ferriteharmonic generator ==> 铁氧体参量倍频器
  4914. ferrites storage ==> 铁氧体存储器
  4915. ferritic ==> 铁素体的
  4916. ferritic alloy ==> 铁淦氧合金
  4917. ferritic decarburized depth ==> 铁素体脱碳层厚度
  4918. ferritic electrode ==> 铁素体焊条
  4919. ferritic heat resistant steel ==> 铁素体耐热钢,在常温下呈铁素体组织且在高温下不发生奥氏体转变的耐热钢,含有较多铁素体形成元素,一般含铬量为13%至27%之间,用于锅炉吹灰器管等处
  4920. ferritic magnet ==> フェライト磁石
  4921. ferritic malleable ==> 铁素体可锻铸铁
  4922. ferritic spheroidal graphite cast iron ==> 铁素体球铁
  4923. ferritic stabilizer ==> 铁素体稳定元素
  4924. ferritic stainless steel ==> 铁素体不锈钢
  4925. ferritic steel ==> 铁素体钢
  4926. ferritic steel vessel ==> 铁素体钢容器
  4927. ferritic-pearlitic ==> 铁素体的珠光体,铁素体珠光体
  4928. ferritin ==> 铁蛋白=>フェリチン
  4929. ferritin granule ==> 铁蛋白粒
  4930. ferritin-labeled antibodies ==> 铁蛋白标记抗体
  4931. ferritin-labeled antibody ==> 铁蛋白标记抗体
  4932. ferro alloy ==> 铁合金
  4933. ferro cement boat ==> 钢筋混凝土船
  4934. ferro chrome ==> 铬铁
  4935. ferro dynamic relay ==> 铁磁电动式继电器
  4936. ferro magnetic material ==> 铁磁性材料
  4937. ferro magnetism ==> 铁磁性
  4938. ferro manganese ==> 锰铁
  4939. ferro nickel ingot ==> 镍铁锭
  4940. ferro nickel iron ==> 镍铁
  4941. ferro phosphorus ==> 磷铁
  4942. ferro resonance ==> 铁共振
  4943. ferro silicon ==> 硅铁
  4944. ferro-alloy ==> 铁合金
  4945. ferro-alloy furnace ==> 铁合金炉
  4946. ferro-aluminium-manganese steel ==> 铁铝锰钢
  4947. ferro-boron ==> 硼铁,硼铁合金
  4948. ferro-cement ==> 钢丝网水泥
  4949. ferro-cement sluice ==> 钢丝网水泥闸门
  4950. ferro-dynamic ceramics ==> 铁磁电动陶瓷
  4951. ferro-dynamic type ==> 可動鉄心形
  4952. ferro-elastic effect ==> 铁弹性效应
  4953. ferro-electric ceramics ==> 铁电陶瓷
  4954. ferro-electric transformer ==> 铁电变压器
  4955. ferro-electricity (FE) ==> 铁电
  4956. ferro-glass ==> 钢化玻璃
  4957. ferro-magnesium catalyst ==> 铁镁催化剂
  4958. ferro-magnetic alloy ==> 铁磁性合金
  4959. ferro-magnetic armature ==> 铁磁电枢
  4960. ferro-magnetic core ==> 铁磁心
  4961. ferro-magnetic excitation ==> 铁磁励磁
  4962. ferro-magnetic material ==> 铁磁性材料
  4963. ferro-magnetic shield ==> 铁磁屏蔽
  4964. ferro-magnetism ==> 铁磁学
  4965. ferro-manganese-silicon ==> 锰硅铁
  4966. ferro-molybdenum ==> 钼铁合金
  4967. ferro-nickel iron ==> 铁镍合金
  4968. Ferro-porit bearing ==> 渗硫铁系含油轴承
  4969. ferro-resonance ==> 铁磁谐振,设备的电容与邻接设备磁饱和电感之间的振荡
  4970. ferro-resonant computing ==> 铁磁共振计算
  4971. ferro-selenium ==> 铁硒合金,铁硒合金
  4972. ferro-silicate ==> 铁硅酸盐
  4973. ferro-silico-manganese ==> 硅锰铁
  4974. ferro-silico-titanium ==> 高硅钛铁
  4975. ferro-silicon ==> 硅铁
  4976. ferro-silicon alloy ==> 硅铁合金
  4977. ferro-silicon calcium alloy ==> 硅钙合金
  4978. ferro-silicon slag ==> 硅铁渣
  4979. ferro-silicon-aluminium ==> 铝硅铁
  4980. ferro-silicon-nickel ==> 硅镍铁
  4981. ferro-silicon-titanium ==> 硅钛铁
  4982. ferro-spinel ==> 铁淦氧尖晶石
  4983. ferroalloy powder ==> 铁合金粉末
  4984. ferroalloys ==> 铁合金
  4985. ferroboron ==> 硼铁,硼铁合金,铁硼合金
  4986. ferrocarbon titanium ==> 钛碳铁,钛碳铁
  4987. ferrocart core ==> 铁粉芯
  4988. ferrochrome iron ==> 铬铁
  4989. ferrochrome silicon ==> 硅铬铁
  4990. ferroconcrete ship ==> 钢筋混凝土船
  4991. ferrocyanic acid ==> 亚铁氰酸
  4992. ferrocyanide ion ==> 亚铁氰离子
  4993. ferrocyanide process ==> 亚铁氰化物法,氰亚铁酸盐法
  4994. ferrod scanning element ==> 铁氧体棒扫描元件
  4995. ferrodynamic galvanometer ==> 铁磁电动系振动子
  4996. ferrodynamic instrument ==> 铁磁电动系仪表=>磁力計形計器
  4997. ferrodynamic relay ==> 动铁式继电器
  4998. ferrodynamic wattmeter ==> 铁磁电动式瓦特计
  4999. ferroelastic effect ==> 铁弹效应
  5000. ferroelasticty ==> 強弾性
  5001. ferroelastric domain ==> 分域(強誘電体)
  5002. ferroelectric ==> 铁电体=>強誘電体
  5003. ferroelectric axis ==> 铁电轴
  5004. ferroelectric carrier ==> 铁电载流子
  5005. ferroelectric ceramics ==> 铁电陶瓷
  5006. ferroelectric condenser ==> 铁电式电容器
  5007. ferroelectric Curie point ==> 铁电居里点
  5008. ferroelectric domain ==> 铁电畴
  5009. ferroelectric domains ==> 铁电畴
  5010. ferroelectric ferrite ==> 铁电铁氧体
  5011. ferroelectric film ==> 铁电薄膜
  5012. ferroelectric glass-ceramic composition ==> 铁电玻璃陶瓷组合体
  5013. ferroelectric hysteresis ==> 电滞回线
  5014. ferroelectric induced phase transition ==> 铁电体感应相变
  5015. ferroelectric insulator ==> 強誘電体
  5016. ferroelectric liquid crystal ==> 強誘電性液晶
  5017. ferroelectric material ==> 铁电材料,強誘電体
  5018. ferroelectric materials ==> 铁电材料
  5019. ferroelectric memory ==> 铁电存储器,铁电体存储器
  5020. ferroelectric memory element ==> 铁电存储矩阵
  5021. ferroelectric memory matrix ==> 铁电存储矩阵
  5022. ferroelectric nano materials ==> 強誘電体ナノ材料
  5023. ferroelectric parametron ==> 铁电参量器
  5024. ferroelectric picture device ==> 铁电显像器件
  5025. ferroelectric properties ==> 铁电特性
  5026. ferroelectric RAM ==> 铁电随机存储器
  5027. ferroelectric shift register ==> 铁电体移位寄存器
  5028. ferroelectric shutter ==> 铁电光闸
  5029. ferroelectric state ==> 铁电态
  5030. ferroelectric storage ==> 铁电存储器
  5031. ferroelectric substance ==> 铁电物质
  5032. ferroelectric-photo-conductor device ==> 铁电光导器件
  5033. ferroelectricity ==> 铁电性=>強誘電性
  5034. ferrograph ==> 铁磁示波器
  5035. ferrohydrodynamic ==> 铁磁流体
  5036. ferroin sulfate solution ==> 硫酸铈亚铁灵溶液
  5037. ferromagnesium sulfate ==> 硫酸铁镁
  5038. ferromagnet ==> 铁磁体
  5039. ferromagnetic ==> 铁磁的
  5040. ferromagnetic alloy ==> 铁磁性合金
  5041. ferromagnetic anisotropy ==> 铁磁各向异性
  5042. ferromagnetic bar ==> 铁磁性棒
  5043. ferromagnetic body ==> 铁磁体
  5044. ferromagnetic colloid ==> 铁磁性胶质
  5045. ferromagnetic core ==> 铁磁芯
  5046. ferromagnetic crack detector ==> 铁磁探伤器
  5047. ferromagnetic Curie point ==> 铁磁性居里点
  5048. ferromagnetic dielectric ==> 铁磁电介质
  5049. ferromagnetic domain ==> 铁磁畴
  5050. ferromagnetic film ==> 铁磁膜
  5051. ferromagnetic glass-ceramics ==> 铁磁性微晶玻璃
  5052. ferromagnetic material ==> 铁磁材料,铁磁性物质,强磁性材料,強磁性体,磁性材料
  5053. ferromagnetic moment ==> 铁磁矩
  5054. ferromagnetic nuclear resonance ==> 铁磁核共振
  5055. ferromagnetic oxide mineral ==> 铁磁氧化矿物
  5056. ferromagnetic oxide powder ==> 铁氧体磁粉
  5057. ferromagnetic powder ==> 铁磁粉
  5058. ferromagnetic relay ==> 铁磁继电器
  5059. ferromagnetic resonance ==> 铁磁谐振
  5060. ferromagnetic resonance line width ==> 铁磁共振线宽
  5061. ferromagnetic resonanse ==> 強磁性共鳴
  5062. ferromagnetic semicondutor ==> 強磁性半導体
  5063. ferromagnetic shift register ==> 铁磁体移位寄存器
  5064. ferromagnetic store ==> 铁磁存储器
  5065. ferromagnetic substance ==> 铁磁性物质,铁磁物质,铁磁质,强磁性物质=>強磁性体
  5066. ferromagnetic suspension ==> 铁磁性悬浮液
  5067. ferromagnetic tape ==> 铁磁磁带,铁磁带
  5068. ferromagnetic thin film ==> 铁磁性薄膜
  5069. ferromagnetic transition ==> 铁磁转变
  5070. ferromagnetism ==> 铁磁性=>強磁性,フェロ磁性
  5071. ferromanganese ==> 铁锰合金,锰铁,碳锰铁=>マンガン鉄
  5072. ferromanganese nodule ==> マンガン団塊
  5073. ferromanganese oxide ==> 鉄マンガン酸化物
  5074. ferromask ==> 氧化铁掩模
  5075. ferronickel ==> 铁镍合金
  5076. ferroprotein ==> 铁蛋白=>鉄タンパク
  5077. ferroprussiate process ==> 铁氰酸盐印相法
  5078. ferroresonance ==> 铁磁谐振=>鉄共振, Resonance resulting when the iron core of an inductive component of an LC circuit is saturated, increasing the inductive reactance with respect to the capacitance reactance.
  5079. ferroresonance voltage regulator ==> 铁共振电压调节器
  5080. ferroresonant computing circuit ==> 铁磁共振计算电路
  5081. ferroresonant flip-flop ==> 铁磁共振触发器
  5082. ferrosilicon process ==> 镁热还原硅铁法,皮金法
  5083. ferrostatic pressure ==> 钢水静压力,铁水静压力=>溶鋼静圧
  5084. ferrotemp pyrometer ==> 测铁水高温计
  5085. ferrothermic extraction ==> 铁热还原法提取
  5086. ferrous ==> 含铁的
  5087. ferrous acetate ==> 乙酸亚铁
  5088. ferrous acid ==> 铁酸
  5089. ferrous alloy ==> 铁合金
  5090. ferrous ammonium citrate ==> 柠檬酸亚铁铵
  5091. ferrous ammonium sulfate ==> 硫酸亚铁铵
  5092. ferrous analysis ==> 钢铁分析学
  5093. ferrous and non-ferrous screw and nut ==> 黑色及有色金属螺钉和螺母
  5094. ferrous and nonferrous rivet ==> 黑色及有色金属铆钉
  5095. ferrous carbide ==> 碳化铁
  5096. ferrous carbonate ==> 碳酸亚铁
  5097. ferrous carbonate and aloin tablets ==> 碳酸亚铁芦荟素片
  5098. ferrous chloride ==> 氯化亚铁
  5099. ferrous dense material ==> 铁质密致材料
  5100. ferrous disulfide ==> 二硫化铁
  5101. ferrous fall-pipe ==> 铁落水管
  5102. ferrous fluoride ==> 氟化亚铁
  5103. ferrous hydroxide ==> 氢氧化亚铁
  5104. ferrous hydroxide film ==> 氢氧化亚铁膜
  5105. ferrous hypophosphite ==> 次磷酸亚铁
  5106. ferrous iron ==> 二价铁,亚铁
  5107. ferrous metal ==> 黑色金属,铁金属,铁类金属
  5108. ferrous metal extrusion press ==> 黑色金属挤压机
  5109. ferrous metal pipe ==> 黑色金属管
  5110. ferrous metallurgy ==> 黑色冶金
  5111. ferrous oxide ==> 氧化亚铁
  5112. ferrous oxide(FeO) ==> 氧化亚铁
  5113. ferrous phosphate ==> 磷酸亚铁
  5114. ferrous powder ==> 铁粉
  5115. ferrous rolling mill ==> 钢材轧机
  5116. ferrous silicon ==> 硅铁
  5117. ferrous sulfate ==> 硫酸亚铁
  5118. ferrous sulfate dosimetry ==> 硫酸亚铁剂量测量法
  5119. ferrous sulfate poisoning ==> 硫酸亚铁中毒
  5120. ferrous sulfide ==> 硫酸亚铁
  5121. ferrous sulphate treatment ==> 硫酸亚铁处理
  5122. ferrous titanate ==> 钛酸亚铁,钛酸亚铁
  5123. ferrous waste ==> 废钢铁
  5124. ferrous-metal protection characteristics ==> 铁金属保护特性
  5125. ferrovanadium steel ==> 钒钢
  5126. ferroxyl indicator ==> 铁锈指示剂
  5127. ferroxyl test ==> 孔隙度试剂试验,气孔试验=>フェロキシル試験
  5128. ferruginous cement ==> 铁质胶结物
  5129. ferruginous clay ==> 含铁粘土
  5130. ferruginous deposits ==> 含铁沉积物
  5131. ferruginous dross ==> 含铁浮渣
  5132. ferruginous incrustation ==> 铁质结皮作用
  5133. ferruginous laterite ==> 铁质砖红壤
  5134. ferruginous lateritic soil ==> 铁质砖红壤性土
  5135. ferruginous limestone ==> 铁质石灰石
  5136. ferruginous manganese ore ==> 高铁锰砂
  5137. ferruginous opal ==> 铁蛋白石
  5138. ferruginous quartz ==> 铁石英
  5139. ferruginous roughleg ==> 铁色毛脚鹰
  5140. ferruginous sand ==> 铁锈色砂
  5141. ferruginous sandstone ==> 铁质砂岩
  5142. ferruginous sediment ==> 铁质沉积层
  5143. ferruginous spring ==> 含铁矿泉
  5144. ferrule ==> 稳定器,套圈,铁箍,(螺柱焊的)套环
  5145. Ferrule alloy ==> 费鲁尔合金
  5146. Ferrule brass ==> 费鲁尔铅黄铜
  5147. Ferry ==> 费瑞铜镍合金,铜镍合金
  5148. ferry ==> 渡船
  5149. ferry berth ==> 渡船码头
  5150. ferry boat ==> 渡船,渡轮
  5151. Ferry cell ==> 费瑞电池
  5152. Ferry metal ==> 费瑞电阻丝合金
  5153. ferry steamer ==> 渡轮
  5154. ferteilizer stream divider ==> 肥料分流器
  5155. fertile ==> 可转换的,能增殖的
  5156. fertile assembly ==> 增殖组件
  5157. fertile blanket ==> 转换区
  5158. fertile branch ==> 能育枝,结果枝
  5159. fertile dog ==> 多産系の犬
  5160. fertile earth ==> 沃土
  5161. fertile egg ==> 受精卵
  5162. fertile element ==> 燃料原料,可转换元素
  5163. fertile eye ==> 发芽眼
  5164. fertile farmland ==> 良田
  5165. fertile floral leaf ==> 能育花叶
  5166. fertile imagination ==> 豊かな想像力
  5167. fertile land ==> 肥沃な土地,沃野
  5168. fertile leaf ==> 能育叶,实叶=>胞子葉,実葉
  5169. fertile material ==> 增殖性物质,母体材料
  5170. fertile meterial ==> 可转换材料,燃料
  5171. fertile node ==> 能育节
  5172. fertile nucleus ==> 可转换核
  5173. fertile nuclide ==> 可转换核素
  5174. fertile nuclides ==> 可转换核素,俘获中子后经过放射性衰变能生成人造易裂变核素的天然核素。它包括能转换成239Pu的238U和能转换成233U的232Th两类
  5175. fertile plain ==> 丰产地
  5176. fertile pollen ==> 能育花粉
  5177. fertile shoot ==> 能育枝
  5178. fertile soil ==> 沃地,肥力土
  5179. fertile spike ==> 能育穗
  5180. fertile stem ==> 能育茎
  5181. fertility at spike tip ==> 穗顶端育性
  5182. fertility characterization ==> 肥力鉴定
  5183. fertility drug ==> 生育药
  5184. fertility element ==> 肥料要素
  5185. fertility erosion ==> 肥力侵蚀
  5186. fertility evaluation ==> 肥力评价
  5187. fertility factor ==> 致育因子
  5188. fertility index ==> 肥力指标
  5189. fertility of soil ==> 肥力
  5190. fertility rate ==> 人口出生率,受胎率
  5191. fertility-rate ==> 生育率
  5192. fertility-restoring factor ==> 复育因素
  5193. fertilization ==> 受精,授粉,受精作用
  5194. fertilization ability ==> 受精力,受精能力
  5195. fertilization cone ==> 受精丘,受精锥
  5196. fertilization failure ==> 受精受阻
  5197. fertilization filament ==> 受精丝
  5198. fertilization for head sprouting ==> 穗肥
  5199. fertilization impulse ==> 受精冲动
  5200. fertilization maternal mortality ==> 孕产妇死亡率
  5201. fertilization membrane ==> 受精膜
  5202. fertilization of ovum ==> 卵受精
  5203. fertilization of soil ==> 肥料施用
  5204. fertilization theory ==> 受精学说
  5205. fertilization tube ==> 受精管
  5206. fertilize ==> 肥料をやる
  5207. fertilized egg ==> 受精卵,孕卵
  5208. fertilized egg cell ==> 受精卵细胞
  5209. fertilized egg of Ascaris lumbricoides ==> 人蛔虫受精卵
  5210. fertilized kernels ==> 受精谷粒
  5211. fertilizer ==> 受精媒介物,化学肥料,肥料
  5212. fertilizer agitator ==> 肥料搅动器
  5213. fertilizer analysis ==> 肥料养分分析,肥料养分组合
  5214. fertilizer apparatus ==> 排肥盘
  5215. fertilizer apparatus placement ==> 肥料定点撒施装置
  5216. fertilizer application ==> 施肥
  5217. fertilizer applicator ==> 施肥机
  5218. fertilizer applied at seeding time ==> 播种时施入肥料,在播种时施的肥料
  5219. fertilizer applied in the spring season ==> 在春季施肥,春季施肥
  5220. fertilizer attachment ==> 施肥附加装置
  5221. fertilizer balance ==> 肥料平衡
  5222. fertilizer blender ==> 肥料拌和机
  5223. fertilizer brand ==> 肥料标记
  5224. fertilizer broadcaster ==> 肥料撒布机
  5225. fertilizer can ==> 排肥箱
  5226. fertilizer carrier ==> 肥料载送剂
  5227. fertilizer characteristic ==> 肥料鉴定
  5228. fertilizer clutch ==> 排肥器离合器
  5229. fertilizer component ==> 肥料成分
  5230. fertilizer consumption ==> 肥料消费量
  5231. fertilizer containing nitrogen ==> 含氮磷钾的肥料
  5232. fertilizer crusher ==> 肥料碾碎机
  5233. fertilizer disk ==> 排肥盘
  5234. fertilizer distributor ==> 排肥装置
  5235. fertilizer distributor with oscillating spout ==> 振斗撒肥机
  5236. fertilizer divided into separate applications ==> 肥粉分两次施用,分几次施肥料
  5237. fertilizer drill ==> 施肥机
  5238. fertilizer drill unit ==> 施肥装置
  5239. fertilizer drilling ==> 条施
  5240. fertilizer effect ==> 肥效
  5241. fertilizer efficiency ==> 肥效
  5242. fertilizer element ==> 肥料元素
  5243. fertilizer expenses ==> 肥料费用
  5244. fertilizer feed ==> 排肥盘
  5245. fertilizer feed drive ==> 排肥器传动装置
  5246. fertilizer filler ==> 肥料填充物
  5247. fertilizer formula ==> 肥料的配方,肥料公式,肥料配方,肥料配合式
  5248. fertilizer gate ==> 排肥闸门
  5249. fertilizer gearing ==> 排肥器传动装置
  5250. fertilizer grade ==> 肥料级氯化铵,肥料级硝酸铵,肥料品位,(以氮磷钾肥比率表示)肥料等级
  5251. fertilizer grinder ==> 肥料粉碎机
  5252. fertilizer guarantee ==> 肥料保证成分
  5253. fertilizer guide ==> 施肥导向器
  5254. fertilizer hopper agitator ==> 肥料箱搅动器
  5255. fertilizer incorporation by stubble ploughing ==> 灭茬掺肥
  5256. fertilizer irrigation ==> 施肥灌溉
  5257. fertilizer loader ==> 装肥料机
  5258. fertilizer machinery ==> 施肥机械
  5259. fertilizer mechanism ==> 排肥机构
  5260. fertilizer mixture ==> 混合肥料
  5261. fertilizer placement drill ==> 追肥器
  5262. fertilizer plant ==> 化肥厂
  5263. fertilizer practice ==> 施肥技术
  5264. fertilizer pump ==> 液肥泵
  5265. fertilizer quantity lever ==> 排肥量调节杆
  5266. fertilizer quantity regulator ==> 排肥量调节器,施肥量调节器
  5267. fertilizer rate ==> 肥料施用量
  5268. fertilizer ratio ==> 肥料配合比,肥料配合比例
  5269. fertilizer recommendations ==> 施肥建议
  5270. fertilizer regime ==> 施肥制度
  5271. fertilizer requirement ==> 需肥量,肥料需要量
  5272. fertilizer salt index ==> 肥料盐指数
  5273. fertilizer side placer ==> 行测施肥开沟器
  5274. fertilizer source ==> 肥源
  5275. fertilizer spray ==> 肥料喷洒
  5276. fertilizer sprayer ==> 液肥喷雾机
  5277. fertilizer spreader ==> 肥料机,肥料撒施机
  5278. fertilizer the soil ==> 肥田
  5279. fertilizer top application ==> 表施
  5280. fertilizer unit ==> 肥料单位,排肥装置
  5281. fertilizer uptake ==> 肥料吸收
  5282. fertilizer-responsive ==> 肥料反应
  5283. fertilizing equipment ==> 施肥机具,施肥器具
  5284. fertilizing hair ==> 受精毛
  5285. fertilizing irrigation ==> 培肥灌溉
  5286. ferulic acid ==> 阿魏酸
  5287. fervent ==> 熱烈な,熱意ある,ファーベント
  5288. fervent approval ==> 熱烈な歓迎
  5289. fervent desire ==> 切なる願い
  5290. Fery cell ==> フェリー電池
  5291. Fery pyrometer ==> 费里高温计
  5292. Fery radiation pyrometer ==> 费里辐射高温计
  5293. FES, fine error sensor ==> 精密エラーセンサ
  5294. FESEM, field emission scanning electron microscopy ==> 電界放射型走査電子顕微鏡
  5295. Fessenden oscillator ==> 费森登振荡器
  5296. festive ==> 祝祭の,祭日の
  5297. festive decoration ==> お祝いの飾り
  5298. festive dress ==> 晴れ着
  5299. festive event ==> 催し
  5300. festoon ==> 缘垛,(冰缘)花彩褶,(构造)花彩弧=>花綱
  5301. festoon cross-bedding ==> 花彩交错层理
  5302. festoon curve ==> 尖浪形曲线
  5303. festoon drier ==> 悬挂式干燥室
  5304. festoon dryer ==> 长环悬挂烘燥机
  5305. festoon lighting ==> 带式装饰照明
  5306. festoon steamer ==> 悬挂式蒸化机
  5307. fet ==> 场效应晶体管
  5308. fet amplifier ==> 场效应晶体管放大器
  5309. fet array ==> 场效应晶体管阵列
  5310. fet channel ==> 场效应晶体管沟道
  5311. FET gas transducer[sensor] ==> 场效应(管)湿度传感器
  5312. fet high frequency amplifier circuit ==> 场效应管高放电路
  5313. FET high frequency amplifier circuit ==> 场效应管高放电路
  5314. fet input ==> 输入场效应晶体管
  5315. FET mixer circuit ==> 场效应管混频电路
  5316. fet oscillator ==> 场效应晶体管振荡器
  5317. FET, field effect transistor ==> 電界効果型トランジスタ
  5318. FET, field-effect transistor ==> 電界効果トランジスタ
  5319. FETA, field effect transistor amplifier ==> 電界効果型トランジスタ増幅器
  5320. fetal ==> 胎儿的
  5321. fetal abnormality ==> 胎儿异常
  5322. fetal abortion ==> 坠胎
  5323. fetal accident ==> 胎儿意外
  5324. fetal adenoma ==> 胎儿型腺瘤
  5325. fetal adenoma of thyroid ==> 胎儿型甲状腺腺瘤
  5326. fetal adenoma of thyroid gland ==> 甲状腺胎性腺瘤
  5327. fetal alcohol syndrome ==> 胎儿乙醇综合征
  5328. fetal anomaly ==> 胎儿畸形
  5329. fetal anoxia ==> 胎儿缺氧
  5330. fetal antigen ==> 胚胎性抗原
  5331. fetal asphyxia ==> 胎儿宫内窒息,胎儿窒息
  5332. fetal atelectasis ==> 胎儿肺膨胀不全
  5333. fetal atrium ==> 胎心样心房
  5334. fetal attitude ==> 胎势
  5335. fetal blood circulation ==> 胎儿血循环
  5336. fetal blood group ==> 胎儿血型
  5337. fetal body ==> 胎体
  5338. fetal cephalometry ==> 胎头测量
  5339. fetal circulation ==> 胎体循环,胎循环
  5340. fetal circulatory system ==> 胎儿循环系统
  5341. fetal cortex ==> 胎儿皮质
  5342. fetal cranial diameter ==> 胎儿颅径
  5343. fetal death ==> 胎死,宫内死亡
  5344. fetal death rate ==> 胎婴死亡率
  5345. fetal distress ==> 胎儿宫内窒息,胎儿窘迫
  5346. fetal dystocia ==> 胎原性难产
  5347. fetal electronic monitoring ==> 胎儿电子监护
  5348. fetal extractor ==> 胎儿摘出器
  5349. fetal fat-cell lipoma ==> 脂肪肉瘤
  5350. fetal fluids ==> 胎水
  5351. fetal foot traction ==> 胎足牵引
  5352. fetal habitus ==> 胎势
  5353. fetal head ==> 胎头
  5354. fetal heart ==> 胎心
  5355. fetal heart monitor ==> 胎心测定仪
  5356. fetal heart rhythm ==> 胎心律
  5357. fetal heart sound ==> 胎心音
  5358. fetal heart sound chart ==> 胎儿心音图
  5359. fetal hemoglobin ==> 胎儿血红蛋白,胎血红蛋白
  5360. fetal hemopoiesis ==> 胎儿造血
  5361. fetal maturity ==> 胎儿成熟度
  5362. fetal membrane ==> 胎膜
  5363. fetal membrane puncturing forceps ==> 胎膜穿破钳
  5364. fetal monitor ==> 胎儿监护器
  5365. fetal mortality ==> 胎死率
  5366. fetal movement ==> 胎动
  5367. fetal nucleus ==> 胎儿核
  5368. fetal part ==> 胎児部分
  5369. fetal part of the placenta ==> 胎児側胎盤
  5370. fetal phonocardiograph ==> 胎儿心音记录器
  5371. fetal placenta ==> 胎儿胎盘,胎盘胎儿部
  5372. fetal position ==> 胎儿型体位,胎方位
  5373. fetal respiratory movement ==> 胎儿呼吸运动
  5374. fetal rhythm ==> 胎心节律
  5375. fetal rickets ==> 胎儿性佝偻病,胎性佝偻病
  5376. fetal serum protein ==> 胎儿血清蛋白
  5377. fetal shock ==> 胎儿性休克
  5378. fetal souffle ==> 胎儿杂音
  5379. fetal sulfoglycoprotein antigen ==> 胚胎硫糖蛋白抗原
  5380. fetal surface of placenta ==> 胎盘胎儿面
  5381. fetal tachycardia ==> 胎儿心搏过速
  5382. fetal tranfusion syndrome ==> 胎儿输血综合征
  5383. fetal type uterus ==> 胎型子宫
  5384. fetal ultrasonic cardiograph ==> 胎儿超声心动仪
  5385. fetal vascular tufts ==> 胎血管丛
  5386. fetal zone ==> 胎儿带
  5387. fetal-maternal transfusion syndrome ==> 母儿间输血综合征
  5388. fetalism ==> 胎型
  5389. fetalization ==> 胎型
  5390. fetalization theory ==> 胎化学说
  5391. fetalometry ==> 胎儿测定法
  5392. fetch ==> 吹程,吹送距离,取,取出,取数,风程,风浪区,风浪区长度,风区,风区长度,转航,读取,检索=>フェッチ,「fetch」は「取り出す」という意味。マイクロプロセッサが、処理する命令コード(ないしはデータ)をメモリから取り出し、レジスタに転送すること。
  5393. fetch a high price ==> 卖得高价
  5394. fetch bit ==> 取出位,取位,按位取数
  5395. fetch cycle ==> 取出周期,取周期
  5396. fetch front ==> 风区前沿
  5397. fetch length ==> 风区长度,吹程
  5398. fetch length control ==> 取长度控制
  5399. fetch operand ==> 取操作数
  5400. fetch phase ==> 取指令周期
  5401. fetch protect ==> 取出し保護
  5402. fetch protection ==> 取保护
  5403. fetch rear ==> 风区后沿
  5404. fetch routine ==> 取指令程序
  5405. fetch sequence ==> 取出序列
  5406. fetch stage ==> 读数阶段
  5407. fetch time ==> 指令读出时间
  5408. fetch unit ==> 读取部件
  5409. fetch violation ==> 取数违法
  5410. fetch-cycle ==> 取得循环
  5411. fetch-load trace ==> 取出装入跟踪,取装跟踪
  5412. fetch-store execution ordering ==> 读写次序
  5413. fetch/load ==> 取/送
  5414. fetching ==> 捞
  5415. fetor hepaticus ==> 肝病性口臭
  5416. fettler ==> 落砂工
  5417. fettling ==> 修补炉衬,补炉,铸件清理
  5418. fettling comb ==> 抄针耙
  5419. fettling hole ==> 炉底孔
  5420. fettling knife ==> 修补刀,修坯刀具
  5421. fettling machine ==> 修坯机,补炉机,铸件清理机
  5422. fettling magnesite grain ==> 冶金镁砂
  5423. fettling material ==> 补炉材料
  5424. fetus compressus ==> 压扁胎,薄纸样胎
  5425. fetus edema ==> 胎儿水肿
  5426. FEU Forty-Foot Equivalent Unit (Container) ==> 40英尺的容器
  5427. feudal aristocracy ==> 封建贵族
  5428. feudal economy ==> 封建经济
  5429. feudal land rent ==> 封建地租
  5430. feudal lord ==> 封建领主
  5431. Feulgen reaction ==> 福尔根反应,福伊尔根氏反应
  5432. Feulgne test ==> 福伊尔根氏反应
  5433. Feussner spark generator ==> 费氏火花发生器
  5434. feussner spark generator ==> 费氏火花发生器
  5435. fever ==> 热,发热,发烧,寒热
  5436. fever (of children) accompanied by fear ==> 惊热
  5437. fever blister ==> 热病性疱疹
  5438. fever diet ==> 热病饮食
  5439. fever due to yang insufficiency ==> 阳虚发热
  5440. fever due to yin deficiency ==> 阴虚发热
  5441. fever during menstruation ==> 经行发热,经行发热
  5442. fever of unknown cause ==> 原因未明发热
  5443. fever without chilliness but aversion to heat ==> 不恶风反恶热
  5444. fever-blister ==> 发热性疱疹
  5445. fever-tree ==> 蓝桉树
  5446. feverfew ==> 野甘菊,白菊花
  5447. feverish ==> 发烧的
  5448. feverish activity ==> 熱狂的な活動
  5449. feverish market ==> 变动不定的证券市场
  5450. fevervine ==> 鸡矢藤
  5451. few-group analysis ==> 少群分析
  5452. few-group diffusion theory ==> 少群扩散理论
  5453. few-region approximation ==> 少区近似
  5454. FEWG, flight experiment working group ==> 飛行実験作業班
  5455. fexible unit ==> 通用装置
  5456. Feynman ==> 费曼,美国物理学家
  5457. Feynman Gell-Mann universal formula ==> 费因曼-盖尔-曼普适公式
  5458. Feynman integral ==> 费曼积分
  5459. feynman integral ==> 费曼积分
  5460. Feynman's superfluidity theory ==> 费曼超流性理论
  5461. Feynman-Gell Mann hypothesis ==> 费因曼-盖尔-曼假设
  5462. Feynmans superfluidity theory ==> 费曼超流性理论
  5463. ff ==> 触发电路
  5464. FF, field bus ==> 现场总线,总线
  5465. FF, flight critical forward ==> フライトクリティカルフォーワード
  5466. FF, flip flop ==> フリップフロップ
  5467. FF, foundation fieldbus ==> 基金会现场总线
  5468. FF, Foundation Fieldbus, ==> FF
  5469. FF, free flyer ==> フリーフライヤ
  5470. FFC, Flat Frequency control ==> 定周波数制御
  5471. FFD, fuel flow demand ==> 燃焼指令信号
  5472. FFEU, Free Flow Electrophoresis Unit ==> 電気泳動装置(IML-2実験装置)
  5473. FFEU, free flow electrophoresis unit ==> フリーフロー電気泳動装置
  5474. FFP, firm fixed price ==> 確定価格
  5475. FFP, free flyer platform ==> フイリフライヤプラットフォーム
  5476. FFRR, First Flight Readiness Review ==> 第1飛行準備完了審査
  5477. fft ==> 快速傅里叶变换
  5478. FFT, fast Fourier transform ==> 高速フーリエ変換
  5479. FFT, fast Fourier transformation ==> 高速フーリエ変換
  5480. FFTMIS, facility for technical management information system ==> 技術管理情報システム用設備
  5481. FFTO, free flying teleoperator ==> フリーフライヤ遠隔オペレータ
  5482. FFV, fuel fill valve ==> 燃料注入バルブ
  5483. FG, frame ground ==> 筺体接地
  5484. FGD by product, end product ==> 脱硫产物,烟气脱硫产生的固硫副产物
  5485. FGE, fine guidance electronics ==> 微細誘導エレクトロニクス
  5486. FGGE, first GARP global experiment ==> 第一次GARP全地球実験
  5487. FGH, first stage ground test checkout equipment ==> 第一段地上試験点検装置
  5488. FGM, functionally graded materials ==> 傾斜機能材料
  5489. FGMDSS, Future GMDSS ==> 将来のGMDSS
  5490. FGOL, full growth operational level ==> 発展期の運用レベル
  5491. FGS, fine guidance sensor ==> 微細誘導センサー
  5492. FGSE, fine guidance system electronics ==> 微細誘導システムエレクトロニクス
  5493. fgt ==> 浮栅金属氧化物半导体晶体管
  5494. FH, feed horn ==> 給電ホーン
  5495. FH, Full history ==> 全通道历史数据补偿方式
  5496. FH, full hole ==> 贯眼
  5497. FHA, feed horn assembly ==> 給電部
  5498. fhash alloy ==> 闪光合金
  5499. FHEX Fridays, Holidays Excepted (Muslim Countries) ==> 不包括周五,节假日
  5500. FHI, FUJI HEAVY INDUSTRIES LTD ==> 富士重工業株式会社
  5501. FHINC Fridays, Holidays Included (Muslim Countries) ==> 包括周五,节假日
  5502. FHL, FACOM-HITAC Limited ==> ファコムハイタック社
  5503. FHMA, frequency hop multiple access ==> 周波数ホップ多元接続
  5504. FHSA, feed horn support assembly ==> 給電部サポート
  5505. FHSS, Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum ==> 跳频技术=>周波数ホッピングスペクトラム拡散
  5506. FHST, fixed head star tracker ==> 固定ヘッド天体追跡装置
  5507. FHWA, Federal Highway Administration ==> FHWA
  5508. FI source, field ionization source ==> 场电离源
  5509. FI, fault interrupter ==> 故障遮断器
  5510. FI, flexible input ==> フレキシブルインプット
  5511. FI, Flight Instrumentation ==> NASA略語(意訳実飛行用計装品)
  5512. FI, flight item ==> 打ち上げ品目
  5513. FI, Formal Inspection ==> NASA略語(意訳公的検査)
  5514. FIA analysis ==> 荧光指示剂吸附分析
  5515. FIA method ==> 荧光指示剂吸附法
  5516. Fiaccamente ==> 柔弱的,无力的
  5517. fiat ==> 法令
  5518. fiat money ==> 法定纸币,法令货币,名义货币
  5519. fiat standard ==> 法定本位,法定标准
  5520. FIATA Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations ==> 运输者协会联盟
  5521. fiatula in ano ==> 肛瘘
  5522. fiber ==> 纤维,须根=>ファイバ,繊維
  5523. fiber antigen ==> 腺病毒触丝抗原
  5524. fiber axis ==> 纤维轴
  5525. fiber board ==> 木丝板
  5526. fiber bone ==> 骨纤维
  5527. fiber breakage ==> (纤维)断头率
  5528. fiber bundle ==> 纤维丛,光学纤维束=>ファイバー束
  5529. fiber bush ==> 夹布胶木衬套
  5530. fiber cable ==> 纤维光缆的
  5531. fiber cable assembly ==> 光缆组件
  5532. fiber cement board ==> 水泥纤维板
  5533. fiber ceramics ==> 纤维陶瓷
  5534. fiber communication ==> 光纤通信
  5535. fiber concrete ==> 纤维增强混凝土
  5536. fiber conduit ==> 硬纸导管
  5537. fiber container ==> 纸筒=>ファイバー容器
  5538. fiber containers ==> 纤维容器
  5539. fiber core ==> 纤维芯,纤维腔,纸板筒
  5540. fiber crimpness ==> 纤维蜷曲度
  5541. fiber crops ==> 纤维作物
  5542. fiber cutter ==> ファイバカッタ
  5543. fiber diffraction pattern ==> 纤维衍射花样
  5544. fiber drawing ==> 線引き
  5545. fiber duct ==> 纤维导管,硬纸导管
  5546. fiber elastic ==> 纤维弹性的
  5547. fiber electrometer ==> 悬丝静电计
  5548. fiber flax ==> 纤维亚麻
  5549. fiber gasket ==> 硬纸垫密片
  5550. fiber gear ==> 树脂纤维齿轮
  5551. fiber glass ==> 玻璃纤维
  5552. fiber glass coating ==> 玻璃纤维套
  5553. fiber glass epoxy laminate ==> 玻璃纤维环氧树脂迭层板
  5554. fiber glass mat ==> 玻璃纤维毡
  5555. fiber glass material ==> 玻璃纤维材料
  5556. fiber glass optics ==> 玻璃纤维光学
  5557. fiber glass packing ==> 玻璃纤维填料
  5558. fiber glass reinforced plastics ==> 玻璃钢
  5559. fiber glass reinforcement ==> 玻璃纤维增强
  5560. fiber glass thermoplastics ==> 玻璃纤维增强热塑性塑料
  5561. fiber grease ==> 纤维润滑脂,纤维状润滑脂
  5562. fiber insulation ==> 纡维绝缘
  5563. fiber lamp ==> 纤维导光灯
  5564. fiber laser ==> 纤维激光器
  5565. fiber light cystoscope ==> 纤维导光膀胱镜,纤维光束膀胱镜
  5566. fiber loss ==> 纤维损失
  5567. fiber metal ==> 纤维金属
  5568. fiber of red muscle ==> 红肌纤维
  5569. fiber optic cable ==> 纤维光缆的
  5570. fiber optic cable connector ==> 光缆连接器
  5571. fiber optic cranioscope ==> 光导束脑内窥镜
  5572. fiber optic irrigating urothroscope ==> 纤维光束尿道冲洗镜
  5573. fiber optic laryngoscope ==> 光导纤维喉镜
  5574. fiber optic laser hemostat ==> 光导纤维激光止血器
  5575. fiber optic sensor ==> 光学纤维敏感元件
  5576. fiber optic sinoscope ==> 光导纤维鼻窦镜
  5577. fiber optic system ==> 光学纤维系统
  5578. fiber optic transmission ==> 光ファイバ伝送
  5579. fiber optics ==> 光导纤维=>ファイバ光学
  5580. fiber optics cable ==> 光导纤维电缆
  5581. fiber optics communication ==> 光学纤维通信,光纤维通信
  5582. fiber packing ==> 纸板衬垫
  5583. fiber pipe ==> ファイバ管
  5584. fiber plaster ==> 纤维石膏
  5585. fiber profile ==> 纤维纵切面
  5586. fiber protrusion ==> 玻璃纤维毛刺
  5587. fiber reinforced ==> 纤维补强的
  5588. fiber reinforced cement ==> 纤维增强水泥
  5589. fiber reinforced ceramic ==> 纤维增强陶瓷
  5590. fiber reinforced ceramics ==> 纤维增强陶瓷
  5591. fiber reinforced composite material ==> 纤维强化复合材料
  5592. fiber reinforced metal ==> 纤维增强金属材料
  5593. fiber reinforced plastic ==> 纤维增强塑料
  5594. fiber rope ==> 繊維ロープ
  5595. fiber scope ==> 纤维彩色图像器,纤维式观摩器
  5596. fiber sheet ==> 纤维纸板
  5597. fiber silk ==> 人造丝
  5598. fiber strengthened ==> 纤维强化的
  5599. fiber stress ==> 纤维应力
  5600. fiber stress at proportional limit ==> 比例极限纤维应力
  5601. fiber suspension ==> 丝线悬挂
  5602. fiber suspension galvanometer ==> 丝线悬挂检流计
  5603. fiber tube ==> 丝管,硬纸板管
  5604. fiber washer ==> 纸板垫圈
  5605. fiber waveguide ==> 光波导
  5606. fiber(-bre) board ==> 硬纸板
  5607. fiber-covered plywood ==> 纤维合成层板
  5608. fiber-glass ==> 玻璃纤维
  5609. fiber-glass covered wire ==> ファイバ巻線
  5610. fiber-glass rotor blade ==> 玻璃纤维旋翼桨叶
  5611. fiber-grade monomer ==> 化纤单体
  5612. fiber-optic scanner ==> 纤维光学扫描器
  5613. fiber-optics ==> 光导纤维
  5614. fiber-optics power meter ==> 光导纤维功率计
  5615. fiber-optics recorder ==> 光导纤维记录器
  5616. fiberarthroscopy ==> 纤维关节镜检查
  5617. fiberboard ==> 木丝板
  5618. fiberbronchoscope ==> 纤维支气管镜
  5619. fibercolonoscopy ==> 纤维结肠镜检查术,光学纤维结肠镜检查
  5620. fibercoloscope ==> 纤维结肠镜
  5621. fibercone press ==> 双锥辊挤浆机
  5622. fiberduodenoscope ==> 纤维十二指肠镜
  5623. fiberendoscope ==> 纤维光束内窥镜
  5624. fiberesophagoscopy ==> 纤维食管镜检查
  5625. fiberfill ==> 纤维填塞物
  5626. fibergastroduodenoscopy ==> 纤维胃十二指肠镜检查
  5627. fibergastroscope ==> 纤维胃镜
  5628. fibergastroscopy ==> 纤维胃镜检查术
  5629. fiberglass ==> 玻璃钢
  5630. fiberglass braided wire ==> 玻璃丝编织线
  5631. fiberglass drum ==> 玻璃钢转鼓
  5632. fiberglass packing ==> 玻璃纤维垫
  5633. fiberglass pipe ==> 玻璃纤维管
  5634. fiberglass plastic ==> 玻璃纤维塑料
  5635. fiberglass reinforced plastics ==> 玻璃纤维增强塑料
  5636. fiberglass reinforcement ==> 玻璃加强纤维
  5637. fibering ==> 纤维化
  5638. fiberized ==> 纤维化了的
  5639. fiberizer ==> 成纤器
  5640. fiberoptic bronchoscope ==> 光导纤维支气管镜,纤维支气管镜
  5641. fiberoptic colonscopy ==> 结肠纤维镜检查
  5642. fiberoptic endoscope ==> 光导纤维内脏检查镜,纤维光束内窥镜
  5643. fiberoptic endoscopy ==> 光导纤维内脏镜检查
  5644. fiberoptic esophagoscope ==> 光导纤维食管镜
  5645. fiberoptic gastroscope ==> 胃ファイバースコープ
  5646. fiberoptic laryngoscope ==> 纤维喉镜
  5647. fiberoptic nasopharyngoscope ==> 纤维鼻咽镜,光导纤维鼻咽镜
  5648. fiberoptic sinoscope ==> 纤维鼻窦镜
  5649. fiberoptronics ==> 纤维光电子学
  5650. fibers in the fibrous layers ==> 纤维层内纤维
  5651. fiberscope ==> 纤维光学镜,纤维内窥镜
  5652. fibersigmoidoscopy ==> 纤维乙状结肠镜检查
  5653. fiberthoracoscopy ==> 纤维胸腔镜检查
  5654. fiberventriculoscopy ==> 纤维脑室镜检查
  5655. fibl ==> 聚焦离子束光刻
  5656. Fibonacci coefficient ==> 斐波纳契系数
  5657. Fibonacci function ==> 斐波纳契函数
  5658. Fibonacci generating function ==> 斐波纳契数生成函数
  5659. Fibonacci merge ==> 斐波纳契归并法
  5660. Fibonacci method ==> 斐波纳契法
  5661. Fibonacci number ==> 斐波纳契数
  5662. Fibonacci number system ==> 斐波纳契数系
  5663. Fibonacci polynomial ==> 斐波纳契多项式
  5664. Fibonacci search ==> 斐波纳契检索法,斐波纳契搜索,斐波纳契寻优法=>フィボナッチ探索
  5665. Fibonacci sequence ==> 斐波纳契数列,斐波纳契序列=>フィボナッチ数列, In the Fibonacci Sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ...), each term is the sum of the two previous terms (for instance, 2+3=5, 3+5=8, ...). As you go farther and farther to the right in this sequence, the ratio of a term to the one before it will get closer and closer to the Golden Ratio. 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10946 17711 28657 46368 75025 121393 196418 317811 514229 832040 1346269 2178309 3524578 5702887 9227465 14930352 24157817 39088169 63245986 102334155 165580141 267914296 433494437 701408733 1134903170 1836311903 2971215073 4807526976 7778742049 12586269025 20365011074 32951280099 53316291173 86267571272 139583862445 225851433717 365435296162 591286729879 956722026041 1548008755920 2504730781961 4052739537881 6557470319842 10610209857723 17167680177565 27777890035288 44945570212853 72723460248141 117669030460994 190392490709135 308061521170129 498454011879264 806515533049393 ...
  5666. Fibonacci series ==> フィボナッチ数列
  5667. Fibonacci series sorting ==> 斐波纳契数分类
  5668. fibrae arcuatae externae posteriores dorsales ==> 后外弓状纤维
  5669. fibrae arcuatae externae ventrales ==> 前外弓状纤维
  5670. fibrae arcuatae internae ==> 内弓状纤维
  5671. fibrae corticotectales ==> 皮质顶盖纤维
  5672. fibrae corticothalamicus ==> 皮质丘脑纤维
  5673. fibrae frontopontinus ==> 额桥纤维
  5674. fibrae intercrurales ==> 脚间纤维
  5675. fibrae intrathalamicae ==> 丘脑内纤维
  5676. fibrae pontis superficiales ==> 脑桥浅纤维
  5677. fibrae pontis transversae ==> 脑桥横纤维
  5678. fibrae striae terminalis ==> 终纹纤维
  5679. fibrae thalamoparietalis ==> 丘脑顶叶纤维
  5680. fibre ==> 纡维
  5681. fibre (fiber) ==> 纤维
  5682. fibre abrasion tester ==> 纤维耐磨试验仪
  5683. fibre absorption ==> 光纤吸收
  5684. fibre acoustic sensor ==> 光纤声传感器
  5685. fibre active connector ==> 光纤有源连接器
  5686. fibre adhesive ==> 纤维状粘合剂
  5687. fibre agglomerates ==> 纤维团
  5688. fibre alignment ==> 纤维排列
  5689. fibre amplifier ==> 纤维放大器,光纤放大器
  5690. fibre analysis ==> 纤维分析
  5691. fibre array ==> 纤维排列
  5692. fibre array diagram ==> 纤维排列图
  5693. fibre assemblies ==> 纤维束
  5694. fibre attachment point ==> 丝着点
  5695. fibre axial displacement sensor ==> 光纤轴向位移传感器
  5696. fibre axis ==> 丝缕轴,纤维轴线
  5697. fibre blends ==> 纤维混合
  5698. fibre block ==> 纤维垫块
  5699. fibre blowing ==> 纤维吹制法
  5700. fibre board ==> 纤维板
  5701. fibre bonding ==> 纤维粘合
  5702. fibre borescope ==> 光纤管道镜
  5703. fibre box ==> 纤维板箱
  5704. fibre breakage ==> 纤维断裂
  5705. fibre buffer ==> 光纤缓冲层
  5706. fibre bundle ==> 光纤束,纤维束
  5707. fibre bundle transfer function ==> 光纤束传递函数
  5708. fibre bush ==> 纤维衬套
  5709. fibre cable ==> 纤维绳芯钢丝绳,光纤维电缆
  5710. fibre cam ==> 纤维板箱
  5711. fibre camera ==> 纤维照相机
  5712. fibre can ==> 纤维板桶
  5713. fibre CATV ==> 纤维电缆电视
  5714. fibre cement ==> 纤维水泥
  5715. fibre circuit ==> 光纤线路
  5716. fibre cladding ==> 光纤包层
  5717. fibre classifier ==> 纤维筛分仪
  5718. fibre coarseness ==> 纤维粗度
  5719. fibre coating ==> 光纤涂层
  5720. fibre coating material ==> 光纤涂覆材料
  5721. fibre coating technique ==> 纤维涂层技术
  5722. fibre collection hood ==> 纤维沉降室
  5723. fibre communication ==> 光纤通信
  5724. fibre composite material ==> 纤维增强复合材料
  5725. fibre composition ==> 纤维配比
  5726. fibre concentrator ==> 光纤集线器
  5727. fibre concrete ==> 纤维性混凝土
  5728. fibre conditioner ==> 纤维调湿器
  5729. fibre configuration ==> 纤维构型
  5730. fibre connector ==> 光纤连接器
  5731. fibre core ==> 纤维芯
  5732. fibre count ==> 纤维支数,光纤数
  5733. fibre coupled diode-pumped laser ==> 光纤耦合二极管抽运激光器
  5734. fibre coupled laser diode ==> 光纤耦合激光二极管
  5735. fibre coupled power ==> 光纤耦合功率
  5736. fibre coupler ==> 光纤耦合器
  5737. fibre coupling ==> 光纤耦合
  5738. fibre cross-talk ==> 光纤串扰
  5739. fibre cut ==> 纤维切断
  5740. fibre cutter ==> 纤维切断器
  5741. fibre cutting ==> 纤维切断
  5742. fibre cutting machine ==> 纤维切断机
  5743. fibre damage ==> 纤维损伤
  5744. fibre debris ==> 纤维碎片
  5745. fibre delay line ==> 光纤延迟线
  5746. fibre density ==> 纤维密度
  5747. fibre deposition ==> 纤维凝聚
  5748. fibre designer ==> 纤维设计工作者
  5749. fibre diagram machine ==> 纤维长度分析仪
  5750. fibre diameter ==> 纤维直径,光纤直径
  5751. fibre diameter monitor ==> 光纤直径监控器
  5752. fibre diameter video analyser ==> 纤维直径视频分析仪
  5753. fibre dimensional stability ==> 光纤尺寸稳定性
  5754. fibre dispersion ==> 光纤色散
  5755. fibre distribution ==> 纤维分布
  5756. fibre distribution box ==> 光纤分线盒
  5757. fibre distribution frame ==> 光纤配线架
  5758. fibre down ==> 纤维茸毛
  5759. fibre drag ==> 纤维间分离阻力
  5760. fibre drawing ==> 光纤拉制
  5761. fibre drawing furnace ==> 光纤拉丝炉
  5762. fibre drum ==> 纤维制圆筒
  5763. fibre dust ==> 纤维性粉尘
  5764. fibre dyed fabric ==> 纤维染色纱织物
  5765. fibre dyed yarn ==> 纤维染色纱
  5766. fibre eigenvalue equation ==> 光纤本征值方程
  5767. fibre elasticity test ==> 纤维弹性试验
  5768. fibre end ==> 纤维端
  5769. fibre entanglement ==> 纤维缠结作用
  5770. fibre equivalent radius ==> 纤维当量半径
  5771. fibre extent ==> 纤维延伸度
  5772. fibre extracting machine ==> 剥纤维机
  5773. fibre faceplate ==> 光纤面板
  5774. fibre fineness ==> 纤维细度
  5775. fibre finish ==> (润滑抗静电)纤维处理剂
  5776. fibre flow uniformity ==> 纤维流均匀度
  5777. fibre fly ==> 纤维茸毛
  5778. fibre forming ==> 纤维成形
  5779. fibre fraction ==> 纤维组分纤维筛分
  5780. fibre fractionation ==> 纤维组分
  5781. fibre fracture ==> 纤维裂缝
  5782. fibre furnish ==> 纤维配比
  5783. fibre fusion ==> 纤维熔合
  5784. fibre gasket ==> 纤维衬垫
  5785. fibre gastroscope ==> 光纤胃镜=>ファイバーガストロスコープ
  5786. fibre gear ==> 纤维材料齿轮
  5787. fibre glass ==> 玻璃丝
  5788. fibre glass mould ==> 玻璃纤维模
  5789. fibre glass reinforced nylatron cage ==> 玻璃纤维增强尼龙保持架
  5790. fibre grease ==> 纤维润滑脂
  5791. fibre guide ==> 纤维波导管,光纤波导
  5792. fibre harness ==> 光纤捆束
  5793. fibre hazard ==> 光纤危害
  5794. fibre holder ==> 光纤夹持器
  5795. fibre homeomorphism ==> 纤维同胚
  5796. fibre identification ==> 纤维鉴别
  5797. fibre impact tester ==> 纤维冲击强力试验仪
  5798. fibre incrustation ==> 纤维外皮
  5799. fibre inteference figure ==> 纤维干涉图
  5800. fibre integrity ==> 纤维完整性
  5801. fibre jacket ==> 光纤套层
  5802. fibre junction ==> 光纤接续
  5803. fibre lace ==> 纤维花边
  5804. fibre laser ==> 纤维激光器,光纤激光器
  5805. fibre lay ==> 纤维平伏性
  5806. fibre laydown hood ==> 纤维沉降室
  5807. fibre laying ==> (上浆纱线的)纤维平伏性
  5808. fibre length ==> 纤维长度
  5809. fibre length array ==> 纤维长度排列
  5810. fibre length control ==> 纤维长度的控制
  5811. fibre length distribution ==> 纤维长度分配
  5812. fibre length tester ==> 纤维长度试验仪
  5813. fibre length variation ==> 纤维长度变化
  5814. fibre light guide ==> 纤维光导
  5815. fibre light-guide ==> 光纤波导
  5816. fibre link ==> 光纤维通信线路,光纤线路
  5817. fibre longitudinal view ==> 纤维纵视图
  5818. fibre loss ==> 光纤损耗,纤维损耗
  5819. fibre lubrication ==> 纤维润滑
  5820. fibre mapping ==> 纤维映射
  5821. fibre mat ==> 纤维层
  5822. fibre material ==> 纤维材料
  5823. fibre matting ==> 纤维缠结
  5824. fibre maturity ==> 纤维成熟度
  5825. fibre membrane ==> 纤维薄壁
  5826. fibre merit figure ==> 光纤品质因数
  5827. fibre metal ==> 纤维金属
  5828. fibre metallurgy ==> 纤维冶金
  5829. fibre migration ==> 纤维转移
  5830. fibre modification ==> 纤维改性
  5831. fibre moisture regain tester ==> 纤维回潮测试仪
  5832. fibre morphology ==> 纤维形态学
  5833. fibre morphometer ==> 纤维形态测视仪
  5834. fibre multiplexer ==> 光纤多路复用器
  5835. fibre needle ==> (电唱录声机的)纤维唱针
  5836. fibre number ==> 纤维纤度
  5837. fibre of common mugwort ==> 艾绒
  5838. fibre optic accelerometer ==> 光纤加速度计
  5839. fibre optic AM laser transmitter ==> 光纤调幅激光发射器
  5840. fibre optic analog receiver ==> 光纤模拟接收机
  5841. fibre optic analog transmitter ==> 光纤模拟发射机
  5842. fibre optic array ==> 纤维光学集束
  5843. fibre optic arteriovenous oximeter ==> 光纤动静脉血氧计
  5844. fibre optic attenuation tester ==> 光纤衰减测试仪
  5845. fibre optic attenuator ==> 光纤衰减器
  5846. fibre optic block ==> 纤维光块
  5847. fibre optic blood pressure transducer ==> 光纤血压换能器
  5848. fibre optic borescope ==> 光纤管道镜
  5849. fibre optic bronchoscope ==> 光纤支气管镜
  5850. fibre optic butting connector ==> 光纤对接连接器
  5851. fibre optic cable ==> 光缆,光纤电缆
  5852. fibre optic catheter ==> 纤维光学光导管
  5853. fibre optic chemical sensor ==> 光纤化学传感器
  5854. fibre optic choledochoscope ==> 光纤胆道镜
  5855. fibre optic colour centre sensor ==> 光纤色心传感器
  5856. Fibre Optic Communication Information Society ==> 光纤通信信息协会
  5857. fibre optic compression sensor ==> 光纤压力传感器
  5858. fibre optic concentration sensor ==> 光纤浓度传感器
  5859. fibre optic coupler ==> 光纤耦合器
  5860. fibre optic coupling ==> 纤维光学耦合
  5861. fibre optic CRT ==> 光纤阴极射线管
  5862. fibre optic current sensor ==> 光纤电流传感器
  5863. fibre optic data coupler ==> 光纤数据耦合器
  5864. fibre optic digital receiver ==> 光纤数字接收机
  5865. fibre optic distribution frame ==> 光纤配线架
  5866. fibre optic dosimeter ==> 光纤剂量计
  5867. fibre optic endoscope ==> 光纤内窥镜
  5868. fibre optic esophagoscope ==> 光纤食管镜
  5869. fibre optic Ethernet transceiver ==> 光纤以太网收发信机
  5870. fibre optic faced tube ==> 纤维光学屏面管
  5871. fibre optic faced vidicon ==> 纤维光学屏面光导摄像管
  5872. fibre optic faceplate ==> 纤维光学面板
  5873. fibre optic faceplate cathode ray tube ==> 纤维光学面板阴极射线管
  5874. fibre optic fluorescence thermometer ==> 光纤荧光温度计
  5875. fibre optic flyingspot scanner ==> 光纤飞点扫描器
  5876. fibre optic gas analyzer ==> 光纤气体分析仪
  5877. fibre optic guidance (FOG) ==> 光纤制导
  5878. fibre optic guidance missile ==> 光纤制导导弹
  5879. fibre optic guided missile ==> 光纤制导导弹
  5880. fibre optic gyroscope ==> 光纤陀螺仪
  5881. fibre optic helical microbend sensor ==> 光纤螺旋微弯传感器
  5882. fibre optic hydrophone ==> 光纤水听器
  5883. fibre optic identifier ==> 光纤识别器
  5884. fibre optic illuminator ==> 纤维光学照明器
  5885. fibre optic image dissection camera ==> 光纤析像照相机
  5886. fibre optic interferometer ==> 光纤干涉仪
  5887. fibre optic interferometric sensor ==> 光纤干涉测量传感器
  5888. fibre optic isolater ==> 光纤隔离器
  5889. fibre optic liquid level alarm ==> 光纤液位报警器
  5890. fibre optic liquid level sensor ==> 光纤液位传感器
  5891. fibre optic magnetic field sensor ==> 光纤磁场传感器
  5892. fibre optic magnetostrictive sensor ==> 光纤磁致伸缩传感器
  5893. fibre optic member ==> 纤维光学元件
  5894. fibre optic memory ==> 光纤存储器
  5895. fibre optic mixer ==> 光纤混合器
  5896. fibre optic mode converter ==> 光纤模式变换器
  5897. fibre optic modem ==> 光纤调制解调器
  5898. fibre optic multimeter ==> 光纤万用表
  5899. fibre optic multiplexer ==> 光纤多路复用器
  5900. fibre optic multiport coupler ==> 光纤多端口耦合器
  5901. fibre optic myocardiumstimulator ==> 光纤心肌激励器
  5902. fibre optic nasopharyngoscope ==> 光纤鼻咽镜
  5903. fibre optic patch panel ==> 光纤接线板
  5904. fibre optic penetrator ==> 光纤贯穿器
  5905. fibre optic phase modulator ==> 光纤相位调制器
  5906. fibre optic photodetector ==> 光纤光电检测器
  5907. fibre optic polarizer ==> 光纤偏振器
  5908. fibre optic polarizing beam splitter ==> 光纤偏振分束器
  5909. fibre optic polisher ==> 光纤抛光机
  5910. fibre optic pressure sensor ==> 光纤压力传感器
  5911. fibre optic Raman laser ==> 光纤拉曼激光器
  5912. fibre optic receiver ==> 光纤接收机
  5913. fibre optic rediation sensor ==> 光纤辐照传感器
  5914. fibre optic repeater ==> 光纤中继器
  5915. fibre optic rhinoscope ==> 光纤鼻镜
  5916. fibre optic ring media access controller ==> 光纤环媒体存取控制器
  5917. fibre optic ring resonator ==> 光纤环形谐振器
  5918. fibre optic scan converter ==> 光纤扫描变换器
  5919. fibre optic scanner ==> 光纤扫描器
  5920. fibre optic scrambler ==> 光纤搅频器,光纤置乱器
  5921. fibre optic sensor ==> 光纤传感器
  5922. fibre optic spectral analyzer ==> 光纤光谱分析仪
  5923. fibre optic spectrometer ==> 光纤分光仪
  5924. fibre optic spectrophone ==> 光纤光声仪
  5925. fibre optic splice ==> 光纤接头
  5926. fibre optic strain sensor ==> 光纤应变传感器
  5927. fibre optic temperature sensor ==> 光纤温度传感器
  5928. fibre optic test instrument ==> 光纤测试仪
  5929. fibre optic thermometer ==> 光纤温度计
  5930. fibre optic transceiver ==> 光纤收发两用机
  5931. fibre optic transmission equipment ==> 光纤传输设备
  5932. fibre optic transmitter ==> 光纤发射机
  5933. fibre optic video modem ==> 光纤视频调制解调器
  5934. fibre optic winder ==> 光纤卷绕机
  5935. fibre optical device ==> 纤维光学装置
  5936. fibre optical screen ==> 纤维光学屏幕
  5937. fibre optically coupled cascaded image intensifier ==> 光纤耦合级联式图像增强器
  5938. fibre optics amplifier ==> 纤维光学放大器
  5939. fibre optics camera ==> 纤维光学照样机
  5940. fibre optics connector adaptor ==> 光纤连接器转接器
  5941. fibre optics connector interface ==> 光纤连接器界面
  5942. fibre optics coupled image amplifier ==> 光纤耦合图像放大器
  5943. fibre optics coupling ==> 纤维光学耦合
  5944. fibre optics faceplate ==> 纤维光学面板
  5945. fibre optics intensifier ==> 纤维光学增强器
  5946. fibre optics scan ==> 纤维光学扫描
  5947. fibre optics scan system ==> 光纤扫描系统
  5948. fibre optics scrambler ==> 光纤保密器
  5949. fibre orientation ==> 纤维取向
  5950. fibre packing ==> 纤维密封垫
  5951. fibre packing density ==> 纤维填充密度
  5952. fibre pattern ==> 纤维排列,光纤图形
  5953. fibre peat ==> 纤维泥炭
  5954. fibre period (identity period) ==> 纤维等同周期
  5955. fibre periphery ==> 纤维周边
  5956. fibre pick ==> 纤维起毛
  5957. fibre pipe ==> 纤维管
  5958. fibre plate ==> 纤维片
  5959. fibre polarization splitter ==> 光纤偏振分束器
  5960. fibre polarizer ==> 光纤偏振器
  5961. fibre porosity ==> 纤维的多孔性
  5962. fibre preform ==> 光纤预制件
  5963. fibre press ==> 纤维压榨机
  5964. fibre product ==> 纤维积
  5965. fibre profile ==> 光纤剖面
  5966. fibre pulse compression ==> 光纤脉冲压缩
  5967. fibre radiation damage ==> 光纤辐射损害
  5968. fibre reactant ==> 纤维交链剂
  5969. fibre recovery ==> 纤维回收
  5970. fibre recovery machine ==> 纤维回收机
  5971. fibre reinforced composite ==> 纤维增强复合材料
  5972. fibre reinforced concrete ==> 纤维加强混凝土,玻璃纤维混凝土
  5973. fibre reinforced materials ==> 纤维增强材料
  5974. fibre reinforced metal composite ==> 纤维增强金属复合材料
  5975. fibre reinforced plastic speed boat ==> 玻璃钢快艇
  5976. fibre reinforced plastics ==> 纤维增强塑料
  5977. fibre ribbon ==> 光纤带
  5978. fibre ribbon connector ==> 光纤带缆连接器
  5979. fibre ring ==> 纤维环
  5980. fibre ring interferometer ==> 光纤环形干涉仪
  5981. fibre ringer ==> 光纤信号器
  5982. fibre rod ==> 光纤预制棒=>光ファイバーロード
  5983. fibre rope ==> 纤维缆索
  5984. fibre rotator ==> 纤维旋转器
  5985. fibre rug ==> 棉经纸纬地毯
  5986. fibre saturated level ==> 纤维饱和度
  5987. fibre saturated point ==> 纤维饱和点
  5988. fibre scattering ==> 光纤散射
  5989. fibre scintillator ==> 纤维闪烁体
  5990. fibre scope ==> 纤维镜,光纤镜
  5991. fibre section ==> 纤维截面
  5992. fibre selector ==> 光纤选择器
  5993. fibre sensor ==> 光纤传感器
  5994. fibre separation index ==> 纤维分离度
  5995. fibre separator ==> 纤维分选器
  5996. fibre setter ==> 纤维定形机
  5997. fibre sheath ==> 光纤包皮
  5998. fibre shedding ==> 纤维脱落
  5999. fibre sheet ==> 纤维网
  6000. fibre shuffling ==> 纤维推移
  6001. fibre slab ==> 纤维板
  6002. fibre slippage ==> 纤维滑溜性
  6003. fibre sorter ==> 纤维长度测试仪
  6004. fibre source ==> 光纤光源
  6005. fibre space ==> 纤维空间
  6006. fibre spectrum ==> 纤维谱
  6007. fibre spinning ==> 纤维纺丝
  6008. fibre splicing technique ==> 光纤连结技术
  6009. fibre staining ==> 纤维着色
  6010. fibre strain ==> 光纤变形,光纤应变
  6011. fibre strain-induced sensor ==> 光纤应变传感器
  6012. fibre strand ==> 纤维辫
  6013. fibre strength ==> 纤维强度
  6014. fibre stress ==> 纤维应力
  6015. fibre stripper ==> 光纤剥皮器
  6016. fibre structure ==> 纤维结构
  6017. fibre stuff ==> 纤维浆料
  6018. fibre suspension ==> 纤维悬浮液
  6019. fibre system ==> 光纤系统
  6020. fibre taper ==> 纤维轴向不均匀性
  6021. fibre tendering ==> 纤维损伤
  6022. fibre tensile strength ==> 纤维抗拉强度,光纤抗拉强度
  6023. fibre tensile strength tester ==> 纤维拉伸强力试验仪
  6024. fibre term ==> 纤维项
  6025. fibre texture ==> 纤维结构
  6026. fibre tow ==> 纤维屑
  6027. fibre tracheid ==> 纤维管胞
  6028. fibre transfer ==> 纤维转移
  6029. fibre transfer function ==> 光纤传递函数
  6030. fibre trap ==> 光纤阱
  6031. fibre turf ==> 纤维泥炭
  6032. fibre type premoulded joint ==> 纤维式预塑缝
  6033. fibre ultimate ==> 纤维单位细胞
  6034. fibre uniformity ==> 纤维整齐度
  6035. fibre video trunk ==> 光纤视频干线
  6036. fibre wall ==> 纤维壁
  6037. fibre wall thickness ==> 纤维壁厚
  6038. fibre washer ==> 纤维垫圈
  6039. fibre wax ==> 纤维蜡
  6040. fibre web ==> 纤维网
  6041. fibre web compensation device ==> 纤网补偿装置
  6042. fibre weight ==> 纤维量
  6043. fibre withdrawal force ==> 纤维抽出力
  6044. fibre yarn ==> 纤维丝
  6045. fibre-accelerating mode ==> 纤维加速方式
  6046. fibre-alignment connector ==> 光纤对准连接器
  6047. fibre-basket ==> 纤维篮
  6048. fibre-collecting zone ==> 纤维沉降区
  6049. fibre-contact point ==> 纤维接触点
  6050. fibre-covered plywood ==> 纤维面层板
  6051. fibre-cutting tool ==> 光纤切割工具
  6052. fibre-detector coupling ==> 光纤检波器耦合
  6053. fibre-diagram ==> 纤维长度分布图
  6054. fibre-displacement modulated sensor ==> 光纤位移调制传感器
  6055. fibre-end density ==> (牵伸区的)纤维端密度
  6056. fibre-entry point ==> 纤维进入点
  6057. fibre-fibre friction ==> 纤维间摩擦
  6058. fibre-film bundle ==> 纤维膜束
  6059. fibre-fineness indicator ==> 纤维细度指示器
  6060. fibre-flax combine ==> 纤维亚麻联合收割机
  6061. fibre-forming polymer ==> 纤维聚合物
  6062. fibre-glass dermatitis ==> 玻璃纤维皮炎
  6063. fibre-glass epoxy antenna ==> 玻璃钢天线
  6064. fibre-glass printed circuit board ==> 玻璃纤维印刷电路板
  6065. fibre-glass reinforced aluminium foil ==> 玻璃纤维加固铝箔
  6066. fibre-glass reinforced polyester ==> 玻璃纤维增强聚酯
  6067. fibre-glide bearing ==> 纤维滑动轴承
  6068. fibre-grade ==> 纤维级
  6069. fibre-insulated wire ==> 纤维绝缘线
  6070. fibre-loss modulated fibre-optic sensor ==> 光纤损耗调制光纤传感器
  6071. fibre-map ==> 纤维映像
  6072. fibre-network yarn ==> 纤维网络纱
  6073. fibre-optic ==> 光导纤维的
  6074. fibre-optic arteriorenous oximeter ==> 光纤动静脉血氧定量计
  6075. fibre-optic bundle ==> 光导纤维束,光纤束
  6076. fibre-optic cable ==> 纤维光缆
  6077. fibre-optic catheter ==> 光纤导管
  6078. fibre-optic communication ==> 光纤通信
  6079. fibre-optic coupling ==> 光纤耦合
  6080. fibre-optic data link ==> 光纤数据线路
  6081. fibre-optic interface device ==> 光纤接口设备
  6082. fibre-optic light guide ==> 光纤光导
  6083. fibre-optic link ==> 光纤连接
  6084. fibre-optic nuclear hardening ==> 光纤核子硬化
  6085. fibre-optic oscilloscope recording tube ==> 纤维光学记录示波管
  6086. fibre-optic reflective sensor ==> 光纤反射传感器
  6087. fibre-optic rod coupler ==> 光纤棒状耦合器
  6088. fibre-optic rod multiplexer-filter ==> 光纤棒状复用滤光器
  6089. fibre-optic scan converter ==> 纤维光学扫描变换器
  6090. fibre-optic scanner ==> 光纤扫描装置
  6091. fibre-optic sheath ==> 光纤包皮
  6092. fibre-optic telecommunication cable ==> 光纤通信光缆
  6093. fibre-optic terminus ==> 光纤终端
  6094. fibre-optic transmission system (FOTS) ==> 光纤传输系统
  6095. fibre-optic visible-infrared spinscan radiometer ==> 光纤可见红外自旋扫描辐射仪
  6096. fibre-optic waveguide ==> 光纤波导
  6097. fibre-optical cable ==> 纤维光缆
  6098. fibre-optics probe ==> 光纤探头
  6099. fibre-reactive dye ==> 纤维活性染料
  6100. fibre-reactive finish ==> 纤维反应性整理剂
  6101. fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) ==> 纤维增强塑料
  6102. fibre-strengthened metal ==> 纤维强化金属
  6103. fibre-stress formula ==> 纤维应力公式
  6104. fibre-to-fiber bond ==> 纤维间结合键
  6105. fibre-to-fibre contact ==> 纤维间接触
  6106. fibreboard box ==> 纤维硬纸匣
  6107. fibreboard case ==> 纤维板箱
  6108. fibrecord ==> 纤维绳索
  6109. fibred asphalt pavement ==> 纤维沥青路面
  6110. fibred manifold ==> 纤维流形
  6111. fibrefill ==> 纤维填料
  6112. fibreglass aerocor ==> 埃罗科尔玻璃纤维
  6113. fibreglass epoxy ==> 玻璃纤维钢板
  6114. fibreglass optics ==> 玻璃纤维光学
  6115. fibreglass reinforced bituminous felt ==> 玻璃纤维油毡
  6116. fibreglass-reinforced metal ==> 纤维增强金属
  6117. fibrelock fabric ==> 纤维锁结织物
  6118. fibremeter ==> 纤维定量喂给控制装置
  6119. fibremia ==> 纤维蛋白血症
  6120. fibreoptics image dissection camera ==> 光纤析像摄像机
  6121. fibres of terminal stria ==> 终纹纤维
  6122. fibriform vessel element ==> 纤维状导管分子
  6123. fibril angle ==> 纤丝角,纤丝角度
  6124. fibril-matrix ==> 原纤维基质
  6125. fibril-reinforced matrix-type bicomponent fibre ==> 原纤补强基质
  6126. fibrillar crystallization ==> 原纤结晶
  6127. fibrillar size ==> 原纤尺寸
  6128. fibrillar structure ==> 原纤结构
  6129. fibrillar theory of protoplasm ==> 原生质丝状学说
  6130. fibrillar unit ==> 原纤单元
  6131. fibrillar zone ==> 原纤维区
  6132. fibrillary contractions ==> 纤维性收缩
  6133. fibrillated film product ==> 原纤化薄膜制品
  6134. fibrillated strand ==> 原纤化纱
  6135. fibrillated-film yarn ==> 原纤化薄膜纱
  6136. fibrillating current ==> 致颤电流,在给定条件下,引起心室纤维性乱颤的最小电流值
  6137. fibrillating fibre ==> 原纤化纤维
  6138. fibrillating film ==> 原纤化薄膜
  6139. fibrillating roller ==> 原纤化辊
  6140. fibrillation ==> 原纤化,纤维性颤动,形成原纤维,肌肉纤维性颤动
  6141. fibrillation potential ==> 纤颤电位
  6142. fibrillator roller ==> 原纤化辊
  6143. fibrin degradation product (FDP) ==> 纤维蛋白降解产物
  6144. fibrin ferment ==> 纤维蛋白酶,凝血酶
  6145. fibrin film ==> 纤维蛋白膜
  6146. fibrin foam ==> 纤维蛋白泡沫
  6147. fibrin thread ==> 纤维朊丝
  6148. fibrin-globulin ==> 纤维球蛋白
  6149. fibrinogen concentration determination ==> 纤维蛋白原浓度测定
  6150. fibrinogen deficiency ==> 纤维蛋白原缺乏症
  6151. fibrinogen degradation product (FDP) ==> 纤维蛋白原降解产物
  6152. fibrinogen degradation product determination ==> 纤维蛋白原降解产物测定
  6153. fibrinolytic agent ==> 纤维蛋白溶解剂
  6154. fibrinolytic function ==> 纤溶功能
  6155. fibrinolytic system ==> 纤溶系统,纤维蛋白溶解系统
  6156. fibrinolytic system inhibitor ==> 纤维蛋白溶解系统抑制物
  6157. fibrinolytic therapy ==> 纤维蛋白溶解疗法
  6158. fibrinous ==> 纤维素性的
  6159. fibrinous alveolitis ==> 纤维素性肺泡炎
  6160. fibrinous bronchitis ==> 格鲁布性支气管炎
  6161. fibrinous exudate ==> 纤维素性渗出物
  6162. fibrinous inflammation ==> 纤维素性炎
  6163. fibrinous lymph ==> 机化性淋巴
  6164. fibrinous mediastinitis ==> 纤维素性纵隔炎
  6165. fibrinous pericarditis ==> 纤维素性心包炎,血纤维蛋白性心包炎
  6166. fibrinous pleurisy ==> 纤维素性胸膜炎
  6167. fibrinous pneumonia ==> 纤维素性肺炎
  6168. fibrinous rhinitis ==> 格鲁布性鼻炎
  6169. fibrinous thrombus ==> 纤维蛋白血栓,纤维素性血栓
  6170. fibro-cavitative pulmonary tuberculosis ==> 纤维空洞型肺结核
  6171. fibro-colonoscope ==> 纤维结肠镜
  6172. fibro-colonoscopy ==> 纤维结肠镜检查术
  6173. fibro-polycystic disease of liver ==> 肝脏纤维多囊病
  6174. fibro-vascular bundle ==> 维管束
  6175. fibroadenomatosis cystica ==> 囊性纤维腺瘤病
  6176. fibroblastic type osteogenic sarcoma ==> 纤维母细胞型成骨肉瘤
  6177. fibrocartilage interarticularis ==> 关节盘
  6178. fibrocartilaginous ring ==> 纤维软骨环
  6179. fibrocaseous focus ==> 纤维干酪样病灶
  6180. fibroelastic membrane of larynx ==> 喉弹性膜,喉纤维弹性膜
  6181. fibrogenic factor ==> 致纤维因子
  6182. fibroid tumor ==> 纤维瘤
  6183. fibroma ==> 纤维瘤,硬纤维瘤
  6184. fibroma molle ==> 软性纤维瘤
  6185. fibroma molluscum gravidarum ==> 妊娠期纤维软疣
  6186. fibroma of anus ==> 肛纤维瘤
  6187. fibroma of bladder ==> 膀胱纤维瘤
  6188. fibroma of bronchus ==> 支气管纤维瘤
  6189. fibroma of ear ==> 耳纤维瘤
  6190. fibroma of gastrointestinal tract ==> 胃肠道纤维瘤
  6191. fibroma of larynx ==> 喉纤维瘤
  6192. fibroma of liver ==> 肝纤维瘤
  6193. fibroma of lung ==> 肺纤维瘤
  6194. fibroma of nose ==> 鼻纤维瘤
  6195. fibroma of palate ==> 腭纤维瘤
  6196. fibroma of penis ==> 阴茎纤维瘤
  6197. fibroma of pharynx ==> 咽纤维瘤
  6198. fibroma of seminal vesicle ==> 精囊纤维瘤
  6199. fibroma of small intestine ==> 小肠纤维瘤
  6200. fibroma of spermatic cord ==> 精索纤维瘤
  6201. fibroma of stomach ==> 胃纤维瘤
  6202. fibroma of testicular tunica ==> 睾丸鞘膜纤维瘤
  6203. fibroma of testis ==> 睾丸纤维瘤
  6204. fibroma of vagina ==> 阴道纤维瘤
  6205. fibroma of vulva ==> 女阴纤维瘤,外阴纤维瘤
  6206. fibroma pendulum ==> 悬垂纤维瘤
  6207. fibroma thecocellulare xanthomatodes ==> 黄瘤样泡膜细胞性纤维瘤
  6208. fibroma uteri ==> 子宫纤维瘤
  6209. fibroma xanthoma ==> 黄纤维瘤
  6210. fibromalike tumor ==> 纤维瘤样肿瘤
  6211. fibromatcgenic ==> 产生纤维瘤的
  6212. fibromatoid ==> 纤维瘤样的
  6213. fibromatoid nodular fasciitis ==> 纤维瘤样型结节性筋膜炎
  6214. fibromatosis ==> 纤维瘤病,瘤样纤维组织增生
  6215. fibromatosis colli ==> 颈部纤维瘤病,颈部纤维瘤病
  6216. fibromatosis diffusa ==> 弥漫性纤维瘤病
  6217. fibromatosis gingiva ==> 龈纤维瘤病
  6218. fibromatous ==> 纤维瘤的
  6219. fibromuscular dysplasia of cerebral artery ==> 脑动脉纤维肌肉发育异常
  6220. fibroplastic proliferation ==> 纤维组织增生
  6221. fibrosa perivascularis hepatis ==> 格利森氏囊
  6222. fibrosarcoma mucocellulare carcinomatodes ==> 癌样粘液细胞性纤维肉瘤
  6223. fibrosarcoma of bladder ==> 膀胱纤维肉瘤
  6224. fibrosarcoma of bone ==> 骨纤维肉瘤
  6225. fibrosarcoma of chest wall ==> 胸壁纤维肉瘤
  6226. fibrosarcoma of ear ==> 耳纤维肉瘤
  6227. fibrosarcoma of liver ==> 肝纤维肉瘤
  6228. fibrosarcoma of thyroid ==> 甲状腺纤维肉瘤
  6229. fibrosis of mediastinum ==> 纵隔纤维化
  6230. fibrosis of seminal vesicle ==> 精囊纤维化
  6231. fibrosis of skin ==> 皮肤纤维化
  6232. fibrosis of spleen ==> 脾纤维化
  6233. fibrosis of the lung ==> 肺部纤维化
  6234. fibrosis proliferative ==> 增生性纤维变化
  6235. fibrous ==> 纤维的,纤维性的,纤维状的
  6236. fibrous actin ==> 纤维型肌动蛋白
  6237. fibrous alumina ==> 纤维状氧化铝
  6238. fibrous ankylosis ==> 关节纤维性强直,纤维性强直
  6239. fibrous appendix of liver ==> 肝纤维附件
  6240. fibrous assembly ==> 纤维状集合体
  6241. fibrous astrocyte ==> 纤维性星形细胞
  6242. fibrous astrocytoma ==> 纤维性星形细胞瘤
  6243. fibrous body ==> 毡状体
  6244. fibrous braiding ==> 纤维编包
  6245. fibrous bundle ==> 纤维束
  6246. fibrous callus ==> 纤维性骨痂
  6247. fibrous capsule ==> 纤维包膜,纤维囊
  6248. fibrous capsule of liver ==> 肝纤维囊,格利森氏囊
  6249. fibrous carbon ==> 纤维状碳
  6250. fibrous cavernitis ==> 纤维性海绵体炎
  6251. fibrous cavernositis of penis ==> 阴茎纤维性海棉体炎
  6252. fibrous cell ==> 纤维状细胞
  6253. fibrous cell type meningioma ==> 纤维细胞型脑膜瘤
  6254. fibrous cellulose ==> 纤维状纤维素
  6255. fibrous cellulose powder ==> 纤维状纤维素粉
  6256. fibrous coat ==> 纤维层
  6257. fibrous composite ==> 纤维复合材料
  6258. fibrous composition ==> 纤维配比
  6259. fibrous concrete ==> 纤维性混凝土
  6260. fibrous connective tissue ==> 纤维结缔组织
  6261. fibrous covering ==> 纤维绝缘层
  6262. fibrous crystal ==> 纤维状结晶
  6263. fibrous degeneration ==> 纤维变性
  6264. fibrous deoxyribonucleic acid ==> 纤维状脱氧核糖核酸
  6265. fibrous dust ==> 纤维性粉尘
  6266. fibrous dysplasia ==> 纤维性结构不良,纤维组织发育异常
  6267. fibrous dysplasia of bone ==> 骨纤维性发育异常,骨纤维性结构不良,奥尔布赖特氏综合征
  6268. fibrous dysplasia of cranial bone ==> 颅骨纤维性结构不良
  6269. fibrous encapsulation ==> 纤维包裹
  6270. fibrous eutectic alloy ==> 纤维状共晶合金
  6271. fibrous filler ==> 纤维填料
  6272. fibrous filter ==> 纤维质过滤嘴
  6273. fibrous fleece ==> 纤维网
  6274. fibrous flutter ==> 纤维扑动
  6275. fibrous fracture ==> 纤维裂痕,纤维状断裂
  6276. fibrous glass ==> 玻璃纤维
  6277. fibrous glass reinforced plastics ==> 玻璃纤维增强塑料
  6278. fibrous grease (fiber grease) ==> 纤维状润滑脂
  6279. fibrous gypsum ==> 纤石膏
  6280. fibrous heat insulator ==> 纤维状保温材料
  6281. fibrous histiocytoma ==> 纤维组织细胞瘤
  6282. fibrous histiocytoma of lung ==> 肺纤维组织细胞瘤
  6283. fibrous hyperplasia of bone ==> 骨纤维异常增生症,骨纤维增生
  6284. fibrous insulant ==> 纤维绝缘材料
  6285. fibrous insulation ==> 纤维绝缘
  6286. fibrous iron ==> 纤维断口铁,纤维状铁
  6287. fibrous layer ==> 纤维层
  6288. fibrous limestone ==> 纤维状石灰岩
  6289. fibrous loam soil ==> 松软壤土
  6290. fibrous long spacing ==> 纤维长间距
  6291. fibrous mat filter ==> 纤维垫过滤器
  6292. fibrous material ==> 纤维材料
  6293. fibrous matter ==> 纤维物质
  6294. fibrous membrane ==> 纤维膜
  6295. fibrous metal ==> 纤维状金属
  6296. fibrous mor ==> 纤维状的森林粗腐殖质
  6297. fibrous myocarditis ==> 纤维性心肌炎
  6298. fibrous osteodystrophy ==> 纤维性骨营养不良
  6299. fibrous osteoma ==> 纤维性骨瘤,骨化性纤维瘤
  6300. fibrous packing ==> 纤维填料
  6301. fibrous particle ==> 纤维状颗粒
  6302. fibrous peat ==> 纤维泥炭
  6303. fibrous pericarditis ==> 纤维性心包炎
  6304. fibrous pericardium ==> 纤维性心包
  6305. fibrous plant ==> 纤维植物
  6306. fibrous plaster ==> 纤维灰泥,纤维石膏板
  6307. fibrous plastering ==> 纤维灰浆磨面
  6308. fibrous powder ==> 纤维状粉末
  6309. fibrous protein ==> 纤维状蛋白,纤维状蛋白质,纤维状朊
  6310. fibrous raw material ==> 纤维原料
  6311. fibrous red iron ore ==> 纤维赤铁矿
  6312. fibrous refractory ==> 纤维状的耐火材料
  6313. fibrous reinforcement ==> 纤维增强
  6314. fibrous reinforcement material ==> 纤维增强材料
  6315. fibrous reticulum ==> 纤维网
  6316. fibrous ring ==> 纤维环
  6317. fibrous ring of heart ==> 心纤维环
  6318. fibrous rock ==> 纤维状岩石
  6319. fibrous root ==> 纤维根
  6320. fibrous root system ==> 须根系
  6321. fibrous rupture ==> 纤维状断口
  6322. fibrous septum ==> 纤维间隔
  6323. fibrous sheath ==> 纤维鞘
  6324. fibrous sheath of tendon ==> 腱纤维鞘,腱纤维鞘
  6325. fibrous silicotic mineral ==> 纤维状的硅质矿物
  6326. fibrous slab ==> 纤维板
  6327. fibrous soil ==> 纤维性土
  6328. fibrous stratum ==> 纤维层
  6329. fibrous structure ==> 纤维组织
  6330. fibrous synovial sarcoma ==> 纤维型滑膜肉瘤
  6331. fibrous tactoid ==> 纤维质胶体
  6332. fibrous talc ==> 纤维型滑石粉
  6333. fibrous texture ==> 纤维织构
  6334. fibrous thermal insulation ==> 纤维热绝缘层
  6335. fibrous tissue ==> 纤维组织
  6336. fibrous tracheid ==> 纤维状管胞
  6337. fibrous trigones of heart ==> 心纤维三角
  6338. fibrous tunic of eye ==> 眼球纤维膜
  6339. fibrous turf ==> 纤维泥炭
  6340. fibrous type ==> 纤维型
  6341. fibrous union ==> 纤维粘合
  6342. fibrous weld ==> 纤维状焊缝
  6343. fibrous wool ==> 纤维状绒毛
  6344. fibrous xanthoma of lung ==> 肺纤维性黄色瘤
  6345. fibrous yarn ==> 毛羽纱
  6346. fibrous zone ==> 纤维带
  6347. fibrous-network structure ==> 纤维状网络结构
  6348. fibrovascular cord ==> 维管索
  6349. fibrovascular cylinder ==> 维管中柱
  6350. fibrovascular system ==> 维管束系统
  6351. fibular border ==> 腓侧缘
  6352. fibular surface ==> 腓侧面
  6353. fic ==> 膜集成电路
  6354. FICCI ==> 印度工商业联合会
  6355. ficial perineal fascia ==> 会阴浅筋膜
  6356. ficial transverse perineal muscle ==> 会阴浅横肌
  6357. Fick diffusion law ==> 斐克扩散定律
  6358. Fick principle ==> 费克原理
  6359. Fick's law ==> 菲克定律
  6360. Fick's law of diffusion ==> 菲克扩散定律
  6361. Ficker's reaction ==> 菲克尔氏反应
  6362. Fickers reaction ==> 菲克尔氏反应
  6363. fickle trends ==> 不安定な傾向
  6364. Ficks law ==> 斐克定律
  6365. ficosapentenoic acid ==> 二十碳五烯酸
  6366. fictious dielectric constant ==> 虚拟介电常数
  6367. fictitious ==> 虚拟的,虚设的,假想
  6368. fictitious account ==> 虚构帐目
  6369. fictitious accounts receivable ==> 虚构应收帐款
  6370. fictitious assets ==> 虚构资产
  6371. fictitious bill ==> 空头票据,空头支票
  6372. fictitious bill of lading ==> 空头提单
  6373. fictitious binding energy ==> 虚设结合能
  6374. fictitious boundary ==> 假想边界
  6375. fictitious capital ==> 虚构资本
  6376. fictitious carry ==> 假进位
  6377. fictitious cost ==> 虚构成本
  6378. fictitious craft ==> 假想船舶
  6379. fictitious dividend ==> 空头股利,虚构股息
  6380. fictitious drag coefficient ==> 假阻力系数
  6381. fictitious equation ==> 虚构方程,虚构方程,虚拟方程
  6382. fictitious equator ==> 虚拟赤道,虚拟赤道
  6383. fictitious existence ==> 虚构存在
  6384. fictitious factor ==> 虚假因素
  6385. fictitious force ==> 虚拟力
  6386. fictitious graticule ==> 虚构图网,虚拟线栅
  6387. fictitious impedance of relay ==> 继电器感受阻抗
  6388. fictitious latitude ==> 假想纬度
  6389. fictitious lift coefficient ==> 假升系数
  6390. fictitious load ==> 虚拟负荷,假负载,模拟负载
  6391. fictitious longitude ==> 假想经度
  6392. fictitious loxodrome ==> 虚等斜线,虚构恒向线
  6393. fictitious loxodromic curve ==> 虚等斜线
  6394. fictitious magnetic current ==> 假想磁流
  6395. fictitious magnetic pole ==> 假想磁极
  6396. fictitious mass ==> 虚构质量
  6397. fictitious mean sun ==> 假平太阳
  6398. fictitious meridian ==> 虚子午线
  6399. fictitious molecular weight ==> 虚拟分子量
  6400. fictitious paper ==> 空头票据
  6401. fictitious parallel ==> 虚纬线
  6402. fictitious pay ==> 虚构工资
  6403. fictitious payee ==> 虚构受款人,虚拟受票人,虚伪抬头人
  6404. fictitious penetrating rays ==> 模擬透過波
  6405. fictitious person ==> 法人
  6406. fictitious pole ==> 虚构极,虚极
  6407. fictitious potential ==> 虚位
  6408. fictitious power ==> 虚功率,虚构功率
  6409. fictitious price ==> 虚价
  6410. fictitious primary ==> 假想基色
  6411. fictitious profit ==> 虚构利润
  6412. fictitious quotation ==> 虚构的价格
  6413. fictitious rhumb line ==> 虚等斜线,虚构恒向线
  6414. fictitious source ==> 虚拟源
  6415. fictitious state ==> 虚构状态
  6416. fictitious sun ==> 假太阳
  6417. fictitious thrust coefficient ==> 假推力系数
  6418. fictitious time ==> 假时
  6419. fictitious trading ==> (股市用语)诈欺交易
  6420. fictitious transaction ==> 虚构交易
  6421. fictitious use ==> 虚假需求
  6422. fictitious voltage ==> 仮想的電圧
  6423. fictitious year ==> 虚构年,假年
  6424. Ficus ==> 无花果属
  6425. ficus ==> イチジク
  6426. Ficus carica ==> 无花果
  6427. Ficus protease ==> 无花果蛋白酶
  6428. Ficus proteinase ==> 无花果蛋白酶
  6429. FID signal, free induction decay signal ==> 自由感应衰减信号
  6430. FID, fast ionization dynister ==> FID
  6431. FID, flame ionization detector ==> 水素炎イオン化検出器
  6432. fiddle drill ==> 弓转钻,弓钻
  6433. Fidelio ==> フィデリオ,世界最大級の自動車専用船
  6434. fidelity ==> 准确度,逼真度,保真=>忠実度,厳守,忠誠,忠実
  6435. fidelity bond ==> 忠诚保证保险
  6436. fidelity control ==> 忠実度制御
  6437. fidelity criteria ==> 保真度标准
  6438. fidelity criterion ==> 保真度判据,逼真度准则
  6439. fidelity curve ==> 逼真度曲线
  6440. fidelity defect ==> 保真度不足
  6441. fidelity factor ==> 保真度,逼真率,重现率,传真度
  6442. fidelity insurance ==> 忠诚保证保险
  6443. fidgety ==> 落ち着きのない
  6444. FIDIC, International Federation of Consulting Engineers ==> 国际咨询工程师联合会,菲迪克=>国際コンサルティング・エンジニヤ連盟
  6445. Fidler's gear ==> 菲德勒式起落架
  6446. fidler-maxwell kiln ==> 菲-马二氏隧道窑
  6447. Fidler-Maxwell kiln ==> 菲-马二氏隧道窑
  6448. fiducial ==> 基准,置信=>基準
  6449. fiducial confidence ellipse ==> 置信椭圆
  6450. fiducial cross ==> 基准十字标线
  6451. fiducial distribution ==> 置信分布
  6452. fiducial error ==> 引用误差=>基底誤差
  6453. fiducial indicator ==> 基点指示器,零位指示器
  6454. fiducial interval ==> 置信区间
  6455. fiducial interval range ==> 置信区间范围
  6456. fiducial limit ==> 置信范围,置信界限,置信限
  6457. fiducial line ==> 基准线
  6458. fiducial mark ==> 对准记号,基准标,基准符号
  6459. fiducial probability ==> 置信概率
  6460. fiducial range ==> 置信范围
  6461. fiducial uncertainty ==> 引用不确定度
  6462. fiducial value ==> 引用值,基值=>基底値
  6463. fiduciary ==> 受托人
  6464. fiduciary accounting ==> 信托会计
  6465. fiduciary business ==> 信托业务
  6466. fiduciary capacity ==> 受托人资格
  6467. fiduciary contribution ==> 信托投资
  6468. fiduciary currency ==> 信用纸币
  6469. fiduciary debt ==> 信用贷款
  6470. fiduciary estate ==> 信托财产
  6471. fiduciary institution ==> 信托机构,信用机构
  6472. fiduciary issue ==> 信用发行
  6473. fiduciary level ==> 标准电平,可靠度
  6474. fiduciary loan ==> 信用贷款,信用借款
  6475. fiduciary media ==> 信用媒介
  6476. fiduciary money ==> 信用货币,信用纸币
  6477. fiduciary overdraft ==> 信用透支
  6478. fiduciary reserve ==> 保证发行准备
  6479. fiduciary service ==> 信托服务
  6480. fiduciary work ==> 信托业务
  6481. FIDVR, Fault Induced Delayed Voltage Recovery ==> 事故後電圧回復遅れ
  6482. fief ==> 封土
  6483. field ==> 半帧,田,田地,田间,田间小区试验,符号组,野外,场,领域,字段,域,(放资料的位置)栏,电场,磁场,字段,现场=>場,界,フィールド
  6484. field (-crop) sprayer ==> 大田喷雾机
  6485. field (frequency) control ==> 激励调整
  6486. field accelerating relay ==> 磁场加速继电器=>界磁加速リレー
  6487. field access method ==> 字段存取法
  6488. field action ==> 场动作
  6489. field activity ==> 野外工作
  6490. field adjustment ==> 励磁调节
  6491. field air defense ==> 野战防空
  6492. field alignment ==> 场调整,场对中
  6493. field alignment error ==> 电场调整误差
  6494. field alterable control element ==> 现场可变控制元件
  6495. field alterable ROM ==> 现场可变只读存储器
  6496. field ambulance ==> 战地救护车
  6497. field ampere turns ==> 磁场安匝,励磁安匝
  6498. field ampere-turn ==> 界磁アンペア回数
  6499. field ampere-turns ==> 磁场安匝,励磁安匝
  6500. field amplifier ==> 激磁电流放大器
  6501. field amplitude ==> 场幅度
  6502. field amplitude adjustment ==> 场幅度调整
  6503. field amplitude control ==> 场幅度调节
  6504. field and laboratory performance ==> 大田表现和实验室表现
  6505. field angle ==> 张角,波束角=>画角
  6506. field annealing ==> 场致退火,磁致热处理
  6507. field apparatus ==> 现场设备
  6508. field apparatus for ground photogrammetry ==> 地面摄影测量仪
  6509. field apparatus for ground photogrammmetry ==> 地面摄影测量现场设备
  6510. field application ==> 野外使用=>フィールド適用
  6511. field application relay ==> 励磁继电器,激励继电器
  6512. field area ==> 字段区
  6513. field artillery ==> 野战火炮,野战炮兵
  6514. field artillery trainer ==> 野战炮兵教练炮
  6515. field assay ==> 野外测试=>現場分析
  6516. field assembly ==> 现场组装=>現場組立
  6517. field assembly of vessels ==> 现场安装容器
  6518. field assembly work ==> 現地組立工事
  6519. field assembly yard ==> 工地装配场
  6520. field assisted photocathode ==> 场辅助光阴极
  6521. field astronomy ==> 野外天文学
  6522. field attribute ==> 字段属性
  6523. field attribute format ==> 字段属性格式
  6524. field auditor ==> 现场核数员
  6525. field autodata code ==> 军用自动数据处理码,军用自动数据处理码
  6526. field axis ==> 磁极轴线
  6527. field bail ==> 野外挤奶装置
  6528. field balance ==> 野外磁秤
  6529. field balancing ==> 现场平衡
  6530. field balancing equipment ==> 现场平衡设备
  6531. field balancing technique ==> 现场平衡法
  6532. field baler ==> 检拾压捆机
  6533. field balm (Glechma hederacea) ==> 野生芳香植物
  6534. field bean ==> 蚕豆
  6535. field bee ==> 外勤蜂
  6536. field bend ==> 场弯曲
  6537. field bend correction ==> 场弯曲校正
  6538. field betony ==> 野水苏
  6539. field bindweed ==> 田旋花
  6540. field blackout period ==> 场消隐周期
  6541. field blanking ==> 场扫描回程熄灭=>场消隐
  6542. field blanking impulse ==> 场熄灭脉冲
  6543. field bobbin ==> 磁场线圈座,磁极线圈架
  6544. field bolt ==> 现场安装螺栓
  6545. field bolted ==> 现场栓接
  6546. field bolting ==> 现场安装螺栓
  6547. field book ==> 野外记录簿
  6548. field border plantings ==> 田边植物
  6549. field branch ==> 野外分局
  6550. field break switch ==> 励磁中断开关
  6551. field break up switch ==> 励磁中断开关
  6552. field break-up switch ==> 励磁分段开关
  6553. field breaker non-linear resistor ==> 磁场断路器非线性电阻
  6554. field breaking switch ==> 削磁开关
  6555. field brightness ==> 场亮度
  6556. field broadcasting unit ==> 流动广播车
  6557. field budding ==> 田间芽接
  6558. field bund ==> 地梗
  6559. field by field alignment ==> 芯片的分步重复对准
  6560. field cable ==> 军用电缆,军用电缆
  6561. field calculation ==> 现场计算,电场计算=>電界計算,フィールド計算
  6562. field calibration ==> 声场校正=>音場校正
  6563. field camera ==> 便携式电视摄像机,便携式摄像机,便携式外景摄影机,现场摄像机,轻便摄影机,野外摄影机
  6564. field capacity ==> (农)田间持水量,最高有效水量,田间含水量
  6565. field capacity of machines ==> 机器的田间作业能力
  6566. field care ==> 田间管理
  6567. field carrying capacity ==> 田间含水能力
  6568. field changes ==> 场强跃变
  6569. field changing circuit breaker ==> 界磁変更遮断器
  6570. field changing contactor ==> 界磁変更接触器
  6571. field changing relay ==> 界磁変更リレー
  6572. field circuit ==> 场电路,磁场电路,励磁电路
  6573. field circuit breaker ==> 励磁断路器,励磁开关=>界磁遮断器
  6574. field classification ==> 野外分类
  6575. field code ==> 字段码
  6576. field coefficient of permeability ==> 野外渗透系数,田间渗透系统(指土壤)
  6577. field coenergy ==> 同磁场能量,磁场同能
  6578. field coil ==> 磁场激发线圈,磁场线圈,磁化线圈,场线圈,励磁线圈,激励线圈
  6579. field coil bracer ==> 磁极线圈撑块
  6580. field coil resistance ==> 励磁线圈电阻
  6581. field compaction ==> 野外压实
  6582. field compaction trial ==> 野外压实试验
  6583. field component ==> 场分量
  6584. field computation ==> 場の計算
  6585. field condition ==> 野外条件=>現場条件
  6586. field connection ==> 现场接线,现场联结,现场装配=>現場接合
  6587. field contactor ==> 界磁接触器
  6588. field control ==> 地面控制,磁场调整,激励控制,田间防治=>界磁制御
  6589. field control converter ==> 磁场调整换流机
  6590. field control motor ==> 可蹬场型电动机
  6591. field control station ==> 现场控制台
  6592. field controller ==> 磁场控制器
  6593. field convergence ==> 场会聚
  6594. field copper ==> 励磁绕组
  6595. field core ==> 励磁铁心,磁场铁芯=>界磁鉄心
  6596. field corn ==> 非甜质玉米
  6597. field counter circuit ==> 字段计数电路
  6598. field coupling ==> 场耦合
  6599. field cricket ==> 蟋蟀
  6600. field crop ==> 大田作物
  6601. field crop abstract ==> 大田作物文摘
  6602. field crop cultivating ==> 大田作物栽培
  6603. field crop disease ==> 大田作物疫病
  6604. field crop irrigation ==> 大田作物灌溉
  6605. field crop management ==> 大田作物管理
  6606. field curing ==> 工地养护,田间干燥,室外养护
  6607. field current ==> 励磁电流,磁场电流=>界磁電流
  6608. field current relay ==> 励磁电流继电器=>界磁電流リレー
  6609. field curvature ==> 场曲
  6610. field curvature corrector ==> 场曲校正器
  6611. Field cycle ==> 菲尔德循环
  6612. field data ==> 现场数据,野外数据,野外资料,应用数据=>現場データ
  6613. field data code ==> 军用数据码
  6614. field data collection ==> 現場データ収集
  6615. field day ==> 展览日
  6616. field decomposition ==> フィールド分解
  6617. field defect ==> 視野欠損
  6618. field definition ==> 信息组定义=>フィールド定義
  6619. field definition statement ==> フィールド定義文
  6620. field deflection ==> 帧偏转,场偏转
  6621. field deflection oscillator ==> 场偏转振荡器
  6622. field deformation ==> 场变形,场形变
  6623. field delay ==> フィールド遅延
  6624. field delimiter ==> 字段定界符
  6625. field demonstration ==> 現場での実証
  6626. field density ==> 场密度,场强度,磁感应密度,磁通密度,感应密度
  6627. field descriptions ==> 田间描述
  6628. field descriptor ==> 字段描述符
  6629. field descriptor group ==> 字段描述符组
  6630. field desorption ==> 场解吸
  6631. field desorption mass spectrometry ==> 场解吸质谱法
  6632. field desorption(FD) ==> 场解吸
  6633. field determination of hydraulic conductivity ==> 测定田间水力传导性
  6634. field device tool ==> 现场设备工具
  6635. field diaphragm ==> 视场阑,视域光阑
  6636. field direction ==> 磁场方向
  6637. field discharge ==> 消磁,灭磁
  6638. field discharge protection ==> 磁场放电保护装置
  6639. field discharge resistance ==> 消磁电阻,磁场放电电阻
  6640. field discharge switch ==> 灭磁开关,磁场放电开关
  6641. field displacement ==> 场位移
  6642. field distortion ==> 场畸变,场失真,磁场失真,磁通分布畸变
  6643. field distribution ==> 场分布=>電界分布
  6644. field distribution curve ==> 场分布曲线
  6645. field ditch ==> 毛渠,田沟
  6646. field ditch system ==> 田间沟网
  6647. field divider ==> 场分频器
  6648. field dividing switch ==> 励磁分段开关
  6649. field document ==> 野外资料
  6650. field domain ==> 场畴
  6651. field drag ==> 重型耙
  6652. field drain ==> 田间排水支沟
  6653. field drainage ==> 田间排水
  6654. field drill ==> 大田用条播机
  6655. field drying and harvesting ==> 田间干燥和收获
  6656. field duty of water ==> 田间用水量
  6657. field economizing relay ==> 弱激磁继电器,弱励磁继电器
  6658. field effect ==> 场效应
  6659. field effect device ==> 场效应装置
  6660. field effect phototransistor ==> 场效应光电晶体管
  6661. field effect tetrode ==> 四极场效应晶体管
  6662. field effect transistor ==> 场效应晶体管,电场效应晶体管,场控晶体管=>電界効果トランジスタ
  6663. field electron ==> 電界電子
  6664. field electron emission ==> 電界電子放出
  6665. field electron emission property ==> 電界電子放出特性
  6666. field electron microscope ==> 场致发射电子显微镜
  6667. field emergence ==> 田间出苗
  6668. field emission ==> 电场发射,场致发射,静电发射,静电发射,自动发射=>電界放出
  6669. field emission cathode ==> 场致发射阴极
  6670. field emission display ==> フィールドエミッションディスプレイ
  6671. field emission electron image ==> 场发射电子象
  6672. field emission electron microscope ==> 场致发射电子显微镜
  6673. field emission energy analyzer ==> 场致发射能量分析仪
  6674. field emission gun ==> 场发射电子枪
  6675. field emission ion microscope ==> 场致发射离子显微镜
  6676. field emission microscope ==> 场发射显微镜,场致发射显微镜
  6677. field emission microwave device ==> 场致发射微波器件
  6678. field emission source ==> 场发射源
  6679. field emission spectroscopy ==> 场致发射光谱学
  6680. field emitter ==> 场致发射阴极=>電界放出エミッタ
  6681. field emplacement ==> 炮位
  6682. field energy ==> 电场能量
  6683. field engineer ==> サービス技術員,フィールドエンジニア
  6684. field engineering ==> 现场,安装工程=>フィールドエンジニアリング
  6685. field entry ==> フィールド入力
  6686. field enumeration ==> 现场计数
  6687. field equalizing magnet ==> 均场磁铁,均场磁铁
  6688. field equipment ==> 田间设备=>現場機器
  6689. field erection ==> 工地架设
  6690. field error ==> フィールド誤差
  6691. field estimate ==> 現場推定
  6692. field estimation ==> 現場評価
  6693. field evaluation ==> 実地評価
  6694. field evaporation ==> 场致蒸发=>電界蒸発
  6695. field evidence ==> 野外证据
  6696. field examination ==> 田间检查
  6697. field excavation ==> 田野发掘
  6698. field excitation ==> 场激励
  6699. field exciter ==> 场激励器
  6700. field experience ==> 野外试验
  6701. field experiment ==> 野外试验,现场实验,现场试验,田间试验
  6702. field fabrication ==> 现场制作
  6703. field factor ==> 场形系数=>フィールド要因
  6704. field failure ==> 失磁故障,磁场失效=>現場故障
  6705. field failure relay ==> 失磁继电器=>界磁喪失リレー
  6706. field fever ==> 収穫熱
  6707. field flattener ==> 像面平整镜,平像物镜,视场致平器
  6708. field flattening ==> フィールド平坦化
  6709. field flattening filter ==> 平たん化用フィルタ
  6710. field flattening lens ==> 平场透镜
  6711. field flutter ==> 场颤,场调变度
  6712. field flux distribution ==> 场通量分布
  6713. field flyback ==> 场逆程
  6714. field for manuring test ==> 肥料田间试验地
  6715. field forage harvester ==> 叶饲料收获机
  6716. field force line ==> 场力线
  6717. field forces ==> 区力
  6718. field forcing ==> 磁场强励,强迫励磁
  6719. field forcing limiter ==> [磁场]强励限制器
  6720. field forcing relay ==> 强励继电器
  6721. field forcing voltage ==> 强励电压
  6722. field form ==> 磁场形式
  6723. field form entry loss ==> 场畸变附加损失
  6724. field form factor ==> 场形系数
  6725. field forming ==> 字段生成
  6726. field fortification ==> 野战工事
  6727. field fracture ==> 粗粒断口
  6728. field frame ==> 磁极框架
  6729. field frame assembly ==> 定子总成
  6730. field frequency ==> 场频=>フィールド周波数
  6731. field frequency control ==> 帧频控制
  6732. field frequency lock ==> 场频锁
  6733. field gating circuit ==> 场选通电路
  6734. field generator ==> 场频信号发生器
  6735. field geology ==> 野外地质学
  6736. field germination ==> 野外萌发,田间发芽
  6737. field glass ==> 野外镜,望远镜
  6738. field gradient ==> 场梯度
  6739. field grafting ==> 室外嫁接
  6740. field groundwater velocity ==> 地下水实际流速
  6741. field growth period ==> 本田生长期
  6742. field gun ==> 野战炮
  6743. field hospital ==> 野战医院
  6744. field ice ==> 冰原冰
  6745. field identification ==> 信息组标识,野外鉴定
  6746. field identification procedure ==> 野外鉴定法
  6747. field image ==> 视场像
  6748. field index ==> 场指数
  6749. field induced charging ==> 感应充电场
  6750. field induced photo-emission ==> 场致光电发射
  6751. field induced photoemission ==> 场致光发射
  6752. field infiltration ==> 田间渗入
  6753. field information ==> 场信息
  6754. field infrared source ==> 野外用红外辐射源
  6755. field injection experiment ==> 現地注入実験
  6756. field inspection ==> 野外观测,现场检验,田间检查=>現場監査
  6757. field inspector ==> 現場監査人
  6758. field instruction ==> フィールド命令
  6759. field instrument ==> 野外作业用具=>現場計器
  6760. field insulation ==> 场氧化物隔离
  6761. field integration mode ==> 场积累方式
  6762. field intensity ==> 场强
  6763. field intensity distribution ==> 场强分布
  6764. field intensity measuring apparatus ==> 電界強度測定器
  6765. field intensity measuring instrument ==> 场强测量仪
  6766. field intensity meter ==> 磁场强度计
  6767. field intensity of high frequency ==> 高频场强
  6768. field interval ==> 场期间,场扫描消隐时间
  6769. field inversion ==> 电场反转
  6770. field investigation ==> 现场调查,现场试验,运转试验,野外调查,田间调查
  6771. field investment ==> 矿产地投资额
  6772. field ion emission ==> 场致离子发射
  6773. field ion emission microscope ==> 场离子发射显微镜
  6774. field ion mass spectroscopy ==> 场离子质谱学
  6775. field ion transmission microscope ==> 场致离子透射显微镜
  6776. field ionizaiton gage ==> 场致电离真空规
  6777. field ionization ==> 场致电离
  6778. field ionization gauge ==> 场致电离真空计
  6779. field ionization ion source ==> 场致电离离子源
  6780. field ionization source ==> 场电离源
  6781. field jacket ==> 野战短外套
  6782. field joint ==> 安装焊缝,安装接头
  6783. field keystone ==> 场梯形失真
  6784. field laboratory ==> 野外试验室,工地实验室,工地试验室,田间试验室
  6785. field lateral ==> 田间支渠
  6786. field layer ==> 草本层
  6787. field leakage coefficient ==> 磁漏系数
  6788. field leakage flux ==> 磁场漏磁通
  6789. field length ==> 字段长度,信息组长度
  6790. field lens ==> 场透镜,向场透镜,野外用镜
  6791. field lens iris ==> 场镜可变光栏
  6792. field lightening truck ==> 野外照明车
  6793. field line ==> 场电力线,场力线=>場曲線,線上のすべての点においてその接線がその点におけるベクトル場と平行となる曲線
  6794. field line annihilation ==> 磁力线重接
  6795. field line reconnection ==> 磁力线重接
  6796. field linearity control ==> 帧线性调整
  6797. field loading test ==> 野外荷载试验
  6798. field localizer(-or) ==> 导航台
  6799. field location ==> 字段位置
  6800. field location work ==> 野外定位工作
  6801. field locking ==> 场锁定,场同步
  6802. field loss relay ==> 失磁继电器
  6803. field luminance ==> 视场亮度,适应亮度
  6804. field machinery ==> 田间作业机械
  6805. field magnet ==> 场磁铁=>界磁石
  6806. field magnet distortion ==> 磁极畸变
  6807. field magnetomotive force ==> 磁场磁动势
  6808. field maintenance ==> 现场维修
  6809. field maintenance shop ==> 野战修理所
  6810. field maintenance unit ==> 野外维修队
  6811. field man ==> 野外工作人员
  6812. field management ==> 工地管理,现场管理,田间管理
  6813. field manual ==> 现场手册,野战教范
  6814. field manufacturing ==> 现场制造
  6815. field map ==> 外业原图,野外草图,实测原图
  6816. field mapping ==> 田间测图,野外绘图
  6817. field mark ==> 信息组标记
  6818. field material control ==> 現場資材管理
  6819. field measurement ==> 野外测量=>現場計測
  6820. field mechanism ==> 地轮起落机构
  6821. field medicine ==> フィールド医学
  6822. field mesh ==> 场网
  6823. field mesh electrode ==> 场栅电极
  6824. field meter ==> 场强计
  6825. field method ==> 现场调查,区域法,野外方法,实地调查法
  6826. field mice ==> 田鼠
  6827. field mint ==> ハッカ
  6828. field mix ==> 工地搅拌,现场配料
  6829. field moisture ==> 田间含水量
  6830. field moisture capacity ==> 田间持水量
  6831. field moisture deficiency ==> 田间含水量差值
  6832. field moisture equivalent ==> 田间含水当量,田间水分当量,工地含水当量
  6833. field moisture equivalent (FME) ==> 野外含水当量
  6834. field monitoring ==> 野外监测
  6835. field monitoring tube ==> 场监示管
  6836. field mounted (FM) ==> 现场安装
  6837. field mouse ==> 田鼠
  6838. field mouse-ear chickweed ==> 野卷耳
  6839. field mower ==> 割草机
  6840. field mutual leakage reactance ==> 界磁相互漏れリアクタンス。これを考慮しないと,Park理論では,三相突発短絡時の界磁電流の解析値と実測値を比較したところ,大きな差がある。
  6841. field name ==> 区段名,信息组名
  6842. field neutralizing magnet ==> 磁场中和磁铁
  6843. field number ==> 视场直径
  6844. field nursery ==> 林间苗圃
  6845. field observation ==> 地形摄影,野外观测,田间观察
  6846. field of academic study ==> 学問分野
  6847. field of action ==> 活動の舞台
  6848. field of animal science ==> 动物科学的领域
  6849. field of application ==> 应用范围=>応用分野
  6850. field of conjugate action ==> 啮合面
  6851. field of constants ==> 常数域
  6852. field of curvature ==> 曲率场
  6853. field of definitions ==> 定义域
  6854. field of endeavor ==> 努力傾注分野
  6855. field of expertise ==> 専門分野
  6856. field of fire ==> 射击区
  6857. field of force ==> 力场
  6858. field of forces ==> 力场
  6859. field of gravity ==> 重力场
  6860. field of integration ==> 积分域
  6861. field of invariants ==> 不变域
  6862. field of measurement ==> 測定領域
  6863. field of medical genetics ==> 遺伝医学分野
  6864. field of microscope ==> 显微镜视野
  6865. field of natural science ==> 自然科学分野
  6866. field of numbers ==> 数体
  6867. field of oncology ==> 腫瘍学の分野
  6868. field of plane on a manifold ==> 流形上的平面场
  6869. field of points ==> 点场
  6870. field of pressure ==> 气压场
  6871. field of psychology ==> 心理学の分野
  6872. field of pure being ==> 純粋なる存在の場
  6873. field of quotients ==> 商体
  6874. field of search ==> 搜索区
  6875. field of social science ==> 社会科学分野
  6876. field of study ==> 研究分野
  6877. field of trade ==> 取引分野
  6878. field of vector ==> ベクトルの場
  6879. field of vector on a manifold ==> 流形上的向量场
  6880. field of view ==> 视场,视野=>視野
  6881. field of view meter ==> 视场仪
  6882. field of view number ==> 视场数
  6883. field of vision ==> 视野
  6884. field of welding temperature ==> 焊接温度场
  6885. field ohmic loss ==> 励磁电路电阻损耗=>界磁抵抗損
  6886. field operation ==> 野外操作,野外作业,室外操作
  6887. field operation car ==> 野外手术车
  6888. field operation division ==> 野外作业处
  6889. field operator ==> 场算符,现场运行人员
  6890. field optical collimator system ==> 场致光学准直仪系统
  6891. field order ==> 变更通知
  6892. field orientation theory ==> 場指向制御理論
  6893. field overhead ==> 井场管理费,井场管理费
  6894. field overvoltage waveform ==> フィールド過電圧波形
  6895. field oxidation ==> 场氧化
  6896. field oxide film ==> 场氧化膜
  6897. field oxide implantation ==> 场氧化层离子注入
  6898. field oxide isolator ==> 场氧化绝缘层
  6899. field oxide region ==> 场氧化区
  6900. field particle ==> 场粒子
  6901. field pattern ==> 场图,场型,辐射方向图
  6902. field pattern-propagation factor ==> 场方向性相对因数
  6903. field pea ==> 紫花豌豆
  6904. field pendulum ==> 野外振摆仪
  6905. Field pennycress ==> 败酱草
  6906. field personnel ==> 現地保守要員
  6907. field personnel training ==> 现场人员训练
  6908. field petrol depot ==> 野外油料库
  6909. field petroleum officer ==> 野外油料管理员
  6910. field phase ==> 場の位相
  6911. field phase control ==> 场相位调节
  6912. field phasing ==> 场定相,帧定相
  6913. field photogrammetric apparatus ==> 地面摄影测量仪
  6914. field photogrammetry ==> 地面摄影测量
  6915. field physiology ==> 野外生理学
  6916. field pick up ==> 室外摄影
  6917. field pick-up ==> 室外摄影
  6918. field piece ==> 野战炮,场镜
  6919. field pipeline ==> 野外管道
  6920. field pitch ==> 极距
  6921. field plan ==> 田间试验计划
  6922. field planting ==> 栽植,定植,林地造林
  6923. field plate ==> 静电场起电板,静电场起电板
  6924. field plot trial ==> 田间小区试验
  6925. field plots ==> 田间地块
  6926. field plotter ==> 绘图板
  6927. field pole ==> 场磁极,磁场磁极,磁场极,磁场线圈架,励磁极=>界磁極
  6928. field post officer ==> 野战邮政官员
  6929. field potential ==> 场势
  6930. field power supply ==> 场激励电源,励磁电源
  6931. field practice ==> 大田操作,田间管理
  6932. field processing ==> 现场加工
  6933. field programmable logic array ==> 现场可编程序逻辑阵列=>FPLA
  6934. field programmable logic family ==> 现场可编程序逻辑集成电路系列
  6935. field programmable logic integrated circuit ==> 现场可编程序逻辑集成电路
  6936. field programmable read only memory ==> 现场可编程序只读存储器
  6937. field propagation of bubble ==> 磁泡场传输,磁泡磁场传输
  6938. field protective relay ==> 磁场保护继电器,场保护继电器,励磁保护继电器
  6939. field pulse ==> 场脉冲
  6940. field pump ==> 野外用泵
  6941. field pumping test ==> 田间抽水试验
  6942. field quantization ==> 场量子化=>場の量子化
  6943. field quantum ==> 场量子
  6944. field quenching ==> 场猝灭,现场淬火
  6945. field railway ==> 工地轻便铁道
  6946. field range ==> 视场范围,视野范围
  6947. field rate ==> 场频,场速率
  6948. field ration ==> 野战口粮
  6949. field ray ==> 场射线
  6950. field rdliability test ==> 现场可靠性试验
  6951. field recognizer ==> 场测定器
  6952. field reconnaissance ==> 野外查勘,野外踏勘
  6953. field reduction ==> 场衰减
  6954. field region ==> 场效应区
  6955. field regulator ==> 场强调节器=>界磁調整器
  6956. field relay ==> 磁场继电器
  6957. field removal gate ==> 场消除门
  6958. field repetition rate ==> 场频,场重复频率
  6959. field research ==> 实地调查研究
  6960. field resistance ==> 田间抗病性,激磁电路电阻,励磁线圈电阻
  6961. field response ==> 田间反应
  6962. field result ==> 野外试验结果
  6963. field retrace ==> 场回描,场扫描回程,帧回描
  6964. field reversal contactor ==> 界磁転極接触器
  6965. field reversal switch ==> 界磁転極スイッチ
  6966. field rheostat ==> 磁场变阻器=>界磁調整器,界磁加減抵抗器
  6967. field ridge ==> 田垄
  6968. field ring ==> 机座环,机座环形部分
  6969. field rivet(t)ing ==> 现场铆接
  6970. field riveting ==> 工地铆接,安装铆接
  6971. field road ==> 野外道路
  6972. field rod ==> 标杆
  6973. field rodent ==> 野鼠
  6974. field rotation ==> フィールド回転
  6975. field run plant ==> 正常苗
  6976. field running test ==> 实地运行实验
  6977. field rush ==> 野生灯心草
  6978. field sales ==> 現地セール
  6979. field saturation ==> 磁気飽和
  6980. field scabious ==> 田野山萝卜
  6981. field scan ==> 帧扫描,场扫描
  6982. field scanner ==> 场扫描器
  6983. field scanning rate ==> 场扫描率,场扫描速率
  6984. field scanning sensor ==> 场扫描传感器
  6985. field section ==> 野外科,字段节
  6986. field selection ==> 字段选择
  6987. field separator ==> 字段分隔符
  6988. field sequence ==> 场顺序
  6989. field sequential color television ==> 场序制彩色电视机
  6990. field sequential system ==> 场顺序制,半帧序制
  6991. field service ==> 现场使用,野战勤务
  6992. field service compressor ==> 野外用压缩机,现场用压缩机
  6993. field shaper ==> 磁场造型器
  6994. field shelling ==> 田间脱粒
  6995. field shop repair semitrailer ==> 野外修理用的半拖车
  6996. field shunt ==> 励磁分路
  6997. field shunting ==> 磁场分流
  6998. field signal battalion ==> 野战通信营
  6999. field simulation ==> 现场仿真
  7000. field simultaneou colour television ==> 场同时制彩色电视
  7001. field sketching ==> 野外素描
  7002. field skip system ==> 跳场制式
  7003. field soil ==> 田间土壤
  7004. field sowthistle ==> 苣荬菜
  7005. field spaniel ==> 野外斯潘尼猎狗
  7006. field spectroscopy ==> 野外光谱学
  7007. field spider ==> 转子支架
  7008. field spool ==> 磁场线圈架
  7009. field sprinkler infiltrometer ==> 田间洒水装置渗透仪
  7010. field sprinkler system ==> 田间喷灌系统
  7011. field stack ==> 谷堆
  7012. field stars ==> 场星
  7013. field station ==> 野战电台,试验站
  7014. field statistics ==> 现场统计
  7015. field stop ==> 视场光栏
  7016. field storage ==> 野外贮存,田间储藏
  7017. field strength ==> 场强=>場の強さ
  7018. field strength contour map ==> 等场强线图
  7019. field strength meter ==> 场强计
  7020. field strength pattern ==> 场强图
  7021. field strength receiver ==> 场强接收机
  7022. field strengthening ==> 强场
  7023. field stress tensor ==> 场应力张量
  7024. field stripping ==> 野战条件下拆卸
  7025. field structure ==> 场结构,磁极结构
  7026. field studies centre ==> 郊野学习馆
  7027. field study ==> 现场研究,野外研究
  7028. field suppression ==> 灭磁
  7029. field suppression equipment ==> 灭磁装置
  7030. field suppressor ==> 磁场抑制器
  7031. field survey ==> 现场调查,野外测量
  7032. field survey design ==> 现场调查设计
  7033. field sweeping ==> 场扫描
  7034. field switch ==> 场开关,励磁开关=>界磁スイッチ
  7035. field synchronization ==> 场同步
  7036. field synchronizing impulse ==> 场同步脉冲
  7037. field system ==> 励磁系统=>界磁
  7038. field technology ==> 田间技术
  7039. field telephone ==> 野外用电话机,野战电话单机
  7040. field television video recording ==> 场电视录像,半帧式电视录像
  7041. field terminal ==> 磁极线圈出线端
  7042. field test ==> 现场试验,工业性试验,现场检测=>実証試験,実系統試験,フィールドテスト
  7043. field test procedures ==> 现场试验程序
  7044. field test site ==> 野外试验场
  7045. field testing ==> 田间试验
  7046. field tests of the two type of varieties ==> 两种类型的田间试验
  7047. field theodolite ==> 野外经纬仪
  7048. field theory ==> 场理论,场论,域论=>場理論
  7049. field thresher ==> 田间脱粒机
  7050. field tilt ==> 场频锯齿形补偿信号
  7051. field to which the invention belongs ==> 発明の属する技術分野
  7052. field tool ==> 現場ツール
  7053. field transient current ==> 励磁暂态电流
  7054. field transistor ==> 场控晶体管
  7055. field transport ==> 野外运输
  7056. field trial ==> 野外试验,现场试验=>フィールド試験
  7057. field trip ==> 野外实习
  7058. field tube ==> 双筒式锅炉管,场示管,力线管
  7059. field usage ==> 现场使用,野外使用
  7060. field utilization factor ==> 電界利用率
  7061. field variable ==> 场变量
  7062. field variable pattern ==> 场变量的模式
  7063. field vector ==> 场矢量
  7064. field velocity of ground water ==> 地下水实地流速
  7065. field vole ==> 普通田鼠
  7066. field voltage ==> 场电压,励磁电压
  7067. field warehouse loans ==> 就地仓库贷款,就地仓库贷款
  7068. field warehousing ==> 现场存货
  7069. field waste ==> 田间灌后的废水
  7070. field wave ==> 场波,励磁波
  7071. field waveguide ==> 场波导
  7072. field weakening ==> 磁场减弱
  7073. field weakening control ==> 弱め界磁制御
  7074. field weld ==> 现场焊接
  7075. field welding ==> 现场焊接,工地焊接
  7076. field width ==> 字段宽度
  7077. field winding ==> 励磁绕组,励磁线圈,激励绕组=>界磁巻線
  7078. field wire ==> 被覆线
  7079. field within a node ==> 一节点内的场
  7080. field woodrush ==> 地杨梅
  7081. field work ==> 现场工作,野外工作
  7082. field work allowance ==> 野外工作津贴
  7083. field worker ==> 现场调查员,实地调查员
  7084. field working ==> 野外作业
  7085. field workshop ==> 野战修械所
  7086. field worthiness ==> 野外适用性
  7087. field yoke ==> 磁轭
  7088. field's discontinuity ==> 场不连续性
  7089. field(FLD) ==> 记录区
  7090. field-aided diffusion ==> 场助扩散
  7091. field-ampere turns ==> 同上
  7092. field-application relay ==> 供磁继电器
  7093. field-breaking resistance ==> 消磁电阻
  7094. field-breaking switch ==> 消磁开关
  7095. field-coil flange ==> 磁极线圈托板
  7096. field-control bar ==> 场控制棒
  7097. field-control motor ==> 磁场可控式电动机,可调磁场型电动机
  7098. field-cured hay ==> 田间调制的干草
  7099. field-day ==> 野外演习日
  7100. field-desorption microscope ==> 场致解吸显微镜
  7101. field-discharge resistance ==> 消磁电阻
  7102. field-discharge switch ==> 消磁开关
  7103. field-displacement isolator ==> 電界変位形単向管
  7104. field-diverter rheostat ==> 磁场分流变阻器
  7105. field-drying transformer ==> 场干燥变压器
  7106. field-effect amplifier ==> 场效应放大器
  7107. field-effect capacitor ==> 场效应电容器
  7108. field-effect controlled switch ==> 场效应控制开关
  7109. field-effect device ==> 场效应器件
  7110. field-effect diode ==> 场效应二极管
  7111. field-effect display ==> 场效应显示
  7112. field-effect display device ==> 场效应显示放电器件
  7113. field-effect HF power transistor ==> 场效应高频功率晶体管
  7114. field-effect mode ==> 電界効果モード
  7115. field-effect photo electric transistor ==> 场效应光电晶体管
  7116. field-effect phototransistor ==> 场效应光电晶体管
  7117. field-effect physiatrics instrument ==> 场效应理疗仪
  7118. field-effect quadrode ==> 场效应四极管
  7119. field-effect semiconductor laser ==> 场效应半导体激光器
  7120. field-effect tetrode ==> 场效应四极管
  7121. field-effect transister resistor ==> 场效应晶体变阻器
  7122. field-effect transistor ==> 场效晶体管
  7123. field-effect transistor (FET) ==> 场效应晶体管
  7124. field-effect varistor ==> 场效应变阻器
  7125. field-effect-transistor resistor ==> 场效应晶体管电阻
  7126. field-emission tube ==> 场致发射管
  7127. field-forcing ==> 强迫励磁
  7128. field-forcing relay ==> 强化磁通变动率继电器
  7129. field-free emission current ==> 无场放射电流
  7130. field-generated current ==> 外场感应的电流
  7131. field-glasses ==> 双筒望远镜
  7132. field-grown corn ==> 田间栽培玉米
  7133. field-grown soybean ==> 田间栽培大豆
  7134. field-grown wheat ==> 田间栽培小麦
  7135. field-induced photoemission ==> 场感应发光
  7136. field-intensifying metal ==> 强化电场金属层
  7137. field-interval noise lines ==> 场期间噪声行
  7138. field-ion emission engine ==> 场电离放射发动机
  7139. field-ion emission microscope ==> 场离子发射显微镜
  7140. field-ion microscope ==> 场致离子显微镜
  7141. field-ion microscopy ==> 场离子显微术
  7142. field-loss protection ==> 励磁电路断开保护
  7143. field-mesh image ==> 分离栅网超正析像管
  7144. field-mesh image orthicon ==> 分离栅网超正析像管
  7145. field-moisture capacity ==> 田间土壤持水量
  7146. field-note ==> 野外记录
  7147. field-oriented machine ==> 面向字段的计算机
  7148. field-piece ==> 野战炮
  7149. field-programmable logic array ==> 场致程序逻辑阵列
  7150. field-replaceable unit ==> 现场可更换部件
  7151. field-sequential ==> 场序制,帧序制
  7152. field-sequential camera ==> 场序制彩色电视摄像机,场序制电视摄像机
  7153. field-sequential color television ==> 场顺序彩色电视
  7154. field-sequential color transmitter ==> (彩色电视)场序制发射机
  7155. field-sequential color transmitter (彩色电视) ==> 场序制发射机
  7156. field-sequential colour television ==> 场顺序制彩色电视
  7157. field-sequential image ==> 场序发送图像,场序制成像
  7158. field-sequential system ==> 场序制
  7159. field-sequential transmitter ==> 场序制发射机
  7160. field-splitting microscope ==> 分离视场显微镜
  7161. field-splitting switch ==> 分场开关
  7162. field-strengh contour map ==> 等電界強度線地図
  7163. field-strengh meter ==> 電波強度計
  7164. field-strength standard ==> 场强标准
  7165. field-strip ==> 拆卸作业
  7166. field-swept ==> 场扫描
  7167. field-synchronizing impulse ==> 场频率同步脉冲
  7168. field-telegraph ==> 野外轻便电信机
  7169. field-time distortion ==> 场时失真
  7170. field-to-field feeding ==> 逐区放牧
  7171. field-to-field survey ==> 分界测量
  7172. field-weakening control ==> 减弱磁场控制=>弱め界磁制御
  7173. field-weakening region ==> 减弱磁场领域=>弱め界磁領域
  7174. field-winding ==> 磁场绕组,励磁绕组
  7175. field-work standards ==> 现场操作规范
  7176. Fieldata ==> 军用数据处理装置,军用数据处理装置
  7177. Fieldata code ==> 菲尔达坦码
  7178. fieldbiased betatron ==> 附加励磁电子感应加速器
  7179. fieldbus ==> 现场总线,工业控制系统用现场总线,用于控制系统和工业现场传感器、执行器等设备之间进行数字、串行通信的通信系统=>フィールドバス
  7180. fieldbus network ==> フィールドバスネットワーク
  7181. fieldbus standard ==> フィールドバス規格
  7182. fieldcontrol ==> 信息组控制
  7183. fielded panel ==> 鼓面镶板,装配镶板,突面镶板
  7184. fielded system ==> 工地系统
  7185. fieldistor ==> 场效应晶体管
  7186. fieldistor channel ==> 场效应晶体管沟道
  7187. Fieldler theory of leadership ==> 菲德勒领导理论
  7188. fieldloss relay ==> 失磁继电器
  7189. fields and gardens ==> 田园
  7190. Fields Medal ==> 菲尔兹奖
  7191. fieldspool insulation ==> 极身绝缘
  7192. fieldstone ==> 毛石
  7193. fieldwork ==> 野外作业
  7194. fierce clutch ==> 快速离合器
  7195. Fiero ==> 骄傲的,激烈的
  7196. fiery steel ==> 过烧钢
  7197. Fierz interference ==> 菲尔兹干涉
  7198. Fiesen's light ==> 芬森氏弧光灯
  7199. fiexible factory overhead budget ==> 弹性间接生产费预算
  7200. fiexor point ==> 屈肌点
  7201. FIFO, first in first out ==> 先进先出
  7202. FIFO, first-in first-out ==> 先入れ先出し
  7203. fifteen piglets at a litter ==> 一胎十五只小猪
  7204. fifth finger ==> 小指
  7205. fifth wheel ==> 承重旋转接头
  7206. fifth-generation computer ==> 第五代计算机
  7207. fifth-generation computer system ==> 第五代计算机系统
  7208. fifth-wheel ==> 半拖车接轮
  7209. fifty percent impulse flashover voltage ==> 百分之五十脉冲闪络电压
  7210. fifty percent rule ==> 百分之五十的规则
  7211. fifty seconds per sample ==> 每个样品用50秒
  7212. fifty-percent zone ==> 半数必中界
  7213. figging of soap ==> 肥皂的结晶化
  7214. fight ==> 战斗精神
  7215. fight path computer ==> 飞行航线计算机
  7216. fighter ==> 战斗机
  7217. fighter aircraft ==> 战斗机
  7218. fighter bomber ==> 战斗轰炸机
  7219. fighter direction station ==> 战斗机指挥台
  7220. fighter engine ==> 戦闘機エンジン
  7221. fighter only display ==> 战斗机指示器
  7222. fighter plane ==> 战斗机
  7223. fighter-interceptor ==> 战斗截击机
  7224. fighter-pilot ==> 战斗机飞行员
  7225. fighting cab ==> 战斗室
  7226. fighting compartment ==> (坦克的)战斗室
  7227. fighting control ==> 战斗指挥
  7228. fighting efficiency ==> 战斗效能
  7229. fighting equipment ==> 战斗装备
  7230. fighting flag ==> 战斗旗
  7231. fighting kit ==> 战斗用具包
  7232. fighting line ==> 战线
  7233. fighting machine ==> 战斗车辆
  7234. fighting march ==> 战斗行军
  7235. fighting order ==> 战斗队形
  7236. fighting quality ==> 战斗素质
  7237. fighting reserve ==> 战斗后备
  7238. fighting top ==> 战斗桅楼
  7239. fighting vehicle ==> 战车,战斗车辆
  7240. fighting weight ==> 战斗重量
  7241. fighting-plane ==> 战斗机
  7242. Figuier's gold purple ==> 菲格尔金紫色料
  7243. figuration ==> 图案表现法,图案装饰法,成形,数字形式,单级配置
  7244. figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships--bulkheads, doors, windows and openings on wall, hatches and hatch covers ==> 船用布置图图形符号,舱壁、门、窗及舱壁孔、舱口及舱口盖
  7245. figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships--equipments in commissary space and sanitary space ==> 船舶布置图图形符号,生活卫生设备
  7246. figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships--furnitures in accommodation ==> 船舶布置图图形符号,舱室家具
  7247. figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships--life-saving apparatus ==> 船舶布置图图形符号,救生设备
  7248. figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships--mooring equipment ==> 船舶布置图图形符号,系泊设备
  7249. figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships--navigation,lights and workshop equipments ==> 船舶布置图图形符号,航行设备、灯具及修理间设备
  7250. figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships--stairs and bulwarks ==> 船舶布置图图形符号,梯及舷墙
  7251. figurative constant ==> 表意定数
  7252. figurative prints ==> 绘画格调印花布
  7253. figure ==> 图形
  7254. figure (of) noise ==> 噪声系数
  7255. figure (press number) ==> 印刷数字
  7256. figure adjustment ==> 图形校正
  7257. figure disk(-sc) ==> 数字盘
  7258. figure keyboard ==> 字符键盘
  7259. figure lamp ==> 显字灯
  7260. figure notation ==> 数字标记
  7261. figure number ==> 代号
  7262. figure of confusion ==> 弥散圈
  7263. figure of loss ==> 能量损耗系数
  7264. figure of merit ==> 品质因数,性能因数,灵敏值,优值,品质因素=>性能指数,良さの指数,最小感度,性能係数(磁気増幅器)
  7265. figure of merit for a tunnel diode ==> 隧道二极管优值
  7266. figure of signal ==> 上段符号
  7267. figure of speech ==> 比喻
  7268. figure of the earth ==> 地球形体
  7269. figure out ==> 算出
  7270. figure pattern ==> 数字模式
  7271. figure plate ==> 拨号盘,转盘
  7272. figure punch ==> 号码机,数字冲压机
  7273. figure reading electronic device ==> 电子读数器
  7274. figure sheet ==> 纹板
  7275. figure shift ==> 跳格符号,变换符号
  7276. figure shift (FIGS) ==> 变数字位,数字换档
  7277. figure signal ==> 变换信号
  7278. figure symbols on the arrangement plans of ship deck machinery ==> 船舶布置图图形符号,甲板机械
  7279. figure thread ==> 提花经线
  7280. figure-of-eight coil ==> 8字コイル
  7281. figure-of-merit ==> 品质因数
  7282. figure-of-merit curve ==> 质量曲线
  7283. figured cloth (figured fabric) ==> 提花织物
  7284. figured effect ==> 花纹效应
  7285. figured gauze ==> 提花纱罗
  7286. figured glass ==> 压花玻璃
  7287. figured iron ==> 型铁
  7288. figured plate glass ==> 图案玻璃
  7289. figured rolled glass ==> 压花玻璃
  7290. figured sheet glass ==> 图案玻璃
  7291. figured steel ==> 异形钢
  7292. figured stripe ==> 提花条纹
  7293. figured texture weave ==> 提花组织
  7294. figured twills ==> 花纹斜纹
  7295. figured veneer ==> 花纹单板
  7296. figured weave ==> 提花组织
  7297. figurehead ==> 破浪神,船首饰
  7298. figures shift ==> 符号变换
  7299. figuring harness ==> 提花综线
  7300. fiji ==> 斐济=>フィジー
  7301. FIL, filament ==> フィラメント
  7302. FIL, Filter ==> フィルタ
  7303. FIL, filter ==> フィルター
  7304. fila radicularia ==> 根丝
  7305. filament ==> 长丝,灯丝,单纤维,丝,丝极,丝状结构,丝状体,花丝,细丝,暗条,白热丝=>フィラメント
  7306. filament acetate yarn ==> 醋酯纤维纱线
  7307. filament activation ==> 灯丝激活
  7308. filament activity ==> 丝极放射性
  7309. filament band ==> 丝带,射流
  7310. filament battery ==> 灯丝电池
  7311. filament blended yarn ==> 长丝混合纱
  7312. filament bombardment ==> 冲击灯丝
  7313. filament bulb ==> 白炽灯泡=>フィラメント電球
  7314. filament cathode ==> 丝状阴极,直热式阴极
  7315. filament characteristic ==> 灯丝特性
  7316. filament circuit ==> 灯丝电路
  7317. filament control ==> 灯丝调节
  7318. filament crystal ==> 丝晶
  7319. filament current ==> 灯丝电流=>フィラメント電流
  7320. filament data ==> 灯丝电路参数
  7321. filament electrometer ==> 细丝静电计
  7322. filament emission ==> 灯丝发射
  7323. filament fiber ==> 长丝纤维
  7324. filament for electric lamp ==> 电灯丝
  7325. filament furnace ==> 灯丝炉
  7326. filament fuse ==> 灯丝电路保险丝
  7327. filament generator ==> 灯丝电源发电机,灯丝电源发生器
  7328. filament image ==> 灯丝象
  7329. filament lamp ==> 白炽灯,白热丝灯=>白熱電球
  7330. filament lasing ==> 丝状激光发射
  7331. filament length ==> 丝极长度
  7332. filament line ==> 水条线,流线
  7333. filament material ==> 灯丝材料=>フィラメイト材料
  7334. filament of chromosphere ==> 色球暗条
  7335. filament oseillation ==> 暗条振动
  7336. filament plate ==> 丝板
  7337. filament potentiometer ==> 灯丝电位计,灯丝分压器
  7338. filament power ==> 灯丝功率
  7339. filament pyrolyzer ==> 热丝热解器
  7340. filament regulator ==> 灯丝调节器
  7341. filament resistance ==> 灯丝电阻
  7342. filament resistor ==> 灯丝电阻器,丝极电阻器
  7343. filament rheostat ==> 丝极变阻器,灯丝变阻器
  7344. filament sag ==> 丝下垂
  7345. filament saturation ==> 温度饱和
  7346. filament shield ==> 配光屏
  7347. filament supply ==> 灯丝电源
  7348. filament switch ==> 灯丝开关
  7349. filament transformer ==> 灯丝变压器
  7350. filament type cathode ==> 直热式阴极
  7351. filament voltage ==> 灯丝电压
  7352. filament voltmeter ==> 灯丝伏特计
  7353. filament waste ==> 长纤维废料,碎片废料
  7354. filament wattage ==> 灯丝功率
  7355. filament winder ==> 绕丝机
  7356. filament winding ==> 灯丝电源绕组,长纤维卷绕法,丝绕
  7357. filament yarn ==> 长丝纱
  7358. filament yarn fabric ==> 长丝织物
  7359. filament-activity test ==> 灯丝效率试验
  7360. filament-nonfilamentcount ==> 白细胞分核计数
  7361. filament-reinforced metal ==> 纤维加强金属
  7362. filament-type cathode ==> 灯丝
  7363. filament-wound case ==> 缠丝壳体
  7364. filament-wound glass-reinforced plastics ==> 长纤维缠绕玻璃钢
  7365. filamental flow ==> 线流,层流
  7366. filamentary ==> 丝状
  7367. filamentary cathode ==> 丝状阴极,灯丝,灯丝式阴级,灯丝阴极
  7368. filamentary coupling ==> 丝状耦合
  7369. filamentary fibril ==> 丝状原纤维
  7370. filamentary region ==> 丝状区,线状通道
  7371. filamentary silver ==> 银丝
  7372. filamentary spark ==> 丝状火花
  7373. filamentary subminiature tube ==> 超小型直热式电子管
  7374. filamentary transistor ==> 线状晶体管,线状晶体管,细长型晶体管
  7375. filamentation ==> 丝状形成
  7376. filamentous ==> フィラメント状の
  7377. filamentous actin ==> 線維状アクチン
  7378. filamentous activated sludge ==> 丝状活性污泥
  7379. filamentous algae ==> 丝状藻
  7380. filamentous bacteria ==> 丝状细菌
  7381. filamentous bacterial growth ==> 丝状细菌生长
  7382. filamentous bacterial virus ==> 線維状細菌ウイルス
  7383. filamentous capsid ==> 丝状衣壳
  7384. filamentous carbon ==> 繊維状炭素
  7385. filamentous cell ==> 糸状細胞
  7386. filamentous coating ==> 線維状外皮
  7387. filamentous colony ==> 丝状菌落
  7388. filamentous flow ==> 线流
  7389. filamentous form ==> 丝状体
  7390. filamentous fungi ==> 丝状真菌
  7391. filamentous lichens ==> 毛状地衣
  7392. filamentous microorganism ==> 丝状微生物
  7393. filamentous yeast ==> 丝状酵母
  7394. filaments of upper anthers ==> 上部花药的花丝
  7395. filamentus ==> 丝
  7396. filar involute ==> 线渐伸线
  7397. filar suspended galvanometer ==> 悬丝式检流计
  7398. Filaria perstans ==> 常现丝虫
  7399. filarial infection ==> 血丝虫感染
  7400. filariasis malayi ==> 马来亚丝虫病
  7401. filariasis of genito-urinary system ==> 泌尿生殖系统丝虫病
  7402. filariasis of spermatic cord ==> 精索丝虫病
  7403. filariasis perstans ==> 常现丝虫病
  7404. Filatovs spots ==> 费拉托夫氏斑
  7405. filature factory ==> 缫丝厂,缫丝厂
  7406. filature gum waste ==> 厂丝吐
  7407. file ==> 外存储器,锉,锉刀,档案,粗齿锉,列,文件,文件存贮器,文卷=>ファイル,やすり,つめやすり
  7408. file access attribute ==> 文件存取属性
  7409. file access control ==> 文件访问控制
  7410. file address ==> 文件地址
  7411. file addressing ==> 文件编址
  7412. file allocation ==> 文件分配
  7413. file alloy ==> 锉刀合金
  7414. file an application for dissolution ==> 提出解散申请书
  7415. file analysis ==> 文件分析
  7416. file area ==> 文件区
  7417. file attribute ==> 文件属性
  7418. file backup ==> 文件备份
  7419. file bank ==> 锉坯
  7420. file brush ==> 锉刷
  7421. file buffering ==> 文件缓冲
  7422. file cabinet ==> 文卷柜,档案柜
  7423. file card ==> 档案卡
  7424. file carrier ==> 锉柄
  7425. file clause ==> 文件子句
  7426. file cleaner ==> 锉刀钢丝刷,锉用钢丝刷
  7427. file composition ==> 文件集成
  7428. file computer ==> 文件计算机,情报统计机,信息统计机,编目计算机
  7429. file condensation and consolidation ==> 文件节缩与整理
  7430. file condition ==> 文件访问条件
  7431. file conditioning indicator ==> 文件条件指示符
  7432. file consolidation ==> 文件统一,文件整理
  7433. file control ==> 文件控制
  7434. file control block ==> 文件控制程序块
  7435. file control system ==> 文件控制系统
  7436. file conversion ==> 文件转移
  7437. file coupling ==> 文件耦合
  7438. file cover ==> 文件夹,档案袋
  7439. file cut ==> 锉刀锉纹
  7440. file cutter ==> 錾锉刀
  7441. file cutting ==> 锉刻
  7442. file cutting anvil ==> 錾锉砧
  7443. file cutting machine ==> 锉刀切削机床,锉纹加工机
  7444. file declaration statement ==> 文件说明语句
  7445. file definition entry ==> 文件定义项
  7446. file definition name ==> 文件定义名
  7447. file definitionmacroinstruction ==> 文件定义宏指令
  7448. file description attribute ==> 文件描述属性
  7449. file description entry ==> 文件描述项
  7450. file descriptor ==> 文件描述符
  7451. file design ==> 文件设计
  7452. file designation ==> 文件命名
  7453. file destination ==> 目标文件
  7454. file directory ==> 文件说明书
  7455. file drum ==> 文件磁鼓,磁鼓文件,存储磁鼓
  7456. file dump ==> 文件转储
  7457. file dumping ==> 文件转储
  7458. file edit ==> 文件编辑
  7459. file enable input ==> 允许文件输入
  7460. file end flag ==> 文件终端标志
  7461. file event ==> 文件事件
  7462. file extended control block ==> 文件扩充控制分程序
  7463. file feed ==> 文件馈送器
  7464. file finishing ==> 锉光
  7465. file folder ==> 文件夹
  7466. file for information interchange ==> 信息互换文件
  7467. file format ==> 文件格式=>ファイルフォーマット
  7468. file function ==> 文件功能
  7469. file gap ==> 文件间隙
  7470. file gather program ==> 文件收集程序
  7471. file generation ==> 文件生成
  7472. file group ==> 文件组
  7473. file hammer ==> 锉锤
  7474. file handling ==> 文件处理
  7475. file hardness ==> 锉刀硬度,锉试硬度
  7476. file header ==> 文件头=>ファイルヘッダ
  7477. file header label group ==> 文件标题标记组
  7478. file identification ==> 文件识别
  7479. file income tax return ==> 提送所提税申报表
  7480. file indirect ==> 文件间接寄存器
  7481. file input-output control logic ==> 文件输入输出控制逻辑
  7482. file inquiry ==> 文件询问
  7483. file label ==> 文件标记
  7484. file label control ==> 文件标号管理
  7485. file layout ==> 文件存储形式,文件格式,文件格式设计,存储形式=>ファイル様式
  7486. file librarian ==> 文件库管理程序
  7487. file limit ==> 文件存储容量范围
  7488. file load factor ==> 文件负载率
  7489. file location recognition ==> 文件位置识别
  7490. file maintenance ==> 文件更新,文件维护,卷宗保持,卷宗保持=>ファイル保守
  7491. file maintenance machine ==> 文件处理机
  7492. file maintenance routine ==> 文件维护程序
  7493. file management facilities ==> 文件管理设备
  7494. file management routine ==> 文件管理例程
  7495. file managemnent subsystem ==> 文件管理子系统
  7496. file manipulation ==> 文件处理
  7497. file manipulation command ==> 文件加工命令
  7498. file mark ==> 文件标志
  7499. file marks ==> 锉刀标志
  7500. file medium ==> 文件媒体
  7501. file memory ==> 文件存储
  7502. file model ==> 文件模型
  7503. file name ==> 文件名称
  7504. file number ==> 文件号
  7505. file of precision ==> 精密锉
  7506. file opening ==> 打开文件,文件开启,开启文件
  7507. file option ==> 文件任选
  7508. file organization ==> 文件存储形式,文件组织
  7509. file organization routine ==> 文件组织程序
  7510. file over ==> 滞后
  7511. file packing ==> 文件装填
  7512. file packing density ==> 文件装填密度
  7513. file palette ==> 文件面板
  7514. file parameter block ==> 文件参数块
  7515. file pockets addressing ==> 文件袋选址
  7516. file preparation ==> 文件准备
  7517. file printout ==> 文件打印
  7518. file processing ==> 文件处理
  7519. file processor ==> 文件处理机
  7520. file protection ==> 文件保护
  7521. file protection device ==> 文件保护装置
  7522. file protection ring ==> 文件保护环,磁带保护环=>ファイル保護リング
  7523. file purging ==> 文件清除
  7524. file reconstruction ==> 文件重建
  7525. file reconstruction procedure ==> 文件重建过程
  7526. file record compaction ==> 文件记录压缩
  7527. file recovery ==> 文件恢复
  7528. file recovery program ==> 文件恢复程序
  7529. file reel ==> 一盘文件带
  7530. file reference ==> 文件访问
  7531. file reorganization ==> 文件改编
  7532. file retention period ==> 文件保留期
  7533. file routine ==> 文件程序
  7534. file scan ==> 文件扫描
  7535. file scratch test ==> 锉刀划痕试验
  7536. file search ==> 文件搜索
  7537. file searching ==> 文件检索
  7538. file section ==> 文件段,文件节
  7539. file security ==> 文件保密
  7540. file security control ==> 文件安全控制
  7541. file separator ==> 文件分隔符
  7542. file separator character ==> 文件调装置
  7543. file sequence number ==> 文件顺序号
  7544. file set ==> 文件集
  7545. file set identifier ==> 文件集标识符
  7546. file shared ==> 共享文件
  7547. file sharing ==> 共享文件,共用文件,文件共用
  7548. file silk ==> 横棱纹绸
  7549. file space ==> 文件空间
  7550. file space allocation ==> 文件空间分配
  7551. file space catalog(ue) ==> 文件空间分类
  7552. file space catalogue ==> 文件空间目录
  7553. file space management ==> 文件空间管理
  7554. file specification ==> 文件说明
  7555. file stapling machine ==> 铁丝钉书机
  7556. file steel ==> 锉刀钢
  7557. file steel brush ==> 钢丝刷
  7558. file storage ==> 文件存储器
  7559. file storage station ==> 文件存储站
  7560. file store ==> 文件存储器
  7561. file stroke ==> 锉程
  7562. file structure ==> 文件结构
  7563. file suits ==> 起诉
  7564. file symbol ==> 文件符号
  7565. file system ==> 文件系统
  7566. file test ==> 锉刀试验
  7567. file tester ==> 锉刀试验机
  7568. file title ==> 文件标题
  7569. file to file program ==> 文件到文件连接程序
  7570. file tooth forming tool ==> 锉齿成形刀具
  7571. file trailer label ==> 文件尾部标记
  7572. file transfer ==> 文件转移
  7573. file transfer protocol ==> 文件传送规约
  7574. file transfer protocol server ==> FTP服务器,使用文件传输协议FTP的通信服务器
  7575. file translation language ==> 文件翻译语言
  7576. file type ==> 文件类型
  7577. file unit ==> 文件单元
  7578. file unsafe logic ==> 文件不可靠逻辑
  7579. file update master program ==> 文件更新主程序
  7580. file updating ==> 文件更新
  7581. file usage ==> 文件用法
  7582. file utility ==> 文件辅助程序
  7583. file utilization ==> 文件利用率
  7584. file word ==> 文件字
  7585. FILE, feature identification and location experiment ==> 特徴分類と位置判別実験
  7586. file-oriented programming ==> 面向文件的程序设计
  7587. file-oriented system ==> 面向文件的系统
  7588. file-oriented writing operation ==> 面向文件的写操作
  7589. file-structure device ==> 带文件结构的设备
  7590. filed lens ==> 场镜
  7591. files ==> 讲义夹
  7592. files of forest resources ==> 森林资源档案
  7593. filial generation ==> 杂交后代,子代
  7594. filial organism ==> 子代有机体
  7595. filial regression ==> 子代退行
  7596. filial set ==> 分枝组
  7597. filicic acid ==> 绵马酸
  7598. filicinic acid ==> 绵马次酸,绵马精酸
  7599. filiform apparatus ==> 丝状器
  7600. filiform corrosion ==> 丝状腐蚀,线状腐蚀,纤维状腐蚀
  7601. filiform hair ==> 丝状毛
  7602. filiform pulse ==> 丝状脉
  7603. filiform spinneret ==> 丝形蜡腺
  7604. filigree glass ==> 嵌丝玻璃,银丝玻璃
  7605. filing ==> 锉削
  7606. filing a claim for recovery ==> 提出追偿
  7607. filing board ==> 锉板
  7608. filing cabinet ==> 档案柜
  7609. filing case ==> 档案柜
  7610. filing date ==> 出願日
  7611. filing equipment ==> 档案设备
  7612. filing lathe ==> 锉刀车床
  7613. filing machine ==> 锉床,锉锯齿机
  7614. filing of a seal-impression ==> 提送印鉴
  7615. filing room ==> 档案室
  7616. filing system ==> 文件编排系统
  7617. filing table ==> 锉工工作台
  7618. filings ==> 锉屑
  7619. filitannic acid ==> 绵马单宁酸
  7620. filixic acid ==> 绵马根酸
  7621. fill ==> 肠胃内容物,充,充填,注满,填,填充物,填方,填土
  7622. fill a vacancy ==> 补缺
  7623. fill an order ==> 交付定货,供应订货
  7624. fill and pressure relief ==> 加料和卸压
  7625. fill backward ==> 返回填补,返填
  7626. fill block ==> 垫块,填块
  7627. fill character ==> 填充字符,装填字符
  7628. fill concrete ==> 填充混凝土,回填混凝土
  7629. fill construction ==> 填土工程
  7630. fill factor ==> 占空因子,填充率,填充系数,填充因数,装填因数,占空系数
  7631. fill fracture ==> 填充的破裂口
  7632. fill insulation ==> 填塞绝缘
  7633. fill lighting ==> 附加照明
  7634. fill line ==> 充填输送管
  7635. Fill Management Committee ==> 填料管理委员会
  7636. Fill Management Study ==> 填料管理研究
  7637. fill mechanism ==> 装料机构
  7638. fill nitrogen preservation ==> 充氮保藏法
  7639. fill opening ==> 装料孔,填料孔
  7640. fill orifice ==> 填充孔,注入孔,灌注孔
  7641. fill pipe column ==> 填实管柱
  7642. fill pit operation ==> 填坑开采法
  7643. fill plate ==> 填板
  7644. fill plug ==> 加料口塞
  7645. fill port ==> 装料口
  7646. fill section ==> 填土部分
  7647. fill settlement ==> 填土沉陷
  7648. fill slope ==> 填坡
  7649. fill the gaps with seedlings ==> 补苗
  7650. fill toe ==> 填方坡脚
  7651. fill type dam ==> 填筑式堤坝
  7652. fill up ==> 填充
  7653. fill up to grade ==> 填到设计标高
  7654. fill with dense protein ==> 充满浓厚的蛋白质
  7655. fill with pith ==> 长满了木髓
  7656. fill yard ==> 填方数量
  7657. fill(-)in ==> 填写
  7658. fill(ing) position ==> 装料位置
  7659. fill-in fill terrace ==> 填塞堆积阶地
  7660. fill-in well ==> 补充井
  7661. fill-in-the-blank system ==> 填充脉冲间歇系统
  7662. fill-net ==> 填充网
  7663. fill-up ==> 填补,填满
  7664. fill-up carbon ==> 增碳
  7665. fill-up concrete block ==> 填充式混凝土砌块
  7666. fill-up ground ==> 填筑地
  7667. fill-up hole ==> 填塞孔
  7668. fillability ==> 满斗率
  7669. filled ==> 满的
  7670. filled adhesive ==> 填充的粘合剂
  7671. filled array ==> 连续天线阵
  7672. filled bag closing machine ==> 满包封包机
  7673. filled band ==> 满带
  7674. filled bitumen ==> 填充沥青,加填料沥青
  7675. filled cavity ==> 填充穴
  7676. filled cloth ==> 上浆布
  7677. filled column ==> 填料塔,填料柱
  7678. filled composite ==> 填充材料
  7679. filled crib ==> 填石木垛
  7680. filled deposit ==> 填充矿床
  7681. filled entry ==> 填有内容的登记项
  7682. filled gold ==> 填金
  7683. filled level ==> 满带能级
  7684. filled lower defect level ==> 满充低缺陷能级
  7685. filled milk ==> 换脂奶
  7686. filled opening ==> 填充裂隙
  7687. filled pipe column ==> 填实管柱
  7688. filled plastics ==> 填充塑料
  7689. filled plum pitted ==> 化核夹心应子
  7690. filled salt lubrication ==> 充盐润滑
  7691. filled shell ==> 满充壳层
  7692. filled state ==> 满态
  7693. filled stone ==> 填充石
  7694. filled system thermometer ==> 压力式温度计
  7695. filled thermal system ==> 充灌式感温系统
  7696. filled thermoplastic ==> 填充的热塑性塑料
  7697. filled thermoset ==> 填充的热固性塑料
  7698. filled timber crib ==> 填石木垛
  7699. filled tower ==> 填料塔
  7700. filled up ground ==> 填土地基
  7701. filled valence band ==> 满充价电子带
  7702. filled vulcanizate ==> 填料硫化胶
  7703. filled weight ==> 加注后重量
  7704. filled with fluid ==> 装满液体
  7705. filled-band level ==> 满带能级
  7706. filled-in ground ==> 填土地基
  7707. filled-system thermometer ==> 充填式温度计
  7708. filled-up ground ==> 填高地
  7709. filler ==> 填充符,填充数,填充位,填充物,填料,填泥,充填材料,浇铸机,金属芯子,进位填充数,注入孔,漏斗,留充木=>充填剤,充填文字
  7710. filler aggregate ==> 填充骨料
  7711. Filler arc welding ==> 菲拉电弧焊距
  7712. filler block ==> 止水塞,衬块
  7713. filler bowl ==> 滤杯
  7714. filler box ==> 注入口
  7715. filler cap ==> 漏斗盖,加油口盖
  7716. filler clay ==> 填料粘土
  7717. filler fibre ==> 填料纤维
  7718. filler frame ==> 充填框
  7719. filler gate ==> 充水闸门
  7720. filler joist floor ==> 栏栅填料楼板
  7721. filler line ==> 充注管
  7722. filler locking cap ==> 加油口锁帽
  7723. filler metal ==> 填充金属,填料金属
  7724. filler neck ==> 接管嘴,漏斗颈
  7725. filler nozzle ==> 加油喷嘴
  7726. filler opening ==> 填充孔,注入口
  7727. filler piece ==> 垫片,填充片,填隙片
  7728. filler pigment ==> 填充颜料
  7729. filler pipe ==> 注入管,注油管
  7730. filler plate ==> 密封垫,填板,填料板
  7731. filler plug ==> 注入塞
  7732. filler plugs for trepanned holes ==> 锥孔的管塞
  7733. filler point ==> 填孔导纱器
  7734. filler reinforcement ==> 填充补强
  7735. filler reinforcement effect ==> 填料加强效应
  7736. filler replacement ==> 填料换装
  7737. filler reservoir ==> 填料储器
  7738. filler retention ==> 填料保持
  7739. filler ring ==> 填充垫环,垫圈,倒角环
  7740. filler rod ==> 嵌条,填充棒,填丝
  7741. filler sand ==> 填
  7742. filler seam ==> 填密缝
  7743. filler specks ==> 填料斑
  7744. filler thread ==> 衬垫粗线
  7745. filler type wire rope ==> 充填式钢丝绳
  7746. filler valve ==> 空気弁
  7747. filler wad ==> 填塞垫
  7748. filler wall ==> 填充墙
  7749. filler weld ==> 填角焊缝
  7750. filler well ==> 加油孔
  7751. filler wire ==> 填充焊丝,充填钢丝,充填金属丝
  7752. fillers ==> 填料
  7753. Fillers theorem ==> 菲勒定理
  7754. fillet ==> 圆角,齿根过渡曲面,带状突起,钎角,嵌条,整流片,连接边,填角,肩角=>切り身,開き身
  7755. fillet and groove joint ==> 企口接口
  7756. fillet gage ==> 半径样板,圆角规
  7757. fillet in normal shear ==> 正面焊缝
  7758. fillet in parallel shear ==> 侧面焊缝
  7759. fillet lightning ==> 带状闪电
  7760. fillet of screw ==> 螺纹圈
  7761. fillet radius ==> 齿根圆弧半径,内圆角半径=>フィレット半径
  7762. fillet shears ==> 钢坯剪床
  7763. fillet weld ==> 角焊,角焊缝,填角焊,贴角焊=>隅肉溶接
  7764. fillet weld in normal shear ==> (搭接接头的)正面角焊缝
  7765. fillet weld in parallel shear ==> 侧面角焊缝,侧面填角焊
  7766. fillet weld in the flat position ==> 角接平焊,水平角焊缝
  7767. fillet weld in the horizontal position ==> 横向角焊缝
  7768. fillet weld size ==> 焊角尺寸,填角焊缝尺寸
  7769. fillet weld(ing) ==> 角焊
  7770. fillet welded joint ==> 填角焊缝=>隅肉溶接継ぎ手
  7771. fillet welding ==> (填角焊)贴角焊=>隅肉溶接
  7772. fillet welding in the downhand position ==> 船形角焊
  7773. fillet welding in the flat position ==> 船形焊
  7774. fillet welding in the horizontal position ==> 横角焊
  7775. fillet welding in the vertical position ==> 立角焊
  7776. fillet winding machine ==> 钢丝针布包卷机
  7777. filleted corner ==> 内圆角
  7778. filleting ==> 钢丝针布,倒角,角隅填密法,抹八字角,圆角,嵌缝法
  7779. filliculi lymphatici aggregati ==> 集合淋巴滤泡,集合淋巴小结
  7780. filling ==> 填充,填方,填料,填塞,浇入,充填,灌注法,注入,装满的,装填,纬纱
  7781. filling (material) ==> 填料
  7782. filling abrasive material ==> 充填材料用磨头
  7783. filling agent ==> 填充剂
  7784. filling and emptying system ==> (船闸的)充水和放水系统
  7785. filling aperture ==> 注入孔,加油孔
  7786. filling area ==> 编档项,充填区
  7787. filling auger ==> 装载螺旋
  7788. filling backed serge ==> 纬背哔叽
  7789. filling band ==> 纬向条痕
  7790. filling band in shade ==> 纬色档
  7791. filling bar ==> 纬向条痕
  7792. filling bench ==> 装模台
  7793. filling bow ==> 纬纱弯曲度
  7794. filling break indicator ==> 纬纱叉
  7795. filling building ==> 纬纱卷绕成形
  7796. filling cells ==> 充实体
  7797. filling compound ==> 浇灌膏
  7798. filling contraction ==> 纬纱缩度
  7799. filling conveyer ==> 装料输送器
  7800. filling cord pique ==> 横向灯芯布
  7801. filling criteria ==> 编档准则
  7802. filling culvert ==> 充水涵洞
  7803. filling cutter ==> 纬纱剪刀
  7804. filling cyclone ==> 填塞气旋
  7805. filling defect ==> 充盈缺损
  7806. filling defect of cecum ==> 盲肠钡影残缺
  7807. filling density ==> 装灌密度
  7808. filling device ==> 充水装置
  7809. filling end wall ==> 投料端墙
  7810. filling engine ==> 切绵机,装料机
  7811. filling face ==> 纬面
  7812. filling face twill ==> 纬面斜纹
  7813. filling factor ==> 线圈间隙因数,填充系数
  7814. filling float ==> 纬跳花
  7815. filling flush ==> (织物)纬面发光
  7816. filling for groin ==> 丁坝填筑
  7817. filling for groyne ==> 丁坝填筑
  7818. filling fork ==> 纬纱叉
  7819. filling frame ==> 充填框,直接纬纱细砂机
  7820. filling funnel ==> 注液漏斗
  7821. filling gas ==> 充填气体
  7822. filling gun ==> 注射枪
  7823. filling hierarchy ==> 编档等级
  7824. filling hole ==> 注入孔
  7825. filling house ==> 装油房
  7826. filling instrument ==> 充填器械
  7827. filling irregularity ==> 纬档
  7828. filling knife ==> 纬纱剪刀
  7829. filling knitting ==> 纬编
  7830. filling line ==> 装油管线
  7831. filling machine ==> 装料机,灌注机器,充填机械,加料机
  7832. filling machine for collapsible tube ==> 软膏锡管填充器
  7833. filling mark ==> 纬线印痕
  7834. filling material ==> 添加剤,镶补料,掺加物,填充材料,填充物,填塞料
  7835. filling material for optical fiber cable ==> 光缆缆芯填充料
  7836. filling materials ==> 充填材料
  7837. filling motion ==> 纬纱叉装置
  7838. filling of bladder ==> 膀胱充盈
  7839. filling of tank cars ==> 槽车装料
  7840. filling oil cover ==> 注油盖
  7841. filling opening ==> 注入口,填充孔
  7842. filling opening (orifice) ==> 注入孔
  7843. filling operation ==> 充填工作
  7844. filling out of waist of heart ==> 心腰部膨出
  7845. filling pattern ==> 纬面花纹
  7846. filling phase ==> 充盈期
  7847. filling piece ==> 垫片,填隙片
  7848. filling pile fabric ==> 纬起绒织物
  7849. filling pipe ==> 充填管,装灌管
  7850. filling place ==> 装料平台
  7851. filling plant ==> 填充植物
  7852. filling plug ==> 注入塞
  7853. filling point ==> 装油站
  7854. filling port ==> 充水孔
  7855. filling preparation ==> 纬纱准备工程
  7856. filling pressure ==> 充气压力,充盈压,填料压力
  7857. filling provision ==> 加注设备
  7858. filling pump ==> 充水泵,注油泵,装灌泵
  7859. filling ratio ==> 充填率
  7860. filling rep ==> 纬梭纹织物
  7861. filling resistance ==> 满斗阻力
  7862. filling retraction ==> 纬纱引直装置
  7863. filling riser ==> 灌装提升管
  7864. filling rivers with sand and mud ==> 使泥沙充塞了河流
  7865. filling rule ==> 编档规则
  7866. filling sateen ==> 纬面棉缎
  7867. filling satin ==> 纬面缎
  7868. filling screw ==> 螺纹规
  7869. filling seconds ==> 纬纱织疵
  7870. filling section ==> 编档段
  7871. filling sieve ==> 注入滤网
  7872. filling skewness ==> 纬斜度
  7873. filling sleeve ==> 灌装软管
  7874. filling slippage ==> 纬滑
  7875. filling slot ==> 装球缺口
  7876. filling snarl ==> 纬圈
  7877. filling space ==> 充填空间
  7878. filling stage ==> 灌浆阶段
  7879. filling station ==> 加油站
  7880. filling streak ==> 纬向条花
  7881. filling time ==> 灌装时间,装填时间,充水时间,补炉时间,填充时间
  7882. filling tissue ==> 补充组织
  7883. filling tube ==> 灌装管
  7884. filling twill weave ==> 纬向斜纹
  7885. filling twist ==> 纬纱捻度
  7886. filling unit ==> 编档单位
  7887. filling valve ==> 给油阀,进油阀,充水阀,设置在闸门门叶上,用以向门后充水,使闸门上、下游水压力平衡的阀门
  7888. filling wind ==> 纬管式成形
  7889. filling winder ==> 络纬机
  7890. filling with water ==> 上水,在规定的点火条件下,为稳定点燃单只燃烧器,通过点火器所应输入的必要能量。
  7891. filling yarn ==> 纬纱
  7892. filling-backed fabric ==> 纬背组织织物
  7893. filling-backed weave ==> 纬二重组织
  7894. filling-faced fabric ==> 纬面织物
  7895. filling-in ==> 放进,填满,填入=>視知覚充填
  7896. filling-in paste ==> 填充糊
  7897. filling-in ring ==> 垫圈
  7898. filling-tear resistance ==> 纬向撕裂强度
  7899. filling-up ==> 加注
  7900. filling-up area ==> 加油点
  7901. filling-wise ==> 纬向
  7902. fillister ==> 刨槽,凹槽,凹刨
  7903. fillister head ==> 凹槽螺帽,(螺栓或螺钉)圆头
  7904. fillister head bolt ==> 凹槽帽螺栓,槽头螺栓
  7905. fillister head screw ==> 凹槽帽螺钉
  7906. fillister joint ==> 凹槽缝,凹槽接合
  7907. fillister plane ==> 凹槽刨,凹刨
  7908. fillister serewhead ==> 凹槽螺帽
  7909. fillmass chute ==> 糖膏斜槽
  7910. filly foal ==> 母驹
  7911. film ==> 膜,膜式泵,软片,底片,涂膜,片,影片,镀层,薄层,薄膜,胶片=>フィルム,映画,膜,被膜,塗膜
  7912. film (strip) ==> 胶卷
  7913. film absorber ==> 薄膜吸收剂
  7914. film adaptation ==> 影片加工
  7915. film adhesion ==> 膜层附着力
  7916. film adhesive ==> 薄膜胶,薄膜胶粘剂,薄膜粘合剂
  7917. film advance ==> 影片传送
  7918. film advance knob and crank ==> 卷片钮和扳手,卷片钮和扳手
  7919. film advance lever ==> 输片杆
  7920. film advancing wheel ==> 输片轮
  7921. film analysis ==> 薄膜分析,影片分析
  7922. film and paper capacitor ==> 纸介箔膜电容器
  7923. film archives ==> 影片资料库
  7924. film badge ==> 测辐射的软片,测辐射软片,胶片剂量计,胶片式射线计量器
  7925. film balance ==> 膜天平
  7926. film base ==> 片基
  7927. film boiling ==> 膜层沸腾,膜沸腾,膜状沸腾,薄膜状沸腾,汽水混合物中,蒸汽的质量流量与汽水混合物总质量流量之比。膜态沸腾,在加热壁面上生成一层连续的蒸汽膜覆盖壁面的产生蒸汽的现象
  7928. film boiling range ==> 膜态沸腾区
  7929. film cabinet ==> 影片箱,胶片贮柜
  7930. film camera ==> フィルムカメラ
  7931. film camera video amplifier ==> 电视摄像机视频放大器
  7932. film capacitor ==> 薄膜电容器=>フィルムコンデンサ
  7933. film caption ==> 影片字幕
  7934. film carrier ==> 膜形载体
  7935. film carrier assembly ==> 膜式载体组装
  7936. film carrier bonding ==> 膜形载体上芯片接合
  7937. film cartridge ==> 暗盒
  7938. film cassette ==> 胶卷暗盒
  7939. film cement ==> 接片胶水
  7940. film chain ==> 电影链锁
  7941. film channel ==> 胶卷槽
  7942. film chip ==> 胶卷小片
  7943. film chip carrier ==> 膜形芯片载体
  7944. film circuit ==> 薄膜电路
  7945. film circuit assembly ==> 薄膜电路组装
  7946. film circuitry ==> 薄膜电路
  7947. film cleaning machine ==> 洁片机,影片清洁机
  7948. film clip ==> 胶片夹
  7949. film coating ==> 薄膜包衣,薄膜敷层,涂膜
  7950. film coating machine ==> 镀膜机
  7951. film coefficient ==> 膜层散热系数,膜系数=>境膜係数
  7952. film coefficient of heat transfer ==> 薄膜导热系数
  7953. film coefficient of heat-transfer ==> 境膜伝熱係数
  7954. film collection box ==> 回収箱
  7955. film color ==> 膜状色
  7956. film composite insulation ==> 绝缘薄膜复合制品,绝缘薄膜复合制品
  7957. film composition ==> 薄膜组成
  7958. film condensation ==> 膜冷凝,膜式冷凝,膜态冷凝,膜状冷凝,膜状凝结
  7959. film conductor ==> 薄膜导体
  7960. film contact face ==> 胶片接触面
  7961. film container ==> 胶片贮柜=>容器
  7962. film continuity ==> 薄膜连续性
  7963. film contraction ==> 软片收缩
  7964. film contrast ==> 底片对比率
  7965. film coolant injection hole ==> 薄膜冷却液喷孔
  7966. film coolant inlet ==> 薄膜冷却液进口
  7967. film cooling ==> 薄膜冷却,薄膜式冷却,气膜冷却
  7968. film corner cutter ==> 胶片切角器
  7969. film counter ==> 胶片计数器
  7970. film crew ==> 影片摄制组
  7971. film crystal oscillator ==> 薄膜晶体振荡器
  7972. film curvature ==> 膜の曲率
  7973. film cut-out ==> 薄片击穿保险丝
  7974. film cutoff frequency ==> 胶片的截止频率
  7975. film cutting ==> 影片剪辑
  7976. film decreaser ==> 薄膜衰减器
  7977. film deformation ==> フィルム変形
  7978. film density ==> 胶片黑度,影片密度=>フィルム濃度
  7979. film deposition ==> 膜蒸着
  7980. film developing ==> 影片显影
  7981. film dielectric four-gang variable capacitor ==> 薄膜介质四连可变电容器
  7982. film dielectric variable capacitor ==> 薄膜介质可变电容器
  7983. film diffusion ==> 薄膜扩散
  7984. film disc ==> 薄膜唱片
  7985. film distillation apparatus ==> 液膜蒸馏器
  7986. film distortion ==> 胶片变形
  7987. film distribution ==> 影片发行
  7988. film distribution corporation ==> 电影发行公司
  7989. film dosimeter ==> 胶片剂量计
  7990. film dosimetry ==> 胶片剂量测定法
  7991. film drawer ==> 薄膜拉伸机
  7992. film drier ==> 薄膜干燥机
  7993. film drive ==> 影片输送
  7994. film drum ==> 输片鼓轮
  7995. film dryer ==> 胶片干燥箱,干片器
  7996. film drying ==> 胶片干燥
  7997. film dubbing ==> 影片翻印
  7998. film editing ==> 影片剪辑
  7999. film editor ==> 影片剪辑员,编片机
  8000. film effect ==> 薄膜效应
  8001. film electronics ==> 薄膜电子学
  8002. film emission ==> 薄膜型发射
  8003. film emulsion ==> 胶冲乳剂
  8004. film equipment ==> 电影设备
  8005. film evaporation ==> 薄膜蒸发,薄膜蒸涂
  8006. film evaporator ==> 薄膜式蒸发器,薄膜蒸发器
  8007. film exposure ==> 胶片曝光量
  8008. film exposure counter ==> 胶片曝光计算表
  8009. film factor ==> 胶片因数
  8010. film fiche ==> 胶片
  8011. film filtration ==> 薄膜过滤
  8012. film flatness ==> 胶片平整度
  8013. film flow ==> 薄膜流动,薄膜水流,膜态流动
  8014. film fogging ==> 底片模糊,胶片灰雾
  8015. film for industrial radiography ==> 工业X射线胶片
  8016. film force ==> 水膜力
  8017. film formation ==> 膜的形成
  8018. film former ==> 薄膜形成器,成膜剂
  8019. film forming ==> 形成薄膜的
  8020. film forming matter ==> 成膜物质
  8021. film forming surfactant ==> 成膜表面活性剂
  8022. film frame ==> 胶卷上的一帧画面,胶片帧画面
  8023. film gate ==> 镜头窗框,镜头窗框
  8024. film gauge ==> 薄膜式测量器
  8025. film glass ==> 薄膜玻璃
  8026. film glue ==> 薄膜胶粘剂
  8027. film gradient ==> 底片(黑度)梯度
  8028. film grain size ==> 胶片颗粒大小
  8029. film granularity ==> 胶片颗粒度
  8030. film growth ==> 薄膜生长
  8031. film growth rate ==> 薄膜生长速率
  8032. film guide frame ==> 胶片保护夹架
  8033. film hanger rack ==> 胶片架
  8034. film healing ==> 膜修复
  8035. film heat transfer ==> 膜放热
  8036. film heat transfer coefficient ==> 膜传热系数
  8037. film holder ==> 底片夹,胶片盒,胶片架
  8038. film hybrid integrated circuit ==> 膜混合集成电路
  8039. film hybrids ==> 膜式混合微电路
  8040. film identification ==> 胶片鉴定
  8041. film image ==> 影片映像
  8042. film inspection ==> 胶片检查
  8043. film integrated circuit ==> 膜集成电路=>膜集積回路
  8044. film intensity measuring device ==> 膜层强度测定仪
  8045. film jacket ==> 片夹
  8046. film library ==> 电影资料馆,影片管理室
  8047. film lightning arrester ==> 膜片避雷器=>薄膜避雷器
  8048. film loop ==> 影片枢
  8049. film lubricant ==> 影片润滑剂
  8050. film machine ==> 电影机械
  8051. film magnets ==> 磁石膜
  8052. film marker ==> 胶片符号
  8053. film memory ==> 薄膜存储器,照相胶片存储器
  8054. film metallized bag ==> 镀金属薄膜袋
  8055. film microcircuit ==> 膜微型电路
  8056. film moisture ==> 薄膜水
  8057. film mottle ==> 片斑
  8058. film mounted ic ==> 膜载组装的集成电路
  8059. film MTF ==> 胶片的调制传递函数
  8060. film multiplexer ==> 电视电影多路设备
  8061. film negative ==> 底片,软片
  8062. film noise ==> 影片噪声
  8063. film notcher ==> 片边缺口机
  8064. film notches ==> 边缘切口
  8065. film of oxide ==> 氧化膜
  8066. film opaque ==> 修版液
  8067. film optical modulator ==> 薄膜光调制器
  8068. film optical multiplexer ==> 薄膜光复用器
  8069. film optical sensing device ==> 胶片光学传感器
  8070. film optical switch ==> 薄膜光开关
  8071. film optical waveguide ==> 薄膜光波导
  8072. film overlay ==> 薄膜重叠
  8073. film pack ==> 软片暗包,盒装胶片
  8074. film penetration tube ==> 电子透过记录器
  8075. film photoconductor ==> 薄膜光电导体
  8076. film pickup ==> 电视播送影片
  8077. film picture recording ==> フィルム録画
  8078. film plane indicator ==> 胶片平面指示器
  8079. film plasticizer ==> 薄膜增塑剂
  8080. film plating machine ==> 镀膜机
  8081. film potential ==> 膜电位
  8082. film preparation ==> 膜制备,涂抹标本,薄膜制备
  8083. film pressure ==> 膜压,膜压力
  8084. film printer ==> 电影印片机
  8085. film process ==> 膜状过程,影片加工,(奶粉)滚筒式制法
  8086. film processing ==> 底片处理,胶片处理
  8087. film processor ==> 胶片显影冲洗机
  8088. film producer ==> 影片摄制人员
  8089. film projective objective ==> 电影放映物镜
  8090. film projector ==> 电影放映机=>フィルム映写機
  8091. film Q-switching ==> 薄膜Q开关
  8092. film reactor ==> 膜式反应器
  8093. film reader ==> 影片扫描器,影片阅读机,缩微胶片阅读器,显微胶卷阅读器,胶片阅读器
  8094. film record ==> 缩微胶片记录
  8095. film recorder ==> 影片录制器,胶片记录器
  8096. film recorder scanner ==> 缩微胶片记录阅读器
  8097. film recording ==> 影片录制,录音,胶片录声
  8098. film recording thermograph ==> 照相温度(表)
  8099. film reminder dial ==> 胶卷指示盘
  8100. film repair machine ==> 补片机
  8101. film reproducer ==> 胶片放声机,胶片复制装置
  8102. film resilience ==> 膜回弹性
  8103. film resistance ==> 膜层阻力,膜热阻
  8104. film resistance meter ==> 薄膜电阻测试仪
  8105. film resistor ==> 薄膜电阻器=>(皮)膜抵抗器
  8106. film response ==> 胶片响应性
  8107. film reversing controller ==> 倒片控制器
  8108. film rewinder ==> 倒卷机
  8109. film rewinding knob ==> 倒片钮
  8110. film ribbon ==> 薄膜打字机带
  8111. film ring ==> 胶片环
  8112. film roll ==> 软片轴
  8113. film run ==> 影片运转
  8114. film run-out ==> 影片停转
  8115. film rupture ==> 膜破裂
  8116. film sample ==> 薄膜样品
  8117. film scanner ==> 影片扫描器,影片阅读机=>フィルム走査機
  8118. film scanning ==> 影片扫描
  8119. film scanning machine ==> 电视电影放映机
  8120. film schedule ==> 影片摄制计划
  8121. film scraper ==> 刮刀片
  8122. film sensitivity ==> 胶片感光度
  8123. film shrink packager ==> 薄膜热收缩包装机
  8124. film shrinkage ==> 胶片变形
  8125. film sizing ==> 流膜分级
  8126. film sizing table ==> 薄膜分级式冲洗淘汰盘
  8127. film solid media ==> 固定培养基
  8128. film sound camera ==> 电影录音摄像机
  8129. film sound recorder ==> 影片录音机
  8130. film sound recording ==> フィルム録音
  8131. film speed ==> 胶片速度,胶片转动速率
  8132. film speed dial ==> 胶片感光指数表盘
  8133. film splitter ==> 薄膜分切机
  8134. film spool ==> 软片卷轴,卷片盘,卷片盘
  8135. film spot ==> 膜点
  8136. film stack ==> 薄膜叠式存储器
  8137. film stock ==> 库存电影胶片,软片材料
  8138. film storage ==> 照相胶片存储器,影片库
  8139. film storage album ==> 底片夹
  8140. film storage unit ==> 胶片存储单元
  8141. film store ==> 磁膜存储器
  8142. film strength ==> 膜的强度,膜强度,油膜强度,薄膜强度
  8143. film strength agent ==> 油膜强度添加剂
  8144. film stress ==> 応力
  8145. film strip ==> 长条软片,片带
  8146. film stripping test ==> 膜剥裂试验
  8147. film studio ==> 摄影棚
  8148. film sulfonator ==> 膜式磺化器
  8149. film super-small variable capacitor ==> 薄膜介质超小型可变电容器
  8150. film supply ==> 供片盒
  8151. film technique ==> 薄膜工艺,成膜技术
  8152. film temperature ==> 膜层温度,膜温度,薄膜温度
  8153. film tensiometer ==> 薄膜传感式张力计
  8154. film tension ==> 胶片张力
  8155. film test ==> 膜试验
  8156. film theory ==> 薄膜理论
  8157. film thermocouple ==> 薄膜热电偶
  8158. film thermopile ==> 薄膜热电堆
  8159. film thickness ==> 薄膜厚度=>膜厚,皮膜厚さ,フィルムの厚さ,油膜厚さ
  8160. film thickness change ==> 膜厚変化
  8161. film thickness dependence ==> 膜厚依存性
  8162. film thickness distribution ==> 膜厚分布
  8163. film thickness gauge ==> 膜厚计=>膜厚測定器
  8164. film thickness indicator ==> 膜厚指示器
  8165. film thickness inspection ==> 膜厚検査
  8166. film thickness measurement ==> 膜厚測定
  8167. film thickness measurement system ==> 膜厚計測器
  8168. film thickness measuring ==> 膜厚测定法,膜厚测量
  8169. film thickness measuring device ==> 膜厚测定仪
  8170. film thickness monitor ==> 膜厚监测仪
  8171. film thickness tester ==> 膜厚测定仪
  8172. film thickness uniformity ==> 膜厚均匀性
  8173. film timer ==> 电影配光机
  8174. film toughness ==> 膜强度
  8175. film traction mechanism ==> 胶片牵引机构
  8176. film transfer function ==> 胶片的传递函数
  8177. film transmission ==> 影片图像传输
  8178. film transparency meter ==> 薄膜透明度测定仪
  8179. film transport ==> 输片机构
  8180. film transporting mechanism ==> 胶片传送机构
  8181. film transporting system ==> 输片系统
  8182. film treatment ==> 影片处理
  8183. film TV recording ==> 胶片电视录像
  8184. film type and size ==> 胶片型号尺寸
  8185. film type evaporator ==> 薄膜式蒸发器,液膜蒸发器
  8186. film varistor ==> 膜式压敏电阻器
  8187. film vault ==> 影片库
  8188. film velocity ==> 影片速度,输片速度
  8189. film viewer ==> 胶片观察器,底片观察用光源
  8190. film viscosity ==> 膜粘度,油膜粘度
  8191. film water ==> 薄膜水
  8192. film waveguide ==> 薄膜波导管
  8193. film waxing machine ==> 影片上蜡机
  8194. film winder ==> 卷片旋钮,卷片旋钮
  8195. film wise condensation ==> 膜状冷凝
  8196. film wrapping machine ==> 薄膜裹包机
  8197. film-a-search ==> 胶片检索
  8198. film-air interface ==> 膜层-空气界面
  8199. film-based fibre ==> 薄膜纤维
  8200. film-boiling heat transfer ==> 薄膜沸腾传热
  8201. film-coated paper ==> 薄膜涂布纸
  8202. film-cooled combustion chamber ==> 薄膜冷却燃烧室
  8203. film-cooled engine ==> 膜冷式发动机
  8204. film-fibre ==> 薄膜纤维
  8205. film-formative wire ==> 成膜金属线
  8206. film-forming material ==> 成膜材料
  8207. film-grain noise ==> 胶片颗粒噪声
  8208. film-metering device ==> 薄膜测定装置
  8209. film-penetration theory ==> 薄膜浸透理论
  8210. film-recording oscilloscope ==> 胶片记录示波器
  8211. film-stress interferometer ==> 薄膜应力干涉仪
  8212. film-strip ==> 幻灯软片
  8213. film-type boiler ==> 膜式汽化炉
  8214. film-type condensation ==> 膜式冷凝
  8215. film-wind tap ==> 卷片扳手,卷片扳手
  8216. film-wise operation ==> 膜式操作
  8217. filmorex system ==> 缩微胶片电子检索法
  8218. filmy replica ==> 薄膜复制品
  8219. FILO Free In/Liner Out ==> 免费进入/班轮驶出
  8220. FILO, first in last out ==> 先进后出
  8221. FILO, first-in last-out ==> 先入れ後出し
  8222. filter ==> 滤,滤波程序,滤光材料,滤光镜,滤光片,滤光器,滤器,滤清器,滤色镜,滤纸,滤子,过滤程序,反滤层,补偿器,射线过滤板,滤光计,滤波器,滤光板,滤线板,过滤器,进行过滤预处理的装置=>フィルタ,ストレーナ,ろ過材
  8223. filter action ==> 滤波作用,滤光作用
  8224. filter aid ==> 助滤器
  8225. filter aid layer ==> 助滤器层
  8226. filter amplifier ==> 滤波放大器
  8227. filter analyser ==> 滤色分析器
  8228. filter apparatus ==> 滤器
  8229. filter area ==> 过滤面积
  8230. filter attenuation ==> 滤波衰减
  8231. filter attenuation band ==> 滤波器衰减带
  8232. filter bag ==> 过滤袋
  8233. filter bag cap ==> 过滤袋插帽
  8234. filter bag holder ==> 过滤袋框架
  8235. filter bag retainer ==> 过滤袋支承架
  8236. filter bank ==> 过滤机组,滤波器组
  8237. filter bauxite ==> 铝矾土滤质
  8238. filter bed ==> 滤层,滤床,滤垫,滤砂池,过滤层,过滤池,渗透层,反滤层,设在土砂层与排水设施之间或细土料与粗砾料之间,保持土、砂层或细土料的抗渗稳定,防止发生管涌现象的滤水设施
  8239. filter blanket ==> 反滤铺盖
  8240. filter block ==> 过滤器件
  8241. filter board ==> 过滤板,滤板
  8242. filter bottom ==> 滤池底
  8243. filter bowl ==> 滤杯
  8244. filter bowl gasket ==> 滤杯垫圈
  8245. filter bowl retainer ==> 滤杯护圈
  8246. filter box ==> 过滤箱
  8247. filter brick ==> 滤砖
  8248. filter bulb ==> 滤球
  8249. filter bypass valve ==> 过滤器旁通阀
  8250. filter cake ==> 滤饼=>ろ塊
  8251. filter cake washing ==> 滤饼洗涤
  8252. filter candle ==> 滤棒(柱),多孔陶瓷过滤芯
  8253. filter capacitor ==> 滤波电容器=>フィルタコンデンサ
  8254. filter capacity ==> 过滤能力
  8255. filter car ==> 滤水车
  8256. filter cartridge ==> 滤筒,过滤盒,过滤器芯子
  8257. filter casing ==> 滤罩
  8258. filter cell ==> 过滤池
  8259. filter center ==> 防空情报鉴定中心
  8260. filter chamber ==> 过滤室,滤池,滤腔
  8261. filter changing equipment ==> 过滤器更换设备
  8262. filter changing station ==> 过滤器更换站
  8263. filter characteristic ==> 滤波器特性曲线
  8264. filter choke ==> 滤波扼流圈
  8265. filter circuit ==> 滤波电路=>フィルタ回路
  8266. filter clogging ==> 滤层堵塞
  8267. filter cloth ==> [过]滤布=>ろ布
  8268. filter coating ==> 滤光膜
  8269. filter coil ==> 滤波线圈
  8270. filter coke ==> 过滤用焦炭
  8271. filter concentrate processing ==> 过滤器浓缩物处理
  8272. filter concentrate storage ==> 过滤器浓缩物贮存
  8273. filter concentrate tank ==> 过滤器浓缩物箱
  8274. filter condenser ==> 滤波电容器=>フィルタコンデンサ
  8275. filter cone ==> 过滤漏斗
  8276. filter course ==> 过滤过程
  8277. filter crucible ==> 滤埚
  8278. filter crystal ==> 滤波晶体
  8279. filter cycle ==> 过滤周期
  8280. filter dehydration ==> 过滤脱水
  8281. filter design ==> 滤波器设计=>フィルタ設計
  8282. filter device ==> 滤光装置
  8283. filter diaphragm cell ==> 滤膜电池
  8284. filter difference technique ==> 滤光器差值法
  8285. filter disc ==> 滤片
  8286. filter discrimination ==> 滤波能力,滤波器分辨力,滤波器滤波能力
  8287. filter discrimination ratio ==> 滤波器分辨率
  8288. filter disk assembly ==> 滤片组
  8289. filter disk(-sc) ==> 滤光盘
  8290. filter drum ==> 滤鼓,滤筒
  8291. filter effect ==> 滤波效应,滤色效应
  8292. filter efficiency ==> 过滤效率
  8293. filter element ==> 滤波器元件,滤波元件,滤光元件=>フィルタ素子
  8294. filter factor ==> 滤光系数,滤光因数
  8295. filter failure ==> 过滤器失效
  8296. filter feed pump ==> 过滤器水泵
  8297. filter feeder ==> 滤食动物
  8298. filter felt ==> 过滤毡
  8299. filter film ==> 滤膜
  8300. filter film cultivation ==> 薄滤膜培养法
  8301. filter flask ==> 吸滤瓶
  8302. filter flooding ==> 生物滤池漫灌
  8303. filter fluorometer ==> 滤光荧光计
  8304. filter for respiratory mask ==> 呼吸面具过滤器
  8305. filter frame ==> 滤框
  8306. filter freezing ==> 过滤冷冻
  8307. filter funnel ==> 过滤漏斗
  8308. filter gallery ==> 滤池廊道,滤槽
  8309. filter gauze ==> 滤网
  8310. filter glass ==> 过滤器窗,滤色玻璃,黑玻璃
  8311. filter grating ==> 滤色光栅
  8312. filter holder ==> 滤光片架
  8313. filter hood ==> 过滤器罩
  8314. filter housing ==> 过滤器壳
  8315. filter hut ==> 滤波器盒
  8316. filter hybrid ==> 滤波旗合电路
  8317. filter layer ==> 滤层,滤床
  8318. filter leaching ==> 过滤浸出
  8319. filter leaf ==> 过滤叶片,滤片,滤叶
  8320. filter leaf for residual ==> 残液过滤叶片
  8321. filter leaf group ==> 过滤叶片组
  8322. filter leaf nozzle ==> 过滤叶片接口
  8323. filter lens ==> 滤光镜,滤光透镜,滤色镜
  8324. filter line ==> 滤线
  8325. filter liquor ==> 滤出液,滤光液,滤液
  8326. filter loading ==> 滤池负荷
  8327. filter mask ==> 过滤面罩
  8328. filter material ==> 过滤材料,过滤料,反滤料,滤料
  8329. filter media ==> 滤料=>ろ材
  8330. filter medium ==> 滤材,过滤介质=>ろ過材
  8331. filter membrane ==> 滤膜
  8332. filter membrane method ==> 滤膜法
  8333. filter membrane sampler ==> 滤膜采样器
  8334. filter milk claw ==> 滤净集乳器
  8335. filter mount ==> 滤光套
  8336. filter network ==> 滤波网络
  8337. filter off ==> 滤出
  8338. filter operating table ==> 滤池控制台
  8339. filter operation ==> 过滤操作
  8340. filter ophthalmic lamp ==> 滤色检眼灯
  8341. filter oscillator ==> 滤波振荡器
  8342. filter out ==> 滤出
  8343. filter pack ==> 组合滤色片
  8344. filter pad ==> 过滤垫
  8345. filter paper ==> 过滤纸,滤纸=>ろ紙
  8346. filter paper analysis ==> 滤纸分析
  8347. filter paper box ==> 滤纸箱
  8348. filter paper holder ==> 滤纸采样夹
  8349. filter paper method ==> 滤纸法
  8350. filter paper microscopic test ==> 滤纸显微镜试验
  8351. filter paper pulp ==> 过滤纸浆
  8352. filter pass band ==> 滤波器通带
  8353. filter pass-band ==> 滤波通带
  8354. filter passer ==> 滤过性病毒
  8355. filter photocell ==> 滤光光电管
  8356. filter photometer ==> 滤色光度计,过滤光度计
  8357. filter photometry ==> 滤色光度法
  8358. filter pipet ==> 过滤吸管
  8359. filter plant ==> 过滤车间,过滤设备,过滤植物
  8360. filter plate ==> 过滤板,滤板,滤光板,滤光片=>ろ板
  8361. filter plexer ==> 滤波式双工器,滤声器=>フィルタプレクサ
  8362. filter plexor ==> 滤波式天线共用器
  8363. filter pocket ==> 滤袋
  8364. filter polarizer ==> 滤色偏振片
  8365. filter ponding ==> 滤池成塘
  8366. filter pooling ==> 滤池积水
  8367. filter pore size ==> 过滤器孔径
  8368. filter pore size distribution ==> 过滤器孔径分布
  8369. filter pre-coated with ion exchange resin powder ==> 树脂粉覆盖过滤器
  8370. filter pre-coated with pulp ==> 纸浆覆盖过滤器
  8371. filter press ==> 滤压机,压滤机=>フィルタプレス
  8372. filter press cake ==> 压滤饼
  8373. filter press cloth ==> 压滤布
  8374. filter press dewatering ==> フィルタープレス脱水
  8375. filter press plate ==> 压滤机板
  8376. filter pressing ==> 压滤制,压滤作用
  8377. filter process ==> 过滤过程
  8378. filter pulp ==> 滤浆
  8379. filter pump ==> 滤泵,滤液用泵,过滤泵,金属滤泵
  8380. filter rack ==> 过滤机架
  8381. filter range ==> 滤波范围
  8382. filter rate ==> 滤速
  8383. filter ratio ==> 滤光比
  8384. filter reactor ==> 滤波电抗器
  8385. filter record position ==> 过滤记录台
  8386. filter rejection band ==> 滤波器阻带
  8387. filter residue ==> 滤渣
  8388. filter resistance ==> 滤波电阻
  8389. filter run ==> 过滤周期,过滤器工作周期
  8390. filter saturation ==> 过滤器饱和
  8391. filter screen ==> 过滤筛网
  8392. filter screenoscope ==> 滤色镜
  8393. filter section ==> 过滤段
  8394. filter separator ==> 过滤分离器
  8395. filter siere ==> 滤网
  8396. filter siere sieve ==> 滤网
  8397. filter sieve ==> 过滤筛
  8398. filter slime ==> 滤渣
  8399. filter slot ==> 滤波隙
  8400. filter spectro-photometer ==> 滤光器分光光度计
  8401. filter stand ==> 漏斗架
  8402. filter sterility test ==> 滤器无菌检查法
  8403. filter sterilized ==> 过滤法消毒
  8404. filter stock ==> 滤过机油
  8405. filter stop band ==> 滤光器不透明带
  8406. filter system ==> 过滤系统
  8407. filter table ==> 平面过滤机
  8408. filter tank ==> 过滤池
  8409. filter technique ==> 滤波技术
  8410. filter thickener ==> 过滤浓缩槽,过滤增稠器
  8411. filter tip ==> 过滤嘴
  8412. filter transmission band ==> 滤波器通带,滤波通带,滤光器透射带
  8413. filter tube ==> 滤管,过滤管
  8414. filter unit ==> 过滤装置
  8415. filter vacuum receiver ==> 滤液真空接收器
  8416. filter vat ==> 过滤桶
  8417. filter velocity ==> 过滤速度
  8418. filter wash ==> 洗滤
  8419. filter washer ==> 洗滤器
  8420. filter washing liquor inlet ==> 滤布洗涤液入口
  8421. filter washing water inlet ==> 清洗液入口
  8422. filter well ==> 渗水井
  8423. filter wheel ==> 滤光轮,滤光盘,滤色轮
  8424. filter with time delay ==> 延迟滤波器
  8425. filter zone ==> 反滤带
  8426. filter(ing) bag ==> 滤袋
  8427. filter-bag ==> 滤袋
  8428. filter-bank spectrometer ==> 滤波频谱仪
  8429. filter-coupler-switch-modulator ==> 滤波耦合开关调制器
  8430. filter-down theory of economic progress ==> 经济进步的最终渗透论,经济进步的最终渗透论
  8431. filter-paper counter ==> 滤纸放射性计数管
  8432. filter-passer ==> 滤器穿透菌
  8433. filter-plexer ==> 滤波器天线共用器
  8434. filter-press ==> 压力过滤机
  8435. filter-press action ==> 滤压分异作用
  8436. filter-press cell ==> 压滤式电池
  8437. filter-pressing ==> 压滤
  8438. filter-silencer ==> 过滤式消音器
  8439. filter-sterilizer ==> 过滤消毒器
  8440. filter-tank ==> 过滤槽
  8441. filter-type respirator ==> 过滤式口罩
  8442. filterability ==> 过滤本领,过滤率,过滤能力,过滤性,滤过率,可过滤性,可滤过性,可滤性
  8443. filterable ==> 过滤的
  8444. filterable bacteria ==> 滤过性细菌
  8445. filterable stage ==> 滤过阶段
  8446. filterable virus ==> 滤过性病毒,过滤性病毒
  8447. filterableness ==> 过滤性,滤过率
  8448. filtered accumulation ==> 筛选累加
  8449. filtered air ==> 过滤的空气
  8450. filtered back projection ==> 補正逆投影法
  8451. filtered beam ==> 过滤光束
  8452. filtered cartridge ==> 滤油心子
  8453. filtered electron image ==> 过滤电子象
  8454. filtered electron lens ==> 过滤电子透镜
  8455. filtered hologram ==> 已滤波全息图
  8456. filtered image ==> 过滤像
  8457. filtered particle testing ==> 粒子过滤检验法
  8458. filtered Poisson process ==> 过滤泊松过程
  8459. filtered radiation ==> 滤过辐射
  8460. filtered signal ==> 滤过的信号
  8461. filtered solid collected in frame ==> 滤饼
  8462. filtered solid outlet ==> 滤饼出口
  8463. filtered solution ==> 滤过液体
  8464. filtered-water reservoir ==> 过滤水贮水池
  8465. filtergram ==> 单色像,太阳单色像
  8466. filtering ==> 过滤,过滤的,滤波,滤除,滤光,滤清=>フィルタリング
  8467. filtering accuracy ==> 过滤精确度
  8468. filtering agent ==> 过滤剂
  8469. filtering algorithm ==> 滤波算法,滤除算法
  8470. filtering apparatus ==> 过滤仪器
  8471. filtering area ==> 过滤面积
  8472. filtering bed ==> 滤床
  8473. filtering candle ==> 滤烛
  8474. filtering cartridge ==> 滤筒
  8475. filtering centrifuge ==> 过滤离心机
  8476. filtering clay ==> 过滤用白土
  8477. filtering disks ==> 滤片
  8478. filtering element ==> 滤元
  8479. filtering element (cartridge) ==> 滤心
  8480. filtering equipment ==> 过滤设备
  8481. filtering flask ==> 过滤瓶
  8482. filtering flask with side tubulature hard glass ==> 带支管硬质玻璃过滤瓶
  8483. filtering flask with side tubulature soft glass ==> 带支管软质玻璃过滤瓶
  8484. filtering frame ==> 滤框
  8485. filtering funnel ==> 过滤漏斗
  8486. filtering jar ==> 滤缸
  8487. filtering layer ==> 滤层
  8488. filtering machine ==> 过滤机
  8489. filtering material ==> 滤料=>ろ過材
  8490. filtering material of textile ==> 纺织品过滤材料
  8491. filtering media ==> 滤料=>ろ材
  8492. filtering medium ==> 过滤介质
  8493. filtering mouth parts ==> 滤口器
  8494. filtering pad ==> 滤垫
  8495. filtering pretreatment ==> 过滤预处理,在规定条件下,用颗粒状、纤维状或成型滤材去除被过滤的水中的悬浮物的过程
  8496. filtering rate ==> 滤波速率,滤过率,过滤速度,过滤速率
  8497. filtering ratio ==> 过滤率
  8498. filtering surface ==> 滤面
  8499. filtering velocity ==> 滤速
  8500. filtermask ==> 过滤式防毒面具
  8501. filterplexer ==> 吸声器
  8502. filterscan tube ==> 滤光扫描管
  8503. filtrate ==> ろ液
  8504. filtrate (liquid,clear filtrate) outlet ==> 滤液出口
  8505. filtrate and washing water receiver ==> 滤液与洗液受槽
  8506. filtrate manifold ==> 滤液总管
  8507. filtrate receiver ==> 滤液槽,滤液接收器
  8508. filtrate tank ==> 滤液贮罐
  8509. filtrated brine tank ==> 过滤盐水槽
  8510. filtrated mother liquor ==> 过滤母液
  8511. filtrated stock solution ==> 过滤母液
  8512. filtrating equipment ==> 过滤装置
  8513. filtration ==> 过滤,过滤作用,滤,滤波,滤除,滤光,滤过,滤过作用,滤清=>ろ過
  8514. filtration aid ==> 助滤剂
  8515. filtration and separation ==> 过滤与分离
  8516. filtration area ==> 过滤面积
  8517. filtration barrier ==> 滤过屏障
  8518. filtration coefficient ==> 滤过系数,过滤系数
  8519. filtration combustion ==> 过滤燃烧
  8520. filtration constant ==> 滤过常数
  8521. filtration differentiation ==> 过滤分异
  8522. filtration efficiency ==> 过滤效率,滤过效率
  8523. filtration end point ==> 过滤终点
  8524. filtration enrichment ==> 过滤浓缩法
  8525. filtration fabric ==> 滤布
  8526. filtration fraction ==> 滤过分数
  8527. filtration material ==> ろ過材
  8528. filtration membrane ==> 滤过膜
  8529. filtration of sound ==> 滤声
  8530. filtration on paper ==> 纸上过滤
  8531. filtration pore ==> 滤孔
  8532. filtration pressure ==> 滤过压
  8533. filtration pump ==> 过滤泵
  8534. filtration rate ==> 过滤率,过滤速度,过滤速率,滤过率,滤过速度
  8535. filtration ratio ==> 滤过比
  8536. filtration reabsorption theory ==> 滤过重吸收学说
  8537. filtration resistance ==> 过滤阻力
  8538. filtration slit ==> 滤过隙
  8539. filtration slit membrane ==> 裂隙滤过膜
  8540. filtration velocity ==> 过滤速度
  8541. filtration washing ==> 过滤洗涤
  8542. filtration with varying rate ==> 变速过滤
  8543. Filtrol fractionation process ==> 费尔特洛尔白土接触精制蒸馏过程
  8544. filum terminale ==> 终丝
  8545. filum terminale externa ==> 外终丝
  8546. fimbria of hippocampus ==> 海马伞
  8547. fimbrial antigen ==> 菌毛抗原,菌毛抗原
  8548. fimbriated hymen ==> 剪彩状处女膜
  8549. fin ==> 翅片,翼片,叶片,肋片,毛刺,鳍,翅状换热片
  8550. fin and tube type radiator ==> 圆翼形散热器
  8551. fin antenna ==> 鳍形天线
  8552. fin appendage ==> 鳍脚
  8553. fin colter ==> 立式犁刀
  8554. fin crack ==> 飞翅裂缝
  8555. fin drum dryer ==> 翅片转鼓干燥器
  8556. fin efficiency ==> 翅片效率,散热片效率,肋效率
  8557. fin exchanger ==> 鳍管热交换器
  8558. fin fan exchanger ==> 翅扇式热交换器
  8559. fin filter ==> 薄片过滤器
  8560. FIN Finland (Flag) ==> 芬兰(注册)
  8561. fin heat resistance ==> 翅片热阻
  8562. fin height ==> 翅片高度
  8563. fin panel casing ==> 膜式水冷壁
  8564. fin pitch ==> 翅片距
  8565. fin radiator ==> 翅式散热器
  8566. fin reinforcing assembly ==> 尾翼加固组件
  8567. fin rot ==> 烂鳃病
  8568. fin shield ==> 片状冷却器
  8569. fin stabilization ==> 尾翼稳定
  8570. fin tube ==> 翅片管
  8571. fin tube heat exchanger ==> 鳍片管热交换器
  8572. fin tube type heat exchanger ==> 翅管式热交换器
  8573. fin tube type metallic recuperator ==> 翅管式金属换热器
  8574. fin tube wall ==> 鳍片管墙
  8575. fin wall ==> 翼缘墙
  8576. fin waveguide ==> 带翅波导,带叶片波导
  8577. fin-cooled cylinder ==> 散热片冷却气缸
  8578. fin-tip ==> 直尾翅梢
  8579. fin-type chaffer ==> 鱼鳞片糠筛
  8580. FINA ==> 国際水泳連盟
  8581. final ==> 最后的,最后进场,最终边,最终的=>最後の,最終の
  8582. final acceptance ==> 最后验收
  8583. final acceptance line ==> 最终验收线
  8584. final acceptance test ==> 最后验收测试
  8585. final acceptance trial ==> 最后交接试航
  8586. final accord ==> 最終合意
  8587. final accounting of revenue and expenditure ==> 决算,决算
  8588. final accounting statements ==> 会计决算报表
  8589. final accounts ==> 决算,决算,决算帐户,决算帐户
  8590. final acid separator ==> 最终酸分离器
  8591. final act ==> 最后决议
  8592. Final Act of the International Conference on Marine Pollution (United Kingdom) ==> 《国际海洋污染会议最终议定书》(英国)
  8593. Final Act of the International Conference on Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention (United Kingdom) ==> 《国际油轮安全和防止污染会议最终议定书》(英国)
  8594. final actuation time ==> 最后激励时间
  8595. final address ==> 最终地址
  8596. final address register ==> 最后地址寄存器
  8597. final adjustment ==> 最后调节
  8598. final aftershock ==> 最终余震
  8599. final alignment ==> 最终对(找)准
  8600. final amplifer ==> 终端放大器
  8601. final amplifier ==> 终端放大器,末级放大器
  8602. final anode ==> 最后阳极
  8603. final application ==> 最后洒布
  8604. final approach ==> 最后进场,最终进场
  8605. final approval ==> 最終承認
  8606. final argument ==> 最終弁論
  8607. final articles ==> 最后条款
  8608. final ascent ==> 最后上升
  8609. final assembly ==> 最后装配,最后组装,输出装置
  8610. final assignment ==> 最終割当
  8611. final attendee list ==> 全出席者リスト,出席者の最終リスト
  8612. final audit ==> 期末監査,決算監査,最終監査
  8613. final backfill ==> 埋め戻し
  8614. final belting ==> 最后拖光
  8615. final blade ==> 末级长叶片,锁口叶片,又称“末叶片”。叶根沿轮槽周向安装时,最后装入轮盘或转子体以某种特殊方法固定,并对整圈叶片起锁紧作用的叶片
  8616. final blading ==> (平地机)最后刮平
  8617. final blanking ==> 最后消隐
  8618. final blast ==> 最终鼓风
  8619. final boost ==> 最后增压
  8620. final call ==> 最后催缴股款
  8621. final callus ==> 最后胼胝体
  8622. final capstan ==> 成品卷筒
  8623. final carry digit ==> 最后移位数,尾端进位数,终端进位
  8624. final catastrophic failure ==> 最终毁坏性破裂
  8625. final certificate ==> 最终品质证明书
  8626. final certificate of quality ==> 最终品质证明书
  8627. final channel ==> 末态道
  8628. final check ==> 最后检查
  8629. final check picture ==> 最后核对图像
  8630. final checking ==> 最后检验
  8631. final circuit ==> 末极电路,末级电路
  8632. final clarification ==> 最后澄清
  8633. final cleaner ==> 第二滤清器
  8634. final cleaning ==> 最终精选,最终清选
  8635. final cleanup ==> 竣工清理,竣工清理
  8636. final closing bracket ==> 最终闭括号
  8637. final coating ==> 最后涂层
  8638. final coating cement (wash cement) ==> 最后涂的水泥层
  8639. final collector ==> 末级集电极
  8640. final colo(u)r picture ==> 最终彩色图像
  8641. final common path ==> 最后公路,最后通路
  8642. final completion ==> 竣工,竣工
  8643. final concentrate ==> 最终精矿
  8644. final condenser ==> 最终冷凝器
  8645. final conditions ==> 边界条件
  8646. final connection ==> 最后连接
  8647. final consumption expenditure of housedholds ==> 居民户的最终消费支出,居民户的最终消费支出
  8648. final consumption expenditure of population ==> 人口最终消费支出
  8649. final contact switch ==> 最后接触开关,精磨用接触开关
  8650. final continuation line ==> 最终继续行
  8651. final contract report ==> 最终合同报告
  8652. final control element ==> 末级控制元件,末控元件
  8653. final control relay ==> 执行继电器
  8654. final controlled condition ==> 最终受控条件
  8655. final controlled variable ==> 最终受控量
  8656. final controlling element ==> 终端控制元件,执行器=>操作部(自動制御)
  8657. final cooling ==> 最终冷却
  8658. final cooling zone ==> 终冷工段
  8659. final cost ==> 终值,成本,最后成本
  8660. final crop ==> 主伐林
  8661. final curve ==> 最终曲线
  8662. final cut-off ==> 最后切断
  8663. final cutting ==> 最后切断,后伐,森林主伐,终伐
  8664. final data reduction ==> 最后结果处理
  8665. final decay ==> 后期衰变
  8666. final declaration ==> 确定申告
  8667. final decline ==> 终降
  8668. final deflection ==> 最后方向修正量
  8669. final delivery elevator ==> 最终卸载升运器
  8670. final delivery schedule ==> 最终发运计划
  8671. final demand ==> 最终需求
  8672. final design ==> 最终设计,最后设计
  8673. final design review meeting ==> 最终设计审查会
  8674. final destination ==> 最终到达港,目的港
  8675. final diagnosis ==> 最后诊断
  8676. final diameter ==> 最终直径
  8677. final digit code ==> 最终数位码,最后数字码
  8678. final discharge voltage ==> 放電終期電圧
  8679. final disposal ==> 最终处置
  8680. final disposal facilities ==> 最终的处置设施
  8681. final dividend ==> 最终股利,终结股利,最后红利,末期股息
  8682. final division sample ==> 最后缩分试样
  8683. final draw ==> 最终放矿
  8684. final drawing ==> 最终图样
  8685. final drive ==> 最终传动
  8686. final drive casing ==> 最终减速器壳
  8687. final drive gear ==> 最终传动机构
  8688. final drive hub ==> 主传动轮毂
  8689. final drive reduction ==> 最终传动减速
  8690. final drive shaft ==> 终传动轴,主传动轴
  8691. final drive sprocket ==> 终传动链轮
  8692. final drive spur gear ==> 最终传动圆柱直齿轮
  8693. final driver ==> 末级激励器
  8694. final drying ==> 最后干燥
  8695. final elevator ==> 最终升运器
  8696. final encapsulation ==> 封口
  8697. final energy ==> 最终能量
  8698. final energy level ==> 末能级
  8699. final engineering report ==> 最终工程报告
  8700. final estimate ==> 结算
  8701. final estimate survey ==> 最终估价测量
  8702. final etching ==> 最后腐蚀
  8703. final evaporation ==> 最后蒸发
  8704. final examination ==> 最后检验
  8705. final examiner ==> 成品检验员
  8706. final felling ==> 后伐,森林主伐,终伐
  8707. final figure ==> 确报数
  8708. final filter ==> 终滤器
  8709. final financial result ==> 最终财务成果
  8710. final finish ==> 精整加工
  8711. final finishing ==> 精整,最终的精整加工
  8712. final finsh ==> 最后精加工
  8713. final flowsheet ==> 最终流程
  8714. final forging temperature ==> 终锻温度
  8715. final form ==> 最后形状
  8716. final form of equation system ==> 方程组最终形式
  8717. final frequency ==> 最终频率
  8718. final ga(u)ge length ==> 最终计算长度
  8719. final gear ==> 末端传动齿轮
  8720. final gear reduction ==> 最后齿轮减速
  8721. final germination percent ==> 最后发芽率
  8722. final gettering ==> 最后吸气
  8723. final goods ==> 最后产品
  8724. final grade line ==> 最后采用的坡度线
  8725. final grading ==> 最后整型
  8726. final great-circle course ==> 最终大圆航向
  8727. final grinder ==> 末道研磨机
  8728. final guidance ==> 末段制导
  8729. final heading ==> 最终航向
  8730. final heat-treatment ==> 最终热处理
  8731. final heating ==> 最终加热
  8732. final host ==> 终寄主,终末宿主,终宿主,最后宿主
  8733. final ignorance ==> 最终不知
  8734. final image ==> 末端像
  8735. final impulse operating relay ==> 末端脉动式继电器,终端继电器
  8736. final incidence ==> 最后负担
  8737. final inspection ==> 最后检查
  8738. final lacquer ==> 末道漆
  8739. final laying ==> 最终瞄准
  8740. final link ==> 最终链路,终端链
  8741. final load ==> 最后负荷
  8742. final location ==> 最后定线,定测
  8743. final location survey ==> 最后定线测量
  8744. final lock mechanism ==> 尾部闭锁机构
  8745. final magnification ==> 末级放大,最终放大率
  8746. final mass ==> 终点起爆,(扫描)最终质量
  8747. final maturities ==> 最后偿还期
  8748. final mean annual increment ==> 最终平均年生长量
  8749. final merge phase ==> 最后归并阶段
  8750. final minification ==> 精缩,终缩
  8751. final mo(u)lder ==> 最后滚边机
  8752. final molasses ==> 废糖蜜
  8753. final molasses storage tank ==> 废蜜塔
  8754. final movement ==> 最终沉降
  8755. final negative carry ==> 终点反向进位,最后负进位
  8756. final nozzle ==> 排气喷嘴
  8757. final option ==> 最後の選択肢
  8758. final orbit ==> 终轨
  8759. final order ==> 最終注文
  8760. final outcome ==> 最后结局
  8761. final output ==> 末级输出,终端输出,最终输出
  8762. final output form ==> 最終出力形式
  8763. final paper ==> 最終原稿(論文)
  8764. final particle ==> 最后粒子
  8765. final pass ==> 最后的焊道,成品道次,终轧孔型
  8766. final penetration ==> 最终贯入度
  8767. final pit boundary ==> 最终露天矿边界
  8768. final polishing pass ==> 精整孔型
  8769. final port of destination ==> 最后目的港
  8770. final port of discharge ==> 最后卸货港
  8771. final positiom ==> 终点位置
  8772. final position ==> 最终位置
  8773. final posterior distribution ==> 最终后验分布
  8774. final pressure ==> 终压,最后压力
  8775. final prestressing force ==> 最终预应力
  8776. final processing ==> 最终加工
  8777. final product ==> 最终乘积
  8778. final products ==> 最后产品
  8779. final project ==> 最后设计,最终方案
  8780. final proofing ==> 最后检验
  8781. final protocol ==> 最后议定书
  8782. final provisions ==> 最后条款
  8783. final purification ==> 最后精炼,最后净化
  8784. final purification plant ==> (合成气体)最终净化装置
  8785. final purifier ==> 最终净化装置
  8786. final reaction system ==> 精缩机
  8787. final reading ==> 末次读数,末读数,最终读数
  8788. final recleaner flo(a)tation ==> 最终再精选
  8789. final recovery ==> 最后恢复
  8790. final recovery parachute ==> 回收系统
  8791. final reduced sample ==> 最后缩分试样
  8792. final reduction gear ==> 最终减速齿轮
  8793. final refining ==> 最后精炼,最后精制
  8794. final rejection ==> 确定报废,最终舍选=>拒絶査定
  8795. final report ==> 决算报告,决算报告,结算报告
  8796. final report (FR) ==> 最后报告
  8797. final residuum ==> 最后残渣
  8798. final response ==> 最终特性
  8799. final result ==> 最终答案,最终结果
  8800. final retention ==> 最后持水量
  8801. final retention time ==> 后期保留时间
  8802. final retention volume ==> 后期保留体积,最后保留体积
  8803. final route ==> 最末路由=>最終方路
  8804. final run ==> 最后的焊道
  8805. final safety trip ==> 终端安全释放机构
  8806. final sag ==> 终期弛垂,最终弧垂
  8807. final sailing ==> 最终启航
  8808. final sample ==> 最终油样
  8809. final saturation ==> 最后饱和
  8810. final save-all cell ==> 最后捕收槽
  8811. final seam ==> 末缝
  8812. final sedimentation ==> 最终沉淀
  8813. final sedimentation tank ==> 最终沉淀池
  8814. final selector ==> 终接器=>コネクタ
  8815. final semicolon ==> 最终分号
  8816. final separator ==> 最终分离器
  8817. final serviceability index ==> 最终使用能力指数
  8818. final set ==> 终变制定,终凝
  8819. final settlement ==> 最终沉降
  8820. final settlement of account ==> 决算,决算
  8821. final settlement of acount ==> 竣工决算,项目完工后的财务总报告。全面反映竣工项目的建设时间、生产能力、建设资金来源和使用、交付使用财产等情况
  8822. final settling tank ==> 最终沉淀池
  8823. final shaping ==> 最后整型
  8824. final shipping instruction ==> 最后船运通知
  8825. final size ==> 最终尺寸
  8826. final sizing ==> 最后筛分
  8827. final slag ==> 终渣
  8828. final slip ==> (电机)最终转差率
  8829. final smoothing ==> 最终精磨
  8830. final solution ==> 最终溶液
  8831. final speed ==> 最终速度,终速
  8832. final spinning block ==> 旋压成形模
  8833. final stack ==> 最终栈
  8834. final stage ==> 末级
  8835. final stage of acceleration ==> 最后加速阶段
  8836. final stage of decay ==> 末期腐朽阶段
  8837. final stages of maturation ==> 成熟的最后阶段
  8838. final state ==> 末态,最终状态,终态,终止状态
  8839. final state interaction ==> 终态相互作用
  8840. final statement ==> 最后结算
  8841. final subsidence ==> 最终下沉
  8842. final survey ==> 最终查勘
  8843. final survey and exploration for transmission line routing ==> 输电线路终勘
  8844. final temperature ==> 最终温度,终点温度,出口温度
  8845. final temperature difference ==> 终温差
  8846. final test ==> 最后检验,最后试验=>最終試験
  8847. final test voltage ==> 最终测试电压,放电时间测试结束后,在周期性检验仪器测试板上的电压。
  8848. final thermomechanical treatment ==> 最终形变热处理
  8849. final thin ==> 最薄的
  8850. final total ==> 总计
  8851. final trajectory ==> 最后弹道
  8852. final transmission ==> 主传动
  8853. final treatment ==> 最终处理,后处理
  8854. final trip ==> 最終遮断
  8855. final trunk ==> 末级中继线=>独立回線
  8856. final trunk group ==> 最末中继线群
  8857. final underwriting account ==> 最终认购帐
  8858. final unloaded sag ==> 最终无载垂度
  8859. final utility ==> 最后效用
  8860. final vacuum ==> 极限真空度,后排气,后真空,极限真空度
  8861. final valuation ==> 最后估价
  8862. final value ==> 终值
  8863. final value theorem ==> 终值定理
  8864. final vaporization temperature ==> 最终汽化温度
  8865. final velocity ==> 最终速度,末速度
  8866. final video-amplifier ==> 末级视频放大器
  8867. final void ratio ==> 最终孔隙比
  8868. final voltage ==> 终止电压
  8869. final volume ==> 最终容积
  8870. final wall bench ==> 最终边帮台阶
  8871. final water saturation ==> 最终含水饱和度
  8872. final weight ==> 最后体重,最后重量,肥育终期体重
  8873. final weight off feed ==> 停饲时的最后体重
  8874. final word ==> 末端信息
  8875. final working ==> 最后加工
  8876. final wrap ==> 末层包布
  8877. final yieid ==> 最后产率
  8878. final yield ==> 最后成品率
  8879. final-anode voltage ==> 末级阳极电压
  8880. final-stage engine ==> 末级发动机
  8881. final-stage rocket engine ==> 末级发动机
  8882. final-state control ==> 終端状態制御
  8883. finalize ==> 最后确定
  8884. finally ==> 末了,最终,终于
  8885. finance ==> 通融资金,财务,财政,金融,融通
  8886. finance act ==> 金融法案,财政法
  8887. finance activities ==> 金融活动
  8888. finance and economics ==> 财经
  8889. finance and trade ==> 财贸
  8890. finance bill ==> 财政法案
  8891. finance bills ==> 金融票据,票券,融通票据
  8892. finance charge ==> 信贷费用
  8893. finance company ==> 信贷公司,财务公司
  8894. finance function ==> 财务功能
  8895. finance house ==> 财务公司,融通商号
  8896. Finance House Association ==> 贸易协会
  8897. finance house base rate ==> 金融公司基本利率
  8898. finance house deposit market ==> 财务公司存款市场
  8899. finance house 财务公司=> ==> 融通商号
  8900. finance houses market ==> 金融公司市场
  8901. finance image processor (FIP) ==> 金融图像处理程序,财务图像处理程序
  8902. finance law ==> 财政法
  8903. finance lease ==> 财务租赁,金融租赁,融资租赁
  8904. finance loan ==> 金融贷款
  8905. finance management in an enterprise ==> 企业财务管理
  8906. finance market ==> 金融市场
  8907. finance model ==> 财务模型
  8908. finance norms ==> 金融规范
  8909. finance service ==> 金融服务
  8910. finance sharing ==> 财政分成
  8911. finance swap transaction ==> 金融换率交易
  8912. financial ability ==> 财力
  8913. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) ==> (美国)财务会计标准委员会
  8914. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) (美国) ==> 财务会计标准委员会
  8915. financial adjustment ==> 财务调整,财政整理
  8916. financial adjustment law ==> 金融调整法
  8917. financial administration ==> 财务行政
  8918. financial adviser ==> 财政顾问
  8919. financial advisers ==> 金融顾问
  8920. financial affairs ==> 财务
  8921. financial agreement ==> 金融协定
  8922. financial aid ==> 财政援助
  8923. financial allocation ==> 财政分配
  8924. financial analysis ==> 财务分析,财政分析
  8925. financial analysis program (FAP) ==> 财政分析程序
  8926. financial analysis ratio ==> 财务分析比率
  8927. financial analyst ==> 财政分析家
  8928. Financial and Economic Board (FEB) ==> 财政经济委员会
  8929. Financial and Economic Board(FEB) ==> 财政经济委员会
  8930. financial and monetary crisis ==> 金融货币危机
  8931. financial and monetary restructuring ==> 财政金融体制改革
  8932. financial and monetary sector ==> 财政金融部门
  8933. financial application software ==> 财务应用软件
  8934. financial arrangement ==> 财务安排
  8935. financial assets ==> 财务资产,金融资产
  8936. financial assets and liabilities accounts ==> 金融资产负债帐
  8937. financial audit ==> 财政审计
  8938. financial audit work ==> 财务审计工作
  8939. financial autonomy ==> 财务独立,财务自主
  8940. financial backing ==> 财政支援
  8941. financial balance sheet ==> 财务平衡表
  8942. financial balance statement ==> 财政收支平衡表
  8943. financial bill ==> 金融汇票
  8944. financial bond ==> 金融债券
  8945. financial bonus ==> 财政红利
  8946. financial budget ==> 财政预算
  8947. financial capability ==> 财力
  8948. financial capital ==> 金融资本
  8949. financial center ==> 金融中心
  8950. financial center acceptance credit ==> 金融中心承兑信用
  8951. financial charges ==> 融资费用
  8952. financial circle ==> 金融界
  8953. financial circulation ==> 金融流通
  8954. financial claim ==> 金融债权,债权
  8955. financial committee ==> 财务委员会
  8956. financial community ==> 金融界
  8957. financial concerns ==> 金融企业
  8958. financial condition ==> 财务地位
  8959. financial conglomerate ==> 金融混合联合
  8960. financial contribution ==> 出资,财政捐款
  8961. financial control ==> 财务控制,金融控制
  8962. financial control system ==> 财务控制制度
  8963. financial conversion cost of foreign exchange ==> 财务换汇成本
  8964. financial corporation ==> 财务公司,金融财团
  8965. financial costs ==> 财务成本
  8966. financial covenant ==> 财务限制手段,金融契约条款
  8967. financial credit ==> 金融贷款,金融信用,财务信用,财政信贷
  8968. financial credit guarantee ==> 财务信用保证
  8969. financial crisis ==> 财政危机,金融危机
  8970. financial dealing ==> 金融交易
  8971. financial deficit ==> 金融赤字,财务亏空
  8972. financial deficits ==> 财政不足
  8973. financial depression ==> 金融萧条
  8974. financial deregulation ==> 金融自由化
  8975. financial difficulties ==> 财政困难
  8976. financial diplomacy ==> 金融外交
  8977. financial disclosure ==> 财务公开,财务状况的披露
  8978. financial disintermediation ==> 金融中间媒介作用的中断
  8979. financial documents ==> 金融单据
  8980. financial duty ==> 财政关税
  8981. financial economics ==> 财政经济学
  8982. financial embarrassment ==> 财务拮据
  8983. financial engineering ==> 金融工学、理財工学
  8984. financial environment ==> 金融环境
  8985. financial evaluation ==> 财务评价
  8986. financial examination ==> 财务检查
  8987. financial exchange rates ==> 金融汇率
  8988. financial expansion and contraction ==> 财政的伸缩
  8989. financial expense ==> 财政费
  8990. financial expenses ==> 财务费用
  8991. financial facilities ==> 金融机构
  8992. financial failure ==> 财务失败
  8993. financial feasibility ==> 财务可行性
  8994. financial firm ==> 金融企业
  8995. financial flow ==> 金融流量
  8996. financial forecast ==> 财务预测
  8997. financial fund ==> 财政资金
  8998. financial futures ==> 金融期货
  8999. financial futures contracts ==> 金融期货契约
  9000. financial futures market ==> 金融期货市场
  9001. financial futures trading ==> 金融期货交易
  9002. financial gain ==> 经济获益,经济获益
  9003. financial gearing ==> 财务杠杆
  9004. financial guarantee ==> 财务担保,财政担保
  9005. financial guaranty ==> 财务担保书
  9006. financial homogenization ==> 金融同质化
  9007. financial house ==> 金融商行
  9008. financial incentive system ==> 财务奖励制度
  9009. financial income ==> 财政收益
  9010. financial indemnity ==> 财政补偿
  9011. financial index ==> 财政指标
  9012. financial information intermediaries ==> 财务信息中介
  9013. financial information system ==> 财务情报系统
  9014. financial information system (FIS) ==> 金融信息系统
  9015. financial innovation ==> 金融创新,金融革新
  9016. financial institution ==> 金融机构,金融组织
  9017. financial institutions for small businesses ==> 小企业金融机构
  9018. financial instrument ==> 金融凭证,金融证券
  9019. financial instruments ==> 金融工具
  9020. financial interests ==> 金融界,金融权益
  9021. financial intermediaries ==> 金融中介,金融中介机构
  9022. financial intermediary ==> 金融媒介物,金融中界物,金融中介人
  9023. financial intermediation ==> 金融中间媒介作用
  9024. financial internal rate of return (FIRR) ==> 财务内部收益率
  9025. financial internal rate of return(FIRR) ==> 财务内部收益率
  9026. financial internal rate of return, FIRR ==> 财务内部收益率,项目在计算期内净现金流量现值累计等于零时的折现率
  9027. financial interrelation ratio ==> 金融相互关系比率
  9028. financial investigation ==> 财务调查
  9029. financial investment ==> 财务投资,财务性投资,金融投资
  9030. financial lease ==> 金融租赁,资本租赁,融资租赁,财务租赁,财务租约
  9031. financial lease accounting ==> 财务租赁
  9032. financial leasing ==> 融资租赁
  9033. financial leverage ==> 财务杠杆,财务杠杆作用
  9034. financial liabilities ==> 金融负债
  9035. financial magnate ==> 财政巨头
  9036. financial management at different levels ==> 财政分级管理
  9037. financial management information system ==> 财务管理信息系统
  9038. financial management review (FMR) ==> 财政管理检查
  9039. financial management review(FMR) ==> 财政管理检查
  9040. financial management technique ==> 財テク
  9041. financial market ==> 金融市场
  9042. financial mechanism ==> 金融机制
  9043. financial mix ==> 财务组合
  9044. financial models ==> 金事模式
  9045. financial monopoly ==> 财力垄断,财政金融垄断
  9046. financial net present value of foreign exchange ==> 财务外汇净现值
  9047. financial net present value, FNPV ==> 财务净现值,该项目按电力行业基准收益率将各年的净现金流量折现到建设起点的现值之和
  9048. financial normalization ==> 金融正常化
  9049. financial oligarch ==> 金融寡头
  9050. financial oligarchy ==> 金融寡头
  9051. financial organ ==> 金融机构
  9052. financial outlays exceeding state revenues ==> 财政上分配过头
  9053. financial outturn ==> 财务成果
  9054. financial packages ==> 金融一揽子交易
  9055. financial panic ==> 金融恐慌,经济恐慌,经济恐慌
  9056. financial paper ==> 金融票据
  9057. financial period ==> 财务期间
  9058. financial plan for construction technology ==> 施工技术财务计划
  9059. financial planning ==> 财务策划
  9060. financial policy ==> 财务政策,财政政策,金融政策
  9061. financial position ==> 财务地位
  9062. financial power trading ==> 电力金融交易,利用金融衍生工具,以规避市场风险、套期保值或投机获利为主要目的,交易成交后一般不要求进行实物交割(一般没有或极少实物交割)而只进行财务结算的电力交
  9063. financial preference ==> 财政优惠
  9064. financial prudence ==> 财政稳健政策
  9065. financial quantitative control ==> 金融数量管制
  9066. financial rate ==> 金融汇率
  9067. financial rate of return ==> 财务回收率
  9068. financial ratio ==> 金融比率
  9069. financial ratios ==> 财务比率
  9070. financial ratios analysis ==> 财务比率分析
  9071. financial reconstruction ==> 财界重建
  9072. financial regulations ==> 财务条例
  9073. financial rehabilitation ==> 财界恢复
  9074. financial reimbursement ==> 经济赔偿,经济赔偿
  9075. financial relations ==> 财务关系
  9076. financial reorganization ==> 金融改组
  9077. financial reporting ==> 财务报表
  9078. financial research institute ==> 金融研究所
  9079. financial reserve ==> 财政后备
  9080. financial resource transfers ==> 财政资源的转移
  9081. financial resources ==> 财力,财源,财政资源
  9082. financial resources of the people ==> 民力
  9083. financial responsibility ==> 财务责任
  9084. financial restructuring ==> 财政体制改革
  9085. financial result ==> 财务成果
  9086. financial results ==> 決算報告書
  9087. financial retrenchment ==> 财政紧缩
  9088. financial review ==> 财务评论
  9089. financial risk ==> 财务风险,金融风险
  9090. financial rotation ==> 理财轮伐期
  9091. financial sanction ==> 金融制裁
  9092. financial sanctions ==> 财政制裁
  9093. financial secrecy ==> 财务秘密
  9094. financial sector ==> 金融方面
  9095. financial services ==> 金融服务
  9096. financial settlement ==> 财务清算,财政结算
  9097. financial situation ==> 财务状态
  9098. financial situation statement ==> 财务情况说明书
  9099. financial solvency ==> 财务偿付能力,财务实力,财政实力
  9100. financial squeeze ==> 财政困难
  9101. financial stability ==> 财政稳定,金融稳定
  9102. financial standards ==> 财务标准
  9103. financial statement ==> 财务报表,财政决算
  9104. financial statements ==> 決算報告書
  9105. financial statistics ==> 金融统计
  9106. financial status ==> 财务状态
  9107. financial strategies ==> 财务策略
  9108. financial strategy ==> 财务战略
  9109. financial strength ==> 财政实力
  9110. financial stringency ==> 财政紧迫
  9111. financial structure ==> 财务结构,金融结构
  9112. financial supermarket ==> 金融超级市场
  9113. financial supervision ==> 财务监督,财政监督
  9114. financial supervision and control ==> 财政监督管理
  9115. financial support ==> 财务支持,财政援助,财政支援
  9116. Financial Support Fund(FSF) ==> 财政援助基金
  9117. financial surplus ==> 财政结余
  9118. financial syndicate ==> 金融财团
  9119. financial system ==> 金融体制,金融制度,财务体系
  9120. financial tariff ==> 财政关税
  9121. financial taxation ==> 财政税收
  9122. financial technique ==> 金融方法
  9123. financial three-tier system ==> 金融三级制
  9124. Financial Times Industrial Ordinary Share Index ==> 金融时报工业普通股指数
  9125. Financial Times Industrial Share Index ==> 金融时报工业股票数
  9126. Financial Times Stock Indices ==> 金融时报股票指数
  9127. Financial Times-Actuaries Share Index ==> 金融时报精算师股票指数
  9128. financial transaction ==> 财务交易,财务事项
  9129. financial transactions ==> 金融交易
  9130. financial transmission entitlement market ==> 金融的送電権市場
  9131. financial unrest ==> 金融动荡
  9132. financial viability ==> 财务生存能力,财政活力
  9133. financial war ==> 金融战
  9134. financial wealth ==> 金融财富
  9135. financial work ==> 财政金融
  9136. financial world ==> 金融界
  9137. financial year ==> 财务年度,财政年度,会计年度
  9138. financial yield ==> 理财收获
  9139. financial-economic system ==> 财经体制
  9140. financier ==> 通融资金
  9141. financier a person out of his money ==> 骗人金钱
  9142. financing ==> 资金筹措,融通,融资,通融
  9143. financing a budget deficit ==> 弥补预算赤字
  9144. financing accounts ==> 融资帐户
  9145. financing agreement ==> 融资合同
  9146. financing arrangement ==> 融通资金安排,提供资金的办法
  9147. financing bank ==> 提供资金的银行
  9148. financing cost ==> 融资成本,财务成本
  9149. financing from broker's own capital ==> 经纪人自己提供资金,经纪人自己提供资金
  9150. financing gap ==> 财政缺口
  9151. financing house ==> 融通商号
  9152. financing lease ==> 融资租赁,财务租赁,财务租约
  9153. financing leasing ==> 融资租赁
  9154. financing means ==> 融资手段
  9155. financing of accommodation bill ==> 融通票据经营
  9156. financing of instalment sales ==> 分期销售的资金融通
  9157. financing orientation ==> 财务导向
  9158. financing structure ==> 金融体制
  9159. financing system ==> 融通系统
  9160. finanical and trading agreement ==> 金融贸易协议
  9161. finanical and trading institution ==> 金融贸易机构
  9162. finch ==> 雀=>フィンチ
  9163. find ==> 发现
  9164. find an anticipation ==> 发现占先
  9165. find one's life worth living ==> 生きがいを感じる
  9166. find text string ==> 查找文本字符串
  9167. finder ==> 无线电测向器,寻迹器,寻星镜,寻星镜,瞄准器,取景器
  9168. finder adapter ==> 前附透镜,瞄准镜
  9169. finder aperture ==> 瞄准器孔径,瞄准装置孔径
  9170. finder charge ==> 试验荷载
  9171. finder hood ==> 瞄准装置遮光罩
  9172. finder lens ==> 瞄准透镜,瞄准装置透镜,探测器透镜,取景镜片,检像镜片
  9173. finder light ==> 取景器光线
  9174. finder mask ==> 寻像护罩
  9175. finder screen ==> 寻像屏,检像镜,检像镜投影屏
  9176. finder telescope ==> 瞄准望远镜
  9177. finding ==> 探测,寻线,测定,查找,搜索寻线
  9178. finding action ==> 寻线动作
  9179. finding chart ==> 证认图
  9180. finding circuit ==> 闭锁电路
  9181. findings ==> 零件
  9182. findings of audit ==> 审计结果
  9183. Findlay cell for caustic soda ==> 芬德来制苛性钠电池
  9184. Findlings quartzite ==> 菲德林胶结石英岩
  9185. fine ==> 良,罚款,细粒的,细粒物料,细毛,细纹,精,精细,精致,纯,晴=>素晴らしい,ファイン
  9186. fine adjustment ==> 微调,精调,细调,细调节=>細密調整
  9187. fine adjustment knob ==> 细调节器,载物台细调螺旋
  9188. fine adjustment screw ==> 微调螺丝
  9189. fine admixture ==> 细混和物
  9190. fine aggregate ==> 细骨料,细集料
  9191. fine aggregate mixture ==> 细集料混合物
  9192. fine alignment ==> 精密对准
  9193. fine aluminium ==> 纯铝
  9194. fine analysis ==> 细颗粒分析
  9195. fine away ==> 削尖
  9196. fine balance ==> 精密调节,精密平衡,精密天平,细平衡
  9197. fine blanking press ==> 精密落料冲床
  9198. fine boring machine ==> 精密镗床
  9199. fine boring unit ==> 精镗动力头
  9200. fine break-up ==> 细粒分散
  9201. fine breeze ==> 煤尘
  9202. fine bubble aeration equipment ==> 小气泡曝气设备
  9203. fine bubbling rale ==> 小水泡音
  9204. fine bur ==> 细纹钻
  9205. fine cargo ==> (指包装完整未受损害的货物)净货,净货
  9206. fine ceramic ==> 细陶瓷
  9207. fine ceramics ==> 细陶瓷
  9208. fine chamber ==> 细碎室
  9209. fine chemicals ==> 精制化学药品,精制化学药品
  9210. fine clay ==> 细白土
  9211. fine clay slurry ==> 细致的粘土悬浮物
  9212. fine cleaner ==> 细滤器,细滤清器
  9213. fine coal ==> 粉煤
  9214. fine coal float-and-sink test ==> 煤泥浮沉试验
  9215. fine coke ==> 细炭粉末
  9216. fine combing wool ==> 细精梳毛
  9217. fine comminution ==> 细磨
  9218. fine concrete ==> 细骨料混凝土
  9219. fine constitution ==> 细致体质
  9220. fine control ==> 细调,高精确度调整,精密控制,均匀调节,均匀调节
  9221. fine control member ==> 微碟件
  9222. fine control sensitivity ==> 精细控制灵敏性
  9223. fine copper ==> 纯铜
  9224. fine cord ==> 细条纹
  9225. fine cordage ==> 细麻绳
  9226. fine count ==> 细支
  9227. fine coupling ==> 精细耦合
  9228. fine crack ==> 细裂缝
  9229. fine crumb ==> 细团块,细屑粒
  9230. fine crush road ==> 细碎石路
  9231. fine crusher ==> 细碎机,精压碎机
  9232. fine crushing ==> 细碎
  9233. fine crushing chamber ==> 细碎室
  9234. fine crystalline ==> 细晶的
  9235. fine cut ==> 细锉纹
  9236. fine cut burr ==> 细纹刻石刀
  9237. fine cut hob ==> 细刃滚刀
  9238. fine cutting ==> 细刻磨
  9239. fine data channel ==> 精确数据通道
  9240. fine definition ==> 高清晰度
  9241. fine delaine wool ==> 美利奴细毛
  9242. fine delay ==> 微小延迟
  9243. fine deposit ==> 细泥沙
  9244. fine detail resolution ==> 细节清晰度
  9245. fine dispersed system ==> 细分散系统
  9246. fine dissecting forceps ==> 细解剖镊,精细解剖镊
  9247. fine distinction ==> 细微的差别
  9248. fine dotted line ==> 细虚线
  9249. fine dust ==> 细粉尘
  9250. fine earth ==> 细漂白土粉,细土
  9251. fine emery powder ==> 细金刚砂
  9252. fine emulsion ==> 细乳状液
  9253. fine end ==> 细节
  9254. fine etching ==> 精密蚀刻
  9255. fine featured resist ==> 精细结构光刻用抗蚀剂
  9256. fine feed ==> 精细进给,小进刀量,细进刀
  9257. fine feed adjustment tank ==> 细调料槽
  9258. fine file ==> 细锉,细锉刀
  9259. fine fill ==> 细粒充填料
  9260. fine filling ==> 细纬
  9261. fine filling bar ==> 细纬档
  9262. fine filter ==> 细滤器
  9263. fine filtering ==> 细滤
  9264. fine finish ==> 精加工,细加工,超精加工,高级光洁度,高级精加工
  9265. fine finishing cut ==> 精密完工切削
  9266. fine fisssure ==> 微裂
  9267. fine fissure ==> 细裂纹
  9268. fine fit ==> 二级精度配合
  9269. fine flaw ==> 细裂缝
  9270. fine focus ==> 细焦点
  9271. fine focusing ==> 细聚焦,精确调焦
  9272. fine focusing adjustment knob ==> 细调焦距螺旋
  9273. fine focusing collar ==> 精密聚焦环
  9274. fine fodder ==> 精饲料
  9275. fine for paying late ==> 滞纳金
  9276. fine forceps ==> 精细镊
  9277. fine fraction ==> 细颗粒部分
  9278. fine ga(u)ge ==> 细隔距
  9279. fine ga(u)ge screen ==> 细孔筛
  9280. fine gathering ==> 细褶裥
  9281. fine geometry mask ==> 细致几何形状掩模
  9282. fine glass rod ==> 细玻棒
  9283. fine gold ==> 纯金
  9284. fine grade ==> 二级精度
  9285. fine graded ==> 细级配的
  9286. fine grading ==> 细级配,细粒分级
  9287. fine grain ==> 细粒
  9288. fine grain ceramics ==> 细粒陶瓷
  9289. fine grained fracture ==> 细晶断口
  9290. fine grained powder ==> 细粒粉末
  9291. fine grained salt ==> 细粒盐
  9292. fine grained soil ==> 细粒土
  9293. fine grained steel ==> 细晶粒钢
  9294. fine granular ==> 细团粒
  9295. fine granular cast ==> 细颗粒管型
  9296. fine granularity ==> 良好颗粒性
  9297. fine granule ==> 微粒剂
  9298. fine graphite ==> 细石墨
  9299. fine gravel ==> 细砾,细砾石
  9300. fine grinder ==> 细研磨机
  9301. fine grinding ==> 细磨碎
  9302. fine grinding wheel ==> 细砂轮
  9303. fine grit wheel ==> 细砂轮
  9304. fine groove ==> 密纹
  9305. fine grooved grating ==> 细槽光栅
  9306. fine ground ==> 细磨过的
  9307. fine hackle ==> 细锯纹区
  9308. fine hair ==> 细绒毛,汗毛,绒毛
  9309. fine hairs ==> 纤细茸毛
  9310. fine indented cut plating iron ==> 细牙槽刨铁
  9311. fine index ==> 细变址
  9312. fine iron ore ==> 细铁矿
  9313. fine jack frame ==> 四道粗纱机
  9314. fine jiging ==> 细粒跳汰
  9315. fine lancet ==> 细刺皮针
  9316. fine lapping ==> 细研磨
  9317. fine leak ==> 微弱漏
  9318. fine line ==> 细线,细实线
  9319. fine line definition ==> 精细线形成
  9320. fine line emulsion ==> 高分辨力乳胶
  9321. fine line geometry ==> 精细线几何尺寸
  9322. fine line integrated circuit ==> 精细线集成电路
  9323. fine line lithography ==> 细线光刻
  9324. fine line metallization ==> 精细线金属化
  9325. fine line pattern ==> 精细线图形
  9326. fine line resolution ==> 细线分辨力
  9327. fine linewidth pattern ==> 精细线图形
  9328. fine link mask ==> 细致几何形状掩模
  9329. fine machining ==> 精加工
  9330. fine material ==> 细粒材料
  9331. fine measurement ==> 精密测量
  9332. fine measuring ==> 精密計測
  9333. fine measuring instrument ==> 精密测量仪器,精密量具
  9334. fine mechanics ==> 精密机械
  9335. fine melt ==> 全熔炼
  9336. fine mesh ==> 细孔,细筛孔,细网目
  9337. fine mesh filter ==> 小筛孔隔滤网
  9338. fine mesh solid support ==> 细筛目载体
  9339. fine mesh wire ==> 细目网
  9340. fine metal ==> 精炼纯金属,纯金属
  9341. fine metal mesh ==> 细金属网眼
  9342. fine mill ==> 光铣
  9343. fine moist rale ==> 细湿罗音
  9344. fine movement ==> 精细动作
  9345. fine mull ==> 细腐熟腐殖质
  9346. fine needle cordoroy ==> 细条灯芯绒
  9347. fine noz(zle) ==> 细孔喷油嘴
  9348. fine ore ==> 细矿石,粉矿
  9349. fine ore storage ==> 细矿仓
  9350. fine outlet ==> 微粉出口
  9351. fine pan ==> 细粒物料淘洗盘
  9352. fine paper ==> 高级纸,高级纸张,可靠证券
  9353. fine particle ==> 小质点,细颗粒,细粒,微细细粉颗粒
  9354. fine paste ==> 细研磨膏
  9355. fine pattern fabrication ==> 精细图案制造
  9356. fine pattern geometry ==> 精细线几何尺寸
  9357. fine pattern integrated circuit ==> 精细线集成电路
  9358. fine pattern printing ==> 细线光刻
  9359. fine pearlite ==> 细片状珠光体,精细珠光体
  9360. fine pencil ==> 画细线用的铅笔
  9361. fine phase shifter ==> 精密调相器
  9362. fine pick ==> 细纬
  9363. fine pitch ==> 细距,小螺距
  9364. fine pitch mask ==> 细节距影孔板
  9365. fine plain ==> 细平布
  9366. fine plain emery wheel ==> 细砂轮
  9367. fine planer ==> 精加工刨床
  9368. fine polishing ==> 细抛光
  9369. fine porcelain ==> 细瓷
  9370. fine porcelainized stoneware ==> 细瓷化炻器
  9371. fine pore ==> 小孔隙
  9372. fine porosity ==> 微气孔群
  9373. fine powder product ==> 粉料成品
  9374. fine pressure ==> 净压,净压
  9375. fine product ==> 细粒产物
  9376. fine product collector ==> 粉料成品收集器
  9377. fine proximity ==> 细邻近
  9378. fine pruning ==> 精剪
  9379. fine pulverizer ==> 精细磨粉机
  9380. fine purification ==> 精铣
  9381. fine quality ==> 品质优良
  9382. fine rale ==> 细罗音
  9383. fine ranging ==> 精密测距
  9384. fine rate ==> 罚款率
  9385. fine ream ==> 细条纹
  9386. fine reed ==> 细筘
  9387. fine registration ==> 精密对准
  9388. fine regulating ==> 精细调节
  9389. fine regulation ==> 细调,精调
  9390. fine resolution ==> 高鉴别力,细分解
  9391. fine retic(u)le ==> 精密调制盘,精密十字标线
  9392. fine rib machine ==> 细罗纹机
  9393. fine ridge ==> 密间距灌水垄沟
  9394. fine rolling ==> 精轧
  9395. fine roving frame ==> 四道粗纱机
  9396. fine sand ==> 细砂,细砂粒
  9397. fine sandy loam ==> 细砂壤土
  9398. fine saw ==> 细锯
  9399. fine scale ==> 精密标度
  9400. fine scanning ==> 高质扫描
  9401. fine scratch ==> 轻划伤
  9402. fine screen ==> 细网栅
  9403. fine screw tap ==> 细牙螺丝攻
  9404. fine sediment ==> 细泥沙
  9405. fine seed ==> 小粒种子
  9406. fine selsyn ==> 精调自动同步机
  9407. fine setting ==> 精密调整,精密整定
  9408. fine ship ==> 瘦型船
  9409. fine sieve ==> 细筛
  9410. fine silk net ==> 细筛绢网
  9411. fine silk sieve ==> 高级桑蚕丝筛网
  9412. fine silver ==> 纯,纯银
  9413. fine sizing ==> 细粒筛分
  9414. fine slip band ==> 细滑移带
  9415. fine soil ==> 小团粒结构土壤
  9416. fine soil grain ==> 细土粒
  9417. fine solder ==> 易熔焊料
  9418. fine sort ==> 精细排列
  9419. fine staple wool ==> 细精梳毛
  9420. fine start ==> 微启动
  9421. fine steel ==> 合金钢
  9422. fine steel casting iron ==> 优质碳素钢
  9423. fine stone ==> 细碎石
  9424. fine strainer ==> 细滤器
  9425. fine streak ==> 细条纹
  9426. fine streamline body ==> 良流线体,良流线形体
  9427. fine strip memory ==> 微带存储器
  9428. fine structure ==> 微细结构,细微结构,精细结构
  9429. fine structure constant ==> 精细结构常数
  9430. fine stuff ==> 细灰浆,细料
  9431. fine surface mulch of gravel ==> 细砾薄表层
  9432. fine surgery instrument set ==> 精细手术器械刀包
  9433. fine suspended material ==> 细悬浮泥沙
  9434. fine suspended sediment ==> 细悬浮泥沙
  9435. fine texture ==> 细结构,细密结构,细致纹理,金相组织,显微结构
  9436. fine texture topography ==> 细部地形
  9437. fine thread ==> 细牙螺纹
  9438. fine thread die ==> 细纹螺丝板牙
  9439. fine thread screw ==> 细纹螺钉
  9440. fine thread tap ==> 细牙丝锥
  9441. fine tilth ==> 良好耕性
  9442. fine topology ==> 细拓扑
  9443. fine trash rack ==> 密拦污栅
  9444. fine tremor ==> 频细震颤,细震颤
  9445. fine triangular waveform generator ==> 精密三角形波发生器
  9446. fine tuning ==> 细调,精细调谐,细调谐,微调=>微同調
  9447. fine tuning control ==> 细调
  9448. fine turning ==> 精车
  9449. fine turning lathe ==> 精密车床
  9450. fine type ==> 细致型
  9451. fine vacuum ==> 高真空
  9452. fine welding ==> 精密焊接
  9453. fine wire ==> 细金属丝
  9454. fine wire drawing machine ==> 精拉丝机
  9455. fine wire welding ==> 细丝焊
  9456. fine wool ==> 细羊毛
  9457. fine wool breed ==> 细毛品种
  9458. fine workmanship ==> 细工,精工
  9459. fine yarn ==> 细支纱
  9460. fine zero adjustment ==> 零位精确调整
  9461. FINE, fine navigation electronics ==> 高精度航法電子回路
  9462. fine-aggregate type of road ==> 细集料式道路
  9463. fine-bore ==> 精密镗孔
  9464. fine-collimation ==> 精细准直
  9465. fine-collimation apparatus ==> 精细准直仪器
  9466. fine-crushed rock road ==> 细碎石路
  9467. fine-crushing department ==> 细碎工段
  9468. fine-crushing rolls ==> 细碎辊碎机
  9469. fine-crystal superplastic forming ==> 细晶超塑成形
  9470. fine-dot shadow mask ==> 细点荫罩
  9471. fine-edge blanking ==> 精密冲裁,精密落料
  9472. fine-fibred ==> 拉成纤维的
  9473. fine-fleece sheep ==> 细毛羊
  9474. fine-focus X-ray tube ==> 细聚焦X射线管
  9475. fine-focused ==> 准确聚焦的
  9476. fine-focusing unit ==> 精确聚焦单元
  9477. fine-gauge machine ==> 高机号针织机
  9478. fine-graded aggregate ==> 细级配集料
  9479. fine-graded bituminous concrete ==> 细级配沥青混凝土
  9480. fine-graded material ==> 细级配材料
  9481. fine-grain developer ==> 微粒显影液
  9482. fine-grained ==> 细粒的,细纹
  9483. fine-grained basalt ==> 细粒玄武岩
  9484. fine-grained carbon ==> 细粒碳
  9485. fine-grained fracture ==> 细纹裂面
  9486. fine-grained ingot ==> 细晶锭
  9487. fine-grained monolith ==> 细粒岩块
  9488. fine-grained soil ==> 细粒土壤
  9489. fine-grained wood (close-grainedwood) ==> 细纹木材
  9490. fine-ground cement ==> 细磨水泥
  9491. fine-limit work ==> 精密工作
  9492. fine-line printer ==> 片边印字机
  9493. fine-mesh barrier grid ==> 细网抑制栅
  9494. fine-mesh filter ==> 细孔滤网滤清器,细网眼滤器
  9495. fine-mesh grid ==> 细网栅,密网栅极
  9496. fine-mesh sieve ==> 细孔筛
  9497. fine-meshed ==> 带细孔,带细孔的
  9498. fine-meshed screen ==> 细孔网
  9499. fine-motion screw ==> 微动螺旋
  9500. fine-ore bin ==> 细矿仓
  9501. fine-particle filtration ==> 细粒杂质的过滤
  9502. fine-pitch cutter ==> 小齿铣刀,小节距齿铣刀
  9503. fine-pitch gear ==> 小模数齿轮
  9504. fine-pitch screw ==> 细牙螺钉
  9505. fine-pitch thread ==> 细牙螺纹
  9506. fine-pointed finish ==> 细琢
  9507. fine-pored ==> 细孔的
  9508. fine-range scope ==> 精确距离显示器,距离精测器,距离精测器
  9509. fine-ribbed fabric ==> 细罗纹织物
  9510. fine-scale cortical networks ==> 微小スケールの皮質ネットワーク
  9511. fine-scaled distribution ==> 细分度的分布
  9512. fine-screen halftone ==> 细网点印版
  9513. fine-sorted material ==> 细粒材料
  9514. fine-spray nozzle ==> 细雾滴喷嘴
  9515. fine-structure band ==> 精细结构带
  9516. fine-structure mesh ==> 密网筛,小孔网,细网
  9517. fine-texture soil ==> 细质土壤
  9518. fine-textured meat ==> 细纤维肉
  9519. fine-textured soil ==> 细粒土
  9520. fine-tooth cutter ==> 细齿铣刀
  9521. fine-wire rope ==> 细丝钢丝绳
  9522. fine-wire screen ==> 细孔金属丝筛网
  9523. fine-wool breed ==> 细毛绵羊种
  9524. fine-wool type ==> 细毛型绵羊
  9525. fined tube exchanger ==> 翅管换热器
  9526. finedraw ==> 拉细丝,细缝
  9527. finely crushed glass ==> 细碎玻璃
  9528. finely divided iron powder ==> 极细铁粉
  9529. finely divided scale ==> 精密刻度尺
  9530. finely finished work ==> 精细完工件
  9531. finely ground ==> 细磨的
  9532. finely ground cement ==> 细磨水泥
  9533. finely ground charcoal ==> 木炭粉
  9534. finely ground ore ==> 细磨矿石
  9535. finely laminated clay ==> 薄层状粘土
  9536. finely porous mat ==> 细孔垫布
  9537. finely pulverized fuel ==> 细粒雾化的燃料
  9538. finely squamose ==> 细鳞片状
  9539. finely stratified clay ==> 薄成层粘土
  9540. finely-ground coke ==> 细焦粉
  9541. finely-ground colloidal suspension ==> 微细胶状悬浮剂
  9542. finely-ground fire clay ==> 细耐火泥
  9543. finely-ground quartz ==> 细磨石英
  9544. finely-laminated rock ==> 细层纹岩石
  9545. finely-spaced grid pattern ==> 细间隔的栅形图案
  9546. finelyground guartz ==> 石英粉
  9547. Fineman nephoscope ==> 法因曼测云器
  9548. fineness ==> 清晰度,细度,细微,金银成色,纯度,煤粉细度,固体燃料以流化床方式进行的燃烧。
  9549. fineness factor ==> 细度系数
  9550. fineness meter ==> 细度测定仪
  9551. fineness modulus ==> 细度模量
  9552. fineness number ==> (型砂的)粒度
  9553. fineness of aggregate ==> 骨料细度
  9554. fineness of cement ==> 水泥标号
  9555. fineness of gold ==> 金成色
  9556. fineness of grind ==> 磨版细度
  9557. fineness of grinding ==> 磨粉细度,磨精细度
  9558. fineness of scanning ==> 画線密度
  9559. fineness ratio ==> 细度比
  9560. fineness regulator ==> 磨碎细度调节器
  9561. fineness specification ==> 细度规格
  9562. fineness test ==> 细度试验
  9563. fineness-maturity tester ==> 细度成熟度试验仪
  9564. fineness-of-grind gauge ==> 研磨细度规
  9565. finer ==> 精炼炉
  9566. finer abrasive ==> 细磨料
  9567. finery ==> 木炭精炼炉
  9568. fines ==> 细粉,细屑
  9569. fines forfeits and penalty receipt ==> 罚款收入
  9570. fines returns ==> 粉末放出
  9571. fines work-up ==> 粉末再加工
  9572. finesse ==> 等强干涉束有效数
  9573. finest grade of graphite ==> 最纯的石墨
  9574. finestiller ==> 精馏器
  9575. finete difference method ==> 有限差分法
  9576. finger ==> 梳形物,齿,分指移动,抓手,测厚规,手指,指,指梁,指示针,指状物,指状元件=>指,つかみ機構
  9577. finger amputation ==> 截指术
  9578. finger apraxia ==> 手指失用
  9579. finger bar ==> 刀架
  9580. finger beam ==> 护刃器梁
  9581. finger belt ==> 钉齿皮带
  9582. finger bit ==> 指状钻头
  9583. finger board ==> 指板,指梁台
  9584. finger breadth measurement ==> 一夫法
  9585. finger brush ==> 指形刷
  9586. finger buff ==> 指形折布抛光轮
  9587. finger cam ==> 齿凸轮
  9588. finger cap ==> 护指套
  9589. finger chute ==> 指状轨条溜口
  9590. finger chute gate ==> 指状溜口闸门
  9591. finger citron flower ==> 佛手花
  9592. finger citron sliced ==> 佛手片
  9593. finger clamp ==> 带爪的压板,带爪压板,指形压板
  9594. finger contact ==> 指形触点
  9595. finger control ==> 指尖操纵
  9596. finger cot ==> 医用手指套
  9597. finger cracking test ==> 指形抗裂试验
  9598. finger cutter ==> 指状铣刀
  9599. finger distance ==> 指距
  9600. finger dock ==> 指形船坞
  9601. finger door ==> 指状闸门
  9602. finger electrode ==> 指状电极
  9603. finger feed ==> 指式排肥器,机械手送料
  9604. finger fixation clamps ==> 指骨固定器
  9605. finger formation ==> 指尖队形
  9606. finger gate ==> 指状浇口
  9607. finger gauge ==> 测厚规,厚度规
  9608. finger grass ==> 指形禾草
  9609. finger grate ==> 指杆筛,炉床
  9610. finger grid ==> 指杆筛
  9611. finger grip ==> 指状抓取器,打捞工具=>つまみ
  9612. finger guard ==> 护手,护手板,指套
  9613. finger guide ==> 指针
  9614. finger gullying ==> 指形排水沟,初期沟蚀
  9615. finger hold ==> 指孔
  9616. finger hole ==> 指孔
  9617. finger interface ==> 指体界面
  9618. finger joint ==> 指形接合
  9619. finger knuckle ==> 指节
  9620. finger lake ==> 指形湖,指状湖
  9621. finger lamp ==> 指形灯
  9622. finger lever ==> 指状手柄
  9623. finger lifter ==> 指状岩心提取器
  9624. finger liner ==> 护刃器定刀片
  9625. finger machine ==> (手套的)手指编结机
  9626. finger mallet finger ==> 棒球指
  9627. finger mark ==> 指纹
  9628. finger microcondenser ==> 微量指形冷凝管
  9629. finger motor ==> フィンガーモータ
  9630. finger nail ==> 指甲
  9631. finger nail test ==> 指甲切试法
  9632. finger notch ==> 指状凹口
  9633. finger pad ==> 指垫
  9634. finger pattern ==> 指纹型
  9635. finger percussion ==> 指叩诊
  9636. finger phenomenon ==> 伸指现象,戈登氏征
  9637. finger piece ==> 指状物
  9638. finger pier ==> 指形突码头
  9639. finger plate ==> 指孔盘,指式排种盘,回转板,推手板,门推板
  9640. finger plethysmogram ==> 指端光电脉波图
  9641. finger post ==> 指路牌
  9642. finger press fit ==> 轻压配合
  9643. finger pressing anesthesia ==> 指压麻醉
  9644. finger pressure anesthesia ==> 指压麻醉
  9645. finger print region ==> 指纹区
  9646. finger prosthesis ==> 人工指
  9647. finger rack ==> 指杆架
  9648. finger rail ==> 前托手指槽
  9649. finger raise ==> 指状格条天井
  9650. finger reel ==> 搂齿式拨禾轮
  9651. finger rest ==> 指支托
  9652. finger retarder ==> 指状缓速器
  9653. finger ridge count ==> 指纹嵴数
  9654. finger ring saw ==> 戒指锯
  9655. finger roll ==> 指卷面包
  9656. finger rotary detachable bit ==> 麻花活钻头,麻花钻活钻头
  9657. finger setting ==> 销定位
  9658. finger shifting ==> 移指
  9659. finger skirt ==> 指状围裙
  9660. finger spacing ==> 指状闸门间距
  9661. finger spelling ==> 聋哑(用)字母表
  9662. finger spring seal ==> 指状弹簧油封
  9663. finger stop ==> 指档,指形制动销,指状限位器,手动限位器
  9664. finger tab-out test ==> 指粘试验
  9665. finger target ==> 指状靶
  9666. finger test ==> 手指试验
  9667. finger tilt mechanism ==> 钩式翻钢机
  9668. finger tip ==> 指端,指尖
  9669. finger tip palpation ==> 指尖触诊
  9670. finger tip plethysmographic pulsate wave ==> 指尖容积脉波
  9671. finger tip pressing technique ==> 押手
  9672. finger tip pulsate plethysmogram ==> 指尖容积脉搏图
  9673. finger to finger test ==> 指指试验
  9674. finger tremor ==> 手指颤抖
  9675. finger type control rod ==> 指形控制棒
  9676. finger veined leaf ==> 掌状脉叶
  9677. finger weeder ==> 指状簧齿除草机
  9678. finger-action tool ==> 指状抓手
  9679. finger-bag ==> 指套
  9680. finger-bar cutter ==> 带护刃器梁的切割器
  9681. finger-cone pine ==> 指果松
  9682. finger-cot ==> 指套
  9683. finger-end ==> 指尖
  9684. finger-finger percussion ==> 指指叩诊法
  9685. finger-input system ==> 手指输入装置
  9686. finger-length measurement ==> 指示法
  9687. finger-nail pressing ==> 掐法
  9688. finger-nose test ==> 指鼻试验
  9689. finger-press method ==> 指压法
  9690. finger-pressure therapy ==> 指针疗法
  9691. finger-print ==> 指纹图谱
  9692. finger-print map ==> 指纹图
  9693. finger-ring badge ==> 指环剂量计
  9694. finger-shape condenser ==> 指形冷凝管
  9695. finger-stall ==> 指套
  9696. finger-tight ==> 手拉紧
  9697. finger-tip adjusting ==> 指尖调整
  9698. finger-tip control ==> 指拨控制,按钮操纵,按钮控制,单锁调整器,单指调整器
  9699. finger-to-finger test ==> 指指试验
  9700. finger-type contact ==> 指型触点,指形触点
  9701. finger-type cotton stripper ==> 指式采棉机
  9702. finger-type gear-milling cutter ==> 指形齿轮铣刀
  9703. finger-type gearmilling cutter ==> 指形齿轮铣刀
  9704. finger-type stripping unit ==> 指杆式摘棉铃装置
  9705. finger-wheel rake ==> 指轮式搂草机
  9706. fingerboard ==> 指板
  9707. fingerbreadth ==> 指幅
  9708. fingering ==> 指法符号,指印现象
  9709. fingering yarn ==> 手工编织毛线
  9710. fingermark ==> 手印,指纹印
  9711. fingernail identification ==> 指甲鉴定
  9712. fingernail impression ==> 指甲痕
  9713. fingerpost ==> 指向柱
  9714. fingerprint ==> 指纹,指纹图谱,指纹印,指纹照片,手印=>指紋,鱗紋,はっきりした特徴
  9715. fingerprint card ==> 指紋カード
  9716. fingerprint chromatogram ==> 指纹色谱
  9717. fingerprint classification ==> 指紋分類
  9718. fingerprint comparator ==> 指紋照合器
  9719. fingerprint compression ==> 指紋圧縮
  9720. fingerprint data ==> 指紋データ
  9721. fingerprint identification ==> 指纹识别
  9722. fingerprint method ==> 指纹法
  9723. fingerprint pattern ==> 指纹模式
  9724. fingerprint processing ==> 指纹处理
  9725. fingerprint pyrogram ==> 指纹热解色谱图,指纹热解图
  9726. fingerprint reader ==> 指紋読取装置
  9727. fingerprint recognition ==> 指紋認識
  9728. fingerprint region ==> 指纹区
  9729. fingerprint removability ==> 指纹脱除性
  9730. fingerprint remover ==> 指纹脱除型防锈油
  9731. fingerprint smudging ==> 指纹弄脏
  9732. fingerprint suppression ==> 指纹抑制性
  9733. fingerprint technique ==> 指纹技术
  9734. fingerprinting ==> 指纹法
  9735. fingertip ==> 指尖草
  9736. fingertip formation ==> 指尖队形
  9737. finial ==> 尖顶饰,端饰
  9738. finial pinnacle ==> 攒尖饰
  9739. Finidim ==> (除草剂)非草隆
  9740. finimeter ==> 储量计
  9741. fining agent ==> 澄清剂
  9742. fining cell ==> 澄清室池
  9743. fining furnace ==> 精炼炉
  9744. fining period ==> 精炼期
  9745. fining test ==> 指形抗裂试验
  9746. fining-away ==> 偏斜
  9747. fining-upward sequence ==> 向上变细层序
  9748. finish ==> 精饰,面漆,磨光,末道漆,结束,罩面漆,完成,完工,光材,光洁度,光制,终饰材,精加工
  9749. finish allowance ==> 加工裕量
  9750. finish blanking ==> 刃口冲裁模
  9751. finish bottoming ==> 整形加工
  9752. finish coat ==> 饰面层
  9753. finish coat of plaster ==> 抹灰面层
  9754. finish coatings ==> 表面涂漆
  9755. finish depth ==> 加工深度
  9756. finish draw ==> 精拉
  9757. finish facing ==> 精加工端面
  9758. finish foil mill ==> 铝箔精轧机,箔精轧机
  9759. finish forging ==> 终锻
  9760. finish grinding ==> 最后研磨
  9761. finish hardware ==> 光制小五金
  9762. finish impression ==> 终锻模膛
  9763. finish lamp ==> 操作结束检验灯
  9764. finish lead ==> 线圈出线端
  9765. finish machining ==> 最后加工
  9766. finish mark ==> 光洁度符号
  9767. finish nail ==> 暗钉
  9768. finish of butt joint ==> 对接头加工
  9769. finish one side ==> 单面光制
  9770. finish plane ==> 光刨
  9771. finish plaster ==> 抹灰面层,饰面粉刷
  9772. finish product ==> 成品,光制品
  9773. finish ream ==> 光铰
  9774. finish roll ==> 给油辊
  9775. finish rolling ==> 精轧
  9776. finish size ==> 完成尺寸,加工尺寸
  9777. finish surface ==> 光制表面
  9778. finish time ==> 结束时刻,终止时间
  9779. finish to ga(u)ge ==> 终轧
  9780. finish to gauge ==> 按样板加工
  9781. finish to size ==> 按尺寸加工
  9782. finish tools ==> 瓶颈加工工具
  9783. finish trowel ==> 抹光镘刀,压光抹子
  9784. finish turning ==> 精车
  9785. finish turning lathe ==> 精加工车床
  9786. finish(ing) coat ==> 罩面,终饰层
  9787. finish-curl die ==> 卷曲成形模,卷曲成形模
  9788. finish-forging ==> 终锻
  9789. finish-milling ==> 精铣
  9790. finish-time ==> 结束时间
  9791. finishability ==> 易修整性
  9792. finished ==> 完成的,光制的
  9793. finished blend ==> 混成油
  9794. finished bolt ==> 精制螺栓
  9795. finished cement ==> 成品水泥
  9796. finished concrete ==> 饰面混凝土
  9797. finished cure ==> 后硫化
  9798. finished dimension ==> 完成尺寸
  9799. finished edge ==> 加工的坡口,加工坡口
  9800. finished fabric ==> 成品布
  9801. finished glass ==> 成品玻璃
  9802. finished goods ==> 加工品,制成品
  9803. finished goods on consignment ==> 托销成品
  9804. finished goods on hand ==> 现存制成品
  9805. finished goods warehouse ==> 成品仓库
  9806. finished ground level ==> 修整过的地面高度
  9807. finished hexagon head bolt ==> 光六角螺栓
  9808. finished ingot ==> 成品锭
  9809. finished leather ==> 成革
  9810. finished lens ==> 成品透镜
  9811. finished low level (pbf) ==> 低标准修整
  9812. finished machine drawing ==> 铸件工艺图
  9813. finished nut ==> 精制螺母,精制螺母
  9814. finished piece(s) ==> 完工件
  9815. finished plate ==> 精整钢板
  9816. finished powder metallurgical product ==> 粉末冶金成品
  9817. finished product ==> 成品
  9818. finished production in current period ==> 本期完工产量
  9819. finished products ==> 制成品
  9820. finished products (goods) ==> 制成品
  9821. finished products inventory ==> 制成品盘存
  9822. finished roll ==> 光制轧辊
  9823. finished roller ==> 磨光滚筒
  9824. finished side leather ==> 成品侧边皮革
  9825. finished size ==> 成品尺寸
  9826. finished small hexagon flat nut ==> 光小六角扁螺母
  9827. finished small hexagon nut ==> 光小六角螺母
  9828. finished square nut ==> 方光螺母
  9829. finished steel ==> 成品钢,精制钢
  9830. finished store ==> 成品仓库
  9831. finished strip ==> 成品带钢
  9832. finished surface ==> 完成面,已加工面,加工表面
  9833. finished washer ==> 光制垫圈
  9834. finished weight ==> 成品重量
  9835. finished work ==> 已加工工件
  9836. finished-parts storage ==> 成品库
  9837. finisher ==> 调整工,精加工工具,精轧机,抹面机,玻璃吹工,修整机,修整器,终锻模
  9838. finisher belt grinder ==> 砂布带打光机
  9839. finisher box ==> 末道针梳机
  9840. finisher card ==> 末道梳毛机,末道梳棉机
  9841. finisher gill box ==> 末道针梳机
  9842. finisher lap ==> 末道棉卷
  9843. finisher picker ==> 末道清棉机
  9844. finisher scutcher ==> 末道清棉机
  9845. finishing ==> 抹面,带式磨光,光制,饰面,表面修饰,擦光,精磨=>仕上げ
  9846. finishing ability ==> 肥育性能
  9847. finishing agent ==> 处理剂
  9848. finishing agent for cotton fabric ==> 棉织物整理剂
  9849. finishing allowance ==> 加工留量
  9850. finishing barrel ==> 清理滚筒
  9851. finishing beater ==> 成浆机
  9852. finishing bit ==> 精加工钻头
  9853. finishing block ==> 拉细丝机
  9854. finishing bolt ==> 光螺栓
  9855. finishing bur ==> 磨光钻
  9856. finishing cloth ==> モールスキン
  9857. finishing coat ==> 罩面层,面漆,表面修饰层,饰面层
  9858. finishing compound ==> 整饰化合物
  9859. finishing cut ==> 完工切削
  9860. finishing cutter ==> 精加工铣刀
  9861. finishing cutting tool ==> 仕上げバイト
  9862. finishing department ==> 精整工段
  9863. finishing die ==> 精拔拉模,成形模,成形压模,精压模
  9864. finishing drawing ==> 竣工图
  9865. finishing drawing frame ==> 末道并条机
  9866. finishing equipment ==> 精整设备
  9867. finishing feed ==> 精加工进给,光制精加工进刀
  9868. finishing file ==> 精加工锉
  9869. finishing gear shaper cutter ==> 精切齿轮刨刀
  9870. finishing grazing ==> 放牧肥育
  9871. finishing groove ==> 精加工槽,精轧孔型,终止纹槽
  9872. finishing groover ==> 精轧槽
  9873. finishing hackle ==> 末道梳麻机
  9874. finishing hydrated lime ==> 饰面熟石灰
  9875. finishing impression ==> 终锻模膛
  9876. finishing lathe ==> 精密车床
  9877. finishing line ==> 精整作业线,终点线
  9878. finishing machine ==> 精加工机床,精修机,精整机,抹面机,研磨机
  9879. finishing machining ==> 精加工
  9880. finishing material ==> 完工物料,饰面材料
  9881. finishing materials ==> 最后合金料
  9882. finishing mill ==> 精轧机,水泥磨=>仕上ミル
  9883. finishing mill group ==> 精轧机组
  9884. finishing mill line ==> 精轧机列
  9885. finishing mortar ==> 抹面灰浆
  9886. finishing nail ==> 饰面钉
  9887. finishing nut ==> 光制螺母
  9888. finishing of wall ==> 墙面装修
  9889. finishing operation ==> 精整
  9890. finishing oval pass ==> 椭圆精轧孔型
  9891. finishing pass ==> 精轧道次,精轧孔型
  9892. finishing period ==> 肥育期
  9893. finishing planer ==> 精加工刨床
  9894. finishing polish ==> 精抛光
  9895. finishing processing ==> 精加工
  9896. finishing rate ==> 最终充电电流
  9897. finishing reamer ==> 精铰刀
  9898. finishing roll ==> 精轧轧辊
  9899. finishing rolling mill ==> 精密轧机,终轧机
  9900. finishing room ==> 成品车间
  9901. finishing size ==> 精加工尺寸
  9902. finishing stage ==> 肥育期
  9903. finishing steel ==> 最后的钻杆
  9904. finishing stock ==> 精加工余量
  9905. finishing stove ==> 加工炉
  9906. finishing strip ==> 磨光带
  9907. finishing superheater ==> 末级过热器
  9908. finishing temperature ==> 完工温度,最终温度,终轧温度,(焊接的)终了温度
  9909. finishing thresher ==> 清选脱粒机
  9910. finishing tool ==> 抹子,精车刀,终饰插刀=>仕上げ工具
  9911. finishing tooth ==> 精密切齿,精切齿,精削齿
  9912. finishing tooth of broacher ==> 拉床精削齿
  9913. finishing tough ==> 最后精整
  9914. finishing turning ==> 仕上げ
  9915. finishing twist ==> 末捻
  9916. finishing varnish ==> 饰面清漆
  9917. finishing washer ==> 光制垫圈
  9918. finishing work ==> 精整工作
  9919. finishing work plans ==> 竣工图,装修图
  9920. finishing yearling heifer ==> 一岁肥育小母牛
  9921. finishing yearling steers ==> 一岁肥育阉牛
  9922. finishmold ==> 玻璃瓶颈部成形模
  9923. finite ==> 有限性
  9924. finite Abelian group ==> 有限阿贝耳群
  9925. finite additivity ==> 有限可加性
  9926. finite aggregate ==> 有穷集
  9927. finite algebra ==> 有限代数
  9928. finite algebraic extension ==> 有限代数扩张
  9929. finite algebraic number field ==> 有限代数数域
  9930. finite alphabet ==> 有限字母
  9931. finite amplitude ==> 有限振幅
  9932. finite amplitude wave ==> 有限振幅波
  9933. finite aperture ==> 有限孔径
  9934. finite aperture antenna ==> 有限孔径天线
  9935. finite automat ==> 有限自动机
  9936. finite automata ==> 有限自动机
  9937. finite automata inference ==> 有限自动机推断
  9938. finite automation ==> 有限自动机
  9939. finite automaton ==> 有限自动机
  9940. finite baffle ==> 有限屏幕
  9941. finite basis ==> 有限基
  9942. finite basis theorem ==> 有限基底定理
  9943. finite beam klystron ==> 细电子束速调管
  9944. finite beam source ==> 有限射束源
  9945. finite branch ==> 有限分枝
  9946. finite cardinal number ==> 有限基数
  9947. finite cell complex ==> 有限胞腔复形
  9948. finite chain ==> 有限链
  9949. finite character ==> 有限特征
  9950. finite circuit ==> 有限环道
  9951. finite clipping ==> 有限限幅
  9952. finite closed aquifer ==> 有限闭合含水层
  9953. finite closed interval ==> 有限闭区间
  9954. finite cochain ==> 有限上链
  9955. finite commutative field ==> 有限交换域
  9956. finite configuration ==> 有穷格局
  9957. finite continued fraction ==> 有限連分数
  9958. finite control ==> 有限控制器
  9959. finite correction ==> 有限修正
  9960. finite counting automat ==> 有限计算自动机
  9961. finite covering ==> 有限覆盖
  9962. finite cutoff ==> 有限カットオフ
  9963. finite cyclic group ==> 有限循环群
  9964. finite cylinder ==> 有限圆柱体
  9965. finite cylindrical reactor ==> 有限圆柱形堆
  9966. finite decimal ==> 有尽小数
  9967. finite decomposition ==> 有限分解
  9968. finite deflection ==> 有限挠度
  9969. finite deformation ==> 有限形变
  9970. finite degree of stability ==> 有限稳定度
  9971. finite degrees of freedom ==> 有限自由度
  9972. finite delay time ==> 有限延迟时间
  9973. finite description ==> 有限描述
  9974. finite difference ==> 有限差,有限差分,有限差分法
  9975. finite difference approximation ==> 差分逼近
  9976. finite difference calculus ==> 有限差分法
  9977. finite difference equation ==> 有限差分方程=>差分方程式
  9978. finite difference equation model ==> 有限差分公式模型
  9979. finite difference equations ==> 有限差分方程
  9980. finite difference expression ==> 有限差分表示式,差分表达式
  9981. finite difference method ==> 有限差分法
  9982. finite difference migration ==> 有限差分偏叠加
  9983. finite difference modelling ==> 有限差分模拟
  9984. finite difference operator ==> 有限差分算子,差分算子
  9985. finite difference scheme ==> 差分格式,有限差分格式
  9986. finite difference solution ==> 有限差分解,差分解
  9987. finite difference theory ==> 有限差分理论
  9988. finite differencing scheme ==> 有限差分格式
  9989. finite dimensional algebra ==> 有限维代数
  9990. finite dimensional complex manifold ==> 有限维复流形
  9991. finite dimensional control ==> 有限维控制
  9992. finite dimensional distribution ==> 有限维分布
  9993. finite dimensional Euclidean space ==> 有限维欧几里得空间
  9994. finite dimensional linear space ==> 有限维线性空间
  9995. finite dimensional manifold ==> 有限维流形
  9996. finite dimensional module ==> 有限维数模
  9997. finite dimensional projective geometry ==> 有限维射影几何
  9998. finite dimensional space ==> 有限维空间
  9999. finite dimensional subspace ==> 有限维子空间
  10000. finite dimensional vector space ==> 有限维向量空间
  10001. finite discontinuity ==> 有限不连续性
  10002. finite discrete system ==> 有限离散系统
  10003. finite dislocation model ==> 有限错动模型
  10004. finite displacement theory ==> 有限位移理论
  10005. finite distance ==> 有限远距离
  10006. finite disturbance ==> 有限扰动
  10007. finite duration ==> 有限持续时间
  10008. finite elastic-plastic theory ==> 有限弹塑性理论
  10009. finite elastoviscoplasticity ==> 有限弹粘塑性
  10010. finite element ==> 有限元,有限元件
  10011. finite element analysis ==> 有限单元分析,有限元分析=>有限要素法
  10012. finite element approach ==> 有限单元逼近
  10013. finite element approximation ==> 有限单元近似解
  10014. finite element domain ==> 有限单元域
  10015. finite element force method ==> 有限单元力法
  10016. finite element formulation ==> 有限单元公式
  10017. finite element framework ==> 有限单元结构
  10018. finite element idealization ==> 有限单元理想化
  10019. finite element mesh ==> 有限单元网格
  10020. finite element method ==> 有限元法=>有限要素法
  10021. finite element method (FEM) ==> 有限元素法
  10022. finite element model ==> 有限单元体模式
  10023. finite element programming ==> 有限元程序设计
  10024. finite element solution ==> 有限单元解法
  10025. finite element subspace ==> 有限单元子空间
  10026. finite element system ==> 有限单元系统
  10027. finite element technique ==> 有限单元法
  10028. finite energy resolution ==> 有限能量分辨率
  10029. finite extension ==> 有限扩张
  10030. finite extent ==> 有限域
  10031. finite field ==> 有限域
  10032. finite filtration ==> 有限滤子
  10033. finite Fourier series ==> 有限傅里叶级数
  10034. finite function ==> 有穷函数,有限函数
  10035. finite gain ==> 有限增益
  10036. finite Galois extension ==> 有限伽罗瓦扩张
  10037. finite game ==> 有限博奕,有限对策
  10038. finite gap ==> 有限宽度隙
  10039. finite geometry ==> 有穷几何
  10040. finite group ==> 有限群
  10041. finite group of automorphism ==> 有限自同构群
  10042. finite group of outer automorphism ==> 有限外自同构群
  10043. finite heat conductivity instability ==> 有限热导率不稳定性
  10044. finite horn ==> 有限长喇叭
  10045. finite increment ==> 有限増分,有限增量
  10046. finite index ==> 有限指数
  10047. finite induction ==> 有限归纳法,有限数学归纳法
  10048. finite ingot ==> 有限长锭料
  10049. finite input alphabet ==> 有限输入字母表
  10050. finite input source ==> 有限输入源
  10051. finite integral transform ==> 有限积分变换
  10052. finite integration ==> 有限積分
  10053. finite intersection property ==> 有限交性
  10054. finite interval ==> 有限区间
  10055. finite iteration ==> 有限迭代
  10056. finite jump ==> 有限跳跃
  10057. finite Larmor radius stabilization ==> 有限拉莫尔半径稳定法
  10058. finite lattice ==> 有限点阵
  10059. finite layer of soil ==> 有限土层
  10060. finite length ==> 有限长度
  10061. finite length function ==> 有限长函数
  10062. finite length jet ==> 有限射流
  10063. finite length string ==> 有限长度串
  10064. finite lens length ==> 有限透镜长度
  10065. finite life ==> 有限耐久性
  10066. finite life region ==> 有限寿命区
  10067. finite lifetime ==> 有限寿命
  10068. finite limit ==> 有限限度
  10069. finite linear viscoelasticity ==> 有限线性粘弹性
  10070. finite linewidth ==> 有限线宽,有限线宽度
  10071. finite lot ==> 有限量物料
  10072. finite mapping ==> 有限映射
  10073. finite Markov chains ==> 有限马尔可夫链
  10074. finite mathematics ==> 有穷数学,有限数学
  10075. finite matrix ==> 有限矩阵
  10076. finite measurable function ==> 有限可测函数
  10077. finite measure ==> 有限测度
  10078. finite measure space ==> 有限测度空间
  10079. finite medium ==> 有限介质
  10080. finite memory ==> 有限存储器
  10081. finite memory automaton ==> 有限存储自动机
  10082. finite memory filter ==> 有限存储滤波器
  10083. finite mixture ==> 有限混合
  10084. finite mixture model ==> 有限混合モデル
  10085. finite model ==> 有限モデル
  10086. finite module ==> 有限模
  10087. finite moment theorem ==> 有限矩定理
  10088. finite monoid ==> 有限モノイド
  10089. finite morphism ==> 有限射
  10090. finite motion ==> 有限运动=>有限運動
  10091. finite moving source ==> 有限运动源
  10092. finite multiplicative group ==> 有限乘法群
  10093. finite multiplier ==> 有限乘数
  10094. finite nilpotent group ==> 有限幂零群
  10095. finite nonempty set ==> 有限非空集
  10096. finite nonempty subset ==> 有限非空子集
  10097. finite nuclear size effect ==> 有限核大小效应
  10098. finite nucleus ==> 有限核
  10099. finite object point ==> 有限远物点
  10100. finite observation time ==> 有限观测时间
  10101. finite open interval ==> 有限开区间
  10102. finite open refinement ==> 有限开加细
  10103. finite order ==> 有限价
  10104. finite ordinal number ==> 有限序数
  10105. finite oscillation ==> 有限振動
  10106. finite part ==> 有限部分
  10107. finite particle ==> 有限粒子
  10108. finite partition ==> 有限划分
  10109. finite past ==> 有限的过去
  10110. finite period ==> 有限周期
  10111. finite permutation group ==> 有限置换群
  10112. finite perturbation ==> 有限摂動
  10113. finite perturbation theory (FPT) ==> 有限微扰理论
  10114. finite phase space ==> 有限位相空間
  10115. finite plane ==> 有限平面
  10116. finite plastic domain ==> 有限塑性范围
  10117. finite point ==> 有限点
  10118. finite polyhedron ==> 有限多面体
  10119. finite population ==> 有限总体
  10120. finite population of customer ==> 顾客的有限总体
  10121. finite positive entropy ==> 有限正熵
  10122. finite precision ==> 有限精确度=>有限精度
  10123. finite precision number ==> 有限精度数
  10124. finite presentation ==> 有限表示
  10125. finite prime divisor ==> 有限素因子
  10126. finite probability ==> 有限概率
  10127. finite process ==> 有限程序
  10128. finite progression ==> 有限级数
  10129. finite projection ==> 有限射影
  10130. finite projective geometry ==> 有限射影几何
  10131. finite projective geometry codes ==> 有限射影几何码
  10132. finite projective plane ==> 有限射影平面
  10133. finite pulse width ==> 有限脉冲宽度
  10134. finite purely inseparable extension ==> 有限纯不可分扩张
  10135. finite quantity ==> 有限量
  10136. finite rank ==> 有限秩
  10137. finite rate ==> 有限率
  10138. finite rate of increase ==> 有限增长率
  10139. finite reactor ==> 有限堆
  10140. finite reflux ==> 有限回流,实际回流
  10141. finite region ==> 有限区域
  10142. finite representation ==> 有限表示
  10143. finite resolving power ==> 有限分辨率
  10144. finite restriction ==> 有限限制
  10145. finite ring ==> 有限环
  10146. finite rod bundle ==> 有限棒束
  10147. finite rotation group ==> 有限旋转群
  10148. finite sample behavio(u)r ==> 有限抽样行为
  10149. finite scheme ==> 有限概型
  10150. finite segmenting ==> 有限分段
  10151. finite separable extension ==> 有限可分扩张
  10152. finite sequence ==> 有限序列
  10153. finite series ==> 有限級数
  10154. finite set ==> 有穷集,有限集=>有限集合
  10155. finite settling time response ==> 有限整定时间响应
  10156. finite shield build-up factor ==> 有限屏蔽层积累因数
  10157. finite simple group ==> 有限单群
  10158. finite simplicial complex ==> 有限单纯复形
  10159. finite solution ==> 有限解
  10160. finite solvable group ==> 有限可解群
  10161. finite space ==> 有限空间
  10162. finite specification ==> 有限说明
  10163. finite spin ==> 有限自旋
  10164. finite standpoint ==> 有穷观点
  10165. finite state algorithm ==> 有限态算法
  10166. finite state automaton ==> 有限自动机
  10167. finite state device ==> 有限态装置
  10168. finite state grammar ==> 有限态文法
  10169. finite state language ==> 有限态语言
  10170. finite state machine ==> 有限状态自动机=>有限オートマトン
  10171. finite state recognizer ==> 有限态识别程序
  10172. finite state stochastic games ==> 有限态随机对策
  10173. finite state table ==> 有限态表
  10174. finite state technique ==> 有限态技术
  10175. finite straight line ==> 有限直线
  10176. finite strain ==> 有限应变
  10177. finite strain theory of elasticity ==> 有限形变弹性理论
  10178. finite stripe method ==> 有限条分法
  10179. finite subadditivity ==> 有限子可加性
  10180. finite subcomplex ==> 有限子复形
  10181. finite subfamily ==> 有限子族
  10182. finite subgroup ==> 有限子群
  10183. finite subset ==> 有限子集
  10184. finite substitution ==> 有限置换
  10185. finite sum ==> 有限和
  10186. finite switching time ==> 限定开关时间
  10187. finite system of generators ==> 有限生成系
  10188. finite table ==> 有限表
  10189. finite thin sheet ==> 有限薄片
  10190. finite time average ==> 有限均值
  10191. finite trace ==> 有限迹
  10192. finite transcendence degree ==> 有限超越次数
  10193. finite transducer ==> 有限转换器
  10194. finite triangulation ==> 有限三角剖分
  10195. finite tube bundle ==> 有限管束
  10196. finite type ==> 有限型
  10197. finite universe ==> 有限全域
  10198. finite value ==> 有限数值,有限值
  10199. finite variance ==> 有限方差
  10200. finite volume ==> 有限体積
  10201. finite volume effect ==> 有限体積効果
  10202. finite volume method ==> 有限体積法
  10203. finite volume solution ==> 有限体積解
  10204. finite wave train ==> 有限波列
  10205. finite wedge ==> 有限长度楔
  10206. finite-conductivity screw instability ==> 有限电导率螺旋不稳定性
  10207. finite-difference approximation ==> 有限差分近似,有限差近似
  10208. finite-difference formula ==> 有限差分公式
  10209. finite-dimensional mapping ==> 有限维数映射
  10210. finite-element method ==> 有限元法
  10211. finite-energy correction ==> 有限能量修正,有限能量值
  10212. finite-length effect ==> 有限长效应
  10213. finite-length launcher ==> 有限长度的发射装置
  10214. finite-life design ==> 有限寿命设计
  10215. finite-memory channel ==> 有限记忆信道
  10216. finite-memory source ==> 有限记忆信道
  10217. finite-orbit instability ==> 有限轨道不稳定性
  10218. finite-pole-width magnet ==> 有限极宽磁铁
  10219. finite-state channel ==> 有限状态信道
  10220. finite-state machine ==> 有限自动机
  10221. finite-temperature phase transition ==> 有限温度相転移
  10222. finite-time filtering ==> 有限时间滤波
  10223. finite-width effect ==> 有限宽效应
  10224. finitely Abelian group ==> 有限交换群
  10225. finitely additive class ==> 有限加性类
  10226. finitely additive measure ==> 有限加性测度
  10227. finitely additive set function ==> 有限加性集函数
  10228. finitely closed subcategory ==> 有限闭子范畴
  10229. finitely cocomplete category ==> 有限共完全范畴
  10230. finitely defined ==> 有限定义
  10231. finitely equivalent sets ==> 有限等价集
  10232. finitely generated extension ==> 有限生成扩张
  10233. finitely generated field ==> 有限生成域
  10234. finitely generated free modules ==> 有限生成自由模
  10235. finitely generated group ==> 有限生成群
  10236. finitely generated left ideal ==> 有限生成左理想
  10237. finitely generated module ==> 有限生成模
  10238. finitely generated object ==> 有限生成对象
  10239. finitely generated projective modules ==> 有限生成射影模
  10240. finitely generated right ideal ==> 有限生成右理想
  10241. finitely generated ring ==> 有限生成环
  10242. finitely presented functor ==> 有限出现函子
  10243. finitely presented group ==> 有限出现群
  10244. finitely valued function ==> 有限值函数
  10245. finiteness ==> 有限性
  10246. finiteness condition ==> 有限性条件
  10247. finiteness problem ==> 有限问题,有限性问题
  10248. finitism ==> 有限论
  10249. finitist ==> 有穷论者
  10250. finitistic space ==> 有穷论的空间
  10251. finitude ==> 有限
  10252. Fink process ==> 氢气保护热镀铝法
  10253. Fink truss ==> 芬克式桁架,法国式桁架
  10254. Finkler-Prior spirillum ==> 芬-普二氏螺菌,变形弧菌
  10255. finks ==> 破坏罢工者
  10256. finned ==> 有肋的
  10257. finned air cooler ==> 带散热片的空气冷却器
  10258. finned coil ==> 带散热片的螺旋管,翅片盘管
  10259. finned cooler ==> 肋形冷却器片式散热器,翅形冷却器,带叶片冷凝器
  10260. finned cylinder ==> 肋式汽缸
  10261. finned drum ==> 翅片转鼓
  10262. finned evaporator ==> 翅片式蒸发器,鳍管蒸发器
  10263. finned heat exchanger ==> 翅片换热器,翅片式换热器
  10264. finned heat sink ==> 翅式散热片
  10265. finned heater ==> 翅片管加热器
  10266. finned length ==> 带肋长度
  10267. finned pipe ==> 翅片管
  10268. finned plate radiator ==> 片板式散热器
  10269. finned radiator ==> 肋片散热器
  10270. finned rocket ==> 有翼火箭
  10271. finned surface ==> 肋面,翼片热面,翅面
  10272. finned tube ==> 翅管,翅片管,翼型管,鳍片管,管子外表面(横截面的直径方向上)有两条纵向鳍片的无缝钢管。
  10273. finned tube economizer ==> 鳍片管省煤器,由钢制鳍片管(焊接鳍片管或轧制鳍片管)制成的省煤器。
  10274. finned tube exchanger ==> 翅片管换热器
  10275. finned tube heater ==> 翅片管加热器
  10276. finned tubes exchanger ==> 翼片换热器
  10277. finned tubular radiator ==> 翅片管散热器
  10278. finned type heat exchanger ==> 翅片式热交换器
  10279. finnemanite ==> 砷氯铅矿
  10280. finning ==> 筋条加强,肋材装配
  10281. Finnish architecture ==> 芬兰建筑
  10282. FINS, fine navigation subsystem ==> 高精度航法部
  10283. finsen lamp ==> 水银弧光灯
  10284. Finsen lamp ==> 费生弧光灯
  10285. Finsen light ==> フィンセン光
  10286. Finsler geometry ==> 芬斯拉几何
  10287. Finsler structure on a manifold ==> 流形上的芬斯拉结构
  10288. finte automaton ==> 有限自动机
  10289. fintie number of steps ==> 有限步数
  10290. fintube coil ==> 翅片盘管
  10291. fintube exchanger ==> 翅片管换热器
  10292. fintube heater ==> 翅片管加热器
  10293. FIO Free In and Out ==> 免费出入
  10294. Fior process ==> 菲奥尔法
  10295. fip ==> 固定互连图像
  10296. FIP, fuel injection pressure ==> 燃料噴射器圧力
  10297. FIPA, Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents ==> エージェント技術に関する国際的な標準化団体
  10298. fipos ==> 多孔氧化硅完全隔离
  10299. FIPS, Federal Information Processing Standard ==> 連邦情報処理基準
  10300. FIPS, fuel injection pressure switch ==> 燃料噴射圧力スイッチ
  10301. fir ==> 冷杉
  10302. FIR filter ==> 有限インパルス応答フィルタ
  10303. fir needle oil ==> 冷杉叶油
  10304. fir oil ==> 冷杉叶油
  10305. fir tree connection ==> 枞树形叶根固定
  10306. fir wood ==> 冷杉木
  10307. fir wood oil ==> 松叶油
  10308. FIR, Finite Impulse Response ==> 有限インパルス応答
  10309. FIR, flight information region ==> 飛行情報区
  10310. fir-apple ==> 冷杉球果
  10311. fir-ball ==> 冷杉球果
  10312. fir-cone ==> 冷杉球果
  10313. fir-hydrant ==> 灭火龙头
  10314. fir-needle ==> 冷杉针叶
  10315. fir-tree crystal ==> 树枝晶,枝晶
  10316. fire ==> 射,火,解雇,炽热体,放炮警告
  10317. fire adjustment ==> 发火调整,射击校正
  10318. fire airplane ==> 消防飞机
  10319. fire alarm ==> 消防警报装置,瓦斯警报器,火警,火警信号=>火災報知機
  10320. fire alarm apparatus ==> 消防警报器
  10321. fire alarm bell ==> 火警铃
  10322. fire alarm panel ==> 火灾报警盘
  10323. fire alarm signal ==> 火警信号
  10324. fire alarm signalling apparatus ==> 火警信号机
  10325. fire alarm system ==> 火警信号系统
  10326. fire an engine ==> 开动发动机
  10327. fire and ambulance station ==> 消防及救护站
  10328. fire and bilge pump ==> 消防污水两用泵
  10329. fire and explosition prevention ==> 防火防爆管理
  10330. fire and marine insurance ==> 物产保险,物业水火保险
  10331. fire and rescue bill ==> 消防救生部署表
  10332. fire annihilator ==> 灭火器
  10333. fire annihilator pipe ==> 消防管
  10334. fire apparatus ==> 消防设备
  10335. fire area ==> 防火区
  10336. fire arm ==> 轻武器
  10337. fire arms ==> 枪械
  10338. fire arrestor ==> 阻火器
  10339. fire arrow ==> 火箭
  10340. fire assay ==> 火法化验,试金分析法
  10341. fire assembly ==> 防火门窗配件
  10342. fire atlas ==> 防火图表集
  10343. fire axe ==> 消防用斧
  10344. fire bar ==> 炉篦炉条
  10345. fire bar(fire grate) ==> 炉排
  10346. fire barrier ==> 挡火墙,防火屏蔽
  10347. fire barriers ==> 隔火设施,防火间隔
  10348. fire basket ==> 烘篮,火篮
  10349. fire beater ==> 打火扫把
  10350. fire bed ==> 火层,火床
  10351. fire behaviour ==> 火势
  10352. fire belt ==> 防火带
  10353. fire bending machine ==> 火弯曲机
  10354. fire bill ==> 消防部署
  10355. fire blanket ==> 灭火毯
  10356. fire blight ==> 火疫病
  10357. fire blight of pear ==> 梨火疫病
  10358. fire bomb ==> 燃烧弹
  10359. fire bond ==> 耐火泥浆
  10360. fire boss ==> 扑火总指挥
  10361. fire box ==> 燃烧室
  10362. fire box quality steel ==> 火箱钢板,锅炉钢板
  10363. fire box sheet ==> 火箱板
  10364. fire box shell ==> 火箱壳
  10365. fire break ==> 火势防阻线
  10366. fire breakout ==> 出火
  10367. fire breaks ==> 隔火设施
  10368. fire brick ==> 耐火砖
  10369. fire bridge ==> 桥墙,火砖拱
  10370. fire brigade ==> 消防队
  10371. fire brigade vehicle ==> 消防车
  10372. fire bucket ==> 消防水桶,防火水桶
  10373. fire bulkhead ==> 挡火墙,隔火墙
  10374. fire burn ==> 烧伤
  10375. fire burr ==> 火磨石
  10376. fire camp ==> 打火营部,消防营地
  10377. fire canopy ==> 防火挑板
  10378. fire cement ==> 耐火水泥
  10379. fire chamber ==> 燃烧室
  10380. fire check ==> 坯裂
  10381. fire check door ==> 半防火门
  10382. fire chief ==> 消防部门主管人
  10383. fire cistern ==> 消防水池
  10384. fire clay ==> 耐火土,耐火粘土
  10385. fire clay brick ==> 耐火砖
  10386. fire clay lining ==> 耐火泥炉衬
  10387. fire climax ==> 火烧顶极
  10388. fire co-operator ==> 义务护林员
  10389. fire coat ==> 氧化膜
  10390. fire cock ==> 消防栓,消火栓,防火开关
  10391. Fire code ==> 法耳码,纠错循环码,纠错循环码
  10392. fire combat stations ==> 消防岗位
  10393. fire compartment ==> 防火分区
  10394. fire compartmentation ==> 防火分隔,防火分区法
  10395. fire conservancy ==> 防火区
  10396. fire control ==> 消防,射击控制
  10397. fire control car ==> 消防车
  10398. fire control computer ==> 炮火控制计算机,射击控制计算机,火力控制计算机
  10399. fire control improvments ==> 防火设施
  10400. fire control line ==> 防火线,火势防阻线,火灾控制线
  10401. fire control plan ==> 防火规划
  10402. fire control radar ==> 火控雷达,炮瞄雷达=>射撃用レーダー
  10403. fire control radar technology ==> 火控雷达技术
  10404. fire control sonar ==> 射击指挥声纳
  10405. fire control system ==> 消防系统
  10406. fire control unit ==> 防火装置
  10407. fire coordination ==> 射击协调
  10408. fire crack ==> 加热裂缝,火裂,热裂
  10409. fire cracker welding ==> 躺焊
  10410. fire curtain ==> 防火幕
  10411. fire damp ==> 沼气
  10412. fire damper ==> 防火阀
  10413. fire dange scale ==> 火险等级表
  10414. fire danger ==> 火灾危险
  10415. fire danger rating ==> 火险评级
  10416. fire danger station ==> 火险观测站
  10417. fire demand ==> 消防用水
  10418. fire demand of water ==> 消防需水量
  10419. fire department ==> 消防机构
  10420. fire detection and fire protection systems ==> 火警探测与防火系统
  10421. fire detection device ==> 火警装置
  10422. fire detector ==> 火警探测器,火灾探测器
  10423. fire detector unit ==> 测火器
  10424. fire dike ==> 防火堤
  10425. fire direction net ==> 火力方向网
  10426. fire director ==> 高炮射击指挥仪
  10427. fire distribution ==> 火力分配
  10428. fire division floor ==> 隔火楼板
  10429. fire division wall ==> 隔火墙
  10430. fire door ==> 防火门,炉门
  10431. fire door protection ring ==> 炉门护圈
  10432. fire door shield ==> 炉门护板
  10433. fire drencher ==> 消防筒
  10434. fire drill ==> 消防演习
  10435. fire drying ==> 火烘干
  10436. fire end ==> 火端,热接点
  10437. fire engine ==> 消防车,灭火泵=>消防車
  10438. fire engine hose ==> 消防胶管
  10439. fire engine house ==> 消防车库
  10440. fire engineering contractor ==> 防火工程承建商
  10441. fire equipment ==> 消防设备
  10442. fire escape ==> 防火应急出口,安全出口,安全梯,疏散楼梯
  10443. fire escape ladder ==> 防火梯
  10444. fire escape staircase ==> 防火梯
  10445. fire exit ==> 安全出口
  10446. fire extinction ==> 灭火
  10447. fire extinguisher ==> 灭火机,灭火器
  10448. fire extinguisher system ==> 消防系统
  10449. fire extinguishers ==> 消火器
  10450. fire extinguishing agent ==> 灭火剂
  10451. fire extinguishing appliance ==> 消火装置
  10452. fire extinguishing bomb ==> 灭火弹
  10453. fire extinguishing composition ==> 灭火混合物
  10454. fire extinguishing fan ==> 灭火风机
  10455. fire extinguishing pump ==> 消防用泵
  10456. fire extinguishment ==> 灭火
  10457. fire fighter ==> 消防队员,扑火队员
  10458. fire fighter truck ==> 消防车
  10459. fire fighting ==> 打火
  10460. fire fighting crowbar ==> 消防撬棍
  10461. fire fighting device ==> 消防设施
  10462. fire fighting foam ==> 灭火泡沫
  10463. fire fighting hook ==> 消防火钩
  10464. fire fighting hose ==> 消防胶管
  10465. fire fighting robot ==> 消火机器人
  10466. fire fighting system ==> 消防制度
  10467. fire fighting truck ==> 消防车
  10468. fire finder ==> 火灾探测器
  10469. fire finisher ==> 火抛光机
  10470. fire float ==> 消防船
  10471. fire float pump ==> 消防艇消防用泵
  10472. fire flooding ==> 火驱法
  10473. fire fly ==> 萤火虫
  10474. fire foam ==> 灭火泡沫,灭火泡沫剂,泡沫灭火剂
  10475. fire foam-producing machine ==> 灭火泡沫发生器
  10476. fire for effect ==> 效力射
  10477. fire fountain ==> 熔岩喷涌,(火山暂时喷气)火泉
  10478. fire gable ==> 封火山墙
  10479. fire gases ==> 易燃气体
  10480. fire grate ==> 炉排=>火格子
  10481. fire grate segment ==> 炉排片
  10482. fire guard ==> 人工防火线,防火监视哨,防火员,火炉栏,火情监视哨
  10483. fire hat ==> 消防帽
  10484. fire hazard ==> 火灾
  10485. fire hazard reduction ==> 降低火灾危险度
  10486. fire hole ==> 点火孔,炉口
  10487. fire hole ring ==> 炉门衬圈
  10488. fire hole(combustion head) ==> 火口
  10489. fire hook ==> 消防钩
  10490. fire hose ==> 水龙带,灭火水龙带,消防皮龙
  10491. fire hose box ==> 消防水龙带箱
  10492. fire hose coupler ==> 水带接扣
  10493. fire hose coupling ==> 消防水龙带接头
  10494. fire hose nozzle ==> 消防水龙带喷嘴
  10495. fire hose with inside lined rubber ==> 衬胶消防水龙带
  10496. fire house ==> 消防车库
  10497. fire hydrant ==> 消防栓,消防水龙头,太平龙头=>消火栓
  10498. fire hydrant chamber ==> 消防栓井
  10499. fire in the liver ==> 肝火
  10500. fire installation ==> 消防设备
  10501. fire insurance on stock and supplies ==> 库存物资的火灾保险
  10502. fire integrity ==> 整体着火性
  10503. fire intensity ==> 火烧强度
  10504. fire iron ==> 火钩
  10505. fire lane ==> 火势防阻线,防火隔离线,防火线
  10506. fire layer ==> 燃烧层
  10507. fire lighting ==> 点火
  10508. fire limits ==> 消防界线
  10509. fire line ==> 防火沟
  10510. fire load ==> 燃料荷载,火荷载,核电厂各防火区内所含可燃物料的发热潜热以及燃烧产物的总量,据此进行核电厂防火与消防设计
  10511. fire main ==> 消防水管
  10512. fire main pipe ==> 消防总管
  10513. fire main system ==> 消防总管
  10514. fire mask ==> 消防面具
  10515. fire metallurgy ==> 火法冶金
  10516. fire monitor ==> 消防监视站
  10517. fire mortar ==> 耐火砂浆
  10518. fire nozzle ==> 消火水枪
  10519. fire off ==> 熄火
  10520. fire opal ==> 火蛋白石
  10521. fire pack ==> 防火背包
  10522. fire partition ==> 防火隔断,防火隔墙,隔火墙,耐火隔墙
  10523. fire passage ==> 消防通道
  10524. fire patrol ==> 林火巡护员
  10525. fire patrolman ==> 消防队员
  10526. fire permit ==> 动火许可证
  10527. fire pipe ==> 消防管
  10528. fire plant ==> 消防装置
  10529. fire plug ==> 消防龙头,消防栓,太平龙头
  10530. fire point ==> 起爆点,燃烧点
  10531. fire point of oil ==> 燃油燃点,在规定的条件下,当火陷接近油品表面的蒸汽和空气混合物时,发生着火并持续燃烧5秒以上的最低温度
  10532. fire poker ==> 火钳
  10533. fire polishing ==> 火抛光
  10534. fire pot ==> 火锅,火炉=>ハイポット
  10535. fire precaution ==> 防火装置
  10536. fire precaution measure ==> 防火措施
  10537. fire precaution measures ==> 防火措施
  10538. fire pressure ==> 灭火水压力
  10539. fire presuppression ==> 防火准备措施
  10540. fire pretection zone ==> 防火圈
  10541. fire prevention ==> 防火
  10542. fire progress map ==> 扑火进度图
  10543. fire proof ==> 耐火的=>防火形,耐火形
  10544. fire proofed wood ==> 耐火材
  10545. fire proofing tile ==> 防火砖
  10546. fire proofing wood ==> 防火木材
  10547. fire proofness ==> 耐火性
  10548. fire protecting performance ==> 防火性能
  10549. fire protection ==> 防火,护林防火
  10550. fire protection expense ==> 防火费
  10551. fire protection for nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂防火,核电厂火灾可能导致放射性物质释放到环境,因此核电厂必须具备足够的防火能力,包括设置早期探测火警、灭火或限制火灾曼延设施等。并在设计中采用非可燃材料或阻燃材料、设置防火区实施区域隔离等
  10552. fire protection in hydropower station ==> 水电站防火,为防止火灾发生,阻止火灾蔓延和及时灭火灾,对水电站各类建筑物,构筑物和主要机电设备采取的消防措施
  10553. fire protection pilot valve ==> 防火滑阀
  10554. fire protection planning ==> 防火设计
  10555. fire protection requirement ==> 防火要求
  10556. fire protection standard ==> 防火标准
  10557. fire protection system ==> 防火系统
  10558. fire protection system of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂消防系统,核电厂各个厂房火灾探测、报警、灭火和缓解火灾后果的系统。它分为能动的和非能动的两大部分
  10559. fire protective lining ==> 防火衬层
  10560. fire pump ==> 灭火泵
  10561. fire pump (fire fighting pump) ==> 消防泵
  10562. fire pump and sprayer ==> 灭火喷射器
  10563. fire refined metal ==> 火法精炼金属
  10564. fire refining ==> 火法精炼
  10565. fire refining process ==> 火法精炼法
  10566. fire region ==> 防火区
  10567. fire regulation ==> 火力调节器
  10568. fire resistance ==> 耐火性,防火,防火性能
  10569. fire resistance rating ==> 耐火等级
  10570. fire resistance requirement ==> 防火要求
  10571. fire resistance rolling shutter door ==> 防火卷帘门
  10572. fire resistance steel door ==> 钢质防火门
  10573. fire resistance test ==> 耐火性试验
  10574. fire resistant ==> 防火的
  10575. fire resistant fluid ==> 耐燃液体
  10576. fire resistant grease ==> 耐火润滑脂
  10577. fire resistant hydraulic fluid ==> 抗燃液
  10578. fire resistant infilling ==> 耐火填料
  10579. fire resistant lubricant ==> 抗燃润滑油
  10580. fire resistant oil ==> 抗燃油
  10581. fire resistant packing ==> 耐火填料
  10582. fire resisting blanket ==> 防火毡
  10583. fire resisting construction ==> 耐火构造
  10584. fire resisting curtain ==> 防火帘
  10585. fire resisting door ==> 耐火门
  10586. fire resisting material ==> 耐火材料
  10587. fire resisting timber door ==> 防火木门
  10588. fire resistive material ==> 防火材料
  10589. fire retardant ==> 防火的,阻火的,阻燃剂
  10590. fire retardant adhesive ==> 阻燃粘合剂
  10591. fire retardant chemical ==> 阻火剂
  10592. fire retardant glass ==> 防火玻璃
  10593. fire retardant paint ==> 耐火涂料
  10594. fire retardant tile ==> 耐火砖
  10595. fire ring ==> 火环,火伤轮,燃烧环
  10596. fire risk ==> 火灾危险
  10597. fire rod ==> 点火棒
  10598. fire room ==> 锅炉间
  10599. fire rope ==> 点火绳
  10600. fire sand ==> 耐火砂,(制造碳化硅的中间产物)氮碳化硅
  10601. fire scale ==> 耐火氧化皮
  10602. fire scan ==> 火情扫描
  10603. fire scar ==> 火疤,火迹
  10604. fire scheme ==> 防火设计
  10605. fire screen ==> 防火屏,防火栅,火隔
  10606. fire seal ==> 防火密闭墙
  10607. fire security measures ==> 防火安全措施
  10608. fire separation ==> 防火分隔
  10609. fire service water ==> 消防水
  10610. fire shovel ==> 火铲
  10611. fire shutter ==> 防火百叶窗
  10612. fire siren ==> 火警笛
  10613. fire slice ==> 长柄火铲
  10614. fire smothering ==> 窒息灭火
  10615. fire smothering gas ==> 灭火气
  10616. fire sprinkling system ==> 喷洒灭火系统
  10617. fire stability ==> 对火稳定性
  10618. fire station ==> 井下消防站,井下消防站
  10619. fire stone ==> 火石
  10620. fire stop ==> 挡火物
  10621. fire storm ==> 火暴,火力强攻
  10622. fire superiority ==> 火力优势
  10623. fire suppression ==> 灭火,扑火
  10624. fire swatter ==> 打火扫把
  10625. fire test ==> 着火点测定,着火温度试验
  10626. fire tile ==> 防火瓦
  10627. fire tongs ==> 火钳
  10628. fire tool ==> 司炉用具
  10629. fire tower ==> 防火塔,望火塔
  10630. fire trace ==> 火烧控制线
  10631. fire trap ==> 高火热
  10632. fire trap area ==> 高火险区
  10633. fire trench ==> 防火沟
  10634. fire trough ==> 燃烧道
  10635. fire truck ==> 消防车,救火车,救火车
  10636. fire tube ==> 烟管,火管
  10637. fire tube boiler ==> 火管锅炉,火管式锅炉
  10638. fire tube heater ==> 火管加热炉
  10639. fire unit (FU) ==> 灭火装置
  10640. fire up ==> 点火
  10641. fire valve ==> 灭火阀
  10642. fire vessel ==> 救火船,救火船
  10643. fire wall ==> 绝热隔板,风火墙,隔火墙,炉壁,防火墙=>ファイア・ウォール
  10644. fire warden ==> 地区防火指挥员
  10645. fire warning system ==> 火灾报警系统
  10646. fire waste ==> 烧损
  10647. fire weather ==> 火险天气
  10648. fire weather forecast ==> 火险天气预报
  10649. fire welding ==> 锻焊,锻接
  10650. fire window ==> 防火窗
  10651. fire wood ==> 木柴
  10652. fire workperiod ==> 林火第一工作日
  10653. fire wound ==> 火烧伤
  10654. fire(water)tube boiler ==> 火(水)管锅炉
  10655. FIRE, First ISCCP Regional Experiment ==> 第一回ISCCP地域実験
  10656. fire-alarm ==> 火灾报警器
  10657. fire-alarm system ==> 火警系统
  10658. fire-arm fracture ==> 火器骨折
  10659. fire-arm injury ==> 火器伤
  10660. fire-box ==> 火箱
  10661. fire-box boiler ==> 火室式锅炉
  10662. fire-box crown ==> 火箱顶
  10663. fire-break distance of production buildings ==> 厂房的防火距离
  10664. fire-brick lining ==> 耐火砖衬层
  10665. Fire-check keys ==> 高温锥
  10666. fire-clay brick ==> 火砖
  10667. fire-clay crucible ==> 耐火坩埚
  10668. fire-clay lining ==> 火泥炉衬
  10669. fire-cloud furnace ==> 碳粉电气淬火炉
  10670. fire-coat ==> 氧化皮,鳞皮
  10671. fire-control ==> 燃烧控制
  10672. fire-control grid ==> 射击控制方格
  10673. fire-control instrument ==> 射击控制仪器
  10674. fire-control measure ==> 防火措施
  10675. fire-control quadrant ==> 射击控制像限仪
  10676. fire-control radar ==> 射击控制雷达
  10677. fire-control sonar ==> 射击控制声纳
  10678. fire-cracker welding ==> 躺焊
  10679. fire-curing ==> 烟熏烤干
  10680. fire-damp cap ==> 蓝色焰晕
  10681. fire-damp-proof machine ==> 防沼气电动机,防火防腐型电动机
  10682. fire-danger meter ==> 火险预警仪
  10683. fire-endurance rating ==> 耐火率
  10684. fire-engine siren ==> 消防車のサイレン
  10685. fire-escape chute ==> 安全倾卸槽
  10686. fire-escape ladder ==> 救火梯,救火梯
  10687. fire-escape stair ==> 防火楼梯,疏散楼梯
  10688. fire-escape window ==> 紧急出口窗
  10689. fire-exit bolts ==> 太平门闩
  10690. fire-extinguisher cock ==> 灭火器开关
  10691. fire-extinguisher fluid ==> 灭火器液
  10692. fire-extinguisher system ==> 消火装置
  10693. fire-extinguishing ==> 灭火
  10694. fire-extinguishing apparatus ==> 灭火设备
  10695. fire-extinguishing appliance ==> 消防设备
  10696. fire-extinguishing device ==> 灭火装置,空气冷却的发电机内部,在定子绕组端部附近,装有的灭火水管或二氧化碳管装置
  10697. fire-extinguishing equipment ==> 灭火设备
  10698. fire-extinguishing foam ==> 泡沫灭火剂
  10699. fire-extinguishing system ==> 灭火系统,消防系统
  10700. fire-extinguishing tanker ==> 消防车
  10701. fire-fight ==> 防火,消防
  10702. fire-fighting ==> 防火的,救火的
  10703. fire-fighting equipment ==> 消防器材设备
  10704. fire-fighting measures ==> 消火装置
  10705. fire-fighting monitor ==> 消防喷射器
  10706. fire-fighting plan ==> 消防设备布置图
  10707. fire-fighting pump ==> 消防泵
  10708. fire-fighting pump house ==> 消防泵房
  10709. fire-fighting ring main ==> 灭火环形主管
  10710. fire-fighting system ==> 消防系统
  10711. fire-fighting tug ==> 消防拖轮
  10712. fire-fighting vehicle ==> 消防车
  10713. fire-fighting water ==> 消防水
  10714. fire-flash ==> 火闪
  10715. fire-fly glass ==> 荧光玻璃
  10716. fire-heating elbow ==> 火焰加热弯管
  10717. fire-hose station ==> 消防站
  10718. fire-hydrant ==> 消防龙头
  10719. fire-hydrant cabinet ==> 消防栓箱
  10720. fire-pan ==> 灰槽
  10721. fire-pot ==> 燃烧室
  10722. fire-proof architectural board ==> 防火建筑平板
  10723. fire-proof asbestos clothing ==> 防火石棉衣
  10724. fire-proof building ==> 耐火房屋
  10725. fire-proof cable ==> 防火电缆
  10726. fire-proof construction ==> 耐火构造
  10727. fire-proof door ==> 耐火门
  10728. fire-proof engine ==> 防火式电机
  10729. fire-proof fabric ==> 防火织物
  10730. fire-proof fibre ==> 防火纤维
  10731. fire-proof floor ==> 耐火楼板
  10732. fire-proof grease ==> 耐火润滑脂
  10733. fire-proof machine ==> 防火电机
  10734. fire-proof mat ==> 耐火席子
  10735. fire-proof paint ==> 防火漆
  10736. fire-proof petrol tank ==> 耐火汽油桶
  10737. fire-proof safe ==> 防火保险柜
  10738. fire-proof structure ==> 耐火结构
  10739. fire-proof suit ==> 防火服
  10740. fire-proof wall ==> 耐火墙
  10741. fire-proof wooden door ==> 木质防火门
  10742. fire-proofing ==> 耐火装置,防火处理
  10743. fire-proofing agent ==> 防火剂
  10744. fire-proofing chemical ==> 耐火剂
  10745. fire-proofing preparation ==> 防火制剂
  10746. fire-proofing wood ==> 耐火材
  10747. fire-protection code ==> 防火规范
  10748. fire-protection design ==> 消防设计,为保证电力工程安全生产,防止或减少火灾危害,保障人身和财产安全,应采取的综合性防火技术措施和应急消防装备的统筹规划和安排
  10749. fire-protection distance ==> 防火距离
  10750. fire-protection rating ==> 防火等级
  10751. fire-protection ring ==> 防火圈
  10752. fire-protection sprinkler system ==> 防火洒水系统
  10753. fire-protection standard ==> 防火标准
  10754. fire-protection suit ==> 防火服
  10755. fire-resistant ==> 耐火性
  10756. fire-resistant belting ==> 耐火运输带
  10757. fire-resistant coating for steel structure ==> 钢结构防火涂料
  10758. fire-resistant concrete ==> 耐热混凝土
  10759. fire-resistant filling ==> 耐火填料
  10760. fire-resistant fluid ==> 不燃液
  10761. fire-resistant housing ==> 耐火机壳
  10762. fire-resistant hydraulic fluid ==> 耐燃液压油
  10763. fire-resistant wire ==> 耐火导线,耐火绝缘导线
  10764. fire-resisting ==> 耐火
  10765. fire-resisting beam ==> 耐火梁
  10766. fire-resisting cable ==> 耐火电缆
  10767. fire-resisting concrete ==> 耐火混凝土
  10768. fire-resisting construction ==> 耐火构造
  10769. fire-resisting covering ==> 耐热包皮
  10770. fire-resisting damper ==> 防火阀,防火挡板
  10771. fire-resisting dope ==> 耐火涂料
  10772. fire-resisting floor ==> 耐火楼板,防火楼板
  10773. fire-resisting limit of main structural member ==> 主结构构件的耐火限度
  10774. fire-resisting paint ==> 防火涂料,耐火漆
  10775. fire-resisting partition ==> 耐火隔墙
  10776. fire-resisting property ==> 耐火性,耐热性
  10777. fire-resisting rolling shutter ==> 防火卷帘门
  10778. fire-resisting roof ==> 耐火屋顶
  10779. fire-resisting stair ==> 耐火楼梯
  10780. fire-resisting steel sliding door ==> 防火钢推拉门
  10781. fire-resisting window ==> 防火窗
  10782. fire-resisting wood ==> 耐火木材
  10783. fire-resistive ceiling ==> 耐火顶棚
  10784. fire-resistive coating ==> 耐火罩面
  10785. fire-resistive construction ==> 防火构造
  10786. fire-resistive floor ==> 耐火楼板
  10787. fire-resistive grade of buildings ==> 建筑物的耐火等级
  10788. fire-resistive material ==> 耐火材料
  10789. fire-resistive partition ==> 防火隔断
  10790. fire-resistive suspended ceiling ==> 耐火吊顶
  10791. fire-retardant ==> 难燃
  10792. fire-retardant coating ==> 耐火罩面
  10793. fire-retardant fastener ==> 防火搭扣
  10794. fire-retardant paint ==> 防火漆,防火涂料
  10795. fire-retarding glazing ==> 耐火玻璃
  10796. fire-retarding paint ==> 耐火漆
  10797. fire-righting ==> 火焰加热法矫形
  10798. fire-sealing gable ==> 封火山墙
  10799. fire-side ==> 烟气侧
  10800. fire-smoke detection ==> 火烟检测
  10801. fire-smothering blanket ==> 灭火毯
  10802. fire-smothering gas ==> 窒息灭火气体
  10803. fire-smothering gear ==> 窒息性气体灭火装置
  10804. fire-smothering steam ==> 窒息灭火用蒸汽
  10805. fire-smothering system ==> 窒息灭火系统
  10806. fire-spreading ==> 火灾传播
  10807. fire-stone liver ==> 火石肝
  10808. fire-suppression bottle ==> 灭火器
  10809. fire-suppression ring ==> 灭火圈
  10810. fire-tender ==> 救火机,救火机
  10811. fire-through of valve ==> バルブ誤点弧
  10812. fire-tool cache ==> 灭火器材贮藏所
  10813. fire-tube boiler ==> 火管锅炉
  10814. firearm sight ==> 火器瞄准器
  10815. fireball model ==> 火の玉模型
  10816. firebox ==> 火室
  10817. firebrick arch ==> 耐火砖拱
  10818. firebrick lining ==> 耐火砖衬
  10819. firebrick structure ==> 耐火砖结构
  10820. firebrick support ==> 耐火砖载体
  10821. fireclay brick ==> 火泥砖,耐火砖
  10822. fireclay dish ==> 耐火土盘
  10823. fireclay insulating refractory ==> 隔热耐火材料
  10824. fireclay lining ==> 耐火泥衬
  10825. fireclay mineral ==> 耐火粘土矿物
  10826. fireclay mortar ==> 耐火泥灰浆,耐火砂浆
  10827. fireclay nozzle ==> 耐火喷嘴
  10828. fireclay plastic refractory ==> 塑性耐火材料
  10829. fireclay refractory ==> 粘土质耐火材料
  10830. fireclay refractory brick ==> 粘土質耐火れんが
  10831. fireclay sanitary ware ==> 耐火粘土卫生器
  10832. fired heater ==> 火焰加热器
  10833. fired pressure vessel ==> 直接火焰加热压力容器
  10834. fired process equipment ==> 火焰加工设备
  10835. fired process tubular heater ==> 直接火操作的管式加热炉
  10836. fired state ==> 点火状态
  10837. firedamp alarm ==> ガス警報器
  10838. firedamp drainage drill ==> 排放瓦斯钻机
  10839. firedamp fringe ==> 瓦斯边界区
  10840. firedamp indicator ==> 瓦斯指示器
  10841. firedamp layer ==> 瓦斯积聚层
  10842. firedamp migration ==> 瓦斯迁移
  10843. firedamp pressure-chamber method ==> 瓦斯压力室排放法
  10844. firedamp reforming process ==> ガス抜き改質法
  10845. firedamp testing ==> 瓦斯测定
  10846. firefly ==> ファイヤフライ,異物が電界によって高電圧導体近傍を浮遊する現象であり,部分放電による発光を伴う
  10847. firefly phenomenon ==> ファイヤフライ現象
  10848. fireless locomotive ==> 灭火机车
  10849. fireman ==> 司炉
  10850. firemans's cabin ==> 井下消防站,井下消防站
  10851. fireproof ==> 耐火的
  10852. fireproof aggregates ==> 耐火集料
  10853. fireproof alloy ==> 耐热合金
  10854. fireproof building ==> 防火建筑
  10855. fireproof bulkhead ==> 耐火隔壁
  10856. fireproof cable ==> 防火电缆
  10857. fireproof casing ==> 耐火衬套
  10858. fireproof coating ==> 耐火涂料
  10859. fireproof concrete ==> 耐火混凝土
  10860. fireproof construction ==> 耐火构造,耐火结构,防火构造,防火建筑
  10861. fireproof covering ==> 防火套
  10862. fireproof curtain ==> 防火幕
  10863. fireproof door ==> 防火门
  10864. fireproof floor ==> 防火楼板
  10865. fireproof frame ==> 防爆机座
  10866. fireproof grease ==> 不易燃滑脂
  10867. fireproof machine ==> 防爆式电机
  10868. fireproof material ==> 防火材料
  10869. fireproof membrane ==> 防火薄膜
  10870. fireproof paint ==> 防火漆
  10871. fireproof plywood ==> 防火胶合板
  10872. fireproof structure ==> 防火结构
  10873. fireproof wood ==> 防火木材
  10874. fireproofed paper ==> 防火纸
  10875. fireproofing of cables ==> 电缆的防火措施
  10876. fireprotection layer ==> 防火层
  10877. fireresisting property ==> 防火性能
  10878. firetube-watertube boiler ==> 水管火管合并式锅炉
  10879. firetube-watertube boiler ==> 火管水管合并式锅炉
  10880. firewall ==> ファイアウォール,外部から侵入されるのを防ぐシステム
  10881. firewall with 4-hour fire rating ==> 耐火4小时的防火墙
  10882. firewarning light ==> 火警灯
  10883. firewood ==> 薪材
  10884. firewood chopper ==> 柴刀
  10885. firewood forest ==> 薪炭林
  10886. firewood stove ==> 柴炉
  10887. FIREX, free-flying imaging radar experiment ==> フリーフライング画像レーダ実験
  10888. firing ==> 引燃,解雇,点火,起火,生火,添煤,开火=>焼成
  10889. firing angle ==> 点弧角,点火角,引燃角=>点弧角(磁気増幅器)
  10890. firing azimuth ==> 射击方位角
  10891. firing base ==> 射击底座,发射台
  10892. firing box ==> 发射箱,燃烧室
  10893. firing button ==> 发射按钮
  10894. firing cable ==> 引燃电缆,起动电缆
  10895. firing chamber ==> 燃烧室,火室,焙烧室
  10896. firing characteristic ==> 点火特性
  10897. firing circuit ==> 点火电路,引燃电路=>点弧回路
  10898. firing current ==> 开启电流
  10899. firing data ==> 射击诸元
  10900. firing delay ==> 点火延迟
  10901. firing device ==> 点燃装置
  10902. firing equipment ==> 加热设备
  10903. firing failure ==> 引燃失败=>点弧失敗
  10904. firing game ==> 射击对策
  10905. firing gear ==> 击发装置,机械添煤传动机构
  10906. firing hammer ==> 发火撞锤
  10907. firing hole ==> 点火孔
  10908. firing interval ==> 射击间隔
  10909. firing jack ==> 射击调平装置
  10910. firing key ==> 起动按扭,起动开关,引爆电键
  10911. firing lanyard ==> 射击拉火绳
  10912. firing level ==> 燃烧面
  10913. firing lock ==> 击发机构
  10914. firing machine ==> 加煤机
  10915. firing mechanism ==> 击发机构
  10916. firing order ==> 点火次序
  10917. firing pin ==> 击针
  10918. firing plate ==> 装料板
  10919. firing platform ==> 起动台,发射台架
  10920. firing point ==> 发火点,燃烧点,起动点,导通点
  10921. firing potential ==> 点火电位,引燃电位=>放電開始電圧
  10922. firing pressure ==> 燃烧压力
  10923. firing profile ==> 烧结温度分布图
  10924. firing pulse ==> 引燃脉冲,点火脉冲
  10925. firing rate ==> 燃烧速度,加热速度
  10926. firing ring ==> 测热圈,测温环
  10927. firing rules ==> 激发规则
  10928. firing run ==> 点火试验
  10929. firing shrinkage ==> 退火收缩
  10930. firing speed ==> 发火速度
  10931. firing spring retainer ==> 击针簧挡板
  10932. firing stabilizer ==> 稳燃器,在燃烧器出口造成一次风气流有一定程度的扩散或旋转,形成烟气回流,以稳定着火燃烧的装置。
  10933. firing stroke ==> 燃烧冲程,点火冲程,工作冲程
  10934. firing switch ==> 起动开关
  10935. firing system ==> 燃烧系统
  10936. firing table ==> 射表
  10937. firing table elevation ==> 射表仰角
  10938. firing temperature ==> 点火温度
  10939. firing test data ==> (发动机)试车数据
  10940. firing test missile station ==> 导弹发射试验站
  10941. firing time ==> 点火时间
  10942. firing tools ==> 点火工具
  10943. firing top-centre ==> 点火上死点
  10944. firing torque ==> 发火转矩
  10945. firing tower ==> 发射台
  10946. firing up ==> 点火
  10947. firing vehicle ==> 火箭发射装置
  10948. firing voltage ==> 开始放电电压,点火电压
  10949. firing weapon ==> 射击武器
  10950. firing-pin group ==> 击发装置
  10951. firm acceleration ==> 稳定加速
  10952. firm and impervious joint ==> 牢固接合
  10953. firm bargain ==> 盘交易,确定买卖,实盘交易
  10954. firm bottom ==> 稳固底板
  10955. firm capacity ==> 保证出力,可靠容量
  10956. firm clay ==> 硬粘土
  10957. firm commitment ==> 坚定承诺,包销承诺
  10958. firm contract ==> 经过确认具有束缚性的契约,经过确认具有束缚性的契约
  10959. firm demand ==> 固定负荷
  10960. firm effect ==> 企业效果
  10961. firm ground ==> 坚实地面,稳定地基,稳固岩层
  10962. firm joint ==> 两脚规
  10963. firm joint caliper ==> 固接卡钳
  10964. firm knot ==> 坚朽节
  10965. firm labor turnover ==> 厂商劳动力周转率
  10966. firm measurement ==> 常時測定
  10967. firm offer ==> 确定报价,确定的要约,坚定邀约,不能撤销的发价,实盘=>ファームオファー
  10968. firm order ==> 确定订货=>ファームオーダー
  10969. firm output ==> 恒定输出,稳定输出,固定出力,可靠出力=>常時出力
  10970. firm peak capacity ==> 可靠峰值容量,稳定最大输出,恒定峰值功率,恒定最高容量=>常時ピーク出力
  10971. firm peak output ==> 稳定峰值功率输出
  10972. firm position ==> 坚位置
  10973. firm power ==> 保证功率,可靠出力,可靠电力,基本电力,安全功率,稳定功率=>常時電力
  10974. firm power energy ==> 稳定功能
  10975. firm production function ==> 厂商生产函数
  10976. firm pulse ==> 牢脉
  10977. firm quotation ==> 确定报价,实盘
  10978. firm ripe stage ==> 坚熟期
  10979. firm rock ==> 稳固岩石
  10980. firm sale ==> 确定销售
  10981. firm sale contract ==> 确定的销售合同,确定销售契约
  10982. firm stratum ==> 坚实土层
  10983. firm time ==> 变硬时间
  10984. firm top ==> 稳固顶板
  10985. firm type ==> 结实型
  10986. firm wall ==> 稳固围岩
  10987. firm-commitment offering ==> 确定承诺出价
  10988. firm-joint caliper ==> 拧紧铰接卡钳
  10989. firm-to-firm variation ==> 厂商间差异
  10990. firmer chisel set German type ==> 德式套装木工凿
  10991. firmer gouge ==> 木工用弧口凿,半圆式木凿
  10992. firmer gouge chisel ==> 半圆木凿
  10993. Firmiama simplex ==> 梧桐
  10994. firming agent ==> 固化剂
  10995. firmly believe ==> 认定
  10996. firmly related ==> 坚相关
  10997. firmness of fat ==> 猪油硬度
  10998. FIRMR, Federal Information Requirements Management Regulation ==> 連邦情報要求管理規則
  10999. firmware ==> 固件
  11000. firmware building block ==> 固件构成分程序
  11001. firmware development ==> 固件开发
  11002. firmware expansion module ==> 固件扩充模件
  11003. firmware hardwired logic ==> 硬连线逻辑
  11004. firmware monitoring ==> 固件监视
  11005. firmware structure ==> 固件结构
  11006. firmware support ==> 固件支撑
  11007. firn field ==> 永久积雪原
  11008. firn ice ==> 粒雪冰,冻结粒雪
  11009. firn limit ==> 粒雪线
  11010. firn line ==> 粒雪线
  11011. firn snow ==> 粒雪,陈雪
  11012. firn wind ==> 冰川风
  11013. firng-pin ==> 撞针
  11014. firs-out ==> 首出原因,引起保护动作的第一原因。保护动作后,可通过信号处理装置发出声、光信号
  11015. first ==> 第一流的,首,首次,首要,甲
  11016. first advance ==> 超前工作面
  11017. first aerial mode ==> 第1線間波モード
  11018. first aid ==> 急救
  11019. first aid kit ==> 急救包
  11020. first aid of fracture ==> 骨折急救
  11021. first aid treatment ==> 急救措施
  11022. first angle projection ==> 第一角投影法
  11023. first annealing ==> 初次退火
  11024. first anode ==> 第一阳极
  11025. first answer print ==> 第一部完成拷贝
  11026. first appointed day (water control zone) ==> 第一指定日期(水质管制区)
  11027. first approximation ==> 第一近似,第一次近似,第一近似值,初步近似,一次近似值,一级近似,首次近似
  11028. first arrival ==> 初至
  11029. first arrival time ==> 初至时间
  11030. first article configuration inspection ==> 初样概略检验
  11031. first attack ==> 初次发病
  11032. first audit ==> 初次审计
  11033. first author ==> 第一作者=>筆頭著者
  11034. first azimuth method ==> 第一方位角法
  11035. first backcross generation ==> 第一回交子代,回交一代
  11036. first batch ==> 首批
  11037. first batch of newly-designed products ==> 初次产品
  11038. first beater ==> 第一逐稿轮
  11039. first beneficiary ==> 第一受益人
  11040. first bite ==> 初次腐蚀
  11041. first blow ==> 扑气
  11042. first bottom ==> 第一河底
  11043. first boundary volume problem of potential theory ==> 狄利克雷问题
  11044. first bounded interval measure ==> 首次有界区间度量
  11045. first break ==> 初至
  11046. first break time ==> 初至时间
  11047. first breaker card ==> 头道梳毛机
  11048. first brood of larvae ==> 第一代幼虫
  11049. first category gassy mine ==> 一级瓦斯煤矿
  11050. first category of commodities ==> 一类商品
  11051. first category vessel ==> 一类容器
  11052. first cause ==> 原动力
  11053. first charge ==> 始装料,首次装量
  11054. first choice ==> 首选
  11055. first class ==> 头等
  11056. first class insulated wire ==> 第一类绝缘线
  11057. first class maintenance ==> 一级保养
  11058. first coat ==> 底漆,头道灰
  11059. first coat of plaster ==> 头道灰
  11060. first collision dose ==> 首次碰撞剂量
  11061. first collision neutron ==> 首次碰撞中子
  11062. first come first served ==> 先到者先接受服务原则
  11063. first component ==> 前件
  11064. first compound leaf expanded ==> 第一片复叶展开
  11065. first concrete ==> 第一批浇灌的混凝土
  11066. first contact ==> 初亏
  11067. first contact of umbra ==> 初亏
  11068. first content ==> 基波分量
  11069. first copy-out time ==> 第一份复制品输出时间,首次拷贝时间
  11070. first core ==> 第一炉料
  11071. first core inventory ==> 首次堆芯装载量
  11072. first core loading ==> 首次堆芯装料
  11073. first cosmic velocity ==> 第一宇宙速度
  11074. first cost ==> 初投资费用,初次费用,建造费=>創設費
  11075. first countable topological space ==> 第一可数拓扑空间
  11076. first course ==> 头道锉纹,下锉纹
  11077. first crack ==> 初裂
  11078. first crime ==> 初犯
  11079. first critical experiment ==> 首次临界实验,初始和后续堆芯进行的第一次确定临界条件的物理实验。实验时选用适当的方法使堆芯中子数在外中子源作用下逐渐增多并测量其变化,分析确认其接近临界的程度;经多次重复、逐逐渐近,最终达到临界
  11080. first curvature ==> 第一曲率
  11081. first curvature radius ==> 第一曲率半径
  11082. first curvature vector ==> 第一曲率向量
  11083. first cutting ==> 第一次割刈,割下第一茬
  11084. first data multiplexer ==> 第一数据多路转接器
  11085. first day working after day off ==> 休日後の初日の仕事
  11086. first degree A-V block ==> 一度房室传导阻滞
  11087. first derivation ==> 一次微分
  11088. first derivative ==> 一阶导数
  11089. first derivative spectrum ==> 一级导数光谱
  11090. first derived curve ==> 导曲线
  11091. first detail group ==> 第一细目栏
  11092. first detector ==> 第一检波器,混频器=>第一検波器
  11093. first difference ==> 一阶差分,一阶有限差
  11094. first difference method ==> 一阶差分法
  11095. first difference of variables ==> 变量的一阶差分法
  11096. first difference series ==> 一阶差分数列
  11097. first difference transformation ==> 一阶差分变换
  11098. first division ==> 第一次分裂
  11099. first division segregation ==> 第一次分裂分离
  11100. first dollar coverage ==> 全额赔偿
  11101. first drafting ==> 底图
  11102. first drawing frame ==> 头道并条机
  11103. first dressing ==> 第一次清理
  11104. first driver ==> 初级激励器
  11105. first driver unit ==> 初级主振部分
  11106. first drop ==> 初次落果
  11107. first electron lens ==> 第一电子透镜,阴极透镜
  11108. first element of chain ==> 链的首元素,链中第一元素
  11109. first entry table ==> 初始输入表
  11110. first equation of Maxwell ==> 麦克斯韦第一方程
  11111. first estimate-second estimate method ==> 中天时间逐次逼近算法
  11112. first etching ==> 初次腐蚀
  11113. first felling-line ==> 初次疏伐线
  11114. first filial generation ==> 子一代
  11115. first filling ==> 初次蓄水,初期蓄水
  11116. first filter ==> 粗滤器
  11117. first fire ==> 起爆器
  11118. first fire composition ==> 点火药
  11119. first fit ==> 首次满足,首次适合
  11120. first flush pollution ==> 初次冲刷污染
  11121. first frequency doubler ==> 第一频率倍增器
  11122. first Fresnel zone ==> 第一菲涅耳区
  11123. first fruits ==> 初年度收益
  11124. first fundamental quantity ==> 第1基本量
  11125. first gear ==> 一档
  11126. first generation ==> 第一代
  11127. first generation of nuclear power reactor ==> 第一代[核电]反应堆,20世纪50、60年代开发的发电用的原型反应堆和示范反应堆
  11128. first generation rocket ==> 第一代的火箭
  11129. first grade ==> 头等的
  11130. first grade structure ==> 一级构造
  11131. first grading ==> 初步土方平整
  11132. first grid ==> 第一栅极
  11133. first gun ==> 第一电子枪
  11134. first gust ==> 首次阵风
  11135. first half of fruiting stage ==> 结荚成熟前期
  11136. first hand tap ==> 初攻丝锥,头锥
  11137. first ice ==> 初冰
  11138. first impression ==> 初步印象
  11139. first in still here (FISH) ==> 先进留库盘存法
  11140. first in system-first served rule (FISFS) ==> 先到期先做规则
  11141. first integral ==> 初积分
  11142. first intention ==> 第一期愈合,一期愈合
  11143. first intermediate host ==> 第一中间宿主
  11144. first intermediate roll ==> 第一层中间辊
  11145. first internode length ==> 第一节间长度
  11146. first ion cyclotron wave ==> 基频离子回旋波
  11147. first ionization constant ==> 一级电离常数
  11148. first iron ==> 初铁
  11149. first item list ==> 首项编目
  11150. first kind collision ==> 第一类碰撞
  11151. first Lagrangian point ==> 第一拉格朗日点
  11152. first latex rubber ==> 头等橡胶
  11153. first law of motion ==> 第一运动定律,牛顿第一定律
  11154. first law of the mean ==> 第一中值定理
  11155. first law of thermodynamics ==> 热力学第一定律
  11156. first leaf development ==> 第一片叶发育
  11157. first leaves ==> 最初叶子
  11158. first level address ==> 一级地址,直接地址
  11159. first level definition ==> 第一级定义
  11160. first level lift ==> 第一水平提升高度
  11161. first lien ==> 首先留置权
  11162. first light ==> 熹微光,熹微光
  11163. first line selector ==> 第一寻线器
  11164. first line switch ==> 第一预选器
  11165. first loading ==> 首次装料,又称“初装料”。第一次将核燃料装入反应堆的操作过程。因为是引入正反应性,必须有计数率或功率仪表的连续监测及相应的安全措施
  11166. first longitudinal vein ==> 第一纵脉
  11167. first loop feature ==> 首环功能部件
  11168. first loop feature (loop 1) ==> 第一环路适配器
  11169. first lower punch ==> 第一下冲模
  11170. first lunar meridian ==> 月球本初子午线
  11171. first management step ==> 第一个管理步骤
  11172. first market ==> 初次市场
  11173. first meiotic division ==> 第一减数
  11174. first melt ==> 头熔
  11175. first member ==> 左端
  11176. first meridian ==> 本初子午圈线,本初子午线
  11177. first milk ==> 初乳
  11178. first minor ==> 初余子式
  11179. first molar ==> 六岁磨牙
  11180. first moment ==> 一次矩,一阶矩
  11181. first momnet of mass ==> 惯性静矩
  11182. first mortgage bond ==> 一类抵押债券
  11183. first motion ==> 初动,直接运动
  11184. first motion direction ==> 初动方向
  11185. first nodal point ==> 第一中心点
  11186. first nodules ==> 最初根瘤
  11187. first normal form ==> 第一范式,第一规范式,关系第一范式
  11188. first notice day ==> 通知期限的第一天
  11189. first of a kind plant ==> 一等工厂
  11190. first offence ==> 初犯
  11191. first office action ==> 拒絶理由通知
  11192. first oocyte ==> 初级卵母细胞
  11193. first open water ==> 不负担港口解冻之风险
  11194. first open water (F.O.W.) ==> 首航
  11195. first open water (FOW) ==> 开封初期
  11196. first operand ==> 第一操作数
  11197. first order ==> 第一级,初指令
  11198. first order delay ==> 一次时滞
  11199. first order derivative ==> 一次导数
  11200. first order difference ==> 一阶差分
  11201. first order differential equation ==> 一阶微分方程
  11202. first order elimination model ==> 一级消除模型
  11203. first order equation ==> 一阶方程
  11204. first order fluorescence ==> 一次荧光
  11205. first order kinetics ==> 一级消除动力学
  11206. first order lag ==> 一次时滞
  11207. first order lag element ==> 一次滞后元件
  11208. first order level(l)ing ==> 一等水准
  11209. first order logic ==> 一阶逻辑
  11210. first order of solution ==> 第一次近似值
  11211. first order phase transition ==> 第一级相变,一级相变
  11212. first order predicate calculus ==> 一阶谓词演算
  11213. first order rate process ==> 一级速度过程
  11214. first order reflection ==> 一级反射
  11215. first order segregate ==> 初级分离
  11216. first order stationary ==> 一阶平稳
  11217. first order subroutine ==> 一级子程序,第一级子程序
  11218. first order system ==> 一次系统
  11219. first order theory ==> 一阶理论
  11220. first overtone ==> 一次倍频
  11221. first page indicator ==> 第一页指示符,首页指示器
  11222. first party release ==> 前者復旧
  11223. first pass ==> 第一遍,第一遍扫描,第一孔型,一遍通过
  11224. first passage time ==> 初过时间,首次经过时间
  11225. first pickling ==> 初次酸洗
  11226. first piece ==> 粗加工工件
  11227. first point of Aries ==> 春分点
  11228. first point of Cancer ==> 夏至点
  11229. first point of Capricornus ==> 冬至点
  11230. first point of Libra ==> 秋分点
  11231. first polish ==> 底层抛光
  11232. first pour ==> 第一期浇筑
  11233. first power ==> 一次方,一次幂
  11234. first pressing ==> 第一次压制
  11235. first principal stress ==> 第一主应力
  11236. first principles calculation ==> 第一原理計算
  11237. first pruning ==> 第一次剪枝
  11238. first puff ==> 扑气
  11239. first put on trial sale ==> 先行试销
  11240. first quadrant ==> 第1象限
  11241. first quality ==> 一级质量,上等品质
  11242. first quality brick ==> 一等砖
  11243. first quality cut ==> 一级肉块
  11244. first quality ware ==> 一级品
  11245. first quarter ==> 上弦
  11246. first radiation constant ==> 第一辐射常数
  11247. first rate ==> 第一流的
  11248. first ratoon ==> 第一年宿根
  11249. first record of a set ==> 集的第一记录
  11250. first reduction gear pinion ==> 第一级减速小齿轮
  11251. first reduction gear wheel ==> 第一级减速大齿轮
  11252. first rest ==> 休眠初期
  11253. First Review of Progress on the 1989 White Paper ==> 《一九八九年白皮书进展情况的第一次检讨》
  11254. first revisal ==> 初次改样
  11255. first roller ==> 第一机架辊
  11256. first roving frame ==> 头道粗纺机
  11257. first runnings ==> 初馏物
  11258. first selector ==> 第一选字器
  11259. first sepal primordium ==> 第一个萼片原茎
  11260. first septum ==> 第一隔
  11261. first service ==> 一次输精
  11262. first set graft reaction ==> 初次移植物反应
  11263. first set rejection ==> 初次排斥反应
  11264. first sheathing leaf ==> 鞘叶
  11265. first signal ==> 第一信号
  11266. first signal system ==> 第一信号系统
  11267. first sintering ==> 第一次烧结
  11268. first son ==> 第一个儿子
  11269. first speaker ==> 第一个发话者,发话端
  11270. first speed ==> 初速,头档
  11271. first speed gear ==> 头档齿轮
  11272. first spermatocyte ==> 初级精母细胞
  11273. first stage ==> 初期
  11274. first stage annealing ==> 第一阶段退火
  11275. first stage gas turbine blades ==> ガスタービン第1段動翼
  11276. first stage graphitization ==> 第一阶段石墨化
  11277. first stage impeller retaining collar ==> 第一级叶轮挡圈
  11278. first stage impeller retaining ring ==> 第一级叶轮挡圈
  11279. first stage ionization ==> 一级电离
  11280. first stage of creep ==> 一段蠕变
  11281. first stage polymerization ==> 初级聚合
  11282. first stage snap ring ==> 第一级卡圈
  11283. first step ==> 第一级
  11284. first step height ==> 一级踏步高
  11285. first stomach ==> 第一胃
  11286. first stud ==> 一级母羊群
  11287. first stud gear ==> 第一变速齿轮
  11288. first summation ==> 一次和分
  11289. first surface mirror ==> 外表面镀膜反射镜,表面镀膜镜
  11290. first swing ==> 初动
  11291. first symbol ==> 首符,开头符号
  11292. first tap ==> 锥形手用丝锥,初加工丝锥,粗加工丝锥,头攻丝锥
  11293. first taxonomic classification ==> 第一个分类学上的分类
  11294. first teeth ==> 乳齿
  11295. first term ==> 开头项,首项
  11296. first terminal ==> 开头终结符
  11297. first time evolution ==> 初めての展開
  11298. first time step ==> 起步
  11299. first transition ==> 前縁
  11300. first treatment ==> 初步处理
  11301. first trial ==> (气功)初关
  11302. first trial cut ==> 第一次试切削
  11303. first trimester of pregnancy ==> 妊娠首三个月,妊娠早期
  11304. first twist ==> 初捻
  11305. first type surface ==> 主表面
  11306. first uranium inventory [of core] ==> [堆芯]首次铀装量,新堆芯装入的铀量。通常要表明装入铀的富集度和铀-235的总量
  11307. first variation ==> 初级变分
  11308. first ventricle ==> 第一脑室
  11309. first vibration mode ==> 第一振型
  11310. first virial coefficient ==> 第一维里系数
  11311. first visit ==> 初诊
  11312. first watering ==> 初灌
  11313. first weight ==> 顶板初次来压
  11314. first winding ==> 初级绕组
  11315. first work piece ==> 第一个工件
  11316. first working ==> 采准工作
  11317. first yang(Shaoyang channel) ==> 一阳
  11318. first year face ==> 第一年割面
  11319. first yin(Jueyin Channel) ==> 一阴
  11320. first(-)order ==> 一阶
  11321. first-aid ==> 急救
  11322. first-aid appliance ==> 急救用品
  11323. first-aid kit ==> 急救药箱
  11324. first-aid measures ==> 抢救措施
  11325. first-aid medicine ==> 急救药品
  11326. first-aid organization ==> 急救组织
  11327. first-aid repair ==> 紧急修理
  11328. first-aid station ==> 救护站,救护站,急救站
  11329. first-aid team ==> 救护队,救护队
  11330. first-angle projection ==> 第一角投影,首角投影法
  11331. first-born ==> 头胎的
  11332. first-class ==> 上等的
  11333. first-class cabin ==> 头等舱
  11334. first-class certificate ==> 一等证书
  11335. first-class commercial paper ==> 一等商业票据
  11336. first-class current ==> 第一类流
  11337. first-class ore ==> 一级矿石
  11338. first-class paper ==> 头等票据,头等证券
  11339. first-class quality ==> 头等货,头等质量
  11340. first-class standard ==> 一轮选留木
  11341. first-come first-served system ==> 先到先办制
  11342. first-come-first-served ==> 先着優先
  11343. first-degree discrimination ==> 一级差别待遇
  11344. first-filial generation ==> 杂交一代
  11345. first-fit method ==> 首次满足法
  11346. first-gear engagement ==> 头档齿轮啮合
  11347. first-generation ==> 原件第一代
  11348. first-generation computer ==> 第一代计算机
  11349. first-grade ==> 甲级
  11350. first-hand data ==> 第一手资料
  11351. first-harmonic ==> 一次谐波,基波
  11352. first-harmonic resonance ==> 基波共振,基波谐振
  11353. first-in & first-out ==> 上推表
  11354. first-in first-out (FIFO) ==> 先进先出
  11355. first-in first-out method ==> 先进先出法=>先入れ先出し法
  11356. first-in first-served ==> 先到先做原则
  11357. first-in last-out (FILO) ==> 先进后出
  11358. first-in-chain (FIC) ==> 链的首元素,链中第一单元,链中第一请求应答单元
  11359. first-in-chain(FIC) ==> 链首,链中首元素
  11360. first-instar young ==> 一龄幼虫
  11361. first-item list ==> 首项表
  11362. first-level address ==> 第一级地址
  11363. first-level interrupt handler ==> 一级中断处理程序
  11364. first-level message ==> 一级消息
  11365. first-level message member ==> 一级报文成员,一级消息成员
  11366. first-level outcome ==> 一级结果
  11367. first-level purchasing and supply station ==> 一级采购供应站
  11368. first-level statement ==> 一级程序设计语句,一级语句
  11369. first-level storage ==> 一级存储器
  11370. first-line form advance ==> 首行进页
  11371. first-line management ==> 初级管理人员
  11372. first-melt ingot ==> 头熔锭
  11373. first-moment matrix ==> 一阶矩矩阵
  11374. first-motion drive ==> 直接传动
  11375. first-motion hoist ==> 直接传动提升机
  11376. first-motion studies ==> 初动研究
  11377. first-motion wave ==> 初至波
  11378. first-mover advantage ==> 先行者优势=>ファーストムーバーアドバンテージ
  11379. first-of-chain ==> 链首
  11380. first-order ==> 一级
  11381. first-order aberration coefficient ==> 初级像差系数
  11382. first-order autocorrelation coefficient ==> 一阶自相关系数
  11383. first-order autoregressive equation ==> 一阶自回归方程
  11384. first-order autoregressive scheme ==> 一阶自回归型式
  11385. first-order climatological station ==> 一级气候站
  11386. first-order condition ==> 一阶条件
  11387. first-order constraint qualification ==> 一阶约束品性
  11388. first-order correction ==> 一级修正,一阶修正量
  11389. first-order derivative ==> 第一次导数
  11390. first-order design ==> 一阶设计
  11391. first-order dispersive filter ==> 第一阶波散滤波器
  11392. first-order effects ==> 一阶效应
  11393. first-order equation ==> 一次方程
  11394. first-order error ==> 一次误差,一阶误差
  11395. first-order expression ==> 一阶表达式
  11396. first-order factor ==> 一次因子
  11397. first-order factor analysis ==> 一阶因素分析
  11398. first-order feedback system ==> 一阶反馈系列
  11399. first-order homogeneous nonstationary process ==> 一阶齐次非平稳过程
  11400. first-order instrument ==> 精密仪器
  11401. first-order lag element ==> 一次遅れ要素
  11402. first-order loop ==> 一阶环路
  11403. first-order Markov process ==> 一阶马尔可夫过程
  11404. first-order Markov scheme ==> 一阶马尔可夫型
  11405. first-order Markov sequence ==> 一阶马尔可夫序列
  11406. first-order predicate ==> 一阶谓词
  11407. first-order predicate logic ==> 一阶谓词逻辑
  11408. first-order reaction ==> 一级反应
  11409. first-order red plate ==> 一级红板
  11410. first-order serial correlation ==> 一阶序列相关
  11411. first-order spectrum ==> 一级光谱
  11412. first-order station ==> 一级气象站
  11413. first-order system ==> 一阶系统=>一次系
  11414. first-order test ==> 一级检验
  11415. first-order theory ==> 一级近似理论,高斯光学,第一级近似理论,线性化理论
  11416. first-order transition ==> 一级相变
  11417. first-over kettle ==> 除铜精炼锅
  11418. first-pass own code ==> 第一遍扩充工作码
  11419. first-pass sorting ==> 第一遍分类
  11420. first-phase ==> 第一期的
  11421. first-rank galaxy ==> 一级星系
  11422. first-rate ==> 上等的=>第1級の,一流の
  11423. first-rate quality ==> 头等质量
  11424. first-rate work ==> 第1級の仕事
  11425. first-rater ==> 头等货
  11426. first-remove subroutine ==> 第一级子程序
  11427. first-run slag ==> 初流渣,头渣
  11428. first-scattering angle ==> 第一散射角
  11429. first-stage cofferdam ==> 第一期围堰
  11430. first-stage construction ==> 一期工程
  11431. first-stage installation ==> (电站的)第一期装机
  11432. first-stage reduction ==> 一次缩小
  11433. first-to-market ==> 首先进入市场
  11434. first-year commission ==> 初年度代理权
  11435. firsthand information ==> 原始资料
  11436. firsts ==> 一级品
  11437. firsts and seconds ==> 一级和二级
  11438. fiscal action ==> 财政措施
  11439. fiscal agency agreement ==> 财务代理契约,财务代理协议
  11440. fiscal agent ==> 财政代理人,(一般指银行或信托公司)财务代理人
  11441. fiscal and monetary policies ==> 财政和货币政策
  11442. fiscal and monetary policy ==> 财政金融政策,财政与货币政策
  11443. fiscal audit ==> 财政审计
  11444. fiscal barrier to trade ==> 财政贸易壁垒
  11445. fiscal budget ==> 财政预算
  11446. fiscal burden ==> 财政负担
  11447. fiscal capacity ==> 财政能力
  11448. fiscal closing date ==> 会计期终结帐日
  11449. fiscal committee ==> 课税委员会
  11450. fiscal concept ==> 财政观念
  11451. fiscal control ==> 财务监督,财务控制,财政监督
  11452. fiscal discretionary power ==> 财政决定权
  11453. fiscal dividend ==> 财政盈余,(美国)财政支用余额
  11454. fiscal drag ==> 财政拖累
  11455. fiscal expenditure ==> 财政支出
  11456. fiscal function ==> 财政功能
  11457. fiscal insurance ==> 赋税保险
  11458. fiscal leverage ==> 财税杠杆
  11459. fiscal monopoly ==> 财政独占
  11460. fiscal multiplier ==> 财金乘数,财政乘数
  11461. fiscal or monetary action ==> 财政或货币措施
  11462. fiscal period ==> 财务期间
  11463. fiscal policy ==> 财政政策
  11464. fiscal process ==> 财政手续程序
  11465. fiscal resources ==> 财源
  11466. fiscal restraint ==> 财政紧缩,财政约束
  11467. fiscal system ==> 财政制度
  11468. fiscal-monetary mix ==> 财政货币混合政策,财政金融政策相结合
  11469. Fischer ellipsoid ==> 费希尔椭球体
  11470. Fischer esterification ==> 费歇尔酯化作用=>フィッシャーエステル化
  11471. Fischer indole synthesis ==> 费希尔吲哚合成,费歇尔吲哚合成法
  11472. Fischer osazone reaction ==> 费歇尔成脎反应
  11473. Fischer phenylhydrazone reaction ==> 费歇尔苯腙反应
  11474. Fischer polypeptide synthesis ==> 费希尔多肽合成
  11475. Fischer projection formula ==> 费歇尔投影式
  11476. Fischer reagent for water ==> 费希尔测水试剂
  11477. Fischer synthesis ==> 费歇尔合成
  11478. Fischer Tropsch process ==> 费希尔-特罗普希法
  11479. fischer tropsch process 费 ==> 托法
  11480. Fischer's acid ==> 费歇尔酸
  11481. Fischer's distribution ==> 费希尔分布
  11482. Fischer-Hepp rearrangement ==> 费希尔-海勃重排
  11483. Fischer-Hinnen method ==> 费杂尔-欣纳法
  11484. Fischer-Speier esterification ==> 费歇尔-斯皮尔酯化作用,费歇尔酯化作用
  11485. Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbons ==> 费-托法合成的烃类
  11486. Fischer-Tropsch process ==> 费-托法
  11487. Fischer-Tropsch reaction ==> 费-托反应,费托法反应
  11488. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis ==> 费-托合成法
  11489. Fischer-Tropsch wax ==> 费-托合成过程中得到的蜡
  11490. Fischer-Yates test ==> 费希尔-耶茨检验
  11491. fish ==> 鱼
  11492. fish (-)bolt ==> 鱼尾螺栓
  11493. fish adhesive ==> 鱼胶
  11494. fish auction ==> 鱼市场
  11495. fish avoidance reaction ==> 鱼回避反应
  11496. fish back ==> 锯齿板,锯齿板
  11497. fish back spring leaf ==> 鱼背弹簧片
  11498. fish backs spreader ==> 鱼背展幅机
  11499. fish bar ==> 鱼尾板,夹杆
  11500. fish basket ==> 鱼篓
  11501. fish belly rail ==> 鱼腹式横梁
  11502. fish bile poisoning ==> 鱼胆中毒
  11503. fish boat ==> 渔船
  11504. fish bolt ==> 燕尾螺栓
  11505. fish bone method ==> 鱼骨割法
  11506. fish breeding and poultry raising ==> 养殖业
  11507. fish breeding ground ==> 鱼类繁殖场
  11508. fish canal ==> 鱼道
  11509. fish canning factory ship ==> 鱼罐头加工船
  11510. fish chair ==> 轨座
  11511. fish chute ==> 鱼滑槽
  11512. fish culture ==> 鱼类养殖,养鱼
  11513. fish culture subzone (water control zone) ==> 鱼类养殖分区(水质管制区)
  11514. fish culture zone ==> 鱼类养殖区
  11515. fish DDT level ==> 鱼体滴滴涕含量
  11516. fish detection ==> 鱼群探测
  11517. fish detector ==> 鱼群探测装置,探鱼仪=>魚群探知機
  11518. fish diagram ==> 鱼图
  11519. fish dock ==> 鱼码头
  11520. fish eggs poisoning ==> 鱼卵中毒
  11521. fish elevator ==> 升鱼机,利用专门设备提升,输送鱼类过坝的过鱼机械。
  11522. fish eye ==> 鱼眼,白点
  11523. fish farm ==> 鱼苗育苗场,养鱼场
  11524. fish farming ==> 鱼类养殖
  11525. fish finder ==> 鱼群探测仪,探鱼仪
  11526. fish flavo(u)r ==> 鱼腥味
  11527. fish fly ==> 鱼蛉
  11528. fish fry ==> 鱼苗
  11529. fish fungus ==> 鱼真菌
  11530. fish gelatin ==> 鱼固胶,鱼胶
  11531. fish glue ==> 鱼胶,鳔胶
  11532. fish gravy ==> 鱼露
  11533. fish guiding device ==> 导鱼设备
  11534. fish handling and processing shed ==> 鱼类加工车间
  11535. fish hatchery ==> 鱼类孵化场
  11536. fish havens ==> 鱼苗育苗场
  11537. fish hawk ==> 鱼鹰
  11538. fish hoist ==> 升鱼机
  11539. fish killer ==> 田鳖
  11540. fish ladder ==> 鱼梯,利用隔板将水槽上、下游的总水位差分成若干梯级的池室过鱼道
  11541. fish landing ==> 鱼码头
  11542. fish lice ==> 鱼虱
  11543. fish lift ==> 升鱼机,利用专门设备提升,输送鱼类过坝的过鱼机械
  11544. fish liver oil ==> 鱼肝油
  11545. fish liver oil capsule ==> 蛋形鱼肝油丸
  11546. fish liver poisoning ==> 鱼肝中毒
  11547. fish lock ==> 鱼闸,采用与船闸类似的工作原理与运行方式,将鱼输送过坝的建筑物
  11548. fish manure ==> 鱼肥
  11549. fish maw ==> 鱼鳔
  11550. fish meal ==> 鱼粉
  11551. fish meat ==> 鱼肉
  11552. fish migration ==> 鱼类回游
  11553. fish mo(u)lds ==> 鱼霉
  11554. fish mousse ==> (病人饮食的鱼冻)鱼木斯
  11555. fish mouth toe close ==> 鱼嘴式缝头
  11556. fish mouthing ==> 裂痕
  11557. fish noise ==> 鱼群噪声
  11558. fish odour ==> 鱼腥味
  11559. fish odour syndrome ==> 鱼臭综合征
  11560. fish offal ==> 鱼类废弃物
  11561. fish oil ==> 鱼油
  11562. fish oil fatty acid ==> 鱼油脂肪酸
  11563. fish oil soap ==> 鱼油皂
  11564. fish paper ==> 鱼膏纸,鱼皮纸,青壳纸
  11565. fish parasites ==> 鱼的寄生物
  11566. fish pass ==> 放鱼道
  11567. fish paste ==> 鱼糕
  11568. fish phase diagram ==> 鱼图
  11569. fish piece ==> 鱼尾板
  11570. fish pier ==> 鱼码头
  11571. fish plate ==> 鱼尾板,接合板
  11572. fish plate pass ==> 接夹板孔型
  11573. fish poison ==> 鱼毒
  11574. fish pole antenna ==> 釣ざおアンテナ
  11575. fish pollutant ==> 鱼污染物
  11576. fish pomace ==> 鱼渣
  11577. fish pond ==> 鱼池,鱼塘
  11578. fish processing ==> 鱼类加工
  11579. fish processing plant wastewater ==> 鱼类加工厂废水
  11580. fish processing ship ==> 鱼加工船
  11581. fish protein concentrate ==> 鱼粉,浓缩鱼蛋的
  11582. fish protein concentrate (FPC) ==> 鱼蛋白浓缩物
  11583. fish protein fibre ==> 鱼蛋白质纤维
  11584. fish pump ==> 渔泵,鱼泵,通过拦截、诱导大坝上游水域中的下行鱼类,用泵吸转运至坝下的一种运鱼设施
  11585. fish reproduction ==> 鱼类繁殖
  11586. fish rib ==> 鱼肋
  11587. fish roe ==> 鱼子
  11588. fish salad ==> 鱼片色拉
  11589. fish sausage ==> 鱼肉肠=>ちくわ
  11590. fish scale ==> 鱼鳞物,鱼鳞状脱皮
  11591. fish scale fracture ==> 鱼鳞状断口,磷状断口
  11592. fish scrap ==> 鱼渣
  11593. fish screen ==> 鱼栅,护鱼筛网
  11594. fish searching ==> 鱼群侦察
  11595. fish seed ==> 鱼种
  11596. fish shackle ==> 吊锚圈
  11597. fish shelter ==> 鱼礁
  11598. fish soluble ==> 鱼汁
  11599. fish sonar ==> 魚群探知機
  11600. fish sound ==> 鱼声
  11601. fish stakes ==> 鱼栅
  11602. fish stock ==> 鱼群
  11603. fish tag ==> 鱼类标志
  11604. fish tail ==> 划伤
  11605. fish tail regulator ==> 鱼尾杆调节器
  11606. fish tallow ==> 鱼脂
  11607. fish tankage ==> 鱼渣粉
  11608. fish top ==> 鱼尾式灯头
  11609. fish torpedo ==> 鱼雷
  11610. fish toxicity ==> 鱼毒性
  11611. fish track ==> 鱼形径迹
  11612. fish way ==> 鱼道,放鱼道
  11613. fish well ==> 鱼舱
  11614. fish winding ==> 螺旋绕组
  11615. fish wool ==> 海丝
  11616. fish-beam ==> 鱼腹式梁
  11617. fish-bellied beam ==> 鱼腹式梁
  11618. fish-bellied girder ==> 鱼肚梁,鱼腹式大梁
  11619. fish-bone antenna ==> 鱼骨天线
  11620. fish-bone earth ==> 鱼骨形接地
  11621. fish-bone type antenna ==> 鱼骨形天线
  11622. fish-eye camera ==> 鱼眼照相机,超广角摄影机,水下摄影机,水中照相机
  11623. fish-eye lens ==> 鱼眼透镜
  11624. fish-eye of Maxwell ==> 麦克斯韦鱼眼
  11625. fish-eye stone ==> 鱼眼石
  11626. fish-eye type objective lens ==> 鱼眼型物镜
  11627. fish-farming ==> 养鱼
  11628. fish-lens ==> 鱼眼透镜
  11629. fish-line conductor ==> 螺线形导线
  11630. fish-mouth joint ==> 鱼口接合
  11631. fish-mouth like suture ==> 鱼口形缝合
  11632. fish-oil stuffing ==> 鱼油加脂
  11633. fish-oil tannage ==> 鱼油鞣
  11634. fish-pit ==> 鱼溜
  11635. fish-plate pass ==> 鱼尾板孔型
  11636. fish-plate splice ==> 鱼尾板接合
  11637. fish-pole antenna ==> 钓竿式天线
  11638. fish-roe glaze ==> 鱼子釉
  11639. fish-roe yellow ==> 鱼子黄
  11640. fish-scale fracture ==> 鳞形裂缝
  11641. fish-skin ==> 鱼皮
  11642. fish-stench ==> 腥臭气
  11643. fish-tail ==> 鱼尾槽
  11644. fish-tail bit ==> 鱼尾形钻头
  11645. fish-tail end ==> 轧件的鱼尾端
  11646. fish-tail head ==> 鱼尾灯头
  11647. fish-tailed end ==> 燕尾开脚
  11648. fish-tailing ==> 鱼尾状左右摆动
  11649. fish-type body ==> 流线体
  11650. fish-wire ==> 电缆牵引线
  11651. fishbone antenna ==> 魚骨形アンテナ
  11652. fishbone cracking test ==> 鱼骨形抗裂试验
  11653. fishbone dust ==> 鱼骨粉
  11654. fishbone receiving antenna ==> 鱼骨形接收天线
  11655. fishbone system ==> 魚の骨型系統
  11656. fishbone-stitch ==> 鱼骨形针迹
  11657. fished beam ==> 接合梁
  11658. fished joint ==> 鱼尾板接合,夹板接头
  11659. Fisher carbonhydrogen-nitrogen analyzer ==> 费希尔碳氢氮分析仪
  11660. Fisher correlation-coefficient transformation ==> 费歇尔相关系数变换
  11661. Fisher Equation ==> 费雪方程式
  11662. Fisher exact probability test ==> 费歇尔恰当概率试验,费雪精确概率分布检验
  11663. Fisher method ==> フィッシャー法
  11664. Fisher model ==> 费雪模型
  11665. Fisher particle size ==> 费氏粒度
  11666. Fisher quantity index ==> 费雪物量指数
  11667. Fisher sub-sieve sizer ==> 费氏微粒测量仪
  11668. Fisher subsieve sizer ==> 费氏微筛分粒器
  11669. Fisher's correlation-coefficient transformation ==> 费雪相关系数变换
  11670. Fisher's equation ==> 费雪氏交换方程式
  11671. Fisher's F distribution ==> 费雪F分布
  11672. Fisher's sign ==> 费希尔氏征
  11673. Fisher's test ==> 费歇尔检验法
  11674. Fisher-Irwin test ==> 费希尔-欧文检验
  11675. fisherman staysail ==> 渔人支索帆
  11676. fisherman's anchor ==> 渔具锚
  11677. fisherman's bend ==> 渔人结
  11678. fisherman's knot ==> 渔网结
  11679. fisherman's soap ==> 渔民皂
  11680. fishery examination boat ==> 渔业实验船
  11681. fishery forecast ==> 渔情预报
  11682. fishery guidance boat ==> 渔业指导船
  11683. fishery harvesting ==> 渔获
  11684. fishery hydrography ==> 渔业水文学
  11685. fishery industry ==> 渔业
  11686. fishery mothership ==> 渔业母船
  11687. fishery processing ship ==> 鱼类加工船
  11688. fishery quay ==> 渔船码头
  11689. fishery research boat ==> 渔业调查船
  11690. fishery resources ==> 渔业资源
  11691. fishery right ==> 渔业权
  11692. Fishers correlation-coefficient transformation ==> 费雪相关系数变换
  11693. Fishers index ==> 费雪指数
  11694. Fishers transformation ==> 费雪变换
  11695. fishhook needle ==> 钩形缝合针
  11696. fishhook stomach ==> 钩型胃,鱼钩型胃
  11697. fishing ==> 鱼尾板接合,渔业,打捞,捕鱼,捕鱼权=>漁場,釣り場
  11698. fishing area ==> 渔区
  11699. fishing ban period ==> 禁渔期
  11700. fishing banks ==> 渔场
  11701. fishing base-plate ==> 鱼尾板
  11702. fishing boat ==> 渔船=>漁船,釣り用ボート
  11703. fishing boom ==> 吊鱼吊杆
  11704. fishing box ==> 联接箱
  11705. fishing fleet ==> 渔船队
  11706. fishing gear ==> 打捞装置
  11707. fishing ground ==> 渔场
  11708. fishing harbor ==> 渔港
  11709. fishing jar ==> 打捞振动杆
  11710. fishing junk ==> 渔帆船
  11711. fishing lamp ==> 渔船工作灯,捕鱼灯
  11712. fishing light ==> 集魚灯
  11713. fishing limit ==> 渔区范围
  11714. fishing line ==> 渔网绳
  11715. fishing lure ==> 擬似餌
  11716. fishing machines ==> 漁業機械
  11717. fishing net ==> 渔网
  11718. fishing net machine ==> 渔网编织机
  11719. fishing pan ==> 蒸盐锅
  11720. fishing patrol boat ==> 渔业监督船
  11721. fishing place ==> 渔场
  11722. fishing port ==> 渔港
  11723. fishing region ==> 渔区
  11724. fishing robot ==> 打捞机器人
  11725. fishing rod ==> 打捞杆=>釣り竿
  11726. fishing season ==> 渔汛
  11727. fishing smack ==> 渔船
  11728. fishing space ==> 鱼尾板空间
  11729. fishing stakes ==> 渔栅
  11730. fishing tackle ==> 鱼钩
  11731. fishing tap ==> 打捞丝锥
  11732. fishing tool ==> 打捞工具
  11733. fishing vessel ==> 渔船,用于商业性捕捉鱼类、鲸、海豹、海象或其他生物资源的船舶之统称。
  11734. fishing waters ==> 渔场
  11735. fishing wharf ==> 渔船码头
  11736. fishing wire ==> 牵引线
  11737. fishing zone ==> 渔业区
  11738. fishplate ==> 継目板
  11739. fishplate bar ==> 接板,鱼尾板
  11740. fishplate bolt ==> 鱼尾板螺栓,对接轨条螺栓
  11741. fishplate mill ==> 鱼尾板轧机
  11742. fishtail bit ==> 鱼尾钻
  11743. fishtail bolt ==> 鱼尾螺栓,燕尾螺栓
  11744. fishtail cutter ==> 鱼尾铣刀
  11745. fishtail jet ==> 鱼尾式喷嘴
  11746. fishtail plate ==> 鱼尾板
  11747. fishtail spray ==> 鱼尾喷嘴
  11748. fishtail train ==> 鱼尾形拖裾
  11749. fishway ==> 鱼道,供鱼类溯河洄游过坝的人工水道
  11750. fishy odour ==> 鱼腥味
  11751. fissible material ==> 分裂性物质,可裂变材料
  11752. fissile ==> 可裂的,裂变性
  11753. fissile component ==> 可裂变成分
  11754. fissile isotope ==> 可分裂同位素,可裂变同位素
  11755. fissile material ==> 核分裂物質,可裂变物质,核燃料
  11756. fissile material production reactor ==> 裂变材料生产堆
  11757. fissile nuclide ==> 易裂变核素,用任意能量的中子轰击都能引起其原子核裂变的可裂变核素。天然的易裂变核素为235U、人造的易裂变核素有233U和239Pu
  11758. fissile phase ==> 裂变相
  11759. fissile region ==> 裂变区
  11760. fissile structure ==> 剥离构造
  11761. fission ==> 裂变,分裂,裂开,裂变产物合金,裂片合金
  11762. fission action ==> 裂变分裂
  11763. fission break monitor ==> 裂变产物逸散监测器
  11764. fission break monitoring ==> 裂变产物逸散监测
  11765. fission burner ==> 裂变燃烧器
  11766. fission chain ==> 裂变链
  11767. fission chain reaction ==> 核分裂链锁反应
  11768. fission chamber ==> 裂变电离室,裂变室
  11769. fission chemistry ==> 裂变化学
  11770. fission contribution ==> 裂变贡献,裂变作用
  11771. fission converter ==> 裂变转换器
  11772. fission corrosion ==> 裂变腐蚀
  11773. fission cross section ==> 裂变截面,核分裂截面
  11774. fission cross-section resonance ==> 裂变截面共振
  11775. fission detector ==> 裂变径迹探测器
  11776. fission efficiency ==> 裂变效率
  11777. fission energy ==> 裂变能量
  11778. fission energy spectrum ==> 裂变能谱
  11779. fission fraction ==> 裂变份额
  11780. fission fragment ==> 裂变碎片,分裂碎块,全称“原始裂变碎片”,简称“裂片”。核裂变直接产生的、在发射中子前的产物
  11781. fission fragment track discriminator ==> 裂变碎片径迹甄别器
  11782. fission fragments ==> 原子核分裂碎片
  11783. fission fuel ==> 核燃料
  11784. fission fungi ==> 裂殖真菌
  11785. fission gas ==> 裂变气体
  11786. fission level ==> 裂变能级
  11787. fission neutron ==> 裂变中子
  11788. fission neutron 裂变中子,裂变反应过程中放出的新的次级中子,其平均能量约为2 ==> MeV。每次裂变反应放出的裂变中子平均数与可裂变核的种类及引起裂变的中子能量有关。裂变中子又可分成瞬发中子和缓发中子两类
  11789. fission neutrons ==> 核分裂中子
  11790. fission nucleus ==> 裂变核
  11791. fission parameter ==> 裂变参量
  11792. fission plant ==> 裂殖植物
  11793. fission poison ==> 裂变毒物
  11794. fission product ==> 裂变产物,核裂变生成的裂变碎片及其衰变产物的总称。其中,裂变直接产生的、在发射中子前的称原始裂变碎片,简称裂片;而发射中子后发生β衰变前的产物称原始、独立或直接裂变产物
  11795. fission product contamination ==> 核分裂生成物污染
  11796. fission products ==> 核分裂生成物
  11797. fission products poisoning ==> 裂变产物中毒,在反应堆运行过程中产生的所有裂变产物吸收中子所引起的反应性亏损
  11798. fission products release ==> 裂变产物的释放
  11799. fission reaction ==> 裂变反应
  11800. fission reactor ==> 核反应堆
  11801. fission type reactor ==> 核裂变反应堆
  11802. fission weighing ==> 裂变权重
  11803. fission yield ==> 核分裂产额
  11804. fission-fusion bomb ==> 裂变聚变弹
  11805. fission-product poisoning ==> 裂变产物中毒
  11806. fission-track dating ==> 裂变轨迹年代测定法,裂变径迹测年
  11807. fission-type reactor ==> 核裂变反应堆
  11808. fissionable material ==> 核分裂物質
  11809. fissionable materials ==> 裂变物质
  11810. fissionable nuclide ==> 可裂变核素,能通过某种途径发生裂变反应的核素。习惯上指铅、铋以后的重核,主要有易裂变核素233U、235U和239Pu以及可转换核素232Th和238U两类
  11811. fissionable nuclide carbide and nitride fuel ==> 碳化物和氮化物燃料,可裂变核素的各种碳、氮化物烧结陶瓷燃料。它们的主要优点是高密度、高热导率、裂变气体释放量低,增殖比较高、容许较高的线功率和较深的然耗,但目前均还处于研究试验阶段
  11812. fissionable substance ==> 裂变物质
  11813. fissionnable material ==> 核分裂性物质
  11814. fissium ==> 裂变产物合金
  11815. fissura accessoria ==> 副梁
  11816. fissura accessoria pulmonis dextri ==> 右肺副裂
  11817. fissura cerebri lateralis ==> 大脑外侧裂
  11818. fissura dorsolateralis ==> 背外侧裂
  11819. fissura interhemisphacrica ==> 半球间裂
  11820. fissura interlobaris ==> 叶间裂
  11821. fissura mediana anterior ==> 前正中裂
  11822. fissura orbitalis inferior ==> 眶下裂
  11823. fissura orbitalis superior ==> 眶上裂
  11824. fissura posterolateralis ==> 后外侧裂
  11825. fissura transversa cerebri ==> 大脑横裂
  11826. fissural cyst of jaw ==> 下颌裂囊肿
  11827. fissure ==> 微裂纹,裂,裂缝,裂痕,裂纹,裂隙=>亀裂,割れ目,裂け目
  11828. fissure bark ==> 片裂树皮
  11829. fissure bur ==> 裂隙牙钻
  11830. fissure caries ==> 沟裂龋
  11831. fissure cavity ==> 裂洞,裂龋洞
  11832. fissure filling ==> 裂缝填充
  11833. fissure flow ==> 裂隙式熔岩流
  11834. fissure formation ==> 裂溝形成
  11835. fissure fracture ==> 裂纹骨折,破裂骨折,亀裂骨折
  11836. fissure in a tooth ==> 歯の裂溝
  11837. fissure in cerebellum ==> 小脳裂
  11838. fissure lime stone land ==> 石灰岩裂隙地
  11839. fissure of Bichat ==> 比沙氏裂,大脑横裂
  11840. fissure of displacement ==> 错缝
  11841. fissure of epiglottis ==> 会厌裂
  11842. fissure of glottis ==> 声门裂
  11843. fissure of nipple ==> 乳头皲裂
  11844. fissure of Rolando ==> 罗朗多氏裂
  11845. fissure of round ligament ==> 肝圆韧带裂
  11846. fissure of Sylvius ==> 西尔维厄斯氏裂
  11847. fissure of venous ligament ==> 静脉韧带裂,静脉韧带裂
  11848. fissure round bur ==> 裂圆钻
  11849. fissure sealant ==> 窝沟封闭剂
  11850. fissure vein ==> 裂缝矿脉,裂隙脉
  11851. fissured ==> 裂缝的
  11852. fissured fracture ==> 裂缝骨折,破裂骨折
  11853. fissured tongue ==> 沟裂舌,阴囊舌,皱襞舌
  11854. fissured ulcer ==> 裂开性溃疡
  11855. fissures ==> 龟裂
  11856. fist ==> 自慰
  11857. fist products ==> 拳头产品
  11858. FIST, final integrated system test ==> 最終総合試験
  11859. fistula ==> 瘘管
  11860. fistula cervicovaginalis ==> 子宫颈阴道瘘
  11861. fistula corneae ==> 角膜瘘
  11862. fistula fenestration ==> 瘘管穿通术
  11863. fistula formation of osteomyelitis ==> 骨髓炎窦道形成
  11864. fistula of abdominal wall ==> 腹壁瘘
  11865. fistula of auricle ==> 耳廓瘘
  11866. fistula of colon ==> 结肠瘘
  11867. fistula of diaphragm ==> 膈瘘
  11868. fistula of mammary glands ==> 乳腺瘘
  11869. fistula of mastoid ==> 乳突瘘
  11870. fistula of nasopharynx ==> 鼻咽瘘
  11871. fistula of perineum ==> 海底漏
  11872. fistula of salivary duct ==> 涎腺导管瘘
  11873. fistula of salivary gland ==> 涎腺瘘
  11874. fistula of semicircular canal ==> 半规管瘘
  11875. fistula of submaxillary gland ==> 颌下腺瘘
  11876. fistula of thoracic duct ==> 胸导管瘘
  11877. fistula of urachus ==> 脐尿管瘘
  11878. fistula of uterus ==> 子宫瘘
  11879. fistula repairment ==> 瘘管修补
  11880. fistula scissors ==> 瘘管剪
  11881. fistula test ==> 瘘管试验
  11882. fistular ==> 中空
  11883. fistulation ==> 瘘管形成,造口术
  11884. fistulatome ==> 瘘管刀
  11885. fistulatomy ==> 瘘管切开术
  11886. fistulectomy ==> 瘘管切除术
  11887. fistulectomy of chest wall ==> 胸壁瘘管切除术
  11888. fistulectomy of dacryocyst ==> 泪囊瘘管切除术
  11889. Fistuliporidae ==> 笛苔藓虫科
  11890. fistulization ==> 造口术,瘘管形成
  11891. fistulo-jejunostomy ==> 瘘管空肠吻合术
  11892. fistuloenterostomy ==> 瘘管肠吻合术
  11893. fistulography ==> 瘘管造影(术)
  11894. fistulotomy ==> 瘘管切开术
  11895. FIT ==> フィード・イン・タリフ,発電電力を長期固定・優遇価格で購入する制度
  11896. fit ==> 配合,修齿,适,密接,发作=>はめあい,適応させる
  11897. fit clearance ==> 配合间隙
  11898. fit currency ==> 可使用的通货
  11899. fit for depasturing ==> 适于放牧
  11900. fit for tea production ==> 适合茶叶生产
  11901. fit grafting ==> 合接
  11902. fit hypothesis ==> 拟合假设
  11903. fit into ==> 装入
  11904. fit key ==> 配合键
  11905. fit on ==> 装配上,外配合
  11906. fit out ==> 配备
  11907. fit over ==> 装上,安上
  11908. fit quality ==> 配合质量
  11909. fit strip ==> 配合垫板
  11910. fit system ==> 配合制度
  11911. fit tightly ==> 紧密配合
  11912. fit together ==> 连接
  11913. fit tolerance ==> はめあい公差
  11914. fit value ==> 适合值
  11915. FIT, feed-in tariff ==> 固定电价收购制度=>固定価格買取制度,フィードインタリフ
  11916. fit-up gap ==> 装配间隙
  11917. fit-up inspection ==> 装配检查
  11918. FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate ==> 蛍光物質
  11919. fitch skin ==> 艾虎皮
  11920. fitness evaluation ==> 適合度の計算
  11921. fitness figure ==> 适合度因数
  11922. fitted bearing ==> 配合轴承
  11923. fitted bolt ==> 配合螺栓
  11924. fitted capacity ==> 装配容量
  11925. fitted freely ==> 自由配合的
  11926. fitted linear regression line ==> 拟合的线性回归直线
  11927. fitted multiple regression equation ==> 拟合多重回归方程
  11928. fitted outside ==> 外装式
  11929. fitted position ==> 装配尺寸
  11930. fitted regression line ==> 拟合的回归直线
  11931. fitted value ==> 拟合值
  11932. fitter ==> 装配工
  11933. fitter file ==> 装配工锉
  11934. fitter's file ==> 装配工锉
  11935. fitter's hammer ==> 钳工锤,台用锤
  11936. fitter's tool ==> 钳工工具
  11937. fitter's tools ==> 装配工具
  11938. fitter's work ==> 装配工作,设备安装工作
  11939. Fittig's synthesis ==> 费蒂希合成
  11940. fitting ==> 安装,零件,选配,拟合=>はめあい,フィッティーグ
  11941. fitting a curve ==> 拟合曲线
  11942. fitting a straight line ==> 拟合直线
  11943. fitting allowance ==> 调整余量,装配余量,配合公差=>調整余裕度
  11944. fitting arrangement ==> 安装系统图
  11945. fitting arrangement drawing ==> 附件装配图
  11946. fitting attachments ==> 装配附件
  11947. fitting body with innerconical seat ==> 内锥座接头体
  11948. fitting by eye ==> 目视拟合
  11949. fitting constant ==> 拟合常数
  11950. fitting criterion ==> 拟合准则
  11951. fitting curve ==> 拟合曲线
  11952. fitting for contact lines ==> 电车线装配部件
  11953. fitting for self-propelled combine ==> 自走式联合收割机配件
  11954. fitting freely ==> 自由配合
  11955. fitting instruction ==> 装配说明书,安装说明书
  11956. fitting joint ==> 装配接头,装配连接
  11957. fitting key ==> 安装键
  11958. fitting limit ==> 安装范围,装配范围,配合极限
  11959. fitting lubricant ==> 安装润滑剂
  11960. fitting lubrication ==> 合适的润滑作用
  11961. fitting mark ==> 装配标记,安装标记
  11962. fitting of a second degree parabola ==> 二阶抛物线拟合
  11963. fitting of distribution ==> 分布拟合
  11964. fitting of tire ==> 轮胎装配
  11965. fitting out ==> 装配船只
  11966. fitting overall chain ==> 安装防滑链
  11967. fitting part ==> 装配件,配件
  11968. fitting piece ==> 配合件
  11969. fitting pin ==> 锁紧销,定位销
  11970. fitting pipe ==> 管接头配件
  11971. fitting process ==> 装配过程
  11972. fitting ration ==> 展前抓膘日粮
  11973. fitting screw ==> 紧配连接螺栓,装配螺钉
  11974. fitting shop ==> 装配厂=>組立工場
  11975. fitting strip ==> 轴瓦调整垫片
  11976. fitting surface ==> 安装面,装配面,配合面
  11977. fitting temperature ==> 装配温度
  11978. fitting tight ==> 装配密封
  11979. fitting union ==> 管套节,联管节
  11980. fitting up inspection ==> 组对检查
  11981. fitting up joint ==> 连接处的装配
  11982. fitting work ==> 装配工作
  11983. fitting workshop ==> 装配工间
  11984. fitting-in ==> 配合
  11985. fitting-on ==> 安装
  11986. fitting-up ==> 结构部件安装,结构部件成型
  11987. fitting-up-gang ==> 装配工作队,安装队
  11988. fittings ==> 配件,绝缘子安装工具=>取付部品
  11989. fittings body ==> 接头体
  11990. fittings for overhead lines ==> 架空线装配部件
  11991. fittings for single trap siphon ==> 提水虹吸式配件
  11992. fittings for switchgears ==> 开关装置装配部件
  11993. Fitz mill ==> 菲兹微粉碎机
  11994. Fitz's syndrome ==> 急性胰炎
  11995. Fitz-Simons viscosimeter ==> 费兹-西门司粘度计
  11996. Fitzgerald contraction ==> 斐兹杰拉德收缩
  11997. FitzGerald-Lorentz contraction ==> 菲茨杰拉德-洛仑兹收缩
  11998. five bearing crankshaft ==> 五主轴颈曲轴
  11999. five bit code ==> 五单位码
  12000. five blade propeller ==> 五叶推进器
  12001. five bowl universal calender ==> 五滚筒式砑光机
  12002. five component borehole magnetometer ==> 井中五分量磁测井仪
  12003. five cycle of a recurrent selection program ==> 五次轮回选择方案
  12004. five defective ==> 五种缺陷
  12005. five degree xylene ==> 五度级二甲苯
  12006. five digit system ==> 五数字制,五位制
  12007. five element theory ==> 五行学说
  12008. five figure system ==> 五位制
  12009. five gallon can ==> 五加仑油罐
  12010. five heddle satin ==> 五枚缎纹
  12011. five hole paper tape ==> 五孔纸带
  12012. five leaf twill ==> 五枚斜纹
  12013. five legged transformer ==> 五心柱变压器
  12014. five lens camera ==> 五镜头摄影机
  12015. five level ==> 五单位
  12016. five level code ==> 五电平码
  12017. five limbs type core ==> (变压器的)五柱式铁心
  12018. five miss blister fabric ==> 五列凸纹针织物
  12019. five panelled door ==> 五块镶板门
  12020. five percent discount for cash ==> 现金付款九五折优待
  12021. five percent method of depreciation ==> 半成拆旧法
  12022. five pointed star ==> 五角星
  12023. five roll idler ==> 五节托辊
  12024. five seed-containing carpels ==> 五片含有种子的心皮
  12025. five senses ==> 五感
  12026. five shooter ==> 五发装左轮枪
  12027. five speed ==> 五档
  12028. five speed transmission ==> 五档变速器
  12029. five strand crabber's eye sennit ==> 五股编绳索
  12030. five terminal network ==> 五端网路
  12031. five track reader ==> 五单位输入机
  12032. five unit alphabet ==> 五单位码
  12033. five unit code ==> 五单位制电码=>五単位符号
  12034. five unit working ==> 五单位通信
  12035. five wire system ==> 五線式
  12036. five- wire system ==> 五线制
  12037. five-address instruction ==> 五地址指令
  12038. five-beam cathode-ray tube ==> 五束阴极射线管
  12039. five-carbon ring naphthene ==> 五碳环烷
  12040. five-centred arch ==> 五心拱
  12041. five-channel scanning radiometer ==> 五通道扫描辐射仪
  12042. five-core cable ==> 五芯电缆
  12043. five-course rotation ==> 五区轮作
  12044. five-day BOD ==> 五日生化需氧量
  12045. five-day forecast ==> 五日预报
  12046. five-digit numbering ==> 五位制
  12047. five-dimensional optical recording ==> 五次元光記録
  12048. five-dimensional space ==> 五维空间
  12049. five-DOF control ==> 5自由度制御
  12050. five-electrode tube ==> 五极管
  12051. five-face machinging unit ==> 五面加工機
  12052. five-finger ==> 五叶地锦
  12053. five-fold increase ==> 5倍の増加
  12054. five-fole coincidence ==> 五重符合
  12055. five-function ==> 五功能
  12056. five-gland acacia ==> 五腺相思树
  12057. five-grade xylene ==> 五级二甲苯
  12058. five-hole punched paper tape ==> 五孔凿孔纸条
  12059. five-hole punched tape ==> 五孔穿孔带
  12060. five-horn feed ==> 五喇叭馈电器
  12061. five-lay board ==> 五合板
  12062. five-layer plywood ==> 五夹板
  12063. five-leaf gentian ==> 五叶龙胆
  12064. five-leaved pine ==> 五针松
  12065. five-leg inverter ==> 5レグインバータ
  12066. five-legged transformer ==> 五心柱变压器
  12067. five-lens aerial camera ==> 五镜头空中照相机
  12068. five-letter code ==> 五字母密语
  12069. five-level Baudot code ==> 五值博多码
  12070. five-level code ==> 五单位码
  12071. five-level diode-clamped inverters ==> 5レベルダイオードクランプインバータ
  12072. five-level inverter ==> 5レベルインバータ
  12073. five-level startstop operation ==> 五电平起止操作
  12074. five-membered cycloalkane isomerization ==> 五员环烷烃异构化
  12075. five-membered ring ==> 五节环
  12076. five-minute oscillation ==> 五分钟振荡
  12077. five-minute oscillations ==> 五分钟振荡
  12078. five-pin base ==> 五销管座
  12079. five-ply wood (board) ==> 五合板
  12080. five-point jack ==> 五簧片插孔
  12081. five-point plug ==> 五脚插头
  12082. five-pole separator ==> 五极磁选机
  12083. five-prong clock key ==> 五头钟钥匙
  12084. five-range ==> 五档
  12085. five-range transmission ==> 五速齿轮箱
  12086. five-roll Abramsen machine ==> 艾布拉姆森式五辊矫直机
  12087. five-roll machine ==> 五辊矫直机
  12088. five-roll mill ==> 五辊滚压机
  12089. five-roller ==> 五辊滚压机
  12090. five-roller mill ==> 五辊轧机
  12091. five-roller stretcher ==> 五辊拉伸机
  12092. five-seat cabriolet ==> 五座篷式汽车
  12093. five-seater ==> 五座小客车
  12094. five-speed gear box ==> 五速齿轮箱
  12095. five-spot ==> 五点法
  12096. five-stand tandem mill ==> 五机座串列式轧机
  12097. five-throw crankshaft ==> 五曲柄曲轴
  12098. five-tier drier ==> 五层干燥机
  12099. five-tire car ==> (指通常带有备用轮胎的小客车)五轮胎小客车
  12100. five-toed jerboa ==> 五趾跳鼠
  12101. five-track telegraphic coded tape ==> 五单位电报码纸带
  12102. five-unit code ==> 五单位制电码
  12103. five-unit code automatic transmitter ==> 五单位电码自动发报机
  12104. five-unit start-stop apparatus ==> 五单位起止式设备
  12105. five-unit teletype code ==> 五单位电传电码
  12106. five-wire printer ==> 五线印字机
  12107. five-year cure ==> 五年治愈率
  12108. five-year plan ==> 五年计划
  12109. five-year survival rate ==> 五年存活率
  12110. fix ==> 确定,定影,固定,安装,坐标,安置=>測位点
  12111. fix by position lines ==> 坐标定位
  12112. fix planting ==> 定植
  12113. fix position ==> 定位
  12114. fix screw ==> 固定螺丝
  12115. fix stopper ==> 固定挡销
  12116. fix with plugs ==> 栓连接
  12117. FIX, fixture ==> 固定具
  12118. fix-focus lens ==> 固定焦距物镜
  12119. fix-glass storefront ==> 玻璃店面
  12120. fix-pitch airscrew ==> 定距螺桨
  12121. fix-pitch propeller ==> 定距螺桨
  12122. fixation ==> 定影,固定,固定装配,固定作用,固土作用,固着=>固着
  12123. fixation accelerator ==> 促染剂
  12124. fixation apparatus ==> 固定装置
  12125. fixation artifact ==> 固定アーチファクト
  12126. fixation degree ==> 固定度
  12127. fixation device ==> 固定用具
  12128. fixation disk ==> 固着盘
  12129. fixation forceps ==> 固定镊
  12130. fixation hook ==> 固定钩
  12131. fixation mark ==> 固定标记
  12132. fixation method ==> 固定法
  12133. fixation muscles ==> 固定肌
  12134. fixation nystagmus ==> 凝视性眼球震颤
  12135. fixation of abdominalwall ==> 腹壁固定术
  12136. fixation of fracture ==> 骨折固定法
  12137. fixation of knee joint ==> 膝关节固定术
  12138. fixation of nitrogen ==> 固氮,固氮作用
  12139. fixation of pubic cartilage of woman ==> 交骨不开
  12140. fixation of seeding rate ==> 播种量固定
  12141. fixation of tissue ==> 组织固定法
  12142. fixation papillae ==> 固着乳突
  12143. fixation phenomenon ==> 补体固定现象
  12144. fixation point ==> 固定点
  12145. fixation reaction ==> 固定反应
  12146. fixation screw needle ==> 固定螺丝针
  12147. fixation villus ==> 固着绒毛
  12148. fixation with bamboo splints ==> 竹片固定
  12149. fixation with paper pad ==> 纸垫固定
  12150. fixation with steel pin ==> 钢丝针固定
  12151. fixation with steel wire ==> 钢丝固定
  12152. fixative ==> 固定剂,固定液,介体
  12153. fixator ==> 介体,固定器
  12154. fixed ==> 固定的,不挥发
  12155. fixed (measuring) instrument ==> 固定式(测量)仪表=>固定測定器
  12156. fixed abbreviated dialling ==> 固定短縮ダイヤル
  12157. fixed acid ==> 不挥发酸,不挥发性酸,固定酸,非挥发性酸
  12158. fixed action ==> 固定作用
  12159. fixed adsorbent ==> 固定吸附剂
  12160. fixed adsorbent bed ==> 固定式吸附剂床
  12161. fixed aerial ==> 固定天线
  12162. fixed air gap ==> 固定空隙
  12163. fixed ammonium ==> 铵固定
  12164. fixed ammunition ==> 整装式弹药
  12165. fixed amplitude ==> 稳幅
  12166. fixed analogue ==> 固定模拟
  12167. fixed anchor ==> 固定支座
  12168. fixed and flashing light ==> 固定式闪光灯
  12169. fixed annuity ==> 确定年金
  12170. fixed anode ==> 固定阳极
  12171. fixed antenna ==> 固定天线
  12172. fixed antenna direction finder ==> 固定天线测向器
  12173. fixed aperture ==> 固定光阑
  12174. fixed appliance ==> 固定矫正器
  12175. fixed arc metallizing gun ==> 固定式电弧喷涂枪
  12176. fixed arch ==> 固定拱,(即无铰拱)固端拱
  12177. fixed area ==> 固定磁鼓存储面积,固定区域
  12178. fixed armature ==> 固定电枢
  12179. fixed array method ==> 固定阵列法
  12180. fixed array multielement lidar ==> 固定阵列多元激光雷达
  12181. fixed array multilaser radar ==> 固定阵列多元激光雷达
  12182. fixed artillery ==> 固定式火炮
  12183. fixed ash ==> 内在灰分,固有灰分
  12184. fixed assembly line ==> 不变流水线
  12185. fixed assess ==> 固定的资产
  12186. fixed assets ==> 固定资产
  12187. fixed assets for non-production purposes ==> 非生产用固定资产
  12188. fixed assets sealed and stored ==> 封存固定资产
  12189. fixed assignment ==> 固定赋值
  12190. fixed attenuator ==> 固定衰减器
  12191. fixed attribute ==> 固定属性
  12192. fixed automaton ==> 固定性自动机
  12193. fixed axis ==> 固定轴
  12194. fixed axle ==> 固定轴,支重桥
  12195. fixed base ==> 固定基面
  12196. fixed base current bias ==> 固定基极偏流
  12197. fixed battery ==> 固定兵器,固定炮组
  12198. fixed battery pursuit game ==> 固定炮组追踪对策
  12199. fixed beacon ==> 固定信标
  12200. fixed beam ==> 固端梁
  12201. fixed bearing ==> 固定支座
  12202. fixed bearing end ==> 固定轴承端
  12203. fixed bed ==> 固定床
  12204. fixed bed catalyst ==> 固定床催化剂
  12205. fixed bed catalyst chamber ==> 固定床催化反应器
  12206. fixed bed catalytic cracking ==> 固定床催化裂化
  12207. fixed bed catalytic process ==> 固定床催化过程
  12208. fixed bed catalytic reactor ==> 固定床催化反应器
  12209. fixed bed hydroforming ==> 固定床氢重整
  12210. fixed bed model ==> 定床模型
  12211. fixed bed model test ==> 定床模型试验
  12212. fixed bed process ==> 固定床过程
  12213. fixed bed reaction equipment ==> 固定床反应设备
  12214. fixed bed reactor ==> 固定床反应器
  12215. fixed bed unit ==> 固定床设备
  12216. fixed belt conveyer ==> 固定带式运输机
  12217. fixed belt conveyer for feeding salt ==> 上盐固定式皮带运输机
  12218. fixed bias ==> 固定偏压=>固定バイアス
  12219. fixed binary ==> 定点二进制
  12220. fixed binocular loupe ==> 固定式双筒放大镜
  12221. fixed blade ==> 固定轮叶,固定叶片
  12222. fixed blade propeller turbine ==> 定桨式水轮机
  12223. fixed blade propeller type turbine ==> 定轮叶旋桨式水轮机
  12224. fixed blade ring ==> 静叶环
  12225. fixed block ==> 定滑轮,固定滑车,固定块,等长字组
  12226. fixed block length ==> 固定块长度
  12227. fixed block slider crank mechanism ==> 固定滑块曲柄机构
  12228. fixed block transmission ==> 固定长块传送,固定块传输
  12229. fixed blood smear ==> 固定血涂片
  12230. fixed bollard ==> 固定系船柱
  12231. fixed bolt ==> 固定螺栓
  12232. fixed boom crane ==> 定臂起重机
  12233. fixed boundary ==> 固定边界
  12234. fixed bridge ==> 固定桥
  12235. fixed brush ==> 固定电刷
  12236. fixed brush type polyphase series motor ==> 固定电刷式多相串激电动机
  12237. fixed buffer ==> 固定减振器
  12238. fixed buoy ==> 固定浮标
  12239. fixed bushing ==> 固定轴衬
  12240. fixed cableway ==> 固定缆索道
  12241. fixed capacitor ==> 固定电容器=>固定コンデンサ
  12242. fixed capacity ==> 固定电容
  12243. fixed carbon ==> 固定碳,煤中有机质在高温下裂解,逸出气态产物后的固态产物,主要成分为碳元素=>固定炭素
  12244. fixed carrier ==> 固定载流
  12245. fixed catalyst ==> 固定催化剂
  12246. fixed cavitation ==> 固定空穴
  12247. fixed cavity ==> 固定空腔谐振器
  12248. fixed cell ==> 固定细胞
  12249. fixed center ==> 固定中心
  12250. fixed center distance ==> 固定顶尖距
  12251. fixed channel ==> 固定河槽
  12252. fixed charge ==> 固定电荷,固定费,固定开支
  12253. fixed charges ==> 固定的消耗量
  12254. fixed chute ==> 固定溜槽
  12255. fixed claw ==> 固定爪
  12256. fixed clock time control ==> 定间隔时钟控制方式,定时控制
  12257. fixed coaxial attenuator ==> 固定同轴衰减器
  12258. fixed coil ==> 固定线圈=>固定コイル
  12259. fixed command control ==> 定值调节=>定値制御
  12260. fixed condenser ==> 固定电容器,定容式冷凝器
  12261. fixed constant ==> 不变常数
  12262. fixed consumption ==> 固定的消耗量
  12263. fixed contact ==> 固定触点,静触点,继电器(或功能电器)中不执行机械运动、位置基本不变的触点=>固定接触子
  12264. fixed control ==> 定位操纵
  12265. fixed control area ==> 固定控制区
  12266. fixed converter ==> 固定变换器
  12267. fixed coordinate ==> 固定坐标
  12268. fixed core ==> 定铁芯
  12269. fixed correction ==> 固定修正量
  12270. fixed cost ==> 不变成本
  12271. fixed cost contact ==> 固定价格合同
  12272. fixed costs when operating ==> 经营中的不变成本,经营中的不变成本
  12273. fixed coupler ==> 固定耦合器=>固定結合器
  12274. fixed coupling ==> 固定联轴节
  12275. fixed crane ==> 固定式起重机
  12276. fixed crystal ==> 固定晶体
  12277. fixed crystal detector ==> 固定晶体检波器
  12278. fixed cycle ==> 固定周期
  12279. fixed cycle operation ==> 定时操作
  12280. fixed dam ==> 固定坝,固定挡板
  12281. fixed data ==> 固定数据
  12282. fixed data-name ==> 固定数据名
  12283. fixed datum ==> 固定基准
  12284. fixed decimal ==> 固定十进制,固定小数,定点
  12285. fixed decimal point ==> 固定十进制小数点
  12286. fixed delay ==> 固定延迟
  12287. fixed delivery pump ==> 定容量泵
  12288. fixed denture ==> 固定义齿
  12289. fixed dermatitis medicamentosa ==> 固定疹型药物性皮炎
  12290. fixed derrick crane ==> 固定式动臂起重机
  12291. fixed dewatering screen ==> 固定脱水筛
  12292. fixed die half ==> (压铸用)定模
  12293. fixed discharger ==> 固定放电器
  12294. fixed disk ==> 固定磁盘,固定盘
  12295. fixed displacement motor ==> 定量马达
  12296. fixed displacement pump ==> 定量泵
  12297. fixed distribution area ==> 固定配線区画
  12298. fixed distribution method ==> 固定ケーブル配線法
  12299. fixed drawbar ==> 固定的牵引装置
  12300. fixed drilling platform ==> 固定钻井平台
  12301. fixed drug eruption ==> 固定性药疹,固定疹型药物性皮炎
  12302. fixed eccentric ==> 固定偏心轮
  12303. fixed echo ==> 固定目标的回波
  12304. fixed echo suppressor ==> 固定回波消除器
  12305. fixed edge ==> 固定边
  12306. fixed effectiveness approach ==> 效用固定分析法
  12307. fixed emplacement ==> 固定炮位
  12308. fixed encoded theodolite ==> 固定编码经纬仪
  12309. fixed end ==> 固定端,固端
  12310. fixed end beam ==> 固定端梁
  12311. fixed end moment ==> 固定力矩,固端力矩
  12312. fixed engine ==> 固定发动机
  12313. fixed equalizer ==> 固定等化器
  12314. fixed error ==> 系统误差,系统错误
  12315. fixed eruption ==> 固定性疹
  12316. fixed exit nozzle ==> 定出口截面喷管
  12317. fixed expansion ==> 固定膨胀
  12318. fixed expenditure ==> 固定开支
  12319. fixed expenses ==> 不变费用
  12320. fixed eyepiece ==> 固定目镜
  12321. fixed fee ==> 固定费
  12322. fixed fiber-optics connectors receptacle ==> 固定光纤连接器插座
  12323. fixed fiberoptic connector ==> 固定光纤连接器
  12324. fixed field ==> 固定区域,固定信息组,固定域,固定字段
  12325. fixed field addressing ==> 固定字段编址,固定字段寻址
  12326. fixed field coding ==> 固定字段编码
  12327. fixed field format ==> 固定域格式
  12328. fixed film resistor ==> 固定薄膜电阻器
  12329. fixed fin ==> 垂直安定面
  12330. fixed flange ==> 固定法兰盘
  12331. fixed flat-bed platen ==> 固定式平台压板
  12332. fixed foam generator ==> 固定泡沫混合发生器
  12333. fixed focal length ==> 固定焦距
  12334. fixed focus camera ==> 定焦摄影机,定焦照相机
  12335. fixed form ==> 定形,固定方式,(相对于滑动模板而言)固定模板
  12336. fixed form coding ==> 固定式编码,固定形式编码
  12337. fixed form operation ==> 固定方式操作
  12338. fixed format ==> 固定格式
  12339. fixed format input ==> 固定格式输入
  12340. fixed format message ==> 固定格式报文,固定格式消息
  12341. fixed framed arch ==> 构架式固端拱
  12342. fixed frequency ==> 标定频率
  12343. fixed frequency cyclotron ==> 固定频率回旋加速器
  12344. fixed frequency generator ==> 固定频率发生器
  12345. fixed frequency laser ==> 固定频率激光器
  12346. fixed fuel tank ==> 固定燃料箱
  12347. fixed function ==> 固定功能
  12348. fixed function generator ==> 固定功能生成程序,固定函数发生器
  12349. fixed gang-condenser ==> 不变电容器组
  12350. fixed gantry ==> 固定高架起重机
  12351. fixed gantry crane ==> 固定门式起重机,固定式龙门起重机
  12352. fixed gauge ==> 固定规
  12353. fixed gauntry crane ==> 固定龙门起重机
  12354. fixed girder ==> 定端梁
  12355. fixed glass louver ==> 固定玻璃百叶窗
  12356. fixed grain ==> 固结磨粒
  12357. fixed grate ==> 固定炉篦
  12358. fixed grid ==> 固定格栅
  12359. fixed grizzly ==> 固定结筛
  12360. fixed groove mercury barometer ==> 定槽水银气压表
  12361. fixed groundwater ==> 非重力式地下水
  12362. fixed guide vane ==> 固定导叶
  12363. fixed gun ==> 固定式机关枪
  12364. fixed gun sight ==> 固定炮瞄准具
  12365. fixed hammer ==> 固定锤头
  12366. fixed handle ==> 固定柄,固定手柄
  12367. fixed head ==> 固定磁头,固定头,固定头盖板
  12368. fixed head disk drive ==> 固定头磁盘机
  12369. fixed head sprinkler ==> 固定喷头喷灌机
  12370. fixed header prefix (FHP) ==> 固定标题前缀,固定长标题前缀
  12371. fixed hearing aid ==> 固定助听器
  12372. fixed hinge ==> 固定铰链
  12373. fixed hopper ==> 固定式料斗
  12374. fixed horizontal polarization ==> 固定水平偏振
  12375. fixed horizontal screen ==> 固定水平筛
  12376. fixed hydrocarbon ==> 非挥发性
  12377. fixed ignition ==> 固定点火
  12378. fixed image graphics ==> 固定图像图形学,固定影像图形技术
  12379. fixed impeller straight through cyclone ==> 固定叶轮直通式旋风分离器
  12380. fixed increment rule ==> 固定增量规则
  12381. fixed index ==> 固定瞄准器,固定式照准器
  12382. fixed inductance ==> 固定电感=>固定インダクタンス
  12383. fixed inductor ==> 固定感应线圈
  12384. fixed inductor coil ==> 固定感应线圈
  12385. fixed inertial frame of reference ==> 不变惯性基准标架
  12386. fixed information ==> 不变情报,不变信息,固定情报
  12387. fixed information file ==> 固定信息存储器
  12388. fixed infrared seeker head ==> 固定红外寻的头
  12389. fixed input ==> 不变投入
  12390. fixed insertion ==> 固定插入
  12391. fixed insertion editing ==> 固定插入编辑
  12392. fixed instalment method ==> 分期定额法
  12393. fixed interconnect wiring ==> 固定互连布线
  12394. fixed interconnection matrix ==> 固定关联矩阵
  12395. fixed interconnection pattern ==> 固定互连图像
  12396. fixed interconnection pattern approach ==> 固定互连图像方法=>固定相互配線パターン方式
  12397. fixed interconnections ==> 固定布线
  12398. fixed interval (FI) ==> 固定间隙
  12399. fixed intervals ==> 固定间隔
  12400. fixed investment in residential structures ==> 居住用建筑物的固定投资额,居住用建筑物的固定投资额
  12401. fixed jaw ==> 固定爪,固定颚,固定颚板
  12402. fixed jib crane ==> 固定式悬臂起重机
  12403. fixed joint ==> 刚性连接,固定连接
  12404. fixed key word mode ==> 固定关键字方式
  12405. fixed knot ==> 固定节
  12406. fixed kyphosis ==> 固定性脊柱后凸
  12407. fixed launcher ==> 固定发射装置
  12408. fixed layer ==> 固定层
  12409. fixed lead ==> 固定超前
  12410. fixed leg ==> 固定柱
  12411. fixed legal ratio ==> 法定比率
  12412. fixed length data ==> 固定长数据
  12413. fixed length instruction ==> 定字长指令
  12414. fixed length record ==> 等长记录
  12415. fixed length record file ==> 固定长记录文件
  12416. fixed lens ==> 固定透镜
  12417. fixed letter of revenue ==> 确定收入单证
  12418. fixed level ==> 稳定水位
  12419. fixed light ==> 固定窗,固定灯光,固定光,固定舷窗=>定常光,不動光(航空)
  12420. fixed line number ==> 固定行数
  12421. fixed link ==> 固定杆
  12422. fixed link pack area ==> 固定连接装配区
  12423. fixed linkage ==> 固定式悬挂装置
  12424. fixed load ==> 固定负载,固定荷载,固定载荷,不变载荷
  12425. fixed load demand ==> 固定负荷
  12426. fixed logic ==> 固定逻辑
  12427. fixed loop antenna ==> 固定环形天线
  12428. fixed loss ==> 不变损耗,(与负载无关的)固定损失=>固定損
  12429. fixed macrophage ==> 固定巨噬细胞
  12430. fixed magnet-disc machine ==> 固定式磁盘机
  12431. fixed magnetic field ==> 固定磁场
  12432. fixed mandrel ==> 定径心轴
  12433. fixed mask ==> 固定屏幕
  12434. fixed mask type ROM ==> 固定掩膜只读存储器
  12435. fixed mast ==> 固定式桅杆
  12436. fixed mean pole ==> 固定平极
  12437. fixed member ==> 固定成员
  12438. fixed membership class ==> 固定属籍类别
  12439. fixed memory ==> 固定存储器,只读存储器=>固定記憶装置
  12440. fixed metal louver ==> 固定金属百叶窗
  12441. fixed milk line ==> 固定式送奶管路
  12442. fixed mine wagon ==> 固定式矿车
  12443. fixed mining car ==> 固定式矿车
  12444. fixed mirror ==> 固定镜
  12445. fixed mixer ==> 固定式拌和机,固定式搅拌机
  12446. fixed mode ==> 固定方式,固定模式
  12447. fixed modulation-ratio ==> 固定変調率
  12448. fixed mooring berth ==> 固定式系船处,固定碇泊船位
  12449. fixed mould ==> 固定模
  12450. fixed mount ==> 固定架,支架
  12451. fixed mounting base ==> 固定支承座
  12452. fixed name ==> 固定的名字,固定名
  12453. fixed neutral density filter ==> 固定中密度滤光器
  12454. fixed nozzle ==> 固定喷嘴
  12455. fixed number testing ==> 定数检验,定数试验
  12456. fixed number testing plan ==> 定数计划试验
  12457. fixed objective ==> 固定目标
  12458. fixed obliquity pelvis ==> 固定性骨盆倾斜
  12459. fixed observatory ==> 固定观测台
  12460. fixed offshore platform ==> 固定式海上平台
  12461. fixed oil ==> 固定油,硬化油,不挥发油
  12462. fixed operating sleeve ==> 固定连接套
  12463. fixed optics ==> 固定光学
  12464. fixed order-quantity system ==> 固定订货量系统
  12465. fixed ordering procedure ==> 固定排序过程
  12466. fixed orifice ==> 固定节流孔
  12467. fixed orthodontic appliance ==> 固定矫正器
  12468. fixed oscillator ==> 固定频率振荡器
  12469. fixed overflow ==> 固定溢出,定点溢出
  12470. fixed overflow dam ==> 固定式溢流坝
  12471. fixed overlayable segment ==> 固定可覆盖段
  12472. fixed oxygen ==> 固定氧
  12473. fixed packing ==> 固定式密垫
  12474. fixed page ==> 固定页面
  12475. fixed parabolic reflector ==> 固定抛物反射面
  12476. fixed part ==> 固定部分
  12477. fixed partial denture ==> 固定部分托牙
  12478. fixed partition ==> 固定分区
  12479. fixed partition cell ==> 固定隔板沉淀池
  12480. fixed pattern metallization ==> 固定图案金属化
  12481. fixed pattern method ==> 固定图案法
  12482. fixed pattern noise ==> 固定图形噪声
  12483. fixed period ==> 固定周期
  12484. fixed periodic block ==> 固定的轮伐更新区
  12485. fixed permanent segment ==> 固定永久段
  12486. fixed phagocyte ==> 固定噬细胞
  12487. fixed phase ==> 固定相,参考相位
  12488. fixed phase reference ==> 固定相位基准
  12489. fixed phase relationship ==> 固定相位关系
  12490. fixed phase shifter ==> 固定移相器
  12491. fixed pin ==> 固定销,定位销
  12492. fixed piston sampler ==> 固定活塞取样器
  12493. fixed pitch air screw ==> 固定螺距螺旋桨
  12494. fixed pitch propeller ==> 固定螺距螺旋桨=>固定ピッチプロペラ
  12495. fixed pivot ==> 支枢=>基準
  12496. fixed plate ==> 固定板块
  12497. fixed platform ==> 固定平台
  12498. fixed point ==> 固定小数点,观测点,不动点,标定点=>不動点(複素関数)
  12499. fixed point algorithm ==> 不動点アルゴリズム
  12500. fixed point computer ==> 定点计算机
  12501. fixed point decimal constant ==> 固定小数点十进制常数
  12502. fixed point method ==> 不动点方法
  12503. fixed point representation ==> 固定小数点表示法=>固定小数点表示
  12504. fixed point theorem ==> 不动点定理
  12505. fixed points ==> 固定点
  12506. fixed points method of calibration ==> 定点法标定
  12507. fixed pole ==> 固定极
  12508. fixed polynomial ==> 固定多项式
  12509. fixed portion ==> 固定部分
  12510. fixed position addressing ==> 固定位置访问
  12511. fixed potassium ==> 固定态钾
  12512. fixed potentiometer ==> 固定电位计
  12513. fixed power ==> 固定放大率
  12514. fixed predetermined value ==> 不变前定值
  12515. fixed preparation ==> 固定标本
  12516. fixed pressure gauge ==> 固定气压计
  12517. fixed pressure operation ==> 定压运行
  12518. fixed pressure operation of deaerator ==> 除氧器定压运行,无论机组负荷高低,除氧器压力始终维持为定值的运行方式
  12519. fixed pressure plate ==> 固定压紧板
  12520. fixed price ==> 固定价格,定价
  12521. fixed price contract ==> 定价合同
  12522. fixed price movement ==> 标价变动
  12523. fixed primary annulus ==> 行星传动第一级固定齿轮
  12524. fixed priority ==> 固定优先级
  12525. fixed priority scheme ==> 固定优先方式
  12526. fixed prism ==> 固定棱镜
  12527. fixed product area ==> 固定乘法区
  12528. fixed program ==> 固定程序
  12529. fixed program read-only storage ==> 固定程序只读存储器
  12530. fixed program system ==> 固定程序方法
  12531. fixed programming ==> 固定程序设计
  12532. fixed prosthesis ==> 固定修复
  12533. fixed pulley ==> 固定滑轮,定滑轮
  12534. fixed pump ==> 固定泵,固定的泵
  12535. fixed quantity ==> 定量
  12536. fixed quantity feeder ==> 定量下料器
  12537. fixed quantity ordering system ==> 固定量订货方式
  12538. fixed quantity water meter ==> 定量水表
  12539. fixed quotas for revenues and expenditures ==> 财务包干
  12540. fixed radix notation ==> 定根值记数法,固定基数记数法=>固定基数表記法
  12541. fixed radix numeration system ==> 固定基数記数法
  12542. fixed radix scale ==> 固定基数记数法
  12543. fixed range ==> 固定范围
  12544. fixed rate ==> 固定利率
  12545. fixed rate flow ==> 恒定流量,定量流动
  12546. fixed ratio meter ==> 固定比例计
  12547. fixed ratio transmission code ==> 定比传输码
  12548. fixed reactor ==> 固定式反应器
  12549. fixed residue ==> 固定残渣
  12550. fixed resistance ==> 固定电阻,固定电阻器
  12551. fixed resistance input type volt ratio box ==> 定阻输入式分压箱
  12552. fixed resistance output type volt ratio box ==> 定阻输出式分压箱
  12553. fixed resistor ==> 固定电阻器=>固定抵抗器
  12554. fixed retainer ==> 固定保持器
  12555. fixed retaining walls ==> 固定式挡土墙
  12556. fixed reticle ==> 固定调制盘,固定分划板,固定十字标线
  12557. fixed ring ==> 固定圈
  12558. fixed roll ==> 固定辊
  12559. fixed roller ==> 固定滚轴
  12560. fixed roller gate ==> 定轮闸门,又称“滚轮闸门”。闸门边柱上装置固定轮子的平面闸门
  12561. fixed roof tank ==> 带固定盖的桶
  12562. fixed roof type electric arc furnace ==> 固定炉顶式电弧炉
  12563. fixed routine ==> 固定程序,固定例行程序
  12564. fixed routing ==> 固定ルーチング
  12565. fixed routing per call ==> 每次呼叫固定路径选择
  12566. fixed routing per call method ==> 每次呼叫固定路径选择法
  12567. fixed sash ==> 固定窗扇
  12568. fixed satellite ==> 固定卫星,静止卫星,静止卫星
  12569. fixed scale ==> 固定标盘
  12570. fixed schedule ==> 固定的目录
  12571. fixed scoliosis ==> 固定性脊柱侧凸
  12572. fixed seating ==> 固定座位
  12573. fixed sequence of code ==> 固定代码顺序
  12574. fixed sequence robot ==> 固定程序机器人
  12575. fixed service ==> 定点通信业务
  12576. fixed set order ==> 固定系次序
  12577. fixed set point control ==> 定值控制
  12578. fixed set point control system ==> 定值控制系统
  12579. fixed setpoint control ==> 固定给定值控制
  12580. fixed shutter ==> 固定百叶窗
  12581. fixed sight ==> 固定瞄准具
  12582. fixed signal ==> 固定信号=>常置信号機
  12583. fixed size record ==> 固定长记录
  12584. fixed slit ==> 固定狭缝
  12585. fixed solid ==> 固定固体
  12586. fixed solid resisior ==> 固体电阻器
  12587. fixed solution ==> 固定解
  12588. fixed sonar ==> 定位声纳
  12589. fixed source entropy ==> 固定源熵
  12590. fixed source field ==> 定源场
  12591. fixed spacing ==> 固定间隔
  12592. fixed span ==> 固定跨,固端跨
  12593. fixed spark-gap modulator ==> 固定火花隙调制器
  12594. fixed spasm ==> 持久性痉挛,持续性痉挛
  12595. fixed spherical radio telescope ==> 固定球面射电望远镜
  12596. fixed spot welder ==> 固定式点焊机
  12597. fixed square search ==> 地理正方形搜索
  12598. fixed staff ==> 固定标尺
  12599. fixed star ==> 恒星
  12600. fixed station ==> 固定局
  12601. fixed stay ==> 固定中心架
  12602. fixed steel window shutter ==> 固定钢百叶窗
  12603. fixed storage ==> 固定存储器只读存储器=>固定記憶装置
  12604. fixed strabismus ==> 固定性斜视
  12605. fixed support ==> 固定支点
  12606. fixed symmetrical arch ==> 固定对称拱
  12607. fixed target ==> 固定目标
  12608. fixed tariff duties ==> 协定关税
  12609. fixed teeth ==> 恒齿
  12610. fixed terminal time ==> 固定终点时间
  12611. fixed thread ==> 定丝
  12612. fixed thrust ==> 恒定推力
  12613. fixed time call ==> 定时呼叫,定时通话=>定時通話
  12614. fixed time increment ==> 固定时间增量
  12615. fixed time incrementing ==> 固定时间增长
  12616. fixed time insemination ==> 定时受精
  12617. fixed time lag ==> 定时限
  12618. fixed time temperature ==> 定时温度
  12619. fixed time test ==> 定时寿命试验
  12620. fixed time testing ==> 定时检验,定时试验
  12621. fixed time testing plan ==> 定时测定方式,定时试验方案,定时试验计划
  12622. fixed time-lag ==> 定时限
  12623. fixed timing mark ==> 定时标记
  12624. fixed to floating point conversion ==> 定点浮点转换
  12625. fixed tooth plate ==> 固定齿板
  12626. fixed tray ==> 固定盘
  12627. fixed trip circuit breaker ==> 手动跳闸断路器
  12628. fixed trip switch ==> 手动跳闸开关
  12629. fixed tube sheet ==> 固定管板
  12630. fixed tube sheet exchanger ==> 固定管板换热器
  12631. fixed tube sheet heat exchanger ==> 列管式固定管板换热器
  12632. fixed tube sheet type ==> 固定管板式
  12633. fixed tube sheet type heat exchanger ==> 固定管板式热交换器
  12634. fixed tube-sheet exchanger ==> 固定管板式换热器
  12635. fixed twopoint suture ==> 二定点缝合法
  12636. fixed type ==> 固定形
  12637. fixed type bar ==> 固定打印杆,固定字杆
  12638. fixed type double-pipe heat exchanger ==> 固定式套管换热器
  12639. fixed type rigid coupling ==> 固定式刚性联轴节
  12640. fixed value ==> 定值,不变值
  12641. fixed value restrictions ==> 不变值约束
  12642. fixed vane ==> 定叶
  12643. fixed variable ==> 固定变量
  12644. fixed variate ==> 不变变量
  12645. fixed vector ==> 不動点ベクトル
  12646. fixed vertical polarization ==> 固定垂直偏振
  12647. fixed virus ==> 固定毒,狂犬病固定毒
  12648. fixed voltage ==> 固定电压
  12649. fixed water ==> 固着水
  12650. fixed water cooled burner ==> 固定式水冷燃烧器
  12651. fixed wave form generator ==> 固定波形发生器
  12652. fixed wave number ==> 固定波数
  12653. fixed weight ==> 不变重量
  12654. fixed weighting ==> 固定加权
  12655. fixed weir ==> 固定堰
  12656. fixed welding machine ==> 固定式焊机
  12657. fixed wheel base ==> 固定轴距
  12658. fixed wheel gate ==> 定轮闸门
  12659. fixed window ==> 固定窗
  12660. fixed wing aircraft ==> 固定翼飞机
  12661. fixed wing aircraft engine ==> 固定翼飞机发动机
  12662. fixed wing tactical transport ==> 固定翼战术运输机
  12663. fixed wiring ==> 固定布线,猪尾线=>固定配線
  12664. fixed wiring method ==> 固定布线法
  12665. fixed word ==> 固定字
  12666. fixed word length ==> 固定字长=>固定語長
  12667. fixed word length computer ==> 固定字长计算机
  12668. fixed word length format ==> 固定字长格式
  12669. fixed word order ==> 固定词序
  12670. fixed zoom lens ==> 固定的变焦距物镜
  12671. fixed(pitch) propeller ==> 定距螺旋桨
  12672. fixed-action pattern ==> 固定动作模式
  12673. fixed-area nozzle ==> 固定截面喷嘴
  12674. fixed-bat reel ==> 固定拨禾轮
  12675. fixed-beam ceilometer ==> 固定光束云幂仪
  12676. fixed-bed drying system ==> 固定床式干燥系统
  12677. fixed-bed hydroforming ==> 固定床加氢重整
  12678. fixed-bed ion exchange ==> 固定床离子交换
  12679. fixed-bed ion exchanger ==> 固定床离子交换器
  12680. fixed-bed operation ==> 固定床操作
  12681. fixed-bed-type milling machine ==> 固定床身式铣床
  12682. fixed-bias transistor circuit ==> 固定偏压晶体管电路
  12683. fixed-blade propeller turbine ==> 定轮叶旋桨式水轮机,轴流定桨式水轮机
  12684. fixed-blade propeller wheel ==> 定轮叶旋桨式水轮
  12685. fixed-blade turbine ==> 定轮叶式水轮机
  12686. fixed-block format ==> 固定数字组格式
  12687. fixed-block-architecture (FBA) ==> 固定块结构
  12688. fixed-block-architecture device ==> 固定块结构设备
  12689. fixed-block-architecture device (FBA device) ==> 定长块结构设备
  12690. fixed-caliper disk brake ==> 固定卡钳式钢盘制动器
  12691. fixed-center change gear ==> 固定中心距变速齿轮
  12692. fixed-charge collector ==> 固定值投币集合器
  12693. fixed-charge problem ==> 固定费用问题
  12694. fixed-coil antenna ==> 固定环形天线
  12695. fixed-coil indicator ==> 定圈式指示器
  12696. fixed-course detector ==> 固定航向指示器
  12697. fixed-crest spillway ==> 固定堰顶式溢洪道
  12698. fixed-crest weir ==> 固定堰顶式堰
  12699. fixed-cycle operation ==> 固定周期操作,固定周期运算
  12700. fixed-delay output ==> 固定时延输出
  12701. fixed-displacement motor ==> 定容量马达
  12702. fixed-displacement pump ==> 固定排量泵
  12703. fixed-displacement-variable pressure pump ==> 定排量变压力泵
  12704. fixed-electrode method ==> 固定电极法
  12705. fixed-end arch ==> 固端拱,定端拱
  12706. fixed-end beam ==> 定端梁,固端梁
  12707. fixed-end column ==> 固定端柱
  12708. fixed-end moment ==> 固端弯矩
  12709. fixed-feed grinding ==> 固定进给磨削
  12710. fixed-field accelerator ==> 固定场加速器,固定磁场加速器
  12711. fixed-field method ==> 固定字段方法
  12712. fixed-focus ==> 固定焦点
  12713. fixed-focus camera ==> 定焦距摄影机
  12714. fixed-focus lens ==> 定焦点透镜
  12715. fixed-focus objective ==> 固定焦距物镜
  12716. fixed-frequency ==> 固定频率
  12717. fixed-frequency audiometer ==> 固定频率听力计
  12718. fixed-frequency filter ==> 固定频率滤波器
  12719. fixed-frequency generator ==> 固定频率发电机
  12720. fixed-frequency multivibrator ==> 固定频率多谐振荡器
  12721. fixed-frequency source ==> 固定频率源
  12722. fixed-frequency transmitter ==> 固定频率发射机
  12723. fixed-gain damping ==> 固定增益阻尼
  12724. fixed-gate generator ==> 固定选通脉冲发生器
  12725. fixed-handle circuit breaker ==> 固定跳闸
  12726. fixed-head disk ==> 固定头磁盘
  12727. fixed-head storage ==> 固定头存储器
  12728. fixed-installment depreciation method ==> 分期定额折旧法
  12729. fixed-knife planer ==> 固定刀式刨床
  12730. fixed-length ==> 固定长度,定长
  12731. fixed-length block ==> 定长块,固定长块
  12732. fixed-length code (FLC) ==> 固定长度编码
  12733. fixed-length data ==> 定长数据
  12734. fixed-length data area ==> 定长数据区,固定长度数据区
  12735. fixed-length field ==> 固定长度信息组,固定长度字段,定长信息组,定长域,定长字段
  12736. fixed-length file ==> 定长文件
  12737. fixed-length file record ==> 定长文件记录,固定长度文件记录
  12738. fixed-length format ==> 固定长度格式
  12739. fixed-length record ==> 固定长度记录,固定长记录,定长记录
  12740. fixed-length record file ==> 定长记录文件,固定长度记录文卷
  12741. fixed-length record format ==> 固定长度记录格式
  12742. fixed-length record system ==> 固定长记录系统,定长记录系统
  12743. fixed-length string ==> 定长串
  12744. fixed-length symbol ==> 定长符号
  12745. fixed-length variable ==> 定长变量
  12746. fixed-length word ==> 固定长字
  12747. fixed-light position ==> 固定光位
  12748. fixed-loop aerial ==> 固定环形天线
  12749. fixed-needle surveying ==> 固定磁针测量
  12750. fixed-needle traverse ==> 固定指针导线
  12751. fixed-orbit accelerator ==> 固定轨道加速器
  12752. fixed-phase wave ==> 固定相波
  12753. fixed-point ==> 定点
  12754. fixed-point arithmetic ==> 定点运算
  12755. fixed-point binary ==> 定点二进制
  12756. fixed-point binary constant ==> 定点二进制常数
  12757. fixed-point calculation ==> 定点计算,定点运算
  12758. fixed-point constant ==> 定点常数
  12759. fixed-point data ==> 定点数据
  12760. fixed-point decimal constant ==> 十进定点常数
  12761. fixed-point double word-length arithmetic ==> 定点双字长运算
  12762. fixed-point homotopy method ==> 不動点ホモトピー法
  12763. fixed-point mathematics ==> 定点数学,定点运算
  12764. fixed-point notation ==> 定点表示法,定点记数法
  12765. fixed-point operation ==> 定点操作,定点运算
  12766. fixed-point part ==> 定点部分,尾数,小数部分,固定小数点部
  12767. fixed-point representation ==> 定点表达形式,定点表示法
  12768. fixed-point representation system ==> 定点表示制=>固定小数点表示法
  12769. fixed-point simulation ==> 定点仿真
  12770. fixed-point system ==> 定点系统
  12771. fixed-point value ==> 定点值
  12772. fixed-pointer format ==> 定点制格式
  12773. fixed-position addressing ==> 定位选址
  12774. fixed-position welding ==> 定位焊接
  12775. fixed-power microscope ==> 固定倍率显微镜
  12776. fixed-price competition ==> 固定价格竞争
  12777. fixed-product area ==> 固定乘积存储区,确定乘积区
  12778. fixed-program computer ==> 固定程序计算机
  12779. fixed-program machine ==> 固定程序机
  12780. fixed-range mark generator ==> 固定距离标记发生器
  12781. fixed-rate pacemaker ==> 固定频率心脏起搏器,定频起搏器
  12782. fixed-resistance ==> 固定抵抗
  12783. fixed-scatteringangle spectrometer ==> 固定散射角能谱仪
  12784. fixed-sequence wiring analyzer ==> 固定顺序接线分析仪
  12785. fixed-set order ==> 固定谱系顺序
  12786. fixed-sieve jig ==> 定筛箕淘机
  12787. fixed-size command ==> 固定长度命令,固定长度指令
  12788. fixed-size location ==> 定长单元
  12789. fixed-size node ==> 定长节点,固定尺寸节点
  12790. fixed-size record ==> 定长记录
  12791. fixed-spindle gyratory crusher ==> 定轴式回旋碎矿机
  12792. fixed-tank vehicle ==> 固定式槽车
  12793. fixed-term appointment system ==> 任期制
  12794. fixed-tiltable reflector ==> 半自动反射面
  12795. fixed-time delay ==> 定时延迟
  12796. fixed-time lag ==> 定时滞后
  12797. fixed-trip ==> 固定跳闸
  12798. fixed-trip circuit-breaker ==> 手动跳闸断路器
  12799. fixed-trip switch ==> 非自动跳闸开关,手动跳闸开关
  12800. fixed-tuned amplifier ==> 固定调谐放大器
  12801. fixed-tuned crystal detector ==> 固定调谐晶体检波器
  12802. fixed-vane turbine ==> 定叶式水轮机
  12803. fixed-wire ==> 電線,電信電話線
  12804. fixed-wire logging ==> 固定钢丝集材
  12805. fixed-wire networks ==> 電線網
  12806. fixedness ==> 不挥发性
  12807. fixedscreen ==> 固定筛
  12808. fixedtype metal-clad switchgear ==> 固定型铠装开关装置
  12809. fixer ==> 固定剂,固定器,定影剂,定影液,修车工
  12810. fixer network ==> 定位网络
  12811. fixer system ==> 定位网络
  12812. Fixhao AC powder ==> 固色粉AC
  12813. fixing ==> 定影,固定,固定操作=>固着
  12814. fixing agent ==> 固定剂,固色剂,定影剂
  12815. fixing bath ==> 定影槽
  12816. fixing batsh production on a periodic basis ==> 以期定量
  12817. fixing block ==> 受钉块
  12818. fixing bolt ==> 固定螺栓
  12819. fixing brake ==> 止动闸
  12820. fixing cabin ==> 固定型小室
  12821. fixing clearance ==> 安装空隙
  12822. fixing collar ==> 加固圈
  12823. fixing device ==> 固定装置
  12824. fixing fillet ==> 木针,受钉嵌条
  12825. fixing level ==> 定影级别,定影水平
  12826. fixing moment ==> 固定力矩,固端弯矩
  12827. fixing of instrument tube ==> 仪表管固定,采用可拆卸的管卡将仪表管固定在支架上
  12828. fixing pad ==> 受钉嵌条
  12829. fixing pin ==> 定位销
  12830. fixing powder ==> 定影粉
  12831. fixing process ==> 定影法
  12832. fixing slip ==> 木针
  12833. fixing solution ==> 定影液
  12834. fixing the date of payment of note ==> 立期票
  12835. fixing tray ==> 定影盘
  12836. fixings ==> 配套食品,嵌固件
  12837. fixity ==> 不挥发性
  12838. fixity involatile ==> 不挥发性
  12839. fixpoint induction method ==> 不动点归纳法
  12840. fixpoint theory ==> 不动点理论
  12841. fixpoint theory of program ==> 程序不动点理论
  12842. fixture ==> 安装用具,卡具,紧固,固定装置物,工件夹具,夹具=>治具,定番
  12843. fixture assembly ==> 夹具组合件
  12844. fixture cut-out ==> 线盒熔丝
  12845. fixture drain ==> 卫生器具排水管
  12846. fixture stabilizer ==> 安定剤
  12847. fixture wire ==> 设备引线
  12848. fixture-supply pipe ==> 卫生器具给水管
  12849. Fizeau fringe ==> 斐索干涉条纹
  12850. Fizeau fringes ==> 斐索条纹
  12851. Fizeau interferometer ==> 斐索干涉计
  12852. Fizeau toothed wheel ==> 斐索齿轮法
  12853. fizzwater ==> 炭酸飲料
  12854. fjord valley ==> 峡湾谷
  12855. FJT, Fujitsu Co. Limited ==> 富士通株式会社
  12856. FK, function key ==> ファンクションキー
  12857. FK3 Catalogue ==> 第三基本星表
  12858. FK3, Dritter Fundamentalkatalog ==> FK3星表
  12859. FL filtrate loss ==> 滤失
  12860. fl prom ==> 熔丝连接可编程序只读存储器
  12861. FL, Fault Locator ==> 故障点標定器,送電線故障点標定装置
  12862. FL, floodlight ==> 投光照明
  12863. FL, fluctuating load ==> 変動負荷
  12864. flaccid constriction of penis ==> 阴缩
  12865. flaccid ectropion ==> 弛缓性下睑外翻
  12866. flaccid hemiplegia ==> 弛缓性偏瘫
  12867. flaccid leaf ==> 萎蔫叶
  12868. flaccid paralysis ==> 弛缓性麻痹,弛缓性瘫痪,软瘫,松弛性麻痹
  12869. flaccid part of tympanic membrane ==> 希拉普内尔氏膜
  12870. flaccidity of limbs due to blood stasis ==> 血瘀痿
  12871. flaccidity of limbs due to deficiency of blood ==> 血虚痿
  12872. flaccidity of lower limbs ==> 脚弱
  12873. flaccidity of tendon and muscle ==> 筋弛,筋纵
  12874. Flack test of physical efficiency ==> 弗勒克氏体力测验
  12875. Flade potential ==> 弗莱特电位
  12876. flag ==> 标志,标记,标旗,标识,标帜,表征,板石,薄层,菖蒲,特征位标记,旗,旗帜=>フラグ
  12877. flag alarm ==> 报警信号器=>フラグアラーム
  12878. flag and second leaf length ==> 旗叶及第二片叶长
  12879. flag arrangement ==> 旗形装置
  12880. flag bit ==> 特征位,标志位
  12881. flag bridge ==> 司令桥楼
  12882. flag button ==> 特征符按钮
  12883. flag byte ==> 标志字节
  12884. flag captain ==> 旗舰舰长
  12885. flag chest ==> 旗箱
  12886. flag clip ==> 旗缆铜扣
  12887. flag cloth ==> 旗布
  12888. flag code ==> 标记码
  12889. flag condition ==> 标记条件,标志条件
  12890. flag control ==> 标志控制
  12891. flag crown form ==> 旗冠型
  12892. flag data ==> 标志数据
  12893. flag event ==> 标记事件
  12894. flag flip-flop ==> 特征位触发器
  12895. flag flipflop ==> 标志触发器
  12896. flag float ==> 信号浮标
  12897. flag form ==> 旗型
  12898. flag hooks ==> 旗钩
  12899. flag indicator ==> 旗语信号指示器,动作指示器,标志显示
  12900. flag input ==> 标志输入
  12901. flag kit ==> 旗帜箱
  12902. flag leaf ==> 旗叶
  12903. flag leaf length ==> 旗叶长度
  12904. flag leaf sheath length ==> 旗叶鞘长度
  12905. flag leaf width ==> 旗叶宽度
  12906. flag line ==> 标志线路
  12907. flag locker ==> 旗柜
  12908. flag logic function ==> 标志逻辑函数
  12909. flag manifold ==> 旗流形
  12910. flag operand ==> 特征位操作数,标志操作数
  12911. flag operation ==> 标志操作
  12912. flag paving ==> 石板路面
  12913. flag pole ==> 旗杆
  12914. flag register ==> 标记寄存器,标志寄存器
  12915. flag sense ==> 标志读出
  12916. flag sequence ==> 标记序列,标志顺序,标志序列
  12917. flag shift operation ==> 标志移位操作
  12918. flag ship ==> 旗舰
  12919. flag signal ==> 旗语,手势信号=>手信号
  12920. flag signalling ==> 旗号通信
  12921. flag smut ==> 杆黑粉病
  12922. flag smut of wheat ==> 小麦杆黑粉病,小麦黑粉病
  12923. flag staff ==> 旗杆
  12924. flag stop ==> 标志停车点
  12925. flag switch ==> 旗形开关
  12926. flag tower ==> 旗塔
  12927. flag word ==> 标志字
  12928. FLAG, Fiber-optic Link Around the Globe ==> FLAG
  12929. flagboat ==> 旗艇
  12930. flagecidin ==> 茴香霉素
  12931. flagellar agglutinin ==> 鞭毛凝集素
  12932. flagellar antigen ==> 鞭毛抗原
  12933. flagellar basal body ==> 鞭毛基体
  12934. flagellar membrane ==> 鞭毛膜
  12935. Flagellata ==> 鞭毛虫类,鞭毛动物纲
  12936. flagellate ==> 鞭毛虫
  12937. flagellate diarrhea ==> 鞭毛虫性腹泻
  12938. flagellated zoospore ==> 具有鞭毛的激动孢子,具有鞭毛的激动孢子
  12939. Flagellidia ==> 鞭毛虫类
  12940. flagelliform ==> 鞭毛状的
  12941. flagellosis ==> 鞭毛虫病
  12942. flagellospore ==> 鞭毛芽胞
  12943. flagellula ==> 鞭毛芽胞
  12944. flagellum ==> 鞭节,鞭毛,鞭毛原虫
  12945. flagellum apparatus ==> 鞭毛器
  12946. flagellum movement ==> 鞭毛运动
  12947. flagellum staining ==> 鞭毛染色法
  12948. Flagg resus citation ==> 弗拉格氏复苏术
  12949. flagging ==> 石板路,石板路面
  12950. flagging preposition ==> 标志介词
  12951. flaggy ==> 薄砂岩的,板层
  12952. flagman ==> 测旗工,司旗员
  12953. flagpole ==> 花杆,测视信号
  12954. flagpole antenna ==> 金属杆天线
  12955. Flagstone ==> 赫德森河蓝灰砂岩
  12956. flagstone ==> 铺路石,板层岩,板石,板状砂岩,薄层砂岩,薄层岩
  12957. flagstone pavement ==> 石板路面
  12958. flagstone walk ==> 石板路
  12959. flagyl ==> 甲硝哒唑,灭滴灵
  12960. flail arm ==> 连枷臂,连枷状臂
  12961. flail cutter ==> 甩刀式切碎机
  12962. flail foot ==> 连枷足
  12963. flail hanger retainer bolt ==> 甩刀固定螺栓
  12964. flail joint ==> 连枷状关节
  12965. flail knee ==> 连枷状膝
  12966. flail knife ==> 甩板,甩刀
  12967. flail mechanism ==> 甩刀装置
  12968. flail mower ==> 甩刀式割草机
  12969. flail rotor ==> 甩刀式滚筒,甩刀式旋转切碎机
  12970. flail row cleaner ==> 甩刀式清垄器
  12971. flail shoulder ==> 连枷肩,连枷状肩
  12972. flail tank ==> 扫雷坦克
  12973. flail-type beater ==> 连枷式击碎轮
  12974. flail-type blade ==> 甩板式刀片
  12975. flair ==> 天賦の才能,優雅な様式
  12976. flak analysis ==> 高炮火力分析
  12977. flak jacket ==> 护身,避弹衣
  12978. flake ==> 薄片,白点,石片,成片剥落,片,片状,去氧化皮
  12979. flake aluminum ==> 片装铝粉,薄铝片
  12980. flake asbestos ==> 石棉薄片,石棉粉
  12981. flake caustic ==> 片状烧碱
  12982. flake copper ==> 片状铜粉
  12983. flake film ==> 薄片
  12984. flake glass reinforcement ==> 片状玻璃加强
  12985. flake gold ==> 片金
  12986. flake graphite ==> 片状石墨
  12987. flake graphite cast iron ==> 片状石墨铸铁
  12988. flake ice ==> 片冰
  12989. flake iron powder ==> 片状铁粉
  12990. flake off ==> 呈鳞片状剥落
  12991. flake powder ==> 片状炸药
  12992. flake shellac ==> 片胶
  12993. flake structure ==> 薄片结构
  12994. flake white ==> 铅白,碳酸铅白
  12995. flake yarn ==> 鳞片线
  12996. flake-bark ==> 片状树皮
  12997. flake-off ==> 剥落掉
  12998. flakeboard ==> 碎木板
  12999. flaked barley ==> 大麦片
  13000. flakelike powder ==> 片状粉末
  13001. flaker ==> 结片机,刨片机,包片机
  13002. flakes ==> 鳞片
  13003. flakiness ratio ==> 宽厚比
  13004. flaking machine ==> 轧片机,刨片机
  13005. flaking off ==> 剥落
  13006. flaky material ==> 片状材料
  13007. flaky particle ==> 片状颗粒
  13008. flaky texture ==> 鳞片状结构,薄片状结构
  13009. flaky web ==> 厚度不匀纤维网
  13010. flambe glaze ==> 辰砂釉
  13011. flamboyant structure ==> 辉耀构造
  13012. flame ==> 火焰,焰,燃料和空气混合后迅速转变为燃烧产物的化学过程中出现的可见光或其它物理表现形式=>フレーム
  13013. flame ablation ==> 熔化烧蚀
  13014. flame absorption ==> 火焰的吸收
  13015. flame adjustment ==> 火焰调节
  13016. flame analysis ==> 火焰分析,焰色分析
  13017. flame annealing ==> 火焰退火
  13018. flame arc ==> 焰弧
  13019. flame arc lamp ==> 焰弧灯,弧光灯
  13020. flame area ==> 火焰面积
  13021. flame arrester ==> 灭火器,消焰器
  13022. flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer ==> 火焰原子吸收分光光度计
  13023. flame attachments ==> 火焰附加器
  13024. flame axis ==> 焰轴
  13025. flame band ==> 火焰辐射带
  13026. flame base ==> 焰底
  13027. flame black ==> 焰黑
  13028. flame blocker ==> 火焰间苗器
  13029. flame blow-off factor ==> 火焰吹灭因数
  13030. flame body ==> 焰体
  13031. flame brazing of aluminium bar section ==> 铝型材火焰钎焊
  13032. flame bridge ==> 火桥
  13033. flame bulb ==> 焰球
  13034. flame burner ==> 火焰中耕机
  13035. flame cap ==> 焰晕,蓝色焰晕
  13036. flame carbon ==> 弧焰碳精棒,发光碳精棒,发弧光碳棒
  13037. flame carbon arc lamp ==> 发光碳精棒弧光灯
  13038. flame cell ==> 焰细胞
  13039. flame chamber ==> 火焰室
  13040. flame cleaner ==> 火焰除锈器
  13041. flame cleaning ==> 火焰除锈,火焰清理,焰烧净化法
  13042. flame cleaning blowpipe ==> 火焰表面清理焊炬
  13043. flame coal ==> 火焰煤,焰煤,长焰煤
  13044. flame coating ==> 火焰喷镀
  13045. flame collector ==> 火焰集电器
  13046. flame colo(u)r test ==> 焰色试验
  13047. flame colo(u)ration ==> 焰色
  13048. flame colo(u)ration test ==> 焰色试验
  13049. flame coloration ==> 焰色
  13050. flame cone ==> 焰芯
  13051. flame contact ignition ==> 火焰接触点火
  13052. flame couple ==> 热电偶
  13053. flame cultivation ==> 火焰中耕,火耕
  13054. flame cultivator ==> 火焰中耕机
  13055. flame current ==> 火苗
  13056. flame cuting ==> 气割
  13057. flame cutter ==> 火焰切割器,焰切机
  13058. flame cutting ==> 气割,火焰切割
  13059. flame cutting machine ==> 火焰切割机
  13060. flame damper ==> 灭火器,消焰器,防火器
  13061. flame deflector ==> 火焰偏转器
  13062. flame descaling ==> 火焰除鳞,喷焰除鳞
  13063. flame detector ==> 火焰检测器,检测燃烧室或燃烧器火焰强度的装置,主要由探头和信号处理器两部分组成,输出表示火焰强度的模拟量信号、表示有无火焰的开关量信号和/或表示火焰强度的视频信号
  13064. flame distribution ==> 火焰分布
  13065. flame diverter ==> 折焰器
  13066. flame dolomite ==> 焰白云石
  13067. flame drilling ==> 火钻钻进
  13068. flame dyke ==> 挡火墙
  13069. flame ejaculation ==> 火焰喷射
  13070. flame emission ==> 火焰发射
  13071. flame emission chopper ==> 火焰发射断续器
  13072. flame emission detector ==> 火焰发射探测器
  13073. flame emission spectrometer ==> 火焰发射光谱仪
  13074. flame emission spectrometry ==> 火焰发射光谱法
  13075. flame emission spectroscopy ==> 火焰发射光谱学
  13076. flame emissivity ==> 火焰发射度
  13077. flame enrichment ==> 加火
  13078. flame envelope ==> 外焰,火焰包络,将燃料和空气转变为燃烧产物过程中可见与不可见的边界
  13079. flame excitation ==> 火焰激发
  13080. flame eye ==> 火焰监视器,光敏电阻=>フレームアイ
  13081. flame failure ==> 火焰中断
  13082. flame failure alarm ==> 灭焰信号器
  13083. flame failure control ==> 火焰调节器,火焰消失控制器
  13084. flame failure device ==> 火焰切断装置
  13085. flame failure protection ==> 灭火保护
  13086. flame formation ==> 火焰的形成,火焰形成
  13087. flame front ==> 火焰锋
  13088. flame fuel ==> 火焰燃料
  13089. flame furnace ==> 火焰炉,反射炉
  13090. flame fusion method ==> 炎融法
  13091. flame gouging ==> 气刨,火焰表面切割,火焰刨槽,火焰清铲,火焰挖槽法
  13092. flame grooving ==> 气割开坡口
  13093. flame gun ==> 火焰喷枪,火焰喷射机
  13094. flame hardening ==> 火焰表面硬化,火焰淬火,火焰硬化
  13095. flame hardening blowpipe ==> 火焰表面淬火烧炬
  13096. flame hardnessing ==> 火焰淬火法
  13097. flame heating ==> 火焰加热
  13098. flame holder ==> 火焰稳定器
  13099. flame igniter ==> 点火装置,用于锅炉起动过程中升压、冲管和带低负荷,热功率较点火油枪大的油枪。
  13100. flame ignition ==> 火焰点火
  13101. flame ignitor ==> 点火器
  13102. flame indicator ==> 火焰指示器
  13103. flame intensity ==> 火焰强度
  13104. flame ionization ==> 火焰电离
  13105. flame ionization analyzer ==> 火焰电离分析仪
  13106. flame ionization analyzer and detector ==> 火焰电离分析检测器
  13107. flame ionization chromatograph ==> 火焰电离色谱仪
  13108. flame ionization detector ==> 火焰电离检测器,火焰离子化检测器
  13109. flame ionization detector(FID) ==> 火焰离子化检测器
  13110. flame ionization gauge ==> 火焰电离计
  13111. flame jet ==> 火焰喷口
  13112. flame kernel ==> 火焰中心
  13113. flame kiln ==> 明焰窑
  13114. flame lamp ==> 火焰灯
  13115. flame laser ==> 火焰激光器
  13116. flame lighter ==> 点火器
  13117. flame machining ==> 火焰表面加工,火焰切割
  13118. flame manometer ==> 火焰气压计
  13119. flame mechanism ==> 火焰机理
  13120. flame microphone ==> 火焰传声器
  13121. flame monitor ==> 火焰监视器
  13122. flame movement ==> 火焰的移动
  13123. flame noise ==> 火焰噪音,燃烧噪声
  13124. flame normalizing ==> 火焰正火
  13125. flame pattern cowboy boots ==> 火焰式牛仔靴
  13126. flame photometer ==> 火焰光度计
  13127. flame photometric analyzer ==> 火焰光度分析仪
  13128. flame photometric detector ==> 火焰光度检测器
  13129. flame photometric detector(FPD) ==> 火焰光度检测器
  13130. flame photometry ==> 火焰光度法,火焰光度术,火焰光谱法,光焰光度分析
  13131. flame photometry detector ==> 火焰光度检测器
  13132. flame pipe ==> 火焰管
  13133. flame plating ==> 火焰喷镀,喷涂
  13134. flame profile ==> 火焰形状
  13135. flame projector ==> 火焰喷射器
  13136. flame proof enclsoure ==> 隔爆外壳(Exd)
  13137. flame proof glass ==> 防火玻璃
  13138. flame proof ware ==> 防火器皿
  13139. flame propagation ==> 火焰传播
  13140. flame protection ==> 防爆保护装置
  13141. flame protection equipment ==> 防爆设备
  13142. flame pyrometer ==> 火焰高温计
  13143. flame quenching ==> 火焰淬火
  13144. flame radiation ==> 火焰的辐射,火焰辐射
  13145. flame reaction ==> 焰色反应
  13146. flame reactor ==> 火焰反应器
  13147. flame resistance ==> 耐火性
  13148. flame resistant cable ==> 耐火电缆
  13149. flame resistant glass ==> 防火玻璃
  13150. flame resisting ==> 難燃
  13151. flame resistive cable ==> 難燃ケーブル
  13152. flame retardant ==> 臭素系難燃剤
  13153. flame retardant chemicals ==> 阻燃剂=>難燃剤
  13154. flame retardant coating ==> 耐火层
  13155. flame retardant for cotton fabric ==> 棉织物阻燃剂
  13156. flame retardant for textile ==> 纺织品阻燃剂
  13157. flame retardent ==> 灭火剂
  13158. flame retention ==> 火焰保持力
  13159. flame safety lamp ==> 防爆灯
  13160. flame scaling ==> 锌镀层火焰加固处理
  13161. flame scarfing ==> 火焰清理
  13162. flame seal ==> 火焰封接
  13163. flame seal galvanizing ==> 火封软熔热镀锌法
  13164. flame sensing device ==> 火焰指示器
  13165. flame sensor ==> 火焰传感器
  13166. flame shield ==> 火焰防护,耐火墙
  13167. flame softening ==> 火焰软化
  13168. flame spectrometer ==> 火焰分光计
  13169. flame spectrometry ==> 火焰度谱术,光焰分光
  13170. flame spectrop hotometry ==> 火焰分光光度术
  13171. flame spectrum ==> 火焰光谱
  13172. flame speed ==> 火焰速度
  13173. flame spots ==> 火焰状出血点
  13174. flame spray coating ==> 溶射
  13175. flame sprayer ==> 火焰喷射机
  13176. flame spraying ==> 火焰喷镀,火焰喷涂法,溶喷法,热熔喷镀法
  13177. flame spraying pyrometer ==> 火焰喷射高温计
  13178. flame spreader ==> 火焰扩张器
  13179. flame stability ==> 火焰稳定性
  13180. flame stabilizer ==> 火焰稳定器
  13181. flame straightening ==> 火焰矫正,火焰矫直
  13182. flame strand annealing ==> 喷焰连续退火
  13183. flame structure ==> 火焰结构,火焰状构造
  13184. flame temperature ==> 火焰温度
  13185. flame temperature detector ==> 火焰温度检测器
  13186. flame temperature measurement ==> 火焰温度测定
  13187. flame temperature measurement method ==> 火焰温度测量法
  13188. flame tempering ==> 火焰退火
  13189. flame test ==> 焰色试验
  13190. flame test apparatus ==> 火焰瓦斯检验器
  13191. flame thermionic detector ==> 火焰热离子检测器
  13192. flame thermocouple detector ==> 火焰热电偶检测器
  13193. flame thrower ==> 火焰喷射器
  13194. flame trap ==> 隔焰器,防焰器,火焰防止罩
  13195. flame travel ==> 火焰的移动,火焰行程
  13196. flame treating ==> 火焰处理
  13197. flame tube ==> 火焰筒,火管,炉胆
  13198. flame tube interconnector ==> 联焰管
  13199. flame type heater ==> 火焰式加热器
  13200. flame velocity ==> 火焰速度
  13201. flame weeder ==> 火焰除草器
  13202. flame weeding ==> 火焰除草
  13203. flame weld ==> 火焰焊接
  13204. flame welding ==> 熔气焊
  13205. flame zone ==> 火焰带
  13206. flame-cored carbon ==> 焰芯碳棒
  13207. flame-proof ==> 防火的
  13208. flame-proof 3-phase induction motor ==> 防爆型三相感应电动机
  13209. flame-proof electric motor ==> 防爆电动机
  13210. flame-proof enclosures ==> 火炎伝播防止容器
  13211. flame-proof engine ==> 防火式电机
  13212. flame-proof fabric ==> 防火织物
  13213. flame-proof lamp ==> 火焰安全灯
  13214. flame-proof material ==> 耐火材料
  13215. flame-proof mine locomotive ==> 防火矿用机车
  13216. flame-proof motor ==> 防爆式电动机
  13217. flame-proof organic fibre ==> 防燃有机纤维
  13218. flame-proof switch ==> 防爆开关
  13219. flame-proof transformer ==> 防爆式变压器
  13220. flame-proofing agent ==> 耐火剂
  13221. flame-resistant polyester resin(a) ==> 耐火聚酯树脂
  13222. flame-retardant construction ==> 耐燃构造
  13223. flame-retardant contact adhesive ==> 防火性万能胶
  13224. flame-retarded resin ==> 阻燃树脂
  13225. flame-shaped hemorrhages ==> 火焰状出血点
  13226. flame-sprayed plastic coating ==> 火焰熔喷塑料覆盖层
  13227. flame-thrower nozzle ==> 火焰喷嘴
  13228. flame-type recombiner ==> 火焰式复合器
  13229. flameless atomic absorption spectrometry ==> 无火焰原子吸收光谱法
  13230. flameless burner ==> 无焰燃烧器
  13231. flameless burning ==> 无焰式燃烧
  13232. flameless catalytic combustion ==> 无焰催化燃烧
  13233. flameless combustion ==> 无焰燃烧
  13234. flameless explosive ==> 无烟火药
  13235. flameless gas burner ==> 无焰烧嘴
  13236. flameless ionization detector ==> 无火焰电离检测器
  13237. flameless powder ==> 无焰火药
  13238. flameless procedure ==> 无焰法
  13239. flameout, furnace loss of fire ==> 熄火,运行中锅筒内水位低于最低允许水位的故障。
  13240. flameproof ==> 防爆的
  13241. flameproof equipment ==> 防爆设备
  13242. flameproof lighting fixture ==> 防爆式照明
  13243. flameproof machine ==> 防爆式电机
  13244. flameproof motor ==> 隔爆型电动机,采用隔爆外壳及相关措施防爆的电动机,应能承受通过外壳任何接合面或间隙渗透到外壳内部的可燃性混合物在内部爆炸而不损坏,并且不会引起外部爆炸性环境的点燃
  13245. flaming ignition ==> 発炎着火
  13246. flaming test ==> 冲头扩孔法钢材延性试验
  13247. flaming weeder ==> 火焰除草机
  13248. flammability point ==> 燃烧点
  13249. flammability test ==> 可燃性试验
  13250. flammable inhibitor ==> 发火抑制剂
  13251. flammable liquid ==> 易燃液体,可燃液体
  13252. flammable material ==> 易燃材料
  13253. Flamsteed number ==> 弗拉姆斯蒂德星号
  13254. Flamsteed's number ==> 弗兰姆斯蒂数
  13255. Flanders storm ==> 弗朗德风暴
  13256. Flandrian transgression ==> 富兰德里安海侵
  13257. flange ==> 凸边,凸缘,凸缘盘,突边,弯边,接盘,法兰=>フランジ
  13258. flange and elbow bend pipe ==> 法兰盘弯管
  13259. flange angle ==> 凸缘角铁,翼缘角钢
  13260. flange angle steel ==> 凸缘角钢
  13261. flange area ==> 凸缘面积,法兰面积
  13262. flange back ==> 凸缘衬圈
  13263. flange back case ==> 凸缘后盖表壳
  13264. flange back face ==> 止推挡边后端面
  13265. flange ball valves ==> 法兰球阀
  13266. flange bearing ==> 带法兰盘轴承
  13267. flange bolt ==> 凸缘螺栓,法兰连接螺栓,法兰螺栓
  13268. flange box ==> 法兰包厢=>フランジボックス
  13269. flange bracing ==> 纵向联杆
  13270. flange butt joint ==> 卷边对接接头,卷边对接接头
  13271. flange cast iron stop valve ==> 法兰铸铁截止阀
  13272. flange cast steel sluice valve ==> 法兰铸钢闸阀
  13273. flange chuck ==> 凸缘花盘,凸缘卡盘
  13274. flange connection ==> 凸缘连接,法兰连接
  13275. flange connector ==> 凸缘联接器
  13276. flange cooled cylinder ==> 散热片气缸
  13277. flange cork closure ==> 凸缘软木塞封口
  13278. flange coupling ==> 凸缘联轴节,法兰接合,法兰接头,法兰联结,法兰联轴节=>フランジ継手
  13279. flange crimping ==> 凸缘卷曲法
  13280. flange cut-off valve ==> 法兰截止阀
  13281. flange design bolt load ==> 法兰设计螺栓载荷
  13282. flange drilling ==> 法兰钻孔
  13283. flange drum ==> 凸箍桶
  13284. flange end ==> 法兰端
  13285. flange engine bearing ==> 凸缘的主轴瓦
  13286. flange face ==> 法兰面
  13287. flange facing ==> 法兰压紧密封面,法立接触面
  13288. flange fitting ==> 法兰式管接头
  13289. flange focal distance ==> 法兰焦距,基面焦距
  13290. flange focal distance(FD) ==> 肩焦距
  13291. flange for air pump ==> 气泵法兰
  13292. flange for upper shell ==> 上筒体法兰
  13293. flange form ==> 法兰式
  13294. flange gasket ==> 法兰衬垫,凸缘衬垫
  13295. flange gasket pre-stress ==> 法兰垫初期应力,法立垫初期应力
  13296. flange gasket residual stress ==> 法兰垫残余应力
  13297. flange gate valves ==> 法兰闸阀
  13298. flange gauge ==> 凸缘规
  13299. flange girth ==> 翼缘
  13300. flange globe valves ==> 法兰截止阀
  13301. flange grommet ==> 凸缘垫环
  13302. flange hub ==> 凸缘毂
  13303. flange joint ==> 凸缘接合,凸缘联轴节,凸缘连接,法定连接
  13304. flange key ==> 法兰扳手
  13305. flange length of head ==> 封头法兰长度
  13306. flange machinery ==> 起缘机械
  13307. flange member ==> 凸缘构件
  13308. flange mo(u)ded packing ==> 帽形填密件
  13309. flange moment ==> 法兰力矩
  13310. flange moment under operating condition ==> 法兰操作弯矩
  13311. flange moment under pretightening condition ==> 法兰预紧弯矩
  13312. flange motor ==> 凸缘底座电动机,凸缘型电动机
  13313. flange mount ==> 凸缘架
  13314. flange mounting ==> 凸缘式安装件
  13315. flange nozzle ==> 凸缘喷嘴
  13316. flange nut ==> 带缘螺母
  13317. flange of brasses ==> 黄铜凸缘
  13318. flange of bush ==> 衬套凸缘
  13319. flange of coupling ==> 联轴节凸缘
  13320. flange of lower shell ==> 下筒体法兰
  13321. flange of pipe ==> 管子法兰,管子凸缘
  13322. flange of pol piston ring ==> 活塞刮油环凸缘
  13323. flange of valve ==> 管阀凸缘
  13324. flange outer diameter ==> 法兰外径
  13325. flange pass ==> 凸缘孔型
  13326. flange pipe ==> 凸缘管
  13327. flange plate ==> 凸缘板,翼缘板
  13328. flange pressure tappings ==> 法兰取压口
  13329. flange protection ==> 法兰保护
  13330. flange pulley ==> 凸缘轮
  13331. flange rail ==> 平底钢轨
  13332. flange rating ==> 法兰等级,法兰压力等级
  13333. flange rib ==> 凸缘肋
  13334. flange ring ==> 凸缘环
  13335. flange rivet ==> 凸缘铆钉
  13336. flange seal ==> 凸缘密封
  13337. flange slab ==> 翼缘板
  13338. flange sleeker ==> 法兰杆
  13339. flange sleeve ==> 凸缘套
  13340. flange splice plate ==> 翼缘镶板
  13341. flange spreader ==> 法兰扩张器
  13342. flange spring washer ==> 法兰弹簧垫圈
  13343. flange steel ==> 凸缘钢
  13344. flange stress ==> 凸缘应力,法兰应力
  13345. flange stripper guide ==> 出口护板
  13346. flange tap ==> 凸缘分接头
  13347. flange tee ==> 法兰三通,二重交错凸缘
  13348. flange test ==> 卷边试验,卷边试验
  13349. flange thickness ==> 法兰厚度
  13350. flange tool ==> 法兰杆
  13351. flange turner ==> 翻边机
  13352. flange type everlasting blow-off valve ==> 凸缘式连续放泄阀
  13353. flange type shaft coupling ==> 凸缘联轴节
  13354. flange weld ==> 卷边焊缝,卷边焊缝
  13355. flange wheel ==> 凸缘轮
  13356. flange wrench ==> 凸缘扳手
  13357. flange wrinkle ==> 凸缘皱褶
  13358. flange yoke ==> 凸缘叉
  13359. flange-mounted magneto ==> 凸缘磁电机
  13360. flange-mounted motor ==> 凸缘型电动机
  13361. flange-to-web weld ==> 卷边焊缝,卷边焊缝
  13362. flange-type motor ==> 凸缘型电动机,法兰式电动机
  13363. flanged ball valve ==> 法兰球阀
  13364. flanged beam ==> 凸缘梁
  13365. flanged bend ==> 法兰弯头
  13366. flanged bottom ==> 凸缘底,偏底
  13367. flanged branch ==> 法兰接头支管
  13368. flanged brass valve ==> 凸缘铜阀
  13369. flanged breather valve ==> 法兰呼吸阀
  13370. flanged bush ==> 凸缘轴衬
  13371. flanged bushing ==> 凸缘衬套
  13372. flanged butt weld ==> 弯边对接焊
  13373. flanged cast-iron pipe ==> 凸缘铸铁管,法兰铸铁管
  13374. flanged conical head ==> 折边的锥形封头
  13375. flanged connection ==> 法定连接
  13376. flanged coupling ==> 法定连接
  13377. flanged cross ==> 法兰四通
  13378. flanged cup ==> 带外止动挡边的外圈
  13379. flanged cylinder ==> 凸缘气缸
  13380. flanged diaphragm gauge ==> 法兰式膜片压力表
  13381. flanged differential pressure transmitter ==> 法兰式差压发送器
  13382. flanged edge ==> 弯边,卷边,卷边,拆缘
  13383. flanged edge joint ==> 凸缘边接合
  13384. flanged edge weld ==> 卷边焊,卷边焊
  13385. flanged elbow ==> 法兰弯头
  13386. flanged ends ==> 法兰连接端
  13387. flanged expansion joint ==> 法兰盘伸缩接头
  13388. flanged finish ==> 飞边瓶口
  13389. flanged fitting ==> 法兰管件
  13390. flanged gate valve ==> 法兰闸阀
  13391. flanged joint ==> 法兰接头,卷边接头,卷边接头,凸缘式联轴器,凸绿接合
  13392. flanged lip ==> 凸缘边
  13393. flanged motor ==> 凸缘电动机
  13394. flanged nozzle ==> 凸缘喷嘴
  13395. flanged nut ==> 凸缘螺母
  13396. flanged packing ==> 凸缘密封垫,法兰衬垫
  13397. flanged pipe ==> 凸缘管
  13398. flanged piston ==> 凸缘活塞
  13399. flanged plate ==> 翻边板
  13400. flanged press finish ==> 飞边瓶口
  13401. flanged pulley ==> 凸缘皮带轮
  13402. flanged radiator ==> 凸缘散热器,肋条式散热器
  13403. flanged rail ==> 宽底钢轨
  13404. flanged ring ==> 凸缘环
  13405. flanged rod ==> 法兰杆
  13406. flanged seam ==> 凸缘接缝
  13407. flanged seam riveting ==> 凸缘接缝铆钉
  13408. flanged section ==> 凸缘型钢
  13409. flanged shaft ==> 凸缘轴
  13410. flanged shaft coupling ==> 凸缘联轴节,法兰联轴节
  13411. flanged shaft-joint ==> 凸缘轴联接
  13412. flanged sheet ==> 折缘板
  13413. flanged test ==> 凸缘试验
  13414. flanged union ==> 凸缘管接
  13415. flanged valve ==> 法兰阀
  13416. flanged wheel ==> 凸缘轮,带凸缘轮
  13417. flanged yoke ==> 凸缘叉臂,法兰叉
  13418. flanged-tube radiator ==> 凸缘管散热器
  13419. flanged-type liner ==> 凸缘式衬筒
  13420. flangeless ends ==> 无法兰连接端
  13421. flangeless liner ==> 无凸缘衬筒
  13422. flangeless valve ==> 无法兰阀
  13423. flanges bolted design ==> 法兰螺栓设计
  13424. flanging ==> 折边,折缘,卷边,卷边,卷折边,卷折边
  13425. flanging angle ==> 卷边角,卷边角
  13426. flanging die ==> 凸缘冲模
  13427. flanging forming die ==> 翻边成形模
  13428. flanging hydraulic press ==> 凸缘压机
  13429. flanging machine ==> 折边压床
  13430. flanging press ==> 折边压机,弯边压力机
  13431. flank ==> 侧面
  13432. flank angle ==> 螺纹侧面角
  13433. flank correction ==> 齿面修正
  13434. flank development program ==> 侧翼式开拓系统
  13435. flank face ==> 刀后面
  13436. flank fire ==> 侧面火
  13437. flank fire suppression ==> 侧面扑火
  13438. flank hole ==> 侧面钻孔,侧向探眼,超前探眼
  13439. flank interference ==> 齿面干涉
  13440. flank observation ==> 侧方观测
  13441. flank of a fire ==> 火侧翼
  13442. flank of thread ==> 螺纹面
  13443. flank of tool ==> 刀具侧面
  13444. flank of tooth ==> 齿根面
  13445. flank radius ==> 侧面曲率半径
  13446. flank rudder ==> 倒车舵
  13447. flank wall ==> 侧墙
  13448. flank wear ==> 侧面磨损,齿侧面磨损
  13449. flanking ==> 側面にある
  13450. flanking area ==> 隣接領域
  13451. flanking attack ==> 側面攻撃
  13452. flanking band ==> 隣接帯域
  13453. flanking column ==> 翼柱
  13454. flanking transmission ==> 侧向传声
  13455. flanking transmission of sound ==> 侧向传声
  13456. flannel-like fabric ==> 仿法兰绒织物
  13457. flap ==> 铰链板,襟翼,挡板,挡水板,折板,折翼,扑,拍打,拍动,皮瓣,转板,活盖,活叶=>蓋,見返し,フラップ
  13458. flap actuating gear ==> 挡板导向拉杆
  13459. flap amputation ==> 瓣状切断术
  13460. flap attenuator ==> 刀型衰减器,刀形衰减器,片型衰减器
  13461. flap button-through pocket ==> 明钮有盖袋
  13462. flap check valve ==> 阀瓣式止回阀
  13463. flap cover ==> 折合盖
  13464. flap damper ==> 翼板=>フラップダンパ
  13465. flap drive screw ==> フラップ駆動ネジ
  13466. flap drive-rod ==> フラップ駆動棒
  13467. flap extended speed ==> フラップ下げ速度
  13468. flap gate ==> 翻板闸门,铰链式闸门,舌瓣闸门,绕门叶底部水平轴旋转启闭的闸门,过水时闸门倾倒到一定位置,水流从闸门上部溢过,挡水时用启闭机提升并加以固定,可部分启闭以控制泄量
  13469. flap gear ==> 襟翼操纵机构
  13470. flap hinge ==> 明合页
  13471. flap indicator ==> 襟翼位置指示器
  13472. flap lubricator ==> 垂片润滑器
  13473. flap nozzle ==> 活动喷嘴
  13474. flap operation ==> 瓣状手术
  13475. flap planting ==> 留株播种
  13476. flap rudder ==> 襟翼舵
  13477. flap tile ==> 折瓦
  13478. flap trap ==> 吊门逆止阱
  13479. flap valve ==> 片状阀,翻板阀=>フラップ弁
  13480. flap valve assembly ==> 活门栅
  13481. flap valve grid ==> 进气活门栅
  13482. flap valve, clapper ==> 锁气器,三介质(烟气、热风、冷风)干燥的制粉系统中,用以抽取冷(低温)炉烟的风机。
  13483. flap wheel ==> 翼片砂轮
  13484. flap(up) seat ==> 折叠座位
  13485. flap-covered lubricator ==> 活盖注油器
  13486. flap-door ==> 吊门
  13487. flap-shaped incision ==> 瓣状切开
  13488. flap-type attenuator ==> 刀型衰减器=>フラップ形減衰器
  13489. flapper ==> 挡板
  13490. flapper coil ==> フラッパコイル
  13491. flapper nozzle ==> 挡板喷嘴
  13492. flapper valve ==> 挡板阀,挡瓣阀,挡翻板阀,挡止回阀
  13493. flapper-valve controller ==> 挡板阀控制器
  13494. flapping angle ==> 翼动角
  13495. flapping hinge ==> 挥舞铰链
  13496. flapping sound ==> 拍击音
  13497. flapping tremor ==> 扑翼样震颤
  13498. flapping-wing aircraft ==> 扑翼机
  13499. flare ==> 火炬,火舌,色球爆发,耀发,曳光弹,喇叭天线,照明弹,外扩光斑,潮红,放空燃烧装置,物镜的光斑=>フレア,くさび(欠け込み斑,植物)
  13500. flare adapter ==> 照明弹架
  13501. flare angle ==> 展开角,张角
  13502. flare bed ==> 耐火材料的内衬导管
  13503. flare block ==> 护轨斜垫块
  13504. flare bomb ==> 照明弹
  13505. flare burner ==> 火炬烧嘴
  13506. flare chute fabric ==> 照明降落伞绸
  13507. flare class ==> 耀斑级
  13508. flare compensation ==> 寄生光斑补偿
  13509. flare factor ==> 蜿展因数,扩展因数,扩张系数
  13510. flare gun ==> 信号手枪
  13511. flare header ==> 半头黑砖
  13512. flare indicator ==> 耀斑指示器
  13513. flare kernel ==> 耀斑核
  13514. flare light ==> 闪烁光
  13515. flare loop ==> 耀斑环
  13516. flare nimbus ==> 耀斑暗晕
  13517. flare onset ==> 耀斑激发
  13518. flare parachute ==> 照明降落伞
  13519. flare path ==> 照明跑道
  13520. flare pod ==> 照明弹发射舱
  13521. flare point ==> 着火点,燃烧点
  13522. flare puff ==> 耀斑喷焰
  13523. flare ribbon ==> 耀斑带
  13524. flare round ==> 照明弾
  13525. flare spectrum ==> 耀斑光谱
  13526. flare spot ==> 耀斑,晕圈状光,寄生光斑
  13527. flare stack ==> 火把烟囱,火炬烟囱=>余剰ガス燃焼煙突
  13528. flare stack ignition device ==> 火炬烟囱点火装置
  13529. flare star ==> 耀星=>閃光星,フレア星
  13530. flare stop ==> 光阑
  13531. flare surge ==> 耀斑冲浪
  13532. flare tube fitting ==> 喇叭管接头
  13533. flare veiling glare ==> 杂光
  13534. flare voltage ==> 闪光电压
  13535. flare wave ==> 耀斑波
  13536. flare welding ==> 喇叭形坡口焊接=>フレア溶接
  13537. flare-aircraft ==> 照明机
  13538. flare-flash ==> 耀斑闪光
  13539. flare-like brightening ==> 似耀斑增亮
  13540. flare-like phenomenon ==> 似耀斑现象
  13541. flare-out ==> 拉直
  13542. flare-type fittings ==> 端部张开型接头
  13543. flared column head ==> 漏斗式柱头
  13544. flared crossing ==> 漏斗式交叉
  13545. flared deflection yoke ==> 扩展式偏转系统,喇叭式偏转系统
  13546. flared flange method ==> 蝶形孔型系统设计
  13547. flared joint ==> 扩口接合,胀接
  13548. flared radiating guide ==> 喇叭形辐射波导
  13549. flared union ==> 扩口联管节
  13550. flaring ==> 扩管
  13551. flaring angle ==> 喇叭锥顶角
  13552. flaring chromosphere ==> 耀现色球
  13553. flaring cup grinding wheel ==> 圆锥碗形砂轮
  13554. flaring gate pier, wide-flange pier ==> 宽尾墩,将常规采用的闸墩尾部沿程逐渐加宽呈“鱼尾状”
  13555. flaring machine ==> 旋转扩口机
  13556. flaring pier energy dissipation ==> 宽尾墩消能
  13557. flaring test ==> 扩口试验
  13558. flase color ==> 伪彩色
  13559. flase symbol ==> 假符号
  13560. flaser bedding structure ==> 伪流动构造
  13561. flaser structure ==> 压扁构造
  13562. flash ==> 毛刺,毛口,焊瘤,反闪,飞翅,飞刺,喷溅,溢料,强脉冲,去毛刺,模锻飞边,闪,闪光焊毛刺,闪现,急骤蒸发,闪光=>せん光,フラッシュ
  13563. flash (ing) test ==> 击穿试验
  13564. flash and show a light ==> 闪示一下信号灯
  13565. flash and strain ==> 鳍形凸出物
  13566. flash annealing ==> 表面退火
  13567. flash apparatus ==> 闪光器
  13568. flash arc ==> 闪光电弧,火花弧
  13569. flash back ==> 回烧,反点火
  13570. flash baking ==> 快速烘干,快速烘烤
  13571. flash barrier ==> 隔弧板,瞬时隔板,瞬时隔离罩,瞬时屏蔽,瞬时遮光板,闪光保护挡板,闪光挡板,闪光屏蔽
  13572. flash board ==> 挡水闸板
  13573. flash boiler ==> 速发气锅炉,快热锅炉,闪蒸锅炉
  13574. flash bottoms ==> 闪蒸残渣
  13575. flash box ==> 扩容器
  13576. flash bulb ==> 闪光灯泡,闪光泡
  13577. flash burn ==> 闪光烧伤,闪燃,电弧灼伤
  13578. flash burr ==> 毛刺
  13579. flash butt weld ==> 闪光焊
  13580. flash butt weld(ing) ==> 电弧对接焊
  13581. flash butt welder ==> 闪光对焊机
  13582. flash butt welding ==> 火花对头焊接,闪光对焊,闪光对接焊
  13583. flash camera ==> 闪光照相机
  13584. flash card ==> 闪光记录卡,闪光卡,快速卡片
  13585. flash chamber ==> 闪发室,扩容箱,蒸发器,闪发蒸发室,闪蒸室
  13586. flash coat ==> 闪光焊覆层
  13587. flash coating ==> 金属喷镀层
  13588. flash compression ==> 爆炸压缩
  13589. flash compressor ==> 火焰闪光抑制剂
  13590. flash condenser ==> 闪蒸冷凝器
  13591. flash connections ==> 闪光插头及插座
  13592. flash control ==> フラッシュ制御
  13593. flash cooler ==> 闪蒸冷却器
  13594. flash cup ==> 闪点杯
  13595. flash curve ==> 闪光特性曲线,闪蒸曲线
  13596. flash defilade ==> 闪光遮蔽
  13597. flash depressor ==> 火焰闪光抑制剂
  13598. flash desorption ==> 闪脱
  13599. flash desorption spectroscopy ==> 闪光解吸光谱术
  13600. flash detonator ==> 火雷管
  13601. flash dewax ==> 闪烧脱落
  13602. flash distillation ==> 闪蒸馏,急骤蒸馏,突然蒸发
  13603. flash distillation column ==> 闪蒸塔
  13604. flash distillation plant ==> 闪蒸装置
  13605. flash distillation 闪蒸,又称“扩容蒸发”。水在一定压力下加热到一定温度,然后注入下级压力较低的容器中,突然扩容使部分水汽化为蒸汽。多个这样的过程组成的系统称多级闪蒸(multi-stage flash ==> distillation)
  13606. flash down ==> 闪降,压力迅速下降
  13607. flash drum ==> 闪蒸槽,闪蒸罐
  13608. flash dryer ==> 急骤干燥器,飘悬干燥机,快干机
  13609. flash drying ==> 快速烘干,急骤干燥,闪速干燥
  13610. flash drying machine ==> 飘悬干燥机
  13611. flash duration ==> 闪光持续时间
  13612. flash effect ==> 闪光效应
  13613. flash evaporation ==> 快速蒸发
  13614. flash evaporation technique ==> 快速蒸发技术
  13615. flash evaporator ==> 闪蒸蒸发器
  13616. flash exposure ==> 闪光曝光,闪烁曝光
  13617. flash factor ==> 闪光因数
  13618. flash figure ==> 闪像
  13619. flash filament method ==> 闪烁灯丝法
  13620. flash filament technique ==> 闪烁灯丝法
  13621. flash film concentrator ==> 闪蒸薄膜浓缩器,急骤薄膜式浓缩器
  13622. flash film evaporator ==> 急骤薄膜式蒸发器,闪蒸薄膜蒸发器
  13623. flash fire ==> 闪火,闪燃,急剧燃烧
  13624. flash fire propensity ==> 闪火倾向
  13625. flash flood ==> 暴发洪水,暴洪,骤发洪水
  13626. flash flotation ==> 闪速浮选
  13627. flash flow ==> 暴洪水流
  13628. flash fuels ==> 速燃物
  13629. flash gas ==> 扩容气,闪发气体,闪蒸气体
  13630. flash gas refrigeration ==> 闪蒸气体冷冻
  13631. flash gasoline ==> 闪蒸汽油
  13632. flash generator ==> 闪击式高压发生器
  13633. flash getter ==> 蒸发吸气剂,闪时吸气剂,蒸散式消气剂
  13634. flash groove ==> 冒口
  13635. flash guard ==> 防弧装置
  13636. flash gun ==> 闪光操纵装置,闪光粉点燃器
  13637. flash heat ==> 闪烁热,快速加热
  13638. flash heater ==> 瞬时蒸发加热器,闪蒸加热器,急速加热器
  13639. flash illumination ==> 内光照明
  13640. flash information service ==> 特快信息服务
  13641. flash intensity ==> 闪光强度
  13642. flash irradiation ==> 闪照射
  13643. flash item ==> 简短项目,快速产品项目
  13644. flash joint ==> 闪光焊接接头
  13645. flash joint of rods ==> 钻杆的平头接合
  13646. flash lamp ==> 闪光灯,闪光灯泡,闪光泡,手电筒=>せん光ランプ
  13647. flash lamp bulb ==> 闪光灯泡
  13648. flash lamp pumped dye laser ==> 闪光灯泵浦染料激光器
  13649. flash lamp pumping ==> 闪光灯泵浦
  13650. flash layer ==> 闪光层
  13651. flash light ==> 手电筒,电筒
  13652. flash light bomb ==> 闪光弹
  13653. flash light torsionmeter ==> 闪光扭力仪
  13654. flash line ==> 突起线
  13655. flash loss ==> 闪光留量
  13656. flash magnetization ==> 闪磁化,瞬时磁化,脉冲电流磁化
  13657. flash mark ==> 飞灰变色
  13658. flash melting ==> 软熔发亮处理
  13659. flash memory ==> 闪存=>フラッシュメモリ,何度でも電気的に記憶の消去・書き込みができるROM
  13660. flash memory card ==> 闪存卡=>フラッシュメモリカード
  13661. flash message ==> 火急文电
  13662. flash meter ==> 闪光仪
  13663. flash mixer ==> 急骤搅拌器,快速搅拌器
  13664. flash mo(u)ld ==> 溢出式铸塑模
  13665. flash mold ==> 溢流模
  13666. Flash mold ==> 溢出式模
  13667. flash naphtha ==> 闪蒸石脑油
  13668. flash off ==> 闪蒸出
  13669. flash oil ==> 闪蒸油
  13670. flash out ==> 闪蒸排出
  13671. flash paper ==> 闪光纸
  13672. flash pasteurization ==> 高温瞬间灭菌法
  13673. flash pasteurizer ==> 瞬间杀菌机
  13674. flash period ==> 闪光周期
  13675. flash phase ==> 闪光相
  13676. flash photo printer ==> 闪光摄影印刷机
  13677. flash photography ==> 闪光摄影术,闪光照相术,频闪摄影术
  13678. flash photolysis ==> 闪光光解
  13679. flash photoopthalmia ==> 强闪光眼炎
  13680. flash pin ga(u)ge ==> 探销式塞规
  13681. flash pipe ==> 闪燃管,闪蒸管
  13682. flash plating ==> 薄镀,薄镀板
  13683. flash point ==> 闪点,燃油在规定结构的容器中加热挥发出可燃气体与液面附近的空气混合,达到一定浓度时可被火星点燃时的燃油温度,闪燃点
  13684. flash point apparatus ==> 闪点测定仪
  13685. flash point test ==> 闪点试验
  13686. flash point tester ==> 闪点测定仪
  13687. flash point yield curve ==> 闪点产率曲线
  13688. flash polymerization ==> 猝发聚合反应
  13689. flash pot ==> 闪蒸罐
  13690. flash pressure ==> 扩容压力
  13691. flash process ==> 闪蒸过程
  13692. flash pyrolysis ==> 闪热解
  13693. flash quenching ==> 喷射淬火,喷水淬火
  13694. flash radiography ==> 闪光高速摄影,闪光射线分析
  13695. flash ranging ==> 闪光测距,光测,频闪测距
  13696. flash ranging adjustment ==> 光测修正
  13697. flash rate ==> 闪频
  13698. flash reconnaissance ==> 闪光侦察
  13699. flash relay ==> 闪光继电器
  13700. flash removal ==> 去除毛刺
  13701. flash removed ==> 除毛刺
  13702. flash report ==> 快报,要况报告
  13703. flash ridge ==> 溢出埂
  13704. flash roast ==> 漂悬焙烧法
  13705. flash roaster ==> 漂悬焙烧炉,闪速焙烧炉
  13706. flash roasting ==> 闪火焙烧
  13707. flash ruby ==> 套红料
  13708. flash section ==> 闪蒸段
  13709. flash separation ==> 闪蒸分离
  13710. flash set ==> 快速凝固
  13711. flash signal ==> 闪光信号
  13712. flash sintering ==> 快速烧结
  13713. flash smelting ==> 闪速熔炼
  13714. flash smelting process ==> 闪速熔炼法
  13715. flash socket ==> 闪光灯座
  13716. flash spectroscopy ==> 闪光光谱学
  13717. flash spectrum ==> 闪光光谱,闪光谱
  13718. flash spinning ==> 闪蒸纺
  13719. flash spotting ==> 光测法
  13720. flash star ==> 闪星
  13721. flash steam ==> 闪发蒸汽,扩容蒸汽
  13722. flash sump ==> 闪发蒸发室集水底壳
  13723. flash synchronisation ==> 闪光同步
  13724. flash synchronized shutter ==> 闪光同步快门
  13725. flash synchronizer ==> 闪光同步机构
  13726. flash system ==> 闪蒸系统
  13727. flash tank ==> 闪蒸罐,闪蒸箱,疏水膨胀器,扩容器,膨胀箱,外置汽水分离器
  13728. flash temperature ==> 瞬现温度,闪点温度,闪蒸温度
  13729. flash test ==> 高压绝缘试验=>瞬間試験(ガス圧点検法)
  13730. flash testing equipment ==> 瞬时试验机
  13731. flash time ==> 闪光时间
  13732. flash tower ==> 闪蒸塔
  13733. flash trap ==> 闪蒸室
  13734. flash trimmer ==> 去毛刺机
  13735. flash tube ==> 闪光管
  13736. flash tube excitation source ==> 闪光管激发源
  13737. flash tube pumping ==> 闪光管抽运
  13738. flash tube pumping energy ==> 闪光管泵浦能量
  13739. flash tube stroboscope ==> 闪光管频闪仪
  13740. flash type ==> 闪跃型=>並列比較形(A-D変換)
  13741. flash type distiller ==> 闪发式蒸馏器
  13742. flash type evaporator ==> 闪发式蒸发器
  13743. flash unit ==> 闪光灯装置,闪光设备
  13744. flash up ==> 闪发
  13745. flash vaporization ==> 闪蒸,真空闪蒸
  13746. flash vaporization curve ==> 闪蒸曲线
  13747. flash vaporization inlet ==> 闪蒸入口
  13748. flash vaporization point ==> 闪蒸温度
  13749. flash vaporizer ==> 闪蒸器
  13750. flash vessel ==> 闪蒸器,闪蒸室,扩容器
  13751. flash wall ==> 隔墙,挡火墙
  13752. flash weld ==> 闪速对焊
  13753. flash welder ==> 闪光焊机
  13754. flash welding ==> 闪光电弧焊,闪光焊,闪焊,火花电弧焊,火花对焊=>フラッシュ溶接
  13755. flash welding control ==> フラッシュ溶接制御
  13756. flash X-ray tube ==> 闪光摄影X光管
  13757. flash yield curve ==> 闪蒸曲线
  13758. flash zone ==> 闪蒸段
  13759. flash(ing) test ==> 闪点测定
  13760. flash-back ==> 闪回,回烧
  13761. flash-back arrestor ==> 回火防止器
  13762. flash-bang ==> 声光时差
  13763. flash-butt welding ==> 电阻闪光焊接
  13764. flash-card indexing ==> 闪光卡片索引
  13765. flash-light battery ==> 手电筒电池
  13766. flash-light method ==> 闪光灯法
  13767. flash-melting process ==> 闪光融熔法
  13768. flash-meter ==> 闪光曝光计
  13769. flash-o-lens ==> 闪光透镜
  13770. flash-off steam ==> 闪蒸蒸汽,扩容蒸汽
  13771. flash-over ==> 飞弧
  13772. flash-over characteristic ==> 放电特性
  13773. flash-over contact ==> 闪络接触
  13774. flash-over ground current ==> 闪络接地电流
  13775. flash-over ground relay ==> 闪络接地继电器
  13776. flash-over protection ==> 防止飞弧
  13777. flash-over test ==> 高压闪络试验,闪络试验
  13778. flash-photometry ==> 闪光光度学
  13779. flash-recall ==> 闪灯式二次呼叫
  13780. flash-setting agent ==> 速凝剂
  13781. flash-signal lamp ==> 闪光信号灯
  13782. flash-spinning technique ==> 闪纺技术
  13783. flash-steam generator ==> 闪蒸水蒸汽发生器
  13784. flash-type stroboscope ==> 闪光管型频闪观测仪,闪光仪
  13785. flash-type stroboscopy ==> 闪光管型频闪观测法
  13786. flashback ==> 逆火,反闪,(气焊的)回火
  13787. flashback arrester ==> 回火保险器,回火制止器
  13788. flashback chamber ==> 回火水封室
  13789. flashback fire ==> 反闪火焰
  13790. flashback tank ==> 水封箱
  13791. flashback voltage ==> 反闪电压
  13792. flashblindness ==> 闪光盲
  13793. flashblindness effect ==> 闪光盲效应
  13794. flashboard check gate ==> 翻板节制闸门
  13795. flashbomb ==> 闪光弹
  13796. flashbox ==> 膨胀箱
  13797. flashbulb ==> 镁光灯,闪光灯
  13798. flashcube ==> 立体闪光灯
  13799. flashed glass ==> 套色玻璃,闪光玻璃,贴色玻璃
  13800. flashed opal ==> 套料乳白玻璃
  13801. flashed opal glass ==> 套料乳白玻璃
  13802. flashed vapour ==> 扩容蒸汽
  13803. flasher ==> 明暗灯,闪光灯,闪烁光源,闪烁开关
  13804. flasher lamp ==> 闪光转向信号灯
  13805. flasher mechanism ==> 闪光机构
  13806. flasher relay ==> 闪光继电器,闪弧继电器=>断続リレー
  13807. flashgun ==> 闪光枪
  13808. flashing ==> 闪阀,闪弧,闪烁,闪蒸,烧化,电弧放电,挡水板,水冲,喷溅,泛水,防水片,河水暴涨,发生火花
  13809. flashing allowance ==> 闪光余量,烧化余量
  13810. flashing apparatus ==> 闪蒸设备
  13811. flashing arrow ==> 闪光指示箭头
  13812. flashing beacon ==> 闪光信号标灯
  13813. flashing board ==> 防雨板
  13814. flashing chamber ==> 闪蒸室
  13815. flashing column ==> 闪蒸塔
  13816. flashing composition ==> 引爆剂
  13817. flashing compound ==> 防水填缝剂
  13818. flashing current ==> 闪光电流
  13819. flashing device ==> 闪光装置
  13820. flashing direction signal ==> 闪光指向信号
  13821. flashing discharging tube ==> 闪光放电管
  13822. flashing expansion ==> 闪发膨胀
  13823. flashing feature ==> 闪光装置
  13824. flashing flow ==> 闪流
  13825. flashing head ==> 扩容头
  13826. flashing indication ==> 闪光信号
  13827. flashing indicator ==> 闪光指示器
  13828. flashing jack ==> 闪光插座
  13829. flashing key ==> 闪灯电键,闪烁电键=>点滅電けん
  13830. flashing lamp ==> 闪光灯
  13831. flashing light ==> 闪光,闪光灯标,脉冲光源=>せん光灯
  13832. flashing light alarm ==> 闪光报时
  13833. flashing light indicator ==> 闪光指示器
  13834. flashing light signal ==> 闪光信号=>せん光灯火信号
  13835. flashing light system ==> 闪光灯系统
  13836. flashing liquid vessel ==> 闪蒸液器
  13837. flashing machine ==> 闪光机
  13838. flashing miniature bus ==> 闪光小母线
  13839. flashing nozzle ==> 喷扫嘴
  13840. flashing off ==> 急骤溜掉
  13841. flashing oscillator ==> 闪光振荡器
  13842. flashing point ==> 闪点=>引火点
  13843. flashing potential ==> 着火电位
  13844. flashing pressure ==> 闪蒸压力
  13845. flashing rate ==> 闪光频率
  13846. flashing reactor ==> 闪蒸反应器
  13847. flashing recall ==> 闪光式二次呼叫
  13848. flashing relay ==> 闪光继电器=>断続リレー
  13849. flashing sequence ==> 闪光序列
  13850. flashing sign ==> 闪烁信号灯
  13851. flashing signal ==> 闪光信号=>点滅信号
  13852. flashing supply for 6kV control ==> 6kV控制闪光电源
  13853. flashing temperature ==> 闪蒸温度,发火温度
  13854. flashing test ==> 高压绝缘试验,闪点的测定
  13855. flashing to atmosphere ==> 闪蒸至常压
  13856. flashing trafficator ==> 闪光指示灯
  13857. flashing unit ==> 闪光标灯
  13858. flashing valve ==> 冲水阀
  13859. flashing warning lamp ==> 闪光警报灯
  13860. flashing-bus Flashing-bus ==> 闪光母线
  13861. flashing-light satellite ==> 闪光卫星
  13862. flashing-signal circuit ==> 闪光信号回路
  13863. Flashkut ==> 落锤锻造钢
  13864. flashlamp ==> 闪光灯,小电珠
  13865. flashless die forging ==> 无飞边模锻
  13866. flashlight ==> 手电筒
  13867. flashlight battery ==> 手电筒电池
  13868. flashlight bracker ==> 闪光灯架
  13869. flashlight powder ==> 闪光粉
  13870. flashlight source measurement ==> 闪光源的测量
  13871. flashoff ==> 急骤溜掉
  13872. flashover ==> 闪络,跳火, A plasma arc initiated by some event such as lightning.=>フラッシオーバ,絶縁破壊,沿面放電
  13873. flashover between small gap ==> 微小沿面距離
  13874. flashover characteristic ==> 闪络特性
  13875. flashover distance ==> 闪络距离,飞弧距离
  13876. flashover potential ==> 绝缘子闪络电位,绝缘子闪络电位,闪络电位
  13877. flashover protective arrester ==> 逆せん絡防止保安装置
  13878. flashover relay ==> 闪络继电器
  13879. flashover sign ==> 闪络信号,跳火信号灯
  13880. flashover signal ==> 闪络信号
  13881. flashover strength ==> 闪络强度,飞弧强度
  13882. flashover test ==> 下弧试验
  13883. flashover voltage ==> 飞弧电压,闪络电压,击穿电压=>閃絡電圧,フラッシュオーバ電圧
  13884. flashover welding ==> 闪光焊
  13885. flashtron ==> 气体放电继电器
  13886. flashtube ==> 闪光灯=>せん光ランプ
  13887. flashtube ignition ==> 闪光管点火
  13888. flashy regime of river ==> 河流的暴涨性
  13889. flasing over ==> 飞弧
  13890. flask ==> 砂箱,细颈钢瓶,瓶,长颈瓶,烧瓶,型盒=>フラスコ,容器
  13891. flask bar ==> 砂箱箱筋,箱带
  13892. flask board ==> 托模板
  13893. flask clamp ==> 砂箱夹
  13894. flask conveyor ==> 砂箱传送带
  13895. flask drop down machine ==> 落箱机
  13896. flask filler ==> 砂箱填料
  13897. flask joint ==> 分箱面
  13898. flask line ==> 分模线
  13899. flask liner ==> 箱衬板
  13900. flask molding ==> 砂箱造型
  13901. flask pin ==> 砂箱定位销
  13902. flask separator ==> 分箱机
  13903. flask shaker ==> 落砂机
  13904. flask trunnion ==> 砂箱耳,砂箱轴
  13905. flask with round bottom and long neck ==> 长颈细口圆底烧瓶
  13906. flask-shaped ==> 瓶形的
  13907. flask-shaped heart ==> 瓶状心
  13908. flaskless ==> 无箱=>無枠
  13909. flaskless mold ==> 无箱造型
  13910. flaskless molding ==> 无箱造型
  13911. flaskless molding machine ==> 无箱造型机
  13912. flaskless mould ==> 无箱铸型
  13913. flat ==> 断坪,水位标线间面积,套房,次级金刚石,磨刻面,坪,平板状的,平的,平面,平台,平坦,浅箱,晒板台纸,泥滩,降音,板片,扁,扁钢,扁平,扁平的,玻璃压板,舱内甲板,平的
  13914. flat (-)bed lorry ==> 平板卡车
  13915. flat 60% ==> 六成片子
  13916. flat 90% ==> 九成片子,九成片子
  13917. flat abrasion ==> 平面磨蚀
  13918. flat abrasion test ==> 平磨试验
  13919. flat air bearing ==> 平式空气轴承
  13920. flat aluminium alloy plates ==> 铝合金平片
  13921. flat amplifier ==> 平直放大器
  13922. flat and edge method ==> 平竖轧制法
  13923. flat and meter rate schedule ==> 均一従量料金制
  13924. flat and round steel-chain ==> 平圆式钢链
  13925. flat and tall structure ==> 平结构和高结构
  13926. flat angle ==> 平角
  13927. flat anvil ==> 平砧
  13928. flat arch ==> 平拱,平式炉顶,扁拱
  13929. flat area ==> 平面面积
  13930. flat armature ==> 边衔铁,扁平衔铁
  13931. flat back ==> 平脊
  13932. flat back pattern ==> 平接模
  13933. flat balance spring ==> 平游丝
  13934. flat band ==> 平带,素石
  13935. flat band method ==> 平板法
  13936. flat band voltage ==> 平带电压
  13937. flat bank revetment ==> 缓坡护岸
  13938. flat bar ==> 扁材,扁杆,板片
  13939. flat bar iron ==> 窄扁钢
  13940. flat bar knitting machine ==> 平机
  13941. flat base ==> 平板底座,平底
  13942. flat base rim ==> 平底轮缘,平轮缘
  13943. flat baseline ==> 平坦基线
  13944. flat bastard file ==> 粗齿扁锉
  13945. flat battery ==> 扁电池
  13946. flat beam ==> 平直束
  13947. flat beard-needle knitting machine ==> 平型钩针针织机
  13948. flat bearing ==> 平导板,平面支承,平支座,双脚支柱
  13949. flat beater ==> 平板式打夯机
  13950. flat bed ==> 平床式トレーラー
  13951. flat bed container ==> 平床货柜,平床式集装箱
  13952. flat bed offset machine ==> 平台胶印机
  13953. flat bed press ==> 平台印刷机
  13954. flat bed purl machine ==> 平型双反面针织机
  13955. flat bed screen printing ==> 平板网印
  13956. flat bed sewing machine ==> 平缝机
  13957. flat bed trailer ==> 平板车,平床式拖车
  13958. flat bed truck ==> 平板车,平台式载货汽车
  13959. flat bed web press ==> 卷筒纸平台印刷机,卷筒纸平台印刷机
  13960. flat bedding ==> 平坦层理
  13961. flat beetling ==> 平幅捶布
  13962. flat belt ==> 平皮带
  13963. flat belt drive ==> 平皮带传动
  13964. flat belt press ==> 网带压滤机
  13965. flat bend ==> 平缓弯段,平直弯曲
  13966. flat billet ==> 平错齿饰
  13967. flat bimodule ==> 平坦双模
  13968. flat bit ==> 平钻,扁钻
  13969. flat bit tongs ==> 扁嘴钳,平口钳
  13970. flat blade ==> 平叶片
  13971. flat blank ==> 扁坯,板坯
  13972. flat bloom ==> 扁锭
  13973. flat boat ==> 平底船
  13974. flat bog ==> 低位沼泽,低沼泽,低沼泽地
  13975. flat bogie wagon ==> 平车
  13976. flat bone ==> 扁骨
  13977. flat bottom ==> 平底
  13978. flat bottom beaker ==> 平底烧杯
  13979. flat bottom furnace ==> 平炉底炉膛
  13980. flat bottom washing bottle ==> 平底洗瓶
  13981. flat bow ==> 平板艏,平弓
  13982. flat braid ==> 平编带
  13983. flat braided cord ==> 双心扁软线
  13984. flat braided elastic ==> 平编宽紧带
  13985. flat brain waves ==> 平坦脳波
  13986. flat bream ==> ヘダイ
  13987. flat brick pavement ==> 平铺缸砖路面
  13988. flat broach grinder ==> 平面拉刀磨床
  13989. flat brush ==> 平刷,涂料刷,油漆刷,扁形毛笔,扁形刷子
  13990. flat bulb iron ==> 扁球铁
  13991. flat bulb steel ==> 扁球钢
  13992. flat bundle test ==> 平列纤维束强力试验
  13993. flat burner ==> 扁平喷嘴
  13994. flat bus-bar ==> 扁母线
  13995. flat bush ==> 平面轴套,平瓦,平钻
  13996. flat butted seam ==> 对头接缝
  13997. flat cable ==> 带状电缆,扁电缆,扁平导线电缆,扁平电缆,扁形电缆,并排线=>フラットケーブル
  13998. flat cable head ==> 带状电缆接头
  13999. flat cancellation ==> 免费注销
  14000. flat capacitor ==> 平板电容器
  14001. flat car ==> 平车
  14002. flat card ==> 盖板梳棉机
  14003. flat cell ==> 扁平細胞
  14004. flat champignon rail ==> 平头钢轨
  14005. flat channel ==> 平面流路
  14006. flat channel amplifier ==> 平直通路放大器
  14007. flat characteristic ==> 平顶特性,平态特性,平特性=>平坦特性
  14008. flat characteristic curve ==> 平直特性曲线
  14009. flat chassis ==> 平底盘
  14010. flat chest ==> 扁平胸
  14011. flat chisel ==> 扁铲,扁凿,平凿,钢凿,扁鏊
  14012. flat circular stone ==> 平的圆石礅
  14013. flat clamp ==> 平压板,平压铁
  14014. flat clearer ==> 盖板清洁器
  14015. flat clipping machine ==> 包盖板裁剪机,包盖板机
  14016. flat coal shovel ==> 平煤铲
  14017. flat coarse file ==> 粗齿扁锉
  14018. flat coast ==> 低平海岸,平坦海岸
  14019. flat coaxial transmission line ==> 带状传输线
  14020. flat coil ==> 平线圈,扁绕线圈
  14021. flat coining ==> 平面精压
  14022. flat cold-rolled bar ==> 冷轧扁钢
  14023. flat cold-rolled sheet ==> 冷轧薄板
  14024. flat collar ==> 平翻领
  14025. flat commission ==> 统一手续费
  14026. flat compound dynamo ==> 平复激发电机
  14027. flat compound generator ==> 平复激发电机
  14028. flat condyloma ==> 扁头湿疣
  14029. flat connect ==> 平接
  14030. flat connection ==> 平坦连通=>平坦接続
  14031. flat conveyor belt ==> 平型运输带
  14032. flat copper ==> 扁铜,条铜
  14033. flat cornea ==> 扁平角膜
  14034. flat cost ==> 直接费,纯成本,纯粹成本,净成本,净成本,工料费
  14035. flat cotter ==> 扁销
  14036. flat counter sink ==> 平埋头钻
  14037. flat counter tube ==> 平板型正比计数管
  14038. flat counter-sunk head screw ==> 平顶埋头螺钉
  14039. flat countersunk head rivet ==> 平埋头铆钉
  14040. flat countersunk rivet ==> 埋头平顶铆钉
  14041. flat country ==> 平原
  14042. flat cover-degree ==> 平面盖度
  14043. flat covering roller ==> (播种机的)光面压土轮
  14044. flat crank ==> 平曲柄
  14045. flat crest ==> 平顶,扁平牙顶
  14046. flat crown ==> 平坦路拱
  14047. flat crystal ==> 片状晶体,平面晶体
  14048. flat cure ==> 平铺硫化
  14049. flat curing ==> 平幅焙烘
  14050. flat curve ==> 平滑曲线,平缓曲线,平顺曲线,平直曲线
  14051. flat cut ==> 向下打眼钻爆法
  14052. flat cutting ==> 顺纹锯开,平剖
  14053. flat deck poultry cage ==> 平列鸡笼
  14054. flat deck roof ==> 平顶盖
  14055. flat demand rate ==> 固定需量收费制
  14056. flat demand rate schedule ==> 均一需要料金制
  14057. flat design ==> フラットな設計
  14058. flat device ==> 平坦型器件,扁平器
  14059. flat diagonal mirror ==> 斜めに置かれた平面鏡
  14060. flat diaphragm ==> 平膜片
  14061. flat die ==> 平模,搓丝机
  14062. flat die forging ==> 平面模锻=>自由鍛造
  14063. flat die thread rolling ==> 平模滚轧螺纹法,搓丝
  14064. flat dies ==> 搓丝板
  14065. flat dilatometer ==> 扁式旁压仪
  14066. flat discount rate ==> 平贴现率
  14067. flat disk ==> 平圆盘
  14068. flat disk turbine agitator ==> 圆盘平直涡轮式搅拌器
  14069. flat dolly ==> 扁头铆顶
  14070. flat double guides ==> 双轨导向器
  14071. flat down ==> 平面朝下
  14072. flat drawn ==> 垂直引上的平板玻璃
  14073. flat dressing machine ==> 平型梳麻机
  14074. flat drill ==> 平钻,扁三角钻,扁钻
  14075. flat drill bit ==> 扁钻头
  14076. flat drop plate ==> 平落式槽口排种盘
  14077. flat drop round-hole plate ==> 平落式圆孔排种盘
  14078. flat duct ==> 扁平导管
  14079. flat ear ==> 扁平耳
  14080. flat earth model ==> 平地模型
  14081. flat edge file ==> 平边锉
  14082. flat edge trimmer ==> 修边机
  14083. flat element ==> 平面元
  14084. flat emitter ==> 平面发射体
  14085. flat end needle rollers ==> 平头滚针
  14086. flat end set screw ==> 平端固定螺钉
  14087. flat ends milling machine ==> 磨盖板头机
  14088. flat engine ==> 平置式发动机
  14089. flat epimorphism ==> 平坦满射
  14090. flat epithelial cell ==> 扁平上皮细胞
  14091. flat etching ==> 初次腐蚀
  14092. flat examining board ==> 平式验袜板
  14093. flat fabric ==> 平幅针织物
  14094. flat face ==> 平面
  14095. flat face pulley ==> 平面皮带轮
  14096. flat faced fillet weld ==> 平顶角焊缝焊接
  14097. flat faced pulley ==> 平面皮带轮
  14098. flat fading ==> 平滑衰落,平坦衰落,按比例衰减
  14099. flat fading channel ==> 平坦衰落信道
  14100. flat field ==> 平场,平面场
  14101. flat field correction ==> 平场改正
  14102. flat field generator ==> 平面场发生器
  14103. flat field magnet ==> 平面场磁铁
  14104. flat field photometry ==> 均场测光,均场测光
  14105. flat file ==> 平面文件
  14106. flat fillet ==> 平表面角焊缝
  14107. flat fillet weld ==> 平角焊
  14108. flat film ==> 平面薄膜
  14109. flat finish ==> 无光饰面
  14110. flat finisher ==> 平面修整机
  14111. flat fire ==> 平射
  14112. flat flame ==> 平焰
  14113. flat flame burner ==> 平焰烧嘴
  14114. flat flange joint ==> 平法兰连接
  14115. flat flexible cable ==> 扁形软性电缆
  14116. flat floor ==> 平肋板,平炉底
  14117. flat flux ==> 平坦通量
  14118. flat folded seam ==> 平折缝
  14119. flat follower ==> 随动圆片
  14120. flat foolscap ==> 大八开图纸
  14121. flat foot ==> 平底脚,平足,扁平足
  14122. flat foot viewer ==> 平底足检查台
  14123. flat footed fly ==> 扁足蝇
  14124. flat forge tongs ==> 平锻钳
  14125. flat form tool ==> 平口成形刀具
  14126. flat form training ==> 扁平整枝
  14127. flat forming tool ==> 梭形成形车刀,棱形成形车刀
  14128. flat frequency control ==> 定周波数制御方式
  14129. flat frequency response ==> 平坦频率响应曲线
  14130. flat fronted vehicle ==> 平头汽车
  14131. flat function ==> 平坦函数
  14132. flat fuse wire ==> 扁保险丝
  14133. flat gain ==> 平坦增益
  14134. flat gain capacitor ==> 平调电容器,线性增益调节电容器
  14135. flat gain control ==> 平坦增益控制
  14136. flat gain control capacitor ==> 平坦增益调节电容器
  14137. flat gain master controller ==> 平调主控制器
  14138. flat gain regulation ==> 平增益调整
  14139. flat gate ==> 扁浇口,扁平内浇口
  14140. flat gauge ==> 扁形规
  14141. flat gauze oxidizer ==> 平网氧化器
  14142. flat glass furnace ==> 平板玻璃窑炉
  14143. flat gouge ==> 弧口薄凿
  14144. flat grade ==> 平缓坡度
  14145. flat gradient ==> 平缓坡度,缓坡,缓斜坡
  14146. flat grafting ==> 平接
  14147. flat grain ==> 平纹理,平型木纹
  14148. flat grate ==> 平炉栅,平面光栅,平栅
  14149. flat grate producer ==> 平面光栅制造器
  14150. flat grinder ==> 平面磨床
  14151. flat grinding machine ==> 磨盖板机
  14152. flat grooved rail ==> 平槽轨
  14153. flat ground ==> 平地
  14154. flat guide ==> 平面导轨
  14155. flat guide plate ==> 平面导板
  14156. flat hairspring ==> 平游丝
  14157. flat hammer ==> 扁锤
  14158. flat hand ==> 扁平手
  14159. flat handle ==> 扁平手柄
  14160. flat handle drum ==> 扁提桶
  14161. flat harder ==> 平板式振动压毡机
  14162. flat head ==> 平封头,平头
  14163. flat head bit ==> 平头钻
  14164. flat head bolt ==> 平头螺栓
  14165. flat head grooved bolt ==> 平头槽螺栓
  14166. flat head nail ==> 扁头钉
  14167. flat head rivet ==> 平头铆钉
  14168. flat head screw ==> 平头螺钉,平头螺丝
  14169. flat head straight neck rivet ==> 平头直颈铆钉
  14170. flat head valve ==> 平头气门
  14171. flat headed ==> 平头的
  14172. flat headed apple borer ==> 苹果小吉丁虫
  14173. flat headed apple tree borer ==> 苹果扁头吉丁虫
  14174. flat headed hook ==> 扁头鱼钩
  14175. flat headed rail ==> 平头轨
  14176. flat hearth generator ==> 平炉床发生器
  14177. flat hearth type mixer ==> 平床混合炉
  14178. flat hole ==> 平炮眼
  14179. flat hook ==> 扁平钩
  14180. flat hoop iron ==> 平箍钢,带钢
  14181. flat horizontal surface ==> 扁平面
  14182. flat hot-rolled bar ==> 热轨扁钢
  14183. flat ice ==> 平坦海冰
  14184. flat inclined mirror ==> 斜面镜
  14185. flat interest rate ==> 统一利率
  14186. flat invert ==> 平缓仰拱
  14187. flat iron and angle iron cutting machine ==> 扁铁及三角铁切割机
  14188. flat iron bar ==> 扁铁条
  14189. flat iron wheel ==> 扁铁轮
  14190. flat jack ==> 扁千斤顶,测量岩压水力囊
  14191. flat jack test ==> 扁千斤顶试验
  14192. flat jacquard knitter ==> 平式提花针织机,普通提花针织机
  14193. flat jewel ==> 平钻
  14194. flat joint ==> 平缝,平灰缝,平节理
  14195. flat jointed ==> 凹槽平缝
  14196. flat keel ==> 平板龙骨,平底
  14197. flat key ==> 平键
  14198. flat knit ==> 平针织物
  14199. flat knitting machine ==> 针织横机
  14200. flat knot ==> 平结
  14201. flat lamp core ==> 扁灯芯
  14202. flat lampshade ==> 散射型灯罩
  14203. flat land ==> 平原地
  14204. flat lapping block ==> 精研平台
  14205. flat latch-needle knitting machine ==> 平型舌针针织机
  14206. flat layered pile ==> (集料的)平层料堆
  14207. flat lead ==> 铅薄板,铅皮
  14208. flat leakage ==> 平漏
  14209. flat leakage power ==> 平坦漏过功率
  14210. flat LEM ==> 平板型的直线电机
  14211. flat light ==> 平淡照明,单调光
  14212. flat light truss ==> 轻型平屋架
  14213. flat line ==> 平坦线路
  14214. flat linear induction sodium pump ==> 平面式直线感应钠泵
  14215. flat link chain ==> 平环链,扁环节链,板链
  14216. flat links and links knitting machine ==> 平板机
  14217. flat list prices ==> 统一价格表
  14218. flat loan ==> 平贷
  14219. flat lock stitch ==> 平式锁缝针迹
  14220. flat long-slotted crosshead ==> 长槽平十字头
  14221. flat magnetic axis ==> 平面磁轴
  14222. flat magnetic field ==> 平面磁场
  14223. flat market ==> 萧条市场
  14224. flat mass ==> 平伏矿床
  14225. flat mattock ==> 扁斧,扁头鹤嘴锄
  14226. flat maximum ==> 平顶最高值
  14227. flat measures ==> 平伏层
  14228. flat metal shape ==> 平式金属袜板
  14229. flat milanese ==> 平型米兰尼斯经编机
  14230. flat mild steel bar ==> 扁型软钢
  14231. flat minimum ==> 平底最低值
  14232. flat mirror ==> 平面镜
  14233. flat mirror surface ==> 平反射镜表面
  14234. flat mode ==> 平坦模型
  14235. flat module ==> 平坦模
  14236. flat modulus ==> 平坦定伸
  14237. flat money ==> 法定货币
  14238. flat monofilament ==> 扁平单丝
  14239. flat morphism ==> 平坦射
  14240. flat moulding ==> 平线脚装饰
  14241. flat mouth tongs ==> 平口钳
  14242. flat mushroom ==> 扁平蘑菇
  14243. flat nail ==> 扁头钉
  14244. flat needle-bar type ==> 平型针床式
  14245. flat ness measuring instrument ==> 平直度测量仪
  14246. flat netted board ==> 平面网板
  14247. flat nevus ==> 扁平痣
  14248. flat noise ==> 白噪声
  14249. flat noise generator ==> 白噪声发生器,平滑噪声发生器
  14250. flat nose ==> 平凸弹头
  14251. flat nose pliers ==> 平口钳,平头钳,扁嘴钳
  14252. flat nose pliers with chrome plated head ==> 电镀头扁嘴钳
  14253. flat nozzle ==> 平齐式接管
  14254. flat nut ==> 平头螺母
  14255. flat nutty structure ==> 核状结构
  14256. flat of bottom ==> 平底部分,船底平板
  14257. flat of thread ==> 螺纹面
  14258. flat oil paint ==> 油质无光油漆
  14259. flat oil stone ==> 扁油石
  14260. flat optical cable ==> 扁平光缆
  14261. flat optical tool ==> 光学玻璃平面研磨盘
  14262. flat organization structure ==> 衍生组织结构
  14263. flat pack ==> 平封半导体网络,扁平包装,扁平封装,扁平组件,扁平组件,扁平管壳
  14264. flat pack assembler ==> 扁平封装装置
  14265. flat pack integrated circuit ==> 扁平封装集成电路
  14266. flat package ==> 扁平外壳,扁平组件,扁平管壳=>フラットパッケージ,平型パッケージ
  14267. flat package type pn diodes ==> 扁平型pn二极管=>平型pnダイオード
  14268. flat paint ==> 平光涂料,无光油漆
  14269. flat paint brush ==> 油漆刷,扁漆刷
  14270. flat pan ==> 平盘
  14271. flat panel color television ==> フラットパネルカラーテレビ
  14272. flat panel display device ==> 平面显示装置
  14273. flat panel speaker ==> 平面スピーカー
  14274. flat pannel display ==> 平面显示
  14275. flat part of the leaf ==> 叶面平展部分
  14276. flat partition board ==> 平隔板
  14277. flat pass ==> 平底孔型,平轧道次,扁平孔型
  14278. flat pass-band ==> 平通带
  14279. flat passage ==> 平通管路
  14280. flat peaches ==> 蟠桃
  14281. flat peak ==> 平顶峰
  14282. flat pearl knitting machine ==> 平型双反面针织机
  14283. flat pelvis ==> 扁骨盆,扁平骨盆
  14284. flat percussion resonance ==> 实性叩响
  14285. flat pick ==> 平头镐
  14286. flat picker ==> 平扁块拣选筛
  14287. flat picture tube ==> 平板型显像管
  14288. flat pin ==> 扁销
  14289. flat pin plug ==> 扁脚插头
  14290. flat pin receptacle ==> 扁孔插座
  14291. flat piston ==> 盘形活塞
  14292. flat pivot ==> 平头枢轴
  14293. flat plane scanning method ==> 平面扫描法
  14294. flat planting ==> 平播
  14295. flat plaster ceiling ==> 抹灰平顶
  14296. flat plate ==> 平板
  14297. flat plate collector ==> 平板型集熱器
  14298. flat plate diffuser ==> 平板扩散器,平板扩压器
  14299. flat plate display ==> 平板显示器
  14300. flat plate keel ==> 平板龙骨
  14301. flat plate keelson ==> 平板内龙骨
  14302. flat plate printing ==> 平板印花
  14303. flat plate rudder ==> 平板舵
  14304. flat plate shoe ==> 平板桩靴
  14305. flat platen ==> 平砧
  14306. flat pliers ==> 平口钳,平钳,平嘴镊
  14307. flat plug ==> 扁插头
  14308. flat plug gauge ==> 扁形测孔规
  14309. flat point ==> 平式针绣花边
  14310. flat point lace ==> 平式针绣花边
  14311. flat point set screw ==> 平端定位螺钉
  14312. flat pointed tool ==> 平口刀具
  14313. flat pointing ==> 勾填平缝
  14314. flat pole face ==> 平极面
  14315. flat policy ==> 不含共保条款的保险单
  14316. flat position ==> 平焊位置
  14317. flat position welding ==> 平焊,顶面平卧焊
  14318. flat position welding of fillet weld ==> 角焊缝平焊,船形角焊
  14319. flat positive peak ==> 平顶正峰
  14320. flat power ==> 平坦功率
  14321. flat press seal ==> 平压密封
  14322. flat pressing ==> 平铺熨烫
  14323. flat price ==> 平价,一揽子价格,统售价格,统一价格
  14324. flat printed coil ==> 平板印刷线圈
  14325. flat probe ==> 平探头
  14326. flat products ==> 扁平轧材
  14327. flat profile ==> 平坦曲线
  14328. flat pulley ==> 平皮带轮
  14329. flat pulse ==> 平顶脉冲,平脉冲
  14330. flat punch ==> 平冲头
  14331. flat purl machine ==> 平型回复机,平型双反面针织机,平行反针编织机
  14332. flat quick-connect termination ==> 片式快速插接件
  14333. flat rack container ==> 平板货柜
  14334. flat rack folding container ==> 平架集装箱
  14335. flat raft ==> 平筏,平排
  14336. flat rail ==> 平轨
  14337. flat rate ==> 均一料金,定額制料金,平价,按单位时间计价,包灯收费制,包价收费,统一费率,统一价格,统一收费率
  14338. flat rate collect call ==> 定額着信課金
  14339. flat rate of negotiation ==> 押汇平汇率
  14340. flat rate schedule ==> 趸售电费率
  14341. flat rate tariff ==> 单一制电价,直接由抄见的用电量乘以电量费率的电价
  14342. flat reaming head ==> 平夹式扩孔钻头
  14343. flat rectangular element ==> 平矩形单元
  14344. flat reflector ==> 平反射镜
  14345. flat region ==> 平坦区,平直区
  14346. flat relay ==> 扁型继电器
  14347. flat relief ==> 平浮雕
  14348. flat repeater ==> 扁钢围盘
  14349. flat response ==> 平坦响应=>平坦な応答
  14350. flat response curve ==> 平坦响应曲线
  14351. flat response motor ==> 平坦响应电动机
  14352. flat retractor ==> 扁平牵开器
  14353. flat rib top machine ==> 平式罗口针织机
  14354. flat ribbon ==> 平带
  14355. flat ribbon cable ==> 扁平带状电缆
  14356. flat ribbon connector ==> 扁平带状插头座
  14357. flat riffle ==> 平格槽缩样器
  14358. flat rim ==> 平轮辋
  14359. flat ring armature ==> 平环形电枢
  14360. flat ring dynamo ==> 平面环形电枢发电机,环形平面电枢发电机
  14361. flat rivet head ==> 平头铆钉
  14362. flat roadway ==> 水平巷道
  14363. flat rod ==> 超公差线材
  14364. flat roll ==> 平面轧辊,光面压土器
  14365. flat rolled steel bar ==> 压延钢条
  14366. flat roller ==> 平滚筒
  14367. flat roof ==> 平屋顶,假天花=>
  14368. flat roof skylight ==> 平顶天窗,假天花天窗
  14369. flat rope ==> 亚麻绳,多股绳索,扁平钢丝绳,扁绳
  14370. flat rubber belting ==> 平带
  14371. flat rubber product ==> 平型橡胶制品
  14372. flat rubber strip ==> 扁橡皮条
  14373. flat runner ==> 平滑板
  14374. flat saddle key ==> 平鞍形键
  14375. flat sawed lumber ==> 平锯木材,顺锯木材
  14376. flat sawing ==> 平锯,平锯法
  14377. flat sawn lumber ==> 平锯木材
  14378. flat scarf ==> 平合嵌接
  14379. flat scraper ==> 平面刮刀
  14380. flat screen ==> 平筛
  14381. flat screen printing machine ==> 平板筛网印花机
  14382. flat screw ==> 平头螺钉
  14383. flat sealing ring ==> 平压密封环
  14384. flat seam ==> 平合缝,平接缝
  14385. flat seam needle ==> 平缝帆针
  14386. flat seam roofing ==> 平ぶき
  14387. flat seaming ==> 平缝法
  14388. flat seaming machine ==> 绷缝机
  14389. flat seat ==> 平座
  14390. flat seat washer ==> 平座圈
  14391. flat seated valve ==> 平座阀,平座阀门
  14392. flat section ==> 平底框架
  14393. flat section ingot ==> 扁锭
  14394. flat sector magnet ==> 平扇块磁铁
  14395. flat seizing ==> 平扎
  14396. flat sennit ==> 平编
  14397. flat set ==> 平整定形
  14398. flat shape ==> 平面形状
  14399. flat sheet ==> 平面图
  14400. flat sheet transfer printing machine ==> 平板衣片转移印花机
  14401. flat sheet transfer unit ==> 平板转移印花机
  14402. flat shim ==> 平垫片
  14403. flat shoal ==> 平坦浅滩
  14404. flat shore ==> 平坦海岸
  14405. flat shunting ==> 平面调车
  14406. flat side ==> 平坦面
  14407. flat side of a hammer ==> 锤面
  14408. flat side of a knife ==> ナイフの腹
  14409. flat site ==> 平坦地段
  14410. flat slab ==> 平板
  14411. flat slab buttress dam ==> 平板坝,挡水结构为钢筋混凝土平板的支墩坝
  14412. flat slab construction ==> 无梁平板构造
  14413. flat slide valve ==> 平滑阀,平座阀
  14414. flat slope ==> 平缓坡度
  14415. flat slotted head ==> 平槽头
  14416. flat slotted head bolt ==> 平槽头螺栓
  14417. flat socket ==> 扁插座=>フラットソケット
  14418. flat sound ==> 暗哑声
  14419. flat sour spoilage ==> 平酸菌腐败=>平酸性腐敗
  14420. flat source ==> 平坦分布源
  14421. flat space ==> 平坦空间
  14422. flat space-time ==> 平直时空
  14423. flat spectrum ==> 平谱
  14424. flat sphere pair ==> 平坦球对
  14425. flat spin ==> 扁平自旋
  14426. flat spiral ==> 平螺旋线
  14427. flat spiral coil ==> 渦巻コイル
  14428. flat spirals ==> 光滑旋管
  14429. flat spot ==> 平坦点,无偏差灵敏点,无扁差灵敏点
  14430. flat spring ==> 片弹簧,片簧,平面簧,扁弹簧,扁簧,板弹簧
  14431. flat spring coupling ==> 簧片联轴器
  14432. flat spring steel ==> 扁弹簧钢,扁簧钢
  14433. flat stacking ==> 平堆法,平垛法,平推法
  14434. flat steel ==> 扁钢=>平鋼
  14435. flat steel bar ==> 扁钢条
  14436. flat steel heald ==> 钢片综
  14437. flat steel lawn rake ==> 草地扁钢耙
  14438. flat stitch ==> 平针组织
  14439. flat stitching ==> 平订
  14440. flat stock ==> 平形工作物
  14441. flat stocking blank ==> 平袜袜坯
  14442. flat stone chisel ==> 扁凿
  14443. flat stone mill ==> 平面石磨
  14444. flat strainer ==> 平板筛浆机
  14445. flat strip slate pencil ==> 方条滑石笔
  14446. flat strip steel ==> 平钢带
  14447. flat structure and tall structure ==> 平结构和高结构
  14448. flat stud tube ==> 翅片管
  14449. flat submanifold ==> 平坦子流形
  14450. flat suction box ==> 平板吸水箱
  14451. flat surface ==> 平面,平整表面,平直表面
  14452. flat surface finishing machine ==> 平面精加工机床
  14453. flat surface grinding ==> 平面磨削,磨平面
  14454. flat suspended main crown ==> 平吊碹
  14455. flat switchboard ==> 平面交换机
  14456. flat table guide ==> 平台导承
  14457. flat table pantograph engraving machine ==> 平台缩小雕刻机
  14458. flat tank ==> 平面双层底舱
  14459. flat target ==> 平面靶
  14460. flat television ==> 平板电视
  14461. flat temperature profile ==> 平坦温度分布曲线,均匀温度分布,均匀温度分布
  14462. flat terrain ==> 平坦地带
  14463. flat thin tubesheet ==> 平板形薄管板
  14464. flat thread ==> 平螺纹,方螺纹
  14465. flat threaded steel ==> 扁螺纹钢
  14466. flat tie line control ==> 定連系潮流制御(FTC)
  14467. flat tie line power control ==> 定連系線電力制御方式
  14468. flat tile ==> 平瓦,平瓦片
  14469. flat tip ==> 平头电极
  14470. flat tip electrode ==> 平头电极
  14471. flat tongs ==> 平口钳
  14472. flat tool ==> 平口刀具,平面研磨盘
  14473. flat top ==> 航空母舰
  14474. flat top aerial ==> 平顶天线
  14475. flat top antenna ==> 平顶天线=>平頂アンテナ
  14476. flat top beam ==> 平顶光束
  14477. flat top chain conveyer ==> 平台承重链式输送机
  14478. flat top distortion ==> 平顶畸变
  14479. flat top guitar ==> 扁头吉他
  14480. flat top response ==> 带通响应
  14481. flat topography ==> 平原
  14482. flat topped waveform ==> 平顶波形
  14483. flat tower bolt ==> 扁插销
  14484. flat trades ==> 平价交易
  14485. flat trailer truck ==> 平台挂车
  14486. flat trajectory ==> 平射弹道,平直弹道
  14487. flat trajectory fire ==> 低伸火力
  14488. flat trajectory gun ==> 平射炮
  14489. flat trajectory weapon ==> 平射武器
  14490. flat transmission ==> 平直传送
  14491. flat transmission belt ==> 平型传动带
  14492. flat transparency ==> 平面透明度
  14493. flat tree ==> 平顶树
  14494. flat tree dahlia (Dahli excelsa) ==> 平头大丽花
  14495. flat truck ==> 平板卡车
  14496. flat tube ==> 扁平管
  14497. flat tube radiator ==> 扁管式散热器
  14498. flat tuning ==> 粗调平直调谐
  14499. flat turn ==> 平转
  14500. flat turret lathe ==> 平转塔六角车床
  14501. flat twin cable ==> 双芯扁电缆,扁平双芯电缆,扁形双芯电缆
  14502. flat twin engine ==> 平列双排发动机
  14503. flat twist drill ==> 平底麻花钻,扁麻花钻
  14504. flat type aluminium ==> 平角アルミ線
  14505. flat type aluminium wire ==> 扁铝线
  14506. flat type aluminum wire ==> 扁铝线
  14507. flat type copper wire ==> 扁铜线=>平角銅線
  14508. flat type lamp shade ==> 扁灯罩
  14509. flat type relay ==> 扁型继电器=>平形継電器
  14510. flat type stranded wire ==> 扁形多股绞合线
  14511. flat type zincmanganese dioxide dry cell ==> 扁平式锌-锰干电池
  14512. flat underside ==> (车身)平底板
  14513. flat underwear fabric ==> 平针内衣织物
  14514. flat universe ==> 平坦宇宙
  14515. flat valve ==> 平板阀,平阀,平面座阀,平座阀,配流阀=>平弁
  14516. flat varnish ==> 平光清漆,无光清漆
  14517. flat vaulted ceiling ==> 平弧屋顶
  14518. flat velocity profile ==> 平均速度分布,平均速度分布图
  14519. flat vertebra ==> 扁平椎
  14520. flat vibrating screen ==> 平板振动筛
  14521. flat voltage ==> 稳定电压
  14522. flat wagon ==> 平车
  14523. flat wall ==> 平直钢锭模壁,平直模壁
  14524. flat warehouse ==> 平房谷仓
  14525. flat wart ==> 青年扁平疣,扁平疣
  14526. flat wave ==> 平顶波
  14527. flat wave speaker ==> 平面波扬声器=>平面波スピーカー
  14528. flat wave wool ==> 平卷曲毛
  14529. flat way ==> 平面朝下,扁平导轨
  14530. flat weighting ==> 平坦加权
  14531. flat welding ==> 平卧焊
  14532. flat wheel roller ==> 光轮压路机
  14533. flat wire ==> 扁钢丝,扁平线
  14534. flat wire bar system ==> 扁平线条方式
  14535. flat wire heald ==> 钢片综
  14536. flat wire mill ==> 扁钢丝轧机,扁线材轧机
  14537. flat wire rope ==> 扁钢丝绳
  14538. flat wise bend ==> (波导管)平直弯曲
  14539. flat wise coil ==> 平绕线圈
  14540. flat wrench ==> 扁平状扳手
  14541. flat yard ==> 平面调车场
  14542. flat yarn ==> 变形加工用原丝
  14543. flat yield ==> 统一价格,(证券)统扯收益
  14544. flat- drawn sheet glass ==> 拉制玻璃
  14545. flat-and-edging method of rolling ==> 平竖轧制法
  14546. flat-back needle ==> 平背针
  14547. flat-band condition ==> フラットバンド条件
  14548. flat-base rectifier ==> 扁平接触冷却整流器
  14549. flat-bed ==> 平板挂车
  14550. flat-bed chromatogram ==> 平板色谱
  14551. flat-bed chromatography ==> 平床色谱法
  14552. flat-bed company ==> 平板挂车汽车运输连
  14553. flat-bed lock stitch machine ==> 平式锁缝缝纫机
  14554. flat-bed machine ==> 平机
  14555. flat-bed plotter ==> 平板绘图仪
  14556. flat-bed press ==> 平板热压机
  14557. flat-bed truck ==> 平板式载重汽车
  14558. flat-belt ==> 平皮带
  14559. flat-belt conveyor ==> 平带传送机
  14560. flat-belt drive ==> 平皮带传动
  14561. flat-belt grain conveyer ==> 平带式谷物输送器
  14562. flat-belt pulley ==> 平皮带轮
  14563. flat-bend test ==> 板材弯曲试验
  14564. flat-blade turbine ==> 平叶涡轮
  14565. flat-bodied ==> 体侧平直的
  14566. flat-bottom bin ==> 平底仓
  14567. flat-bottom car ==> 平底车
  14568. flat-bottom cart ==> 平板车
  14569. flat-bottom crown ==> 平面金刚石钻头
  14570. flat-bottom hole ==> 平底孔
  14571. flat-bottom punch ==> 平底冲头
  14572. flat-bottom rail ==> 平底轨
  14573. flat-bottom slot ==> 平底槽
  14574. flat-bottom tank ==> 平底罐
  14575. flat-bottom tappet ==> 平底挺杆
  14576. flat-bottomed bin ==> 平底箱
  14577. flat-bottomed boat ==> 平底船
  14578. flat-bottomed land ==> 平原地带
  14579. flat-bottomed rail ==> 宽底钢轨
  14580. flat-bottomed valley ==> 平底谷
  14581. flat-braided cord ==> 平打绳,扁形编织绳=>平打コード
  14582. flat-built tyre ==> 平扁轮胎
  14583. flat-bulb iron ==> 球头扁钢
  14584. flat-bulb steel ==> 球扁钢
  14585. flat-car ==> 平敞车,敞车
  14586. flat-card resolver ==> 平片式解算器
  14587. flat-card resolving potentiometer ==> 平片式解算电位器
  14588. flat-channel amplifier ==> 平直特性放大器
  14589. flat-channel noise ==> 平路噪声,平直幅频起伏噪声
  14590. flat-comb binder ==> 扁平梳状装订器
  14591. flat-compound characteristic ==> 平复激特性
  14592. flat-compound excitation ==> 平复励磁
  14593. flat-compound generator ==> 平複巻発電機
  14594. flat-compound genertor ==> 平复励发电机
  14595. flat-compounding ==> 平复励
  14596. flat-conductor cable ==> 扁平导线电缆
  14597. flat-country test ==> 平原地带试验
  14598. flat-crested weir ==> 平顶堰
  14599. flat-crowned sweep ==> 高速耕耘铲
  14600. flat-crystal ==> 片状单晶
  14601. flat-crystal spectrometer ==> 平面晶体分光计
  14602. flat-cut ==> 弦切
  14603. flat-deck car ==> 平板车
  14604. flat-die ==> 平钢模,平砧
  14605. flat-die forging ==> 自由锻造
  14606. flat-die hammer ==> 自由锻锤
  14607. flat-down method ==> 六角钢平轧法
  14608. flat-drawn glass ==> 拉制玻璃
  14609. flat-end ==> 平端
  14610. flat-ended horizontal cylindrical drum ==> 平底卧式圆筒形罐
  14611. flat-ended tube ==> 平底管
  14612. flat-face bit ==> 平面金刚石钻头
  14613. flat-faced bit ==> 平端面金刚石钻头
  14614. flat-faced cathode ray tube ==> 平板荧光屏阴极射线管
  14615. flat-faced sheave ==> 平面轮
  14616. flat-faced tube ==> 平板屏幕电子束管,平板荧光屏阴极发射管,平面板式管
  14617. flat-faced wheel ==> 平面砂轮
  14618. flat-fan nozzle ==> 扇形雾锥喷嘴
  14619. flat-fell seam ==> 平式接缝
  14620. flat-field camera ==> 平场照相机
  14621. flat-field lens ==> 平扫描场透镜
  14622. flat-field objective ==> 平场物镜
  14623. flat-field uniformity ==> 平面场均一性
  14624. flat-film memory ==> 平面膜存储器
  14625. flat-finish varnish ==> 本色清漆
  14626. flat-flame burner ==> 平火焰烧嘴,平焰式燃烧器
  14627. flat-flamed burner ==> 平面火焰喷燃器
  14628. flat-flux reactor ==> 平坦通量反应堆
  14629. flat-four engine ==> 卧式四缸发动机
  14630. flat-geometry light emitter ==> 平坦型光发射器
  14631. flat-geometry light source ==> 平坦型光源
  14632. flat-grained timber ==> 平纹木材
  14633. flat-grid strain gauge ==> 平面栅状应变仪
  14634. flat-grinding machine ==> 平磨机
  14635. flat-growing vegetables ==> 平地栽培植物
  14636. flat-head piston ==> 平顶活塞
  14637. flat-headed counter-sunk bolt ==> 平顶埋头螺栓
  14638. flat-headed piston ==> 平顶活塞
  14639. flat-headed rail ==> 平头钢轨
  14640. flat-image amplifier ==> 平面图像放大器
  14641. flat-imaginary gear ==> 平面假想齿轮
  14642. flat-joint jointed ==> 凹槽平缝
  14643. flat-kernel seed ==> 不实粒
  14644. flat-layer technique ==> 平层法
  14645. flat-lying ==> 平伏,平伏的
  14646. flat-lying deposit ==> 平伏矿床
  14647. flat-lying joint ==> 平节理
  14648. flat-lying seam ==> 平伏矿层
  14649. flat-nose bit ==> 平面金刚石钻头
  14650. flat-nosed stitch cam ==> 平头弯纱三角
  14651. flat-operated relief valve ==> 浮筒操纵安全阀
  14652. flat-out ==> 全速
  14653. flat-pack integrated circuit ==> 扁平封装集成电路
  14654. flat-panel screen ==> 平面ディスプレイ
  14655. flat-plate cascade ==> 平板叶栅
  14656. flat-plate closure ==> 平板封头
  14657. flat-plate collector ==> 平板型收集器
  14658. flat-plate drag ==> 平板阻力
  14659. flat-plate flow ==> 平板绕流,薄层水流
  14660. flat-plate heat exchanger ==> 平板式换热器
  14661. flat-plate lamp ==> 平板电极管,平电极管
  14662. flat-plate pressing machine ==> 平板压烫机
  14663. flat-platform body ==> 平板车
  14664. flat-pressure-response microphone ==> 平直压强响应传声器
  14665. flat-rate based on time increments ==> 時間ベースの均一料率
  14666. flat-rate schedule ==> 定額料金制
  14667. flat-rate tariff ==> 均一料率料金制
  14668. flat-response counter ==> 平衡反应计数器,平稳反应计数器,水平响应计数器
  14669. flat-riser ==> 垂直起落飞机
  14670. flat-rolled steel ==> 扁钢
  14671. flat-rolling ==> 扁平孔型轧制
  14672. flat-rolling mill ==> 扁材轧机,扁钢轧机
  14673. flat-roof mirror ==> 平屋脊镜
  14674. flat-roof resonator ==> 平顶谐振器
  14675. flat-rope reel ==> 扁钢丝绳绞轮
  14676. flat-sandwich multiconductor cable ==> 带状多芯电缆
  14677. flat-sawed ==> 弦向锯切的
  14678. flat-sawn ==> 弦向锯切的
  14679. flat-sawn timber ==> 板目材
  14680. flat-seated swell ==> 平位膨胀
  14681. flat-shaped ingot ==> 扁钢锭
  14682. flat-sheet material ==> 平板材
  14683. flat-slab beamless construction ==> 无梁平板构造
  14684. flat-slab deck dam ==> 平板坝
  14685. flat-spectrum source ==> 平谱源
  14686. flat-spotting ==> 平点
  14687. flat-spotting of tyres ==> 轮胎接地点扁平化
  14688. flat-staggered amplifier wide-band amplifier ==> 宽频带放大器
  14689. flat-strand rope ==> 异形股钢丝绳
  14690. flat-strand wire rope ==> 扁股钢丝绳
  14691. flat-surfaced screen ==> 平面筛网
  14692. flat-temperature zone ==> 恒温区
  14693. flat-toothed belt ==> 平型传动带,齿形传动带
  14694. flat-top ==> 平顶建筑物
  14695. flat-top antenna ==> 平顶天线
  14696. flat-top apron conveyor ==> 平板运输机
  14697. flat-top coiler ==> 平顶圈条器
  14698. flat-top die ==> 平顶模
  14699. flat-top operation ==> 平顶波工作
  14700. flat-top piston ==> 平顶活塞
  14701. flat-top response ==> 平顶响应
  14702. flat-top roller chain ==> 板条式滚子链
  14703. flat-top wave ==> 平顶波
  14704. flat-top wire cloth ==> 平面金属丝筛布
  14705. flat-topped cam ==> 平顶凸轮
  14706. flat-topped crest ==> 平顶山脊
  14707. flat-topped culvert ==> 平顶箱涵
  14708. flat-topped curve ==> 平顶曲线
  14709. flat-topped pulse ==> 平顶脉冲
  14710. flat-topped ridge ==> 平梁
  14711. flat-topped rock ==> 平顶岩
  14712. flat-topped voltage pulse ==> 平顶电压脉冲
  14713. flat-topped wave ==> 平顶波
  14714. flat-topped weir ==> 平顶堰
  14715. flat-topping ==> 平顶
  14716. flat-tube radiator ==> 扁管散热器
  14717. flat-tuning ==> 粗调谐
  14718. flat-turret lathe ==> 平转塔车床
  14719. flat-twin type engine ==> 平列双排发动机
  14720. flat-type clinical thermometer ==> 扁平体温表
  14721. flat-type mixing plant ==> 平台式拌和设备
  14722. flat-type relay ==> 扁平型继电器
  14723. flat-type travelling mixer ==> 平台式移动拌和机
  14724. flat-wheel roller ==> 平轮压路机
  14725. flat-white nondirectional screen ==> 均匀白色漫射屏,均匀白色漫射屏
  14726. flatband point ==> 平带点
  14727. flatbed plotter ==> 平面作図装置
  14728. flatbed press ==> 平台印刷机
  14729. flatbed trailer ==> 平板拖车
  14730. flated pointed tool ==> 平口刀具
  14731. flatfish ==> 比目鱼,平鱼=>ヒラメ,カレイ
  14732. flatform and stake racks truck ==> 平台栏车
  14733. flathead borer ==> 吉丁虫
  14734. flathead rivet ==> 平头铆钉
  14735. flating potential grid ==> 自由栅极
  14736. flatland ==> 平原=>二次元
  14737. flatless card ==> 无盖板梳棉机
  14738. flatly cambered hammer ==> 平凸面夯击器
  14739. flatlying bed ==> 平伏层
  14740. flatness ==> 平滑性,平面度,平面性,平坦度,平直程度,平直度,实音
  14741. flatness checker ==> 平面度检测器
  14742. flatness error ==> 平面度误差
  14743. flatness factor ==> 偏平度
  14744. flatness inspection devices ==> 平面度测量装置
  14745. flatness of field ==> 视界平淡
  14746. flatness of production frontier ==> 生产边界的平直性
  14747. flatness of the response ==> 平面特性,平响应曲线
  14748. flatness of wave ==> 脉冲平顶
  14749. flatness problem ==> 平直性问题
  14750. flatnose bit ==> 平端面金刚石钻头
  14751. flatten close test ==> 密贴压扁试验,钢管压扁试验
  14752. flattened and curled shape ==> 变平或变弯曲的形状
  14753. flattened both on the outer surface ==> 内外表面都略呈扁平形
  14754. flattened rayon ==> 扁平人造丝
  14755. flattened rivet ==> 平头铆钉
  14756. flattened roll ==> 被压扁的轧辊
  14757. flattened square head bolt ==> 平顶方头螺栓
  14758. flattened stipple finish ==> 树皮拉毛饰面
  14759. flattened strand rope ==> 扁平股索
  14760. flattened strand wire rope ==> 平面股钢丝绳
  14761. flattened thread ==> 钝螺纹
  14762. flattened wire ==> 压扁丝
  14763. flattening ==> 压扁
  14764. flattening close test ==> 密贴压扁试验
  14765. flattening die ==> 压扁模
  14766. flattening factor for the earth ==> 地心扁率
  14767. flattening hammer ==> 扁锤
  14768. flattening index ==> 平整指数
  14769. flattening iron ==> 摊平玻璃的铁器
  14770. flattening kiln ==> (平板玻璃)摊平炉
  14771. flattening machine ==> 整平机
  14772. flattening material ==> 展平材料
  14773. flattening mill ==> 轧平机
  14774. flattening pressure ==> 压平力
  14775. flattening radius ==> 展平区半径
  14776. flattening table ==> 摊平台
  14777. flattening test ==> 压扁试验
  14778. flattening tool ==> 摊平锹
  14779. flattening-off ==> 拉平
  14780. flattening-out ==> 拉平,碾平
  14781. flattening-out of flood wave ==> 洪水波展平
  14782. flatter distribution ==> 扁平形分布
  14783. flatter ribbon-like fibre ==> 扁带状纤维
  14784. flattered rivet ==> 扁头铆钉
  14785. flatting agent ==> 平光剂,消光剂
  14786. flatting down ==> 磨退
  14787. flatting hammer ==> 矫平锤
  14788. flatting mill ==> 压扁机,压平机
  14789. flatulence due to immoderate drinking ==> 酒胀,酒胀
  14790. flatulence in the lower abdomen ==> 下腹胀气
  14791. flatwise coil ==> 平绕线圈,扁平线圈=>平巻コイル
  14792. flatworm ==> 扁虫,扁形动物
  14793. flavaspidic acid ==> 黄绵马酸
  14794. flavin mononucleotide (FMN) ==> 黄素单核甙酸
  14795. flavor ==> 香味,味=>味わい,風味,フレーバー
  14796. flavor derived from yin ==> 阴为味
  14797. flavor of a drug ==> 药味
  14798. flavor strength ==> 香味强度
  14799. flavored coffee ==> フレーバー・コーヒー
  14800. flavorhodin ==> 紫菌红素甲
  14801. flavoring ==> 调味品
  14802. flavoring agent ==> 矫臭剂=>香料添加剤
  14803. flavoring rose essence ==> 玫瑰香精
  14804. flavoring rose oil essence ==> 玫瑰油香精
  14805. flavouring agent ==> 调味剂
  14806. flavouring feed ==> 发味饲料
  14807. flavouring material ==> 调味品
  14808. flaw ==> 狂阵风,疵,疵点,缺陷,裂缝,裂纹,捩断层,瑕疵,瑕疵=>きず(鋳物の),不具合
  14809. flaw detection ==> 裂缝检验,疵伤检验,探伤法
  14810. flaw detection sensitivity ==> 探伤灵敏度
  14811. flaw detector ==> 故障检测器
  14812. flaw distribution ==> 缺陷分布
  14813. flaw echo ==> 缺陷反射波,缺陷回波
  14814. flaw in castings ==> 铸件裂痕
  14815. flaw indication ==> 缺陷信号,缺陷指示
  14816. flaw resolution ==> 缺陷分辨力
  14817. flaw sensitivity ==> 缺陷灵敏度
  14818. flaw size ==> 裂缝尺寸,裂纹的尺寸
  14819. flaw-piece ==> 边皮
  14820. flawed approach ==> 欠陥のあるアプローチ
  14821. flawed article ==> 副号
  14822. flawed paperwork ==> 不備のある書類
  14823. flawed policy ==> 誤った政策
  14824. flawed project ==> 欠陥プロジェクト
  14825. flawless ==> 无裂纹,无裂纹缝,无缺陷的
  14826. flax ==> 亚麻=>フラックス,アマ科の多年草
  14827. flax boll ==> 亚麻蒴果
  14828. flax brake ==> 剥麻机
  14829. flax buncher ==> 亚麻割捆机
  14830. flax canvas ==> 麻帆布
  14831. flax capsule ==> 亚麻蒴果
  14832. flax common ==> 长茎亚麻
  14833. flax dressing ==> 打麻
  14834. flax fiber ==> 亚麻纤维
  14835. flax harvester ==> 亚麻收获机
  14836. flax oil ==> 亚麻油
  14837. flax picking machine ==> 采麻机
  14838. flax puller ==> 拔麻机,亚麻收获机
  14839. flax seed ==> 亚麻籽
  14840. flax seed oil ==> 亚麻油
  14841. flax stock ==> 亚麻干茎
  14842. flax straw ==> 亚麻稿秆
  14843. flax wax ==> 亚麻腊
  14844. flax-breaking roller ==> 亚麻碎茎辊
  14845. flax-waste ==> 亚麻碎屑
  14846. flax-wool blended yarn ==> 麻毛混纺纱
  14847. flaxen cloth ==> 麻纱布
  14848. flaxseed coal ==> 碎无烟煤
  14849. flaxseed oil ==> 麻籽油,亚麻籽油
  14850. flaxseed ore ==> 亚麻籽状矿
  14851. flaying knife ==> 剥皮刀
  14852. FLC ==> フラックスコレクタ
  14853. FLC, Federal Laboratory Consortium ==> 連邦研究所協議会
  14854. FLCE, feeder link communications equipment ==> 衛星間通信用フィーダリンク機器
  14855. FLCE, Ka-band feeder link communications equipment ==> Kaバンドフィーダーリンク通信装置
  14856. FLD, fluid dynamics ==> 流体力学
  14857. flea ==> 跳蚤,蚤=>ノミ
  14858. flea beetle ==> 跳甲=>ノミハムシ
  14859. flea fair ==> 跳蚤市场
  14860. flea market ==> 跳蚤市场
  14861. flea-bite ==> 蚤咬
  14862. flea-bitten kidney ==> 蚤咬状肾
  14863. flea-borne typhus ==> 地方性斑疹伤寒
  14864. flea-size motor ==> 超小型电动机
  14865. fleahopper ==> 跳盲蝽
  14866. fleam ==> 刺血针,锯齿夹角,锯齿夹角,放血刀
  14867. fleam-tooth ==> 等腰三角形锯齿
  14868. flecainide acetate ==> 醋酸氟卡胺
  14869. fleece density ==> 羊毛密度
  14870. fleece evolution ==> 毛皮进化
  14871. fleece measurement ==> 羊毛测定制
  14872. fleece-flower root ==> 何首乌
  14873. fleet ballistic missile ==> 舰载弹道导弹
  14874. fleet user ==> 运营商
  14875. fleet wheel ==> 钢架滑轮,钢绳滑轮
  14876. fleeter ring ==> 拔丝圈
  14877. fleeting ==> いつしか消え去る
  14878. fleeting angle ==> 传动角度
  14879. fleeting cloud ==> 流れ去る雲
  14880. fleeting dream ==> つかの間の夢
  14881. fleeting encounter ==> つかの間の出会い
  14882. fleeting information, transient information ==> 速变信息,又称"瞬间信息"
  14883. fleeting target ==> 瞬间目标
  14884. fleeting tetanus ==> 运输强直病
  14885. fleetline body ==> 流线型车身
  14886. Fleitmanns test ==> 弗莱曼氏试验
  14887. fleming valve ==> 佛莱铭管
  14888. Fleming valve ==> 二极管检波器
  14889. Fleming's cement ==> 弗莱明水泥
  14890. Fleming's left-hand rule ==> フレミングの左手の法則
  14891. Fleming's right hand rule ==> フレーミングの右手の法則
  14892. Fleming's rule ==> 右手定则,左手定则=>フレーミングの法則
  14893. fleming's rule ==> 弗莱铭则
  14894. Fleming's valve ==> 弗来明管
  14895. Fleming, J.A.Fleming ==> 1849-1945,佛莱铭,英国科学家
  14896. Flemish ==> フランドル地方
  14897. Flemish bond ==> 一顺一丁砌法,荷兰式砌合法,梅花砌砖法
  14898. Flemish double-stretcher bond ==> 两顺一丁砌法
  14899. Flemish garden wall bond ==> 荷兰园墙式砌合法,三顺一丁砌法
  14900. flenu coal ==> 长焰烟煤
  14901. Fleon ==> 氟利昂=>フレオン
  14902. Fleon hose fitting ==> 氟利昂软管附件
  14903. flesh ==> 肉,果肉
  14904. flesh eater ==> 食肉細菌
  14905. flesh finish ==> 肉面涂饰
  14906. flesh fly ==> 肉蝇,麻蝇
  14907. flesh recording ==> 膘情记录
  14908. flesh red ==> 肉红色,(明代早期铜红釉)鲜红
  14909. flesh side ==> 肉面
  14910. flesh side of a belt ==> 皮革肉面
  14911. flesh split ==> 肉面剖层皮
  14912. flesh tights ==> 肉色紧身衣
  14913. Flesh-Demag process ==> 富雷许-德马格制气法
  14914. flesh-side dubbing ==> 肉面揩油液
  14915. fleshy fascicled adventitious root ==> 肉质簇生不定根
  14916. fleshy fruit ==> 肉果,肉质果
  14917. fleshy leaf ==> 肉质叶
  14918. fleshy mole ==> 肉样胎块
  14919. fleshy root ==> 肉质根
  14920. fleshy seed ==> 肉质种子
  14921. Flessibile ==> 柔和而可伸缩的
  14922. Fletcher-Munson curve ==> フレッチャー・マンソン曲線,等ラウドネス曲線
  14923. Flewelling circuit ==> 富莱威林电路
  14924. flex abrasion ==> 挠曲磨损
  14925. flex arc welder ==> 高频电流稳弧焊机
  14926. flex cracking ==> 疲劳裂纹,挠裂
  14927. flex cycle ==> 挠曲循环
  14928. flex fatigue ==> 挠曲疲劳
  14929. flex life ==> 挠曲寿命
  14930. flex plate ==> 挠性板
  14931. flex rotor ==> 柔性转子
  14932. flex steel tape ==> 钢卷尺
  14933. flex test ==> 反复弯曲试验
  14934. flex tester ==> 板材弯曲试验器
  14935. flex(ing) life ==> 弯曲寿命
  14936. flex-combination wrench ==> 回旋式两用扳手
  14937. flex-duct ==> 柔性管道
  14938. flex-head wrench ==> 回旋头扳手
  14939. flex-vent oil ring ==> (活塞)挠性油环
  14940. flex-wing ==> 可折三角形机翼,柔性翼
  14941. flexi-time ==> 可伸缩的劳动时间
  14942. flexibility ==> 易弯屈性,易弯性,屈曲性,折射性,柔度,柔韧性,柔顺性,柔性,灵活性,可挠曲性,挠性,变现速度,通融性,适应性=>屈折率,たわみ性,柔軟性
  14943. flexibility (adaptability) of operation ==> 加工适应性
  14944. flexibility (asbestos fibre) ==> 柔韧性(石棉纤维)
  14945. flexibility factor ==> 挠度系数,挠曲系数
  14946. flexibility matrix ==> 挠度矩阵,柔度矩阵
  14947. flexibility method ==> 挠度法
  14948. flexibility of execution ==> 弹性执行
  14949. flexibility of operation ==> 操作灵活性
  14950. flexibility of piping system ==> 管路的挠性
  14951. flexibility of production planning ==> 生产计划的灵活性
  14952. flexibility of spring ==> 弹簧挠性
  14953. flexibility principle ==> 弹性原则
  14954. flexibility ratio ==> 调速伸缩率,灵活度
  14955. flexibility test ==> 挠度试验
  14956. flexible ==> 弹性的,柔软的,接电绳=>たわみ性の,フレキシブル
  14957. flexible AC transmission system, FACTS ==> 灵活交流输电,又称"柔性交流输电"
  14958. flexible actuator ==> フレキシブルアクチュエータ
  14959. flexible adhesive ==> 柔性胶粘剂
  14960. flexible armoring ==> 可曲铠装=>たわみ外装
  14961. flexible armoured cable ==> 柔性铠装电缆
  14962. flexible armoured conveyer ==> 可弯曲铠装输送机
  14963. flexible assembly ==> フレキシブル組立
  14964. flexible assembly system ==> 柔性装配系统=>フレキシブル組立システム
  14965. flexible auger ==> 挠性螺旋
  14966. flexible auger conveyer ==> 挠性螺旋输送器
  14967. flexible automation ==> 柔性自动化,灵活可调自动化,灵活自动化
  14968. flexible axle ==> 挠性轴
  14969. flexible bale collector ==> 挠性草捆收集器
  14970. flexible base ==> 柔性基础
  14971. flexible bearing ==> 挠性轴承
  14972. flexible bellows ==> 伸缩膜盒
  14973. flexible bend ==> 挠性弯头
  14974. flexible board ==> 柔性板
  14975. flexible breakeven pricing ==> 变动损益平衡点定价
  14976. flexible budget ==> 弹性预算
  14977. flexible budget method ==> 可变动预算法表
  14978. flexible bush ==> 挠性衬套
  14979. flexible cable ==> 挠性电缆,软性电缆
  14980. flexible cage guide ==> 钢丝绳罐道,挠性罐道
  14981. flexible carrier ==> 软性载体
  14982. flexible casing ==> (机械传动用)挠性轴套管
  14983. flexible catheter ==> 内拉通氏导管
  14984. flexible chain ==> 挠性链
  14985. flexible channel multiplier ==> 适应性通道倍增器
  14986. flexible circuit conductor ==> 软导线
  14987. flexible coating ==> 挠性涂层
  14988. flexible collodion ==> 挠性火棉胶
  14989. flexible column ==> 柔性柱
  14990. flexible compiler ==> 灵活编译程序
  14991. flexible conductor ==> 软导线
  14992. flexible conduit ==> 软管,软性导线管,挠性导管,蛇皮管,挠性电线管=>可動電線管(フレキ)
  14993. flexible connection ==> 挠性联结,挠性连接,活动连接,柔性接头,柔性联轴节,软连接
  14994. flexible connector ==> 弹性接头,挠性联接器
  14995. flexible construction ==> 柔性结构
  14996. flexible container ==> 挠性容器,集装袋
  14997. flexible control ==> 挠性控制
  14998. flexible control cable ==> 挠性控制索
  14999. flexible conveyance control system ==> フレキシブルな搬送制御システム
  15000. flexible conveyer ==> 挠性运输机
  15001. flexible copper cord ==> 挠性铜线,铜软电缆
  15002. flexible cord ==> 塞绳
  15003. flexible coupler ==> 活头车钩
  15004. flexible coupling ==> 缓冲接头,挠性联轴节,软连接,弹性联接,弹性联轴器,挠性联轴器,允许转子有单独的轴向位移,且相连两转子对中可有一定的偏差的联轴器=>たわみ継手
  15005. flexible crawler tractor ==> 挠性履带式拖拉机
  15006. flexible currency ==> 弹性货币
  15007. flexible curtain ==> (气垫车)挠性幕罩
  15008. flexible curve ==> 挠性曲线样板
  15009. flexible damp course ==> 柔性防潮层
  15010. flexible diaphragm ==> 柔软膜片
  15011. flexible die forming ==> 软模成形
  15012. flexible dimension ==> 挠性尺寸
  15013. flexible disc ==> 弹性闸板
  15014. flexible disk ==> 软磁盘=>フレキシブルディスク
  15015. flexible disk cartridge ==> 盒式软磁盘
  15016. flexible disk coupling ==> 柔性盘联轴节
  15017. flexible display ==> フレキシブルディスプレー
  15018. flexible door ==> 弹性门
  15019. flexible drill steel ==> 挠性钢钎
  15020. flexible drive ==> 挠性传动
  15021. flexible driven gear ==> 挠性从动齿轮
  15022. flexible duct ==> 柔性管道
  15023. flexible electrode ==> 软焊条
  15024. flexible electron multiplicator ==> 挠性电子倍增器
  15025. flexible electron multiplier ==> 挠曲型电子倍增器
  15026. flexible exchange rate ==> 伸缩汇率,伸缩性汇率,弹性汇率,浮动汇率
  15027. flexible exchange rates ==> 可变动的汇率
  15028. flexible expansion piece ==> 挠性膨胀节
  15029. flexible fastening ==> 弹性固定
  15030. flexible fiber-optic gastroscope ==> 挠性纤维光学胃镜
  15031. flexible fibre ==> 挠性纤维
  15032. flexible file ==> 挠性锉刀
  15033. flexible finger ==> 挠性指杆
  15034. flexible fixing ==> 弹性连接
  15035. flexible flat drill steel ==> 挠性扁钢钎
  15036. flexible foam lagging ==> 弹性泡沫保温套
  15037. flexible folding wing ==> 挠性折叠翼
  15038. flexible foreign exchange rate ==> 浮动汇率
  15039. flexible formula ==> 灵活日粮配方
  15040. flexible foundation ==> 柔性基础
  15041. flexible frame ==> 挠性框架
  15042. flexible freeze ==> 灵活冻结
  15043. flexible fuel tank ==> 挠性燃料桶
  15044. flexible full track ==> 柔性全履带车
  15045. flexible gear ==> 挠性连接传动
  15046. flexible gear-shift lever ==> 挠性变速杆
  15047. flexible gearing ==> 挠性传动装置,挠性连接传动
  15048. flexible glue ==> 揉曲性粘合剂,软胶
  15049. flexible grain conveyer ==> 谷物挠性输送器
  15050. flexible graphite gasket ==> 柔性石墨垫片
  15051. flexible grinder ==> 软轴砂轮
  15052. flexible guide ==> 挠性罐道
  15053. flexible gun ==> 回旋炮
  15054. flexible handle ==> 活动把手,活动手柄
  15055. flexible hanger ==> 软吊线
  15056. flexible head coupler ==> 活头车钩
  15057. flexible hinge ==> 挠性节
  15058. flexible hitch ==> 挠性挂接装置,浮动式悬挂装置
  15059. flexible hollow waveguide ==> 挠性空腔波导管
  15060. flexible hose ==> 挠性软管
  15061. flexible hose covered with plastic film ==> 包塑软管
  15062. flexible hose pump ==> 挠性软管泵,无脉动泵
  15063. flexible idler ==> 挠性托轮
  15064. flexible industrial robot ==> 挠性工业机器人
  15065. flexible inspection system ==> 柔性检查系统
  15066. flexible insulated hose ==> 绝缘软管,绝缘软管
  15067. flexible intestinal spatula ==> 软性压肠板
  15068. flexible joint ==> 柔性接头,挠性连接=>フレキシブルジョイント
  15069. flexible jumper ==> 挠性接合器,活动连接器,软跳接线
  15070. flexible labor cost ==> 可变人工成本
  15071. flexible lamp ==> 活动电灯
  15072. flexible lamp cord ==> 电灯花线
  15073. flexible layer ==> 柔性层
  15074. flexible life ==> 弯曲疲劳寿命,挠曲寿命
  15075. flexible limit ==> 挠曲限度
  15076. flexible linear macromolecule ==> 挠性线型大分子
  15077. flexible logical cell ==> 可变逻辑元件
  15078. flexible loss and profit ==> 变动损益
  15079. flexible lubricator ==> 挠性润滑器,柔性连接润滑器,柔性润滑器
  15080. flexible machining system ==> 灵活加工系统
  15081. flexible manipulator ==> フレキシブルアーム
  15082. flexible manufacture ==> フレキシブル生産
  15083. flexible manufacture system ==> 灵活加工系统,可调加工系统
  15084. flexible manufacturing ==> フレキシブル生産
  15085. flexible manufacturing cell ==> 柔性加工单元
  15086. flexible manufacturing shop ==> 柔性加工车间
  15087. flexible manufacturing system ==> 柔性制造系统
  15088. flexible manufacturing system (FMS) ==> 柔性加工系统
  15089. flexible markup practice ==> 伸缩加成定价法
  15090. flexible markup pricing ==> 弹性定价法
  15091. flexible mast ==> 挠性铁塔
  15092. flexible mat ==> 柔性毡,挠性垫
  15093. flexible membrane ==> 柔性膜
  15094. flexible membrane mo(u)lding ==> 挠性袋模塑
  15095. flexible metal ==> 柔性金属
  15096. flexible metal bellows ==> 挠性金属膜盒
  15097. flexible metal conduit ==> 蛇皮管
  15098. flexible metal hose ==> 挠性金属管,柔性金属管,软金属管
  15099. flexible metal sheet ==> 柔性金属板
  15100. flexible metal shoe ==> 挠性金属密封套
  15101. flexible metal tube ==> 金属软管
  15102. flexible metal tubing ==> 金属软管
  15103. flexible metal(lic) conduit ==> 金属软管,金属蛇管
  15104. flexible metallic conduit ==> 金属软管
  15105. flexible metallic hose ==> 柔性金属管,软钢管,钢丝橡皮管,挠性金属管
  15106. flexible metallic tube ==> 金属软管
  15107. flexible method ==> 可変法
  15108. flexible mica ==> 挠性云母
  15109. flexible milk line ==> 输奶软管管路
  15110. flexible minerals ==> 挠性矿物
  15111. flexible mold ==> 软模,铸塑软模具
  15112. flexible monetary policy ==> 伸缩性货币政策
  15113. flexible mount ==> 活动架
  15114. flexible name ==> 可变的名字,可变名
  15115. flexible neoprene seal ==> 弹性氯丁橡胶条
  15116. flexible nonmetallic tubing ==> 非金属软管
  15117. flexible nozzle ==> 可调喷嘴,挠性喷嘴
  15118. flexible oil barge ==> 挠性水运油囊
  15119. flexible oil piston ring ==> 挠性油环
  15120. flexible packaging ==> 挠软封袋法
  15121. flexible pavement ==> 柔性路面
  15122. flexible pipe ==> 挠性管,软管
  15123. flexible pipe union ==> 挠性联管节
  15124. flexible pipeline pig ==> 挠性管道清洁器
  15125. flexible plan ==> 弹性计划
  15126. flexible plastic surgical depressor ==> 软性整形外科压板
  15127. flexible plate ==> 挠性板
  15128. flexible plate supersonic nozzle ==> 挠性板超音速喷管
  15129. flexible plunger method ==> (玻璃钢)软冲头法
  15130. flexible polyhedron search ==> 可伸缩多面体搜索
  15131. flexible power contract ==> 灵活电力合同,由合同的买方或卖方根据自己的需要灵活制定合同交割计划的一种远期合同
  15132. flexible pressure ==> 挠性压力
  15133. flexible prime rate ==> 伸缩性基础利率,可变基础利率
  15134. flexible printed circuit ==> 软性印制电路
  15135. flexible printer circuit ==> 软性印刷电路
  15136. flexible production ==> フレキシブル生産
  15137. flexible program system ==> 挠性程序方法
  15138. flexible programming ==> 软程序设计
  15139. flexible programming system ==> 可变程序设计系统
  15140. flexible protective casing for pipe ==> 挠性保护管套
  15141. flexible rapier ==> 挠性剑杆
  15142. flexible rapier loom ==> 挠性剑杆织机
  15143. flexible rate ==> 伸缩汇率,可变汇率,可变利率,浮动利率
  15144. flexible reflector curtain ==> 柔性天线反射器,软性反射幕,挠性天线反射器
  15145. flexible repeater housing ==> 可挠增音机箱
  15146. flexible reserve ==> 可变准备
  15147. flexible resilient ==> 挠弹性
  15148. flexible return ==> 弾性復原
  15149. flexible rib ==> 可伸缩肋
  15150. flexible rib measuring scale ==> 软性肋骨尺
  15151. flexible ribbon steel ==> 挠性带状钢钎
  15152. flexible roller ==> 挠性滚子,弹簧滚柱
  15153. flexible roller bearing ==> 螺旋滚柱轴承,挠性滚柱轴承
  15154. flexible roller cage ==> 挠性滚子保持架
  15155. flexible roller-mulcher-tiller ==> 挠性松土覆盖镇压机
  15156. flexible rope ==> 挠性索
  15157. flexible rotor ==> 柔性转子,挠性转子,第一阶临界转速低于工作转速的转子
  15158. flexible rubber ==> 可伸缩橡皮管
  15159. flexible rubber-insulated wire ==> 橡胶软线
  15160. flexible safety barrier ==> 挠性安全护栅
  15161. flexible schedule ==> 弹性工作时间表
  15162. flexible screw conveyer ==> 挠性螺旋输送器
  15163. flexible seal ==> 挠性密封
  15164. flexible seamless tubing ==> 柔性无缝管
  15165. flexible shaft ==> 软轴,挠性轴,可变轴,可弯轴=>たわみ軸
  15166. flexible shaft drive ==> (钢索)挠性轴传动
  15167. flexible shaft level controller ==> 挠性轴的水准控制器
  15168. flexible shaft level indicator ==> 挠性轴的水准控制器
  15169. flexible shaft machine ==> 挠性轴机床
  15170. flexible shaft type ==> 挠性轴式
  15171. flexible shafting ==> 挠性轴系
  15172. flexible sheet ==> 柔性板,弹性模片
  15173. flexible silicon strain ga(u)ge ==> 柔性硅应变仪
  15174. flexible spindle ==> 分离锭胆式自调中心锭子
  15175. flexible sprocket-wheel pulverizer ==> 挠性星轮碎土器
  15176. flexible stainless-steel bellows ==> 挠性不锈钢密封盒
  15177. flexible standard budget ==> 弹性标准预算
  15178. flexible stay ==> 挠性撑条
  15179. flexible stay bolt ==> 伸缩撑螺
  15180. flexible steel ==> 挠性钢钎
  15181. flexible steel in flat section ==> 挠性扁钢钎
  15182. flexible structure ==> 柔軟構造物
  15183. flexible strut ==> 挠性支撑
  15184. flexible support ==> 挠性支持,柔性支架
  15185. flexible suspension ==> 弹性吊架
  15186. flexible symbol ==> 可变符号
  15187. flexible tank pressurization ==> 挠性容器增压
  15188. flexible tariff ==> 伸缩关税,可变关税,可变税率,弹性关税,灵活关税
  15189. flexible to use free programmable industrial robot ==> 自由程序多功能工业机器人
  15190. flexible tolerance algorithm ==> 可伸缩容限法
  15191. flexible tower ==> 挠性铁塔=>たわみ鉄塔
  15192. flexible transmission ==> 挠性传动
  15193. flexible transport ==> 无轨运输
  15194. flexible trust ==> 弹性信托
  15195. flexible tube ==> 柔性管,软管,挠性管=>フレキシブルチューブ
  15196. flexible tube auger conveyer ==> 挠性管式螺旋输送器
  15197. flexible tube valve ==> 挠性管阀
  15198. flexible tubing ==> 挠性管路
  15199. flexible type ==> 挠性型
  15200. flexible type of roller bearing ==> 挠性滚柱轴承
  15201. flexible type shield ==> 柔性掩护支架
  15202. flexible unit ==> 柔性组件,通用设备
  15203. flexible universal joint ==> 挠性万向节
  15204. flexible use of tariff protection ==> 灵活运用关税保护
  15205. flexible varnished tubing ==> 漆包软管
  15206. flexible ventilation ducting ==> 通风软管
  15207. flexible wall ==> 柔性墙
  15208. flexible wave-guide ==> 可弯曲波导,可弯曲波导管
  15209. flexible waveguide ==> 可弯曲波导管=>可とう導波管
  15210. flexible welding rod ==> 软焊条
  15211. flexible wheel base ==> 挠性轮距,变轮距
  15212. flexible wing ==> 可折叠翼
  15213. flexible wire ==> 软线=>たわみ線
  15214. flexible wire for electric welding ==> 电焊软线
  15215. flexible wire intestinal spatula ==> 软金属丝压肠板
  15216. flexible wiring ==> 软线布线
  15217. flexible work hours system ==> 弹性工时制
  15218. flexible(rolled up) tank ==> 折叠式油罐
  15219. flexible-disc joint ==> 挠性连接
  15220. flexible-impeller (rotary) pump ==> 挠性轮泵叶
  15221. flexible-impeller pump ==> 挠性叶轮泵
  15222. flexible-lip seal ==> 弹簧唇形密封
  15223. flexible-metal conduit ==> 柔性金属管道
  15224. flexible-metal roofing ==> 柔性金属屋面
  15225. flexible-price policy ==> 弹性价格政策
  15226. flexible-shaft coupling ==> 柔轴联接
  15227. flexing ==> 挠曲
  15228. flexing action ==> 挠曲作用
  15229. flexing cycle ==> 挠曲周期
  15230. flexing elasticity ==> 挠曲弹性
  15231. flexing life ==> 挠曲寿命
  15232. flexing machine ==> 挠曲试验机
  15233. flexing resistance ==> 抗挠强度,抗挠曲阻力,抗弯性
  15234. flexing roll ==> 弯折辊
  15235. flexing strength ==> 挠曲强度
  15236. flexing test ==> 挠曲试验
  15237. flexing unit ==> 精整作业线除鳞机
  15238. flexion ==> 屈,屈曲,挠曲
  15239. flexion and extension ==> 屈伸运动
  15240. flexion deformity ==> 屈曲畸形
  15241. flexion deformity of hallux ==> 拇屈曲畸形
  15242. flexion of fetal head ==> 胎头屈曲
  15243. flexion of surface ==> 曲面的拐度
  15244. flexion of uterus ==> 子宫屈曲
  15245. flexion reflex ==> 屈曲反射
  15246. flexion spring ==> 挠曲计
  15247. flexion test for non rewirable PRCD ==> 不可拆线的PRCD的弯曲试验
  15248. flexion test of lumbosacral joint ==> 腰骶关节屈曲试验
  15249. flexional symbols ==> 变形符号
  15250. flexitime system ==> 弹性工作时间制度
  15251. flexline oil piston ring ==> 挠曲线活塞刮油环
  15252. FLEXLNG ==> FLEXLNG社,英領バージン諸島
  15253. Flexners bacillus ==> 弗累克斯讷氏杆菌
  15254. flexographic ink ==> 苯胺印刷油墨
  15255. flexographic printing ==> 橡皮版印刷
  15256. flexor reflex ==> 屈肌反射
  15257. flexor reflex test ==> 屈肌反射试验
  15258. flexor tendon injury of finger ==> 指屈肌腱损伤
  15259. flexor tetanus ==> 屈肌强直
  15260. FlexRay ==> フレックスレイ,次世代車載高速通信ネットワーク
  15261. flextensional mode ==> 弯曲振动方式
  15262. flextensional transducer ==> 弯张换能器
  15263. flextime ==> フレックスタイム
  15264. flexura coil dextra ==> 结肠右曲
  15265. flexura coli sinistra ==> 结肠脾曲,结肠左曲
  15266. flexura duodeni superior ==> 十二指肠上曲
  15267. flexura hepatica coli ==> 结肠肝曲
  15268. flexura lienalis coli ==> 结肠脾曲,结肠左曲
  15269. flexura perinealis recti ==> 直肠会阴曲
  15270. flexural ==> 曲的
  15271. flexural centre ==> 弯曲中心
  15272. flexural compressive strength ==> 弯曲抗压强度
  15273. flexural critical speed ==> 挠曲临界转速
  15274. flexural damping ==> 弯曲阻尼
  15275. flexural displacement ==> 弯曲位移
  15276. flexural endurance limit ==> 弯曲持久性极限
  15277. flexural failure ==> 弯曲破坏
  15278. flexural fold ==> 弯曲褶皱
  15279. flexural force ==> 挠曲力
  15280. flexural glide ==> 弯曲滑移
  15281. flexural load ==> 弯曲载荷
  15282. flexural loading test ==> 振荡受力疲劳试验
  15283. flexural measurement ==> 弯曲测量
  15284. flexural mode ==> 弯曲振动方式
  15285. flexural mode vibration ==> 弯曲型振动
  15286. flexural modulus ==> 弯曲模量,挠曲模量
  15287. flexural moment ==> 挠曲力矩
  15288. flexural number ==> 弯曲指数
  15289. flexural oscillation ==> 弯曲振动
  15290. flexural oscillations ==> 弯曲摆动
  15291. flexural oscillator ==> 弯曲形振荡器
  15292. flexural principl mode ==> 挠曲主振型
  15293. flexural resilience ==> 弯曲弹性
  15294. flexural resonance ==> 弯曲共振
  15295. flexural resonance method ==> 弯折共振试验法
  15296. flexural rigidity ==> 抗弯刚度
  15297. flexural slip ==> 层面滑动,曲滑
  15298. flexural spring ==> 弯曲弹簧
  15299. flexural strain ==> 弯曲应变,挠曲应变
  15300. flexural strength ==> 弯曲强度
  15301. flexural stress ==> 弯曲应力,抗弯应力,挠曲应力
  15302. flexural torque ==> 弯矩
  15303. flexural vibration ==> 曲线式振动
  15304. flexural vibrations ==> 弯曲振动
  15305. flexural wave ==> 弯曲波
  15306. flexural-aileron flutter ==> 弯扭副翼颤振
  15307. flexural-tensile strain ==> 弯拉应变
  15308. flexural-torsion flutter ==> 弯曲颤振
  15309. flexural-torsional flutter ==> 弯曲颤振
  15310. flexuraltest ==> 弯曲试验
  15311. flexure ==> 弯沉,弯曲,曲,曲率,屈曲节,单斜挠褶=>フレクシャ
  15312. flexure bar ==> 弯曲振动棒
  15313. flexure coast ==> 单褶海岸
  15314. flexure crystal ==> 弯曲晶体
  15315. flexure formula ==> 弯曲公式
  15316. flexure graben ==> 弯曲地堑
  15317. flexure member ==> 挠性构件
  15318. flexure moment ==> 弯曲力矩
  15319. flexure of the tube ==> 镜筒弯沉,镜筒弯沉
  15320. flexure operation ==> 弯曲动作
  15321. flexure plane ==> 弯曲面
  15322. flexure strength ==> 抗弯强度
  15323. flexure stress ==> 挠曲应力,弯应力
  15324. flexure strip ==> 弹性片
  15325. flexure test bar ==> 抗弯试棒
  15326. flexure theory ==> 弯曲理论
  15327. flexure type ==> 弯曲型=>フレクシャ形式
  15328. flexure unber lateral ==> 侧向挠曲
  15329. flexure vibrations ==> 弯曲振动
  15330. flexure-flow fold ==> 弯流褶皱
  15331. Flg flange ==> 凸缘
  15332. FLIC, fluid in cell method ==> FLIC法
  15333. flick diaphragm ==> 跳跃膜片
  15334. flick noise ==> 闪光噪声
  15335. flicker ==> 闪烁,闪变,由于电压波动引起的人眼对灯光闪烁的主观感觉=>フリッカ, a variation of input voltage sufficient in duration to allow visual observation of a change in electric light source intensity. Caused mainly by ac and dc arc furnaces, welding machines, alternate and reciprocate loads, and wind generators.
  15336. flicker blade ==> 防闪烁叶片
  15337. flicker control ==> 振动调整,闪动控制,闪烁控制
  15338. flicker counter ==> 闪烁计数器
  15339. flicker disturbance ==> 闪烁干扰
  15340. flicker effect ==> 闪变效应,闪烁效应
  15341. flicker factor ==> 闪烁系数
  15342. flicker frequency ==> 闪变频率,闪烁频率
  15343. flicker fusion ==> 闪光融合
  15344. flicker ground ==> 间歇接地
  15345. flicker laryngoscope ==> 喉闪光镜
  15346. flicker method ==> 闪变法
  15347. flicker noise ==> 闪变效应噪声,闪变噪声,闪烁噪声=>フリッカ雑音
  15348. flicker phase ==> 闪变相位
  15349. flicker photometer ==> 闪变光度计,闪烁光度计=>交照測光器
  15350. flicker photometry ==> 闪变光度术
  15351. flicker rate ==> 闪烁率
  15352. flicker relay ==> 闪光继电器=>フリッカ継電器
  15353. flicker sensation ==> 闪光感觉
  15354. flicker signal ==> 闪光信号
  15355. flicker spectrophotometer ==> 闪变分光光度计
  15356. flicker test ==> 闪变试验
  15357. flicker threshold ==> 闪烁门限,闪烁阈
  15358. flicker time ==> 脉冲时间=>フリッカタイム
  15359. flicker-beam ==> 闪变光束
  15360. flicker-brightness performance ==> 闪烁与亮度性能
  15361. flicker-fusion frequency ==> 停闪频率
  15362. flickering ==> 闪变,闪光=>ちらつき
  15363. flickering binary ==> 闪变双星
  15364. flickering busy signal ==> 闪光占线信号
  15365. flickering flame ==> 闪烁光焰
  15366. flickering lamp ==> 闪光灯
  15367. flickering light ==> 闪光灯,闪烁光
  15368. flickering meteor ==> 闪变流星
  15369. flickering searchlight ==> 闪动探照灯
  15370. flickering white dwarf ==> 闪变白矮星
  15371. flight ==> 飞行,行程
  15372. flight altitude ==> 航高
  15373. flight analyzer ==> 飞行分析器
  15374. flight attendant ==> 飞行服务员
  15375. flight belt ==> 抛掷机皮带,抛掷式充填机
  15376. flight briefing ==> 飞行员天气咨询
  15377. flight calculator ==> 风速计算器
  15378. flight characteristic ==> 飞行特性
  15379. flight chart ==> 航空地图
  15380. flight command indicator ==> 飞行命令指示器
  15381. flight computer ==> 飞行计算机
  15382. flight control ==> 飞行控制系统
  15383. flight control display ==> 飞行控制显示器
  15384. flight control instrument ==> 飞行控制仪器
  15385. flight control system ==> 飞机操纵系统,飞行控制系统,飞行器控制系统
  15386. flight control unit ==> 飞行控制器
  15387. flight controls ==> 飞机操纵系统
  15388. flight conveyer ==> 链板运输机,链动输送器,刮板运输机
  15389. flight conveyor ==> 刮板输送机,刮板运输器
  15390. flight data recorder ==> 飞行数据记录装置
  15391. flight deck ==> 飞行甲板
  15392. flight device ==> 飞行器
  15393. flight director ==> 飞行指挥仪
  15394. flight distance ==> 飞程
  15395. flight dynamics ==> 飞行动力学
  15396. flight elevator ==> 刮板升运器
  15397. flight engineer ==> 随机工程师
  15398. flight envelope ==> 飞行包线
  15399. flight experimental ==> 飞行试验
  15400. flight feather ==> 飞羽
  15401. flight feeder ==> 刮板供料机
  15402. flight fine pitch ==> 飞行小距
  15403. flight forecast ==> 飞行天气预报
  15404. flight from cash ==> 抛售现金
  15405. flight from currency ==> 逃离货币
  15406. flight from the dollar ==> 逃离美元,抛售美元
  15407. flight gyro ==> 地平陀螺仪
  15408. flight gyroscope ==> 飞行陀螺仪
  15409. flight hardware ==> 飞行器
  15410. flight height ==> 绝对高度,绝对高度
  15411. flight hole ==> 飞出孔
  15412. flight indicator ==> 陀螺地平仪
  15413. flight information ==> 飞行情报,飞行信息
  15414. flight instrument ==> 飞行仪表
  15415. flight kitchen ==> 飞行厨房
  15416. flight lead ==> 螺距,丝距
  15417. flight level ==> 飞行水平面
  15418. flight line ==> 航线
  15419. flight link ==> 刮板链节
  15420. flight Mach number ==> 飞行马赫数
  15421. flight mechanics ==> 飞行力学
  15422. flight model ==> フライトモデル
  15423. flight monitor ==> 飞行监测器
  15424. flight navigator ==> 飞行导航仪
  15425. flight nurse ==> 飞行护士
  15426. flight of ideas ==> 意念奔逸,意念澎湃,意念飘忽,思维奔逸
  15427. flight panel ==> 航行驾驶仪表板
  15428. flight path ==> 航迹
  15429. flight path axis ==> 航迹轴
  15430. flight path computer ==> 航线计算器=>フライトパス計算機
  15431. flight path deviation ==> 飞行路线偏离
  15432. flight path deviation indicator ==> 飞行航线偏差指示器,飞行路线偏差指示器=>フライトパス編位指示器
  15433. flight path planning equipment ==> 飞行路线计划设备
  15434. flight path recorder ==> 飞行航线记录器
  15435. flight path selector ==> 飞行线路选择器
  15436. flight performance ==> 飞行特性
  15437. flight plan ==> 飞行计划
  15438. flight profile ==> 飞行剖面图
  15439. flight readiness firing ==> 飞行前点火试验
  15440. flight recorder ==> 飞行记录仪,飞行自动记录仪
  15441. flight research center ==> 飞行研究中心
  15442. flight risk ==> 飞行险
  15443. flight route ==> 航空路线,航线
  15444. flight rules ==> 飞行规则
  15445. flight science ==> 飞行科学
  15446. flight simulation ==> 飞机仿真
  15447. flight simulation test ==> 模拟飞行测试
  15448. flight simulator ==> 飞行模拟器
  15449. flight speed ==> 飞行速度
  15450. flight speed indicator ==> 飞行速度指示器
  15451. flight stability ==> 飞行稳定性
  15452. flight strip ==> 航带,航摄带
  15453. flight surgeon ==> 航空军医
  15454. flight test ==> 飞行试验
  15455. flight test center ==> 飞行试验中心
  15456. flight test engine ==> 试飞发动机
  15457. flight test equipment ==> 飞行试验设备
  15458. flight test system ==> 飞行试验系统
  15459. flight time ==> 飞行时间
  15460. flight track ==> 航迹
  15461. flight visibility ==> 飞行能见度
  15462. flight, flying ==> 飞行
  15463. flight-control component ==> 飞行控制部件
  15464. flight-log ==> 航行记录簿
  15465. flight-path accelection ==> 航道加速度
  15466. flight-path analyzer ==> 航迹分析器
  15467. flight-path angle ==> 航迹角
  15468. flight-path deviation indicator ==> 航迹偏差指示器
  15469. flight-path plotter ==> 飞行扫描图
  15470. flight-path slope ==> 航迹角
  15471. flight-refuel ==> 空中加油
  15472. flightweather briefing ==> 飞行员天气咨询
  15473. flimsy evidence ==> 不可靠证据
  15474. Flinders bar ==> 弗林特棒
  15475. fling-off cooling ==> 冲离冷却
  15476. flinger ==> 抛射机,抛射器,抛油环,抛油圈=>フリンガー
  15477. flinger ring ==> 挡液环
  15478. flint clay ==> 燧(suì)土,焦宝石
  15479. flint coloured paper ==> 彩色蜡光纸
  15480. flint container glass ==> 无色瓶罐玻璃
  15481. flint corn ==> 硬质型玉米,硬质种玉米
  15482. flint dry ==> 高温烘燥
  15483. flint glass ==> 火石玻璃
  15484. flint glass paper ==> 粗砂纸
  15485. flint glazing machine ==> 磨光机
  15486. flint mill ==> 砾磨机
  15487. flint optical glass ==> 火石光学玻璃
  15488. flint paper ==> 粗砂纸
  15489. flint steel ==> 硬钢,硅钢
  15490. flint stone ==> 打火石
  15491. flint-glass prism ==> 火石玻璃棱镜
  15492. flint-glazed paper ==> 蜡光纸
  15493. Flintshire process ==> 富林脱歇尔炼铅法
  15494. flinty ground ==> 粗砂
  15495. flinty hardness ==> 淬火玻璃硬度
  15496. flip ==> 轻碰
  15497. flip and flop generator ==> 双稳态触发器
  15498. flip bucket ==> 挑坎,建在泄水槽末端能将水流抛向下游的反弧状坎
  15499. flip bucket energy dissipation ==> 挑流消能,通过泄槽末端挑坎,将下泄水流挑向空中,达到立面扩散分布或碰撞后均匀跌入下游河床,以消耗下泄水流的能量
  15500. flip chip ==> 倒装芯片,倒装法,倒装晶片,叩焊晶片,叨焊晶片,(集成电路片的一种封装方法)倒装片
  15501. flip chip approach ==> 倒装法
  15502. flip chip bonder ==> 倒装焊接机
  15503. flip chip bonding ==> 倒装焊接
  15504. flip chip bump ==> 倒装芯片隆起焊盘
  15505. flip chip carrier ==> 倒装芯片座
  15506. flip chip integrated circuit ==> 倒装芯片集成电路
  15507. flip chip method ==> 倒装法
  15508. flip coil ==> 弹回线圈
  15509. flip flop ==> 双稳态多谐振荡器触发电路
  15510. flip flop circuit ==> 双稳态多谐振荡器触发电路
  15511. flip horizontal ==> 左右反転
  15512. flip light switch off ==> 照明のスイッチを切る
  15513. flip light switch on ==> 照明のスイッチを入れる
  15514. flip mirror ==> 回转镜
  15515. flip phone ==> 翻盖手机=>折り畳み式携帯電話
  15516. flip side ==> 裏面
  15517. flip-and-flop ==> 双稳态多谐振荡器
  15518. flip-chip ==> 倒装法,倒装芯片
  15519. flip-chip bonder ==> 倒装焊接器,倒装式焊接器
  15520. flip-chip bonding ==> 倒装焊接,倒装式接合,叩焊
  15521. flip-chip I.C ==> 倒装片集成电路
  15522. flip-chip integrated circuit ==> 倒装片集成电路
  15523. flip-chip method ==> 倒装焊接法
  15524. flip-chip mounting ==> フリップチップマウンティング
  15525. flip-chip ultrasonic bonder ==> 倒装超声焊接器
  15526. flip-flop ==> 触发器=>フリップフロップ
  15527. flip-flop amplifier ==> 附壁放大器
  15528. flip-flop circuit ==> 触发电路,触发器电路,双稳态多谐振荡电路=>フリップフロップ回路
  15529. flip-flop control ==> 双稳态控制
  15530. flip-flop counter ==> 触发计数管,触发计数器
  15531. flip-flop element ==> 触发器单元
  15532. flip-flop frequency divider ==> 触发电路分频器
  15533. flip-flop generator ==> 双稳态多谐振荡器
  15534. flip-flop intergrated circuit ==> 触发器集成电路
  15535. flip-flop mirror ==> 翻动转镜
  15536. flip-flop number ==> 触发计数,触发计数器
  15537. flip-flop register ==> 触发寄存器,触发器寄存器,触发器式寄存器,触发式寄存器
  15538. flip-flop ring ==> 触发计数环
  15539. flip-flop shift register ==> 触发移位寄存器
  15540. flip-flop sign ==> 符号触发器
  15541. flip-flop stage ==> 触发极
  15542. flip-flop storage ==> 触发器存储器
  15543. flip-flop transition time ==> 双稳态触发器翻转时间
  15544. flip-over process ==> 倒逆过程
  15545. flip-top printing frame ==> 可翻转双面晒版机
  15546. flip-up target ==> 提升靶
  15547. flipchart ==> 翻转图
  15548. flipchip transistor ==> 倒装片晶体管
  15549. flipopen cutout fuse ==> 跳开式熔断器
  15550. flipper ==> 挡泥板
  15551. flipper guide ==> 侧导板
  15552. flit ==> 夜逃げ,駆け落ち
  15553. flit about ==> 飛び回る
  15554. flit-plug ==> 可拆卸插头
  15555. flitch ==> 木方,贴板,桁板,单板料片,组合贴板
  15556. flitch beam ==> 组合板梁
  15557. flitch chunk ==> 组合厚板
  15558. flitch dam ==> 木板坝
  15559. flitch girder ==> 组合板大梁
  15560. flitch-plate girder ==> 钢木组合大梁,贴板梁
  15561. flitch-trussed beam ==> 组合桁架梁
  15562. flitched girder ==> 钢木组合大梁
  15563. flitched-beam ==> 组合板梁
  15564. flitching ==> 巷道刷帮
  15565. flitter ==> 金属箔,金属碎片,闪光颜料
  15566. flitter gold ==> 黄铜箔
  15567. FLM, filter module ==> フィルターモジュール
  15568. FLO/FLO Float On / Float Off ==> 航入航出
  15569. floaging carrier ==> 浮动载波体制
  15570. float ==> 浮动,浮囊,浮球,浮纱,浮移石,转石,低架平板车,小排,飘,漂,漂浮,画面抖动,流送,木抹子,木锉,开设,浮子
  15571. float a loan ==> 发行债券,举债,举债
  15572. float and cable level measuring device ==> 浮标和缆索式液位测量装置
  15573. float arm ==> 浮子臂
  15574. float attribute ==> 浮动属性
  15575. float ball level meter ==> 浮球液面计
  15576. float barograph ==> 浮子气压计
  15577. float block ==> 浮砖
  15578. float boat ==> 漂浮艇
  15579. float bowl ==> 浮筒,浮筒
  15580. float bracing ==> 浮力拉条
  15581. float bridge ==> 浮桥
  15582. float buoyancy ==> 浮筒浮力
  15583. float case ==> 沉箱
  15584. float chamber ==> 浮抛窑,浮球室,浮筒室,浮厢
  15585. float chamber cap ==> 浮室盖
  15586. float chamber spring ring ==> 浮筒室弹簧圈
  15587. float coal ==> 精煤
  15588. float collar ==> 带回压阀的套管接箍
  15589. float control ==> 浮标控制,浮点控制
  15590. float controlled valve ==> 浮子控制阀
  15591. float controller ==> 浮子调节器
  15592. float counter balance ==> 浮筒杠杆
  15593. float course ==> 浮标测流路线
  15594. float crosshead pin ==> 浮动十字头销
  15595. float current meter ==> 浮标流速计
  15596. float displacement ==> 浮标排水,浮筒排水量
  15597. float dollar sign ==> 浮动美元符号
  15598. float electrode ==> 活动电极
  15599. float factor ==> 浮动因子
  15600. float feed ==> 浮筒式进给
  15601. float feed apparatus ==> 浮筒式给水器
  15602. float finish ==> 压实赶光,木抹修整
  15603. float flowmeter ==> 浮子式量计
  15604. float gage ==> 浮表
  15605. float gate ==> 浮门
  15606. float gauge ==> 浮标水尺,浮式水标尺,浮筒式水位计,浮子水尺,浮子水位计
  15607. float gauging ==> 浮标测流
  15608. float gear ==> 浮筒起落装置
  15609. float gimbal ==> 浮动式万向支架
  15610. float glass ==> 浮法玻璃
  15611. float glass bath ==> 浮法玻璃的浮抛窑
  15612. float glass process ==> 浮法玻璃生产法
  15613. float governor ==> 浮子调节器
  15614. float guide ==> 浮筒导杆
  15615. float head ==> 浮动磁头,浮动头
  15616. float hinge pin ==> 浮子绞链销
  15617. float jet tray ==> 浮动喷射塔盘
  15618. float landing gear ==> 浮式起落架
  15619. float level ==> 浮筒水准线
  15620. float level controller ==> 浮动式液面调节器,浮面控制仪,浮子液面计
  15621. float level gauge ==> 浮子液位测量仪
  15622. float level measuring device ==> 浮子液位测量装置
  15623. float level meter ==> 浮子液位计
  15624. float level reguator ==> 浮子型液位调节阀
  15625. float level transducer[sensor] ==> 浮子—干簧管液位传感器
  15626. float lever ==> 浮筒杆
  15627. float line roller ==> 浮子绳滚筒
  15628. float magnetism type liquid level gage ==> 浮筒磁力式液位计
  15629. float manometer-type flow indicator ==> 浮子压力计式流量指示表
  15630. float mareograph ==> 浮式自记潮汐仪
  15631. float meter ==> 浮标测量计,浮子式流量计
  15632. float mineral ==> 浮散矿物
  15633. float needle ==> 浮针
  15634. float needle valve ==> 浮针阀,浮子针阀=>フロート弁
  15635. float of carburetor ==> 汽化啤子
  15636. float of carburettor ==> 汽化啤子
  15637. float on-float off ==> 浮进浮出
  15638. float operated explosion-proof mercury switch ==> 浮子操动防爆水银开关
  15639. float operated switch ==> 浮子控制开关
  15640. float ore ==> 漂移矿石
  15641. float period ==> 浮动期
  15642. float plane ==> 浮筒式飞机
  15643. float plate assembly ==> 浮动板部件
  15644. float product ==> 浮选产物
  15645. float relay for transformer ==> 变压器浮子继电器
  15646. float resistance ==> 浮筒阻力
  15647. float response ==> 漂浮响应
  15648. float ring ==> 浮动环
  15649. float rod ==> 浮标,浮标杆,浮杆
  15650. float rod correction ==> 浮杆修正
  15651. float rudder ==> 水中舵
  15652. float run ==> 浮标测距,(指上下测流断面的间距)浮标行程
  15653. float seaplane ==> 浮筒式水上飞机
  15654. float selecting engine ==> 浮选机
  15655. float spindle guide ==> 浮筒针导承
  15656. float stone ==> 浮石,磨砖石,漂石,铁磨砖石
  15657. float switch ==> 浮动开关,浮控开关,浮球开关
  15658. float tank ==> 浮抛窑,浮选箱
  15659. float tape ==> (指自记水位计)浮尺
  15660. float test ==> 浮杯试验,浮标试验,漂浮试验,流质试验
  15661. float tide gauge ==> 浮子式验潮仪
  15662. float timber ==> 浮木,浮运木材
  15663. float trap ==> 浮动阀,浮筒隔汽具
  15664. float tube ==> 浮标管,浮运进水管
  15665. float type controller ==> 浮子式控制器
  15666. float type densimeter ==> 浮动式密度计
  15667. float type flowmeter ==> 浮动式量计
  15668. float type gauge ==> 浮标式测量仪
  15669. float type level controller ==> 浮子式液面控制器
  15670. float type level gauge ==> 浮子式液位计
  15671. float type level meter ==> 浮子式水位计
  15672. float type pneumatic measuring instrument ==> 浮子式气动测量仪
  15673. float type pressure gauge ==> 浮子式压力计
  15674. float type rain gauge ==> 浮筒式雨量计
  15675. float type tank gauge ==> 浮子式油罐液面计
  15676. float type water stage recorder ==> 浮标式自记水位计
  15677. float under carriage ==> 浮筒式起落架
  15678. float valve ==> 球阀=>フロート弁
  15679. float valve needle ==> 浮动阀的针
  15680. float valve tray ==> 浮阀塔板
  15681. float vibrator ==> 浮式振动器
  15682. float viscosimeter ==> 浮标粘度计,浮子粘度计
  15683. float water level indicator ==> 浮子水位指示器
  15684. float well ==> 浮尺井
  15685. float wheel ==> 浮轮
  15686. float zone crystal ==> 浮区熔化晶体
  15687. float zone growth ==> 浮区生长
  15688. float zone method ==> 浮区提纯法
  15689. float-actuated liquid level detector ==> 浮子式液位检测器
  15690. float-and-sink analysis ==> 浮沉试验
  15691. float-cage type gauge ==> 浮动箱式液位计
  15692. float-controlled drainage pump ==> 浮子控制式排水泵,自动排水泵
  15693. float-controlled switch ==> 浮子控制开关
  15694. float-controlled valve ==> 浮子阀
  15695. float-level indicator ==> 浮子水位指示器
  15696. float-operated hydraulic level gauge ==> 浮球传动式液位计
  15697. float-operated relief valve ==> 浮球控制安全阀
  15698. float-operated trap ==> 浮筒隔汽具
  15699. float-ore ==> 漂流矿石
  15700. float-type carburettor ==> 浮动式汽化器
  15701. float-type compass ==> 浮子式罗盘
  15702. float-type flowmeter ==> 浮子式流量计,浮筒式流量计
  15703. float-type gyroscope ==> 液浮陀螺仪
  15704. float-type level controller ==> 浮标控制仪
  15705. float-type level gauge ==> 浮标液面计
  15706. float-type level regulator ==> 浮标液面控制器
  15707. float-type limnimeter ==> 浮式自动湖泊水位计
  15708. float-type liquidometer ==> 浮子式液位计
  15709. float-type manometer ==> 浮子式压力计
  15710. float-type pneumatic water feeder ==> 浮子式气压加水器
  15711. float-type specific gravity meter ==> 浮子式比重计
  15712. float-type tide gauge ==> 浮子式验潮仪
  15713. float-type transmitter ==> 浮子式传感器
  15714. float-type viscometer ==> 浮标式粘度计
  15715. float-type water stage recorder ==> 浮筒式自记水位计
  15716. float-type water-level recorder ==> 浮式自记水位仪
  15717. float-zone crystal ==> 浮区晶体
  15718. float-zone method ==> 浮区法
  15719. floatability ==> 浮动性,漂浮性,可浮性,可浮选性
  15720. floatage ==> 漂浮,木材流送,船体吃水线以上部分,浮力
  15721. floatainer ==> 漂浮货柜,流动集装箱
  15722. floatation ==> 浮游选矿,漂浮,漂浮法,浮动,浮集法,浮力作用,浮选,浮选法,悬浮
  15723. floatation analysis ==> 漂浮分析
  15724. floatation area ==> 漂浮面积
  15725. floatation centre ==> 浮体水面形心
  15726. floatation characteristic ==> 漂浮特性
  15727. floatation circuit ==> 浮选流程
  15728. floatation cost of bonds ==> 发行债券费用
  15729. floatation depth ==> 浮体吃水深度
  15730. floatation jacket ==> 救生背心,救生背心,救生衣,救生衣
  15731. floatation line ==> 吃水线
  15732. floatation machine ==> 浮选机
  15733. floatation method ==> 浮选法,菲勒本氏法
  15734. floatation of loan ==> 融资
  15735. floatation saveall ==> 飘浮式回收机
  15736. floatation sponge ==> 漂浮性海绵胶
  15737. floatation stability ==> 浮体稳定性
  15738. floatation tire ==> 高通过性宽断面轮胎
  15739. floated ==> 浮动的
  15740. floated bright ==> 净水流送的,净水流送的
  15741. floated coat ==> 抹灰层
  15742. floated concrete ==> 抹面混凝土
  15743. floated finish ==> 抹灰饰面
  15744. floated gyroscope ==> 浮子式陀螺仪
  15745. floated loan ==> 分配贷款
  15746. floated screeding ==> 木蟹找平
  15747. floater ==> 浮动利率票据,浮杆,浮水材,浮水树种,浮筒,浮砖,抹灰工具,漂浮物,漂流瓶,漂珠,粉煤灰中所含的空心能漂于水面的玻璃珠
  15748. floater door ==> 挡砖进出口
  15749. floater guide block ==> 挡砖
  15750. floater hole ==> 挡砖放入口
  15751. floaters ==> 债券发行人
  15752. floating ==> 抹平,漂游,图像抖动,浮动,浮动的,(陶瓷表面彩饰缺陷)图案走样=>フローディング,浮動
  15753. floating (陶瓷表面彩饰缺陷) ==> 图案走样
  15754. floating accelerometer ==> 重力式测波仪
  15755. floating accumulator ==> 浮点累加器
  15756. floating action ==> 无定向作用
  15757. floating action type servomotor ==> 浮动式伺服电动机
  15758. floating addition ==> 浮点加
  15759. floating address ==> 浮动地址,可变地址
  15760. floating address register ==> 浮动地址寄存器
  15761. floating aerator ==> 漂浮充气器
  15762. floating aerodrome ==> 航空母舰
  15763. floating aid ==> 浮工导航标具
  15764. floating air ejector ==> 浮水空气喷射器
  15765. floating amplifier ==> 隔离放大器
  15766. floating anchor ==> 浮锚,海锚
  15767. floating and tense pulse ==> 脉浮紧
  15768. floating architecture ==> 浮遊式建築物
  15769. floating arithmetic sign ==> 浮点算术符号
  15770. floating asset ==> 流動資産
  15771. floating assets ==> 流动资产
  15772. floating auger ==> 浮动螺旋
  15773. floating axle ==> 浮动轴,浮式半轴,浮式轴
  15774. floating axle shaft ==> 浮动轴
  15775. floating balance ==> 浮动摆轮,悬浮摆轮
  15776. floating ball ==> 浮球
  15777. floating bank ==> 浮煤式锅炉
  15778. floating barrier ==> 浮动挡板
  15779. floating base ==> 弹簧模座,悬空基极
  15780. floating battery ==> 浮充电池组,浮置蓄电池=>浮動蓄電池
  15781. floating bay ==> 抹灰格间
  15782. floating beacon ==> 浮标,浮灯标
  15783. floating bearing ==> 浮动轴承
  15784. floating bearing end ==> 浮动轴承端
  15785. floating bed ==> 浮动床,简称“浮床”。浮动床是采用床层(树脂层)浮动(被水流托起)方式运行的离子交换器
  15786. floating bell pressure gauge ==> 浮钟式压力计
  15787. floating block ==> 浮动滑车
  15788. floating body ==> 浮体
  15789. floating bolster ==> 浮動まくら
  15790. floating boom ==> 浮栅,导冰浮架,导污浮架
  15791. floating bottom ==> 浮底
  15792. floating brake lever ==> 浮装闸杆
  15793. floating brake shaft ==> 浮动闸轴
  15794. floating breakwater ==> 浮式防波堤
  15795. floating bricks ==> 莱茵式砖
  15796. floating bridge ==> 浮桥
  15797. floating buffer ==> 浮动缓冲区
  15798. floating bush ==> 浮动衬套
  15799. floating bush bearing ==> 浮动衬套轴承
  15800. floating caisson ==> 浮式沉箱,浮运沉箱
  15801. floating camel ==> 浮柜,浮筒,浮箱
  15802. floating camel fender ==> 浮柜防冲器
  15803. floating cardan shaft ==> 活动万向轴
  15804. floating cargo ==> 业经装船之货,途中货物,路货,海运货物
  15805. floating carrier amplifier ==> 浮动载波放大器
  15806. floating carrier modulation ==> 浮动载波调制=>浮動搬送波変調
  15807. floating carrier system ==> 浮动载波制
  15808. floating carrier transmitter ==> 浮动载波发送机
  15809. floating center ==> 中间游动盘
  15810. floating chain ==> 浮体锚链
  15811. floating channel ==> 浮动通道
  15812. floating charge ==> 浮充电,浮动充电,流动质权
  15813. floating charges ==> 流动费用,(专指农场贷款)流动抵押品
  15814. floating charges (专指农场贷款) ==> 流动抵押品
  15815. floating chase ==> 浮动版架
  15816. floating chemicals ==> 浮选剂
  15817. floating chuck ==> 浮动卡盘
  15818. floating clamp ==> 浮动夹头
  15819. floating clause ==> 浮泊条款
  15820. floating coat ==> 中涂层
  15821. floating compass ==> 浮动罗盘
  15822. floating concrete mixer ==> 混凝土搅拌船
  15823. floating conductor ==> 漂浮导体
  15824. floating construction ==> 浮式构造=>浮き構造
  15825. floating container ==> 漂浮货柜,流动集装箱
  15826. floating control ==> 无静差调节
  15827. floating controller ==> 无静差控制器,浮动控制器
  15828. floating conveyor ==> 浮动式输送机
  15829. floating core rod ==> 浮动芯棒
  15830. floating coupling ==> 浮动式接头,浮动式联轴节
  15831. floating coupon ==> 変動金利
  15832. floating cover ==> 浮顶,浮动盖板,浮起盖=>浮きぶた
  15833. floating crane ==> 浮动起重机,浮式起重机,浮筒起重机,水上起重机=>フローディングクレーン
  15834. floating crucible ==> 浮置坩埚
  15835. floating crucible technique ==> 浮置坩埚技术
  15836. floating currency ==> 浮动货币,浮动通货
  15837. floating currency sign ==> 浮动货币符号
  15838. floating cutterbar ==> 浮动式切割器
  15839. floating dam ==> 浮坝,浮桥,浮闸
  15840. floating data ==> 浮点数据
  15841. floating debenture ==> 浮动债券,流动债券,流动质权债券
  15842. floating debris ==> 漂浮物
  15843. floating debt ==> 浮动债务,流动债务
  15844. floating decimal ==> 浮点十进制,浮点十进制小数,浮动十进制小数
  15845. floating decimal arithmetic ==> 浮点十进制算术运算
  15846. floating decimal subroutine ==> 浮点十进制运算子程序
  15847. floating deposit ==> 浮动性存款,流动存款
  15848. floating derrick ==> 浮吊起重船,浮式起重机
  15849. floating dial compass ==> 动圈罗盘仪
  15850. floating die ==> 弹簧压模,可动压模
  15851. floating die assembly ==> 弹簧模具,浮动模具
  15852. floating die press ==> 弹簧模压机
  15853. floating disc ==> 浮动盘
  15854. floating disc brake ==> 浮盘式制动器
  15855. floating display ==> 浮动显示
  15856. floating distillation tower ==> 浮阀塔
  15857. floating divide by zero trap ==> 浮点被零除自陷
  15858. floating division ==> 浮点除
  15859. floating dock ==> 浮船坞,浮式码头,浮坞
  15860. floating dollar sign ==> 浮动美元符号
  15861. floating dot ==> 浮点
  15862. floating downward ==> 下浮
  15863. floating drawbar ==> 浮动拉杆
  15864. floating dredger ==> 浮动式挖泥船
  15865. floating drift tube ==> 浮动漂移管
  15866. floating drift tube klystron ==> 漂移速调管
  15867. floating drilling platform ==> 浮式钻井平台
  15868. floating drum gate ==> 浮动式鼓形闸门
  15869. floating dry dock ==> 浮船坞,浮式干船坞=>浮き乾ドック
  15870. floating dust ==> 浮尘,飘尘
  15871. floating dust pollution ==> 飘尘污染,漂尘污染
  15872. floating earth ==> 浮动接地
  15873. floating electrode ==> 浮动电极
  15874. floating elevator ==> 浮动式升降机
  15875. floating embankment ==> 浮堤
  15876. floating engine ==> 浮动式电动机
  15877. floating equipment ==> 浮动性设备
  15878. floating exchange rate ==> 浮动汇率=>変動為替相場,変動レート
  15879. floating exchange rate system ==> 浮动汇率制度,可变汇率制=>変動為替相場制
  15880. floating executive ==> 浮动执行程序
  15881. floating fender ==> 浮式防冲器
  15882. floating fixture systems ==> 浮动夹具系统
  15883. floating floor ==> 浮动地板,浮式地板,浮式楼地面=>浮床
  15884. floating foam ==> 浮动的泡沫
  15885. floating forest ==> 漂浮森林
  15886. floating foundation ==> 浮筏基础,浮基
  15887. floating gate ==> 浮动闸门,浮动栅,又称“浮体闸”。借助浮力和水重启闭并可浮运的闸门=>浮遊ゲート,フローディングゲート
  15888. floating gate avalanche injection mos ==> 浮栅雪崩注入型金属氧化物半导体
  15889. floating gate avalanche injection type MOS memory ==> 浮栅雪崩注入MOS存储器
  15890. floating gate fet ==> 浮栅场效应晶体管
  15891. floating gate ic ==> 浮栅集成电路
  15892. floating gate mos ==> 浮栅金属氧化物半导体
  15893. floating gate silicon process ==> 浮栅硅金属氧化物半导体工艺
  15894. floating gate transistor ==> 浮栅金属氧化物半导体晶体管
  15895. floating gauge ==> 浮表
  15896. floating glaze ==> 颜色浮面釉
  15897. floating grid ==> 浮动栅极,浮置栅极,漂浮栅极
  15898. floating gudgeon pin ==> 浮动活塞销,浮式活塞销
  15899. floating gyro ==> 浮动陀螺仪
  15900. floating habit ==> 浮水习性,深水习性
  15901. floating harbour ==> 浮动港,漂浮式防波堤港
  15902. floating head ==> 浮动磁头,浮动头,浮头盖=>浮動ヘッド
  15903. floating head backing device ==> 浮动背衬环,浮头勾圈
  15904. floating head condenser ==> 浮头式冷凝器
  15905. floating head disk controller ==> 浮动头磁盘控制器
  15906. floating head flange ==> 浮动头法兰
  15907. floating head kettle type reboiler ==> 釜式浮头再沸器
  15908. floating head type heater ==> 浮动管板式加热器
  15909. floating holder ==> 浮动刀夹
  15910. floating ice ==> 浮冰
  15911. floating indebtedness ==> 流动债务
  15912. floating input ==> 浮置输入=>浮動入力
  15913. floating insertion ==> 浮动插入
  15914. floating insertion character ==> 浮动插入字符
  15915. floating insertion editing ==> 浮动插入编辑
  15916. floating instrument platform ==> 浮动观测平台
  15917. floating instrument platform ( FLIP ) ==> 浮动水文观察平台
  15918. floating instrument platform (FLIP) ==> 浮动水文观察平台
  15919. floating interest rate ==> 浮动利率
  15920. floating island ==> 浮岛
  15921. floating item ==> 浮动价格商品
  15922. floating jet stenter ==> 气垫式喷嘴热风拉幅机
  15923. floating jetty ==> 浮式突码头
  15924. floating jib crane ==> 水上悬臂起重机
  15925. floating junction ==> 浮动结
  15926. floating key ==> 浮键
  15927. floating kidney ==> 浮游肾,游走肾,活动肾
  15928. floating labor ==> 流动劳动力
  15929. floating lamp ==> 浮标灯
  15930. floating landing stage ==> 浮动平台,浮栈桥
  15931. floating lending rate ==> 浮动贷款利率
  15932. floating level transducer ==> 浮式液位传感器
  15933. floating lever ==> 浮动杆
  15934. floating lever rod ==> 浮动杠杆
  15935. floating lien ==> 浮动留置权
  15936. floating light ==> 浮标灯,浮灯标
  15937. floating liver ==> 浮动肝,游动肝
  15938. floating loan ==> 流动贷款
  15939. floating log ==> 浮木,漂浮木材
  15940. floating machine ==> 抹平机,浮充机
  15941. floating magnetic head ==> 浮动磁头
  15942. floating mark ==> 浮标,浮动测标
  15943. floating markup ==> 浮动加码
  15944. floating mat ==> 浮排
  15945. floating material ==> 漂浮物
  15946. floating matter ==> 漂浮物
  15947. floating method ==> 漂浮法
  15948. floating mine ==> 漂雷,浮动水雷
  15949. floating mining plant ==> 漂浮式采矿装置
  15950. floating money ==> 流动货币
  15951. floating mortgage ==> 浮动抵押
  15952. floating moss ==> 漂浮藓
  15953. floating multiplication ==> 浮点乘
  15954. floating neutral ==> 浮接中心线,浮置中线,不接地中性线
  15955. floating normalize control ==> 浮点规格化控制
  15956. floating number ==> 浮点计数器,浮点数
  15957. floating ocean research and development station ==> 大洋研究和开发浮动站
  15958. floating of yang due to yin deficiency ==> 阴虚阳浮
  15959. floating oil ==> 漂油
  15960. floating oil barrier ==> 漂油栅
  15961. floating oil filter ==> 浮动滤油器
  15962. floating oil production platform ==> 浮式采油平台
  15963. floating oil production system ==> 浮式采油系统
  15964. floating optimal sample size ==> 浮动最优样本容量
  15965. floating output ==> 浮置输出=>浮動出力
  15966. floating overflow bit ==> 浮点上溢位,浮点溢出位
  15967. floating overflow trap ==> 浮点溢出自陷
  15968. floating p-base ==> フローティングpベース
  15969. floating packing ==> 活动密封垫
  15970. floating pan ==> 浮式蒸发皿,(即浮式蒸发皿)浮皿
  15971. floating pan (即浮式蒸发皿) ==> 浮皿
  15972. floating panel ==> 浮充屏
  15973. floating patella ==> 浮游髌骨
  15974. floating pier ==> 浮码头
  15975. floating pile ==> 摩擦桩
  15976. floating pile driver ==> 浮式打桩机
  15977. floating pile foundation ==> 浮桩基础
  15978. floating pilot lamp ==> 浮动信号灯
  15979. floating pipe ==> 浮动管道,活动管道
  15980. floating pipeline ==> 浮式管路,漂浮管道
  15981. floating piston ==> 浮动活塞
  15982. floating piston pin ==> 浮动活塞销,浮式活塞销
  15983. floating plant ==> 浮水植物,漂浮植物,水上机械设备
  15984. floating plate ==> 浮板
  15985. floating platen ==> 浮动压板
  15986. floating platform ==> 浮式平台
  15987. floating plug ==> 浮动塞棒
  15988. floating plunger positioner ==> 浮子定位器
  15989. floating point ==> 浮点,浮点法,浮点小数点
  15990. floating point arithmetic ==> 浮点运算
  15991. floating point calculation ==> 浮动小数点运算
  15992. floating point constant ==> 浮点常数
  15993. floating point control field ==> 浮点控制字段
  15994. floating point data ==> 浮点数据
  15995. floating point data item ==> 浮点数据项
  15996. floating point hardware ==> 浮点硬件
  15997. floating point logic machine ==> 浮点逻辑机
  15998. floating point number ==> 浮点数
  15999. floating point package ==> 浮点程序包
  16000. floating point precision ==> 浮点精度
  16001. floating point processor ==> 浮点处理机
  16002. floating point register ==> 浮点寄存器
  16003. floating point representation ==> 浮动小数点表示法=>浮動小数点表示
  16004. floating point routine ==> 浮点例行程序
  16005. floating policy ==> 流动保险单
  16006. floating pollutant ==> 漂浮污物
  16007. floating pontoon ==> 浮船,浮筒,浮箱
  16008. floating pontoon wharf ==> 浮船码头
  16009. floating position ==> 浮动位置
  16010. floating potential ==> 漂浮电势,漂游电位
  16011. floating potential instrumentation ==> 浮动电位仪
  16012. floating pound ==> 浮动的英镑,浮动英镑
  16013. floating power station ==> 浮动发电厂
  16014. floating power supply ==> 非接地電源
  16015. floating power unit ==> 浮动力装置
  16016. floating prices ==> 浮动价格
  16017. floating prime rate ==> 浮动基本利率
  16018. floating prime rate of interest ==> 浮动优惠利率
  16019. floating primrose willow ==> 漂浮水龙
  16020. floating production ==> 浮动分配生产
  16021. floating pulse ==> 脉浮
  16022. floating pump assembling unit ==> 浮船式水泵机组
  16023. floating purchasing power ==> 浮动购买力
  16024. floating raft construction ==> 浮筏构造
  16025. floating raise of wages ==> 浮动升级
  16026. floating rate ==> 浮动利率,浮动利率债券,可变汇率,可变利率,蓄电池浮充率
  16027. floating rate (蓄电池的) ==> 浮充率
  16028. floating rate bond ==> 浮动利率债券
  16029. floating rate certificate of deposit ==> 浮动利率存单
  16030. floating rate drop lock bonds ==> 闭锁最低利率浮动债券
  16031. floating rate market ==> 浮动利率市场
  16032. floating rate note ==> 浮动利率债券
  16033. floating rate note (FRN) ==> 浮动利率本票
  16034. floating rate stock ==> 浮动利率股票
  16035. floating reamer ==> 浮动铰刀
  16036. floating reamer holder ==> 浮动铰刀刀夹
  16037. floating region ==> 浮区
  16038. floating regulator ==> 可调电压稳压器
  16039. floating rental rate ==> 浮动租金率
  16040. floating reservoir ==> 浮式油罐
  16041. floating respiration ==> 浮动呼吸
  16042. floating response ==> 漂浮响应,无静差作用
  16043. floating reticle ==> 浮动标线
  16044. floating rib ==> 浮肋
  16045. floating ribs ==> 背浮肋
  16046. floating rice ==> 浮稻
  16047. floating ring ==> 浮动环
  16048. floating ring bearing ==> 浮动式轴承
  16049. floating ring clutch ==> 浮环离合器
  16050. floating rod ==> 变支点杠杆
  16051. floating roll ==> 浮动辊
  16052. floating roof ==> 浮置上盖
  16053. floating roof reservoir ==> 浮顶贮罐
  16054. floating roof tank ==> 浮顶罐,浮顶油罐
  16055. floating root ==> 浮根
  16056. floating rope ==> 动轮钢丝绳
  16057. floating rule ==> 抹灰面刮尺,镘板
  16058. floating scale lever ==> 浮秤杠杆
  16059. floating scraper ==> 浮式刮刀
  16060. floating screed ==> 浮式找平层,冲筋
  16061. floating seedling ==> 浮苗
  16062. floating seedling container for rice-transplanting ==> 插秧船
  16063. floating set ==> 浮充机组
  16064. floating shaft ==> 浮动轴
  16065. floating shears ==> 浮吊
  16066. floating ship lift ==> 浮升式升船机
  16067. floating side guards ==> 活动侧导板
  16068. floating sign ==> 浮动符号,浮动信号
  16069. floating skimmer ==> 浮式撇取器
  16070. floating sludge ==> 浮泥
  16071. floating soap ==> 浮水皂
  16072. floating space simulation ==> 漂浮空间模拟
  16073. floating spleen ==> 游动脾,游走脾
  16074. floating spray column ==> 浮动喷射塔
  16075. floating spread ==> 浮动加码
  16076. floating spring ==> 浮动弹簧
  16077. floating stage ==> 漂游植物阶段
  16078. floating stock ==> 浮动股票,流动股票,流通股
  16079. floating stone ==> 浮遊胆石
  16080. floating strainer ==> (水泵吸水的)浮式滤头
  16081. floating strainer (水泵吸水的) ==> 浮式滤头
  16082. floating strong back ==> 活动强力垫板
  16083. floating structure ==> 浮体構造物
  16084. floating suction pipe ==> 浮动吸入管
  16085. floating supply ==> 流动库存
  16086. floating symbolic address ==> 浮点符号地址,浮动符号地址
  16087. floating tail ==> 无升力尾翼
  16088. floating tap chuck holder ==> 浮动丝锥卡盘架
  16089. floating temperature control ==> 浮动温控
  16090. floating test ==> 浮充试验
  16091. floating threshold ==> 浮動閾値
  16092. floating timber fender ==> 浮式护岸木
  16093. floating tissue ==> 漂浮组织,漂游组织
  16094. floating tool holder ==> 浮动刀架
  16095. floating tooling ==> 浮动刀具
  16096. floating track bed ==> 浮动路轨枕
  16097. floating tube sheet ==> 活动管板
  16098. floating tubesheet ==> 浮头管板
  16099. floating turntable ==> 浮动回转台
  16100. floating type automatic oil return valve ==> 浮动式自动回油阀
  16101. floating type bearing ==> 浮动式轴承
  16102. floating type controlled system ==> 浮动控制系统
  16103. floating type thermometer ==> 浮式温度计
  16104. floating type wharf ==> 浮码头
  16105. floating underflow trap ==> 浮点下溢自陷
  16106. floating unit price semi-piecework wage ==> 浮动单价半计件工资
  16107. floating valve ==> 浮阀
  16108. floating valve gear ==> 浮阀装置
  16109. floating velocity ==> 漂浮速度
  16110. floating voltage ==> 空载电压
  16111. floating vote ==> 浮动投票
  16112. floating wages linked with performance ==> 效益浮动工资
  16113. floating washer ==> 漂浮式洗矿机
  16114. floating weight ==> 移动式重锤
  16115. floating zenith telescope ==> 浮动天顶仪
  16116. floating zero ==> 浮动零点
  16117. floating zone melting ==> 浮区熔化
  16118. floating zone melting method ==> 浮动区域熔炼法=>フローディングゾーン溶融法
  16119. floating zone process ==> 浮动区域精炼法
  16120. floating zone refining ==> 浮区提纯
  16121. floating zone refining method ==> 区熔提纯法
  16122. floating zone silicon ==> 浮区熔化硅
  16123. floating zone techique ==> 浮区提纯法
  16124. floating zone technique ==> 浮区提纯技术
  16125. floating-caliper disk brake ==> 浮动卡钳式钢盘制动器
  16126. floating-carrier wave ==> 载波不定波
  16127. floating-decimal arithmetic ==> 浮点运算
  16128. floating-gate amplifier ==> 浮栅放大器
  16129. floating-gate avalanche injection metal-oxide-semiconductor ==> FAMOS
  16130. floating-head type heat exchanger ==> 浮头式换热器
  16131. floating-paraphase circuit ==> 阴极绝缘倒相电路
  16132. floating-point adder ==> 浮点加法器
  16133. floating-point arithmetic ==> 浮点算法,浮点运算,浮点运算法
  16134. floating-point arithmetic library ==> 浮点运算程序库
  16135. floating-point arithmetic package ==> 浮点运算程序包
  16136. floating-point arithmetic routine ==> 浮点运算程序
  16137. floating-point base ==> 浮点基数=>浮動小数点基底
  16138. floating-point basis ==> 浮点基
  16139. floating-point binary ==> 浮点二进制
  16140. floating-point binary constant ==> 浮点二进制常数
  16141. floating-point buffer ==> 浮点操作数缓冲器
  16142. floating-point calculation ==> 浮点计算,浮点运算
  16143. floating-point code ==> 浮点编码
  16144. floating-point coding compaction ==> 浮点编码精简法,浮点编码压缩,用浮点编码的数据精简法
  16145. floating-point coefficient ==> 尾数,浮点尾数,浮点系数
  16146. floating-point compaction ==> 浮点简缩
  16147. floating-point computation ==> 浮点计算
  16148. floating-point computer ==> 浮点计算机
  16149. floating-point decimal constant ==> 浮点十进制常数
  16150. floating-point divide exception ==> 浮点除法例外,浮点除法异常
  16151. floating-point division ==> 浮点除法
  16152. floating-point exponent ==> 浮点阶
  16153. floating-point feature ==> 浮点功能部件,浮点特性
  16154. floating-point format ==> 浮点格式
  16155. floating-point input format ==> 浮点输入格式
  16156. floating-point instruction group ==> 浮点指令组
  16157. floating-point instruction set ==> 浮点指令系统
  16158. floating-point integer ==> 浮点整数
  16159. floating-point literal ==> 浮点表示,浮点文字
  16160. floating-point mathematics ==> 浮点数学,浮点运算
  16161. floating-point mould ==> 浮点模型
  16162. floating-point notation ==> 浮点计数法
  16163. floating-point operation ==> 浮点操作,浮点运算
  16164. floating-point operation arithmetic ==> 浮点算术操作,浮点算术运算
  16165. floating-point overflow ==> 浮点溢出
  16166. floating-point package ==> 浮点包
  16167. floating-point radix ==> 浮点基数,浮点数系基数=>浮動小数点基数
  16168. floating-point register ==> 浮動小数点レジスタ
  16169. floating-point representaion ==> 浮動小数点表示
  16170. floating-point representation ==> 浮点表示法
  16171. floating-point representation system ==> 浮動小数点表示法
  16172. floating-point routine ==> 浮点包,浮点程序
  16173. floating-point shift ==> 浮点移位
  16174. floating-point status vector (FSV) ==> 浮点状态向量
  16175. floating-point subroutine ==> 浮点子程序
  16176. floating-point system ==> 浮点系统,浮点制
  16177. floating-point transformation ==> 浮点转换
  16178. floating-point underflow ==> 浮点下溢
  16179. floating-potential ==> 漂移电位
  16180. floating-rate notes ==> 浮动利率票据
  16181. floating-rate system ==> 浮动率制度
  16182. floating-ring seal ==> 浮环密封
  16183. floating-ring shaft ==> 浮环套管
  16184. floating-sleeve bearing ==> 浮动衬套轴承
  16185. floating-test-car ==> 浮动试验车
  16186. floating-zone technique ==> 浮区法
  16187. floatless carburetor ==> 无浮子汽化器
  16188. floatless level control ==> 无浮子液面控制器
  16189. floatoblast ==> 浮芽
  16190. floattype flowmeter ==> 浮子式流量计
  16191. floc formation ==> 絮凝物形成
  16192. floc point ==> 絮凝点
  16193. floc test ==> 絮凝试验,凝絮试验
  16194. floc-forming chemical reagent ==> 絮凝剂
  16195. flocculated colloid ==> 絮凝胶体
  16196. flocculated sludge ==> 絮凝渣
  16197. flocculated structure ==> 絮凝结构
  16198. flocculating agent ==> 絮化剂,絮凝剂,凝聚剂
  16199. flocculating antibody ==> 絮状反应抗体
  16200. flocculating chamber ==> 絮凝室
  16201. flocculating colloid ==> 絮凝胶体
  16202. flocculating constituent ==> 絮凝体
  16203. flocculating effect ==> 絮凝效应
  16204. flocculating settling ==> 絮凝沉降
  16205. flocculating unit (Lf) ==> 絮状沉淀单位
  16206. flocculation ==> 凝聚
  16207. flocculation accelerator ==> 絮凝促进剂
  16208. flocculation and turbidity reaction ==> 絮浊反应
  16209. flocculation basin ==> 絮凝池
  16210. flocculation factor ==> 絮凝因素
  16211. flocculation inhibition test ==> 絮状反应抑制试验,絮状抑制试验
  16212. flocculation limit ==> 絮凝极限
  16213. flocculation oil removing method ==> 絮凝脱油法
  16214. flocculation plant ==> 絮凝装置
  16215. flocculation point ==> 絮凝点
  16216. flocculation precipitation ==> 絮状沉淀反应
  16217. flocculation ratio ==> 絮凝比
  16218. flocculation reaction ==> 絮凝反应
  16219. flocculation test ==> 絮凝试验,絮状沉淀试验,絮状试验
  16220. flocculation value ==> 絮凝值
  16221. flocculation-floatation ==> 絮凝浮选法
  16222. flocculation-turbidity test ==> 絮浊试验
  16223. flocculent deposit ==> 絮凝状沉淀
  16224. flocculent sludge ==> 絮凝性污泥
  16225. flocculent structure ==> 絮状结构,毛絮构造
  16226. flocculent turbidity ==> 絮状混浊
  16227. flocculonodular lobes ==> 绒球小结叶
  16228. flock ==> 群れ,一団
  16229. flock binder ==> 植绒粘合剂
  16230. flock bond strength ==> 植绒粘合强力
  16231. flock book ==> 良种绵羊登记册
  16232. flock coating ==> 植绒涂层
  16233. flock dot ==> 植绒点子
  16234. flock finishing ==> 植绒整理
  16235. flock life of ewe ==> 母羊繁殖年限
  16236. flock mating ==> 群配
  16237. flock mattress ==> 毛屑床垫
  16238. flock of sheep ==> ヒツジの群れ
  16239. flock of swans ==> 白鳥の群れ
  16240. flock of visitors ==> 大勢の訪問者
  16241. flock owner ==> 养羊主
  16242. flock point ==> 絮化点
  16243. flock printed sheer ==> 植绒薄绸
  16244. flock printing ==> 植绒印花
  16245. flock ram ==> 一般公羊
  16246. flock test ==> 絮凝试验
  16247. flocked fabric ==> 植绒织物
  16248. flocked goods ==> 植绒织物
  16249. flocked yarn ==> 植绒纱
  16250. flocking machine ==> 植绒机
  16251. flocking process ==> 植绒法
  16252. flocks printed design ==> 静电植绒,静电植绒
  16253. Flodin process ==> 弗洛丁电炉炼钢法
  16254. floe belt ==> 浮冰带
  16255. floe berg ==> 浮冰堆
  16256. floe ice ==> 浮冰
  16257. flogging trauma ==> 杖伤(疮)
  16258. flong paper ==> 字板纸
  16259. flood ==> 洪水,泛射,满溢,淹,涨潮,水灾,高潮
  16260. flood absorption capacity ==> 洪水收容能力
  16261. flood amplitude ==> 洪水波幅,洪水幅度
  16262. flood axis ==> 洪水流向,洪水轴线,涨潮流轴
  16263. flood bank ==> 洪水河岸
  16264. flood basalt ==> 高原玄武岩
  16265. flood basin ==> 洪泛平原,洪泛区,泛洪区
  16266. flood benefit ==> 防洪受益
  16267. flood breadth of river ==> 洪水河面宽度
  16268. flood bridge ==> 洪水桥
  16269. flood by-pass ==> 分洪道
  16270. flood casting ==> 放浆浇注
  16271. flood channel ==> 洪水河槽,涨潮海峡
  16272. flood channel storage ==> 洪水河槽调蓄
  16273. flood characteristic curve ==> 洪水特性曲线
  16274. flood coefficient ==> 洪水系数
  16275. flood control ==> 洪水控制,防洪,防汛=>洪水調節,洪水制御
  16276. flood control [storage] capacity ==> 防洪库容,为了削减洪峰、防止下游洪水灾害而进行的水库径流调节称为防洪调节,其所需库容称为防洪库容,一般是指汛期坝前限制水位以上到设计洪水位之间的库容
  16277. flood control barrage ==> 防洪闸
  16278. flood control capacity ==> 防洪库容
  16279. flood control dam ==> 防洪坝
  16280. flood control during coustruction period ==> 施工期防汛,施工期间安全渡过汛期的防汛规划及其实施(防洪准备、工程保护和基坑渡汛)措施
  16281. flood control map ==> 防洪地图
  16282. flood control project ==> 防洪工程
  16283. flood control reservoir ==> 防洪水库
  16284. flood control sluice ==> 防洪闸
  16285. flood control storage ==> 防洪库容
  16286. flood control structure ==> 防洪建筑物
  16287. flood control works ==> 防洪工程
  16288. flood countermeasure ==> 洪水対策
  16289. flood coverage ==> 水驱面积
  16290. flood crest ==> 洪峰
  16291. flood current ==> 洪流,涨潮流
  16292. flood dam ==> 防洪拦坝,蓄洪坝
  16293. flood damage ==> 洪水损失,洪灾
  16294. flood detention area ==> 滞洪区
  16295. flood detention dam ==> 拦洪坝
  16296. flood disaster ==> 洪灾
  16297. flood discharge ==> 洪水量,洪水流量
  16298. flood discharge forecast ==> 洪水流量预报
  16299. flood discharge gate ==> 泄洪闸门,用以宣泄洪水并调节控制水库水位的工作闸门
  16300. flood distribution ==> 洪水分布
  16301. flood diversion ==> 分洪
  16302. flood diversion area ==> 分洪区
  16303. flood diversion area management ==> 分洪区管理
  16304. flood diversion basin ==> 分洪区
  16305. flood diversion channel ==> 分洪渠
  16306. flood diversion project ==> 分洪工程
  16307. flood diversion region ==> 分洪区
  16308. flood diversion sluice ==> 分洪闸,建于河道一侧蓄洪区或分洪道的首部,分泄河道洪水的闸
  16309. flood diversion works ==> 分洪工程
  16310. flood duration ==> 洪水历时
  16311. flood erosion ==> 洪水冲刷,洪水侵蚀
  16312. flood estimation ==> 洪水估算
  16313. flood event ==> 洪水事件
  16314. flood exposure ==> 整片曝光
  16315. flood fencing ==> 挡洪栅
  16316. flood fever ==> 洪水热
  16317. flood flow ==> 洪流,洪水径流,洪水流量
  16318. flood flow formula ==> 洪流计算公式
  16319. flood forecast ==> 洪水预报
  16320. flood forecast service ==> 洪水预报机构
  16321. flood forecast system ==> 洪水预报系统
  16322. flood formula ==> 洪水计算公式
  16323. flood frequency ==> 洪水频率
  16324. flood frequency curve ==> 洪水频率曲线
  16325. flood gate ==> 潮门
  16326. flood gun ==> 浸没电子枪
  16327. flood hazard ==> 洪水险情
  16328. flood hydrograph ==> 洪水过程线
  16329. flood icing ==> 冰泉
  16330. flood information ==> 洪水报导,洪讯
  16331. flood insurance ==> 水灾保险
  16332. flood intensity ==> 洪水强度
  16333. flood inundation period ==> 洪水淹没期
  16334. flood investigation ==> 洪水调查
  16335. flood irrigation ==> 慢灌,漫灌
  16336. flood land ==> 漫滩,漫滩池,河漫滩地,河滩地,洪泛地
  16337. flood level ==> 洪水位,溢流水位
  16338. flood level mark ==> 洪水痕迹
  16339. flood lighting ==> 探照照明
  16340. flood line ==> 高潮线
  16341. flood loss rate ==> 洪水损失率
  16342. flood losses ==> 洪水损失
  16343. flood lubrication ==> 油沉润滑,浸入润滑
  16344. flood mark ==> 涨潮标志,洪水标记
  16345. flood pattern ==> 注水系统
  16346. flood peak ==> 洪峰
  16347. flood peak forecast ==> 洪峰预报
  16348. flood peak profile ==> 洪峰纵剖面
  16349. flood peak reduction ==> 洪峰消减
  16350. flood period ==> 洪水期
  16351. flood periphery ==> 洪水边缘
  16352. flood plain ==> 河漫滩,河滩,洪泛地,洪泛平原,洪泛区,泛滥平原,漫滩,漫滩池
  16353. flood plain area ==> 泛滥平原地区
  16354. flood plain bench ==> 漫滩阶地
  16355. flood plain deposit ==> 泛滥平原沉积,洪泛平原淤积土
  16356. flood plain discharge ==> 洪泛平原流量
  16357. flood plain lobe ==> 洪泛蛇曲带
  16358. flood plain marsh ==> 洪泛平原沼地
  16359. flood plain regulation ==> 河漫滩整理,洪泛平原整治
  16360. flood plain terrace ==> 洪泛平原阶地,漫滩阶地
  16361. flood plain type ==> (指水库型式)漫滩式
  16362. flood plain zoning ==> 洪泛区分区
  16363. flood plane ==> 洪水水面
  16364. flood pool ==> 防洪水库
  16365. flood pot test ==> 水驱油实验
  16366. flood prediction ==> 洪水预报
  16367. flood prevention ==> 防洪,防洪工作,防汛
  16368. flood prevention dam ==> 防洪坝
  16369. flood prevention measure ==> 防洪措施
  16370. flood probability ==> 洪水机率
  16371. flood projection ==> 泛光投射
  16372. flood protection ==> 防洪,防洪工作=>水防
  16373. flood protection dike ==> 防洪堤
  16374. flood protection dyke ==> 防洪堤
  16375. flood protection embankment ==> 防洪堤
  16376. flood protection levee ==> 防洪堤
  16377. flood protection measure ==> 防洪措施
  16378. flood protection scheme ==> 防洪计划
  16379. flood protection works ==> 防洪工程
  16380. flood pump ==> 溢流泵,疏水泵
  16381. flood pumping station ==> 抽洪站
  16382. flood recession ==> 洪水退落
  16383. flood record ==> 洪水记录
  16384. flood regime ==> 洪水情况
  16385. flood regulation ==> 洪水调节,简称"调洪"
  16386. flood resistant ==> 耐涝的
  16387. flood restricted [water] level ==> 防洪限制水位,汛期为下游防洪及水库安全预留调洪库容而设置的汛期限制水位
  16388. flood retarding basin ==> 滞洪区
  16389. flood retarding project ==> 拦河工程
  16390. flood retention work ==> 蓄洪工程
  16391. flood rise ==> 洪水上涨
  16392. flood routing ==> 洪水演算
  16393. flood routing process ==> 洪水演算法
  16394. flood runoff ==> 洪水径流
  16395. flood season ==> 洪水季节
  16396. flood season-dry season price ==> 丰枯电价,丰枯电价是一种最常见的季节电价,是指在丰水和枯水季节分别按照不同的电价水平计费的电价
  16397. flood seasonal distribution ==> 洪水季节分布
  16398. flood section ==> 洪水断面
  16399. flood series ==> 洪水系列
  16400. flood slack ==> 高平潮,平潮
  16401. flood spreading ==> 洪水散布
  16402. flood stage ==> 洪水位,危险水位
  16403. flood stage forecast ==> 洪水水位预报
  16404. flood storage ==> 防洪库容,畜洪
  16405. flood storage capacity ==> 防洪排涝的能力
  16406. flood storage pond ==> 蓄洪池
  16407. flood storage project ==> 蓄洪工程
  16408. flood stream ==> 洪水河流,涨潮流
  16409. flood strength ==> 涨潮流速
  16410. flood stricken area ==> 洪泛区
  16411. flood subsidence ==> 洪水消退
  16412. flood surcharge ==> 洪水超高
  16413. flood surge ==> 洪水涌浪
  16414. flood survey ==> 洪水调查
  16415. flood synchronization ==> 洪水同步
  16416. flood synthesis ==> 洪水组合
  16417. flood tide ==> 涨潮
  16418. flood tide depression ==> 涨潮低降
  16419. flood tide gate ==> 涨潮闸门
  16420. flood trash ==> 流失木
  16421. flood tuff ==> 熔结凝灰岩
  16422. flood velocity ==> 洪流速度,洪水流速
  16423. flood volume ==> 洪量,洪水量,洪水体积,洪水总量
  16424. flood wall ==> 防洪墙,防洪石堤
  16425. flood warning ==> 洪水警报
  16426. flood warning service ==> 洪水报警机关,防汛机构
  16427. flood water pumping system ==> 洪泛抽水系统
  16428. flood water zone ==> 洪泛区
  16429. flood wave ==> 洪水波
  16430. flood wave recession ==> 洪水波消退
  16431. flood wave subsidence ==> 洪水波消退
  16432. flood wave transformation ==> 洪水波变形
  16433. flood wave velocity ==> 洪水波速度
  16434. Flood's equation ==> 弗勒德方程
  16435. flood-crest stage ==> 洪峰水位
  16436. flood-crest travel ==> 洪峰行径,峰顶行进
  16437. flood-depth of river ==> 河流的洪水深度
  16438. flood-diversion sluice ==> 分洪闸
  16439. flood-frequency relationship ==> 洪水频率关系
  16440. flood-level rim ==> 溢流边缘
  16441. flood-light (projection light) ==> 投光灯
  16442. flood-lubricated bearing ==> 液体滑润轴承,浸油润滑轴承
  16443. flood-out pattern ==> 清扫图形
  16444. flood-peak stage ==> 洪峰水位
  16445. flood-proof electrical equipment ==> 防溅式电气设备,防浸式电气设备
  16446. flood-source area ==> 成洪地区
  16447. floodable length ==> 可浸长度
  16448. floodby-pass ==> 分洪道
  16449. flooded area ==> 泛滥区,洪泛面积,洪泛区
  16450. flooded cooler ==> 满溢式冷却器
  16451. flooded ice ==> 覆水冰
  16452. flooded lubrication ==> 溢流润滑
  16453. flooded soils ==> 淹水土壤
  16454. flooded system ==> 充溢系统
  16455. flooding ==> 泛滥,血崩,人工水驱,满屏幕,溢流,溢流阀,注水,浸水=>フラッディング
  16456. flooding agent ==> 溢流剂
  16457. flooding cock ==> 溢流旋塞
  16458. flooding damage ==> 水涝害
  16459. flooding from contour ditch ==> 等高沟淹灌
  16460. flooding ice ==> 冰泉
  16461. flooding injury ==> 水涝害
  16462. flooding irrigation ==> 溢流灌溉,洪水灌溉
  16463. flooding irrigation method ==> 漫灌法
  16464. flooding method ==> 浮动方法
  16465. flooding nozzle ==> 冲洗喷嘴
  16466. flooding pipe ==> 溢流管
  16467. flooding plug ==> 溢流塞
  16468. flooding point ==> 溢流点,液泛点
  16469. flooding rate ==> 溢流速度
  16470. flooding routing ==> 扩散式路径选择网
  16471. flooding system lubrication ==> 溢流润滑,浸油润滑
  16472. flooding velocity ==> 溢流速度,液泛速度
  16473. flooding well ==> 注水井
  16474. floodlight ==> 投光器
  16475. floodlighting ==> 投光照明
  16476. floodway channel ==> 分洪河槽
  16477. floolower ring ==> 附环
  16478. floor ==> 底,底,底盘,地板,地板矿,船底肋板,交货场地,平台,楼,楼层,楼面,环形山底
  16479. floor area ==> 楼层面积,占地面积
  16480. floor audit ==> 基层审计
  16481. floor batten ==> 木楼板龙骨
  16482. floor beam ==> 楼板梁
  16483. floor block ==> 地板预制块
  16484. floor board ==> 台面厚木板
  16485. floor boarding ==> 地板
  16486. floor box ==> 地板插座,地面出线盒=>床コンセント
  16487. floor brick ==> 地面砖,铺地建筑砖
  16488. floor broker ==> 现场经纪
  16489. floor brooding ==> 地面育雏
  16490. floor brush ==> 地板刷
  16491. floor buffer ==> 楼板减振垫
  16492. floor buffer system ==> 楼板减振垫做法
  16493. floor burst ==> 底板突出
  16494. floor carpet ==> 地板护面
  16495. floor charging machine ==> 地行式装料机
  16496. floor clamp ==> 紧板铁马
  16497. floor cleaner ==> 地板清洁剂
  16498. floor clip flooring clip ==> 木楼板龙骨夹
  16499. floor clock ==> 落地钟
  16500. floor closer ==> 地弹簧
  16501. floor cloth ==> 地板布
  16502. floor clown-to-ground openwork screen ==> 落地钟
  16503. floor coating ==> 地面涂料
  16504. floor coefficient ==> 平面系数
  16505. floor construction ==> 地板构造,楼盖构造
  16506. floor contact ==> 分层触点,地板触点,平台触点
  16507. floor contamination indicator ==> 地面污染指示器
  16508. floor contamination meter ==> 地面污染计
  16509. floor conveyer ==> 地面输送带
  16510. floor covering ==> 楼板面层
  16511. floor crack ==> 底板裂隙
  16512. floor cramp ==> 紧板铁马
  16513. floor cut ==> 掏底
  16514. floor damp proofing ==> 地面防潮
  16515. floor damp-proof course ==> 地面防潮层
  16516. floor dog ==> 紧板铁马
  16517. floor drain ==> 地漏,地面排水管
  16518. floor drier ==> 底部通风式干燥器
  16519. floor duct ==> フロアダクト
  16520. floor egg ==> 窝外蛋
  16521. floor elevation ==> 底板高程
  16522. floor engine ==> 扁平型发动机
  16523. floor expansion joint ==> 楼板伸缩缝
  16524. floor fan ==> 落地扇
  16525. floor fan without timer ==> 不定时落地扇
  16526. floor finish ==> 楼地面装修
  16527. floor frame ==> 底板边梁
  16528. floor framing ==> 楼板构造,楼板骨架,楼盖构造
  16529. floor framing system ==> 楼盖构造体系
  16530. floor function ==> 地板函数
  16531. floor furnace ==> 地下热风炉
  16532. floor glue ==> 地板胶
  16533. floor grille ==> 地面回风口
  16534. floor grinder ==> 地板磨光机,固定式砂轮机
  16535. floor guide ==> 地板导槽,地板中的拉门导槽,楼面导轨
  16536. floor hardener ==> 铁屑
  16537. floor heating ==> 楼板暖气
  16538. floor heating system ==> 地板采暖系统
  16539. floor heave ==> 底板隆起
  16540. floor inspection ==> 就地检验,就地检验,现场检验
  16541. floor iron ==> 底铁
  16542. floor joist ==> 楼板搁棚,楼地板搁栅,木楼板龙骨
  16543. floor lamp ==> 落地灯,落地台灯,立灯=>フロアスタンド
  16544. floor level ==> 地板平面,地面高度,楼板平面,室内地面平面
  16545. floor lift ==> 底板隆起
  16546. floor light ==> 地板窗,辅助照明,楼板采光,楼面采光口
  16547. floor line ==> 楼地板线,地面标线,(楼层线)楼面线
  16548. floor load ==> 楼面荷载
  16549. floor mat ==> 草地席
  16550. floor mold ==> 地面造型
  16551. floor molder ==> 大件造型工
  16552. floor monitor ==> 地板放射性监测器
  16553. floor mould ==> 地铸模
  16554. floor moulding ==> 地面造型
  16555. floor nail ==> 地板钉
  16556. floor of nose ==> 鼻底
  16557. floor of wound ==> 创底
  16558. floor outlet ==> 地面出口,地面出线口
  16559. floor pack ==> 底板分块
  16560. floor paint ==> 地板漆
  16561. floor pattern magneto telephone switchboard ==> 磁石落地式电话交换机
  16562. floor pedestal ==> 落地式轴承架
  16563. floor plan ==> 楼层平面图,地面标高图,平面布置图
  16564. floor planning ==> 元件平面布置
  16565. floor plate ==> 铺板,底板,楼面板,波纹板,基础板
  16566. floor plug ==> 地面插座
  16567. floor polish ==> 地板蜡=>床磨き剤
  16568. floor polisher ==> 地板打蜡器
  16569. floor polishing ==> 楼地面上光
  16570. floor pressure arch ==> 底板压力拱
  16571. floor price ==> 底价,最低(出口)价格,最低价,最低限价
  16572. floor push ==> 踏みボタン
  16573. floor quarry ==> 铺地砖
  16574. floor rammer ==> 地面夯实机
  16575. floor rearing ==> 平饲法
  16576. floor receptacle ==> 地面插座
  16577. floor receptacle outlet ==> 地面插座出线口
  16578. floor reel ==> 地上卷取机
  16579. floor register ==> 地面出风口
  16580. floor relay ==> 底层继电器,分层继电器
  16581. floor response spectra ==> 楼层响应谱,又称“楼层反应谱”。建筑物各楼层对于特定地震的震动频率的响应曲线。通常取为具有不同自振频率的单自由度系统的最大响应的包络线,可作为座落在各层楼板上的设备和管道抗震分析的地震震动输入
  16582. floor rib ==> 楼板肋
  16583. floor rug ==> 地毯
  16584. floor sand ==> 底砂,背砂,填砂
  16585. floor sander-polisher ==> 地板打磨器
  16586. floor sanding paper ==> 粘砂刚纸
  16587. floor screen ==> 水筛炉底,炉底水帘管
  16588. floor sheet ==> 踏板
  16589. floor shift ==> 落地式变速操纵杆
  16590. floor sill ==> 木底座
  16591. floor slab ==> 底板,楼板
  16592. floor sleeve ==> 楼板套管
  16593. floor socket outlet ==> 地面插座
  16594. floor space ==> 底面积,居室面积,居住面积,占地面积,楼层面积=>床面積,建坪
  16595. floor space under construction ==> 施工面积
  16596. floor special purpose receptacle ==> 地面专用插座
  16597. floor spring ==> 地弹簧
  16598. floor stand ==> 地轴架,落地支架
  16599. floor stand grinder ==> 台式砂轮机
  16600. floor stop ==> 地面门碰头
  16601. floor strip ==> 底板压条
  16602. floor strutting ==> 木楼板搁栅撑
  16603. floor swab ==> 起模用毛笔
  16604. floor sweeper ==> 地面扫除器
  16605. floor switch ==> 平台开关,层位开头
  16606. floor system ==> 楼面系统
  16607. floor telephone outlet ==> 地面电话出线口
  16608. floor thrust ==> (底冲断层)底板逆冲断层
  16609. floor tile ==> 地板砖,地面砖,铺地砖
  16610. floor tile production line ==> 地板砖生产线
  16611. floor time ==> 停机时间
  16612. floor to floor time ==> 时间间断
  16613. floor topping ==> 楼板面层
  16614. floor trader ==> 现场客,(美)经纪人,经纪人
  16615. floor tube ==> 炉底管
  16616. floor tunnel ==> 地板通道
  16617. floor type ==> 地面种类
  16618. floor type borer ==> 落地式镗床,落地镗床
  16619. floor type boring machine ==> 落地式镗床,落地镗床
  16620. floor type carryall ==> 地行式铲运机
  16621. floor type furnace charger ==> 地面炉料加料机
  16622. floor type grinding wheel ==> 落地砂轮机
  16623. floor type heater ==> 地下热风炉
  16624. floor type sensitive drill press ==> 落地式灵敏钻床
  16625. floor type switchboard ==> 固定式交换机
  16626. floor value ==> 最低限额价值
  16627. floor varnish ==> 地板清漆
  16628. floor wax ==> 地板蜡
  16629. floor-area ratio (F.A.R.) ==> 建筑面积比
  16630. floor-board ==> 铺板
  16631. floor-flush tow conveyer ==> 沉轨牵引式输送机
  16632. floor-framing plan ==> 楼板结构平面图
  16633. floor-hopper truck ==> 底卸式自卸汽车
  16634. floor-space index (F.S.I.) ==> 建筑面积指标
  16635. floor-to-ceiling dimension ==> 楼面至顶棚尺寸
  16636. floor-to-ceiling height ==> 楼面至顶棚高度
  16637. floor-to-floor dimension ==> 楼面至楼面尺寸
  16638. floor-to-floor height ==> 楼面至楼面高度
  16639. floor-to-roof dimension ==> 楼面至屋顶尺寸
  16640. floor-to-roof height ==> 楼面至屋顶高度
  16641. floored warehouse ==> 铺设地板的仓库
  16642. flooring ==> 地板材料,楼面材料,室内地面=>フローリング
  16643. flooring block ==> 铺地板块
  16644. flooring board ==> 铺板
  16645. flooring clip ==> 木楼板龙骨夹
  16646. flooring felt ==> 铺地用毯
  16647. flooring nail ==> 地板钉
  16648. flooring paper ==> 地毯用纸
  16649. flooring pattern ==> 楼地面图案
  16650. flooring radiant panel ==> 铺地辐射板
  16651. flooring slab ==> 地板板皮科
  16652. flop damper ==> 重力风门
  16653. flop gate ==> 自动放水闸门
  16654. flop-in method ==> 成长法,增加法
  16655. flop-over circuit ==> フロップオーバ回路
  16656. flopover circuit ==> 阴极耦合多谐振荡电路
  16657. floppy base ==> 软盘基
  16658. floppy bubble ==> 软磁泡
  16659. floppy disc ==> 软磁盘,软塑料磁盘
  16660. floppy disc cartridge ==> 软磁盘
  16661. floppy disc controllers ==> 软塑料磁盘控制器
  16662. floppy disc drive ==> 软磁盘驱动机构
  16663. floppy disc formatting ==> 软磁盘格式
  16664. floppy disc performance ==> 软磁盘性能
  16665. floppy disc prototype system ==> 软磁盘样机系统
  16666. floppy disc unit ==> 软盘装置
  16667. floppy discs ==> 软性磁盘
  16668. floppy disk ==> 软磁盘,软盘
  16669. floppy disk cartridge ==> 软塑料磁盒
  16670. floppy disk drive ==> 软磁盘机
  16671. floppy disk system ==> 软磁盘系统
  16672. FLOPS, FLoating-point Operations Per Second ==> 1秒間に浮動小数点演算を何回できるかという単位。
  16673. floptical drive ==> 光软盘驱动器
  16674. flor process ==> 花华法
  16675. flora ==> 植物相,フローラ
  16676. floral abortion ==> 花序败育率
  16677. floral anatomy ==> 花部解剖
  16678. floral apex ==> 花原端
  16679. floral axis ==> 花轴
  16680. floral border blanket ==> 花边毡
  16681. floral diagram ==> 花图
  16682. floral element ==> 植物群系成分
  16683. floral envelope ==> 花被
  16684. floral essence ==> 花中提取物
  16685. floral formula ==> 花列式
  16686. floral induction ==> 成花诱导
  16687. floral initiation ==> 花蕾形成
  16688. floral leaf ==> 花叶
  16689. floral mechanism ==> 花的机制
  16690. floral meristem ==> 花分生组织
  16691. floral nectary ==> 花蜜腺
  16692. floral organ ==> 花器
  16693. floral paint suede shoes ==> 描花麂皮皮鞋
  16694. floral perfume ==> 花香香精
  16695. floral province ==> 植物群区
  16696. floral shoot ==> 花柄
  16697. floral stage ==> 植物群阶
  16698. floral stimulant ==> 成花刺激
  16699. floral tube ==> 花管
  16700. floral whorl ==> 花轮
  16701. floral zone ==> 植物带,植物群带
  16702. Florence oil ==> 橄榄油
  16703. Florentine arch ==> 佛罗伦萨拱
  16704. Florentine blind ==> 弗洛伦廷式窗遮帘
  16705. Florentine mosaic work ==> 佛罗伦萨马赛克饰面
  16706. Florey unit ==> 弗洛里单位
  16707. floridean starch ==> 红藻淀粉,花淀粉
  16708. floriferous starch ==> 红藻淀粉
  16709. Florodor cloth ==> 棉毛平纹薄呢
  16710. Flos Albiziae ==> 合欢花
  16711. Flos Buddlejae ==> 蒙花珠,密蒙花
  16712. Flos Calendulae ==> 金盏花
  16713. Flos Carthami ==> (中药)红花
  16714. Flos Celosiae Cristatae ==> 鸡冠花
  16715. Flos Chrysanthemi ==> 菊花,菊花
  16716. Flos Chrysanthemi Indici ==> 野菊花
  16717. Flos Daturae ==> 洋金花
  16718. flos daturae preparations ==> 洋金花制剂
  16719. Flos Gossampini ==> 木棉花
  16720. Flos Hibisci ==> 木槿花
  16721. Flos Hibisci Mutabilis ==> (中药)芙蓉花
  16722. Flos Imperatae ==> 白茅花
  16723. flos longan ==> 龙眼花
  16724. flos lonicerae ==> 金银花
  16725. Flos Mume ==> 梅花
  16726. Flos Poprli ==> 杨树花
  16727. Flos Rosae Rugosae ==> 玫瑰花
  16728. Flos Sophorae ==> 槐花米
  16729. Flos Tiliae ==> 椴树花
  16730. floscelle ==> 花形口缘
  16731. Flosculariacea ==> 簇轮虫亚目
  16732. Flosculariidae ==> 簇轮虫科
  16733. flospinning ==> 离心成形(法)
  16734. floss ==> 浮渣,木棉
  16735. floss hole ==> 烟道孔
  16736. flossy cocoon ==> 绵茧
  16737. flotage ==> 浮遊
  16738. flotation ==> 漂浮,浮,浮集法,浮选
  16739. flotation agent ==> 浮选剂
  16740. flotation balance ==> 浮力秤
  16741. flotation cell ==> 浮选槽
  16742. flotation collar ==> 安全环状浮袋
  16743. flotation concentraction method ==> 漂浮浓聚法
  16744. flotation concentrate ==> 浮选精矿
  16745. flotation constant ==> 漂浮常数
  16746. flotation gear ==> 浮水装置,浮筒式起落架
  16747. flotation machine ==> 浮选机
  16748. flotation method ==> 漂浮浓集法,集卵法
  16749. flotation promoter ==> 促浮剂
  16750. flotation unit ==> 浮选装置
  16751. flotation wheel ==> 越野行走轮
  16752. flotsam and jetsam ==> 漂浮垃圾,海上垃圾
  16753. flour ==> 粉
  16754. flour all risks clause ==> 面粉全险条款
  16755. flour and rice ==> 细粮
  16756. flour bag ==> 面粉袋
  16757. flour bag cloth ==> 面粉袋布
  16758. flour blender ==> 面粉掺和机
  16759. flour blending machine ==> 面粉混合机
  16760. flour bolt ==> 面粉筛
  16761. flour corn ==> 粉质种玉米
  16762. flour dough ==> 面团
  16763. flour filler ==> 细填料
  16764. flour gold ==> 粉金
  16765. flour machine ==> 面粉机
  16766. flour mill ==> 面粉机,面粉磨,磨粉机,磨面机
  16767. flour milling machine ==> 磨粉机,磨面机
  16768. flour mite ==> 面虱
  16769. flour packer ==> 面粉装袋机
  16770. flour sack ==> 面粉袋
  16771. flour sack towel ==> 面粉袋布
  16772. flour sieve ==> 面粉筛
  16773. flour stranding machine ==> 面条机
  16774. flour yield ==> 出粉率
  16775. flourescent brightener ==> 荧光增白剂
  16776. flourescent dye ==> 荧光染料
  16777. flourescent lamp ==> 荧光灯
  16778. flourescent material ==> 荧光材料
  16779. flourescent screen ==> 荧光屏
  16780. flourish ==> 蔓叶花样,繁荣=>繁栄する,繁茂する
  16781. flourishing ==> 繁华=>繁茂する
  16782. flourishing economy ==> 经济繁荣
  16783. floury alumina ==> 面粉状氧化铝
  16784. floury potato ==> 粉质马铃薯
  16785. floury structure ==> 粉末状结构
  16786. floury texture ==> 粉末质地
  16787. flout ==> 軽蔑,嘲り
  16788. flout rules ==> ルールを軽視する
  16789. flout someone's order ==> 命令を無視する
  16790. flow ==> 塑变,流,流动,事务系列,变速流
  16791. flow analysis ==> 流分析
  16792. flow angle ==> 气流角
  16793. flow area ==> 流通面积,过水面积
  16794. flow around ==> 环流
  16795. flow around a body ==> 绕流
  16796. flow backwards ==> 倒流
  16797. flow balancing reservoir ==> 流量均衡水库
  16798. flow banding ==> 流纹带
  16799. flow bean ==> 自喷油嘴
  16800. flow bean choke ==> 自喷油嘴
  16801. flow behavio(u)r ==> 流动特性
  16802. flow block ==> 溢料口砖
  16803. flow bog ==> 浮沉泥炭沼泽
  16804. flow boiling ==> 流动沸腾,在流体流动系统内流道加热壁面产生蒸汽的现象
  16805. flow brazing ==> 铸钎焊,波峰钎焊
  16806. flow breccia ==> 流状角砾岩
  16807. flow brightening ==> 软钎焊涂层,软熔发亮处理
  16808. flow by gravity ==> 自然流动
  16809. flow by-pass ==> 旁流
  16810. flow calorimeter ==> 流量量热计
  16811. flow capacity ==> 排水能力,泄水能力
  16812. flow cast ==> 流铸型
  16813. flow cell ==> 流路池,流通池
  16814. flow channel ==> 液流通路,气流道,流道,冷却剂在其中流动的通道
  16815. flow characteristic ==> 量特性,流动特性
  16816. flow characteristics of powder ==> 粉末流动性
  16817. flow chart ==> 流程图表,程序方框图
  16818. flow chart of computation ==> 演算フローチャート
  16819. flow chart of data by simulation model ==> 模拟模型数据流程图
  16820. flow chart of evaluation of impact of UPFC on supply reliability ==> UPFCの供給信頼度へ与える影響の評価手法
  16821. flow charting ==> 流图编制,拟制流程图
  16822. flow chip ==> 带状切屑
  16823. flow circuit ==> 输油管网
  16824. flow cleavage ==> 流劈理
  16825. flow coat ==> 流涂,浇涂
  16826. flow coefficient ==> 量系数,流量系数,汽流通过叶栅时的实际流量与理论流量之比值
  16827. flow colorimeter ==> 流动式比色计,流量比色计
  16828. flow combine ==> 集流
  16829. flow comment ==> 流注释
  16830. flow concentration curve ==> 汇流曲线
  16831. flow conditioner[straightener] ==> 流动调整器[整直器]
  16832. flow continuity ==> 连续性流动
  16833. flow control ==> 流程控制,流控制,流量调节,流量控制,信息流控制=>フロー制御
  16834. flow control pump ==> 计量泵,可控流量泵
  16835. flow control switch ==> 流量调节开关
  16836. flow control valve ==> 流量调节阀,流量调节开关,流量控制阀
  16837. flow controller ==> 流量控制器
  16838. flow conveyer ==> 连续流输送机
  16839. flow corrector ==> 流量修正器
  16840. flow counter ==> 流通式计数器
  16841. flow curve ==> 流动曲线,流量曲线,速流曲线,气流曲线
  16842. flow cytometer ==> 流动血细胞计数器
  16843. flow deflector ==> 导流片
  16844. flow depth ==> 流深
  16845. flow diagram ==> 流程图,程序方框图=>流れ図,配管系統図
  16846. flow direction ==> 流程方向,流体流向,流向=>流れの向き
  16847. flow direction probe ==> 流向测量器
  16848. flow discharge detector ==> 辉光放电控制器
  16849. flow distributing and collecting valve ==> 分流集流阀
  16850. flow distribution plate ==> 分流板
  16851. flow distributor ==> 流动分布器,导流筒
  16852. flow divergence ==> 气流扩散
  16853. flow diverter ==> 偏流器
  16854. flow divider ==> 分流阀
  16855. flow dividing valve ==> 分流弁
  16856. flow elbow ==> 流量弯管
  16857. flow electrification ==> 流動帯電
  16858. flow equalization ==> 均流,均流
  16859. flow equalizer ==> 流量均衡器
  16860. flow equation ==> 流动方程
  16861. flow equilibrium ==> 流动平衡
  16862. flow erosion ==> 流动浸蚀
  16863. flow expansion ==> 气流膨胀
  16864. flow factor ==> 流量因数
  16865. flow fan ==> 风扇
  16866. flow feeder ==> 供液机
  16867. flow field ==> 流场=>流れ場
  16868. flow figure ==> 应变图
  16869. flow forming ==> 流动旋压,旋压成形法
  16870. flow gaging ==> 测流
  16871. flow gaging station ==> 测流站
  16872. flow gaging weir ==> 测流堰
  16873. flow gain ==> 量增益
  16874. flow gate ==> 内浇口
  16875. flow gauge ==> 测流规
  16876. flow gauge (FG) ==> 流量指示计
  16877. flow glass ==> 流动观察玻璃
  16878. flow graph ==> 流程图,流向图,信号流图
  16879. flow graph algorithm ==> 流图算法
  16880. flow graph reducibility ==> 流向图可约性
  16881. flow harden ==> 冷变形硬化
  16882. flow head ==> 自喷井口装置
  16883. flow in open air ==> 明流
  16884. flow in three dimensions ==> 三维流动
  16885. flow in vortex ==> 涡流
  16886. flow indicator ==> 流量指标,流量指示器,进料量指示器
  16887. flow inlet ==> 供浆管,供液口
  16888. flow instrument ==> 流量仪
  16889. flow into the market places ==> 进入消费领域
  16890. flow laver ==> 流层
  16891. flow limit ==> 流动屈服值
  16892. flow line ==> 流程图连线,流送管,流纹,流线,流向线,熔缝,晶粒滑移线,出油管线
  16893. flow line assembly ==> 廉线装配
  16894. flow line robot ==> 生产线椎机器人
  16895. flow lines ==> 变形流线
  16896. flow machine ==> 液流供料机
  16897. flow mark ==> 流痕,流纹,波纹,(铸造缺陷)皱皮
  16898. flow marks ==> 波流痕
  16899. flow mass ==> 质量流量
  16900. flow matrix ==> 流程矩阵
  16901. flow measurement ==> 流量测定,流量测量,测流
  16902. flow measurement calibration device ==> 流量测量校准装置
  16903. flow measurement device ==> 测流器
  16904. flow measurement during freezing ==> 冰期测流
  16905. flow measurement weir ==> 量水堰,设在明槽中量测流量的溢流堰
  16906. flow measuring device ==> 流量测量装置,测流设备
  16907. flow measuring flume ==> 测流水槽
  16908. flow measuring probe ==> 流量测量器
  16909. flow measuring structure ==> 测流建筑物
  16910. flow measuring unit ==> 流量测量器
  16911. flow measuring weir ==> 测流堰
  16912. flow meter ==> 流量计=>流量計,フローメーター
  16913. flow method ==> 流动法,流水作业法=>フロー法
  16914. flow microfluorometer (FMF) ==> 流动显微荧光计
  16915. flow mixer ==> 连续混砂机,流动混合器,流体混合器
  16916. flow molding ==> 传道模压法
  16917. flow net ==> 流网
  16918. flow network ==> 流动网络
  16919. flow noise in ducts[or pipings] ==> 管道噪声,管道运行时因振动、内部介质流动摩擦、碰撞和扰动发生的噪声
  16920. flow nozzle ==> 流量测量喷嘴,流量喷嘴,测流嘴
  16921. flow of control ==> 控制流向,控制权流向
  16922. flow of electrons ==> 电子流
  16923. flow of event ==> 事件流
  16924. flow of fund ==> 基金流量
  16925. flow of gum ==> 流胶病
  16926. flow of metal ==> 金属变形,金属流纹
  16927. flow of personnel ==> 人才流动
  16928. flow of sap ==> 液流
  16929. flow of services ==> 服务流量
  16930. flow of solid matter ==> 固体流动
  16931. flow of the ocean ==> 海流
  16932. flow of the slag ==> 熔渣流动性
  16933. flow of work ==> 工作流程
  16934. flow outlet ==> 流出
  16935. flow over ==> 横流
  16936. flow over a body ==> 绕流
  16937. flow partly full ==> 半满流
  16938. flow passage ==> 流道
  16939. flow passage of steam turbine ==> 汽轮机通流部分,汽轮机本体中做功汽流的通道,主要由进汽机构、各级通流部分叶栅及排汽缸三大部分组成
  16940. flow passage thermodynamic calculation ==> 通流部分热力计算,为了保证能量转换过程的高效率,对汽轮机通流部分气动、热力特性进行的设计计算
  16941. flow path ==> 流动道,流迹
  16942. flow pattern ==> 流态,流线谱,流型,气流模式=>フローパターン
  16943. flow pipe ==> 送水管,流管,循溢水管,分配管
  16944. flow plan ==> 输送线路图
  16945. flow plane ==> 流动平面
  16946. flow plug ==> 自喷油嘴
  16947. flow point ==> 流点
  16948. flow pressure drop ==> 流动压降,冷却剂流过通道的压力损失
  16949. flow process ==> 流水作业,滴料供料法
  16950. flow process chart ==> 工艺过程卡片,流程程序图,流程图,流动程序图,流转过程图,加工流程图
  16951. flow process diagram ==> 流程图,过程流程图
  16952. flow process line ==> 流水生产线
  16953. flow process of authority and responsibility ==> 权责流动过程
  16954. flow process of construction ==> 流水作业施工
  16955. flow production ==> 流水作业的大量生产
  16956. flow production line ==> 流水生产线
  16957. flow profile ==> 流动剖面
  16958. flow programmer panel ==> 程序变流盘
  16959. flow programming ==> 程序变流
  16960. flow pulsation ==> 流量脉动
  16961. flow quality ==> 流动特性,气流品质
  16962. flow rate ==> 量,流量.流动速率,流率,流速=>出水率,流量,流速,流動速度
  16963. flow rate controller ==> 流量制御系
  16964. flow rate meter ==> 流速计
  16965. flow rate of mobile phase ==> 流动相流速
  16966. flow rate range ==> 流量范围
  16967. flow rate sensor ==> 流量センサ
  16968. flow ratio controller ==> 流量比率控制器
  16969. flow reactor ==> 连续反应器,连续式反应器
  16970. flow recession curve ==> 亏水曲线
  16971. flow regime ==> 水流动态,水流体系,流态
  16972. flow regulating ==> 流量调节
  16973. flow regulating valve ==> 调节流阀,节流阀
  16974. flow regulation ==> 径流调节,径流调节
  16975. flow regulator ==> 量调节器
  16976. flow relay ==> 流通继电器=>流れ継電器
  16977. flow resistance ==> 流阻,粘性,抗流动
  16978. flow resistance in downcomer ==> 下降管流动阻力,在锅炉额定出力时,下降管内水的流动阻力。
  16979. flow restrictor ==> 限流器,设置于管道可能破口的上游以便一旦发生破裂时限制流体流失速率的装置
  16980. flow rock ==> 流岩
  16981. flow roll ==> 流滚
  16982. flow route ==> 流通路线
  16983. flow routes of the meridians ==> 经络线,经络线
  16984. flow scheme ==> 工艺流程图
  16985. flow section ==> 流动截面积
  16986. flow sensor ==> 流量传感器=>流速センサ
  16987. flow separation ==> 流动分离,水流分离,边界层分离
  16988. flow separator ==> 气流分离器
  16989. flow sheet ==> 程序框图,工艺流程图,工艺系统图,流程表,流程图,生产程序图
  16990. flow sheetwash ==> 片流
  16991. flow sight ==> 液流目视器=>フローサイト
  16992. flow sihnal ==> 流量信号
  16993. flow snubber ==> 限流器
  16994. flow solder method ==> 滚动焊剂法
  16995. flow soldering ==> 流体焊接,波峰钎焊,射流焊接
  16996. flow specification ==> 流说明,处理过程明细
  16997. flow speed ==> 流れ速度
  16998. flow speed controller ==> 流速控制器
  16999. flow stabilizer ==> 流量稳定器
  17000. flow straightener ==> 整流器
  17001. flow stress ==> 流动应力
  17002. flow string ==> 采油管,采油管柱
  17003. flow structure ==> 流动构造
  17004. flow summarizer ==> 流量累积器
  17005. flow surface ==> 过水面
  17006. flow survey ==> 流动测量
  17007. flow switch ==> 流量开关,气流换向器=>フロースイッチ,流れスイッチ
  17008. flow system ==> 流动系统,流水作业方式
  17009. flow table ==> 流程表,流水槽
  17010. flow tank ==> 沉淀池,沉降箱
  17011. flow temperature ==> 流量温度,流动温度,在灰熔融性测定中,灰锥熔化展开成高度小于1.5mm的薄层时的温度
  17012. flow test ==> 倾动试验,流量试验,流通试验=>フロー試験
  17013. flow texture ==> 流状结构
  17014. flow theory ==> 另论
  17015. flow to close ==> 流关
  17016. flow to open ==> 流开
  17017. flow tracer ==> 信息流跟踪程序
  17018. flow tracer routine ==> 追踪程序
  17019. flow tracing ==> 流量示踪
  17020. flow transducer[sensor] ==> 流量传感器
  17021. flow transition ==> 明满过渡流
  17022. flow transmitter ==> 流量传送仪
  17023. flow tube ==> 流管
  17024. flow turning ==> 变薄旋压
  17025. flow uniformity ==> 流动均匀性
  17026. flow value ==> 流量
  17027. flow valve ==> 流量开关
  17028. flow variable ==> 流量变量
  17029. flow velocity ==> 怜速度
  17030. flow viscometer ==> 流量式粘度计
  17031. flow viscosimeter ==> 流量式粘度计
  17032. flow visualization ==> 流场显示,流动显示=>流れの可視化
  17033. flow welding ==> 流注焊接,浇焊
  17034. flow-and-plunge structure ==> 流状倾状构造
  17035. flow-brightening process ==> 流动光亮法
  17036. flow-chart graph ==> 框图形成的图
  17037. flow-chart program scheme ==> 框图型程序模式
  17038. flow-controlling gate ==> 节流阀
  17039. flow-distributing synchronous valve ==> 分流同步阀
  17040. flow-field measurement ==> 流れ場測定
  17041. flow-field simulation ==> 流れ場シミュレーション
  17042. flow-friction characteristics ==> 流动摩擦特性
  17043. flow-induced vibration,FIV ==> 流致振动,浸没于流体之中或包容流体的结构部件的表面被流体流动产生的交替变化激振力所诱发的结构振动
  17044. flow-limiting nozzle ==> 限流嘴
  17045. flow-limiting passage ==> 限流通路
  17046. flow-line ==> 流程线
  17047. flow-line pressure ==> 流管压力
  17048. flow-line production ==> 流水作业
  17049. flow-measuring flume ==> 测流槽
  17050. flow-nozzle meter ==> 管嘴流量计
  17051. flow-of-fund analysis ==> 资金流量分析
  17052. flow-off ==> 溢流,溢流口
  17053. flow-out ==> 外流
  17054. flow-pressure diagram ==> 流量压力曲线
  17055. flow-rate ==> 同上
  17056. flow-rate fluctuation ==> 流量起伏
  17057. flow-rate impulse ==> 流速脉冲,调整流量脉冲
  17058. flow-rate measurement ==> 流率测量
  17059. flow-sensing unit ==> 流动传感器
  17060. flow-structure ==> 流状构造
  17061. flow-table test ==> 稠度台试验
  17062. flow-through accounting ==> 实缴税收会计核算
  17063. flow-through colo(u)rimeter ==> 流通式比色计
  17064. flow-through detector ==> 直通型检测器
  17065. flow-through method ==> 跨期所得税当期计纳法
  17066. flow-type 2π counter ==> 流气式2π计数管
  17067. flow-type gas laser ==> 流动气体激光器
  17068. flow-up control ==> 追従制御
  17069. flowability ==> 流动性
  17070. flowable formulation ==> 流动剂
  17071. flowage differentiation ==> 流动分异(作用)
  17072. flowage line ==> 流边线
  17073. flowchart ==> 作业图=>流れ図,フローチャート
  17074. flowchart connector ==> 流程图连接符
  17075. flowchart convention ==> 流程图规则,流程图约定
  17076. flowchart package ==> 流程图部件
  17077. flowchart program ==> 流程图程序
  17078. flowchart schema ==> 流程图模式,框图模式
  17079. flowchart symbol ==> 程序框图符号,流程图符号,流程图图符=>流れ図記号
  17080. flowchart technique ==> 流程图技术
  17081. flowchart template ==> 流程图模板
  17082. flowed equation ==> 流动方程
  17083. flower ==> 花,排版花饰=>フラワー
  17084. flower abscission ==> 花蕾脱落
  17085. flower beetle ==> 花金龟子
  17086. flower bud ==> 花骨朵,花蕾,花芽
  17087. flower bud falling ==> 落蕾
  17088. flower bud of Japanese apricot ==> 绿梅花
  17089. flower characters ==> 面粉品质
  17090. flower color gene ==> 花色基因
  17091. flower culture ==> 花卉栽培
  17092. flower disc ==> 花盘
  17093. flower drop ==> 落花
  17094. flower forcing ==> 催花
  17095. flower garden ==> 花圃,庭园=>フラワーガーデン
  17096. flower insecticide ==> 花药
  17097. flower leaf ==> 花叶
  17098. flower model ==> 花状模型
  17099. flower of a fruit-bearing plant ==> 一种结果作物的花
  17100. flower of Chinese scholartree ==> 槐花
  17101. flower of enphoria longan ==> 龙眼花
  17102. flower of euphoria longan ==> 龙眼花
  17103. flower of Japanese honey suckle ==> 金银花
  17104. flower of kudzuvine ==> (中药)葛花
  17105. flower of silktree ==> 合欢花
  17106. flower of silktree albizzia ==> (中药)合欢花
  17107. flower of sulphur ==> 硫华
  17108. flower of zinc ==> 锌华
  17109. flower part ==> 花器部分
  17110. flower peduncle ==> 花梗
  17111. flower pekoe ==> 白毫
  17112. flower pot ==> 喇叭皮带线盆,大海棠盆
  17113. flower pot bell shape ==> 复线金钟盆
  17114. flower pot for narcissus ==> 长方水仙盆
  17115. flower primordium ==> 花原基
  17116. flower production ==> 花卉生产
  17117. flower receptacle with several mouths ==> 多嘴花囊
  17118. flower retrieval ==> 植物検索
  17119. flower seedling infection ==> 花器种苗侵染
  17120. flower shelf ==> 花架
  17121. flower stalk ==> 花茎
  17122. flower thinning ==> 疏花
  17123. flower thrips ==> 花蓟马
  17124. flower type contraceptive ring ==> 节育花
  17125. flower whorl ==> 轮生花
  17126. flower with calyx removed ==> 除去花萼的花
  17127. flower-brick ==> 插花方砖
  17128. flower-spray endings ==> 花枝状终末
  17129. flowering branch ==> 花枝
  17130. flowering crab apple ==> 海棠果
  17131. flowering hormone ==> 催花激素
  17132. flowering of cereal crops ==> 扬花
  17133. flowering plants ==> 有花植物
  17134. flowering quince ==> 木瓜=>ボケ,カラボケ
  17135. flowering stage ==> 扬花阶段
  17136. flowering tree ==> 观花树木
  17137. flowering wood ==> 花枝
  17138. Flowers ==> 花卉
  17139. flowers and plants ==> 花卉
  17140. flowers of flax plant ==> 亚麻植株的花
  17141. flowery odour ==> 花香
  17142. flowgate ==> 电力系统联络线=>A flowgate is a single or group of transmission elements intended to model MW flow impact relating to transmission limitations and transmission service usage.
  17143. flowguide ==> 导流板
  17144. flowing copper vapor laser ==> 流动铜蒸气激光器
  17145. flowing end ==> 取料端
  17146. flowing full ==> 满流
  17147. flowing furnace ==> 熔化炉
  17148. flowing gas casting ==> 气流浇铸
  17149. flowing gas CO2 laser ==> 流动二氧化碳激光器
  17150. flowing gas laser ==> 气流激光器
  17151. flowing gene ==> 流动基因
  17152. flowing line ==> 排水管线
  17153. flowing power ==> 流动性
  17154. flowing pressure ==> 流动压力,动水压力
  17155. flowing property ==> 流动性
  17156. flowing space ==> 流动空间
  17157. flowing surface water ==> 地表迳流
  17158. flowing tracery ==> 曲线窗花格
  17159. flowing water ==> 活水
  17160. flowing well ==> 自流井,自喷井
  17161. flowing-film concentration ==> 层流薄膜选矿法
  17162. flowing-pressure gradient ==> 液压梯度
  17163. flowing-temperature factor ==> 流动温度因数
  17164. flowing-through pipe ==> 通气管
  17165. flowline ==> 流れ線
  17166. flowmeter ==> 流量计,量计=>流量計
  17167. Floyd's method ==> フロイドの方法
  17168. FLSC, flexible linear shaped charge ==> 可撓式V形成形爆破線
  17169. FLT, filter ==> フィルター
  17170. FLT, flight ==> 飛行
  17171. FLT/HDWE, flight hardware ==> 飛行ハードウエア
  17172. fluctrating electric field ==> 起伏电场
  17173. fluctuating ==> 起伏
  17174. fluctuating acceleration ==> 变加速度
  17175. fluctuating component ==> 起伏成分
  17176. fluctuating current ==> 波动电流,脉动电流
  17177. fluctuating data ==> 起伏数据,涨落数据
  17178. fluctuating demand ==> 波动需求
  17179. fluctuating echo ==> 起伏回波
  17180. fluctuating effective rate of return ==> 波动实际收益率,变动的实际盈利率
  17181. fluctuating electric field ==> 变动电场
  17182. fluctuating exchange rate ==> 波动汇率
  17183. fluctuating flame ==> 脉动火焰
  17184. fluctuating flow ==> 波动流量,脉冲流量,波动流动,波动水流,起伏流动,脉动水流
  17185. fluctuating flow rate ==> 波动流量
  17186. fluctuating force ==> 脉冲力
  17187. fluctuating frequency ==> 起伏频率
  17188. fluctuating interest rates ==> 波动的利率
  17189. fluctuating light beam ==> 脉动光束
  17190. fluctuating load ==> 波动负载,脉动负载,不稳定荷载. Not only we have a load, but we have a fluctuating load. People are turning their lights off and on in a random way.=>変動負荷
  17191. fluctuating market ==> 变动的行市,波动行市
  17192. fluctuating noise ==> 起伏噪声
  17193. fluctuating of service ==> 运行不稳定
  17194. fluctuating of speed ==> 转速波动
  17195. fluctuating power ==> 波动功率=>変動電力
  17196. fluctuating pressure ==> 脉动压力
  17197. fluctuating pressure distribution ==> 脉动压力分布
  17198. fluctuating price contract ==> 波动价格合同,变动价格合同
  17199. fluctuating quantity ==> 起伏程度
  17200. fluctuating rate ==> 波动汇价,波动汇率,波动利率
  17201. fluctuating reach ==> 游荡性河段
  17202. fluctuating signal ==> 起伏信号
  17203. fluctuating stress ==> 脉动应力,交变应力
  17204. fluctuating target detection ==> 起伏目标探测
  17205. fluctuating temperature ==> 脉动温度,波动温度
  17206. fluctuating tensile load ==> 脉动拉伸载荷
  17207. fluctuating trim ==> 船的纵倾
  17208. fluctuating variation ==> 参差变异
  17209. fluctuating velocity ==> 脉动速度
  17210. fluctuation ==> 变动,波动(度),起伏,涨落,脉冲=>揺らぎ,変動,波動,振動
  17211. fluctuation belt ==> 变动区,波动带
  17212. fluctuation conductivity ==> 揺らぎ伝導率
  17213. fluctuation correction factor ==> 涨落校正因子
  17214. fluctuation damping parameter ==> 起伏阻尼参数
  17215. fluctuation data ==> 起伏数据
  17216. fluctuation dynamics ==> 波动动力学,波涛动力学
  17217. fluctuation echo ==> 起伏回波
  17218. fluctuation effect ==> 波动效应
  17219. fluctuation equivalent power ==> 起伏等值功率
  17220. fluctuation in discharge ==> 流量变化
  17221. fluctuation in exchange ==> 汇率变动
  17222. fluctuation in selection intensity ==> 随机波动的选择强度
  17223. fluctuation income ==> 波动收入
  17224. fluctuation margin ==> 波动幅度,波动界限
  17225. fluctuation mitigation type battery ==> 短周期変動緩和型の蓄電池
  17226. fluctuation noise ==> 起伏噪声=>揺らぎ雑音,連続雑音
  17227. fluctuation noise level ==> 起伏噪声电平
  17228. fluctuation of blood pressure ==> 血压波动
  17229. fluctuation of current ==> 电流波动
  17230. fluctuation of density ==> 密度起伏
  17231. fluctuation of discount rate ==> 贴现率的波动
  17232. fluctuation of load ==> 负荷波动
  17233. fluctuation of magnetic fields ==> 磁界変動
  17234. fluctuation of metal line ==> 玻璃液面波动
  17235. fluctuation of power ==> 功率波动
  17236. fluctuation of service ==> 运行不稳定,操作不稳定
  17237. fluctuation of speed ==> 转速波动
  17238. fluctuation of temperature ==> 温度的波动
  17239. fluctuation pressure ==> 脉动压力
  17240. fluctuation presumption method ==> 出力変動想定手法
  17241. fluctuation quantity ==> 波动量
  17242. fluctuation range ==> 波动幅度
  17243. fluctuation rate ==> 起伏率
  17244. fluctuation ratio ==> 起伏比,波动比,波动率,变动率
  17245. fluctuation spread ==> 波动幅度
  17246. fluctuation test ==> 变异反应试验,起落检验
  17247. fluctuation velocity ==> 涡动速度,脉动速度
  17248. fluctuation voltage ==> 起伏电压,波动电压
  17249. fluctuation within a narrow range ==> 小幅度波动
  17250. fluctuation zone ==> 变动区
  17251. fluctuation-dissipation theorem ==> 起伏散逸定理
  17252. fluctuations ==> 起伏现象
  17253. fluctuations in prices ==> 价格波动
  17254. fluctuations trade ==> 贸易波动
  17255. fludrocortisone acetate ==> 醋酸氟氢可的松
  17256. flue ==> 气体管,炉胆,烟道,烟筒=>煙道
  17257. flue arch ==> 烟道拱,烟道碹拱
  17258. flue auger ==> 烟道通条
  17259. flue baffler ==> 烟气折流器
  17260. flue belt ==> 炉胆圈
  17261. flue block ==> 烟道预制块,烟道砖
  17262. flue blower ==> 吹灰机
  17263. flue boiler ==> 燃烧管锅炉
  17264. flue bridge ==> 烟道耐火拱顶,耐火砖拱
  17265. flue cinder ==> 飞灰,均热炉渣
  17266. flue cleaner ==> 清烟道器
  17267. flue collector ==> 主烟道,烟气捕收管
  17268. flue curing ==> 烟熏干燥法,烟薰干燥法
  17269. flue damper ==> 烟道调节挡板,烟道闸
  17270. flue door ==> 烟道门
  17271. flue drier ==> 烟道干燥器
  17272. flue duct damper ==> 煙風道ダンパ
  17273. flue dust ==> 烟道灰
  17274. flue dust collector ==> [烟道]除尘器
  17275. flue dust pocket ==> 烟道沉尘室
  17276. flue dust reburning, flue dust secondary combustion ==> 尾部烟道再燃烧,从烟气中沉积到受热面外表面或炉墙内壁上的物质,包括烟炱、熔渣、高温粘结灰、低温沉积灰和疏松灰等。
  17277. flue dust retainer ==> 烟道吸尘装置
  17278. flue furnace ==> 火管燃烧室
  17279. flue gas ==> 排烟,烟气,燃料燃烧生成的气态燃烧产物=>煙道ガス
  17280. flue gas analyser ==> 烟道气体分析器
  17281. flue gas analysing apparatus ==> 烟道气分析装置
  17282. flue gas analysis ==> 烟道气分析,烟气分析,用化学选择性吸收法测定干烟气试样中气相成分容积比例的仪器。
  17283. flue gas analysis meter ==> 烟道气分析器
  17284. flue gas analyzer ==> 烟气分析器
  17285. flue gas and air system ==> 烟风系统,锅炉燃烧系统中将冷空气升压、加热后送往磨煤机和燃烧器的送风机、空气管道和将燃烧产物从炉膛中抽出、经净化后排至烟囱或部分返回磨煤机的引风机、烟气管道、管道附件和相关设备所组成的系统。
  17286. flue gas blower ==> 烟道气鼓风机
  17287. flue gas boiler ==> 烟道气锅炉
  17288. flue gas cleaning ==> 炉气净化
  17289. flue gas cleaning system ==> 烟道气净化系统
  17290. flue gas denitrification, deNOx ==> 烟气脱氮,又称“烟气脱硝”。从烟气中脱除氮氧化物的工艺过程
  17291. flue gas desulfurization ==> 排煙脱硫
  17292. flue gas desulfurization process ==> 烟道气脱硫过程
  17293. flue gas desulphurization ==> 烟气脱硫,烟道气体脱硫过程
  17294. flue gas desulphurization system ==> 烟气脱硫系统
  17295. flue gas desulphurization, FGD ==> 烟气脱硫,从烟气中脱除硫氧化物。
  17296. flue gas dew point ==> 烟气露点,又称“烟气酸露点”。烟气中酸性物质(如硫酸蒸汽等)开始凝结时的温度
  17297. flue gas dust removal ==> 烟气除尘,除去或降低烟气中飞灰含量的措施
  17298. flue gas emission control ==> 烟气排放控制,应用物理、化学或物理化学的方法,以减少烟气中的污染物质,使其符合有关排放标准的环境保护措施
  17299. flue gas exhauster ==> 抽烟气机
  17300. flue gas explosion ==> 烟气爆炸
  17301. flue gas extinguisher system ==> 烟气灭火系统
  17302. flue gas fan ==> 烟道气引风机
  17303. flue gas fire extinguisher ==> 烟气防火装置
  17304. flue gas holder ==> 烟道气气柜
  17305. flue gas loss ==> 烟道气热损失,排烟损失
  17306. flue gas pollutant ==> 烟气污染物,烟气中对大气及环境、人类健康等能造成危害的物质的统称。主要有硫氧化物、氮氧化物、粉尘和二氧化碳
  17307. flue gas purifier ==> 烟道气净化器
  17308. flue gas recirculation furnace ==> 烟道气循环炉
  17309. flue gas return ==> 烟道气循环
  17310. flue gas scrubber ==> 烟道气洗涤器
  17311. flue gas system ==> 烟气填充防火系统
  17312. flue gas tester ==> 烟道气分析仪
  17313. flue gas treatment ==> 烟道气处理=>排気ガス処理
  17314. flue gas vent ==> 烟道气的放空口
  17315. flue gas washer ==> 烟道气洗涤器
  17316. flue gas waste boiler ==> 烟道气废热锅炉
  17317. flue gases analysis ==> 烟气分析
  17318. flue grouping ==> 烟道组
  17319. flue header ==> 烟管
  17320. flue heated hot bed ==> 管道加热温床
  17321. flue heating ==> 管道加热
  17322. flue heating surface ==> 焰管受热面,烟道受热面,炉胆受热面,火管受热面
  17323. flue liner ==> 烟道衬块
  17324. flue lining ==> 烟囱内衬,烟道衬里,烟道内衬
  17325. flue loss ==> 烟道损失
  17326. flue pipe ==> 烟道气管
  17327. flue resistance ==> 烟道阻力
  17328. flue shutter ==> 烟道闸板
  17329. flue surface ==> 烟道受热面
  17330. flue tile ==> 烟道瓦筒
  17331. flue treatment of ash sluicing water ==> 炉烟处理灰水,采用抽取部分锅炉排烟通过冲灰系统中的灰水,烟气中的CO2溶解于水中,产生H+,以中和灰水的碱性,防止灰管结垢的方法
  17332. flue tube boiler ==> 烟管锅炉
  17333. flue tube sheet ==> 烟管板
  17334. flue utilization ==> 烟气热量的利用
  17335. flue-cured tobacco ==> 烟道处理烟草,烟熏烟
  17336. flue-curing ==> 热气烤干
  17337. flue-dust collector ==> 烟灰收集器
  17338. flue-dust retainer ==> 集灰斗
  17339. flue-dust separator ==> 烟灰分离器
  17340. flue-gas cleaner ==> 烟气净化器
  17341. flue-gas fan ==> 抽炉烟风机,表示煤粉中不同粒度颗粒分布均匀程度的指数。
  17342. flue-gas leading ==> 废气管
  17343. flue-gas temperature ==> 烟气温度
  17344. flued opening ==> 翻边开孔
  17345. fluellite ==> 氟铝石
  17346. fluence ==> 注量,积分通量
  17347. fluency ==> 纯熟度
  17348. fluent metal ==> 液态金属
  17349. fluerics ==> 流控学
  17350. flueries ==> 纯射流技术
  17351. flufenamic acid ==> 氟灭酸
  17352. fluff collection system ==> 毛絮收集系统,棉絮收集系统
  17353. fluff trapping device ==> 毛絮隔滤设施,棉絮隔滤设施
  17354. fluffer ==> 松砂机
  17355. fluffing machine ==> 磨里机,磨面机
  17356. fluffy black ==> 飞扬性炭黑
  17357. fluffy soda ==> 发面碱
  17358. fluffy yarn ==> 毛茸纱
  17359. fluid ==> 液,液体
  17360. fluid (body) ==> 流体
  17361. fluid (medium) ==> 流质
  17362. fluid air preheater ==> 流态化空气预热器
  17363. fluid amplification ==> 射流放大
  17364. fluid amplifier ==> 射流放大器,流体放大器=>流体素子
  17365. fluid aspirator ==> 吸液罩
  17366. fluid balance ==> 液体平衡
  17367. fluid bath ==> 液槽
  17368. fluid bearing ==> 液压轴承
  17369. fluid bed drier ==> 液床烘干器
  17370. fluid bed furnace ==> 流动粒子炉,流化床炉,流态砂浴炉
  17371. fluid bituminous material ==> 液态沥青材料,液体沥青材料
  17372. fluid bowl ==> 溶槽
  17373. fluid brake ==> 流体闸
  17374. fluid cargo ==> 液体货物
  17375. fluid catalyst ==> 流化床催化剂
  17376. fluid catalytic cracker ==> 流体床催化裂化设备
  17377. fluid catalytic cracking ==> 流化床催化裂化
  17378. fluid chamber ==> 液压油腔
  17379. fluid char adsorption process ==> 活性炭流化吸附法
  17380. fluid clutch ==> 液力离合器,流体离合器
  17381. fluid coal ==> 流化煤
  17382. fluid coefficient ==> 流体系数
  17383. fluid coker ==> 流化焦化器
  17384. fluid coking ==> 流化床焦化,流态化炼焦
  17385. fluid coking unit ==> 液化焦化装置
  17386. fluid column ==> 液柱
  17387. fluid column roaster ==> 流化柱焙烧炉
  17388. fluid combustion ==> 液体燃料的燃烧
  17389. fluid compass ==> 液体罗经,湿罗盘
  17390. fluid compression process ==> 液态压制法
  17391. fluid computer ==> 流体计算机,射流计算机
  17392. fluid connector ==> 液压连接器
  17393. fluid container ==> 液体容器,流体容器,减震箱
  17394. fluid control ==> 液压控制
  17395. fluid control valve ==> 流体控制阀
  17396. fluid converter ==> 液力变换器
  17397. fluid cooling ==> 液体冷却
  17398. fluid counter ==> 流体计数器
  17399. fluid couplant ==> 液体耦合剂
  17400. fluid coupling ==> 液力耦合器,液压联轴节,液压联轴器,流体连接=>流体継手
  17401. fluid crystal display ==> 液晶显示
  17402. fluid culture ==> 液体培养
  17403. fluid current ==> 液体流
  17404. fluid current meter ==> 液体流速计
  17405. fluid curtain ==> 液体帘
  17406. fluid cycle ==> 液力循环,液体循环
  17407. fluid cylinder ==> 液压缸
  17408. fluid damper ==> 液压减振器,流体减震器
  17409. fluid damping ==> 液体阻尼
  17410. fluid damping galvanometer ==> 液体阻尼振动子
  17411. fluid deflection ==> 流体折转角
  17412. fluid deicer ==> 流体除冰器
  17413. fluid delivery ==> 液体输送
  17414. fluid density ==> 流体密度
  17415. fluid density meter ==> 液体密度表
  17416. fluid device ==> 流体素子
  17417. fluid die ==> 液体模具,液压模
  17418. fluid differential pressure ga(u)ge ==> 液体差压计
  17419. fluid dilatation ==> 流体膨張
  17420. fluid director ==> 导流器
  17421. fluid dirt level ==> 液体脏污程度
  17422. fluid displacement tachometer ==> 流体转速计
  17423. fluid distributor ==> 流体分配器
  17424. fluid dram ==> (药量单位)液打兰
  17425. fluid dram (fl. dr.) ==> 液量打兰
  17426. fluid drive ==> 液力传动,液压传动,液压传动器,液压驱动,流体传动,流体动力传动
  17427. fluid drive coupling ==> 液力联轴器,又称“液力耦合器”。利用液力传递转矩的变速装置
  17428. fluid drive fan ==> 液动风扇
  17429. fluid duplicating ==> 湿式复印
  17430. fluid dynamic research ==> 流体动力研究
  17431. fluid dynamical process ==> 流体动力过程
  17432. fluid dynamics ==> 流体力学=>流体力学
  17433. fluid echoless segmen ==> 液性平段
  17434. fluid electrode ==> 液体电极
  17435. fluid element ==> 流体元=>流体素子
  17436. fluid emission rate ==> 流体发射速度
  17437. fluid end of pump ==> 泵的流体端
  17438. fluid equation ==> 流体动力学方程,流体方程
  17439. fluid erosion ==> 流体侵蚀
  17440. fluid extract ==> 流浸膏,流浸膏剂,液体栲胶
  17441. fluid exudation ==> 液体渗出
  17442. fluid fertilizer ==> 液体肥料
  17443. fluid filled cable ==> OFケーブル
  17444. fluid film ==> 液膜,液体薄膜
  17445. fluid film bearing ==> 液膜轴承
  17446. fluid film lubrication ==> 液膜润滑
  17447. fluid flow ==> 液流,液体流,液体流量
  17448. fluid flow control ==> 液体量调节
  17449. fluid flow indicator ==> 液体流量指示器
  17450. fluid flow passage ==> 流体通道
  17451. fluid flow pattern ==> 液流图
  17452. fluid flow regulator ==> 液体流量调节器
  17453. fluid flowmeter ==> 液体流量计
  17454. fluid flux ==> 流体通量
  17455. fluid flywheel ==> 流体飞轮,液力飞轮
  17456. fluid free vacuum ==> 无油真空
  17457. fluid friction ==> 液体摩擦,流体摩擦
  17458. fluid friction bearing ==> 液体摩擦轴承
  17459. fluid friction brake ==> 液力摩擦制动
  17460. fluid fuel ==> 液体燃料
  17461. fluid fuel reactor ==> 流体燃料反应堆
  17462. fluid fuelled reactor ==> 液态燃料反应堆
  17463. fluid ga(u)ge ==> 液体指示计
  17464. fluid geometry ==> 流体几何条件
  17465. fluid handling ==> 液体的送运
  17466. fluid head ==> 液压头,流体高差
  17467. fluid heat source ==> 流体熱源
  17468. fluid hydroforming ==> 流态化加氢重整
  17469. fluid immersion effect ==> 流体浸入影响
  17470. fluid inclusion ==> 流体包裹体,液包体,液体包裹体
  17471. fluid infusion ==> 补液
  17472. fluid insulation ==> 液体绝缘
  17473. fluid interchange ==> 流动换热
  17474. fluid ipecac extract ==> 吐根流浸膏
  17475. fluid jet ==> 流体喷射
  17476. fluid jet stream ==> 液体射流
  17477. fluid level ==> 液面,液平面
  17478. fluid level controller ==> 液位控制器
  17479. fluid level ga(u)ge ==> 液位计,液位指示器
  17480. fluid level ga(u)ge rod ==> 液面测杆
  17481. fluid level indicator ==> 液位指示器
  17482. fluid line ==> 流体线
  17483. fluid link ==> 液压连接器
  17484. fluid logic ==> 流体逻辑
  17485. fluid logic circuit ==> 流控逻辑电路
  17486. fluid logic element ==> 流体逻辑元件
  17487. fluid loss ==> 体液丧失
  17488. fluid low ==> 液体不足
  17489. fluid lubricant ==> 液体润滑剂
  17490. fluid lubricated bearing ==> 液体润滑轴承
  17491. fluid lubrication ==> 液体润滑,液体润滑作用
  17492. fluid mash feeding ==> 稀料喂饲
  17493. fluid measure ==> 液量
  17494. fluid mechanics ==> 液体力学,流体力学
  17495. fluid mechanics principle ==> 流体力学原理
  17496. fluid media (medium) ==> 流体介质
  17497. fluid medium ==> 液体培养基
  17498. fluid meter ==> 流体计量器
  17499. fluid milk ==> 鲜奶
  17500. fluid model ==> 流体モデル
  17501. fluid mosaic membrane ==> 流体镶嵌膜
  17502. fluid mosaic model ==> 流动镶嵌模型,流体镶嵌模型,液态镶嵌模型
  17503. fluid mosaic theory ==> 液态镶嵌学说
  17504. fluid motion ==> 铃运动
  17505. fluid motor ==> 液力发动机,液压马达
  17506. fluid mud ==> 浮泥
  17507. fluid name ==> 介质名称和成分
  17508. fluid network ==> 流体网络
  17509. fluid network analyzer ==> 流体网络分析器
  17510. fluid nozzle ==> 流体喷头
  17511. fluid nutrient medium ==> 液体培养基
  17512. fluid oil ==> 液态油,润滑油
  17513. fluid operated pump ==> 液压泵
  17514. fluid origin ==> 铸造成的
  17515. fluid ounce (fl. oz.) ==> 液量盎司
  17516. fluid outlet angle ==> 液体流出角
  17517. fluid packed pump ==> 液封泵
  17518. fluid particle ==> 液体元粒子
  17519. fluid passage ==> 液道
  17520. fluid phase ==> 液相
  17521. fluid pipeline ==> 液体管道
  17522. fluid poison ==> 液态毒物
  17523. fluid power ==> 液压=>流体動力
  17524. fluid power drive ==> 液压驱动
  17525. fluid power motor ==> 液压发动机
  17526. fluid power system ==> 液压驱动系统
  17527. fluid power transmission ==> 液力传动
  17528. fluid pressure ==> 液体压力,液压,静液压力,静液压力,流体压力
  17529. fluid pressure governor ==> 液压调节器
  17530. fluid pressure line ==> 液压管路,液压系统压力管路
  17531. fluid pressure mo(u)lding ==> 液压造型
  17532. fluid pressure motor ==> 液压电动机
  17533. fluid pressure operated jacks ==> 液压千斤顶
  17534. fluid pressure reducing valve ==> 液压降低阀
  17535. fluid pressure warning device ==> 液压安全装置
  17536. fluid produced by the male ==> 雄性所产的流体
  17537. fluid pump ==> 液泵,液压泵,流体泵
  17538. fluid pumping conveyor ==> 液体泵吸输送器
  17539. fluid punch ==> 液体凸模
  17540. fluid purification system ==> 液体净化系统
  17541. fluid radiation ==> 液体辐射
  17542. fluid region ==> 流体区域
  17543. fluid replacement ==> 补液
  17544. fluid resistance ==> 流体阻力
  17545. fluid rubber ==> 液体橡胶
  17546. fluid saturation ==> 流体饱和度
  17547. fluid savings ==> 流动储蓄
  17548. fluid seal ==> 液封
  17549. fluid seal gas holder ==> 湿式储气柜
  17550. fluid sealant ==> 液体密封剂,密封胶
  17551. fluid sensor ==> 液控传感器
  17552. fluid separation device ==> 流体分离装置
  17553. fluid servo-motor ==> 液压伺服马达
  17554. fluid slag ==> 流动熔渣
  17555. fluid sonolucent area ==> 液性暗区
  17556. fluid sonolucent point ==> 液性暗点
  17557. fluid speed meter ==> 液体流速计
  17558. fluid start ==> 液力起步
  17559. fluid state laser ==> 液体激光器,流体激光器
  17560. fluid statics ==> 流体静力学
  17561. fluid stream ==> 液流
  17562. fluid stress ==> 流体应力
  17563. fluid structure ==> 流动构造
  17564. fluid supply tank ==> 液体供应箱
  17565. fluid surface ==> 流体面
  17566. fluid suspension culture ==> 液体悬浮培养
  17567. fluid tank container ==> 流体集装箱
  17568. fluid temperature (F.T.) ==> 流体温度
  17569. fluid temperature range ==> 流态时的温度范围
  17570. fluid texture ==> 流动结构
  17571. fluid tightness ==> 液体密封性
  17572. fluid toxoid (FT) ==> 液体类毒素
  17573. fluid transmission ==> 液力传动系,液压传动,流体变速机
  17574. fluid transmission gear ==> 流体传动齿轮,液压传动齿轮
  17575. fluid unit ==> 流化床设备
  17576. fluid valve ==> 液流阀
  17577. fluid viscosity ==> 流体的粘滞性
  17578. fluid viscosity ratio ==> 流体的粘度比
  17579. fluid volume meter ==> 液量计
  17580. fluid wave ==> 液波
  17581. fluid wax ==> 液体石蜡
  17582. fluid wedge ==> 液楔
  17583. fluid welding ==> 流焊
  17584. fluid whirl ==> 流体旋涡
  17585. fluid-acet-extract ==> 醋制流浸膏
  17586. fluid-bed drier ==> 流化床式干燥机
  17587. fluid-bed dryer ==> 沸腾式干燥器
  17588. fluid-bed drying ==> 沸腾干燥法,流化床干燥法
  17589. fluid-bed process ==> 流化床过程
  17590. fluid-bed reactor ==> 流化床反应器
  17591. fluid-bed roasting reaction ==> 流化床焙烧反应
  17592. fluid-compressed ==> 液态压缩
  17593. fluid-compressed steel ==> 液体压缩钢
  17594. fluid-controlled valve ==> 液力控制阀
  17595. fluid-cooled electrical machine ==> 液冷电机
  17596. fluid-cooled winding ==> 液冷绕组
  17597. fluid-coupling noise ==> 液压联轴节噪声,伴流噪声
  17598. fluid-elastic instability ==> 流体弹性不稳定
  17599. fluid-energy mill ==> 液压磨矿机,喷射式磨机
  17600. fluid-filled working chamber ==> 液体工作室
  17601. fluid-film bearing ==> 流体膜轴承
  17602. fluid-flow analog(fluid-flow analogue) ==> 液动模拟
  17603. fluid-flow analogy ==> 流体流动模拟
  17604. fluid-flow pump ==> 液流泵
  17605. fluid-flywheel clutch ==> 液力偶合器
  17606. Fluid-increasing Decoction ==> 增液汤
  17607. fluid-induced vibration ==> 流体诱发振动,流致振动=>流体振動
  17608. fluid-link steering ==> 液压转向
  17609. fluid-loss agent ==> 脱液剂
  17610. fluid-loss test ==> 漏失量试验
  17611. fluid-power motor ==> 液力电动机,液力马达
  17612. fluid-pressure laminating ==> 液压层合模塑
  17613. fluid-retention syndrome ==> 饮证
  17614. fluid-solid chromatography ==> 液固色谱
  17615. fluid-structure interaction,FSI ==> 流-固耦合,在某种激励下,浸没于流体之中或包容流体的结构部件的响应和流体的响应,由于流体与固体界面处存在反复的动量和能量交换而产生相互作用和相互影响的现象
  17616. fluid-supply suspension relay ==> 断流继电器
  17617. fluid-tight ==> 液体密度计,不漏流体的,不透水的
  17618. fluid-tight contact ==> 液密接触
  17619. fluid-tight joint ==> 液密接头
  17620. fluid-valve ==> 水力阀
  17621. fluid-velocity profile ==> 液体流速分布图
  17622. fluidal ==> 流体
  17623. fluidal texture ==> 流状结构
  17624. fluidic ==> 流体,射流的
  17625. fluidic accelerometer ==> 射流加速度计,射流加速计
  17626. fluidic amplifier ==> 射流放大器
  17627. fluidic batching counter ==> 射流间歇计数器
  17628. fluidic control ==> 射流控制
  17629. fluidic device ==> 純流体素子
  17630. fluidic element ==> 射流元件
  17631. fluidic flowmeter ==> 射流流量计
  17632. fluidic gate ==> 流体门
  17633. fluidic generator ==> 射流发生器
  17634. fluidic hardware ==> 射流器件
  17635. fluidic logic element ==> 射联件
  17636. fluidic module ==> 射流组件
  17637. fluidic oscillator ==> 流体振荡器
  17638. fluidic phase detection circuit ==> 射流相位检测回路
  17639. fluidic power ==> 流体动力
  17640. fluidic pulse shaper ==> 射流脉冲整形器
  17641. fluidic relay ==> 射流继电器
  17642. fluidic sensor ==> 射流传感器
  17643. fluidic stabilizer ==> 射流稳定器
  17644. fluidic stepping motor ==> 射流式步进电动机
  17645. fluidic switch ==> 射流开关
  17646. fluidic system ==> 射流系统
  17647. fluidic technology ==> 流控技术
  17648. fluidic volume flowmeter ==> 射流体积流量计
  17649. fluidics ==> 射流技术,射流学,流控技术,流体学=>流体工学
  17650. fluidics circuit ==> 射流电路
  17651. fluidics feedback ==> 射流反馈
  17652. fluidiness ==> 流动性
  17653. fluidity ==> 流动性
  17654. fluidity meter ==> 流度计
  17655. fluidity of decision situation ==> 流动性决策形式
  17656. fluidity of the slag ==> 熔渣流动性
  17657. fluidity test ==> 流动性试验
  17658. fluidity-temperature relationship ==> 流度温度关系
  17659. fluidizaing reactor ==> 沸腾焙烧炉
  17660. fluidization ==> 连化
  17661. fluidization cooler ==> 沸腾冷却器
  17662. fluidization number ==> 流态化数
  17663. fluidization of coal ==> 煤流态化
  17664. fluidization of solid ==> 固体流态化
  17665. fluidization point ==> 沸腾点
  17666. fluidization quality ==> 流态化质量
  17667. fluidization roasting process ==> 沸腾焙烧法
  17668. fluidization tower ==> 流化塔
  17669. fluidized bed ==> 流动层,流化床,,利用气固两相流化床工艺,在物料平均粒径的终端流速的条件下实现流化床状态并经过分离器将大部分逸出的物料重返床内形成循环的一种燃用固体燃料的燃烧方式。在大气压力下工作的循环流化床燃烧工艺称为常压循环流化床燃烧(ACFBC);在几个或十几个大气压力下工作的循环流化床燃烧工艺称为增压循环流化床燃烧(PCFBC)。
  17670. fluidized bed boiler ==> 沸腾层锅炉
  17671. fluidized bed coating ==> 流动层涂法
  17672. fluidized bed combustion ==> 流化床燃烧,,简称"循环床锅炉"。采用循环流化床燃烧方式的锅炉。
  17673. fluidized bed combustion boiler ==> 流化床[燃烧]锅炉,在大气压力下工作的流化床燃烧技术的锅炉。分为两类:常压鼓泡流化床锅炉(ABFBB)及常压循环流化床锅炉(ACFBB)。
  17674. fluidized bed drier ==> 流化床干燥器
  17675. fluidized bed furnace ==> 流化床炉
  17676. fluidized bed gas generator ==> 流化床煤气发生炉
  17677. fluidized bed gasification ==> 流化床气化
  17678. fluidized bed incinerator ==> 流化床焚烧炉
  17679. fluidized bed packaging ==> 流动层密封
  17680. fluidized bed pelletizer ==> 流动层造粒机
  17681. fluidized bed reactor ==> 流化床反应器
  17682. fluidized catalyst ==> 流化催化剂
  17683. fluidized drier ==> 流化干燥器
  17684. fluidized flow ==> 流体化流,液化流
  17685. fluidized furnace ==> 流床式炉,流动粒子炉
  17686. fluidized gasification system ==> 流化床气化系统
  17687. fluidized material ==> 流态化材料
  17688. fluidized particle quenchine ==> 流动粒子淬火
  17689. fluidized reactor ==> 流化燃料反应堆,流动床堆
  17690. fluidized solid reactor ==> 流化固体反应堆
  17691. fluidized system ==> 流化床系统
  17692. fluidized velocity ==> 流化速度,为流化床锅炉(包括鼓泡流化床锅炉和循环流化床锅炉)起动提供热源,将点火床料加热并引燃给煤,使之达到正常燃烧的加热装置。
  17693. fluidized-bed ==> 流态化床
  17694. fluidized-bed apparatus ==> 流化床设备
  17695. fluidized-bed coating ==> 流化床涂层法
  17696. fluidized-bed combustion ==> 沸腾燃烧
  17697. fluidized-bed combustion technolgy ==> 流動床燃焼技術
  17698. fluidized-bed dryer ==> 流化床干燥器
  17699. fluidized-bed kiln ==> 沸腾煅烧炉
  17700. fluidized-bed plant ==> 流化床设备
  17701. fluidized-bed reactor ==> 流化床反应堆,流化燃料反应堆
  17702. fluidized-bed roasting ==> 流化床焙烧
  17703. fluidizing agent ==> 流化剂,流化介质
  17704. fluidizing air ==> 流态化空气
  17705. fluidizing air system ==> 流化床送风系统
  17706. fluidizing cooler ==> 流化式冷却器,沸腾冷却器
  17707. fluidizing gas ==> 流态化气体
  17708. fluidizing reagent ==> 流化剂
  17709. fluidizing system ==> 射流装置
  17710. fluke ==> 吸虫,倒钩=>カレイ,ヒラメ,吸虫類,フルーク
  17711. fluke disease ==> 吸虫病
  17712. fluke infection ==> 吸虫感染
  17713. flukes ==> 锚爪
  17714. flume crossing ==> 渡槽交叉口,跨河渡槽
  17715. flume flow meter ==> 槽式流量计
  17716. flume with side contraction ==> 侧向测流槽
  17717. fluo-germanate glass ==> 氟锗酸玻璃
  17718. fluobenzoic acid ==> 氟苯甲酸
  17719. fluoborate glass ==> 氟硼酸玻璃
  17720. fluoboric acid ==> 氟硼酸
  17721. fluocinolone acetonide acetate ==> 醋酸肤轻松
  17722. fluophosphate glass ==> 氟磷酸玻璃
  17723. fluoplatinic acid ==> 氟铂酸
  17724. fluor borate glass ==> 氟硼酸盐玻璃
  17725. Fluor chrome arsenate phenol ==> 防腐盐
  17726. fluor crown ==> 氟冕玻璃
  17727. fluor crown glass ==> 氟冕光学玻璃
  17728. fluor iodine ==> 氟化碘
  17729. fluoracyl chloride ==> 氟乙酰氯
  17730. fluorescein(e) dye ==> 荧光素染料
  17731. fluorescein(e) paper ==> 荧光素试纸
  17732. fluorescein(e) sodium ==> 荧光素钠
  17733. fluorescein(e) test ==> 荧光素试验
  17734. fluorescence ==> 荧光,荧光修正=>蛍光
  17735. fluorescence (discharge) lamp ==> 日光灯
  17736. fluorescence activated cell sorter ==> 激发荧光细胞分离器
  17737. fluorescence analysis ==> 荧光分析
  17738. fluorescence antibody technique ==> 荧光抗体技术
  17739. fluorescence auto-correlation function ==> 自己相関関数
  17740. fluorescence band ==> 荧光带
  17741. fluorescence branching ratio ==> 荧光分支比
  17742. fluorescence centre ==> 荧光中心
  17743. fluorescence characteristic ==> 荧光特性曲线
  17744. fluorescence chromatogram ==> 荧光色谱
  17745. fluorescence chromatography ==> 荧光色谱法
  17746. fluorescence cineangiography ==> 荧光血管电影摄影术
  17747. fluorescence coating ==> 荧光层
  17748. fluorescence colo(u)r ==> 荧光色
  17749. fluorescence color ==> 荧光色
  17750. fluorescence control ==> 蛍光制御
  17751. fluorescence conversion ==> 蛍光変換
  17752. fluorescence conversion efficiency ==> 荧光转换效率
  17753. fluorescence correction ==> 蛍光補正
  17754. fluorescence correlation ==> 蛍光相関
  17755. fluorescence cycle ==> 荧光循环
  17756. fluorescence cystoscopy ==> 荧光膀胱镜检法
  17757. fluorescence decay ==> 蛍光減衰
  17758. fluorescence decay curve ==> 蛍光減衰曲線
  17759. fluorescence decay time ==> 荧光余辉时间
  17760. fluorescence detection ==> 荧光检测
  17761. fluorescence detector ==> 荧光检测器
  17762. fluorescence detergent ==> 蛍光洗剤
  17763. fluorescence determination ==> 蛍光定量
  17764. fluorescence discharge ==> 荧光放电
  17765. fluorescence discharge lamp ==> 荧光灯
  17766. fluorescence effect ==> 荧光效应
  17767. fluorescence efficiency ==> 荧光效率
  17768. fluorescence efficiency yield ==> 荧光产额
  17769. fluorescence emission ==> 蛍光放射
  17770. fluorescence emission spectrum ==> 荧光发射光谱
  17771. fluorescence emission wavelength ==> 蛍光発光波長
  17772. fluorescence endoscope ==> 蛍光内視鏡
  17773. fluorescence energy ==> 蛍光エネルギー
  17774. fluorescence excitation spectrum ==> 荧光激发光谱
  17775. fluorescence function ==> 蛍光官能基
  17776. fluorescence generation ==> 蛍光発生
  17777. fluorescence image ==> 蛍光画像
  17778. fluorescence improver ==> 荧光增进剂
  17779. fluorescence indicator ==> 荧光指示剂
  17780. fluorescence indicator analysis ==> 荧光指示分析
  17781. fluorescence induction ==> 蛍光誘導
  17782. fluorescence intensity ==> 荧光强度
  17783. fluorescence interference ==> 蛍光干渉
  17784. fluorescence line width ==> 荧光线宽
  17785. fluorescence method ==> 荧光法
  17786. fluorescence microscope ==> 荧光显微镜
  17787. fluorescence microscopy ==> 荧光镜检法,荧光显微法,荧光显微术
  17788. fluorescence microwave double resonance (FMDR) ==> 荧光微波双共振法
  17789. fluorescence peak ==> 荧光峰
  17790. fluorescence photography ==> 荧光照相术
  17791. fluorescence polarization ==> 荧光偏振
  17792. fluorescence polarization microscope ==> 荧光偏振显微镜
  17793. fluorescence quantum counter ==> 荧光量子计数器
  17794. fluorescence quantum efficiency ==> 荧光量子效率
  17795. fluorescence quenching ==> 荧光猝灭
  17796. fluorescence quenching method ==> 荧光猝灭法
  17797. fluorescence radiation ==> 荧光辐射
  17798. fluorescence reaction ==> 荧光反应
  17799. fluorescence screen ==> 荧光屏
  17800. fluorescence spectra ==> 荧光光谱
  17801. fluorescence spectrometer ==> 荧光分光光度计,荧光分光计
  17802. fluorescence spectrophotometer ==> 荧光分光光度计
  17803. fluorescence spectrophotometry ==> 荧光分光光度法
  17804. fluorescence spectrum ==> 荧光光谱
  17805. fluorescence spot-out method ==> 荧光点滴法
  17806. fluorescence standard substance ==> 荧光标准物
  17807. fluorescence state ==> 荧光态
  17808. fluorescence stimulation ==> 荧光放射增强
  17809. fluorescence technique ==> 蛍光技術
  17810. fluorescence thin layer ==> 荧光薄层
  17811. fluorescence titrimetric method ==> 荧光滴定法,荧光点滴法
  17812. fluorescence X-ray counting ==> 荧光X射线计数
  17813. fluorescence yield ==> 荧光产额,荧光效应
  17814. fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) ==> 荧光激活细胞分类术
  17815. fluorescence-causing substance ==> 荧光产物
  17816. fluorescence-emission ==> 荧光发射
  17817. fluorescent additive ==> 荧光添加剂
  17818. fluorescent anode ==> 荧光阳极
  17819. fluorescent antibody ==> 荧光抗体
  17820. fluorescent antibody method ==> 荧光抗体法
  17821. fluorescent antibody technique ==> 荧光抗体技术
  17822. fluorescent antibody test ==> 荧光抗体试验
  17823. fluorescent bacteria ==> 荧光细菌
  17824. fluorescent bleach ==> 荧光漂白=>蛍光増白
  17825. fluorescent bleaching agent ==> 荧光增白剂=>蛍光増白剤
  17826. fluorescent body ==> 荧光小体
  17827. fluorescent brightener ==> 蛍光増白剤
  17828. fluorescent brightening agent ==> 荧光增白剂
  17829. fluorescent characteristic ==> 荧光特性
  17830. fluorescent characteristic X-ray ==> 荧光标识X射线
  17831. fluorescent characteristics ==> 荧光特征
  17832. fluorescent colony ==> 荧光菌落
  17833. fluorescent crystal ==> 荧光晶体
  17834. fluorescent display ==> 荧光显示
  17835. fluorescent display device ==> 荧光显示器件
  17836. fluorescent dyed sand ==> 荧光染色砂
  17837. fluorescent electrolyte ==> 荧光电解液
  17838. fluorescent energy ==> 荧光能量
  17839. fluorescent fault detector ==> 荧光探伤仪
  17840. fluorescent film ==> 荧光膜
  17841. fluorescent film technique ==> 荧光薄膜技术
  17842. fluorescent flag ==> 荧光指示器
  17843. fluorescent glass ==> 荧光玻璃,发光玻璃
  17844. fluorescent glass detector ==> 荧光玻璃探测器
  17845. fluorescent high-pressure mercury lamp ==> 高压荧光汞灯
  17846. fluorescent illumination ==> 荧光照明
  17847. fluorescent image ==> 荧光象
  17848. fluorescent indicator ==> 荧光指示计
  17849. fluorescent indicator adsorption analysis ==> 荧光指示剂吸附分析
  17850. fluorescent indicator adsorption method ==> 荧光指示剂吸附法
  17851. fluorescent indicator adsorption technique ==> 荧光指示剂吸附术
  17852. fluorescent inspection ==> 荧光检验,荧光探伤
  17853. fluorescent lamp ==> 荧光灯,利用低压汞蒸气放电产生的紫外线激发涂在灯管内壁的荧光粉而发光的电光源=>蛍光ランプ(FL)
  17854. fluorescent lamp ballast ==> 荧光灯镇流器
  17855. fluorescent lamp sealing machine ==> 荧光灯封接机
  17856. fluorescent lamp stabilizer ==> 荧光灯稳压器
  17857. fluorescent lamp starter ==> 荧光灯起动器
  17858. fluorescent layer ==> 荧光层
  17859. fluorescent lifetime ==> 荧光寿命
  17860. fluorescent light ==> 荧光,荧光灯
  17861. fluorescent light source ==> 显微镜荧光灯源
  17862. fluorescent light trap ==> 荧光诱蛾灯
  17863. fluorescent lighting ==> 荧光灯照明,荧光照明
  17864. fluorescent lighting fixture ==> 荧光照明设备
  17865. fluorescent line ==> 荧光谱线
  17866. fluorescent magnetic inspection ==> 荧光磁性检测
  17867. fluorescent magnetic particle inspection ==> 磁性荧光法检查
  17868. fluorescent magnetic particle inspection machine ==> 荧光磁粉探伤机
  17869. fluorescent map ==> 荧光地图
  17870. fluorescent material ==> 荧光物质=>蛍光体(蛍光物質)
  17871. fluorescent metabolite ==> 荧光代谢物
  17872. fluorescent microscope ==> 荧光显微镜
  17873. fluorescent noise generator ==> 荧光噪声发生器
  17874. fluorescent O-lamp ==> 圆形荧光灯
  17875. fluorescent oil ==> 荧光油
  17876. fluorescent optics ==> 荧光光学
  17877. fluorescent paint ==> 荧光漆,荧光涂料
  17878. fluorescent particle atmospheric tracer ==> 荧光粒子大气示踪剂
  17879. fluorescent particle technique ==> 荧光粒子技术
  17880. fluorescent particle tracer study ==> 荧光质点示踪研究
  17881. fluorescent penetrant ==> 荧光渗透剂
  17882. fluorescent penetrant festing method ==> 荧光渗透探伤法
  17883. fluorescent penetrant method ==> 荧光探测法,荧光探伤法
  17884. fluorescent photometer ==> 荧光光度计
  17885. fluorescent pigment ==> 荧光颜料
  17886. fluorescent plate ==> 荧光板
  17887. fluorescent plate technique ==> 荧光板技术
  17888. fluorescent powder ==> 荧光粉=>蛍光粉末
  17889. fluorescent powder leak check ==> 荧光粉检漏=>蛍光粉末リーク検査
  17890. fluorescent probe ==> 荧光探测器,荧光探头,闪烁探测器
  17891. fluorescent probe technique ==> 荧光探针技术
  17892. fluorescent pumping ==> 荧光泵浦,荧光抽运
  17893. fluorescent quenching ==> 荧光淬灭
  17894. fluorescent radiation ==> 荧光辐射,荧光性辐射
  17895. fluorescent reagent ==> 荧光试剂
  17896. fluorescent reflector lamp ==> 荧光反光灯
  17897. fluorescent scale ==> 荧光表盘
  17898. fluorescent scanning ==> 荧光屏扫描
  17899. fluorescent scanning technique ==> 荧光扫描技术
  17900. fluorescent scattering ==> 荧光散射
  17901. fluorescent screen ==> 荧光屏=>蛍光面
  17902. fluorescent seeds ==> 荧光种子
  17903. fluorescent spectrometry ==> 荧光光谱法
  17904. fluorescent spectroscopy ==> 荧光光谱法
  17905. fluorescent staining ==> 荧光染色,荧光染色法
  17906. fluorescent staining technique ==> 荧光着色技术
  17907. fluorescent strip ==> 荧光带
  17908. fluorescent substance ==> 荧光物质
  17909. fluorescent technique ==> 荧光技术
  17910. fluorescent test ==> 荧光探伤
  17911. fluorescent thermography ==> 荧光热探伤法
  17912. fluorescent tracer ==> 荧光示踪剂
  17913. fluorescent tracer technique ==> 荧光示踪技术
  17914. fluorescent tracing ==> 荧光示踪
  17915. fluorescent transition ==> 荧光跃迁
  17916. fluorescent tube ==> 荧光灯,荧光灯管,荧光管,日光灯管
  17917. fluorescent white ==> 荧光增白剂
  17918. fluorescent whitener ==> 蛍光増白剤
  17919. fluorescent whitening agent ==> 荧光增白剂
  17920. fluorescent whitening agents ==> 荧光增白剂
  17921. fluorescent x rays ==> 特性伦琴射线
  17922. fluorescent X-ray ==> 荧光X射线
  17923. fluorescent X-ray spectrometry ==> 荧光X射线光谱分析
  17924. fluorescent X-ray spectroscopy ==> 荧光X射线光谱学
  17925. fluorescent-mercury lamp ==> 荧光水银灯
  17926. fluorescent-penetrate test ==> 荧光穿透试验
  17927. fluorescent-whitened wool ==> 荧光增白羊毛
  17928. fluorescentmagnetic particle(powder) ==> 荧光磁粉
  17929. fluoresent indicator ==> 荧光指示剂
  17930. fluorhydric acid ==> 氢氟酸
  17931. fluoric acid ==> 氟酸
  17932. fluoric crown ==> 含氟冕牌玻璃
  17933. fluoric ether ==> 氟代酸的酯,氟代烷烃
  17934. fluoride ==> 氟化物
  17935. fluoride film ==> 氟化物薄膜
  17936. fluoride glass ==> 氟化玻璃,氟化物玻璃
  17937. fluoride glass optical fiber ==> ふっ化物ガラス光ファイバ
  17938. fluoride opal glass ==> 氟化物乳白玻璃
  17939. fluoride poisoning ==> 氟化物中毒
  17940. fluoride pollution ==> 氟化物污染
  17941. fluoride selective electrode ==> 氟化物离子选择性电极
  17942. fluoride single crystal ==> 氟化物单晶
  17943. fluoride waste ==> 含氟废水
  17944. fluoride-free glass ==> 无氟玻璃
  17945. fluoridization method of tooth surface ==> 牙面涂氟法
  17946. fluorigenic labeling technique ==> 荧光生成标记技术
  17947. fluorigenic reaction ==> 荧光发生反应
  17948. fluorimeter ==> 荧光计
  17949. fluorimetric determination ==> 荧光测定
  17950. fluorimetric method ==> 荧光法
  17951. fluorinated ether ==> 氟化醚
  17952. fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) ==> 氟化乙丙烯
  17953. fluorinated ethylene propylene resin ==> (FEP树脂)氟化乙烯丙烯树脂
  17954. fluorinated ethylene propylene resin (FEP 树脂) ==> 氟化乙烯丙烯树脂
  17955. fluorinated hydrocarbon ==> 氟化氢
  17956. fluorinated hydrocarbon propellant ==> 氟化烃抛射剂
  17957. fluorinated plastic ==> 氟化塑料
  17958. fluorinated polymer ==> 氟化高聚物
  17959. fluorinated silicone rubber ==> 氟硅橡胶=>フッ素変性シリコーンゴム
  17960. fluorinated vinylidene chloride ==> 氟化偏氯乙烯
  17961. fluorination process ==> 氟代过程
  17962. fluorination reactor ==> 氟化器
  17963. fluorination treatment ==> フッ化処理
  17964. fluorine ==> 氟
  17965. fluorine cleanup reactor ==> 氟吸收反应器
  17966. fluorine dating ==> 氟年代测定法
  17967. fluorine fluxing agent ==> 氟熔剂
  17968. fluorine iodine ==> 氟化碘
  17969. fluorine ion conductor ==> 氟离子导体
  17970. fluorine nitrate ==> 硝酰氟
  17971. fluorine nutrition ==> 氟营养
  17972. fluorine plastic ==> 氟塑料=>フッ素プラスチック
  17973. fluorine poisoning ==> 氟中毒
  17974. fluorine refrigerant ==> 氟致冷剂
  17975. fluorine rubber ==> 氟橡胶
  17976. fluorine rubber(viton) ==> 氟橡胶
  17977. fluorine-contained polymerisate fibre ==> 含氟聚合物纤维
  17978. fluorine-doped silica glass fiber ==> 掺氟石英玻璃光纤
  17979. fluorine-silica fiber ==> 掺氟石英光纤
  17980. fluorinetherapy ==> 氟疗法
  17981. fluorite ==> 萤石
  17982. fluorite objective ==> 萤石物镜
  17983. fluorite optics ==> 萤石光学
  17984. fluorite structure ==> 萤石型结构
  17985. fluorite-lens ==> 萤石棱镜
  17986. fluorizating agent ==> 氟化剂
  17987. fluoro epoxy ether ==> 环氧氟醚
  17988. fluoro gum ==> 氟橡胶
  17989. fluoro rubber ==> 氟橡胶胶粘剂
  17990. fluoro trichloromethane ==> 氟利昂11
  17991. fluoro-acetic fluoride ==> 氟代乙酰氟
  17992. fluoro-acid ==> 氟代酸
  17993. fluoro-ether ==> 氟代醚
  17994. fluoro-protein foamite ==> 氟蛋白泡沫灭火液
  17995. fluoro-rubber ==> 氟橡胶
  17996. fluoroacetamide poisoning ==> 氟乙酰胺中毒
  17997. fluoroacetic acid ==> 氟乙酸
  17998. fluoroacrylate cladding fiber ==> 氟丙烯酰酯包层光纤
  17999. fluoroamino acid ==> 氟代氨基酸
  18000. fluorobenzoic acid ==> 氟苯甲酸
  18001. fluorocarbon elastomer ==> 氟烃弹性体
  18002. fluorocarbon fiber ==> 氟烃纤维
  18003. fluorocarbon oil ==> 氟代烃油
  18004. fluorocarbon plasmas ==> フルオロカーボンプラズマ
  18005. fluorocarboxylic acid ==> 氟代羧酸
  18006. fluorodi chloromethane ==> 二氯氟甲烷
  18007. fluoroethanoic acid ==> 氟乙酸
  18008. fluoroform, propellant 23, refrigerant 23 ==> 三氟甲烷
  18009. fluorogenic substrate ==> 荧光底物
  18010. fluorographic study ==> 荧光仪检查
  18011. fluorol ==> 氟化钠=>フッ化ナトリウム
  18012. fluorometer ==> 荧光计
  18013. fluorometric analysis ==> 荧光分析
  18014. fluorometric bituminological analysis ==> 荧光沥青分析
  18015. fluoronitrobenzoic acid ==> 氟硝基苯甲酸
  18016. fluorophor ==> 蛍光体(蛍光物質)
  18017. fluorophoshoric acid ==> 氟磷酸
  18018. fluorophotometric analysis ==> 荧光光度分析
  18019. fluoroplastic film ==> 含氟塑料薄膜
  18020. fluoroplastics ==> 氟素尸
  18021. fluoropolymer insulated cable ==> 氟聚合物绝缘光缆
  18022. fluororesin ==> 氟树脂=>ふっ素樹脂
  18023. fluoroscopic image intensifier ==> 荧光图像增强器
  18024. fluoroscopic inspection ==> 荧光检验
  18025. fluoroscopy of chest ==> 胸部透视
  18026. fluoroscopy of chest and abdomen ==> 胸腹联合透视
  18027. fluorosilicate crown glass ==> 氟硅冕玻璃
  18028. fluorosilicone rubber ==> 氟硅酮橡胶
  18029. fluorosis of bone ==> 氟骨症
  18030. fluorous rubber ==> 氟橡胶
  18031. fluorozirconate type optical fiber ==> 氟化锆基光纤
  18032. fluorphosphate glass ==> 氟磷酸盐玻璃
  18033. fluorspar ==> 茧石
  18034. fluorspar powder ==> 氟石粉
  18035. fluosilicate titanium ==> 氟硅酸钛玻璃
  18036. fluosilicic acid ==> 氟硅酸
  18037. fluosolids system ==> 流态化焙烧法
  18038. fluosulfonic acid ==> 氟磺酸
  18039. fluphenazine hydrochloride ==> 盐酸氟奋乃静
  18040. flurescent magnetic partcle ==> 荧光磁粉
  18041. flurry ==> 风雪,风雪风=>突風
  18042. flurry of wind ==> 突風
  18043. flush ==> 面部潮红,冲水,冲洗,潮红,潮湿地,平接,齐头排板,埋入的,脸红,花叶突发,暴涨,溅湿地=>フラッシュ,赤らみ,赤面,紅潮
  18044. flush air intake ==> 平直进气口
  18045. flush away ==> 洗去
  18046. flush bead ==> 平焊缝,凹圆线条
  18047. flush bolt ==> 暗插销,平头插销,平头螺栓,皿头螺钉,埋入插销
  18048. flush bonding ==> 嵌入式
  18049. flush box ==> 冲洗水箱
  18050. flush bushing ==> 无凸缘衬套
  18051. flush button ==> 冲水按钮
  18052. flush cistern ==> 厕所水箱
  18053. flush closedown ==> 清仓关闭
  18054. flush coaming ==> 平缘材
  18055. flush coat ==> 平齐层,磨光层
  18056. flush colour ==> 底色
  18057. flush corner joint ==> 端面角接头
  18058. flush coupled-type drill string ==> 平接钻具
  18059. flush coupling ==> 平接
  18060. flush curb ==> 平埋路缘
  18061. flush cut ==> 平面切削
  18062. flush cut joint ==> 平头接合
  18063. flush deck ==> 平甲板
  18064. flush deck barge ==> 平甲板驳
  18065. flush deck ship ==> 平甲板船
  18066. flush deck vessel ==> 全通甲板船
  18067. flush decker ==> 平甲板船
  18068. flush distillation ==> 一次蒸发
  18069. flush door ==> 平面门
  18070. flush drill pipe ==> 埋装钻杆
  18071. flush eaves ==> 封护檐
  18072. flush fillet weld ==> 平角焊
  18073. flush filling ==> 平齐装料
  18074. flush filter plate ==> 平槽滤板,平槽压滤板
  18075. flush fluid ==> 冲洗液
  18076. flush gallery ==> 冲砂廊道
  18077. flush gate ==> 冲洗闸门
  18078. flush head ==> 埋头
  18079. flush head rivet ==> 皿头铆钉,平头铆钉
  18080. flush head screw shackle ==> 平头螺栓卸扣
  18081. flush headed bolt ==> 埋头螺栓
  18082. flush hydrant ==> 路面消防栓
  18083. flush inlet ==> 不前伸进口
  18084. flush irrigation ==> 淹灌
  18085. flush joint ==> 平灰缝,平贴接合,平头接合,齐平接缝
  18086. flush jointed casing ==> 平接套管
  18087. flush kerb ==> 平埋路缘
  18088. flush median strip ==> 平齐中心带
  18089. flush mica commutator ==> 平面云母换向器
  18090. flush mount type ==> 埋込形
  18091. flush mounted headlamp ==> 内装式前照灯
  18092. flush mounted(pressure)gauge ==> 嵌装压力表
  18093. flush mounting ==> 平齐安装,平装,嵌入装置,埋入装置
  18094. flush nut ==> 平顶螺母
  18095. flush out ==> 冲掉,冲走
  18096. flush panel ==> 平镶板
  18097. flush paragraph ==> 不缩排段
  18098. flush period ==> 降雨期
  18099. flush pipe ==> 冲水管
  18100. flush plate ==> 平装开关面板
  18101. flush plate filter press ==> 平槽压滤机
  18102. flush plating ==> 平接板
  18103. flush plug consent ==> 嵌入式插座
  18104. flush plug receptacle ==> 埋入式插座,埋装式插座=>埋込コンセント
  18105. flush practice ==> 冲渣操作
  18106. flush printed circuit ==> 压制法印刷电路
  18107. flush production ==> 最盛期产量
  18108. flush quenching ==> 冲水淬火,溢流淬火
  18109. flush receptacle ==> 墙插座
  18110. flush rivet ==> 埋头铆钉=>沈頭リベット
  18111. flush rivet(t)ing ==> 埋头铆接
  18112. flush riveting ==> 平铆,平铆接
  18113. flush sintering ==> 快速粉末冶金
  18114. flush snap-switch ==> 埋装式活动开关
  18115. flush socket ==> 埋装插座,平装插座
  18116. flush solution ==> フラッシュ液
  18117. flush surface ga(u)ge ==> 锥度表面规
  18118. flush switch ==> 嵌入开关,埋入式开关,埋装开关=>埋め込みスイッチ
  18119. flush system ==> 平铺式
  18120. flush tank ==> 冲洗槽,冲洗池,冲洗水箱=>貯水タンク
  18121. flush throat ==> 平流液洞
  18122. flush trim die ==> 修边模
  18123. flush trimmer ==> 整平器,剔除器
  18124. flush type ==> 平装型,齐平式,埋入式=>埋込形
  18125. flush type circuit ==> 齐平式电路,嵌入式电路
  18126. flush type fluorescent lighting fitting ==> 嵌入式荧光灯
  18127. flush type instrument ==> 平装型仪表
  18128. flush type meter ==> 嵌入式仪表
  18129. flush type receptacle ==> 埋入式插座
  18130. flush type releasing spear ==> 冲洗型可退式打捞矛
  18131. flush valve ==> 冲洗阀
  18132. flush water ==> 冲水
  18133. flush water pump ==> 冲洗水泵
  18134. flush weir ==> 泄水坝
  18135. flush weld ==> 削平补强的焊缝,平焊接,无加强高的焊缝
  18136. flush wiring ==> 埋装布线
  18137. flush-coupled casing ==> 平接套管
  18138. flush-cutting saw with wooden handle ==> 木柄钢锯架,木柄平头锯
  18139. flush-filled joint ==> 平嵌接缝
  18140. flush-joint casing ==> 平接式管套,外平套管
  18141. flush-level powder fill ==> 平齐装粉
  18142. flush-mounted 2-pole receptacle ==> 暗装双极插座
  18143. flush-mounted antenna ==> 埋込アンテナ
  18144. flush-mounted array ==> 平镶阵
  18145. flush-mounted drawout relay ==> 平装抽出式继电器
  18146. flush-mounted single-pole toggle switch ==> 暗装单极板钮开关
  18147. flush-out valve ==> 冲出阀
  18148. flush-riveted construction ==> 埋头铆接结构
  18149. flush-riveted covering ==> 埋头铆壳
  18150. flush-sided body ==> 平边车身
  18151. flush-switch ==> 平装开关
  18152. flush-type ==> 平整式,埋装式
  18153. flush-type instrument ==> 埋装式仪表,嵌入式仪表,嵌装式仪表
  18154. flushed channel ==> 冲洗槽
  18155. flushed face ==> 面红
  18156. flushed zone ==> 冲洗带
  18157. flusher ==> 冲洗器
  18158. flusher cleaning attachment ==> 冲洗装置
  18159. flushing ==> 冲刷,吹洗,面色红润,发红,补饲催情,(石油)洗井,冲管,给水中的pH值、硬度、含氧量、铜铁含量及电导率和杂质含量等的总称=>フラッシング
  18160. flushing and pilomotion syndrome ==> 面红立毛综合征
  18161. flushing box ==> 冲洗槽
  18162. flushing canal ==> 冲洗槽
  18163. flushing cinder ==> 冲渣
  18164. flushing cistern ==> 冲洗水箱
  18165. flushing fluid ==> 冲洗液
  18166. flushing function ==> 冲洗功能
  18167. flushing gas ==> 冲洗气体
  18168. flushing gate ==> 冲泄闸门
  18169. flushing gutter ==> 冲砂沟
  18170. flushing hole ==> 冲洗孔,渣孔,渣口
  18171. flushing line ==> 冲洗管线
  18172. flushing liquor ==> 冲洗液
  18173. flushing machine ==> 冲洗机
  18174. flushing material ==> 冲洗材料
  18175. flushing of cheeks ==> 两颊潮红
  18176. flushing of ewes ==> 母羊的催情补饲
  18177. flushing of zygomatic region ==> 颧赤
  18178. flushing oil ==> 冲洗用油
  18179. flushing pipe ==> 冲洗管,冲洗管道
  18180. flushing pump ==> 冲洗泵
  18181. flushing rubefaction ==> 发红
  18182. flushing surface ==> 冲洗面
  18183. flushing tank ==> 冲洗池,冲洗水柜
  18184. flushing test ==> 冲水试验
  18185. flushing tunnel ==> 冲砂隧洞
  18186. flushing valve ==> 冲洗阀,冲泄阀
  18187. flushing water ==> 冲沙水
  18188. flushmica commutator ==> 平面マイカ整流子
  18189. flute ==> 槽,长笛,排屑槽,构槽,出屑槽,低功率可调等幅波磁控管,笛子,刃沟,槽,凹槽,竖沟=>フルート
  18190. flute cast ==> 槽模,槽铸型
  18191. flute diaphragm ==> 笛膜
  18192. flute drill ==> 笛形钻
  18193. flute instability ==> 槽纹不稳定性,槽形不稳定性
  18194. flute length ==> 槽长
  18195. flute mark ==> 槽痕,凹槽痕迹
  18196. flute of drill ==> 钻头排屑槽
  18197. flute pitch ==> 槽距
  18198. flute profile ==> 槽形
  18199. flute rill mark ==> 槽形细流痕
  18200. flute storage ==> 笛式存储器
  18201. fluted bar ==> 凹面方钢
  18202. fluted bar iron ==> 凹面方钢
  18203. fluted chucking reamer ==> 机用带槽铰刀
  18204. fluted column ==> 凹槽柱
  18205. fluted coupling ==> 稳定器
  18206. fluted cutter ==> 槽式铣刀,槽形铣刀
  18207. fluted disc ==> 齿盘
  18208. fluted feed roll ==> 排种槽轮
  18209. fluted force-feed drill ==> 槽轮排种式条播机
  18210. fluted glass ==> 凹槽玻璃
  18211. fluted micrometer ==> 沟槽千分尺
  18212. fluted mould ==> 波形模
  18213. fluted moulding ==> 凹槽饰
  18214. fluted nut ==> 槽顶螺母
  18215. fluted reamer ==> 槽式铰刀,带槽铰刀
  18216. fluted roller ==> 起凹槽,槽纹辊,槽纹压延辊
  18217. fluted roller feed distributor ==> 槽轮排肥器
  18218. fluted roller shaft ==> 槽轮轴
  18219. fluted shaft ==> 槽轴
  18220. fluted spectrum ==> 条段光谱
  18221. fluted square pass ==> 凹边方孔型
  18222. fluted taperedshell pile ==> 凹槽锥形壳桩
  18223. fluted tube ==> 槽纹管
  18224. fluted twist drill ==> 麻花钻
  18225. fluted-feed grass seeder ==> 槽轮式牧草播种机
  18226. fluted-roll drill ==> 槽轮式条播机
  18227. fluted-roll feeding device ==> 槽轮排种装置
  18228. fluted-roll mill ==> 槽纹辊
  18229. fluted-roller feed mechanism ==> 槽轮式排种器
  18230. fluted-wheel ==> 排种槽轮
  18231. fluted-wheel drill ==> 槽轮式条播机
  18232. fluteless tap ==> 无槽丝锥
  18233. fluting cutter ==> 槽铣刀
  18234. fluting cutter for tap ==> 螺丝攻槽铣刀
  18235. fluting plane ==> 槽刨,凹刨
  18236. flutter ==> 颤动,电视图象的颤动现象,颤振=>フラッタ
  18237. flutter amplitude ==> 颤幅
  18238. flutter calculation ==> 颤动计算
  18239. flutter coil ==> 颤动校准线圈
  18240. flutter component ==> 颤动分量,脉动分量
  18241. flutter computer ==> 颤动计算机,颤动模拟计算机
  18242. flutter depth ==> 颤动深度
  18243. flutter echo ==> 颤动回波=>鳴き竜
  18244. flutter effect ==> 颤动效应
  18245. flutter fading ==> 颤动衰减,散乱反射衰减,振动衰减=>フラッタフェージング
  18246. flutter failure ==> 振动破坏,颤振破坏
  18247. flutter generator ==> 脉动发生器,颤振发生器
  18248. flutter meter ==> 频率颤动测试器
  18249. flutter rate ==> 振动率,颤动率
  18250. flutter relay ==> 振动式继电器
  18251. flutter simulator ==> 颤振模拟器
  18252. flutter speed ==> 颤振速度
  18253. flutter test data ==> 振动试验数据
  18254. flutter valve ==> 翼形阀,波动阀
  18255. flutter-fibrillation ==> 扑动颤动
  18256. fluvial ==> 河成的
  18257. fluvial abrasion ==> 河流冲蚀
  18258. fluvial anadromous ==> 潮河产卵鱼类
  18259. fluvial bog ==> 河边低地
  18260. fluvial cycle of erosion ==> 河流侵蚀循环,河蚀旋回,常态旋回
  18261. fluvial denudation ==> 河流冲刷作用
  18262. fluvial deposit ==> 河流沉积
  18263. fluvial dynamics ==> 河流动力学
  18264. fluvial erosion ==> 河流侵蚀
  18265. fluvial facies ==> 河相
  18266. fluvial hydraulics ==> 河川水力学,河道水力学,河流水力学
  18267. fluvial lake ==> 河成湖
  18268. fluvial morphology ==> 河川地貌学,河川形态学
  18269. fluvial outwash ==> 河流冲积
  18270. fluvial plain ==> 河成平原
  18271. fluvial process ==> 河成过程,河床演变,河道变迁,成河过程
  18272. fluvial river ==> 河流的
  18273. fluvial sand ==> 冲积沙
  18274. fluvial sediment transportation ==> 河流泥沙输送
  18275. fluvial terrace ==> 河成阶地
  18276. fluvial-marine sediment ==> 河海沉积
  18277. fluviatile ==> 河成的,河川活动
  18278. fluviatile cycle of erosion ==> 河流侵蚀循环,河蚀旋回
  18279. fluviatile dam lake ==> 河流堰塞湖
  18280. fluviatile deposits ==> 河流沉积
  18281. fluviatile erosion ==> 河流侵蚀
  18282. fluviatile plain ==> 河成平原
  18283. fluvio-marine deposit ==> 河海沉积
  18284. fluvioclastic rock ==> 河成碎屑岩
  18285. fluvioeolian deposit ==> 河风沉积
  18286. fluvioglacial deposit ==> 冰水沉积
  18287. fluvioglacial stream ==> 冰川水河流
  18288. fluviomarine deposit ==> 河海沉积
  18289. fluviomaritime section of stream ==> 感潮河段
  18290. fluviomorphological process in river ==> 河床演变过程
  18291. flux ==> 焊剂,通量,磁通量=>磁束,束(ベクトル場),フラックス(はんだ付け),流束
  18292. flux amount ==> 流量
  18293. flux analysis ==> 流束分析
  18294. flux bar ==> 磁通量条
  18295. flux barrier ==> 磁気障壁,フラックスバリア
  18296. flux bath ==> 溶剂槽
  18297. flux bubble ==> 芒硝长泡
  18298. flux buildup ==> 通量增大
  18299. flux concentration ==> 通量集中
  18300. flux concentrator ==> 通量集中器
  18301. flux constant ==> 磁通常数
  18302. flux constituent ==> 焊剂成分
  18303. flux contour reconstruction ==> 磁気面再構成
  18304. flux control ==> 磁束制御
  18305. flux core ==> フラックスコア
  18306. flux cored wire ==> 管状焊丝
  18307. flux cover ==> 渣壳,熔剂覆盖层
  18308. flux curve ==> 光通量曲线
  18309. flux density ==> 通量密度,磁通密度,辐射流密度,流量密度,力线密度
  18310. flux density scale ==> 流量密度标
  18311. flux density spectrum ==> 流量密度谱,通量密度谱
  18312. flux density threshold ==> 阈照度
  18313. flux depression ==> 通量下降,流量衰减
  18314. flux detector ==> 通量探测器
  18315. flux differential relay ==> 磁通差动继电器
  18316. flux dip ==> 通量坑,通量下陷
  18317. flux dip fill-up ==> 通量下陷填平
  18318. flux distortion ==> 通量畸变
  18319. flux distribution ==> 通量分布,通量分析,磁通分布=>磁束密度分布
  18320. flux exclusion ==> 通量排斥
  18321. flux factor ==> 熔解系数,熔剂因子
  18322. flux free bonding ==> 无焊药焊接
  18323. flux free soldering ==> 无焊药焊接
  18324. flux function ==> 通量函数
  18325. flux gate ==> 磁通量闸门
  18326. flux gate compass ==> 磁通量闸门罗盘
  18327. flux gate detector ==> 磁通量闸门检测器
  18328. flux gate magnetometer ==> 磁门磁强计
  18329. flux growth ==> 熔化生长
  18330. flux guidance ==> 通量制导
  18331. flux guide ==> 磁导,磁通控制器
  18332. flux gun ==> 熔剂枪
  18333. flux hardening ==> 通量谱硬化
  18334. flux inclusion ==> 钎剂夹杂
  18335. flux ingredient ==> 焊剂成分
  18336. flux invariant ==> 通量不变量
  18337. flux jump ==> 磁束跳躍
  18338. flux leakage ==> 磁漏,磁通量漏泄
  18339. flux level ==> 通量级,通量水平
  18340. flux line ==> 通量线,力线
  18341. flux lines ==> 通量线
  18342. flux linkage ==> 磁通匝连数=>磁束鎖交数
  18343. flux map ==> 气流图,通量图
  18344. flux mapping ==> 通量测绘
  18345. flux mapping system ==> 通量测绘系统
  18346. flux material ==> 焊剂
  18347. flux measurement ==> 通量测量
  18348. flux metal ==> 助熔金属
  18349. flux meter ==> 磁通表
  18350. flux method ==> 光束法(照明設計)
  18351. flux monitor ==> 磁通监控仪,通量监测器,中子通量监测器
  18352. flux monitoring ==> 通量监测
  18353. flux observer ==> 磁束オブザーバ
  18354. flux of a vector quantity across a surface ==> 面を通してのベクトル流
  18355. flux of electric force ==> 电力束
  18356. flux of force lines ==> 力线束
  18357. flux of light ==> 光通量
  18358. flux of light method ==> 光束法,光通量法
  18359. flux of radiation ==> 辐射通量
  18360. flux of solar radiation ==> 日射量
  18361. flux oil ==> 沥青稀释油,半柏油
  18362. flux oxygen cutting ==> 氧熔剂切割
  18363. flux path ==> 磁通轨迹,磁通路线
  18364. flux peak ==> 通量峰,最大通量
  18365. flux peaking ==> 局部通量剧增,局部通量剧增
  18366. flux penetration ==> 通量穿透
  18367. flux period ==> 通量变化周期,磁通量变化周期,反应堆周期
  18368. flux perturbation ==> 通量微扰
  18369. flux plot ==> 通量图
  18370. flux plot hole ==> 通量测绘孔
  18371. flux plotting ==> 通量作图
  18372. flux position estimation ==> 磁束位置推定
  18373. flux pump ==> 磁通泵
  18374. flux quantum ==> 磁通量子
  18375. flux rate ==> 通量率
  18376. flux ratio ==> 通量比
  18377. flux recovery ==> 通量恢复
  18378. flux refraction ==> 通量折射
  18379. flux roll ==> 熔剂辊
  18380. flux saturation ==> 磁束飽和
  18381. flux scanning channel ==> 通量分布测量管道
  18382. flux screw ==> 磁通调整螺钉
  18383. flux shielding ==> 渣保护,通量屏蔽
  18384. flux sleeve ==> 导磁套
  18385. flux synthesis method ==> 通量综合法
  18386. flux tilt ==> 通量斜变
  18387. flux trap ==> 通量阱,磁通阱
  18388. flux trap reactor ==> 通量阱(反应)堆,通量阱堆
  18389. flux traverse measurement ==> 通量分布测量
  18390. flux unit ==> 流量单位
  18391. flux unit (fu) ==> 流量单位
  18392. flux vector ==> 磁通矢量=>磁束ベクトル
  18393. flux voltmeter ==> 磁通伏特计
  18394. flux wave ==> 磁通波,通量波
  18395. flux waveform ==> 磁束波形
  18396. flux weighted integral ==> 通量权重积分
  18397. flux-coated electrode ==> 造渣型焊条,涂药焊条
  18398. flux-cored electrode ==> 包芯焊条
  18399. flux-cored electrode tubular electrode ==> 管状焊条
  18400. flux-cored welder ==> 包芯焊条焊机
  18401. flux-cored welding ==> 包芯焊条焊接
  18402. flux-cored wire ==> 药芯焊丝
  18403. flux-cutting law ==> 磁通切割律
  18404. flux-depression ==> 通量减弱修正
  18405. flux-depression correction ==> 通量压低校正
  18406. flux-encased electrode ==> 嵌药焊丝
  18407. flux-gate compass ==> 磁通量阀门罗盘
  18408. flux-gate magnetometer ==> 磁通门磁强计
  18409. flux-gravity diagram ==> 流量重力图
  18410. flux-linkage equation ==> 磁通链方程式
  18411. flux-measuring channel ==> 通量测量道
  18412. flux-monitoring foil ==> 通量监测箔
  18413. flux-second ==> 通量每秒
  18414. flux-sensing element ==> 通量敏感元件
  18415. flux-trap region ==> 通量阱区
  18416. flux-traverse measurement ==> 通量穿透测量
  18417. flux-wall guided transfer ==> 渣壁过渡
  18418. flux-weakening control ==> 弱め界磁制御
  18419. fluxed electrode ==> 熔剂焊条
  18420. fluxer ==> 焊剂涂敷器
  18421. fluxgate compass ==> 磁通门罗盘
  18422. fluxgate magnetometer ==> 磁通门磁力仪,磁通门磁强计
  18423. fluxgate sensor ==> 磁选通器传感器
  18424. fluxing ==> 助熔,熔解,造渣,熔剂处理
  18425. fluxing action ==> 助熔作用
  18426. fluxing agent ==> 助熔剂,熔剂
  18427. fluxing effect ==> 造渣作用
  18428. fluxing hole ==> 熔洞
  18429. fluxing medium ==> 造渣剂,助熔剂
  18430. fluxing mineral ==> 熔剂矿物
  18431. fluxing ore ==> 助熔矿石
  18432. fluxing power ==> 渣化能力,结渣率
  18433. fluxion ==> 流動
  18434. fluxion structure ==> 流纹构造
  18435. fluxion texture ==> 流纹结构
  18436. fluxline corrosion ==> 液面线侵蚀
  18437. fluxmeter ==> 磁通表,磁通计=>磁束計
  18438. fluxmeter calibrator ==> 磁通表校验仪
  18439. FLX, flexible wave guide ==> フレキシブル導波管
  18440. Fly ==> 苍蝇星座
  18441. fly ==> 飞轮,蝇,配合手轮,苍蝇=>ハエ,ブユ,アブ
  18442. fly a kite ==> 开空头支票,发通融票据
  18443. fly agaric ==> 蛤蟆菌
  18444. fly ash ==> 飘尘,飞灰,采用机翼型结构,用于锅炉的矩形风道内测量空气流量的装置,粉煤灰,煤在锅炉中燃烧后形成的被烟气携带出炉膛的细灰=>フライアッシュ,飛散灰
  18445. fly ash brick ==> 粉煤灰砖
  18446. fly ash cement ==> 烟灰水泥
  18447. fly ash precipitator ==> フライアッシュ分離装置
  18448. fly ash reinjection system ==> 飞灰复燃装置,将灰斗和对流烟道底部等处收集的飞灰输送并喷入炉膛,使其中的可燃物再次燃烧的装置。
  18449. fly ash resistivity ==> 飞灰比电阻,单位面积、单位厚度粉煤灰的电阻值,常以其电阻率表示,单位为Ω/cm
  18450. fly ash sampler ==> 飞灰取样器,利用平行气流绕流文丘利管的节流作用,测量气流流量的装置。
  18451. fly ash utilization ==> フライアッシュ利用
  18452. fly at zero ==> 超低空飞行
  18453. fly back ==> 快速回零
  18454. fly ball ==> 飞锤
  18455. fly catcher ==> 捕蝇器
  18456. fly catching paper ==> 捕蝇纸
  18457. fly contact ==> 轻动接点
  18458. fly crank ==> 回行曲柄
  18459. fly cutter ==> 飞刀
  18460. fly cutting ==> 快速切削,飞刀切削
  18461. fly destroying preparation ==> 灭蝇制剂
  18462. fly drill ==> 手拉钻
  18463. fly floor ==> 舞台天桥
  18464. fly frame ==> 粗紡機
  18465. fly gallery ==> 舞台天桥
  18466. fly gate ==> 铰链阀
  18467. fly glue ==> 捕蝇胶
  18468. fly hand ==> 收纸叼纸牙
  18469. fly head screw ==> 蝶形螺钉
  18470. fly headed screw ==> 翼形螺钉
  18471. fly ladder ==> 天桥爬梯
  18472. fly lighting gallery ==> 灯光天桥
  18473. fly line ==> 舞台吊索
  18474. fly loft ==> 舞台上空
  18475. fly net ==> 防虫网
  18476. fly nut ==> 蝶形螺母
  18477. fly pinion ==> 飞叶齿轴,制动器轴小齿轮
  18478. fly press ==> 飞轮式螺旋压力机,螺旋压机,螺旋压力机
  18479. fly rail ==> 折叶板撑
  18480. fly screen ==> 防蚊蝇纱
  18481. fly sheared length ==> 飞剪剪切后的定尺寸长度
  18482. fly sheave ==> 滑车飞轮
  18483. fly spray ==> 灭蝇剂,喷蝇油
  18484. fly spray test ==> 喷雾杀虫试验
  18485. fly spring ==> 跳簧
  18486. fly stair ==> 天桥楼梯
  18487. fly television microscope ==> 飞描电视显微镜
  18488. fly tower ==> 舞台塔
  18489. fly trap ==> 捕绳草
  18490. fly valve ==> 蝶形阀
  18491. fly vector ==> 媒介蝇种
  18492. fly wheel generator ==> 飞轮发电机
  18493. fly wheel magneto ==> 飞轮式永磁发动机
  18494. fly wheel pump ==> 飞轮泵
  18495. fly wheel rib ==> 飞轮辐
  18496. fly wheel ring-gear ==> 飞轮环齿轮
  18497. fly wire ==> 板缝盖网
  18498. fly's eye ==> 蝇眼
  18499. fly's eye electron optics ==> 蝇眼电子光学
  18500. fly's eye lens plate ==> 复眼微透镜板
  18501. fly's-eye lens ==> 蝇眼透镜,复眼透镜
  18502. fly-ash collector ==> 飞灰收集器
  18503. fly-ash filter ==> 飞灰过滤器
  18504. fly-ash-cement concrete ==> 烟灰水泥混凝土
  18505. fly-back ==> 回扫描
  18506. fly-back time ==> 回扫描时间
  18507. fly-bar ==> 刀片
  18508. fly-blister ==> 斑蝥水疱
  18509. fly-blown ==> 蝇蛆病
  18510. fly-borne ==> 苍蝇媒介
  18511. fly-borne disease ==> 蝇传疾病
  18512. fly-by ==> 低空飞越
  18513. fly-by-wire ==> 遥控自动驾驶仪
  18514. fly-cut ==> 快速切削
  18515. fly-cutter ==> 高速切削刀
  18516. fly-cutting ==> 快速切削
  18517. fly-headed screw ==> 蝶形头螺钉
  18518. fly-over crossing ==> 立体交叉,高架桥
  18519. fly-over junction ==> 立体交叉
  18520. fly-paper ==> 捕蝇纸
  18521. fly-past ==> 跨度
  18522. fly-trap ==> 诱蝇笼
  18523. fly-wheel diode ==> 续流二极管
  18524. fly-wheel type friction welding ==> 贮能摩擦焊,储能摩擦焊
  18525. flyash ==> 粉煤灰
  18526. flyash concrete ==> 粉煤灰混凝土
  18527. flyaway kit ==> 随机器材包
  18528. flyback ==> 倒转,反馈,回描,回扫,光的回程
  18529. flyback action ==> 归零动作,快速回零机能
  18530. flyback blanking ==> 逆程消隐
  18531. flyback circuit ==> 回扫电路
  18532. flyback converter ==> 回扫电压变换器,逆向变换器=>フライバックコンバータ
  18533. flyback flux ==> 回扫通量
  18534. flyback line ==> 回程线,回描线
  18535. flyback period ==> 回描周期
  18536. flyback power supply ==> 回描电源,行逆程高压电源
  18537. flyback pulse ==> 回描脉冲,扫描逆程脉冲
  18538. flyback ratio ==> 回描率,回扫率
  18539. flyback retrace ==> 回扫描
  18540. flyback time ==> 回程时间,回扫时间=>帰線時間
  18541. flyback timing ==> 退回计时法
  18542. flyback transformer ==> 反馈变压器,回扫变压器,回授变压器,行输出变压器=>フライバックトランス(フライバック変成器)(通信)
  18543. flyback type DC-DC converter ==> フライバック形DC-DCコンバータ
  18544. flyback voltage ==> 回扫电压,冲击激励电压
  18545. flyback waveform ==> 回扫波形
  18546. flyball ==> 飞球
  18547. flyball arm ==> 承重球杆
  18548. flyball governer ==> 飞锤式调节器
  18549. flyball governor ==> 飞球式调速器
  18550. flyball regulator ==> 离心调节器
  18551. flyball tachometer ==> 离心式转数计,飞球式转速计
  18552. flycut ==> 快速切削
  18553. flyer ==> 飞轮,横撑,锭壳
  18554. flyer doffing spinning frame ==> 半自动落纱翼锭细纱机
  18555. flyer frame ==> 粗纺机
  18556. flyer lead ==> 翼导
  18557. flyer roving frame ==> 翼锭粗纱机
  18558. flyer spindle ==> 翼锭
  18559. flyer spinning frame ==> 翼锭细纱机
  18560. flyer spun worsted yarn ==> 翼锭精纺毛纱
  18561. flyer twister ==> 翼锭拈线机
  18562. flyer winding frame ==> 翼锭络筒机
  18563. flyer yarn ==> 翼锭纺成的纱
  18564. flyers fatigue ==> 飞行员疲劳
  18565. Flygt pump ==> 弗利特泵
  18566. flyheel effect ==> 飞轮效应
  18567. flyhob ==> 单齿滚刀
  18568. flying accident ==> 飞行事故
  18569. flying angle ==> 飞行迎角
  18570. flying ash ==> 飞灰
  18571. flying bedstead ==> 飞行试验器
  18572. flying boat ==> 飞船,船身式水上飞机
  18573. flying bomb ==> 飞弹
  18574. flying bond ==> 跳丁砖砌法
  18575. flying bridge ==> 跨线桥
  18576. flying buttress ==> 拱扶垛,拱式支墩,飞扶壁
  18577. flying carp ==> 鲤鱼旗=>こいのぼり(koinobori)
  18578. flying carrier ==> 航空母舰
  18579. flying chip ==> 飞屑
  18580. flying clock ==> 航空钟
  18581. flying control ==> 飞行控制
  18582. flying control system ==> 飞机操纵系统
  18583. flying crane ==> 旋翼起重机
  18584. flying crane helicopter ==> 起重直升机
  18585. flying cutter ==> 飞刀
  18586. flying dial ga(u)ge ==> 连续式测厚千分表
  18587. flying dust ==> 飞尘
  18588. flying dutchman ==> 侧引滑车
  18589. flying facade ==> 假门面
  18590. flying fatigue ==> 飞行疲劳
  18591. flying field ==> 飞机场
  18592. flying fish ==> 飞鱼
  18593. Flying Fish ==> 飞鱼星座
  18594. flying Flemish bond ==> 两顺一丁砌法
  18595. flying flock ==> 过渡羊群
  18596. flying gangway ==> 天桥
  18597. flying head ==> 浮动磁头,浮动磁头
  18598. flying health care ==> 飞行保健
  18599. flying hour rate ==> 飞行时间利用率
  18600. flying illusion ==> 飞行错觉
  18601. flying junction ==> 立体交叉
  18602. flying level ==> 快速水准测量
  18603. flying levels ==> 快速测高
  18604. flying lorry ==> 运货飞机
  18605. flying machine ==> 飞机
  18606. flying micrometer ==> 快速测微仪
  18607. flying needle frame ==> 管针经编机
  18608. flying nurserier ==> 流动苗圃
  18609. flying organ ==> 飞行器
  18610. flying panel ==> 座舱仪表板
  18611. flying paper ==> 快速移动纸
  18612. flying point scanning tube ==> 飞点扫描管
  18613. flying press ==> 螺旋摩擦压力机
  18614. flying print ==> 高速打印
  18615. flying range ==> 航程
  18616. flying rigging ==> 飞行悬索
  18617. flying robots ==> 飛行ロボット
  18618. Flying Sandbank model ==> 飞沙堆模型
  18619. flying saucer ==> 飞碟,未识别飞行物
  18620. flying shear ==> 飞剪
  18621. flying shear cutter ==> 飞剪式碎边剪
  18622. flying shear line ==> 飞剪作业线
  18623. flying shears ==> 飞剪机
  18624. flying sports ==> 航空体育运动
  18625. flying spot ==> 飞点,飞光点,扫描点,扫描射点
  18626. flying spot microscope ==> 飞点扫描显微镜
  18627. flying spot recorder ==> 飞点记录器
  18628. flying spot scanner ==> 飞点扫描器
  18629. flying spot scanning ==> 飞点扫描法
  18630. flying spot scanning digitizer ==> 飞点扫描数字化器
  18631. flying spot scanning tube ==> 飞点扫描管
  18632. flying spot store ==> 飞点扫描存储
  18633. flying spot television microscope ==> 飞点扫描电视显微镜
  18634. flying spot video generator ==> 飞点式视频信号发生器
  18635. flying squirrel ==> 飞鼠=>モモンガ
  18636. flying system ==> 吊景系统
  18637. flying tanker ==> 加油机
  18638. flying theodolite ==> 飞行经纬仪
  18639. flying tuck ==> 旋转式折页刀
  18640. flying vehicle ==> 飞行器
  18641. flying veins ==> 分枝矿脉
  18642. flying wear ==> 飞行服
  18643. flying wing ==> 飞翼式飞机
  18644. flying-disk drive ==> 浮动磁盘机
  18645. flying-head magnetic drum ==> 浮动头磁鼓
  18646. flying-off ==> 断裂
  18647. flying-rafter ==> 飞椽
  18648. flying-shore ==> 横撑
  18649. flying-spot ==> 浮动光点
  18650. flying-spot camera ==> 飞点扫描摄像机,飞点式照相机
  18651. flying-spot film reader ==> 飞点式胶卷读出器
  18652. flying-spot film redader ==> 飞点胶卷阅读器
  18653. flying-spot microscope ==> 飞点显微镜,扫描显微镜
  18654. flying-spot pattern generator ==> 飞点式测试图信号发生器
  18655. flying-spot scanner ==> 飞点扫描器,飞点扫描设备,高速点扫描器
  18656. flying-spot scanning ==> 飞点扫描
  18657. flying-spot store address ==> 飞点存储地址
  18658. flying-spot system ==> 飞点系统
  18659. flying-spot tube ==> 扫描管
  18660. flying-wheel printer ==> 飞轮打印机
  18661. flyingbelt printer ==> 带式打印机
  18662. flyingdisk printer ==> 字盘式打印机
  18663. flyingdrum printer ==> 字轮式打印机
  18664. Flynn classification schema ==> 弗林分类法
  18665. flynut ==> 蝶形螺母
  18666. flyover ==> 过街楼,跨线桥,高架公路
  18667. flypress ==> 螺杆压机
  18668. flysch ==> 复理层,复理石
  18669. flysch facies ==> 复理石相
  18670. flysch sediment ==> 复理式沉积物
  18671. flyshot loom ==> 多幅狭布织机
  18672. flyswatter ==> 苍蝇拍子
  18673. flyway ==> (自舞台向观众席伸出)舞台花道
  18674. flywheel ==> 飞轮,惯性轮=>はずみ車,フライホイール
  18675. flywheel action ==> 飞轮作用
  18676. flywheel arm ==> 飞轮轮辐
  18677. flywheel balancing ==> 飞轮平衡
  18678. flywheel belt pulley ==> 飞轮滑轮
  18679. flywheel burst tester ==> フライホイール試験機
  18680. flywheel casing ==> 飞轮壳
  18681. flywheel chopper ==> 轮刀式切碎机
  18682. flywheel circuit ==> 惯性同步电路
  18683. flywheel clutch ==> 飞轮离合器
  18684. flywheel cutter ==> 轮刀式切碎机
  18685. flywheel dowel retainer ==> 飞轮定缝销钉
  18686. flywheel drive ==> 飞轮传动
  18687. flywheel effect ==> 飞轮效应,水轮机发电机转动惯量,又称“飞轮力矩”。水轮发电机的转动部分在旋转时所产生的惯性力矩,工程上常用转动部分的重力G与惯量直径D的平方的乘积GD2表示,单位为t·m2(KN·m2)=>はずみ車効果
  18688. flywheel electricity storage ==> フライホイール電力貯蔵
  18689. flywheel energy storage equipment ==> フライホイール電力貯蔵装置
  18690. flywheel explosion ==> 飞轮爆炸
  18691. flywheel fan ==> 飞轮风扇
  18692. flywheel friction welding ==> 惯性摩擦焊
  18693. flywheel gear ==> 飞轮装置
  18694. flywheel generator ==> はずみ車式発電機,フライホイール発電機
  18695. flywheel genertor ==> 飞轮发电机
  18696. flywheel governor ==> 飞轮调节器
  18697. flywheel guard ==> 飞轮罩
  18698. flywheel housing gasket ==> 飞轮壳衬垫
  18699. flywheel jet control ==> 飞轮喷射控制
  18700. flywheel key ==> 飞轮键
  18701. flywheel knife ==> 轮刀
  18702. flywheel magneto ==> 飞轮式磁电机
  18703. flywheel magnetogenerator ==> 飞轮永磁式发电机
  18704. flywheel mark ==> 飞轮记号
  18705. flywheel mass ==> 飞轮质量
  18706. flywheel mechanical clutch press ==> 飞轮机械离合器压机
  18707. flywheel moment ==> 飞轮力矩,回转力矩
  18708. flywheel pilot flange ==> 飞轮定心凸缘
  18709. flywheel pit ==> 飞轮坑
  18710. flywheel plate ==> 飞轮摩擦板
  18711. flywheel pulley ==> 滑轮飞轮
  18712. flywheel reduction gear ==> 带飞轮的减速器
  18713. flywheel rim ==> 飞轮辋,飞轮缘
  18714. flywheel ring gear ==> 飞轮齿圈
  18715. flywheel rotor ==> 飞轮转子
  18716. flywheel shear bolt ==> 飞轮剪断安全螺栓
  18717. flywheel sheave ==> 滑车飞轮
  18718. flywheel spoke ==> 飞轮辐条
  18719. flywheel starter ==> 飞轮式起动器
  18720. flywheel starter gear ==> 飞轮起动器齿轮
  18721. flywheel synchronization ==> 飞轮同步
  18722. flywheel system ==> フライホイールシステム
  18723. flywheel thrust ==> 飞轮止推环
  18724. flywheel time base ==> 飞轮时基
  18725. flywheel time-base ==> 非同步扫描
  18726. flywheel type magneto ==> 飞轮式磁电机
  18727. flywheel-assisted reduction gear unit ==> 带飞轮减速机
  18728. flywheel-type alternator ==> 飞轮式交流发电机
  18729. flys eye lens plate ==> 复眼微透镜板
  18730. FM current differential scheme ==> FM伝送電流差動継電方式
  18731. FM exciter ==> 调频激励器
  18732. FM laser ==> 调频激光器
  18733. FM mode locking ==> 调频锁模
  18734. FM multiplex ==> 调频立体声
  18735. FM noise ==> 调频噪声
  18736. FM noise level ==> 调频杂波电平
  18737. FM pulse compression ==> 调频脉冲压缩
  18738. FM radar ==> 频率调制雷达
  18739. FM radio altimeter ==> 调频无线电测高计
  18740. FM receiver ==> 频率调制接收机
  18741. FM receiver deviation sensitivity ==> 调频收音机频偏灵敏度
  18742. FM recording ==> 调频录音
  18743. FM rejection ==> 调频抑制
  18744. FM signal ==> 调频信号
  18745. fm signal generator ==> 调频信号发生器
  18746. FM signal generator ==> 调频信号发生器
  18747. FM stereophonic broadcast ==> 调频立体声广播
  18748. FM terminal equipment ==> 调频终端设备
  18749. FM&CA, failure mode effects and criticality analysis ==> 故障モード影響および致命度の解析
  18750. FM, final mechanical test ==> 最終機構検査
  18751. FM, flight model ==> フライトモデル
  18752. FM, Flow Meter ==> 流量計
  18753. FM, frequency modulation ==> 频率调制,调频=>周波数変調
  18754. FM-PM, frequency modulation-phase modulation ==> 周波数変調-位相変調
  18755. FM-telemetry transmitter ==> 调频遥测发射机
  18756. FM-TV, frequency modulated TV ==> 周波数変調TV
  18757. FMAT, failure mechanism and assurance technique ==> 故障メカニズムと保証技術
  18758. FMB, fan type marker beacon ==> ファンタイプマーカビーコン
  18759. FMC ==> 固定と携帯の融合サービス
  18760. fmc ==> 柔性加工单元
  18761. FMC Federal Maritime Commission ==> 联邦海事委员会
  18762. FMC, Fixed and Mobile satellite Communications equipment ==> 固定通信及び移動体通信用実験機器
  18763. FMEA, failure mode and effective analysis ==> FMEA
  18764. FMEA, failure modes and effects analysis ==> 故障モードと影響解析
  18765. FMECA, failure mode effects and criticality analysis ==> 故障モード影響及び致命度解析
  18766. FMET, failure mode effect test ==> 故障モード影響テスト
  18767. FMF Foreign Military Financing ==> 外国军事财政
  18768. FMG, frequency manager ==> 周波数担当マネジャー
  18769. FMIS ==> 财务管理信息系统
  18770. FMIS Facility Management Information System ==> 辅助管理信息系统
  18771. FMM, fast multipole method ==> 高速多重極法
  18772. FMPAC, fixed multipurpose applications console ==> 固定多目的アプリケーションコンソール
  18773. FMPT, First Material Processing Test ==> 第一次材料実験"ふわっと'92"
  18774. fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging ==> 機能的磁気共鳴画像
  18775. fms ==> 柔性加工系统
  18776. FMS Fathoms ==> (水深量度单位,合6英尺或1.8米)
  18777. FMS, flexible manufacturing system ==> 弾力的生産システム
  18778. FMS, Fluid Management System ==> 流体管理システム
  18779. FMS, force/moment sensor ==> 力/モーメントセンサー
  18780. FMT, Fluid Management Technology Group ==> 流体管理工学グループ
  18781. FMTP ==> 流化床甲醇制丙烯
  18782. FN Fidenavis S.A. (Spanish Class Society) ==> 芬丹纳维斯(西班牙等级协会)
  18783. FNB ==> ファンクショナルナノバイオ
  18784. FNC,Colombian Coffee-growers Federation, Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia ==> 哥伦比亚咖啡协会=>コロンビアコーヒー生産者連合会
  18785. FNCA ==> アジア原子力協力フォーラム
  18786. FND Foundered ==> 沉没,失败
  18787. FNS ==> 加速器型核融合中性子源
  18788. FNS, fine navigation software ==> 高精度航法ソフトウエア
  18789. fnsion zone ==> 熔化区
  18790. FNUM, function number ==> テレメトリ番号
  18791. FO Fuel Oil ==> 燃油
  18792. FO, follow on ==> フォローオン
  18793. FO, functional objective ==> 機能目的
  18794. FOA, Flow Oriented Approach ==> FOA
  18795. foal ==> 子馬
  18796. foaling box ==> 产驹厩
  18797. foaling rate ==> 产驹率
  18798. foam ==> 沫,起泡沫,浮岩,泡沫
  18799. foam analysis ==> 泡沫分析
  18800. foam annihilator ==> 泡沫灭火器
  18801. foam application ==> 泡沫的应用
  18802. foam arrested dust ==> 泡沫捕尘
  18803. foam article ==> 泡沫制品
  18804. foam asphalt ==> 泡沫地沥青
  18805. foam backed textile ==> 泡沫塑料衬里织物
  18806. foam backing ==> 泡沫塑料衬里
  18807. foam bonding ==> 泡沫材料粘合
  18808. foam booster ==> 泡沫促进剂
  18809. foam breaker ==> 泡沫抑制剂
  18810. foam breaking coil ==> 泡沫破碎盘管
  18811. foam casting ==> 泡沫铸塑
  18812. foam catcher ==> 泡沫捕集器
  18813. foam cells ==> 泡沫细胞
  18814. foam ceramics ==> 泡沫陶瓷
  18815. foam chamber ==> 泡沫室
  18816. foam characteristic ==> 泡沫特性
  18817. foam cock ==> 排污旋塞,泡沫旋塞,吹洗锅炉开关
  18818. foam collapse ==> 泡沫结构破坏
  18819. foam column ==> 泡沫发生塔,泡沫塔
  18820. foam concrete ==> 泡沫混凝土
  18821. foam crust ==> 泡沫状结壳
  18822. foam cushion method ==> 泡沫垫层法
  18823. foam degumming ==> 泡沫精练
  18824. foam degumming apparatus ==> 泡沫精练机
  18825. foam density ==> 泡沫密度
  18826. foam depressant ==> 消泡剂
  18827. foam drilling ==> 泡沫冲洗钻进,泡沫集尘钻眼法
  18828. foam drying ==> 泡沫干燥
  18829. foam dust separator ==> 泡沫除尘器,沉沫除尘器
  18830. foam dust suppression ==> 泡沫防尘,泡沫抑尘
  18831. foam dyeing ==> 泡沫染色
  18832. foam end point ==> 泡沫终点
  18833. foam etching ==> 泡沫腐蚀
  18834. foam extinguisher ==> 泡沫灭火器
  18835. foam fabric ==> 泡沫胶布
  18836. foam feed ==> 泡沫进给
  18837. foam filter ==> 泡沫过滤器
  18838. foam fire extinguisher ==> 泡沫灭火机
  18839. foam flame bonding ==> 泡沫塑料热熔粘贴
  18840. foam floatation ==> 泡沫浮选
  18841. foam floating roof ==> 泡沫浮层
  18842. foam flow ==> 泡沫流
  18843. foam fractionation ==> 泡沫分级分离
  18844. foam generator ==> 泡沫发生器
  18845. foam glass ==> 泡沫玻璃
  18846. foam glass block ==> 泡沫玻璃砖
  18847. foam glass brick ==> 泡沫玻璃砖
  18848. foam glue ==> 泡沫胶粘剂,泡沫粘合剂,发泡胶粘剂,发泡粘合剂
  18849. foam gluing ==> 泡沫胶合
  18850. foam height ==> 泡沫高度
  18851. foam hydrant ==> 泡沫灭火器消防栓,灭火器泡沫的给水栓
  18852. foam impression ==> 泡沫痕
  18853. foam in hibitors ==> 泡沫抑制剂
  18854. foam index ==> 泡沫指数
  18855. foam inhibitor ==> 泡沫抑制剂
  18856. foam injection ==> 泡沫注射
  18857. foam insulation ==> 泡沫绝缘
  18858. foam laminate fabric ==> 泡沫塑料层压织物
  18859. foam laminating ==> 泡沫塑料层压粘合
  18860. foam laminating machine ==> 泡沫塑料层压机
  18861. foam layer ==> 泡沫层
  18862. foam life ==> 泡沫寿命
  18863. foam line ==> 泡沫线
  18864. foam maker ==> 泡沫发生器,发泡器
  18865. foam mark ==> 泡沫痕
  18866. foam material ==> 泡沫材料
  18867. foam metal ==> 泡沫金属
  18868. foam meter ==> 泡沫仪
  18869. foam method ==> 泡沫法
  18870. foam mixing chamber ==> 泡沫发生室
  18871. foam mo (u)ld ==> 泡沫塑料模
  18872. foam modifier ==> 泡沫调节剂
  18873. foam neoprene ==> 泡沫氯丁橡胶
  18874. foam number ==> 泡沫值
  18875. foam over ==> 泡沫携带
  18876. foam phase separation ==> 泡沫相分离法
  18877. foam plastic ==> 泡沫塑料
  18878. foam plug ==> 泡沫幕
  18879. foam polystyrene ==> 泡沫聚苯乙烯
  18880. foam powder ==> 发泡粉
  18881. foam profile ==> 泡沫分布型
  18882. foam retention ==> 泡沫保持能力
  18883. foam rubber ==> 泡沫橡胶,橡胶海绵,海绵橡胶
  18884. foam rubber products ==> 泡沫橡胶制品
  18885. foam rubber tyre ==> 泡沫橡胶轮胎
  18886. foam rubbered seat ==> 泡沫橡胶座
  18887. foam scrubber ==> 泡沫吸尘器
  18888. foam separation ==> 泡沫分离
  18889. foam separator ==> 泡沫分离器
  18890. foam shampoo ==> 泡沫洗车剂
  18891. foam slab machine ==> 泡沫塑料成型机
  18892. foam solution ==> 泡沫溶液
  18893. foam sponge indentation tester ==> 泡沫胶耐压试验机
  18894. foam sponge mould ==> 泡沫胶硫化模
  18895. foam stability ==> 泡沫稳定性
  18896. foam stabilizer ==> 泡沫稳定剂
  18897. foam suppressant ==> 消泡剂
  18898. foam suppressor ==> 消泡剂,泡沫抑制剂
  18899. foam test ==> 泡沫试验
  18900. foam trap ==> 泡沫收集器
  18901. foam value ==> 泡沫数值
  18902. foam volume ==> 泡沫体积
  18903. foam water cannon ==> 泡沫消防炮
  18904. foam-back ==> 泡沫背衬
  18905. foam-back fabric ==> 泡沫塑料面织物
  18906. foam-coated fabric ==> 泡沫胶布
  18907. foam-generating unit ==> 泡沫发生器
  18908. foam-in-place ==> 现场发泡
  18909. foam-laminated fabric ==> 泡沫塑料面织物
  18910. foam-making duct ==> 泡沫生成管
  18911. foam-promoting builder ==> 泡沫促进剂
  18912. foam-rubber backing ==> 泡沫橡胶底衬
  18913. foam-rubber cushion ==> 海绵垫
  18914. foam-tester ==> 泡沫试验器
  18915. foam-thermal insulation ==> 泡沫绝热材料
  18916. foam-to-fabric process ==> 泡沫成布法
  18917. foamable composition ==> 泡沫剂
  18918. foamed adhesive ==> 泡沫胶粘剂
  18919. foamed adhesive for impregnating carpet ==> 地毯泡沫浸渍粘合剂
  18920. foamed aluminium ==> 泡沫铝
  18921. foamed asphalt ==> 泡沫沥青
  18922. foamed ceramics ==> 泡沫陶瓷
  18923. foamed clay ==> 轻质泡沫粘土制品
  18924. foamed concrete ==> 泡沫混凝土
  18925. foamed corundum brick ==> 泡沫玉砖
  18926. foamed glass ==> 泡沫玻璃,多孔玻璃
  18927. foamed glue ==> 泡沫胶
  18928. foamed latex ==> 泡沫胶乳
  18929. foamed materials ==> 泡沫材料
  18930. foamed metal ==> 泡沫金属
  18931. foamed pearlite ==> 泡沫珍珠岩
  18932. foamed plaster mo(u)lding ==> 泡沫石膏造型
  18933. foamed plastic ==> 发泡塑料
  18934. foamed plastic pattern ==> 泡沫塑料模
  18935. foamed plastics ==> 海绵塑料
  18936. foamed polyethylene ==> 泡沫聚乙烯
  18937. foamed polystyrene feeder ==> 泡沫塑料冒口
  18938. foamed polystyrene pattern ==> 泡沫塑料模型
  18939. foamed resin ==> 泡沫树脂
  18940. foamed rubber ==> 泡沫橡胶
  18941. foamed slag ==> 泡沫熔渣
  18942. foamed sole fluff grinding machine ==> 成形鞋底磨毛机
  18943. foamed vinyl resin ==> 泡沫乙烯树脂
  18944. foamed-in-place filler ==> 泡沫塑料填料
  18945. foamer meter ==> 泡沫测定仪
  18946. foaming ==> 起泡,泡沫共腾,汽水混合物中,蒸汽所占管子截面积与总截面积之比。
  18947. foaming agent ==> 起泡剂,泡沫剂=>発砲剤
  18948. foaming equipment ==> 泡沫涂层装置
  18949. foaming line ==> 泡沫线
  18950. foaming plastics insulation ==> 泡沫塑料绝缘
  18951. foaming power ==> 发泡能力
  18952. foaming process ==> 泡沫法
  18953. foaming slag ==> 泡沫渣
  18954. foaming space ==> 泡沫空间
  18955. foaming stability test ==> 泡沫稳定性试验
  18956. foaming structure ==> 泡沫结构
  18957. foaming substance ==> 发泡性物质
  18958. foaming system ==> 泡沫系统
  18959. foaming test ==> 起泡试验
  18960. foamite extinguishing method ==> 泡沫灭火法
  18961. foamite system ==> 泡沫装置
  18962. foamy adhesive ==> 多泡沫的胶粘剂
  18963. foamy liver ==> 泡沫肝
  18964. foamy meltdown ==> 泡沫的消散
  18965. foamy organ ==> 泡沫脏器
  18966. foamy structure ==> 泡沫结构
  18967. foamy virus ==> 泡沫病毒
  18968. FOB ==> 本船渡し
  18969. FOB destination ==> 目的地交货
  18970. FOB Free On Board ==> 离岸价格,船上交货价
  18971. FOB plane ==> 飞机上交货价
  18972. FOB shipping point ==> 寄发地交货
  18973. FOB, Free On Board ==> 本船渡し価格(本船側へ引き渡すまでの費用が含まれた価格)
  18974. FOB, free on board ==> 工場渡し
  18975. FOBS, Fractional Orbit Bombardment System ==> 部分軌道爆撃システム(ソ連)
  18976. FOC, faint object camera ==> ぼんやりした対象物カメラ
  18977. FOC, fiber optic cable ==> 光ファイバーケーブル
  18978. FOC, Follow-On Capability ==> 断続能力
  18979. FOC, full operational capability ==> 完全運用能力
  18980. focal aperture ==> 聚焦孔径,焦斑口径
  18981. focal area ==> 焦斑面积,焦点范围,焦点区,聚焦面积
  18982. focal axis ==> 焦轴
  18983. focal cellular infiltration ==> 灶性细胞浸润
  18984. focal center length ==> 光心高度
  18985. focal chord ==> 焦弦
  18986. focal circle ==> 焦圆,聚焦圆,聚焦圆
  18987. focal date ==> 假定起息日
  18988. focal depth ==> 焦深,震源深度
  18989. focal dermal hypoplasia syndrome ==> 局灶性真皮发育不全综合征,局灶性真皮发育不全综合征
  18990. focal disease ==> 局灶病,局灶病,病灶性病
  18991. focal disease development ==> 中心发病
  18992. focal distance ==> 焦距
  18993. focal distance ratio ==> 焦距比
  18994. focal eikonal ==> 焦点程函
  18995. focal epilepsy ==> 病灶性癫痫发作,局灶性癫痫,局灶性癫痫
  18996. focal epithelial hyperplasia ==> 局灶性上皮增殖,局灶性上皮增殖
  18997. focal faradotherapy ==> 焦点感应电疗法
  18998. focal glomerulonephritis ==> 局灶性肾小球肾炎,局灶性肾小球肾炎,灶性肾小球肾炎
  18999. focal glomerulosclerosis ==> 间灶性肾小球硬化症
  19000. focal hemorrhage ==> 灶性出血
  19001. focal hyaline degeneration ==> 局灶性玻璃样变,局灶性玻璃样变
  19002. focal hyperplasia ==> 灶性增生
  19003. focal image ==> 焦面像
  19004. focal infection ==> 病灶感染,灶性感染,局灶性感染,局灶性感染
  19005. focal infiltration ==> 局灶浸润,局灶浸润
  19006. focal inflammation ==> 局灶性炎,局灶性炎
  19007. focal intercapillary glomerulonephritis ==> 局灶性毛细血管间肾小球肾炎,局灶性毛细血管间肾小球肾炎
  19008. focal interval ==> 焦间节
  19009. focal involution ==> 焦点对合
  19010. focal isolation ==> 焦点隔离法,焦聚分光
  19011. focal length ==> 焦点距离
  19012. focal length determination ==> 焦距测定
  19013. focal length of lens ==> 透镜焦距
  19014. focal length ratio ==> 焦距比
  19015. focal length setting ==> 焦距调节
  19016. focal lesion ==> 局灶性病变,局灶性病变,局灶性损害,局灶性损害
  19017. focal line ==> 焦线
  19018. focal mechanism ==> 震源机制
  19019. focal monochromator ==> 聚焦单色仪,聚焦单色仪
  19020. focal myocardial infarction ==> 灶性心肌梗死
  19021. focal necrosis ==> 灶性坏死,灶样坏死,局灶性坏死,局灶性坏死
  19022. focal nephritis ==> 局灶性肾炎,局灶性肾炎
  19023. focal plane ==> 焦平面=>焦点面
  19024. focal plane (FP) ==> 焦平面标志
  19025. focal plane aberration ==> 焦平面像差
  19026. focal plane arrays (FPA) ==> 焦平面阵列
  19027. focal plane camera ==> 焦面摄影机,焦平面快门照相机,卷帘式快门摄影机,卷帘式快门摄影机
  19028. focal plane filter ==> 焦面滤光片
  19029. focal plane plate ==> 焦面板,焦面玻璃
  19030. focal plane scanning system ==> 焦平面扫描系统
  19031. focal plane shift ==> 焦面位移
  19032. focal plane shutter ==> 焦平面快门
  19033. focal plane slit ==> 焦面狭缝
  19034. focal point ==> 焦点,重点=>焦点
  19035. focal point of working ==> 开挖面中心
  19036. focal point triangulation ==> 焦点三角测量
  19037. focal position ==> 焦点位置
  19038. focal power ==> 焦度,倒焦距,光焦度
  19039. focal proliferation ==> 局灶性增殖
  19040. focal radius ==> 焦点半径
  19041. focal ratio ==> 焦比
  19042. focal reaction ==> 病灶反应
  19043. focal reducer ==> 缩焦器
  19044. focal sclerosis ==> 局灶性硬化,局灶性硬化
  19045. focal selzure ==> 病灶性癫痫
  19046. focal setting ==> 焦距装定
  19047. focal shutter ==> 焦面快门,幕帘快门
  19048. focal sphere ==> 焦球
  19049. focal spot ==> 焦斑,焦点=>焦点
  19050. focal surface ==> 焦点曲面
  19051. focal symptom ==> 局灶性症状,局灶性症状
  19052. focal variation ratio ==> 变焦倍比,变焦距倍率
  19053. focal vitreous degeneration ==> 局灶性玻璃样变,局灶性玻璃样变
  19054. focal zone ==> 聚焦带,聚焦带
  19055. focal-plane modulator ==> 焦平面调制器
  19056. fock states ==> フォック状態
  19057. foco-collimator ==> 测焦距准直光管,测焦距准直仪
  19058. focousing field ==> 聚焦场
  19059. foctor of merit ==> 品质因数
  19060. focus ==> 焦点,病灶,集中,疫灶区=>中心,焦点,foci(複数形)
  19061. focus circuit ==> 聚焦电路,聚焦电路
  19062. focus coil housing ==> 聚焦线圈壳,聚焦线圈壳
  19063. focus control ==> 调焦装置,焦点调整
  19064. focus correction ==> 焦点校正
  19065. focus current ==> 聚焦电流,聚焦电流
  19066. focus current correction ==> 聚焦电流校正,聚焦电流校正
  19067. focus current REG ==> 聚焦电流稳定器,聚焦电流稳定器
  19068. focus drum ==> 聚焦筒,聚焦筒
  19069. focus electrode potential ==> 聚焦电极电位,聚焦电极电位
  19070. focus for infinity ==> 无限远焦点
  19071. focus glass ==> 调焦玻璃
  19072. focus group interview ==> 重点集体面谈话法
  19073. focus knob ==> 聚焦旋钮,聚焦旋钮
  19074. focus level ==> 聚焦程度,聚焦程度,焦点水平
  19075. focus mask ==> 聚焦网,聚焦网,聚焦栅极,聚焦栅极
  19076. focus mask type colo(u)r tube ==> 栅孔聚焦型彩色显像管
  19077. focus modulation ==> 聚焦调整,聚焦调整,聚焦调制,聚焦调制
  19078. focus of excitation ==> 兴奋灶,兴奋中心
  19079. focus of infarct ==> 梗塞灶
  19080. focus of infection ==> 感染灶,疫源地,疫灶区,传染灶,传染中心
  19081. focus of natural infection ==> 自然疫源地
  19082. focus pack ==> 聚焦组件,聚焦组件
  19083. focus perspective ==> 焦点透视
  19084. focus point ==> 聚焦点,聚焦点
  19085. focus projection and scanning ==> 聚焦投影和扫描法,聚焦投影和扫描法
  19086. focus range ==> 聚焦范围,聚焦范围
  19087. focus rays ==> 集聚射线
  19088. focus rectifier ==> 聚焦整流器,聚焦整流器
  19089. focus regulator ==> 聚焦稳压器,聚焦稳压器
  19090. focus set ==> 聚焦调整,聚焦调整
  19091. focus shift ==> 焦点位移
  19092. focus size ==> 焦点尺寸
  19093. focus to film distance ==> 焦距
  19094. focus variable rheostat ==> 聚焦电位器,聚焦电位器
  19095. focus VR ==> 聚焦电位器,聚焦电位器
  19096. focus(foci) ==> 焦点
  19097. focus(ing) ring ==> 对光环
  19098. focus(s)ed spot diameter ==> 焦斑直径
  19099. focus(s)ing glass ==> 调焦屏
  19100. focus(s)ing lens ==> 调焦透镜
  19101. focus-coil assembly ==> 电磁聚焦组件,聚焦线圈系统,聚焦线圈系统
  19102. focus-coil axis ==> 聚焦线圈轴,聚焦线圈轴
  19103. focus-compensating pent(ode) ==> 聚焦补偿五极管,聚焦补偿五极管
  19104. focus-film distance ==> 焦片距
  19105. focus-image distance ==> 焦像距
  19106. focus-in ==> 调焦
  19107. focus-object distance ==> 焦物距
  19108. focus-out ==> 散焦
  19109. focus-to-film distance ==> 焦点到底片距离
  19110. focused beam laser ==> 聚焦束激光器
  19111. focused condition ==> 聚焦条件,聚焦条件
  19112. focused Gaussian laser beam ==> 高斯聚焦激光束
  19113. focused ion beam lithography ==> 聚焦离子束光刻
  19114. focused reflector ==> 焦正反射面
  19115. focused transducer ==> 聚焦型探头,聚焦型探头
  19116. focuser ==> 焦距放大镜
  19117. focusing ==> 聚焦,聚焦法,对焦点=>集束(電子ビーム)
  19118. focusing (control) ==> 调焦
  19119. focusing accuracy ==> 聚焦精度,聚焦精度
  19120. focusing anode ==> 聚焦阳极
  19121. focusing by accelerating field ==> 加速场聚焦
  19122. focusing camera mirror ==> 照相机聚焦镜
  19123. focusing coil ==> 聚焦线圈=>集束コイル
  19124. focusing collector ==> 聚焦型收集器
  19125. focusing condition ==> 聚焦条件,聚焦条件
  19126. focusing control ==> 集束調整
  19127. focusing criterion ==> 聚焦准则,聚焦准则
  19128. focusing cup ==> 聚焦杯,聚焦杯
  19129. focusing defect ==> 聚焦缺陷,聚焦缺陷
  19130. focusing device ==> 倒装置
  19131. focusing diffratometer ==> 聚焦衍射计,聚焦衍射计
  19132. focusing distance ==> 聚焦距离,聚焦距离
  19133. focusing electrode ==> 聚焦电极=>集束電極
  19134. focusing electrophoresis ==> 聚焦电泳,聚焦电泳
  19135. focusing error ==> 聚焦误差,聚焦误差,对光误差
  19136. focusing eyeglass ==> 图像聚焦检验器
  19137. focusing factor ==> 聚焦系数,聚焦系数
  19138. focusing field ==> 聚集场
  19139. focusing foil ==> 聚焦箔,聚焦箔
  19140. focusing geometry ==> 聚焦几何形状,聚焦几何形状
  19141. focusing glass ==> 图像聚焦检查镜
  19142. focusing laser Doppler velocimeter ==> 聚焦激光多普勒测速计,聚焦激光多普勒测速计
  19143. focusing magnet ==> 聚焦磁石,聚焦磁铁
  19144. focusing magnetic field ==> 聚焦磁场,聚焦磁场
  19145. focusing mark ==> 聚焦标,聚焦标,对光标
  19146. focusing mechanism ==> 倒装置
  19147. focusing mirror ==> 聚焦反射镜,聚焦反射镜
  19148. focusing mount ==> 聚焦架,聚焦架
  19149. focusing optical fiber ==> 聚焦光纤,聚焦光纤
  19150. focusing ring ==> 聚焦环,聚焦环,调焦环,调焦圈
  19151. focusing scale ==> 焦距标度
  19152. focusing screen ==> 对焦屏,毛玻璃
  19153. focusing screw ==> 调焦螺旋
  19154. focusing Soller-slit system ==> 聚焦邵勒缝隙系统,聚焦邵勒缝隙系统,苏莱尔调焦狭缝系统
  19155. focusing spectrometer ==> 聚焦分光计,聚焦分光计
  19156. focusing surface ==> 聚焦面,聚焦面
  19157. focusing system ==> 聚集装置,聚焦系统
  19158. focusing telescope ==> 聚焦节距镜,聚焦节距镜
  19159. focusing type probe ==> 聚焦探头
  19160. focusing unit ==> 聚焦装置
  19161. FOD, follow-on development ==> 以後の開発
  19162. FOD, foreign object damage ==> 異物損傷
  19163. fodder ==> 饲料
  19164. fodder beet ==> 饲用甜菜
  19165. fodder beet lifter ==> 饲用甜菜挖掘器
  19166. fodder chopper ==> 铡刀
  19167. fodder concentrates ==> 精饲料
  19168. fodder crop rotation ==> 饲料轮作,饲料作物轮作
  19169. fodder cutter ==> 饲料切碎机
  19170. fodder distributor ==> 饲料分配器
  19171. fodder grain ==> 饲用谷粒,饲用谷物
  19172. fodder grass ==> 饲草,牧草
  19173. fodder grinder ==> 饲料粉碎机
  19174. fodder grinding mill ==> 饲料粉碎机
  19175. fodder melon crop ==> 瓜类饲料
  19176. fodder mixer ==> 饲料混合机
  19177. fodder mixing machine ==> 饲料搅拌机
  19178. fodder steamer ==> 饲料蒸煮器
  19179. fodder tree ==> 饲料树木
  19180. fodder unit ==> 饲料单位
  19181. fodder yeast ==> 饲料酵母
  19182. foehn air ==> 焚风空气
  19183. foehn cloud ==> 焚风云
  19184. foehn cyclone ==> 焚风气旋
  19185. foehn island ==> 焚风岛
  19186. foehn nose ==> 焚风鼻
  19187. foehn pause ==> 焚风停顿
  19188. foehn period ==> 焚风时期
  19189. foehn storm ==> 焚风风暴
  19190. foehn trough ==> 焚风槽
  19191. foehn wall ==> 焚风云壁
  19192. FOEL, Friends of the Earth International ==> 国際地球の友
  19193. foetal blood ==> 胎儿血
  19194. foetal circulation ==> 胎循环
  19195. foetal death ==> 胎儿死亡
  19196. foetal death rate ==> 胎儿死产率
  19197. foetal hair ==> 胎发,胎毛
  19198. foetal hemoglobin ==> 胎儿血红蛋白
  19199. foetal membrane ==> 胎膜
  19200. foetal mesoderm ==> 胎体中胚层
  19201. foetal organ ==> 胎体器官
  19202. foetal period ==> 胎儿期
  19203. foetal placenta ==> 胎儿胎盘
  19204. foetal position ==> 胎儿姿势
  19205. foetal stalk ==> 胎柄
  19206. foetal surgery ==> 胎儿外科
  19207. FOFAX, forecast office facsimile ==> 予報部ファクシミリ
  19208. fog ==> 胶片走光,灰雾,走光,雾,黑斑
  19209. fog alert system ==> 雾警报装置
  19210. fog and haze ==> 霧霾(wumai)=>粒子状物質
  19211. fog bank ==> 雾堤
  19212. fog bell ==> 雾钟
  19213. fog belt ==> 雾带
  19214. fog bow ==> 雾虹
  19215. fog buoy ==> 雾标
  19216. fog cabinet ==> 雾室
  19217. fog chamber ==> 云室
  19218. fog channel ==> 雾道
  19219. fog climax ==> 雾障演替顶极
  19220. fog coat ==> 雾化沥青封面
  19221. fog crystals ==> 雾晶
  19222. fog density ==> 雾密度
  19223. fog deposit ==> 冻雾覆盖层
  19224. fog detector light ==> 雾情探测灯,检雾灯
  19225. fog drip ==> 树上雾滴=>霧滴
  19226. fog drop ==> 雾滴
  19227. fog dust ==> 雾烟
  19228. fog fever ==> 再生草热
  19229. fog filter ==> 雾镜
  19230. FOG For Our Guidance ==> 为了我们的指导
  19231. fog forest ==> 雾林
  19232. fog gauge ==> 雾量器
  19233. fog generator ==> 烟雾发生器
  19234. fog gong ==> 雾锣
  19235. fog gun ==> 雾炮,烟雾喷枪
  19236. fog horizon ==> 雾层顶
  19237. fog horn ==> 雾天音响信号喇叭
  19238. fog investigation dispersal operations (FIDO) ==> 研究性的消雾系统
  19239. fog lamp ==> 雾灯
  19240. fog lamp swtich ==> 雾灯开关
  19241. fog light ==> 雾天灯
  19242. fog light tell-tale ==> 雾灯信号灯
  19243. fog lubrication ==> 油雾润滑
  19244. fog machine ==> 雾烟机,烟雾机
  19245. fog nozzle ==> 喷雾嘴
  19246. fog precipitation ==> 雾雨
  19247. fog preventing agent for cleaning mirror face ==> 镜面清洁防雾剂,镜面清洁防雾剂
  19248. fog quenching ==> 喷雾淬火
  19249. fog rain ==> 雾雨
  19250. fog reactor ==> 雾冷反应堆
  19251. fog reed ==> 雾箔
  19252. fog region ==> 雾区
  19253. fog resistant glass ==> 抗雾玻璃
  19254. fog room ==> 雾室
  19255. fog scale ==> 雾级标度
  19256. fog seal coat ==> 雾状封面
  19257. fog signal ==> 雾标
  19258. fog siren ==> 雾汽笛
  19259. fog solution ==> 雾气溶液
  19260. fog spar ==> 雾中拖标
  19261. fog sprayer ==> 喷雾器
  19262. fog track ==> 雾径迹
  19263. fog trumpet ==> 雾喇叭
  19264. fog two-phase flow ==> 雾状两相流动
  19265. fog type insulator ==> 耐雾绝缘子
  19266. fog warning ==> 雾警
  19267. fog whistle ==> 雾哨
  19268. fog wind ==> 雾风
  19269. FOG, Fiber Optic Gyro ==> 光ファイバジャイロ
  19270. fog-cooled reactor ==> 雾冷堆
  19271. fog-dog ==> 雾峰中明亮部分
  19272. fog-lamp ==> 雾天行车灯
  19273. fog-signal station ==> 雾号台
  19274. fog-signalling plant ==> 雾号站
  19275. fog-type insulator ==> 防雾绝缘子,耐雾绝缘子=>耐霧がいし
  19276. fog-type nozzle ==> 雾式喷嘴
  19277. fogday traffic ==> 雾中行车
  19278. fogeater ==> 雾中升起的满月
  19279. foggant ==> 起雾剂
  19280. fogged metal ==> 发雾金属
  19281. fogger ==> 润湿器
  19282. fogging ==> 模糊,成雾,迷惑试验
  19283. fogging and spraying machine ==> 喷烟喷雾两用机
  19284. fogging machine ==> 喷烟器
  19285. fogging oil ==> 雾化油
  19286. foggy ==> 迷糊
  19287. foghorn ==> 雾喇叭
  19288. foglie ==> 木叶装饰的
  19289. fogmeter ==> 雾量计
  19290. fogo selvagem ==> 巴西天疱疮
  19291. FOIA, Freedom of Information Acts ==> 米国公開主義原則
  19292. foil ==> 探测片,金属薄片,叶形装饰,薄金属片,箔=>アルミ箔
  19293. foil activation measurement ==> 箔活化测量
  19294. foil array ==> 箔片束
  19295. foil bag ==> 箔衬袋
  19296. foil bearing ==> 箔带轴承
  19297. foil changer ==> 箔交换器
  19298. foil coil ==> 箔线圈
  19299. foil conductor ==> 箔导体
  19300. foil count ==> 薄片放射性计数,探测片计数
  19301. foil detector ==> 探测片,金箔探测器,箔探测器
  19302. foil dosimeter ==> 箔剂量计
  19303. foil electret ==> 驻极电介体膜
  19304. foil explosion ==> 箔溶断
  19305. foil fuse ==> 箔保险丝
  19306. foil gage ==> 应变片
  19307. foil gasket ==> 箔垫圈
  19308. foil holder ==> 探测片支架
  19309. foil holding rod ==> 探测片支架杆
  19310. foil insulant ==> 箔保温材料
  19311. foil insulation ==> 箔绝热
  19312. foil laminating machine ==> 压金属箔机
  19313. foil mica capacitor ==> 云母电容器
  19314. foil mill ==> 箔材轧机
  19315. foil mionitor ==> 箔监测仪
  19316. foil nozzle ==> 导叶通道
  19317. foil paper ==> 衬底纸,箔纸
  19318. foil pliers ==> 箔镊
  19319. foil printing machine ==> 箔片印刷机
  19320. foil resistance strain gauge ==> 箔阻应变规
  19321. foil sample ==> 箔样品
  19322. foil sampler ==> 环刀取样器
  19323. foil strain gauge ==> 箔式应变计
  19324. foil support ==> 探测片支架
  19325. foil target ==> 箔靶
  19326. foil thermophone ==> 箔式热致发声器
  19327. foil winding ==> 箔绕组,箔式线圈
  19328. foil wrapping machine ==> 箔片包装机
  19329. foil-activation technique ==> 箔激活技术
  19330. foil-backed plasterboard ==> 铝箔衬背石膏板
  19331. foil-borne ==> 翼航状态
  19332. foil-polystyrene-laminate ==> 聚苯乙烯金属箔胶合板,聚苯乙烯金属箔胶合板
  19333. foil-shrink film bag processing machine ==> 箔收缩型薄膜袋加工机
  19334. foil-type safety valve ==> 箔式安全阀
  19335. Foke block ==> 福克块规
  19336. Fokker-Planck equation ==> 福克-普朗克方程
  19337. folacin ==> 叶酸,叶酸类似物
  19338. fold ==> 折,折边,折叠,折痕,倍,褶曲,褶皱,皱折,皱褶,皱襞=>折ること,折り目,ひだ,褶曲
  19339. fold axis ==> 褶皱轴
  19340. fold back ==> 向后折叠
  19341. fold belt ==> 造山带
  19342. fold breccia ==> 褶皱角砾岩
  19343. fold crack ==> 折裂
  19344. fold domain ==> 折叠区域
  19345. fold fault ==> 褶皱断层
  19346. fold generation ==> 褶皱世代
  19347. fold increase ==> 成倍增加
  19348. fold line ==> 折叠线,折线
  19349. fold mountains ==> 褶皱山脉
  19350. fold of incus ==> 砧骨襞
  19351. fold of laryngeal nerve ==> 喉神经襞
  19352. fold of tympanic cord ==> 鼓索襞
  19353. fold system ==> 褶曲系,褶皱系
  19354. fold zone ==> 褶皱带
  19355. fold-out ==> 折叠式插页
  19356. fold-over ==> 重影
  19357. fold-top car ==> 篷车
  19358. foldback circuit ==> 监听线路
  19359. foldbelt ==> 褶皱带,造山带
  19360. folded (-plate) structure ==> 褶板结构
  19361. folded antenna ==> 折叠天线=>折返しアンテナ
  19362. folded buff ==> 折叠布轮抛光
  19363. folded cantilever contact ==> 折叠悬臂式触点簧片
  19364. folded cavity ==> 折叠空腔,折叠式共振腔
  19365. folded chain ==> 褶皱山脉
  19366. folded cylinder TR tube ==> 折叠圆柱天线开关管
  19367. folded dipole ==> 折合偶极子,折叠偶极天线,折叠偶极子=>折返しダイポール
  19368. folded dipole antenna ==> 折合振子天线
  19369. folded dipole reflector ==> 折叠偶极子反射器
  19370. folded doublet ==> 折叠对称偶极天线
  19371. folded fault ==> 褶皱断层
  19372. folded filter ==> 折叠式过滤器
  19373. folded fold ==> 重复褶皱
  19374. folded form ==> 折叠型
  19375. folded laser ==> 折叠式激光器
  19376. folded laser beam ==> 折叠式激光束
  19377. folded region ==> 褶皱区
  19378. folded table ==> 符号监测表
  19379. folded thermocouple ==> 折叠式热电偶
  19380. folded tissue ==> 折叠组织
  19381. folded top antenna ==> 折顶天线
  19382. folded vernation ==> 折叠幼叶卷叠式
  19383. folded vernier ==> 重叠游标
  19384. folded yarns ==> 股线
  19385. folded-dipole antenna ==> 折叠偶极天线
  19386. folded-plate roof ==> 折板屋顶
  19387. folder ==> 折布机,折叠器,折页机,折页器,速缝机,断裂试验仪,落布架,织物折断强度试验器,夹,文件夹=>フォルダ
  19388. folder gluer ==> 折叠胶粘机
  19389. folding ==> 折边,折叠,折叠式的,叠合,合并,褶皱,褶皱作用
  19390. folding amplifier ==> 折叠放大器
  19391. folding blade ==> 折页刀
  19392. folding board ==> 罐托
  19393. folding bridge ==> 开合桥
  19394. folding bridge bay ==> 折叠式桥节
  19395. folding canvas litter ==> 折式帆布担架
  19396. folding casement ==> 折窗
  19397. folding chart[paper] ==> 折叠式记录纸
  19398. folding cylinder ==> 折页滚筒
  19399. folding dental chair ==> 折式牙科椅
  19400. folding door ==> 折门
  19401. folding elevator ==> 折叠式升运器
  19402. folding engine bonnet ==> 折叠式发动机罩
  19403. folding fan ==> 折扇
  19404. folding fan with bone rib ==> 白骨折扇
  19405. folding fin ==> 折叠式尾翅
  19406. folding fin rocket ==> 折叠翼火箭
  19407. folding foot rest ==> 折叠式搁脚板
  19408. folding frequency ==> 折叠频率=>折り重ね周波数
  19409. folding gate ==> 折叠门
  19410. folding hatch cover ==> 折叠式舱口盖
  19411. folding head ==> 折叠式车顶,折头
  19412. folding hood ==> 折叠式顶
  19413. folding hoop ==> 折合箍
  19414. folding jaws ==> 折页滚筒叼牙
  19415. folding ladder ==> 折叠梯
  19416. folding leaf ==> 折合表尺板
  19417. folding leg ==> 折叠架
  19418. folding length ==> 折叠链长度
  19419. folding machine ==> 折叠机,折页机
  19420. folding measure ==> 折尺
  19421. folding mirror ==> 折叠式反射镜
  19422. folding nappe ==> 褶皱推覆体
  19423. folding obstetric table ==> 折叠式产床
  19424. folding partition ==> 折叠式板壁
  19425. folding percussion hammer ==> 折式打诊锤
  19426. folding period ==> 褶皱期
  19427. folding phase ==> 褶皱幕
  19428. folding plates ==> 折页板,折页插图
  19429. folding platform ==> 折叠式平台
  19430. folding pocket magnifier ==> 折叠式袖珍放大镜
  19431. folding pocket measure ==> 折尺
  19432. folding pocket rule ==> 折尺
  19433. folding press ==> 折叠机
  19434. folding ramp ==> 折叠式坡道
  19435. folding ratio ==> 叠合率
  19436. folding rod ==> 折叠杆
  19437. folding rollers ==> 折页辊
  19438. folding roof body ==> 折顶车身
  19439. folding rule ==> 摺尺
  19440. folding scale ==> 折尺
  19441. folding scheme ==> 折叠方案
  19442. folding scraper ==> 折合式耙斗
  19443. folding screen ==> 折屏风,册屏
  19444. folding seat ==> 折叠椅
  19445. folding shield ==> 折叠式护板
  19446. folding shutter ==> 箱型百叶窗
  19447. folding staff ==> 折叠式标尺
  19448. folding stair ==> 折梯
  19449. folding steel chair ==> 钢折椅
  19450. folding step ==> 折叠式登车阶梯,折叠式踏板
  19451. folding stool ==> 折凳
  19452. folding strength ==> 耐折度
  19453. folding stress ==> 折弯应力
  19454. folding stretcher ==> 折式担架
  19455. folding system of poultry-keeping ==> 草地围栏养鸡法
  19456. folding table ==> 折桌
  19457. folding test ==> 折弯试验,折皱试验
  19458. folding till(top) ==> 折叠式车篷
  19459. folding tongs ==> 折叠钳
  19460. folding top ==> 折叠式车顶
  19461. folding top bow ==> 折叠式篷顶的弧拱
  19462. folding top structure ==> 折叠式篷顶架
  19463. folding tractor strakes ==> 折叠式附加轮箍抓地齿
  19464. folding type recording chart ==> 折叠型记录纸
  19465. folding wedge ==> 双楔
  19466. folding wedges ==> 对顶楔
  19467. folding wheel chair ==> 折式轮椅
  19468. folding windshield ==> 折叠式风挡
  19469. folding wooden rule ==> 木折尺
  19470. folding-jib gantry ==> 折臂式高架起重机
  19471. foldover ==> 折叠,叠影
  19472. folds of iris ==> 虹膜襞
  19473. foliage application ==> 叶面喷肥,叶面施药
  19474. foliage branch ==> 叶枝,营养枝
  19475. foliage cover ==> 叶覆盖
  19476. foliage dressing ==> 叶面施肥
  19477. foliage effect ==> 叶丛效应
  19478. foliage green ==> 叶绿色
  19479. foliage leaching ==> 叶面淋溶
  19480. foliage leaf ==> 通常叶
  19481. foliage organ ==> 叶面器官,叶器官
  19482. foliage plant ==> 观叶植物
  19483. foliage reflectance ==> 叶反射率
  19484. foliage shoot ==> 叶枝
  19485. foliage spray ==> 叶面喷肥,叶面施肥,叶面追肥,肥料叶面喷洒
  19486. foliage treatment ==> 茎葉処理
  19487. foliage tree ==> 观叶树
  19488. folial ray ==> 叶射线
  19489. Folian process ==> 锤骨长突
  19490. foliar absorption ==> 叶部吸收
  19491. foliar ammonia treatment ==> 秸杆氨化=>茎葉類アンモニア処理
  19492. foliar analysis ==> 叶片分析
  19493. foliar application ==> 叶敷,叶上面喷撒,叶上施肥
  19494. foliar application of copper sulphate ==> 叶施液体硫酸铜
  19495. foliar application of iron sulphate ==> 叶施硫酸铁
  19496. foliar application of nitrogen solution ==> 叶面施用氮素
  19497. foliar base ==> 叶基
  19498. foliar bundle ==> 叶输导束
  19499. foliar condition ==> 叶子情况
  19500. foliar diagnosis ==> 叶片诊断
  19501. foliar spray ==> 叶喷,叶施,肥料叶面喷洒
  19502. foliar treatment ==> 茎葉処理
  19503. foliar-feeding insect ==> 食叶虫害
  19504. foliated capital ==> 叶饰柱头
  19505. foliated glass ==> 片状玻璃
  19506. foliated ice ==> 片状冰
  19507. foliated ice wedge ==> 叶状冰楔
  19508. foliated manifolds ==> 叶层流形
  19509. foliated rock ==> 叶片状岩石
  19510. foliated scroll-handle ==> 薄片漩涡状手柄
  19511. foliated structure ==> 薄片状构造,薄片状结构,叶片状结构
  19512. foliated talc ==> 叶片滑石,片状滑石
  19513. foliated tellurium ==> 叶碲矿
  19514. foliated texture ==> 叶片状结构
  19515. foliation fissure ==> 叶理裂缝
  19516. foliation structure ==> 叶理构造
  19517. folic acid ==> 维生素M
  19518. folic acid (FA) ==> 叶酸
  19519. folic acid antagonist ==> 叶酸对抗剂,叶酸拮抗药
  19520. folic acid deficiency ==> 叶酸缺乏
  19521. folicanthine ==> 叶坎生
  19522. Folin sugar tube ==> 福林氏测糖管
  19523. Folin urea apparatus ==> 福林定脲器
  19524. Folin's acid molybdate reagent ==> 福林氏酸性钼酸盐试剂
  19525. Folin-Looney test ==> 福-路二氏试验
  19526. Folin-Macallum's method ==> 福-麦二氏法
  19527. Folin-Wu's blood analysis ==> 福-吴二氏血液分析法
  19528. Folin-Wu's blood digestion tube ==> 福-吴二氏消化管
  19529. Folin-Wu's test ==> 福-吴二氏试验
  19530. Folin-Wus blood analysis ==> 福-吴二氏血液分析法
  19531. Folin-Wus blood digestion tube ==> 福-吴二氏消化管
  19532. folinic acid ==> 柠胶因子
  19533. FolinWu's blood receiving tube ==> 福-吴二氏接受管
  19534. FolinWus blood receiving tube ==> 福-吴二氏接受管
  19535. Folins acid molybdate reagent ==> 福林氏酸性钼酸盐试剂
  19536. folio ==> 页码,对折
  19537. folio column ==> 页数栏
  19538. folio folding machine ==> 对开折页机
  19539. folio paper cutter ==> 对开切纸机
  19540. folio reference ==> 帐页参考
  19541. foliobranch ==> 叶鳃
  19542. foliose lichen ==> 叶状地衣
  19543. foliose-lichen stage ==> 叶状地衣阶段
  19544. foliosine ==> 叶素
  19545. foliozidine ==> 叶兹定
  19546. folium cortex eucommiae ==> 杜仲叶
  19547. folium ilecis ==> 攻劳叶
  19548. folium panacis japonici cum caule ==> 绿参叶
  19549. folk art ==> 民间艺术
  19550. folk arts and crafts ==> 民间工艺品
  19551. folk blue and white ==> 民间青花
  19552. folk custom ==> 民间习俗,民俗
  19553. folk guitar ==> 民间吉他
  19554. folk house ==> 民居
  19555. folk kiln ==> 民窑
  19556. folk music ==> 民间音乐
  19557. folk prescription ==> 民间药方,偏方
  19558. folk psychology ==> 民族心理学
  19559. Folkecenter ==> 丹麦再生能源中心=>フォルケセンター,デンマークの再生エネルギー研究センター
  19560. folks ==> 人々
  19561. follicle group ==> 毛囊群
  19562. follicle maturity ==> 卵泡成熟
  19563. follicle population ==> 毛孔密度,毛囊密度
  19564. follicle-stimulating hormone ==> 促卵泡素
  19565. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) ==> 促卵泡成熟激素,促卵泡激素
  19566. follicle-stimulating hormone releasing hormone ==> 卵泡刺激素释放激素
  19567. follicular abscess ==> 滤泡脓肿
  19568. follicular adenocarcinoma ==> 滤泡状腺癌
  19569. follicular and perifollicular hyperkeratosis ==> 毛囊和毛囊周角化过度病
  19570. follicular cavity ==> 卵泡腔
  19571. follicular cell tumor ==> 滤泡细胞瘤
  19572. follicular cyst ==> 滤泡囊肿,卵泡囊肿
  19573. follicular development ==> 卵泡发育
  19574. follicular fluid ==> 卵泡液
  19575. follicular goiter ==> 滤泡性甲状腺肿
  19576. follicular hormone ==> 卵泡激素,艾-道二氏激素
  19577. follicular hydrops ==> 卵泡积液
  19578. follicular hyperkeratosis ==> 毛囊角化过度,毛囊性角质化过度症
  19579. follicular lutein cells ==> 卵泡黄体素细胞
  19580. follicular lymphoma ==> 滤泡性淋巴瘤
  19581. follicular orifice ==> 毛囊口
  19582. follicular rupture ==> 卵泡破裂
  19583. follicule-stimulating hormone (FSH) ==> 卵泡刺激素
  19584. folliculi liquor ==> 滤泡液
  19585. follow a rotating schedule ==> 輪番制で行う
  19586. follow block ==> 抵板
  19587. follow board ==> 模板,模型托板,造型底板
  19588. follow current ==> 持续电流=>続流
  19589. follow focus attachment ==> 跟踪调焦装置
  19590. follow on current ==> 持续电流
  19591. follow rest ==> 移动中心架
  19592. follow scanner ==> 跟踪扫描器
  19593. follow shot ==> 跟踪摄影,全景镜头
  19594. follow spot ==> 跟踪聚光灯
  19595. follow the instructions ==> 按照技术指导
  19596. follow through ==> 破甲后效物质
  19597. follow treaty ==> 守约
  19598. follow up control ==> 随动控制
  19599. follow up control system ==> 随动控制体系
  19600. follow up mechanism ==> 随动装置
  19601. follow up pointer ==> 从动针
  19602. follow up system ==> 追踪系统
  19603. follow(-on) die ==> 连续冲模
  19604. follow(er) rest ==> 随动刀架,随行中心架
  19605. follow-on ==> 改进型的
  19606. follow-on subassembly ==> 随动组件
  19607. follow-the-pointer dial ==> 指针重合式刻度盘
  19608. follow-the-pointer indicator ==> 指针重合式指式器
  19609. follow-up coil ==> 螺线管,随动线圈
  19610. follow-up control ==> 随动控制,从动操纵,跟随控制,跟踪调节,跟踪控制=>追従制御
  19611. follow-up control system ==> 随动控制系
  19612. follow-up gear ==> 随动装置
  19613. follow-up grouting ==> 采后灌浆
  19614. follow-up hand feed ==> 手动进给,手摇走刀
  19615. follow-up mechanism ==> 追踪装置
  19616. follow-up point ==> 随动指针
  19617. follow-up pointer ==> 从动针,从动指针
  19618. follow-up potentiometer ==> 随动系统电位计,伺服系统电位器,反馈电势计
  19619. follow-up pressure ==> 自动加压,随动加压
  19620. follow-up pulley ==> 随动轮,从动滑轮,从动轮
  19621. follow-up sleeve ==> 随动套筒
  19622. follow-up study ==> 追踪调查
  19623. follow-up system ==> 随动系统
  19624. follow-up system of the mechanical lever feedback type ==> 机械杠杆反馈式追随机构
  19625. follow-up transfomer ==> 随动变压器
  19626. follow-up unit ==> 随动部件
  19627. follow-up valve ==> 随动阀
  19628. followed either by plowing or disking ==> 耕地或耙地之后
  19629. follower ==> 从动轮,随动件,跟随器,随动棒,随动机构,随动件,随进钻头,从动机构,从动件,输出器,被动轮,挤水棒,重发器
  19630. follower amplifier ==> 跟踪放大器
  19631. follower arm ==> 进料杆
  19632. follower drive ==> 随动件拖动
  19633. follower eccentric ==> 进程偏心轮,从动偏心轮
  19634. follower fixture ==> 随行夹具
  19635. follower flange ==> 填料压盖法兰
  19636. follower gear ==> 被动齿轮,从动齿机,从动齿轮
  19637. follower lever ==> 从动杆
  19638. follower motor ==> 随动电动机
  19639. follower pile ==> 送桩
  19640. follower plate ==> 随动板,仿形圆盘,填料函压盖
  19641. follower pulley ==> 从动皮带轮
  19642. follower rest ==> 随行刀架,跟刀架
  19643. follower ring ==> 随动圈,从动环
  19644. follower ring and washer ==> 从动环及垫圈
  19645. follower spring ==> 随动弹簧
  19646. follower stud and unt ==> 从动板柱螺栓及螺母
  19647. follower wheel ==> 从动轮,随动轮
  19648. following a single pattern ==> 强求一律
  19649. following control system ==> 随动控制系统
  19650. following dirt ==> 伪顶
  19651. following edge ==> 下降边,后缘
  19652. following error ==> 随动误差
  19653. following grouting ==> 采后灌浆
  19654. following in range ==> 远距离跟踪
  19655. following planting ==> 播后,播种后
  19656. following range ==> 跟踪范围
  19657. following range of synchronization ==> 同步保持范围
  19658. following rate ==> 跟踪速率
  19659. following rest ==> 随行扶架
  19660. following sea ==> 尾随浪
  19661. following stone ==> 随矿石落下的顶板岩石
  19662. following system ==> 跟踪系统
  19663. following system of land classification ==> 下列土地分级法
  19664. following wake ==> 伴流
  19665. following whites ==> 拖白边
  19666. following wind ==> 顺风,顺水风
  19667. followup mechanism ==> 随动机构
  19668. folw outside boundary ==> 边界外流动
  19669. FOM Flag/Ownership/Management ==> 注册/所有权/管理
  19670. fomal description ==> 格式说明
  19671. FOMAMS, flight operations maintenance and management system ==> フライトオペレーション保守管理システム
  19672. FOMMS, flight operations maintenance and management system ==> フライトオペレーション保守管理システム
  19673. FOMRSD, flight operations and maintenance requirements and specifications document ==> フライトオペレーション保守要求仕様書
  19674. FON Freedom Of Navigation ==> 航行自由
  19675. FONASBA Federation Of National Associations of Shipbrokers & Agents ==> 国家海运代理协会联盟
  19676. fonofilm cutter ==> 录音胶片刻纹头
  19677. font change character ==> 字体変更文字
  19678. font data ==> 字形数据
  19679. font memory ==> 字形存储器
  19680. font select ==> 字体选择
  19681. font size ==> 字体尺寸
  19682. font type ==> 铅字
  19683. Fontanas spaces ==> 丰塔纳氏间隙,虹膜角间隙
  19684. fontanel reflex ==> 囟门反射,囟门反射,格伦费耳德氏趾反射
  19685. Fontechevade man ==> 丰德谢瓦德人
  19686. Fonterra ==> 恒天然集团=>フォンテラ
  19687. fonticulus anterior ==> 额囟
  19688. FOO, flight operations organization ==> フライトオペレーション組織
  19689. food ==> 粮,食品
  19690. food additives ==> 食品添加剂
  19691. food allergy ==> 食物变应性
  19692. food analyzer ==> 食品分析仪
  19693. food and beverage industry ==> 饮食工业
  19694. food and drink ==> 饮食
  19695. food and drink regularly consumed ==> 日常消费的食物和饮料
  19696. Food and Drug Administration ==> 食品与药物管理局
  19697. food antiseptics ==> 食物防腐剂
  19698. food attractant ==> 食物引诱剂
  19699. food bacteriology ==> 食品细菌学
  19700. food body ==> 食物体
  19701. food can varnish ==> 食品罐头清漆
  19702. food centre ==> 食物中枢
  19703. food chain ==> 食物链,营养链
  19704. food chain concentration ==> 食物链的浓聚作用
  19705. food chain cycle ==> 食物链环
  19706. food chain transport ==> 食物链转移
  19707. food channel ==> 食物道,食物管
  19708. food chemistry ==> 食品化学
  19709. food coefficient ==> 食物系数
  19710. food colo(u)r ==> 食用色素
  19711. food color ==> 食物色料
  19712. food company ==> 食品公司
  19713. food composition ==> 食品组成
  19714. food conditioned signal ==> 食物条件信号
  19715. food conditioned stimulus ==> 食物条件刺激
  19716. food connection ==> 食物联系
  19717. food consumption ==> 采食量
  19718. food consumption survey ==> 食品消费调查
  19719. food contaminant ==> 食品污染物
  19720. food contamination monitor ==> 食物污染监测器
  19721. food conversion ==> 食物转化
  19722. food conversion ratio ==> 饲料转化率
  19723. food conveying elevator ==> 食梯
  19724. food conveyor ==> 配餐车
  19725. food cover ==> 菜罩
  19726. food crop ==> 粮食作物
  19727. food cycle ==> 食物环
  19728. food dye ==> 食用染料
  19729. food essence ==> 精微
  19730. food factor ==> 食物因素
  19731. food fiber ==> 食物纤维
  19732. food finding ==> 找食
  19733. food fish ==> 食用鱼
  19734. food for long voyage ==> 远航食品
  19735. food for the growth of plant ==> 植物生长需要的养料
  19736. food fortification ==> 食品强化
  19737. food from the leaves to the roots ==> 养分从叶子输送到根
  19738. food grain ==> 食用谷物
  19739. food groove ==> 食物沟
  19740. food habit ==> 食性
  19741. food handling ==> 食品加工
  19742. food hygiene ==> 食品卫生,食品卫生学
  19743. food idiosyncrasy ==> 食物特应性
  19744. food industry ==> 食品工业
  19745. food infection ==> 食物传染
  19746. food intake ==> 食物摄入
  19747. food intake dose ==> 食物摄入量
  19748. food intoxication ==> 食物中毒
  19749. food irradiation ==> 食品辐照
  19750. food irradiation reactor ==> 食品辐照堆
  19751. food linkfood cycle ==> 食物链
  19752. food meatus ==> 食道管
  19753. food microbiology ==> 食品微生物学
  19754. food net ==> 食物网
  19755. food patch ==> 饲料地
  19756. food patcil ==> 食料地
  19757. food plant ==> 食用植物
  19758. food poison ==> 食物毒
  19759. food poisoning ==> 食物中毒
  19760. food pollen ==> 食物花粉
  19761. food pollution ==> 食物污染
  19762. food pollution analysis ==> 食物污染分析
  19763. food potato ==> 食用马铃薯
  19764. food preference ==> 食物选择,偏食
  19765. food preservation ==> 食品保藏
  19766. food preservative ==> 食品防腐剂
  19767. food process ==> 食品加工
  19768. food processing ==> 食品热杀菌
  19769. food processing factory ==> 食品加工场
  19770. food processing plant ==> 食品加工厂
  19771. food products factory ==> 食品厂
  19772. food pyramid ==> 食物金字塔
  19773. food radiation pasteurization ==> 食物辐射巴氏杀菌
  19774. food radiosterilization ==> 食品辐射消毒
  19775. food radurization ==> 食品辐射延长贮期
  19776. food ration ==> 食物定量
  19777. food reaction ==> 食物反应
  19778. food reflex ==> 食物反射
  19779. food refrigerating room ==> 食品冷冻间
  19780. food refusal ==> 拒食,拒食
  19781. Food Research ==> 食品研究杂志
  19782. food reserve ==> 营养物质储备
  19783. food reservoir ==> 食物贮存室
  19784. food sampling ==> 食品取样
  19785. food sanitation ==> 食品卫生
  19786. food science ==> 食品科学
  19787. food service industry ==> 食品行业
  19788. food service system ==> 食物供应体系
  19789. food soil ==> 食物类污垢
  19790. food spoilage ==> 食物腐败
  19791. food stability ==> 食品贮藏性能
  19792. food stamp ==> 食物票证
  19793. food sterilization ==> 食品消毒
  19794. food stimulus ==> 食物刺激
  19795. food storage ==> 食物贮藏
  19796. food substance ==> 食品
  19797. food supplement ==> 食品增补剂
  19798. food supply ==> 食品供应
  19799. food technology ==> 食品工艺学
  19800. Food Technology ==> 食品工艺杂志
  19801. food toxicant ==> 食物毒
  19802. food tray truck ==> 配餐车
  19803. food unconditioned reflex ==> 非条件食物反射
  19804. food unit ==> 饲料单位
  19805. food utilization efficiency ==> 饲料利用效率
  19806. food vacuole ==> 食物泡
  19807. food value ==> 食物营养价值,营养价值
  19808. food web ==> 食物网
  19809. food wrapper ==> 食品包装纸
  19810. food yeast ==> 食用酵母,饲用酵母
  19811. food-borne infection ==> 食物传染
  19812. food-borne intoxication ==> 食物中毒
  19813. food-growing agriculture ==> 生产粮食的农业
  19814. food-handler ==> 食品处理者
  19815. food-handling truck ==> 食品运输车
  19816. food-intake ==> 进食量
  19817. food-pasteurization processing ==> 食物灭菌处理
  19818. food-relation ==> 食物联系
  19819. food-stuff ==> 食品
  19820. food-stuff industry ==> 食品工业
  19821. food-to-microorganism ratio ==> 食物细菌比
  19822. food-tolerance ==> 食物耐量
  19823. foodstuff ==> 食物
  19824. foodstuff rubber ==> 食品工业用橡胶
  19825. fool proof ==> 安全装置
  19826. fool's gold ==> 黄铜矿,黄铁矿
  19827. foolproof ==> フールプループ
  19828. foolproof apparatus ==> 安全自锁装置
  19829. foolscap paper ==> 大页书写纸
  19830. fools gold ==> 黄铁矿
  19831. foot ==> 支承基面,底脚,(器皿)底足=>足,フィート
  19832. foot (feet) ==> 踏,足
  19833. foot (lever) press ==> 脚控压力机
  19834. foot (pedal) switch ==> 脚踏开关
  19835. foot acupuncture therapy ==> 足针疗法
  19836. foot amputation ==> 足切断术
  19837. foot bar ==> 踏杆
  19838. foot bearing ==> 底轴承
  19839. foot block ==> 顶尖座,木柱承板
  19840. foot board ==> 上杆钉,上杆脚板,踏脚板
  19841. foot board rubber pad ==> 脚踏板橡皮垫
  19842. foot bolt ==> 门底脚螺栓
  19843. foot brake ==> 脚刹车,脚踏式制动器,脚踏闸
  19844. foot brake rod ==> 脚踏闸杆
  19845. foot breadth ==> 足宽
  19846. foot cell ==> 基细胞
  19847. foot cells ==> 足细胞
  19848. foot clonus ==> 足阵挛
  19849. foot control ==> 脚踏操纵
  19850. foot controlled valve ==> 脚控阀门
  19851. foot drill ==> 踏钻
  19852. foot drive ==> 脚踏传动
  19853. foot drop ==> 足下垂
  19854. foot end ==> 植物地下部分
  19855. foot engine ==> 脚踏牙钻车=>足踏みエンジン
  19856. foot engine with electric motor ==> 牙科脚踏电动二用钻机
  19857. foot face ==> 钝边
  19858. foot flower ==> 脚踏鼓风机
  19859. foot gear control ==> 脚控传动
  19860. foot glacier ==> 足状冰川
  19861. foot guard ==> 护脚挡
  19862. foot hammer ==> 锻工锤
  19863. foot hanger ==> 踏板吊架
  19864. foot hold ==> 踏板
  19865. foot hole ==> 踏脚孔
  19866. foot iron ==> 铁爬梯
  19867. foot length ==> 足长
  19868. foot lever ==> 踏板,脚踏操纵杆
  19869. foot lift ==> 踏板式起落机构
  19870. foot mark ==> 脚印
  19871. foot masher ==> 脚踏式搅碎机
  19872. foot mat ==> 底垫层
  19873. foot mattress ==> 护底沉排
  19874. foot of the mountain ==> 山麓
  19875. foot operated door holder ==> 脚踏定门器
  19876. foot operated potato cutter ==> 脚踏式马铃薯种切块机
  19877. foot operating lathe ==> 脚踏车床
  19878. foot paring ==> 修蹄
  19879. foot pedal hanger ==> 踏板吊架
  19880. foot pin ==> 地脚钉,尺垫
  19881. foot plate ==> 脚板,支柱垫板
  19882. foot press ==> 脚踏印刷机
  19883. foot print ==> 脚印
  19884. foot pump ==> 脚踏泵,踏板式泵=>フットポンプ
  19885. foot pumps ==> 脚踏打气泵
  19886. foot push ==> 脚踏开关,脚踏按钮=>踏みボタン
  19887. foot rail ==> 直达采区巷道
  19888. foot rest ==> 脚凳
  19889. foot rest crank arm ==> 脚踏曲柄臂
  19890. foot rest lever ==> 脚踏杆
  19891. foot rest rubber ==> 脚踏橡皮
  19892. foot rill ==> 直达采区巷道
  19893. foot ring ==> (瓷碗,瓷盘之底足)(碗盘)底足圈
  19894. foot ring (瓷碗,瓷盘之底足) (碗盘) ==> 底足圈
  19895. foot rolls ==> 底辊
  19896. foot rooler gin ==> 脚踏皮辊轧棉机
  19897. foot rot ==> 脚腐病,腐蹄病
  19898. foot rot and leaf blight of brome grass ==> 禾草基腐病
  19899. foot rot of flax ==> 亚麻根腐病
  19900. foot rot of pepper ==> 胡椒瘟
  19901. foot rot of rice ==> 稻恶苗病
  19902. foot rot of wheat ==> 小麦根腐病
  19903. foot rule ==> 英制尺
  19904. foot run ==> 英尺程
  19905. foot screw ==> 地脚螺钉,地脚螺丝,脚螺旋
  19906. foot screws ==> 底板螺旋
  19907. foot section ==> 尾部
  19908. foot shears ==> 脚踏剪床
  19909. foot slope ==> 麓坡
  19910. foot stalk ==> 梗柄
  19911. foot strain ==> 足劳损
  19912. foot switch ==> 脚踏拍子开关=>足踏スイッチ,フットスイッチ
  19913. foot switch selector ==> 脚踏拍子开关选择钮
  19914. foot the bill ==> 负担费用
  19915. foot thresher ==> 脚踏脱粒机,足踏脱粒机
  19916. foot throttle ==> 脚踏风门
  19917. foot trouble ==> 蹄病
  19918. foot valve ==> 脚阀,脚踏阀,底阀,背压阀=>フート弁
  19919. foot valve cage ==> 底阀罩
  19920. foot valve seat ==> 底阀座
  19921. foot volume ==> 脚踏音量
  19922. foot volume control pedal ==> 脚踏音量控制踏板
  19923. foot wall ==> 底帮,基础墙
  19924. foot well ==> 脚部空间
  19925. foot wheel ==> 脚踏轮
  19926. foot yaws ==> 足雅司病
  19927. foot-and-mouth disease ==> 口蹄疫
  19928. foot-and-mouth disease virus ==> 口蹄疫病毒
  19929. foot-candle meter ==> 英尺烛光计
  19930. foot-crossing ==> 人行横道
  19931. foot-fishing ==> 接轨夹板
  19932. foot-lever press ==> 脚踏压力机
  19933. foot-mounted motor ==> 底座安装型电动机,落地安装型电动机
  19934. foot-operated soap dispenser ==> 脚踏给皂水器
  19935. foot-pedal threshing machine ==> 脚踏打谷机
  19936. foot-screw ==> 底脚螺丝
  19937. foot-switch ==> 脚踏开关
  19938. footage indicator ==> 尺码指示器
  19939. footage number ==> 尺标
  19940. footage per round trip ==> 回次进尺
  19941. football helmet ==> 橄榄球头盔
  19942. footboard ==> 踏板
  19943. footed bowl with cover ==> 带盖有脚碗
  19944. footed mould ==> 压印底圈的模型
  19945. footing ==> 基础=>基礎
  19946. footing beam ==> 底脚梁
  19947. footing cap ==> 地脚帽
  19948. footing course ==> 底层
  19949. footing depth ==> 大方脚埋深
  19950. footing foundation ==> 底座基础
  19951. footing load ==> 底脚荷载
  19952. footing resistance ==> 杆塔基础电阻
  19953. footlathe ==> 脚踏车床
  19954. footling presentation ==> 足位产,足先露,脚踏莲花生
  19955. footmouse ==> フット用マウス
  19956. footnote ==> 注脚
  19957. footpace ==> 上段
  19958. footpad inoculation ==> 爪垫接种
  19959. footpad suction unit ==> 脚踏吸引器
  19960. footpath lighting ==> 歩道照明
  19961. footpower lathe ==> 脚踏车床
  19962. footprint ==> 足跡,(機器の)設置面積
  19963. footstep ==> 踏板
  19964. footstep bearing ==> 止推轴承,臼形轴承,臼形轴承,立轴承
  19965. footstep pillow ==> 立轴承垫座,承力瓦块球面座
  19966. footstep pivot ==> 球面枢轴
  19967. footstock lever ==> 踏杆
  19968. footwall ramp ==> 下盤ランプ
  19969. footwall shaft ==> 下盘斜井
  19970. footwarmer ==> 脚保温器
  19971. footwear machine ==> 织袜机
  19972. FOP, follow-on procedure ==> 以後の手順
  19973. FOP, frame operation procedure ==> フレーム運用手順書
  19974. FOQ Free On Quay ==> 码头交货价格
  19975. for a short time ==> 临时的
  19976. for a time ==> 暂时
  19977. for bearing ==> 轴承挡圈
  19978. for buman consumption ==> 适合人类的食用
  19979. for cash ==> 付现,付现交易
  19980. for civil use ==> 民用
  19981. for cold rolling ==> 冷轧轧辊
  19982. for configurations qualified through testing ==> 结构已经试验证明合格
  19983. for copper pipe ring ==> 铜管接环
  19984. for deposit only ==> 仅限转帐
  19985. for details see attached table ==> 详见附表
  19986. for efficient machine milking ==> 适于使用高效挤奶器
  19987. for example ==> 比如
  19988. for example(e.g.) ==> 例如
  19989. for external broaching ==> 外拉刀
  19990. for external use ==> 外用的
  19991. for free ==> 免费
  19992. for gases and liquids ==> 用于气体和液体
  19993. for high vacuum ==> 高真空対応
  19994. for hot-rolling ==> 热轧轧辊
  19995. for indication only ==> 仅供参考
  19996. for instance ==> 如,例如,比如
  19997. for intestinal absorption ==> 小肠吸收试验
  19998. for just a moment ==> 一瞬
  19999. for large shared data ==> 大型共享数据的关系模型
  20000. for livestock ==> 兽用
  20001. for order ==> 准备出售
  20002. for prompt cash ==> 须当场付款
  20003. for screw stays ==> 用于螺丝固定
  20004. for set pitman pin ==> 连杆开口销
  20005. for statement ==> 循环语句
  20006. for taper thread ==> 锥形螺纹丝锥
  20007. for the carrier ==> 交承运人
  20008. for the consignee ==> 交收货人
  20009. for the domestic market ==> 内销
  20010. for the time being ==> 暂时
  20011. for trepanning plug sections ==> 用于穿孔螺塞部分
  20012. for up to 10-days after germination ==> 直到萌发后十天
  20013. for vessels under external pressure ==> 用于外压容器
  20014. FOR, flight operation review ==> 飛行運用審査
  20015. For, Fornax ==> ろ座
  20016. for-all structure ==> 全操作结构
  20017. forage blower ==> 饲料抛送机
  20018. forage box ==> 运饲料车厢
  20019. forage chopper ==> 饲料切碎机,饲料收获
  20020. forage chopping equipment ==> 饲料切碎机具
  20021. forage clipper ==> 饲料联合收获机
  20022. forage conditioner ==> 饲草料调制机
  20023. forage conveyer ==> 饲料运输器
  20024. forage crop ==> 饲草作物,饲料作物
  20025. forage crusher ==> 牧草压扁机
  20026. forage cutter ==> 铡草机
  20027. forage drier ==> 饲料干燥机
  20028. forage equipment ==> 饲料调制设备
  20029. forage fodder ==> 草料
  20030. forage grass ==> 饲用牧草
  20031. forage grasses ==> 禾本科牧草,牧草
  20032. forage handling ==> 饲草料处理
  20033. forage harvast frequency ==> 饲草收割次数
  20034. forage harvester ==> 饲料收割机,饲料收获机
  20035. forage harvesting and silage equipment ==> 饲料收获和青贮设备
  20036. forage harvesting equipment ==> 饲料作物收获机具
  20037. forage kitchen ==> 饲料调制室
  20038. forage plant ==> 饲料植物,饲用植物
  20039. forage poisoning ==> 饲料中毒,牧草中毒
  20040. forage ratio ==> 饲料比率
  20041. forage reserve ==> 饲草储备
  20042. forage seed breeding farm ==> 牧草良种繁殖场
  20043. forage sorghum ==> 饲用高粱
  20044. forage unloader box ==> 自卸式饲料分送器
  20045. forage yield ==> 饲料产量
  20046. forage-chopper cutterhead ==> 饲料切碎装置
  20047. forages well ==> 草口好
  20048. Foraky boring method ==> 佛拉奇钻孔法
  20049. Foraky freezing process ==> 佛拉奇冻结法
  20050. foramen arteriae vertebratis ==> 椎动脉孔
  20051. foramen cecum of frontal bone ==> 额骨盲孔
  20052. foramen cecum ossis frontalis ==> 额骨盲孔
  20053. foramen epiploicum ==> 温斯娄氏孔
  20054. foramen frontale ==> 额骨内侧孔
  20055. foramen frontalis ==> 额迹孔,额孔
  20056. foramen frontoethmoidale ==> 额筛孔
  20057. foramen intervertebrale ==> 椎间孔
  20058. foramen ischiadicum majus ==> 坐骨大孔
  20059. foramen ischiadicum minus ==> 坐骨小孔
  20060. foramen lacerum ==> 破裂孔
  20061. foramen mandibulae ==> 下颌孔
  20062. foramen mentale ==> 颏孔
  20063. foramen nutricium ==> 滋养孔
  20064. foramen of least cardiac vein ==> 心最小静脉孔
  20065. foramen opticum ==> 视神经孔
  20066. foramen root ==> (牙科)根尖孔
  20067. foramen spinosum ==> 棘孔
  20068. foramen transversarium ==> 横突孔
  20069. foramen triosseum ==> 三骨间孔
  20070. foramen vertebrale ==> 椎孔
  20071. foramina palatina minora ==> 腭小孔
  20072. foramina sacralia posteriora ==> 骶后孔
  20073. foraminal hernia ==> 网膜孔疝
  20074. foraminate perforation ==> 麻黄式穿孔
  20075. forated paper tape ==> 穿孔纸带
  20076. forbidden area ==> 禁地
  20077. forbidden band ==> 禁带=>禁制帯
  20078. forbidden bandwidth ==> 禁带宽度
  20079. forbidden character ==> 禁用字符
  20080. forbidden character code ==> 禁用字符代码,禁用字符码
  20081. forbidden clone ==> 禁忌克隆,禁忌无性繁殖细胞系,禁株细胞
  20082. forbidden clone theory ==> 禁忌克隆学说
  20083. forbidden code ==> 禁用代码
  20084. forbidden combination ==> 禁用组合,禁止组合,非法组合
  20085. forbidden combination check ==> 非法组合校验
  20086. forbidden decay ==> 禁带衰减
  20087. forbidden emission ==> 禁带发射
  20088. forbidden gap ==> 禁带宽度
  20089. forbidden increment ==> 禁增量
  20090. forbidden line ==> 禁线,禁带谱线,禁戒线
  20091. forbidden lines ==> 禁线
  20092. forbidden transition ==> 禁带跃迁,禁戒跃迁,禁区跃迁=>禁制遷移
  20093. forbidden zone ==> 禁区
  20094. forbidden zone for fishing ==> 禁渔区
  20095. forbidden-character code ==> 非法字符码
  20096. forbidden-combination check ==> 禁用组合校验
  20097. Forbush decrease ==> 福布希下降
  20098. forcasting system ==> 予測システム
  20099. force ==> 强行置码,强制,强度,强加,强迫,强使,力=>エネルギー
  20100. force (forcing) pump ==> 加压泵
  20101. force against ==> 压紧
  20102. force and splash lubricating ==> 压力和飞溅润滑
  20103. force balance ==> 力平衡
  20104. force balance acceleration transducer ==> 力平衡式加速度传感器
  20105. force balance accelerometer ==> 力平衡式加速度计
  20106. force bearing ring ==> 承力环
  20107. force cell ==> 测力传感器
  20108. force closure ==> 力锁合
  20109. force component ==> 分力
  20110. force constant ==> 力常数
  20111. force control ==> 力制御
  20112. force control method ==> 力制御方式
  20113. force convection ==> 强近对流
  20114. force counter EMF ==> 反电动势
  20115. force couple ==> 力偶
  20116. force density ==> 力密度
  20117. force diagram ==> 力图,力线图,受力图
  20118. force disconnect ==> 强制切断
  20119. force down ==> 压下
  20120. force down prices ==> 杀价
  20121. force draught fan ==> 强制通风机
  20122. force drying ==> 强制干燥
  20123. force due of viscosity ==> 粘性力
  20124. force eight wind ==> 八级风
  20125. force equilibrium ==> 力平衡
  20126. force factor ==> 力因数
  20127. force feed ==> 压送
  20128. force feed lubrication ==> 加压润滑
  20129. force feed oiling ==> 压力供油法
  20130. force feedback ==> 力反馈
  20131. force feedback control ==> 力覚フィードバック制御
  20132. force fit ==> 压配合,压入配合
  20133. force function ==> 力函数
  20134. force gage ==> 测力计
  20135. force intensity ==> 力场强度
  20136. force lift ==> 压力泵,压送泵
  20137. force lift pump ==> 增压泵
  20138. force line ==> 力线
  20139. force main ==> 压力干管,压力干管
  20140. force majeure ==> 不可抗力
  20141. force majeure clause ==> 不可抗力条款
  20142. force method ==> 力法
  20143. force mix ==> 军力合成,军力合成,军力组合,军力组合
  20144. force motion ==> 力操纵机构
  20145. force motor ==> 执行电动机
  20146. force of crystallization ==> 结晶力
  20147. force of flexion ==> 挠曲力
  20148. force of friction ==> 摩擦力
  20149. force of gravity ==> 重力
  20150. force of impact ==> 冲击力
  20151. force of impression ==> 打印压力,压印力
  20152. force of inertia ==> 惯性力
  20153. force of inertia mass load ==> 惯性力
  20154. force of labor ==> 产力
  20155. force of penetration ==> 穿透力
  20156. force of percussion ==> 撞击力
  20157. force of periphery ==> 圆周力
  20158. force of reaction ==> 反力
  20159. force off ==> 压出
  20160. force on ==> 压入
  20161. force on charge ==> 磁力
  20162. force on the tool flank ==> 后刀面上的合力
  20163. force out ==> 挤出
  20164. force payment ==> 强迫支付
  20165. force piece ==> 撑杆,工作面支架
  20166. force pipe ==> 压送管
  20167. force piston ==> 阳模,模塞
  20168. force placement method ==> 力布局法,力向布局法
  20169. force plane ==> 粗刨
  20170. force plate ==> 阳模托板,测力板
  20171. force plug ==> 阳模,模塞
  20172. force point ==> 施力点
  20173. force polygon ==> 力的多边形
  20174. force price down ==> 压价
  20175. force pump ==> 压力泵
  20176. force rate ==> 力比
  20177. force ratio ==> 力比
  20178. force resolution ==> 力的分解
  20179. force response on free motion ==> 自由動作における力応答
  20180. force resultant ==> 力的合成
  20181. force screw ==> 力旋量
  20182. force sensation ==> 力覚
  20183. force sensing element ==> 力敏元件
  20184. force sensor ==> 力传感器
  20185. force servoing ==> 力サーボ
  20186. force standard machine ==> 力标准机
  20187. force start ==> 强制启动
  20188. force structure analysis ==> 部队结构分析
  20189. force structure cost ==> 军力结构成本,军力结构成本
  20190. force structure costing ==> 部队结构费用估计
  20191. force system ==> 力系
  20192. force through ram pressure ==> 冲压
  20193. force transducer ==> 测力传感器
  20194. force transducer[sensor] ==> 力传感器
  20195. force triangle ==> 力三角形=>力的三角形
  20196. force twelve wind ==> 十二级风
  20197. force unbalance ==> 力的不平衡
  20198. force up commodity price ==> 抬价
  20199. force vector ==> 力矢量
  20200. force(d) (draft) fan ==> 增压风扇
  20201. force(d) ventilation ==> 人工通风
  20202. force-circulation ==> 压力循环
  20203. force-draft cooling system ==> 强制通风冷却系统
  20204. force-fed auger ==> 强制喂入输送螺旋
  20205. force-feed drill ==> 槽轮排种式条播机
  20206. force-feed gun ==> 压注式润滑枪
  20207. force-feed lubrication ==> 压力润滑
  20208. force-feed lubrication system ==> 压力润滑系统
  20209. force-feed lubricator ==> 压力润滑器
  20210. force-feed main ==> 增压输送管路
  20211. force-feed mechanism ==> 强制式排种机构
  20212. force-feed nonsplash lubrication ==> 加压不溅润滑
  20213. force-field ==> 力场
  20214. force-field theory ==> 力场理论
  20215. force-free field ==> 无力磁场
  20216. force-free magnetic field ==> 无力磁场
  20217. force-insensitive mounting ==> 加力不敏感装置
  20218. force-limiting device ==> 力限制器
  20219. force-measuring device ==> 测力器
  20220. forced ==> 强制,增压=>強制された,不自然な
  20221. forced absorption ==> 受迫吸收
  20222. forced air ==> 加压气流,强制通风
  20223. forced air circulation ==> 强制空气循环,强迫通风
  20224. forced air cooled tube ==> 强迫气冷管
  20225. forced air cooling ==> 强迫空气冷却,强制空气冷却,强制气冷
  20226. forced air cooling tube ==> 强迫风冷管
  20227. forced air heating ==> 强制热风供暖
  20228. forced air supply ==> 强制式通风,强制送风,人工通风
  20229. forced alternating current ==> 强迫交变电流,受迫振荡电流
  20230. forced auction ==> 强制拍卖
  20231. forced beat ==> 刺激性期外收缩
  20232. forced betatron oscillation ==> 受迫自由振荡
  20233. forced block caving ==> 强制块段崩落
  20234. forced branch ==> 强制转移
  20235. forced breathing ==> 强制呼吸
  20236. forced burning ==> 强制烧除
  20237. forced caving ==> 强制崩落
  20238. forced charge ==> 强制充电
  20239. forced choice approach ==> 被动选择法
  20240. forced circular movement ==> 强迫性圆周运动
  20241. forced circulating reboiler ==> 强制循环再沸器
  20242. forced circulation ==> 强制循环,沸腾传热机制发生变化而使传热系数突然降低时的热流密度。在强迫对流沸腾中它可能是偏离泡核沸腾热流密度,也可能是干涸热流密度。
  20243. forced circulation boiler ==> 强制循环锅炉=>強制循環ボイラ
  20244. forced circulation cooling ==> 强制循环冷却
  20245. forced circulation furnace ==> 環気式炉
  20246. forced circulation heating ==> 强制循环取暖
  20247. forced circulation kiln ==> 强制循环干燥窑
  20248. forced circulation system ==> 强制循环系统
  20249. forced circulation type evaporator ==> 强制循环蒸发器
  20250. forced coding ==> 强制编码
  20251. forced coding program ==> 强制编码程序
  20252. forced commutation ==> 强制换向,强迫整流
  20253. forced control ==> 强制控制
  20254. forced control field ==> 强迫控制字段,强制控制字段
  20255. forced convection ==> 强制对流=>強制対流
  20256. forced convection air cooler ==> 通风空气冷却器
  20257. forced convection boiling ==> 强迫对流沸腾
  20258. forced convection cooling ==> 强迫对流冷却,强制对流冷却
  20259. forced convection film flows ==> 强迫对流膜状流动
  20260. forced convection lehr ==> 强制对流退火窑
  20261. forced convection vaporization ==> 强制对流汽化
  20262. forced conversion ==> 強制的転換
  20263. forced cooling ==> 强制冷却
  20264. forced cooling of power cable ==> 強制冷却ケーブル
  20265. forced cooling operation ==> 強制冷却運転
  20266. forced crossing ==> 强迫杂交
  20267. forced crying ==> 强制性哭
  20268. forced crystallization ==> 强制结晶
  20269. forced currency ==> 强制通货
  20270. forced current ==> 强制电流
  20271. forced decision ==> 强制裁决法,强制决策法
  20272. forced decision rule ==> 强制决策规则
  20273. forced diagram ==> 力图
  20274. forced discharge ==> 强迫卸货
  20275. forced display ==> 强加显示,强行显示,强制显示
  20276. forced dormancy ==> 强制休眠
  20277. forced dormancy period ==> 强制休眠期
  20278. forced draft ==> 强制通风,强迫气流,鼓风式,压力气流,正压送风,用送风机压头克服烟、风道阻力使炉膛内保持正压的通风方式=>押込通風,強制通風
  20279. forced draft air cooler ==> 通风空气冷却器
  20280. forced draft cooling ==> 强制通风冷却
  20281. forced draft cooling tower ==> 强制通风凉水塔
  20282. forced draft duct ==> 强制通风管道
  20283. forced draft fan ==> 强制通风机,强制引风机=>押込ファン
  20284. forced draft fan, FDF ==> 送风机,供给锅炉燃料燃烧所需空气的风机。
  20285. forced draft front ==> 强制通风炉口
  20286. forced draft kiln ==> 强制循环干燥窑
  20287. forced draft ventilation ==> 强制通风
  20288. forced drainage ==> 強制排流(防食)
  20289. forced drainage system ==> 强制排水系统
  20290. forced draught ==> 强制通风,压力通风
  20291. forced draught air cooler ==> 强制通风空气冷却器
  20292. forced draught blower ==> 送风机,加压送风机
  20293. forced draught cooling arrangement ==> 强制通风冷却装置
  20294. forced draught cooling tower ==> 强制通风冷却塔
  20295. forced draught kiln ==> 强制循环干燥窑
  20296. forced electric drainage ==> 强制排流器
  20297. forced energization ==> 强送电,高压线路发生故障跳闸后,为尽早恢复供电,对曾发生故障的设备强行全电压充电的方法
  20298. forced entrance ==> 挤进
  20299. forced exchange rate ==> 强制汇率
  20300. forced excitation ==> 强制励磁
  20301. forced exciting ==> 强行励磁,简称"强励"
  20302. forced exit ==> 強制退去
  20303. forced expiration ==> 強制呼気
  20304. forced expiration curve ==> 努力呼気曲線
  20305. forced expiratory curve ==> 用力呼气曲线
  20306. forced expiratory effort ==> 強制呼気努力
  20307. forced expiratory volume ==> 强力呼气容积
  20308. forced fan ==> 压力送风机
  20309. forced fattening ==> 强制肥育
  20310. forced feed ==> 强制进给,压力加料,压力进给
  20311. forced feed agitator ==> 强制式排肥器
  20312. forced feed lubricator ==> 强制供油润滑器
  20313. forced feed oil system ==> 强制供油系统
  20314. forced feed system ==> 强制进料系统
  20315. forced filtration ==> 强制过滤=>強制ろ過
  20316. forced fit ==> 强制配合
  20317. forced flexural wave ==> 强迫弯曲波,受迫弯曲波
  20318. forced flow ==> 强制流=>強制流動
  20319. forced flue ==> 強制排気式
  20320. forced fluid ==> 强饮法
  20321. forced fluidized bed ==> 搅拌流化床
  20322. forced foot ==> 足腫
  20323. forced frequency ==> 受激振荡频率
  20324. forced frugality ==> 强制节约
  20325. forced fuel feed ==> 强制式加燃料,压力给油
  20326. forced gear engagement ==> 强制啮合齿轮
  20327. forced grasping ==> 强迫性紧握
  20328. forced harmonic motion ==> 强迫谐振
  20329. forced harmonic oscillator ==> 強制調和振動子
  20330. forced heir ==> 法定继承人
  20331. forced heirship ==> 法定继承权
  20332. forced heterocaryon ==> 强制异核体
  20333. forced hot water heating ==> 强制热水供暖,压力热水供暖
  20334. forced ignition ==> 强制点火
  20335. forced induction engine ==> 增压发动机
  20336. forced inspiratory volume ==> 强力吸气容积
  20337. forced insurance ==> 强制保险
  20338. forced interruption ==> 强行断流
  20339. forced labor ==> 强迫劳动,迫产
  20340. forced landing ==> 迫降
  20341. forced laughing ==> 强制性笑
  20342. forced life test ==> 强制寿命试验
  20343. forced line charging ==> 再送電
  20344. forced line outage ==> 线路被迫停电
  20345. forced linearization ==> 强制线性化
  20346. forced liquidation ==> 强制破产清算,强迫清算
  20347. forced loan ==> 强制贷款,强制性公债
  20348. forced locking device ==> 强制闭锁装置,自动锁紧装置
  20349. forced lubrication ==> 压力润滑,强制润滑,强制润滑作用,加压润滑
  20350. forced lubrication pump ==> 压力润滑泵
  20351. forced magnetization ==> 强制磁化
  20352. forced magnetization condition ==> 拘束磁化条件(磁気増幅器)
  20353. forced magnetostriction ==> 强制磁致伸缩,强迫磁致伸缩
  20354. forced march ==> 强行军
  20355. forced mixer ==> 强制式搅拌机
  20356. forced mixing effect ==> 强制混合效应
  20357. forced mode locking ==> 強制モード同期
  20358. forced mode-locking ==> 强迫锁模
  20359. forced molting ==> 强制换羽
  20360. forced movement ==> 强制运动,强迫运动
  20361. forced noise ==> 强力噪声
  20362. forced non-liner oscillation ==> 非线性强迫振荡
  20363. forced nutation ==> 受迫章动
  20364. forced O-ring seal ==> 强制O型环密封
  20365. forced oil cooled transformer ==> 强迫油冷变压器
  20366. forced oil lubrication ==> 强制加油
  20367. forced oil transformet ==> 送油式変圧器
  20368. forced oscillation ==> 强迫振荡=>強制振動
  20369. forced oscillation regime ==> 强制振动状态
  20370. forced outage ==> 事故停电,强迫停运=>事故停止,故障
  20371. forced outage factor ==> 强迫停运系数
  20372. forced outage hours ==> 强迫停运小时
  20373. forced outage incident rate ==> 事故件数率
  20374. forced outage rate ==> 事故停机率
  20375. forced outage ratio ==> 强迫停机比
  20376. forced partial outage ==> 限制出力
  20377. forced payment ==> 强迫付款
  20378. forced position ==> 强迫体位
  20379. forced posture ==> 强迫体位
  20380. forced power transmission ==> 强行输电
  20381. forced precipitation ==> 圧密沈下
  20382. forced price ==> 買い急ぎ価格,売り急ぎ価格
  20383. forced process ==> 强制过程
  20384. forced production ==> 强化开采
  20385. forced progrmming ==> 最快访问程序设计
  20386. forced pump ==> 压力泵
  20387. forced quotations ==> (商业)限价
  20388. forced ramming ==> 强夯
  20389. forced Rayleigh scattering method ==> 強制レイリー散乱法
  20390. forced recirculating dry kiln ==> 强制循环式干燥窑
  20391. forced recirculation ==> 强制再循环
  20392. forced regime ==> 强制状态
  20393. forced release ==> 强迫释放=>強制切断
  20394. forced respiration ==> 强力呼吸
  20395. forced response ==> 强制响应
  20396. forced reversing ==> 强迫换向
  20397. forced riders ==> 强制享用者
  20398. forced rolling ==> 强制横摇
  20399. forced rotation ==> 强制转动,受迫转动
  20400. forced sale ==> 强制拍卖,强迫出售,迫卖
  20401. forced sale value ==> 迫卖价值,迫售价格价值
  20402. forced saving ==> 强制储蓄
  20403. forced savings ==> 强迫储蓄
  20404. forced seal ==> 强制密封
  20405. forced service ==> 强制运行
  20406. forced sitting position ==> 强迫坐位
  20407. forced standing position ==> 强迫立位
  20408. forced state ==> 强制状态
  20409. forced stoppage ==> 强制停机
  20410. forced supine position ==> 强迫仰卧位
  20411. forced synchronizing ==> 强制同步
  20412. forced tempo production line ==> 强制节拍流水线
  20413. forced thermal scattering ==> 强制热散射
  20414. forced thinking ==> 强制性思维
  20415. forced through ventilation ==> 强制通风
  20416. forced torsional vibrations ==> 强迫扭转振动
  20417. forced transducer ==> 强制换能器
  20418. forced transition ==> 受迫跃迁
  20419. forced transmission ==> 強行送電
  20420. forced ventilation ==> 强制通风=>押込み換気
  20421. forced ventilation motor ==> 强制通风式电动机
  20422. forced version ==> 強制分娩
  20423. forced vibration ==> 强迫振动,受迫振动=>強制振動
  20424. forced vibration frequency ==> 强迫振动频率
  20425. forced vibration method ==> 强制振动法
  20426. forced vibration torsion pendulum ==> 强制振动扭摆
  20427. forced vibrations ==> 强制振动,强迫振荡
  20428. forced vibrator ==> 强制振动器
  20429. forced vortex ==> 强制涡旋,强制漩涡
  20430. forced vortex motion ==> 强迫涡流运动
  20431. forced warm air heating ==> 强制热风供暖
  20432. forced water circulation ==> 强制水循环
  20433. forced water cooling ==> 强迫水冷,压水冷却
  20434. forced wave ==> 强制波,受迫波,束缚波
  20435. forced working ==> 强制工作
  20436. forced-air blast ==> 强制鼓风
  20437. forced-air cooling ==> 強制風冷
  20438. forced-air dehydrator ==> 强制通风式干燥机
  20439. forced-air drying ==> 强制气干,强制气干法
  20440. forced-air supply ==> 人工通风
  20441. forced-air-cooled oil immersed transformer ==> 强制风冷油浸变压器
  20442. forced-air-cooled transformer ==> 風冷式変圧器
  20443. forced-circulation evaporation ==> 强制循环蒸发
  20444. forced-circulation register ==> 强制循环调风器
  20445. forced-circulation steam generator ==> 强制循环蒸汽发生器
  20446. forced-convection boiling ==> 强制对流沸腾
  20447. forced-convection heat transfer ==> 强制对流换热,强迫对流换热
  20448. forced-dipole transition ==> 受迫偶极子跃迁
  20449. forced-draft ==> 人工通风,压力送风
  20450. forced-draft boiler ==> 强制通风锅炉
  20451. forced-draught cooling ==> 强制通风冷却
  20452. forced-draught furnace ==> 压力通风炉
  20453. forced-draught ventilation ==> 强迫通风
  20454. forced-feeding ==> 填饲
  20455. forced-flow boiler ==> 压力循环锅炉
  20456. forced-flow liquid chromatography ==> 强制流动液体色谱法
  20457. forced-flow once-through steam generator ==> 增压直流锅炉
  20458. forced-oil circulation ==> 强制油循环
  20459. forced-oil forced-air cool ==> 强迫油冷强迫风冷式冷却
  20460. forced-oil transformer ==> 强制油循环式变压器
  20461. forced-oil-air circulation ==> 强制油循环
  20462. forced-oil-air cooling ==> 强制油循环吹风冷却
  20463. forced-oil-cooled ==> 强制油冷却
  20464. forced-oil-cooled bushing ==> 强迫油冷式套管
  20465. forced-oil-cooling ==> 强迫油冷
  20466. forced-oil-cooling transformer ==> 强迫油冷变压器
  20467. forced-sale value ==> 清算拍卖价值
  20468. forced-torque drive ==> 强制扭转传动
  20469. forced-ventilated motor ==> 强制通风式电动机
  20470. forcedly air-cooled engine ==> 强制风冷式发动机
  20471. forcedly-cooled engine ==> 強制空冷エンジン
  20472. forceful arc ==> 强电弧
  20473. forceing point lock plunger ==> 転てつ鎖錠器
  20474. forceless deep pulse ==> 脉沉弱
  20475. forceps ==> 挠,焊钳,钳状体,钳子=>やっとこ,鉗子,Metal tongs used to assist with the delivery of a baby.
  20476. forceps delivery ==> 产钳分娩,产钳术
  20477. forceps holder ==> 钳夹
  20478. forceps jar ==> 钳镊缸
  20479. forceps major ==> 后钳
  20480. forceps posterior ==> 后钳
  20481. forces network ==> 军用通信网,军用通信网
  20482. forces station ==> 军用电台,军用电台
  20483. forcible form of union ==> 强制联合形式
  20484. forcible separation method ==> 强制剥离试验
  20485. forcing ==> 施加压力,加强显影,加压
  20486. forcing bed ==> 温床
  20487. forcing coil ==> 强迫线圈
  20488. forcing control ==> 强迫控制,强行控制
  20489. forcing crop ==> 促成栽培作物
  20490. forcing culture ==> 促成栽培
  20491. forcing down the targets ==> 压指标
  20492. forcing fan ==> 压风机
  20493. forcing fit ==> 强迫配合
  20494. forcing frame ==> 促成温床
  20495. forcing frequency ==> 扰动频率,受迫振动频率
  20496. forcing function ==> 强加函数,强制函数
  20497. forcing function generator ==> 正弦发生器
  20498. forcing hose ==> 增压器软管
  20499. forcing jack ==> 装卸机
  20500. forcing machine ==> 装卸机
  20501. forcing pipe ==> 加压管
  20502. forcing plant ==> 人工催育植物
  20503. forcing screw ==> 紧固螺钉,起重器,加压螺钉
  20504. forcing time ==> 强制励磁时间
  20505. Ford ==> 福特
  20506. Ford Foundation ==> 福特基金会
  20507. Ford system ==> 福特管理制,福特制
  20508. Ford viscosity cup ==> 福特粘度杯
  20509. Fore ==> 代森锰
  20510. fore ==> 前部
  20511. fore and after ==> 前后
  20512. fore and back level ==> 前后视水准测量
  20513. fore and-aft traction ==> 前后方向牵引力
  20514. fore apron ==> 前台
  20515. fore arm connection ==> 前支架连接
  20516. fore axle ==> 前轴
  20517. fore back spring ==> 前助倒缆
  20518. fore bay ==> 前池
  20519. fore beach ==> 前滩
  20520. fore bearing ==> 前轴承
  20521. fore blow ==> 前吹
  20522. fore breast line ==> 前横缆
  20523. fore bridge ==> 前桥楼
  20524. fore cabin ==> 前客舱
  20525. fore carriage ==> 汽车前座,前轮架
  20526. fore court ==> 前庭
  20527. fore drift ==> 超前平巷
  20528. fore edge ==> 前切口
  20529. fore flank ==> 前胁
  20530. fore flap ==> 前缘襟翼
  20531. fore foot ==> 艏踵,艏踵
  20532. fore head spring ==> 前助缆
  20533. fore hold ==> 前舱
  20534. fore leaf ==> 先出叶
  20535. fore leg ==> 前足
  20536. fore line ==> 前级管道
  20537. fore line trap ==> 前级管道阱
  20538. fore line valve ==> 前级管道阀
  20539. fore lump ==> 前扣块
  20540. fore milk ==> 初乳
  20541. fore nozzle ==> 前喷口
  20542. fore optics system ==> 输入光学系统
  20543. fore part ==> 前部
  20544. fore peak ==> 前尖舱
  20545. fore peak tank ==> 前尖舱
  20546. fore poppet ==> 前垫架
  20547. fore pressure ==> 前级压强
  20548. fore pump ==> 前置泵,预抽真空泵
  20549. fore pumping ==> 前置抽气
  20550. fore quarter ==> 前躯肉块
  20551. fore rake ==> 前倾
  20552. fore runner tip ==> 先行叶尖
  20553. fore shaft ==> 锁口
  20554. fore sight ==> 前瞄准器
  20555. fore spring ==> 前倒缆
  20556. fore stall trouble ==> 防止事故
  20557. fore stand and end plate nozzle ==> 前后端板接管
  20558. fore stand leg ==> 前端板支腿
  20559. fore stand plate ==> 前端板
  20560. fore stand side ==> 前端板侧
  20561. fore stand-hanging hook ==> 前端板吊钩
  20562. fore stay ==> 前拉索
  20563. fore stomach ==> 前胃
  20564. fore support ==> 超前支架
  20565. fore tooth ==> 门齿
  20566. fore treatment ==> 前处理
  20567. fore trigger ==> 前扳机
  20568. fore udder ==> 前乳房
  20569. fore udder attachment ==> 前乳房附着
  20570. fore vacuum ==> 前级真空
  20571. fore wheel ==> 前轮
  20572. fore worker ==> 前筛
  20573. fore-and-aft ==> 纵向的,双联本印刷
  20574. fore-and-aft axis ==> 纵轴
  20575. fore-and-aft beam ==> 纵梁
  20576. fore-and-aft bridge ==> 纵向天桥
  20577. fore-and-aft bulkhead ==> 纵舱壁
  20578. fore-and-aft clearance ==> 前后间距
  20579. fore-and-aft control ==> 纵向操纵
  20580. fore-and-aft correctors ==> 纵向校正磁棒
  20581. fore-and-aft distance ==> 纵向距离
  20582. fore-and-aft force ==> 纵向力
  20583. fore-and-aft gangway ==> 纵向步桥
  20584. fore-and-aft inclinometer ==> 前后倾斜计
  20585. fore-and-aft level ==> 纵向水准仪
  20586. fore-and-aft leveling ==> 纵向调平
  20587. fore-and-aft motion ==> 纵向操纵装置
  20588. fore-and-aft plane ==> 纵向平面
  20589. fore-and-aft rigged vessel ==> 纵帆船
  20590. fore-and-aft road ==> 纵板道
  20591. fore-and-aft runner ==> 纵材
  20592. fore-and-aft sail ==> 纵帆
  20593. fore-and-aft shift ==> 纵向水平移动
  20594. fore-and-aft tilt ==> 纵向倾斜,航向倾斜
  20595. fore-and-aft trim ==> 前后平衡调整
  20596. fore-and-after ==> 舱口盖纵梁
  20597. fore-anus ==> 前肛
  20598. fore-blow ==> 前吹期,预吹
  20599. fore-body ==> 船首
  20600. fore-cooling room ==> 预冷室
  20601. fore-course ==> 前桅主帆
  20602. fore-crop ==> 前作物
  20603. fore-deck ==> 前甲板
  20604. fore-drag ==> 前部阻力
  20605. fore-end ==> 前端部分
  20606. fore-engined ship ==> 舯前机型船
  20607. fore-finger ==> 食指
  20608. fore-gear ==> 前桅卷帆索
  20609. fore-guy ==> 前支索
  20610. fore-intestine ==> 前肠
  20611. fore-kidney ==> 前肾
  20612. fore-limb ==> 前肢
  20613. fore-limbbud ==> 前肢芽
  20614. fore-pleasure ==> 前期性乐
  20615. fore-reef facies ==> 礁前相
  20616. fore-rigging ==> 前桅索具
  20617. fore-royal ==> 前桅顶帆
  20618. fore-running ==> 前馏段
  20619. fore-skysail ==> 前桅天帆
  20620. fore-spinning ==> 前纺工艺
  20621. fore-spinning direct spinning ==> (旋压用语)正旋
  20622. fore-spinning machine ==> 前纺机
  20623. fore-stock ==> 前支架
  20624. fore-tooth ==> 前齿
  20625. fore-trough ==> 前海槽
  20626. fore-wing ==> 前翅
  20627. forearc area ==> 弧前区
  20628. forearc basin ==> 弧前盆地
  20629. forearm ==> 前臂
  20630. forearm circumference ==> 前臂围
  20631. forearm crutch ==> 前臂撑拐杖
  20632. forearm extension splint ==> 前臂伸展夹板
  20633. forearm length ==> 前臂长
  20634. forearm prosthesis ==> 前臂假肢
  20635. forebay ==> 前舱,前机架,压力前池,连接水电厂引水渠道与压力管道,在上游设置的对水位和流量起调节作用的建筑物
  20636. forebitt ==> 前系柱
  20637. foreboard ==> 前甲板
  20638. forebody ==> 前机身,机身前部
  20639. foreboom ==> 前桅张帆杆
  20640. foreboot ==> 前行李箱
  20641. forebrain ==> 前脑
  20642. forebrain vesicle ==> 前脑泡
  20643. forecabin ==> 前舱
  20644. forecarriage ==> 前导轮架
  20645. forecast ==> 预告,前景展望,预测
  20646. forecast accuracy ==> 预报准确率
  20647. forecast area ==> 预报区域
  20648. forecast demand ==> 预估的要求
  20649. forecast diagnosis ==> 故障診断法
  20650. forecast district ==> 预报区
  20651. forecast economic development ==> 经济发展预测,经济发展预测
  20652. forecast of business conditions ==> 商情预测
  20653. forecast of cash position ==> 现金头寸预测
  20654. forecast of cold wave ==> 寒潮预报
  20655. forecast of epiphytotic disease ==> 植物病害流行预测
  20656. forecast of epiphytotics ==> 流行病预测
  20657. forecast of minimum water supply ==> 枯水径流预报
  20658. forecast of sales ==> 销售预测
  20659. forecast of spring flood ==> 春汛预报
  20660. forecast of wave decay ==> 波浪衰减预报
  20661. forecast performance of model ==> 模型预测效能
  20662. forecast period ==> 预报期
  20663. forecast point ==> 予測地点
  20664. forecast terminology ==> 预报术语
  20665. forecast verification ==> 预报检验
  20666. forecast zone ==> 预报区
  20667. forecast-reversal test ==> 预报正反检验
  20668. forecaster ==> 预报员
  20669. forecasting ==> 预报,预测
  20670. forecasting by mathematical statistics ==> 数理统计预报方法
  20671. forecasting centre ==> 预报中心
  20672. forecasting demand ==> 预估需水量
  20673. forecasting function ==> 预报函数
  20674. forecasting grade ==> 预行分级
  20675. forecasting method using classified forecast model ==> 風況区分予測法
  20676. forecasting model ==> 预测模型
  20677. forecasting of Markov chain ==> 马尔可夫链预测法
  20678. forecasting of stream flow ==> 河川流量预报
  20679. forecasting runoff ==> 预报流量
  20680. forecasting sequence ==> 预测序列
  20681. forecasting station ==> 预报站
  20682. forecasting technique ==> 预测技术
  20683. forecastle ==> 艏楼,船首楼
  20684. foreced collection ==> 强制性捐款
  20685. foreclose ==> 预先解决,没收担保品
  20686. foreclosure ==> 没收,取消抵押品赎回权
  20687. foreclosure sale ==> 已没收担保品的销售,没收担保品的销售
  20688. foreclosure value ==> 没收担保品价值,没收抵押品价值,已没收担保品价值
  20689. foreconscious ==> 前意识的
  20690. foreconsciousness ==> 前意识
  20691. forecooler ==> 预冷器
  20692. forecooling ==> 预冷
  20693. foredate ==> 填早日期
  20694. foredated bill ==> 填早日期票据
  20695. foredated check ==> 填早日期支票,(票上日期早于实际出票日)填倒日期的支票
  20696. foredeep ==> 陆外渊,前渊
  20697. foredune ==> 水边低沙丘
  20698. forefather ==> 前人
  20699. forefeel ==> 预感
  20700. foregift ==> 押租
  20701. foregoing compound ==> 前述の化合物
  20702. foregoing construction ==> 上述の構造
  20703. foregoing crop ==> 前作物
  20704. foregoing definition ==> 前述定義
  20705. foregone earnings ==> 放弃的收入
  20706. foregone income ==> 放弃的收入
  20707. foregraound ==> 前台
  20708. foregrinding ==> 预先磨碎
  20709. foreground ==> 前景,前述事项,前台
  20710. foreground camera ==> 前景摄像机
  20711. foreground collimating mark ==> 前准直点
  20712. foreground collimating point ==> 前准直点
  20713. foreground image ==> 前景画像
  20714. foreground initiation ==> 前台启动
  20715. foreground initiator ==> 前台启动程序
  20716. foreground job ==> 前台作业
  20717. foreground message processing program ==> 前台信息处理程序
  20718. foreground mode ==> 前台操作方式,前台方式
  20719. foreground monitor ==> 前台监控程序
  20720. foreground partition ==> 前台部分,前台划分,前台区
  20721. foreground picture ==> 前景图
  20722. foreground point ==> 前景点
  20723. foreground processing ==> 前台处理
  20724. foreground program ==> 前台程序
  20725. foreground region ==> 前台区
  20726. foreground rotation ==> 前景旋转
  20727. foreground routine ==> 前台例行程序
  20728. foreground scheduler ==> 前调度程序,前台调度程序
  20729. foreground signal ==> 前景信号
  20730. foreground star ==> 前景星
  20731. foreground task ==> 前台任务
  20732. foreground-background processing ==> 前后台处理
  20733. foreground-background programs ==> 前台后台程序
  20734. foreground-initiated background job ==> 前台启动的后台作业
  20735. foregrounding ==> 前台设置
  20736. foregut ==> 前肠
  20737. forehand weldig ==> 前进焊
  20738. forehand welding ==> 向前焊,向左焊,左焊法,左向焊,正手焊
  20739. forehatch ==> 前舱口
  20740. forehead ==> 前部,前额,额
  20741. forehead lamp ==> 额灯
  20742. forehead-plasty ==> 额成形术,额整形术
  20743. forehearth ==> 前乘,前炉
  20744. forehearth connection block ==> 前炉连接砖
  20745. forehearth limb ==> 通路分支
  20746. forehearth section ==> 通路段
  20747. foreheater ==> 前热器
  20748. forehoof ==> 前蹄
  20749. foreign ==> 外国人
  20750. foreign affiliates ==> 外国子公司
  20751. foreign agency ==> 商行在国外的代理处
  20752. Foreign Agriculture ==> 国外农业杂志
  20753. foreign and international bond markets ==> 外国和国际债券市场
  20754. foreign applicable standards ==> 国外公认的有关标准
  20755. foreign atom ==> 外来原子,异类原子,掺杂原子
  20756. foreign balance ==> 外汇结存
  20757. foreign bank bill ==> 外国银行票据
  20758. foreign bill of exchange ==> 外国汇票
  20759. foreign bills payable in gold ==> 以黄金支付的外国汇票
  20760. foreign body ==> 异物,不纯物质
  20761. foreign body finder ==> 异物探寻器
  20762. foreign body forceps ==> 异物镊
  20763. foreign body forceps for endoscope ==> 内窥镜用异物钳
  20764. foreign body giant ==> 异物性巨细胞
  20765. foreign body granuloma ==> 异物肉芽肿
  20766. foreign body granuloma of subcutaneous tissue ==> 皮下组织异物性肉芽肿
  20767. foreign body hook for endoscope ==> 内窥镜异物钩
  20768. foreign body in abdominal cavity ==> 腹腔异物
  20769. foreign body in airpassage ==> 气管异物
  20770. foreign body in bronchus ==> 支气管异物
  20771. foreign body in consil ==> 扁桃体异物
  20772. foreign body in eyes ==> 眯目
  20773. foreign body in heart ==> 心脏异物
  20774. foreign body in intestine ==> 肠内异物
  20775. foreign body in lung ==> 肺内异物
  20776. foreign body in mediastinum ==> 纵隔异物
  20777. foreign body in pleura ==> 胸膜异物
  20778. foreign body in rectum ==> 直肠内异物,直肠异物
  20779. foreign body in sclera ==> 巩膜异物
  20780. foreign body in stomach ==> 胃内异物,胃异物
  20781. foreign body in urethra ==> 尿道异物
  20782. foreign body in urinary system ==> 泌尿系异物
  20783. foreign body in vitre us ==> 玻璃体异物
  20784. foreign body needle ==> 异物针
  20785. foreign body obstruction ==> 异物阻塞
  20786. foreign body of bladder ==> 膀胱异物
  20787. foreign body of chest wall ==> 胸壁异物
  20788. foreign body of external anditory canal ==> 外耳道异物
  20789. foreign body of joint ==> 关节异物
  20790. foreign body of mastoid ==> 乳突异物
  20791. foreign body of paranasal sinus ==> 鼻窦异物
  20792. foreign body on cornea ==> 角膜异物
  20793. foreign body sensation ==> 异物感
  20794. foreign bond ==> 外国债券
  20795. foreign bond markets ==> 外国债券市场
  20796. foreign bonds issued ==> 发行外国债券
  20797. foreign borrowers ==> 外国借款人
  20798. foreign borrowing ==> 外国借款
  20799. foreign capital ==> 外国资本,外资
  20800. foreign capital flows ==> 外国资本流量
  20801. foreign capital inducement ==> 吸收外资
  20802. foreign capital inflow ==> 外资流入
  20803. foreign capital intake ==> 吸收外资
  20804. foreign car ==> 外国汽车
  20805. foreign check ==> 外国支票
  20806. foreign collections ==> 向国外托收出口票据
  20807. foreign colour ==> 洋彩
  20808. foreign commerce ==> 外贸
  20809. foreign concession ==> 外国人居留地
  20810. foreign corporaions ==> 外国公司
  20811. foreign crystal ==> 异种晶体
  20812. foreign cullet ==> 厂外碎玻璃
  20813. foreign currencies earned through trade ==> 贸易外汇
  20814. foreign currency ==> 外币
  20815. foreign currency bill ==> 外币汇票
  20816. foreign currency bills payable ==> 可付外币
  20817. Foreign Currency Bills Payable ==> 可付外币
  20818. foreign currency conversion rate ==> 外币折合率
  20819. foreign currency credit ==> 外币信贷
  20820. foreign currency dealing ==> 炒买炒卖外汇
  20821. foreign currency debentures ==> 外币债券
  20822. foreign currency deposit ==> 外币存款
  20823. foreign currency deposit account ==> 外币存款户
  20824. foreign currency earnings ==> 外汇收入
  20825. foreign currency exchange ==> 外币兑换
  20826. foreign currency futures ==> 外币期货
  20827. foreign currency holdings ==> 外币持有额
  20828. foreign currency option ==> 外币期权
  20829. foreign currency payment instruments ==> 外币支付凭证
  20830. foreign currency per U.S. dollar ==> 每美元外币价
  20831. foreign current ==> 外部电流
  20832. foreign debt ==> 外债
  20833. foreign element ==> 外来因素
  20834. foreign enterprise ==> 国外企业
  20835. foreign equity holding ==> 外国股份
  20836. foreign exchage position ==> 外汇头寸
  20837. foreign exchange ==> 外汇
  20838. foreign exchange (FX) ==> 局外交换,局外交换
  20839. foreign exchange and cooperation of education ==> 教育对外交流与合作
  20840. foreign exchange assets ==> 外汇资产
  20841. foreign exchange bank ==> 外汇银行
  20842. foreign exchange broker ==> 外汇经纪人
  20843. foreign exchange concentration system ==> 外汇集中制度
  20844. foreign exchange control ==> 外汇管制
  20845. foreign exchange control regulation ==> 外汇管制法规
  20846. foreign exchange cushion ==> 外汇缓冲
  20847. foreign exchange exposure management ==> 外汇风险暴露管理
  20848. foreign exchange fluctuation insurance ==> 外汇波动保险
  20849. foreign exchange futures ==> 外汇期货
  20850. foreign exchange illusion ==> 外汇幻觉
  20851. foreign exchange inducement ==> 吸收外汇
  20852. foreign exchange instrument ==> 外汇票证
  20853. foreign exchange licence ==> 外汇许可证
  20854. foreign exchange line ==> 国际信息交换线路
  20855. foreign exchange management ==> 外汇管理
  20856. foreign exchange market ==> 外汇市场
  20857. foreign exchange market closed ==> 已关闭的外汇市场
  20858. foreign exchange operation ==> 经营外汇业务,经营外汇业务
  20859. foreign exchange option ==> 外币期权
  20860. foreign exchange parity ==> 外汇平价
  20861. foreign exchange permit ==> 外汇许可证
  20862. foreign exchange profit ==> 汇兑收益=>為替差益
  20863. foreign exchange quotation ==> 外汇报价
  20864. foreign exchange rate ==> 外汇汇率,外汇牌价
  20865. foreign exchange receipt ==> 外汇收入
  20866. foreign exchange receipt and disbursement ==> 外汇收支
  20867. foreign exchange reserves ==> 外汇储备
  20868. foreign exchange retail market ==> 外汇零售市场
  20869. foreign exchange retaining system ==> 保留外汇制
  20870. foreign exchange sales journal ==> 卖出外汇分录簿
  20871. Foreign Exchange Service ==> 国际电报电话局
  20872. foreign exchange service ==> 外部交换业务,区外交换服务,局外交换业务,局外交换业务
  20873. foreign exchange settlement ==> 结汇,外汇结算
  20874. foreign exchange speculation ==> 外汇投机
  20875. foreign exchange trader ==> 外汇交易员
  20876. foreign exchange transaction ==> 外汇交易,外汇业务
  20877. foreign exchange wholesale market ==> 外汇批发市场
  20878. foreign excitation ==> 外激励磁
  20879. foreign field ==> 外磁场
  20880. foreign firm ==> 外国商行,洋行
  20881. foreign flavor ==> 不正常气味
  20882. foreign frequency ==> 外部频率
  20883. foreign gene ==> 异体基因
  20884. foreign general agent ==> 外国一般代理商
  20885. foreign goods ==> 舶来品
  20886. foreign government bond ==> 外国政府公债
  20887. foreign grain beetle ==> 异谷盗
  20888. foreign grog ==> 外来熟料
  20889. foreign host ==> 外来主机
  20890. foreign imperfection ==> 外来的不完整性
  20891. foreign impurity ==> 外来夹杂物
  20892. foreign inclusion ==> 外来包体,外来夹杂物
  20893. foreign interstitial ==> 外来填隙
  20894. foreign investment ==> 外国投资,国外投资
  20895. foreign ion ==> 杂质离子
  20896. Foreign Judgment Reciprocal Enforcement Act ==> 外国判决互惠执行法例
  20897. foreign juridical person ==> 外国法人
  20898. foreign language caption ==> 外文字幕
  20899. foreign law ==> 外国法律
  20900. foreign loan ==> 外国贷款,国外贷款
  20901. foreign material ==> 外来材料,异物,夹杂物
  20902. foreign matter ==> 异物,外来物=>混入物
  20903. foreign matter equipment and material ==> 进口器材
  20904. foreign medium ==> 外部媒体
  20905. foreign nationals ==> 外国侨民
  20906. foreign object ==> 外物
  20907. foreign odor ==> 不适的气味
  20908. foreign oil ==> 外国石油
  20909. foreign particle ==> 外来物,杂质粒子
  20910. foreign pollen ==> 外来花粉
  20911. foreign release ==> 外文译音版
  20912. foreign revenue ==> 外国税收
  20913. foreign securities ==> 外国证券
  20914. foreign settlement ==> 外国人居留地
  20915. foreign solids ==> 外来的固体杂质
  20916. foreign source data ==> 外来源数据
  20917. foreign Standards and codes ==> 国外标准规范
  20918. foreign substance ==> 混入物,外来物,杂质
  20919. foreign substrate ==> 异质衬底
  20920. foreign tax credit ==> 可减免国外纳税额
  20921. foreign technology devision ==> 国外技术部
  20922. foreign timber trade ==> 外材贸易
  20923. foreign trade ==> 外贸
  20924. foreign trade agency ==> 外贸机构
  20925. foreign trade centres ==> 外贸中心
  20926. foreign trade dependence ==> 贸易依存度
  20927. foreign trade finance ==> 贸易融资
  20928. foreign trade multiplier ==> 外贸乘数
  20929. foreign trade port ==> 外贸港口
  20930. foreign trade zone ==> 外贸区
  20931. foreign traffic ==> 外路运输
  20932. Foreign Tribunals Evidence Act ==> 外地裁判庭证据法例
  20933. foreign version ==> 外文译本
  20934. foreign water ==> 客水
  20935. foreign-body giant cell ==> 异物巨细胞
  20936. foreign-body locator ==> 异物探测器
  20937. foreignism ==> 外来语
  20938. foreignize ==> 外国化
  20939. foreignness ==> 外来性
  20940. foreknowledge ==> 预知
  20941. forel ==> 绵羊皮纸
  20942. Forel scale ==> 福莱尔水色等级
  20943. foreland ==> 前陆,前滩,前沿地,前缘地
  20944. foreland facies ==> 前沿地相,陆架相
  20945. foreland grits ==> 前陆粗砂岩
  20946. foreland sequence ==> 前沿地层序
  20947. forelandbasin ==> 前陆盆地
  20948. foreleech ==> 前帆缘
  20949. foreleg ==> 前腿
  20950. forelift ==> 前桅帆桁吊索
  20951. foreline ==> 前级真空管线
  20952. foreline flange ==> 前级管道法兰
  20953. foreline hose ==> 前级管道软管
  20954. foreline tank ==> 前级管道罐
  20955. forellenstein ==> 橄长岩
  20956. forelock ==> 扁销,开口销
  20957. forelock key ==> 开口键
  20958. Foreman Series ==> 福曼统
  20959. Foren process ==> 福伦轧管法
  20960. foreneck ==> 前颈
  20961. forenisc immunology ==> 法医免疫学
  20962. forensic ==> 法医学の,法廷の,弁論の
  20963. forensic accountant ==> 法廷会計士
  20964. forensic accounting ==> 法廷会計
  20965. forensic analysis ==> 法医检定法,法医学的分析,裁判分析
  20966. forensic anthropologist ==> 法人類学者
  20967. forensic anthropology ==> 法医人类学,刑事人类学=>法医人類学
  20968. forensic application ==> 法医学的応用
  20969. forensic argument ==> 法庭辩论
  20970. forensic autopsy ==> 法医解剖
  20971. forensic biology ==> 法生物学
  20972. forensic chemistry ==> 法医化学
  20973. forensic dentistry ==> 法医牙科学
  20974. forensic histology ==> 法医组织学
  20975. forensic medicine ==> 法医学,裁判医学
  20976. forensic pathology ==> 法医病理学
  20977. forensic psychiatry ==> 法医精神病学,司法精神病学
  20978. forensic serology ==> 法医血清学
  20979. forensic surgery ==> 法医外科
  20980. forepeak ==> 艏尖舱,艏尖舱
  20981. forepeak bulkhead ==> 艏尖舱壁,艏尖舱壁
  20982. forepiece ==> 前部件
  20983. foreplane ==> 粗刨
  20984. foreplate ==> 前板
  20985. forepole ==> 超前梁,超前支架
  20986. forepoling ==> 超前伸梁掘进法
  20987. forepoling arm ==> 超前支架前伸梁
  20988. forepressure ==> 前级压力,前置压强
  20989. forepressure breakdown ==> 前级压强破坏
  20990. forepressure characteristic ==> 前级压强特性
  20991. forepressure gauge ==> 前级真空规
  20992. forepressure measurement ==> 前级压强测量
  20993. forepressure side ==> 前级压强端
  20994. forepressure tolerance ==> 前级耐压
  20995. forepump ==> 前置泵,预抽泵
  20996. forepumping ==> 前级抽气
  20997. forequarter ==> 前部
  20998. forereach ==> 超过
  20999. foreroom ==> 前堂
  21000. forerunner ==> 前驱,先行涌
  21001. forerunner industry ==> 先导产业
  21002. forerunners ==> 前震
  21003. foresail ==> 前桅帆
  21004. forescatter ==> 前向散射,前向散射器
  21005. foresee ==> 预见
  21006. foreseeable damages ==> 可预见的损失
  21007. foreseeable losses ==> 可预见的损失
  21008. foreseen loss ==> 可预见的损失
  21009. foreset ==> 临时超前支架,工作面支架
  21010. foreset bed ==> 前积层
  21011. foreset bedding ==> 前积层
  21012. foreset laminae ==> 前积纹层
  21013. foreset slope ==> 前积坡
  21014. foreshadowing ==> 铺垫,预测
  21015. foreshaft sinking ==> 上部井筒凿井
  21016. foresheet ==> 前桅帆脚索
  21017. foreshock ==> 前震
  21018. foreshock wave ==> 前震波
  21019. foreshock-mainshock type ==> 前震主震型
  21020. foreshore ==> 前岸,前滨,前滩,潮间岸滩
  21021. foreshore flat ==> 干出滩
  21022. foreshortened length ==> 缩减长度,折合长度
  21023. foreshortening ==> 透视收缩,投影缩减
  21024. foreshortening effect ==> 投影缩减效应
  21025. foreshot ==> 初馏物
  21026. foresight ==> 描准器
  21027. foreslope ==> 前缘斜坡
  21028. forest ==> 林,森林,森林地带
  21029. forest acreage ==> 森林覆盖率
  21030. forest administration ==> 森林管理学
  21031. forest aerial photogrammetry ==> 森林航测
  21032. forest age ==> 林令
  21033. forest animal ==> 森林动物
  21034. forest area per capita ==> 人均林地面积
  21035. forest assessment ==> 森林资源清查
  21036. forest belt ==> 森林带,林带
  21037. forest biomass ==> 森林生物群
  21038. forest bog ==> 森林沼泽
  21039. forest botany ==> 森林植物学
  21040. forest canopy ==> 林冠覆盖
  21041. forest capital ==> 森林资本
  21042. forest carbon sinks ==> 森林碳汇=>森林カーボンシンク
  21043. forest chemistry ==> 森林化学
  21044. forest climate ==> 森林气候,潮湿气候
  21045. forest climax ==> 森林顶极
  21046. forest concession ==> 森林采伐权,林业产销证
  21047. forest conservancy ==> 森林保护
  21048. forest conservancy area ==> 封山育林区
  21049. forest conservation ==> 封山育林,森林保护,森林护养
  21050. forest cover ==> 森林植被
  21051. forest cover type ==> 森林覆被型
  21052. forest covered area ==> 森林覆盖面积
  21053. forest crop ==> 森林作物
  21054. forest culture ==> 造林
  21055. forest description ==> 森林调查
  21056. forest devastation ==> 森林破坏
  21057. forest district ==> 森林区划
  21058. forest ecological system ==> 森林生态系统
  21059. forest ecology ==> 森林生态学
  21060. forest economics ==> 森林经济学
  21061. forest economy ==> 森林经济
  21062. forest edge ==> 林缘
  21063. forest entomology ==> 森林昆虫学
  21064. forest estate ==> 森林产业
  21065. forest examiner ==> 森林技师
  21066. forest expectation value ==> 森林期望价值
  21067. forest experiment station ==> 森林试验站
  21068. forest experimental station ==> 林业试验站
  21069. forest experiments officer ==> 森林技师
  21070. forest fatal shade ==> 森林致死遮荫度
  21071. forest finance ==> 森林财政
  21072. forest fire ==> 野火
  21073. forest fire control ==> 森林火灾防救
  21074. forest fires ==> 林火
  21075. forest floor ==> 林床,林地覆被物,森林地面,森林覆被物
  21076. forest for protecting slopes from soil erosion ==> 护坡林
  21077. forest for protection against soil denudation ==> 防沙林
  21078. forest for special purpose ==> 特种用途林
  21079. forest for water and soil conservation ==> 水土保持林
  21080. forest form ==> 林相
  21081. forest form map ==> 林相图
  21082. forest frog's oviduct ==> 哈膜油
  21083. forest garden ==> 林木育种园,森林树木园
  21084. forest genetics ==> 森林遗传学
  21085. forest geobotany ==> 森林地植物学
  21086. forest grassland ==> 林间草地
  21087. forest grazing ==> 林间放牧
  21088. forest green ==> 森林绿
  21089. forest grower ==> 造林者
  21090. forest highway ==> 森林公路
  21091. forest husbandry ==> 森林管理
  21092. forest hygiene ==> 森林卫生
  21093. forest hygienics ==> 森林卫生学
  21094. forest improvement ==> 森林改进伐
  21095. forest in grasslands and deserts ==> 草原和沙漠地带的森林
  21096. forest influence ==> 森林影响
  21097. forest injurious insect ==> 森林害虫
  21098. forest inspection bureau ==> 森林监督局
  21099. forest inventory ==> 森林存量
  21100. forest inventory control ==> 森林资源管理
  21101. forest land ==> 林地
  21102. forest limit temperature ==> 森林极限温度
  21103. forest line ==> 森林线
  21104. forest management ==> 森林经营,森林经营学
  21105. forest management erosion ==> 森林管理与侵蚀
  21106. forest management system ==> 森林管理系统
  21107. forest management unit ==> 森林经营单位
  21108. forest map ==> 森林图
  21109. forest mapping ==> 森林制图
  21110. forest maturation ==> 森林成熟
  21111. forest measurement ==> 测树学
  21112. forest meteorology ==> 森林气象学
  21113. forest microclimate ==> 森林小气候
  21114. forest net yield ==> 森林纯收获
  21115. forest nursery ==> 林场苗菌
  21116. forest of conifer species ==> 针叶林
  21117. forest offence ==> 违犯林业规章行为,森林犯规
  21118. forest outlier ==> 残遗孤林,残遗弧林,孤存林
  21119. forest park ==> 森林公园
  21120. forest pathology ==> 森林病理学
  21121. forest peat ==> 森林泥炭
  21122. forest percent ==> 森林造林率,森林指率
  21123. forest pest ==> 森林虫害
  21124. forest photogrammetry ==> 森林摄影测量
  21125. forest plant ==> 森林植物
  21126. forest planting ==> 植苗林,植树造林,栽植造林,林业林,林业造林法
  21127. forest plot ==> 森林小区
  21128. forest policy ==> 森林政策,林政学
  21129. forest product ==> 林产品,林产物
  21130. forest productivity ==> 森林生产率
  21131. forest property ==> 森林财产
  21132. forest ranger ==> 营林员
  21133. forest regeneration ==> 森林更新
  21134. forest regulation ==> 森林条例,私有林控制法规
  21135. forest renewal ==> 森林更新
  21136. forest rent ==> 林利,林租
  21137. forest rent theory ==> 森林纯利学说
  21138. forest reservation ==> 封山育林
  21139. forest reserve ==> 封山育林区
  21140. forest reserve fund ==> 森林储备基金
  21141. forest reserves ==> 森林保护区,森林蓄积量
  21142. forest resources ==> 森林资源
  21143. forest ride ==> 林间车道
  21144. forest sanitation ==> 森林环境卫生
  21145. forest settlement ==> 森林产权判定
  21146. forest shelter belt ==> 防护林带
  21147. forest site indicator ==> 森林立地指示植物
  21148. forest soil ==> 森林土,森林土壤
  21149. forest squatter ==> 林内潜居民
  21150. forest stage ==> 森林阶段
  21151. forest statistics ==> 森林统计学
  21152. forest supervision ==> 森林监督管理
  21153. forest survey ==> 森林调查
  21154. forest technology ==> 森林工艺学
  21155. forest thinning ==> 森林抚育间伐
  21156. forest track ==> 森林路
  21157. forest transplanting ==> 林木移植
  21158. forest tree breeding ==> 林木育种
  21159. forest tree improvement ==> 林木改良
  21160. forest tree propagation ==> 林木繁殖
  21161. forest type ==> 林型
  21162. forest utilization ==> 森林利用学
  21163. forest valuation ==> 森林估价,林价算法
  21164. forest vegetation ==> 森林植物群
  21165. forest village ==> 森林村
  21166. forest weather station ==> 森林气候观测所
  21167. forest wind ==> 森林风
  21168. forest workers ==> 林业工作者
  21169. forest year ==> 森林事业年度
  21170. forest zone ==> 森林带
  21171. forest-cost-capital ==> 森林生产资本
  21172. forest-deterioration ==> 森林破坏
  21173. forest-division ==> 森林区划
  21174. forest-esthetics ==> 森林美学
  21175. forest-fire ==> 森林火灾
  21176. forest-fire insurance ==> 森林火灾保险
  21177. forest-fire meteorology ==> 森林火灾气象学
  21178. forest-fire prevention ==> 森林防火
  21179. forest-floor ==> 森林覆被
  21180. forest-guard system ==> 森林巡视制度
  21181. forest-humus ==> 森林腐殖质
  21182. forest-income tax ==> 森林所得税
  21183. forest-insect ==> 森林昆虫
  21184. forest-law ==> 森林法
  21185. forest-litter ==> 森林地被物
  21186. forest-master ==> 森林技师
  21187. forest-nursery ==> 森林苗圃
  21188. forest-police ==> 森林警察
  21189. forest-property ==> 森林所有权
  21190. forest-protection ==> 森林保护学
  21191. forest-railroad ==> 森林铁道
  21192. forest-railway ==> 森林铁道
  21193. forest-region ==> 森林植物带
  21194. forest-rental value ==> 森林纯利价
  21195. forest-right ==> 森林使用权
  21196. forest-road ==> 森林路
  21197. forest-school ==> 森林学校
  21198. forest-servitude ==> 森林使用权
  21199. forest-spring encephalitis ==> 春季森林脑炎
  21200. forest-staff ==> 森林职员
  21201. forest-survey ==> 森林调查
  21202. forest-surveying ==> 森林测量
  21203. forest-taxation ==> 森林课税
  21204. forest-to-coal process ==> 森林成煤过程
  21205. forest-tramway ==> 森林轨道
  21206. forest-tree ==> 森林树木
  21207. forest-tree nursery ==> 森林苗圃
  21208. forest-tundra ==> 森林冻原
  21209. forest-warden ==> 森林巡视
  21210. forest-yaws ==> 森林雅司病
  21211. forest-zoology ==> 森林动物学
  21212. forestage ==> 台唇,前级,舞台台唇
  21213. forestall ==> 抢先
  21214. forestation ==> 造林
  21215. forestay ==> 前桅前支索
  21216. forested area ==> 绿荫面积
  21217. forester ==> 林务官
  21218. foresters ==> 林业工作者
  21219. forestry ==> 林学,林业,森林学
  21220. forestry area statistics ==> 森林面积统计
  21221. forestry centre ==> 林场
  21222. forestry fund ==> 林业基金
  21223. forestry machinery ==> 林业机械
  21224. forestry torch ==> 林业点火枪
  21225. forestry tractor ==> 林业拖拉机
  21226. forestry worker ==> 林业工作者
  21227. foretack ==> 前下角索
  21228. forethigh ==> 前臂部
  21229. foretop ==> 前桅楼
  21230. foretopman ==> 前桅哨
  21231. foretopmast ==> 前桅的中段
  21232. foretopsail ==> 前桅中桅帆
  21233. foretruck ==> 前桅冠
  21234. foreturn ==> 前面绕圈
  21235. foretype ==> 前例
  21236. forevacuum ==> 预真空
  21237. forevacuum condenser ==> 前级真空冷凝器
  21238. forevacuum connection ==> 前级真空连接
  21239. forevacuum cooler ==> 前级真空冷却器
  21240. forevacuum cylinder ==> 前级真空腔
  21241. forevacuum ga(u)ge ==> 低真空规
  21242. forevacuum gauge ==> 前级真空规
  21243. forevacuum line ==> 前级真空管道
  21244. forevacuum pipe ==> 前级真空管道
  21245. forevacuum port ==> 前级真空连接口
  21246. forevacuum pressure ==> 前级真空压强
  21247. forevacuum pump ==> 前级真空泵
  21248. forevacuum pump system ==> 前级真空抽气系统
  21249. forevacuum rotor ==> 前级真空转子
  21250. forevacuum space ==> 前级真空空间
  21251. forevacuum subassembly ==> 前级真空组件,预真空组件
  21252. forevacuum trap ==> 前级真空冷阱
  21253. forevacuum tubing ==> 前级真空软管
  21254. forevacuum valve ==> 前级真空阀
  21255. forevacuum vessel ==> 前级真空容器,预真空容器
  21256. forever ==> 永
  21257. Forever Love ==> 永远的爱
  21258. forewarmer ==> 预热器
  21259. forewarn ==> 预先警告
  21260. forewarning ==> 前兆
  21261. forewaters ==> 前羊水
  21262. forewheel ==> 前轮
  21263. forewing ==> 前置机翼
  21264. foreword ==> 前言,引言,序言
  21265. foreworn ==> 磨损
  21266. foreyard ==> 前桅下帆桁
  21267. forfeit stock ==> 被没收的股份,没收股份
  21268. forfeited share ==> 被没收的股份
  21269. forfeited stock ==> 作废股,没收股票
  21270. forfeited stock subscription ==> 没收股款
  21271. forfeiture of property ==> 财务没收
  21272. Forficula auricularia ==> 欧洲球螋
  21273. forge ==> 锻工炉,假造,锻铁炉,锻造
  21274. forge ahead ==> 前进
  21275. forge bellows ==> 风箱
  21276. forge cold ==> 冷锻
  21277. forge crane ==> 锻造起重机
  21278. forge delay time ==> 锻焊延迟时间
  21279. forge drill ==> 锻造钻头
  21280. forge hammer ==> 锻锤
  21281. forge hearth ==> 锻铁炉
  21282. forge hot ==> 热锻
  21283. forge iron ==> 锻铁
  21284. forge lathe ==> 锻件粗车床
  21285. forge length ==> (摩擦焊时)顶锻变形量
  21286. forge manipulator ==> 锻造操作
  21287. forge milling machine ==> 重型铣床
  21288. forge piece ==> 锻件
  21289. forge pig iron ==> 可锻生铁
  21290. forge pigs ==> 锻铁
  21291. forge press ==> 锻压机
  21292. forge rate ==> (摩擦焊时)顶锻变形速度
  21293. forge roll ==> 辊锻机
  21294. forge rolling machine ==> 辊锻机
  21295. forge scale ==> 锻造氧化皮
  21296. forge shop ==> 锻造车间
  21297. forge test ==> 锻造试验
  21298. forge tests ==> 可锻性试验
  21299. forge time ==> 锻压时间
  21300. forge tongs ==> 锻工钳
  21301. forge weld ==> 锻焊焊缝
  21302. forge welding ==> 锻焊
  21303. forge work ==> 锻造
  21304. forge-delay time ==> 加压滞后时间,(点焊时)锻压时间
  21305. forge-welded (monolayered) cylinder ==> 锻焊式单层圆筒
  21306. forgeability ==> 可锻性
  21307. forgeable ==> 可锻的
  21308. forged ==> 锻造的
  21309. forged alloy ==> 锻造合金
  21310. forged and welded vessel ==> 锻焊式容器
  21311. forged blank ==> 锻制毛坯
  21312. forged brass ==> 锻黄铜
  21313. forged chain cable ==> 锻造锚链
  21314. forged check ==> 伪造支票,假支票
  21315. forged document ==> 伪造单据
  21316. forged documents ==> 假造的文书单据
  21317. forged endorsement ==> 假冒背书,伪造背书
  21318. forged flange ==> 锻制法兰
  21319. forged head ==> 锻造封头
  21320. forged paper currency ==> 伪造纸币
  21321. forged piece ==> 锻件
  21322. forged signature ==> 伪造签字,假冒签署
  21323. forged steel ==> 锻钢
  21324. forged steel magnet ==> 锻造钢磁铁
  21325. forged steel rolls for hot rolling ==> 锻钢热轧辊
  21326. forged stocks ==> 伪造股票
  21327. forged vessel ==> 锻造容器
  21328. forged weld ==> (焊后锻压的)锻压焊缝
  21329. forger ==> 伪币制造者
  21330. forgery ==> 伪造,伪造品
  21331. forgery bond ==> 假造债券
  21332. forgetfulness ==> 健忘
  21333. forging ==> 锻,锻件,锻接,锻造=>鍛造
  21334. forging (and stamping) ==> 锻压
  21335. forging (swaging) machine ==> 锻造机
  21336. forging and pressing equipment ==> 锻压设备
  21337. forging blank ==> 锻造毛坯
  21338. forging brass ==> 锻造黄铜,可锻黄铜
  21339. forging bursting ==> 锻裂
  21340. forging characteristic ==> 锻造特性
  21341. forging crane ==> 锻造起重机
  21342. forging die ==> 锻模
  21343. forging drawing ==> 锻件图,锻造图
  21344. forging equipment ==> 锻压设备
  21345. forging flow lines ==> 锻造流线
  21346. forging furnace ==> 锻炉
  21347. forging hammer ==> 锻锤,锻工锤
  21348. forging hammer without anvilbed ==> 无砧坐模锻锤
  21349. forging ingot ==> 锻绽
  21350. forging iron ==> 锻铁
  21351. forging line ==> 锻造生产线
  21352. forging machine ==> 锻压机
  21353. forging manipulator ==> 锻造操纵机,锻造操作机,锻造翻钢机
  21354. forging method ==> 锻造法
  21355. forging mould ==> 锻模
  21356. forging operation ==> 锻造操作
  21357. forging plane ==> 锻造面
  21358. forging plant ==> 锻造车间
  21359. forging press ==> 锻压机,锻造压力机
  21360. forging pressure ==> 锻造压力
  21361. forging property ==> 锻造性质
  21362. forging pump press ==> 锻造水压机
  21363. forging quality ==> 可锻性
  21364. forging quality steel ==> 锻造用钢胚
  21365. forging range ==> 锻造温度范围
  21366. forging ratio ==> 锻造比
  21367. forging robot ==> 锻造机器人
  21368. forging roll ==> 锻制轧辊
  21369. forging rolls ==> 锻轧机,轧锻机
  21370. forging scale ==> 铁鳞
  21371. forging shop ==> 锻工车间
  21372. forging steel ==> 锻钢
  21373. forging steel valve ==> 锻钢阀
  21374. forging stock ==> 锻坯,锻造用坯
  21375. forging strain ==> 锻应变
  21376. forging stress ==> 锻造应力
  21377. forging temperature ==> 锻造温度
  21378. forging temperature interval ==> 锻造温度范围
  21379. forging test ==> 锻造试验,锤击试验,锤压试验
  21380. forging thermit ==> 锻接铝热剂
  21381. forging tool ==> 锻造用工具
  21382. forging tubesheet ==> 锻造管板
  21383. forging-grade ingot ==> 锻用钢锭,锻造用钢锭
  21384. fork ==> 叉子,垫叉,歧,附加,分岔,双叉挂车夹,插销头,叉,岔,岔流
  21385. fork amplifier ==> 音叉放大器
  21386. fork and blade connecting rod ==> 叉形中间连杆
  21387. fork arm ==> 叉杆
  21388. fork arrangement ==> 叉形装置
  21389. fork bearing ==> 叉轴承
  21390. fork beat ==> 音叉拍
  21391. fork budding ==> 钩形芽接
  21392. fork catch ==> 叉形档
  21393. fork center shaft ==> 转向节中心轴,轮叉中心轴
  21394. fork chain ==> 叉链
  21395. fork channel blockage ==> 堵塞汊道
  21396. fork channel closure ==> 堵塞汊道
  21397. fork chuck ==> 叉形卡盘
  21398. fork connection ==> 叉式接法,叉式连接法,叉状连接,分岔连接
  21399. fork coupler ==> 叉形联结装置
  21400. fork dispatcher ==> 分叉分派程序
  21401. fork end ==> 叉端
  21402. fork end u ==> 形夹
  21403. fork expander bolt ==> 车前叉调整螺丝
  21404. fork eye ==> 叉形眼
  21405. fork file ==> 平圆角锉
  21406. fork frequency ==> 音叉频率
  21407. fork gap ==> 叉隔
  21408. fork gauge ==> 叉规,分叉标准尺,分岔标准尺
  21409. fork generator ==> 音叉振荡器
  21410. fork grafting ==> 叉状嫁接
  21411. fork groove ==> 叉形槽
  21412. fork guard ==> 保险叉
  21413. fork handle ==> 叉柄
  21414. fork hay onto a stack ==> 叉草上垛
  21415. fork head ==> 叉形头
  21416. fork hoe ==> 叉锄
  21417. fork hook ==> 叉钩
  21418. fork joint ==> 叉头连接
  21419. fork lever ==> 叉杆
  21420. fork lift ==> 叉形起重机
  21421. fork lift for pallets ==> 集装箱的叉式升运机
  21422. fork lift hoist ==> 叉式起重机
  21423. fork lift loader ==> 叉式装载机
  21424. fork lift truck ==> 叉式起重车,叉式提升搬运车,叉式装卸车
  21425. fork lifter ==> 叉车,叉式升降机
  21426. fork link ==> 叉形活节,叉形杆,叉形连接杆
  21427. fork load-unload car ==> 叉式装卸车
  21428. fork oscillator ==> 音叉振荡器
  21429. fork pin ==> 叉形销
  21430. fork pocket ==> 叉槽
  21431. fork process ==> 分叉进程
  21432. fork rod ==> 叉棍
  21433. fork shaft ==> 叉轴
  21434. fork shaped ==> 叉形的
  21435. fork spanner ==> 叉形扳手
  21436. fork stripper ==> 叉形卸料板
  21437. fork structure of bubble device ==> 磁泡器件叉形结构
  21438. fork terminal ==> 叉形引出线
  21439. fork tone ==> 音叉音
  21440. fork tongs ==> 叉式钳
  21441. fork truck ==> 叉式自动装卸车
  21442. fork truck attachment ==> 叉式自动装卸车附件
  21443. fork type washing machine ==> 叉式洗涤机
  21444. fork wrench ==> 叉形扳手
  21445. fork-lift truck ==> 叉车,铲车
  21446. fork-lug connector ==> フォークラッグコネクタ
  21447. fork-tail ==> 叉尾
  21448. fork-tone modulation ==> 叉音调制
  21449. fork-type digger ==> 叉式挖掘机,叉形挖掘机
  21450. fork-type hay loader ==> 叉式装干草机
  21451. fork-unload car ==> 叉式装卸车
  21452. forked ==> 叉根的,叉状的,分叉的
  21453. forked axle ==> 叉形轴
  21454. forked bed ==> 叉形座
  21455. forked branch ==> 分叉树枝
  21456. forked circuit ==> 分岔电路,分支电路
  21457. forked connecting rod ==> 叉式连杆
  21458. forked connection ==> 叉状连接
  21459. forked crosshead ==> 叉形十字头
  21460. forked driving rod ==> 叉形传动杆
  21461. forked echo ==> 分岔回波
  21462. forked end ==> 叉端
  21463. forked end lever ==> 叉头杆
  21464. forked frame ==> 叉形架
  21465. forked growth ==> 叉状生长,分叉生长
  21466. forked head ==> 叉形箭头
  21467. forked hose ==> 分叉软管
  21468. forked joint ==> 叉形接头
  21469. forked journal ==> 叉形轴颈
  21470. forked lever ==> 叉形杆
  21471. forked lightning ==> 叉状闪电,分叉闪电
  21472. forked link ==> 叉形连杆
  21473. forked long slotted cross head ==> 叉形长槽十字头
  21474. forked mounting ==> 叉式装置
  21475. forked ordinary cross head ==> 叉形十字头
  21476. forked pipe ==> 分叉管
  21477. forked repeater ==> 双路转发器
  21478. forked road ==> 歧路
  21479. forked rod ==> 叉头杆
  21480. forked screw driver ==> 叉形螺丝刀,叉形螺旋起子
  21481. forked siamesed ==> 叉形的
  21482. forked spanner ==> 叉形扳手
  21483. forked spring carrier arm ==> 叉形簧架
  21484. forked standard ==> 叉座
  21485. forked tenon ==> 叉形榫
  21486. forking bed ==> 分叉岩层
  21487. forklift ==> 叉车=>フォークリフト
  21488. forklift attachment ==> 叉形抓爪
  21489. forklift with diesel engine ==> 柴油驱动叉车
  21490. forks arm ==> 叉形臂
  21491. forkstaff plane ==> 突圆线刨
  21492. forlorn ==> 絶望の,絶望的な
  21493. form ==> 打印纸,模塑,体形,干形,类型,样式,用纸,表格,型别,型式,形,形式,形状=>種類,外形,構造,型枠,鋳型,形成する
  21494. form a complete production network ==> 配套生产
  21495. form a complete set ==> 配套
  21496. form a complete set of ==> 配套组合
  21497. form a flute ==> 凿槽
  21498. form a groove ==> 设计孔型
  21499. form a parabola ==> 放物線を描く
  21500. form address microinstruction ==> 格式地址微指令
  21501. form address operation ==> 格式地址操作
  21502. form advance ==> 送纸,进页
  21503. form board ==> 模板
  21504. form board test ==> 形板测验
  21505. form boarding ==> 模壳板
  21506. form brace ==> 模板拉条
  21507. form bracing ==> 模板支撑
  21508. form broach ==> 成形拉刀
  21509. form cage ==> 模板骨架
  21510. form clamp ==> 模板夹具,模壳边撑
  21511. form class ==> 形级
  21512. form coating ==> 模板涂料,模板涂油
  21513. form control buffer (FCB) ==> 格式控制缓冲
  21514. form control image ==> 格式控制图像
  21515. form control template ==> 仿形控制样板,靠模控制样板
  21516. form cost ==> 模板费
  21517. form crushing roll ==> 成形辊
  21518. form culture ==> 整形栽培
  21519. form cutter ==> 成形铣刀
  21520. form cycling rate ==> 模板周转率,模板周转速度
  21521. form design ==> 帳票設計
  21522. form diameter ==> 成形直径
  21523. form drag ==> 形状阻力
  21524. form drawing ==> 木模图
  21525. form dresser ==> 整形器
  21526. form effect ==> 形状效应
  21527. form element ==> 形状要素
  21528. form error ==> 形状误差
  21529. form ethcing ==> 照相腐蚀法
  21530. form factor ==> 形状系数,形状因数,形状因子,波形系数,波形因数,曲线形式系数,成形系数=>波形率
  21531. form factor of the weld ==> 焊缝成形系数
  21532. form feed ==> 格式馈给,格式馈送=>書式送り
  21533. form feed (FF) ==> 格式进纸
  21534. form feed character ==> 用紙送り文字
  21535. form feeding ==> 格式馈给,走纸
  21536. form fixer ==> 模板工,模壳工
  21537. form flash ==> 格式闪烁,格式显示,格式装饰=>書式フラッシュ
  21538. form function ==> 形状函数
  21539. form genus ==> 形态属
  21540. form grinder ==> 成形磨床
  21541. form grinding ==> 成形磨削
  21542. form grinding process ==> 成形磨削过程
  21543. form hanger ==> 模板支撑
  21544. form height ==> 形高
  21545. form insulation ==> 模板保温
  21546. form joint ==> 模板接缝
  21547. form lateral pressure ==> 模板侧压力
  21548. form line ==> 地形线,轮廓线,拟构等高线
  21549. form liner ==> 模板垫衬,模板垫条
  21550. form lining ==> 模板衬垫,模板内衬,模板涂层
  21551. form methane ==> メタンを発生させる
  21552. form milling ==> 成形铣削
  21553. form milling cutter ==> 成形铣刀
  21554. form milling machine ==> 仿形铣床
  21555. form milling method ==> 仿形铣法
  21556. form nail ==> 双帽钉
  21557. form of a dualistic property right ==> 二元产权形式
  21558. form of a monistic property right ==> 一元产权形式
  21559. form of application ==> 申请书格式
  21560. form of business organization ==> 业务组织形式
  21561. form of cartels ==> 卡特尔类型
  21562. form of construction work ==> 施工方式
  21563. form of detailed schemes ==> 细目式计划
  21564. form of exclusive private property ==> 排他性的私有财产形式
  21565. form of gear tooth ==> 齿轮齿形
  21566. form of mutual backup operations ==> 相互バックアップ運用形態
  21567. form of tariff ==> 收费形式
  21568. form of taxation ==> 课税形式
  21569. form of tender ==> 投标书
  21570. form of the physical store ==> 存储的物理形式
  21571. form of transmission for data relay equipment channel backup ==> データ中継装置チャネルバックアップ用伝送形態
  21572. form of variability ==> 变异性类型
  21573. form oil ==> 模板用油,模板油
  21574. form overlay ==> 格式背景,格式重叠,多格式重叠打印功能=>書式オーバレイ
  21575. form parameter ==> 形状参数
  21576. form planing ==> 仿形刨法
  21577. form point ==> 形点
  21578. form pollen tubes ==> 形成花粉管
  21579. form printing machine ==> 表格印刷机
  21580. form quality ==> 形质
  21581. form quotient ==> 形率
  21582. form ratio ==> (河流)深宽比
  21583. form receiving tray ==> 收纸架,落纸架
  21584. form relieved cutter ==> 铲齿铣刀
  21585. form relieved tooth ==> 铲齿
  21586. form removable ==> 模板拆除
  21587. form removal ==> 拆除模板,拆除模壳
  21588. form resistance ==> 形状阻力
  21589. form rib ==> 保形肋
  21590. form rolling ==> 成形辊轧
  21591. form roughness ==> 形态糙度
  21592. form scaffolding ==> 型枠足場
  21593. form setter ==> 模板工,模壳工
  21594. form shaping ==> 仿形刨法
  21595. form sheathing ==> 模壳衬板
  21596. form sheet ==> 格式表
  21597. form skip ==> 记录纸进给
  21598. form spreader ==> 模板撑杆
  21599. form stop ==> 模板端头,格式送完停机,纸完停机
  21600. form strength ==> 模壳强度
  21601. form stress factor ==> 形状应力因数
  21602. form stripping ==> 模板拆除
  21603. form surface ==> 形态面
  21604. form system ==> 帳票制度
  21605. form tie ==> 模板拉杆,模板拉铁,磨板拉铁
  21606. form tolerances ==> 形状公差
  21607. form tool ==> 成形刀,样板刀
  21608. form tracers ==> 形状寻迹器
  21609. form truing ==> 砂轮成形修整
  21610. form turn ==> 成形车削
  21611. form turning ==> 成形车削
  21612. form type code ==> 格式码
  21613. form utility ==> 形式效用,形态效用
  21614. form variation ==> 型变异
  21615. form vibrator ==> 附着式振动器,模板振动器,模壳振动器,外部振动器
  21616. form winding ==> 模绕法
  21617. form work engineering ==> 模板工程
  21618. form wound coil ==> 成型线圈
  21619. form-copying type gear grinder ==> 仿形齿轮磨床
  21620. form-cutting ==> 成形切削
  21621. form-drag ==> 型阻力
  21622. form-feed character ==> 供型字符
  21623. form-point height ==> 形点高
  21624. form-relieved hob ==> 铲齿滚刀
  21625. form-tie assembly ==> 模板支撑装配
  21626. form-tying ==> 模板钉结
  21627. form-vibrated concrete ==> 模板振捣混凝土
  21628. form-wound motorette ==> 模绕线圈试验装置
  21629. form.manufacturer's data report ==> 制造厂的数据报告格式
  21630. forma specialis ==> 专化型
  21631. formability ==> 成型性能
  21632. formal ==> 甲缩醛,形式的,正式,正式的,福尔马
  21633. formal address ==> 形式地址
  21634. formal agreement ==> 正式协定
  21635. formal algebra ==> 形式代数
  21636. formal approach ==> 形式方法
  21637. formal approximation ==> 形式逼近,形式近似
  21638. formal argument ==> 形式变元
  21639. formal axiomatics ==> 形式公理学
  21640. formal bond ==> 形式键
  21641. formal cause ==> 形式原因
  21642. formal charge ==> 形式电荷
  21643. formal class ==> 形式类
  21644. formal concentration ==> 克式量浓度
  21645. formal construction ==> 形式构造
  21646. formal contract ==> 正式合同
  21647. formal control ==> 形式控制
  21648. formal copper wire ==> 聚乙烯醇缩甲醛铜线,聚乙烯醇缩甲醛铜线
  21649. formal declarer ==> 形式说明词
  21650. formal deduction ==> 形式推导
  21651. formal definition ==> 形式定义,格式定义
  21652. formal degree ==> 形式次数
  21653. formal demography ==> 形式人口学
  21654. formal denotation ==> 形式标志
  21655. formal denotational semantics ==> 形式表示语义
  21656. formal derivation ==> 形式的導出
  21657. formal description ==> 形式描述
  21658. formal description language ==> 形式描述语言
  21659. formal design specification ==> 形式设计说明
  21660. formal discipline ==> 形式训练
  21661. formal disoretization error ==> 形式离散误差
  21662. formal entry ==> 正式进口
  21663. formal genetics ==> 形式遗传学
  21664. formal grammar ==> 形式文法
  21665. formal group ==> 形式群
  21666. formal homology theory ==> 形式同调论
  21667. formal implication ==> 形式蕴涵
  21668. formal inference ==> 形式推理
  21669. formal infinite sum ==> 形式无限和
  21670. formal integration ==> 形式积分法
  21671. formal isomer ==> 形状同质异能素
  21672. formal language ==> 形式语言
  21673. formal language grammar ==> 形式语言文法
  21674. formal language processing ==> 形式语言加工
  21675. formal language processor ==> 形式语言加工程序
  21676. formal language theory ==> 形式语言理论
  21677. formal leading coefficient ==> 形式的首项系数
  21678. formal logic ==> 形式逻辑=>形式論理
  21679. formal lower-bound ==> 形式下界
  21680. formal mathematical definition ==> 形式数学定义
  21681. formal method ==> 形式方法
  21682. formal microprogram ==> 形式微程序
  21683. formal model ==> 形式模型
  21684. formal neuron ==> 形式神经元
  21685. formal notation ==> 形式标志
  21686. formal notice ==> 正式通知
  21687. formal notion ==> 形式概念
  21688. formal operations ==> 形式操作
  21689. formal parameter ==> 形式参数=>仮パラメータ
  21690. formal parameter call ==> 形式参数调用
  21691. formal parameter list ==> 形式参数表
  21692. formal parameter part ==> 形式参数部分
  21693. formal parsing ==> 形式分析
  21694. formal parsing algorithm ==> 形式分析算法
  21695. formal potential ==> 表观电位
  21696. formal power series ==> 形式幂级数
  21697. formal power series field ==> 形式幂级数域
  21698. formal power series ring ==> 形式幂级数环
  21699. formal product ==> 形式产品
  21700. formal proof ==> 形式证法
  21701. formal pushdown automaton ==> 形式下推自动机
  21702. formal record ==> 形式记录
  21703. formal representation ==> 形式表达法
  21704. formal ring ==> 形式环
  21705. formal row ==> 形式行
  21706. formal rule ==> 形式规则
  21707. formal scheme ==> 形式概型
  21708. formal semantics ==> 形式语义
  21709. formal solution ==> 形式解
  21710. formal specification ==> 形式说明,格式说明
  21711. formal spectrum ==> 形式谱
  21712. formal syntax ==> 形式语法
  21713. formal system ==> 形式系统
  21714. formal Taylor expansion ==> 形式泰勒展开
  21715. formal theory ==> 形式理论
  21716. formal thinking ==> 形式思维
  21717. formal transformation ==> 形式变换
  21718. formal treatment ==> 形式处理
  21719. formal undecidable proposition ==> 形式不可判定命题
  21720. formal unit ==> 正式地层单位
  21721. formal upper bound ==> 形式上限
  21722. formal variable ==> 形式变量
  21723. formal verification ==> 形式证明
  21724. formal-actual parameter correspondence ==> 形式实参对应
  21725. formaldehyde ==> 蚁醛,甲醛=>ホルムアルデヒド
  21726. formaldehyde induced fluorescence method ==> 甲醛诱发荧光法
  21727. formaldehyde oxime ==> 甲醛肟
  21728. formaldehyde poisoning ==> 甲醛中毒
  21729. formaldehyde sodium bisulfite ==> 甲醛化亚硫酸氢钠
  21730. formaldehyde solution ==> 甲醛溶液,福尔马林
  21731. formaldehyde test ==> 蚁醛试验
  21732. formaldoxime ==> 甲醛肟
  21733. formaldoxime hydrochloride ==> 盐酸甲醛肟
  21734. formalin ==> 福尔马,福尔马林,特性周波带,甲醛溶液,甲醛水,甲醛水溶液=>ホルマリン
  21735. formalin ether concentration method ==> 甲醛乙醚浓集法
  21736. formalin poisoning ==> 福尔马林中毒=>ホルマリン中毒
  21737. formalin sterilizing unit ==> 福尔马林消毒装置
  21738. formalism ==> 形式论,形式主义
  21739. formality ==> 形式性,手续,克式浓度
  21740. formalization ==> 形式化,形式体系化,定形
  21741. formalize ==> 形式化
  21742. formalized arithmetic ==> 形式化算法
  21743. formalized computer ==> 形式化计算机
  21744. formalized computer program ==> 形式化计算机程序
  21745. formalized model ==> 形式化模型
  21746. Formall process ==> 福马尔落锤深冲法
  21747. formally adjoint operator ==> 形式伴随算子
  21748. formally real field ==> 形式实域
  21749. formally self-adjoint differential operator ==> 形式自伴微分算子
  21750. formamidase ==> 甲酰胺酶,犬尿氨酸甲酰胺酶
  21751. formamide ==> 甲酰胺
  21752. formamidoxime ==> 氨基甲肟
  21753. formamyl ==> 氨基甲酰基
  21754. formance superheterodyne receiver ==> 高性能超外差式接收机
  21755. formant ==> 共振峰=>ホルマント
  21756. formant frequency ==> 共振峰频率
  21757. format ==> 格式,格式化,信息编排,形式=>書式
  21758. format analyzer ==> 格式分析器
  21759. format character ==> 格式符
  21760. format character set ==> 格式字符集
  21761. format chart ==> 格式图
  21762. format check ==> 格式检验,数据控制程序检验=>書式検査
  21763. format code ==> 格式代码
  21764. format control ==> 格式控制,数据安排形式控制
  21765. format control card ==> 格式控制卡片
  21766. format description ==> 格式描述
  21767. format description statement ==> 格式描述语句
  21768. format description type ==> 格式描述类型,格式说明类型
  21769. format designator ==> 格式标志符
  21770. format display ==> 格式显示
  21771. format effector ==> 格式控制字符,布局控制字符=>書式制御文字
  21772. format effector (FE) ==> 格式明细符
  21773. format effector character ==> 格式生效符,格式有效符
  21774. format error ==> 格式错误,格式误差
  21775. format field descriptor ==> 格式域描述符,格式字段描述符
  21776. format identification (FID) ==> 格式标识,格式识别
  21777. format identification field ==> 格式标识字段
  21778. format implicit address instruction ==> 格式隐地址指令
  21779. format item ==> 格式项,格式元素
  21780. format item specification ==> 格式项说明
  21781. format label ==> 格式标号
  21782. format line ==> 格式行
  21783. format list ==> 格式表
  21784. format memory data ==> 格式存储数据
  21785. format of edit-directed transmission ==> 定向编辑传输格式
  21786. format order ==> 格式指令
  21787. format primary ==> 格式初等量
  21788. format procedure ==> 格式过程
  21789. format program ==> 格式程序
  21790. format recognition ==> 格式识别
  21791. format record ==> 格式记录
  21792. format secondary ==> 格式二次项
  21793. format select ==> 格式选择
  21794. format service program ==> 格式服务程序
  21795. format set ==> 格式集,格式组
  21796. format sheet ==> 格式图表,格式页,格式纸
  21797. format specification ==> 格式规定
  21798. format standard ==> 格式标准
  21799. format statement ==> 格式语句
  21800. format storage ==> 格式存储
  21801. format string ==> 格式串,格式行
  21802. format structure ==> 格式结构
  21803. format symbol ==> 格式符号
  21804. format text ==> 格式原文,格式正文
  21805. format track ==> 格式化磁道
  21806. format transformation ==> 格式变换
  21807. format translate ==> 格式翻译
  21808. format-pattern ==> 格式图像
  21809. formate ==> 甲酸盐,甲酸酯
  21810. formatio alba ==> 白网状结构
  21811. formatio grisea ==> 灰网状结构
  21812. formation ==> 建造,生成,形成,构造水,成林措施,成形,地层,群系,路基=>化成,フォーメーション
  21813. formation analysis ==> 络离子形成分析(法)
  21814. formation and development ==> (果芽)形成和发展
  21815. formation condition ==> 形成条件
  21816. formation constant ==> 生成定数
  21817. formation density compensated tool ==> 补偿地层密度测井仪
  21818. formation density log tool ==> 地层密度测井仪
  21819. formation expenses ==> 开办费
  21820. formation factor ==> 地层因数
  21821. formation fluid sampler ==> 地层流体取样器
  21822. formation interval tester ==> 地层间隔测试器
  21823. formation level ==> 施工基面
  21824. formation microscanner ==> 地层微扫描器
  21825. formation multitester ==> 多次地层测试器
  21826. formation of alkali soils ==> 碱土形成
  21827. formation of aminoacid ==> 氨基酸的形成
  21828. formation of cracking ==> 龟裂
  21829. formation of fins ==> 起飞翅
  21830. formation of image ==> 成像
  21831. formation of iron [in slag-tap furnace] ==> [液态排渣炉]析铁,从水或蒸汽中沉积到受热面和管道内表面或汽轮机叶片上的矿物质或盐类,包括水渣、水垢和积盐等。
  21832. formation of sexuality ==> 性的形成
  21833. formation of slag ==> 造渣
  21834. formation of species ==> 种形成
  21835. formation of supply in general ==> 一般储备的形式
  21836. formation of the first stars and galaxies ==> a最初の星と銀河の形成
  21837. formation of trifoliolate leaves ==> 形成三出叶
  21838. formation of washer women's skin ==> 漂妇样皮形成
  21839. formation of weld ==> 焊缝成形
  21840. formation or laying of eggs ==> 形成卵或产卵
  21841. formation rate ==> 形成率
  21842. formation rate of marginal generation unit ==> 边际机组形成率,某个电厂形成边际机组的时段占整个竞价时段的比例
  21843. formation rate of price cap by single power plant ==> 单个电厂形成最高限价的比率,在市场出清价达到最高限价的时段中某个电厂的边际机组形成率
  21844. formation rule ==> 形成规则
  21845. formation solubility ==> 地层溶解度
  21846. formation temperature ==> 形成温度
  21847. formation tester ==> 地层测试器
  21848. formation time ==> 形成时间
  21849. formation time lag ==> 形成时滞
  21850. formation transformer ==> 电成型用变压器
  21851. formation voltage ==> 化成电压,形成电压=>化成電圧
  21852. formation water ==> 地层水
  21853. formative ==> 造型,形成的
  21854. formative arts ==> 造型艺术
  21855. formative cell ==> 毛原细胞,形成细胞
  21856. formative education ==> 养成教育
  21857. formative factor ==> 形成因素
  21858. formative gear ==> 形成齿轮
  21859. formative radius ==> 形成半径,成形半径
  21860. formative region ==> 形成区
  21861. formative study of development strategies ==> 发展战略学
  21862. formative technology ==> 造型工艺
  21863. formative time ==> 建立时间
  21864. formative time of spark ==> 火花形成时间
  21865. formative tissue ==> 形成组织
  21866. formative transducer ==> 变换传感器
  21867. formative voltage ==> 形成电压
  21868. formative yolk ==> 成胚卵黄
  21869. formatted data ==> 格式数据
  21870. formatted data set control block ==> 格式化数据集控制块
  21871. formatted diskette ==> 格式化软磁盘
  21872. formatted display ==> 格式化显示
  21873. formatted dump ==> 格式化转储
  21874. formatted file ==> 格式文件,格式文卷
  21875. formatted IBM compatible tape ==> 格式化的IBM兼容磁带
  21876. formatted image ==> 格式化图像
  21877. formatted input-output ==> 格式化输入输出
  21878. formatted logic record ==> 格式逻辑记录
  21879. formatted mass storage ==> 格式化海量存储器
  21880. formatted program ==> 格式化程序
  21881. formatted READ statement ==> 格式读语句
  21882. formatted record ==> 格式化记录
  21883. formatted request ==> 格式化请求
  21884. formatted screen image ==> 格式化屏幕映像
  21885. formatted software capacity ==> 格式化软件容量
  21886. formatted storage capacity ==> 格式化存储容量
  21887. formatted system services ==> 格式化系统服务,格式化系统服务程序
  21888. formatted tape ==> 格式编排磁带,格式化磁带
  21889. formatted WRITE statement ==> 格式写语句
  21890. formatter ==> 格式化程序
  21891. formatter symbol ==> 格式标识符号
  21892. formatting ==> 格式编排,格式化,编排格式=>初期化
  21893. forme ==> 印板
  21894. forme fruste ==> 顿挫型
  21895. forme rollers ==> 印版墨辊
  21896. formed ==> 成形,成形的,成形加工
  21897. formed bellows ==> 沉积波纹管
  21898. formed coil ==> 成型线圈,模绕线圈,嵌槽线圈=>型巻コイル
  21899. formed conductor ==> 成形导体=>成形コイル
  21900. formed cutter ==> 成形刀具
  21901. formed cutter milling ==> 成形铣刀铣削
  21902. formed fabric ==> 成形法非织造织物
  21903. formed grinding wheel ==> 成形砂轮
  21904. formed milling cutter ==> 成形铣刀
  21905. formed plate ==> 铸制极板
  21906. formed punch ==> 冲头
  21907. formed section ==> 冷弯型钢
  21908. formed steel base ==> 型钢底座
  21909. formed stool ==> 成形便,成形粪
  21910. formed threading tool ==> 成形螺纹铣刀
  21911. formed tool ==> 成形切刀
  21912. formed tooth ==> 成形铲齿,成形齿
  21913. formed turning tool ==> 成形车刀
  21914. formed winding ==> 成形绕组
  21915. formentemia ==> 酶血症
  21916. former ==> 成形刀,成形机,成形器,成形设备,模板工程,模子,线圈架,幅板
  21917. former associate ==> かつての仲間
  21918. former bar ==> 放大尺
  21919. former block ==> 冲模
  21920. former channel ==> 古い河道
  21921. former creditor ==> 前债权人
  21922. former plate ==> 仿型样板
  21923. former rail ==> 前导轨
  21924. former rib ==> 保形肋
  21925. former roll ==> 成形轧辊
  21926. former surrounding case ==> 前环境角色
  21927. former winding ==> 模绕法,模绕组,模压成型绕组
  21928. former's tool ==> 造型工具
  21929. former-wound coil ==> 模拟线圈,模绕线圈,型卷线圈
  21930. formeret ==> 附墙拱肋
  21931. Formetanate ==> (杀螨剂)伐虫脒
  21932. formex wire ==> 磁性录音钢丝
  21933. formgrader ==> 模槽机
  21934. formic acid ==> 蚁酸
  21935. formicary ==> 蚁巢
  21936. formication ==> 蚁走感
  21937. formication sign ==> 提内耳氏征
  21938. formiciasis ==> 蚁咬病
  21939. Formicidae ==> 蚁科
  21940. formicin ==> 甲醛乙酰胺
  21941. formicivorous ==> 食蚁的
  21942. Formicoidea ==> 蚁总科
  21943. formidable natural conditions ==> 恶劣的自然条件
  21944. formidable-looking code ==> 似可畏码
  21945. formiminoglutamic acid ==> 亚胺甲基谷氨酸
  21946. formin ==> 甲精
  21947. forming ==> 仿形,非切削成形,模压件,成形=>成形,くし形編出(布線)
  21948. forming angle ==> 成形角
  21949. forming attachment ==> 仿形附件,靠模附件
  21950. forming between profile ==> 模夹变形丝
  21951. forming block ==> 滚料板
  21952. forming by turning ==> 车坯成型
  21953. forming conveyer ==> 成型输送带
  21954. forming current ==> 化成电流
  21955. forming cutter ==> 成形刀
  21956. forming defect ==> 成型缺陷
  21957. forming die ==> 精整模,成形钢模,成形模,成形模具,胎模
  21958. forming dresser ==> 成形修整器
  21959. forming electrode ==> 聚焦极,聚焦极
  21960. forming fare ==> 形成面
  21961. forming gas ==> 合成气体
  21962. forming head ==> 成形封头
  21963. forming lapping ==> 成形研磨
  21964. forming lathe ==> 仿型车床
  21965. forming limit ==> 成形极限
  21966. forming limit diagram ==> 成形极限图
  21967. forming machine ==> 成板机,成形机,定型机
  21968. forming mill ==> 冷弯机
  21969. forming of glass ==> 玻璃成形
  21970. forming of soil ==> 土壤的形成
  21971. forming pliers ==> 轧印钳
  21972. forming press ==> 成形压力机
  21973. forming pressure ==> 成型压力,成形压力
  21974. forming process ==> 成形法,成形工序,成形过程
  21975. forming property ==> 成形性能
  21976. forming punch ==> 成形冲头
  21977. forming rest ==> 成形刀架
  21978. forming roll ==> 成形棍
  21979. forming rollers ==> 成形辊
  21980. forming rolls ==> 成形辊
  21981. forming root hairs ==> 形成根毛
  21982. forming technique ==> 成形技术
  21983. forming tool ==> 成形车刀,成形工具,样板刀
  21984. forming toor ==> 成形切刀
  21985. forming tube ==> 绕丝筒
  21986. forming turret lathe ==> 仿形六角车床
  21987. forming twister ==> 模压捻线机
  21988. Formite ==> 佛麦特钨铬钢
  21989. formless contract ==> 非正式合同,不定型合同
  21990. formless stage ==> 树木不整形期
  21991. formo-cresol solution ==> 甲醛甲酚合剂
  21992. formol ==> 甲醛溶液,福尔马林
  21993. formol-gel test ==> 甲醛凝胶试验
  21994. formol-get test ==> 醛凝试验
  21995. formol-Zenker solution ==> 福尔马林岑克尔氏溶液
  21996. formonitrile ==> 氢氰酸
  21997. formononetin ==> 芒柄花黄素
  21998. Formosa ==> 美丽岛台湾和琉球群岛
  21999. formosan fermite ==> 甘蔗白蚁
  22000. formose ==> 甲醛聚糖
  22001. formothion ==> 安果
  22002. formoxy ==> 醛氧基
  22003. formpiston ==> 模塞
  22004. forms control ==> 帳票管理
  22005. forms of art ==> 艺术形式
  22006. forms of investment ==> 出资方式
  22007. forms overlay ==> 多格式重叠
  22008. forms slice ==> 表格复片
  22009. formset ==> 形态层组
  22010. formula ==> 化学式,反应式,处方,公式=>製法
  22011. formula and statement translator ==> 公式和语句的翻译程序
  22012. formula calculator ==> 公式计算器
  22013. formula car ==> 方程式赛车,方程式汽车
  22014. formula derivation ==> 公式推导
  22015. formula feed ==> 配制饲料
  22016. formula for emergency ==> 急方
  22017. formula language ==> 公式语言
  22018. formula manipulation ==> 公式变换,公式操作,公式处理,公式控制
  22019. formula manipulation compiler ==> 公式处理编译程序
  22020. formula manipulation compiler (FORMAC) ==> 公式处理编译程序
  22021. formula manipulation language ==> 公式处理语言
  22022. formula model ==> 公式模型
  22023. formula of economic batch quantity ==> 经济批量公式
  22024. formula of pile driving ==> 打桩公式
  22025. formula recognition ==> 公式识别
  22026. formula transformation ==> 公式翻译程序语言,公式翻译语言,公式交换语言
  22027. formula translation ==> 公式翻译,公式翻译程序语言,公式翻译语言,公式交换语言
  22028. formula translation language (FORTRAN) ==> 公式翻译程序设计语言
  22029. formula translator ==> 公式翻译程序语言,公式翻译语言,公式交换语言,公式转换器
  22030. formula weight ==> 化学式量
  22031. formula-transformation ==> 公式变换
  22032. formulaic speech ==> 定式表現
  22033. formulaic subjunctive ==> 定型仮定法
  22034. formular ==> 表格
  22035. formular investing ==> 方程式投资
  22036. formulated products ==> 按配方制造产品
  22037. formulation ==> 制剂,列成公式,列方程式,公式化,配方,配制,阐述
  22038. formulation of decision situation ==> 决策形势的构成,决策形势的构成
  22039. formulism ==> 公式化
  22040. Formvar ==> 弗姆瓦
  22041. formwork ==> 样板,模板,模板工程,模壳
  22042. formwork erection ==> 立模
  22043. formwork planning ==> 模板布置
  22044. formwork removal ==> 拆除模板
  22045. formwork supports ==> 模板支撑
  22046. formwork vibrator ==> 模板振捣器
  22047. formyl ==> 甲酰,甲酰基
  22048. formyl acetic acid ==> 甲酰醋酸
  22049. formyl acetone ==> 甲酰丙酮
  22050. formyl folic acid ==> 甲酰叶酸
  22051. formyl methionine ==> 甲酰蛋氨酸,甲酰甲硫氨酸
  22052. formyl tetrahydrofolic acid ==> 甲酰四氢叶酸
  22053. formylamine ==> 甲酰胺
  22054. formylation ==> 甲酰化
  22055. formylethionyl ==> 甲酰蛋氨酰
  22056. formylglutation ==> 甲酰谷胱甘肽
  22057. formylglycinamidine ==> 甲酰甘氨脒
  22058. formylglycine ==> 甲酰甘氨酸
  22059. formylglycollic acid ==> 甲酰乙醇酸
  22060. formylhydrazine ==> 甲酰肼
  22061. formylkynurenine ==> 甲酰犬尿氨酸
  22062. formylmaloic acid ==> 甲酰丙二酸
  22063. formylmerphalan ==> N-甲酰溶肉瘤素
  22064. formylphenetidine ==> 甲酰乙氧苯胺
  22065. formylpiperidine ==> 甲酰哌啶
  22066. formylpropionic acid ==> 甲酰叶酸
  22067. formylpteroic acid ==> 甲酰喋酸
  22068. formylpteroyl glutamic acid ==> 甲酰喋酰谷氨酸
  22069. formylpyridine ==> 甲酰吡啶
  22070. formylpyrrole ==> 甲酰吡咯
  22071. fornico-venous fistula ==> 穹窿静脉瘘
  22072. fornix conjunctivae inferior ==> 结膜下穹
  22073. fornix conjunctivae superior ==> 结膜上穹
  22074. forntal sinus probe ==> 前额窦探针
  22075. Forrester machine ==> 福雷斯特浮选机
  22076. Forrests fever ==> 福莱斯特氏热
  22077. Forssman antibody ==> 福斯曼抗体
  22078. Forssman antigen ==> 福斯曼抗原
  22079. Forssmans carotid syndrome ==> 福斯曼氏颈动脉综合征
  22080. forsteerite-marble ==> 镁橄榄石大理岩
  22081. forsterite brick ==> 镁橄榄石砖
  22082. forsterite ceramics ==> フォルステライト磁器
  22083. forsterite refractory ==> 镁橄榄石耐火材料
  22084. forsterite whiteware ==> 镁橄榄石白坯陶瓷器皿
  22085. Forstner bit ==> 弗斯脱纳钻
  22086. Forsythia Fruit ==> 连翘
  22087. forsythia sage ==> イエローマジェスティ
  22088. Forte (f) ==> 强
  22089. Fortepiano (fp) ==> 强后突弱
  22090. Fortescue ==> 定常交流対称座標法の提唱者
  22091. fortified acid ==> 强化酸
  22092. fortified benzene hexachloride ==> 高丙体六六六
  22093. fortified food ==> 强化食品
  22094. fortified milk ==> 营养牛奶
  22095. fortified rosin size ==> 强化松香胶料
  22096. fortified SB latex ==> 强化丁苯胶乳
  22097. fortified tyre ==> 加强轮胎
  22098. Fortin barometer ==> 福丁气压表
  22099. Fortissimo (ff) ==> 很强
  22100. fortnightly nutations ==> 两星期章动
  22101. fortnightly periods ==> 节气
  22102. fortnightly tide ==> 半月潮
  22103. FORTRAN compiler ==> 公式编译程序
  22104. FORTRAN, Formula Translation ==> FORTRAN
  22105. FORTRAN, FORTRAN (Formula Translator) ==> フォートラン
  22106. fortuitous ==> 不规则,不规则的=>偶然の,思いがけない
  22107. fortuitous accident ==> 偶発事故
  22108. fortuitous cause ==> 偶然事故
  22109. fortuitous circumstance ==> 偶発的のこと
  22110. fortuitous distortion ==> 不规则畸变,不规则失真,偶发畸变,意外失真=>不規則ひずみ
  22111. fortuitous event ==> 意外事故
  22112. forulic acid ==> 阿魏酸
  22113. forum ==> 论坛,讨论会,场所
  22114. forvacuum pump ==> 预抽真空泵
  22115. forward ==> 前,前向,正方向,期货,正向=>先渡し
  22116. forward (FWD) ==> 进带
  22117. forward abstract ==> 发送摘要
  22118. forward acceleration ==> 纵向加速度
  22119. forward alignment guard time ==> 前方保護
  22120. forward alignment key ==> 前接键
  22121. forward and backward movement knob ==> 载物台前后运动螺旋
  22122. forward and reverse ==> 正反向
  22123. forward and reverse lever ==> 前进回动杆
  22124. forward antenna ==> 前置天线
  22125. forward applied voltage ==> 正向外加电压
  22126. forward arrivals ==> 先到货物
  22127. forward azimuth ==> 前方位角
  22128. forward backward counter ==> 正反向计数,可逆计数器
  22129. forward bending ==> 前弯
  22130. forward bias ==> 正偏=>順バイアス
  22131. forward bias conduction ==> 正偏压导电
  22132. forward biased current ==> 正向偏压电流
  22133. forward biased diode ==> 正向偏压二极管
  22134. forward biased junction ==> 正向偏压结
  22135. forward biased second breakdown ==> 正向偏压二次击穿
  22136. forward blocking interval ==> 正向闭锁期间,正向关断期间
  22137. forward blocking state ==> 正向闭锁状态
  22138. forward breakdown ==> 正向击穿
  22139. forward breakover ==> 正向转折
  22140. forward cancelled ==> 期货取消
  22141. forward chaining ==> 前向链,正向链接
  22142. forward channel ==> 前向信道,正向信道,单向通道=>順方向通信路
  22143. forward characteristic ==> 正向特性
  22144. forward charges ==> 发运费用
  22145. forward circuit ==> 正向电路
  22146. forward component ==> 正向分量
  22147. forward conductance ==> 正向电导
  22148. forward conducting region ==> 正向导电区
  22149. forward conduction ==> 正向传导
  22150. forward contract ==> 期汇契约,期货合同
  22151. forward contracts ==> 远期合同,与期货合同类似,是在未来一段时间内买卖商品的协议
  22152. forward control ==> 正向控制
  22153. forward control cab ==> 平头驾驶室
  22154. forward controlling element ==> 正向施控元件
  22155. forward converter ==> 正向变换器
  22156. forward conveyer pawl ==> 输送器前进爪
  22157. forward counter ==> 正向计数器
  22158. forward counting ==> 顺向计数
  22159. forward creep grazing ==> 过提补饲放牧
  22160. forward crosstalk ==> 前向串扰
  22161. forward current ==> 正向电流=>順電流
  22162. forward curve ==> フォワードカーブ
  22163. forward curve blade ==> 前曲叶片
  22164. forward curved vane ==> 前弯叶片
  22165. forward data ==> 传来数据
  22166. forward DC resistance ==> 正向直流电阻
  22167. forward decay ==> 正向衰变
  22168. forward definition chain ==> 正向定义链
  22169. forward derivative ==> 前向导数
  22170. forward diagonal ==> 正向对角线
  22171. forward difference ==> 前向差分,前向分差
  22172. forward differential equation ==> 前向微分方程
  22173. forward differential resistance ==> 正向微分电阻
  22174. forward direction ==> 通流向,正向,前向=>順方向
  22175. forward discount ==> 期货折扣
  22176. forward dome ==> 前端圆头
  22177. forward drop ==> 正向电压降
  22178. forward dump ==> 前卸式料车
  22179. forward dynamic programming ==> 前向动态规划
  22180. forward eccentric ==> 前进偏心轮
  22181. forward eccentric rod ==> 前行偏心杆
  22182. forward electric fence ==> 前斜电篱笆
  22183. forward equation ==> 前向方程
  22184. forward error analysis ==> 前向误差分析
  22185. forward error correcting system ==> 前向纠错制
  22186. forward error correction ==> 前向纠错
  22187. forward exchange contract ==> 期货汇兑合同
  22188. forward exchange market ==> 外汇期货市场
  22189. forward exchange rate ==> 期汇汇率
  22190. forward exchange sold ==> 卖出远期外汇
  22191. forward exchange transaction ==> 期汇业务
  22192. forward extrusion ==> 正挤压,顺向挤压,正向挤压,正向压挤
  22193. forward fan engine ==> 前风扇发动机
  22194. forward flow ==> 顺流
  22195. forward funding ==> 提供远期资金
  22196. forward gain ==> 正向增益
  22197. forward gate-to-source breakdown voltage ==> 正向栅源击穿电压
  22198. forward head shield ==> 前置防热板
  22199. forward impedance ==> 正向阻抗
  22200. forward inclined type of impeller ==> 前弯型叶轮
  22201. forward insertion gain ==> 正向插入增益
  22202. forward integration ==> 向前合并,向前整合,后延联合
  22203. forward journey ==> 送进孔型
  22204. forward lead ==> 前移
  22205. forward leakage current ==> 正向漏电流
  22206. forward link field ==> 正向连接字段
  22207. forward linkage ==> 向前边锁率
  22208. forward linkage effect ==> 向前连系效果
  22209. forward looking infrared ==> 前视红外线
  22210. forward looking infrared system ==> 前视红外系统
  22211. forward looking laser radar ==> 前视激光雷达
  22212. forward looking laser sensor ==> 前视激光传感器,前置激光传感器
  22213. forward looking radar ==> 前方警戒雷达,前视雷达
  22214. forward loss ==> 飞向损耗
  22215. forward margin ==> 期货与现货差距
  22216. forward market ==> 先渡市場
  22217. forward maturities ==> 期货交易到期日
  22218. forward mean current rating ==> 正向平均电流定额
  22219. forward mean voltage drop ==> 正向平均压降
  22220. forward merge ==> 正向归并
  22221. forward mode ==> 正向模式=>正方向モード
  22222. forward motion ==> 前进运动
  22223. forward mounting ==> 前悬挂
  22224. forward mutation ==> 正向突变
  22225. forward mutual admittance ==> 正向互导纳
  22226. forward observer laser rangefinder ==> 前方观察员激光测距机
  22227. forward of the beam ==> 正横前面
  22228. forward offset voltage ==> 正向低偿电压
  22229. forward option ==> 期货期权
  22230. forward or backward index skip buttons ==> 进退索引选曲跳步选择键
  22231. forward or backward search buttons ==> 进或退搜索线
  22232. forward or backward skip buttons ==> 进或退跳步选择键
  22233. forward pass ==> 送进孔型
  22234. forward path ==> 前向信道,前向通道
  22235. forward perpendicular ==> 艏垂线,艏垂线
  22236. forward perpendicular(FP) ==> 船首垂线
  22237. forward phasor ==> 正向相量=>正方向フェーザ
  22238. forward pitch ==> 前移距
  22239. forward planter ==> 前悬挂式播种机
  22240. forward play ==> 顺向张力
  22241. forward polyphase sort ==> 正多相分类
  22242. forward power ==> 正向传输功率
  22243. forward power meter ==> 正向功率计
  22244. forward price ==> 期货价格
  22245. forward progression lap winding ==> 右行叠绕组
  22246. forward pull ==> 前张力
  22247. forward purchasing contract ==> 预购合同
  22248. forward quarter ==> 船前部
  22249. forward rate ==> 期货汇率,期货价格
  22250. forward ray cone ==> 前向射线锥
  22251. forward read ==> 正读,顺读
  22252. forward reading ==> 正向读出=>順読み
  22253. forward recovery time ==> 正向恢复时间
  22254. forward recovery voltage ==> 正向恢复电压
  22255. forward reference ==> 向前引用
  22256. forward reflection ==> 前向反射
  22257. forward reflection radiography ==> 前向反射照相术
  22258. forward region ==> 正向区
  22259. forward repositioning ==> 正向再定位
  22260. forward resistance ==> 正向电阻
  22261. forward round-the-world echo ==> 順方向地球周回エコー
  22262. forward scan ==> 正向扫描
  22263. forward scatter ==> 正向散射,前向散射
  22264. forward scattering feedback ==> 前向散射反馈
  22265. forward scheduling ==> 提前调度法,预先调度法
  22266. forward selection ==> 预选,前向选择
  22267. forward sequence ==> 正向顺序
  22268. forward shift ==> 顺向位移
  22269. forward shock ==> 头部激波
  22270. forward shovel ==> 正铲挖土机
  22271. forward shovel