英汉日科技词汇(An English-Chinese-Japanese Dictionary of Technology,总数606812,H/25555)


船舶配件贸易分类==> Main Ship Equipments | Equipment Types | Main Marine Manufacturers
Ship Spare Parts, =1=A=B=C=D=E=F=G=H=I=J=K=L=M=N=O=P=Q=R=S=T=U=V=W=X=Y=Z=
女性肖像, by H. Nakajima | 燃料弁噴射テスト装置 | 油圧ポンプユニット | フラットソケット
化学品船 | Parts 1 | Parts 2 | Parts 3 | Parts 4 | Parts 5 | Parts 6 | Parts 7 | Parts 8 | Parts 9
  1. H agglutination ==> 鞭毛凝集
  2. H and V contour correction ==> 行与帧轮廓校准
  3. H antibody ==> 马型抗体
  4. h arc ==> 声纳搜索扇面
  5. h armature ==> h形截面电枢
  6. H beam ==> 工字梁,宽翼缘工字梁
  7. H bend ==> H曲り
  8. h bend ==> h平面弯头
  9. H branch ==> H分岐
  10. H cable ==> Hケーブル
  11. H coupling ==> H結合
  12. H deficient star ==> 贫氢星
  13. H habitay ==> 水下居住室[舱]
  14. H line ==> 淬透性直线,电离钙H线
  15. h maser ==> 氢微波激射器
  16. H mode ==> 横向电模式=>Hモード
  17. H Monel ==> 蒙乃尔H
  18. h mos mos technology ==> 高性能金属氧化物半导体技术
  19. h parameter ==> 混合参量
  20. H pile ==> 工字桩
  21. h plane bend ==> h平面弯头
  22. h plane t junction ==> h面t型接头
  23. h radar system ==> h雷达系统
  24. h secm ==> 卧式电解成形机
  25. H section steel tower ==> H鋼鉄塔
  26. H space ==> 霍尔茨克内希特氏间隙
  27. H steel ==> 宽缘工字钢
  28. h type engine h ==> 型发动机
  29. H wave ==> 横电波
  30. H-armature ==> 梭形电枢
  31. H-bar control ==> 水平条控制
  32. H-block ==> 调整间隙垫板
  33. H-bomb ==> 氢弹
  34. H-clay ==> 氢粘土
  35. H-Column ==> 工形柱
  36. H-column ==> 工字柱
  37. H-frame ==> H柱
  38. H-H reaction ==> 氢氢反应
  39. H-hinge ==> 工字合页,工字铰链
  40. H-infinity control ==> H無限大制御
  41. H-ion ==> 负氢离子
  42. H-ion exchanger ==> 氢离子交换器
  43. H-iron ==> 氢还原铁粉
  44. H-like ion ==> 类氢离子
  45. h-parameter ==> hパラメータ
  46. H-plane lens ==> H面レンズ
  47. H-plane pattern ==> H面指向特性
  48. H-plane radiation pattern ==> H面指向特性
  49. H-plane sectoral horn ==> H面扇形ホーン
  50. H-pole ==> H柱
  51. H-post ==> 工字杆
  52. H-rays ==> 氢核束
  53. H-ridge roof ==> 工字脊屋顶
  54. H-scope ==> 分叉点显示器=>Hスコープ
  55. H-shape cross section ==> 工字形断面
  56. H-shaped plan ==> 工字形平面
  57. H-wave ==> H波
  58. H. A. Lorentz(1853-1928) ==> Electromagnetic Phenomena in a System Moving with Any Velocity Less than that of Light
  59. H.F. wired distribution system ==> 高频有线分配系统
  60. H.P.condenser high pressure condenser ==> 高压冷凝器
  61. h.v. disconnecting switch ==> 高压隔离开关
  62. h.v. distribution room ==> 高压配电室
  63. h.v. load break switch ==> 高压负荷开关
  64. h.v. mercury fluorescent lighting fitting ==> 高压水银荧光灯
  65. h.v. switchgear ==> 高压开关柜
  66. h.v. testing transformer ==> 高压试验变压器
  67. H/C, health check ==> ヘルスチェック
  68. H/F, ground firing test(hot firing test) ==> 地上燃焼試験
  69. H/W, hardware ==> ハードウエア
  70. H2O2, hydrogen peroxide ==> 過酸化水素
  71. h3o laser ==> 水蒸汽激光器
  72. HA antigen ==> 血细胞凝集抗原
  73. HA Hatch ==> 舱口
  74. ha, height of apogee ==> 遠地点高度
  75. HA, home automation ==> ホームオートメーション
  76. ha1ide lamp ==> 检漏灯 ( 卤素灯 )
  77. Haab's magnet ==> ハーブ磁石
  78. Haab's reflex ==> 大脑皮质性瞳孔反射,哈布氏反射,哈希氏反射
  79. Haab-Dimmer syndrome ==> 角膜格状营养不良综合征
  80. Haanel depth rule ==> 哈内尔深度法则
  81. Haas effect ==> 哈斯效应
  82. Haase system ==> 哈泽管桩凿井法
  83. HAB, habitability module ==> 居住用モジュール
  84. HAB, habitation ==> 居住
  85. Habbord type booster ==> 哈邦尔德式调压机
  86. habenulo-interpeduncular tract ==> 缰核脚间束,缰核脚间束
  87. Haber ammonia process ==> 哈伯制氨法
  88. Haber process ==> 哈伯博斯制氨法
  89. Haber-Bosch process ==> 哈伯博斯制氨法
  90. Habib Bank Ltd. ==> 哈比卜银行
  91. habit formation principle ==> 习惯形成原理
  92. habit persistence hypothesis ==> 习惯持续性假设
  93. habit persistence model ==> 习惯持续性模型
  94. habit plane ==> 习惯面,习性面,惯习面
  95. habit spasm ==> 习惯性痉挛
  96. habitable area ==> 居住空间,居住面积
  97. habitable room ==> 居室,居室
  98. habitable world ==> 居住可能な世界
  99. habitable zone ==> 可栖息带
  100. habitat ==> 生境
  101. habitat analysis ==> 生境分析
  102. habitat complex ==> 生境混合作用,生境总体
  103. habitat deterioration ==> 生境变化
  104. habitat factor ==> 生境因素
  105. habitat form ==> 生境型
  106. habitat group ==> 生境类群,生境群
  107. Habitat II Conference ==> 第二届林圃会议
  108. habitat range ==> 生境范围
  109. habitat segregation ==> 生境分离
  110. habitat selection ==> 生境选择
  111. habitat type ==> 生境型
  112. habits and customs ==> 生活习惯
  113. habitual dislocation of elbow ==> 肘关节习惯性脱位
  114. habitual dislocation of shoulder ==> 习惯性肩关节脱位,肩关节习惯性脱位
  115. habitual loudness level ==> 习惯响度级
  116. habitual premature labor ==> 习惯性早产
  117. habitual residence ==> 习惯居所
  118. HABT, habitability technology ==> 居住工学
  119. habutae silk ==> 羽二重
  120. HAC, Heading Alignment Circle ==> ヘディング・アライメント・サークル
  121. HAC, Heading Alignment Cone ==> ヘディング・アライメント・コーン
  122. HAC, Heading Alignment Cylinder ==> ヘディング・アライメント・シリンダ(シャトル等の降下時の円筒形飛行パス)
  123. HAC, Hughes Aircraft Co. ==> ヒューズエアクラフト社
  124. HACCP, hazard analysis and critical control point ==> ハセップ,ハサップ。危害分析および重要管理点。アメリカ航空宇宙局(NASA)で考案された「危害分析」と「重点管理点」に基づく食品の安全衛生管理システムである。
  125. Hach colorimetric zinc analyzer ==> 哈赫锌比色分析仪
  126. hachure lines ==> 影线
  127. hachure map ==> 影线图
  128. hack ==> 鹤嘴锄,切伤,碎土=>ハッカー
  129. hack hammer ==> 斧形锤
  130. hack lever ==> 架杆
  131. hack saw ==> 弓鋸
  132. hack saw machine ==> 弓锯床
  133. hack sawing machine ==> 弓锯床,弓锯机
  134. hack watch ==> 航行表
  135. hack work ==> 苦工
  136. hack-file ==> 手锯
  137. hacked bolt ==> 棘螺栓
  138. hacked-type hammer ==> 斧式锤片
  139. hacker ==> ハッカー
  140. hacking cough ==> 频咳
  141. hacking machine ==> 码垛机
  142. hacking-out knife ==> 油灰刮刀
  143. hackle ==> 锯齿形,锯齿形,砍光,梳麻机
  144. hackle bench ==> 梳麻台
  145. hackle drum ==> 梳齿滚筒,梳麻滚筒
  146. hackle guide ==> 梳麻导板
  147. hackle pin ==> 梳麻针
  148. hackled line ==> 梳成亚麻
  149. hackling ==> 栉梳
  150. hackling and spreading machine ==> 梳麻延展机
  151. hackling machine ==> 梳理机
  152. hackly surface ==> 粗糙不平表面
  153. hacksaw ==> 钢锯,弓锯,弓形锯=>弓のこ
  154. hacksaw blade ==> 弓锯条,钢锯条=>弓のこ刃
  155. hacksaw cutter ==> 钢锯铣刀
  156. hacksaw frame ==> 钢锯架,固定式钢锯架
  157. hacksaw frame with plastic handle solid type ==> 固定式塑柄钢锯架
  158. hacksaw frame with wooden handle ==> 木柄钢锯架
  159. hacksaw(ing) machine ==> 锯床
  160. hacksawing machine ==> 弓锯床=>弓鋸盤
  161. Hackworth valve gear ==> 哈克渥斯阀动装置
  162. Hacoba bulking system ==> 哈科巴连续膨化变形法
  163. hadal depth ==> 超深渊
  164. hadal sedimentation ==> 超深渊沉积作用
  165. hadal zone ==> 超深渊带
  166. Hadamard transform ==> 阿达玛变换
  167. Hadamard transform image coding ==> 哈达马德变换图像编码
  168. Hadamard transform spectroscopy ==> 哈达马德变换光谱
  169. Hadamard transformation ==> 哈达马德变换
  170. Hadamard's evaluation ==> 阿达玛评价式
  171. hade ==> 断层伸向,断层余角,伸角
  172. Hadego ==> 海德哥标题字照相排字机
  173. Haden's syndrome ==> 巨红细胞溶血性贫血,巨红细胞溶血性贫血
  174. Hadfield manganese steel ==> 哈德菲尔德锰钢
  175. Hadfield steel ==> 哈德菲尔德高锰钢,哈特非钢,奥氏体高锰钢
  176. Hadifield steel ==> 高锰钢
  177. hadrocentric vascular bundle ==> 周韧维管束
  178. hadron ==> 强子
  179. hadron barrier ==> 强子势垒
  180. hadron collision ==> 强子碰撞
  181. hadron composite model ==> 强子复合模型
  182. hadron current ==> 强子流
  183. hadron reaction ==> 强子反应
  184. hadron state ==> 强子态
  185. hadron structure ==> 强子结构
  186. hadron symmetry ==> 强子对称性
  187. hadronic atom ==> 强子原子
  188. hadronic atom chemistry ==> 强原子化学
  189. hadronic decay ==> 强子衰变
  190. hadronic weak process ==> 强子的弱过程
  191. Hadsel mill ==> 海德赛尔磨矿机
  192. Haeckel's law recapitulation theory ==> 重演论,重檐论
  193. Haefely process ==> 卷烘处理,卷烘处理
  194. haemal strand ==> 血条
  195. haemal system ==> 血管系
  196. haematogenic immunity ==> 血液免疫
  197. haematogenous pigment ==> 血原色素
  198. haemoglobin ==> 血红蛋白,血红素
  199. haemolymph gland ==> 血淋巴结
  200. haemolymph node ==> 血淋巴结
  201. haemolytic index ==> 溶血指数
  202. Haemorrhagic oedema tous colon ==> 马急性结肠炎
  203. haemostasis(hydrohemostasis) ==> 水止血法
  204. haemozoin granules ==> 血黑粒
  205. Haenel's sign ==> 黑内尔氏征
  206. Haff disease ==> 哈夫病
  207. Haffield breccia ==> 哈菲尔德角砾岩
  208. Haffkine serum ==> 哈夫金血清
  209. Haffkine's vaccine ==> 哈夫金氏疫苗
  210. Haffkines vaccine ==> 哈夫金氏疫苗
  211. Haffotty Shales ==> 哈弗特页岩
  212. hafnium carbide ==> 碳化铪
  213. hafnium filament ==> 铪丝
  214. hafnium ingot ==> 铪锭
  215. hafnium nitride ==> 氮化铪
  216. hafnium oxide ==> 氧化铪
  217. hafnium plate ==> 铪板
  218. hafnium silicate ==> 硅酸铪=>Hfシリケート
  219. hafnium sponge ==> 海绵铪
  220. hafnium titanate ==> 钛酸铪,钛酸铪
  221. hafnium titanium alloy ==> 铪钛合金
  222. hafnium welding wire ==> 铪焊丝
  223. Hagari cotton ==> 哈加里棉
  224. Hagedorn equation of state ==> 哈格多恩状态方程
  225. Hagelbarger code ==> 海戈巴格代码
  226. Hageman factor ==> 接触因子
  227. Hageman factor (HF) ==> 哈格曼因子
  228. Hagen-Poiseuille flow ==> 充分发展的管流流动=>ハーゲンポアズイユ流れ
  229. Hagen-Poiseuille law ==> ハーゲン・ポアズイユの法則
  230. Haggenmacher equation ==> 哈根马歇方程式
  231. haggle over a bargain ==> 讲价
  232. haggle over prices ==> 讲价
  233. Hagley ashes ==> 哈格雷火山灰
  234. Hague Arbitration Convention ==> 海牙仲裁公约
  235. Hahn technique ==> 哈恩法
  236. Hahn's sign ==> 哈恩氏征
  237. Haidinger fringe ==> 海丁格尔干涉条纹
  238. Haigh diagram ==> 赫氏图
  239. Haigh fatigue testing machine ==> 赫格疲劳试验机
  240. Haigh fatiguetesting machine ==> 黑格疲劳试验机
  241. Haigh machine ==> 赫氏疲劳试验机
  242. hail day ==> 雹日
  243. hail forecaster ==> 冰雹预报器
  244. hail insurance ==> 雹害保险
  245. hail mark ==> 雹痕
  246. hail mitigation ==> 消雹
  247. hail shooting ==> 降雹
  248. hail stage ==> 雹期,成雹阶段
  249. hail suppression ==> 防雹
  250. Hailar raw squirrel skin ==> 海拉尔灰鼠皮
  251. hain drive ==> チェーン駆動
  252. Hainan Special Economic Zone ==> 海南经济特区
  253. hair ==> 动物纤维,发,麻刀,麻丝,毛,毛发,金属丝
  254. hair arrangement ==> 毛序
  255. hair ball ==> 毛球病
  256. hair bed ==> 毛床
  257. hair belt ==> 毛织皮带
  258. hair brush ==> 毛刷
  259. hair bud ==> 毛芽
  260. hair bulb ==> 毛球
  261. hair canal ==> 毛管
  262. hair catcher ==> 除毛器
  263. hair cell ==> 毛细胞
  264. hair checking ==> 发状辐裂
  265. hair clip ==> 发夹
  266. hair clipper for animal ==> 动物用剪毛刀
  267. hair clippers ==> 理发剪子
  268. hair cloth ==> 马尾衬
  269. hair color ==> 毛色
  270. hair conditioner ==> 护发素
  271. hair copper ==> 毛赤铜矿
  272. hair cords ==> 麻纱
  273. hair cortex ==> 毛皮质
  274. hair crack ==> 微缝
  275. hair cracking ==> 发裂,毛细裂纹
  276. hair cracks ==> 毛细裂纹
  277. hair cream ==> 发乳
  278. hair crepe ==> 发瓣
  279. hair cruces ==> 毛交叉
  280. hair cut finance ==> (证券抵押)修剪融资
  281. hair cuticle ==> 毛外皮,毛小皮
  282. hair cuticle print ==> 毛小皮印痕
  283. hair cutting machine for animal ==> 动物剪毛机
  284. hair cycle ==> 毛发周期
  285. hair cystolith ==> 毛内钟乳体
  286. hair development and rachis of spikelet ==> 小穗轴生毛
  287. hair disc ==> 毛盘
  288. hair divider ==> 微调分规
  289. hair dryer ==> 干发器
  290. hair dyes ==> 毛发染料
  291. hair embroidery ==> 发绣
  292. hair esthesiometer ==> 毛发触觉计
  293. hair feather ==> 毛羽
  294. hair felt ==> 毛毡,发毡,丝毛毡
  295. hair fiber ==> 毛发纤维
  296. hair fibered plaster ==> 麻刀灰泥
  297. hair follicle disease ==> 毛发疾病
  298. hair follicle gland ==> 毛囊腺
  299. hair follicle intensity meter ==> 毛囊强度计
  300. hair germ ==> 毛芽
  301. hair gland ==> 毛腺
  302. hair grease ==> 毛填料润滑脂
  303. hair grip ==> 发卡
  304. hair grown in circles or in a circular shape ==> 环状或卷状的毛
  305. hair horny layer ==> 毛角质层
  306. hair hygrograph ==> 毛发湿度计
  307. hair hygrometer ==> 毛发湿度表
  308. hair interlining ==> 黑炭衬
  309. hair keratinous layer ==> 毛角质层
  310. hair line ==> 毛发测量线,发际,发纹裂
  311. hair manganese ==> 发锰
  312. hair matrix ==> 毛基质,毛母质
  313. hair melanocyte ==> 毛黑素细胞
  314. hair mercury ==> 发汞
  315. hair molecule ==> 毛状分子
  316. hair mortar ==> 麻刀灰,麻刀灰泥
  317. hair mould ==> 毛霉
  318. hair mould sprout ==> 毛霉芽
  319. hair on the neck of a pig ==> 鬃
  320. hair orchid ==> 毛兰
  321. hair ornament ==> 发饰品
  322. hair papilla ==> 毛乳头,毛乳嘴
  323. hair pencil ==> 画笔
  324. hair pin ==> 发夹
  325. hair pin lace ==> 毛工饰边花边
  326. hair pincers ==> 拔毛镊
  327. hair plates ==> 毛板
  328. hair plucking machine ==> 拔毛机
  329. hair pneumoconiosis ==> 毛尘肺
  330. hair powder ==> 发粉
  331. hair pyrites ==> 针镍矿
  332. hair restorer ==> 生发药
  333. hair root ==> 毛根
  334. hair root sheath ==> 毛根鞘
  335. hair sac ==> 毛囊
  336. hair salt ==> 发盐
  337. hair scratch ==> 毛状刮纹
  338. hair seating fabric ==> 座垫毛织物
  339. hair sensibility ==> 毛发性感觉
  340. hair sensilla ==> 毛形感器
  341. hair shaft ==> 毛干
  342. hair shaft cuticula ==> 毛干角皮,毛干角质
  343. hair shaft medulla ==> 毛干髓质
  344. hair sheep ==> 无绒毛羊
  345. hair side of belt ==> 皮带的毛面
  346. hair socket ==> 毛窝
  347. hair space ==> 最小的空铅
  348. hair spring ==> 游丝
  349. hair stone ==> 毛发水晶
  350. hair straightener ==> ストレートヘアアイロン
  351. hair streams ==> 毛流
  352. hair styling jelly ==> 发胶
  353. hair thermohygrograph ==> 毛发温湿度记录器
  354. hair tonic ==> 生发剂
  355. hair transplantation ==> 毛发移植
  356. hair trigger ==> 微力扳机
  357. hair vellus ==> 毫毛
  358. hair wastes ==> 发渣
  359. hair whirlpools ==> 毛涡
  360. hair wire ==> 游丝
  361. hair(-)pin ==> 细销
  362. hair-bonded rubber ==> 毛毡橡皮
  363. hair-breadth tuning ==> 高精度调谐
  364. hair-fields ==> 毛鳞,毛区
  365. hair-follicle ==> 毛囊
  366. hair-like ==> 毛发似的
  367. hair-pin conductor ==> 发夹型导体
  368. hair-pin coupling loop ==> 发夹式耦合环
  369. hair-pin winding ==> 发卡式绕组,发针形绕组
  370. hair-processing machine ==> 毛绒处理机
  371. hair-scales ==> 毛鳞,毛区
  372. hair-shaped ==> 毛细的
  373. hair-sieve ==> 马尾筛
  374. hair-streams ==> 毛顺向
  375. hair-trigger method ==> 发状触发方法
  376. hair-weaving ==> 假发植入术
  377. hairas yarn ==> 海拉斯毛纱
  378. hairball ==> 毛粪石,毛团
  379. hairbeadth ==> 发隙距离
  380. hairclipper ==> 剪毛器
  381. haircord carpet ==> 发毛起圈地毯
  382. haircut finance ==> (美国术语)削发融资
  383. haircuts ==> 粘丝
  384. haired fairing ==> 毛辫整流
  385. hairiness index ==> 毛羽指数
  386. hairiness ratio ==> 毛羽比
  387. hairiness reducer ==> 毛丝消除器
  388. hairline ==> 毛筋,发丝,气泡线
  389. hairline pointer ==> 瞄准器
  390. hairpencil ==> 毛鬃
  391. hairpin coil ==> u形线圈
  392. hairs near the root tip ==> 主要通过根尖附近的根毛
  393. hairs on all surfaces of the root system ==> 根系所有表面上都有根毛
  394. hairspring ==> 细弹簧,游丝
  395. hairspring cleaner ==> 游丝除垢剂
  396. hairspring collet removers ==> 游丝内桩拆除器
  397. hairspring collet tool ==> 游丝内桩工具
  398. hairspring holder ==> 游丝夹
  399. hairspring inside stud ==> 游丝内桩
  400. hairspring lever ==> 游丝校平器
  401. hairspring pin ==> 游丝销
  402. hairspring screw ==> 游丝螺钉
  403. hairspring set lever ==> 游丝调整杆
  404. hairspring setting ==> 游丝定长
  405. hairspring stud ==> 游丝外桩
  406. hairspring stud screw ==> 游丝外桩螺钉
  407. hairspring support ==> 游丝架
  408. hairspring tweezer ==> 游丝镊子
  409. hairtail ==> 带鱼
  410. hairy ==> 毛的,毛发的,毛状的
  411. hairy acrylic fiber ==> 毛型丙烯腈系纤维
  412. hairy cell leukemia ==> 毛细胞白血病
  413. hairy china cardamom ==> 毛豆寇
  414. hairy chinch bug ==> 毛长蝽
  415. Hairy Deerhorn ==> 鹿茸
  416. hairy flowered paspalum ==> 毛花雀稗
  417. hairy fungus ==> 毛革盖菌
  418. hairy grama ==> 毛垂穗草
  419. hairy heart ==> 绒毛心
  420. hairy holly root ==> 毛冬青
  421. hairy honeysuckle ==> 毛忍冬
  422. hairy indigo ==> 毛槐蓝
  423. hairy moth ==> 毛蛾
  424. hairy nosed wombat ==> 毛鼻袋熊
  425. hairy pipewort ==> 毛管草
  426. hairy root disease ==> 毛根病
  427. hairy sheath ==> 毛鞘
  428. hairy spider beetle ==> 毛蛛甲
  429. hairy squash ==> 毛瓜
  430. hairy tare ==> 小巢菜
  431. hairy tongue ==> 毛舌
  432. hairy vetch ==> 毛野豌豆,长柔毛野豌豆
  433. hairy wildrye ==> 毛野麦
  434. hairy woodrush ==> 毛地杨梅
  435. Hakata ==> 博多
  436. Hakatajima ==> 伯方島
  437. HAKT, Hakuto Co. Ltd. ==> 伯東株式会社
  438. Halar ==> (美)海拉尔
  439. halation ==> 光晕,成晕现象,充晕,晕影
  440. halation by diffusion ==> 扩散晕影
  441. halation by reflection ==> 反射晕影
  442. Halazepam ==> 哈拉西泮
  443. halazone ==> 哈拉宗纳,卤胺宗,潘托杀
  444. Halazone ==> 哈拉宗
  445. Halbach-type magnetic pole ==> ハルバッハ型磁極
  446. Halban's sign ==> 哈尔班氏征
  447. halcion tablet ==> 酣乐欣片
  448. halcyon days ==> 平安时期
  449. Haldane apparatus ==> 哈耳丹分析仪,霍尔丹氏呼吸气体分析器
  450. Haldane's apparatus ==> 哈尔丹空气分析器
  451. Haldane's rule ==> 哈耳丹法则
  452. haldol decanoas ampoule ==> 安度利可注射液
  453. Hale sector boundary ==> 海尔扇形边界
  454. Hale telescope ==> 海尔望远镜
  455. half ==> 半,半个=>ハーフ
  456. half adder ==> 半加算机,半加法器=>ハーフアダー,半加算器
  457. half adjust ==> 舍入,四舍五入=>四捨五入
  458. half alloy dead center ==> 半缺合金顶尖
  459. half amide of malonic acid ==> 丙二酸半酰胺
  460. half and half ==> 各半
  461. half axis ==> 半轴
  462. half axle ==> 半轴
  463. half axle gear ==> 半轴齿轮
  464. half balance ==> 半平衡
  465. half ball valve ==> 半球形阀
  466. half bandwidth ==> 谱带半宽度
  467. half bat ==> 半砖
  468. half bath ==> 半身浴
  469. half bearing ==> 半轴承
  470. half bearing thickness ==> 轴瓦厚度
  471. half black ==> 未完成的
  472. half blank ==> 半制品
  473. half block ==> 半块,半数据块,半字组
  474. half bond ==> 半键
  475. half bordered pit pair ==> 半具缘纹孔对
  476. half breadth ==> 半值宽度
  477. half brick ==> 半砖
  478. half brick partition ==> 半砖隔断
  479. half bridge circuit ==> 半桥式电路
  480. half bridge measurement ==> 半桥测量
  481. half built-up crank shaft ==> 半组合式曲轴
  482. half carry ==> 半进位
  483. half cat ==> 半履带式机车
  484. half cell ==> 半电池=>半電池
  485. half centre ==> 半缺顶尖
  486. half cheese antenna ==> 半盒形天线,半饼形天线
  487. half chromatid ==> 亚染色单体
  488. half chronometer ==> 半精密记时表
  489. half clasping ==> 半抱茎的
  490. half clock period ==> 半时钟脉冲周期
  491. half closed and half open ==> 半睁半闭
  492. half closed slot ==> 半闭槽
  493. half closing of eyes during sleep ==> 露睛
  494. half coating ==> 半镀膜,半覆盖膜
  495. half cock ==> 半击发状态
  496. half coil ==> 半节线圈,半圈线圈,半线圈
  497. half column ==> 半露柱,半柱
  498. half compression cam ==> 半压缩凸轮,减压凸轮
  499. half cross belt ==> 半交皮带
  500. half crossed belt ==> 直角回转皮带
  501. half crystal ==> 半晶玻璃
  502. half current ==> 半选电流
  503. half cut-off ==> 半截止,半切断
  504. half cutwork ==> 半雕绣
  505. half cycle ==> 半轮回,半循环,半周期
  506. half day tours ==> 半日游=>半日ツアー
  507. half dead center ==> 半缺顶尖
  508. half dead escapement ==> 半反冲擒纵机构
  509. half decode ==> 半译码
  510. half degummed silk ==> 半脱胶丝
  511. half desmosome ==> 半桥粒
  512. half diesel engine ==> 半柴油发动机
  513. half diet ==> 半食
  514. half dislocation ==> 半位错
  515. half dollar ==> 美元的半元银币
  516. half double ==> 半重瓣的
  517. half duplex ==> 半双工=>半二重
  518. half duplex circuit ==> 半双工线路
  519. half duplex communication ==> 半二重通信
  520. half duplex operation ==> 半双工操作
  521. half duplex repeater ==> 半双工中继器
  522. half duplex traffic ==> 半双工传输
  523. half duplex transmission ==> 半双工传输
  524. half eagle ==> 美俗称五美元的金币
  525. half ebb ==> 半落潮
  526. half echo suppressor ==> 半回波抑制器
  527. half element ==> 半电池,单电极系统
  528. half elevation ==> 半立面
  529. half elliptic spring ==> 半椭圆形弹簧
  530. half emulation mode ==> 半仿真方式
  531. half excretion time ==> 半排出期
  532. half exterior and half interior syndrome ==> 半表半里
  533. half fare ==> 半票
  534. half field-of-view ==> 半视场
  535. half finished product ==> 半成品
  536. half fish ==> 在一边接上鱼尾板
  537. half flood ==> 半潮汛
  538. half frosted lamp bulb ==> 半磨砂灯泡
  539. half gable ==> 半山墙
  540. half gas firing ==> 半煤气烧成
  541. half glazed partition ==> 半截玻璃隔断
  542. half hatchet ==> 短柄半斧
  543. half header ==> 收头半砖
  544. half hitch ==> 半结
  545. half image ==> 半影
  546. half intensity ==> 半强度
  547. half invariant ==> 半不变量
  548. half irradiation ==> 半剂量照射
  549. half keystone ring ==> 单面梯形活塞气环
  550. half landing ==> 半层休息板
  551. half lap scarf joint ==> 半搭接,半叠拼接
  552. half lethal dose ==> 半致死量
  553. half life ==> 半衰期,半减期,半寿期
  554. half light ==> 半阳
  555. half line ==> 半直线
  556. half load ==> 半负载=>半負荷
  557. half loading section ==> 半装荷区間,半节线圈区段
  558. half log ==> 对开木,对开圆木
  559. half martensite ==> 半马氏体
  560. half mean spring range ==> 大潮平均半潮差
  561. half mirror ==> 单向透视玻璃=>ハーフミラー
  562. half moon-shaped ==> 新月形的
  563. half mould ==> 半型
  564. half nut ==> 对开螺母
  565. half nuts ==> 开合螺母
  566. half open ==> 半开
  567. half open interval ==> 半开区间
  568. half pace ==> 半梯台
  569. half pace landing ==> 半中平台
  570. half pay (HP) ==> 半薪
  571. half peak breadth ==> 半峰宽度
  572. half period ==> 半寿期
  573. half peripheral length ==> 轴瓦半圆周长
  574. half plane ==> 半平面
  575. half plane in the pattern space ==> 模式空间中的半平面
  576. half plasma iron disappearance time ==> 血浆铁半消除时间
  577. half polished plate glass ==> 半磨光玻璃
  578. half polished spring ==> 半抛光弹簧
  579. half polymer ==> 低聚物
  580. half portal crane ==> 单脚高架起重机
  581. half power ==> 半幂
  582. half power beamwidth (HPBW) ==> 半功率束宽
  583. half power point ==> 半功率点
  584. half power points ==> 半功率点
  585. half price ticket ==> 半价票
  586. half prism ==> 半棱镜
  587. half quantum number ==> 半量子数
  588. half range of tide ==> 半潮差
  589. half reading pulse ==> 半读出脉冲
  590. half rear axle ==> 半轴
  591. half rear axle gear gasket ==> 半轴承轮
  592. half reflecting mirror ==> 半反射镜
  593. half reflection ==> 半反射
  594. half reverse ==> 半反位,半反向
  595. half round ==> 半圆材
  596. half round bent scraper ==> 半圆弯头刮刀
  597. half round countersunk head bolt ==> 半圆沉头螺栓
  598. half round file ==> 半圆锉
  599. half round head file for carpentry ==> 半圆头木工锉
  600. half round iron ==> 半圆铁
  601. half round iron-bar ==> 半圆铁条
  602. half round pliers ==> 半圆钳
  603. half round saw ==> 半圆锯,方形锯
  604. half round steeper ==> 半圆枕木
  605. half rounds ==> 半圆钢
  606. half roundtrip fare ==> 海上部分来回票价
  607. half saturated ==> 半饱和的
  608. half scale ==> 半标度
  609. half scarf ==> 半叠接
  610. half section ==> 半断面,半截面,半剖面,半剖视
  611. half sectional view ==> 片側断面図
  612. half select voltage ==> 半选电压
  613. half shadow polarimeter ==> 半阴旋光计
  614. half shaft ==> 半轴
  615. half shape rubber bobbin ==> 半截形橡胶滚轮
  616. half shell pressure vessel ==> 瓦片式压力容器
  617. half shovel ==> 单翼平铲
  618. half shroud ==> 齿轮的半罩壳,半齿高加强板
  619. half side milling cutter ==> 半边靠模铣刀
  620. half side-view ==> 半侧面
  621. half slot ==> 半圆槽
  622. half soling ==> 半圆形衬垫
  623. half space ==> 半空间,休息平台
  624. half speed ==> 半速度
  625. half speed gear ==> 半速齿轮
  626. half spherical steel bobbin ==> 半圆形钢质滚轮
  627. half steel ==> 钢性生铁
  628. half stem-clasping ==> 半抱茎的
  629. half step ==> 半音,等程半音
  630. half stock ==> 半股,半额股票
  631. half sugar beet ==> 半糖用甜芽
  632. half the number ==> 半数
  633. half thickness ==> 半厚度,半值厚度
  634. half tide ==> 半潮
  635. half tide basin ==> 半潮池,半潮港池
  636. half tide level ==> 半潮水位,平均潮面
  637. half time emitter ==> 中间时间发送器
  638. half tone ==> 中间色调,半色调,半音=>中間調
  639. half tone characteristic ==> 灰度特性
  640. half tone distortion ==> 半色调失真,半音失真
  641. half tone dot ==> 半色调点
  642. half tone image ==> 半色调图像,中间色图像
  643. half tone method ==> 半色调法
  644. half tone reproduction ==> 灰度再现
  645. half track ==> 半磁迹
  646. half track recorder ==> 半迹记录器
  647. half track tape ==> 半迹磁带
  648. half track tractor ==> 半履带式拖拉机
  649. half transmitting mirror ==> 半透射镜
  650. half truss ==> 半屋架
  651. half twist bit ==> 半螺旋钻
  652. half value ==> 半值
  653. half value layer ==> 半衰减层,半值厚度
  654. half value life ==> 半衰期
  655. half value thickness ==> 半值厚度
  656. half voltage start ==> 半電圧始動
  657. half voltage starting ==> 半电压起动,抽水蓄能电站水泵工况起动方式的一种,电网以半电压方式供电实现的异步起动方式。这种起动方式对电网的冲击较小,但接线较复杂,起动时间较长,设备投资也较多
  658. half voltage synchronize ==> 半電圧同期
  659. half vortex blading ==> 半涡流型叶片
  660. half waistband ==> 侧腰带
  661. half warmed turbine ==> 半热体汽轮机
  662. half wave ==> 半波长
  663. half wave antenna ==> 半波天线
  664. half wave dipole ==> 半波偶极子
  665. half wave layer ==> 半波层
  666. half wave length ==> 半波长
  667. half wave potential ==> 半波电势
  668. half wave rectification ==> 半波整流
  669. half wave rectifier ==> 半波整流
  670. half wave transmission line ==> 半波输电线
  671. half wave voltage doubler ==> 半波倍压整流电路
  672. half way around ==> 半转
  673. half weathering feldspar ==> 半风化长石
  674. half width at half maximum ==> 半値半幅
  675. half winterness ==> 半冬性
  676. half wrap drive ==> 包围轮一半的皮带轮传动
  677. half(-)tone ==> 照相铜版
  678. half-0pen corner joint ==> 半开口角接头
  679. half-absorption layer ==> 半吸收层
  680. half-absorption thickness ==> 半吸收厚度
  681. half-add ==> 半加
  682. half-adder ==> 半加器,半求和器=>半二重伝送
  683. half-adder binary ==> 二进制半加器
  684. half-adder-subtractor circuit ==> 半加减电路,半求和求差电路
  685. half-amplitude duration ==> 半幅宽度,半幅值持续时间
  686. half-amplitude point ==> 半幅度点
  687. half-anchor ear ==> 半锚杆环,半桩环
  688. half-anchor tower ==> 半拉杆塔,半锚塔
  689. half-and-half ==> 等量
  690. half-and-half bearing ==> 半轴承
  691. half-and-half joint ==> 对拼接头
  692. half-and-half solder ==> 锡铅各半的焊料,铅锡各半软钎料
  693. half-angle cone ==> 半角锥
  694. half-angle formulas ==> 半角公式
  695. half-angle of projection ==> 圆锥半角
  696. half-angle of spread ==> 半扩散角
  697. half-angular breadth ==> 半角宽度
  698. half-arc ==> 半弧光灯
  699. half-arc angle ==> 半弧角
  700. half-automatic ignition ==> 半自动点火
  701. half-baked ==> 半焙烧
  702. half-band width ==> 半谱带宽度
  703. half-bearing ==> 半轴承
  704. half-black ==> 半加工的
  705. half-blindness ==> 半盲
  706. half-blood ==> 混血儿,一代杂种
  707. half-body of revolution ==> 半旋转体
  708. half-bound ==> 半皮面装订
  709. half-box ==> 无盖轴箱
  710. half-breadth ==> 半宽,中轴距离
  711. half-breadth plan ==> 半宽图
  712. half-bred sheep ==> 半血种羊
  713. half-breed ==> 混血儿
  714. half-brick wall ==> 半砖墙
  715. half-bridge ==> 半电桥=>ハーフブリッジ
  716. half-bridge circuit ==> ハーフブリッジ
  717. half-bright ==> 半光制的
  718. half-bright bolt ==> 半光制螺栓
  719. half-bright nut ==> 半精致螺母
  720. half-bright screw ==> 半光制螺钉
  721. half-bright washer ==> 半光制垫圈
  722. half-broken ==> 半驯服的
  723. half-bubble ==> 半磁泡
  724. half-byte ==> 半位组
  725. half-cap crown ==> 开面冠,露面冠
  726. half-card ==> 大光钡地纸
  727. half-carry flag ==> 半进位标志
  728. half-case ==> 短活字盘
  729. half-cell ==> 单电极系统,半单元
  730. half-cell potential ==> 半电池电势
  731. half-cell reaction ==> 半池反应,半电池反应
  732. half-chair ==> 半椅式
  733. half-circle protractor ==> 半圆分度器
  734. half-cocked ==> 机头半张开,处于半击发状态的=>準備不足の
  735. half-coil spacing ==> 半加感节距,半节线圈间距,半圈间距
  736. half-coiled winding ==> 半圈绕组,半线圈绕组
  737. half-commission man ==> 半经纪人
  738. half-concentric resonator ==> 半共心谐振腔
  739. half-controlled bridge ==> 混合ブリッジ
  740. half-convergency ==> 转换角
  741. half-counter-sunk rivet head ==> 半埋头式铆钉头
  742. half-countersunk ==> 半埋头
  743. half-countersunk head ==> 半埋头
  744. half-coupling ==> 半靠背,半联轴节
  745. half-cream ==> 半膏
  746. half-crossed belt ==> 半交皮带,直角挂轮皮带
  747. half-crystal ==> 半成晶
  748. half-crystal can relay ==> 半晶体密封继电器
  749. half-crystallization time ==> 半结晶期
  750. half-cupped fracture ==> 半杯形断口,半杯形断裂
  751. half-current pulse ==> 半激励电流脉冲
  752. half-curved needle ==> 半弯型缝合针
  753. half-cut ==> 半分に切った,ハーフカット
  754. half-cycle transmission ==> 半周传输
  755. half-day system ==> 半日制
  756. half-deafness ==> 半聋
  757. half-deflection method ==> 半偏转测法,半偏转法
  758. half-desert ==> 半荒漠,半沙漠
  759. half-drill strip method ==> 半斜带法
  760. half-dry spinning frame ==> 半干纺细纱机,半干精纺机
  761. half-duplex ==> 半双向,半双用
  762. half-duplex channel ==> 半双向通道,单向通道
  763. half-duplex circuit ==> 半双工电路
  764. half-duplex communication line ==> 半双工通信线路
  765. half-duplex mode ==> 半双工方式
  766. half-duplex operation ==> 半双工通信,半双工运用,半双向操作
  767. half-duplex repeater ==> 半双工中继器
  768. half-duplex service ==> 半双工服务
  769. half-duplex transmission ==> 半双工传输=>半二重伝送
  770. half-elliptic spring ==> 半椭圆形弹簧
  771. half-engaged column ==> 半露柱,半柱
  772. half-excited core ==> 半激励磁芯
  773. half-fat ==> 半黑体字,半粗体字
  774. half-field angle ==> 半视场角
  775. half-filled end-slots ==> 半填充端部槽
  776. half-finished ==> 半成品的
  777. half-finished bearing ==> 半成品的轴承衬瓦
  778. half-finished goods ==> 半制品
  779. half-finished inventory ==> 半成品储备
  780. half-finished material ==> 半成品,半制品
  781. half-finished product ==> 半成品
  782. half-finished washer ==> 半光制垫圈
  783. half-finishing nut ==> 半光制螺母
  784. half-flood ==> 半涨潮
  785. half-fork strut ==> 半叉形支柱
  786. half-formed winding ==> 半成型绕组
  787. half-frame camera ==> 半幅照相机
  788. half-frequency spin waves ==> 半频旋转波
  789. half-gantry crane ==> 单脚高架起重机
  790. half-gateway ==> 半信关
  791. half-glass door ==> 半截玻璃门
  792. half-glazed door ==> 半玻璃门
  793. half-hard ==> 中硬金属
  794. half-hard rubber ==> 半硬质胶
  795. half-hard steel ==> 半硬钢
  796. half-hatchet ==> 半边小斧头
  797. half-header ==> 半圆木大顶梁
  798. half-height floppy-disk driver ==> 半高软盘驱动器
  799. half-Hertz transmission ==> 半赫兹传输
  800. half-high container ==> 半截货柜
  801. half-hose machine ==> 短袜机
  802. half-hour rating ==> 半小时额定值
  803. half-hunter ==> 半双盖表
  804. half-inch tape drive ==> 半英寸磁带机
  805. half-integer ==> 半整数
  806. half-integer angular momentum ==> 半整数动量矩
  807. half-intensity width ==> 半强度宽度
  808. half-interval contour ==> 半距等高线
  809. half-interval search ==> 区间分半检索
  810. half-intracavity laser ==> 半内腔激光器
  811. half-landing ==> 全宽梯台
  812. half-lap ==> 半折叠,半叠盖=>半重ね
  813. half-lap coupling ==> 半搭接的联轴节,半搭接联轴节
  814. half-lap joint ==> 半搭接,半搭接接头,半叠接=>相欠き継ぎ
  815. half-lap scarf ==> 半叠接
  816. half-lap scarf joint ==> 半叠楔接
  817. half-lap winding ==> 半叠包绕组
  818. half-lattice frame ==> 半格构架
  819. half-latticed girder ==> 半格构架
  820. half-life ==> 半減期,半反应期,半衰期,放射性原子核数衰变掉一半所需要的统计期望时间。它是放射性核素的固有特性,不会随外部因素而改变
  821. half-life of plasma ==> 血浆半衰期
  822. half-life of recurrent selection process ==> 轮回选择过程的半衰期
  823. half-line frequency ==> 半行频率
  824. half-line pulse ==> 半直线脉冲
  825. half-linear width ==> 半线宽
  826. half-load ==> 半负载
  827. half-loaded ==> 半装填
  828. half-loading section ==> 半负载段
  829. half-log ==> 半原木
  830. half-logarithmic abscissa ==> 半对数横坐标
  831. half-mask respirator ==> 半面罩式呼吸防护器
  832. half-mave plate ==> 半波長板
  833. half-maximum line breadth ==> 半峰线宽
  834. half-Maxwell lens ==> 半麦克斯威尔透镜
  835. half-maxwell lens ==> 半麦克斯威尔透镜
  836. half-measure ==> 双栏式排版
  837. half-mirror ==> 半透明反射镜
  838. half-mitre joint ==> 半斜接
  839. half-model ==> 半模型
  840. half-module ==> 半模
  841. half-moon ==> 半月
  842. half-moon crosstie ==> 半月形轨枕
  843. half-moon hoe ==> 半月形锄
  844. half-moon shape ==> 半月形
  845. half-normal bend ==> 半标准弯头
  846. half-nut cam ==> 开合螺母凸轮
  847. half-nut lever ==> 对开螺母手柄
  848. half-octagon ring ==> 半八角型密封环
  849. half-octave ==> 半音级
  850. half-open ==> 半开
  851. half-open cube ==> 半开正方形
  852. half-open position ==> 半开状态
  853. half-opened corner joint ==> 半开角焊接
  854. half-oval controller ==> 半椭圆控制器
  855. half-oval edge ==> 半椭圆立轧边
  856. half-oval pass ==> 半椭圆孔型
  857. half-oval profiled wax ==> 半卵圆铸造蜡条
  858. half-oxidizing roasting ==> 半氧化焙烧
  859. half-part moulding box ==> 半分砂箱
  860. half-path ==> 半通路
  861. half-peak breadth ==> 半峰宽
  862. half-period ==> 半周期
  863. half-period average current ==> 半周平均电流
  864. half-period average value ==> 半周平均值,半周期平均值
  865. half-period zones ==> 半周期带
  866. half-picture storage tube ==> 半像存储管
  867. half-pipe coil jacket ==> 半管螺旋式夹套
  868. half-plate ==> (λ/2波片)半波片
  869. half-power ==> 半功率
  870. half-power angle ==> 半功率角=>電力半値角
  871. half-power frequency ==> 半功率频率
  872. half-power width ==> 電力半値幅
  873. half-pressed bale ==> 木机包
  874. half-price ticket ==> 半票
  875. half-principal ==> 半椽,(伸不到屋脊的)半椽条
  876. half-profit system ==> 利润平分制
  877. half-pulse repetition-rate delay ==> 脉冲重复率半延迟
  878. half-race ==> 半宗
  879. half-range series ==> 半幅级数
  880. half-rate message ==> 半费电报
  881. half-reaction ==> 半反应
  882. half-reflecting mirror ==> 半反射镜
  883. half-residence time ==> 半存期
  884. half-retinal ==> 半侧视网膜的
  885. half-rip saw ==> 细齿木锯
  886. half-rotary cut ==> 半圆旋切的
  887. half-rought nut ==> 半粗制螺母
  888. half-round ==> 半圆材的,半圆形
  889. half-round bar ==> 半圆杆,半圆钢,半圆形钢条
  890. half-round bastard file ==> 粗齿半圆锯
  891. half-round batten ==> 半圆狭板
  892. half-round chisel ==> 半圆凿,半圆錾子
  893. half-round clamping ring ==> 半圆卡环
  894. half-round coarse file ==> 半圆粗锉
  895. half-round concave milling cutter ==> 凹半圆铣刀
  896. half-round drill ==> 半圆钻
  897. half-round eaves-tile ornament ==> 半瓦当
  898. half-round file ==> 半圆锉
  899. half-round flatter ==> 半圆踩锤
  900. half-round hammer ==> 半圆头锤
  901. half-round head rivet ==> 半圆头铆钉
  902. half-round head screw ==> 半圆头螺丝
  903. half-round head square neck bolt ==> 半圆头方颈螺栓
  904. half-round iron ==> 半圆钢
  905. half-round iron wire ==> 半圆铁线
  906. half-round middle file ==> 半圆中锉
  907. half-round moulding ==> 半圆线条
  908. half-round nosing ==> 半圆突边
  909. half-round oil stone ==> 半圆油石
  910. half-round reamer ==> 半圆铰刀
  911. half-round ridge covering ==> 半圆脊帽
  912. half-round ridge tile ==> 半圆形脊瓦
  913. half-round scraper ==> 半圆刮刀,半圆形刮刀
  914. half-round screw ==> 半圆头螺钉
  915. half-round section ==> 半圆剖面
  916. half-round smooth file ==> 半圆细锉
  917. half-round table ==> 半圆形桌
  918. half-round veneer ==> 半圆单板
  919. half-round wood rasp ==> 半圆木锉
  920. half-sample ==> 半样本
  921. half-scale model ==> 半尺寸模型
  922. half-section ==> 半节
  923. half-section network ==> 半节网络
  924. half-sectional view ==> 半剖面图
  925. half-select pulse ==> 半选脉冲
  926. half-selected core ==> 半选磁芯
  927. half-serrated hemostatic forceps ==> 半齿止血钳
  928. half-serve brake ==> 半继动闸,半制动闸
  929. half-session ==> 半会议,半对话期,对话端
  930. half-shade angle ==> 半遮角
  931. half-shade compensator ==> 半影补偿器
  932. half-shade device ==> 半影器件,半影装置
  933. half-shade eyepiece ==> 半影目镜
  934. half-shade plate ==> 半影板
  935. half-shade polariscope ==> 半阴旋光计
  936. half-shade polarizer ==> 半影起偏振镜
  937. half-shadow ==> 半影
  938. half-shadow analyzer ==> 半影分析器
  939. half-shadow angle ==> 半影角
  940. half-shadow device ==> 半影装置
  941. half-shadow prism ==> 半影棱镜
  942. half-sheet work ==> 双联本印刷
  943. half-shift register ==> 半移位寄存器
  944. half-shrub ==> 半灌木
  945. half-side formulas ==> 半边公式
  946. half-silvered mirror ==> 半镀银镜,半面涂银镜
  947. half-silvered surface ==> 半涂银面
  948. half-sine pulse ==> 半正弦波脉冲
  949. half-sine shock pulse ==> 正弦半波冲击脉冲
  950. half-sine wave ==> 半正弦波
  951. half-sinusoid ==> 半正弦曲线,正弦半波
  952. half-size ==> 原尺寸之半,缩小一半
  953. half-size scale ==> 半尺寸
  954. half-skeleton-type body ==> 半骨架式车身
  955. half-soiling ==> 补喂青饲料
  956. half-space ==> 半格,半空格
  957. half-space key ==> 半空格键,半格键
  958. half-space landing ==> 半层休息板
  959. half-span house ==> 半屋面温室
  960. half-span roof ==> 单坡屋顶
  961. half-speed ==> 半速
  962. half-speed prism ==> 半速棱镜
  963. half-speed shaft ==> 半速轴
  964. half-split flow ==> 半截流,半削裂流
  965. half-standard-pitch auger ==> 半标准螺距螺旋
  966. half-stuff ==> 半成品,半料浆
  967. half-subtracter ==> 半减法器,半减器
  968. half-supply voltage principle ==> 半供电压原则
  969. half-supply voltage principles ==> 半电源电压原理
  970. half-symmetric resonator ==> 半对称谐振腔
  971. half-symmtric unstable resonator ==> 半对称非稳定谐振腔
  972. half-tap ==> 不割断主导线的中心抽头
  973. half-thread ==> 半螺纹
  974. half-through girder ==> 下承板梁
  975. half-through truss ==> 半穿式桁架
  976. half-tide basin ==> 半潮船坞
  977. half-tide cofferdam ==> (较低的挡水并能溢流的建筑物)半潮围堰
  978. half-tide level ==> 半潮面
  979. half-timber ==> 半方材
  980. half-timber building ==> 半露木架房屋
  981. half-timber house ==> 半露木架房屋
  982. half-timbered ==> 半木结构,露明木架,砖木结构
  983. half-time ==> 半衰期
  984. half-time emitter ==> 半脉冲发送器,半时发送器,中间发送器
  985. half-time shaft ==> 半速轴
  986. half-title ==> 副标题
  987. half-tone ==> 半音度
  988. half-tone block ==> 网线凸版
  989. half-tone charge pattern ==> 半色调电荷图
  990. half-tone dot reproduction ==> 半色调网点再现
  991. half-tone information ==> 半浓度信息,半色调信息
  992. half-tone original ==> 半色调原版文件
  993. half-tone plate ==> 半色调板
  994. half-tone processing ==> 半色调处理
  995. half-tone reading ==> 半色调显示
  996. half-tone response ==> 半色调特性
  997. half-tone storage tube ==> 半色调存储管
  998. half-track ==> 半履带,半履带驱动
  999. half-track car ==> 半履带式汽车
  1000. half-track carrier ==> 半履带式战车
  1001. half-track combine ==> 半履带式联合收获机
  1002. half-track recorder ==> 半声道录音机,双磁迹录音机
  1003. half-track tape recorder ==> 双声道磁带录声机
  1004. half-track tractor ==> 半履带式拖拉机
  1005. half-track truck ==> 半履带运货车
  1006. half-track unit ==> 半履带行走部分
  1007. half-track vehicle ==> 半履带式汽车
  1008. half-tracked ==> 半履带式的
  1009. half-transmitting mirror ==> 半透射镜
  1010. half-turn coil ==> 半圈线圈,半匝线圈
  1011. half-turn coil winding ==> 半匝绕组
  1012. half-turn plow ==> 翻转铧式犁
  1013. half-twisted auger ==> 半螺旋钻
  1014. half-uncials ==> 仿安色尔字体
  1015. half-value angle ==> 半亮度角,半值角
  1016. half-value layer ==> 半价层,半衰减层,半吸收层,半值层
  1017. half-value period ==> 半寿命,半衰期
  1018. half-value thickness ==> 半吸收厚度,半值层,强度减半厚度
  1019. half-value width ==> 半值宽度
  1020. half-wave ==> 半波
  1021. half-wave amplifier ==> 半波放大器
  1022. half-wave antenna ==> 半波天线=>半波長アンテナ
  1023. half-wave character ==> 半波特性
  1024. half-wave circuit ==> 半波电路
  1025. half-wave conductor ==> 半波导线
  1026. half-wave detector ==> 半波检波器
  1027. half-wave dielectric layer ==> 半波介质层
  1028. half-wave diode rectifier ==> 半波二极管整流器
  1029. half-wave dipole ==> 半波偶极子,半波振子
  1030. half-wave doubler ==> 半波倍压器
  1031. half-wave doublet antenna ==> 半波对称天线
  1032. half-wave element ==> 半波单元,半波辐射器,半波振子
  1033. half-wave length ==> 半波长度=>半波長
  1034. half-wave linear radiator ==> 半波线状辐射器
  1035. half-wave mercury vapour rectifier tube ==> 半波汞气整流管
  1036. half-wave phase comparison protection,〔single comparer phase comparison protection (USA)〕 ==> 片波位相比較保護, Phase comparison protection where the comparison is made once per cycle in the positive or negative half-cycle.
  1037. half-wave plate ==> 半波偏振片,半波片
  1038. half-wave radiation ==> 半波辐射
  1039. half-wave radiator ==> 半波辐射器
  1040. half-wave ratarder ==> 半波延迟器
  1041. half-wave rectification ==> 半波整流=>半波整流
  1042. half-wave rectified brushless excitation ==> 半波整流ブラシなし励磁
  1043. half-wave rectifier ==> 半波整流器
  1044. half-wave rectifier tube ==> 半波整流管
  1045. half-wave rectifying circuit ==> 半波整流电路
  1046. half-wave suppressor coil ==> 半波抑制感应线圈,半波抑制线圈
  1047. half-wave thyristor rectifier ==> 半波可控硅整流器
  1048. half-wave transformer ==> 半波变压器
  1049. half-wave transmission line ==> 半波传输线,半波输电线
  1050. half-wave type ==> 半波形(磁気増幅器)
  1051. half-wave vibrator ==> 半波振动器,半波振子
  1052. half-wave voltage ==> 半波电压=>半波長電圧
  1053. half-wave voltage doubler ==> 半波倍压整流电路
  1054. half-wave zone ==> 半波带,半波区
  1055. half-wavelength ==> 半波长
  1056. half-way unit ==> 半工业装置
  1057. half-white glass ==> 半白玻璃
  1058. half-white oil ==> 半亮油
  1059. half-width ==> 半宽度
  1060. half-window ==> 半窗
  1061. half-wool ==> 棉毛交织物
  1062. half-word block ==> 半字组
  1063. half-word boundary ==> 半字界
  1064. half-write pulse ==> 半写脉冲
  1065. half-yearly closing ==> 半年决算
  1066. half-yearly economic report ==> 半年经济报告
  1067. half-yearly insurance ==> 半年保险
  1068. half-yearly premium ==> 半年保险费
  1069. half-yearly settlement ==> 半年决算
  1070. halfliner ==> 半轴瓦
  1071. halfpace ==> 半层休息板
  1072. halfsocket pipe ==> 下层土排水沟
  1073. halfsweeps ==> 单翼平铲
  1074. halfthrough arch ==> 半穿式拱
  1075. halftone ==> 照相铜版,网目铜版
  1076. halftone block ==> 网目凸版
  1077. halftone characteristic ==> 半色调特性
  1078. halftone dot ==> 网点
  1079. halftone etching ==> 网纹版
  1080. halftone positive ==> 网目阳图片
  1081. halftone screen ==> 网屏
  1082. halftone signal ==> 半色调信号
  1083. halftone-rich original ==> 纯中间色调原稿
  1084. halfway house ==> 中途康复站
  1085. halfwidth ==> 半宽度
  1086. halfwidth of line ==> 谱线半宽度
  1087. halfword ==> 半字
  1088. halibut liver oil ==> 比目鱼肝油
  1089. halide ==> 卤化物,卤素=>ハロゲン化物,ハロゲン化合物
  1090. halide crystal ==> 卤化物晶体=>ハロゲン化物結晶
  1091. halide ion ==> 卤素离子=>ハロゲン化物イオン
  1092. halide lamp ==> 卤化物灯,检卤漏灯
  1093. halide laser ==> 卤化物激光器
  1094. halide leak detector ==> 卤素探漏器
  1095. halide photoresist ==> 卤化物光刻胶
  1096. halide torch ==> 卤素管,检卤漏灯
  1097. Halidor tablet ==> 哈利多片
  1098. halite ==> 岩盐
  1099. hall ==> 礼堂,大厅
  1100. Hall angle ==> 霍耳角=>ホール角
  1101. Hall angular displacement transducer ==> 霍耳角位移传感器
  1102. hall carpet ==> 大厅地毯
  1103. hall cell ==> 霍耳单元
  1104. Hall circulator ==> ホールサーキュレータ
  1105. hall clock ==> 大厅钟
  1106. Hall coefficient ==> 霍耳系数=>ホール係数
  1107. Hall constant ==> 霍耳常数=>ホール定数
  1108. Hall deep cell ==> 霍耳深型浮选槽
  1109. Hall device ==> ホールデバイス
  1110. hall device ==> 霍耳装置
  1111. Hall effect ==> 霍尔效应=>ホール効果
  1112. hall effect ==> 霍耳效应
  1113. Hall effect amplifier ==> 霍耳效应放大器
  1114. Hall effect current meter ==> ホール電流計
  1115. Hall effect device ==> 霍耳效应器件
  1116. hall effect device ==> 霍耳效应装置
  1117. Hall effect displacement meter ==> ホール変位計
  1118. Hall effect displacement transducer ==> 霍尔效应磁强计,霍尔效应磁力仪
  1119. hall effect integrated circuit ==> 霍耳效应集成电路
  1120. Hall effect linear detector ==> 霍耳效应线性检波器
  1121. Hall effect magnetometer ==> 霍耳效应磁强计
  1122. Hall effect mixer ==> 霍耳效应混频器
  1123. Hall effect modulator ==> ホール変調器
  1124. Hall effect multiplier ==> 霍耳效应乘法器=>ホール乗算器
  1125. Hall effect power meter ==> ホール効果パワーメーター
  1126. Hall effect resolver ==> ホール効果レゾルバー
  1127. hall effect sensor ==> ホールセンサ
  1128. Hall effect tachometric transducer ==> 霍尔效应式转速传感器
  1129. hall effect wattmeter ==> 霍耳效应瓦特计
  1130. hall electromotive force ==> 霍耳电动势
  1131. Hall element ==> 霍尔传感器,霍耳装置=>ホール素子
  1132. hall furniture ==> 大厅家具
  1133. Hall generator ==> ホール素子,ホール発電器
  1134. hall generator ==> 霍耳发生器
  1135. Hall integrated circuit ==> ホールIC
  1136. Hall isolator ==> ホールアイソレータ
  1137. Hall load ==> ホール負荷
  1138. hall mark ==> 纯度
  1139. Hall mobility ==> 霍耳迁移率=>ホール移動度
  1140. Hall motor ==> ホールモータ
  1141. Hall plate ==> ホールプレート
  1142. Hall probe ==> ホールプローブ
  1143. Hall process ==> 霍耳方法,电解还原制铝法
  1144. hall stand ==> 大厅衣帽架
  1145. Hall synchro ==> ホールシンクロ
  1146. Hall thruster ==> ホール推進機
  1147. hall transducer ==> 霍耳传感器
  1148. Hall type automobile electronic igniter ==> 霍耳型汽车电子点火器
  1149. Hall type pressrue transducer ==> 霍尔式压力传感器
  1150. Hall unit ==> 霍耳元件
  1151. Hall voltage ==> 霍耳电压=>ホール電圧
  1152. Hall-flowmeter ==> 霍耳流动性测量仪
  1153. hall-mark ==> 品质证明
  1154. Halle's point ==> 阿累氏点
  1155. Hallen type integral ==> 哈利恩形积分
  1156. hallen type integral ==> 哈利恩形积分
  1157. Haller fibre ==> 哈勒纤维
  1158. Haller's organ ==> 哈勒氏器
  1159. Hallers law ==> 哈勒定律
  1160. Hallett table ==> 哈列梯摇床
  1161. Halley, E.Halley ==> 1656-1742,哈雷,英国科学家
  1162. Halleys comet ==> 哈雷彗星
  1163. Hallian stage ==> 哈利阶
  1164. Hallikainen capillary viscometer ==> 哈利凯南毛细管粘度计
  1165. Hallikainen sliding-plate viscometer ==> 哈利凯南滑板式粘度计
  1166. Hallinger shield ==> 哈林格盾构
  1167. hallucination of organ ==> 内脏幻觉
  1168. hallucinatory paranoid form ==> 幻觉妄想型
  1169. hallucinatory paranoid state ==> 幻觉性偏狂状态
  1170. hallucinatory state ==> 幻觉状态
  1171. Hallwach's effect ==> 光电效应
  1172. Hallwachs effect ==> 哈耳瓦克效应,哈尔瓦克氏效应
  1173. Hallwachs effect ==> 光电效应
  1174. halmeic deposit ==> 海成沉积物
  1175. halo ==> 光环,晕,晕轮,晕圈,光晕
  1176. halo blight ==> (植病)光轮疫病
  1177. halo effect ==> 光圈效应
  1178. halo fibre ==> 光晕纤维
  1179. halo nevus ==> 离心性后天性白斑病,晕轮痣
  1180. halo of 90 ==> 淡晕
  1181. halo of Hevelius ==> 淡晕
  1182. halo of radio-burst region ==> 射电暴晕
  1183. halo symptom ==> 虹彩轮症状
  1184. halo-anhydrite ==> 盐硬石膏
  1185. halo-sylvite ==> 钾石盐
  1186. haloalkane ==> 卤代烷
  1187. Halobacteriaceae ==> 盐细菌科
  1188. Halobacterium ==> 盐杆菌属
  1189. halobios ==> 盐生生物,海产生物,海洋生物,咸水生物
  1190. halocarbon ==> 卤烃
  1191. halocarbon plastic ==> 碳卤塑料
  1192. halocarbon resin ==> 碳卤树脂
  1193. halochromism ==> 加酸显色
  1194. halocline ==> 盐跃层
  1195. halococci ==> 嗜盐球菌
  1196. halocyanophytes ==> 盐生蓝藻类
  1197. Halocypridacea ==> 海腺介总科
  1198. halodermia ==> 卤化物皮疹
  1199. haloduric ==> 耐盐的
  1200. haloeremion ==> 盐生荒漠,盐生漠境
  1201. halofenate ==> 降脂酰胺
  1202. haloform ==> 卤仿
  1203. haloform reaction ==> 卤仿反应
  1204. halogen ==> 卤,卤素=>ハロゲン,ハロゲン元素
  1205. halogen acceptor ==> 卤素受体
  1206. halogen acetone ==> 卤代丙酮
  1207. halogen acid ==> 氢卤酸=>ハロゲン酸
  1208. halogen activation ==> ハロゲン活性化
  1209. halogen activity ==> ハロゲン活性
  1210. halogen acyl halide ==> 卤代酰卤
  1211. halogen adjustment ==> ハロゲン調整
  1212. halogen benzoic acid ==> 卤代苯甲酸
  1213. halogen bulb ==> 卤素灯泡
  1214. halogen cell ==> 卤素电池
  1215. halogen compound ==> 卤素化合物
  1216. halogen counter ==> 卤素计数管
  1217. halogen derivatives ==> 卤素衍生物
  1218. halogen elimination ==> ハロゲン脱離
  1219. halogen environment ==> ハロゲン環境
  1220. halogen ether ==> 卤代醚
  1221. halogen family ==> 卤族
  1222. halogen family elements ==> 卤族元素
  1223. halogen in ring ==> 环上的卤
  1224. halogen lamp ==> 碘钨灯=>ハロゲン電球
  1225. halogen laser ==> 卤素激光器
  1226. halogen leak detector ==> 卤素检漏器
  1227. halogen leak locator ==> 卤素查漏仪
  1228. halogen mineral ==> 卤素矿物
  1229. halogen poisoning ==> 卤族元素中毒
  1230. halogen process ==> 卤化法
  1231. halogen refrigerator ==> 卤素冷冻机
  1232. halogen vapour ==> 卤素蒸气
  1233. halogenate ==> 卤化
  1234. halogenated acid ==> 卤代酸
  1235. halogenated alkyl ether ==> 卤代烷基醚
  1236. halogenated aromatics ==> ハロゲン化芳香族
  1237. halogenated carboxylic acid ==> 卤代羧酸
  1238. halogenated compound ==> 卤代化合物
  1239. halogenated cyclic hydrocarbon ==> 卤代环烃
  1240. halogenated hydrocarbon ==> 卤代烃
  1241. halogenated hydrocarbon (halon) ==> 卤代碳氢化合物(哈龙)
  1242. halogenated hydrocarbon solvent ==> 卤代碳氢溶剂
  1243. halogenating agent ==> 卤化剂
  1244. halogenating reaction ==> 卤代(化)反应
  1245. halogenation ==> 卤化
  1246. halogenic deposit ==> 盐类沉积
  1247. halogenic soil ==> 盐成土
  1248. halogenide ==> 卤化物
  1249. halogeno-aliphatic compound ==> 卤代脂肪化合物
  1250. halogeno-benzene ==> 卤代苯
  1251. halogenous ==> 含卤的
  1252. Halogeton ==> 盐生草属
  1253. halohydrin ==> 卤代醇
  1254. halohydrocarbon ==> 卤烃类
  1255. haloid ==> 卤化物
  1256. haloid acid ==> 氢卤酸
  1257. halokainite ==> 钾盐钾镁矾
  1258. halolite ==> 盐屑岩
  1259. halometer ==> 盐量计
  1260. halomethylation ==> 卤甲基化(作用)
  1261. Halomine ==> 盐酸黄连素
  1262. halomorphic soil ==> 盐成土,盐生土壤,盐土,盐渍土
  1263. halomorphism ==> 盐生形态
  1264. halopelite ==> 盐质泥岩
  1265. Halophila ==> 盐藻属
  1266. halophile ==> 喜盐植物
  1267. halophilic ==> 喜盐的
  1268. halophilic bacteria ==> 嗜盐细菌
  1269. halophilism ==> 好盐性
  1270. halophilous plant ==> 好盐植物
  1271. halophily ==> 盐质适应
  1272. halophitic vegetation ==> 盐生植被
  1273. halophobe ==> 嫌盐植物,避盐植物
  1274. halophobe plant ==> 避盐植物
  1275. halophyte ==> 盐生植物,盐土植物
  1276. halophytic vegetation ==> 盐土植被
  1277. haloprogin ==> 卤丙炔氧苯
  1278. halosaline ==> 盐节草灵
  1279. halosere ==> 盐生演替系列
  1280. halothane ==> 海罗芬,三氟氯溴乙烷,氟烷
  1281. halothane anesthesia ==> 氟烷麻醉
  1282. halotrichite ==> 铁明矾
  1283. halous acid ==> 亚卤酸
  1284. Halsey's premium plan ==> 哈尔西奖励工资制
  1285. Halseys premium plan ==> 哈尔西奖励工资制
  1286. Halsted's operation ==> 霍尔斯特德氏手术
  1287. Halsted's suture ==> 霍尔斯特德氏缝术
  1288. Halsteds suture ==> 霍尔斯特德氏缝术
  1289. halt ==> 停,停顿,停止,暂停=>一時停止,中断,停車場
  1290. halt a strike ==> ストライキを中止する
  1291. halt a taxi ==> タクシーをとめる
  1292. halt circuit ==> 停止电路
  1293. halt drug abuse trends ==> 薬物乱用傾向を阻止する
  1294. halt in production ==> 生産停止
  1295. halt indicator ==> 停机指示器
  1296. halt instruction ==> 休止命令,停机指令,停止指令
  1297. halt mode ==> 停机状态
  1298. halt number ==> 停机号,停止号码
  1299. halt operation ==> 停止操作
  1300. halt problem ==> 停机问题
  1301. halt proliferation ==> 増殖を止める
  1302. halt sign ==> 停车标志
  1303. halt signal baton ==> 停车信号杆
  1304. halt switch ==> 停机开关
  1305. HALT, Highly Accelerated Lifetesting ==> 高加速寿命试验
  1306. halted state ==> 停止状态,暂停状态
  1307. halting problem of flowchart schema ==> 框图模式停机问题
  1308. Haltmeier process ==> 哈尔特迈尔法
  1309. Halvan tool steel ==> 铬钒系工具钢
  1310. halve ==> 平分=>半分になる
  1311. halve the production ==> 生産を半減する
  1312. halved belt ==> 交叉带
  1313. halved joint ==> 重接,相嵌结合,单裁口搭接,对搭接
  1314. halved tie ==> 对束,两分枕木
  1315. halver ==> 二等分
  1316. halver operator ==> 二等分算子,等分算子
  1317. halves ==> 草桃片
  1318. halves pass ==> 减半传递
  1319. halving circuit ==> 平分电路
  1320. halving joint ==> 单裁口搭接
  1321. halving line ==> 平分线,半像线
  1322. halving register ==> 平分寄存器
  1323. halyard block ==> 篷索滑车
  1324. halyard nylon ==> 尼龙旗绳
  1325. ham hand ==> 不器用,ぎこちないこと
  1326. Ham Hill stone ==> 哈姆丘陵岩
  1327. HAM, height adjust maneuver ==> 高度調整マヌーバ
  1328. HAM-STD, Hamilton Standard ==> ハミルトンスタンダード
  1329. hamartia of liver ==> 肝错构
  1330. hamartoma of liver ==> 肝错构瘤
  1331. hamartoma of lung ==> 肺错构瘤
  1332. hamate bone ==> 钩骨
  1333. Hamburg yarn ==> 汉堡绣花毛线
  1334. Hamel basis ==> 哈茂耳基
  1335. Hametag impact mill ==> 哈梅塔格旋涡冲击式磨机,旋涡冲击式磨机
  1336. Hametag mill ==> 旋涡磨机
  1337. Hametag process ==> 旋磨法,(用钢切碎研磨)哈默塔克铁粉生产法
  1338. hami melon ==> 哈密瓜
  1339. Hamilton circuit ==> 哈密尔顿电路=>ハミルトン閉路
  1340. Hamilton cycle ==> 哈密顿循环
  1341. Hamilton function ==> ハミルトン関数
  1342. Hamilton group ==> 汉密尔顿群
  1343. Hamilton metal ==> 哈密尔顿合金
  1344. Hamilton's canonical equation ==> ハミルトンの正準方程式
  1345. Hamilton's characteristic function ==> 哈密顿特征函数
  1346. Hamilton's equations of motion ==> 哈密顿运动方程
  1347. hamilton's form ==> 标准形
  1348. hamilton's principle ==> 哈密顿原理
  1349. Hamilton's principle ==> 哈密顿原理
  1350. Hamilton's principle of least action ==> ハミルトンの最小作用原理
  1351. Hamilton-Jacobi equation ==> ハミルトン-ヤコビ方程式
  1352. Hamiltonian coordinate ==> 哈密顿坐标
  1353. Hamiltonian Cyclic ==> 哈米尔顿回路
  1354. Hamiltonian function ==> 哈密顿函数
  1355. Hamiltons characteristic function ==> 哈密顿特征函数
  1356. Hamman's sign ==> 黑曼氏征
  1357. hamman-rich's syndrome ==> 慢性纤维变性间质肺炎综合征
  1358. hammar magnet ==> 锤击磁铁
  1359. hamme ton silver ==> 龟裂花样银花涂料
  1360. hammer ==> 锻锤,锤,锤骨,锤子,冲击式凿岩机,榔头=>ハンマー
  1361. hammer anvil ==> 锤砧,锤钻
  1362. hammer automatic operating device ==> 自动司锤装置
  1363. hammer bank ==> 锤头组,击打部件
  1364. hammer beam ==> 锤柄,托臂梁
  1365. hammer blade mill ==> 锤式粉碎机
  1366. hammer block ==> 锤体
  1367. hammer blow ==> 锤击,锤击噪声
  1368. hammer body ==> 锤机柱架
  1369. hammer break ==> 锤形衔铁断路器
  1370. hammer burr ==> 击锤辊花
  1371. hammer carrier ==> 锤架
  1372. hammer cog ==> 粗锻
  1373. hammer cogging ==> 锻造开坯
  1374. hammer crane ==> 锤头式起重机
  1375. hammer crane head ==> 锤式起重机头
  1376. hammer crusher ==> 锤式碎煤机,采用多个锤状物的高速旋转的撞击力将煤块破碎的设备,锤式碎石机,锤式压碎机
  1377. hammer cylinder ==> 汽锤汽缸
  1378. hammer die ==> 锻模
  1379. hammer disk ==> 锤片转盘
  1380. hammer drifter ==> 架式凿岩机,架柱式风钻
  1381. hammer drill ==> 锤钻,冲击钻机,风动冲击凿岩机,风钻
  1382. hammer driver ==> 锤驱动器
  1383. hammer drum ==> 锤片滚筒
  1384. hammer face ==> 锤面
  1385. hammer finger ==> 锤状指
  1386. hammer finish ==> 锤琢修整
  1387. hammer flattener ==> 平锤
  1388. hammer forging ==> 锤锻,锤锻件
  1389. hammer foundation grill ==> 锤机基础格层
  1390. hammer frame ==> 锤机柱架
  1391. hammer grab ==> 冲击式抓斗
  1392. hammer grinder ==> 锤式粉碎机,锤碎机
  1393. hammer grinderl ==> 锤式粉碎机
  1394. hammer guide ==> 锤导承
  1395. hammer hack ==> 斧形锤,劈石斧
  1396. hammer handle ==> 锤柄
  1397. hammer hardening ==> 锤硬法
  1398. hammer head ==> 锤头
  1399. hammer head chisel ==> 锤头凿,槽榫錾
  1400. hammer head crane ==> 锤式起重机
  1401. hammer hook ==> 击锤卡钩,击锤锁扣
  1402. hammer in ==> 打入
  1403. hammer interrupter ==> 锤形衔铁断路器
  1404. hammer latch ==> 击锤卡榫
  1405. hammer lever ==> 锤击杆
  1406. hammer machine ==> 锤击试验机
  1407. hammer man ==> 打桩工,锻工
  1408. hammer mark ==> 锤击伤痕
  1409. hammer mill ==> 锤磨机,锤式磨,锤式破碎机,锤碎机,锤击磨煤机,利用含粉尘气流改变方向,依靠惯性而使粉尘从气流中分离出来的分离器。
  1410. hammer mill type stalk shredder ==> 锤式碎茎机
  1411. hammer milling ==> 锤磨作用
  1412. hammer off ==> 锤截断
  1413. hammer out ==> 锤平
  1414. hammer paint ==> 锤纹漆
  1415. hammer peening ==> 锤头打铁
  1416. hammer pick ==> 锤尖
  1417. hammer pin ==> 锤片轴销,锤头销
  1418. hammer pin body ==> 锤击销体
  1419. hammer piston ==> 汽锤活塞
  1420. hammer plate ==> 夹锤板
  1421. hammer pulse ==> 锤击脉动
  1422. hammer ram ==> 锤头,夯锤
  1423. hammer rating ==> 锻锤的吨位
  1424. hammer refining ==> 锻压纯化,晶粒锻压纯化
  1425. hammer retaining pin ==> 锤片保持轴销
  1426. hammer riveting machine ==> 锤铆机
  1427. hammer rolls ==> 锤碎机
  1428. hammer scale ==> 锤鳞,锻鳞
  1429. hammer shaft ==> 锤柄
  1430. hammer sharpener ==> 锤磨器
  1431. hammer shop ==> 锻工车间
  1432. hammer slag ==> 锤渣
  1433. hammer smith ==> 锻工
  1434. hammer spark ignition ==> 電路開閉点火
  1435. hammer standard ==> 锤机柱架
  1436. hammer stock machine ==> 槌式缩绒机
  1437. hammer striking mechanism ==> 打锤机构
  1438. hammer stroke ==> 锤程
  1439. hammer swing mill ==> 锤磨机,摆锤粉碎机
  1440. hammer swing sledge mill ==> 锤击磨
  1441. hammer test ==> 锤击试验
  1442. hammer test machine ==> 锤击试验机
  1443. hammer toe ==> 锤状趾
  1444. hammer track ==> 锤形径迹
  1445. hammer trigger ==> 锤机扳柄
  1446. hammer tup ==> 打桩锤的撞头,打桩锤撞头
  1447. hammer valve ==> 锤形阀
  1448. hammer valve gear ==> 锤机阀动装置
  1449. hammer weld ==> 锻焊
  1450. hammer welding ==> 锻焊,锻接,锤焊
  1451. hammer(ing) press ==> 锻造压力机
  1452. hammer-apparatus ==> 打桩机,机动桩锤
  1453. hammer-axe ==> 锤斧
  1454. hammer-beam ==> 木拱脚悬臂托梁
  1455. hammer-beam roof ==> 托臂梁屋顶
  1456. hammer-dressed quarry stone ==> 锤琢块石
  1457. hammer-dressed stone ==> 锤琢石面
  1458. hammer-drive screw ==> 锤入式螺钉
  1459. hammer-harden ==> 锤硬
  1460. hammer-head crane ==> 塔式起重机,塔式悬臂吊车
  1461. hammer-head groin ==> 锤型防波堤
  1462. hammer-head groyne ==> 锤型防波堤
  1463. hammer-head key ==> 锤头形键槽
  1464. hammer-mill cage ==> 锤碎机筛格
  1465. hammer-mill grate ==> 锤碎机固定筛
  1466. hammer-mill sieve ==> 锤式粉碎机筛片
  1467. hammer-milling ==> 锤碎
  1468. hammer-nose ==> 鼻赘
  1469. hammer-shears ==> 手工剪
  1470. hammer-size formula ==> 桩锤尺寸公式
  1471. hammer-stroke slag crusher ==> 锤击碎渣机
  1472. hammer-type sprinkler ==> 锤式喷灌器
  1473. hammer-type vibrator ==> 锤式振动器
  1474. hammerblow tamper ==> 锤击夯
  1475. hammered bottle surface ==> 凹凸不平的瓶面
  1476. hammered glass ==> 锤痕玻璃
  1477. hammered granolithic finish ==> 剁斧石面
  1478. hammered iron ==> 锻铁
  1479. hammered piston ring ==> 锤打活塞环
  1480. hammered resistance welding ==> 锤锻电阻焊,电阻加热锻焊
  1481. hammered rivet ==> 锤铆钉
  1482. hammered sheet iron ==> 被锻铁板
  1483. hammered steel ==> 锻钢
  1484. hammered work ==> 锻造工作
  1485. hammerhead crane ==> 锤头式起重机
  1486. hammerhead key ==> 银锭榫
  1487. hammerhead slewing crane ==> 锤头式旋动起重机
  1488. hammering ==> 锤锻
  1489. hammering action ==> 冲击作用
  1490. hammering cut of dents ==> 凹部校直
  1491. hammering machine ==> 锤锻机,锤细机
  1492. hammering method ==> 敲击法
  1493. hammering press ==> 锻压机
  1494. hammering spanner ==> 单头开口爪扳手
  1495. hammering test ==> 锤击试验
  1496. hammering type Brinell hardness tester ==> 锤击式布氏硬度计
  1497. hammerless gun ==> 内击锤枪
  1498. hammersmith carpets ==> 毛绒棉底地毯
  1499. Hammett acidity function ==> 哈密特酸度函数
  1500. Hammett equation ==> 哈梅特方程式
  1501. Hammett indicator ==> 哈梅特酸标指示剂
  1502. Hammett's coefficient ==> 哈梅特系数
  1503. Hammett's rule ==> 哈米特定律
  1504. hamming ==> 加重平衡
  1505. Hamming check ==> 海明校验,汉明码校验
  1506. Hamming code ==> 海明码=>ハミング符号
  1507. hamming code ==> 汉秒,汉明码
  1508. hamming distance ==> 代码间距
  1509. Hamming distance ==> 汉明距离=>ハミング距離
  1510. Hamming weight ==> 汉明权,码重
  1511. hammock ==> 吊床
  1512. hammock chair ==> 帆布椅
  1513. Hammond organ ==> 哈蒙电子风琴
  1514. hamper ==> 妨げになるもの,邪魔
  1515. hamstring tendon ==> 肌腱
  1516. hamulus ==> 翅钩
  1517. hamulus laminae spiralis ==> 螺旋板钩
  1518. hamulus of hamate bone ==> 钩骨钩
  1519. hamulus of spiral lamina ==> 螺旋板钩
  1520. hamulus ossis hamati ==> 钩骨钩
  1521. hamulus pterygoideus ==> 翼钩
  1522. Hanadiang fibre ==> 哈纳登韧皮纤维
  1523. hance arch ==> 平圆拱
  1524. hand ==> 针,手,指针=>ハンド,手
  1525. hand (hold) ==> 手把
  1526. hand acupuncture ==> 手针
  1527. hand acupuncture anesthesia ==> 手针麻醉
  1528. hand adjustable reamer ==> 手调铰刀
  1529. hand adjustment ==> 手动调节
  1530. hand advance ==> 手动提前点火
  1531. hand air pump ==> 手动气泵
  1532. hand air valve ==> 手控气阀
  1533. hand ancmometer ==> 手持风速表
  1534. hand and foot counter ==> 手足控测器
  1535. hand anemometer ==> 手提风速表
  1536. hand anvil ==> 手砧
  1537. hand aperture card mounter ==> 手动窗孔卡片安装机
  1538. hand appliance ==> 手动装置
  1539. hand ashing ==> 手工除尘
  1540. hand assembly ==> 手工装配
  1541. hand auger ==> 手提螺钻,手钻
  1542. hand ax(e) ==> 手斧
  1543. hand back saw ==> 手锯
  1544. hand bag ==> 手提包
  1545. hand baggage ==> 手提包
  1546. hand banisters ==> 扶手栏杆
  1547. hand barrow ==> 担架,双轮手推车
  1548. hand bearing compass ==> 手提罗经
  1549. hand bellow ==> 手风箱
  1550. hand bellowed duster ==> 手摇风箱式喷粉器
  1551. hand bellows ==> 手工吹风器,皮老虎
  1552. hand bench ==> 手工台
  1553. hand bench grinder ==> 手动台式磨床
  1554. hand bender ==> 手动弯曲机
  1555. hand bending machine ==> 手工弯折机
  1556. hand bilge pump ==> 手摇舱底水泵
  1557. hand block printing ==> 手工模版印花
  1558. hand block sander ==> 人工进料砂光机
  1559. hand blocked fabric ==> 手工模版印花织物
  1560. hand blower ==> 手摇风机
  1561. hand blown glass ==> 人工吹制玻璃
  1562. hand blown process ==> 人工吹制法
  1563. hand blowpipe ==> 手动焊割炬,手动焊炬
  1564. hand book ==> 手册
  1565. hand boom ==> 手动喷水器
  1566. hand booster ==> 手摇升压器
  1567. hand bore ==> 手摇钻
  1568. hand boring ==> 手钻
  1569. hand brace ==> 手摇钻
  1570. hand brake ==> 手刹车,手闸,手制动器=>手動制動機
  1571. hand brake adjusting bolt ==> 手闸调准螺栓
  1572. hand brake adjusting bolt bracket ==> 手闸调整螺栓托架
  1573. hand brake adjusting bolt spring ==> 手闸调准螺栓簧
  1574. hand brake band anchor bar adjusting screw ==> 手闸带锚定杆调整螺钉
  1575. hand brake band anchor bracket ==> 手闸箍端托架
  1576. hand brake band anchor clip spring ==> 手闸带碇夹弹簧
  1577. hand brake band bracket ==> 手闸箍端托架
  1578. hand brake bracket ==> 手制动器支架
  1579. hand brake cam ==> 手闸凸轮
  1580. hand brake cam lever ==> 手闸凸轮杆
  1581. hand brake chain guide ==> 手制动链导板
  1582. hand brake chain wheel ==> 手制动链轮
  1583. hand brake compression spring ==> 手闸压缩弹簧
  1584. hand brake control ==> 手闸控制
  1585. hand brake cross-shaft ==> 手闸横轴
  1586. hand brake disc ==> 手制动盘
  1587. hand brake drive rod adjusting fork ==> 手制动器驱动杆调整叉
  1588. hand brake drum ==> 手力制动鼓
  1589. hand brake guide plate ==> 手制动轴卡板
  1590. hand brake indicator switch ==> 手制动灯开关
  1591. hand brake latch rod ==> 手制动爪杆
  1592. hand brake lever ==> 手刹车操纵杆
  1593. hand brake lever adapter ==> 手闸杆接头
  1594. hand brake lever arm ==> 手闸杆
  1595. hand brake lever bracket ==> 手闸杆托架
  1596. hand brake lever grip spring ==> 手闸杆握柄弹簧
  1597. hand brake lever latch ==> 手闸杆闩
  1598. hand brake lever latch rod knob ==> 手闸杆弹键杆钮
  1599. hand brake lever operating spring ==> 手闸杆操作弹簧
  1600. hand brake lever operating stop ==> 手闸杆操作止点
  1601. hand brake lever pawl ==> 手闸杆爪
  1602. hand brake lever pawl pin ==> 手闸杆爪销
  1603. hand brake lever pawl rod ==> 手闸棘爪杆
  1604. hand brake lever pawl spring cup ==> 手闸杆爪弹簧盖
  1605. hand brake lever pull rod yoke ==> 手闸杆拉杆轭
  1606. hand brake lever sector ==> 手闸杆扇形齿轮
  1607. hand brake lever yoke ==> 手闸杆轭
  1608. hand brake lining rivet ==> 手闸衬片铆钉
  1609. hand brake locating bracket ==> 手闸定位托架
  1610. hand brake mast support ==> 手制动轴导架
  1611. hand brake master step ==> 手制动轴托
  1612. hand brake on ==> 手制动器已接合
  1613. hand brake operating lever ==> 手闸操作杆
  1614. hand brake operating lever link ==> 手闸操作杆联杆
  1615. hand brake operating lever link pin ==> 手闸操作杆联节销
  1616. hand brake operating lever shoe ==> 手闸操作杆瓦
  1617. hand brake pawl rod ==> 手制动棘爪拉杆
  1618. hand brake pull rod chain ==> 手制动拉杆链
  1619. hand brake pull rod guide ==> 手制动拉杆导架
  1620. hand brake pull rod guide anchor ==> 手制动拉杆吊
  1621. hand brake release spring ==> 手闸放松弹簧
  1622. hand brake shaft rigging ==> 手制动轴装置
  1623. hand brake shoe pin ==> 手制动瓦销
  1624. hand brake support ==> 手闸支架
  1625. hand brake support tie rod ==> 手闸棘爪杆
  1626. hand brake telltale ==> 手制动接合指示灯
  1627. hand brake transfer lever ==> 手闸传力杆
  1628. hand brake valve ==> 手制动阀
  1629. hand braking ==> 手制动
  1630. hand breadth ==> 一手宽
  1631. hand breaking ==> 人工破碎
  1632. hand brush ==> 洗手刷,手刷
  1633. hand buddle ==> 手动淘汰盘
  1634. hand buggy ==> 手车,手拉车
  1635. hand bumping ==> 手工锤击
  1636. hand bumping tool set ==> 成套手锤
  1637. hand by-pass pump ==> (内燃机的)手增压泵
  1638. hand by-pass valve ==> 手动旁通阀
  1639. hand cable winch ==> 手绞车
  1640. hand caging ==> 人工装罐
  1641. hand calciner ==> 手工锻炉
  1642. hand calculator ==> 手摇计算装置
  1643. hand camera ==> 手提摄影机,手提式摄影机
  1644. hand capacitance ==> 手电容效应,人手电容
  1645. hand capacity ==> 手容量,人手电容,接触电容,手电容
  1646. hand capacity control valve ==> 手动能量控制阀
  1647. hand capper ==> 手动奶瓶装盖机
  1648. hand capstan ==> 手推绞盘,手摇绞盘
  1649. hand car ==> 手摇车
  1650. hand carding ==> 手工梳理
  1651. hand casting machine ==> 手动铸字机
  1652. hand caulking ==> 手工凿密
  1653. hand centrifuge ==> 手摇离心机
  1654. hand chain ==> 手链
  1655. hand chain lever hoist ==> 环链手扳葫芦
  1656. hand chain-block hoist ==> 手动链滑车卷扬机
  1657. hand charging ==> 人工加料,人工装料
  1658. hand chaser ==> 手动螺纹梳刀
  1659. hand chipping ==> 手工铲削清理
  1660. hand choke ==> 手动阻风阀
  1661. hand choke control ==> 手阻风门
  1662. hand chuck ==> 手动卡盘
  1663. hand chucking hole ==> 卡盘扳手孔
  1664. hand churn drill ==> 手动冲钻
  1665. hand cleaning ==> 手选
  1666. hand clipping ==> 手工剪修
  1667. hand clutch lever ==> 手动离合器杆
  1668. hand coat ==> 手工刷浆
  1669. hand cold chisel ==> 手冷錾
  1670. hand combination set ==> 手持送受话器
  1671. hand combing ==> 手工梳理
  1672. hand compaction ==> 人工捣实,人工夯实
  1673. hand compass ==> 手提罗经
  1674. hand composition ==> 手工排字
  1675. hand computation ==> 手算,手摇计算
  1676. hand computer ==> 手摇计算机
  1677. hand contamination monitor ==> 手部污染监测器
  1678. hand control ==> 手工控制,人工操纵,人工控制
  1679. hand control signal box ==> 手控信号台
  1680. hand control system ==> 手动控制系统
  1681. hand control valve ==> 手操纵阀,手动控制阀
  1682. hand control valve body ==> 手控制阀体
  1683. hand control valve cover ==> 手控阀盖
  1684. hand control valve piston ==> 手控制阀活塞
  1685. hand controller ==> 手动控制器
  1686. hand counter ==> 手控计数器
  1687. hand crane ==> 手动起重机
  1688. hand crank ==> 手动曲柄,起动曲柄,起动摇把
  1689. hand crank grinding tool ==> 手磨气门摇臂
  1690. hand cranking ==> 手摇起重,(发动机)手摇起动
  1691. hand cranking device ==> 摇手装置
  1692. hand cream ==> 护手霜
  1693. hand crusher ==> 手摇破碎机
  1694. hand cutting ==> 手工切割
  1695. hand cutting tool ==> 手工刀具
  1696. hand cylinder method ==> 人工吹筒摊平法
  1697. hand cylinder process ==> (平板玻璃)人工吹筒摊平法
  1698. hand deck-pump ==> 手摇舱面泵
  1699. hand decoration ==> 手工彩饰
  1700. hand diamond drill ==> 手动金刚石钻机
  1701. hand die ==> 手锻模
  1702. hand digging ==> 手工挖掘
  1703. hand digitized ==> 手工数值化
  1704. hand direction indicator ==> 手动示向器
  1705. hand distributor ==> 手压洒布机
  1706. hand dog ==> 变形法兰式扳手
  1707. hand door ==> 手动闸门
  1708. hand dosimeter ==> 手持剂量计
  1709. hand drawing ==> 手工描绘
  1710. hand dredger ==> 人力挖泥机
  1711. hand dresser's and sorter's bunch ==> 手梳和分级的亚麻小捆
  1712. hand dresser's flax ==> 手梳亚麻包
  1713. hand dressing ==> 手工梳麻
  1714. hand drier ==> 干手器=>ハンドドライヤー
  1715. hand drill ==> 手摇钻,手持式风钻
  1716. hand drill machine ==> 手摇钻
  1717. hand drill steel ==> 手持式钢钎
  1718. hand driller ==> 手力钻机
  1719. hand drive ==> 手传动
  1720. hand drive gear transmission bit ==> 手摇研磨器
  1721. hand drive gear transmission drill ==> 手摇研磨器
  1722. hand driven generator ==> 手摇发电机
  1723. hand driven rivet ==> 手铆铆钉
  1724. hand driven screw press ==> 手动平板机
  1725. hand dryer ==> 干手器
  1726. hand drying apparatus ==> 干手器
  1727. hand dug caisson ==> 手挖沉箱
  1728. hand duster ==> 手摇喷粉器
  1729. hand dynamo ==> 手摇发电机
  1730. hand effect ==> 手効果
  1731. hand ejector ==> 手动退弹杆
  1732. hand electric drill ==> 手提式电钻
  1733. hand electric lamp ==> 矿用手提灯
  1734. hand emergency signalling apparatus ==> 手摇报警器
  1735. hand engagement ==> 手力接合
  1736. hand engraving ==> 手工雕刻
  1737. hand expansion valve ==> 手动膨胀阀
  1738. hand eye system ==> ハンドアイシステム
  1739. hand face shield ==> 手提面罩
  1740. hand farm implement ==> 手工农具
  1741. hand feed ==> 手进给,手操纵进刀,手动给进钻机,手力进料,手摇推进,人工给料,人工加料=>手送り
  1742. hand feed band-saw ==> 手推带锯
  1743. hand feed grinder ==> 手送碎木机
  1744. hand feed punch ==> 手工穿孔机,手进给穿孔机,人工馈送穿孔机
  1745. hand feed surfacer ==> 手进刀平面刨床
  1746. hand feed wheel ==> 手进给轮
  1747. hand feeder ==> 手动续纸器
  1748. hand feeding ==> 人工加料
  1749. hand feeding mechanism ==> 手动进给机构
  1750. hand feel and drape ==> 手感舒适
  1751. hand feeling ==> 手感
  1752. hand felling ==> 手工缝边
  1753. hand file ==> 平锉
  1754. hand finish ==> 手工精整加工,人工整修
  1755. hand finish(ing) ==> 手工成形
  1756. hand finisher ==> 手工整修机,混凝土手工修整器
  1757. hand finishing ==> 手工加工
  1758. hand finishing noise ==> 手工作业噪声
  1759. hand fire alarm ==> 手动火警报警器
  1760. hand fire alarm device ==> 手动火警报警器
  1761. hand fire pump ==> 手摇消防泵
  1762. hand firing ==> 手工烧火
  1763. hand fit ==> 人工配合,压入配合
  1764. hand flag ==> (信号旗)手旗,起始标记,磁头标记
  1765. hand flare ==> 手提火号
  1766. hand float ==> 手馒
  1767. hand follow-up steering ==> 手控随动操舵
  1768. hand force ==> 手腕力
  1769. hand forging ==> 手锻,手工锻,手制锻件
  1770. hand fork ==> 手叉
  1771. hand form block ==> 手工模型
  1772. hand forming ==> 手工捏塑
  1773. hand frame ==> 人力纺织机,担架,抬斗
  1774. hand fuel pump ==> 手摇燃料泵
  1775. hand fuller ==> 套柄铁锤
  1776. hand furnace ==> 人工炉
  1777. hand ga(u)ge ==> 针规
  1778. hand gear ==> 手拨轮
  1779. hand gear control ==> 手捏变速操纵装置
  1780. hand generator ==> 手摇发电机
  1781. hand glassing ==> 手工推光
  1782. hand gobbing ==> 人工充填
  1783. hand goniometer ==> 手动测角计,手提式测角器,手提式测向器
  1784. hand governing ==> 人工调节
  1785. hand grab ==> 扶手棍
  1786. hand grader ==> 手扶平路机
  1787. hand graining ==> 手工搓纹
  1788. hand grease gun ==> 手控黄油枪
  1789. hand greasing ==> 人工加滑脂
  1790. hand grenade ==> 手榴弹
  1791. hand grinder ==> 手摇砂轮
  1792. hand grinding ==> 手工磨削
  1793. hand grinding machine ==> 手摇砂轮
  1794. hand grip ==> 把手,手柄
  1795. hand grip control ==> 手柄控制
  1796. hand gritter ==> 手持式岩粉撒布器
  1797. hand grooving and tonguing plane ==> 手用槽刨和舌刨
  1798. hand gun ==> 手动油枪,手喷枪,手压注油枪,(喷雾时用)手用喷枪
  1799. hand gun duster ==> 手动喷粉机
  1800. hand gun loader ==> 手压油枪注油器
  1801. hand hack saw blade ==> 手弓锯片
  1802. hand hackle ==> 手工梳麻
  1803. hand hammer ==> 手锤
  1804. hand hammer drill ==> 手持式风钻,手持式凿岩机,风镐
  1805. hand handle ==> 手感
  1806. hand harrow ==> 双轮手推小车面
  1807. hand haulage ==> 人工运输
  1808. hand hay cutter ==> 铡刀
  1809. hand held ==> 手持式=>ハンディタイプ
  1810. hand held console ==> 手动控制台
  1811. hand held electric drill ==> 手提电钻
  1812. hand held gun ==> 手动焊枪
  1813. hand held hydraulic breaker ==> 手提油压破碎机
  1814. hand held percussive breaker ==> 手提撞击式破碎机
  1815. hand hemming ==> 手工缝边
  1816. hand hoe ==> 手锄
  1817. hand hoist ==> 手摇卷扬机
  1818. hand hoisting ==> 手动提升
  1819. hand hold ==> 手柄
  1820. hand hole ==> 手工掏槽
  1821. hand hole cover ==> 手孔盖
  1822. hand hole plate ==> 手孔盖
  1823. hand hook ==> 手钩
  1824. hand horse clipper ==> 马毛剪
  1825. hand HRB tester ==> 手提布氏硬度计
  1826. hand impact screwdriver ==> 击松螺丝批
  1827. hand inertia starter ==> 手摇惯性起动机
  1828. hand injector ==> 手提灌注器
  1829. hand insertion ==> 手工嵌线,手工下线
  1830. hand inspection ==> 手检查
  1831. hand interruptor ==> 手动断续器
  1832. hand jack ==> 手动千斤顶,手力起重器,手力千斤顶
  1833. hand jack screw ==> 手力千斤顶
  1834. hand jig ==> 手摇跳汰机
  1835. hand jigger ==> 手工磨光器
  1836. hand jigging ==> 人工跳汰选
  1837. hand knitred hosiery ==> 手工针织品
  1838. hand knitting ==> 手工针织
  1839. hand knitting machine ==> 手摇针织机
  1840. hand knob ==> 手柄,球形捏手
  1841. hand knotted carpet ==> 手结地毯
  1842. hand labo(u)r ==> 手工操作
  1843. hand labor ==> 人工劳动
  1844. hand labour ==> 手工劳动
  1845. hand ladle ==> 手包,手浇包,手勺,端包,长柄手勺
  1846. hand lamp ==> 手提灯
  1847. hand lamp transformer ==> 手提灯变压器
  1848. hand lance ==> 手喷枪,手提式吹灰器
  1849. hand lantern ==> 提灯
  1850. hand lapping ==> 手工研磨
  1851. hand laser night vision device ==> 手持激光夜视仪
  1852. hand lashing ==> 手工出碴
  1853. hand lathe ==> 手摇车床
  1854. hand lay up method ==> 手工积层法
  1855. hand lay-up ==> 手工制造增强塑料膜
  1856. hand lay-up process ==> 手铺法
  1857. hand lead ==> 测深铅锤,铅锤=>手用測鉛
  1858. hand length ==> 手长
  1859. hand lens ==> 简单显微镜
  1860. hand letters ==> 手印字模
  1861. hand level ==> 手水准,手用水平仪
  1862. hand lever ==> 手杆
  1863. hand lever adjustment ==> 手柄调整
  1864. hand lever brake ==> 手力杠杆闸
  1865. hand lever latch ==> 手杆闩
  1866. hand lever pivot shaft ==> 手杆枢轴
  1867. hand lever shearing machine ==> 手柄剪机
  1868. hand lever shears ==> 手动切板机
  1869. hand lever shifter ==> 手杆式开关
  1870. hand lever type grease pump ==> 手摇滑脂增压器
  1871. hand lever tyre expander ==> 手动杠杆扩胎器
  1872. hand lidar ==> 手持式激光雷达
  1873. hand lift ==> 手摇起重机
  1874. hand lift for-mounted mower ==> 中间悬挂割草机的手动起落机构
  1875. hand lifting lever ==> 手起落杆
  1876. hand lifting winch ==> 手摇卷扬机
  1877. hand light ==> 手提灯
  1878. hand line gauge ==> 手工线测仪
  1879. hand lining ==> 手工画边
  1880. hand loading job ==> 手工装载工作
  1881. hand log ==> 手持计程仪,手控测程仪
  1882. hand logger ==> 手工采运机
  1883. hand loom ==> 手织机
  1884. hand looping ==> 人工造成活套
  1885. hand lotion ==> 擦手洗剂
  1886. hand lubrication ==> 人工润滑法,手注油
  1887. hand lubricator ==> 手力润滑器,手动润滑器,手提润滑器,手油壶
  1888. hand machine ==> 手摇机器
  1889. hand made bobbin lace ==> 手工梭结花边
  1890. hand made paper ==> 手工纸
  1891. hand magnet ==> 手磁铁
  1892. hand magnifier ==> 手持放大镜
  1893. hand mapping camera ==> 手提测图摄影机,手提式测绘摄影机
  1894. hand mating ==> 人工辅助交配
  1895. hand measurement ==> 手测量
  1896. hand microphone ==> 手持式传声器
  1897. hand microtelephone ==> 手持微型电话机,手提式微型电话机
  1898. hand microtome ==> 手工切片机,哈氏切片机
  1899. hand milking ==> 人工挤奶
  1900. hand mill ==> 手磨机
  1901. hand miller ==> 手动铣床
  1902. hand milling ==> 手铣
  1903. hand milling machine ==> 手动铣床
  1904. hand miner ==> 手工采掘工
  1905. hand mixing ==> 人工搅拌
  1906. hand mo(u)ld ==> 手工压模
  1907. hand mo(u)lding ==> 手工造型法
  1908. hand mo(u)lding press ==> 手工模压机
  1909. hand mold brick ==> 手工砖
  1910. hand molding ==> 手工造型
  1911. hand monitor ==> 手监测器
  1912. hand mortising machine ==> 手工制榫眼机
  1913. hand motion ==> 手开动
  1914. hand motor ==> 手电动机=>ハンドモータ
  1915. hand moulding ==> 手工造型
  1916. hand movement (HM) ==> 手动
  1917. hand mower ==> 手力割草机
  1918. hand mucking ==> 手工装岩
  1919. hand nut ==> 手螺母
  1920. hand of spiral ==> 螺线方向
  1921. hand off ==> 手动切断,不可触摩
  1922. hand oil lamp glasses ==> 手提油灯玻璃罩
  1923. hand oil pump ==> 手摇油泵
  1924. hand oiler ==> 手加油器,手注油器
  1925. hand oiler body ==> 手注油器体
  1926. hand oiler cap ==> 手加油器盖
  1927. hand oiler spring ==> 手注油器簧
  1928. hand oiler valve ==> 手注油器阀
  1929. hand oiling ==> 手注油
  1930. hand operate ==> 手运算
  1931. hand operated dual horn ==> 手动双雾角
  1932. hand operated duster ==> 手动喷粉器
  1933. hand operated press ==> 手压机
  1934. hand operated rolling shutter ==> 手动卷百叶
  1935. hand operated valve ==> 手動操作弁
  1936. hand operation ==> 手动操作
  1937. hand organ ==> 手摇风琴
  1938. hand over ==> 交,递,移交
  1939. hand packing ==> 人工充填
  1940. hand painted carpet ==> 手工描花地毯
  1941. hand painting ==> 手工彩绘
  1942. hand pallet truck ==> 手摇平板车
  1943. hand parthenogenesis ==> 人工单性生殖
  1944. hand peening ==> 手锤敲击硬化
  1945. hand perspiration ==> 手汗
  1946. hand pick ==> 手工挑选
  1947. hand picked cotton ==> 手摘棉
  1948. hand picker ==> 手选工
  1949. hand picking ==> 手选,人工挑选
  1950. hand pile driver ==> 人工打桩机
  1951. hand plane ==> 手刨
  1952. hand planer ==> 手刨床
  1953. hand planing machine ==> 手动送料刨板机,手刨床
  1954. hand plate ==> 门推板
  1955. hand plate saw ==> 板锯
  1956. hand plate working ==> 手工板金加工
  1957. hand plier ==> 老虎钳
  1958. hand plotting ==> 人工标图
  1959. hand plow ==> 手推犁
  1960. hand plug ga(u)ge ==> 手塞规
  1961. hand plug tap ==> 手丝锥
  1962. hand plunger grease pump ==> 手动杠杆式上油泵
  1963. hand pointer ==> 手动压尖机
  1964. hand poking ==> 手工出灰,人工通炉
  1965. hand pollinate ==> 人工授粉
  1966. hand pollination ==> 人工授粉,人工授精
  1967. hand portable riveter ==> 轻便手力铆接机,手力轻便铆钉
  1968. hand pot ==> 手提壶
  1969. hand potato cutter ==> 手摇马铃薯种切块机
  1970. hand pouring pot ==> 手提灌油壶
  1971. hand power ==> 手力
  1972. hand power press ==> 手压机
  1973. hand power screw press ==> 手动螺旋压机
  1974. hand power screw punching press ==> 手动螺旋压孔机
  1975. hand power steering gear ==> 手动操舵装置
  1976. hand power tool ==> 手提动力工具
  1977. hand power track crane ==> 手力移动式起重机
  1978. hand power travelling crane ==> 手移起重机
  1979. hand power trolley ==> 手摇车
  1980. hand power truck crane ==> 手拉行车
  1981. hand precision reamer ==> 精密手铰刀
  1982. hand preparation ==> 手选
  1983. hand press ==> 手压机
  1984. hand press-packed bale ==> 人力紧压捆包,人力压装的包
  1985. hand press-packing ==> 人工打包
  1986. hand primer ==> 手打油杆,手动起动泵,手动注油装置
  1987. hand priming device ==> 手动装置
  1988. hand priming lever spring ==> 手摇杆弹簧
  1989. hand priming of pump ==> 手起动泵
  1990. hand printing ==> 手工印花
  1991. hand propelling boat ==> 手摇螺旋桨舢板
  1992. hand properties ==> 手感
  1993. hand prosthesis ==> 假手
  1994. hand pulled template ==> 手拉样板
  1995. hand pump ==> 手泵,手力唧筒
  1996. hand punch ==> 手冲床,手动冲孔机,手动冲压机,手动穿孔,手动穿孔机
  1997. hand punching and shearing machine ==> 手力压剪机
  1998. hand punning ==> 人工捣实
  1999. hand push grease gun ==> 手推黄油枪
  2000. hand putting ==> 人力推车
  2001. hand pyrometer ==> 手提式高温计
  2002. hand rabbling ==> 人工搅拌
  2003. hand rack ==> 手工移针板
  2004. hand radar ==> 便携式雷达
  2005. hand rail ==> 栏杆
  2006. hand rail for fan deck ==> 排风机平台栏杆
  2007. hand raising ==> 人工天井掘进
  2008. hand raising calf ==> 人工喂养的犊牛
  2009. hand raking ==> 人工扒动
  2010. hand ram ==> 手夯槌
  2011. hand rammer ==> 手工捣锤,手夯
  2012. hand ramming ==> 手铰孔
  2013. hand reach ==> 手操作空间范围
  2014. hand reamer ==> 手动扩孔钻,手铰刀
  2015. hand reamer with pilot ==> 带导向柱的手用铰刀
  2016. hand reamer with spiral flutes ==> 带螺线槽的手用铰刀
  2017. hand reaming ==> 手铰孔
  2018. hand reaper ==> 人力收割机
  2019. hand receiver ==> 手持式受话器,听筒
  2020. hand reeling ==> 手工摇纱
  2021. hand reeling machine ==> 手摇纺车
  2022. hand refinishing kit ==> 手用修理工具袋
  2023. hand refractometer ==> 手提析光计
  2024. hand regulated warp let-off device ==> 手调式送经装置
  2025. hand regulating throttle ==> 手语风门
  2026. hand regulation ==> 手动调节
  2027. hand regulator ==> 手动调节器
  2028. hand rejector ==> 护手安全装置
  2029. hand release ==> 手动释放装置
  2030. hand remover ==> 秒针拆卸工具,分针拆卸工具
  2031. hand reset ==> 手动复归,人工重调,手动调整,手动复原
  2032. hand reset relay ==> 手动复位继电器
  2033. hand reset system ==> 人工复原式
  2034. hand resetting ==> 手动复归
  2035. hand rest ==> 手工工具架,手摇刀架,扶手
  2036. hand reverberatory furnace ==> 人工操作反射炉
  2037. hand reversing gear ==> 手动反向机构
  2038. hand revolution counter ==> 手持转数计
  2039. hand rivet hammer ==> 手持铆钉锤
  2040. hand rivet(ing) ==> 手铆
  2041. hand riveted hammer ==> 手铆钉锤
  2042. hand riveter ==> 手动铆钉机,手动铆机,拉铆枪
  2043. hand riveting ==> 人工铆接
  2044. hand riveting hammer ==> 手铆锤
  2045. hand riveting machine ==> 手铆机
  2046. hand roller ==> 手拉镇压器,手推墨辊,手压磙
  2047. hand rotation stoper ==> 手摇上向凿岩机
  2048. hand round pass ==> 手工喂料轧制的圆孔型
  2049. hand rounds ==> 手轧圆钢
  2050. hand rule ==> (右手或左手定则)手定则
  2051. hand sample ==> 手工取样
  2052. hand sample cutter ==> 手工取样器
  2053. hand sampling ==> 手工采样,手工取样,人工采试样,人工抽样
  2054. hand sander reach rod ==> 手拉撒砂器传动杆
  2055. hand saver ==> 手护,保护手套
  2056. hand saw ==> 手锯
  2057. hand saw blade ==> 手锯条
  2058. hand saw with wooden handle ==> 木柄手锯
  2059. hand scalloping ==> 手工分离牙边法
  2060. hand scarfing ==> 手动火焰清理
  2061. hand scoop ==> 手勺
  2062. hand scrape ==> 手动刮板
  2063. hand scraper ==> 手动刮板
  2064. hand scraping ==> 人工刮研
  2065. hand screen ==> 护面罩,焊工面罩,手工丝网印刷
  2066. hand screen-printed fabric ==> 手工筛网印花织物
  2067. hand screw ==> 手动螺杆,手力千斤顶
  2068. hand screw clamp ==> 手螺旋夹
  2069. hand screw holdfast ==> 手螺旋夹
  2070. hand screw press ==> 手动螺旋压力机,手转压力机
  2071. hand screw tap ==> 手用丝锥
  2072. hand screwdown gear ==> 手动压下装置
  2073. hand screwing tool ==> 方板牙扳手
  2074. hand scrubber ==> 手刷
  2075. hand scudding ==> 手工推挤
  2076. hand scutching ==> 手工打麻
  2077. hand seamer ==> 手摇封罐机
  2078. hand seed dresser ==> 手摇式种子拌药机
  2079. hand seeder ==> 手摇播种机
  2080. hand seeder unit ==> 手推播种机
  2081. hand selection ==> 手选
  2082. hand semi-rotatory pump ==> 手摇半转泵
  2083. hand set ==> 手持送受话器
  2084. hand set telephone ==> 手摇电话机
  2085. hand set transmitter ==> 手持送话器
  2086. hand setting ==> 手工推平
  2087. hand sewing needle ==> 缝衣针
  2088. hand sewn shoe ==> 手缝鞋
  2089. hand shake cycle ==> 交换过程处理周期
  2090. hand shaker ==> 手摇抖动器
  2091. hand shank ==> 手柄,手转铁水包,抬包架,端包
  2092. hand shaving ==> 手工刨皮
  2093. hand shear cutting machine ==> 手扳铡断机
  2094. hand shearing ==> 手工剪毛
  2095. hand shears ==> 手动剪切机
  2096. hand sheet machine ==> 手工抄纸器
  2097. hand shield ==> 护面罩,手持焊接护目罩,(焊工的)手持护目罩
  2098. hand shifting ==> 手换档
  2099. hand shovel ==> 手铲
  2100. hand shovel(l)ing ==> 手工铲装
  2101. hand shovel(l)ing of coal ==> 人工投煤
  2102. hand shuttle ==> 手织机梭子
  2103. hand signal ==> 手动信号=>手信号
  2104. hand signaling device(s) ==> 手动信号设备
  2105. hand sinker ==> 手冲钻
  2106. hand sinking ==> 人工凿井
  2107. hand skidding ==> 人力集材
  2108. hand slaking ==> 人工熄灭
  2109. hand sleeve ==> 手套
  2110. hand slewing crane ==> 手旋起重机,(小型)手推旋转起重机
  2111. hand slicking ==> 手工推平
  2112. hand slide rest ==> 手动刀架
  2113. hand slitting ==> 手工剖幅
  2114. hand snip ==> 手力剪机
  2115. hand sonar ==> 便携式声纳
  2116. hand sorting separation ==> 手选分离
  2117. hand sower ==> 手摇撒播机
  2118. hand sowing ==> 手播
  2119. hand sowing machine ==> 手推播种机
  2120. hand spading ==> 手工铲掘
  2121. hand specimen ==> 手标本,手采岩样,手大小的矿石标本
  2122. hand spectrophotometer ==> 手提式分光光度计
  2123. hand spectroscope ==> 手提式分光镜
  2124. hand speed ==> 人工发报速度
  2125. hand speedometer ==> 手持测速器
  2126. hand spinning ==> 手工纺纱
  2127. hand spray gun ==> 手喷枪
  2128. hand sprayer ==> 手动喷雾器,手摇喷雾器,人力喷雾器
  2129. hand sprayer with platform mounted pump ==> 泵装在平板上的手动喷雾器
  2130. hand spraying ==> 手工喷雾
  2131. hand spreading ==> 手工摊铺
  2132. hand spring balance ==> 手提式弹簧吊秤
  2133. hand spring scale ==> 手拉弹簧秤,手提式弹簧秤
  2134. hand sprinkler ==> 手喷雾器,手洒水器
  2135. hand square passes ==> 手工喂料轧制的方孔型系统
  2136. hand squeezer ==> 人力压榨机
  2137. hand stamper ==> 手动打印装置
  2138. hand stapling ==> 手扯纤维长度测定法
  2139. hand starter ==> 手摇起动机
  2140. hand starting ==> 手摇起动
  2141. hand starting arrangement ==> 手起动装置
  2142. hand starting button ==> 手控起动开关
  2143. hand starting magneto ==> 手摇起动磁电机
  2144. hand steel snap ==> 手用钢铆钉模
  2145. hand steering ==> 手操纵,手控制
  2146. hand steering gear ==> 手动转向装置
  2147. hand stirring ==> 人工搅拌
  2148. hand stitch ==> 手缝线迹
  2149. hand stock ==> 人工加料
  2150. hand stoker ==> 手力加煤机
  2151. hand stone ==> 手用油石
  2152. hand stop valve ==> 手动截止阀
  2153. hand stop valve (hand cut-off valve) ==> 手动截止阀
  2154. hand stowage ==> 人工码垛
  2155. hand stowing ==> 手工充填
  2156. hand straw cutter ==> 人力锄草器,人力切草机,人力铡草机
  2157. hand stripping ==> (牛奶)人工挤干
  2158. hand stuffing ==> 手工加脂法
  2159. hand sugar refractometer ==> 手提式砂糖折射计
  2160. hand surgar refractometer ==> 手提式糖分析光计
  2161. hand surgery instrument set ==> 手外科器械包
  2162. hand swabbing ==> 手工刷浆
  2163. hand sweeping ==> 人工清扫
  2164. hand switch ==> 手动开关
  2165. hand switch box ==> 手动搬道机
  2166. hand syringe ==> 手动喷射器
  2167. hand tachometer ==> 手持转速表,手携式转数计
  2168. hand tally ==> 手掀点货机,手摇计数器,手摇计算器
  2169. hand tamp ==> 手夯
  2170. hand tamping ==> 手工夯击
  2171. hand tap ==> 手用丝锥
  2172. hand tap for pipe thread ==> 手用管牙丝锥
  2173. hand taper pin reamer ==> 手用锥销孔铰刀,手用锥形销孔铰刀
  2174. hand taper reamer ==> 锥形手铰刀
  2175. hand taper tap ==> 手用锥形丝锥
  2176. hand tapping ==> 手动攻丝,手工套扣
  2177. hand tear test ==> 手撕试验
  2178. hand teem(ing) ==> 人工浇铸
  2179. hand teeming ==> 手工浇铸
  2180. hand telephone ==> 手持受话器
  2181. hand telephone set ==> 手持电话机
  2182. hand template ==> 手拉样板
  2183. hand test ==> 手感试验,手上试验
  2184. hand tester ==> 手感测试仪
  2185. hand threshed ==> 人力脱粒
  2186. hand threshing ==> 手脱粒
  2187. hand threshing machine ==> 手摇脱粒机,打谷机
  2188. hand throttle ==> 手动油门,手风门,手拉加速杆,手油门
  2189. hand throttle lever ==> 手节流杆
  2190. hand throttle link cover bracket ==> 手油门拉杆盖支架
  2191. hand throttle wire ==> 手油门拉线
  2192. hand throwing ==> 手工拉坯
  2193. hand tiller ==> 手操舵柄
  2194. hand tip-cart ==> 手推倾卸车
  2195. hand tongs ==> 手钳
  2196. hand tool ==> 手工工具
  2197. hand tool lathe ==> 手摇工具车床
  2198. hand tool rest ==> 丁字形刀架
  2199. hand tooled finish ==> 手工整修,手工錾面
  2200. hand tools ==> 手工具
  2201. hand torch ==> 手持焊枪,手动焊割炬
  2202. hand touch ==> 手感
  2203. hand towel ==> 手巾
  2204. hand tracking ==> 手动跟踪,人工跟踪
  2205. hand tramming ==> 人力运输
  2206. hand transmitter-receiver ==> 便携式收发两用机
  2207. hand transposition ==> 手工换位
  2208. hand travelling crane ==> 手移起重机
  2209. hand traverse ==> 手摇转
  2210. hand traverse gear ==> 手动横向进给机构
  2211. hand traverse pinion ==> 手摇方向机小齿轮,回转装置手传动齿轮
  2212. hand traverse shaft ==> 回转装置手传动轴,手摇方向机轴
  2213. hand traversing brake linkage ==> 手摇方向机制动联动装置
  2214. hand traversing mechanism ==> 手摇方向机
  2215. hand trim wheel ==> 手控配平轮
  2216. hand trip gear ==> 手动脱扣器
  2217. hand trip(ping) ==> 手动跳闸
  2218. hand tripping ==> 手动脱扣
  2219. hand trolley ==> 手推运货车
  2220. hand truck ==> 手推车
  2221. hand tuning ==> 手调谐
  2222. hand turning gear ==> 手动盘车装置
  2223. hand turning tool ==> 手工车刀
  2224. hand turret traversing mechanism ==> 手摇炮塔方向机
  2225. hand twiner ==> 手动拈线机,手工拈线机
  2226. hand tying ==> 手工打结
  2227. hand type ==> 铸字
  2228. hand valve ==> 手动阀
  2229. hand valve grinder ==> 手动气门研磨器
  2230. hand vice ==> 手虎钳
  2231. hand viewer ==> 袖珍放大镜,便携式观察器
  2232. hand volume control ==> 手动音量控制
  2233. hand washed wool ==> 手洗毛,水洗毛
  2234. hand washing ==> 手洗
  2235. hand water pump ==> 手动水泵
  2236. hand water sprayer ==> 手动喷水器
  2237. hand weld ==> 手焊焊缝
  2238. hand welding ==> 手工焊接
  2239. hand welding holdet ==> 手焊焊把
  2240. hand wharf crane ==> 手摇码头起重机
  2241. hand wheel ==> 手轮,操纵手轮
  2242. hand wheel handle ==> 手轮柄
  2243. hand wheel nut ==> 手轮螺母
  2244. hand wheel screw down ==> 手轮压下装置
  2245. hand wheel shaft ==> 手轮轴
  2246. hand wheel shaft cap ==> 手轮轴盖
  2247. hand wheel shaft cover ==> 手轮轴盖
  2248. hand wheel-dressing tool ==> 手动砂轮整形工具
  2249. hand winch ==> 手动绞车起重器,手摇绞车
  2250. hand winding ==> 手绕法
  2251. hand winding watch ==> 手动上条表
  2252. hand windlass ==> 手摇卷扬机
  2253. hand wiper ==> 手动刮水器,手动括水器
  2254. hand work ==> 手工操作,精细工艺
  2255. hand worked roaster ==> 人工烤炉
  2256. hand-and-foot counter ==> 手足监测器
  2257. hand-and-foot monitor ==> 手足监测器
  2258. hand-arbo(u)r press ==> 手扳压床
  2259. hand-ashed producer ==> 手工除尘气体发生炉
  2260. hand-axes ==> 握斧
  2261. hand-bill ==> 剪枝器
  2262. hand-borne infection ==> 经手传染,经手传染
  2263. hand-built product ==> 手工品
  2264. hand-code ==> 手编程序
  2265. hand-coded analyser ==> 手编分析程序
  2266. hand-coded compiler ==> 手编编译程序,手工编制的编译程序
  2267. hand-compacted concrete ==> 人工捣实混凝土
  2268. hand-controlled grass cutter ==> 手动剪草机
  2269. hand-controlled regulator ==> 手动调整器
  2270. hand-controlled sprinkler ==> 手操纵喷灌器
  2271. hand-controlled target ==> 手控靶
  2272. hand-crusher ==> 手摇碎矿机,手摇轧碎机
  2273. hand-cut overlay ==> 手工垫版
  2274. hand-director ==> 手指规
  2275. hand-drawing method ==> 手扯长度法
  2276. hand-drive starter ==> 手摇起动机
  2277. hand-driven crab ==> 手摇起重绞车
  2278. hand-driven grinder ==> 手摇砂轮机
  2279. hand-driven twist counter ==> 手摇捻度计
  2280. hand-dug pit ==> 手掘井筒
  2281. hand-dynamo ==> 手摇发电机
  2282. hand-dynamometer ==> 握力计
  2283. hand-electric thinning shears ==> 电手两用削发剪
  2284. hand-eye machine ==> 手眼机器
  2285. hand-eye system ==> 手眼系统
  2286. hand-fed producer ==> 手工加料气体发生炉
  2287. hand-fed transplanter ==> 手置式移栽机
  2288. hand-feed punch ==> 手工输入穿孔机=>手動送りせん孔機
  2289. hand-filled face ==> 人工装载工作面
  2290. hand-filling ==> 人工包装
  2291. hand-finished ==> 手工整修
  2292. hand-fired boiler ==> 手烧锅炉
  2293. hand-fired furnace ==> 手烧炉膛
  2294. hand-firing ==> 手工燃烧
  2295. hand-fitting ==> 人工修配
  2296. hand-foot-and-muoth disease ==> 手足口病
  2297. hand-fork truck ==> 手动叉式装卸车
  2298. hand-formed brick ==> 手制砖
  2299. hand-gear shift lever ==> 手动换档杆
  2300. hand-ginned cotton ==> 手轧棉
  2301. hand-ginning ==> 手工轧棉
  2302. hand-go shower set with soap holder ==> 带皂托手动淋浴器
  2303. hand-goniometer ==> 手持测角仪
  2304. hand-hammer drilling ==> 手工凿岩
  2305. hand-handling ==> 手工操作,手工生产
  2306. hand-headset assembly ==> 手持头戴送受话器
  2307. hand-held ==> 手提式报话机
  2308. hand-held binocular ==> 手持式双目镜
  2309. hand-held calculator ==> 手持计算器
  2310. hand-held camera ==> 手持摄影机,手提摄影机
  2311. hand-held colour TV camera system ==> 手持式彩色电视摄像系统
  2312. hand-held computer ==> 手持计算机
  2313. hand-held computer (HHC) ==> 手持式计算机
  2314. hand-held design ==> 手提式
  2315. hand-held drifter ==> 手持式凿岩机
  2316. hand-held drill ==> 手持式风钻
  2317. hand-held drilling machine ==> 手持式凿岩机
  2318. hand-held knotting device ==> 手持式打结器
  2319. hand-held laser blinding gun ==> 手持式激光致盲枪
  2320. hand-held meter ==> 手持式曝光表
  2321. hand-held microphone ==> 手持式传声器
  2322. hand-held portable electric tool ==> 手提式轻便电力工具
  2323. hand-held power tool ==> 手扶动力工具
  2324. hand-held sinker ==> 手凿
  2325. hand-held thermal imager ==> 手持热像仪
  2326. hand-held TV camera ==> 手提电视摄像机
  2327. hand-held welder ==> 手动焊接机
  2328. hand-hold ==> 手持
  2329. hand-hold infrared alarm ==> 手持红外报警器
  2330. hand-holing ==> 人工打眼
  2331. hand-hydraulic steering gear ==> 手动液压操舵装置
  2332. hand-in-glove ==> 密切合作
  2333. hand-in-hand chain ==> 环形交叉链
  2334. hand-jack ==> 手动起重器
  2335. hand-kept ==> 手工记录
  2336. hand-knitting yarn ==> 手编绒线
  2337. hand-laid foundation ==> 手砌基础
  2338. hand-lamp ==> ハンドランプ
  2339. hand-lens magnifying glass ==> 放大镜
  2340. hand-level ==> 手持水平仪
  2341. hand-lift plow ==> 手起落式犁
  2342. hand-lift scraper ==> 手提升式刮土铲运机
  2343. hand-lift truck ==> 手动装卸车
  2344. hand-lifting ==> (甜菜)手拔
  2345. hand-liner ==> 手钓船
  2346. hand-lining ==> 手钓
  2347. hand-loaded ==> 人力加载
  2348. hand-luggage ==> 手提行李
  2349. hand-machine ==> 手动机,手力机
  2350. hand-made brick ==> 手制砖
  2351. hand-made glass ==> 人工制造的玻璃
  2352. hand-made lace ==> 手织花边
  2353. hand-made nail ==> 手制钉
  2354. hand-made overshoe ==> 手工套鞋
  2355. hand-made rug ==> 手织毛毯
  2356. hand-mallet ==> 手术锤
  2357. hand-measured staple length ==> 手扯纤维长度测定法
  2358. hand-microtelephone ==> 手持送受话器
  2359. hand-milking ==> 手工挤乳
  2360. hand-mixing ==> 手拌
  2361. hand-mo(u)ld process ==> 手工成型法
  2362. hand-mo(u)ld tile ==> 手工型瓦
  2363. hand-motion ==> 手带动
  2364. hand-on background ==> 工作经验
  2365. hand-operated ==> 手動
  2366. hand-operated air pump ==> 手动打气泵
  2367. hand-operated auger ==> 手摇螺旋钻
  2368. hand-operated barrow mounted sprayer ==> 推车式手压喷雾器
  2369. hand-operated bending roll ==> 手动弯曲辊
  2370. hand-operated brake valve ==> 手操纵制动阀
  2371. hand-operated chopper ==> 手摇切碎机
  2372. hand-operated direction valve ==> 手动换向阀
  2373. hand-operated distribution panel ==> 手动操作配电盘
  2374. hand-operated door ==> 手动启闭门
  2375. hand-operated duster ==> 手摇喷粉器
  2376. hand-operated electric drill ==> 手动电钻
  2377. hand-operated feed ==> 手动给进
  2378. hand-operated fruit press ==> 手摇水果榨汁机
  2379. hand-operated gear ==> 手传动装置
  2380. hand-operated grinder ==> 手摇研磨机
  2381. hand-operated gun ==> 手动水泥喷枪
  2382. hand-operated hydraulic press ==> 手动液压机
  2383. hand-operated jack ==> 手操作千斤顶
  2384. hand-operated jig ==> 手动跳汰机
  2385. hand-operated knapsack sprayer ==> 背负式手动喷射器
  2386. hand-operated overhang crane ==> 手动单梁桥吊
  2387. hand-operated propeller ==> 手操推进器
  2388. hand-operated pump ==> 手摇泵
  2389. hand-operated push feed ==> 手动推断送进
  2390. hand-operated reel ==> 手摇卷线车
  2391. hand-operated regulator ==> 手动调节器
  2392. hand-operated rice transplanter ==> 人力水稻插秧机
  2393. hand-operated rocker arm ==> 手动摇臂
  2394. hand-operated rotary cutting tools ==> 手动旋转式切削工具
  2395. hand-operated rotary duster ==> 手摇施转式喷粉器
  2396. hand-operated screed ==> 手工整平板
  2397. hand-operated screw press ==> 手动螺旋压力机
  2398. hand-operated service lift ==> 手动杂务梯
  2399. hand-operated slide feed ==> 手动滑板送料
  2400. hand-operated soil disinfector ==> 手动土壤消毒器
  2401. hand-operated starter ==> 手动起动器
  2402. hand-operated switch ==> 手动开关
  2403. hand-operated tipping drive ==> 手动倾翻传动装置
  2404. hand-operated traverser ==> 手工操纵转车台
  2405. hand-operated valve ==> 手动阀,手控阀
  2406. hand-operated valves ==> 手动阀
  2407. hand-operated vertical hydraulic press ==> 手动立式液力压榨机
  2408. hand-operated vertical screw press ==> 手摇立式螺旋压榨机
  2409. hand-operated vibrating screed ==> 手工振动式整平板
  2410. hand-operated winch ==> 手摇绞车
  2411. hand-operating crank ==> 手摇起动柄
  2412. hand-operating device ==> 手动操作装置
  2413. hand-operating lever ==> 手操作杆
  2414. hand-operating mechanism ==> 手动机构
  2415. hand-packed rockfill ==> 人工抛石
  2416. hand-packing strip ==> 人工充填带
  2417. hand-picked ==> 手拣=>手摘み
  2418. hand-picked reject ==> 手拣矸石
  2419. hand-pitched base ==> 手铺小块石底层
  2420. hand-pitched broken stone ==> 手铺碎石
  2421. hand-placed concrete ==> 人工浇筑混凝土
  2422. hand-plaited straw articles ==> 草编织品
  2423. hand-plant ==> 手栽幼苗
  2424. hand-poked producer ==> 手工出灰气体发生器
  2425. hand-polished ==> 手工抛光的
  2426. hand-pollinate ==> 人工授粉
  2427. hand-power service lift ==> 手动杂务梯
  2428. hand-power(ed) ==> 手摇
  2429. hand-powered capstan ==> 手动起锚机
  2430. hand-powered cutter ==> 手动切刀,手动切断机
  2431. hand-powered emergency transmitter ==> 手摇供电式紧急发信机
  2432. hand-powered knapsack sprayer ==> 手动背负式喷雾器
  2433. hand-press ==> 手摇印刷机
  2434. hand-press printing ==> 手摇印刷
  2435. hand-pressing ==> 押手
  2436. hand-printed character recognition ==> 手写体字符识别
  2437. hand-propelled compacting machine ==> 手推夯实机
  2438. hand-propelled generator ==> (路面加热用)手推式发生器
  2439. hand-propelled tripper ==> 手摇推进式倾料器
  2440. hand-pushed indicator diagram ==> 手拉示功图
  2441. hand-rabbled furnace ==> 人工搅拌炉,人工炉
  2442. hand-rabbled roaster ==> 人工烤炉
  2443. hand-rail bolt ==> 扶手螺栓
  2444. hand-rail plane ==> 扶手刨
  2445. hand-rail punch ==> 扶手螺栓旋凿
  2446. hand-raked furnace ==> 人工炉
  2447. hand-raked roaster ==> 人工烤炉
  2448. hand-regulated arc lamp ==> 手调弧光灯
  2449. hand-regulating expansion valve ==> 手调节膨胀阀
  2450. hand-reset ==> 手動復帰
  2451. hand-reset relay ==> 手動復帰継電器
  2452. hand-reset==hand-reset… ==> 手動復帰(継電器)
  2453. hand-restoring ==> 手动复原,手力复原
  2454. hand-restoring indicator ==> 手动复归信号器
  2455. hand-rodding ==> 手工捣固
  2456. hand-rope operation ==> 手绳操作
  2457. hand-run tucks ==> 手打褶裥
  2458. Hand-Schuller Christian disease ==> 慢性特发性黄瘤病
  2459. hand-screw ==> 手动起重器
  2460. hand-screw vulcanizing press ==> 手旋硫化机
  2461. hand-set bit ==> 手工镶嵌金刚石钻头
  2462. hand-sewn seam ==> 手缝接缝
  2463. hand-sort ==> 手拣,手选
  2464. hand-sort card ==> 手动分类卡片
  2465. hand-sorting ==> 手工分选
  2466. hand-sorting table ==> 手选台
  2467. hand-spun ==> 手纺纱
  2468. hand-stand tool ==> 倒立器
  2469. hand-stoked ==> 手工加煤
  2470. hand-stuff ==> 人工填料
  2471. hand-tamped ==> 手捣,手筑
  2472. hand-tank grease gun ==> 手压罐式黄油枪
  2473. hand-threshed paddy ==> 手脱的稻谷
  2474. hand-tipping type ladle ==> 人工倾斜式金属桶
  2475. hand-to-mouth buying ==> 现买现卖,即用即购方式
  2476. hand-trip control ==> 手动跳闸把手
  2477. hand-winch take-up ==> 手摇绞车拉紧装置
  2478. hand-won face ==> 手工开采工作面
  2479. hand-worked lift ==> 手动升降机
  2480. hand-worked roaster ==> 人工操作焙烧炉
  2481. hand-written character ==> 手写字符
  2482. hand-written compiler ==> 手编编译程序
  2483. hand-written information ==> 手写信息
  2484. hand-written numeral recognition ==> 手写数字识别
  2485. handaspirated type ==> 手捏吸气式
  2486. handball court ==> 手球场
  2487. handball playground ==> 手球场
  2488. handbell ==> 手摇铃
  2489. handbook ==> 手册=>ハンドブック
  2490. handbow ==> 手弓
  2491. handcar ==> 手动车,手摇车
  2492. handcart ==> 手拉小车
  2493. handcontrolled manipulation ==> 手控操纵
  2494. handdrill ==> 手持式凿岩机
  2495. handdrive ==> 手传动
  2496. handedness ==> 手型性,旋向性
  2497. handel ==> 镜臂,镜臂
  2498. hander ==> 支持器
  2499. handgoniometer ==> 接触测角仪
  2500. handgravure ==> 手工凹印
  2501. handgrip ==> 把,紧握
  2502. handhold ==> 紧握,拉手,栏杆,把
  2503. handhole ==> 手孔,探孔
  2504. handhole and manhole openings ==> 手孔和人孔开口
  2505. handhole cover ==> 观察孔盖
  2506. handhole door ==> 贮水槽门,注油管,手洞门
  2507. handhole flange nipple ==> 手孔凸缘螺纹接套
  2508. handhole nipple cap ==> 手孔接头盖
  2509. handhole plate ==> 手孔板
  2510. handhole plate bolt ==> 手孔板螺栓
  2511. handhole plate gasket ==> 手孔板垫密片
  2512. handhole with butt welded flange ==> 对焊法兰手孔
  2513. handhole with flat cover ==> 平盖手孔
  2514. handhole yoke ==> 手孔轭
  2515. handhole, HH ==> ハンドホール
  2516. handicap ==> 缺陷
  2517. handicapped child ==> 残废儿童
  2518. handicraft ==> 手工业,手工艺品
  2519. handicraft industry ==> 手工业
  2520. handicraftsman ==> 手艺人
  2521. handie talkie ==> 步谈机
  2522. handie-lookie ==> 手提电视照相机
  2523. handie-talkie ==> 手提步话机,手提式步话机,手提式无线电电话机,舰对岸手提无线电
  2524. handiness ==> 操纵方便,灵巧,易操纵性
  2525. handing of door ==> 门扇开关方向
  2526. handing operation ==> 管理工作
  2527. handing profits over to the state ==> 财政上交
  2528. handing time ==> 辅助工作时间
  2529. handiwork ==> 手工制品
  2530. handkerchief ==> 手帕
  2531. handlance with nozzle ==> 带喷嘴的手喷枪
  2532. handle ==> 句柄,句柄,拉手,耳,铲柄,把手,办理
  2533. handle a case ==> 办案
  2534. handle air blower ==> 手用吹风器,皮老虎
  2535. handle bar ==> 车把
  2536. handle bar bolt ==> 手杆螺栓
  2537. handle bar bushing ==> 手杆衬套
  2538. handle bar clamping ring ==> 把手杆夹圈
  2539. handle bar end nut ==> 把手端螺母
  2540. handle bar grip ==> 手杆柄
  2541. handle bar guide tube ==> 手柄杆导管
  2542. handle bar plug ==> 把手塞
  2543. handle bar plunger ==> 把手柱塞
  2544. handle bar spiral ==> 把手螺旋
  2545. handle credit ==> 经营信贷,经营信贷
  2546. handle extension ==> 手柄伸长部
  2547. handle for cover close ==> 机盖压紧手轮
  2548. handle for die block ==> 模具把
  2549. handle for pan position ==> 旋转锅体用手轮
  2550. handle for regulating vibration speed ==> 振动速率调节手柄
  2551. handle for valve stem ==> 阀杆手柄
  2552. handle gouge ==> 带柄半圆凿,带柄圆凿
  2553. handle guide plate ==> 手柄导板
  2554. handle hay rake ==> 小型草耙
  2555. handle head ==> 句柄头,句柄头
  2556. handle hole ==> 操作孔
  2557. handle knob ==> 捏手
  2558. handle lever ==> 手柄杆
  2559. handle lever fastening bolt ==> 手柄杆螺栓
  2560. handle lock nut ==> 手柄防松螺母,手柄锁紧螺母
  2561. handle locking ==> 手柄锁紧
  2562. handle magneto ==> 手摇磁电机
  2563. handle of dental forceps ==> 拔牙钳柄部
  2564. handle of malleus ==> 锤骨柄
  2565. handle pin ==> 手柄销
  2566. handle position ==> 手柄位置
  2567. handle set screw ==> 车辆制动螺钉
  2568. handle setting knob ==> 手柄设定旋钮
  2569. handle setting plate ==> 手柄固定板
  2570. handle setting shaft ==> 手柄固定轴
  2571. handle setting spring ==> 手柄固定弹簧
  2572. handle shears ==> 圈把剪刀
  2573. handle socket ==> 手柄窝
  2574. handle stickling machine ==> 贴柄机
  2575. handle strength ==> 手扯强力
  2576. handle with care ==> 小心安放,小心轻放
  2577. handle-adjustable wrench ==> 双开活动扳手
  2578. handle-insulated ==> 柄绝缘自动剥线器
  2579. handle-type fuse ==> 把手式保险丝,手柄型保险丝
  2580. handlead sounding ==> 手锤测深
  2581. handlead survey ==> 手锤测深
  2582. handlebar ==> 手柄杆,把手,操纵柄
  2583. handlebar grip ==> 车把手握柄
  2584. handlebar stem ==> 车把手杆
  2585. handled television camera ==> 手持电视摄像机
  2586. handler ==> 操纵者,处理程序,处理机,处理器,处理器,推垛机,装卸装置
  2587. handler belt ==> 搬送ベルト
  2588. handler routine ==> 处理程序的例行程序
  2589. handline ==> 手钓丝
  2590. handling ==> 操作操纵,键控,操作,装运,装卸,处理,维护,管理=>ハンドリング,出荷
  2591. handling ability ==> 处理能力
  2592. handling airlock ==> 操作气闸
  2593. handling and loading ==> 搬装
  2594. handling and transportation ==> 装卸与运输
  2595. handling apparatus ==> 起吊装置
  2596. handling breakage ==> 装运中的破裂
  2597. handling bridge ==> 桥形装卸机
  2598. handling capacity ==> 输送能力,装卸能力,处理容量
  2599. handling cask ==> 装卸容器
  2600. handling characteristic ==> 操纵特性
  2601. handling characteristics ==> 加工性能
  2602. handling charges ==> 操作费用,管理成本
  2603. handling conditioning of air ==> 空气调节
  2604. handling container ==> 集装箱
  2605. handling control centre ==> 操作控制中心
  2606. handling costs ==> 操作费用,管理成本
  2607. handling crane ==> 装卸吊车,桥式装卸吊
  2608. handling crew ==> 管理人员
  2609. handling device ==> 操作设备,装卸设备
  2610. handling dolly ==> 燃料传送车
  2611. handling ease ==> 便于加工,加工容易
  2612. handling equipment ==> 搬运设备,装卸设备,起重运输设备
  2613. handling facility ==> 起重运输设备,装卸设备,操纵灵便
  2614. handling failure ==> 处理故障,处理失效
  2615. handling fee ==> 手续费
  2616. handling fees ==> 操作费用,管理成本
  2617. handling frame ==> 操作架
  2618. handling grab ==> 装卸抓钩
  2619. handling guy ==> 搬运索
  2620. handling hall ==> 操作大厅
  2621. handling hole ==> 装卸孔,吊环螺钉孔
  2622. handling instruction ==> 操作说明
  2623. handling knob ==> 操作球头,承抓球头
  2624. handling loss ==> 装卸损失
  2625. handling machinery ==> 装卸设备
  2626. handling of land ==> 土地开发
  2627. handling of plants ==> 田间管理
  2628. handling of purchase orders ==> 受注管理
  2629. handling operation ==> 装卸作业,连续操作
  2630. handling problem ==> 处理问题
  2631. handling radius ==> 吊车伸出臂半径
  2632. handling rail ==> 地面操作扶手
  2633. handling safety ==> 操作安全
  2634. handling scratch ==> 装运擦伤
  2635. handling shock ==> 装卸振动
  2636. handling system ==> 装卸系统,装卸运输系统,处理系统,搬运系统
  2637. handling technique ==> 装运方法
  2638. handling technology ==> 控制工程
  2639. handling time ==> 装卸时间,处理时间
  2640. handling yard ==> 装卸场
  2641. handling-and-storage equipment ==> 装卸运输与储藏设备
  2642. handmade article ==> 手工品
  2643. handmade brick ==> 手工砖
  2644. handmade paper ==> 手抄纸
  2645. handmower ==> 手推剪草机
  2646. handover ==> 交接,图像拖尾
  2647. handpick ==> 手镐
  2648. handpick miner ==> 手工采掘工
  2649. handpicked ==> 手摘的,精选的=>(茶・果実)手摘みの
  2650. handpiece ==> 手持件,机头
  2651. handpost ==> 道標
  2652. handpress ==> 手动印刷机
  2653. handprint ==> 手纹
  2654. handprint data-entry terminal ==> 手写体数据输入终端
  2655. handprinted numeral ==> 手写印刷体数字
  2656. handpump ==> 手压泵
  2657. handrail ==> 栏杆,扶手=>手すり
  2658. handrail bracket ==> 扶栏托架
  2659. handrail dimensions ==> 手すり寸法
  2660. handrail height ==> 扶手高度
  2661. handrail of staircase ==> 楼梯扶手
  2662. handrail screw ==> 扶手螺丝
  2663. handrail scroll ==> 扶手涡卷端
  2664. handrail space ==> 扶手空间
  2665. handrailing ==> 扶栏杆
  2666. hands off ==> 手动断路
  2667. hands-free telephone ==> 非手持式电话
  2668. hands-off ==> 手拉闸
  2669. hands-off control ==> 放手操纵
  2670. hands-off economics ==> 不干预经济学
  2671. hands-off operation ==> 不开放式操作
  2672. hands-off policy ==> 不干涉政策
  2673. hands-off speed ==> 离手速度
  2674. hands-on ==> 动手上机,实际训练,实践经验,交互性工作
  2675. hands-on background ==> 实际工作能力
  2676. hands-on operation ==> 内行操作
  2677. handsaw ==> 手锯
  2678. handscrew ==> 木框螺栓夹板
  2679. handscroll of painting ==> 画卷
  2680. handset ==> 电话听筒,送受话器,手持的小型装置,手持收发话筒,手机,手提步话机,听筒=>送受器
  2681. handset bit ==> 活钻头
  2682. handset punched tape ==> 手机穿孔带
  2683. handshake ==> 信号交换,握手
  2684. handshake control ==> 信号交换输入输出控制
  2685. handshaking ==> 信号交换,同步交换,信号交换
  2686. handshaking protocol ==> 交接规约程序
  2687. handspike ==> 杠,手杆,铁柄
  2688. handstone ==> 小石子
  2689. handtrap ==> 手掷靶装置
  2690. handwash basin ==> 洗手器
  2691. handweaving ==> 手织业
  2692. handwheel ==> 手轮机构,操纵轮,转向盘=>ハンドホイール
  2693. handwheel switch ==> 手轮开关
  2694. handwork ==> 手工作业
  2695. handwork hood ==> 手工操作通风柜
  2696. handwriting ==> 手迹
  2697. handwriting reader ==> 手写体阅读机
  2698. handwritten form ==> 手写体
  2699. handwritten signature ==> 亲笔签字
  2700. handy ==> 轻便,手边,便,便当的,便携的,便于使用的
  2701. handy concrete mixer ==> 手动混凝土搅拌机
  2702. handy digital tachometer ==> 手持式数字转速表
  2703. handy microtome ==> 轻便切片机
  2704. handy-size bulk carrier ==> 轻型散装货轮
  2705. handy-size clean carrier ==> 轻型轻油油轮
  2706. handy-size dirty carrier ==> 轻型重油油轮
  2707. handy-talkie ==> 手持式步话机
  2708. handy-type computer ==> 便携式台式计,便携式台式计算机
  2709. handybilly ==> 轻便消防泵
  2710. HANDYMAX Bulk Carrier 35,000-50,000 DWT ==> 装载工具总载重公吨位为35000——50000
  2711. HANDYSIZE Bulk Carrier 10,000-35,000 DWT ==> 装载工具总载重公吨位为10000——35000
  2712. hang bolt ==> 吊螺栓
  2713. hang dry ==> 悬干
  2714. hang fire behavior ==> 迟缓点火状态
  2715. hang fire tyre ==> 防击轮胎
  2716. hang paper ==> (美俚)假造支票
  2717. hang scoop scale ==> 吊盘秤
  2718. hang spring ==> 吊丝
  2719. hang throttle button ==> 手油门按钮
  2720. hang-nail ==> 甲刺
  2721. hang-over ==> 释放延迟
  2722. hang-over delay ==> 释放延迟时间
  2723. hang-type breather ==> 悬挂式吸湿器
  2724. hangar ==> 飞机库,棚厂,机库
  2725. hangar bay ==> 航空機格納庫
  2726. hangar deck ==> 机库甲板
  2727. hangar-deck ==> 棚厂甲板
  2728. hanger ==> 钩子,垂饰,吊杆,吊钩,吊挂件,吊架,吊具,起锭器,陡坡林地,悬架,上盘,悬挂器=>ハンガ(トロリ線),ハンガー
  2729. hanger abrator ==> 悬挂式抛丸清理机
  2730. hanger bearing ==> 悬挂支承,吊轴承
  2731. hanger bearing assembly ==> 悬管轴承组合
  2732. hanger bolt ==> 吊挂螺栓,吊架螺栓,吊螺栓
  2733. hanger bolt head ==> 吊架螺栓头
  2734. hanger box ==> 悬挂轴承盒
  2735. hanger bracket ==> 悬架
  2736. hanger brick ==> 挂耳砖
  2737. hanger crack ==> 悬挂裂纹
  2738. hanger frame ==> 吊架
  2739. hanger lever ==> 吊架杆
  2740. hanger lope ==> 吊缆
  2741. hanger pin ==> 挂钩销
  2742. hanger plank ==> 吊架板
  2743. hanger plate ==> 吊板
  2744. hanger rail ==> 吊轨
  2745. hanger rod ==> 吊杆,悬挂棒
  2746. hanger shafting ==> 吊轴系
  2747. hanger spring ==> 吊挂弹簧
  2748. hanger-iron ==> 挂铁
  2749. hanger-on ==> 缠附物
  2750. hanging arch ==> 吊拱,悬顶
  2751. hanging armo(u)r jacket ==> 吊挂式炉喉保护板
  2752. hanging bar ==> 吊杠
  2753. hanging basket ==> 吊篮,悬篮
  2754. hanging beam ==> 吊梁
  2755. hanging bearing ==> 悬吊轴承
  2756. hanging brace ==> 吊撑
  2757. hanging bracket ==> 吊架
  2758. hanging bridge ==> 悬桥
  2759. hanging buttress ==> 悬挂支墩
  2760. hanging case ==> 吊柜
  2761. hanging clinometer ==> 悬式测斜器
  2762. hanging clock ==> 挂钟
  2763. hanging coal ==> 悬空煤
  2764. hanging compass ==> 倒置罗经,倒置罗径,悬式罗盘
  2765. hanging container ==> 衣架货柜
  2766. hanging curtain ==> 帘
  2767. hanging cutter ==> 直犁刀
  2768. hanging drier ==> 悬挂式干燥器
  2769. hanging drop ==> 悬滴
  2770. hanging drop cell ==> 悬滴槽
  2771. hanging drop preparation ==> 悬滴标本
  2772. hanging drop technique ==> 悬滴术
  2773. hanging drop test ==> 悬滴试验
  2774. hanging fan ==> 吊扇
  2775. hanging fascia ==> 挂落
  2776. hanging figures ==> 老式数字体
  2777. hanging garden ==> 悬园
  2778. hanging garment container ==> 衣架货柜
  2779. hanging glacier ==> 悬冰川
  2780. hanging guide ==> 吊挂护板
  2781. hanging gutter ==> 吊挂檐槽,吊挂檐沟
  2782. hanging lamp ==> 吊灯
  2783. hanging latticed architrave ==> 吊挂眉子
  2784. hanging layer ==> 上盘岩层
  2785. hanging leader ==> 悬挂式打桩导架
  2786. hanging level ==> 悬式水准仪,悬水准管
  2787. hanging load ==> 悬重
  2788. hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) ==> 悬汞滴电极
  2789. hanging mercury electrode ==> 悬汞电极
  2790. hanging nozzle drier ==> 悬挂式喷气烘燥机
  2791. hanging pillar ==> 吊柱,悬柱
  2792. hanging pipe clamp anchor ==> 吊管卡座
  2793. hanging post ==> 吊柱
  2794. hanging post truss ==> 吊柱桁架
  2795. hanging power hay mower ==> 悬挂式牵引割草机
  2796. hanging ring ==> 吊环,提手
  2797. hanging rod for pipe ==> 管子拉杆
  2798. hanging roof ==> 悬挂屋盖
  2799. hanging rooms ==> 悬化室
  2800. hanging rotary dyer ==> 悬挂式旋转染色机
  2801. hanging sash ==> 吊窗
  2802. hanging scaffold ==> 吊盘,挂脚手架
  2803. hanging scaffolding ==> 悬臂脚手架=>つり足場
  2804. hanging scoop scale ==> 吊盘秤
  2805. hanging screen ==> 吊墙,帘
  2806. hanging scroll ==> 吊挂卷轴
  2807. hanging set ==> 悬挂垛盘的木框,基础垛盘
  2808. hanging sheave ==> 悬吊滑轮,悬吊滑轮
  2809. hanging side ==> 上盘
  2810. hanging sleeve ==> 悬垂袖
  2811. hanging stage ==> 悬臂脚手架
  2812. hanging stairs ==> 悬空楼梯
  2813. hanging stick ==> 悬杆
  2814. hanging support ==> 悬挂式支座
  2815. hanging telephone set ==> 挂式电话机
  2816. hanging test ==> 悬挂试验
  2817. hanging tie ==> 悬吊系杆
  2818. hanging tongs ==> 吊钳
  2819. hanging truss ==> 吊柱桁架
  2820. hanging valley ==> 悬谷
  2821. hanging valve ==> 吊阀,翻板阀
  2822. hanging wall ==> 顶壁,上盘
  2823. hanging wall case ==> 吊柜
  2824. hanging-bucket conveyer ==> 吊斗式输送机
  2825. hanging-drop atomizer ==> 悬滴雾化器,悬滴雾化器
  2826. hanging-drop culture ==> 悬滴培养
  2827. hanging-drop preparation ==> 悬滴培养,悬滴装置
  2828. hanging-wall drift ==> 上盘平巷
  2829. hangingwall leg ==> 上盘立柱
  2830. hangingwall side ==> 上盘
  2831. hangingwall waste ==> 上盘废石
  2832. hangover fire ==> 潜燃火
  2833. hangover time ==> 闭锁时间
  2834. Hangzhou ==> 杭州=>杭州,ハンチョウ,こうしゅう
  2835. Hangzhou Baysea-Crossing Bridge ==> 杭州湾跨海大桥(Hangzhouwan Kuahai Daqiao)=>杭州湾海上大橋
  2836. Hanhart's nanism ==> 汉哈特氏侏儒症
  2837. hank ==> 丝绞,卷线轴,卷线轴,一绞,归龙
  2838. hank (unit of length) ==> 绞
  2839. hank circumference measuring apparatus ==> 绞纱圈长测长器
  2840. hank reel ==> 摇绞机
  2841. hank reeling machine ==> 摇纱机,复摇机,成绞机
  2842. hank scouring machine ==> 散纱洗涤机
  2843. hank sizing machine ==> 绞纱上浆机
  2844. hank spraying washing machine ==> 丝绞淋洗机
  2845. hank spreading device ==> 绷绞机
  2846. hank winder ==> 绞纱络筒机
  2847. hank yarn drier ==> 绞纱烘燥机
  2848. hank yarn strength tester ==> 绞纱强力试验机
  2849. hank yarn stretching & beating machine ==> 绞纱松纱机
  2850. Hankel function ==> 汉克尔函数
  2851. Hankel transform ==> 汉克尔变换
  2852. hanksite ==> 碳酸芒硝
  2853. Hanna's curve ==> 哈那曲线
  2854. Hanning method ==> 汉宁方法
  2855. hanolamine salt ==> 磺胺甲磺酸三乙醇胺盐
  2856. Hanover metal ==> 汉诺威合金
  2857. Hans Christian Oersted, 1777-1851 ==> エルステッド,電流の磁気作用の発見者
  2858. Hansa brilliant yellow ==> 汉撒艳黄
  2859. Hansa yellow ==> 汉萨黄
  2860. Hansch equation ==> 汉希方程式
  2861. Hansen coefficient ==> 汉森系数
  2862. Hansen's bacillus ==> 麻风分枝杆菌
  2863. Hansens bacillus ==> 汉森氏杆菌
  2864. Hansgirg process ==> 高温碳素还原制镁法
  2865. Hanshin expressway ==> 阪神高速道路
  2866. Hanson unit ==> 汉森单位
  2867. Hanson's unit ==> 甲状旁腺提出物的生物鉴定单位
  2868. Hantzsch pyridine synthesis ==> 汉栖吡啶合成法
  2869. Hantzsch synthesis ==> 汉奇合成
  2870. Hanus solution ==> 哈纳斯溶液
  2871. HAPA, handling and pointing aid ==> 操作と指向支援
  2872. Hapag-Lloyd Container Line ==> 赫伯罗特,一家德国船公司,柜子通常为橘黄色
  2873. haphazard ==> 偶然
  2874. haphazard plan ==> 盲目的计划
  2875. haphazard sampling ==> 無意識の標本
  2876. haphazard selection ==> 任意抽选
  2877. haphazard thoughts ==> 計画性のない考え
  2878. haphazard weight ==> 任意权数
  2879. haploid breeding ==> 单倍体育种
  2880. haploid breeding by pollen culture ==> 花粉单倍体育种方法
  2881. haploid embryo ==> 单倍体胚
  2882. haploid parthenogenesis ==> 单倍体孤雌生殖
  2883. HAPP, High Altitude Pollution Program ==> 高々度大気汚染調査計画
  2884. happy ==> 快乐,幸福=>幸福な
  2885. happy brain ==> 幸福脑=>幸せ脳
  2886. happy camper ==> とても幸せな人
  2887. happy coincidence ==> 幸運な偶然の一致
  2888. happy feeling ==> 幸せな気持ち
  2889. happy for no apparent reason ==> 訳もなくうれしくて
  2890. happy heart ==> 明るい気持ち
  2891. happy home ==> 円満な家庭
  2892. happy hunting ground ==> 絶好の場,都合のいい場所
  2893. happy idea ==> いい思い付き,名案
  2894. happy lot ==> 幸福な運命
  2895. happy mood ==> 幸福な気分
  2896. hapten or partial antigen ==> 半抗原或部分抗原
  2897. haptic information ==> 触觉信息=>触覚情報
  2898. haptic pedal ==> ハプティックペダル
  2899. haptic pen ==> ハプティックペン
  2900. haptics ==> 触觉论(遥操作或虚拟环境中的触觉信息的传递)=>ハプティクス
  2901. haptograph ==> ハプトグラフ
  2902. haptophore group ==> 结合簇
  2903. harass ==> 扰,扰乱
  2904. harass the people and waste money ==> 劳民伤财
  2905. harassing agent ==> 扰乱性战剂
  2906. harassing fire ==> 扰乱性射击
  2907. harassment ==> 苦しませること,迷惑
  2908. Harbann generator ==> 哈本振荡器,分裂阳极磁控管振荡器
  2909. harbann generator ==> 哈本振荡器,分裂阳极磁控管振荡器
  2910. Harbers earth current ammeter ==> 哈勃接地电流计
  2911. Harbin white pig ==> 哈白猪
  2912. harbor ==> 港湾
  2913. harbor barge ==> 港口驳船,码头驳船
  2914. harbor basin ==> 港池,港域
  2915. harbor charge ==> 港口包干费=>入港料
  2916. harbor chart ==> 海港航图
  2917. harbor district ==> 港区
  2918. harbor dues ==> 港税,入港费
  2919. harbor engineering ==> 港口工程,海港工程学
  2920. harbor entrance ==> 港口
  2921. harbor entrance jetty ==> 港口进口导堤
  2922. harbor equipment ==> 码头装卸设备
  2923. harbor equipments ==> 海港设备
  2924. harbor extension ==> 港口扩建
  2925. harbor ferry ==> 港口渡船
  2926. harbor handling equipment ==> 码头装卸设备
  2927. harbor improvement ==> 港口整治
  2928. harbor light ==> 港口灯
  2929. harbor limit ==> 港界
  2930. harbor line ==> 港口线,港区界线,海港线
  2931. harbor model ==> 港工模型,港口模型
  2932. harbor plan ==> 港口平面图
  2933. harbor radio ==> 港湾無線
  2934. harbor reach ==> 港口河段
  2935. harbor risk ==> 港口险
  2936. harbor surging ==> 港域水面振动
  2937. harbor volume ==> 港域容积
  2938. harbor work ==> 港工
  2939. harbor worker ==> 码头工人
  2940. harbour construction ==> 港口建筑
  2941. harbour crane ==> 岸上起重机
  2942. harbour echo-ranging and listening device ==> 海港超声波测听器
  2943. harbour facilities ==> 港口设备
  2944. harbour installations ==> 海港设备
  2945. harbour mole ==> 海港防波堤
  2946. harbour pollution ==> 港口污染
  2947. harbour radar ==> 海港雷达
  2948. Harbour Reclamations and the Environment ==> 《填海计划与环境》
  2949. harbour subzone (water control zone) ==> 海港分区(水质管制区)
  2950. harbour tug ==> 港口拖船
  2951. harbour works ==> 海港工程
  2952. HARC, Houston Area Research Center ==> ヒューストン地域研究センター
  2953. Harcourt pentane lamp ==> (用作光度标准器)哈尔考特戊烷灯
  2954. hard ==> 反差强,难,坚硬
  2955. hard (carbon) black ==> 硬质炭黑
  2956. hard (china) clay ==> 硬质陶土
  2957. hard acid ==> 硬酸
  2958. hard adder ==> 硬加法器
  2959. hard aggregate ==> 硬质骨料
  2960. hard alloy ==> 硬合金,硬质合金,高强度合金
  2961. hard alloy cutter ==> 硬质合金刀具
  2962. hard alloy grinding block ==> 硬质合金磨块
  2963. hard alloy steel ==> 硬合金钢,硬质合金钢
  2964. hard aluminium ==> 硬铝
  2965. hard arc ==> 强电弧
  2966. hard area ==> 硬区
  2967. hard asbestos refractory ==> 硬石棉耐火垫
  2968. hard ash coal ==> 硬灰煤
  2969. hard asphalt ==> 硬地沥青,硬沥青
  2970. hard axis ==> 难釉,难轴
  2971. hard bark ==> 硬皮
  2972. hard base ==> 硬碱
  2973. hard base rock ==> 硬基岩
  2974. hard bast ==> 硬韧皮部
  2975. hard beach ==> 硬底海滩
  2976. hard bearing balancing machine ==> 硬支承平衡机
  2977. hard black ==> 硬烟末
  2978. hard blister ==> 玻璃内部气泡
  2979. hard board ==> 高压板
  2980. hard board mill wastewater ==> 硬纸板厂废水
  2981. hard boiling ==> 硬熬
  2982. hard borosilicate glass ==> 硬质硼硅玻璃
  2983. hard bottom ==> 硬底,硬土
  2984. hard braking ==> 紧急制动,急刹车
  2985. hard brass ==> 硬黄铜
  2986. hard brazing ==> 硬焊
  2987. hard bread ==> (救生艇用)压缩饼干
  2988. hard breakdown ==> 硬击穿,刚性击空
  2989. hard brittle material ==> 脆性材料
  2990. hard brittle rock ==> 硬脆岩石
  2991. hard bronze ==> 硬青铜
  2992. hard bubble ==> 硬磁泡,硬泡
  2993. hard bubble suppression ==> 硬泡抑制
  2994. hard burned ==> 高温焙烧过的
  2995. hard carbide ==> 硬质合金
  2996. hard carbide industry ==> 硬质合金工业
  2997. hard carbon ==> 硬碳
  2998. hard cash ==> 现金,现款
  2999. hard cast iron ==> 硬铸铁
  3000. hard casting ==> 硬铸件,硬铸铁
  3001. hard cemented soil ==> 硬结土
  3002. hard center noz ==> 耐磨插芯喷嘴
  3003. hard center nozzle ==> 硬芯喷嘴
  3004. hard centre ==> 硬质的夹心
  3005. hard chrome ==> 硬铬
  3006. hard chrome plating ==> 镀硬铬
  3007. hard chromium ==> 厚层镀铬,硬铬,硬铬镀层
  3008. hard chromium plated tool ==> 硬质镀铬工具
  3009. hard chromium plating ==> 硬铬镀层,镀硬铬
  3010. hard clamping ==> 硬性钳位
  3011. hard clay ==> 硬粘土,硬质粘土
  3012. hard coal ==> 硬煤,欧洲对烟煤、无烟煤的统称
  3013. hard coat ==> 硬膜
  3014. hard coated seed ==> 硬壳种子
  3015. hard coating ==> 硬質膜
  3016. hard coffee ==> 硬质咖啡,劣等咖啡
  3017. hard colors ==> 硬彩
  3018. hard component ==> 硬成分
  3019. hard conditions ==> 刚性条件
  3020. hard contact ==> 金属触点,硬触点
  3021. hard contract ==> 苛刻的合同
  3022. hard cook ==> 硬煮
  3023. hard copies printer ==> 复制印字机
  3024. hard copper ==> 冷加工铜,硬铜
  3025. hard copper wire ==> 硬铜线
  3026. hard copy ==> 硬抄本,硬拷贝,复印件,复印文本,复制件,印刷记录,可读复制资料=>ハードコピー,印字出力
  3027. hard copy log ==> 硬拷贝记录
  3028. hard copy output ==> 硬拷贝输出
  3029. hard copy printing terminal ==> 硬拷贝打印终端
  3030. hard copy task(HCT) ==> 硬拷贝任务
  3031. hard copy terminal ==> 硬拷贝终端
  3032. hard copy video interface ==> 硬拷贝视频接口
  3033. hard core ==> 硬核,碎砖石垫层
  3034. hard core cusp ==> 硬芯会切
  3035. hard cosmic ray ==> 硬宇宙线
  3036. hard costs ==> 硬费用
  3037. hard court ==> 硬地网球场
  3038. hard cover ==> 硬封面书面
  3039. hard crepe ==> 硬绉绸
  3040. hard crown ==> 硬冕玻璃
  3041. hard cure ==> 硬焙烘
  3042. hard currency ==> 硬通货,紧俏货币
  3043. hard cutting ==> 硬岩掏槽
  3044. hard data ==> 硬数据
  3045. hard detergent ==> 硬洗涤剂,硬性洗涤剂
  3046. hard diamond like material ==> 硬的金刚石类材料
  3047. hard direction ==> 难磁化方向
  3048. hard direction of magnetization ==> 磁化困難方向
  3049. hard disk ==> 硬磁盘,硬盘
  3050. hard disk cartridge ==> 硬盘盒
  3051. hard disk controller ==> 硬磁盘控制器
  3052. hard disk cylinder ==> 硬盘柱,硬盘柱面
  3053. hard disk drive ==> 硬磁盘机,硬磁盘驱动器=>ハードディスクドライブ
  3054. hard disk driver ==> 硬磁盘机,硬磁盘驱动器
  3055. hard disk drives ==> ハードディスク装置
  3056. hard disk memory ==> 硬磁盘
  3057. hard disk pack ==> 硬磁盘片叠,硬盘叠
  3058. hard disk system ==> 硬盘系统
  3059. hard dough ==> 硬蜡熟
  3060. hard draw ==> 硬拉,硬冷拔,冷拉
  3061. hard drawing brass ==> 冷拉黄铜
  3062. hard drawn copper strand wire ==> 硬铜绞线
  3063. hard drawn copper stranded conductor ==> 硬铜绞合线
  3064. hard drawn copper wire ==> 硬铜线=>硬銅線
  3065. hard drawn wire ==> 冷拉线
  3066. hard drill ==> 硬钻
  3067. hard dry ==> 硬干
  3068. hard edged hammer ==> 硬缘锤
  3069. hard edges ==> 铸件毛刺
  3070. hard elastic fibre ==> 硬弹性纤维
  3071. hard elastic region ==> 硬弹性区域
  3072. hard electron ==> 硬电子,高能电子
  3073. hard error ==> 系统错误
  3074. hard error rate ==> 硬错误率
  3075. hard error status ==> 硬错状态
  3076. hard facility ==> 硬设施
  3077. hard facing ==> 表面耐磨堆焊,表面硬化=>肉盛り溶接
  3078. hard facing alloy ==> 硬面合金
  3079. hard failure ==> 硬失效
  3080. hard fat ==> 硬脂
  3081. hard feed water ==> 硬给水
  3082. hard feeder ==> 难肥家畜
  3083. hard ferrite ==> 硬磁铁氧体
  3084. hard fescue ==> 硬羊茅
  3085. hard fiber ==> 硬纤维
  3086. hard fiber plug ==> 硬纤维塞
  3087. hard fibre ==> 硬质纤维,钢纸
  3088. hard fibre bearing ==> 硬刚纸轴承
  3089. hard fibre board ==> 硬质纤维板
  3090. hard fibre core ==> 硬纤维芯
  3091. hard fibre washer ==> 硬纤维垫圈
  3092. hard fibreboard ==> 硬质纤维板
  3093. hard fibroma ==> 硬纤维瘤
  3094. hard filler ==> 硬填缝料
  3095. hard film ==> 硬膜,硬性底片
  3096. hard finish ==> 硬质罩面,抹灰压光面
  3097. hard finishing ==> 硬挺整理
  3098. hard fire ==> 高温烧成
  3099. hard fire colour ==> 高温颜料
  3100. hard fired ware ==> 高温烧成的瓷器
  3101. hard flame ==> 高能火焰
  3102. hard flour ==> 硬质面粉
  3103. hard flux ==> (提高沥青稠度)硬掺合料
  3104. hard focus lens ==> 硬调透镜
  3105. hard fold ==> 硬折痕
  3106. hard format ==> 硬格式
  3107. hard formation ==> 硬层
  3108. hard freeze ==> 黑冻
  3109. hard frost ==> 黑冻,黑霜
  3110. hard gamma ==> 硬量子
  3111. hard gas circuit breaker ==> 自产气断路器
  3112. hard genuine babbitt alloy ==> 巴比特硬合金
  3113. hard glass ==> 硬质玻璃
  3114. hard glass bulb ==> 硬质玻璃灯壳
  3115. hard glaze ==> 高温釉
  3116. hard goods ==> 耐用品,耐用消费品
  3117. hard grades of bitumen ==> 硬质沥青
  3118. hard grain ==> 硬粒
  3119. hard grained ==> 粗粒状的
  3120. hard grazing ==> 强度放牧
  3121. hard grease ==> 硬润滑脂,硬脂
  3122. hard grinding stone ==> 硬磨石
  3123. hard ground ==> 硬地,硬防蚀剂
  3124. Hard grove grindability index ==> 哈德格罗夫可磨度指数
  3125. Hard grove number ==> 哈德格罗夫可磨度指数
  3126. hard grown copper wire ==> 硬铜线
  3127. hard growth on the head of cattle ==> 长在牛头上的硬物
  3128. hard gum ==> 硬树胶
  3129. hard gummed skein ==> 硬胶丝
  3130. hard hat ==> 硬壳帽,防护帽,安全帽
  3131. hard head ==> 硬质巴比合金
  3132. hard heading ==> 岩石平巷
  3133. hard heading work ==> 硬岩掘进工作
  3134. hard hooves ==> 蹄质坚实
  3135. hard image ==> 强对比度图像,硬调图像,硬图像,黑白鲜明图像
  3136. hard inclusion ==> 硬质点夹杂
  3137. hard insulating material ==> 硬质保温材料
  3138. hard intensity ==> 大强度
  3139. hard iron ==> 冷硬铸铁,硬铁
  3140. hard keeper ==> 多吃饲料的家畜,难养的牲畜
  3141. hard lac ==> 硬虫胶
  3142. hard lac resin ==> 硬紫胶树脂
  3143. hard laid ==> 硬搓
  3144. hard laid wire rope ==> 硬绳
  3145. hard landing ==> 硬着陆
  3146. hard lay ==> 硬捻
  3147. hard lead ==> 硬铅,铅锑合金
  3148. hard leather ==> 硬革
  3149. hard limestone ==> 硬石灰岩
  3150. hard limited integrator ==> 硬限量积分器,硬性受限积分器
  3151. hard limiter ==> 硬限幅器,硬性限幅器
  3152. hard limiting ==> 硬极限,硬限制
  3153. hard limiting transponder ==> 硬限幅转发器
  3154. hard line fibre ==> 硬质长纤维
  3155. hard lining ==> 硬质衬砌
  3156. hard liquor ==> 蒸馏酒
  3157. hard loan ==> 严厉条件贷款,条件苛刻的贷款,需用硬通货偿还的贷款
  3158. hard lump ==> 硬块
  3159. hard machine check ==> 硬设备校验
  3160. hard macrogol ==> 硬聚乙二醇
  3161. hard magnesia ==> 硬烧镁氧
  3162. hard magnetic material ==> 硬磁性材料=>硬質磁性材料
  3163. hard magnetization ==> 强磁化
  3164. hard mass ==> 人造宝石
  3165. Hard masses must be disintegrated ==> 坚者削之
  3166. hard material ==> 硬质材料
  3167. hard maturing stage ==> 硬熟期
  3168. hard meson technique ==> 硬介子技术
  3169. hard metal ==> 硬质合金
  3170. hard metal alloy ==> 硬质合金,高强度合金
  3171. hard metal article ==> 硬质合金制品
  3172. hard metal compound ==> 硬质合金化合物
  3173. hard metal tip ==> 硬质合金片
  3174. hard metal tool ==> 硬质合金刀具
  3175. hard mica ==> 弯曲时不分层主云母
  3176. hard money ==> 紧俏货币,可兑换货币,(美国)现金,(硬币)硬通货
  3177. hard money effect ==> 现金效应
  3178. hard mortar ==> 硬性灰浆
  3179. hard mouth ==> (禽类)硬嘴
  3180. hard nickel ==> 硬镍
  3181. hard nickel plating ==> 镀硬镍
  3182. hard number ==> 硬度数
  3183. hard oil ==> 硬油
  3184. hard oil finish ==> 干性油饰面
  3185. hard oil putty ==> 干硬性油腻子
  3186. hard ore ==> 硬矿石
  3187. hard oscillation ==> 硬発信
  3188. hard packing ==> 硬垫
  3189. hard pad ==> 硬足掌病
  3190. hard palare ==> 硬腭
  3191. hard palate ==> 硬腭
  3192. hard pan ==> 硬盘层,硬土
  3193. hard paraffin ==> 硬石蜡,固体石蜡
  3194. hard particle ==> 硬颗粒
  3195. hard parton ==> 硬部分子
  3196. hard paste porcelain ==> 瓷器
  3197. hard pavement ==> 硬路面
  3198. hard pedal ==> 笨踏板
  3199. hard pesticide ==> 烈性杀虫剂
  3200. hard picture ==> 强对比度图像
  3201. hard pine ==> 硬松类
  3202. hard pitch ==> 硬焦油脂,硬沥青
  3203. hard plant ==> 耐寒植物
  3204. hard plaster ==> 硬质灰膏
  3205. hard plastic tube ==> 硬塑料管
  3206. hard plating ==> 镀硬铬
  3207. hard plug ==> 热型火花塞
  3208. hard point defence system ==> 硬点防御系统
  3209. hard polvinyl choride pipe ==> 硬聚氯乙烯管
  3210. hard polymer ==> 硬聚合物
  3211. hard porcelain ==> 硬瓷器,硬质瓷器
  3212. hard potential ==> 硬势
  3213. hard radiation ==> 硬辐射
  3214. hard rain ==> 暴雨
  3215. hard ramming ==> 重捣
  3216. hard rays ==> 硬性射线
  3217. hard red and durum spring wheat ==> 硬粒红小麦和圆锥小麦
  3218. hard remanent magnetization ==> 硬剩磁磁化
  3219. hard residue ==> 硬性残留物
  3220. hard resin ==> 固体树脂
  3221. hard rock ==> 硬岩,硬岩石
  3222. hard rock concrete ==> 硬石混凝土
  3223. hard rock mining ==> 硬岩开采
  3224. hard rock raise boring machine ==> 硬岩天井钻进机
  3225. hard rolling ==> 滚压硬化,(轴颈圆角等的)硬化滚压
  3226. hard rot ==> 硬腐病
  3227. hard roving ==> 硬粗纱
  3228. hard rubber ==> 硬橡胶,硬橡皮,硬质胶=>硬質ゴム
  3229. hard rubber article ==> 硬质胶制品
  3230. hard rubber bead ==> 硬橡皮撑轮圈
  3231. hard rubber box ==> 硬橡皮壳
  3232. hard rubber scraps ==> 硬质胶屑
  3233. hard rubber sheet ==> 硬胶板
  3234. hard rubber tire ==> 硬橡胶轮胎
  3235. hard rule ==> 硬性规定
  3236. hard saturated fat ==> 硬化饱和脂
  3237. hard scale ==> 硬度计,硬垢
  3238. hard scope ==> 硬度计
  3239. hard seal butterfly valves ==> 金属密封碟阀
  3240. hard sector disk ==> 硬扇区磁盘
  3241. hard sectored disk ==> 硬扇面盘
  3242. hard sectored format ==> 硬扇区格式,硬扇区记录格式
  3243. hard sectoring ==> 硬分段
  3244. hard seed ==> 硬粒种,硬质种子
  3245. hard seeds ==> 硬粒
  3246. hard segment ==> 硬链段
  3247. hard self excitation ==> 硬自激,硬自励
  3248. hard self-excited oscillation ==> 硬自激振荡
  3249. hard sell ==> 强行推销
  3250. hard service ==> 超负荷工作状态,重负荷工作状态,不良使用
  3251. hard servo ==> 硬伺服
  3252. hard shadow ==> 清晰阴影
  3253. hard shell clam ==> 硬壳蚌
  3254. hard shell sphere model ==> 硬壳球体模型
  3255. hard shelled ==> 硬皮瓜
  3256. hard shelled egg ==> 硬壳蛋
  3257. hard ship ==> ハードシップ
  3258. hard shoulder ==> 硬质路肩
  3259. hard shower ==> 硬簇射,硬射流,穿透射流
  3260. hard shutdown ==> 突然停机
  3261. hard silk ==> 未练生丝,含胶生丝
  3262. hard site ==> 坚固发射场
  3263. hard sludge ==> 硬渣
  3264. hard soap ==> 硬肥皂,硬皂
  3265. hard soil ==> 硬土
  3266. hard solder ==> 硬焊料,硬钎料=>硬ろう
  3267. hard soldering ==> 硬钎焊=>硬ろう付け
  3268. hard sphere ==> 硬球
  3269. hard spot ==> 硬点,麻点
  3270. hard spots ==> 硬麻点
  3271. hard spring wheat ==> 硬质春小麦
  3272. hard start of oscillation ==> 振荡突起
  3273. hard starting load ==> 重起动负荷
  3274. hard steel ==> 硬钢
  3275. hard still enable ==> 硬静止起动
  3276. hard stock ==> 硬浆,普通硬砖
  3277. hard stop ==> 立即停机,硬停
  3278. hard stopping ==> 硬质填塞料
  3279. hard stratum ==> 硬土层
  3280. hard strip ==> 硬带材
  3281. hard structure ==> 硬式结构
  3282. hard subsoil ==> 硬下层土
  3283. hard sundry particle ==> 硬质杂粒
  3284. hard superconducting alloy ==> 超导电性硬合金
  3285. hard superconductor ==> 硬超导体
  3286. hard surface ==> 硬表面,硬质路面,壳体
  3287. hard surface plate ==> 硬表面板
  3288. hard surface road ==> 硬面道路
  3289. hard surfacing ==> 硬质焊敷层,硬质合金覆面
  3290. hard swell ==> 硬膨罐
  3291. hard swell can ==> (用手指压不回去)硬胀罐
  3292. hard swell spoilage ==> 硬膨罐腐败
  3293. hard system ==> 硬系统
  3294. hard tap ==> 出渣口凝结
  3295. hard target ==> 硬目标
  3296. hard technique of decision ==> 决策硬技术,决策硬技术
  3297. hard temper sheet ==> 硬回火的薄钢板
  3298. hard terminal end ==> 夹持端
  3299. hard texture ==> 肉质不嫩
  3300. hard tin alloy ==> 硬锡合金
  3301. hard to hit target ==> 难以击中的目标
  3302. hard to manage the small peasant economy ==> 不好管小农经济
  3303. hard to settle ==> 难孕
  3304. hard tofu ==> 木綿豆腐
  3305. hard top container ==> (顶开式集装箱之一种)硬顶式集装箱
  3306. hard tube ==> 硬性电子管,高真空电子管,高真空管
  3307. hard tube pulser ==> 电子管脉冲发生器
  3308. hard twist ==> 硬拈,硬捻
  3309. hard twisted waste ==> 硬回丝
  3310. hard type surfactant ==> 硬性表面活性剂
  3311. hard usage ==> 粗略利用,强烈使用
  3312. hard vacuum ==> 高真空,高度真空
  3313. hard valve ==> 高真空电子管,硬性电子管
  3314. hard varnish ==> 硬漆
  3315. hard vector surface ==> 硬矢面
  3316. hard wait ==> 硬等待
  3317. hard wallboard ==> 硬墙纸板
  3318. hard waste ==> 硬回丝
  3319. hard waste breaker ==> 开回丝机,开纱头机
  3320. hard water ==> 硬水
  3321. hard water inlet ==> 硬水入口
  3322. hard water soap ==> 硬水肥皂
  3323. hard wax ==> (嫁接用)硬蜡
  3324. hard wearing ==> 耐磨的
  3325. hard wheat ==> 硬质小麦
  3326. hard wheat (Triticum durum) ==> 硬粒小麦
  3327. hard wheat flour ==> 硬质小麦粉
  3328. hard winter wheat flour ==> 硬粒冬小麦粉
  3329. hard winter wheat quality characteristics ==> 硬粒冬小麦粉品质特征
  3330. hard wire ==> 硬线,高碳纲丝
  3331. hard wire logic ==> 硬线逻辑
  3332. hard wired ==> 硬连接
  3333. hard wired logic ==> 布线逻辑
  3334. hard wired logic system ==> 硬线逻辑系统
  3335. hard wood ==> 硬木
  3336. hard wood charcoal ==> 硬材木炭
  3337. hard wood cutting ==> 硬木插
  3338. hard wood distillation ==> 硬材干馏
  3339. hard wood tar ==> 硬材焦油
  3340. hard wood tar pitch ==> 硬材沥青
  3341. hard work ==> 繁重的工作
  3342. hard X rays ==> 硬X射线
  3343. hard X-ray ==> 硬性X射线,硬性射线,高透力X射线
  3344. hard X-rays ==> 同上
  3345. hard yarn package ==> (卷绕密实的筒子)硬卷装
  3346. hard zinc ==> 硬锌
  3347. hard zone ==> 硬化区
  3348. hard(-)drawn ==> 冷拔
  3349. hard(-)gloss paint ==> 硬光漆
  3350. hard(-)rock phosphate ==> 硬岩磷酸盐
  3351. hard(-)wire ==> 硬拔线
  3352. hard(solid) rubber ==> 硬质橡胶
  3353. hard-and-fast rule ==> 硬性规则
  3354. hard-and-fast rules ==> 硬性规定
  3355. hard-asphalt mix ==> 硬地沥青混合料
  3356. hard-baked spleen ==> 烤硬状脾
  3357. hard-bonded furnace deposit ==> 炉内硬块沉积
  3358. hard-bound notebook ==> 硬封面记录簿
  3359. hard-burned brick ==> 硬砖
  3360. hard-burned gypsum ==> 炼石膏
  3361. hard-burned plaster ==> 高温焙烧石膏
  3362. hard-burned refractory ware ==> 硬烧耐火制品
  3363. hard-burnt brick ==> 炼砖
  3364. hard-clipped autocorrelator ==> 强消波自相关器
  3365. hard-coal plough ==> 硬煤层刨煤机
  3366. hard-copy log ==> 复印记录
  3367. hard-copy output ==> 复制件输出
  3368. hard-copy peripherals ==> 硬拷贝外围设备
  3369. hard-core ==> 硬心
  3370. hard-core pinch ==> 硬心箍缩
  3371. hard-core potential ==> 硬芯势
  3372. hard-core Q machine ==> 硬芯Q装置
  3373. hard-dough stage ==> 硬黄熟期,坚糊熟期
  3374. hard-drawing ==> 冷拔,冷拉
  3375. hard-drawn ==> 冷拉
  3376. hard-drawn aluminium wire ==> 硬铝线=>硬アルミ線
  3377. hard-drawn copper stranded conductor ==> 硬銅より線
  3378. hard-drawn copper wire ==> 冷拉铜线=>硬銅線
  3379. hard-drawn steel wire ==> 硬拉钢丝
  3380. hard-drawn wire ==> 硬拔线,硬拉线,冷拔丝
  3381. hard-earned capital ==> 血本
  3382. hard-edge ==> 硬边
  3383. hard-electron ==> 高能电子
  3384. hard-face ==> 硬面
  3385. hard-faced ==> 正面硬化
  3386. hard-faced share ==> 硬面犁铧
  3387. hard-facing ==> 硬质焊敷层,表面耐磨堆焊
  3388. hard-facing alloy ==> 表面加硬用合金=>表面硬化合金
  3389. hard-facing metal ==> 表面加硬用合金
  3390. hard-facing rod ==> 镀硬面焊条
  3391. hard-finished plaster ==> 硬面灰膏
  3392. hard-fired ware ==> 硬烧陶瓷
  3393. hard-gloss paint ==> 高光泽涂料
  3394. hard-grade billet ==> 硬钢坯段
  3395. hard-grained roll ==> 硬铸铁滚筒
  3396. hard-headed hammer ==> 硬头榔头
  3397. hard-heading man ==> 硬岩掘进工
  3398. hard-lac resin ==> 硬虫胶
  3399. hard-lead alloy ==> 硬铅合金
  3400. hard-lead pipe ==> 硬铅管
  3401. hard-limiting ==> 硬限幅
  3402. hard-nosed bullet ==> 硬头枪弹
  3403. hard-paste ==> (旧用名词)硬质瓷
  3404. hard-point ==> 结构加固点
  3405. hard-point decoy ==> 硬点诱饵
  3406. hard-point defense ==> 硬点防御
  3407. hard-pumped ==> 打足气的,难抽
  3408. hard-ripe stage ==> 硬熟期
  3409. hard-rock boring ==> 硬岩钻进
  3410. hard-rock driller ==> 硬岩钻工
  3411. hard-rock mine ==> 硬岩矿
  3412. hard-rock miner ==> 硬岩矿工
  3413. hard-rock tunnel boring ==> 硬岩平巷掘进机钻进法
  3414. hard-rock tunneling machine ==> 硬岩石掘进机联合机
  3415. hard-rubber battery box ==> 硬橡皮蓄电池壳
  3416. hard-rubber steering wheel ==> 硬橡胶方向盘
  3417. hard-shower star ==> 硬簇射星
  3418. hard-sided kernel ==> 紧种皮种子
  3419. hard-soft acid-base principle ==> 硬软酸碱原理
  3420. hard-solder joint ==> 硬焊料焊接
  3421. hard-sphere collision ==> 刚性环碰撞
  3422. hard-sphere fluid ==> 硬球形流体
  3423. hard-sphere model ==> 硬球模型
  3424. hard-surface ==> 硬面
  3425. hard-surface in-contact mask ==> 表面坚固内接触掩膜
  3426. hard-surface mask ==> 表面坚固的掩膜
  3427. hard-surface share ==> 表面硬化犁铧
  3428. hard-switch modulator ==> 刚性开关调制器
  3429. hard-temperature ==> 硬化温度
  3430. hard-to enumerate group ==> 难于查点的人群
  3431. hard-to-break ==> 难切断
  3432. hard-to-burn-refuse ==> 难燃垃圾
  3433. hard-to-cut material ==> 难加工材料
  3434. hard-to-cut rock ==> 难凿岩石
  3435. hard-to-dry aggregate ==> 难干集料
  3436. hard-to-get data ==> 难得数据,难以取得的数据
  3437. hard-to-sinter ==> 难烧结
  3438. hard-to-start ==> 难起动
  3439. hard-to-thresh rice variety ==> 难脱粒的水稻品种
  3440. hard-to-use CPU chip ==> 难用的中央处理机片
  3441. hard-top ==> 硬顶
  3442. hard-top minibus ==> 硬顶小客车
  3443. hard-topped highway ==> 硬路面的公路
  3444. hard-tube modulator ==> 硬管调制器,高真空管调制器
  3445. hard-tube pulser ==> 高真空电子管脉冲发生器,硬管脉冲发生器,硬性电子管脉冲发生器
  3446. hard-type hog ==> 肥猪
  3447. hard-type modulator ==> 真空管调制器
  3448. hard-weapon ==> 硬武器
  3449. hard-welding ==> 硬质合金熔焊
  3450. hard-wire ==> 实线
  3451. hard-wire telemetry ==> 有线遥测术
  3452. hard-wire-oriented engineer ==> 硬连线系统工程师
  3453. hard-wired ==> 硬接线
  3454. hard-wired circuit ==> 硬连线电路
  3455. hard-wired controller ==> 硬连线控制器
  3456. hard-wired index ==> 变址电路
  3457. hard-wired instruction ==> 硬连线指令
  3458. hard-wired interconnection ==> 硬连线互连
  3459. hard-wired logic ==> 硬连线逻辑
  3460. hard-wired numerical control ==> 硬连接数控装置
  3461. hard-wired system ==> 硬连线系统
  3462. hard-wood wedge ==> 硬木楔
  3463. hard-wrought ==> 冷锻,冷加工
  3464. hardanger lace ==> 哈丹格几何花纹细丝花边
  3465. Hardas process ==> 硬质氧化铝膜处理法
  3466. hardback ==> 硬皮书
  3467. hardbaking ==> 坚膜
  3468. hardboard ==> 硬板,硬纸板
  3469. hardboard machine ==> 硬纸板机,高压板机
  3470. hardcoat ==> 硬盖,硬罩
  3471. hardcore ==> 硬底层,硬垫层,硬质碎料,石填料
  3472. hardeesy ==> 哈迪西小格粗呢
  3473. harden ==> 硬化,变硬
  3474. harden and grind ==> 硬化与研磨
  3475. harden depth ==> 淬硬深度
  3476. harden quenching ==> 淬硬
  3477. harden right out ==> 使完全硬化
  3478. harden(ing)by itself ==> 自身硬化
  3479. hardenability ==> 可淬硬性,硬化程度,硬化度,硬化性能,淬火性,淬透性,淬透性值,淬硬性
  3480. hardenability band ==> 硬锻带,硬化带,可淬硬性带
  3481. hardenability characteristic ==> 淬透性
  3482. hardenability limits ==> 淬透性极限
  3483. hardenability test ==> 淬透性试验
  3484. hardenability value ==> 硬化指数
  3485. hardened and ground worm ==> 淬硬磨光蜗轮
  3486. hardened and tempered steel ==> 调质钢
  3487. hardened case ==> 表面渗碳硬化
  3488. hardened circuit ==> 硬化电路
  3489. hardened concrete ==> 硬化混凝土,硬结混凝土
  3490. hardened distribution ==> 硬化谱分布
  3491. hardened face ==> 硬化面,淬火表面
  3492. hardened fat ==> 硬化脂
  3493. hardened glass ==> 钢化玻璃
  3494. hardened glass bulb ==> 硬化玻璃泡
  3495. hardened in air ==> 在空气中硬化的,气硬的
  3496. hardened layer wood ==> 硬化层积材
  3497. hardened links ==> 防辐射无线电通信线路
  3498. hardened material ==> 硬化材料
  3499. hardened oil ==> 硬化油
  3500. hardened plate ==> 淬硬钢板
  3501. hardened resin ==> 硬树脂
  3502. hardened rosin ==> 硬化松香
  3503. hardened rubber ==> 硬化橡胶
  3504. hardened spectrum ==> 硬化谱
  3505. hardened steel ==> 硬化钢,淬火钢
  3506. hardened steel ball ==> 淬火钢球
  3507. hardened steel roller ==> 淬火钢滚轮
  3508. hardened verge ==> 硬路肩
  3509. hardened way ==> 淬火导轨,淬硬导轨
  3510. hardened-steel bushing ==> 淬火钢衬套
  3511. hardened-steel guideway ==> 淬火钢导轨
  3512. hardened-steel tire ==> 硬化钢环箍
  3513. hardener ==> 硬化成分,硬化剂,坚膜剂
  3514. hardening ==> 硬结,淬硬,硬化=>硬化
  3515. hardening action ==> 硬化作用
  3516. hardening agent ==> 硬化剂,淬火剂,淬火介质,强化剂
  3517. hardening aluminum alloy ==> 硬化铝合金
  3518. hardening and tempering ==> 调质,调整钢综合力学性能的热处理工艺,即淬火后又高温回火的双重热处理=>調質,熱処理
  3519. hardening at subcritical temperature ==> 低温硬化
  3520. hardening babbit ==> 低锡巴氏合金,硬质巴比合金
  3521. hardening bath ==> 淬火槽,硬化液,硬化浴,淬火池,淬火浴
  3522. hardening by cooling ==> 冷却硬化
  3523. hardening by hammer ==> 锤击硬化
  3524. hardening by hammering ==> 锤击硬化
  3525. hardening by high frequency current ==> 高频淬火
  3526. hardening by isothermal heat treatment ==> 等温处理加硬化
  3527. hardening cabinet ==> 硬化箱
  3528. hardening capacity ==> 硬化量,硬化性能,可淬性
  3529. hardening carbon ==> 硬化碳
  3530. hardening compound ==> 淬火剂
  3531. hardening constituent ==> 强化
  3532. hardening crack ==> 淬裂
  3533. hardening curve ==> 硬化曲线
  3534. hardening effect ==> 硬化效应
  3535. hardening flaw ==> 淬火裂纹
  3536. hardening furnace ==> 淬火炉
  3537. hardening heat ==> 硬化热,淬火温度
  3538. hardening in boiling water ==> 沸腾水淬硬化
  3539. hardening in ice ==> 冰淬硬化
  3540. hardening in lead bath ==> 铅淬硬化
  3541. hardening kiln ==> 硬化窑
  3542. hardening lens ==> 安全镜片
  3543. hardening liquid ==> 硬化液
  3544. hardening machine ==> 淬火机
  3545. hardening mechanism ==> 硬化机理
  3546. hardening metal ==> 硬化金属
  3547. hardening modulus ==> 硬化模量=>硬化係数
  3548. hardening of cement ==> 水泥硬化
  3549. hardening of credit policies ==> 金融政策趋向紧缩
  3550. hardening of oils ==> 油类硬化
  3551. hardening of steel ==> 钢的硬化
  3552. hardening oil ==> 硬化油
  3553. hardening period ==> 硬化期
  3554. hardening plant ==> 淬火车间
  3555. hardening point ==> 硬化点
  3556. hardening process ==> 硬化法,硬化过程
  3557. hardening process of wood ==> 木材硬化法
  3558. hardening ratio ==> 硬化率
  3559. hardening rule ==> 硬化规则
  3560. hardening steel ==> 淬硬钢
  3561. hardening strain ==> 硬化应变,淬火应变=>焼き入れひずみ
  3562. hardening stress ==> 淬火应力,硬化应力
  3563. hardening tank ==> 淬火槽
  3564. hardening temperature ==> 硬化温度
  3565. hardening tongs ==> 硬化钳
  3566. hardening treatment ==> 硬化処理
  3567. hardening yield value ==> 硬化屈服值
  3568. hardenite ==> 硬化体,硬体,哈顿体
  3569. hardenning, quenching ==> 淬火,将钢件加热到奥氏体化温度并保持一定时间,然后以大于临界冷却速度冷却,以获得非扩散型转变组织,如马氏体、贝氏体和奥氏体等的热处理工艺
  3570. harder ==> 压帽坯机
  3571. Harderian gland ==> 哈氏腺
  3572. hardfacing ==> 耐磨堆焊
  3573. hardfacing electrode ==> 耐磨堆焊焊条
  3574. Hardgrass ==> 硬茅属
  3575. Hardgrave sandstone ==> 哈德格拉夫砂岩
  3576. hardgrove grindability index ==> 哈德格罗夫可磨度指数
  3577. Hardgrove grindability index ==> 哈氏可磨性指数,在规定的条件下,用哈氏可磨性测定仪测得的可磨性指数
  3578. Hardgrove index ==> ハードグローブ指数
  3579. hardhead ==> 硬头
  3580. hardie ==> 尖锐底模
  3581. hardie-hole ==> 底模砧孔
  3582. harding ==> 硬化
  3583. Hardinge ball mill ==> 哈丁型圆锥球磨机
  3584. Hardinge conical mill ==> 哈丁型圆锥球磨机
  3585. Hardinge feeder-weigher ==> 哈定格称量给料器
  3586. Hardinge mill ==> 哈定格磨机
  3587. Hardinge thickener ==> 哈定格型浓缩机
  3588. Hardinge thickner ==> 哈定格沉降槽
  3589. Hardinge type loop classifier ==> 哈丁式回路分级机
  3590. Hardistys test ==> 哈迪斯提氏试验
  3591. hardite ==> 哈迪特镍铁合金
  3592. Hardite ==> 哈代特耐热镍铬硅合金
  3593. hardle ==> 下型锤
  3594. hardmetal ==> 硬性金属
  3595. hardmeter ==> 硬度计
  3596. Hardnair ==> 哈德奈尔铬钼钒钢
  3597. hardness ==> 硬度,硬性=>硬度
  3598. hardness ag(e)ing ==> 加工时效,硬化时效
  3599. hardness ageing ==> 硬度老化
  3600. hardness analysis ==> 硬度分析
  3601. hardness Barcol ==> 巴氏硬度
  3602. hardness change ==> 硬度变化量
  3603. hardness control ==> 硬度控制
  3604. hardness conversion ==> 硬度换算
  3605. hardness creep ==> 硬度蠕变
  3606. hardness curve ==> 硬度曲线
  3607. hardness drop tester ==> 回跳硬度计,肖氏硬度计
  3608. hardness ga(u)ge ==> 硬度标
  3609. hardness gauge ==> 硬度计
  3610. hardness ions ==> 硬性离子
  3611. hardness level ==> 硬度等级
  3612. hardness limit ==> 硬度极限
  3613. hardness measurement ==> 硬度测量
  3614. hardness meter ==> 硬度計
  3615. hardness number ==> 硬度值
  3616. hardness number conversion ==> 硬度值转换
  3617. hardness of grain ==> 磨粒的硬度
  3618. hardness of grease ==> 润滑脂的硬度
  3619. hardness of water ==> 水的硬度
  3620. hardness of wood ==> 木材硬度
  3621. hardness penetration ==> 淬火深度,淬硬深度
  3622. hardness point ==> 硬度标
  3623. hardness prnetrator ==> 硬度压头
  3624. hardness range ==> 硬度范围
  3625. hardness ratio ==> 硬度比
  3626. hardness reducer ==> 硬度软化剂
  3627. hardness resin ==> 固体树脂
  3628. hardness rubber ==> 硬橡胶
  3629. hardness scale ==> 硬度标
  3630. hardness scale(degree) ==> 硬度标度
  3631. hardness self-excitation ==> 硬自励
  3632. hardness solidness ==> 硬度
  3633. hardness test ==> 硬度试验
  3634. hardness tester ==> 硬度计,硬度试验机
  3635. hardness testing ==> 硬度试验,硬度试验机=>硬度試験
  3636. hardness testing machine ==> 硬度试验机
  3637. hardness transducer[sensor] ==> 硬度传感器
  3638. hardness value ==> 硬度值
  3639. hardness-depth curve ==> 硬度深度曲线
  3640. hardness-testing automation ==> 硬度测试自动化
  3641. hardness-testing device ==> 硬度测试仪
  3642. hardnessl ==> 硬度
  3643. Hardnester ==> 锉式硬度试验器
  3644. hardometer ==> 硬度计
  3645. hardon era ==> 强子期
  3646. hardpan ==> 硬盘
  3647. hardpaste ==> 硬瓷
  3648. hardpoint ==> 硬点
  3649. hardrine cane ==> 硬皮蔗
  3650. hardripe stage ==> 硬熟期
  3651. hardseed ==> 硬皮种子
  3652. hardstand ==> 硬地面
  3653. hardstanding ==> 硬面层
  3654. hardtack ==> 硬饼干
  3655. hardtop -cabriolet body ==> 活动硬顶轿车车身
  3656. hardtop body ==> 硬顶轿车车身
  3657. hardware ==> 硬件,硬设备,五金,金属构件,金属元件,小五金,重兵器=>ハードウェア
  3658. hardware address control ==> 机器地址控制
  3659. hardware arbiter ==> 硬件判优器
  3660. hardware architecture ==> 硬件体系结构
  3661. hardware assembler ==> 硬件汇编程序,(微处理机)硬件汇编器
  3662. hardware base address ==> 硬件基地址
  3663. hardware check (automatic check) ==> 硬件检验
  3664. hardware compatibility ==> 硬件兼容性,设备兼容
  3665. hardware component ==> 硬件部件,硬件成分
  3666. hardware configuration ==> 硬件配置,设备配置
  3667. hardware construction ==> 硬件构造
  3668. hardware context ==> 硬件关联
  3669. hardware control ==> 硬件控制
  3670. hardware controller ==> ハードウェアコントローラ
  3671. hardware deficiency ==> 硬件缺陷
  3672. hardware description language ==> 硬件描述语言
  3673. hardware design ==> 硬件设计
  3674. hardware development ==> 硬件开发
  3675. hardware digital processing ==> 硬件数字处理
  3676. hardware disease ==> 创伤性胃炎
  3677. hardware emulator ==> 硬件仿真程序
  3678. hardware error recovery management system ==> 硬件错误恢复管理系统
  3679. hardware factory ==> 五金厂
  3680. hardware failure ==> ハードウェア故障, An incorrect operation of protection caused by a component failure in the protection.
  3681. hardware fault ==> 硬件故障
  3682. hardware finish ==> 特光洁铸造表面
  3683. hardware firmware software trade-off ==> 硬件固件软件权衡
  3684. hardware fitting electrical porcelain insulator ==> 电器绝缘瓷座
  3685. hardware fittings ==> 金具
  3686. hardware instruction ==> 硬件指令
  3687. hardware interface ==> 硬件接口
  3688. hardware interlock register ==> 硬件互锁寄存器
  3689. hardware interrupt ==> 硬件中断
  3690. hardware interrupt facility ==> 硬件中断设备
  3691. hardware interrupt level ==> 硬件中断级
  3692. hardware language ==> 硬件语言
  3693. hardware layer ==> 硬件层
  3694. hardware lock ==> (电路)硬件封锁
  3695. hardware lockout ==> 硬件封锁
  3696. hardware logic ==> 硬件逻辑
  3697. hardware management ==> 硬件管理
  3698. hardware modularity ==> 硬件模块化
  3699. hardware module ==> 硬件模块,硬模件
  3700. hardware monitor ==> 硬件监督程序,设备监督器
  3701. hardware monitoring ==> 硬件监视
  3702. hardware net ==> 硬件网络
  3703. hardware padding sequence ==> 硬件填充序列
  3704. hardware pattern generator ==> 硬件图形发生器
  3705. hardware platform ==> 硬件平台
  3706. hardware priority interrupt ==> 硬件优先中断
  3707. hardware process control block ==> 硬件进程控制块
  3708. hardware redundancy ==> 硬件冗余法
  3709. hardware representation ==> 硬件表示
  3710. hardware reset ==> 硬件复位
  3711. hardware resource ==> 硬件资源
  3712. hardware resource control ==> 硬件资源控制
  3713. hardware return-address storage ==> 硬件返回地址寄存器
  3714. hardware selection criteria ==> 硬件选择标准
  3715. hardware selector ==> 硬件选择器
  3716. hardware simulator ==> 硬件模拟程序
  3717. hardware stack ==> 硬件堆栈
  3718. hardware store ==> 五金店
  3719. hardware subassembly ==> 硬件部件
  3720. hardware support ==> 硬件支持,硬件支援
  3721. hardware system availability ==> 硬件系统可用性
  3722. hardware system reliability ==> 硬件系统可靠性
  3723. hardware technology ==> 硬件技术
  3724. hardware timer ==> 硬件计时器
  3725. hardware trace mode ==> 硬件追踪方式
  3726. hardware word size ==> 硬件字长
  3727. hardware-oriented algorithm ==> 面向硬件的算法
  3728. hardware-software harmony ==> 硬软件协调
  3729. hardware-software support ==> 硬软件支援
  3730. hardwater ==> 硬水
  3731. Hardwick conveyor loader head ==> 哈德威克型运输机集尘装置
  3732. hardwire logic ==> 硬布线逻辑
  3733. hardwired ==> 电路的
  3734. hardwired control logic ==> 硬件实现的控制逻辑
  3735. hardwired logic ==> 硬接线逻辑
  3736. hardwired numerical control ==> 硬连线数控器
  3737. hardwood ==> 硬材,硬木
  3738. hardwood basketweave parquet flooring ==> 硬木度纹地板
  3739. hardwood bearing ==> 硬木轴承
  3740. hardwood block flooring ==> 硬木块楼地面
  3741. hardwood board ==> 硬材板
  3742. hardwood creosote ==> 硬木杂酚油
  3743. hardwood cutting methods ==> 硬木插条法
  3744. hardwood cutting(s) ==> 硬材扦插
  3745. hardwood cuttings ==> 硬插条
  3746. hardwood decorative carveddoor ==> 雕饰硬木木门
  3747. hardwood fender ==> 硬木护木
  3748. hardwood finish ==> 硬木装修
  3749. hardwood flooring ==> 硬木地板
  3750. hardwood furniture ==> 硬木家具
  3751. hardwood parquet flooring ==> 硬木拼花地板
  3752. hardwood plywood ==> 硬木胶合板
  3753. hardwood rail ==> 硬材扶杆
  3754. hardwood strip ==> 硬木板条
  3755. hardwood strip flooring ==> 硬木条形地板
  3756. hardwood tar ==> 硬木焦油沥青
  3757. hardwood-tar pitch ==> 硬木焦油脂
  3758. Hardy and Schulze law ==> 哈迪和许尔茨定律
  3759. hardy annual ==> 耐寒一年生植物
  3760. hardy annual plant ==> 耐寒一年生植物
  3761. hardy breed ==> 耐苦品种
  3762. hardy hole ==> 铁砧插模孔,葫芦孔
  3763. Hardy joint ==> 哈代式弹性万向联轴器
  3764. Hardy plankton indicator ==> 哈迪浮游生物指示器
  3765. hardy stock ==> 耐寒砧木
  3766. hardy variety ==> 耐寒品种
  3767. hardy vegetable ==> 耐寒蔬菜
  3768. hardy winter grain ==> 耐寒谷物
  3769. Hardy's thin cross-section device ==> 哈氏切片机
  3770. Hardypick drifting machine ==> 哈迪皮克型平巷电钻机组
  3771. Hardys thin cross-section device ==> 哈氏切片机
  3772. hare skin ==> 草兔皮
  3773. Hare's apparatus ==> 黑尔仪器
  3774. hare's fur glaze ==> 兔毫釉
  3775. hare's fur spot ==> 兔毫斑
  3776. harelip dressing forceps ==> 裂唇修补敷料镊
  3777. harelip scissors ==> 裂唇修补手术剪
  3778. harelip suture ==> 唇裂缝合术
  3779. harelip suture needle ==> 裂唇修补术用针
  3780. harelip-needle ==> 唇裂针
  3781. Hares hydrometer ==> 黑尔比重计
  3782. Hares syndrome ==> 黑尔氏综合征
  3783. harge memory ==> 高电容式存储器
  3784. Hargreaves process ==> 哈格瑞夫斯法
  3785. haricot ==> インゲンマメ
  3786. haricot bean ==> 菜豆
  3787. Harkin's rule ==> 哈金法则
  3788. Harlan man ==> (德)哈尔纶聚偏氯乙烯纤维
  3789. Harlech dome ==> 哈莱奇穹丘
  3790. harlequin cabbage bug ==> 卷心菜斑色蝽,卷心菜斑色蝽
  3791. Harmet process ==> 哈麦特加压铸锭法,钢锭浇注法
  3792. harmful admixture ==> 有害杂质
  3793. harmful agent ==> 有害物
  3794. harmful agents control ==> 控制有害因素
  3795. harmful animal ==> 害兽
  3796. harmful bird ==> 害鸟
  3797. harmful chemical ==> 有害な化学物質
  3798. harmful component ==> 有害成分
  3799. harmful compound ==> 有害化合物
  3800. harmful constituent ==> 有害组分
  3801. harmful dose ==> 有害量
  3802. harmful dust ==> 有害粉尘
  3803. harmful effect ==> 有害效应,不良影响
  3804. harmful garbage ==> 有害ごみ
  3805. harmful gas ==> 有害气体=>有害ガス
  3806. harmful gas poisoning ==> 有害气体中毒
  3807. harmful ingredient ==> 有害成分
  3808. harmful insect ==> 有害昆虫
  3809. harmful interference ==> 有害干扰,危害性干扰
  3810. harmful pitch ==> 有害树脂
  3811. harmful radiation ==> 有害辐射
  3812. harmful substance ==> 有害物质
  3813. harmful variation ==> 有害变异
  3814. harmful waste materials ==> 有害廃棄物
  3815. harmful wastes ==> 有害废物=>有害ごみ
  3816. harmful water ==> 毒水,有害水
  3817. harmful weed ==> 害草
  3818. harmful wind ==> 贼风
  3819. harmless flaw detector ==> 无损探伤仪
  3820. harmless test ==> 无损检验
  3821. harmless-depth theory ==> 无害深度假说
  3822. harmonic ==> 调和,谐音=>調波,倍音(音響),高調波
  3823. harmonic absorber ==> 谐波吸收器
  3824. harmonic acceleration ==> 谐波加速
  3825. harmonic admittance ==> 高調波アドミタンス
  3826. harmonic aerial ==> 谐波天线
  3827. harmonic amplifier ==> 谐波放大器,谐频放大器=>高調波増幅器
  3828. harmonic amplitude ==> 谐振幅
  3829. harmonic analyser ==> 谐波分析器
  3830. harmonic analysis ==> 谐波分析,调和分析=>調波分析
  3831. harmonic analysis studies ==> 高調波解析
  3832. harmonic analyzer ==> 谐波分析仪,调和分析仪=>調波分析器
  3833. harmonic antenna ==> 谐波天线=>ハーモニックアンテナ
  3834. harmonic approximation ==> 谐波近似
  3835. harmonic asynchronous torque ==> 谐波异步转矩
  3836. harmonic attenuation ==> 谐波衰减
  3837. harmonic average ==> 调和平均数
  3838. harmonic average index ==> 调和平均数指数
  3839. harmonic balance ==> 谐波平衡
  3840. harmonic balance method ==> 調波平衡法
  3841. harmonic balancer ==> 谐波平衡仪
  3842. harmonic bias ==> 谐波偏流,谐波偏置,偏置谐波电流
  3843. harmonic blocking relay ==> 谐波闭锁继电器
  3844. harmonic boundary ==> 调和边界
  3845. harmonic bunching ==> 谐波聚束=>調波集群
  3846. harmonic cam ==> 谐和凸轮,谐和运动凸轮
  3847. harmonic cancellation ==> 谐波消除
  3848. harmonic center ==> 调和中心
  3849. harmonic characteristics ==> 高調波特性
  3850. harmonic choke ==> 谐波扼流圈
  3851. harmonic circulating current ==> 谐波环流
  3852. harmonic coal mining method ==> 谐和地压采煤法
  3853. harmonic coefficient ==> 调和系数
  3854. harmonic compensation ==> 谐波补偿
  3855. harmonic complex ==> 调和线丛
  3856. harmonic component ==> 调和分量,谐波,谐波分量,周期性交流量的傅里叶级数中次数高于1的分量,其频率为基波频率的整数倍=>高調波成分
  3857. harmonic compressor ==> 谐波压缩器
  3858. harmonic configuration ==> 调和构形
  3859. harmonic conjugate ==> 调和共轭
  3860. harmonic conjugate line ==> 调和共轭直线
  3861. harmonic conjugate rays ==> 调和共轭射线
  3862. harmonic consituent ==> 调和分潮
  3863. harmonic constant ==> 谐波系数
  3864. harmonic constant of tide ==> 潮汐调和常数
  3865. harmonic content ==> 谐波含量=>高調波部分
  3866. harmonic content of an a.c.power supply ==> 交流电源的谐波含量
  3867. harmonic continuation ==> 调和开拓
  3868. harmonic conversion ==> 谐波变频
  3869. harmonic conversion transducer ==> 谐波变换换能器
  3870. harmonic converter ==> 谐波变换器,谐波变频器
  3871. harmonic coordinates ==> 调和坐标
  3872. harmonic correction ==> 谐波校正
  3873. harmonic correlation ==> 调和相关
  3874. harmonic crystal ==> 谐波型晶体
  3875. harmonic current ==> 谐波电流=>高調波電流
  3876. harmonic current constant ==> 谐调潮流常数
  3877. harmonic current suppression ==> 高調波電流抑制
  3878. harmonic curve ==> 谐波曲线
  3879. harmonic cycling ==> 谐波振荡
  3880. harmonic decline ==> 谐和衰减
  3881. harmonic detection ==> 高調波検出
  3882. harmonic detector ==> 谐波检波器,谐波指示器
  3883. harmonic development ==> 谐波展开
  3884. harmonic diagram ==> 调和曲线图
  3885. harmonic dial ==> 谐波标度盘
  3886. harmonic differential ==> 调和微分
  3887. harmonic differential form ==> 调和微分形式
  3888. harmonic dimension ==> 调和维数
  3889. harmonic displacement ==> 谐波位移
  3890. harmonic distortion ==> 谐波畸变,谐波失真,非曲线畸变=>高調波ひずみ,高調波ゆがみ
  3891. harmonic distortion attenuation ==> 谐波失真衰减
  3892. harmonic distortion factor ==> 谐波失真因数
  3893. harmonic distortion level ==> 谐波失真电平
  3894. harmonic distortion measuring set ==> 谐波失真测量设备
  3895. harmonic distortion method ==> 谐波畸变法
  3896. harmonic distribution ==> 调和分布
  3897. harmonic disturbance ==> 谐波扰动
  3898. harmonic disturbing force ==> 谐波干扰力
  3899. harmonic division ==> 调和分割=>調和分割
  3900. harmonic drive ==> 谐波激励,谐和传动
  3901. harmonic drives ==> ハーモニックドライブ
  3902. harmonic echo ==> 谐波回声
  3903. harmonic effect ==> 谐波效应
  3904. harmonic element ==> 调和元素
  3905. harmonic eliminator ==> 谐波消除器
  3906. harmonic equation ==> 调和方程
  3907. harmonic excitation ==> 谐波励磁,谐波辅助绕组励磁系统的简称
  3908. harmonic excited generator ==> 谐波励磁发电机
  3909. harmonic excluder ==> 谐波消除器
  3910. harmonic expansion ==> 谐波级数展开,谐波展开,调和展开
  3911. harmonic factor of inverter output voltage ==> 变压器的输出谐波系统,变压器输出谐波系统
  3912. harmonic field ==> 谐波磁场
  3913. harmonic fields ==> 谐波场
  3914. harmonic filter ==> 谐波滤波器,去谐滤波器=>高調波フィルタ
  3915. harmonic filtering circuit ==> 谐波滤除电路
  3916. harmonic filtration ==> 谐波过滤
  3917. harmonic flow ==> 调和流
  3918. harmonic flux ==> 谐波磁通
  3919. harmonic flux density ==> 谐波磁密
  3920. harmonic fold ==> 谐和褶皱
  3921. harmonic folding ==> 谐和褶皱作用
  3922. harmonic force ==> 谐和力
  3923. harmonic forms ==> 谐波形
  3924. harmonic frequency ==> 谐振频率=>調波周波数
  3925. harmonic frequency characteristic ==> 谐波频率特性
  3926. harmonic frequency converter ==> 谐波频率转换器
  3927. harmonic frequency response ==> 谐波频率响应
  3928. harmonic function ==> 谐波函数,谐函数,调和函数=>調和関数(複素関数)
  3929. harmonic gear ==> 谐波齿轮
  3930. harmonic generation ==> 谐波产生
  3931. harmonic generation equipment ==> 高調波発生機器
  3932. harmonic generator ==> 谐波发生器=>調波発生器
  3933. harmonic group ==> 谐波群
  3934. harmonic groups of elements ==> 调和元素群
  3935. harmonic index ==> 谐波指数
  3936. harmonic index number ==> 调和指标数
  3937. harmonic instability ==> 高調波不安定現象
  3938. harmonic integrals ==> 调和积分
  3939. harmonic interference ==> 谐波干涉=>高調波障害
  3940. harmonic inverse average ==> 調和逆平均
  3941. harmonic lag ==> 调和滞后
  3942. harmonic leakage reactance ==> 谐波漏电抗
  3943. harmonic line (of a cubic) ==> (三次曲线的)调和线
  3944. harmonic linearization ==> 谐波线性化
  3945. harmonic loss ==> 谐波损耗
  3946. harmonic magnetic gear ==> ハーモニック型磁気歯車
  3947. harmonic majorant ==> 调和强函数
  3948. harmonic mapping ==> 调和映射
  3949. harmonic mean ==> 调和均数,调和平均,(统计)调和中项=>調和平均
  3950. harmonic mean value ==> 調和平均値
  3951. harmonic measure ==> 调和测度
  3952. harmonic meter ==> 高調波測定器
  3953. harmonic method ==> 调和法
  3954. harmonic minor scale ==> 调和小音阶
  3955. harmonic minor seventh ==> 谐小七度
  3956. harmonic mixer ==> 谐波混频器
  3957. harmonic mode crystal ==> 谐波型晶体
  3958. harmonic monitoring ==> 谐波监测
  3959. harmonic motion ==> 谐波运动,谐和运动,谐运动,正弦运动
  3960. harmonic motion cam ==> 谐波运动凸轮
  3961. harmonic motion drive ==> 谐波传动
  3962. harmonic motor ==> 谐波电动机
  3963. harmonic mountain range ==> 协和山脉
  3964. harmonic number ==> 谐波级次=>高調波次数=>調波数
  3965. harmonic of field errors ==> 场不均匀性谐波
  3966. harmonic operation ==> 谐波运行
  3967. harmonic order ==> 谐波级次=>高調波次数,調波数
  3968. harmonic oscillatio ==> 谐振
  3969. harmonic oscillation ==> 谐波振荡=>調波振動,調和振動
  3970. harmonic oscillations ==> 谐振荡,谐波振荡
  3971. harmonic oscillator ==> 谐波振荡器,谐振荡器,谐振子,简谐振子=>調波振動子
  3972. harmonic output power ==> 谐波输出功率
  3973. harmonic peak ==> 谐振峰
  3974. harmonic pencil ==> 调和束
  3975. harmonic pencil of lines ==> 调和线束
  3976. harmonic pencil of planes ==> 调和面束
  3977. harmonic period ==> 谐波周期
  3978. harmonic phase ==> 谐波相位
  3979. harmonic point ==> 谐和点,调和点
  3980. harmonic power ==> 谐波功率
  3981. harmonic producer ==> 谐波发生器=>調波発生器
  3982. harmonic progression ==> 谐波级数,调和级数,调和数列
  3983. harmonic propagation ==> 高調波拡大現象
  3984. harmonic proportion ==> 调和比例
  3985. harmonic pulsation ==> 谐波脉动
  3986. harmonic quantity ==> 谐量,周期量
  3987. harmonic radar ==> 谐波雷达
  3988. harmonic radiation ==> 谐波辐射
  3989. harmonic range of points ==> 调和点列
  3990. harmonic ratio ==> 调和比
  3991. harmonic receiver ==> 谐波接收器
  3992. harmonic reduction ==> 高調波低減
  3993. harmonic regulation ==> 谐波脉动率
  3994. harmonic relaying ==> 谐波继电保护
  3995. harmonic resonance ==> 谐波共振,谐波谐振,设备中邻接元件的电感、电容之间的持续振荡所引起的电压或电流谐波放大现象
  3996. harmonic resonance effects ==> 高調波共振効果
  3997. harmonic response ==> 谐波响应
  3998. harmonic response characteristic ==> 谐波响应特性
  3999. harmonic response diagram ==> 谐波响应图
  4000. harmonic response method ==> 谐波响应法
  4001. harmonic restraint ==> 高調波抑制
  4002. harmonic restraint method ==> 高調波抑制法
  4003. harmonic ringer ==> 同調電鈴
  4004. harmonic ringing ==> 选频振铃=>同調信号
  4005. harmonic scale ==> 调和音阶
  4006. harmonic secondary copper loss ==> 高調波二次銅損
  4007. harmonic section ==> 调和分割
  4008. harmonic separation ==> 调波间隔,调和分隔
  4009. harmonic sequence ==> 调和序列,谐序
  4010. harmonic series ==> 谐级数,调和级数,调和数列=>調和級数
  4011. harmonic series of sound ==> 谐音系列
  4012. harmonic shutter ==> 谐波抑制器
  4013. harmonic single-force point source ==> 谐单力点源
  4014. harmonic source ==> 谐波发生器,谐波源,向公用电网注入谐波电流或在公用电网中产生谐波电压的电气设备
  4015. harmonic speed changer ==> 谐波减速装置
  4016. harmonic stability ==> 高周波安定性
  4017. harmonic stop ==> 谐音音栓
  4018. harmonic subflow ==> 调和子流
  4019. harmonic suppression ==> 谐波抑制=>高周波抑制
  4020. harmonic suppression network ==> 谐波抑制网络
  4021. harmonic suppressor ==> 谐波滤除电路,谐波抑制器=>高周波阻止装置
  4022. harmonic synthesis ==> 谐波综合
  4023. harmonic synthesizer ==> 谐波综合器,调和推算机
  4024. harmonic telegraph ==> 谐波电报
  4025. harmonic telephone ringer ==> 谐波电话振铃器
  4026. harmonic tensor field ==> 调和张量场
  4027. harmonic test ==> (电机)谐波试验
  4028. harmonic tone ==> 谐和音,谐音
  4029. harmonic torque ==> 谐波转矩
  4030. harmonic trap ==> 谐波抑制器
  4031. harmonic tuning ==> 谐波调谐
  4032. harmonic variation ==> 调和变化
  4033. harmonic vector field ==> 调和向量场
  4034. harmonic vibration ==> 谐波振动,谐运动
  4035. harmonic vibration-rotation band ==> 简谐振转动谱带
  4036. harmonic vibrator ==> 谐振子
  4037. harmonic voltage ==> 谐波电压
  4038. harmonic wave ==> 谐波=>調波
  4039. harmonic wave factor ==> 谐波系数,谐波因数
  4040. harmonic waveguide ==> 谐波波导管
  4041. harmonic winding ==> 谐波绕组
  4042. harmonic wire projector ==> 谐波定向天线
  4043. harmonic-mean ==> 调和平均数
  4044. harmonic-restraint relay ==> 高調波抑制リレー
  4045. harmonically balanced crankshaft ==> 谐波平衡曲轴
  4046. harmonically conjugate points ==> 调和共轭点
  4047. harmonically conjugate system ==> 谐波共轭体系
  4048. harmonically tuned deflection circuit ==> 谐波调谐偏转电路
  4049. harmonics ==> 谐波=>高調波
  4050. harmonics component ==> 高調波成分
  4051. harmonics disturbance ==> 高調波障害
  4052. harmonics extraction ==> 高調波検出
  4053. harmonics generation ==> 谐波振荡
  4054. harmonics in public supply network ==> 公用电网谐波,公用电网中某些用电设备的非线性特性或负荷的非线性快速时变,即所加的电压与电流不成线性关系而造成的波形畸变
  4055. harmonics injection ==> 高調波注入
  4056. harmonics of flux ==> 通量谐波
  4057. harmonics of light ==> 光高調波
  4058. harmonics of the power system voltage ==> 电力系统电压谐波
  4059. harmonics prediction method ==> 高調波発生量予測手法
  4060. harmonics resonance ==> 高調波共振
  4061. harmonics summation ==> 高調波和
  4062. harmonious ==> 調和した
  4063. harmonious body lines ==> 车身平滑线
  4064. harmonious coexistence ==> 共生
  4065. harmonious control ==> 和谐控制
  4066. harmonious correspondence ==> 調和性異常対応
  4067. harmonious deviation ==> 和谐偏差
  4068. harmonious strategy ==> 和谐策略
  4069. harmonious term ==> 调和项
  4070. harmonious variable ==> 和谐变量
  4071. harmonize ==> 调停,调准=>調和させる
  4072. harmonized system (HS) ==> 调和关税制度
  4073. harmony ==> 谐调,谐和,和声=>一致,調和
  4074. harmony of alignment ==> 调和线向
  4075. harmony of scale ==> 比例上的协调
  4076. harmony search ==> 和声搜索
  4077. HARN, harness ==> 計装配線
  4078. Harnacks first convergence theorem ==> 哈拿克第一收敛定理
  4079. Harnacks second convergence theorem ==> 哈拿克第二收敛定理
  4080. Harnage Shales ==> 哈尔纳格页岩
  4081. harness ==> 导线系列,捆束,利用,装具,马具,综框,背架=>点火,ハーネス
  4082. harness an animal to a cart ==> 套车
  4083. harness assembly ==> 捆束组件
  4084. harness building machine ==> 编综机
  4085. harness configuration ==> 综片配置
  4086. harness cord ==> 综线,通丝
  4087. harness eye ==> 综眼
  4088. harness frame ==> 综框
  4089. harness horse ==> 挽车马
  4090. harness mark ==> 综丝条痕
  4091. harness oil ==> 皮革润滑油
  4092. harness pony ==> 小挽马
  4093. harness run ==> 捆束主干
  4094. harness the beast ==> 套牲口
  4095. harness twine ==> 综线
  4096. harness wind for power ==> 風力を活用する
  4097. harness wire ==> 综丝
  4098. harnessing optical forces ==> 光圧
  4099. Haro-Herbig object ==> 阿罗-赫比格天体
  4100. harp aerial ==> 扇形天线
  4101. harp antenna ==> 扇形天线=>ハープ形アンテナ
  4102. harp(-shape) shackle ==> 竖琴形卸扣
  4103. Harper paper machine ==> 哈珀抄纸机
  4104. harpoon gun ==> 标枪
  4105. harpoon log ==> 鱼镖式计程仪
  4106. Harries reaction ==> 哈里斯反应
  4107. Harrington bronze ==> 哈林顿耐摩轴承青铜
  4108. Harrington bronze alloy ==> 哈林顿青铜合金
  4109. Harrington's water-jet pump ==> 哈林顿喷水抽气泵
  4110. Harris flow ==> 哈里斯电子流
  4111. Harris plant ==> 哈里斯粗铅碱性精炼设备
  4112. Harris process ==> 哈里斯法
  4113. Harris yarn ==> 海力斯粗毛纱
  4114. Harrod neutral technical progress ==> 哈罗德的中性技术进步
  4115. harrow ==> 耙
  4116. harrow mark ==> 耙痕
  4117. harrow plow ==> 垂直圆盘犁
  4118. harrow sole ==> 耙底层
  4119. Harrowers hypothesis ==> 哈娄尔氏假说
  4120. harsh arc ==> 刚性弧
  4121. harsh breath sounds ==> 粗糙呼吸音
  4122. harsh clutch ==> 刚性离合器,急剧接合器
  4123. harsh duties ==> 苛捐杂税
  4124. harsh grain ==> 粗粒革
  4125. harsh image ==> 强对比度图像
  4126. harsh mix ==> 粗糙搅拌
  4127. harsh mixture ==> 粗糙搅拌料,干硬性混合料
  4128. harsh respirstion ==> 粗糙呼吸音
  4129. harsh running ==> 不稳定运转
  4130. harsh terms ==> 苛刻的条件
  4131. HART Communication Foundation ==> HART通信基金会
  4132. Hart condenser ==> 哈特冷凝器
  4133. Hart-Park virus ==> 哈特公园病毒
  4134. Hartfell shales ==> 哈特费尔页岩
  4135. Hartford loop ==> 哈脱福特环
  4136. hartley ==> ハートレー
  4137. Hartley circuit ==> 哈特莱电路,哈脱莱振荡电路
  4138. Hartley formula ==> 哈特莱公式
  4139. Hartley oscillation circuit ==> 哈特莱振荡电路
  4140. Hartley oscillator ==> 哈特莱振荡器,哈特利振荡器,哈脱来振荡器=>ハートレー発振器
  4141. Hartley principle ==> 哈特莱原理,哈特利原理
  4142. Hartley pulse circuit ==> 哈特莱脉冲电路
  4143. Hartly-Rao scheme ==> 哈特利拉奥方案
  4144. Hartman test ==> 哈特曼试验
  4145. Hartman unit ==> 哈特曼单位
  4146. Hartman's solution ==> 哈特曼溶液
  4147. Hartmann criterion ==> 哈特曼判据
  4148. Hartmann diaphragm ==> 哈特曼光阑
  4149. Hartmann dispersion formula ==> 哈特曼色散公式
  4150. Hartmann flow ==> 哈特曼流动=>Hartmann流れ
  4151. Hartmann lines ==> 哈特曼线
  4152. Hartmann number ==> 哈特曼数
  4153. Hartmann oscillator ==> 哈特曼哨
  4154. Hartmann test ==> 哈特曼检验
  4155. Hartnell governor ==> 哈特内尔发动机调速器
  4156. Hartree equation ==> 哈特里方程
  4157. Hartree method ==> 哈特里方法
  4158. Hartree units ==> 哈特里单位
  4159. Hartridge Smoke Unit (HSU) ==> 克烈治废气单位
  4160. Hartshone bridge ==> 哈尔特生电桥,哈特肖恩电桥
  4161. hartshorn oil ==> 骨油
  4162. Hartwell Clay ==> 哈特韦尔粘土
  4163. Harvard ==> 哈佛大学
  4164. Harvard ABC curve ==> (三项指数曲线)哈佛ABC曲线
  4165. Harvard case method ==> 哈佛案例教学法
  4166. Harvard classification ==> 哈佛分类法
  4167. Harvard index chart ==> 哈佛指数图
  4168. Harvard Monthly Index Chart ==> 哈佛每月指数图表
  4169. Harvard Standard Region ==> 哈佛标准天区
  4170. Harvard twill ==> 二上二下斜纹
  4171. harvest ==> 稔,收成,收获
  4172. harvest cooler ==> 收获用冷藏装置
  4173. harvest cutting ==> 主伐,成熟伐
  4174. harvest duck ==> 收获机用输送器帆布带
  4175. harvest index ==> 收获指数
  4176. harvest ladder ==> 收获用附加栏板
  4177. harvest maturing ==> 采收成熟度
  4178. harvest method ==> 收获测定法,收获法
  4179. harvest mite ==> 秋螨
  4180. harvest proceduse ==> 收获作业过程
  4181. harvest strategy ==> 丰收策略
  4182. harvest time ==> 收割期
  4183. harvest wheat ==> 拔麦子
  4184. harvestable fish ==> 可捕捞鱼
  4185. harvested beet ==> 收获的甜菜
  4186. harvester ==> 收割机,收获机,采集装置=>刈取り機
  4187. harvester binder ==> 割捆收获机
  4188. harvester conveyer ==> 收获机的输送器
  4189. harvester duck ==> 收割机帆布
  4190. harvester oil ==> 收割机油,农业机械用润滑油
  4191. harvester stacker ==> 收获堆垛机
  4192. harvester thresher ==> 联合收割机
  4193. harvester's drawbar ==> 收割机联结装置
  4194. harvester(-)thresher ==> 联合收割打谷机
  4195. harvester-decorticator ==> 收割剥麻机,收割脱壳机
  4196. harvester-shredder ==> 收获切碎机
  4197. harvester-thresher ==> 收割打谷康拜因,割脱两用机
  4198. harvester-tracker ==> 堆垛机
  4199. harvesting ==> 林产采收,收割
  4200. harvesting apparatus ==> 收获装置
  4201. harvesting coconut from the palm ==> 摘椰子
  4202. harvesting dryer ==> 割晒机
  4203. harvesting equipment ==> 收获机具
  4204. harvesting implements ==> 收割机
  4205. harvesting loss ==> 收获损失
  4206. harvesting machine ==> 收割机
  4207. harvesting machinery ==> 收割机械
  4208. harvesting mechanism ==> 收获装置
  4209. harvesting rice during wet season ==> 在雨季收获水稻
  4210. harvesting time ==> 收割期
  4211. harvesttime ==> 收获期
  4212. Harvey process ==> 哈维法
  4213. Harvey steel ==> 固体渗碳硬化钢
  4214. Harwood double connection ==> 哈沃得二重连接
  4215. HAS, high altitude satellite ==> 高々度衛星
  4216. Hasche process ==> 哈施热裂化法
  4217. hash ==> 尤用数据,茅草干扰,杂乱噪声,电噪声,散列
  4218. hash address ==> 散列地址
  4219. hash addressing ==> 散列编址
  4220. hash addressing method ==> 散列编址方法
  4221. hash addressing scheme ==> 散列编址方案
  4222. hash class ==> 散列表类
  4223. hash code ==> 散列码
  4224. hash coding scheme ==> 散列编码方案
  4225. hash function ==> 散列函数,哈希函数
  4226. hash index ==> 散列索引
  4227. hash table ==> 散列表,散列存储表
  4228. hash table bucket ==> 散列表元
  4229. hash table entry ==> 散列表项
  4230. hash table method ==> 散列数据表法
  4231. hash total ==> 数位总和=>ハッシュ合計
  4232. hash type ==> 散列型
  4233. hash-coding ==> 散列编码
  4234. hashed value ==> 散列值
  4235. Hashimoto's thyroiditis ==> 淋巴瘤性(样)甲状腺肿,桥本氏甲状腺炎
  4236. hashing method ==> 散列法
  4237. hashing total ==> 散列总和
  4238. Hasners fold ==> 鼻泪管襞
  4239. hasp ==> 搭扣,钩,铁扣
  4240. hasp and staple ==> 搭扣
  4241. hasp iron ==> 铁钩
  4242. Hassal's body ==> 胸腺小体
  4243. hassle ==> 面倒なこと
  4244. Hastelloy electorde ==> 哈司特合金焊条
  4245. hasting of maturity ==> 加速成熟
  4246. hasting variety ==> 早熟品种
  4247. Hastings Sands group ==> 哈斯丁层
  4248. hasty action ==> 贸然行动=>早まった行動
  4249. Hasty action is to be deprecated ==> 切不可草率行事
  4250. hasty answer ==> 迅速な回答
  4251. hasty apology ==> 迅速な謝罪
  4252. hasty arrangement ==> 急な手配
  4253. hasty attempt ==> 性急な試み
  4254. hasty mine field ==> 快速布雷区
  4255. hasty profile ==> 速测断面图
  4256. hat ==> 帽,随机编码
  4257. hat band ==> 帽圈
  4258. hat brush ==> 帽刷
  4259. hat felt ==> 帽坯
  4260. hat money ==> 额外酬金
  4261. hat orifice ==> 帽形孔板
  4262. hat packing ==> 帽形轴封
  4263. hat pass ==> 帽形孔型,立轧梯形孔型
  4264. hat seal ==> 帽形密封
  4265. hat section ==> 帽形截面
  4266. hat shape ==> 初制帽坯
  4267. hat tree ==> 衣帽架
  4268. hat type ==> 帽式
  4269. hat washer ==> 帽形圈
  4270. HAT, Humid Air Turbine ==> 高湿分空気を利用したガスタービン
  4271. hat-and-coat hook ==> 衣帽钩
  4272. hat-block ==> 帽模
  4273. hat-forming machine ==> 帽坯机
  4274. hat-peg ==> 帽钉
  4275. Hatay stabilization process ==> 哈塔伊定形法
  4276. hatch ==> 阴影线,孵育,窗口,舱口,升降口=>ハッチ,床窓,昇降口
  4277. hatch (batten) cleat ==> 锁条
  4278. hatch battens ==> 舱口压条,舱位压条
  4279. hatch beam ==> 舱口梁
  4280. hatch bock body ==> 舱背式车身
  4281. hatch carling ==> 舱口纵梁
  4282. hatch chickens ==> 孵小鸡
  4283. hatch coaming ==> 舱口围板=>倉口縁材
  4284. hatch conveyer ==> 船用装卸输送机
  4285. hatch cover ==> 舱口盖
  4286. hatch crane ==> 舱口起重机
  4287. hatch deck ==> 舱口盖
  4288. hatch guardrail ==> 昇降手摺
  4289. hatch list ==> 舱口单,分舱单
  4290. hatch mast ==> 舱口起重杆
  4291. hatch number ==> 舱口号码
  4292. hatch opening ==> ハッチ開口部
  4293. hatch survey ==> 舱口检视
  4294. hatch survey report ==> 舱口检查报告
  4295. hatchback ==> 掀背轿车,掀背车=>ハッチバック
  4296. hatcher ==> 孵化器
  4297. hatcher tray ==> 出雏盘
  4298. hatchery residue ==> 孵化厂废品
  4299. hatchet planimeter ==> 斧状面积仪
  4300. hatching ==> 剖面线
  4301. hatching effect ==> 阴影效果
  4302. hatching egg ==> 孵化用蛋
  4303. hatching eggs per setting ==> 每批孵蛋数
  4304. hatching house ==> 孵化室
  4305. hatching method ==> 孵化法
  4306. hatching method of schistosome miracidium ==> 血吸虫毛蚴孵化法
  4307. hatching peak ==> 孵化高峰
  4308. hatching, cross hatch ==> 剖面线
  4309. hatchway ==> 舱口,升降口
  4310. Hatfield time yield ==> 短期徐变试验准则
  4311. Hathaway oscillograph ==> 十二回线示波器
  4312. hathet face ==> 斧头面
  4313. Hathor capital ==> 爱神柱头
  4314. Hathor column ==> 爱神柱
  4315. HATS, high altitude test stand ==> 高空燃焼試験スタンド
  4316. Hatschek's groove ==> 哈氏沟
  4317. Hatscheks pit ==> 哈氏窝
  4318. hatted code ==> 随机码
  4319. hatter's plush ==> 帽绒
  4320. haul ==> 改变航向,曳,运输,此处吊起,牵引,拖
  4321. haul back ==> 拉回
  4322. haul cycle ==> 运输周期
  4323. haul distance ==> 运距,行程长度
  4324. haul down ==> 拉下
  4325. haul road ==> 运输道
  4326. haul-back block ==> 回空索滑车
  4327. haul-backline ==> 回空索
  4328. haul-cycle time ==> 运输周期
  4329. haulage ==> 运费,运输,拖运,拖运费,牵引量,搬运=>運搬,運搬業,運送業
  4330. haulage and ventilation drift ==> 运输及通风平巷
  4331. haulage box ==> 运输巷道装车溜井口,装车漏口
  4332. haulage business ==> 搬运业
  4333. haulage cable ==> 牵引绳
  4334. haulage capacity ==> 运输能力
  4335. haulage car ==> 运输车
  4336. haulage clip ==> 牵引夹
  4337. haulage conveyor ==> 采区中间运输机
  4338. haulage cost ==> 运输费用
  4339. haulage cross-cut ==> 运输石门
  4340. haulage curve ==> 运输平巷弯道
  4341. haulage drift ==> 运输平巷
  4342. haulage drum ==> 牵引滚筒
  4343. haulage efficiency ==> 牵引效率
  4344. haulage entry ==> 运输平巷
  4345. haulage equipment ==> 搬运设备
  4346. haulage gantry ==> 运输栈桥
  4347. haulage gear ==> 运输绞车,牵引机构
  4348. haulage grade ==> 运输道坡度
  4349. haulage heading ==> 运输平巷
  4350. haulage horizon ==> 运输水平
  4351. haulage level ==> 运输水平
  4352. haulage means ==> 运输工具
  4353. haulage motor ==> 电机车
  4354. haulage plant ==> 运输设备
  4355. haulage roadway ==> 运输巷道
  4356. haulage rope ==> 运输钢丝绳,牵引钢丝绳,牵引绳,拖缆
  4357. haulage stage ==> 运输阶段
  4358. haulage tail rope ==> 牵引尾绳
  4359. haulage time ==> 运输时间
  4360. haulage truck ==> 运输卡车
  4361. haulage tunnel ==> 运输平硐
  4362. haulage vehicle ==> 运输车辆,运输容器
  4363. haulage winch ==> 运输绞车
  4364. haulageway ==> 运输平巷,运输巷道
  4365. hauled weight ==> 运输重量
  4366. hauler ==> 运输机,起动机=>運送業者
  4367. hauling (wire) rope ==> 运输钢丝绳
  4368. hauling ability ==> 牵引性能
  4369. hauling cable ==> 牵引绳
  4370. hauling capacity ==> 牵引力,牵引能力=>けん引定数(鉄道)
  4371. hauling chain ==> 牵引链
  4372. hauling charge ==> 运费
  4373. hauling distance ==> 牵引距离
  4374. hauling drum ==> 牵引滚筒
  4375. hauling engine ==> 牵引机,牵引机车,牵运机
  4376. hauling entry ==> 运输平巷
  4377. hauling equipment ==> 运输设备
  4378. hauling gallery ==> 运输平巷
  4379. hauling installation ==> 运输设备
  4380. hauling machine ==> 运输机,拖运机
  4381. hauling operation ==> 运输作业
  4382. hauling operations ==> 运输工作
  4383. hauling power ==> 拖力,牵引力=>馬力
  4384. hauling road ==> 运料路
  4385. hauling rod universal joint bushing ==> 拖杆万向节衬套
  4386. hauling rod wheel bushing ==> 拖杆轮衬套
  4387. hauling rope ==> 牵引钢丝绳,牵引绳
  4388. hauling scraper ==> 牵引刮土机
  4389. hauling speed ==> 牵引速度
  4390. hauling unit ==> 运输设备
  4391. hauling winch ==> 电引绞车,升降绞车
  4392. hauling-away ==> 运出
  4393. hauling-up device ==> 起重装置
  4394. haulm ==> 麦秆
  4395. haulm chain ==> 茎叶排送链
  4396. haulm cutter ==> 茎叶切碎器
  4397. haulm divider ==> 分茎器
  4398. haulm hook ==> 分茎刀
  4399. haulm puller ==> 茎叶拔取机
  4400. haulm pulling machine ==> 拔茎机
  4401. haulm pulverizer ==> 茎叶切碎机
  4402. haulm separator ==> 除茎叶器
  4403. haulm stripper ==> 茎叶拔取装置
  4404. hauls ==> 捕获数
  4405. Haultain infrasizer ==> 豪尔顿细粒淘析器
  4406. haulway ==> 运输路线
  4407. haunch of arch ==> 梁腋,拱腋
  4408. haunched arch ==> 加腋拱
  4409. haunched beam ==> 加腋梁,托臂梁
  4410. haunched member ==> 突起构件
  4411. haunched mortise-and-tenon joint ==> 加腋榫接
  4412. Hausdorff dimension ==> ハウスドルフ次元
  4413. Hausdorff maximal principle ==> 豪斯多夫极大原理
  4414. Hausdorff measure ==> ハウスドルフ測度
  4415. Hausdorff space ==> 豪斯多夫空间
  4416. Hauser's alloy ==> 赫氏易熔合金
  4417. Hausner process ==> 高频镀铬法
  4418. haustra of colon ==> 结肠袋
  4419. haustral segmentation ==> 肠分节运动
  4420. hautelisse loom ==> 立经式地毯织机
  4421. Hauzeur furnace ==> 豪斯欧炉
  4422. HAVC ==> 电网混成自动电压控制
  4423. have a breath of fresh air ==> 呼吸新鲜空气
  4424. have a convulsion ==> 出现抽搐
  4425. have a rash ==> 出疹子
  4426. have a rotating schedule ==> 輪番制になっている
  4427. have a spell ==> 接班
  4428. have ample food and clothing ==> 丰衣足食
  4429. have engine trouble ==> エンジントラブルを起こす
  4430. have holidays by turns ==> 轮休
  4431. have more hands than needed ==> 人浮于事
  4432. have scalability ==> 拡張性がある
  4433. have something to live for ==> 生きがいがある
  4434. have the same educational level ==> 同等学历
  4435. have to ==> 不得不,必须
  4436. have trade relations ==> 通商
  4437. Havelocks law ==> 哈夫洛克定律
  4438. haven ==> 避风港,避难所,泊船处,安全地方,港
  4439. Haverhill fever ==> 哈弗希尔热,流行性关节红斑
  4440. haversack ==> 帆布背包
  4441. Haversian canal ==> 哈佛管,哈佛氏管
  4442. Haversian glands ==> 哈弗氏腺,滑液腺
  4443. Haversian lamella ==> 哈佛骨板
  4444. haversine ==> 半正矢
  4445. havier than aircraft ==> 重航空器
  4446. having a moderate climate ==> 气候温和
  4447. having a ripple ==> リプルを持つ
  4448. having food value ==> 具有食物价值,具有食物价值
  4449. having fourteen chromosome ==> 具有十四条染色体,具有十四条染色体
  4450. having the qualities of plants ==> 具有植物特性的,具有植物特性的
  4451. haw berry ==> 山楂浆果
  4452. HAW, Kokee Park Kauai Island Hawaii ==> コッキーパーク
  4453. Hawaiian activity ==> 夏威夷式火山活动
  4454. Hawaiian-type eruption ==> 夏威夷式喷发
  4455. hawk ==> 镘灰板,托灰板,鹰
  4456. hawk bill teeth ==> 鹰嘴齿
  4457. hawk cuckoo ==> 鹰鹃
  4458. hawk eagle ==> 鹰雕
  4459. hawk moth ==> 天蛾
  4460. hawk nose ==> 鹰钩鼻
  4461. hawk's eye ==> 鹰眼石
  4462. hawkbell ==> 鹰铃
  4463. hawkbill ==> 焊钳,铁钳
  4464. hawkbill snips ==> 曲刃剪
  4465. Hawkers Act ==> 小贩法例
  4466. Hawkeye soybean ==> 鹰眼大豆
  4467. Hawking Radiation ==> 霍金辐射
  4468. Hawkins cell ==> 铁镍电池
  4469. hawksbill turtle ==> 玳瑁
  4470. Hawksley's formula ==> (用于计算水库浪高)霍克斯累公式
  4471. Haworth methylation ==> 霍沃思甲基化作用
  4472. hawse ==> 锚链孔
  4473. hawse bolster ==> 锚链孔唇口
  4474. hawse pipe ==> 锚链孔
  4475. hawse-hole ==> 锚链孔
  4476. hawsepipe ==> 锚链筒
  4477. hawser ==> 粗绳,钢丝索,钢丝索,缆索
  4478. hawthorn ==> 山楂,夏花山楂
  4479. hay ==> 干草
  4480. hay asthma ==> 花草气喘
  4481. hay baling ==> 干草打捆
  4482. hay band braider ==> 干草带编织机
  4483. hay band spinning machine ==> 打草绳机
  4484. hay belly ==> 草腹
  4485. hay blower ==> 干草吹送器
  4486. Hay bridge ==> 海氏电桥
  4487. hay carrier ==> 干草运输拖车
  4488. hay chopper ==> 干草切碎机
  4489. hay cocker ==> 干草堆垛机
  4490. hay cocking machine ==> 干草堆垛机
  4491. hay condenser ==> 干草压捆机压实器
  4492. hay conditioner ==> 牧草压扁机
  4493. hay crimper ==> 干草压扁碾折机
  4494. hay crop ==> 牧草
  4495. hay crushing roll ==> 干草压扁辊
  4496. hay curing ==> 晒制干草
  4497. hay cutter ==> 铡草机
  4498. hay drying ==> 人工制干草,牧草干燥
  4499. hay elevator ==> 干草升运机
  4500. hay equivalent ==> 干草当量,干草等价
  4501. hay fever ==> 花粉病,枯草热
  4502. hay fork ==> 干草叉
  4503. hay grab ==> 干草抓斗
  4504. hay grab with monorail trol(l)ey ==> 单轨吊车式牧草抓爪
  4505. hay grinder ==> 干草粉碎机
  4506. hay harvest ==> 干草收割
  4507. hay harvester ==> 干草收获机
  4508. hay harvesting ==> 干草收割
  4509. hay holder ==> 草捆止退板
  4510. hay knife ==> 割草刀,割干草刀
  4511. hay liner ==> 自走式干草捡拾压捆机
  4512. hay loader ==> 干草装载机
  4513. hay maker ==> 晒草机
  4514. hay manger ==> 干草槽
  4515. hay measuring ==> 干草测量
  4516. hay mower ==> 割草机
  4517. hay packer ==> 干草装填器
  4518. hay pelleter ==> 干草压饼机,干草制颗粒机
  4519. hay pickup ==> 干草捡拾器
  4520. hay pickup-press ==> 干草拣拾压捆机
  4521. hay pole ==> 干草堆垛柱
  4522. hay press ==> 干草压榨机,干草压捆机,干草压缩机,压干草机
  4523. hay rack ==> 装草耙架
  4524. hay retainer ==> 干草止退板
  4525. hay ricking machine ==> 干草堆垛机
  4526. hay ridger ==> 侧向搂草铺条机
  4527. hay rope ==> 草绳
  4528. hay scatterer ==> 干草铺条撒布器
  4529. Hay spot ==> 哈伊斑
  4530. hay spreader ==> 翻草机,草条撒散机
  4531. hay stacking cable ==> 堆草用钢缆
  4532. hay sweep ==> 干草堆集器
  4533. hay tedder ==> 干草翻动机
  4534. hay thermometer ==> 测草温度计
  4535. hay value ==> 干草等价
  4536. hay varieties ==> 饲料品种
  4537. hay wafer ==> 干草压块机
  4538. hay wafering machine ==> 干草压饼机
  4539. hay yield ==> 干草产量
  4540. Hay's China cotton ==> 海氏棉
  4541. hay-and-straw elevator ==> 干草与茎稿升运器
  4542. hay-asthma ==> 枯草气喘
  4543. hay-loader ==> 干草装载机,装草机
  4544. hay-making chute ==> 干草铺条导向槽
  4545. hay-making equipment ==> 干草收获制备机具
  4546. hay-making machinery ==> 干草制备机械
  4547. hay-making range ==> 制备干草成套机具
  4548. hay-making system ==> 干草制备系统
  4549. Hayden Planetarium ==> 海登天文馆
  4550. Hayden process ==> 海登法
  4551. haydite concrete ==> 陶粒混凝土
  4552. haydite concrete wall panel ==> 陶粒混凝土墙板
  4553. Hayem's solution ==> 海姆氏液,红细胞稀释液
  4554. Hayem's test outfit ==> 肝功能测试装置
  4555. Hayem's type ==> 急性非化脓性大脑炎
  4556. Hayes pegboard test ==> 海斯栓钉入板测验
  4557. Hayes printer ==> 海氏印字机
  4558. Hayes transmission bridge ==> 海氏传输电桥
  4559. hayne's alloy ==> 钴铬钨合金
  4560. Haynes 25 alloy ==> 海纳25钴铬钨镍耐热合金
  4561. Haynes alloy ==> 海恩斯高电阻高硬度超级合金,海钠合金
  4562. hayrack boom loader ==> 梯臂式装车机
  4563. haystack boiler ==> 草堆形锅炉
  4564. Hayti cotton ==> 海地棉
  4565. Hayward grab bucket ==> 海沃德抓斗
  4566. Hayward orange peel ==> 海沃德四颚板抓斗
  4567. Hays test ==> 海氏试验
  4568. hazard ==> ハザード,危険,冒険
  4569. hazard analysis ==> 危害分析
  4570. hazard and operability study ==> 危险及可操作性研究
  4571. hazard area ==> 危険区域
  4572. hazard assessment ==> 危害评价=>有害性評価
  4573. hazard control ==> ハザード制御
  4574. hazard evaluation ==> 危害评价
  4575. hazard index ==> 危害指数
  4576. hazard marker ==> 危险标志,危险指示标
  4577. hazard marking light ==> 危险标灯
  4578. hazard materials ==> 危险物品
  4579. hazard rate ==> 故障率
  4580. hazard report ==> 危害报告书
  4581. hazard resistant building ==> 防灾建筑
  4582. hazard signs ==> 危険標識
  4583. hazard warnig signal control ==> 危急信号操纵件
  4584. hazard warning lamp ==> 危险警告灯
  4585. hazard warning light ==> 危险警告灯
  4586. hazard warning signal flasher ==> 危险报警闪光器
  4587. hazard warning system tell-tale ==> 危急报警信号灯
  4588. hazard way light ==> 危险信号闪光
  4589. hazardous air pollutants ==> 大気汚染物質
  4590. hazardous area ==> 危险场所,危险品区=>危険区域
  4591. hazardous cargo ==> 危险货物
  4592. hazardous chemicals ==> 危险的化学品,危险化学药
  4593. hazardous conditions ==> 危险状态
  4594. hazardous emission ==> 有害大気汚染物質排出
  4595. hazardous failure ==> 危险性损坏
  4596. hazardous goods ==> 危险的货物
  4597. hazardous insurance ==> 高率保险
  4598. hazardous location ==> 危险场所,危险地段
  4599. hazardous material ==> 危害物,危险材料,有害物质
  4600. hazardous material (fluids) ==> 危险物料
  4601. hazardous material inventory ==> 危害物料贮存量,危险物品贮存量
  4602. hazardous material spill ==> 危険物流出
  4603. hazardous material transportation ==> 危险货物运输
  4604. hazardous metal oxide ==> 有害的金属氧化物
  4605. hazardous noise ==> 危害性噪声
  4606. hazardous rating ==> 防爆等级
  4607. hazardous roof ==> 危险顶板
  4608. hazardous shoulder ==> 危险路肩
  4609. hazardous site ==> 危险场所
  4610. hazardous site and spot ==> 危险场所和地点
  4611. hazardous substance ==> 危险物质=>有害物質=>有害物質
  4612. hazardous substances mark ==> 危险品包装标志
  4613. hazardous top ==> 危险顶板
  4614. hazardous waste ==> 有害廃棄物
  4615. hazardous waste spill ==> 有害廃棄物流出
  4616. haze ==> 光雾
  4617. haze dome ==> 汽室
  4618. haze extinction ==> 霾消光
  4619. haze factor ==> 霾因子
  4620. haze filter ==> 消雾滤光器
  4621. haze horizon ==> 霾层顶
  4622. haze layer ==> 霾层
  4623. haze level ==> 霾线
  4624. haze line ==> 霾线
  4625. haze meter ==> 烟柱测距仪
  4626. Hazelette continuous casting ==> 黑兹利特连铸法
  4627. Hazelette process ==> 黑兹利特法
  4628. Hazeltine circuit ==> 海兹丁中和电路
  4629. Hazeltine neutralization ==> 海兹丁中和
  4630. hazemeter ==> 测定散色光的设备
  4631. Hazen and Williams formula ==> 海森和威廉公式
  4632. Hazen's equation ==> 哈森公式
  4633. Hazen's uniformity coefficient ==> 黑普均匀度系数
  4634. Hazens uniformity coefficient ==> 黑普均匀度系数
  4635. HAZMAT Hazardous Materials ==> 危险材料
  4636. HAZMAT NOAA's Hazardous Materials Response and Assessment Division ==> 危险材料反馈及评估处
  4637. hazy picture ==> 模糊图像
  4638. Haüy law ==> 豪维定律
  4639. HB stepping motor ==> HB形ステッピングモータ
  4640. HB type vernier motor ==> HB形バーニアモータ
  4641. HB, hybrid ==> ハイブリッド
  4642. HB, hyperbaric ==> 過気圧の
  4643. HBC, hyperbaric chamber ==> 超圧チャンバー
  4644. HBL Hydrostatically Balanced Loading ==> 静水平衡装载
  4645. HBM, Human body model ==> 人体帯電モデル
  4646. HBO, Home Box Office ==> ホームボックスオフィス社
  4647. HBOT, hyperbaric oxygen therapy ==> 高压氧疗法,高压氧舱疗法=>高気圧酸素治療
  4648. hbt ==> 异质结双极型晶体管
  4649. HBT, High speed Busbar Transfer ==> HBT
  4650. HBV carrier ==> 乙肝病毒携带者,乙肝转阴都是骗人的鬼话(特别是中医)
  4651. HC Hydraulic Coupling ==> 水力驱动连接器
  4652. HC, hard copy ==> ハードコピー
  4653. HC, hardcopy ==> ハードコピー
  4654. HCA, Hybrid Channel Assignment ==> ハイブリッド割当方式
  4655. hcd ==> 热载流二极管
  4656. HCE, heater control electronics ==> ヒータ制御回路
  4657. HCF, high cycle fatigue ==> 高サイクル疲労
  4658. HCFC ==> ハイドロクロロフルオロカーボン
  4659. HCI gas inlet ==> 氯化氢气体入口
  4660. HCI, horizon crossing indicator ==> 地平線検出器
  4661. HCI, horizontal crossing indicator ==> 地平線検出センサ
  4662. HCI, Hughes Communications Inc. ==> ヒューズコミュニケーションズ社
  4663. HCL, Hierarchical Concept based Learning ==> HCL
  4664. HCM, heater control module ==> ヒータ制御モジュール
  4665. HCMM, Heat Capacity Mapping Mission ==> 熱容量作図ミッション
  4666. HCP, heater control panel ==> 熱制御盤
  4667. HCPV High Capacity Passenger Vessel ==> 大容量客船
  4668. HCPチャート Hierarchical and Compact discription chart ==> NTT研究所で考案された構造化プログラミングの思想をベースにしたプログラム設計図法。プログラムの論理構造を、階層的にわかりやすく表現。
  4669. HCS, heat control system ==> 熱制御システム
  4670. HD organization ==> 分级直接存取组织
  4671. HD, Henry Draper Catalogue ==> HD星表
  4672. HDBK HBK, handbook ==> ハンドブック
  4673. HDCC, hard drown copper stranded conductor ==> 硬銅より線
  4674. HDD, Hard Disk Drive ==> ハードディスク装置
  4675. HDDR, High Density Digital Recorder ==> 高密度デジタル記録装置
  4676. HDDR, hydrogenation decomposition desorption recombination ==> Nd-Fe-Bの異方性磁粉の加工法
  4677. HDDT, high density digital tape ==> 高密度デジタルテープ
  4678. HDF, Hydrogen Disposal Facility ==> 水素ガス処理場
  4679. HDL, Hardware Description Language ==> 論理設計を動作アルゴリズムで記述するハードウェア記述言語
  4680. HDLC, high level data link control ==> ハイレベル伝送制御手順,高水準データリンク制御
  4681. HDLC, high level data link control procedure ==> ハイレベルデータリンク制御手順
  4682. HDofMSA, Hydrographic Department of Maritime Safety Agency ==> 海上保安庁水路部
  4683. HDPA, heat dissipation profile analysis ==> 熱拡散プロファイル解析
  4684. HDRR, high data rate recorder ==> 高速データレコーダ
  4685. HDT, high density tape ==> 高密度磁気テープ
  4686. HDT, high speed data transmission ==> 高速データ伝送
  4687. HDT, high speed data transmitter ==> 高速データ伝送装置
  4688. HDT-CNV, high speed data transmission-frequency converter ==> 高速データ伝送部周波数変換部
  4689. HDT-COM, high speed data transmission-combiner ==> 高速データ伝送部出力回路部
  4690. HDT-PA, high speed data transmission-power amplifier ==> 高速データ伝送部電力増幅器
  4691. HDT-PS, high speed data transmission-power supply ==> 高速データ伝送部電力増幅用電源
  4692. hdtl ==> 混合二极管晶体管逻辑
  4693. HDTR, high density digital tape recorder ==> 高密度ディジタルテープレコーダー
  4694. hdtv ==> 高清晰度电视
  4695. HDTV, high definition television ==> 高精細度テレビ
  4696. HDTV, high definition TV ==> 高精細度テレビ
  4697. HDWTS, Half Dispatch Working Time Saved ==> 节省一半发送工作时间
  4698. hdx ==> 半双工的
  4699. HDX, half duplex ==> 半二重
  4700. HDX, hard X-ray ==> 硬X線
  4701. He abundance ==> 氦丰度
  4702. HE alloy ==> 硅镁铝青铜
  4703. HE Human Element ==> 人体要素
  4704. He ister's valve ==> 胆囊颈螺旋瓣
  4705. He, helium ==> ヘリウム
  4706. He, Helium(Helium) ==> ヘリウムガス
  4707. he-goat ==> 公山羊
  4708. He-Ne laser ==> 氦氖激光器
  4709. He-Ne laser accupuncture therapy ==> 氦氖激光针灸理疗仪
  4710. He-Ne laser core instrument ==> 氦氖激光治疗仪
  4711. head ==> 落差,封头,端盖,压头,头,磁头,水头,动力头=>ヘッド(録音・再生機器など),水頭(流体),揚程(ポンプ)
  4712. head (main, master, home) office ==> 总公司
  4713. head access ==> 磁头存取
  4714. head access window ==> 磁头存取窗
  4715. head adjustment ==> 磁头调节
  4716. head agglutination ==> 头凝集
  4717. head amplifier ==> 前置放大器=>前置増幅器
  4718. head and chest set ==> 戴挂式电话机
  4719. head and shell opening ==> 封头和壳体开孔
  4720. head arm ==> 磁头臂
  4721. head assembly ==> 磁头组件
  4722. head banding ==> 磁头条带效应
  4723. head bay ==> 上游池,上闸首
  4724. head bay of lock ==> 船闸前港,船闸闸首
  4725. head beam ==> 扶手,露梁
  4726. head bearing ==> 止端轴承
  4727. head block ==> 大滑车
  4728. head board ==> 顶板横梁端卡楔,护顶木板
  4729. head box ==> 压力盒,网前箱,绝热帽,绝热帽
  4730. head breadth ==> 头宽
  4731. head cap ==> 头帽
  4732. head capsule ==> (昆虫)头壳
  4733. head cavity ==> 头腔
  4734. head cervical spine supporter for adult ==> 成人头颈桩支撑架
  4735. head changer ==> 更换轴箱装置
  4736. head chip ==> 磁头工作间隙
  4737. head circuit ==> 耳机电路
  4738. head circumference ==> 头围
  4739. head clamp ==> 猫头夹
  4740. head clamping lever ==> 进刀架紧固手柄
  4741. head clearance ==> 头顶空隙
  4742. head coefficient ==> 压头系数
  4743. head conduit ==> 压力管道,压力输送管道
  4744. head cone ==> 龙头内锥
  4745. head contour ==> 封头外形
  4746. head core ==> 磁头心
  4747. head cover ==> 顶盖,端盖
  4748. head crash ==> 磁头划碰,磁头碰撞
  4749. head crescent ==> (内啮合齿轮泵)带隔板端盖
  4750. head cup ==> 铆钉机顶具
  4751. head cushion ==> 头枕
  4752. head cylinder ==> 磁头柱体
  4753. head delivery ==> 顺产
  4754. head density ==> 穗的密度
  4755. head difference ==> 压头差
  4756. head differential ==> 压头差
  4757. head disk assembly (HDA) ==> 磁头磁盘组合件
  4758. head drain ==> 地头沟
  4759. head drum ==> 磁头鼓
  4760. head effect ==> 对地电容效应
  4761. head end pressure ==> 活塞头端压力
  4762. head eraser ==> 前置消磁器,磁头消磁器
  4763. head erosion ==> 朔源侵蚀
  4764. head face ==> 端面
  4765. head fall ==> 跌水,水头降落
  4766. head field ==> 磁头场
  4767. head file ==> 剑形锉
  4768. head fire ==> 顺风火,头火
  4769. head for boring bar ==> 镗孔头,镗孔头
  4770. head fork weldment ==> 顶叉焊接件
  4771. head form impact test ==> 人头模型冲击试验
  4772. head form weight ==> 人头模型重块
  4773. head formed by spinning ==> 旋压封头
  4774. head fraction ==> 初馏物,头馏分
  4775. head gasket ==> 盖垫密片
  4776. head gate ==> 渠首闸门
  4777. head gear ==> 头饰
  4778. head grit ==> 绵羊的过敏性黄疸
  4779. head height ==> 头高
  4780. head helmet ==> 头兜
  4781. head housing ==> 磁头罩
  4782. Head Injury Criterion ==> (汽车碰撞事故中的)头部伤害度评定基准
  4783. head insulation ==> 封头绝热层
  4784. head into shell ==> 封头接入壳体
  4785. head joint ==> 端部接缝
  4786. head kidney ==> 前肾
  4787. head lamp ==> 头灯,额灯
  4788. head lamp adjusting screw ==> 前灯调节螺钉
  4789. head lamp body ==> 前灯壳
  4790. head lamp bracket ==> 前灯支架
  4791. head lamp brush guard ==> 前灯栅罩
  4792. head lamp bulb ==> 头灯灯泡
  4793. head lamp case ==> 头灯罩
  4794. head lamp casing ==> 头灯壳
  4795. head lamp connector ==> 前灯接头
  4796. head lamp door ==> 头灯框
  4797. head lamp door latch ==> 头灯框闩
  4798. head lamp door rocket ==> 头灯框座
  4799. head lamp door spring ==> 头灯框闭锁弹簧
  4800. head lamp driving bulb ==> 头灯大光灯泡
  4801. head lamp holder ==> 头灯架
  4802. head lamp housing ==> 头灯壳
  4803. head lamp lens ==> 头灯玻璃
  4804. head lamp mask ==> 前灯遮罩
  4805. head lamp reflector ==> 前灯反射罩
  4806. head lamp support ==> 头灯架
  4807. head lamp swivel ==> 头灯活节螺栓
  4808. head lamp tester ==> 头灯试验器
  4809. head lamp upper beam ==> 前灯上光线
  4810. head lamp with antivibration device ==> 带减震器头灯
  4811. head lap ==> 端搭接
  4812. head leader ==> 片头引片
  4813. head length ==> 头长
  4814. head light ==> 车头灯
  4815. head light clip ==> 前灯卡
  4816. head lighting ==> 前大灯
  4817. head line ==> 头缆
  4818. head load ==> 磁头加载,磁头装入
  4819. head load pad ==> 磁头加载垫
  4820. head load solenoid ==> 磁头加载螺线管
  4821. head load system ==> 磁头加载系统
  4822. head loading mechanism ==> 磁头加载机构
  4823. head lobe ==> 头叶
  4824. head log ==> 前缘木
  4825. head loop ==> 车头灯
  4826. head loss ==> 水头损失,压头损失
  4827. head loss due to enlargement ==> 扩大段水头损失
  4828. head loss in bend ==> 弯管水头损失
  4829. head loss of pipeline ==> 管线水头损失
  4830. head marker ==> 磁头标志
  4831. head mast ==> 吊塔,前桅
  4832. head metal ==> 金属切头
  4833. head meter ==> 压差流量计,落差流量计
  4834. head misalignment loss ==> 压头偏差损耗
  4835. head molding ==> (孔口的)顶部装饰线条
  4836. head motor ==> 头部发动机
  4837. head moulding ==> 门窗额饰
  4838. head mounted display ==> 头盔式显示器
  4839. head nailing ==> 瓦头钉法,上部钉法
  4840. head nurse ==> 护士长
  4841. head of axe ==> 斧背
  4842. head of caudate nucleus ==> 尾状核头
  4843. head of column ==> 柱头
  4844. head of delivery ==> 扬程,压头
  4845. head of femur ==> 股骨头
  4846. head of frame ==> 上槛
  4847. head of glass ==> 玻璃液压头
  4848. head of ingot ==> 锭头
  4849. head of liquid ==> 液柱压力
  4850. head of mandible ==> 下颌头
  4851. head of mast ==> 杆塔顶部
  4852. head of nozzle ==> 喷嘴头
  4853. head of pump ==> 泵压头
  4854. head of radius ==> 桡骨头
  4855. head of rib ==> 肋头
  4856. head of talus ==> 距骨头,距骨头
  4857. head of the clay room ==> 坯房头
  4858. head of the department of medical administration ==> 医务部主任
  4859. head of the mast ==> 电杆顶部
  4860. head of the queue ==> 队首
  4861. head of the reactor vessel ==> 反应堆外壳的顶盖
  4862. head of tide water ==> 感潮区上游段
  4863. head of water ==> 水头,水位差
  4864. head on collision ==> 对头碰撞
  4865. head opening ==> 封头开孔
  4866. head organ ==> 头器
  4867. head packing ==> 头部填密
  4868. head phone ==> 头戴受话器,头戴耳机
  4869. head piece ==> 流口
  4870. head pivot point ==> 头的转动中心
  4871. head plate ==> 封头板,顶板
  4872. head pond ==> 压力前池,连接水电厂引水渠道与压力管道,在上游设置的对水位和流量起调节作用的建筑物
  4873. head positioner ==> 磁头定位器
  4874. head positioner logic ==> 磁头定位器逻辑
  4875. head positioning mechanism ==> 磁头定位机构
  4876. head positioning time ==> 磁头定位时间
  4877. head pressing ==> 封头冲压
  4878. head pressure ==> 排出压力,水头压力
  4879. head process ==> 头突
  4880. head product ==> 初馏物
  4881. head progeny row ==> 穗行
  4882. head pulley ==> 主滑轮,端部滚筒,天轮,主动皮带轮
  4883. head pump ==> 甲板冲洗泵,水头泵
  4884. head race ==> 引水道,上游水道
  4885. head rail ==> 上冒头,机头导轨
  4886. head receiver ==> 头戴受话器,头戴耳机=>ヘッドホン
  4887. head recovery ==> 完整米出产量
  4888. head reservoir ==> 压力水池
  4889. head resistance ==> 迎面阻力,正面阻力
  4890. head rest ==> 靠枕
  4891. head restraint ==> (汽车乘员)头部保护装置
  4892. head rice ==> 完整米
  4893. head rig ==> 主锯机
  4894. head river ==> 河源段
  4895. head rod ==> (辙尖)头杆
  4896. head roll ==> 驱动滚筒
  4897. head roller ==> 首轮
  4898. head room ==> 净空高度,净空高度
  4899. head rope ==> 首绳
  4900. head rotation ==> 磁头走向
  4901. head running effect ==> 磁头工作效应
  4902. head saw ==> 原木锯,头锯,剖料锯,主锯
  4903. head screen ==> 焊工面罩
  4904. head sea ==> 顶头浪
  4905. head section ==> 机头部分
  4906. head select signal ==> 磁头选择信号
  4907. head set ==> 头戴送受话器=>ヘッドセット
  4908. head shaft ==> 驱动轴,首端轴
  4909. head sheave ==> 首轮,天轮,端滑轮
  4910. head shield ==> 护目罩
  4911. head shot ==> 拍摄头部
  4912. head shoulder ==> 前肩皮
  4913. head side ==> 缸盖端
  4914. head sink ==> 压头沉落
  4915. head slotted plug ==> 顶端带槽螺塞
  4916. head smut of sorghum ==> 高粱丝黑穗病
  4917. head space gas chromatography ==> 顶空气相色谱法
  4918. head space response ==> 液面上响应
  4919. head span ==> 弹性软横跨
  4920. head spar ==> 主集材架杆
  4921. head spar (tree) ==> 首柱木
  4922. head spring ==> 头带簧
  4923. head sprouting season ==> 抽穗季节
  4924. head stack ==> 磁头组,磁头组,磁头组件
  4925. head stay ==> 前支索
  4926. head still ==> 门楣
  4927. head stock ==> 轮轴头架,头架
  4928. head stone ==> 奠基石
  4929. head support arm ==> 磁头臂,磁头支持臂
  4930. head switch ==> 读头开关
  4931. head tank ==> 落差贮水池,压力槽,进料罐,进料桶,原料罐,高位水箱=>ヘッドタンク
  4932. head tax ==> 人头税
  4933. head telephone ==> 头戴受话器,头戴耳机
  4934. head telephone set ==> 头戴式电话机
  4935. head tide ==> 逆潮
  4936. head tin ==> 上端沉淀精矿
  4937. head tone ==> 头音
  4938. head touch ==> 磁头接触
  4939. head tower ==> 顶塔,端塔
  4940. head track ==> 顶轨
  4941. head traction band ==> 颈牵引带,颈牵引带
  4942. head traverse of radial drilling machine ==> 摇臂钻进给箱横切
  4943. head tree ==> 顶木托块
  4944. head trim ==> 前倾度
  4945. head upper drum ==> 磁头上鼓
  4946. head value ==> 首次分析价值
  4947. head valve ==> 头阀,顶阀
  4948. head vat ==> 头池
  4949. head wall ==> 拱面墙
  4950. head wave ==> 顶头波,首波
  4951. head winch ==> 首端绞车
  4952. head wind ==> 顶头风
  4953. head winding ==> 磁头绕组
  4954. head work ==> 头形装饰
  4955. head yard ==> 前桅上的横桁
  4956. head yield ==> 完整米的产量
  4957. head-drag coefficient ==> 头部阻力系数
  4958. head-driven conveyor ==> 前驱动式运输带
  4959. head-end ignition ==> 前端点火,前端发火
  4960. head-fast ==> 船首缆,船首系索
  4961. head-gate duty of water ==> 毛灌水定额,毛灌水率
  4962. head-germ ==> 头芽
  4963. head-kidney ==> 头肾
  4964. head-on ==> 正面
  4965. head-on collision ==> 正碰,直接碰撞,迎面碰撞=>正面衝突
  4966. head-on cross-section ==> 正截面
  4967. head-on photomultipier ==> 端窗式光电倍增管
  4968. head-on photomultiplier tube ==> 对正光电倍增管
  4969. head-on radiation ==> 迎面辐射,正面辐射,直接定向辐射
  4970. head-on view ==> 正视图
  4971. head-per-track disk (-sc) ==> 每道一头磁盘
  4972. head-positioning control ==> ヘッド位置決め制御
  4973. head-pulley-drive conveyor ==> 端部滚筒驱动的传送带
  4974. head-rail ==> 门框上帽头
  4975. head-rest attachment for cerebellum operation ==> 小脑手术台
  4976. head-rest for vehicle seat ==> 车辆座椅头垫
  4977. head-rigging ==> 前桅索具
  4978. head-room (overhead) clearance ==> 净空高度,净空高度
  4979. head-spring ==> 前助缆
  4980. head-tail instability ==> 首尾不稳定性
  4981. head-tail structure ==> 头尾结构
  4982. head-telephone ==> 耳机
  4983. head-to-head structure ==> 头对头结构
  4984. head-to-tail addition ==> 头尾加成
  4985. head-to-tail linkage ==> 头对尾键合
  4986. head-to-tail structure ==> 头对尾结构,头尾结构
  4987. head-turned angle ==> 头的转动角度
  4988. head-up display windscreen ==> 屏显风窗玻璃
  4989. head-wind ==> 超前卷绕
  4990. headache due to yang insufficiency ==> 阳虚头痛
  4991. headache due to yin-deficiency ==> 阴虚头痛
  4992. headband receiver ==> 头戴式耳机
  4993. headed bolt ==> 撑帽式杆柱
  4994. headed chromosome ==> 短臂染色体
  4995. headed grain ==> 结穗谷物
  4996. header ==> 首部,报文头部,集管,集气管,平巷掘进机,管箱,页头标题,页头码,丁砌,丁砖,顶盖,帽木,露头石,露头砖,联管箱,基座,集气管,光头,集箱,又称"联箱"。在汽水系统中用于汇集或分配工质的圆筒形压力容器。向并联管组分配工质的集箱,称为分配集箱;由并联管组汇集工质的集箱,称为汇集集箱=>ヘッダー
  4997. header (HDR) ==> 端板,报头
  4998. header area ==> 标题区
  4999. header assembly ==> 管座装置
  5000. header auger ==> 收割台运禾螺旋
  5001. header back ==> (联合收割机的)收割台挡风板
  5002. header block ==> 标题字组
  5003. header board ==> 前板
  5004. header bolt ==> 冷锻螺栓
  5005. header bond ==> 全丁砖砌合法,丁砖砌合,丁砖砌合法
  5006. header brick ==> 丁砖,露头砖
  5007. header buffer ==> 报文头部缓冲,首部缓冲器
  5008. header byte ==> 首标字节
  5009. header card ==> 首标卡,首卡,标题卡片
  5010. header cell ==> 标题单元
  5011. header course ==> 丁砖层
  5012. header die ==> 镦锻模
  5013. header entry ==> 标题项目
  5014. header field ==> 标题字段
  5015. header format ==> 标题格式
  5016. header joint ==> 丁砖砌合
  5017. header label ==> 首标=>(ファイル)見出しラベル
  5018. header label (HDR) ==> 首部标签
  5019. header line ==> 标题行
  5020. header maker ==> 镦锻机制造厂
  5021. header message ==> 首部信息,标题消息
  5022. header of thermal medium inlet ==> 热载体入口总管
  5023. header pipe ==> 总管,送风总管
  5024. header record ==> 标题记录
  5025. header segment ==> 标题段
  5026. header sheet ==> 标题表
  5027. header statement ==> 标题语句
  5028. header stone ==> 露头石
  5029. header support ==> 总管管架,集箱支座
  5030. header table ==> 标题表
  5031. header tank ==> 集水槽,高位槽
  5032. header tile ==> 丁砖
  5033. header type feed heater ==> 联箱式给水加热器
  5034. header type heater ==> 联箱式加热器,由给水进、出口联箱和与其相连的传热管组成的表面式加热器
  5035. header word ==> 标题字
  5036. header-box ==> 卸粮拖车
  5037. header-subcode ==> 索引副码
  5038. header-terminal capacitance ==> 顶端电容
  5039. header-thresher ==> 谷物联合收获机
  5040. headertype boiler ==> 直管锅炉
  5041. headframe ==> 井架
  5042. headgear ==> 井架,安全帽,头盔
  5043. headgear receiver ==> 头戴式受话器
  5044. heading ==> 标题,方向,前进方向,平巷,题目,浇口布置法,进向,导洞,导坑,预锻,报表表首,报头首部,报文首部,报文头,报文头部,标目,镦锻,艏向,艏向,桶盖桶底材,极尖,上端沉淀精矿=>機首方位(航空),船首方位(航海)
  5045. heading and footing ==> 加标题和页码
  5046. heading angle ==> 航向改变角
  5047. heading area ==> 标题区
  5048. heading block ==> 起始字组
  5049. heading bond ==> 丁砖砌合,丁砖砌合
  5050. heading card ==> 方位分度盘
  5051. heading character ==> 标题字符
  5052. heading chisel ==> 榫凿,榫凿
  5053. heading control loop ==> 方向控制系统
  5054. heading course ==> 丁砖层,露头砖层
  5055. heading device ==> 航向仪
  5056. heading die ==> 镦制凹模
  5057. heading face ==> 工作面前壁
  5058. heading flash ==> 船首闪灯,船首像
  5059. heading geological control ==> 采准地质指导
  5060. heading indicator ==> 航向指示器
  5061. heading joint ==> 顶头接,端接,端接合,直角合,直角接,直角接合
  5062. heading line ==> 标题,标题行,艏向线,艏向线
  5063. heading machine ==> 镦头机,压头机,封头机
  5064. heading marker ==> 航向标志器
  5065. heading message ==> 标题信息
  5066. heading monitor ==> 航向监测器
  5067. heading of terry ==> 毛巾端线
  5068. heading period ==> 抽穗期
  5069. heading printing ==> 标题打印
  5070. heading punch ==> 镦制冲头
  5071. heading record ==> 标题记录
  5072. heading season ==> 抽穗期
  5073. heading selector ==> 航向选择器
  5074. heading set ==> 铆头模
  5075. heading side ==> 下盘
  5076. heading stage ==> 抽穗期,出穗期
  5077. heading statement ==> 标题语句
  5078. heading stope ==> 采矿工作面
  5079. heading tool ==> 头部镦锻工具
  5080. heading upward plan position indicator ==> 航向平面位置显示器
  5081. heading volume ==> 标题卷宗
  5082. heading wall ==> 下盘
  5083. heading-and-bench method ==> 正台阶采矿法
  5084. heading-and-cut ==> 正梯段掘进
  5085. heading-and-stope mining ==> 正台阶回采
  5086. heading-and-stope system ==> 正台阶回采法
  5087. heading-area coating ==> 标题区涂层
  5088. heading-back ==> 截短枝条
  5089. heading-stage ==> 抽穗阶段
  5090. headingoverhand bench method ==> 超前台阶式掘进法
  5091. headlamp ==> 前照灯
  5092. headlamp analysis ==> ヘッドランプ解析
  5093. headlamp cleaner ==> 前照灯清洁器
  5094. headlamp levelling device ==> 前照灯水平调整装置
  5095. headlamp reflector ==> 前照灯反射鏡
  5096. headlamp wash-wipe ==> ヘッドライト・ウォッシュワイプ
  5097. headless bolt for welding ==> 焊接单头螺栓
  5098. headless package ==> 无边盘卷装
  5099. headless plug ==> 无头塞
  5100. headless screw ==> 无头螺钉
  5101. headless set screw ==> 无头止动螺丝
  5102. headless shoulder ==> 无头颈肩皮
  5103. headless shoulder screw ==> 无头轴肩螺钉
  5104. headless slotted plug ==> 无头槽塞
  5105. headlight ==> 车头灯=>前照灯
  5106. headlight adapter ==> 前灯接头,前灯接头
  5107. headlight beam aiming control ==> 前照灯光束对光操纵件
  5108. headlight beam indicator ==> 头灯光度指示器
  5109. headlight body ==> 头灯壳
  5110. headlight bracket ==> 头灯架
  5111. headlight bulb mounting seat ==> 头灯灯泡座
  5112. headlight bulb retainer ring ==> 头灯灯泡护圈
  5113. headlight cable ==> 头灯电线
  5114. headlight cable terminal block ==> 头灯接线板
  5115. headlight casing ==> 头灯壳
  5116. headlight casing stand ==> 头灯壳座
  5117. headlight cleaner control ==> 前照灯清洗器操纵件
  5118. headlight control ==> 头灯控制距离
  5119. headlight door ==> 前灯盖,头灯框
  5120. headlight guard ==> 头灯护架
  5121. headlight high beam filament ==> 远光灯丝
  5122. headlight hood ==> 前灯护罩
  5123. headlight lens ==> 前灯玻璃
  5124. headlight lens locator ==> 前灯玻璃固定器
  5125. headlight molding ==> 头灯框
  5126. headlight oil ==> 头光油
  5127. headlight reflector ==> 头灯反射镜
  5128. headlight reflector seal ==> 头灯反射镜封垫
  5129. headlight shell ==> 头灯壳
  5130. headlight sight distance ==> 头灯视距
  5131. headlight socket ==> 头灯座
  5132. headlight step ==> 头灯级
  5133. headlight switch ==> 头灯开关
  5134. headlight switch knob ==> 头灯开关钮
  5135. headlight turbine ==> 前灯汽轮机
  5136. headlight wiper control ==> 前照灯刮水器操纵件
  5137. headlight wiring conduit ==> 前灯导线管
  5138. headphone ==> ヘッドホン
  5139. headphone adapter ==> 耳机塞孔
  5140. headrace ==> 導水路
  5141. headroom of flight ==> 梯段净高
  5142. heads-and-feet printing ==> 顺逆印片法
  5143. headset receiver ==> 头戴式耳机
  5144. headspace tester ==> 顶隙测定计
  5145. headspan ==> スパン線ビーム
  5146. headstep settling time ==> 磁头步进稳定时间
  5147. headstock ==> 床头
  5148. headstock center ==> 头座顶尖
  5149. headstock center collet ==> 床头顶心套筒
  5150. headstock cone ==> 床头锥轮
  5151. headstock cone pulley ==> 床头塔轮
  5152. headstock housing ==> 床头箱盖
  5153. headstock rack pinion ==> 床头箱齿条小齿轮
  5154. headstock spindle ==> 机头座轴
  5155. headstok centre ==> 活顶尖
  5156. headward erosion ==> 朔源侵蚀
  5157. headwater erosion ==> 朔源侵蚀
  5158. headwaters area ==> 河源地区
  5159. headway ==> 净高,净高,进航速度,车间时距,前进运动=>運転時隔
  5160. heady ==> 酔わせる
  5161. heady time ==> 陶酔するような時
  5162. HEAE, heat exchanger for an auxiliary engine ==> 補助エンジン熱交換器
  5163. heal ==> 痊愈=>癒える,治る
  5164. heal bite ==> 弹簧车刀
  5165. heal the scars of war ==> 医治战争创伤
  5166. heal war wounds ==> 医治战争创伤
  5167. heald bar ==> 综丝杆
  5168. heald cord ==> 综绳
  5169. heald end loop ==> 综耳
  5170. heald eye ==> 综眼
  5171. heald frame ==> 综框
  5172. heald frame hook ==> 综钩
  5173. heald gauge ==> 综丝号数
  5174. heald loop ==> 综耳
  5175. heald shaft ==> 综框
  5176. heald thread ==> 综线
  5177. heald twine ==> 综绳
  5178. heald wire ==> 综丝
  5179. heald yarn ==> 综线
  5180. heald-braiding machine ==> 编综丝机
  5181. healedmyocardial infarction ==> 愈合性心肌梗塞
  5182. healing ==> 愈合
  5183. healing by first intention ==> 一期愈合
  5184. healing by granulation ==> 肉芽性愈合
  5185. healing by second intention ==> 二期愈合
  5186. healing effect ==> 弥复效应
  5187. healing of erosion ==> 糜烂愈复
  5188. healing of focus ==> 病灶愈合
  5189. healing of wound ==> 创伤愈合
  5190. healing process of tendon ==> 肌腱愈合过程
  5191. healing rate constant ==> 恢复速率常数
  5192. healing time ==> 恢复时间
  5193. health ==> 健康,卫生
  5194. health allowance ==> 保健津贴
  5195. Health and Sanitary Regulation ==> 卫生检疫规定
  5196. health and welfare funds ==> 保健和福利基金
  5197. health authority ==> 卫生当局
  5198. health ball massage ==> 保健球按摩
  5199. health care ==> 卫生保健
  5200. health care ball ==> 保健球
  5201. health care measure ==> 保健措施
  5202. health care of women ==> 妇女保健
  5203. health care system ==> 保健制度
  5204. health center ==> 医疗站
  5205. health centre ==> 保健所,保健站
  5206. health centre for women and children ==> 妇幼保健站
  5207. health certificate ==> 检疫证书=>衛生証明書
  5208. health chackup ==> 体格检查
  5209. health check ==> 正常检查
  5210. health check program ==> 正常检查程序
  5211. health control ==> 健康管理
  5212. health cooling mat ==> 保健凉垫
  5213. health department ==> 卫生处
  5214. health development industry ==> 健康开发产业
  5215. health education telecommunication ==> 卫生教育电信
  5216. health effect ==> 健康影响,健康效应
  5217. health examination ==> 健康检查,体格检查
  5218. health hazards ==> 健康障害
  5219. health institution ==> 保健机构
  5220. health insurance ==> 健康保险
  5221. health insurance expense ==> 健康保险费用
  5222. health insurance plan ==> 健康保险计划
  5223. health insurance policy ==> 健康保険証書
  5224. health insurance premium ==> 健康保险费用
  5225. health monitor ==> 环境保护监视器,保健监测仪
  5226. health monitoring ==> 保健监测
  5227. health nurse ==> 保健护士
  5228. health office ==> 卫生处
  5229. health organization ==> 保健组织
  5230. health physics ==> 保健物理学
  5231. health physics assistant ==> 保健物理助理员
  5232. health physics laboratory ==> 保健物理实验室
  5233. health physics monitoring ==> 保健物理检测
  5234. health physics research reactor ==> 保健物理研究用反应堆
  5235. health physiology ==> 卫生生理学
  5236. Health pill ==> 保济丸
  5237. health preserving ==> 养生
  5238. health products ==> 保健品
  5239. health protection ==> 卫生防护
  5240. health protection tea ==> 保健茶
  5241. health quarantine ==> 卫生检疫
  5242. health regulation ==> 卫生法规
  5243. health resort ==> 休养地,疗养地
  5244. health screening ==> 健康普查
  5245. health service ==> 保健服务,保健事业
  5246. health service record ==> 保健工作记录
  5247. health standard ==> 卫生标准
  5248. health station ==> 保健站
  5249. health stream ==> 清洁河流,无污染河流
  5250. health subsidies ==> 保健费
  5251. health supervision ==> 健康监护
  5252. health surveillance ==> 保健监护
  5253. health survey ==> 健康调查
  5254. health system ==> 医疗卫生系统
  5255. health worker ==> 保健员
  5256. health-care ==> ヘルスケア
  5257. health-care assistant ==> 保健员
  5258. health-monitoring installation ==> 剂量测量装置,剂量控制装置
  5259. Health-restoring Powder with Eight Ingredients ==> 八正散
  5260. healthcare chip ==> ヘルスケアチップ
  5261. healthcare device ==> ヘルスケアデバイス
  5262. healthy and vigorous stocks ==> 茁壮纯原种的保存
  5263. healthy carrier ==> 健康带菌者
  5264. healthy lochia ==> 正常恶露,无病恶露
  5265. healthy old age ==> 健康な老年時代
  5266. healthy seedling ==> 健壮苗
  5267. healthy soap ==> 保健皂
  5268. healthy tissue ==> 健壮组织
  5269. healthy tooth ==> 健牙
  5270. healthy tree ==> 健株
  5271. heam pass ==> 钢梁孔型
  5272. HEAO, High Energy Astronomical Observatory ==> 高エネルギー天文観測衛星
  5273. HEAO, High Energy Astronomy Observatory ==> NASA略語(意訳,高エネルギー天体観測機)
  5274. heap ==> 堆積,堆積する
  5275. heap area ==> ヒープ領域
  5276. heap clouds ==> 直展云
  5277. heap leaching ==> 堆摊浸出
  5278. heap roasting ==> 堆摊焙烧
  5279. heap sand ==> 堆砂,铸造用砂,填充砂
  5280. heap sort ==> 堆叠分类,群分类
  5281. heap symbol ==> 堆叠符号,大堆阵符号
  5282. heap(ed) capacity ==> 最大容量,加载量
  5283. heaped capacity ==> 铲装容量
  5284. heaped load ==> 堆积荷载
  5285. heaping weight ==> 堆积重
  5286. hear utilization ==> 废热利用
  5287. hearing ==> 听觉
  5288. hearing ability ==> 聴能
  5289. hearing acuity ==> 听敏度=>聴力
  5290. hearing acuteness ==> 听觉锐度
  5291. hearing aid ==> 助听器=>補聴器
  5292. hearing aid correction ==> 助听器校正
  5293. hearing aid response ==> 助听器响应
  5294. hearing aid sensitivity ==> 助听器灵敏度
  5295. hearing aid test apparatus ==> 助听器测试仪
  5296. hearing aid test box ==> 助听器测试箱
  5297. hearing condition ==> 听觉状况
  5298. hearing conservation ==> 听力保护
  5299. hearing conservation program ==> 听力保护计划
  5300. hearing conservation regulations ==> 听力保护规则
  5301. hearing curve ==> 听觉灵敏度曲线
  5302. hearing defect ==> 听觉缺损
  5303. hearing disorder ==> 听觉障碍
  5304. hearing distance ==> 听闻距离
  5305. hearing disturbance ==> 听觉障碍
  5306. hearing impairment ==> 听力损伤
  5307. hearing level ==> 听力级
  5308. hearing limit ==> 听力限度
  5309. hearing loss ==> 听觉失灵,听觉损失,听力损失,聋=>聴力損
  5310. hearing loss factor ==> 听力损失因数
  5311. hearing mechanism ==> 听觉机理
  5312. hearing organ ==> 听觉器官
  5313. hearing protector ==> 听力防护器
  5314. hearing risk ==> 听力保险
  5315. hearing sensitivity ==> 听觉灵敏度
  5316. hearing test ==> 听力检查
  5317. hearing threshold ==> 听觉阈,听觉最底值
  5318. hearing threshold level ==> 听力阈级,听阈级
  5319. hearing threshold shift ==> 听觉阈变化,听觉最底值变化
  5320. hearing time ==> 开审日期
  5321. heart action ==> 心动作
  5322. heart antibody ==> 心肌抗体
  5323. heart beat ==> 心搏,心脏搏动
  5324. heart block ==> 心搏导阻滞,心传导阻滞,心脏传导阻滞
  5325. heart board ==> 髓心板
  5326. heart bond ==> 心形砌合法,中心结合
  5327. heart burn ==> 剑突后烧灼感
  5328. heart cam ==> 心形凸轮
  5329. heart canula ==> 心脏套管
  5330. heart carrier ==> 鸡心夹头
  5331. heart chamber ==> 心室
  5332. heart compression ==> 心脏挤压
  5333. heart current factor ==> 心脏电流系数,电流通过某一通路在心脏内所产生的电场强度与该电流通过左手到双脚时,在心脏内产生的电场强度之比
  5334. heart cut ==> 中心馏份,中心切割
  5335. heart death ==> 心脏死亡
  5336. heart disease due to vitamin B1 deficiency ==> 维生素B1缺乏性心脏病
  5337. heart disease due to vitamin B1 deficiency ==> 维生素B1缺乏性心脏病
  5338. heart disease due to vitamin B・1 deficiency ==> 维生素B・1缺乏性心脏病
  5339. heart failure ==> 心力衰竭
  5340. heart function test ==> 心脏功能测验
  5341. heart leaf ==> 心叶
  5342. heart monitor ==> 心脏监护器
  5343. heart monitor memory set ==> 心脏监护仪记忆装置
  5344. heart muscle extract ==> (冠脉扩张药)心肌浸膏
  5345. heart neurosis ==> 心脏神经官能症
  5346. heart of aortic configuration ==> 主动脉型心脏
  5347. heart of cabbage ==> 甘蓝叶球中轴
  5348. heart output ==> 心输出量
  5349. heart pacemaker ==> 心脏起搏器
  5350. heart perfusion ==> 心脏灌流法
  5351. heart piece ==> 桃轮
  5352. heart plank ==> 髓心厚板
  5353. heart puncture ==> 心穿刺术
  5354. heart rate ==> 心搏率,心率
  5355. heart rate speed counter ==> 心率测速计
  5356. heart rates ==> 心跳速度
  5357. heart rot ==> 髓腐病,心腐
  5358. heart rot disease ==> 心腐病
  5359. heart scraper ==> 心形刮刀
  5360. heart shadow ==> (X线片上的)心脏阴影
  5361. heart shake ==> 心裂,木心辐裂,中心裂纹
  5362. heart shell ==> 心形贝
  5363. heart shock ==> 心脏休克
  5364. heart size ==> 心脏体积
  5365. heart sound amplifier ==> 心音放大器
  5366. heart sound transducer[sensor] ==> 心音传感器
  5367. heart stage ==> (指胎)心期
  5368. heart stroke ==> 心脏病发作
  5369. heart substance ==> 心材含有物
  5370. heart tie ==> 心材枕木
  5371. heart valve ==> 心瓣膜
  5372. heart valve prosthesis ==> 人工心脏瓣膜
  5373. heart volume ==> 心脏容积
  5374. heart volume measurement ==> 心脏容积测量
  5375. heart wall ==> 心壁
  5376. heart wheel ==> 心形轮
  5377. heart wood ==> 中心木质
  5378. heart worm ==> 犬恶丝虫
  5379. heart-centre ==> 髓心
  5380. heart-curve diagram ==> 心形线图
  5381. heart-failure cells ==> 心衰细胞
  5382. heart-hormone ==> 心脏激素
  5383. heart-loop method ==> 心环式织物刚性试验法
  5384. heart-lung machine ==> 心肺机,人工心肺机
  5385. heart-lung preparation ==> 心肺制备
  5386. heart-reactive antibody (HRA) ==> 心反应性抗体
  5387. heart-shape ==> (方向图)心形
  5388. heart-shape characteristic ==> 心形特性=>ハート形特性
  5389. heart-shape diagram ==> 心形接收特性曲线
  5390. heart-shape reception ==> (方向性图)心形接收
  5391. heart-shaped cam ==> 心形凸轮
  5392. heart-sound amplifier ==> 心声放大器
  5393. heart-stroke ==> 心搏
  5394. heart-to-heart talk ==> 谈心
  5395. heart-wood rot ==> 心材腐朽
  5396. heart-wood tree ==> 心材树
  5397. heart-wood-rot ==> 心材腐蚀
  5398. heartbeat ==> 心搏动,心跳=>拍動
  5399. heartbeat synchronized exposurer ==> 心跳同步曝光器
  5400. hearth ==> 锻工炉
  5401. hearth area ==> 炉底面积
  5402. hearth block ==> 炉底砖
  5403. hearth brush ==> 炉刷
  5404. hearth casing ==> 炉缸外壳
  5405. hearth chill ==> 炉缸冻结
  5406. hearth cinder ==> 熟铁渣
  5407. hearth construction ==> 炉膛构造
  5408. hearth electrode ==> 炉底电极
  5409. hearth furnace ==> 床炉,膛式炉,墙壁高炉,平底炉,高壁炉
  5410. hearth jacket ==> 炉缸外壳
  5411. hearth layer ==> 底层炉料,底料层
  5412. hearth level ==> 炉底标高
  5413. hearth line ==> 炉缸水平线
  5414. hearth lining ==> 炉床内衬
  5415. hearth number ==> 熔炼炉号
  5416. hearth plate ==> 炉底座板
  5417. hearth ring machine ==> 炉圈翻砂机
  5418. hearth roasting ==> 炉膛焙烧,多层焙烧法
  5419. hearth soaking zone ==> 炉内均热带
  5420. hearth stone ==> 火炉石
  5421. hearth trimmer ==> 炉前搁栅
  5422. hearth wall ==> 炉床内壁
  5423. hearth-roaster gas ==> 多膛焙烧炉炉气
  5424. heartland target ==> 心脏地区目标
  5425. heartwood rot ==> 心材腐蚀
  5426. heartwood tree ==> 心材树
  5427. heat ==> 热=>熱
  5428. heat (batch) number ==> 炉号
  5429. heat (storage) capacity ==> 热容
  5430. heat (thermal) conductivity ==> 导热系数
  5431. heat (transfer) printing ==> 热转移印花
  5432. heat absorbent surface ==> 冷却面
  5433. heat absorbing glass ==> 吸热玻璃
  5434. heat absorption ==> 热吸收,吸热
  5435. heat absorption area ==> 加热面积,受热面积
  5436. heat absorption capacity ==> 吸热性能,吸热能力
  5437. heat absorption efficiency ==> 吸热效率
  5438. heat absorption of heating surface ==> 传热面热负荷
  5439. heat absorption rate ==> 吸热强度
  5440. heat absorption rate profile ==> 吸热分布图形
  5441. heat abstraction ==> 热量吸收,散热
  5442. heat abstractor ==> 吸热设备
  5443. heat account ==> 热平衡计算
  5444. heat accumulating of revolution type ==> 旋转型蓄热式
  5445. heat accumulating type ==> 蓄热式
  5446. heat accumulating type of shift change ==> 阀门切换型蓄热式
  5447. heat accumulation ==> 热积聚
  5448. heat accumulator ==> 蓄热器,蓄热体=>蓄熱器
  5449. heat action zone crack ==> 热影响区域裂纹
  5450. heat activated battery ==> 热激活电池
  5451. heat activation ==> 热激活,加热激活
  5452. heat adaptation ==> 热适应,热适应作用
  5453. heat addition ==> 供热
  5454. heat affected zone ==> 热影响区
  5455. heat affecting ==> 热影响
  5456. heat ageing additive ==> 防热老化剂
  5457. heat ageing test ==> 热老化试验
  5458. heat aging ==> 热时效,热老化
  5459. heat air delivery ==> 输送热风
  5460. heat alarm ==> 过热信号器,过热报警
  5461. heat analysis ==> 熔炼分析
  5462. heat and corrosion resistant steel ==> 耐热防锈钢
  5463. heat and humidity testing equipment ==> 潮热试验设备
  5464. heat and mass balance ==> 热质平衡
  5465. heat and mass transfer ==> 热质传递
  5466. heat and material balance ==> 热量与物料平衡
  5467. heat and moisture transfer ==> 热湿交换
  5468. heat and power cogeneration ==> 热电联产
  5469. heat and power plant ==> 热电厂
  5470. heat and power station ==> 热电站
  5471. heat and vent system ==> 加热与通风系统
  5472. heat application ==> 供热
  5473. heat balance ==> 热平衡=>熱勘定,ガスタービン発電機の静特性,ヒート・バランス,熱収支,熱精算
  5474. heat balance data ==> 热量平衡数据
  5475. heat balance diagram ==> 热平衡图=>熱平衡線図
  5476. heat balance method ==> 熱収支法
  5477. heat balance of dryer ==> 干燥器热平衡
  5478. heat balance of kiln ==> 窑炉热平衡
  5479. heat balance of soil ==> 土壤热量平衡
  5480. heat balance test ==> 热量平衡试验
  5481. heat barrier ==> 热障
  5482. heat bath ==> 热浴
  5483. heat bath furnace ==> 热浴炉
  5484. heat blower ==> 热风吹送机,热风发生器
  5485. heat bodied oil ==> 热稠化油
  5486. heat body ==> 热稠化
  5487. heat bondable fibre ==> 热粘合纤维
  5488. heat bonded fabric ==> 热粘合织物
  5489. heat bonding ==> 热粘合
  5490. heat booster ==> 热力增强器,增热器,助热器,升热器
  5491. heat box ==> 加热室
  5492. heat bridge ==> 热桥
  5493. heat budget ==> 热量平衡,热量收支
  5494. heat build-up ==> 疲劳生热
  5495. heat calculation ==> 热计算,热量计算
  5496. heat calorie ==> 热质
  5497. heat canker ==> 热溃疡
  5498. heat capacity ==> 热容,热容量,供热能力=>熱容量
  5499. heat capacity at constant pressure ==> 恒压热容
  5500. heat capacity at constant volume ==> 恒容热容
  5501. Heat Capacity Mapping Mission ==> 热能勘测任务
  5502. heat capacity mapping mission(HCMM) ==> 热容量制图卫星
  5503. heat capacity per unit volume ==> 单位体积热容
  5504. heat capacity per unit weight ==> 单位重量热容
  5505. heat capacity ratio ==> 热容比
  5506. heat carrier ==> 热载体
  5507. heat carrying agent ==> 热载体
  5508. heat carrying fluid ==> 载热体
  5509. heat change ==> 热交换
  5510. heat channel ==> 热桥
  5511. heat characteristic ==> 加热特性
  5512. heat checking ==> 发情检查,发情鉴定
  5513. heat chemical treatment ==> 热化学处理
  5514. heat cleaning ==> 热清洗
  5515. heat cloud ==> 热成云
  5516. heat coagulable protein ==> 热凝蛋白质
  5517. heat coil ==> 热线圈=>熱コイル(電話機)
  5518. heat collapse ==> 热虚脱
  5519. heat color ==> 熱色
  5520. heat compensating jacket ==> 热补偿夹套
  5521. heat compensator ==> 热平衡器
  5522. heat condition ==> 热条件
  5523. heat conditioning ==> 热调节
  5524. heat conducting ==> 导热,热传导的
  5525. heat conducting fluid ==> 流体载热剂,载热流体
  5526. heat conduction ==> 导热,热传导,热导现象=>熱伝導
  5527. heat conduction analysis ==> 热传导分析=>熱伝導解析
  5528. heat conduction problem ==> 热传导问题
  5529. heat conductivity ==> 热传导,热传导性,热导率,导热率,导热性,导热系数=>熱伝導度
  5530. heat conductivity of rock ==> 岩石的导热性
  5531. heat conductivity pressure ga(u)ge ==> 热传导压力表
  5532. heat conductivity vacuum gauge ==> 热导式真空规
  5533. heat conductor ==> 热传导体,导热体
  5534. heat conservation ==> 热量保存,热量守恒
  5535. heat consumption ==> 耗热量=>熱消費量
  5536. heat consumption rate ==> 耗热率,热耗率
  5537. heat consumption rate of electricity generation ==> 发电热耗率,简称"发电热耗"
  5538. heat consumption rate of electricity supply ==> 供电热耗率,简称"供电热耗"
  5539. heat consumption test ==> 热耗试验
  5540. heat content ==> 热含量,热函,热容量,焓
  5541. heat content, enthalpy ==> 热含量
  5542. heat contraction ==> 热挛缩
  5543. heat control ==> 热控制,加热调节=>熱管理
  5544. heat control valve (HCV) ==> 热控制阀
  5545. heat control valve shaft ==> 暖气阀轴
  5546. heat controller ==> 热控制器
  5547. heat convection ==> 热对流传热=>熱対流, 熱伝達
  5548. heat convection coefficient ==> 热对流系数
  5549. heat conversion factor ==> 热换算因数
  5550. heat crack ==> 热龟裂
  5551. heat cracking ==> 热裂
  5552. heat cramp ==> 热性痉挛,埃德塞尔氏病,中暑性痉挛
  5553. heat cramps ==> 热痉挛
  5554. heat cure ==> 热固化,热硫化
  5555. heat curing ==> 热硫化
  5556. heat curing accelerator ==> 热硫化促进剂
  5557. heat curing system ==> 热硫化法
  5558. heat curve ==> 加热曲线
  5559. heat cycle ==> 热力学循环,热周期,发情周期,机热模塑周期=>熱サイクル
  5560. heat cycle effect ==> 热循环效应
  5561. heat death ==> 热寂
  5562. heat decomposition ==> 热分解=>熱分解
  5563. heat deflection temperature ==> 热挠曲温度(HDT)=>熱たわみ温度
  5564. heat deflection temperature test ==> 热挠曲温度试验=>熱たわみ温度試験
  5565. heat degree ==> 热度
  5566. heat delivery surface ==> 放热表面,放热面
  5567. heat denaturation test ==> 热变性试验
  5568. heat density ==> 热量密度,热能密度,表面放热率
  5569. heat destortion point ==> 热扭变点
  5570. heat detection ==> 发情检查
  5571. heat detector ==> 发情检查器,热辐射自动导引头灵敏元件,热量探测器,热探测器,温感器
  5572. heat deterioration ==> 热老化
  5573. heat development ==> 热显影
  5574. heat dispersion ==> 散熱
  5575. heat dissipating capacity ==> 散热量
  5576. heat dissipation ==> 散热,热耗散
  5577. heat dissipation factor ==> 热消散系数
  5578. heat dissipation rate ==> 热量耗散率
  5579. heat distortion ==> 热变形
  5580. heat distortion point ==> 热变形点
  5581. heat distortion temperature ==> 加热变形温度
  5582. heat distortion test ==> 热变形试验
  5583. heat distribution ==> 热分布,热分配,热量分布=>発熱分布
  5584. heat divergence ==> 熱発散
  5585. heat dose ==> 熱線量
  5586. heat drift ==> 热漂移
  5587. heat drop ==> 热降,热量变化率,热落差,温降=>熱落差
  5588. heat drying ==> 热干化
  5589. heat dump ==> 吸热器
  5590. heat durability ==> 熱耐久性
  5591. heat duty ==> 热负荷
  5592. heat economy ==> 热经济
  5593. heat edema ==> 高温性水肿
  5594. heat effect ==> 热效应
  5595. heat effect of short-circuit current ==> 短路电流的热效应,短路电流流经电网的导线和设备时所发生的发热现象
  5596. heat effect of solid laser ==> 固体激光器热效应
  5597. heat efficiency ==> 热效率=>熱効率
  5598. heat efficiency of kiln ==> 窑炉热效率
  5599. heat efficiency of the dryer system ==> 干燥系统热效率
  5600. heat electric couple ==> 热电偶
  5601. heat elimination ==> 热气排除
  5602. heat emission ==> 放热,热发射,热放射,热辐射,热量发射,传热=>熱放射
  5603. heat emission rate ==> 热量排放率
  5604. heat emissivity ==> 热发射率
  5605. heat emissivity coefficient ==> 热发射系数,热放射系数,热辐射系数
  5606. heat energy ==> 热能=>熱エネルギー
  5607. heat engine ==> 热力发动机=>熱機関
  5608. heat engineering ==> 热工学=>熱工学
  5609. heat engineering calculation ==> 热工计算
  5610. heat equation ==> 热方程,热力方程
  5611. heat equator ==> 热赤道
  5612. heat equilibrium ==> 热平衡
  5613. heat equivalent ==> 热当量
  5614. heat equivalent of work ==> 热功当量
  5615. heat erosion ==> 热腐蚀,热侵蚀
  5616. heat etching ==> 热浸蚀
  5617. heat evolution ==> 热析出
  5618. heat exchange ==> 热交换,换热
  5619. heat exchange coefficient ==> 热交换系数
  5620. heat exchange efficiency ==> 熱交換効率
  5621. heat exchange instability ==> 热交换不稳定性
  5622. heat exchange of heat pipe ==> 热管换热器
  5623. heat exchange plate ==> 换热板片
  5624. heat exchange station ==> 热交换站
  5625. heat exchange surface ==> 热交换面
  5626. heat exchange tube ==> 换热管
  5627. heat exchange type ==> 换热型
  5628. heat exchanger ==> 换热器
  5629. heat exchanger leak detection probe ==> 热交换器探漏器
  5630. heat exchanger plate ==> 伝熱板
  5631. heat exchanger surface ==> 熱交換器表面
  5632. heat exchanger tube ==> 伝熱管
  5633. heat exchanger tubes ==> 换热器管
  5634. heat exchanger tubing ==> 熱交換器配管
  5635. heat exchanger wall ==> 换热器壁
  5636. heat exchangers in parallel ==> 换热器的并联
  5637. heat exhaustion ==> 中暑衰竭,热量消耗,热衰竭,热虚脱
  5638. heat expansion ==> 热膨胀
  5639. heat expansion coefficient ==> 热膨胀系数
  5640. heat expense ==> 热消耗,(热平衡)热支出
  5641. heat exposure threshold limit value ==> 热接触阈限值
  5642. heat extraction ==> 抽出热量,除热,排热
  5643. heat fade ==> 热衰退
  5644. heat fading ==> 热衰退
  5645. heat fastnessheat proof quality ==> 耐热性
  5646. heat fatigue ==> 热疲劳
  5647. heat filter ==> 滤热片
  5648. heat flexibility test ==> 热挠曲试验
  5649. heat flow ==> 热流,热流动
  5650. heat flow anomaly ==> 热流异常
  5651. heat flow density of fuel element surface ==> 元件表面热流密度,燃料元件单位面积通过的热流量
  5652. heat flow equation ==> 热方程,热流方程
  5653. heat flow meter ==> 热流计
  5654. heat flow rate per unit area ==> 热流强度
  5655. heat flow remote measurement ==> 热流远距离测量
  5656. heat flow sensor ==> 热流传感器
  5657. heat flow transducer ==> 热流传感器
  5658. heat flow value ==> 热流值
  5659. heat flush ==> 热冲洗
  5660. heat flux ==> 熱流束
  5661. heat flux density ==> 热淋度
  5662. heat flux differential scanning calorimeter ==> 热流型差示扫描量热仪
  5663. heat flux differential scanning calorimetry ==> 热流型差示扫描量热法
  5664. heat flux sensor ==> 熱流束センサー
  5665. heat flux transducer ==> 熱流計
  5666. heat flux transducer[sensor] ==> 热流传感器
  5667. heat flux variation ==> 熱流束変動
  5668. heat forging drawing ==> 热锻件图
  5669. heat forming ==> 熱成形
  5670. heat function ==> 热函
  5671. heat fusing ==> 熱定着
  5672. heat gain ==> 热增量
  5673. heat gauge ==> 热感应塞
  5674. heat generating agent ==> 发热剂
  5675. heat generating appliance ==> 热发生器
  5676. heat generation ==> 热发生,热发生,生热=>発熱
  5677. heat generator ==> 热发生器,热风炉,高频加热器
  5678. heat guard ==> 绝热体,绝热体
  5679. heat gun ==> 热风器
  5680. heat hardening ==> 淬火,加热硬化
  5681. heat hardiness ==> 耐热力
  5682. heat hematoma ==> 热血肿
  5683. heat hemolysis test ==> 热溶血试验
  5684. heat hemolysis test of red blood cell ==> 红细胞热溶试验
  5685. heat history ==> 热历史
  5686. heat homing guidance ==> 热辐射寻的制导
  5687. heat hyperpyrexia ==> 中暑过高热
  5688. heat in the exterior ==> 表热
  5689. heat in the interior ==> 里热
  5690. heat increment rate ==> 热增耗率
  5691. heat index ==> 热指数
  5692. heat indicating paint ==> 变色漆,示温漆
  5693. heat indication test ==> 热跑试验,为验证汽轮机转子受热后的变形情况,在制造过程中所进行的使主轴、转子体边旋转边加热的试验
  5694. heat indicator ==> 热力指示器,温度计,温度指示计
  5695. heat inertia ==> 热惯性=>熱慣性
  5696. heat injection noise ==> 热喷射噪声
  5697. heat input ==> 热收入,锅炉输入热功率boiler,锅炉在额定出力(BRL)或最大连续出力(BMCR)工况下设计计算的燃煤量与设计燃煤低位发热量的乘积。
  5698. heat insulating board ==> 隔热纸板
  5699. heat insulating bucket ==> 保温水桶
  5700. heat insulating concrete ==> 隔热混凝土
  5701. heat insulating glass ==> 绝热玻璃
  5702. heat insulating layer ==> 绝热层,绝热层
  5703. heat insulating material ==> 热绝缘材料,保温材料
  5704. heat insulating mortar ==> 隔热砂浆
  5705. heat insulating refractory ==> 隔热耐火材料
  5706. heat insulating shield ==> 绝热板,绝热板
  5707. heat insulation ==> 热绝缘
  5708. heat insulation and heat control ==> 隔热降温
  5709. heat insulation and refractory material ==> 绝热及耐火材料,绝热及耐火材料
  5710. heat insulation brick ==> 隔热砖
  5711. heat insulation measures ==> 隔热措施
  5712. heat insulator ==> 热绝缘体=>保温材
  5713. heat interchange ==> 热互换,热交换
  5714. heat interchanger ==> 热交换器
  5715. heat inverter unit ==> 热转换器
  5716. heat island ==> (指市中心区气温偏高的地区)热岛=>ヒートアイランド
  5717. heat island effect ==> 热岛效应
  5718. heat kill ==> 热杀
  5719. heat killed ==> 热杀的
  5720. heat label ==> 热标记,测温纸
  5721. heat leak ==> 热漏泄,热渗透,热泄漏
  5722. heat leakage ==> 热漏失
  5723. heat liberation per unit furnace volume ==> 单位炉容放热量
  5724. heat liberation per unit heating surface ==> 单位加热面放热量
  5725. heat liberation rate ==> 放热率,放热速率
  5726. heat load ==> 热负荷,热力负荷,热负载,载热量,供暖负荷=>熱負荷
  5727. heat load duration curve ==> 热负荷持续曲线,对收集到的热负荷进行整理和汇总,按热负荷量及持续时间大小排序,绘制成的热负荷曲线
  5728. heat loading ==> 热负荷
  5729. heat localization ==> 热积聚
  5730. heat loss ==> 热损失,热消耗,热损失,锅炉排出烟气的显热所造成的热损失。
  5731. heat loss calculation ==> 热损失计算
  5732. heat loss due to exhaust gas, sensible heat loss in exhaust flue gas ==> 排烟热损失,锅炉排出灰渣的显热所造成的热损失。
  5733. heat loss due to radiation ==> 散热损失,又称"机械未完全燃烧热损失"。由于飞灰、炉渣和漏煤中未燃碳所造成的热损失。
  5734. heat loss due to sensible heat in slag, sensible heat loss in residue ==> 灰渣物理热损失,炉排下漏煤的可燃物含量。
  5735. heat loss due to unburned carbon, unburned carbon heat loss in residue ==> 固体未完全燃烧热损失,简称"炉渣含碳量"。锅炉从冷灰斗或出渣口处排出炉渣中的可燃物(碳)含量。
  5736. heat loss due to unburned gases, unburned gases heat loss in flue gas ==> 气体未完全燃烧热损失,简称"飞灰含碳量"。锅炉对流烟道飞灰中可燃物(碳)含量。
  5737. heat loss estimate ==> 热损失估计
  5738. heat loss through walls ==> 墙壁热损失
  5739. heat low ==> 热低压
  5740. heat machine ==> 热机
  5741. heat medium ==> 热媒
  5742. heat medium oil ==> 热载体油
  5743. heat number ==> 热指数
  5744. heat of ablation ==> 烧蚀热
  5745. heat of activation ==> 活化热
  5746. heat of adhesion ==> 附着热
  5747. heat of adsorption ==> 吸附热
  5748. heat of aggregation ==> 聚集热,聚集热
  5749. heat of combination ==> 化合热
  5750. heat of combustion ==> 燃烧热,热当量
  5751. heat of compression ==> 压缩热
  5752. heat of condensation ==> 冷凝热
  5753. heat of cooling ==> 冷却热
  5754. heat of crystallization ==> 结晶热
  5755. heat of decomposition ==> 分解热
  5756. heat of desorption ==> 解吸热
  5757. heat of dilution ==> 稀释热
  5758. heat of dissociation ==> 离解热
  5759. heat of emission ==> 发射热
  5760. heat of evaporation ==> 汽化热
  5761. heat of explosion ==> 爆炸热
  5762. heat of fermentation ==> 发酵产热能,发酵热能
  5763. heat of formation ==> 生成热
  5764. heat of friction ==> 摩擦致热量
  5765. heat of fusion ==> 熔解热
  5766. heat of hydratation ==> 水化热
  5767. heat of hydration ==> 水合热,水化热
  5768. heat of hydrogenation ==> 氢化热
  5769. heat of ionization ==> 电离热
  5770. heat of irreversible reaction ==> 不可逆反应热
  5771. heat of liquefaction ==> 液化热
  5772. heat of mixing ==> 混合热
  5773. heat of mixture ==> 混合热
  5774. heat of molecular orientation ==> 分子定向热
  5775. heat of neutralization ==> 中和热
  5776. heat of nutrient metabolish ==> 养分代谢热能
  5777. heat of radiation ==> 辐射热
  5778. heat of reaction ==> 反应热
  5779. heat of reaction at constant pressure ==> 恒压反应热
  5780. heat of reaction at constant volume ==> 恒容反应热
  5781. heat of reduction ==> 还原热
  5782. heat of solidification ==> 凝固热
  5783. heat of solution ==> 溶解热
  5784. heat of sublimation ==> 升华热
  5785. heat of sulution ==> 溶解热
  5786. heat of superheat ==> 过热热量
  5787. heat of superheating ==> 过热热量
  5788. heat of swelling ==> 膨润热
  5789. heat of the earth's interior ==> 地热
  5790. heat of the earths interior ==> 地热
  5791. heat of transfer by convection ==> 对流传热
  5792. heat of transformation ==> 转化热
  5793. heat of transition ==> 转化热
  5794. heat of vaporization ==> 汽化热
  5795. heat of vaporization for free water ==> 自由水面汽化热
  5796. heat of wetting ==> 润湿热
  5797. heat outlet ==> 热气出口
  5798. heat outlet washer ==> 导热垫圈
  5799. heat output ==> 热功率,热量输出,热输出,热输出量
  5800. heat output of a reactor ==> 反应堆的热功率
  5801. heat output of boiler, effective heat utilization of boiler ==> 锅炉有效利用热量,炉墙、锅炉范围内管道和烟风道向周围环境散热所造成的热损失。
  5802. heat oxidation ==> 热氧化
  5803. heat pack ==> 热装罐
  5804. heat passage ==> 热传递,传热的通路
  5805. heat passive homing guidance ==> 热辐射被动寻的制导
  5806. heat penetration ==> 加热深度,热透
  5807. heat period ==> 发情期
  5808. heat pick-up ==> 热敏传感器
  5809. heat picture ==> 热图像
  5810. heat pipe ==> 热管
  5811. heat pipe air preheater ==> 热管空气预热器,采用热管传热把烟气的热量传给空气的空气预热器。
  5812. heat pipe preheater ==> 热管式空气预热器
  5813. heat pollution ==> 热污染
  5814. heat polymer ==> 热致聚合物
  5815. heat polymerization rubber ==> 热聚橡胶
  5816. heat power ==> 热动力,热功率
  5817. heat power plant ==> 火力发电厂
  5818. heat power station ==> 火力发电厂
  5819. heat pressing ==> 热压
  5820. heat pressure ==> 热压
  5821. heat pressure stroking ==> 热压反复试验
  5822. heat preventing coating ==> 防热涂层
  5823. heat process ==> 热加工
  5824. heat producing center ==> 产热中枢
  5825. heat production organ ==> 产热器官
  5826. heat production rate ==> 热能生产量
  5827. heat productivity ==> 发热量
  5828. heat proof ==> 防热的,隔热的,不传热,耐热的
  5829. heat prover ==> 废气和排出气体的分析仪
  5830. heat pulse ==> 热脉冲,热能脉冲
  5831. heat pump ==> 热泵=>熱ポンプ,ヒートポンプ
  5832. heat pump air conditioner ==> 热泵式空气调节器
  5833. heat pump drier ==> 热泵式干燥机
  5834. heat pump unit for snow melting ==> 融雪用ヒートポンプ
  5835. heat pump water heater ==> ヒートポンプ給湯器
  5836. heat pumps ==> ヒートポンプ
  5837. heat pyrexia ==> 热性发热
  5838. heat quantity ==> 热量
  5839. heat radiating equipment ==> 热辐射设备
  5840. heat radiation ==> 热辐射=>熱放射
  5841. heat radiation intensity ==> 热辐射强度
  5842. heat radiation pyrometer ==> 热辐射高温计,光测高温计,光学测温计
  5843. heat radiator ==> 散热器
  5844. heat rate ==> 耗热率=>熱消費率
  5845. heat rate guarantee ==> 保证热耗
  5846. heat rating ==> 热值
  5847. heat ray ==> 热射线,热线=>熱線
  5848. heat rays ==> 放射线
  5849. heat reactor ==> 热化反应堆,供热反应堆
  5850. heat receiver ==> 吸热体,受热器
  5851. heat recovering tower ==> 热量回收塔
  5852. heat recovery ==> 熱回収
  5853. heat recovery boiler ==> 废热回收锅炉,发热锅炉,余热锅炉,又称"废热锅炉"。利用各种工业过程中的废气、废料或废液中的显热或(和)其可燃物质燃烧后产生的热量的锅炉,以及在燃油(或燃气)的联合循环机组中,利用从燃气轮机排出的高温烟气热量的锅炉=>熱回収ボイラー
  5854. heat recovery boiler approach point difference in temperature ==> 余热锅炉接近点温差,
  5855. heat recovery boiler node difference in temperature ==> 余热锅炉节点温差,
  5856. heat recovery system ==> 热回收系统,热量回收系统
  5857. heat reflection ==> 热反射,热反射能力
  5858. heat reflection filter ==> 热反滤光器
  5859. heat regenerator ==> 交粱热器
  5860. heat regulating lever ==> 调热杆
  5861. heat regulator ==> 温度调节器,热量调节器,调热器
  5862. heat rejection ==> 排热,热损失
  5863. heat release ==> 热放出,放热
  5864. heat release in reactor ==> 反应堆释热,反应堆内核裂变产生的、可供冷却剂带出的热量。裂变能的90%以上在燃料元件内转变为热能,其余在慢化剂、冷却剂、控制棒及反应堆结构部件内转变为热能
  5865. heat release kinetics ==> 热释放动力学
  5866. heat release of furnace ==> 炉膛发热率
  5867. heat release rate ==> 炉膛容积热强度,放热率
  5868. heat release rate of furnace radiant heating surface ==> 炉膛辐射受热面放热强度,单位炉膛辐射受热面在单位时间内的释热量,等于锅炉输入热功率与炉膛辐射受热面面积之比。
  5869. heat releasing fluid ==> 流体载热剂
  5870. heat removal ==> 热量排除
  5871. heat removal system ==> 排热系统
  5872. heat reservoir ==> 贮热器,储热器,热库,热源
  5873. heat resistance ==> 热强性,热阻,抗热性,耐热度,耐热性
  5874. heat resistance property ==> 耐熱性
  5875. heat resistance test ==> 耐熱試験
  5876. heat resistant ==> 耐热的
  5877. heat resistant alloy ==> 耐热合金
  5878. heat resistant aluminium ==> 抗热油漆
  5879. heat resistant ceramic tablewares ==> 耐热陶瓷餐具,(JIS)S2400-2000
  5880. heat resistant coating ==> 耐热涂层
  5881. heat resistant fabric ==> 耐热织物
  5882. heat resistant furnace ==> 耐热炉
  5883. heat resistant gasket ==> 耐热性垫子
  5884. heat resistant glass ==> 耐热玻璃
  5885. heat resistant oil ==> 耐热油品
  5886. heat resistant plant ==> 耐热植物
  5887. heat resistant steel ==> 耐热钢
  5888. heat resistant variety ==> 耐热品种,耐热性品种
  5889. heat resisting alloy ==> 耐热合金
  5890. heat resisting coefficient ==> 热阻系数
  5891. heat resisting exhauster ==> 耐热风机
  5892. heat resisting material ==> 耐热材料
  5893. heat resisting quality ==> 耐热性
  5894. heat resisting steel ==> 耐热钢
  5895. heat resisting test ==> 耐热试验
  5896. heat resisting tile ==> 耐热贴面
  5897. heat responsive element ==> 热敏元件,热响应元件
  5898. heat retainer ==> 蓄热体,保热体,保温器
  5899. heat retaining ==> 保温的
  5900. heat return ==> 回热
  5901. heat rise in mass concrete ==> 大体积混凝土内热量升高
  5902. heat run test ==> 长期运行发热试验
  5903. heat screen ==> 挡热板,绝热屏,隔热屏
  5904. heat seal ==> 热合
  5905. heat sealing adhesive ==> 热熔性胶粘剂
  5906. heat sealing machine ==> 热封机,熔接机
  5907. heat seat ==> 热合法
  5908. heat seeling coating ==> 热熔涂布
  5909. heat select ==> 加热选择
  5910. heat sensation ==> 温熱感
  5911. heat sensitive ferrite ==> 热敏铁氧体
  5912. heat sensitive paint ==> 热敏油漆
  5913. heat sensitive sensor ==> 热敏传感器
  5914. heat sensitive varnish ==> 热敏油漆
  5915. heat sensitivity ==> 热灵敏度,热敏性
  5916. heat sensitized mixing ==> 热敏混炼
  5917. heat sensitizing agent ==> 热敏化剂
  5918. heat sensor ==> 热传感器,热敏元件
  5919. heat setting bonding ==> 热定形粘合
  5920. heat setting machine ==> 热定形机,经编织物热定型机,经编织物热定型机
  5921. heat setting refractory mortar ==> 高温硬化耐火砂浆
  5922. heat shield ==> 隔热屏,隔热罩,挡热罩,热防护屏,热屏,热屏蔽,防热罩,避热罩=>遮熱材
  5923. heat shielded cathode ==> 热屏蔽阴极
  5924. heat shock ==> 热冲击,热震,热震荡,热休克=>ヒートショック
  5925. heat shock resistance ==> 耐热冲击
  5926. heat shrink ==> 熱収縮
  5927. heat shrinkage insulation ==> 热收缩绝缘
  5928. heat shroud ==> 热遮板,防热套
  5929. heat sink ==> 热沉,热耗,吸热部件,吸热器,散热片吸热,散热器,散热装置,排热系统,又称“冷端系统”。由汽轮机低压排汽缸、凝汽器、冷却水系统等组成的系统=>ヒートシンク
  5930. heat sink compound ==> 散热器填料
  5931. heat size ==> 炉容量
  5932. heat skin detection ==> 热表皮探测
  5933. heat soak-back ==> 热回放
  5934. heat soak-back temperature ==> 热回放温度
  5935. heat softening ==> 热塑炼
  5936. heat source ==> 热源=>熱源
  5937. heat spall ==> 热力剥落
  5938. heat spot ==> 过热点
  5939. heat stability ==> 热稳定度
  5940. heat stability test ==> 热稳定性试验
  5941. heat stabilization test ==> 热稳定试验,热稳定性试验
  5942. heat stabilized bearing ==> 热稳定轴承
  5943. heat stable ==> 耐热的
  5944. heat stable antigen ==> 耐热抗原
  5945. heat sterilization ==> 热力灭菌法,热灭菌,热消毒
  5946. heat storage ==> 蓄热,热的储存,热蓄积,热贮存
  5947. heat storage capacity ==> 蓄热能力
  5948. heat storage unit ==> 储热器
  5949. heat storage well ==> 储热井
  5950. heat straightening ==> 热矫正
  5951. heat stream ==> 热流
  5952. heat stress ==> 热应激,热应力
  5953. heat stress index ==> 热应力指数
  5954. heat stress resistance factor ==> 热应力抵抗因子
  5955. heat stretch ==> 热拉
  5956. heat stretch factor ==> 热膨胀系数
  5957. heat stretch zone ==> (直接成条机的)热延伸区
  5958. heat stretched fibre ==> 热拉伸纤维
  5959. heat stretching machine ==> 热拉伸机
  5960. heat stroke ==> 热射病
  5961. heat stylus electrocardiograph ==> 热笔描记式心电图机
  5962. heat supply ==> 供热
  5963. heat supply network ==> 热力网
  5964. heat supply pipeline ==> 供热管道
  5965. heat switch ==> 热开关
  5966. heat syndrome with pseudo-cold symptoms ==> 真热假寒
  5967. heat tearing ==> 热裂
  5968. heat test ==> 加热试验,耐热试验=>加熱試験
  5969. heat the slide over an alcohol hurner ==> 在酒精灯上将载玻片加热
  5970. heat therapy ==> 热疗法
  5971. heat thunderstorm ==> 热雷暴
  5972. heat tint ==> 回火色
  5973. heat tinting ==> 氧化着色
  5974. heat to keep body cool ==> 使身体降温所需热能
  5975. heat tolerance ==> 耐热性,热耐受性
  5976. heat tone ==> 加热时的颜色
  5977. heat tracing ==> 伴热,为防止仪表和管道中的介质冻结,在其旁敷设加热源进行加热的措施
  5978. heat transfer ==> 热传递=>伝熱
  5979. heat transfer area ==> 传热面积
  5980. heat transfer by conduction ==> 传导传热
  5981. heat transfer by convection ==> 热对流传热=>対流伝熱
  5982. heat transfer coefficient ==> 传热系数=>熱伝熱率
  5983. heat transfer equation ==> 传热方程
  5984. heat transfer factor ==> 传热因数,热传输系数
  5985. heat transfer fluid ==> 传热流体
  5986. heat transfer head ==> 传热头
  5987. heat transfer in reactor ==> 反应堆内热传输,从反应堆内的释热部件通过热传导、对流和辐射等方式,借助冷却剂将热量传输出堆外的过程
  5988. heat transfer intensification ==> 传热的强化
  5989. heat transfer intensification of heat exchanger ==> 换热器传热的强化
  5990. heat transfer loop ==> 传热回路
  5991. heat transfer media ==> 集熱媒体
  5992. heat transfer medium ==> 传热介质
  5993. heat transfer medium inlet ==> 传热介质入口
  5994. heat transfer medium inlet and outlet ==> 热载体出入口
  5995. heat transfer medium outlet ==> 传热介质出口
  5996. heat transfer property ==> 传热性
  5997. heat transfer rate ==> 热负荷,热流量
  5998. heat transfer reactor ==> 换热反应器
  5999. heat transfer salt ==> 热传导盐,传热盐
  6000. heat transfer surface ==> 传热面
  6001. heat transfer theory ==> 传热理论,热传导理论,热交换理论,换热理论
  6002. heat transfer through curved wall ==> 非平壁导热
  6003. heat transfer through plane wall ==> 平壁导热
  6004. heat transfer throught wall ==> 墙壁传热
  6005. heat transfer unit (HTU) ==> 传热装置
  6006. heat transference ==> 热传导
  6007. heat transform ==> 热的交换
  6008. heat transmission ==> 热流,传热=>伝熱
  6009. heat transmission coefficient ==> 热传递系数
  6010. heat transmittance ==> 热传递
  6011. heat transmitter ==> 热传递器,传热器
  6012. heat transport ==> 热输运
  6013. heat transport fluid ==> 流体载热剂,载热流体
  6014. heat transport system ==> 热传输系数
  6015. heat trap ==> 热收集器
  6016. heat treat condition ==> 热处理条件
  6017. heat treated ==> 热处理的
  6018. heat treated glass window ==> 热处理玻璃观察窗
  6019. heat treating ==> 热处理
  6020. heat treating film ==> 热处理氧化膜
  6021. heat treating furnace ==> 热处理炉
  6022. heat treating oil ==> 热处理用油
  6023. heat treating regime ==> 热处理制度
  6024. heat treatment ==> 热处理,热疗=>熱処理,高温処理
  6025. heat treatment after forming ==> 成形后的热处理
  6026. heat treatment after the plating ==> めっき後の熱処理
  6027. heat treatment between working procedures ==> 工序间热处理
  6028. heat treatment condition ==> 热处理条件,热处理状态=>熱処理条件
  6029. heat treatment crack ==> (所产生的)热处理裂纹
  6030. heat treatment cycle curve ==> 热处理工艺曲线
  6031. heat treatment defect ==> 熱処理欠陥
  6032. heat treatment department ==> 热处理车间
  6033. heat treatment effect ==> 熱処理効果
  6034. heat treatment equipment ==> 加熱処理装置
  6035. heat treatment furnace ==> 热处理炉
  6036. heat treatment furnace for stress relieving ==> 消除应力热处理炉
  6037. heat treatment line ==> 热处理作业线
  6038. heat treatment method ==> 熱処理法
  6039. heat treatment of metal ==> 金属热处理,利用固态金属相变规律,采用加热、保温、冷却的方法,改善并控制金属所需组织与性能(物理、化学及力学性能等)的技术
  6040. heat treatment of optical crystal ==> 光学晶体热处理
  6041. heat treatment of steel ==> 钢的热处理
  6042. heat treatment oil ==> 热处理用油
  6043. heat treatment practice ==> 热处理施行
  6044. heat treatment process ==> 热处理过程
  6045. heat treatment protective coating ==> 热处理保护涂料
  6046. heat treatment regime ==> 热处理规范
  6047. heat treatment shop ==> 热处理车间
  6048. heat treatment surface ==> 熱処理面
  6049. heat treatment technics ==> 热处理技术
  6050. heat treatment temperature ==> 热处理温度
  6051. heat treatment verification test ==> 热处理验证试验
  6052. heat under reflux ==> 回流加热
  6053. heat unit ==> 热单位
  6054. heat unit(HU) ==> 热单位
  6055. heat unstability test ==> 热不稳定试验
  6056. heat up cycle ==> 加热周期
  6057. heat value ==> 发热量,热值
  6058. heat value formula ==> 热值公式
  6059. heat value of mixture ==> 混合物的热值
  6060. heat waste ==> 热量浪费,热损
  6061. heat wave ==> 热波,热浪
  6062. heat withdrawal ==> 排热
  6063. heat work ==> 热修
  6064. heat writing oscillograph ==> 热电式示波器
  6065. heat zone ==> 高温层
  6066. heat(ing) calculation ==> 热力计算
  6067. heat(ing) coil ==> 加热盘管,加热蛇管,加热线圈
  6068. heat(ing) installation ==> 加热器
  6069. heat(ing) radiator ==> 热散射器
  6070. heat(ing) test ==> 加热试验
  6071. heat(ing) time ==> 加热时间
  6072. heat(ing) unit ==> 加热装置
  6073. heat(ing) warpage test ==> 加热畸变试验
  6074. heat-absorbent surface ==> 吸热面
  6075. heat-absorbing action ==> 吸热作用
  6076. heat-absorbing reaction ==> 吸热反应
  6077. heat-absorbing shield ==> 吸热罩
  6078. heat-absorbing surface ==> 吸热面,受热面
  6079. heat-absorbing windshield ==> 吸热挡风玻璃
  6080. heat-absorption distribution ==> 吸热量分配
  6081. heat-activable tanning agent ==> 热激活性鞣剂
  6082. heat-actuated fire door ==> 热驱动防火门
  6083. heat-affected zone ==> 热影响区
  6084. heat-affected zone crack ==> 热影响区裂纹
  6085. heat-barrier material ==> 隔热材料
  6086. heat-bodied oil ==> 厚油,聚合油,聚合油
  6087. heat-capacity lag ==> 热容量滞后
  6088. heat-carrying agent ==> 热载体,载热剂
  6089. heat-clearing and damp-drying drug ==> 清热燥湿药
  6090. heat-clearing and detoxifying drug ==> 清热解毒药
  6091. heat-clearing and fire-purging drug ==> 清热泻火药
  6092. heat-clearing drug ==> 清热凉血药,清热药
  6093. heat-conducting fluid ==> 导热的流体
  6094. heat-conducting medium ==> 导热介质
  6095. heat-control multilayer filter ==> 热控多层滤光器
  6096. heat-curing methyl methacrylate ==> 加热固化型塑料
  6097. heat-curing plastics ==> 加热固化型塑料
  6098. heat-die pressing process ==> 热压法
  6099. heat-driven oscillation ==> 热振荡,热致振动
  6100. heat-durability ==> 耐热性
  6101. heat-eliminating medium ==> 冷却剂
  6102. heat-engine plant ==> 火电厂
  6103. heat-exchange by radiation ==> 辐射热交换
  6104. heat-exchange cycle ==> 热交换循环
  6105. heat-exchange dynamics ==> 热交换动力学
  6106. heat-exchange equipment ==> 热交换器,换热设备
  6107. heat-exchange facility ==> 换热器
  6108. heat-exchange fluid ==> 流体载热剂,载热流体
  6109. heat-exchange surface ==> 热交换面
  6110. heat-exchange system ==> 热交换系数
  6111. heat-exchange tube bundle ==> 热交换管束
  6112. heat-exchanger circuit ==> 换热器回路
  6113. heat-exchanger coil ==> 热交换器蛇形管,热交换器线圈
  6114. heat-exchanger effectiveness ==> 换热器有效性
  6115. heat-exchanger lag ==> (反应堆)热交换器延迟
  6116. heat-exchanger pipe assembly ==> 热交换器管组装
  6117. heat-exchanger principle ==> 热交换器原理
  6118. heat-exchanger pump ==> 热水泵
  6119. heat-exchanger rig ==> 换热装置
  6120. heat-exchanger tank ==> 热交换池
  6121. heat-exchanger thermal ratio ==> 热交换器回热度
  6122. heat-exchanger tube ==> 热交换管
  6123. heat-exchanger type regenerator ==> 换热式回热器
  6124. heat-exchangers of the plate type ==> 板式热交换器
  6125. heat-exchanging apparatus ==> 热交换器
  6126. heat-exchanging process ==> 热交换工作程序
  6127. heat-exchanging system ==> 热交换装置
  6128. heat-exchanging unit ==> 换热器
  6129. heat-extraction system ==> 排热系统,排系统
  6130. heat-filter glass ==> 滤热玻璃
  6131. heat-filtering glass ==> 热防护玻璃
  6132. heat-flash ==> 强热
  6133. heat-flow diagram ==> 热能流程图
  6134. heat-flow measurement ==> 热流测量
  6135. heat-flow meter ==> 热流计
  6136. heat-flow unit (HFU) ==> 热流单位
  6137. heat-flux distribution ==> 热流分布
  6138. heat-hardenable resin ==> 热固性树脂
  6139. heat-indicating pigment ==> 示温颜料
  6140. heat-insulated container ==> 隔热容器
  6141. heat-insulating concrete ==> 绝热混凝土,绝热混凝土
  6142. heat-insulating groove of piston ==> 活塞绝热槽
  6143. heat-insulating materials ==> 绝热材料,绝热材料
  6144. heat-insulating property ==> 绝热性能,绝热性能,隔热性能,保温性能
  6145. heat-insulating washer ==> 绝热垫圈,绝热垫圈
  6146. heat-insulation coefficient ==> 隔热系数
  6147. heat-insulation course ==> 隔热层
  6148. heat-island circulation ==> 热岛环流
  6149. heat-labile antibody ==> 热不稳定抗体
  6150. heat-labile antigen ==> 不耐热抗原
  6151. heat-labile factor ==> 不耐热因素
  6152. heat-labile test ==> 热不稳定试验
  6153. heat-loss function ==> 热损失函数
  6154. heat-only boilers ==> 纯供热锅炉
  6155. heat-pipe motor ==> 热管冷却电动机
  6156. heat-power engineering ==> 热工学
  6157. heat-producing reaction ==> 放热反应
  6158. heat-proof ==> 耐热的,抗热
  6159. heat-proof glass ==> 耐热玻璃
  6160. heat-proof laminated rubber hose ==> 耐热夹布胶管
  6161. heat-proof material ==> 耐热材料
  6162. heat-proof porcelain ==> 耐热瓷器
  6163. heat-proof test ==> 耐熱試験
  6164. heat-protecting glass ==> 隔热玻璃
  6165. heat-protection material ==> 隔热材料
  6166. heat-protection system ==> 防热系统
  6167. heat-pump air conditioner ==> 热泵式空调器
  6168. heat-ray cataract ==> 热射线性白内障
  6169. heat-reducing filter ==> 滤热玻璃,滤热片
  6170. heat-reflecting film ==> 光热分离膜
  6171. heat-reflecting glass ==> 热反射玻璃
  6172. heat-reflective coating ==> 热反射涂层
  6173. heat-regulating centers ==> 体温调节中枢
  6174. heat-rejection circuit ==> 排热回路
  6175. heat-remoring agent ==> 冷却剂
  6176. heat-removal equipment ==> 排热设备
  6177. heat-removing agent ==> 排热剂
  6178. heat-removing drug ==> 清热凉血药
  6179. heat-resistance test ==> 耐热试验
  6180. heat-resistant ==> 抗热
  6181. heat-resistant alloy ==> 耐热合金
  6182. heat-resistant concrete ==> 抗热性混凝土
  6183. heat-resistant core ==> 耐热芯子
  6184. heat-resistant explosive ==> 耐热炸药
  6185. heat-resistant glass ==> 耐热玻璃
  6186. heat-resistant lubricant ==> 耐热润滑剂
  6187. heat-resistant motor ==> 耐热电动机,高温电动机
  6188. heat-resistant paint ==> 耐热油漆
  6189. heat-resistant plastic nozzle ==> 耐热塑料喷管
  6190. heat-resistant polymer ==> 耐热聚合物
  6191. heat-resistant quality ==> 耐热特性
  6192. heat-resistant rubber ==> 耐热橡皮
  6193. heat-resistant steel ==> 耐热钢
  6194. heat-resisting alloy ==> 耐热合金
  6195. heat-resisting alloy steel ==> 耐热合金钢
  6196. heat-resisting cable ==> 绝缘耐热电缆,绝缘耐热电缆
  6197. heat-resisting cement plate ==> 耐热混凝土板
  6198. heat-resisting fabric ==> 耐热布
  6199. heat-resisting gasket ==> 耐热衬垫
  6200. heat-resisting glass ==> 抗热玻璃
  6201. heat-resisting grease ==> 耐热滑脂
  6202. heat-resisting iron ==> 耐热铸铁
  6203. heat-resisting material ==> 耐热材料
  6204. heat-resisting paint ==> 耐热涂料
  6205. heat-resisting plant ==> 耐热植物
  6206. heat-resisting quality ==> 耐热特性
  6207. heat-resisting rubber ==> 耐热橡皮
  6208. heat-resisting steel ==> 耐热钢,热强钢
  6209. heat-resisting tyre ==> 耐热轮胎
  6210. heat-resisting varnish ==> 耐热漆
  6211. heat-retaining ==> 热保持,贮热能力
  6212. heat-retaining capacity ==> 保热能力,保热容量
  6213. heat-retaining mass ==> 蓄热体,储热物质
  6214. heat-rupture test ==> 高温强度试验,热破坏性试验
  6215. heat-seal ==> 热封
  6216. heat-seal coating ==> 热封涂层
  6217. heat-seal film over-wrapping machine ==> 包装薄膜热封机
  6218. heat-sealing ==> 热封
  6219. heat-seeking guidance ==> 热寻的制导
  6220. heat-seeking guidance system ==> 热辐射导引系统
  6221. heat-sensing ==> 热灵敏
  6222. heat-sensing device ==> 热灵敏器件
  6223. heat-sensitive element ==> 热敏元件
  6224. heat-sensitive eye ==> 热辐射探测器,热敏元件
  6225. heat-sensitive paint ==> 示温漆
  6226. heat-sensitive paper ==> 热敏纸
  6227. heat-sensitive sensor ==> 热敏传感器
  6228. heat-set ink ==> 热干漆,热固着油墨
  6229. heat-setting refractory ==> 热固性耐火材料
  6230. heat-shielded cathode ==> 保温阴极
  6231. heat-shielding performance ==> 隔热性能
  6232. heat-shrink plastic tubing joint ==> 热缩塑性套管接头
  6233. heat-shrinkable ==> 热缩的
  6234. heat-shrinkable fibre ==> 热收缩纤维
  6235. heat-shrinkable tubing ==> 热缩性管材
  6236. heat-sink cooling ==> 散热冷却
  6237. heat-sink copper ==> 吸热铜,铜吸热剂
  6238. heat-sink design ==> 热沉系统设计
  6239. heat-sink shell ==> 热沉层,吸热层
  6240. heat-sink shield ==> 吸热罩,热沉罩,消热罩
  6241. heat-sink system ==> 热沉系统
  6242. heat-sinking capability ==> 散热能力
  6243. heat-soaked turbine ==> 热态汽轮机
  6244. heat-source drone target ==> 热源靶机
  6245. heat-stabilized compressed wood ==> 加热稳定压缩木材
  6246. heat-stabilized wood ==> 热塑材
  6247. heat-stable antioxidant ==> 热稳定防老剂
  6248. heat-stable inhibitor ==> 热稳定剂
  6249. heat-stable material ==> 耐热材料
  6250. heat-stable plant ==> 耐热植物
  6251. heat-staple ==> 热稳定的
  6252. heat-stroke ==> 冒暑,中暑
  6253. heat-tail galaxy ==> 头尾星系
  6254. heat-tight machine ==> 耐热电机
  6255. heat-to-power efficiency ==> 热能变成电能过程的有效作用系数
  6256. heat-transfer agent (medium) ==> 载热剂
  6257. heat-transfer arrangement ==> 热传递装置
  6258. heat-transfer by conduction ==> 导热
  6259. heat-transfer by convection ==> 对流传热
  6260. heat-transfer by radiation ==> 辐射传热
  6261. heat-transfer capability ==> 传热能力
  6262. heat-transfer character ==> 传热特性
  6263. heat-transfer coefficient ==> 传热系数
  6264. heat-transfer conductance ==> 对流传热,热岛效应
  6265. heat-transfer control ==> 传热控制
  6266. heat-transfer cycle ==> 传热循环
  6267. heat-transfer engineering ==> 伝熱工学
  6268. heat-transfer equipment ==> 传热设备
  6269. heat-transfer fluid ==> 传热流体,载热流体
  6270. heat-transfer head ==> 传热测量头
  6271. heat-transfer intensity ==> 传热强度
  6272. heat-transfer machine ==> 传热机
  6273. heat-transfer material ==> 载热体,热转移介质
  6274. heat-transfer mechanism ==> 传热机理
  6275. heat-transfer medium ==> 传热流体
  6276. heat-transfer metal ==> 金载热剂,热传导金属
  6277. heat-transfer oil ==> 传热油
  6278. heat-transfer passage ==> 导热孔道
  6279. heat-transfer process ==> 传热过程
  6280. heat-transfer rate ==> 导热速度
  6281. heat-transfer surface ==> 传热面
  6282. heat-transmitting ==> 热透射
  6283. heat-treat ==> 热处理
  6284. heat-treatability ==> 热处理性,可热处理性
  6285. heat-treatable ==> 可热处理
  6286. heat-treatable steel ==> 热处理钢
  6287. heat-treated condition ==> 热处理状态
  6288. heat-treated metal ==> 热处理金属
  6289. heat-treated metal foil ==> 热处理金属箔
  6290. heat-treated steel ==> 热处理钢
  6291. heat-treated steel track ==> 热处理钢履带
  6292. heat-treated structure ==> 热处理组织
  6293. heat-treated surface ==> 热处理过的表面
  6294. heat-treated track pin ==> 热处理履带销
  6295. heat-treated track shoe ==> 热处理履带瓦
  6296. heat-treating department ==> 热处理车间
  6297. heat-treating facility ==> 热处理设备
  6298. heat-treating film ==> 热处理膜
  6299. heat-treating machine ==> 热处理机
  6300. heat-treating waste ==> 热处理废物
  6301. heat-treatment zone ==> 热处理区
  6302. heat-trransfer computer ==> 热传递计算机
  6303. heat-up time ==> 加热时间
  6304. heat-variable ==> 热敏
  6305. heat-variable resistor ==> 热变电阻,热敏电阻,热敏电阻器
  6306. heat-welding adhesive ==> 热熔性胶粘剂
  6307. heat-wrapping ==> 热封塑膜包装
  6308. heat-writing recorder ==> 热写记录仪
  6309. heatable stage microscope ==> 热显微镜
  6310. heatabsorbent surface ==> 冷却面
  6311. heatconducting fin ==> 导热片
  6312. heated air ==> 热风
  6313. heated air circulation ==> 热风循环
  6314. heated air drier ==> 热风式干燥机
  6315. heated and/or cooled enclosed location ==> 升温和[或]降温封闭场所
  6316. heated area of checkers ==> 格子砖受热面积
  6317. heated asphalt ==> 热沥青
  6318. heated bar ==> 测热棒
  6319. heated board ==> 保温板
  6320. heated cathode ==> 间热阴极,热阴极
  6321. heated cleaning screen ==> 加温的清选筛
  6322. heated core box ==> 热芯盒
  6323. heated dry air ==> 干热空气
  6324. heated electron evaporation rate sensing device ==> 热电子蒸发速率测量器件
  6325. heated equivalent ==> 热当量
  6326. heated equivalent work ==> 热功当量
  6327. heated funnel ==> 加热漏斗
  6328. heated graphite atomizer ==> 加热石墨原子化器
  6329. heated roller ==> 加热滚筒
  6330. heated skin detection ==> 蒙皮热辐射探测
  6331. heated spot ==> 热迹
  6332. heated succession ==> 热顺序
  6333. heated treatment rate ==> 热处理率
  6334. heated-air drying ==> 热风干燥
  6335. heated-die pressing process ==> 热模压法
  6336. heated-tool welding ==> 热烙铁焊接
  6337. heater ==> 燃烧室,热丝,热源,硫化罐,硫化机,取暖器,加热工,加热炉,加热器=>ヒータ
  6338. heater air flow pressure switch ==> 加温气流压力开关
  6339. heater assembly ==> 加热设备
  6340. heater band ==> 加热带
  6341. heater battery ==> 丝极电池
  6342. heater bias ==> 灯丝偏压
  6343. heater block ==> 加热部件
  6344. heater box ==> 加热箱
  6345. heater brick ==> 加热器格子砖
  6346. heater button ==> 加热器开关
  6347. heater case ==> 电热箱
  6348. heater cathode ==> 直热式阴极
  6349. heater chain ==> 灯丝电路,热丝电路
  6350. heater characteristic of X ray tube ==> X射线管灯丝特性
  6351. heater choke ==> 灯丝扼流圈,加热器扼流圈
  6352. heater circuit ==> 灯丝电路,电热电路,热丝电路
  6353. heater coil ==> 加热盘管,加热线圈
  6354. heater condensing zone ==> 加热器凝汽区,在给水加热器中饱和蒸汽凝结时把热量传给给水的区域
  6355. heater control ==> 暖风操纵件
  6356. heater cord ==> 电炉花线
  6357. heater current ==> 灯丝电流=>ヒータ電流
  6358. heater desuperheating zone ==> 加热器过热蒸汽冷却区,在给水加热器中过热蒸汽冷却成为饱和蒸汽之前把热量传给给水的区域
  6359. heater discharge pipe ==> 热水器放水管
  6360. heater drain cooling zone ==> 加热器疏水冷却区,进入给水加热器的抽汽凝结成水继续将热量传给给水的区域
  6361. heater drain system ==> 加热器疏水系统,将各加热器疏水按不同压力与相邻加热器等外部设备和系统相连的系统
  6362. heater drain valve hole ==> 加热器放水阀孔
  6363. heater element ==> 加热元件,加温器,发热元件
  6364. heater emission ==> 热丝极发射
  6365. heater exchange ==> 热交换
  6366. heater for heating network ==> 热网加热器,加热供热用水的热交换器
  6367. heater for vehicle ==> 车辆暖气装置
  6368. heater friction ==> 加热器阻力
  6369. heater hose ==> 加热器软管
  6370. heater hum ==> 丝极交流声,热极交流声
  6371. heater intermittent test ==> 灯丝断续试验
  6372. heater lead ==> 灯丝引线
  6373. heater lower cover ==> 加热器下盖
  6374. heater mica plate ==> 电热器用云母板
  6375. heater mixer ==> 加热拌和机
  6376. heater motor ==> 暖风电动机
  6377. heater oil ==> 加热用油
  6378. heater output ==> 加热器出量
  6379. heater platen ==> 加热压模板
  6380. heater plug ==> 加热器塞
  6381. heater power ==> 加热器功率,灯丝功率,热丝功率
  6382. heater power circuit ==> 热丝电源电路
  6383. heater reflector ==> 加热反射器
  6384. heater resistance ==> 热丝电阻,发热器电阻,灯丝电阻
  6385. heater selector ==> 加热选择器
  6386. heater shield (HS) ==> 挡热板
  6387. heater shut-off valve ==> 加热器断流阀
  6388. heater storage space ==> 加热器水空间
  6389. heater supply ==> 灯丝电源,热丝电源
  6390. heater surface ==> 加热器换热面
  6391. heater switch ==> 加热器开关
  6392. heater system ==> 加热器系统
  6393. heater temperature ==> 加热器温度
  6394. heater transformer ==> 灯丝变压器,热丝变压器
  6395. heater transformer windings ==> 热丝变压器绕组
  6396. heater tube ==> 旁热式电子管
  6397. heater type ==> 旁热式
  6398. heater upper cover ==> 加热器上盖
  6399. heater valve balance ==> 加热阀平衡器
  6400. heater valve cover ==> 加热器阀盖
  6401. heater valve shaft bushing ==> 加热器阀轴衬套
  6402. heater valve thermostat ==> 加热阀恒温器
  6403. heater volt ==> 热丝电压
  6404. heater voltage ==> 热丝电压,灯丝电压=>ヒータ電圧
  6405. heater washing hole ==> 加热器洗孔
  6406. heater well ==> 加热器套管
  6407. heater winding ==> 加热丝线圈,灯丝线圈
  6408. heater wire ==> 加热线
  6409. heater-cathode connection ==> 直热阴极接线
  6410. heater-cathode leakage ==> 灯丝阴极间漏泄
  6411. heater-cathode leakage current ==> 灯丝阴极间漏电电流
  6412. heater-drip pump ==> 加热器疏水泵
  6413. heater-type ==> 旁热形
  6414. heater-type thermistor ==> 旁热式热敏电阻器
  6415. heater-type tube ==> 旁热式电子管
  6416. heatexchange cycle ==> 回热循环
  6417. heath bell ==> 石南花
  6418. heath forest ==> 石南林
  6419. heath fruit ==> 荒地果树
  6420. heating ==> 加热,暖气装置,供暖,供热,加温,采暖,受热
  6421. heating ageing ==> 热老化
  6422. heating agency ==> 载热体
  6423. heating agent ==> 加热剂
  6424. heating allowance ==> 煤火补贴
  6425. heating alloy ==> 合金电热丝
  6426. heating alternator ==> 加热用交流发电机
  6427. heating and lighting wagon ==> 暖汽照明组合车
  6428. heating and plumbing ==> 暖卫
  6429. heating and power center ==> 热电站
  6430. heating and power plant ==> 热电厂
  6431. heating and ventilating ==> 供暖与通风,暖通=>暖房通風
  6432. heating and ventilating discipline ==> 暖通专业
  6433. heating and ventilation ==> 采暖通风
  6434. heating and ventilation and air-conditioning ==> 采暖通风和空气调节,为常年保持厂房内需要的温度和湿度,夏季消散设备散热量,冬季补充设备散热量的不足,并为排除运行或事故时产生的有害气体而配置的技术装备和设施
  6435. heating and ventilation system ==> 供暖与通风系统
  6436. heating apparatus ==> 加热器
  6437. heating apparatus for defrosting window of vehicle ==> 车窗除霜用加热器
  6438. heating appliance ==> 加热器
  6439. heating appratus ==> 加热装置
  6440. heating area ==> 供暖面积
  6441. heating blowpipe ==> 加热炬
  6442. heating boiler ==> 采暖锅炉,供暖锅炉
  6443. heating by exhaust gases ==> 排气加热
  6444. heating by far infra red radiation ==> 远红外辐射加热
  6445. heating by proximity effect ==> 邻近效应加热
  6446. heating by stove ==> 炉子供暖
  6447. heating cabinet ==> 加热箱
  6448. heating cable ==> 加热电缆
  6449. heating cable unit ==> 加热电缆单元
  6450. heating capacity ==> 热含量,热值,供暖能力
  6451. heating chamber ==> 加热室
  6452. heating circuit ==> 加热电路,供热电路
  6453. heating coefficient ==> 加热系数
  6454. heating coil ==> 暖管,暖气盘管
  6455. heating coil drain valve ==> 加热盘管排泄阀
  6456. heating coil impedance ==> 加熱コイルインピーダンス
  6457. heating coil inlet valve ==> 加热盘管入口阀
  6458. heating coil outlet system ==> 加热盘管排出系统
  6459. heating coil set ==> 加热盘管组
  6460. heating compensating jacket ==> 热补偿夹套
  6461. heating computer ==> 加热计算器
  6462. heating conductor ==> 加热导体
  6463. heating connect order ==> 电热接电单
  6464. heating control ==> 加热控制
  6465. heating controller ==> 加热调节器
  6466. heating cooling draw die ==> 加热-冷却拉延模
  6467. heating cord ==> 电热丝
  6468. heating cure ==> 加温固化
  6469. heating current ==> 加热电流
  6470. heating curve ==> 加热曲线
  6471. heating curve determinaiton apparatus ==> 升温曲线测定仪
  6472. heating curve determination ==> 升温曲线测定
  6473. heating curves ==> 加热曲线
  6474. heating cycle ==> 加热工况
  6475. heating cylinder ==> 加热汽缸
  6476. heating degree-day ==> 增温度日
  6477. heating depth ==> 加热深度
  6478. heating design ==> 供暖设计
  6479. heating duct ==> 加热导管
  6480. heating duration ==> 供暖时间
  6481. heating effect ==> 热效应
  6482. heating effect indicator ==> 热值测定器
  6483. heating efficiency ==> 加热能力
  6484. heating electrode ==> 加热电极
  6485. heating element ==> 加热器,加热元件,发热元件,热体,电热元件=>発熱体
  6486. heating energy ==> 热能
  6487. heating equipment ==> 加热设备
  6488. heating field ==> 加热场
  6489. heating flue ==> 热烟道
  6490. heating fuel ==> 加热用油
  6491. heating furnace ==> 加热炉
  6492. heating furnace for blooms ==> 大铜坯加热高炉
  6493. heating fuse ==> 热用保险丝
  6494. heating gas ==> 热煤气,加热燃气
  6495. heating gate ==> 加热口
  6496. heating generator ==> 热发生器,高频加热器
  6497. heating grid ==> 热格
  6498. heating grill ==> 热格
  6499. heating hardness ==> 加热硬度
  6500. heating heat load ==> 供暖热负荷,采暖期内,维持房间要求温度的热负荷
  6501. heating hose coupling ==> 暖气软管接头
  6502. heating in salt bath furnace ==> 浴炉加热
  6503. heating inductor ==> 加热电感器
  6504. heating inset ==> 电炉加热元件
  6505. heating installation ==> 取暖设备
  6506. heating insulation ==> 热绝缘
  6507. heating jacket ==> 加热夹套,加热套
  6508. heating limit ==> 发热限制
  6509. heating load ==> 热负荷,供暖负荷,供热量
  6510. heating main ==> 供暖干管,暖气总管
  6511. heating mantle ==> 加热罩=>加熱マントル
  6512. heating medium ==> 载热剂,热媒
  6513. heating medium (HM) ==> 载热体
  6514. heating medium for high temperature ==> 高温载热体
  6515. heating medium inlet ==> 热载体入口
  6516. heating medium outlet ==> 热载体出口
  6517. heating microscope ==> 高温显微镜
  6518. heating muff ==> 加热套筒
  6519. heating network ==> 热网,集中供热条件下用于输送和分配载热介质(蒸汽或热水)的管道系统
  6520. heating of contact ==> 触点发热
  6521. heating of manure ==> 厩肥发酵,厩肥发酵
  6522. heating of turbine ==> 暖机
  6523. heating oil ==> 燃料油,加热用油
  6524. heating or cooling medium ==> 加热或冷却介质
  6525. heating oscillator ==> 加热振荡器,高频加热器
  6526. heating outgoing line corridor ==> 热力管线走廊
  6527. heating output ==> 热输出量
  6528. heating panel ==> 散热板
  6529. heating period ==> 加热周期
  6530. heating period of the engine ==> 发动机加热延续时间
  6531. heating pipe ==> 加热管
  6532. heating plan ==> 暖气布置图
  6533. heating plant ==> 供暖设备,供热装置,采暖装置
  6534. heating plate ==> 加热板
  6535. heating platen ==> 热板
  6536. heating plug ==> 火花塞
  6537. heating power ==> 加热功率,热力,热值,发热能力
  6538. heating process ==> 加热过程
  6539. heating quantity of bomb cylinder ==> 弹筒发热量
  6540. heating quantity of constant capacity on high position ==> 恒容高位发热量
  6541. heating quartz tube ==> 石英管ヒーター
  6542. heating radiator ==> 热辐射器,供暖散热片
  6543. heating rate ==> 升温速率,热耗,耗热率,加热速度,加热速率
  6544. heating rate curves ==> 加热速率曲线
  6545. heating resisting metal ==> 耐热金属
  6546. heating resistor ==> 加热电阻器
  6547. heating rod ==> 加热棒
  6548. heating schedule ==> 加热规范
  6549. heating source ==> 加热源
  6550. heating spiral ==> 暖气盘旋管
  6551. heating steam ==> 加热蒸汽
  6552. heating stylus ==> 加热针,热处理录音针
  6553. heating substation ==> 热力点
  6554. heating supply system ==> 供热系统,电厂向热力用户提供蒸汽或热水并回收其返回水的设备和厂内管道连接的系统
  6555. heating surface ==> 加热表面,受热面,从放热介质中吸收热量并传递给受热介质的表面=>伝熱面
  6556. heating surface (area) (HS,h.s) ==> 加热面积
  6557. heating surface area ==> 受热面积
  6558. heating surface of boiler ==> 锅炉受热面
  6559. heating surface of the fire box ==> 火箱受热面
  6560. heating surface of tubes ==> 管受热面
  6561. heating system ==> 供暧系统
  6562. heating tape ==> 加热带
  6563. heating tape unit ==> 加热带单元
  6564. heating tariff ==> 供热电价,适用于房间供电及其它供热用途的电价
  6565. heating test ==> 加热检查
  6566. heating tightening of cylinder flange bolts ==> 汽缸螺栓热紧,拧紧汽缸法兰螺栓时对螺栓进行加热,使之获得足够的预紧力
  6567. heating time ==> 加热时间
  6568. heating tongs ==> 加热钳
  6569. heating torch ==> 加热炬,气焊枪
  6570. heating training ==> 热锻
  6571. heating transformer ==> 灯丝变压器
  6572. heating treating ==> 热处理
  6573. heating treating film ==> 热处理膜
  6574. heating trench ==> 暖气管沟
  6575. heating tube ==> 烟囱
  6576. heating tube in section of convection chamber ==> 对流段炉管
  6577. heating tube in section of radiation chamber ==> 辐射段炉管
  6578. heating tube support ==> 炉管支承架
  6579. heating unit ==> 热单位,发热体,供暖机组,电热元件,加热元件=>発熱体
  6580. heating value ==> 热值
  6581. heating ventilating assembly ==> 供暖通风两用机组
  6582. heating voltage ==> 灯丝电压,加热电压
  6583. heating wall ==> 火墙,燃烧室墙
  6584. heating warpage test ==> 热移定性试验
  6585. heating wire ==> 电炉丝,高电阻丝,电热丝=>電熱線
  6586. heating with humidifying ==> 增湿加热
  6587. heating(-up) ==> 加热
  6588. heating-furnace ==> 加热炉
  6589. heating-up ==> 升温
  6590. heating-up period ==> 加热时间
  6591. heating-up temperature ==> 加热温度
  6592. heating-up time ==> 升温时间
  6593. heating-value determination ==> 热值测定
  6594. heating-ventilating assembly ==> 供暖通风机组
  6595. heating-ventilating unit ==> 供暖通风机组
  6596. heatproducing capability ==> 发热能力
  6597. heatronic molding ==> 高频电热模塑法
  6598. heatsensitive paint ==> 热变颜料
  6599. heattransfer fluid ==> 流体载热剂
  6600. heattransfer rate ==> 比热流
  6601. heave fault ==> 横推断层
  6602. heave out ==> 扯起
  6603. heave ratio ==> 冻胀比
  6604. heave root ==> 密根
  6605. heaven ==> 天
  6606. Heaven in the Sky and Suzhou and Hangzhou on the Earth ==> 上有天堂,下有苏杭
  6607. heaven-sent opportunity ==> 絶好の機会
  6608. heavenly body ==> 天体=>天体
  6609. Heavenly Land System ==> (太平天国)天朝田亩制度
  6610. heavenly stem ==> 天干
  6611. heavier component ==> 较重组分
  6612. heavier duty ==> 重型
  6613. heavier element ==> 重元素
  6614. heavier-duty ==> 加强式
  6615. heavier-duty contact ==> 重负载接点
  6616. heaviest piece weight ==> 最重件重量
  6617. heavily coated electrode ==> 厚涂层焊条
  6618. heavily damped circuit ==> 强阻尼电路
  6619. heavily doped layer ==> 高掺杂层,重掺杂层
  6620. heavily doped material ==> 重掺杂材料
  6621. heavily doped region ==> 重掺杂区
  6622. heavily doped seed ==> 重掺杂籽晶
  6623. heavily etched surface ==> 重腐蚀面
  6624. heavily faulted crystal ==> 高层错晶体
  6625. heavily felted cloth ==> 重缩呢织物
  6626. heavily filtered X-ray beam ==> 重度过滤X射线束
  6627. heavily milled iron powder ==> 过磨铁粉
  6628. heavily moistureladen steam ==> 高饱蒸汽
  6629. heavily reinforced ==> 超配钢筋的
  6630. heavily travelled road ==> 繁密交通道路
  6631. heaving ==> 上下運動
  6632. heaving apex impulse ==> 抬举性心尖搏动
  6633. heaving bottom ==> 冻胀土基
  6634. heaving line ==> 撇缆绳,抛缆,引缆绳
  6635. Heaviside ==> ヘビサイド
  6636. Heaviside bridge ==> 海维西特互感电桥=>ヘビサイドブリッジ
  6637. Heaviside calculus ==> 海维塞运算微积
  6638. Heaviside layer ==> 海维塞层,海氏层,E电离层=>ヘヴィサイド層,電離層
  6639. Heaviside transform ==> ヘビサイド変換
  6640. Heaviside unit function ==> 海维塞单位函数=>ヘビサイドの単位関数
  6641. Heaviside unit step ==> ヘビサイド単位ステップ
  6642. Heaviside units ==> 海维塞电磁单位制
  6643. Heaviside's operational calculus ==> ヘビサイドの演算子法
  6644. Heaviside-Gauss unit ==> 海维塞-高斯单位
  6645. Heaviside-Lorentz unit ==> 海维塞-罗伦茨单位
  6646. Heavisides expansion theorem ==> 海维西特展开定理
  6647. heavv section ==> 厚断面
  6648. heavy ==> 重型的,厚大的,稠,笨重,重,重的,重物,重载的
  6649. heavy (element) target ==> 重元素靶
  6650. heavy (fission) fragments ==> 重裂变碎片
  6651. heavy (melting) scrap ==> 重废钢
  6652. heavy (merchant) mill ==> 大型轧钢机
  6653. heavy accident ==> 重大事故
  6654. heavy aggregate ==> 重骨料
  6655. heavy aggregate concrete shield ==> 重混凝土防护层
  6656. heavy air ==> 重空气
  6657. heavy alkylate ==> 重烷基化油
  6658. heavy alloy ==> 重合金,高密度合金
  6659. heavy and chemical industries ==> 重化学工業
  6660. heavy and crude oil engine ==> 重油原油发动机
  6661. heavy and lengthy rates ==> 特重特长运费率
  6662. heavy and medium plate mill ==> 中厚板轧机
  6663. heavy and streamlined fish ==> 重型流线型拖曳体
  6664. heavy anode ==> 不分瓣阳极
  6665. heavy antiaircraft artillery ==> 重型高射炮
  6666. heavy armament ==> 重武器
  6667. heavy armo(u)r school ==> (坦克设计方面的)重装甲学派
  6668. heavy armo(u)red battalion ==> 重坦克营
  6669. heavy armo(u)red protection ==> 重装甲防护
  6670. heavy armo(u)red regiment ==> 重坦克团
  6671. heavy armo(u)ring ==> 重铠装
  6672. heavy aromatics ==> 重芳烃
  6673. heavy artillery ==> 重炮,重型火炮
  6674. heavy ash ==> 重苏打灰
  6675. heavy asphalt ==> 重质沥青
  6676. heavy asphaltic crude ==> 重质沥青基原油
  6677. heavy asphaltic oil ==> 重质沥青油
  6678. heavy asphaltic residues ==> 重质沥青质残渣油
  6679. heavy bacteria ==> 密集菌
  6680. heavy base layer ==> 重掺杂基区层
  6681. heavy benzol ==> 重苯
  6682. heavy bitumen ==> 重沥青
  6683. heavy block ==> (有34个滑轮的)重型滑车
  6684. heavy bob ==> 重锤
  6685. heavy bomber ==> 重轰炸机
  6686. heavy boring ==> 粗镗
  6687. heavy break ==> 密集损伤
  6688. heavy bridge ==> 重型桥
  6689. heavy bridge deck panel ==> 重型桥梁桥面板
  6690. heavy bulk cargo ==> 重散货
  6691. heavy bulletproof car ==> 重型防弹装甲汽车
  6692. heavy burden ==> 重负荷料
  6693. heavy burder ==> 重料
  6694. heavy buying ==> 大量買い
  6695. heavy calibre ==> 大口径
  6696. heavy camber ==> 大弯度
  6697. heavy canker ==> 密溃疡
  6698. heavy cap ==> 重压盖
  6699. heavy capon ==> 重型阉公鸡
  6700. heavy cargo ==> 重件,特重货物
  6701. heavy cargo carrier ==> 重货船
  6702. heavy cargo ship ==> 重货船
  6703. heavy carrier gas ==> 重载气
  6704. heavy cast red brass ==> 重铸红铜
  6705. heavy casting ==> 大型铸件
  6706. heavy castings ==> 大型铸件
  6707. heavy cavalry ==> 重騎兵
  6708. heavy chain ==> 重链,重型链,重载链
  6709. heavy chain immunoglobulin ==> 重链免疫球蛋白,免疫球蛋白重链
  6710. heavy charge ==> 重质原料
  6711. heavy charged particle ==> 重带电粒子
  6712. heavy chemical ==> 重化学药品,粗制化学药品
  6713. heavy chemicals ==> 重化学品
  6714. heavy clay ==> 重粘土
  6715. heavy clay industry ==> 重粘土工业,粗陶工业
  6716. heavy clay loam ==> 重粘壤土
  6717. heavy clay soil ==> 重粘土
  6718. heavy clayey loam ==> 重亚粘土
  6719. heavy coated electrode ==> 厚皮焊条,厚药皮焊条
  6720. heavy coil-loading ==> 重加感
  6721. heavy commuter traffic ==> 通勤の車による渋滞
  6722. heavy competition ==> 厳しい競争
  6723. heavy concrete ==> 重混凝土,(通常用于防辐射)高密度混凝土
  6724. heavy condensation products ==> 重质冷凝产物
  6725. heavy condition ==> 重载状态
  6726. heavy constituent ==> 重组分
  6727. heavy construction ==> 大型工程
  6728. heavy contact ==> 重负载触头,重负载接点
  6729. heavy cord ==> 粗条纹
  6730. heavy corkscrews ==> 重螺旋
  6731. heavy corner ==> 过厚壁角
  6732. heavy cover ==> 厚层覆盖岩层
  6733. heavy crane ==> 重型吊车
  6734. heavy crawler dozer ==> 重型履带推土机
  6735. heavy cream ==> 重力稀奶油
  6736. heavy cross section gasket ==> 大尺寸截面垫片
  6737. heavy crude ==> 重质石油,重质原油
  6738. heavy crude asphalt petroleum ==> 重质沥青质原油
  6739. heavy crude oil ==> 重质原油
  6740. heavy cruiser ==> 重型巡洋舰
  6741. heavy cruiser tank ==> 重坦克
  6742. heavy current ==> 强电流
  6743. heavy current engineering ==> 强电工程
  6744. heavy current feedthrough ==> 强电流馈送
  6745. heavy current installation ==> 强电设备
  6746. heavy current lead-in ==> 强电流引入
  6747. heavy current line ==> 强电流线路
  6748. heavy cut ==> 强力切削,重馏份,重切削
  6749. heavy cutting ==> 重研磨,厚件切割
  6750. heavy cycle oil ==> 重循环油
  6751. heavy damping ==> 强阻尼
  6752. heavy deck vessel ==> 重甲板船
  6753. heavy decoy ==> 重型诱饵
  6754. heavy derrick ==> 重型吊杆
  6755. heavy derrick step ==> 重吊杆基座
  6756. heavy dew ==> 重露
  6757. heavy doping ==> 重掺杂
  6758. heavy doubling frame ==> 重型捻线机
  6759. heavy draft vessel ==> 深吃水船
  6760. heavy draught ==> 大压下
  6761. heavy drawn binder ==> 重型割捆机
  6762. heavy drawn lead ==> 重拉制铅
  6763. heavy dressing ==> 大量施肥,(指肥料)重施
  6764. heavy drill ==> 重型凿岩机
  6765. heavy drop ==> 重型空投
  6766. heavy dumper ==> 重型自卸载重汽车
  6767. heavy duty ==> 重载,重型的
  6768. heavy duty armored conveyor ==> 重型铠装运输机
  6769. heavy duty balance ==> 大型天平
  6770. heavy duty boiler ==> 大容量锅炉
  6771. heavy duty crane ==> 重级工作制吊车
  6772. heavy duty crate ==> 搬运箱
  6773. heavy duty cutaway disc harrow ==> 大型缺口圆盘耙
  6774. heavy duty detergent ==> 重径型洗涤剂
  6775. heavy duty diagonal cutting nippers ==> 大型斜嘴偏口钳
  6776. heavy duty disc harrow ==> 大型圆盘耙
  6777. heavy duty frame ==> 重型构架
  6778. heavy duty gas turbine ==> 重型燃气轮机,大功率燃气轮机
  6779. heavy duty harrow ==> 重耙
  6780. heavy duty lathe ==> 强力车床
  6781. heavy duty millinng cutter ==> 粗齿铣刀
  6782. heavy duty mirror bracket ==> 大型镜架
  6783. heavy duty rectifier ==> 大功率整流器
  6784. heavy duty road ==> 重型公路
  6785. heavy duty roller bearing ==> 重型圆柱
  6786. heavy duty runway ==> 重级飞机跑道
  6787. heavy duty samming and setting machine ==> 重型平展匀湿两用机
  6788. heavy duty shears ==> 强力修枝剪
  6789. heavy duty spike-tooth harrow ==> 大型钉齿耙
  6790. heavy duty stretcher ==> 大型绳索伸长器
  6791. heavy duty tire ==> 重载轮胎
  6792. heavy duty type brake fluid ==> 重负荷型制动液
  6793. heavy duty winch ==> 重型绞车
  6794. heavy earth ==> (钡白)重晶石
  6795. heavy earthwork ==> 大量土方工程
  6796. heavy edge ==> 过缘加厚的
  6797. heavy edge reinforcement ==> 边缘加强钢筋
  6798. heavy electrical plant ==> 重型电气设备
  6799. heavy electron ==> 重电子
  6800. heavy element ==> 重元素
  6801. heavy element chemistry ==> 重元素化学
  6802. heavy end ==> 重质馏分
  6803. heavy ends ==> 重组分
  6804. heavy equipment ==> 重型设备=>重機
  6805. heavy ewe ==> 怀孕母羊
  6806. heavy excavation ==> 大开挖
  6807. heavy failure ==> 重故障
  6808. heavy feed ==> 强进刀,重进刀
  6809. heavy feed stock ==> 重质原料
  6810. heavy feeder ==> 高负荷馈电线,高负载馈电线
  6811. heavy fibre ==> 粗韧皮纤维
  6812. heavy field artillery ==> 重型野战火炮
  6813. heavy filing ==> 重锉法
  6814. heavy film ==> 厚层
  6815. heavy filtration ==> 重过滤
  6816. heavy finishing ==> 重浆整理
  6817. heavy firepower school ==> (坦克设计方面的)强火力学派
  6818. heavy fixed hand hack saw frame ==> 重型固定手弓锯框
  6819. heavy flannelette checked ==> 厚格绒
  6820. heavy flow ==> 强烈油流
  6821. heavy flower-wasp ==> 土蜂
  6822. heavy fluid ==> 有重量流体,重流体
  6823. heavy fog ==> 重雾
  6824. heavy foliage ==> 密叶
  6825. heavy force fit ==> 重压紧配合
  6826. heavy forging ==> 重型锻件
  6827. heavy fowl ==> 重型品种母鸡
  6828. heavy frame ==> 承力隔框,承力架
  6829. heavy Freon ==> 重氟里昂
  6830. heavy frost ==> 严寒
  6831. heavy fuel ==> 慢燃物,重质燃料
  6832. heavy fuel booster pump ==> 重油升压泵
  6833. heavy fuel burning engine ==> 重油发动机
  6834. heavy fuel engine ==> 重油发动机
  6835. heavy fuel equipment ==> 重油设备
  6836. heavy fuel feeding pump ==> 重油供给泵
  6837. heavy fuel oil ==> 重质燃油,重质燃料油,简称"重油"
  6838. heavy fuel oil clarifier ==> 重油分杂机
  6839. heavy fuel oil purifier ==> 重油分水机
  6840. heavy fuel powerplant ==> 重油发动机
  6841. heavy fuel rotating combustion engine ==> 重油转子发动机
  6842. heavy fuel separator ==> 重油分离器
  6843. heavy gage wire ==> 粗导线
  6844. heavy gas oil ==> 重瓦斯油
  6845. heavy gas prewarning signal ==> 重瓦斯预告信号
  6846. heavy gas protection ==> 重瓦斯保护
  6847. heavy gauge ==> 大尺寸,大剖面,大型量规
  6848. heavy gauge nail ==> 大号钉
  6849. heavy goods vehicle ==> 重型货车
  6850. heavy grade stone protection ==> 重型块石护坡
  6851. heavy grain ==> 重谷,(小麦黑麦和玉蜀黍等)重谷类
  6852. heavy grazing ==> 过渡放牧,过牧
  6853. heavy grinding ==> 强力磨削
  6854. heavy ground ==> 危险悬帮
  6855. heavy gun tank ==> 重炮坦克
  6856. heavy hand-held rock drill ==> 重型手持式风钻
  6857. heavy handy dead weight ==> 装卸最重限额
  6858. heavy harrow ==> 重型耙
  6859. heavy hauler ==> 重型牵引车
  6860. heavy head ==> (马)头大的
  6861. heavy hole ==> 重空穴,重空子
  6862. heavy hole band ==> 重空穴带
  6863. heavy hole state ==> 重空穴态
  6864. heavy horizontal pendulum ==> 重水平摆
  6865. heavy horsedrawn steerage hoe ==> 操向式重型马拉中耕机
  6866. heavy howitzer ==> 重型榴弹炮
  6867. heavy hull repair ship ==> 重型船体修理舰
  6868. heavy hydraulic press ==> 重型水压机
  6869. heavy hydrocarbon ==> 重烃
  6870. heavy hydrocarbon gas ==> 重质烃类气体
  6871. heavy hydrocarbon gases ==> 重型烃类气体
  6872. heavy hydrocarbon oil ==> 重质烃油
  6873. heavy hydrogen ==> 重氢,超重氢
  6874. heavy ice ==> (固态重水)重冰
  6875. heavy ice target ==> 重冰靶
  6876. heavy impulse ==> 高冲量
  6877. heavy in section ==> 大截面,大截面的
  6878. heavy industry ==> 重工业
  6879. heavy initiation ==> 强力起爆
  6880. heavy injury ==> 密集损伤
  6881. heavy insulated tape ==> 高等级绝缘加热带
  6882. heavy insulation ==> 强化绝缘
  6883. heavy intake ==> 大量摂取
  6884. heavy intensity ==> 大强度
  6885. heavy intermediate submarine cable ==> 重型中继海底电缆
  6886. heavy intermittent test ==> 重负载断续试验,大负载断续试验
  6887. heavy ion ==> 大离子,重离子
  6888. heavy ion accelerator ==> 重离子加速器
  6889. heavy ion beam ==> 重イオンビーム
  6890. heavy ion beam implosion ==> 重离子束内爆
  6891. heavy ion bombardment ==> 重离子轰击
  6892. heavy ion cyclotron ==> 重离子回旋加速器
  6893. heavy ion induced nuclear reaction ==> 重离子核反应
  6894. heavy ion irradiation ==> 重离子辐照
  6895. heavy ion plasma accelerator ==> 重离子等离子体加速器
  6896. heavy ion reaction ==> 重离子反应
  6897. heavy ion science ==> 重离子科学
  6898. heavy ion source ==> 重离子源
  6899. heavy ion sputtering ==> 重离子溅射
  6900. heavy irrigation ==> 大量灌溉,过度灌溉,过冷灌溉,过量灌溉
  6901. heavy isotope ==> 重同位素
  6902. heavy jackstay ==> (两船间传送用的)重型牵索
  6903. heavy joist ==> 重型格栅
  6904. heavy keying fit ==> 重迫配合,固定配合
  6905. heavy label ==> 重标记
  6906. heavy lanthanide ==> 重镧系
  6907. heavy laundering ==> (指洗涤污垢较重的棉织品)强效性洗涤
  6908. heavy leather ==> 厚革
  6909. heavy lepton ==> 重轻子
  6910. heavy lesion ==> 密集损伤
  6911. heavy lift ==> 大型起重机
  6912. heavy lift additional ==> 超重附加费
  6913. heavy lift boom ==> 重吊杆
  6914. heavy lift charge ==> 超重费
  6915. heavy lift equipment ==> (起重能力大于50吨)重型装卸设备
  6916. heavy lift ship ==> 重型起重货船
  6917. heavy lifts ==> 特重货物
  6918. heavy liming ==> 重施石灰
  6919. heavy line ==> 粗实线
  6920. heavy liquid ==> 重质液体
  6921. heavy liquid (liquor) ==> 重液
  6922. heavy liquid inlet ==> 重相入口,重液入口
  6923. heavy liquid petrolatum ==> 重质液体蜡膏
  6924. heavy liquid residuum ==> 重质液体残油
  6925. heavy load ==> 重负载,重件,大运动量负荷
  6926. heavy load adjustment ==> 重负载调整
  6927. heavy load nominal rating ==> 重负荷标准定额
  6928. heavy load relay ==> 重负载继电器
  6929. heavy load ship ==> 重件专用船
  6930. heavy load(ing) ==> 重负载
  6931. heavy loader ==> 重型装车机
  6932. heavy loading ==> 重装荷,重加感,重加载
  6933. heavy loading district ==> 重负荷区
  6934. heavy loam ==> 重粘土,重垆坶
  6935. heavy lodging ==> 极度倒伏
  6936. heavy loom ==> 重型织机
  6937. heavy losses ==> 严重亏损
  6938. heavy lube stock ==> 重质润滑油原料
  6939. heavy lubricating oil ==> 重润滑油
  6940. heavy lubricating oils ==> 厚粘度润滑油
  6941. heavy machine building industry ==> 重型机器制造工业
  6942. heavy machine gun ==> 重机枪
  6943. heavy machine shop ==> 重工程车间
  6944. heavy machine tool ==> 重型机床
  6945. heavy machine tool plant ==> 重型机床厂
  6946. heavy machinery ==> 重型机械,重机=>大型機械
  6947. heavy machinery shop ==> 重型机械厂
  6948. heavy machinery works ==> 重型机器厂
  6949. heavy magnesia ==> (从海水提制的氧化镁)重镁氧
  6950. heavy magnesium carbonate ==> 重质碳酸镁
  6951. heavy magnesium subcarbonate ==> 重质碱式碳酸镁
  6952. heavy maintenance ==> 大修
  6953. heavy manuring culture ==> 多肥栽培
  6954. heavy market ==> 市场呆滞
  6955. heavy masonry ==> 重质圬工
  6956. heavy media circuit ==> 重介质回路
  6957. heavy media separator ==> 重介质分离器
  6958. heavy melton ==> 麦尔登厚呢
  6959. heavy merchant mill ==> 大型型钢轧机
  6960. heavy meromyosin ==> 重酶解肌球蛋白
  6961. heavy meson ==> 重介子
  6962. heavy meson spectra ==> 重介子谱
  6963. heavy metal ==> 重型坦克,(金,水银,白金等)重金属
  6964. heavy metal contamination ==> 重金属元素污染
  6965. heavy metal damage of kidney ==> 重金属肾损害
  6966. heavy metal ion ==> 重金属离子
  6967. heavy metal poisoning ==> 重金属中毒
  6968. heavy metal pollution ==> 重金属污染
  6969. heavy metal recovery ==> 重金属回収
  6970. heavy metal star ==> 重金属星
  6971. heavy metallic salt ==> 重金属盐
  6972. heavy milker ==> 泌乳多母畜
  6973. heavy mineral ==> 重矿物
  6974. heavy mineral province ==> 重矿物区
  6975. heavy mineral spirit ==> 重质溶剂油
  6976. heavy mobile machine shop ==> 重型活动修理车间
  6977. heavy mortar ==> 稠灰浆
  6978. heavy motor truck ==> 重型载货汽车
  6979. heavy mud ==> 重钻泥
  6980. heavy naphtha ==> 重汽油馏分,重质石脑油
  6981. heavy natural gasoline ==> 重质天然汽油
  6982. heavy needle holder ==> 粗针持针钳
  6983. heavy neutral oil ==> 重质中性油
  6984. heavy neutral stock ==> 重质中性油料
  6985. heavy nitrogen application ==> 重施氮肥
  6986. heavy nodule ==> 密结根瘤
  6987. heavy nuclear reaction ==> 重核反应
  6988. heavy nucleus ==> 重核
  6989. heavy oil ==> 重油,重柴油,杂酚油,高粘度油=>重質油
  6990. heavy oil burner ==> 重油燃烧器,重油燃烧器
  6991. heavy oil combustion ==> 重油燃焼
  6992. heavy oil cracking ==> 重油裂化=>重質分解
  6993. heavy oil desulfurization ==> 重油脱硫
  6994. heavy oil engine ==> 重油发动机
  6995. heavy oil fraction ==> 重油馏分
  6996. heavy oil heater ==> 重油加热炉
  6997. heavy oil pump ==> 重油泵
  6998. heavy oil service tank ==> 重油贮罐
  6999. heavy oil spill ==> 重油流出
  7000. heavy oxygen ==> 重氧
  7001. heavy padder ==> 重型浸轧机
  7002. heavy paraffin hydrocarbon ==> 重烷烃
  7003. heavy particle ==> 重粒子,重质子,重子
  7004. heavy particle beam ==> 重粒子束
  7005. heavy particle density ==> 重粒子密度
  7006. heavy particle emission ==> 重粒子发射
  7007. heavy particle radiotherapy ==> 重粒子線治療
  7008. heavy particle stripping ==> 重粒子剥离
  7009. heavy particle synchrotron ==> 重粒子同步加速器
  7010. heavy particle therapy ==> 重粒子線治療
  7011. heavy payment ==> 巨额支出,巨额支出
  7012. heavy petrol ==> 低级汽油,重汽油
  7013. heavy petroleum oil ==> 重石油
  7014. heavy petroleum spirit ==> 重质溶剂油
  7015. heavy petroleum wax ==> 重石油蜡
  7016. heavy phase ==> 重相
  7017. heavy phase weir ==> 重相堰
  7018. heavy physical labour ==> 重体力劳动
  7019. heavy piece ==> 重件
  7020. heavy pig ==> 肥猪
  7021. heavy pinching ==> 重摘心
  7022. heavy placer mineral ==> 重砂矿物
  7023. heavy plate ==> 厚钢板
  7024. heavy plate mill ==> 厚板轧机
  7025. heavy plate straightener ==> 厚板矫正机
  7026. heavy platinum metal ==> 铂类重金属,铂族重金属
  7027. heavy plow ==> (深耕用)重型犁
  7028. heavy point ==> 粗黑点
  7029. heavy polymer ==> 高分子量聚合物,重聚合物
  7030. heavy pot ==> 高锅
  7031. heavy prescription ==> 重剂
  7032. heavy pressure ==> 高压,高压力
  7033. heavy price ==> 高价,昂价
  7034. heavy primary ray ==> (宇宙线)强初级射线
  7035. heavy pruning ==> 重剪
  7036. heavy pumping ==> 强泵浦,强抽运
  7037. heavy punch ==> 重锤
  7038. heavy purse ==> 富有,富裕
  7039. heavy rail ==> 重轨
  7040. heavy rain ==> 大雨
  7041. heavy rain in Niigata and Fukushima Prefectures ==> 新潟福島豪雨
  7042. heavy rain warning ==> 大雨警報
  7043. heavy rare earth ==> 重稀土
  7044. heavy recoil oil ==> 重反冲油
  7045. heavy recovery section ==> 重型装备抢救排
  7046. heavy recycle stock ==> 重质循环油
  7047. heavy reinforcement ==> 大量配筋
  7048. heavy relay ==> 大电流切换继电器
  7049. heavy repair ==> 大修
  7050. heavy residual fuel oil ==> 重质残燃渣料油
  7051. heavy residual stocks ==> 重质残油
  7052. heavy residue ==> 重残渣
  7053. heavy resin oil ==> 重质树脂油
  7054. heavy rigid tine cultivator ==> 重型钢齿中耕机
  7055. heavy rimmed flywheel ==> 重辋飞轮
  7056. heavy ring ==> 承力环
  7057. heavy ring segments ==> 重型环
  7058. heavy ripper ==> 重型松土机
  7059. heavy rod ==> 粗盘条
  7060. heavy rolls ==> 重型辊碎机
  7061. heavy root system ==> 庞大根系
  7062. heavy roughing cut ==> 强力粗切削
  7063. heavy route telephone message ==> 重路由电话通信
  7064. heavy route toll telephone ==> 重路由长途电话
  7065. heavy rubber cot ==> 厚胶指套
  7066. heavy satellite ==> 重型卫星
  7067. heavy satellite platform ==> 重型卫星平台
  7068. heavy scale ==> 厚氧化皮
  7069. heavy sea ==> 风涛海面
  7070. heavy section ==> 大厚度,大型材,大型剖面,厚壁,重型型材=>大きい断面
  7071. heavy section car ==> 重型轨道车
  7072. heavy section casting ==> 厚壁件
  7073. heavy section mill ==> 大型型钢轧机
  7074. heavy section prop ==> 重型支柱
  7075. heavy section steel ==> 大型型钢
  7076. heavy seed ==> 密集小气泡
  7077. heavy seeding ==> 密播
  7078. heavy segmented flat roller ==> 重型分组光面镇压器
  7079. heavy self-propelled antiaircraft gun ==> 重型自行高射炮
  7080. heavy selling ==> 抛售
  7081. heavy service ==> 重负荷运行
  7082. heavy service car ==> 大型服务车
  7083. heavy sewage purifier ==> 高浊度污水净水器
  7084. heavy shade ==> 饱和色
  7085. heavy shear line ==> 重型剪切机作业线
  7086. heavy sheet glass ==> 厚玻璃
  7087. heavy shirting ==> 重磅平布
  7088. heavy shock loads ==> 大冲击载荷
  7089. heavy shoulder ==> 厚胎缘
  7090. heavy shower ==> 大阵雨
  7091. heavy side ==> 重侧
  7092. heavy sizing ==> 重浆
  7093. heavy slash ==> 重废材,粗采伐剩余物
  7094. heavy slope ==> 急勾配
  7095. heavy slubbing box ==> 头道粗纱机
  7096. heavy snow ==> 大雪
  7097. heavy soda ==> 重苏打
  7098. heavy soda ash ==> 重苏打灰
  7099. heavy soil ==> 重粘土
  7100. heavy solid ==> 机械杂质粗粒
  7101. heavy solvent naphtha ==> 重质溶剂油
  7102. heavy spar ==> 重晶石
  7103. heavy starting duty ==> 重型起动工况
  7104. heavy statics ==> 强静电干扰
  7105. heavy steel rolling mill ==> 大型轧钢厂
  7106. heavy still bottoms ==> 重质残油
  7107. heavy stock ==> 大量の在庫
  7108. heavy storm ==> 大暴雨
  7109. heavy straw board ==> 厚草纸板
  7110. heavy sugar ==> 繁忙运输线
  7111. heavy suite ==> 重矿物颗粒,重矿物组分
  7112. heavy suiting ==> 厚花呢
  7113. heavy sulfide ==> 重硫化物
  7114. heavy swelling ==> 高度肿大
  7115. heavy tails ==> 重质尾部馏分
  7116. heavy tank ==> 重型坦克
  7117. heavy tap ==> 斜底
  7118. heavy tar ==> 重质柏油,厚柄油
  7119. heavy tar distillate ==> 重质焦油馏出物
  7120. heavy taxation ==> 课征重税
  7121. heavy test ==> 重载试验,满载试验
  7122. heavy textured soil ==> 重粘结土,重粘质土
  7123. heavy thinning ==> 强度疏伐
  7124. heavy timber construction ==> 重型木结构
  7125. heavy tower bolt ==> 粗芯插销
  7126. heavy traction vehicle ==> 重型牵引车
  7127. heavy tractor ==> 重型拖拉机
  7128. heavy traffic ==> 繁忙运输,繁重交通
  7129. heavy traffic line ==> 繁忙运输线
  7130. heavy traffic route ==> 繁忙运输线
  7131. heavy triangular blunt band saw file ==> 粗重直三角带锯锉
  7132. heavy triangular blunt saw file ==> 粗重直三角锯锉
  7133. heavy triangular taper saw file ==> 粗重斜三角锯锉
  7134. heavy truck ==> 重型卡车,重型载货汽车=>大型トラック
  7135. heavy trucking ==> 重型卡车货运
  7136. heavy turning movements ==> 强烈的转向运动
  7137. heavy twist ==> 强捻
  7138. heavy type ==> 重型
  7139. heavy type cab-tyre cable ==> 重型橡套电缆
  7140. heavy type sectionalized shield ==> 重型分节式掩护支架
  7141. heavy type suture needle ==> 加粗型缝合针
  7142. heavy unemployment period ==> 严重失业时期
  7143. heavy unit shop ==> 重型器材修理厂
  7144. heavy vector meson ==> 重矢量介子
  7145. heavy vehicle ==> 重型车辆=>大型車両
  7146. heavy vessel ==> 重型容器
  7147. heavy vibration ==> 激振動
  7148. heavy viscous mud ==> 高粘泥浆
  7149. heavy viscous oil ==> 高粘度油
  7150. heavy wall pipe ==> 厚壁管
  7151. heavy wares ==> 重型车辆,重型物件
  7152. heavy water ==> 重水
  7153. heavy water boiling reactor ==> 重水沸腾堆
  7154. heavy water collection system for HWR ==> 重水堆重水收集系统,CANDU型重水堆用于收集主热传输系统及各辅助系统的正常回流和异常泄漏的重水的系统
  7155. heavy water moderated reactor ==> 重水慢化反应堆
  7156. heavy water plant ==> 重水工厂
  7157. heavy water reactor ==> 重水反应堆,简称“重水堆”。以重水作慢化剂、重水或轻水作冷却剂的核反应堆。它广泛用作动力堆、核燃料生产堆和研究试验堆
  7158. heavy water reflector ==> 重水反射层
  7159. heavy wax ==> 重质蜡
  7160. heavy weapon ==> 重武器,重型武器
  7161. heavy weapon carrier ==> 重武器运输车
  7162. heavy wear ==> 严重磨损
  7163. heavy weed growth ==> 杂草丛生
  7164. heavy weight calf ==> 重型犊牛
  7165. heavy weight heavy ==> weight
  7166. heavy weight hide ==> 重磅皮
  7167. heavy weight rubber product ==> 重型制品
  7168. heavy welding ==> 大断面焊接
  7169. heavy welding electrode ==> 粗电焊条
  7170. heavy wheel-load traffic ==> 重载汽车运输
  7171. heavy wire ==> 粗钢丝
  7172. heavy wood ==> 重材
  7173. heavy wool ==> 重脂含杂毛,(羊毛)多油
  7174. heavy wool grease ==> 粗毛润滑脂,重质羊毛润滑脂
  7175. heavy work ==> 重劳动,重作业,繁重的工作
  7176. heavy wrecker ==> (抢救损坏的重型装备用)重型抢救车
  7177. heavy yield ==> 丰收
  7178. heavy yielder ==> 高产作物
  7179. heavy(-load) ==> 重载
  7180. heavy-aggregate concrete ==> 重混凝土
  7181. heavy-armature relay ==> 重衔铁继电器
  7182. heavy-at-one-end desk ==> 一头沉桌
  7183. heavy-atom method ==> 重原子法
  7184. heavy-bodied oil ==> (粘性油)重体油
  7185. heavy-bodied paint ==> 高粘性涂料
  7186. heavy-burned magnesia ==> 重质氧化镁
  7187. heavy-current cable ==> 强电流电缆
  7188. heavy-current connector ==> 强流接头
  7189. heavy-current engineering ==> 强电工程
  7190. heavy-current insulator ==> 强电流绝缘子
  7191. heavy-current slow-speed generator ==> 大电流低转速发电机
  7192. heavy-current switch ==> 大電流スイッチ
  7193. heavy-density medium ==> 重密度介质
  7194. heavy-density recovery ==> 重悬浮液再生
  7195. heavy-duty ==> 重级工作制,重载,经得起损耗,经得起损耗,强有力=>丈夫な
  7196. heavy-duty acetylene generator ==> 大型乙炔发生器
  7197. heavy-duty anti-foam bearing ==> 重型防泡沫轴承
  7198. heavy-duty ball bearing ==> 重型球轴承
  7199. heavy-duty bearing ==> 重载轴承
  7200. heavy-duty bench ==> 重型作业工作台
  7201. heavy-duty bogie wagon ==> 载重平板车
  7202. heavy-duty boiler ==> 大容量锅炉
  7203. heavy-duty brake ==> 重型制动器
  7204. heavy-duty car ==> 重级轨道车,重型汽车
  7205. heavy-duty chain ==> 重型链
  7206. heavy-duty chuck ==> 重型夹盘,重载夹盘
  7207. heavy-duty compressor ==> 重型压缩机
  7208. heavy-duty contacts ==> 重负载电接触器材
  7209. heavy-duty converter ==> 重型变矩器
  7210. heavy-duty cross-section device ==> 重型切片器
  7211. heavy-duty crusher ==> 重型破碎机
  7212. heavy-duty cutaway disc harrow ==> 重型缺口圆盘耙
  7213. heavy-duty cutter ==> 重型切割器,粗加工铣刀
  7214. heavy-duty diesel oil ==> 重型柴油
  7215. heavy-duty disc harrow ==> 重型圆盘耙
  7216. heavy-duty disk plow ==> 重型圆盘犁
  7217. heavy-duty drill ==> 重型钻床
  7218. heavy-duty drilling machine ==> 重型钻床
  7219. heavy-duty drive ==> 重载传动
  7220. heavy-duty engine ==> 重负荷工作的发动机,重型发动机=>高馬力エンジン
  7221. heavy-duty engine lathe ==> 重型车床
  7222. heavy-duty engine oil ==> 重型发动机油
  7223. heavy-duty final drive ==> 重负荷侧传动
  7224. heavy-duty freight car ==> 重载货车
  7225. heavy-duty gear ==> 重载齿轮
  7226. heavy-duty geared head lathe ==> (全齿轮车床)重型普通车床
  7227. heavy-duty generator ==> 大容量发电机,大型发电机
  7228. heavy-duty grinding ==> 强磨削
  7229. heavy-duty guard ==> 重型护刃器,加强护刃器
  7230. heavy-duty harrow ==> 重型耙
  7231. heavy-duty hoisting equipment ==> 重型起重设备
  7232. heavy-duty hose ==> 高压软管
  7233. heavy-duty lathe ==> 重型车床
  7234. heavy-duty lifting machine ==> 重型起重机械
  7235. heavy-duty load ==> 重负载
  7236. heavy-duty loader ==> 重型装载机
  7237. heavy-duty lubricating grease ==> 重负荷润滑脂,重型润滑脂
  7238. heavy-duty machine ==> 重型机器
  7239. heavy-duty machinery ==> 重型机床,重型机械,重载机械
  7240. heavy-duty magneto ==> 强力磁电机
  7241. heavy-duty manipulator ==> 重型机械操纵器
  7242. heavy-duty mechanic ==> 重型车辆技工
  7243. heavy-duty multiple disk steering clutch ==> 重负荷多片式转向离合器
  7244. heavy-duty oil ==> 重负荷机油,重型发动机油
  7245. heavy-duty operating conditions ==> 重负荷的使用条件
  7246. heavy-duty pavement ==> (用于繁重交通要道)重级路面
  7247. heavy-duty plain cutter ==> 重型普通铣刀
  7248. heavy-duty plastic bag ==> 大型塑料袋
  7249. heavy-duty plastic sack machine ==> 大型塑料袋机
  7250. heavy-duty preselect radial drilling machine ==> 重型预选摇臂钻床
  7251. heavy-duty press ==> 重型压力机
  7252. heavy-duty pressure tunnel ==> 高压隧洞
  7253. heavy-duty radial drilling machine ==> 重型摇臂钻床
  7254. heavy-duty rectifier ==> 强功率整流器,强力整流管
  7255. heavy-duty ripper cultivator with rigid tine ==> 重型刚齿松土耕耘机
  7256. heavy-duty roughing tool ==> 重型粗加工刀具
  7257. heavy-duty rubber spring ==> 重负荷橡胶弹簧
  7258. heavy-duty semi-mounted disk harrow ==> 半悬挂重型圆盘耙
  7259. heavy-duty service ==> 重荷条件下使用,高负荷运行
  7260. heavy-duty shaper ==> 重型牛头刨床
  7261. heavy-duty shaping machine ==> 重型牛头刨床
  7262. heavy-duty shears ==> 重型剪切机
  7263. heavy-duty side-dumping rock loader ==> 大型侧卸装岩机
  7264. heavy-duty slab milling cutter ==> 重型平面铣刀
  7265. heavy-duty snow plough ==> 重型雪犁
  7266. heavy-duty spiketooth harrow ==> 重型钉齿耙
  7267. heavy-duty spring ==> 重型弹簧
  7268. heavy-duty test ==> 重载试验
  7269. heavy-duty thread ==> 重型螺纹
  7270. heavy-duty tipper ==> 重型倾卸车
  7271. heavy-duty tool ==> 重型机床,粗切刀
  7272. heavy-duty tool block ==> 单臂刀架
  7273. heavy-duty tractor ==> 重型拖拉机
  7274. heavy-duty traffic ==> 重型货车交通
  7275. heavy-duty trailer ==> 重型挂车
  7276. heavy-duty transfer case ==> 重负荷分动箱
  7277. heavy-duty transport machine ==> 重型运输机,重载运输机
  7278. heavy-duty travelling type radial drilling machine ==> 可移式重型摇臂钻床
  7279. heavy-duty truck ==> 重型运货车,重型载货汽车,(运货车)重型卡车
  7280. heavy-duty truck tool ==> 重型载货汽车
  7281. heavy-duty turning lathe ==> 重型车床
  7282. heavy-duty type ==> 重型
  7283. heavy-duty tyre ==> 重载轮胎
  7284. heavy-duty vehicle ==> 重型车辆
  7285. heavy-duty vibrating screen ==> 大号振动筛
  7286. heavy-duty water suction and discharge hose ==> 大号排吸水胶管
  7287. heavy-edge ==> 边缘加厚的
  7288. heavy-element chain ==> 重元素链
  7289. heavy-end power distillate ==> (煤油和柴油之间的馏分)重质拖拉机煤油
  7290. heavy-fluid washer ==> 重液洗选机
  7291. heavy-fuel engine ==> 重油发动机
  7292. heavy-ga(u)ge roofing sheet ==> 重形屋面板
  7293. heavy-gage rubber sheet ==> 厚胶片
  7294. heavy-gas model ==> 重气体模型
  7295. heavy-ion linac ==> 重离子直线加速器
  7296. heavy-ion linear accelerator ==> 重离子线性加速器,重离子直线加速器
  7297. heavy-ion physics ==> 重离子物理
  7298. heavy-isotope buildup ==> 重同位素积累
  7299. heavy-lift ==> 重件
  7300. heavy-lift carrier ==> 重件专用船
  7301. heavy-lift cum container berth ==> 重货及集装箱泊位
  7302. heavy-lift vessel ==> 重货船
  7303. heavy-liquid bubble chamber ==> 重液体气泡室
  7304. heavy-liquid process ==> 重液选矿法
  7305. heavy-liquid separation ==> 重液选矿
  7306. heavy-load compensating device ==> 重负荷补偿装置,重负载补偿装置
  7307. heavy-loaded plain bearing ==> 大负荷普通轴承
  7308. heavy-media process ==> 重介质选矿法
  7309. heavy-media separation ==> 重介质选矿
  7310. heavy-media separator ==> 重介质分选机
  7311. heavy-media suspension ==> 重介质悬浮液
  7312. heavy-medium ==> 重介质
  7313. heavy-metal soap ==> 重金属皂
  7314. heavy-milking ewe ==> 产奶多的母羊
  7315. heavy-mineral prospecting ==> 跟踪找矿
  7316. heavy-oil carburet(t)or ==> 重油化油器
  7317. heavy-oil engine ==> 重油发动机
  7318. heavy-particle radiation ==> 重粒子辐射
  7319. heavy-plate shears ==> 厚板剪切机
  7320. heavy-producing ==> 高产的
  7321. heavy-route ==> 重路由
  7322. heavy-route circuit ==> 重路由电路
  7323. heavy-route earth station ==> 重路由地面站
  7324. heavy-section casting ==> 厚壁铸件
  7325. heavy-section stringer ==> 大截面桁条
  7326. heavy-set bit ==> 高布齿密度钻头
  7327. heavy-spring standard ==> 高强度弹性铲柄,重型弹性铲柄
  7328. heavy-textured soil ==> 质地的严重土壤
  7329. heavy-tined harrow ==> 重型钉齿耙
  7330. heavy-tonnage lines of communications ==> 重吨位车辆的交通线
  7331. heavy-traffic road ==> 繁密交通道路
  7332. heavy-type cabtyre cable ==> 重型橡套电缆
  7333. heavy-tyre cable ==> 重型橡套电缆
  7334. heavy-walled ==> 厚壁的
  7335. heavy-water moderator ==> 重水减速剂,重水慢化剂
  7336. heavy-water probe ==> 重水靶探头
  7337. heavy-water system ==> 重水系统
  7338. heavy-web straight shank drill ==> 厚钻心直柄钻头
  7339. heavy-weight drilling fluid ==> 重质钻液
  7340. heavy-wire screen ==> (用于筒筛)重型金属丝筛网
  7341. heavymedia separation ==> 重介质选矿
  7342. hebephrenic type ==> 青春期痴呆型
  7343. Heberden's arthritis ==> 希柏登关节炎
  7344. Heberden's node ==> 希柏登结
  7345. Heberden-Rosenbach node ==> 希柏登结
  7346. Hebras pityriasis ==> 黑布腊氏糠疹
  7347. Hebridean cloth ==> 海力斯粗花呢
  7348. Heckenham metal ==> 黑肯哈姆铜镍合金
  7349. hecking cough ==> 不断干咳
  7350. hectare ==> 公顷
  7351. hectic ==> 潮热的,痨病的
  7352. hectic fever ==> 痨病热,潮热,消耗热
  7353. hectic fever due to consumption ==> 劳蒸
  7354. hectic fever due to yin deficiency ==> 阴虚劳热
  7355. hectic flush ==> 痨病性潮红
  7356. hectocotylized arm ==> 化茎腕
  7357. hectographed ==> 胶版
  7358. hectometer wave ==> 百米波
  7359. hectometric wave ==> 百米波=>ヘクトメートル波
  7360. hectometric waves ==> 百米波
  7361. hed shortness ==> 热脆性
  7362. heddle eye ==> 综眼
  7363. heddle gauge ==> 综丝号数
  7364. hedeoma oil ==> 海地油
  7365. Hedera canariensis ==> ヘデラ
  7366. Hedera helix ==> 常春藤
  7367. Hedera sinensisivy ==> 常春藤
  7368. hedge ==> 套购保值,绿篱,保值性期货买卖=>垣根,保険,ヘッジ取引
  7369. hedge accounting ==> ヘッジ会計
  7370. hedge against ==> 防衛手段
  7371. hedge against inflation ==> 避免通货膨胀损失的套期保值
  7372. hedge bill ==> 长柄镰
  7373. hedge bird ==> 路上生活者
  7374. hedge butterfly ==> 山楂粉蝶
  7375. hedge by selling ==> 売りつなぎ
  7376. hedge clause ==> 避免责任条款,避险条款,免责条款,套购保值条款,套期保值条款,套头交易条款
  7377. hedge fund ==> 套利基金,避险基金
  7378. hedge funds ==> 对冲基金
  7379. hedge plant ==> 绿篱植物
  7380. hedge planting ==> 篱笆式栽植
  7381. hedge planting system ==> 篱笆式栽植法
  7382. hedge purchase ==> 套买
  7383. hedge sale ==> 套卖
  7384. hedge selling ==> 卖期保值
  7385. hedge vetch ==> 野豌豆
  7386. hedge-type assets ==> 保障资产
  7387. hedgecutter ==> 绿篱修剪器
  7388. hedgehog ==> 刺猬,反潜用深水炸弹,棱形拒马,猬=>ハリネズミ
  7389. hedgehog skin ==> 刺猬皮
  7390. hedgehog spine anchorage ==> (压力钢管的)刺猬式锚固
  7391. hedger ==> (外汇市场)避险者
  7392. hedgerow ==> 矮树篱,绿篱
  7393. hedgerow prominence ==> 篱笆状日珥
  7394. hedgerow system ==> 篱形整枝法
  7395. hedging ==> 套期保值,交易者配合在现货市场的买卖,在期货市场买进或卖出与现货市场交易品种、数量相同,但方向相反的期货合同,以期在未来某一时间通过卖出或买进此期货合同来补偿因现货市场价格变动带来的实际价格风险
  7396. hedging portfolio ==> ヘッジングポートフォリオ
  7397. HEDI, High Endoatmospheric Defense Interceptor ==> 高大気圏内防衛要撃機,高大気圏内要撃兵器
  7398. hedonic gland ==> 快乐腺
  7399. heed ==> 注意,関心
  7400. Heegaard Floer homology ==> ヒーゴールフレアホモロジー
  7401. heel ==> 跟部,跟面,刀跟,底结,垫块,结瘤,倾侧,焊跟,横倾,足跟,背棱,踵
  7402. heel block ==> 垫块,根滑车
  7403. heel bolt cam ==> 袜跟螺栓三角
  7404. heel cam ==> 袜跟闸刀
  7405. heel chair ==> 轨跟枢
  7406. heel clearing cam ==> 袜跟退圈三角
  7407. heel comb ==> 袜跟梭子
  7408. heel contact ==> 大端接触,踵形接触
  7409. heel cutting ==> 锤状插条
  7410. heel distance ==> 跟距
  7411. heel end slug ==> 跟端缓动铜环
  7412. heel fly ==> 纹皮蝇
  7413. heel half ==> 袜跟半圆
  7414. heel in ==> 假植
  7415. heel iron ==> 袜跟重锤
  7416. heel jar ==> 踵衝撃
  7417. heel line ==> 倾侧线,横倾线
  7418. heel nailing machine ==> 钉跟机
  7419. heel narrowing ==> 袜跟收针
  7420. heel of a shot ==> 炮眼口
  7421. heel of metal ==> 熔金属面
  7422. heel of tool ==> 刀头跟面
  7423. heel of tooth ==> 齿根面
  7424. heel piece ==> 轭铁=>継鉄(継電器)
  7425. heel piede ==> 轭铁
  7426. heel pivot ==> 轨跟枢
  7427. heel plane ==> 圆刨
  7428. heel plate seat ==> 背靠块座,侧支承块底座
  7429. heel post ==> 侧立柱,闸门侧立柱,承重柱,门轴柱
  7430. heel pressure ==> 跟压力
  7431. heel ring ==> 加固圈
  7432. heel seat heating machine ==> 后跟整形机
  7433. heel section ==> 袜跟部段
  7434. heel slab ==> 后部底板
  7435. heel spread clip ==> 跟距扣板
  7436. heel stitch cam ==> 袜跟成圈三角
  7437. heel strap ==> 扒头铁板
  7438. heel tackle ==> 张紧滑车组
  7439. heel tap ==> 斜底
  7440. heel tendon ==> 跟腱
  7441. heel thread carrier ==> 袜跟导纱器
  7442. heel upthrow bolt cam ==> 袜跟起针螺栓闸刀
  7443. heel upthrow cam ==> 袜跟起针三角
  7444. heel widening ==> 袜跟放针
  7445. heel-and-toe wear ==> 胎面边缘磨损
  7446. heel-jar ==> 跟震
  7447. heel-knee test ==> 跟膝试验
  7448. heel-seat pounding up machine ==> 后跟座整平机
  7449. heeling adjuster ==> 倾斜自差调整器
  7450. heeling angle ==> 横倾角,侧倾角
  7451. heeling coefficient ==> 倾差系数
  7452. heeling condition ==> 倾斜状态
  7453. heeling deviation ==> 倾斜自差
  7454. heeling error ==> 倾斜误差
  7455. heeling error instrument ==> 倾斜自差调整器,(磁罗经)倾差仪
  7456. heeling lever ==> 倾侧力矩的力臂
  7457. heeling magnet ==> 校正倾斜磁铁
  7458. heeling moment ==> 倾斜力矩
  7459. Heenan dynamic dynamometer ==> 希南动态测功计
  7460. Heenan hydraulic torque meter ==> 希南液力扭矩计
  7461. Hefner candle ==> 赫夫纳烛光,亥夫纳烛光
  7462. hefner candle ==> 亥夫纳烛光
  7463. Hefner lamp ==> 亥夫纳灯,赫夫纳灯
  7464. hefner lamp ==> 亥夫纳灯
  7465. hefner lux ==> 亥夫纳勒克司
  7466. Hefner unit ==> ヘフネル単位
  7467. hefner unit ==> 亥夫纳单位
  7468. hefty ==> 非常に重い
  7469. hefty download ==> 重いダウンロード
  7470. Hegar's sign ==> 黑加氏征
  7471. Hegeler furnace ==> 赫格勒炉
  7472. Hegelian dialectic ==> ヘーゲル弁証法
  7473. hegman gauge ==> 汉克门规
  7474. heheaded stream ==> 断头河
  7475. Heian-Jingu shirine ==> 平安神宮
  7476. Heidbrink valve ==> 海德布林克氏阀
  7477. Heidelberg capsule ==> 海德贝格胶囊
  7478. Heidenhain's iron hematoxylin staining ==> 海登海因氏铁苏木精染色法
  7479. Heidenhains pouch ==> 海登汉氏小胃
  7480. Heidenhains syndrome ==> 海登汉氏综合征
  7481. HEIE, high energy isotope experiment ==> 高エネルギーアイソトープ実験
  7482. heifer in calf ==> 怀孕青年母牛
  7483. heifer in milk ==> 产奶的青年母牛
  7484. heifer replacement contract ==> 后备母牛饲养合同
  7485. height ==> 高程,高度
  7486. height above airport (HAA) ==> 机场上高度
  7487. height above ground level ==> 地面以上高度
  7488. height above lowest foundation of dam ==> 坝基最底部以上高度
  7489. height above sea level ==> 拔海高度,海拔,海拔高度
  7490. height above touch-down (HAT) ==> 着陆点上的高度
  7491. height accuracy ==> 高程精度
  7492. height adjustment ==> 高度调节
  7493. height altitude ==> 地平纬度
  7494. height analyser ==> 波高振幅分析器
  7495. height arm ==> 高程尺
  7496. height at withers ==> 体高
  7497. height balanced tree ==> 高度平衡树,深度平衡树
  7498. height board ==> 梯级样板,量层杆
  7499. height calipers ==> 高度卡尺
  7500. height card ==> 高度测绘板,高度绘图仪
  7501. height check micrometer ==> 测高千分尺
  7502. height class ==> 树高级,树高级木
  7503. height computation ==> 高程计算
  7504. height computer ==> 高度计数器
  7505. height control ==> 高空控制,图像高度调整
  7506. height control cylinder ==> 高度调节油缸
  7507. height control lever ==> 高度控制杆
  7508. height controller ==> 高度控制器
  7509. height diameter ratio ==> 高度直径比
  7510. height difference ==> 高差
  7511. height driver ==> 高度传动器
  7512. height equation ==> 高度方程
  7513. height equivalent ==> 等效高度
  7514. height equivalent of theoretical plate(HETP) ==> 等板高度
  7515. height equivalent to a theoretical plate ==> 理论板高
  7516. height equivalent to a theoretical stage (plate) ==> 理论塔板的当量高度
  7517. height equivalent to transfer unit (HETU) ==> 当量传质单元高度
  7518. height error ==> 高度误差
  7519. height finder ==> 高度测定器
  7520. height finder radar ==> 测高雷达
  7521. height finderheigt indicator ==> 高度计
  7522. height flip-flop ==> 高度双稳多谐振荡器,高度双稳态触发器,高度双稳态多谐振荡器
  7523. height from seat to roof ==> 座垫至顶盖高
  7524. height gage ==> 高度规
  7525. height gage with magnifier ==> 带放大镜高度尺
  7526. height gain ==> 高度增量,高度增益
  7527. height gain factor ==> 高さ利得係数
  7528. height gauge ==> 高度规,测高仪
  7529. height increment ==> 树高生长量
  7530. height index circuit ==> 标高电路
  7531. height indicator ==> 高度计,高度指示器
  7532. height input ==> 高度数据输入
  7533. height lamp ==> 示高灯
  7534. height limitator ==> 高度限位器
  7535. height mark ==> 高度标记,标高
  7536. height marker ==> 高度标识器
  7537. height master ==> 高度规
  7538. height measurement ==> 高程测量
  7539. height measurer ==> 高程计,高度表
  7540. height measuring gauge ==> 高度测量器
  7541. height micrometer ==> 高度测微计
  7542. height money ==> 高空作业费
  7543. height of a fuzzy set ==> 模糊集的高
  7544. height of a transfer unit (H.T.U) ==> 传质单元高度
  7545. height of arc ==> 弧高
  7546. height of baffle plate ==> 挡板高度
  7547. height of bubble cap ==> 泡罩高度
  7548. height of building ==> 建筑高度
  7549. height of burst ==> 炸高
  7550. height of C.G. ==> 重心高度
  7551. height of capillary rise ==> 毛细上升高度,毛细提升高度
  7552. height of capillary water ==> 毛管水高度
  7553. height of contour ==> 外形凸点
  7554. height of curve ==> 曲线高度
  7555. height of dam ==> 坝高
  7556. height of downcomer ==> 下液管高度
  7557. height of fall ==> 坠落高度
  7558. height of free fall ==> 自由落程
  7559. height of frictional influence ==> 摩擦高度
  7560. height of gravitational center ==> 重心高
  7561. height of high tide ==> 满潮高
  7562. height of hydraulic jump ==> 水跃高度
  7563. height of lift ==> 提升高度,分段高度
  7564. height of low water ==> 枯水位高程
  7565. height of lower pods ==> 最低结荚部位的高度
  7566. height of nozzle ==> 接管高度
  7567. height of nozzles and M.H. from outside vessel ==> 接管与人孔离容器外侧高度
  7568. height of odontoid process ==> (人)齿突高
  7569. height of projection ==> 凸起高度
  7570. height of proscenium ==> 台口高度
  7571. height of protrusion in flange joint ==> 法兰连接凸出部分高度
  7572. height of reaction unit ==> 反应装置高度
  7573. height of reinforcement of weld ==> 加强焊缝高度
  7574. height of room ==> 居室高度,居室高度
  7575. height of seedling ==> 苗高
  7576. height of segment ==> 拱高
  7577. height of support ==> 支座高度
  7578. height of symphysis ==> 下颌联合高
  7579. height of thread ==> 螺纹牙高
  7580. height of tide ==> 潮高
  7581. height of tooth ==> 齿高
  7582. height of top and bottom nozzles flanges from T.L. ==> 顶部与底部接管法兰至切线的高度
  7583. height of transfer unit ==> 传递单元高度
  7584. height of weir ==> 堰高
  7585. height of weir plate ==> 溢流堰高度
  7586. height overlap coverage ==> 高度重叠覆盖范围
  7587. height pattern ==> 高度型式,垂直方向图,垂直方向性
  7588. height peak ==> 高峰
  7589. height point ==> 高程点
  7590. height potentiometer ==> 高度电位器,高度分压器
  7591. height power factor ==> 高度功率因数
  7592. height ratio ==> 高比
  7593. height scale ==> 高度比例尺
  7594. height sensor ==> 高度传感器
  7595. height servo ==> 高度伺服机构
  7596. height setting ==> 高度调节
  7597. height shoot ==> 顶枝
  7598. height to width aspect ratio ==> 高宽比
  7599. height vernier calliper ==> 高度游标尺
  7600. height vernier gauge ==> 高度游标尺
  7601. height warning device ==> 高度告警装置
  7602. height zoning ==> 建筑高度分区
  7603. height-area curve ==> 高度-面积曲线,高度面积曲线
  7604. height-change chart ==> 高度变化图
  7605. height-difference interpretoscope ==> 高差判读仪
  7606. height-finder ==> 飞行器高度测定器
  7607. height-finding instrument ==> 高度计,测高仪
  7608. height-finding microscope ==> 测高显微镜
  7609. height-finding radar ==> 高度測定用レーダ
  7610. height-gain curve ==> 高度增益曲线
  7611. height-gain factor ==> 高度增益系数
  7612. height-marker-intensity compensation ==> 测高标记亮度补偿
  7613. height-measuring sextant ==> 测高六分仪
  7614. height-of-eye correction ==> 眼高修正
  7615. height-of-image adjustment ==> 像高修正
  7616. height-position indicator ==> 高度-位置显示器,高度位置显示器
  7617. height-range indicator ==> 高度-距离显示器
  7618. height-to-distance ratio ==> 感光特性曲线
  7619. height-to-span ratio ==> 高跨比
  7620. height-volume curve ==> 高度体积曲线
  7621. Heil generator ==> 海尔振荡器
  7622. heil generator ==> 海尔振荡器
  7623. Heil oscillator ==> 海尔振荡器
  7624. heiligtag effect ==> 干扰波引起的误差,波干扰误差
  7625. Heimitian form ==> 埃尔米特型
  7626. Heinrich Hertz, 1857-1894 ==> ハインリッヒ・ヘルツ,ドイツの物理学者,1888年、電池と感応コイルを用いた実験装置で電磁波の検出に成功、電気が電磁波としてつたわり、その速度は有限で、光速度にひとしく、光に似た反射・屈折などの諸性質をあらわすことなどを証明した。一秒当たりの振動数(周波数)の単位ヘルツ「Hz」は彼の名前にちなんでつけられた。テスラの高周波の研究はヘルツの成功抜きには考えられない。Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf (1857-1894), German physicist, born in Hamburg, and educated at the University of Berlin. From 1885 to 1889 he was a professor of physics at the technical school in Karlsruhe and after 1889 a professor of physics at the University in Bonn. Hertz clarified and expanded the electromagnetic theory of light that had been put forth by the British physicist James Clerk Maxwell in 1884. Hertz proved that electricity can be transmitted in electromagnetic waves, which travel at the speed of light and which possess many other properties of light. His experiments with these electromagnetic waves led to the development of the wireless telegraph and the radio.
  7627. heir at law ==> 法定继承人
  7628. heir by operation of law ==> 法定继承人
  7629. heir in tail ==> 限定继承人
  7630. heir of the blood ==> 纯血亲继承人
  7631. Heisenberg equation ==> ハイゼンベルク方程式
  7632. Heisenberg uncertainty principle ==> 测不准原理
  7633. Heisenberg uncertainty relation ==> 测不准关系
  7634. Heisenberg's equation of motion ==> 海森伯运动方程
  7635. Heisenberg's exchange coupling ==> 海森伯交换耦合
  7636. Heisenberg's force ==> 海森伯力
  7637. Heisenberg's matrix mechanics ==> 海森伯矩阵力学
  7638. Heisenberg's picture ==> 海森伯图象
  7639. Heisenberg's quantum mechanics ==> 海森伯量子力学
  7640. Heisenberg's representation ==> 海森伯图象
  7641. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle ==> 海森堡测不准原理
  7642. Heisenberg's uncertainty relation ==> 海森伯测不准关系
  7643. Heisenberg's unified theory ==> ハイゼンベルグの統一理論
  7644. Heisenberg, Werner Heisenberg ==> 1901-1976,海森堡,德国物理学家,提出测不准原理
  7645. Heisenbergs matrix mechanics ==> 海森伯矩阵力学
  7646. Heisenbergs quantum mechanics ==> 海森伯量子力学
  7647. Heisenbergs uncertainty condition ==> 海森伯测不准条件
  7648. Heising modulation ==> 扼流调制,恒流调制,板极定流调制=>ハイジング変調
  7649. Heister's diverticulum ==> 颈外静脉窦,颈外静脉窦
  7650. Heister's valve ==> 海斯特氏瓣
  7651. Hektor lens ==> 海克特镜头
  7652. Helbing's sign ==> 黑尔宾氏征
  7653. helcodermatus spines ==> 破茧刺
  7654. held over ==> 延搁
  7655. held retention water ==> 支持水
  7656. held terminal ==> 挂起终端,截听终端
  7657. Held's bundle ==> 顶盖脊髓束
  7658. Helderberg formation ==> 海德贝格组
  7659. Helderbergian formation ==> 海德贝格组
  7660. Helds bundle ==> 黑尔德氏束
  7661. Hele-Shaw motor ==> 径向活塞式液压电动机
  7662. Helferich unit ==> 赫尔弗里希单位
  7663. heli-home ==> 直升汽车屋
  7664. heliacal cycle ==> 太阳周
  7665. Heliar lens ==> 海里亚镜头
  7666. heliarc unit ==> 氦弧焊具
  7667. heliarc welder ==> 氦弧焊机
  7668. Heliarc welding ==> 氦弧焊法
  7669. heliarc welding ==> 氦弧焊
  7670. helical ==> 螺旋形的=>ヘリカル
  7671. helical (mill) cutter ==> 螺齿铣刀
  7672. helical accelerator ==> 螺旋加速器
  7673. helical aerial ==> 螺旋线天线
  7674. helical angle ==> 螺旋角
  7675. helical antenna ==> 螺旋线天线
  7676. helical bellows ==> 螺旋波纹管
  7677. helical bevel gear ==> 斜齿锥齿轮
  7678. helical blade ==> 螺旋叶片
  7679. helical blower ==> 螺旋鼓风机,叶轮式鼓风机,轴向鼓风机
  7680. helical bourdon tube ==> 螺旋弹簧管
  7681. helical Bourdon tube ==> 螺旋弹簧管
  7682. helical casing ==> 螺旋套
  7683. helical cast ==> 螺旋排绕,反盘
  7684. helical circuit ==> 螺旋形电路,螺旋状电路
  7685. helical coil ==> 螺旋形线圈=>ヘリカルコイル
  7686. helical compression spring ==> 螺旋压簧
  7687. helical contact ==> 螺旋弹簧接触体
  7688. helical conveyer ==> 螺旋输送机
  7689. helical curve ==> 螺旋曲线
  7690. helical cutting ==> 螺旋切槽
  7691. helical delay cable ==> 螺旋延迟电缆
  7692. helical fan ==> 螺旋风扇
  7693. helical fibre ==> 螺旋形光纤
  7694. helical field ==> 螺旋场
  7695. helical fin ==> 螺旋翅片
  7696. helical flash lamp ==> 螺旋形闪光灯,螺旋形闪光泡
  7697. helical flash tube ==> 螺旋形闪光管
  7698. helical forging ==> 螺旋轧制
  7699. helical gas lens ==> 螺旋气体透镜
  7700. helical gear ==> 螺线轮,螺旋齿轮
  7701. helical gear cutting ==> 螺旋齿轮切齿法
  7702. helical gear hub ==> 螺旋齿轮毂
  7703. helical gear shaft ==> 螺旋齿轮轴
  7704. helical gear with helix angle ==> 带螺旋角的螺旋齿轮
  7705. helical gear with jaw ==> 带楔斜齿轮
  7706. helical gearing ==> 螺旋齿轮传动
  7707. helical gearing hypoids ==> 螺旋传动
  7708. helical heater ==> 螺旋状灯丝
  7709. helical hinge ==> 双开式旋转铰链
  7710. helical lamp ==> 螺旋形灯管
  7711. helical land ==> 螺旋刃带
  7712. helical lens ==> 螺旋透镜
  7713. helical line ==> 螺旋线
  7714. helical line type filter ==> 螺旋线形滤波器
  7715. helical manometer ==> 螺旋式压力计
  7716. helical milling ==> 螺旋铣削
  7717. helical mixer ==> 螺旋式混合器
  7718. helical mount ==> 螺旋支架
  7719. helical oil groove ==> 螺旋油槽
  7720. helical orbit ==> 螺旋轨道
  7721. helical pinion ==> 螺旋小齿轮
  7722. helical pinion cutter ==> 螺旋插齿刀
  7723. helical pitch ==> 螺距
  7724. helical plating stress tester ==> 螺旋式镀层应力测试仪
  7725. helical plow ==> 螺旋式犁
  7726. helical polarization ==> 螺旋偏振
  7727. helical potentiometer ==> 螺旋电位计
  7728. helical pressure tube ==> 螺旋形压力弹簧管
  7729. helical propelling sleeve ==> 螺旋推进套
  7730. helical rack ==> 螺旋齿条
  7731. helical rake angle ==> 螺旋截尖角,螺旋前角,(铣刀片的)轴向刀面角
  7732. helical ramp ==> 螺旋坡道
  7733. helical ray ==> らせん光線
  7734. helical recording ==> 螺线扫描记录法,螺旋扫描记录法
  7735. helical reinforcement ==> 螺旋钢筋
  7736. helical rotor type pump ==> 螺旋转子式泵
  7737. helical runner ==> 螺旋叶轮
  7738. helical scanning ==> ヘリカル走査方式
  7739. helical screw pulp conveyer ==> 螺旋纸浆传送器
  7740. helical slit drum ==> 螺旋槽型磁鼓
  7741. helical spiral structure of spin arrangement ==> らせん磁性
  7742. helical spline ==> 螺旋键槽
  7743. helical spline broach ==> 螺旋花键拉刀
  7744. helical spool ==> 螺旋槽阀芯
  7745. helical spring ==> 螺旋弹簧,盘簧=>つる巻きばね
  7746. helical spur gear ==> 斜齿正齿轮
  7747. helical steel support ==> 螺旋形井筒支架
  7748. helical stump cutter ==> 螺旋式树桩挖掘机
  7749. helical surface ==> 螺旋面
  7750. helical symmetry ==> 螺旋对称性,螺旋状对称
  7751. helical symmetry virus ==> 螺旋对称型病毒
  7752. helical tank ==> 螺旋形油箱
  7753. helical thread ==> 螺旋ねじ山
  7754. helical tip speed ==> 螺线桨尖速度
  7755. helical tooth ==> 斜齿,螺旋齿
  7756. helical tooth(milling)cutter ==> 螺旋齿铣刀
  7757. helical toothing ==> 螺旋啮合
  7758. helical torsion spring ==> 螺旋ねじりばね
  7759. helical type pump ==> 螺旋式泵
  7760. helical waveguide ==> らせん導波管
  7761. helical wheel ==> 螺旋轮
  7762. helical winding machine ==> 螺旋绕丝机
  7763. helical worm gear ==> 螺旋蜗轮
  7764. helical wound spring ==> 螺旋形盘簧
  7765. helical xenon-arc lamp ==> 螺旋形氙弧灯
  7766. helical xenonarc lamp ==> 螺旋形氙电弧灯
  7767. helical-band friction clutch ==> 螺旋带摩擦离合器
  7768. helical-beam antenna ==> 螺旋束天线
  7769. helical-conveyer centrifugal ==> 螺旋卸料离心机
  7770. helical-fin section ==> 螺翅
  7771. helical-flow turbine ==> 回流式汽轮机
  7772. helical-form container ==> (区域熔炼)螺旋形盛料器
  7773. helical-gear pump ==> 斜齿轮泵
  7774. helical-knife cutter head ==> 螺旋滚刀式切碎器
  7775. helical-lobe compressor ==> 螺杆压缩机
  7776. helical-shell conical shaped bowl ==> 锥形实壳体转筒
  7777. helical-weld pipe ==> 螺旋焊管
  7778. helically bladed screw conveyer ==> 螺旋叶片式输送器
  7779. helically welded tube ==> 螺旋焊接管
  7780. helically-welded case ==> 螺旋焊接壳体
  7781. helically-wound ==> 螺旋绕法,螺旋绕组
  7782. helicine arteries ==> 螺旋动脉
  7783. helicitic texture ==> 残缕结构
  7784. helicity ==> 螺旋性=>ヘリシティ,らせん構造
  7785. helicity amplitude ==> ヘリシティ振幅
  7786. helicity conservation ==> ヘリシティ保存
  7787. helicity density ==> ヘリシティ密度
  7788. helicity dependence ==> ヘリシティ依存
  7789. helicity distribution ==> ヘリシティ分布
  7790. helicity effect ==> ヘリシティ効果
  7791. helicity injection ==> ヘリシティ入射
  7792. Helicobacter Pylori ==> 胃幽门螺旋杆菌=>ヘリコバクターピロリ,ピロリ菌
  7793. Helicobacter pylori bacteria ==> ヘリコバクターピロリ菌
  7794. helicoid ==> 螺旋面=>らせん曲面
  7795. helicoid conveyer ==> 螺旋式输送器,螺旋输送器
  7796. helicoid(al) bevel final drive ==> 螺旋伞齿轮终端传动
  7797. helicoidal bottom ==> 螺旋形犁体
  7798. helicoidal surface ==> 螺旋面
  7799. helicoidal wheel shaft ==> 螺状轮轴
  7800. helicometer ==> 螺旋浆功率测定器
  7801. Helicon gear ==> 交叉齿轮
  7802. helicon wave ==> 螺旋波
  7803. helicopter ==> 直升飞机
  7804. helicopter autopilot ==> 直升飞机自动驾驶仪
  7805. helicopter engine ==> ヘリコプターのエンジン
  7806. helicopter gas turbine ==> 直升飞机用燃气轮机,直升机用燃气轮机
  7807. helicopter landing-pad ==> ヘリコプター離着陸場
  7808. helicopter muffler ==> 直升机消声器
  7809. helicopter pad ==> 直升机起落坪
  7810. helicopter platform ==> 直升飞机起落平台,直升机起落平台
  7811. helicopter sonar ==> 直升机声纳
  7812. helicopter sower ==> 直升飞机撒播机,直升机撒播机
  7813. helicopter sprayer ==> 直升飞机喷雾机,直升机喷雾机
  7814. helicopter yarding ==> 直升飞机集材,直升机集材
  7815. helicopter-borne survey ==> 直升机普查
  7816. helicopter-dunked sonar ==> 直升机吊放式声纳
  7817. helindone orange R ==> 赫林顿橙R
  7818. helindone red 3B ==> 赫林顿红3B
  7819. helindone yellow 3GN ==> 赫林顿黄3GN
  7820. heliocentric ==> 日心的,螺旋心=>太陽中心の
  7821. heliocentric angle ==> 日心角
  7822. heliocentric coordinates ==> 日心坐标,目心坐标=>日心座標
  7823. heliocentric distance ==> 日心距离
  7824. heliocentric ecliptic coordinates ==> 日心黄道座標
  7825. heliocentric ephemeris ==> 日心历表
  7826. heliocentric gravitational constant ==> 日心引力常数
  7827. heliocentric latitude ==> 日心纬度=>日心黄緯
  7828. heliocentric longitude ==> 日心经度=>日心黄経
  7829. heliocentric orbit ==> 日心轨道=>日心軌道
  7830. heliocentric parallax ==> 日心视差
  7831. heliocentric phenomena ==> 日心天象
  7832. heliocentric position ==> 日心位置
  7833. heliocentric radial velocity ==> 日心视向速度
  7834. heliocentric system ==> 日心体系
  7835. heliocentric theory ==> 日心说
  7836. heliocentric velocity ==> 日心速度
  7837. heliograph ==> 日照计,日光计
  7838. heliographic distribution ==> 日面分布
  7839. heliographic latitude ==> 日面纬度
  7840. heliographic longitude ==> 日面经度
  7841. heliographic paper ==> 晒图纸
  7842. helion filament ==> 太阳灯丝
  7843. heliophobous plant ==> 嫌阴植物
  7844. helioscopic ocular ==> 天文回照目镜
  7845. helioseismology ==> 日震学
  7846. heliosphere ==> 日球层
  7847. heliostat ==> 定日镜
  7848. Heliostat ==> 太阳能集光系统=>ヘリオスタット
  7849. heliotrinic acid ==> 天芥菜酸
  7850. Heliotrope ==> 天芥菜属=>ヘリオトロープ
  7851. heliotrope ==> 回光仪,鸡血石,鸡血玉髓,日光回照器,血玉髓,太阳反射仪,淡紫色,青莲色
  7852. heliotrope-carnation ==> 丁香紫兰
  7853. heliotropic wind ==> 日成风
  7854. heliphilous plant ==> 喜阳植物
  7855. helipot ==> 螺旋电位计
  7856. helipot bridge circuit ==> 交流电阻电桥电路
  7857. helitron oscillator ==> 螺线管振荡器,螺旋管振荡器
  7858. helium ==> 氦
  7859. helium age method ==> 氦年代测定法
  7860. helium arc ==> 氦气电弧
  7861. helium arc welding ==> 氦弧焊
  7862. helium backscattering analyzer ==> 氦反向散射分析仪
  7863. helium burning ==> 氦燃烧
  7864. helium charging unit ==> 充氦装置
  7865. helium compressor ==> 氦气压缩机,氦压缩机
  7866. helium content ==> 氦含量
  7867. helium coolant ==> 氦冷却剂
  7868. helium cooled reactor ==> 氦冷反应堆
  7869. helium cooling ==> 氦气冷却
  7870. helium dating ==> 氦年代测定法
  7871. helium detector ==> 氦检测器
  7872. helium dilution analyser ==> 氦稀释分析器
  7873. helium diving bell ==> 充氦潜水钟
  7874. helium emission ==> ヘリウム放出
  7875. helium family element ==> 氦族元素
  7876. helium film ==> 氦膜
  7877. helium flash ==> 氦闪
  7878. helium fuel tank pressurization ==> 氦燃料箱增压
  7879. helium gas ==> 氦气
  7880. helium gas turbine ==> 氦气轮机,用高温高压氦作为工质把热能转换成机械能的设备
  7881. helium injection ==> 通氦
  7882. helium lamp ==> 氦灯
  7883. helium leak detecter ==> 氧气探漏器
  7884. helium leak detector ==> 氦检漏器,氦探漏仪
  7885. helium maser ==> 氦氖脉塞
  7886. helium mass spectrometer leak detector ==> 氦质谱检漏仪
  7887. helium method ==> 氦测法
  7888. helium neon laser ==> 氦氖激光器
  7889. helium quantum magnetometer ==> 氦量子磁强计
  7890. helium refrigerator ==> 氦制冷机
  7891. helium ship ==> 氦气艇
  7892. helium spectrometer ==> 氦分光计
  7893. helium spectrum lamp ==> 氦谱灯
  7894. helium star ==> 氦星
  7895. helium stars ==> 氦星
  7896. helium survey ==> 氦气测量
  7897. helium tank ==> 氦气瓶
  7898. helium thermometer ==> 氦温度计
  7899. helium variable ==> 氦变星
  7900. helium-atmosphere box ==> 充氦盒
  7901. helium-cooled parametric amplifier ==> 氦冷却参量放大器,氦冷致参量放大器
  7902. helium-cooled reactor ==> 氦冷反应堆
  7903. helium-like ion ==> 类氦离子
  7904. helium-mercury direct nuclear laser ==> 氦汞直接核抽运激光器
  7905. helium-neon gas laser ==> 氦氖气体激光器
  7906. helium-neon laser ==> 氦氖激光器
  7907. helium-neon maser ==> 氦氖脉塞
  7908. helium-rich core ==> 富氦核
  7909. helium-strong star ==> 强氦星
  7910. helium-weak star ==> 弱氦星
  7911. Helix ==> 大蜗牛
  7912. helix ==> 耳轮,螺旋,螺旋弹簧,螺旋线,螺旋线饰,螺旋形天线=>つるまき線,立体らせん
  7913. helix (tube) ==> 螺旋管
  7914. helix accelerator ==> 螺旋波导直线加速器
  7915. helix angle ==> 螺旋角,螺旋升角,节面角,螺旋角度
  7916. helix angle of tooth ==> 轮齿倾斜角
  7917. helix angle tester ==> 螺旋角检查仪
  7918. helix array ==> 螺旋天线阵
  7919. helix Bourdon tube ==> 螺旋弹簧管
  7920. helix circuit ==> 螺旋电路
  7921. helix coil method ==> へリックスコイル法
  7922. helix element ==> 螺旋辐射元
  7923. helix flash tube ==> 螺旋形闪光管
  7924. helix grid ==> 螺旋形栅极
  7925. helix heater ==> 螺旋丝电热器,螺旋形灯丝,螺旋状阴极
  7926. helix impedance ==> 螺旋线阻抗
  7927. helix linac ==> 螺旋波导直线加速器
  7928. helix pair ==> 螺旋副
  7929. helix travel(l)ing wave tube ==> 螺线型行波管
  7930. helix voltage ==> 螺旋线电压
  7931. helix waveguide ==> 螺旋形波导管,螺旋状波导管
  7932. helix(ribbon type) agitator ==> 螺带式搅拌器
  7933. helix-coupled-vane circuit ==> 螺旋线耦合叶片慢波线
  7934. helix-milling ==> 螺旋线铣削
  7935. helix-to-coaxial-line transducer ==> 螺旋同轴线匹配交换器
  7936. helixseal ==> 螺旋密封
  7937. Helizarin pigment colours ==> 海立柴林涂料
  7938. hell fence ==> 木桩围栏
  7939. Hell system ==> 海尔电报
  7940. Hellendall's sign ==> 黑伦达尔氏征
  7941. Hellenic architecture ==> 希腊建筑
  7942. Hellenic Register of Shipping ==> 希腊船级社
  7943. Hellenic Shipyards Company ==> 海伦尼克造船公司
  7944. Heller system ==> 赫勒系统
  7945. Hellers test ==> 赫勒试验
  7946. hello program ==> 试用程序
  7947. Hells printer ==> 海尔斯印字机
  7948. Hells transmitter ==> 海尔斯发送机
  7949. Hells-chreiber system ==> 海尔电报
  7950. Helly metric ==> 海利米制
  7951. Helly's fixing fluid ==> 海利氏固定液
  7952. Hellys fixing fluid ==> 海利氏固定液
  7953. helm ==> 艄,艄,舵,舵轮,掌舵,转舵装置
  7954. helm gear ==> 舵机装置
  7955. helm indicator ==> 驾驶指示器
  7956. helm roof ==> 尖盔屋顶,尖屋顶
  7957. helm wind ==> 舵轮风
  7958. Helmerts formula ==> 赫尔默特公式
  7959. helmet ==> 钢盔,盔,面罩,机罩,安全帽
  7960. helmet cell ==> 裂细胞
  7961. helmet crane ==> 帽形起重机
  7962. helmet radio ==> 钢盔式无线电设备
  7963. helmet shield ==> 盔式护罩,焊工面罩
  7964. helmet transceiver ==> 钢盔式无线电收发机
  7965. helmet-type diving apparatus ==> 头盔式潜水装具
  7966. helmetmounted binoculars ==> 头盔式双目望远镜
  7967. Helmholtz coil ==> 亥姆霍兹线圈,探向线圈
  7968. Helmholtz coil circuit ==> 亥姆霍兹定相电路
  7969. Helmholtz coils ==> 亥姆霍兹线圈
  7970. Helmholtz Coils ==> ヘルムホルツコイル, A Helmholtz coil is actually a pair of specially constructed coils mounted a fixed distance apart on a common base. Current passed through the coils produces an extremely uniform magnetic field in the space between them.
  7971. Helmholtz contraction ==> 亥姆霍兹收缩
  7972. Helmholtz contraction time ==> 亥姆霍兹收缩时间
  7973. Helmholtz equation ==> 亥姆霍兹方程
  7974. Helmholtz free energy ==> 亥姆霍兹自由能
  7975. Helmholtz galvanometer ==> 亥姆霍兹电流计
  7976. Helmholtz resonator ==> 亥姆霍兹共鸣器=>ヘルムホルツ共鳴器
  7977. Helmholtz, H.L.F.von Helmholtz ==> 1821-1894,亥姆霍兹,德国科学家
  7978. helminth vaccine ==> 蠕虫疫苗
  7979. helminthic abscess ==> 蠕虫性脓肿
  7980. Helminthosporium leaf spot ==> 长蠕孢菌叶斑病
  7981. Helminthosporium of brown spot of rice ==> 稻胡麻斑病
  7982. helmsman ==> 舵手,摄像车司机
  7983. helobial type ==> (指胚乳)沼生目型
  7984. help program ==> 求助程序
  7985. help with farm work ==> 帮工
  7986. help-yourself system ==> 自助制度
  7987. helper ==> 助手
  7988. helper roll ==> 辅助辊
  7989. helper spring ==> 辅助弹簧,副钢板
  7990. helper virus ==> 辅助病毒,助手病毒
  7991. helpful insect ==> 益虫
  7992. Helsinki University of Technology ==> 赫尔辛基理工大学=>ヘルシンキ工科大学
  7993. helve ==> 柄
  7994. helve hammer ==> 杠杆锤,摇锤
  7995. helve ring ==> 柄圈
  7996. helvellic acid ==> 马鞍菌酸
  7997. Helvetia leather ==> 上等皮革
  7998. Helvetian stage ==> 海尔微阶
  7999. helvite ==> ヘルバイト(ベリリウム鉱)
  8000. Helwegs bundle ==> 黑尔维西氏束,橄榄脊髓束
  8001. hem ==> 折边,端
  8002. hem joint ==> 卷边接缝,卷边接缝,钩接
  8003. hem shoe ==> 闸瓦
  8004. HEM, hardware engineering manager ==> ハードウェアマネージャー
  8005. hemadsorption inhibition (HDI) ==> 红细胞吸附抑制
  8006. hemadsorption test ==> 红细胞吸附试验
  8007. hemagglutinating antigen ==> 血细胞凝集抗原
  8008. hemagglutination inhibition (HI) ==> 血细胞凝集抑制
  8009. hemagglutination inhibition reaction ==> 血凝抑制反应
  8010. hemagglutination inhibition test ==> 血球凝集抑制试验
  8011. hemagglutination inhibition test (HI test) ==> 红细胞凝集抑制试验
  8012. hemagglutination reaction ==> 血细胞凝集反应
  8013. hemagglutination test ==> 血凝试验,血细胞凝集试验
  8014. hemagglutination-inhibition test ==> 血凝抑制试验,血液凝集抑制试验
  8015. hemal arch ==> 血管弓
  8016. hemal ring ==> 血环
  8017. hemal sinus ==> 血窦
  8018. hemangioendothelial cell sarcoma of liver ==> 肝血管内皮细胞肉瘤
  8019. hemangioendothelioma of bone ==> 骨血管内皮瘤
  8020. hemangioma of bladder ==> 膀胱血管瘤
  8021. hemangioma of bone ==> 骨血管瘤
  8022. hemangioma of gastrointestinal tract ==> 胃肠道血管瘤
  8023. hemangioma of granulation tissue ==> 肉芽组织血管瘤
  8024. hemangioma of liver ==> 肝血管瘤
  8025. hemangioma of penis ==> 阴茎血管瘤
  8026. hemangioma of pharynx ==> 咽血管瘤
  8027. hemangioma of submaxillary gland ==> 颌下腺血管瘤
  8028. hemangioma of testis ==> 睾丸血管瘤
  8029. hemangioma simplex ==> 单纯性血管瘤
  8030. hemangiopericytoma of bone ==> 骨血管外皮细胞瘤
  8031. hemartine extract ==> 苏木浸膏
  8032. hematein test ==> (检血)苏木精试验
  8033. hematic abscess ==> 血性脓肿
  8034. hematic(al) analysis ==> 数学分析
  8035. hematic(al) approach ==> 数学近似
  8036. hematic(al) approximation ==> 数学近似法
  8037. hematic(al) argument ==> 数学论证
  8038. hematic(al) arrays ==> 数学阵列
  8039. hematic(al) astronomy ==> 数理天文
  8040. hematic(al) axiom ==> 数学公理
  8041. hematic(al) biology ==> 数学生物学
  8042. hematic(al) biophysics ==> 数学生物物理学
  8043. hematic(al) check ==> 数学检验
  8044. hematic(al) climate ==> 数理气候
  8045. hematic(al) compiler ==> 数学编译程序
  8046. hematic(al) computation ==> 数学计算
  8047. hematic(al) constant ==> 数学常数
  8048. hematic(al) construction ==> 数学作图
  8049. hematic(al) control mode ==> 数学控制方式
  8050. hematic(al) control model ==> 数学控制模型
  8051. hematic(al) danger ==> 数学上的危险
  8052. hematic(al) decomposition ==> 数学分解
  8053. hematic(al) definition ==> 数学定义
  8054. hematic(al) economics ==> 数理经济学
  8055. hematic(al) expectation ==> 数学期望,计算寿命
  8056. hematic(al) experience ==> 数学经验
  8057. hematic(al) expression ==> 数学式
  8058. hematic(al) formalism ==> 数学形式体系
  8059. hematic(al) function ==> 数学函数
  8060. hematic(al) function library ==> 数学函数库
  8061. hematic(al) function program(me) ==> 数学函数程序
  8062. hematic(al) genetics ==> 数理发生法
  8063. hematic(al) geography ==> 数理地理学
  8064. hematic(al) idealization ==> 数学理想化
  8065. hematic(al) instrument ==> 数学设备
  8066. hematic(al) inversion ==> 数学的反演
  8067. hematic(al) law ==> 数学定律
  8068. hematic(al) linguistics ==> 数理语言学
  8069. hematic(al) logic ==> 数理逻辑
  8070. hematic(al) machine theory ==> 数学机器理论
  8071. hematic(al) manipulation ==> 数学变换
  8072. hematic(al) mean ==> 数学平均
  8073. hematic(al) meteorology ==> 数理气象学
  8074. hematic(al) mode ==> 数学模式
  8075. hematic(al) model ==> 数学模型
  8076. hematic(al) module ==> 数学模数
  8077. hematic(al) object ==> 数学对象
  8078. hematic(al) parameter ==> 数学参数
  8079. hematic(al) pendulum ==> 数学摆
  8080. hematic(al) philosophy ==> 数理哲学
  8081. hematic(al) physics ==> 数学物理学
  8082. hematic(al) prediction ==> 数学预测
  8083. hematic(al) problem ==> 数学题目
  8084. hematic(al) programming ==> 数学规划
  8085. hematic(al) projection ==> 数学投影
  8086. hematic(al) relation ==> 数学关系
  8087. hematic(al) representation ==> 数学表达式
  8088. hematic(al) residues ==> 数学残数
  8089. hematic(al) simplification ==> 数学简化
  8090. hematic(al) splines ==> 数学样条函数
  8091. hematic(al) statistics ==> 数理统计学
  8092. hematic(al) structure ==> 数学结构
  8093. hematic(al) subroutine ==> 数学子程序
  8094. hematic(al) symbol ==> 数学符号
  8095. hematic(al) system ==> 数学体系
  8096. hematic(al) system theory ==> 数学系统理论
  8097. hematic(al) table ==> 数学用表
  8098. hematic(al) theory ==> 数学理论
  8099. hematic(al) theory of statistics ==> 数理统计学理论
  8100. hematic(al) treatment ==> 数学解释
  8101. hematical analysis ==> 经典数学分析,数理分析,分析,系统数学分析法
  8102. hematical built-in function ==> 数学固有函数
  8103. hematical check ==> 数学校验
  8104. hematical completeness of model ==> 模型的数学完备性
  8105. hematical constant ==> 标准数学常数
  8106. hematical definition ==> 形式数学定义
  8107. hematical economic model ==> 经济数学模型法,经济数学模型法
  8108. hematical equipment ==> 数学计算装置
  8109. hematical expectation ==> 数学的期望值,数学期望值
  8110. hematical expression of theory ==> 理论的数学表达式
  8111. hematical form of model ==> 模型数学形式的设定
  8112. hematical function ==> 标准数学函数
  8113. hematical geology ==> 数学地质
  8114. hematical horizon ==> 理想地平
  8115. hematical induction ==> 数学归纳法,广义数学归纳法
  8116. hematical inference ==> 数学推论
  8117. hematical instrument ==> 数学仪器
  8118. hematical law of probability ==> 数学的或然律
  8119. hematical manipulation ==> 数学运算,数字变换
  8120. hematical method ==> 数学法
  8121. hematical operator ==> 数学算符,数字算符
  8122. hematical point ==> 理论点
  8123. hematical power ==> 幂,乘方
  8124. hematical probability ==> 纯数学概率
  8125. hematical program ==> 非数学程序
  8126. hematical programming ==> 数理规划,数理规划法,最优化理论,模糊数学规划
  8127. hematical programming systems ==> 数学程序设计系统
  8128. hematical routine ==> 数学程序
  8129. hematical software ==> 数值计算用软件
  8130. hematical solution ==> 数学解答
  8131. hematical statistics ==> 数理统计,数理统计预报方法
  8132. hematical subroutine ==> 数学例行子程序
  8133. hematical symbol ==> 运算符号
  8134. hematical system ==> 符号数学系统
  8135. hematical tractability ==> 便于数学处理
  8136. hematical translator ==> 自动数学翻译机
  8137. hematical treatment ==> 数学处理
  8138. hematical treatment of economics ==> 经济学的数学处理,经济学的数学处理
  8139. hematically convergent system ==> 数学收敛系统
  8140. hematicasis ==> 数学术
  8141. hematician ==> 数学家,应用数学家
  8142. hematicization ==> 数学化
  8143. hematics ==> 计算数学,应用数学,离散数学,工程数学,定点数学,定点运算,浮点数学,浮点运算,模糊数学,有穷数学,有限数学,直觉主义数学,高等数学,逻辑数学,人口数学,符号数学
  8144. hematics model ==> 环境污染数学模拟
  8145. hematics of computation ==> 计算数学
  8146. hematics of molecular biology ==> 分子生物数学
  8147. hematics test ==> 珀杜工业数学测验
  8148. hematin albumin ==> 高铁血红素白蛋白
  8149. hematin extract ==> 苏木浸膏
  8150. hematite ==> 红铁矿,赤铁矿,赤铁体,赤血石=>ヘマタイト
  8151. hematite iron ==> 赤铁矿生铁,低磷生铁
  8152. hematite ore ==> 赤铁矿矿石
  8153. hematite rock ==> 赤铁岩
  8154. hematite type microcrystalline glaze ==> 赤铁矿型微晶釉
  8155. hematitepig iron ==> 低磷生铁
  8156. hematization ==> 数学化
  8157. hematocrit set ==> 红细胞压积测定器
  8158. hematocytometer ==> 血球計数器
  8159. hematogenic immunity ==> 血原性免疫
  8160. hematogenic infectious disease ==> 血原性传染病
  8161. hematogenic organ ==> 造血器官
  8162. hematogenic shock ==> 血原性休克
  8163. hematogenous abscess ==> 血行性膿瘍
  8164. hematogenous brain abscess ==> 血原性脑脓肿
  8165. hematogenous disorder ==> 血行障害
  8166. hematogenous extension ==> 血行扩散
  8167. hematogenous infection ==> 血原性感染
  8168. hematogenous lung abscess ==> 血原性肺脓肿
  8169. hematogenous pigment ==> 血原色素,血原性色素
  8170. hematogenous pulmonary abscess ==> 血原性肺脓肿
  8171. hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis ==> 血行播散性肺结核
  8172. hematogenous spread ==> 血行播散,血原性扩散
  8173. hematoma ==> 血肿
  8174. hematoma auris ==> 耳血肿
  8175. hematoma of abdominal wall ==> 腹壁血肿
  8176. hematoma of breast ==> 乳房血肿
  8177. hematoma of broad ligament ==> 阔韧带血肿
  8178. hematoma of clitoris ==> 阴蒂血肿
  8179. hematoma of joint ==> 关节血肿
  8180. hematoma of larynx ==> 喉血肿
  8181. hematoma of nasal septum ==> 鼻中隔血肿
  8182. hematoma of omentum ==> 网膜血肿
  8183. hematoma of penis ==> 阴茎血肿
  8184. hematoma of pharynx ==> 咽部血肿
  8185. hematoma of scrotum ==> 阴囊血肿
  8186. hematoma of spermatic cord ==> 精索血肿
  8187. hematoma of sternocleidomastoid muscle ==> 胸锁乳突肌血肿
  8188. hematoma of testis ==> 睾丸血肿
  8189. hematoma of vagina ==> 阴道血肿
  8190. hematomanometer ==> 血压计
  8191. hematomas ==> 血肿
  8192. hematopoietic disorder ==> 造血功能障碍
  8193. hematopoietic effect ==> 造血效应
  8194. hematopoietic element ==> 造血要素
  8195. hematopoietic organ ==> 造血器官
  8196. hematopoietic pluripotential stem cell ==> 造血多能干细胞
  8197. hematopoietic system ==> 造血系统
  8198. hemerocallis poisoning ==> 鲜黄花菜中毒
  8199. hemi receiver ==> 半球波束接收机
  8200. hemi reflector ==> 半球波束反射器
  8201. hemi-form ==> 冬夏孢型
  8202. hemianopsia nasalis ==> 内侧偏盲
  8203. hemiarid fan ==> 半旱地扇
  8204. hemiazygous vein ==> 半奇静脉
  8205. hemic material ==> 半分解纤维质
  8206. hemicellulose ==> 半纤维素=>ヘミセルロース
  8207. hemicolloid structure ==> 半胶体结构
  8208. hemicone wash ==> 冲积锥
  8209. hemicyclic double bond ==> 半环状双键
  8210. hemidiaphoresis reflex ==> 偏侧出汗反射
  8211. hemifacial spasm ==> 半面痉挛
  8212. hemihedral field ==> 半面像场
  8213. hemihedral forms ==> 半面型单形
  8214. hemihedral symmetry ==> 半面型对称,半对称
  8215. hemihydrate plaster ==> 半水合石膏
  8216. hemin crystals ==> 氯化血红素结晶
  8217. hemin test ==> 氯化血红素试验
  8218. Hemintho-sporum leaf spot of rice plants ==> 水稻胡麻斑病
  8219. hemiopie pupillary reaction ==> (偏盲性瞳孔反应)韦尼克氏反应
  8220. hemipelagic deposit ==> 半远洋沉积
  8221. hemiplegia ==> 偏瘫,半身不遂
  8222. hemiplegia alternans abducens ==> 外展神经交叉性偏瘫,雷蒙氏综合征
  8223. hemiplegia alternans inferior ==> 面神经交叉性偏瘫
  8224. hemiplegia oculomotoria alternans ==> 韦伯氏综合征
  8225. hemiplegic infantile cerebral palsy ==> 偏瘫性婴儿大脑性瘫痪
  8226. hemiplegic migraine ==> 偏瘫性偏头痛
  8227. hemisection of spinal cord ==> 脊髓半横切
  8228. hemisection of tooth ==> 牙半切除术
  8229. hemisphere ==> 半球
  8230. hemispheric ==> 半球形的
  8231. hemispheric beam ==> 半球ビーム
  8232. hemispheric sulcus ==> 半球沟
  8233. hemispherical candle power ==> 半球烛光
  8234. hemispherical candlepower ==> 半球形烛光
  8235. hemispherical combustion chamber ==> 半球形燃烧室
  8236. hemispherical electronic eye camera ==> 半球状電子アイカメラ
  8237. hemispherical fusion temperature ==> 半球温度
  8238. hemispherical immersion lens ==> 半球状油浸透镜
  8239. hemispherical integration ==> 半球面积分
  8240. hemispherical lens ==> 半球形透镜
  8241. hemispherical nose ==> 半球形头部
  8242. hemispherical reflector ==> 半球反射器
  8243. hemispherical rotor pole ==> 半圆形转子磁极
  8244. hemispherical temperature ==> 半球温度,在灰熔融性测定中,灰锥形状变至近半球形,即高约等于底长的一半时的温度
  8245. hemitropic winding ==> 半线圈绕组
  8246. hemizygous gene ==> 半合子基因
  8247. hemlock bark extract ==> 铁杉树皮萃
  8248. hemlock bark tannin ==> 铁杉树皮鞣质
  8249. hemlock borer ==> 铁杉吉丁
  8250. hemlock forest ==> 铁杉林
  8251. hemlock oil ==> 云杉油
  8252. hemlock parsley ==> 川芎
  8253. hemlock spruce ==> 铁杉
  8254. hemming machine ==> 折缘机,缝边机,缝口机
  8255. hemming press ==> 折边压力机
  8256. hemo agglutination ==> 红细胞凝集现象
  8257. hemo canvas ==> 麻帆布
  8258. hemo centre ==> 麻芯
  8259. hemo core ==> 麻芯
  8260. hemo jointing ==> 麻垫料
  8261. hemo lashing ==> 麻绳捆扎
  8262. hemo longicorn beetle ==> 麻天牛
  8263. hemo packing ==> 麻线填料
  8264. hemo tallow packing ==> 麻脂填料
  8265. hemo thread ==> 麻丝
  8266. hemo turntable harvester ==> 麻收获机
  8267. hemo yarn ==> 麻线
  8268. hemo-core wire rope ==> 麻芯钢丝绳
  8269. hemochorial placenta ==> 血绒膜胎盘
  8270. hemochromogen crystal test ==> 血色原结晶试验
  8271. hemoclastic crisis ==> 血液崩解性危象,红细胞破坏性休克
  8272. hemoclastic reaction ==> 红细胞破坏反应
  8273. hemoclastic shock ==> 红细胞破坏性休克
  8274. hemoclip holding rack ==> 止血夹放置座
  8275. hemodichorial placenta ==> 血双绒膜胎盘
  8276. hemodynamic change ==> 血液动力学改变
  8277. hemodynamic monitoring ==> 血流动力学监护
  8278. hemodynamic response ==> 血液动力反应
  8279. hemoendothelial placenta ==> 血内皮胎盘
  8280. hemoglobin ==> 血红蛋白=>ヘモグロビン,血色素
  8281. hemoglobin A ==> 血红蛋白A
  8282. hemoglobin buffer system ==> 血红蛋白缓冲系统
  8283. hemoglobin C test ==> 血红蛋白C试验
  8284. hemoglobin cast ==> 血红蛋白管型
  8285. hemoglobin disease ==> 血红蛋白分子病
  8286. hemoglobin electrophoresis ==> 血红蛋白电泳试验
  8287. hemoglobin instability test ==> 不稳定血红蛋白检查
  8288. hemoglobin S disease ==> 血红蛋白S病
  8289. hemoglobinometer ==> 血色蛋白计
  8290. hemoglobinometry ==> 血红蛋白测定
  8291. hemoglobinopathy ==> 血红蛋白病,血红蛋白分子病
  8292. hemoglobinS ==> 镰刀细胞血红蛋白
  8293. hemoglobinuric fever ==> 黑尿热,黑水热
  8294. hemohistioblastic syndrome ==> 成血细胞综合征
  8295. hemolysin test ==> 溶血素试验
  8296. hemolysis time ==> 溶血时间,红细胞溶血时间
  8297. hemolytic action ==> 溶血作用
  8298. hemolytic active protein ==> 溶血活性蛋白质
  8299. hemolytic anemia of newborn ==> 新生儿溶血性贫血
  8300. hemolytic antibody ==> 溶血抗体
  8301. hemolytic blood ==> 溶血血液
  8302. hemolytic blood transfusion reaction ==> 溶血性输血反应
  8303. hemolytic crisis ==> 溶血危象
  8304. hemolytic disease of newborn ==> 新生儿溶血病
  8305. hemolytic lecithinase ==> 溶血性レシチナーゼ
  8306. hemolytic malaria ==> 溶血性疟
  8307. hemolytic plaque test ==> 溶血空斑试验
  8308. hemolytic reaction ==> 溶血反应
  8309. hemolytic splenomegaly ==> 溶血性脾大
  8310. hemolytic system ==> 溶血系统
  8311. hemolytic transfusion reaction ==> 溶血性输血反应
  8312. hemolytic uremic syndrome ==> 溶血尿毒症综合征
  8313. hemomanometer with stethoscope ==> 带听诊器血压表
  8314. hemomonochorial placenta ==> 血单绒膜胎盘
  8315. hemophilia neonatorum ==> 新生儿血友病
  8316. hemophilic arthosis ==> 血友病性关节病
  8317. hemophilic arthritis ==> 血友病性关节炎
  8318. hemophilic arthropathy ==> 血友病性关节病
  8319. hemophilic globulin ==> 血友病球蛋白
  8320. Hemophilus influenzae ==> 发否氏杆菌,流感嗜血菌,流行性感冒嗜血杆菌
  8321. Hemophilus pertussis ==> 百日咳嗜血杆菌,百日咳嗜血菌
  8322. hemopoietic focus ==> 造血灶
  8323. hemopoietic organ ==> 造血器官
  8324. hemopoietic stem cell ==> 造血干细胞
  8325. hemopoietic system ==> 造血系统
  8326. hemopoietic type radiation disease ==> 造血型放射病
  8327. hemoprotein meter ==> 血液蛋白计
  8328. hemoptysis of pulmonary tuberculosis ==> 肺结核咯血
  8329. hemorrage of inner ear ==> 内耳出血
  8330. hemorrhage ==> 流血,出血,溢血
  8331. hemorrhage of anus ==> 肛出血
  8332. hemorrhage of brain stem ==> 脑干出血
  8333. hemorrhage of digestive tract ==> 消化道出血
  8334. hemorrhage of diverticulum ==> 憩室出血
  8335. hemorrhage of forebrain ==> 前脑出血
  8336. hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract ==> 胃肠道出血
  8337. hemorrhage of lower digestive tract ==> 下消化道出血
  8338. hemorrhage of middle meningeal artery ==> 脑膜中动脉出血
  8339. hemorrhage of peritonsillar tissue ==> 扁桃体周围组织出血
  8340. hemorrhage of pons ==> 脑桥出血
  8341. hemorrhage of tonsil ==> 扁桃体出血
  8342. hemorrhagic abscess ==> 出血性脓肿
  8343. hemorrhagic black smallpox ==> 黑痘
  8344. hemorrhagic capillary toxicosis ==> 出血性毛细管中毒
  8345. hemorrhagic cyst ==> 出血性囊肿
  8346. hemorrhagic disease of newborn ==> 新生儿出血症
  8347. hemorrhagic effusion ==> 血性积液,血性渗出物
  8348. hemorrhagic fever ==> 出血热
  8349. hemorrhagic fever virus ==> 出血热病毒
  8350. hemorrhagic focus ==> 出血灶
  8351. hemorrhagic hepatitis ==> 出血性肝炎
  8352. hemorrhagic infarct of lung ==> 肺出血性梗塞
  8353. hemorrhagic infarction ==> 出血性梗塞形成
  8354. hemorrhagic internal pachymeningitis ==> 出血性硬脑膜内层炎
  8355. hemorrhagic otitis ==> 出血性耳炎
  8356. hemorrhagic pericarditis ==> 出血性心包炎
  8357. hemorrhagic periostitis ==> 出血性骨膜炎
  8358. hemorrhagic peritonitis ==> 出血性腹膜炎
  8359. hemorrhagic plague ==> 出血性鼠疫
  8360. hemorrhagic scarlet fever ==> 出血性猩红热
  8361. hemorrhagic shock ==> 出血性休克,气随血脱
  8362. hemorrhagic softening ==> 出血性软化
  8363. hemorrhagic spot ==> 出血点
  8364. hemorrhagic sweet clover ==> 草木犀出血病
  8365. hemorrhagic sweet clover disease ==> 草木樨出血病
  8366. hemorrhagin unit ==> 出血毒素单位
  8367. hemorrhagio peritonitis ==> 血性腹膜炎
  8368. hemorrhoid ==> 痔=>痔疾(じしつ)
  8369. hemorrhoid complicated by anal fistula ==> 痔瘘
  8370. hemorrhoid ligator ==> 痔结扎器
  8371. hemorrhoid ligature set ==> 痔核结扎手术器械包
  8372. hemorrhoidal ==> 痔的
  8373. hemorrhoidal clamp ==> 痔钳
  8374. hemorrhoidal pastille ==> 痔疮锭
  8375. hemorrhoidal plexus ==> 痔丛,内痔静脉丛
  8376. hemorrhoidal ring ==> 痔环
  8377. hemorrhoidal vein ==> 痔静脉
  8378. hemorrhoidal vessels ==> 痔血管
  8379. hemorrhoidectomy ==> 痔切除术
  8380. hemorrhoidolysis ==> 痔灼除术,消痔术
  8381. hemorrhoids ==> 气海俞
  8382. hemorrhoids truss ==> 痔托带
  8383. hemosiderin granule ==> 含铁血黄素颗粒
  8384. hemostasis by compression ==> 压迫止血
  8385. hemostasis by compression bandage ==> 加压包扎止血
  8386. hemostasis by finger pressing ==> 指压止血
  8387. hemostasis with tourniquet ==> 止血带止血法
  8388. hemostatic clamp ==> 止血夹
  8389. hemostatic cotton ==> 止血棉
  8390. hemostatic forceps ==> 止血钳
  8391. hemostatic gauze ==> 止血纱布
  8392. hemostatic mechanism ==> 止血机制
  8393. hemothorax due to war injury ==> 战伤血胸
  8394. hemotrichorial placenta ==> 血三绒膜胎盘
  8395. hemp bag ==> 麻袋
  8396. hemp belt ==> 麻制传动带
  8397. hemp binder ==> 大麻割捆机
  8398. hemp breaker ==> 大麻揉碎机
  8399. hemp cable ==> 大麻绳
  8400. hemp center ==> 钢丝绳麻芯
  8401. hemp cloth ==> 大麻织物
  8402. hemp cord ==> 麻绳
  8403. hemp core ==> (钢缆的)麻心
  8404. hemp cored wirerope ==> 麻心钢索
  8405. hemp cut ==> 麻刀,麻筋,麻丝
  8406. hemp cut lime paste ==> 麻刀灰
  8407. hemp cut plaster finishing coat ==> 麻刀灰罩面
  8408. hemp cutter ==> 大麻收割机
  8409. hemp dresser ==> 梳麻工
  8410. hemp fabric ==> 麻纤维织物
  8411. hemp fiber ==> 麻刀
  8412. hemp fibre ==> 大麻纤维
  8413. hemp flea beetle ==> 大麻跳甲
  8414. hemp floor mat ==> 麻地垫
  8415. hemp gasket ==> 麻垫片
  8416. hemp harvester ==> 大麻收获机
  8417. hemp harvesting machine ==> 大麻收获机
  8418. hemp jointing ==> 麻丝嵌填,麻填料
  8419. hemp leaf beetle ==> 麻叶用
  8420. hemp line ==> 大麻长纤维
  8421. hemp longicorn beetle ==> 大麻天牛
  8422. hemp packed piston ==> 麻填密活塞
  8423. hemp packing ==> 麻垫料,麻绳填料,麻丝填料,麻填密
  8424. hemp palm ==> 棕榈
  8425. hemp products ==> 大麻制品
  8426. hemp reaping machine ==> 大麻收割机
  8427. hemp rope ==> 麻绳
  8428. Hemp Seed Pill ==> 麻子仁丸
  8429. hemp spinner ==> 麻纺机
  8430. hemp thread ==> 麻丝
  8431. hemp thread and yarn ==> 麻纱线
  8432. hemp yarn ==> 大麻纱
  8433. HEMP, high altitude electromagnetic pulse ==> 地上100km以上の大気圏外での核爆発
  8434. hemp-centre cable ==> 黄麻芯钢索
  8435. hemp-core wire rope ==> 麻心钢丝绳
  8436. hemp-fiberd plaster base ==> 麻刀灰打底
  8437. hemp-fibred plaster ==> 麻刀灰
  8438. hemp-fibred plaster finishing coat ==> 麻刀灰罩面
  8439. hemp-seed oil ==> 大麻籽油
  8440. hempcore cable ==> 标准钢丝绳
  8441. hempen core ==> 麻芯线
  8442. hempseed oil ==> 大麻子油
  8443. HEMS, home energy management system ==> 住宅エネルギー管理システム,ホームエネルギーマネージメントシステム
  8444. HEMT, high electron mobility transistor ==> 高电子迁移率晶体管=>高電子移動度トランジスタ
  8445. hen feather ==> 母鸡毛串线
  8446. hen feather strung black ==> 黑色母鸡毛串线
  8447. hen pigeon ==> 母鸽
  8448. hen-day ==> 母鸡只日
  8449. hen-day basis ==> 按母鸡日产蛋量计算
  8450. hen-day egg production ==> 母鸡只日产蛋率
  8451. hen-hatched chick ==> 天然孵化的雏鸡
  8452. hen-housed egg production ==> 入舍母鸡产蛋率
  8453. henbane leaf ==> 莨菪叶
  8454. henbane poisoning ==> 莨菪中毒
  8455. henbane root ==> 莨菪根
  8456. hendecanoic acid ==> 十一烷酸
  8457. hendecenoic acid ==> (抑霉剂)十一碳烯酸
  8458. Henderson equation for pH ==> 汉特森pH方程
  8459. Henderson process ==> 汉特森法
  8460. Hendre Shales ==> 亨德里页岩
  8461. heneicosane dicarboxylic acid ==> 二十一烷二羧酸
  8462. heneicosanedioic acid ==> 二十一烷二酸
  8463. heneicosanic acid ==> 二十一酸
  8464. heneicosanoic acid ==> 二十一烷酸
  8465. heneicosoic acid ==> 二十一酸
  8466. Hengelo ==> ヘンゲロー
  8467. Hengstebeck approximation ==> 亨斯得贝克近似计算
  8468. Henkel process ==> 亨克尔法
  8469. Henkes triangle ==> 汉克氏三角
  8470. Henle's layer ==> 汉勒氏层
  8471. Henle's loop ==> 髓襻
  8472. Henle's membrane ==> 亨利膜
  8473. Henle's reaction ==> 汉勒氏反应
  8474. Henle's sheath ==> 汉勒氏神经鞘
  8475. Henles fibers ==> 汉勒氏纤维
  8476. Henles layer ==> 汉勒氏层
  8477. Henles loop ==> 汉勒氏袢
  8478. Henles reaction ==> 汉勒氏反应
  8479. Henles sheath ==> 汉勒氏神经鞘
  8480. Henneberg reflex ==> 亨内伯格氏反射
  8481. Hennebert's signs ==> 安贝尔氏征
  8482. Hennebique pile ==> 埃纳比克桩
  8483. Henning's formula ==> ヘニングの公式
  8484. Henrici's notation ==> 包氏符号
  8485. henry ==> 亨利
  8486. Henry Cavendish ==> 英国科学家卡文迪许
  8487. Henry unit ==> 亨利单位
  8488. Henry's constant ==> 亨利常数
  8489. henrymeter ==> 电感计
  8490. Henrys law ==> 亨利定律
  8491. Hensen's canal ==> 亨森氏管
  8492. Hensens canal ==> 亨森氏管
  8493. Hensens knot ==> 亨森氏结
  8494. Hensens line ==> 亨森线
  8495. Hensens node ==> 亨森氏结
  8496. HEO, high earth orbit ==> 高高度地球軌道
  8497. heory duty face lathe series ==> 落地车床
  8498. HEOS, Highly Eccentric Orbit Satellite ==> 高離心軌道衛星〔ESRO/ESAの衛星〕
  8499. HEP, high energy particle ==> 高エネルギー粒子
  8500. HEPA, high efficiency particle arrestor ==> 高能率粒子捕捉器
  8501. heparin ==> 肝磷脂,肝素=>ヘパリン
  8502. heparin absorption ==> ヘパリン吸収
  8503. heparin activation ==> ヘパリン活性化
  8504. heparin administration ==> ヘパリン投与
  8505. heparin cofactor ==> 肝素辅因子=>ヘパリン副因子
  8506. heparin determination ==> 肝素测定
  8507. heparin injection ==> 肝素注射液=>ヘパリン注射
  8508. heparin poisoning ==> 肝素中毒
  8509. heparin potassium ==> 肝素钾
  8510. heparin pump ==> 肝素泵
  8511. heparin regulation ==> ヘパリン調節
  8512. heparin release ==> ヘパリン遊離
  8513. heparin sodium ==> 肝素钠=>ヘパリン・ナトリウム
  8514. heparin sulfate ==> 硫酸肝素
  8515. heparinase ==> 肝素酶
  8516. heparinate ==> 肝素盐,肝素盐类
  8517. heparinemia ==> 肝素血,肝素血症
  8518. heparinization ==> 全身性肝素化
  8519. heparitin sulfate ==> 硫酸类肝素,硫酸乙酰(型)肝素
  8520. hepatic ==> 肝的,肝性的
  8521. hepatic abscess ==> 肝脓肿
  8522. hepatic actinomycosis ==> 肝放线菌病
  8523. hepatic amebiasis ==> 肝阿米巴病
  8524. hepatic aneurysm ==> 肝动脉瘤
  8525. hepatic arteriography ==> 肝动脉造影术
  8526. hepatic artery ==> 肝动脉
  8527. hepatic artery branch ligation ==> 肝动脉分支结扎术
  8528. hepatic artery catheter perfusion ==> 肝动脉导管灌注
  8529. hepatic artery catheterization therapy ==> 肝动脉插管治疗
  8530. hepatic bile ==> 肝胆液
  8531. hepatic blood flow ==> 肝血流量
  8532. hepatic caeca ==> 肝盲囊
  8533. hepatic calculus ==> 肝胆管结石
  8534. hepatic carcinoma ==> 肝癌
  8535. hepatic cecum ==> 肝盲囊
  8536. hepatic cell ==> 肝细胞
  8537. hepatic cell adenoma ==> 肝细胞性腺瘤
  8538. hepatic cell cords ==> 肝细胞索
  8539. hepatic cells ==> 肝细胞
  8540. hepatic cholestasis in pregnancy ==> 妊娠期肝脏胆汁郁积症
  8541. hepatic cirrhosis ==> 肝硬化=>肝硬変(HC)
  8542. hepatic colic ==> 肝绞痛
  8543. hepatic coma ==> 肝昏迷,肝性昏迷
  8544. hepatic congestion ==> 肝淤血
  8545. hepatic cords ==> 肝细胞索
  8546. hepatic crisis ==> 肝危象
  8547. hepatic cyst ==> 肝囊肿
  8548. hepatic diarrhea ==> 肝性泻
  8549. hepatic disease ==> 肝病
  8550. hepatic distomatosis ==> 肝片吸虫病
  8551. hepatic distomiasis ==> 肝吸虫病
  8552. hepatic duct ==> 肝胆管,肝管
  8553. hepatic duct atresia ==> 肝管闭锁
  8554. hepatic duct stenosis ==> 肝管狭窄
  8555. hepatic duct system ==> 肝管系统
  8556. hepatic dullness ==> 肝部浊音,肝实音区,肝浊音区
  8557. hepatic dysfunction ==> 肝功能缺陷,肝功能失常
  8558. hepatic echinococcosis ==> 肝包虫病
  8559. hepatic echo ==> 肝波反射
  8560. hepatic edema ==> 肝病性水肿,肝性水肿,肝原性水肿
  8561. hepatic efficiency ==> 肝效率
  8562. hepatic encephalopathy ==> 肝性脑病,肝原性脑病
  8563. hepatic face ==> 肝病性面容
  8564. hepatic failure ==> 肝功能衰竭,肝衰竭
  8565. hepatic failure with ascites ==> 腹水を伴う肝不全
  8566. hepatic fascioliasis ==> 肝片吸虫病
  8567. hepatic fever ==> 肝病性发热
  8568. hepatic flexure of colon ==> 肝曲,结肠肝曲,结肠右曲
  8569. hepatic gas ==> 硫化氢
  8570. hepatic glycogen ==> 肝糖原
  8571. hepatic glycogenosis ==> 冯吉尔克病
  8572. hepatic granuloma ==> 肝肉芽肿
  8573. hepatic groove ==> 肝沟
  8574. hepatic hemangioma ==> 肝血管瘤
  8575. hepatic infarction ==> 肝梗塞
  8576. hepatic injuries test outfit ==> 肝功能测试装置
  8577. hepatic injury ==> 肝损伤
  8578. hepatic insufficiency ==> 肝功能不全
  8579. hepatic ischemia ==> 肝缺血
  8580. hepatic jaundice ==> 肝性黄疸
  8581. hepatic left lateral lobectomy ==> 左外侧叶肝切除术
  8582. hepatic left medial lobectomy ==> 左中叶肝切除术
  8583. hepatic lesion ==> 肝臓障害
  8584. hepatic leukemia ==> 肝性白血病
  8585. hepatic ligament ==> 肝韧带
  8586. hepatic lipoidosis ==> 肝脏类脂沉积病
  8587. hepatic lipoma ==> 肝脂肪瘤
  8588. hepatic lobes ==> 肝叶
  8589. hepatic lobules ==> 肝小叶
  8590. hepatic lymphnodes ==> 肝淋巴结
  8591. hepatic lympho-hemangioma ==> 肝淋巴血管瘤
  8592. hepatic lymphoglandulae ==> 肝淋巴结
  8593. hepatic lymphosarcoma ==> 肝淋巴肉瘤
  8594. hepatic metastases ==> 肝转移
  8595. hepatic mixed tumor ==> 肝混合瘤
  8596. hepatic necrosis ==> 肝坏死
  8597. hepatic nevus ==> 肝斑痣
  8598. hepatic parasitosis ==> 肝寄生虫病
  8599. hepatic parenchymatous ==> 肝实质性的
  8600. hepatic pigmentation ==> 肝色素沉着
  8601. hepatic plexus ==> 肝丛
  8602. hepatic porphyria ==> 肝性卟啉症
  8603. hepatic portal ==> 肝门
  8604. hepatic portal canal ==> 肝门管
  8605. hepatic portal system ==> 肝门静脉系统,肝门脉系统
  8606. hepatic portal vein ==> 肝门静脉
  8607. hepatic pouch ==> 肝囊
  8608. hepatic precoma ==> 肝性昏迷前期
  8609. hepatic process ==> 肝突
  8610. hepatic region ==> 肝区
  8611. hepatic schistosomiasis ==> 肝血吸虫病
  8612. hepatic segments ==> 肝段
  8613. hepatic sinusoid ==> 肝血窦,肝窦状隙
  8614. hepatic starch ==> 糖元
  8615. hepatic steatosis ==> 肝性脂肪变性,肝脂质沉着症
  8616. hepatic surgery ==> 肝脏外科学
  8617. hepatic toxicology ==> 肝脏毒理学
  8618. hepatic transplantation ==> 肝脏移植术
  8619. hepatic tumor ==> 肝肿瘤
  8620. hepatic veins ==> 肝静脉
  8621. hepatic vertigo ==> 肝病性眩晕
  8622. hepatic wedge resection ==> 肝楔形切除术
  8623. Hepatica ==> 苔纲,苔类植物
  8624. Hepaticae ==> 苔类
  8625. hepatico cholangiojejunostomy ==> 肝内胆管空肠吻合术
  8626. hepatico-enterostomy ==> 肝管小肠吻合术
  8627. hepaticocholangio-jejunostomy ==> 肝管胆管空肠吻合术
  8628. hepaticodochotomy with exploration ==> 肝管切开探查术
  8629. hepaticoduodenostomy ==> 肝管十二指肠吻合术
  8630. hepaticogastrostomy ==> 肝管胃吻合术
  8631. hepaticojejunostomy ==> 肝管空肠吻合术
  8632. Hepaticola ==> 毛细线虫属
  8633. Hepaticola hepatica ==> 肝毛细线虫
  8634. Hepaticoliasis ==> 肝毛细线虫病
  8635. hepaticolithotomy ==> 肝管切开取石术
  8636. hepaticolithotripsy ==> 肝管碎石术
  8637. hepaticolor ==> 肝褐色
  8638. hepaticostomy ==> 肝管造口术
  8639. hepaticotomy ==> 肝管切开术
  8640. hepatitic antigen-antibodycomplex nephritis ==> 肝炎抗原抗体复合物性肾炎
  8641. hepatitis ==> 肝炎
  8642. hepatitis A ==> 甲型肝炎
  8643. hepatitis antigen ==> 肝炎抗原
  8644. hepatitis B ==> 乙型肝炎
  8645. hepatitis B antigen ==> 乙型肝炎抗原
  8646. hepatitis B core antigen ==> 乙型肝炎核心抗原
  8647. hepatitis B e antibody ==> 乙型肝炎e抗体
  8648. hepatitis B e antigen ==> 乙型肝炎e抗原
  8649. hepatitis B surface antigen radioimmunoassay ==> 乙型肝炎表面抗原放射免疫测定
  8650. hepatitis B surface antigen(HBsAg) ==> 乙型肝炎表面抗原
  8651. hepatitis B vaccine ==> 乙型肝炎疫苗
  8652. hepatitis B virus ==> 乙型肝炎病毒
  8653. hepatitis sequestrans ==> 坏死性肝炎
  8654. hepatitis virus ==> 肝炎病毒
  8655. hepatitis-associated antigen ==> 乙型肝炎相关抗原
  8656. hepatitis-associated antigen (HAA) ==> 肝炎相关抗原,澳抗
  8657. hepato-enteric circulation ==> 肝肠循环
  8658. hepato-lienal fibrosis ==> 肝脾纤维化
  8659. hepatobiliary capsule ==> 肝纤维囊,格利森氏囊
  8660. hepatobronchial fistula ==> 肝支气管瘘
  8661. hepatocellular carcinoma ==> 肝细胞癌,肝细胞性肝癌
  8662. hepatocerebral disease ==> 肝脳疾患
  8663. hepatocerebral disorder ==> 肝脳疾患
  8664. hepatocirrhosis ==> 肝硬化=>肝硬変
  8665. hepatocyanoticatrophy of liver ==> 肝青紫色萎缩
  8666. hepatogenic infection ==> 肝原性感染
  8667. hepatojugular reflux ==> 肝颈反流,肝颈静脉回流征
  8668. hepatolenticular degeneration psychosis ==> 肝豆状核变性精神病
  8669. hepatoma ==> 肝癌=>肝がん
  8670. hepatonephritis serota acuta ==> 急性浆液性肝肾炎
  8671. hepatoovarian syndrome ==> 肝卵巢综合征
  8672. hepatopleural fistula ==> 肝胸膜瘘
  8673. hepatopulmonary fistula ==> 肝肺瘘
  8674. hepatorenal recess ==> 肝肾隐窝
  8675. hepatorenal syndrome ==> 肝肾综合征,黑德氏综合征,急性浆液性肝肾炎
  8676. hepatotoxic agent ==> 肝毒剂,肝脏毒物
  8677. hepatotrophic factor ==> 门静脉养肝因子
  8678. hepatotropic poison ==> 亲肝毒物
  8679. Hepatozoon perniciosum ==> 恶性肝簇虫
  8680. Hepex process ==> 海派克斯过程
  8681. hepta-valent neptunium ion ==> 七价镎离子
  8682. hepta-valent plutonium ion ==> 七价钚离子
  8683. Heptachlor epoxide ==> (杀虫剂)环氧七氯
  8684. heptachlorofluoropropane (CFC211) (C3FCl7) ==> 七氯氟丙烷
  8685. heptacosanoic acid ==> 二十七酸
  8686. heptacyclic ring ==> 七环核
  8687. heptadecanoic acid ==> 十七酸
  8688. heptadecyl phosphoric acid(HDPA) ==> 十七烷基磷酸
  8689. heptagon copper wire ==> 七边形铜线
  8690. heptanedicic acid ==> 庚二酸
  8691. heptastyle building ==> 七柱式建筑
  8692. heptatomic ring ==> 七节环
  8693. heptavalent element ==> 七价元素
  8694. heptenoic acid ==> 庚烯酸
  8695. heptode ==> 七极管=>七極管
  8696. heptode converter ==> 五栅管混频器五栅管变频器
  8697. heptode mixer ==> 七极混频管
  8698. heptoic acid ==> 庚酸
  8699. heptyl amine ==> 庚胺
  8700. heptyl ether ==> 庚醚
  8701. heptylic acid ==> 庚酸
  8702. heptylpenicillin sodium ==> 青霉素K钠
  8703. heptynoic acid ==> 庚炔酸
  8704. her eating ==> 食羽癖
  8705. Her, Hercules ==> ヘルクレス座
  8706. HERALD equipment ==> 海港防御用声纳和测听装置
  8707. herald patch ==> 前驱斑
  8708. HERALD, harbor entrance ranging and listening device ==> ヘラルド
  8709. herb ==> 草,草本的,草本植物,草药=>ハーブ
  8710. herb paste ==> 药膏
  8711. herb rubber ==> 草胶
  8712. herb tea ==> 草药茶
  8713. Herb-type horizontal generator ==> 赫布型卧式静电加速器
  8714. herb-type horizontal generator ==> 赫布型卧式静电加速器
  8715. herba artemisiae ==> 刘寄奴
  8716. Herba Artemisiae Capillaris ==> 茵陈
  8717. herba belladonnae ==> 颠茄草
  8718. Herba Centellae ==> 积雪草
  8719. Herba Emiliae ==> 一点红
  8720. Herba Euphorbiae Lunulatae ==> 猫眼草
  8721. herba geranli & herba erodii ==> 老鹳草
  8722. herba hyperici ==> 红旱莲草
  8723. herba inulae cappae ==> 白牛胆
  8724. Herba Lobeliae Chinensis ==> 半边莲
  8725. Herba Oldenlandiae ==> 白花蛇舌草
  8726. Herba Peristrophis ==> 九头狮子草,九头狮子草
  8727. herba plantaginis ==> 车前草
  8728. Herba Portulacae ==> 马齿苋
  8729. Herba Potentilae ==> 翻白草
  8730. Herba Pyrolae ==> 鹿衔草
  8731. Herba Scutellariae Barbatae ==> 半枝莲
  8732. Herba Solidaginis ==> 一枝黄花
  8733. herbaceous aquatic vegetation ==> 草本水生植物
  8734. herbaceous cover ==> 草皮覆被,草皮护面
  8735. herbaceous cutting ==> 草本的杆插
  8736. herbaceous fruit ==> 草本果,草本水果
  8737. herbaceous layer ==> 草本层
  8738. herbaceous monocotyledon ==> 草本单子叶植物
  8739. herbaceous perennid ==> 多年生草本植物
  8740. herbaceous plant ==> 草本植物
  8741. herbaceous soil covering ==> 草皮覆盖层
  8742. herbaceous stage ==> 草本群落阶段
  8743. herbaceous stem ==> 草质
  8744. herbaceous weed ==> 草本杂草
  8745. herbage cover ==> 草皮覆被
  8746. herbage intake ==> 采草量
  8747. herbage with dwarf grass ==> 矮收草放牧
  8748. herbal anaesthesia ==> 草药麻醉
  8749. herbal analeptic ==> 中药催醒剂
  8750. herbal anesthetic ==> 中药麻醉剂
  8751. herbal chemistry ==> 草药化学
  8752. Herbal for Relief of Famines ==> 救荒本草,救荒本草
  8753. herbal garden ==> 药园
  8754. herbal medicine ==> 本草书
  8755. herbal medicine shop ==> 药铺
  8756. herbal pharmacology ==> 草药药理学
  8757. Herbert cloud burst test ==> 赫伯特喷丸试验
  8758. Herbert hardness ==> 赫氏硬度
  8759. Herbert pendulum hardness ==> 赫伯特摆式硬度,赫氏硬度
  8760. Herbert pendulum hardness tester ==> 赫色摆撞硬度试验机
  8761. Herbert pendulum method ==> 赫伯特摆法
  8762. Herbert test ==> 赫伯特腐蚀试验
  8763. Herbert's operation ==> 赫伯特氏手术
  8764. Herberts pits ==> 赫伯特氏小窝
  8765. herbesser tablet ==> 合心爽片
  8766. herbicide ==> 除草剂
  8767. herbicide action ==> 除草效力
  8768. herbicide placement ==> 定点施药
  8769. herbicide poisoning ==> 除莠剂中毒
  8770. herbicide-processed film sheet ==> 避光灭草膜
  8771. herbivorous animal ==> 食草动物
  8772. herbivorous character ==> 植食性
  8773. herbivorous tooth ==> 食草牙
  8774. Herbrand base ==> 海尔勃朗基
  8775. Herbrand interpretation ==> 海尔勃朗解释
  8776. Herbrand universe ==> 海尔勃朗全域
  8777. Hercolt aluminum process ==> 赫科特制铝法
  8778. Hercules duster ==> 海格立斯除尘机
  8779. Hercules metal ==> 赫氏合金
  8780. Hercules powder ==> 赫尔科利斯炸药
  8781. Hercules Powder process ==> 赫尔科利斯火药公司法
  8782. Hercules stone ==> 极磁铁矿
  8783. Hercules trap ==> 埃克尔阱
  8784. Hercules wire rope ==> 大力神多股钢丝绳
  8785. herculite tempered glass ==> 钢化玻璃
  8786. herd ==> 放牧,饲群
  8787. herd boar ==> 种公猪
  8788. herd header ==> 种公畜
  8789. herd immunity ==> 群体免疫,人群免疫
  8790. Herd Improvement Registry ==> 乳牛改良注册制
  8791. herd infection ==> 集体传染
  8792. herd instinct ==> 群集本能
  8793. herd number ==> 注册号码
  8794. herd sheep and cattle ==> 放牧牛羊
  8795. herd sire ==> 良种公畜
  8796. herd to dwarf herbage ==> 矮草放牧
  8797. herding ==> 集中畜群
  8798. herding dog ==> 牧畜犬
  8799. herding effect ==> 羊群效应
  8800. herding sheep ==> 放羊
  8801. herding society ==> 牧畜社会
  8802. herding the cattle ==> 放牧
  8803. hereditable ==> 可遗传的
  8804. hereditament ==> 继承
  8805. hereditaments ==> 可继承的财产
  8806. hereditarian ==> 遗传论者
  8807. hereditarian malformation ==> 遗传性畸形
  8808. hereditary ==> 遗传的
  8809. hereditary angioneurotic edema(HAE) ==> 遗传性血管神经水肿
  8810. hereditary arthrodysplasia ==> 遗传性关节发育不良
  8811. hereditary ataxia ==> 遗传性共济失调
  8812. hereditary basis ==> 遗传基础
  8813. hereditary benign epidermic cell ==> 遗传性良性表皮细胞
  8814. hereditary capacity ==> 遗传力
  8815. hereditary capillary fragility ==> 遗传性毛细管脆性
  8816. hereditary cerebellar ataxia ==> 遗传性小脑性共济失调,马里氏共济失调
  8817. hereditary change ==> 遗传改变
  8818. hereditary character ==> 遗传特性,遗传性特性,遗传性状
  8819. hereditary characteristic ==> (弹塑性的)后效特性
  8820. hereditary chondrodystrophy ==> 遗传性软骨营养障碍
  8821. hereditary chronic cutaneous porphyria ==> 遗传性慢性皮肤卟啉沉着症
  8822. hereditary coagulation factors deficiency ==> 遗传性凝血因子缺乏
  8823. hereditary component ==> 遗传组分
  8824. hereditary connection ==> 遗传联系
  8825. hereditary conservation ==> 遗传保守性
  8826. hereditary constitution ==> 遗传结构
  8827. hereditary coproporphyria ==> 遗传性类卟啉症
  8828. hereditary death ==> 遗传死亡
  8829. hereditary defect ==> 遗传缺陷,遗传性缺陷
  8830. hereditary defect of complement ==> 遗传性补体缺陷
  8831. hereditary degeneration ==> 遗传性退行性变
  8832. hereditary dermatosis ==> 遗传性皮肤病
  8833. hereditary disaccharide intolerance ==> 遗传性双糖不耐受症
  8834. hereditary disease ==> 遗传病,遗传性疾病
  8835. hereditary diseases ==> 遗传性疾病
  8836. hereditary drift ==> 遗传漂变
  8837. hereditary effects ==> 遗传效应
  8838. hereditary elliptocytosis ==> 遗传性椭圆形红细胞贫血
  8839. hereditary engineering ==> 遗传工程
  8840. hereditary estate ==> 世袭财产
  8841. hereditary factor ==> 遗传因素
  8842. hereditary familial nephritis ==> 遗传性家族性肾炎
  8843. hereditary feature ==> 遗传特性
  8844. hereditary force ==> 遗传力量
  8845. hereditary form ==> 遗传类型,遗传性类型
  8846. hereditary fructose intolerance ==> 遗传性果糖不耐症,遗传性果糖不能耐受症
  8847. hereditary fructose intolerant hypoglycemia ==> 遗传性果糖不耐受性低血糖症
  8848. hereditary gastritis ==> 遗传性胃炎
  8849. hereditary hemoglobinopathy ==> 遗传性血红蛋白异常
  8850. hereditary hemolytic anemia ==> 遗传性溶血性贫血
  8851. hereditary hemophilia ==> 遗传性血友病
  8852. hereditary hemophilia A ==> 遗传性甲型血友病
  8853. hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia ==> 遗传性出血性毛细血管扩张症
  8854. hereditary hemorrhagic thrombocytasthenia ==> 遗传性出血性血小板机能不全
  8855. hereditary hirsuties ==> 遗传性多毛症
  8856. hereditary information ==> 遗传信息
  8857. hereditary keratosis of palm and sole ==> 遗传性掌跖角化病
  8858. hereditary lactose intolerance ==> 遗传性乳糖不耐受症
  8859. hereditary lymphedema ==> 遗传性淋巴水肿
  8860. hereditary malformation ==> 先天畸形
  8861. hereditary material ==> 遗传物质,遗传性物质
  8862. hereditary mechanics ==> 遗传性力学
  8863. hereditary metabolic disease ==> 遗传性代谢病
  8864. hereditary methemoglobinemia ==> 遗传性正铁血红蛋白血症
  8865. hereditary nephritis ==> 遗传性肾炎
  8866. Hereditary oedema ==> 米洛病
  8867. hereditary optic atrophy ==> 利伯病
  8868. hereditary optic neuritis ==> 利伯病
  8869. hereditary particle ==> 遗传微粒
  8870. hereditary polymorphism ==> 遗传学多型
  8871. hereditary porphyria ==> 遗传性卟啉症
  8872. hereditary potency ==> 遗传能力
  8873. hereditary predisposition ==> 遗传素质
  8874. hereditary property ==> 遗传特性,遗传物性,世袭财产
  8875. hereditary pseudohemophilia ==> 遗传性假血友病
  8876. hereditary retinoschisis ==> 遗传性视网膜分裂
  8877. hereditary spastic paraplegia ==> 遗传性痉孪性截瘫
  8878. hereditary spherocytosis ==> 遗传性球形红细胞症
  8879. hereditary spinal ataxia ==> 遗传性脊髓共济失调
  8880. hereditary stability ==> 遗传稳定性
  8881. hereditary steroid synthetic defect ==> 遗传性类固醇合成缺陷
  8882. hereditary stomatocytosis ==> 遗传性裂口红细胞症
  8883. hereditary substance ==> 遗传物质
  8884. hereditary system ==> 遗传系
  8885. hereditary thymic aplasia ==> 先天性无胸腺症
  8886. hereditary trait ==> 遗传特性
  8887. hereditary transmission ==> 遗传性传送
  8888. hereditary tyrosinemia ==> 遗传性酪氨酸血症
  8889. hereditary tyrosinosis ==> 遗传性酪氨酸代谢紊乱症
  8890. hereditary unit ==> 遗传单位
  8891. hereditary univalent ==> 遗传单价体
  8892. hereditary unsoundness ==> 遗传缺陷
  8893. hereditary variability ==> 遗传变量性,遗传变异性
  8894. hereditary variance ==> 遗传方差
  8895. hereditary variation ==> 遗传变量,遗传性变异
  8896. hereditary xanthoma of tendon ==> 遗传性肌腱黄色瘤
  8897. hereditation ==> 遗传性的影响,遗传影响,遗传作用
  8898. heredity ==> 遗传,遗传特性,遗传性=>遺伝,性格
  8899. heredity carrier ==> 遗传载体
  8900. heredity-environment interaction ==> 遗传力环境工作
  8901. heredo-immunity ==> 遗传免疫
  8902. heretability estimate value ==> 遗传力估计值
  8903. heretical set ==> 异端集
  8904. herf ==> 高能率成形
  8905. herfindahl-hirschman index, HHI ==> 市场集中度指数,又称"赫氏指数"
  8906. herical gear ==> はすば歯車
  8907. Hering furnace ==> 赫林电炉
  8908. Hering's canal ==> 赫林氏管
  8909. Hering-Breuer reflex ==> 肺牵张反射
  8910. Herings canal ==> 赫林氏管
  8911. heritability estimates in percent ==> 遗传力估计值百分比
  8912. heritability estimating ==> 遗传力估算
  8913. heritability of certain characters ==> 某些性状的遗传力
  8914. heritable obligation ==> 可继承债务
  8915. heritable rights ==> 可继承权利
  8916. heritable variation ==> 遗传变量
  8917. Herman process ==> 赫尔曼法
  8918. hermaphrodite calipers ==> 单边卡钳
  8919. hermaphrodite duct ==> 两性管
  8920. hermaphrodite flower ==> 两性花
  8921. hermaphrodite papaya tree ==> 两性木瓜树两株
  8922. hermaphroditic connector ==> 等同接合连接器
  8923. hermaphroditic monoecious ==> 雌雄同体的
  8924. hermaphroditical contact ==> 中性接触体
  8925. HERMES, Hermes ==> ヘルメス(フランスが提唱する宇宙往還機)
  8926. hermetic ==> 気密な
  8927. hermetic cabin ==> 气密室
  8928. hermetic centrifuge ==> 密封式离心机
  8929. hermetic circular coal storage ==> 全封闭圆形煤场,圆形带有拱顶的封闭式储煤场,中心设置的堆取料机可360°或接近360°旋转进行堆料和取料作业
  8930. hermetic closure ==> 密闭,密封
  8931. hermetic enclosure header ==> 密封体引线头
  8932. hermetic integrating gyroscope ==> 密封式积分陀螺仪
  8933. hermetic lighting switch ==> 密闭照明灯开关
  8934. hermetic machine ==> 密封式电机
  8935. hermetic motor ==> 密封式电动机,密封式电动机,密封型电动机
  8936. hermetic package ==> 气密外壳
  8937. hermetic packet type switch ==> 气密式组合开关
  8938. hermetic pressure-feed type centrifuge ==> 密闭加压进料式离心机
  8939. hermetic psckage ==> 密封包装
  8940. hermetic screw pump ==> 密闭式螺杆泵
  8941. hermetic seal ==> 密封接头,密封止水,气密封,气密封接,真空密封=>ハーメチックシール
  8942. hermetic seal furnace ==> 气密封炉
  8943. hermetic separator ==> 密封分离器
  8944. hermetic turbocompressor ==> 封闭式透平压缩机
  8945. hermetic type bowl ==> 封闭型转筒
  8946. hermetic unit ==> 密闭部件,密封部分,密封装置
  8947. hermetic(al) ==> 炼金术
  8948. hermetical ==> 密封的,气密的
  8949. hermetically sealed ==> 密封的
  8950. hermetically sealed casing ==> 密封机罩
  8951. hermetically sealed chamber ==> 全密封室
  8952. hermetically sealed condensing unit ==> 密封式冷凝机
  8953. hermetically sealed connector ==> 密封连接器
  8954. hermetically sealed container ==> 密闭容器
  8955. hermetically sealed electromagnetic relay ==> 密封电磁继电器
  8956. hermetically sealed enclosure(Ex h) ==> 气密外壳(Exh)
  8957. hermetically sealed magnetic drive pump ==> 封闭式电磁泵
  8958. hermetically sealed motor ==> 密封式电动机
  8959. hermetically sealed relay ==> 密封式继电器=>密封形継電器(ハーメチックシール継電器)
  8960. hermetically sealed switchbox ==> 密封式开关箱
  8961. hermetically sealed transformer ==> 密封式变压器
  8962. hermetically-sealed cable ==> 密封电缆
  8963. hermetically-sealed construction ==> 密封结构
  8964. hermetically-sealed instrument ==> 密封仪器
  8965. hermetically-sealed motor ==> 密封型电动机
  8966. hermetically-sealed pulse transformer ==> 密封脉冲变压器
  8967. hermetically-sealed type transformer ==> 密封变压器,密封式变压器
  8968. hermeticallysealed instrument ==> 密封式测量仪器
  8969. hermeticity analysis ==> 密封性分析
  8970. Hermite ==> 艾米插值=>エルミート
  8971. Hermite-Gauss beam ==> 厄密-高斯光束
  8972. Hermite-Gauss modes ==> 厄密-高斯波型
  8973. Hermitian code ==> エルミート符号
  8974. Hermitian conjugate ==> エルミート共役
  8975. Hermitian conjugate operator ==> 共轭算子
  8976. Hermitian curve ==> エルミート曲線
  8977. Hermitian form ==> 厄密型,艾米型=>エルミート形式
  8978. Hermitian function ==> エルミート関数
  8979. Hermitian kernel ==> 厄密核
  8980. Hermitian matrix ==> 厄密矩阵,埃尔米特矩阵,艾米矩阵=>エルミート行列
  8981. Hermitian operator ==> エルミート演算子
  8982. Hermitian transformation ==> エルミート変換
  8983. hernia ==> 疝,疝
  8984. hernia band ==> 疝气带,疝气带
  8985. hernia intrapelvica ==> 盆腔疝
  8986. hernia of lungs ==> 肺突出
  8987. hernia of Meckel's diverticulum ==> 美克尔氏憩室疝
  8988. hernia of mediastinum ==> 纵隔疝
  8989. hernial protrusion of membrane ==> 膜膨出
  8990. hernial sac ==> 疝囊
  8991. herniarin ==> 赫尼亚林
  8992. herniated disk ==> 椎间盘突出
  8993. herniation ==> 疝形成,疝形成
  8994. herniation of cervical disc ==> 颈椎间盘突出症,颈椎间盘突出症
  8995. herniation of intestine ==> 小肠疝形成
  8996. herniation of the nucleus pulposus ==> 髓核突出
  8997. heroin-induced pulmonary edema ==> 海洛因肺水肿
  8998. Heroult furnace ==> 赫劳特电弧炉,赫罗尔特式电炉
  8999. heroult furnace ==> 赫罗尔特电弧炉
  9000. Heroult process ==> 赫劳尔特电解炼铝法,赫罗尔特电解炼铝法
  9001. HERP, the Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion ==> 地震調査研究推進本部
  9002. herpes ==> 疱疹=>ヘルペス,疱疹
  9003. herpes auris ==> 耳部带状疱疹
  9004. herpes circinata ==> 环形疱疹
  9005. herpes febrilis ==> 发热性疱疹,热性疱疹,唇疱疹
  9006. herpes generalisatus ==> 全身性疱疹
  9007. herpes iris ==> 环状疱疹
  9008. herpes labialis ==> 唇疱疹
  9009. herpes menstrualis ==> 经期疱疹,经期疱疹
  9010. herpes mucosae ==> 粘膜疱疹
  9011. herpes of mouth ==> 口腔疱疹
  9012. herpes of penis ==> 阴茎疱疹
  9013. herpes ophthalmicus ==> 眼部疱疹
  9014. herpes praeputialis ==> 包皮疱疹
  9015. herpes progenitalis ==> 外生殖器疱疹
  9016. herpes simplex ==> 单纯性疱疹,单纯疱疹,热病性疱疹
  9017. herpes simplex encephalitis ==> 疱疹性脑炎
  9018. herpes simplex laryngis ==> 喉单纯孢疹
  9019. herpes simplex of penis ==> 阴茎单纯疱疹
  9020. herpes simplex virus ==> 单纯性疱疹病毒,单纯疱疹病毒
  9021. herpes turkey virus ==> 火鸡疱疹病毒
  9022. herpes virus ==> 疱疹病毒
  9023. herpes vulvaris ==> 外阴疱疹
  9024. herpes zoster facialis ==> 面部带状疱疹
  9025. herpes zoster virus ==> 带状疱疹病毒
  9026. Herpesvirus hominis type Ⅱ ==> 人Ⅱ型疱疹病毒
  9027. herpesvirus infections ==> 疱疹病毒感染
  9028. herpetic fever ==> 疱疹热,卡他热
  9029. herpolhode cone ==> 空间锥面
  9030. Herreshoff furnace ==> 窄轴式多腔焙烧炉,赫雷肖夫炉
  9031. herring ==> 鲱
  9032. Herring bodies ==> 赫令氏体
  9033. Herring body ==> 赫令体
  9034. herring bone tulle ==> 人字形薄纱罗织物
  9035. herring oil ==> 鲱鱼油
  9036. herring roe ==> 鲱鱼子
  9037. herring spread ==> 鲱鱼酱
  9038. herring-bone bond ==> 人字形砌合
  9039. herring-bone pattern ==> 人字焊纹
  9040. herring-bone planking ==> 人字形排列的板
  9041. herring-bone structure ==> 鲱骨式构造
  9042. herring-bone timbering ==> 人字形支护法
  9043. herring-bone twill ==> 山形斜纹
  9044. herring-gear ==> 人字形齿轮
  9045. herringbone ==> 人字形,海力蒙呢,海中蒙,交叉缝式,鲱骨式的
  9046. herringbone bearing ==> 人字形油槽轴承
  9047. herringbone bond ==> 人字砌合,人字式砌合
  9048. herringbone brickwork ==> 人字形砌砖,错缝砌体,交叉缝砌砖
  9049. herringbone bridging ==> 人字撑
  9050. herringbone convex ring ==> 人字凸环
  9051. herringbone cross lamination ==> 鲱骨式交错层理
  9052. herringbone crossbedding ==> 人字形交错层理
  9053. herringbone draft ==> 人字形穿综
  9054. herringbone drain ==> 人字形排水沟
  9055. herringbone drainage system ==> 人字形排水系统
  9056. herringbone dressing ==> (石面)人字纹修琢
  9057. herringbone dressing (石面) ==> 人字纹修琢
  9058. herringbone effect ==> 人字花型
  9059. herringbone face ==> 鲱骨式割面
  9060. herringbone fashion ==> 人字式
  9061. herringbone gear ==> 人字齿轮,人字轮,人字形齿轮,双螺旋齿轮
  9062. herringbone gear cutting machine ==> 人字齿轮切齿机
  9063. herringbone gear milling machine ==> 人字齿轮铣床
  9064. herringbone gear pump ==> 人字齿轮泵
  9065. herringbone joint ==> 人字缝,人字榫
  9066. herringbone like ==> 鱼骨刺状
  9067. herringbone masonry ==> 人字铺砌圬工
  9068. herringbone matching ==> 木纹拼花
  9069. herringbone method ==> 人字形矿房采矿法
  9070. herringbone milking bail ==> 鱼刺形挤奶装置
  9071. herringbone parquet floor ==> 人字拼花地板
  9072. herringbone parquetry ==> 人字拼花地板,人字拼木地板
  9073. herringbone pattern ==> 人字形布置,人字形图案
  9074. herringbone pavement ==> 人字式路面
  9075. herringbone paving ==> 人字式铺砌法
  9076. herringbone reducer ==> 人字齿轮减速器
  9077. herringbone reflector ==> 鱼骨形反射器
  9078. herringbone roller conveyor ==> 人字滚轴运输机
  9079. herringbone room arrangement ==> 人字式矿房布置
  9080. herringbone seal ring ==> 人字密封环
  9081. herringbone stitch ==> 人字形缝
  9082. herringbone stoping ==> 人字形采矿法
  9083. herringbone stopping ==> 鲱骨式采矿法
  9084. herringbone structure ==> 人字形结构
  9085. herringbone strutting ==> 人字撑,搁栅撑,剪刀撑
  9086. herringbone system ==> 人字形排水系统
  9087. herringbone texture ==> 人字形结构
  9088. herringbone timbering ==> 人字形支架
  9089. herringbone tooth ==> 人字齿
  9090. herringbone twill ==> 人字形斜纹
  9091. herringbone weave ==> 人字形组织
  9092. herringbone wheel ==> 人字齿轮
  9093. herringbone winding ==> 人字形绕组
  9094. herringbone work ==> 人字形铺面,人字形砌工
  9095. herringboning ==> 人字形采矿法
  9096. Herschel effect ==> 赫歇尔效应
  9097. Herschel formula ==> 赫歇尔公式
  9098. Herschel' telescope ==> 赫歇尔望远镜
  9099. Herschel-type venturi tube ==> 赫歇尔型文丘里管
  9100. Herschels ==> 赫歇耳,发现天王星(uranus)
  9101. Herst corpuscle ==> 赫氏体
  9102. hertz ==> 赫兹
  9103. hertz dipole ==> 赫兹偶极子
  9104. Hertz effect ==> 赫兹效应
  9105. Hertz law ==> 赫兹定律
  9106. Hertz oscillator ==> 赫兹振荡器=>ヘルツ発振器
  9107. Hertz radiator ==> 赫兹辐射器
  9108. hertz resonator ==> 赫兹共振器赫兹谐振器
  9109. Hertz wave ==> 电磁波
  9110. Hertz(ian) stress ==> 赫氏应力
  9111. Hertz, H.R.Hertz ==> 1857-1894,德国科学家
  9112. Hertzel's sign ==> 赫策尔氏征
  9113. Hertzian oscillator ==> 赫兹振荡器=>ヘルツ発振器
  9114. Hertzian radiator ==> 赫兹辐射器
  9115. hertzian rays ==> 赫兹氏射线
  9116. Hertzian telegraphy ==> 无线电报
  9117. Hertzian vector ==> 赫兹矢量
  9118. Hertzian wave ==> 赫兹波,电波
  9119. Herxheimer reaction ==> 赫克斯海默反应
  9120. Herxheimer's reaction ==> 赫克斯海默氏反应
  9121. Herxheimers fever ==> 赫克斯海默氏热
  9122. Herxheimers reaction ==> 赫克斯海默氏反应
  9123. Herz reaction ==> 赫茨反应
  9124. HES, health examination survey ==> 健康診断調査
  9125. hesitating relay ==> 缓动继电器
  9126. hesitation set ==> 假凝
  9127. HESP, high energy solar physics ==> 高エネルギー太陽物理学
  9128. hesperitinic acid ==> 橙皮酸
  9129. HESSA, high energy space station array ==> 宇宙ステーション用高エネルギーアレイ
  9130. Hesselbachs hernia ==> 黑塞尔巴赫氏疝
  9131. Hesselbachs triangle ==> 黑塞耳巴赫氏三角
  9132. hesselman engine ==> 赫塞尔曼发动机
  9133. Hessenberg form ==> Hessenberg行列の形
  9134. Hesser's variation ==> 海塞尔变化
  9135. hessian backing fabric ==> 麻布底布
  9136. hessian bag ==> 麻袋,海生袋
  9137. hessian cloth ==> 麻袋片
  9138. hessian fire hose ==> 麻布水龙带
  9139. hessian fly ==> 小麦瘿蝇
  9140. Hessian fly resistance ==> 对麦蝇抗性
  9141. hessian linen ==> 麻布
  9142. hessian loom ==> 打包麻布织机
  9143. hessian rope ==> 麻绳
  9144. hessian-based bitumen sheeting ==> 麻布油毡
  9145. hessian-based bituminous felt ==> 麻布油毡
  9146. Hessle boulder clay ==> 赫塞尔泥砾
  9147. Hesss law ==> 赫斯定律
  9148. hest face ==> 最优材面
  9149. het ==> 热电子晶体管
  9150. HET, hot electron transistor ==> ホットエレクトロントランジスタ
  9151. HETE, High Energy Transient Explorer ==> 高エネルギー過渡現象探査機
  9152. HETE-2 High Energy Transient Explorer-2 ==> 高エネルギートランジェント天体探査機
  9153. hetero epitaxial diode ==> 异质外延二极管
  9154. hetero fibre ==> 异质纤维
  9155. hetero structure laser ==> ヘテロ接合レーザ
  9156. hetero typical fibers ==> 两型毛(羊毛)
  9157. hetero-atom ==> 杂原子
  9158. hetero-filament ==> 异质丝
  9159. hetero-junction laser ==> 异质结激光器
  9160. heteroallelic genes ==> 异等位基因
  9161. heteroaryl group ==> ヘテロアリール基
  9162. heteroatomic ring ==> 杂环
  9163. heteroblastic texture ==> 不均匀变晶结构
  9164. heterobrachial chromosome ==> 异臂染色体
  9165. heterobrachial inversion ==> 异臂倒位
  9166. heterocaryon test ==> 异核体测验
  9167. heterocatenary polymer ==> 杂链聚合物
  9168. heterocellular ray ==> 异胞射线,异型细胞射线,异形细胞射线
  9169. heterochain fibre ==> 杂链纤维
  9170. heterochain polymer ==> 杂链聚合物
  9171. heterocharge ==> 混杂电荷
  9172. heterochromatic magnitude ==> 混色星等
  9173. heterochromatic photometry ==> 多色测光=>異色測光
  9174. heterochromatic zone ==> 异染色质区
  9175. heterochromia of hair ==> 毛发异色
  9176. heterochromous digital signal ==> 不均匀数字信号
  9177. heterochronic restitution ==> 不同时恢复
  9178. heterochronous convergence ==> 异时趋同
  9179. heterocyclic ==> 杂环的,杂环的系统
  9180. heterocyclic amine complex ==> 杂环胺络合物
  9181. heterocyclic amino acid ==> 杂环氨基酸
  9182. heterocyclic atom ==> 杂环原子
  9183. heterocyclic chemistry ==> 杂环化学
  9184. heterocyclic compound ==> 杂环化合物
  9185. heterocyclic group ==> 複素環基
  9186. heterocyclic hydrocarbon ==> 杂环烃
  9187. heterocyclic imino acid ==> 杂环亚氨基酸
  9188. heterocyclic nitrogen ==> 含氮杂环=>複素環式窒素
  9189. heterocyclic nitrogen compounds ==> 杂环氮化物
  9190. heterocyclic nucleus ==> 杂环核
  9191. heterocyclic oxygen compound ==> 氧杂环化合物
  9192. heterocyclic parent nucleus ==> 杂环母核
  9193. heterocyclic radical ==> 杂环基
  9194. heterocyclic ring ==> 杂环
  9195. heterocyclic spirans ==> 杂环螺烷
  9196. heterocyclic stem nucleus ==> 杂环母核
  9197. heterocytotropic antibody ==> 亲异种细胞抗体
  9198. heterodactylous foot ==> 异趾足
  9199. Heterodera glycines ==> 囊线虫病
  9200. heterodesmic structure ==> 杂键结构
  9201. heteroduplex mapping ==> 杂种双链定位法
  9202. heterodynamous insect ==> 异动态昆虫
  9203. heterodyne ==> 外差振荡器,外差法=>ヘテロダイン
  9204. heterodyne action ==> 外差作用
  9205. heterodyne analyzer ==> 外差式分析仪=>ヘテロダイン分析器
  9206. heterodyne buzzer oscillator ==> 外差蜂鸣振荡器
  9207. heterodyne circuit ==> 外差电路
  9208. heterodyne condenser ==> 外差回路电容器
  9209. heterodyne converter ==> 外差变频器=>ヘテロダイン変換器
  9210. heterodyne detection ==> 外差检波
  9211. heterodyne detection method ==> 外差检波法
  9212. heterodyne detector ==> 外差检波器
  9213. heterodyne filter ==> 外差滤波器
  9214. heterodyne frequency ==> 外差频率
  9215. heterodyne frequency meter ==> 外差式频率计=>ヘテロダイン周波数
  9216. heterodyne frequencymeter ==> 外差式频率计
  9217. heterodyne harmonic analyzer ==> 外差式谐波分析器,外差谐波分析仪
  9218. heterodyne interference ==> 外差干扰
  9219. heterodyne marker adder ==> 外差标志叠加器
  9220. heterodyne measurement ==> 外差法测量
  9221. heterodyne method ==> 外差法
  9222. heterodyne modulation ==> 外差调制
  9223. heterodyne oscillator ==> 外差振荡器
  9224. heterodyne receiver ==> 外差接收机
  9225. heterodyne reception ==> 外差接收,外差接收法
  9226. heterodyne relay system ==> 外差中继方式
  9227. heterodyne repeater ==> 外差中继站
  9228. heterodyne repeating ==> 外差转发
  9229. heterodyne slave filter ==> 外差伺服滤波器
  9230. heterodyne sound analyzer ==> 外差式声分器
  9231. heterodyne stage ==> 外差级
  9232. heterodyne system ==> 外差式
  9233. heterodyne voltmeter ==> 外差式电压计
  9234. heterodyne wave analyzer ==> 外差式波形分析仪
  9235. heterodyne wavemeter ==> 外差式波长计
  9236. heterodyne whistle ==> 外差啸声
  9237. heterodyne-type frequency meter ==> 外差频率计
  9238. heterodyning ==> 差拍变频,外差作用
  9239. heteroenoid system ==> 杂烯系
  9240. heteroepitaxal film ==> 异质外延膜
  9241. heteroepitaxial deposition ==> 异质外延淀积
  9242. heteroepitaxial film ==> 异质外延膜
  9243. heteroepitaxial growth ==> 异质外延生长
  9244. heteroepitaxial optical waveguide ==> 异质外延光波导
  9245. heteroepitaxy ==> 异质外延
  9246. heterofermentative lactic bacteria ==> 异型乳酸发酵细菌
  9247. Heterofil bicomponent fibre ==> 异质双组分纤维
  9248. Heterofil yarn ==> 异芯包圈纱
  9249. heterogeneity ==> 不均匀性,异质性,多相性
  9250. heterogeneity test ==> 非均匀性试验
  9251. heterogeneous ==> 多相的,不均匀的,非齐次的,异型的=>不均一の,非同次の
  9252. heterogeneous alloy ==> 多相合金,不匀合金
  9253. heterogeneous aqueous system ==> 不均匀含水体系
  9254. heterogeneous atmosphere reaction ==> 多相大气反应,非均相大气反应
  9255. heterogeneous azeotrope ==> 非均相共沸混合物
  9256. heterogeneous blend ==> 不均匀混和
  9257. heterogeneous body ==> 不均匀体=>不均質体
  9258. heterogeneous cargo ==> 异质货物
  9259. heterogeneous catalysis ==> 多相催化作用
  9260. heterogeneous catalyst ==> 多相催化剂
  9261. heterogeneous chain compound ==> 杂链化合物
  9262. heterogeneous chemical reaction ==> 多相化学反应
  9263. heterogeneous circuit ==> 不均匀电路
  9264. heterogeneous classification ==> 不同质分类
  9265. heterogeneous composition ==> 多相组合
  9266. heterogeneous computer ==> 异质功能计算机
  9267. heterogeneous computer network ==> 异机种计算机网络
  9268. heterogeneous decomposition ==> 多相分解作用
  9269. heterogeneous differentiation ==> 不均匀分异作用
  9270. heterogeneous distortion ==> 不均匀失真
  9271. heterogeneous distribution ==> 不均匀分布,非纯一分布,非均匀分布
  9272. heterogeneous equilibrium ==> 复相平衡,复杂平衡,多相平衡
  9273. heterogeneous fertilization ==> 异种精子授精
  9274. heterogeneous fluid ==> 非均匀流体,非均质流体
  9275. heterogeneous fluidization ==> 多相流态化,非均匀流态化
  9276. heterogeneous flux reconstruction ==> 非均匀通量重建
  9277. heterogeneous foundation ==> 非均匀地基
  9278. heterogeneous fuel configuration ==> 燃料非均匀排列
  9279. heterogeneous group ==> 非同质组,异类组
  9280. heterogeneous host spectrum ==> 异质寄主谱
  9281. heterogeneous lattice ==> 非均匀栅格
  9282. heterogeneous light ==> 杂色光
  9283. heterogeneous material ==> 非均质材料,多相材料
  9284. heterogeneous materials ==> 非均匀性物质
  9285. heterogeneous medium ==> 不均質媒質
  9286. heterogeneous membrane ==> 异质膜
  9287. heterogeneous membrane electrode ==> 异相膜电极
  9288. heterogeneous mixture ==> 非均匀混合物
  9289. heterogeneous molten-salt reactor ==> 非均匀熔盐反应堆
  9290. heterogeneous multiplex ==> 异机种多路转接
  9291. heterogeneous multiplexing ==> 非均匀复用
  9292. heterogeneous multiprocessor ==> 异构型多处理机,异质功能多处理机
  9293. heterogeneous network ==> 异机种网络,多机型网,多机种网络
  9294. heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleic acid (HN RNA) ==> 不均核核糖核酸
  9295. heterogeneous nucleation ==> 不均匀生核,多相核化,异相成核
  9296. heterogeneous organic matter ==> 多种有机物
  9297. heterogeneous organic waste ==> 不均匀的有机废物
  9298. heterogeneous output ==> 非同质产出
  9299. heterogeneous oxide ==> 异质氧化物
  9300. heterogeneous population ==> 非纯一总体,非同质总体,异质性群体
  9301. heterogeneous radiation ==> 多频辐射,非单色辐射
  9302. heterogeneous ray ==> 异形射线
  9303. heterogeneous ray tissue ==> 异形射线组织
  9304. heterogeneous reaction ==> 非均相反应,复相反应,多相反应
  9305. heterogeneous reactor ==> 不均匀反应堆,非均相反应堆,非均匀反应堆
  9306. heterogeneous reactor type ==> 不均匀堆型
  9307. heterogeneous reservoir ==> 非均质储集层
  9308. heterogeneous restriction ==> 非齐性限制
  9309. heterogeneous ring compound ==> 杂环化合物
  9310. heterogeneous rock mass ==> 非均质岩体
  9311. heterogeneous sample ==> 不均匀试样
  9312. heterogeneous sintering ==> 多相烧结,多元系烧结
  9313. heterogeneous soil ==> 非均质土,不均质土
  9314. heterogeneous spherical earth ==> 非均匀球状地球
  9315. heterogeneous state ==> 非均匀态
  9316. heterogeneous strain ==> 非均匀应变
  9317. heterogeneous structure ==> 异质结结构
  9318. heterogeneous substance ==> 异形质体
  9319. heterogeneous system ==> 异机种系统,复相系,多相系,非纯一系统,非均相体系,非均匀体系,不均系,不均相系,不均匀体系,不均匀系
  9320. heterogeneous thermoelectric effect ==> 非均匀温度差电效应
  9321. heterogeneous wool fibre ==> 异质毛
  9322. heterogeneous yarn ==> 异形纱
  9323. heterogeneously fluidized bed ==> 非均一流化床
  9324. heterogenetic antigen ==> 异族抗原,嗜异性抗原
  9325. heterogenetic pairing ==> 异源配对
  9326. heterogenic antigen ==> 异种抗原
  9327. heterogenic growth ==> 异速生长
  9328. heterogenous liver ==> 异体肝
  9329. heterogenous tumor vaccine ==> 异体瘤疫苗
  9330. heterogenous vaccine ==> 异源疫苗
  9331. heterogonous flower ==> 花蕊异长花
  9332. heterogonous growth ==> 变种生长
  9333. heterojunction ==> 异质结,半导体异质结构=>ヘテロ接合
  9334. heterojunction bipolar transistor ==> 异质结双极型晶体管
  9335. heterojunction diode ==> 异质结二极管
  9336. heterojunction gate ==> 异结栅
  9337. heterojunction infrared detector ==> 异质结红外探测器
  9338. heterojunction interface ==> 异质结面
  9339. heterojunction laser ==> 异质结激光器
  9340. heterojunction photodiode ==> 异质结光电二极管
  9341. heterojunction photovoltaic cell ==> 异质结光电池
  9342. heterojunction semiconductor laser ==> 异质结激光器
  9343. heterojunction solar battery ==> 异质结太阳电池
  9344. heterojunction structure ==> 异质结结构
  9345. heterojunction target ==> 异质结靶
  9346. heterojunction transistor ==> 异质结晶体管
  9347. heterokaryon formation ==> 异核体形成
  9348. heterokaryonic protoplast ==> 异型核原生质体
  9349. heterolactic fermentation ==> 异质乳酸发酵
  9350. heterolaser ==> 异质结激光器
  9351. heteroligating antibody ==> 异带抗体
  9352. heterologous antibody ==> 异源抗体,异种抗体
  9353. heterologous graft ==> 异种移植物
  9354. heterologous immunization ==> 异种免疫
  9355. heterologous stimulus ==> 异种刺激
  9356. heterologous tumor ==> 异型性瘤
  9357. heteromorphic alternation ==> 异性交替
  9358. heteromorphous lymphocyte ==> 异形淋巴细胞
  9359. heteromorphous rock ==> 异形岩
  9360. heteronium bromide ==> 海特溴铵
  9361. heteronomous segmentation ==> 异律分节
  9362. heteronuclear diatomics ==> 异核双原子分子
  9363. heteronuclear double resonance ==> 异核双共振
  9364. heteronuclear lock signal ==> 异核锁信号
  9365. heteronuclear molecule ==> 异核分子
  9366. heteronuclear substitution ==> 杂环取代反应
  9367. heterophil agglutination ==> 异嗜性凝集
  9368. heterophile antigen ==> 嗜异性抗原
  9369. heterophyllous plant ==> 异型叶植物
  9370. heteropic deposit ==> 同时异相沉积
  9371. heteroplastic graft ==> 种间移植
  9372. heteroplastic transplantation ==> 异种移植,异种移植术
  9373. heteropleural transplantation ==> 异侧移植
  9374. heteropolar ==> 異極
  9375. heteropolar alternator ==> 异极交流发电机
  9376. heteropolar binding ==> 异极键联
  9377. heteropolar bond ==> 异极键,离子结合,电价键,有极键,极性键=>異極結合
  9378. heteropolar D.C. linear motor ==> 多极直流直线电动机
  9379. heteropolar dynamo ==> 异极电机
  9380. heteropolar field magnet ==> 异极场磁铁
  9381. heteropolar generator ==> 异极发电机
  9382. heteropolar inductor generator ==> 异极感应子发电机
  9383. heteropolar lattice ==> 异极点阵
  9384. heteropolar link ==> 异极键
  9385. heteropolar linkage ==> 异极键
  9386. heteropolar liquid ==> 异极性液体
  9387. heteropolar machine ==> 异极电机
  9388. heteropoly acid ==> 杂多酸
  9389. heteropoly blue ==> 杂多蓝
  9390. heteropoly molybdic acid ==> 杂多钼酸
  9391. heteropolymeric protein ==> 杂聚蛋白
  9392. heteropolyoxyalkylene chain ==> 杂聚氧化烯链
  9393. heterosperminous hybridization ==> 混精杂交
  9394. heterosporium leaf spot ==> 异孢菌
  9395. heterostatic method ==> 异位差连接法
  9396. heterostructure ==> 异质结构
  9397. heterostructure bipolar transistor ==> 异质结双极型晶体管
  9398. heterostructure injection laser ==> 异质结构注入式激光器
  9399. heterostructures ==> テロ構造体
  9400. heterosynthesis interphase ==> 异体合成间期
  9401. heterothermic animal ==> 变温动物,异温动物
  9402. heterotic string ==> 混成弦
  9403. heterotopia of pancreatic tissue in stomach ==> 胃胰腺组织异位
  9404. heterotopic atom ==> 异序原子
  9405. heterotopic graft ==> 异位移植物
  9406. heterotopic pregnancy ==> 异位妊娠,异位双胎妊娠,复妊娠
  9407. heterotopic transplantation ==> 异位移植(术)
  9408. heterotrophic bacteria ==> 异养细菌
  9409. heterotrophic callus ==> 异养愈伤组织
  9410. heterotrophic cell ==> 异养细胞
  9411. heterotrophic component ==> 异养成分
  9412. heterotrophic cycle ==> 异养循环
  9413. heterotrophic effect ==> 异配位体效应
  9414. heterotrophic fixation ==> 异养性固定
  9415. heterotrophic microbe ==> 异养微生物
  9416. heterotrophic microorganism ==> 异养微生物
  9417. heterotrophic nitrification ==> 异养硝化
  9418. heterotrophic nutrition ==> 异养
  9419. heterotrophic organism ==> 异养生物
  9420. heterotrophic plant ==> 异养植物
  9421. heterotrophic strata ==> 异养层
  9422. heterotrophic succession ==> 异养演替
  9423. heterotrophic uptake ==> 异养摄取
  9424. heterotropic chromosome ==> 异向染色体
  9425. heterotypic division ==> 异性分裂
  9426. heterotypic(a) cortex ==> 异型皮质
  9427. heterotypic(a) division ==> 异型分裂
  9428. heterotypic(a) effect ==> 异型作用
  9429. heterotypic(a) maturation division ==> 异熟分裂
  9430. heterovalent solid solution ==> 异价固溶体
  9431. heterozygous ==> 杂合的=>ヘテロ(異型)接合の
  9432. heterozygous abnormality ==> ヘテロ接合体異常
  9433. heterozygous carrier ==> ヘテロ接合保因者
  9434. heterozygous cells ==> 異型接合体細胞
  9435. heterozygous genes ==> 杂合基因
  9436. heterozygous plant ==> 杂合植株
  9437. heterozygous seed ==> 异合种子
  9438. heterpolar attachment energy ==> 异极附着能
  9439. HETGS, High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer ==> 高エネルギー透過型回折格子分光計
  9440. hetrazan ==> 枸橼酸乙胺嗪,枸橼酸乙胺嗪,(抗丝虫药)海群生
  9441. hetrazan citrate ==> 枸橼酸海群生,枸橼酸海群生
  9442. hetrazan salt ==> 海群生食盐
  9443. hetrotrophic bacteria ==> 异养菌=>従属栄養細菌
  9444. Heulinger equation ==> 休林格方程
  9445. Heumann indigo synthesis ==> 霍伊曼靛合成法
  9446. heuristic ==> 启发式,试探,直接推断法=>発見的問題解決,ヒューリスティクス
  9447. heuristic algorithm ==> 启发性算法,探试算法=>発見の手順
  9448. heuristic approach ==> 启发式近似法,试探步骤
  9449. heuristic education ==> 启发式教育法
  9450. heuristic function ==> 启发函数
  9451. heuristic graph-search procedure ==> 启发式图搜索过程
  9452. heuristic knowledge ==> 启发性知识
  9453. heuristic method ==> 启发性方法,探索法,发展法,试探法,直接推断法=>発見的手法
  9454. heuristic model ==> 启发模式
  9455. heuristic power ==> 启发能力
  9456. heuristic principle ==> 启发性原则
  9457. heuristic problem solution ==> 启发式解决问题法
  9458. heuristic problem solving ==> 启发式问题求解
  9459. heuristic procedure ==> 启发式程序,发展程序
  9460. heuristic program ==> 启发程序,启发式规划,探试程序,试探程序
  9461. heuristic program(me) ==> 探索程序,助解程序
  9462. heuristic programing ==> 启发式程序设计
  9463. heuristic programming ==> 启发式程序设计,试探规划法=>発見的手法
  9464. heuristic pruning of game tree ==> 博弈树的启发式修剪,博弈树启发式修剪
  9465. heuristic routine ==> 试探程序,探索程序
  9466. heuristic rule ==> 启发式规则,试探规则
  9467. heuristic search ==> 试探搜索,启发式的搜索,启发式搜索,探试搜索
  9468. heuristic search technique ==> 启发式查找技术,试探查找技术
  9469. heuristic self-organization ==> 启发式自组织
  9470. heuristic standpoint ==> 発見的観点
  9471. heuristics ==> 启发式,直观推断=>ヒューリスティック
  9472. heuristics robot ==> 职能机器人
  9473. Heuser's membrane ==> 胚外体腔膜
  9474. Heusler alloy ==> 锰铝铜强磁性合金
  9475. Heusler's magnetic alloy ==> 铜基锰铝磁性合金
  9476. HEV, Hybrid Electric Vehicle ==> HEV
  9477. hevea rubber ==> 三叶橡胶
  9478. hevea seed ==> 橡胶种子
  9479. hevearubber nature rubber ==> 天然橡胶
  9480. Hevelian halo ==> 淡晕
  9481. Hewitt's fine alloy ==> 休伊特精密合金
  9482. hex ==> 六边形,六角形
  9483. hex belt ==> 六角形皮带
  9484. hex bolt ==> 六角头螺栓
  9485. hex bolts ==> 六角螺栓
  9486. hex crystal ==> 六角晶体
  9487. hex head screw ==> 六角头螺钉
  9488. hex inverter ==> 六位变换电路,六位反演器
  9489. hex key ==> 六角键
  9490. hex nut ==> 六角螺母=>六角ナット
  9491. hex screw ==> 六角ねじ
  9492. hex socket screw key ==> 六角凹头螺钉键
  9493. hex wrench ==> 六角扳手
  9494. hex(agonal)screw ==> 六角螺丝
  9495. HEX, heat exchanger ==> 热交换器=>熱交換器
  9496. HEX, hexadecimal notation ==> 16進法
  9497. hexaammine cobalt chloride ==> 氯化六氨合高钴
  9498. hexaammine nickel chloride ==> 氯化六氨合镍
  9499. hexabasic ==> 六碱价的
  9500. hexabendine ==> 克冠二胺
  9501. hexabiose ==> 己二糖
  9502. hexabiscarbacholine ==> 己氨胆碱
  9503. hexaboron silicide ==> 硅化六硼
  9504. hexabrix solution ==> 低渗显影葡胺纳液
  9505. hexacanth embryo ==> 钩球蚴,六钩蚴
  9506. hexacarbacholine bromide ==> 溴化氨酰胆碱,溴化氨酰胆碱
  9507. hexacene ==> 并六苯,己省
  9508. hexachloro-benzene ==> 六氯苯
  9509. hexachlorobenzene ==> 六氯代苯,六氯环己烷
  9510. hexachlorobenzene(HCB) ==> 六氯苯
  9511. hexachlorobutadiene ==> 六氟丁二烯,六氯丁二烯
  9512. hexachlorocyclohexane poisoning ==> 六六六中毒,六氯化苯中毒
  9513. hexachlorodifluoropropane (CFC212) (C3F2Cl6) ==> 六氯二氟丙烷
  9514. hexachloroethane ==> 六氯乙烷
  9515. hexachloroparaxylene (HPX) ==> 六氯对二甲苯
  9516. hexachlorophene ==> 六氯酚
  9517. hexachlorophenol ==> 六氯苯酚,六氯酚
  9518. hexacode ==> 六位代码
  9519. hexacontane ==> 六十碳烷
  9520. hexacoralla ==> 六射珊瑚亚纲
  9521. hexacorallia ==> 六射珊瑚
  9522. hexacosandiacid ==> 二十六烷二酸
  9523. hexacosandienoic acid ==> 二十六碳二烯酸
  9524. hexacosane ==> 二十六烷
  9525. hexacosanol ==> 二十六醇
  9526. hexacosenoic acid ==> 二十六碳烯酸
  9527. hexacosoic acid ==> 二十六烷酸
  9528. hexacosyl alcohol ==> 二十六醇
  9529. hexactin ==> 六放体
  9530. Hexactinellida ==> 六放海绵纲
  9531. Hexactinosa ==> 六放目
  9532. hexacyclic compound ==> 六环化合物
  9533. hexad ==> 六价元素
  9534. hexad axis ==> 六次对称轴
  9535. hexadactylia ==> 六指(趾)(畸形)
  9536. hexadactylism ==> 六指(趾)(畸形)
  9537. hexadactyly ==> 六指(趾)(畸形)
  9538. hexadcadrol ==> 氟美松
  9539. hexadecadienedioic acid ==> 十六碳二烯二酸
  9540. hexadecadienoic acid ==> 十六碳二烯酸
  9541. hexadecadrol ==> 地塞米松
  9542. hexadecafluorooxy-cyclooctane ==> 十六氟氧基环辛烷
  9543. hexadecandioic acid (hexadecane diacid) ==> 十六烷二酸
  9544. hexadecane ==> 十六烷
  9545. hexadecane diacid ==> 十六烷二酸
  9546. hexadecane dicarboxylic acid ==> 十六烷二甲酸
  9547. hexadecanoic acid ==> 十六酸
  9548. hexadecanol ==> 十六醇
  9549. hexadecanolide ==> 十六内酯
  9550. hexadecanoyl ==> 十六酰
  9551. hexadecapole moment ==> 十六极矩
  9552. hexadecatrienoic acid ==> 十六碳三烯酸
  9553. hexadecimal ==> 十六进位=>16進法
  9554. hexadecimal byte ==> 十六进制字节
  9555. hexadecimal code ==> 十六进制代码
  9556. hexadecimal constant ==> 十六进制常数
  9557. hexadecimal counter ==> 十六进位计数器
  9558. hexadecimal decoder ==> 十六进位译码器
  9559. hexadecimal digit ==> 16進数字
  9560. hexadecimal display format ==> 十六进制显示格式
  9561. hexadecimal format ==> 十六进制格式
  9562. hexadecimal loader ==> 十六进制装入程序
  9563. hexadecimal multiplication ==> 十六进制乘法
  9564. hexadecimal notation ==> 十六进制
  9565. hexadecimal number ==> 十六进数
  9566. hexadecimal number system ==> 十六进制
  9567. hexadecimal numbering system ==> 十六进制记数系统
  9568. hexadecimal numeral ==> 十六进制数字
  9569. hexadecimal pad ==> 十六进制输入键盘
  9570. hexadecimal point ==> 十六进制小数点
  9571. hexadecimal program ==> 十六进制程序
  9572. hexadecimal system ==> 十六进制
  9573. hexadecimal value ==> 十六进制值
  9574. hexadecine ==> 十六碳炔
  9575. hexadecoic acid ==> 十六酸
  9576. hexadecyl ==> 十六基
  9577. hexadecyl alcohol ==> 十六醇
  9578. hexadecyl amine-hydrochloride ==> 十六胺盐酸盐
  9579. hexadecyl dimethyl pyrrolidine ==> 十六基二甲基吡咯烷
  9580. hexadecyl hydrosulfate ==> 十六烷基硫酸
  9581. hexadecyl mercaptan ==> 十六基硫醇
  9582. hexadecyl palmitate ==> 十六酸十六酯
  9583. hexadecyl phosphate ==> 十六基磷酸盐
  9584. hexadecyl sulfenamide ==> 十六基亚磺酰胺
  9585. hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide ==> 十六烷基三甲基溴化铵
  9586. hexadecyl trimethyl glycocoll ==> 十六基三甲基甘氧酸
  9587. hexadecylamine ==> 十六烷基胺
  9588. hexadecylene ==> 十六烯
  9589. hexadecylene diacid ==> 十六碳炔二酸
  9590. hexadecylene dicarboxylic acid ==> 十六碳炔二羧酸,十六碳烯二甲酸
  9591. hexadecylenic acid ==> 十六碳烯酸
  9592. hexadecylic acid ==> 十六酸
  9593. hexadecylol amine ==> 十六醇胺
  9594. hexadecyltrimethylammonium chloride ==> 十六烷基三甲基铵氯化物
  9595. hexadecyne ==> 十六碳炔
  9596. hexadecynoic acid ==> 十六碳炔酸
  9597. hexadeeene ==> 十六碳烯
  9598. hexadeeene dicarboxylic acid ==> 十六碳烯二羧酸
  9599. hexadiene ==> 己二烯
  9600. hexadienoic acid ==> 己二烯酸
  9601. hexadienol ==> 己二烯醇
  9602. hexadiine ==> 己二炔
  9603. Hexadiline ==> 海沙地林
  9604. hexadimethrine bromide ==> 海地美溴铵
  9605. hexadiyne ==> 己二炔
  9606. hexaethylditin ==> 六乙基二锡
  9607. hexaethyltetraphosphate ==> 六乙基四磷酸
  9608. hexafluoride ==> 六氟化物
  9609. hexafluorophosphoric acid ==> 六氟磷酸
  9610. hexafluoropropylene ==> 六氟丙烯
  9611. hexaflurate ==> 六氟盐
  9612. hexag. r. spanner ==> 梅花扳手
  9613. hexagenic ==> 六基因的
  9614. hexagon ==> 六边形,六方形,六角体,六角形
  9615. hexagon bar ==> 六角形钢筋
  9616. hexagon bar key ==> 六角杆键
  9617. hexagon bar steel ==> 六角条钢
  9618. hexagon bed turret ==> 六角转塔刀架
  9619. hexagon bolt ==> 六角形螺栓
  9620. hexagon cap nut ==> 六角帽螺母=>袋ナット
  9621. hexagon cap screw ==> 六角帽螺钉
  9622. hexagon check nut ==> 六角防松螺母
  9623. hexagon die nut ==> 六角板牙,六角螺母
  9624. hexagon drive socket set ==> 成套六角螺丝套头
  9625. hexagon ga(u)ge block ==> 六角轨距块
  9626. hexagon grid ==> 六角格子
  9627. hexagon head ==> 六角头
  9628. hexagon head bolt ==> 六角头螺栓
  9629. hexagon iron ==> 六角铁
  9630. hexagon nipples ==> 六角外螺丝
  9631. hexagon nut ==> 六角螺母
  9632. hexagon shank ==> 六角钎尾
  9633. hexagon socket head ==> 内六角头
  9634. hexagon socket head screw ==> 六角凹头螺钉
  9635. hexagon spanner ==> 六方扳手,六角扳手
  9636. hexagon thin nut ==> 六角扁螺母
  9637. hexagon voltage ==> 六角形电压
  9638. hexagon wrench ==> 六角扳手
  9639. hexagon wrench key ==> 六角扳手键
  9640. hexagon(al) nut ==> 六角螺母
  9641. hexagon(al) socket wrench ==> 六角套筒扳手
  9642. hexagon(al) steel ==> 六角钢
  9643. hexagonal ==> 六边形,六边形的,六方晶体,六角,六角的,六角密堆积结构,六角形
  9644. hexagonal (hexagon) nut ==> 六角螺帽
  9645. hexagonal aperture ==> 六角形孔径
  9646. hexagonal axis ==> 六重轴
  9647. hexagonal bar ==> 六角钢
  9648. hexagonal bars ==> 六角鋼
  9649. hexagonal bed ==> 六角台
  9650. hexagonal belt ==> 六角ベルト
  9651. hexagonal bipyramid ==> 六方双锥
  9652. hexagonal bolt ==> 六角头螺栓
  9653. hexagonal bolts and nuts ==> 六角闩
  9654. hexagonal close-packed structure ==> 六角密集结构
  9655. hexagonal close-packed structure (hcp structure) ==> 六方最紧密堆积结构
  9656. hexagonal close-packed structure(hcp structure) ==> 六方最紧密堆积结构
  9657. hexagonal closest packing ==> 六方密集堆
  9658. hexagonal column ==> 六方形柱状冰晶
  9659. hexagonal crystal ==> 六边形晶体,六角晶体
  9660. hexagonal crystal system ==> 六角晶系
  9661. hexagonal dipyramid ==> 六方复双锥
  9662. hexagonal dipyramidal class ==> 六方复双锥类
  9663. hexagonal dome ==> 六角形穹顶
  9664. hexagonal double end tubular wrench ==> 六角双头套筒扳手
  9665. hexagonal ferrite ==> 六角形铁氧体
  9666. hexagonal head screw ==> 六角头螺钉,六角头螺栓
  9667. hexagonal head tap bolt ==> 六角头螺栓
  9668. hexagonal head wrench ==> 六角头扳手
  9669. hexagonal interior joint ==> 六角内接头
  9670. hexagonal lattice ==> 六方晶格
  9671. hexagonal lenticulation ==> 六角透镜光栅,六角形光栅,六角形透镜光栅
  9672. hexagonal mesh ==> 六边形网格
  9673. hexagonal mirror ==> 六角反射镜
  9674. hexagonal mosaic ==> 六角形马赛克
  9675. hexagonal net ==> 六角形网络
  9676. hexagonal nomogram ==> 六角线图
  9677. hexagonal nuts ==> 六角帽
  9678. hexagonal pattern ==> (龟甲纹样)六角形纹样
  9679. hexagonal pavilion ==> 六角亭
  9680. hexagonal platelet ==> 六方形片晶
  9681. hexagonal plug ==> 六角插头=>六角プラグ
  9682. hexagonal prism ==> 六方柱,六角棱镜
  9683. hexagonal scalenohedron ==> 六方偏三角面体
  9684. hexagonal socket screw ==> 六角凹头螺钉
  9685. hexagonal space grid ==> 六角空间网架
  9686. hexagonal steel bar ==> 六角形钢筋
  9687. hexagonal structure ==> 六角结构,六角形结构
  9688. hexagonal system ==> 六方晶系,六角晶系
  9689. hexagonal trapezohedron ==> 六方偏方面体
  9690. hexagonal washer ==> 六角垫圈
  9691. hexagonal-trapezohedral class ==> 六方偏方面体类
  9692. hexagons ==> 六角钢
  9693. hexagram ==> 六芒星形,六线形
  9694. hexagynous flower ==> 六雌蕊花
  9695. hexahalogenated benzene ==> 六卤代苯
  9696. hexahedral ==> 六面体
  9697. hexahedral bar ==> 六角钢
  9698. hexahedrite ==> 六面体陨铁
  9699. hexahedron ==> 六面体,正六面体
  9700. hexahydrite ==> 六水泻盐
  9701. hexahydroadiphenine ==> 六氢解痉素
  9702. hexahydrocresol ==> 甲基环己醇
  9703. hexahydrocurcumin ==> 六氢姜黄素
  9704. hexahydrodesoxyephedrine ==> 六氢脱氧麻黄碱
  9705. hexahydrohematoporphyrin ==> 六氢血卟啉
  9706. hexahydromethyl phenol ==> 甲基环己醇
  9707. hexahydropyridine ==> 六氢吡啶
  9708. hexahydrothymol ==> 薄荷醇
  9709. hexahydrotoluene ==> 甲基环己烷
  9710. hexakisoocta-hedron ==> 六八面体
  9711. hexal ==> 磺基水杨酸环六亚甲基四胺,磺基水杨酸乌洛托品
  9712. hexalaminar membrane ==> 六板层膜
  9713. hexaldehyde ==> 己醛
  9714. hexaleg block ==> 六脚块体
  9715. hexalin ==> 己灵
  9716. hexamer ==> 六聚物
  9717. hexamethonium ==> 六甲季铵,六烃季铵
  9718. hexamethonium bromide ==> 六甲溴铵,溴化六甲双胺,溴化六甲双胺
  9719. hexamethonium chloride ==> 氯化六烃季铵
  9720. hexamethonium nicotinate ==> 六烃季铵烟酸酯
  9721. hexamethyl melamine ==> 六甲密胺
  9722. hexamethylamine ==> 六甲铵
  9723. hexamethylated ==> 六甲基的
  9724. hexamethyle-namine ==> 麦特拉明
  9725. hexamethylene ==> 六甲撑,己烯
  9726. hexamethylene diamine ==> 己二胺
  9727. hexamethylene-tetramine ==> 六甲撑四胺
  9728. hexamethyleneamine ==> 己烯胺
  9729. hexamethylenediamine ==> 己二胺
  9730. hexamethylenediamire ==> 己烯二胺
  9731. hexamethylenetetramine ==> 乌洛托品
  9732. hexamethylenetetramine sulfosalicylate ==> 磺基水杨酸环六亚甲基四胺
  9733. hexamethylentetramine ==> 环六亚甲基四胺
  9734. hexamethylmelamine ==> 六甲三聚氰胺
  9735. hexamethylpararosaniline chloride ==> 六甲副蔷薇苯胺氯化物
  9736. hexamine ==> 六甲撑四胺
  9737. Hexamita ==> 六鞭虫属
  9738. hexamitiasis ==> 六鞭虫病,六鞭毛虫病
  9739. Hexamitidae ==> 六鞭科
  9740. hexanal ==> 己醛
  9741. hexanamide ==> 己酰胺
  9742. Hexanchidae ==> 多鳃鲨科
  9743. hexandial ==> 己二醛
  9744. hexandrous flower ==> 六雄蕊花
  9745. hexane ==> 己烷
  9746. hexane-dinitrile ==> 己二腈
  9747. hexanedioic acid ==> 己二酸
  9748. hexanedione ==> 己二酮
  9749. hexangular ==> 六角,六角的
  9750. hexanicit ==> 六烟酸肌醇酯,烟酸肌醇酯
  9751. hexanicotinate ==> 六烟酸肌醇酯
  9752. hexanicotol ==> 六烟酸肌醇酯,烟酸肌醇酯
  9753. hexanitrin ==> 己六醇六硝酸酯
  9754. hexanitrodiphenyl amine ==> 六硝基二苯胺
  9755. hexanitromannite ==> 甘露糖醇六硝酸酯
  9756. hexanoic acid ==> 己酸
  9757. hexanolactam ==> 己内酰胺
  9758. hexanolactam poisoning ==> 己内酰胺中毒
  9759. hexanone-(2) ==> 己酮-(2)
  9760. hexanose ==> 己糖
  9761. hexapetalous ==> 六瓣的
  9762. hexapetalous flower ==> 六瓣花
  9763. hexaphase ==> 六相
  9764. hexaphenylethane ==> 六苯乙烷
  9765. hexaplanar ==> 六角平面,平面六角晶
  9766. hexaploid ==> 六瓣体,六倍的,六倍体
  9767. hexaploid spring ==> 六瓣体的春麦品种
  9768. hexaploid triticum species ==> 六倍体的小麦属物种
  9769. Hexapoda ==> 六足纲
  9770. hexapole ==> 六极
  9771. hexasonium iodide ==> 海松碘铵
  9772. hexaster ==> 六放星
  9773. Hexasterophora ==> 六放海绵亚纲
  9774. hexastyle ==> 六柱式门廊,六柱式柱廊
  9775. hexastyle building ==> 六柱式建筑
  9776. hexastyle portico ==> 六柱式门廊
  9777. hexastylos ==> 六柱式建筑
  9778. hexasymmetric faces ==> 六对称面
  9779. hexatetracontanoic acid ==> 己四十烷酸
  9780. hexatetrahedron ==> 六四面体
  9781. Hexathane ==> 代森锌
  9782. Hexathir ==> 福美双
  9783. hexavaccine ==> 六联疫苗
  9784. hexavalent ==> 六价的
  9785. hexavalent chromium ==> 六价铬=>六価クロム
  9786. Hexazole ==> 海克沙唑
  9787. hexedine ==> 海克西定
  9788. hexenal ==> 依维派钠
  9789. hexene ==> 己烯
  9790. hexenoic acid ==> 己烯酸
  9791. hexenoic aldehyde ==> 己烯醛
  9792. hexenol ==> 己烯醇
  9793. hexenone ==> 己烯酮
  9794. hexenyl ==> 己烯
  9795. hexenyl alcohol ==> 己烯醇
  9796. hexestrol ==> 己雌酚,己烷雌酚
  9797. hexethal ==> 己基巴比妥
  9798. hexethal sodium ==> 己基巴
  9799. hexetidine ==> 双辛氢啶
  9800. Hexetidine ==> 海克替啶
  9801. hexin ==> 己炔
  9802. hexitol ==> 己六醇,己糖醇
  9803. hexnut ==> 六角螺帽
  9804. hexoaldose ==> 己醛糖
  9805. Hexobarbital ==> 海索比妥
  9806. hexobarbital soluble ==> 依维派钠
  9807. hexobarbitone sodium ==> 环己烯巴比妥钠
  9808. hexobendine ==> 克冠二胺
  9809. Hexobendine ==> 海索苯定
  9810. hexobiose ==> 己二糖
  9811. hexoctahedral class ==> 六八面体类
  9812. hexoctahedron ==> 六八面体
  9813. hexocyclium ==> 己环铵
  9814. hexode ==> 六极管
  9815. hexoestrol ==> 己雌酚,己烷雌酚
  9816. hexogen ==> 环三次甲基三硝基胺
  9817. hexoketone ==> 己酮-(2)
  9818. hexokinase ==> 己糖激酶
  9819. hexon antigen ==> 六邻体子粒抗原
  9820. hexone ==> 异己酮,己酮-(2)
  9821. hexonic acid ==> 己糖酸
  9822. hexoprenalin ==> 己烷双异丙肾上腺素
  9823. Hexoprenaline ==> 海索那林
  9824. hexoprenaline ==> 己烷双异丙肾上腺素
  9825. hexopyrronium bromide ==> 海洛溴铵
  9826. hexosaminase ==> 己糖胺酶
  9827. hexosamine ==> 己糖胺
  9828. hexosaminidase ==> 己糖胺酶
  9829. hexosaminidase A ==> 己糖胺酶A
  9830. hexosan ==> 己聚糖,半纤维素
  9831. hexosazone ==> 己糖脎
  9832. hexose ==> 己糖,六碳糖
  9833. hexose diacide ==> 己糖二酸
  9834. hexose diphosphate ==> 己糖二磷酸,二磷酸己糖
  9835. hexose diphosphate pathway ==> 糖酵解途径
  9836. hexose isomerase ==> 己糖异构酶
  9837. hexose monophosphate cycle ==> 一磷酸己糖循环
  9838. hexose monophosphate pathway (HMP) ==> 己糖单磷酸盐径路
  9839. hexose monophosphoric acid ==> 己糖一磷酸
  9840. hexose monophosphoric acid pathway ==> 己糖磷酸代谢途径
  9841. hexose monophosphoric acid pool ==> 己糖一磷酸池
  9842. hexose phosphatase ==> 己糖磷酸酶
  9843. hexose phosphate ==> 己糖磷酸,己糖磷酸酶
  9844. hexose phosphate pathway ==> 己糖磷酸代谢途径
  9845. hexosephosphatase ==> 磷酸己糖酶
  9846. hexosephosphate ==> 磷酸己糖
  9847. hexosephosphate dehydrogenase ==> 磷酸己糖脱氢酶
  9848. hexosephosphoricesters ==> 磷酸己糖酯
  9849. hexosidase ==> 己糖酶
  9850. hexoside ==> 己糖苷
  9851. hexoside hydrolase ==> 己糖水解酶
  9852. hexosyltransferase ==> 己糖基转移酶
  9853. hexoxidase ==> 己糖氧化酶
  9854. hexoxide ==> 六氧化物
  9855. hexoxinase ==> 己糖激酶
  9856. HEXTE, High Energy X-ray Timing Experiment ==> 高エネルギーX線タイミング実験
  9857. hextetrahedral class ==> 六四面体类
  9858. hexulon ==> 己雌酚
  9859. hexulose ==> 己酮糖
  9860. hexuronic acid ==> 己糖醛酸
  9861. hexyl ==> 己基,己烷基
  9862. hexyl mercaptan ==> 己硫醇
  9863. hexyl resorcin ==> 己基间苯二酚
  9864. hexylamine ==> 己胺
  9865. Hexylcaine ==> 海克卡因
  9866. hexylene ==> 己烯
  9867. hexylene glycol ==> 己二醇
  9868. hexylresorcin ==> 己基间苯二酸,己雷琐率
  9869. hexylresorcinol ==> 己基间苯,己基间苯二酚,己雷琐率
  9870. hexynic acid ==> 己炔酸
  9871. hexynoic acid ==> 己炔酸
  9872. Hey's hernia ==> 包绕性腹股沟疝
  9873. Hey's operation ==> 黑氏手术
  9874. Heyds syndrome ==> 黑德氏综合征,肝肾综合征
  9875. Heyland circle diagram method ==> ハイランド円線図法
  9876. Heyland diagram ==> 海兰德图
  9877. Heyman procedure ==> ヘイマン法
  9878. Heyn stress ==> 海恩应力,晶粒间应力
  9879. Heyn's etching method ==> 海恩腐蚀法
  9880. Heyns etching method ==> 海恩腐蚀法
  9881. Heyns reagent ==> 海恩试剂
  9882. Heys hernia ==> 黑氏疝
  9883. Heys internal derangement ==> 黑氏膝关节不全脱位
  9884. HF bias ==> 高频偏磁
  9885. hf biasing ==> 高频偏压
  9886. HF cable ==> 高频电缆
  9887. hf drying ==> 高频烘干
  9888. HF fatigue testing machine ==> 高频疲劳试验机
  9889. HF filtering capacitor ==> 高频滤波电容器
  9890. hf frequency prediction ==> 短波频率预测
  9891. HF frequency prediction ==> 短波频率预测
  9892. hf frequency-spectrum analyser ==> 高频频谱分析仪
  9893. HF head tester for TV ==> 电视机高频头测试仪
  9894. HF High Frequency ==> 高频率
  9895. HF induction furnace ==> 高频感应炉
  9896. HF induction heating apparatus ==> 高频感应加热设备
  9897. HF millivoltmeter division calibrator ==> 高频毫伏表定度仪
  9898. HF moulding technology and equipment ==> 高频注模技术及设备
  9899. HF oscillograph ==> 高频示波器
  9900. HF plastic hot-bonding machine ==> 高频塑料热合机
  9901. HF process ==> 氟氢酸法
  9902. HF Q meter ==> 高频Q表
  9903. HF signal generator ==> 高频信号发生器
  9904. hf signal generator ==> 高频信号发生器
  9905. HF single side-band radio telephone ==> 高频单边带无线电话
  9906. HF telegraph transmitter ==> 高频电报发射机
  9907. hf transistorized signal generator ==> 晶体管高频信号发生器
  9908. HF transistorized signal generator ==> 晶体管高频信号发生器
  9909. HF welding magnetic bar ==> 高频焊接磁棒
  9910. HF, harmonic filter ==> 高調波フィルタ
  9911. HF, high frequency ==> 短波
  9912. HF, High Frequency ==> 短波
  9913. HF, holding fixture ==> 取付け装置
  9914. HFC ==> ハイドロフルオロカーボン
  9915. HFC, helium fill disconnect ==> ヘリウム充填ディスコネクト
  9916. HFC, Hybrid Fiber and Coaxial ==> 光ファイバと同軸ケーブルが混在した構成
  9917. HFCAO, High-frequency constant amplitude oscillations ==> 高频常幅振荡
  9918. HFCV, helium fill check valve ==> ヘリウム充填逆止弁
  9919. HFDS, hyperbaric fire detection and suppression ==> 高比重火災探知及び消火
  9920. HFF, high pressure fuel filter ==> 高圧燃料フィルタ
  9921. HFL, high pressure stage filter ==> 高圧域フィルター
  9922. HFO Heavy Fuel Oil ==> 重燃油
  9923. HFO, heavy fuel oil ==> 重油
  9924. HFS, High Frontier Study ==> ハイフロンティア研究(SDI基本構想となった研究)
  9925. HFSS, high frequency sounder system ==> 高周波探測システム
  9926. HFSS, high frequency subsystem ==> 高周波サブシステム
  9927. HFV, helium fill valve ==> ヘリウム充填バルブ
  9928. Hg conversion ==> 水银法转换
  9929. Hg delay line ==> 汞延迟线
  9930. HG, Harmonizing Group ==> 調和部会
  9931. Hg, hydrargyrum(or mercury quicksilver) ==> 水銀
  9932. HGA, high gain antenna ==> 高利得アンテナ
  9933. HGA/HGAS, high gain antenna system ==> 高利得アンテナ系
  9934. HGAD, high gain antenna drive assembly ==> 高利得アンテナ駆動アセンブリ
  9935. HGAE, high gain antenna electronics ==> 高利得アンテナエレクトロニクス
  9936. HGAS, high-gain antenna system ==> 高利得アンテナ系
  9937. HgCdTe, mercury cadmium telluride ==> テルル化カドミウム水銀(水銀カドミウムテルル)
  9938. hgih angle ==> 高角
  9939. HGIS ==> 紧凑型六氟化硫全封闭式组合电器=>ガス絶縁開閉装置
  9940. HGM, hot gas manifold ==> 高温ガスマニホールド
  9941. HGMS, High Gradient Magnetic Separation ==> 高勾配磁気分離
  9942. HGS, High-pressure Gas Storage ==> 高圧ガス貯蔵供給所(大型ロケット発射場)
  9943. HH, handhole ==> ハンドホール
  9944. HH, horizontal transmission horizontal reception mode ==> 水平偏波送信水平偏波受信モード
  9945. HHG ==> 高次高調波発生
  9946. HHV ==> 高位発熱量基準
  9947. HI address byte ==> 高位地址字节
  9948. HI cloud ==> 中性氢云
  9949. HI complex ==> 中性氢复合体
  9950. Hi Fi, High Fidelity ==> 高保真
  9951. HI high impact ==> 高冲击
  9952. hi pot ==> 高压通电试验
  9953. HI stream ==> 中性氢流
  9954. HI, Human Interface ==> ヒューマンインターフェイス
  9955. hi-bottom ==> 高速犁体
  9956. Hi-cap fuse ==> 大切断功率保险丝
  9957. hi-crop sprayer ==> 高杆作物喷雾机,高秆作物喷雾机
  9958. hi-fi receiver ==> 高保真度接收机
  9959. hi-fi stereophonic set ==> 高传真立体声电唱机
  9960. hi-heat solder ==> 高热焊条
  9961. Hi-Lo set plug ==> 不完全接触塞块法
  9962. hi-lo signal alarm ==> 高低位报警
  9963. hi-lo-circuit ==> 高低压回路
  9964. hi-protein nutritious cereal ==> 高蛋白营养米粉
  9965. hi-speed cultivator ==> 高速中耕机
  9966. hi-spot ==> 高光强聚光灯
  9967. Hi-Stren steel ==> 低合金高强度钢
  9968. hi-temp hi-effective thinner ==> 高温高效稀释剂
  9969. Hi-vision ==> 高保真电视
  9970. hial shower ==> 雹阵
  9971. hiatal hernia ==> 食管裂孔疝
  9972. hiatus canalis facialis ==> 面神经管裂孔
  9973. hiatus fallopii ==> 面神经管裂孔,费蓝氏孔
  9974. hiatus leukemicus ==> 白血病性裂隙
  9975. hiatus of canal for greater petrosal nerve ==> 岩大神经管裂孔
  9976. hiatus of facial canal ==> 面神经管裂孔
  9977. hibachi brazier ==> 火鉢
  9978. hibar pre-packed column ==> 高压预填柱
  9979. Hibbert standard ==> 希伯特标准
  9980. hibernating gland ==> 冬眠腺
  9981. hibernating state ==> 越冬状态
  9982. hibernation therapy ==> 冬眠疗法
  9983. hibiscus ==> 木槿,扶桑花
  9984. Hibiscus ==> 木槿属
  9985. Hibiscus syriacus ==> 木槿
  9986. hibitane acetate ==> 醋酸洗必泰
  9987. hic ==> 混合集成电路
  9988. HIC, hybrid IC ==> 混成集積回路
  9989. hick joint ==> 平勾缝
  9990. Hickey-Hare test ==> 高渗盐水静脉注射试验,高张盐水静脉注射试验
  9991. hickory ==> 山核桃树,糙皮山核桃,山核桃=>ヒッコリー
  9992. hickory bow ==> 胡桃木弓
  9993. hickory leaf roller ==> 山核桃卷叶
  9994. hickory tussock moth ==> 山核桃毒蛾
  9995. Hicks neutral technical progress ==> 希克斯的中性技术进步
  9996. Hicks' sign ==> 希克斯氏征
  9997. HICS, hierarchical information control system ==> 分散情報処理制御システム
  9998. HID lamp, high intensity discharge lamp ==> 高輝度放電ランプ
  9999. hidage ==> 每一百英亩的土地税
  10000. hidden ==> 潜
  10001. hidden arc furnace ==> 埋弧电炉
  10002. hidden arc welding ==> 埋弧焊,潜弧焊
  10003. hidden assets ==> 帐外物资
  10004. hidden bit ==> 隐匿位
  10005. hidden chaos ==> 隠されたカオス
  10006. hidden cold plasma ==> 見えない冷たいプラズマ
  10007. hidden conductor ==> 隐蔽导线,暗线
  10008. hidden cost ==> 隐藏成本
  10009. hidden determinant ==> 隐蔽决定簇
  10010. hidden discount ==> 暗扣
  10011. hidden dumping ==> 隐蔽倾销
  10012. hidden fire scar ==> 火伤暗疤
  10013. hidden flavor ==> 隠し味
  10014. hidden flaws ==> 暗伤
  10015. hidden focus ==> 潜在病灶
  10016. hidden heat ==> 潜热
  10017. hidden inflation ==> 隐蔽的通货膨胀
  10018. hidden line ==> 隐藏线,隐线=>隠線
  10019. hidden line elimination ==> 隐线消除
  10020. hidden line removal ==> 隐藏线消除,隐线消除
  10021. hidden Markov model ==> 隠れマルコフモデル
  10022. hidden outcrop ==> 隐蔽露头
  10023. hidden periodicity ==> 潜周期性,暗隐周期性
  10024. hidden reserve ==> 秘密盈余,隐蔽准备
  10025. hidden rock ==> 暗礁
  10026. hidden surface ==> 隐藏面,隐面,非显见面
  10027. hidden taste ==> 隠し味
  10028. hidden valley ==> 埋藏谷
  10029. hidden variable ==> 隐变数
  10030. hidden variable implicit variable ==> 隐变量
  10031. hidden wealth ==> 隐蔽财产
  10032. hidden-periodicity model ==> 暗隐周期性模型
  10033. hiddenite ==> 翠绿锂辉石
  10034. hiddenline plot ==> 隐线绘图
  10035. hide ==> 隐,隐棚,皮革,掩,潜伏,遮,藏,生皮
  10036. hide and seek ==> 隐藏与寻找
  10037. hide container ==> 通风集装箱
  10038. hide fiber ==> 皮纤维
  10039. hide glue ==> 皮胶
  10040. hide house ==> 生皮仓库
  10041. hide inspection bureau ==> 生皮检验局
  10042. hide option ==> 隐蔽选择操作
  10043. hide powder ==> 皮粉
  10044. hide powder method ==> 皮粉法
  10045. hide pulling machine ==> 剥皮机
  10046. hide rope ==> 皮带,皮绳
  10047. hide sider ==> 生皮对剖器
  10048. hide skinning knife ==> 剥皮刀
  10049. hide sorter ==> 生皮挑选工
  10050. hide stamping machine ==> 生皮打印机
  10051. hide substance ==> 皮革物质
  10052. hide-marking hammer ==> 生皮打号锤
  10053. hideout of salts ==> 盐类暂时消失,又称“盐类隐藏现象”。当锅炉负荷增加时,锅水中的磷酸盐浓度明显下降;而锅炉负荷降低或停运时,锅水中磷酸盐的浓度又升高的现象
  10054. hiding power ==> 遮盖力
  10055. hiding power chart ==> 遮盖力图
  10056. hiding strategy ==> 隐藏策略
  10057. hidradenocarcinoma ==> 汗腺腺瘤
  10058. hidradenoma of eyelid ==> 眼睑汗腺腺瘤
  10059. hidradenoma papil-liferum ==> 乳头状汗腺瘤
  10060. hidroadenoma of vulva ==> 外阴汗腺腺瘤
  10061. hidroadenoma simplex ==> 单纯性汗腺腺瘤
  10062. hidrocystoma ==> 汗腺囊瘤
  10063. hidronosus ==> 汗腺病
  10064. hidropoiesis ==> 汗分泌,汗生成
  10065. hidrosadenitis destruens suppurativa ==> 波利策氏病
  10066. hidrosadenitis destruens suppurative ==> 化脓性破坏性汗腺炎
  10067. hidroschesis ==> 止汗
  10068. hidrosis ==> 多汗,多汗症
  10069. hidrotic ==> 发汗药,出汗的
  10070. hiduminium ==> 海度铝合金
  10071. Hidurax ==> 海杜拉克斯铜合金
  10072. hiemal aspect ==> 冬季相
  10073. hierarch of function ==> 机能层次
  10074. hierarchial approach ==> 等级逼近法
  10075. hierarchic model ==> 等级式模型
  10076. hierarchic structure ==> 等级式结构
  10077. hierarchical ==> 分层的,分级,分级的,层次的
  10078. hierarchical Bayesian modeling ==> 階層ベイズモデル
  10079. hierarchical chart ==> 层次结构图
  10080. hierarchical classification ==> 分层
  10081. hierarchical common bus ==> 分层公共母线,分级公共总线
  10082. hierarchical computer network ==> 分级计算机网络
  10083. hierarchical control ==> 分层控制,分级控制,多级控制,递阶控制,层次控制=>階層制御
  10084. hierarchical control of power system ==> 电力系统分层控制,根据按电力系统管理体制、组织、电网结构和电压等级,各级调度按职责和任务及其管辖范围,对电网的有功-频率、无功-电压、线路潮流进行控制和管理
  10085. hierarchical control system ==> 分级控制系统
  10086. hierarchical data base ==> 分层数据库,分级数据库,层次数据库
  10087. hierarchical data model ==> 分级数据模型
  10088. hierarchical data structure ==> 分级数据结构
  10089. hierarchical decision making ==> 分层决策
  10090. hierarchical decomposition ==> 层次分解
  10091. hierarchical design method ==> 层次设计法
  10092. hierarchical diffusion of information ==> 信息按等级层次扩散
  10093. hierarchical direct (HD) ==> 层次直接,分级直接存取法
  10094. hierarchical direct access method (HDAM) ==> 分层直接存取法,分级直接存取法,层次直接存取方法
  10095. hierarchical direct organization ==> 分级直接存取组织
  10096. hierarchical direct organization (HD organization) ==> 分层直接结构
  10097. hierarchical distributed control ==> 階層分散制御
  10098. hierarchical division ==> 层次划分
  10099. hierarchical file ==> 分级文件
  10100. hierarchical file structure ==> 分级文件结构,分级资料结构
  10101. hierarchical file system ==> 分级文件系统
  10102. hierarchical group divisible design ==> 分层分组设计
  10103. hierarchical indexed direct access method (HIDAM) ==> 分层索引直接存取法,分级索引直接存取法,层次索引直接存取方法
  10104. hierarchical information network ==> 階層型電力情報ネットワーク
  10105. hierarchical intelligence ==> 分级智能
  10106. hierarchical Kalman filter ==> 多级卡尔曼滤波器
  10107. hierarchical level ==> 分级级数
  10108. hierarchical level approach ==> 分级结构法
  10109. hierarchical memory storage ==> 按级分类项存贮器
  10110. hierarchical model ==> 层次模型,分层模型,递阶模型
  10111. hierarchical model following controller ==> 多级模型跟踪控制器
  10112. hierarchical monitor ==> 分级监督程序
  10113. hierarchical multiprogramming ==> 分级多道程序设计
  10114. hierarchical network ==> 分层网络,分级网络
  10115. hierarchical operating system ==> 分级操作系统,分级结构操作系统
  10116. hierarchical optimization ==> 階層の最適化
  10117. hierarchical organization ==> 阶层式组织
  10118. hierarchical parameter estimation ==> 递阶参数估计
  10119. hierarchical path ==> 分层路径,层次路径
  10120. hierarchical planning ==> 分级规划
  10121. hierarchical pointer ==> 分层指示字
  10122. hierarchical responsibility ==> 分层负责
  10123. hierarchical revenue sharing method ==> 分类分成法
  10124. hierarchical revenue-sharing methods ==> 分类分成办法
  10125. hierarchical sequence ==> 分级顺序,层次顺序
  10126. hierarchical sequence key ==> 分层序列关键码,发层序列关键码
  10127. hierarchical sequential (HS) ==> 分级顺序的,层次顺序
  10128. hierarchical sequential access method (HSAM) ==> 层次顺序存取方法,分级顺序存取法
  10129. hierarchical sequential organization ==> 分级顺序结构,分级顺序组织
  10130. hierarchical sequential(HS) ==> 分极顺序的
  10131. hierarchical set ==> 分级集合,层次集合
  10132. hierarchical structure ==> 递阶结构=>階層構造
  10133. hierarchical structure of directory ==> 目录的层次结构
  10134. hierarchical system ==> 分级系统,递阶系统
  10135. hierarchically cooperative control ==> 階層的協調制御
  10136. hierarchy ==> 控制级别,级别,级别,层次,次序,阶层,谱系,分层接合,分层接合,分层结构,分级结构=>階層型組織,序列化,ヒエラルキー,階層
  10137. hierarchy access time ==> 分级存取时间
  10138. hierarchy configuration ==> 分级结构,分级配置
  10139. hierarchy control ==> 階層的制御
  10140. hierarchy data structure ==> 分级数据结构
  10141. hierarchy management program ==> 分级管理程序
  10142. hierarchy manager ==> 分级管理程序
  10143. hierarchy model ==> 分级结构模型
  10144. hierarchy number ==> 层次数
  10145. hierarchy objective ==> 阶层目标
  10146. hierarchy of authority ==> 权责层次
  10147. hierarchy of block ==> 分程序层次,分程序层次结构
  10148. hierarchy of consumption ==> 消费层次
  10149. hierarchy of control ==> 控制层次
  10150. hierarchy of human need ==> 人类需要层次
  10151. hierarchy of layer ==> 分层层次
  10152. hierarchy of memory ==> 分层存储器系统,分级存储器系统
  10153. hierarchy of needs theory ==> 需求层次理论
  10154. hierarchy of operation ==> 操作层次
  10155. hierarchy segment ==> 层次片段
  10156. hierarchy segment theorem ==> 层次片段定理
  10157. hierarchy system ==> 分层控制系统,分级的多计算机控制系统,分级多机控制系统,分级系统,体系=>階層システム
  10158. hierarchy-distributed system ==> 分级式分布系统
  10159. HIFAX, high speed facsimile ==> 高速ファクシミリ
  10160. HIFET, hetero interface field effect transistor ==> ヘテロ接合トランジスター
  10161. hifi VTR ==> ハイファイVTR
  10162. HIFU, high intensity of focused ultrasound ==> 強力集束超音波
  10163. HIG, hermetic integrating gyro ==> 密閉型積分ジャイロ
  10164. Higashi Hongan-ji ==> 東本願寺
  10165. Higashiyama ==> 東山
  10166. Higbie model ==> 希格比模型
  10167. Higgins furnace ==> (一种熔制耐火材料的电炉)希金斯电炉
  10168. Higgs ==> 希格斯=>ヒッグズ
  10169. Higgs boson ==> 希格斯粒子=>ヒッグス粒子
  10170. Higgs mechanism ==> 希格斯机制
  10171. Higgs particle ==> 希格斯粒子=>ヒッグス粒子
  10172. Higgs potential ==> ヒッグスポテンシャル
  10173. high ==> 高的
  10174. high (elevated) temperature testing machine ==> 高温试验机
  10175. high -pitched roof ==> 陡坡屋顶
  10176. high abrasion furnace black ==> 高耐磨炉法炭黑
  10177. high abrasion-resistance polyurethane varnish ==> 高耐磨聚氨酯清漆
  10178. high accuracy ==> 高准确度,高精确度
  10179. high accuracy air flow measuring system ==> 高精度气流测试系统
  10180. high accuracy centerless grinding machine ==> 高精度无心磨床
  10181. high accuracy gravimeter ==> 高精度重力仪
  10182. high accuracy hob sharpening machine ==> 高精度滚刀刃磨床
  10183. high accuracy position system ==> 高精度定位系统
  10184. high accuracy tuning ==> 高精度调谐
  10185. high acutance developer ==> 高锐度显影液
  10186. high address ==> 高位地址
  10187. high air ==> 高层空气
  10188. high air pollution potential (HAPP) ==> 高层空气污染潜力
  10189. high alloy ==> 高合金
  10190. high alloy martensite ==> 高合金马氏体
  10191. high alloy steel ==> 高质合金钢
  10192. high altitude ==> 高空
  10193. high altitude (HA) ==> 大高度
  10194. high altitude anoxia ==> 高原缺氧
  10195. high altitude biology ==> 高空生物学
  10196. high altitude engine ==> 高空发动机
  10197. high altitude environment ==> 高空环境
  10198. high altitude heart disease ==> 高原性心脏病
  10199. high altitude hypertension ==> 高原高血压
  10200. high altitude hypotension ==> 高原低血压
  10201. high altitude infrared sensor system ==> 高空红外传感器系统
  10202. high altitude localities ==> 高海拔地区
  10203. high altitude observatory ==> 高空观察站,高山观测台
  10204. High Altitude Observatory (HAO) ==> 高山天文台
  10205. high altitude orbit ==> 高轨道
  10206. high altitude pulmonary edema ==> 高原性肺水肿
  10207. high altitude reconnaisance ==> 高空搜摄
  10208. high altitude reconnaissance ==> 高空侦察
  10209. high altitude revision ==> 高海拔校正
  10210. high altitude sickness ==> 高原病
  10211. high altitude syncope ==> 高原晕厥
  10212. high altitude VDR ==> 高空甚高频全向信标
  10213. high alumina basalt ==> 高铝玄武岩
  10214. high alumina brick ==> 高铝氧砖
  10215. high alumina cement ==> 高矾土水泥,高铝水泥
  10216. high alumina ceramic ==> 高氧化铝陶瓷
  10217. high alumina electrical porcelain ==> 高铝电瓷
  10218. high alumina fiber ==> 高铝质耐火纤维
  10219. high alumina products ==> 高铝制品
  10220. high alumina refractory fiber and its products ==> 高铝耐火纤维及其制品
  10221. high alumina sand ==> 高铝砂
  10222. high aluminium brick ==> 高铝砖
  10223. high aluminum grinding ball ==> 高铝球磨球
  10224. high amplitude ==> 高振幅
  10225. high amylose starches ==> 高直链淀粉
  10226. high anal fistula ==> 高位肛瘘
  10227. high analysis fertilizer ==> 高效肥料,浓缩肥料,高成分肥料
  10228. high and dry ==> ハイアンドドライ
  10229. high and low cycle fatigue ==> 高低周疲劳
  10230. high and low matching method ==> 高低匹配法,根据买方和卖方的报价,先将最高的买价与最低的卖价进行比较,若买价高于卖价则匹配成交;再在剩余未匹配的买卖交易中,按以上同样的方法进行交易匹配,直到无报价可比或最高买价低于最低卖价为止
  10231. high and low pass filter ==> 高低通滤波器=>高低域フィルタ
  10232. high and low points method ==> 高低点法,高低方法
  10233. high and low pressure turbine ==> 高低压汽轮机
  10234. high and low railway drawbridge ==> 高低道式吊桥
  10235. high and low temperature Brinell hardness tester ==> 高低温布氏硬度计
  10236. high and low temperature shift ==> 高低温变换
  10237. high and low voltage alarm ==> 异常电压报警,高低电压报警
  10238. high and low-pass filter ==> 高低通滤波器
  10239. high and middle pressure valve ==> 高中压阀门
  10240. high and new technology ==> 高新技术
  10241. high and stable yield ==> 高产稳产,稳产高产
  10242. high angle grain boundary ==> 大角度晶粒间界
  10243. high angle smooth bottom steel bench plane ==> 高角平底钢刨
  10244. high angular momentum state ==> 高角动量态
  10245. high aperture lens ==> 强光透镜
  10246. high aspect ratio region ==> 大长宽比区
  10247. high atmospheric pressure ==> 高气压
  10248. high attack angle ==> 大冲角
  10249. high attenuation cable ==> 大衰减电缆
  10250. high attenuation zone ==> 高衰减带
  10251. high audit risk ==> 高审计风险
  10252. high azimuthal observation ==> 高方位观测
  10253. high back pressure ==> 高回压
  10254. high back pressure turbine ==> 高背压涡轮机
  10255. high back seatU ==> 高靠背座椅
  10256. high background contamination ==> 高本底污染
  10257. high background level ==> 高本底水平
  10258. high background noise ==> 高本底噪声
  10259. high bainite ==> 上贝氏体
  10260. high band program dubbing system ==> 高带节目复录系统
  10261. high band standard ==> 高带标准(HB)
  10262. high band standard (HB) ==> 高带标准
  10263. high band system ==> 高频带方式
  10264. high band video tape recorder ==> 高带录像机
  10265. high bandwidth design ==> 高帯域設計
  10266. high bank ==> 高堤
  10267. high barometric pressure ==> 高气压
  10268. high basin ==> 高库
  10269. high bay lighting fitting ==> 深照型灯具
  10270. high beam ==> 远光,高光束,车前灯的远距离光束
  10271. high beam of head lamp ==> 前灯远光
  10272. high birefringence optical fiber ==> 高双折射光纤
  10273. high blocking voltage ==> 高耐圧
  10274. high blower ==> 高增压器
  10275. high boiler ==> 高沸点化合物,高沸溶剂
  10276. high boiling ==> 高沸点的
  10277. high boiling component ==> 高沸点组分
  10278. high boiling compound ==> 高沸化合物
  10279. high boiling point ==> 高沸点
  10280. high bond reinforcing bar ==> 高握裹力钢筋
  10281. high boost ==> 高频补偿,高频提升
  10282. high boron steel ==> 高硼钢
  10283. high brass ==> 高级黄铜,高锌黄铜,优质黄铜
  10284. high breaking capacity fuse ==> 高断力熔断器
  10285. high bridge knitting machine ==> 高位桥形织机
  10286. high brightness beam ==> 高亮度光束
  10287. high brightness concentration factor ==> 高亮度聚光因子
  10288. high brightness indicator ==> 高亮度显示器
  10289. high brightness slide projector ==> 高亮度幻灯机
  10290. high brightness stationary cine projector ==> 高亮度固定式放映机
  10291. high Btu gasification process ==> 高发热量气化过程
  10292. high Btu pipeline gas ==> 高热值管道气
  10293. high budded stump ==> 高芽接树桩
  10294. high budding tree ==> 高接芽接树
  10295. high build asbestos bituminous anticorrosive paste ==> 厚浆型沥青石棉防腐浆
  10296. high build epoxy bituminous anti-corrosive paint ==> 环氧沥青厚浆型防腐漆
  10297. high by-pass ratio ==> 高涵道流量比
  10298. high calcium fly-ash cement ==> 高钙粉煤灰水泥
  10299. high calcium lime ==> 富石灰,高钙石灰
  10300. high calorific power ==> 高位发热量
  10301. high calorific value ==> 高卡值
  10302. high calorific value waste ==> 高热量废物
  10303. high cam ==> 高镶条
  10304. high capacitance ==> 高电容
  10305. high capacitance cable ==> 高容量电缆
  10306. high capacitance transmitter ==> 高容量发射机
  10307. high capacity ==> 高容量,高负载
  10308. high capacity communication ==> 大容量通信
  10309. high capacity evaporator ==> 大容量蒸发器
  10310. high capacity motor ==> 高功率电动机
  10311. high capacity press ==> 高生产率压机
  10312. high capacity reservoir ==> 高产油层
  10313. high capacity water station ==> 大容量水电站
  10314. high carbon iron ==> 高碳生铁
  10315. high carbon steel ==> 高碳钢
  10316. high cardiac output state ==> 高心排血量状态
  10317. high center of gravity ==> 高重心
  10318. high channel ==> 高通道
  10319. high channel antenna ==> 高频信道天线
  10320. high chloride level ==> 高氯化物水平
  10321. high cholesterol ==> 高コレステロール
  10322. high chopper ==> 高削波器
  10323. high chrome alloy steel ==> 高铬合金钢
  10324. high chrome steel ==> 高铬钢,高铬钢
  10325. high chromium iron ==> 高铬生铁
  10326. high chromium steel ==> 高铬钢
  10327. high cistern ==> 高位水箱
  10328. high class carpenters' work ==> 高级大木作
  10329. high class furniture brushing lacquer ==> 高级家具手刷漆
  10330. high class joiners' work ==> 高级细木作
  10331. high closure reservoir ==> 高闭合度储集层
  10332. high cloud ==> 高云
  10333. high coincident circuit ==> 高符合电路
  10334. high color rendering fluorescent lamp ==> 高显色荧光灯
  10335. high combustion rate burner ==> 高速烧嘴
  10336. high compliance ==> 高声顺
  10337. high compliance speaker ==> 高声顺扬声器
  10338. high compression combustion chamber ==> 高压燃烧室
  10339. high compression cylinder head ==> 高压缩比汽缸盖
  10340. high compression engine ==> 高压缩比发动机
  10341. high compression ratio ==> 高压缩比
  10342. high compression ring ==> 高压环
  10343. high concentrate clust ==> 高浓度粉剂
  10344. high concentrate dust ==> 高浓度粉尘
  10345. high concentrate formulation ==> 高浓度制剂
  10346. high concentrated organic wastewater ==> 高浓度有机废水
  10347. high concentration ==> 高浓度
  10348. high concentration layer ==> 高浓度层
  10349. high concentration oxygen ==> 高浓度氧
  10350. high concentration ozone ==> 高濃度オゾン
  10351. high concentrator ==> 后浓缩器
  10352. high conductivity ==> 高导电率,高导电性,高电导率
  10353. high conductivity for electricity ==> 高导电率
  10354. high consistency pulp ==> 高浓纸浆
  10355. high consistency rotational viscosimeter ==> 高粘度用粘度计
  10356. high content alloy ==> 高合金
  10357. high content of phosphorus ==> 高磷含量
  10358. high contrast ==> 高衬比,高调,高反差
  10359. high coolant temperature shutdowns ==> 高水温故障停机
  10360. high corona ==> 日冕高层
  10361. high correlated nucleons ==> 高关联核子
  10362. high correlation ==> 高度相关
  10363. high countervoltage triode ==> 高反压三极管
  10364. high coupon ==> 高收益投资
  10365. high credit ==> 信贷限额
  10366. high critical pressure ==> 高临界压强
  10367. high cube container ==> 高集装箱
  10368. high curie point alloy ==> 高居里点合金
  10369. high current arc ==> 大電流アーク
  10370. high current arc welding ==> 大电流弧焊
  10371. high current implanter ==> 大电流电子注入装置
  10372. high current injection test set ==> 大电流注入测试仪
  10373. high cutoff filter ==> 高频截止滤波器
  10374. high cycle fatigue ==> 高周疲劳=>高サイクル疲労
  10375. high cycle fatigue of blade ==> 叶片高周疲劳,运行时叶片振动产生的交变应力所引起的疲劳
  10376. high cycles fatigue ==> 高循环疲劳
  10377. high cylindrical valve ==> 高圆筒阀
  10378. high damage factor ==> 高损伤因素
  10379. high definition ==> 高清晰度
  10380. high definition pick-up ==> 高分解力摄像
  10381. high definition returnbeam vidicon camera ==> 高清晰度回束光导摄像管照相机
  10382. high definition television ==> 高清晰度电视=>高精細度テレビジョン
  10383. high definition TV receiver ==> 高清晰度电视机
  10384. high definition TV set ==> 高清晰度电视机
  10385. high deformation ==> 高度形变
  10386. high degree cable shielding ==> 高级电缆屏蔽
  10387. high degree of accuracy ==> 高精度
  10388. high degree of autonomy ==> 高度自治权
  10389. high degree of scarcity ==> 稀缺程度高
  10390. high demand for investment ==> 投资过热
  10391. high denier-fibre ==> 高支度纤维
  10392. high density ==> 高密度=>密実
  10393. high density assembly ==> 高密度装配,高密度组装=>高密度組立
  10394. high density bag blaster ==> 高密度吹袋机
  10395. high density bale ==> 高密度紧包
  10396. high density bleacher ==> 高密度漂白器,高浓度漂白池
  10397. high density cement ==> 高比重水泥
  10398. high density chip ==> 高密度芯片
  10399. high density digital tape recorder ==> 高密度数字式磁带记录器
  10400. high density funnel ==> 高压风洞
  10401. high density grading ==> 高密实度级配
  10402. high density integrated circuit ==> 高密度集成电路
  10403. high density isolation technology ==> 高密度隔离技术
  10404. high density layout ==> 高密度布置图
  10405. high density lipoid deficiency ==> 高密度脂质缺乏症
  10406. high density memory ==> 高密度存储器
  10407. high density packaging technique ==> 高密度组装技术
  10408. high density packing ==> 高密度封装
  10409. high density plywood ==> 高密度胶合板,高压胶合板
  10410. high density polyethy-lene ==> 高密度聚乙烯
  10411. high density polyethylene glass paper ==> 高密度聚乙烯玻璃纸
  10412. high density polyethylene pipe ==> 高密度聚乙烯管
  10413. high density PVC tangle film ==> 高密度聚氯乙烯扭结膜
  10414. high density PVC tangle film glassine ==> 高密度聚氯乙烯扭结膜玻璃纸
  10415. high detectivity detector ==> 高探测率探测机
  10416. high di/dt switching characteristics ==> 高di/dtスイッチング特性
  10417. high dilution principle ==> 高度稀释原理
  10418. high dimensional pattern grammar ==> 高维模式文法
  10419. high dip angle ==> 陡倾角
  10420. high discharge rate accumulator ==> 高放电率蓄电池
  10421. high dispersing rosin emulsion ==> 高分散松香胶乳
  10422. high dispersion diffraction image ==> 高分散衍射象
  10423. high distortion ==> 高度失真
  10424. high doping ==> 重掺杂
  10425. high dosage ion implantation ==> 高剂量离子注入
  10426. high dose tolerance ==> 高剂量耐受性
  10427. high draft roving frame ==> 大牵伸粗纱机
  10428. high drift angle ==> 高偏角
  10429. high drift snow ==> 飞雪
  10430. high dropping point grease ==> 高滴点润滑脂
  10431. high drum water level ==> 锅炉满水,锅炉各金属受热面的管子在运行中因损伤失效而爆漏的现象。锅炉的主要受热面是水冷壁、过热器管、再热器管和省煤器管,其爆管通称为四管爆漏。
  10432. high drying shrinkage concrete ==> 高干缩率混凝土
  10433. high duty ==> 高性能的
  10434. high duty cast iron ==> 高级铸铁
  10435. high duty seal ==> 高压密封
  10436. high dynamic response ==> 高动态响应
  10437. high dynamic strain indicator ==> 超动态应变仪
  10438. high e.m.f.potentiometer ==> 高电热电位差计
  10439. high early strength cement ==> 快硬水泥
  10440. high echo ==> 高波
  10441. high effective antifoaming agent ==> 高效消泡剂
  10442. high effective distribution ==> 高效分布
  10443. high effective levelling agent ==> 高效匀染剂
  10444. high effective scouring agent FB ==> 高效炼助剂FB
  10445. high effective scouring penetrant ==> 高效精炼渗透剂
  10446. high efficacy concentrated deoxidizer ==> 高效浓缩除氧剂
  10447. high efficacy heat conduction grease ==> 高效导热脂
  10448. high efficiency ==> 高効率
  10449. high efficiency air filter ==> 高效空气滤清器
  10450. high efficiency deoxidiser ==> 高效脱氧剂
  10451. high efficiency electrode ==> 高效率焊条
  10452. high efficiency filtration ==> 高效率隔滤设施
  10453. high efficiency gear hobbing machine ==> 高效滚齿机
  10454. high efficiency hydrogen purifier ==> 高效氢纯化器
  10455. high efficiency laser ==> 高效率激光器
  10456. high efficiency liquid chromatography ==> 高效液相色谱
  10457. high efficiency miticide ==> 高效杀螨药
  10458. high efficiency modulation ==> 高效率调制
  10459. high efficiency packing tower ==> 高效填料塔
  10460. high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) ==> 高效能空气粒子
  10461. high efficiency particulate air filter ==> 高效能空气粒子滤隔
  10462. high efficiency water reducing agent ==> 高效减水剂
  10463. high efficient band width ==> 高效带宽
  10464. high efficient plant radiation ==> 高效植物辐射
  10465. high elastic deformation ==> 高弹形变
  10466. high elastic rubber ==> 高弹性橡胶
  10467. high elasticity ==> 高弹性
  10468. high electric field effect ==> 强场效应
  10469. high electron density ==> 高电子密度
  10470. high electron energy diffractometer(HEED) ==> 高能电子衍射仪
  10471. high electron mobility transistor ==> 高电子迁移率晶体管
  10472. high elevation ==> 高地势
  10473. high elongation strain gauge ==> 大应变应变计
  10474. high emf potentiometer ==> 高电势电位差计
  10475. high emission photocathode ==> 高发射光电阴极
  10476. high emissivity ==> 高发射率
  10477. high end point ==> 高终沸点
  10478. high energy activation ==> 高能活化
  10479. high energy aviation fuel ==> 高能航空燃料
  10480. high energy balance ==> 高能量平衡
  10481. high energy battery ==> 高能电池
  10482. high energy beam ==> 高能束
  10483. high energy bond ==> 高能键
  10484. high energy cavity ==> 高能腔
  10485. high energy concentrate fodder ==> 高能精饲料
  10486. high energy detector ==> 高能探测器
  10487. high energy disintegration ==> 高能蜕变
  10488. high energy electron diffraction ==> 高能电子衍射
  10489. high energy event ==> 高能核转变
  10490. high energy feed ==> 高能量饲料
  10491. high energy fuel ==> 高热值燃料
  10492. high energy harmonic oscillator ==> 高能谐振子
  10493. high energy heavy ion nuclear reactor ==> 高能重离子反应堆
  10494. high energy ion implantation ==> 高能离子注入
  10495. high energy laser ==> 高能激光器
  10496. high energy laser system ==> 高能激光系统
  10497. high energy level ==> 高能级
  10498. high energy level pile ==> 高功率反应堆
  10499. high energy light-weight propellant ==> 轻重量高能推进剂
  10500. high energy linear collider ==> 高能直线碰撞机
  10501. high energy liquid oxidizer ==> 高能液体氧化剂
  10502. high energy momentum ==> 高能动量
  10503. high energy nuclear magnetic resonance detector ==> 高能核磁共振仪
  10504. high energy particle ==> 高能量粒子
  10505. high energy particle radiography ==> 高能粒子摄影
  10506. high energy phosphate bond ==> 高能磷酸键
  10507. high energy positron ==> 高能正电子
  10508. high energy proton ==> 高能质子
  10509. high energy pulse ==> 高能脉冲
  10510. high energy pulse laser ==> 高能脉冲激光器
  10511. high energy radiation ==> 高能辐射
  10512. high energy radiotherapy equipment ==> 高能放射治疗机
  10513. high energy rate forging hammer ==> 高速锤,高速锤
  10514. high energy rate forming ==> 高能率成形
  10515. high energy rate forming (H.E.R.F) ==> 高能形成
  10516. high energy ration ==> 高能量饲料
  10517. high energy scrubber ==> 高能洗涤器,高效洗涤器
  10518. high energy state ==> 高能态
  10519. high energy total absorption detector ==> 高能全吸收探测器
  10520. high energy varistor ==> 高能电压敏电阻器
  10521. high energy X rays ==> 高能X射线
  10522. high energy-consuming enterprises ==> 高耗能企业
  10523. high entry porous stone ==> 高进气透水石
  10524. high environment test system ==> 高空环境试验系统
  10525. high excited molecule ==> 高激发态分子
  10526. high expansion foam ==> 高倍数泡沫
  10527. high expansion foam extinguisher ==> 高爆塑性装药弹
  10528. high expansion foam systems ==> 高倍数泡沫灭火系统
  10529. high explosive ==> 高性能火薬
  10530. high explosive compacting ==> 高爆炸力成形
  10531. high explosive incendiary tracer ==> 高爆燃烧曳光弹
  10532. high explosive plastic antitank charge ==> 反坦克高爆塑性装药
  10533. high explosive tracer ==> 高爆曳光弹
  10534. high expression roll ==> 高效压榨辊筒
  10535. high extensibility fibre ==> 高延伸度纤维
  10536. high face ==> 高割面
  10537. high fan out ==> 高输出端数
  10538. high fat diet ==> 多脂饮食,生酮饮食
  10539. high fever ==> 高热,高烧,高体温,壮热
  10540. high fidelity ==> 高保真度,高真实性
  10541. high fidelity stereo micro earphone ==> 高保真立体声微型耳机
  10542. high fidelity transfer ==> 高保真度图象传递
  10543. high field domain ==> 高電界ドメイン
  10544. high field domain luminescence ==> 强场畴发光
  10545. high field electroluminescence ==> 强场电致发光
  10546. high field intensity ==> 高场强
  10547. high field schottky effect ==> 高电场肖特基效应
  10548. high field superconductor (HFS) ==> 第二类超导体
  10549. high fill ==> 高填土
  10550. high filter ==> 高频噪声滤波器
  10551. high finance ==> 高明筹资,复杂的财务
  10552. high finish ==> 高级整理,光制
  10553. high flash point ==> 高闪点
  10554. high flood level ==> 高洪水位
  10555. high flow capacity ==> 高流量
  10556. high flow period ==> 丰水期
  10557. high flow rate ==> 高流率消耗,高流速
  10558. high flow year ==> 丰水年,多水年
  10559. high fluence test reactor ==> 高注量率试验堆,俗称“高通量堆“。为了进行动力堆燃料元(组)件的长期辐照试验和材料的辐照损伤研究专门建造的中子注量率≥1×1014n/cm2•s的反应堆
  10560. high fluid potential belt ==> 高流体热能带
  10561. high flush tank ==> 高架冲洗水箱,高水箱
  10562. high flux beam reactor ==> 高通量中子束堆
  10563. high flux beam reactor (HFBR) ==> 高通量束堆
  10564. high flux density ==> 高磁束密度
  10565. high flux hollow fibre ==> 高通量中空纤维
  10566. high flying glamor stocks ==> 高价位魅力股
  10567. high fog ==> 高雾
  10568. high forceps ==> 高位产钳,高位钳
  10569. high forceps delivery ==> 高位产钳分娩,高位钳产术
  10570. high forest ==> 高山林,种子林
  10571. high forest system ==> 乔林作业
  10572. high free rosin size ==> 高游离松香胶
  10573. high frequency ==> 高频=>高周波
  10574. high frequency (HF) ==> 高频
  10575. high frequency absorber ==> 高频吸收器
  10576. high frequency AC generator ==> 高频交流发电机
  10577. high frequency AC welding machine ==> 高频交流电焊机
  10578. high frequency alternator ==> 高频交流发电机
  10579. high frequency ammeter ==> 高频电流表
  10580. high frequency amperemeter ==> 高频电流表
  10581. high frequency amplification receiver ==> 高放式接收机
  10582. high frequency amplifier ==> 高频放大器
  10583. high frequency amplifier tube ==> 高频放大管
  10584. high frequency and low noise transistor ==> 高频低噪声晶体管
  10585. high frequency antigen ==> 高频率抗原
  10586. high frequency arc stabilizer ==> 高频稳弧器
  10587. high frequency auto centrifugal casting furnace ==> 高频自动离心铸造炉
  10588. high frequency band ==> 高频频带
  10589. high frequency brazing ==> 高频钎焊
  10590. high frequency brazing machine ==> 高频钎焊机
  10591. high frequency buzzer ==> 高频蜂鸣器
  10592. high frequency cable ==> 高频电缆
  10593. high frequency capacitor ==> 高频电容器
  10594. high frequency cauterization ==> 高频电灼
  10595. high frequency cautery for gynecology ==> 妇科高频电熨器
  10596. high frequency centrifugal casting machine ==> 高频电流离心铸造机,高频离心铸造机
  10597. high frequency ceramic soldering machine ==> 高频陶瓷焊接机
  10598. high frequency ceramics ==> 高频陶瓷
  10599. high frequency choke ==> 高频扼流
  10600. high frequency circuit ==> 高频电路=>高周波回路
  10601. high frequency communication cable ==> 高频通信电缆
  10602. high frequency compensation ==> 高频补偿
  10603. high frequency confinement ==> 高频约束
  10604. high frequency coreless induction furnace ==> 无芯高频感应炉
  10605. high frequency correction ==> 高频校正
  10606. high frequency crystal filter ==> 高频晶体滤波器
  10607. high frequency crystal oscillator ==> 高频晶体振荡器
  10608. high frequency current ==> 高频电流
  10609. high frequency current auto-correlated signal ==> 高周波電流相関信号
  10610. high frequency current distribution model ==> 高周波電流分布モデル
  10611. high frequency cutoff ==> 高频截止
  10612. high frequency deafness ==> 高频性聋
  10613. high frequency demodulator ==> 高频解调器
  10614. high frequency densimeter ==> 高频密度计
  10615. high frequency diathermy electrocoagulation device ==> 高频透热电凝器
  10616. high frequency dielectric splitter ==> 高频介电分选仪
  10617. high frequency dielectric welding ==> 高频介电焊
  10618. high frequency direction finder ==> 高频方向测定仪
  10619. high frequency discharge ==> 高频放电
  10620. high frequency distortion finder ==> 高频失真仪
  10621. high frequency drill ==> 高频电钻
  10622. high frequency dryer ==> 高频烘燥机
  10623. high frequency drying ==> 高频干燥
  10624. high frequency effect ==> 高频影响
  10625. high frequency electric current sterilization ==> 高频电流灭菌法
  10626. high frequency electric drying ==> 高频电干燥
  10627. high frequency electromagnetic field analysis ==> 高周波電磁界解析
  10628. high frequency electrotherapy ==> 高频电疗法
  10629. high frequency engineering ==> 高频工程学
  10630. high frequency excitation ==> 高频激发
  10631. high frequency fatigue testing machine ==> 高频疲劳试验机
  10632. high frequency ferrite ==> 高频铁氧体
  10633. high frequency field strength measuring meter ==> 高频场强测量仪
  10634. high frequency filter ==> 高频滤波器
  10635. high frequency furnace ==> 高频电炉
  10636. high frequency generator ==> 高频发生器
  10637. high frequency hacksaw blade painted ==> 高频淬火涂漆钢锯条
  10638. high frequency hardening ==> 高频淬火
  10639. high frequency harmonic oscillator ==> 高频谐振子
  10640. high frequency head video recorder ==> 高频头录像机
  10641. high frequency heating ==> 高频加热
  10642. high frequency impedance cardiographic examination ==> 心脏高频阻抗图检查
  10643. high frequency impulse electro-erosion machine ==> 高频脉冲电蚀机床
  10644. high frequency induction furnace ==> 高频感应炉
  10645. high frequency induction heating ==> 高調波誘導加熱
  10646. high frequency induction heating equipment ==> 高频感应加热设备
  10647. high frequency induction melting furnace ==> 高频感应熔化炉
  10648. high frequency induction welder ==> 高频感应焊机,高频感应式焊机
  10649. high frequency induction welding ==> 高频感应焊
  10650. high frequency insulator ==> 高频绝缘子
  10651. high frequency interference ==> 高频干扰
  10652. high frequency inverter ==> 高周波インバータ
  10653. high frequency ion etching ==> 高频离子腐蚀
  10654. high frequency ionization chromatographic detector ==> 高频电离色谱检测器
  10655. high frequency ionizer ==> 高频发生器
  10656. high frequency knotter ==> 高频打结机
  10657. high frequency line ==> 高频线路
  10658. high frequency loop current ==> 高周波横流
  10659. high frequency magnetic mirror ==> 高频磁镜
  10660. high frequency measurement ==> 高频测量=>高周波測定
  10661. high frequency motor generator ==> 高频电动发电机
  10662. high frequency multiplex communication ==> 高频多路通信
  10663. high frequency noise ==> 高周波ノイズ
  10664. high frequency office cable ==> 高频局用电缆
  10665. high frequency oscillation ==> 高频振荡=>高周波振動
  10666. high frequency oscillator ==> 高频振荡器
  10667. high frequency oscillograph ==> 高频示波器
  10668. high frequency pentode ==> 高频五极管
  10669. high frequency plasmatron ==> 高频等离子管
  10670. high frequency plug ==> 高频塞
  10671. high frequency polarograph ==> 高频极谱仪
  10672. high frequency power amplifier ==> 高频功率放大器
  10673. high frequency power generator ==> 高频功率发生器
  10674. high frequency power supply ==> 高周波電源
  10675. high frequency probe ==> 高频探头,高频探针
  10676. high frequency protector ==> 高频保安器
  10677. high frequency pulp screen ==> 高频筛浆机
  10678. high frequency pulse ==> 高频脉冲
  10679. high frequency pulse generator ==> 高频脉冲发生器
  10680. high frequency pumping ==> 高频激励
  10681. high frequency quenching ==> 高频淬火
  10682. high frequency quenching machine ==> 高频淬火机
  10683. high frequency radiation ==> 高频辐射
  10684. high frequency range ==> 高調波数領域
  10685. high frequency recombination strain ==> 高频重组菌株
  10686. high frequency region ==> 高频区=>高調波領域
  10687. high frequency resistance ==> 高频电阻
  10688. high frequency resistor ==> 高频电阻器
  10689. high frequency rotating switch ==> 高频旋转开关
  10690. high frequency rotational transition ==> 高频转动跃迁
  10691. high frequency sampling ==> 高频采样
  10692. high frequency sandwich composite ==> 高频夹心式复合材料
  10693. high frequency shale shaker ==> 高频振动筛
  10694. high frequency signal ==> 高频信号
  10695. high frequency signal generator ==> 高频信号发生器
  10696. high frequency soft switching ==> 高周波ソフトスイッチング
  10697. high frequency spark gap oscillator ==> 高频电火花隙发生器
  10698. high frequency speaker ==> 高频扬声器
  10699. high frequency stage ==> 高频级
  10700. high frequency steel furnace ==> 高频炼钢炉
  10701. high frequency symmetrical cable ==> 高频对称电缆
  10702. high frequency telephone ==> 高频电话
  10703. high frequency therapy ==> 高频电疗法
  10704. high frequency therapy apparatus ==> 高频治疗机
  10705. high frequency thin film thickness meter ==> 高频薄膜厚度计
  10706. high frequency titration ==> 高频滴定
  10707. high frequency titrimeter ==> 高频滴定计
  10708. high frequency trading ==> 高频交易=>高頻度取引
  10709. high frequency transceiver ==> 高频收发两用机
  10710. high frequency transformer ==> 高频变压器
  10711. high frequency transformer link ==> 高周波トランス絶縁
  10712. high frequency transistor ==> 高频晶体管
  10713. high frequency transmission ==> 高频传输
  10714. high frequency transmitter ==> 高频发射机
  10715. high frequency trigger ==> 高频触发器
  10716. high frequency trimmer ==> 高频微调电容器
  10717. high frequency triode oscillator ==> 高频三极管振荡器
  10718. high frequency tube ==> 高频管
  10719. high frequency ultrasound ==> 高频超声
  10720. high frequency ultraviolet lamp ==> 高频紫外线灯
  10721. high frequency varistor ==> 高频电压敏电阻器
  10722. high frequency vibrating screen ==> 高频振动筛
  10723. high frequency vibration transducer ==> 高频振动传感器
  10724. high frequency vibrator ==> 高频振动器
  10725. high frequency voltage injection method ==> 高調波電圧印加法
  10726. high frequency voltmeter ==> 高频电压表
  10727. high frequency welded spiral fin tube ==> 高频焊接螺旋翅片管
  10728. high frequency welding ==> 高频熔焊
  10729. high frequency wire communication ==> 高频有线通信
  10730. high frequency work sampling ==> 高频率工作取样
  10731. high frigid cement ==> 高寒水泥
  10732. high front manger ==> 高前沿饲槽
  10733. high fuel utilization ==> 高燃料利用率
  10734. high furnace ==> 高炉
  10735. high gain antenna ==> 高增益天线
  10736. high gain operational amplifier ==> 高增益运算放大器
  10737. high gainband-width differential amplifier ==> 高增益带宽差动放大器
  10738. high gamma tube ==> 高加玛管
  10739. high gas pressure test ==> 高气压试验
  10740. high gas-oil ratio (HGOR) ==> 高气油比
  10741. high gassy mine ==> 高沼气矿井
  10742. high gastric ulcer ==> 高位胃溃疡
  10743. high gate cargo body ==> 高栏板货箱
  10744. high gate drive ==> 控制极强驱动
  10745. high gear ==> 高速齿轮,高速传动
  10746. high glaze ==> 高光泽
  10747. high gloss ink ==> 高光泽油墨
  10748. high gloss offset printing ink ==> 高光泽胶印油墨
  10749. high gloss paint ==> 全光漆
  10750. high gloss paper ==> 高光泽纸
  10751. high grade A-V block ==> 高度房室传导阻滞
  10752. high grade cast iron ==> 高级铸铁
  10753. high grade clay ==> 高级粘土
  10754. high grade coal ==> 高品位煤,按国际煤层煤分类,干基灰分小于10%的煤
  10755. high grade energy ==> 高能
  10756. high grade energy welding ==> 高能焊
  10757. high grade finish ==> 高级整理
  10758. high grade fuel ==> 高级燃料
  10759. high grade Irish poplin ==> 高级爱尔兰毛葛
  10760. high grade of transparency ==> 高透明度
  10761. high grade ore ==> 富矿
  10762. high grade stock ==> 高级股票
  10763. high grade time relay ==> 高级时间继电器
  10764. high gradient magnetic separation ==> 高勾配磁気分離
  10765. high gradient magnetic separator ==> 高梯度磁分离器,高梯度磁选机
  10766. high grading ==> 选择性开采,拔大毛
  10767. high grass savanna ==> 高草稀树草原
  10768. high gravity alloy ==> 高比重合金
  10769. high gravity environment ==> 高重力加速环境
  10770. high grounding ==> 高阻接地方式
  10771. high handle chain saw ==> 高把链锯
  10772. high hardness ==> 高硬度
  10773. high harmonic interferometry ==> 高次高調波干渉法
  10774. high harmonic operation ==> 高調波動作
  10775. high head gravity flow system ==> 高位自流系统
  10776. high head hydroelectric power plant ==> 高水头水电站
  10777. high head hydroelectric station ==> 高水头水力发电厂
  10778. high head hydropower station ==> 高水头水电站,水头大于200m的水电站
  10779. high head turbine ==> 高水头水力透平
  10780. high headed training ==> 高杆整枝
  10781. high heat capacity ==> 高热容量
  10782. high heat conductivity ==> 高热导率
  10783. high heat exchange rate ==> 高热交换率
  10784. high heat interchange rate ==> 高热互换率
  10785. high heating value gas ==> 高热量煤气,高热值煤气
  10786. high helix drill ==> 高螺旋钻头
  10787. high holding power anchor ==> 大抓力锚
  10788. high hot mineral spring ==> 高热矿泉
  10789. high humic acids coal ==> 高腐植酸煤
  10790. high humidity ==> 湿度大
  10791. high humidity curing ==> 高湿度养护
  10792. high humidity test chamber ==> 高湿度测试箱
  10793. high humidity treatment ==> 高湿度处理
  10794. high hydraulic valve ==> 高压液压阀
  10795. high hydrogen utilization operation ==> 水素高利用率運転
  10796. high ignition temperature propellant ==> 高燃点发射药
  10797. high impact ==> 高冲击强度,高冲力
  10798. high impact grade ==> 高抗冲级
  10799. high impact polystyrene ==> 高抗冲聚苯乙烯,耐冲性聚苯乙烯
  10800. high impedance coil ==> 高阻抗线圈
  10801. high impedance differential protection ==> 高インピーダンス(形)差動保護, Current differential protection using a current differential relay whose impedance is high compared with the impedance of the secondary circuit of a saturated current transformer.
  10802. high impedance NMR spectrometer ==> 高阻抗核磁共振波谱仪
  10803. high impedance relay ==> 高阻抗继电器
  10804. high incendiary explosive ==> 高燃炸药
  10805. high index ==> 高指数
  10806. high index glass rod ==> 高指数玻璃棒
  10807. high index of refraction ==> 高折射率
  10808. high indicator ==> 高值指示符
  10809. high inductance head ==> 高电感磁头
  10810. high information delta modulation ==> 高信息增量调制
  10811. high information-oriented society ==> 高度情報化社会
  10812. high initial response excitation system ==> 超速応励磁装置
  10813. high initial response excitation system 高起始响应励磁系统,在规定条件下能够在小于或等于0.1 ==> 秒时间内达到最高电压和额定励磁电压之间差的95%的一种励磁系统
  10814. high input ==> 高输入
  10815. high input impedance operational amplifier ==> 高输入阻抗型运算放大器
  10816. high input-impedance stage ==> 高阻抗输入级
  10817. high insulating property ==> 高绝缘性能
  10818. high intensity approach lights ==> 高亮度进场照明
  10819. high intensity cathode-ray tube ==> 高亮度阴极射线管
  10820. high intensity cold light supply ==> 高强度冷光源
  10821. high intensity electric arc ==> 高强度电弧
  10822. high intensity emission ==> 高强度发射
  10823. high intensity retro-reflect sheeting ==> 高亮度后向反射板栅
  10824. high intensity sound room ==> 高声强实验室
  10825. high intensity source ==> 高强度辐射源
  10826. high interest ==> 高息,高利
  10827. high interest rate ==> 高利率
  10828. high interfacial tension ==> 高界面张力
  10829. high intestinal atresia ==> 高位肠闭锁
  10830. high intestinal obstruction ==> 高位小肠梗阻
  10831. high inverse-voltage rectifier ==> 高反压整流器
  10832. high inversevoltage rectifier ==> 高反电压整流器
  10833. high inversion fog ==> 高逆温雾
  10834. high ion ==> 高电离离子
  10835. high ionized laser plasma ==> 强电离激光等离子体
  10836. high iron metal heat ==> 大量生铁熔铁
  10837. high iron Portland cement ==> 高铁波特兰水泥
  10838. high irrigated emulsion ==> 高含水量乳化液
  10839. high joint ==> 凸缝
  10840. high joint pointing ==> 凸勾缝
  10841. high key ==> 高调
  10842. high killing rate ==> 高度杀伤率
  10843. high lag servo ==> 强滞后伺服
  10844. high land basalt ==> 高地玄武岩
  10845. high land line ==> 高山地带线路
  10846. high land range ==> 高地山脉
  10847. high lanthanum rare earth chloride ==> 高富镧氧化稀土
  10848. high lateral order ==> 高侧序
  10849. high lateral wall myocardial infarction ==> 高侧壁心肌梗塞
  10850. high latitude ==> 高纬度
  10851. high latitudes ==> 高纬度
  10852. high lead-antimony ==> 高铅锑
  10853. high leaded brass ==> 高铅黄铜
  10854. high leakage transformer ==> 高泄漏变压器,高漏泄变压器
  10855. high level ==> 高电平,高级,高能级,高水位
  10856. high level amplifier ==> 高电平放大器
  10857. high level cloud ==> 高云
  10858. high level computer ==> 高级计算机
  10859. high level data link control ==> 高阶数据链控制
  10860. high level data link control procedure ==> 高级数据通信线路控制过程
  10861. high level index ==> 高级变址
  10862. high level injection ==> 高能级注入
  10863. high level instrumentation ==> 高功率测量仪器
  10864. high level language ==> 高级语言
  10865. high level logic ==> 高电平逻辑电路
  10866. high level mixing ==> 高电平混频
  10867. high level multiplexer ==> 高电平倍增器
  10868. high level of available aluminum ==> 高含量有效铅
  10869. high level of liquidity ==> 清偿能力高
  10870. high level of phosphorus ==> 高含磷水平
  10871. high level of resistance to root-knot nematodes ==> 具有高度抗根结线虫水平,具有高度抗根结线虫水平
  10872. high level radioactive liquid waste ==> 高品位放射性废液
  10873. high level switch ==> 高液位开关
  10874. high level tank ==> 高架水柜,高架水箱
  10875. high level transistor transistor logic ==> 高级晶体管晶体管逻辑电路
  10876. high levels of phosphorus ==> 高磷水平
  10877. high lift concreting ==> 高块浇筑
  10878. high lift placing ==> 高块浇筑
  10879. high lift pump ==> 高扬程泵
  10880. high lift rocker arm ==> 高升程摇臂
  10881. high ligation and resection of hemorrhoid ==> 痔高位结扎切除术
  10882. high ligation of internal spermatic cord vein ==> 精索内静脉高位结扎术
  10883. high light ==> 图象中最亮处
  10884. high light details ==> 高光层次
  10885. high limit ==> 最大限度
  10886. high limit of size ==> 上限尺寸
  10887. high limit of tolerance ==> 上限公差,容许上限
  10888. high limit register ==> 上限寄存器
  10889. high limit relay ==> 高精度减压阀,高限压力中断器
  10890. high limiting control ==> 上限控制
  10891. high line ==> 高压线
  10892. high link ==> 高链节
  10893. high liquid level (HLL) ==> 高液面
  10894. high liquid-gas ratio ==> 高液气比
  10895. high lithotomy ==> 耻骨上膀胱切开取石,耻骨上切石术
  10896. high load factor ==> 高负荷因素
  10897. high load factor tariff ==> 高负荷率电价,适用于高负荷率用户的电价
  10898. high load-factor operation ==> 电站在高负载系数下工作
  10899. high loaded process ==> 高负荷运转
  10900. high loss fibre ==> 高损耗光纤
  10901. high low action ==> 脉冲动作,高低作用
  10902. high low lamp ==> 变烛电灯
  10903. high low signal selector ==> 高低信号选择器
  10904. high low temperature chamber ==> 温度交变试验箱
  10905. high luminosity spectrometer ==> 高亮度分光计
  10906. high Mach number engine ==> 高马赫数发动机
  10907. high magic nuclei ==> 高幻核
  10908. high magnesia portland cement ==> 高镁硅酸盐水泥
  10909. high magnetic arcade (HMA) ==> 高磁拱
  10910. high magnetic field intensity ==> 高磁场强度
  10911. high magnetic field property ==> 強磁界特性
  10912. high magnetic metal rod ==> 强磁金属棒
  10913. high magnification inspection ==> 高放大率显微镜检查
  10914. high magnified glass ==> 高倍放大镜
  10915. high magnified image ==> 高倍放大影像
  10916. high mallow ==> 锦葵
  10917. high manganese carbon steel ==> 高锰碳钢
  10918. high manganese cast steel ==> 高锰铸钢
  10919. high manganese stainless steel ==> 高锰不锈钢
  10920. high manganese steel ==> 高锰钢
  10921. high manganese steel casting ==> 高锰钢铸件
  10922. high manganese steel frog ==> 高锰钢辙叉
  10923. high manganese steel rail and guard rail ==> 高锰钢辙叉及护轨
  10924. high manganese zinc alloy ==> 高锰锌合金
  10925. high margin product ==> 高利产品
  10926. high margined item ==> 高贡献边际产品,高利产品
  10927. high megohm resistance comparator ==> 高阻比较器,超高阻比较器
  10928. high melt ==> 高温熔炼
  10929. high melting casting metal investment ==> 高熔铸金包埋料
  10930. high melting point material ==> 添加元素
  10931. high melting-point ==> 高熔点
  10932. high metabolic rate ==> 高代谢率
  10933. high methane gas ==> 富甲烷气
  10934. high mica ==> 高级云母=>ハイマイカ
  10935. high mobility semiconductor ==> 高迁移率半导体
  10936. high modulus fibre ==> 高模量纤维,高模数纤维
  10937. high modulus glass fibre ==> 高模数玻璃纤维
  10938. high modulus inclusion ==> 高模量包体,高模量插入体
  10939. high modulus weave ==> 高模量织物
  10940. high moisture fooder ==> 高水分的饲料
  10941. high moisture grain ==> 高湿度谷粒
  10942. high moisture grains ==> 高水分谷物
  10943. high molecula polymer ==> 高聚物
  10944. high molecular ==> 高分子的
  10945. high molecular compound ==> 高分子化合物
  10946. high molecular gas ==> 高い分子ガス
  10947. high molecular polymer ==> 高分子聚合物
  10948. high molecular surfactant ==> 高分子表面活性剂
  10949. high molecular synthetic material ==> 高分子合成材料
  10950. high molecular waste ==> 高分子废物
  10951. high molecular weight demulsifier ==> 高分子破乳剂
  10952. high molecular weight high density polyethylene ==> 高分子量高密度聚乙烯
  10953. high molecular weight material ==> 高分子量物质
  10954. high mountain underground water area ==> 高山潜水区
  10955. high multifilament yarn ==> 多纤维复丝
  10956. high natural frequency accelerograph ==> 高固有频率自记加速计
  10957. high negative correlation ==> 高度负相关
  10958. high nickel ==> 高镍
  10959. high nickel alloy ==> 高镍合金
  10960. high nickel steel ==> 高镍钢,高镍合金钢
  10961. high nickel-chrome steel ==> 高镍铬钢
  10962. high nickel-copper-tin alloys ==> 高镍铜锡合金
  10963. high nickel-coppertin alloys ==> 高镍铜锡合金
  10964. high nitrogen fertilizer ==> 高氮肥
  10965. high nitrogen oil ==> 高氮石油
  10966. high noise immunity device ==> 高抗扰度装置
  10967. high noise immunity logic ==> 高抗扰度逻辑
  10968. high nutritive value ==> 高营养价值
  10969. high observing tower ==> 高测标
  10970. high obstruction ==> 高位梗阻
  10971. high octane ==> 高辛烷值
  10972. high ohmic resistance alloy ==> 高欧姆电阻合金
  10973. high ohmic semiconductor ==> 高电阻半导体
  10974. high oil pressure cable ==> 高油压电缆
  10975. high oil recovery ==> 高出油率
  10976. high oil-level tank ==> 高位油罐
  10977. high open circuit voltage ==> 高开路电压
  10978. high opening trawl ==> 高网口拖网
  10979. high or low temperature test ==> 高、低温试验
  10980. high orbital bombardment system ==> 高轨道轰炸系统
  10981. high order ==> 高次,高序
  10982. high order aberration ==> 高次像差
  10983. high order add circuit ==> 高次加法电路
  10984. high order byte ==> 高位二进制数组
  10985. high order controller ==> 高次制御器
  10986. high order detonation ==> 高级爆轰
  10987. high order digit ==> 最高位数位
  10988. high order end ==> 高位端,最左端
  10989. high order filter ==> 高次フィルタ
  10990. high order focusing spectrometer ==> 强聚焦分光仪
  10991. high order merge ==> 高阶合并
  10992. high order tiller ==> 高次分蘖
  10993. high order transverse mode ==> 高次横向波型
  10994. high order vibration modes ==> 高次振動モード
  10995. high ordered equation ==> 高次方程
  10996. high output ==> 高输出,高出力,丰产
  10997. high output engine ==> 高功率发动机
  10998. high output failure ==> 高输出量心力衰竭
  10999. high output fluorescent lamp ==> 高出力蛍光ランプ
  11000. high output heart failure ==> 高输出量心力衰竭,高排血量心力衰竭
  11001. high output implanter ==> 高功率离子注入装置
  11002. high output laser system ==> 高输出激光系统
  11003. high output ventricular pace maker ==> 高输出心室起搏器
  11004. high oxide ==> 高价氧化物
  11005. high package density ==> 高密度実装
  11006. high parapet ==> 高女儿墙
  11007. high pass ==> 高马力
  11008. high pass filter ==> 高通滤波器
  11009. high pass network ==> 高通网络
  11010. high peaker ==> 高频补偿电路,高频峰化器,高频增益提高电路,脉冲修尖电路
  11011. high peaker circuit ==> 高频峰化电路
  11012. high pedestal jib crane ==> 门座式悬臂起重机
  11013. high pelvic position ==> 高骨盆位
  11014. high penetration bitumen ==> 高渗透性沥青
  11015. high penetration power ==> 高穿透本领
  11016. high percentage ==> 百分率很高
  11017. high percentage of three-seeded pods ==> 结三粒荚的高百分率
  11018. high percentage self-fertilization ==> 自花受精百分率高
  11019. high performance ==> 高性能的,高性能,性能良好
  11020. high performance antistatic fibre ==> 高性能抗静电纤维
  11021. high performance bipolar process ==> 高指标双极型工艺
  11022. high performance blender and cleaner ==> 高效混棉除杂机
  11023. high performance chromatograph ==> 高效色谱仪
  11024. high performance circuit ==> 高性能电路
  11025. high performance hydraulic pump ==> 高性能液压泵
  11026. high performance liquid chromatograph ==> 高效液相色谱仪
  11027. high performance liquid chromatography ==> 高效液相色谱法
  11028. high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) ==> 高效液相层析法
  11029. high performance microwave amplifier ==> 高效微波放大器
  11030. high performance mos ==> 高性能金属氧化物半导体
  11031. high performance open back power press ==> 后开式高性能压力机
  11032. high performance optical cable connector ==> 高性能光缆连接器
  11033. high performance scanning electron microscope ==> 高性能扫描电子显微镜
  11034. high performance superheterodyne receiver ==> 高性能超外差式接收机
  11035. high performance tape ==> 高性能磁带
  11036. high performance tape polyurethane adhesive ==> 高性能磁带用聚氨酯粘合剂
  11037. high performance vane pump ==> 高性能叶片泵
  11038. high performance weld flux ==> 高性能焊剂
  11039. high permeability alloy ==> 高磁导率合金
  11040. high permeability Co alloy ==> 高导磁率钴铁合金
  11041. high permeability materials ==> 高导磁率材料
  11042. high permeability nickel-iron alloy ==> 高导磁率镍铁合金
  11043. high permeability silicon alloy ==> 高导磁率硅铁合金
  11044. high permeability zone ==> 高渗透层
  11045. high perveance gun ==> 高导电系数电子枪
  11046. high pH value cement ==> 高碱度水泥
  11047. high phosphorous cast iron ==> 高磷铸铁
  11048. high phosphorous iron ==> 高磷生铁,高磷铸铁
  11049. high pick fabric ==> 高纬密织物
  11050. high pile feeder ==> 高纸堆自动给纸机
  11051. high pitch loudspeaker ==> 高音扬声器
  11052. high pitch regulator ==> 高音调节器
  11053. high plain ==> 高平原
  11054. high plant population ==> 密植
  11055. high planting ==> 堆植法
  11056. high plastic limit ==> 高塑限
  11057. high point of gutter ==> 天沟分水线
  11058. high point of structure ==> 构造高点
  11059. high polish ==> 高度磨光
  11060. high polymer ==> 高分子,高分子聚合物,高聚合物,高聚物
  11061. high polymer anti-wear strip ==> 高分子抗磨导轨软带
  11062. high polymer chemistry ==> 高分子化学,高分子聚合化学
  11063. high polymer coagulant ==> 高分子絮凝剂
  11064. high polymer microphone ==> 高聚物传声器
  11065. high polymer piezoelectric material ==> 高分子压电材料
  11066. high polymer synthesis industry ==> 高分子合成工业
  11067. high polymer waste ==> 高聚物废物
  11068. high polymerised pulp ==> 高聚合度浆粕
  11069. high pool level ==> 高库水面
  11070. high population density ==> 高人口密度
  11071. high porosity gel-state fibre ==> 高孔隙率凝胶态纤维
  11072. high portein pellets ==> 高蛋白颗粒饲料
  11073. high position of diaphragm ==> 膈高位
  11074. high positioned defect ==> 高位缺损
  11075. high potency ==> 高效能
  11076. high potency growth stimulant ==> 高效促生素
  11077. high potential ==> 高电位
  11078. high potential iron protein ==> 高势铁蛋白
  11079. high pour-point crude ==> 高倾点原油
  11080. high power ==> 高倍,高功率,大功率的
  11081. high power amplifier ==> 高功率放大器
  11082. high power bolometer ==> 大功率测辐射热计
  11083. high power capacity ==> 大功率电容,高容量
  11084. high power density ==> 大功率密度
  11085. high power die ==> 大功率集成电路片
  11086. high power drive ==> 大功率传动
  11087. high power electric arc ==> 高强度电弧
  11088. high power electric capstan ==> 大功率电动绞盘
  11089. high power engine ==> 大功率发动机
  11090. high power factor ==> 高功率因素
  11091. high power factor operation ==> 高力率運転
  11092. high power field ==> 高倍视野
  11093. high power gas laser ==> 高功率气体激光器
  11094. high power graphite electrode ==> 高功率石墨电极
  11095. high power laser ==> 大功率激光器
  11096. high power laser diode ==> 大功率激光二极管
  11097. high power lens ==> 高倍镜
  11098. high power lithium battery ==> 高能锂电池
  11099. high power magnetron ==> 大功率磁控管
  11100. high power microscope ==> 高倍显微镜
  11101. high power motor ==> 大功率电动机
  11102. high power object lens ==> 强光力物镜
  11103. high power objective ==> 高倍接物镜
  11104. high power ocular ==> 高倍目镜
  11105. high power pulse ==> 大功率脉冲,高功率脉冲
  11106. high power pulsed klystron ==> 大功率脉冲速调管
  11107. high power relay ==> 大功率继电器
  11108. high power screw press ==> 高能螺旋压力机
  11109. high power sweep generator ==> 大功率扫频信号发生器
  11110. high power switching device ==> 大功率转换设备
  11111. high power term ==> 高幂顶
  11112. high power test station, high power test laboratory ==> 大功率试验站,又称“高电压强电流试验站”。进行大功率试验的专用高电压、强电流和大功率试验场所
  11113. high power transformer ==> 高功率变压器
  11114. high power transistor ==> 大功率晶体管
  11115. high power transmission line ==> 大容量输电线
  11116. high power travelling wave tube ==> 大功率行波管
  11117. high power valve ==> 大功率电子管,大功率管
  11118. high powered money ==> 强力货币,高效货币
  11119. high precise current source ==> 高精度恒流源
  11120. high precision ==> 高精密度
  11121. high precision and multifunction speed meter ==> 高精度多功能转速计
  11122. high precision centerless grinder ==> 高精度无心磨床
  11123. high precision collet chuck ==> 高精度弹簧夹头
  11124. high precision computation ==> 高精度计算
  11125. high precision coordinate measuring instrument ==> 高精度坐标测量机
  11126. high precision cutting tool ==> 高精密度切削工具
  11127. high precision digital multimeter ==> 高精度数字式万用表
  11128. high precision face grinder ==> 高精度平面磨床
  11129. high precision gear hobber ==> 高精度滚齿机
  11130. high precision granite surface plate ==> 高精度花岗岩平台
  11131. high precision grinding machine ==> 高精度磨床
  11132. high precision hard alloy cutter grinder ==> 高精度硬质合金工具磨床
  11133. high precision harmonic micrometer ==> 高精度谐波测微仪
  11134. high precision hob sharpening grinding machine ==> 高精度滚刀刃磨床
  11135. high precision kelmet set ==> 高精度油膜轴承组
  11136. high precision laser ==> 高精度激光器
  11137. high precision lead-screw cutting lathe ==> 高精度丝杠车床
  11138. high precision LF signal generator ==> 高精度低频信号发生器
  11139. high precision master gear ==> 高精度标准齿轮
  11140. high precision micro computer-controlled jig borer ==> 高精度微机控制坐标镗床
  11141. high precision multimeter ==> 高精度万用电表
  11142. high precision network ==> 高精度网路
  11143. high precision oil filter ==> 精密油滤
  11144. high precision optical plate ==> 高精度光学平板
  11145. High Precision Parallax Collecting Satellite ==> 依巴谷卫星
  11146. high precision plastic connector ==> 高精度塑料连接器
  11147. high precision power supply ==> 高精度電源
  11148. high precision probe and its system ==> 高精度测头系统
  11149. high precision small-module horizontal gear hobber ==> 高精度小模数卧式滚齿机
  11150. high precision sun sensor ==> 高精度太阳传感器
  11151. high precision surface grinding machine ==> 高精度平面磨床
  11152. high precision track scale ==> 高精度轨道衡
  11153. high precision travel-control straightening press ==> 高精密行程控制校直压力机
  11154. high precision universal cylindrical grinder ==> 高精度万能外圆磨床
  11155. high precision universal lathe ==> 高精度万能车床
  11156. high precision vertical circular sawing machine ==> 高精度立式圆盘锯床
  11157. high premium ==> 高度保险费
  11158. high pressure ==> 高电压,高气压,高压,高压
  11159. high pressure absorber ==> 高压吸收器
  11160. high pressure acetylene generator ==> 高压乙炔发生器
  11161. high pressure admission parts ==> 高压进汽部分,包括高压主汽阀、调节汽阀、高压进汽管、蒸汽室及喷嘴组
  11162. high pressure air rifle ==> 高压气枪
  11163. high pressure airgun ==> 高压空气枪
  11164. high pressure airless spraying machine ==> 高压无空气喷涂机
  11165. high pressure arc discharge ==> 高压电弧放电
  11166. high pressure arc technique ==> 高压电弧技术
  11167. high pressure asbestos rubber board ==> 高压石棉橡胶板
  11168. high pressure axial piston pump ==> 高压轴向活塞泵
  11169. high pressure baler ==> 高压打捆机
  11170. high pressure bellows manometer ==> 高压波纹管式压力计
  11171. high pressure bicycle pump ==> 高压气筒
  11172. high pressure blasting machine ==> 喷丸机
  11173. high pressure blower ==> 高压鼓风机
  11174. high pressure boiler ==> 高压锅炉,出口蒸汽压力为7.84MPa~10.8MPa(80at~110at)的锅炉。
  11175. high pressure burner ==> 高压烧嘴
  11176. high pressure by-pass system ==> 高压旁路系统,蒸汽旁通汽轮机高压缸,把蒸汽从主蒸汽管引入高压缸排汽管道的汽轮机旁路系统
  11177. high pressure capillary rheometer ==> 高压毛细管流变仪
  11178. high pressure centrifugal blower ==> 高压离心鼓风机
  11179. high pressure centrifugal ventilator ==> 高压离心通风机
  11180. high pressure charging ==> 高压进料
  11181. high pressure co3 laser ==> 高压二氧化碳激光器
  11182. high pressure complex master & auxiliary vane pump ==> 高压子母叶片泵
  11183. high pressure compression ==> 高压压实
  11184. high pressure compressor ==> 高压压缩机
  11185. high pressure connection ==> 高压接头
  11186. high pressure controller ==> 高压控制器
  11187. high pressure counter ==> 高压计数管
  11188. high pressure cylinder ==> 高压缸
  11189. high pressure deaerator ==> 高压式除氧器,又称“压力式除氧器”。工作压力(表压)为0.6MPa及以上的除氧器
  11190. high pressure desander ==> 高压除砂器
  11191. high pressure diamond ==> 高压金刚石
  11192. high pressure direct spinning technology ==> 高压直接纺丝技术
  11193. high pressure discharge ==> 高压放电
  11194. high pressure distributor ==> 高压分配器
  11195. high pressure double-cylinder oil pump ==> 高压双缸油泵
  11196. high pressure draught ==> 高压气流
  11197. high pressure drilling hose ==> 高压钻探胶管
  11198. high pressure dry gas flooding ==> 高压干气驱
  11199. high pressure DTA apparatus ==> 高压差示热分析仪
  11200. high pressure DTA unit ==> 高压差示热分析仪
  11201. high pressure eccentric ==> 高压偏心轮
  11202. high pressure electrode ==> 高压电极
  11203. high pressure erosion bit ==> 高压冲蚀钻头
  11204. high pressure evaporation tower ==> 高压蒸发塔
  11205. high pressure exhaust pipe ==> 高压排气管
  11206. high pressure feedwater heater ==> 高压加热器,在回热给水系统中位于给水泵至锅炉之间的加热器
  11207. high pressure filter ==> 高压过滤器
  11208. high pressure fixed displacement vane pump ==> 高压定量叶片泵
  11209. high pressure fluorescent mercury lamp ==> 高压水银灯
  11210. high pressure fuel injection pump assembly ==> 高压喷油泵总成
  11211. high pressure fuel pump ==> 高压燃料泵
  11212. high pressure gage ==> 高压计
  11213. high pressure gas chromatography ==> 高压气相色谱法
  11214. high pressure gas control law ==> 高压气体管制法
  11215. high pressure gas dynamic laser ==> 高压气动激光器
  11216. high pressure gas laser ==> 高压气体激光器
  11217. high pressure gate ==> 高水头闸门,高压闸门,又称“深孔闸门”。深孔式进水口承受高水头压力的闸门
  11218. high pressure gauge ==> 高压表
  11219. high pressure generator ==> 高压发生器
  11220. high pressure grease gun ==> 高压润滑油枪
  11221. high pressure grower ==> 高压生长装置
  11222. high pressure head ==> 高压头
  11223. high pressure heating ==> 高压供暖
  11224. high pressure helium gas scintillation counter ==> 高压氦气闪烁计数器
  11225. high pressure horizontal autoclave ==> 高压卧式消毒器
  11226. high pressure hose ==> 高压软管
  11227. high pressure hot water heating system ==> 高压热水供暖系统
  11228. high pressure hydraulic gear pump ==> 高压液压齿轮泵
  11229. high pressure hydrogen ==> 高圧水素
  11230. high pressure inflater ==> 高压气筒
  11231. high pressure injection grouting ==> 高压喷射灌浆,在砂砾石、砂土等地层钻孔内,用高压水、气、水泥浆射流冲击,扰动孔壁周围介质,使浆液充填并与地层土石颗粒掺混,凝固后成整体,达到地基防渗或提高承载力
  11232. high pressure injector ==> 高压注射器
  11233. high pressure inner evaporating tower ==> 高压内蒸塔
  11234. high pressure intake ==> 高压进水口
  11235. high pressure ion exchange ==> 高压离子交换
  11236. high pressure ionization chamber ==> 高压电离室
  11237. high pressure ionization gauge ==> 高压电离规,高压力电离真空计
  11238. high pressure ionization vacuum gauge ==> 高压电离真空规
  11239. high pressure ionizer-sustainer laser ==> 高压电离维持激光器
  11240. high pressure jig ==> 高压卷染机
  11241. high pressure kier ==> 高压精炼锅
  11242. high pressure laminating ==> 高压叠层
  11243. high pressure lamp ==> 高压灯
  11244. high pressure laser ==> 高压激光器
  11245. high pressure level controller ==> 高压液面调节器
  11246. high pressure lipuid chromatography (HPLC) ==> 高压液相色谱法
  11247. high pressure liquid chromatograph ==> 高压液相色谱仪
  11248. high pressure liquid chromatographic analysis ==> 高压液相色谱分析,一种以溶剂为流动相,高压泵为动力,输送样品通过色谱柱使混合组分分离,最后以紫外吸收、示差析光等手段进行检测的色谱分析方法
  11249. high pressure liquid chromatography ==> 高压液相色谱
  11250. high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) ==> 高压液体色谱法,高压液相层析
  11251. high pressure liquid level gauge ==> 高压液面计
  11252. high pressure mangle ==> 高压轧液机,重型轧车
  11253. high pressure melting method ==> 高压熔融法
  11254. high pressure mercury (vapor) lamp ==> 高圧水銀ランプ
  11255. high pressure mercury fluorescent lamp ==> 蛍光(高圧)水銀ランプ
  11256. high pressure mercury lamp ==> 高压水银灯
  11257. high pressure mercury vapor lighting fitting ==> 高压水银灯
  11258. high pressure meter ==> 高压计
  11259. high pressure methanol synthesis catalyst ==> 高压甲醇合成催化剂
  11260. high pressure mica-paper capacitor ==> 高压云母纸介电容器
  11261. high pressure molding ==> 高压模塑法
  11262. high pressure moulding ==> 高压造型
  11263. high pressure nevous syndrome (HPNS) ==> 高气压神经综合征
  11264. high pressure nitrogen liquid-gas truck ==> 高压液氮气化车
  11265. high pressure nozzle spray drier ==> 高压喷嘴式喷雾干燥机
  11266. high pressure oil jacking equipment ==> 高压油顶轴装置,当盘车装置投入前或退出后,用高压油将汽轮机转子轴颈顶起的设施
  11267. high pressure oil lifting device ==> 高压油顶起装置,向推力轴承瓦面注入高压油,形成油膜润滑承载的设备。用于机组起动、停机和盘车
  11268. high pressure oil pump ==> 高压油泵
  11269. high pressure oil pump tester ==> 高压油泵试验机
  11270. high pressure oil pump testing platform ==> 高压油泵试验台
  11271. high pressure oiling pump ==> 高压注油泵
  11272. high pressure oxidation ==> 高压氧化
  11273. high pressure oxygen ==> 高压氧
  11274. high pressure physics ==> 高压物理学
  11275. high pressure piezoelectric ceramic hydrophone ==> 高压电陶瓷水听器
  11276. high pressure pipe pump ==> 高压管道泵
  11277. high pressure pipe type oil filled cable ==> POFケーブル
  11278. high pressure piston ==> 高压活塞
  11279. high pressure plant ==> 高压装置
  11280. high pressure plasma ==> 高压等离子体
  11281. high pressure polarimetric sensor ==> 高压偏振型传感器
  11282. high pressure polyethylene (BPPE) ==> 高压聚乙烯
  11283. high pressure positive blower ==> 高压风机
  11284. high pressure pre-heater ==> 高压预热器
  11285. high pressure producer ==> 高压发生器
  11286. high pressure pulse pump ==> 高压脉动泵
  11287. high pressure pump ==> 高压泵
  11288. high pressure radiation-chemical laser ==> 高压辐射化学激光器
  11289. high pressure receiver ==> 高压气体贮罐
  11290. high pressure regulator ==> 高压调节器
  11291. high pressure relief valve ==> 高压释放阀
  11292. high pressure rubber hose ==> 高压橡胶软管
  11293. high pressure safety valve ==> 高压安全阀
  11294. high pressure sampler ==> 高压取样器
  11295. high pressure scrubber ==> 高压洗涤器塔
  11296. high pressure selling ==> 高压推销
  11297. high pressure side ==> 高压侧
  11298. high pressure sluice valve ==> 高压闸阀
  11299. high pressure sodium (vapor) lamp with internal starter ==> 始動器内蔵形高圧ナトリウムランプ
  11300. high pressure sodium (vapor) lamp  ==> 高圧ナトリウムランプ
  11301. high pressure sodium vapour lamp ==> 高压钠汽灯
  11302. high pressure spray pump ==> 高压喷雾泵
  11303. high pressure spray washing machine ==> 高压喷射洗涤机
  11304. high pressure stage ==> 高压级
  11305. high pressure stainless steel hose ==> 高压不锈钢软管
  11306. high pressure steam ==> 高压蒸汽
  11307. high pressure steam boiler ==> 高压蒸汽锅炉
  11308. high pressure steam curing ==> 高压蒸汽消毒器,高压蒸汽养护
  11309. high pressure steam engine ==> 高压蒸汽机
  11310. high pressure steam heating ==> 高压蒸汽供暖
  11311. high pressure steam process ==> 高压蒸汽法
  11312. high pressure steam sterilizer ==> 高压蒸汽消毒器
  11313. high pressure steam sterilizer of portable type ==> 手提式高压蒸汽消毒器
  11314. high pressure steam system ==> 高压蒸汽系统
  11315. high pressure steam turbine 高压汽轮机,主蒸汽压力为7.84 ==> MPa~10.8MPa的汽轮机
  11316. high pressure sterilization ==> 高压灭菌法,高压蒸汽消毒灭菌法
  11317. high pressure sterilizer ==> 高压消毒器,高压蒸汽消毒器
  11318. high pressure synthesis ==> 高压合成
  11319. high pressure testing pump ==> 高压试压泵
  11320. high pressure thrust bearing ==> 高压推力轴承
  11321. high pressure tire ==> 高压轮胎
  11322. high pressure tunable CO2 laser ==> 高压可调谐二氧化碳激光器
  11323. high pressure tunable CO2 laser ==> 高压可调谐二氧化碳激光器
  11324. high pressure tunnel ==> 高压隧洞
  11325. high pressure turbine ==> 高压涡轮机
  11326. high pressure turbine pump ==> 高压汽轮泵
  11327. high pressure turbocharger ==> 高压涡轮增压器
  11328. high pressure tyre ==> 高压轮胎
  11329. high pressure units ==> 高压机组,蒸汽压力为7.84MPa~10.8MPa,温度为538℃左右的蒸汽动力发电机组
  11330. high pressure vacuum pump ==> 高真空泵
  11331. high pressure valve ==> 高压阀门
  11332. high pressure vane pump ==> 高压叶片泵
  11333. high pressure variable vane pump ==> 高压变量叶片泵
  11334. high pressure varistor ==> 高压压敏电阻器
  11335. high pressure water feeding pump for boiler ==> 高压锅炉给水泵
  11336. high pressure water hose ==> 高压输水胶管
  11337. high pressure water or air ==> 高压水或空气
  11338. high pressure water-injection pump ==> 高压注水泵
  11339. high pressure wire braided hose ==> 高压钢丝编织胶管
  11340. high pressure xenon lamp ==> 高压氙灯
  11341. high pressure zone ==> 高压层
  11342. high price winning ratio ==> 高价中标率,通过对供应者的高价申报情况与成交情况的分析,来反映供应者的竞标策略与自身实力的配合情况,评价供应者的策略成功率和具有的市场力
  11343. high priced stock ==> 高价股票
  11344. high priority programme (HPP) ==> 重点工程项目
  11345. high production press ==> 大生产率压力机
  11346. high production rate ==> 高生产率
  11347. high productive capacity ==> 高生产能力
  11348. high productive soil ==> 高产土壤
  11349. high professional qualification ==> 高技能
  11350. high profit item ==> 高利项目
  11351. high profit product ==> 高利产品
  11352. high protein ==> 高蛋白
  11353. high protein diet ==> 高蛋白膳食
  11354. high protein food ==> 高蛋白食品
  11355. high protein quality ==> 高蛋白质质量
  11356. high protein ration ==> 高蛋白日粮
  11357. high protrusion barb ==> 高突刺
  11358. high pulse repetition laser ==> 高脉冲重复激光器,高脉冲重复率激光器
  11359. high pulse repetition rate laser ==> 高重复率脉冲激光器
  11360. high pumping rate ==> 高抽速
  11361. high punch ==> 高位穿孔
  11362. high purity aluminium ==> 高纯铝
  11363. high purity antimony ==> 高纯锑
  11364. high purity arsenic ==> 高纯砷
  11365. high purity bismuth ==> 高纯铋
  11366. high purity boron ==> 高纯硼
  11367. high purity cadmium ==> 高纯镉
  11368. high purity cellulose ==> 高纯度纤维素
  11369. high purity copper ==> 高纯铜
  11370. high purity detergent ==> 高纯洗净剂
  11371. high purity ferrosilicon ==> 高纯硅铁
  11372. high purity gallium ==> 高纯镓
  11373. high purity gas ==> 超纯气体
  11374. high purity graphite products ==> 高纯石墨制品
  11375. high purity indium ==> 高纯铟
  11376. high purity indium antimonide single crystal ==> 高纯锑化铟单晶
  11377. high purity lead ==> 高纯铅
  11378. high purity lithium ==> 高纯锂
  11379. high purity metal ==> 高纯金属
  11380. high purity nickel ==> 高纯镍
  11381. high purity niobium oxide ==> 高纯氧化铌
  11382. high purity oxygen aeration system ==> 高纯氧曝气系统
  11383. high purity phosphorus ==> 高纯磷
  11384. high purity reagent ==> 高纯试剂
  11385. high purity silicon tetrachloride ==> 高纯四氯化硅
  11386. high purity sulphur ==> 高纯硫
  11387. high purity tantalum oxide ==> 高纯氧化钽
  11388. high purity tellurium ==> 高纯碲
  11389. high purity tin ==> 高纯锡
  11390. high purity titanium ==> 高纯钛
  11391. high purity vanadium ==> 高纯钒
  11392. high purity zinc ==> 高纯锌
  11393. high purity zirconium ==> 高纯锆
  11394. high purity zirconium hydride powder ==> 高纯度氢化锆粉
  11395. high Q coil ==> ハイQコイル
  11396. high quality ==> 高质量,质地优良=>良質,上質
  11397. high quality cement ==> 高标号水泥
  11398. high quality factor ==> 高品质因素
  11399. high quality finishing ==> 高级整理
  11400. high quality hologram ==> 高质量全息图
  11401. high quality power ==> 高品質電力
  11402. high quality products ==> 优质产品
  11403. high quality seed ==> 良种
  11404. high quality shale oil ==> 高质页岩油
  11405. high quality steel ==> 高级钢
  11406. high quality stereo sound-box ==> 高音质立体声音箱
  11407. high quality vane pump ==> 高性能叶片泵
  11408. high quality well-known goods ==> 名优产品
  11409. high quantum number ==> 高量子数
  11410. high quartz ==> 高温石英,高温型石英
  11411. high quartz solid solution ==> 高温石英固熔体
  11412. high radiating gas ==> 高辐射气体
  11413. high radiation field ==> 强度射场
  11414. high radioactive area ==> 高度放射性区域
  11415. high rail ==> 曲线外轨
  11416. high range ==> 大比例,高量程,高山脉
  11417. high rate ==> 高速,高效率
  11418. high rate activated sludge process ==> 高速活性污泥法
  11419. high rate aeration ==> 高速通气法
  11420. high rate aeration process ==> 高速通气法
  11421. high rate aerobic treatment ==> 高负荷好氧处理
  11422. high rate deposition ==> 快速淀积
  11423. high rate filter ==> 高速过滤器,高效率滤池
  11424. high rate filtration ==> 高速过滤
  11425. high rate of advance ==> 高推进速度
  11426. high rate of success in competition ==> 竞争效应高,竞争效应高
  11427. high rate rapid filter ==> 高速快滤池
  11428. high rate silver zinc battery ==> 高效银锌蓄电池
  11429. high rate trickling filter ==> 高速滴滤器,高负荷滴滤池
  11430. high rates pressing ==> 高能束压制,高能速压制
  11431. high ratio of modulus ==> 高模量比岩石
  11432. high ratio zoom lens ==> 高倍率变焦距镜头
  11433. high recombination rate contact ==> 高复合率接触
  11434. high redshift ==> 高赤方偏移
  11435. high reduction ==> 高缩微率
  11436. high reflectance zone ==> 高反射带
  11437. high reflecting glass ==> 高反射玻璃
  11438. high refractive low dispersive glass ==> 高折射低色散玻璃
  11439. high refractory brick ==> 高级耐火砖
  11440. high relaxation ==> 高弛豫
  11441. high reliability ==> 高可靠性=>高信頼化
  11442. high reliability and comprehensive service ==> 高い信頼性のアフターサービス
  11443. high relief ==> 高浮雕,高峻地形
  11444. high renin hypertension ==> 高肾素性高血压
  11445. high repetition laser ==> 高重复频率激光器
  11446. high repetition laser illuminating system ==> 高重复率激光照明系统
  11447. high repetition laser illuminator ==> 高重复率激光照明器
  11448. high repetition laser system ==> 高重复率激光系统
  11449. high repetition rate linear flashlamp ==> 高重复率直管闪光灯
  11450. high repetition rate optical pulse ==> 高重复率光脉冲
  11451. high repetition rate source ==> 高重复率激发源
  11452. high residue level ==> 高残留度
  11453. high resistance ==> 高电阻
  11454. high resistance cable ==> 高压阻尼线
  11455. high resistance fault ==> 高抵抗事故, Shunt fault with high resistance at the fault location.
  11456. high resistance load ==> 高阻负载
  11457. high resistance measurement ==> 高阻测量
  11458. high resistance meter ==> 高阻计
  11459. high resistance potentiometer ==> 高阻电位计
  11460. high resistance pyrometer ==> 高阻高温计
  11461. high resistance transmitter ==> 高阻式送话器
  11462. high resistance voltmeter ==> 高阻伏特计
  11463. high resistive fault ==> 高阻故障,故障时呈现高阻抗的接地故障
  11464. high resistivity layer epitaxy ==> 高阻层外延
  11465. high resistivity region ==> 高电阻率区
  11466. high resistivity silicon ==> 高电阻率硅
  11467. high resolution ==> 高分辨率
  11468. high resolution boomer ==> 高解像度探测器
  11469. high resolution camera ==> 高分辨率摄影机
  11470. high resolution chromatographic separation ==> 高分辨色谱分离
  11471. high resolution color graphic controller board ==> 高分辨率彩色图形控制板
  11472. high resolution colour graph control board ==> 高分辨率彩色图形控制板
  11473. high resolution column ==> 高分辨柱
  11474. high resolution deep-level transient spectrometer ==> 高分辨率深能级瞬态谱仪
  11475. high resolution detector ==> 高分辨率检波器
  11476. high resolution diffraction attachment ==> 高分辨衍射附件
  11477. high resolution diffraction image ==> 高分辨衍射象
  11478. high resolution dipmeter ==> 高分辨率地层倾角仪
  11479. high resolution dipmeter tool (HDT) ==> 高分辨地层倾角测井仪
  11480. high resolution display ==> 高分辨率显示器
  11481. high resolution electron microscope ==> 高分辨电子显微镜
  11482. high resolution electron microscope (HREM) ==> 高分辨率电子显微镜
  11483. high resolution emulsion ==> 高清晰度乳胶
  11484. high resolution gamma-ray spectrometer ==> 高分辨伽马射线谱仪
  11485. high resolution graphic ==> 高分辨度图形
  11486. high resolution graphics ==> 高分辨图形
  11487. high resolution image replication ==> 高清晰度图象复制
  11488. high resolution imaging ==> 高清晰度成像
  11489. high resolution infrared detector ==> 高分辨率红外探测器
  11490. high resolution infrared radiation sounder ==> 高分辨红外辐射探测器
  11491. high resolution infrared radiometer ==> 高分辨红外辐射仪
  11492. high resolution liquid chromatograph ==> 高分辨率液相色谱仪
  11493. high resolution liquid chromatography ==> 高离析液相色谱法
  11494. high resolution lithography ==> 高分辨率光刻
  11495. high resolution low frequency spectrum analyzer ==> 高分辨率低频谱分析仪
  11496. high resolution mass spectrometer (HRMS) ==> 高分辨率质谱仪
  11497. high resolution mass spectroscope ==> 高分辨质谱仪器
  11498. high resolution medical X-ray TV diagnosing system ==> 高分辨率医用X射线电视诊断系统
  11499. high resolution NMR spectrometer ==> 高分辨核磁共振波谱仪
  11500. high resolution NMR spectroscope ==> 高分辨率核工业磁共振波谱仪
  11501. high resolution plate ==> 高清晰度底片,超微粒干版
  11502. high resolution pressure gauge ==> 高分辨率压力计
  11503. high resolution proton NMR spectrometer ==> 高分辨率质子核磁共振波谱仪
  11504. high resolution pulse Doppler radar ==> 高分辨率脉冲多普勒雷达
  11505. high resolution pulser ==> 高分辨率脉冲发生器
  11506. high resolution registration ==> 高分辨率对准
  11507. high resolution screening ==> 高清晰度丝网漏印
  11508. high resolution seismic profile ==> 高分辨率地震剖面仪
  11509. high resolution spectrometer ==> 高分辨率分光计
  11510. high resolution spectroscopy ==> 高分辨光谱学
  11511. high resolution thermometer ==> 高分辨率温度计
  11512. high resolution visible(HRV)image instrument ==> 高分辨率图像仪
  11513. high responder ==> 高应答者
  11514. high response excitation ==> 快速励磁,电力系统发生事故时,快速增加发电机的励磁电流,以提高发电机内电动势,加大同步力矩,提高系统暂态稳定性
  11515. high reverse voltage triode ==> 高反压三极管
  11516. high revovery valve ==> 高压力恢复阀
  11517. high Reynola number wind tunnel ==> 高雷诺数风洞
  11518. high rigidity plastics ==> 高刚度塑料
  11519. high risk area ==> 高风险区
  11520. high risk fetus ==> 高危胎儿
  11521. high risk group ==> 高危险人群
  11522. high risk pregnancy ==> 高危妊娠
  11523. high risk pregnant unit ==> 高危妊娠病房
  11524. high salt content ==> 高含盐量
  11525. high salt waste ==> 高盐量废水
  11526. high sand content production ==> 高含沙采油
  11527. high scale integration ==> 大规模集成化
  11528. high sea ==> 公海
  11529. high seam ==> 厚煤层
  11530. high seismic-wave velocity zone ==> 高地震波速度带
  11531. high selective vagotomy ==> 胃近侧迷走神经切断术
  11532. high selectivity ==> 高选择性
  11533. high selector relay ==> 高压选择阀
  11534. high sensibility tester ==> 高灵敏度试验器
  11535. high sensitive ammeter ==> 敏感电疗
  11536. high sensitive chromogenic ==> 高灵敏钍显色剂
  11537. high sensitive chromogenie reagent for thorium ==> 高灵敏度钍显色剂
  11538. high sensitive relay ==> 高灵敏度继电器,高灵敏继电器
  11539. high sensitive vacuum tube voltmeter ==> 高灵敏度真空管电压表
  11540. high sensitivity demodulator ==> 高灵敏度解调器
  11541. high sensitivity detector ==> 高灵敏度检测器
  11542. high sensitivity flowmeter ==> 高灵敏度流量计
  11543. high sensitivity galvanometer ==> 高灵敏度电流计
  11544. high sensitivity oscilloscope ==> 高灵敏度示波器
  11545. high sensitivity seismograph ==> 高灵敏度地震仪
  11546. high severity cracking ==> 高苛刻度裂化
  11547. high shaft furnace ==> 高竖炉
  11548. high shear ==> 高剪切
  11549. high shear modulus ==> 高切变模量
  11550. high shearing stress ==> 高切应变
  11551. high shrinkage oil ==> 高收缩率原油
  11552. high shrinking aggregate ==> 高收缩率骨料
  11553. high side float valve ==> 高压浮球阀
  11554. high side light ==> 高侧窗
  11555. high side roller mill ==> 高侧轮碾机
  11556. high silica brick ==> 高硅砖
  11557. high silica content fibre ==> 高硅含量纤维,高硅石量纤维
  11558. high silica content glass ==> 高硅含量玻璃
  11559. high silica electrical porcelain ==> 高硅电瓷
  11560. high silica fiber ==> 高硅纤维
  11561. high silica flux ==> 高硅焊剂
  11562. high silica glass ==> 高硅玻璃
  11563. high silica magnesite brick ==> 高硅镁砖
  11564. high silicon cast-iron anode ==> 高硅铸铁阳极
  11565. high silicon iron ==> 高硅铁
  11566. high silicon Monel ==> 高硅蒙奈尔合金
  11567. high silicon sheet iron ==> 高硅钢片
  11568. high silver crust ==> 高银壳
  11569. high sintering ==> 高温烧结
  11570. high slip motor ==> 高转差率电机
  11571. high slope ==> 高边坡
  11572. high softening point resin ==> 高软化点树脂
  11573. high solid mud ==> 高固相泥浆
  11574. high solubility binder glass mat ==> 高溶解度粘合剂玻璃纤维毡
  11575. high sound insulation ==> 高度隔音
  11576. high source temperature ==> 高热源温度
  11577. high spaces ==> 高隔空铅
  11578. high specific activity ==> 高比放射性
  11579. high specific speed pump ==> 高比速泵
  11580. high specific speed turbine ==> 高比速透平
  11581. high specification encapsulation ==> 高质量封装
  11582. high speed ==> 高速
  11583. high speed agitator ==> 高速搅拌器
  11584. high speed air switch ==> 高速空气开关
  11585. high speed alphanumeric printer ==> 高速字符印字机
  11586. high speed amplifier ==> 高速放大器
  11587. high speed and high tension filter ==> 高压高速滤波器
  11588. high speed automatic bag-forming machine ==> 高速自动制袋机
  11589. high speed automatic fine puncher ==> 高速自动精密冲床
  11590. high speed automatic flat bed sewing machine ==> 高速自动平缝机
  11591. high speed automatic reclosing ==> 快速自动重合,只考虑允许故障点可靠熄弧与恢复绝缘所需时限的一种自动重合方式
  11592. high speed balancing ==> 高速平衡
  11593. high speed balancing installation ==> 高速平衡设备
  11594. high speed ball mill ==> 高速球磨机
  11595. high speed bar code printer ==> 高速条码打印机
  11596. high speed bar tacking machine ==> 高速套结机
  11597. high speed belt conveyer ==> 高速皮带输送机
  11598. high speed bit ==> 高速钻头
  11599. high speed boring head ==> 高速镗头
  11600. high speed boring machine ==> 高速镗床
  11601. high speed buffer register ==> 高速缓冲寄存器
  11602. high speed bus ==> 高速总线
  11603. high speed cage ==> 高速尘笼
  11604. high speed calculator ==> 高速计算器
  11605. high speed camera ==> 高速摄影机
  11606. high speed car ==> 高速汽车
  11607. high speed carry ==> 高速桁上げ
  11608. high speed centerless grinding machine ==> 高速无心磨床
  11609. high speed centrifuge ==> 高速离心机
  11610. high speed cine theodolite ==> 高速电影经纬仪
  11611. high speed cinecamera ==> 高速电影摄影机
  11612. high speed circuit ==> 主油系
  11613. high speed circuit breaker ==> 高速断路器=>高速遮断器
  11614. high speed compaction ==> 高速成形
  11615. high speed condenser ==> 高速冷凝器
  11616. high speed cone winder ==> 高速络筒机,络筒机
  11617. high speed conical refiner ==> 高速圆形精磨机
  11618. high speed controller ==> 高速控制器
  11619. high speed conveyer ==> 高速输送机
  11620. high speed copier ==> 高速复印机
  11621. high speed copy communication system ==> 高速复印通信系统
  11622. high speed copying machine ==> 高速复印机
  11623. high speed crepe machine ==> 高速皱纹布针织机,高速绉纹布针织机
  11624. high speed cropping machine ==> 高速棒料剪切机
  11625. high speed deformable mirror ==> 高速可变形反射镜
  11626. high speed detector ==> 快速探测器高速检测器
  11627. high speed die winder ==> 高速染色络筒机
  11628. high speed diesel engine ==> 高速柴油机
  11629. high speed digital computer ==> 快速数字计算机
  11630. high speed directional overcurrent relay ==> 高速定向过流继电器
  11631. high speed disc atomizer ==> 高速碟式雾化器
  11632. high speed disintegrator ==> 高速粉碎机,高速破碎机
  11633. high speed distance relay ==> 高速远距离继电器
  11634. high speed document communication terminal ==> 高速文件通信终端
  11635. high speed drawing frame ==> 高速针梳机
  11636. high speed drive ==> 高速ドライブ
  11637. high speed dump ==> 快速转储
  11638. high speed duplicate audio tape ==> 高速复制录音磁带
  11639. high speed dyeing machine ==> 高速染色机
  11640. high speed dynamic pressure bearing ==> 高速动压轴承
  11641. high speed electronic bandknife splitting machine ==> 高速电子带刀削薄机
  11642. high speed electronic printer ==> 高速电子打印机
  11643. high speed electrospark perforating electrode tube ==> 高速电火花打孔电极管
  11644. high speed element ==> 高速元件
  11645. high speed embroidery machine ==> 高速绣花机
  11646. high speed encryptordecryptor ==> 高速加脱密机
  11647. high speed engine ==> 高速发动机
  11648. high speed evaporator ==> 高速蒸发器
  11649. high speed excitation system ==> 高速励磁系统
  11650. high speed exciter ==> 高速励磁机
  11651. high speed external cylindrical grinder ==> 高速外圆磨床
  11652. high speed facsimile apparatus ==> 高速传真机
  11653. high speed fault current limiting switch ==> 高速限流遮断装置
  11654. high speed fibre optics strander ==> 光纤高速绞合机
  11655. high speed fibre spinning machine ==> 高速纺纱机
  11656. high speed flat bed sewing machine with blade ==> 高速带刀平缝机
  11657. high speed flat bed sewing machine with puller ==> 高速滚筒平缝机
  11658. high speed flat-screen washer ==> 高速平网洗涤机
  11659. high speed fluid filler ==> 高速灌装机
  11660. high speed forging ==> 高速锻造
  11661. high speed forming ==> 高速成形
  11662. high speed forming machine ==> 高速成形机
  11663. high speed freezing centrifuge ==> 高速冷冻离心机
  11664. high speed fur sewing machine ==> 高速毛皮缝纫机
  11665. high speed gear hobber ==> 高速滚齿机
  11666. high speed gear shaper ==> 高速插齿机
  11667. high speed generator ==> 高速发电机=>高速発電機
  11668. high speed grease ==> 高速润滑脂
  11669. high speed grinding ==> 高速磨削
  11670. high speed grinding wheel ==> 高速砂轮
  11671. high speed hacksaw blade ==> 高速钢锯条
  11672. high speed hammer mill ==> 高速锤磨机
  11673. high speed hand grinder ==> 高速手摇砂轮
  11674. high speed hardening furnace ==> 高速淬火炉
  11675. high speed high-resistance counter ==> 高速高阻计数器
  11676. high speed highway ==> 高速公路
  11677. high speed holographic camera ==> 高速全息摄影机
  11678. high speed holography ==> 高速全息照相术
  11679. high speed hydraulic cylinder ==> 高速液压缸
  11680. high speed ic resist ==> 高灵敏抗蚀剂
  11681. high speed ic series ==> 高速集成电路系列
  11682. high speed ic technology ==> 高速集成电路工艺
  11683. high speed il ==> 高速集成注入逻辑
  11684. high speed incremental plotter ==> 高速增量绘图仪
  11685. high speed induction air conditioning system ==> 高速诱导式空调系统
  11686. high speed industrial flat bed sewing machine ==> 高速工业平缝机
  11687. high speed integrated circuit ==> 高速集成电路
  11688. high speed internal grinder ==> 高速内磨床
  11689. high speed IR detector ==> 高速红外探测器
  11690. high speed jacquard machine ==> 高速提花机
  11691. high speed jacquard narrow fabric needle loom ==> 高速提花狭幅导纬针织带机
  11692. high speed jet ==> 高速射流,主量孔
  11693. high speed label loom ==> 高速标签织机
  11694. high speed laser printer ==> 高速激光打印机
  11695. high speed laser recording equipment ==> 高速激光记录设备
  11696. high speed lathe ==> 高速车床
  11697. high speed level recorder ==> 高速水平记录器
  11698. high speed line printer ==> 高速行式打印机
  11699. high speed liquid chromatograph ==> 高速液体色层分析仪,高速液相色谱仪
  11700. high speed liquid chromatography ==> 高速液相色谱法
  11701. high speed liquid chromatography (HSLC) ==> 高速液相色谱法
  11702. high speed lockstitch sewing machine ==> 高速锁缝缝纫机
  11703. high speed logic ==> 高速逻辑
  11704. high speed low torque oil motor ==> 高速小扭矩油马达
  11705. high speed low-noise synchronous motor ==> 高速低噪音异步电动机
  11706. high speed lsi ==> 高速大规模集成电路
  11707. high speed machine ==> 高速钻机
  11708. high speed machine tool ==> 高速机车
  11709. high speed magnetic amplifier ==> 高速磁放大器
  11710. high speed memory ==> 高速存储器
  11711. high speed microhole EDM machine ==> 高速电火花小孔加工机床
  11712. high speed mill ==> 高速轧机
  11713. high speed mixer ==> 高速拌合机
  11714. high speed motion-picture camera ==> 高速电影摄影机
  11715. high speed motor ==> 高速电动机
  11716. high speed multi cylinder line mesh paper machine ==> 高速长网多缸造纸机
  11717. high speed multiple motion-picture camera ==> 高速多影像电影摄影机
  11718. high speed multiplexer ==> 高速多路复用器
  11719. high speed multiplication ==> 高速乘法
  11720. high speed narrow fabric needle loom ==> 高速狭幅导纬针织带机
  11721. high speed operation ==> 高速工作
  11722. high speed optical sampling ==> 高速光サンプリング
  11723. high speed optical switch ==> 高速光学开关
  11724. high speed outsole stitching machine ==> 高速外底缝合机
  11725. high speed paper cutter ==> 高速切纸机
  11726. high speed paper cutting machine ==> 高速切纸机
  11727. high speed paper machine ==> 高速造纸机
  11728. high speed paper sack bottomer ==> 高速纸袋封底机
  11729. high speed parallel sewing machine ==> 高速平缝机
  11730. high speed performance ==> 高速性能
  11731. high speed plain interlock knitting machine ==> 高速双罗纹平针织机
  11732. high speed plane cutting machine ==> 高速平台式裁切机
  11733. high speed plankton sampler ==> 高速浮游生物取样器
  11734. high speed plotter ==> 高速绘图仪
  11735. high speed plough ==> 高速犁
  11736. high speed polishing ==> 高速抛光
  11737. high speed positioning ==> 高速位置決め
  11738. high speed precision lathe ==> 高速精密车床
  11739. high speed press ==> 高速压机
  11740. high speed pressing machine ==> 高速压合机
  11741. high speed printer ==> 高速印刷机,高速印刷装置,快速印刷装置
  11742. high speed printing press ==> 高速印刷机
  11743. high speed process ==> 高速集成电路工艺
  11744. high speed projector ==> 高速放映机
  11745. high speed pump ==> 高速泵
  11746. high speed radial drilling machine ==> 高速径向钻孔机
  11747. high speed reader ==> 高速阅读机
  11748. high speed reading system ==> 高速读数方式
  11749. high speed reciprocating friction testing machine ==> 高速往复式摩擦试验机
  11750. high speed reclosing ==> 高速重合=>高速度再閉路
  11751. high speed register ==> 高速寄存器
  11752. high speed regulator ==> 高速调节器
  11753. high speed relay ==> 高速继电器
  11754. high speed response ==> 高速响应
  11755. high speed robot ==> 高速机器人
  11756. high speed rotary head milling machine ==> 高速回转头铣床
  11757. high speed rotary press ==> 高速轮转机
  11758. high speed rotary printing ink ==> 高速轮转油墨
  11759. high speed rotating dish spray drier ==> 高速转盘喷雾干燥机
  11760. high speed rotational machine ==> 高速回転機
  11761. high speed runner ==> 高速转轮
  11762. high speed sampling ==> 高速サンプリング
  11763. high speed sampling recorder ==> 高速サンプリング装置
  11764. high speed saw blade ==> 高速钢锯条
  11765. high speed scintillation autoradiography ==> 高速闪烁放射自显影术
  11766. high speed scrubber ==> 高速涤气器,高速洗涤器
  11767. high speed selector channel ==> 高速选择通道
  11768. high speed semirandom access memory ==> 高速半随机存取存储器
  11769. high speed separating spindle ==> 高速分离锭子
  11770. high speed sewing machine ==> 高速缝纫机
  11771. high speed shaft ==> 高速轴
  11772. high speed simulation ==> 快速仿真
  11773. high speed slot-puncher ==> 高速冲槽机
  11774. high speed slow-scanning oscillograph ==> 高速慢扫描示波器
  11775. high speed small copy milling machine ==> 高速小仿形铣床
  11776. high speed sole attaching press machine ==> 高速鞋跟压合机
  11777. high speed spectrograph ==> 高速摄谱仪
  11778. high speed spindle oil ==> 高速锭子油
  11779. high speed static pressure bearing ==> 高速静压轴承
  11780. high speed steam locomotive ==> 高速蒸汽机车
  11781. high speed steel ==> 高速钢
  11782. high speed steel bit ==> 高速钢钻头
  11783. high speed steel cutter ==> 高速钢刀具
  11784. high speed steel ground tap ==> 高速钢磨削丝锥
  11785. high speed steel lathe tool ==> 高速钢车刀
  11786. high speed steel power hacksaw blade ==> 高速钢机用锯条
  11787. high speed steel tool ==> 高速钢刀具
  11788. high speed steel tool bit ==> 高速钢刀具
  11789. high speed steel turning tool ==> 高速钢车刀
  11790. high speed steel twist drill ==> 高速钢麻花钻
  11791. high speed steel wire ==> 高速钢丝
  11792. high speed step-out relay ==> 高速失步继电器
  11793. high speed sterilizer ==> 高速消毒器
  11794. high speed storage ==> 高速存储器
  11795. high speed streak camera ==> 高速条纹摄影机
  11796. high speed switch ==> 高速スイッチ
  11797. high speed synchroniser ==> 高速同步器
  11798. high speed tablet press ==> 高速压片机
  11799. high speed tabletop centrifuge ==> 高速台式离心机
  11800. high speed thread book sewing machine ==> 高速穿线订书机
  11801. high speed tool bit ==> 高速刀具
  11802. high speed tracking laser ==> 高速跟踪激光器
  11803. high speed trade-mark printing machine ==> 高速商标印刷机
  11804. high speed turbine ==> 高速涡轮机
  11805. high speed turbine stirrer ==> 高速涡轮式搅拌器
  11806. high speed turning tool ==> 高速刀具
  11807. high speed type ==> 高速打字机
  11808. high speed vacuum seamer ==> 高速真空封罐机
  11809. high speed vertical external broacher ==> 高速立式外拉床
  11810. high speed vertical miller ==> 高速立式铣床
  11811. high speed vertical universal milling machine ==> 高速立式万能铣床
  11812. high speed voltage comparator ==> 高速电压比较器
  11813. high speed wheel ==> 高速砂轮
  11814. high speed wind tunnel ==> 高速风洞
  11815. high speed winder ==> 高速缠绕机
  11816. high speed winding machine ==> 高速缠绕机
  11817. high speed wire rod finishing block ==> 高速线材精轧机
  11818. high speed xerographic printer ==> 高速电摄影打印机
  11819. high speed-energy forging machine ==> 高速锤
  11820. high speed-optical switch ==> 高速开关
  11821. high spiking fever ==> 高热
  11822. high spin ==> 高自旋=>ハイスピーン
  11823. high spot ==> 高点,强放射性点
  11824. high spot review ==> 重点考查
  11825. high stability ==> 高稳定度,高稳定性
  11826. high stability crystal oscillator ==> 高稳定度晶体振荡器
  11827. high stability quartz crystal oscillator ==> 高稳定度石英晶体振荡器
  11828. high stable laser ==> 高稳定激光器
  11829. high stage compressor ==> 高压压缩机
  11830. high stage microscope ==> 高镜台显微镜
  11831. high stake rack truck ==> 高侧板车厢
  11832. high standard of feeding ==> 高等饲养标准
  11833. high starch yield ==> 高出粉率
  11834. high steam ==> 高压蒸汽
  11835. high steel ==> 高碳钢,硬钢
  11836. high strain rate forming ==> 高压变率成形,高应变率成形
  11837. high strand integrity fibre ==> 高度集束的原纱纤维
  11838. high strength alloy ==> 高强度合金=>高力合金
  11839. high strength alloy steel shackle ==> 高强度合金钢锁扣
  11840. high strength aluminium alloy ==> 高强度铝合金
  11841. high strength bar ==> 高强钢筋=>高強度鉄筋
  11842. high strength bevel steel washer ==> 高强度钢斜垫圈
  11843. high strength bolt ==> 高强度螺栓=>高力ボルト
  11844. high strength brass ==> 高强度黄铜
  11845. high strength brick ==> 高强砖
  11846. high strength bronze ==> 高强度青铜
  11847. high strength cast iron ==> 高强度铸铁
  11848. high strength cement ==> 高强度水泥
  11849. high strength construction steel ==> 高强结构钢
  11850. high strength driving shaft ==> 高强度传动轴
  11851. high strength electrode ==> 高强度焊条
  11852. high strength enamelled wire ==> 高强度漆包线
  11853. high strength fibre ==> 高强度纤维
  11854. high strength flame resistant fibre ==> 高强度耐火纤维,高强耐火纤维
  11855. high strength friction grip bolt ==> 高强螺栓
  11856. high strength glass disc ==> 高强度玻璃盘
  11857. high strength glass fiber ==> 高强度玻璃纤维
  11858. high strength gypsum ==> 高强度石膏,高强石膏
  11859. high strength hot rolled reinforced bar ==> 高强度热轧钢筋
  11860. high strength hull steel ==> 高强度船体结构钢
  11861. high strength hydraulic cylinder ==> 高强度液压缸
  11862. high strength low alloy steel ==> 高强度低合金钢,低合金高强度钢
  11863. high strength low-alloy steels ==> 高强度低合金钢
  11864. high strength manganese bronze ==> 高强度锰青铜
  11865. high strength micro-crystalline glass ==> 高强度微晶玻璃
  11866. high strength nut ==> 高强度螺帽
  11867. high strength optical fiber ==> 高强度光纤
  11868. high strength plain steel washer ==> 高强度平钢垫圈
  11869. high strength plaster ==> 高强度石膏
  11870. high strength porcelain bushing shell ==> 高强度瓷套壳
  11871. high strength steel ==> 高强度钢材
  11872. high strength steel bar ==> 高强钢筋
  11873. high strength steel plate ==> 高强钢板
  11874. high strength steel washer ==> 高强度钢垫圈
  11875. high strength structural steel ==> 高强度结构钢
  11876. high strength superabrasive wheel ==> 高强度超硬砂轮
  11877. high strength suspension insulator ==> 高强度悬式绝缘子
  11878. high strength synthetic fibre ==> 高强度合成纤维
  11879. high strength thermal resistant alloy ==> 高强度耐热合金
  11880. high strength weldable aluminium alloy ==> 高强度可焊铝合金
  11881. high strength welded pipe ==> 高强度焊接管
  11882. high strength welded steelpipe ==> 高强度焊接钢管
  11883. high strength yellow brass ==> 高强度黄铜
  11884. high strength-to-density ratio ==> 高强度密度比
  11885. high stress fibre ==> 高应力纤维
  11886. high stump ==> 高截干接株
  11887. high stumped budding ==> 高截芽接树
  11888. high styrene resin ==> 高苯乙烯树脂
  11889. high styrene rubber ==> 高苯乙烯橡胶
  11890. high sugar content ==> 含糖多
  11891. high sulfate-resistant cement ==> 高抗硫水泥
  11892. high sulfate-resistant oil well cement ==> 高抗硫油井水泥
  11893. high sulfur crude ==> 高硫原油
  11894. high sulfur crude oil ==> 高硫原油
  11895. high sulfur fossil fuel ==> 高硫矿物燃料
  11896. high sulfur gas oil ==> 高硫瓦斯油
  11897. high sulphur coke ==> 高硫焦碳
  11898. high sulphur content ==> 高硫的
  11899. high sulphur fuel oil ==> 含硫量高燃油
  11900. high supercharged engine of low compression ratio ==> 低压缩比高增压发动机
  11901. high surface tension ==> 高表面張力
  11902. high symmetry ==> 高度对称
  11903. high tansion ignition ==> 高压点火
  11904. high technology for civilian use ==> 民用高技术
  11905. high technology industry ==> 高技术产业
  11906. high technology integrated circuit ==> 高技术集成电路
  11907. high technology microbiological tracer method ==> 高技术微生物示踪研究法
  11908. high tem perature steel ==> 高温钢
  11909. high temperature ==> 高热,高温
  11910. high temperature absorption heat pump ==> 高温型吸收式热泵
  11911. high temperature air ==> 高温空気
  11912. high temperature and high pressure cut-off valve ==> 高温高压截止阀
  11913. high temperature annealing ==> 高温退火
  11914. high temperature argon ==> 高温アルゴン
  11915. high temperature argon circulation ==> 高温アルゴン循環
  11916. high temperature blower ==> 高温鼓风机
  11917. high temperature brazing gas cooling furnace ==> 高温钎焊气冷炉
  11918. high temperature camera ==> 高温照相机
  11919. high temperature carbonization ==> 高温干馏,高温碳化
  11920. high temperature cellulose-decomposting bacteria ==> 高温纤维素分解菌
  11921. high temperature cemented carbide ==> 耐高温硬质合金
  11922. high temperature ceramic material ==> 耐高温陶瓷材料
  11923. high temperature ceramics ==> 高温陶瓷
  11924. high temperature chemical vapor deposition ==> 高温化学汽相淀积
  11925. high temperature coloured glaze ==> 高温颜色釉
  11926. high temperature conversion catalyst ==> 高温变换催化剂
  11927. high temperature corrosion ==> 高温腐蚀,金属高温受热面(水冷壁、屏式过热器、高温过热器和再热器等)在高温烟气环境下在管壁温度较高处所发生的烟气侧金属腐蚀
  11928. high temperature creep ==> 高温蠕变
  11929. high temperature creep and rupture testing machine ==> 高温蠕变及持久强度试验机
  11930. high temperature crystal growth ==> 高温晶体生长
  11931. high temperature curing ==> 高温养护法
  11932. high temperature cut-off valve ==> 高温闸阀
  11933. high temperature decorating colour ==> 高温色料
  11934. high temperature deformation ==> 高温变形
  11935. high temperature dehydration ==> 高温去水
  11936. high temperature detector ==> 高温探测器
  11937. high temperature device ==> 高温装置
  11938. high temperature diffusion ==> 高温扩散
  11939. high temperature digestive treatment ==> 高温消化处理
  11940. high temperature dilatometer ==> 高温膨胀仪
  11941. high temperature disc feeder ==> 高温圆盘给料机
  11942. high temperature dispersant ==> 高温分散剂
  11943. high temperature dispersing furnace ==> 高温扩散炉
  11944. high temperature distillation ==> 高温蒸馏
  11945. high temperature drier ==> 高温干燥机
  11946. high temperature dyeing machine ==> 高温染色机
  11947. high temperature electric wire ==> 高温电线
  11948. high temperature electrical insulating coating ==> 高温电绝缘涂层
  11949. high temperature electrostatic precipitator ==> 高温静电沉淀器
  11950. high temperature epitaxy ==> 高温外延
  11951. high temperature fatigue testing machine ==> 高温疲劳试验机
  11952. high temperature furnace ==> 高温炉
  11953. high temperature gas chromatography ==> 高温气相色谱,高温气相色谱法
  11954. high temperature gas cooled reactor ==> 高温气体冷却式反应堆
  11955. high temperature gas cooled reactor,HTGR ==> 高温气冷反应堆,采用耐高温的陶瓷型涂敷颗粒燃料、用化学惰性和热工性能良好的氦作冷却剂、用耐高温的石墨作慢化剂和结构材料、冷却剂出口温度可达750℃~950℃的核反应堆
  11956. high temperature gas filter ==> 高温燃气过滤器
  11957. high temperature gel ==> 高温凝胶
  11958. high temperature glaze ==> 高温釉
  11959. high temperature grease ==> 高温润滑油
  11960. high temperature hardness ==> 热硬度
  11961. high temperature heat pipe ==> 高温热管,以钠、钾、锂等为工质,依靠一端蒸发、另一端冷凝,实现高效传热的元件。它由壳体、吸液芯和工作液体三部分组成
  11962. high temperature heat pump ==> 高温热泵
  11963. high temperature heat source ==> 高温热源
  11964. high temperature heater ==> 薄膜高温発熱体
  11965. high temperature heater (HTH) ==> 高温加热器
  11966. high temperature high pressure dyeing machine ==> 高温高压染色机
  11967. high temperature hot water pump ==> 高温热水泵
  11968. high temperature hydrofluorination ==> 高温氢氟化作用
  11969. high temperature hydrogen furnace ==> 高温氢气炉
  11970. high temperature indicator ==> 高温指示器
  11971. high temperature inert gas plasma ==> 高温希ガスプラズマ
  11972. high temperature infrared window ==> 高温红外窗口
  11973. high temperature insostatic pressing (HIP) ==> 热等静压
  11974. high temperature insulating material ==> 高温隔热材料
  11975. high temperature insulation ==> 高温绝缘
  11976. high temperature investment ==> 高温包埋料
  11977. high temperature kiln drying ==> 高温窑干
  11978. high temperature lacquer ==> 高温漆
  11979. high temperature lasting tester ==> 高温持久强度试验机
  11980. high temperature levelling agent ==> 高温匀染剂
  11981. high temperature life ==> 高温下使用寿命
  11982. high temperature limit switch ==> 高温限制开关
  11983. high temperature long-loop ager ==> 长环高温蒸化器
  11984. high temperature long-loop steamer ==> 长环高温汽蒸机
  11985. high temperature lubricating coating ==> 高温润滑涂层
  11986. high temperature material ==> 高温材料
  11987. high temperature metallographic microscope ==> 高温金相显微镜
  11988. high temperature metallography ==> 高温金相学
  11989. high temperature metering pump ==> 高温计量泵
  11990. high temperature microscope ==> 高温显微镜
  11991. high temperature mill scale ==> 高温轧制铁鳞
  11992. high temperature modification ==> 高温型
  11993. high temperature MOR-tester ==> 高温抗弯强度测试仪
  11994. high temperature nuclear particle detector ==> 高温核粒子探测器
  11995. high temperature optical fiber sensor ==> 高温光纤传感器
  11996. high temperature oscillating crucible viscometer ==> 高温振动坩埚粘度计
  11997. high temperature oxidation ==> 高温氧化
  11998. high temperature oxidation resistant coating ==> 高温抗氧化涂层
  11999. high temperature package dyeing machine ==> 高温筒子染色机
  12000. high temperature pasteurization ==> 高温巴氏灭菌法
  12001. high temperature performance ==> 高温行为
  12002. high temperature permeability ==> 高温透气性
  12003. high temperature phosphate ==> 高温磷酸盐
  12004. high temperature polymerization ==> 高温聚合
  12005. high temperature preservation ==> 高温保藏法
  12006. high temperature pressure dyeing ==> 高温高压染色
  12007. high temperature pressure jigger ==> 高温高压卷染机
  12008. high temperature pressure power station gate valves ==> 高温高压电站闸阀
  12009. high temperature pressure power station globe valves ==> 高温高压电站截止阀
  12010. high temperature processing ==> 高温处理
  12011. high temperature pyrolytic cracking (HTP) ==> 高温热解法
  12012. high temperature quartz ==> 高温石英
  12013. high temperature radio-frequency cable ==> 高温射频电缆
  12014. high temperature radioactive substance ==> 高温放射性物质
  12015. high temperature rapid firing ==> 高温快烧
  12016. high temperature rapid firing stains ==> 高温快烧颜料
  12017. high temperature refractory material ==> 高温耐火材料
  12018. high temperature reservoir ==> 高温储热器
  12019. high temperature salt bath electrode furnace ==> 高温电极盐浴电阻炉
  12020. high temperature sample dyeing machine ==> 高温样品染色机
  12021. high temperature season load ==> 高温季荷重
  12022. high temperature sensor ==> 高温传感器
  12023. high temperature series expansion ==> 高温级数展开
  12024. high temperature setting ==> 高温定形
  12025. high temperature setting glue ==> 高温固化胶
  12026. high temperature shift ==> 高温变换
  12027. high temperature shor-time pasteurization ==> 高温快速灭菌法
  12028. high temperature short time ==> 高温短时灭菌法
  12029. high temperature side ==> 高温测
  12030. high temperature sintering ==> 高温烧结
  12031. high temperature sludge ==> 高温氧化淤渣
  12032. high temperature SOFC ==> 高温型SOFC
  12033. high temperature solar energy collector ==> 高温太阳能收集器
  12034. high temperature stability ==> 耐热性
  12035. high temperature stable propellant ==> 高温稳定发射药
  12036. high temperature steam curing ==> 高温蒸汽养护
  12037. high temperature steaming ==> 高温汽蒸法
  12038. high temperature sterilization ==> 高温灭菌法
  12039. high temperature sterilizing tunnel oven ==> 高温灭菌隧道烘箱
  12040. high temperature strain gauge ==> 高温应变计
  12041. high temperature strength ==> 热强度
  12042. high temperature strength test ==> 高温强度试验
  12043. high temperature superconducting cable ==> 高温超電導ケーブル
  12044. high temperature superconductivity ==> 高温超导
  12045. high temperature superconductor ==> 高温超電導素子,高温超電導体
  12046. high temperature superconductor synchronous machine ==> 高温超電導同期機
  12047. high temperature tar ==> 高温焦油
  12048. high temperature tempering ==> 高温回火
  12049. high temperature test ==> 高温试验
  12050. high temperature test chamber ==> 高温测试箱,高温试验室
  12051. high temperature testing machine ==> 高温试验机
  12052. high temperature thermo-electric furnace ==> 高温热电炉
  12053. high temperature thermo-setting ==> 高温热定形
  12054. high temperature thermogravimetric apparatus ==> 高温热重力测定仪
  12055. high temperature thermometer ==> 高温温度计
  12056. high temperature top burning hot blast stove ==> 高温顶燃式热风炉
  12057. high temperature total hydrocarbon analyzer ==> 高温总烃量分析仪
  12058. high temperature ultraviolet microscope ==> 高温紫外显微镜
  12059. high temperature vacuum furnace ==> 高温真空炉
  12060. High temperature valve ==> 高温阀门
  12061. high temperature varnish ==> 高温清漆
  12062. high temperature visco meter ==> 高温粘度计
  12063. high temperature water pump assembly ==> 高温水泵总成
  12064. high temperature wax ==> 高温蜡
  12065. high temperature well ==> 高温井
  12066. high temperature winch-beck ==> 高温高压绳状染色机
  12067. high temperature workshop ==> 高温车间
  12068. high temperature X-ray diffraction analysis ==> 高温X射线衍射分析
  12069. high temperature zone ==> 高温带
  12070. high temperature-pressure beck ==> 高温高压绳状染色机
  12071. high temperature-pressure dyeing machine ==> 高温高压染色机
  12072. high temperature-pressure sample dyeing machine ==> 高温高压样品染色机
  12073. high temperature-short time pasteurization (HTST) ==> 高温短时巴氏灭菌法
  12074. high temperaturethermistor ==> 高温处理
  12075. high tenacity fibre ==> 高强力纤维
  12076. high tenacity nylon filament ==> 高强力耐纶丝
  12077. high tenacity rayon filament ==> 強力レーヨンフィラメント
  12078. high tenacity staple fibre ==> 高强力粘胶纤维
  12079. high tenacity viscose fibre ==> 高强力粘胶纤维
  12080. high tensile aluminium alloy ==> 高强度铝合金
  12081. high tensile bolt ==> 高强度螺栓
  12082. high tensile brass ==> 高强度黄铜
  12083. high tensile cast iron ==> 高强度铸铁
  12084. high tensile deformed steel bar ==> 高拉力异形钢筋
  12085. high tensile electric welding rod ==> 高强焊条
  12086. high tensile reinforcement ==> 高强钢筋
  12087. high tensile reinforing steel ==> 高强钢筋
  12088. high tensile steel ==> 高强度钢,高级钢
  12089. high tensile steel plate ==> 高强钢板
  12090. high tensile steel tube ==> 高强度钢管
  12091. high tensile steel wire ==> 高强钢丝
  12092. high tensile thin steel plate ==> 高强薄钢板
  12093. high tension ==> 高压=>高圧
  12094. high tension arc ==> 高压电弧
  12095. high tension battery ==> 高压电池组
  12096. high tension bridge ==> 高压电桥
  12097. high tension cable ==> 高压电缆
  12098. high tension circuit ==> 高压电路
  12099. high tension coil ==> 高压线圈
  12100. high tension coupling condenser ==> 高压耦合电容器
  12101. high tension current ==> 高压电流
  12102. high tension DC potentiometer ==> 高压直流电位差计
  12103. high tension direct current generator ==> 高压直流发电机
  12104. high tension distribution system ==> 高压配电系统
  12105. high tension distributor ==> 高压分电器
  12106. high tension egg insulator ==> 高压蛋形绝缘子
  12107. high tension electrical porcelain insulator ==> 高压电瓷绝缘子
  12108. high tension electricity ==> 高压电
  12109. high tension ignition ==> 高压点火
  12110. high tension indoor wall entrance bushing sleeve ==> 高压户内穿墙套管
  12111. high tension insulating gloves ==> 高压绝缘手套
  12112. high tension insulator ==> 高压电瓷
  12113. high tension loop ==> 高压回路
  12114. high tension megger ==> 高压兆欧表
  12115. high tension mercuric bulb ==> 高压水银灯泡
  12116. high tension mercury search light ==> 高压水银投光灯
  12117. high tension mercury street light ==> 高压水银路灯
  12118. high tension pin-type insulator ==> 高压针式绝缘子
  12119. high tension porcelain insulator ==> 高压电瓷绝缘子
  12120. high tension power line ==> 高压输电线
  12121. high tension radio-graphic apparatus ==> 高压X线摄影机
  12122. high tension rubber gloves ==> 高压橡皮手套
  12123. high tension shackle insulator ==> 高压绝缘瓷瓶
  12124. high tension spark ==> 高压火花
  12125. high tension spark method ==> 高压火花法
  12126. high tension switch ==> 高压开关
  12127. high tension switch cabinet ==> 高压开关柜
  12128. high tension switch gear ==> 高压开关柜
  12129. high tension switchboard ==> 高压开关板
  12130. high tension terminal ==> 高压接线柱
  12131. high tension thread rolling machine ==> 高压螺纹滚轧机
  12132. high tension transformer ==> 高压变换器,高压变压器
  12133. high tension transmission line ==> 高压输电线
  12134. high tension wire ==> 高压线
  12135. high test bleaching powder ==> 高级漂白粉
  12136. high thickness emulsion ==> 高稠度乳胶
  12137. high threshold device ==> 高阈值装置
  12138. high threshold logic ==> 高阈值逻辑
  12139. high threshold logic(HTL) ==> 高抗逻辑
  12140. high threshold mos ==> 高阈值金属氧化物半导体
  12141. high throughput system ==> 高生产能力系统
  12142. high tibial osteotomy ==> 高位胫骨切骨术
  12143. high tide ==> 高潮,满潮
  12144. high tide alarm ==> 高潮报警器
  12145. high tide forecasting ==> 高潮预报
  12146. high tide interval ==> 高潮间隔
  12147. high tide level ==> 高潮位
  12148. high tide line ==> 高潮线
  12149. high tide slack water ==> 高潮憩流
  12150. high tin bronze ==> 高锡青铜
  12151. high titanium oxide type electrode ==> 高氧化钛型焊条,高钛型焊条
  12152. high titanium slag ==> 高钛渣
  12153. high tone loudspeaker ==> 高音喇叭
  12154. high top heat ==> 高温炉顶
  12155. high top knurled nut ==> 滚花高螺母
  12156. high topping ==> 高截冠
  12157. high torque (HT) ==> 高转矩
  12158. high torque AC motor ==> 大转矩交流电动机
  12159. high torque and low speed motor ==> 大转矩低速电动机
  12160. high torque motor ==> 高启动转矩电机
  12161. high torque operation ==> 最大トルク制御
  12162. high torque rotary drill ==> 大转矩回转钻机
  12163. high transconductance gun ==> 高跨导电子枪
  12164. high turbine ==> 大功率透平
  12165. high usage line ==> 利用率高的线路
  12166. high usage trunk ==> 従属回線
  12167. high vacuum ==> 高度真空,高真空=>高真空
  12168. high vacuum brazing material ==> 高真空钎料
  12169. high vacuum breakdown ==> 高真空击穿
  12170. high vacuum chamber ==> 高真空室
  12171. high vacuum coating machine ==> 高真空镀膜机
  12172. high vacuum coating unit ==> 高真空镀膜机
  12173. high vacuum degassing ==> 高真空脱气
  12174. high vacuum distillation ==> 高真空蒸馏
  12175. high vacuum evaporation ==> 高真空蒸发
  12176. high vacuum evaporator (HVE) ==> 高真空蒸发器
  12177. high vacuum film plating table ==> 高真空镀膜台
  12178. high vacuum flange ==> 高真空法兰盘
  12179. high vacuum furnace ==> 高真空炉
  12180. high vacuum gauge ==> 高真空计
  12181. high vacuum grease ==> 高真空脂膏
  12182. high vacuum induction heater furnace ==> 高真空感应加热炉
  12183. high vacuum melting furnace ==> 高真空冶炼炉
  12184. high vacuum oil diffuse pump ==> 高真空油扩散泵
  12185. high vacuum orbital simulator ==> 高真空轨道运行模拟器
  12186. high vacuum phototube ==> 高真空光电管
  12187. high vacuum pump ==> 高真空泵,高度真空泵
  12188. high vacuum rectifier ==> 高真空整流器
  12189. high vacuum seal ==> 高真空密封
  12190. high vacuum superinsulation cryogenic container ==> 高真空超绝热低温容器
  12191. high vacuum technique ==> 高真空技术
  12192. high vacuum technology ==> 高真空技术
  12193. high vacuum technology equipment ==> 高真空工艺设备
  12194. high vacuum tube ==> 高真空电子管
  12195. high vacuum valve ==> 高真空阀,高真空阀门
  12196. high valence ion ==> 高价离子
  12197. high valocity brittleness ==> 高速脆性
  12198. high value scrap ==> 高值废料
  12199. high value standard resistor ==> 高阻标准电阻器
  12200. high vanadium ferroalloy ==> 高钒铁
  12201. high vavuum ==> 高真空
  12202. high velocity ==> 高速度
  12203. high velocity aircraft rocket ==> 高速航空火箭
  12204. high velocity armorpiercing rocket ==> 高速穿甲火箭
  12205. high velocity beam scanning image pick-up tube ==> 高速射束扫描摄像管
  12206. high velocity booster ==> 高速引爆剂
  12207. high velocity burner ==> 高速烧嘴
  12208. high velocity camera tube ==> 高速摄像管
  12209. high velocity convection burner ==> 高速对流燃烧器
  12210. high velocity forging machine ==> 高速锻造机
  12211. high velocity ground roll ==> 高速地滚波
  12212. high velocity ram machine ==> 高速冲床,高速冲压机
  12213. high velocity supply air system ==> 高速送风系统
  12214. high viscosity fracturing fluid ==> 高粘度压裂液
  12215. high viscosity fuel ==> 高粘度燃料油
  12216. high viscosity glue spraying machine ==> 高粘度涂胶机
  12217. high viscosity index (HVI) ==> 高粘度指数
  12218. high viscosity oil ==> 高粘石油
  12219. high viscosity pad ==> 高粘前置液
  12220. high viscosity solvent refined oil ==> 高粘度溶剂精制油
  12221. high viscosity triple screw pump ==> 高粘度三螺杆泵
  12222. high volatile bituminous coal ==> 高挥发性沥青煤
  12223. high volatile coal ==> 高挥发煤
  12224. high voltage ==> 高电压,高压=>高圧
  12225. high voltage accelerator ==> 高压加速器
  12226. high voltage block ==> 高压堆
  12227. high voltage bridge ==> 高压电桥,在高电压下测量绝缘材料试样和电气设备绝缘的介质损耗因数和电容值的电桥,如西林电桥或电流比较仪式电桥
  12228. high voltage bus ==> 高压母线
  12229. high voltage bushing ==> 高压套管
  12230. high voltage cable ==> 高压电缆
  12231. high voltage calbe ==> 同上
  12232. high voltage capacitor(of a capacitor voltage transformer) ==> 电容器式电压互感器的高压电容器
  12233. high voltage ceramic capacitor ==> 高压瓷介电容器,高压陶瓷电容器
  12234. high voltage circuit ==> 高压电路
  12235. high voltage condenser paper ==> 高压电容纸
  12236. high voltage connector ==> 高电压连接器
  12237. high voltage controlling transformer ==> 高压控制变压器
  12238. high voltage converter ==> 高压变流机
  12239. high voltage corona device ==> 高压电晕装置
  12240. high voltage damper ==> 高压阻尼线圈
  12241. high voltage dc transmission ==> 高压直流输电
  12242. High Voltage Direct Current & Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems Task Force Meeting ==> 高压直流输电与灵活交流输电国际会议
  12243. high voltage direct current cable ==> 高压直流电缆
  12244. high voltage direct current transmission (HVDC) ==> 高压直流输电
  12245. high voltage direct current, HVDC ==> 高压直流,电力系统中±800kV以下的直流电压等级
  12246. high voltage discharge ==> 高压放电
  12247. high voltage discharge electrode ==> 高压放电极
  12248. high voltage distribution installtion ==> 高压配电装置
  12249. high voltage distribution network ==> 高压配电网
  12250. high voltage drop-out type fuse cutout ==> 高压跌落式熔断器
  12251. high voltage electrode ==> 高压电极
  12252. high voltage electron microscope ==> 高压电子显微镜
  12253. high voltage electron microscopy ==> 高压电子显微术
  12254. high voltage electrostatic voltmeter ==> 高压静电电压表
  12255. high voltage engineering ==> 高電圧工学
  12256. high voltage equipment ==> 高压设备=>高電圧機器
  12257. high voltage flash-over tester ==> 高压闪络测试仪
  12258. high voltage fuse ==> 高压熔断器
  12259. high voltage generator ==> 高电压发电机,不需用升压变压器而直接与电网联结的发电机
  12260. high voltage high speed oscilloscope ==> 高压高速示波器
  12261. high voltage ignition ==> 高压点火
  12262. high voltage impulse generator ==> 高压脉冲发生器
  12263. high voltage indicator ==> 高压指示器
  12264. high voltage installation ==> 高电压设备
  12265. high voltage insulating oil ==> 高压绝缘油
  12266. high voltage insulating tank ==> 高压绝缘箱
  12267. high voltage insulation ==> 高压绝缘
  12268. high voltage insulator ==> 高压绝缘子
  12269. high voltage insulator compartment ==> 高压绝缘子室
  12270. high voltage integrated circuit ==> 高压集成电路
  12271. high voltage isolator ==> 高压隔离开关
  12272. high voltage kenotron ==> 高压整流二极管
  12273. high voltage laboratory ==> 高压试验室,高电压实验室
  12274. high voltage lamp ==> 高压灯
  12275. high voltage line ==> 高压线路
  12276. high voltage load disconnecting switch ==> 高压负荷切断开关
  12277. high voltage load switch ==> 高压负荷开关
  12278. high voltage measurement ==> 高电压测定=>高電圧の測定
  12279. high voltage micaceous condenser ==> 高压云母电容器
  12280. high voltage most ==> 高压金属氧化物半导体晶体管
  12281. high voltage motor ==> 高压交流电动机
  12282. high voltage network ==> 高压网络
  12283. high voltage oscilloscope ==> 高压示波器,适用于高电压试验的示波器
  12284. high voltage out-door disconnector ==> 高压户外隔离开关
  12285. high voltage paper electrophoresis (HVPE) ==> 高压纸电泳
  12286. high voltage plant ==> 高电压设备
  12287. high voltage porcelain ==> 高电压瓷
  12288. high voltage porcelain insulator ==> 高压电瓷绝缘子
  12289. high voltage potential transformer ==> 高压电压互感器
  12290. high voltage power supply ==> 高压电源
  12291. high voltage probe ==> 高电压探针
  12292. high voltage protection ==> 高压防护
  12293. high voltage relay ==> 高压继电器
  12294. high voltage resistor ==> 高压电电阻器
  12295. high voltage side ==> 高压侧
  12296. high voltage silicon rectifier stack ==> 高压硅堆
  12297. high voltage silicon stack for TV ==> 电视机用高压硅堆
  12298. high voltage sodium lamp ==> 高压钠灯
  12299. high voltage source ==> 高压电源
  12300. high voltage source box ==> 高压电源箱
  12301. high voltage stability ==> 高压稳定性,高压稳定度
  12302. high voltage standard capacitor ==> 高压标准电容器,能耐受高电压,在规定条件下电容值稳定,介质损耗小的用作标准元件的电容器
  12303. high voltage static therapy apparatus ==> 高压静电治疗机
  12304. high voltage substation ==> 高压变电所
  12305. high voltage supply ==> 高压电源
  12306. high voltage support frame ==> 高压支架
  12307. high voltage switch ==> 高压开关
  12308. high voltage switch cabinet ==> 高压开关柜
  12309. high voltage switch gear ==> 高压开关装置
  12310. high voltage switchboard ==> 高压开关板
  12311. high voltage synthetic-film resistor ==> 高压合成膜电阻
  12312. high voltage technique ==> 高电压技术
  12313. high voltage technology ==> 高电压技术,以试验研究为基础的研究高电压及其相关问题的应用技术。其内容主要涉及在高电压作用下各种绝缘介质的性能和不同类型的放电现象,高电压设备的绝缘结构设计,高电压试验和测量的设备及方法,电力系统的过电压与绝缘配合、高电压或大电流环境影响和防护措施,以及高电压、大电流的应用等
  12314. high voltage terminal ==> 高压端
  12315. high voltage test ==> 高压试验=>高電圧試験
  12316. high voltage tester ==> 高电压测试器
  12317. high voltage testing device ==> 高压测试器
  12318. high voltage testing equipment ==> 高压试验设备,高电压试验设备,进行高压试验的设备。包括冲击电压发生器、冲击电流发生器、工频试验变压器、串级工频试验变压器、工频谐振试验变压器等
  12319. high voltage thin film transistor ==> 高压薄膜晶体管
  12320. high voltage transistor ==> 高压晶体管
  12321. high voltage transmission electron microscope ==> 高压透射电子显微镜
  12322. high voltage transmission line ==> 高压输电线,高电压线=>特別高圧系統
  12323. high voltage unit ==> 高压发生器
  12324. high voltage wire ==> 高压线
  12325. high voltage wound asynchronous motor ==> 高压卷线异步电动机
  12326. high voltage, HV 高压,电力系统中高于1kV、并低于330 ==> kV的交流电压等级
  12327. high volume ==> 高容量
  12328. high volume cascade impactor ==> 高强度串连冲击器
  12329. high volume electric speaker ==> 高音电动扬声器
  12330. high volume product ==> 大量生产制品
  12331. high volume sampler ==> 高流量采样仪器
  12332. high volume testing instrument for cotton ==> 大容量棉花测试仪
  12333. high water ==> 高潮
  12334. high water base vane pump ==> 高水基叶片泵
  12335. high water equinoctial spring tide ==> 分点大潮高潮位
  12336. high water interval ==> 高水位间隔
  12337. high water level ==> 高水位
  12338. high water level of spring tide ==> 大潮高潮位
  12339. high water level operation ==> 高水位運転
  12340. high water line ==> 高水位线,高潮水位线
  12341. high water mark ==> 高潮标记,高潮痕,高水位线,洪水痕迹
  12342. high water period ==> 丰水期
  12343. high water revetment ==> 高水位护岸
  12344. high water river bed ==> 洪水河床
  12345. high water spring ==> 大潮高潮
  12346. high water stand ==> 高潮停潮
  12347. high water table ==> 高水位
  12348. high water-content crude oil ==> 高含水原油
  12349. high water-cut crude oil ==> 高含水原油
  12350. high water-cut well ==> 高含水井
  12351. high waterhead hydraulic system ==> 高水头水力枢纽
  12352. high wave echo ==> 高波
  12353. high wave energy ==> 高波能
  12354. high wax content oil ==> 高含蜡原油
  12355. high wax oil ==> 高蜡石油
  12356. high webbed tee iron ==> 宽腰T字钢
  12357. high weight solids content ==> 高比重固相含量
  12358. high weir ==> 高堰
  12359. high wet modulus ==> 高湿模量
  12360. high wet modulus rayon ==> 高湿模量人造丝
  12361. high wet modulus viscose fiber ==> 高湿模量粘胶纤维
  12362. high wet strength paper ==> 高湿强度纸
  12363. high wheel cultivator ==> 大轮耕耘机
  12364. high wheeled car ==> 高轮车
  12365. high wing aircraft ==> 上单翼机
  12366. high workload ==> 仕事量の多さ
  12367. high writingspeed socilloscope tube ==> 高记录速度示波管
  12368. high yield ==> 高产率,丰产,更大收获
  12369. high yield clone ==> 高产无性系
  12370. high yield field ==> 高产田
  12371. high yield ic production ==> 高成品率集成电路生产
  12372. high yield plot ==> 丰产田
  12373. high yield potential ==> 高产潜力
  12374. high yield strength ==> 高屈服点
  12375. high yield stress steel ==> 高屈服强度钢
  12376. high(er) pair ==> 线点对偶
  12377. high-accuracy formula ==> 高精度公式,高精确度公式
  12378. high-accuracy survey ==> 高精度测量
  12379. high-activity area ==> 高活性区
  12380. high-activity data processing ==> 高效数据处理
  12381. high-activity processing ==> 高效处理
  12382. high-activity waste container ==> 高放射性废物容器
  12383. high-alkali cement ==> 高碱水泥
  12384. high-alkalinity mud ==> 高碱泥浆
  12385. high-alloy steel ==> 高合金钢
  12386. high-alloy steel vessel ==> 高合金钢容器
  12387. high-altitude accident ==> 高空失事
  12388. high-altitude air-conditioning equipment ==> 高空空气调节设备
  12389. high-altitude aircraft photograph ==> 高空航空相片
  12390. high-altitude balloon ==> 高空气流
  12391. high-altitude bombing ==> 高空轰炸
  12392. high-altitude disease ==> 高山病
  12393. high-altitude erythremia ==> 高山病
  12394. high-altitude laboratory ==> 高空试验室
  12395. high-altitude machine ==> 高原电机
  12396. high-altitude magnetic field ==> 高空磁场
  12397. high-altitude method ==> 高空高度法
  12398. high-altitude nuclear burst ==> 高空核爆炸
  12399. high-altitude photo ==> 高空摄影
  12400. high-altitude photography ==> 高空摄影术
  12401. high-altitude radar controller ==> 高空雷达控制器
  12402. high-altitude rocket ==> 高空探测火箭
  12403. high-altitude sampling program ==> 高空取样计划
  12404. high-altitude sounding projectile ==> 高空气象火箭
  12405. high-altitude station ==> 高山站
  12406. high-altitude strike indicator ==> 高空打击指示器
  12407. high-altitude suspension ==> 高空悬浮物
  12408. high-altitude test vehicle ==> 高空试验飞行器
  12409. high-altitude transformer ==> 高原变压器
  12410. high-altitude vehicle ==> 高空飞行器
  12411. high-alumina ==> 高铝氧的
  12412. high-alumina brick ==> 高铝砖
  12413. high-alumina clay ==> 高铝粘土
  12414. high-alumina electrical porce-lain ==> 高铝电瓷
  12415. high-alumina refractory ==> 高铝耐火材料
  12416. high-amplitude wave ==> 强波
  12417. high-and-low-energy wet scrubber ==> 高能及低能湿式洗涤器
  12418. high-angle fault ==> 陡角断层,(高角度断层)陡倾断层
  12419. high-angle fire ==> 高角射击
  12420. high-angle gun ==> 曲射炮
  12421. high-angle shot ==> 高角度拍摄
  12422. high-angle strafing ==> 大角度扫射
  12423. high-aperture beam ==> 大孔径光束
  12424. high-aperture lens ==> 大孔径透镜
  12425. high-arch tractor ==> 高地隙拖拉机
  12426. high-ash content ==> 高含灰量
  12427. high-ash fuel ==> 高灰分燃料
  12428. high-back jumbo ==> 高工作面钻车
  12429. high-beam plow ==> 高架犁
  12430. high-benefit field ==> 高效益田
  12431. high-beta ==> 高ベータ
  12432. high-beta stellarator ==> 高比压仿星器
  12433. high-boiling ==> 高温沸腾
  12434. high-boiling hydrocarbons ==> 高沸点烃类
  12435. high-boiling petroleum products ==> 高沸点石油产品
  12436. high-boiling-point impurity ==> 高沸点杂质
  12437. high-brightness ==> 高亮度
  12438. high-Btu oil-gas process ==> 高发热值油气法
  12439. high-bulk fibre ==> 高膨体纤维
  12440. high-burst ranging ==> 空炸射击修正
  12441. high-bypass engine ==> 高バイパスエンジン
  12442. high-C circuit ==> 大电容电路
  12443. high-calcium limestone ==> 富钙灰岩
  12444. high-capacity ==> 高功率,大容量
  12445. high-capacity disk ==> 高容量磁盘
  12446. high-capacity fuse (Hi-cap fuse) ==> 大切断功率保险丝
  12447. high-capacity hydroelectric plant ==> 大容量水电站
  12448. high-capacity machine unit ==> 大容量机组
  12449. high-capacity memory ==> 大容量存储器
  12450. high-capacity motor ==> 大型电动机,高功率电动机
  12451. high-capacity projectile ==> 高能炸弹
  12452. high-capacity squeezer ==> 高效轧车
  12453. high-capacity tyre ==> 载重轮胎
  12454. high-capacity water power station ==> 大容量水电站
  12455. high-carbon acid ==> 高碳酸
  12456. high-carbon alloy steel ==> 高碳合金钢
  12457. high-carbon chromium ==> 高碳铬
  12458. high-carbon chromium steel ==> 高碳铬钢
  12459. high-carbon coke ==> 高炭焦
  12460. high-carbon ferromanganese ==> 高炭素フェロマンガン
  12461. high-carbon high-tensile steel ==> 高碳高张力钢
  12462. high-carbon high-tensile steel wire ==> 高碳高张力钢线
  12463. high-carbon iron alloy ==> 高碳铁合金
  12464. high-carbon iron powder ==> 高碳铁粉
  12465. high-carbon steel ==> 高碳钢
  12466. high-carbon steel heat treated ==> 热处理过的高碳钢
  12467. high-chlorine coal ==> 高氯煤
  12468. high-cholesterol diet ==> 高コレステロールな食事
  12469. high-chromium alloy ==> 高铬合金
  12470. high-chromium cast-iron ball ==> 高铬铸铁球
  12471. high-chromium content ceramet ==> 高铬金属陶瓷
  12472. high-chromium stainless steel ==> 高铬不锈钢
  12473. high-class ==> 高精度等级的,高质量的
  12474. high-class fit ==> 高级精度配合
  12475. high-class gear ==> 高级齿轮
  12476. high-class products ==> 优等品
  12477. high-clearance duster ==> 高地隙喷粉机
  12478. high-clearance liquid nitrogen applicator ==> 高地隙液体氮肥注施机
  12479. high-clearance sprayer ==> 高地隙喷雾机
  12480. high-clearance tractor ==> 高地隙拖拉机
  12481. high-cold scrub ==> 高寒灌丛
  12482. high-cold steppe ==> 高寒草原
  12483. high-compression engine ==> 高圧縮比エンジン
  12484. high-compression motor ==> 高压缩发动机
  12485. high-concentration COM ==> 高浓度煤油混合燃料
  12486. high-conductivity copper ==> 高导电性铜
  12487. high-consistency viscometer ==> 高稠度粘度计
  12488. high-content corundum product ==> 高刚玉制品
  12489. high-contrast ==> 高对比度,硬调
  12490. high-contrast anomalies ==> 高对比度异常
  12491. high-contrast developer ==> 高反差显影液
  12492. high-contrast edge ==> 高反差边缘
  12493. high-contrast image ==> 高对比度图像,硬图像,对比度强的图像
  12494. high-contrast imagery ==> 高对比成像
  12495. high-contrast pan film ==> 高反差全色软片
  12496. high-contrast plate ==> 高衬度底片
  12497. high-contrast target ==> 高衬度靶,高对比目标
  12498. high-copper ==> 高铜
  12499. high-cost energy resource ==> 高成本能源
  12500. high-creep strength steel ==> 高蠕变强度钢
  12501. high-crowned arch ==> 高顶拱
  12502. high-current plasma arc welding ==> 大电流等离子弧焊
  12503. high-current switch ==> 大电流开关
  12504. high-cut filter ==> 高阻滤波器
  12505. high-cutting bar ==> 高割型切割器
  12506. high-cycle ==> 高频的
  12507. high-cycle fatique ==> 高频疲劳
  12508. high-data rate laser system ==> 高数据速率激光系统
  12509. high-definition detector ==> 高分辨率探测器
  12510. high-definition developer ==> 高分辨力显影剂
  12511. high-definition image ==> 高清晰度图像
  12512. high-definition laser radar ==> 高分辨率激光雷达
  12513. high-definition lidar ==> 高分辨率激光雷达
  12514. high-definition picture ==> 高分辨率图像
  12515. high-definition rangefinder ==> 高分辨率测距仪
  12516. high-definition scanning system ==> 高分辨率扫描系统,高分解力扫描系统
  12517. high-denier-fibre ==> 粗纤度纤维
  12518. high-density ==> 高密度=>高密度の
  12519. high-density baling ==> 高密度压捆
  12520. high-density bipolar (HDB) ==> 高密度双极性编码
  12521. high-density bipolar code ==> 高密度双极性码
  12522. high-density carrier ==> 高密度载波机
  12523. high-density character set ==> 高密度字符组
  12524. high-density charge ==> 高密度炉料
  12525. high-density concrete ==> 高密度混凝土
  12526. high-density data system ==> 高密度数据系统
  12527. high-density digital storage ==> 高集成度数字存储器,高密度数字存储器
  12528. high-density digital tape ==> 高密度数字磁带
  12529. high-density economy and society ==> 高密度经济
  12530. high-density electron beam optics ==> 高密度电子束光学,强流电子光学
  12531. high-density graphite ==> 高密度石墨
  12532. high-density high-conductivity charge ==> 高密度高导热性炉料
  12533. high-density lipoprotein (HDL) ==> 高密度脂蛋白
  12534. high-density method ==> 高电流密度锌电解法
  12535. high-density ozone ==> 高濃度オゾン
  12536. high-density pickup baler ==> 高密度捡拾压捆机
  12537. high-density powder ==> 高密度粉末
  12538. high-density pressing ==> 高密度坯块
  12539. high-density propellant ==> 高密度燃料
  12540. high-density storage ==> 高密度存储器
  12541. high-density tape ==> 高密度磁带
  12542. high-density tape recorder ==> 高密度磁带记录器
  12543. high-density tungsten alloy ==> 高密度钨合金
  12544. high-density weighting material ==> 高密度加重材料
  12545. high-density wood chipboard ==> 高密度碎木板
  12546. high-detectivity detector ==> 高效探测器
  12547. high-dielectric loss ==> 高誘電損失
  12548. high-dimensional discrete torus knot code ==> 高次元トーラス結び目符号
  12549. high-dipping ==> 急倾斜
  12550. high-dispersion glass ==> 高色散玻璃
  12551. high-distillation thermometer ==> 高温蒸馏温度计
  12552. high-draft spinning frame ==> 大牵伸细纱机
  12553. high-drag ==> 高阻力
  12554. high-drum picker ==> 高滚筒摘锭式摘棉机,高滚筒摘棉机
  12555. high-ductile alloy ==> 高塑性合金
  12556. high-ductility ==> 高塑性
  12557. high-ductility alloy ==> 高韧性合金
  12558. high-ductility steel ==> 高韧性钢,高塑性钢
  12559. high-dudy fireclay ==> 高重负耐火砖
  12560. high-dump box ==> 高倾卸式车厢
  12561. high-dump wagon ==> 高位倾卸式拖车
  12562. high-duty ==> 高强度,高生产率,高能率,高能率的,重型
  12563. high-duty boiler ==> 高压锅炉
  12564. high-duty cast iron ==> 高级优质铸铁
  12565. high-duty castiron ==> 高级优质铸铁
  12566. high-duty detergent ==> 高效洗涤剂
  12567. high-duty die ==> 高负荷模
  12568. high-duty iron ==> 高质量铸铁
  12569. high-duty lubricating ==> 高温高压用润滑油
  12570. high-duty malleable cast iron ==> 高强度可锻铸铁
  12571. high-duty silica ==> 特级硅氧材料
  12572. high-duty steel ==> 高强度钢
  12573. high-early (strength) cement ==> 早强水泥
  12574. high-early-strength cement ==> 高早强水泥
  12575. high-effective antimold ==> 高效防霉剂
  12576. high-effective flame retardant synergist ==> 高效阻燃增效剂
  12577. high-effective glucoamylase ==> 高效糖化酶
  12578. high-efficiency CNC turning machine ==> 高效能计算机数控车床
  12579. high-efficiency energy conversion technique ==> 高效能量转换技术
  12580. high-efficient wool detergent ==> 高效羊毛洗涤剂
  12581. high-elastic limit steel ==> 高弹性极限钢,高弹性限度钢
  12582. high-elongation acetate yarn ==> 高伸长醋酯纤维
  12583. high-emission engine ==> 高公害エンジン
  12584. high-energy accelerator ==> 高能加速器
  12585. high-energy accelerator physics ==> 高能加速器物理学
  12586. high-energy astronomy ==> 高能天文学
  12587. high-energy astrophysics ==> 高能天体物理,高能天体物理学
  12588. high-energy chemistry ==> 高能化学
  12589. high-energy coast ==> 高能海岸
  12590. high-energy combination ==> 高能结合
  12591. high-energy component ==> 高能成分
  12592. high-energy electron ==> 高能电子=>高エネルギー電子
  12593. high-energy electron diffraction (HEED) ==> 高能电子衍射
  12594. high-energy electronics ==> 高能电子学
  12595. high-energy excitation source ==> 高能激发源
  12596. high-energy feeding stuff ==> 高能饲料
  12597. high-energy flashlamp ==> 高能闪光灯
  12598. high-energy gamma ray ==> 高能伽马射线
  12599. high-energy ignition ==> 高能点火
  12600. high-energy impact pressing ==> 高能冲压,高能束冲压
  12601. high-energy ion analyzer ==> 高能离子分析仪
  12602. high-energy laser ==> 高能激光器
  12603. high-energy laser pump ==> 高能激光泵
  12604. high-energy liquid laser ==> 高能液体激光器
  12605. high-energy neutron ==> 高能中子
  12606. high-energy neutron detector ==> 高能中子探测器
  12607. high-energy nuclear physics ==> 高能核物理学
  12608. high-energy particle ==> 高能粒子
  12609. high-energy phosphate ==> 高能磷酸盐
  12610. high-energy proton detector ==> 高能质子探测器
  12611. high-energy radiation ==> 高能辐射,高能射线
  12612. high-energy ration ==> 高能日粮
  12613. high-energy resonance ==> 高能共振
  12614. high-energy rig ==> (用于爆炸成形)高能装置
  12615. high-energy scattering ==> 高能散射
  12616. high-energy short-pulse flashlamp ==> 高能短脉冲闪光灯
  12617. high-energy silverzinc battery ==> 高能银锌电池
  12618. high-energy spark forming ==> 高能率电火花成形
  12619. high-energy tail ==> 高能端,高能尾
  12620. high-energy tape ==> 高能磁带
  12621. high-energy throughput echelle spectrometer ==> 高能红外光栅光谱仪
  12622. high-energy underwater power source ==> 高能水下动力源
  12623. high-energy-density ==> 高比能量
  12624. high-energy-rate ==> 高能速
  12625. high-energy-rate deformation ==> 高能速变形
  12626. high-energy-rate forging ==> 高能高速锻造,高能快速锻造
  12627. high-energy-rate forging machine ==> 高能高速锻机,高能高速锻造机
  12628. high-energy-rate forming ==> 高能快速成形
  12629. high-energy-rate forming machine ==> 高速成型机,高速成形机
  12630. high-energyrate forging ==> 高能高速锤锻造
  12631. high-enrichment reactor ==> 高加浓反应堆,高浓缩燃料反应堆
  12632. high-epithermal neutron range ==> 高超热中子能区
  12633. high-expansion alloy ==> 高膨胀合金
  12634. high-expansion cement ==> 高膨胀水泥
  12635. high-expansion foam ==> 高级膨胀泡沫体
  12636. high-expansion material ==> 高膨胀系数材料
  12637. high-explosive bomb ==> 高爆炸弹
  12638. high-explosive injury ==> 爆炸伤
  12639. high-explosive plastic ==> 塑性猛烈炸药
  12640. high-explosive plastic projectile ==> 高爆塑性装药弹
  12641. high-face room-and-pillar mining ==> 高工作面房柱式开采
  12642. high-fiber concentrate ==> 高纤维精料
  12643. high-fiber feeding stuff ==> 高纤维饲料
  12644. high-field booster ==> 高磁场蓄电池升压器
  12645. high-field domain avalanche ==> 高场畴雪崩
  12646. high-field domain avalanche oscillation ==> 高场畴雪崩振荡
  12647. high-field domain functional device ==> 高场畴功能器件
  12648. high-field effect ==> 高场效应
  12649. high-field emission ==> 场致发射
  12650. high-field mobility ==> 高场迁移率
  12651. high-fine semi-auto universal cylindrical grinder ==> 高精度半自动万能外圆磨床
  12652. high-fire glaze ==> 高温釉
  12653. high-fired pitch fibre ==> 高温焙烧沥青纤维
  12654. high-flash ==> 高闪点
  12655. high-flash fuel ==> 高闪点燃料
  12656. high-flash oil ==> 高闪点油
  12657. high-flow gas laser ==> 高速流气体激光器
  12658. high-flutter magnet ==> 高颤磁铁,大调变度磁铁
  12659. high-flux core ==> 高磁密铁芯
  12660. high-flux isotope reactor (HFIR) ==> 高通量同位素反应堆
  12661. high-flux reactor ==> 高通量反应堆,高中子通量反应堆
  12662. high-flux research reactor ==> 高通量研究反应堆
  12663. high-flying highway ==> 高架公路
  12664. high-forest ==> 乔木林
  12665. high-fregquency saturable reactor ==> 高频饱和扼流圈
  12666. high-frequency ==> 高频耦合=>高周波
  12667. high-frequency absorber ==> 高频吸收装置
  12668. high-frequency air-leg rock drill ==> 高频气腿式凿岩机
  12669. high-frequency alternator ==> 高频发生器,高频交流电机=>高周波発電機,高周波を発生させる交流発電機,テスラが1890年に開発した高周波発電機は約2万サイクルの交流を発生させ、これによって数々の先駆的実験が可能になった。初期の無線電話やラジオ放送にはこれから発展したフェッセンデンやアレクサンダーソンの高周波発電機がよく使われた。
  12670. high-frequency amplification ==> 高频放大
  12671. high-frequency amplifier ==> 高频放大器=>高周波増幅器
  12672. high-frequency barrier ==> 高频位垒
  12673. high-frequency bipolar transistor ==> 高频双极晶体管
  12674. high-frequency bridge ==> 高频测量电桥,高频电桥
  12675. high-frequency bus ==> 高频总线
  12676. high-frequency cable ==> 高频电缆
  12677. high-frequency capacitance microphone ==> 高频电容传声器
  12678. high-frequency capacitor ==> 高周波コンデンサ
  12679. high-frequency carrier telegraphy ==> 高频载波电报,高频载波电信
  12680. high-frequency ceramic ==> 高频陶瓷
  12681. high-frequency ceramic element ==> 高频陶瓷元件
  12682. high-frequency ceramic filter ==> 高频陶瓷滤波器
  12683. high-frequency change over switch ==> 高频转换开关
  12684. high-frequency choke ==> 高频抗流圈
  12685. high-frequency choke coil ==> 高频扼流圈=>高周波チョークコイル
  12686. high-frequency coaxial cable ==> 高频同轴电缆
  12687. high-frequency coil ==> 高频线圈=>高周波コイル
  12688. high-frequency coil with core ==> 高频磁芯线圈
  12689. high-frequency communication engineering ==> 高频通信工程
  12690. high-frequency compensation ==> 高频补偿
  12691. high-frequency concentration meter ==> 高频浓度计
  12692. high-frequency connector ==> 高频接插件
  12693. high-frequency constant-current power supply ==> 高調波定電流電源
  12694. high-frequency control ==> 高频操纵
  12695. high-frequency converter ==> 高频变换器
  12696. high-frequency core ==> 高频铁芯
  12697. high-frequency cracks test ==> 高频杂音试验
  12698. high-frequency current ==> 高频电流
  12699. high-frequency current transformer ==> 高频变流器
  12700. high-frequency dielectric ==> 高频电解质
  12701. high-frequency diode ==> 高频二极管
  12702. high-frequency direction finder ==> 高频测向器
  12703. high-frequency direction finding ==> 高频测向
  12704. high-frequency discharge lamp ==> 高频放电管
  12705. high-frequency drier ==> 高频加热干燥机
  12706. high-frequency drilling ==> 高频冲击钻进
  12707. high-frequency drying ==> 高频干燥法
  12708. high-frequency drying stove ==> 高频干燥炉,高介质烘干炉
  12709. high-frequency effects ==> 高频效应
  12710. high-frequency electric field ==> 高频电场
  12711. high-frequency electric machines ==> 高频电机
  12712. high-frequency electric welded steel pipe ==> 高频电焊钢管
  12713. high-frequency electrical furnace ==> 高频电炉
  12714. high-frequency electrically heated mold ==> 高频加热模
  12715. high-frequency electrolysis ==> 高频电解
  12716. high-frequency engineering ==> 高频工程学
  12717. high-frequency erasure ==> 高频消磁
  12718. high-frequency error function ==> 高频误差函数
  12719. high-frequency feeder ==> 高频馈路
  12720. high-frequency figure of merit ==> 高频品质因数
  12721. high-frequency flaw detection method ==> 高频探伤法
  12722. high-frequency flip-flop ==> 高频多谐振荡器
  12723. high-frequency furnace ==> 高频电炉=>高周波炉
  12724. high-frequency gauge ==> 高频仪
  12725. high-frequency generator ==> 高频电机,高频振荡器=>高周波発電機
  12726. high-frequency hardening ==> 高频淬火
  12727. high-frequency hardening machine ==> 高频淬火机
  12728. high-frequency heat ==> 高频电炉
  12729. high-frequency heating ==> 高频加热=>高周波加熱
  12730. high-frequency high-voltage transformer ==> 高周波高電圧トランスリンク
  12731. high-frequency impulse ==> 高频脉冲
  12732. high-frequency induction coil ==> 高频感应圈,高频感应线圈
  12733. high-frequency induction furnace ==> 高频感应电炉,高频感应炉
  12734. high-frequency induction generator ==> 高频感应发生器
  12735. high-frequency induction hardening ==> 高频淬火
  12736. high-frequency induction heating coating equipment ==> 高频感应加热蒸镀设备
  12737. high-frequency induction heating equipment ==> 高频感应加热淬火式炉
  12738. high-frequency induction quenching ==> 高频感应加热淬火
  12739. high-frequency induction welder ==> 高频焊机
  12740. high-frequency induction welding ==> 高频感应焊接,高频焊接
  12741. high-frequency induction-heated cell ==> 高频感应加热电解槽
  12742. high-frequency injection ==> 高調波注入
  12743. high-frequency instantaneous variation ==> 高频瞬变
  12744. high-frequency instrument ==> 高频仪表
  12745. high-frequency interference ==> 高频干扰
  12746. high-frequency inverter ==> 高調波インバータ
  12747. high-frequency iron ==> 高频铁
  12748. high-frequency iron core ==> 高频铁芯
  12749. high-frequency iron dust core ==> 高频铁粉芯
  12750. high-frequency jack ==> 高频塞孔
  12751. high-frequency leakage current ==> 高調波漏れ電流
  12752. high-frequency line and patching bay ==> 高频线路及调度架
  12753. high-frequency loss ==> 高频损耗
  12754. high-frequency magnetic core ==> 高频磁芯
  12755. high-frequency magneto ==> 高频率永磁发电机
  12756. high-frequency measurement ==> 高周波測定
  12757. high-frequency measuring instrument ==> 高频测量仪器
  12758. high-frequency medium electric separator ==> 高频介电分离仪
  12759. high-frequency medium hot combination equipment ==> 高频介质热合设备
  12760. high-frequency microvoltmeter ==> 高频微伏表
  12761. high-frequency mid-voltage standard apparatus ==> 高频中电压标准仪
  12762. high-frequency millivolt meter ==> 高频毫伏表
  12763. high-frequency model ==> 高周波数式モデル
  12764. high-frequency modulation ==> 高频调制
  12765. high-frequency modulator ==> 高频调制器
  12766. high-frequency noise ==> 高频噪声
  12767. high-frequency orientation protector ==> 高频方向保护装置
  12768. high-frequency oscillator ==> 高频振荡器=>高周波発振器
  12769. high-frequency oscillograph ==> 高频示波器
  12770. high-frequency percussion ==> 高频冲击
  12771. high-frequency pipe bending machine ==> 高频弯管机
  12772. high-frequency plasma ==> 高频等离子体
  12773. high-frequency plasma generator ==> 高频等离子发生器
  12774. high-frequency plastic welder ==> 高频塑料热合机
  12775. high-frequency porcelain ==> 高频用瓷料
  12776. high-frequency potentiometer ==> 高频电位器
  12777. high-frequency power ==> 高频功率
  12778. high-frequency preheater ==> 高频预热器
  12779. high-frequency pressure indicator ==> 高频压力指示器
  12780. high-frequency process ==> 高频炉法
  12781. high-frequency propagation ==> 高频传布
  12782. high-frequency protector panel ==> 高频保安器盘
  12783. high-frequency push-pull fatigue tester ==> 高频拉压疲劳试验机
  12784. high-frequency pyrolysis ==> 高频热解
  12785. high-frequency Q meter ==> 高频Q表
  12786. high-frequency quenching ==> 高频加热淬火,高频加热淬火法
  12787. high-frequency quenching machine ==> 高频淬火机床
  12788. high-frequency radio physics ==> 高频无线电物理学
  12789. high-frequency recombination (HFR) ==> 高频重组
  12790. high-frequency relay ==> 高频继电器
  12791. high-frequency repeater distribution frame ==> 高频中继配线架
  12792. high-frequency resistance ==> 高频电阻=>高周波抵抗器
  12793. high-frequency resistance hardening ==> 高频电阻淬火
  12794. high-frequency resistance welding ==> 高频接触焊
  12795. high-frequency resistance welding (HFRW) ==> 高频电阻焊
  12796. high-frequency resistor ==> 高周波抵抗器
  12797. high-frequency resonant (HF-R) inverter for induction heating (IH) ==> 誘導加熱用高調波共振形インバータ
  12798. high-frequency response function ==> 高频响应函数
  12799. high-frequency response pick-up ==> 高频响应传感器
  12800. high-frequency seal machine ==> 高频熔接机
  12801. high-frequency section ==> 高频段
  12802. high-frequency selectivity ==> 高频选择法
  12803. high-frequency signal injection ==> 高調波信号印加
  12804. high-frequency sky wave field strength ==> 高频天波场强
  12805. high-frequency soldering ==> 高频焊接,高频钎焊
  12806. high-frequency spark chamber ==> 高频电火花室
  12807. high-frequency spark leak detector ==> 高频火花检漏仪
  12808. high-frequency spectrum ==> 高频光谱
  12809. high-frequency spraying ==> 高频感应喷涂
  12810. high-frequency sputtering equipment ==> 高频溅射设备
  12811. high-frequency stage ==> 高频级
  12812. high-frequency straight seam welded pipe ==> 高频直缝焊接钢管
  12813. high-frequency surface hardening ==> 高频表面淬火
  12814. high-frequency susceptibility ==> 高频磁化率
  12815. high-frequency switching power supply ==> 高周波スイッチング電源
  12816. high-frequency telegraphy ==> 高频电报学
  12817. high-frequency telephony ==> 高频电话学
  12818. high-frequency terminal bay ==> 高频终端架
  12819. high-frequency test bay ==> 高频测试架
  12820. high-frequency testing apparatus ==> 高频测试装置
  12821. high-frequency tetrode ==> 高频四极管
  12822. high-frequency thyristor ==> 高频可控硅
  12823. high-frequency titration ==> 高频滴定法
  12824. high-frequency torque fatigue tester ==> 高频扭转疲劳试验机
  12825. high-frequency transduction (HFT) ==> 高频传导
  12826. high-frequency transfer (HFT) ==> 高频转移
  12827. high-frequency transformer ==> 高频变压器=>高周波変圧器,高周波変成器
  12828. high-frequency transformer silicon steel sheet ==> 高频变压器硅钢片
  12829. high-frequency trimmer ==> 高频微调电容
  12830. high-frequency triode ==> 高频三极管
  12831. high-frequency tube ==> 高频管
  12832. high-frequency tuner ==> 高频调谐器
  12833. high-frequency unit ==> 高频部件
  12834. high-frequency vacuum-meter ==> 高频率真空测定计
  12835. high-frequency vibration ==> 高频振动
  12836. high-frequency vlave oscillator ==> 高频电子管振荡器
  12837. high-frequency voltmeter ==> 高频伏特计
  12838. high-frequency watch ==> 高频手表
  12839. high-frequency wattmeter ==> 高频瓦特计
  12840. high-frequency wave ==> 高频波=>高周波
  12841. high-frequency waves ==> 短波
  12842. high-frequency welding ==> 高频电焊
  12843. high-frequency wire-wound resistor ==> 高频线绕电阻器
  12844. high-frequency-amplification receiver ==> 直收式接收机
  12845. high-front shovel ==> 长臂挖掘机
  12846. high-fundamental frequency blade ==> 高基频叶片
  12847. high-fusibility ash ==> 高熔灰分
  12848. high-fusing porcelain ==> 高溶陶材
  12849. high-fusion-ash coal ==> 高熔灰煤
  12850. high-gain ==> 高增益
  12851. high-gain amplifier ==> 高增益放大器
  12852. high-gain and low-drift operational amplifier ==> 高增益低漂移运算放大器
  12853. high-gain gas laser ==> 高增益气体激光器
  12854. high-gain image intensifier ==> 高增益像增强器
  12855. high-gain imaging array ==> 高增益成像阵列
  12856. high-gain laser ==> 高增益激光器
  12857. high-gain loop ==> 高增益环路
  12858. high-gain maser ==> 高增益脉塞,高增益微波激射器,高放大系数脉塞
  12859. high-gain oscillation ==> 高增益振荡
  12860. high-gain oscilloscope ==> 高增益示波器
  12861. high-gain transition ==> 高增益跃迁
  12862. high-gain tube ==> 高增益管
  12863. high-geared capital ==> 高速资本
  12864. high-grade ==> 高品位的,高质量的
  12865. high-grade alloy steel ==> 高级合金钢
  12866. high-grade alloy structure steel ==> 高级合金结构,高级合金结构钢
  12867. high-grade beef tallow ==> 高级牛脂
  12868. high-grade carbon steel ==> 高级碳素钢
  12869. high-grade cast iron ==> 高级铸铁
  12870. high-grade cement ==> 高标号水泥,高级水泥
  12871. high-grade cement mortar ==> 高标号水泥砂浆
  12872. high-grade coating ==> 超级镀膜
  12873. high-grade concrete ==> 高标号混凝土
  12874. high-grade consumer goods ==> 高级消费品
  12875. high-grade corporate bonds ==> 高级公司债券
  12876. high-grade dyestuff ==> 高级染料
  12877. high-grade dynamite ==> 高级代那买特炸药
  12878. high-grade electrode ==> 高级焊条
  12879. high-grade energy ==> 高级能
  12880. high-grade insulating materials ==> 高级绝缘材料
  12881. high-grade melting scrap ==> 高品位废金属
  12882. high-grade metamorphic bituminous ==> 高变质烟煤
  12883. high-grade mill ==> 高品位矿石选矿厂
  12884. high-grade ore ==> 高品位矿
  12885. high-grade pressure gauge ==> 高精度压力计
  12886. high-grade processed goods ==> 高级加工产品
  12887. high-grade product ==> 高品位产量
  12888. high-grade pure cotton cloth loom ==> 高档纯棉布织布机
  12889. high-grade steel ==> 高级钢
  12890. high-grade vegetable fat ==> 高级植物脂肪
  12891. high-gradient magnetic separation ==> 高梯度磁选
  12892. high-gravity fuel ==> 高比重燃料
  12893. high-harmonic interferometry ==> 高次高調波干渉法
  12894. high-hat kiln ==> 高帽窑
  12895. high-hazard contents ==> 高火灾隐患
  12896. high-head hydro-power station ==> 高水头水力发电厂
  12897. high-head power plant ==> 高水头电站
  12898. high-head power station ==> 高水头电站
  12899. high-head scheme ==> 高水头电站
  12900. high-head turbine ==> 高水头水轮机
  12901. high-heat and high-speed compost ==> 高温快速堆肥工艺
  12902. high-heat cement ==> 高热水泥
  12903. high-heat duty fire brick ==> 高耐火粘土砖
  12904. high-heat level evaporator ==> 高热面蒸发器
  12905. high-heat treatment ==> 高温热处理
  12906. high-heating radiation ==> 高热辐射
  12907. high-heating value ==> 高热值
  12908. high-helix drill ==> 高速螺旋钻
  12909. high-helix straight shank drill ==> 大螺旋角直柄钻头
  12910. high-impact rayon ==> 高强度人造丝,高冲击强度人造丝
  12911. high-impact-velocity forging ==> 高速锻造法
  12912. high-impedance cable ==> 高阻抗电缆
  12913. high-impedance current differential relay ==> 高インピーダンス形差動継電器
  12914. high-impedance electrode ==> 高阻抗电极
  12915. high-impedance relay ==> 高阻抗继电器
  12916. high-impedance rotor ==> 高阻抗转子
  12917. high-impedance sampling oscilloscope ==> 高阻取样示波器
  12918. high-impedance state ==> 高阻态,高阻状态
  12919. high-impedance transformer ==> 高インピーダンス変圧器
  12920. high-impedance type busbar differential protection ==> 高阻抗型母线差动保护,用一阻抗高于饱和的电流互感器二次回路阻抗的电流差动继电器构成的电流差动保护
  12921. high-impedance voltmeter ==> 高阻抗伏特计
  12922. high-income shares ==> 高收益股票
  12923. high-index coupling medium ==> 高折射率耦合媒质
  12924. high-index material ==> 高折射率材料
  12925. high-integrity casting ==> 高致密铸件
  12926. high-intensity ==> 強力な,高負荷の,高強度の
  12927. high-intensity arc lamp ==> 高强度弧光灯
  12928. high-intensity atomizer ==> 高强度雾化器
  12929. high-intensity carbon arc ==> 高强度碳弧灯
  12930. high-intensity carbon arc lamp ==> 高强度碳弧灯
  12931. high-intensity character ==> 高輝度文字
  12932. high-intensity combustion ==> 强烈燃烧
  12933. high-intensity conflict ==> 高強度紛争
  12934. high-intensity discharge ==> 高輝度放電
  12935. high-intensity discharge lamp ==> 高强度放电灯
  12936. high-intensity lamp ==> 高强度灯
  12937. high-intensity light source ==> 高强度光源
  12938. high-intensity magnetic field ==> 高强度磁场
  12939. high-intensity microphone ==> 高声强传声器
  12940. high-intensity pulsed laser illumination ==> 高强度脉冲激光照明
  12941. high-intensity separation ==> 高强度分选
  12942. high-intensity turbulent flame ==> 强紊流火焰
  12943. high-interest foreign loans ==> 高利外债
  12944. high-intermediate-frequency receiver ==> 高中频超外差式接收机
  12945. high-inversevoltage tube ==> 高反电压整流管
  12946. high-iron portland cement ==> 高铁硅酸盐水泥
  12947. high-key image ==> 高调图像
  12948. high-key lighting ==> 高调照明
  12949. high-knock rating gasoline ==> 高辛烷值汽油
  12950. high-lag thermometer ==> 高滞效温度表
  12951. high-land ice ==> 高地冰川
  12952. high-latitude area ==> 高纬地区
  12953. high-latitude prominence ==> 高纬度日珥
  12954. high-latitude spot ==> 高纬度黑子
  12955. high-lead bearing alloy ==> 高铅轴承合金
  12956. high-lead bronze ==> 高铅青铜
  12957. high-lead cable logging ==> 半拖式钢索集材
  12958. high-lead skidding ==> 半拖式集材
  12959. high-leaded brass alloy ==> 高铅黄铜合金
  12960. high-level anticyclone ==> 高空反气旋
  12961. high-level cave ==> 高放热室,高水平热室
  12962. high-level cell ==> 高放热室,高放射性物质工作室,强放射性热室
  12963. high-level cleaner-loader ==> 高置式清理装载机
  12964. high-level command ==> 高级命令
  12965. high-level compiler ==> 高级编译程序
  12966. high-level condenser ==> 高位冷凝器
  12967. high-level counting ==> 高强度计数
  12968. high-level cyclone ==> 高空气旋
  12969. high-level data link ==> 高级数据链接,高级数据链路
  12970. high-level data link control ==> 高级数据链路控制规程
  12971. high-level data link control (HDLC) ==> 高级数据链接控制程序,高级数据链路控制,高级数据链路控制程序
  12972. high-level data link control procedure ==> 高级数据链接控制程序,高级数据链路控制规程
  12973. high-level data link control protocol ==> 高级数据链路控制规程
  12974. high-level delivery tipping trailer ==> 高位翻卸挂车
  12975. high-level firing time ==> 高电平点火时间
  12976. high-level graphics programming instruction ==> 高级图形编程指令
  12977. high-level graphics software ==> 高级绘图软件
  12978. high-level heat recovery ==> 高位热回收
  12979. high-level instrumentation ==> 高功率检测仪表,强放射性测量仪器
  12980. high-level irradiator ==> 强放射性辐照器,高强度辐照器
  12981. high-level job control language ==> 高级作业控制语言
  12982. high-level language ==> 高水準言語
  12983. high-level language architecture ==> 高级语言结构
  12984. high-level language machine ==> 高级语言机
  12985. high-level microprogramming language ==> 高级微程序设计语言
  12986. high-level mill ==> 高液面排矿磨碎机
  12987. high-level modulation ==> 高电平调制
  12988. high-level network ==> 高级网络
  12989. high-level network service ==> 高级网络服务
  12990. high-level of solar radiation ==> 高能级太阳辐射
  12991. high-level primitive ==> 高级原语
  12992. high-level process control language ==> 高级过程控制语言
  12993. high-level programmer interface ==> 高级程序员接口
  12994. high-level programming interface (HLPI) ==> 高级编程接口
  12995. high-level programming language ==> 高级程序设计语言
  12996. high-level protocol ==> 高级协议
  12997. high-level relief ==> 高能位释放
  12998. high-level RF signal ==> 高电平射频信号
  12999. high-level ridge ==> 高空脊
  13000. high-level scheduling ==> 高级调度
  13001. high-level software ==> 高级软件
  13002. high-level specification language ==> 高级说明语言
  13003. high-level thunder-storm ==> 高空雷暴
  13004. high-level trough ==> 高空槽
  13005. high-level waste ==> 高放废物,高放射性强度废物
  13006. high-level waste container ==> 高放射性废物容器
  13007. high-lift ==> 大升程,铲运机
  13008. high-lift blooming mill ==> 大升程初轧机
  13009. high-lift concrete construction method ==> 混凝土高块浇筑法
  13010. high-lift construction ==> 高块施工
  13011. high-lift device ==> 高升力装置
  13012. high-lift hardware ==> 高升力构件
  13013. high-lift lateral and front stacking truck ==> 高货位三向叉车
  13014. high-lift lock ==> 高水头船闸
  13015. high-lift orderpicker ==> 高货位拣选车
  13016. high-lift pump ==> 高压泵,高扬程水泵
  13017. high-lift pumping station ==> 高扬程抽水站
  13018. high-lift slabbing mill ==> 大升程板坯初轧机
  13019. high-lift truck ==> 高举升车
  13020. high-light line ==> 高光线
  13021. high-light window ==> 高窗
  13022. high-lime ==> 高石灰含量
  13023. high-limit of tolerance ==> 上差
  13024. high-line conduit ==> 无压管道
  13025. high-line eliminator ==> 高压线干扰消除器
  13026. high-load engine ==> 高負荷エンジン
  13027. high-loading logical filter ==> 高负荷生物滤池
  13028. high-loft fabric ==> 高蓬松度织物
  13029. high-loss polyiron material ==> 高耗铁粉材料,高损耗铁粉材料
  13030. high-low action ==> 同上
  13031. high-low bay roof system ==> 高低跨屋顶体系
  13032. high-low bias check ==> 高低偏压校验
  13033. high-low bias test ==> 高低压偏值测试,边缘校验
  13034. high-low circuit ==> 高低压回路
  13035. high-low flow alarm device ==> 高低流量警报装置
  13036. high-low frequency connector with mixed contact ==> 高低频混装接插件
  13037. high-low generator ==> 高低频发电机,变速定压发电机
  13038. high-low graph ==> 高低图
  13039. high-low index ==> 高低指数
  13040. high-low inversion ==> 高低温型转化
  13041. high-low lamp ==> 明暗灯泡,变光灯泡=>ハイロー電球
  13042. high-low level control ==> 双位电平调节器,高低水位调节器
  13043. high-low limit ==> 高低限值,上下极限
  13044. high-low pad ==> 高低垫
  13045. high-low plane of nutrition ==> 高低营养水平
  13046. high-low points method ==> 高低点法
  13047. high-low pump ==> 高低压泵
  13048. high-low safety system ==> 高低压安全切断系统
  13049. high-low signal selector ==> 高低信号选择器
  13050. high-low technique ==> 高低法
  13051. high-low temperature tester ==> 高低温试验机
  13052. high-low transformation ==> 高低温型转变
  13053. high-low voltage relay ==> 高低压继电器
  13054. high-low voltmeter ==> 高低压电压表,高低压警报电压表
  13055. high-low walled batch drier ==> 高低壁式分批
  13056. high-low water alarm ==> 高低水位报警
  13057. high-low-bias test ==> 高低偏置检测,高低限测定
  13058. high-low-range switch ==> 高低量程转换开关
  13059. high-luminace colour ==> 强发光色
  13060. high-luminance colo(u)r ==> 亮色
  13061. high-luminosity star ==> 高光度星
  13062. high-lying resonance ==> 高位共振,高位共振能级
  13063. high-lysine corn ==> 高赖氨酸玉米
  13064. high-magnesian cement ==> 高镁水泥
  13065. high-magnesium lime ==> 高镁石灰
  13066. high-manganese pig iron ==> 高锰生铁
  13067. high-manganese steel ==> 高マンガン鋼
  13068. high-melting ==> 难熔的
  13069. high-melting alloy ==> 高熔点合金
  13070. high-melting fibre ==> 高熔点纤维,高溶点纤维
  13071. high-melting glass ==> 难熔玻璃
  13072. high-melting glaze ==> 高温釉
  13073. high-melting metal ==> 高熔点金属,高熔金属
  13074. high-melting plastics ==> 高熔点塑料
  13075. high-melting point ==> 高熔点
  13076. high-melting point refractory ==> 高熔点耐火材料
  13077. high-melting-point alloy ==> 高熔点合金
  13078. high-melting-point asphalt ==> 高熔点沥青
  13079. high-melting-point metal ==> 高熔点金属
  13080. high-mode coupling ==> 高次波型耦合
  13081. high-modification-ratio ==> 高变性比
  13082. high-modulus furnace black ==> 高模数炉黑
  13083. high-modulus glass fiber ==> 高模量玻璃纤维
  13084. high-moisture feeds ==> 高水分饲料
  13085. high-moisture grain silage ==> 高水分谷物青贮
  13086. high-moisture silage ==> 高水分青贮料
  13087. high-molecular coagulant ==> 高分子凝结剂
  13088. high-molecular compound ==> 高分子化合物
  13089. high-mountain station ==> 高山测站
  13090. high-necked ==> 高领的
  13091. high-nickel iron-base alloy ==> 高镍铁基合金
  13092. high-noise immunity logic interface device ==> 高抗扰度接口器件
  13093. high-note buzzer ==> 高音调蜂鸣器,高音蜂鸣器
  13094. high-octane ==> 高辛烷值的
  13095. high-octane gasoline ==> 高辛烷值汽油
  13096. high-octane number component ==> 高辛烷值组分
  13097. high-octane rating ==> 高辛烷值
  13098. high-oil-content circuit breaker ==> 多油式断路器
  13099. high-order ==> 高位
  13100. high-order add circuit ==> 高阶加法电路
  13101. high-order approximation ==> 高阶近似
  13102. high-order bit ==> 高部位
  13103. high-order byte ==> 高部字节,高阶字节,高位字节
  13104. high-order character ==> 高位字符
  13105. high-order column ==> 高位列
  13106. high-order component ==> 高次分量
  13107. high-order derivative ==> 高次导数
  13108. high-order digit ==> 高部位,高阶数字,高数位,高位数
  13109. high-order effect ==> 高级效应
  13110. high-order elasticity ==> 高阶弹性力学
  13111. high-order fission product ==> 高次裂变产物
  13112. high-order focusing ==> 高次聚焦,高阶聚焦
  13113. high-order grating ==> 高次线栅
  13114. high-order harmonic ==> 高次高調波
  13115. high-order language ==> 高级语言
  13116. high-order language (HOL) ==> 高档语言
  13117. high-order loop ==> 高阶环路
  13118. high-order mode ==> 高阶模
  13119. high-order mode filter ==> 高次模滤除器
  13120. high-order moment ==> 高次多项式
  13121. high-order multipole radiation ==> 高次多极辐射
  13122. high-order oscillation ==> 高次振荡模
  13123. high-order parabola ==> 高阶抛物线
  13124. high-order position ==> 高阶位,高数位,高位
  13125. high-order term ==> 高次项
  13126. high-order transverse mode ==> 高次横模,高阶横波型
  13127. high-order transverse wave ==> 高阶横波
  13128. high-order vector element ==> 高次ベクトル要素
  13129. high-output and low-resistance shock ==> 高排低阻型休克
  13130. high-output fluorescent lamp ==> 高输出日光灯
  13131. high-output gas generator ==> 高输出燃气发生器
  13132. high-output three-phase induction motor ==> 高功率三相感应电动机
  13133. high-parallel light rays ==> 高度平行光
  13134. high-pass and low-pass filter ==> 高低通滤波器
  13135. high-pass damped filter ==> 高次分路
  13136. high-pass filter ==> 高通滤光片=>高域フィルタ
  13137. high-pass filtering ==> 高通滤波
  13138. high-peak current ==> 高峰值电流
  13139. high-peak power ==> 高峰值功率
  13140. high-peak power laser ==> 高峰值功率激光器
  13141. high-peaker test ==> 高频峰化器测试
  13142. high-peaking network ==> 高频峰化网络
  13143. high-performance ==> 高效能,高性能的,高指标
  13144. high-performance airscrew ==> 高效螺旋桨
  13145. high-performance alloy ==> 高导磁率合金
  13146. high-performance card ==> 高效能梳棉机
  13147. high-performance ceramics ==> 高技术陶瓷
  13148. high-performance engine ==> 高性能機関
  13149. high-performance equipment ==> 高效能设备,高性能设备
  13150. high-performance horizontal machining centre ==> 高性能卧式加工中心
  13151. high-performance laser ==> 高性能激光器
  13152. high-performance memory ==> 高性能存储器
  13153. high-performance objective ==> 高性能物镜
  13154. high-performance propellant ==> 高热值燃料
  13155. high-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) ==> 高效薄层层析法
  13156. high-performing car ==> 高性能汽车
  13157. high-permeability alloy ==> 高导磁率合金
  13158. high-permeability material ==> 高磁导率材料
  13159. high-persistent pesticide ==> 高残留农药
  13160. high-phosphorous iron ==> 高磷铸铁
  13161. high-phosphorus coal ==> 高磷煤
  13162. high-pitched alternating current ==> 高声频交流电
  13163. high-pitched breath-sound ==> 高调呼吸音
  13164. high-pitched buzzer ==> 高音汽笛
  13165. high-pitched tone ==> 高音调
  13166. high-plane of nutrition ==> 高营养水平
  13167. high-plastic clay soil ==> 高塑性粘质土
  13168. high-plastic silt ==> 高塑性粉土
  13169. high-plasticity ==> 高塑性
  13170. high-plateau zonation ==> 高原地带性
  13171. high-platform building ==> 高台建筑
  13172. high-polar glacier ==> 高极地冰川
  13173. high-portal-framed crane ==> 高架门式起重机
  13174. high-positioned appendix perforation ==> 高位阑尾穿孔
  13175. high-positive correlation ==> 高度正相关
  13176. high-positive indicator ==> 高正指示器,大于零指示位,正值指示字符
  13177. high-potential gracient ==> 高电位梯度
  13178. high-potential test ==> 高压试验
  13179. high-potting ==> 高压试验
  13180. high-power binoculars ==> 高倍率双筒望远镜
  13181. high-power biological microscope ==> 高倍生物显微镜
  13182. high-power cable ==> 大功率电缆
  13183. high-power circulator ==> 大功率环行器
  13184. high-power connector ==> 大功率接插件
  13185. high-power drilling machine ==> 高功率钻床
  13186. high-power forward-wave tube transmitter ==> 大功率前向波管发射机
  13187. high-power gear reducer ==> 大功率减速机
  13188. high-power generator ==> 大功率发电机
  13189. high-power laser ==> 高功率激光器
  13190. high-power laser bonding ==> 高功率激光焊接
  13191. high-power lens ==> 高放大率透镜,高光焦度透镜
  13192. high-power magnetic relay ==> 大功率电磁继电器
  13193. high-power magnetron drive ==> 高出力マグネトロン駆動
  13194. high-power microwave assembly ==> 高功率微波装置
  13195. high-power modulation ==> 高电平调制,高功率调制
  13196. high-power objective ==> 高倍物镜,强光物镜
  13197. high-power periscope ==> 高倍潜望镜
  13198. high-power photo-objective ==> 高倍照相物镜
  13199. high-power pulse ==> 强脉冲
  13200. high-power sensitivity ==> 高功率灵敏度
  13201. high-power station ==> 大电厂
  13202. high-power telescope ==> 高倍率望远镜
  13203. high-power transmitter ==> 大功率发射机
  13204. high-power tube ==> 高功率电子管
  13205. high-power xenon arc ==> 高功率氙弧
  13206. high-power(ed) drill ==> 大功率电力驱动
  13207. high-powered engine ==> 大马力发动机
  13208. high-powered low-speed marine diesel engine ==> 大功率低速船用柴油机
  13209. high-precision ==> 高度精密
  13210. high-precision AC servo NC mechanical slide unit ==> 高精度交流伺服数控机械滑台
  13211. high-precision angle sensor ==> 高精度角度センサ
  13212. high-precision auxiliary CT ==> 高精度補助CT
  13213. high-precision cylindrical grinder ==> 高精度外圆磨床
  13214. high-precision depth recorder ==> 高精度深度记录仪
  13215. high-precision geodesy ==> 高精度大地测量学
  13216. high-precision laser installation ==> 高精度激光装置
  13217. high-precision NC boring head ==> 高精度数控镗头
  13218. high-precision photogrammetry ==> 高精度摄影测量学
  13219. high-precision positioning ==> 高精度位置決め
  13220. high-precision shoran ==> 高精度肖兰导航系统
  13221. high-precision tube ==> 高精度管
  13222. high-precsion positioning ==> 精密位置決め
  13223. high-pressed particle board ==> 高压碎料板
  13224. high-pressrue connecting rod ==> 高压连杆
  13225. high-pressure ==> 高压力
  13226. high-pressure accumulator ==> 高压蓄力器
  13227. high-pressure admission ==> 高压进汽
  13228. high-pressure air atomization ==> 高压空气喷雾法
  13229. high-pressure air atomizer ==> 高压空气喷雾器
  13230. high-pressure alkylation ==> 高压烷基化
  13231. high-pressure and low-pressure turbine ==> 高低压汽轮机
  13232. high-pressure area ==> 高气压区,高压区,高压区域
  13233. high-pressure atomizer ==> 高压雾化器
  13234. high-pressure autoclave ==> 高压釜
  13235. high-pressure blast ==> 高压风
  13236. high-pressure blowpipe ==> 高压焊矩
  13237. high-pressure boiler ==> 高压锅炉
  13238. high-pressure boiler tube ==> 高压锅炉管
  13239. high-pressure boiler-feed pump ==> 高压锅炉给水泵
  13240. high-pressure bottle ==> 高压容器
  13241. high-pressure burner ==> 高压燃烧器
  13242. high-pressure casting ==> 高压铸造
  13243. high-pressure catalytic unit ==> 高压催化设备
  13244. high-pressure chamber ==> 高压室
  13245. high-pressure charging ==> 高压装料
  13246. high-pressure chemistry ==> 高压化学
  13247. high-pressure cloud chamber ==> 高压云室
  13248. high-pressure coal hydrogenation ==> 煤高压加氢
  13249. high-pressure cock ==> 高压开关
  13250. high-pressure combustion chamber ==> 高压燃烧室
  13251. high-pressure combustion process ==> 高压燃烧过程
  13252. high-pressure compressor ==> 高压压气机
  13253. high-pressure cross head ==> 高压十字头
  13254. high-pressure crystal growth furnace ==> 高压晶体生长炉
  13255. high-pressure cylinder ==> 高压汽缸
  13256. high-pressure diaphragm pump ==> 高压隔膜泵
  13257. high-pressure die block ==> 高压模座
  13258. high-pressure discharge ==> 高压气体放电
  13259. high-pressure discharge lamp ==> 高压强放电灯
  13260. high-pressure drilling ==> 高压钻进
  13261. high-pressure duct system ==> 高压管路系统
  13262. high-pressure dyeing ==> 高压染色法
  13263. high-pressure economizer ==> 高压省煤器
  13264. high-pressure electrolysis ==> 高压电解
  13265. high-pressure engine ==> 高压发动机
  13266. high-pressure exhaust pipe connection ==> 高压排气管接头
  13267. high-pressure extraction cycle ==> 高压回热循环
  13268. high-pressure extruding machine ==> 高压涂药机
  13269. high-pressure fan ==> 高压风扇
  13270. high-pressure feed-water heater ==> 高压给水加热器
  13271. high-pressure filter ==> 高压滤油器
  13272. high-pressure filter press ==> 高温高压失水仪
  13273. high-pressure fire resistant oil system ==> 高压抗燃油系统,在大型汽轮机中,为防止高压油系统因泄漏造成火灾事故而采用抗燃油作为工质的调节油系统
  13274. high-pressure fire system ==> 高压消防系统
  13275. high-pressure flange ==> 高压管法兰
  13276. high-pressure float valve ==> 高压浮球阀
  13277. high-pressure forming ==> 高压成形
  13278. high-pressure fuel injection pump assembly ==> 高压油泵总成
  13279. high-pressure gas container ==> 蓄压器
  13280. high-pressure gas drive ==> 高压气驱动
  13281. high-pressure gas injection ==> 高压进汽,高压注气
  13282. high-pressure gas pipe ==> 高压煤气管
  13283. high-pressure gas systems ==> 高压煤气系统
  13284. high-pressure gas-filled diode ==> 高压充气二极管
  13285. high-pressure grouting ==> 高压灌浆
  13286. high-pressure head ==> 高压位差
  13287. high-pressure heater ==> 高压加热器
  13288. high-pressure heating system ==> 高压供暖系统
  13289. high-pressure hose ==> 高压软管
  13290. high-pressure hot water heating ==> 高压热水供暖
  13291. high-pressure hydraulic ==> 高压液压系统
  13292. high-pressure hydrogenation ==> 高压加氢,高压氢化
  13293. high-pressure incandescent lamp ==> 高压白炽灯
  13294. high-pressure installation ==> 高压装置
  13295. high-pressure intake ==> 高压进水设备
  13296. high-pressure ionization gauge ==> 高压强真空计
  13297. high-pressure laminate ==> 高压层积材,高压胶合板
  13298. high-pressure leak detector ==> 高压系统测漏器,高压系统测漏气装置
  13299. high-pressure liquid encapsulation pulling method ==> 高压液封直拉法
  13300. high-pressure load reducing spring ==> 高压减荷弹簧
  13301. high-pressure lubricating system ==> 高压润滑系统
  13302. high-pressure lubricator ==> 高压滑润器,高压润滑器
  13303. high-pressure main ==> 高压总管
  13304. high-pressure manometer ==> 高压力表,高压压力表
  13305. high-pressure mercury vapor lamp ==> 高压汞气灯
  13306. high-pressure mercury-vapor lamp ==> 高压水银灯
  13307. high-pressure moulding ==> 高压模制
  13308. high-pressure nozzle box ==> 高压喷嘴室
  13309. high-pressure oil tube ==> 高压油管
  13310. high-pressure oil-resistant rubber hose ==> 高压耐油橡胶管
  13311. high-pressure orchard sprayer ==> 高压果园喷雾机
  13312. high-pressure phenomena ==> 高压现象
  13313. high-pressure physics ==> 高压物理学
  13314. high-pressure pipe flange ==> 高压管法兰
  13315. high-pressure piston rod ==> 高压活塞杆
  13316. high-pressure plunger pump ==> 高压柱塞泵
  13317. high-pressure pneumatic conveyor ==> 高压气流式输送器
  13318. high-pressure pneumatics ==> 高压气动技术
  13319. high-pressure polyethylene film ==> 高压聚乙烯薄膜
  13320. high-pressure positive blower ==> 高压正鼓风机
  13321. high-pressure process ==> 高压法
  13322. high-pressure producer ==> 高压煤气发生器
  13323. high-pressure propellant tank ==> 高压燃料箱
  13324. high-pressure purge ==> 高压气体吹洗
  13325. high-pressure reactor ==> 高压反应器
  13326. high-pressure safety cut-out ==> 高压安全切断器
  13327. high-pressure safety injection system ==> 高压安全注射系统,安全注射系统中利用高压注射泵将含硼水注入反应堆的子系统
  13328. high-pressure science ==> 高压科学
  13329. high-pressure section ==> 高压部分
  13330. high-pressure selling ==> 倾力推销
  13331. high-pressure separator ==> 高压分离器
  13332. high-pressure side ==> 高压侧
  13333. high-pressure slide valve ==> 高压滑阀
  13334. high-pressure sodium lamp ==> 高压钠汽灯
  13335. high-pressure spectroscopy ==> 高压光谱学
  13336. high-pressure spinning ==> 高压纺丝
  13337. high-pressure spray ==> 高压射流
  13338. high-pressure spray wash ==> 高压喷洗
  13339. high-pressure sprayer ==> 高压喷雾器
  13340. high-pressure sprinkler ==> 高压喷灌机,高压头喷灌机
  13341. high-pressure squeeze method ==> 高压挤水泥法
  13342. high-pressure stage ==> 高压极
  13343. high-pressure steam engine ==> 高压蒸汽机
  13344. high-pressure steam etching ==> 高压蒸汽腐蚀
  13345. high-pressure steam heating system ==> 高压蒸汽供暖系统
  13346. high-pressure steam oxidation ==> 高气压水汽氧化
  13347. high-pressure steam power plant ==> 高压火力发电厂
  13348. high-pressure steam sterilizer ==> 高压蒸汽消毒柜
  13349. high-pressure steam turbine ==> 高压蒸汽涡轮
  13350. high-pressure sterilizer ==> 高压蒸汽灭菌器
  13351. high-pressure system ==> 高压系统
  13352. high-pressure tank ==> 高压气柜,高压气瓶,承压箱
  13353. high-pressure technology ==> 高压技术
  13354. high-pressure tesr ==> 高压试验
  13355. high-pressure tower ==> 高压塔
  13356. high-pressure tube calibration ==> 高压管法校准,高压管校准
  13357. high-pressure turbine ==> 高压汽轮机
  13358. high-pressure turbine (HP turbine) ==> 高压涡轮
  13359. high-pressure turbine stage (HPT stage) ==> 涡轮高压级
  13360. high-pressure tyre ==> 高压轮胎
  13361. high-pressure valve ==> 高压阀
  13362. high-pressure vapor oxidation method ==> 高压水汽氧化法
  13363. high-pressure vessel ==> 高压容器
  13364. high-pressure water derusting ==> 高压水除锈
  13365. high-pressure water jet ==> 高压喷水器,高压水枪
  13366. high-pressure well ==> 高压井
  13367. high-pressure wind tunnel ==> 高压风洞
  13368. high-pressure xenon arc lamp ==> 高压氙弧光灯
  13369. high-priced durable consumer goods ==> 高价耐用消费品
  13370. high-priced service ==> 高价劳务
  13371. high-priority record queue ==> 高优先级记录队列
  13372. high-prob sizer ==> 高效率概率筛
  13373. high-production card ==> 高产梳棉机
  13374. high-production long-set-up machines ==> 高效率调整时间长的机器
  13375. high-protein diet ==> 高蛋白饮食
  13376. high-puritied magnesia brick ==> 高纯镁砖
  13377. high-purity ==> 高纯度
  13378. high-purity aluminium foil ==> 高纯铝箔
  13379. high-purity beryllium oxide ==> 高纯氧化铍
  13380. high-purity cerium dioxide ==> 高纯氧化铈
  13381. high-purity germanium detector ==> 高纯锗探测器
  13382. high-purity gold ==> 高成色黄金
  13383. high-purity hydrogen generator ==> 高纯氢气发生器
  13384. high-purity material ==> 高纯度材料
  13385. high-purity metal ==> 高纯金属
  13386. high-purity powder ==> 高纯粉末
  13387. high-Q circuit ==> 高品质因数电路=>高Q回路
  13388. high-quality ==> 高级的
  13389. high-quality cast iron ==> 高级铸铁,优质铸件
  13390. high-quality cement ==> 高级水泥
  13391. high-quality gasoline ==> 高级汽油
  13392. high-quality grey iron ==> 高级灰口铁
  13393. high-quality laser rod ==> 高质量激光棒
  13394. high-quality nickel steel tube ==> 高级镍钢管
  13395. high-quality primary mirror ==> 优质主镜
  13396. high-quality sales ==> 高品质销货
  13397. high-quality steel ==> 高质量钢,优质钢
  13398. high-quantity item ==> 高定额项目
  13399. high-radiation flux ==> 高辐射通量
  13400. high-rank coal ==> 高级煤
  13401. high-rank fuel ==> 高级燃料
  13402. high-rank graywacke ==> 高级杂砂岩,长石杂砂岩
  13403. high-rate aeration setting process ==> 高负荷曝气沉降法
  13404. high-rate aeration settling tank ==> 高速曝气沉淀池
  13405. high-rate aerobic treatment ==> 高负荷需氧处理法
  13406. high-rate cathode ==> 高倍率阴极
  13407. high-rate digestion ==> 高负荷消化法
  13408. high-rate discharge tester ==> 负荷检查器
  13409. high-rate filter ==> 高负荷滤池,高负荷生物滤池,高速滤池,高速生物滤池
  13410. high-rate forming ==> 高速成形
  13411. high-rating generator ==> 大型发电机
  13412. high-ratio gear ==> 高速比传动装置
  13413. high-ratio transformer ==> 大变比变压器
  13414. high-reactance autotransformer ==> 単巻漏れ変圧器
  13415. high-reactance transformer ==> 漏れ変圧器
  13416. high-recovery thermocouple ==> 高恢复系数热电偶
  13417. high-reflecting dielectric film ==> 高反射电介质膜
  13418. high-reflection coating ==> 高反射膜
  13419. high-reliability item ==> 高可靠性项目
  13420. high-reliability price ==> 高可靠性电价,可靠性电价的一种类型
  13421. high-residual-phosphorus copper ==> 高残磷铜
  13422. high-resistance alloy ==> 高阻合金
  13423. high-resistance barrier ==> 高电阻阻挡层
  13424. high-resistance electrothermic alloy ==> 高电阻电热合金
  13425. high-resistance joint ==> 高电阻接头
  13426. high-resistance loudspeaker ==> 高阻扬声器
  13427. high-resistance metal ==> 高阻金属
  13428. high-resistance refractory rod ==> 高电阻耐火杆
  13429. high-resistance resistor ==> 高阻电阻器
  13430. high-resistance voltmeter ==> 高阻伏特计,高电阻伏特计
  13431. high-resistance wind ==> 高电阻绕组
  13432. high-resistivity alloy ==> 高电阻率合金
  13433. high-resolution acoustics ==> 高分辨声学
  13434. high-resolution aerial camera ==> 高分辨率航空照相机
  13435. high-resolution angle sensor ==> 高分解能角度センサ
  13436. high-resolution atomic absorption spectrometry ==> 高分辨原子吸收光谱测量术
  13437. high-resolution camera ==> 高分辨率照相机
  13438. high-resolution cathode ray tube ==> 高分辨率喷管,高分辨能力显示管,高分辨显示管
  13439. high-resolution colour picture ==> 高分辨率彩色图像
  13440. high-resolution detector ==> 高分辨率探测器,高分辨探测器
  13441. high-resolution dipmeter (HDT) ==> 高分辨倾角仪
  13442. high-resolution fused fibre optics component ==> 高分辨熔融光纤元件
  13443. high-resolution gamma spectrometry ==> 高分辨射线测谱学
  13444. high-resolution gas chromatography ==> 高分辨气相色谱=>高分解能ガスクロマトグラフィー
  13445. high-resolution grating ==> 高分辨率光栅
  13446. high-resolution head model ==> 高分解能頭部モデル
  13447. high-resolution image sensor ==> 高分辨图像传感器
  13448. high-resolution infrared radiation detector ==> 高分辨率红外辐射探测器
  13449. high-resolution infrared radiometer ==> 高分辨率红外辐射计
  13450. high-resolution infrared sounder ==> 高分辨红外探测器
  13451. high-resolution infrared spectroscopy ==> 高分辨率红外光谱学
  13452. high-resolution instrument ==> 高分辨率仪器
  13453. high-resolution interferometer ==> 高分辨率干涉仪
  13454. high-resolution interferometry ==> 高分辨率干涉量度学
  13455. high-resolution laser spectroscopy ==> 高分辨率激光光谱学
  13456. high-resolution lens ==> 高分辨率透镜
  13457. high-resolution liquid chromatography ==> 高分辨液相色谱法
  13458. high-resolution mass spectrometer ==> 高分辨质谱计
  13459. high-resolution mass spectrometry ==> 高分辨质谱测定法
  13460. high-resolution Michelson interferometer ==> 高分辨率迈克尔逊干涉仪
  13461. high-resolution optical mask ==> 高分辨率光学掩膜
  13462. high-resolution optical memory ==> 高分辨率光存储器
  13463. high-resolution optics ==> 高分辨光学
  13464. high-resolution photoresist ==> 高分辨率光致抗蚀剂
  13465. high-resolution picture ==> 高分辨率图像
  13466. high-resolution plate ==> 高分辨板,高分解力底片
  13467. high-resolution spectro scopy ==> 高分辨率光谱学
  13468. high-resolution telescope ==> 高分辨率望远镜
  13469. high-resolution television camera ==> 高分辨率电视摄像机
  13470. high-return high-risk ==> 高效益高风险
  13471. high-rib lath ==> 高肋金属网
  13472. high-rise ==> 高层建筑
  13473. high-rise and ultra-high-rise buildings ==> 高层,超高层建筑群
  13474. high-rise apartment ==> 高层公寓
  13475. high-rise building ==> 高层建筑,高层建筑物
  13476. high-rise flat ==> 高层公寓
  13477. high-rise low density ==> 高层低密度
  13478. high-rise manifold ==> 超高度歧管
  13479. high-rise rice ==> 背の高いイネ
  13480. high-rise roof ==> 高屋顶
  13481. high-rise structure ==> 高层建筑物,高层结构
  13482. high-risk decision ==> 高风险决策
  13483. high-risk investment ==> 高风险投资
  13484. high-roof mining system ==> 高矿房回采
  13485. high-salinity mud ==> 高矿化度泥浆
  13486. high-sensitivity ==> 高灵敏度
  13487. high-sensitivity laser detection system ==> 高灵敏度激光探测系统
  13488. high-shear mixer ==> 高剪切混和器
  13489. high-shearing-type mixer ==> 高剪切型混合器
  13490. high-shrink staple ==> 高缩率短纤维
  13491. high-shrinkage fibre ==> 高收缩纤维,高缩率纤维,高缩纤维
  13492. high-side capacitance coupling ==> 高端电容耦合
  13493. high-side refrigeration ==> 高侧壁致冷
  13494. high-sided truck ==> 高栏板卡车
  13495. high-sided wagon ==> 高边车
  13496. high-silicate glass ==> 高硅酸盐玻璃
  13497. high-silicon bronze alloy ==> 高硅青铜合金
  13498. high-silicon cast iron ==> 高硅铸铁
  13499. high-silicon chromium iron ==> 高硅铬铁
  13500. high-silicon iron ==> 高硅生铁,高硅铸铁,高矽铁
  13501. high-silicon pig iron ==> 高硅生铁
  13502. high-sill spillway ==> 高槛溢洪道
  13503. high-sintered parts ==> 高温烧结零件
  13504. high-sinuosity channel ==> 高弯度河道
  13505. high-slip induction motor ==> 高滑差感应电动机
  13506. high-slip motor ==> 高滑率电机
  13507. high-slovency naphtha ==> 高溶解度石脑油
  13508. high-sodium diet ==> 高钠饮食
  13509. high-sodium high-sulfur fuel oil ==> 高钠高硫燃料油
  13510. high-solidity cascade ==> 大稠度叶栅,大调度叶栅,稠叶栅
  13511. high-solvency naphtha ==> 高熔解度石脑油
  13512. high-specific power ==> 高比出力
  13513. high-specific speed pump ==> 高比转速泵
  13514. high-specific surface area ==> 高比表面積
  13515. high-specific thrust ==> 最大比推力
  13516. high-specificspeed Francis turbine ==> 高比速混流式水轮机
  13517. high-speed accounting machine ==> 高速计算机
  13518. high-speed accounting machine (HSAM) ==> 高速记帐机
  13519. high-speed AD converter ==> 高速模数转换器
  13520. high-speed adder ==> 高速加法器
  13521. high-speed adjustment ==> 高速调整
  13522. high-speed aerodynamics ==> 高速空气动力学,高速气体动力学
  13523. high-speed aeronautics ==> 高速航空学
  13524. high-speed air-jet textile hose ==> 高速气流纺龙带
  13525. high-speed analogue computer ==> 高速模拟计算机
  13526. high-speed and multi-tool cutting method ==> 高速多刀复刃切削法
  13527. high-speed arithmetic and logic unit ==> 高速运算逻辑部件,高速运算器
  13528. high-speed auger ==> 高转速螺旋
  13529. high-speed automatic loom ==> 高速自动织机
  13530. high-speed automatic press ==> 高速自动压床
  13531. high-speed automatic transmitter ==> 高速自动发射机
  13532. high-speed balancing ==> 高速动平衡
  13533. high-speed bed ==> 高速带
  13534. high-speed bench drilling machine ==> 高速台钻
  13535. high-speed bending moment ==> 高速弯曲力矩
  13536. high-speed boot ==> 高速播种开沟器
  13537. high-speed bottom ==> 高速犁体
  13538. high-speed brake ==> 高速制动器
  13539. high-speed brass ==> 高速切削黄铜
  13540. high-speed brittleness ==> 高速脆性
  13541. high-speed bus ==> 高速母线
  13542. high-speed cache memory ==> 高速缓冲寄存器
  13543. high-speed calculator ==> 快速计算机
  13544. high-speed camera ==> 高速照相机=>高速度カメラ
  13545. high-speed card punch ==> 高速卡片凿孔机
  13546. high-speed card reader ==> 高速读卡机,快速卡片读出机
  13547. high-speed carry ==> 高速进位,高速进位,高速进位方式=>高速けた上げ
  13548. high-speed carry circuit ==> 高速进位电路
  13549. high-speed channel ==> 高速通道
  13550. high-speed check-row valve ==> 高速方形穴播阀
  13551. high-speed circuit ==> 高速油路
  13552. high-speed circuit breaker ==> 高速度遮断器
  13553. high-speed circuit breaker (HSCB) ==> 高速断路开关
  13554. high-speed circuit-breaker ==> 高速断路器
  13555. high-speed clutch ==> 高速离合器
  13556. high-speed coefficient ==> 高速系数
  13557. high-speed cold Pilger mill ==> 高速冷轧管机
  13558. high-speed combine ==> 高速联合收获机
  13559. high-speed compaction ==> (用于粉末冶金)高速压实
  13560. high-speed comparator ==> 高速比较器
  13561. high-speed computational capability ==> 高速计算能力
  13562. high-speed computer ==> 高速计算机
  13563. high-speed controller and lever safety valve ==> 高速调节器及柄式安全阀
  13564. high-speed correlator ==> 快速相关器
  13565. high-speed counter ==> 高速计数器
  13566. high-speed counting circuit ==> 高速计数电路
  13567. high-speed cropping ==> 高速剪断
  13568. high-speed cutterbar ==> 高速切割器
  13569. high-speed cutting ==> 高速切削,快速切削
  13570. high-speed cutting nozzle ==> 高速割嘴
  13571. high-speed data acquisition ==> 高速数据集合
  13572. high-speed data acquisition system ==> 高速数据采集系统
  13573. high-speed data collection system ==> 高速数据采集系统
  13574. high-speed data rate ==> 快速数据率
  13575. high-speed data transfer ==> 高速数据传送
  13576. high-speed decision ==> 快速决策
  13577. high-speed development ==> 高速显影
  13578. high-speed Diesel fuel ==> 高速柴油
  13579. high-speed differential protection ==> 高速差动保护
  13580. high-speed digital computer ==> 高速数字计算机
  13581. high-speed digital counter ==> 高速数字计算机
  13582. high-speed digital integrated circuit ==> 高速数字集成电路
  13583. high-speed directional overcurrent relay ==> 高速定量过载继电器
  13584. high-speed distance relay ==> 高速距离继电器
  13585. high-speed diverter switch ==> 高速分流器开关
  13586. high-speed drill ==> 高速播种机,高速钻机
  13587. high-speed drilling attachment ==> 高速钻孔附件
  13588. high-speed drilling machine ==> 高速钻床
  13589. high-speed drivage ==> 快速掘进
  13590. high-speed drive ==> 高速传动,高速度传动
  13591. high-speed drum ==> 高速磁鼓
  13592. high-speed drying press ==> 高速压干机
  13593. high-speed electronic computer ==> 高速电子计算机
  13594. high-speed electrostatic printer ==> 高速静电打印机
  13595. high-speed emulation memory ==> 高速仿真存储器
  13596. high-speed engine ==> 高速发电机
  13597. high-speed engine steam wagon ==> 高速蒸汽机车
  13598. high-speed excitation ==> 高速励磁,快速励磁,强行励磁
  13599. high-speed excitation system ==> 高速励磁系统
  13600. high-speed extrusion ==> 高速挤压
  13601. high-speed facsimile ==> 高速传真
  13602. high-speed fan blender ==> 高速风扇式混和器
  13603. high-speed figure ==> 高速数字
  13604. high-speed film ==> 高速感光胶片
  13605. high-speed filter ==> 高速滤池
  13606. high-speed flip-flop ==> 高速双稳态触发器
  13607. high-speed forming ==> 高速成形
  13608. high-speed Francis turbine ==> 高转速辐向轴流式水轮机,高转速混流式水轮机
  13609. high-speed gas chromatography ==> 高速气相色谱
  13610. high-speed gear ==> 高速齿轮
  13611. high-speed gear coupling ==> 高速齿轮联轴节
  13612. high-speed generator ==> 高速发电机
  13613. high-speed grease ==> 高速牛滑脂
  13614. high-speed handling ==> 高速操纵
  13615. high-speed handpiece ==> 高速机头
  13616. high-speed heating furnace ==> 高温快速加热炉
  13617. high-speed hobbing ==> 高速滚削
  13618. high-speed hot press ==> 高速垫压机,高速热压机
  13619. high-speed hydraulic hammer ==> 高速液压锤
  13620. high-speed hydraulic hose coupling machine ==> 高速液压软管接管机
  13621. high-speed imaging ==> 高速撮影
  13622. high-speed imaging device ==> 高速成像装置
  13623. high-speed indicator ==> 高速指示器
  13624. high-speed infrared film ==> 高速红外胶片
  13625. high-speed infrared radiometer ==> 高速红外辐射计
  13626. high-speed ion ==> 高速离子
  13627. high-speed isostatic pressing ==> 高速等静压制
  13628. high-speed job selection ==> 高速作业选择
  13629. high-speed joint ==> 高速旋转接头
  13630. high-speed knife ==> 高速切割器
  13631. high-speed laser print ==> 高速激光印刷
  13632. high-speed LEM ==> 高速直线电机
  13633. high-speed lens ==> 高速镜头
  13634. high-speed line printer ==> 高速宽行打印机
  13635. high-speed look ahead carry generator ==> 高速先行进位发生器
  13636. high-speed loop ==> 高速环
  13637. high-speed measuring equipment ==> 高速計測装置
  13638. high-speed mechanism ==> 高速机构
  13639. high-speed membrane osmometer ==> 高速膜渗透计
  13640. high-speed memory ==> 快速存储器,快速记忆
  13641. high-speed metal cutting ==> 高速切削法
  13642. high-speed metal oxide semiconductor ==> 高速金属氧化物半导体
  13643. high-speed milling attachment ==> 高速铣工附件
  13644. high-speed milling machine ==> 高速铣床
  13645. high-speed mixer ==> 高速混合机
  13646. high-speed motion-picture camera ==> 棱镜补偿式高速电影摄影机
  13647. high-speed motor ==> 高速电动机
  13648. high-speed multiplier ==> 高速乘法器
  13649. high-speed multiply ==> 高速乘
  13650. High-Speed National Project Computer System ==> 超高性能计算机系统
  13651. high-speed needle valve ==> 高速针阀
  13652. high-speed numerical counter ==> 高速数字计数器
  13653. high-speed operation ==> 高速処理
  13654. high-speed operational amplifier ==> 高速型运算放大器
  13655. high-speed oscillograph ==> 高速示波器
  13656. high-speed oscilloscope ==> 高速记录示波器,高速示波器,快速扫描示波器
  13657. high-speed paper tape punch ==> 高速纸带穿孔机
  13658. high-speed paper tape reader ==> 高速纸带输入机
  13659. high-speed perforator ==> 快速凿孔机
  13660. high-speed peripheral ==> 高速外围设备
  13661. high-speed photodetector ==> 高速光电探测器
  13662. high-speed photograph ==> 高速照相
  13663. high-speed photographic technique ==> 高速照相技术
  13664. high-speed photography ==> 高速摄影
  13665. high-speed photometer ==> 高速光度计
  13666. high-speed photometry ==> 高速测光
  13667. high-speed planer ==> 高速刨床
  13668. high-speed planing machine ==> 高速刨床
  13669. high-speed planter ==> 高速播种机
  13670. high-speed plasma chromatography ==> 高速等离子色谱
  13671. high-speed plate drier ==> 高速制版机
  13672. high-speed plotter ==> 高速描绘器
  13673. high-speed plough ==> 高速刨煤机
  13674. high-speed pneumatic tool ==> 高速气动工具
  13675. high-speed powderless etching machine ==> 高速无粉腐蚀机
  13676. high-speed PPC ==> 高速普通纸复印机
  13677. high-speed press ==> 高速压力机
  13678. high-speed printer (HSP) ==> 高速打印机
  13679. high-speed pulverizer ==> 高速粉磨机
  13680. high-speed radio communication ==> 高速無線通信
  13681. high-speed railway ==> 高速铁路
  13682. high-speed railway system ==> 高速鉄道システム
  13683. high-speed raster photography ==> 高速网络摄影术
  13684. high-speed reamer ==> 高速钢铰刀
  13685. high-speed reclosing ==> 高速重合
  13686. high-speed record ==> 高速记录
  13687. high-speed reducing valve ==> 高速减压阀
  13688. high-speed regulator ==> 快动调节器
  13689. high-speed relay ==> 快速继电器,高速继电器=>高速度継電器
  13690. high-speed repair ==> 快速检修法
  13691. high-speed rolls ==> 高速辊式破碎机
  13692. high-speed rotary press ==> 高速八版轮转印刷机
  13693. high-speed sand filtration ==> 高速砂滤法
  13694. high-speed schlieren photograph ==> 高速纹影摄影
  13695. high-speed semantic net ==> 高速语义网
  13696. high-speed serial printer ==> 高速串行打印机
  13697. high-speed series tripping ==> 高速串联断路法
  13698. high-speed servo motor ==> 高速伺服电动机
  13699. high-speed shaping machine ==> 高速牛头刨床
  13700. high-speed ship ==> 高速船舶
  13701. high-speed shutter ==> 高速快门
  13702. high-speed simulation ==> 高速仿真,快速仿真
  13703. high-speed skip ==> 快速跳行
  13704. high-speed solar wind ==> 高速太阳风
  13705. high-speed spectroscopy ==> 高速波谱学,高速分光学
  13706. high-speed spinner ==> 高速分配轮
  13707. high-speed spinning machine ==> 高速纺丝机
  13708. high-speed sprayer ==> 高速喷雾器
  13709. high-speed starting ==> 高速起动
  13710. high-speed steam engine ==> 高速蒸气机
  13711. high-speed steel ==> 高速钢,高速工具钢
  13712. high-speed steel bit ==> 高速钢车刀
  13713. high-speed steel drill ==> 高速钢钻头
  13714. high-speed steel end mill ==> 高速钢端铣刀
  13715. high-speed steel geared tap ==> 高速钢磨牙丝锥
  13716. high-speed steel ingot ==> 高速钢锭
  13717. high-speed steel lathe tool ==> 白钢车刀
  13718. high-speed steel tool ==> 高速钢刀具
  13719. high-speed storage ==> 快速存储器
  13720. high-speed stretch ==> 高速拉伸
  13721. high-speed sweep ==> 高速扫描
  13722. high-speed switch ==> 快速开关
  13723. high-speed switching ==> 高速スイッチング
  13724. high-speed tape punch ==> 高速纸带穿孔机
  13725. high-speed target ==> 高速目标
  13726. high-speed telescope ==> 高速望远镜,强光力望远镜
  13727. high-speed test (HST) ==> 高速试验
  13728. high-speed test controller ==> 高速测试控制器
  13729. high-speed tester (HST) ==> 高速试验机
  13730. high-speed testing technique ==> 高速试验方法
  13731. high-speed thread cutting attachment ==> 高速螺纹切削附件
  13732. high-speed tool steel ==> 高速工具钢,高工钢
  13733. high-speed tracking ==> 高速追跡
  13734. high-speed transit ==> 高速交通
  13735. high-speed turning tool ==> 高速车刀
  13736. high-speed type end mill ==> 高速端铣刀
  13737. high-speed universal lathe ==> 高速万能车床
  13738. high-speed vacuum circuit breaker ==> 高速真空遮断装置
  13739. high-speed valve ==> 高速阀
  13740. high-speed vehicle lane ==> 高速车道
  13741. high-speed vibrator ==> 高速振动器
  13742. high-speed video camera ==> 高速度ビデオカメラ
  13743. high-speed wind tunnel ==> 高速风洞
  13744. high-speed wind-up ==> 高速卷取
  13745. high-speed==high-speed … ==> 高速度
  13746. high-spin complex ==> 高自旋络合物
  13747. high-stability temperature variation meter ==> 高稳定度变温仪
  13748. high-stop filter ==> 高截止滤波器
  13749. high-strain rate testing ==> 高应变率试验
  13750. high-strength alloy ==> 高强合金
  13751. high-strength bevel steel washer ==> 高强度斜垫圈
  13752. high-strength bolt ==> 高强螺栓=>高力ボルト
  13753. high-strength canvas for conveyor belts ==> 高强传送带帆布
  13754. high-strength cast iron ==> 高铁力铸铁
  13755. high-strength cast steel ==> 高速铸铁
  13756. high-strength cement ==> 高强水泥
  13757. high-strength concrete ==> 高强混凝土
  13758. high-strength drill pipe ==> 高强度钻探管
  13759. high-strength low alloy steel ==> 高强低合金钢
  13760. high-strength low-allow steel ==> 高强度耐低温钢
  13761. high-strength manganese bronze ==> 高强度锰青铜合金
  13762. high-strength material ==> 高强度材料
  13763. high-strength metallic alloy ==> 高强度金属合金
  13764. high-strength organic waste ==> 高含量有机废物
  13765. high-strength parts ==> 高强度部件
  13766. high-strength plain steel washer ==> 高强度平垫圈
  13767. high-strength quality steel wire ==> 高强优质钢丝
  13768. high-strength silicone rubber ==> 高强度硅橡胶
  13769. high-strength steel ==> 高强度钢
  13770. high-strength steel electrode ==> 高强度钢焊条
  13771. high-strength steel washer ==> 高强度垫圈
  13772. high-strength structural adhesives ==> 高强度结构粘合剂
  13773. high-stroke ==> 高冲程
  13774. high-stroke friction press ==> 高冲程摩擦压机
  13775. high-style fabric ==> 高级整理织物
  13776. high-sugar beet ==> 高糖甜菜
  13777. high-sulfur combustor ==> 高硫燃料
  13778. high-sulfur fuel ==> 高硫燃料
  13779. high-sulfur oils ==> 高硫油
  13780. high-sulfur steel ==> 高硫钢
  13781. high-sulphur coal ==> 高硫煤
  13782. high-sulphur heavy crude ==> 高含硫重质原油
  13783. high-sulphur light crude ==> 高含硫轻质原油
  13784. high-tech circle ==> 高技术圈
  13785. high-tech products ==> 高技术产品
  13786. high-technology industry ==> 高科技产业
  13787. high-technology robot ==> 高级技术机器人
  13788. high-temper steel ==> 高温回火钢
  13789. high-temperate material ==> 高温材料
  13790. high-temperature adhesive ==> 高温胶粘剂
  13791. high-temperature adhesives ==> 高温粘合剂
  13792. high-temperature aerodynamics ==> 高温气体动力学
  13793. high-temperature aging ==> 高温时效
  13794. high-temperature air ==> 高温空気
  13795. high-temperature alloy ==> 高温合金
  13796. high-temperature and high-pressure filter press ==> 高温高压失水仪
  13797. high-temperature and humidity ==> 高温多湿
  13798. high-temperature and pressure electrochemistry ==> 高温高压电化学
  13799. high-temperature behavior ==> 高温性能
  13800. high-temperature box-type furnace ==> 高温箱形电炉
  13801. high-temperature brazed joint ==> 高温铜焊接头
  13802. high-temperature brittleness ==> 高温脆性
  13803. high-temperature bulk superconductor ==> バルク超電導体
  13804. high-temperature cabinet ==> 高温箱
  13805. high-temperature carburizing (1000-1100) ==> 高温渗碳
  13806. high-temperature cement ==> 高温水泥
  13807. high-temperature chemical reaction engineering ==> 高温化学反应工程
  13808. high-temperature chemistry ==> 高温化学
  13809. high-temperature coating ==> 耐高温涂层
  13810. high-temperature coaxial cable ==> 高温同轴电缆
  13811. high-temperature coke ==> 高温焦炭
  13812. high-temperature color-changing porcelain ==> 高温变色釉瓷
  13813. high-temperature components ==> 高温元件
  13814. high-temperature crucible ==> 耐高温坩埚
  13815. high-temperature deflection test bed ==> 高温曲绕试验台
  13816. high-temperature digestion ==> 高温溶解,高温煮解
  13817. high-temperature drying ==> 高温干燥
  13818. high-temperature effect ==> 高温效应
  13819. high-temperature electric resistance furnace ==> 高温电炉
  13820. high-temperature electrochemistry ==> 高温电化学
  13821. high-temperature electrothermal alloy wire ==> 高温电热合金丝
  13822. high-temperature extensometer ==> 高温引伸计
  13823. high-temperature field ==> 高温场
  13824. high-temperature flare ==> 高温耀斑
  13825. high-temperature fuel cell ==> 高温燃料电池
  13826. high-temperature gain fall ==> 高温增益下降
  13827. high-temperature gas physical mechanics ==> 高温气体物理力学
  13828. high-temperature gas-cooled reactor ==> 高温气体冷却反应堆
  13829. high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR ) ==> 高温气冷反应堆
  13830. high-temperature gas-cooled reactor of pebble bed,PBMR ==> 球床型高温气冷堆,将几十万个直径60mm的燃料球装入大容器内达到临界的高温气冷堆。燃料球由堆顶部连续装入堆芯,同时从堆芯底部卸料管连续卸出。测量卸出燃料球的燃耗,如果没有达到预定燃耗深度,则再次送回堆内使用
  13831. high-temperature heat ==> 高温熔炼
  13832. high-temperature heat insulating coating ==> 高温隔热涂层
  13833. high-temperature high power semiconduct device ==> 高温高功率半导体器件
  13834. high-temperature high-pressure apparatus ==> 高温高压设备
  13835. high-temperature hook-up wire ==> 高温安装线
  13836. high-temperature hydrogenation ==> 高温加氢
  13837. high-temperature induction heating ==> 高温感应加热
  13838. high-temperature inert gas plasma ==> 高温希ガスプラズマ
  13839. high-temperature infrared transmitting glass ==> 高温红外透射玻璃
  13840. high-temperature insulation ==> 高温绝缘
  13841. high-temperature isostatic pressing ==> 高温等静压
  13842. high-temperature lubricant ==> 高温润滑剂
  13843. high-temperature machining ==> 高温加工,高温切削
  13844. high-temperature martensite ==> 高温马氏体
  13845. high-temperature material ==> 高温材料
  13846. high-temperature material technology ==> 高温材料工艺学
  13847. high-temperature millivoltmeter ==> 高温毫伏计
  13848. high-temperature operation ==> 高温操作,高温作业
  13849. high-temperature operation life test ==> 高温工作寿命试验
  13850. high-temperature phenomena ==> 高温现象
  13851. high-temperature physics ==> 高温物理学
  13852. high-temperature plasma diagnostics ==> 高温血浆诊断学
  13853. high-temperature plasma physics ==> 高温等离子体物理学
  13854. high-temperature pressing ==> 高温压制
  13855. high-temperature processing ==> 高温处理
  13856. high-temperature reaction ==> 高温反应
  13857. high-temperature reactor ==> 高温反应堆
  13858. high-temperature refractory ==> 高温耐火材料
  13859. high-temperature region ==> 高温区
  13860. high-temperature roasting ==> 高温焙烧
  13861. high-temperature science ==> 高温科学
  13862. high-temperature service ==> 高温设备,高温设备装置
  13863. high-temperature short-time pasteurization of milk ==> 牛奶高温短时灭菌法
  13864. high-temperature sprinkler ==> 高温喷水器
  13865. high-temperature state equation ==> 高温状态方程
  13866. high-temperature steel ==> 耐高温钢
  13867. high-temperature storage life test ==> 高温贮存寿命试验
  13868. high-temperature strength ==> 高温强度
  13869. high-temperature superconductor ==> 高温超导体
  13870. high-temperature surface ==> 高温受热面
  13871. high-temperature technology ==> 高温技术
  13872. high-temperature test chamber ==> 高温试验箱
  13873. high-temperature thermistor ==> 高温热敏电阻器
  13874. high-temperature thermodynamics ==> 高温热力学
  13875. high-temperature treatment ==> 高温处理
  13876. high-temperature tunnel kiln ==> 高温隧道窑
  13877. high-temperature vacuum furnace microscopy ==> 高温真空炉显微术
  13878. high-temperature visible column thermometer ==> 视柱式高温计
  13879. high-temperature water boiler ==> 高温热水锅炉
  13880. high-temperature water pump assembly ==> 高温水泵结合组
  13881. high-temperature zone ==> 高温区
  13882. high-temperature-hot-water ==> 高温热水
  13883. high-temperature-water heating system ==> 高温水采暖系统
  13884. high-tempreature strain ga(u)ge ==> 张线式高温传感器
  13885. high-tenacity cord ==> 高强力帘线
  13886. high-tenacity rayon ==> 高强度人造丝
  13887. high-tensile alloy ==> 高强合金
  13888. high-tensile bolt ==> 高强螺栓=>高力ボルト
  13889. high-tensile bronze ==> 高强度青铜
  13890. high-tensile round-link chain ==> 高强度圆环链
  13891. high-tensile steel ==> 高强度钢,高强钢
  13892. high-tensile steel bar ==> 高强度钢筋
  13893. high-tensile steel bars ==> 高强度粗钢筋
  13894. high-tensile steel reinforcement bar fixture ==> 高强钢筋夹具
  13895. high-tensile steel wires ==> 高强度钢丝
  13896. high-tensile strength ==> 高拉力
  13897. high-tensile structural steel ==> 高强度结构钢
  13898. high-tensile wire ==> 高强度钢丝
  13899. high-tension ==> 高压
  13900. high-tension ammeter ==> 高压电流计
  13901. high-tension apparatus ==> 高压设备
  13902. high-tension arc ==> 高压电弧=>高電圧アーク
  13903. high-tension battery ==> 高压电池组
  13904. high-tension boost ==> 高压提升
  13905. high-tension busbar ==> 高压母线
  13906. high-tension bushing ==> 高压套管
  13907. high-tension cable ==> 高压电缆,高压线=>高圧ケーブル
  13908. high-tension cell ==> 高压间隔
  13909. high-tension ceramics ==> 高压陶瓷
  13910. high-tension circuit ==> 高压电路,高压线圈=>高圧回路
  13911. high-tension coil ==> 高压线圈
  13912. high-tension condenser ==> 高压电容器
  13913. high-tension current ==> 高压电流
  13914. high-tension current inductor ==> 高压电流互感器
  13915. high-tension current transformer ==> 高压电流互感器
  13916. high-tension damper ==> 高压阻尼器
  13917. high-tension delay time ==> 高压迟加时间
  13918. high-tension distribution box ==> 高压配电箱
  13919. high-tension distribution center ==> 高压配电中心
  13920. high-tension distribution equipment ==> 高压配电设备
  13921. high-tension distribution panel ==> 高压配电盘
  13922. high-tension distributor ==> 高压配电盘
  13923. high-tension drop type fuse ==> 高压跌落式熔断器
  13924. high-tension dynamo ==> 高压发电机
  13925. high-tension d・c・plant ==> 高压直流装置
  13926. high-tension fitting ==> 高压配件
  13927. high-tension fuse ==> 高压熔断器
  13928. high-tension generator ==> 高压发电机
  13929. high-tension ignition ==> 高压点火,高电压点火
  13930. high-tension ignition coil ==> 高压发火线圈
  13931. high-tension insulator ==> 高压绝缘子=>高圧がいし
  13932. high-tension kilowatt-hour meter ==> 高压电度表
  13933. high-tension laboratory ==> 高压试验室
  13934. high-tension lightning arrester ==> 高压避雷装置
  13935. high-tension line ==> 高压线
  13936. high-tension magnet ==> 高压永磁发电机
  13937. high-tension magneto ==> 高压永磁电机
  13938. high-tension main ==> 高压馈电线
  13939. high-tension measuring instrument ==> 高压测量仪器
  13940. high-tension mercury lamp ballast ==> 高压水银灯镇流器
  13941. high-tension mercury-vapor spotlight ==> 高压水银投光灯
  13942. high-tension motor ==> 高压电动机
  13943. high-tension neon tube ==> 高压氖管
  13944. high-tension network ==> 高压电力网
  13945. high-tension oil filled cable ==> 高压充油电缆
  13946. high-tension oil switch ==> 高压油开关
  13947. high-tension overhead line ==> 高压架空线路
  13948. high-tension panel ==> 高压配电板
  13949. high-tension porcelain insulator ==> 高压瓷瓶
  13950. high-tension pulse ==> 高压脉
  13951. high-tension radiographic apparatus ==> 高压摄影X线机
  13952. high-tension regulating transformer ==> 高压调节变压器
  13953. high-tension relay ==> 高压继电器
  13954. high-tension room ==> 高压间
  13955. high-tension selenium rectifier ==> 高压硒整流器
  13956. high-tension shielding ==> 高压屏蔽
  13957. high-tension side ==> 高压侧=>高圧側
  13958. high-tension spark plug ==> 高压火花塞
  13959. high-tension stator coil ==> 高压定子线圈
  13960. high-tension supply ==> 高压电源,高压电源
  13961. high-tension supply main ==> 高压馈电干线
  13962. high-tension switch ==> 高压开关
  13963. high-tension switch cabinet ==> 高压开关柜
  13964. high-tension switch gear ==> 高压开关设备,高压开关装置
  13965. high-tension terminal ==> 高压接柱
  13966. high-tension test pencil ==> 高压测电笔
  13967. high-tension transformer ==> 高压变压器
  13968. high-tension transmission line ==> 高压输电线路
  13969. high-tension valve ==> 高压阀
  13970. high-tension valve type lightning arrester ==> 高压阀式避雷器
  13971. high-tension voltmeter ==> 高压伏特计
  13972. high-tension warm-up time ==> 高压预热时间
  13973. high-tension winding ==> 高压绕组=>高圧巻線
  13974. high-tension wire to lst cylinder ==> 第一气缸高压
  13975. high-tension-power plant ==> 高压发电厂
  13976. high-terrace building ==> 高台建筑
  13977. high-test cast iron ==> 高级铸铁
  13978. high-test cement ==> 高级水泥
  13979. high-test chain ==> 高强度链条
  13980. high-test metal ==> 高质量金属
  13981. high-thermal conductivity ==> 高导热性
  13982. high-threshold logic circuit ==> 高抗电路,高阈值逻辑电路
  13983. high-thrust rig ==> 高推力钻机
  13984. high-tide level ==> 高潮面,高潮水位
  13985. high-tide period ==> 高潮期
  13986. high-tide shoreline ==> 高潮滨线
  13987. high-tin babbit ==> 高锡巴比合金
  13988. high-top-pressure capability ==> 炉顶高压能力
  13989. high-transconductance tube ==> 高互导管,高跨导管
  13990. high-transmission glass ==> 高透射玻璃
  13991. high-turbulence combustion chamber ==> 高紊流燃烧室
  13992. high-type ==> 高级的
  13993. high-type highway ==> 高级公路
  13994. high-usage ==> 利用率高
  13995. high-usage group ==> 高利用率干线组
  13996. high-usage line ==> 利用率高的线路
  13997. high-usage trunk ==> 高度使用的传输线,高利用率传输线
  13998. high-vacuum apparatus ==> 高真空设备
  13999. high-vacuum brazing materials ==> 高真空焊料
  14000. high-vacuum connector ==> 高真空接插件
  14001. high-vacuum discharge ==> 高真空放电
  14002. high-vacuum evaporation technique ==> 高真空蒸镀技术
  14003. high-vacuum fitting ==> 高真空组件
  14004. high-vacuum gauge ==> 高真空测量压力表
  14005. high-vacuum grease ==> 高度真空油脂
  14006. high-vacuum installation ==> 高真空装置
  14007. high-vacuum insulation ==> 高真空绝热
  14008. high-vacuum jar ==> 高真空瓶
  14009. high-vacuum rectifier ==> 高真空整流管
  14010. high-vacuum rectifier tube ==> 高真空整流管
  14011. high-vacuum seal ==> 高真空シール
  14012. high-vacuum switching tube ==> 高真空开关管
  14013. high-vacuum technique ==> 高真空技术
  14014. high-vacuum technology ==> 高真空技术
  14015. high-vacuum television tube ==> 高真空显像管
  14016. high-vacuum tube ==> 高真空管
  14017. high-vacuum valve ==> 高真空整流管
  14018. high-value ==> 高位值
  14019. high-vanadium steel ==> 高矾钢,高钒钢
  14020. high-velocity channel ==> 高速渠道
  14021. high-velocity cloud ==> 高速云
  14022. high-velocity combustion ==> 高速燃烧
  14023. high-velocity conduit ==> 高速水道
  14024. high-velocity duct ==> 高速管道
  14025. high-velocity duct system ==> 高速风道系统
  14026. high-velocity dwarf ==> 高速矮星
  14027. high-velocity electron ==> 高速电子
  14028. high-velocity electron beam ==> 高速电子束,快速电子束
  14029. high-velocity flow ==> 高速水道
  14030. high-velocity fluidized bed ==> 高速流化床
  14031. high-velocity forging ==> 高速锤锻造,高速锻造
  14032. high-velocity forming ==> 高速成形
  14033. high-velocity forming die ==> 高速成形模具
  14034. high-velocity jet ==> 高速喷射,高速射流
  14035. high-velocity jet flow ==> 高速射流
  14036. high-velocity layer ==> 高速带
  14037. high-velocity liquid jet machining ==> 高速射流机加工
  14038. high-velocity loop ==> 高速度回路
  14039. high-velocity neutron ==> 高速中子
  14040. high-velocity scanning ==> 高速电子扫描,高速扫描,快电子扫描
  14041. high-velocity stars ==> 高速星
  14042. high-velocity stream ==> 高速流
  14043. high-velocity thermo couple ==> 快速反应热电偶
  14044. high-velocity thermocouple ==> 小惯性热电耦
  14045. high-velocity-electron camera tube ==> 高速电子摄像管
  14046. high-very-high frequency ==> 上限甚高频
  14047. high-viscosity crude oil field ==> 高粘度油气田
  14048. high-viscosity fluid ==> 高粘性流体,高粒性流性
  14049. high-viscosity index lubricating oil ==> 高粘度指数润滑油
  14050. high-viscosity index oil ==> 高粘度指数油液
  14051. high-viscosity oil ==> 高粘性油
  14052. high-viscosity paint ==> 高粘性涂料
  14053. high-volatile bituminous coal ==> 高挥发烟煤
  14054. high-voltage air heater ==> 高电压空气加热器
  14055. high-voltage anode ==> 高压阳极
  14056. high-voltage arc ==> 高压电弧
  14057. high-voltage arc technique ==> 高压电弧技术
  14058. high-voltage bleeder ==> 高压分压器,高压旁漏电阻,高压旁漏电阻器
  14059. high-voltage board ==> 高压柜
  14060. high-voltage cable ==> 高压电缆
  14061. high-voltage capacitor ==> 高压电容器
  14062. high-voltage ceramic capacitor ==> 高压陶瓷电容器
  14063. high-voltage ceramic vacuum switch tube ==> 高压陶瓷真空开关管
  14064. high-voltage circuit ==> 高压电路
  14065. high-voltage circuit tester ==> 高压电路测试器
  14066. high-voltage circuitbreaker ==> 高压断路器
  14067. high-voltage coil ==> 高压线圈
  14068. high-voltage combination starter ==> 高压综合启动器
  14069. high-voltage compartment ==> 高压部分,高压箱
  14070. high-voltage condenser ==> 高压电容器
  14071. high-voltage connection ==> 高压接线
  14072. high-voltage connector ==> 高电压接插件
  14073. high-voltage contact ==> 高压触头
  14074. high-voltage corona ==> 高压电晕
  14075. high-voltage coupling capacitor ==> 高压耦合电容器,能耐受高电压,将测量设备和高压电源隔离的电容器,用于测量局部放电和无线电干扰
  14076. high-voltage current ==> 高压电流
  14077. high-voltage cutout ==> 高圧カットアウト
  14078. high-voltage DC generator ==> 直流高压发生器,产生直流高电压的设备
  14079. high-voltage diode ==> 耐高压二极管
  14080. high-voltage direct current (HVDC) ==> 高压直流系统
  14081. high-voltage direct drive inverter ==> 高圧ダイレクトインバータ
  14082. high-voltage drive tube ==> 高压激励管
  14083. high-voltage dropout explosion fuse ==> 高压脱落式熔断器
  14084. high-voltage electric porcelain ==> 高压电瓷
  14085. high-voltage electrical apparatus ==> 高压电器
  14086. high-voltage electron microscope ==> 高压电子显微镜
  14087. high-voltage electrophoresis ==> 高压电泳
  14088. high-voltage electrostatic vacuum cleaner ==> 高压静电吸尘器
  14089. high-voltage field ==> 高压场
  14090. high-voltage fuse ==> 高压熔断器
  14091. high-voltage generator ==> 高压发电机,高压发生器
  14092. high-voltage glow discharge lamp ==> 高压辉光放电灯
  14093. high-voltage glow tube ==> 高压辉光管
  14094. high-voltage holding test ==> 耐压试验
  14095. high-voltage insulating boots ==> 高压绝缘靴
  14096. high-voltage insulating gloves ==> 高压绝缘手套
  14097. high-voltage insulation ==> 高压绝缘
  14098. high-voltage isolator ==> 高压隔离开关
  14099. high-voltage lamp ==> 高压灯,高压电路试验灯
  14100. high-voltage line ==> 高压电线
  14101. high-voltage line suspension insulator ==> 高压线悬式绝缘子
  14102. high-voltage load switch ==> 高压负荷切断开关
  14103. high-voltage magnet dynamo ==> 高压磁石发电机
  14104. high-voltage mercury lamp ==> 高压汞灯
  14105. high-voltage motor ==> 高压电动机
  14106. high-voltage negative-ion generator ==> 高压负离子发生器
  14107. high-voltage nuclear battery ==> 高压核电池
  14108. high-voltage oil circuit breaker ==> 高压油断路器
  14109. high-voltage oscilloscope ==> 高压示波器
  14110. high-voltage photovoltaic converter ==> 高伏特光电转换器
  14111. high-voltage pin insulator ==> 高压针式绝缘子
  14112. high-voltage pothead ==> 高压电缆头
  14113. high-voltage power bipolar transistor ==> 高反压双极晶体管
  14114. high-voltage power supply ==> 高压电源,高压电源
  14115. high-voltage probe ==> 高压探针
  14116. high-voltage pulse generator ==> 高压脉冲发生器
  14117. high-voltage pulser ==> 高压脉冲发生器
  14118. high-voltage radiography ==> 高压射线摄影术
  14119. high-voltage rectifier ==> 高压整流器,能耐受反向高电压的单方向导电的器件
  14120. high-voltage regulation factor ==> 高压调整系数
  14121. high-voltage relay ==> 高压继电器=>高電圧リレー
  14122. high-voltage resistor ==> 高压电阻器
  14123. high-voltage roentgen therapy ==> 高压X线疗法
  14124. high-voltage silicon stack ==> 高压硅堆
  14125. high-voltage slow wave ==> 高波幅慢波
  14126. high-voltage source filter ==> 高压电源滤波器,接在高电压试验回路中的低通滤波器
  14127. high-voltage spark ==> 高压火花
  14128. high-voltage supplied customer ==> 特別高圧需要家
  14129. high-voltage switch cabinet ==> 高压柜
  14130. high-voltage switch gear ==> 高压开关设备
  14131. high-voltage switchboard ==> 高压板
  14132. high-voltage synchronous motor ==> 高压同步电动机
  14133. high-voltage system ==> 高压系统
  14134. high-voltage terminal ==> 高压电极
  14135. high-voltage test ==> 高电压试验=>高圧試験
  14136. high-voltage test for insulation ==> 高压绝缘试验
  14137. high-voltage test with working frequency ==> 工频耐压
  14138. high-voltage testing device ==> 高电压试验器
  14139. high-voltage testing transformer ==> 高压试验用变压器
  14140. high-voltage time test ==> 高压时间试验
  14141. high-voltage transformer ==> 高压变压器
  14142. high-voltage transformer (HVT) ==> 高压变压器
  14143. high-voltage tube ==> 高压管
  14144. high-voltage tube fuse ==> 高压管式熔断器
  14145. high-voltage unit ==> 高电压设备
  14146. high-voltage winding ==> 高压绕组=>高圧巻線
  14147. high-volume production ==> 大量生产=>量産
  14148. high-volume run ==> 大量运用,大容量运行
  14149. high-volume spraying ==> 高容量喷雾
  14150. high-water control ==> 高水位控制
  14151. high-water line ==> 高潮线
  14152. high-water lunitidal interval ==> 高潮月潮间隙,月潮高潮间隙
  14153. high-water mark ==> 高水位标志,洪水标记
  14154. high-water period ==> 洪水期
  14155. high-water slack ==> 高水平潮,高水平湖,高潮憩流
  14156. high-water training ==> 洪水治导
  14157. high-wattage lamp ==> 高瓦特电灯
  14158. high-wearing feature ==> 高抗磨性,高耐磨性
  14159. high-wet-modulus fibre ==> 高湿模量纤维
  14160. high-wing furrower ==> 高翼开沟铲
  14161. high-wing monoplane ==> 高翼单翼机,高单翼机
  14162. high-yield ==> 高产额
  14163. high-yield culture technique ==> 高产栽培技术
  14164. high-yield early-maturing variety ==> 高产早熟品种
  14165. high-yield generator ==> 大功率振荡器
  14166. high-yield ion source ==> 强离子源
  14167. high-yield strength ==> 高屈服强度
  14168. high-yield strength steel ==> 高屈服点钢,高屈服强度钢
  14169. high-yielding crop ==> 高产作物
  14170. high-yielding strain ==> 高产品系
  14171. high-yielding variety ==> 高产种
  14172. High-z Supernova Search Team ==> 高红移超新星搜索小组
  14173. highbrow publication ==> 高学术水平刊物
  14174. highbulk book paper ==> 高松厚度书籍纸
  14175. higher actual measuring range value ==> 实际测量范围上的限值
  14176. higher alcohols ==> 高碳醇,高级醇
  14177. higher ambient transistor ==> 高温度稳定晶体管
  14178. higher aromatic hydrocarbon ==> 高级芳烃
  14179. higher array ==> 高维阵列
  14180. higher bleaching powder ==> 高效漂白粉
  14181. higher bulk ==> 高膨松体
  14182. higher caloric value ==> 高卡值
  14183. higher calorific value ==> 高发热值,高位热值=>高発熱量
  14184. higher category ==> 高等项目
  14185. higher center cradle ==> 高顶针架
  14186. higher chain nuclei ==> 高链核
  14187. higher composition of capital ==> 高位资本构成
  14188. higher critical velocity ==> 高临界流速,超临界速度
  14189. higher derivative ==> 高级衍生物,高阶导数,高阶微商
  14190. higher dimentional space ==> 高维空间
  14191. higher fatty acid ==> 高级脂肪酸
  14192. higher fatty alcohol sulfate ==> 高级脂族醇的硫酸酯
  14193. higher fungi ==> 高级真菌
  14194. higher geometry ==> 高等几何学
  14195. higher grade deposit ==> 高品位矿床
  14196. higher grade industries ==> 高层次产业
  14197. higher harmonic ==> 高次谐波=>高調波
  14198. higher harmonic field ==> 高調波磁界
  14199. higher harmonic mode ==> 高次模
  14200. higher harmonic resonance ==> 高次谐波共振
  14201. higher harmonic voltage ==> 高次谐波电压
  14202. higher harmonic wave ==> 高次谐波
  14203. higher harmonics ==> 高次谐波
  14204. higher harmonics resonance ==> 高次高調波共振
  14205. higher heating value ==> 高发热值
  14206. higher homologue ==> 高级同系物
  14207. higher hydrocarbon ==> 高级烃,高级烯
  14208. higher level of cultural practices ==> 高水平的栽培措施
  14209. higher levels ==> 较高层次
  14210. higher low tide ==> 高低潮
  14211. higher low water ==> 高低湖
  14212. higher mammal ==> 高等哺乳动物
  14213. higher mature source rock ==> 高成熟源岩
  14214. higher mode ==> 高次模=>高次モード
  14215. higher order ==> 高次
  14216. higher order multiples ==> 高阶多次反射波
  14217. higher order phase transition ==> 高级相变,高阶相变
  14218. higher order sampling ==> 高次のサンプリング
  14219. higher order Tyndall effect ==> 高级丁达尔效应
  14220. higher pair ==> 线点对偶
  14221. higher partial derivative ==> 高阶偏微商
  14222. higher plane curve ==> 高次平面曲线
  14223. higher plant ==> 高等植物
  14224. higher polymer ==> 高聚物
  14225. higher pressure deaerator ==> 高压除气器
  14226. higher priority ==> 较重要优先项目
  14227. higher priority goal ==> 较高优先级目标
  14228. higher priority item ==> 比较优先考虑的项目
  14229. higher seed rate ==> 播种量高
  14230. higher source luminance ==> 高亮度光源
  14231. higher specific-speed Francis turbine ==> 高比速混流式水轮机
  14232. higher state ==> 高能态
  14233. higher surveying ==> 高等测量学
  14234. higher tar acid ==> 高级焦油酸
  14235. higher than normal rates of outcrossing ==> 高于正常比例的异型杂交
  14236. higher transition probability ==> 高阶转移概率
  14237. higher visual center ==> 高级视中枢
  14238. higher voltage solution ==> 電圧高め解
  14239. higher-energy state ==> 高能量状态
  14240. higher-layer line synthesis ==> 高层线综合法
  14241. higher-level language ==> 高级语言
  14242. higher-mode coupling ==> 高次波型耦合
  14243. higher-mode excitation ==> 高次谐波励磁
  14244. higher-mode interference ==> 高阶干扰
  14245. higher-mode vibration ==> 高频振动
  14246. higher-order algebraic equation solver ==> 高次代数方程式解算器
  14247. higher-order attenuation ==> 高次波的衰减
  14248. higher-order autoregressive scheme ==> 高阶自回归型式
  14249. higher-order coherence effect ==> 高阶相干效应
  14250. higher-order coherence function ==> 高次相干函数
  14251. higher-order compound ==> 高级化合物
  14252. higher-order diffracted neutrons ==> 高次衍射中子
  14253. higher-order function ==> 高阶函数
  14254. higher-order goal ==> 高阶目的
  14255. higher-order harmonics ==> 高次谐波
  14256. higher-order lag structure ==> 高阶滞后结构
  14257. higher-order logic ==> 高阶逻辑
  14258. higher-order mode ==> 高次模,高阶模
  14259. higher-order of oscillation ==> 高频振荡
  14260. higher-order precedence grammar ==> 高阶优先文法
  14261. higher-order predicate ==> 高价谓词
  14262. higher-order predicate calculus ==> 高阶谓词演算
  14263. higher-order residual aberration ==> 高次残余像差
  14264. higher-order software (HOS) ==> 高级软件
  14265. higher-order software technology (HOS) ==> 高级软件技术
  14266. higher-order transitions ==> 高级跃迁
  14267. higher-order wave ==> 高次波
  14268. higher-pressure region ==> 高压区
  14269. highest ==> 最高的
  14270. highest amount administration ==> 最高服用量
  14271. highest attained vacuum ==> 极度真空,极限真空
  14272. highest bid ==> (指投标的)竞买的最高价,竞买的最高价
  14273. highest bidder ==> 出价最高的投标人,最高价竞买人
  14274. highest common divisor ==> 最大公约数
  14275. highest common factor (hcf) ==> 最大公因子
  14276. highest discharge ==> 最大流量
  14277. highest elevation ==> 最大高程
  14278. highest energy ==> 最高能量
  14279. highest face temperature ==> 最高表面
  14280. highest high water ==> 最高高水位
  14281. highest intercostal artery ==> 最上肋间动脉,肋间最上动脉
  14282. highest intercostal vein ==> 肋间最上静脉
  14283. highest nasal concha ==> 最上鼻甲
  14284. highest navigable stage ==> 最高通航水位
  14285. highest nuchal line ==> 最上顶线
  14286. highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) ==> 最高占有分子轨道
  14287. highest occupied molecular orbital(HOMO) ==> 最高占有分子轨道
  14288. highest operating voltage of a system ==> 系统最高运行电压,在系统正常运行的任何时间,系统中任何一点所出现的最高运行电压值
  14289. highest order ==> 最高位
  14290. highest organic soil ==> 高有机土
  14291. highest possible frequency ==> 最高可能的频率
  14292. highest possible price ==> 尽可能的最高价
  14293. highest power factor ==> 最高功率因数
  14294. highest quality ==> 超等质量,超级
  14295. highest quotation ==> 最高报价
  14296. highest resonance ==> 最大能量的共振
  14297. highest significant position ==> 最高有效位
  14298. highest speed ==> 最高速度
  14299. highest thoracic artery ==> 胸最上动脉
  14300. highest tide level ==> 最高潮位
  14301. highest useful compression ratio (H.U.C.R) ==> 最高有效压缩比
  14302. highest valence ==> 最高价
  14303. highest voltage of a equipment ==> 機器の最高電圧
  14304. highest voltage of a system ==> 系統の最高電圧
  14305. highest water level ==> 最高水位
  14306. highest wave ==> 最大波浪
  14307. highest-in first-out ==> 高入先出法
  14308. highland boundary fault ==> 高地边界断层
  14309. highland glacier ==> 高地冰川
  14310. highland ice ==> 高地冰川
  14311. Highlander ==> 汉兰达=>ハイランダー
  14312. highlight ==> ハイライト
  14313. highlight area ==> 高光区域
  14314. highlight brightness ==> 强光激亮度,强光亮度
  14315. highlight contrast ==> 高光反差
  14316. highlight control ==> ハイライト制御
  14317. highlight detection ==> ハイライト検出
  14318. highlight dot ==> 高光点子
  14319. highlight equalizer ==> 高亮度均衡器
  14320. highlight exposure ==> 高光曝光,强光曝光,亮部曝光
  14321. highlight halftone ==> 去顶光网点印版
  14322. highlight laser ==> 强光激光器
  14323. highlight mask ==> 高光蒙片
  14324. highlight test ==> 强光试验
  14325. highlight-to-lowlight ratio ==> 反差系数
  14326. highlighting ==> 強調表示
  14327. highly aberrated laser beam ==> 高像差激光束
  14328. highly acid ==> 高酸的
  14329. highly acid slag ==> 高酸渣
  14330. highly active ==> 高效
  14331. highly aged GIS ==> 高経年GIS
  14332. highly amorphous cellulose structure ==> 高度非晶态纤维素结构
  14333. highly basic ==> 高碱的
  14334. highly charged ion ==> 高荷离子
  14335. highly coherent beam ==> 高相干光束
  14336. highly collimated beam ==> 高准直光束
  14337. highly combustible construction ==> 高度易燃性构造
  14338. highly compressed ==> 高度压缩,高压的
  14339. highly compressed steam ==> 高压蒸汽
  14340. highly concentrated solution ==> 高浓度溶液
  14341. highly conductive fluid ==> 高导电流体
  14342. highly coupled ==> 高度耦合
  14343. highly cracked gasoline ==> 高度裂化汽油
  14344. highly cross-linked etherified starch ==> 高交链醚化淀粉
  14345. highly damped instrument ==> 高阻尼仪表
  14346. highly detergent oil ==> 高级去垢油
  14347. highly diluted ==> 高稀释
  14348. highly directional system ==> 强方向性系统
  14349. highly dispersed ==> 高度弥散,高度弥散的,高度色散,高度色散的
  14350. highly dispersed system ==> 高级分散体系
  14351. highly doped semiconductor ==> 高掺半导体
  14352. highly effective pesticide ==> 高效农药
  14353. highly efficient 4-stroke low-speed diesel engine ==> 高效四冲程低速柴油机
  14354. highly efficient agriculture that provides ==> 高产优质高效农业
  14355. highly efficient regeneration ==> 高效再生
  14356. highly elastic alloy wire ==> 高弹性合金线
  14357. highly enriched uranium ==> 高富集铀,燃料中235U的富集度≥20%的铀
  14358. highly evolved object ==> 演化晚期天体
  14359. highly excited level ==> 强激励能级
  14360. highly finished ==> 高度肥育的
  14361. highly finished index ==> 高度肥育指标
  14362. highly flammable material ==> 高度易燃材料
  14363. highly gassy mine ==> 高瓦斯矿井
  14364. highly hydrated lime ==> 高度水化石灰
  14365. highly intensified corrugated paper ==> 高强度瓦楞纸
  14366. highly ionized ==> 高度电离
  14367. highly ionized noble gas ==> 高电离惰性气体
  14368. highly ionized stellar matter ==> 高电离恒星物质
  14369. highly ionized stellarmatter ==> 高电离恒星物质
  14370. highly ionizing alpha particle ==> 高电离阿尔法粒子
  14371. highly liquid asset ==> 高度流动性资产
  14372. highly matched ==> 高度匹配
  14373. highly olefinic gasoline ==> 富烯烃汽油
  14374. highly oriented fibre ==> 高定向纤维,高度定向纤维
  14375. highly oscillatory mode ==> 强振荡形态
  14376. highly packed chip ==> 高密度芯片
  14377. highly pervious soil ==> 高透水性土壤
  14378. highly plastic clay ==> 高塑性粘土,高塑粘土
  14379. highly polarized light ==> 高度偏振光
  14380. highly polluted ==> 高度污染
  14381. highly prospective area ==> 富有远景的地区
  14382. highly pure indium antimonide single crystal ==> 高纯锑化铟单晶
  14383. highly purified gas purifying equipment ==> 高纯气体净化设备
  14384. highly qualified specialist ==> 高水平专家
  14385. highly radiating gas ==> 强辐射气体
  14386. highly random distribution ==> 高度无规分布
  14387. highly refined ==> 高度精制的
  14388. highly refined oil ==> 高度精制油
  14389. highly reflecting film ==> 高反射膜
  14390. highly reflective foil ==> 高反射金属薄片
  14391. highly refracted ray ==> 高折射光线
  14392. highly refractory ==> 高度耐火的
  14393. highly resistant material ==> 高阻材料
  14394. highly resonating circuit ==> 高共振电路
  14395. highly seismic region ==> 高烈度区
  14396. highly selective resin ==> 高选择性树脂
  14397. highly significant ==> 高度显著
  14398. highly skewed distribution ==> 高度偏斜分布
  14399. highly skewed propellers ==> ハイスキュードプロペラ
  14400. highly specialized ==> 高度专化的
  14401. highly statistical significance ==> 高度统计显著性
  14402. highly swing ==> 高度摆动
  14403. highly symmetric graph ==> 高度对称图
  14404. highly toxic material ==> 剧毒材料,剧毒材料
  14405. highly toxic substance ==> 高毒物质
  14406. highly variable chimeric ==> 高度易变的嵌合体
  14407. highly viscous oil ==> 高粘石油
  14408. highly viscous sand-laden fluid ==> 高粘携砂液
  14409. highly volatile product ==> 高挥发性油品
  14410. highly water-soluble dextrin phosphate ==> 高水溶性糊精磷酸盐
  14411. highly weathered soils ==> 高度风化土壤
  14412. highly wrought goods ==> 精加工制成品
  14413. highly-conductive synthetic fibre ==> 高导电性合成纤维
  14414. highly-efficient equipment ==> 高效率设备
  14415. highly-finished ==> 满膘
  14416. highly-finished stock ==> 高度肥育牲畜
  14417. highmoor bog ==> 高位沼泽
  14418. Highmore's body ==> 海默尔氏体
  14419. highpolymer microphone ==> 高聚合物传声器
  14420. highpressure area ==> 反气旋
  14421. highresolution infrared radiation sounder ==> 高分辨力红外辐射探测器
  14422. highset detector ==> 高值检测器,高值指示装置
  14423. highspeed passenger lift ==> 高速客梯
  14424. highspeed welding ==> 快速焊接
  14425. hight forest ==> 乔林
  14426. highter cut-off frequency ==> 上限截止频率
  14427. highvoltage meter ==> 高压计
  14428. highwall-drilling machine ==> 立式钻机
  14429. highway ==> 公路,总线,信息通道,汇流母线=>ハイウェイ
  14430. highway addressable remote transducer(HART) ==> 可导址远程传感器数据公路
  14431. highway approach ==> 公路引道
  14432. highway bridge ==> 公路桥
  14433. highway communication ==> 公路交通
  14434. highway construction ==> 公路建设
  14435. highway crossing ==> 公路交叉
  14436. highway crossing protection device ==> 踏切保安装置
  14437. highway crossing signal ==> 道口信号机
  14438. highway crossing signal indicator ==> 道口信号指示器
  14439. highway driver ==> 信息公路驱动器
  14440. highway erosion control ==> 公路防冲措施
  14441. highway for a CAMAC system ==> CAMAC系统信息公路
  14442. highway frame ==> 数据公路帧
  14443. highway grade separation ==> 公路立体交叉
  14444. highway intersection ==> 公路交叉
  14445. highway lighting ==> 公路照明
  14446. highway location ==> 公路定线
  14447. highway maintenance tax ==> 养路费
  14448. highway marking ==> 公路标志
  14449. highway mower ==> 公路除草机
  14450. highway net ==> 公路网
  14451. highway network ==> 公路网
  14452. highway over crossing ==> 公路立体交叉
  14453. highway planting ==> 公路绿化
  14454. highway protocol ==> 数据公路协议
  14455. highway sign ==> 公路标志
  14456. highway switch ==> ハイウェイスイッチ
  14457. highway switching ==> ハイウェイ交換
  14458. highway system ==> 公路系统
  14459. highway traffic ==> 公路交通
  14460. highway transportation ==> 公路运输
  14461. highway unit ==> 数据公路单元
  14462. highy potent herbicide ==> 高效除草剂
  14463. highyield low-alloy steel ==> 高强度低合金钢
  14464. HII cloud ==> 电离氢云
  14465. HII condensation ==> 电离氢凝聚区
  14466. hike ==> 在高空检修电线
  14467. Hiki cha ==> 抹茶
  14468. HIKOS ==> 電力系統運用の経験者と元メ-カ-の電力専門SEを中心に、使い易い電力用業務支援ツ-ルを提供しています。
  14469. HIL, Hardware In Loop ==> 硬件在环仿真
  14470. HIL, hardware-in-the-loop ==> HIL
  14471. hilar cell tumor ==> 门细胞瘤,卵巢门细胞瘤
  14472. hilar lymph node enlargement insarcoidosis ==> 结节病性肺门淋巴结肿大
  14473. hilar orifice ==> 种脐乳
  14474. hilar shadow ==> 肺门阴影
  14475. Hilbert ==> 希耳伯特
  14476. Hilbert basis theorem ==> 希耳伯特基定理
  14477. Hilbert characteristic function ==> 希耳伯特特征函数
  14478. Hilbert cube ==> 希耳伯特立体
  14479. Hilbert function ==> 希尔伯特函数
  14480. Hilbert invariant integral ==> 希尔伯特基不变积分
  14481. Hilbert matrix ==> 希耳伯特矩阵
  14482. Hilbert modular form ==> 希耳伯特模形式
  14483. Hilbert modular group ==> 希耳伯特模群
  14484. Hilbert parallelotope ==> 希耳伯特超平行体
  14485. Hilbert polynomial ==> 希耳伯特多项式
  14486. Hilbert scheme ==> 希耳伯特概型
  14487. Hilbert space ==> 希尔伯特空间=>ヒルベルト空間
  14488. Hilbert theorem ==> ヒルベルトの定理
  14489. Hilbert transform ==> 希尔伯特变换=>ヒルベルト変換
  14490. Hilbert transformation ==> 希尔伯特变换
  14491. Hilbert transformer ==> 希耳伯特变压器
  14492. Hilbert's characteristic function ==> 希尔伯特特征函数
  14493. Hilbert's invariant integral ==> 希耳伯特不变积分
  14494. hilbert's invariant integral ==> 希耳伯特不变积分
  14495. Hilbert's modular function ==> 希耳伯特模函数
  14496. Hilbert's transform ==> 希尔伯特变换
  14497. Hilbert-type problem ==> 希耳伯特型问题
  14498. Hilbertian basis ==> 希尔伯特基
  14499. Hilborn detector ==> 希尔伯恩探测器
  14500. Hilda group ==> ヒルダ群
  14501. hilda lining ==> 希尔达里子呢
  14502. Hildebrand function ==> 希耳德布兰特函数,希尔德布兰德函数
  14503. Hildebrandt extractor ==> 希得波兰特萃取机
  14504. Hiley's formula ==> 黑莱公式
  14505. hill ==> 高地
  14506. Hill bandwidth ==> 希尔频带宽度
  14507. hill climbing ability ==> 上坡能力
  14508. hill climbing capacity ==> 上坡能力
  14509. hill climbing method ==> 爬山法=>山登り法
  14510. hill creep ==> 滑坡,山坡土爬
  14511. hill crest ==> 山顶
  14512. hill culture ==> 垄作
  14513. Hill determinant ==> 希尔行列
  14514. hill diarrhea ==> 高山腹泻
  14515. hill diarrhoea ==> 高山泄泻
  14516. hill diggings ==> 山坡砂矿
  14517. hill drainage plough ==> 坡地排水沟犁
  14518. hill drop ==> 点播
  14519. hill flock ==> 山区绵羊群
  14520. hill holder ==> 上坡防退器
  14521. hill peat ==> 高地泥炭
  14522. hill planter ==> 穴播机
  14523. hill planting ==> 穴植
  14524. hill plot data ==> 穴播小区资料
  14525. hill pool ==> 潜山油气藏
  14526. Hill reaction ==> 希尔反应
  14527. hill reaction ==> 堆积反应
  14528. hill seeding ==> 点播
  14529. hill side ==> 山坡
  14530. hill spacing ==> 穴灌
  14531. hill to full of bumpy and holes ==> 凹凸不平的山地
  14532. hill top ==> 山峰
  14533. hill up ==> 培土
  14534. Hill's equation ==> 希尔方程式
  14535. hill-and-dale ==> 深度
  14536. hill-and-dale recording ==> 深划录音,竖向录音,垂直录声
  14537. hill-climbing ==> 登山
  14538. hill-climbing-up method ==> 山登り法
  14539. hill-creep ==> 山坡物质缓慢下滑
  14540. hill-drop boot ==> 穴播开沟器
  14541. hill-drop drill ==> 穴播机
  14542. hill-drop mechanism ==> 多粒穴播排种机构
  14543. hill-drop planter ==> 多粒排种穴播机
  14544. hill-drop plate ==> 多粒槽口式排种盘
  14545. hill-side ditch ==> 山脚沟
  14546. hiller ==> 培土器
  14547. hiller hoe ==> 培土锄铲
  14548. Hilliard's lupus ==> 边缘性狼疮
  14549. Hilliards lupus ==> 边缘性狼疮
  14550. hilling bottom ==> 培土犁体
  14551. hillock ==> 小丘,蚀丘=>ヒロック
  14552. hillock drill ==> 垄播机
  14553. hillocks ==> 异常析出
  14554. hills ==> 丘陵
  14555. hillside ==> 丘陵坡,山腰
  14556. hillside canal ==> 环山渠道
  14557. hillside combine ==> 山地联合收获机
  14558. hillside fields ==> 坡地
  14559. hillside gravel ==> 山腰砂矿
  14560. hillside orchard ==> 山地果园
  14561. hillside placer ==> 山腰砂矿
  14562. hillside plot ==> 山田
  14563. hillside plough ==> 双向犁
  14564. hillside quarry ==> 山坡采石场
  14565. hillside tractor ==> 山地拖拉机
  14566. hillside workings ==> 山坡开采区
  14567. hillslope ==> 山坡
  14568. hilltop reservoir ==> 高山水库
  14569. hillwash ==> 坡地冲刷作用
  14570. hilly ==> 多丘陵的
  14571. hilly area ==> 丘陵区
  14572. hilly coast ==> 丘陵海岸
  14573. hilly country ==> 丘陵地带
  14574. hilly grassland ==> 丘陵草地
  14575. hilly ground ==> 丘陵地区
  14576. Hilt's law ==> 希尔特定律
  14577. Hilton's white line ==> 希尔顿氏白线
  14578. hilum nuclei dentati ==> 齿状核门
  14579. hilum nuclei olivaris inferioris ==> 下橄榄核门
  14580. hilum of lymph gland ==> 淋巴结门
  14581. hilum of lymph node ==> 淋巴结门
  14582. hilum with central fissure ==> 中间有裂缝的种脐
  14583. hilus lienis ==> 脾门
  14584. hilus of caudal olivary nucleus ==> 尾侧橄榄核门
  14585. hilus of dentate nucleus ==> 齿状核门
  14586. hilus of inferior olivary nucleus ==> 下橄榄核门
  14587. hilus of kidney ==> 肾门
  14588. hilus of lung ==> 肺门
  14589. hilus of ovary ==> 卵巢门
  14590. hilus of spleen ==> 脾门
  14591. Himalaya mountains ==> 喜马拉雅山
  14592. Himalayan black bear ==> 喜马拉雅黑熊
  14593. Himalayan mayapple fruit ==> 小叶莲
  14594. Himalayan movement ==> 喜马拉雅运动
  14595. hind axle ==> 后轮轴
  14596. hind body ==> 后体
  14597. hind carriage ==> 拖车
  14598. hind leg ==> 后腿,后足
  14599. hind shank ==> 后管骨
  14600. hind shin circumference ==> 后管围
  14601. hind wheel ==> 后轮
  14602. hind wing ==> 后翅
  14603. hind-brain ==> 后脑
  14604. hindeasting technique ==> 追算技术
  14605. hindered contraction ==> 受阻收缩
  14606. hindered rotation ==> 受碍转动,受阻旋转
  14607. hindered settling ==> 阻滞沉落
  14608. hindered-settling ratio ==> 阻滞沉降率
  14609. Hindley hob ==> 亨德莱滚刀
  14610. Hindley worm ==> 亨德莱蜗杆,球面蜗杆,欣德利球面蜗杆
  14611. hindley worm ==> 球面蜗杆
  14612. Hindley worm gear ==> 欣德利蜗轮,球面齿轮
  14613. hindley worm hourglass worm ==> 球面轫杆
  14614. Hindley worm toothing ==> 球面蜗杆啮合,球状蜗杆啮合
  14615. Hindolet worm ==> 球面蜗杆
  14616. hindrance ==> 干扰=>妨害,障害物
  14617. hindrance factor ==> 曳力系数=>障害因子
  14618. hindsight ==> 事后的认识,事后聪明,后见之明=>あとになっての判断,後知恵
  14619. Hindsight is 20/20 ==> 後の祭りだ
  14620. hindsight is better than foresight ==> 後知恵は先見よりよい
  14621. Hindu architecture ==> 印度建筑
  14622. hinge ==> 折叶,铰合线,胶水纸,活节,铰链,合叶=>丁番,ヒンジ,蝶番
  14623. hinge (joint) ==> 铰接
  14624. hinge bar ==> 铰接杆
  14625. hinge bracket ==> 铰链托架
  14626. hinge bracket bolt ==> 铰链托架螺栓
  14627. hinge fault ==> 捩转断层
  14628. hinge forming die ==> 铰链成形模
  14629. hinge in the key ==> 拱顶铰
  14630. hinge jack ==> 铰接夹头
  14631. hinge jaw ==> 铰接夹头=>ヒンジクリップ
  14632. hinge joint ==> 铰式接合,屈戍关节
  14633. hinge ligament ==> 蝶铰韧带
  14634. hinge line ==> 蝶铰线,铰合线,枢纽线
  14635. hinge moment ==> 铰接力矩
  14636. hinge of anticline ==> 背斜枢纽
  14637. hinge of spring ==> 簧节套
  14638. hinge of syncline ==> 向斜枢纽
  14639. hinge pillar ==> 铰链柱
  14640. hinge pin ==> 铰链销
  14641. hinge point ==> 铰链点
  14642. hinge tube ==> 铰链管,管子芯骨
  14643. hinge type contraction joint ==> 铰式收缩缝
  14644. hinge(d) plate ==> 铰链装合板,铰折板
  14645. hinge-jointed column ==> 铰接柱
  14646. hinge-rod ==> 铰链杆
  14647. hinged ==> 铰接
  14648. hinged arch ==> 铰接拱
  14649. hinged arm ==> 枢杆
  14650. hinged armature ==> 枢轴衔铁
  14651. hinged armature relay ==> 旋转桁铁式继电器=>ヒンジ形継電器
  14652. hinged bearing ==> 铰承座,铰支承
  14653. hinged bolt ==> 可拆卸螺栓
  14654. hinged bottom hopper ==> 带铰接底的排种筒
  14655. hinged cantilever ==> 可動ブラケット(電鉄)
  14656. hinged casing ==> 铰接框
  14657. hinged cockpit hood ==> 铰链座舱盖
  14658. hinged cover ==> 铰链盖
  14659. hinged end ==> 铰接端
  14660. hinged flash gate ==> 舌瓣
  14661. hinged flash-board ==> 铰固闸板
  14662. hinged flask ==> 可拆式砂箱
  14663. hinged frame ==> 铰接框,铰接框架
  14664. hinged gate ==> 回转式闸门
  14665. hinged hopper ==> 铰式斗车,翻转式装料斗
  14666. hinged immovable support ==> 铰接固定支座
  14667. hinged jaw tongs ==> 铰接钳
  14668. hinged joint ==> 铰接点
  14669. hinged movable support ==> 铰接活动支座
  14670. hinged paddle ==> 铰接轮叶
  14671. hinged pedestal ==> 铰接柱
  14672. hinged pressure relief panel ==> 铰接卸压盘
  14673. hinged shoe ==> 铰支座
  14674. hinged support ==> 铰支承
  14675. hinged supporter ==> 铰座,弧门的支承铰,通过支臂端的绞旋转启闭并承受水压力传到闸墩
  14676. hinged tool holder ==> 活节刀柄
  14677. hinged toolholder ==> 活节刀夹
  14678. hinged truss ==> 铰接桁架
  14679. hinged valve ==> 瓣阀
  14680. hinged-hinged bar ==> 两端铰接杆
  14681. hinged-type trestle ==> 铰接支架
  14682. hinges ==> 合页
  14683. hinging post ==> 带铰门柱
  14684. Hinsberg reaction ==> 兴斯堡反应
  14685. hinterland basin ==> 后陆盆地
  14686. hip ==> 热等静压
  14687. hip and staple ==> 搭扣
  14688. hip bath ==> 坐浴
  14689. hip bath tub ==> 坐浴盆
  14690. hip bone ==> 髂骨,髋骨,腰角
  14691. hip cross ==> 十字部
  14692. hip height ==> 腰角高
  14693. hip hook ==> 戗脊挂瓦钩
  14694. hip iron ==> 戗脊挂瓦钩
  14695. hip joint ==> 髋关节
  14696. hip joint tuberculosis ==> 髋关节结核
  14697. hip knob ==> 戗脊端饰
  14698. hip moulding ==> 戗脊线脚
  14699. hip nail ==> 鹅头接骨钉
  14700. hip prosthesis instruments set ==> 人工髋关节手术器械包
  14701. hip roll ==> 筒形戗脊,半圆脊帽
  14702. hip roof ==> 四坡顶
  14703. hip tile ==> 屋脊盖瓦,戗脊盖瓦
  14704. HIP, hot isostatic pressing ==> 热等静压=>熱間等静圧圧縮成形
  14705. HIP, Human Interface Processor ==> ヒューマン・インターフェース・プロセッサ
  14706. hip-mounted animal ornament ==> 戗兽
  14707. Hiperco alloy ==> 海波科高导磁率铁钴合金
  14708. Hipercon alloy ==> 海波可合金
  14709. hipocratic face ==> 死相
  14710. hipox ==> 高压氧化
  14711. hipped gable roof ==> 半山头屋顶
  14712. hipped roof ==> 四坡屋顶
  14713. hipped-plate structure ==> 折板结构
  14714. hippocampal alveus ==> 海马槽
  14715. hippocampal commissure ==> 海马连合
  14716. hippocampal gyrus ==> 海马回
  14717. hippocampal sulcus ==> 海马沟
  14718. hippocampal theta oscillations ==> 海馬シータ振動
  14719. Hippocampus ==> 海马属
  14720. hippocampus ==> 海马回
  14721. Hippocrates ==> 希波克拉底
  14722. Hippocrates' method ==> 希波克拉底氏法
  14723. Hippocratic face ==> 希波克拉底氏面容
  14724. hippopotamus face ==> 河马面
  14725. hippuric acid ==> 马尿酸,苯甲酰氨基酯酸
  14726. hippuric acid test ==> 马尿酸试验
  14727. Hippurite limestone ==> 马尾蛤灰岩
  14728. hiran ==> 高精度肖兰导航系统
  14729. HIRAN, high-precision shoran ==> 高精度近距離航法
  14730. hircismus ==> 腋臭
  14731. hircus ==> 腋毛,狐臭
  14732. hire ==> 租赁
  14733. hire purchase ==> 租购,分期付款购货,分期付款购买
  14734. hire purchase agreement ==> 分期付款购买合同
  14735. hire purchase company ==> 租购信贷公司
  14736. hire purchase credit ==> 分期付款购货信贷
  14737. hire purchase credit insurance ==> 租购信用保险
  14738. hire purchase system ==> 租购法
  14739. Hire Purchase Trade Association ==> (英)分期付款贸易协会
  14740. hire system ==> 分期付款法,分期付款购买法
  14741. hire-purchase price ==> 分期付款价格
  14742. hire-purchase sale ==> 分期付款出售
  14743. HIREC, High-Reliability Components Corporation ==> 高信頼性部品株式会社
  14744. hirer ==> 租赁人
  14745. hiring and layoff cost ==> 聘用及解雇成本
  14746. hiring system ==> 分期付款购买法
  14747. HIRIS, high resolution imaging spectrometer ==> 高分解能イメージスペクトロメータ
  14748. Hirneola porlytricha Auricularia auricula ==> 木耳
  14749. Hirox ==> 希罗克思电阻合金
  14750. HIRS, high resolution infrared radiation sounder ==> 高分解能赤外放射計サウンダ
  14751. HIRS, high resolution infrared sounder ==> 高分解能赤外測深計
  14752. Hirschberg's reflex ==> 赫希伯格氏反射
  14753. Hirschberg's sign ==> 赫希伯格氏征
  14754. Hirschbergs reflex ==> 赫希伯格氏反射
  14755. Hirschbergs sign ==> 赫希伯格氏征
  14756. Hirschfeld's disease ==> 急性糖尿病
  14757. Hirschfeld-Klinger reaction ==> 凝固反应
  14758. Hirschfelders tuberculin ==> 赫希费尔德氏结核菌素
  14759. Hirschfelds disease ==> 赫希费尔德氏病
  14760. Hirschsprungs disease ==> 赫希施普龙氏病
  14761. Hirstonyssus criceti ==> 仓鼠赫刺螨
  14762. hirstute leaf ==> 具茸毛的叶,具茸毛的叶
  14763. hirsuteine ==> 去氢毛钩藤碱
  14764. hirsutic acid ==> 毛毛酸
  14765. hirsutine ==> 毛钩藤碱
  14766. hirsutism ==> 毛发过多,毛过多,多毛症,妇女多毛症
  14767. hirth coupling ==> 直线齿形鼠牙盘离合器
  14768. Hirth minimeter ==> 海司单杠杆比较仪
  14769. hirudin ==> 水蛭素
  14770. Hirudinea ==> 蛭纲
  14771. hirudiniasis ==> 水蛭病
  14772. Hirudo ==> 水蛭属
  14773. hirudo ==> 水蛭
  14774. Hirudo aegyptiaca ==> 埃及水蛭
  14775. Hirudo japonica ==> 日本医蛭
  14776. Hirudo nipponica ==> 日本医蛭
  14777. His bundle electrogram ==> 房室束电图
  14778. His's bundle ==> 斯坦利-肯特纤维
  14779. His's canal ==> 甲状舌管
  14780. HIS, Hybrid Insulated Switchgear ==> 混合绝缘技术
  14781. Hiss capsule staining ==> 希斯氏荚膜染色法
  14782. hiss noise ==> ゆらぎ雑音
  14783. hissing ==> 啸声
  14784. hissing arc ==> 啸声电弧,嘘音电弧
  14785. histamine allergenic factor ==> 组织胺过敏因子
  14786. histamine hydrochloride ==> 盐酸组胺
  14787. histamine H・1 receptor ==> 组织胺H・1受体
  14788. histamine H・2 receptor ==> 组织胺H・2受体
  14789. histamine migraine ==> 组胺性偏头痛
  14790. histamine phosphate ==> 磷酸组(织)胺
  14791. histamine provocative test ==> 组织胺激发试验
  14792. histamine test ==> 组织胺试验
  14793. histaminergic nerve ==> 组织胺能神经
  14794. histidase deficiency ==> 组氨酸酶缺乏症
  14795. histiocytic leukemia ==> 组织细胞性白血病
  14796. histiocytic type ==> 组织细胞型
  14797. histiocytoma of skin ==> 皮肤组织细胞瘤
  14798. histiocytosarcoma of skin ==> 皮肤组织细胞肉瘤
  14799. histo-specimen making instrument set ==> 组织标本制作器械包
  14800. histocompatibility antigen ==> 组织相容性抗原
  14801. histocompatibility gene ==> 组织相容性基因
  14802. histocompatibility genes ==> 组织亲和性基因
  14803. histocompatibility testing ==> 组织相容性试验
  14804. histocompatibility Y antigen ==> 组织相容性Y抗原
  14805. histogenic immunity ==> 组织免疫,组织免疫性
  14806. histogram ==> 频率分布图,长方形图,矩型图,矩型图,矩形统计图,矩形统计图,矩形图,矩形图,柱式图解,柱状图,直方图=>ヒストグラム,柱状グラフ,柱状図
  14807. histogram computer ==> 直方图计算机
  14808. histogram construction ==> ヒストグラム構築
  14809. histogram conversion ==> ヒストグラム変換
  14810. histogram equalization ==> 直方图平直化
  14811. histogram flattening ==> 直方图平直化
  14812. histogram measurement ==> ヒストグラム測定
  14813. histogram method ==> ヒストグラム法
  14814. histogram mode ==> ヒストグラム方式
  14815. histogram modification ==> ヒストグラム修正
  14816. histogram of binomial distribution ==> 二项分布直方图
  14817. histogram of control error ==> 制御精度の分布
  14818. histogram record ==> 高速记录,摄影记录
  14819. histogram representation ==> ヒストグラム表現
  14820. histogram specification ==> ヒストグラム仕様
  14821. histogram technique ==> ヒストグラム法
  14822. histogram thresholding ==> 直方图阈值化
  14823. histograph ==> 频率分布图
  14824. histologic accommodation ==> 组织调节
  14825. histologic section ==> 组织切片
  14826. histological chemistry of tumor ==> 肿瘤组织化学
  14827. histological differentiation ==> 组织分化
  14828. histological finding ==> 组织检查所见
  14829. histological pathogen ==> 组织性病原
  14830. histological reaction of host plant ==> 寄生组织反应
  14831. histological section ==> 组织切片
  14832. histological structure ==> 组织学结构
  14833. histology of wood ==> 木材组织学
  14834. histone zinc insulin ==> 组蛋白锌胰岛素
  14835. histone-displacement model ==> 组蛋白转位模型
  14836. Histoplasma capsulatum ==> 荚膜组织胞浆菌
  14837. histoplasmin test ==> 组织胞浆菌素试验
  14838. histoplasmotic arthritis ==> 组织胞浆菌病性关节炎
  14839. historic geology ==> 历史地质学
  14840. historic geomorphology ==> 历史地貌学
  14841. historic place ==> 古迹
  14842. historic site ==> 古迹
  14843. historic spot ==> 古迹
  14844. historical analogy method ==> 历史比拟法
  14845. historical best cost of the entity ==> 本单位历史先进水平
  14846. historical building ==> 历史建筑
  14847. historical consistency ==> 逐期一致性
  14848. historical contingency ==> 歴史的偶発性
  14849. historical cost accounting ==> 历史成本会计
  14850. historical cost assumption ==> 历史成本假设
  14851. historical cost basis ==> 历史成本基础
  14852. historical costs ==> 历史成本=>原価
  14853. historical data extrapolation ==> 历年资料外推法
  14854. historical data memory ==> 历史数据存储,将重要的运行参数定期地存入存储器中保存,在必要时,可以随时调出显示或打印
  14855. historical data server ==> 历史数据服务器,存储电力系统过去运行数据的服务器
  14856. historical development ==> 种族生育
  14857. historical genesis ==> 歴史的起源
  14858. historical geology ==> 地史学
  14859. historical method ==> 历史法
  14860. historical models ==> 历史模型
  14861. historical relic ==> 文物
  14862. historical remains ==> 遗迹
  14863. historical remark about randomization ==> 关于随机化的历史见解
  14864. historical simulation ==> 历史模拟
  14865. historical trend panel ==> 历史趋势画面
  14866. historical value ==> 历史价值
  14867. historical viewpoint ==> 历史观点
  14868. historical-cost rules (for revenue recognition) ==> 实际成本惯例
  14869. history ==> 史,经历
  14870. history (historical) museum ==> 历史博物馆
  14871. history of aesthetics ==> 美学史
  14872. history of architecture ==> 建筑史
  14873. history of art ==> 美术史
  14874. history of astronomy ==> 天文学史
  14875. history of attack ==> 发作史
  14876. history of available space list ==> 可利用的空间表的历史
  14877. history of binomial coefficients ==> 二项式系数的历史
  14878. history of coroutine ==> 共行程序的历史
  14879. history of economic theories ==> 经济学说史,经济学说史
  14880. history of economic thinking ==> 经济思想史,经济思想史
  14881. history of electrical machine ==> 電気機器の歴史
  14882. history of folk custom ==> 民俗史
  14883. history of literature ==> 文学史
  14884. history of nationality ==> 民族史
  14885. history of power system dynamics simulation ==> 時間領域シミュレーションの歴史
  14886. history of present illness ==> 现病史
  14887. history of preventive inoculation ==> 预防接种史
  14888. history of project ==> 项目历史
  14889. history of repeated attack ==> 反复发作史
  14890. history of systematics ==> 分类学史
  14891. history of venereal disease ==> 性病史
  14892. history register ==> 经历寄存器,经历寄存器
  14893. history-taking ==> 病史采集
  14894. histroy of engineering ==> 技術史
  14895. hit ==> 残缺性线干扰,命中,瞬断=>瞬断
  14896. hit and governor ==> 断续调节器
  14897. hit and miss governor ==> 断续调节器
  14898. hit and miss method ==> 断续法
  14899. hit file ==> 命中文件
  14900. hit indicator ==> 碰击指示器
  14901. hit noise ==> 击打噪声
  14902. hit probability ==> 击中概率,命中概率
  14903. hit probability payoff ==> 击中概率支付
  14904. hit rate ==> 命中率
  14905. HIT, heavy ion telescope detector ==> 重イオン環境観測装置
  14906. HIT, injector heater ==> インジェクタヒータ
  14907. hit-and-miss ventilator ==> 活动通风板
  14908. hit-and-run ==> ひき逃げ
  14909. hit-and-run accident ==> ひき逃げ
  14910. hit-on-the-fly printer ==> 全动印刷机
  14911. hit-on-the-fly system ==> 飞击式打印机
  14912. hit-on-the-line ==> 短暂开路
  14913. hit-or-miss control ==> 断续供油控制法
  14914. Hitachi Lease Corporation ==> (日本)日立租赁公司
  14915. Hitachi Limited ==> (日本)日立制作所
  14916. hitch ==> 联结装置,系,索结,套挂断错,故障=>ヒッチ結び(海底線路)
  14917. hitch bar ==> 拖挂装置
  14918. hitch crossbar ==> 牵引横板
  14919. hitch feed ==> 夹持送料
  14920. hitch head ==> 牵引杆接头
  14921. hitch pin ==> 牵引杆联结销
  14922. hitch pin hole ==> 牵引杆销孔
  14923. hitch pole ==> 辕杆
  14924. hitch timbering ==> 打梁窝安装顶梁法
  14925. hitch wheel ==> 牵引卷筒
  14926. hitch yoke ==> 连接叉
  14927. Hitchcock transportation problem ==> 希奇柯克运输问题
  14928. hitched tandem pavers ==> 拖带式串连摊铺机
  14929. hitching ==> 系留连结
  14930. hitching post ==> 系留柱
  14931. hither plane ==> 近平面
  14932. HITK, Hitachi Chemical Co. Ltd. ==> 日立化成
  14933. hitter ==> 铆钉枪,铆枪
  14934. hitting power ==> 打击力
  14935. Hittorf dark space ==> 阴极暗区
  14936. hj ==> 异质结
  14937. hjbt ==> 异质结双极型晶体管
  14938. HK, Health Check ==> 健全性確認
  14939. HK, housekeeping ==> 衛星の状態監視
  14940. HKDR, HK data recorder ==> HKデータレコーダ,ハウスキーピングデータレコーダ
  14941. HKE, housekeeping equipment ==> ハウスキーピング機器
  14942. HLA system ==> 人白细胞抗原系
  14943. HLAG, High Inclination Low Energy Astronomy Payload Group ==> 高傾斜角低エネルギー天文観測器グループ
  14944. HLB value ==> 亲水亲油平衡值
  14945. HLC, hydrazine loading cart ==> ヒドラジン充填装置
  14946. HLD, helium leak detector ==> ヘリウムリーク試験装置
  14947. hldlc ==> 高级数据链路控制
  14948. hll ==> 高电平逻辑电路
  14949. HLLV, heavy lift launch vehicle ==> 大重量打上げ機
  14950. HLS, hydrazine loading system ==> ヒドラジン充填システム
  14951. hlt ==> 停止
  14952. hlttl ==> 高级晶体管晶体管逻辑电路
  14953. HLV, Heavy Lift Vehicle(Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle) ==> 重量物打ち上げロケット
  14954. HLX, helix ==> ヘリックス
  14955. HMAC, Hazardous Materials Advisory Council ==> 危険材料諮問評議会
  14956. hmatics ==> 运算数学
  14957. HMD, Head Mount Display ==> ヘッドマウント・ディスプレイ
  14958. HMD, Head Mounted Display ==> 頭部装着型ディスプレイ
  14959. HMF, health maintenance facility ==> ハウスキーピング管理施設
  14960. HMF, Health Maintenance Facility ==> 搭乗員健康管理設備
  14961. HMF, Health Management/Maintenance Facility ==> 健康管理/維持施設(SS内)
  14962. HMF, hypergol maintenance facility ==> 自発点火性ロケット推進薬保守設備
  14963. HMI, Human Machine Interface ==> 人机界面=>ヒューマン・マシン・インターフェース
  14964. HMIC, hybrid microwave IC ==> ハイブリッドマイクロ波集積回路
  14965. HMM, Hidden Markov Model ==> HMM
  14966. HMMR, High Resolution Multifrequency Microwave Radiometer ==> 高分解能多周波マイクロ波放射計
  14967. HMOS ==> 高性能金属氧化物半导体
  14968. HMS, Heavy Metal Scraps ==> 重金属废弃材料
  14969. HMS, Human Machine System ==> 人机系统
  14970. HMT Harbor Maintenance Tax ==> 海港维护税
  14971. HMTF, health maintenance and treatment facility ==> ハウスキーピング維持と処理施設
  14972. HND, Henan Diesel Engine Group Co., LTD ==> 河南柴油机集团有限责任公司
  14973. HNIL ==> 高抗扰度逻辑
  14974. hnmid air ==> 湿空气
  14975. HNP, half nutation period ==> ニューテーションの半周期
  14976. HNPC, helium and nitrogen pressurization console ==> ヘリウムと窒素圧力制御装置
  14977. HNS Hazardous and Noxious Substances ==> 危险和有毒物质
  14978. HNS, harness ==> 配線
  14979. HO Hold ==> 承受
  14980. HO Honduras (Flag) ==> 洪都拉斯(注册)
  14981. HO Hydrographic Office (UK) ==> 水道测量办公室(英国)
  14982. Ho Yuen Livestock Farm (Ngau Tam Mei) ==> 河源畜牧场(牛潭尾)
  14983. Ho-coefficient ==> 何氏系数
  14984. hoantchy root ==> 黄芪
  14985. Hoar Edge Grits ==> 胡尔埃杰粗砂岩
  14986. hoar frost ==> 白霜
  14987. hoard money balance ==> 积蓄的银行存款
  14988. hoarding and speculation ==> 囤积居奇
  14989. hoarding behavior ==> 贮食行为
  14990. hoarfrost point ==> 结霜点
  14991. hoary hair ==> 白发,灰发
  14992. hoary haired ==> 白发的
  14993. hoary plantain ==> 中型车前草
  14994. hob ==> 齿轮滚刀,挤压母模,齿轮滚铣刀,截齿具,切压,切压母模,滚铣
  14995. hob checking equipment ==> 滚刀检查仪
  14996. hob cutter ==> 齿轮滚刀
  14997. hob grinding machine ==> 滚齿刀磨床
  14998. hob head ==> 滚刀架
  14999. hob master ==> 挤压制模原模
  15000. hob milling cutter ==> 齿轮滚刀
  15001. Hob mouthed oven ==> 陶瓷瓶式窑
  15002. hob relieving grinding machine ==> 滚刀铲磨床
  15003. hob resharpening machine ==> 滚齿刀磨机
  15004. hob sharpener ==> 滚刀磨床
  15005. hob sharpening grinding machine ==> 滚刀刃磨机床
  15006. hob sharpening machine ==> 滚刀刃磨床
  15007. hob tap ==> 板牙精铰丝锥,板牙丝锥,标准螺丝攻,标准丝锥
  15008. hob tester ==> 滚刀检查仪
  15009. hob testing machine ==> 滚刀检查仪
  15010. hob-sinking ==> 切压制模
  15011. Hobann magnetron ==> 分瓣阳极磁控管
  15012. hobbed gear ==> 滚铣齿轮
  15013. hobbies and diversions ==> 趣味嗜好
  15014. hobbing ==> 滚切,滚铣,铣刀,切压制模法,挤压制模法
  15015. hobbing cutter ==> 滚齿刀,滚刀
  15016. hobbing machine ==> 滚齿机=>ホブ盤
  15017. hobbing method ==> 滚切方法
  15018. hobbing press ==> 切压机,沉模压力机
  15019. hobbles ==> 足枷
  15020. hobnail ==> 大头钉,平头钉
  15021. HOC process ==> 均质铸锭法,均质铸锭法
  15022. HOC, high-speed overcurrent relay ==> 高速度過電流リレー
  15023. hoc-quartia manshuriensis nakai ==> 木通
  15024. Hochstadter cable ==> 霍赫斯德特高压多芯电缆
  15025. hock ==> 齿爪
  15026. hock glass ==> 大酒杯
  15027. hock joint ==> 飞节
  15028. hock shop ==> 当铺
  15029. hockey ground ==> 曲棍球场
  15030. hockey puck ==> 冰球
  15031. hockey stick ==> 冰球杆
  15032. hockey stick incision ==> 弯形切口
  15033. Hodge maneuver ==> 霍季氏产科手法
  15034. hodgepodge ==> ごた混ぜ,寄せ集め
  15035. Hodgkin's disease of lacrimal gland ==> 泪腺何杰金氏病
  15036. Hodgkin's disease of lymphocytic depletion type ==> 淋巴细胞消减型何杰金氏病
  15037. Hodgkin's disease of stomach ==> 胃何杰金氏病
  15038. Hodgkin's granuloma ==> 何杰金氏肉芽肿
  15039. Hodgkin-Huxley neuron ==> ホジキン・ハックスレイニューロン
  15040. Hodgkin–Huxley model ==> Hodgkin-Huxleyモデル
  15041. Hodgkins granuloma ==> 何杰金氏肉芽肿
  15042. Hodgkins syndrome ==> 何杰金氏综合征
  15043. hodi-potsy ==> 类花斑癣
  15044. HODIC, Holographic Display Artists and Engineers Club ==> ホログラフィック・ディスプレイ研究会,ホログラフィーや三次元画像表示の研究を行う組織
  15045. hodl-off ==> 隔开
  15046. hodograph ==> 速端曲线
  15047. hodograph method ==> 速度图法,速矢端线法
  15048. hodograph plane ==> 速度图平面,速端平面
  15049. hodograph transformation ==> 速度图变换,速矢变换
  15050. hodoscope system ==> 速矢描迹系统
  15051. hoe blade ==> 中耕器锄铲
  15052. hoe bucket ==> 锄式铲斗
  15053. hoe excavator ==> 反铲
  15054. hoe furrow opener ==> 锄式开沟器
  15055. hoe gang ==> 锄铲单组
  15056. hoe handle ==> 锄头柄
  15057. hoe point ==> 锄式开沟器尖
  15058. hoe rig ==> 中耕器导杆
  15059. hoe shovel ==> 反铲挖掘机
  15060. hoe steel ==> 中耕机锄铲
  15061. hoe unit ==> 中耕机组
  15062. hoe wheel ==> 锄铲圆盘
  15063. hoe-fork ==> 叉锄
  15064. hoe-trac plow ==> 锄车犁
  15065. hoe-trac sickle bar ==> 锄车镰刀排
  15066. hoe-type trenching machine ==> 反铲挖沟机
  15067. hoed crop ==> 中耕作物
  15068. hoeing and ridging tool ==> 锄地和培垄农具
  15069. hoeing implement for paddy field ==> 水田中耕农具
  15070. hoeing machine ==> 中耕机
  15071. Hoekestra balance plastometer ==> 何氏可塑计
  15072. hoel of piston crown ==> (制动主缸内)活塞出油孔
  15073. Hoesch synthesis ==> 霍西合成法
  15074. Hoffmann electrometer ==> 霍夫曼静电计
  15075. Hoffmann isonitrile synthesis ==> 霍夫曼异腈合成法
  15076. Hoffmann rearrangement ==> 霍夫曼重排
  15077. Hoffmann's duct ==> 霍夫曼氏管
  15078. Hoffmann's muscular atrophy ==> 霍夫曼氏肌萎缩
  15079. Hoffmann's reflex ==> 霍夫曼氏反射
  15080. Hoffmann's sign ==> 霍夫曼氏征
  15081. Hofmann reaction ==> 霍夫曼反应
  15082. Hofmann's rule ==> 霍夫曼规则
  15083. Hofmeisters gastrectomy ==> 霍夫密斯特氏部分胃空肠吻合法
  15084. hog ==> 猪,缩粒机,拱曲,阉猪
  15085. hog back ==> 拱起物,等倾线顶点
  15086. hog badger ==> 猪獾
  15087. hog breeder ==> 养猪员
  15088. hog bristle ==> 猪鬃
  15089. hog cholera ==> 猪瘟
  15090. hog cholera bacillus ==> 猪霍乱杆菌
  15091. hog cholera vaccine ==> 猪瘟疫苗
  15092. hog cholera virus ==> 猪霍乱病毒
  15093. hog cote ==> 猪舍
  15094. hog deer (Axis porcinus) ==> 豚鹿,豚鹿
  15095. hog depilating device ==> 刮毛机
  15096. hog finishing house ==> 肥育猪舍
  15097. hog flu ==> 猪流行性感冒
  15098. hog frame ==> 加强架,防拱梁架
  15099. hog gum ==> 猪树胶
  15100. hog hair ==> 猪鬃
  15101. hog horn ==> ホグホーン
  15102. hog house ==> 猪舍
  15103. hog industry ==> 养猪业
  15104. hog lot ==> 猪栏
  15105. hog man ==> 猪场主
  15106. hog manure ==> 猪厩肥
  15107. hog nose ==> 单刃钻
  15108. hog on foot ==> 活猪,生猪
  15109. hog on hook ==> 猪胴体
  15110. hog peanut ==> 同株二型豆
  15111. hog population ==> 养猪头数
  15112. hog shred ==> 松散机
  15113. hog slaughtering ==> 猪的屠宰
  15114. hog snout ==> 猪鼻
  15115. hog still ==> 蒸馏塔
  15116. hog unit ==> 猪单位
  15117. hog wallow ==> 猪浴池
  15118. hog-back girder ==> 拱曲大梁
  15119. hog-barley price ratio ==> 生猪与大麦比价
  15120. hog-frame ==> 弓背构架
  15121. hog-pit ==> 网部浆坑
  15122. hogbacked floor ==> 波浪形底板
  15123. hogfennel root ==> 前胡
  15124. hogg lamb ==> 断奶至第一次剪毛公羔
  15125. hogged ==> 碎
  15126. hogget lamb ==> 阉公羔
  15127. hogging down corn ==> 放牧玉米地
  15128. hogging moment ==> 负弯矩
  15129. Hoghe's telegraph ==> 休士机
  15130. Hoghes induction balance ==> 休斯感应平衡
  15131. Hoghes printing telegraph ==> 休斯印字电报机
  15132. Hoghes satellite communication terminal ==> 休斯卫星通信终端
  15133. Hoghes system ==> 休斯制
  15134. Hoghes type printer ==> 休斯式印字机
  15135. Hognestad's syndrome ==> 耳聋糖尿病综合征
  15136. hogs having less fat ==> 肥肉少的猪
  15137. Hoguet's maneuver ==> 霍格特氏手法
  15138. Hoguets maneuver ==> 霍格特氏手法
  15139. Hohmann transfer orbit ==> ホーマン遷移軌道
  15140. HOIS, HOPE Information System ==> HOPE総合情報システム(事業団がHOPE開発用に構想検討中,仮称,)
  15141. hoist ==> 升降机,升起,起动机,扯起,电葫芦,吊升机械,绞车=>ホイスト
  15142. hoist (-se) ==> 绞车,绞起
  15143. hoist back-out switch ==> 吊车退回开关
  15144. hoist bed ==> 病人扶持器,病人升降器
  15145. hoist bell crank ==> 起重机直角杠杆
  15146. hoist belt ==> 斜井皮带提升机
  15147. hoist bridge ==> 升降桥,卷扬斜桥,卷扬斜桥
  15148. hoist bucket ==> 吊斗,吊罐,提升吊桶
  15149. hoist cable ==> 吊索,起重索
  15150. hoist carriage ==> 绞升料车
  15151. hoist control valve adapter ==> 升降机控制阀接头
  15152. hoist control valve bracket ==> 起重机控制阀托架
  15153. hoist crane ==> 起重葫芦
  15154. hoist cylinder ==> 起重机油缸,升降油缸
  15155. hoist cylinder filler plug ==> 起重机油缸注入塞
  15156. hoist cylinder gasket ==> 起重机油缸垫密片
  15157. hoist cylinder head ==> 起重机油缸盖
  15158. hoist cylinder oil relief valve ==> 起重机油缸油压安全阀
  15159. hoist cylinder packing ==> 起重机油缸填线圈
  15160. hoist cylinder piston spring ==> 起重机油缸活塞簧
  15161. hoist for mould board carrier ==> 模板车升降机
  15162. hoist frame ==> 起重机架
  15163. hoist hole ==> 起卸口
  15164. hoist hook ==> 提升钩
  15165. hoist link ==> 吊环
  15166. hoist load ==> 提升荷载
  15167. hoist motion ==> 巻上げ
  15168. hoist motor ==> 提升电动机=>ホイストモータ
  15169. hoist over speed device ==> 吊车超速防止装置
  15170. hoist over-wind device ==> 吊车过头防止装置
  15171. hoist overspeed device ==> 提升超速保护装置
  15172. hoist overwind device ==> 钢绳过卷保护装置,钢丝绳绕过极限保安装置
  15173. hoist piston ==> 起重机活塞
  15174. hoist piston ring ==> 起重机活塞环
  15175. hoist piston rod ==> 起重机活塞杆
  15176. hoist piston rod head block ==> 起重机活塞杆块
  15177. hoist piston rod tie bar ==> 起重机活塞柱夹杆
  15178. hoist portal frame ==> 龙门扒杆
  15179. hoist pump ==> 起重机油泵
  15180. hoist pump body ==> 起重机油泵体
  15181. hoist pump body bushing ==> 起重机油泵体衬套
  15182. hoist pump bracket ==> 起重机油泵托架
  15183. hoist pump check valve ==> 起重机油泵止回阀
  15184. hoist pump check valve body ==> 起重机油泵止回阀体
  15185. hoist pump control rod ==> 起重机油泵控制杆
  15186. hoist pump control valve ==> 起重机油泵操纵阀
  15187. hoist pump cover ==> 起重机油泵盖
  15188. hoist pump cover gasket ==> 起重机油泵盖垫密片
  15189. hoist pump drive gear ==> 起重机油泵主动齿轮
  15190. hoist pump drive shaft ==> 起重机油泵主动轴
  15191. hoist pump drive shaft bushing ==> 起重机油泵传动轴衬套
  15192. hoist pump intermediate gear ==> 起重机油泵中间轮
  15193. hoist pump intermediate shaft ==> 起重机油泵中间轴
  15194. hoist pump manifold ==> 起重机油泵歧管
  15195. hoist pump operating lever ==> 起重机油泵操作杆
  15196. hoist reduction gear ==> 起重机减速器,起重减速器
  15197. hoist rope ==> 起升钢丝绳
  15198. hoist slack-brake switch ==> 吊车制动器过松开关
  15199. hoist tackle ==> 起重滑车
  15200. hoist tower ==> 起重塔,吊机起重塔,吊机塔
  15201. hoist trolley ==> 吊重行动车
  15202. hoist universal joint ==> 起重机万向节
  15203. hoist with lifting tongs ==> 带提升钳夹的起重机
  15204. hoist(-engine) house ==> 提升机房
  15205. hoist(ing) pulley ==> 提升天轮
  15206. hoist(ing) room ==> 吊车间
  15207. hoist-type induction coil ==> 升降式感应圈
  15208. hoisting ==> 吊货,吊装,提升,升起=>巻き上げ,昇降
  15209. hoisting accessory ==> つり具,吊り具
  15210. hoisting apparatus ==> 起重机,起重设备
  15211. hoisting barrel ==> 绞车滚筒
  15212. hoisting beam for repairs ==> 检修起重梁
  15213. hoisting block ==> 起重滑车
  15214. hoisting box ==> 起重机驾驶室
  15215. hoisting bucket ==> 高炉吊罐
  15216. hoisting cable ==> 起重机绳
  15217. hoisting capacity ==> 起重能力,起重量,启闭力,开启、关闭或保持闸门在一定开度时所需的力
  15218. hoisting chain ==> 起重链
  15219. hoisting compartment ==> 提升格间
  15220. hoisting controller ==> 起重控制器
  15221. hoisting crane ==> 升降起重机
  15222. hoisting cycle ==> 提升循环时间
  15223. hoisting depth ==> 提升高度
  15224. hoisting device ==> 起重装置
  15225. hoisting drum ==> 起重卷筒,起重鼓轮,提升滚筒,提升卷筒
  15226. hoisting duty ==> 起重量
  15227. hoisting engine ==> 起重机
  15228. hoisting equipment ==> 起重设备
  15229. hoisting eye ==> 吊环
  15230. hoisting frame ==> 提升架
  15231. hoisting gear ==> 提升绞车
  15232. hoisting gear brake ==> 提升齿轮制动器
  15233. hoisting height ==> 提升高度
  15234. hoisting holder ==> 铰座,弧门的支承铰,通过支臂端的绞旋转启闭并承受水压力传到闸墩
  15235. hoisting hook ==> 提升钩
  15236. hoisting installation ==> 起重设备
  15237. hoisting jack ==> 起重器
  15238. hoisting line ==> 起重绳,起重索
  15239. hoisting load ==> 提升荷载
  15240. hoisting machine ==> 吊车,起重机械,吊运或顶举重物或物料的搬运机械
  15241. hoisting machinery ==> 起重机械
  15242. hoisting magnet ==> 起重磁铁
  15243. hoisting mechanism ==> 起升机构
  15244. hoisting motor ==> 升降电动机
  15245. hoisting period ==> 提升循环时间
  15246. hoisting plant ==> 起重装置
  15247. hoisting power ==> 起重能力,吊车能力
  15248. hoisting pulley ==> 起重滑轮
  15249. hoisting ring ==> 吊环
  15250. hoisting rope ==> 起重钢绳
  15251. hoisting shaft ==> 起重竖井
  15252. hoisting sheave ==> 起重滑轮,天轮
  15253. hoisting sling ==> 起重系索
  15254. hoisting speed ==> 提升速度
  15255. hoisting system ==> 提升系统
  15256. hoisting tackle ==> 起重滑车
  15257. hoisting test ==> 起吊试验
  15258. hoisting tongs ==> 起重钳
  15259. hoisting tower ==> 起重塔
  15260. hoisting winch ==> 提升绞车=>巻上装置
  15261. hoisting-rope equalizer ==> 吊车钢索平衡器
  15262. hoistway door ==> 电梯厅门
  15263. Hok Yuen Power Station ==> 鹤园发电厂
  15264. Hoke gauge ==> 福克块规
  15265. Hokkaido Bureau ==> 北海道局
  15266. Hokkaido Chuo Bus Co., Ltd. ==> 北海道中央バス
  15267. Hokkaido Development Act ==> 北海道開発法
  15268. Hokkaido Development Agency ==> 北海道開発庁
  15269. Hokkaido Electric Power Co.,Inc. ==> 北海道电力(日本)=>ほくでん、北海道電力株式会社
  15270. Hokkaido-Honshu HVDC link ==> 北・本連系設備
  15271. Hokuriku Electric Power Company ==> 北陆电力公司(日本)=>北陸電力株式会社
  15272. Hokusai, Katsushika ==> 葛飾北斎
  15273. HOL, high-order language ==> 高級言語
  15274. holandric gene ==> 限雄基因
  15275. holandric genes ==> 全男性基因,全雄基因
  15276. holandric inheritance ==> 男性遗传
  15277. hold ==> 容,容纳,认定,认为,维持,握,止住,夹持,保持,保存,同期,货舱,了解=>保持,容器,理解,把握
  15278. hold account procedure ==> 封存程序
  15279. hold acknowledge ==> 保持应答
  15280. hold acknowledge signal ==> 保持确认信号
  15281. hold aluminium ==> 货舱银漆
  15282. hold amplifier ==> 保持放大器
  15283. hold back ==> 车轮牵制器,遮掩,退缩
  15284. hold bus ==> 保持母線
  15285. hold button ==> 保持按钮=>保留ボタン
  15286. hold capacitor ==> 保持电容器
  15287. hold capacity ==> 保存能力
  15288. hold cargo ==> 舱货,船舱货物
  15289. hold center stage ==> 脚光を浴びる
  15290. hold circuit ==> 保持电路=>保持回路
  15291. hold condition ==> 持恒状态=>スタイルを保つ
  15292. hold control ==> 同步调整=>ホールド制御
  15293. hold depth ==> 锁量
  15294. hold down inflation ==> インフレを抑制する
  15295. hold down interest payments ==> 利払いを抑える
  15296. hold down plate ==> 挡块
  15297. hold facility ==> 保持能力,保持现场能力,保存能力,设备占用
  15298. hold file ==> 保存文件
  15299. hold for delivery on request ==> 保存到请求传输
  15300. hold frame ==> 停帧
  15301. hold harmless agreement ==> 免责约定
  15302. hold in check ==> 阻止
  15303. hold in custody ==> 扣押
  15304. hold in range ==> 保持范围
  15305. hold instruction ==> 保持指令,保存指令
  15306. hold lamp ==> 占线信号灯
  15307. hold line ==> 制火线
  15308. hold list ==> 保持信息表
  15309. hold mark ==> 保持符号,占有标记
  15310. hold mode ==> 保持方式,保持式,保持状态,保存式,保留式
  15311. hold off interval ==> ホールドオフ期間
  15312. hold on ==> 抓住,加油=>がんばれ
  15313. hold on to our favorable position in ==> 保持优势
  15314. hold page queue ==> 保持页面队列
  15315. hold point ==> 停止点
  15316. hold positively ==> 联锁
  15317. hold queue ==> 保持队列,保持排队
  15318. hold range ==> 同步范围,牵引范围,陷落范围
  15319. hold register ==> 保持记忆装置
  15320. hold relay ==> 保持继电器
  15321. hold request ==> 保持请求,保持要求
  15322. hold reset ==> 保持复位
  15323. hold reset switch ==> 复位保持开关
  15324. hold switch ==> 保持スイッチ
  15325. hold switch transistor ==> 保持开关晶体管
  15326. hold the particles apart ==> 疏松土粒
  15327. hold the trump-card in the export of ==> 拥有出口优势
  15328. hold time ==> 维持时间,保持时间=>保持時間
  15329. hold up ==> 不放乳,支持
  15330. hold up electromagnet ==> 保持磁铁
  15331. hold use ==> 家用卫星接收天线,民用洗涤剂
  15332. hold value ==> 保持値(継電器)
  15333. hold(ing) control ==> 同步调整
  15334. hold(ing) time ==> 吸着时间
  15335. hold(ing)-down clip ==> 压刀板,压力板
  15336. hold-all ==> 工具箱,手提箱
  15337. hold-back ==> 压住
  15338. hold-back carrier ==> 反载体
  15339. hold-back device ==> 防逆行装置
  15340. hold-closed mechanism ==> 保持合闸机构
  15341. hold-down ==> 夹爪,压具
  15342. hold-down bars ==> 固定棒
  15343. hold-down bolt ==> 压紧螺栓
  15344. hold-down fixture ==> 压牢装置
  15345. hold-down gear ==> 压紧装置
  15346. hold-down grid ==> 压填料栅板,填料压板
  15347. hold-down mechanism ==> 压紧机构
  15348. hold-down nut ==> 压紧螺母,固定螺母
  15349. hold-down ring ==> 压紧环
  15350. hold-down roller ==> 压紧辊
  15351. hold-down strip ==> 压条
  15352. hold-down support ==> 固定支座
  15353. hold-down tabulator key ==> 保持按下制表键,保持制表键
  15354. hold-fast coupling ==> 固接联轴节
  15355. hold-harmless agreement ==> 转移责任之约定,不受危害协议书
  15356. hold-in ==> 同步
  15357. hold-in range ==> 同步保持范围
  15358. hold-in winding ==> 保持线圈
  15359. hold-off ==> 释抑
  15360. hold-off arm ==> 定位器
  15361. hold-off circuit ==> 释抑电路
  15362. hold-off diode ==> 闭锁二极管,截止二极管
  15363. hold-off rectifier ==> 直耦放大器的偏压整流器
  15364. hold-on coil ==> 吸持线圈
  15365. hold-on relay ==> 自己保持リレー
  15366. hold-open catch ==> 固定卡销
  15367. hold-open operating lock ==> 舱盖打开时的锁挡
  15368. hold-over ==> 保残木,保持故障,迟出个体,迟出孢树
  15369. hold-over command ==> 保存命令
  15370. hold-up ==> 停车,停顿,停止,支持,滞留量,拦截
  15371. hold-up tank ==> 贮存罐
  15372. hold-up vessel ==> 贮存容器
  15373. holddown ==> 压板,压紧=>固定盤
  15374. holddown groove ==> 固定槽
  15375. holddown plate ==> 压紧盖板
  15376. holddown spring ==> 压紧弹簧
  15377. Holden permeability bridge ==> 导磁率测量电桥
  15378. holder ==> 焊把,贮罐,容器,票据持有人,保持架,座,夹持器,夹具,支持器,支架=>ホルダー,容器
  15379. holder for die ==> 板牙架
  15380. holder for turning tools ==> 机械夹固式车刀杆
  15381. holder for value ==> 价值持票人,已付价持票人
  15382. holder in bad faith ==> 恶意占有人
  15383. holder in due course ==> 法定持有人,正当持票人
  15384. holder of license ==> 牌照持有人
  15385. holder spring ==> 夹持器弹簧
  15386. holder up ==> 铆钉撑锤
  15387. holder-on ==> 气顶
  15388. holder-up ==> 铆钉托
  15389. holderbat ==> 裂环管夹,管子箍
  15390. holding ==> 支承,保持,保持的,保温的,同步,存储,土地,贮藏,吸持=>ホールディング
  15391. holding (out) coil ==> 锁定线圈
  15392. holding action ==> 保持作用=>保持作用
  15393. holding anode ==> 保持阳极
  15394. holding area ==> 等候区
  15395. holding armature ==> 吸持衔铁,保持衔铁
  15396. holding beam ==> 保持电子束,固定射束
  15397. holding bottle ==> 存储瓶
  15398. holding brake ==> 止动闸,制动闸
  15399. holding capacitor ==> 存储电容器
  15400. holding capacity ==> 容积,容量,可蓄量
  15401. holding chuck ==> 卡盘
  15402. holding circuit ==> 保护电路=>保持回路
  15403. holding coil ==> 保持线圈=>保持コイル
  15404. holding company ==> 控股公司,控制公司
  15405. holding contact ==> 保持触点
  15406. holding control ==> 同步控制
  15407. holding corporation ==> 控股公司
  15408. holding cost ==> 保藏费
  15409. holding costs ==> 保持费用
  15410. holding current ==> 保持电流,吸持电流=>保持電流
  15411. holding detent ==> 制动爪
  15412. holding device ==> 夹持装置,夹紧器,夹具,吸持装置
  15413. holding down bolt ==> 地脚螺栓
  15414. holding down clip ==> 卡子
  15415. holding down latch ==> 挡器
  15416. holding down position ==> 放平位置
  15417. holding factor ==> 保持因数
  15418. holding flange ==> 固定凸缘
  15419. holding force ==> 吸持力
  15420. holding forceps ==> 把持钳
  15421. holding frequency ==> 保持频率,调频运行方式
  15422. holding function ==> 动作功能
  15423. holding furnace ==> 保温炉,混合炉
  15424. holding gun ==> 保持电子枪,保存电子枪
  15425. holding hearth ==> 混合炉
  15426. holding jaw ==> 夹爪
  15427. holding key ==> 保持电键
  15428. holding latch ==> 掣子,挡器,卡子,擒纵器
  15429. holding magnet ==> 保持磁铁=>保持電磁石,保持マグネット
  15430. holding mechanism ==> 保持機構
  15431. holding method ==> 牛奶低温长时灭菌法
  15432. holding nut ==> 支承螺母
  15433. holding of the court ==> 法院裁决
  15434. holding out ==> 冒充
  15435. holding pawl ==> 固定爪
  15436. holding period ==> 吸持时间,保存时间,财产持有时间
  15437. holding pin ==> 紧固销
  15438. holding point ==> 等待点,暂留点
  15439. holding pond ==> 存贮池
  15440. holding position ==> 保持位置
  15441. holding power ==> 支撑力,支持力,吸持功率
  15442. holding pump ==> 前支泵
  15443. holding register ==> 保持寄存器
  15444. holding relay ==> 保持继电器=>保持リレー
  15445. holding ring ==> 绑环,调整环,定位环
  15446. holding rod ==> 握杆
  15447. holding room ==> 产品储存室
  15448. holding screw ==> 紧定螺钉,紧固螺丝
  15449. holding strip ==> 压板
  15450. holding stud ==> 支架柱螺栓
  15451. holding tank ==> 收集槽,接受器,存储槽,储料囤
  15452. holding temperature ==> 保温温度
  15453. holding the line ==> 控制物价
  15454. holding thread ==> 紧固螺纹
  15455. holding time ==> 钎焊时间,占用时间,保留时间,保温时间=>保持時間,保留時間
  15456. holding time at test pressure ==> 试压保压时间
  15457. holding time setter ==> 保持时间给定装置
  15458. holding torque ==> 保持力矩,保持转矩=>ホールディングトルク
  15459. holding up ==> 铆钉顶锤
  15460. holding up hammer ==> 铆钉模
  15461. holding up tool ==> 铆钉撑锤
  15462. holding value ==> 保持値
  15463. holding valve ==> 平衡阀,闭锁阀
  15464. holding voltage ==> 吸持电压
  15465. holding winding ==> 保持线圈
  15466. holding zone ==> 保温段
  15467. holding-down bolt ==> 地脚螺钉
  15468. holding-down clip ==> 卡钳
  15469. holding-down latch ==> 锁键,制动器
  15470. holding-off ==> 瞄准点修正
  15471. holding-on ==> 咬合
  15472. holding-on bar ==> 顶铆杠
  15473. holding-operating company ==> 控股兼营业公司
  15474. holding-up hammer ==> 铆钉撑锤,铆钉抵锤
  15475. holdup hook ==> 运输钩
  15476. hole ==> 线道,浅井,缺口,穴,漏洞,洞,空穴,孔=>正孔
  15477. hole application ==> 穴施
  15478. hole armature ==> 带通风槽电枢
  15479. hole basis (limit)system ==> 基孔极限制
  15480. hole blowing process ==> 通孔喷吹法
  15481. hole borer ==> 挖穴机
  15482. hole boring cutter ==> 镗孔刀,镗孔刀
  15483. hole bottom ==> 炮眼底
  15484. hole burning ==> 烧孔=>ホールバーニング
  15485. hole burning effect ==> 空穴燃烧效应
  15486. hole capture ==> 空穴捕获
  15487. hole carrier ==> 空穴载流子
  15488. hole circle ==> 孔圆
  15489. hole concentration ==> 空穴浓度
  15490. hole conductance ==> 空穴导电
  15491. hole conduction ==> 空穴导电
  15492. hole conductivity ==> 空穴导电性,空穴电导率
  15493. hole count check ==> 孔数检验,计孔检验
  15494. hole count error ==> 孔数错
  15495. hole counter ==> 孔计数器
  15496. hole current ==> 空穴电流
  15497. hole density ==> 空穴密度
  15498. hole diameter of sieve (perforated) plate ==> 筛板孔径
  15499. hole diffusion length ==> 空穴扩散长度
  15500. hole digger ==> 钻孔器
  15501. hole dilating drill ==> 扩孔钻头
  15502. hole director ==> 炮眼导向架
  15503. hole drift ==> 空穴漂移
  15504. hole drift current ==> 电穴漂移电流
  15505. hole drill ==> 螺孔钻,螺纹底孔钻
  15506. hole electron pair ==> 电子空穴对
  15507. hole electron recombination ==> 电子空穴复合
  15508. hole extruding ==> 孔变薄翻边,变薄翻孔
  15509. hole flanging ==> 孔翻边
  15510. hole flanging-sizing die ==> 翻孔整形模
  15511. hole for hoist ==> 吊装孔
  15512. hole forming pin ==> 穿空针,穿孔针
  15513. hole ga(u)ge ==> 内测微计
  15514. hole gauge ==> 孔规
  15515. hole grinding machine ==> 磨孔机
  15516. hole in anchor ==> 膨胀螺栓=>ホールインアンカー
  15517. hole in soaking pit ==> 均热炉坑,均热炉坑
  15518. hole injection ==> 空穴注入
  15519. hole injection rate ==> 空穴注入速率
  15520. hole irrigating ==> 穴灌
  15521. hole irrigation ==> 穴灌,点浇
  15522. hole lapping ==> 内擦准法
  15523. hole layout ==> 炮眼布置
  15524. hole life ==> 空穴寿命
  15525. hole locator ==> 孔定位器
  15526. hole man ==> 爆炸手
  15527. hole migration ==> 空穴迁移,空穴徙动
  15528. hole mobility ==> 空穴迁移率
  15529. hole noise ==> 井口干扰,井口干扰
  15530. hole on roof ==> 屋顶检查孔
  15531. hole pattern ==> 穿孔模式,孔模式=>孔パターン
  15532. hole pincers ==> 打孔钳
  15533. hole pitch ==> 孔间距
  15534. hole pitch (distance) in sieve tray ==> 筛板孔中心距
  15535. hole pitch of perforated tray ==> 筛板孔距
  15536. hole planting ==> 穴状栽植
  15537. hole production method ==> 基准孔装配法
  15538. hole quasi fermi level ==> 空穴准费米能级
  15539. hole saw ==> 孔锯,筒形锯
  15540. hole seeding ==> 穴播
  15541. hole semiconductor ==> 空穴半导体
  15542. hole site ==> 孔位
  15543. hole size ==> 孔大小
  15544. hole sizer ==> 孔筛
  15545. hole sort ==> 孔分类,穿孔分类法
  15546. hole sowing ==> 点播,穴播
  15547. hole spacing ==> 钻孔距离
  15548. hole state ==> 空穴态
  15549. hole steel propeller ==> 钢制空心螺旋桨
  15550. hole storage ==> 储孔,空穴存储
  15551. hole storage charge ==> 空穴存储电荷
  15552. hole storage effect ==> 空穴存储效应
  15553. hole table ==> 空白表
  15554. hole theory ==> 空孔理論(量子力学)
  15555. hole theory of liquids ==> 液体空穴理论
  15556. hole tolerance ==> 孔径公差
  15557. hole transplanting ==> 穴植
  15558. hole trap ==> 空穴陷阱
  15559. hole trapping ==> 空穴捕获
  15560. hole-and-slot resonator ==> 孔隙型谐振器,槽孔型谐振器
  15561. hole-base assembly system ==> 基孔制装配系统
  15562. hole-bored axle from end to end ==> 空心车轴
  15563. hole-boring piston ==> 扩眼活塞
  15564. hole-burning effect ==> 烧孔效应
  15565. hole-burning model ==> 烧孔模型
  15566. hole-conductor current access device ==> 穿孔导体电流存取器件
  15567. hole-coupling ==> 小孔耦合
  15568. hole-depth ga(u)ge ==> 孔深计
  15569. hole-diffusion length ==> 空穴扩散长度
  15570. hole-down packer ==> 悬吊式堵塞器
  15571. hole-electron densities product ==> 正孔-自由電子密度積
  15572. hole-in-the-center effect ==> 中空效应
  15573. hole-particle interaction ==> 空穴-粒子相互作用
  15574. hole-planted method ==> 穴植法
  15575. hole-planting ==> 穴植
  15576. hole-punching machine ==> 打孔机
  15577. holes for screw ==> 螺栓孔
  15578. holes in joints of welded vessels ==> 焊接容器接头处的孔
  15579. holes on tube sheet ==> 管板管口
  15580. holes processing in tubesheet ==> 管孔加工
  15581. Holfos bronze ==> 霍耳福斯高强度青铜
  15582. holiday ==> 漏涂=>塗り残し
  15583. holiday pay ==> 休假工资
  15584. holings loader ==> 除粉器
  15585. holistic ==> 完整地看问题的方法,非片面的=>総体的な
  15586. holistic mark ==> 隐检字符
  15587. Holland ==> 荷兰=>オランダ
  15588. Holland cigar ==> 荷兰雪茄
  15589. Holland formula ==> 荷兰公式
  15590. Holland line ==> 荷兰本色亚麻布
  15591. Hollerith card ==> 何勒里期卡片
  15592. Hollerith card code ==> 何勒里斯卡片代码
  15593. Hollerith character set ==> 何勒里斯字符集
  15594. Hollerith code ==> 何勒里斯代码,霍勒瑞斯码
  15595. Hollerith field descriptor ==> 字符字段描述符
  15596. Hollerith number ==> 何勒里斯数
  15597. Hollerith type ==> 何勒里斯字符型
  15598. Hollerith type machine ==> 霍勒瑞斯型计算机
  15599. Hollmann circuit ==> 霍尔曼电路
  15600. hollow ==> 空心的,穴,开槽刨,腔,腔背,中空,中空的
  15601. hollow anode ==> 空心阳圾
  15602. hollow article ==> 空心制品,中空制品
  15603. hollow axle ==> 空心轴
  15604. hollow back ==> 凹背
  15605. hollow ball bearing ==> 空心球轴承
  15606. hollow beam ==> 空心电子注,空心梁,空心射束
  15607. hollow bed ==> 底层有空穴的接缝
  15608. hollow billet ==> 空心坯
  15609. hollow bit tongs ==> 空心钳
  15610. hollow blade ==> 空心桨叶,空心叶片
  15611. hollow block ==> 空心块,空心块体,空心砖
  15612. hollow bloom ==> 空心管坯
  15613. hollow boring bit ==> 空心钻头
  15614. hollow bowl ==> 中空内管
  15615. hollow cast piston ==> 空心铸造的活塞
  15616. hollow cast wheel ==> 空心铸轮
  15617. hollow casting ==> 空心铸件,糊膏中空浇铸法
  15618. hollow cathode ==> 空心阴极=>ホロー陰極
  15619. hollow cathode aluminum ion laser ==> 空心阴极铝离子激光器
  15620. hollow cathode arc ==> 中空陰極アーク
  15621. hollow cathode discharge ==> 空心阴极放电=>ホローカソード放電
  15622. hollow cathode discharge spectroscopic analysis ==> 空心阴极放电光谱分析
  15623. hollow cathode tube ==> 空心阴极管
  15624. hollow chamfer ==> 圆凹线脚
  15625. hollow chisel ==> 圆鼻錾,凹形凿
  15626. hollow circular cylinder ==> 中空圆柱
  15627. hollow clay brick ==> 粘土空心砖
  15628. hollow clay tile ==> 粘土空心砖
  15629. hollow clay tile lintel ==> 粘土空心砖过梁
  15630. hollow coil ==> 空心线圈
  15631. hollow concrete ==> 蜂窝混凝土
  15632. hollow conductor ==> 空心导线,内冷发电机中组成可引入冷却介质的线圈线棒=>中空導体
  15633. hollow cone ==> 空心光锥,空心圆锥体
  15634. hollow conical beam of light ==> 空心光锥
  15635. hollow construction ==> 中空構造
  15636. hollow copper wire ==> 空心铜线
  15637. hollow core ==> 中空型芯
  15638. hollow core cable ==> 空心电缆
  15639. hollow core rock bolt ==> 空心岩栓
  15640. hollow core valve ==> 空心阀
  15641. hollow crank pin ==> 空心曲柄销
  15642. hollow crank shaft ==> 空心曲柄轴
  15643. hollow cutting ==> 中空冲裁
  15644. hollow cylinder ==> 空心圆筒
  15645. hollow dam ==> 空心坝,空腹坝,在重力坝和重力拱坝坝体内设置大尺寸空腔(空腹)的坝=>中空ダム
  15646. hollow dielectric wave guide ==> 空心介质波导
  15647. hollow draw-in spindle ==> 空心内柱轴
  15648. hollow drill ==> 空心钻,空心钻杆
  15649. hollow drill steel ==> 中空钻探钢
  15650. hollow electrode ==> 中空电极
  15651. hollow electron beam ==> 中空电子束
  15652. hollow ended ==> 水线端点凹陷
  15653. hollow fabric ==> 管状织物
  15654. hollow face ==> 凹脸
  15655. hollow fiber ==> 空心纤维
  15656. hollow fiber artificial kidney ==> 空心纤维人工肾
  15657. hollow fiber module ==> 中空纤维组件
  15658. hollow fiber permeator ==> 中空纤维渗透器,把反渗透膜做成中空纤维丝并组装成反渗透膜元件的装置
  15659. hollow forging ==> 空锻,荒管,中空锻造
  15660. hollow fraise ==> 筒形外圆铣刀,套料铣刀,套筒形铣刀
  15661. hollow fuel rod ==> 中空燃料棒
  15662. hollow fusee ==> 空心均力圆锥轮
  15663. hollow glass ==> 凹窝载玻片
  15664. hollow granule ==> 空心粒子
  15665. hollow gravity dam ==> 空心重力坝
  15666. hollow ground slide ==> 凹载玻片
  15667. hollow heart of potato ==> 马铃薯空心病
  15668. hollow helical-wrap drive cable ==> 空心螺旋型控制电缆
  15669. hollow inclusion ==> 空心包体
  15670. hollow ingot ==> 空心坯
  15671. hollow insulator ==> 空心绝缘子=>碍管
  15672. hollow jet valve ==> 空注阀,安装在压力管道出口,出水水流呈空心柱状的阀门
  15673. hollow joint ==> 空缝,空心结合,凹缝
  15674. hollow kernels ==> 籽粒不饱满
  15675. hollow key ==> 鞍形键,空底键,空心键
  15676. hollow lead ==> 滚刀的沟槽导程
  15677. hollow load cell ==> 空心压力盒
  15678. hollow mandrel ==> 空心心轴
  15679. hollow mandrel lathes ==> 空心心轴车床
  15680. hollow metal ==> 空心金属
  15681. hollow microsphere target ==> 空心玻璃壳微球靶
  15682. hollow mill ==> 空心铣刀,筒形外圆铣刀
  15683. hollow milling cutter ==> 空心铣刀
  15684. hollow milling tool ==> 空心铣刀
  15685. hollow moulding ==> 凹饰
  15686. hollow neck ==> 瓶颈过薄
  15687. hollow newel ==> 螺旋梯梯井,旋梯柱井孔
  15688. hollow newel stair ==> 无中柱螺旋梯
  15689. hollow nose tongs ==> 空端夹子
  15690. hollow nozzle ==> 空壁喷管
  15691. hollow pellet ==> 中空芯块
  15692. hollow pile ==> 空心桩
  15693. hollow pin ==> 套销
  15694. hollow pinion ==> 空心齿轴
  15695. hollow pipe ==> 空心管子
  15696. hollow piston ==> 空心活塞
  15697. hollow pivot ==> 空心枢
  15698. hollow porcelain bushing ==> がい管
  15699. hollow porcelain epoxy bushing ==> がい管
  15700. hollow prism ==> 空心棱镜
  15701. hollow prop ==> 空心金属支柱
  15702. hollow punch ==> 空心冲头,冲孔机,冲孔器
  15703. hollow pushrod ==> 空心推杆
  15704. hollow quoin ==> 闸门墩,空心墙角基石
  15705. hollow reamer ==> 空心铰刀
  15706. hollow relief ==> 凹雕
  15707. hollow rim ==> 空心轮辋
  15708. hollow river ==> 空心铆钉
  15709. hollow rivet ==> 空心铆钉
  15710. hollow rod ==> 空心钻杆
  15711. hollow rod fuel pin ==> 中空燃料细棒
  15712. hollow roll ==> 空心辊,卷筒接头,卷筒接头
  15713. hollow rope ==> 空心钢索
  15714. hollow rotor ==> 空心转子
  15715. hollow screw ==> 空心螺钉
  15716. hollow shaft ==> 空心轴
  15717. hollow shaft motor ==> 空心轴电动机
  15718. hollow shaft motor drive ==> 空心轴电动机驱动
  15719. hollow shafting ==> 空心轴
  15720. hollow shell ==> 空心管坯
  15721. hollow slab ==> 空心板
  15722. hollow sliding block ==> 联轴节型滑块
  15723. hollow slug ==> 中空块
  15724. hollow sphere ==> 空心球体
  15725. hollow spindle ==> 空心轴
  15726. hollow spinning block ==> 空心旋压模
  15727. hollow spinning chuck ==> 空心旋压模
  15728. hollow spoke ==> 空心轮辐
  15729. hollow spool ==> 空心阀芯
  15730. hollow square ==> 空心四方块体
  15731. hollow square beam ==> 空心方钢犁梁
  15732. hollow square steel ==> 空心方钢
  15733. hollow stalk ==> 空心茎
  15734. hollow stay ==> 空心撑杆
  15735. hollow stay bolt ==> 空心螺撑
  15736. hollow steel ==> 空心钢,中空钢
  15737. hollow steel propeller ==> 中空钢制螺旋桨
  15738. hollow steel rim ==> 空心轮辋
  15739. hollow steel roller ==> 空心钢辊
  15740. hollow steel section ==> 薄壁型钢
  15741. hollow steel spoke wheel ==> 空心钢辐轮
  15742. hollow stem ==> 空心钻杆=>中空ステム
  15743. hollow sting ==> 空心支架
  15744. hollow stirrer ==> 空心搅拌器
  15745. hollow swage ==> 甩子,陷型模
  15746. hollow throat ==> 喉管
  15747. hollow tile ==> 空心砖
  15748. hollow tube fiber ==> 空管纤维
  15749. hollow tube mode ==> 空心管模
  15750. hollow unit masonry ==> 空心砌块圬工
  15751. hollow vacuous ==> 空的
  15752. hollow vortex ==> 空心涡
  15753. hollow wall ==> 空心墙
  15754. hollow ware ==> 凹形器皿
  15755. hollow wave guide ==> 空心波导
  15756. hollow waveguide ==> 中空波导管
  15757. hollow wedge ==> 空心槽楔
  15758. hollow weir ==> 空心堰
  15759. hollow winding ==> 空心绕组
  15760. hollow wire ==> 空心线=>中空電線
  15761. hollow wire rope ==> 空心钢丝绳
  15762. hollow wood construction ==> 空心木结构
  15763. hollow-backed flooring ==> 底空楼板
  15764. hollow-backed saw ==> 凹背锯
  15765. hollow-bowl centrifuge ==> 空杯离心机
  15766. hollow-brick partition ==> 空心砖隔墙
  15767. hollow-brick wall ==> 空心砖墙
  15768. hollow-cathode ==> 空心阴极
  15769. hollow-cathode atomizer ==> 空心阴极原子化器
  15770. hollow-cathode copper halide laser ==> 空心阴极卤化铜激光器
  15771. hollow-cathode discharge tube ==> 空心阴极放电管
  15772. hollow-cathode He-Cd laser ==> 空心阴极氦镉激光器
  15773. hollow-cathode lamp ==> 空心阴极电子管
  15774. hollow-cathode laser ==> 空心阴极激光器
  15775. hollow-coil ==> 空心线圈
  15776. hollow-conductor-cooled rotor ==> 内冷发电机转子
  15777. hollow-cone type nozzle ==> 空心雾锥喷嘴
  15778. hollow-core door ==> 空心门
  15779. hollow-drill shank ==> 空心钻杆
  15780. hollow-drill steel ==> 空心钻杆
  15781. hollow-edged equalling file ==> 凹边齐头平锉
  15782. hollow-edged file ==> 凹边锉
  15783. hollow-end roller ==> 端穴滚子
  15784. hollow-head set-screw ==> 空心头固定螺钉
  15785. hollow-head setscrew ==> 内六角头固定螺钉
  15786. hollow-jet needle valve ==> 空注针形阀
  15787. hollow-pipe wave-guide ==> 空腔波导管
  15788. hollow-pipe waveguide ==> 空管波导
  15789. hollow-plunger pump ==> 空心柱塞泵
  15790. hollow-rod churn drill ==> 空心杆冲钻
  15791. hollow-rod drilling ==> 空心钻杆钻进
  15792. hollow-section strand ==> 空心股线
  15793. hollow-slug lattice ==> 中空棒栅格
  15794. hollow-space oscillator ==> 空腔振荡器
  15795. holloware ==> 底柱设备
  15796. hollowed-out work ==> 镂空雕刻
  15797. hollowing ==> 空洞化
  15798. hollowing effect ==> 空洞化効果
  15799. hollowing file ==> 槽形锉
  15800. hollowing knife ==> 弧刮刨
  15801. hollowing out of industry ==> 产业空心化=>産業の空洞化
  15802. hollowness ==> 凹,空心,空心度
  15803. hollows ==> 圆角面
  15804. hollw vivet ==> 管形铆钉
  15805. holly ==> 冬青
  15806. holly leaf miner ==> 冬麦潜叶蝇
  15807. holly root ==> 岗梅
  15808. Holme mud sampler ==> 胡尔木泥浆取样器
  15809. Holmgren-Golgi canals ==> 胞浆内小管
  15810. Holmgren-Golgicanal ==> 浆胞小管
  15811. Holmgrenes test ==> 霍姆格伦氏试验
  15812. holmium chloride ==> 氯化钬
  15813. holmium laser ==> 钬激光器
  15814. holmium-doped yttrium lithium fluoride laser ==> 掺钬氟化钇锂激光器
  15815. holo film ==> 全息胶片
  15816. holoblastic development ==> 全裂卵发育
  15817. holoblastic egg ==> 全裂卵
  15818. Holocene Epoch ==> 全新世
  15819. Holocene thermal maximum ==> 完新世温度極大期
  15820. holocheck card ==> 全息校验卡
  15821. holocrine gland ==> 全分泌腺,全泌腺
  15822. holocrine type ==> 全泌型
  15823. hologram ==> 全息照相=>ホログラム
  15824. hologram aberration ==> 全息像差
  15825. hologram area ==> 全息照相面
  15826. hologram array ==> 全息阵列
  15827. hologram emulsion shrinkage ==> 全息照片乳胶收缩
  15828. hologram field ==> 全息照相场
  15829. hologram grating ==> 全息摄影栅
  15830. hologram illuminating wave ==> 全息照明波
  15831. hologram image ==> 全息图像,全息照相图像
  15832. hologram information capacity ==> 全息图信息容量
  15833. hologram interferometer ==> 全息图
  15834. hologram material ==> 全息照相材料
  15835. hologram matrix radar ==> 全息照片矩阵雷达
  15836. hologram memory ==> ホログラムメモリ
  15837. hologram memory system ==> 全息存储系统
  15838. hologram optics ==> 全息摄影光学
  15839. hologram page ==> 全息图面
  15840. hologram radar ==> 全息雷达
  15841. hologram reconstruction ==> 全息图再现
  15842. hologram recording material ==> 全息记录材料,全息照相记录材料
  15843. hologram resolution ==> 全息图分辨率
  15844. hologram storage ==> 全息图储存
  15845. hologram synthesis ==> 全息图合成
  15846. hologram television ==> 全息电视,全息照相电视
  15847. hologram thickness ==> 全息图厚度
  15848. hologram transmission ==> 全息传输
  15849. hologram-interferometer ==> 全息干涉仪
  15850. holograne grating ==> 全息光栅
  15851. holographic ==> 自筆の,ホログラフィックの
  15852. holographic aberration ==> 全息像差
  15853. holographic antenna ==> 全息天线
  15854. holographic apparatus ==> 全息装置=>ホログラフィック装置
  15855. holographic art ==> ホログラフィー技術
  15856. holographic cassette television ==> 全息照相盒式电视机
  15857. holographic cinematography ==> 全息电影摄像术
  15858. holographic coding plate ==> 全息编码板
  15859. holographic concave reflection-type grating ==> 全息凹面反射光栅
  15860. holographic conjugate relation ==> 全息共轭关系
  15861. holographic contouring ==> 全息轮廓法
  15862. holographic correlation filtering ==> 全息相关滤波
  15863. holographic coupler ==> 全息耦合器
  15864. holographic data storage ==> 全息数据存储器
  15865. holographic deconvolution ==> 全息解卷积
  15866. holographic deformation ==> 全息变形,全息畸变
  15867. holographic deta ==> 全息照相数据
  15868. holographic device ==> 全息照相装置
  15869. holographic diffraction grating ==> 全息衍射光栅=>ホログラフィック回折格子
  15870. holographic diffractive elements ==> ホログラフィック回折素子
  15871. holographic display ==> 全息显示
  15872. holographic doublet ==> 全息胶合件
  15873. holographic effect ==> ホログラフィー効果
  15874. holographic element ==> 全息元件
  15875. holographic encoding ==> 全息编码
  15876. holographic fiber ==> 全息纤维
  15877. holographic filter ==> 全息滤波器,全息滤光片
  15878. holographic filtering ==> 全息滤波
  15879. holographic format ==> 全息形式
  15880. holographic grating ==> 全息光栅,全息照相栅
  15881. holographic grating scanner ==> 全息光栅扫描器
  15882. holographic headup display ==> 全息平视显示器
  15883. holographic helmet-mounted display ==> 全息头盔显示器
  15884. holographic image ==> 全息图像
  15885. holographic image restoration ==> 全息图像再现
  15886. holographic imaging ==> 全息成像
  15887. holographic information ==> 全息信息
  15888. holographic information accumulation ==> 全息信息储存
  15889. holographic information storage ==> 全息信息存储
  15890. holographic interference measuring ==> 全息干扰计量
  15891. holographic interference pattern ==> 全息干涉图
  15892. holographic interferometer ==> 全息干扰仪
  15893. holographic interferometric evaluation method ==> 全息干涉估价法
  15894. holographic interferometry ==> 全息干扰测量法,全息干涉度量学=>ホログラフィー干渉法
  15895. holographic laser beam scanner ==> 全息激光束扫描器
  15896. holographic laser visor ==> 全息激光护目镜
  15897. holographic lateral shear interferometer ==> 全息照相横向剪切干涉仪
  15898. holographic lens ==> 全息透镜
  15899. holographic map display ==> 全息地图显示
  15900. holographic mask technology ==> 全息掩模技术
  15901. holographic matched filter ==> 全息匹配滤波器
  15902. holographic memory ==> 全息存储器,全息照相存储器
  15903. holographic memory device ==> 全息存储装置
  15904. holographic method ==> 全息摄影法
  15905. holographic microscope ==> 全息显微镜
  15906. holographic microscopy ==> 全息显微术,全息照相显微术
  15907. holographic mirror ==> 全息反射镜
  15908. holographic Moire technology ==> 全息莫欠法
  15909. holographic motion pictures ==> 全息电影
  15910. holographic movies ==> 全息电影
  15911. holographic multiplication ==> 全息多重像
  15912. holographic night vision goggles ==> 全息夜视眼镜
  15913. holographic night-vision goggle ==> 全头盔夜视镜
  15914. holographic nondestructive testing ==> 全息术无损检验
  15915. holographic nondestructive testing (HNDT) ==> 全息无损检验
  15916. holographic optical element ==> ホログラフィック光学素子
  15917. holographic optical elements (HOE) ==> 全息光学元件
  15918. holographic optics ==> 全息光学
  15919. holographic panoramic stereogram ==> 全息全景立体照片
  15920. holographic plate ==> 全息干板
  15921. holographic principle ==> ホログラフィック原理
  15922. holographic printing method ==> 全息印刷法
  15923. holographic ray-tracing equation ==> 全息光线追迹方程式
  15924. holographic reconstruction ==> ホログラフィック再構成
  15925. holographic record ==> 全息记录
  15926. holographic recording parameter ==> 全息记录参数
  15927. holographic representation ==> 全息再现
  15928. holographic scan ==> 全息扫描
  15929. holographic scan aberration correction ==> 全息扫描像差校正
  15930. holographic scanning method ==> 全息扫描法
  15931. holographic SDRS ==> 全息地震仪
  15932. holographic simulation ==> 全息模拟
  15933. holographic spectroscopy ==> 全息光谱学
  15934. holographic stereomodel ==> 全息立体模型
  15935. holographic storage ==> 全息存储,全息摄影存储器,全息照相存储器
  15936. holographic storage and access system ==> 全息存储与存取系统
  15937. holographic system ==> 全息照相系统
  15938. holographic technique ==> 全息技术
  15939. holographic technology ==> ホログラフィック技術
  15940. holographic television ==> 全息电视
  15941. holographic theory ==> ホログラフィック理論
  15942. holographic three dimensional display ==> 全息立体显示
  15943. holographic tomography ==> 全息分层照相术
  15944. holographic tranducer ==> 全息照相换能器
  15945. holographic transducer analyzer ==> 全息照相换能器分析仪
  15946. holographic video disk ==> 全息录像盘
  15947. holographic viewer ==> 全息阅读器
  15948. holographic viwer ==> 全息观察仪
  15949. holography ==> 全息照相术=>ホログラフィー
  15950. hologynic inheritance ==> 限雌遗传,女性遗传
  15951. holohedral form ==> 全面晶形
  15952. holohedral symmetry ==> 全对称,全面对称
  15953. holokinetic chromosome ==> 全着丝点染色体
  15954. holometabolic insects ==> 全变态昆虫
  15955. holometabolous development ==> 全变态发育
  15956. holomictic lake ==> 完全对流湖
  15957. holomorphic function ==> 正則関数
  15958. holomyarian type ==> 细肌型
  15959. holonomic constraints ==> 完整约束=>ホロノミックな拘束
  15960. holonomic system ==> 完整系统=>ホロノーム系
  15961. holophane lumeter ==> 全辉照度计
  15962. holophotal system ==> 全反射聚光体系
  15963. holophytic nutrition ==> 全植物式营养,植物式营养,植物性营养
  15964. holopulping process ==> 全浆制浆法
  15965. holoseismic method ==> 全息地震法
  15966. holosystolic high plateau type ==> 全收缩高平顶型
  15967. holotactic polymer ==> 全规速聚合物
  15968. holotape frame ==> 全息磁带帧
  15969. holotrichous system ==> 全毛序
  15970. holozoic nutrition ==> 全动物式营养
  15971. Holthouses hernia ==> 腹股沟股疝
  15972. Holtsmark distribution ==> ホルツマーク分布
  15973. Holtz machine ==> 霍尔茨感应电机
  15974. Holtz's electrical machine ==> 霍尔兹静电起电机
  15975. Holtzs electrical machine ==> 霍尔兹静电起电机
  15976. Holweck valve ==> 霍尔威克管
  15977. holzer's method ==> 霍尔泽方法
  15978. Holzknecht unit ==> 霍尔茨克内希特氏单位
  15979. hom dyne reception ==> 零差接收
  15980. HOM, hotin oblique Mercator ==> ホーチン斜めメルカトール
  15981. Homans' sign ==> 霍曼斯氏征
  15982. homatropine eye drops ==> 后马托品眼液
  15983. homatropine hydrobromide ==> 氢溴酸后马托品
  15984. Homatropine hydrobromide ==> 后马托品氢溴酸盐
  15985. Homburg's alloy ==> 洪堡铋铅锡合金
  15986. homczygous recessive gene ==> 纯合子隐性基因
  15987. home ==> 出发点,局部的,局部的,起始位置,归航,返回,返回始位,回原
  15988. home address ==> 内部地址,标识地址
  15989. home address 内部地址=> ==> 标识地址
  15990. home affairs ==> 民政
  15991. home air-conditioner ==> 家庭用エアコン
  15992. home alarm system ==> 住宅用警報装置
  15993. home appliance ==> 家電機器
  15994. home attendance ==> 本拠地での観客動員数
  15995. home attendant ==> ホームヘルパー
  15996. home automation ==> 家庭自动化
  15997. home block ==> 标识块
  15998. home booking ==> 卸货港订运
  15999. home boy ==> 同郷人
  16000. home bread-baking oven ==> 家用面包炉
  16001. home brew ==> 家庭制造
  16002. home broadcasting ==> 国内广播
  16003. home consumption ==> 厂用消耗
  16004. home display key ==> 自席显示电键
  16005. home drive system call ==> 驱动器磁头回零系统调用
  16006. home electric refrigerator ==> 家庭用电冰箱
  16007. home environment ==> 本地环境
  16008. home equipment ==> 国产设备
  16009. home extension intercom ==> 内部分机通话
  16010. home lift ==> 家用电梯
  16011. home loan banks ==> 住宅贷款银行
  16012. home loop ==> 内部回路,本地回路
  16013. home loop operation ==> 本地回路操作
  16014. home loop 内部回路=> ==> 本地回路
  16015. home memory ==> ホームメモリー
  16016. home mortgage loan ==> 房屋抵押贷款
  16017. home motor ==> 家用电动机
  16018. home office computer ==> 家用事务计算机
  16019. home office switch ==> 防电击开关
  16020. home on ==> 瞄准
  16021. Home Owner's Loan Corporation (美国) ==> 房主贷款公司
  16022. Home Owners Loan Corporation ==> (美国)房主贷款公司
  16023. home page ==> 主页
  16024. home paint ==> 家用油漆
  16025. home position ==> 标识位置,静止位置,静止位置,原始位置,定位置(自動交換)
  16026. home products ==> 本国产品
  16027. home projector receiver ==> 家庭用投影电视接收机,家用投影电视接收机
  16028. home projector receiver 家庭用投影电视接收机=> ==> 家用投影电视接收机
  16029. home radar chain ==> 地面雷达网
  16030. home range ==> 巢区,活动范围
  16031. home range 巢区=> ==> 活动范围
  16032. home record ==> 内档,起始记录,住所记录
  16033. home record leader record ==> 引导记录
  16034. home recorder ==> 局内收报记录器,家庭用盘录声机,家用录音机
  16035. home rehabilitation ==> 家庭康复疗法
  16036. home robot ==> 家庭用福利机器人
  16037. home roll ==> 主辊
  16038. home signal ==> 場内信号機
  16039. home station ==> 本地台
  16040. home television ==> 民用电视
  16041. home terminal ==> 家庭用终端设备
  16042. home treatment ==> 家庭治疗
  16043. home video tape recording ==> 家用录像机
  16044. home visit 家庭访视=> ==> 出诊
  16045. home waters ==> 国内水域
  16046. home-area toll ==> 国内长途电话
  16047. home-bound patient ==> 在宅患者
  16048. home-bred animal ==> 自繁牲畜
  16049. home-garden type ==> 手扶式农具
  16050. home-grown ==> 土生的
  16051. home-grown feed ==> 自产饲料
  16052. home-made ==> 自制的
  16053. home-mixed feed ==> 自产混合饲料
  16054. home-on-jam ==> 干扰自动跟踪
  16055. home-position contact ==> 起始触点
  16056. home-yard orchard ==> 房周果园
  16057. Homens syndrome ==> 霍门氏综合征
  16058. homeomorphic spaces ==> 同胚空间
  16059. homeomorphism ==> 異質同形,同相写像,位相変換
  16060. homeoplastic graft ==> 同种嫁接
  16061. homeostasis ==> 内稳态
  16062. homeostatic control ==> 稳态控制
  16063. homeostatic mechanism ==> 适应性机能
  16064. homeotherm ==> 恒温动物
  16065. homeotropic alignment ==> 垂直配向
  16066. homeotypic division ==> 同型分裂
  16067. homepage ==> 网页=>ホームページ
  16068. homer ==> ホーマ(航空無線)
  16069. HOMES ==> 家庭用エネルギー管理システム
  16070. Homespun yarn ==> 火姆司本纱
  16071. hometaxial output ==> 轴向均匀输出
  16072. hometaxial-base transistor ==> 轴向均匀基极晶体管
  16073. hometaxialbase transistor ==> 轴向均匀基极晶体管
  16074. homeward voyage ==> 返航
  16075. homing ==> 导航,自动导引=>ホーミング(航法)
  16076. homing action ==> 还原动作,导归作用
  16077. homing adapter ==> 归航附加器
  16078. homing arrangement ==> 市外帯域制
  16079. homing control ==> 自动瞄准
  16080. homing device ==> 归航设备
  16081. homing finder ==> 归位式选择器
  16082. homing function ==> 自动寻的作用
  16083. homing guidance ==> 自动制导
  16084. homing information ==> 自动引导信息
  16085. homing mechanism ==> 自动引导装置
  16086. homing missile ==> 自動追尾ミサイル
  16087. homing molecule ==> ホーミング分子
  16088. homing movement ==> 还原动作
  16089. homing on ==> 瞄准
  16090. homing phase ==> 自动寻的阶段
  16091. homing pigeon ==> 信鸽=>伝書バト
  16092. homing range ==> 归航有效距离
  16093. homing rate ==> 回帰率
  16094. homing receiver ==> 自动寻的接收机
  16095. homing receptor ==> ホーミング受容体
  16096. homing relay ==> 复位式继电器=>ホーミングリレー
  16097. homing sensor ==> 自动寻的传感器
  16098. homing sequence ==> 引导序列,起始序例
  16099. homing station ==> 自动寻的电台,归航台
  16100. homing system of guidance ==> 自动跟踪装置
  16101. homing technology ==> ホーミング技術
  16102. homing test vehicle ==> 自动寻的系统试验模型
  16103. homing torpedo ==> 自动寻的鱼雷
  16104. homing transponder ==> 归航应答器
  16105. homing tree ==> 导引树
  16106. homing type line switch ==> 归位式导线机
  16107. homme ==> 人
  16108. Homo ==> 人属
  16109. Homo erectus ==> 直立人
  16110. Homo sapiens ==> ホモ・サピエンス
  16111. homo-ion ==> 同离子
  16112. homo-ionic solution ==> 同离子溶液
  16113. homo-mixer ==> 高速搅拌机
  16114. homo-orientin ==> 异荭草素
  16115. homo-polar generator ==> 単極発電機,ホモポーラ発電機
  16116. homo-treatment ==> 均匀热处理,均匀热处理
  16117. homoallele ==> 同等位基因
  16118. homoallelic genes ==> 同质等位基因
  16119. homoannular diene ==> 同环二烯
  16120. homoaromaticity ==> 同芳香性
  16121. homoatomic ==> 同素,同原子,同原子的
  16122. homoatomic chain ==> 同素键
  16123. homoatomic ring ==> 同种原子环
  16124. Homobasidiomycetidae ==> 同担子菌亚纲
  16125. homobasidiun ==> 同担子
  16126. homobasinym ==> 同基原异名
  16127. homobium ==> 共生体
  16128. homoborneol ==> 高冰片
  16129. homobrochate ==> 同形网状
  16130. homobront ==> 雷暴等时线
  16131. homocamphor ==> 高樟脑
  16132. homocapsaicin ==> 高辣椒碱
  16133. homocaryon (homokaryon) ==> 同核体
  16134. homocellular ray ==> 同胞射线,同型细胞射线
  16135. homocentric ==> 同心的,同中心,共心
  16136. homocentric axial rays ==> 共轴复心射线
  16137. homocentric beam ==> 共心光束
  16138. homocentric illumination ==> 共心照明
  16139. homocentric lens ==> 共心透镜
  16140. homocentric objective ==> 共心物镜
  16141. homocentric pencil ==> 共心光锥
  16142. homocentric pencil of rays ==> 共心光束,同心光束
  16143. homocentric rays ==> 共心光线
  16144. homocentric sphere ==> 同心球
  16145. homocentricity ==> 共心性
  16146. homocentrisity ==> 共心性
  16147. homocerebrin ==> 类脑素
  16148. homocharge ==> 同号电荷
  16149. homochelidonine ==> 高白屈菜碱
  16150. homochirality ==> 同手型
  16151. homochlorcyclizine ==> 高氯环
  16152. homochlorcyclizine hydrochloride ==> 盐酸高氯环嗪
  16153. homochroman ==> 高二氢苯并吡喃
  16154. homochromatic ==> 等色,均色,均色
  16155. homochromatic photometry ==> 同色测光,同色光度测量,同色光度学
  16156. homochromatism ==> 同色性
  16157. homochromatography ==> 同系色谱法
  16158. homochromic ==> 同色异构体
  16159. homochromo-isomer ==> 同色异构体
  16160. homochromo-isomerism ==> 同色异构
  16161. homochronous ==> 类同步
  16162. homocladic ==> 同脉吻
  16163. homoclimes ==> 相同气候
  16164. homoclinal ==> 均斜的,均斜的
  16165. homoclinal valley ==> 单斜谷
  16166. homocline ==> 单斜,均斜,均斜
  16167. homocollinite ==> 均质镜质体,均质镜质体,无结构腐殖体
  16168. homoconjugation effect ==> 同共轭效应
  16169. homocycle ==> 同素环,碳环
  16170. homocyclic compound ==> 同素环化合物
  16171. homocyclic nucleus ==> 同素环
  16172. homocyclic ring ==> 同素环
  16173. homocysteine ==> 同型半胱氨酸,高半胱氨酸
  16174. homocystine ==> 高胱氨酸,同型胱氨酸
  16175. homocystinemia ==> 高胱氨酸血,高胱氨酸血症
  16176. homocystinuria ==> 高胱氨酸尿,高胱氨酸尿症
  16177. homocytotropic antibody ==> 亲同种细胞抗体
  16178. homodesmic ==> 纯键的
  16179. homodesmic structure ==> 纯键结构
  16180. homodetrinite ==> 碎屑腐殖体
  16181. homodiaphoromictic ==> 同株异核生殖
  16182. homodihydrocapsaicin ==> 高二氢辣椒碱
  16183. homodimer ==> 同型二聚体
  16184. homodimictic ==> 同株异核生殖
  16185. homodisperse ==> 均相分散,均相分散
  16186. homodont ==> 同型齿
  16187. homodromy ==> 同向旋转
  16188. homoduplex ==> 同质双链
  16189. homodynamic gene ==> 同动力基因
  16190. homodynamic hybrid ==> 同动力杂种
  16191. homodyne ==> 零差,零拍
  16192. homodyne circuit ==> 零差式电路
  16193. homodyne detection ==> 零差检波,零差探测
  16194. homodyne detector ==> 零差检波器,零拍检波器
  16195. homodyne mixer ==> 零拍混频器
  16196. homodyne receiver ==> 零拍接收机
  16197. homodyne reception ==> 零差接收
  16198. homodyned holography ==> 零差全息术
  16199. homodyning ==> 零差探测
  16200. homoeandry ==> 同形雄蕊式
  16201. homoecious ==> 单宿主的
  16202. homoemorphy ==> 同形
  16203. homoenergetic ==> 均能,均能
  16204. homoentropic ==> 均熵
  16205. homoeologous chromosomes ==> 部分同源染色体
  16206. homoeomerous lichenes ==> 同层地衣
  16207. homoeosis ==> 同源异形
  16208. homoeothermic animal ==> 同温动物
  16209. homoeotic mutant ==> 同源异形突变型
  16210. homoeotypic division ==> 同型分裂
  16211. homoeotypic mitosis ==> 同型有丝分裂
  16212. homoepitaxial diamond ==> 同质外延金刚石
  16213. homoepitaxy ==> 同质外延
  16214. homoeriodictyol ==> 高圣草素
  16215. homoeroticism ==> 同性性欲
  16216. homoetric(al) pair ==> 同效对
  16217. homofenazine ==> (镇静药)高奋乃静
  16218. homofermentative lactic bacteria ==> 同型乳酸发酵细菌
  16219. homofermentative lactobacilli ==> 同质发酵乳酸杆菌
  16220. homofermenter ==> 同型发酵菌
  16221. homofil ==> 单组分纤维
  16222. homofocal hyperbolic grid ==> 共焦双曲线格网
  16223. homoform ==> 同音形式
  16224. Homog ==> 同种
  16225. Homog.homogeneous ==> 均匀相的,均匀相的
  16226. homogamete ==> 同型配子,同形配子
  16227. homogametic sex ==> 同配性别
  16228. homogamety ==> 配子同型
  16229. homogamy ==> 花型同性,同配生殖,同形花现象
  16230. homogen ==> 均质,均质,均质合金,均质合金
  16231. homogenate ==> 匀浆
  16232. homogeneity ==> 绝对均匀性,均相性,均一性,均匀的,均质,均质性,等质性,齐同性,齐性,同一性,同质性,同种,同质性,同类,同性,均匀性,均质性,同次性=>同質,同種,等質,均質性
  16233. homogeneity analysis ==> 等質性分析
  16234. homogeneity assessment ==> 均一性評価
  16235. homogeneity beam ==> 均匀射束,均匀射束
  16236. homogeneity broadening ==> 均匀展宽,均匀展宽
  16237. homogeneity effect ==> 均質効果
  16238. homogeneity field ==> 均一場
  16239. homogeneity measurement ==> 均質性測定
  16240. homogeneity of concentrate ==> 均相乳油,均相乳油
  16241. homogeneity of demand ==> 需要の同質性
  16242. homogeneity of insulation ==> 绝缘均匀性
  16243. homogeneity of magnetic field ==> 磁場の均一性
  16244. homogeneity of products ==> 商品の同質性
  16245. homogeneity of variance ==> 方差齐性
  16246. homogeneity postulate ==> 同次性の公準
  16247. homogeneity range ==> 均匀性
  16248. homogeneity spoiling pulse ==> 均匀性突变脉冲
  16249. homogeneity test ==> 结构均一性测定,同质性检验
  16250. homogeneity test of variance ==> 方差齐性检验
  16251. homogeneity to the eye ==> 目测均匀性
  16252. homogeneous ==> 同次,同类的,同种,同族的,均相,均相,均一,均质的,均匀的,同类的,齐次的=>同次
  16253. homogeneous (homogenized) alloy ==> 均质合金,均质合金
  16254. homogeneous (uniform) fluid ==> 均匀流体,均匀流体
  16255. homogeneous accretion ==> 齐次增大
  16256. homogeneous alignment ==> 平行排列,均匀排列,均匀排列
  16257. homogeneous alloy ==> 均质合金,均质合金
  16258. homogeneous band ==> 均匀带,均匀带
  16259. homogeneous base transistor ==> 均一ベーストランジスタ
  16260. homogeneous beam ==> 均匀质,均匀电子束,均匀射束
  16261. homogeneous bedding ==> 均匀层理
  16262. homogeneous body ==> 均质体
  16263. homogeneous boundary condition ==> 齐次边界条件
  16264. homogeneous broadened laser ==> 均匀展宽激光器,均匀展宽激光器
  16265. homogeneous broadened laser transition ==> 均匀展宽激光跃迁,均匀展宽激光跃迁
  16266. homogeneous broadening ==> 均匀展宽=>均一な広がり
  16267. homogeneous broadening effect ==> 均匀增宽效应,均匀增宽效应
  16268. homogeneous carburizing ==> 均匀渗碳,均匀渗碳
  16269. homogeneous cargo ==> 同种类货
  16270. homogeneous cargoes ==> 同质货物
  16271. homogeneous catalysis ==> 均相催化,均相催化
  16272. homogeneous catalyst ==> 均相催化剂
  16273. homogeneous cell population ==> 同源细胞群体
  16274. homogeneous chain compound ==> 同素链化合物
  16275. homogeneous chemical equilibrium ==> 单相化学平衡,均相化学平衡
  16276. homogeneous classification ==> 同质分类
  16277. homogeneous coating ==> 均匀镀层,均匀镀层
  16278. homogeneous combustion ==> 均匀燃烧
  16279. homogeneous concrete ==> 均质混凝土,均质混凝土
  16280. homogeneous conductivity ==> 均匀电导率,均匀电导率
  16281. homogeneous deformation ==> 均匀变形
  16282. homogeneous dielectric film ==> 均匀介质膜,均匀介质膜
  16283. homogeneous distribution ==> 均匀分布,单一分布
  16284. homogeneous earth dam ==> 均质土坝,由单一土、砂料填筑的坝,不设斜墙,心墙等防渗体,常在下游坝脚设排水棱体,降低浸润线,提高坝体稳定
  16285. homogeneous electric field ==> 平等電界
  16286. homogeneous enzyme-immunoassay ==> 均相酶免疫试验,均相酶免疫试验
  16287. homogeneous equation ==> 齐次多程,同次方程式=>同次方程式
  16288. homogeneous equilibrium ==> 均相平衡,单纯平衡
  16289. homogeneous ER fluid ==> 均一系ER流体
  16290. homogeneous excitation ==> 均匀激发,均匀激发
  16291. homogeneous expansion ==> 均匀膨胀
  16292. homogeneous field ==> 均匀场
  16293. homogeneous flame ==> 均相火焰,均相火焰
  16294. homogeneous fleece ==> 同质套毛
  16295. homogeneous flow ==> 均相流,均匀流
  16296. homogeneous fluid ==> 均质流体,均质流体
  16297. homogeneous fluidization ==> 均匀流态化
  16298. homogeneous function ==> 齐次函数
  16299. homogeneous group ==> 同类组
  16300. homogeneous immersion ==> 均匀浸润,均匀浸润
  16301. homogeneous immersion fluid ==> 均匀浸液,均匀浸液
  16302. homogeneous insulation ==> 均匀绝缘
  16303. homogeneous integral equation ==> 同次積分方程式
  16304. homogeneous invariant ==> 齐次不等式
  16305. homogeneous ionization chamber ==> 均质电离室,均质电离室
  16306. homogeneous light ==> 单色光
  16307. homogeneous line ==> 均匀谱线,均匀谱线
  16308. homogeneous line broadening ==> 均匀谱线增宽,均匀谱线增宽
  16309. homogeneous linear differential equation ==> 斉次線形微分方程式
  16310. homogeneous linear equation ==> 齐次线性方程
  16311. homogeneous linear restriction ==> 齐次线性约束
  16312. homogeneous liquid membrance ==> 均质液体膜
  16313. homogeneous Markov chain ==> 均匀马尔可夫链,均匀马尔可夫链
  16314. homogeneous Markov process ==> 均匀马尔可夫过程,均匀马尔可夫过程
  16315. homogeneous mass ==> 均质体
  16316. homogeneous material ==> 均质材料,均质材料
  16317. homogeneous medium ==> 均匀介质,均匀介质,均匀媒质,均匀媒质
  16318. homogeneous membrane ==> 均匀膜,均质膜
  16319. homogeneous mesophyll ==> 同形叶肉
  16320. homogeneous mixture ==> 均匀模型
  16321. homogeneous model ==> 均相模型
  16322. homogeneous multiplexed circuit ==> 均匀复用线路,均匀复用线路
  16323. homogeneous network ==> 齐次型网络,同等级网,同机种网络
  16324. homogeneous nonstationary process ==> 齐次非稳定过程
  16325. homogeneous nonstationary time series ==> 齐次非平稳时间序列
  16326. homogeneous nucleation ==> 均质成核,均质成核,同质成核
  16327. homogeneous optical waveguide ==> 均匀光学波导,均匀光学波导
  16328. homogeneous period ==> 同质期
  16329. homogeneous perturbation ==> 均匀扰动,均匀扰动
  16330. homogeneous phase ==> 单相,均匀相,同相
  16331. homogeneous phase measurement ==> 均相测量
  16332. homogeneous poison ==> 均匀核毒物
  16333. homogeneous Poisson process ==> 均匀泊松过程
  16334. homogeneous polynomial ==> 齐次多项式
  16335. homogeneous precipitation ==> 均匀沉淀
  16336. homogeneous product ==> 同质产品
  16337. homogeneous production functions ==> 齐次的生产函数
  16338. homogeneous program ==> 齐次规划
  16339. homogeneous propellant ==> 均质推进剂
  16340. homogeneous radiant energy ==> 均匀辐射能,单色辐射能
  16341. homogeneous radiation ==> 均匀辐射
  16342. homogeneous radiation thermometer ==> 单色辐射温度计
  16343. homogeneous ray ==> 单色射线,均匀射线,同形射线
  16344. homogeneous ray tissue ==> 同形射线组织
  16345. homogeneous reaction ==> 均相反应,均匀反应,单相反应
  16346. homogeneous reactor ==> 均质反应堆
  16347. homogeneous roof ==> 同质房顶
  16348. homogeneous seal ==> 均质密封
  16349. homogeneous section ==> 均匀段
  16350. homogeneous series ==> 同系列
  16351. homogeneous shear ==> 均匀切变
  16352. homogeneous shield ==> 均匀屏蔽
  16353. homogeneous sintering ==> 单相烧结
  16354. homogeneous social group ==> 同质社会集团
  16355. homogeneous solid solution ==> 均匀固熔体
  16356. homogeneous solution ==> 齐次解
  16357. homogeneous solution-type reactor ==> 均匀溶液反应堆,水锅炉
  16358. homogeneous space ==> 均质空间,齐性空间
  16359. homogeneous steel ==> 均质钢
  16360. homogeneous steel plate ==> 均质钢板
  16361. homogeneous strain ==> 均匀应变
  16362. homogeneous stress ==> 均匀应力
  16363. homogeneous structure in the national economy ==> 同质的国民经济结构
  16364. homogeneous ststem ==> 单相系
  16365. homogeneous system ==> 均相体系,均匀系,齐次组,同机种系统
  16366. homogeneous target ==> 均匀目标
  16367. homogeneous texture ==> 均匀排列结构,平行排列结构
  16368. homogeneous tissue ==> 同形组织
  16369. homogeneous transformation ==> 齐次变换
  16370. homogeneous treatment ==> 均質化処理
  16371. homogeneous tube ==> 整个管,整管
  16372. homogeneous turbulence ==> 均匀紊流,均匀紊流
  16373. homogeneous X-ray ==> 单色X射线
  16374. homogeneously fluidized bed ==> 均匀流化床
  16375. homogeneousness ==> 均质性
  16376. homogenesis ==> 同质
  16377. homogenetic association ==> 同源配对
  16378. homogenetic inductor ==> 同源诱导者
  16379. homogenic ==> 均质的,均质的
  16380. homogenization ==> 均化作用,均化作用,搅匀,等质化,匀化作用,同质化
  16381. homogenization method ==> ホモジナイズ法,均質法
  16382. homogenization of glass ==> 玻璃的匀化
  16383. homogenization of thrombus ==> 血栓同质化
  16384. homogenization temperature ==> 均化温度
  16385. homogenize ==> 均化,匀化,使均匀=>均質
  16386. homogenized alloy ==> 均质合金
  16387. homogenized cream ==> 均质奶油
  16388. homogenized equation ==> 均質流方程式
  16389. homogenized grease ==> 均化润滑脂
  16390. homogenized milk ==> 均质乳,均质乳
  16391. homogenized soil ==> 均质土壤,均质土壤
  16392. homogenizer ==> 均化器,均质器,均质器,乳化机,匀化器,匀浆器,高速搅拌机
  16393. homogenizing ==> 扩散退火
  16394. homogenizing furnace ==> 均化炉,均热炉组
  16395. homogenizing treatment ==> 均匀热处理,匀化处理
  16396. homogenom ==> 同源染色体组
  16397. homogenote ==> 同质基因结合体
  16398. homogenotic merozygote ==> 同质部分合子
  16399. homogentisate ==> 尿黑酸盐
  16400. homogentisate oxidase ==> 尿黑酸氧化酶
  16401. homogentisic acid ==> 尿黑酸,高龙胆酸
  16402. homogentisicase ==> 尿黑酸酶
  16403. homogeny (homogenesis) ==> 同型生殖
  16404. homogeranic acid ==> 高香叶酸
  16405. homogony ==> 花丝同长
  16406. homograde distribution ==> 同度分布
  16407. homograft ==> 同种移植物
  16408. homografting ==> 同种移植术
  16409. homograph ==> 同形词
  16410. homographic solution ==> 对应解
  16411. homography ==> 单应性
  16412. homoharringtonine ==> 高三尖杉酯碱,高粗榧碱
  16413. homohemotherapy ==> 同种血疗法
  16414. homoheteromixis ==> 同株异核生殖
  16415. homoimmune phage ==> 同源免疫噬菌体
  16416. homoiosmotic ==> 恒渗压的
  16417. homoiotherm ==> 温血动物
  16418. homoiothermal animals ==> 恒温动物
  16419. homoiothermic animal ==> 定温动物
  16420. homoiothermism ==> 保持恒温
  16421. homoiothermous ==> 热血动物的
  16422. homoiothermy ==> 保持恒温
  16423. homoiotopic transplantation ==> 同边移植
  16424. homoisocitric acid ==> 高异柠檬酸
  16425. homoisoleucine ==> 高异亮氨酸
  16426. Homoistela ==> 拟箭果核
  16427. homojunction ==> 单质结,同类结,同质结=>ホモ接合
  16428. homojunction laser ==> 同质结激光器
  16429. homojunction structure ==> 单质结结构
  16430. homokaryocyte ==> 同核细胞
  16431. homokaryosis(homocaryosis) ==> 同核异常增多
  16432. homokaryotic protoplast ==> 同核原生质体
  16433. homokeratoplasty ==> 同种角膜成形术
  16434. homolecithal egg ==> 均黄卵,均黄卵
  16435. homolinalool ==> 高芳樟醇
  16436. homologate ==> 同意
  16437. homologen ==> 同系物
  16438. homologenetic induction ==> 同源诱导作用
  16439. homological algebra ==> 同调代数
  16440. homological dimension ==> 同调维数
  16441. homological figures ==> 同源图形
  16442. homological functor ==> 同调函子
  16443. homological mapping ==> 同调映射
  16444. homological properties ==> 同调性质
  16445. homologically connected space ==> 同调连通空间
  16446. homologically finite filtration ==> 同调有限滤子
  16447. homologisation ==> 同源
  16448. homologization ==> 均裂作用,均裂作用
  16449. homologization (homologisation) ==> 对应线对
  16450. homologize ==> 同系
  16451. homologous ==> 同系的,同源的,同族,对应的
  16452. homologous alternation of generations ==> 同源世代交替
  16453. homologous angles ==> 同调角
  16454. homologous antiserum ==> 同种抗血清
  16455. homologous chromatids ==> 同源染色单体
  16456. homologous chromosome ==> 同源染色体
  16457. homologous chromosome substitution ==> 同源染色体取代
  16458. homologous chromosomes ==> 同形异色体,纯系染色体
  16459. homologous compounds ==> 同系物
  16460. homologous edges ==> 同调棱
  16461. homologous elements ==> 同调元素
  16462. homologous faces ==> 同调面
  16463. homologous field ==> 同系场,同族场
  16464. homologous gaseous sphere ==> 同模气体区
  16465. homologous immunization ==> 同种免疫
  16466. homologous line pair ==> 均称线对,均称线对
  16467. homologous lines ==> 均称谱线,均称谱线,同调线
  16468. homologous pair ==> 同系线对,对应线对
  16469. homologous pairing ==> 同源配对
  16470. homologous point ==> 同调点
  16471. homologous radio burst ==> 同系射电暴
  16472. homologous series ==> 同系列,同源系列群落
  16473. homologous series of hydrocarbon ==> 同类烃
  16474. homologous serum ==> 同种血清
  16475. homologous serum hepatitis ==> 同种血清性肝炎
  16476. homologous serum jaundice ==> 同系血清黄疸,同种血清性肝炎
  16477. homologous sides ==> 同位边,对应边
  16478. homologous star ==> 同系星
  16479. homologous terms ==> 同调项
  16480. homologous theory ==> 同源论,同源学说
  16481. homologous to zero ==> 同调于零
  16482. homologous transformation ==> 同调变换
  16483. homologous tumor ==> 同型性瘤
  16484. homologous variation ==> 同源变异
  16485. homologous waves ==> 同系波
  16486. homolographic projection ==> 等面积投影,相应投影
  16487. homologue ==> 相应物,同调,同系物,同源包体,同种组织,相同器官
  16488. homologue distribution ==> 同族体分布
  16489. homologue gene ==> ホモログ遺伝子
  16490. homologues compound ==> 同系物
  16491. homologus ==> 相应的
  16492. homology ==> 相当,相互影射,导体同形,异体同形,同调,同系,同系现象,同源,同源现象
  16493. homology base ==> 同调基
  16494. homology boundary ==> 同调边缘
  16495. homology boundary homomorphism ==> 同调边缘同态
  16496. homology class ==> 同调类
  16497. homology covering surface ==> 同调的覆盖面
  16498. homology dimension ==> 同调维
  16499. homology exact sequence ==> 同调正合序列
  16500. homology functor ==> 同调函子
  16501. homology group ==> 同调群
  16502. homology manifold ==> 同调流形
  16503. homology module ==> 同调模
  16504. homology of chromosome ==> 染色体同源
  16505. homology ring ==> 同调环
  16506. homology spectral sequence ==> 同调谱序列
  16507. homology sphere ==> 同调球
  16508. homology structure ==> 同调结构
  16509. homology system ==> 同调系
  16510. homology theory ==> 同调论=>ホモロジー理論
  16511. homology transformation ==> 同调变换
  16512. homology type ==> 同调型
  16513. homolycorine ==> 高石蒜碱
  16514. homolysis ==> 均裂,均裂
  16515. homolytic reaction ==> 均裂反应,均裂反应
  16516. homomangiferin ==> 高芒果甙
  16517. homomartonite ==> 高马炸药
  16518. homomenthone ==> 高薄荷酮
  16519. homomergic flow ==> 均能流,均能流
  16520. homomethionin ==> 高蛋氨酸
  16521. homometric pair ==> 同效对
  16522. homometric(al) ==> 同度量
  16523. homomixis ==> 同源融合
  16524. homomorph ==> 同态象
  16525. homomorpha ==> 同形变态
  16526. homomorphic bivalent ==> 同形二价体
  16527. homomorphic chromosome ==> 同形染色体
  16528. homomorphic filter ==> 同态滤波器
  16529. homomorphic filtering ==> 同态滤波
  16530. homomorphic function ==> 同态函数
  16531. homomorphic image ==> 同态象
  16532. homomorphic inverse filtering ==> 同态反滤波
  16533. homomorphic mapping ==> 同态映射,同形映射
  16534. homomorphism ==> 同晶形现象,同态,同形性,异质同晶
  16535. homomorphism group ==> 同态群
  16536. homomorphism interpolation theorem ==> 同态内插定理
  16537. homomorphism module ==> 同态模
  16538. homomorphism ring ==> 同态环
  16539. homomorphosis ==> 同形新生
  16540. homomorphous nymph ==> 同形若虫
  16541. homomorphs ==> 同形体
  16542. homomorphy ==> 同形性
  16543. Homomyaria ==> 同柱目
  16544. homomycin ==> 潮霉素,匀潮霉素
  16545. Homoneura ==> 轭翅亚目
  16546. homonicotinic acid ==> 高烟酸
  16547. homonomial organ ==> 同名器官
  16548. homonomous segmentation ==> 同律分节
  16549. homonomy ==> 同律性
  16550. homonuclear diatomic molecule ==> 同核双原子分子
  16551. homonuclear double resonance ==> 同核双共振
  16552. homonuclear lock signal ==> 同核锁信号
  16553. homonuclear molecule ==> 同核分子,共核分子
  16554. homonym ==> 异物同名,同名物
  16555. homonymous hemianopsia ==> 同侧偏盲
  16556. homonymy ==> 同义
  16557. homoousia ==> 同一性
  16558. homopantothenic acid ==> 高泛酸
  16559. homopause ==> 湍流层顶
  16560. homoperiodic ==> 齐周期
  16561. homophase ==> 同相
  16562. homophasic reproduction ==> 同世代生殖
  16563. homophil ==> 亲同种抗体
  16564. homophilic ==> 亲同种抗原的
  16565. homophone ==> 同音字母
  16566. homophonic enciphering ==> 同音异字编码
  16567. homophony ==> 同音
  16568. homophoric acid ==> 高樟脑酸
  16569. homophorone ==> 高佛尔酮
  16570. homophyletic ==> 同株
  16571. homophyllous plant ==> 同型叶植物
  16572. homophytic ==> 同株的
  16573. homopinol ==> 高蒎醇
  16574. homoplantaginin ==> 高车前甙
  16575. homoplasmon ==> 同质体
  16576. homoplasmy ==> 同型异源性
  16577. homoplastic ==> 非同源相似的
  16578. homoplastic graft ==> 同种嫁接
  16579. homoplasty ==> 同种移植术
  16580. homoplasy ==> 同型,趋同性
  16581. homopleural transplantation ==> 同侧移植
  16582. homoploid ==> 同倍体
  16583. homoploidy ==> 同倍性
  16584. Homopoda ==> 同足亚纲
  16585. homopolar ==> 同极,单极的=>同極の
  16586. Homopolar ==> 同极器
  16587. homopolar alternator ==> 单级同步发电机
  16588. homopolar bind ==> 同极键联
  16589. homopolar binding ==> 等極結合
  16590. homopolar bond ==> 共价键,同极键,均极键,均极键,无极键,无极性键=>等極結合
  16591. homopolar bonding ==> 等極結合
  16592. homopolar colloid ==> 同极性胶体
  16593. homopolar component ==> 零序分量,单极性分量
  16594. homopolar crystal ==> 同极晶体
  16595. homopolar dynamo ==> 同极发电机,单极发电机
  16596. homopolar field magnet ==> 同极场磁铁
  16597. homopolar generator ==> 单极发电机=>単極発電機
  16598. homopolar generator electromagnetic pump ==> 同极发电机式电磁泵
  16599. homopolar HVDC system ==> 同极高压直流输电系统
  16600. homopolar link ==> 无极性键
  16601. homopolar machine ==> 单极电机
  16602. homopolar magnet ==> 单极磁铁,同极磁铁
  16603. homopolar molecule ==> 单极分子
  16604. homopolar motor ==> 单极电动机
  16605. homopolar polymer ==> 同极聚合物
  16606. homopolar power ==> 零序功率
  16607. homopolar tachogenerator ==> 单极测速发电机
  16608. homopolar valency ==> 无极价
  16609. homopolymer ==> 均聚体,均聚物,均聚物,同聚物
  16610. homopolynucleotide ==> 同聚核苷酸
  16611. homopolysaccharide ==> 同多糖
  16612. Homoptera ==> 同翅目
  16613. homopteran ==> 同翅昆虫
  16614. homopterist ==> 同翅目专家
  16615. homopycnal flow ==> 等密度流
  16616. homoreactant ==> 同种反应物
  16617. homoretene ==> 高惹烯
  16618. homorrhagic factor ==> 出血因子
  16619. homoscedastic table ==> 同方差表
  16620. homoscedasticity ==> 同方差性
  16621. Homosclerophora ==> 同骨亚目
  16622. homoseis ==> 同震线
  16623. homoseismal line ==> 同震线
  16624. homoserine ==> 同丝氨酸,高丝氨酸
  16625. homosexual ==> 同性恋者
  16626. homosexual panic ==> 同性恋恐慌
  16627. homosexuality ==> 同性性欲
  16628. homospecificity ==> 同特异性,同种特异性
  16629. homosphere ==> 均匀气层,均匀气层,均质层,均质层
  16630. homosporangic ==> 同形子囊的
  16631. homospory ==> 孢子同型
  16632. homostachydrine ==> 高水苏碱
  16633. homostasis ==> 同态
  16634. homostephanoline ==> 高千金藤酚碱
  16635. homostimulant ==> 同种刺激剂
  16636. homostimulation ==> 同种刺激法
  16637. homostrobe ==> 零差频选通,零拍闸门
  16638. homosulfaminum ==> 磺胺灭脓
  16639. homosulfanilamide mafenide ==> 高磺胺
  16640. homosulphamine ==> 磺胺咪隆
  16641. homosynapsis ==> 同型联会
  16642. homosyndesis ==> 同型联合
  16643. homotaxial ==> 等列
  16644. homotelinite ==> 结构腐殖体
  16645. homoterpenylic acid ==> 高萜酸
  16646. homothallic ==> 单元雌雄同株的,同宗配合的
  16647. homothallism ==> 同宗配合
  16648. homothermal ==> 恒温的,温血的
  16649. homothermal animal ==> 温血动物
  16650. homothetic axis ==> 同位相似轴
  16651. homothetic centre ==> 同位相似中心,相似中心
  16652. homothetic conics ==> 同位相似二次曲线
  16653. homothetic correspondence ==> 同位相似对应
  16654. homothetic curves ==> 同位相似曲线
  16655. homothetic figures ==> 同位相似图形
  16656. homothetic paths ==> 同位相似道路
  16657. homothetic ratio ==> 同位相似比
  16658. homothetic solutions ==> 同位相似解
  16659. homothetic triangle ==> 同位相似三角形
  16660. homothetic work-hardening ==> 同位相似加工硬化
  16661. homotope ==> 同族素
  16662. homotopic chain-mapping ==> 同伦链映射
  16663. homotopic critical point ==> 同伦临界点
  16664. homotopic geodesic line ==> 同伦测地线
  16665. homotopic mapping ==> 同伦映射
  16666. homotopic paths ==> 同伦道路
  16667. homotopic to zero morphism ==> 同伦于零射
  16668. homotopically ==> 同伦地
  16669. homotopically equivalent spaces ==> 同伦等价空间
  16670. homotopy ==> 同伦,伦移=>ホモトピー
  16671. homotopy addition ==> 同伦加法
  16672. homotopy addition theorem ==> 同伦加法定理
  16673. homotopy axiom ==> 同伦公理
  16674. homotopy boundary homomorphism ==> 同伦边缘同态
  16675. homotopy boundary operation ==> 同伦边缘运算
  16676. homotopy category ==> 同伦范畴
  16677. homotopy class ==> 同伦类,对路径同伦类
  16678. homotopy classification ==> 同伦分类=>ホモトピー分類
  16679. homotopy classification problem ==> 同伦分类问题
  16680. homotopy coboundary operation ==> 同伦上边缘运算
  16681. homotopy cochain ==> 同伦上链
  16682. homotopy continuation ==> ホモトピー連続
  16683. homotopy continuation method ==> ホモトピー連続法
  16684. homotopy equivalence ==> 同伦等价
  16685. homotopy equivalent systems ==> 同伦等价系
  16686. homotopy exact sequence ==> 同伦正合序列
  16687. homotopy extension property ==> 同伦扩张性
  16688. homotopy extension theorem ==> 同伦扩张定理
  16689. homotopy functions ==> ホモトピー関数
  16690. homotopy group ==> 同伦群
  16691. homotopy groups ==> 同伦群
  16692. homotopy invariance theorem ==> 同伦不变性定理
  16693. homotopy invariant ==> 同伦不变量
  16694. homotopy obstruction ==> 同伦障碍
  16695. homotopy operations ==> 同伦运算
  16696. homotopy sequence ==> 同化序列
  16697. homotopy set ==> 同伦集
  16698. homotopy sphere ==> 同伦球面
  16699. homotopy system ==> 同伦系
  16700. homotopy theorem ==> 同伦定理
  16701. homotopy theory ==> 同伦理论,同伦论=>ホモトピー論
  16702. homotopy type invariant ==> 同伦型不变量
  16703. homotransplant ==> 同种移植物
  16704. homotrilobine ==> 异木防己碱,异三裂碱
  16705. homotropic enzyme ==> 亲同酶
  16706. homotropic inheritance ==> 获得性遗传
  16707. homotropy ==> 同向弯曲式
  16708. homotype ==> 同范,同型,等模标本
  16709. homotypic(al) cortex ==> 同型皮质
  16710. homotypic(al) division ==> 同型分裂
  16711. homotypic(al) effect ==> 同型作用
  16712. homotyposis ==> 同型原理
  16713. homotypy ==> 同型性
  16714. homovanillic acid (HVA) ==> 高香草酸
  16715. homovitamin A ==> 高维生素A
  16716. homozoic ==> 同种动物的
  16717. homozygosis ==> 纯质性
  16718. homozygosity ==> 纯合性
  16719. homozygote ==> 纯合体,纯合子,同型合子,同型接合体,同质接合子
  16720. homozygotic state ==> 纯合子状态
  16721. homozygous ==> 纯合的
  16722. homozygous gene ==> 纯合基因
  16723. homozyous seed ==> 纯合种子
  16724. HONDA ==> ホンダ
  16725. Honda ==> 本田
  16726. Honda alloy ==> 本多磁钢,本多镍钴钛系磁钢
  16727. Honda steel ==> 本多磁钢
  16728. hondamycin ==> 宏大霉素
  16729. honded strain gauge ==> 粘贴式应变计
  16730. hondrometer ==> 粒度计
  16731. Honduras mahogany ==> 洪都拉斯桃花心木
  16732. hone ==> 细磨石,磨刀石,磨孔器,磨石,珩磨,珩磨机
  16733. hone out ==> 去毛刺
  16734. hone spacing block ==> 磨刀石隔块
  16735. hone stone ==> 珩磨块
  16736. honed finish ==> 搪磨后的表面
  16737. honed finishing ==> 搪磨
  16738. honer ==> 搪磨机
  16739. honest error ==> 诚实的错误
  16740. honest goods at honest price ==> 货真价实
  16741. honest material ==> 好料
  16742. honey ==> 蜜,蜂蜜=>はちみつ
  16743. honey ant ==> 小蚁
  16744. honey bag ==> 蜜囊
  16745. honey butter ==> 加密黄油
  16746. honey centrifuge ==> 甩蜜机,摇蜜机,分蜜机
  16747. honey comb ==> 蜂巢
  16748. honey comb like ==> 蜂巢状的
  16749. honey comb structure ==> 蜂巢状结构
  16750. honey comb structure laminate ==> 蜂窝状层压器
  16751. honey combing ==> 蜂窝裂
  16752. honey cup ==> 蜜腺
  16753. Honey Dew melon ==> 白兰瓜
  16754. honey extractor ==> 摇蜜机,分蜜机,甩蜜机
  16755. honey flow ==> 蜜流季节
  16756. honey fungus ==> 蜜环菌
  16757. honey guide ==> 蜜指标
  16758. honey harvest ==> 采蜜期
  16759. honey of various flowers ==> 百花蜜
  16760. honey peach ==> 蜜桃,水蜜桃
  16761. honey plant ==> 蜜源植物
  16762. honey poisoning ==> 蜂蜜中毒
  16763. honey press ==> 压蜜机
  16764. honey presser ==> 压蜜机,蜂蜜压出机
  16765. honey ripener ==> 蜂蜜熟化器
  16766. honey separator ==> 分蜜机
  16767. honey suppository ==> 蜜煎导
  16768. honey tube ==> 蜜管
  16769. honey-extractor ==> 蜂蜜分离器
  16770. honey-gold ==> 蜜黄色
  16771. honey-leaf ==> 蜜叶
  16772. honey-stomach ==> 蜜胃
  16773. honeybee (Apis mellifera) ==> 蜜蜂
  16774. honeybush ==> 蜜树茶=>ハニーブッシュ
  16775. honeycomb ==> 蜜蜂巢,整流栅,蜂房,蜂窝,梳状,蜂窝型=>整流格子,ハニカム状
  16776. honeycomb base ==> 蜂窝底托
  16777. honeycomb blister ==> 蜂窝气泡
  16778. honeycomb board ==> 蜂窝夹心胶合板
  16779. honeycomb bonded structure ==> 蜂窝胶合结构
  16780. honeycomb briquet ==> 蜂窝煤
  16781. honeycomb cellualr structrue ==> 蜂窝结构
  16782. honeycomb ceramics ==> 蜂窝陶瓷
  16783. honeycomb check ==> 蜂窝裂缝
  16784. honeycomb clinker ==> 蜂巢状烧结块
  16785. honeycomb coil ==> 蜂巢线圈,蜂房式线圈,蜂房线圈,网格线圈=>ハネカムコイル
  16786. honeycomb collimator ==> 蜂房型准直器
  16787. honeycomb concrete ==> 蜂窝混凝土
  16788. honeycomb coral ==> 蜂窝珊瑚
  16789. honeycomb core ==> 蜂窝芯子
  16790. honeycomb core material ==> 蜂窝夹层材料
  16791. honeycomb core panel ==> 蜂窝填心板
  16792. honeycomb core plywood ==> 蜂窝夹心胶合板
  16793. honeycomb corrosion ==> 蜂窝状腐蚀
  16794. honeycomb cracks ==> 蜂窝状裂纹
  16795. honeycomb duct ==> 导流管
  16796. honeycomb electrostatic storage ==> 蜂房式静电存储器
  16797. honeycomb fashion ==> 蜂窝式
  16798. honeycomb filter ==> 蜂窝式过滤器
  16799. honeycomb formation ==> 蜂窝状构造
  16800. honeycomb labyrinth seal ==> 蜂巢状迷宫式密封
  16801. honeycomb lung ==> 蜂窝肺
  16802. honeycomb memory ==> 蜂房式存槠器,蜂房形存储器
  16803. honeycomb metal ==> 蜂巢状金属
  16804. honeycomb model ==> 蜂巢模型
  16805. honeycomb module ==> 蜂巢微型组件
  16806. honeycomb network ==> はちの巣状網
  16807. honeycomb pattern ==> 蜂窝形图案
  16808. honeycomb plywood ==> 蜂窝夹心胶合板
  16809. honeycomb radiator ==> 蜂窝式散热器,蜂窝放热器
  16810. honeycomb rot ==> 蜂窝腐朽
  16811. honeycomb sandwich ==> 多孔夹
  16812. honeycomb sandwich construcion ==> 蜂窝夹层结构
  16813. honeycomb sandwich structure ==> 蜂窝夹层结构
  16814. honeycomb screen ==> 整流格,整流栅
  16815. honeycomb seal ==> 多孔密封
  16816. honeycomb sleeper wall ==> 蜂窝式地龙墙
  16817. honeycomb storage ==> 蜂窝式存储器
  16818. honeycomb structure ==> 蜂窝夹层结构
  16819. honeycomb structure transducer ==> 蜂窝结构换能器
  16820. honeycomb tubesheet ==> 蜂窝状管板
  16821. honeycomb wall ==> 蜂窝墙,蜂窝式地龙墙,蜂窝状墙,地龙墙
  16822. honeycomb weathering ==> 蜂窝状风化
  16823. honeycomb weave ==> 蜂巢组织
  16824. honeycomb winding ==> 蜂房绕组
  16825. honeycomb-type house ==> 蜂窝式房屋
  16826. honeycombed ==> 蜂窝形
  16827. honeycombed casting ==> 多气泡铸件
  16828. honeycombed checks ==> 蜂窝状裂纹
  16829. honeycombed wall ==> 蜂窝式墙
  16830. honeycombing ==> 蜂窝现象,蜂窝状的,木材龟裂,内裂
  16831. honeycombing of brush ==> 电刷中形成细孔
  16832. honeycombing of wood ==> 木材龟裂
  16833. honeydew ==> 蜜露
  16834. honeyed ==> 甘い,お世辞の
  16835. honeyed bolus ==> 蜜丸
  16836. honeyed pill ==> 蜜丸
  16837. honeystone ==> 蜜蜡石
  16838. honeysuckle ==> (金银花)忍冬
  16839. honeysuckle flower ==> 金银花
  16840. honeysuckle ornament ==> 刃冬饰
  16841. Honeysuckle Stem ==> 金银藤
  16842. Hong Kong Air Quality Objectives (HKAQO) ==> 香港空气质素指针
  16843. Hong Kong Awards for Industry--Environmental Performance ==> 香港工业奖──环保表现奖
  16844. Hong Kong Building Environmental Assessment Method (HK-BEAM) ==> 香港建筑环境评审法
  16845. Hong Kong currency ==> 港币
  16846. Hong Kong dollar ==> (符号为HK)港元
  16847. Hong Kong Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme for Household Refrigerator Appliances ==> 香港雪柜能源效益卷标计划
  16848. Hong Kong Environment: A Green Challenge for the Community, The (Second Review of the 1989 White Paper: Pollution in Hong Kong--A Time to Act) ==> 《香港环境──齐创绿色新环境》(一九八九年白皮书对抗污染莫迟疑第二次检讨)
  16849. Hong Kong Experience in Clean Production, The ==> 《香港在低污染生产方面的经验》
  16850. Hong Kong Island East Refuse Transfer Station ==> 港岛东废物转运站
  16851. Hong Kong Island West Refuse Transfer Station ==> 港岛西废物转运站
  16852. Hong Kong Livestock Industry Association ==> 香港禽畜业联会
  16853. Hong Kong Marine Biology Association ==> 香港海洋生物协会
  16854. Hong Kong Marine Conservation Society ==> 香港海洋环境保护协会
  16855. Hong Kong Meteorological Society ==> 香港气象学会
  16856. Hong Kong Noise Ordinance ==> 香港噪音条例
  16857. Hong Kong Strategic Sewage Disposal Plan ==> 香港策略性污水排放计划
  16858. Hong Kongs Progress with Waste Reduction ==> 《香港的废物消减进展》
  16859. Hongkong foot ==> 足癣
  16860. honing ==> 珩磨,金属表面磨损,磨石磨孔法,搪磨,珩磨加工
  16861. honing clearance grooves ==> 磨头退出槽
  16862. honing device ==> 磨孔装置
  16863. honing head ==> 磨气缸机头,搪磨头,珩刀架,珩磨头
  16864. honing machine ==> 珩床,珩磨机,条石磨孔机,搪磨机,磨气缸机,油石珩磨机
  16865. honing stick ==> 镗磨油石,镗磨油石
  16866. honing stone ==> 珩磨块
  16867. honing stroke ==> 镗磨行程,镗磨行程
  16868. honing tool ==> 镗磨头,镗磨头
  16869. honk ==> 汽车喇叭声
  16870. honokiol ==> 和厚朴酚
  16871. honor ==> 荣耀
  16872. honor agreement ==> 名誉契约
  16873. honor contract ==> 名誉契约
  16874. honor policy ==> 名誉保险单,信用保险单
  16875. honorary ==> 名誉的
  16876. honorary advisor ==> 名誉顾问
  16877. honorary director ==> 名义董事
  16878. honorary doctor ==> 名誉博士
  16879. honorary member ==> 名誉会员
  16880. honored ==> 已承兑
  16881. honour policy ==> 信誉保险单
  16882. honourary office ==> 名誉职务
  16883. honourary post ==> 名誉职位
  16884. hood ==> 罩,遮板,遮光板,护罩,防护罩,帽,帽盖,无底坩埚,通风柜,通风帽,拔气罩,机罩,风帽=>フード,カバー,覆い
  16885. hood anti-squeak ==> 发动机罩减声片
  16886. hood bump ==> 发动机罩挡
  16887. hood catch ==> 机罩卡钩
  16888. hood connecting rod ==> 车篷连杆
  16889. hood face ==> 曲面
  16890. hood fastener ==> 罩子挂钩,机罩卡钩
  16891. hood for fumes ==> 集气罩
  16892. hood for vehicle ==> 车篷
  16893. hood for vehicle engine ==> 车辆引擎罩
  16894. hood hinge ==> 机罩铰链
  16895. hood hinge rod bracket ==> 机罩的铰链拉杆支架
  16896. hood jettison ==> 座舱盖抛放
  16897. hood lacing ==> 机罩衬带
  16898. hood latch ==> 机罩闩
  16899. hood ledge lacing ==> 机罩减震垫片
  16900. hood lock ==> 机罩锁
  16901. hood lock handle ==> 机罩关锁手柄
  16902. hood lock handle spring ==> 机罩锁把弹簧
  16903. hood lock hook ==> 罩锁钩
  16904. hood lock latch ==> 机罩锁闩
  16905. hood lock plate ==> 机罩锁板
  16906. hood loss ==> 排气缸损失,排气管损失
  16907. hood mo(u)lding fastener ==> 罩嵌条钩扣
  16908. hood moulding ==> 发动机罩嵌线装饰
  16909. hood operating cylinder ==> 带有罩子的操作气缸
  16910. hood pad ==> 罩垫
  16911. hood release lever ==> 盲目飞行座舱盖释放手柄
  16912. hood safety lock ==> 发动机罩安全拉钩
  16913. hood side ==> 机罩侧面
  16914. hood side panel ==> 车头罩侧板
  16915. hood side under panel ==> 机罩下侧板
  16916. hood side upper panel ==> 机罩上侧板
  16917. hood support ==> 机罩支架
  16918. hood support bumper ==> 发动机罩托架防撞器
  16919. hood test ==> 护罩试验,罩盖法试验
  16920. hood top panel ==> 车头罩顶板
  16921. hood ventilator ==> 帽形通风筒
  16922. hood webbing ==> 机罩折边
  16923. hood wing ==> 机罩侧翼
  16924. hood wrap ==> 罩盖程度
  16925. hood-type annealing furnace ==> 罩式退火炉
  16926. hooded ball casters ==> 家用脚轮
  16927. hooded impeller ==> 闭式叶轮
  16928. hooded jacket ==> 风雪衣
  16929. hoof foot ==> 蹄形家具腿
  16930. hoof oil ==> 牛脚油
  16931. hoof print ==> 蹄印
  16932. hoof shovel ==> 蹄形松土铲
  16933. hoof trimming ==> 修蹄
  16934. hoof-and-horn meal ==> 蹄骨粉,蹄角粉
  16935. hoof-pick ==> 蹄签
  16936. hook ==> 钩,挂钩,吊钩,弯钩,弯曲沙嘴,钩,钩形物,钩状刃口,钩子,爪,扣钩,沙钩=>フック,ホック,鍵
  16937. hook (hooked) bolt ==> 弯钩螺栓
  16938. hook and butt joint ==> 钩扣连接
  16939. hook and eye ==> 钩扣铰链,钩与螺旋扣眼
  16940. hook and eye hinge ==> 钩和铰链,钩扣铰链
  16941. hook and triangular plate ==> 吊钩和三角形板
  16942. hook angle ==> 前角
  16943. hook block ==> 吊杆滑轮组,带钩滑车
  16944. hook bolt ==> 钩头螺栓=>フックボルト
  16945. hook chain ==> 钩链
  16946. hook collector ==> 钩形集电极
  16947. hook conveyer ==> 钩式运输机
  16948. hook effect ==> フック効果
  16949. hook elements ==> フック要素
  16950. hook end ==> フック端
  16951. hook eye ==> 钩眼
  16952. hook feed ==> 钩式送料
  16953. hook feeder ==> 钩式送料装置
  16954. hook file ==> 钩形信件整理器
  16955. hook for cleaning chips ==> 刨花钩,切屑钩
  16956. hook foundry nail ==> 型箱用钩头钉
  16957. hook function ==> フック関数
  16958. hook gage ==> 钩尺
  16959. hook gantry crane ==> 吊钩龙门吊
  16960. hook gauge ==> 钩规,钩形测针,管压力表
  16961. hook groin ==> 钩形丁坝,钩状丁坝
  16962. hook groyne ==> 钩形丁坝,钩状丁坝
  16963. hook guard ==> 保护器架
  16964. hook hasket ==> 钩筐
  16965. hook height ==> 吊钩提升高度=>フック高
  16966. hook hitch ==> 挂钩
  16967. hook housing ==> 钩架
  16968. hook joint ==> 钩环接头,钩接,钩接合,钩扣连接,钩式接头
  16969. hook joint chain ==> 钩接链
  16970. hook junction ==> 钩结
  16971. hook key ==> 钩形扳手
  16972. hook lever ==> 翻木机
  16973. hook link chain ==> 钩链
  16974. hook loom ==> 提花织机
  16975. hook nail ==> 钩钉,集索环
  16976. hook operation ==> 线路中继操作
  16977. hook phototransistor ==> 钩形光电晶体管
  16978. hook pin ==> 钩销,绝缘子弯脚钉,绝缘子弯脚钉
  16979. hook plate ==> 钩板,钩头垫板
  16980. hook rebate ==> 钩头企口槽
  16981. hook release circuit ==> 钩释放电路
  16982. hook scale ==> 带钩尺
  16983. hook scraper ==> 钩形刮刀
  16984. hook screw ==> 钩头螺钉,带钩螺钉
  16985. hook spanner ==> 钩形扳手
  16986. hook stick ==> 钩棒,操作杆
  16987. hook switch ==> 钩键,挂钩开关,叉簧
  16988. hook teuder ==> 斜井上下把钩
  16989. hook tool ==> 钩形刀具
  16990. hook tooth ==> 棘轮齿
  16991. Hook transistor ==> 霍克晶体管
  16992. hook turn-over device ==> 钩式翻钢机
  16993. hook type airless shot blasting machine ==> 单钩真空抛丸清理机
  16994. hook type crane ==> 钩式起重机
  16995. hook type current transformer ==> 钩形变流
  16996. hook up ==> 挂钩,试验接续图
  16997. hook wall packer ==> 悬吊式堵塞器
  16998. hook well floating packer ==> 注水井用悬挂式堵塞器
  16999. hook worm ==> 钩口线虫
  17000. hook wrench ==> 钩形扳手
  17001. Hook's spring ==> 虎克弹簧
  17002. hook-like structure ==> 似钩状构造
  17003. hook-on ==> 钳形
  17004. hook-on instrument ==> 钩接式仪表,悬挂式仪表
  17005. hook-on type meter ==> 钩接式仪表
  17006. hook-out carved lacquer article ==> 彩绘勾刀漆器
  17007. hook-shaped structure ==> 钩曲构造
  17008. hook-supported plug-in bus way ==> 装在吊钩上的插接式母线
  17009. hook-switch ==> フックスイッチ
  17010. hook-tooth file ==> 平行齿半圆锉
  17011. hook-tooth sprocket gear ==> 不可逆链轮
  17012. hook-type current transformer ==> 钩形变流器=>フック形変流器
  17013. hook-type stripper ==> 钩式卸料板
  17014. hook-wall packer ==> 壁钩型封隔器
  17015. Hookah type diving apparatus ==> 水面供气式潜水装具
  17016. Hooke ==> 胡克,英国科学家胡克=>フック
  17017. Hooke number ==> 柯西数
  17018. Hooke's (universal) joint ==> 万向联轴节
  17019. Hooke's constant ==> フックの定数
  17020. Hooke's coupling ==> 虎克接头
  17021. Hooke's joint ==> 普通万向节
  17022. hooke's joint ==> 万向接头
  17023. Hooke's law ==> 虎克定律=>フックの法則
  17024. Hooke's universal joint ==> 虎克万向联轴器
  17025. Hooke, R.Hooke ==> 1635-1703,英国科学家
  17026. Hookean deformation ==> 胡克变形
  17027. Hookean solid ==> 胡克固体
  17028. Hookean spring ==> 线性弹簧
  17029. hooked ==> かぎにかかって,かぎの付いた,絡み付いた,夢中になって,麻薬中毒の,既婚の
  17030. hooked bar ==> 钩筋,弯钩钢筋,带弯钩钢筋
  17031. hooked beak ==> かぎ形のくちばし
  17032. hooked bolt ==> 弯钩螺栓,钩螺栓
  17033. hooked end of bar ==> 钢筋弯钩端
  17034. hooked ends ==> 尾端弯钩
  17035. hooked foundation bolt ==> 弯钩地脚螺栓
  17036. hooked joint ==> 密缝接合
  17037. hooked nail ==> 曲钉,钩钉
  17038. hooked plates ==> 单页插图
  17039. hooked rule ==> 钩规
  17040. hooked scraper ==> 钩形刮刀
  17041. hooked sole plate ==> 钩形底板
  17042. hooked spike ==> 钩头道钉
  17043. hooked spit ==> 弯曲沙嘴
  17044. hooked tommy ==> 圆螺帽钩头扳手
  17045. hooked-groin contraction works ==> 钩形丁坝束水工程
  17046. hooker ==> 挂钩,码布机
  17047. Hooker cell ==> 胡克式电解槽
  17048. Hooker diaphragm cell ==> 胡克隔膜电解池
  17049. Hooker extrusion method ==> 虎克挤压法
  17050. Hooker HRS 16 ==> 除螨灵
  17051. Hooker process ==> 虎克薄壁管挤压法,正向冲击挤压法
  17052. Hookeriales ==> 油藓目
  17053. Hookes coupling ==> 虎克接头
  17054. Hookes law ==> 胡克定律,虎克定律
  17055. Hookes universal joint ==> 虎克万向联轴器
  17056. hooking ==> 屏幕变形=>フッキング
  17057. hooking machine ==> 码布机
  17058. hooklet of echinococcus ==> 棘球蚴钩
  17059. hooklet of hydatid cyst ==> 棘球蚴钩
  17060. hookup ==> 试验电路,联结装置,联系,连接,接续图,专用布置
  17061. hookup drawing ==> 接続図,配線配管図
  17062. hookup mechanism ==> 连接装置,连结装置
  17063. hookup wire ==> 单连线,布线用电线,安装线,架空电线
  17064. hookworm ==> 钩虫
  17065. hookworm anemia ==> 钩虫病贫血
  17066. hookworm disease ==> 钩虫病
  17067. hookworm infection ==> 钩虫传染
  17068. hookworm of sheep ==> 仰口线虫
  17069. hookworm ovum ==> 钩虫卵
  17070. hookwrench ==> 带钩扳子,带钩螺钉钻子
  17071. hoop ==> 环,环箍
  17072. hoop antenna ==> 环形天线
  17073. hoop bamboo ==> 箍篾
  17074. hoop cutter ==> 环状割刀
  17075. hoop guard ==> 防护夹子
  17076. hoop iron ==> 箍钢,带钢
  17077. hoop iron band ==> 箍铁皮
  17078. hoop mill ==> 箍铁轧机,带钢压延机,带轧机
  17079. hoop reinforcement ==> 箍筋
  17080. hoop rolling mill ==> 带钢轧机
  17081. hoop steel ==> 箍钢带
  17082. hoop strain ==> 环向应变
  17083. hoop stress ==> 环向应力,周向应力,圆周应力
  17084. hoop tension ==> 箍拉力,周张力,环向拉力
  17085. hoop type heater ==> 环形管式加热器,环形炉管重整炉
  17086. hoop-driving machine ==> 打箍机
  17087. hoop-drop relay ==> 落弓式继电器
  17088. hoop-linked chain ==> 连环链
  17089. hooped column ==> 箍筋柱,箍柱,环柱
  17090. hooper door ==> 进料斗盖
  17091. Hoopes process ==> 胡普斯法
  17092. hoot-collector ==> 开关式集电极
  17093. Hoover ==> 真空吸尘器
  17094. hoover apron ==> 护士工作服
  17095. hop ==> 免费搭乘,传输部分,啤酒花藤,跳跃,跳迁=>ホップ(電波)
  17096. hop aphid (phorodon humuli) ==> 蛇麻疣额蚜
  17097. hop clover ==> 蛇麻草
  17098. hop cone ==> 啤酒花穗
  17099. hop downy mildew ==> 啤酒花霜霉病
  17100. hop fibre ==> 啤酒花纤维
  17101. hop flea beetle (Psylliodes punctulatus) ==> 蛇麻跳甲
  17102. hop fly ==> 蛇麻蚜虫
  17103. hop garden ==> 蛇麻园
  17104. hop kiln ==> ホップ乾燥炉
  17105. hop mash ==> 啤酒花麦芽浆
  17106. hop off ==> 起飞
  17107. hop picker ==> 啤酒花脱果机
  17108. hop pillow ==> (做芯子的)蛇麻草枕头
  17109. hop pocket ==> 蛇麻草袋
  17110. hop residue ==> 啤酒花渣
  17111. hop skywave ==> 反射天波
  17112. hop stripper ==> 啤酒花摘取机
  17113. hop-fibre cloth ==> 蛇麻草纤维织物
  17114. hopan tortoise ==> 合板龟
  17115. hopance ==> 藿烷
  17116. hopantenic acid ==> 胡泮酸
  17117. hoparon ==> 枸橼酸铁,枸橼酸铁
  17118. hopcalite ==> 霍布卡拉特,浩咖炸药
  17119. Hopcide ==> 害扑威
  17120. hope ==> 期望,沼泽中干地
  17121. Hope sapphire ==> 人工尖晶石
  17122. Hope's sign ==> 侯普氏征
  17123. HOPE, H-2 orbiting plane ==> H-2ロケット打上げ型有翼回収機
  17124. HOPE, Human Oriented Open Control System ==> HOPE
  17125. HOPE-X, H-IIA Orbiting Plane Experimental ==> 宇宙往還技術試験機
  17126. hopeite ==> 磷锌矿
  17127. hopelessly ==> すごく
  17128. Hopes sign ==> 侯普氏征
  17129. Hopf bifurcation ==> ホップ分岐
  17130. hopfnerite ==> 透闪石
  17131. hophornbeam ==> 铁木
  17132. Hopkinson demand rate ==> ホプキンソン需要料金
  17133. Hopkinson effect ==> ホプキンソン効果
  17134. Hopkinson test ==> 背靠背试验
  17135. hopkinson's coefficient ==> 磁链系数
  17136. hoplivac ==> 麻疹减毒活疫苗
  17137. Hoplonemertini ==> 针纽虫目
  17138. hopped-up engine ==> 强力发动机,加力式发电机
  17139. hopper ==> 集尘箱,仓斗,储卡箱,储片盒,开底式泥驳,接受阀,接受器,给料器,贮斗,贮煤器,贮水槽,贮液槽,漏斗,漏斗车,定量给料器=>ホッパ
  17140. hopper ash pan ==> 斗形灰盘
  17141. hopper barge ==> 开底泥驳船,泥舱船=>ホッパー船
  17142. hopper base ==> 箱底,料斗支架
  17143. hopper blower ==> 带贮料斗的吹送器
  17144. hopper body ==> 活底车
  17145. hopper bottom freight car ==> 底卸式货车
  17146. hopper car ==> 底卸式车,底卸式车辆
  17147. hopper chute ==> 漏斗式斜槽,滑槽
  17148. hopper container ==> 漏斗货柜
  17149. hopper dredger ==> 自航式挖泥船,泥舱式挖泥船
  17150. hopper dryer ==> 加料斗干燥器
  17151. hopper feed ==> 漏斗进料
  17152. hopper feedback ==> 选料斗
  17153. hopper feeder ==> 料斗送料器
  17154. hopper filter ==> 钟式滤水器
  17155. hopper flange ==> 料斗法兰
  17156. hopper freight car ==> 底卸式货车
  17157. hopper gritter ==> 斗式铺砂机
  17158. hopper head ==> 雨水斗
  17159. hopper light ==> 内推下旋式窗扇
  17160. hopper lining ==> 装料斗衬里
  17161. hopper loader ==> 料斗式装载机
  17162. hopper opener ==> 棉箱开棉机
  17163. hopper opening ==> 漏斗口
  17164. hopper planter ==> 箱斗式播种机
  17165. hopper scale ==> 自动戽斗定量秤,库秤
  17166. hopper slide ==> 漏斗滑板
  17167. hopper slope ==> 斗壁倾角
  17168. hopper spreader ==> 斗式粒料撒布机,斗式撒布机
  17169. hopper truck ==> 斗式卡车,料斗车
  17170. hopper wagon ==> 底卸车,带头推车
  17171. hopper wall vibrator ==> 仓壁振动器
  17172. hopper window ==> 外推上悬窗
  17173. hopper(bottom) car ==> 漏底车
  17174. hopper-bottom car ==> 底卸式车辆
  17175. hopper-bottomed bin ==> 漏斗式料斗
  17176. hopper-cooled ==> 连续水冷却的
  17177. hopper-on-rails ==> 行车式料斗
  17178. hopper-on-rails type ==> 轨承行斗式
  17179. hopper-type feeder ==> 箱斗式饲槽
  17180. hopperfeed ==> 料斗供料机
  17181. hopping ==> 免费搭车,免费搭乘,跳动,跳跃
  17182. hopping conduction ==> 漂移电导=>ホッピング伝導
  17183. hopping film scanner ==> 跳光栅式电视电影扫描器,跳光栅式扫描
  17184. hopping height ==> 跳躍高さ
  17185. hopping height control ==> 跳躍高さ制御
  17186. hopping model ==> 跳跃模型
  17187. hopping photoconduction ==> 跳动光电导
  17188. hopping process ==> 跳动过程
  17189. hopping robot ==> ホッピングロボット
  17190. hopping telecine machine ==> 跳光栅式电视电影机
  17191. hoppit ==> 提升大吊桶
  17192. Hoppler rolling ball viscosimeter ==> 郝普勒落球粘度计
  17193. Hoppler viscosimeter ==> 郝普勒落球粘度计
  17194. hoppus ton ==> 哈波士吨
  17195. hops ==> 酒花,酒花
  17196. hops oil ==> 啤酒花油
  17197. hopsack ==> 方平织物
  17198. hopsack weave ==> 席纹组织
  17199. Hopside ==> 害扑威
  17200. HOR Horizontal ==> 水平(的)
  17201. Hor Horologium ==> とけい座
  17202. hor propagation ==> 跳跃传播
  17203. horadiam drilling ==> 水平辐射状钻孔
  17204. Horiba ==> 堀場
  17205. horizon ==> 地层,地平,地平面,地平圈,地平线,水平,土层,层,层位
  17206. horizon analysis ==> 投資計画期間分析
  17207. horizon autonavigator ==> 水平自动导航仪
  17208. horizon bar ==> 水平棒
  17209. horizon camera ==> 水平摄影机,水平式摄影机,地平摄影机
  17210. horizon circle ==> 地平经仪
  17211. horizon closure ==> 水平闭合差
  17212. horizon coordinate ==> 地平坐标
  17213. horizon dial ==> 水平标度盘
  17214. horizon dip ==> 地平俯角
  17215. horizon distance ==> 水平距离
  17216. horizon effect ==> 神界效率
  17217. horizon glass ==> 水平玻璃观察孔,地平镜
  17218. horizon light ==> 水平光
  17219. horizon lights ==> 地平线标志灯
  17220. horizon line ==> 地平线
  17221. horizon marker ==> 标准层位
  17222. horizon mining ==> 水平开采,多水平开采法
  17223. horizon mirror ==> 水平镜
  17224. horizon of soil ==> 土层
  17225. horizon plain ==> 地平面
  17226. horizon plane ==> 地平面,水平面
  17227. horizon prism ==> 水平棱镜
  17228. horizon range ==> 水平距离
  17229. horizon sample ==> 水平试样
  17230. horizon scan ==> 水平搜索
  17231. horizon scanner ==> 水平线跟踪系统
  17232. horizon sensor ==> 水平传感器,地平传感器,地平仪
  17233. horizon system ==> 水平坐标系统
  17234. horizon system of coordinates ==> 地平坐标系
  17235. horizon tracker ==> 水平线跟踪系统
  17236. horizon transmission ==> 直接视距传输
  17237. horizon-seeking stabilization ==> 水平瞄准稳定
  17238. horizonal refraction ==> 地平大气折射
  17239. horizonally focusing quadrupole ==> 水平聚焦四极透镜
  17240. horizonally focusing sector ==> 水平聚焦扇块
  17241. horizonally interlaced dot ==> 水平交错点
  17242. horizonally opposed flat-four engine ==> 水平对置式四缸发动机
  17243. horizonally polarized receiving antenna ==> 水平极化接收天线
  17244. horizonally projected jet ==> 水平射流
  17245. horizonally split ==> 水平剖分
  17246. horizonally split casing ==> 水平剖分式机壳
  17247. horizonally-polarized antenna ==> 水平偏振天线
  17248. horizonally-polarized array ==> 水平极化天线阵
  17249. horizonally-polarized non-directional antenna ==> 水平极化无方向性天线
  17250. horizonally-polarized wave ==> 水平偏振波
  17251. horizontal ==> 水平物,水平线,横的,横平的,横向的=>水平的
  17252. horizontal (double action) oil hydraulic ==> 卧式油压机
  17253. horizontal (double action) oill hydraulic press ==> 卧式双动油压机
  17254. horizontal (rotary)pyrites burner ==> 卧式硫铁矿回转炉
  17255. horizontal (steering)magnet ==> 水平导向磁铁
  17256. horizontal (storage) tank ==> 卧式贮罐
  17257. horizontal (type) ==> 卧式
  17258. horizontal acceleration ==> 水平加速度
  17259. horizontal adjustment ==> 水平调整
  17260. horizontal aerial ==> 水平天线
  17261. horizontal air collector ==> 卧式集气罐
  17262. horizontal air pump ==> 卧式气泵
  17263. horizontal alignment ==> 水平线向,水平校准
  17264. horizontal aligument ==> 水平对准
  17265. horizontal amplifier ==> 水平扫描信号放大器
  17266. horizontal amplitude ==> 水平幅度
  17267. horizontal amplitude adjustment ==> 水平幅度调整
  17268. horizontal analysis ==> 水平分析
  17269. horizontal and vertical parity check ==> 水平垂直パリティチェック
  17270. horizontal and vertical parity check code ==> 水平和垂直奇偶检验码,阵码
  17271. horizontal angle brace ==> 水平隅撑
  17272. horizontal angle of deviation ==> 水平偏向角
  17273. horizontal antenna ==> 水平天线=>水平アンテナ
  17274. horizontal aperture correction ==> 水平孔径校正
  17275. horizontal arbor ==> 水平柄轴
  17276. horizontal arch element ==> 拱环
  17277. horizontal arrangement ==> 水平配列
  17278. horizontal array ==> 水平阵
  17279. horizontal astigmatism compensator ==> 水平象散补偿器
  17280. horizontal astigmatism corrector ==> 水平象散校正器
  17281. horizontal asymptote ==> 水平渐近线
  17282. horizontal attitude ==> 水平姿态
  17283. horizontal auger ==> 卧式土钻机,卧钻
  17284. horizontal axis ==> 水平轴
  17285. horizontal axis concrete mixer ==> 水平轴混凝土拌和机
  17286. horizontal axis rotor ==> 水平轴风轮=>水平軸風車ロータ
  17287. horizontal axis wind turbine ==> 横轴风车
  17288. horizontal balanced reciprocating compressor ==> 对称平衡往复压缩机
  17289. horizontal balancing machine ==> 卧式平衡机
  17290. horizontal band sawing machine ==> 卧式带锯机
  17291. horizontal bandwidth ==> 水平带宽
  17292. horizontal bar ==> 水平条,单杠
  17293. horizontal bar & parallel bars ==> 单双杠
  17294. horizontal bar control ==> 水平条信号控制
  17295. horizontal bar generator ==> 水平条信号发生器,横条信号发生器
  17296. horizontal bar induction ==> 水平软铁磁感应
  17297. horizontal barrel distortion ==> 水平桶形失真
  17298. horizontal base-line method ==> 水平基线法
  17299. horizontal beam ==> 水平梁,水平束
  17300. horizontal beam deflection ==> 电子注的平面偏移
  17301. horizontal beam hole ==> 水平束孔
  17302. horizontal beam size ==> 水平束的截面大小
  17303. horizontal beam width ==> 水平射束宽度=>水平ビーム幅(レーダ)
  17304. horizontal beamwidth ==> 射束水平宽度
  17305. horizontal bed ==> 水平基床
  17306. horizontal bed type milling machine ==> 水平床身式铣床
  17307. horizontal bedding ==> 水平层理
  17308. horizontal belt conveyer ==> 平带运输机,卧式胶带运输机
  17309. horizontal belt conveyor ==> 卧式运输带
  17310. horizontal bench drill ==> 卧式台钻
  17311. horizontal bicycle stand ==> 水平自行车架
  17312. horizontal blackout period ==> 水平消隐脉冲周期,行扫描熄灭脉冲时间,行消隐周期
  17313. horizontal blanking ==> 行熄灭,行消隐,水平电子束熄灭,水平熄灭,水平消隐
  17314. horizontal blanking impulse ==> 水平消隐脉冲
  17315. horizontal blanking interval ==> 水平扫描消隐时间,水平消隐间隔,行消隐时间
  17316. horizontal blanking level ==> 水平消隐电平
  17317. horizontal blanking multivibrator ==> 水平消隐多谐振荡器
  17318. horizontal blanking period ==> 水平回描消隐时期,水平回扫消隐时间
  17319. horizontal blanking pulse ==> 水平消隐脉冲
  17320. horizontal blanking signal ==> 水平帰線消去信号
  17321. horizontal blanking time ==> 水平消隐时间
  17322. horizontal blasting ==> 水平爆破
  17323. horizontal blind ==> 水平软百叶
  17324. horizontal block ==> 卧式卷线筒
  17325. horizontal boat ==> 水平舟
  17326. horizontal boat-shaped crucible ==> 水平舟形坩埚
  17327. horizontal boiler ==> 卧式锅炉
  17328. horizontal bombing ==> 水平轰炸
  17329. horizontal borehole pressure recorder ==> 水平钻孔压力记录器
  17330. horizontal borehole profile ==> 水平钻孔断面
  17331. horizontal borer ==> 卧式钻孔机
  17332. horizontal boring ==> 水平镗孔
  17333. horizontal boring and milling machine ==> 卧式镗铣床
  17334. horizontal boring and turning mill ==> 卧式镗床
  17335. horizontal boring machine ==> 卧式镗床
  17336. horizontal bottom furnace ==> 平炉底炉膛
  17337. horizontal bow ==> 横弓
  17338. horizontal box furnace ==> 卧式箱形炉
  17339. horizontal brace ==> 横拉条,水平撑,水平横撑
  17340. horizontal branch ==> 水平根,水平枝,水平支,水平支管
  17341. horizontal branch pipe ==> 水平支管
  17342. horizontal breadth ==> 水平厚度
  17343. horizontal break switch ==> 水平断路开关
  17344. horizontal bridging ==> 水平搁栅撑
  17345. horizontal broaching machine ==> 卧式拉床
  17346. horizontal buffer ==> 横向缓冲器
  17347. horizontal bus ==> 水平母线
  17348. horizontal camera ==> 水平照相机
  17349. horizontal cell ==> 水平细胞
  17350. horizontal center line ==> 水平中心线
  17351. horizontal centering ==> 水平中心调整
  17352. horizontal centering alignment ==> 水平中心调整
  17353. horizontal centering amplifier ==> 水平定心放大器
  17354. horizontal centering control ==> 水平对中控制,水平居中调整,水平中心控制=>水平位置調節
  17355. horizontal centering potentiometer ==> 水平定心电位计,水平中心位置电位器
  17356. horizontal centrifugal casting machine ==> 卧式离心浇铸机
  17357. horizontal centrifugal pump ==> 卧式离心泵
  17358. horizontal centrifugal screen ==> 卧式离心筛
  17359. horizontal centrifuge ==> 卧式离心机
  17360. horizontal centring ==> 水平合轴
  17361. horizontal chaining ==> 水平丈量
  17362. horizontal chamber furnace (oven) ==> 卧式炉
  17363. horizontal channel ==> 水平通道
  17364. horizontal character ==> 横向字符
  17365. horizontal charge ==> 平放锭料
  17366. horizontal chassis ==> 水平底盘
  17367. horizontal check ==> 水平検査
  17368. horizontal check valve ==> 水平逆止阀
  17369. horizontal checkout ==> 水平测试,水平测试
  17370. horizontal chromatography ==> 水平色谱法
  17371. horizontal chucking multi-spindle ==> 卧式多轴夹盘车床
  17372. horizontal circle ==> 水平刻度盘,地平面,地平圈
  17373. horizontal circular chromatography ==> 水平圆环色谱
  17374. horizontal city ==> 水平式城市
  17375. horizontal cladding ==> 水平外挂墙板
  17376. horizontal clamping ==> 水平脉冲箝位,水平钳位
  17377. horizontal clamping screw ==> 水平制动螺钉
  17378. horizontal cleaner ==> 卧式滑净装置
  17379. horizontal clearance ==> 横向净宽,水平净空
  17380. horizontal cleavage ==> 横裂
  17381. horizontal closure ==> 水平郁闭
  17382. horizontal closure method ==> 平堵法截流,沿龙口全线抛投截流材料,使饯堤均匀上升的截流
  17383. horizontal coil ==> 水平线圈
  17384. horizontal collimation ==> 水平照准线
  17385. horizontal combination ==> 同业合并,同业联合
  17386. horizontal comparator ==> 水平比测计,水平比测器,水平比较仪
  17387. horizontal competition ==> 同业竞争
  17388. horizontal component ==> 水平成分
  17389. horizontal component of electric field ==> 水平电场
  17390. horizontal component seismograph ==> 水平地震仪
  17391. horizontal compressor ==> 卧式压缩机
  17392. horizontal condenser ==> 卧式冷凝器
  17393. horizontal cones ==> 卧式宝塔筒子
  17394. horizontal constitution ==> 水平垒结
  17395. horizontal continuous-acting auger press ==> 卧式连续动作螺旋压榨机
  17396. horizontal contour corrector ==> 水平轮廓校正器
  17397. horizontal contour signal ==> 水平轮廓信号
  17398. horizontal control ==> 水平控制,平面控制
  17399. horizontal convergence ==> 水平会聚
  17400. horizontal convergence circuit ==> 水平会聚电路
  17401. horizontal convergence coil ==> 水平会聚线圈
  17402. horizontal convergence control ==> 水平收敛调整
  17403. horizontal convergence current ==> 水平会聚电流
  17404. horizontal conveyer screen ==> 卧式运输筛
  17405. horizontal coordinate ==> 水平坐标
  17406. horizontal coordinate system ==> 地平坐标系
  17407. horizontal coordinates ==> 地平坐标
  17408. horizontal cordon ==> 水平单干形
  17409. horizontal corn binder ==> 卧捆式玉米割捆机
  17410. horizontal cornice ==> 水平挑檐
  17411. horizontal counterblow hammer ==> 卧式无钻座锤
  17412. horizontal coupling ==> 水平联轴节
  17413. horizontal covergence shape control ==> 水平会聚形状控制
  17414. horizontal cross brace ==> 水平剪刀撑
  17415. horizontal cross-section ==> 水平截面
  17416. horizontal crosscut ==> 水平运输平巷掘进
  17417. horizontal crusher ==> 卧式破碎机
  17418. horizontal crystal growth ==> 横拉法
  17419. horizontal current (air) classifier ==> 水平流分级机
  17420. horizontal current density component ==> 水平电流密度分量
  17421. horizontal curvature ==> 水平曲率
  17422. horizontal curve ==> 水平断面曲线
  17423. horizontal cut ==> 水平掏槽,横向缺口
  17424. horizontal cut and fill stoping ==> 水平分层充填采矿法
  17425. horizontal cylinder ==> 水平圆柱
  17426. horizontal cylinder dryer ==> 卧式圆筒烘燥机
  17427. horizontal cylinder drying machine ==> 卧筒干燥机
  17428. horizontal cylindrical tank ==> 卧式圆筒形储罐,卧式圆形油罐
  17429. horizontal damp-proof course ==> 水平防潮层
  17430. horizontal damping ==> 水平阻尼
  17431. horizontal danger angle ==> 水平方向危险角,水平方向危险角
  17432. horizontal decision matrix ==> 水平决策矩阵
  17433. horizontal deephole drilling machine ==> 卧式深孔钻床
  17434. horizontal definition ==> 水平清晰度
  17435. horizontal deflection ==> 水平偏转=>水平偏向
  17436. horizontal deflection amplifier ==> 水平偏转放大管,水平致偏放大器
  17437. horizontal deflection amplifier tube ==> 水平偏转放大管
  17438. horizontal deflection coil ==> 水平偏转线圈
  17439. horizontal deflection control ==> 水平偏转调整
  17440. horizontal deflection electrode ==> 水平偏转电极
  17441. horizontal deflection oscillator ==> 水平偏转振荡器
  17442. horizontal deflection osillator ==> 水平偏转振荡器
  17443. horizontal deflection stage ==> 水平偏转级
  17444. horizontal deflection system ==> 水平偏转系统
  17445. horizontal deflection tube ==> 水平偏转输出管
  17446. horizontal deflection unit ==> 水平偏转单元
  17447. horizontal deflection waveform ==> 水平偏转波型
  17448. horizontal deflection yoke ==> 水平偏转线圈
  17449. horizontal delay ==> 行延迟线
  17450. horizontal delivery ==> (气流)水平流动
  17451. horizontal dentoalveolarfiber ==> 水平位牙槽纤维
  17452. horizontal departure ==> 水平偏差
  17453. horizontal detail ==> 水平清晰度,行清晰度
  17454. horizontal development ==> 水平展开
  17455. horizontal deviation ==> 水平偏差
  17456. horizontal deviation accuracy ==> 水平偏转准确度
  17457. horizontal dial feed ==> 水平转盘送料
  17458. horizontal diamond boring machine ==> 卧式钻石镗床
  17459. horizontal die slotting machine ==> 卧式冲模插床
  17460. horizontal difference table ==> 水平式差分表
  17461. horizontal diffusion ==> 水平扩散
  17462. horizontal diffusion furnace ==> 卧式扩散炉
  17463. horizontal digester ==> 卧式蒸煮器
  17464. horizontal dip slip ==> 水平倾滑
  17465. horizontal dipole ==> 水平偶极子
  17466. horizontal dipole sounding ==> 水平偶极测深
  17467. horizontal direction ==> 水平方向,水平偏转,行偏转
  17468. horizontal directive tendency (H.D.T.) ==> 水平方向性
  17469. horizontal discharge tube ==> 水平放电管
  17470. horizontal disk crusher ==> 卧式圆盘破碎机
  17471. horizontal disk separator ==> 卧式圆盘种子清选机
  17472. horizontal dislocation ==> 水平断错
  17473. horizontal dispersion of interference colours ==> 干涉色的水平色散
  17474. horizontal displacement ==> 水平变位,水平位移,走向滑距
  17475. horizontal disposition ==> 横列排,横排列
  17476. horizontal distance ==> 水平距离
  17477. horizontal distribution ==> 水平分布,水平配光曲线
  17478. horizontal ditch ==> 水平沟
  17479. horizontal divergence ==> 水平发散度,水平散度
  17480. horizontal divergent-nozzle pump ==> 水平发散喷嘴扩散泵
  17481. horizontal double antenna ==> 水平对称天线
  17482. horizontal draft ==> 横吸式
  17483. horizontal draft carburetor ==> 横吸式汽化器
  17484. horizontal draw-out metalclad switchgear ==> 水平抽出的铠装开关装置
  17485. horizontal drift ==> 水平漂移
  17486. horizontal drill press ==> 卧式钻床
  17487. horizontal drilling ==> 水平钻孔
  17488. horizontal drilling machine ==> 卧式钻床
  17489. horizontal drive ==> 水平传动,水平激励,水平推动,水平运输平巷掘进,行驱动
  17490. horizontal drive control ==> 水平推动控制
  17491. horizontal drive stage ==> 水平推动级
  17492. horizontal driver ==> 水平偏转激励器
  17493. horizontal driving ==> 行起动信号
  17494. horizontal driving impulse ==> 水平推动脉冲
  17495. horizontal driving signal ==> 水平推动信号
  17496. horizontal drying machine ==> 卧式烘干机
  17497. horizontal duct ==> 水平导管
  17498. horizontal duplex drill ==> 卧式双轴钻床
  17499. horizontal dynamic amplitude ==> 水平动态幅度
  17500. horizontal dynamic amplitude control ==> 水平动态振幅控制
  17501. horizontal dynamic convergence ==> 水平动态会聚,水平动态会聚校正
  17502. horizontal dynamic focusing ==> 水平动态聚焦
  17503. horizontal earth pressure ==> 水平土压力
  17504. horizontal earth rate ==> 水平地球速率
  17505. horizontal earthboring machine ==> 横向钻孔机
  17506. horizontal edger ==> 卧式轧边机
  17507. horizontal efficiency ==> 水平扫描效率,行扫描效率
  17508. horizontal electric field ==> 水平電界
  17509. horizontal electrochemical forming machine ==> 卧式电解成形机
  17510. horizontal electrode ==> 水平接地極
  17511. horizontal elutriator ==> 卧式淘析器
  17512. horizontal emittance ==> 水平发射度
  17513. horizontal engine ==> 卧式发动机
  17514. horizontal epitaxial furnace ==> 卧式外延炉
  17515. horizontal epitaxial reactor ==> 水平外延反应管
  17516. horizontal equilibrium ==> 水平平衡
  17517. horizontal equity ==> 纳税横向均等
  17518. horizontal error ==> 水平误差
  17519. horizontal escapement ==> 工字轮式擒纵机构
  17520. horizontal evaporator ==> 卧式蒸发器
  17521. horizontal exaggeration ==> 水平放大
  17522. horizontal extent ==> 水平范围
  17523. horizontal extruder ==> 卧式挤压机
  17524. horizontal extrusion presses ==> 卧式挤压机
  17525. horizontal face plate ==> 水平旋台
  17526. horizontal fault ==> 水平断层
  17527. horizontal feed ==> 水平进给,水平馈送
  17528. horizontal feed chipper ==> 水平进料削片机
  17529. horizontal fibre ==> 水平纤维
  17530. horizontal field balance ==> 水平磁力仪
  17531. horizontal field of fire ==> 水平射击区
  17532. horizontal field of view ==> 水平视野
  17533. horizontal fieldstrength diagrams ==> 水平场强图
  17534. horizontal fillet weld ==> 横向角缝焊接
  17535. horizontal fillet welding ==> 水平角焊
  17536. horizontal filter paper chromatography ==> 水平滤纸色谱
  17537. horizontal filter-well ==> (排水井)水平滤井
  17538. horizontal fin ==> 水平安定面,水平散热筋,横翅
  17539. horizontal fineboring machine ==> 卧式精镗床
  17540. horizontal fire grate ==> 水平炉篦
  17541. horizontal firing ==> 水平燃烧
  17542. horizontal fish finder ==> 水平探鱼仪
  17543. horizontal fissure of right lung ==> 右肺水平裂
  17544. horizontal flail slasher ==> 水平甩链式茎杆切碎机
  17545. horizontal flange ==> 水平法兰面,水平中分面
  17546. horizontal flow ==> 水平流
  17547. horizontal flow chart ==> 水平流程图
  17548. horizontal flow cooler ==> 平流冷却器
  17549. horizontal flow electrostatic precipitator ==> 水平静电式除尘器
  17550. horizontal flow nozzle ==> 水平流动型喷管
  17551. horizontal flow settling basin ==> 水平流沉淀池
  17552. horizontal flue ==> 水平烟道
  17553. horizontal flyback ==> 水平回描
  17554. horizontal flyback period ==> 水平回扫周期
  17555. horizontal flyback pulse ==> 水平面回扫脉冲
  17556. horizontal flyback sweep ==> 水平回扫
  17557. horizontal flyback time ==> 水平回扫时间
  17558. horizontal flyback transformer ==> 水平回扫变压器
  17559. horizontal focus ==> 水平聚焦
  17560. horizontal focusing ==> 水平聚焦
  17561. horizontal fold ==> 非倾伏褶曲
  17562. horizontal force ==> 横向力,水平力
  17563. horizontal force instrument ==> 水平磁强仪
  17564. horizontal forging machine ==> 卧式锻造机
  17565. horizontal format ==> 横向格式
  17566. horizontal forming shoe ==> 水平摆锻锤头
  17567. horizontal frame ==> 水平框架
  17568. horizontal frame saw ==> 横框锯,卧式框锯
  17569. horizontal frame saw mill ==> 卧式框锯制材厂
  17570. horizontal frequency ==> 横扫频率
  17571. horizontal frequency divider ==> 行频分频器
  17572. horizontal gallery camera ==> 卧式制版照相机
  17573. horizontal gas coke ==> 卧炉焦
  17574. horizontal gas pass ==> 水平烟道,专用于从省煤器等区域烟道处抽取一部分低温烟气送入炉膛进行烟气再循环的风机。
  17575. horizontal gear ==> 平齿轮
  17576. horizontal generator ==> 卧式静电加速器
  17577. horizontal girder ==> 水平桁
  17578. horizontal girder gate ==> 横梁式闸门
  17579. horizontal glazing bar ==> 玻璃横格条
  17580. horizontal grate ==> 水平炉篦
  17581. horizontal grizzly ==> 水平格筛
  17582. horizontal guy ==> 水平拉线
  17583. horizontal hair ==> 横丝
  17584. horizontal heart ==> 横位心
  17585. horizontal hobbing machine ==> 卧式滚齿机
  17586. horizontal hold ==> 水平同步,行同步
  17587. horizontal hold control ==> 行频调整,行同步调整
  17588. horizontal hole ==> 水平孔
  17589. horizontal hone ==> 卧式磨床
  17590. horizontal hum bars ==> 水平哼声干扰条纹
  17591. horizontal hunting ==> 图像水平摆动
  17592. horizontal hydraulic jack ==> 卧式油压千斤顶
  17593. horizontal hydraulic press ==> 卧式液力压榨机
  17594. horizontal hydrogen resistance furnace ==> 卧式氢气电阻炉
  17595. horizontal hydrogenerator ==> 卧式水轮发电机,主轴水平方向布置的水轮发电机
  17596. horizontal IC ==> 水平集成电路
  17597. horizontal illuminance ==> 水平面照度
  17598. horizontal illumination ==> 水平面照度
  17599. horizontal image ==> 水平图像
  17600. horizontal indexing ==> 水平指引
  17601. horizontal induction ==> 水平磁感应
  17602. horizontal induction furnace ==> 卧式感应加热炉
  17603. horizontal induction motor ==> 卧式感应电动机
  17604. horizontal ingot ==> 水平锭料
  17605. horizontal integration ==> 横向联营,同业合并,同业联合
  17606. horizontal intensity ==> 水平強度
  17607. horizontal intensity chart ==> 水平强度分布图
  17608. horizontal intensity isoporic charts ==> 水平强度等磁变线图
  17609. horizontal intensity variometer ==> 水平磁强变感器,水平强度磁变仪
  17610. horizontal intercooled ammonia converter ==> 卧式中间冷却氨合成塔
  17611. horizontal intersection ==> 水平交会
  17612. horizontal interval ==> 水平间隔
  17613. horizontal inverter ==> 水平反向器,水平偏转换向器
  17614. horizontal iron roller rice mill ==> 横式铁辊碾米机
  17615. horizontal isomagnetic chart ==> 水平强度等磁力线图
  17616. horizontal isotherm ==> 水平等温线
  17617. horizontal jitter ==> 水平晃动
  17618. horizontal joint ==> 水平缝,水平接头
  17619. horizontal joint flange ==> 水平中分面法兰
  17620. horizontal keying pulse ==> 水平键控脉冲
  17621. horizontal keystone correction ==> 水平梯形畸变校正
  17622. horizontal kier ==> 卧式煮炼锅
  17623. horizontal kiln ==> 卧式窑,水平窑
  17624. horizontal kneeand-column type milling machine ==> 卧式升降台铣床
  17625. horizontal labor union ==> 同业工会
  17626. horizontal ladder ==> 卧式梯,水平梯
  17627. horizontal lamination ==> 水平纹层
  17628. horizontal landing ==> 水平着陆
  17629. horizontal lateral ==> 水平侧枝
  17630. horizontal lathe ==> 卧式车床
  17631. horizontal lattice ==> 水平帘子
  17632. horizontal launching ==> 水平发射
  17633. horizontal laying ==> 水平敷设
  17634. horizontal layout ==> 平面布置
  17635. horizontal length of tee ==> 三通横长
  17636. horizontal lens angle ==> 透镜水平角
  17637. horizontal lever ==> 水平杠杆
  17638. horizontal light beam adjusting screw ==> 水平光调节螺钉
  17639. horizontal light component ==> 水平光分量,光波水平分量
  17640. horizontal limeit ==> 水平极限
  17641. horizontal line ==> 水平线,平线
  17642. horizontal line frequency ==> 水平扫描频率
  17643. horizontal line of sight ==> 水平视线
  17644. horizontal line pattern recognition ==> 水平線検出
  17645. horizontal linearity ==> 水平线性,行扫描线性
  17646. horizontal linearity coil ==> 水平线性调整线圈
  17647. horizontal load ==> 水平载荷
  17648. horizontal loading ==> 水平荷载
  17649. horizontal lock ==> 水平锁相,行锁相
  17650. horizontal lode ==> 水平矿脉
  17651. horizontal loop method ==> 水平线圈法
  17652. horizontal louvres ==> 水平百叶窗
  17653. horizontal low-pass filtering action ==> 水平低通滤波作用
  17654. horizontal machine ==> 卧式电机
  17655. horizontal machining center with pallet ==> 带工作台的卧式加工中心
  17656. horizontal magnetic intensity ==> 水平磁力强度
  17657. horizontal magnetic needle ==> 水平磁针
  17658. horizontal magnetometer ==> 水平磁力仪,水平磁强仪
  17659. horizontal magnification factor ==> 水平放大率
  17660. horizontal manhole ==> 水平人孔
  17661. horizontal mark computing system ==> 横向标记计数方式
  17662. horizontal member ==> 水平构件
  17663. horizontal merger ==> 同业合并
  17664. horizontal microinstruction ==> 横向微指令
  17665. horizontal micrometer ==> 卧式测微仪
  17666. horizontal microprogram ==> 水平微程序,直接控制微程序
  17667. horizontal microprogramming ==> 水平微程序设计
  17668. horizontal miller ==> 卧式铣床
  17669. horizontal milling ==> 水平铣
  17670. horizontal milling machine ==> 卧式铣床
  17671. horizontal mixer ==> 卧式搅拌机
  17672. horizontal moment ==> 水平力矩
  17673. horizontal momentum ==> 水平分动量
  17674. horizontal motion ==> 水平运动
  17675. horizontal motion seismograph ==> 水平运动地震仪
  17676. horizontal motor ==> 卧式电动机
  17677. horizontal multicompartment fluidized bed dryer ==> 卧式多室流化床干燥器
  17678. horizontal multiple layering ==> 水平多式压条,水平复式压条
  17679. horizontal multivibrator ==> 水平扫描多谐振荡器,行扫描多谐振荡器
  17680. horizontal navigation ==> 水平面航行
  17681. horizontal neuron ==> 水平细胞
  17682. horizontal nogging piece ==> 木骨架平顶镶板
  17683. horizontal nozzle ==> 水平接管
  17684. horizontal obstacle sonar (HOS) ==> 水平障碍声纳
  17685. horizontal oil groove ==> 水平油槽
  17686. horizontal oil-firing boiler ==> 卧式燃油锅炉
  17687. horizontal one-stage pump ==> 卧式单级泵
  17688. horizontal opener ==> 卧式开棉机
  17689. horizontal opposed engine ==> 卧式对置发动机
  17690. horizontal opposed reciprocating compressor ==> 卧式往复压缩机,对称平衡往复压缩机
  17691. horizontal ordinate ==> 横坐标
  17692. horizontal oscillating transformer ==> 水平扫描振荡器用变压器
  17693. horizontal oscillator ==> 水平扫描振荡器
  17694. horizontal oscillator circuit ==> 水平扫描振荡电路
  17695. horizontal oscillator tube ==> 水平振荡器
  17696. horizontal output ==> 水平输出,行输出
  17697. horizontal output circuit ==> 水平输出电路
  17698. horizontal output deflection circuit ==> 水平输出偏转电路
  17699. horizontal output pentode ==> 水平输出五极管
  17700. horizontal output stage ==> 水平扫描输出级
  17701. horizontal output transformer ==> 水平输出变压器
  17702. horizontal output tube ==> 水平输出管
  17703. horizontal overlap ==> 水平掩覆
  17704. horizontal overscan ==> 水平过扫描
  17705. horizontal palmette ==> 水平多干枝
  17706. horizontal parabola ==> 水平抛物波
  17707. horizontal parabola control ==> 水平抛物控制
  17708. horizontal parabola dc control voltage ==> 水平抛物波直流控制电压
  17709. horizontal parallax ==> 水平视差,地平视差
  17710. horizontal parallax correction ==> 水平视差校正
  17711. horizontal parallax screw ==> 水平视差螺旋
  17712. horizontal parallax slide ==> 水平视差滑尺
  17713. horizontal parity ==> 横向奇偶性
  17714. horizontal parity check ==> 水平检验,纵向奇偶性检验
  17715. horizontal particle ==> 水平运动粒子
  17716. horizontal parting ==> 水平分模(平锻机)
  17717. horizontal path ==> 水平轨线,水平轧线
  17718. horizontal pattern ==> 水平面指向特性
  17719. horizontal pendulum ==> 水平摆
  17720. horizontal phase ==> 水平相位
  17721. horizontal phase shifter ==> 水平移相器
  17722. horizontal phasing control ==> 水平相位控制,行相位调整
  17723. horizontal photograph ==> 水平摄影
  17724. horizontal pickup ==> 水平检波器
  17725. horizontal picture ==> 水平图像
  17726. horizontal pincushion correction ==> 水平枕形畸变校正
  17727. horizontal pipe ==> 水平管
  17728. horizontal pitman jaw crusher ==> 水平连杆型颚式破碎机
  17729. horizontal plan ==> 水平投影
  17730. horizontal plane ==> 水平面
  17731. horizontal plane machine ==> 卧式刨床
  17732. horizontal planer ==> 卧式刨床
  17733. horizontal planing machine ==> 横刨机
  17734. horizontal plastic injection mo(u)lding machine ==> 卧式塑料注射成型机
  17735. horizontal plate ==> 水平盘
  17736. horizontal plate of palate bone ==> 腭骨水平板
  17737. horizontal plate planter ==> 水平排种盘式播种机
  17738. horizontal platebending machine ==> 卧式弯板机
  17739. horizontal pneumatic press ==> 卧式气力压榨机
  17740. horizontal polarization ==> 水平极化
  17741. horizontal porcupine opener ==> 卧式豪猪开棉机
  17742. horizontal porosity ==> 水平孔隙度
  17743. horizontal position ==> 水平位置,平卧位,横焊位置
  17744. horizontal position control ==> 水平位置調節
  17745. horizontal position dial down ==> 水平位置面下
  17746. horizontal position dial up ==> 水平位置面上
  17747. horizontal position welding ==> 水平焊接,横焊
  17748. horizontal positioning ==> 水平位置调整
  17749. horizontal presses ==> 卧式压床
  17750. horizontal pressure ==> 水平压力
  17751. horizontal pressure foot ==> 水平压板
  17752. horizontal pressure force ==> 水平压力
  17753. horizontal pressure generator ==> 卧式充压型静电加速器
  17754. horizontal pressure leaf filter ==> 水平加压叶滤机
  17755. horizontal prism ==> 水平棱柱
  17756. horizontal profile ==> 水平剖面
  17757. horizontal profiling ==> 水平剖面测量
  17758. horizontal project(ion) ==> 水平投影
  17759. horizontal projected area ==> 水平投影面积
  17760. horizontal projection ==> 水平投影
  17761. horizontal projection echo sounder ==> 水平回声探鱼仪
  17762. horizontal prop leg ==> 卧式支脚
  17763. horizontal pull ==> 水平拉力
  17764. horizontal pulling on machine ==> 卧式套皮壳机
  17765. horizontal pulling technique ==> 水平拉晶技术
  17766. horizontal pulp-current classifier ==> 水平矿浆流分级机
  17767. horizontal pulse ==> 水平脉冲,行脉冲
  17768. horizontal pulse extractor ==> 卧式脉冲萃取器
  17769. horizontal pulse timing ==> 水平脉冲定时,水平脉冲同步
  17770. horizontal pulse width set ==> 水平脉冲宽度调整
  17771. horizontal pump ==> 卧式泵
  17772. horizontal punching machine ==> 卧式冲床
  17773. horizontal pushing jack ==> 横推千斤顶
  17774. horizontal radiation pattern ==> 水平面内的辐射图
  17775. horizontal range ==> 水平射程
  17776. horizontal reactor ==> 卧式反应器
  17777. horizontal reciprocating-table surface grinder ==> 卧式往返工作台平面磨床
  17778. horizontal redundancy check ==> 横向冗余校验
  17779. horizontal reel ==> 卧式卷取机
  17780. horizontal refraction ==> 水平折射,地平折射
  17781. horizontal registration control ==> 水平重合控制
  17782. horizontal reinforcement ==> 水平钢筋
  17783. horizontal relevance tree ==> 水平关联树
  17784. horizontal repetition rate ==> 水平扫描频率,行扫描频率
  17785. horizontal resection ==> 水平后方交会
  17786. horizontal reset ==> 水平复位,行复位
  17787. horizontal reset clock ==> 水平复位时钟
  17788. horizontal resolution ==> 水平分辨,水平分辨力,水平分辨率,水平分解力,行分解力=>水平解像度
  17789. horizontal resolution bars ==> 水平分解力测试条
  17790. horizontal resultant ==> 水平合力
  17791. horizontal retort ==> 水平罐,平罐,卧式釜
  17792. horizontal retrace ==> 水平回描
  17793. horizontal retrace line ==> 水平帰線
  17794. horizontal retrace period ==> 水平回归周期
  17795. horizontal retrace ratio ==> 水平回扫时间比,行回扫率
  17796. horizontal return tubular boiler ==> 卧式回管锅炉
  17797. horizontal rhombic aerials ==> 水平菱形天线
  17798. horizontal ripple ==> 横波纹织物
  17799. horizontal roll ==> 水平轧辊
  17800. horizontal roll forging mechanical hand ==> 水平辊锻机械手
  17801. horizontal roll stand ==> 水平辊机座,水平轧辊机座
  17802. horizontal roller guiding open washing machine ==> 横导辊平洗机
  17803. horizontal root ==> 水平根
  17804. horizontal rotary dryer ==> 卧式烘干滚筒,卧式回转干燥器
  17805. horizontal rotary engine ==> 卧式星形发动机
  17806. horizontal rotary-knife shredder-mower ==> 水平转刀式割草切碎机
  17807. horizontal rotating autoclave ==> 卧式回转高压釜
  17808. horizontal rubber sawing machine ==> 卧式锯胶机
  17809. horizontal rudder ==> 水平舵
  17810. horizontal saddle ==> 水平鞍座
  17811. horizontal sandalwood plane ==> 红木一字刨
  17812. horizontal saw mill ==> 卧式锯床
  17813. horizontal sawtooth ==> 水平锯齿波
  17814. horizontal sawtooth buff ==> 水平锯齿波缓冲
  17815. horizontal sawtooth current ==> 水平锯齿波电流
  17816. horizontal sawtooth former ==> 水平锯齿波发生器
  17817. horizontal scale ==> 水平比例尺
  17818. horizontal scan ==> 水平扫描
  17819. horizontal scan nonlinearity ==> 水平扫描非线性
  17820. horizontal scanner ==> 水平扫描器
  17821. horizontal scanning ==> 行扫描=>水平走査
  17822. horizontal scanning circuit ==> 行扫描电路
  17823. horizontal scanning device ==> 水平扫描装置
  17824. horizontal scanning frequency ==> 水平扫描频率,行扫描频率
  17825. horizontal scanning interval ==> 水平扫描间隔,水平扫描时间
  17826. horizontal scanning line ==> 水平扫描线
  17827. horizontal screen ==> 水平筛,平面筛
  17828. horizontal screen chassis ==> 水平筛架
  17829. horizontal screw pump ==> 卧式螺旋泵
  17830. horizontal seam ==> 水平缝
  17831. horizontal searching mode ==> 水平搜索方式
  17832. horizontal seat ==> 水平支座
  17833. horizontal secter ==> 水平光弧
  17834. horizontal section ==> 水平断面,水平剖面
  17835. horizontal section of eyeball ==> 眼球水平切面
  17836. horizontal section warper ==> 卧式分条整经机
  17837. horizontal sedimentation tank ==> 平流沉淀池
  17838. horizontal segment ==> 水平段
  17839. horizontal seismic coefficient ==> 水平地震系数
  17840. horizontal separation ==> 水平间隔,水平错距,水平错开,水平分离,走向滑距,行间隔=>水平線間距離
  17841. horizontal separation indicator ==> 水平间隔指示器
  17842. horizontal separator ==> 水平分离器,水平同步脉冲分离器
  17843. horizontal setting ==> 水平安置
  17844. horizontal sextant angles method ==> 水平夹角法
  17845. horizontal shading ==> 水平阴影,行黑点补偿信号
  17846. horizontal shading signal ==> 水平阴影信号
  17847. horizontal shaft ==> 水平轴,横轴
  17848. horizontal shaft generator ==> 卧式发电机
  17849. horizontal shaft mixer ==> 横轴拌和机
  17850. horizontal shaft turbine ==> 横轴涡轮机
  17851. horizontal shaft water turbine ==> 水平轴式水轮机
  17852. horizontal shaft water-turbine ==> 横軸水車
  17853. horizontal shaper ==> 卧式牛头刨床
  17854. horizontal shear ==> 卧式剪床,水平剪力
  17855. horizontal shear machine ==> 水平剪力仪
  17856. horizontal shearing stress ==> 水平剪应力
  17857. horizontal sheeting ==> 水平挖方支撑,木撑板
  17858. horizontal sheeting for excavation ==> 水平挖方支撑
  17859. horizontal Shemens diffractometer ==> 卧式西门子衍射仪
  17860. horizontal shift ==> 水平位移,水平移动,行偏移
  17861. horizontal shift control ==> 水平偏移校正
  17862. horizontal shifting ==> 水平移动
  17863. horizontal shore (shoring) ==> 水平顶撑
  17864. horizontal siding ==> 水平披叠板
  17865. horizontal sight ==> 水平瞄准
  17866. horizontal sight distance ==> 水平视距
  17867. horizontal signal ==> 水平信号
  17868. horizontal silo ==> 青贮窖
  17869. horizontal single action presses ==> 卧式单动冲床
  17870. horizontal single-stage double-suction volute pump ==> 卧式单级双吸蜗壳泵
  17871. horizontal sintering of strip ==> 粉带平放烧结
  17872. horizontal situation indicator ==> 水平位置指示器
  17873. horizontal size ==> 水平尺寸
  17874. horizontal size control ==> 水平幅度调整,行幅度调整
  17875. horizontal size press ==> 水平式施胶压榨
  17876. horizontal slice ==> 水平分层
  17877. horizontal slicing ==> 水平分层开采法
  17878. horizontal sliding ==> 水平滑移
  17879. horizontal sliding bar ==> 水平滑杆
  17880. horizontal sliding wheel ==> 平滑轮
  17881. horizontal sliding-frame hot saw ==> 水平滑座式热锯
  17882. horizontal slip ==> 水平滑动
  17883. horizontal slotting machine ==> 卧式插床
  17884. horizontal solar telescope ==> 水平太阳望远镜,地平式太阳望远镜
  17885. horizontal sole leather roller ==> 卧式底革滚压机
  17886. horizontal spacing ==> 水平间隔=>水平線間距離
  17887. horizontal spectrograph ==> 地平摄谱仪
  17888. horizontal spindle ==> 水平主轴
  17889. horizontal spindle pump ==> 卧式心轴泵
  17890. horizontal spinning extruder ==> 卧式挤压纺丝机
  17891. horizontal spiral type dry water meter ==> 水平螺翼式干式水表
  17892. horizontal split ==> 水平分裂,水平中分面
  17893. horizontal spout chipper ==> 水平进料削片机
  17894. horizontal spray chamber ==> 横式喷雾室
  17895. horizontal spray chamber type cooling tower ==> 卧式喷雾凉水塔
  17896. horizontal spring ==> 水平簧
  17897. horizontal square wave ==> 水平正方波
  17898. horizontal square-set method ==> 水平方框支架采矿法
  17899. horizontal square-set system ==> 水平分层方框支架采矿法
  17900. horizontal stability ==> 水平稳定性
  17901. horizontal stabilizer ==> 水平安定面,水平稳定器
  17902. horizontal stacking ==> 水平叠加
  17903. horizontal stand ==> 水平台
  17904. horizontal static convergence ==> 水平静态会聚,行静态会聚
  17905. horizontal static convergence magnet ==> 水平静会聚磁铁
  17906. horizontal stay ==> 水平拉线=>水平支線
  17907. horizontal steam engine ==> 卧式蒸汽机
  17908. horizontal sterilizer ==> 卧式杀菌锅
  17909. horizontal stiffener ==> 水平加劲杆,水平加强筋
  17910. horizontal stock chest ==> 卧式贮浆池
  17911. horizontal storage ==> 平放贮存
  17912. horizontal strain ==> 水平应变
  17913. horizontal strata ==> 水平岩层
  17914. horizontal stratification ==> 水平分层
  17915. horizontal stress ==> 水平应力
  17916. horizontal strip borer ==> 水平钻孔穿孔机
  17917. horizontal strut ==> 水平撑,水平支杆=>水平材(鉄塔)
  17918. horizontal subheading ==> 横标目
  17919. horizontal suction ==> 犁体水平间隙
  17920. horizontal sulcus of cerebellum ==> 小脑水平沟
  17921. horizontal sundial ==> 地平式日规
  17922. horizontal sunshading board ==> 水平遮阳板
  17923. horizontal support ==> 卧式支座
  17924. horizontal surface ==> 水平面
  17925. horizontal surface grinder ==> 卧式平面磨床
  17926. horizontal survey ==> 水平测量,平行测量
  17927. horizontal sweep ==> 水平扫描
  17928. horizontal sweep driver ==> 水平扫描激励器
  17929. horizontal sweep generator ==> 水平扫描振荡器
  17930. horizontal sweep selection ==> 水平扫描选择
  17931. horizontal sweep system ==> 水平扫描系统
  17932. horizontal symmetry correction ==> 水平对称校正
  17933. horizontal sync ==> 水平同步
  17934. horizontal sync bit ==> 水平同步比特
  17935. horizontal sync control ==> 水平同步控制
  17936. horizontal sync discriminator ==> 水平同步鉴别器
  17937. horizontal sync generator ==> 水平同步信号发生器
  17938. horizontal sync marker ==> 水平同步标志
  17939. horizontal sync pedestal ==> 水平同步脉冲基底电平
  17940. horizontal sync potentiometer ==> 水平同步调节电位器
  17941. horizontal sync pulse ==> 水平同步脉冲
  17942. horizontal sync regulator ==> 水平同步调节器
  17943. horizontal sync time ==> 水平同步时间
  17944. horizontal synchronizaing signal ==> 水平同期信号
  17945. horizontal synchronization ==> 水平同步,行同步=>水平同期
  17946. horizontal synchronization mode ==> 行同步方式
  17947. horizontal synchronizing device ==> 水平同步装置
  17948. horizontal synchronizing generator ==> 水平同步信号发生器
  17949. horizontal synchronizing pulse ==> 水平同步脉冲,行同步脉冲
  17950. horizontal synchronizing signal ==> 水平同步信号
  17951. horizontal system ==> 横向系统
  17952. horizontal system of coordinates ==> 地平坐标系
  17953. horizontal table filter ==> 平面过滤机
  17954. horizontal tabulation ==> 水平制表,横向制表
  17955. horizontal tabulation character ==> 横向制表字符=>水平タブ文字
  17956. horizontal tail ==> 水平翼
  17957. horizontal take-off ==> 水平起飞
  17958. horizontal tandem generator ==> 卧式串列静电加速器
  17959. horizontal tangent ==> 水平切线
  17960. horizontal tank ==> 卧式罐,卧式油罐
  17961. horizontal telescope ==> 地平望远镜
  17962. horizontal thread ==> 横丝
  17963. horizontal throw ==> 水平行程
  17964. horizontal thrust ==> 水平推力
  17965. horizontal thrust borer ==> 水平掘孔机
  17966. horizontal tilt ==> 水平倾斜,行倾斜
  17967. horizontal time-base ==> 水平扫描信号
  17968. horizontal timebase ==> 水平时基
  17969. horizontal timebase generator ==> 水平扫描信号发生器
  17970. horizontal tool head ==> 水平刀架
  17971. horizontal trace ==> 水平迹
  17972. horizontal trade competition ==> 同业竞争
  17973. horizontal training ==> 水平整枝
  17974. horizontal transit circle ==> 水平子午环,地平子午环
  17975. horizontal transit instrument ==> 地平中星仪
  17976. horizontal transmission ==> 水平传送,横向传播
  17977. horizontal trapezoid generator ==> 水平梯形波发生器
  17978. horizontal trigger ==> 水平触发器
  17979. horizontal trim ==> 水平调整
  17980. horizontal trimming ==> 水平修边
  17981. horizontal triple-pass fire tube boiler ==> 卧式三回程火管锅炉
  17982. horizontal trunnion mount ==> 水平耳轴安装架
  17983. horizontal tube bundle units ==> 水平管束单元
  17984. horizontal tube condenser ==> 横管冷凝器
  17985. horizontal tube evaporator ==> 横管蒸发器,卧管蒸发器
  17986. horizontal tubular absorber ==> 水平管吸收器
  17987. horizontal tubular boiler ==> 卧式火管锅炉,卧式水管锅炉
  17988. horizontal turbine ==> 卧式涡轮机,横轴式涡轮机,模轴式涡轮机
  17989. horizontal turbne ==> 横轴式涡轮机
  17990. horizontal turbulent diffusion ==> 水平湍流扩散
  17991. horizontal turret head ==> 水平转塔刀架
  17992. horizontal twin-roller machine ==> 卧式双滚延压机
  17993. horizontal type ==> 横式
  17994. horizontal type generator ==> 横轴发电机
  17995. horizontal type high pressure sterilizer ==> 卧式高压蒸气消毒柜
  17996. horizontal type machine ==> 横形機
  17997. horizontal type relay ==> 水平继电器
  17998. horizontal type shading device ==> 水平遮阳装置
  17999. horizontal under-scan ==> 水平扫描不够
  18000. horizontal union ==> 同业工会
  18001. horizontal vaccum filter ==> 卧式真空过滤机
  18002. horizontal vacuum resistance furnace ==> 卧式真空电阻炉
  18003. horizontal valve ==> 水平阀
  18004. horizontal vector ==> 水平向量
  18005. horizontal vector loop ==> 横面向量环
  18006. horizontal vee ==> 水平V形天线
  18007. horizontal velocity ==> 水平速度
  18008. horizontal velocity of the scanning spot ==> 水平扫描点的水平速度
  18009. horizontal vessel ==> 卧式容器
  18010. horizontal vibrating needle ==> 水平磁强仪
  18011. horizontal view angle ==> 水平视角
  18012. horizontal viewing angle ==> 水平视角
  18013. horizontal visibility ==> 水平能见度
  18014. horizontal volute propeller pump ==> 卧式蜗壳旋桨泵
  18015. horizontal warp dyeing machine ==> 卧式经丝染色机
  18016. horizontal warper ==> 卧式整经机
  18017. horizontal water tube boiler ==> 卧式水管锅炉
  18018. horizontal water turbine ==> 卧式水轮机
  18019. horizontal water wheel generator ==> 横形水車発電機
  18020. horizontal water-tube cooler ==> 横管冷却器
  18021. horizontal water-turbine ==> 横軸水車
  18022. horizontal wave ==> 水平波
  18023. horizontal wavelength ==> 水平波长
  18024. horizontal wedge wipe ==> 水平楔形消除
  18025. horizontal weld ==> 横向焊缝
  18026. horizontal welding ==> 水平焊
  18027. horizontal wet spinning ==> 水平式湿纺
  18028. horizontal whirler ==> 卧式烘干机
  18029. horizontal wind system ==> 水平风系
  18030. horizontal wipe ==> 水平消除
  18031. horizontal wire ==> 水平照准线
  18032. horizontal wire rod reel ==> 卧式线材卷取机
  18033. horizontal yoke ==> 行偏转线圈
  18034. horizontal yoke current ==> 水平偏转电流
  18035. horizontal zenith telescope ==> 水平天顶仪,地平天顶仪
  18036. horizontal zero ==> 水平零位
  18037. horizontal zone melting ==> 水平区域熔炼
  18038. horizontal zones ==> 水平地带
  18039. horizontal(-type) accelerator ==> 卧式加速器
  18040. horizontal-alignment coil ==> 水平校整线圈
  18041. horizontal-amplitude control ==> 水平幅度控制
  18042. horizontal-axis current meter ==> 横轴流速仪
  18043. horizontal-axle current meter ==> 水平轴流速仪
  18044. horizontal-bed glazing jack ==> 水平式打光机
  18045. horizontal-boat zone refining ==> 水平舟区熔提纯
  18046. horizontal-branch star ==> 水平支恒星
  18047. horizontal-break disconnector ==> 水平切り断路器
  18048. horizontal-chamber furnace ==> 卧式炉
  18049. horizontal-chamber oven ==> 卧式炉
  18050. horizontal-clamping point ==> 水平箝位点
  18051. horizontal-control monument ==> 平面控制标石
  18052. horizontal-cutter forage harvester ==> 卧式切刀饲料收获机
  18053. horizontal-deflecting circuit ==> 水平偏转电路
  18054. horizontal-deflection circuit ==> 行偏转电路
  18055. horizontal-deflection output circuit ==> 水平偏转输出电路
  18056. horizontal-deflection plates ==> 水平偏转板
  18057. horizontal-direction formation ==> 水平方向成形法
  18058. horizontal-doublet antenna ==> 水平偶极子天线
  18059. horizontal-drive pulse ==> 行起动脉冲
  18060. horizontal-drive signal ==> 行驱动信号,水平同步信号
  18061. horizontal-flue coke oven ==> 水平烟道炼焦炉
  18062. horizontal-flue oven ==> 水平烟道炉
  18063. horizontal-flued oven ==> 卧囱炉
  18064. horizontal-framed gate ==> 横架式闸门
  18065. horizontal-hammer mill ==> 卧式锤碎机
  18066. horizontal-interlace technique ==> 水平扫描隔行扫描技术,隔行扫描技术,扫描技术
  18067. horizontal-line-transfer ==> 水平线传导
  18068. horizontal-linearity control ==> 水平线性调整
  18069. horizontal-pattern radiation pattern ==> 水平面指向特性
  18070. horizontal-pitman crusher ==> 水平连杆型破碎机
  18071. horizontal-position welding ==> 水平位置焊接
  18072. horizontal-resolution wedges ==> 水平分辩力检验楔
  18073. horizontal-retort tar ==> 卧式蒸罐制焦油
  18074. horizontal-ring drilling ==> 水平辐射状钻孔
  18075. horizontal-rolledposition welding ==> 水平转动焊接,滚动水平焊
  18076. horizontal-roller mill ==> 水平环辊式磨机
  18077. horizontal-scanning circuit ==> 水平扫描电路
  18078. horizontal-scanning generator ==> 水平扫描发生器
  18079. horizontal-scanning line ==> 平面同步扫描线
  18080. horizontal-series lattice spacing ==> 水平序列晶格空间
  18081. horizontal-shaft arrangement ==> 横轴式布置
  18082. horizontal-shaft current meter ==> 横轴流速仪
  18083. horizontal-shaft disk crusher ==> 水平盘式破碎机
  18084. horizontal-shaft double turbine ==> 横轴式双水轮机
  18085. horizontal-spindle press ==> 水平轴式压榨机
  18086. horizontal-spindle rotary table grinding machine ==> 卧式回转工作台磨床
  18087. horizontal-spindle surface grinding machine ==> 水平轴平面磨床
  18088. horizontal-split multi-stage pump ==> 水平剖分式多级泵
  18089. horizontal-spray washer ==> 水平喷水洗矿机
  18090. horizontal-sweep amplifier ==> 水平扫描放大器
  18091. horizontal-sweep voltage ==> 水平扫描电压
  18092. horizontal-sync circuit ==> 水平同步电路
  18093. horizontal-sync separator ==> 行同步脉冲分离器
  18094. horizontal-synchronizing circuit ==> 水平同步电路
  18095. horizontal-synchronizing impulse ==> 水平同步脉冲
  18096. horizontal-tube evaporator ==> 水平管式蒸发器
  18097. horizontal-tube multiple-effect ==> 水平管多效
  18098. horizontal-type alkaline cleaning ==> 卧式碱洗
  18099. horizontal-type compressor ==> 水平式压缩机
  18100. horizontal-type feed water heater ==> 卧式给水加热器
  18101. horizontal-type generator ==> 卧式发电机
  18102. horizontal-type high pressure steak sterilizer ==> 卧式高压消毒器
  18103. horizontal-type motor ==> 卧式发电机
  18104. horizontal-type relay ==> 水平式继电器
  18105. horizontal-type sampling mill ==> 卧式试样磨机
  18106. horizontal-vertical deflection coil ==> 水平竖直偏转线圈
  18107. horizontal-vertical fillet weld ==> 横向垂直角焊缝
  18108. horizontality ==> 水平性质,水平状态
  18109. horizontality of support ring ==> 支承圈水平度
  18110. horizontalization ==> 置平
  18111. horizontally dump truck ==> 侧面式倾卸车,横式倾卸车
  18112. horizontally interlaced pattern ==> 水平隔行扫描图形
  18113. horizontally pivoted window ==> 翻窗
  18114. horizontally polarized electromagnetic wave ==> 水平偏振电磁波
  18115. horizontally polarized wave ==> 水平极化波=>水平偏波
  18116. horizontally-framed miter gate ==> 横架式人字闸门
  18117. horizontally-polarized antenna ==> 水平极化天线
  18118. horizontalpath transmittance ==> 水平光程透射率
  18119. horizontao section of coal seam ==> 煤层水平断面图
  18120. hormonal carcinogen ==> 激素性致癌物质
  18121. hormonal control ==> 激素控制
  18122. hormonal mechanism ==> 激素机制
  18123. hormonal regulation ==> 激素调节
  18124. hormonal regulation of development ==> 发育的激素调节
  18125. hormonal sodium retention ==> 激素性钠潴留
  18126. hormone ==> 荷尔蒙,激素=>ホルモン
  18127. hormone abnormality ==> ホルモン異常
  18128. hormone absorption ==> ホルモン吸収
  18129. hormone accumulation ==> ホルモン蓄積
  18130. hormone action ==> ホルモン作用
  18131. hormone activation ==> ホルモン活性化
  18132. hormone active tumor ==> ホルモン産生腫瘍
  18133. hormone as insecticides ==> 作为杀虫剂的昆虫激素
  18134. hormone bound to protein ==> タンパク結合ホルモン
  18135. hormone cream ==> 荷尔蒙皮肤膏
  18136. hormone culture-medium ==> 激素培养基
  18137. hormone inducibility ==> ホルモン誘発性
  18138. hormone induction ==> ホルモン誘導
  18139. hormone influence ==> ホルモンの影響
  18140. hormone infusion ==> ホルモン注入
  18141. hormone injections ==> ホルモン注射
  18142. hormone like herbicide ==> 激素型除草剂
  18143. hormone metabolism ==> 激素代谢
  18144. hormone poisoning ==> 激素中毒
  18145. hormone producing tumor ==> 激素引起的肿瘤
  18146. hormone radioimmunoassay ==> 激素放射免疫测定
  18147. hormone receptor ==> 激素受体
  18148. hormone releasing effect ==> 激素释放作用
  18149. hormone rhysthm ==> 激素节律
  18150. hormone secretion of carcinoid tumor ==> 类癌瘤激素分泌
  18151. hormone theory ==> 激素学说
  18152. hormone therapy ==> 激素治疗
  18153. hormone type herbicide ==> 激素型除草剂
  18154. hormone weedkillers ==> 激素除莠剂
  18155. hormone-dependent type ==> 激素依赖型
  18156. hormone-ineffective type ==> 激素无效型
  18157. hormone-sensitive lipase ==> 激素敏感脂肪酶
  18158. hormone-sensitive type ==> 激素敏感型
  18159. hormones of digestive tract ==> 消化道激素
  18160. hormones poisoning ==> 激素类中毒
  18161. horn ==> 喇叭,电喇叭,号角,电极臂,角,角柄,角峰,角制物,角质物,角状容器,角状物,砧角,喇叭天线,机臂=>ホーン
  18162. horn angle ==> 号形角
  18163. horn antenna ==> 号角天线,喇叭天线,喇叭形天线=>ホーンアンテナ
  18164. horn anvil ==> 角砧
  18165. horn arrester ==> 角形避雷器
  18166. horn balance ==> 突角补偿,空气动力平衡
  18167. horn base ==> 喇叭座
  18168. horn block ==> 角块,轴箱夹板
  18169. horn brand ==> 角上烙印
  18170. horn branding ==> 角上烙印
  18171. horn break switch ==> 角形开关
  18172. horn button ==> 喇叭按钮
  18173. horn button base plate ==> 喇叭按钮座板
  18174. horn button cap ==> 喇叭按钮盖
  18175. horn button contact ==> 喇叭按钮触点
  18176. horn button retainer ==> 喇叭按钮护圈
  18177. horn button spring connect cap ==> 喇叭按钮接触环
  18178. horn cable contact cup ==> 喇叭线接触杯
  18179. horn cell ==> 角质细胞
  18180. horn collector ==> 聚音器喇叭,聚音器喇叭
  18181. horn combs ==> 角梳
  18182. horn condenser ==> 喇叭电容器
  18183. horn cupping ==> 角法
  18184. horn diaphragm ==> 喇叭膜
  18185. horn diaphragm washer ==> 喇叭膜护圈
  18186. horn disk ==> 喇叭盘
  18187. horn equation ==> 喇叭方程
  18188. horn feed ==> 喇叭馈源,喇叭天线馈电,喇叭形馈源,喇叭形天线馈电
  18189. horn feed antenna ==> 喇叭形天线
  18190. horn for vehicle ==> 车辆喇叭
  18191. horn fuse ==> 角式保险丝
  18192. horn gap ==> 角形避雷器,角火花隙,角隙
  18193. horn gate ==> 角形浇口,角形水口,角形闸门,牛角浇口
  18194. horn gramophone ==> 喇叭形唱机
  18195. horn hood ==> 喇叭盖
  18196. horn housing ==> 喇叭壳
  18197. horn knob ==> 喇叭钮
  18198. horn lightening arrester ==> 角隙避雷器
  18199. horn loudspeaker ==> 喇叭形扬声器=>ホーンスピーカ
  18200. horn membrane ==> 喇叭膜,风笛膜片
  18201. horn mouth ==> 喇叭口
  18202. horn of the anvil beak ==> 铁砧角
  18203. horn of variation of flare angle ==> 变张角喇叭
  18204. horn press ==> 柱状工作台压力机
  18205. horn quicksilver ==> 汞膏
  18206. horn radiator ==> 喇叭形辐射器=>ホーン放射器
  18207. horn reflector antenna ==> 喇叭抛物面天线,喇叭形反射器天线=>ホーンレフレクタアンテナ
  18208. horn relay ==> 喇叭继电器
  18209. horn ring ==> (牛)角轮
  18210. horn rudder ==> 半悬舵
  18211. horn shell ==> 喇叭壳
  18212. horn socket ==> 锥形管套,角锥形打捞器
  18213. horn spacing ==> 悬臂距离
  18214. horn spherical back cover ==> 喇叭球背罩
  18215. horn spoon ==> 牛角匙,牛角制检金器
  18216. horn spring plate ==> 喇叭弹片
  18217. horn structure ==> 喇叭结构
  18218. horn support plate ==> 喇叭支板
  18219. horn switch ==> 喇叭开关
  18220. horn switch button ==> 喇叭按钮开关
  18221. horn throat ==> 喇叭喉
  18222. horn throat and mouth ==> 喇叭喉部和口
  18223. horn toothed wheel ==> 喇叭齿轮
  18224. horn type switch ==> 角形开关
  18225. horn wire ==> 喇叭线
  18226. horn(-gap) arrester (-tor) ==> 角隙避雷器
  18227. horn-break fuse ==> 号角形开关
  18228. horn-break switch ==> 角形开关,灭弧角开关,锥形开关
  18229. horn-cyclide ==> 角形圆纹曲面
  18230. horn-fed paraboloid ==> 喇叭馈电抛物面天线
  18231. horn-gap arrester ==> 号角形避雷器
  18232. horn-gap switch ==> 角隙开关
  18233. horn-gate ==> 角状浇口
  18234. horn-lens ==> 喇叭透镜
  18235. horn-lens antenna ==> 喇叭天线
  18236. horn-reflector antenna ==> 喇叭反射面天线
  18237. horn-type antenna ==> 喇叭形天线
  18238. horn-type transducer ==> 喇叭换能器
  18239. hornbill ==> 犀鸟
  18240. hornblende ==> 角闪石
  18241. hornblende andesite ==> 角闪安山岩
  18242. hornblende gneiss ==> 角闪片麻岩
  18243. hornblende granite ==> 角闪花岗岩
  18244. hornblende schist ==> 角闪片岩
  18245. hornblendite ==> 角闪石岩
  18246. Horner's method ==> 何纳计算方法
  18247. Horner's muscle ==> 睑板张肌,睑板张肌
  18248. Horner's syndrome ==> 伯-霍二氏综合征,颈交感神经节麻痹,颈交感神经节麻痹
  18249. Horners method ==> 何纳计算方法
  18250. hornet ==> 大黄蜂,胡蜂,马蜂
  18251. hornfels ==> 角页岩
  18252. hornification of gingiva ==> 齿龈角化
  18253. horning hammer ==> 开槽锤
  18254. horning tool ==> 槽模
  18255. hornless by nature ==> 天生无角的
  18256. hornless loudspeaker ==> 直接辐射式扬声器
  18257. hornpress ==> 悬臂式压力机
  18258. horns ==> 门窗框突角
  18259. hornskin ==> 漆皮
  18260. hornstone ==> 角岩
  18261. hornworm ==> 烟草天蛾
  18262. horny button ==> 角状按钮
  18263. horny endosperm ==> 角质胚乳
  18264. horny layer ==> 角质层
  18265. horny layer of epidermis ==> 表皮角质层
  18266. horny substance ==> 角质
  18267. Horns degeneration ==> 霍恩氏变性
  18268. horologic(al) machine ==> 钟表工业用机床
  18269. horologic(al) machine tool ==> 钟表机床
  18270. horological gear ==> 钟表齿轮,时计齿轮
  18271. Horoman peridotite in Japan ==> 日本の幌満かんらん岩体
  18272. horotelic evolution ==> 常速进化
  18273. Horrebow level ==> 赫瑞鲍水准器
  18274. horse (Equus caballus) ==> 马
  18275. horse and cattle clipper ==> 马牛剪毛机
  18276. horse as draft and saddle animals ==> 役用和乘骑用马
  18277. horse back ==> 马脊岭
  18278. horse bean ==> 蚕豆
  18279. horse blanket ==> 马鞍被,马鞍褥,马毯
  18280. horse botfly (Gasterophilus intestinalis) ==> 马胃蝇
  18281. horse breeding ==> 驯马,驯马
  18282. horse brush ==> 马刷
  18283. horse chestnut ==> 七叶树
  18284. horse chestnut bark ==> 马栗树皮
  18285. horse chestnut oil ==> 马栗油
  18286. horse chestnut tannin ==> 马栗单宁
  18287. horse cloth ==> 马鞍毯
  18288. horse cover ==> 马鞍被,马鞍褥
  18289. horse dealer ==> 马贩子
  18290. horse fat ==> 马脂
  18291. horse fetlock hair ==> 马蹄毛
  18292. horse fly ==> 马蝇
  18293. horse gang plow ==> 马拉式多铧犁
  18294. horse gear ==> 马拉传动装置
  18295. horse grease ==> 马脂
  18296. horse hack ==> 马拉式碎土锄,马拉碎土锄
  18297. horse hair broom ==> 马鬃扫帚
  18298. horse hair brush ==> 马鬃刷
  18299. horse hair cloth ==> 马尾衬
  18300. horse hair combings ==> 马毛渣子
  18301. horse hair crab ==> 马尾蟹
  18302. horse hair fibre ==> 马毛纤维
  18303. horse hair hand brush ==> 马鬃手刷
  18304. horse hair lamp brush ==> 马鬃灯刷
  18305. horse harness ==> 马具
  18306. horse hide ==> 马皮
  18307. horse implement ==> 马拉农具
  18308. horse in harness ==> 挽用马
  18309. horse latitudes ==> 副热带无风带,副热带无风带纬度
  18310. horse mane ==> 马鬃
  18311. horse mane and horse tail hair brush ==> 马鬃马尾毛刷
  18312. Horse market ==> 马市
  18313. horse marrow fat ==> 马髓脂
  18314. horse mask ==> 马面具
  18315. horse motor ==> 马拉传动装置
  18316. horse mouth rasp ==> 马口铁皮粗锉
  18317. horse of fine breed ==> 良种马
  18318. horse of short stature ==> 矮个儿马
  18319. horse paddy weeder ==> 马拉式稻田除草机
  18320. horse power hour ==> 马力小时
  18321. horse power norminal ==> 公称马力
  18322. horse power output ==> 马力输出
  18323. horse power petrol engine ==> 马力汽油机
  18324. horse power spectrum ==> 马力谱
  18325. horse race ==> 赛马
  18326. horse radish peroxidase ==> 辣根过氧化物酶
  18327. horse rake ==> 马拉集草机
  18328. horse range ==> 养马场
  18329. horse roller ==> 马拉路碾
  18330. horse shoe flame ==> 马蹄焰
  18331. horse shoe furnace ==> 马蹄形窑炉
  18332. horse shoe magnet ==> 马蹄形磁铁
  18333. horse shoe magnet iron ==> 马蹄形磁铁
  18334. Horse Shoe Nebula ==> 马蹄星云
  18335. horse shoe neck ==> 马蹄领
  18336. horse shoe riveter ==> 马蹄形铆钉机
  18337. horse skin ==> 马皮
  18338. horse sweeper ==> 马拉扫路机
  18339. horse tail ==> 马尾,木贼
  18340. horse tail hair interlining ==> 马尾衬布
  18341. horse tail hair web for sieves ==> 马尾罗底
  18342. horse tender ==> 放马员
  18343. horse traction ==> 马拉,马力牵引
  18344. horse traffic ==> 马车运输
  18345. horse type antibady ==> 马型抗体
  18346. horse under saddle ==> 乘用马
  18347. horse's foot oil ==> 马足油
  18348. horse-chestnut ==> 马栗
  18349. horse-drawn binder ==> 马拉割捆机,马拉式割捆机
  18350. horse-drawn expanding harrow ==> 马拉展式钉齿耙
  18351. horse-drawn finger-wheel rake ==> 马拉指轮式搂草机
  18352. horse-drawn motorized duster ==> 马拉机动喷粉机,马拉式机动喷粉机
  18353. horse-drawn omnibus ==> 乗合馬車
  18354. horse-drawn potato spinner ==> 马拉式马铃薯挖掘抛掷机
  18355. horse-drawn rake ==> 马拉搂草机
  18356. horse-drawn ridging plow ==> 马拉起垄犁,马拉式起垄犁
  18357. horse-drawn side delivery rake ==> 马拉侧向搂草机
  18358. horse-drawn traffic ==> 马车运输
  18359. horse-eye (bean) ==> 马眼子
  18360. horse-flesh ore ==> 马肉矿
  18361. horse-hitch in tandem ==> 纵列同套马
  18362. horse-power fomula ==> 功率公式
  18363. horse-power input ==> 马力输入
  18364. horse-power loading ==> 马力载荷
  18365. horse-power nominal ==> 标准马力
  18366. horse-power per liter ==> 公升功率
  18367. horse-power plow ==> 马拉犁
  18368. horse-power requirements ==> 需用马力
  18369. horse-power-hour ==> 马力时
  18370. horse-rake ==> 马拉耙
  18371. horse-shoe collar ==> 马蹄环
  18372. horse-shoe flame ==> 马蹄形焰
  18373. horse-shoe magnet ==> 马蹄型磁铁
  18374. horse-shoe main ==> 马蹄形总管
  18375. horse-shoe manifold ==> 马蹄形管道
  18376. horse-shoe mining method ==> 马蹄形开采法
  18377. horse-shoe reef ==> 马蹄形礁
  18378. horse-shoe shaped betwixtoland ==> 马蹄形盾地
  18379. horse-shoe tunnel ==> 马蹄形断面隧道
  18380. horse-shoe type furnace ==> 马蹄型炉膛
  18381. horse-shoe type mixer ==> 马蹄式混合器
  18382. horse-shoeing ==> 装马蹄铁
  18383. horse-tail ==> 马尾式
  18384. horse-tail structure ==> 马尾构造,马尾丝状构造
  18385. horse-tail veins ==> 马尾丝状矿脉
  18386. horsehair gloves for massage ==> 按摩用马鬃手套
  18387. horsehide gloves ==> 马皮手套
  18388. horsehide shoes ==> 马皮鞋
  18389. horsemint oil ==> 马薄荷油
  18390. horsepower ==> 马力
  18391. horsepower curve ==> 马力曲线
  18392. horsepower hour ==> 马力小时
  18393. horsepower loading ==> 马力负荷
  18394. horsepower race ==> 马力竞赛
  18395. horsepower to weight ratio ==> 马力重量比
  18396. horseshoe ==> 楼厅,马蹄形,马蹄形物,马掌,蹄铁
  18397. horseshoe arch ==> 马蹄形拱
  18398. horseshoe base ==> 马蹄形底座
  18399. horseshoe bend ==> 马蹄形弯道
  18400. horseshoe conduit ==> 马蹄形排水管,马蹄形水管
  18401. horseshoe crab ==> 马蹄蟹,鲎(hòu)
  18402. horseshoe curve ==> 马蹄形曲线
  18403. horseshoe electromagnet ==> 马蹄形电磁铁
  18404. horseshoe filament ==> 马蹄形灯丝
  18405. horseshoe fistula ==> 马蹄形肛瘘
  18406. horseshoe gauge ==> 马蹄规
  18407. horseshoe iron ==> 马蹄铁
  18408. horseshoe kidney ==> 马蹄肾,马蹄形肾,蹄铁形肾
  18409. horseshoe magnet ==> 蹄形磁体
  18410. horseshoe main ==> 马蹄铁管
  18411. horseshoe nail ==> 马掌钉
  18412. horseshoe quality ==> 马蹄铁质量
  18413. horseshoe set ==> 马蹄形支架
  18414. horseshoe sewer ==> 马蹄形阴沟
  18415. horseshoe stirrer ==> 马蹄式搅拌机
  18416. horseshoe tunnel ==> 马蹄形隧洞
  18417. horseshoe type ==> 马蹄式
  18418. horseshoe type mixer ==> 马蹄式混合机
  18419. horseshoe type thrust bearing ==> 马蹄形推力轴承
  18420. horseshoe vetch ==> 马蹄野豌豆
  18421. horseshoe vortex ==> 马蹄形旋涡
  18422. horseshoe vortex system ==> 马蹄形涡流系
  18423. horseshoe washer ==> 蹄形垫圈,开口垫圈
  18424. horseshoe-shaped ==> 马蹄形的
  18425. horseshoe-shaped curves of zero velocity ==> 马蹄形零速度线
  18426. horseshoe-shaped sewer ==> 马蹄形排水管
  18427. horseshoes magnet ==> 马蹄形磁铁
  18428. horsetail fault ==> 马尾状断层
  18429. horsetail fissure ==> 马尾状裂隙
  18430. horsetail ore ==> 马尾矿,马尾状矿脉
  18431. horsetail shape ==> 马尾状
  18432. horsetail splitting ==> 马尾状分岔
  18433. horses foot oil ==> 马足油
  18434. horst fault ==> 地垒断层,地垒状断层
  18435. horst faults ==> 垒断层
  18436. horst mountain ==> 地垒山
  18437. horticultural cathedral glass ==> 温室用的镶嵌玻璃
  18438. horticultural crop ==> 园艺作物
  18439. horticultural glass ==> 园艺用玻璃
  18440. horticultural machine ==> 园艺机器
  18441. horticultural machinery ==> 园艺机械
  18442. horticultural sheet glass ==> 园艺用平板玻璃
  18443. horticultural spray ==> 园艺喷雾用油
  18444. horticultural structure ==> 园艺建筑物
  18445. horticultural tractor ==> 园艺拖拉机
  18446. Horton number ==> 赫顿数
  18447. Horton sphere ==> 球状气体贮罐,霍尔顿型球形压力储罐
  18448. horzontal forging ==> 平锻
  18449. horzontal position welding ==> 横焊
  18450. hose ==> 水龙带,柔性管,软管,胶管,胶皮管=>ホース
  18451. hose (type) pump ==> 软管式泵
  18452. hose and belts duck ==> 软管和传送带用帆布
  18453. hose angle valve ==> 软管的折角阀
  18454. hose armouring wire ==> 铠装胶管用钢丝
  18455. hose assembly ==> 软管接头
  18456. hose balancer ==> 软管平衡器
  18457. hose bib ==> 软管龙头,软管小龙头,水龙带龙头
  18458. hose bit ==> 筒式钻头
  18459. hose braider ==> 水龙带编结机
  18460. hose carrier ==> 软管运输小车
  18461. hose cart ==> 软管车
  18462. hose clamp ==> 软管夹,软管夹子=>ホースクランプ,ホース留め金
  18463. hose clip ==> 软管夹子
  18464. hose cock ==> 软管钩,软管龙头,水龙带龙头
  18465. hose connection ==> 软管连接=>ホース継ぎ手,ホース接続部,ホースコネクション
  18466. hose connection valve ==> 软管连接阀
  18467. hose connector ==> 软管接头,软连续管=>ホース継ぎ手,ホース連結管
  18468. hose coupler ==> 软管接头=>ホース連結器
  18469. hose coupling ==> 软管联接器=>ホース継ぎ手,ホース連結管
  18470. hose coupling nipple ==> 软管用接头
  18471. hose davit ==> 软管吊柱
  18472. hose director ==> 软管喷嘴
  18473. hose down ==> 软管放油
  18474. hose duck ==> 软管帆布
  18475. hose elbow ==> 软弯头
  18476. hose expansion ==> 管体膨胀
  18477. hose extension ==> 软管加长节
  18478. hose fitting ==> 软管附件
  18479. hose globe valve ==> 软管球形阀
  18480. hose handling gantry ==> 软管操纵架
  18481. hose hanger ==> 软管吊板
  18482. hose hawser ==> 软管吊绳
  18483. hose joint ==> 软管接头
  18484. hose joint fastener ==> 胶管紧固卡
  18485. hose levelling instrument ==> 软管水准器
  18486. hose liner ==> 软管套头
  18487. hose machine ==> 软管机
  18488. hose mender ==> 软管修理工
  18489. hose nipple ==> 软管螺纹接头
  18490. hose nozzle ==> 软管喷嘴
  18491. hose packing ==> 软管包装
  18492. hose pipe tyre ==> 软管轮胎
  18493. hose protector ==> 软管防护套
  18494. hose pump ==> 软管泵
  18495. hose reel ==> 软管卷盘
  18496. hose reel unit for subsea test tree ==> 海底测试树管缆绞车
  18497. hose spanner ==> 软管扳手
  18498. hose support ==> 软管支架
  18499. hose supporting clip ==> 软管挂环
  18500. hose test ==> 软管试验
  18501. hose tube ==> 软管
  18502. hose union ==> 软管接合器
  18503. hose valve ==> 水带阀门=>ホース弁
  18504. hose winch ==> 软管绞车
  18505. hose with coated plastics ==> 包塑软管
  18506. hose wrench ==> 软管扳手
  18507. hose-apparatus ==> 软管呼吸器
  18508. hose-end fitting ==> 软管接头
  18509. hose-end pressure ==> 软管末端压力
  18510. hose-handling frame ==> 软管
  18511. hose-in-hose ==> 重叠花
  18512. hose-lay ==> 铺放水龙带
  18513. hose-proof ==> 防水的
  18514. hose-proof generator ==> 防水发电机
  18515. hose-proof machine ==> 防水式电机
  18516. hose-reel ==> 软管卷绕轮
  18517. hose-reel pack ==> 软管卷组
  18518. hoseproof machine ==> 防水式电机
  18519. hosiery abrasion machine ==> 袜子耐磨损试验器
  18520. hosiery board ==> 袜子定形板
  18521. hosiery boarding machine ==> 袜子定形机
  18522. hosiery calender ==> 针织品轧光机
  18523. hosiery classification ==> 袜子分级
  18524. hosiery dyeing machine ==> 袜子染色机
  18525. hosiery industry ==> 针织工业
  18526. hosiery knitter ==> 织袜机
  18527. hosiery machine ==> 织袜机
  18528. hosiery mill ==> 针织工厂
  18529. hosiery package machine ==> 袜子装袋机
  18530. hosiery twist ==> 针织纱捻度
  18531. hosiery yarn ==> 毛纱
  18532. Hoskin's metal ==> 霍斯金耐热耐蚀高镍合金
  18533. Hoskins alloy ==> 霍斯金斯高镍耐蚀耐热合金
  18534. hospital architecture ==> 医院建筑
  18535. hospital arm pull ==> 医院肘臂执手
  18536. hospital bank ==> 医院银行
  18537. hospital barn ==> 病畜舍
  18538. hospital bed ==> 病床,医院病床,医院用床
  18539. hospital bed lift ==> 医院病床电梯
  18540. hospital bus bar ==> 旁路母线
  18541. hospital door ==> 医院门
  18542. hospital establishment ==> 医院基层单位
  18543. hospital gauze ==> 医用纱布
  18544. hospital infection ==> 医院感染,医院内感染
  18545. hospital information system ==> 医院信息系统
  18546. hospital management ==> 医院管理
  18547. hospital relay group ==> 故障线收容继电器群
  18548. hospital service contract ==> 医疗合同
  18549. hospital sewage treatment ==> 医院污水处理
  18550. hospital ship ==> 医务船,医院船
  18551. hospital switch ==> 故障转换开关,自动转换开关
  18552. hospital transport ==> 医院输送舰
  18553. hospital ward ==> 医院病房
  18554. hospitalization insurance ==> 医疗保险
  18555. hospitalized animal ==> 住院治疗动物
  18556. host ==> 主矿物,主岩,主,寄生,寄主
  18557. host (of parasite) ==> (寄生物的)宿主
  18558. host attachment ==> 主系统连接装置
  18559. host avoidance ==> 寄主回避性
  18560. host cell cytoplasm ==> 寄主细胞质
  18561. host cell division ==> 寄主细胞分裂
  18562. host cell membrane ==> 寄主细胞膜
  18563. host cell wall ==> 寄主细胞壁
  18564. host choice ==> 宿主选择
  18565. host compound ==> 主体化合物
  18566. host computer ==> 主计算机
  18567. host condition ==> 寄主状态
  18568. host country ==> 所有国,侨居国
  18569. host crystal ==> 结晶核,主剂,主晶,基质晶体
  18570. host density ==> 寄主密度
  18571. host element ==> 主元素
  18572. host flora ==> 寄主植物群
  18573. host formation ==> 宿主地层
  18574. host galaxy ==> 寄主星系
  18575. host glass ==> 基质玻璃,晶核玻璃
  18576. host grain ==> 宿主颗粒
  18577. host immunity ==> 寄主免疫
  18578. host insect ==> 寄主昆虫
  18579. host language ==> 主语言
  18580. host language data base ==> 主语言数据库
  18581. host language system ==> 主语言系统
  18582. host lattice ==> 主晶格,主点阵=>支格
  18583. host machine ==> 主机=>ホストマシン
  18584. host material ==> 晶核材料,基质材料=>母材
  18585. host medium ==> 基底媒质
  18586. host node ==> 主节点
  18587. host number ==> 主机号
  18588. host plan ==> 寄主植物
  18589. host plant specificity ==> 植物寄生专化性
  18590. host preparation facility ==> 主系统准备功能
  18591. host process ==> 主进程
  18592. host processing system ==> 主处理系统
  18593. host processor ==> 主处理机
  18594. host race ==> 寄主族
  18595. host range mutant ==> 寄主范围突变型
  18596. host resistance ==> 寄主抗性
  18597. host rock ==> 主体岩石,主岩
  18598. host selection ==> 寄主选择性
  18599. host specificity ==> 寄生专一性,寄主专一性
  18600. host subscriber ==> 主机用户
  18601. host system ==> 主系统
  18602. HOST, horizon sensor with turning head ==> スキャン型地球センサ
  18603. host-based support program ==> 供主机用的支援程序
  18604. host-guest complexation ==> 主体客体配位
  18605. host-host protocol ==> 传输协议
  18606. host-ion interaction ==> 基质离子互作用
  18607. host-parasite relationship ==> 虫主关系
  18608. host-pyrolite ==> 主火成岩
  18609. host-to-host protocol ==> 主机与主机协议
  18610. Hostalan dye ==> 霍斯塔兰染料
  18611. Hostapon process ==> 霍斯塔庞法
  18612. hostel-like process ==> 类似站进程
  18613. hostile ==> 敵意を持っている人,不利な,厳しい
  18614. hostile acquisition ==> 敵対的買収
  18615. hostile action ==> 敵対行為
  18616. hostile activities ==> 敵対行為
  18617. hostile aircraft ==> 敵機
  18618. hostile app ==> 悪意のアプリケーション
  18619. hostile identification ==> 敌意认同
  18620. hostless system ==> 分布系统
  18621. hot ==> 热的,热,强放射性
  18622. hot (air) blast ==> 热风
  18623. hot (spark)plug ==> 热型火花塞
  18624. hot acetic acid treatment ==> 加热醋酸处理
  18625. hot acid ==> 热酸
  18626. hot acid polymerization process ==> 热酸聚合过程
  18627. hot acid system ==> 热酸回收系统
  18628. hot acid treatment ==> 热酸处理
  18629. hot adhesive ==> 热熔性胶粘剂
  18630. hot aggregate storage bin ==> 热骨料仓
  18631. hot air ==> 热空气
  18632. hot air aging ==> 热空气老化
  18633. hot air apparatus ==> 热风装置
  18634. hot air blast hole ==> 热风鼓风口
  18635. hot air blower ==> 热风鼓风机
  18636. hot air box ==> 热空气箱
  18637. hot air cabinet ==> 热气烘箱
  18638. hot air chamber ==> 热风干燥室
  18639. hot air circular drying machine ==> 热风循环干燥机
  18640. hot air circulating oven ==> 干热循环箱
  18641. hot air circulating system ==> 热风循环系统
  18642. hot air cocoon drying machine ==> 热风干燥烘茧机,热空气干燥烘茧机
  18643. hot air control valve ==> 热空气调节阀
  18644. hot air cure ==> 热空气熟化
  18645. hot air distributor ==> 热风分布器
  18646. hot air drying ==> 热风干燥
  18647. hot air drying kiln ==> 热气干燥窑
  18648. hot air duct ==> 热风管道,热空气导管
  18649. hot air engine ==> 热空气发动机
  18650. hot air gun ==> 热气喷枪
  18651. hot air heater-defroster ==> 暖气除霜器
  18652. hot air heating ==> 热风供暖
  18653. hot air heating flue ==> 热风供暖烟道
  18654. hot air horn ==> 热空气喇叭
  18655. hot air intake ==> 热气进口
  18656. hot air jet dryer ==> 热风喷射烘燥机
  18657. hot air jig tenter ==> 热风摆动布铗拉幅机
  18658. hot air recirculation ==> 热风再循环,后墙水冷壁在炉膛出口处向内延伸所形成的凸出部分,用以改善炉内气流分布。
  18659. hot air retraction ==> 热空气收缩
  18660. hot air roll ==> 热风辊
  18661. hot air seasoning ==> 热气烘干
  18662. hot air setting ==> 热空气定形
  18663. hot air shrinkage ==> 热风收缩
  18664. hot air sizing machine ==> 热风式浆纱机
  18665. hot air stenter ==> 热风烘燥拉幅机
  18666. hot air sterilization ==> 热空气灭菌法,干热灭菌
  18667. hot air sterilizer ==> 干热灭菌器,干热消毒器,热气灭菌器
  18668. hot air temperature ==> 热风温度,空气预热器出口的空气温度。
  18669. hot air treatment ==> 热空气处理,热空气疗法
  18670. hot air type heater ==> 热空气取暖设备=>温風暖房器
  18671. hot air-brown oven ==> 热风炉
  18672. hot alkali extraction ==> 热碱抽提
  18673. hot alkali purification ==> 热碱净化
  18674. hot and cold load technique ==> 热冷负载法
  18675. hot and dry rolling ==> 热干碾压法
  18676. hot anode magnetron ==> 热阳极磁控管
  18677. hot application ==> 热敷
  18678. hot application type rust preventive ==> 热施型防锈剂
  18679. hot arc ==> 热段
  18680. hot area ==> 炎热地区,加热段,加热区,受热面
  18681. hot asphaltic concrete pavement ==> 热铺地沥青混凝土路面
  18682. hot atom ==> 热原子
  18683. hot atom annealing ==> 热原子退火
  18684. hot atom chemistry ==> 热原子化学
  18685. hot atom reaction ==> 热原子反应
  18686. hot baffle ==> 挡热板
  18687. hot band meter ==> 热条式电表
  18688. hot bank ==> 热备用
  18689. hot banking ==> 临时休风=>ホットバンキング
  18690. hot bar method ==> 热棒测定法
  18691. hot bath ==> 热水浴
  18692. hot bed ==> 热床
  18693. hot belt ==> 热的地带
  18694. hot bend test ==> 高温弯曲试验
  18695. hot bending ==> 热弯
  18696. hot bitumen ==> 热沥青
  18697. hot blanket ==> 断熱覆い
  18698. hot blast ==> 热鼓风,热空气喷流,炽热空气流,气动力加热
  18699. hot blast cupola ==> 热风冲天炉
  18700. hot blast fan high pressure system ==> 热风高压系统
  18701. hot blast furnace ==> 热鼓风炉
  18702. hot blast heater ==> 热风炉,热鼓风加热炉
  18703. hot blast stove ==> 热鼓风炉=>熱風炉
  18704. hot bleaching ==> 热法漂白
  18705. hot blow ==> 热吹
  18706. hot blown iron ==> 热风炼铁
  18707. hot body ==> 热体
  18708. hot box ==> 热芯盒,隔热箱
  18709. hot box process ==> 热芯盒造型法
  18710. hot breakdown ==> 热灯浆
  18711. hot brick ==> 保温帽砖
  18712. hot brine ==> 热卤水
  18713. hot briquetting ==> 热团矿,热压,加热成型
  18714. hot brittle ==> 热脆,热脆的,红脆的
  18715. hot brittle iron ==> 热脆钢
  18716. hot brittle material ==> 热脆材料
  18717. hot brittlement ==> 热脆
  18718. hot brittleness ==> 热脆性,红脆性
  18719. hot bulb ==> 热球
  18720. hot bulb engine ==> 热球式发动机
  18721. hot bulb ignition ==> 烧球点火
  18722. hot calendering ==> 热轧光
  18723. hot carbonate process ==> 热碳酸盐过程
  18724. hot carrier ==> 热载流=>ホットキャリヤ
  18725. hot carrier diode ==> 热载流二极管
  18726. hot cathode ==> 热离子阴极,热阴极=>熱陰極
  18727. hot cathode discharge ==> 热阴极放电
  18728. hot cathode gas filed rectifier tube ==> 热阴极充气整流管
  18729. hot cathode glow tube ==> 热阴极辉光放电管
  18730. hot cathode ioization gauge ==> 热阴极电离规
  18731. hot cathode ionization gauge ==> 热阴电离真空计
  18732. hot cathode lamp ==> 热阴极灯
  18733. hot cathode laser tube ==> 熱陰極レーザ管
  18734. hot cathode magnetron gauge ==> 热阴磁控管真空计
  18735. hot cathode magnetron ionization gauge ==> 热阴极磁控电离规
  18736. hot cathode tube ==> 热阴极管
  18737. hot caustic bath ==> 热碱槽
  18738. hot cave ==> 热室
  18739. hot cell ==> 热单位,热室
  18740. hot chamber ==> 热室,热试验容器,烘房
  18741. hot chamber die casting ==> 热室压铸法
  18742. hot chamber die casting machine ==> 热室压铸机
  18743. hot chamber machine ==> 热室压铸机
  18744. hot channel ==> 热通道,堆芯内最逼近热工安全参数限值的冷却剂通道,通常也是堆芯内受热最大的冷却剂通道
  18745. hot channel factor ==> 热管系数
  18746. hot channel factors ==> 热通道因子,考虑核和工程的各种不利因素后,热通道中反应堆冷却剂平均比焓升或轴向平均热流密度与相应的堆芯平均比焓升或平均热流密度的比值
  18747. hot charge ==> 热原料
  18748. hot charging ==> 热装
  18749. hot chassis ==> 接地底盘
  18750. hot chemical gas flame ==> 热化学气体火焰
  18751. hot chisel ==> 热凿
  18752. hot chromatography ==> 热色谱
  18753. hot clean criticality ==> 热净临界
  18754. hot clean loading ==> 热净装载
  18755. hot clean reactor ==> 热净反应堆
  18756. hot cleaner ==> 热水清洗装置
  18757. hot climate cell ==> 高温试验室
  18758. hot closed-die forging ==> 热模锻
  18759. hot cloud ==> 热云
  18760. hot coal gas ==> 热煤气
  18761. hot coal-tar coating ==> 热煤焦油覆盖
  18762. hot coating ==> 热涂层
  18763. hot coil ==> 热盘管
  18764. hot coil conveyer ==> 热带卷运输机
  18765. hot coiler ==> 热卷取机
  18766. hot component star ==> 热子星
  18767. hot compress ==> 热敷
  18768. hot compression ==> 热压
  18769. hot concentrated alkali ==> 热浓碱
  18770. hot condition ==> 热态
  18771. hot consolidation ==> 热固结
  18772. hot constant ==> 热态常数
  18773. hot corebox ==> 热芯盒
  18774. hot corrosion ==> 热腐蚀
  18775. hot crack ==> 热裂纹
  18776. hot crack(ing) test ==> 热裂纹试验
  18777. hot crackability ==> 热裂性
  18778. hot creep ==> 热致蠕动
  18779. hot crimping ==> 热卷边
  18780. hot critical reactor ==> 热临界堆
  18781. hot cropping ==> 热剁下料
  18782. hot cross-section ==> 热截面
  18783. hot cure ==> 热处治
  18784. hot curing ==> 热硫化,热养护
  18785. hot curve ==> 热态有效性曲线
  18786. hot cut flare machine ==> 热切扩口机
  18787. hot cut method ==> 热切法
  18788. hot cutting ==> 热切割,热切削
  18789. hot cylinder ==> 热气缸
  18790. hot cylinder setting ==> 热滚筒定形
  18791. hot deformation ==> 热变形,高温变形
  18792. hot densification ==> 热致密化
  18793. hot desert ==> 热漠,热沙漠
  18794. hot desert test ==> 热砂试验
  18795. hot die forging ==> 热模锻
  18796. hot die steel ==> 热锻模钢,热作模具钢
  18797. hot dimpling machine ==> 热压波纹机,热压曲面机
  18798. hot dip ==> 热镀
  18799. hot dip alumin(i)um coating ==> 热浸镀铝层
  18800. hot dip galvanizing ==> 热浸镀锌=>溶融亜鉛メッキ
  18801. hot dip plating ==> 热浸涂镀
  18802. hot dip type rust preventive ==> 热浸渍型防锈剂
  18803. hot dip zincing ==> 热浸镀锌=>溶融亜鉛メッキ
  18804. hot dipping ==> 热浸,热浸镀
  18805. hot dogs ==> 热狗
  18806. hot dogtorium ==> 热狗店
  18807. hot dozzle ==> 保温帽
  18808. hot draw ==> 热拉
  18809. hot drawing ==> 热拔,热拉
  18810. hot drawing wire ==> 热拉钢丝
  18811. hot drawn ==> 热拔的
  18812. hot drawn tube ==> 热拉拨管
  18813. hot drinks ==> 热饮
  18814. hot drip gum test ==> 热滴胶质试验
  18815. hot driving ==> 热铆,热排放
  18816. hot drop saw ==> 热锯,杠杆式热锯
  18817. hot ductility ==> 热延性
  18818. hot ductility test ==> 高温延性试验
  18819. hot dyeing exhaust process ==> 高热竭染法
  18820. hot dyer ==> 高温染色工
  18821. hot elbowing by inductive heating ==> 中频加热弯管
  18822. hot elbowing with wrinkle ==> 折皱加热弯管
  18823. hot electric pressing ==> 电热压
  18824. hot electrode ==> 热电极
  18825. hot electron ==> 热电子=>熱い電子
  18826. hot electron emission ==> 热电子发射
  18827. hot electron emitter ==> 热电子发射体
  18828. hot electron injection ==> 热电子注入
  18829. hot electron transistor ==> 热电子晶体管
  18830. hot electrostatic precipitator ==> 高温电除尘器
  18831. hot elevator ==> 热料提升机
  18832. hot embrittlement ==> 热脆,热脆性
  18833. hot enamel coating ==> 热搪瓷涂层
  18834. hot end ==> 热端,热接点,高电位端
  18835. hot end dust ==> 热端灰泡
  18836. hot engine ==> 热发动机
  18837. hot environment ==> 高温环境
  18838. hot etching test ==> 热浸蚀试验
  18839. hot extrude ==> 热挤
  18840. hot extrusion ==> 热挤加工,热挤压,热压
  18841. hot extrusion molding ==> 热挤模塑
  18842. hot facility ==> 强放射性设备
  18843. hot feed ==> 热进料,发热饲料
  18844. hot filament ==> 热灯丝
  18845. hot filament CVD ==> 热丝化学气相沉积法
  18846. hot filling ==> 热灌装
  18847. hot film anemometer ==> 热膜风速表
  18848. hot finished ==> 热光制
  18849. hot finisher ==> 热轧精轧机
  18850. hot finishing mill ==> 热轧精轧机座
  18851. hot firing ==> 热试车
  18852. hot fixutre soldering technique ==> 热夹具焊接技术
  18853. hot floor ==> 平底干燥器
  18854. hot floor drier ==> 地坑干燥器
  18855. hot floor dryer ==> 地坑式干燥器
  18856. hot flotation ==> 热浮选
  18857. hot flotation circuit ==> 热浮选回路
  18858. hot flue ==> 热烟道
  18859. hot flue dryer ==> 热风烘燥机
  18860. hot fluid ==> 热流体
  18861. hot fluid jet texturing process ==> 热气流喷射变形工艺
  18862. hot flush ==> 热潮红
  18863. hot foiling ==> 热包工艺
  18864. hot food table ==> 食物保温箱
  18865. hot forge rolling ==> 热辊锻,锻工热滚轧法
  18866. hot forging ==> 热锻
  18867. hot former ==> 热成形机
  18868. hot forming ==> 热成形,热压成形,高温成形
  18869. hot functional test ==> 热态功能试验,利用主冷却剂泵和稳压器将核蒸汽供应系统升温升压,在从冷态到热态停堆状态的整个温度和压力范围内验证有关设备和系统的功能响应、耐久性和安全性,以保证它们能按设计要求运行所进行的工作
  18870. hot galvanizing ==> 热镀锌,热镀锌法,热浸镀锌
  18871. hot gas bonder ==> 热气喷射钎焊装置
  18872. hot gas defrosting ==> 热气体除霜
  18873. hot gas duce of HTGR ==> [高温气冷堆]热气导管,高温气冷堆的高温氦气出入反应堆容器的套管型管道。热气导管有内、外两层管壁,内管壁接触高温氦气;外管壁起密封作用,承受管内、外的压差,同时也作为内管壁的支撑
  18874. hot gas flame ==> 热气体火焰
  18875. hot gas line ==> 热气管线
  18876. hot gas line for defrosting ==> 热气融霜管路
  18877. hot gas multi-stage booster ==> 热气体多级增压机
  18878. hot gas outlet duct ==> 热空气出口管
  18879. hot gas pressure compaction ==> 热气压成形
  18880. hot gas purification ==> 热气净化
  18881. hot gas servo system ==> 热气伺服系统
  18882. hot gas squeeze ==> 热气压结
  18883. hot gas stabilizing system ==> 热气稳定系统
  18884. hot gas welding ==> 气焊
  18885. hot gluing ==> 热胶合,热压粘结
  18886. hot goods ==> 贼赃
  18887. hot hardness ==> 热硬度,热硬性
  18888. hot hardness property ==> 热硬性质
  18889. hot heat ==> 热炉次
  18890. hot heating ==> 热水供暖
  18891. hot hobbing ==> 热挤压制模法
  18892. hot hole ==> 热孔
  18893. hot holes ==> 热空穴
  18894. hot horse ==> 神经质的马
  18895. hot house ==> 干燥室
  18896. hot hydraulic system ==> 热液压系统
  18897. hot idle ==> 热空转
  18898. hot impact ==> 热冲击
  18899. hot impact test ==> 热弯试验
  18900. hot ingot peeling machine ==> 热钢锭剥皮机床
  18901. hot injection moulding ==> 热压铸成形
  18902. hot injection moulding machine ==> 热压铸机
  18903. hot inspection ==> 热检验
  18904. hot investment casting ==> 精密铸造
  18905. hot iron ==> 高温熨烫,铁水
  18906. hot iron mold blowing ==> 热模吹制
  18907. hot iron mold ware ==> 热模制品
  18908. hot isopressing ==> 热等静压
  18909. hot isostatic apparatus ==> 热等静压设备
  18910. hot isostatic bonding ==> 热等静压
  18911. hot isostatic compaction ==> 热等静压,热等压成型
  18912. hot isostatic press ==> 热等静压机,等静热压机
  18913. hot isostatic pressing ==> 高温等静压,热等静压
  18914. hot isostatic pressing treatment ==> 热等静压处理
  18915. hot issue ==> 热门股票
  18916. hot item ==> 热门货
  18917. hot jacket ==> 热套,热套,红套
  18918. hot jet welding ==> 热风焊接
  18919. hot joining ==> 热接
  18920. hot junction ==> 热端,热接点,热结=>熱接点
  18921. hot junction temperature ==> 热接点温度
  18922. hot knife ==> 热切刀
  18923. hot laboratory ==> 热实验室,强放射性物质研究实验室
  18924. hot laboratory cave ==> 热室
  18925. hot laboratory for materials examination ==> 材料检验热实验室,简称“热室”。由多个良好屏蔽的密封小室组成,专为操作强放射性物质、燃料组件和部件解体检验、无损检测、力学性能测试、化学分析和燃料制备等的实验室。操作在室外透过铅玻璃窗用机械手远距离进行
  18926. hot lacquering ==> 热喷漆
  18927. hot lahar ==> 热泥流
  18928. hot laid (bituminous) macadam ==> 热铺碎石路
  18929. hot light ==> 热光,主光
  18930. hot lighting ==> 主光照明
  18931. hot line ==> 热线=>ホットライン
  18932. hot line clamp ==> 带电线夹
  18933. hot line job ==> 带电操作,带电作业
  18934. hot line service ==> 热线通信业务
  18935. hot line work ==> 带电操作,带电作业
  18936. hot load test ==> 热负荷试验
  18937. hot load testing furnace ==> 热负荷测试炉
  18938. hot logging ==> 流水集材作业
  18939. hot loop ==> 热回路,放射性回路
  18940. hot machine ==> 高温机器
  18941. hot machining ==> 高温切削,热加工
  18942. hot magnetron ==> 热阳极磁控管,热阴极磁控管
  18943. hot mangle ==> 板材热矫直机
  18944. hot marinating ==> 热醋渍
  18945. hot mastication ==> 热塑炼
  18946. hot material ==> 热材料,强放射性材料
  18947. hot melt ==> 热熔,热熔性
  18948. hot melt adhesive ==> 热熔性胶粘剂
  18949. hot melt coating ==> 热熔性涂布
  18950. hot melt gun ==> 热熔性喷枪
  18951. hot melt strength ==> 热熔强度
  18952. hot metal ==> 熔融金属,高熔金属,液态金属
  18953. hot metal receiver ==> 熔融金属接受器
  18954. hot metallurgy laboratory (HML) ==> 热冶金实验室
  18955. hot methylation ==> 热甲基化
  18956. hot mill ==> 热轧机
  18957. hot mill motor ==> 热轧电动机
  18958. hot mirror ==> 热反射镜
  18959. hot mix ==> 热拌混合料
  18960. hot mixture ==> 热拌合料
  18961. hot mold blowing ==> 热模吹制
  18962. hot molded blank ==> 热压型毛坯
  18963. hot molding ==> 热模制
  18964. hot money ==> 热币
  18965. hot motor part detection ==> 发动机发热部分探测
  18966. hot motoring method ==> 热机马达法
  18967. hot moulding ==> 热模压,热榨
  18968. hot new issues ==> 新发行热门股
  18969. hot new issues stock ==> 新发行热门股票
  18970. hot nodule ==> 热结节
  18971. hot oil ==> 热馏出物
  18972. hot oil (dyeing) process ==> 热油轧染
  18973. hot oil centrifugal pump ==> 热油离心泵
  18974. hot oil distillation ==> 热油蒸馏
  18975. hot oil duct ==> 热油导管
  18976. hot oil expression ==> 热压油法
  18977. hot oil machine ==> 热油机
  18978. hot oil pump ==> 热油泵
  18979. hot operation ==> 高温运行
  18980. hot override switch ==> 热断开关
  18981. hot pack ==> 热包裹法,热裹法
  18982. hot packing ==> 热裹法
  18983. hot padding ==> 热压印
  18984. hot particle ==> 强放射性粒子
  18985. hot patch ==> 热补
  18986. hot patch maintenance ==> 热补养护
  18987. hot patching ==> 热补
  18988. hot peening ==> 热锤击,热打铁,热喷丸,高温喷砂处理
  18989. hot peening marquenching ==> 热锻分级淬火
  18990. hot penetration construction ==> 热灌沥青路面施工
  18991. hot penetration method ==> 热灌法
  18992. hot penetration(bituminous) macadam ==> 热灌沥青碎石
  18993. hot permeability ==> 热透气性,高温透气性
  18994. hot piercing ==> 热穿孔
  18995. hot pin ==> 热棒
  18996. hot piping ==> 热管道输送
  18997. hot plasma ==> 热等离子体
  18998. hot plastic paint ==> 热涂塑性涂料
  18999. hot plasticity ==> 热塑性,热塑性塑性
  19000. hot plate ==> 热板,电热板,加热板,(用以保持熟食的温度)保温盘=>電気こんろ
  19001. hot plate drier ==> 热板式干燥机
  19002. hot plate press ==> 热板压呢机
  19003. hot plate straightening machine ==> 钢板热矫正机
  19004. hot plate tempering ==> 热钢板回火,烘杆回火
  19005. hot plate veneer redrier ==> 热单板再干机
  19006. hot plug ==> 热点火塞,热型火花塞
  19007. hot pneumatic type portable sprayer ==> 热气式轻便弥雾机
  19008. hot point ==> 摩擦发热点
  19009. hot point factors ==> 热点因子,考虑了核的和工程的各种不利因素后,热点的热流密度与堆芯平均热流密度的比值
  19010. hot polymer ==> 热聚物
  19011. hot polymerization ==> 热聚
  19012. hot post ==> 阳极接头
  19013. hot potassium carbonate process ==> 热碳酸钾过程
  19014. hot poured type ==> 热灌式
  19015. hot precipitator ==> 高温除尘器
  19016. hot precoated sand ==> 热覆膜砂
  19017. hot preparation ==> 热制备
  19018. hot press ==> 热压机
  19019. hot press forge ==> 热锻压机,热模锻
  19020. hot press forging ==> 热压煅造
  19021. hot press molding ==> 热压模塑
  19022. hot press welding ==> 热压焊接
  19023. hot pressboard ==> 热压板
  19024. hot pressed ceramics ==> 热压瓷,热压陶瓷
  19025. hot pressed mica ==> 热压云母
  19026. hot pressed oil ==> 热榨油
  19027. hot pressed silicon nitride (HPSN) ==> 热压氮化硅
  19028. hot pressed sintering ==> 热压烧结
  19029. hot pressing ==> 热压成形
  19030. hot pressing die ==> 热压模
  19031. hot pressing pressure ==> 热压压力
  19032. hot pressing temperature ==> 热压温度
  19033. hot pressure casting ==> 热压铸成形
  19034. hot pressure welding ==> 预热压力焊
  19035. hot primary air ==> 一次热空气
  19036. hot probe method ==> 热探针法
  19037. hot procedure ==> 热加工工序,热加工过程
  19038. hot process ==> 热铺法
  19039. hot process plywood press ==> 热压胶板机
  19040. hot process soap ==> 热法皂
  19041. hot property ==> 热性能
  19042. hot pulp flotation ==> 热浆浮选
  19043. hot quenching ==> 热淬火,高温淬火
  19044. hot rack ==> 轧制机台,热钢材冷却台架
  19045. hot reaction ==> 热反应
  19046. hot reactor ==> 热态反应堆
  19047. hot recycle pump ==> 热循环泵
  19048. hot reducing ==> 热压缩
  19049. hot reduction ==> 热轧
  19050. hot reeling machine ==> 热管材整径机,热卷取机,旋进式热轧机,落丝机
  19051. hot refining ==> 热法精制
  19052. hot reflux ==> 热回流
  19053. hot reflux condenser ==> 热回流管
  19054. hot reheat ==> 高温级再热
  19055. hot repair ==> 热补,热态检修,热修
  19056. hot repress ==> 再热压
  19057. hot repressing ==> 再热压
  19058. hot reserve ==> 運転予備力
  19059. hot reserve, spinning reserve ==> 热备用,又称"旋转备用"
  19060. hot residue ==> 热残渣
  19061. hot resistance ==> 热电阻
  19062. hot riser ==> 热冒口
  19063. hot riveting ==> 热铆
  19064. hot roll ==> 热轧,热轧辊
  19065. hot roll neck grease ==> 热轧辊颈润滑脂
  19066. hot rolled band ==> 热轧钢带
  19067. hot rolled plate ==> 热轧板
  19068. hot rolled sheet ==> 热轧钢板=>熱延鋼板
  19069. hot rolled steel ==> 热轧钢=>熱延鋼板
  19070. hot rolling ==> 热卷,热轧
  19071. hot rolling mill ==> 热轧机
  19072. hot room ==> 热室,烘房
  19073. hot rubber ==> 热聚合橡胶
  19074. hot run table ==> 热金属辊道
  19075. hot running test ==> 热跑试验,为验证汽轮机转子受热后的变形情况,在制造过程中所进行的使主轴、转子体边旋转边加热的试验
  19076. hot saline solubility test ==> 热盐水溶解试验
  19077. hot salt quenching ==> 盐浴淬火
  19078. hot saw ==> 热锯
  19079. hot sawing ==> 热锯,热态锯切
  19080. hot scarfer ==> 热轧件火焰清理机
  19081. hot scarfing ==> 热轧件的火焰清理,高温修切边缘,烧剥
  19082. hot sealing wax ==> 热封蜡
  19083. hot season ==> 热季,炎热季节
  19084. hot set ==> 热变定
  19085. hot set hammer ==> 热作锤
  19086. hot setting adhesive ==> 热固胶粘剂
  19087. hot setting glue ==> 热固树胶
  19088. hot shake-out ==> 热打箱,(落砂用)高温打箱
  19089. hot shaping ==> 热态变形
  19090. hot shearing ==> 热剪,热剪切
  19091. hot shears ==> 热剪
  19092. hot shoe ==> 触点式插座
  19093. hot shop ==> 热车间
  19094. hot short ==> 热脆,热脆的,热脆性的,红脆的
  19095. hot shortness ==> 红脆性,热脆性
  19096. hot shot ==> 过热
  19097. hot shrinkage ==> 热缩
  19098. hot shrinkage-tension ==> 热缩拉力
  19099. hot shutdown ==> 热[态]停堆,反应堆冷却剂温度和压力均处于热态的短期暂时性停堆。反应堆维持在次临界状态;一回路维持在热态零功率的压力和温度;二回路维持在热备用工况,随时准备功率运行
  19100. hot side ==> 热端,热面,高压边,高电位侧,高放射性侧
  19101. hot size ==> 热定径,热模精压
  19102. hot skidway ==> 流水垫木楞场
  19103. hot smoke ==> 热黑烟
  19104. hot smoking ==> 热法熏制
  19105. hot soarfing ==> 热剥
  19106. hot soluble extract ==> 热水溶解的浸膏
  19107. hot space ==> 热区,高温区
  19108. hot spark ==> 强火花
  19109. hot spinning ==> 热旋压
  19110. hot spinning temperature chart ==> 热旋压温度图
  19111. hot splicer ==> 热接片机
  19112. hot spot ==> 热点,热斑,亮斑,烈火点,过热部位,过热点,多灾区,摩擦发热点,局部过热,局部过热,加热点,(铸造用语)热节;热点,堆芯内最逼近热工安全参数限值的位置,通常此处释热率最高
  19113. hot spot effect ==> 热斑效应
  19114. hot spot model ==> 热斑模型
  19115. hot spotting ==> 烈火点控制
  19116. hot spraying ==> 热喷涂
  19117. hot spring ==> 热泉,温泉
  19118. hot spring sanitarium ==> 温泉疗养院
  19119. hot stack ==> 热堆积
  19120. hot stage ==> 发热期
  19121. hot stage electron microscope ==> 高温电子显微镜
  19122. hot stall ==> 热车熄火
  19123. hot stamp ==> 火印
  19124. hot stamping ==> 热压箔
  19125. hot stamping brass ==> 热压黄铜合金
  19126. hot stamping machine ==> 熱間鍛造機
  19127. hot stand by ==> 热备用
  19128. hot standby and spinning reserve ==> 運転予備力
  19129. hot standing wave ratio ==> 热驻波比
  19130. hot star ==> 热星
  19131. hot start ==> 高电流起弧
  19132. hot start lamp ==> 热起动灯
  19133. hot start-up ==> [锅炉]热态起动,在点火前将符合给水品质要求和一定温度的水送入锅炉的过程。
  19134. hot state constant ==> 热状态常数
  19135. hot stenter setting ==> 热拉幅定形
  19136. hot stick ==> 带电操作杆
  19137. hot stock treatment ==> 热浆处理
  19138. hot storage ==> 热贮存
  19139. hot stove burner ==> 热风炉烧嘴
  19140. hot straightening ==> 热矫正
  19141. hot straining ==> 热应变
  19142. hot straining embrittlement ==> 热应变脆性
  19143. hot strength ==> 热强度,高温强度,拉伸强度
  19144. hot strength index ==> 热强度指数
  19145. hot stretch ==> 热拉伸
  19146. hot strip ==> 热轧钢带
  19147. hot strip mill ==> 带钢热轧机,扁钢热轧机=>熱間圧延機
  19148. hot stuff man ==> 热料工
  19149. hot stuffing ==> 热加脂
  19150. hot stylus ==> 热记录笔
  19151. hot subdwarf ==> 热亚矮星
  19152. hot surface ignition engine ==> 热球柴油机
  19153. hot surface treatment ==> 热敷路面处理,表面热处理
  19154. hot surface-ignition engine ==> 热球式柴油机
  19155. hot swaging ==> 热型锻
  19156. hot swap ==> 热插拔=>ホットスワップ,活線挿抜
  19157. hot swelling ==> 热胀罐
  19158. hot tarring ==> 热沥青铺路
  19159. hot tear ==> 热撕裂
  19160. hot tear crack ==> 拉裂
  19161. hot tear(ing) ==> 热裂
  19162. hot tearing ==> 热撕裂,形成热裂缝
  19163. hot tensile strength ==> 热张力
  19164. hot tension test ==> 高温拉力试验
  19165. hot test ==> 高温试验,热态试验
  19166. hot tinning ==> 热镀锡
  19167. hot top ==> 热顶,冒口,保温帽
  19168. hot topped ingot ==> 热帽钢锭
  19169. hot trepanning ==> 中空凸模冲孔
  19170. hot trephining ==> 中孔凸模冲机
  19171. hot trim ==> 热切边
  19172. hot trimming ==> 热切毛边,(铸件用)高温清整
  19173. hot trimming die ==> 热修边模
  19174. hot tube expanding machine ==> 热扩管机
  19175. hot tunnel climatic test ==> 热风洞试验
  19176. hot universe ==> 热宇宙
  19177. hot vacuum ==> 热真空
  19178. hot vacuum treatment ==> 高温真空处理
  19179. hot vaporizer ==> 热蒸发器
  19180. hot vulcanization ==> 热硫化
  19181. hot vulcanizing ==> 热补
  19182. hot wall ==> (设采暖烟道的墙壁)暖墙
  19183. hot wall reactor ==> 热壁反应器
  19184. hot wash ==> 热水洗涤
  19185. hot waste ==> 放射性废物,热废物
  19186. hot water ==> 热水
  19187. hot water apparatus ==> 热水装置
  19188. hot water boiler ==> 热水锅炉
  19189. hot water circulating pump ==> 热水循环泵
  19190. hot water demand ==> 給湯需要
  19191. hot water deposit ==> 热水沉积
  19192. hot water dip ==> 温汤浸种
  19193. hot water flotation ==> 热水浮选
  19194. hot water funnel ==> 热水漏斗
  19195. hot water generator ==> 温水发生器
  19196. hot water heater ==> 热水采暖装置
  19197. hot water heating ==> 热水采暖
  19198. hot water inlet valve ==> 温水入口阀
  19199. hot water permeation method ==> 热汤渗透法
  19200. hot water radiator ==> 热水散热器
  19201. hot water regulating pump ==> 热水循环泵
  19202. hot water return pipe ==> 热水回水管
  19203. hot water service ==> 热水供应
  19204. hot water service room ==> 热水供应室
  19205. hot water storgae ==> 热水槽
  19206. hot water supply ==> 热水供给,热水供应
  19207. hot water supply heat load ==> 热水供应热负荷,生活及生产耗用热水的热负荷
  19208. hot water supply room ==> 热水供应室
  19209. hot water tank ==> 热水箱
  19210. hot water temperature ==> 热水温度,热水锅炉或热水加热器在额定回水温度、额定回水压力和额定循环水量条件下长期连续运行时应予保证的出口热水温度。
  19211. hot water test ==> 热水试验
  19212. hot water treatment ==> 热水处理,温汤浸种
  19213. hot wave ==> 热浪
  19214. hot waw ==> 热锯
  19215. hot weld ==> 热焊
  19216. hot weld encapsulation ==> 热焊封袋
  19217. hot welding ==> 热焊
  19218. hot well ==> 热水井,凝结水井,高温井,热井,又称“凝结水汇集箱”。表面式凝汽器底部汇集凝结水的容器
  19219. hot well filter ==> 热水阱滤器
  19220. hot well pump ==> 热井泵,热水池泵,凝结水泵
  19221. hot wind ==> 热风
  19222. hot wire ==> 热线,热电阻线,热丝=>熱線
  19223. hot wire ammeter ==> 热线安培计
  19224. hot wire anemometer ==> 热线风速表,热线风速计
  19225. hot wire cutter ==> 熱線カッター
  19226. hot wire detector ==> 热丝检测器
  19227. hot wire flow transducer[sensor] ==> 热线流量传感器
  19228. hot wire flowmeter ==> 热丝流量计
  19229. hot wire fuse lighter ==> 热线点火器
  19230. hot wire gage ==> 热线压力计
  19231. hot wire galvanometer ==> 热线检流计
  19232. hot wire ignition test ==> 电热丝点燃试验
  19233. hot wire instrument ==> 热线仪表
  19234. hot wire ionization gauge ==> 热丝电离规
  19235. hot wire manometer ==> 热线压力计
  19236. hot wire method ==> 熱線法
  19237. hot wire relay ==> 热线式继电器
  19238. hot wire respiratory flow transducer[sensor] ==> 热丝(式)呼吸流量传感器
  19239. hot wire sensor ==> 熱線センサー
  19240. hot wire turbulence meter ==> 热线湍流计
  19241. hot wire type flasher ==> 热丝式闪光器
  19242. hot wire voltmeter ==> 热线式伏特计
  19243. hot wire wattmeter ==> 热线式瓦特计
  19244. hot wire welding ==> 热丝焊
  19245. hot work ==> 热加工,玻璃制品的热成形
  19246. hot work ability ==> 热加工性
  19247. hot work tool steel ==> 热镀模具钢,热锻模具钢
  19248. hot work(ing) ==> 热作
  19249. hot worked ==> 热加工的,热作的
  19250. hot working ==> 热加工=>熱間加工
  19251. hot working face ==> 高温工作面
  19252. hot zirconia ==> 热氧化锆
  19253. hot zone ==> 热带,高温带
  19254. hot(-)gas welding ==> 热气焊接
  19255. hot(test)-spot temperature ==> 热点温度
  19256. hot-aggregate conveyer ==> 热集料输送机
  19257. hot-air bath ==> 热气浴,热汽浴
  19258. hot-air blast ==> 热鼓风
  19259. hot-air blower ==> 热鼓风机
  19260. hot-air collector ==> 热气集合器
  19261. hot-air conveying type dryer ==> 热风输送式干燥机
  19262. hot-air couplection ==> 热气集合体
  19263. hot-air cure ==> 热空气硫化
  19264. hot-air curing ==> 热风养护
  19265. hot-air deicer ==> 热气防冰设备
  19266. hot-air drier ==> 热风干燥器
  19267. hot-air engine ==> 热气发动机
  19268. hot-air fan ==> 热风机
  19269. hot-air funnel ==> 热气漏斗
  19270. hot-air furnace ==> 热风炉,热空气炉
  19271. hot-air generator ==> 热风机
  19272. hot-air heater ==> 热风供暖器,热风供暖装置,热空气供暖器,热气供暖器,热气加热器
  19273. hot-air heating ==> 热风采暖,热风供暖
  19274. hot-air heating standpipe method ==> 立管热风供暖法
  19275. hot-air heating system ==> 热风供暖系统
  19276. hot-air jacket ==> 热风加热套
  19277. hot-air oven ==> 热风烘箱,热风炉
  19278. hot-air plant ==> 热风装置
  19279. hot-air seasoning ==> 热风干燥,热风干燥法
  19280. hot-air slasher ==> 热风式浆纱机
  19281. hot-air soldering ==> 热空气钎焊
  19282. hot-air standard cycle ==> 热气标准循环
  19283. hot-air steam cure ==> 热气蒸汽硫化
  19284. hot-air sterilization ==> 热空气消毒,热汽灭菌法,干热空气灭菌法,干热灭菌法
  19285. hot-air stove ==> 热风炉
  19286. hot-air stuffing mill ==> 热风加脂转鼓
  19287. hot-air system ==> 热风系统,热气供暖系统
  19288. hot-air test ==> 热气试验
  19289. hot-air unit ==> 热风炉
  19290. hot-air vulcanization ==> 热空气硫化
  19291. hot-air-turbine ==> 高温空气透平
  19292. hot-alkylation ==> 热烷基化
  19293. hot-alumin(i)um mill ==> 铝材热轧机
  19294. hot-and-cold open-tank treatment ==> 热冷槽处理
  19295. hot-and-cold steeping ==> (木材防腐)热冷槽浸渍
  19296. hot-application tar ==> 热用焦油
  19297. hot-applied coal tar coating ==> 热煤焦油覆盖
  19298. hot-applied coating ==> 热敷层
  19299. hot-bar shears ==> 条钢热剪机
  19300. hot-bath quench aging ==> 热浴淬火时效
  19301. hot-bath quenching ==> 热浴淬火
  19302. hot-bed ==> 温床
  19303. hot-bend(ing) test ==> 热弯曲试验
  19304. hot-blast air ==> 热风
  19305. hot-blast cupola ==> 热风化铁炉
  19306. hot-blast furnace ==> 热风炉
  19307. hot-blast heater ==> 热风炉
  19308. hot-blast heating ==> 热风供暖,热风暖气
  19309. hot-blast main ==> 热风总管
  19310. hot-blast outlet ==> 热风出口
  19311. hot-blast stove ==> 热风炉,高炉热风器
  19312. hot-blast stove gas burner ==> 热风炉燃烧器
  19313. hot-blast system ==> 热风暖气系统,热风系统
  19314. hot-blast valve ==> 热风阀
  19315. hot-blooded ==> 温血马
  19316. hot-box ==> 过热的轴颈箱
  19317. hot-box process ==> 热盒制芯法
  19318. hot-bulb ==> 热球
  19319. hot-bulb anemometer ==> 热球式电风速计
  19320. hot-bulb arrangement ==> 热球装置
  19321. hot-bulb engine ==> 热球柴油机,热球式发动机
  19322. hot-bulb ignition ==> 热球点火
  19323. hot-cast ==> 热铸
  19324. hot-cathode discharge tube ==> 热阴极放电管
  19325. hot-cathode gas filled diode ==> 热阴极充气二极管
  19326. hot-cathode gas filled valve ==> 闸流管
  19327. hot-cathode gas rectifier tube ==> 热阴极充气整流管
  19328. hot-cathode gas-filled rectifier ==> 热阴极充气管整流器
  19329. hot-cathode ion source ==> 热阴极离子源
  19330. hot-cathode lamp ==> 热阴极电子管,热阴极管=>熱陰極放電ランプ
  19331. hot-cathode magnetron ==> 热阴极磁控管
  19332. hot-cathode mercury vapour rectifier ==> 热阴极汞汽整流器
  19333. hot-cathode mercury-arc rectifier ==> 热阴极汞弧整流器
  19334. hot-cathode tube ==> 直热式电子管
  19335. hot-cathode type magnetron ga(u)ge ==> 热磁控超高真空计
  19336. hot-cathode X-ray tube ==> 热阴极X射线管
  19337. hot-cathoed ionization ga(u)ge ==> 热阴极电离计
  19338. hot-chamber die casting ==> 热箱压铸
  19339. hot-chamber die casting machine ==> 热室压铸机
  19340. hot-coiled spring ==> 热缠弹簧
  19341. hot-coining ==> 热精压
  19342. hot-cold lysis ==> 热冷溶解
  19343. hot-cold work(ing) ==> 中温加工
  19344. hot-cold working ==> 热冷加工
  19345. hot-cracking test ==> 热裂试验
  19346. hot-deformation ==> 热态变形
  19347. hot-die ==> 热模,热压模
  19348. hot-die steel ==> 热变形模具钢,高温模具钢
  19349. hot-dip ==> 浸镀,热浸,热浸镀
  19350. hot-dip alloying ==> 热浸合金过程
  19351. hot-dip aluminizing ==> 热镀铝,热浸镀铝
  19352. hot-dip coating ==> 热浴镀层
  19353. hot-dip coating process ==> 热浸镀层法
  19354. hot-dip coatting ==> 热镀
  19355. hot-dip compound ==> 热浸渍型防锈剂
  19356. hot-dip galvanization ==> 溶融亜鉛メッキ
  19357. hot-dip galvanized steel wire ==> 热镀锌钢丝
  19358. hot-dip galvanizing ==> 热浸镀锌
  19359. hot-dip process ==> 热浸镀锌法
  19360. hot-dip sheet galvanizing ==> 薄钢板的热镀锌
  19361. hot-dip striping compound ==> 热浸渍脱模剂
  19362. hot-dip tinning plant ==> 热镀锡车间
  19363. hot-dip tinning stack ==> 热镀锡装置
  19364. hot-dipped galvanized sheet steel ==> 热浴镀锌薄板钢材
  19365. hot-dipped terne ==> 热浸镀铅锡合金层
  19366. hot-dipped tinplate ==> 热浸镀锡薄板
  19367. hot-drawn tube ==> 热拉管
  19368. hot-ductility test ==> 热塑性试验
  19369. hot-electron emission ==> 热电发射
  19370. hot-end operation ==> 热端操作
  19371. hot-feed remotecontrolled pump ==> 热馈遥控泵
  19372. hot-filament ionization ga(u)ge ==> 热阴极电离真空计
  19373. hot-filament ionization gage ==> 热灯丝电离真空计
  19374. hot-filament ionization gauge ==> 灯丝电离真空计
  19375. hot-finished material ==> 热轧材料
  19376. hot-finished rod ==> 热轧盘条
  19377. hot-finished tubing ==> 热加工管
  19378. hot-forging ==> 热锻
  19379. hot-forming ==> 热加工
  19380. hot-forming property ==> 热成形性
  19381. hot-galvanize ==> 热镀锌
  19382. hot-galvanizing ==> 热电镀
  19383. hot-gas ==> 热气
  19384. hot-gas bearing ==> 热气轴承
  19385. hot-gas driven generator ==> 热气驱动发电机
  19386. hot-gas recycle process ==> 热气循环过程
  19387. hot-gas reflow soldering ==> 热气流焊接
  19388. hot-gas servo ==> 热气伺服机构
  19389. hot-gas system ==> 热气装置
  19390. hot-gas welding ==> 热风焊接,热空气焊接
  19391. hot-groove rolling ==> 热辊轧制
  19392. hot-ground pulp ==> 热法磨木浆
  19393. hot-head ignition ==> 热头点火
  19394. hot-head press ==> 热压头压烫机
  19395. hot-isostatic-bonding and pressing process ==> 热等静压制法,等静热压法
  19396. hot-laid asphaltic concrete ==> 热铺沥青混凝土
  19397. hot-laid mixture ==> 热拌混合料
  19398. hot-line ==> 带电线路
  19399. hot-line insulation diagnosis ==> 活線絶縁診断
  19400. hot-line job ==> 热线作业,带电操作,带电作业=>活線作業
  19401. hot-line tool ==> 带电操作工具
  19402. hot-line work ==> 带电操作,带电作业=>活線作業
  19403. hot-maceration method ==> 热浸法
  19404. hot-melt adhesive ==> 热熔粘接剂
  19405. hot-melt application ==> 热熔施工
  19406. hot-melt method ==> 热熔粘结法
  19407. hot-metal bottle ==> 铁水罐
  19408. hot-metal break(-)out ==> 铁水穿漏
  19409. hot-metal car ==> 铁水车
  19410. hot-metal charge ==> 熔融金属加料
  19411. hot-metal composing machine ==> 铸排机
  19412. hot-metal ladle ==> 液态金属盛桶
  19413. hot-metal ladle and carriage ==> 铁水罐车
  19414. hot-metal mixer ==> 混合炉,混铁炉
  19415. hot-metal pouring stank ==> 兑铁水处
  19416. hot-metal receiver ==> 熔金属接受器
  19417. hot-metal sawing machine ==> 热金属锯机,热锯机
  19418. hot-mix asphalt ==> 热沥青混合物
  19419. hot-mix cold-lay type ==> 热拌冷铺式
  19420. hot-mix construction of roads ==> 热拌混合料铺路
  19421. hot-mix plant ==> 热拌设备
  19422. hot-mix recap method ==> 热拌修复路面法
  19423. hot-mix surface ==> 热拌路面
  19424. hot-mix topping ==> 热拌面层
  19425. hot-mix-cold-laid ==> 热拌冷铺
  19426. hot-mixed asphaltic concrete ==> 热拌沥青混凝土
  19427. hot-mo(u)ld ==> 热模塑
  19428. hot-mo(u)lding mica ==> 热塑云母
  19429. hot-neck grease ==> (热轧机)滚棒轴头润滑脂
  19430. hot-oil quenching ==> 热油淬火
  19431. hot-pack method ==> 热装罐法
  19432. hot-pack mill ==> 叠板热轧机
  19433. hot-patch outfit ==> 热补设备
  19434. hot-pilot ==> 熟练飞行员
  19435. hot-plate magnetic stirrer ==> 热极磁扰动器
  19436. hot-platinum halogen detector ==> 热铂卤素探漏器
  19437. hot-poured crack filler ==> 热灌填缝料
  19438. hot-poured joint ==> 热灌接口
  19439. hot-press ==> 高温压块
  19440. hot-press approach ==> 热压法
  19441. hot-press arrangement ==> 热压装置
  19442. hot-press bed ==> 热压机座
  19443. hot-press cermet ==> 热压金属陶瓷
  19444. hot-press for plywood ==> 热压机
  19445. hot-press forging ==> 热压锻
  19446. hot-press gluing ==> 热压胶合
  19447. hot-press printing ==> 热压箔
  19448. hot-press ram ==> 热压冲杆
  19449. hot-press resin ==> 热压树脂
  19450. hot-press(ing) ==> 热压
  19451. hot-pressed ==> 热压
  19452. hot-pressed alloy ==> 热压合金
  19453. hot-pressed alloy powders ==> 热压合金粉坯
  19454. hot-pressed aluminium nitride ==> 热压氮化铝
  19455. hot-pressed and sintered product ==> 热压烧结制品
  19456. hot-pressed brass ==> 热压黄铜
  19457. hot-pressed bronze ==> 热压青铜
  19458. hot-pressed bronze compact ==> 热压青铜块坯
  19459. hot-pressed compact ==> 热压块坯
  19460. hot-pressed gold ==> 热压金
  19461. hot-pressed iron compact ==> 热压铁坯块
  19462. hot-pressed parts ==> 热压零件
  19463. hot-pressed polycrystalline laser ==> 热压多晶激光器
  19464. hot-pressed product ==> 热压制品
  19465. hot-presser ==> 热压机操作工
  19466. hot-pressing ==> 热压机
  19467. hot-pressing infrared element ==> 热压红外元件
  19468. hot-pressing mo(u)ld ==> 热压模
  19469. hot-pressing tool ==> 热压工具
  19470. hot-pressure welding ==> 热压焊,热压焊接
  19471. hot-process softening ==> 热法软化
  19472. hot-quenching ==> 热淬
  19473. hot-refined pulp ==> 热精制浆粕
  19474. hot-roll annealing ==> 热轧后退火,热轧退火
  19475. hot-rolled ==> 热辊压榨的
  19476. hot-rolled band ==> 热轧带材
  19477. hot-rolled bar ==> 热轧条材
  19478. hot-rolled bronze door ==> 热轧铜门
  19479. hot-rolled coil ==> 热轧带卷
  19480. hot-rolled copper ==> 热轧铜
  19481. hot-rolled deformed (steel) bar ==> 热轧异形钢筋
  19482. hot-rolled drill ==> 热滚麻花钻
  19483. hot-rolled finish ==> 热轧表面加工,热轧光洁度
  19484. hot-rolled finished sheet ==> 热轧成品薄板
  19485. hot-rolled joist ==> 热轧钢龙骨
  19486. hot-rolled mild steel ==> 热轧软钢
  19487. hot-rolled pipe ==> 热轧管
  19488. hot-rolled reinforced bar ==> 热轧钢筋
  19489. hot-rolled sand carpet ==> 热压沥青砂毡层
  19490. hot-rolled section ==> 热轧型钢
  19491. hot-rolled sheet steel ==> 热轧钢板
  19492. hot-rolled sillcon steel sheet ==> 热轧硅钢板
  19493. hot-rolled steel ==> 热轧钢
  19494. hot-rolled steel bar ==> 热轧钢筋
  19495. hot-rolled steel channel ==> 热轧槽钢
  19496. hot-rolled steel joist ==> 热轧钢龙骨
  19497. hot-rolled steel section ==> 热轧型钢
  19498. hot-rolled strip ==> 热轧钢条
  19499. hot-rolled tube ==> 热轧管
  19500. hot-rolling arrangement ==> 热轧装置
  19501. hot-rolling mill ==> 热轧机
  19502. hot-rolling roll ==> 热轧用轧辊
  19503. hot-rolling wastewater ==> 热轧废水
  19504. hot-runner mold ==> 热浇道模
  19505. hot-seal packing machine ==> 热封包装机
  19506. hot-set ==> 热固
  19507. hot-short iron ==> 热脆铁
  19508. hot-sizing press ==> 热校正压力机
  19509. hot-spot indicator ==> 灼热点温度指定器
  19510. hot-spot intake manifold ==> 借热进气管
  19511. hot-spot manifold ==> 热点式进气歧管
  19512. hot-spot temperature of transformer ==> 变压器热点温度
  19513. hot-stage microscope ==> 温台显微镜,高温载物台显微镜
  19514. hot-stage photomicrograph ==> 高温显微照相
  19515. hot-start lamp ==> 热态起动电子管
  19516. hot-start-up time ==> 热态起动时间
  19517. hot-stretched cord ==> 热拉伸合成帘子线
  19518. hot-strip ==> 热轧带材,热轧带钢,热轧钢材
  19519. hot-strip ammeter ==> 热片安培计
  19520. hot-strip instrument ==> 热片仪表
  19521. hot-strip mill ==> 热轧带钢机,带材热轧机
  19522. hot-strip reels ==> 热轧带钢卷取机
  19523. hot-swage ==> 热旋锻
  19524. hot-tinned strip ==> 热镀锡薄钢板
  19525. hot-tinting ==> 火色
  19526. hot-top ==> 热炉顶
  19527. hot-top(ped) mo(u)ld ==> 带保温帽钢锭模
  19528. hot-transfer operation ==> 热转移操作
  19529. hot-trimming ==> 热精整
  19530. hot-type plug ==> 热型火花塞
  19531. hot-vapour line ==> 热蒸汽线
  19532. hot-wall tube furnace ==> 热壁管式炉
  19533. hot-water ==> 温水
  19534. hot-water bag ==> 热水袋
  19535. hot-water boiler ==> 热水锅炉
  19536. hot-water bottle ==> 热水袋
  19537. hot-water branch ==> 热水支管
  19538. hot-water calorifier ==> 热水供暖器
  19539. hot-water check valve ==> 热水止回阀
  19540. hot-water circulation ==> 热水循环
  19541. hot-water convector ==> 热水对流器
  19542. hot-water cure ==> 热水处理
  19543. hot-water cylinder ==> 热水罐
  19544. hot-water drying tank ==> 热水干燥槽
  19545. hot-water extraction pump ==> 热水抽吸泵
  19546. hot-water filter ==> 保温滤器
  19547. hot-water heater ==> 热水加热器
  19548. hot-water heating ==> 热水供暖
  19549. hot-water heating design ==> 热水供暖设计
  19550. hot-water heating equipment ==> 热水供暖设备
  19551. hot-water heating load ==> 热水供暖负荷
  19552. hot-water heating system ==> 热水供暖系统,热水加热装置
  19553. hot-water injector ==> 热水喷射器
  19554. hot-water line ==> 热水管
  19555. hot-water pipe ==> 热水管
  19556. hot-water pressure heating ==> 高压热水供暖
  19557. hot-water pump cylinder cover ==> 热水泵缸盖
  19558. hot-water pump cylinder liner ==> 热水泵缸衬
  19559. hot-water pump piston ==> 热水泵活塞
  19560. hot-water pump piston follower ==> 热水泵活塞填密盖
  19561. hot-water radiator ==> 热水散热器
  19562. hot-water return ==> 热水回路
  19563. hot-water rinse ==> 热水清洗
  19564. hot-water stove ==> 热水加热器,热水炉,水暖器
  19565. hot-water suction pipe ==> 热水吸管
  19566. hot-water supply main ==> 热水干管
  19567. hot-water supply station ==> 热水供应站
  19568. hot-water system ==> 热水系统
  19569. hot-water tank ==> 热水槽
  19570. hot-water type ==> 热水式
  19571. hot-water upper cover ==> 热水筒上盖
  19572. hot-water vase ==> 温壶
  19573. hot-weather concreting ==> 热天浇注混凝土
  19574. hot-weather trial ==> 热带气候试验
  19575. hot-well depression ==> 凝结水过冷
  19576. hot-wire ==> 热线
  19577. hot-wire airflow meter ==> 熱線流速計
  19578. hot-wire ammeter ==> 热线式电流表,热线式电流计
  19579. hot-wire analyzer ==> 热电阻丝型分析仪
  19580. hot-wire anemometer ==> 热线风速仪=>熱線風速計
  19581. hot-wire bridge ==> 热线式电桥
  19582. hot-wire cell ==> 热丝池
  19583. hot-wire cutting ==> 热金属丝切割法
  19584. hot-wire detector ==> 热线式检波器
  19585. hot-wire galvanometer ==> 热线式电流计
  19586. hot-wire ignition ==> 热线点火,电阻丝点火
  19587. hot-wire instrument ==> 膨胀式仪表,热线式仪表,热线仪表
  19588. hot-wire lighter ==> 热线点火棒
  19589. hot-wire loudspeaker ==> 热线式扬声器
  19590. hot-wire macrophone ==> 熱線マイクロホン
  19591. hot-wire manometer ==> 热线压力计=>抵抗真空計
  19592. hot-wire measurement ==> 热线测量
  19593. hot-wire meter ==> 热线式仪表
  19594. hot-wire microphone ==> 热线传声器,热线式传声,热线式话筒=>熱線マイクロホン
  19595. hot-wire noise generator ==> 热线噪声发生器
  19596. hot-wire oscillograph ==> 热线式示波器,热线示波器
  19597. hot-wire pressure gauge ==> 热丝压强计
  19598. hot-wire probe ==> 热线测针=>熱線プローブ
  19599. hot-wire receiver ==> 热线式受话器
  19600. hot-wire relay ==> 热线式继电器=>ホットワイヤリレー
  19601. hot-wire resistance seismometer ==> 热线电阻地震计
  19602. hot-wire saw ==> 电热线锯
  19603. hot-wire scalloping ==> 热熔分离制牙边法
  19604. hot-wire technique ==> 热线测试技术
  19605. hot-wire telephone ==> 热线电话,热线式受话器
  19606. hot-wire vacuum switch ==> 热线式真空开关
  19607. hot-wire wattmeter ==> 热线式瓦特计
  19608. hot-wire(pressure) ga(u)ge ==> 热线压力计
  19609. hot-working character ==> 热加工性能
  19610. hot-working die steel ==> 热锻模钢
  19611. hot-working treatment ==> 热加工处理
  19612. hot-zone phenomenon ==> ホットゾーン現象
  19613. hotbed combine ==> 联合温床
  19614. Hotchkiss drive ==> 霍契凯斯传动
  19615. Hotchkiss superdip ==> 霍奇基斯超倾磁力仪
  19616. hotel accommodation ==> ホテル宿泊設備
  19617. hotel building ==> 旅馆建筑
  19618. hotel glass ware ==> 玻璃餐具
  19619. hotel reservation ==> ホテルの予約
  19620. hotel use porcelain ==> 旅馆用瓷
  19621. hotel voucher ==> ホテル宿泊券
  19622. hothouse ==> 温室,温室
  19623. hothouse effect ==> 温室效应,温室作用
  19624. hothouse lamb ==> 温室羔羊肉
  19625. hothouse plant ==> 温室植物
  19626. HOTOL, Horizontal Take-Off and Landing ==> 水平離着陸(ホトル,英国の提唱する水平離着陸スペースプレーン)
  19627. HOTOS, HOPE Trajectory and Orbit Simulation Program ==> HOPE軌道姿勢シミュレーションプログラム
  19628. hotpress method ==> 热压法
  19629. hotshot wind tunnel ==> 热射式风洞
  19630. hottest month ==> 最热月=>最暑月
  19631. hottest spot ==> 热斑
  19632. hottest-spot temperature ==> 巻線最高点温度
  19633. hottest-spot temperature allowance ==> 最热点温度容差
  19634. Hotz's operation ==> 何慈氏手术
  19635. houcle rayon ==> 毛圈状人造丝
  19636. houdriflow catalytic cracking ==> 胡得利催化裂化
  19637. Houdry adiabatic dehydrogenation process ==> 胡得利固定床绝热催化脱氢过程
  19638. Houdry butane dehydrogenation ==> 胡得利丁烷脱氢
  19639. Houdry catalytic cracking process ==> 胡得利催化裂化过程,胡得利固定床催化裂化过程
  19640. Houdry catalytic reforming process ==> 胡得利催化重整过程
  19641. Houdry cracking case ==> 胡得利固定床催化裂化反应器
  19642. Houdry fixed-bed unit ==> 胡得利固定床催化剂的裂化设备
  19643. Houdry flow catalytic cracking ==> 胡得利移动床催化裂化
  19644. Houdry hydrocracking ==> 胡得利加氢裂化
  19645. Houdry pellets ==> 胡得利片状催化剂
  19646. Houdry process ==> 胡得利固定床催化裂化过程,胡得利过程
  19647. Houdry process beads ==> 胡得利球状催化剂
  19648. Hough transform ==> Hough変換
  19649. hough transform ==> ハフ変換
  19650. Houghtons test ==> 霍顿氏试验
  19651. hound rod ==> 驱动杆
  19652. hour ==> 时
  19653. hour angle ==> 时角,子午圈角
  19654. hour angle difference ==> 子午圈角差,时角差
  19655. hour angle hyperbola ==> 时角方位图
  19656. hour angle system ==> 时角系统
  19657. hour angle system of coordinate ==> 时角坐标系
  19658. hour angle-declination axis mount ==> 时角赤纬轴座架
  19659. hour circle ==> 时圈
  19660. hour corrector ==> 时调整器
  19661. hour corrector spring ==> 时调整簧
  19662. hour cost ==> 小时成本
  19663. hour counter additional intermediate wheel ==> 时计数附加中间轮
  19664. hour counter cam ==> 时计数凸轮
  19665. hour counter column wheel ==> 时计数柱轮
  19666. hour counter column wheel jumper ==> 时计数柱轮跳杆
  19667. hour counter coupling stud ==> 时计数器连接桩
  19668. hour counter driving pinion ==> 时计数器传动齿轴
  19669. hour counter driving wheel ==> 时计数器传动轮
  19670. hour counter hand ==> 时针
  19671. hour counter indicator ==> 时计数指示器
  19672. hour counter intermediate wheel ==> 时计数器中间轮
  19673. hour counter jumper ==> 时计数器跳杆
  19674. hour counter jumper eccentric ==> 时计数器跳杆偏心轴
  19675. hour counter jumper seating ==> 时计数器跳杆垫
  19676. hour counter lock ==> 时计数器锁杆
  19677. hour counter lock spring ==> 时计数器锁杆簧
  19678. hour counter operating lever ==> 时计数器活动杆
  19679. hour counter operating lever hook ==> 时计数器活动杆构压片
  19680. hour counter operating lever spring ==> 时计数器活动杆簧
  19681. hour counter setting wheel ==> 时计数器过轮
  19682. hour counter spindle ==> 时计数器轴
  19683. hour glass tumor ==> 葫芦状瘤
  19684. hour hammer ==> 时锤
  19685. hour hammer cover ==> 时锤杆压片
  19686. hour hammer operating lever eccentric ==> 时锤操纵杆偏心销
  19687. hour hammer operating lever spring ==> 时锤操纵杆簧
  19688. hour hammer spring ==> 时锤杆簧
  19689. hour hammer stud ==> 时锤杆桩
  19690. hour hand ==> 时针,时针
  19691. hour heart spring ==> 时桃轮簧
  19692. hour index ==> 时标
  19693. hour indicator ==> 时盘
  19694. hour indicator driving wheel ==> 时指示器传动轮
  19695. hour indicator driving wheel cover ==> 时指示器传动轮盖
  19696. hour indicator lock ==> 时指示器锁杆
  19697. hour indicator maintaining plate ==> 时指示器托板
  19698. hour indicator spring driver ==> 时指示器传动簧
  19699. hour indicator support ==> 时指示器座
  19700. hour indicator support cover ==> 时指示器座压片
  19701. hour indicator support seating ==> 时指示器座垫
  19702. hour locking lever ==> 时锁杆
  19703. hour mark ==> 时号
  19704. hour mechanism support banking ring ==> 时机心托限制环
  19705. hour meter ==> 时间计,小时表=>時間計
  19706. hour meter checking ==> 时间计校验
  19707. hour meter reading ==> 时间计指示
  19708. hour plate ==> 时钟字盘
  19709. hour rack ==> (钟)时齿条
  19710. hour rate ==> 时差
  19711. hour recording ==> 时记录
  19712. hour star ==> 时星形轮
  19713. hour star jumper ==> 时星形轮跳杆
  19714. hour star jumper eccentric ==> 时星形轮跳杆偏心销
  19715. hour star ring ==> 时星轮衬圈
  19716. hour star support ==> 时星轮座
  19717. hour variation coefficient ==> 小时变化系数
  19718. hour wage rate ==> 小时工资率
  19719. hour wheel ==> 时轮,时针轮
  19720. hour wheel cutter ==> 时轮刀具
  19721. hour wheel driving wheel ==> 时轮传动轮
  19722. hour wheel friction spring ==> 时轮摩擦簧
  19723. hour wheel module ==> 时轮组件
  19724. hour wheel seating ==> 时轮垫
  19725. hour wheel spring-clip ==> 时轮簧夹
  19726. hour wheel stud ==> 时轮桩
  19727. hour-ahead trading ==> 时前交易,又称"小时前交易"
  19728. hour-counting wheel ==> 时计数轮
  19729. hour-counting wheel bridge ==> 时计数轮夹板
  19730. hour-counting wheel friction spring ==> 时计数轮摩擦簧
  19731. hour-counting wheel stud ==> 时计数轮桩
  19732. hour-counting wheel tube ==> 时计数轮套
  19733. hour-glass cells of seed coat ==> 种皮的滴漏细胞
  19734. hour-glass contraction ==> 葫芦状收缩
  19735. hour-glass piston ==> 砂漏形活塞
  19736. hour-glass stomach ==> 沙漏胃,葫芦胃
  19737. hour-hammer intermediate lever ==> 时锤中心杆
  19738. hour-out line ==> 时间曲线
  19739. hour-wheel washer ==> 时轮垫圈
  19740. hourglass cells of hypodermis ==> 下皮的滴漏状细胞
  19741. hourglass deformity of bladder ==> 膀胱砂钟畸形
  19742. hourglass fracture ==> 砂漏状断口
  19743. hourglass reflector ==> 沙漏型反射器
  19744. hourglass worm ==> 欣德利球面蜗杆,球面蜗杆
  19745. hourglass worm wheel ==> 球面蜗轮
  19746. hourly average ==> 小时平均
  19747. hourly capacity ==> 小时能力,小时生产能力,时交通量
  19748. hourly consumption ==> 小时用水量
  19749. hourly demand data ==> 時間電力需要データ
  19750. hourly earning ==> 小时工资收入
  19751. hourly earnings ==> 每小时工资
  19752. hourly efficiency ==> 小时生产率
  19753. hourly growth rate ==> 小时增殖率
  19754. hourly loss rate ==> 小时损失率
  19755. hourly observation ==> 记录观测
  19756. hourly output ==> 小时制功率
  19757. hourly precipitation ==> 每小时降水量
  19758. hourly premium system ==> 小时奖金制
  19759. hourly rainfall depth ==> 小时降雨量
  19760. hourly throughput ==> 每小时产量
  19761. hourly tonnage ==> (吨)小时产量
  19762. hourly traffic volume ==> 小时交通量
  19763. hourly variation ==> 小时变动=>時間別変化,日間変動
  19764. hourly wage ==> 小时工资
  19765. hourly-rate wage plan ==> 小时固定工资率计划
  19766. hours of labour ==> 劳动时间
  19767. hours of use ==> 使用时间
  19768. hours on stream ==> 连续工作时数
  19769. hours to stream ==> 操作时间
  19770. hourse hair ==> 马鬃
  19771. house ==> 屋,宫,安放,室,收藏,舍
  19772. house account ==> 房屋帐户
  19773. house agent ==> 房屋经纪人
  19774. house air bill ==> 空运分提单,空运货物单据
  19775. house air bill 空运分提单=> ==> 空运货物单据
  19776. house air way bill ==> 空运分提单
  19777. house air waybill ==> 空运分提单,空运货物单据,分提单
  19778. house allowance ==> 住房津贴
  19779. house alternator ==> 厂用发电机
  19780. house automation ==> 住宅自动化
  19781. house bee ==> 巢蛾蜂,内勤蜂
  19782. house bill ==> 内部汇票
  19783. house bill of lading ==> 分提单
  19784. house branch ==> 入户管线
  19785. house breaking ==> 房屋拆除
  19786. house cable ==> 用户电缆,室内电缆=>構内ケーブル
  19787. house circuit breaker ==> 所内遮断器
  19788. house connecting box ==> 用户分线箱
  19789. house connection ==> 室内管系
  19790. house corrections ==> 厂内校对
  19791. house curtain ==> 大幕
  19792. house drain ==> 住宅排水沟
  19793. house dust ==> 室内尘埃
  19794. house duty ==> 房产税,房捐
  19795. house duty 房产税=> ==> 房捐
  19796. house exchange system ==> 室内电话交换系统,室内交换系统
  19797. house exchange system 室内电话交换系统=> ==> 室内交换系统
  19798. house for rent ==> 房屋出租
  19799. house generating set ==> 厂用发电机组
  19800. house generator ==> 厂用发电机=>所内発電機
  19801. house generator 厂用发电机=> ==> 自备发电机
  19802. house insurance ==> 房地产保险
  19803. house keeping ==> 内务工作
  19804. house keeping software ==> 内务软件
  19805. house lead-in ==> 进户线
  19806. house lease ==> 房契
  19807. house line ==> 室内线
  19808. house lizard ==> 壁虎
  19809. house longhorn beetle ==> 家天牛
  19810. house machine ==> 厂用机组
  19811. house microclimate ==> 室内小气候
  19812. house mind ==> 藏神
  19813. house mouse ==> 家鼠
  19814. house number ==> 门牌号
  19815. house of intelligence ==> (指头部)精明之府
  19816. house of intelligence (指头部) ==> 精明之府
  19817. house of refugee ==> 难民收容所
  19818. house oil ==> 马油
  19819. house paint ==> 民用漆
  19820. house paper ==> 内部汇票
  19821. house physician ==> 住院内科医师
  19822. house plant ==> 室内植物
  19823. house plumbing ==> 房屋卫生设备安装
  19824. house power source control ==> 所内電源制御
  19825. house property ==> 房产
  19826. house reference ==> 商业备咨
  19827. house rent ==> 房租
  19828. house rent insurance ==> 房租保险
  19829. house service ==> 室内配线
  19830. house service meter ==> 家庭用仪表
  19831. house service pump ==> 厂用水泵
  19832. house sparrow ==> 家雀
  19833. house substation ==> 厂用变电所,专用变电所
  19834. house supply ==> 厂用电,厂用电力,厂用电源
  19835. house tax ==> 房产税,房捐,房税,房屋税
  19836. house team ==> 一套挽马
  19837. house telephone system ==> 室内电话系统
  19838. house to be let ==> 房屋招租
  19839. house to house (H-H) ==> 门至门
  19840. house to let ==> 招租
  19841. house to pier ==> 门至港
  19842. house to pier (HP) ==> 门到码头
  19843. house transformer ==> 厂用变压器自用变压器=>所内変圧器
  19844. house transformer 厂用变压器=> ==> 所用变压器
  19845. house trap ==> 室内排水管存水弯
  19846. house turbine ==> 自备涡轮机
  19847. house waybill ==> 空运分提单,空运货物单据
  19848. house waybill 空运分提单=> ==> 空运货物单据
  19849. house wiring ==> 屋内布线=>屋内配線
  19850. house wiring 室内布线=> ==> 室内配电线
  19851. house-car ==> 箱车
  19852. house-keeping instruction ==> 辅助指令,内务指令
  19853. house-keeping instruction 辅助指令=> ==> 内务指令
  19854. house-service circuit ==> 厂用电路
  19855. house-service consumption ==> 厂用电损耗,厂用动力损耗
  19856. house-service consumption 厂用电损耗=> ==> 厂用动力损耗
  19857. house-service equipment ==> 厂用电设备
  19858. house-service meter ==> 家庭用計器
  19859. house-service network ==> 厂用电力网
  19860. house-service turbo-generator ==> 厂用汽轮发电机组
  19861. house-service wire ==> 进户线
  19862. house-shoe mixer ==> 马蹄式混合机
  19863. house-telephone system ==> 内部电话交换系统
  19864. house-to-house selling ==> 挨门直接销售
  19865. house-to-house service ==> 门对门运输
  19866. house-to-house transportation ==> 门对门运输
  19867. housed ==> 封装的
  19868. housed joint ==> 封装接头,嵌槽接头
  19869. housed string ==> 暗楼梯基
  19870. housed time ==> 入舍时间
  19871. household ==> 家用的
  19872. household appliance ==> 家用电器
  19873. household appliances ==> 家用电器
  19874. household china ==> 日用瓷
  19875. household consumption ==> 生活用电需量
  19876. household demand ==> 家用的,生活用电需量
  19877. household disposal system ==> 民用垃圾处理系统
  19878. household double-tube solar energy water heater ==> 家用双筒式太阳能热水器
  19879. household electrical appliance ==> 家用的
  19880. household electrical appliances ==> 家用电器
  19881. household fuel ==> 家用燃料
  19882. household fuel cell ==> 家庭用燃料電池
  19883. household fuel gas ==> 家用煤气
  19884. household garbage ==> 家庭垃圾
  19885. household garbage grinder ==> 生活垃圾粉碎机
  19886. household goods labelling law ==> 家庭用品品質表示法
  19887. household medicine ==> 家庭常備薬
  19888. household milk ==> 鲜奶
  19889. household mortgages ==> 家庭抵押债务
  19890. household oil ==> 家庭用润滑油
  19891. household pest ==> 家庭害虫
  19892. household pesticide ==> 卫生用农药
  19893. household pesticides ==> 家庭用农药
  19894. household porcelain ==> 日用瓷
  19895. household refrigerator ==> 家庭冰箱
  19896. household remedy ==> 家庭用药
  19897. household resuse ==> 家庭垃圾
  19898. household robot ==> 家庭用机器人
  19899. household scissors ==> 家用剪刀
  19900. household septic tank ==> 住户化粪池
  19901. household sideline production ==> 家庭副业
  19902. household sprays ==> 卫生用杀虫液剂
  19903. household utensils ==> 器皿
  19904. household vaccum packer ==> 家用真空包装机
  19905. household vice ==> 家用台钳
  19906. household wares ==> 家用品
  19907. householder's comprehensive policy ==> 房主综合保险单
  19908. householders comprehensive policy ==> 房主综合保险单
  19909. Housekeeper seal ==> 豪斯基伯封接
  19910. housekeeping ==> ハウスキーピング
  19911. housekeeping information ==> 内务辅助信息
  19912. housekeeping instruction ==> 管理指令
  19913. housekeeping operation ==> 整理操作=>ハウスキーピング演算
  19914. housekeeping package ==> 整理组装
  19915. housekeeping programme ==> 辅助程序
  19916. housekeeping routine ==> 辅助程序,内务处理程序,内务例行程序
  19917. houseowner's comprehensive policy ==> 房主综合保险单
  19918. houseowners comprehensive policy ==> 房主综合保险单
  19919. houshold electric refrigerator ==> 家庭用电冰箱
  19920. housing ==> 遮蔽物,遮盖物,外壳,屏蔽套,经营地产,经营地产,箱,凹部=>外皮,ハウジング(電話線)
  19921. housing accommodation benefit ==> 房屋福利
  19922. housing adjusting screw ==> 压下调整螺丝
  19923. housing and land ==> 房地产
  19924. housing area ==> 居住区,居住区
  19925. housing bearing seat ==> 箱体轴承座
  19926. housing box ==> 壳箱,轴箱
  19927. housing bushing ==> 箱体轴套
  19928. housing cap ==> 机架盖
  19929. housing case ==> 机壳
  19930. housing conditions ==> 居住条件,居住条件
  19931. housing dispute ==> 房屋纠纷
  19932. housing estate ==> 居民点,居民点,居住小区,居住小区
  19933. housing feet ==> 机架的水平支脚
  19934. housing filler elbow ==> 箱体加油口弯管
  19935. housing industry ==> 房屋建筑业
  19936. housing investment guarantees ==> 房屋投资保证
  19937. housing joint, dado joint ==> 嵌槽接头
  19938. housing limit temperature ==> 外壳极限温度
  19939. housing of the closed top ==> 闭口式机架
  19940. housing of the open top ==> 开口式机架
  19941. housing per hectare ==> 建坪率
  19942. housing pin ==> 压紧螺丝
  19943. housing plate ==> 箱体端盖
  19944. housing plug ==> 箱体塞子
  19945. housing property tax ==> 房产税
  19946. housing screw ==> 压下螺丝
  19947. housing seat ==> 箱体座
  19948. housing shoe ==> 底板
  19949. housing shortage ==> 房荒
  19950. housing sleeve ==> 箱体套筒
  19951. housing stage ==> 入舍时间
  19952. housing standard ==> 居住标准,居住标准
  19953. housing system ==> 房舍设备
  19954. housing washer ==> 外圈,座圈
  19955. housing with axle shaft housing ==> 前桥壳带半轴壳
  19956. Houssay animal ==> 奥赛氏动物
  19957. Houston's valve ==> 直肠横襞
  19958. houttuynine sodium bisulfite ==> 鱼腥草素
  19959. houttuyninum sodium bisulphite ==> 合成鱼腥草素
  19960. Houwink's law ==> 霍温克定律
  19961. Houwink's system ==> 霍温克体系
  19962. hove train ==> 气垫火车
  19963. hover dredger ==> 气垫式挖泥船
  19964. hover fly ==> 食蚜蝇
  19965. hover ground ==> 不坚硬土壤
  19966. hover marine ==> 气垫船
  19967. hover pallet ==> 气垫气行器
  19968. hover platform ==> 气垫平台
  19969. hover pulley ==> 气垫滑轮
  19970. hover skirts ==> 气垫围裙
  19971. hover-type hog brooder ==> 伞形仔猪保育器
  19972. hovercar ==> 气垫车
  19973. hovercraft ==> 气垫车
  19974. hovercraft seakeeping capability ==> 气垫船海上行驶能力
  19975. hovercraft vehicke ==> 对地效应飞行器
  19976. hovering ==> 停悬,悬停=>空中静止,停空飛翔,ホバリング
  19977. hovering ceiling ==> ホバリング限界
  19978. hovering endurance ==> 悬停持续时间
  19979. hovering flight ==> ホバリング飛行
  19980. hovering over the tanks ==> 停悬于坦克上空
  19981. hovering phase ==> 悬停阶段
  19982. hovering turn ==> 悬停转弯
  19983. Hovius' membrane ==> 霍费斯氏膜
  19984. How can We Stop Pollution from Plastic Bags ==> 《如何解决胶袋污染问题》
  19985. How to Apply for a Construction Noise Permit ==> 《如何申领建筑噪音许可证》
  19986. how to produce improved varieties ==> 如何产生良种
  19987. how to spray for the rust ==> 如何喷药防治锈病
  19988. HOW, hand-over word ==> ハンドオーバワード
  19989. Howard process ==> 霍华德法
  19990. Howe factor ==> 豪氏系数
  19991. Howe truss ==> 豪威式桁架,威式桁架
  19992. Howeel Burnger valve ==> 锥形阀
  19993. howel-bunger valve ==> 锥形阀,安装在压力管道出口的锥形体出流段由滑动套管控制启闭的阀门
  19994. Howell's unit ==> 豪厄尔氏单位
  19995. howl repeater ==> 增音机嗥声
  19996. howler ==> 强力号笛=>ハウラ
  19997. howling ==> 振鸣=>ハウリング
  19998. HOYA ==> 豪雅
  19999. Hoyer method of prestressing ==> 预拉伸
  20000. Hoyle's alloy ==> 侯氏合金
  20001. Hoyt's metal ==> 侯特合金,候特合金
  20002. hp ==> 高马力
  20003. hp and lp mixed economizer ==> 高低压联合式省煤器
  20004. HP High-Pressure ==> 高压的
  20005. HP Horsepower ==> 马力
  20006. HP turbine ==> 高压涡轮
  20007. HP, Hewlett Packard Co. ==> ヒューレットパッカード社
  20008. HP, home Page ==> ホームページ
  20009. HP, horse power ==> 馬力
  20010. HP, hyper plane ==> 超平面
  20011. HPA, handling and positioning aid ==> 操作と測位支援
  20012. HPA, high power amplifier ==> 高出力増幅器
  20013. HPBW, half power bandwidth ==> 半値電力帯域幅
  20014. HPC ==> ハンドヘルドコンピューター,ウィンドウスCE搭載(NEC:モバイルギアⅡ、日立ペルソナ、カシオ:カシオペア、HP:HP620LX),高性能計算
  20015. HPC Handheld PC ==> 手のひらパソコン
  20016. HPC, High-Performance Computer ==> 高性能計算機
  20017. HPC, High-Pressure Compressor ==> 高圧圧縮機
  20018. HPCS, High Productivity Computing System ==> HPCS
  20019. HPD ==> 海图数据库管理软件
  20020. hpf ==> 高马力
  20021. HPF, hazardous processing facility ==> 危険物処理施設
  20022. HPF, high pass filter ==> 高域通過フィルタ
  20023. HPF, High Pass Filter ==> HPF
  20024. HPIB, Hewlett Packard Interface Bus ==> ヒューレットパッカードインタフェースバス
  20025. HPICS, heat pipe instrumentation and control system ==> ヒートパイプ計装制御システム
  20026. HPL, high power line ==> 高出力ライン
  20027. HPLC, high performance liquid chormatography ==> 高效液相色谱
  20028. HPLC, high pressure liquid chromatography ==> 高压液相色谱,高压液相色谱法,高压液体色谱法,高压液相层析
  20029. HPM, high-power pulsed microwave ==> 大電力パルスマイクロ波
  20030. HPM, high-power pulsed microwave source ==> 大電力パルスマイクロ波源
  20031. HPM, hydrazine propulsion module ==> ヒドラジン推進モジュール
  20032. HPR, high pressure regulator ==> 高圧レギュレータ
  20033. HPRSA, high power retractable solar array ==> 高出力リトラクタブルソーラーアレー
  20034. HPST, high pressure storage tank ==> 高圧貯蔵タンク
  20035. HPT stage ==> 涡轮高压级
  20036. HPT, high pressure sensor and transducer ==> 高圧センサとトランスデューサ
  20037. HPT, High-Pressure Turbine ==> 高圧タービン
  20038. HPT, hydro-pneumatic trailer ==> 水-空圧トレーラ
  20039. HPTB High Pressure Turbine ==> 高压涡轮机
  20040. HPTCJ, The Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technology Center of Japan ==> ヒートポンプ・蓄熱センター
  20041. HPU, hydraulic pumping unit ==> 油圧ポンプユニット
  20042. HPV vaccine ==> 子宮頸がんワクチン
  20043. HR Hellenic Register (Greek Class Society) ==> 希腊注册(希腊等级协会)
  20044. HR&T, heat rejection and transport ==> 熱除去及び移送
  20045. HR, heart rate ==> 心拍数
  20046. HR, high rate ==> 高速
  20047. HR, high resolution ==> 高分解能
  20048. hr, Hour ==> 時間
  20049. HR, human research ==> 人間に関する研究
  20050. HR-FAX, high resolution facsimile ==> 高分解能ファクシミリ
  20051. HRB, Hazard Review Board ==> 障害検査委員会
  20052. HRBC, high rate battery charge ==> 高速充電
  20053. HRC character ==> 横向冗余校验字符
  20054. HRC, high resolution camera ==> 高解像度カメラ
  20055. HRCA, high rate charge array ==> 高速充電用太陽電池
  20056. HRD, high data rate ==> 高データ伝送レート
  20057. HRF, human research facility ==> 人間に関する研究施設
  20058. HRFRS, high-resolution film recorder subsystem ==> 高分解能フィルム記録装置
  20059. HRIR, high resolution infrared radiometer ==> 高分解能赤外放射計
  20060. HRIS, high resolution imaging spectrometer ==> 高分解能画像分光計
  20061. HRM, high rate multiplexer ==> 高レートマルチプレクサ
  20062. HRMA, high resolution mirror assembly ==> 高解像度ミラーアセンブリ
  20063. HRMMR, High Resolution Multifrequency Microwave Radiometer ==> 高解像度多周波マイクロウエーブ放射計
  20064. HROI, high resolution optical imager ==> 高分解能光学画像器
  20065. HRPI, high resolution pointable imager ==> 高解像度ポインタブル写像装置
  20066. HRPT, high resolution picture taking ==> 高解像度撮像
  20067. HRPT, high resolution picture transmission ==> 高分解能画像伝送
  20068. HRS, harness assembly ==> ハーネスアッセンブリ
  20069. HRS, high resolution spectrograph ==> 高分解能スペクトロメータ
  20070. HRS, High Resolution X-ray and Gamma-ray Spectrometer ==> 高分解能X線ガンマ線分析器
  20071. HRSG ==> 排熱回収ボイラ
  20072. HRSI, high-temperature reusable surface insulator ==> 高温再使用可能表面耐熱材
  20073. HRSO, High Resolution Solar Observatory ==> NASA略語(意訳,高分解能太陽観測機)
  20074. HRT, high resolution tracker ==> 高分解能追跡装置
  20075. HRTC, high resolution telescope cluster ==> 高解像度集団望遠鏡
  20076. HRTEM ==> 高分解能電子顕微鏡
  20077. HRV, high resolution visible instrument ==> 高分解能スキャナ
  20078. HS Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System ==> 协调货物描述和编码系统
  20079. HS organization ==> 分级顺序结构,分级顺序组织
  20080. HS, horizon sensor ==> 地平線センサー
  20081. HS, horizontal sensor ==> 水平線センサ
  20082. HSA, horizon sensor assembly ==> 地平線センサー部
  20083. HSC High Speed Craft Code (IMO) ==> 高速船舶章程
  20084. HSD, high-speed data ==> 高速データ
  20085. HSE Health & Safety Executive (UK) ==> 健康,安全董事会(英国)
  20086. HSE Health, Safety and Environmental Group (U.K.) ==> 健康,安全及环境组(英国)
  20087. HSE, health,safety & environment system ==> 安健环系统
  20088. HSE, heat shield ==> ヒートシールド
  20089. HSE, hyperbaric support equipment ==> 過気圧支援機器
  20090. HSG, housing ==> ハウジング
  20091. HSGS, High Speed Grouding Switch ==> 高速接地開閉器
  20092. HSI, horizontal situation indicator ==> 水平位置指示器
  20093. HSI, hue saturation intensity ==> 色相,彩度,明度
  20094. hsic ==> 高速集成电路
  20095. HSID, high speed integrated dump detector ==> 高速交互積分型検波器
  20096. HSIL ==> 高波阻抗紧凑型输电线路
  20097. hsl ==> 高速逻辑
  20098. HSLA, high strength low alloy steel ==> 高强度低合金钢
  20099. HSMC, high speed movie camera ==> 高速度映画カメラ
  20100. HSO, habitation/station operation ==> 居住/ステーション運用
  20101. HSP, helium supply panel ==> ヘリウム供給盤
  20102. HSP, high speed photometer ==> 高速光度計
  20103. HSPS, High Speed Phase Shifter ==> 高速移相器
  20104. HSRV, high pressure safety relief valve ==> 高圧安全弁
  20105. HSS die milling cutter ==> 高速钢模具铣刀
  20106. HSS ground groove drill ==> 高速钢槽钻
  20107. HSS machine saw blade ==> 高速钢机用锯条
  20108. HSS turning bit ==> 高速钢车刀条
  20109. HSSSM, High Speed Surface charge Simulation Method ==> 高速表面電荷法
  20110. HSST ==> 磁気浮上システム
  20111. HST, history ==> 履歴
  20112. HST, Hubble Space Telescope ==> ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡は高度約600キロメートルの軌道をまわる、直径2.4メートルの反射望遠鏡です。
  20113. HST, hypersonic transport ==> 超々音速輸送機
  20114. HSTB, horizon sensor terminal board ==> 地平線センサー端子盤
  20115. HT magneto ==> 高压磁电机
  20116. HT, high temperature ==> 高温
  20117. HTA, heavier-than-air craft ==> 重航空機
  20118. HTBT, Huntington Beach ==> ハンチントンビーチ
  20119. HTCAT, catalyst heater ==> 触媒層ヒータ
  20120. HTE, high thrust engine ==> 高推力エンジン
  20121. HTF, High Temperature Furnace ==> 高温加熱装置
  20122. HTGPF, high temperature general purpose furnace ==> 高温汎用炉
  20123. htgr ==> 高温气冷堆
  20124. HTHP high temperature high pressure ==> 高温高压
  20125. htl ==> 高阈值逻辑
  20126. HTL, heat transfer loop ==> 熱転移ループ
  20127. HTM, high throughput mission ==> 高能率処理ミッション
  20128. HTML, Hyper Text Mark-up Language ==> インターネットのHPを作成するためのプログラム言語。
  20129. HTPB, hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene ==> 末端水酸基ポリブタジェン
  20130. HTPRV, propellant valve heater ==> 推薬弁ヒータ
  20131. HTR, heater ==> 加熱器
  20132. HTS cable, high temperature superconducting cable ==> 高温超電導ケーブル,Such power-carrying lines are made from a conglomeration of mainly ceramic materials that, at room temperature, are highly resistive, but offer virtually no resistance when cooled with liquid nitrogen to much lower temperatures. When these power lines replace copper ones in transmission systems, line losses will be reduced, and much more current will be carried than in copper lines of equivalent volume. HTS cables are being developed and demonstrated in grid tests in the United States, Europe, and Japan.
  20133. HTS Harmonized Tariff Schedule ==> 协调关税明细表
  20134. HTS, High-temperature superconductor ==> 高温超電導物質
  20135. HTS, hydraulic test stand ==> 油圧テストスタンド
  20136. HTS, second stage hydraulic test stand ==> 第二段油圧装置
  20137. HTS-ISM, High Temperature Superconductor Induction/Synchronous Machine ==> 高温超電導誘導/同期機
  20138. HTST ==> 高温短时间杀菌法=>高温短時間殺菌法
  20139. HTSUS Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States ==> 美国协调关税明细表
  20140. HTTP, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol ==> インターネットのWWWデータベースにあるファイルを転送するための通信規約。HTML形式で作成された文書、画像、音声、映像などのファイルをブラウザで呼び出す時に使われる通信規約。
  20141. HTTR, High Temperature engineering Test Reactor ==> 高温工学試験研究炉(日本原子力研究開発機構)
  20142. HTV, H-II Transfer Vehicle ==> 宇宙ステーション補給機
  20143. hualage allowance ==> 可捕量
  20144. hualage standard ==> 可捕标准
  20145. Huang Min-lon reduction ==> 黄鸣龙还原
  20146. Huang Xinyan's method ==> 黄新彦氏法
  20147. hub ==> 套节,切压母模,高颈,盘心,毂盘,轮毂,枢,枢纽,插孔,中枢,集线器,集中器,车轮中央的轮轴=>ハブ
  20148. hub bore ==> 毂孔
  20149. hub borer ==> 毂孔镗床
  20150. hub brake ==> 轮闸
  20151. hub cap ==> 毂盖
  20152. hub cover ==> 毂盖
  20153. hub dynamometer ==> 套筒式测力计=>ハブ動力計
  20154. hub embelisher ==> 轮毂装饰罩
  20155. hub flange ==> 毂缘
  20156. hub for vehicle wheel ==> 车轮轮毂
  20157. hub height ==> 轮毂高度=>ハブ高さ
  20158. hub insulation ==> 套筒绝缘
  20159. hub key ==> 毂键
  20160. hub liner ==> 毂衬,毂衬垫
  20161. hub micrometer ==> 中心千分尺
  20162. hub of gear ==> 齿轮毂
  20163. hub plate ==> 毂衬
  20164. hub polling ==> 中枢查询,传递探询
  20165. hub sleeve ==> 毂套
  20166. hub spindle ==> ハブ軸
  20167. hub splines ==> 花键轴套
  20168. hub wheel ==> 毂轮
  20169. hubam sweet-clover ==> 一年生白花草木樨
  20170. Hubbard glacier ==> 哈巴德冰川
  20171. Hubbard tank ==> 练力浴池
  20172. hubbeck pale boiled linseed oil ==> 哈明漆油
  20173. hubbed flange ==> 高颈法兰,带颈法兰
  20174. hubbing steel ==> 冲模钢
  20175. Hubble classification ==> 哈勃分类
  20176. Hubble constant ==> 哈勃常数
  20177. Hubble effect ==> 哈勃效应,红移=>ハッブル効果
  20178. Hubble law ==> 哈勃定律
  20179. Hubble radius ==> 哈勃半径
  20180. Hubble sequence ==> 哈勃序列
  20181. Hubble space telescope ==> 哈勃太空望远镜=>ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡
  20182. Hubble time ==> 哈勃年龄
  20183. Hubble variable Nebula ==> 哈勃变光星云
  20184. Hubble's law ==> ハッブルの法則
  20185. Hubble's time ==> 哈勃时间
  20186. Huber's reagent ==> 休伯试剂
  20187. hubris ==> 傲慢
  20188. HUD, Head Up Display ==> ヘッド・アップ・ディスプレイ
  20189. HUD, head-up display ==> ヘッドアップディスプレイ
  20190. HUD, heads up display ==> ヘッドアップディスプレイ
  20191. Huddlesons test ==> 赫德尔森氏试验
  20192. Hudson Bay coat ==> 哈得孙湾外套
  20193. Hudson River Bluestone ==> 赫德森河蓝灰砂岩
  20194. Hudsonian life zone ==> 赫德森生物带
  20195. Hudsons Bay Company ==> 哈得孙湾公司
  20196. Hudsons line ==> 赫德森氏线
  20197. hue ==> 色调色彩=>色相,種類
  20198. hue adjust circuit ==> 色调调整电路
  20199. hue angle ==> 色彩角,色调角
  20200. hue circle ==> 色调环=>色相環
  20201. hue control ==> 色调调节,色调调整,色调控制
  20202. hue control circuit ==> 色调控制电路
  20203. hue controller ==> 色调控制器
  20204. hue difference ==> 色调差
  20205. hue error ==> 色调误差
  20206. hue expander ==> 色调扩展电路
  20207. hue information ==> 色彩信息
  20208. hue level ==> 色调电平
  20209. hue of color ==> 色相
  20210. hue range ==> 色调范围
  20211. hue range control ==> 色彩变化范围调整,色调范围调整
  20212. hue selection ==> 色调选择
  20213. hue shift ==> 色调偏移
  20214. hue-difference angle ==> 色差角
  20215. Huey test ==> 晶间腐蚀试验
  20216. Huey test examination ==> 休伊试验
  20217. Huff separator ==> 赫夫分选机
  20218. Huffman code ==> ハフマン符号
  20219. huge ==> 巨,巨大
  20220. huge 550-millimetre high I-beams ==> 高度550公厘的大型工字钢
  20221. huge building ==> 大型建筑
  20222. huge global heart ==> 巨大球形心,巨大球形心
  20223. huge magnetoresistance ==> 大きな磁気抵抗効果
  20224. huge project ==> 大型工程
  20225. huge speculative profits ==> 巨额投机利润,巨额投机利润
  20226. huge system ==> 巨系统
  20227. huge work ==> 大作
  20228. Hugh Everett III ==> ヒュー・エヴェレット
  20229. Hughes's reflex ==> 休斯氏反射
  20230. hugoniat compression ==> 断熱衝撃圧縮
  20231. Huguenin edema ==> 急性充血性脑水肿
  20232. Huguenin's edema ==> 于根南氏水肿
  20233. Huguenin's projection systems ==> 于根南氏投射系统
  20234. Huguier's canal ==> 于吉埃氏病,鼓索小管
  20235. Huguier's gland ==> 于吉埃吉腺
  20236. Huguiers canal ==> 鼓索小管
  20237. Huhner's test ==> 性交后试验
  20238. Huhners test ==> 胡内尔试验
  20239. HUL, hardware utilization list ==> ハードウェア使用リスト
  20240. Hulett electric unloader ==> 休利特电动卸料机
  20241. hull ==> 车盘,船身,船体,去壳,去皮=>船殻,ハル,船体
  20242. hull armor plate ==> 船身甲板
  20243. hull batten plate ==> 船身镶板
  20244. hull bottom ==> 船底
  20245. Hull cell ==> 赫尔电池
  20246. hull cell ==> 薄膜电池
  20247. hull characteristics ==> 船体特性
  20248. hull construction ==> 船体構造
  20249. hull conveyer ==> 壳荚输送器
  20250. hull cross member ==> 车座横梁
  20251. hull extractor ==> 棉铃去壳机
  20252. hull fittings ==> 舱面属具
  20253. hull frame ==> 船身构架
  20254. hull intermediate plate ==> 船身中间板
  20255. hull lift hook ==> 车盘吊钩
  20256. hull outfitting ==> 船体艤装
  20257. hull plate ==> 船身板
  20258. hull premium ==> 船体保険料
  20259. hull protection ==> 船体保護
  20260. hull reinforcement plate ==> 船身加强板
  20261. hull rubber ==> 薄膜橡胶
  20262. hull safety ==> 船体安全性
  20263. hull sloping plate ==> 船身斜板
  20264. hull space ==> 船体スペース
  20265. hull steel ==> 船用钢,造船钢
  20266. hull strength ==> 船体強度
  20267. hull structure ==> 船体構造
  20268. hull surface ==> 船体表面
  20269. hull turret plate ==> 船身转塔板
  20270. hull valve ==> 舷侧阀,通海阀
  20271. hull ventilator ==> 通海阀,舷侧阀,车盘通风器
  20272. hull-less barley ==> 裸大麦
  20273. hull-mounted hydrophone ==> 船壳水听器
  20274. hulled rice ==> 糙米=>玄米
  20275. huller ==> 脱壳机
  20276. huller picker ==> 摘棉脱籽机
  20277. huller rib ==> 脱壳肋条
  20278. hulling cylinder ==> 脱壳滚筒
  20279. hulling drum ==> 脱壳滚筒
  20280. hulling machine ==> 脱谷机,脱壳机
  20281. hulling mill ==> 脱壳机
  20282. hulling rubber rollers ==> 砻谷机胶辊
  20283. hulling separator ==> 砻谷机,脱壳机
  20284. Hulusi ==> 葫芦丝,葫芦箫,傣族乐器=>フルス
  20285. hum ==> 交流声,咛声,哼声=>ハム,うなり
  20286. hum adjustment ==> 交流声调整
  20287. hum balancer ==> 交流平衡器
  20288. hum bar ==> 交流带,图像波纹横条
  20289. hum distortion ==> 交流声失真
  20290. hum eliminator ==> 交流声抑制器,哼声抑制器
  20291. hum field ==> 交流声场
  20292. hum filter ==> 交流声滤除器,平滑滤波器,哼声滤除器
  20293. hum free ==> 无交流声
  20294. hum level ==> 哼声电平
  20295. hum level meter ==> 哼声电平计
  20296. hum measurement ==> 哼声测量,背景噪声测量
  20297. hum modulation ==> 噪声调制
  20298. hum noise measuring instrument ==> 哼声测量器
  20299. hum noise tester ==> 哼声测试器
  20300. hum note ==> 哼声
  20301. hum potentiometer ==> 哼声电位计
  20302. hum reduction factor ==> 滤波因数,交流声降低因数
  20303. hum-balancing resistor ==> 哼声抵消电阻器
  20304. hum-bucking coil ==> 抗交流声线圈
  20305. hum-to-signal ratio ==> 哼声信号比
  20306. human ==> 人,人类的
  20307. human acoustic measurement ==> 人类声学测量
  20308. human acoustics ==> 人类声学
  20309. human afterbirth ==> 胎衣
  20310. human aging ==> 人的老化=>ヒトの加齢
  20311. human airway ==> ヒト気道
  20312. human albumin ==> 人白蛋白=>人アルブミン
  20313. human alteration ==> 人為的改変
  20314. human amniotic cell ==> 人羊膜细胞
  20315. human anatomy ==> 人体解剖,人体解剖学
  20316. human and animal excreta ==> 人畜粪便
  20317. human and material resources ==> 人力物力资源
  20318. human anisakiasis ==> 人体异尖线虫病=>ヒトアニサキス症
  20319. human anti-tetanus immunoglobulin injection ==> 人抗破伤风免疫球蛋白注射剂
  20320. human antihaemophilic globulin ==> 人抗血友病球蛋白
  20321. human asset accounting ==> 人力资产会计
  20322. human behavior school ==> 人群关系学派
  20323. human behavior school of management ==> 人类行为管理学派
  20324. human being ==> 人,人类
  20325. human bias ==> 人为偏倚
  20326. human biogeography ==> 人类生物地理学
  20327. human biology ==> 人口生物学,人类生物学,人体生物学
  20328. human bite ==> 人咬伤
  20329. human blood platelets ==> 人血小板
  20330. Human Body Composition Studies ==> 人体组成学
  20331. human body model ==> 人体模型,一个静电放电电路,模拟数据符合标准ESD-S5.1的波形条件,表现一个典型的人从指尖放电的特性。
  20332. human botfly ==> 人肤蝇
  20333. human capital ==> 人力资本
  20334. human capital flow ==> 人力资本流动
  20335. human capital formation ==> 人力资本成形
  20336. human capital investment ==> 人力投资
  20337. human carcinogenicity ==> 人类致癌力
  20338. human care ==> 人口的管理
  20339. human caused error ==> 人为误差
  20340. human centred ==> 人中心型
  20341. human chorionic gonadotrophin ==> 人绒毛膜促性腺激素
  20342. human chorionic somatotropin(HCS) ==> 人绒毛膜生长激素
  20343. human climate ==> 人生气候
  20344. human coccidiosis ==> 人体球虫病
  20345. human community ==> 人类群落
  20346. human component characteristic ==> 人环节特性
  20347. human conditions of production ==> 人身生产条件
  20348. human contamination ==> 人为污染
  20349. human conversation ==> 人类对话
  20350. human cooperation robot ==> 人間協調型ロボット
  20351. human cryogenics ==> 人体冷冻学
  20352. human cytogenetics ==> 人类细胞遗传学,人体细胞遗传学
  20353. human decision-making ==> 人的决策
  20354. human defensive tissue ==> 人体防卫组织
  20355. human detection ==> 人体検出
  20356. human development ==> 人才的成长
  20357. human dimensions ==> 人体尺度
  20358. human diploid cell ==> 人二倍体细胞
  20359. human dynamic response ==> 人体动态响应
  20360. human ecology ==> 人口生态学,人类生态学
  20361. human efficiency ==> 人的效率
  20362. human element ==> 人的要素
  20363. human element accident ==> 人为因素事故,责任事故
  20364. human elements ==> 人为因素
  20365. human embryo fibroblast ==> 人胚纤维母细胞
  20366. human embryo kidney (HEK) ==> 人胚肾
  20367. human embryo lung (HEL) ==> 人胚肺
  20368. human embryology ==> 人体胚胎学
  20369. human embryonic cells ==> 人胚胎细胞
  20370. human endurance ==> 人体承受持续工作的能力
  20371. human engineering ==> 人的因素工程学,人机工程学,人类工程学,人力工程,人事管理,人体工程学,工程心理学,工程心理学
  20372. human environment ==> 人类工程学,人类环境
  20373. human error ==> 人为误差=>人的エラー,ヒューマンエラー
  20374. human ethology ==> 人間行動学
  20375. human events ==> 人因事件,由于人员不恰当的操作行为引发的事件
  20376. human excrement ==> 人类排泄物
  20377. human excreta ==> 人粪尿
  20378. human exerements ==> 人粪尿
  20379. human exposure ==> 人体照射
  20380. human eye ==> 人眼
  20381. human eye accommodation system ==> 人眼调节系统
  20382. human eye response ==> 人眼响应
  20383. human eye sensory detection system ==> 人眼敏感检测系统
  20384. human factor ==> 人的因素,人为因素=>ヒューマンファクタ
  20385. human factor engineering ==> 人类工程学
  20386. human factor engineering [of nuclear power plant main control room] ==> [核电厂主控室]人因工程,研究核电厂中人-机关系,使主控室操纵人员发挥最佳作用的科学。它包括主控室功能分配、主控室布置、主控室环境以及主控室信息系统等
  20387. human factors ==> 人类工程学,人类因素
  20388. human factors engineering ==> 人因工程
  20389. human factors handbook ==> 人类工程手册
  20390. human factors society ==> 人的因素学会
  20391. human failure ==> 人员差错,由于操作人员本身的过失造成的故障。属于人员差错范畴的有:错误的和不良的维修、控制限值的错误整定和操纵员的其他错误行动或疏忽(执行差错和疏忽差错)
  20392. human fecundity ==> 人口生育率
  20393. human fibrin foam ==> 人纤维蛋白海绵
  20394. human fibrinogen ==> 人纤维蛋白酶原
  20395. human flea ==> 人蚤
  20396. human follicle-stimulating hormone ==> 促生育素
  20397. human forces ==> 人力
  20398. human gamma globulin (HGG) ==> 人丙种球蛋白
  20399. human gammaglobulin (HGG) ==> 人血丙种球蛋白
  20400. human gene ==> ヒト遺伝子
  20401. human genetics ==> 人类遗传学
  20402. human geography ==> 人文地理学
  20403. human growth hormone (HGH) ==> 人生长激素
  20404. human guidance ==> ヒューマンガイダンス
  20405. human habitat ==> 人类生活环境
  20406. human habitat model ==> 人类生活环境模式,人类生境模型
  20407. human hair ==> 人发
  20408. human hair combing waste ==> 脚发
  20409. human hair stump ==> 混合发
  20410. human health ==> 人类健康=>人的健康
  20411. human hemoglobin ==> ヒトヘモグロビン
  20412. human higher nervous activity ==> 人类高级神经活动
  20413. human histology ==> 人体组织学
  20414. human hypophyseal gonadotrophin (HHG) ==> 人垂体促性腺激素
  20415. human immunoglobulin(HIg) ==> 人免疫球蛋白
  20416. human information input channel ==> 人的信息输入通道
  20417. human information output channel ==> 人的信息输出通道
  20418. human injury ==> 人身事故
  20419. human intake ==> 人体摄入
  20420. human interaction ==> 人群的互动
  20421. human investment ==> 人力投资
  20422. human KANSEI ==> 感性
  20423. human labor in general ==> 一般人类劳动
  20424. human labor power ==> 人的劳动力
  20425. human landscape ==> 人文景观
  20426. human language ==> 人类语言
  20427. human learning and intelligence ==> 人的学习与智力
  20428. human leucocyte antigen (HLA) ==> 人白细胞抗原,人体白细胞抗原
  20429. human leucocyte antigen system ==> 人白细胞抗原系
  20430. human leucocyte locus A ==> 人白细胞位点A
  20431. human leukocyte histocompatibility antigen ==> 人白细胞组织相容性抗原
  20432. human living space ==> 人类生活空间
  20433. human longevity ==> 人类寿命
  20434. human lymphocyte histocompatibility antigen ==> 人淋巴细胞组织相溶性抗原
  20435. human lymphocyte locus A ==> 人淋巴细胞位点A
  20436. human lymphocytic antigen system(HLA system) ==> 人类淋巴细胞抗原系统
  20437. human machine system 人 ==> 机系统
  20438. human magnetocardiogram ==> 人体磁性心电图
  20439. human management ==> 人道主义管理
  20440. human measles immune serum ==> 人麻疹免疫血清
  20441. human memory ==> 人的记忆
  20442. human memory network ==> ヒト記憶ネットワーク
  20443. human menopausal gonadotropin (HMG) ==> 人绝经促性腺激素,绝经期促性腺激素,绝经期促性腺激素
  20444. Human Microbiome Project ==> 人类微生物群系项目
  20445. human milk ==> 人乳
  20446. human mitotic chromosomes ==> 人类有丝分裂染色体
  20447. human mobility ==> 人の移動
  20448. human model ==> 人体モデル
  20449. human morphology ==> 人口形态学,人体形态学
  20450. human mortality ==> 人口死亡率
  20451. human motivation ==> 人力激发
  20452. human nature ==> 人性
  20453. human normal immunoglobulin injection ==> 人正常免疫球蛋白注射剂
  20454. human nutrition ==> 人体营养
  20455. human obsolescence ==> 人力的过时
  20456. human ocular system ==> 人的视觉器官
  20457. human old tuberculin (HOT) ==> 人型旧结核菌素
  20458. human operation ==> 人工操纵
  20459. human operator ==> 操妆
  20460. human organization ==> 人群组织
  20461. human papillomavirus ==> ヒト・パピローマウイルス
  20462. human parameters ==> 人体参数
  20463. human parasitology ==> 人体寄生虫学,人体寄生物学
  20464. human period ==> 人类时期
  20465. human phase ==> 人体寄生期
  20466. human physical characteristics ==> 人体方面的特性
  20467. human physiological reaction ==> 人体生理反应
  20468. human physiology ==> 人体生理学
  20469. human placental lactogen ==> 人胎盘催乳激素,胎盘催乳激素
  20470. human placental lactogen measurement ==> 胎盘生乳素测定
  20471. human plasma ==> 人血浆
  20472. human plasma dried ==> 人血冻干血浆
  20473. human plasma protein fraction ==> 人血浆蛋白
  20474. human pollution burden ==> 人体污染负荷
  20475. human potential ==> 人的潜力
  20476. human power ==> 人力
  20477. human relation ==> 人际关系,人群关系
  20478. human relation approach ==> 人群关系论
  20479. human relation engineer ==> 人群关系工程师
  20480. human relation model ==> 人群关系模式
  20481. human relation school of management thought ==> 人群关系管理的学派
  20482. human relation skill ==> 人群关系技术
  20483. human relation theory ==> 人际关系理论
  20484. human relations ==> 人事关系
  20485. human relations became material relations ==> 人与人之间关系被物化
  20486. human relations management ==> 人事关系管理
  20487. human relay working ==> 人工转接
  20488. human renin ==> 人肾素
  20489. human reproduction ==> 人本身的生产
  20490. human resource management ==> 人力管理
  20491. human resources ==> 人力资源,人文资源,劳动力资源=>人的資源
  20492. human resources accounting ==> 人力资源会计
  20493. human resources capital plan ==> 人力资源资本计划
  20494. human resources development ==> 人力资源开发=>人材育成
  20495. human resources information ==> 人力资源情报
  20496. human resources model ==> 人力资源模式
  20497. human resources value ==> 人力资源价值
  20498. human risks ==> 人为风险
  20499. human safety engineering ==> 人类安全工程学
  20500. human scale ==> 人类尺度
  20501. human sensation level ==> 人的感觉级
  20502. human sensing ==> 人のセンシング
  20503. human sensitivity to vibration ==> 人对振动的敏感性
  20504. human serum albumin (HSA) ==> 人血白蛋白,人血清白蛋白
  20505. human side successful communication ==> 人情方面的成功沟通
  20506. human simulation ==> 人的模拟,人工智能模拟
  20507. human skill ==> 人性技能
  20508. human skin ==> 皮膚
  20509. human socioeconomic system ==> 人类社会经济系统
  20510. human spine ==> 人体脊椎骨
  20511. human support ==> 人間支援
  20512. human survival limit ==> 人的减速度死亡极限
  20513. human T lymphocyte antigen (HTLA) ==> 人胸腺细胞抗原
  20514. human technology ==> ヒューマンテクノロジ
  20515. human tetanus antitoxin ==> 人破伤风抗毒素
  20516. human thrombin ==> 人凝血酶
  20517. human tolerance ==> 人体容许剂量
  20518. human tolerance flux ==> 人体容许辐射
  20519. human tolerance level ==> 人体容忍碰撞
  20520. human tolerance test ==> 人体忍耐力试验
  20521. human toxocariasis ==> 犬弓首蛔蚴移行症
  20522. human tracking robot ==> 人追随ロボット
  20523. human transcriptome ==> ヒトトランスクリプトーム
  20524. human tumor vaccine ==> 人肿瘤疫苗
  20525. human value ==> 人的价值
  20526. human visceral resonance ==> 人体内脏共振
  20527. human vision ==> 人的视觉
  20528. human wastes ==> 人粪尿
  20529. human wealth ==> 人力财富
  20530. human γ-globulin ==> 人血丙种球蛋白
  20531. human-animal faces and urine ==> 人粪尿
  20532. human-control characteristics ==> 人操纵特性
  20533. human-following basic path-teaching ==> 人追随基本経路教示
  20534. human-friendly ==> 人間親和型
  20535. human-machine cooperative control ==> 人間機械協調制御
  20536. human-oriented language ==> 面向人的语言
  20537. humanistic psychology ==> 人文心理学
  20538. humanitarian ==> 人道主義者
  20539. humanitarian activity ==> 人道的活動
  20540. humanitarian aid ==> 人道援助
  20541. humanitarian aid agency ==> 人道的支援組織
  20542. humanitarian aid package ==> 人道的総合援助計画
  20543. humanitarian management ==> 人道主义管理
  20544. humanitarian supplies ==> 人道援助物資
  20545. humanitarian support ==> 人道支援
  20546. humanitarian ties ==> 人道的なつながり
  20547. humanized milk ==> 人奶化牛奶
  20548. humanoid robot ==> 人型机器人,类人机器人=>ヒューマノイドロボット,人型ロボット
  20549. humble ==> 謙虚な,つつましい
  20550. humble abode ==> 質素な住居
  20551. humble house ==> みすぼらしい家
  20552. humble in social standing ==> 身分が軽い
  20553. humble life ==> 貧しい生活
  20554. humble meal ==> 粗末な食事
  20555. humble plant ==> 含羞草
  20556. Humble relation ==> 亨勃尔关系
  20557. Humboldt Glacier ==> 亨博尔特冰川
  20558. Hume gold flow equilibrating mechanism ==> 休姆黄金流动平衡作用
  20559. hume pipe duct ==> ヒューム管路
  20560. Hume-Rothery compound ==> 电子化合物
  20561. humera cross vein ==> 肩横脉
  20562. humeral and tibia nail ==> 肱胫骨钉
  20563. humeral angle ==> 肩角
  20564. humeral bone ==> 上膊骨
  20565. humeral callus ==> 肩胛
  20566. humeral fracture ==> 肱骨骨折
  20567. humeral head of round pronator muscle ==> 旋前圆肌肱头
  20568. humeroradial articulattion ==> 肱桡关节
  20569. humeroradial joint ==> 肱桡关节
  20570. humeroulnar articulation ==> 肱尺关节
  20571. humeroulnar joint ==> 肱尺关节
  20572. humic acid ==> 黑腐酸,胡敏酸,腐殖酸=>腐植酸
  20573. humic acid acetamide ==> 腐殖酸酰胺
  20574. humic acid combined fertilizer ==> 腐殖酸复合肥
  20575. humic fertilizer ==> 胡敏酸肥料
  20576. humic matter ==> 腐殖质物质
  20577. humic soil ==> 腐植泥
  20578. humic substance ==> 腐殖物质,腐殖质
  20579. humic type source rock ==> 腐殖型源岩
  20580. humicap ==> 湿敏电容器
  20581. humid ==> 潮湿,潮湿的
  20582. humid air ==> 湿空气
  20583. humid analysis ==> 湿法分析
  20584. humid area ==> 潮湿地区
  20585. humid climate ==> 潮湿气候,湿润气候
  20586. humid ether ==> 含水醚
  20587. humid euphorbia ==> 地锦
  20588. humid farming ==> 灌溉农业
  20589. humid gas ==> 湿气
  20590. humid heat ==> 湿比热
  20591. humid heat capacity of air ==> 湿空气热容
  20592. humid heat test ==> 湿热试验
  20593. humid hydrogen atmosphere ==> 湿氢气氛
  20594. humid mesothermal climate ==> 湿温气候
  20595. humid period ==> 湿润期
  20596. humid rock ==> 湿成岩
  20597. humid room ==> 保湿室
  20598. humid soil ==> 湿润土
  20599. humid temperate climate ==> 湿润温和气候
  20600. humid test ==> 湿度试验
  20601. humid transition life zone ==> 湿润过渡生物带
  20602. humid tropical lowlands ==> 潮湿热带低地
  20603. humid volume ==> 湿比容,湿空气比容,湿容积
  20604. humid weight ==> 湿重
  20605. humid zone ==> 湿润带
  20606. humidex ==> 湿润指数
  20607. humidification ==> 加湿
  20608. humidified blast ==> 加湿鼓风
  20609. humidified combustion ==> 增湿燃烧
  20610. humidified greenhouse ==> 湿润温室
  20611. humidifier ==> 加湿器,增湿器
  20612. humidifier installation ==> 纸型加湿机
  20613. humidifying ==> 增湿,加湿
  20614. humidifying and air conditioning equipment ==> 空调湿调设备,水淋式空调设备
  20615. humidifying chamber ==> 加湿器,加湿室
  20616. humidifying effect ==> 加湿作用
  20617. humidiherbosa ==> 湿地草本群落
  20618. humidin ==> 湿菌素,潮菌素
  20619. humidiometer ==> 湿度计
  20620. humidistat ==> 温度调节器
  20621. humidity ==> 潮气,水分含量,水汽含量,湿,湿度
  20622. humidity box ==> 湿度盒
  20623. humidity cabinet ==> 湿度箱
  20624. humidity chamber ==> 湿度试验容器
  20625. humidity coefficient ==> 湿度系数
  20626. humidity constant state ==> 恒湿状态
  20627. humidity content ==> 湿度
  20628. humidity control ==> 湿度调节,水分调节,水分控制
  20629. humidity controller ==> 湿度调节器,湿度控制器,凝露控制器=>湿気制御装置
  20630. humidity corrosion ==> 湿气腐蚀
  20631. humidity dependent resistor ==> 湿敏电阻器
  20632. humidity drier ==> 湿式干燥器
  20633. humidity element ==> 湿敏元件
  20634. humidity flowmeter ==> 潮湿气体流量计
  20635. humidity fluctuation ==> 湿度波动度
  20636. humidity gradient ==> 湿度比降
  20637. humidity index ==> 湿度指数,湿润指数
  20638. humidity indicator ==> 湿度指示器
  20639. humidity meter ==> 湿度计
  20640. humidity mixing ratio ==> 湿度混合比
  20641. humidity of the air ==> 空气湿度
  20642. humidity province ==> 湿度区
  20643. humidity range ==> 湿度范围
  20644. humidity ratio ==> 湿度比,湿含量,比湿度
  20645. humidity ratio of moist air ==> 湿空气的湿含量
  20646. humidity ratio of moist air in the free stream ==> 自由气流湿空气的湿含量
  20647. humidity recorder ==> 湿度记录器
  20648. humidity regulator ==> 湿度控制器
  20649. humidity resistance ==> 防潮性能
  20650. humidity sensor ==> 湿度传感器=>湿度センサ
  20651. humidity slide-rule ==> 湿度计算尺
  20652. humidity strip ==> 测湿带,测湿片
  20653. humidity test ==> 湿度腐蚀试验,湿度试验,耐湿试验
  20654. humidity transducer ==> 湿度传感器
  20655. humidity transducer[sensor] ==> 湿度传感器
  20656. humidity uniformity ==> 湿度均匀性
  20657. humidity-dependent resistor ==> 湿敏电阻器
  20658. humidity-sensitive capacitor ==> 湿敏电容器
  20659. humidity-testing cabinet ==> 湿度试验柜
  20660. humidizer ==> 加湿剂,增湿剂
  20661. humidness ==> 湿度
  20662. humidogene ==> 湿生
  20663. humidor ==> 蒸汽饱和室
  20664. humidostat ==> 恒湿度调节仪
  20665. HUMMER ==> 悍马
  20666. hummer screen ==> 电磁振动筛
  20667. humming bird moth ==> 天蛾
  20668. hummocked ice ==> 堆积冰,冰丘冰
  20669. hummocky clinoform reflection configuration ==> 波状斜坡反射结构
  20670. hummocky cross stratification (HCS) ==> 波状交错层理
  20671. humoral antibody ==> 体液抗体
  20672. humoral coordination ==> 体液调节
  20673. humoral factor ==> 体液因素
  20674. humoral immunity ==> 体液免疫
  20675. humoral stimulus ==> 体液刺激
  20676. humoral transmission ==> 体液传递
  20677. humoral transmitter ==> 体液传递介质
  20678. humosapropelic coal ==> 腐殖腐泥煤
  20679. hump back ==> 驼背
  20680. hump locomotive ==> 驼峰调车机车
  20681. hump mould ==> 压坯用阳模
  20682. hump nose ==> 隆鼻,驼鼻
  20683. hump rail brake ==> 驼峰刹车器
  20684. hump resonance ==> 共振峰
  20685. hump speed ==> 界限速度,断阶滑水速度,极限速率
  20686. hump voltage ==> 驼峰电压
  20687. hump weir ==> 驼峰堰,堰面由不同半径的圆弧复合而成,用以改善泄量的低溢流堰
  20688. hump yard ==> 驼峰调车场=>ハンプ操車場
  20689. hump-back bridge ==> 驼背形桥,驼峰式桥
  20690. hump-back conveyor furnace ==> 驼峰式退火炉
  20691. hump-shaped pad block ==> 驼峰
  20692. hump-type stilling basin ==> 驼峰式消能池
  20693. humpbacked fly ==> 蜜蝇
  20694. humpbacked salmon ==> 驼背大麻哈鱼
  20695. humped cattle ==> 驼峰牛,瘤牛=>こぶ牛
  20696. humped yard ==> 驼峰调车场
  20697. Humphrey gas pump ==> 内燃水泵
  20698. Humphrey's generator ==> 汉姆弗利式水煤气发生炉
  20699. humphrey's generator ==> 汉姆弗利式水煤气发生炉
  20700. Humphries equation ==> 汉弗里斯方程
  20701. humping bead ==> 焊道隆起,焊道凸起
  20702. humping track ==> 驼峰线路
  20703. humus bucket ==> 腐植土挖掘铲斗
  20704. humus coal ==> 腐殖煤
  20705. humus layer ==> 腐殖层
  20706. humus plant ==> 腐殖质植物
  20707. humus sludge ==> 腐植污泥,腐殖污泥
  20708. humus soil ==> 腐殖土,腐殖质土
  20709. humus stratum ==> 腐殖层
  20710. humus tank ==> 腐殖沉淀池,腐殖质沉积池
  20711. humus-clay complex ==> 腐殖质粘土复合体
  20712. humus-formation ==> 腐殖质的形成
  20713. hunch ==> 直觉,大片,大块,厚片
  20714. hunch pit ==> 渣坑
  20715. hunch-back ==> 脊柱后凸
  20716. Hund's rule ==> 洪德定则,洪特规则,亨德规则
  20717. hundred ==> 百
  20718. hundred call seconds (HCS) ==> 百秒呼叫
  20719. hundred call-second ==> 百秒呼
  20720. hundred flowers ==> 百花
  20721. hundred grain weight ==> 种子百粒重
  20722. hundred-per-cent barchart ==> 百分比条图
  20723. hundred-percent ==> 百分之百的
  20724. hundred-percent rectangle ==> 全数必中界
  20725. hundred-point emulation ==> 小指标竞赛
  20726. hundredfold ==> 百倍
  20727. hundreds dial ==> 百分度盘
  20728. hundreds of diseases resulting from disorder ==> 百病生于气
  20729. hundredweight(cwt) ==> 英担
  20730. Hundsdiecker reaction ==> 洪德斯迪克反应
  20731. Hung's modified filtration counting method ==> 洪氏浮集法
  20732. Hungary ==> ハンガリー
  20733. hunger contraction ==> 饥饿收缩
  20734. hunger edema ==> 饥饿性水肿
  20735. hunger for consumption ==> 消费饥渴
  20736. hunger for credit-extending volume ==> 放款额度饥饿症
  20737. hunger pain ==> 饥饿痛,饥饿样不适症,空胃痛
  20738. hunger sign ==> 饥饿病,植物营养缺乏症状,营养缺乏病症
  20739. hunger test ==> 饥饿试验
  20740. hunger-cure ==> 饥饿疗法
  20741. hungry blood ==> 饥饿血
  20742. hungry fine wool ==> 营养不良的羊毛
  20743. Hungs modified filtration counting method ==> 洪氏浮集法
  20744. hunk of cable ==> 电缆盘
  20745. Hunt continuous filter ==> 亨脱连续过滤机
  20746. hunt effect ==> 摆动效应
  20747. Hunt's reaction ==> 亨特氏反应,乙腈反应
  20748. Hunt's syndrome ==> 进行性小脑协同失调
  20749. hunter ==> 差动自动同步机
  20750. Hunter color ==> 亨特色度
  20751. hunter green cloth ==> 墨绿色布
  20752. hunter kill ==> 射杀量
  20753. Hunter reflectometer ==> 亨特纸张白色度测试仪
  20754. Hunter's canal ==> 收肌管,亨特氏管
  20755. Hunter's line ==> 腹白线
  20756. hunter's moon ==> 猎月
  20757. Hunter's screw ==> 差动可逆可螺旋桨
  20758. hunters moon ==> 狩月,狩月
  20759. Hunters canal ==> 亨特氏管
  20760. Hunters line ==> 亨特氏线
  20761. hunting ==> 寄生振荡,摆动,猎振=>乱調,ハンチング
  20762. hunting angle ==> 振荡角
  20763. hunting arrow ==> 打猎箭
  20764. hunting bow ==> 打猎弓
  20765. hunting cartridges ==> 猎枪子弹
  20766. hunting case watch ==> 密面表
  20767. hunting circuit ==> 闭锁电路
  20768. hunting effect ==> 猎振现象
  20769. hunting frequency ==> 振荡频率,摆动频率
  20770. hunting gear ==> 追踪装置
  20771. hunting gunshot wound ==> 猎枪弹伤
  20772. hunting leather ==> 粗绒面革
  20773. hunting loss ==> 摆动损失
  20774. hunting motion ==> 不规则振荡
  20775. hunting of frequency ==> 发电机振荡
  20776. hunting of governor ==> 调速器振荡,调节器窜(cuàn)动
  20777. hunting of interconnected synchronous machines ==> 并联同步电机振荡,并联运行的各同步电机间的振荡,此时这些电机的相对转子角是在一平均值的上下摇摆,但仍保持同一变化频率
  20778. hunting of load ==> 负荷振荡,负荷波动
  20779. hunting period ==> 振荡周期,摆动周期
  20780. hunting phenomena ==> 乱調現象
  20781. hunting power ==> 振荡功率
  20782. hunting pressure ==> 狩猎强度,狩猎强度
  20783. hunting range ==> 振荡范围,摆动范围
  20784. hunting saddle ==> 猎鞍
  20785. hunting slot ==> [为改善电势波形而设的]空槽
  20786. hunting speed ==> 寻线速度,振荡速度
  20787. hunting switch ==> 混合选择器
  20788. hunting system ==> 自摆系统,猎振系统
  20789. hunting time ==> 寻线时间,振荡持续时间=>捜線時間
  20790. hunting tooth ==> 追逐齿
  20791. hunting zone ==> 搜索范围,猎区,猎振带
  20792. hunting-field ==> 猎区
  20793. Huntington mill ==> 亨廷顿型磨碎机
  20794. Huntington's chorea ==> 慢性舞蹈病
  20795. Huntington's sign ==> 杭廷顿氏征
  20796. Huntingtons chorea ==> 亨廷顿舞蹈病,杭廷顿氏舞蹈病
  20797. Huntsman process ==> 亨茨曼坩埚炼钢法
  20798. Hunts reaction ==> 亨特氏反应
  20799. Hunts syndrome ==> 亨特氏综合征
  20800. HUP, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle ==> ハイゼンベルグの不確定性原理
  20801. Hupperts test ==> 胡佩特试验
  20802. hurdle system ==> 活动围栏放牧法
  20803. hurdle-type washer ==> 栅格式气体洗涤器,栅格式气体洗涤器
  20804. Hurler's syndrome ==> 承病,粘多糖增多症
  20805. Hurlers syndrome ==> 赫尔勒综合征
  20806. Huronian System ==> 休仑系
  20807. hurricane ==> 飓风,龙卷风, Predicting a hurricane's path five days into the future is no longer a dream.
  20808. hurricane air stemmer ==> 快速封堵炮泥机
  20809. hurricane drier ==> 风干室
  20810. hurricane globe ==> 防风罩
  20811. hurricane intensity ==> ハリケーン強度
  20812. hurricane radar band ==> 螺旋带
  20813. hurricane sampler ==> 旋风式取样器
  20814. hurricane season ==> 飓风季节
  20815. hurricane-lamp ==> 防风灯
  20816. hurry-up wagon ==> 应急修理车,抢险车
  20817. Hurst formula ==> 赫斯特公式
  20818. Hurst method ==> 赫斯特法
  20819. Hurter and Driffield curve ==> 曝光特性曲线
  20820. Hurtleys test ==> 赫特利试验
  20821. Hurwitz criterion ==> 霍尔维茨准则
  20822. Hurwitz determinants ==> 霍尔维茨行列
  20823. Hurwitz polynomial ==> 赫维茨多项式=>フルビッツ多項式
  20824. Hurwitz stability criterion ==> 霍尔维茨稳定性判据
  20825. Hurwitz theorem ==> 霍尔维茨定理
  20826. hurwitz's criterion ==> 赫尔维兹稳定性判据
  20827. Hurwitz's stability criterion ==> フルビッツの安定判別法
  20828. Hurwitzs generalization of binomial theorem ==> 二项式定理的赫尔茨推广
  20829. HUS ==> 溶血性尿毒症候群
  20830. hus (canthi) ==> 眦
  20831. husband-and-wife shop ==> 夫妻店
  20832. Huschke's canal ==> 胡施克氏管
  20833. Huschke's valve ==> 胡施克氏瓣
  20834. Huschkes canal ==> 胡施克氏管
  20835. hush ==> 冲刷找矿法
  20836. hush money ==> 封嘴钱,封口费
  20837. hush pipe ==> 消音管
  20838. hush-hush ==> 本底噪声降低
  20839. hush-money ==> 封口钱,封口费
  20840. hushing ==> 冲刷找矿法
  20841. husk mill ==> 磨糠机
  20842. husked rice ==> 糙米,加工米,极粗糙米=>玄米
  20843. husker ==> 脱壳机
  20844. husker sheller ==> 玉米剥皮脱粒机
  20845. husker-sheller ==> 剥玉米苞叶脱粒机
  20846. husker-shredder ==> 剥玉米苞叶碎茎机
  20847. husking apparatus ==> 剥玉米穗苞叶器
  20848. husking bed ==> 剥玉米穗苞叶装置
  20849. husking box ==> 剥玉米穗苞叶器的壳体
  20850. Husking cloth ==> 哈斯金布
  20851. husking mechanism ==> 剥玉米穗苞叶机构
  20852. husking roll ==> 剥玉米穗苞叶辊
  20853. husking-unit ==> 剥玉米苞叶器
  20854. Husman metal ==> 胡司满合金
  20855. hustle and bustle ==> 喧騒,雑踏
  20856. HUT, hard upper torso assembly ==> ハード上部組立
  20857. HUT, Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope ==> ホプキンズ紫外線望遠鏡
  20858. hutch ==> ウサギ小屋
  20859. Hutchinson alloy ==> 哈钦森热电偶用合金
  20860. Hutchinson's teeth ==> 郝秦生齿,郝秦生氏牙,梅毒性牙
  20861. Hutchinson's tumor ==> 交感神经母细胞瘤
  20862. Hutchinsons syndrome ==> 郝秦生氏综合征
  20863. Hutchinsons teeth ==> 郝秦生齿,郝秦生氏牙,梅毒性牙
  20864. Hutchinsons triad ==> 赫金森氏三联症
  20865. Hutting equation ==> 赫蒂格方程
  20866. Huwood loader ==> 休乌特型装载机
  20867. Huxford circuit ==> 哈克斯福特电路
  20868. Huxhams tincture ==> 赫克塞姆氏酊
  20869. Huxley's layer ==> 赫胥黎氏层
  20870. Huxleys layer ==> 赫胥黎氏层
  20871. Huygens principle ==> ホイヘンスの原理
  20872. Huygens source ==> 惠更斯源
  20873. Huygens' principle ==> 惠更斯原理
  20874. Huygens's approximation ==> 惠更斯近似
  20875. HV motors, high-voltage motors ==> 高電圧モータ
  20876. HV motors, hybrid vehicle motor ==> ハイブリッドモータ
  20877. HV, high voltage ==> 高電圧
  20878. HV, horizontal transmission vertical reception mode ==> 水平偏波送信垂直偏波受信モード
  20879. HV, hybrid vehicle ==> ハイブリッド車, U.S.Military goes for hybrid vehicles
  20880. HV-IGBT, High Voltage Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor ==> HV-IGBT
  20881. HVAC, heating ventilating and air conditioning ==> 加熱,換気と空調
  20882. HVC, helium vent disconnect ==> ヘリウム排気ディスコネクト
  20883. HVD, Hilbert Vibration Decomposition ==> 希尔伯特空间振动信号分解法
  20884. HVDA, high voltage distribution assembly ==> ハイボルテージディストリビューションアセンブリ
  20885. HVDC controls ==> 高压直流控制
  20886. HVDC converter station HVDC ==> 换流站
  20887. HVDC Light ==> 轻型直流=>ABB社が提唱している小型HVDCシステム
  20888. HVDC transmission ==> 高压直流输电=>直流送電
  20889. HVDC, High voltage direct circuit ==> 高压直流
  20890. HVDC, High Voltage Direct Current ==> 高圧直流,Thyristor-based converter technology is used to change current from ac to dc and then back to ac, for highly reliable power transfer over long distances, across natural or national boundaries, and between ac systems designed for different frequencies (mainly 50 and 60 Hz) or incompatible frequency controls. HVDC lines were indispensable in the creation of underwater links-like those connecting grids in Germany and Norway and the ones creating a single grid spanning Japan’s islands.
  20891. HVDC, high-voltage direct current ==> 高压直流系统
  20892. HVEPS, Hypersonic Vehicle Electric Power Generation System ==> HVEPS
  20893. HVF, high voltage off ==> 高電圧断
  20894. hvic ==> 高压集成电路
  20895. HVPcab, high voltage power supply cab ==> 高圧電力供給架
  20896. HVPS, high voltage power supply ==> 高圧電源
  20897. HVR Hague-Visby Rules ==> 海牙维斯比条例
  20898. hvtem ==> 高压透射电子显微镜
  20899. hvtft ==> 高压薄膜晶体管
  20900. HVV, helium vent valve ==> ヘリウム通気弁
  20901. HW Heavy Weather ==> 阴天
  20902. HW High Water ==> 涨潮
  20903. HWACT, Half Wavelength AC Transmission ==> 半波长交流输电
  20904. HWC, Hydrogen Water Chemistry ==> 水素注入運転
  20905. HWDP, heavy weight drill pipe ==> 加重钻杆
  20906. Hx, diatomic hydrogen ==> 二原子水素
  20907. Hy-rib ==> 折板式金属网
  20908. Hy-Tuf steel ==> 海图夫低合金高强度钢
  20909. Hya, Hydra ==> うみへび座
  20910. hyacinth ==> 风信花,锆石,风信子,红锆石=>ヒアシンス,ヒヤシンス
  20911. Hyacinth Dolichos Seed ==> 白扁豆
  20912. hyacinth oil ==> 风信子油
  20913. hyacinth orinntal ==> 白兰花
  20914. hyacinthin ==> 苯乙醛
  20915. hyaline cap ==> 透明冠
  20916. hyaline cartilage ==> 透明软骨
  20917. hyaline cast ==> 透明管型
  20918. hyaline degeneration of arteriole ==> 细动脉玻璃样变
  20919. hyaline layer ==> 透明层,种皮的透明色
  20920. hyaline leucocyte ==> 透明白细胞
  20921. hyaline membrane ==> 透明膜
  20922. hyaline membrane disease ==> 肺透明膜病
  20923. hyaline protoplasm ==> 透明原生质
  20924. hyaline smooth ==> 透明光滑的
  20925. hyaline substance ==> 玻璃样物质
  20926. hyaline test ==> 透明壳
  20927. hyaline-quartz ==> 玻璃石英
  20928. hyaloid artery ==> 玻璃样动脉
  20929. hyaloid canal ==> 玻璃体动脉导管,玻璃体管,克洛凯氏管,透明管
  20930. hyaloid capsule ==> 玻璃体囊
  20931. hyaloid membrane ==> 玻璃体膜
  20932. hyaloid polyp of vocal cord ==> 玻璃样变型声带息肉
  20933. hyalopilitic texture ==> 玻晶交织结构
  20934. hyaluronic acid ==> 透明质酸
  20935. Hyatt roller bearing ==> 弹簧圆柱滚子轴承,挠性滚柱轴承
  20936. HYB, hybrid ==> 混成
  20937. HYB, hybrid circuit ==> 混成回路
  20938. hybrid ==> 杂交,杂种的,混合动力=>ハイブリッド
  20939. hybrid AC/DC system ==> 交直流混合系统
  20940. hybrid amplifier ==> 混合放大器
  20941. hybrid analog computer ==> 混合模拟计算机
  20942. hybrid analog-digital simulation ==> 模拟数字混合仿真,模数混合模拟
  20943. hybrid approach ==> 混合工艺
  20944. hybrid automatic control system ==> 混成自动控制系统
  20945. hybrid beam optics ==> 混合束光学
  20946. hybrid breakdown ==> 杂种破落
  20947. hybrid bridge circuit ==> 差动式桥式电路
  20948. hybrid buckeye ==> 杂种七叶树
  20949. hybrid channel ==> 混合通道
  20950. hybrid chip ==> 混合集成电路芯片
  20951. hybrid circuit ==> 混合电路=>ハイブリッド回路
  20952. hybrid circuit board ==> 混合集成电路板
  20953. hybrid code ==> 混合码
  20954. hybrid coil ==> 混合变压器,混合线圈,差动线圈,等差作用变量器,等差作用线圈,桥接岔路线圈=>ハイブリッドコイル
  20955. hybrid combination ==> 杂种组合
  20956. hybrid complex ==> 杂化配合物
  20957. hybrid component ==> 混合集成电路元件
  20958. hybrid computer ==> 混合式计算机=>ハイブリッド計算機
  20959. hybrid computer control ==> 混合计算机控制
  20960. hybrid computer simulation ==> 混合计算机仿真
  20961. hybrid computer translator ==> 混合计算机翻译器
  20962. hybrid computing system ==> 混合型计算系统
  20963. hybrid control ==> 混合计算机控制,混合控制
  20964. hybrid control computer ==> 混合控制机
  20965. hybrid converter ==> ハイブリッド変換器
  20966. hybrid corn ==> 杂交玉米
  20967. hybrid cotton ==> 杂交棉
  20968. hybrid design ==> 混合集成电路设计
  20969. hybrid detection ==> ハイブリッド検出
  20970. hybrid diode transistor logic ==> 混合二极管晶体管逻辑
  20971. hybrid duplex molecule ==> 杂种双链分子
  20972. hybrid eclipse ==> 全环食
  20973. hybrid electric vehicles ==> 混合动力汽车=>ハイブリッド自動車
  20974. hybrid electromagnetic wave ==> 混合电磁波
  20975. hybrid EM wave absorber ==> 複合型電波吸収体
  20976. hybrid energy storage ==> ハイブリッド蓄電
  20977. hybrid equipment ==> 混合设备
  20978. hybrid equivalent circuit ==> 混合等效电路
  20979. hybrid error control ==> 混合差错控制
  20980. hybrid field ==> ハイブリッド界磁
  20981. hybrid field synchronous motor ==> ハイブリッド界磁形同期モータ
  20982. hybrid film preparation ==> ハイブリッド薄膜生成
  20983. hybrid filter ==> 混合滤波器
  20984. hybrid filters ==> ハイブリッドフィルタ
  20985. hybrid fire control computer ==> 混合指挥仪
  20986. hybrid frequency ==> 混合频率
  20987. hybrid fuel cell ==> 混合燃料电池
  20988. hybrid function generator ==> 混合式函数产生器
  20989. hybrid fusion-fission reactor ==> 聚变-裂变混合反应堆,聚变-裂变混合反应堆
  20990. hybrid generation ==> 杂种世代
  20991. hybrid gravity type platform ==> 混合式重力平台
  20992. hybrid hardware control ==> 混合硬件控制
  20993. hybrid hinge nickel-plated ==> 镀镍复合式铰链
  20994. hybrid index ==> 杂种指标,杂种指数
  20995. hybrid integrated circuit ==> 混合集成电路,混合式集成电路=>混成集積回路
  20996. hybrid integrator ==> 混合型积分器
  20997. hybrid intelligent system ==> ハイブリッドインテリジェントシステム
  20998. hybrid interface ==> 混合接口
  20999. hybrid ion ==> 兼性离子
  21000. hybrid junction ==> 混合连接=>ハイブリッド結合(マイクロ波通信)
  21001. hybrid lethality ==> 杂种致死现象
  21002. hybrid library ==> 混合程序库
  21003. hybrid load control system ==> 混合电力负荷控制
  21004. hybrid locomotive ==> 混合机车,Japan Rail East says a hybrid locomotive that it is designing will get about one-third of its propulsion power from two 65-kW electric motors driven by onboard fuel cells and the rest from a diesel engine.
  21005. hybrid magnet ==> ハイブリッドマグネット
  21006. hybrid magnetic configuration ==> 混合磁位形
  21007. hybrid magnetic trap ==> 混合磁笼
  21008. hybrid main program ==> 混合主程序
  21009. hybrid malaria ==> 并发疟
  21010. hybrid mapping ==> 混合成像法
  21011. hybrid matrix ==> 混合矩阵=>ハイブリッド行列
  21012. hybrid method ==> 混合法
  21013. hybrid micro circuit ==> 混合型微型电路
  21014. hybrid micro-computer ==> 混合微型计算机
  21015. hybrid microassembly ==> 混合集成电路微组装
  21016. hybrid microcircuit ==> 混合微型电路
  21017. hybrid microelectronics ==> 混合微电子学
  21018. hybrid microstructure ==> 混成超小形構造
  21019. hybrid mode ==> 混合方式=>構成モード(ハイブリッドモード)
  21020. hybrid model ==> 混合模型
  21021. hybrid molecule ==> 杂交分子
  21022. hybrid multiplex modulation ==> 複合変調
  21023. hybrid multiplex modulation system ==> 复合调制方式,混合多重调制系统
  21024. hybrid multiplexer ==> 混合式多路复用器
  21025. hybrid multiplier ==> 混合倍增器
  21026. hybrid multivibrator ==> 复合式多谐振荡器
  21027. hybrid navigation system ==> ハイブリッド航法システム
  21028. hybrid network ==> 混合网络
  21029. hybrid operating system ==> 混合操作系统
  21030. hybrid operation ==> 混合运算
  21031. hybrid optical cable connector ==> 混合式光缆连接器
  21032. hybrid optical fiber sensor ==> 混合式光纤传感器
  21033. hybrid optimization ==> 混合优化
  21034. hybrid opto-receiver ==> 混合光接收机
  21035. hybrid orbital ==> 杂化轨道
  21036. hybrid organism ==> 杂种有机体
  21037. hybrid packaging ==> 混合集成电路封装
  21038. hybrid paddy rice ==> 杂交稻
  21039. hybrid parameter ==> 混合参量
  21040. hybrid perpetual ==> 杂交四季蔷薇
  21041. hybrid perpetual rose ==> 杂种四季蔷薇
  21042. hybrid photomultiplier ==> 混合光电倍增器
  21043. hybrid plotter ==> 混合绘图仪
  21044. hybrid population ==> 杂种群体
  21045. hybrid power source system ==> ハイブリッド電源システム
  21046. hybrid powered railway vehicle ==> ハイブリッド鉄道車両,ハイブリッド電源鉄道車両
  21047. hybrid problem analysis ==> 混合问题分析
  21048. hybrid process ==> 混合流程=>複合プロセス
  21049. hybrid propulsion ==> 混合燃料推进
  21050. hybrid radar-infrared system ==> 雷达红外混合系统
  21051. hybrid receiver ==> 混合式接收机
  21052. hybrid regulator ==> 混合调节器
  21053. hybrid relay ==> 混合继电器,混合式继电器
  21054. hybrid repeater ==> 混合变压器,混合中继器
  21055. hybrid repeating coil ==> 混合中继线圈,差动转电线圈
  21056. hybrid resistance ==> 杂种抗性
  21057. hybrid resistor ==> 混合电路电阻器
  21058. hybrid resonant commutation bridge leg link snubber ==> 複合共振転流(ZVZCS)
  21059. hybrid rice ==> 杂交水稻=>ハイブリッド米
  21060. hybrid ring ==> 混合环
  21061. hybrid rock ==> 混染岩
  21062. hybrid screen ==> 混合集成电路丝网漏印板
  21063. hybrid seed ==> 杂种种子
  21064. hybrid seedling ==> 杂种实生苗
  21065. hybrid set ==> 二线四线变换装置,混合机组,混合线圈
  21066. hybrid shunt active filter ==> ハイブリッドフィルタ
  21067. hybrid simulation ==> 混合仿真,混合模拟
  21068. hybrid simulator ==> ハイブリッドシミュレータ
  21069. hybrid sliding-pressure operation ==> 复合滑压运行
  21070. hybrid stepping motor ==> ハイブリッド形ステッピングモータ
  21071. hybrid sterility ==> 杂种不稔性
  21072. hybrid strain ==> 杂交株
  21073. hybrid structure building ==> 混合结构房屋
  21074. hybrid system ==> 混合计算系统,混杂系统,(包含数字与模拟两部分)混合系统=>ハイブリッドシステム
  21075. hybrid system checkout ==> 混合系统检测
  21076. hybrid T ==> マジックT
  21077. hybrid t ==> t形波导
  21078. hybrid tea rose ==> 杂种香水蔷薇
  21079. hybrid technique ==> 混合工艺
  21080. hybrid telescope ==> 混合式望远镜
  21081. hybrid television receiver ==> 混合式电视接收机
  21082. hybrid terminal ==> 混合终端机
  21083. hybrid thinfilm circuit ==> 混合型薄膜电路
  21084. hybrid time delay relay ==> 混合式延时继电器
  21085. hybrid tobacco mosaic virus ==> 杂种烟草花叶病毒
  21086. hybrid train ==> ハイブリッド鉄道車両
  21087. hybrid transfer crane ==> 混合型搬运吊车=>ハイブリッド型トランスファークレーン
  21088. hybrid transformer ==> 混合变压器=>ハイブリッドトランス(通信)(ハイブリッド変成器)
  21089. hybrid truck ==> ハイブリッドトラック
  21090. hybrid type solar cells ==> ハイブリッド形太陽電池
  21091. hybrid vehicle technology ==> ハイブリッド車技術
  21092. hybrid wave ==> 混合型波
  21093. hybrid wave function ==> 混合波函数
  21094. hybrid waveguide junction ==> 混合波导管连接
  21095. hybrid zone ==> 杂交地带
  21096. hybrid-base oil ==> 混合基石油
  21097. hybrid-element method ==> 混合单元法
  21098. hybrid-mode horn ==> ハイブリッドモードホーン
  21099. hybrid-type ==> 混合式的,桥接岔路型
  21100. hybridism ==> 杂化作用,杂交,混染作用=>雑種性,交配性,混種
  21101. hybridization ==> 杂化,杂交,种间杂交=>混合化
  21102. hybridization by means of mixed sperms ==> 混精杂交
  21103. hybridization sedimentation ==> 混杂沉积
  21104. hybridization technique ==> 杂交技术
  21105. hybridize ==> 雑種を生じる
  21106. hybridized atom ==> 杂化原子
  21107. hybridized combination ==> 杂交组合
  21108. hybridized electron cloud ==> 杂化电子云
  21109. hybridized genome ==> 雑種ゲノム
  21110. hybridized material ==> ハイブリッド材料
  21111. hybridized orbital ==> 杂化轨道
  21112. hybroaeroplane ==> 水上飞机
  21113. hybrogen ==> 氢
  21114. hydantoin acetic acid ==> 乙内酰脲基代乙酸
  21115. hydatid cyst ==> 棘球蚴囊,包囊虫肿物,水泡囊
  21116. hydatid cyst of liver ==> 肝包虫囊肿
  21117. hydatid cyst of lung ==> 肺包虫囊肿
  21118. hydatid cyst of pleura ==> 胸膜包虫病
  21119. hydatid disease of brain ==> 脑棘球蚴病
  21120. hydatid mole ==> 良性萄葡胎,葡萄胎
  21121. hydatid pregnancy ==> 葡萄胎妊娠
  21122. hydatid sand ==> 棘球蚴砂
  21123. hydatidiform mole ==> 葡萄胎,经如虾蟆子,经如虾蟆子,良性萄葡胎
  21124. hydatidiform mole of ovary ==> 卵巢葡萄胎
  21125. hydatiform mole ==> 水泡状胎块
  21126. hydatiform tumor ==> 水泡状胎块
  21127. hydatogenous mineral ==> 水成矿物
  21128. Hyderabad carpets ==> 海得拉巴地毯
  21129. hydnocarpic acid ==> 次大风子油酸,副大风子酸
  21130. Hydra metal ==> 海德拉合金钢
  21131. Hydra steel ==> 海德拉热模具钢
  21132. hydra-electric system ==> 液压电气系统
  21133. hydra-leg ==> 液压凿岩机腿
  21134. hydra-matic ==> 液压自动式
  21135. hydra-rib bearing ==> 流体预过盈轴承
  21136. hydrabamine penicillin G ==> 海巴明青霉素G
  21137. hydrabamine penicillin V ==> 海巴明青霉素V
  21138. hydrabamine phenoxy methylpenicillin ==> 海巴青霉素
  21139. hydracrylic acid ==> 羟基丙酸
  21140. hydracrylic acid β-lactone ==> 羟丙酸β-内酯
  21141. hydragogue method ==> 逐水
  21142. hydralazine syndrome ==> 肼苯哒嗪综合征,肼苯哒嗪综合征
  21143. hydramatic transmission ==> 液力传动
  21144. hydrangea ==> 八仙花=>アジサイ
  21145. hydrant ==> 消防栓,灭火龙头,取水管,给水龙头,给水栓
  21146. hydrant valve ==> 消防龙头阀
  21147. hydrarch succession ==> 水生演变
  21148. hydrargyri monochloridum ==> 甘汞
  21149. hydrashear cutter ==> 液压切断器
  21150. hydrastic acid ==> 北美黄连酸
  21151. hydrate ==> 水合物,水化
  21152. hydrate (hydras) ==> 水化物
  21153. hydrate alkalinity ==> 水合物碱度,氢氧化物碱度
  21154. hydrate cellulose ==> 水合纤维素
  21155. hydrate form ==> 水合式
  21156. hydrate inhibitor ==> 水合物抑制剂,水合抑制剂
  21157. hydrate of sodium ==> 苛性钠
  21158. hydrate storage ==> 水化法贮存
  21159. hydrate water ==> 水合水
  21160. hydrated alumina ==> 水合氧化铝,三水合氧化铝
  21161. hydrated aluminum oxide ==> 三水合氧化铝
  21162. hydrated calcium uranyl phosphate ==> 水合磷酸铀铣钙
  21163. hydrated cation ==> 水合阳离子
  21164. hydrated cellulose ==> 水合纤维素,水解纤维素
  21165. hydrated clay ==> 水合粘土
  21166. hydrated electron ==> 水合电子,水化电子
  21167. hydrated electron dosimeter ==> 水合电子剂量计
  21168. hydrated electron dosimetry ==> 水合电子剂量测定法
  21169. hydrated form ==> 水合式
  21170. hydrated grease ==> 水合润滑脂
  21171. hydrated halloysite ==> 水埃洛石
  21172. hydrated ion ==> 水合离子
  21173. hydrated layer ==> 水化层
  21174. hydrated lime ==> 水化石灰,消石灰,氢氧化钙
  21175. hydrated lime cream ==> 灰膏
  21176. hydrated magnesium silicate ==> 水合硅酸镁
  21177. hydrated mercurous nitrate ==> 水合硝酸汞
  21178. hydrated micelle ==> 水化胶束
  21179. hydrated nitrocellulose ==> 水化硝酸纤维素
  21180. hydrated peroxide ==> 水合过氧化物
  21181. hydrated proton ==> 水化质子
  21182. hydrated radius ==> 水化半径
  21183. hydrated salt ==> 水合盐
  21184. hydrated sheath ==> 水化层
  21185. hydrated silica ==> 水化硅氧,硅酸
  21186. hydrated silicate minerals ==> 火星の含水ケイ酸塩鉱物
  21187. hydrated soap ==> 水合皂
  21188. hydrated stock ==> 水化浆料
  21189. hydrated water ==> 水合水
  21190. hydrating capacity ==> 水化性能
  21191. hydration ==> 水合,水合作用,水化,水化作用,植物水化作用=>含水,水和
  21192. hydration catalyst ==> 水合催化剂
  21193. hydration dating ==> 水化层法年代测定
  21194. hydration dehydrogenation ==> 加水脱氢
  21195. hydration dehydrogenation reaction ==> 加水脱氢反应
  21196. hydration energy ==> 水化能
  21197. hydration heat ==> 水化热
  21198. hydration heat of cement ==> 水泥水化热,水泥迂水化合,产生放热反应,在整个水化、凝结、硬化过程中释放出来的热量
  21199. hydration isomerism ==> 水合同分异构
  21200. hydration mantle ==> 水合衣
  21201. hydration number ==> 水合数
  21202. hydration of olefines ==> 烯烃的水化作用
  21203. hydration period ==> 水化期
  21204. hydration plant ==> 水合装置
  21205. hydration polishing ==> 水合光泽处理,水合精磨法,水合抛光
  21206. hydration rate ==> 水合率
  21207. hydration reactor ==> 水合反应器
  21208. hydration retarder ==> 水化阻滞剂
  21209. hydration structure ==> 水化构造
  21210. hydration value ==> 水合值
  21211. hydration water ==> 结合水
  21212. hydration weakening ==> 水弱化作用
  21213. hydratropic acid ==> 氢化阿托酸
  21214. hydrauger hole ==> 水冲钻孔
  21215. hydrauger method ==> 水冲钻孔法
  21216. hydraulic ==> 水力的
  21217. hydraulic (jet) descaler ==> 水力除鳞设备
  21218. hydraulic (lift) linkage ==> 液压联动装置
  21219. hydraulic accumulator ==> 水力储蓄器,液力蓄能器,液压储压器,液压蓄能器,在抗燃油系统中设有蓄能器,以满足汽轮机调节系统瞬时动作大量用油的需要
  21220. hydraulic actrator ==> 液动执行机构
  21221. hydraulic actuated arm ==> 液压驱动吊臂,油压驱动吊臂
  21222. hydraulic actuated excavator ==> 液压挖土机
  21223. hydraulic actuating cylinder ==> 液压动作筒,液压缸
  21224. hydraulic actuation system ==> 液压作动系统
  21225. hydraulic actuator ==> 液压促动器,液压动作筒,液压执行机构,液压作动器=>油圧式アクチュエータ
  21226. hydraulic admixture ==> 水硬性搀合料,水硬性掺料
  21227. hydraulic agitator ==> 液力搅拌器
  21228. hydraulic air compressor ==> 水力压气机
  21229. hydraulic air pump ==> 射水空气泵
  21230. hydraulic amplifier ==> 液压放大器
  21231. hydraulic analog table ==> 水力模拟盘
  21232. hydraulic analogue ==> 液压模拟
  21233. hydraulic analogy ==> 水力模拟
  21234. hydraulic analogy water channel ==> 水力模拟水槽
  21235. hydraulic architecture ==> 水工建筑,水工建筑学
  21236. hydraulic arm ==> 液压机构工作臂
  21237. hydraulic ash conveyer ==> 水力输灰装置
  21238. hydraulic ash handling ==> 水力除灰,用水力在管道内或灰渣沟内输送细灰和灰渣的除灰方式
  21239. hydraulic atomization ==> 液力喷雾
  21240. hydraulic attachment ==> 液力附加装置
  21241. hydraulic auger ==> 液力传动螺旋
  21242. hydraulic auto-lift ==> 液压汽车升降机
  21243. hydraulic autolift ==> 液压汽车升降机
  21244. hydraulic automatic ==> 液力自动,液力自动装置
  21245. hydraulic automatic mortising machine ==> 立式榫槽机
  21246. hydraulic automatic weld ==> 液压自动焊接
  21247. hydraulic axis ==> 水力轴线
  21248. hydraulic back-pressure valve ==> 水压逆止阀,液压止回阀
  21249. hydraulic backhoe ==> 液压式反铲挖掘机
  21250. hydraulic balance ==> 液压式平衡,测功水力秤
  21251. hydraulic bale tension control ==> 草捆密度液压调节
  21252. hydraulic baling press ==> 水力打大包机
  21253. hydraulic barker ==> 水力剥皮机
  21254. hydraulic barking ==> 水力剥皮,液压剥皮法
  21255. hydraulic barrel lifter ==> 水力桶状升降机
  21256. hydraulic barrier ==> 折流挡板
  21257. hydraulic beamer ==> 水力卷轴机
  21258. hydraulic bellows ==> 鼓液皮老虎
  21259. hydraulic belt ==> 水力传送带
  21260. hydraulic bender ==> 水力折弯机
  21261. hydraulic binder ==> 水力结合器,水硬性粘结料
  21262. hydraulic binding agent ==> 水硬性胶结剂,水硬性粘结料
  21263. hydraulic blasting ==> 水力清理
  21264. hydraulic block ==> 水压台
  21265. hydraulic blow ==> 水力冲击
  21266. hydraulic blow out preventer ==> 液压防喷器
  21267. hydraulic boiler set ==> 锅炉水压试验
  21268. hydraulic bolt forcer ==> 液力螺栓机
  21269. hydraulic boom machine ==> 液压支臂切削掘进机
  21270. hydraulic booster ==> 液压助力器
  21271. hydraulic booster steering ==> 液力助力转向
  21272. hydraulic booster system ==> 液压辅助系统
  21273. hydraulic bore ==> 河口涌潮
  21274. hydraulic borehole stress-meter ==> 液压钻孔应力计
  21275. hydraulic boring lathe ==> 液压镗床
  21276. hydraulic boring machine ==> 液压镗床,水力镗床
  21277. hydraulic bottomhole pump ==> 水力井下泵
  21278. hydraulic boundary condition ==> 边界水力条件
  21279. hydraulic brake ==> 液动闸,液力制动器,液压制动器
  21280. hydraulic brake booster ==> 液压制动加力器
  21281. hydraulic brake drain tube ==> 液压制动系放气软管
  21282. hydraulic brake fluid ==> 液压制动液
  21283. hydraulic braked vehicle ==> 液压制动车辆
  21284. hydraulic braking ==> 液压制动
  21285. hydraulic braking cylinder ==> 液压制动缸
  21286. hydraulic breaker ==> 水压破碎机,挖土机上装配的油压破碎机
  21287. hydraulic breakwater ==> 水力防波堤
  21288. hydraulic bronze ==> 耐蚀铅锡黄铜
  21289. hydraulic buffer ==> 液力缓冲器,液压缓冲器
  21290. hydraulic bulge forming ==> 液压膨胀成形
  21291. hydraulic bulge test ==> 液压胀形试验
  21292. hydraulic bumper ==> 液力保险杠,液压减震器
  21293. hydraulic bumper cylinder ==> 液力保险杠液力缸
  21294. hydraulic burster ==> 液压破碎器
  21295. hydraulic bursting test ==> 水压爆破试验
  21296. hydraulic cabinet ==> 液压操纵箱
  21297. hydraulic calcium silicate ==> 水硬性硅酸钙
  21298. hydraulic calculation ==> 水力计算
  21299. hydraulic calender ==> 水压轧光机
  21300. hydraulic calibrating press ==> 水力定型机
  21301. hydraulic capstan ==> 液压绞盘
  21302. hydraulic capsule ==> 液力薄膜测力计,液压传感器,膜式水力测压器
  21303. hydraulic cartridge ==> 水力爆破筒
  21304. hydraulic cavitation ==> 水压空化
  21305. hydraulic cellar ==> 液压系统地下室
  21306. hydraulic cement ==> 水硬水泥,水硬性水泥
  21307. hydraulic cementing material ==> 水硬性粘结料
  21308. hydraulic centrifugal cleaner ==> 水力离心除渣器
  21309. hydraulic characteristic curve ==> 水力特性线
  21310. hydraulic characteristic(s) ==> 水力特性
  21311. hydraulic checking cylinder ==> 液压制动缸
  21312. hydraulic chuck ==> 水力夹头,自动钻头夹盘
  21313. hydraulic circuit ==> 液动循环管路,液压传动系统图,液压回路,液压循环管路
  21314. hydraulic circular sawing machine ==> 液压圆锯床
  21315. hydraulic clamp ==> 液动压板,液压夹紧装置,液压式夹紧装置
  21316. hydraulic classification ==> 水力分级
  21317. hydraulic classifier ==> 湿式分级机
  21318. hydraulic clutch ==> 液压离合器
  21319. hydraulic clutch assy ==> 液力离合器总成
  21320. hydraulic coal mining ==> 水力采煤,煤矿水采
  21321. hydraulic compacting press for magnetic material ==> 磁性材料制品液压机
  21322. hydraulic compartment ==> 液压舱
  21323. hydraulic component ==> 液压元件
  21324. hydraulic compresser ==> 水压机
  21325. hydraulic compressor ==> 水力压缩机
  21326. hydraulic computer ==> 液压计算机
  21327. hydraulic conductivity ==> 水力传导率,水力传导性
  21328. hydraulic conductivity of soil ==> 土壤水分导电性
  21329. hydraulic conductivity unsaturated soils ==> 不饱和土壤水分导电性
  21330. hydraulic control ==> 水力操纵,液压控制
  21331. hydraulic control box ==> 液压控制箱
  21332. hydraulic control circuit ==> 液压控制管路
  21333. hydraulic control cylinder ==> 液压操纵油缸
  21334. hydraulic control device ==> 液压控制装置
  21335. hydraulic control lathe ==> 液压控制车床
  21336. hydraulic control lever ==> 液压控制手柄
  21337. hydraulic control motor ==> 液压控制马达
  21338. hydraulic control pump ==> 液压控制泵
  21339. hydraulic control system ==> 液压操纵系统
  21340. hydraulic control valve ==> 液压控制阀=>油圧(水圧)式調節弁
  21341. hydraulic controlled scraper ==> 液压式铲运机
  21342. hydraulic controller ==> 液压调节器,液压控制装置
  21343. hydraulic conveyer ==> 水力输送机
  21344. hydraulic conveyor ==> 水力输送装置
  21345. hydraulic copy shaper ==> 液压仿形牛头刨床
  21346. hydraulic copying ==> 油压仿形
  21347. hydraulic copying attachment ==> 液压仿形刀架
  21348. hydraulic copying miller ==> 液压仿形铣床
  21349. hydraulic core ==> 水填心墙
  21350. hydraulic core extractor ==> 水力岩提断器,水力岩心提断器
  21351. hydraulic coupler ==> 液压系统管接头
  21352. hydraulic coupling ==> 液力联接器,液压联轴节,液压联轴器,水力联轴器,液力联轴器,又称“液力耦合器”。利用液力传递转矩的变速装置=>流体継手
  21353. hydraulic crane ==> 水压起重机,液力起重机,液压起重机
  21354. hydraulic crawler drill ==> 履带式油压钻机
  21355. hydraulic crawler excavator ==> 液压挖掘机
  21356. hydraulic cupola hoist ==> 化铁炉用液压起重机
  21357. hydraulic cushion ==> 液压缓冲
  21358. hydraulic cutter ==> 水力切割器
  21359. hydraulic cyclone ==> 水力旋流旋液分离器
  21360. hydraulic cyclone elutriator ==> 水力旋流淘析器,液力回旋淘析器
  21361. hydraulic cylinder ==> 液压缸,水压缸
  21362. hydraulic cylinder bleeder screw ==> 液压缸放出管螺钉
  21363. hydraulic cylinder gasket ==> 液压缸垫密片
  21364. hydraulic cylinder hoist ==> 液压圆筒式启闭机
  21365. hydraulic cylinder piston ==> 液压缸活塞
  21366. hydraulic cylinder piston stop rod ==> 液压缸活塞止动杆
  21367. hydraulic cylinder plug ==> 液压杆塞
  21368. hydraulic cylinder return spring ==> 液压缸回动弹簧
  21369. hydraulic cylinder seal ==> 液压缸油封
  21370. hydraulic cylindrical grinding machine ==> 液压外圆磨床
  21371. hydraulic damper ==> 液压减震器,液压减振器
  21372. hydraulic damping ==> 液压阻尼
  21373. hydraulic damping device ==> 液压缓冲装置
  21374. hydraulic dashpot ==> 液压缓冲器
  21375. hydraulic depth ==> 水力深度
  21376. hydraulic depth control ==> 液压耕深控制
  21377. hydraulic derrick ==> 液压吊货杆
  21378. hydraulic descaling system ==> 水力除鳞系统
  21379. hydraulic development ==> 水力开发
  21380. hydraulic deviation ==> 水力偏差,锅筒内饱和蒸汽携带含盐水滴使蒸汽污染的现象。机械携带系数为饱和蒸汽中携带水滴的含盐量与锅水含盐量之比。
  21381. hydraulic diameter ==> 水力直径
  21382. hydraulic die cushion ==> 液压垫
  21383. hydraulic die press ==> 模锻水压机
  21384. hydraulic differential ==> 液压差速器
  21385. hydraulic differential analyzer ==> 液压微分分析器
  21386. hydraulic differential drive ==> 液压差速传动
  21387. hydraulic dilatation ==> 液压扩张术
  21388. hydraulic direction-control valve ==> 油圧方向制御弁
  21389. hydraulic disk brake ==> 液力盘式制动器
  21390. hydraulic dock ==> 水力起重船坞
  21391. hydraulic double-action jack ==> 液压双动千斤顶
  21392. hydraulic double-cage press ==> 液力双笼式榨汁机
  21393. hydraulic down-stroke press ==> 水力下行压机
  21394. hydraulic drag ==> 水阻力
  21395. hydraulic drawbar control ==> 牵引装置液压操纵
  21396. hydraulic dredge ==> 挖泥船,水力疏浚机,吸扬式挖泥船
  21397. hydraulic dredger ==> 水力挖泥船
  21398. hydraulic drift netcapstan ==> 液压流网绞盘
  21399. hydraulic drill ==> 液压钻眼机
  21400. hydraulic drill ring ==> 液压凿岩台车
  21401. hydraulic drilling ==> 液压钻孔
  21402. hydraulic drive ==> 液力传动,液压传动,液压传动装置,水力传动
  21403. hydraulic drive circuit ==> 液压传动回路
  21404. hydraulic driven ==> 液压传动式
  21405. hydraulic driver ==> 水力传动机
  21406. hydraulic driving device ==> 液压传动装置
  21407. hydraulic drop ==> 跌水
  21408. hydraulic drop hammer ==> 液压落锤
  21409. hydraulic dual brake ==> 液力双制动器
  21410. hydraulic dump rake ==> 液力横向搂草机
  21411. hydraulic dump truck ==> 液力自动倾卸车
  21412. hydraulic dynamometer ==> 水力测功器
  21413. hydraulic efficiency ==> 液力效率
  21414. hydraulic electrogenerating ==> 水力发电
  21415. hydraulic