英汉日科技词汇(An English-Chinese-Japanese Dictionary of Technology,总数606812,A/33783)


船舶配件贸易分类==> Main Ship Equipments | Equipment Types | Main Marine Manufacturers
Ship Spare Parts, =1=A=B=C=D=E=F=G=H=I=J=K=L=M=N=O=P=Q=R=S=T=U=V=W=X=Y=Z=
女性肖像, by H. Nakajima | 燃料弁噴射テスト装置 | 油圧ポンプユニット | フラットソケット
化学品船 | Parts 1 | Parts 2 | Parts 3 | Parts 4 | Parts 5 | Parts 6 | Parts 7 | Parts 8 | Parts 9
  1. a (palmae) ==> 棕榈
  2. A amplifier ==> A类放大器,甲类放大器
  3. A And Not B gate ==> "禁止"门,A"与"B"非"门
  4. a army of bees ==> 一群蜜蜂
  5. a balanced package ==> (关贸总协定术语)一揽子均衡守则
  6. a basket of currencies ==> 一篮子货币
  7. A battery ==> A電池
  8. a big porker ==> 肥猪
  9. a bipolar type ion-exchange membrane electrolyzer ==> 复极式离子膜电解槽
  10. a bit ==> 稍
  11. A board ==> 加入者台
  12. a bond ==> 轴向键
  13. a branch of ==> 一束
  14. a breed of bacon hog ==> 一种瘦肉型猪
  15. a breed of beef cattle with short horns ==> 一种短角肉牛
  16. a breed of chicken ==> 鸡的育种
  17. a breed of hornless cattle ==> 一种无角羊
  18. a breed of sheep ==> 一种绵羊
  19. A broken gong does not sound ==> 金破不鸣
  20. a bubblepoint reservoir ==> 溶气驱动油藏
  21. a bunch of grain stalks atacked together ==> 一捆禾草束
  22. a bundle ==> 一捆
  23. a bundle of laths ==> 一捆板条
  24. a calcium compound ==> 一种钙化物
  25. a case-by-case basis ==> 一种情况接情况的基础
  26. a catastrophic flood ==> 特大洪水
  27. a cereal crop ==> 一种谷类作物
  28. a certificate of death ==> 死亡診断書,死亡証明書
  29. a chain of undulating hills ==> 丘陵起伏
  30. a chemical element ==> 一种化学元素
  31. a chemical material formed in an organism ==> 在生物体内形成的一种化学物质
  32. a choice between two things ==> 二者択一
  33. a cluster of ==> 一串
  34. a cluster of peanut seedlings ==> 埯花生
  35. a coarse grass used for forage ==> 一种粗糙用作饲料的草
  36. a contact ==> a接点
  37. A contented mind is a perpetual feast ==> 知足长乐
  38. a cow of short and stout ==> 矮胖母牛
  39. a critical case of measles ==> 麻疹险证
  40. a crop grown for its edible root ==> 为食其根而栽培的作物
  41. a cut of motton ==> 一块羊肉
  42. a cutting of sugar cane ==> 一截甘蔗秆
  43. a ditch to carry extra irrigation water ==> 排出剩余灌溉水的水沟
  44. a drink made from rice ==> 一种用稻米酿制的饮料
  45. a earth satellite ==> 人造地球卫星
  46. A eliminator ==> 灯丝电源整流器,代甲电池=>Aエリミネータ
  47. a farming manure ==> 一种农家肥
  48. a form nutrient ==> 一种营养成分
  49. a frame ==> a形杆
  50. A frame ==> A柱=>A型架構
  51. a given area ==> 一定地区
  52. a given period ==> 一定时期
  53. a glossary of soybean terms ==> 大豆名词释义
  54. a good plot of tree ==> 一块好林木
  55. a good sire ==> 一头好种畜
  56. a great variety ==> 种类繁多
  57. a group of growing seeds ==> 一种正在长成的种子
  58. a group of sheep ==> 一群羊
  59. A Handbook of Pulse in Verse ==> 脉诀
  60. a heavy bloom ==> 一层厚厚的蜡被
  61. a heigh dosage must be used ==> 施用量必须加大
  62. a herd with good lacation performance ==> 一群泌乳情况好的奶牛
  63. a hundred million ==> 亿
  64. a kind of harmful element ==> 一种有害元素
  65. a kind of harmful plant ==> 一种有害植物
  66. a kind of living thing ==> 一种有生命的东西
  67. a kind of reddish brown ==> 一种红褐色(马)
  68. a kind of thrush ==> 画眉
  69. a la carte ==> アラカルト,コース料理
  70. a la carte menu ==> アラカルトのメニュー
  71. a lack of sulfur ==> 缺硫
  72. a lad-pillow in three color ==> 三彩孩儿枕
  73. a large animal ==> 大牲畜
  74. a large number of corn strains ==> 大量的玉米品系
  75. a large number of secondary roots ==> 大量次生根
  76. a large proportion of ==> 一大部分
  77. a large secretion of milk ==> 大量乳汁的分泌
  78. a layer in a seed's covering ==> 种子表面的一层覆盖物
  79. a litter of eight pigs ==> 一窝产八个小猪
  80. a little ==> 稍
  81. a little rust on the leaves ==> 叶上的一点锈斑
  82. a lobe of the lung ==> 肺叶
  83. a local breeding method ==> 一种当地的育种方法
  84. a locus with four alleles ==> 具有四个等位基因的位点,具有四个等位基因的位点
  85. a lowering of temperature below the freezing point ==> 下降到冰点以下的温度
  86. a lull in trade ==> 贸易暂停
  87. a lush growth of trees ==> 繁茂的树木
  88. a majority of the strains ==> 大多数品系
  89. a method of grafting ==> 一种嫁接法
  90. a method of grafting woody plants ==> 木本作物的一种嫁接法
  91. a mixing bowl ==> 搅拌缸
  92. a moment ==> 片刻
  93. a monopoly basis ==> 统一收购统一调拨
  94. a narrow fissure running lengthwise ==> 一条纵长形的狭窄裂缝
  95. a narrow strip on each side of a fence ==> 篱笆两侧的狭长地带
  96. a new chemical method ==> 一种新式化学方法
  97. a new type of herbicide ==> 一种新型除草剂
  98. a nice tilth ==> 土壤耕性好
  99. a pack ==> 一包
  100. a pair of plant stipules ==> 一对植物的托叶
  101. a pair of stipules ==> 一对托叶
  102. a paper currency in Northern Song dynasty ==> 交子
  103. a paper from field crop ==> 大田作物中的一篇论文
  104. a particular genetic system ==> 特殊的遗传系统
  105. a piece ==> 一块
  106. a piece of ground covered with tree ==> 长满树木的一块地
  107. a piece of land ==> 一块土地
  108. a plant that lives two years ==> 一种活两年的植物
  109. a pole ==> a形杆
  110. A pole ==> A柱
  111. a poor risk for insurance ==> 风险大的保险户
  112. a possible additional method of disease control ==> 一种可行的防病方法
  113. A power supply ==> 甲电源
  114. a practice for tillage ==> 一种耕地措施
  115. a praevia centralis ==> 中心性前置胎盘,中央前置胎盘
  116. a previous representative period ==> 以前有代表性的时期
  117. a prior distribution ==> 事前分布
  118. a prior estimate ==> 事前估计
  119. a quantitative index ==> 定量指数
  120. a quantity of seeds ==> 一定数量的种子
  121. A ragged colt may make a good horse ==> 后生可畏
  122. a rain gauge installed at the experimental site ==> 在实验地设置的量雨表
  123. a rapid method ==> 一种快速法
  124. a rapid prototype ==> 一种快速原型
  125. a rather large pulvinus ==> 较大的叶座
  126. a rather larger terminal raceme ==> 一簇较大的顶生花状花序
  127. A register ==> 运算寄存器,累加寄存器
  128. a round sum ==> 一大笔钱
  129. a second time ==> 再次
  130. A Secret Book Kept in Chamber ==> 兰室秘藏
  131. a set of apparatus for road making materials ==> 路面材料测试仪
  132. a set of sieves ==> 一套筛子
  133. a severe deteriorating case of measles ==> 麻疹逆证
  134. a shoal of shrimps ==> 虾群
  135. a short while ==> 片刻
  136. a single codominant gene pair ==> 单个的等优势基因时
  137. a single quantum dot spin ==> 単一量子ドットスピン
  138. a single spin ==> 単一スピン
  139. a slip of the pen ==> 笔误
  140. a small amount ==> 少量
  141. a small area of ground ==> 一小块地
  142. a small bundle of stipules ==> 托叶的一个小维管束
  143. a small circle of the evolutive ==> 小周天
  144. a small flying insect ==> 一种小的飞行昆虫
  145. a small portion of the germinating ==> 一小块萌发的种子
  146. a smaller percentage of the gerplasm strains ==> 占种质品系较小百分比
  147. a specific host genotypes ==> 一个特定的寄主基因型
  148. a standing funny monk in blue-and-white ==> 青花站济公
  149. A station ==> 发射台A
  150. a stretch of high land from which water drains ==> 河水流走的一片高地
  151. a string galvanometer ==> 恩脱霍文电流计
  152. a strip-shaped destruction ==> 筋状破壊
  153. a sudden ==> 暴洪
  154. a suit ==> 一套
  155. a suite of racks ==> 一套机架
  156. A Supplement to the Compendium of Materia Medica ==> 本草纲目拾遗
  157. a survey of economics and agronomy ==> 经济学和农业学调查,经济学和农业学调查
  158. a tall coarse grass ==> 一种高大粗糙的草
  159. a terrestrial plant ==> 一种陆生植物
  160. a testing program ==> 一种试验方法
  161. a thin coating on ceramics ==> 陶衣
  162. a thin sheet or layer of animal ==> 动植物组织的一种薄层
  163. a three-step process ==> 一种三步骤过程
  164. a timesaving technique for measuring ==> 一种测样省时技术法
  165. a ting organism which produces diseases ==> 致病的极小动物
  166. a ton by measurement ==> 一吨位置
  167. a total of tubes ==> 总管数
  168. A trace ==> A掃引
  169. a tractor serves several purposes ==> 一机多用
  170. a tree which bears a cone ==> 结球果的树
  171. a trickle irrigation system ==> 一种滴灌系统
  172. A type automatic switchboard ==> A形自動交換機
  173. A type graphite ==> 均匀片状石墨,均匀片状石墨
  174. a type of berry ==> 一种浆果
  175. a type of blackberry ==> 一种黑莓
  176. a type of field crop ==> 一种大田作物
  177. a type of fruit ==> 一种果实
  178. a type of grain ==> 一种谷物
  179. a type of immature bean ==> 一种末成熟豆
  180. a type of poultry ==> 一种家禽
  181. a type of wild soybean ==> 一种野生大豆
  182. a type of wild species ==> 一种野生种
  183. a tytical blast lesion ==> 一个典型的稻瘟病病斑
  184. a unit of land measurement ==> 土地面积的计算单位
  185. a very old science ==> 一门古老的科学
  186. A View of Epidemic Febrile Diseases with Rashes ==> 疫疹一得
  187. a water bath system ==> 一种淹水装置
  188. a weak link ==> 薄弱环节
  189. a well-known type of cotton ==> 一种著名的棉花
  190. a yak in no-glaze black ==> 无光黑牦牛
  191. a young cow that has not produced a calf ==> 没有生过小牛的青年母牛
  192. A&I, assembly and integration ==> 組立て及びインテグレーション
  193. A&L, Approach and Landing ==> 進入着陸
  194. A&P, Attitude and Pointing ==> 姿勢と照準
  195. A&TA, Assembly and Test Area ==> 組立試験エリア
  196. A, a ==> A相,安培
  197. A-50, Aerozine 50 ==> エアロジン50
  198. A-alloy ==> 铝合金
  199. a-amino isopropyl alcohol ==> 异丙醇胺
  200. A-B-C-D cut mixer ==> 二级图像混合器,四端网络图像混合器
  201. A-battery ==> (美)低压电池
  202. A-bracket ==> 人字架
  203. a-canthopanax senticosus tablet ==> 刺五加片
  204. A-coefficient ==> 自发发射系数
  205. A-digit selector ==> 第一字选择器
  206. A-frame ==> 三角支架
  207. A-hoe blade ==> 箭形锄铲
  208. A-horizon ==> 表土层,淋溶层A层
  209. A-IGCC ==> 次世代型石炭ガス化複合発電
  210. A-IGFC ==> 次世代石炭ガス化燃料電池複合発電
  211. a-kainic acid ==> 海人草酸
  212. A-N radio range ==> 分区式无线电导航设备
  213. A-P position ==> 前后位
  214. a-phenoxypropylpenicillin potassium ==> 苯氧丙基青霉素钾盐
  215. A-position ==> 甲交换机
  216. A-Rest ==> 嘧啶醇
  217. A-stage ==> 初期状态
  218. A-stage phenol-formaldehyde resin ==> 可熔阶段酚醛树脂
  219. A-stage resin ==> 甲阶树脂
  220. A-submarine ==> 核潜艇
  221. a-toluic acid ==> 苯基乙酸
  222. A-type chromium door handle ==> 镀铬A型门拉手
  223. A-USC ==> 超々臨界圧発電
  224. A-V interval ==> 房室收缩间期
  225. A-V node ==> 房室结
  226. A-V sequential pacemaker ==> 房室顺序型心脏起搏器
  227. A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level ==> A加权等效连续声压级
  228. A-weighted instantaneous sound pressure ==> A加权瞬时声压
  229. A-weighted maximum sound pressure level (LAmax) ==> A加权最高声压级
  230. A-weighted sound energy ==> A加权声能
  231. A-weighted sound pressure level ==> A加权声压级
  232. A-wire ==> 甲线,正线
  233. a.c. asynchronous motor ==> 交流异步电动机
  234. a.c. balance indicator ==> 交流平衡指示器
  235. a.c. bridge ==> 交流电桥
  236. a.c. current calibrator ==> 交流电流校准器
  237. a.c. current distortion ==> 交流电流失真
  238. a.c. distribution circuit ==> 交流配电线路
  239. a.c. electronic voltage stabilizer ==> 交流电子稳压器
  240. a.c. induced polarization instrument ==> 交流激电仪
  241. a.c. phase sequence ==> 交流电的相别
  242. a.c. potentiometer ==> 交流电位差计
  243. a.c. resistance box ==> 交流电阻箱
  244. a.c. source ==> 交流电源
  245. a.c. standard resistor ==> 交流标准电阻器
  246. a.c. voltage distortion ==> 交流电压失真,交流电压校准器
  247. a.c. welding machine ==> 交流电焊机
  248. a.c./d.c. multi-purpose tongtester ==> 交直流两用钳型电流表
  249. A.C.H. index ==> 臂胸髋指数
  250. a.c.l.v. switchboard (distribution panel) ==> 交流低压配电屏
  251. A.M.C. American Maritime Cases ==> 美国海事事件
  252. A/A, Air to Air ==> 空対空
  253. A/C, Air Conditioning ==> 空気調和
  254. A/C, Aircraft ==> 航空機
  255. A/D converter, analogue digital converter ==> 模-数转换器,A/D转换器
  256. A/D CU, A/D converter unit ==> アナログ/デジタル変換器
  257. A/D transfer error ==> 量化误差,由于模数转换后得到的相应数码没有精确的代表被测的模拟量(因采样频率和数码长度均受限制),由此产生的误差称量化误差
  258. A/D, analog to digital ==> アナログからデジタルへ
  259. A/D, Analog to Digital Converter ==> アナログ/ディジタル変換器
  260. A/D, Analog-Digital Converter ==> アナログ-ディジタル変換
  261. A/D, analog/digital ==> 模拟/数字,模拟量/数字量
  262. A/D, analogue to digital converter ==> アナログデジタル変換器
  263. A/F All Fast ==> 全速
  264. A/F, Air-to-Fuel Ratio ==> 空気燃料混合比
  265. A/F, Analog Filter ==> アナログフィルタ
  266. A/G, Air to Ground ==> 空対地
  267. A/I, action item ==> 要処置事項
  268. A/I, additional information ==> 追加情報
  269. A/I, Analog Input ==> アナログ入力
  270. A/L, airlock ==> エアロック
  271. A/L, Approach and Landing ==> 進入,着陸
  272. A/L, Approach and Landing/Autoland ==> 進入着陸/自動着陸
  273. A/L, Approach/Landing ==> 進入/着陸
  274. A/L, autoland ==> 自動着陸
  275. A/M station, automatic/manual station ==> 自动/手动操作器
  276. A/M, Auto/Manual ==> 自動/手動
  277. A/O, Analog output ==> アナログ出力
  278. A/O, Analog/Output ==> アナログ/出力
  279. A/P, Airport ==> 空港
  280. A/PR, animal/plant research ==> 動植物研究
  281. A/R, As Required ==> NASA略語(意訳:要求に応じて)
  282. A/S Alongside ==> 靠边
  283. A/S, Airspeed ==> 対気速度
  284. A/S, Ascent Stage ==> 上昇段階
  285. A/S, Auxiliary Stage ==> 補助ステージ
  286. A/T, air table test ==> エアテーブル試験
  287. A/W, atmosphere/weather ==> 大気/気象
  288. A1-2O-3-coated cemented carbide ==> 氧化铝涂层硬质合金
  289. A1・2O・3-coated cemented carbide ==> 氧化铝涂层硬质合金
  290. AA ==> アドバンスオートメーション
  291. aa channel ==> 块熔岩通道
  292. AA conductor ==> 铝镁合金导线
  293. AA conductor, aluminium magnesium alloy conductor ==> 铝镁合金导线
  294. AA, accelerometer assembly ==> 加速度計組立
  295. AA, active addressing ==> 動的アドレシング
  296. AA, air to air ==> 空対空
  297. AA, airplane avionics ==> 航空機アビオニクス(航空機の電気,電子装置の設計と製作)
  298. AA, angular accelerometer ==> 角加速度計
  299. AA, Anti-Aircraft(missile) ==> 対空(ミサイル)
  300. AA, Area to be Avoided ==> 避航水域
  301. AA, associate administrator ==> 副部長,局長(NASA)
  302. AA, atomic absorption ==> 原子吸光
  303. AA/AL, Airplane Avionics/Autoland ==> 航空機アビオニクス/自動着陸
  304. AA/AL, Automatic Approach/Autoland ==> 自動進入/自動着陸
  305. AAA, authentication, authorization, accounting ==> 接続認証,権利認証,課金管理
  306. Aaa-rated ==> 票面等级,票面额
  307. AAAA Always Afloat, Always Accessible ==> 在水中供随时使用的
  308. AAB, automatic answer back ==> 自動応答装置
  309. AABC ==> 车用蓄电池全球大会
  310. AAC, advanced adaptive control ==> 高等最適制御
  311. AAC, attitude and antenna control ==> 姿勢,アンテナ制御
  312. AACE, attitude & antenna control equipment ==> 姿勢&アンテナ制御装置
  313. AACE, attitude and antenna control electronics ==> 姿勢,アンテナ制御電子回路
  314. AACR, All America Cable Radio Inc. ==> オールアメリカケーブルラジオ社
  315. AACS, attitude & antenna control subsystem ==> 姿勢及びアンテナ制御サブシステム
  316. AACS, attitude and antenna control system ==> 姿勢及びアンテナ制御システム
  317. AAE, aerospace ancillary equipment ==> 航空宇宙用補助施設
  318. AAE, Aerospace Auxiliary Equipment ==> 航空宇宙補助機器
  319. AAE, automatic answering equipment ==> 自動応答装置
  320. AAEU, Aquatic Animal Experiment Unit ==> 水棲生物飼育装置
  321. AAF, application assistance facility ==> 応用支援施設
  322. AAF, Army Air Force ==> 陸軍航空隊
  323. AAFE, Advanced Applications Flight Equipment ==> NASA略語(意訳:最新式応用フライト機器)
  324. AAFE, advanced applications flight experiment ==> 応用開発飛行実験
  325. AAFE, Aeroassist Flight Experiment ==> NASA略語(意訳:エアロアシスト飛行実験機〔エアロブレーキ理論〕)
  326. AAH, Automated Attitude Hold(for MMU) ==> 自動姿勢保持(宇宙遊泳装置用)
  327. AAIR, Advanced Atmospheric Sounder and Imaging Radiometer ==> NASA略語(意訳:改良型大気観測器・画像放射計)
  328. AAL, ATM adaptation layer ==> ATMアダプテーション層
  329. AAM, air to air missile ==> 空対空ミサイル
  330. AAP ==> 米出版協会
  331. AAP, Airlock Adapter Plate ==> エアロックアダプタプレート
  332. AAP, Analog Autopilot ==> アナログオートパイロット
  333. AAP, Apollo application program ==> アポロ応用計画
  334. AAPA American Association of Port Authority ==> 美国港口协会
  335. AARA Amsterdam-Antwerp-Rotterdam Area ==> 阿姆斯特丹——艾恩德霍芬——鹿特丹区域
  336. AAS Annual Automation Control Survey ==> 年度自动控制检测
  337. AAS, American Astronautical Society ==> 米国宇宙航行学会
  338. AAS, American Astronomical Society ==> 米国天文学会
  339. AASO Association of American Shipowners ==> 美国船主协会
  340. AAU, address arithmetic unit ==> アドレス生成ユニット
  341. AB booster ==> AB增压缸=>ABブースタ
  342. ab initio wave-function ==> 初始波函数
  343. AB, Airborne ==> 空挺の,空輸の
  344. AB32 ==> 地球温暖化対策法(美国加州)
  345. ABA, American Bosch Arma Corp. ==> 米国ボッシュアルマ社
  346. abactinal side ==> 反辐射对称口
  347. Abadan Refinery ==> 阿巴丹炼油厂
  348. abaft ==> 船尾の方に
  349. abaissement ==> 针拨术,内障摘出术
  350. abampere per square centimeter (aA/cm2) ==> 电磁安/厘米2
  351. abandon ==> 交给,抛弃,弃权,放弃,委付
  352. abandon application ==> 放弃申请
  353. abandon non-effect nodule ==> 废弃无效根瘤
  354. abandon patent ==> 放弃专利权
  355. abandoned call ==> 废弃呼叫
  356. abandoned channel ==> 废河槽,抛弃废河道
  357. abandoned coal pillar ==> 残留煤柱
  358. abandoned goods ==> 废弃货物,被弃货物
  359. abandoned land ==> 撩荒地,撂荒地
  360. abandoned lease cost ==> 废弃租约成本
  361. abandoned loop ==> 废河网
  362. abandoned mine ==> 废矿
  363. abandoned oil ==> 废弃油
  364. abandoned property ==> 废弃财产,已放弃产权财产
  365. abandoned ship ==> 废弃船舶
  366. abandoned shore line ==> 废岸线
  367. abandoned tender ==> 废标
  368. abandoned well ==> 废井,报废油井
  369. abandonment contour ==> 报废等值线
  370. abandonment in extractive industry ==> 采掘工业的废弃
  371. abandonment loss ==> 废弃损失
  372. abandonment of a patent ==> 放弃专利权
  373. abandonment of a patent application ==> 放弃专利申请
  374. abandonment of a ship ==> 弃船
  375. abandonment of action ==> 放弃诉讼
  376. abandonment of cargo ==> 放弃货载
  377. abandonment of claim ==> 放弃索赔
  378. abandonment of water rights ==> 放弃水权
  379. abandonment value ==> 废弃价值
  380. ABAP, Advanced Business Application Programming ==> アバップ,R/3などSAPシステムの製作やアドオン開発に用いられる高級言語
  381. abat-vent ==> 通风帽,通气帽,障风装置,挡风装置
  382. abatement and exemption from penalty ==> 免除刑罚
  383. abatement cost ==> 消除有害事物的成本
  384. abatement of smoke and dust ==> 消烟除尘
  385. abatement order ==> 废除令
  386. abattoir ==> 屠宰场
  387. ABB ==> 会社名
  388. ABB, Air Blast circuit Breaker ==> 空気遮断器
  389. Abbe aperto meter ==> 阿贝数值孔径计
  390. Abbe apparatus ==> 阿贝折射计
  391. Abbe autocollimation measuring ==> 阿贝自准直量度法
  392. Abbe autocollimation measuring method ==> 阿贝自动对准测量方法
  393. Abbe camera lucida ==> 阿培化显微镜描图器
  394. Abbe comparator ==> 阿贝比长仪
  395. Abbe condenser ==> 阿贝聚光镜
  396. Abbe constant ==> 阿贝常数
  397. Abbe criterion ==> 阿贝判据,阿贝准则
  398. Abbe doublediffraction principle ==> 阿贝双衍射原理
  399. Abbe illuminator ==> 阿贝照明器
  400. Abbe invariant ==> 阿贝不变式
  401. Abbe number ==> 阿贝数,阿贝值,色散系数
  402. Abbe photometric law ==> 阿贝光度定律
  403. Abbe radiance law ==> 阿贝辐射率定律
  404. Abbe refractomecer ==> 阿贝折射率计
  405. Abbe refractometer ==> 阿贝折射计
  406. Abbe resolution criterion ==> 阿贝分辨率判据
  407. Abbe treatment ==> 阿贝处理
  408. Abbe's formula ==> 阿贝公式
  409. Abbe's principle ==> 阿贝原理
  410. abbe's refractometer ==> 阿贝折光仪
  411. Abbe's sine condition ==> 阿贝正弦条件
  412. Abbe's sine law ==> 阿贝正弦定律
  413. Abbe's sine rule ==> 阿贝正弦定则
  414. Abbe's string method ==> 线扩张疗法
  415. Abbe's theory of image formation ==> 阿贝成像理论
  416. abbertite ==> 黑沥青
  417. abbot's cloth ==> 粗厚方平织物
  418. Abbott's bearing curve ==> 艾卜特支承曲线
  419. abbreviated ==> 简化的,缩写的,简缩的=>短縮された
  420. abbreviated address ==> 短缩地址
  421. abbreviated address call ==> 短缩地址调用
  422. abbreviated address calling ==> 简缩寻址访问=>短縮アドレス呼出し
  423. abbreviated addressing ==> 短缩编址,短缩寻址,缩短寻址,缩写寻址
  424. abbreviated analysis ==> 簡易分析
  425. abbreviated calculation ==> 略算
  426. abbreviated dial(l)ing ==> 缩位拨号
  427. abbreviated dialing ==> 短縮ダイヤル
  428. abbreviated equation ==> 简化方程
  429. abbreviated name ==> 略称
  430. abbreviated product name ==> 製品の略称
  431. abbreviated signal code ==> 缩写信码,传输电码
  432. abbreviation ==> 简写,缩写词,略语,节略,缩略字,缩写,简略符号,省略=>略語,略称
  433. abbreviation of keyword ==> 关键字的缩写
  434. ABC Activity-Based Costing ==> 活动消费
  435. ABC analysis ==> 分类管理法,分类控制法
  436. ABC control ==> 分级存货管理
  437. ABC system ==> 机载控制测量系统
  438. ABC universal commercial telegraphic code ==> 爱皮西世界商业密码
  439. ABC, activity based costing ==> 活動基準原価計算
  440. ABC, American Broadcasting Company ==> アメリカ放送会社
  441. ABC, analog backup controller ==> アナログ式バックアップ制御器
  442. ABC, as built configuration ==> 完成状態コンフィギュレーション
  443. ABC, audio branch circuit ==> オーディオブランチ回路
  444. ABC, Automatic Brightness Control ==> 自動輝度制御
  445. ABCF, as-built configuration file ==> 完成状態コンフィギュレーションファイル
  446. ABCL, as built configuration list ==> 完成状態コンフィギュレーションリスト
  447. abcoulomb centimeter (aCcm) ==> 电磁库厘米
  448. abcoulomb per cubic centimeter (aC/cm3) ==> 电磁库/厘米3
  449. abcoulomb per square centimeter (aC/cm2) ==> 电磁库/厘米2
  450. ABCR, as-build configuration record ==> 完成状態コンフィギュレーションレコード
  451. ABCU Automated Bridge Control System For Unattended Engine Room ==> 无人引擎室的自动船桥控制系统
  452. Abde's zero in variant ==> 阿贝零不变量
  453. Abderhalden reaction ==> 阿布德哈尔德反应
  454. Abderhalden's reaction ==> 阿布德豪登氏反应,血清酶反应
  455. abdication ==> 放棄
  456. abdomen spatula ==> 压肠板
  457. abdominal ==> 腹部的
  458. abdominal actinomycosis ==> 腹放线菌病
  459. abdominal allergic purpura ==> 腹型过敏性紫癜
  460. abdominal amniocentesis ==> 经腹壁羊膜穿刺术,经腹壁羊膜穿刺术
  461. abdominal aorta ==> 腹主动脉
  462. abdominal apoplexy ==> 腹部卒中
  463. abdominal aspirator ==> 腹腔内液体吸引器
  464. abdominal asthma ==> 腹性气喘
  465. abdominal ballottement ==> 腹部冲击触诊法,间接冲击触诊
  466. abdominal bandage ==> 肚带
  467. abdominal belt ==> 腹带
  468. abdominal binder ==> 腹带
  469. abdominal breathig ==> 腹式呼吸
  470. abdominal cavity ==> 腹腔
  471. abdominal cesarean section ==> 腹式剖腹产术
  472. abdominal cleft ==> 介壳虫臀裂
  473. abdominal configuration ==> 腹部外形
  474. abdominal contents ==> 腹部下水
  475. abdominal depth ==> 腹厚
  476. abdominal distension ==> 胀病,中满
  477. abdominal distention ==> 腹膨胀,腹部膨隆
  478. abdominal dropsy ==> 腹水
  479. abdominal external hernia ==> 腹外疝
  480. abdominal external ring ==> 腹外环
  481. abdominal gestation ==> 腹腔妊娠
  482. abdominal gill ==> 腹鳃
  483. abdominal heart ==> 腹位心
  484. abdominal hernia ==> 腹壁疝=>腹部ヘルニア
  485. abdominal hernia acquired ==> 後天性腹部ヘルニア
  486. abdominal hernia of specified site ==> 特定部位の腹部ヘルニア
  487. abdominal hysterectomy ==> 剖腹子宫截除术,剖腹子宫切除术
  488. abdominal hysterotomy ==> 腹式剖宫取胎术
  489. abdominal inguinal ring ==> 腹股沟管腹环
  490. abdominal internal hernia ==> 腹内疝
  491. abdominal leg ==> 腹足
  492. abdominal limb ==> 腹肢
  493. abdominal marking ==> 腹部花纹
  494. abdominal mass ==> 腹部包块,腹部肿块,积聚
  495. abdominal migraine ==> 腹型偏头痛
  496. abdominal muscles ==> 腹肌
  497. abdominal muscular relaxation ==> 腹壁松弛
  498. abdominal nephrotomy ==> 经腹肾切开术,经腹肾切开术
  499. abdominal operation ==> 腹部手术
  500. abdominal pad ==> 腹垫
  501. abdominal pain ==> 腹痛
  502. abdominal pain due to blood stasis ==> 血瘀腹痛
  503. abdominal pain due to stagnation of blood ==> 血滞腹痛
  504. abdominal pain with cold limbs ==> 厥疝,厥疝
  505. abdominal paracentesis ==> 腹腔穿刺术
  506. abdominal perimeter ==> 腹围
  507. abdominal plain film examination ==> 腹部平片检查
  508. abdominal pregnancy ==> 腹腔妊娠
  509. abdominal pressure ==> 腹压
  510. abdominal protector ==> 护腹具
  511. abdominal pulse ==> 腹部主动脉脉搏
  512. abdominal reflex ==> 腹壁反射
  513. abdominal region ==> 腹部分区
  514. abdominal respiration ==> 腹式呼吸
  515. abdominal retractor ==> 腹壁拉钩,腹部拉钩,大腹壁钩
  516. abdominal rib ==> 腹肋
  517. abdominal scale ==> 腹鳞
  518. abdominal segment ==> 腹节
  519. abdominal selective angiography ==> 腹部选择性血管造影术
  520. abdominal self-retaining retractor ==> 腹壁保留牵开器
  521. abdominal self-retaining retractors ==> 腹壁自固定牵开器
  522. abdominal spatula ==> 压肠板
  523. abdominal subcutaneous veins ==> 腹皮下静脉
  524. abdominal suction tube ==> 腹腔吸管
  525. abdominal surgery instruments ==> 腹部外科手术器械
  526. abdominal tenderness ==> 腹部压痛
  527. abdominal total hysterectomy ==> 经腹子宫全切除术,经腹子宫全切除术
  528. abdominal vascular murmur ==> 腹部血管杂音
  529. abdominal version ==> 外倒转术
  530. abdominal wall ==> 腹壁
  531. abdominal wall retainer ==> 腹壁固定器
  532. abdominal water transferring machine ==> 腹水转流机
  533. abdominal watersheds ==> 腹腔分水岭
  534. abdominal white ==> (稻米)腹白
  535. abdominal-mass type ==> 腹块型
  536. abdominalgia ==> 腹痛
  537. abdomino-anterior ==> 腹前位
  538. abdominocardiac reflex ==> 腹心反射
  539. abdormal delivery forceps ==> 剖腹位产钳
  540. abducens nucleus ==> 外展神经核
  541. abducens paralysis ==> 展神经麻痹
  542. abducent paralysis ==> 外展神经麻痹
  543. abduction of foot ==> 足外展
  544. abduction splint ==> 外展夹板
  545. abductor muscle of great toe ==> 拇展肌
  546. abductor paralysis ==> 外展肌麻痹
  547. ABE, army based electronics ==> 武器用電子技術
  548. abeam ==> 真横に
  549. Abegg's rule ==> 阿贝格规则
  550. Abegg's rule of eight ==> 阿贝格八值定则
  551. Abel closed cup flash point apparatus ==> 阿贝尔闭杯闪点测定仪
  552. Abel closed tester ==> 阿贝尔闭式试验器
  553. Abel flash point ==> 阿贝尔闪点
  554. Abel flash point tester ==> 阿贝尔闪点试验器
  555. Abel flash-point apparatus ==> 阿贝尔闪点仪
  556. Abel heat test ==> 阿贝尔耐热试验
  557. Abel inversion ==> アーベル逆変換
  558. Abel refractometer ==> 阿贝折射率计
  559. Abel test ==> 阿贝尔试验
  560. Abel tester ==> 阿贝尔测定仪,艾贝尔闪点试验器
  561. Abel's integral equation ==> 阿贝尔积分方程=>アーベルの積分方程式
  562. Abel's reagent ==> 阿贝尔金相浸蚀剂
  563. Abel's test of convergence ==> 阿贝尔收敛性判别法
  564. Abelian domain ==> 阿贝尔域
  565. Abelian equation ==> アーベル方程式
  566. Abelian field ==> 阿贝尔域=>アーベル体
  567. Abelian group ==> 阿贝尔群=>アーベル群,可換群
  568. Abelian group theory ==> アーベル群論
  569. Abell cluster ==> 阿贝尔星系团
  570. Abell richness class ==> 阿贝尔富度
  571. Abels generalization of binomial theorem ==> 二项式定理的阿贝尔推广
  572. abend ==> 任务异常结束
  573. ABEND, abnormal end of task ==> タスクの異常終了
  574. Abercrombie's syndrome ==> 艾伯克友比氏综合征
  575. Abernethy's fascia ==> 艾伯内西氏筋膜
  576. aberrant ==> 异常的,迷乱的,迷行的
  577. aberrant conduction ==> 差异传导
  578. aberrant copy ==> 残本
  579. aberrant ductules ==> 迷管,迷小管
  580. aberrant hepatic artery ==> 肝迷走动脉
  581. aberrant lashes ==> 乱睫毛
  582. aberrant myelin sheath ==> 迷走髓鞘
  583. aberrant ovarium ==> 迷走性卵巢
  584. aberrant ovary ==> 迷走性卵巢,卵巢异位
  585. aberrant rest ==> 迷芽瘤
  586. aberrant right subclavicular artery ==> 迷走右锁骨下动脉
  587. aberrant source ==> 异常误差来源,偏差源,像差源
  588. aberrant thyroid ==> 迷走甲状腺
  589. aberrant thyroid in larynx ==> 喉内迷行甲状腺组织
  590. aberrant ventricular conduction ==> 心室差异传导
  591. aberrant vessels ==> 迷走血管
  592. aberrated optics ==> 有像差光学系统
  593. aberration ==> 相差,偏差,色差,光行差,失常,反常,精神迷乱,像差,光行差,误差,迷乱,迷行,迷走异位,畸变=>逸脱,脱線行為,奇行,異常,収差
  594. aberration analysis ==> 収差解析
  595. aberration angle ==> 光行差角
  596. aberration characteristic ==> 相差特性
  597. aberration constant ==> 光行差常数,光行差恒量=>光行差定数
  598. aberration correction ==> 収差補正
  599. aberration curve ==> 相差曲线,离异曲线,偏差曲线
  600. aberration day numbers ==> 光行差日数
  601. aberration ellipse ==> 光行差椭圆
  602. aberration of light ==> 光行差
  603. aberration of reconstructed wave ==> 重建波的像差,重现波像差
  604. aberration shift ==> 光行差位移
  605. ABERT, Auto Bit Error Rate Test ==> NASA略語(意訳:自動ビット誤り率試験)
  606. Aberta oil ==> 阿贝他石油
  607. ABET, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology ==> アメリカ工学教育認定機構
  608. ABET, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. ==> 米国工学系高等教育課程認定機関
  609. ABF, aerial beam forming ==> アンテナ同士を空間中で電気的に結合させ,指向性を制御する手法
  610. ABI, application binary interface ==> 異なるコンピュータでソフトウエアのバイナリ互換を保証するインタフェース
  611. Abich's mortar ==> 阿毕西臼
  612. abichite ==> 砷铜矿
  613. Abies pectinata ==> 欧洲白冷杉
  614. abietic acid ==> 枞酸,松香酸
  615. abietic-type acid ==> 枞酸型酸
  616. ability and earnings ==> 能力与收入
  617. ability factor ==> 工作能力指标
  618. ability of anti prereduced component ==> 抗先还原物质能力
  619. ability of bearing taxation ==> 负税能力
  620. ability of harden ==> 硬化性能
  621. ability of interconnection ==> 連系能力
  622. ability of section detective ==> 区間判定能力
  623. ability test ==> 能力测验
  624. ability to accommodate social funds ==> 社会融资能力
  625. ability to bargain ==> 交易能力
  626. ability to borrow ==> 借款能力,借债能力
  627. ability to design plans and strategies ==> 策划能力
  628. ability to dismantle ==> 拆卸能力
  629. ability to grow in the presence of disease ==> 在具病条件下生长的能力
  630. ability to pay basis ==> 负税能力基准
  631. ability to provide the auxiliary items ==> 配套能力
  632. ability to react to market conditions ==> 市场反应能力
  633. ability to sell ==> 销售能力
  634. ability-to-pay principle ==> 负担能力原则,付税能力原则
  635. ability-to-pay principle of taxation ==> 负税能力原则,纳税的支付能力原则,课税的支付能力原则
  636. abiotic control ==> 非生物防治
  637. abiotic factor ==> 非生物因素
  638. abiotic substance ==> 非生物物质
  639. Abitibi belt ==> 阿比提比带
  640. ABL, approved baseline unit ==> 承認済ベースラインユニット
  641. ablated gas ==> 溶発ガス
  642. ablation ==> 冲蚀,磨削作用,削蚀作用,消融作用,切除,烧蚀,冰面融化=>アブレーション,溶発現象
  643. ablation cone ==> 冰锥,融蚀锥
  644. ablation cooling ==> 烧蚀冷却
  645. ablation drift ==> 融蚀冰碛,风化冰碛
  646. ablation factor ==> 消融率
  647. ablation form ==> 融蚀形态
  648. ablation material ==> 烧蚀材料
  649. ablation moraine ==> 消融碛
  650. ablation plasma ==> アブレーションプラズマ
  651. ablation shield ==> 烧蚀防护罩
  652. ablation shields ==> 蚀防护罩
  653. ablation swamp ==> 冰融沼泽,消融沼泽
  654. ablative agent ==> 烧蚀剂
  655. ablative cooling material ==> 烧蚀冷却材料
  656. ablative flashlamp ==> 烧蚀闪光灯
  657. ablative material ==> 烧蚀材料,烧蚀剂
  658. ablative recording ==> 冲蚀记录
  659. ablative shielding ==> 烧蚀保护层
  660. ablative thickness transducer [sensor] ==> 烧蚀厚度传感器
  661. ablative-insulative material ==> 烧蚀隔热材料
  662. able course of action ==> 可行行动
  663. able eye-witness report transmitter ==> 便携式新闻摄像发射机
  664. able life-support system ==> 轻便式生命保障设备
  665. able-bodied farm worker ==> 全劳动力
  666. able-bodied labourer ==> 强劳动力
  667. able-bodied person ==> 健常者
  668. able-bodied seaman ==> 二等水手=>熟練甲板員
  669. ABM, apogee boost motor ==> アポジブーストモータ
  670. ABM, Apogee Boost Motor(Moteur d'apogee) ==> アポジ・ブースト・モータ(アポジモータ)
  671. ABM, Assembly and Berthing Module ==> 組立て部及び係留モジュール
  672. ABMA, Army Ballistic Missile Agency ==> 陸軍弾道ミサイル庁
  673. abmiralty gun metal ==> 海军炮金属
  674. ABN Abandoned ==> 放弃的,离开的
  675. Abney clinometer ==> 阿布尼测斜器
  676. Abney effect ==> 阿布尼效应
  677. Abney flicker photometer ==> 阿贝尼闪变光度计
  678. Abney level ==> 阿布尼水准仪,阿布水准器,爱尼式测斜仪,手水准仪
  679. Abney mountin for concave grating ==> 阿布凹面光栅装置
  680. Abney mounting ==> 阿贝尼装法
  681. Abney's colour patch apparatus ==> 阿贝尼色度装置
  682. Abney's law ==> 阿布尼定律
  683. abnomal attribute ==> 异常属性
  684. abnomal loss ==> 特别损失
  685. abnormal ==> 反常的,不正规的,异常的=>異常
  686. abnormal apexcardiogram ==> 异常心尖搏动图
  687. abnormal attribute ==> 异常表征
  688. abnormal behavior ==> 异常行为
  689. abnormal breathing sound ==> 异常呼吸音
  690. abnormal cathode fall ==> 反差阴极电位降,反常阴极电位降=>異常陰極降下
  691. abnormal child psychology ==> 变态儿童心理学
  692. abnormal chromosome numbers ==> 异常染色体数目
  693. abnormal color of urine ==> 尿色异常
  694. abnormal combustion ==> 異常燃焼
  695. abnormal component ==> 异常成分
  696. abnormal condition ==> 反常条件,非常状态,非正常状态
  697. abnormal condition interrupt ==> 异常条件中断
  698. abnormal conditions ==> 反常情况,不正常情况
  699. abnormal construction of pleura ==> 胸膜异常结构
  700. abnormal cost ==> 特别成本
  701. abnormal course of eustachian tube ==> 咽鼓管途径异常
  702. abnormal current ==> 异常电流,事故电流=>異常電流
  703. abnormal curve ==> 非正态曲线
  704. abnormal density ==> 反常密度
  705. abnormal depreciation ==> 非常折旧,特别折旧
  706. abnormal development of fetus ==> 胎儿发育异常
  707. abnormal differentiation ==> 异常分化
  708. abnormal dip ==> 不正常倾斜
  709. abnormal dispersion glass ==> 反常色散玻璃
  710. abnormal distribution ==> 非正态分布
  711. abnormal dump ==> 异常转储
  712. abnormal E layer ==> 异常电离层=>異常E層
  713. abnormal electroencephalographic wave ==> 异常脑波
  714. abnormal electromyogram ==> 异常肌电图
  715. abnormal embryo ==> 不正常胚
  716. abnormal end control table (ACT) ==> 异常结束控制表
  717. abnormal end of task ==> 任务异常结束
  718. abnormal erosion ==> 异常侵蚀,反常冲蚀,反常侵蚀,畸形的侵蚀
  719. abnormal exchange ==> 不正常交换,非常行市
  720. abnormal expansion ==> 反常膨胀
  721. abnormal farms ==> 不规则农场
  722. abnormal fault ==> 变态断层
  723. abnormal fertilization ==> 反常受精
  724. abnormal fetal position ==> 胎位异常
  725. abnormal fixation ==> 变态固着
  726. abnormal flood ==> 非常洪水
  727. abnormal flood level ==> 非常洪水位
  728. abnormal focal length ==> 反常焦距
  729. abnormal frequency operation of power system ==> 电力系统频率异常运行,电力系统受到干扰后,系统频率发生异常变化的不正常运行状态
  730. abnormal function ==> 异常函数
  731. abnormal fusion of cervical vertebral body ==> 颈椎椎体异常融合,颈椎椎体异常融合
  732. abnormal fusion of cervical vertebral lamina ==> 颈椎椎板异常融合,颈椎椎板异常融合
  733. abnormal fusion of mullerian ducts ==> 中肾旁管融合异常
  734. abnormal gains ==> 特别收益,非常收益
  735. abnormal globulin ==> 异常球蛋白
  736. abnormal glow ==> 不规则辉光放电
  737. abnormal glow discharge ==> 反常辉光放电
  738. abnormal grain growth ==> 反差晶粒生长,异常晶粒生长,晶粒反常长大
  739. abnormal growth ==> 异常生长
  740. abnormal heating ==> 异常发热,事故发热
  741. abnormal hemoglobin ==> 异常血红蛋白
  742. abnormal hemoglobin derivatives ==> 异常血红蛋白衍生物
  743. abnormal hemoglobin test ==> 异常血红蛋白检查
  744. abnormal hemoglobinemia ==> 异常血红蛋白血症
  745. abnormal information ==> 异常信息
  746. abnormal insertions of ocular muscle ==> 眼肌止端异常
  747. abnormal interference colors ==> 异常干涉色
  748. abnormal item ==> 非常项目
  749. abnormal labor ==> 分娩异常,异常分娩
  750. abnormal load ==> 不规则荷载,不规则载荷
  751. abnormal low voltage arc ==> 反差低压电弧
  752. abnormal low-voltage arc ==> 反差低压电弧
  753. abnormal melting ==> 反常熔化
  754. abnormal milk ==> 异常乳
  755. abnormal movement ==> 异常活动
  756. abnormal movement of false joint ==> 异常假关节活动
  757. abnormal nuclear state ==> 反常核态
  758. abnormal observation ==> 反常观察值
  759. abnormal of auxiliary machine system ==> 補機系統異常
  760. abnormal of drum water level ==> ドラム水位異常
  761. abnormal operating condition ==> 反常操作情况
  762. abnormal operating conditions ==> 不正常的工作条件
  763. abnormal operating conditions of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂异常运行工况,核电厂偏离运行技术规格书中规定的运行限值、达到或超过安全系统整定值,触发保护系统动作而停堆,但尚未造成事故的工况。它一般不会导致设备损坏,但如处理不当可能发展成事故工况
  764. abnormal operation ==> 操作异常
  765. abnormal operation of generator ==> 发电机的异常运行,发电机异于额定正常工况的运行状态。包括定子、转子绕组的过电流、过电压,频率过高或过低,失步振荡等
  766. abnormal operation of power system ==> 电力系统异常运行,电力系统受到干扰后,可能失去稳定或发生异常情况的不正常运行状态
  767. abnormal overload ==> 异常过载,事故过载
  768. abnormal overpressure ==> 高异常压力
  769. abnormal overvoltage ==> 异常过电压,事故过电压
  770. abnormal perception ==> 知觉异常
  771. abnormal percussion note ==> 异常叩诊音
  772. abnormal place ==> 反常采煤区
  773. abnormal plasmocyte ==> 异常浆细胞
  774. abnormal polarization ==> 反常极化,反常偏振
  775. abnormal presentation ==> 异常胎位
  776. abnormal pressure ==> 异常压力,反常压力
  777. abnormal profit ==> 超额利润
  778. abnormal profits ==> 非正常利润
  779. abnormal program termination ==> 程序异常终止
  780. abnormal propagation ==> 反常传播,不规则传播
  781. abnormal protein ==> 异常蛋白质
  782. abnormal psychology ==> 变态心理学
  783. abnormal pulsation of carotid artery ==> 颈动脉异常搏动,颈动脉异常搏动
  784. abnormal pupillary reflex ==> 异常瞳孔反射
  785. abnormal radiation ==> 异常辐射
  786. abnormal redshift ==> 反常红移
  787. abnormal reflection ==> 异常反射
  788. abnormal reflections ==> 反常反射
  789. abnormal refraction ==> 反常折射
  790. abnormal return ==> 异常返回
  791. abnormal return address ==> 异常返回地址
  792. abnormal rise ==> 異常上昇
  793. abnormal risk ==> 特殊风险,非常风险
  794. abnormal scattering ==> 反常散射
  795. abnormal sensation ==> 感觉异常,感觉质变
  796. abnormal serum protein ==> 血清蛋白异常
  797. abnormal shrinkage ==> 非正常短缺
  798. abnormal soil ==> 异常土,异常土壤,畸形的土
  799. abnormal spoiled goods ==> 非正常废品
  800. abnormal statement ==> 反常语句,异常语句,不规则语句
  801. abnormal steel ==> 反常钢,非正常钢
  802. abnormal stop ==> 異常停止
  803. abnormal stress ==> 反常应力
  804. abnormal structure ==> 反常结构
  805. abnormal structure steel ==> 反常组织钢
  806. abnormal task termination ==> 异常任务终结
  807. abnormal temperature distribution ==> 反常温度分布
  808. abnormal termination ==> 异常终结
  809. abnormal termination abort ==> 异常终止
  810. abnormal tide ==> 异常潮
  811. abnormal transfer ==> 反常转移
  812. abnormal umbilical cord insertion ==> 脐带附着异常
  813. abnormal value ==> 异常值
  814. abnormal voltage ==> 反常电压,异常电压=>異常電圧
  815. abnormal waste ==> 非正常损耗
  816. abnormal water level ==> 非常水位
  817. abnormal wave ==> 异常波型
  818. abnormal weather ==> 反常天气
  819. abnormal weight ==> 反常重量
  820. abnormalities of brain ==> 脑异常
  821. abnormality diagnosis ==> 異常診断
  822. abnormality of birth canal ==> 产道异常
  823. abnormality of cardiac automaticity ==> 心脏自律性异常
  824. abnormality of fetal presentation ==> 胎先露异常
  825. abnormality of force of labor ==> 产力异常
  826. abnormality of hepatic function ==> 肝機能異常
  827. abnormality of parturient canal ==> 产道异常
  828. abnormality of secretion of gastrin ==> 胃泌素分泌异常
  829. abnormality of sexual differentiation ==> 性分化异常
  830. abnormality of steel ==> 钢的反常性
  831. abnormality of teeth in number ==> 牙数目异常
  832. abnormality of umbilial cord ==> 脐带异常
  833. abnormality of uterine contraction ==> 子宫收缩力异常
  834. abnormality of winding ==> 巻線異常
  835. abnormally flat ==> 反差过小
  836. abnormally prolonged erection of penis ==> 阴纵
  837. aboard ==> 船内に
  838. abohm ==> アブオーム
  839. abohm centimeter (aΩcm) ==> 电磁欧厘米
  840. abolish ==> 無効にする,廃止する,撤廃する
  841. abolish commodity economy ==> 取消商品经济
  842. abolishing life tenure in leading posts ==> 废除领导职务终身制
  843. abolishment ==> 废止
  844. abolishment of obligatory payments in gold ==> 解除用黄金支付的义务
  845. abolition ==> 废除,废弃
  846. abolition of ground-rent ==> 取消地租
  847. abolition of reflex ==> 反射消失,无反射
  848. abolitionism ==> 活体解剖禁止论
  849. abolitionist ==> 废止论者
  850. abomination ==> 嫌なもの,嫌悪の対象,恥ずべきこと,醜態
  851. aboriginal ==> 先住民
  852. abort ==> 故障,失灵,顿挫,发生故障,流产,取消,截止,中断飞行,半途终止,夭折
  853. abort engine ==> 失事应急发动机
  854. abort light ==> 紧急故障信号
  855. abort sensing control unit ==> 故障传感控制装置
  856. abort sequence ==> 异常终止序列
  857. abort situation ==> 故障位置
  858. abort zone ==> 中断飞行区
  859. abort, to ==> 打ち切る
  860. abortion in progress ==> 进行性流产,难免流产
  861. abortion ratio ==> 流产率
  862. abortion suction unit ==> 流产吸引器
  863. abortion within the first month of pregnancy ==> 暗产
  864. abortive forceps ==> 流产钳
  865. abortive pollen ==> 败育花粉
  866. abortive seed ==> 败育种子
  867. abortive tabes ==> 顿挫性脊髓痨
  868. abortive transduction ==> 流产转导
  869. abortive treatment ==> 顿挫疗法
  870. abortive zone ==> 无效病圈
  871. abortus fever ==> 流产热,布鲁氏杆茵病
  872. abound ==> 丰产
  873. abound resources ==> 资源丰富
  874. about 1/4 the normal hair density ==> 大约为正常茸毛密度的1/4
  875. about days after application ==> 大约在施用后天
  876. about equal to sample ==> 同样品大致相同
  877. about half the length of the ovary ==> 大约是子房长度的一半
  878. about-sledge ==> 大铁锤
  879. above ==> 超过
  880. above center ==> 上中心
  881. above critical state ==> 超临界状态,临界以上的,超临界的
  882. above cut method ==> 割线上方涂药法
  883. above earth potential ==> [对地]电位,[对地]电势
  884. above elbow amputation ==> 肘上切断术
  885. above freezing ==> 零上
  886. above ground level ==> 高出地面
  887. above ground organ ==> 地上器官
  888. above ground portion ==> 地面部分
  889. above high water mark ==> 高水位以上
  890. above mean sea level ==> 平均海拔高度
  891. above norm ==> 超额,高出平价
  892. above par ==> 高出平价,超出票面价值,超过面值,票面以上
  893. above par value ==> 平价以上
  894. above quota ==> 超额
  895. above sea level ==> 海拔高度
  896. above see level ==> 海拔
  897. above the average quality ==> 一般水平以上的质量
  898. above thermal ==> 超热的
  899. above tide ==> 高出海面
  900. above transmitted as receive (ATAR) ==> 以上发送收讫
  901. above water ==> 水上的
  902. above-critical ==> 超临界,临界以上的
  903. above-critical state ==> 超临界态
  904. above-ground plant parts ==> 植株地上部分
  905. above-ground silo ==> 地上青贮塔
  906. above-ground storage tank ==> 地面贮罐,地上贮罐
  907. above-ground tank ==> 地上贮罐
  908. above-norm ==> 超标准,超定额
  909. above-norm project ==> 限额以上的合同
  910. above-normal loss (ANL) ==> 超正常损失
  911. above-quota loan ==> 超定额贷款
  912. above-quota purchase ==> 超购
  913. above-the-line ==> (英国预算中的经常性项目)线上预算
  914. above-the-line expenditure ==> 线上项目支出,经常预算支出,经常预算支出
  915. above-thermal ==> 超热,超热的
  916. above-thermal neutron ==> 超热能中子,超热中子
  917. above-threshold operation method ==> (激光器)超阈值运转法
  918. above-threshold region ==> 超阈值区
  919. abovegrade piping ==> 地上管线,地上配管
  920. ABPL, as build parts list ==> 構成部品リスト
  921. abradability ==> 磨损性
  922. abradant ==> 研磨剂
  923. abradant material ==> 研磨材料
  924. abradant surface ==> 研磨面
  925. abrade ==> すりへらす
  926. abrade wear ==> 磨损
  927. abraded filament yarn ==> 擦毛长丝纱
  928. abraded quantity ==> すり減り量
  929. abraded skin ==> 擦りむいた皮膚
  930. abraded wool ==> 磨损羊毛
  931. abraded wound ==> 擦過傷
  932. abraded yarn ==> 擦毛丝
  933. abrading ==> 研磨修整
  934. abrading apparatus ==> 磨蚀器
  935. abrading instrument ==> 磨损仪
  936. abrading process ==> 磨断直接成条法
  937. abrading section ==> 磨损部位
  938. Abraham's tree ==> 辐辏状卷云
  939. abraison platform ==> 海蚀平台
  940. Abram's heart reflex ==> 利韦拉托氏反射
  941. Abram's law ==> 阿伯拉姆定律
  942. Abrams' heart reflex ==> 艾布勒姆斯氏心反射
  943. Abrams' lung reflex ==> 艾布勒姆斯氏肺反射
  944. Abrams'heart reflex ==> 艾布勒姆斯氏心反射
  945. Abramsen straight ener ==> 阿布拉姆森型矫直机
  946. Abramsen straightener ==> 艾布拉姆森型矫直机
  947. Abramson code ==> 阿布拉门逊码,艾布拉姆森码
  948. abrased glass ==> 磨光玻璃
  949. abraser ==> 研磨剂
  950. abrasin oil ==> 次桐油
  951. abrasion ==> 磨耗,磨蚀,磨损,冲蚀,研磨,擦掉,擦破,擦伤,剥蚀=>摩耗
  952. abrasion blasting ==> 喷砂,喷砂加工
  953. abrasion by glaciers ==> 冰川磨蚀
  954. abrasion damage ==> 磨伤
  955. abrasion degree ==> 磨耗度
  956. abrasion drill ==> 回旋钻
  957. abrasion drilling ==> 冲蚀钻井
  958. abrasion geomorphy ==> 海蚀地貌
  959. abrasion groove ==> 磨蚀沟
  960. abrasion hardness ==> 磨损硬度,耐磨硬度
  961. abrasion hardness test ==> 研磨测硬法
  962. abrasion index ==> 磨蚀指数,磨损指数
  963. abrasion inspection ==> 磨损检查
  964. abrasion loss ==> 磨耗损失
  965. abrasion machine ==> 磨耗试验机,磨损试验机
  966. abrasion mark ==> 磨蚀痕迹,磨蚀痕迹,磨蚀刻痕,摩擦痕迹,擦伤痕
  967. abrasion marks ==> 研磨斑痕
  968. abrasion mechanism ==> 磨损机理
  969. abrasion of epiglottis ==> 会厌擦伤
  970. abrasion platform ==> 海蚀台地
  971. abrasion proof component of burner ==> 燃烧器耐磨件
  972. abrasion pulsator ==> 间歇式耐磨试验仪
  973. abrasion resistance ==> 抗磨力,耐磨,抗磨性,抗磨强度,抗磨性,耐冲刷性,耐磨度,耐用度,磨耗阻力
  974. abrasion resistance index ==> 磨耗指数
  975. abrasion strength ==> 抗磨力
  976. abrasion surface ==> 海蚀面
  977. abrasion tableland ==> 剥蚀基岩台地
  978. abrasion test ==> 耐磨损性,耐磨试验,磨耗测定,磨耗试验,磨蚀试验,磨损试验=>摩耗試験
  979. abrasion tester ==> 磨损试验机,磨损试验器=>摩耗試験機
  980. abrasion testing machine ==> 磨耗试验机=>摩耗試験機
  981. abrasion value ==> 磨耗量,磨耗值
  982. abrasion wear index ==> 磨损指数
  983. abrasion wear test machine ==> 耐磨试验机
  984. abrasion wheel ==> 砂轮,磨轮
  985. abrasion-resistance ==> 耐冲蚀性,抗磨力,抗磨能力
  986. abrasion-resistant steel ==> 耐磨钢
  987. abrasive ==> 磨蚀的,磨蚀剂,磨损的,研磨料,擦除的,擦伤的=>研磨剤,研削材
  988. abrasive action ==> 磨损作用=>摩耗作用
  989. abrasive band ==> 砂带=>研磨ベルト
  990. abrasive band polishing ==> 砂带抛光
  991. abrasive belt ==> 砂带,砂带式,磨带=>研磨ベルト
  992. abrasive belt grinding lubricants ==> 磨蚀油
  993. abrasive belt grinding machine ==> 砂带磨床
  994. abrasive binder ==> 砥粒結合剤
  995. abrasive blast cleaning ==> 喷砂清理
  996. abrasive blast equipment ==> 喷砂设备
  997. abrasive blast system ==> 喷砂清理系统
  998. abrasive blasting ==> 喷砂法,喷丸法=>吹き付け加工
  999. abrasive brick ==> 磨块,研磨砖,耐磨砖
  1000. abrasive cement ==> 磨料粘结剂
  1001. abrasive character of food ==> 研磨性食品
  1002. abrasive cleaner ==> 擦洗剂,研磨洗浄剤
  1003. abrasive cleaning ==> 喷砂清理法
  1004. abrasive cleanser ==> 研磨剤入り洗剤
  1005. abrasive cloth ==> 砂布,研磨布
  1006. abrasive compound ==> 复合磨料
  1007. abrasive cone ==> 砂锥
  1008. abrasive cut-off ==> 磨割
  1009. abrasive cut-off machine ==> 砂轮切断机
  1010. abrasive cut-off wheel ==> 切割砂轮
  1011. abrasive cutoff machine ==> 磨切机
  1012. abrasive cutting drilling ==> 磨蚀钻井
  1013. abrasive cutting off machine ==> 磨切机
  1014. abrasive cutting-off ==> 研磨切断,砂轮切断
  1015. abrasive cutting-off machine ==> 磨割机
  1016. abrasive disc ==> 磨盘
  1017. abrasive disk ==> 金刚砂磨盘,研磨盘,砂轮
  1018. abrasive dresser ==> 砂轮修整器
  1019. abrasive drilling ==> 磨钻
  1020. abrasive dust ==> 磨料粉尘,磨屑
  1021. abrasive erosion ==> 磨蚀性侵蚀
  1022. abrasive file ==> 方头锉
  1023. abrasive fog ==> 摩擦灰雾
  1024. abrasive for cutting and grinding wheels ==> 切削工具和砂轮用研磨料
  1025. abrasive formation ==> 磨蚀性岩层
  1026. abrasive grain ==> 磨粒,磨料粒度
  1027. abrasive grains ==> 磨粒
  1028. abrasive grit ==> 铁粒
  1029. abrasive ground ==> 研磨料
  1030. abrasive hardness ==> 研磨硬度,磨料硬度,磨蚀硬度
  1031. abrasive ink ==> 研磨油墨
  1032. abrasive jet cleaning ==> 喷砂清理
  1033. abrasive jet drilling ==> 磨蚀喷射钻井,冲蚀钻井
  1034. abrasive jet wear testing ==> 喷砂磨损试验
  1035. abrasive lapping ==> 磨料研磨
  1036. abrasive lapping machine ==> 磨料研磨机
  1037. abrasive machining ==> 磨削加工,强力磨削,研磨加工
  1038. abrasive material ==> 研磨材料,研磨剂,磨料,磨平材料=>研削材
  1039. abrasive media ==> 研磨介质
  1040. abrasive molding hydraulic press ==> 磨料制品液压机
  1041. abrasive nature ==> 磨损性质
  1042. abrasive net-balloon for stomach ==> 胃球
  1043. abrasive operation ==> 研磨作業
  1044. abrasive pad ==> 研磨パッド
  1045. abrasive paper ==> 砂纸=>研磨紙
  1046. abrasive paper for wood ==> 木砂纸
  1047. abrasive particle ==> 磨粒
  1048. abrasive paste ==> 研磨膏
  1049. abrasive peeler ==> 磨擦去皮机
  1050. abrasive planing ==> 磨削
  1051. abrasive point ==> 磨削针
  1052. abrasive points for chrome cobalt alloy ==> 钻铬合金用砂石针
  1053. abrasive points for chrome-cobalt alloy ==> 钴铬合金用砂石针
  1054. abrasive powder ==> 研磨粉,磨料粉,金刚砂粉
  1055. abrasive product ==> 磨料制品
  1056. abrasive resistance ==> 磨蚀抗力,耐磨力,耐磨能力
  1057. abrasive resistant alloy ==> 耐磨合金
  1058. abrasive roll rice polishing machine ==> 碾辊式碾米机
  1059. abrasive rubber ==> 耐磨橡胶
  1060. abrasive sand ==> 研磨砂
  1061. abrasive sawing machine ==> 砂轮锯断机
  1062. abrasive slurry ==> 磨粉浆
  1063. abrasive soap ==> 磨蚀皂,擦洗皂
  1064. abrasive substance ==> 研磨材料
  1065. abrasive surface ==> 研磨面,磨蚀面,磨损面
  1066. abrasive suspension ==> 磨蚀液
  1067. abrasive tester ==> 磨损试验机
  1068. abrasive tool ==> 研磨工具
  1069. abrasive tools ==> 磨具
  1070. abrasive trimming ==> 粉末噴射式トリミング
  1071. abrasive tumbling ==> (除毛刺)滚擦
  1072. abrasive tumbling (除毛刺) ==> 滚擦
  1073. abrasive wear ==> 磨耗量
  1074. abrasive wheel ==> 磨轮,研磨轮,砂轮
  1075. abrasive wheel cutting machine ==> 砂轮切割机
  1076. abrasive wheel cutting off machine ==> 砂轮切割机
  1077. abrasive wheel dresser ==> 磨轮整型器
  1078. abrasive-disk cutter ==> 砂轮锯,砂轮研磨切割器
  1079. abrasive-resistant material ==> 抗磨材料
  1080. abrasives ==> 研磨材
  1081. abrasives filter ==> 磨料过滤器
  1082. abrasivity of ground ==> 土壤冲蚀度
  1083. abration resisting pump ==> 耐磨泵
  1084. abrator ==> 抛丸清理机
  1085. abraum salt ==> 层积盐
  1086. abreast milling ==> 并列铣
  1087. abreast type stall ==> 并列式挤奶台
  1088. abridged armilla ==> 简仪
  1089. abridged general view ==> 示意图
  1090. abridged monochromator ==> 滤色单色仪
  1091. abridged multiplication ==> 捷乘法
  1092. abridged notation ==> 简记法
  1093. Abrikosoff's tumor ==> 肌母细胞瘤
  1094. Abrikosov's tumor ==> 阿布里科索夫氏瘤
  1095. Abrikossoff's tumor ==> 成肌细胞瘤
  1096. abrogation of agreement ==> 废除合同
  1097. abroma fibre ==> 昂天莲属纤维
  1098. ABRT REQ, Abort Request ==> 飛行中断要求
  1099. ABRt, Abort(preferred over ABT) ==> 飛行中断
  1100. abrupt ==> 骤
  1101. abrupt change ==> 突然变化
  1102. abrupt change of cross-section ==> 断面突变,截面突变
  1103. abrupt change of voltage ==> 电压突变
  1104. abrupt contrast border ==> 高反差界
  1105. abrupt curve ==> 陡曲,急弯曲线
  1106. abrupt deceleration vehicle ==> 制动车辆
  1107. abrupt discharge ==> 猝然排出
  1108. abrupt ecotone ==> 分离式生态过渡带
  1109. abrupt junction ==> 阶跃结=>階段接合
  1110. abrupt maneuver ==> 急剧操纵
  1111. abrupt potential ==> 突变势
  1112. abrupt pulse ==> 促脉
  1113. abrupt pulse pulsus celer ==> 促脉
  1114. abrupt slope ==> 陡坡
  1115. abrupt style ==> 裂状花柱
  1116. abrupt succession ==> 急转演替
  1117. abrupt taper ==> 锐锥度
  1118. abrupt textural change ==> 质地突变
  1119. abrupt transformation ==> 突跃变换
  1120. abrupt turn ==> 急剧转折
  1121. abrupt wave ==> 陡浪
  1122. abrupt wind ==> 急风
  1123. abruptio placentae ==> 胎盘早期脱离
  1124. abruption ==> 破裂,拉断,断裂
  1125. abruption test ==> 断裂试验,爆破试验
  1126. abruptly ==> 突然的
  1127. abruptly stressed ==> 突加应力
  1128. ABS American Bureau of Shipping ==> 美国船级社
  1129. ABS Class of Vessel ==> 美国船级社轮船等级
  1130. ABS CLG, Absolute Ceiling ==> 絶対上昇限度(水平飛行維持可能な最大高度)
  1131. ABS function ==> 绝对值函数,绝对值函数,求绝对值函数
  1132. ABS, Absolute ==> 絶対
  1133. ABS, absolute address ==> 絶対番地
  1134. ABS, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene ==> アクリロニトリルーブタジエンースチレン,ABS樹脂
  1135. ABS, Air Bearing Surface ==> 磁気ヘッドを浮上させるスライダ面。
  1136. ABS, algorithm breakdown structure ==> アルゴリズム区分編成
  1137. ABS, American Bureau of Standard ==> 美国标准局
  1138. ABS, antenna bridge structure ==> アンテナブリッジ構造
  1139. ABS, anti-lock brake system ==> アンチロック・ブレーキ・システム
  1140. abscess ==> 气孔,气泡,缩孔,脓肿,泡孔
  1141. abscess cavity ==> 膿瘍腔
  1142. abscess content ==> 膿瘍内容物
  1143. abscess culture ==> 膿瘍の培養
  1144. abscess drainage ==> 膿瘍ドレナージ
  1145. abscess knife ==> 排脓刀
  1146. abscess of areola ==> 乳晕脓肿
  1147. abscess of auricle ==> 耳廓脓肿
  1148. abscess of breast ==> 乳腺脓肿
  1149. abscess of colonic wall ==> 结肠壁脓肿
  1150. abscess of Cowper's gland ==> 尿道球腺脓肿
  1151. abscess of diaphragm ==> 膈脓肿
  1152. abscess of epididymis ==> 附睾脓肿
  1153. abscess of epiglottis ==> 会厌脓肿
  1154. abscess of external auditory meatus ==> 外耳道脓肿
  1155. abscess of glans penis ==> 阴头痈
  1156. abscess of heart ==> 心脏脓肿
  1157. abscess of iliac fossa ==> 髂窝脓肿
  1158. abscess of joint ==> 关节脓肿
  1159. abscess of lens ==> 晶状体脓肿
  1160. abscess of lung ==> 肺脓肿
  1161. abscess of nipple ==> 乳头脓肿
  1162. abscess of palate ==> 腭脓肿
  1163. abscess of penis ==> 阴茎脓肿
  1164. abscess of peritoneum ==> 腹膜脓肿
  1165. abscess of pharyngeal bursa ==> 咽囊脓肿
  1166. abscess of pharynx ==> 咽脓肿
  1167. abscess of retrorectal space ==> 直肠后间隙脓肿
  1168. abscess of salivary ducts ==> 涎腺导管脓肿
  1169. abscess of salivary gland ==> 涎腺脓肿
  1170. abscess of sclera ==> 巩膜脓肿
  1171. abscess of scrotum ==> 阴囊脓肿
  1172. abscess of seminal vesicle ==> 精囊脓肿
  1173. abscess of spinal cord ==> 脊髓脓肿
  1174. abscess of testis ==> 睾丸脓肿
  1175. abscess of the prostate ==> 前列腺脓肿
  1176. abscess of uvula ==> 悬雍垂脓肿
  1177. abscess on both sides of the prominentia laryngea ==> 夹喉痈
  1178. abscess on the prominentia laryngea ==> 结喉痈
  1179. abscessus ==> 脓肿
  1180. abscisic acid ==> 脱落酸,阿伯西斯酸
  1181. abscissa ==> 横坐标=>横軸,横座標
  1182. abscissa axis ==> 横座标轴
  1183. abscissa of convergence ==> 収束座標
  1184. abscissas ==> 分点
  1185. abscission ==> 脱离,脱落
  1186. abscission joint ==> 脱离节
  1187. abscission layer ==> 脱离层,离层
  1188. abscission of fruits ==> 落果
  1189. abscission period ==> 落叶期
  1190. abscission region ==> 离区
  1191. abscission zone ==> 离区,脱离区
  1192. absence of bladder ==> 膀胱阙如
  1193. absence of collector ==> 无集电环
  1194. absence of commutator ==> 无换向器,无整流子,无转换器
  1195. absence of external auditory meatus ==> 外耳道缺失
  1196. absence of kidney ==> 肾缺如
  1197. absence of middle ear ==> 中耳缺失
  1198. absence of multicollinearity ==> 非多重共线性
  1199. absence of muscular layer of abdominal wall ==> 腹壁肌层阙如
  1200. absence of nose ==> 鼻缺失
  1201. absence of ocular muscle ==> 眼肌缺失
  1202. absence of offset ==> 无偏置,零偏移
  1203. absence of organ of Corti ==> 柯替氏器缺失
  1204. absence of pulmonary lobe ==> 先天性肺叶缺失
  1205. absence of radius ==> 桡骨缺失
  1206. absence of spermatic cord ==> 精索缺失
  1207. absence of testis ==> 睾丸缺失
  1208. absence of vagina ==> 阴道缺失
  1209. absence rate ==> 缺勤率
  1210. absence-of-ground searching selector ==> 无接地搜索选择器
  1211. absent maximum fatal temperature ==> 绝对最高致死温度,绝对最高致死温度
  1212. absent minimum fatal temperature ==> 绝对最低致死温度,绝对最低致死温度
  1213. absent order ==> 缺序
  1214. absent refractory period ==> 绝对反应期
  1215. absent respiration ==> 呼吸音消失
  1216. absent transfer ==> 不在転送
  1217. absent treatment ==> 卖座少
  1218. absent variability ==> 绝对变异量,绝对变异量
  1219. absent variable ==> 不出现的变量
  1220. absent weight ==> 绝对重量,绝对重量
  1221. absente management ==> 业主不在位管理
  1222. absentee owner ==> 遥领地主
  1223. absentee ownership ==> 遥领制,缺席所有权
  1224. absenteeism rate ==> 缺勤率
  1225. absolute ==> 绝对的=>絶対の
  1226. absolute acceleration ==> 绝对加速度,绝对加速度
  1227. absolute accuracy ==> 绝对精确度
  1228. absolute activity method ==> 绝对放射性法
  1229. absolute address ==> 绝对地址=>絶対アドレス
  1230. absolute address in a segment descriptor ==> 段描述符中的绝对地址,段描述子中的绝对地址
  1231. absolute address in the absolute loader ==> 绝对装入程序的绝对地址,绝对装入程序的绝对地址
  1232. absolute addressing ==> 绝对寻址=>絶対アドレス指定
  1233. absolute adjustment ==> 绝对性调节,绝对性调节
  1234. absolute advantage ==> 绝对利益,绝对利益,绝对优势,绝对优势
  1235. absolute advantage theory ==> 绝对成本说,绝对成本说,绝对利益论,绝对利益论
  1236. absolute age of soil ==> 土壤绝对年龄
  1237. absolute alcohol ==> 纯酒精,纯无水酒精,无水醇,无水酒精
  1238. absolute altitude ==> 绝对标高,绝对标高,绝对高程,绝对高程,绝对高度,绝对高度,绝对海拔,绝对海拔,海拔
  1239. absolute amount ==> 绝对量,绝对量
  1240. absolute ampere ==> 绝对安培(电流的标准MkS单位,等于0.1abampere)
  1241. absolute amplification ==> 绝对放大系数,绝对放大系数,固有放大系数
  1242. absolute anchor point ==> 绝对死点,又称“机组死点”。汽缸相对于基础的热胀和冷缩基准点
  1243. absolute angle of attack ==> 绝对冲角,绝对冲角,绝对攻角,绝对攻角
  1244. absolute annual range of temperature ==> 温度绝对年较差
  1245. absolute assembly ==> 绝对汇编,绝对汇编
  1246. absolute assembly language ==> 绝对汇编语言,绝对汇编语言
  1247. absolute assignment ==> (指对权益的)绝对转让,绝对转让
  1248. absolute asymmetric synthesis ==> 绝对不对称合成,绝对不对称合成
  1249. absolute average error ==> 绝对平均误差,绝对平均误差
  1250. absolute binary ==> 绝对二进制,绝对二进制
  1251. absolute binary file ==> 绝对二进制文件,绝对二进制文件
  1252. absolute block ==> 绝对闭塞,绝对闭塞,绝对断路,绝对断路,绝对块,绝对块,绝对区截,绝对区截,绝对阻遏,绝对阻遏
  1253. absolute blood count ==> 绝对血细胞计数
  1254. absolute boiling point ==> 绝对沸点,绝对沸点
  1255. absolute bolometric magnitude ==> 绝对热星等,绝对热星等
  1256. absolute bone conduction ==> 绝对骨传导,绝对骨传导
  1257. absolute bone conduction test ==> 绝对骨传导试验,绝对骨传导试验
  1258. absolute bound ==> 绝对边界,绝对边界,绝对界,绝对界限,绝对界限,绝对值界限,绝对值界限
  1259. absolute branch ==> 绝对分支,绝对分支,绝对转移,绝对转移
  1260. absolute brightness ==> 绝对亮度,绝对亮度
  1261. absolute calibration ==> 绝对校准,绝对法校准
  1262. absolute capacitivity ==> 绝对电容率,绝对介电常数
  1263. absolute capacity ==> 绝对容量
  1264. absolute cardiac dullness ==> 绝对心浊音,绝对心浊音
  1265. absolute catalog ==> 绝对星表,绝对星表
  1266. absolute chronology ==> 绝对年代学,绝对年代学
  1267. absolute chronology, time tagging ==> 绝对时标,简称"时标"
  1268. absolute code ==> 绝对代码,绝对代码,绝对码,绝对码,代真码,特种码,基本码
  1269. absolute coding ==> 绝对编码
  1270. absolute coefficient system ==> 绝对系数制,绝对系数制
  1271. absolute coil ==> 独立线圈
  1272. absolute colorimetric ==> 绝对色度
  1273. absolute command ==> 绝对命令=>絶対座標指令
  1274. absolute complement of a set ==> 集合的绝对补
  1275. absolute complement of set ==> 绝对补集
  1276. absolute complement set ==> 绝对补集,绝对余集
  1277. absolute compression ==> 绝对压缩
  1278. absolute concept ==> 绝对概念
  1279. absolute configuration ==> 绝对构型
  1280. absolute conformity ==> 絶対一致性
  1281. absolute constant ==> 绝对常数
  1282. absolute contraband ==> 绝对禁运品,绝对禁运品
  1283. absolute contract ==> 不附加条件的合同
  1284. absolute convergence ==> 绝对收敛,绝对收敛性
  1285. absolute coordinate ==> 绝对坐标系=>絶対座標
  1286. absolute coordinate data ==> 绝对坐标数据
  1287. absolute cost ==> 绝对成本,纯粹成本
  1288. absolute cost advantage ==> 绝对成本优势
  1289. absolute cost of production ==> 绝对生产费
  1290. absolute cover ==> 绝对保险,绝对保险
  1291. absolute cumulative error ==> 绝对累积误差
  1292. absolute damping ==> 绝对阻尼,振荡完全停止
  1293. absolute data ==> 绝对数据
  1294. absolute dating ==> 绝对年龄测定
  1295. absolute delay ==> 绝对延迟
  1296. absolute demand ==> 绝对需求,绝对需要
  1297. absolute density ==> 绝对密度
  1298. absolute derivative ==> 绝对导数
  1299. absolute determination ==> 绝对测定
  1300. absolute deviation ==> 绝对变差,绝对偏差
  1301. absolute dielectric constant ==> 绝对介电常数,绝对电容率
  1302. absolute differential calculus ==> 绝对微分计算
  1303. absolute displacement ==> 绝对位移
  1304. absolute distribution ==> 绝对分布
  1305. absolute drift ==> 绝对航差,绝对偏移
  1306. absolute dry weight ==> 绝对千重
  1307. absolute dry-bulb temperature ==> 绝对干球温度
  1308. absolute dullness ==> 绝对浊音
  1309. absolute dullness area ==> 绝对浊音区,绝对浊音区
  1310. absolute efficiency ==> 绝对效率
  1311. absolute efficiency inspection ==> 绝对效率检验,绝对效率检验
  1312. absolute electrical units ==> 绝对电单位
  1313. absolute electrode potential ==> 绝对电极电势
  1314. absolute electromagnetic system ==> 绝对电磁单位制,绝对电磁单位制
  1315. absolute electromagnetic unit ==> 绝对电磁单位
  1316. absolute electrometer ==> 绝对静电计=>絶対電位計
  1317. absolute electrostatic system ==> 绝对静电单位制,绝对静电单位制
  1318. absolute electrostatic unit ==> 绝对静电单位
  1319. absolute elevation ==> 绝对高程,绝对高程,绝对高度,绝对高度,海拔,海拔高程
  1320. absolute entry address ==> 绝对入口地址,绝对入口地址
  1321. absolute error ==> 绝对误差=>絶対誤差
  1322. absolute error of measurement ==> 测量的(绝对)误差
  1323. absolute ethyl alcohol ==> 无水乙醇
  1324. absolute execution area ==> 绝对执行区域,绝对执行区域
  1325. absolute expansion ==> 绝对膨胀,绝对膨胀
  1326. absolute expression ==> 绝对表达式,绝对表达式
  1327. absolute extract ==> 纯净萃
  1328. absolute fasting ==> 绝对禁食,绝对禁食
  1329. absolute figure ==> 绝对数值,绝对数值
  1330. absolute fix ==> 绝对定位,绝对定位
  1331. absolute fixed capital ==> 绝对固定成本,绝对固定成本,纯粹固定资本
  1332. absolute fixed cost ==> 绝对固定成本,绝对固定成本
  1333. absolute form quotient ==> 绝对形率,绝对形率
  1334. absolute form-factor ==> 绝对形数,绝对形数
  1335. absolute frequency ==> 绝对频率,绝对频率
  1336. absolute frequency function ==> 绝对频率函数
  1337. absolute frequency meter ==> 絶対周波計
  1338. absolute gain ==> 絶対利得,固有増幅度
  1339. absolute galvanometer ==> 绝对检流计=>絶対検流計
  1340. absolute geopotential topography ==> 位势高度图
  1341. absolute gravimeter ==> 绝对重力仪
  1342. absolute gravity determination ==> 绝对重力测定
  1343. absolute gravity meter ==> 絶対重力計
  1344. absolute gravity survey ==> 绝对重力测量
  1345. absolute growth ==> 绝对生长,绝对生长
  1346. absolute heating effect ==> 绝对热效应
  1347. absolute height ==> 绝对高程,绝对高程
  1348. absolute humidity ==> 绝对湿度=>絶対湿度
  1349. absolute hypermetropia ==> 绝对远视,绝对远视
  1350. absolute idea ==> 绝对观念
  1351. absolute idiosyncrasy ==> 绝对特异反应性
  1352. absolute immunity ==> 绝对免疫
  1353. absolute income ==> 绝对收入,绝对所得
  1354. absolute income hypothesis ==> 绝对收入假设
  1355. absolute index ==> 绝对指标
  1356. absolute index of refraction ==> 绝对折射率,绝折射率
  1357. absolute inflation ==> 绝对通货膨胀
  1358. absolute instantaneous value ==> 絶対瞬時値
  1359. absolute instruction ==> 绝对指令
  1360. absolute interferometric laser ==> 绝对干涉测量激光器
  1361. absolute irregular pulse ==> 绝对不整脉
  1362. absolute jump ==> 绝对转移
  1363. absolute lethal concentration ==> 绝对致死浓度
  1364. absolute lethal dose ==> 绝对致死量
  1365. absolute level ==> 绝对级,绝对标高,绝对电平=>絶対レベル
  1366. absolute liver dullness area ==> 肝绝对浊音区
  1367. absolute load address ==> 绝对写入地址,绝对装入地址
  1368. absolute load module ==> 绝对装入模块
  1369. absolute loader ==> 绝对地址装入程序,,绝对装入程序
  1370. absolute loader routine ==> 绝对装入例程
  1371. absolute luminosity curve ==> 绝对发光度曲线,绝对发光度曲线,绝对亮度曲线
  1372. absolute machine location ==> 绝对机器单元
  1373. absolute magnitude ==> 绝对量,绝对星等
  1374. absolute magnitude effect ==> 绝对星等效应
  1375. absolute majority ==> 绝对多数
  1376. absolute manometer ==> 绝对气压计,绝对压力计
  1377. absolute marine combined magnetometer ==> 海洋组合式绝对磁力仪
  1378. absolute maximum rating ==> 絶対最大定格
  1379. absolute maximum speed ==> 绝对最大速度,绝对最大速度
  1380. absolute measure of variation ==> 变差的绝对测度
  1381. absolute measurement ==> 绝对测量=>絶対測定
  1382. absolute memory location ==> 绝对存储器单元,绝对存储器单元
  1383. absolute method ==> 绝对法=>アブソリュート方式,絶対方式
  1384. absolute method of measurement ==> 绝对测量法
  1385. absolute mode ==> 绝对方式,绝对方式,绝对模式,绝对模式
  1386. absolute moisture of the soil ==> 土壤绝对湿度
  1387. absolute monopoly ==> 绝对垄断,绝对垄断
  1388. absolute near point ==> 绝对近点,绝对近点
  1389. absolute net loss ==> (保险)绝对净损
  1390. absolute number ==> 绝对数,绝对数
  1391. absolute object ==> 绝对目标,绝对目标
  1392. absolute object module ==> 绝对目标模块,绝对目标模块
  1393. absolute object program ==> 绝对目标程序,绝对目标程序
  1394. absolute of jasmine ==> 茉莉净油
  1395. absolute of rose crimson glory ==> 墨红花净油
  1396. absolute ohm ==> 絶対オーム
  1397. absolute optical frequency measurement ==> 绝对光频测量
  1398. absolute optimal function ==> 绝对最佳函数,绝对最佳函数
  1399. absolute orbit ==> 绝对轨道,绝对轨道
  1400. absolute order ==> 绝对命令,绝对命令,绝对指令,绝对指令
  1401. absolute order to pay ==> 绝对支付指示,绝对支付指示
  1402. absolute orientation ==> 绝对定向,绝对定向
  1403. absolute owner ==> 绝对所有人,绝对所有人
  1404. absolute ownership ==> 绝对所有权,绝对所有权
  1405. absolute par of exchange ==> 绝对汇兑平价,绝对汇兑平价,绝对外汇平价,绝对外汇平价
  1406. absolute parallax ==> 绝对视差,绝对视差
  1407. absolute pathogenic bacteria ==> 绝对致病菌,绝对致病菌
  1408. absolute peak ==> 绝对峰值
  1409. absolute periodic movement ==> 绝对周期运动,绝对周期运动
  1410. absolute permeability ==> 绝对磁导率,绝对渗透率=>絶対透磁率
  1411. absolute permittivity ==> 绝对电容率=>絶対誘電率
  1412. absolute perturbation ==> 绝对摄动
  1413. absolute perturbation method ==> 绝对摄动法
  1414. absolute photoelectric magnitude ==> 绝对光电星等,绝对光电星等
  1415. absolute photographic magnitude ==> 绝对照相星等,绝对照相星等
  1416. absolute photovisual magnitude ==> 绝对仿视星等,绝对仿视星等
  1417. absolute pitch ==> 绝对音调,绝对音调
  1418. absolute plotter control ==> 绝对绘图机控制器,全值绘图机控制
  1419. absolute pointing device ==> 绝对指针设备,绝对指针设备
  1420. absolute position ==> 絶対位置
  1421. absolute position storing method ==> 絶対位置記憶方式
  1422. absolute potential ==> 绝对电势=>絶対電位
  1423. absolute potential vorticity ==> 位势涡量
  1424. absolute practical system of units ==> 绝对实用单位制
  1425. absolute practical unit ==> 絶対実用単位
  1426. absolute pressure ==> 绝对压力,绝对压力=>絶対圧力
  1427. absolute pressure controller ==> 绝压控制器,绝压控制器
  1428. absolute pressure gauge ==> 绝对压力计
  1429. absolute pressure transducer ==> 绝对压力表
  1430. absolute pressure transducer[sensor] ==> 绝对压力传感器
  1431. absolute priority ==> 绝对优先权,绝对优先权
  1432. absolute proper motion ==> 绝对自行,绝对自行
  1433. absolute quota ==> 绝对配额,绝对配额
  1434. absolute radio magnitude ==> 绝对射电星等,绝对射电星等
  1435. absolute radiometric magnitude ==> 绝对辐射星等,绝对辐射星等
  1436. absolute reaction rate theroy ==> 绝对反应速率理论,绝对反应速率理论
  1437. absolute read out ==> 单独读出
  1438. absolute reading ==> 绝对读数
  1439. absolute red magnitude ==> 绝对红星等
  1440. absolute reference ==> 绝对引用,绝对引用
  1441. absolute reference system ==> 绝对参考系,基准参考系
  1442. absolute refractive index ==> 绝对折射率
  1443. absolute refractory period ==> 绝对不应期,绝对乏奋期
  1444. absolute rent ==> 绝对地租,绝对地租
  1445. absolute resolution ==> 绝对分辨率
  1446. absolute rest ==> 绝对静止,绝对静止
  1447. absolute rest frame ==> 絶対静止座標系
  1448. absolute rotation ==> 绝对转动=>絶対回転
  1449. absolute rule ==> 绝对规则,绝对规则
  1450. absolute sale ==> 无条件销售
  1451. absolute salinity ==> 绝对盐度
  1452. absolute scattering power ==> 绝对散射本领,绝对散射率
  1453. absolute seasonal fluctuation ==> 绝对季节变动
  1454. absolute sensitivity ==> 绝对灵敏度=>絶対感度
  1455. absolute sequence ==> 绝对序列,绝对序列
  1456. absolute signal ==> 绝对停止信号机,绝对停止信号机
  1457. absolute signal delay ==> 绝对信号时延,绝对信号时延
  1458. absolute slip ==> 绝对转差率
  1459. absolute sound sensation ==> 绝对音感,绝对音感
  1460. absolute specific gravity ==> 绝对比重,真正比重
  1461. absolute specificity ==> 绝对特效性,绝对专一性
  1462. absolute spectral response ==> 绝对光谱响应
  1463. absolute spectral sensitivity ==> 绝对光谱灵敏度
  1464. absolute spectral transmission ==> 绝对光谱透射率
  1465. absolute speed drop ==> 绝对转速降
  1466. absolute speed rise ==> 绝对转速升
  1467. absolute speed variation ==> 绝对转速变动
  1468. absolute speed-drop ==> 绝对速度降,绝对速度降
  1469. absolute stability ==> 绝对稳定度,绝对稳定性
  1470. absolute stability of a linear system ==> 线性系统的绝对稳定性
  1471. absolute standard ==> 绝对标准,绝对基准
  1472. absolute standard barometer ==> 一级标准气压表
  1473. absolute standard entropy ==> 绝对标准熵
  1474. absolute star catalogue ==> 绝对星表,绝对星表
  1475. absolute starting address ==> 绝对起始地址
  1476. absolute static pressure of the fluid ==> 流体绝对静压
  1477. absolute stereoscopic parallax ==> 绝对立体镜视差,绝对立体镜视差
  1478. absolute subscription ==> 募集确定条件的公债
  1479. absolute symbol ==> 绝对符号,绝对符号
  1480. absolute symmetrical balance ==> 绝对对称平衡,绝对对称平衡
  1481. absolute symmetry ==> 绝对对称,绝对对称
  1482. absolute system of electrical units ==> 绝对电单位制
  1483. absolute task set ==> 绝对任务集,绝对任务集
  1484. absolute temperature ==> 绝对温度=>絶対温度
  1485. absolute temperature scale ==> 绝对温度标,绝对温标=>絶対温度目盛り
  1486. absolute term ==> 绝对项
  1487. absolute thermal efficiency ==> 绝对热效率,绝对热效率
  1488. absolute thermometer ==> 绝对温度计,绝对温度计
  1489. absolute time ==> 绝对时间
  1490. absolute title ==> 绝对产权,绝对产权,绝对权,绝对权
  1491. absolute total loss ==> 绝对全部损失
  1492. absolute toxicity ==> 绝对毒性,绝对毒性
  1493. absolute track address ==> 绝对磁道地址,绝对磁道地址,绝对道地址,绝对道地址
  1494. absolute uncertainty ==> 绝对不精确性,绝对不可靠性,绝对不可靠性,绝对误差,绝对误差
  1495. absolute unit ==> 绝对单位=>絶対単位
  1496. absolute unit of current ==> 绝对电流单位,绝对电流单位,电流绝对单位
  1497. absolute units ==> 绝对单位制
  1498. absolute utility ==> 绝对效用,绝对效用
  1499. absolute vacuum ==> 绝对真空
  1500. absolute value ==> 绝对值=>絶対値
  1501. absolute value computer ==> 绝对值计算机,绝对值计算机,全值计算机
  1502. absolute value device ==> 绝对值器件,绝对值器件
  1503. absolute value error ==> 绝对值误差,绝对值误差
  1504. absolute value instruction ==> 绝对值指令,绝对值指令
  1505. absolute value machine ==> 全值计算机
  1506. absolute value of a complex number ==> 复数的绝对值
  1507. absolute value of a real number ==> 实数的绝对值
  1508. absolute value of a symbolic expression ==> 符号表达式的绝对值
  1509. absolute value of a vector ==> 向量的绝对值
  1510. absolute value sign ==> 绝对值符号,绝对值符号
  1511. absolute value transducer ==> 绝对值传感器,绝对值传感器
  1512. absolute vector ==> 絶対ベクトル
  1513. absolute vector address ==> 绝对向量地址,绝对向量地址
  1514. absolute velocity ==> 绝对速度=>絶対速度
  1515. absolute visual threshold ==> 绝对视觉阈,绝对视觉阈
  1516. absolute volt ==> 絶対ポルト
  1517. absolute voltage drop ==> 绝对电压降
  1518. absolute voltage rise ==> 绝对电压上升
  1519. absolute volume ==> 绝对容积,绝对体积
  1520. absolute vorticity ==> 绝对涡量=>絶対渦度
  1521. absolute wage cost ==> 绝对工资成本
  1522. absolute wages ==> 绝对工资
  1523. absolute water content ==> 绝对含水量,绝对含水量
  1524. absolute water content of slip ==> 泥浆绝对含水率
  1525. absolute water content of snow ==> 雪中绝对含水量
  1526. absolute weight ==> 绝对权数,绝对重量
  1527. absolute worst case ==> 绝对最坏情况
  1528. absolute zero ==> 绝对零度=>絶対零度
  1529. absolute-rest precipitation tank ==> 静止沉淀池
  1530. absolute-spectral sensitivity characteristic ==> 绝对光谱灵敏度特性
  1531. absoluted profit ==> 绝对利润,绝对利润
  1532. absolutely connective stability ==> 绝对联结稳定性
  1533. absolutely continuous distribution ==> 绝对连续分布
  1534. absolutely continuous function ==> 绝对连续函数
  1535. absolutely dull percussion resonance ==> 绝对浊叩响
  1536. absolutely fatal wound ==> 绝对致命伤
  1537. absolutely normal number ==> 绝对范数
  1538. absolutely stable ==> 絶対安定
  1539. absolutely symmetric function ==> 绝对对称函数
  1540. absolutely unbiased estimation ==> 绝对无偏估计
  1541. absorb currency ==> 吸收货币
  1542. absorb more labor power ==> 容纳更多的劳动力
  1543. absorbability ==> 吸收性
  1544. absorbable cellulose ==> 可吸收性纤维素
  1545. absorbable composite material ==> 吸收的复合材料
  1546. absorbable gelatin sponge ==> 吸收性明胶海绵,明胶海绵,明胶止血海绵
  1547. absorbable hemostatic cotton ==> 可吸收止血棉
  1548. absorbable hemostatic gauze ==> 可吸收止血纱布
  1549. absorbable suture ==> 吸收性缝线
  1550. absorbance ==> 吸光度
  1551. absorbance ratio ==> 吸收度比值
  1552. absorbance unit of full scale ==> 满刻度吸收度单位
  1553. absorbed burden ==> 已分配间接费用,已负担间接成本
  1554. absorbed cation ==> 吸附性阳离子
  1555. absorbed cost ==> 已分配成本
  1556. absorbed current image ==> 吸收电流象
  1557. absorbed digit ==> 数字吸収
  1558. absorbed dose ==> 吸收剂量
  1559. absorbed dose calorimeter ==> 吸收剂量量热器
  1560. absorbed dose index ==> 吸收剂量指标
  1561. absorbed dose rate ==> 吸收剂量率
  1562. absorbed energy ==> 吸收能量
  1563. absorbed fraction ==> 吸收份额
  1564. absorbed layer ==> 吸收层
  1565. absorbed manufacturing expense ==> 已分配制造费用
  1566. absorbed moisture ==> 吸收水分
  1567. absorbed overhead ==> 已分配间接费用
  1568. absorbed overhead cost ==> 已分配间接费成本
  1569. absorbed striking energy ==> 被吸收的冲击能
  1570. absorbed surface film ==> 吸收表面膜
  1571. absorbed torque ==> 被吸收的扭矩
  1572. absorbed water ==> 吸着水
  1573. absorbed wave energy coefficient ==> 波能吸收系数
  1574. absorbency test ==> 吸收性能试验
  1575. absorbent ==> 吸收剂
  1576. absorbent carbon ==> 活性碳吸收器电路
  1577. absorbent cotton ==> 脱脂棉,吸水棉花
  1578. absorbent gauze ==> 吸水纱布,脱脂纱布
  1579. absorbent gland ==> 淋巴腺
  1580. absorbent metal ==> 吸收型轴承合金
  1581. absorbent paper ==> 吸水纸
  1582. absorbent power ==> 吸收能力
  1583. absorbent shutter ==> 吸水模板
  1584. absorbent sponge ==> 吸収性スポンジ
  1585. absorbents of carbon monoxide ==> 一氧化碳吸收剂
  1586. absorber ==> 吸収体
  1587. absorber circuit ==> 吸收器电路
  1588. absorber control ==> 吸收控制
  1589. absorber cooler ==> 吸收器冷却器,吸收塔冷却器
  1590. absorber injector ==> 吸收液注入器
  1591. absorber oil ==> 吸收油
  1592. absorber valve ==> 吸收电子管
  1593. absorber washer ==> 吸收洗涤器
  1594. absorbing ==> 吸收的
  1595. absorbing antigen ==> 吸收抗原
  1596. absorbing band ==> 吸收光谱带
  1597. absorbing boom ==> 吸油栅
  1598. absorbing boundary condition ==> 吸収境界条件
  1599. absorbing capacity ==> 吸收能力
  1600. absorbing circuit ==> 吸収回路
  1601. absorbing coil ==> 吸収コイル
  1602. absorbing column ==> 吸收塔
  1603. absorbing complex ==> 吸收性复合体
  1604. absorbing duct ==> 吸声管道
  1605. absorbing dust mass ==> 致吸尘物质
  1606. absorbing dynamometer ==> 吸收测功仪
  1607. absorbing gas ==> 吸收气体
  1608. absorbing load ==> 吸收负载
  1609. absorbing Markov chain ==> 吸收马尔可夫链
  1610. absorbing Markovchain ==> 马尔可夫链
  1611. absorbing material ==> 吸收材料
  1612. absorbing medium ==> 吸收剂,吸收介质,吸收媒质
  1613. absorbing membrane ==> 吸收薄膜
  1614. absorbing modulation ==> 吸収変調
  1615. absorbing phenomenon ==> 吸収現象
  1616. absorbing property ==> 吸収特性
  1617. absorbing rod ==> 承受棒,控制棒
  1618. absorbing screen ==> 吸声屏
  1619. absorbing selector ==> 吸收选择器
  1620. absorbing septum ==> 吸收隔板
  1621. absorbing spectacle glass ==> 吸光眼镜玻璃
  1622. absorbing state ==> 吸收态,吸收状态=>吸収状態
  1623. absorbing wedge ==> 吸收劈
  1624. absorbing well ==> 吸水井
  1625. absorbing zone ==> 吸收层
  1626. absorbite ==> 活性碳
  1627. absorpion state ==> 吸收状态
  1628. absorptance ==> 吸收比=>吸収率
  1629. absorpting loss in optical thin-film ==> 光学薄膜的吸收损耗
  1630. absorptiometer ==> 吸收光度计
  1631. absorptiometric analysis ==> 吸光分析
  1632. absorption ==> 吸收=>吸着,吸収
  1633. absorption account ==> 附属帐,吸收帐户,费用分摊帐户
  1634. absorption approach ==> 吸收分析法,吸收理论
  1635. absorption band ==> 吸收带
  1636. absorption bottle ==> 吸收瓶
  1637. absorption brake ==> 吸收制动器
  1638. absorption capacitor ==> 吸收电容器(消弧用)
  1639. absorption capacity ==> 吸收能力
  1640. absorption capture ==> 吸收俘获
  1641. absorption cell ==> 吸收池
  1642. absorption chamber ==> 吸收室
  1643. absorption chiller ==> 吸収式冷凍機
  1644. absorption chromatography ==> 吸收色谱法
  1645. absorption circuit ==> 吸收电路=>吸収回路
  1646. absorption coefficient ==> 吸收系数=>吸収係数
  1647. absorption coefficient of medium ==> 媒质吸收系数
  1648. absorption coil ==> 吸收盘管
  1649. absorption color ==> 吸收色
  1650. absorption column ==> 吸附塔,吸收塔
  1651. absorption complex ==> 吸附性复合体
  1652. absorption conductor cathode ==> 吸附导体阴极
  1653. absorption constant ==> 吸收常数
  1654. absorption control ==> 吸收控制
  1655. absorption correction ==> 吸收修正
  1656. absorption cost ==> 全部成本
  1657. absorption cross section ==> 吸收截面
  1658. absorption current ==> 吸收电流=>吸収電流
  1659. absorption curve ==> 吸收曲线
  1660. absorption cycle ==> 吸收循环
  1661. absorption damper ==> 1.减振器2.消音器
  1662. absorption distribution ==> 吸收分布
  1663. absorption edge ==> 吸収端,吸收限
  1664. absorption edges ==> 吸收边
  1665. absorption effect ==> 吸附效应=>吸着効果
  1666. absorption efficiency ==> 吸收效率
  1667. absorption equilibrium ==> 吸收平衡
  1668. absorption extraction ==> 吸收萃取
  1669. absorption factor ==> 吸收系数,吸收因子=>吸収率
  1670. absorption fading ==> 吸收衰落=>吸収性フェージング
  1671. absorption filter ==> 吸收滤光片=>吸収フィルタ
  1672. absorption flaw detector ==> 吸收式探伤器
  1673. absorption frequency ==> 吸收频率
  1674. absorption gasoline ==> 吸收汽油
  1675. absorption hygrometer ==> 吸收温度表
  1676. absorption index ==> 吸收指数
  1677. absorption infrared spectroscopy ==> 吸収赤外分光法
  1678. absorption law ==> 吸收律=>吸収法則
  1679. absorption lens ==> 吸收透镜
  1680. absorption limit ==> 吸收极限,吸收限=>吸收端
  1681. absorption limiting frequency ==> 吸收极限频率,吸收截止频率
  1682. absorption line ==> 吸收谱线,吸收线
  1683. absorption loss ==> 吸收损耗=>吸収損
  1684. absorption loss water ==> 吸收损失
  1685. absorption machine ==> 吸收机
  1686. absorption meter ==> 吸收光度计,吸收计
  1687. absorption modulation ==> 吸收调制
  1688. absorption of idle capacity ==> 闲散生产力吸收
  1689. absorption of labor power ==> 吸收社会劳动力
  1690. absorption of light ==> 光的吸收=>光吸収
  1691. absorption of moisture ==> 吸湿
  1692. absorption of power ==> 功率吸收
  1693. absorption of radiation ==> 照射吸收
  1694. absorption of shock ==> 缓冲
  1695. absorption of water into plant in this way ==> 植物以此种方式呼收水分
  1696. absorption oil ==> 吸收油
  1697. absorption paper ==> 吸收纸
  1698. absorption peak ==> 吸收峰,吸收峰值
  1699. absorption plane ==> 吸收面
  1700. absorption plant ==> 吸收装置
  1701. absorption point ==> 饱和点
  1702. absorption process ==> 吸收过程
  1703. absorption pump ==> 吸收泵,吸收器泵
  1704. absorption pyrometer ==> 吸收式光学高温计
  1705. absorption rate ==> 吸收速率,分摊率
  1706. absorption ray ==> 吸收射线
  1707. absorption refrigerating machine ==> 吸收式冷冻机
  1708. absorption refrigerator ==> 吸热式冰箱,吸收式冰箱,吸收式制冷机
  1709. absorption region ==> 吸収域
  1710. absorption silencer ==> 吸收式消音器
  1711. absorption solution ==> 吸收液
  1712. absorption spectra of blood ==> 血液吸收光谱
  1713. absorption spectrochemical analysis ==> 吸收光谱化学分析
  1714. absorption spectrometry ==> 吸收光谱测定法,吸收光谱术
  1715. absorption spectrophotometry ==> 吸光光度分析
  1716. absorption spectrum ==> 吸收频谱,吸收光谱
  1717. absorption stage ==> 吸收阶段
  1718. absorption test ==> 吸收试验,陶瓷坯的吸水试验
  1719. absorption tower ==> 吸附塔,吸收塔
  1720. absorption trap ==> 吸收陷阱
  1721. absorption tray ==> 吸收盘
  1722. absorption trench ==> 吸水管道沟槽
  1723. absorption type gauge ==> (压延用)透过式测厚计
  1724. absorption type terrace ==> 垄形阻流梯地
  1725. absorption unit ==> 赛宾
  1726. absorption unit of dioxide carbon ==> 二氧化碳吸收器
  1727. absorption wavemeter ==> 吸收式波长计
  1728. absorption well ==> 吸水井
  1729. absorption X ray spectrometry ==> 吸收X射线谱法
  1730. absorption- contrast image ==> 吸收衬度像
  1731. absorptionmetric determination ==> 吸收法测定
  1732. absorptive capacity for external assistance ==> 吸收外援的能力
  1733. absorptive crossing ==> 吸收杂交
  1734. absorptive dielectric ==> 吸收性电介体
  1735. absorptive method ==> 吸收法
  1736. absorptive modulation ==> 吸收调制
  1737. absorptive power ==> 吸收能力
  1738. absorptive rate of radiation ==> 辐射吸收率
  1739. absorptive transition ==> 吸收跃迁
  1740. absorptive-type filter ==> 吸收式过滤器
  1741. absorptivity ==> 吸收率
  1742. absorptivity of an absorbing ==> 吸引材料的吸收率
  1743. abstinence syndrome ==> 戒断综合征
  1744. abstinence theory of interest ==> 节欲利息论
  1745. abstract ==> 抽取,抽象,抽象的,抽象概念,提练,摘要,文摘,简介=>概要
  1746. abstract algebra ==> 抽象代数
  1747. abstract alphabet ==> 抽象字母
  1748. abstract automata theory ==> 抽象自动机理论
  1749. abstract automaton ==> 抽象自动机
  1750. abstract code ==> 抽象代码,理想码
  1751. abstract data ==> 抽象数据
  1752. abstract data structure ==> 抽象数据结构
  1753. abstract data type ==> 抽象数据类型
  1754. abstract equation ==> 不名方程
  1755. abstract family of languages (AFL) ==> 抽象语言族
  1756. abstract group ==> 抽象群
  1757. abstract individual ==> 抽象单体
  1758. abstract machine ==> 抽象机,抽象计算机
  1759. abstract mechanism ==> 抽象机构,抽象原理
  1760. abstract model ==> 抽象模型
  1761. abstract norm ==> 抽象范数
  1762. abstract number ==> 抽象数,不名数
  1763. abstract object ==> 抽象对象
  1764. abstract of financial statement ==> 财务报表摘要
  1765. abstract of invention ==> 发明摘要
  1766. abstract of title ==> 权利证明要约书
  1767. abstract program ==> 抽象程序
  1768. abstract set ==> 抽象集
  1769. abstract signal ==> 抽象信号
  1770. abstract simplex ==> 抽象单纯形,抽象单形
  1771. abstract space ==> 抽象空間
  1772. abstract structure ==> 抽象结构
  1773. abstract symbol ==> 抽象符号
  1774. abstract syntax ==> 抽象语法
  1775. abstract system ==> 抽象系统
  1776. abstract term ==> 抽象术语
  1777. abstract thinking ==> 抽象思维
  1778. abstraction ==> 抽出,抽象,抽象概念,抽象观点,抽象化,提炼,提取,袭夺,萃取
  1779. abstraction for potable water supply ==> 抽取作可饮用水的供应
  1780. abstraction number ==> 不名数
  1781. abstraction of environment ==> 環境抽出
  1782. abstraction of heat ==> 减热
  1783. abstraction of observed values ==> 观测值摘录表
  1784. abstraction of utility ==> 效用抽象
  1785. abstraction of water ==> 排水
  1786. abstraction reaction ==> 提取反应
  1787. abstraction sequence ==> 提取序列
  1788. abstraction tool ==> 抽象工具
  1789. absurd ==> 荒唐的=>ばかげた,不条理な
  1790. absurd advice ==> ばかげた忠告
  1791. absurd aspect ==> 不条理な面
  1792. absurdity ==> 谬论
  1793. ABT About ==> 关于
  1794. Abt track ==> 爱伯特式轨道
  1795. ABT, Abort ==> 飛行中断
  1796. Abt-system railway ==> アブト式鉄道
  1797. ABU, Asian Broadcasting Union ==> アジア放送連合
  1798. abuaded platform ==> 海蚀台地
  1799. abundance ==> 富裕,分布量,嬴余=>多量,豊富,多数
  1800. abundance broadening ==> 丰度致宽
  1801. abundance distribution ==> 存在度分布
  1802. abundance frequency ==> 度数分布
  1803. abundance of ==> 多数の,豊富な
  1804. abundance of capital ==> 資本充足
  1805. abundance of caution ==> 十分な注意
  1806. abundance of water ==> 丰水
  1807. abundance ratio ==> 丰度比
  1808. abundance sensitivity ==> 丰度灵敏度,同位素灵敏度
  1809. abundance sensityivity ==> 丰度灵敏度
  1810. abundant ==> 丰富的,富裕的=>豊かな,豊富な,富んだ
  1811. abundant harvest ==> 丰收
  1812. abundant precipitation ==> 过冷降水
  1813. abundant snow-fall ==> 过冷降雪
  1814. abundantly ==> 富裕地
  1815. abuse ==> 滥用,误用,不遵守运行规程
  1816. abuse in the granting of loans ==> 任意滥发贷款
  1817. abuse of flag ==> 旗帜的滥用
  1818. abut ==> 拱座,邻接,支墩,支托,制动
  1819. abutment ==> 支承面,支墩,坝肩,坝头,坝座,座,基牙,拱座,桥基,桥台,接界=>(建築)隣接部,(アーチなどの)迫台
  1820. abutment crane ==> 台座起重机,高座起重机
  1821. abutment deformation ==> 坝座变形
  1822. abutment joint ==> 坝肩接缝,平接缝,对接接头
  1823. abutment line ==> 闭线
  1824. abutment load ==> 支座负载
  1825. abutment of arch ==> 拱座
  1826. abutment pier ==> 墩式桥台,边墩,岸墩
  1827. abutment pole ==> 中缩磁极(中间载面小的磁极)
  1828. abutment pressure ==> 坝座压力,支撑压力,支承压力,支座压力,桥台压力
  1829. abutment span ==> 岸墩孔,边跨
  1830. abutment stability ==> 坝肩稳定
  1831. abutment stone ==> 拱座石
  1832. abutment tool block ==> 刀架挡板
  1833. abutment tooth ==> 桥基牙,基牙
  1834. abutment wall ==> 边墙,拱座墙
  1835. abutted surface ==> 相接面,贴合面
  1836. abutting end ==> 对接端
  1837. abutting ends ==> 相邻线端
  1838. abutting joint ==> 对接,对接接头,毗连接头
  1839. abvolt per centimeter (aV/cm) ==> 电磁伏/厘米
  1840. ABWR, advanced boiling (light) water reactor ==> ABWR
  1841. abyssal benthic zone ==> 最深海底带
  1842. abyssal cone ==> 深海锥
  1843. abyssal depth ==> 海渊深度
  1844. abyssal fan ==> 海底扇
  1845. abyssal hill ==> 深海丘陵
  1846. abyssal injection ==> 深成贯入
  1847. abyssal plain ==> 深海平原,海洋平原
  1848. abyssal rock ==> 深成岩
  1849. abyssal sea ==> 海渊
  1850. abyssal zone ==> 深海底带
  1851. Abyssinian architecture ==> 埃塞俄比亚建筑
  1852. Abyssinian gold ==> 埃塞俄比亚假金
  1853. abyssinian well ==> 埃塞俄比亚式井
  1854. ac ==> 交流
  1855. AC & D. C. arc welding machine ==> 交直流弧焊机
  1856. AC AC LVDT displacement transducer ==> 交流差动变压器式位移传感器
  1857. AC adapter ==> 交流整流器
  1858. AC adaptor ==> 交流电压转换器,交流整流器
  1859. ac adjustable voltage speed control ==> 调压转速控制
  1860. AC Alternating Current ==> 交流电
  1861. AC analog computer ==> 交流模拟计算机
  1862. ac and dc conducting ==> 交直通電
  1863. AC and DC hybrid simulation system ==> 交直流混合仿真系统
  1864. AC and DC parallel transmission ==> 交直並列送電
  1865. AC and DC superposed transmission ==> 交直重畳送電
  1866. AC and DC transmission in parallel ==> 交直流并联输电,用高压交流线路和高压直流线路并列输送电能的方式
  1867. ac and frequency speed control ==> 调频转速控制
  1868. AC arc ==> 交流アーク
  1869. AC arc source ==> 交流电弧光源
  1870. ac arc welder ==> 交羚弧焊机
  1871. AC arc welder ==> 交流电焊机
  1872. ac arc welding ==> 交羚弧焊
  1873. AC arc welding ==> 交流电弧焊=>交流アーク溶接
  1874. AC arc welding machine ==> 交流弧焊机
  1875. AC asynchronous motor ==> 交流异步电动机
  1876. AC automatic regulator ==> 交流自动调压器
  1877. AC auxiliary oil pump ==> 交流辅助油泵,用作主油泵停用时供给润滑油系统的备用油泵
  1878. AC balancer ==> 交流电压平衡装置=>交流均圧機
  1879. AC bias ==> 交流偏压
  1880. AC biasing method ==> 交流バイアス法
  1881. AC breakdown strength ==> AC破壊強度
  1882. AC bridge ==> 交流电桥=>交流ブリッジ
  1883. ac capacity ==> 交流载流能力
  1884. AC chopper ==> 交流チョッパ
  1885. AC circuit ==> 交流回路
  1886. AC circuit breaker ==> 交流断路器=>交流遮断器
  1887. AC circuit calculation method ==> 交流回路計算法
  1888. AC commutator machine ==> 交流整流子機
  1889. AC commutator motor ==> 交流换向器式电机,交流整流子电动机=>交流整流子電動機
  1890. AC commutator type exciter ==> 交流换向器式励磁机
  1891. AC commutatorless and brushless motor ==> 交流无刷无换向器电动机
  1892. AC component ==> 交流分量
  1893. AC computer ==> 交流计算机
  1894. AC contactor ==> 交流接触器
  1895. AC converter circuit ==> 交流変換回路
  1896. AC copper coated electrode ==> 交流镀铜电极
  1897. AC coupled ==> 交流耦合
  1898. AC coupling ==> 交流耦合
  1899. AC distribution ==> 交流配电
  1900. AC distribution system ==> 交流配电系统
  1901. AC dump ==> 交流断电
  1902. ac dump ==> 掉电
  1903. AC earth relay ==> 交流接地继电器
  1904. AC electric car ==> 交流電気車
  1905. AC electric rolling stock ==> 交流電気車
  1906. ac electrode ==> 交粮条
  1907. AC electromagnet ==> 交流电磁铁
  1908. AC electromagnet for valve ==> 阀用交流电磁铁
  1909. AC electromagnetic contactor ==> 交流接触器
  1910. AC erasing ==> 交流抹去,交流清洗
  1911. AC excitation ==> 交流励磁
  1912. AC exciter ==> 交流励磁机
  1913. AC feeding system ==> 交流き電
  1914. AC filter ==> 交流滤波器=>交流フィルタ
  1915. AC gas metal-arc welding process ==> 交流熔化极气保护焊
  1916. AC gas tungsten arc welding ==> 交流钨极气保护焊
  1917. AC gate signal ==> 交流控制极信号
  1918. AC generating set ==> 交流发电机组
  1919. AC generator ==> 交流发电机=>交流発電機
  1920. AC globulin ==> 加速凝血球蛋白
  1921. AC impedance ==> 交流インピーダンス
  1922. AC impedance test for rotor winding ==> 转子绕组交流阻抗测定,判断转子绕组匝间短路的主要方法。通过测量转子绕组的交流阻抗和功率损耗,将测定数值与同一电压下的正常数值相比较.如阻抗明显降低,损耗明显增加则表明绕组有匝间短路
  1923. AC in connector ==> 交流电源输入插座
  1924. AC indicator ==> 交流指示器
  1925. AC input jack ==> 交流输入插孔
  1926. AC input socket ==> 交流电源输入插口
  1927. AC interference ==> 交流干扰
  1928. AC load line ==> 交流负载线
  1929. AC load switching ==> 交流负载转接,交流负荷切换
  1930. AC loss ==> 交流損失
  1931. AC machine ==> 交流电机=>交流機
  1932. AC magnet ==> 交流磁铁
  1933. AC magnetic characteristic ==> 交流磁気特性
  1934. AC magnetic field ==> 交流磁界
  1935. AC motor ==> 交流电动机
  1936. AC motor control ==> 交流电动机控制=>交流電動機制御
  1937. AC motor protection ==> 交流電動機の保護
  1938. AC motor with slip-ring sliding ==> 滑环式交流电动机
  1939. AC moving iron rectangular instrument ==> 交流电磁系矩形电表
  1940. AC moving iron round instrument ==> 交流电磁系圆形电表
  1941. AC network ==> 交流电网,交流网络
  1942. AC network analyzer ==> 交流計算盤
  1943. AC network computer ==> 交流网络计算机,交流计算台
  1944. AC network distribution ==> 交流网络配电
  1945. AC noise ==> 交流噪声
  1946. AC operation thermocouple ==> 交流工作温差电偶
  1947. AC outlet ==> 交流电插座
  1948. AC overcurrent relay ==> 交流過電流リレー
  1949. AC overhead transmission line ==> 交流架空送電線
  1950. AC overvoltage relay ==> 交流過電圧リレー
  1951. AC phase conductor colours ==> A/B/C,black/brown/purple(IEC),黄/绿/红(中国)=>交流電線の相色,黒/赤/白(東京電力)
  1952. AC pick-up ==> 交流干扰
  1953. AC pilot relaying ==> 交流辅助线继电保护,交流引线纵差继电保护
  1954. AC plasma display panel ==> 交流型等离子体显示板
  1955. AC point machine ==> 交流电动转辙机
  1956. AC portion ==> 交流部分
  1957. AC potentiometer ==> 交流电位差计
  1958. AC power balance relay ==> 交流電力平衡リレー
  1959. AC power cord ==> 交流电源线
  1960. AC power input jack ==> 交流电源输入插口
  1961. AC power regulator ==> 交流電力調整器
  1962. AC power supply for vehicle ==> 車載用AC電源
  1963. AC power transmission ==> 交流输电,以交流形式输送电能的方式
  1964. AC pumped gas ==> 交流激发气体
  1965. AC reactor ==> 交流リアクトル
  1966. AC reclosing relay ==> 交流再閉路リレー
  1967. AC rectifying type rectangular instrument ==> 交流整流系矩形电表
  1968. AC rectifying type round instrument ==> 交流整流系圆形电表
  1969. AC relay ==> 交流继电器
  1970. AC resistance ==> 交流抵抗
  1971. ac series (wound) motor ==> 交流串激电动机,交流串绕电动机
  1972. AC series (wound) motor ==> 交流串激电动机,交流串绕电动机
  1973. AC servo motor ==> 交流サーボモータ
  1974. AC servo speed indicating generator set ==> 交流伺服测速发电机组
  1975. ac servo speed indicating generator set ==> 交流伺服测速发电机组
  1976. AC servo system ==> ACサーボシステム
  1977. AC servomechanism ==> 交流伺服机构
  1978. AC servomotor ==> 交流伺服电动机
  1979. AC shunt (wound) motor ==> 交流并绕电动机,交流分激电动机
  1980. ac shunt (wound) motor ==> 交流并绕电动机,交流分激电动机
  1981. AC shunt generator ==> 交流并激发电机
  1982. ac shunt generator ==> 交流并激发电机
  1983. AC shunt motor ==> 交流并激电动机
  1984. AC signal ==> 交流信号
  1985. AC signalling ==> 交流传信
  1986. AC socket ==> 交流插座,交流电插座
  1987. AC spark source ==> 交流火花光源
  1988. AC stand-by oil pump ==> 起动油泵,在机组起停或主油泵发生故障时,为调节油系统和润滑油系统提供压力油的交流电动油泵或汽动油泵
  1989. AC static switch ==> 交流静态开关
  1990. AC superposition ==> 交流電圧重畳,商用周波数の2倍+1Hzの交流電圧を重畳した時の1Hzの周波数成分を持った電流
  1991. AC supply ==> 交流电源
  1992. AC switch ==> 交流转换开关
  1993. AC synchronous generators ==> 交流同步发电机
  1994. AC system ==> 交流式,交流制
  1995. AC to AC direct frequency conversion ==> 交流-交流直接変換
  1996. AC train ==> 交流車両
  1997. AC transmission ==> 交流电
  1998. ac tree ==> 交流トリー
  1999. AC trigger ==> 交流触发器
  2000. AC two phase generator ==> 二相交流发电机
  2001. AC undervoltage relay ==> 交流不足電圧リレー
  2002. AC voltage control ==> 交流電圧制御
  2003. AC voltage convertor ==> 交流电压变流器
  2004. AC voltage selector ==> 交流电压选择器
  2005. AC voltage stabilizer ==> 交流电压稳定器,交流稳定器
  2006. AC voltage withstand test ==> 交流耐压试验,利用交流电压对绝缘(物体)进行耐压能力考核的试验
  2007. AC watt hour meter ==> 交流电度表
  2008. AC wave form ==> 交流波形
  2009. AC welder ==> 交流电焊机
  2010. AC welding set ==> 交流焊机,交流焊接变压器
  2011. AC winding ==> 交流绕组
  2012. AC withstand voltage test for stator and rotor winding ==> 定、转子绕组交流耐压试验,对定子绕组和转子绕组分别地施加规定的正弦波工频高电压,持续时间为1min,以确定绝缘适于运行的能力的电气试验
  2013. AC&DC hybrid simulation system ==> 交直流混合仿真系统
  2014. AC(A/C), air conditioning ==> 空調
  2015. AC, account ==> 口座
  2016. AC, advanced communications ==> アドバンスドコミュニケーション(次世代通信)
  2017. AC, aerodynamic center ==> 空力中心
  2018. AC, alternating current ==> 交流
  2019. Ac, altocumulus ==> 高積雲
  2020. AC, aperture card ==> アパチャーカード
  2021. AC, attitude control ==> 姿勢制御
  2022. AC-bias recording ==> 交流偏置记录
  2023. AC-control coil ==> 交流控制线圈
  2024. AC-DC converter ==> 交直流変換器
  2025. AC-dc welding machine ==> 交直流两用焊机
  2026. ac-electronic motor ==> 离子(变频)式交流电动机
  2027. AC-electronic motor ==> 离子(变频)式交流电动机
  2028. AC-galvanometer ==> 交流电流计
  2029. ac-generator ==> 交流发电机
  2030. AC-generator ==> 交流发电机
  2031. AC-to-AC direct converter ==> AC-AC直接変換
  2032. AC/DC superposition voltage ==> 交流直流重畳電圧
  2033. ACA, altitute controller assembly ==> 高度制御装置
  2034. ACA, American Communications Association ==> アメリカ通信労働組合
  2035. ACA, annunciator control assembly ==> 信号表示器制御装置
  2036. ACA, attitude control analysis ==> 姿勢制御解析
  2037. ACA, attitude control assembly ==> 姿勢制御用組立部品
  2038. ACA, attitude controller assembly ==> 姿勢制御装置
  2039. acacia gum ==> 阿拉伯橡胶,金合欢树胶,合金橡胶
  2040. academia ==> 学究的世界
  2041. Academia Sinica ==> 中国科学院,中央研究院(台湾)
  2042. academic ==> 高等专科学校的,学术性的
  2043. academic corruption ==> 学术腐败
  2044. academic course ==> 教養課程
  2045. academic degree system ==> 学位制度
  2046. academic fraud ==> 学术欺诈,学历造假,文凭作假=>学歴詐称
  2047. academic intelligence ==> 学校智力
  2048. academic painting ==> 学院派绘画
  2049. academic power ==> 学术权力
  2050. academic reprot ==> 学术报告
  2051. academic trends ==> 学术动态
  2052. academician ==> アカデミー会員
  2053. academy of management ==> 经营管理研究院,经营管理研究院
  2054. Academy of Medical Sciences ==> 医学科学院
  2055. academy of music ==> 音乐学院
  2056. acanthaster ==> 长棘海星属=>オニヒトデ
  2057. acanthite ==> 硫银矿
  2058. Acanthocheilonema perstan ==> 固着棘唇线虫
  2059. Acanthocheilonema perstans ==> 常现丝虫
  2060. acanthoma adenoides cysticum ==> 囊性腺样棘皮瘤
  2061. acanthomatous type of ameloblastoma ==> 棘皮瘤型造釉细胞瘤
  2062. acanthopanax capsule ==> 刺五加养生素
  2063. acanthopanax root tablet ==> 刺五加片
  2064. acaroid gum ==> 草树胶,禾木胶
  2065. acaroid resin ==> 乔木树脂
  2066. ACB, Air Circuit Breaker ==> 気中回路遮断器,気中遮断器
  2067. ACC Automatic Control System Certified ==> 认证的自动控制系统
  2068. ACC, abaft cargo carrier ==> 船尾荷物運搬機
  2069. ACC, accelerometer ==> 加速度計
  2070. ACC, accommodation ==> アコモデーション
  2071. ACC, Accumulate ==> アキュムレート
  2072. ACC, Administrative Committee on Co-ordination ==> 行政調整委員会
  2073. ACC, Advanced Combined Cycle ==> 改良型コンバインドサイクル発電
  2074. ACC, aft cargo carrier ==> 船尾荷物運搬機
  2075. ACC, antenna control console ==> アンテナ制御卓
  2076. ACC, Anterior Cingulate Cortex ==> 前部帯状回
  2077. ACC, anthropogenic cimate change ==> 人為的気候変動
  2078. ACC, area control center ==> 航空交通管制部,航空交通管制センター
  2079. ACC, area control service center ==> エリアコントロールサービスセンタ
  2080. ACC, automatic combustion control ==> 自動燃焼制御
  2081. ACC, Automatic Control Console ==> 自動制御コンソール
  2082. ACC, Auxiliary Crew Compartment ==> NASA略語(意訳:補助乗員区画)
  2083. Accarezzevole ==> 爱抚的,抚摸着
  2084. ACCC, Aluminum Conductor Composite Core ==> 碳纤维复合芯导线
  2085. ACCC, Aluminum Conductor Composite Core/Trapezoide Wire ==> 碳纤维复合芯铝绞线
  2086. acceding state ==> 参加国
  2087. accel(erating) electrode ==> 加速电极
  2088. ACCEL, acceleration ==> 加速度
  2089. ACCEL, accelerometer ==> 加速度計
  2090. acceleating winding ==> 加速线圈
  2091. Accelerando ==> 渐快
  2092. accelerant ==> 促染剂,催化剂,催速剂
  2093. accelerant coatings ==> 速燃层
  2094. accelerate ==> 加速,促进,催速
  2095. accelerate the combustion ==> 加速燃烧
  2096. accelerate the failure ==> 加速破坏
  2097. accelerate the maturity ==> 提前到期日
  2098. accelerate-stop distance ==> 中断起飞距离
  2099. accelerated accumulation ==> 快速累积
  2100. accelerated ag(e)ing ==> 加速老化,加速时效
  2101. accelerated ageing ==> 加速老化
  2102. accelerated ageing test ==> 加速老化试验
  2103. accelerated aging ==> 加速老化试验
  2104. accelerated aging of lake ==> 湖泊加速老化
  2105. accelerated amortization ==> 快速摊提
  2106. accelerated amortization method ==> 加速摊销法
  2107. accelerated angina ==> 增重型心绞痛,进行型心绞痛
  2108. accelerated burn-up test ==> 加速燃耗试验
  2109. accelerated by a spring ==> 弹簧加速的
  2110. accelerated cement ==> 速凝水泥,快凝水泥
  2111. accelerated charging ==> 加速充电=>短時間充てん(ガス圧点検法)
  2112. accelerated circulation ==> 加速环流,加速循环
  2113. accelerated circulation by pump ==> 泵力加速循环
  2114. accelerated clarification ==> 加速澄清
  2115. accelerated clariqier ==> 加速沉降器
  2116. accelerated combustion ==> 加速燃烧
  2117. accelerated cooling ==> 加速冷却
  2118. accelerated corrosion ==> 加速腐蚀
  2119. accelerated corrosion test ==> 加速腐蚀试验
  2120. accelerated course ==> 速成班
  2121. accelerated creep ==> 加速蠕变
  2122. accelerated depreciation ==> 加速折旧
  2123. accelerated depreciation method ==> 快速折旧法
  2124. accelerated depreciation methods ==> 快速折旧法
  2125. accelerated development ==> 加速发育
  2126. accelerated diffusion ==> 加速扩散
  2127. accelerated distance protection system ==> 加速式距离保护系统
  2128. accelerated draft ==> 加速通风
  2129. accelerated electron engine ==> 加速电子发动机
  2130. accelerated erosion ==> 加速侵蚀
  2131. accelerated fatigue ==> 加速疲劳
  2132. accelerated fatigue test ==> 加速疲劳试验
  2133. accelerated filtration ==> 加速过滤
  2134. accelerated flow ==> 加速流
  2135. accelerated frame ==> 加速参考架
  2136. accelerated gene ==> 加速基因
  2137. accelerated growth phase ==> 加速生长期
  2138. accelerated hypertension ==> 急进型高血压,恶性高血压
  2139. accelerated leaching ==> 加速浸出
  2140. accelerated Liebmann method ==> 加速李普曼法,加速列布曼方法
  2141. accelerated life ==> 强化试验寿命
  2142. accelerated life test ==> 快速寿命测试,加速寿命试验
  2143. accelerated load test ==> 加速载荷试验
  2144. accelerated motion ==> 加速运动
  2145. accelerated motion of a fluid ==> 加速流
  2146. accelerated motion test ==> 角加速度運動試験
  2147. accelerated movement ==> 加速运动
  2148. accelerated nozzle ==> 加速型喷管
  2149. accelerated oxidation ==> 加速氧化
  2150. accelerated paint weathering machine ==> 加速油漆耐老化试验机
  2151. accelerated particle ==> 加速粒子
  2152. accelerated period ==> 加速期
  2153. accelerated protection after fault ==> 后加速保护,当自动重合闸装置动作后(断路器重合),若故障未消除(如遇到永久性故障)
  2154. accelerated quantum chemical molecular dynamics method ==> 高速化量子分子動力学法
  2155. accelerated rate of depreciation ==> 快速折旧率
  2156. accelerated reaction ==> 加速反应
  2157. accelerated respiration ==> 呼吸加速
  2158. accelerated return stroke ==> 加速回程
  2159. accelerated rolling ==> 加速轧制
  2160. accelerated service ==> 加速运转
  2161. accelerated speech ==> 加速语言
  2162. accelerated speed ==> 加速度
  2163. accelerated step out ==> 加速脱調
  2164. accelerated sulfur system ==> 促进剂硫黄体系
  2165. accelerated test ==> 加速试验
  2166. accelerated test methods for atmospheric surface coating systems for offshore structures ==> 海洋结构物大气段用涂料加速试验方法
  2167. accelerated underreach protection (AUP) (abbreviation) ==> オーバリーチ切替アンダリーチ保護
  2168. accelerated velocity ==> 加速度
  2169. accelerated wear test ==> 加速磨损试验
  2170. accelerated weathering ==> 加快风化,加速风化
  2171. accelerating ==> 加速度=>加速,増速
  2172. accelerating ability ==> 加速性能,加速运动能力
  2173. accelerating agent ==> 促进剂,催化剂
  2174. accelerating agent ==> 加速剂
  2175. accelerating and decelerating relay ==> 加速減速リレー
  2176. accelerating anode ==> 加速阳极
  2177. accelerating by gravity ==> 重力加速度
  2178. accelerating cavity ==> 加速腔
  2179. accelerating chain ==> 加速节
  2180. accelerating chamber ==> 加速箱
  2181. Accelerating change ==> 収穫加速
  2182. accelerating charge ==> 加速进气
  2183. accelerating coil ==> 加速线圈
  2184. accelerating constant ==> 加速常数
  2185. accelerating contactor ==> 加速接触器
  2186. accelerating convergence ==> 加速收敛
  2187. accelerating curve ==> 加速度曲线
  2188. accelerating death phase ==> 加速死亡期
  2189. accelerating device ==> 加速装置
  2190. accelerating electrode ==> 加速电极(电子管的)=>加速電極
  2191. accelerating factor ==> 加速系数,加速因数,加速因子
  2192. accelerating force ==> 加速力
  2193. accelerating force curve ==> 加速力曲线=>加速力曲線
  2194. accelerating grid ==> 加速格子
  2195. accelerating interval ==> 加速周期
  2196. accelerating jet ==> 加速喷嘴
  2197. accelerating lens ==> 加速电子透镜
  2198. accelerating load ==> 加速负荷
  2199. accelerating machine ==> 加速器
  2200. accelerating maturity ==> 催熟
  2201. accelerating nozzle ==> 加速型喷管
  2202. accelerating period ==> 加速时期
  2203. accelerating potential ==> 加速电位,加速电势
  2204. accelerating pressure gradient ==> 加速时的压力梯度
  2205. accelerating pump ==> 加速泵
  2206. accelerating pump lever ==> 加速泵杠杆
  2207. accelerating relay ==> 加速继电器,加速替续器,加速转播
  2208. accelerating resistor ==> 加速电阻
  2209. accelerating rocket engine ==> 加速火箭发动机
  2210. accelerating slits ==> 加速狭缝
  2211. accelerating stage ==> 加速级
  2212. accelerating torque ==> 加速转矩
  2213. accelerating travel ==> 加速行程
  2214. accelerating tube ==> 加速电子管
  2215. accelerating weight ==> 加速负载
  2216. accelerating well ==> 加速油壶,补偿油井=>加速用燃料室(自動車)
  2217. acceleration ==> 加速,加速到期,加速度,加速时期,加速响应,加速作用,促进,增速=>加速度
  2218. acceleration analysis ==> 加速度分析
  2219. acceleration and deceleration operation ==> 加速和减速操作
  2220. acceleration atelectasis ==> 加速度肺不张
  2221. acceleration by powering ==> 赋力加速
  2222. acceleration by reflection ==> 反射加速
  2223. acceleration cam ==> 加速凸轮
  2224. acceleration capacity ==> 加速能力
  2225. acceleration charactristic ==> 加速运动特性
  2226. acceleration clause ==> 加速还款条款,加速清还条款,提前支付条款
  2227. acceleration constant ==> 加速常数=>加速定数(回転機)
  2228. acceleration constraint ==> 加速限制
  2229. acceleration control ==> 加速度控制=>加速度制御
  2230. acceleration control of the center of mass ==> 重心加速度制御
  2231. acceleration controller ==> 加速控制器
  2232. acceleration curve ==> 加速曲线
  2233. acceleration damper ==> 加速度消震器
  2234. acceleration diagram ==> 加速度图
  2235. acceleration disturbance ==> 加速故障
  2236. acceleration due to gravity ==> 重力加速度
  2237. acceleration error ==> 加速度误差
  2238. acceleration error coefficient ==> 加速度误差系数
  2239. acceleration error constant ==> 加速度误差常数
  2240. acceleration factor ==> 加速度系数,加速度因子,加速系数,加速因子=>加速倍率,加速定数
  2241. acceleration feedback ==> 加速度反馈,加速反馈=>加速度フィードバック
  2242. acceleration field ==> 加速度场
  2243. acceleration globulin ==> 促凝血球蛋白
  2244. acceleration governor ==> 加速度调节器
  2245. acceleration in curves ==> 曲线加速率
  2246. acceleration instrument ==> 加速度仪表
  2247. acceleration lag ==> 加速滞后
  2248. acceleration limiter ==> 加速限制器
  2249. acceleration measurement ==> 加速度测量
  2250. acceleration mechanisms ==> 加速机制
  2251. acceleration misalignment ==> 加速角误差
  2252. acceleration motor ==> 加速电动机,加速发动机
  2253. acceleration nozzle ==> 加速喷嘴
  2254. acceleration of a continuous plasma beam ==> 连续等离子体束的加速
  2255. acceleration of falling body ==> 落体加速度
  2256. acceleration of following ==> 牵连加速度
  2257. acceleration of free fall ==> 自由落下の加速度
  2258. acceleration of gravity ==> 重力加速度
  2259. acceleration of inflation ==> 通货膨胀加速
  2260. acceleration of sintering ==> 促进烧结
  2261. acceleration of the earth ==> 地心引力加速度
  2262. acceleration parameter ==> 加速参数
  2263. acceleration period ==> 加速反应期,加速期,加速周期
  2264. acceleration pick-up sensor ==> 测加速度传感器
  2265. acceleration potential ==> 加速度势
  2266. acceleration profile ==> 加速度分布图
  2267. acceleration pulse ==> 加速冲量,加速脉冲
  2268. acceleration pump ==> 加速泵
  2269. acceleration pump well ==> 加速泵油池
  2270. acceleration relay ==> 加速度继动器
  2271. acceleration resistance ==> 加速阻力
  2272. acceleration response ==> 加速度反应
  2273. acceleration restrictor ==> 加速度限制器
  2274. acceleration sensor ==> 加速度センサ
  2275. acceleration setter ==> 加速度给定器
  2276. acceleration simulator ==> 加速度仿真器
  2277. acceleration space ==> 加速空间
  2278. acceleration stress ==> 加速度应激反应,加速度应激状态
  2279. acceleration test ==> 加速度試験,加速試験
  2280. acceleration test equipment ==> 加速度试验设备
  2281. acceleration time ==> 加速时间,启动时间
  2282. acceleration tolerance ==> 加速度耐力,加速耐受度,加速容限
  2283. acceleration torque ==> 加速トルク
  2284. acceleration transducer ==> 加速度传感器
  2285. acceleration transducer[sensor] ==> 加速度传感器
  2286. acceleration type PCG microphon ==> 加速型心音图微音器
  2287. acceleration type phonocardiogram microphon ==> 加速型心音图微音器
  2288. acceleration valve ==> 加速阀
  2289. acceleration vector ==> 加速度矢量
  2290. acceleration voltage ==> 加速電圧
  2291. acceleration, deceleration zone ==> 加速,減速領域
  2292. acceleration-controlled system ==> 加速调节系统,加速驾驶装置
  2293. accelerationg voltage ==> 加速电压
  2294. accelerative force ==> 加速力
  2295. acceleraton disturbance ==> 加速扰动,加速失调
  2296. accelerator ==> 加速比,加速过程,加速剂,加速器,促进剂,促凝剂,催速剂,速滤剂,粒子加速器=>加速装置,加速器,アクセル,粒子加速器,加速電極
  2297. accelerator anode ==> 加速阳极
  2298. accelerator card ==> 加速卡
  2299. accelerator cavity ==> 加速器谐振腔
  2300. accelerator complex ==> 加速器组合
  2301. accelerator cross shaft ==> 加速器横轴
  2302. accelerator dosage ==> 促进剂用量
  2303. accelerator driven subcritical reactor system,ADS ==> 加速器驱动次临界反应堆系统利用中能强流质子加速器产生的散裂中子源驱动次临界反应堆,以维持其链式反应而获得裂变能的一种构想
  2304. accelerator for electron therapy ==> 医用电子加速器
  2305. accelerator for hardening ==> 促硬剂
  2306. accelerator for x-ray therapy ==> 治疗用X线加速器
  2307. accelerator globulin ==> 加速凝血球蛋白,加速球蛋白,血浆加速凝血球蛋白
  2308. accelerator gun ==> 加速器电子枪
  2309. accelerator intensity ==> 加速器束流强度
  2310. accelerator jet ==> 加速器喷口
  2311. accelerator lever ==> 加速器杠杆
  2312. accelerator linkage ==> 加速连杆机构
  2313. accelerator nerve ==> 加速神经
  2314. accelerator of Ohkawa type ==> 大川型加速器
  2315. accelerator pedal ==> 加速器踏板,加速踏板
  2316. accelerator pedal bracket ==> 加速器踏板支架
  2317. accelerator pedal hinge ==> 加速器踏板铰链
  2318. accelerator pedal pad ==> 加速器踏板垫
  2319. accelerator pedal rod ==> 加速器踏板杆
  2320. accelerator plunger ==> 加速器柱塞
  2321. accelerator pump ==> 加速器泵=>加速ポンプ
  2322. accelerator pump lever ==> 加速器泵杠杆
  2323. accelerator pump outlet valve ball ==> 加速器泵出油阀钢球
  2324. accelerator pump spray nozzle ==> 加速器泵喷管
  2325. accelerator rod ==> 加速杆,加速器拉杆
  2326. accelerator spectrometer ==> 加速器分光计
  2327. accelerator spring ==> 加速器弹簧
  2328. accelerator therapy ==> 加速器治疗
  2329. accelerator treatment ==> 加速器辐射治疗
  2330. accelerator valve ==> 加速器阀
  2331. accelerator-type neutron generator ==> 加速器型中子发生器
  2332. acceleratory collapse ==> 加速度性虚脱
  2333. acceleratory reflex ==> 加速反射
  2334. accelerograph ==> 自记加速计
  2335. accelerometer ==> 加速度计,加速表,加速度表,加速仪=>加速度計,加速度センサ
  2336. accelerometer (unit) ==> 加速度计
  2337. accelerometer calibrator ==> 加速计校准器
  2338. accelerometer diaphragm ==> 加速表隔膜,加速表膜盒,加速计膜盒
  2339. accelerometer drift ==> 加速计的偏差
  2340. accelerometer response ==> 加速表的灵敏度,加速度计灵敏度,加速度计特性
  2341. accelerometer tube ==> 加速度测量管
  2342. Accelerotor ==> 埃克西来罗试验仪
  2343. accelofilter ==> 加速过滤器
  2344. accendant ==> 维护人员,维修人员
  2345. accending personnel ==> 维护人员
  2346. accent light ==> 加强灯光
  2347. accent lighting ==> 重点照明,塑型照明=>アクセント照明
  2348. accent plant ==> 主景植物
  2349. accented contour ==> 指示等高线
  2350. accented letter ==> 标音字母
  2351. accented term ==> 重点项目
  2352. accentuate ==> 强调,强调指出
  2353. accentuated contrast ==> 加重对比度
  2354. accentuation ==> 加重,音频加重
  2355. accentuation of attention ==> 注意增强
  2356. accentuator ==> 音频强化器,振幅加强线路,加重电路,加重器
  2357. accepable noise level ==> 容许噪声标准
  2358. accept ==> 接收,接受,认付,合格,受
  2359. accept a commission ==> 接受佣金
  2360. accept an offer ==> 接受发盘
  2361. accept an order ==> 接受订单
  2362. accept customers' materials for processing ==> 来料加工
  2363. accept customers materials for processing ==> 来料加工
  2364. accept delivery ==> 接受交割
  2365. accept forward shipment ==> 接受远期装运
  2366. accept jobs with materials supplied by clients ==> 来料加工
  2367. accept money deposits ==> 吸收存款
  2368. accept statement ==> 接受语句
  2369. acceptability ==> 合格,可承兑性,可接受性
  2370. acceptability criteria ==> 验收标准
  2371. acceptability for cyclic operation ==> 对循环操作合格
  2372. acceptability for swimming purpose ==> 是否适宜游泳
  2373. acceptability quality level ==> 满意的质量水平
  2374. acceptability test ==> 可接受性测试
  2375. acceptability when radiographed ==> 当射线照相时的合格性
  2376. acceptability when sectioned ==> 当切片时的合格性
  2377. acceptable ==> 容许的,合格,合格的,可接受,可接受的=>受け入れることができる
  2378. acceptable accounting principle ==> 可接受的会计原理
  2379. acceptable accuracy ==> 許容精度
  2380. acceptable concentration ==> 容许浓度
  2381. acceptable currency ==> 可接受的货币
  2382. acceptable daily intake ==> 容许日摄入量,每日许摄入量
  2383. acceptable defect level ==> 合格缺陷标准,容许缺陷标准
  2384. acceptable defect level(ADL) ==> 允许缺陷标准
  2385. acceptable dose ==> 許容被爆線量,許容線量
  2386. acceptable end-product ==> 合格品
  2387. acceptable error ==> 許容誤差
  2388. acceptable error range ==> 許容誤差の範囲
  2389. acceptable failure rate ==> 許容故障率
  2390. acceptable failure rate (AFR) ==> 容许故障率
  2391. acceptable function ==> 可接受功能
  2392. acceptable hypothesis ==> 可接受假设
  2393. acceptable item ==> 可接受的项目
  2394. acceptable level ==> 可接受水平
  2395. acceptable level of reliability ==> 可接受的可靠性水平
  2396. acceptable life ==> 有效使用寿命
  2397. acceptable limit ==> 容许极限
  2398. acceptable load ==> 許容負荷
  2399. acceptable malfunction level ==> 容许故障等级,容许故障水平,容许事故等级
  2400. acceptable malfunction rate ==> 容许故障率
  2401. acceptable material ==> 合格原料
  2402. acceptable maximum output ==> 連系可能最大出力
  2403. acceptable method of payment ==> 承諾可能な支払方法
  2404. acceptable numbering ==> 可接受配数
  2405. acceptable principle ==> 可接受原理
  2406. acceptable programme ==> 可接受程序
  2407. acceptable quality level ==> 可接受品质水准,可通过质量标准,质量合格标准,验收质量标准,验收质量标准
  2408. acceptable quality level (AQL) ==> 合格质量标准,可接受的品质水平,可接受的质量标准,验收质量标准,可接受的质量级别
  2409. acceptable quality level test ==> 可接受的质量标准测试,可接受质量等级试验
  2410. acceptable quality limit ==> 可接受质量标准
  2411. acceptable reliability level ==> 可接受的可靠性水平,可靠性合格标准,合格可靠性水平
  2412. acceptable setting ==> 容许沉降
  2413. acceptable terms ==> 可接受的条件
  2414. acceptable value ==> 容许值
  2415. acceptable with mitigation measure (impact) ==> 在采取缓解措施后可以接受(影响)
  2416. acceptancc test ==> 法定试验
  2417. acceptance ==> 合格,接收,接受,接受分保,接受性,验收,验收,(支票)认付=>受理,容認,採用,合格,アクセプタンス
  2418. acceptance and checkout ==> 验收与测试,验收与测试
  2419. acceptance and settlement of import bills ==> 进口票据的承受与清算
  2420. acceptance angle ==> 接近角,接收角
  2421. acceptance bank ==> 票据承兑银行
  2422. acceptance business ==> 票据承兑业
  2423. acceptance certificate ==> 验收合格证,验收证明书,验收证书
  2424. acceptance check ==> 验收,验收,验收检查,验收检查
  2425. acceptance coefficient ==> 合格系数
  2426. acceptance condition ==> 合格条件,验收条件,验收条件
  2427. acceptance cone ==> 接受光锥
  2428. acceptance contract ==> 承兑合同
  2429. acceptance control chart ==> 接受控制图
  2430. acceptance credit ==> 票据承兑信贷
  2431. acceptance criteria ==> 验收标准
  2432. acceptance criterion ==> 接受准则
  2433. acceptance domain ==> 接受域
  2434. acceptance error ==> 接受错误
  2435. acceptance fee ==> 认付费
  2436. acceptance for honour ==> 荣誉承兑
  2437. acceptance for honour supra protest ==> 已提出拒绝证书后承兑
  2438. acceptance functional test ==> 验收功能试验,验收功能试验,验收性能试验,验收性能试验
  2439. acceptance ga(u)ge ==> 验收规,验收规
  2440. acceptance house ==> 票据承兑所,期票承兑行
  2441. acceptance in blank ==> 空白承兑,不记名承兑
  2442. acceptance inspection ==> 接收检查,接收检验,接受检验,验收检查,验收检查
  2443. acceptance inspector ==> 検収係
  2444. acceptance L/C ==> 引受信用状
  2445. acceptance letter ==> 合格通知
  2446. acceptance level ==> 验收标准,验收标准
  2447. acceptance limit ==> 验收极限,验收极限,合格极限
  2448. acceptance limits ==> 容许极限
  2449. acceptance market ==> 票据承兑市场
  2450. acceptance of an order at below-cost price ==> 接受低于成本的订货
  2451. acceptance of batch ==> 分批接受
  2452. acceptance of beets ==> 甜菜接收
  2453. acceptance of bills ==> 票据承兑
  2454. acceptance of checks ==> 票据承兑
  2455. acceptance of concealed work ==> 隐蔽工程验收
  2456. acceptance of divisional work ==> 分部工程验收
  2457. acceptance of goods ==> 验收,验收
  2458. acceptance of materials ==> 材料验收
  2459. acceptance of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂验收,核电厂业主和总承包尚或供货商之间为澄清双方就完成合同规定的有关供货责任而达成的协议并通过证书的形式予以确认的过程。一般分为临时验收和最终验收两个阶段
  2460. acceptance of promissory notes ==> 接受期票
  2461. acceptance of service ==> 接受送达
  2462. acceptance of subdivisional work ==> 分项工程验收
  2463. acceptance of tenders ==> 接受投标
  2464. acceptance of the mass filter ==> 滤质器的接收容限
  2465. acceptance of work ==> 加工验收
  2466. acceptance of works ==> 工程验收
  2467. acceptance one-half angle ==> 接受半角
  2468. acceptance or rejection ==> 合格或不合格
  2469. acceptance pattern ==> 接受图
  2470. acceptance payable ==> 应付承兑票据
  2471. acceptance probability curve ==> 接收概率曲线
  2472. acceptance probability per batch ==> 批接受概率
  2473. acceptance problem ==> 接受问题
  2474. acceptance proof test ==> 新绝缘绕组投运前试验
  2475. acceptance qualified as to place ==> 限定地点承兑
  2476. acceptance qualified as to time ==> 限定时间承兑
  2477. acceptance quality level ==> 允许质量指标
  2478. acceptance rate ==> 接收率,票据承兑利率,票据承兑率,票据贴现率,验收比率,验收比率
  2479. acceptance receivable ==> 应收承兑票据
  2480. acceptance region ==> 验收区域,验收区域,接受区域
  2481. acceptance requirement ==> 验收要求,验收要求
  2482. acceptance sampling ==> 验收抽样,验收抽样,接收抽样,接受抽样,取样验收,选样认可
  2483. acceptance sampling inspection ==> 接受取样检验
  2484. acceptance sampling plan ==> 验收取样方案,验收取样方案
  2485. acceptance specification ==> 验收规范,验收规范
  2486. acceptance stamp ==> 验收盖印,验收盖印
  2487. acceptance standard ==> 验收标准,验收标准,检验验收标准
  2488. acceptance standards for radiography ==> 射线照相验收标准
  2489. acceptance summary report ==> 验收总结报告,验收总结报告
  2490. acceptance test ==> 验收试验,验[交]收检验,接机考验,接收测试,接收试验,安装后交接试验,发电机安装时,按规定进行的一系列试验的总称=>受入試験
  2491. acceptance test specification ==> 验收测试规范
  2492. acceptance theory of authority ==> 权威源自接受论
  2493. acceptance tolerance ==> 允许公差,验收公差,验收公差,验收允许量,验收允许量
  2494. acceptance value ==> 合格值
  2495. acceptance(check) ==> 验收合格,验收合格
  2496. accepted ==> 已承兑
  2497. accepted bill ==> 已承兑汇票,已承兑票据
  2498. accepted bond ==> 已承兑债券
  2499. accepted draft ==> 已承兑汇票
  2500. accepted flag ==> 接受标志
  2501. accepted indicator ==> 合格指示器
  2502. accepted letter of credit ==> 已承兑信用证
  2503. accepted scale ==> 采用的比例尺
  2504. accepted set ==> 接受集
  2505. accepted standard ==> 采用的标准
  2506. accepted tolerance ==> 规定容限
  2507. accepter ==> 认付汇票人,验收人,验收人,受款人
  2508. accepter for honour ==> 荣誉承兑人
  2509. accepter level ==> 接受级,承受水平
  2510. accepting configuration ==> 接收格局,接收配置,接受格局
  2511. Accepting Houses Committee ==> 票据承兑所协会
  2512. accepting of data ==> 接收数据
  2513. accepting state ==> 接收状态
  2514. accepting station ==> 接收台,接受站
  2515. acceptor ==> 接收器,接受电器,接受器,接受体,带通电路,受体,受主,通波器,被诱物=>アクセプタ
  2516. acceptor adjusted crystal ==> 受主调整晶体
  2517. acceptor atom ==> 受主原子
  2518. acceptor band ==> 受主能带
  2519. acceptor bindinng energy ==> 受主结合能
  2520. acceptor center ==> 受主中心
  2521. acceptor circuit ==> 带通电路,接收机电路,接收器电路,接受器电路,迎收电路,迎谐电路
  2522. acceptor concentration ==> 受主浓度
  2523. acceptor density ==> 受主浓度
  2524. acceptor dopant ==> 受主掺质
  2525. acceptor doping ==> 受主掺杂
  2526. acceptor group ==> アクセプター基
  2527. acceptor impurity ==> 受主杂质(半导体中的)
  2528. acceptor impurity level ==> 受主杂质能级
  2529. acceptor level ==> 受主能级=>アクセプタ準位
  2530. acceptor material ==> 受主,受主物质
  2531. acceptor reaction ==> 受主反应
  2532. acceptor resonance ==> 电压谐振,串联谐振,接受器谐振
  2533. acceptor spectrum ==> 受主光谱
  2534. acceptor state ==> 受主态
  2535. acces pernicieux ==> 恶性发作
  2536. access ==> 发病,调整孔,选取,门路,捷径,进入,入口,入口通道,入门,存取,取数,通路
  2537. access activity ==> 存取活动
  2538. access address ==> 存取地址
  2539. access algorithm ==> 存取算法,访问算法
  2540. access arm ==> 定位臂,磁头臂,存储臂,存取臂,取数臂=>アクセスアーム
  2541. access attribute ==> 存取属性,访问属性
  2542. access authority ==> 访问权限,存取权
  2543. access bit ==> 存取位,取数位,访问位
  2544. access board ==> 跳板
  2545. access capability ==> 存取能力
  2546. Access Card ==> 通达卡
  2547. Access card ==> 阿克塞斯卡
  2548. access circuit ==> 存取电路
  2549. access code ==> 存取码,访问码,选取码
  2550. access code control ==> 存取码控制
  2551. access conflict ==> 存取冲突,访问冲突
  2552. access constraint ==> 存取约束
  2553. access control ==> 存取控制,访问控制=>アクセスコントロール,出入管理
  2554. access control bit ==> アクセス制御ビット
  2555. access control block (ACB) ==> 访问控制块,存取控制块
  2556. access control category ==> 存取控制类别
  2557. access control code ==> 存取控制码,访问控制码
  2558. access control field ==> 访问控制域,访问控制字段,存取控制字段=>アクセス制御フィールド
  2559. access control key ==> 存取控制键=>アクセス制御キー
  2560. access control list ==> 存取控制表,访问控制表
  2561. access control lock ==> 存取控制锁
  2562. access control procedure ==> 存取控制过程
  2563. access control register ==> 存取控制寄存器
  2564. access control section ==> 存取控制部分
  2565. access control violation ==> 访问控制违章
  2566. access control violation fault ==> 访问控制违章故障
  2567. access control word ==> 访问控制字
  2568. access control-logging and reporting ==> 访问控制-录入和报告程序
  2569. access count ==> 访问计数,存取计数
  2570. access cover ==> 进口盖,检修盖
  2571. access cycle ==> 存取循环,存取周期,访问周期
  2572. access cylinder ==> 存取圆柱体
  2573. access door ==> 进人门,人孔盖,检修门,便门
  2574. access environment ==> 访问环境,存取环境
  2575. access exception ==> 存取异常
  2576. access eye ==> 清扫口,管道清扫孔,检查孔
  2577. access fane ==> 便巷
  2578. access frequency ==> 需用资料的次数
  2579. access function ==> 存取函数,访问功能
  2580. access gallery ==> 交通廊道,设置在坝体内供交通用的通道
  2581. access gap ==> 访问间距,存取差距,存取间隔,存取间隙
  2582. access guide ==> 存取指南,访问指南,查索指南
  2583. access gully ==> 进入雨水沟
  2584. access hole ==> 进入孔,存取孔,取数孔,人孔,检查孔,检修孔
  2585. access inconsistency ==> 存取的非一致性
  2586. access interrupt mark ==> 存取中断标志
  2587. access ladder ==> 进入爬梯
  2588. access language ==> 存取语言
  2589. access level ==> 存取级,访问级
  2590. access level structure ==> 访问的层次结构
  2591. access line ==> 访问线,存取线路
  2592. access macro ==> 存取宏指令
  2593. access macro instruction ==> 存取宏指令
  2594. access macroinstruction ==> 宏指令存取,宏指令访问
  2595. access management ==> 存取管理
  2596. access matrix ==> 存取矩阵
  2597. access mechanism ==> 存取机构
  2598. access memory ==> 访问存储器
  2599. access method ==> 访问法,访问方法,存取法,存取方法,取得资料的方法
  2600. access method control block ==> 存取法控制部件
  2601. access method control block (AMCB) ==> 存取方法控制块
  2602. access method module ==> 存取法模块
  2603. access method routine ==> 存取法程序,存取方法例程,存取方法例行程序
  2604. access method services (AMS) ==> 存取法服务,存取方法服务程序
  2605. access mode ==> 存取方法,存取方式,取数方式,访问方式
  2606. access mode clause ==> 存取方式子句
  2607. access network ==> 存取网络
  2608. access object ==> 存取对象,访问对象
  2609. access of air ==> 进气
  2610. access opening ==> 检查孔,检查口,检修孔
  2611. access panel ==> 检查口,检修窗
  2612. access path ==> 存取路径,存取通道,访问路径
  2613. access path design level ==> 访问路径设计级
  2614. access plate ==> 检查孔盖板
  2615. access point ==> 存取点
  2616. access point, AP ==> アクセスポイント
  2617. access port ==> 进入孔
  2618. access procedure ==> 存取过程
  2619. access program ==> 存取程序,访问程序
  2620. access protection ==> 存取保护
  2621. access protocol ==> 存取协议
  2622. access railroad ==> 专用铁路
  2623. access ramp ==> 入口坡道
  2624. access rate ==> 存取速率,访问速率
  2625. access right ==> 访问权,存取权
  2626. access road ==> 入口通道,对外通道,便道
  2627. access routine ==> 访问程序,存取程序,存取例程
  2628. access scan ==> 取数扫描
  2629. access selector ==> 存取选择器
  2630. access sequence ==> 存取顺序
  2631. access speed ==> 存取速度,访问速度,数据选取速度
  2632. access stencil ==> 存取模板
  2633. access strategy ==> 存取策略
  2634. access switch ==> 进入开关
  2635. access technique ==> 存取技术
  2636. access time ==> 存取时间,存入时间,取数时间,访问时间,数据选择时间,信息存取时间=>アクセス時間
  2637. access time gap ==> 存取时间间隙
  2638. access to information in short ==> 信息不灵
  2639. access to plant ==> 进入装置
  2640. access to store ==> 存储器存取
  2641. access to street ==> 通街道出口
  2642. access type ==> 存取类型,访问类型
  2643. access value ==> 访问值,存取值
  2644. access violation ==> 访问破坏,访问违例,访问违章
  2645. access volume ==> 访问卷,存取卷,存取卷宗
  2646. access width ==> 存取宽度,存取位数,访问宽度
  2647. ACCESS, accessory ==> 補機,アクセサリー
  2648. access-control scheme ==> 存取控制电路,计数定标电路
  2649. access-control words ==> 存取控制字
  2650. access-opening ==> 人孔
  2651. accessary ==> 辅助部件用具,辅助仪表,附属品
  2652. accessary thyroid glands ==> 格累氏腺
  2653. accessibility ==> 可及性,易接近性,易食性(牧草),可达性,可访问性,可及性,可接近性,可亲性,渗入性
  2654. accessibility after installation ==> 安装后规范印章的可及性
  2655. accessibility of marking ==> 标记的可及性
  2656. accessible ==> 可达到的,可接近
  2657. accessible boundary point ==> 可达边界点,可过边界点
  2658. accessible by postal communication ==> 通邮
  2659. accessible compressor ==> 半封闭式压缩机,半密闭压缩机
  2660. accessible duct ==> 进入管道
  2661. accessible emission limit (AEL) ==> 可接受的发射极限
  2662. accessible flat roof ==> 上人平屋顶
  2663. accessible pipe duct ==> 进入管道,进入管沟
  2664. accessible pipe trench ==> 进入管沟
  2665. accessible point ==> 可达点
  2666. accessible radiation ==> 可接受的辐射
  2667. accessible state ==> 可达状态
  2668. accessible stationary points ==> 可达稳定点
  2669. accession ==> 财产自然增益=>登録
  2670. accession arrangement ==> 受入順配置
  2671. accession number ==> 登录号=>受け入れ番号
  2672. accession rate ==> 就业增长率,就业增长率,人事新进率
  2673. accession tax ==> 财产增值税
  2674. accessional teeth ==> 恒磨牙
  2675. accessor ==> 存取机构
  2676. accessor control ==> 存取器控制
  2677. accessorial service ==> 附加服务
  2678. accessories ==> 付属品,附属品,辅料,辅助设备,配件,辅机=>付属品,補機
  2679. accessories and parts ==> 部件与零件,配件=>付属品および部分品
  2680. accessories clause ==> 附加款
  2681. accessories for steel rail ==> 钢轨配件
  2682. accessories of rail ==> 钢轨附件
  2683. accessories of testing machine ==> 试验机附件
  2684. accessories of universal operation table ==> 万能手术台附件
  2685. accessories per unit ==> 每台附件
  2686. accessories section ==> 附件部分
  2687. accessorius ==> 辅肌
  2688. accessory ==> 辅助部件用具,辅助仪表,附件,附生的,附属的,附属品,次要,零件,额外乳房,补助物
  2689. accessory agent ==> 补助剂
  2690. accessory apparatus ==> 辅助设备
  2691. accessory bud ==> 副芽
  2692. accessory building ==> 辅助建筑,附属建筑
  2693. accessory case ==> 附件箱
  2694. accessory cell ==> 副卫细胞
  2695. accessory cephalic vein ==> 副头静脉
  2696. accessory channel ==> 辅助通道,附属通道
  2697. accessory character ==> 副性状
  2698. accessory charges ==> 附加指控
  2699. accessory claim ==> 附带权利要求,附加权利要求,附属要求
  2700. accessory cloud ==> 附属云
  2701. accessory constituent ==> 副成分,副组分
  2702. accessory contract ==> 附加合同,附加契约
  2703. accessory corpus luteum ==> 副黄体
  2704. accessory diagnostic method ==> 辅助性疹断法
  2705. accessory drive ==> 副机传动
  2706. accessory drive casing ==> 附件传动机匣
  2707. accessory drive gear ==> 附件传动机构
  2708. accessory drive shaft ==> 附属主动轴
  2709. accessory drove ==> [厂用]辅机传动
  2710. accessory ejecta ==> 副喷出物
  2711. accessory element ==> 痕量元素
  2712. accessory equipment ==> 辅助设备,附属设备
  2713. accessory examination ==> 辅助检查
  2714. accessory feed factor ==> 辅助食物因素
  2715. accessory fibers ==> 副纤维
  2716. accessory filter ==> 辅助滤波器
  2717. accessory finder ==> 附加取景器
  2718. accessory fissure ==> 副梁
  2719. accessory flexor ==> 副屈肌
  2720. accessory for a measuring instrument ==> 测量仪表的附件
  2721. accessory fruit ==> (假果)附果
  2722. accessory gearbox ==> 附件传动箱
  2723. accessory gland ==> 附属腺,副腺
  2724. accessory hardware ==> 附属硬件
  2725. accessory heart ==> 搏动器
  2726. accessory hearts ==> 副搏动器
  2727. accessory ingredient ==> 副成分
  2728. accessory lacrimal glands ==> 副泪腺
  2729. accessory maceral ==> 次要显微煤岩组分
  2730. accessory machinery ==> 辅助机械设备
  2731. accessory mamma ==> 副乳房
  2732. accessory mammae ==> 迷离乳房
  2733. accessory meningeal branch ==> 脑膜副支
  2734. accessory mineral ==> 副矿物
  2735. accessory multiplication ==> 副繁殖作用
  2736. accessory nasal cartilages ==> 鼻副软骨
  2737. accessory nasal sinuses ==> 副鼻窦
  2738. accessory nerve ==> 副神经
  2739. accessory nerve paralysis ==> 副神经麻痹
  2740. accessory nerveinjury ==> 副神经损伤
  2741. accessory obturator nerve ==> 副闭孔神经
  2742. accessory of limited interchangeability ==> 有限互换附件
  2743. accessory olivary nucleus ==> 背侧副橄榄核
  2744. accessory organ ==> 辅助器官,附属器
  2745. accessory organ of eye ==> 眼副器
  2746. accessory pancreatic duct ==> 副胰管,胰副管,伯尔纳氏管,伯纳尔氏管
  2747. accessory parotid gland ==> 副腮腺
  2748. accessory placenta ==> 副胎盘
  2749. accessory plate ==> 附加片
  2750. accessory plates ==> 验光附板
  2751. accessory plume ==> 副羽
  2752. accessory pouch ==> 小物入れ
  2753. accessory power supply ==> 辅助电源
  2754. accessory pulsatory organs ==> 副搏动器
  2755. accessory punishment ==> 附加刑
  2756. accessory risk ==> 附加险
  2757. accessory risks ==> 附加保险
  2758. accessory sample ==> 副样
  2759. accessory saphenons vein vena saphena accessoria ==> 副隐静脉
  2760. accessory seed ==> 混交种子,混杂种子
  2761. accessory sex organ ==> 副性器官
  2762. accessory sex organs ==> 附属生殖器
  2763. accessory shaft ==> 辅助轴
  2764. accessory shaft hub ==> 副轴衬套
  2765. accessory shock ==> 副震
  2766. accessory shoe with electrical contact ==> 触点式插座
  2767. accessory shoot ==> 辅助枝=>辅助枝
  2768. accessory structure ==> 附属结构
  2769. accessory substance ==> 附属物质
  2770. accessory substances ==> 副产物
  2771. accessory suprarenal glands ==> 副肾上腺
  2772. accessory symptom ==> 副症状
  2773. accessory system ==> 辅助系统,辅助作业
  2774. accessory terminal ==> 辅助终端
  2775. accessory thymic nodules ==> 副胸腺小结
  2776. accessory thymus ==> 副胸腺
  2777. accessory thyroid glands ==> 副甲状腺
  2778. accessory to immovable property ==> 不动产的附属财产
  2779. accessory treatment ==> 辅佐疗法
  2780. accessory vacuole ==> 辅助浓泡
  2781. accessory verlebral vein ==> 副椎静脉
  2782. accessory yolk ==> 副卵黄
  2783. accident ==> 工作事故,故障,意外,意外伤害,意外事故,突变,事故,褶皱
  2784. accident (break-down) maintenance ==> 事故维修
  2785. accident at sea ==> 海上事故
  2786. accident beyond control ==> 不可抗力灾害
  2787. accident block ==> 外源喷块
  2788. accident boat ==> 应急救生艇
  2789. accident brake ==> 紧急制动器
  2790. accident cause factor ==> 事故征候
  2791. accident conditions ==> 事故情况
  2792. accident discharge ==> 事故排放
  2793. accident due to negligence ==> 责任事故
  2794. accident error ==> 偶发误差
  2795. accident failure ==> 事故失效
  2796. accident fault (defect) ==> 事故损坏
  2797. accident frequency ==> 事故频率
  2798. accident insurance ==> 事故保险
  2799. accident maintenance ==> 事故检修
  2800. accident management ==> 事故管理,在超设计基准事故发展过程中所采取的一系列行动:(1)防止事件升级为严重事故;(2)减轻严重事故的后果;(3)实现长期稳定的安全状态
  2801. accident neurosis ==> 灾祸神经症
  2802. accident prevention ==> 防止事故,事故防止,安全措施,安全技术
  2803. accident prevention instruction (norms) ==> 技术安全规程
  2804. accident probability ==> 偶然概率
  2805. accident procedures of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂事故处理规程,核电厂在偏离正常运行工况或事故时,用以指导运行人员判断情况、在保护系统触发紧急停堆、停机或专设安全设施动作后采取规定后续行动以缓解或限制事故后果的书面操作规程
  2806. accident prone ==> 事故敏感
  2807. accident proneness ==> 事故征候
  2808. accident report ==> 事故报告
  2809. accident state ==> 事故工况,比预计运行事件更严重的工况,包括设计基准事故和严重事故
  2810. accident statistics ==> 事故统计学
  2811. accident survey ==> 事故调查
  2812. accident wildfire ==> 偶然野火
  2813. accident's beforehand case ==> 事故预案
  2814. accidental ==> 随机
  2815. accidental abortion ==> 意外流产
  2816. accidental accuracy ==> 随机精度
  2817. accidental base point ==> 偶然基点
  2818. accidental coincidence ==> 偶然重合,偶然符合=>偶然の一致
  2819. accidental colouring ==> 窑变
  2820. accidental convergence ==> 偶然收敛
  2821. accidental damage ==> 意外损失
  2822. accidental death ==> 意外死亡
  2823. accidental degeneracy ==> 随机简并度,退化简并
  2824. accidental ejecta ==> 外源喷出物,偶然喷出物
  2825. accidental error ==> 偶然误差=>偶然誤差
  2826. accidental evolution ==> 机遇性进化
  2827. accidental exposure ==> 事故辐射
  2828. accidental factor ==> 偶然因素
  2829. accidental failure ==> 偶然故障,偶然失效
  2830. accidental fluctuation ==> 意外变动
  2831. accidental homicide ==> 過失致死
  2832. accidental host ==> 偶栖宿主
  2833. accidental inclusion ==> 捕虏体,捕虏岩
  2834. accidental involution ==> 意外性退化
  2835. accidental jamming ==> 偶然干扰
  2836. accidental murmur ==> 偶发性杂音
  2837. accidental point ==> 附加灭点
  2838. accidental property ==> 偶発的特性
  2839. accidental species ==> 偶然种
  2840. accidental sport ==> 不定芽变
  2841. accidental symptom ==> 偶发症状
  2842. accidental torque ==> 异常转矩
  2843. accidental variation ==> 偶然变异
  2844. accidental voltage transfer ==> 意外电压转移,在有不同电压的系统中,元件间的接触或闪络所引起的工频过电压
  2845. accidental whorl ==> 杂形斗
  2846. accidental wound ==> 意外伤
  2847. acclimate ==> 環境に順応する
  2848. acclimatization of sludge ==> 污泥中细菌对环境的适应过程
  2849. acclimatization to altitude ==> 高地驯化适应
  2850. acclimatization to cold ==> 冷适应
  2851. acclivous column ==> 盘旋柱
  2852. ACCM, accelerometer ==> 加速度計
  2853. ACCN, audio central control network ==> 可聴域中央制御ネットワーク
  2854. accommodate ==> 调节,容纳
  2855. accommodate by accepting time LC ==> 通融接受远期信用证
  2856. accommodating ==> 親切な
  2857. accommodating accounts ==> 调节帐户
  2858. accommodating capital movement ==> 调整资本移动
  2859. accommodating financial transaction ==> 融通性的金融交易,通融性金融交易
  2860. accommodating transactions ==> 调节性交易
  2861. accommodation ==> 调节,调节作用,供应,融通,通融,通融贷款,通融资金,视觉调节,适应范围,变通办法,沟通=>調整,宿泊設備,収容設備
  2862. accommodation acceptance ==> 通融承兑汇票
  2863. accommodation acceptor ==> 通融承兑人
  2864. accommodation berth ==> 通融船席
  2865. accommodation bill ==> 通融票据,空头票据,空头支票,融通汇票
  2866. accommodation bill of lading ==> 空头提单,通融提单
  2867. accommodation bills issued ==> 已发出通融票据
  2868. accommodation check ==> 通融支票
  2869. accommodation cheque ==> 融通支票
  2870. accommodation coefficient ==> 供应系数,适应系数
  2871. accommodation coupon ==> 宿泊券
  2872. accommodation deck ==> 舱室甲板
  2873. accommodation density ==> 居住密度,居住密度
  2874. accommodation difficulty ==> 調節困難
  2875. accommodation draft ==> 融通汇票,通融汇票
  2876. accommodation endorsement ==> 融通背书,(无关系人亦签名于背面)通融背书
  2877. accommodation endorser ==> 通融背书人
  2878. accommodation kite ==> 通融票据,空头票据,空头支票,欠单
  2879. accommodation ladder ==> 舷梯=>タラップ
  2880. accommodation ladder winch ==> 舷梯绞车
  2881. accommodation line ==> 融通业务,通融业务
  2882. accommodation maker ==> 通融票据出票人
  2883. accommodation note ==> 空头票据,空头支票,融通票据,欠单
  2884. accommodation notes ==> 通融票据
  2885. accommodation outfit ==> 舱室设备
  2886. accommodation paper ==> 通融票据,欠单,融通票据
  2887. accommodation parties ==> 通融票据关系人
  2888. accommodation party ==> 通融有关方面,融通票据关系人
  2889. accommodation reflex ==> 视觉调节反射
  2890. accommodation space ==> 居住区
  2891. accommodation stairway ==> 简易楼梯
  2892. accommodation trading ==> 欠单交易
  2893. accommondation bill of lading ==> 融通提单
  2894. accomodate ==> 調節する
  2895. accomodated location ==> 収容位置
  2896. accomodation ==> 調節
  2897. accomodation reflex ==> 调节反射
  2898. accomodatory reflex ==> 远近适应反射
  2899. accompany movement ==> 跟随运动
  2900. accompanying document ==> 添付書類,附属文書
  2901. accompanying drawing ==> 添付図面
  2902. accompanying element ==> 伴生元素
  2903. accompanying infection ==> 并发感染
  2904. accompanying information ==> 附加情况
  2905. accompanying mineral ==> 伴生矿物
  2906. accompanying sound ==> 伴音
  2907. accompanying sound trap ==> 伴音带阻滤波器,伴音陷波器
  2908. accompanying veins ==> 伴行静脉
  2909. accomplish ==> 完成する
  2910. accomplished bill of lading ==> 已提货的提单
  2911. accomplishment ==> 完成,实施,实行=>完成
  2912. accord and satisfaction ==> 协议与补偿,一致和满意
  2913. accord and satisfaction clause ==> 一致满意条款
  2914. accordant ==> 一致した
  2915. accordant drainage ==> 协调水系
  2916. accordant fold ==> 协和褶皱
  2917. accordant junction ==> 顺层流,平齐汇流
  2918. accordant summit level ==> 平齐峰顶线
  2919. according above stated ==> 如上所述
  2920. according to ==> ~によれば
  2921. according to priority ==> 按顺序
  2922. according to the chemical reaction of soil ==> 根据土壤化学反应
  2923. according to the ISO standard ==> 符合ISO标准
  2924. according to the merits of each case ==> 分别情况
  2925. according to value ==> 按值
  2926. accordion binding ==> 折子式装订本
  2927. accordion cable ==> 折垒电缆
  2928. accordion coil ==> 折状线圈
  2929. accordion contact ==> 手风琴式触点簧片
  2930. accordion conveyer ==> 折叠式输送机
  2931. accordion fold ==> 折子式折页,棱角褶皱
  2932. accordion pipe ==> 波纹管
  2933. accordion plate ==> 折叠式图板
  2934. accordion roller conveyor ==> 折叠式辊道输送机
  2935. account ==> 帐,帐,帐单,帐目,报告书,科目,计算,计算书,计帐,会计=>計算,勘定,顧客,取引,説明,説明書,理由,根拠,評価,計算書
  2936. account analysis ==> 帐目分析
  2937. account as recorded in a ledger ==> 分类帐科目
  2938. account balanced ==> 结平的帐户
  2939. account book paper ==> 帐簿纸
  2940. account books ==> 帐簿,帐册
  2941. account classification ==> 科目分类
  2942. account closing procedure ==> 结算手续
  2943. account current ==> 会计月报表
  2944. account day ==> 结算日
  2945. account duty ==> 遗产清算税
  2946. account executive ==> 业务经管人
  2947. account file ==> 记帐文件
  2948. account flow chart ==> 会计流程图
  2949. account form of balance sheet ==> 帐户式资产负债表
  2950. account form of income statement ==> 帐户式损益表,平衡式收益表
  2951. account in trust ==> 信托帐户
  2952. account method of cash budget ==> 现金预算的非现金帐目法,现金记帐法
  2953. account number ==> 记帐号码
  2954. account of ==> 记帐
  2955. account of bankruptcy ==> 破产帐
  2956. account of cash in vault ==> 库存现金簿
  2957. account of credit sales ==> 赊卖帐户
  2958. account of exchequer ==> 金库帐
  2959. account of executors ==> 遗产清册
  2960. account of goods sold ==> 销货帐
  2961. account of payments ==> 支出表
  2962. account of purchase ==> 采购帐户
  2963. account of treasury ==> 金库帐
  2964. account officer ==> 会计主管
  2965. account paid ==> 已付账款
  2966. account party ==> 进口贸易商,开证申请人
  2967. account payable interline ==> 同行业单位之间应付帐款
  2968. account payee ==> 入帐受款人
  2969. account rendered ==> 结欠清单,(指贷方交给借方审查和清算的)借贷细帐
  2970. account sales ==> 销货清单,销售清单
  2971. account settled ==> 决算,决算,帐款结清,清讫,清算
  2972. account stated ==> 明细帐单,借贷双方认可的细帐,债务人认为无误的确定清单,已定帐目
  2973. account title ==> 帐户名称
  2974. account to give ==> 支出帐目
  2975. account working ==> 业务帐户
  2976. account year ==> 会计年度
  2977. account-receivable program(me) ==> 收帐程序
  2978. accountability ==> 可计量性=>アカウンタビリティー,説明責任
  2979. accountability information ==> 说明性资料
  2980. accountable ==> 负有会计责任的,可计量
  2981. accountable warrants ==> 负有责任的支付命令,(指未经事前审核的)责任支付命令
  2982. accountant ==> 会计
  2983. accountant file ==> 信用调查档案
  2984. accountant in bankruptcy ==> 清理会计师,破产财产管理人
  2985. accountant in charge ==> 主任会计师
  2986. accountant officer ==> 会计主管
  2987. accountee ==> 开证申请人
  2988. accounting ==> 会计
  2989. accounting and business research ==> 会计和商业研究
  2990. accounting and financial audit ==> 会计及财务审计
  2991. accounting based on shift ==> 按班核算
  2992. accounting books ==> 帐簿
  2993. accounting by Electronic Data Processing ==> 会计电算化
  2994. accounting by electronic data processing ==> 会计工作电子计算机化
  2995. accounting by machine method ==> 会计机器记帐法
  2996. accounting code ==> 会计条例
  2997. accounting concept ==> 会计基础理论
  2998. accounting consultation ==> 会计咨询
  2999. accounting cost control ==> 成本管理
  3000. accounting device ==> 计算装置
  3001. accounting document ==> 会计凭证
  3002. accounting documents ==> 会计凭证
  3003. accounting equation ==> 会计恒等式
  3004. accounting exit-routine ==> 记帐退出例行程序
  3005. accounting fiduciary ==> 财产信托
  3006. accounting for a pooling ==> 联营会计
  3007. accounting for branch office ==> 分店会计,分支机构会计
  3008. accounting for branch operation ==> 分店会计
  3009. accounting for discontinued operations ==> 已停业务的会计处理
  3010. accounting for estate income ==> 遗产收益会计
  3011. accounting for estates and trusts ==> 遗产及信托资产会计
  3012. accounting for human resources ==> 人力资源会计
  3013. accounting for idle time ==> 停工时间的会计处理
  3014. accounting for inflation ==> 通货膨胀会计,按币值调整的会计核算
  3015. accounting for internal reporting ==> 内部报告会计
  3016. accounting for inventories ==> 库存资产会计,盘存会计
  3017. accounting for management control ==> 控制管理会计
  3018. accounting for management planning ==> 业务计划会计
  3019. accounting form ==> 会计簿
  3020. accounting identity ==> 会计恒等式
  3021. accounting information ==> 会计情报
  3022. accounting information system ==> 会计信息系统,记帐信息系统
  3023. accounting item ==> 帐项
  3024. accounting logging ==> 报表记录
  3025. accounting machine ==> 记帐机,会计机,会计计算机,费率结算机
  3026. accounting method ==> 记帐方法
  3027. accounting number ==> 帐号
  3028. accounting of subordinate units ==> 附属单位会计
  3029. accounting on a cash basis ==> 现收现付制
  3030. accounting on a group basis ==> 分组折旧法
  3031. accounting on cash basis ==> 收付实现制会计
  3032. accounting on the accrual basis ==> 权责发生制,应收应付制
  3033. accounting organization ==> 会计组织
  3034. accounting period ==> 会计年度
  3035. accounting postulate ==> 会計公準
  3036. accounting procedure ==> 记帐程序,衡算计量程序
  3037. accounting profession ==> 会计专业
  3038. accounting program ==> 记帐程序
  3039. accounting rate ==> 会计汇率
  3040. accounting rate of return ==> 会计期间资本回收率,投资报酬率
  3041. accounting recapitalization ==> 会计上的调整资本
  3042. accounting regularity audit ==> 会计常规审计
  3043. Accounting Research Study ==> 会计研究
  3044. accounting routine ==> 记帐程序,费用计算程序
  3045. accounting standard ==> 会计准则
  3046. accounting standards ==> 会计准则
  3047. accounting statement ==> 計算書
  3048. accounting study ==> 会计研究
  3049. accounting system ==> 记帐系统,统计报告制度,金额换算系统
  3050. accounting technique ==> 会计技术
  3051. accounting terminology ==> 会计用语
  3052. accounting trend ==> 会计趋势
  3053. Accounting Trends and Techniques ==> 会计发展与技术
  3054. accounting unit ==> 衡算单位
  3055. accounting year ==> 会计年度
  3056. accounts are not in order ==> 帐目不清
  3057. accounts for goods and material services ==> 货物和物质性服务帐户
  3058. accounts payable ==> 应付帐款
  3059. accounts receivable ==> 列清单,应收帐款
  3060. accounts receivable assigned ==> 已转让应收帐款
  3061. accounts receivable financing ==> 应收筹资帐款
  3062. accounts receivable from instalment sales ==> 分期销货的应收帐款
  3063. accounts receivable ledger ==> 应收帐款分类帐
  3064. accreditation ==> 认可,委任,任命, IEEE to beef up its global accreditation role.=>認定,大学の資格審査。認証評価,適格性認定. Worldwide workshops boost university accreditation.
  3065. accreditation criteria ==> 認定基準
  3066. accreditation of testing laboratory ==> 测试实验室的认可
  3067. accredited ==> 正式認可を受けた,公認の
  3068. accredited agent ==> 信任代理人
  3069. accredited buyer ==> 开证申请人
  3070. accredited herd ==> 基础种禽群,种畜繁殖群
  3071. accredited member ==> 正式会員
  3072. accredited milk ==> 品質保証牛乳
  3073. accredited party ==> 被信托人,(信用证)开证申请人
  3074. accrediting body ==> 鉴定机构
  3075. accreting convergent plate boundary ==> 增生聚敛板块边界
  3076. accreting plate ==> 增长板块,增生板块
  3077. accretion ==> 炉结=>増加,増大,降着,増価
  3078. accretion beach ==> 堆积海滩=>堆積海岸
  3079. accretion bond ==> アクリーション債
  3080. accretion by black hole ==> 黑洞吸积
  3081. accretion by neutron star ==> 中子星吸积
  3082. accretion coast ==> 堆积海岸
  3083. accretion cutting ==> 受光伐
  3084. accretion hypothesis ==> 吸积假说
  3085. accretion line ==> 生长线
  3086. accretion of bed level ==> 河床的淤高
  3087. accretion of bottom ==> 河底淤高
  3088. accretion surface ==> 加积面
  3089. accretion topography ==> 加积地形
  3090. accretion vein ==> 加填矿脉,增生矿脉
  3091. accretion zone ==> 加积地带
  3092. accretional ice sheet ==> 堆积冰盖
  3093. accretionary basin ==> 增生盆地
  3094. accretionary boundary ==> 增生边界
  3095. accretionary lava ball ==> 外加熔岩球
  3096. accretionary limestone ==> 加积石灰岩
  3097. accretionary ridge ==> 外展滩脊
  3098. accrual accounting ==> 权责发生制
  3099. accrual base ==> 权责发生责=>発生主義
  3100. accrual basis ==> 权责发生制,权责应计制,应收应付制
  3101. accrual basis accounting ==> 权责应计制会计
  3102. accrual basis of accounting ==> 会计权责发生制
  3103. accrual concept ==> 权责发生概念
  3104. accrual convention ==> 权责应计制惯例
  3105. accrual parity principle ==> 权责相当原则
  3106. accrual system ==> 权责发生制,权责体制
  3107. accrue ==> 獲得する
  3108. accrue payable ==> 应付款
  3109. accrued account ==> 見越し勘定,未収支勘定
  3110. accrued amount payable ==> 未払費用
  3111. accrued basis ==> 权责发生制
  3112. accrued cumulative dividends ==> 应计未收股利
  3113. accrued dividend ==> 应计股利
  3114. accrued expenditure ==> 应计开支
  3115. accrued income ==> 应计收益
  3116. accrued interest on bonds ==> 应计债券利息
  3117. accrued interest on notes payable ==> 应计期票利息
  3118. accrued real estate taxes ==> 应计不动产税
  3119. accrued revenue ==> 应计收益,应计营业收入
  3120. accrued revenues ==> 应收收益
  3121. accrued- expenditures basis ==> 支出应计制
  3122. ACCU Automatic Control System Certified For Unattended Engine Room ==> 无人引擎室的自动控制系统
  3123. ACCU, audio central control unit ==> 可聴域中央制御ユニット
  3124. ACCUM, accumulator ==> アキュムレータ
  3125. accumulate at interest ==> 将利息滚入本金计算复利
  3126. accumulated amount ==> 本利和,累计额=>累積額
  3127. accumulated amount of 1 ==> 每元的复利终值,每元复利本利和
  3128. accumulated amount of 1 dollar ==> 每美元复利终值
  3129. accumulated angle ==> 总角
  3130. accumulated capital ==> 累计资本
  3131. accumulated charge ==> 蓄積電荷,帯電電荷
  3132. accumulated deformation ==> 累积变形
  3133. accumulated depreciation ==> 累计折旧
  3134. accumulated depreciation ratio ==> 累积折旧率
  3135. accumulated distribution ==> 累积分配
  3136. accumulated divergence ==> 累积发散
  3137. accumulated dividends ==> 未发累积股利
  3138. accumulated dose ==> 累积剂量
  3139. accumulated earnings ==> 累积收益,积累收益,积累盈余
  3140. accumulated energy ==> 储蓄能
  3141. accumulated error ==> 累积误差,积累误差
  3142. accumulated error pulse ==> 溜りパルス
  3143. accumulated fatigue ==> 蓄积疲劳
  3144. accumulated funds of each enterprise ==> 每一单位积累额
  3145. accumulated gabbro ==> 堆积辉长岩
  3146. accumulated income ==> 累积收益,积累收益
  3147. accumulated island ==> 堆积岛
  3148. accumulated loss ==> 累积损失
  3149. accumulated outlay ==> 累积支出
  3150. accumulated pitch error ==> 周节累积误差
  3151. accumulated profit ==> 利润滚存
  3152. accumulated profits ==> 累积收益
  3153. accumulated retained earnings ==> 累积收益
  3154. accumulated running time ==> 累计运转时间
  3155. accumulated stock ==> 累计存货
  3156. accumulated temperature ==> 积温
  3157. accumulated time ==> 累积时间
  3158. accumulated time difference ==> 累积时差
  3159. accumulated total ==> 累計
  3160. accumulated total punch ==> 累计穿孔机
  3161. accumulated total punching ==> 累计总穿孔数
  3162. accumulated value ==> 累积值,累加值
  3163. accumulated water ==> 积水
  3164. accumulating ==> 累加,聚积,聚积
  3165. accumulating capital ==> 累积资本
  3166. accumulating condenser ==> 聚积冷凝器,聚积冷凝器,聚集冷凝器,聚集冷凝器
  3167. accumulating conveyer ==> 储运机
  3168. accumulating counter ==> 累加计数器
  3169. accumulating level ==> 积累水平
  3170. accumulating reproducer ==> 累积再现装置,累积重复装置,累计复制机,累加复孔机
  3171. accumulating totals ==> 累计,累加总计
  3172. accumulating type heat exchanger of revolution ==> 旋转型蓄热式换热器
  3173. accumulation ==> 积蓄,堆积,堆积作用,累积,累积额,累积过程,累加,聚积,聚积,聚集物,聚集物,聚集作用,聚集作用,积存,积聚,积累,蓄能=>蓄積,集積
  3174. accumulation account ==> 累计帐户
  3175. accumulation area ==> 补给区,(冰川)堆积区
  3176. accumulation cycle ==> 累加循环
  3177. accumulation data ==> 积累数据
  3178. accumulation distribution unit ==> 累加分配器
  3179. accumulation energy ==> 储能
  3180. accumulation factor ==> 累积系数
  3181. accumulation fund draw by ==> 提取积累
  3182. accumulation horizon ==> 堆积层,积累层=>集積層
  3183. accumulation hydraulic system ==> 累积液压系统
  3184. accumulation hypothesis ==> 积累假说
  3185. accumulation layer ==> 存储层=>蓄積層
  3186. accumulation method ==> 存储法,累积法
  3187. accumulation mode ==> 累加态
  3188. accumulation of amyloid ==> アミロイド沈着
  3189. accumulation of discount ==> 折价累积
  3190. accumulation of electric energy ==> 电能存储
  3191. accumulation of electricity ==> 电积累
  3192. accumulation of floating ice ==> 浮冰积聚
  3193. accumulation of heat ==> 热力储存,蓄热
  3194. accumulation of impurities ==> 杂质积聚
  3195. accumulation of non-inflammatory fluid ==> 非炎症性积液
  3196. accumulation of pathogens in chest ==> 结胸
  3197. accumulation of risks ==> 风险积累
  3198. accumulation of rounding error ==> 舍入误差积累
  3199. accumulation of rounding errors ==> 舍入误差积累
  3200. accumulation of salt in the surface soil ==> 返碱,返盐
  3201. accumulation of salts ==> 盐的积聚
  3202. accumulation of severe pathogenic cold ==> 阴寒积聚
  3203. accumulation of snow ==> 积雪
  3204. accumulation of yin cold in viscera ==> 脏结
  3205. accumulation plain ==> 堆积平原
  3206. accumulation point ==> 聚集点=>集積点(複素関数)
  3207. accumulation principle ==> 累加原理=>蓄積原理
  3208. accumulation quotient register ==> 累加-商寄存器
  3209. accumulation rate ==> 堆积速率
  3210. accumulation register ==> 累加寄存器,积累寄存器
  3211. accumulation schedule ==> 累计表
  3212. accumulation season ==> (冰川的)储积期
  3213. accumulation soil moisture ==> 积累土壤湿度
  3214. accumulation test ==> 蓄积试验,蓄气试验,贮气试验
  3215. accumulation toxicity ==> 积累毒性
  3216. accumulation zone ==> 堆积区
  3217. accumulation zone of fault terrace ==> 断阶聚集带
  3218. accumulation zone of thrust fold ==> 逆掩断裂褶皱聚集带
  3219. accumulation-quotient register ==> 累加商寄存器
  3220. accumulational platform ==> 堆积台地
  3221. accumulational relief ==> 堆积地形
  3222. accumulative ==> 堆积的,累积,聚集,聚集
  3223. accumulative action ==> 蓄积作用
  3224. accumulative carry ==> 累加进位
  3225. accumulative column ==> 聚集柱,聚集柱
  3226. accumulative comparison ==> 累积比较
  3227. accumulative cost ==> 累计成本
  3228. accumulative crystallization ==> 聚集结晶,聚集结晶
  3229. accumulative error ==> 累计误差
  3230. accumulative estimation ==> 累积估计
  3231. accumulative formation ==> 堆积层
  3232. accumulative numbering method ==> 累计编号法
  3233. accumulative numbering method in advance ==> 提前期累计编号法
  3234. accumulative phase ==> 堆积相
  3235. accumulative pitch error ==> 周节累积误差
  3236. accumulative raingauge ==> 累积雨量器
  3237. accumulative rock ==> 堆积岩
  3238. accumulative sampling ==> 聚集采样,聚集采样,积累采样
  3239. accumulative sinking fund ==> 积累偿债基金,累积偿债基金
  3240. accumulative timing ==> 积累计时法
  3241. accumulative total ==> 累计
  3242. accumulative toxicant ==> 蓄积性毒物
  3243. accumulator ==> 蓄电池,蓄电池组,蓄能器,蓄水器,受液器,累积器,贮料坑,贮料塔,贮液器,储能电路,储能器,储蓄器,储压器,存储器,累计股票期权=>アキュムレータ,累算器,蓄電池,二次電池
  3244. accumulator (register) ==> 累加器
  3245. accumulator address ==> 累加器地址
  3246. accumulator addressing ==> 累加器寻址,累加寻址
  3247. accumulator addressing mode ==> 累加器编址方式
  3248. accumulator addressing operation ==> 累加器寻址操作
  3249. accumulator battery ==> 蓄电池组=>蓄電池
  3250. accumulator battery with tap-changers ==> 带接换装置的蓄电池组
  3251. accumulator blowdown valve ==> 蓄热器排污阀
  3252. accumulator box ==> 蓄电池容器,蓄电池箱
  3253. accumulator capacity ==> 蓄电池容量
  3254. accumulator car ==> 贮藏车,电池搬运车,电动汽车,电力搬运车,电瓶车
  3255. accumulator carriage ==> 累加器
  3256. accumulator cell ==> 蓄电池单元
  3257. accumulator charge ==> 蓄电池充电
  3258. accumulator charger ==> 蓄电池充电器
  3259. accumulator charging ==> 蓄电池充电,蓄能器增压
  3260. accumulator container ==> 蓄电池容器
  3261. accumulator discharge ==> 蓄电池放电
  3262. accumulator drive ==> 电池牵引
  3263. accumulator feeding ==> 蓄电池馈电
  3264. accumulator grid ==> 蓄电池栅板
  3265. accumulator insulator ==> 蓄电池绝缘子
  3266. accumulator jar ==> 蓄电池容器,蓄电瓶
  3267. accumulator jump instruction ==> 累加器转移指令
  3268. accumulator latch ==> 累加器闩锁
  3269. accumulator loco motive ==> 蓄电池式电机车
  3270. accumulator locomotive ==> 电池机车
  3271. accumulator metal ==> 蓄电池极板合金
  3272. accumulator method ==> アキュムレータ方式
  3273. accumulator operation ==> 累加器操作
  3274. accumulator plant ==> 充电室,储存站,聚积植物,聚积植物,积累植物
  3275. accumulator plate ==> 蓄电池极板
  3276. accumulator railcar ==> 电瓶轨道车
  3277. accumulator rectifier ==> 蓄电池充电整流器
  3278. accumulator register ==> 累加寄存器
  3279. accumulator room ==> 蓄电池室
  3280. accumulator separator ==> 电池极板间的隔离板
  3281. accumulator shift instruction ==> 累加器移位指令
  3282. accumulator stage ==> 累加计数器单元
  3283. accumulator still ==> 累加器蒸馏室,缓冲釜
  3284. accumulator switch ==> 蓄电池开关
  3285. accumulator switchboard ==> 蓄电池配电盘
  3286. accumulator system ==> 累积器系统,存储器系统
  3287. accumulator tank ==> 储蓄槽,缓冲罐,集油罐
  3288. accumulator transfer instruction ==> 累加器转移指令
  3289. accumulator turbine ==> 蓄热器汽轮机
  3290. accumulator type ==> 蓄圧器付管制弁方式
  3291. accumulator vehicle ==> 蓄电池车
  3292. accumulator voltage ==> 蓄电池电压
  3293. accumulator volume ==> アキュムレータ容積
  3294. accuracy ==> 准确,精确度,准确度,准确性,精密,精密性,精确性=>(正)確度,精度
  3295. accuracy and source strength ==> 准确度和能源强度
  3296. accuracy block ==> 精确块,加强块
  3297. accuracy checking ==> 精度检查
  3298. accuracy class ==> 准确度等级,精确度等级,精度等级
  3299. accuracy constraint ==> 精度约束
  3300. accuracy control ==> 精度控制,精确度控制
  3301. accuracy control character ==> 精度控制符号,准确度控制字符
  3302. accuracy control system ==> 精度控制系统,差错控制系统
  3303. accuracy distribution ==> 精度分配
  3304. accuracy error ==> 精度误差
  3305. accuracy for vertical control ==> 高程控制精度
  3306. accuracy grade ==> 准确度,精度等级
  3307. accuracy in computation ==> 计算准确度
  3308. accuracy in measurement ==> 量测精度
  3309. accuracy is about one order of magnitude ==> 准确性约有一个数字的差误
  3310. accuracy lasting ==> 精度耐久性
  3311. accuracy life ==> 精确度寿命
  3312. accuracy limit factor of a protective current transformer ==> 保护用电流互感器的精确度极限因数
  3313. accuracy of a measuring instrument ==> 测量仪器仪表的准确度
  3314. accuracy of adjustment ==> 调整准确度
  3315. accuracy of an instrument ==> 仪表准确度
  3316. accuracy of equalization ==> 均衡精度,均衡精度
  3317. accuracy of finish ==> 最后加工精度
  3318. accuracy of fire ==> 射击准确度
  3319. accuracy of firing ==> 射击准确度
  3320. accuracy of foundation ==> 基础的精确度
  3321. accuracy of gauge ==> 尺寸的准确性
  3322. accuracy of instrument ==> 仪表的精确度,仪表精确度
  3323. accuracy of manufacture ==> 制造精度
  3324. accuracy of manufacturing ==> 制造精度
  3325. accuracy of map ==> 地图精度
  3326. accuracy of measurement ==> 测量精度,测量准确度,测量精确度
  3327. accuracy of measuring ==> 计量准确度
  3328. accuracy of mesh ==> 啮合精度
  3329. accuracy of ranging for laser range finder ==> 激光测距机测距准确度
  3330. accuracy of reading ==> 读数准确,读数精度
  3331. accuracy of reproduction ==> 再现精度
  3332. accuracy of separation ==> 分割精确度
  3333. accuracy of shape ==> 形状的精确度,形状精确度
  3334. accuracy of test glass ==> 玻璃样板准确度
  3335. accuracy of the wavelength ==> 波长精确度
  3336. accuracy of working ==> 加工精度
  3337. accuracy rating ==> 准确度,精确度限
  3338. accuracy standard ==> 精度标准
  3339. accuracy table ==> 精度表
  3340. accuracy test ==> 精度检验
  3341. accuracy testing ==> 精度试验
  3342. accuracy to size ==> 尺寸精确度
  3343. accuracy user ==> 准确度用户
  3344. accuracy verification ==> 精度検証
  3345. accuracy verification package ==> 精密检验组件
  3346. accurate ==> 精密,精确
  3347. accurate aiming ==> 精确瞄准
  3348. accurate beam scanning method ==> 精确波束扫描法
  3349. accurate complete equipment ==> 精密成套设备
  3350. accurate contour control ==> 高精度輪郭制御
  3351. accurate cost ==> 精确费用
  3352. accurate determination ==> 精确测定
  3353. accurate forming ==> 准确成型
  3354. accurate grinding ==> 精密磨削
  3355. accurate interception ==> 精确交叉截获
  3356. accurate measurement ==> 精确计量
  3357. accurate measuring instruments ==> 精密測定装置
  3358. accurate pointing ==> 精确定向
  3359. accurate position indicator ==> 精确位置显示器
  3360. accurate rapid dense method ==> 高速度高密度精密压铸法
  3361. accurate reading ==> 准确读数
  3362. accurate record ==> 精确记录
  3363. accurate statistics ==> 精密统计
  3364. accurate thread ==> 精密螺纹
  3365. accurate to dimension ==> 符合加工尺寸
  3366. accurate to gauge ==> 符合加工尺寸
  3367. accurate whole human genome sequencing ==> 高精度の全ヒトゲノム塩基配列決定
  3368. accurately ==> 准确地
  3369. accurately machined ==> 精加工的
  3370. ACD solution ==> 抗凝枸橼酸葡萄糖溶液
  3371. ACD, access control document ==> NASA略語(意訳:アクセスコントロール文書)
  3372. ACD, access demand ==> ACD
  3373. ACD, accuracy control document ==> NASA略語(意訳:精度管理文書)
  3374. ACD, advanced control device ==> 高等制御装置
  3375. ACD, AKM capture device ==> AKM捕捉装置
  3376. ACD, Automatic Call Distribution ==> ACD
  3377. ACDM, attitude control development model ==> 姿勢制御開発モデル
  3378. ACDR, Apollo Commander ==> アポロ司令官
  3379. ace ==> 专家
  3380. Ace Group ==> 艾斯团
  3381. ACE, acceptance checkout equipment ==> NASA略語(意訳:領収検査装置)
  3382. ACE, actuator control electronics ==> アクチュエータ制御エレクトロニクス
  3383. ACE, Advisory Council on the Environment (formerly known as Environmental Pollution Advisory Committee) ==> 环境问题咨询委员会(前称环境污染问题咨询委员会)
  3384. ACE, air conditioning engineer ==> 空調技術者
  3385. ACE, antenna control electronics ==> アンテナ制御エレクトロニクス
  3386. ACE, antenna control equipment ==> アンテナ制御装置
  3387. ACE, area control error ==> 区域控制偏差, A negative value indicates a condition of under-generation relative to system load and imports, and a positive value denotes over-generation.
  3388. ACE, attitude control electronics ==> 姿勢制御電子回路部
  3389. ACE, automatic calling equipment ==> 自動呼出装置
  3390. ACE, Automatic Checkout Equipment ==> NASA略語(意訳:自動チェックアウト装置)
  3391. ace-tarsoni ==> 滴维净
  3392. acebrochol ==> 醋布洛可
  3393. acebutolol ==> 醋丁洛尔
  3394. ACEC, IEC Adovisory Committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility ==> ACEC
  3395. acecarbromal ==> 醋卡溴脲
  3396. aceclidine ==> 醋克立定
  3397. acecoline ==> 氯化乙酰胆碱
  3398. acedapsone ==> 二乙酰氨苯砜,醋氨苯砜
  3399. acediasulfone sodium ==> 醋地砜钠
  3400. acedicon ==> 醋底康
  3401. acedronoles ==> 醋椿脑染料
  3402. aceglatone ==> 醋葡醛内酯
  3403. aceko-black ==> 醋黑
  3404. ACEL, accelerometer ==> 加速度計
  3405. Acelan ==> 阿塞纶聚丙烯腈短纤维
  3406. Acelba ==> 阿策尔巴乙酰化粘胶纤维
  3407. Acele ==> 阿西尔醋酯纤维
  3408. acellular gland ==> 非细胞性分泌腺
  3409. acellular plant ==> 非细胞植物
  3410. acellular slime mold ==> 非集胞粘菌
  3411. acemecholine chloride ==> 氯化乙酰甲胆碱
  3412. acemetacin ==> 阿西美辛
  3413. acenaphthene ==> 二氢苊
  3414. acenaphthene quinone ==> 二氢苊醌
  3415. acenaphthenequinone ==> 苊醌
  3416. acenaphthenone ==> 二氢苊酮
  3417. acenaphthylene ==> 苊,苊烯
  3418. acenocoumarin ==> 新肮凝
  3419. acenocoumarol ==> 醋硝香豆醇
  3420. acenocumarol tablet ==> 新抗凝片
  3421. acentric ==> 离开中心,非正中的,非中枢的,无着丝点,无着丝粒
  3422. acentric fragment ==> 无着丝点断片
  3423. acentrous ==> 无体椎
  3424. aceperinaphthane ==> 醋代萘烷
  3425. Acephalina ==> 无头亚目
  3426. acephalocyst ==> 无头囊
  3427. acephalostomia ==> 无头有口畸形
  3428. acephalous ==> 无头的
  3429. acephalous larva ==> 无头幼虫
  3430. acephate ==> 高灭磷,乙酰甲胺磷
  3431. acephatemet ==> 甲胺磷
  3432. acepromazine ==> 乙酰丙嗪
  3433. aceprometazine ==> 醋异丙嗪
  3434. aceptable daily intake (ADI) ==> 日容许摄入量
  3435. Acer ==> 槭属
  3436. Aceraceae ==> 槭树科
  3437. acerbity ==> 苦味
  3438. acerbophobia ==> 酸味恐怖
  3439. acerdol ==> 高锰酸钙
  3440. acerebral ==> 去大脑的
  3441. aceric ==> 槭树的
  3442. acerin ==> 槭素
  3443. acerophobia ==> 酸味恐怖
  3444. acerose ==> 针状
  3445. acerous ==> 针状
  3446. acervulus ==> 分生孢子盘
  3447. ACES, Acceptance Checkout and Evalution System ==> NASA略語(意訳:受領検査・評価システム)
  3448. ACES, Automatic Checkout Equipment Sequencer ==> NASA略語(意訳:自動チェックアウト機器シーケンサー)
  3449. acescency ==> 微酸味
  3450. acescent ==> 微酸的
  3451. acess door ==> 入检门
  3452. acestoma ==> 肉芽块
  3453. acesulfame-K ==> 安赛蜜,乙酰磺胺酸钾,AK糖=>アセスルファム・ケィ,人工甘味料
  3454. acet ==> 次乙基
  3455. ACET, Advisory Committee on Electronics and Telecommunication ==> 米国電子・通信諮問委員会
  3456. Aceta ==> 阿策塔醋酯长丝
  3457. acetabular ==> 碟状体的,髋臼的
  3458. acetabular bone ==> 髋臼,髋臼骨
  3459. acetabular lip ==> 髋臼唇
  3460. acetabulectomy ==> 髋臼切除术
  3461. acetabuloplasty ==> 髋臼成形术
  3462. acetabulum ==> 髀臼,髋臼,基节臼,臼,臼,腹吸盘
  3463. acetabutar ==> 杯状的
  3464. acetal ==> 醛缩醇
  3465. acetal copolymer ==> 乙缩醛共聚物
  3466. acetal resin ==> 乙缩醛树脂,聚甲醛树脂,聚甲醛树脂
  3467. acetal resins ==> 缩醛树脂
  3468. acetal(CH3CH(OC2H5)2) ==> 乙缩醛
  3469. acetaldehydase ==> 乙醛酶
  3470. acetaldehyde ==> 乙醛,醋醛
  3471. acetaldehyde ammonia ==> 醛氨
  3472. acetaldehyde dehydrogenase ==> 乙醛脱氢酶
  3473. acetaldehyde resin ==> 乙醛树脂
  3474. acetaldehyde semicarbazone ==> 乙醛缩氨脲
  3475. acetaldoxime ==> 乙醛肟
  3476. acetals ==> 缩醛
  3477. acetamide ==> 解氟灵,乙酰胺,天然醋酸胺
  3478. acetamide chloride ==> 二氯代乙酰胺
  3479. acetamido-acetic acid ==> 醋尿酸
  3480. acetamidoeugenol ==> 醋胺丁香酚
  3481. acetaminobenzoic acid ==> 乙酰胺基苯甲酸
  3482. acetaminophen ==> 醋氨酚,醋胺酚,退热净,扑热息痛,对乙酰氨基酚,羟基乙酰苯胺,阿仙达明那芬
  3483. acetaminophenol ==> 乙酰胺基苯酚
  3484. acetaminosalicylic acid ==> 乙酰胺基水杨酸
  3485. acetaminosalol ==> 醋氨沙罗
  3486. acetanilid(e) ==> 乙酰替苯胺
  3487. acetanilide ==> 乙酰苯胺,醋酰苯胺
  3488. acetarsol ==> 醋酰胺胂
  3489. acetarsone ==> 乙酰胂胺
  3490. Acetat Rhodia ==> 阿策塔特罗迪阿醋酯短纤维
  3491. acetate ==> 酢酸塩,乙酸基,乙酸盐,乙酸酯,醋酸盐
  3492. acetate base ==> 醋酸纤维基,醋酸纤维片基,醋酸盐磁基带
  3493. acetate C-8 ==> 醋酸正辛酯
  3494. acetate cellulose adhesive ==> 醋酸纤维素橡皮胶
  3495. acetate cellulose fibre ==> 醋酯纤维
  3496. acetate colour ==> 醋酸性染料
  3497. acetate disc ==> 醋酸酯唱片
  3498. acetate dye ==> 醋酸纤维染料,醋酯纤维染料
  3499. acetate fibre ==> 醋酯纤维
  3500. acetate fibre paste ==> 醋纤浆料
  3501. acetate film ==> 醋酸纤维薄膜,醋酸纤维胶片
  3502. acetate hollow filament ==> 醋酯中空长丝
  3503. acetate of lime ==> 醋石
  3504. acetate process ==> 醋酸纤维法
  3505. acetate rayon ==> 醋酰纤维,醋酯人造丝
  3506. acetate rayon filament ==> 醋酯人造丝
  3507. acetate rayon staple ==> 醋酯短纤维
  3508. acetate record ==> 醋酸纤维唱片
  3509. acetate silk ==> 醋酸人造丝,醋酸纤维素丝
  3510. acetate spinning machine ==> 醋酯纤维纺丝机
  3511. acetate staple fibre ==> 醋酯短纤维
  3512. acetate visor ==> 醋酸纤维护目镜
  3513. acetate voile ==> 醋酸巴里纱
  3514. acetate wire ==> 醋酸绝缘线
  3515. acetate wool ==> 醋酯人造毛
  3516. acetazolamide ==> 醋唑磺胺,迪阿莫克斯,乙酰唑胺
  3517. acetbromanilide asepsin ==> 溴乙酰苯胺,溴乙酰苯胺
  3518. acetenyl ==> 乙炔基
  3519. acethydrazide ==> 乙酰肼
  3520. acethydroximic acid ==> 乙羟肟酸
  3521. acetic ==> 醋酸的
  3522. acetic acid ==> 醋酸,乙酸
  3523. acetic acid bacteria ==> 醋酸细菌属
  3524. acetic aldehyde ==> 乙醛
  3525. acetic anhydride ==> 乙酸酐,醋酸酐
  3526. acetic ester ==> 醋酸乙酯=>酢酸エチル
  3527. acetic ether ==> 乙酸乙酯
  3528. acetic fermentation ==> 醋酸发酵
  3529. acetic peracid ==> 过乙酸
  3530. acetic solution ==> 酢
  3531. acetic souring ==> 酸果病
  3532. acetic starch ==> 醋酸淀粉
  3533. acetic thiokinase ==> 乙酸硫激酶
  3534. acetidin ==> 乙酸乙酯
  3535. acetification ==> 醋化作用,醋酸化作用
  3536. acetificator ==> 醋化剂
  3537. acetifier ==> 醋化器
  3538. acetify ==> 醋化
  3539. acetimeter ==> 醋酸比重计
  3540. acetimetry ==> 醋酸定量法
  3541. acetin ==> 醋精,单乙酸甘油酯
  3542. acetine ==> 醋精
  3543. acetiromate ==> 醋替罗酯
  3544. aceto-carmine ==> 醋酸洋红
  3545. aceto-orcein ==> 醋酸地衣红
  3546. acetoacetic acid ==> 乙酰乙酸
  3547. acetoacetic ester ==> 乙酰乙酸乙酯
  3548. Acetobacter ==> 醋酸杆菌属,醋酸细菌属
  3549. acetocid ==> 磺胺醋酰
  3550. acetocinnamone ==> 苄叉丙酮
  3551. acetocoumarin ==> 乙酰香豆素
  3552. acetohexamide ==> 醋磺己脲
  3553. acetohydroxamic acid ==> 乙酰氧肟酸
  3554. acetoin ==> 乙偶姻
  3555. acetol ==> 羟丙酮,羟基丙酮,丙酮醇
  3556. acetolactic acid ==> 乙酰乳酸
  3557. acetolase ==> 醋酸生成酶
  3558. acetolysis ==> 乙酰解作用
  3559. acetomenaphthone ==> 乙酰甲萘醌
  3560. acetomeroctol ==> 乙酰汞辛酚,醋辛酚汞
  3561. acetometer ==> 醋酸比重计
  3562. acetometry ==> 醋酸比重测定法
  3563. Acetomonas ==> 醋单胞菌属
  3564. acetomycin ==> 醋霉素
  3565. acetonasthma ==> 丙酮性气喘
  3566. acetonate ==> 丙酮酸盐
  3567. acetonation ==> 丙酮化作用
  3568. acetone ==> 丙酮=>アセトン
  3569. acetone acid ==> 醋酮酸
  3570. acetone body ==> 酮体
  3571. acetone chloroform ==> 丙酮氯仿,氯丁醇
  3572. acetone cyanohydrin ==> 丙酮合氰化氢,丙酮氰醇
  3573. acetone cyanohydrin poisoning ==> 丙酮合氰醇中毒
  3574. acetone dicarboxylic acid ==> 丙酮二羧酸
  3575. acetone dichloride ==> 二氯代丙酮
  3576. acetone extract ==> 丙酮提取物
  3577. acetone fermentation ==> 丙酮发酵
  3578. acetone glucose ==> 丙酮糖
  3579. acetone number ==> 丙酮值,酮值
  3580. acetone oil ==> 丙酮油
  3581. acetone oxime ==> 丙酮肟
  3582. acetone phenylhydrazone ==> 丙酮苯腙
  3583. acetone poisoning ==> 丙酮中毒
  3584. acetone pyrolysis ==> 丙酮热解
  3585. acetone raffinate ==> 丙酮提余物
  3586. acetone resin ==> 丙酮树脂
  3587. acetone semicarbazone ==> 丙酮缩氨基脲
  3588. acetone sugar ==> 丙酮糖
  3589. acetone sulfite ==> 丙酮合亚硫酸氢钠
  3590. acetone-benzol dewaxing plant ==> 丙酮苯脱蜡装置
  3591. acetone-benzol process ==> 丙酮苯脱蜡法
  3592. acetone-diacetic acid ==> 丙酮二乙酸
  3593. acetone-methylene chloride solvent ==> 丙酮二氯甲烷溶剂
  3594. acetone-sodium bisulfite ==> 丙酮合亚硫酸氢钠
  3595. acetonemia ==> 丙酮血
  3596. acetonglycosuria ==> 丙酮糖尿
  3597. acetonic ==> 丙酮的
  3598. acetonic acid ==> 醋酮酸
  3599. acetonide ==> 丙酮化合物
  3600. acetonide acetate ==> 醋酸去炎松
  3601. acetonitril test ==> 氰化甲烷试验
  3602. acetonitrile ==> 乙脲,甲基氰
  3603. acetonitrile reaction ==> 乙腈反应,亨特氏反应
  3604. acetonoresorcin ==> 丙酮雷琐辛
  3605. acetonoresorcinol ==> 丙酮雷琐辛
  3606. acetonuria ==> 丙酮尿
  3607. acetonyl ==> 丙酮基
  3608. acetonyl urea ==> 丙酮基脲
  3609. acetonylamine ==> 丙酮基胺,氨基丙酮
  3610. acetophane ==> 阿西妥芬,醋酯薄膜
  3611. acetophenazine ==> 醋奋乃静
  3612. acetophenine ==> 醋吩宁
  3613. acetophenol ==> 乙酰苯酚
  3614. acetophenone ==> 乙酰苯,苯偶姻,苯乙酮=>アセトフェノン
  3615. acetophenone derivative ==> アセトフェノン誘導体
  3616. acetophenone photoreduction ==> 乙酰苯光致还原
  3617. acetophenone series ==> アセトフェノン系
  3618. acetophenone type ==> アセトフェノン型
  3619. acetophenone yield ==> アセトフェノン収率
  3620. acetophenone-p-phenetidine ==> 苯乙酮缩非那替汀
  3621. acetophenonephenetidin ==> 玛拉林
  3622. acetorthotoluid ==> 邻乙酰氨基甲苯
  3623. acetosoluble albumin ==> 醋溶性白蛋白
  3624. acetous ==> 醋的
  3625. acetovanilone ==> 香荚兰乙酮
  3626. acetoxan ==> 木醋杆菌素
  3627. acetoxime ==> 丙酮肟
  3628. acetoxy valepotriate ==> 乙酸缬草醚酯
  3629. acetoxylation ==> 乙酰氧基化
  3630. acetoxylide ==> 2,4-二甲基乙酰苯胺
  3631. acetoxyp regnenolone ==> (抗关节炎药)乙酰氧基孕烯醇酮
  3632. acetrizoic acid ==> 醋碘苯酸
  3633. acetum ==> 醋,醋剂=>酢
  3634. aceturic acid ==> 醋尿酸
  3635. acetyl ==> 乙酰,乙酰基
  3636. acetyl atractylol ==> 乙酰苍术醇
  3637. acetyl base ==> 乙酰基
  3638. acetyl benzene ==> 乙酰苯
  3639. acetyl benzoyl peroxide ==> 乙酰过氧化苯甲酰
  3640. acetyl bromide ==> 乙酰溴
  3641. acetyl butyryl ==> 己二酮
  3642. acetyl cellulose ==> 乙酰纤维素,醋酸纤维素
  3643. acetyl cellulose sheet ==> 醋酸纤维板
  3644. acetyl chloride ==> 乙酰氯
  3645. acetyl coenzyme A ==> 乙酰辅酶A
  3646. acetyl formic acid ==> 丙酮酸
  3647. acetyl gasoline ==> 乙炔汽油,含乙炔汽油
  3648. acetyl group ==> 乙酰基
  3649. acetyl hydrate ==> 醋酸
  3650. acetyl iodide ==> 乙酰碘
  3651. acetyl ketene ==> 双烯酮
  3652. acetyl number ==> 乙酰值
  3653. acetyl oxide ==> 醋酸酐
  3654. acetyl peroxide ==> 过氧化乙酰
  3655. acetyl phosphate ==> 乙酰磷酸
  3656. acetyl propionyl,methyl ethyl diketone ==> 乙酰丙酰
  3657. acetyl salicylic acid ==> 阿司匹林
  3658. acetyl saponification number ==> 乙酰皂化值
  3659. acetyl spiramycin ==> 乙酰螺旋霉素
  3660. acetyl sulfisoxazole ==> 磺胺乙酰异恶唑
  3661. acetyl thiourea ==> 乙酰硫脲
  3662. acetyl transferase ==> 乙酰转移酶
  3663. acetyl urea ==> 乙酰脲
  3664. acetyl valeryl ==> 乙酰戊酰
  3665. acetyl value ==> 乙酰值
  3666. acetyl-Co ==> 乙酰辅酶
  3667. acetyl-CoA ==> 乙酰辅酶A
  3668. acetyl-CoA carboxylase ==> 乙酰辅酶A羧化酶
  3669. acetyl-CoA transacetylase ==> 乙酰辅酶A转乙酰酶
  3670. acetyl-glutamine ==> 乙酰谷氨酰胺
  3671. acetyl-sulfamethoxypyridazine ==> 乙酰磺胺甲氧嗪
  3672. acetylacetone,2,4-pentanedione ==> 乙酰丙酮
  3673. acetylaminoacetic acid ==> 醋尿酸
  3674. acetylaminoglucosidase ==> 乙酰氨基葡糖苷酶
  3675. acetylaminohexose ==> 乙酰氨基己糖
  3676. acetylase ==> 乙酰基转移酶
  3677. acetylated cotton ==> 乙酰化棉
  3678. acetylated lanolin ==> 乙酰化羊毛脂
  3679. acetylated monoglyceride ==> 乙酰单酸甘油乙酯
  3680. acetylating agent ==> 乙酰化剂
  3681. acetylation ==> 乙酰化,乙酰化作用
  3682. acetylator ==> 乙酰化器
  3683. acetylcarbromal ==> 对乙酰基二溴乙酰脲
  3684. acetylcephalotaxine ==> 乙酰粗榧碱,乙酰三尖杉碱
  3685. acetylcholin esterase ==> 乙酰胆碱酯酶
  3686. acetylcholine ==> 乙酰胆碱=>アセチルコリン
  3687. acetylcholine chloride ==> 氯化乙酰胆碱
  3688. acetylcholine esterase ==> 乙酰化胆碱脂酶
  3689. acetylcholine iodide ==> 碘化乙酰胆碱
  3690. acetylcholinergic receptor ==> 乙酰胆碱受体
  3691. acetylcholinesterase ==> 乙酰胆硷酯酶
  3692. acetylcoenzyme ==> 乙酰辅酶
  3693. acetylcysteine ==> 易咳净,痰易净
  3694. acetyldigitoxin ==> 醋洋地黄毒甙
  3695. acetyldigoxin ==> 醋地高辛
  3696. acetyldihydrocodeine ==> 醋氢可待因
  3697. acetylene ==> 乙炔=>アセチレン
  3698. acetylene black ==> 乙炔黑
  3699. acetylene bond ==> 炔键
  3700. acetylene burner ==> 乙炔灯,乙炔炬
  3701. acetylene cutter ==> 乙炔烧割器
  3702. acetylene cutting ==> 氧乙炔焰切割
  3703. acetylene cutting torch ==> 乙炔截割吹管
  3704. acetylene cylinder ==> 乙炔罐,乙炔瓶
  3705. acetylene filled countor ==> 乙炔计数器
  3706. acetylene flame carburizing ==> 乙炔焰渗碳
  3707. acetylene gas ==> 乙炔气
  3708. acetylene generating station ==> 乙炔发生站
  3709. acetylene generator ==> 乙炔发生器
  3710. acetylene lamp ==> 乙炔灯
  3711. acetylene pressure gauge ==> 乙炔压力表
  3712. acetylene producer ==> 乙炔发生器
  3713. acetylene reduction method ==> 乙炔还原方法
  3714. acetylene regulator ==> 乙炔减压器
  3715. acetylene series ==> 炔属烃
  3716. acetylene starter ==> 乙炔起动机
  3717. acetylene tetrachloride ==> 四塩化アセチレン
  3718. acetylene torch ==> 乙炔炬,氧乙炔炬
  3719. acetylene trichloride ==> 乙炔化三氯
  3720. acetylene welder ==> 乙炔焊机,气焊机
  3721. acetylene welding ==> 气焊,乙炔焊,乙炔焊接=>アセチレン溶接
  3722. acetylene welding torch ==> 乙炔焊炬,乙炔接焊吹管
  3723. acetylene-welding installation ==> 乙炔氧焊装置
  3724. acetylenehalide ==> 乙炔基卤
  3725. acetylenic ==> 炔的
  3726. acetylenic bond ==> 炔键
  3727. acetylenic compound ==> 炔属化合物
  3728. acetylenyl ==> 乙炔基
  3729. acetylgl acid ==> 醋尿酸
  3730. acetylglucosamine ==> 乙酰葡胺,乙酰氨基葡萄糖=>アセチルグルコサミン
  3731. acetylglucosamine residue ==> アセチルグルコサミン残基
  3732. acetylide ==> 乙炔化合物,乙炔化物
  3733. acetylisoeugenol ==> 乙酰异丁子香酚
  3734. acetylization flask ==> 乙酰化烧瓶
  3735. acetylmethadol ==> 醋美沙醇
  3736. acetylmethylcar-binol ==> 乙偶姻
  3737. acetylperchlorate ==> 高氯酸乙酰酯
  3738. acetylperoxide ==> 过氧乙酰
  3739. acetylpromazine ==> 乙酰丙嗪,乙酰普马嗪
  3740. acetylpromazine maleate ==> 乙酰丙嗪马来酸盐
  3741. acetylpyridine ==> 乙酰吡啶
  3742. acetylsalicylic acid ==> 乙酰水杨酸,阿司匹林
  3743. acetylsalicylic acid powder ==> 阿司匹林粉
  3744. acetylsalicylic acid tablet ==> 阿司匹林片
  3745. acetylstrophanthidin ==> 乙酰毒毛旋花子甙元,醋毒毛花甙元
  3746. acetylsulfadiazine ==> 乙酰磺胺嘧啶
  3747. acetylsulfafurazole ==> 醋磺胺异恶唑
  3748. acetylsulfaguanidine ==> 乙酰磺胺脒
  3749. acetylsulfalene ==> 醋磺胺林
  3750. acetylsulfamethoxazole ==> 醋磺胺甲恶唑
  3751. acetylsulfamethoxypyridazine ==> 醋磺胺甲氧嗪
  3752. acetylsulfapyridine ==> 乙酰磺胺吡啶
  3753. acetylsulfathiazole ==> 乙酰磺胺噻唑
  3754. acetyltranslocase ==> 乙酰移位酶
  3755. acetylurea ==> 乙酰脲
  3756. acetypromazin maleate ==> 马来酸乙酰丙嗪
  3757. acetysalicylic acid phenobarbital ==> 阿苯
  3758. acevaltralte ==> 醋戊曲酯
  3759. acexamic acid ==> 醋己氨酸
  3760. ACFN American Committee for Flags of Necessity ==> 美国注册委员会
  3761. ACFS, attitude control flight software ==> 姿勢制御ソフトウエア
  3762. ACG Annual Cargo Gear Survey ==> 年度货物装备检测
  3763. ACG, Atmospheric Composition Payload Group ==> (意訳:大気組成測定ミッショングループ)
  3764. achalasia of cardia ==> 贲门弛缓不能
  3765. acheson furnace ==> 艾奇逊电炉
  3766. Acheson furnace ==> 阿克逊电炉,阿奇逊电炉,艾奇逊电炉
  3767. achieve ==> 获得
  3768. achieve an invariant relationship ==> 恒常的関係を構築する
  3769. achieve name recognition ==> 知名度を得る
  3770. achieve salvation ==> 救いを得る
  3771. achieved reliability ==> 实际可靠性
  3772. achievement ==> 成果
  3773. achievement age ==> 成就年龄
  3774. achievement function ==> 达到函数
  3775. achievement gap ==> 成绩差距
  3776. achievement quotient ==> 成就商
  3777. achievement quotient (AQ) ==> 成绩商数
  3778. achievements ==> 劳绩
  3779. achievements in scientific research ==> 科研成果
  3780. Achilles ==> アキレス
  3781. Achilles bursitis ==> 跟腱滑液囊炎
  3782. Achilles group ==> 阿基里斯群
  3783. Achilles jerk ==> 跟腱反射
  3784. Achilles peritenonitis ==> 跟腱腱鞘炎
  3785. Achilles tendinitis ==> 跟腱炎
  3786. achilles tendon ==> 跟腱
  3787. Achilles tendon reflex ==> 跟腱反射
  3788. Achilles tendon reflex time ==> 跟腱反射时间
  3789. Achilles tendonlengthening ==> 跟腱延长术
  3790. Achilles tendonshortening ==> 跟腱短缩
  3791. aching all over the head ==> 正头痛
  3792. achiral reagent ==> 非手性试剂
  3793. achlorhydric gastritis ==> 胃酸缺乏性胃炎
  3794. achlorocyclohexane ==> 六六六,六氯化苯,六氯环己烷
  3795. achlorocyclohexane poisoning ==> 六六六中毒,六氯化苯中毒
  3796. acholic stool ==> 灰白色大便
  3797. acholuric hemolytic icterus with splenomegaly ==> 巨脾性无胆色素尿性溶血性黄疸,巨脾性无胆色素尿性溶血性黄疸
  3798. achroamyloid protein ==> 无色淀粉样蛋白
  3799. achromat ==> 消色差透镜
  3800. achromatic aerial ==> 消色差天线
  3801. achromatic apparatus ==> 非染色质器
  3802. achromatic color ==> 无色=>無彩色
  3803. achromatic condenser ==> 消色差聚光镜头,消色差聚光透镜
  3804. achromatic convex lens ==> 消色差集光镜
  3805. achromatic doublet lens ==> 消色差双合透镜
  3806. achromatic fringe ==> 消色差条纹
  3807. achromatic indicator ==> 消色指示剂
  3808. achromatic interval ==> 无色间隙
  3809. achromatic lens ==> 无色透镜,消色差镜,消色差透镜
  3810. achromatic light ==> 消色差光
  3811. achromatic map ==> 单色图
  3812. achromatic objective ==> 消色差物镜,无色差接物镜
  3813. achromatic ocular ==> 消色差目镜
  3814. achromatic phase plate ==> 消色差位相版
  3815. achromatic scale ==> 無彩色スケール
  3816. achromatic sheet ==> 单色图
  3817. achromatic spindle ==> 非染色纺锤体
  3818. achromatic system ==> 消色差镜系
  3819. achromic period ==> 消色时间
  3820. achromophilous smear examination ==> 不染色涂片检查
  3821. achylia gastrica ==> 胃液缺乏
  3822. achylia gastrica haemorrhagica ==> 出血性胃液缺乏
  3823. ACI computer ==> 车辆自动识别计算机
  3824. ACI, Age Controlled Item ==> NASA略語(意訳:寿命管理品目)
  3825. ACI, allocated configuration identification ==> 配分コンフィギュレーションの識別
  3826. ACI, allocated configuration identification document ==> 配分コンフィギュレーション識別文書
  3827. acicular cast iron ==> 针状结构铸铁
  3828. acicular constituent ==> 针状组织
  3829. acicular crystal ==> 针状结晶
  3830. acicular crystals ==> 针晶体
  3831. acicular ferrite ==> 针状铁素体
  3832. acicular iron ==> 针状铸铁,贝茵体铸铁
  3833. acicular iron ore ==> 针铁矿
  3834. acicular martensite ==> 针状马氏体
  3835. acicular powder ==> 针状粉末
  3836. acicular structure ==> 针状结构
  3837. acid ==> 膜酸,酸,酸的,酸性的,酸性物,砷酸=>酸
  3838. acid acceptor ==> 酸受体
  3839. acid accumulator ==> 酸蓄电池
  3840. acid activation ==> [用]酸激活,酸活化
  3841. acid ager ==> 酸气蒸化机
  3842. acid albumin ==> 酸白蛋白
  3843. acid albuminuria ==> 酸白蛋白尿
  3844. acid alcohol ==> 酸醇
  3845. acid and alkali treatment ==> 酸碱处理,酸硷处理
  3846. acid and alkaline resisting brick ==> 抗酸碱砖
  3847. acid anhydride ==> 酸酐
  3848. acid attack ==> 酸侵蚀
  3849. acid base indicator ==> 酸硷指示剂
  3850. acid bath ==> 酸性熔池,酸浴
  3851. acid battery ==> 酸性蓄电池
  3852. acid Bessemer cast iron ==> 酸性转炉铸铁
  3853. acid bessemer converter ==> 酸性转炉
  3854. acid Bessemer pig ==> 酸性转炉生铁
  3855. acid bessemer process ==> 酸性转炉炼钢法
  3856. acid Bessemer process ==> 酸性转炉炼钢法
  3857. acid Bessemer steel ==> 酸性转炉钢
  3858. acid bessemer steel ==> 酸性转炉钢
  3859. acid blast machine ==> 喷酸液机
  3860. acid blow case ==> 吹气扬酸箱
  3861. acid blowcase ==> 吹气箱
  3862. acid bottom ==> 酸性炉底
  3863. acid brass ==> 耐酸黄铜
  3864. acid brick ==> 耐酸砖,酸性砖
  3865. acid brittleness ==> 酸脆,酸脆性,氢化脆性
  3866. acid bronze ==> 耐酸青铜
  3867. acid bronze alloy ==> 铜基合金
  3868. acid brown soil ==> 酸性棕色土
  3869. acid burn of cornea ==> 角膜酸性灼伤
  3870. acid carbonate ==> 酸性碳酸盐
  3871. acid cell ==> 壁细胞
  3872. acid circulating pump ==> 酸循环泵
  3873. acid clay ==> 酸性粘土
  3874. acid cleaning ==> 酸洗,采用规定浓度的酸性化学药剂去除热力设备或其他设备及管路中的沉积物的过程
  3875. acid cleavage ==> 成酸分裂
  3876. acid coagulation ==> 加酸凝固
  3877. acid coke ==> 酸性焦炭
  3878. acid concentrator ==> 酸浓缩器
  3879. acid condenser ==> 酸冷凝器
  3880. acid consumption ==> 酸耗,用酸作为再生剂进行阳离子交换树脂再生时,获得一摩尔的交换量所需的再生剂HCl或H2SO4的量。其单位用g/mol表示
  3881. acid content ==> 含酸量
  3882. acid converter process ==> 酸性转炉炼钢法
  3883. acid cooler ==> 酸冷却器,冷酸器
  3884. acid corrosion ==> 酸腐蚀
  3885. acid cure ==> 酸性处理
  3886. acid declining phase ==> 减酸期
  3887. acid detergent ==> 酸性去污剂
  3888. acid detergent fiber ==> 耐酸性去污剂纤维
  3889. acid developer ==> 酸性显影液
  3890. acid development ==> 酸显影
  3891. acid digestion ==> 酸性菌分解
  3892. acid digestion analysis ==> 土壤酸解分析
  3893. acid dilution ==> 酸液稀释
  3894. acid dip pickle ==> 酸洗装置,沉浸式酸洗装置
  3895. acid dipping ==> 酸浸
  3896. acid drift ==> 酸性矿石,变酸倾向
  3897. acid dye ==> 酸性染剂
  3898. acid dyes ==> 酸性染料
  3899. acid electric furnace ==> 酸性电炉
  3900. acid electric steel ==> 酸性电炉钢
  3901. acid electrode ==> 酸性焊条
  3902. acid electrolyte ==> 酸性电解液
  3903. acid elevator ==> 扬酸器,升酸器
  3904. acid embossing ==> 玻璃酸蚀法
  3905. acid embossing of glass ==> 玻璃酸蚀法
  3906. acid embrittlement ==> 酸洗脆性
  3907. acid equivalent ==> 酸当量
  3908. acid eructation ==> 嗳酸
  3909. acid esters ==> 酸酯
  3910. acid etch ==> 酸浸蚀,酸刻蚀,浸酸
  3911. acid etching ==> 酸浸,玻璃蚀刻法
  3912. acid etching of glass ==> 玻璃蚀刻法
  3913. acid etching of tooth surface ==> 牙面酸处理
  3914. acid ether (hydrogen acid ester) ==> 氢酸酯
  3915. acid ethyl oxalate ==> 草酸氢乙酯
  3916. acid extract ==> 酸浸提液
  3917. acid extractants ==> 酸提取
  3918. acid extraction ==> 酸性萃取
  3919. acid feed ==> 送酸器
  3920. acid feeder ==> 加酸器
  3921. acid fermentation ==> 酸性发酵
  3922. acid fixer ==> 酸性定影液
  3923. acid flux ==> 酸性焊剂
  3924. acid flux material ==> 酸性溶剂
  3925. acid fog liquid ==> 酸雾液
  3926. acid former ==> 成酸物质
  3927. acid fuchsin ==> 酸性品红
  3928. acid fuchsin stain ==> 齐尼二氏染剂
  3929. acid furnace ==> 酸性炉
  3930. acid gilding ==> 腐蚀金
  3931. acid gland ==> 酸腺
  3932. acid glands ==> 胃酸腺
  3933. acid ground ==> 酸性土,酸性土壤
  3934. acid group ==> 酸根
  3935. acid hardening fixer ==> 酸性坚膜定影剂
  3936. acid hearth ==> 酸性炉底
  3937. acid humification ==> 酸性腐殖化
  3938. acid hydrolysate ==> 酸解产物
  3939. acid hydrolysis ==> 酸解作用,酸水解,加酸水解
  3940. acid igneous rock ==> 酸性火成岩
  3941. acid industry ==> 制酸工业
  3942. acid ingredient ==> 酸性食材
  3943. acid inhibitor ==> 酸抑制剂
  3944. acid ion ==> 酸性离子
  3945. acid jetting ==> 喷酸作业
  3946. acid leach plant ==> 酸性浸出设备
  3947. acid leaching ==> 酸性浸出
  3948. acid leaching method ==> 酸浸法
  3949. acid lead ==> 耐酸铅
  3950. acid lined cupola ==> 酸性冲天炉
  3951. acid lined furnace ==> 酸性炉
  3952. acid lining ==> 酸性衬里
  3953. acid liquor ==> 酸液
  3954. acid magnesium citrate ==> 柠檬酸镁二代盐
  3955. acid material ==> 酸性材料
  3956. acid medium ==> 酸性介质
  3957. acid meter ==> 酸液比重计
  3958. acid milling green ==> 酸性磨绿
  3959. acid mine drainage ==> 排泄酸性矿水
  3960. acid mine dyainage ==> 酸性矿排水
  3961. acid mine water ==> 酸性矿水
  3962. acid mist ==> 酸雾
  3963. acid mist eliminator ==> 酸雾捕集器
  3964. acid number ==> 酸数,酸值
  3965. acid oil ==> 酸性油
  3966. acid open hearth furnace ==> 酸性平炉
  3967. acid open hearth process ==> 酸性平炉法
  3968. acid open hearth steel ==> 酸性平炉钢
  3969. acid open-hearth furnace ==> 酸性平炉
  3970. acid open-hearth process ==> 酸性平炉法
  3971. acid open-hearth steel ==> 酸性马丁炉钢
  3972. acid oxide ==> 酸性氧化物,成酸氧化物
  3973. acid peat soil ==> 酸性泥碳土
  3974. acid phosphat of lime ==> 重过磷酸钙
  3975. acid phosphatase ==> 酸性磷酸酶
  3976. acid phosphate ==> 酸式磷酸盐,酸性磷酸盐,过磷酸钙
  3977. acid phosphatic manures ==> 磷酸盐肥料
  3978. acid phthalic anhydride ==> 酞酐
  3979. acid pickle ==> 废酸液
  3980. acid pickling ==> 酸蚀,酸渍
  3981. acid pig ==> 酸性生铁
  3982. acid plagioclase ==> 酸性斜长石
  3983. acid plant ==> 制酸厂
  3984. acid polishing ==> 酸处理抛光,酸法制浆,酸蚀抛光
  3985. acid precipitation ==> 酸沉降,酸性降水
  3986. acid preservative method ==> 酸防腐法
  3987. acid process ==> 酸性炼钢法,酸性转炉法
  3988. acid proof ==> 耐酸的=>耐酸
  3989. acid proof alloy ==> 耐酸合金
  3990. acid proof brick ==> 耐酸砖
  3991. acid proof ceramic pipe ==> 耐酸陶管
  3992. acid proof concrete ==> 耐酸混凝土
  3993. acid proof enamel ==> 耐酸搪瓷
  3994. acid proof paint ==> 耐酸涂料/耐酸油漆
  3995. acid proof refractory ==> 耐酸耐火材料
  3996. acid proof refractory material ==> 耐酸耐火材料
  3997. acid proof stoneware ==> 耐酸缸瓷器,耐酸炻器
  3998. acid proof varnish ==> 耐酸清漆
  3999. acid property ==> 酸特性
  4000. acid protection ==> 酸防护
  4001. acid pump ==> 耐酸泵,酸泵
  4002. acid radical ==> 酸根,酸基
  4003. acid rain ==> 酸性雨
  4004. acid reaction ==> 酸性反应
  4005. acid receiver ==> 储酸器
  4006. acid reducer ==> 制酸薬
  4007. acid refractory ==> 酸性耐火材料
  4008. acid regression stage ==> 酸性消退阶段
  4009. acid regurgitation ==> 反酸
  4010. acid residue ==> 酸残渣,酸性残余物
  4011. acid resin ==> 酸性树脂
  4012. acid resistance ==> 耐酸度
  4013. acid resistant ==> 耐酸的
  4014. acid resistant ceramic pipeline ==> 耐酸陶瓷管道
  4015. acid resistant insulation ==> 耐酸绝缘
  4016. acid resistant motor ==> 耐酸电动机
  4017. acid resistant steel ==> 耐酸钢
  4018. acid resisting ==> 耐酸的
  4019. acid resisting alloy ==> 抗酸合金
  4020. acid resisting cast iron ==> 耐酸铸铁
  4021. acid resisting casting ==> 耐酸铸件
  4022. acid resisting concrete ==> 抗酸
  4023. acid resisting steel ==> 耐酸钢
  4024. acid rinsing shop stamping warehouse ==> 酸洗工段房-冲压库
  4025. acid rock ==> 酸性岩石
  4026. acid salt ==> 酸式盐,酸性盐
  4027. acid saponification ==> 加酸皂化
  4028. acid seal paint ==> 防酸封漆
  4029. acid separator ==> 除酸器
  4030. acid settler ==> 酸沉降器
  4031. acid silage ==> 酸青贮料
  4032. acid siphon ==> 酸虹吸管
  4033. acid slag ==> 酸性渣
  4034. acid sludge ==> 酸渣
  4035. acid soil ==> 酸土,酸性土,酸性土壤
  4036. acid soil plant ==> 酸性植物
  4037. acid solution ==> 酸溶液
  4038. acid soot ==> 酸烟垢
  4039. acid spar ==> 酸性萤石
  4040. acid splitting ==> 酸解作用,加酸分解
  4041. acid stain ==> 酸性染剂
  4042. acid steel ==> 酸性炉钢
  4043. acid storage tank ==> 储酸罐
  4044. acid sulphite ==> 酸式亚硫酸盐
  4045. acid suspension ==> 酸性悬液
  4046. acid tank ==> 酸槽
  4047. acid test ==> 酸性试验
  4048. acid tester ==> 耐酸试验器
  4049. acid tolerant species ==> 耐酸品种
  4050. acid tower ==> 酸塔
  4051. acid transformer ==> 绝缘油酸化变压器,绝缘油酸化变压器
  4052. acid treated finish ==> 酸处理整面法
  4053. acid treatment ==> 酸处理
  4054. acid tube ==> 酸管
  4055. acid value ==> 酸值,在规定条件下,中和1g油品中的酸性组分所消耗的氢氧化钾的毫克数=>酸価
  4056. acid value test ==> 酸価試験
  4057. acid waste liquid ==> 酸性废液
  4058. acid waste utilization ==> 废酸渣利用
  4059. acid waste water ==> 酸性废水
  4060. acid water ==> 酸水
  4061. acid water pollution ==> 酸性废水污染
  4062. acid, meta-phthalic acid ==> 异酞酸
  4063. acid-base balance ==> 酸硷平衡
  4064. acid-base catalysis ==> 酸碱催化
  4065. acid-base determination ==> 酸碱测定法
  4066. acid-base equilibrium ==> 酸硷平衡
  4067. acid-base indicator ==> 酸碱指示剂
  4068. acid-base metabolism ==> 酸硷代谢
  4069. acid-base pair ==> 酸碱对
  4070. acid-base titration ==> 酸碱滴定法,酸硷滴定法
  4071. acid-base titration detector ==> 酸碱滴定检测器
  4072. acid-cured varnish ==> 酸凝漆
  4073. acid-etched ==> 酸浸蚀,酸蚀刻
  4074. acid-fast ==> 齐尼二氏染剂,抗酸的
  4075. acid-fast bacillus ==> 耐酸杆菌
  4076. acid-fast bacteria ==> 耐酸细菌,抗酸细菌
  4077. acid-fast stain ==> 抗酸染色
  4078. acid-fast staining ==> 抗酸染色法
  4079. acid-forming food ==> 成酸食物
  4080. acid-forming group ==> 成酸基
  4081. acid-free oil ==> 无酸油,不含酸油品
  4082. acid-ground glass ==> 酸蚀毛玻璃
  4083. acid-insoluble residue ==> 酸性不溶残渣
  4084. acid-lined converter ==> (炼钢)酸性转炉
  4085. acid-oure resin ==> 酸凝树脂
  4086. acid-proof ==> 耐酸,防酸的,耐酸的
  4087. acid-proof battery box ==> 耐酸电池箱
  4088. acid-proof cast iron ==> 耐酸铸铁
  4089. acid-proof casting ==> 耐酸铸件
  4090. acid-proof cement ==> 耐酸水泥
  4091. acid-proof coating ==> 耐酸涂料,防酸保护层
  4092. acid-proof hose ==> 耐酸软管
  4093. acid-proof lining ==> 耐酸衬,耐酸衬里
  4094. acid-proof material ==> 耐酸材料
  4095. acid-proof paint ==> 耐酸涂料
  4096. acid-proof refractory ==> 防酸耐火材料
  4097. acid-proof valve ==> 耐酸阀
  4098. acid-proofing flooring ==> 防酸地面
  4099. acid-recovery plant ==> 酸回收设备
  4100. acid-resistance ==> 防酸性
  4101. acid-resistance casting ==> 耐酸铸件
  4102. acid-resistance metal ==> 耐酸合金
  4103. acid-resistant ceramic jet pump ==> 耐酸陶瓷喷射泵
  4104. acid-resistant ceramic pump ==> 耐酸陶瓷泵
  4105. acid-resistant ceramic slurry pump ==> 耐酸陶瓷砂浆泵
  4106. acid-resistant glaze ==> 耐酸釉
  4107. acid-resistant intalox saddle packing ==> 耐酸陶瓷矩鞍形填料
  4108. acid-resistant material ==> 耐酸材料,抗酸材料
  4109. acid-resistant penicillin ==> 耐酸青霉素
  4110. acid-resistant steel ==> 耐酸钢
  4111. acid-resistant stoneware blower ==> 耐酸陶瓷鼓风机
  4112. acid-resistant stoneware container ==> 耐酸陶瓷容器
  4113. acid-resistant stoneware pump ==> 耐酸陶瓷泵
  4114. acid-resistant stoneware tower ==> 耐酸陶瓷塔
  4115. acid-resistant stoneware valve ==> 耐酸陶瓷阀门
  4116. acid-resistant system ==> 耐酸设备
  4117. acid-resistant thermotolerant ceramic brick ==> 耐酸耐温砖
  4118. acid-resisting ==> 抗酸,耐酸的,耐酸的,抗酸性
  4119. acid-resisting aggregate ==> (骨料)耐酸集料
  4120. acid-resisting alloy ==> 耐酸合金
  4121. acid-resisting brick ==> 耐酸砖
  4122. acid-resisting concrete ==> 抗酸混凝土
  4123. acid-resisting glass coil ==> 耐酸玻璃蛇管
  4124. acid-resisting paint ==> 耐酸漆
  4125. acid-resisting pump ==> 耐酸泵
  4126. acid-resisting steel ==> 耐酸钢
  4127. acid-restoring plant ==> 废酸回收装置
  4128. acid-treated oil ==> 酸洗油
  4129. acide value ==> 酸价
  4130. acidic amino acid ==> 酸性氨基酸
  4131. acidic and alkaline waste water ==> 酸碱废水,呈酸性或碱性的废水
  4132. acidic electrolysis ==> 酸性电解
  4133. acidic electrolysis bath ==> 酸性电解液
  4134. acidic electrolyte bath ==> 酸性电解质
  4135. acidic group ==> 酸基
  4136. acidic oxide ==> 酸性氧化物
  4137. acidic property ==> 酸性
  4138. acidic resin ==> 酸性树脂
  4139. acidic rock ==> 酸性岩
  4140. acidic salt ==> 酸性盐
  4141. acidic sodium aluminum phosphate ==> 磷酸钠铝
  4142. acidic solution ==> 酸溶液
  4143. acidification ==> 酸化
  4144. acidification of urine ==> 尿液酸化
  4145. acidified milk ==> 变酸乳
  4146. acidifying machine ==> 浸酸机
  4147. acidifying property ==> 起酸性土壤
  4148. acidimeter for battery ==> 电池用测酸计
  4149. acidimetric analysis ==> 酸量滴定分析
  4150. acidimetric standard ==> 标酸基准
  4151. acidity ==> 酸度,单位体积水中所含能提供(解离出)H+离子与强碱(如NaOH、KOH)等发生中和反应的物质总量
  4152. acidity and improve soil texture ==> 减轻土壤酸性和改良土壤结构
  4153. acidity coefficient ==> 酸度系数
  4154. acidity error ==> 酸度误差
  4155. acidity test ==> 酸测定
  4156. Acidol dye ==> 阿齐多染料
  4157. acidophil leukocyte ==> 嗜酸性白细胞
  4158. acidophilic adenoma of pituitary ==> 垂体嗜酸细胞腺瘤
  4159. acidophilus milk ==> 酸奶
  4160. acidproof alloy ==> 耐酸合金
  4161. acidproof brick ==> 耐酸砖
  4162. acidproof cast iron ==> 耐酸铸铁
  4163. acidproof casting ==> 耐酸铸件
  4164. acidulated bath ==> 酸性化槽
  4165. acidulous element ==> 成酸元素
  4166. acidum ==> 酸
  4167. acidum aceticum ==> 醋酸
  4168. acidum benzoicum ==> 苯甲酸=>安息香酸
  4169. acidum iopanoicum ==> 碘番酸
  4170. acierage ==> 表面钢化
  4171. ACIL, Automatic Controlled Instrument Landing ==> NASA略語(意訳:自動制御計器着陸)
  4172. Acilan dye ==> 阿西仑染料
  4173. ACIM, AC induction motors ==> 交流誘導モータ
  4174. acinar adenocarcinoma ==> 腺泡状腺癌
  4175. acinar cell carcinoma ==> 腺泡细胞癌
  4176. acinar cell carcinoma of pancreas ==> 胰腺泡细胞癌
  4177. acinar cell carcinoma of salivary gland ==> 涎腺腺泡细胞癌
  4178. acinar cell tumor ==> 腺泡细胞瘤
  4179. acinar type hepatic cell carcinoma ==> 腺泡型肝细胞癌
  4180. acinose structure ==> 粒状结构
  4181. acinotubular gland ==> 管泡状腺
  4182. acinous carcinoma ==> 腺泡癌
  4183. acinous gland ==> 腺泡腺
  4184. acinus unit of lung ==> 肺腺泡单位
  4185. ACIS, charge-coupled imaging spectrometer ==> 電荷結合画像分光計
  4186. acitor storage (di-cap storage) ==> 二极管电容存储器
  4187. acity fuse (Hi-cap fuse) ==> 大切断功率保险丝
  4188. acivinil alcohols ==> 不饱和酮醇类
  4189. ack pressure ==> 反压
  4190. ACK, acknowledgement ==> 肯定応答
  4191. Acker process ==> 阿克法
  4192. Ackeret method ==> 阿克莱特方法
  4193. Ackerman front axle ==> 阿克曼车前轴
  4194. Ackerman steering ==> 阿克曼车转向驾驶盘
  4195. Ackerman steering gear ==> 阿克曼转向机构
  4196. Ackermann steering ==> 阿克曼转向
  4197. Ackermann's function ==> 阿克曼函数
  4198. acknowledge character ==> 肯定字符,确认字符=>肯定応答文字
  4199. acknowledge character (ACK) ==> 肯定符
  4200. acknowledge circuit ==> 认可电路,警告电路,警告电路
  4201. acknowledge cycle ==> 应答周期
  4202. acknowledge interrupt ==> 肯定中断
  4203. acknowledge signal ==> 肯定信号,证实信号,承认信号
  4204. acknowledge(ment) signal ==> 接受信号
  4205. acknowledged run flag ==> 确认运行标志
  4206. acknowledged sequence number ==> 确认序号
  4207. acknowledgement ==> 确认,肯定应答
  4208. acknowledgement confirmation ==> 确认
  4209. acknowledging contactor ==> 认收接触器
  4210. acknowledging relay ==> 认收继电器,接受继电器
  4211. acknowledging switch ==> 认收开关
  4212. acknowledgment signal ==> 证实信号
  4213. ACLD ==> 带局部放电测量的长时感应电压试验
  4214. aclinic line ==> 地磁赤道,地磁赤道线,无倾线=>無伏角線
  4215. ACLS, automated control and landing system ==> 自動制御着地システム
  4216. ACM, access module ==> アクセスモジュール
  4217. ACM, allocated configuration managemet ==> 配分コンフィギュレーション管理
  4218. ACM, Association for Computing Machinery ==> コンピュータ協会
  4219. ACM, auxiliary core memory ==> 補助コアメモリ
  4220. acme ==> 顶,顶峰期
  4221. Acme (screw) thread ==> 梯形螺纹
  4222. Acme Code ==> 阿克米商业电码
  4223. ACME commodities and phrases code ==> 亚克米商品及用语密码
  4224. Acme Commodity and Phrase Code ==> 阿克米商品及用语密码
  4225. acme harrow ==> 刀齿耙
  4226. acme screw thread ==> 爱克米螺纹
  4227. acme screw-thread ==> 阿克米制螺纹
  4228. ACME supplement ==> 亚克米电码补编
  4229. Acme Supplement ==> 阿克米补编
  4230. Acme thread ==> 埃克米螺纹
  4231. acme thread ==> 爱克米螺纹
  4232. acme thread ga(u)ge ==> 梯形螺纹规
  4233. Acme thread gage ==> 爱克米螺纹规
  4234. acme thread tap ==> 爱克米丝锥
  4235. Acme thread tap ==> 梯形丝锥
  4236. ACMO, Afloat Communications Management Office ==> 海上通信管理事務所
  4237. ACMRR, Advisory Committee on Marine Resources Research ==> 海洋資源研究委員会
  4238. ACMS, Automated Configuration Management System ==> NASA略語(意訳:自動コンフィギュレーション管理システム)
  4239. ACN, approved engineering change notice ==> 承認技術文書変更通知
  4240. ACN, Ascension Island(STDN) ==> NASA略語(アセンション島)(追跡管制ネットワーク)
  4241. ACN, NASA SIDN Station at Ascension Island ==> アセンシオン局
  4242. acne cachecticorum ==> 恶病质痤疮
  4243. acne cornea ==> 角化性痤疮
  4244. acne frontalis ==> 额面痤疮
  4245. acne hypertrophica ==> 肥厚性痤疮
  4246. acne neonatorum ==> 新生儿痤疮
  4247. acne pustule ==> 座瘡膿疱
  4248. ACO, acceptance checkout ==> NASA略語(意訳:受領検査,領収検査)
  4249. ACO, administrative contracting officer ==> 管理契約官
  4250. ACO, Ant Colony Optimization ==> ACO
  4251. ACO, automatic cut out ==> 自動停止
  4252. aconic acid ==> 阿康酸
  4253. Aconite and Licorice ==> 麻黄附子甘草汤
  4254. aconite poisoning ==> 乌头中毒
  4255. aconitic acid ==> 乌头酸
  4256. acoric acid ==> 菖蒲酸
  4257. acorn ==> 橡树果
  4258. acorn calf ==> 橡实犊
  4259. acorn cup ==> 橡碗
  4260. acorn kernel ==> 橡子仁
  4261. acorn nut ==> 盖帽式螺帽,盖形螺母
  4262. acorn planter ==> 橡实点播器
  4263. acorn valve ==> 橡实形电子管
  4264. acorn worm ==> 囊舌虫
  4265. acorn-nut ==> 橡子仁
  4266. acoustic ==> 传音,声学的,声波的,声的
  4267. acoustic absorbant ==> 吸声物质
  4268. acoustic absorbing material ==> 吸音材料
  4269. acoustic absorption ==> 声吸收
  4270. acoustic absorptivity ==> 吸音率,吸声系数
  4271. acoustic admittance ==> 声导纳
  4272. acoustic amplifier ==> 声波放大器,声放大器,扩音器
  4273. acoustic amplitude logger ==> 声波幅度测井仪
  4274. acoustic array ==> 声线列阵
  4275. acoustic assurance period ==> 声量保证期
  4276. acoustic attenuation coefficient ==> 声衰减系数
  4277. acoustic baffle cover ==> 隔音罩
  4278. acoustic beacon ==> 水声信标
  4279. acoustic beam deflector ==> 声束偏转器
  4280. acoustic bearing ==> 声响方位,声测向
  4281. acoustic board ==> 隔音板,吸声板=>吸音板
  4282. acoustic box ==> 助声箱
  4283. acoustic branch ==> 声频支,声频支路,声支路
  4284. acoustic brick ==> 隔音砖,吸声砖
  4285. acoustic bridge ==> 声桥
  4286. acoustic burglar alarm ==> 防盗警报器
  4287. acoustic capacitance ==> 声容
  4288. acoustic capacitance unit ==> 声容单位
  4289. acoustic celotex board ==> 隔音板
  4290. acoustic characteristic ==> 音响特性,声学特性
  4291. acoustic clarifier ==> 声干扰消除器,传声明晰器
  4292. acoustic cochlea ==> 耳迷路
  4293. acoustic colo(u)ration ==> 室内声学条件
  4294. acoustic colo(u)ring ==> 增加音色
  4295. acoustic comfort index (ACI) ==> 声舒适度指数
  4296. acoustic compatibility ==> 声相容性
  4297. acoustic compliance ==> 声容抗,声顺
  4298. acoustic conductance ==> 声导率,声导,传声性
  4299. acoustic conductivity ==> 声导率
  4300. acoustic construction ==> 吸声建筑
  4301. acoustic control ==> 声控
  4302. acoustic control and telemetry system ==> 声控遥测系统
  4303. acoustic corrector ==> 测音诸元修正器
  4304. acoustic countermeasure ==> 声对抗
  4305. acoustic coupler ==> 声音耦合器=>音響カプラ
  4306. acoustic coupling ==> 声音耦合
  4307. acoustic criterion for the environment ==> 环境声学准则
  4308. acoustic current meter ==> 声学海流计
  4309. acoustic damping ==> 声阻尼
  4310. acoustic dazzle ==> 声致眩晕
  4311. acoustic decoy ==> 声响假目标
  4312. acoustic deflection circuit ==> 声偏转电路
  4313. acoustic delay ==> 声延迟
  4314. acoustic delay line ==> 声延迟线,声音延迟线
  4315. acoustic delay-line storage ==> 声延迟线存储器
  4316. acoustic depth finder ==> 回声测深仪
  4317. acoustic depth sounding ==> 回声测深
  4318. acoustic design ==> 声学设计
  4319. acoustic detection ==> 声探测,声波探测
  4320. acoustic detector ==> 声检波器
  4321. acoustic diagnosis ==> 音响诊断
  4322. acoustic diffraction grating ==> 声衍射栅
  4323. acoustic dipole ==> 声偶极子
  4324. acoustic directionfinder ==> 声响探向器
  4325. acoustic dispersion ==> 声频散,声频散射
  4326. acoustic distortion ==> 声畸变
  4327. acoustic domain ==> 声畴
  4328. acoustic Doppler effect ==> 音のドップラー効果
  4329. acoustic doublet ==> 声偶极子
  4330. acoustic duct ==> 声波导
  4331. acoustic echo canceller ==> 音響エコーキャンセラ
  4332. acoustic effects ==> 音响效果
  4333. acoustic effects generator ==> 音响效果发生器
  4334. acoustic effects mixer ==> 音响效果混合器
  4335. acoustic efficiency ==> 声效率=>音響効率
  4336. acoustic element ==> 声学元件
  4337. acoustic emission ==> 声发射,声发射技术
  4338. acoustic emission amplitude ==> 声发射振幅
  4339. acoustic emission analysis system ==> 声发射分析系统
  4340. acoustic emission detection method ==> 調音波法
  4341. acoustic emission detection system ==> 声发射检测系统
  4342. acoustic emission detector ==> 声发射检测仪
  4343. acoustic emission energy ==> 声发射能量
  4344. acoustic emission event ==> 声发射事件
  4345. acoustic emission monitor(ing) ==> 声发射监测
  4346. acoustic emission preamplifier ==> 声发射前置放大器
  4347. acoustic emission pulser ==> 声发射脉冲发生器
  4348. acoustic emission rate ==> 声发射信号,声发射率
  4349. acoustic emission signal processor[conditioner] ==> 声发射信号处理器
  4350. acoustic emission source ==> 声发射源
  4351. acoustic emission source location and analysis system ==> 声发射源定位及分析系统
  4352. acoustic emission source location system ==> 声发射源定位系统
  4353. acoustic emission spectrum ==> 声发射频谱
  4354. acoustic emission technique ==> 声发射技术
  4355. acoustic emission test ==> 声发射检测
  4356. acoustic emission transducer[sensor] ==> 声发射换能器
  4357. acoustic emission wave ==> 声发射波
  4358. acoustic enclosure ==> 隔声罩,用来阻隔设备向外辐射噪声的罩子
  4359. acoustic engineering ==> 声工程学,声学工程
  4360. acoustic equipment ==> 音響装置
  4361. acoustic fatigue ==> 声疲劳
  4362. acoustic feedback ==> 声反馈,声回授=>音響帰還
  4363. acoustic feedback suppression ==> 声反馈抑制,机震抑制
  4364. acoustic fidelity ==> 声保真度,声音保真度,音质
  4365. acoustic figure ==> 声图形
  4366. acoustic filter ==> 声滤波器=>音響フィルタ
  4367. acoustic fix ==> 声响船位
  4368. acoustic frequency ==> 音频
  4369. acoustic frequency generator ==> 声频发生器
  4370. acoustic fuse ==> 声引信,感应引信
  4371. acoustic gas analyzer ==> 声学气体分析器
  4372. acoustic generator ==> 声频发生器,发声器
  4373. acoustic grating ==> 声栅,声光栅
  4374. acoustic guidance ==> 声学制导
  4375. acoustic heating ==> 声加热
  4376. acoustic hologram ==> 声全息图,声全息照片
  4377. acoustic holographic system ==> 声全息系统
  4378. acoustic holography ==> 声全息照相术,声学全息术
  4379. acoustic homing ==> 音响修正
  4380. acoustic homing device ==> 声学寻的装置,声自导装置
  4381. acoustic homing head ==> 声自动引导头
  4382. acoustic homing system ==> 声引导系统,声自导系统,声导引系统
  4383. acoustic horn ==> 射声器,喇叭传话筒
  4384. acoustic image converter ==> 声像变换器,声像转换管
  4385. acoustic impcdance ==> 声阻抗
  4386. acoustic impedance ==> 声阻抗=>音響インピーダンス
  4387. acoustic impedance density ==> 音響インピーダンス密度
  4388. acoustic impulse ==> 声脉冲
  4389. acoustic inertia ==> 声惯量
  4390. acoustic input device ==> 声输入装置,声音输入装置
  4391. acoustic inspection ==> 音响检查
  4392. acoustic instability ==> 声学不稳定性
  4393. acoustic intercept receiver ==> 窃听器
  4394. acoustic interception receiver ==> 声学窃听接收机
  4395. acoustic interferometer ==> 声波干涉仪,声干涉仪
  4396. acoustic intrusion detector ==> 声干涉探测器,声入侵探测器
  4397. acoustic ionization ==> 声致电离
  4398. acoustic jamming ==> 声干扰
  4399. acoustic labyrinth ==> 声迷宫,耳迷路
  4400. acoustic lattice vibration ==> 声学点阵振动
  4401. acoustic lens ==> 声透镜
  4402. acoustic levitation ==> 声悬浮
  4403. acoustic line ==> 声传输线
  4404. acoustic lining ==> 吸声衬垫
  4405. acoustic load ==> 声负荷=>音響負荷
  4406. acoustic logging instrument ==> 声波测井仪
  4407. acoustic Mach meter ==> 声马赫计
  4408. acoustic magnetic mine ==> 声响磁性水雷,磁声水雷
  4409. acoustic malfunction ==> 声失效
  4410. acoustic maser ==> 声脉塞
  4411. acoustic mass reactance ==> 声质量抗
  4412. acoustic matching layer ==> 声匹配层
  4413. acoustic material ==> 吸音材料,声学材料,隔音材料
  4414. acoustic memory ==> 声存储器(计算机的),音存储器,超声波延迟线存储器,声延迟线存储器,声音存储器,声存储器
  4415. acoustic mine ==> 声响水雷,声引信水雷,音响水雷=>音響機雷
  4416. acoustic mirror ==> 声反射镜
  4417. acoustic mismatch ==> 声失配
  4418. acoustic mode ==> 声模=>音響モード
  4419. acoustic modification ==> 音响修正
  4420. acoustic monitoring ==> 声监控,声监听
  4421. acoustic navigation ==> 声导航
  4422. acoustic noise ==> 声噪声=>騒音
  4423. acoustic noise measurement ==> 声噪声测量
  4424. acoustic ocean-current meter ==> 声洋流计
  4425. acoustic ohm ==> 声欧姆
  4426. acoustic optic deflector ==> 声光偏传器
  4427. acoustic organ ==> 螺旋器
  4428. acoustic oscillation ==> 声振荡,音波=>音響振動
  4429. acoustic oscillogram ==> 示声波器
  4430. acoustic oscillograph ==> 声波示波器
  4431. acoustic pad ==> 隔声垫
  4432. acoustic paper ==> 隔音纸
  4433. acoustic particle size analyser ==> 声学粒度分析仪
  4434. acoustic perspective ==> 声的立体感
  4435. acoustic phase coefficient ==> 位相定数
  4436. acoustic phenomenon ==> 音響現象
  4437. acoustic phonon ==> 声频声子
  4438. acoustic phonon scattering ==> 音響フォノン散乱
  4439. acoustic pick-up ==> 唱头
  4440. acoustic plaster ==> 吸声灰膏
  4441. acoustic plaster spray ==> 喷洒式吸音石膏灰泥
  4442. acoustic positioning system ==> 音響測位装置
  4443. acoustic probe ==> 耳声探针,探声管
  4444. acoustic propagation coefficient ==> 声传播系数
  4445. acoustic properties ==> 声频特性
  4446. acoustic Q-switching ==> 超音波Qスイッチング
  4447. acoustic quality ==> 音色
  4448. acoustic quantity transducer[sensor] ==> 声(学量)传感器
  4449. acoustic quartz ==> 传声石英
  4450. acoustic radiation ==> 声辐射
  4451. acoustic radiometer ==> 声辐射计
  4452. acoustic range ==> 声学测距
  4453. acoustic ratio ==> 声比,声强比,声波比
  4454. acoustic reactance ==> 声抗=>音響リアクタンス
  4455. acoustic receiver ==> 声接收机
  4456. acoustic reciprocity theorem ==> 声学互易定理
  4457. acoustic reduction factor ==> 隔音系数
  4458. acoustic reflection correction ==> 声音反射的修正系数
  4459. acoustic reflection shell ==> 声反射罩
  4460. acoustic reflectivity ==> 音响反射性,声反射率
  4461. acoustic reflex enclosure ==> 反音匣
  4462. acoustic regeneration ==> 声反馈,声再生
  4463. acoustic relay ==> 声中继器
  4464. acoustic releaser ==> 声释放器
  4465. acoustic research vessel ==> 水声研究船
  4466. acoustic resistance ==> 声阻=>音響抵抗
  4467. acoustic resistance inspection ==> 声阻检验
  4468. acoustic resonance ==> 音响共鸣=>音響共鳴,音響共振
  4469. acoustic resonance phenomenon ==> 音響共鳴現象
  4470. acoustic resonator ==> 共鸣器,声共振器
  4471. acoustic saturation ==> 声饱和
  4472. acoustic scanner ==> 声学扫描器
  4473. acoustic scattering ==> 声散射
  4474. acoustic screen ==> 声屏蔽,肋声板
  4475. acoustic seal ==> 声密封
  4476. acoustic sense ==> 聴覚
  4477. acoustic sensor ==> 声敏元件=>音響センサ
  4478. acoustic septum ==> 隔音板
  4479. acoustic shadow ==> 声影区
  4480. acoustic shield ==> 隔声罩
  4481. acoustic shielding ==> 声屏,声屏蔽
  4482. acoustic shock ==> 声震
  4483. acoustic shock absorber ==> 声冲击吸收器,冲击声吸收器
  4484. acoustic signal ==> 音响信号=>音響信号
  4485. acoustic signal recognition ==> 声信号识别
  4486. acoustic signature ==> 声特征,声波标记图
  4487. acoustic simulation ==> 声仿真
  4488. acoustic sounder ==> 回声测深仪,回声探测器
  4489. acoustic sounding ==> 声波测深法
  4490. acoustic spectrometer ==> 声谱仪
  4491. acoustic spectrum ==> 声谱
  4492. acoustic speed ==> 音速
  4493. acoustic stiffness reactance ==> 声劲度抗
  4494. acoustic storage ==> 声存储器,声音存储器,超声存储器
  4495. acoustic strain gage ==> 声应变仪
  4496. acoustic strain gauge ==> 声波应变计,发声式应变计
  4497. acoustic streaming ==> 声流
  4498. acoustic surface wave (ASW) ==> 声表面波
  4499. acoustic surveillance ==> 声音监视
  4500. acoustic surveying ==> 音响测量
  4501. acoustic suspension ==> 声支撑
  4502. acoustic system ==> 声系统
  4503. acoustic technique ==> 声学技术
  4504. acoustic test ==> 音响试验
  4505. acoustic testing laboratory ==> 声学测试实验室,噪音测试实验室
  4506. acoustic theodolite ==> 声经纬仪
  4507. acoustic thermometer ==> 声学温度计,声波温度表
  4508. acoustic tide gauge ==> 回声验潮仪
  4509. acoustic tile ==> 隔音墙面砖,隔音砖,吸声瓦
  4510. acoustic timing ==> 声音计时
  4511. acoustic timing machine ==> 声音计时机构,音响计时机构
  4512. acoustic torpedo ==> 音响鱼雷=>音響魚雷
  4513. acoustic tracking ==> 声跟踪
  4514. acoustic transducer ==> 声换能器
  4515. acoustic transducer array ==> 声波换能器阵列,声换能器阵列
  4516. acoustic transducers and instruments ==> 音響機器
  4517. acoustic transformer ==> 音響変成器
  4518. acoustic transmission coefficient ==> 传声系数
  4519. acoustic transmission system ==> 声传输系统,声传输装置
  4520. acoustic transmissivity ==> 声传输性,传声系数
  4521. acoustic transponder ==> 声应答器
  4522. acoustic trauma ==> 声损伤
  4523. acoustic tube ==> 传声筒
  4524. acoustic type strain gage ==> 声学应变仪
  4525. acoustic vector ==> 声矢量
  4526. acoustic velocity correlator ==> 声速相关器
  4527. acoustic velocity logging ==> 声速测井
  4528. acoustic vibration ==> 声学振动,声振动,声波振动
  4529. acoustic wave ==> 声波,音波=>音波
  4530. acoustic wave analysis ==> 声波分析
  4531. acoustic wave sensor ==> 音波センサー
  4532. acoustic wave type ==> 声波方式
  4533. acoustic waveguide ==> 声波导
  4534. acoustic well logging ==> 声测井
  4535. acoustic(al) inertance ==> 声感抗
  4536. acoustic(al) mode scattering ==> 声模散射
  4537. acoustic(al) resonance ==> 声共振
  4538. acoustic(al) switch ==> 声开关
  4539. acoustic-electric index ==> 电声效率
  4540. acoustic-pulse propagation ==> 声脉冲传播
  4541. acoustic-to-optical image converter ==> 声光像转换器
  4542. acoustic-wave amplifier ==> 声波放大器
  4543. acoustical absorption coefficient ==> 吸声系数
  4544. acoustical behavior ==> 声学性能
  4545. acoustical circuit ==> 声路
  4546. acoustical conduction ==> 声导
  4547. acoustical conductivity ==> 传声性
  4548. acoustical construction ==> 隔音构造
  4549. acoustical design ==> 音质设计
  4550. acoustical door ==> 隔音门
  4551. acoustical duct lining ==> 风道隔音衬里
  4552. acoustical enclosure ==> 隔声罩
  4553. acoustical environment ==> 声环境
  4554. acoustical fiber board ==> 吸音纤维板
  4555. acoustical filter ==> 滤声器
  4556. acoustical filter board ==> 滤音板
  4557. acoustical frequency ==> 声频
  4558. acoustical frequency electric ==> 声频大地电场仪
  4559. acoustical hologram ==> 声全息图
  4560. acoustical holography ==> 声全息
  4561. acoustical holography by electron beam scanning ==> 电子束扫描声全息
  4562. acoustical holography by laser scanning ==> 激光束扫描声全息
  4563. acoustical holography by mechanical scanning ==> 机械扫查声全息
  4564. acoustical imaging by Bragg diffraction ==> 布拉格衍射声成像
  4565. acoustical impedance method ==> 声阻法
  4566. acoustical inertance ==> 声质量
  4567. acoustical lens ==> 声透镜
  4568. acoustical mass ==> 声质量
  4569. acoustical material ==> 音响材料,吸音材料
  4570. acoustical measurement ==> 声学量度
  4571. acoustical measurements ==> 声学测量
  4572. acoustical meter ==> 比声计
  4573. acoustical model ==> 声学模型
  4574. acoustical model test ==> 声学模型试验
  4575. acoustical property ==> 声学性能
  4576. acoustical quality design ==> 音质设计
  4577. acoustical reduction coefficient ==> 隔声系数,隔声量
  4578. acoustical reduction factor ==> 隔声量,降声因数
  4579. acoustical reflection factor ==> 声反射因数
  4580. acoustical reproduction ==> 还音,重放声
  4581. acoustical resistance ==> 声阻
  4582. acoustical scale modelling system ==> 声学仿真系统
  4583. acoustical scintillation ==> 音响起伏
  4584. acoustical standing wave field ==> 定在波音場
  4585. acoustical stiffness ==> 声劲
  4586. acoustical telegraphy ==> 声频电报
  4587. acoustical tile ==> 隔音板,吸声砖,吸音板
  4588. acoustical transmission coefficient ==> 透声系数
  4589. acoustical transmission factor ==> 透声系数,传声系数
  4590. acoustical transmittivity ==> 透声系数
  4591. acoustical velocity ==> 声速,音速
  4592. acoustically transparent pressure vessel ==> 透声压力容器
  4593. acoustically treated construction ==> 声处理结构
  4594. acousticolateral system ==> 侧听系统
  4595. acoustics ==> 音響学
  4596. acoustics of room ==> 房间音质
  4597. acoustigram of joint ==> 关节音图
  4598. acoustimeter ==> 声强测量器,测声仪
  4599. acousto electric effect ==> 声电效应
  4600. acousto-electric pressure ratio ==> 声压电压比
  4601. acousto-optic ==> 声光
  4602. acousto-optic beam steering deflector ==> 声光束控制偏转器
  4603. acousto-optic Bragg-diffraction ==> 声光布喇格衍射
  4604. acousto-optic cavity ==> 声光腔
  4605. acousto-optic cell ==> 声光调制器,声光盒
  4606. acousto-optic crystal ==> 声光晶体
  4607. acousto-optic deflection device ==> 声光偏转器
  4608. acousto-optic deflector ==> 声光偏转器
  4609. acousto-optic effect ==> 声光效应
  4610. acousto-optic filter ==> 声光滤波器
  4611. acousto-optic hydrophone ==> 声光水听器
  4612. acousto-optic interaction ==> 声光相互作用
  4613. acousto-optic material ==> 声光材料
  4614. acousto-optic medium ==> 声光介质
  4615. acousto-optic mode-locker frequency double ==> 声光锁模倍频器
  4616. acousto-optic mode-locking ==> 声光锁模
  4617. acousto-optic pulse modulator ==> 声光脉冲调制器
  4618. acousto-optic scanner ==> 声光扫描器
  4619. acousto-optic scanning ==> 声光扫描
  4620. acousto-optical effect ==> 声光效应
  4621. acousto-optical modulation device ==> 声光调制器
  4622. acousto-optically tuned laser ==> 声光调谐激光器
  4623. acousto-photorefractive effect ==> 声光折射效应
  4624. acoustodynamic effect ==> 声动效应
  4625. acoustoelectric index ==> 声电变换效率
  4626. acoustoelectric material ==> 声电材料
  4627. acoustoelectric oscillator ==> 声电振荡器
  4628. acoustoelectric power ratio ==> 声电功率比
  4629. acoustoelectric wave ==> 声电波
  4630. acoustooptic deflector ==> 音響光学偏向器
  4631. acoustooptic effect ==> 音響光学効果
  4632. acoustooptic filter ==> 音響光学フィルタ
  4633. acoustooptic interaction ==> 声光作用
  4634. acoustooptic modulation ==> 声光调制
  4635. acoustooptic modulator ==> 音響光学変調器
  4636. ACP Alternative Compliance Program ==> 符合运营游轮法规的另外的选项
  4637. ACP states ==> 非加太国家
  4638. ACP, astronaut control panel ==> 宇宙飛行士管制パネル
  4639. ACP, attitude control program ==> 姿勢制御プログラム
  4640. ACP, audio control panel ==> 通話制御パネル
  4641. ACPI, Advanced Configuration and Power Interface ==> 高级电源配置电源接口,ACPI is an open industry specification co-developed by Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Microsoft, Phoenix, and Toshiba.
  4642. ACPM, Advisory Committee on Programme Management ==> 欧州計画管理諮問委員会
  4643. ACPM, Attitude Control Propulsion Motor ==> NASA略語(意訳:姿勢制御用推進機)
  4644. ACPS, Attitude Control Propulsion System(Subsystem) ==> NASA略語(意訳:姿勢制御用推進システム)
  4645. ACPSP, The Asian Conference on Power System Protection ==> ACPSP
  4646. ACPT, Accept ==> NASA略語(意訳:領収)
  4647. ACQ, acquisition ==> 捕捉
  4648. acquaintance ==> 知り合い,知人
  4649. acquired arteriovenous fistula ==> 後天性動静脈瘻
  4650. acquired atresia of esophagus ==> 后天性食管闭锁
  4651. acquired atresia of vagina ==> 后天性阴道闭锁
  4652. acquired broncho-esophageal fistula ==> 后天性支气管食管瘘
  4653. acquired cardiovascular disease ==> 后天性心血管病
  4654. acquired character ==> 获得性特性
  4655. acquired coagulation factor deficiency ==> 获得性凝血因子缺乏
  4656. acquired company ==> 被收购公司,出盘公司
  4657. acquired defect ==> 后天缺损
  4658. acquired deformity ==> 后天性畸形
  4659. acquired deformity of hip joint ==> 后天性髋关节畸形
  4660. acquired deformity of thorax ==> 后天性胸廓畸形
  4661. acquired disposition ==> 后天因素
  4662. acquired diverticulum of ureter ==> 后天性输尿管憩室
  4663. acquired drive ==> 习得内驱力
  4664. acquired hernia ==> 后天性疝
  4665. acquired hour-glass stomach ==> 后天性葫芦胃
  4666. acquired hydrocephalus ==> 后天性脑积水
  4667. acquired immunity ==> 后天免疫,获得免疫性,获得性免疫
  4668. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) ==> 爱滋病
  4669. acquired immunologic tolerance ==> 获得性免疫耐受性
  4670. acquired pes planus ==> 后天性平足
  4671. acquired reflex ==> 后天反射
  4672. acquired stricture of esophagus ==> 后天性食管狭窄
  4673. acquired surplus ==> 已取得盈余滚存
  4674. acquired tolerance ==> 后天耐受性
  4675. acquiring party ==> 让受方
  4676. acquisiting cobweb sample ==> 蜘蛛网状物获得
  4677. acquisiting sample of sap ==> 汁液样品获得
  4678. acquisition ==> 采集,捕获,让受,习得,接办企业,接管企业=>捕そく,取得,獲得,習得,捕捉,収集
  4679. acquisition adjustment ==> 取得额调整数
  4680. acquisition and exchange ==> 取得と交換
  4681. acquisition and tracking radar ==> 捕获和跟踪雷达
  4682. acquisition approval ==> 拨地
  4683. acquisition commission ==> 募集手数料
  4684. acquisition control ==> 取得管理
  4685. acquisition cost ==> 取得成本
  4686. acquisition equipment ==> 捕获装置
  4687. acquisition expenses for buildings ==> 房屋购置费
  4688. acquisition Frequency ==> 捕获频率=>引込み周波数
  4689. acquisition laser ==> 搜索激光器
  4690. acquisition mode ==> 捕获方式
  4691. acquisition model ==> 获得模式
  4692. acquisition of concessions ==> 让与权取得
  4693. acquisition of exchange value ==> 取得交换价植
  4694. acquisition of intellectual property rights ==> 知的財産権の獲得
  4695. acquisition of right ==> 权益取得
  4696. acquisition of technology ==> 取得技术
  4697. acquisition parameter ==> 采集参数
  4698. acquisition phase ==> 采购阶段
  4699. acquisition price ==> 收购价
  4700. acquisition probability ==> 捕获概率,占用概率
  4701. acquisition processor ==> 采集处理机
  4702. acquisition radar ==> 目标指示雷达
  4703. acquisition sensor ==> 探测传感器
  4704. acquisition strategy ==> 采购策略
  4705. acquisition time ==> 收集时间
  4706. acquisitive prescription ==> 取得时效
  4707. ACR, active cavity radiometer ==> 太陽定数放射計
  4708. ACR, air conditioning room ==> 空調機械室
  4709. ACR, approach control radar ==> 進入管制レーダ
  4710. ACR, constant current control or automatic current regulator ==> 定電流制御
  4711. ACR-1000 ==> 钍基燃料先进重水堆
  4712. Acramin pigment colours ==> 阿克拉明涂料
  4713. acre-yield ==> 英亩产量
  4714. acreage ==> 地積
  4715. acreage meter ==> 田间作业面积计数器
  4716. acreage under crop ==> 播种面积
  4717. acreage under cultivation ==> 耕种面积
  4718. Acree's reaction ==> 阿克里反应
  4719. acrid poison ==> 刺激性毒,烈性毒药
  4720. acridine dye ==> 吖啶染料
  4721. acridine orange ==> 吖啶橙
  4722. acridine orange flourescent staining ==> 吖啶橙荧光染色法
  4723. acridine orange staining method ==> 吖啶橙染色法
  4724. acridine red ==> 吖啶红
  4725. acridine system dye ==> 吖啶系染料
  4726. acridine yellow ==> 吖啶黄
  4727. acridinic acid ==> 吖啶酸
  4728. acriflavinium chloride ==> 吖啶黄
  4729. ACRIM, Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor ==> 太陽定数モニタ
  4730. acro-edema ==> 肢肿症
  4731. acrobatic dance ==> 曲芸ダンス
  4732. acrocentric chromosome ==> 近端着丝点染色体
  4733. acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans ==> 慢性萎缩性肢皮炎
  4734. acrodermatitis perstans ==> 持久性肢皮炎,持续性肢皮炎
  4735. acroleic acid ==> 丙烯酸
  4736. acrolein poisoning ==> 丙烯醛中毒
  4737. acrolein test ==> 丙烯醛试验
  4738. acromegalic face ==> 肢端肥大症面容
  4739. acromegalic gigantism ==> 巨人性肢端肥大症,巨人性肢端肥大症
  4740. acromial branch of thoracoacromial artery ==> 肩峰支
  4741. acromial extremity of clavicle ==> 肩峰端
  4742. acromial network ==> 肩峰网
  4743. acromioclavicular arthrodesis ==> 肩锁关节固定术
  4744. acromioclavicular joint ==> 肩锁关节
  4745. acron bar ==> 六角栅条
  4746. Acronol dye ==> 阿克罗诺染料
  4747. acronym ==> 首字母缩略词=>アクロニム,頭字語(頭文字語)
  4748. acronyms ==> 缩写字,字头语,首字母缩写=>頭字語
  4749. acropigmentation progressiva ==> 进行性肢端色素沉着病
  4750. acrosomic system ==> 顶体系统
  4751. across bulkhead ==> 横向隔墙
  4752. across corners ==> 对角
  4753. across cutting ==> 横向切割
  4754. across frequency ==> 交叉频率,分频频率
  4755. across impact matrix ==> 交叉影响矩阵
  4756. across the line moter ==> 直接起动电动机
  4757. across the line starter ==> 直接起动器
  4758. across the line starting ==> 直接起动
  4759. across-the-board cut ==> 全面削减
  4760. across-the-board increase ==> 普遍增加工资
  4761. across-the-board reduction ==> 每项费用均衡缩减
  4762. across-the-board tariff changes ==> 全面调整关税
  4763. across-the-board tariff reductions ==> 全面降低关税
  4764. across-the-board tax cut ==> 全面减税,普遍减税
  4765. across-the-line ==> 跨接在线路上
  4766. across-the-line motor ==> 全压起动电动机,直接起动电动机,直接启动式电动机
  4767. across-the-line starting ==> 直接起动
  4768. ACRV, Assured Crew Return Vehicle ==> 搭乗員緊急機関機
  4769. acryl acid ==> 丙烯酸
  4770. acryl glass ==> 丙烯酸酯类有机玻璃,有机玻璃
  4771. acryl resin ==> 丙烯树脂
  4772. acryl-nitrile rubber ==> 丙烯腈橡胶
  4773. acrylamide dye ==> 丙烯酰胺染料
  4774. acrylate ==> 丙烯酸盐,丙烯酸酯,丙烯酸酯树脂
  4775. acrylate coated fiber ==> 丙烯酸酯涂覆光纤
  4776. acrylate copolymer ==> 丙烯酸聚合物
  4777. acrylate plastic paint ==> 丙烯酸酯塑料涂料
  4778. acrylate resin ==> 丙烯酸酯树脂=>アクリル樹脂
  4779. acrylate-butadiene rubber ==> 丙烯酸丁二烯橡胶
  4780. Acrylene dye ==> 阿克里利染料
  4781. acrylic ==> アクリル
  4782. acrylic acid ==> 丙烯酸,丙烯酸的=>アクリル酸
  4783. acrylic acid paint ==> 丙烯酸酸性涂料
  4784. acrylic acid series ==> 丙烯酸系
  4785. acrylic anhydride ==> 丙烯酸酐
  4786. acrylic baking enamel ==> 丙烯酸烘干磁漆
  4787. acrylic baking hammer finish ==> 丙烯酸烘干锤纹漆
  4788. acrylic baking paint ==> 丙烯酸烘漆
  4789. acrylic baking transparent paint ==> 丙烯酸透明烘漆
  4790. acrylic baking varnish ==> 丙烯酸烘干清漆
  4791. acrylic based emulsion ==> 丙烯酸乳胶
  4792. acrylic binder for pigment printing ==> 丙烯酸涂料印花粘合剂
  4793. acrylic brilliant paint ==> 丙烯酸自干闪光漆
  4794. acrylic coated fiber ==> 丙烯酸涂覆光纤
  4795. acrylic coating for plastics ==> 丙烯酸塑料漆
  4796. acrylic colour ==> 丙烯酸染料
  4797. acrylic continuous filament ==> 丙烯腈系长丝
  4798. acrylic electro static spraying baking enamel ==> 丙烯酸静电烘干磁漆
  4799. acrylic electro static spraying baking varnish ==> 丙烯酸静电烘清漆
  4800. acrylic emulsion binder ==> 丙烯酸粘合乳剂
  4801. acrylic emulsion thickener ==> 丙烯酸乳液增稠剂
  4802. acrylic enamel ==> 丙烯酸磁漆
  4803. acrylic epoxy baking paint ==> 丙烯酸环氧烘漆
  4804. acrylic ester ==> 丙烯酸酯
  4805. acrylic fiber ==> 丙烯酸纤维
  4806. acrylic fibre ==> 丙烯腈系纤维,亚克力纤维=>アクリル繊維
  4807. acrylic fitting ==> 压克力配件
  4808. acrylic flashing paint ==> 丙烯酸闪光漆
  4809. acrylic glass ==> 丙烯酸玻璃
  4810. acrylic lacquer ==> 丙烯酸清漆
  4811. acrylic latex ==> 丙烯酸胶乳
  4812. acrylic latex coating ==> 丙烯酸乳胶漆
  4813. acrylic lens ==> 丙烯酸有机玻璃透镜
  4814. acrylic low-temperature baking enamel ==> 低温丙烯酸烘干磁漆
  4815. acrylic low-temperature baking varnish ==> 丙烯酸低温烘清漆
  4816. acrylic matte water soluble baking paint ==> 丙烯酸无光烘干水溶性漆
  4817. acrylic metallic baking paint ==> 丙烯酸金属烘漆
  4818. acrylic modified amino-alkyd baking varnish ==> 丙烯酸改性氨基烘清漆
  4819. acrylic modified nitrocellulose enamel ==> 丙烯酸改性硝基磁漆
  4820. acrylic modified nitrocellulose lacquer ==> 丙烯酸改性硝基清漆
  4821. acrylic modified vinyl perchloride enamel ==> 丙烯酸改性过氯乙烯磁漆
  4822. acrylic nitrocellulose lacquer ==> 丙烯酸硝基清漆
  4823. acrylic orange peel enamel ==> 丙烯酸桔皮磁漆
  4824. acrylic orange-figured paint ==> 丙烯酸桔纹漆
  4825. acrylic outdoor enamel ==> 丙烯酸外用磁漆
  4826. acrylic outdoor varnish ==> 丙烯酸外用清漆
  4827. acrylic packing resin ==> 丙烯酸填充性树脂
  4828. acrylic paint ==> 丙烯酸漆
  4829. acrylic painting ==> 丙烯画
  4830. acrylic panel ==> 丙烯塑料板,丙烯酸板
  4831. acrylic plastering ==> 丙烯酸抹灰
  4832. acrylic plastic ==> アクリル樹脂
  4833. acrylic plastic glazing ==> 丙烯酸有机玻璃
  4834. acrylic plastics ==> 丙烯酸塑料
  4835. acrylic polyelectrolyte ==> 丙烯酸聚合电解质,丙烯酸类聚电解质
  4836. acrylic polymer based sealant ==> 丙烯酸嵌缝膏
  4837. acrylic polymers ==> 丙烯聚合物
  4838. acrylic polyurethane coating ==> 丙烯酸聚氨酯漆
  4839. acrylic polyurethane enamel ==> 丙烯酸聚氨酯磁漆
  4840. acrylic polyurethane wall paint-exterior ==> 丙烯酸聚氨酯外墙面漆
  4841. acrylic quick drying baking paint ==> 丙烯酸快干烘漆
  4842. acrylic quick drying baking varnish ==> 丙烯酸快干烘清漆
  4843. acrylic resin ==> 丙烯酸类树脂,丙烯酸树脂,丙烯酸系树脂=>アクリル樹脂
  4844. acrylic resin tooth ==> 丙烯酸树脂牙
  4845. acrylic rooflighting sheet ==> 丙烯酸屋顶采光板
  4846. acrylic rubber ==> 丙烯酸类橡胶,丙烯酸橡胶
  4847. acrylic semi-gloss water soluble baking paint ==> 丙烯酸半光烘干水溶性漆
  4848. acrylic size ==> 丙烯酸浆料
  4849. acrylic syrup ==> 丙烯酸树脂浆
  4850. acrylic tile ==> 丙烯酸屋面采光瓦
  4851. acrylic varnish ==> 丙烯酸清漆
  4852. acrylic veneer crown ==> 丙烯酸酯罩冠
  4853. acrylic wall paint ==> 丙烯酸外墙涂料
  4854. acrylic wall sealer ==> 丙烯酸墙封
  4855. acrylic water based putty ==> 丙烯酸水性腻子
  4856. acrylic water-soluble transparent baking paint ==> 丙烯酸透明烘干水溶性漆
  4857. acrylic-nitrile rubber ==> 丙烯腈橡胶
  4858. acrylics ==> 丙烯酸脂类
  4859. acryloid cement ==> 丙烯酸粘合剂
  4860. acrylonitrile butadiene rubber ==> 丁腈橡胶
  4861. acrylonitrile butadiene styrene resin ==> 丙烯腈二乙烯丁二烯树脂
  4862. acrylonitrile poisoning ==> 丙烯腈中毒
  4863. acrylonitrile rubber ==> 丁腈橡胶
  4864. acrylonitrile waste ==> 含丙烯腈废液
  4865. acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber ==> 丁腈橡胶
  4866. acryloyl chloride ==> 丙烯酰氯
  4867. ACS American Chemical Society ==> 美国化学学会
  4868. ACS AOCS, attitude and orbit control system ==> 姿勢軌道制御系
  4869. ACS Arab Classification Society ==> 阿拉伯分级协会
  4870. ACS, Annular Coupled Structure ==> 環状結合空洞型リニアック
  4871. ACS, Application Contents Service ==> ACS,OGSAサービスの一つ
  4872. ACS, Atmosphere Control and Supply ==> 大気制御及び供給
  4873. ACS, attitude control and stabilization ==> 姿勢制御及び安定化
  4874. ACS, attitude control subsystem ==> 姿勢制御サブシステム
  4875. ACS, attitude control system ==> 姿勢制御システム
  4876. ACS, Automated Control System ==> 自動制御システム
  4877. ACSAP, attitude control system analysis program ==> 姿勢制御系解析プログラム
  4878. ACSE, attitude control system electronics ==> 姿勢制御系エレクトロニクス
  4879. ACSI, Abstract Common Service Interface ==> 抽象通信服务接口
  4880. ACSI, Abstract Communication Service Interface ==> ACSI
  4881. ACSR ==> 钢芯铝线
  4882. ACSR, aluminium conductor steel reinforced ==> 鋼心アルミより線,鋼心アルミ線
  4883. ACSR, steel-cored aluminium cable ==> 鋼心アルミより線
  4884. ACSR, steel-reinforced aluminium cable ==> 鋼心アルミより線
  4885. ACSS, aluminum conductor steel supported ==> ACSS
  4886. ACST, access time ==> 存取时间
  4887. act curtain ==> 大幕
  4888. act drop ==> 大幕
  4889. act for the encouragement of trade ==> 贸易促进条例
  4890. act of bankruptcy ==> 破产法,破产行为
  4891. act of defence ==> 防卫行为,防御行为
  4892. act of flood control ==> 防洪法令
  4893. act of foreign states ==> 非本国行为
  4894. Act of God ==> 天灾
  4895. act of honor ==> 信誉承兑
  4896. act of randomization ==> 随机化行动
  4897. act of sale ==> 销售记录,卖契
  4898. act of the seller ==> 卖方的行为
  4899. act on ==> 作用于
  4900. Act on Special Measures concerning Sweetening Resources ==> 甘味資源特別措置法
  4901. act tax ==> 行为税
  4902. ACT, active control technology ==> アクティブコントロール技術
  4903. ACT, actual ==> NASA略語(意訳:実際の)
  4904. ACT, actuate actuator ==> NASA略語(駆動,アクチュエータ)
  4905. ACT, actuator ==> アクチュエータ
  4906. ACT, artemisinin-based combination therapy ==> アルテミシニンをベースにした併用療法
  4907. Acta Crystallographica ==> 晶体学报
  4908. ACTCS, Active Thermal Control System ==> 能動型熱制御システム
  4909. acteristic of char residue ==> 焦渣特征
  4910. ACTH test ==> 促肾上腺皮质激素试验
  4911. ACTH-like structure ==> 促肾皮素状结构
  4912. actin ==> アクチン
  4913. actin binding protein ==> 肌动蛋白结合蛋白
  4914. actin bundle ==> アクチン束
  4915. actin dysfunction syndrome ==> 肌动蛋白机能障碍综合征
  4916. actin filament ==> 肌动蛋白微丝
  4917. actin--myosin network ==> アクチン-ミオシンネットワーク
  4918. acting area (spot) lighting ==> 舞台前台(聚光)照明
  4919. acting area light ==> 表演区灯
  4920. acting computer ==> 连续动作计算机
  4921. acting force ==> 作用力
  4922. acting speed measurement ==> 動作速度計測
  4923. acting surface ==> 工作面=>圧力面
  4924. acting time ==> 動作時間
  4925. actinic balance ==> 分光测热计
  4926. actinic chemistry ==> 光化学
  4927. actinic dermatitis ==> 光化性皮炎,光激性皮炎=>光線性皮膚炎
  4928. actinic dose ==> 光効果照射量
  4929. actinic effect ==> 光化效应
  4930. actinic focus ==> 光化焦点
  4931. actinic glass ==> 光化玻璃
  4932. actinic green ==> 光化绿,(毒物瓶用的)光化绿玻璃
  4933. actinic lamp ==> 光化灯
  4934. actinic light ==> 光化光,光化性光
  4935. actinic radiation ==> 光化辐射
  4936. actinic ray ==> 化学线
  4937. actinic ray ophthalmia ==> 光化性眼炎
  4938. actinic rays ==> 光化射线
  4939. actinic-green glass ==> 光化绿玻璃
  4940. actinide chloride ==> 锕系元素氯化物
  4941. actinide contraction ==> 锕系收缩
  4942. actinide halide ==> 锕系元素卤化物
  4943. actinide oxyfluoride ==> 锕系元素氟氧化物
  4944. actinium ==> '
  4945. actinium emanation actinon ==> 锕射气
  4946. actinium lead ==> 锕铅
  4947. actinocytic type of stomata ==> 辐射型气孔
  4948. actinogram ==> 日射曲线图,光能曲线图=>自記日射計記録
  4949. actinometer ==> 光能计,直接日射强度表,日射表=>アクチノメーター,光量計,日射計,露光計
  4950. actinometer paper ==> 光化线强度记录纸
  4951. actinomyces ==> 放线菌
  4952. Actinomyces ==> 放线菌属
  4953. Actinomyces bovis ==> 牛放线菌,牛型放线菌
  4954. Actinomyces israeli ==> 伊色列氏放线菌
  4955. Actinomyces madurae ==> 足肿放线菌
  4956. actinomycete ==> 放线菌
  4957. actinomycosis of appendix ==> 阑尾放线菌病
  4958. actinomycosis of bladder ==> 膀胱放线菌病
  4959. actinomycosis of chest wall ==> 胸壁放线菌病
  4960. actinomycosis of genito-urinary system ==> 泌尿生殖系放线菌病
  4961. actinomycosis of nose ==> 鼻放线菌病
  4962. actinomycosis of penis ==> 阴茎放线菌病
  4963. actinomycosis of seminal vesicle ==> 精囊放线菌病
  4964. actinomycosis of testis ==> 睾丸放线菌病
  4965. actinomycotic infection ==> 放线菌感染
  4966. actinouranium ==> '铀
  4967. action ==> 装填装置,动作,作用量,措施=>作用,処置
  4968. action and reaction ==> 作用和反作用,作用与反作用,作用与反作用相等原理
  4969. action art ==> 行为艺术
  4970. action at a distance ==> 超距作用
  4971. action at a distance theory ==> 超距作用理论
  4972. action bars ==> 操作杆
  4973. action by contact ==> 接触作用
  4974. action center ==> 作用中心
  4975. action command ==> 运行命令
  4976. action command and weapon control system ==> 指挥控制系统
  4977. action correction ==> 动作校正
  4978. action course ==> 行動方針
  4979. action current ==> 作用电流,动作电流
  4980. action current of muscle ==> 肌肉活动电流
  4981. action cycle ==> 动作周期,工作周期
  4982. action directive ==> 动作控制命令
  4983. action element ==> 执行元件
  4984. action for compensation for loss ==> 要求赔偿损失的诉讼
  4985. action for reimbursement ==> 要求补偿的诉讼
  4986. action for restitution ==> 要求退还原物的诉讼
  4987. action force ==> 作用力
  4988. action integral ==> 作用量积分
  4989. action lag ==> 行动时滞
  4990. action length ==> 作用长度
  4991. action level ==> 干预水平
  4992. action level (environmental quality performance limit) ==> 行动水平(环境质素表现规限)
  4993. action limit ==> 处置界限,行动点
  4994. action line ==> 作用线,激励行
  4995. action message ==> 请求操作信息,请求干预消息,动作消息,动作信息
  4996. action of contace poison ==> 触杀作用
  4997. action of essential amino acid ==> 必需氨基酸作用
  4998. action of gravity ==> 重力作用
  4999. action of points ==> 尖端作用
  5000. action of restitution ==> 要求宣判契约无效的诉讼
  5001. action of sheet erosion ==> 片状侵蚀作用
  5002. action of silicium dust ==> 矽尘作用
  5003. action of the wind ==> 风力作用
  5004. action oriented program ==> 面向行动的方案
  5005. action painting ==> 行为派绘画
  5006. action parameter ==> 行动参数
  5007. action period ==> 作用周期
  5008. action pitch ==> 作用节距
  5009. action plan ==> 行动计划=>アクションプラン
  5010. action potential ==> 动作电位
  5011. action potential of muscle ==> 肌肉活动电位
  5012. action potential of smooth muschle cells ==> 平滑肌细胞动作电位
  5013. action principle ==> 作用量原理,作用原理
  5014. action program plans ==> 行动方案计划
  5015. action pulse ==> 动作冲量
  5016. action radius ==> 作用半径
  5017. action research ==> 行动研究
  5018. action roller ==> 动辊
  5019. action routine ==> 动作例行程序,活动程序
  5020. action schedule ==> 动作表
  5021. action sketch ==> 动作草图
  5022. action skill ==> 行动技能
  5023. action slow ==> 慢动作
  5024. action space ==> 行为空间
  5025. action specification ==> 动作说明
  5026. action spectrum ==> 作用光谱=>作用スペクトル
  5027. action spot ==> 作用点,工作点
  5028. action spring ==> 撞针簧
  5029. action stretch ==> 高弹性伸缩
  5030. action time ==> 动作时间
  5031. action token ==> 动作记号
  5032. action training ==> 行动训练
  5033. action turbine ==> 冲击式水轮机
  5034. action variable ==> 作用变数
  5035. action variable in decision situation ==> 决策形势中的行动变量,决策形势中的行动变量
  5036. action wheel ==> 主动轮
  5037. action-centered leadership ==> 以活动为中心的领导方式训练
  5038. action-oriented studies ==> 面向行动的研究
  5039. action-reaction law ==> 作用反作用定律
  5040. actionable course of action ==> 可行行动
  5041. actionable fire ==> 违法火,违禁火
  5042. actithiazic acid ==> 阿克唑酸
  5043. activate ==> 活化,活性化,激化=>活性化
  5044. activate business ==> 扩展业务
  5045. activate button ==> 起动按扭
  5046. activate key ==> 起动键
  5047. activated absorption ==> 活性吸附
  5048. activated adsorption ==> 活性吸附
  5049. activated alumina ==> 活性矾土,活性铝土,活性氧化铝
  5050. activated aluminium oxide ==> 活性氧化铝
  5051. activated amino acid ==> 活化氨基酸
  5052. activated atom ==> 激活原子
  5053. activated bleaching earth ==> 活性漂土
  5054. activated calcium carbonate ==> 活性炭酸钙
  5055. activated carbide ==> 活性碳化物
  5056. activated carbon ==> 活性碳
  5057. activated carbon absorber ==> 活性碳除味器
  5058. activated carbon black ==> 活性炭黑
  5059. activated carbon fibre ==> 活化炭纤维
  5060. activated carbon flue gasdesulfurization ==> 活性炭烟气脱硫,依靠活性炭的吸附作用,将烟气中硫氧化物吸附在活性炭表面进行脱硫的工艺
  5061. activated carburizing ==> 活性渗碳
  5062. activated carrier ==> 激活载体
  5063. activated cathode ==> 激活阴极
  5064. activated center ==> 活化中心
  5065. activated char ==> 活性炭
  5066. activated chlorine ==> 活性氯
  5067. activated clay ==> 活性粘土
  5068. activated complex ==> 活化复体,活化络合物,活性化络合物
  5069. activated earth ==> 活性陶土
  5070. activated electrode ==> 激活电极
  5071. activated fibre ==> 活性纤维
  5072. activated form ==> 活化型
  5073. activated group ==> 活化基团
  5074. activated macrophage ==> 活化巨噬细胞
  5075. activated material ==> 激活物质
  5076. activated molecule ==> 活化分子
  5077. activated pancreatic enzyme ==> 活性胰酶
  5078. activated petroleum coke ==> 活性石油焦
  5079. activated phosphor ==> 激活荧光粉
  5080. activated silica ==> 活性硅,活性硅土
  5081. activated silica gel ==> 活化硅胶,活性硅胶
  5082. activated silicate glass ==> 活化硅酸盐玻璃,激活硅酸盐玻璃
  5083. activated sintering ==> 活化烧结
  5084. activated sludge ==> 活化污泥,活性淤泥
  5085. activated sludge floc ==> 活性污泥块
  5086. activated sludge loading ==> 活性污泥负荷
  5087. activated sludge plant ==> 活化污泥设施
  5088. activated sludge process ==> 活性污泥法
  5089. activated sludge pump ==> 活性污泥泵
  5090. activated sludge settling tank ==> 活性污泥沉淀池
  5091. activated sludge system ==> 活性泥碳系统,活性污泥系统
  5092. activated state ==> 活化态,活化状态,活性状态,激活状态
  5093. activated substance ==> 激活物质
  5094. activated surface ==> 激活面
  5095. activated switch light active switch ==> 光敏开关
  5096. activated vitamin D ==> 活性维生素D
  5097. activated zinc oxide ==> 活性氧化锌
  5098. activated-sludge effluent ==> 活性污泥废液
  5099. activated-sludge process ==> 活化污泥法,活性污泥处理法
  5100. activating agent ==> 活性剂,放射化物质
  5101. activating carburizing ==> 活性渗碳
  5102. activating catalyst ==> 活化催化剂
  5103. activating isotope ==> 活化同位素
  5104. activating oxide ==> 活性氧化物
  5105. activating property ==> 活性化特性
  5106. activating reagent ==> 活化试剂
  5107. activating signal ==> 起动信号
  5108. activation ==> 激活,起动,驱动,敏化,触发,活化,活化法,活化过程,活化作用,活性化作用,激活激励,激活作用,致活=>活性化
  5109. activation accommodation ==> 激活调节
  5110. activation adsorption ==> 活化吸附作用
  5111. activation analysis ==> 活化分析,激化分析,激活分析
  5112. activation centre ==> 激活中心
  5113. activation coefficient ==> 活化系数
  5114. activation control ==> 活化控制
  5115. activation cross section ==> 活化载面
  5116. activation cross-section ==> 活化截面
  5117. activation cycle ==> 激活周期
  5118. activation detector ==> 活化探测器
  5119. activation energy ==> 活化能=>活性化エネルギー
  5120. activation enthalpy ==> 活化焓
  5121. activation entropy ==> 活化熵
  5122. activation experiment ==> 激活试验
  5123. activation factor ==> 活化因子,致活因子
  5124. activation fiber ==> 激活纤维
  5125. activation fragment ==> 激励段
  5126. activation grade ==> 活化度
  5127. activation heat ==> 活化热
  5128. activation level ==> 激动水平
  5129. activation mechanism ==> 激活机制
  5130. activation number ==> 活化值
  5131. activation of a procedure ==> 过程的激活
  5132. activation of amino acid ==> 氨基酸活化
  5133. activation of block ==> 程序块启动
  5134. activation of blocks ==> 分程序的活动
  5135. activation of calcium ==> 增湿活化,为提高炉内喷钙脱硫法的脱硫效率,使烟气在活化反应器中喷水增湿,烟气中未反应的CaO与水反应生成Ca(OH)2,Ca(OH)2与烟气中未反应的SO2进一步发生反应,从而提高脱硫效率
  5136. activation of coagulation system ==> 凝血系统活化
  5137. activation of epithermal neutron ==> 超热中子活化
  5138. activation of erzymes ==> 酶致活作用
  5139. activation of fatty acid ==> 脂肪酸活化
  5140. activation of zymogen ==> 酶原激活
  5141. activation over voltage ==> 活性化過電圧
  5142. activation parameter ==> 活化参量
  5143. activation pointer ==> 激励指示字
  5144. activation polarization ==> 活化极化
  5145. activation potential ==> 活化电势
  5146. activation process ==> 敏化过程
  5147. activation property ==> 活性化特性
  5148. activation record ==> 现役记录
  5149. activation stack ==> 激活栈
  5150. activation system ==> 激活系统
  5151. activation temperature ==> 活化温度
  5152. activation volume ==> 活化容积
  5153. activation-type orogeny ==> 活动型造山作用
  5154. activator ==> 活化剂,活化器,活性剂,激动素,激活质,激励器,致活剂,催化剂,污化剂
  5155. activator atom ==> 激活原子
  5156. activator centre ==> 激活中心
  5157. activator development ==> 激活显影
  5158. activator member ==> 起動部材
  5159. activator RNA ==> 激活核糖核酸
  5160. active ==> 活动的,有效的,活性的,激活的,操作的,主动,主动的,工作的,有源,有源的=>活性の
  5161. active absorption ==> 主动吸收
  5162. active account ==> 流动帐户
  5163. active acidity ==> 活性酸度=>有效酸度
  5164. active agent ==> 活化剂,活性剂
  5165. active alkali ==> 活性碱
  5166. active aluminium oxide ==> 活性氧化铝
  5167. active amyl propionate ==> 丙酸旋性戊酯
  5168. active anaphylaxis ==> 自动过敏反应
  5169. active antenna ==> 辐射天线,激励天线
  5170. active antiroll system ==> 主动抗摇系统
  5171. active area ==> 有效面积,工作面积=>(電極)作用面積
  5172. active army of laborers ==> 现役劳动军
  5173. active assay ==> 有源[活化]分析
  5174. active atom ==> 激活原子
  5175. active attention ==> 主动注意
  5176. active augmentation methods ==> 有[外动力]源的强化换热方法
  5177. active augmentation system ==> 主动放大系统
  5178. active autofocusing ==> 有效自聚焦
  5179. active balance ==> 等效平衡,节余
  5180. active balance return loss ==> 有源平衡回程损耗
  5181. active bank ==> 可使用数据库
  5182. active biological surface ==> 活性生物表面
  5183. active bleeding ==> 活动性出血
  5184. active block ==> 有源组件
  5185. active braking distance ==> 实际制动距离
  5186. active bud ==> 活动芽,活性芽
  5187. active business ==> 推动业务
  5188. active carbon ==> 活性碳=>活性炭
  5189. active carbon filter ==> 活性炭过滤器
  5190. active card ==> 常用卡片,现用卡片
  5191. active carrier ==> 活性载体,病期带菌者,主动带菌者
  5192. active catch ==> (阀门分配机构的)活动挡
  5193. active cathode life ==> 活性阴极寿命
  5194. active cavity ==> 激活腔
  5195. active cell ==> 动子
  5196. active center ==> 有效中心,活动中心,活性中心
  5197. active centre ==> 活化中心
  5198. active centres ==> 活性中心
  5199. active chaff ==> 有源干扰物
  5200. active chain ==> 有效链
  5201. active channel ==> 占线通道
  5202. active charcoal ==> 活性炭
  5203. active chlorine ==> 活性氯
  5204. active chromatin ==> 活动性染色质
  5205. active chromosphere ==> 活动色球
  5206. active chromosphere star ==> 活动色球星
  5207. active circuit ==> 有源电路,有效电路=>能動回路
  5208. active cirque ==> 活动冰斗
  5209. active clay ==> 活性粘土,有效粘土
  5210. active coating ==> 活性涂层,激活层
  5211. active coil ==> 有效线圈=>有効コイル
  5212. active commerce ==> 以本国船只运输的贸易
  5213. active component ==> 有效部分,有功电流,有功分量,有源元件,活性部件,活性组分,能动部件,依靠触发、机械运动或动力源等外部输入而行使功能的部件=>有効分,能動部品,能動素子
  5214. active component of current ==> 电流有功分量
  5215. active component part ==> 能動部品
  5216. active computer ==> 在用计算机
  5217. active condition ==> 活性状态
  5218. active conductor ==> 有效导体
  5219. active connector ==> 有源连接器
  5220. active constituent ==> 活性组分=>有功部分
  5221. active continental margin ==> 活动大陆边缘
  5222. active control ==> アクティブ制御
  5223. active cooling surface ==> 有效冷却面,有效散热面
  5224. active corona ==> 活动日冕
  5225. active corpus luteum ==> 活性黄体
  5226. active correlator ==> 主动相关器
  5227. active cross-section ==> 水流断面
  5228. active crystalline material ==> 激活晶体物质
  5229. active current ==> 有效电流,有功电流=>有効電流
  5230. active data area ==> 现用数据区
  5231. active day ==> 活动日
  5232. active debt ==> 需付利息的债务
  5233. active decoy ==> 主动假目标
  5234. active defect ==> 运行故障
  5235. active defence against locusts ==> 主动防御蝗虫
  5236. active demand ==> 迫切需要
  5237. active depesit ==> 活性淀积
  5238. active detection method ==> 能動的方式
  5239. active device ==> 激活装置,能动元件,有源器件
  5240. active display ==> 主动式显示
  5241. active divider ==> 主动分禾器
  5242. active Doppler velocity sensor ==> 主动多普勒速度传感器
  5243. active draft ==> 正阻力
  5244. active drift ==> 正阻力
  5245. active earth thrust ==> 主动土推力
  5246. active electric network ==> 有源网络,有源电网络
  5247. active electrode ==> 有效电极,有源电极,作用电极
  5248. active electron ==> 激活电子
  5249. active electronic countermeasures ==> 主动电子对抗
  5250. active element ==> 能动元件,激活元素,活性元素,有源元件=>能動素子
  5251. active emitting material ==> 活性发射材料
  5252. active energy ==> 有功电能,电磁能中可以转换为其他形式能量的电能
  5253. active energy meter ==> 有功电度表,瓦时计
  5254. active entry ==> 生产煤巷
  5255. active equivalent network ==> 有源等效网络,含有电压源和(或)电流源的等值网络
  5256. active exercise ==> 主动运动
  5257. active extreme pressure lubricant ==> 活性极压润滑剂
  5258. active fault ==> 活断层
  5259. active ferment ==> 活性酵母
  5260. active fertilizer ==> 活性肥料,速效肥
  5261. active fibre ==> 活性纤维
  5262. active figure control ==> 有效图像控制
  5263. active file ==> 现用文件,常用文件
  5264. active filler ==> 活性填料
  5265. active filter ==> 有源过滤器=>能動フィルタ,アクティブフィルタ
  5266. active fire ==> 活动火
  5267. active floridin ==> 活性白土
  5268. active flow control ==> 流れ場の能動制御
  5269. active following ==> 主动跟踪,主动追踪
  5270. active forceps ==> 能動鉗子
  5271. active four terminal network ==> 有源四端网络
  5272. active furnace area ==> 炉膛有效面积
  5273. active galactic nucleus ==> 活动星系统
  5274. active galaxy ==> 活动星系
  5275. active gas container ==> 激活气体容器
  5276. active gas material ==> 激活气体材料
  5277. active gases ==> 活性气体
  5278. active gauge length ==> 有效基长
  5279. active gauge width ==> 有效基宽
  5280. active ginseng capsule ==> 活性人参胶囊
  5281. active glacier ==> 活冰川
  5282. active glacier front ==> 活动冰川前沿
  5283. active glassy material ==> 激活玻璃材料
  5284. active gravitational mass ==> 主动引力质量
  5285. active group ==> 活性基团
  5286. active growth stage ==> 活性生长期,积极生长期
  5287. active guidance ==> 主动导航,主动制导
  5288. active hemorrhage ==> 活动性出血
  5289. active homing ==> 主动导航,主动自动制导
  5290. active humus ==> 活性腐殖质
  5291. active hydrogen ==> 活泼氢,活性氢
  5292. active illumination ==> 有源照明
  5293. active immunity ==> 自动免疫,主动免疫性
  5294. active immunization ==> 主动免疫性,自动免疫法,自动免疫接种
  5295. active immunotherapy ==> 自动免疫疗法,主动免疫疗法
  5296. active infection ==> 主动侵染
  5297. active infrared detection system ==> 主动红外探测系统
  5298. active infrared equipment ==> 主动式夜视仪
  5299. active infrared tracking system ==> 主动式红外跟踪系统
  5300. active ingredient ==> 活性成分
  5301. active insect ==> 传病毒昆虫
  5302. active instruction ==> 活动指令
  5303. active interference filter laser amplifier ==> 有源干涉滤光激光放大器
  5304. active interferometer ==> 有源干涉仪
  5305. active investment ==> 能动投资
  5306. active ion ==> 激活离子
  5307. active ion electrolyser ==> 活性离子电解仪
  5308. active ion electrolysis unit ==> 活性离子电解仪
  5309. active ion of transitional element ==> 过渡元素激活离子
  5310. active iron ==> 活性铁
  5311. active island arc ==> 活动岛弧
  5312. active isotope radio-graphy ==> 放射性同位素射线照相检验术
  5313. active jamming ==> 积极干扰,人为干扰
  5314. active job ==> 运行中的作业
  5315. active keyboard printer ==> 交互键盘打印机,交互式键盘打印机
  5316. active laser medium ==> 激活激光媒质
  5317. active laser tracking system ==> 主动激光跟踪系统
  5318. active lattice ==> 堆心栅格(反应堆的)=>炉心の格子構造
  5319. active layer ==> 冻融层,激活层,活动层,活性层
  5320. active learning ==> 能動的学習
  5321. active leg ==> 活性元件
  5322. active length ==> 工作长度
  5323. active level ==> 活动程度,激活能级
  5324. active level transformation ==> 有效电平变换
  5325. active life ==> 有效寿命
  5326. active lime ==> 活性石灰
  5327. active line ==> 加电线,行正程,有效线,工作线,工作线路
  5328. active line number ==> 有效扫描行数
  5329. active linelength ==> 有效扫描行长度
  5330. active lines ==> 有效行
  5331. active liquid material ==> 激活液体材料
  5332. active list ==> 现用表
  5333. active livestock farm ==> 活跃禽畜饲养场
  5334. active load ==> 有效负载,有功负荷,电力系统电能中可以转换为机械能、热能等形式做功的部分功率
  5335. active logic ==> 常用逻辑
  5336. active longitude ==> 活动经度
  5337. active loss ==> 有功损耗,实际损耗
  5338. active magnetic bearing ==> 能動型磁気軸受(AMB)
  5339. active magnetic shield ==> アクティブ磁気シールド
  5340. active margin ==> 活动边缘
  5341. active margin basin ==> 活动边缘盆地
  5342. active market ==> 买卖活跃的市场
  5343. active maser oscillator ==> 活性微波激射振荡器,超高频量子振荡器
  5344. active master file ==> 常用主文件,现用主文件
  5345. active master item ==> 现用主项,常用基本项目,常用主文件项,常用字组
  5346. active material ==> 放射材料,放射性材料,活性材料,活性物质,激活材料=>活物質,作用物質(蓄電池の)
  5347. active material host ==> 激活材料基质
  5348. active matter ==> 活性物
  5349. active matter content ==> 活性物含量
  5350. active medium ==> 激活媒质
  5351. active medium gain ==> 激活媒质增益
  5352. active memory ==> 快速存储器,主动式存储器
  5353. active metabolite of drug ==> 药物的活性代谢物
  5354. active metal ==> 活泼金属
  5355. active metal indicated electrode ==> 活性金属指示电极
  5356. active method ==> 主动法
  5357. active methylene group ==> 活性亚甲基
  5358. active microflora ==> 活性微生物区,活跃的微生物区系
  5359. active microorganism ==> 活性微生物
  5360. active mixer ==> 预炼混铁炉
  5361. active molecule ==> 活泼分子
  5362. active moraine ==> 活动冰碛
  5363. active movement ==> 主动活动,主动运动
  5364. active mycelium ==> 活性菌丝
  5365. active negativism ==> 主动违拗
  5366. active network ==> 能動回路網
  5367. active nitrogen ==> 活性氮
  5368. active nucleus ==> 活动核
  5369. active nutritive period ==> 积极营养期
  5370. active one port ==> 有源单口,含源单口
  5371. active operator ==> 现用操作符
  5372. active optical component ==> 有源光学元件
  5373. active optical fiber ==> 激活光纤
  5374. active optics ==> 能动光学,主动光学
  5375. active orary ==> 活性卵巢
  5376. active organic matter ==> 活性有机质
  5377. active orientation ==> 强制定向排列
  5378. active output ==> 有功输出
  5379. active oxygen ==> 活性酸素
  5380. active oxygen method ==> 活性氧法
  5381. active oxygen test ==> 活性氧试验
  5382. active page queue ==> 活动页队列
  5383. active parasite ==> 活动寄生物
  5384. active particle ==> 活性粒子
  5385. active particles ==> 放射性粒子
  5386. active partner ==> 普通股东,执行业务股东
  5387. active passive immunity ==> 自动被动免疫
  5388. active permafrost ==> 活动永冻土
  5389. active photospheric region ==> 光球活动区
  5390. active pigment ==> 活性颜料
  5391. active pipeline module ==> 活动流水线模块
  5392. active plate ==> 活动板块,移动板块
  5393. active polar surface ==> 有效极面
  5394. active population ==> 激活粒子
  5395. active porosity ==> 有效空隙(度)
  5396. active portion ==> 有効成分
  5397. active posture ==> 自动体位
  5398. active power ==> 有功功率=>有効電力
  5399. active power (KW) ==> 千瓦
  5400. active power balance of power system ==> 电力系统有功功率平衡,维持电力系统总发电和储能设备的有功功率与总负荷有功功率以及系统联络线交换的有功功率在任何时刻都达到平衡的全部运行调整过程
  5401. active power compensation ==> 有効電力補償
  5402. active power control ==> 有効電力制御
  5403. active power control circuit ==> 有効電力制御回路
  5404. active power filter ==> 有源滤波器
  5405. active power filter technology ==> 有源电力滤波器技术
  5406. active power meter , kilowatt meter ==> 有功电度表,有功功率表=>電力量計
  5407. active power quality compensator ==> アクティブパワーラインコンディショナ
  5408. active power relay ==> 有功功率继电器
  5409. active power security region ==> 有功功率安全域
  5410. active pressure ==> 主动压力
  5411. active principle ==> 有效成分
  5412. active probe ==> 有效探头
  5413. active processor module ==> 活动处理机模块
  5414. active program ==> 活动程序,运行中的程序
  5415. active proliferation ==> 增生活跃
  5416. active prominence ==> 活动日珥
  5417. active prominence region (APR) ==> 活动日珥区
  5418. active protection ==> 主动保护
  5419. active pyelonephritis ==> 活动性肾盂肾炎
  5420. active quadripole ==> 有源四端网络
  5421. active queue management ==> アクティブキュー管理(AQM)
  5422. active radiator ==> 有源辐射器
  5423. active radicals ==> 活性根
  5424. active RC network synthesis ==> 有源RC网络综合
  5425. active reabsorption ==> 主动再吸收,主动重吸收
  5426. active reaction ==> 活性反应,活性反映
  5427. active receptor ==> 活性型受体
  5428. active redundancy ==> 工作冗(rǒng)余,工作贮备
  5429. active redundancy(-ce) ==> 主动冗余
  5430. active region ==> 活动区,活化区,活性区域,激活区,作用区
  5431. active regions ==> 活泼区域
  5432. active relation ==> 能动关系
  5433. active remote sensing ==> 主动遥感
  5434. active repair time ==> 实际修理时间
  5435. active resistance ==> 有效电阻,主动抗病性,自动抵抗力,自动抗病性,自发抗病性
  5436. active resonance eliminator ==> 微机消谐器=>アクティブ高調波除去装置
  5437. active resonator ==> 有源共振器
  5438. active resorption ==> 主动再吸收
  5439. active rest ==> 活动性休息,积极休息
  5440. active return loss ==> 能動回路反射減衰量
  5441. active rgion heating ==> 活动区加热
  5442. active rheumatism ==> 风湿活动
  5443. active ridge ==> 活动海岭
  5444. active ridge sediment ==> 活动洋脊沉积物
  5445. active rift valley ==> 活动裂谷
  5446. active rod grinding ==> 激活材料棒研磨,激活材料芯子研磨
  5447. active safety ==> 能动安全
  5448. active safety system ==> 能动安全系统,依赖外来的触发和动力源(电、压缩空气等)来实现安全功能的系统
  5449. active salt marsh ==> 活性盐沼
  5450. active satellite ==> 主动卫星,有源卫星
  5451. active satellite repeater ==> 主动卫星转发器
  5452. active scanning time ==> 有效扫描时间
  5453. active secretion ==> 主动分泌
  5454. active section ==> 活动截面,活性段,有效截面
  5455. active semiconductor material ==> 激活半导体材料
  5456. active sensitization ==> 自动致敏
  5457. active sensor ==> 有源传感器
  5458. active serum ==> 活性血清
  5459. active session ==> 有效时间
  5460. active shield ==> アクティブシールド
  5461. active side of coil ==> 线圈的有效边
  5462. active silica ==> 活性二氧化硅
  5463. active site ==> 活性部位,活性点,激活部位
  5464. active site of support ==> 载体的活性部位
  5465. active slide area ==> 活动性滑坡区域
  5466. active sludge ==> 活性污泥
  5467. active soil ==> 活性土
  5468. active solid ==> 活性固体
  5469. active solvent ==> 活性溶剂
  5470. active sonar ==> 主动声纳=>アクティブソーナ
  5471. active sound intensity ==> アクティブインテンシティ
  5472. active stabilizer ==> 主动安定面
  5473. active stack ==> 操作栈
  5474. active stage ==> 活动期,进行期
  5475. active stage of rheumatic fever ==> 风湿热活动期
  5476. active state ==> 工作状态,有效状态,活动状态,活性状态,激活态
  5477. active station ==> 工作站
  5478. active steering ==> アクティブ操舵
  5479. active strength ==> 有效强度
  5480. active structure zone ==> 活动性构造带
  5481. active substance ==> 活性物质
  5482. active sulfur ==> 活性硫
  5483. active sun ==> 活动太阳
  5484. active sunspot prominence ==> 活动黑子日珥
  5485. active superfine calcium carbonate ==> 活性超细碳酸钙
  5486. active surface ==> 有效表面=>活性表面
  5487. active surface of an electrode ==> 電極の有効表面
  5488. active sweat glands ==> 活动汗腺
  5489. active task ==> 活动任务
  5490. active tectonic system ==> 活动性构造体系
  5491. active tectonic zone ==> 活动性构造带
  5492. active terminal interface (ITI) ==> 交互终端接口
  5493. active time ==> 服役时间
  5494. active tracking system ==> 主动跟踪系统
  5495. active trade balance ==> 贸易顺差
  5496. active transducer ==> 有源变换器,有源换能器,有源能量转换器,主动变换器
  5497. active transducer[sensor] ==> 有源传感器
  5498. active transfer ==> 主动传递
  5499. active transition ==> 活动变换
  5500. active transport ==> 主动输送,主动运输,自动运输
  5501. active treatment ==> 积极疗法
  5502. active trimming ==> 能動トリミング
  5503. active trust ==> 自动信托
  5504. active tuberculosis ==> 活动性结核
  5505. active two port ==> 有源双口,含源双口
  5506. active type ==> 活动型
  5507. active unit ==> 活性单位
  5508. active user ==> 当前用户,现时用户
  5509. active user list ==> 活动用户表
  5510. active valence ==> 有效化合价
  5511. active vibration control ==> アクティブ防振
  5512. active volcano ==> 活火山
  5513. active volt ampere ==> 有效伏安,有效容量
  5514. active voltage ==> 有功电压
  5515. active volume ==> 活性容积,活性体积
  5516. active waste ==> 放射性废物
  5517. active water ==> 活性水,侵蚀性水
  5518. active wheel ==> 工作轮
  5519. active winding ==> 有效绕组
  5520. active wire ==> 有效导线
  5521. active workings ==> 生产工作区
  5522. active zone ==> 有效区,活动层
  5523. active-energy meter ==> 瓦时计
  5524. actively acquired immunity ==> 自动后天免疫力
  5525. actively and prudently transform econonmic system ==> 积极稳妥地转变经济体制
  5526. actives ==> 活性物
  5527. ActiveX ==> Ms社のインターネット関連技術の総称(特定の製品や技術を表すものではない)。クライアント側におけるOLEドキュメントとOLEコンテナを利用した複合文書の取り扱いや,ActiveXコントロールを使ったソフトウェアのコンポーネント化がその中心。
  5528. ActiveX Control ==> OLEコントロール(OCX)とよばれていたソフトウェア部品の使用をインターネットでの利用を考慮して拡張したもの。
  5529. activities after sanctions ==> 制裁后活动
  5530. activities of daily life ==> 日常生活动作
  5531. activity ==> 活度=>放射能:活量
  5532. activity account ==> 业务帐户
  5533. activity accounting ==> 作业会计
  5534. activity acts locally ==> 局所的な活動
  5535. activity analysis ==> 活度分析,活性分析,业务活动分析
  5536. activity classification ==> 业务活动分类
  5537. activity coefficient ==> 活动系数,活度系数,活性系数,激活系数=>活量係数
  5538. activity constant ==> 活度常数
  5539. activity curve ==> 放射性曲线=>放射能曲線
  5540. activity discharge ==> 放射性排放
  5541. activity discharge at the stack ==> 从烟囱排放的放射性物质
  5542. activity discharge to the environment ==> 向环境排放的放射性物质
  5543. activity factor ==> 活量係数
  5544. activity file ==> 活动文件
  5545. activity for defocus ==> 散焦灵敏度
  5546. activity in the model ==> 模式中的活动
  5547. activity index ==> 活性指数
  5548. activity level ==> 活动级
  5549. activity name ==> 活动名=>アクティビティ名
  5550. activity of cement ==> 水泥活性
  5551. activity of subcortical system ==> 皮质下系统活动
  5552. activity on arrow ==> 以箭头代表作业
  5553. activity on-node ==> 以结节代表作业
  5554. activity probe ==> 活度探示器
  5555. activity rate ==> 业务活动率,就业活动率,就业活动率
  5556. activity ratio ==> 业务活动比率,活动率,活度比率,活性比,激活率
  5557. activity ration ==> 活动率
  5558. activity recognition ==> 行動識別
  5559. activity room ==> 活动室
  5560. activity save area ==> 活动保留区域
  5561. activity sensing equipment ==> 放射性探测设备
  5562. activity surveillance of reactor coolant ==> 反应堆冷却剂活度监测,为及时发现燃料元件破损而对反应堆冷却剂放射性活度进行的连续测定
  5563. activity test ==> 活性试验
  5564. activity unit ==> 放射性单位
  5565. activity-directed simulation ==> 面向活动的模拟
  5566. activity-identifier ==> 活动识别符
  5567. activity-node net work ==> 活动节点网络
  5568. actomyosin molecule ==> 肌动球朊分子
  5569. actor formalism ==> 动作者表示法
  5570. ACTR, actuator ==> アクチュエータ
  5571. actrapid HM ampoule ==> 单组分人胰岛素注射液
  5572. actrapid MC ampoule ==> 单组分猪胰岛素针剂
  5573. acts of God clause ==> 天灾及海难除外条款
  5574. ACTS, ACS test system ==> 三軸姿勢制御系試験システム
  5575. ACTS, Advanced Communications Technology Satellite ==> 先端通信技術衛星
  5576. ACTS, Application Communication Technology Satellite ==> 応用通信技術衛星
  5577. ACTS, attitude control test software ==> ACSテスト用ソウフトウェア
  5578. ACTS, attitude control test system ==> 姿勢制御試験システム
  5579. ACTS, automatic computer telex service ==> テレックスメッセージ自動処理サービス
  5580. ACTS, spacecraft attitude control system test facility ==> 三軸姿勢制御システム試験設備
  5581. ACTS-MAR, application communication technology satellite-MAR ==> 応用海上通信技術衛星
  5582. actual ==> 实在的=>実際の,実在の,現実の
  5583. actual (real) thickness ==> 实际厚度
  5584. actual (tube) length ==> 实际长
  5585. actual aberration ==> 实际像差
  5586. actual absorption ==> 实际吸收
  5587. actual accuracy ==> 実際の精度
  5588. actual achievement ==> 実績
  5589. actual acidity ==> 实际酸度
  5590. actual acquisition cost ==> 实际取得成本
  5591. actual acquisition cost basis ==> 实际购置成本法
  5592. actual active power output curve ==> 实际有功出力曲线,以固定时间间隔连续记录的实际有功功率变化曲线图
  5593. actual address ==> 绝对地址,绝对地址
  5594. actual advantage ==> 実益
  5595. actual age ==> 绝对年代=>実年齢,築後年数
  5596. actual aggregate breaking strength ==> 骨料实际断裂强度
  5597. actual amount supplied ==> 現実供給量
  5598. actual analyzer ==> 实际分析程序
  5599. actual and reasonable costs ==> 現実的および合理的な費用
  5600. actual and reasonable expenses ==> 妥当な実費
  5601. actual angle of attack ==> 实际冲角,实际攻角
  5602. actual annual percentage rate ==> 実質年利
  5603. actual area ==> 実面積
  5604. actual argu ment ==> 实自变量
  5605. actual argument ==> 实际变量,实变数,实变元,实际变元=>実引き数
  5606. actual argument array ==> 实际变元阵列
  5607. actual argument value ==> 实际变元值
  5608. actual article ==> 現品
  5609. actual assets ==> 实际资产
  5610. actual authority ==> 実際権限
  5611. actual balance ==> アクチュアルバランス,実質収支
  5612. actual balance of money ==> 实际货币余额
  5613. actual banking assets ==> 实际金融资产量
  5614. actual basis ==> 発生主義
  5615. actual basis accounting ==> 实际发生额会计
  5616. actual being ==> 実在
  5617. actual benefit ==> 実利
  5618. actual block processor (ABP) ==> 实际块处理程序,实际数据块处理程序
  5619. actual body weight ==> 実際の体重
  5620. actual breaking load ==> 实际破坏载荷
  5621. actual breaking stress ==> 实际破坏应力,真实断裂应力=>真破断応力
  5622. actual bridge ==> 実橋
  5623. actual budget ==> 决算
  5624. actual building ==> 実在建築物
  5625. actual burden rate ==> 实际负担率
  5626. actual business ==> 実体経済
  5627. actual calculating area ==> 实际计算面积
  5628. actual capacitance ==> 实际电容量
  5629. actual capacity ==> 实际容量,有效容量,实际出力=>実容量,実能力
  5630. actual capacity to repay ==> 实际偿还能力
  5631. actual capital ==> 实际资本
  5632. actual capital coefficient ==> 实际资本系数
  5633. actual carrier ==> 实际承运人
  5634. actual cash balance ==> 实际现金余额
  5635. actual cash value ==> 实际现金价值=>実際価額(ACV)
  5636. actual cause ==> 実際の原因
  5637. actual cautery ==> 火烙术
  5638. actual challenges ==> 现实挑战
  5639. actual change ==> 实际变动
  5640. actual character ==> 実文字
  5641. actual charge ==> 最終料金
  5642. actual clearance ==> 实际间隙,有效间隙
  5643. actual code ==> 实际代码
  5644. actual coding ==> 实际编码,绝对编码,绝对编码
  5645. actual component ==> 実成分
  5646. actual compression ==> 实际压缩
  5647. actual condition ==> 現状
  5648. actual construction phase ==> 実際の建設段階
  5649. actual consumption ==> 实际消费量=>現実消費
  5650. actual corpus ==> 实际财产主体
  5651. actual cost ==> 实际成本,实际费用=>実費,実際原価
  5652. actual cost accounting ==> 実際原価計算
  5653. actual cost accounting system ==> 实际成本会计制度=>実際原価計算制度
  5654. actual cost basis ==> 実際原価基準
  5655. actual cost method ==> 实际成本法
  5656. actual cost of living index ==> 实际生活费指数
  5657. actual cost of producing export commodity ==> 出口商品生产的实际成本
  5658. actual cost payment ==> 实报实销
  5659. actual cost system ==> 实际成本制,实际费用制度
  5660. actual costing ==> 实际成本计算
  5661. actual current ==> 有效电流
  5662. actual cut ==> 实际切削
  5663. actual cycle ==> 实际循环
  5664. actual debt ==> 实际债务
  5665. actual debts ==> 实际债款
  5666. actual decimal point ==> 实际存在的十进制小数点,实际十进制小数点,实际小数点,有效小数点
  5667. actual declarator ==> 实在说明符
  5668. actual declarer ==> 实在说明词
  5669. actual degree of belief ==> 实际置信度
  5670. actual delivery ==> (泵的)实际抽水量,实际财产的转移,实际交货
  5671. actual demand ==> 实际需求,实供需量,在一个特定时段内,用户实际使用的需量
  5672. actual density ==> 真密度
  5673. actual depreciation ==> 实际折旧
  5674. actual derived data item ==> 实际任意数据项
  5675. actual deviation ==> 实际偏差
  5676. actual dimension ==> 实际尺寸,有效尺寸
  5677. actual discharge ==> 实际偿还
  5678. actual discharge coefficient ==> 实际流量系数
  5679. actual dishonour ==> 实际拒付
  5680. actual displacement ==> 实际位移
  5681. actual distance ==> 实际距离,有效距离
  5682. actual domain ==> 実領域
  5683. actual economic condition ==> 经济现状,经济现状
  5684. actual economic theories ==> 现实经济理论
  5685. actual economy ==> 実体経済
  5686. actual effect ==> 实效
  5687. actual efficiency ==> 实际效率=>実能率,実際効率
  5688. actual element ==> 实有元件
  5689. actual elevation ==> 实际标高=>観測高度
  5690. actual enthalpy drop ==> 实际焓降,蒸汽实际膨胀时,蒸汽从初始滞止热力状态点到终止热力状态点的比焓差值
  5691. actual entity ==> 実在物
  5692. actual entry ==> 实际登记项,实际入口
  5693. actual environment ==> 実環境
  5694. actual error ==> 实际误差
  5695. actual exchange rate ==> 实际汇率
  5696. actual execution ==> 实际执行
  5697. actual exhaust velocity ==> 实际排气速度,喷管实际流速
  5698. actual expected standard cost ==> 实际预期标准成本
  5699. actual experience ==> 実地経験
  5700. actual export ==> 輸出実績
  5701. actual export record ==> 輸出実績
  5702. actual fertilizer ==> 实际肥力
  5703. actual finish time ==> 实际完成时间
  5704. actual flow ==> 实际流量
  5705. actual flux density ==> 有效感应密度
  5706. actual frequency ==> 实际频率=>実際の周波数
  5707. actual gain ==> 实际增益
  5708. actual gap area ==> 磁极下气隙计算面积(电机的),实际气隙面积
  5709. actual garbage ==> 实际无用数据
  5710. actual gas ==> 真实气体
  5711. actual grain size ==> 实际晶粒度
  5712. actual gross weight ==> 实际皮重,实际总重量
  5713. actual groundwater velosity ==> 地下水实际速度
  5714. actual growing situation ==> 实际长势
  5715. actual head ==> 実揚程
  5716. actual height ==> 实际高度=>実際高度
  5717. actual height of ground water ==> 地下水实际高度
  5718. actual height of water level ==> 实际水位高度
  5719. actual holder ==> 实际占有人
  5720. actual horse-power ==> 実馬力
  5721. actual horsepower ==> 实有功率,实有马力
  5722. actual hour ==> 実際発生時間
  5723. actual hours ==> 実働時間
  5724. actual image ==> 实际图像,有效图像
  5725. actual image point ==> 实际像点
  5726. actual immunity ==> 自动免疫
  5727. actual incidence ==> 实际放牧度
  5728. actual inspection ==> 实际检查
  5729. actual instruction ==> 实际指令,有效指令
  5730. actual interest income ==> 实际利息收益
  5731. actual interest rate ==> 実質利子率
  5732. actual inventors ==> 真の発明者
  5733. actual inventory ==> 实地盘存=>実地棚卸
  5734. actual investment ==> 实际投资
  5735. actual key ==> 实际关键字,绝对关键字
  5736. actual labor rate ==> 实际工资率
  5737. actual leakage ==> 实测漏泄量
  5738. actual level ==> 实际标高
  5739. actual liabilites ==> 实际负债
  5740. actual life ==> 有效寿命,实际使用寿命,实际寿命=>実寿命
  5741. actual line ==> 实际行,实线
  5742. actual load ==> 有效负载,实际负载
  5743. actual load rate ==> 实载率
  5744. actual loading ==> 实际负载,实际荷载
  5745. actual loading method ==> 真实负载法
  5746. actual loading test ==> 真载试验,实际负载试验,实际荷载试验,实物试验=>実負荷試験
  5747. actual loss ==> 实际亏损,实际损失
  5748. actual lower bound ==> 实际下界,实在下界
  5749. actual market ==> 现货市场,现金市场
  5750. actual market price ==> 実勢価
  5751. actual market volume ==> 市场实际容量
  5752. actual material calibration ==> 实物校准
  5753. actual mean pressure ==> 实际平均压力
  5754. actual measurement ==> 实测,实际测量,实测值=>実測値
  5755. actual measurement value ==> 实测值=>実測値
  5756. actual mechanism ==> 真实机理
  5757. actual monitor ==> 有效监视器,线路监视器,输出监听器
  5758. actual motion ==> 实际运动
  5759. actual normal cost system ==> 实际标准成本法
  5760. actual number analysis ==> 实数分析法
  5761. actual numerical value ==> 实际数值
  5762. actual observation record ==> 实测记录
  5763. actual observed value ==> 实际观测值
  5764. actual output ==> 有效输出,实际产出,实际产量,实际输出
  5765. actual pairing ==> 实际并行,真并行
  5766. actual parameter ==> 实际参数,实在参数=>実パラメータ
  5767. actual parameter association ==> 实在参数结合
  5768. actual parameter display ==> 实在参数显示
  5769. actual parameter list ==> 实在参数表
  5770. actual parameter part ==> 实在参数部分
  5771. actual payload ==> 实际收费载重
  5772. actual performance ==> 实际履行,实际完成情况,实际性能,真实性能=>実績
  5773. actual performance of a company ==> 经营实绩,经营实绩
  5774. actual pitch ==> 实际螺距=>実測ピッチ
  5775. actual power ==> 实际功率
  5776. actual pressure ==> 实际气压,实际压力
  5777. actual price ==> 实际价格
  5778. actual profit rate on funds ==> 实际资金利润率
  5779. actual purchase ==> 实际购买
  5780. actual purchase price ==> 实际购入价格=>実際購入価格
  5781. actual quality ==> 实物品质
  5782. actual quality of the product ==> 製品の実際の品質
  5783. actual quotation ==> 暗盘
  5784. actual range ==> 实际距离
  5785. actual range angle ==> 实际射程角
  5786. actual rate of growth ==> 实际增长率
  5787. actual rate of obsolescence ==> 实际陈废率
  5788. actual rate of wastage ==> 实际耗蚀率
  5789. actual rate of wastage and obsolescence ==> 实际损耗率及废弃率
  5790. actual ray trace ==> 实际光路追迹
  5791. actual reactive power output curve ==> 实际无功出力曲线,以固定时间间隔连续记录的实际无功功率变化曲线图
  5792. actual recognizer ==> 实在识别算法
  5793. actual recording ==> 正式录音
  5794. actual register ==> 现行寄存器
  5795. actual relative movement ==> 滑距
  5796. actual requirement ==> 实际需要量
  5797. actual result ==> 实际结果
  5798. actual routine data area ==> 实际例行程序的数据区
  5799. actual row of rower ==> 实在行标行,标行程序的实际行
  5800. actual safe load ==> 实际安全荷载
  5801. actual sample ==> 现货样品=>現品見本
  5802. actual scale ==> 实际尺寸
  5803. actual sequence ==> 实在序列
  5804. actual service conditions ==> 实际使用条件
  5805. actual service life ==> 实际使用寿命
  5806. actual service test ==> 实际使用试验
  5807. actual size ==> 实际尺寸=>実際寸法,実寸
  5808. actual solution ==> 实际溶液
  5809. actual sound position ==> 实际声源位置
  5810. actual source position ==> 实际声源位置
  5811. actual specific gravity ==> 实际比重
  5812. actual specification ==> 实际规范
  5813. actual speed ==> 实际速度
  5814. actual state ==> 实际状况=>現状
  5815. actual steam consumption ==> 实际汽耗
  5816. actual steam rate ==> 实际耗汽率
  5817. actual stress ==> 实际应力
  5818. actual stress at fracture ==> 实际破坏应力,断裂处的实际应力
  5819. actual structure ==> 实际结构
  5820. actual supply ==> 实际供给
  5821. actual system ==> 实际的系统
  5822. actual tare ==> 实际皮重
  5823. actual taxpayer ==> 实际付税人
  5824. actual temperature ==> 实际温度
  5825. actual test ==> 实物试验
  5826. actual testing pressure ==> 实际试验压力
  5827. actual throat ==> 实际角焊缝厚度,实际焊喉深度,焊缝实际厚度,(焊缝的)实际厚度
  5828. actual thrust ==> 实际推力
  5829. actual time ==> 实际时间
  5830. actual time of arrival ==> 实际到达时间
  5831. actual time of departure ==> 实际出发时间,实际起飞时间
  5832. actual time of interception ==> 实际拦截时间
  5833. actual time of observation ==> 实际观测时间
  5834. actual tooth density ==> 有效齿磁密,有效齿端磁通密度,齿内的有效磁感应=>実歯磁束密度
  5835. actual total loss ==> 绝对全部损失,绝对全部损失,全部损失,实际全损
  5836. actual transformation ratio of current transformer ==> 电流互感器的实际变比
  5837. actual transformation ratio of voltage transformer ==> 电压互感器的实际变比
  5838. actual transportation time ==> 实际运输时间
  5839. actual upper bound ==> 实际上限,实在上界
  5840. actual useful life ==> 実際耐用年数
  5841. actual utility ==> 实际效用
  5842. actual value ==> 实际值
  5843. actual value basis ==> 实际价值计算基础
  5844. actual value method ==> 实际价值法
  5845. actual value sensor ==> 有效值传感器
  5846. actual velocity of groundwater ==> 地下水实际流速
  5847. actual voltage ratio ==> 实际电压比
  5848. actual volume ==> 实际容积
  5849. actual weight ==> 实际权数,真实重量
  5850. actual weight (A-W,aw) ==> 实际重量
  5851. actual weight of load ==> 实际装载量
  5852. actual weld-throat thick-ness ==> 焊缝厚度
  5853. actual working hours ==> 实动工时
  5854. actual working pressure ==> 实际工作压力
  5855. actual zenith distance ==> 实际天顶距
  5856. actual zero point ==> 绝对零点,绝对零点
  5857. actual(service) load ==> 有效载荷
  5858. actually realized productive capacity ==> 实际到达能力
  5859. actually transmitted ==> 实际透过的
  5860. actuals market ==> 实物市场
  5861. actuarial ==> 保険数理士の
  5862. actuarial asset value ==> 保険数理による資産価値
  5863. actuarial assumption ==> 保険数理上の仮定
  5864. actuarial basis ==> 保险统计计算标准=>保険数理基準
  5865. actuarial calculation ==> 保険数理計算
  5866. actuarial contribution ==> 数理保険料
  5867. actuarial cost ==> 数理費用
  5868. actuarial reserves in respect of life insurance ==> 人寿保险精算准备金
  5869. actuarial statistics ==> 保険統計
  5870. actuarial surplus ==> 精算剩余
  5871. actuarial tables ==> 保険統計表
  5872. actuarial theory ==> 保険理論
  5873. actuarial valuation ==> 保険数理評価
  5874. actuated controller ==> 感应式信号控制机
  5875. actuated roller switch ==> 促动滚子开关
  5876. actuated valve ==> 控制阀
  5877. actuating air ==> 推进空气
  5878. actuating apparatus ==> 启动装置,促动器
  5879. actuating arm ==> 驱动杆
  5880. actuating battery ==> 操作电池
  5881. actuating bellows ==> 控制膜盒
  5882. actuating brake cylinder ==> 制动器的作用缸
  5883. actuating cable ==> 操作电缆
  5884. actuating cam ==> 致动凸轮,主动凸轮,推动凸轮
  5885. actuating cavity ==> 激励谐振腔
  5886. actuating code ==> 执行码
  5887. actuating coil ==> 激励线圈,工作线圈,动作线圈
  5888. actuating current ==> 开动电流,操作电流=>動作電流
  5889. actuating cylinder ==> 作动筒,主动油缸
  5890. actuating device ==> 动作元件,操作装置
  5891. actuating force ==> 動作力
  5892. actuating lever ==> 起动杆
  5893. actuating link ==> 作动拉杆
  5894. actuating mechanism ==> 驱动机构,传动机构,操作机构,执行机构
  5895. actuating medium ==> 工作介质,工作媒介
  5896. actuating member ==> 作動部材
  5897. actuating motor ==> 伺服电动机,驱动电动机
  5898. actuating of relay ==> 继电器动作
  5899. actuating pressure ==> 作用压力,驱动压力,促动压力
  5900. actuating quantity ==> 动作量
  5901. actuating ratio ==> 致动比
  5902. actuating rod ==> 作用杆
  5903. actuating section ==> 起动部分
  5904. actuating shaft ==> 驱动轴
  5905. actuating signal ==> 动力机构,动力传动装置,起动信号,动作信号,作用信号,激励信号=>動作信号
  5906. actuating solenoid ==> 操纵电磁铁
  5907. actuating speed ==> 驱动速度
  5908. actuating spring ==> 促动簧
  5909. actuating strut ==> 作用支柱
  5910. actuating system ==> 致动系统,传力系统,动作系统
  5911. actuating unit ==> 动力机构,执行装置,致动装置
  5912. actuating variable ==> 動作変数
  5913. actuation ==> 开动,启动,活动=>動作,操作
  5914. actuation duration ==> 作用时间,激励时间
  5915. actuation gear ==> 作用机构,促动装置
  5916. actuation time ==> 动作时间
  5917. actuator ==> 螺线管,油缸,促动器,调节器,调速控制器,执行机构,执行元件,致动器=>アクチュエータ,駆動装置,駆動機,作動装置
  5918. actuator (ACT.) ==> 作动器
  5919. actuator assembly ==> 驱动器组件
  5920. actuator bellows ==> 执行机构波纹管
  5921. actuator cylinder ==> 促动器油缸
  5922. actuator disk ==> 促动盘,起动圆盘
  5923. actuator generator ==> 测速发电机=>調速機用電源発電機
  5924. actuator load ==> 执行机构负载
  5925. actuator motor ==> 驱动电动机,执行电动机
  5926. actuator package ==> 致动器组
  5927. actuator port ==> 执行器油缸通油口,工作油口
  5928. actuator power unit ==> 执行机构动力部件
  5929. actuator sensor interface(ASI) ==> 执行器传感器接口
  5930. actuator shaft ==> 执行机构输出轴
  5931. actuator solenoid ==> アクチュエータソレノイド
  5932. actuator spring ==> 执行机构弹簧
  5933. actuator stem ==> 执行机构输出杆
  5934. actuator stem force ==> 执行机构刚度
  5935. actuator switching pulse ==> 激励器转换脉冲
  5936. actuator travel characteristic ==> 执行机构行程特性
  5937. actural value ==> 实际价值
  5938. acturial cost ==> 精算费用
  5939. acturial equivalent ==> 精算等值
  5940. acturial evaluation ==> 精算估值
  5941. ACU, Annunciator Control Unit ==> NASA略語(アナンシエータコントロールユニット)
  5942. ACU, Avionics Cooling Unit ==> NASA略語(アビオニクス冷却ユニット)
  5943. acuclosure ==> 针止血法
  5944. acuiry for defocus ==> 散焦锐度
  5945. acuition ==> 锐敏性
  5946. acuity ==> 锐度,敏度,敏锐度,分辨能力=>鋭さ
  5947. acuity for defocus ==> 散焦灵敏度
  5948. acuity matching ==> 锐度匹配,分辨率匹配,视觉敏锐度匹配
  5949. acuity of hearing ==> 聴覚の鋭さ
  5950. acuity photometer ==> 敏锐度光度计
  5951. Aculeata ==> 针尾部
  5952. aculei ==> 翅刺
  5953. aculeiform ==> 皮刺状
  5954. acuminate ==> 渐尖叶
  5955. acuminate glume mosquito ==> 尖颖
  5956. acumination ==> 尖锐
  5957. ACUO, Avionics Cooling Unit Operator ==> NASA略語(アビオニクス冷却ユニット操作員)
  5958. acupoint ==> 穴位
  5959. acupoint block ==> 穴位封闭
  5960. acupoint. indications: frontal headache ==> 曲差
  5961. acupoint. indications: headache ==> 清冷渊,强间
  5962. acupoint. indications: lumbago ==> 气海俞
  5963. acupoint. indications: sore-throat ==> 气舍
  5964. acupoint. indications: tinnitus ==> 前谷
  5965. acupoint. indications: vertical headache ==> 前项
  5966. acupression ==> 针压法
  5967. acupressure ==> 针压法
  5968. acupuncture ==> 针刺,针刺疗法,针术
  5969. acupuncture analgesia ==> 针刺镇痛,针麻
  5970. acupuncture and moxibustion ==> 针灸
  5971. acupuncture and moxibustion therapy ==> 针灸治疗
  5972. Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy ==> 针灸资生经
  5973. acupuncture anesthesia ==> 针刺麻醉,针麻
  5974. acupuncture anesthesia induction ==> 针麻诱导
  5975. acupuncture effect ==> 针刺效果
  5976. acupuncture manipulation ==> 针法
  5977. acupuncture needle ==> 针灸针
  5978. acupuncture of a point ==> 穴位针刺
  5979. acupuncture pin ==> 针灸针
  5980. acupuncture point ==> 穴位
  5981. acupuncture syncope ==> 晕针
  5982. acupuncture therapy ==> 针刺疗法,针法
  5983. acupuncture-point curer ==> 经穴探测保健仪,经穴探测保健仪
  5984. acupuncturist ==> 针刺者,针灸师,针灸医生
  5985. acupuncturology ==> 针灸学
  5986. acupunture therapy ==> 针灸治疗
  5987. ACURAD die casting ==> 双冲头压铸
  5988. acusis range ==> 正常听觉范围
  5989. acutance ==> 明锐度,锐度曲线
  5990. acutance developer ==> 高锐度显影液
  5991. acutance matching ==> 锐度匹配
  5992. acute ==> 灵敏
  5993. acute abdomen ==> 急腹症
  5994. acute adaptation ==> 急剧的适应
  5995. acute adenoiditis ==> 急性增殖腺炎
  5996. acute adrenalitis ==> 急性肾上腺炎
  5997. acute adrenocortical insufficiency ==> 急性肾上腺皮质功能不全
  5998. acute alcoholic hallucinosis ==> 急性酒精中毒性幻觉症
  5999. acute alcoholism ==> 饮酒中毒
  6000. acute altitude sickness ==> 急性高空病
  6001. acute angle ==> 鋭角
  6002. acute angle block ==> 锐角断块
  6003. acute anicteric hepatitis ==> 急性无黄疸型肝炎
  6004. acute anoxia ==> 急性缺氧
  6005. acute anterior myocardial infarction ==> 急性前壁心肌梗塞
  6006. acute anterior poliomyelitis ==> 急性脊髓前角灰质炎
  6007. acute anxiety ==> 急性焦虑症
  6008. acute apical pericementitis ==> 急性根尖周围炎
  6009. acute apical periodontal abscess ==> 尖周脓肿
  6010. acute apical periodontitis ==> 急性根尖周围炎
  6011. acute apicitis ==> 急性根尖炎
  6012. acute appendicitis ==> 急性阑尾炎,肠痈
  6013. acute appendicitis in gestational period ==> 妊娠期急性阑尾炎
  6014. acute appendicitis in pregnancy ==> 妊娠期急性阑尾炎
  6015. acute arch ==> 尖拱
  6016. acute arthritis ==> 急性关节炎
  6017. acute articular rheumatism ==> 急性关节风湿
  6018. acute ascending myelitis ==> 急性上行性脊髓炎
  6019. acute ascending paralysis ==> 急性上升性麻痹
  6020. Acute ascending spinal paralysis ==> 兰德里麻痹
  6021. acute ascending spinal paralysis ==> 急性上行性脊髓麻痹
  6022. acute aseptic meningitis ==> 急性无菌性脑膜炎
  6023. acute asthmatic attack in children ==> 马脾风
  6024. acute atrophic paralysis ==> 急性萎缩性麻痹
  6025. acute atrophy of liver ==> 急性肝萎缩
  6026. acute attack ==> 急性发作
  6027. acute bacillary dysentery ==> 急性杆菌性痢疾
  6028. acute bacterial endocarditis ==> 急性细菌性心内膜炎
  6029. acute bacterial myocarditis ==> 急性细菌性心肌炎
  6030. acute barbital intoxication ==> 急性巴比妥中毒
  6031. acute barbitalism ==> 急性巴比妥中毒
  6032. acute benign lymphoblastosis ==> 传染性单核细胞增多症
  6033. acute benign pericarditis ==> 急性良性心包炎
  6034. acute berylliosis ==> 急性铍中毒
  6035. acute bisectrix ==> 锐角等分线
  6036. acute bleeding ==> 急性失血
  6037. acute bout ==> 急性发作
  6038. acute bronchitis ==> 急性支气管炎
  6039. acute bullous myringitis ==> 急性大疱性鼓膜炎
  6040. acute cardiac insufficiency ==> 急性心功能不全
  6041. acute cardiac tamponade ==> 急性心包填塞
  6042. acute caries ==> 急性龋
  6043. acute catarrhal cystitis ==> 急性卡他性膀胱炎
  6044. acute catarrhal laryngitis ==> 急性卡他性喉炎
  6045. acute catarrhal tonsillitis ==> 急性卡他性扁桃体炎
  6046. acute cecitis ==> 急性盲肠炎
  6047. acute chemical pulmonary edema ==> 急性化学性肺水肿
  6048. acute chemical tracheobronchitis ==> 急性化学性支气管炎
  6049. acute chest pain ==> 急性胸痛
  6050. acute cholangitis ==> 急性胆管炎
  6051. acute cholecystitis ==> 急性胆囊炎
  6052. acute circumscribed edema ==> 急性血管神经性水肿
  6053. acute colitis ==> 急性结肠炎
  6054. acute competition ==> 激しい競争,激烈な競争
  6055. acute cone ==> 锐锥
  6056. acute confusional state ==> 急性精神混乱状态
  6057. acute congenital rubella of newborn ==> 新生儿急性先天性风疹
  6058. acute congestive tonsillitis ==> 急性充血性扁桃体炎
  6059. acute conjunctivitis ==> 急性结肠炎,赤眼
  6060. acute contagious conjunctivitis ==> 流行性结膜炎,急性触染性结膜炎
  6061. acute corner ==> 锐角墙角
  6062. acute coronary insufficiency ==> 急性冠状动脉功能不全
  6063. acute corrosive gastritis ==> 急性腐蚀性胃炎
  6064. acute cowperitis ==> 急性尿道球腺炎
  6065. acute cystitis ==> 急性膀胱炎
  6066. acute delirium ==> 急性谵妄
  6067. acute dermatitis ==> 急性皮膚炎
  6068. acute diabetes ==> 急性糖尿病
  6069. acute diabetes mellitus ==> 赫希费尔德氏病
  6070. acute diarrhea ==> 急性腹泻
  6071. acute diffuse glomerulonephritis ==> 急性弥漫性肾小球肾炎
  6072. acute diffuse peritonitis ==> 急性弥漫性腹膜炎
  6073. acute diphtheritic conjunctivitis ==> 急性白喉性结膜炎
  6074. acute disease infectious ==> 急性传染病
  6075. acute diseminated encephalomyelitis ==> 急性播散性脑脊髓炎
  6076. acute dysentery ==> 急性痢疾
  6077. acute eczema ==> 急性湿疹,浸淫疮
  6078. acute edematous pancreatitis ==> 急性水肿性胰腺炎
  6079. acute embolism of superior mesenteric artery ==> 急性肠系膜上动脉栓塞
  6080. acute empyema ==> 急性脓胸
  6081. acute encephalomyelitis ==> 急性脑脊髓炎
  6082. acute endocarditis ==> 急性心内膜炎
  6083. acute endometritis ==> 急性子宫内膜炎
  6084. acute enteritis ==> 急性肠炎
  6085. acute epididymitis ==> 急性附睾炎
  6086. acute erosive hemorrhagic gastritis ==> 急性糜烂出血性胃炎
  6087. acute essential edema ==> 急性自发水肿
  6088. acute ethmoidal sinusitis ==> 急性筛窦炎
  6089. acute eustachian salpingitis ==> 急性咽鼓管炎
  6090. acute experiment ==> 急性实验
  6091. acute exposure ==> 急性暴露,急剧曝光,急性照射
  6092. acute exudative cystitis ==> 急性渗出性膀胱炎
  6093. acute exudative glomerulonephritis ==> 急性渗出性肾小球肾炎
  6094. acute fatal hepatitis ==> 急性重症型肝炎
  6095. acute fatal mania ==> 急性致死性躁狂症
  6096. acute fatty liver ==> 急性脂肪肝
  6097. acute fatty liver in pregnancy ==> 急性妊娠脂肪肝
  6098. acute febrile ==> 急黄
  6099. acute febrile jaundice ==> 急性发热性黄疸
  6100. acute febrile mucocutaneous lymphnode syndrome ==> 急性发热性皮肤淋巴结综合征
  6101. acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis ==> 急性发热性中性白细胞增多性皮病
  6102. acute febrile polyneuritis ==> 急性热病性多神经炎,库斯毛耳氏麻痹
  6103. acute fibrinous enteritis ==> 急性纤维蛋白性肠炎
  6104. acute fibrinous laryngotracheo-bronchitis ==> 急性纤维蛋白性喉气管支气管炎
  6105. acute fibrinous pericarditis ==> 急性纤维蛋白性心包炎
  6106. acute fold ==> 尖角褶皱
  6107. acute follicular enteritis ==> 急性滤泡性肠炎
  6108. acute follicular tonsillitis ==> 急性滤泡性扁桃体炎
  6109. acute form ==> 急型
  6110. acute frontal sinusitis ==> 急性额窦炎
  6111. acute fulminant hepatic failure ==> 急性劇症肝不全
  6112. acute fulminating meningococcemia ==> 急性暴发性脑膜炎球菌血症
  6113. acute funiculitis ==> 急性精索炎
  6114. acute gangrenous appendicitis ==> 急性坏疽性阑尾炎
  6115. acute gangrenous stomatitis ==> 走马牙疳
  6116. acute gastric dilatation ==> 急性胃扩张
  6117. acute gastritis ==> 急性胃炎
  6118. acute gastroenteritis ==> 急性胃肠炎
  6119. acute gingivitis ==> 急性龈炎
  6120. acute glaucoma ==> 急性青光眼
  6121. acute glome-rulonephritis ==> 急性血管球性肾炎
  6122. acute glomerulonephritis ==> 急性肾小球肾炎
  6123. acute glossitis ==> 急性舌炎
  6124. acute gonorrhea ==> 急性淋病
  6125. acute gonorrheal conjunctivitis ==> 急性淋病性结膜炎
  6126. acute granulocytic leukemia ==> 急性粒细胞性白血病
  6127. acute hallucinatory mania nonsense syndrome ==> 甘塞氏综合征
  6128. acute hammer ==> 开槽锤
  6129. acute heart tamponade ==> 急性心包填塞
  6130. acute hematogenous disseminated tuberculosis ==> 急性血行播散性结核
  6131. acute hematogenous osteomyelitis ==> 急性血源性骨髓炎
  6132. acute hemolytic anemia ==> 急性溶血性贫血
  6133. acute hemorrhage ==> 急性失血
  6134. acute hemorrhage of upper gastrointestinal tract ==> 急性上消化道出血
  6135. acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis ==> 急性出血性结膜炎
  6136. acute hemorrhagic gastritis ==> 急性出血性胃炎
  6137. acute hemorrhagic glomerulonephrtis ==> 急性出血性肾小球肾炎
  6138. acute hemorrhagic lesion of gastric mucosa ==> 急性胃粘膜出血性病变
  6139. acute hemorrhagic leucoencephalitis ==> 急性出血性白质脑炎
  6140. acute hemorrhagic necrotic enteritis ==> 急性出血性坏死性肠炎
  6141. acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis ==> 急性出血性胰炎
  6142. acute hemorrhagic polioencephalitis ==> 急性出血性脑灰质炎
  6143. acute hepatic failure ==> 急性肝不全
  6144. acute hepatic insufficiency ==> 急性肝功能不全
  6145. acute hepatoencephalopathy ==> 急性肝性脑病
  6146. acute histiocytic leukemia ==> 急性组织细胞性白血病
  6147. acute hydrocephalus ==> 急性脑积水
  6148. acute hypoadrenocorticism ==> 急性肾上腺皮质功能减退症
  6149. acute hypocorticalism ==> 急性肾上腺皮质功能减退症
  6150. acute hypocorticoidism ==> 急性肾上腺皮质功能减退症
  6151. acute hypoglycemia ==> 急性低血糖病
  6152. acute icterohepatitis ==> 急性黄疸性肝炎
  6153. acute ileus ==> 急性肠梗阻
  6154. acute increase in intraocular pressure ==> 急性眼压增高
  6155. acute infantile convulsion ==> 急惊风
  6156. acute infarction of spinal cord ==> 急性脊髓梗塞
  6157. acute infection ==> 急性传染,急性感染
  6158. acute infection of scrotum ==> 急性阴囊感染
  6159. acute infection of tunica vaginalis ==> 急性鞘膜感染
  6160. acute infectious disease ==> 急性传染病
  6161. acute infectious gastroenteritis ==> 急性感染性胃肠炎
  6162. acute infectious jaundice ==> 急性发热性黄疸
  6163. acute infectious lymphocytosis ==> 急性传染性淋巴细胞增多
  6164. acute infectious polyneuritis ==> 急性感染性多发性神经炎,急性热病性多神经炎
  6165. acute infectious purpura ==> 急性传染性紫癜
  6166. acute infective lymphadenitis ==> 急性感染性淋巴结炎
  6167. acute inflammation ==> 急性炎
  6168. acute injury of intervertebral facet joints ==> 椎间小关节急性损伤
  6169. acute intermittent porphyria ==> 急性间歇性卟啉症
  6170. acute internal hemorrhage ==> 急性内出血
  6171. acute interstitial nephritis ==> 急性间质性肾炎
  6172. acute interstitial pancreatitis ==> 急性间质性胰腺炎
  6173. acute interstitial pneumonia ==> 急性间质性肺炎
  6174. acute intravascular hemolysis ==> 急性血管内溶血
  6175. acute inversion of uterus ==> 急性子宫内翻
  6176. acute iritis ==> 急性虹膜炎
  6177. acute irradiation ==> 锐辐照,强烈照射
  6178. acute irritation symptoms ==> 急性刺激症状
  6179. acute isolated myocarditis ==> 急性孤立性心肌炎
  6180. acute laryngitis ==> 急性喉炎
  6181. acute laryngotracheitis ==> 急性喉气管炎
  6182. acute leaf ==> 急尖叶
  6183. acute leukemia ==> 急性白血病=>急性白血病(AL)
  6184. acute leukemia in childhood ==> 小児急性白血病
  6185. acute leukocythemia ==> 急性白血病
  6186. acute lingual tonsillitis ==> 急性舌扁桃体炎
  6187. acute liver atrophy ==> 急性肝萎缩
  6188. acute low-output heart failure ==> 急性低搏出量性心力衰竭
  6189. acute lumbar muscle sprain ==> 急性腰扭伤
  6190. acute lymphadenitis ==> 急性淋巴结炎
  6191. acute lymphangitis ==> 急性淋巴管炎
  6192. acute lymphatic leukemia ==> 急性淋巴细胞性白血病
  6193. acute mania ==> 急性躁狂,贝尔氏病
  6194. acute massive hemorrhage ==> 急性大出血
  6195. acute mastitis ==> 急性乳腺炎
  6196. acute mastoiditis ==> 急性乳突炎
  6197. acute mediastinitis ==> 急性纵隔炎
  6198. acute mesenteric lymphadenitis ==> 急性肠系膜淋巴结炎
  6199. acute mild hepatitis ==> 急性轻症型肝炎
  6200. acute miliary tuberculosis ==> 急性粟粒型结核,全身播散性结核
  6201. acute monocytic leukemia ==> 急性单核细胞性白血病
  6202. acute myelinoclasis ==> 急性髓鞘脱失病
  6203. acute myelofibrosis ==> 急性型骨髓纤维化
  6204. acute myocardial infarction ==> 急性心肌梗塞
  6205. acute myocarditis ==> 急性心肌炎
  6206. acute necrosis of glomerulus ==> 急性肾小球坏死
  6207. acute necrosis of renal tubules ==> 急性肾小管坏死
  6208. acute necrotic mastoiditis ==> 急性坏死性乳突炎
  6209. acute necrotic pancreatitis ==> 急性坏死性胰腺炎
  6210. acute necrotic renal papillitis ==> 急性坏死性肾乳头炎
  6211. acute necrotizing glomerulonephritis ==> 急性坏死性肾小球肾炎
  6212. acute necrotizing hemorrhagic encephalomyelitis ==> 急性坏死出血性脑脊髓炎
  6213. acute nephritis ==> 急性肾炎
  6214. acute neurogenic cardiovascular failure ==> 急性神经原性心血管衰竭
  6215. acute nondifferentiated leukemia ==> 急性未分化性白血病
  6216. acute nonspecific pericarditis ==> 急性非特异性心包炎
  6217. acute nonsuppurative hepatitis ==> 间质性肝炎
  6218. acute nonsuppurative otitis media ==> 急性非化脓性中耳炎
  6219. acute nonsuppurative thyroiditis ==> 急性非化脓性甲状腺炎
  6220. acute obliterating bronchiolitis ==> 急性闭塞性细支气管炎
  6221. acute obstruction of upper respiratory tract ==> 急性上呼吸道梗阻
  6222. acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis ==> 急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎
  6223. acute occlusion of artery ==> 急性动脉阻塞
  6224. acute or chronic orchitis and epididymitis ==> 子痈
  6225. acute oral lethal dose ==> 急性口服致死量
  6226. acute orchitis ==> 急性睾丸炎
  6227. acute osteomyelitis ==> 急性骨髓炎
  6228. acute osteomyelitis of jaw ==> 急性颌骨骨髓炎
  6229. acute pancreatitis ==> 急性胰炎
  6230. acute pansinusitis ==> 急性全鼻窦炎
  6231. acute parametritis ==> 急性子宫旁组织炎
  6232. acute paranoia ==> 急性妄想状态样偏执
  6233. acute paranoic reaction ==> 急性偏执反应
  6234. acute parenchymatous tonsillitis ==> 急性实质性扁桃体炎
  6235. acute pelvic cellulitis ==> 急性盆腔蜂窝组织炎症
  6236. acute pelvitis of pelvic cavity ==> 急性盆腔炎
  6237. acute perforation of stomach ==> 急性胃穿孔
  6238. acute perinephritis ==> 急性肾周炎
  6239. acute periostitis ==> 急性骨膜炎
  6240. acute peripheral circulatory failure ==> 急性周围循环衰竭
  6241. acute peritonitis ==> 急性腹膜炎
  6242. acute pharyngitis ==> 卡他性咽炎
  6243. acute pharyngolaryngotracheitis ==> 急性咽喉气管炎
  6244. acute phase serum ==> 急性期血清
  6245. acute phlegmonous appendicitis ==> 急性蜂窝织炎性阑尾炎
  6246. acute phlegmonous enteritis ==> 急性蜂窝织炎性小肠炎
  6247. acute phlegmonous gastritis ==> 急性蜂窝组织胃炎
  6248. acute phrenopleuritis ==> 急性膈胸膜炎
  6249. acute plasma-cell leukemia ==> 急性浆细胞性白血病
  6250. acute poisoning ==> 急性中毒
  6251. acute polioencephalitis ==> 急性脑灰质炎
  6252. acute polyhydramnios ==> 急性羊水过多
  6253. acute polyneuroradiculitis ==> 急性多发性神经根炎
  6254. acute polyradiculitis ==> 急性多发性神经根炎
  6255. acute posthemorrhagic anemia ==> 急性失血性贫血
  6256. acute proctitis ==> 急性直肠炎
  6257. acute progressive myositis ==> 急性进行性肌炎
  6258. acute proliferative glomerulonephritis ==> 急性增殖性肾小球肾炎
  6259. acute proliferative miliary tuberculosis of lung ==> 肺急性增殖型粟粒性结核病
  6260. acute promyelocytic leukemia ==> 急性早幼粒细胞性白血病
  6261. acute prostatitis ==> 急性前列腺炎
  6262. acute pseudomembranous conjunctivitis ==> 急性假膜性结膜炎
  6263. acute pulmonary abscess ==> 急性肺脓肿
  6264. acute pulmonary edema ==> 急性肺水肿
  6265. acute pulmonary embolism ==> 急性肺动脉栓塞
  6266. acute pulmonary tuberculosis ==> 急劳
  6267. acute pulpitis ==> 急性牙髓炎
  6268. acute purulent meningitis ==> 急性化脓性脑膜炎
  6269. acute purulent myelitis ==> 急性化脓性脊髓炎
  6270. acute purulent nasosinusitis ==> 急性化脓性鼻窦炎
  6271. acute pyelonephritis ==> 急性肾盂肾炎
  6272. acute pyogenic cholangitis ==> 急性化脓性胆管炎
  6273. acute pyogenic parotitis ==> 急性化脓性腮腺炎
  6274. acute pyonephrosis ==> 急性肾盂积脓
  6275. acute pyothorax ==> 急性脓胸
  6276. acute radiation enterocolitis ==> 急性放射性小肠结肠炎
  6277. acute radiation sickness ==> 急性放射病,急性照射病
  6278. acute radiation syndrome ==> 急性放射性综合征
  6279. acute recurrent pancreatitis ==> 急性复发性胰腺炎
  6280. acute red atrophy of liver ==> 急性红色肝萎缩
  6281. acute renal failure ==> 急性肾功能衰竭,急性肾衰竭
  6282. acute respiratory disease ==> 急性呼吸道疾病
  6283. acute respiratory failure ==> 急性呼吸衰竭
  6284. acute rheumatic fever ==> 急性风湿热
  6285. acute rhinitis ==> 急性鼻炎
  6286. acute salpinitis ==> 急性输卵管炎
  6287. acute schizophrenic episode ==> 急性精神分裂性发作
  6288. acute selenium poisoning ==> 急性硒中毒
  6289. acute seminal vesiculitis ==> 急性精囊炎
  6290. acute sercus apical periodontitis ==> 急性浆液性根尖周围炎
  6291. acute serofibrinous pleurisy ==> 急性浆液纤维素性胸膜炎
  6292. acute sialoadenitis ==> 急性涎腺炎
  6293. acute simple appendicitis ==> 急性单纯性阑尾炎
  6294. acute simple tonsillitis ==> 急性单纯性扁桃体炎
  6295. acute spermatocystitis ==> 急性精囊炎
  6296. acute sphenoiditis ==> 急性蝶窦炎
  6297. acute splenic tumor ==> 急性脾肿胀
  6298. acute sprain of ligament ==> 急性韧带扭伤
  6299. acute sprain of lumbo-sacral joint ==> 急性腰骶关节扭伤
  6300. acute sprain of sacro-iliac joint ==> 急性骶髂关节扭伤
  6301. acute squints in myositis ==> 急性肌炎性斜视
  6302. acute stage ==> 急性期
  6303. acute stem-cell leukemia ==> 急性干细胞性白血病
  6304. acute strangulated intestinal obstruction ==> 急性绞窄性肠梗阻
  6305. acute subdural hemorrhage ==> 急性硬脑膜下出血
  6306. acute subendocardial myocardial infarction ==> 急性心内膜下心肌梗塞
  6307. acute subglottic laryngitis ==> 急性声门下喉炎
  6308. acute submaxillary lymphadenitis ==> 颈痈,颈痈
  6309. acute suppurative apicitis ==> 急性化脓性根尖炎
  6310. acute suppurative arthritis ==> 急性化脓性关节炎
  6311. acute suppurative hydrocele of tunica vaginalis ==> 急性化脓性鞘膜积液
  6312. acute suppurative myelitis ==> 急性化脓性脊髓炎
  6313. acute suppurative nephritis ==> 急性化脓性肾炎
  6314. acute suppurative orchitis ==> 急性化脓性睾丸炎
  6315. acute suppurative thyroiditis ==> 急性化脓性甲状腺炎
  6316. acute suppurative tonsillitis ==> 急性化脓性扁桃体炎
  6317. acute thyroiditis ==> 急性甲状腺炎
  6318. acute tonsillitis ==> 急乳蛾,急性扁桃体炎
  6319. acute toxic effect zone ==> 急性毒作用带
  6320. acute toxic encephalopathy ==> 急性中毒性脑病
  6321. acute toxic symptoms ==> 急性毒性症状
  6322. acute toxicity effect ==> 急性的有毒影响
  6323. acute toxicity test ==> 急性毒性试验
  6324. acute tracheitis ==> 急性气管炎
  6325. acute traumatic bone atrophy ==> 急性外伤性骨萎缩
  6326. acute traumatic infratentorial hematoma ==> 急性损伤性幕下血肿
  6327. acute traumatic intracranial hematoma ==> 急性损伤性颅内血肿
  6328. acute traumatic supratentorial hematoma ==> 急性损伤性幕上血肿
  6329. acute triangle ==> 锐角三角形
  6330. acute tubular necrosis ==> 急性肾小管坏死
  6331. acute type ==> 急型
  6332. acute ulcerative angina ==> 走马喉疳
  6333. acute unclassified leukemia ==> 急性细胞类型未定白血病
  6334. acute upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage ==> 急性上消化道出血
  6335. acute upper respiratory infection ==> 急性上呼吸道感染
  6336. acute ureteritis ==> 急性输尿管炎
  6337. acute urethritis ==> 急性尿道炎
  6338. acute urocystitis ==> 急性膀胱炎
  6339. acute urticaria ==> 急性荨麻疹
  6340. acute vaginitis ==> 急性阴道炎
  6341. acute vascular purpura ==> 急性血管性紫癜
  6342. acute vasitis ==> 急性输精管炎
  6343. acute yellow atrophy ==> 急性黄色萎缩
  6344. acute yellow atrophy of liver ==> 急性黄色肝萎缩
  6345. acute-angle attachment ==> 锐角附件
  6346. acute-squint corner ==> 锐角墙角
  6347. acuteness ==> 锐度,敏度
  6348. ACV, air cushion vehicle ==> エアクッション船
  6349. ACVC, Ada compiler validation capability ==> Adaコンパイラ検証機能
  6350. ACWP, actual cost of work performed ==> 達成作業実コスト
  6351. acyanotic chronic bronchitis ==> 非紫绀型慢性支气管炎
  6352. acyclic dynamo ==> 单极发电机,单极电机=>アサイクッリク直流発電機,単極直流発電機
  6353. acyclic feeding ==> 非周期馈电
  6354. acyclic generator ==> 单极发电机=>単極発電機
  6355. acyclic machine ==> 单极电机=>不交番電機
  6356. acyclic model ==> 非循环模型
  6357. acyclic network ==> 非循环网络,非周期网络
  6358. acyclic potential flow ==> 无环量势流
  6359. acyclic potential motion ==> 无环量势流
  6360. acyclic saturated hydrocarbon ==> 饱和无环烃=>非環式飽和炭化水素
  6361. acyclic set ==> 非循环序集(计算机的)
  6362. acyl bromide ==> 酰基溴,酰基溴
  6363. acyl carrier protein (ACP) ==> 脂肪酰载体蛋白,脂酰基载体蛋白
  6364. acyl chloride ==> 酰基氯,酰基氯
  6365. acyl derivative ==> 酰基衍生物,酰基衍生物
  6366. acyl exchange ==> 酸解
  6367. acyl halide ==> 酰基卤,酰基卤
  6368. acyl-CoA ester ==> 酰基辅酶A酯,酰基辅酶A酯
  6369. acylating agent ==> 酰化剂,酰化剂
  6370. acyldihydroxyacetone-phosphate ==> 磷酸脂肪酰二羟丙酮
  6371. acyloin condensation ==> 偶姻缩合
  6372. ACZ, air control zone ==> 空气质素管制区
  6373. AD assistant driller ==> 副司钻
  6374. ad converter ==> 模拟数字转换器
  6375. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee of Experts ==> 特设专家咨询委员会
  6376. ad hoc analysis ==> 专门分析
  6377. ad hoc approach ==> 特定设计法
  6378. ad hoc committee ==> 特别委员会,特设委员会,专门委员会
  6379. ad hoc decision rules ==> 特定决策规则
  6380. ad hoc expert group ==> 特别专家小组,特设专家小组
  6381. ad hoc fashion ==> 特定方式
  6382. ad hoc group ==> 特别小组
  6383. ad hoc logic ==> 专门逻辑
  6384. ad hoc report ==> 特别报告
  6385. ad hoc resources ==> 特别资源
  6386. ad libitum (ad lib) ==> (拉丁)速度任意
  6387. ad valore bill of lading ==> 货值提单
  6388. AD, air data ==> NASA略語(意訳:大気データ)
  6389. AD, air density ==> 空気密度
  6390. AD, aperture door ==> 窓付ドア
  6391. AD, array deployment ==> 太陽電池パドル展開
  6392. AD, attitude determination ==> 姿勢決定
  6393. AD, attitude determination error ==> 姿勢決定誤差
  6394. AD, automatic depository ==> 自動預金機
  6395. ad-layer ==> 吸附层
  6396. ad-radius ==> 从辐管
  6397. ADA Americans With Disabilities Act ==> 美国接受残疾人法(船上有适合残疾人居住的辅助设施)
  6398. ada mud ==> 添加泥浆
  6399. ADAC, attitude determination and antenna control ==> 姿勢決定及びアンテナ制御
  6400. Adagio ==> 柔板,从容的,悠闲的
  6401. Adam architecture ==> 亚当式建筑
  6402. Adam's apple ==> 结喉=>喉结
  6403. Adam's saw ==> 长柄小锯
  6404. adamant plaster ==> 速凝石膏粉刷
  6405. Adamant steel ==> 特硬钢
  6406. adamantine luster ==> 金刚光泽
  6407. adamantine spar ==> 刚玉
  6408. adamantyl tetracycline ==> 金刚烷四环素
  6409. adamic earth ==> 红粘土
  6410. adamite ==> 水砷锌矿
  6411. adamite roll ==> 高碳铬镍耐磨铸铁轧辊
  6412. Adams chromatic value sysrem ==> 亚当斯颜色定量指示法
  6413. Adams method ==> 亚当姆斯方法
  6414. Adams process ==> 亚当斯玻璃除铁法
  6415. Adams-Stockes syndrome ==> 急性心原性脑缺氧综合征
  6416. Adamson ring ==> 阿达姆松联接环,炉筒补强环
  6417. Adamson's joint ==> アダムソン継手
  6418. Adamson's ring ==> アダムソンリング
  6419. Adansonia fibre ==> 阿丹森尼亚纤维
  6420. ADAP, adapter ==> アダプタ
  6421. adapt ==> 适应
  6422. adapt circumstance ==> 适宜的环境
  6423. adaptability ==> 可用性,适应能力,适应性,灵活性
  6424. adaptability of software ==> 软件的适应性
  6425. adaptability of soil ==> 适土性
  6426. adaptable ==> 适应,可适应
  6427. adaptable automobile mode/style ==> 适用车型
  6428. adaptable colo(u)r television system ==> 顺应式彩色电视制
  6429. adaptable stage ==> 灵活舞台
  6430. adaptable voltage ==> 适用电压
  6431. adaptable/suitable tube's current ==> 适用灯管电流
  6432. adaptation ==> 适应,顺应=>適合,適応,順応
  6433. adaptation ability ==> 適応能力
  6434. adaptation algorithm ==> 適応アルゴリズム
  6435. adaptation brightness ==> 适应亮度=>順応輝度
  6436. adaptation illuminance ==> 适应亮度
  6437. adaptation kit ==> 成套配合件
  6438. adaptation layer ==> 适应层
  6439. adaptation level ==> 适应电平,适应亮度
  6440. adaptation of methods ==> 方法的适应
  6441. adaptation product ==> 反应质
  6442. adaptation syndrome ==> 适应症候群
  6443. adaptation time ==> 适应时间
  6444. adaptation to cold ==> 冷适应
  6445. adaptation to local conditions ==> 因地制宜
  6446. adaptation to short-day region ==> 适合短日照的地区
  6447. adaptation tolerance ==> 适应耐受性
  6448. adapted breed ==> 适应品种
  6449. adapted types ==> 适应类型
  6450. adapted varieties ==> 适宜品种
  6451. adapter ==> 适配器,应接板,应接管,转接器,配用器,承接管,接套,针接头,连接器,过渡接头=>アダプター
  6452. adapter amplifier ==> 匹配放大器
  6453. adapter assembly ==> 紧定套组件
  6454. adapter bearing ==> 带固接套的轴承,带固接套轴承
  6455. adapter bush ==> 接头衬套
  6456. adapter carburetor ==> 化油器附加器
  6457. adapter check ==> 适配器检查
  6458. adapter connector ==> 接头,连接器
  6459. adapter control block (ACB) ==> 适配器控制块
  6460. adapter converter ==> 附加变频器
  6461. adapter coupling ==> 套筒式联轴器,连轴齿套
  6462. adapter flange ==> 配接凸缘
  6463. adapter gear ==> 齿轮接合器
  6464. adapter junction box ==> 分线盒
  6465. adapter kit ==> 成套附件
  6466. adapter lens ==> 接合器透镜,附加适配透镜
  6467. adapter path ==> 连接路线
  6468. adapter piece ==> 配件
  6469. adapter plug ==> 分接插头,转接插头
  6470. adapter ring ==> 接合环,接圈,中间环
  6471. adapter set screw ==> 接头调节螺钉
  6472. adapter shifting coupling ==> 接合器
  6473. adapter skirt ==> 适配裙部
  6474. adapter sleeve ==> 接合器套筒,接头套筒,紧定套,紧固套,连接套筒
  6475. adapter socket ==> 卡盘
  6476. adapter transformer ==> 用电附加变压器,附加变压器
  6477. adapter(-tor) ==> 接续器,衔接器,联轴套管,连接装置
  6478. adapter(adaptor)sleeve ==> 连接套管
  6479. adapter-type bearing ==> 接合式轴承
  6480. adapterization ==> 拾音
  6481. adapting device ==> 配合装置,连接装置
  6482. adapting flange ==> 连接法兰,配接法兰
  6483. adapting form ==> 承插式
  6484. adapting luminance ==> (视觉)亮适用性
  6485. adapting piece ==> 连接件
  6486. adapting pipe ==> 承接管
  6487. adaption ==> 配合,适合
  6488. adaptive ==> 适应的=>順応性の,適応できる
  6489. adaptive & self healing ==> 最適自律型
  6490. adaptive ability ==> 適応能力
  6491. adaptive acceleration ==> 適応加速
  6492. adaptive algorithm ==> 适应算法
  6493. adaptive alternatives ==> 适合的备择方案
  6494. adaptive array ==> 自适应阵列
  6495. adaptive attitude control ==> 適応姿勢制御
  6496. adaptive autopilot ==> 自适应自动驾驶仪
  6497. adaptive capacity to environment ==> 环境适应能力
  6498. adaptive character reader ==> 自适应字符阅读器
  6499. adaptive communication ==> 自适应通信,适应式通信
  6500. adaptive control ==> 适应控制,适应性控制,自适控制,自适应控制=>適応制御
  6501. adaptive control action ==> 自适应控制作用
  6502. adaptive control constraint ==> 限制式适应控制
  6503. adaptive control function ==> 適応制御機能
  6504. adaptive control method ==> 適応制御法
  6505. adaptive control of frequency ==> 自适应频率控制,以优化电力系统某些运行状态为目标的二次频率调节,自适应频率控制系统能够根据运行条件的变化自动地调整本身的结构或参数(例如自行改变各反馈量的增益)使其运行在最优工况下
  6506. adaptive control of machine tool ==> 机床自适应控制
  6507. adaptive control optimization ==> 最適化適応制御
  6508. adaptive control problem ==> 適応制御問題
  6509. adaptive control system ==> 自适应控制系统,适应式控制系统=>適応制御系
  6510. adaptive control technique ==> 適応制御技術
  6511. adaptive controller ==> 自适应控制装置
  6512. adaptive convergence ==> 趋同适应
  6513. adaptive decoding scheme ==> 自适应译码方法
  6514. adaptive differential pulse code modulation ==> AD-PCM
  6515. adaptive differentiation ==> 適応分化
  6516. adaptive digital filter ==> 適応デジタルフィルター
  6517. adaptive digital signal processing ==> 適応ディジタル信号処理
  6518. adaptive discrete cosine transform ==> 適応型離散コサイン変換(ADCT)
  6519. adaptive divergence ==> 适应趋异
  6520. adaptive element ==> 适应元件
  6521. adaptive enzyme ==> 适应酶
  6522. adaptive equalization ==> 自适应均衡
  6523. adaptive equalizer ==> 自适应均衡器
  6524. adaptive evolution ==> 适应性进化
  6525. adaptive expertise ==> 適応的熟達
  6526. adaptive faculty ==> 适应力,适应能力
  6527. adaptive feed-back control ==> 自适应反馈控制
  6528. adaptive feedback control ==> 适应反馈控制
  6529. adaptive filter ==> 适应滤波器=>適応フィルター
  6530. adaptive filter technique ==> 適応フィルター技術
  6531. adaptive filtering ==> 適応フィルタリング
  6532. adaptive finite element method ==> アダプティブ有限要素法
  6533. adaptive flexibility ==> 適用性
  6534. adaptive form ==> 适应类型
  6535. adaptive identifier ==> 適応同定器
  6536. adaptive immunity ==> 适应性免疫
  6537. adaptive linear dynamics and quadratic criteria ==> 适应的线性动态及二次判据
  6538. adaptive load mitigation ==> 适应性负荷调整控制
  6539. adaptive locomotion ==> 適応移動
  6540. adaptive meshing method ==> アダプティブメッシュ法
  6541. adaptive migratory ==> 适应迁移
  6542. adaptive mill control ==> 轧机自适应控制
  6543. adaptive modelling ==> 适应性建模
  6544. adaptive modelling approach ==> 适应性建模方法
  6545. adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system ==> 自适应神经模糊控制
  6546. adaptive observer ==> 適応オブザーバ
  6547. adaptive ocelli ==> 侧单眼
  6548. adaptive optimal control ==> 自适应最佳控制
  6549. adaptive optimal system ==> 自适应最佳系统
  6550. adaptive optimization ==> 自适应最优化
  6551. adaptive peak ==> 适应峰
  6552. adaptive prediction ==> 适应预报=>適応予測
  6553. adaptive predictive coding ==> 適応予測符号化
  6554. adaptive process ==> 自适应过程
  6555. adaptive quantizing ==> 適応量子化
  6556. adaptive radiation ==> 适应辐射
  6557. adaptive routing ==> 适应式路径选择,自适应路径选择
  6558. adaptive scheme ==> 適応的方法
  6559. adaptive servo ==> 自适应伺服机构
  6560. adaptive servo-system ==> 自适应伺服系统
  6561. adaptive smoothing method ==> 拟合平滑法
  6562. adaptive system ==> 适应性系统,自适应系统,(计算机)可适应系统
  6563. adaptive system theory ==> 自适应系统理论
  6564. adaptive technique ==> 适应技术
  6565. adaptive telemetering system ==> 适应遥测系统
  6566. adaptive temperature ==> 适应温度
  6567. adaptive testing ==> 适应测试
  6568. adaptive value ==> 适应值
  6569. adaptometer ==> 适应计,自适应计,匹配测量计,眼适应计
  6570. adaptor for product discharge ==> 排料接口
  6571. ADB ==> アジア開発銀行
  6572. ADB, Aerodynamic Data Book ==> NASA略語(空力データブック)
  6573. adbominal diverticulum ==> 腹支囊
  6574. adc ==> 模拟数字转换器
  6575. Adc, Amperes Direct Current ==> 直流電流
  6576. ADC, analog to digital converter ==> A/D変換器
  6577. ADC, antenna drive control ==> アンテナ駆動制御
  6578. ADC, Automatic Dispatching Control ==> 自動給電
  6579. ADCCP, advanced data communication control procedure ==> 次期データ通信制御手順
  6580. ADCL, as delivered configuration list ==> 出荷状態コンフィギュレーションリスト
  6581. ADCL, as designed configuration list ==> 設計状態コンフィギュレーションリスト
  6582. Adcock direction finder ==> 埃德柯克定向器,爱德考克测向仪,旋转天线探向器
  6583. Adcock range ==> 爱德考克无线电测距
  6584. ADCOM Address Commission ==> 通讯委员会
  6585. ADCP, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler ==> 音波多普勒水流测剖机
  6586. ADCS, attitude determine and control system ==> 姿勢決定及び制御システム
  6587. add and subtract relay ==> 增减继电器
  6588. add circuit ==> 加法电路
  6589. add confirmation ==> 加保兑
  6590. add control unit ==> 加法控制部件
  6591. add even check ==> 奇偶校验
  6592. add file ==> 加文件
  6593. add gate ==> 加法门,相加门
  6594. add list ==> 附加表
  6595. add mode ==> 加方式
  6596. add network ==> 加法网络
  6597. add operation ==> 加操作,加法操作
  6598. add pulse ==> 加法脉冲
  6599. add the weight ==> 增加重量
  6600. add time ==> 加法运算时间
  6601. add to list ==> 加到表中
  6602. add to storage ==> 加到存储器
  6603. add up error ==> 累加误差
  6604. add with carry ==> 进位加
  6605. ADD, address ==> アドレス
  6606. add-and-subtract relay ==> 增减继电器
  6607. add-delete list ==> 附加删除表
  6608. add-on ==> 扩充,比例附加=>アドオン,アプリケーションソフトに追加される拡張機能。
  6609. add-on board ==> 添加插件板
  6610. add-on memory ==> 添加存储器
  6611. add-on storage ==> 添加存储器
  6612. add-on system ==> 增加系统
  6613. add-substract key ==> 加减键
  6614. add-subtract control unit ==> 加减控制器
  6615. add-to-memory technique ==> 加到存储器技术
  6616. addaverter ==> 加法转换器
  6617. added burden ==> 额外负担
  6618. added circuit ==> 相加电路,加法电路
  6619. added edition ==> 重版
  6620. added entry point ==> 补充进入点
  6621. added ingredient ==> 引子
  6622. added loss ==> 附加损耗
  6623. added metal ==> 熔接金属,填充金属
  6624. added net income ==> 附加纯收益
  6625. added purchasing power ==> 追加的购买力
  6626. added resistance ==> 附加电阻,扩量程电阻
  6627. added return ==> 附加报酬
  6628. added substance ==> 添加物
  6629. added value ==> 附加价值,增值
  6630. added value analysis ==> 附加值分析
  6631. added value tax ==> 增值税=>付加価値税
  6632. addend ==> 加数=>加数
  6633. addend address operand ==> 加数地址操作数
  6634. addend length operand ==> 加数长度操作数
  6635. addend register ==> 加数寄存器
  6636. addendpartial product register ==> 被加数部分积寄存器
  6637. addendum ==> 齿顶高=>歯先
  6638. addendum angle ==> (伞齿轮的)齿顶角
  6639. addendum bearing ==> 齿顶承载区
  6640. addendum circle ==> 齿顶圆
  6641. addendum coefficient ==> 齿顶高系数
  6642. addendum cone ==> 齿顶锥,顶锥
  6643. addendum correction ==> 齿顶高修正,齿高变位量
  6644. addendum factor ==> 齿顶高系数
  6645. addendum line ==> 齿顶线
  6646. addendum modification coefficient ==> 齿顶修正系数
  6647. adder ==> 加法器,加法电路=>加算器,アダー
  6648. adder accumulator ==> 加法累加器
  6649. adder gate ==> 加法器门
  6650. adder stage ==> 相加级
  6651. adder subtracter ==> 加减器
  6652. adder tree multiplication ==> 加法器树形乘法
  6653. adder unit ==> 加法器单元
  6654. adder-subtracter ==> 加減算器
  6655. adderss out ==> 地址输出
  6656. addiction ==> 癖,癖嗜=>依存,中毒,耽溺
  6657. addiction behavior ==> 嗜癖行動
  6658. addiction to drugs ==> 麻薬中毒
  6659. adding and substracting circuit ==> 加減演算器,加減算回路
  6660. adding box ==> 加法器
  6661. adding element ==> 加法元件
  6662. adding limestone ==> 加进石灰石
  6663. adding machine ==> 加法机,加法器,加数器
  6664. adding mechanism ==> 加法机构
  6665. adding molybdenum compounds ==> 添加钼化合物
  6666. adding network ==> 加法网络
  6667. adding sand or organic matter ==> 加入砂子和有机物
  6668. adding storage register ==> 加法存储寄存器,求和存储寄存器
  6669. adding tape ==> 添加卷尺
  6670. adding wheel ==> 加法轮
  6671. addisonian syndrome ==> 阿狄森氏综合征
  6672. addition ==> 附加,补充,添加,添加剂,加成,加成作用,加法,加建工程,加入量,添加
  6673. addition agent ==> 加成剂,添加剂=>添加剤
  6674. addition and betterment reserve ==> 扩建及改良准备
  6675. addition and subtraction ==> 加减法
  6676. addition by subtraction ==> 采用减法运算的加法
  6677. addition cascade ==> 相加级联
  6678. addition charge ==> 补充充电
  6679. addition command ==> 加法命令
  6680. addition compound ==> 加成化合物
  6681. addition diet ==> 附加饮食
  6682. addition dimer ==> 加成二聚物
  6683. addition dimerization ==> 加成二聚合作用
  6684. addition element ==> 加合金元素
  6685. addition entry point ==> 附加入口点
  6686. addition file ==> 附加文件
  6687. addition formula ==> 加法公式
  6688. addition ingredient ==> 添加成分
  6689. addition instruction ==> 加法指令
  6690. addition item ==> 补充项,附加项
  6691. addition method ==> 叠加法
  6692. addition of complex quantities ==> 复数的加法
  6693. addition of constraints ==> 附加约束
  6694. addition of diffraction patterns ==> 衍射图形叠加
  6695. addition of matrices ==> 矩阵加法,矩阵加法
  6696. addition of modes ==> 模叠加
  6697. addition of optical fields ==> 光学场叠加
  6698. addition of polynomial ==> 多项式加法
  6699. addition of probabilities ==> 概率相加定律
  6700. addition of series ==> 序列的相加,级数的加法
  6701. addition of variables ==> 变量相加
  6702. addition of waveforms ==> 波形叠加
  6703. addition of wavefronts ==> 波前叠加
  6704. addition operator ==> 加法算子
  6705. addition polymer ==> 加成聚合物,加聚物
  6706. addition polymerization ==> 加聚作用
  6707. addition principle ==> 加法原理
  6708. addition process ==> 加成法,加法工序
  6709. addition product ==> 加成物
  6710. addition property ==> 加法性质
  6711. addition reaction ==> 加成反应
  6712. addition record ==> 补充记录
  6713. addition resin ==> 加成聚合物
  6714. addition rule ==> 相加规划
  6715. addition solid solution ==> 加成固溶体
  6716. addition speed ==> 加法速度,附加速度
  6717. addition table ==> 加法表
  6718. addition theorem ==> 加法定理=>加法定理
  6719. addition to existing assets ==> 现有资产扩建
  6720. addition without carry ==> 不进位加,(无进位加法)按位加
  6721. addition(al) element ==> 添加元素,加入元素
  6722. additional ==> 附加的,额外的,补充的=>付加的な,追加の
  6723. additional aging ==> 追加熟成
  6724. additional agreement ==> 追加協定
  6725. additional aid ==> 追加援助
  6726. additional air ==> 补助空气
  6727. additional air governor ==> 补给空气量调节器
  6728. additional air regulator ==> 补给空气量调节器
  6729. additional air valve ==> 补给空气阀
  6730. additional arbitrator ==> 补充仲裁员
  6731. additional arc electrode ==> 円弧形補助電極
  6732. additional article ==> 增订条款
  6733. additional audit procedures ==> 补充审计程序
  6734. additional auditing procedure ==> 附加审计程序
  6735. additional auditing standards ==> 附加审计标准
  6736. additional background radiation ==> 附加的背景辐射
  6737. additional band ==> 附加光带
  6738. additional bar ==> 附加钢筋
  6739. additional base point ==> 辅助基点
  6740. additional benefit ==> 附加利益,额外利益
  6741. additional budget ==> 追加预算
  6742. additional building ==> 附加房屋
  6743. additional burner ==> 辅助燃烧器
  6744. additional call library ==> 附加调用程序库
  6745. additional capability ==> 附加出力
  6746. additional cargo ==> 附加载货
  6747. additional character ==> 附加字符,辅助字符,特殊符号
  6748. additional charge ==> 附加费,再充电,补充充电,补充装料
  6749. additional charges ==> 附加费用
  6750. additional clause ==> 附加条款
  6751. additional code ==> 附加符号
  6752. additional collateral ==> 追加担保品
  6753. additional combining ==> 相加合成
  6754. additional constant ==> 附加常数
  6755. additional control point ==> 辅助控制点
  6756. additional correction ==> 补充修正
  6757. additional cost ==> 额外费用,新增成本
  6758. additional cultivation ==> 补耕
  6759. additional current ==> 附加电流
  6760. additional cycle redundancy check ==> 附加的循环冗余码校验
  6761. additional damage ==> 附加的破坏
  6762. additional debt restriction ==> 追加借款限制
  6763. additional device ==> 附加装置
  6764. additional dialing ==> 附加拨号
  6765. additional disk ==> 附加磁盘
  6766. additional document ==> 补充文件
  6767. additional drag ==> 附加阻力
  6768. additional drain ==> 附加沟
  6769. additional duty ==> 附加税项,追加关税
  6770. additional electrode ==> 補助電極
  6771. additional electromotive force ==> 附加电动势
  6772. additional enterprise ==> 副业=>副業
  6773. additional equation ==> 附加方程
  6774. additional equipment ==> 辅助设备,补充的设备
  6775. additional error ==> 附加误差
  6776. additional examination ==> 附加检查
  6777. additional expenses ==> 额外费用
  6778. additional expenses-war risks ==> 战争险附加费用
  6779. additional export ==> 例外出口
  6780. additional exposure ==> 辅助曝光
  6781. additional extra ==> 额外的
  6782. additional factor for exterior door ==> 外门附加率
  6783. additional factor for intermittent heating ==> 间歇附加率
  6784. additional factor for room height ==> 高度附加率
  6785. additional factor for wind force ==> 风力附加率
  6786. additional felting ==> 附加油毡做法
  6787. additional fertilizer ==> 追肥
  6788. additional filter ==> 附加滤色镜
  6789. additional for optional port of discharges ==> 选择卸货港费
  6790. additional freight ==> 附加运费,附属运费
  6791. additional fuel ==> 附加燃料
  6792. additional gain ==> 附加增益
  6793. additional gene ==> 附加基因
  6794. additional genetic material ==> 附加遗传物质
  6795. additional harmonic field ==> 附加谐波场
  6796. additional heat loss ==> 附加耗热量
  6797. additional heating ==> 补偿加热,补充加热
  6798. additional impedance ==> 事故点付加インピーダンス
  6799. additional income ==> 额外收入
  6800. additional income tax ==> 附加所得税
  6801. additional income tax return ==> 附加所得税申报表
  6802. additional indicator system ==> 附加指标法
  6803. additional information ==> 附加情报,附加信息,可加信息
  6804. additional ingredient ==> 付加成分
  6805. additional input source ==> 附加输入源
  6806. additional insurance ==> 附加保险,附加险,追加保险
  6807. additional investment ==> 额外投资,补充投资
  6808. additional iron losses ==> 附加铁损
  6809. additional item ==> 补充项,附加项
  6810. additional labor costs ==> 附加人工成本
  6811. additional layer ==> 附加层
  6812. additional layer of felt ==> 附加油毡层
  6813. additional layer of flet ==> 辅助油毡层
  6814. additional level holding pump ==> 附加
  6815. additional lighting ==> 辅助照明
  6816. additional load ==> 附加负荷
  6817. additional loss ==> 附加损耗
  6818. additional main storage ==> 附加的主存储器
  6819. additional margin ==> 追加押金
  6820. additional mark ==> 附加标志
  6821. additional mass ==> 补充质量=>負荷質量
  6822. additional memory ==> 辅助存储器
  6823. additional mirror ==> 附加镜
  6824. additional necessary condition ==> 附加的必要条件
  6825. additional network ==> 附加网络
  6826. additional nitration ==> 补充硝化
  6827. additional noise ==> 附加噪声
  6828. additional order ==> 追加定单
  6829. additional paid in capital ==> 额外实收资本
  6830. additional paid-in capital ==> 附加实缴股本,附加资本,超面值缴入资本
  6831. additional part of a bill ==> 期票附件
  6832. additional payment ==> 追加支付
  6833. additional payments ==> 另外支出
  6834. additional peak ==> 附加峰
  6835. additional percentage tax ==> 附加比例税
  6836. additional period ==> 附加时间
  6837. additional perturbation ==> 附加摄动
  6838. additional pipe ==> 接长管,支管
  6839. additional pollution ==> 增添污染
  6840. additional power source ==> 附加电源
  6841. additional premise ==> 附加前提
  6842. additional premium ==> 附加保险费
  6843. additional premium (AP) ==> 附加额外保费
  6844. additional pressure ==> 附加压力
  6845. additional process ==> 附加过程
  6846. additional producer ==> 补充生产井
  6847. additional product ==> 附加产品
  6848. additional properties ==> 附加性能
  6849. additional protocal ==> 附加议定书
  6850. additional protocol ==> 附加议定书
  6851. additional provisions ==> 附加条款
  6852. additional rate ==> 附加比率
  6853. additional rates ==> 附属费
  6854. additional record ==> 附加记录
  6855. additional redundancy ==> 附加冗余度
  6856. additional reinforcement ==> 附加钢筋
  6857. additional remarks ==> 补充说明
  6858. additional requirement ==> 附加要求
  6859. additional requirements ==> 补充技术条件
  6860. additional resistance ==> 附加电阻
  6861. additional revenue ==> 附加收入
  6862. additional risk ==> 附加险
  6863. additional safeguard oil pressure ==> 附加保安油压
  6864. additional seat ==> 加座
  6865. additional special contribution ==> 额外特别捐款
  6866. additional state ==> 附加状态
  6867. additional stop ==> 附加光栏
  6868. additional stream ==> 附加水流
  6869. additional strength ==> 補強
  6870. additional strengthening ==> 補強構造
  6871. additional stress ==> 附加应力
  6872. additional substantive test ==> 附加的实质性测试
  6873. additional survey ==> 补充测量
  6874. additional tax ==> 附加税,追加税
  6875. additional tax rate ==> 附加税率
  6876. additional teat ==> 副乳头
  6877. additional test ==> 附加检验
  6878. additional theorem ==> 加法定理
  6879. additional transfers ==> 追加转拨
  6880. additional units ==> 新增机组
  6881. additional value of wall thickness ==> 壁厚附加量
  6882. additional vaporization ==> 附加蒸发
  6883. additional variable ==> 附加变量,附加变数,补充变量
  6884. additional voltage ==> 补充电压
  6885. additional vulcanization ==> 后硫化
  6886. additional wave ==> 附加波
  6887. additional weight ==> 配重
  6888. additional well ==> 补充井
  6889. additional wheel drive control ==> 附加驱动车轮的操纵件
  6890. additional winding ==> 附加绕组
  6891. additions and betterments reserve ==> 扩充及改良准备
  6892. additive ==> 附加,附加剂,相加,外加剂,掺和剂,掺合料,掺合物,添加剂,添加料,可加的,加性
  6893. additive action ==> 相加作用
  6894. additive action of genes ==> 基因加性作用
  6895. additive attribute ==> 加属性,附加属性
  6896. additive channel ==> 可加信道
  6897. additive colo(u)r system ==> 混色系统
  6898. additive color system ==> 加色制
  6899. additive coloration method ==> 附加着色法
  6900. additive colour filter ==> 附加滤色镜
  6901. additive colour matching ==> 加色法配色
  6902. additive colour mixture ==> 附加混合色
  6903. additive complementary colo(u)r ==> 相加合成补色
  6904. additive complementary colors ==> 加法混色の補色
  6905. additive congruential method ==> 加同余法
  6906. additive constant ==> 加常数,加法常数,相加性常数
  6907. additive correction ==> 附加校正
  6908. additive deformation ==> 附加变形
  6909. additive depletion ==> 添加剂耗损
  6910. additive effect ==> 加性效应,附加效应,累加效应,相加作用
  6911. additive effects ==> 迭加效应
  6912. additive efficient deformation rate ==> 有效附加变形率
  6913. additive engine oil ==> 含添加剂的机油
  6914. additive error ==> 附加误差
  6915. additive evaluation model ==> 辅助评价模型
  6916. additive factor ==> 附加因素,累加因子,加性因素
  6917. additive file attribute ==> 补充的文件属性,附加文件属性
  6918. additive filter ==> 附加滤光片
  6919. additive function ==> 加性函数,可加性函数
  6920. additive gas ==> 添加ガス
  6921. additive Gaussian noise ==> 相加高斯噪声=>相加性ガウス雑音
  6922. additive genetic variance ==> 加性遗传方差,附加性遗传变量
  6923. additive group ==> 加法群
  6924. additive identity ==> 加法单位元,加法恒等元
  6925. additive independence ==> 可加独立性
  6926. additive independence assumption ==> 可加独立性假设
  6927. additive inheritance ==> 加性遗传
  6928. additive inverse ==> 加法逆元,加性逆元
  6929. additive law of irregularity ==> 不匀率相加定律
  6930. additive lubricating oil ==> 含添加剂的润滑油
  6931. additive mixing ==> 相加混频
  6932. additive mixture ==> 加色混合
  6933. additive mixture of color stimuli ==> 加法混色
  6934. additive motor oil ==> 含添加剂的机油,含添加剂机油
  6935. additive noise ==> 相加噪声=>相加性雑音
  6936. additive of effect ==> 效力可加性,效应可加性
  6937. additive oil ==> 含添加剂的油
  6938. additive operation ==> 加法运算
  6939. additive operator ==> 加法算符
  6940. additive order ==> 加法阶
  6941. additive polarity ==> 加极性=>加極性(変圧器)
  6942. additive preference ==> 可加偏好
  6943. additive primaries ==> 加法混色の原色
  6944. additive primary ==> 加色法基色
  6945. additive primary colors ==> 加法三原色
  6946. additive printed plate ==> 添加法印刷电路板,添加法印刷电路数
  6947. additive printer ==> 加色光印片机
  6948. additive process ==> 加法过程,可加过程,添加法
  6949. additive property ==> 加和性,相加性
  6950. additive random walk process ==> 可加随机游走过程
  6951. additive reaction ==> 加成反应
  6952. additive seasonal effect ==> 附加季节性影响
  6953. additive selection ==> 和動選択
  6954. additive set function ==> 加性集函数
  6955. additive structure ==> 可加结构
  6956. additive term ==> 补充项
  6957. additive theorem ==> 加法定理
  6958. additive time ==> 加法时间
  6959. additive to extraction ==> 浸出添加剂
  6960. additive utility function ==> 相加的效用函数,可加效用函数
  6961. additive-containing nylon ==> 含添加剂尼龙
  6962. additive-free ==> 無添加の
  6963. additive-free food ==> 無添加食品
  6964. additive-free meat ==> 無添加肉
  6965. additive-type oil ==> 含添加剂的油,含添加剂类型的油
  6966. additively separable ==> 加性可分的
  6967. additively separable function ==> 辅助可分离函数
  6968. additives ==> 食物添加剂=>添加物
  6969. additivity for a production set ==> 生产集的可加性
  6970. additivity of mass spectra ==> 质谱的可迭加性
  6971. additivity of mean ==> 平均值的可加性
  6972. additivity rule ==> 加成定则
  6973. additivity test ==> 可加性检验
  6974. additonal area ==> 追加区
  6975. additonal disturbing force ==> 附加扰动力
  6976. additve ==> 添加剂
  6977. addled egg ==> 死胚蛋,臭蛋,无胚卵
  6978. addorsal line ==> 侧背线
  6979. ADDPSS, advanced digital power system simulator ==> 电科院全数字电力系统仿真器
  6980. ADDR built-in function ==> 地址内部函数
  6981. address ==> 选址,码址,处理,(ADDR,ADR)名址,地址,(电脑电话机)记忆地址索引卡片=>取り組む,アドレス,挨拶,演説
  6982. address (multi-address) ==> 多重地址
  6983. address accept response ==> 地址接收响应
  6984. address access control ==> 地址存取控制器
  6985. address access type ==> 地址访问类型
  6986. address adjustment ==> 地址调整
  6987. address alignment circuit ==> 地址调整电路
  6988. address area ==> 地址区,地址区域
  6989. address array ==> 地址数组,地址阵列
  6990. address assignment ==> 地址分配
  6991. address base ==> 地址基
  6992. address bit ==> 地址位
  6993. address block ==> 地址块,地址组
  6994. address book ==> 地址簿
  6995. address buffer ==> 地址缓冲器
  6996. address bus ==> 地址总线=>アドレスバス
  6997. address bus driver ==> 地址总线驱动器
  6998. address calculation ==> 地址计算,地址计算法分类
  6999. address calculation sorting ==> 地址计算排序
  7000. address card ==> 地址卡片
  7001. address carry input (ACI) ==> 地址进位输入
  7002. address carry output (ACO) ==> 地址进位输出
  7003. address chaining ==> 地址连接
  7004. address change ==> 地址变更
  7005. address character ==> 地址符,地址字符
  7006. address check ==> 地址检查,地址校验
  7007. address circuit ==> 地址电路
  7008. address code ==> 地址代码,地址码
  7009. address commission ==> 洽租佣金
  7010. address comparator ==> 地址比较器
  7011. address compare ==> 地址比较
  7012. address compare control ==> 地址比较控制
  7013. address compare mode ==> 地址比较方式
  7014. address complete ==> 地址收全
  7015. address component ==> 地址组成部分
  7016. address computation ==> 地址计算
  7017. address constant ==> 地址常数
  7018. address constant (ADCON) ==> 地址常数
  7019. address constant definition card ==> 地址常数定义卡
  7020. address constant literal ==> 地址常数文字
  7021. address continue ==> 地址连接
  7022. address control function ==> 地址控制功能
  7023. address control inhibition ==> 地址控制禁止
  7024. address control unit ==> 地址控制单元,地址控制器
  7025. address controller ==> 地址控制器
  7026. address conversion ==> 地址转换
  7027. address counter ==> 地址计数器
  7028. address cover ==> 地址覆盖范围
  7029. address decode signal ==> 地址译码信号
  7030. address decoder ==> 地址解码器,地址译码器
  7031. address decoding circuitry ==> 地址译码电路
  7032. address decrement ==> 地址减量
  7033. address demultiplexer ==> 地址反多路开关
  7034. address driver ==> 地址驱动器
  7035. address enable ==> 地址起动
  7036. address error ==> 地址错误,地址失误
  7037. address fault ==> 地址故障
  7038. address field ==> 地址段,地址域,地址字段
  7039. address field extension ==> 地址字段扩展
  7040. address file ==> 地址数据存储器,地址文件
  7041. address fix state clear ==> 地址固定状态清除
  7042. address for service ==> 送达地址
  7043. address format ==> 地址格式,地址形式
  7044. address gate ==> 地址门电路
  7045. address generation ==> 地址产生,地址生成,地址形成
  7046. address generation path ==> 地址产生通路
  7047. address generator ==> 地址发生器
  7048. address halt ==> 地址停止
  7049. address identification code ==> 地址标识码
  7050. address in ==> 地址输入
  7051. address incomplete ==> 地址不全
  7052. address increment ==> 地址递增,地址加,地址增量
  7053. address indicating group ==> 地址指示组
  7054. address information ==> 地址信息
  7055. address interleaving ==> 地址交错
  7056. address label ==> 地址标号,地址签
  7057. address latch ==> 地址锁存,地址闩锁
  7058. address latch circuit ==> 地址锁存电路
  7059. address latch enable ==> 地址锁存器允许,地址锁存选通
  7060. address latching unit ==> 地址锁存装置
  7061. address level ==> 地址级
  7062. address limit ==> 地址界限
  7063. address line ==> 地址线
  7064. address line control ==> 地址线控制
  7065. address list ==> 地址表
  7066. address load key ==> 地址输入键
  7067. address location ==> 地址单元,地址位置
  7068. address machine ==> 机器地址
  7069. address maintenance ==> 地址维护
  7070. address map ==> 地址变换
  7071. address map register ==> 地址变换寄存器
  7072. address mapping ==> 地址变换,地址映射
  7073. address mapping hardware ==> 地址变换硬件
  7074. address mark ==> 地址标记,地址标志,地址符号
  7075. address marker byte ==> 地址标志字节
  7076. address matcher circuit ==> 地址匹配电路
  7077. address memory ==> 地址存储器
  7078. address message ==> 地址信息
  7079. address modifiable ==> 地址可变,地址可变的,可修改的地址
  7080. address modification ==> 地址变换,地址计算,地址修改
  7081. address modifier ==> 地址修改值
  7082. address multiplex ==> 地址多路转换
  7083. address multiplexer ==> 地址多路转换器
  7084. address multiplexor ==> 地址多路开关
  7085. address of node ==> 节点的地址
  7086. address of service ==> 服务地址
  7087. address operator ==> アドレス演算子
  7088. address out of range ==> 地址溢出
  7089. address parameter ==> 地址参数
  7090. address parity error ==> 地址奇偶错
  7091. address part ==> 地址部分=>アドレス部
  7092. address pattern ==> 地址形式
  7093. address pointer ==> 地址指点器
  7094. address portion ==> 地址部分=>アドレス部
  7095. address precise interruption ==> 地址符合中断
  7096. address printing machine ==> 地址印刷机
  7097. address priority ==> 地址优先级
  7098. address processor ==> 地址处理程序
  7099. address queue ==> 地址排队
  7100. address read wire ==> 地址读出线
  7101. address reference ==> 地址引用,按地址访问
  7102. address reference table ==> 地址索引表
  7103. address register ==> 地址寄存器
  7104. address relocation ==> 地址再定位
  7105. address routing indicator ==> 地址路线指示符,地址路由指示符
  7106. address save register ==> 地址保存寄存器
  7107. address scrambler ==> 地址编码器
  7108. address search ==> 地址查找,地址检索
  7109. address selection ==> 地址选择
  7110. address selection switch ==> 地址选择开关
  7111. address selector ==> 地址选择器
  7112. address sensor ==> 地址传感器
  7113. address sequence ==> 地址序列
  7114. address server ==> 地址服务器
  7115. address set key ==> 地址置位键
  7116. address signal ==> 地址信号,地址选择信号
  7117. address size ==> 地址大小,地址位数
  7118. address skew ==> 地址偏离
  7119. address sort ==> 地址分类,地址排序
  7120. address sort routine ==> 地址分类检查例行程序
  7121. address space ==> 地址空间
  7122. address space extension ==> 地址空间扩展
  7123. address space identifier (ASID) ==> 地址空间标识,地址空间标识符
  7124. address stack ==> 地址栈
  7125. address stamp ==> 地址印章
  7126. address start ==> 地址起动
  7127. address status byte ==> 地址状态字节
  7128. address stop ==> 地址符合停机,按地址停机
  7129. address strap ==> 地址带
  7130. address stream ==> 地址流
  7131. address strobe ==> 地址选通
  7132. address substitute ==> 变换地址
  7133. address substitution ==> 地址替换
  7134. address switch ==> 地址开关
  7135. address system ==> 地址制
  7136. address table ==> 地址表
  7137. address table sorting ==> 地址表排序
  7138. address tape ==> 地址带
  7139. address trace ==> 地址跟踪
  7140. address track ==> 地址磁道,地址磁迹,地址道=>アドレストラック
  7141. address transform instruction ==> 地址变换指令
  7142. address translation ==> 地址翻译
  7143. address translation exception ==> 地址转换异常
  7144. address translation map ==> 地址转换图,地址转换映象
  7145. address translation not valid fault ==> 地址转换无效故障
  7146. address translator ==> 地址翻译部件,地址翻译程序,地址翻译器,地址转换程序,地址转换机构,地址转换器=>アドレス変換機構
  7147. address vector ==> 地址向量
  7148. address width ==> 地址宽度
  7149. address wire ==> 地址线
  7150. address write wire ==> 地址写入线
  7151. address, to ==> アドレスする
  7152. address-based microinstruction cycle ==> 以地址为基础的微指令周期
  7153. addressability ==> 寻址能力,可编址性,可寻址性=>アドレス指定能力
  7154. addressability measure ==> 可编址性测量,可寻址量度,可寻址性测量
  7155. addressable ==> 可编址的,可寻址的
  7156. addressable counter ==> 可寻址计数器
  7157. addressable cursor ==> 可寻址光标
  7158. addressable dynamic range ==> 可寻址动态范围
  7159. addressable horizontal position ==> 可寻址的横向位置
  7160. addressable horizontal positions ==> 可寻址水平位置
  7161. addressable latch ==> 可寻址锁存器
  7162. addressable memory ==> 可编址存储器,可访问存储器,可寻址存储器
  7163. addressable multiple register ==> 可编址多寄存器
  7164. addressable point ==> 可访问点,可寻址点,可寻址位置=>アドレス可能点
  7165. addressable position ==> 可访问位置,可寻址位置
  7166. addressable processor register ==> 可寻址处理机寄存器
  7167. addressable register ==> 可按址访问的寄存器,可编址寄存器,可寻址寄存器,编址寄存器
  7168. addressable vertical position ==> 可按址访问的垂直位置,可寻址纵向位置
  7169. addressable vertical positions ==> 可寻址垂直位置
  7170. addressed direct access ==> 编址直接存取
  7171. addressed memory ==> 编址存储器
  7172. addressed sequential access ==> 编址顺序存取
  7173. addressee ==> 被访地址,收件人,收信者,抬头人
  7174. addressing ==> 寻址,寻址,定址,编址
  7175. addressing capabilities ==> 编址能力
  7176. addressing capacity ==> 编址容量
  7177. addressing character ==> 定址字符,寻址字符,寻址字符
  7178. addressing circuit ==> 寻址电路,寻址电路,定址选择电路,地址选择电路
  7179. addressing decode ==> 定址译码
  7180. addressing exception ==> 寻址异常,寻址异常
  7181. addressing identifier (addressing ID) ==> 定址标识符
  7182. addressing level ==> 定址级,寻址级,寻址级
  7183. addressing machine ==> 地址印写机
  7184. addressing matrix ==> 编址矩阵
  7185. addressing mode ==> 编址方式,选址方式,定址方式
  7186. addressing operation ==> 定址操作
  7187. addressing pulse ==> 寻址脉冲,寻址脉冲
  7188. addressing range ==> 寻址范围,寻址范围
  7189. addressing space ==> 定址空间,编址空间
  7190. addressing structure ==> 定址结构
  7191. addressing system ==> 寻址方式,寻址方式,编址系统
  7192. addressing voltage ==> 寻址电压,寻址电压
  7193. addressing warning ==> 地址报警,地址警告
  7194. addressless instruction ==> 无地址指令
  7195. addressograph ==> 地址印刷机,地址印写机
  7196. addrout file ==> 地址输出文件,标出地址文件
  7197. addrout sort ==> 标出地址分类,地址输出分类,地址输出排序
  7198. adduce ==> 挙げる,提示する
  7199. adduce proofs ==> 証拠として提出する
  7200. adduce reasons ==> 理由をあげる
  7201. adduct forming agent ==> 加合物形成剂
  7202. adductor canal ==> 收肌管,亨特氏管
  7203. adductor reflex ==> 内收肌反射
  7204. ADE, arm drive electronics ==> アーム駆動回路(ETS-7)
  7205. ADE, array drive electronics ==> 太陽電池パドル駆動電子装置
  7206. ADE, attitude determination electronics ==> 姿勢決定電子回路部,姿勢決定用電子回路
  7207. ADE, azimuth determination ==> 方位角設定
  7208. ADEC Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation ==> 阿拉斯加环境保护部
  7209. adecandioic acid (hexadecane diacid) ==> 十六烷二酸
  7210. adeeene diacid(hexadecendioic acid) ==> 十六碳烯二酸
  7211. Adelaide brown colour ==> 阿德莱德棕色料
  7212. Adeline steelmaking process ==> 阿德莱熔模铝热离心浇注法
  7213. ADEME ==> 仏環境・エネルギー管理庁
  7214. adenine nucleotide ==> 腺嘌呤核甙酸
  7215. adenine phosphate ==> 6-氨基嘌呤磷酸盐,氨基嘌呤
  7216. adenine phosphoribosyl transferase ==> 腺嘌呤磷酸核糖基转移酶,腺嘌呤转磷酸核糖基酶
  7217. adeno-acanthoma of ovary ==> 卵巢腺棘皮瘤
  7218. adeno-associated virus (AAV) ==> 腺病毒相关病毒
  7219. adeno-carcinoma of epididymis ==> 附睾腺癌
  7220. adeno-cystic basal cell carcinoma ==> 腺囊性基底细胞癌
  7221. adeno-epithelioma ==> 腺上皮瘤
  7222. adeno-squamous cell carcinoma of cervix ==> 子宫颈腺鳞状上皮细胞癌
  7223. adeno-squamous cell carcinoma of endometrium ==> 子宫内膜腺鳞状上皮细胞癌
  7224. adenoacanthoma of stomach ==> 胃腺棘皮癌
  7225. adenocarcinoma ==> 恶性腺瘤,腺癌
  7226. adenocarcinoma of anal canal ==> 肛管腺癌
  7227. adenocarcinoma of anus ==> 肛腺癌
  7228. adenocarcinoma of bladder ==> 膀胱腺癌
  7229. adenocarcinoma of breast ==> 乳腺腺癌
  7230. adenocarcinoma of cervix ==> 子宫颈腺癌
  7231. adenocarcinoma of corpus uteri ==> 子宫体腺癌
  7232. adenocarcinoma of endometrium ==> 子宫内膜腺癌
  7233. adenocarcinoma of laryngeal ventricle ==> 喉室腺癌
  7234. adenocarcinoma of larynx ==> 喉腺癌
  7235. adenocarcinoma of lip ==> 唇腺癌
  7236. adenocarcinoma of lung ==> 肺腺癌
  7237. adenocarcinoma of nipple ==> 乳头腺癌
  7238. adenocarcinoma of palate ==> 腭腺癌
  7239. adenocarcinoma of sebaceous glands ==> 皮脂腺腺癌
  7240. adenocarcinoma of seminal vesicle ==> 精囊腺癌
  7241. adenocarcinoma of testis ==> 睾丸腺癌
  7242. adenocarcinoma of the prostate ==> 前列腺腺癌
  7243. adenocarcinoma of trachea ==> 气管腺癌
  7244. adenocarcinoma of urachus ==> 脐尿管腺癌
  7245. adenocarcinoma of vagina ==> 阴道腺癌
  7246. adenocarinoma of ear ==> 耳腺癌
  7247. adenofibroma of ovary ==> 卵巢腺纤维瘤
  7248. adenohypophysial hormone ==> 腺垂体激素
  7249. adenoid basal cell epithelioma ==> 腺样基底细胞上皮瘤
  7250. adenoid carcinoma ==> 腺样癌
  7251. adenoid cystic carcinoma ==> 腺样囊性癌
  7252. adenoid cystic carcinoma of bronchus ==> 支气管腺样囊性癌
  7253. adenoid cystic carcinoma of submaxillary gland ==> 颌下腺腺样囊性癌
  7254. adenoid cystic carcinoma of trachea ==> 气管圆柱瘤
  7255. adenoid cystic epithelioma ==> 腺样囊性上皮瘤
  7256. adenoid cystic hyperplasia ==> 腺样囊性增殖
  7257. adenoid cystocarcinoma of salivary gland ==> 涎腺腺样囊性癌
  7258. adenoid epithelioma ==> 腺样上皮癌
  7259. adenoid structure ==> 腺样结构
  7260. adenoidal hypertrophy ==> 增殖体肥大
  7261. adenoma gelatinosum ==> 甲状腺胶体腺瘤
  7262. adenoma hidradenoides ==> 汗腺样腺瘤
  7263. adenoma of bladder ==> 膀胱腺瘤
  7264. adenoma of colon ==> 结肠腺瘤
  7265. adenoma of ear ==> 耳腺癌
  7266. adenoma of lacrimal gland ==> 泪腺腺瘤
  7267. adenoma of liver ==> 肝腺瘤
  7268. adenoma of meibomian gland ==> 睑板腺腺瘤,睑板腺腺瘤
  7269. adenoma of nose ==> 鼻腺瘤
  7270. adenoma of seminal vesicle ==> 精囊腺瘤
  7271. adenoma of stomach ==> 胃腺瘤
  7272. adenoma of testis ==> 睾丸腺瘤
  7273. adenomatoid hyperplasia ==> 腺瘤样增殖
  7274. adenomatoid hyperplasia of prostate ==> 前列腺瘤样增生
  7275. adenomatoid polyp ==> 腺瘤样息肉
  7276. adenomatous goiter ==> 腺瘤性甲状腺肿
  7277. adenomatous hyperplasia of cervix uteri ==> 子宫颈腺瘤性增生
  7278. adenomatous hyperplasia of endometrium ==> 子宫内膜腺瘤样增生
  7279. adenomatous polyp of appendix ==> 阑尾腺瘤性息肉
  7280. adenomatous polyp of colon ==> 结肠息肉样腺瘤,结肠腺瘤样息肉
  7281. adenomyoma of ovarian round ligament ==> 卵巢圆韧带腺肌瘤
  7282. adenomyoma of stomach ==> 胃腺肌瘤
  7283. Adenos cotton ==> 阿登诺棉
  7284. adenosine monophosphate ==> 一磷酸,一磷酸腺苷,一磷酸腺甙
  7285. adenosine monophosphate (AMP) ==> 腺嘌呤核苷一磷酸
  7286. adenosine phosphorylase ==> 腺苷磷酸化酶
  7287. adenosine triphosphate mixture ==> 腺苷三磷酸合剂
  7288. adenosquamous carcinoma ==> 腺鳞癌
  7289. adenoviral arthritis ==> 腺病毒性关节炎
  7290. adenovirus infection ==> 腺病毒感染
  7291. adenylate kinase deficiency ==> 腺苷酸激酶缺乏症
  7292. adenylate translocase ==> 腺苷酸转位酶
  7293. adenylic acid ==> 腺苷酸,腺嘌呤核苷酸,腺嘌呤核苷一磷酸,一磷酸腺苷
  7294. adenylic acid deaminase ==> 腺苷酸脱氨酶
  7295. adenylosuccinic acid ==> 腺苷酸基琥珀酸,一磷酸腺苷琥珀酸
  7296. ADEOS, Advanced Earth Observing Satellite ==> 地球観測プラットフォーム技術衛星
  7297. ADEOS-II, ADvanced Earth Observing Satellite -II ==> 環境観測技術衛星
  7298. adequacy ==> 供电裕度=>アデカシー,The ability to the electric system to supply the aggregate electrical demand and energy requirements of customers at all times, taking into account scheduled and reasonably expected unscheduled outages of system elements.=>アデカシー,The ability of the electric system to supply the aggregate electrical demand and energy requirements of customers at all times, taking into account scheduled and resonably expected unscheduled outages of system elements.
  7299. adequacy of fit ==> 拟合适当
  7300. adequate ==> 适当的,合适的,足够的,充分的=>適正な,適切な,適当な,適合した、十分な
  7301. adequate allowance ==> 适当裕度
  7302. adequate and systematic service ==> 配套服务
  7303. adequate diet ==> 全价日粮,完全日粮
  7304. adequate distribution ==> 均匀分布,均匀分布
  7305. adequate fertilization ==> 合理施肥
  7306. adequate fertilizer ==> 合理施肥
  7307. adequate irrigation ==> 水利化
  7308. adequate nutrition ==> 合理营养
  7309. adequate shielding ==> 足够屏蔽,适当的屏蔽
  7310. adequate stimulus ==> 适宜刺激
  7311. adequate variability ==> 适应变异性
  7312. ader perthite ==> 脉状条纹长石
  7313. ader wax ==> 粗地蜡
  7314. ADESS, Automatic Data Editing and Switching System ==> 気象資料自動編集中継装置
  7315. ADF, archival data file ==> 累積データファイル
  7316. ADF, automatic data-migration facility ==> 自動データ退避機能
  7317. ADF, automatic direction finder ==> 自動方位測定機,自動方向探知機
  7318. adfreezing force ==> 冻结力
  7319. ADH, advanced development hardware ==> 先端的な開発ハードウエア
  7320. adhaesio interthalamica ==> 丘脑间粘合
  7321. adhere ==> 粘附=>付着する,粘着する,接着する,支持する
  7322. adherence ==> 粘附,附着,依附力=>剥離強さ
  7323. adherence of nappe ==> 贴附水舌
  7324. adherence ratio of insulating gel ==> 绝缘胶粘附率,绝缘胶粘附率
  7325. adherence test ==> 密着强度试验,粘附试验
  7326. adherency ==> 粘附
  7327. adherend ==> 粘附体,粘合体,被粘物
  7328. adherend failure ==> 粘附体破坏
  7329. adherent leucoma ==> 粘连性角膜白斑
  7330. adherent leucoma of cornea ==> 愈着性角膜白斑
  7331. adherent placenta ==> 粘连胎盘,胎盘粘连
  7332. adherent point ==> 依附点
  7333. adherent slag ==> 附着渣
  7334. adhering mo(u)lding material ==> 铸模涂料,涂模材料
  7335. adhering moulding meterial ==> 铸型涂料
  7336. adhering root ==> 附着根
  7337. adhering sand ==> 粘砂
  7338. adhesion ==> 粘附,粘附力,粘附现象,粘结作用,粘连,粘着,粘着物,附着,附着力,连生,胶粘,贴生,支持,密着力=>付着,粘着
  7339. adhesion agent ==> 粘着剂,增粘剂
  7340. adhesion characteristic ==> 粘着性能
  7341. adhesion coefficient ==> 粘附系数,粘着系数=>粘着係数
  7342. adhesion contract ==> 附从合同,附意合同
  7343. adhesion control ==> 粘着制御
  7344. adhesion failure ==> 胶粘力破坏
  7345. adhesion force ==> 附着力
  7346. adhesion heat ==> 粘附热,附着热
  7347. adhesion member ==> 粘着部材
  7348. adhesion of anterior lens capsule ==> 晶状体前囊粘连
  7349. adhesion of colon ==> 结肠粘连
  7350. adhesion of diaphragm ==> 膈粘连
  7351. adhesion of film ==> 薄膜粘附
  7352. adhesion of labia minora ==> 小阴唇粘连
  7353. adhesion of nasal cavity ==> 鼻腔粘连
  7354. adhesion of pharynx ==> 咽连粘
  7355. adhesion of slag ==> 炉渣粘附
  7356. adhesion of small intestine ==> 小肠粘连
  7357. adhesion of tendon ==> 肌腱粘连
  7358. adhesion of tendon and muscle after injury ==> 筋合
  7359. adhesion of thin film ==> 薄膜的附着力
  7360. adhesion phenomenon ==> 粘连现象,里肯伯格氏现象
  7361. adhesion placenta ==> 胎盘部分粘连
  7362. adhesion preventives ==> 防粘剂
  7363. adhesion property ==> 粘附性能,胶粘性质
  7364. adhesion separation or spasm-relaxation ==> 分筋手法
  7365. adhesion spot ==> 粘合斑
  7366. adhesion strength ==> 粘附强度,粘着强度
  7367. adhesion substance ==> 粘合物质
  7368. adhesion system ==> 粘着方式
  7369. adhesion tape ==> 粘合小带
  7370. adhesion test ==> 附着力试验
  7371. adhesion traction ==> 粘附牵引
  7372. adhesion water ==> 粘附水
  7373. adhesion weight ==> 附着重量
  7374. adhesion weihgt controller ==> 附着重量控制器
  7375. adhesion-type ceramic veneer ==> 粘接型陶瓷板
  7376. adhesional work ==> 附着功
  7377. adhesions of cauda equina ==> 马尾粘连
  7378. adhesive ==> 粘胶,粘合的,粘连性,氟橡胶胶粘剂,胶粘剂=>接着材
  7379. adhesive ability ==> 附着能力
  7380. adhesive agent ==> 接着材
  7381. adhesive aggregation ==> 粘聚
  7382. adhesive arachnoiditis ==> 粘连性蛛网膜炎
  7383. adhesive attraction ==> 粘附作用,附着引力
  7384. adhesive band ==> 粘连带
  7385. adhesive bandage ==> 胶布绷带
  7386. adhesive binding ==> 胶粘装订
  7387. adhesive bitumen primer ==> 冷底子油
  7388. adhesive bond ==> 粘着键
  7389. adhesive bonding ==> 粘合剂,附着粘合
  7390. adhesive capacity ==> 粘附能力
  7391. adhesive coated electromagnetic steel ==> 接着コーディング電磁鋼板
  7392. adhesive compound ==> 粘着剤
  7393. adhesive diaphragm type ==> 膈膜粘连型
  7394. adhesive effect ==> 粘结作用
  7395. adhesive emulsion ==> 粘接乳剂
  7396. adhesive failure ==> 粘接失效
  7397. adhesive film ==> 粘性膜
  7398. adhesive floor mat ==> 集塵フロアマット
  7399. adhesive for laminated film ==> 复合薄膜胶粘剂
  7400. adhesive for wall tile ==> 壁砖粘合剂
  7401. adhesive for wood grain film ==> 木纹膜胶粘剂
  7402. adhesive force ==> 粘附力=>接線力
  7403. adhesive gland ==> 粘腺
  7404. adhesive ileus ==> 粘连性肠梗阻
  7405. adhesive ingredient ==> 接着剤成分
  7406. adhesive joint ==> 粘接接合
  7407. adhesive latex ==> 包封用胶乳
  7408. adhesive organ ==> 固着器官
  7409. adhesive paste ==> 糊状粘结剂
  7410. adhesive pericarditis ==> 粘连性心包炎
  7411. adhesive plaster ==> 橡皮膏,绊创膏
  7412. adhesive power ==> 附着力
  7413. adhesive recirculating reservoir ==> 胶水循环系统
  7414. adhesive solvent ==> 胶粘剂溶液
  7415. adhesive stamp ==> 带胶邮票
  7416. adhesive strenght ==> 附着强度
  7417. adhesive strength ==> 胶粘强度
  7418. adhesive tape ==> 胶布带,胶皮带,绝缘带,绝缘带
  7419. adhesive tenosynovitis ==> 粘着性腱鞘炎
  7420. adhesive terms and conditions ==> 約款(やっかん)
  7421. adhesive test ==> 粘接试验
  7422. adhesive treatment ==> 粘结处理
  7423. adhesive type ==> 粘连型
  7424. adhesive tyre ==> 胶口轮胎
  7425. adhesive varnish ==> 胶性漆,胶粘漆
  7426. adhesive water ==> 薄膜水,附着水
  7427. adhesive wax ==> 粘蜡
  7428. adhesive weight ==> 附着重量
  7429. adhesive-laminated wood ==> 胶合叠层木料
  7430. adhesives remover ==> 粘胶清除剂
  7431. adhibition ==> 使用
  7432. ADI, acceptable daily intake ==> 人体每日容许摄入量
  7433. adiabat ==> 断熱曲線
  7434. adiabatci condition ==> 绝热状态,绝热状态
  7435. adiabatic ==> 绝热的=>断熱の,断熱曲線
  7436. adiabatic acceleration ==> 断熱的加速
  7437. adiabatic adsorption ==> 断熱吸着
  7438. adiabatic analysis ==> 断熱解析
  7439. adiabatic apparatus ==> 绝热装置
  7440. adiabatic approximation ==> 绝热近似法
  7441. adiabatic ascent ==> 断熱上昇
  7442. adiabatic assumption ==> 断熱仮定
  7443. adiabatic atmosphere ==> 断熱大気
  7444. adiabatic basis ==> 断熱基底
  7445. adiabatic calorimeter ==> 绝热测热器,绝热卡计,绝热式量热器,断热热量表,绝热式热量计
  7446. adiabatic change ==> 绝热变化=>断熱変化
  7447. adiabatic coefficient ==> 绝热系数
  7448. adiabatic coefficient of compression ==> 绝热压缩系数
  7449. adiabatic column ==> 绝热式精馏柱
  7450. adiabatic combustion temperature ==> 绝对火焰温度
  7451. adiabatic compression ==> 绝热压缩=>断熱圧縮
  7452. adiabatic condensation ==> 绝热冷凝,绝热冷凝
  7453. adiabatic condensation pressure ==> 凝结气压
  7454. adiabatic condition ==> 绝热条件,绝热条件
  7455. adiabatic constant ==> 绝热常数
  7456. adiabatic contraction ==> 绝热收缩,绝热收缩
  7457. adiabatic cooling ==> 绝热冷却
  7458. adiabatic cooling line ==> 绝热冷却线
  7459. adiabatic curing ==> 绝热养护
  7460. adiabatic curve ==> 绝热曲线
  7461. adiabatic decomposition temperature ==> 绝热分解温度
  7462. adiabatic demagnetization ==> 断热去磁
  7463. adiabatic diagram ==> 绝热图,绝热图
  7464. adiabatic diaphragm ==> 绝热隔膜
  7465. adiabatic drift wave ==> 绝热漂移波
  7466. adiabatic dryer ==> 绝热干燥器,绝热干燥器
  7467. adiabatic drying ==> 绝热干燥,绝热干燥
  7468. adiabatic efficiency ==> 绝热效率,绝热效率
  7469. adiabatic elasticity ==> 绝热弹性,绝热弹性
  7470. adiabatic ellipse ==> 速度椭圆
  7471. adiabatic engine ==> 绝热发动机=>断熱エンジン
  7472. adiabatic envelope ==> 绝热包壳
  7473. adiabatic equation ==> 绝热方程
  7474. adiabatic equilibrium ==> 绝热平衡
  7475. adiabatic evaporation ==> 绝热蒸发
  7476. adiabatic expansion ==> 绝热膨胀=>断熱膨張
  7477. adiabatic exponent ==> 绝热指数
  7478. adiabatic extrusion ==> 绝热挤压
  7479. adiabatic flame temperature ==> 绝热火焰温度
  7480. adiabatic flow ==> 绝热流
  7481. adiabatic head ==> 绝热压头
  7482. adiabatic heat drop ==> 绝热热降
  7483. adiabatic heating ==> 绝热增温
  7484. adiabatic index ==> 绝热指数
  7485. adiabatic insulation ==> 绝热隔层
  7486. adiabatic invariant ==> 绝热不变量
  7487. adiabatic inversion ==> 绝热反转
  7488. adiabatic ionization energy ==> 绝热电离能量
  7489. adiabatic lapse rate ==> 干绝热直减率
  7490. adiabatic law ==> 绝热定律
  7491. adiabatic line ==> 绝热线
  7492. adiabatic magnetization ==> 绝热磁化
  7493. adiabatic material ==> 断熱材
  7494. adiabatic membrance ==> 绝热膜
  7495. adiabatic method ==> 断熱法
  7496. adiabatic modulus of elasticity ==> 绝热弹性模量
  7497. adiabatic motion ==> 断熱運動
  7498. adiabatic optics ==> 绝热电子光学系统
  7499. adiabatic path ==> 绝热曲线,绝热线路
  7500. adiabatic plasmon ==> 绝热等离子体激元
  7501. adiabatic principle ==> 绝热原理
  7502. adiabatic process ==> 绝热过程
  7503. adiabatic pulsation ==> 绝热脉动
  7504. adiabatic rate ==> 绝热率
  7505. adiabatic recovery temperature ==> 绝热恢复温度
  7506. adiabatic response ==> 绝热响应
  7507. adiabatic reversible process ==> 绝热可逆过程
  7508. adiabatic saturation pressure ==> 凝结气压
  7509. adiabatic saturation temperature ==> 凝结温度
  7510. adiabatic shell calorimeter ==> 绝热壳量热器
  7511. adiabatic shift ==> 绝热移位
  7512. adiabatic strain ==> 绝热应变
  7513. adiabatic system ==> 绝热系统,绝热系统
  7514. adiabatic temperature gradient ==> 绝热温度梯度
  7515. adiabatic temperature rise of concrete ==> 混凝土绝热温升,假定边界处于隔热的条件下,水泥硬化过程中所产生的混凝土温度上升,即累积水化热产生的温度上升
  7516. adiabatic theorem ==> 断熱定理
  7517. adiabatic titration calorimeter ==> 绝热滴定量热计,绝热滴定量热计
  7518. adiabatic wall ==> 断熱壁
  7519. adiathermanous body ==> 不透热体
  7520. Adie's syndrome ==> 艾迪氏综合征,艾迪综合征
  7521. adipic acid ==> 肥酸,己二酸
  7522. adiponecrosis neonatorum ==> 新生儿脂肪坏死
  7523. adiposalgia arthritico-hypertonica ==> 假膝关节炎
  7524. adipose body of orbit ==> 眶脂体
  7525. adipose capsule ==> 脂肪囊
  7526. adipose fin ==> 脂鳍
  7527. adipose layer ==> 脂肪层
  7528. adipose tissure hyperplasia ==> 脂肪组织增生
  7529. adiposis hepatica ==> 肝积脂病,肝性肥胖症
  7530. adiposity ==> 肥胖=>肥満
  7531. adiposogenital syndrome ==> 肥胖性生殖器退化综合征
  7532. adit opening ==> 坑道口
  7533. aditus ad antrum ==> 乳突窦口,乳突窦入口,鼓窦入口
  7534. ADJ, adjustment ==> 調整
  7535. adjab butter ==> 毒雾冰草油
  7536. adjacency ==> 邻接,邻接性,邻近,邻近间距
  7537. adjacency effect ==> 邻接效应
  7538. adjacency effects ==> 邻界效应
  7539. adjacency list ==> 邻接表=>隣接リスト
  7540. adjacency matrix ==> 连接矩阵=>隣接行列
  7541. adjacent ==> 邻,邻接,邻近,交界,相邻的
  7542. adjacent angle ==> 邻角
  7543. adjacent audio carrier ==> 邻道伴音载波
  7544. adjacent carbon atom ==> 相邻碳原子
  7545. adjacent channel ==> 相邻信道,邻道=>隣接チャンネル
  7546. adjacent channel rejection ==> 邻道抑制
  7547. adjacent character ==> 邻接字符,相邻字符
  7548. adjacent coil ==> 邻接线圈,毗连线圈,连接线圈
  7549. adjacent colour ==> 邻近色
  7550. adjacent domain ==> 邻近区域
  7551. adjacent double bond ==> 相邻双键
  7552. adjacent extreme point ==> 相邻极值点
  7553. adjacent link station ==> 邻近链站,邻近路站
  7554. adjacent link station image ==> 邻近链站映像
  7555. adjacent map ==> 邻接图
  7556. adjacent network control program (adjacent NCP) ==> 邻近网络控制程序
  7557. adjacent node ==> 邻接的节点,邻近节点,相邻节点
  7558. adjacent nodes ==> 隣接ノード
  7559. adjacent organs ==> 邻近器官
  7560. adjacent picture carrier ==> 邻道图像载波
  7561. adjacent picture carrier trap ==> 邻道图像载波陷波器
  7562. adjacent pitch error ==> 相邻周节误差
  7563. adjacent portion ==> 隣接部分
  7564. adjacent position ==> 相邻位置
  7565. adjacent property ==> 邻近产业
  7566. adjacent rank ==> 相邻等级
  7567. adjacent reserved word ==> 相邻保留字
  7568. adjacent rock ==> 围岩
  7569. adjacent room ==> 邻室
  7570. adjacent sea marginal sea ==> 边缘海
  7571. adjacent side ==> 邻边
  7572. adjacent sound carrier ==> 邻道伴音载波
  7573. adjacent strip ==> 邻接带
  7574. adjacent structure ==> 附近建筑物
  7575. adjacent subarea ==> 邻近子区
  7576. adjacent teeth ==> 邻接牙,邻牙
  7577. adjacent track ==> 相邻磁道
  7578. adjacent video carrier ==> 邻道图像载波
  7579. adjacent vision carrier ==> 邻道图像载波
  7580. adjacent vortex ==> 邻涡
  7581. adjacent wave ==> 邻波
  7582. adjacent-bit-dependent code ==> 邻位相关码,邻位相关型编码
  7583. adjacent-channel interference ==> 相邻波道干扰
  7584. adjacent-channel selectivity ==> 相邻信道选择性
  7585. adjacent-group-dependent code ==> 邻组相关码,邻组相关型编码
  7586. Adjarala ==> 阿贾哈拉
  7587. adjective law ==> 程序法
  7588. adjoin ==> 毗,邻接
  7589. adjoining building ==> 邻屋
  7590. adjoining circuit ==> 近接回路
  7591. adjoining course ==> 邻接层
  7592. adjoining insulator ==> 隣接碍子
  7593. adjoining part ==> 隣接部分
  7594. adjoining property ==> (指房产地产等)邻近产业
  7595. adjoining rock ==> 围岩
  7596. adjoining room ==> 邻室
  7597. adjoining sheet ==> 相邻图幅
  7598. adjoining sheet names ==> 相邻图幅名称
  7599. adjoining span ==> 邻接跨
  7600. adjoining teeth ==> 邻接牙
  7601. adjoint branch ==> 毗连支路
  7602. adjoint curve ==> 伴随曲线
  7603. adjoint equation ==> 伴随方程=>随伴方程式
  7604. adjoint function ==> 伴随函数
  7605. adjoint group ==> 随伴群
  7606. adjoint mapping ==> 伴随映射
  7607. adjoint matrices ==> 伴随阵
  7608. adjoint matrix ==> 伴随矩阵
  7609. adjoint matrix, adjugate matrix ==> 随伴行列,共役転置行列,余因子行列
  7610. adjoint network ==> 伴随网络
  7611. adjoint of a matrix ==> 附加矩阵
  7612. adjoint orthogonal system ==> 伴随正交系
  7613. adjoint simulation ==> 伴随仿真
  7614. adjoint space ==> 伴随空间
  7615. adjoint terminal ==> 半随终结符
  7616. adjoint variable ==> 随伴変数
  7617. adjoint vector space ==> 伴随向量空间
  7618. adjoint wave functions ==> 伴波函数
  7619. adjoning tree ==> 对照植株
  7620. adjourn ==> 休会に入る
  7621. adjourned sale ==> 延期销售
  7622. adjudication of bankruptcy ==> 裁定破产
  7623. adjunct ==> 添加物,補佐役,非常勤職員
  7624. adjunct account ==> 附加帐户
  7625. adjunct and part-time teacher ==> 非常勤講師
  7626. adjunct condition ==> 付加詞条件
  7627. adjunct culture ==> 付加培養
  7628. adjunct register ==> 附加寄存器
  7629. adjunct register set ==> 附加寄存器组
  7630. adjunction ==> 付加,添加
  7631. adjust ==> 调整,调准,对准
  7632. adjust (ADJ) ==> 校正
  7633. adjust accounts ==> 清理帐目,复核核算
  7634. adjust actual inventory ==> 调整实际库存量
  7635. adjust and control ==> 调控
  7636. adjust buffer total ion strength ==> 总离子强度调节缓冲剂
  7637. adjust nut ==> 調整ナット
  7638. adjust point ==> 调整点
  7639. adjust present value method ==> 调整现值法
  7640. adjust price ==> 调整价格
  7641. adjust prices upward ==> 调高物价水平
  7642. adjust ring ==> 調整リング
  7643. adjust screw ==> 調整ねじ
  7644. adjust supply and demand for funds ==> 调节资金供求
  7645. adjust supply to a current demand ==> 调整供求关系
  7646. adjust the price ratios ==> 调整比价
  7647. adjust the time ==> 调整时间
  7648. adjust the use of labor force ==> 调剂劳动力
  7649. adjust to zero ==> 调整到零,调整至零点
  7650. adjust vertically ==> 高度调整,按高度调整
  7651. adjust work for position ==> 调整工件位置
  7652. adjust(ing) nut ==> 调整螺母
  7653. adjustability ==> 可调性
  7654. adjustable ==> 可调,可调节的,可调整的,可校准的=>加減(形容詞)
  7655. adjustable anchorage bar ==> 可调锚杆
  7656. adjustable angle square ==> 活动角尺
  7657. adjustable aperture ==> 可调光圈,可调孔径
  7658. adjustable array ==> 可调节数组,可调阵列
  7659. adjustable array declarator ==> 可调数组说明符
  7660. adjustable attenuator ==> 可调衰减器
  7661. adjustable autotransformer ==> 可调自耦变压器
  7662. adjustable ball ==> 自在球
  7663. adjustable bearing ==> 可调整的支承=>調整軸受
  7664. adjustable bearing split bearing ==> 可调轴承
  7665. adjustable bed ==> 可调工作台
  7666. adjustable bed press ==> 工作台可调式压力机
  7667. adjustable bellows ==> 可调波纹管,可调膜盒,可调伸缩软管
  7668. adjustable bench level ==> 可调台式水准仪
  7669. adjustable bending bar ==> 活动扳手
  7670. adjustable binocular loupe ==> 可调式双筒放大镜
  7671. adjustable blade ==> 可调整刀片,可调整叶片,活距桨叶,变距桨叶
  7672. adjustable blade propeller pump ==> 可调叶片螺桨泵
  7673. adjustable blade reamer ==> 刀片可调铰刀
  7674. adjustable brake block ==> 可调整闸瓦
  7675. adjustable brake release device ==> 可调制动器释放装置
  7676. adjustable brush ==> 可调电刷
  7677. adjustable bush ==> 可调轴衬
  7678. adjustable calliper gauge ==> 可伸缩内径规
  7679. adjustable cam ==> 可调凸轮
  7680. adjustable capacitor ==> 可变电容器=>加減コンデンサ
  7681. adjustable cast iron planes ==> 精刨
  7682. adjustable circular plane ==> 可调整的圆刨
  7683. adjustable cistern barometer ==> 动槽水银气压表,调槽式气压表,福丁气压表
  7684. adjustable clamp ==> 可调夹头,活动钳
  7685. adjustable clearance ==> 可调节间隙
  7686. adjustable clip ==> 可调位的夹箍
  7687. adjustable collar ==> 可调套圈,调整环
  7688. adjustable compound tap ==> 可调节丝锥
  7689. adjustable condenser ==> 可调电容器=>加減蓄電器
  7690. adjustable cone ==> (谷物清洗机的)可调锥体
  7691. adjustable constant speed motor ==> 可调速电动机
  7692. adjustable contact ==> 可调触点,可调接点
  7693. adjustable contact plate ==> 调整触片
  7694. adjustable counter balance ==> 可调配重
  7695. adjustable coupling ==> 可调联轴节
  7696. adjustable cramp ==> 活动夹钳
  7697. adjustable crank pin ==> 可调曲柄销
  7698. adjustable crest ==> 可调整式堰顶
  7699. adjustable critical peak pricing ==> 変動型CPP
  7700. adjustable curve ruler ==> 自在曲線定規
  7701. adjustable cushion ==> 可调缓冲器
  7702. adjustable cutter bush ==> 调刀轴环,刀杆调整环
  7703. adjustable damper ==> 可调减震器
  7704. adjustable declarator subscript ==> 可调说明符下标
  7705. adjustable delay ==> 可调延迟,可调延迟时刻
  7706. adjustable delivery pump ==> 可调输料泵
  7707. adjustable device ==> 可调整的装置,调整装置
  7708. adjustable dial ==> 可调标度盘
  7709. adjustable diaphragm ==> 可调光阑,可调膜片
  7710. adjustable diaphragm pump ==> 可调隔膜泵
  7711. adjustable die ==> 可调板牙,活动扳手,活络板牙
  7712. adjustable dimension ==> 可调尺寸,可调维数
  7713. adjustable discharge gear pump ==> 可调卸料齿轮泵
  7714. adjustable divider ==> 可调两脚规
  7715. adjustable dog ==> 可调挡块,可调行程限制器,可调制动爪
  7716. adjustable double vascular clamps ==> 血管固定架
  7717. adjustable drawbar ==> 可调拉杆
  7718. adjustable drawing table ==> 活动制图桌
  7719. adjustable drum ==> 可调成型机头,可调绕线架,可调转筒
  7720. adjustable end stop ==> 升降挡板
  7721. adjustable end wrench ==> 活动扳手=>モンキーレンチ
  7722. adjustable engine ==> 变速发动机
  7723. adjustable equatorial mount ==> 可调赤道仪装置
  7724. adjustable extent ==> 可调范围,可调整的扩充
  7725. adjustable fin ==> 可调稳定器叶片
  7726. adjustable fitting ==> 铰接接头
  7727. adjustable fixing ==> 调节支柱
  7728. adjustable flat wrench ==> 扁平活动扳手
  7729. adjustable for height ==> 高度可调的
  7730. adjustable frequency electric drive ==> 可调频率电力驱动
  7731. adjustable friction damper ==> 可调摩擦减震器
  7732. adjustable front axle ==> 可调前轴
  7733. adjustable front sight ==> 可调整前准星
  7734. adjustable fulcrum ==> 可调节支点
  7735. adjustable gang-condenser ==> 可变电容器组
  7736. adjustable gasket ==> 调整垫片
  7737. adjustable gib ==> 可调导轨,可调镶条
  7738. adjustable gibs ==> 调整镶条
  7739. adjustable guide ==> 可调导板
  7740. adjustable guide blade ==> 可调导叶片
  7741. adjustable guide vane ==> 可调导叶
  7742. adjustable hand reamer ==> 可调式手铰刀
  7743. adjustable hand wheel ==> 调整手轮
  7744. adjustable handle-adjustable wrench ==> 双开活动扳手
  7745. adjustable head ==> 可调进刀架
  7746. adjustable head stock ==> 活动机头座
  7747. adjustable head T-square ==> 丁字尺可调头
  7748. adjustable heater switch ==> 加热器调节旋钮
  7749. adjustable hitch bar ==> 可调式牵引杆
  7750. adjustable hollow cutter ==> 可调空心刀具
  7751. adjustable hollow mill ==> 可调整空心铣刀
  7752. adjustable hook rule ==> 可调整钩头尺
  7753. adjustable hook spanner ==> 活动钩形扳手,活钩扳手
  7754. adjustable impression tray ==> 活动印模托盘
  7755. adjustable in steps ==> 可分级调整的
  7756. adjustable indicator ==> 可调节指示器
  7757. adjustable inductance ==> 可调电感=>加減インダクタンス
  7758. adjustable inductance coil ==> 可调电感线圈
  7759. adjustable inductor ==> 可变电感线圈
  7760. adjustable instrument table ==> 可调式器械桌
  7761. adjustable interconnection block ==> 选接单元
  7762. adjustable jack ==> 可调千斤顶
  7763. adjustable jack table ==> 可调起重机架
  7764. adjustable jet ==> 可调喷管
  7765. adjustable jib ==> 可调挺杆
  7766. adjustable knee tool ==> 可调式膝形刀
  7767. adjustable lapping ring ==> 可调精研圈
  7768. adjustable level ==> 活动水平尺
  7769. adjustable lever ==> 可调杠杆
  7770. adjustable limit snap thread gauge ==> 可调式极限螺纹卡规
  7771. adjustable lock rod ==> 可调锁杆
  7772. adjustable marker ==> 可调标识器,可调划线规,可调曲线规,可调校准器
  7773. adjustable mask ==> 可调屏幛,可调掩模
  7774. adjustable member ==> 調整部材
  7775. adjustable micrometer ==> 可调千分尺
  7776. adjustable micrometer calliper ==> 活动千分尺
  7777. adjustable mold ==> 可担
  7778. adjustable mouth ==> 可调进气口
  7779. adjustable multiple spindle ==> 活动配合多轴钻机
  7780. adjustable multiple spindle drill ==> 可调式多轴钻床
  7781. adjustable nozzle ==> 可调喷嘴
  7782. adjustable orifice ==> 可调喷口
  7783. adjustable orifice scrubber ==> 变径式除气器
  7784. adjustable overload friction clutch ==> 可调式过载摩擦离合器
  7785. adjustable parallel ==> 活动平行垫片
  7786. adjustable parameter ==> 可調節パラメータ
  7787. adjustable pedal ==> 可调式踏板
  7788. adjustable peg ==> 可调固定汇率
  7789. adjustable peg rate of exchange ==> 可调固定汇率
  7790. adjustable peg rate system ==> 可调固定汇率制
  7791. adjustable peg system ==> 可调固定汇率制,可调整的关系汇率制
  7792. adjustable pipe clip ==> 活动管夹
  7793. adjustable pipe die ==> 可调管子板牙
  7794. adjustable pipe for feed flow ==> 送料调节管
  7795. adjustable pipe spanner ==> 活动管扳钳
  7796. adjustable pipe tongs ==> 可调管钳
  7797. adjustable pitch propeller ==> 可调距螺旋桨
  7798. adjustable plate ==> 可调板,调节板
  7799. adjustable plow ==> 可调的犁
  7800. adjustable pocket bench plane ==> 钢刨
  7801. adjustable port ==> 可调孔
  7802. adjustable potential system ==> 可调压系统
  7803. adjustable premium ==> 可调整的保险费
  7804. adjustable pressure conveyor ==> 调压输送机
  7805. adjustable probe ==> 可调指示器
  7806. adjustable prop ==> 可调支柱
  7807. adjustable propeller ==> 可调螺距螺旋桨
  7808. adjustable proscenium ==> 假台口
  7809. adjustable pulse width pacemaker ==> 脉宽可调起搏器
  7810. adjustable pump vane ==> 可调泵叶
  7811. adjustable rail gauge ==> 可调的轨距规
  7812. adjustable rake block ==> 活动倾斜块
  7813. adjustable range ==> 调节范围
  7814. adjustable rate mortgage ==> 可调整抵押贷款利率
  7815. adjustable reamer ==> 可调铰刀,可调节铰刀
  7816. adjustable rear sight ==> 可调整后准星
  7817. adjustable relative humidity range ==> 相对湿度可调范围
  7818. adjustable resistance ==> 可调电阻=>加減抵抗
  7819. adjustable resistor ==> 可变电阻器,可调电阻器
  7820. adjustable ridging body ==> 可调起垄犁体
  7821. adjustable ring ==> 控制环
  7822. adjustable riveting machine ==> 可调的铆接机
  7823. adjustable rod ==> 可调杆
  7824. adjustable round die ==> 可调圆板牙
  7825. adjustable round split die ==> 开缝环形板牙,开口圆板牙
  7826. adjustable round split die with adjusting screw ==> 带调整螺钉的可调式圆板牙
  7827. adjustable rubber rest bar ==> 可调橡皮停止杆
  7828. adjustable scoop ==> 可调进气口
  7829. adjustable screw type steering gear ==> 可调整式螺旋型转向装置
  7830. adjustable series resistance ==> 可调串联电阻
  7831. adjustable sheave ==> 可调滑车轮,变距槽轮
  7832. adjustable shelf ==> 活动架
  7833. adjustable shell reamer ==> 可调筒形铰刀
  7834. adjustable shock absorber ==> 可调减震器
  7835. adjustable shoe sole ==> 可调刹车底板
  7836. adjustable shore ==> 可调支撑
  7837. adjustable short-circuit termination ==> 可调短路终端
  7838. adjustable sieve ==> 可调筛孔筛
  7839. adjustable single-end wrench ==> 活动单头扳手
  7840. adjustable slide ==> 可调整导板
  7841. adjustable slit ==> 可调缝,可调狭缝
  7842. adjustable snap ga(u)ge ==> 调整式卡规
  7843. adjustable socket ==> 調整受金
  7844. adjustable sounder ==> 可调发声器
  7845. adjustable spanner ==> 活动扳手=>自在スパナ
  7846. adjustable speed flywheel generator ==> 可変速フライホイール発電機
  7847. adjustable speed generator ==> 可変速発電機
  7848. adjustable speed generator motor ==> 可変速機
  7849. adjustable speed motor ==> 变速电动机,调速电动机,转速可以按照被驱动设备的要求在一定范围内进行调节变化的电动机
  7850. adjustable speed pumped storage hydro ==> 可変速揚水
  7851. adjustable spindle milling machine ==> 可调主轴铣床
  7852. adjustable spot lamp ==> 可调聚光灯
  7853. adjustable spring collar ==> 可调整弹簧环
  7854. adjustable spring gauge ==> 可调式弹簧定位装置
  7855. adjustable stabilizer ==> 可调整稳定面
  7856. adjustable stabilizer fin ==> 可调稳定器叶片
  7857. adjustable stair ga(u)ge ==> 调整式阶梯规
  7858. adjustable starter ==> 可调起动器
  7859. adjustable starting rheostat ==> 可调起动变阻器
  7860. adjustable stop ==> 可调光栏
  7861. adjustable stop screw ==> 可调整止动螺钉
  7862. adjustable stopper ==> 调整挡铁
  7863. adjustable stroke cylinder ==> 可变行程油缸=>可変行程シリンダ
  7864. adjustable strut ==> 可调整支柱
  7865. adjustable submerged orifice ==> 可调潜孔
  7866. adjustable support ==> 可调支架
  7867. adjustable switch operating rod ==> 密贴调整杆
  7868. adjustable swivel chair ==> 活动靠背转椅
  7869. adjustable tap ==> 可调丝锥
  7870. adjustable tap wrench ==> 可调丝锥扳手
  7871. adjustable temperature range ==> 温度可调范围
  7872. adjustable thrust engine ==> 推力可调的发动机
  7873. adjustable thrust journal ==> 可调整的止推轴颈,可调止推轴颈
  7874. adjustable track gauge ==> 活动道尺
  7875. adjustable tractor seat ==> 拖拉机可调式座位
  7876. adjustable transformer ==> 可调变压器,可变比变压器
  7877. adjustable triangle ==> 活动三角尺
  7878. adjustable tripod ==> 可调三脚架
  7879. adjustable try square ==> 活动矩尺
  7880. adjustable turning head ==> 可调车削头
  7881. adjustable vane ==> 可调叶片
  7882. adjustable varying speed motor ==> 可调变速电动机
  7883. adjustable varying-speed motor ==> 可调速电动机
  7884. adjustable vaulting horse ==> 活动木马
  7885. adjustable viewing angle ==> 可调视角
  7886. adjustable voltage divider ==> 可调分压器
  7887. adjustable voltage generator ==> 可调电压发电机
  7888. adjustable voltage system ==> 可调电压系统
  7889. adjustable weir crest ==> 活动堰顶
  7890. adjustable weir ring ==> 溢流调节环
  7891. adjustable wrench ==> 活动扳手,活络扳手,可调扳手=>モンキーレンチ
  7892. adjustable-bed ==> 可调台面
  7893. adjustable-blade propeller pump ==> 可调叶片式轴流泵
  7894. adjustable-ratio transformer ==> 可调变比式变压器
  7895. adjustable-size aggregate ==> 整合寸法集合体
  7896. adjustable-span recorder ==> 可调间隔记录器
  7897. adjustable-speed ==> 可调速度
  7898. adjustable-speed belt ==> 无级变速器皮带=>無段変速器ベルト
  7899. adjustable-speed drive ==> 无级变速传动装置
  7900. adjustable-speed motor ==> 调速电动机=>加減速度電動機
  7901. adjustable-speed unotor ==> 变速电动机
  7902. adjustablespeed drive ==> 无级变速传动装置
  7903. adjustage ==> 精整设备,辅助设备
  7904. adjusted acquisition cost ==> 调整后采购成本
  7905. adjusted actual inventory ==> 调整后实际库存量
  7906. adjusted bank balance of cash ==> 调整后银行存款余额
  7907. adjusted basis ==> 已调整基准
  7908. adjusted bond ==> 调整债券
  7909. adjusted coefficient of determination ==> 调整的测定系数
  7910. adjusted cost basis ==> 调整成本制,调整后成本基础
  7911. adjusted death rate ==> 修正死亡率
  7912. adjusted decibel(dBa) ==> 已调整的分贝
  7913. adjusted decibels ==> 调整分贝
  7914. adjusted delay ==> 调节延迟
  7915. adjusted elevation ==> 平差高程
  7916. adjusted entry ==> 调整分录
  7917. adjusted figures ==> 调整后数字
  7918. adjusted frequency table ==> 调整的频率表
  7919. adjusted GNP (gross national product) ==> 调整的国民生产总值
  7920. adjusted gross income (AGI) ==> 调整后毛收入所得额
  7921. adjusted historical cost ==> 调整后历史成本
  7922. adjusted income ==> 调整后所得
  7923. adjusted income statement ==> 调整后损益计算书
  7924. adjusted indexes ==> 调整指数
  7925. adjusted infant mortality ==> 校正婴儿死亡率
  7926. adjusted mean ==> 校正均值,校正平均数
  7927. adjusted mortality rate ==> 调整后的死亡率
  7928. adjusted multiple correlation coefficient ==> 调整的复相系数
  7929. adjusted net profit ==> 调整后净利润
  7930. adjusted pension ==> 调整后年金
  7931. adjusted position ==> 平差后的位置
  7932. adjusted rate ==> 修正率
  7933. adjusted retention time ==> 调整保留时间
  7934. adjusted retention volume ==> 调整保留体积
  7935. adjusted reverse trend ==> 经过调整的翻转趋势,经过调整的翻转趋势
  7936. adjusted selling price method ==> 调整售价法
  7937. adjusted stock price average ==> 修正平均股价
  7938. adjusted stream ==> 调整河流
  7939. adjusted trial balance ==> 调整后试算表
  7940. adjusted value ==> 调整值,校正值,平差值
  7941. adjusted weight ==> 校正体重,校正重
  7942. adjustement of exchange rate ==> 调整汇价
  7943. adjuster ==> 调节机构,调整器,调整装置,调准装置,调节器,调停人,调整工,精调装置,保险赔偿估定员=>自在吊(電灯の),調節器,調整剤
  7944. adjuster (-tor) ==> 校准器
  7945. adjuster for windows ==> 撑窗杆
  7946. adjuster nuts ==> 调节器
  7947. adjusting ==> 调节,调整
  7948. adjusting (adjustment) mark ==> 调整标记
  7949. adjusting account ==> 调整帐户
  7950. adjusting angle ==> 旋轮安装角
  7951. adjusting arm ==> 调整臂
  7952. adjusting arm assembly ==> 调整臂总成
  7953. adjusting bolt ==> 调整螺栓,调节螺栓=>調整ボルト
  7954. adjusting chromaticity ==> 调整色度
  7955. adjusting chromaticity/adjusting luminance ==> 调整亮度
  7956. adjusting command ==> 调节命令,用于改变具有两个以上状态的运行设备状态的命令
  7957. adjusting cursor blink rate ==> 调整光标闪烁速度
  7958. adjusting damper ==> 调节风门
  7959. adjusting device ==> 调节装置=>調整装置
  7960. adjusting ear ==> 调整耳
  7961. adjusting element ==> 细调擒纵叉
  7962. adjusting entries ==> 调整记录,整理帐
  7963. adjusting entry ==> 调整分录
  7964. adjusting ga(u)ge ==> 整定卡规,整定仪表,调整量规
  7965. adjusting gear ==> 调节齿轮
  7966. adjusting gear for rudder ==> 方向舵调整装置
  7967. adjusting gib ==> 调整镶条,活动扁栓,活动夹条
  7968. adjusting handle ==> 调节手轮,调整柄
  7969. adjusting idler wheel ==> 调整用惰轮,履带诱导轮
  7970. adjusting instrument ==> 调整装置,调节器
  7971. adjusting journal entry ==> 日记帐调整分录
  7972. adjusting key ==> 调整键
  7973. adjusting knob ==> 调整旋钮,调节钮
  7974. adjusting link ==> 可调联结杆
  7975. adjusting lock nut ==> 调节锁紧螺母
  7976. adjusting machine ==> 校准机,调整机
  7977. adjusting mechanism ==> 调整机构
  7978. adjusting microinching ==> (压力机上)寸动
  7979. adjusting needle ==> 调准针
  7980. adjusting nut ==> 调节螺母=>調整ナット
  7981. adjusting operation ==> 寸動操作
  7982. adjusting pin ==> 校正针,固定销,调整销
  7983. adjusting plate ==> 调节板
  7984. adjusting point ==> 试射点
  7985. adjusting quantity meter ==> 调量表
  7986. adjusting range ==> 调整范围
  7987. adjusting resistance ==> 调节电阻
  7988. adjusting ring ==> 调整环
  7989. adjusting screw ==> 调整螺钉,调整螺丝,调准螺旋,调节螺钉,校正螺钉,校正螺旋,加減螺子=>調整ねじ
  7990. adjusting screw for elevation ==> 标高调整螺丝
  7991. adjusting screw for pan position ==> 锅体水平调节螺杆
  7992. adjusting screw for transverse ==> 横向调整螺丝
  7993. adjusting screw(rod) ==> 调节螺杆
  7994. adjusting shim ==> 调整垫片
  7995. adjusting shop ==> 校准车间,装配车间
  7996. adjusting slider ==> 调节滑块
  7997. adjusting spacer ==> 调整垫圈
  7998. adjusting speed ==> 调整速度
  7999. adjusting spindle ==> 调整轴
  8000. adjusting spring ==> 调整弹簧=>調整ばね
  8001. adjusting spring case ==> 调准簧盒
  8002. adjusting strip ==> 调整片
  8003. adjusting stud ==> 调整用双头螺栓
  8004. adjusting surface ==> 调整面
  8005. adjusting tank ==> 调整箱
  8006. adjusting to a line ==> 直线对准
  8007. adjusting valve ==> 调整阀
  8008. adjusting variables ==> 调整变数
  8009. adjusting voltage ==> 调节电压
  8010. adjusting washer ==> 调整垫圈
  8011. adjusting washer (disk) ==> 调节垫圈
  8012. adjusting wedge ==> 调整楔
  8013. adjusting wheel ==> 调整轮
  8014. adjusting yoke ==> 调节拉杆
  8015. adjustment ==> 调节,调整,校正,顺应,调准,安排,安装,适应=>調整,調度(継電器)
  8016. adjustment (adjusting) lever ==> 调节杠杆
  8017. adjustment account ==> 调整帐户
  8018. adjustment assistance ==> 调节性援助
  8019. adjustment bellows ==> 调节波纹管
  8020. adjustment bond ==> 调整债券
  8021. adjustment by direction ==> 方向平差
  8022. adjustment clause ==> 伸缩条款
  8023. adjustment coefficient ==> 调整系数
  8024. adjustment coil ==> 调节线圈
  8025. adjustment continuation condition ==> 调整连续条件
  8026. adjustment controls ==> 调节控制器
  8027. adjustment correction ==> 射击诸元修正
  8028. adjustment cost ==> 理算费用
  8029. adjustment credit ==> 调整性信贷
  8030. adjustment curve ==> 调节曲线,调制曲线,校正曲线,缓和曲线
  8031. adjustment device ==> 调整装置
  8032. adjustment entry ==> 调整分录
  8033. adjustment for altitude ==> 高程改正,高度校正
  8034. adjustment for illumination ==> 照明调节/照度调整
  8035. adjustment for length of stroke ==> 调整行程长度装置
  8036. adjustment for position of stroke ==> 行程位置调整
  8037. adjustment for trend ==> 趋势调整
  8038. adjustment for wear ==> 补偿磨损调整
  8039. adjustment free ==> 全部调节完毕
  8040. adjustment function ==> 调节函数,调整函数
  8041. adjustment in direction ==> 方向修正
  8042. adjustment in group ==> 分组平差法
  8043. adjustment in groups ==> 分层平差
  8044. adjustment in one cast ==> 整体平差
  8045. adjustment inflation ==> 调整性通货膨胀
  8046. adjustment lags ==> 调整时滞
  8047. adjustment letter ==> 海损理算书
  8048. adjustment mark ==> 安装标记
  8049. adjustment mechanism ==> 调整装置
  8050. adjustment memo ==> 调整凭单
  8051. adjustment memorandum ==> 调整凭单
  8052. adjustment notch ==> 调整槽口,安装标记
  8053. adjustment of actual total loss ==> 实际全损理算
  8054. adjustment of alignment ==> 定线调整
  8055. adjustment of average ==> 海损理算
  8056. adjustment of constructive total loss ==> 推定全损理算
  8057. adjustment of figure ==> 图形平差
  8058. adjustment of ignition ==> 发火调整
  8059. adjustment of inventory ==> 库存调节
  8060. adjustment of itself ==> 自动调整
  8061. adjustment of loss ==> (保险)损失理算
  8062. adjustment of mixture ==> 混合物组分的调节
  8063. adjustment of national income ==> 调整国民收入
  8064. adjustment of salvage loss ==> 施救费用理算
  8065. adjustment of setting ==> 灯组的调整
  8066. adjustment of slip ==> 泥浆性质的调整
  8067. adjustment of surplus ==> 调整盈余额
  8068. adjustment of track gauge ==> 轨距规的调整
  8069. adjustment of track level ==> 轨距水准仪调整
  8070. adjustment of valve clearance ==> 调整阀隙
  8071. adjustment of wage rates ==> 调整工资率
  8072. adjustment parameter ==> 平差参数
  8073. adjustment period ==> 调整期,调整期间
  8074. adjustment plate (panel) ==> 调整板
  8075. adjustment procedure ==> 调整过程
  8076. adjustment process ==> 调整过程
  8077. adjustment range ==> 调节范围
  8078. adjustment rate ==> 调整率
  8079. adjustment reaction ==> 境遇适应性反应,境遇适应性反应,顺应反应
  8080. adjustment residual ==> 平差残差
  8081. adjustment rough adjustment ==> 粗调
  8082. adjustment sheet ==> 调节片=>調整表
  8083. adjustment tax ==> 调节税
  8084. adjustment to expenses ==> 费用调整
  8085. adjustment tolerance ==> 调节公差
  8086. adjustment tool ==> 調整工具
  8087. adjustment washer ==> 调整垫圈
  8088. adjustment works expenses ==> 调整费用
  8089. adjustor ==> 海损理算人
  8090. adjuvant arthritis ==> 佐剂关节炎,反应性关节炎
  8091. adjuvant drug ==> 佐药
  8092. adjuvant granuloma ==> 佐剂肉芽肿
  8093. adjuvant group ==> アジュバント基
  8094. adjuvant treatment ==> 辅佐疗法
  8095. ADL, authorized data list ==> 承認データリスト
  8096. ADL, Autonomous Decentralized Loop Network ==> 自律分散伝送系
  8097. ADL, Avionics Development Laboratory(RI-SD) ==> アビオニクス開発研究所(ロックウエルインターナショナル社宇宙事業)
  8098. adlerian psychotherapy ==> 个别心理治疗
  8099. ADM, adaptive delta modulation ==> ADM
  8100. ADM, antenna deployment mechanism ==> アンテナ展開機構
  8101. ADM, antenna drive mechanism ==> アンテナ駆動機構部
  8102. admantine spar ==> 刚玉
  8103. admeasuring apparatus ==> 测量仪,测像仪,量测器具
  8104. ADMER, Atmospheric Dispersion Model for Exposure and Risk assessment ==> 産総研-曝露・リスク評価大気拡散モデル,CRM(化学物質リスク管理研究センター)が開発した化学物質の大気環境濃度推定及び曝露評価を行なうモデルと一連のシステムであり,以下の機能を備えています。気象データの作成・確認 ,化学物質排出量データの作成・確認,化学物質大気中濃度及び沈着量の計算,計算結果図化,計算結果頻度解析,計算結果頻度解析
  8105. adminiculum lineae albae ==> 白线支座
  8106. administration according to law ==> 依法行政
  8107. administration anchor ==> 海军式锚
  8108. administration and management ==> 行政管理费
  8109. administration audit ==> 行政审计
  8110. administration budget ==> 行政预算
  8111. administration by different levels ==> 分级管理
  8112. administration in bankruptcy ==> 破产清理
  8113. Administration Management Society (AMS) ==> 行政管理学会
  8114. administration name ==> 管理名称
  8115. administration of army hospital ==> 军队医院管理,军队医院管理
  8116. administration of conference ==> 大会運営
  8117. administration of estate ==> 遗产管理
  8118. administration of estates of small value ==> 小额财产的管理
  8119. administration of law ==> 法律的实施
  8120. administration of power supply ==> 供电局,供电所
  8121. administration of radiation ==> 辐射处理
  8122. administration of water rights ==> 水权的管理
  8123. administration program ==> 運転管理プログラム
  8124. administration staff ==> 行政管理人员
  8125. administration suit ==> 遗产管理诉讼
  8126. administrative accounting ==> 经营管理会计,经营管理会计
  8127. administrative action ==> 行政诉讼
  8128. administrative agency ==> 管理机构
  8129. administrative audit ==> 经营管理审计,经营管理审计,行政审计
  8130. administrative autopsy ==> 行政解剖
  8131. administrative behavior ==> 行政行为
  8132. administrative budget ==> 行政预算
  8133. administrative command ==> 行政指挥
  8134. administrative control ==> 行政管制
  8135. administrative cost ==> 行政费用,行政管理费
  8136. administrative data processing ==> 行政管理数据处理
  8137. administrative guidance ==> 行政指导
  8138. administrative improvement ==> 经营管理改善,经营管理改善
  8139. administrative information ==> 管理信息
  8140. administrative instruction ==> 実施細則
  8141. administrative intervention ==> 行政干预
  8142. administrative law ==> 行政法
  8143. administrative legislation ==> 行政立法
  8144. administrative management ==> 行政管理
  8145. administrative management theory ==> 行政管理理论
  8146. administrative map ==> 行政区划图,市政管理图
  8147. administrative means ==> 行政方法,行政手段
  8148. administrative operator station ==> 管理操作台,管理操作员站
  8149. administrative organization ==> 管理机构
  8150. administrative penalty ==> 行政处罚
  8151. administrative planning system ==> 经营规划系统,经营规划系统
  8152. administrative proceedings ==> 行政诉讼
  8153. administrative staff ==> 行政人员
  8154. administrative statistics ==> 行政统计资料
  8155. administrative terminal system (ATS) ==> 行政管理终端系统,事务终端系统,管理终端系统
  8156. administrative time ==> 管理时间,修理准备时间
  8157. administrative underpinnings ==> 行政基盤
  8158. administrator ==> 管理者,担当する人
  8159. administrator assistance ==> 管理者支援
  8160. administrator in a bankrupt estate ==> 破产管理人
  8161. administrator name ==> 管理者名
  8162. adminstrative division ==> 行政部门
  8163. admiral anchor ==> 海军锚
  8164. admiralty anchor ==> 海军锚
  8165. admiralty brass ==> 海军黄铜,船用黄铜,耐酸黄铜
  8166. admiralty bronze ==> 船用青铜
  8167. admiralty chart ==> 海图
  8168. admiralty cloth ==> 海军呢
  8169. admiralty coal ==> 船用煤
  8170. admiralty coefficient ==> アドミラルチ係数
  8171. admiralty court ==> 海事法庭
  8172. admiralty dispute ==> 海事纠纷
  8173. admiralty fuel oil ==> 船舶燃料油
  8174. admiralty gun metal ==> 海军炮铜
  8175. admiralty jurisdiction ==> 海事裁判权,海事审判权
  8176. admiralty knot ==> 海里
  8177. admiralty law ==> 海事法=>海法,海上法
  8178. admiralty measured mile ==> 海军部海里
  8179. admiralty metal ==> 海军黄铜,船用黄铜,耐海水金属
  8180. Admiralty metal ==> 海军金属
  8181. admiralty mile ==> 英海里
  8182. admiralty mixture brass ==> 海军混合黄铜
  8183. admiralty test ==> 干湿陈化试验=>アドミラルチ試験
  8184. Admiralty unit ==> 英国海军单位
  8185. admissibility in evidence ==> 接受作证据
  8186. admissibility of Bayes decision rule ==> 贝叶斯决策规则的宜取性
  8187. admissible action ==> 容许行动
  8188. admissible basis ==> 可采基
  8189. admissible burning position ==> (灯的)允许燃点位置
  8190. admissible concentration ==> 容许浓度
  8191. admissible control ==> 容许控制
  8192. admissible curve ==> 容许曲线
  8193. admissible decision ==> 可采纳的决策
  8194. admissible decision function ==> 容许判决函数
  8195. admissible error ==> 容许误差
  8196. admissible estimate ==> 容许估计
  8197. admissible evidence ==> 可接受的证据,可靠证据
  8198. admissible function ==> 容许函数
  8199. admissible hypothesis ==> 容许假设
  8200. admissible interpolation constraint ==> 容许内插约束
  8201. admissible interrupting current ==> 容许断开电流
  8202. admissible mark ==> 容许符号
  8203. admissible parameter ==> 容许参数
  8204. admissible parameter space ==> 容许参数空间
  8205. admissible prediction function ==> 容许预测函数
  8206. admissible set ==> 容许集,容许形状
  8207. admissible solution ==> 容许解法
  8208. admissible statistical hypothesis ==> 容许统计假设
  8209. admissible stress ==> 容许应力
  8210. admissible surface ==> 容许曲面
  8211. admissible test ==> 容许检验
  8212. admissible transformation ==> 宜取变换
  8213. admissible value for a player ==> 局中人的容许值,局中人的容许值
  8214. admissible variation ==> 容许变分,容许变异
  8215. admission ==> 入院,允许=>自白
  8216. admission cam ==> 进气凸轮,吸进凸轮
  8217. admission cam shaft ==> 进气凸轮轴
  8218. admission chamber ==> 进气室,进入箱
  8219. admission date ==> 入院日期
  8220. admission delay ==> 进场延迟
  8221. admission department ==> 入院部
  8222. admission free ==> 免费入场
  8223. admission gear ==> 进气传动装置,配气机构
  8224. admission lead ==> 进气导程,提前进气
  8225. admission line ==> 进气管道,进气线
  8226. admission of liability ==> 认债
  8227. admission of partner ==> 入伙
  8228. admission office ==> 入院处
  8229. admission opening ==> 进汽孔
  8230. admission passage ==> 进路,进气道,进汽道=>進入路
  8231. admission port ==> 进气口,给水口
  8232. admission pressure ==> 进气压力,容许压力
  8233. admission space ==> 进气容积,进汽空间,装填体积
  8234. admission stroke ==> 进气冲程
  8235. admission tax ==> 入场税
  8236. admission valve ==> 进气阀,进汽阀,进入阀
  8237. admission velocity ==> 进入速度
  8238. admittance ==> 容差,电钠,导纳=>アドミタンス,インピーダンスの逆数をいう。
  8239. admittance area ==> 流导面积,通导截面
  8240. admittance bridge ==> 导纳电桥
  8241. admittance chart ==> 导纳图=>アドミタンス線図
  8242. admittance circle ==> 导纳圆
  8243. admittance comparator ==> 导纳比较器
  8244. admittance diagram ==> 导纳图
  8245. admittance function ==> 导纳函数
  8246. admittance gap ==> 导纳隙
  8247. admittance matrix ==> 导纳矩阵
  8248. admittance matrix method ==> アドミタンス行列法
  8249. admittance matrix modification ==> 因子表修正
  8250. admittance measuring instrument ==> 导纳测量仪
  8251. admittance operator ==> 导纳算子
  8252. admittance parameter ==> 导纳参数=>アドミタンスパラメータ
  8253. admittance relay ==> 导纳继电器
  8254. admittance triangle ==> 导纳三角形
  8255. admittance wave ==> 入口波
  8256. admitted diameter of work ==> 工件最大许可直径
  8257. admixture ==> 掺和剂,掺合料,掺合物,掺质,混合,混合,混合材,混合剂,混合物,混流,渗和物,外加剂,附加剂
  8258. admixture heat ==> 混合热,掺和热
  8259. admixture ingredient ==> 混合材料
  8260. admixture instability ==> 混合不稳定性
  8261. admonish ==> 警戒
  8262. ADMS, application development management system ==> アプリケーション開発管理システム
  8263. ADMU, analog data multiplexer unit ==> アナログデータ多重ユニット
  8264. adnate hydrophyte ==> 固着水生植物
  8265. adnexal tumor ==> 附件肿物
  8266. Adnic alloy ==> 白铜
  8267. adnormal respiration ==> 呼吸异常
  8268. adobe ==> 风干砖
  8269. adobe brick ==> 不烧的砖,风干砖,风干砖坯
  8270. adobe brick wall ==> 土坯墙
  8271. adobe construction ==> 土坯结构
  8272. adobe house ==> 土坯房屋
  8273. adobe masonry ==> 土坏圬工
  8274. adobe soil ==> 冲积粘土,龟裂土
  8275. adobe wall ==> 土坯墙
  8276. Adocock antenna ==> アドコックアンテナ
  8277. adolescent cattle ==> 青春牛
  8278. adolescent coast ==> 少壮海岸
  8279. adolescent goiter ==> 青年期甲状腺肿
  8280. adolescent periodontitis ==> 青少年性牙周炎
  8281. adolescent river ==> 青年河,少壮河
  8282. adolescent stream ==> 青年河
  8283. ADOM, Advanced Dose Monitor ==> 放射線吸収線量モニタ(COMETS搭載予定のTEDAの装置)
  8284. adonic acid ==> 阿东酸
  8285. adopt new techniques ==> 采用新技术
  8286. adopted base-line value ==> 采用基线值
  8287. adopted latitude ==> 纬度采用值
  8288. adopted longitude ==> 经度采用值,经度采用值
  8289. adopted pigment ==> 借用色素
  8290. adopted value ==> 采用值
  8291. adoption ==> 採用,選択,採択
  8292. adoption behavior ==> 採用行動
  8293. adoption contract ==> 養子縁組契約
  8294. adoption criterion ==> 採用基準
  8295. adoption of indigenous method ==> 土法上马
  8296. adoption of innovation ==> 采纳革新
  8297. adoption process ==> 采购程序
  8298. adoptive acquired immunity ==> 继承性获得性免疫
  8299. adoptive immunity ==> 过继性免疫
  8300. adoptive tolerance ==> 继承性耐受性
  8301. adoptive transfer ==> 继承性转移
  8302. ADP, acceptance data package ==> 受領データパッケージ
  8303. ADP, advanced development program ==> 先端的な開発プログラム
  8304. ADP, Air Data Probe ==> NASA略語(意訳:大気データ探測機)
  8305. ADP, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate ==> 二リン酸水素アンモニウム
  8306. ADP, automatic data processing ==> 自動データ処理
  8307. ADPA, Air Data Probe Assemblies ==> NASA略語(意訳:大気データ探測装置)
  8308. ADPCM, adaptive differential PCM ==> 最適化差分パルス符合変調
  8309. ADPCM, adaptive differential pulse-code modulation ==> 最適化差分パルス符号変調
  8310. ADPE, automated data processing equipment ==> 自動データ処理装置
  8311. ADPG, Atmospheric Dynamic Payload Group ==> 大気力学ペイロードグループ
  8312. ADPS, automatic data processing system ==> 自動情報処理機構
  8313. ADR, achievable data rate ==> 達成可能なデータレート
  8314. ADR, Address ==> NASA略語(アドレス)
  8315. adrasion resistance of thin film ==> 薄膜的抗磨强度
  8316. adrenal cortex ==> 肾上腺皮质
  8317. adrenal cortex hormone ==> 肾上腺皮质激素
  8318. adrenal insufficiency ==> 肾上腺机能不全
  8319. adrenal medulla ==> 肾上腺髓质
  8320. adrenal rest tumor ==> 卵巢肾上腺残余瘤
  8321. adrenal tumor ==> 肾上腺瘤
  8322. adrenal virilism ==> 肾上腺性男性化
  8323. adrenalin hydrochloride ==> 盐酸肾上腺素
  8324. adrenaline ==> 肾上腺素=>アドレナリン
  8325. adrenergic blocking agent ==> 类肾上腺素阻断剂
  8326. adrenergic component ==> 肾上腺素能组分
  8327. adrenergic fibers ==> 肾上腺素能纤维
  8328. adreno corticotropic hormone ==> 促肾上腺皮质素
  8329. adreno-glomerulotropin ==> 促球状带因子
  8330. adrenobazone tablet ==> 安络血片
  8331. adrenocortical hyperplasia in pregnancy ==> 妊娠期肾上腺皮质增生
  8332. adrenocorticotrophic peptide ==> 促肾上腺皮质肽
  8333. adrenocorticotropic ==> 促肾上腺皮质的
  8334. adrenocorticotropic hormone ==> 促肾上腺皮质激素
  8335. adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) ==> 促皮质素,皮促素
  8336. adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test ==> 促肾上腺皮质激素刺激试验,促肾上腺皮质激素兴奋试验
  8337. adrenocorticotropic hormone test ==> 促肾上腺皮质激素试验
  8338. adrenomedullotropic hormone ==> 促肾腺髓质激素
  8339. adrenosem injection ==> 安络血注射液
  8340. adrenotrophic hormone ==> 促肾上腺激素
  8341. adrenotropic ==> 促肾上腺的
  8342. adrenotropic hormone ==> 促肾皮素,促肾上腺皮质激素
  8343. ADRS, address ==> 番地
  8344. ADS, aerospace data system ==> 航空宇宙用データシステム
  8345. ADS, Air Data Sensor ==> NASA略語(意訳:大気データセンサ)
  8346. ADS, altitude decompression sickness ==> 高度病
  8347. ADS, angular displacement sensor ==> 角度変位センサ
  8348. ADS, application data sheet ==> 部品適用データシート
  8349. ADS, Attitude Display System ==> NASA略語(意訳:姿勢表示システム)
  8350. ADS, audio distribution system ==> 音声系分配システム
  8351. ADS2, Archival Data Storage and Delivery Service ==> 記録データ保管及び配布サービス
  8352. ADSE, Air Data System Electronics Package ==> エア・データ・システム・電子機器部
  8353. ADSF, advanced directional solidification furnace ==> 最新型指向性結晶炉
  8354. ADSL, asymmetric digital subscriber line ==> 非対称デジタル加入者線,既存の電話線を使ったディジタル伝送方式の1つ
  8355. Adson's syndrome ==> 阿德森氏综合征
  8356. Adson's test ==> 阿德森氏试验
  8357. adsorbability ==> 可吸附性
  8358. adsorbate ==> 吸附物
  8359. adsorbed film ==> 吸附膜
  8360. adsorbed gas ==> 吸附气体
  8361. adsorbed layer ==> 吸附层
  8362. adsorbed plasma ==> 吸附血浆
  8363. adsorbed purified tetanus toxoid ==> 吸附精制破伤风类毒素
  8364. adsorbed surface film ==> 吸附表面膜
  8365. adsorbent ==> 吸附剂
  8366. adsorbent bed ==> 吸附剂床
  8367. adsorbent filter ==> 吸附剂过滤器
  8368. adsorbent-loaded paper ==> 带吸附剂纸
  8369. adsorber ==> 吸附器
  8370. adsorbing power ==> 吸附能力
  8371. adsorption ==> 吸附=>吸着
  8372. adsorption activity ==> 吸附活度
  8373. adsorption affinity ==> 吸附力
  8374. adsorption balance ==> 吸附天平
  8375. adsorption capacity ==> 吸附容量
  8376. adsorption catalysis ==> 吸附催化
  8377. adsorption chiller driven by heat and electricity ==> 熱電駆動式吸着冷凍機
  8378. adsorption chromatography ==> 吸附色谱法,吸附层析,吸附色层分离法,吸附色谱法,吸附色谱分离(法)
  8379. adsorption coefficient ==> 吸附系数
  8380. adsorption compound ==> 吸附化合物
  8381. adsorption curve ==> 吸附曲线
  8382. adsorption effect ==> 吸附效应
  8383. adsorption elution test ==> 吸附洗提试验
  8384. adsorption equation ==> 吸附公式
  8385. adsorption equilibrium ==> 吸附平衡
  8386. adsorption equilibrium constant ==> 吸附平衡常数
  8387. adsorption filtration ==> 吸附过滤
  8388. adsorption gasoline ==> 吸附汽油
  8389. adsorption gauge ==> 吸附计
  8390. adsorption heat detector (AHD) ==> 吸附热检测器
  8391. adsorption isobar ==> 吸附等压线,等压吸附线
  8392. adsorption isostere ==> 吸附等量线
  8393. adsorption isotherm ==> 吸附等温线
  8394. adsorption layer ==> 吸附层
  8395. adsorption mechanism ==> 吸附机理
  8396. adsorption method ==> 吸附法,表面吸附法
  8397. adsorption overvoltage ==> 吸附过电压
  8398. adsorption phenomenon ==> 吸附现象
  8399. adsorption potential ==> 吸附势
  8400. adsorption precipitant ==> 吸附沉淀剂
  8401. adsorption process ==> 吸附过程
  8402. adsorption rate ==> 吸附速率
  8403. adsorption reaction ==> 吸附反应
  8404. adsorption section ==> 吸附段
  8405. adsorption spectrometer ==> 吸附分光计
  8406. adsorption stripping ==> 解吸
  8407. adsorption surface area ==> 吸附表面积
  8408. adsorption system ==> 吸附系统
  8409. adsorption tank ==> 吸附槽
  8410. adsorption test ==> 吸附试验
  8411. adsorption vacuum pump ==> 吸附真空泵
  8412. adsorptive capacity ==> 吸附量,吸附能力
  8413. adsorptive precipitation ==> 吸附沉淀
  8414. adsorptive support ==> 吸附性载体
  8415. ADSP, Air Data System Plobe ==> エア・データ・システム・プローブ
  8416. ADSS, aerospace data systems standard ==> 航空宇宙データシステム基準
  8417. ADSS, all dielectric self supporting ==> ADSS optical fibre cable
  8418. ADSU, Application Service Data Unit ==> ADSU
  8419. Adsuki Bean ==> 赤小豆
  8420. ADT, Air Data Transducer ==> NASA略語(意訳:大気データトランスジューサ)
  8421. ADTA, Air Data Transducer Assembly ==> NASA略語(意訳:大気データ測定装置)
  8422. ADU, Annunciator Display Unit ==> NASA略語(意訳:アナンシエータ表示ユニット)
  8423. adular ==> 冰长石
  8424. adult ==> 成虫,成虫,成虫的,成年,成人=>アダルト
  8425. adult body weight ==> 成鸡体重
  8426. adult dependent ==> 成人被扶養者
  8427. adult development ==> 成虫発育
  8428. adult diabetes ==> 成人型糖尿病
  8429. adult disease ==> 生活習慣病
  8430. adult fema hog which has been bred ==> 配过种的成年雌性猪
  8431. adult female hog ==> 成年雌性猪
  8432. adult female sheep ==> 成年雌性绵羊
  8433. adult hypertrophic pyloristenosis ==> 成人胃幽门肥厚性狭窄
  8434. adult instar ==> 成虫龄虫
  8435. adult language ==> 成熟语言
  8436. adult livability ==> 成鸡成活率
  8437. adult megacolon ==> 成人巨结肠症
  8438. adult mosquito ==> 成蚊
  8439. adult nucleus ==> 成年核
  8440. adult phase ==> 成年阶段
  8441. adult plant resistance ==> 成株抗病性
  8442. adult respiratory distress ==> 成人呼吸窘迫症
  8443. adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) ==> 成人呼吸窘迫综合征
  8444. adult rickets ==> 成人佝偻病
  8445. adult rickets halisteresis ==> 骨软化
  8446. adult scleroderma ==> 成人硬皮病
  8447. adult stage ==> 成年期
  8448. adult type tuberculosis ==> 再感染性结核
  8449. adult umbilical hernia ==> 成人脐疝
  8450. adult wood ==> 成年林
  8451. adult-onset disease ==> 生活習慣病
  8452. adulterate ==> 掺杂,低劣
  8453. adulterated goods ==> 冒充货
  8454. adulterated oil ==> 掺杂油
  8455. advance ==> 超前,进,进步,进展,进展,推进,前进,分条移档,艾德万斯康铜,进占,堵口工程节节进堵的实施过程=>進める
  8456. advance A ==> 卷片方向,卷片方向
  8457. advance against collection ==> 托收垫款
  8458. advance and return movement ==> 往复运动
  8459. advance angle ==> 超前角,提前角=>進み角
  8460. advance appropriation ==> 提前拨款
  8461. advance ball ==> 前行小球,滑动滚球滑动滚珠
  8462. advance ballistic reentry system (ABRS) ==> 高级弹道式再入系统
  8463. advance beam ==> 超前梁
  8464. advance bill ==> 先开汇票
  8465. advance borehole ==> 超前钻孔
  8466. advance by overdraft ==> 透支
  8467. advance coefficient ==> 进速系数
  8468. advance consignment-out ==> 托销商品预收款
  8469. advance control ==> 超前控制
  8470. advance copy ==> 样本
  8471. advance cut ==> 超前沟
  8472. advance department ==> 放款部
  8473. advance deposit ==> 进口保证金
  8474. advance development ==> 超前掘进
  8475. advance estimate ==> 事前推定値
  8476. advance evaluation ==> 事前評価
  8477. advance face ==> 超前工作面
  8478. advance feed tape ==> 前置导孔纸带
  8479. advance felling ==> 前伐
  8480. advance frame ==> 超前帧
  8481. advance gallery ==> 超前巷道
  8482. advance hole shaping ==> 留洞=>箱抜き
  8483. advance ignition ==> 提前点火
  8484. advance in path ==> 光程提前量
  8485. advance in the world ==> 发迹
  8486. advance irrigation ==> 提早预灌
  8487. advance item ==> 超前项,前进项目,步进项目
  8488. advance metal ==> 前进铜镍合金,高比阻铜镍合金
  8489. Advance metal ==> 阿凡斯电阻合金
  8490. advance of flood wave ==> 洪水波推进
  8491. advance of freshet ==> 洪水演进
  8492. advance of ice cover ==> 冰层推进
  8493. advance of periastron ==> 近星点进动
  8494. advance of sea ==> 海进
  8495. advance of shoreline ==> 滨线推进
  8496. advance of the face ==> 工作面推进
  8497. advance of the perihelion ==> 近日点进动
  8498. advance of tool ==> 进刀
  8499. advance on subscription ==> 认购证券预付款
  8500. advance pack ==> 超前充填带
  8501. advance packing credit ==> 货物装船前预付款
  8502. advance payment ==> 预付
  8503. advance payment for materials ==> 预付材料款
  8504. advance payment guarantee ==> 预付款保函
  8505. advance preparation ==> 预先准备,事先准备
  8506. advance progeny of male-sterile plants ==> 雄性不育植株的后代
  8507. advance pulse ==> (计算机)推进脉冲
  8508. advance range counter ==> 提高标度计数器
  8509. advance refunding ==> 提前转期,(美国公债)提前转期偿还,(债券)套期转换
  8510. advance ring ==> 提前点火环
  8511. advance sample ==> 先发样品
  8512. advance sign ==> 前置标志
  8513. advance signal ==> 前置信号,前置信号机
  8514. advance stripping ==> 超前剥离
  8515. advance support system for ship administration ==> 高度船舶安全管理システム
  8516. advance the speed ==> 增加速率
  8517. advance timbering ==> 超前支架
  8518. advance to subcontractor ==> 分包人预支款
  8519. advance warning ==> 提前报警
  8520. advance wave ==> 超前波
  8521. advance workings ==> 长壁前进式全面开采法,超前巷道,前进式开采面
  8522. advanced ==> 前置,提前的
  8523. advanced A-V block ==> 高度房室传导阻滞
  8524. advanced administrative system (AAS) ==> 先进管理系统
  8525. advanced age ==> 老年
  8526. advanced algebra ==> 高等代数,大代数
  8527. advanced average ==> 先进平均数
  8528. advanced ballistic missile defense agency (ABMDA) ==> 高级弹道导弹防御局
  8529. advanced boiling water reactor,ABWR ==> 先进沸水反应堆,由美国GE公司和日本东芝、日立公司合作设计,单机电功率1356MW,采用能动安全系统的沸水堆
  8530. advanced bore hole ==> 超钻
  8531. advanced borehole ==> 超前钻孔
  8532. advanced calculator ==> 高级计算器
  8533. advanced camera ==> 高级照相机
  8534. advanced CANDU reactor,ACR ==> 先进CANDU堆,加拿大原子能公司(AECL)正在研发的新重水堆型。燃料用1.65%的低富集铀代替天然铀,冷却剂用轻水代替重水
  8535. advanced carcinoma of stomach ==> 晚期胃癌
  8536. advanced ceramics ==> 现代陶瓷
  8537. advanced charge ==> 预付费用
  8538. advanced combined cycle power generation ==> 改良型コンバインドサイクル発電
  8539. advanced communication function (ACF) ==> 高级通信功能
  8540. advanced communication system (ACS) ==> 高级通信系统
  8541. advanced composite material ==> 现代复合材料
  8542. advanced control system (ACS) ==> 高级控制系统
  8543. advanced converter ==> 先进转换堆
  8544. advanced cost accounting ==> 高等成本会计
  8545. advanced countries ==> 发达国家
  8546. advanced country ==> 先进国家
  8547. advanced course ==> 高级教程
  8548. advanced cracking reactor (ACR) ==> 先进裂化反应器
  8549. advanced data base system ==> 高级数据库系统
  8550. advanced data link controller ==> 高级数据链路控制器
  8551. advanced data management system (ADMS) ==> 高级数据管理系统
  8552. advanced earth satellite weapon system ==> 高级地球卫星武器系统
  8553. advanced econometrics ==> 高等经济计量学
  8554. advanced economy ==> 发达的经济
  8555. advanced engine ==> 新形エンジン
  8556. advanced exploration ==> 初勘
  8557. advanced feed ==> 前置导孔带
  8558. advanced feedhole ==> 前置导孔
  8559. advanced fiber reinforced composite ==> 高级纤维增强复合材料
  8560. advanced financial programmable calculator ==> 高级财务可编程序计算器
  8561. advanced forecasting techniques ==> 高级预测技术
  8562. advanced function for communication ==> 高级通信功能
  8563. advanced gallery ==> 超前小平巷
  8564. advanced gas cooled reactor ==> 高级气冷式反应器
  8565. advanced gascooled reactor ==> 改进型气冷反应堆
  8566. advanced gastric carcinoma ==> 进展期胃癌
  8567. advanced gear ==> 进给机构
  8568. advanced graphic display controller ==> 高级图形显示控制器
  8569. advanced growth ==> 前生树
  8570. advanced igniter ==> 提前点火器
  8571. advanced ignition ==> 预热启动=>早め点火
  8572. advanced in methodology for research ==> 研究方法的进展
  8573. advanced information technology ==> 高级信息技术
  8574. advanced life and health insurance ==> 高等人寿及健康保险
  8575. advanced line of position ==> 超前位置线
  8576. advanced lines ==> 高世代
  8577. advanced marketing ==> 高等市场学
  8578. advanced material ==> 高级材料
  8579. advanced menstrual period ==> 经行先期,经行先期
  8580. advanced menstruation due to blood-heat ==> 血热经行先期
  8581. advanced metering infrastructure ==> 先進的メータリングインフラ
  8582. advanced norm ==> 先进定额
  8583. advanced overburden ==> 超额剥离量
  8584. advanced payment ==> 预付款,预付费用,待摊费用=>前払費用
  8585. advanced plant ==> 高等植物
  8586. advanced plant systematics ==> 高等植物分类学
  8587. advanced potential ==> 超前电位,超前势,提早势
  8588. advanced power system analyzer ==> 高性能系統解析試験装置
  8589. advanced practice of agronomy ==> 先进农业技术
  8590. advanced pressurized water reactor,APWR ==> 先进压水反应堆,为提高安全性、改善经济性,使设计寿命更长等而进行重大改进后的压水堆型
  8591. advanced programming ==> 高级程序设计
  8592. advanced project ==> 研究计划,尖端计划
  8593. advanced quantitative analysis ==> 高等定量分析
  8594. advanced query ==> 高级查询
  8595. advanced reconnaissance satellite ==> 高级侦察卫星
  8596. advanced redemption ==> 提前偿还
  8597. advanced reentry system ==> 高级再入系统
  8598. advanced research projects agency ==> 高级研究计划局
  8599. advanced resistry ==> (乳牛)高级注册
  8600. advanced scientific computer ==> 先进科学计算机
  8601. advanced scientific computer(ASC) ==> 高级科学计算机
  8602. advanced scientific programmable calculator ==> 高级科研可编程序计算器
  8603. advanced spectroscope technique ==> 高级光谱技术
  8604. advanced speed ==> 前進速度
  8605. advanced stage ==> 晚期=>(病気の)進行期
  8606. advanced stage of decay ==> 后期腐朽阶段
  8607. advanced starting valve ==> 操縦元弁
  8608. advanced statistical analysis program (ASTAP) ==> 高级统计分析程序语言
  8609. advanced statistical analysis program language ==> 高级统计分析程序语言
  8610. advanced statistics ==> 高级统计学
  8611. advanced strains ==> 高级品系
  8612. advanced tactical ballistic missile ==> 高级战术弹道导弹
  8613. advanced technology ==> 先进技术
  8614. advanced text management system (ATMS) ==> 高级文本管理系统
  8615. advanced thermal reactor ==> 转换反应堆
  8616. advanced timing ==> 超前成圈=>時期進み
  8617. advanced training machine ==> 高级教练机
  8618. advanced treatment ==> 高级处理
  8619. advanced waste treatment ==> 废水三级处理
  8620. advanced waste treatment (AWT) ==> 先进污水处理法
  8621. advanced wastewater treatment ==> 污水深度处理
  8622. advanced wave ==> 移动波
  8623. advanced ways of working ==> 先进工作法
  8624. advanced zootaxy ==> 高等动物分类学
  8625. advanced-staged patient ==> 進行期の患者
  8626. advancement ==> 进刀,提升,前进运动
  8627. advancement forceps ==> 徙前术镊,徙前术镊
  8628. advancement needle ==> 徙前术针,徙前术针
  8629. advancement of ocular muscles ==> 眼肌前徙术
  8630. advancer ==> 超前补偿机
  8631. advances ==> 放款
  8632. advances from customers ==> 客户预付款
  8633. advances ratio ==> 放款比率
  8634. advances received on consignment-out ==> 发出委托销售商品暂收款
  8635. advancing blade ==> 前进桨叶
  8636. advancing edge ==> 前沿,前缘
  8637. advancing front ==> 前沿
  8638. advancing glacier ==> 前进冰川
  8639. advancing irrigation ==> 进行预灌
  8640. advancing load stress ==> 升高载荷应力
  8641. advancing longwall ==> 前进式长壁采煤法
  8642. advancing shock front ==> 前进激波前
  8643. advancing side ==> 皮带张紧侧,受拉部分
  8644. advancing side of belt ==> 皮带紧边
  8645. advancing slip ==> 前滑
  8646. advancing slope grouting ==> 斜坡推进灌浆
  8647. advancing wave ==> 前进波=>前進波
  8648. advantage ==> 利,利益=>利点,長所,強み,優位,利益
  8649. advantage in competition ==> 竞争优势,竞争优势
  8650. advantage of economic integration ==> 经济联合优越性,经济联合优越性
  8651. advantage of getting older ==> 年を取ることの利点
  8652. advantage of good health ==> 健康であることの強み
  8653. advantage ratio ==> 有利比
  8654. advection fog ==> 平流雾
  8655. advective ablation ==> 平流消融
  8656. advective cooling ==> 平流冷却
  8657. advective frost ==> 平流霜
  8658. advective hypothesis ==> 平流假设
  8659. advective model ==> 平流模式
  8660. advective thunderstorm ==> 平流性雷暴
  8661. advent ==> 出現,到来,降臨節
  8662. Advent calendar ==> 待降節カレンダー,降臨節暦
  8663. advent music ==> 降臨節の音楽
  8664. adventage of certain tax benefits ==> 免税好处
  8665. adventitious embryo ==> 异位胚胎,不定胚
  8666. adventitious fiber root ==> 不定须根
  8667. adventitious form ==> 不定型
  8668. adventitious pathogen ==> 随发性病源
  8669. adventitious plant ==> 引种植物
  8670. adventitious root ==> 不定根
  8671. adventitious shoot ==> 不定枝
  8672. adventitious sound ==> 附加音,额外音
  8673. adventitious variation ==> 不定变异
  8674. adventitious vein ==> 偶生脉
  8675. adventive cone ==> 寄生火山锥
  8676. adventral lines ==> 侧腹线
  8677. adverse ==> 逆的,相反的,不利的,有害的
  8678. adverse atmospheric condition ==> 不利大气条件
  8679. adverse balance ==> 逆差,贸易逆差
  8680. adverse balance of trade ==> 贸易逆差,逆差
  8681. adverse conditions ==> 不利条件
  8682. adverse current ==> 逆流
  8683. adverse effect ==> 不利影响,逆效应
  8684. adverse environmental impact ==> 不良环境影响
  8685. adverse factor ==> 有害因素,不利因素
  8686. adverse field ==> 反转场
  8687. adverse grade ==> 反坡,反倾斜,反向坡度
  8688. adverse opinion report ==> 否定意见报告书
  8689. adverse pressure ==> 反压力
  8690. adverse pressure gradient ==> 反压力梯度
  8691. adverse pricing structure ==> 逆反价格体系
  8692. adverse pricing system ==> 逆反价格体系
  8693. adverse reaction ==> 有害反应
  8694. adverse selection ==> 逆选择,不利的选择
  8695. adverse slope ==> 倒坡
  8696. adverse trade balance ==> 入超
  8697. adverse weather ==> 恶劣天气,不利天气,不良天气
  8698. adverse-weather lamp ==> 防雾前灯
  8699. adversity ==> 逆境
  8700. advertisement curtain ==> 广告幕
  8701. advertisement for collection ==> 募金広告
  8702. advertising board ==> 广告牌
  8703. advertising colour ==> 广告色
  8704. advertising lamp ==> 广告灯
  8705. advertising lighting ==> 广告照明
  8706. advertising paper ==> 广告纸
  8707. advertising tower ==> 广告塔
  8708. advice ==> 通知,通知书=>通知する,報告する,教える
  8709. advice and pay ==> 通知付款
  8710. advice and pay (AP) ==> 通知并付款
  8711. advice book ==> 通知登记簿
  8712. advice for collection ==> 托收委托书
  8713. advice note ==> 通知单,通知书,货物通知单
  8714. advice of arrival ==> 抵港通知
  8715. advice of audit ==> 审核通知书
  8716. advice of bill accepted ==> 先付票据通知
  8717. advice of bill collected ==> 票据付款通知,票据收款通知
  8718. advice of bill paid ==> 票据付款通知
  8719. advice of credit ==> 信用证通知书
  8720. advice of debit ==> 借记报单
  8721. advice of delivery ==> 交付通知书,货到通知书
  8722. advice of dispatch ==> 发送通知书
  8723. advice of drawing ==> 提款通知
  8724. advice of fate ==> 出险事故通知
  8725. advice of letter of credit ==> 信用证通知书
  8726. advice of settlement ==> 结算通知书
  8727. advice of shipment ==> 装运通知
  8728. advice of total transfer of credit ==> 全额转让通知书
  8729. advice on production for export ==> 出口商品通知书
  8730. advise ==> 通知
  8731. advised line of credit ==> 通知贷款额度,已通知信用额度
  8732. adviser on financial affairs ==> 财政顾问
  8733. advising bank ==> 通知行,通知银行
  8734. advising charge ==> 通知手续费
  8735. advising commission ==> 通知手续费
  8736. advisory ==> 勧告,忠告,訓示
  8737. advisory architect ==> 顾问建筑师
  8738. advisory committee ==> 顾问委员会=>諮問委員会
  8739. Advisory committee for safety ==> 安全咨询委员会
  8740. Advisory Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries ==> 渔农业咨询委员会
  8741. advisory engineer ==> 顾问工程师
  8742. advisory signal ==> 注意信号
  8743. advocacy decision making ==> 拥护决策
  8744. advocate ==> 擁護者,支持者
  8745. advocate a development strategy ==> 開発戦力を提唱する
  8746. advocate change ==> 変化を支持する
  8747. ADX, automatic data exchanging computer system ==> データ交換用電子計算機システム
  8748. adynamic fever ==> 無力熱
  8749. adynamic ileus ==> 麻痹性肠梗阻=>麻痺性イレウス,無力性腸閉塞症
  8750. adynamic stage ==> 无效期
  8751. adz block ==> 锛架
  8752. adz(e)-eye hammer ==> 小铁锤
  8753. adze plane ==> 刮刨
  8754. adze-eye claw hammer ==> 斧眼拔钉锤
  8755. adzing and boring machine ==> 铲平钻孔机
  8756. adzing gauge ==> 轨枕槽规
  8757. adzing machine ==> 削枕机,枕木锛机
  8758. adzuki bean ==> 红豆=>小豆,アズキ,あずき
  8759. AE, acoustic emission ==> アコースティックエミッション
  8760. AE, Acoustic Emission ==> AE
  8761. AE, air-conditioning engineer ==> 空調系技術者
  8762. AE, ARIANESPACE ==> アリアンスペース社
  8763. AE, astrometric explorer ==> 位置天文用探査機
  8764. AE, atmosphere explorer ==> 大気研究エクスプローラ
  8765. AE, the Application Engineer ==> AE
  8766. AE-cellulose ==> 氨乙基纤维素
  8767. AEA, Atomic Energy Authority ==> 原子力局
  8768. Aebi kiln ==> 埃毕顶烧式隧道窑
  8769. AEC, aft end cone ==> 後方エンドコーン
  8770. AEC, air evaporation closed cycle ==> 空気蒸発閉サイクル
  8771. AEC, Atomic Energy Commission ==> 原子力委員会
  8772. AEC, Atomic Energy Commission of Japan ==> 日本原子力委員会
  8773. AECA ==> 美国武器输出管制法=>武器輸出管理法
  8774. AECE, Atsugi Electrical Communication Laboratory ==> 厚木電気通信研究所
  8775. AECL ==> 加拿大原子能公司
  8776. AED ==> 自动体外除颤器=>自動体外式除細動装置
  8777. AEDC, Arnold Engineering Development Center ==> NASA略語(意訳:アーノルド工学開発センター)
  8778. AEE, antenna encoding equipment ==> アンテナ角度計数装置
  8779. AEF, apogee engine firing ==> アポジエンジン噴射
  8780. AEG process ==> 金属板杯突试验
  8781. AEG-Telefunken AG ==> 蔼益吉-德律风根公司
  8782. Aegothelidae ==> 裸鼻鸱科
  8783. AEIS, aeronautical en-route information service ==> 航空路情報提供業務
  8784. AEIS, aeronautical enroute information service ==> 航空路情報提供業務
  8785. AEL, atmospheric electricity ==> 大気電気
  8786. AEM system, airborne electromagnetic system ==> 航空电磁系统
  8787. AEM, acoustical emission monitoring ==> NASA略語(意訳:音響測定)
  8788. AEM, attached experiment module ==> 取付け型実験モジュール
  8789. AEMS, Air Conditioning Energy Management ==> エリアエネルギーマネージメントシステム
  8790. AENOR ==> スペイン標準化認定協会
  8791. aeolian ==> 风成的
  8792. aeolian accumulation ==> 风积
  8793. aeolian basin ==> 风成盆地
  8794. aeolian clay ==> 风积粘土
  8795. aeolian deposit ==> 风成沉积,风成沉积物,风积沉积,风积物
  8796. aeolian dune field ==> 风成沙丘原
  8797. aeolian flat ==> 风坪
  8798. aeolian harp ==> 风奏琴
  8799. aeolian plain ==> 风成平原
  8800. aeolian ripple mark ==> 风成涟痕
  8801. aeolian rock ==> 风成岩
  8802. aeolian sand ==> 风成沙,风积沙
  8803. aeolian sand ripple ==> 风积沙波纹
  8804. aeolian sediment ==> 风积物
  8805. aeolian soil ==> 风成土,风积土
  8806. aeolian soil type ==> 风积土类
  8807. aeolian tone ==> 风吹声
  8808. aeolian vibration ==> 微風振動
  8809. aeolotropy ==> 偏等性,各向异性,不等方程=>異方性
  8810. AEP ==> アメリカン・エレクトリック・パワー
  8811. AEP, American Electric Power Co.Inc. ==> 美国电力公司=>アメリカン・エレクトリック・パワー社
  8812. AEPI, atmospheric emission photometric imaging ==> 大気放射光画像
  8813. Aequorea victoria ==> オワンクラゲ
  8814. aequorin ==> 水母素
  8815. aerated ==> 充气的
  8816. aerated bath nitriding ==> 吸风盐浴软氮化,通气液体氮化,空气搅拌液体渗氮法
  8817. aerated capacity of pulverizer ==> 磨煤机通风出力,从磨煤机引出的携带合格细度煤粉的气粉两相流体,借助细粉分离器将绝大部分煤粉分离出来(无煤粉仓),用热风作为一次风将煤粉经由燃烧器送入炉膛的制粉系统。其分离出煤粉后的乏气经燃烧器相应的喷口吹入炉膛。
  8818. aerated concrete ==> 掺气混凝土,充气混凝土,加气混凝土=>気泡コンクリート
  8819. aerated concrete compressive strength ==> 加气混凝土抗压强度
  8820. aerated concrete density ==> 加气混凝土容重
  8821. aerated concrete floor slab ==> 加气混凝土楼板
  8822. aerated concrete glue-joint block partition ==> 加气混凝土粘胶缝隔墙
  8823. aerated concrete member ==> 加气混凝土构件
  8824. aerated concrete panel ==> 加气混凝土板
  8825. aerated concrete partition ==> 加气混凝土隔墙
  8826. aerated concrete pipe insulating section ==> 加气混凝土管套
  8827. aerated flame ==> 充气焰
  8828. aerated flow ==> 充气流,掺气水流
  8829. aerated grit channel ==> 曝气沉砂池,曝气沉砂渠,曝气沉砂槽
  8830. aerated nappe ==> 掺气水舌
  8831. aerated plastic ==> 充气塑料,多孔塑料
  8832. aerated plastics ==> 泡沫塑料
  8833. aerated spillway ==> 真空式溢流道
  8834. aerated water ==> 掺气水
  8835. aerated water machine ==> 汽水机
  8836. aerated weir ==> 掺气溢流堰
  8837. aerated windrow method ==> 曝气堆肥法
  8838. aerated yarn ==> 充气纱
  8839. aerating agent ==> 充气剂
  8840. aerating root ==> 呼吸根,通气根
  8841. aerating system ==> 通气系统
  8842. aeration ==> 通风,通气,通气性,掺气,换气,充气法,吹气,溶液充气,松砂,透气,曝气,曝气法=>エアレーション
  8843. aeration basin ==> 曝气池=>曝気槽
  8844. aeration cell ==> 充气电池,氧气电池
  8845. aeration coefficient ==> 鼓风系数,掺气系数
  8846. aeration corrosion ==> 充气腐蚀
  8847. aeration degree ==> 掺气度,含气度
  8848. aeration device ==> 曝气装置
  8849. aeration equipment ==> 通气设备
  8850. aeration factor ==> 通气因素,充气系数,充气因子
  8851. aeration jet ==> 充气射流,喷气发动机,含气射流,通气喷嘴
  8852. aeration of blood ==> 血换气
  8853. aeration of sewage ==> 污水曝气处理
  8854. aeration pipe ==> 通气管
  8855. aeration porosity ==> 通气孔隙度
  8856. aeration sprinkler ==> 航空人工降雨机
  8857. aeration tank ==> 充气槽,充气箱,曝气槽,曝气池
  8858. aeration tower ==> 洗气塔,通风塔
  8859. aeration vent scrubber ==> 充气孔洗涤器
  8860. aeration zone ==> 含气层,饱气带
  8861. aeration-cooling ==> 通风降温,通风冷却
  8862. aeration-drying ==> 通风干燥
  8863. aerator ==> 充气机,充气器,松砂机,曝气装置
  8864. aerator tank ==> 充气槽
  8865. Aerex fan ==> 艾瑞克斯型轴流式扇风机
  8866. aerial ==> 天线,航空的,架空,空中,空中的=>アンテナ
  8867. aerial adventitious roots ==> 气生不定根
  8868. aerial application ==> 飞机施肥
  8869. aerial archarology ==> 航空考古学
  8870. aerial armament ==> 航空军械
  8871. aerial array ==> 多振子天线
  8872. aerial bare line ==> 架空裸线
  8873. aerial beam width ==> 喇叭形天线张开角
  8874. aerial bird ==> 飞鸟,飞禽
  8875. aerial bomb ==> 航空炸弹
  8876. aerial broadcaster ==> 飞机播种机,飞行播种机
  8877. aerial burst ==> 空炸
  8878. aerial cable ==> 架空电缆=>架空ケーブル
  8879. aerial cable line ==> 架空电缆线路=>架空ケーブル線路
  8880. aerial cableway ==> 架空缆道=>架空索道
  8881. aerial camera ==> 航空摄影机,航空照相机
  8882. aerial capacity ==> 天线电容
  8883. aerial car ==> 高架铁道车,气球吊篮
  8884. aerial chart ==> 航空图
  8885. aerial circuit ==> 架空线路,架空回路
  8886. aerial circuit breaker ==> 天线断路器
  8887. aerial coil ==> 天线线圈
  8888. aerial condenser ==> 空气冷凝器
  8889. aerial conductor ==> 架空线,航摄范围
  8890. aerial construction ==> 架空施設
  8891. aerial contact line ==> 架空电车线
  8892. aerial conveyer ==> 空中输送机,航空运输机,悬空索道,悬链输送机
  8893. aerial conveyor ==> 吊运器,高架轨道
  8894. aerial coverage ==> 航摄范围
  8895. aerial craft ==> 航空器
  8896. aerial dart ==> 航空箭形弹
  8897. aerial data ==> 航摄资料
  8898. aerial discharge ==> 气体放电,空气中放电=>気中放電
  8899. aerial dump ==> 空中卸料
  8900. aerial dust filter ==> 空气滤尘器
  8901. aerial film ==> 航空胶片,航摄胶片
  8902. aerial fog ==> 空气灰雾
  8903. aerial for television transmitter ==> 电视发射天线
  8904. aerial form ==> 气生型
  8905. aerial gas attack ==> 飞机毒气攻击
  8906. Aerial gramoxone ==> 对草快
  8907. aerial growth ==> 地面生长,地上部分生长
  8908. aerial growth plant ==> 地上部分生长植物
  8909. aerial image ==> 空间成像,空间像
  8910. aerial infection ==> 空气传染
  8911. aerial information ==> 航摄资料
  8912. aerial infrared scanner ==> 航空红外扫描仪
  8913. aerial insulated wire ==> 架空絶縁電線
  8914. aerial insulator ==> 天线绝缘子
  8915. aerial ladder ==> 云梯
  8916. aerial lead-in ==> 架空引込
  8917. aerial lift vehicle ==> 高处作业车,高架作业车
  8918. aerial lighthouse ==> 航空灯塔
  8919. aerial line ==> 架空线路=>架空線路
  8920. aerial liner ==> 航空班机
  8921. aerial magnetometer ==> 航空磁力仪
  8922. aerial map ==> 航测图,航摄图
  8923. aerial mapping ==> 航空测绘,航空测图,航空制图
  8924. aerial mapping camera ==> 航空绘图摄影机,绘图航空摄影机
  8925. aerial mapping photography ==> 航测摄影
  8926. aerial material ==> 航空材料
  8927. aerial metal ==> 航空用金属
  8928. aerial mine ==> 空投雷,空投水雷
  8929. aerial motor ==> 天线电动机
  8930. aerial mouldy ==> 空投鱼雷
  8931. aerial mycelium ==> 产生菌丝体,气生菌丝,气中菌丝体
  8932. aerial navigation equipment ==> 导航设备
  8933. aerial network ==> 架空电力网
  8934. aerial night camera ==> 夜间航空摄影机
  8935. aerial object ==> 空中物体
  8936. aerial optical cable ==> 架空光缆
  8937. aerial part ==> 地上部分
  8938. aerial part management ==> 地上部分作物管理
  8939. aerial perspective ==> 大气透视,空中透视,鸟瞰透视图=>エアリアル・パースベクティブ
  8940. aerial photo coverage ==> 航摄像片覆盖区
  8941. aerial photo interpretation ==> 航摄像片判读
  8942. aerial photo map ==> 空中摄影地图
  8943. aerial photogrammetry ==> 空中摄影测量
  8944. aerial photograph ==> 航空照片,航摄照片
  8945. aerial photograph converter ==> 航空相片转绘仪
  8946. aerial photograph interpretation ==> 航空照片解释
  8947. aerial photographic map ==> 航测地形图
  8948. aerial photographic mapping ==> 航空摄影制图
  8949. aerial photographic reconnaissance ==> 空中摄影侦察
  8950. aerial photography ==> 航测,航空摄影
  8951. aerial photomapping ==> 航空测绘,航空摄影制图
  8952. aerial photoreconnaissance ==> 空中摄影侦察
  8953. aerial plant ==> 气生植物=>気生植物
  8954. aerial planting ==> 飞机播种
  8955. aerial platform ==> 空中作業台
  8956. aerial platform apparatus ==> 空中作業車
  8957. aerial print ==> 航空照片
  8958. aerial propeller ==> 飞机螺旋桨,空气推进器
  8959. aerial propeller vessel ==> 飛行船
  8960. aerial prospective ==> 空间透视
  8961. aerial railway ==> 高架铁道,高架铁路
  8962. aerial reconnaissance ==> 航空勘测,空中勘测,空中探测,空中侦察
  8963. aerial reconnaissance camera ==> 空中侦察摄影机
  8964. aerial reconnaissance photograph ==> 空中侦察摄影
  8965. aerial remote sensing ==> 航空遥感
  8966. aerial root ==> 气生根
  8967. aerial ropeway ==> 高架索道,架空索道
  8968. aerial screw ==> 飞机螺旋桨
  8969. aerial seeding ==> 飞机播种
  8970. aerial shoot ==> 地上茎
  8971. aerial skidder ==> 架空集材机
  8972. aerial skidding ==> 架空式集材
  8973. aerial snow survey ==> 航空测雪
  8974. aerial sound ranging ==> 空中声波测距
  8975. aerial sowing ==> 飞机播种
  8976. aerial sprayer ==> 航空喷雾机
  8977. aerial spreader ==> 空中散布機
  8978. aerial spud ==> 悬空缆
  8979. aerial survey ==> 航测,航空测量,航空调查,航空勘测
  8980. aerial survey camera ==> 航空测量摄影仪
  8981. aerial surveying ==> 航测,航空摄影测量
  8982. aerial surveying camera ==> 航测摄影机,航摄仪
  8983. aerial telescope ==> 航空望远镜
  8984. aerial topdressing ==> 飞机追肥
  8985. aerial torpedo ==> 空投鱼雷
  8986. aerial tramway ==> 高架电车道
  8987. aerial transport ==> 航空运输
  8988. aerial triangulation ==> 航空三角测量,空中三角测量
  8989. aerial triangulation block ==> 空中三角网区
  8990. aerial triangulator ==> 辐射三角仪
  8991. aerial tuber ==> 气生块茎
  8992. aerial vehicle ==> 飞行器
  8993. aerial view ==> 鸟瞰图
  8994. aerial volume table ==> 航空材积表
  8995. aerial wire ==> 架空[导]线=>架空線
  8996. aerify ==> 气化,充气
  8997. aero dynamic bearing ==> 气体动压轴承
  8998. aero dynamo ==> 航空电机
  8999. aero graph plotter ==> 航测制图仪
  9000. aero lead battery ==> 航空用铅蓄电池
  9001. aero oil ==> 航空润滑油,航空油
  9002. aero seat ==> 航空座椅
  9003. aero space vehicle ==> 空间飞行器
  9004. aero spring shock absorber strut ==> 航空弹簧减震器支柱
  9005. aero survey ==> 航空勘测
  9006. aero tyre ==> 飞机轮胎
  9007. AERO, aerodynamic ==> NASA略語(意訳:航空力学的な)
  9008. aero-arthrosis ==> 航空性关节痛
  9009. aero-boat ==> 飞船
  9010. aero-bronze ==> 航空青铜
  9011. aero-carburetor ==> 航空汽化器
  9012. aero-gas turbine ==> 航空燃气轮机
  9013. aero-gas turbine engine ==> 航空燃气轮机发动机
  9014. aero-generator ==> 航空发电机,风力发电机
  9015. aero-ionotherapy ==> 空气离子化疗法
  9016. aero-iontherapy apparatus ==> 空气离子治疗机
  9017. aero-isoclinic wing ==> 等迎角机翼
  9018. aero-marine ==> 海上航空的
  9019. aero-oleopneumatic shock absorbing strut ==> 空气油压减震支柱
  9020. aero-otitis ==> 航空耳炎
  9021. aero-otitis externa ==> 航空外耳炎
  9022. aero-otitis media ==> 航空中耳炎,气压中耳炎
  9023. aero-plane oil ==> 航空润滑油
  9024. aero-projection method ==> 空中投影法
  9025. aero-projector multiplex ==> 航空投影多倍测图仪,多倍投影测图仪
  9026. aero-propeller ==> 空气推进器
  9027. aero-radiator ==> 航空散热器
  9028. aero-thermoacoustics ==> 气热声学,湍流声学
  9029. aero-train ==> 气垫列车
  9030. Aero-Train ==> エアロトレイン,エアロトレインは、翼によって地面すれすれを浮いて走ることである。
  9031. aero-ultra filter paper ==> 高效空气过滤纸
  9032. aerobic ==> 需氧的=>好気性
  9033. aerobic bacteria ==> 需氧菌,好氧细菌
  9034. aerobic bacterium ==> 好气细菌,需气细菌
  9035. aerobic biological plant ==> 耗氧生物装置
  9036. aerobic biological treatment ==> 需氧性生物处理,耗氧生物处理
  9037. aerobic cellulolytic bacteria ==> 好气性分解纤维细菌
  9038. aerobic composting ==> 需氧堆肥
  9039. aerobic conditions ==> 好气条件
  9040. aerobic culture ==> 好气培养
  9041. aerobic decomposition ==> 好气分解
  9042. aerobic dehydrogenase ==> 需氧脱氢酶
  9043. aerobic denitrification ==> 好气反硝化,好气性反硝化作用
  9044. aerobic digestion ==> 好气性消化,需氧消化法
  9045. aerobic glycolysis ==> 有氧糖酵解
  9046. aerobic heterotrophic micro-organism ==> 耗氧异养微生物
  9047. aerobic lagoon ==> 需氧菌塘
  9048. aerobic metabolism ==> 需氧代谢
  9049. aerobic microorganism ==> 好气性微生物
  9050. aerobic nitrogenfixing bacterium ==> 好气固氮细菌
  9051. aerobic organism ==> 好气菌
  9052. aerobic oxidation ==> 有氧氧化,需氧氧化
  9053. aerobic pathogen ==> 需氧病原
  9054. aerobic process ==> 好气过程
  9055. aerobic respiration ==> 好氧呼吸,需氧呼吸
  9056. aerobic sequencing batch reactor ==> 耗氧顺序分批式反应器
  9057. aerobic spore populations of soil ==> 土壤需氧孢子体
  9058. aerobic sporebearing bacilli ==> 需氧芽胞杆菌
  9059. aerobic training ==> 有氧训练法
  9060. aerobic treatment ==> 好气性处理,好氧处理,需氧处理
  9061. aerobic treatment system ==> 耗氧处理系统
  9062. aerocrete ==> 泡沫混凝土
  9063. aerocrete block partition ==> 加气混凝土隔墙
  9064. aerocrete compressive strength ==> 加气混凝土抗压强度
  9065. aerocrete density ==> 加气混凝土容重
  9066. aerocrete floor slab ==> 加气混凝土楼板
  9067. aerocrete panel ==> 加气混凝土板
  9068. aerocrete unit ==> 加气混凝土构件
  9069. aerodrome ==> 航空站,飞机场=>飛行場
  9070. aerodrome beacon ==> 机场信标=>飛行場灯台
  9071. aerodrome conical surface ==> 机场锥面
  9072. aerodrome control ==> 飛行場管制
  9073. aerodrome control radar ==> 机场监视雷达
  9074. aerodrome light beacon ==> 飞机场标志灯
  9075. aerodrome markers ==> 机场标志板
  9076. aerodrome station ==> 机场电台
  9077. aerodynamic ==> 气动的,空气动力的
  9078. aerodynamic analysis ==> 空气动力分析
  9079. aerodynamic balance ==> 空气动力学天平,气动力补偿,气体动力平衡
  9080. aerodynamic bearing ==> 空气动力轴承
  9081. aerodynamic body ==> 空气动力绕流体
  9082. aerodynamic brake ==> 空气动力制动装置
  9083. aerodynamic braking ==> 空气动力制动
  9084. aerodynamic center ==> 空气动力焦点,空气动力中心
  9085. aerodynamic characteristics ==> 空气动力特性
  9086. aerodynamic chord ==> 空气动力弦
  9087. aerodynamic coefficient ==> 气体动力系数
  9088. aerodynamic compensation ==> 气动力补偿
  9089. aerodynamic compressor ==> 空气动力压缩机
  9090. aerodynamic condition ==> 气动状态
  9091. aerodynamic configuration ==> 空气动力设计外形
  9092. aerodynamic controller ==> 空气动力调节器,空气动力控制器
  9093. aerodynamic criterion ==> 气动力准则
  9094. aerodynamic damping ==> 气动阻尼
  9095. aerodynamic decelerator ==> 空气动力减速器
  9096. aerodynamic derivative ==> 气动力导数
  9097. aerodynamic disturbance ==> 气动扰动
  9098. aerodynamic experiment ==> 空气动力试验
  9099. aerodynamic flow ==> 气动流
  9100. aerodynamic force ==> 气动力=>空力
  9101. aerodynamic heat transfer ==> 气动热传递
  9102. aerodynamic heating ==> 空气动力加热
  9103. aerodynamic instability ==> 空气动力不稳定性
  9104. aerodynamic interference ==> 气动力干扰
  9105. aerodynamic lift ==> 气动升力
  9106. aerodynamic lifting surface ==> 空气动力升力面
  9107. aerodynamic load ==> 空气动力载荷
  9108. aerodynamic load distribution ==> 气动力载荷分布
  9109. aerodynamic lubrication ==> 气体动力润滑
  9110. aerodynamic measurement ==> 空气动力测定
  9111. aerodynamic missile ==> 巡航导弹,巡航导弹
  9112. aerodynamic model ==> 空气动力模型
  9113. aerodynamic moment ==> 空气动力力矩
  9114. aerodynamic noise ==> 气体动力噪声,空力音
  9115. aerodynamic phenomena ==> 空气动力现象
  9116. aerodynamic properties ==> 空气动力特性
  9117. aerodynamic quality ==> 空气动力升阻比,空气动力性能
  9118. aerodynamic resistance ==> 空气动力阻力,气动阻力
  9119. aerodynamic retarder ==> 气动缓冲器,空气动力缓速装置
  9120. aerodynamic roll control system ==> 空气动力控制滚动系统
  9121. aerodynamic rudder ==> 空气动力舵
  9122. aerodynamic size ==> 空气动力学粒径
  9123. aerodynamic smoothness ==> 气体动力平滑度
  9124. aerodynamic stability ==> 空气动力稳定性
  9125. aerodynamic surface ==> 空气动力面
  9126. aerodynamic test ==> 空气动力试验
  9127. aerodynamic tool ==> 气动力方法
  9128. aerodynamic trajectory ==> 气动弹道
  9129. aerodynamic trimmer ==> 气动力调整片
  9130. aerodynamic turbine ==> 气动透平,空气动力涡轮机,闭式循环透平
  9131. aerodynamic turbulence ==> 气动湍流
  9132. aerodynamic vane ==> 空气动力导流片
  9133. aerodynamic vehicle ==> 空气动力飞行器
  9134. aerodynamic wave drag ==> 气动波阻
  9135. aerodynamical ==> 空气动力
  9136. aerodynamical balance ==> 气动力天平
  9137. aerodynamical interference ==> 空中干渉
  9138. aerodynamical resistance ==> 空气动力的阻力
  9139. aerodynamically shaped ==> 空气动力型的
  9140. aerodynamics ==> 空气动力学,气流动力学,气体动力学=>空気力学
  9141. aerodynamics laboratory ==> 空气动力学试验室
  9142. aerodynamics of supersonic flight ==> 超音速空气动力学
  9143. aerodynamics of wing ==> 机翼空气动力学
  9144. aeroelastic interaction ==> 气动力弹性干扰
  9145. aeroelasticity ==> 航空弾性
  9146. aeroengine oil ==> 航空润滑剂
  9147. aerofall mill ==> 气吹磨碎机,气落式磨矿机
  9148. aerofloated sulfur ==> 风选硫磺
  9149. aerofoil ==> 翼
  9150. aerofoil boat ==> 气翼船
  9151. aerofoil contour ==> 翼型,机翼断面
  9152. aerofoil fan ==> 轴流通风机
  9153. aerofoil flow measuring element ==> 翼型测风装置,假设燃料在绝热条件下以理论空气量完全燃烧时燃烧产物所能达到的温度。
  9154. aerofoil section angle ==> 机翼剖面角
  9155. aerofoil strut ==> 机翼支柱
  9156. aerogel capacitors ==> 气凝胶电容
  9157. aerogenerator ==> 风力发电机
  9158. aerogenic infection ==> 气中浸染
  9159. aerogenic pathogen ==> 气侵性病原
  9160. aerograph ==> 高空气象计
  9161. aerography ==> 気象学
  9162. aerogravity survey ==> 航空重力测量
  9163. aerogun-sights ==> 高射炮瞄准器
  9164. aerohydrous mineral ==> 包液矿物
  9165. aerojet network analyzer ==> 航空喷气网络分析器
  9166. aerological days ==> 高空观测日
  9167. aerological sounding ==> 高空探测
  9168. aeromagnetic survey ==> 航空磁测
  9169. aeromagnetic surveying ==> 航空磁测
  9170. aeromechanical ==> 航空力学的
  9171. aeromechanics ==> 航空力学,空气力学
  9172. aerometal ==> 航空合金,航空铝合金
  9173. aerometeorograph ==> 高空气象计
  9174. aerometric network ==> 高空气象网
  9175. aeronautical beacon ==> 航空灯标,航空信号灯
  9176. aeronautical chart ==> 航空图,航空图,航行图
  9177. aeronautical climatology ==> 航空气候学
  9178. aeronautical cloth ==> 航空用织物
  9179. aeronautical engineering ==> 航空工程
  9180. aeronautical facility ==> 航空设备
  9181. aeronautical fixed circuit ==> 导航用固定电路
  9182. aeronautical fixed service ==> 航空固定業務
  9183. aeronautical fixed station ==> 航空固定局
  9184. aeronautical flutter ==> 航空颤振
  9185. aeronautical ground light ==> (地上)航空灯火
  9186. aeronautical information overprint ==> 附加航空信息
  9187. aeronautical instrument ==> 航空仪器
  9188. aeronautical laboratory ==> 航空实验室
  9189. aeronautical light ==> 航空灯,航空灯
  9190. aeronautical meteorology ==> 航空气象学
  9191. aeronautical mile ==> 海里,航空英里
  9192. aeronautical mobile service ==> 航空移動業務
  9193. aeronautical national taper pipe threads ==> 国际航空用锥形管螺纹标准
  9194. aeronautical pilotage chart ==> 航空导航图
  9195. aeronautical planning chart ==> 航空计划图
  9196. aeronautical plotting chart ==> 航线标绘图
  9197. aeronautical public telephone ==> 航空機無線電話
  9198. aeronautical radio ==> 航空無線,航空无线电设备,导航无线电设备
  9199. aeronautical radio aids ==> 航空無線援助施設
  9200. aeronautical radio altimeter ==> 航空无线电高度计
  9201. aeronautical station ==> 航空局
  9202. aeronomy satellite ==> 高层大气科学卫星
  9203. aerophare ==> ラジオビーコン
  9204. aerophile bacterium ==> 好气性细菌
  9205. aerophone listening device ==> 空中听音器
  9206. aerophotogrammetric map ==> 航空摄影测量图
  9207. aerophotogrammetric plan ==> 航空摄影测量平面图
  9208. aerophotographic apparatus ==> 航空摄影仪器
  9209. aerophotographic plan ==> 航测平面图
  9210. aeroplane antenna ==> 飛行機アンテナ
  9211. aeroplane carrier fighter ==> 航空母舰战斗机
  9212. aeroplane characteristic ==> 飞机特性
  9213. aeroplane cloth ==> 飞机布
  9214. aeroplane effect ==> 飞机效应
  9215. aeroplane mapping ==> 航空制图
  9216. aeroplane oil ==> 飞机润滑油
  9217. aeroplane performance ==> 飞机性能
  9218. aeroplane propeller ==> 飞机螺旋桨
  9219. aeroplane span ==> 飞机翼展
  9220. aeroplane spotter ==> 弹着观测机
  9221. aeroplane station ==> 飞机电台
  9222. AEROS, Aeronomic Satellite ==> 超高層大気科学衛星(旧西ドイツ)
  9223. AEROSAT, Aeronautical Communications Satellite ==> 航空通信衛星
  9224. AEROSAT, aeronautical communications satellite ==> AEROSAT
  9225. AEROSAT, aeronautical satellite ==> エアロサット
  9226. AEROSAT, Aeronautical Satellite ==> 共同エアロサット評価計画
  9227. aeroseal door ==> 空气密封门
  9228. aerosol ==> 烟雾剂,大气微粒,大气悬浮物,气雾剂,气悬体,悬浮微粒,按钮式喷雾器,飘水率,气溶胶=>エアロゾル,煙霧質,噴霧器
  9229. aerosol analyser ==> 气溶胶分析器
  9230. aerosol analyzer ==> 空气溶胶分析器
  9231. aerosol chamber ==> 气雾室
  9232. aerosol container ==> 喷雾剂瓶
  9233. aerosol for external use ==> 外用气雾剂
  9234. aerosol immunity ==> 气溶胶免疫,气雾免疫
  9235. aerosol inspiration scanning ==> 气溶胶吸入扫描
  9236. aerosol layer ==> 烟雾层
  9237. aerosol measurement ==> 气悬体测量
  9238. aerosol monitor ==> 气悬监视器
  9239. aerosol optics ==> エーロゾル光学
  9240. aerosol OT ==> 阿洛索OT,磺琥辛酯钠
  9241. aerosol paint ==> 罐装喷漆
  9242. aerosol particle analysis ==> 气悬微粒分析
  9243. aerosol producer ==> 烟雾发生器
  9244. aerosol propellant ==> 气溶胶喷射剂
  9245. aerosol single scattering ==> 气悬体单散射
  9246. aerosol size distribution ==> 气悬体大小分布
  9247. aerosol spectrometer ==> 气溶胶分光仪,气溶胶谱仪
  9248. aerosol sprayer ==> 烟雾喷射机
  9249. aerosol spraying ==> 喷烟
  9250. Aerosol surfactants ==> 阿罗索表面活性剂
  9251. aerosol test ==> 烟雾试验
  9252. aerosol therapy ==> 喷雾疗法,气溶疗法
  9253. aerosol transmission ==> 气溶胶传播
  9254. aerosolether-xylene (AEK) ==> 气溶胶醚二甲苯
  9255. aerosols ==> エアロゾル
  9256. aerospace ==> 航空宇宙
  9257. aerospace and defense firm ==> 航空宇宙・防衛企業
  9258. aerospace and defense industry ==> 航空宇宙防衛産業
  9259. aerospace application ==> 航空宇宙応用
  9260. aerospace automatic landing ==> 航空航天自动着陆
  9261. aerospace coatings ==> 航空機塗料
  9262. aerospace company ==> 航空宇宙会社
  9263. aerospace component ==> 航空宇宙用材料
  9264. aerospace composite ==> 航空宇宙用複合材料
  9265. aerospace computer ==> 航天计算机
  9266. aerospace control ==> 航空宇宙制御
  9267. aerospace craft ==> 航天飞行器,宇航飞船
  9268. aerospace disease ==> 宇宙病
  9269. aerospace electronics ==> 宇航电子学
  9270. aerospace engine ==> 航空宇宙エンジン
  9271. aerospace engineering ==> 航空和航天工程
  9272. aerospace engineering major ==> 航空宇宙工学専攻
  9273. aerospace environment ==> 航空航天环境
  9274. aerospace equipment ==> 航空宇宙装置
  9275. aerospace field ==> 航空宇宙分野
  9276. aerospace ground equipment ==> 航空航天地面设备
  9277. aerospace industry ==> 航空和航天工业
  9278. aerospace life support system ==> 宇宙用生命維持装置
  9279. aerospace maintenance ==> 航空宇宙整備
  9280. aerospace material ==> 宇航材料=>航空宇宙材料
  9281. aerospace mechanism ==> 航空宇宙機構
  9282. aerospace medicine ==> 航空宇宙医学,航天医学,宇航医学,空间医学
  9283. aerospace museum ==> 航空宇宙博物館
  9284. aerospace paints ==> 航空機塗料
  9285. aerospace part ==> 航空宇宙部品
  9286. aerospace seal ==> 航空密封,气封,气密,高空密封
  9287. aerospace simulation ==> 航空宇宙シミュレーション
  9288. aerospace standard ==> 航空宇宙規格
  9289. aerospace strategy ==> 航空宇宙戦略
  9290. aerospace structural metal ==> 宇航结构金属
  9291. aerospace structure ==> 航空宇宙構造物
  9292. aerospace vehicle ==> 航空航天器
  9293. aerospace vehicles ==> 宇航飞行器
  9294. aerospacecraft ==> 宇宙飞船,航天飞行器
  9295. aerospaceplane ==> 航天飞机
  9296. aerostatic bearing ==> 气体静压轴承,空气静力轴承,空气静压轴承
  9297. aerostatic lubrication ==> 气体静力润滑
  9298. aerotechnics ==> 航空技术
  9299. aerothermo-dynamicduct ==> 冲压式喷气发动机
  9300. aerotopography ==> 航空測量
  9301. aerozine ==> 航空肼
  9302. aeruginous ==> 绿青色的
  9303. AES, Advanced Engineering Services Co. Ltd. ==> 株式会社エイイーエス
  9304. AES, Analog Event System ==> NASA略語(アナログイベントシステム)
  9305. AES, Auger electron spectroscopy ==> オージュ電子分光法
  9306. AESC ==> オートモーティブエナジーサプライ
  9307. aesthetic appearance (water quality objective) ==> 美观程度(水质指针)
  9308. aesthetic feeling ==> 美感
  9309. aesthetic treatment ==> 艺术处理
  9310. aestival aspect ==> 夏季相
  9311. aether ==> 以太=>エーテル
  9312. aethestic standard ==> 审美观
  9313. aethetic zoning ==> 美观区划
  9314. AETL, Approved Engineering Test Laboratories ==> 認可工学試験研究所
  9315. AETL, Approved Engineering Test Laboratory ==> NASA略語(意訳:認可工学試験研究所)
  9316. aetylsalicylic acid ==> 醋柳酸
  9317. AEV, auxiliary engine valve ==> 補助エンジンバルブ
  9318. AEW, airborne early warning ==> 早期警戒
  9319. AEW, airborne early warning aircraft ==> 空中早期警戒機
  9320. AF ==> オートフォーカス
  9321. AF acid-fast ==> 耐酸的
  9322. AF coupler ==> 音频耦合器
  9323. AF hum pick-up ==> 音频交流声干扰
  9324. AF modulation ==> 音频调制
  9325. AF output ==> 声频输出
  9326. AF power ==> 声频功率
  9327. AF, aft fuselage ==> 機体後部
  9328. AF, Air Force ==> 空軍
  9329. AF, Air Force(officer) ==> 空軍
  9330. AF, airframe ==> 機体
  9331. AF, Analog Filter ==> アナログフィルタ
  9332. AF, audio frequency ==> 音频控制=>音声周波数
  9333. AF, auto focus ==> 自動焦点
  9334. AFA, Airframe Assembly ==> NASA略語(機体組立)
  9335. Afar depression ==> 阿法尔洼地
  9336. AFB, air force base ==> 空軍基地
  9337. AFC (simple automatic frequency control) ==> 简单自动频率控制
  9338. AFC circuit ==> 水平自动频率控制电路
  9339. AFC margin ==> AFC容量
  9340. AFC, active field control ==> 音場支援システム
  9341. AFC, Aerodynamic Flight Control ==> NASA略語(意訳:空力飛行制御)
  9342. AFC, alkaline fuel cell ==> アルカリ水溶液電池
  9343. AFC, automatic fidelity control ==> 自動忠実度制御
  9344. AFC, automatic flight control ==> 自動飛行装置
  9345. AFC, automatic frequency control ==> 自動周波数制御, 定周波制御装置
  9346. AFCE, Automatic Flight Control Equipment ==> NASA略語(意訳:自動飛行制御装置)
  9347. AFCO, all fuel cut-off ==> 全燃料停止
  9348. AFCS, Air Force Communications Service ==> 空軍通信総本部
  9349. AFCS, Automatic Flight Control System ==> NASA略語(意訳:自動飛行制御システム)
  9350. AFD, aft flight deck ==> 船尾飛行デッキ(後部飛行甲板)
  9351. AFD, air flow demand ==> 要求空気量
  9352. AFDCP, Aft Flight Deck Control Panel ==> NASA略語(後部飛行甲板制御パネル)
  9353. AFDO, Aft Flight Deck Operator ==> NASA略語(意訳:後部飛行甲板要員)
  9354. AFDPDB, Aft Flight Deck Power Distribution Box ==> NASA略語(意訳:後部飛行甲板配電盤)
  9355. AFE, aerospace facilities engineer ==> 航空宇宙施設技術者
  9356. AFEB, Authorized Foreign Exchange Bank ==> 公認外国為替銀行
  9357. afetal pregnancy ==> 假妊娠
  9358. AFETR, Air Force Eastern Test Range(ESMC preferred) ==> 空軍東部試験場
  9359. AFETRM, Air Force Eastern Test Range Manual ==> 空軍東部試験基地便覧
  9360. AFF ==> フランス冷凍協会
  9361. affairs concerning nationals living abroad ==> 侨务
  9362. affect ==> 自觉感情
  9363. affect spasms ==> 情感性痉挛
  9364. affected layer ==> 损伤层,影响层,加工变质层
  9365. affected part ==> 患部
  9366. affected region ==> 患部
  9367. affected seedling ==> 受害苗
  9368. affected zone ==> 変質部
  9369. affection ==> 病,情感,感情
  9370. affection caused by summer-heat ==> 冒暑
  9371. affection of both the exterior and interior ==> 表里同病
  9372. affectional behaviour ==> 感情的行为
  9373. affective ambivalence ==> 情感矛盾
  9374. affective dementia ==> 情感痴呆
  9375. affective disorder ==> 情感性精神病,情感障碍
  9376. affective dullness ==> 情感迟钝
  9377. affective epilepsy ==> 情感性癫痫
  9378. affective fragility ==> 情感脆弱
  9379. affective logic ==> 情感逻辑
  9380. affective psychosis ==> 情感性精神病
  9381. affective psychotic reaction ==> 情感性精神病反应
  9382. affective schizophrenia ==> 情感型精神分裂症
  9383. affectivity ==> 感情敏感
  9384. affectless polynomial ==> 无偏差多项式
  9385. afferent arc ==> 传入弧
  9386. afferent branchial artery ==> 入鳃动脉
  9387. afferent echo ==> 进波
  9388. afferent fibers ==> 传入纤维
  9389. afferent glomerular arteriole ==> 入球小动脉,输入小动脉
  9390. afferent impulse ==> 传入冲动
  9391. afferent limb block ==> 传入支封闭
  9392. afferent loop obstruction of jejunum ==> 空肠输入袢梗阻
  9393. afferent nerve ==> 传入神经
  9394. afferent nerve endings ==> 传入神经末梢
  9395. afferent nervous system ==> 传入神经系统
  9396. afferent neurofibers ==> 传入神经纤维
  9397. afferent neuron ==> 传入神经元
  9398. afferent pathway ==> 传入路径
  9399. afferent surface ==> 传入表面
  9400. afferent vagal impulse ==> 迷走神经传入冲动
  9401. Affetto ==> 柔情的
  9402. affidavit ==> 口供书,宣誓书=>宣誓供述書,供述書,口述書
  9403. affiliate group ==> 関連グループ
  9404. affiliated company ==> 附属公司,联络公司
  9405. affiliated group ==> 系列グループ
  9406. affiliated interests ==> 联络股权,联营股权
  9407. affiliated primary school ==> 附属小学
  9408. affiliation ==> 亲缘关系,联络,联营=>加入,所属,提携
  9409. affinage ==> 精炼
  9410. affination centrifuge ==> 精制离心机,精制离心机
  9411. affine ==> 仿射,仿射的
  9412. affine block cipher ==> 仿射分组密码
  9413. affine cipher ==> 仿射密码
  9414. affine collineation ==> 仿射共线
  9415. affine connection ==> 仿射联络
  9416. affine coordinate ==> 仿射坐标
  9417. affine cudweed ==> 佛耳草
  9418. affine curvature ==> 仿射曲率
  9419. affine deformation ==> 仿射变形
  9420. affine factor ==> 仿射因数
  9421. affine geometry ==> 仿射几何=>アフィン幾何学
  9422. affine group ==> 仿射群
  9423. affine hull ==> 仿射包
  9424. affine image ==> 仿射影像
  9425. affine invariant ==> アフィン不変量
  9426. affine mapping ==> 仿射映象
  9427. affine plotting ==> 仿射绘图
  9428. affine ring ==> 仿射环
  9429. affine set ==> 仿射集
  9430. affine space ==> 仿射空间
  9431. affine transformation ==> 仿射变换,亲缘转换=>アフィン変換
  9432. affine-plotter ==> 仿射绘图仪
  9433. affinity ==> 仿射性,亲合力,亲合力,亲合势,亲合性,亲缘=>親和力,親和性,相性=>親和力
  9434. affinity chromatography ==> 亲和色谱法,亲合层析法,亲合色谱法
  9435. affinity coefficient ==> 亲合系数
  9436. affinity curve ==> 亲合曲线
  9437. affinity diagram ==> 親和図法,A型図解
  9438. affinity diagram method ==> 親和図法
  9439. affinity labelling ==> 亲合标记
  9440. affinity-based routing ==> 姻亲路径选择法
  9441. affirmation of contract ==> 批准合同
  9442. affirmative acknowledgement ==> 肯定应答
  9443. affirmative acknowledgement (ACK) ==> 肯定回答
  9444. affirmative action ==> 肯定行动=>積極的行動,(米)アファーマティブ・アクション,マイノリティー優遇措置,差別是正措置
  9445. affirmative network diagram ==> 肯定型网络图
  9446. affix ==> 添加物
  9447. affix ion ==> 添加
  9448. affix revenue stamps ==> 贴用印花
  9449. affluent consumption structure ==> 小康型消费结构
  9450. affluent level ==> 上游水位
  9451. affluent society ==> 小康社会,富裕社会,丰裕社会
  9452. afflux ==> 群集,集流,汇集
  9453. afflux curve ==> 汇流曲线
  9454. affluxion ==> 群集,汇流
  9455. afford no relief ==> 不能缓解
  9456. affordable ==> 手頃な価格
  9457. affordable method ==> 可供给额法
  9458. affordable solution ==> 手頃な解決策
  9459. affordable training ==> 手頃なトレーニング
  9460. affordable transportation ==> 手頃な料金の交通手段
  9461. afforested area ==> 造林区
  9462. afforested zones holding off sandstorms ==> 防护林带
  9463. Affrettando ==> 再快一些
  9464. AFFTC, Air Force Flight Test Center(Edwards AFB) ==> NASA略語(意訳:空軍飛行試験センター,エドワード空軍基地)
  9465. AFGL, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory ==> 空軍地球物理学研究所
  9466. Afifi cotton ==> 阿菲菲棉
  9467. AFIM, aperture field integration method ==> 開口面法
  9468. afine herd of horses ==> 马群良好
  9469. AFIPS, American Federation of Information Processing ==> 米国情報処理学会連合
  9470. AFL, Autoland Flight Tests ==> NASA略語(意訳:自動着陸飛行試験)
  9471. AFL-CIO American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations ==> 美国劳工联盟和工业组织代表大会
  9472. aflatoxin meter ==> 黄曲霉素测定仪
  9473. AFLC, Air Force Logistics Command ==> NASA略語(意訳:空軍補給部隊)
  9474. afloat ==> 浮かんで,浮動して,船上に,広まって
  9475. afloat bill ==> 流通手形
  9476. afloat contact ==> 浮动触点,浮动接点
  9477. afloat goods ==> 业经装船之货,已装货物
  9478. AFM, Air Force Manual ==> 空軍マニアル
  9479. AFM, atomic force microscope ==> 原子間力顕微鏡
  9480. AFN, American Forces Network ==> 米軍放送網
  9481. afocal lens ==> 无焦透镜
  9482. afocal system ==> 无焦系统
  9483. AFP ==> フランス通信
  9484. AFR, acceptable failure rate ==> 許容故障率
  9485. AFR, Air Force Regulation ==> NASA略語(意訳:空軍規則)
  9486. AFR, Automatic Frequency Regulator ==> AFR
  9487. AFRA Average Freight Rate Assessment ==> 平均货物量度评定
  9488. AFRAMAX A tanker of such size as to take commercial advantage under Worldscale (generally, tankers 80,000-119,000 DWT) ==> 罐车大小的商业优势(通常罐车的总载重公吨位为80000——119000)
  9489. AFRC, automatic frequency ratio control ==> 周波数比率制御方式 AFRC
  9490. AFRF, Aviation Fuel Receiving Facilities ==> 飞机燃料接收设施
  9491. African coast fever ==> 非洲罗得西亚热
  9492. African Development Bank (AFDB) ==> 非洲开发银行
  9493. African Financial Community Franc ==> 非洲金融共同体法郎
  9494. African Intellectual Property Organization (AIPO) ==> 非洲知识产权组织
  9495. African mahogany ==> 非洲桃花芯木
  9496. African mole cricket ==> 非洲蝼蛄
  9497. African oat ==> 非洲燕麦
  9498. African Plate ==> アフリカプレート
  9499. African Regional Center for Technology (ARCT) ==> 非洲地区技术中心
  9500. African sleeping sickness ==> 非洲昏睡病,非洲睡眠病
  9501. African swine fever ==> 非洲猪瘟,猪瘟
  9502. African whitewood ==> 非洲白木,非洲轻木
  9503. AFRPL, Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory(EAFB) ==> NASA略語(意訳:空軍ロケット推進研究所,エドワード空軍基地)
  9504. AFS, Air Force Standard ==> NASA略語(意訳:空軍規格)
  9505. AFSATCOM, Air Force Satellite Communications System ==> 空軍衛星通信システム
  9506. AFSC, Air Force Systems Command ==> 空軍システム指令
  9507. AFSCF, Air Force Satellite Control Facility ==> NASA略語(意訳:空軍衛星管制設備)
  9508. AFSCF, Air Force Satellite/Spacecraft Control Facility ==> NASA略語(意訳:空軍衛星/宇宙機管制設備)
  9509. AFSM, assistant flight safety member ==> 飛行安全卓補助操作員
  9510. AFSPS Arrival First Sea Pilot Station (Norway) ==> 抵达港口之前需要由港口主人的海上驾驶员领航(挪威)
  9511. AFSWC, Air Force Special Weapons Center(Holloman AFB) ==> NASA略語(意訳:空軍特殊武器センター)
  9512. aft antenna ==> 后部天线
  9513. aft closure ==> 后盖
  9514. aft engine ==> 船尾機関
  9515. aft fan ==> 后风扇
  9516. aft galley unit ==> 後部厨房設備
  9517. aft jet thruster ==> 船尾噴射方式
  9518. aft part ==> 后部
  9519. aft ramp ==> 后调节板
  9520. aft shaft ==> 后轴
  9521. AFT, Aerodynamic Flight Test ==> NASA略語(意訳:空力飛行試験)
  9522. AFT, Atmospheric Flight Test ==> NASA略語(意訳:大気圏飛行試験)
  9523. aft-engined ship ==> 舯后机型船
  9524. aft-loading blade ==> 后加载叶片,工质能量转换主要在叶栅通道后半部分完成的叶片,可以减弱通道二次流强度,减少叶栅通道的总损失
  9525. AFTA, Acoustic Fatigue Test Article ==> NASA略語(意訳:音響疲労試験条項)
  9526. AFTA, aft frame tilt actuator ==> NASA略語(意訳:機体後部傾斜駆動装置)
  9527. AFTEC, Air Force Test and Evaluation Center ==> NASA略語(意訳:空軍試験評価センター)
  9528. after acceleration ==> 后加速
  9529. after all ==> 最后,最终,毕竟
  9530. after autumn ==> 秋后
  9531. after baking ==> 后期焙烧,二次焙烧
  9532. after blow ==> 二次吹风
  9533. after body ==> 後部の船体
  9534. after booster pump ==> 后增压泵
  9535. after breast line ==> 船尾横缆
  9536. after burner ==> 后燃器,补燃器
  9537. after burning ==> 后期燃烧,后燃,二次燃烧,迟燃
  9538. after charge ==> 附加费率
  9539. after chemical reaction ==> 经过化学反应,经过化学反应
  9540. after closing ==> 结帐后
  9541. after closing trial balance ==> 结帐后试算表
  9542. after condenser ==> 后冷凝器
  9543. after cooler ==> 后冷却器=>最終冷却器
  9544. after crank ==> 后曲拐
  9545. after crank shaft ==> 后曲柄轴
  9546. after crop ==> 后茬作物
  9547. after cure ==> 后硫化
  9548. after damp ==> 爆炸后毒气
  9549. after date ==> 出票后,期后
  9550. after date bills ==> 发票日后付款汇票
  9551. after date of draft ==> 出票后
  9552. after depolarization ==> 后除极,后去极化
  9553. after effect ==> 后效,后遗效应作用,滞后效应
  9554. after end ==> 后端
  9555. after engine room ==> 船尾機関室
  9556. after exposure ==> 后期爆光,后期曝光,二次曝光
  9557. after fertilization ==> 受精后
  9558. after fertilizer ==> 追肥
  9559. after file ==> 锉过
  9560. after filter ==> 后过滤器
  9561. after flow ==> 后吹,残余塑性流动
  9562. after glow ==> 残光,后辉
  9563. after grass ==> 再生草
  9564. after group at different time ==> 分期分批
  9565. after hardening ==> 后期硬化
  9566. after heat ==> 余热
  9567. after heater ==> 后热器
  9568. after heating ==> 后加热,后热
  9569. after hours value ==> 闭市后价格
  9570. after hyperpolarization ==> 后超极化
  9571. after hyperpolarization potential ==> 后超极化电位
  9572. after image ==> 更新后图像=>残像
  9573. after imbibition of water ==> 水分吸胀后
  9574. after landing quality terms ==> 起岸后品质条件
  9575. after line ==> 船尾缆
  9576. after loss realization ==> 已有亏损后,变现损失
  9577. after manuring ==> 追肥
  9578. after market ==> 闲市后市场
  9579. after nystagmus ==> 后遗眼球震颤
  9580. after peak tank ==> 船尾タンク
  9581. after planting ==> 播后,播种后
  9582. after pressure ==> 后压觉
  9583. after replacement ==> 补植
  9584. after separation ==> 裂开后
  9585. after separation cost ==> 分离后成本
  9586. after service ==> 销售后的服务,包修期服务
  9587. after shrinkage ==> 成形后收缩,后期收缩
  9588. after skirt ==> 后缘
  9589. after spring ==> 船尾倒缆
  9590. after stain ==> 后染
  9591. after staying dormant for a while ==> 在经历一段休眠以后
  9592. after table ==> 后工作台
  9593. after tack ==> 回粘性
  9594. after that ==> 然后
  9595. after the crop ==> 在作物播种之后
  9596. after the fact analysis ==> 事后分析
  9597. after the manner ==> 仿效
  9598. after the plants have started to grow ==> 作物开始生长以后
  9599. after the shell dries ==> 外壳干燥后
  9600. after tow ==> 后曳
  9601. after treatment ==> 后处理,巩固治疗,术后疗法,补充处理
  9602. after vibration ==> 后振动
  9603. after-action ==> 后作用
  9604. after-admission ==> 补充进汽
  9605. after-bake ==> 后烘,后期烘烤,二次焙烧
  9606. after-baking ==> 后热处理
  9607. after-burning ==> 后烧
  9608. after-care ==> 抚育,术后疗法
  9609. after-cataract knife ==> 后发内障刀
  9610. after-cataract punch ==> 后发内障咬切器
  9611. after-cataract scissors ==> 后发内障剪
  9612. after-chlorinated polyvinylchloride fibre ==> 后氯化聚氯乙烯纤维
  9613. after-combustion ==> 后燃烧,复燃,再次燃烧,补充燃烧
  9614. after-coming head ==> 后出生儿头
  9615. after-condenser ==> 二次冷凝器,二次冷却器,再冷凝器
  9616. after-contraction ==> 后收缩,残余收缩
  9617. after-cooler ==> 后置冷却器
  9618. after-crop ==> 后作物
  9619. after-culture ==> 补播,补栽补种
  9620. after-cure ==> 病后疗养
  9621. after-current ==> 后电流
  9622. after-cut ==> 后馏分
  9623. after-discharge ==> 后发放,后放
  9624. after-edge ==> 后缘
  9625. after-effect ==> 后果,后作用
  9626. after-etching ==> 残余腐蚀
  9627. after-expansion ==> 残存膨胀,残余膨胀
  9628. after-fermentation ==> 后发酵作用
  9629. after-filter ==> 二次过滤器,补充过滤器
  9630. after-filtration ==> 后过滤
  9631. after-finishing of textile products ==> 纺织品后整理
  9632. after-fixing ==> 后固定
  9633. after-flush compartment ==> 冲后水室
  9634. after-glow light ==> 余辉光
  9635. after-glow plasma ==> 余辉等离子体
  9636. after-glow screen ==> 余辉屏
  9637. after-glowtube ==> 余辉管
  9638. after-hardening ==> 后期硬化,后硬化
  9639. after-hearing ==> 后音觉
  9640. after-heat ==> 余熱(原子力炉の)
  9641. after-impression ==> 后感觉
  9642. after-irrigation moisture content of soil ==> 灌水后土壤中含水量
  9643. after-movement ==> 后继性运动
  9644. after-only measurement ==> 事后测定
  9645. after-perpendicular ==> 尾垂线
  9646. after-polarization ==> 后极化
  9647. after-poppet ==> 船尾垫架
  9648. after-potential ==> 後電位
  9649. after-purification ==> 后净化,补充净化
  9650. after-ripening ==> 后熟作用
  9651. after-sales-service ==> アフターサービス
  9652. after-sensation ==> 后感觉
  9653. after-settler ==> 后澄清器
  9654. after-shock ==> 余震
  9655. after-shrinkage ==> 成型后收缩,残余收缩
  9656. after-sound ==> 残音
  9657. after-stretch ==> 后拉伸
  9658. after-tack ==> 残余粘性
  9659. after-tax deduction ==> 纳税后扣除
  9660. after-tax income ==> 纳税后收入
  9661. after-tax profit ==> 扣除所得税后的利润
  9662. after-tax profit rate ==> 纳税后利润率
  9663. after-tax profits ==> 纳税后利润
  9664. after-tax yield ==> 付税后收益
  9665. after-vision ==> 后视觉
  9666. after-washing ==> 后水洗
  9667. after-working ==> 后效,后效应
  9668. afterbay dam ==> 尾水池坝
  9669. afterbay reservoir ==> 尾水水库
  9670. afterbirth ==> 胞衣
  9671. afterblow ==> 后吹
  9672. afterbody ==> 物体后部,弹体尾部,机身尾部,机尾
  9673. afterbody effect ==> 后体效应
  9674. afterbreak ==> 地面沉陷的后破坏
  9675. afterburner ==> 后燃室,补热器
  9676. afterburner control ==> 加力燃烧室控制
  9677. afterburner fuel control ==> 加力燃烧室供油调节
  9678. afterburner noz(zle) ==> 加力燃烧室喷嘴
  9679. afterburner nozzle ==> 强化燃烧室喷嘴
  9680. afterburner rating ==> 加力燃烧室额定功率
  9681. afterburning ==> あと燃え
  9682. afterburst ==> 突出后崩
  9683. aftercare ==> 恢复期疗法
  9684. aftercarriage ==> 后车体
  9685. afterchine ==> 后舷脊
  9686. afterchlorinate ==> 补充氯化
  9687. afterchromed dye ==> 后铬媒染料
  9688. aftercontraction ==> 附加收缩
  9689. aftercooler ==> 后冷却器,后冷却器,后置冷却器,二次冷却器,最后冷却器,末级冷却器,再冷却器,减热去湿器
  9690. aftercooling ==> 再冷却,二次冷却,后冷却
  9691. aftercure ==> 后处理
  9692. aftercurrent ==> 残余电流
  9693. afterdamp ==> 煤矿爆发后毒气
  9694. afterdischarge ==> 感觉性后发放
  9695. afterdrying ==> 再次干燥
  9696. aftereffect ==> 后效
  9697. afterfiring zone ==> (带式烧结机的)后烧段
  9698. afterflaming ==> 补充燃烧,烧尽
  9699. afterflow ==> 残余塑性变形
  9700. afterframe ==> 后框架
  9701. aftergases ==> 灾后气体
  9702. afterglow ==> 余辉=>残像
  9703. afterglow correction ==> 余辉校正
  9704. afterglow eliminator ==> 余辉消除器
  9705. afterglow time ==> 余辉时间
  9706. afterheat ==> 余热,后热
  9707. afterhold ==> 船后舱
  9708. afterimage ==> 后象,残留图像,残留影像
  9709. afterimage phenomena ==> 残像现象
  9710. afterload ==> 后负荷
  9711. afterload reducer ==> 後負荷軽減薬
  9712. afterloading technique ==> 后装源技术
  9713. aftermath ==> 后果,再生草,(饲料作物收割以后)再长=>余波,後遺症
  9714. aftermath pasture ==> 再生草地
  9715. aftermovement ==> 康斯塔姆氏现象
  9716. afternoon fever ==> 潮热
  9717. afternoon tea ==> アフタヌーン・ティー,午後の紅茶
  9718. afterpains ==> 产后痛,产后宫缩痛
  9719. afterpeak ==> (船)后尖舱
  9720. afterpeak bulkhead ==> 船尾隔壁
  9721. afterpotential ==> 后电位
  9722. afterpower ==> 滞后功率
  9723. afterprecipitation ==> 二次沉淀
  9724. afterproduct ==> 二次产品,后产物
  9725. afterpulse ==> 残留脉冲
  9726. afterreap crop ==> 后茬作物
  9727. afterripening ==> 后熟
  9728. aftershock ==> 后震
  9729. aftertack ==> 油漆过粘
  9730. afterteeming ==> 补浇
  9731. afterthreshold behavior ==> 阈值后工作状态
  9732. aftertossing ==> 船后余波,船尾波动
  9733. aftertreatment ==> 后处理
  9734. afterwards ==> 后来,然后
  9735. aftfoot bulb ==> 球鼻形尾柱底部
  9736. AFTN, aeronautical fixed telecommunication network ==> 航空固定電気通信網
  9737. Aftonian ==> 阿夫顿间冰期
  9738. Aftonian interglacial ==> 阿夫顿间冰期
  9739. afunction ==> 机能缺失
  9740. AFWTR, Air Force Western Test Range ==> 空軍西部試験基地
  9741. AG Accessibility Guidelines ==> 可用指导方针
  9742. AG Algeria (Flag) ==> 阿尔及利亚(注册)
  9743. AG Arabian Gulf (See PG) ==> 阿拉伯海湾(参看PG)
  9744. AG lattice ==> 交变梯度格子结构
  9745. AG ring ==> 交变梯度环
  9746. ag(e)ing condition ==> 时效规范
  9747. ag(e)ing process ==> 时效过程
  9748. ag(e)ing resistance ==> 时效电阻
  9749. ag(e)ing test ==> 时效试验,老化试验,经久试验,经久试验
  9750. ag(e)ing vessel ==> 老化器
  9751. AG, air to ground ==> 空対地
  9752. AG, Katalog der Astronomischen Gesellschaft ==> AG星表
  9753. AG-focused accelerator ==> 交变梯度聚焦加速器
  9754. AG-focused section ==> 交变梯度聚焦节
  9755. against ==> 针对
  9756. against actual (AA) ==> 以期换现
  9757. against all risks ==> 全险
  9758. against all risks (AAR) ==> 投保全险
  9759. against all risks (AAR) ==> 保全险
  9760. against all risks (A・A・R・) ==> 保全险
  9761. against corrosion ==> 抗蚀
  9762. against megabuck science ==> 反对豪赌大科学
  9763. against the ear type earphone ==> 触耳式耳机
  9764. against the force of the spring ==> 克服弹簧阻力
  9765. against the reaction of the spring ==> 克服弹簧阻力
  9766. against to the grain ==> 垂直于纹理
  9767. against us ==> 负债
  9768. against vote ==> 反对票
  9769. agalmatolite brick ==> 蜡石耐火砖
  9770. agalmatolite fireproofing materials ==> 蜡石耐火材料
  9771. agar ==> 石花菜,琼胶,琼脂=>寒天
  9772. agar attar ==> 东方沉香油
  9773. agar chromatography ==> 琼脂色谱法
  9774. agar cup method ==> 琼脂杯法
  9775. agar deep culture ==> 琼脂深层培育
  9776. agar diffusion method ==> 琼脂扩散法
  9777. agar disk method ==> 琼脂片法
  9778. agar double diffusion technique ==> 琼脂双扩散测定法
  9779. agar electrophoresis ==> 琼脂电泳
  9780. agar embedding material ==> 琼脂包埋剂
  9781. agar gel ==> 琼脂凝胶
  9782. agar gel diffusion test ==> 琼脂扩散试验
  9783. agar glant ==> 洋菜斜面培养
  9784. agar hanging block ==> 琼脂悬块
  9785. agar jelly strength tester ==> 琼脂胶体强度计
  9786. agar medium ==> 琼脂培养基,洋菜培养基
  9787. agar plaque technic ==> 琼脂空斑技术
  9788. agar plate ==> 琼脂平板,琼脂平皿,洋菜平面培养
  9789. agar plate culture ==> 琼脂平面培养
  9790. agar plate method ==> 琼脂平面培养法
  9791. agar slant ==> 琼脂斜面,琼脂斜面培养
  9792. agar slant culture-medium ==> 琼脂斜面培养基
  9793. agar stab ==> 琼脂针刺培养,洋菜穿刺培养
  9794. agar stab culture ==> 琼脂穿刺培养,琼脂针刺培养
  9795. agar streak ==> 琼脂划线培养,洋菜划线培养
  9796. agar streak culture ==> 琼脂划线培养
  9797. agar tube ==> 琼脂管
  9798. agar wood ==> 琼脂木=>アガーウッド,沈香(じんこう)
  9799. agar-block technique ==> 琼脂块技术
  9800. agar-gel reaction ==> 琼脂凝胶反应
  9801. agar-streak method ==> 琼脂划线法
  9802. agargel electrophoresis ==> 琼脂凝胶电泳法
  9803. agaric acid agaricin ==> 琼脂酸
  9804. agaricin acid ==> 蘑菇酸
  9805. agaricinic acid ==> 蘑菇酸
  9806. agarose electrophoresis ==> 琼脂糖电泳
  9807. Agassiz Valleys ==> 阿格赛兹海下谷
  9808. agate ==> 玛瑙=>めのう
  9809. agate artware ==> 玛瑙工艺品
  9810. agate balance edge ==> 玛瑙天平刀子
  9811. agate ball ==> 玛瑙球
  9812. agate bead ==> 玛瑙珠
  9813. agate bearing ==> 玛瑙轴承
  9814. agate burnisher ==> 玛瑙抛光机
  9815. agate cup ==> 玛瑙杯
  9816. agate end stone jewel ==> 玛瑙端面轴承
  9817. agate glass ==> 玛瑙玻璃
  9818. agate guide ==> 玛瑙导丝器
  9819. agate hole jewel ==> 玛瑙通孔轴承
  9820. agate knife-edge ==> 玛瑙刀口
  9821. agate marble paper ==> 仿大理石纹纸
  9822. agate mortar ==> 玛瑙乳钵,玛瑙研钵
  9823. agate mortar and pestle ==> 玛瑙臼和杵
  9824. agate pearl ==> 玛瑙珍珠
  9825. agate pestle ==> 玛瑙钵杵
  9826. agate plate ==> 玛瑙片
  9827. agate ring ==> 玛瑙戒指
  9828. agate spatula ==> 玛瑙调刀
  9829. agate spherical jewel ==> 玛瑙球形轴承
  9830. agathic acid ==> 玛瑙酸
  9831. agatized wood ==> 硅化木
  9832. Agave cantala ==> 肯太拉麻
  9833. AGAVE, automatic gimballed antenna vectoring equipment ==> 自動ジンバル付アンテナ方向装置
  9834. Agawam ==> 阿加万,位于美国马萨诸塞州
  9835. agc ==> 自动厚度控制
  9836. AGC actions ==> AGC动作=>AGC動作
  9837. AGC, Aerojet General Corporation ==> エアロジェットゼネラル社
  9838. AGC, automatic gain control ==> 自动增益控制=>自動利得制御
  9839. AGC, automatic generation control ==> 发电输出自动控制=>自動周波数制御、自動発電制御
  9840. age ==> 老化=>枯らす,老化する,熟成する
  9841. age assessment ==> 年龄鉴定
  9842. age at retirement ==> 退休年龄
  9843. age at sexual maturity ==> 性成熟年龄
  9844. age at withdrawal ==> 退休年龄
  9845. age characteristics ==> 年龄特征
  9846. age class ==> 同龄级木,龄级
  9847. age class structure ==> 龄级结构
  9848. age coating ==> 老化变黑层
  9849. age coating of lamp ==> 灯泡老化层
  9850. age cycle ==> 龄排列
  9851. age dating ==> 年龄测定
  9852. age determination ==> 年龄测定,年龄鉴别
  9853. age diffusion equation ==> 年龄扩散方程
  9854. Age Discrimination in Employment Act ==> (美国)就业年龄差异法,就业年龄差异法
  9855. age distribution ==> 年龄分布,寿命分布
  9856. age embrittlement strain ==> 陈化脆性应变,老化脆性应变
  9857. age equation ==> 年齢方程式
  9858. age forming ==> 时效成形
  9859. age hardening ==> 经久硬化,时效硬化=>時効硬化
  9860. age hardening alloy ==> 时效硬化合金
  9861. age hardening stainless steel ==> 时效硬化不锈钢
  9862. age hardness ==> 阵硬
  9863. age in days ==> 日龄
  9864. age incidence ==> 年龄发生率
  9865. age limit ==> 寿命,使用年限
  9866. age map ==> 龄图
  9867. age of alleles and reversibility ==> 等位基因的年代和(突变的)可逆性
  9868. age of barbarism ==> 蒙昧时代,野蛮时代
  9869. age of blood stain ==> 血痕陈旧度
  9870. age of concrete ==> 混凝土令期
  9871. age of decline ==> 衰朽阶段
  9872. age of diurnal tide ==> 日潮不等潮龄
  9873. age of earth crust ==> 地壳年代
  9874. age of mine ==> 矿山可采期
  9875. age of nodule ==> 根瘤的日令
  9876. age of parallax inequality ==> 视差不等的潮龄
  9877. age of retirement ==> 退休年龄
  9878. age of stand ==> 林令
  9879. age of the machine ==> 機械時代
  9880. age of the root ==> 根令
  9881. age of tide ==> 月相不等潮龄
  9882. age pyramid ==> 年龄锥体
  9883. age resistor ==> 老化防止剤(ゴム)
  9884. age softening ==> 时效软化
  9885. age structure ==> 年龄构成
  9886. age tester ==> 老化试验机
  9887. AGE, aerospace ground equipment ==> 地上支援装置
  9888. AGE, Aerospace Ground Equipment ==> 地上支援機器
  9889. age-class distribution ==> 龄级分布
  9890. age-class period ==> 龄级期
  9891. age-conversion factor ==> 年龄换算系数
  9892. age-corrected basis ==> 年龄校正基准
  9893. age-distribution ==> 帐龄分类
  9894. age-group ==> 同龄组
  9895. age-hardening ==> 时效硬化
  9896. age-inhibiting additive ==> 防老化添加剂
  9897. age-specific birth rate ==> 分年龄的出生率
  9898. age-specific death rate ==> 分年龄的死亡率
  9899. age-specific divorce rate ==> 分年龄离婚率
  9900. age-specific fertility rate ==> 分年龄的生育率
  9901. age-specific marriage rate ==> 分年龄结婚率
  9902. age-specific mortality ==> 分年龄的死亡率
  9903. age-specific nuptialty ==> 分年龄结婚率
  9904. age-table ==> 龄系列表
  9905. aged ==> 枯らした,老化した,熟成した
  9906. aged alloy powder ==> 时效合金粉末
  9907. aged cement ==> 过期水泥
  9908. aged deterioration ==> 老化,时效劣化
  9909. aged egg ==> 衰老卵子
  9910. aged shore ==> 老年海岸
  9911. aged sperm ==> 衰老精子
  9912. aged steel ==> 时效钢
  9913. aged-ram ==> 第四次剪毛之后公羊
  9914. ageing ==> 老化,老化处理,时效,耐热钢或耐热合金制的高温构件在长期的运行过程中从过饱和固溶体内析出一些强化相质点而使金属的性能(主要是力学性能和蠕变极限等)随时间发生变化的现象,即固溶体脱溶过程或脱溶分解过程=>エージング
  9915. ageing behavior ==> 时效效应
  9916. ageing can ==> 老化罐
  9917. ageing change ==> 年龄变化
  9918. ageing characteristics of thermistor ==> 热敏电阻衰老特性
  9919. ageing condition ==> 老炼规范
  9920. ageing effect ==> 老化效应
  9921. ageing error ==> 老化误差
  9922. ageing index ==> 老化指数
  9923. ageing of asphalt ==> 沥青老化
  9924. ageing of column ==> 柱老化
  9925. ageing of metal ==> 金属的时效
  9926. ageing of plastics ==> 塑料老化
  9927. ageing of population ==> 人口老龄化
  9928. ageing of roofing felt ==> 屋面油毡老化
  9929. ageing of valve ==> 电子管的老化
  9930. ageing plaster ==> 陈腐烧石膏
  9931. ageing process ==> 老化过程
  9932. ageing property ==> 老化性质
  9933. ageing rack ==> 老化架,老炼台
  9934. ageing resistance ==> 抗老化性能
  9935. ageing room ==> 陈腐室
  9936. ageing silo ==> 陈腐室
  9937. ageing stability ==> 老化稳定性
  9938. ageing stage ==> 陈化阶段
  9939. ageing star ==> 老化星
  9940. ageing step ==> 老化阶段
  9941. ageing tank ==> 老化容器
  9942. ageing test ==> 老化试验=>加速寿命試験
  9943. ageing test of oil ==> 油质老化试验,在规定条件下,一种加速油品氧化过程的试验方法
  9944. ageing tester ==> 老化试验器
  9945. ageing time ==> 老化时间
  9946. ageing tower ==> 陈腐仓
  9947. ageing unit ==> 老机组
  9948. ageing units ==> 老机组,旧机组
  9949. ageing-resistant grease ==> 耐老化润滑脂
  9950. agement of human difference ==> 人的差异管理
  9951. agement performance ==> 经营成效,经营成效
  9952. Agena control system ==> 阿琴那控制系统
  9953. Agenaclass lunar orbiter ==> 阿琴那型月球轨道飞行器
  9954. agency ==> 办事处,代办处,代理,代理处,经销处,经销处,局,局,所,媒介,动作
  9955. agency accounts ==> 分经理帐
  9956. agency agreement ==> 通汇契约
  9957. agency arrangement ==> 通汇契约
  9958. agency bank ==> 分行
  9959. agency funds ==> 分销处基金
  9960. agency in charge of land ==> 土地主管部门
  9961. agency marketing ==> 经纪人的买卖,经纪人的买卖
  9962. agendum call card ==> 执行规程卡片,记事调用卡片
  9963. agenesia of bladder ==> 膀胱发育不全
  9964. agenesis of brain ==> 脑不发育
  9965. agenesis of eye ==> 眼发育不全
  9966. agenesis of lung ==> 肺发育不全
  9967. agenesis of müllerian duct ==> 中肾旁管发育不全
  9968. agenesis of pulmonary artery ==> 肺动脉未发育
  9969. agenesis of rib ==> 肋骨发育不全
  9970. agenesis of testis ==> 睾丸不发育
  9971. agenetic fracture ==> 骨发育不全性骨折
  9972. agensis of pulmonary artery ==> 肺动脉发育不全
  9973. agent ==> 防锈剂,动因,媒介物,营力,因子,代表,代理人,经纪人,经纪人,作用力,剂=>エージェント, 分散人工知能の構成要素を表す用語
  9974. agent communication ==> エージェント間通信
  9975. agent for bidding ==> 投标代理商
  9976. agent for collection ==> 托收代理
  9977. agent middleman ==> 居间商,居间商
  9978. agent of erosion ==> 侵蚀力
  9979. agent of fusion ==> 熔剂
  9980. agent of microbic warfare ==> 微生物战剂
  9981. agent of necessity ==> 紧急代理人
  9982. agent process manager ==> エージェント処理管理機能
  9983. agent simulation ==> エージェントシミュレーション
  9984. agent technology ==> エージェント技術
  9985. agent's coupon ==> 出票人联
  9986. agerial man model ==> 经营人模型,经营人模型
  9987. Agfa polyamide ==> 爱克发聚酰胺
  9988. Agfa-Gevaert Group ==> 阿克发-古伐集团
  9989. agger of nose ==> 鼻堤
  9990. agglomerant ==> 粘结剂
  9991. agglomerate ==> 烧结矿
  9992. Agglomerate Leclanche Cell ==> アグロメレートレクランセ電池
  9993. agglomerate tabling ==> 团粒台浮
  9994. agglomerated cake ==> 烧结块
  9995. agglomerated charge ==> 烧结料
  9996. agglomerated particle ==> 团聚颗粒
  9997. agglomeratic ice sheet ==> 块集冰盾
  9998. agglomerating agent ==> 胶凝剂
  9999. agglomerating force ==> 团聚力
  10000. agglomerating index ==> 结焦指数
  10001. agglomerating machine ==> 烧结机
  10002. agglomerating plant ==> 烧结装置
  10003. agglomerating value of coal ==> 煤凝结值
  10004. agglomeration ==> 结块,聚居区,聚居区,成团,团集,团矿,凝聚增长,胶凝作用,烧结,烧结作用
  10005. agglomeration control ==> 凝集制御
  10006. agglomeration degree ==> 凝集度
  10007. agglomeration economy ==> 聚集经济
  10008. agglomeration effect ==> 凝聚效应
  10009. agglomeration rate ==> 附聚率
  10010. agglomeration roasting ==> 烧结焙烧
  10011. agglomeration test ==> (指采矿)焦结性试验
  10012. agglomerative factor ==> 聚集因素
  10013. agglutinate cone ==> 寄生熔岩锥
  10014. agglutinating antibody ==> 凝集抗体
  10015. agglutinating method test outfit for syphilis ==> 凝集法梅毒测试仪
  10016. agglutination ==> 凝集,凝集测验,成胶状,胶结,胶结作用=>接合,癒着,凝集,膠着
  10017. agglutination lysis test ==> 凝集溶解试验
  10018. agglutination of spermatozoa ==> 精子凝集,精子凝集
  10019. agglutination phenomenon ==> 凝集现象
  10020. agglutination reaction ==> 凝集反应
  10021. agglutination reaction plate ==> 血液凝集反应板
  10022. agglutination reaction test tube ==> 凝集反应试管
  10023. agglutination test ==> 凝集试验
  10024. agglutination titer ==> 凝集价
  10025. agglutinationlysis test ==> 凝集-溶解试验
  10026. agglutinin absorption test ==> 凝集素吸收试验
  10027. aggradation of ice level ==> 冰位抬高
  10028. aggradation of level ==> 河床淤积高度
  10029. aggradation of river bed ==> 河床的淤高
  10030. aggradation plain ==> 沉积平原
  10031. aggradational plain ==> 加积平原
  10032. aggraded flood plain ==> 洪积平原
  10033. aggraded valley floor ==> 加积谷底
  10034. aggraded valley plain ==> 冲积平原
  10035. Aggradevole ==> 妩媚的,令人怜爱的
  10036. aggrading action ==> 加积作用
  10037. aggrading river ==> 冲积河流
  10038. aggrading stream ==> 冲积河流,加积河
  10039. aggrandize ==> 強化する,拡大する
  10040. aggravation of lumbar lordosis ==> 腰前凸加大
  10041. aggregate ==> 极薄片状团聚体,集合体,集结,集料,骨料,成套装置,聚合,聚合,聚合体,聚合体,聚集,聚集,原子团,团聚体,合计,机组=>骨材,凝集体
  10042. aggregate analysis ==> 综合分析,总体分析,团集体分析
  10043. aggregate area of wires ==> 钢丝总面积
  10044. aggregate assignment ==> 集合体赋值
  10045. aggregate batcher ==> 集料配料面,骨粉分批计量机,骨料配料机
  10046. aggregate batching bin ==> 骨料配料仓
  10047. aggregate bin ==> 骨料仓
  10048. aggregate blending ==> 骨料混合
  10049. aggregate breaking force ==> 钢丝破断拉力总和
  10050. aggregate capacity ==> 聚集容量,聚集容量,总功率
  10051. aggregate cash outflow ==> 现金流出总额
  10052. aggregate combination ==> 集合结构,集料化合,集料混合
  10053. aggregate composition ==> 骨材組成
  10054. aggregate concrete ==> 骨材コンクリート
  10055. aggregate constraint ==> 総量制約
  10056. aggregate consumption funds ==> 累计的消费基金
  10057. aggregate correction factor ==> 骨料修正系数
  10058. aggregate decision ==> 总体决定
  10059. aggregate demand ==> 总需求,累积总需求
  10060. aggregate demand function ==> 累积总需求函数,总需求函数
  10061. aggregate demand price ==> 累积总需求价格
  10062. aggregate discount ==> 总合折扣
  10063. aggregate effective demand ==> 总合有效需求
  10064. aggregate error ==> 累积误差
  10065. aggregate expenditure ==> 总支出
  10066. aggregate expression ==> 聚合表达式,聚合表达式,聚集表达式,聚集表达式,集合表达式
  10067. aggregate feeding ==> 集料给料,骨料供给
  10068. aggregate finish ==> 骨料饰面
  10069. aggregate for reinforced concrete ==> 钢筋混凝土骨料
  10070. aggregate formation ==> 团集体形成
  10071. aggregate fruits ==> 聚合果,聚合果,聚心皮果,聚心皮果
  10072. aggregate gradation ==> 骨料分级,骨料级配
  10073. aggregate grading ==> 骨料级配
  10074. aggregate investment ==> 投资总量,投资总额
  10075. aggregate limit ==> (配额的)总限额
  10076. aggregate macroeconomic change ==> 宏观经济的总合变化
  10077. aggregate market ==> 总体市场
  10078. aggregate market value ==> 市场价格总额
  10079. aggregate matrix ==> 集结矩阵
  10080. aggregate model ==> 集结模型
  10081. aggregate model of the economy ==> 经济集结模型,经济集结模型
  10082. aggregate motion ==> 组合运动
  10083. aggregate nodules ==> 淋巴集结
  10084. aggregate notation ==> 聚集记法,聚集记法
  10085. aggregate of data ==> 数据簇
  10086. aggregate output ==> 总生产额
  10087. aggregate polarization ==> 集偏振化
  10088. aggregate processing ==> 骨料的制备
  10089. aggregate processing plant ==> 骨料加工厂,骨料制备厂
  10090. aggregate production function ==> 总量生产函数
  10091. aggregate ray ==> 聚合射线,聚合射线
  10092. aggregate realized savings ==> 实际储蓄总额
  10093. aggregate reclaiming plant ==> 骨料开采设备
  10094. aggregate recoil ==> 集合反冲
  10095. aggregate size ==> 骨料粒径
  10096. aggregate social product ==> 社会总产品
  10097. aggregate social supply ==> 社会供应总量
  10098. aggregate sound level ==> 总声级
  10099. aggregate species ==> 复合种
  10100. aggregate spreader ==> 骨料撒布机,砂粒撒布器
  10101. aggregate storage ==> 骨料仓库,骨料储存场
  10102. aggregate storage bin ==> 骨料仓
  10103. aggregate structure ==> 团集结构,团聚体构造,集合体构造
  10104. aggregate supply ==> 总供给
  10105. aggregate supply function ==> 总供给函数,累积总供给函数
  10106. aggregate supply price ==> 总供给价格
  10107. aggregate temperature ==> 骨材温度
  10108. aggregate test ==> 骨材試験
  10109. aggregate tonnage ==> 总吨数
  10110. aggregate trailer ==> 骨料拖运车
  10111. aggregate type ==> 集合类型
  10112. aggregate unit ==> 组合装置
  10113. aggregate use-values ==> 使用价值总和
  10114. aggregate value ==> 总合价值,总值
  10115. aggregate value of an invention ==> 发明的总价值
  10116. aggregate value of listed stock ==> 上市股票的总市值,(上市股票)时价总额
  10117. aggregate value of net output ==> 净生产量的总价值,净生产量的总价值
  10118. aggregate washing ==> 骨料冲洗
  10119. aggregate weighing barrel ==> 骨料秤筒
  10120. aggregate weighing equipment ==> 骨料称量设备
  10121. aggregate weighing hopper ==> 骨料称量斗
  10122. aggregate width ==> 总宽度
  10123. aggregate-cement ratio ==> 骨料水泥比
  10124. aggregate-value method of weighting ==> 累积加权法,总值加权法
  10125. aggregatecement ratio ==> (混凝土配料的)骨灰比
  10126. aggregated filter ==> 集中滤波器
  10127. aggregated lymphatic follicles ==> 集合淋巴结,集合淋巴滤泡,淋巴集结
  10128. aggregated model ==> 縮約モデル
  10129. aggregated momentum ==> 总动量
  10130. aggregated nodules ==> 集合淋巴小结
  10131. aggregated rebate cartels ==> 统一回扣卡特尔
  10132. aggregated unit control instrument ==> 单元组合式调节仪表,由具有不同功能的若干单元仪表按调节系统具体要求组合而成的自动调节仪表
  10133. aggregating equivalent in current US dollar ==> 现值美元等值总额
  10134. aggregating property ==> 凝集特性
  10135. aggregation ==> 聚集,聚集,聚集体,聚集体,聚集作用,聚集作用,团集作用,群聚,集合体,集合物,集积=>系統縮約
  10136. aggregation function ==> 集合函数
  10137. aggregation moisture ==> 团集化湿度
  10138. aggregation of individual preferences ==> 个人偏好集合
  10139. aggregation of variables ==> 变量的归并
  10140. aggregation property ==> 凝集特性
  10141. aggregation stability ==> 聚集稳定性,聚集稳定性
  10142. aggregation state ==> 团集体状态
  10143. aggregative fluidized bed ==> 聚式流化床,聚式流化床
  10144. aggregative index number ==> 综合指数
  10145. aggregative indicator ==> 综合指标
  10146. aggregative model ==> 综合模式,总量模型
  10147. aggression ==> 侵蚀
  10148. aggressive ==> 攻撃的な,挑戦的な
  10149. aggressive agent ==> 侵蚀剂,侵蚀剂
  10150. aggressive behavior ==> 攻击行为
  10151. aggressive fellow ==> 押しの強い男
  10152. aggressive magma ==> 侵进岩浆
  10153. aggressive personality ==> 攻击型人格
  10154. aggressive reaction ==> 功击反应
  10155. aggressive selling ==> 卖气旺盛
  10156. aggressiveness ==> 侵蚀性
  10157. aggrieved party ==> 受害方
  10158. AGI, American Geological Institute ==> 米国地質研究所
  10159. agile manufacturing ==> 変種変量生産
  10160. aging ==> 时效=>枯らし,老化,熟成
  10161. aging bunker ==> 陈化仓
  10162. aging characteristics ==> 経時変化
  10163. aging coefficient ==> 老化系数
  10164. aging crack ==> 时效裂纹
  10165. aging error ==> 老化错误,衰化误差
  10166. aging GIS ==> 経年GIS
  10167. aging leaf tissuses ==> 老化叶组织
  10168. aging of placenta ==> 胎盘老化,胎盘衰老
  10169. aging oven ==> 时效炉
  10170. aging process ==> 老化法
  10171. aging rate ==> 老化速率
  10172. aging resistance ==> 抗时效性
  10173. aging schedule ==> 帐龄分析表,分期表,客帐分析表
  10174. aging stability ==> 时效稳定性
  10175. aging steel ==> 时效钢
  10176. aging treatment ==> 时效处理
  10177. aging-lung emphysema ==> 老年性肺气肿
  10178. agio account ==> 贴水帐户
  10179. agio theory of interest ==> 节欲利息论
  10180. agistment area ==> 放牧面积
  10181. agitate ==> かきまぜる
  10182. agitated batch crystallizer ==> 搅拌式分批结晶器,搅动结晶器
  10183. agitated bed ==> 搅拌床
  10184. agitated compartmented extractor ==> 搅拌式萃取塔
  10185. agitated cylinder dryer ==> 圆筒搅拌干燥器
  10186. agitated depression ==> 激越性抑郁症
  10187. agitated drier ==> 搅动式干燥机
  10188. agitated horizontal autoclave ==> 搅拌卧式高压釜
  10189. agitated kettle ==> 搅动锅
  10190. agitated leaching autoclave ==> 搅拌浸出高压釜
  10191. agitated person ==> 興奮している人
  10192. agitated state ==> 興奮状態
  10193. agitated tank ==> 搅拌槽
  10194. agitated trough dryer ==> 槽式搅动干燥器
  10195. agitated-film evaporator ==> 搅动膜蒸发器
  10196. agitating auger ==> 搅拌螺旋
  10197. agitating cooker ==> 回转式杀菌锅
  10198. agitating form ==> 激越型
  10199. agitating heater ==> 搅动加热器
  10200. agitating pan ==> 搅拌锅
  10201. agitating sprocket ==> 抖动链轮
  10202. agitating truck ==> 拌和车
  10203. agitating vane ==> 搅拌叶片
  10204. agitating vessel ==> 搅拌桶
  10205. agitation ==> 搅拌=>攪拌(かくはん)
  10206. agitation cascade ==> 高落搅拌
  10207. agitation characteristics ==> 搅拌特性
  10208. agitation equipment ==> 搅拌装置
  10209. agitation froth machine ==> 机械搅拌式浮造机
  10210. agitation leach ==> 搅拌浸出
  10211. agitation type flotation machine ==> 搅动式浮选机
  10212. agitation-froth machine ==> 搅拌式泡沫浮选机
  10213. Agitato ==> 激动地,不宁地,惊慌地
  10214. agitator ==> 搅拌器,搅拌桶,振荡器=>かきまぜ機
  10215. agitator arm ==> 搅拌机杆,搅动机叶轮
  10216. agitator board ==> 搅拌器板,抖动机板
  10217. agitator car ==> 拌和器车
  10218. agitator extension shaft ==> 搅拌器伸出轴
  10219. agitator feed ==> 搅拌轮式排种器
  10220. agitator fertilizer distributor ==> 带搅动器的施肥机
  10221. agitator jet ==> 搅拌器喷管
  10222. agitator joint shaft ==> 搅拌器连接轴
  10223. agitator kettle ==> 搅拌锅
  10224. agitator nozzle ==> 搅拌器喷嘴
  10225. agitator support ==> 搅拌机支座
  10226. agitator tank ==> 搅拌罐,搅动器槽
  10227. agitator tank (bath) ==> 搅拌槽
  10228. agitator treating ==> 搅拌器处理
  10229. agitator truck ==> 带搅拌工具的汽车
  10230. agitator-conveyor ==> 搅拌送料器
  10231. agitatory crusher ==> 搅拌式轧碎机
  10232. AGK2, Zweiter Katalog der Astronomischen Gesellschaft ==> AG2星表
  10233. AGL(OH), atmospheric infrared airglow ==> 赤外域大気光
  10234. AGL, atmospheric airglow ==> 大気光
  10235. Aglaia odorata oil ==> 米兰花油
  10236. aglycon portion ==> アグリコン部分
  10237. agnail ==> 甲刺,逆剥
  10238. AGO, Santiago ==> サンチャゴ
  10239. agonal (hexagon)nut ==> 六角螺帽
  10240. agonal leukocytosis ==> 濒死期白细胞增多
  10241. agonal reaction ==> 濒死期反应
  10242. agonal stage ==> 濒死期
  10243. agonal trauma ==> 濒死伤
  10244. agonic line ==> 零磁偏线,无偏线=>無偏差線,無方位角線
  10245. agonistic behavior ==> 格斗行为
  10246. agonize ==> 苦悶する
  10247. agony clot ==> 濒死期心脏内血块
  10248. AGP, Accelerated Graphics Port ==> 米Intel社が1996年7月に発表したグラフィックス・デバイス用のインターフェイス仕様
  10249. Agra ==> 阿格拉=>アーグラ
  10250. agranular leukocyte ==> 无颗粒白细胞
  10251. agranular leukocytes ==> 无粒白细胞
  10252. agranular type ==> 无颗粒型
  10253. agranulocytosis ==> 無顆粒細胞症
  10254. agrarian law ==> 土地法
  10255. agrarian reform ==> 土地改革
  10256. agrarian revolution ==> 土地革命
  10257. agravity ==> 失重=>無重力
  10258. agree ==> 符合=>同意する
  10259. agree life ==> 模拟寿命
  10260. agreeable luminous environments ==> 适宜的照明环境
  10261. agreed quantity of trade ==> 议定贸易量
  10262. agreed rate ==> 协定运费率
  10263. agreed tariff ==> 协定关税
  10264. agreed territory ==> 协议区域
  10265. agreed text ==> 议定文本,一致同意的文本
  10266. agreed value ==> 协定保险价额,保险评定价值
  10267. agreed-upon prices ==> 协议价格
  10268. agreement ==> 同意,協定,协商,符合,合同,达成协议=>合意
  10269. agreement corporation ==> 协议公司
  10270. agreement on consignment ==> 寄售契约
  10271. agreement on economic aid ==> 经济援助协定,经济援助协定
  10272. Agreement on Exchange Guarantees ==> 外汇保值协定
  10273. agreement on protection of investment ==> 投资保护协定
  10274. agreement price ==> 协定价格
  10275. agreement tariff ==> 协定税则
  10276. agreement to sell ==> 经销协定,经销协定
  10277. agreement to sell at valuation ==> 评价出售的协议
  10278. agreement year ==> 协定年度
  10279. agri-application of radio isotopes ==> 放射性同位素农业应用
  10280. agricultural acreage ==> 耕地面积,耕地亩数
  10281. agricultural aircraft ==> 农用飞机
  10282. agricultural amelioration ==> 农业土壤改良
  10283. agricultural analyzer ==> 农用分析仪
  10284. agricultural animals ==> 农用牲畜
  10285. agricultural antibiotic ==> 农用抗菌素
  10286. agricultural automobile ==> 农用汽车
  10287. agricultural aviation ==> 农业航空,农用航空
  10288. agricultural bacteriology ==> 农业细菌学
  10289. agricultural chemical pollution ==> 农药污染
  10290. agricultural chemicals ==> 农药,农业化学药品
  10291. Agricultural Chemicals Regulation Law ==> 农药管理法
  10292. agricultural chemistry ==> 农业化学
  10293. agricultural classification ==> 农艺分类
  10294. agricultural climatology ==> 农业气候学
  10295. agricultural control ==> 农业防治
  10296. agricultural data ==> 农业数据
  10297. agricultural development ==> 农业发展
  10298. agricultural district ==> 农业地区
  10299. agricultural drain ==> 农业排水沟
  10300. agricultural drain pipe ==> 农田排水管
  10301. agricultural economy ==> 农业经济
  10302. agricultural effluent ==> 农业废水
  10303. agricultural electric heating ==> 农业电热=>農業電熱
  10304. agricultural engineering ==> 农业工程
  10305. agricultural equipment ==> 农业机具
  10306. agricultural experiment station ==> 农业试验站
  10307. agricultural exports ==> 出口农产品
  10308. agricultural fungicides ==> 农业杀虫剂
  10309. agricultural geography ==> 农业地理
  10310. agricultural geology ==> 农业地质学
  10311. agricultural hydrology ==> 农业水文学
  10312. agricultural income ==> 农业收入
  10313. agricultural injury ==> 农业损伤
  10314. agricultural insect management ==> 农业害虫的防治
  10315. agricultural insecticide ==> 农用杀虫剂
  10316. agricultural insects ==> 农业害虫
  10317. agricultural loader ==> 农用装载机
  10318. agricultural machinery ==> 农业机械
  10319. agricultural machinery design ==> 农业机械设计
  10320. agricultural miticide ==> 农业杀螨剂,农用杀螨蛴
  10321. agricultural nonpoint source pollution ==> 农业非点源污染
  10322. agricultural occupational dermatitis ==> 农业职业性皮肤病
  10323. agricultural output value ==> 农业生产值
  10324. agricultural pastoral area ==> 半农草牧区
  10325. agricultural pastures ==> 农业放牧
  10326. agricultural pest ==> 农业病虫害
  10327. agricultural plan ==> 农业计划
  10328. agricultural poison ==> 农业毒物
  10329. agricultural pollution ==> 农业污染
  10330. agricultural pollution sources ==> 农业污染源
  10331. agricultural pollution treatment ==> 农业污染处理
  10332. agricultural priority area ==> 农业优先区
  10333. agricultural program ==> 农业计划
  10334. agricultural rear-tipping trailer ==> 后卸农用挂车
  10335. agricultural research ==> 农业研究
  10336. agricultural research project ==> 农业研究课题
  10337. agricultural season ==> 农作季节
  10338. agricultural service transformer ==> 农业用变压器
  10339. agricultural side-tipping trailer ==> 侧卸农用挂车
  10340. agricultural soil ==> 农业土壤,耕种土
  10341. agricultural spray pump ==> 喷灌泵
  10342. agricultural spray pump for chemicals ==> 农用喷药泵
  10343. agricultural sulphur ==> 农用粗硫粉
  10344. agricultural sustainability ==> 農業持続性
  10345. agricultural system ==> 农业系统
  10346. agricultural system engineering ==> 农业系统工程
  10347. agricultural tariff ==> 农业生产电价,凡属农田排涝、灌溉、电犁、打井、打场、脱粒、饲料加工等(非经营性)防汛临时照明用电
  10348. agricultural technique ==> 农业技术
  10349. agricultural tools and equipment ==> 农业机具和设备
  10350. agricultural traction engine ==> 农业拖拉机
  10351. agricultural waste water ==> 农业废水
  10352. agricultural wastes ==> 农业废物,农业剩余物
  10353. agricultural weather forecast ==> 农业天气预报
  10354. agricultural weather forecast in time ==> 及时农业天气预报
  10355. agriculture ==> 農業
  10356. agriculture in transition ==> 转变中的农业
  10357. agriculture pollutants ==> 农业污染物
  10358. agro-cement batcher ==> 农业联合配料器
  10359. agrobiology analysis ==> 农业生物学分析
  10360. agrochemical soil map ==> 农业化学土壤图,土壤农化图
  10361. agroclimatic zone ==> 农业气候带,农业气候区
  10362. agroclimatological resources ==> 农业气候资源
  10363. agrogeological map ==> 农业地质图
  10364. agrol fluid ==> 酒精汽油掺混燃料,酒精汽油掺混燃料
  10365. agrometeorological forecast ==> 农业气象预报
  10366. agrometeorological station ==> 农业气象站
  10367. agronomic traits ==> 农业性状
  10368. agronomy farm ==> 试验农场
  10369. agrophysical property ==> 农业物理性质
  10370. Agrostemma githago ==> 麦仙翁
  10371. agrotechnical level ==> 农业技术水平
  10372. AGRU, airlock gas recovery unit ==> エアロックガス回収装置
  10373. AGS, advanced gimbal system ==> 採来型ジンバルシステム
  10374. AGTC, Automatic Gauge and Tension Control ==> 板厚張力制御
  10375. agtent (Agt) ==> 代理商
  10376. aguatic bird ==> 水禽
  10377. ague cake ==> 疟性脾大
  10378. Agulhas leakage dynamics ==> アガラス・リーケージの力学
  10379. AGV ==> 簡易型無人搬送車
  10380. Ah, ampere hour ==> アンペアアワー
  10381. AH, ampere-hour ==> アンペア時
  10382. AHA ==> 米心臓協会
  10383. AHA, American Heart Association ==> 米国心臓病学会
  10384. Aharonov-Bohm effect ==> 阿哈罗诺夫-玻姆效应=>アハラノフ=ボーム効果
  10385. AHB booster ==> AHB增压缸=>AHBブースタ
  10386. AHB, Advanced High-Performance Bus ==> AHB
  10387. AHBC power unit cylinder ==> パワーユニットシリンダ
  10388. AHC ==> 自動ハンド交換
  10389. AHCC, Active Hexose Correlated Compound ==> サプリメント
  10390. ahead ==> 前=>前進
  10391. ahead blading ==> 前列叶片
  10392. ahead cam ==> 前进凸轮=>前進カム
  10393. ahead clutch line ==> 前进离合器气管
  10394. ahead of front axle ==> 前轴之前
  10395. ahead of schedule ==> 超前进度,超越进度表
  10396. ahead of time ==> 提前
  10397. ahead power ==> 前進力
  10398. ahead turbine ==> 顺车汽轮机,前进汽轮机,推进汽轮机=>前進タービン
  10399. AHEAD, The Alliance for the Human Epigenome and Disease ==> ヒト・エピゲノム解読国際プロジェクト
  10400. ahen employment ==> 外国人的雇用
  10401. ahermatypic coral ==> 非造礁珊瑚
  10402. AHM, arm hold mechanism ==> アーム保持機構
  10403. Ahmedabad ==> 艾哈迈达巴德,阿麦达巴=>アフマダーバード
  10404. ahooting plane ==> 大型刨
  10405. AHRS, attitude and heading reference system ==> 姿勢方位基準装置
  10406. AHS, Advanced cruise assist Highway Systems ==> 走行支援道路システム
  10407. AHS, Annual Hull Survey ==> 年度船体检测
  10408. AHU, Air Handling Unit ==> AHU
  10409. Ai ==> アイ,タデ科の一年草
  10410. AI Artificial Intelligence ==> 人工智能
  10411. AI radar ==> 拦截飞机雷达
  10412. AI, Analog Input ==> アナログ入力
  10413. AI, articulation index ==> 分散指数
  10414. AI, Artificial Intelligence ==> 人工知能
  10415. AI, Artificial Intelligent ==> 人工智能
  10416. AIA, Aerospace Industries Association ==> 航空宇宙工業協会
  10417. AIA, Aircraft Industries Association ==> 航空工業協会
  10418. AIA, Artificial Intelligence Association of Japan ==> 日本人工知能学会
  10419. AIAA, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics ==> 米国航空宇宙学会
  10420. AIC, aeronautical information circular ==> 航空情報告知
  10421. AIC, Akaike Information Criterion ==> 赤池信息量准则=>赤池情報量規準
  10422. Aich metal ==> 艾奇铁黄铜
  10423. Aich's alloy ==> 艾希六含铁黄铜
  10424. Aich's metal ==> 艾希合金
  10425. aicraft detection ==> 飞机探察
  10426. AID Agency for International Development ==> 国际发展介绍所
  10427. AID Credit ==> 美援信用证
  10428. aid decision making ==> 帮助决策
  10429. aid station ==> 救护站,救护站
  10430. aid to navigation ==> 导航辅助设备,助航设备
  10431. AID, altered item drawing ==> 変更項目図面
  10432. AID, Analog Inputs Differential ==> アナログ入力,微分化された
  10433. aided laying ==> 半自动瞄准
  10434. aided matching ==> 辅助装定器
  10435. aided range gearing ==> 半自动距离数据发送
  10436. aided recall ==> 帮助回忆法
  10437. aided tachometer generator ==> 半自动测速发电机
  10438. aided tracking ==> 半自动跟踪=>追跡援助方式
  10439. aided tracking system ==> 半自动跟踪制
  10440. aided-tracking mechanism ==> 半自动跟踪机构
  10441. aided-tracking ratio ==> 半自动跟踪系数
  10442. aiding in keeping equipment records ==> 协助保管设备档案
  10443. aiding planning for utilities ==> 协助计划公共设施
  10444. aiding planning materials flow ==> 协助计划材料流程
  10445. AIDR, acceleration insensitive drift rate ==> G不感ドリフト
  10446. AIDS, accountability information decision system ==> 計算情報決定システム
  10447. AIDS, aircraft integrated data system ==> 航空総合データシステム
  10448. aie injection starter ==> 压缩空气起动机
  10449. AIEE,American Institute of Electrical Engineers ==> IEEEの前身
  10450. AIESP, Artificial Intelligence in Energy Systems and Power ==> AIESP
  10451. AIG ==> アメリカン・インターナショナル・グループ
  10452. AIGSS Annual Inert Gas System Survey ==> 年度惰性气体系统检测
  10453. Aiken code ==> 阿肯码
  10454. aileron actuator ==> 副翼促动器
  10455. aileron angle ==> 副翼角
  10456. aileron cable ==> 副翼操纵索
  10457. aileron chord ==> 副翼弦长
  10458. aileron control ==> 副翼控制
  10459. aileron crank ==> 副翼曲柄
  10460. aileron droop ==> 副翼下垂
  10461. aileron horn ==> 副翼杆
  10462. aileron knob shaft ==> 副翼控柄轴
  10463. aileron lever ==> 副翼杠杆
  10464. aileron linkage ==> 副翼联动装置
  10465. aileron span ==> 副翼展
  10466. aileron spar ==> 副翼梁
  10467. aileron tab ==> (飞机的)副翼调整片
  10468. AILS, advanced integrated landing system ==> 改良型全天候自動着陸方式
  10469. ailulose phosphate pathway ==> 阿洛酮糖磷酸途径
  10470. aim ==> 目的
  10471. aim corrector ==> 瞄准仪校正器
  10472. aim curve ==> 目标曲线
  10473. AIM, automated information management ==> 自動情報管理
  10474. AIM/DB, AIM database ==> AIMネットワーク型データベース
  10475. AIM/DC, AIM data communication program ==> AIMデータ通信プログラム
  10476. aimed launcher ==> 定向发射装置
  10477. aimer ==> 校准器
  10478. aiming ==> 照准,目标=>エイミング
  10479. aiming adjust screw ==> 瞄准调节螺钉
  10480. aiming axis ==> 对准轴
  10481. aiming circle ==> 罗针仪,瞄准环,引导圆,目标圈,测角盘
  10482. aiming device ==> 瞄准器
  10483. aiming field ==> 引导域,目标字段
  10484. aiming line ==> 觇线,瞄准线,照准线
  10485. aiming mechanism ==> 瞄准装置
  10486. aiming of head lamp/alignment of headlights ==> (汽车)前灯对焦/车头灯
  10487. aiming point ==> 瞄准点,觇点
  10488. aiming post ==> 瞄准标杆
  10489. aiming rule ==> 瞄准尺
  10490. aiming rule sight ==> 瞄准镜
  10491. aiming screen ==> 校准屏幕,大灯对光屏幕,调试屏幕
  10492. aiming screw ==> 瞄准调节螺钉
  10493. aiming sight ==> 瞄准仪
  10494. aiming symbol ==> 瞄准符,引导符号,目标符号
  10495. AIMS American Institute of Merchant Shipping ==> 美国商船协会
  10496. aims of systems ==> 系统目标
  10497. AIMU American Institute of Marine Underwriters ==> 美国海事保险公司协会
  10498. AIP, aeronautical information publication ==> 航空路誌
  10499. AIP, American Institute of Physics ==> 米国物理学会
  10500. AIPR, automated information processing resources ==> 自動情報処理資源
  10501. air ==> 大气,气,风格,空气=>空気
  10502. air absorption ==> 空气吸收
  10503. air accident ==> 飞行失事,飞行事故
  10504. air accidental ==> 偶然进气
  10505. air accumulator ==> 气罐,气柜,空气蓄电池=>空気アキュムレータ
  10506. air acetylene welding ==> 空气乙炔焊接
  10507. air action ==> 空战
  10508. air acupuncture therapy ==> 气针疗法
  10509. air adjuster ==> 空気調節器
  10510. air admission ==> 进气
  10511. air admission valve ==> 进空气阀,真空破坏阀
  10512. air admittance ==> 进气
  10513. air agitation ==> 充气搅拌,空气扰动
  10514. air agitator ==> 空气搅拌器,充气搅拌器
  10515. air alert ==> 空中待机
  10516. air almanac ==> 航空历
  10517. air ambulance ==> 救护飞机,救护飞机
  10518. air analyzer ==> 空气分析器=>空気分析装置
  10519. air and gas mixer ==> 煤气混合器
  10520. air and light space ==> 采光通风场所
  10521. air angle grinder ==> 风动角度磨床
  10522. air arc cutting ==> 电弧气割
  10523. air assisted airless spraying machine ==> 混气式喷涂机
  10524. air atomization ==> 气压雾化
  10525. air atomizer ==> 气力弥雾器
  10526. air atomizing oil burner ==> 喷气雾化油燃烧器
  10527. air attemperator ==> 空气调温器
  10528. air back valve ==> 空气止回阀
  10529. air bag ==> 空气囊
  10530. air barrage ==> 通风隔墙
  10531. air base ==> 空军基地,空中基线,航空基地,航摄基线
  10532. air bath ==> 气锅,空气浴=>空中浴
  10533. air battery ==> 空气电池(组)
  10534. air battle ==> 空战
  10535. air bearing ==> 空气轴承
  10536. air bed ==> 气垫床,气褥
  10537. air bell ==> 气流罩,气钟
  10538. air belt ==> 空气带
  10539. air bill ==> 空运单
  10540. air bladder ==> 鳔
  10541. air blast ==> 空气冲击,气吹,喷气,喷气器,鼓风机=>空気ブラスト
  10542. air blast arc chute ==> 气吹熄弧沟
  10543. air blast atomizing ==> 气压喷雾
  10544. air blast circuit breaker ==> 空气吹弧断路器,气吹断路器=>空気遮断器
  10545. air blast cooling ==> 强制风冷,强制空气冷却
  10546. air blast freezer ==> 吹风冻结
  10547. air blast gas burner ==> 鼓风煤气喷灯
  10548. air blast quench ==> 鼓风淬冷
  10549. air blast quenching ==> 气零火
  10550. air blast temperature ==> 鼓风温度
  10551. air blast transformer ==> 风冷式变压器
  10552. air blaster ==> 空气炮=>エアブラスター
  10553. air bleed restrictor ==> 抽气限制器
  10554. air bleed valve ==> 空气量孔阀
  10555. air bleed(ing) valve ==> 排气阀,排气嘴
  10556. air bleeder ==> 通风罩,气泡管,气眼,放气阀
  10557. air blow ==> 吹气
  10558. air blower ==> 吹风机=>送風機
  10559. air blowing process ==> 吹气过程,吹气氧化过程
  10560. air blowout ==> 喷气,空气灭弧
  10561. air boiler ==> 空气加热器
  10562. air bone drill ==> 风动骨钻
  10563. air borne dust ==> 大气尘埃
  10564. air borne gravimeter ==> 航空重力仪
  10565. air bottle ==> 空气罐
  10566. air bottle of pump ==> 泵的空气室
  10567. air bound ==> 空气阻塞,气隔
  10568. air box ==> 气箱,风箱,通气管
  10569. air brake ==> 空气式功率计,空气制动器,风闸=>空気ブレーキ
  10570. air brake grease ==> 气闸润滑脂
  10571. air brake hose ==> 气闸软管
  10572. air brake reservoir pressrue indicator ==> 气制动贮气筒压力表
  10573. air brake switch ==> 気中開閉器
  10574. air brake system ==> 风闸系统
  10575. air brake valve ==> 气压制动阀
  10576. air braking tachometer ==> 摩擦式转速计,空气制动转速计
  10577. air break ==> 空气断路
  10578. air breakup ==> 大气层破坏
  10579. air breakwater ==> 空气防波堤
  10580. air breather ==> 通气孔
  10581. air brick ==> 空心砖,透气砖,风干砖,多孔通风砖
  10582. air bronchography ==> 空气支气管造影术
  10583. air brush ==> 喷笔,喷雾刷色器,气刷,气压喷漆器=>エアブラシ
  10584. air bubble ==> 气泡,砂眼=>気泡
  10585. air bubble level ==> 气泡水准仪
  10586. air bubble pitting ==> 气泡点蚀
  10587. air buffer ==> 空气隔层,空气缓冲器
  10588. air bumper ==> 空气减震器,空气阻尼器
  10589. air burning ==> 空气燃烧
  10590. air bus ==> 客机
  10591. air button, bubbling cap ==> 风帽,当流化床锅炉的排渣器设置在炉膛侧墙底部时,在排渣口处用以控制底渣排放速率的装置。
  10592. air calorimeter test ==> 吹风发热试验
  10593. air camel ==> 浮柜
  10594. air camera ==> 航测摄影机
  10595. air canal ==> 通风管路
  10596. air cap ==> 空气帽
  10597. air capacitor ==> 空气电容器=>空気コンデンサ
  10598. air capacity ==> 空气量,容气量
  10599. air carbon arc cutting ==> 吹气碳电弧切割
  10600. air carbon arc cutting machine ==> 吹气碳电弧切割机
  10601. air cargo ==> 空运部件
  10602. air carrier ==> 运输飞机
  10603. air casing ==> 气隔层,气套=>空気ケーシング
  10604. air castle ==> 空中楼阁
  10605. air catapult ==> 气力弹射器
  10606. air cavity ==> 气腔
  10607. air cell ==> 气胞,充气室浮选机,空气电池,空气室=>空気電池,空気室
  10608. air cell piston ==> 带空气室的活塞
  10609. air cells ==> 含气小房
  10610. air cement gun ==> 风动水泥喷轮
  10611. air chain ==> 坯釉中呈链状气泡
  10612. air chamber ==> 浮囊,贮气罐,气压室,空气包,空气分配室=>空気室
  10613. air chamber of pump ==> 泵的气室
  10614. air chamber pump ==> 带空气室的泵
  10615. air chamber system ==> 空気室式
  10616. air change ==> 换气
  10617. air change rate ==> 通风换气次数
  10618. air changes ==> 换气次数
  10619. air channel ==> 通风道,通气槽,空气道,排气道=>風胴
  10620. air charged accumulator ==> 充气蓄能器
  10621. air charging machine ==> 风送器
  10622. air charging system ==> 充气装置
  10623. air cheaner oil cup ==> 空气过滤器油杯
  10624. air check ==> 播音记录
  10625. air chest ==> 风箱
  10626. air chill ==> 空气冷淬,空气冷硬
  10627. air chimmey ==> 通风道
  10628. air churning resistance ==> 空气扰动阻力
  10629. air chute ==> 通风道
  10630. air circuit breaker ==> 空气断路器=>気中しゃ断器
  10631. air circulation ==> 空气环流
  10632. air circulation system ==> 空気循環式
  10633. air clamp ==> 气压夹具
  10634. air clamper ==> 气动夹紧装置,气动压紧装置
  10635. air classification ==> 风选,空气分级=>風力選別
  10636. air classifier ==> 空气分级器,风力分级器,风选器,气流分级器
  10637. air cleaner ==> 涤气器,滤气器,空气净化机,空气滤清器=>空気清浄器
  10638. air cleaner air seal ==> 滤气器气封
  10639. air cleaner and silencer ==> 空气净化器及消声器
  10640. air cleaner base ==> 空气滤清器底壳
  10641. air cleaner body ==> 滤气器壳体
  10642. air cleaner cartridge ==> 滤气器滤筒
  10643. air cleaner clamp ==> 滤气器夹钳
  10644. air cleaner element ==> 滤气器元件
  10645. air cleaner servicer ==> 空气滤清器服务车
  10646. air cleaner spring ==> 滤气器弹簧
  10647. air cleaning equipment ==> 气体净化设备
  10648. air cleaning facilities ==> 空气净化设施
  10649. air cleaning system ==> 空气净化系统
  10650. air cleaning unit ==> 空气净化装置
  10651. air cleft ==> 气缝
  10652. air cloth ratio 气布比,单位时间内通过袋式除尘器的烟气量与整个过滤面积之比, ==> m3/m2/min
  10653. air cock ==> 气阀,气栓,排气旋塞,放气活塞=>空気コック,空気弁
  10654. air code generator ==> 航空编码发生器,航空电码信号发生器
  10655. air coil ==> 空气冷却蛇管
  10656. air collector ==> 空气收集器,空气筒,气柜,气瓶,储气罐
  10657. air coloured ==> 无色的
  10658. air compartment ==> 气室,通风室
  10659. air compensating jet ==> 空气补偿喷嘴
  10660. air composition ==> 大气成分
  10661. air compressing engine ==> 空气压缩机
  10662. air compressing machine ==> 空气压缩机
  10663. air compression ==> 空气压缩
  10664. air compressor ==> 空气压缩机,空压机,压缩空气机=>空気圧縮機,空気圧縮器
  10665. air compressor for moulding machine ==> 模压机压气具
  10666. air compressor inlet stator blade control ==> 压气机入口导叶控制,控制压气机入口可调导叶角度以防止起、停或低速运行时压气机发生喘振,另外,在部分负荷工况时控制压气机入口可调导叶角度以提高联合循环机组的热效率
  10667. air compressor plant ==> 空压机站
  10668. air condenser ==> 空气电容器,空气凝汽器,风冷式冷凝器=>空気コンデンサ
  10669. air conditiner ==> 空调装置
  10670. air conditioned ==> 装有空气调节器的
  10671. air conditioned cabin ==> 空气调节舱
  10672. air conditioned wind tunnel ==> 空气调节风洞
  10673. air conditioner ==> 空气调节器,空气调节装置=>空調装置
  10674. air conditioner chiller fan ==> 空气调节器冷却扇,冷气机冷却扇
  10675. air conditioner for vehicle ==> 车辆用空调器
  10676. air conditioner noise ==> 空气调节器噪音,冷气机噪音
  10677. air conditioning ==> 空调,空气调节=>空気調和,空気調節
  10678. air conditioning condition ==> 空调工作状况
  10679. air conditioning control ==> 空调操纵件
  10680. air conditioning equipment ==> 空气调节设备
  10681. air conditioning plant ==> 空气调节设备
  10682. air conditioning test ==> 空调试验
  10683. air conditioning unit ==> 空调设备,空气调节设备
  10684. air conduction ==> 空气传导
  10685. air conductivity ==> 空气电导率,大气导电性
  10686. air conduit ==> 通风管道
  10687. air conservation ==> 防止大气污染
  10688. air consignment note ==> 空运发货单
  10689. air consumption ==> 耗风量
  10690. air container ==> 航空集装箱
  10691. air contaminant ==> 大气污染物,空气污染物
  10692. air contamination ==> 空气污染,大气污染
  10693. air contamination analysis ==> 空气污染分析
  10694. air content ==> 空气含量,含气量
  10695. air content test ==> 含气量试验
  10696. air control ==> 气动控制,空气控制=>対空管制
  10697. air control butterfly ==> 翻板式空气调节闸板
  10698. air control equipment ==> 空气调节装置
  10699. air control valve ==> 空气调节阀
  10700. Air Control Zones (Consolidation) Statement of Air Quality Objectives (Cap. 311) ==> 《空气质素管制区(综合)空气指针说明》(第311章)
  10701. air convection loss ==> 空气对流损失
  10702. air conveyer ==> 航空输送机,航空运输机,压缩空气输送器,气动输送机,气动运输机=>空気コンペヤ
  10703. air conveying ==> 气龄送
  10704. air coolant ==> 冷却空气,空气冷却剂=>冷却用空気
  10705. air cooled ==> 船用空冷压缩机
  10706. air cooled air conditioner ==> 风冷式空调器
  10707. air cooled collector ==> 空气冷却整流子
  10708. air cooled compressor ==> 风冷式压缩机
  10709. air cooled condenser ==> 风冷式冷凝器,空气冷凝器
  10710. air cooled engine ==> 气冷发动机
  10711. air cooled ignitron ==> 气冷引燃管
  10712. air cooled lamp ==> 气冷管,空气冷却照明器
  10713. air cooled steel ==> 气冷钢
  10714. air cooled transformer ==> 空冷式变压器
  10715. air cooled tube ==> 气冷管
  10716. air cooled wall ==> 空冷炉墙
  10717. air cooler ==> 空气冷却器,以空气作为初级冷却介质,水作为次级冷却介质的冷却器=>空気冷却器
  10718. air cooler outlet ==> 空気冷却器出口
  10719. air cooling ==> 空气冷却=>空気冷却,空冷
  10720. air cooling apparatus ==> 空气冷却装置
  10721. air cooling cargo ==> (冷藏船装运保持华氏40-60货物)凉货
  10722. air cooling compressor ==> 空气冷却压缩机
  10723. air cooling fin ==> 空气冷却片
  10724. air cooling of hydrogenerator [水轮发电机] ==> 空气冷却,简称“空冷”。用空气作为介质,对水轮发电机定子和转子绕组及定子铁心表面进行冷却的一种冷却方法,是水轮发电机应用得最多最为普遍的一种冷却方式
  10725. air cooling system ==> 空气冷却系统,利用空气作为冷却介质向发电机定子和转子绕组以及定子铁心进行冷却的系统。该系统通常有开式通风和闭式循环两种冷却方式
  10726. air cooling zone ==> 空气冷却区,凝汽器中空气抽出前专门设置的冷却汽-气混合物的管束区域
  10727. air coordinates ==> 空中坐标,空中坐标系
  10728. air core ==> 空心
  10729. air core coil ==> 空气心线圈
  10730. air core deflection coil ==> 空心偏转线圈
  10731. air core inductance ==> 空心电感
  10732. air core reactor ==> 空心电抗器,空心扼流圈=>空心コイル
  10733. air core solenoid ==> 空心螺线管
  10734. air core transformer ==> 空气心变压器=>空心変圧器
  10735. air core tyre ==> 空心轮胎
  10736. air cored instrument ==> 空心电动仪表
  10737. air corridor ==> 空中走廊
  10738. air cover ==> 空中掩护,航测成图地区
  10739. air crash ==> 飞机失事
  10740. air crossing ==> 风桥,交叉气道
  10741. air cup ==> 喷雾嘴
  10742. air curing ==> 空气养护
  10743. air curing binder ==> 空气硬化粘结剂
  10744. air current ==> 空气流,气流,地空传导电流=>気流
  10745. air current ripple ==> 风成波纹
  10746. air curtain ==> 风幕,气幕,空气帘,空气屏障
  10747. air cushion ==> 气垫=>空気クッション
  10748. air cushion bearing ==> 气垫轴承
  10749. air cushion boat ==> 气垫艇,腾空艇
  10750. air cushion brake ==> 气刹车,气闸,风闸
  10751. air cushion car ==> 气垫车,汽垫车
  10752. air cushion conveyer ==> 气垫输送机
  10753. air cushion seaplane ==> 气垫式水上飞机
  10754. air cushion ship ==> 气垫船
  10755. air cushion sprayer ==> 气垫式喷雾器
  10756. air cushion technology ==> エアクッション技術
  10757. air cushion vehicle ==> 气垫车辆,腾空艇
  10758. air cushion vessel ==> 气垫船
  10759. air cushioned seat ==> 气垫座
  10760. air cushioning machine ==> 气垫机,气垫汽车
  10761. air cut ==> 气割
  10762. air cycle ==> 空气循环
  10763. air cylinder ==> 空气气缸,气缸,储气筒=>エアシリンダ
  10764. air cylinder gasket ==> 储气筒垫片
  10765. air cylinder pusher ==> 气动堆料机
  10766. air cylinder valve ==> 气筒阀
  10767. air cylinder valve bonnet ==> 气筒阀帽罩
  10768. air cylinder valve gland ==> 气筒阀压盖
  10769. air cylinder valve stem ==> 气筒阀杆
  10770. air cyst ==> 气囊肿
  10771. air cystoscopy ==> 充气膀胱镜检查
  10772. air damper ==> 挡风板,节气门,气动阻尼器,空气节制器,空气阻尼器,两风门=>空気ダンパ
  10773. air damping ==> 空气减震=>空気制動
  10774. air damping balance ==> 空气阻尼天平
  10775. air data ==> 航空资料
  10776. air data computer ==> 飞行参数计算机,飞行数据计算机
  10777. air data sensor ==> 大气数据传感器,空气数据传感器
  10778. air data system (ADS) ==> 大气数据系统
  10779. air defence command computer ==> 防空指挥计算机
  10780. air defence computer ==> 防空计算机
  10781. air defence radar ==> 防空雷达
  10782. air defence system ==> 防空系统
  10783. air defence works ==> 防空工程
  10784. air defense artillery (ADA) ==> 防空炮
  10785. air defense equipment ==> 防空设备
  10786. air deflector ==> 导风板,空气导流器,空气偏导器=>空気転向装置
  10787. air delivered antipollution transter system ==> 海面防油污转移系统
  10788. air delivery ==> 气力输送,排气
  10789. air delivery pipe ==> 空气输送管
  10790. air demand ==> 供气量
  10791. air density ==> 空气密度=>空気密度
  10792. air density correction factor ==> 空气密度校正因数
  10793. air deployable buoy ==> 空投式极地浮标
  10794. air depolarized battery ==> 空气去极化电池
  10795. air deposited clay ==> 风积粘土
  10796. air depot ==> 飞机维修站
  10797. air dielectric ==> 空气电介质
  10798. air diffuser ==> 空气扩散器
  10799. air diffuser disk ==> 空气扩散盘
  10800. air director ==> 导流器
  10801. air discharge ==> 空中放电,排气
  10802. air discharge cock ==> 排气开关
  10803. air displacement ==> 排气量
  10804. air distillation ==> 常压蒸馏
  10805. air distributor ==> 空气分配阀,空气分配器,炉底布风板:循环流化床锅炉灰循环回路中,将分离器收集下来的灰可控而稳定地送回压力较高的炉膛下部,并阻止炉底气固流体反向进入分离器的装置=>始動空気分配弁
  10806. Air Division (Environmental Protection Department) ==> 空气质素科(环境保护署)
  10807. air doctor blade ==> 气体刮墨刀
  10808. air dome ==> 气室,充气帐篷
  10809. air dome of pump ==> 泵的气室
  10810. air door ==> 风门
  10811. air door operation ==> 气门操作
  10812. air dose ==> 空气中辐射剂量=>空気中の放射線量
  10813. air draft ==> 通气,抽风
  10814. air drag ==> 空气阻力,空气阻滞作用
  10815. air drag tachometer ==> 气阻式转数计
  10816. air drain ==> 出气口,通风道,通气沟,通气管
  10817. air drainage ==> 空气流泄
  10818. air draught ==> 空气气流,空气通风,通风
  10819. air dreadnought ==> 大型飞船
  10820. air dried ==> 风干的,空气干燥的
  10821. air dried basis ==> 空气干燥基,以与空气湿度达到平衡状态的煤为表示分析结果的基准
  10822. air dried size ==> 风干尺寸
  10823. air dried timber ==> 风干木材
  10824. air dried wood ==> 风干木材
  10825. air drier ==> 空气干燥器
  10826. air drifter ==> 架式风钻,架式凿岩机
  10827. air drill ==> 风钻,气动凿岩机,气钻
  10828. air drop ==> 空投
  10829. air drop automatic station ==> 空投自动气象站
  10830. air drop hammer ==> 气锤,蒸汽重力落锤
  10831. air drum ==> 储气器
  10832. air dry ==> 气干,风干,风干的,晾干
  10833. air dry fiber ==> 风干纤维
  10834. air dry matter ==> 风干物质
  10835. air dryer ==> 空气干燥器
  10836. air drying ==> 空气干化,自然干燥
  10837. air drying chamber ==> 空气干燥室
  10838. air drying machine ==> 空气干燥机
  10839. air drying neoprene sealant ==> 风干氯丁橡胶嵌缝膏
  10840. air drying sealant ==> 风干嵌缝膏
  10841. air drying varnish ==> 风干清漆,空气干燥漆=>自然乾燥ワニス
  10842. air duct ==> 空气管道,空气流导管,通气道,导气管,进气管道,送气管道,风道,输送空气的管道=>通風ダクト,風洞,風路
  10843. air duct design ==> 风道设计
  10844. air duct system ==> 风道系统
  10845. air ducting ==> 导风装置
  10846. air ductwork ==> 风道工程
  10847. air dump car ==> 气动翻卸车,气动倾卸车
  10848. air duster ==> 吹风拂尘器
  10849. air duster blow gun ==> 吹尘器喷枪
  10850. air eddy ==> 空气涡流
  10851. air ejector ==> 抽气喷射器=>空気エゼクタ
  10852. air ejector fan ==> 抽风机,抽气风扇,空气喷射器风扇
  10853. air ejector for starting ==> 起动弹射器
  10854. air elimination ==> 去气
  10855. air eliminator ==> 去气器
  10856. air elutriation apparatus ==> 空气淘洗装置
  10857. air elutriator ==> 风筛机
  10858. air embolism ==> 气泡栓塞
  10859. air embolism of lung ==> 肺气泡栓塞
  10860. air embolus ==> 气栓
  10861. air emission ==> 大気放出
  10862. air end ==> 通风口
  10863. air endway ==> 副回风煤巷
  10864. air enema ==> 空气灌肠
  10865. air engine ==> 空气发动机=>空気機関,エアエンジン
  10866. air enrty ==> 吸气口
  10867. air entrained mortar ==> 加气灰浆
  10868. air entraining agent ==> 加气剂
  10869. air entraining concrete ==> 加气混凝土
  10870. air entrainment ==> 加气,掺气
  10871. air entry ==> 空气进口
  10872. air environment ==> 空电设施
  10873. air equilibrium distillation ==> 常压平衡蒸馏
  10874. air equivalent ==> 空气当量=>空気当量(放射線の)
  10875. air equivalent material ==> 航空等效材料
  10876. air escape ==> 漏气,泄气
  10877. air escape cock ==> 放气开关
  10878. air escape valve ==> 放气阀=>空気逃し弁
  10879. air evacuation valve ==> 排气阀
  10880. air evaporation valve ==> 抽气阀
  10881. air exchange fan ==> 换气扇
  10882. air exhaled ==> 浊气
  10883. air exhaust ==> 排气,抽风
  10884. air exhaust hose ==> 放气软管
  10885. air exhaust opening ==> 排气口
  10886. air exhauster ==> 排气风机,抽气机
  10887. air exhaustion ==> 气极
  10888. air express ==> 特快空运
  10889. air extracting pump ==> 抽气泵
  10890. air extraction equipment ==> 抽气设备,将凝汽器中不凝结气体不断地抽出并排入大气以保持凝汽器真空的装置
  10891. air extraction main ==> 抽气总管道
  10892. air extraction system ==> 抽空气系统,抽去凝汽器内不凝结气体以维持凝汽器内真空的设备和管道组成的系统
  10893. air extractor ==> 抽气机,抽气器,抽气设备=>空気抜き
  10894. air failure ==> 气源故障
  10895. air fare ==> 飞机票价
  10896. air faucet ==> 气旋塞,气嘴
  10897. air feed ==> 供气,风力牵引,风力推进
  10898. air feed pump ==> 供气泵
  10899. air feeder ==> 吹气机,进气管,送气机,空气供给装置
  10900. air field equation ==> 气隙磁场方程
  10901. air filled thermocouple ==> 充气热电偶
  10902. air film ==> 气膜,空气膜
  10903. air film conveyer ==> 气垫式输送机
  10904. air filter ==> 空气过滤器=>空気こし器
  10905. air filter clog warning sensor ==> 空气滤清器堵塞报警传感器
  10906. air filter cover ==> 滤气器盖
  10907. air filter oil ==> 空气过滤器用油
  10908. air filter silencer ==> 空气滤清器消声器
  10909. air filter tell-tale ==> 空气滤清器警报灯
  10910. air fin cooler ==> 空气散热叶片冷却器,翅片管空气冷却器
  10911. air fixed capacitor ==> 固定空气电容器
  10912. air flap ==> 风门片,气阀瓣,气门片
  10913. air float conveyer ==> 风力运输机
  10914. air floated ==> 风分选的
  10915. air flow ==> 气流
  10916. air flow control system ==> 送风量控制系统,控制进入锅炉的风量使之与燃料量相匹配,以维持安全经济燃烧的模拟量控制系统的总称。通常它包括总风量和一、二次风量等控制系统
  10917. air flow controller ==> 空気流量制御
  10918. air flow meter ==> 气流计,气流计
  10919. air flue ==> 烟道
  10920. air foam rubber ==> 泡沫橡胶
  10921. air foam systems ==> 空气泡沫灭火系统
  10922. air foil ==> 翼片
  10923. air for combustion ==> 助燃空气
  10924. air force ==> 气动力=>空力
  10925. air fork ==> 气动拨叉
  10926. air fountain ==> 喷气器,喷气嘴
  10927. air frame opening seal ==> 飞机舱口密封胶
  10928. air freight ==> 空运
  10929. air freight costs ==> 空运成本
  10930. air friction ==> 空气阻力
  10931. air friction dynamometer ==> 空气摩擦测力计
  10932. air friction loss ==> 空气摩擦损失
  10933. air fuel mixture ==> 空气燃料混合物
  10934. air fuel ratio ==> 空燃比
  10935. air funnel ==> 通风斗,通风筒,通气筒
  10936. air furnace ==> 空气炉,反射炉,自然通风炉
  10937. air gap ==> 空隙=>ギャップ(電気機器)
  10938. air gap armature winding ==> 空隙電機子巻線
  10939. air gap aymmetry protection ==> 气隙不对称保护[装置]
  10940. air gap clearance ==> 气隙长度,空气间隙
  10941. air gap coil ==> 气隙线圈
  10942. air gap diameter ==> 气隙直径
  10943. air gap diaphragm ==> 气隙隔板,氢内冷发电机中,隔开冷热风区,避免冷、热风混合,以提高转子冷却效果的措施
  10944. air gap field ==> 气隙磁场
  10945. air gap flux ==> 气隙磁通
  10946. air gap flux density ==> 气隙磁通密度
  10947. air gap flux distribution ==> 空气隙磁通分布
  10948. air gap flux waveform ==> 气隙磁通波形
  10949. air gap induction ==> 气隙磁感应
  10950. air gap insulating cylinder ==> 气隙绝缘筒
  10951. air gap leakage ==> 空隙泄漏
  10952. air gap line of force ==> 空隙磁力线
  10953. air gap magnetomotive force ==> 气隙起磁力
  10954. air gap permeance ==> 气隙磁导率
  10955. air gap pull ==> 气隙牵引力
  10956. air gap reluctance motor ==> 气隙磁阻电动机
  10957. air gap torque ==> 气隙转矩
  10958. air gap transformer ==> 气隙变压器
  10959. air gap voltage ==> 气隙电势,气隙电压
  10960. air gap width ==> 气隙长度
  10961. air gas ==> 空气煤气,风煤气=>空気ガス
  10962. air gate ==> 气门,出气孔,通气道
  10963. air gauge ==> 气动量仪
  10964. air gouging ==> 气刨
  10965. air governor ==> 空气调节器
  10966. air grain ==> 气眼
  10967. air grate ==> 通风花格
  10968. air grating ==> 气孔炉篦
  10969. air grid ==> 通风格栅,通风格子板,通风栅格
  10970. air grinder ==> 气动砂轮机,风动磨头
  10971. air grommet washer ==> 空气密封垫圈
  10972. air guide ==> 空気案内
  10973. air guide section ==> 导气段
  10974. air gun ==> 气铆钉枪,气枪
  10975. air gyro ==> 气动陀螺
  10976. air hammer ==> 钢坯气动定心机=>空気ハンマ
  10977. air hand grinder ==> 风动手提砂轮机
  10978. air handling conditioning of air ==> 空气调节
  10979. air handling installation ==> 通风装置
  10980. air handling lighting fixture ==> 通讯装置
  10981. air handling line ==> 通风管道
  10982. air handling system ==> 空气调节系统
  10983. air handling unit ==> 空气调节装置=>エアハンドリングユニット
  10984. air hardening ==> 空气淬火,空气硬化,气冷硬化,气硬性
  10985. air hardening lime ==> 气硬石灰,气硬性石灰
  10986. air hardening refractory cement ==> 气硬性耐火胶结材料
  10987. air hardening steel ==> 空气硬化钢
  10988. air header ==> 空气联箱=>空気ヘッダー
  10989. air heater ==> 空气加热器,热风机,热风器=>空気予熱器,空気加熱器
  10990. air heating ==> 热风供暖,空气供暖法=>暖房
  10991. air heating radiator ==> 热风放射器
  10992. air heating system ==> 空气加热系统
  10993. air height surveillance radar ==> 飞行高度监视雷达
  10994. air hight equipment ==> 气体密封装置
  10995. air hoist ==> 气动卷扬机,气力起重机,气压提升机,风动绞车,风动提升机,空气提升机=>空気ホイスト
  10996. air holder ==> 空气储存器,空气收集器,储气罐
  10997. air hole ==> 气眼,风眼,通气孔=>通気孔,エラー抜き
  10998. air horn ==> 空气操纵杆,空气扬声器,气动喇叭,气角,气喇叭,导气罩盖=>エア・ホーン,空気警音器
  10999. air horsepower ==> 空气马力
  11000. air hose ==> 输气软管
  11001. air hospital ==> 空军医院
  11002. air humidifier ==> 空气加湿器,空气增湿器
  11003. air humidity ==> 空气湿度,气湿
  11004. air hunger ==> 氧饥饿,空气饥,库斯毛耳氏呼吸
  11005. air hydraulic press ==> 空气水压机
  11006. air hygiene ==> 空气卫生
  11007. air impeller ==> 气动驱动器
  11008. air impermeability ==> 不透气性
  11009. air impingement starter ==> 气动力起动机
  11010. air in ==> 供气
  11011. air index ==> 大气折射率
  11012. air inflating ==> 打气
  11013. air inflation ==> 充气
  11014. air inflation indicator ==> 充气表
  11015. air injection ==> 喷气,压气喷射,空气喷射=>空気噴射
  11016. air injection burner ==> 空气喷射式燃烧器
  11017. air injection engine ==> 空气喷射式柴油机
  11018. air injection machine ==> 低压铸造机
  11019. air injection nozzle ==> 空气喷射喷嘴
  11020. air injection pressure ==> 空气喷射压力
  11021. air inlet ==> 进风口,进气口=>空気入口,空気吸込み口
  11022. air inlet cam ==> 吸气凸轮
  11023. air inlet clack valve ==> 进气瓣阀,进气活门
  11024. air inlet dish valve ==> 进气圆盘阀
  11025. air inlet louvers ==> 进气百叶窗
  11026. air inlet shutter ==> 进气节气门
  11027. air inlet strainer ==> 空气进口滤气器
  11028. air inlet valve ==> 空气进口阀=>空気入口弁
  11029. air inlet valve lever ==> 进气阀杆
  11030. air input ==> 进气量,空气输入量
  11031. air insulated terminal box ==> 空气绝缘接线盒
  11032. air insulation ==> 空气绝缘=>空気絶縁
  11033. air intake ==> 进风,进气管,进气口
  11034. air intake adjusting screw ==> 进气调节螺钉
  11035. air intake adjusting spring ==> 进气调节弹簧
  11036. air intake branch ==> 进气支管
  11037. air intake casing ==> 进气道外壳
  11038. air intake cooler ==> 进气管冷却器
  11039. air intake duct ==> 吸气管
  11040. air intake duct system ==> 进气管系统
  11041. air intake equipment ==> 进风设备
  11042. air intake filter ==> 空气进气滤气器
  11043. air intake heater ==> 进气加热器
  11044. air intake lever ==> 进气杆
  11045. air intake tower ==> 进风塔
  11046. air intake valve ==> 进气阀,进风阀
  11047. air inter cooler ==> 空気中間冷却器
  11048. air interchanger ==> 换气器
  11049. air interrupted spark generator ==> 空气吹断式火花发生器
  11050. air interrupter switch ==> 空气断续开关
  11051. air interstice ==> 空气间隙,气隙
  11052. air invasion ==> 空气侵入
  11053. air ion ==> 大气离子
  11054. air jack ==> 气压千斤顶
  11055. air jacket ==> 充气救生衣
  11056. air jacketed condenser ==> 空气外套冷凝器
  11057. air jarring moulding machine ==> 气动震实造型机
  11058. air jet ==> 空气喷射
  11059. air jet blower ==> 空气喷嘴鼓风机
  11060. air jig ==> 气动夹具,气压夹具,风力跳汰机
  11061. air knife ==> 气刀
  11062. air knocker ==> 气力抖动器
  11063. air lance ==> 吹管,压缩空气吹风管
  11064. air lane ==> 气廊
  11065. air launch sounding rocket ==> 空中发射探测火箭
  11066. air lay drying machine ==> 悬浮烘燥机
  11067. air layer ==> 空气层
  11068. air layering ==> 空中压条
  11069. air leak ==> 漏风,漏气
  11070. air leak tachometer ==> 漏气式转速表
  11071. air leak test ==> 空气漏气试验,空气渗漏试验
  11072. air leakage ==> 泄气,漏风,漏气量,漏风量=>漏れ風量,エアリーク,空気漏れ
  11073. air leakage efficiency ==> 気密性
  11074. air leakage factor ==> 漏风系数,沉降于锅炉尾部烟道及灰斗的飞灰
  11075. air leakage rate ==> 漏风率,炉膛内局部聚集可燃混合物瞬时着火发生小爆炸,使炉内气体压力瞬时产生较大幅度波动但尚不足以使炉膛结构损坏的现象。
  11076. air leakage test ==> 漏风试验,确定过热器和再热器的热偏差与管壁温度等热力特性、汽温调节特性以及阻力特性等的试验=>空気漏れ試験
  11077. air leg ==> 气动杆,风动伸缩式气腿,风力锤
  11078. air leg attachment ==> 风动钻架
  11079. air lift ==> 气提,空气升力,空气提升泵,空气吸升,空运量,空中补给线
  11080. air lift agitator ==> 空气搅拌器,气动提升搅拌机
  11081. air lift drier ==> 提升式气流干燥机
  11082. air lift machine ==> 气动提升机,气升式浮选机
  11083. air lift pump ==> 气动抽水泵,气动升液泵,气动提水泵,气压泵,气泡泵,曼木特泵,气举泵,气力提升泵=>エアリフトポンプ,空気揚水ポンプ
  11084. air lift unit ==> 空气提升装置
  11085. air lift unloader ==> 气动式升降卸载机
  11086. air lifter ==> 气动升降机构
  11087. air light ==> 航空灯
  11088. air line ==> 航空线,气泡线,空气管道,空气谱线
  11089. air line cleaner ==> 风管式净棉器
  11090. air line distance ==> 航空线距离,空间直线距离,空气管路距离,架空线路距离
  11091. air line filter ==> 空気管用フィルタ
  11092. air line main ==> 主压气管道
  11093. air line valve ==> 送气管阀门
  11094. air liquefier ==> 空气液化器
  11095. air liquefying apparatus ==> 空气液化装置
  11096. air loader ==> 风动装载机
  11097. air lock ==> 风闸,锁风装置,锁气室,气封,气塞,气栓,气锁,气窝,气闸,气闸室,气阻,空气闸门,双层风闸门
  11098. air lock device ==> 锁气装置
  11099. air lock feeder ==> 气闸进料器
  11100. air lock gate ==> 气闸闸门
  11101. air lock system ==> 气塞系统,气锁系统,气闸系统,风闸门
  11102. air lock type head ==> 截止探头
  11103. air lock valve ==> 气闸阀
  11104. air log ==> 航空里程计
  11105. air louver ==> 空气调节孔
  11106. air main ==> 空气主管路
  11107. air make-up ==> 补给新风
  11108. Air Management Group (Environmental Protection Department) ==> 空气质素监理组(环境保护署)
  11109. air manometer ==> 测大气压仪
  11110. air marks ==> 麻孔
  11111. air mass ==> 气团,大气质量=>気象,気団
  11112. air mass cloud fog ==> 气团云雾
  11113. air mass flow ==> 空气流量=>空気流量
  11114. air mass meter ==> エア流量計
  11115. air mass modification ==> 気団変質
  11116. air mass shower ==> 气团阵雨
  11117. air mass thunderstorm ==> 气团雷暴=>気団雷
  11118. air mass transformation ==> 気団変質
  11119. air master ==> 气动加力制动器,气动伺服制动器
  11120. air mattress ==> 橡胶气垫
  11121. air measuring device ==> 供气量测定仪
  11122. air mechanics ==> 空气力学
  11123. air meter ==> 量气计
  11124. air metre ==> 空气流量计
  11125. air micrometer ==> 空气测微计,气动测微仪
  11126. air mileage indicator ==> 飞行航程指示器,机载里程计
  11127. air mileage unit ==> 空中里程装置
  11128. air mine ==> 空投水雷
  11129. air mist sprayer ==> 鼓风式弥雾机
  11130. air mixing chamber ==> 空气混合室
  11131. air mode ==> 空气模
  11132. air model study ==> 空气模型试验
  11133. air monitor ==> 空气监测器,大气污染监测器=>大気汚染監視器
  11134. air monitoring ==> 大气监测,大气污染监测,空气污染监视
  11135. air monitoring instrument ==> 大气监测仪
  11136. air mortar ==> 气硬砂浆
  11137. air mortar gun ==> 泥浆喷射机
  11138. air motor ==> 气动马达=>エアモータ
  11139. air motor drill ==> 风动钻机
  11140. air motor driven ==> 风动的
  11141. air motor driven jumbo ==> 风动钻车
  11142. air motor hoist with top hook ==> 带顶钩的风动起重机
  11143. air motor powered ==> 风力马达驱动的
  11144. air movement data ==> 空中运动数据
  11145. air moving target indicator ==> 飞行活动目标指示器
  11146. air multiplier ==> 无叶片风扇,空气增倍机
  11147. air navigation ==> 空中导航
  11148. Air Navigation Act (ANA) ==> 空中导航法案
  11149. air navigation aid ==> 助航设备
  11150. air navigation computer ==> 领航计算机
  11151. air navigational radio aids ==> 航空無線援助施設
  11152. air nozzle ==> 喷气嘴,空气喷嘴
  11153. air oil heat exchanger ==> 气油热交换器
  11154. air oil shock strut ==> 空气油压减震支柱
  11155. air oil strut ==> 空气油液式支柱
  11156. air on ==> 送入压缩空气
  11157. air operated crawler type loader ==> 风动履带式装车机
  11158. air operated expanding mandrel ==> 气动胀开心轴
  11159. air operated flying shears ==> 气动飞剪
  11160. air operated grab ==> 风动抓岩机
  11161. air operated mechanism ==> 风动机构
  11162. air operated portable grinder ==> 风动砂轮机
  11163. air operated pump ==> 压缩空气驱动泵
  11164. air operated reversing valve ==> 气动换向阀
  11165. air operated throttle motor ==> 风动节流器
  11166. air outlet ==> 送风口,出风口
  11167. air outlet slit ==> 空气出口
  11168. air outlet valve ==> 出气阀,排气阀
  11169. air output ==> 空气输出量
  11170. air oven ==> 热空气干燥炉
  11171. air oven ageing test ==> 空气加热老化试验
  11172. air over hydraulic booster ==> 气液增力器
  11173. air over hydraulic brake ==> 气液制动器
  11174. air over hydraulic intensifier ==> 气液增力器
  11175. air oxidation ==> 空气氧化
  11176. air packing ==> 气密填料=>空気パッキン
  11177. air painter ==> 喷漆器
  11178. air particle detector ==> 空气微粒检测器
  11179. air passage ==> 通风道,排气道
  11180. air patenting ==> 空气淬火
  11181. air path ==> 大气路径
  11182. air peener ==> 气动喷丸机,气力喷砂机
  11183. air performance ==> 空气动力性能
  11184. air permeability ==> 空气磁导率,空气渗透率,透气度,透气性
  11185. air permeability method ==> 透气法
  11186. air permeability test ==> 透气试验
  11187. air perssure probe ==> 空气压力传感器
  11188. air photo ==> 航摄照片
  11189. air photo technique ==> 航空摄影技术
  11190. air photograph ==> 航摄照片
  11191. air photographical survey ==> 航空摄影调查
  11192. air photography ==> 航空摄影
  11193. air pick ==> 风镐
  11194. air pickets ==> 空中警戒哨
  11195. air pile hammer ==> 风动打桩锤,风压打桩锤,气动打桩锤
  11196. air pillow ==> 气动枕座,空气垫座
  11197. air pilot valve ==> 空气导向阀
  11198. air pipe ==> 风管=>空気管
  11199. air pipe strainer ==> 气管滤器
  11200. air pit ==> 气坑,气穴,风井
  11201. air plane sprayer ==> 飞机喷雾器
  11202. air planning advice ==> 空气规划指引
  11203. air plasma torch ==> 空气等离子体吹管
  11204. air plot ==> 航空标绘
  11205. air plug ==> 气塞,气栓
  11206. air plug gauge ==> 气动塞规
  11207. air pocket ==> 气袋,气眼,空中低压区,混凝土麻点,残存空气,(粘土质坯中成形时产生的)大气泡
  11208. Air Policy Group (Environmental Protection Department) ==> 空气质素政策组(环境保护署)
  11209. air pollutant ==> 大气污染物,空气污染物质
  11210. air pollutant emission ==> 大気汚染物質排出
  11211. air pollutant emission standard ==> 大気汚染物質排出基準
  11212. air pollution ==> 空气污染,大气污染,大气中污染物浓度达到危害人和生态平衡程度的现象
  11213. air pollution abatement notice ==> 空气污染消减通知
  11214. air pollution black spot ==> 空气污染黑点
  11215. air pollution concentration ==> 空气污染浓度
  11216. air pollution control ==> 空气污染控制
  11217. Air Pollution Control (Air Control Zones) (Declaration) (Consolidation) Order (Cap. 311) ==> 《空气污染管制(空气质素管制区)(宣布)(综合)令》(第311章)
  11218. Air Pollution Control (Appeal Board) Regulations (Cap. 311) ==> 《空气污染管制(上诉委员会)规例》(第311章)
  11219. Air Pollution Control (Asbestos) (Administration) (Amendment) Regulation (Cap. 311) ==> 《空气污染管制(石棉)(行政管理)规例》(第311章)
  11220. Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation (Cap. 311) ==> 《空气污染管制(建造工程尘埃)规例》(第311章)
  11221. Air Pollution Control (Dust and Grit Emission) Regulations (Cap. 311) ==> 《空气污染管制(尘埃及砂砾排放)规例》(第311章)
  11222. Air Pollution Control (Fuel Restriction) Regulations (Cap. 311) ==> 《空气污染管制(燃料限制)规例》(第311章)
  11223. Air Pollution Control (Furnaces, Ovens and Chimneys) (Installation and Air Pollution Control (Motor Vehicle Fuel) Regulation (Cap. 311) ==> 《空气污染管制(汽车燃料)规例》(第311章)
  11224. Air Pollution Control (Open Burning) Regulation (Cap. 311) ==> 《空气污染管制(露天焚烧)规例》(第311章)
  11225. Air Pollution Control (Smoke) Regulations (Cap. 311) ==> 《空气污染管制(烟雾)规例》(第311章)
  11226. Air Pollution Control (Specified Processes) (Removal of Exemption) Order (Cap. 311) ==> 《空气污染管制(指明工序)(撤除豁免)令》(第311章)
  11227. Air Pollution Control (Specified Processes) (Specification of Required Particulars and Information) Order (Cap. 311) ==> 《空气污染管制(指明工序)(所需详情及资料的指明)令》(第311章)
  11228. Air Pollution Control (Specified Processes) Regulations (Cap. 311) ==> 《空气污染管制(指明工序)规例》(第311章)
  11229. Air Pollution Control (Vehicle Design Standards) (Emission) Regulations (Cap. 311) ==> 《空气污染管制(车辆设计标准)(排放)规例》(第311章)
  11230. Air Pollution Control Association (APCA) ==> (美国)空气污染控制协会
  11231. air pollution control authority ==> 空气污染管制监督
  11232. air pollution control district ==> 大气污染控制区
  11233. air pollution control equipment ==> 空气污染控制设备
  11234. Air Pollution Control Office (APCO) ==> (美国)空气污染控制处
  11235. Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 311) (APCO) ==> 《空气污染管制条例》(第311章)
  11236. air pollution control plan ==> 空气污染控制计划
  11237. air pollution control system ==> 空气污染控制系统
  11238. air pollution dispersion modelling ==> 空气污染扩散仿真系统
  11239. air pollution environmental problem ==> 空气污染环境问题
  11240. air pollution episode ==> 空气污染事件,大气污染事件
  11241. Air Pollution Forecast System ==> 空气质素预报系统
  11242. air pollution index ==> 空气污染指数
  11243. air pollution index system ==> 空气污染指数制度
  11244. air pollution inventory ==> 空气污染资料表,空气污染资料记录
  11245. air pollution level ==> 空气污染水平
  11246. air pollution meteorology ==> 污染气象学
  11247. air pollution monitoring laser ==> 空气污染监测激光器
  11248. air pollution monitoring laser radar ==> 空气污染监测激光雷达
  11249. air pollution source emission ==> 空气污染源排放
  11250. air pollution standard ==> 空气污染标准
  11251. air pollution surveillance system ==> 空气污染监测系统
  11252. air pollution technical data (APTD) ==> 空气污染的技术数据
  11253. air port ==> 通气口,航空港=>空気口
  11254. air position ==> 无风位置,空中位置
  11255. air potato ==> エアポテト
  11256. air power ==> 空中力量
  11257. air powered servo ==> 气压伺服电动机,气压伺服装置
  11258. air preheater ==> 空气预热器,利用锅炉尾部烟气的热量加热燃料燃烧所需空气以提高锅炉效率的热交换设备=>空気予熱器
  11259. air preheater of revolution ==> 回转式空气预热器
  11260. air preheating chamber ==> 空气预热室
  11261. air pressrue balance ==> 空气压力天平
  11262. air pressure ==> 空气压力,气压
  11263. air pressure gauge ==> 气压表
  11264. air pressure governor valve ==> 风压调压阀
  11265. air pressure gun ==> 风枪
  11266. air pressure motor ==> 空気圧モータ
  11267. air pressure pump ==> 空气压缩泵
  11268. air pressure reducer ==> 空气减压器
  11269. air pressure regulator ==> 空气压力调节器,气压调节器
  11270. air pressure switch ==> 气动开关
  11271. air pressure test ==> 空气压力试验
  11272. air pressure valve ==> 气压阀
  11273. air price ==> 飞机票价
  11274. air prilling ==> 喷射造粒
  11275. air producer gas generator ==> 空气煤气发生器
  11276. air proof ==> 密封的=>気密
  11277. air propeller ==> 飞机螺旋桨,空气螺旋桨,空气扇,空气推进器
  11278. air pulse gauge ==> 脉冲式气动量仪
  11279. air pulsing ==> 气动脉冲
  11280. Air Pump ==> 唧筒星座,唧筒星座
  11281. air pump ==> 气泵,抽风泵,抽气机,排气唧筒,空气泵=>空気ポンプ
  11282. air pump governor ==> 气泵调节器
  11283. air pump valve ==> 气泵阀
  11284. air puncher ==> 风动凿孔机
  11285. air purge ==> 气洗,空气净化,空气清洗
  11286. air purge unit ==> 抽气装置
  11287. air purged instrument ==> 空气清洗式计量仪器
  11288. air purging ==> エアパージ,空気パージ
  11289. air purification ==> 空气净化
  11290. air purifier ==> 空气净化器
  11291. air pyelography ==> 肾盂充气照相术
  11292. air quality ==> 空气质量
  11293. air quality and emission standard ==> 空气质量和排放标准
  11294. air quality area ==> 空气质素区
  11295. air quality control ==> 空气质量控制
  11296. air quality control region ==> 空气质量控制区
  11297. air quality criteria ==> 空气质量准则
  11298. air quality data ==> 空气质素资料
  11299. air quality display model ==> 大气质量显示模型
  11300. air quality impact ==> 空气质素影响
  11301. Air Quality in Hong Kong 1992 ==> 《一九九二年香港空气质素》
  11302. Air Quality in Hong Kong and the Measures to Improve it ==> 《香港的空气质素及其改善措施》
  11303. air quality index ==> 空气质量指数
  11304. air quality management ==> 空气质素管理
  11305. air quality management plan ==> 空气质素管理计划
  11306. air quality management workshop ==> 空气质素管理研讨会
  11307. air quality model ==> 空气质量模式
  11308. air quality monitoring ==> 空气质素监测
  11309. air quality monitoring network ==> 空气质素监测网
  11310. air quality monitoring report ==> 空气质素监测报告
  11311. air quality monitoring station ==> 空气质素监测站
  11312. Air Quality Objectives for Hong Kong ==> 香港的空气质素指针
  11313. air quality report ==> 空气质素报告
  11314. air quality simulation model ==> 大气质量模拟模型
  11315. air quality standard ==> 空气质量标准
  11316. air quality standards ==> 空气质量标准
  11317. air quality study ==> 空气质素研究
  11318. air quarantine ==> 航空检疫
  11319. air quenching ==> 空气冷却淬火
  11320. air radiator ==> 空气散热器
  11321. air raid alarm ==> 空袭警报
  11322. air raid shelter ==> 防空洞
  11323. air ram ==> 风动锤
  11324. air ram jolt ==> 气垫微震,气动柱塞震击
  11325. air rammer ==> 气锤,气动夯锤,气动活塞
  11326. air rammer press ==> 气锤捣打机
  11327. air ramming ==> 气锤捣打成形法
  11328. air rate ==> 含气率,混气率
  11329. air reaction ==> 空气阻力
  11330. air reactor ==> 空心电抗器,空心扼流圈
  11331. air receipt ==> 空运收据
  11332. air receiver ==> 储风筒,储气器,储气室,贮气箱=>空気受け
  11333. air recirculation fan ==> 空气再循环风机
  11334. air recirculation system ==> 空气再循环系统
  11335. air recirculation system for plant compatments ==> 设备室空气再循环系统
  11336. air recirculation zone ==> 空气环流地带
  11337. air reconnaissance camera ==> 空中侦察摄影机
  11338. air reducer ==> 气压减压器
  11339. air reducing valve ==> 空气减压阀
  11340. air refined steel ==> 富氧底吹转炉钢
  11341. air refractivity effect ==> 空气折射率效应
  11342. air refrigerating machine ==> 空气冷冻机
  11343. air refuelling ==> 空中加油
  11344. air regenerating device ==> 换气设备
  11345. air regenerator ==> 空气蓄热室
  11346. air register ==> 空气挡板,空气调节器,配风器,调风器,旋流燃烧器中由沿圆周方向设置的可调叶片组成的,用来调节气流分配及旋流强度的装置,用以加强混合,调节火焰形状及实现空气分级等。按气流特性可分为:旋流式调风器、直流式调风器、平流式调风器及交叉混合式旋流调风器。
  11347. air regulation ==> 风量调节
  11348. air regulator ==> 风流调节装置,送风调节器,空气调节器
  11349. air regulator(air register) ==> 空气调节器
  11350. air relay ==> 气动继电器,气动替续器,气动转换,气压继电器,气压替续器
  11351. air relay valve ==> 空气中继阀
  11352. air release screen ==> 筛网式通气塞
  11353. air release valve ==> 放气阀
  11354. air relief ==> 放气门
  11355. air relief cock ==> 放气旋塞
  11356. air relief elbow ==> 放空弯管
  11357. air relief shaft ==> 排气竖风筒,通风竖井
  11358. air relief valve ==> 放气阀
  11359. air reluctance ==> 空气磁阻
  11360. air removal ==> 排气
  11361. air removal jet ==> 抽气器,抽气射流
  11362. air removal section ==> 空抽区
  11363. air removing roll ==> 除气辊
  11364. air renewal ==> 换气
  11365. air renewal rate ==> 空气更新率,换气率
  11366. air renewal system ==> 换气系统
  11367. air requirement ==> 空气需要量
  11368. air reservoir ==> 储气缸,储气器,贮气器,压缩空气贮罐=>空気だめ
  11369. air reservoir air receiver ==> 储气筒
  11370. air reservoir carrier ==> 储气桶架
  11371. air resistance ==> 空气阻力=>空気抵抗
  11372. air resister ==> 空气调节器
  11373. air resource management ==> 空气资源管理
  11374. air return grille ==> 回风格
  11375. air return method ==> 回风方式
  11376. air return mode ==> 回风方式
  11377. air return system ==> 回气系统
  11378. air return through corridor ==> 走廊回风
  11379. air reversing valve ==> 空气换向阀
  11380. air right ==> 上空使用权
  11381. air ring ==> 环形垫,冷却环
  11382. air risk ==> 空险
  11383. air risks ==> 空运险
  11384. air riveter ==> 风头铆钉机,气动铆机
  11385. air roasting ==> 氧气煅烧,空气焙烧
  11386. air route ==> 航线
  11387. air route in use ==> 通航里程
  11388. air route map ==> 航线图
  11389. air route, air line ==> 航线
  11390. air routing system ==> 空气通过系统
  11391. air sac ==> 气囊
  11392. air sacs ==> 肺泡
  11393. air sailer ==> 滑翔机
  11394. air sample analysis ==> 空气样品分析
  11395. air sampling ==> 空气采样
  11396. air sampling station ==> 空气样本收集站
  11397. air sand blow ==> 空气喷砂
  11398. air sand blower ==> 空气喷砂器,气压喷砂器,吹砂器,喷砂机
  11399. air sand blowning ==> 空气喷砂
  11400. air sander ==> 气力喷砂机
  11401. air sanitation ==> 空气卫生
  11402. air saw ==> 气锯
  11403. air scavenging ==> 空气吹除
  11404. air scoop ==> 导气管
  11405. air scout ==> 航空侦察机,对空监视
  11406. air screen ==> 滤气网,空气幕
  11407. air screw ==> 空气螺旋桨
  11408. air screwdriver ==> 风动螺丝刀
  11409. air scrubber ==> 空气洗涤器
  11410. air seal ==> 气封,防气圈
  11411. air sealing ==> 気密
  11412. air search radar ==> 対空レーダ
  11413. air seasoned wood ==> 风干木材
  11414. air seasoning ==> 气干
  11415. air section ==> エアセクション
  11416. air sending valve ==> 空気送出弁
  11417. air sensitive receiver ==> 易受空气污染影响的受体
  11418. air separation ==> 空气分离
  11419. air separator ==> 空气分离器,吹气分离器,风力选矿机=>空気分離器
  11420. air separator mill ==> 吹离磨
  11421. Air Service Agreements ==> 民用航空运输协定
  11422. air servicer ==> 充气车
  11423. Air Services Group (Environmental Protection Department) ==> 空气质素技术支持组(环境保护署)
  11424. Air Services Laboratory ==> 空气质素技术支持实验所
  11425. air set ==> 常温自硬,空气中固化
  11426. air set core ==> 自硬芯
  11427. air set mo(u)ld ==> 自硬型
  11428. air set mo(u)lding ==> 自硬法造型
  11429. air set oil ==> 常温凝固油
  11430. air set pipe ==> 空气冷凝管
  11431. air setting ==> 空气冷凝
  11432. air setting binder ==> 自凝粘结剂
  11433. air setting oil ==> 自硬油
  11434. air setting refractory cement ==> 气凝性耐火胶结材料
  11435. air sextant ==> 航空用六分仪
  11436. air shaft ==> 风井,通风井,通风竖井,通风筒
  11437. air shaker ==> 气动振打器
  11438. air shears ==> 风动剪断机
  11439. air shed ==> 空气污染区
  11440. air shooter ==> 气体输送管
  11441. air shooting ==> 气垫爆破,空中爆破法
  11442. air shot ==> 空隙爆破
  11443. air shower ==> 空气吹淋室,空气簇射,大气簇射
  11444. air shrinkage ==> 风干收缩
  11445. air shut-off valve ==> 空气关闭阀
  11446. air shutter ==> 关气机,调风门
  11447. air shutter lever ==> 关气杆
  11448. air shutter shaft ==> 阻风器轴
  11449. air shuttle service ==> 空中短程往返服务
  11450. air sickness ==> 航空病,航空晕,晕飞机,晕机病
  11451. air sifter ==> 气流分离器,气筛
  11452. air signal reducing valve ==> 空气信号减压阀
  11453. air silencer ==> 空气消声器
  11454. air silenser ==> 空気消音器
  11455. air silk ==> 空心丝
  11456. air sink ==> 气穴
  11457. air sinker ==> 风动钻孔器
  11458. air slaked lime ==> 风化石灰
  11459. air slaking ==> 潮解
  11460. air sleeve ==> 风(向)袋
  11461. air slide ==> 气动传送机,气动滑板,空气活塞=>風格子
  11462. air slide conveyer ==> 气滑式输送机
  11463. air slide valve ==> 空气分配阀
  11464. air slot ==> 导气槽,又称“掺气槽”。为使高速水流掺气,在泄水槽过流表面设置坎槽通气
  11465. air sluice ==> 风闸门
  11466. air snap ==> 气动卡规
  11467. air snap gauge ==> 气动外径量规
  11468. air sounding ==> 探空
  11469. air space ==> 气隙=>空積
  11470. air space cable ==> 充气纸绝缘电缆
  11471. air space for roof insulation ==> 屋顶保温空气层
  11472. air speed ==> 风速=>対気速度
  11473. air spinning machine ==> 干法纺丝机
  11474. air split ==> 风流分支
  11475. air spora ==> 风播体
  11476. air sports ==> 航空体育运动
  11477. air spots ==> 表面不平
  11478. air spout ==> 喷嘴
  11479. air spray disinfecter and disinfectant ==> 尘气雾化消毒器及清毒剂
  11480. air sprayer ==> 飞机喷雾机
  11481. air sprayer pistol ==> 压缩空气喷射器
  11482. air spraying ==> 压力喷涂
  11483. air spring ==> 空气弹簧
  11484. air squeegee ==> 空气吹拂器
  11485. air stack ==> 空中堆旋
  11486. air staging ==> 空气分级,将燃料燃烧所需的空气分阶段送入炉膛。先将理论空气量的80%左右送入主燃烧器,形成缺氧富燃料燃烧区,在燃烧后期将燃烧所需空气的剩余部分以二次风形式送入,使燃料在空气过剩区燃尽,实现总体抑制NOX生成的燃烧方法。
  11487. air staging over burner zone ==> 炉膛整体空气分级,燃烧过程先在炉膛内主燃烧器区处于过量空气系数较低的富燃料下进行,而后由紧靠燃烧器上部的燃尽风(OFA)喷口或/和远离主燃烧器上部的燃尽风喷口(SOFA)送入燃烧所需的其余空气,以抑制NOX生成的燃烧方式。
  11488. air standard cycle ==> 空気標準サイクル
  11489. air starting (control) valve ==> 空气起动(控制)阀
  11490. air starting cam ==> 空気始動カム
  11491. air starting valve ==> 空气起动阀=>空気始動弁
  11492. air station ==> 空中摄影站
  11493. air stopping ==> 挡风墙
  11494. air storage capacity ==> 空气储存量
  11495. air storage chamber ==> 储气室,辅助空气室
  11496. air storage tank ==> 空気ストレージタンク
  11497. air strainer ==> 空气粗滤器=>空気ろ過器
  11498. air strainer and silencer ==> 空气滤器及消声器
  11499. air straining check valve ==> 空气滤尘止回阀
  11500. air strangler ==> 空气阻气门
  11501. air strike ==> 空中攻击=>空襲
  11502. air strip ==> 着陆带
  11503. air stuffer ==> 气动填充机,气压式灌肠机
  11504. air suction port ==> 空気吸込口
  11505. air suction separator ==> 吸气式(谷物)分选机
  11506. air suction stroke ==> 吸气冲程
  11507. air supply ==> 压缩空气量,气源,送气,供气,空气供给
  11508. air supply duct ==> 供气道,供气管道,送风管道
  11509. air supply hose ==> 供气软管
  11510. air supply manifold ==> 气源总管
  11511. air supply of automation system ==> 自动化系统气源,为自动化系统中需要用气的所有设备提供的气源。根据用气设备对气源品质的不同要求,分为仪用气源和厂用气源,后者主要用于防堵吹扫
  11512. air supply opening ==> 进气口
  11513. air supply outlet ==> 供气出口
  11514. air supply pipe ==> 供气管
  11515. air supply system ==> 送风系统
  11516. air supply valve ==> 供气阀
  11517. air supported head ==> 浮动头
  11518. air surveillance ==> 空中监视
  11519. air surveillance radar ==> 空中监视雷达,对空监视雷达=>対空監視レーダ
  11520. air survey ==> 航空勘测=>空中探査
  11521. air survey camera ==> 航空测量摄影机,航摄机
  11522. air survey equipment ==> 航测设备
  11523. air survey plan ==> 航测平面图
  11524. air survey plotting machine ==> 航测绘图仪器
  11525. air suspension ==> 气垫,空气悬浮
  11526. air sweetening ==> 空气脱硫
  11527. air swept ball mill ==> 风扫式球磨机
  11528. air swept conical ball mill ==> 风吹式锥形球磨机
  11529. air swept mill ==> 风扫磨
  11530. air switch ==> 空气开关
  11531. air system ==> 空气系统
  11532. air table ==> 风动工作台
  11533. air tack cement ==> 封气粘胶水泥
  11534. air tacker ==> 气动钉钉机
  11535. air tamper ==> 风动打夯机,风动捣棒,风动夯
  11536. air tank ==> 气罐,充气油箱,储气罐,空气舱,空气箱
  11537. air tank pulse ==> 气箱脉冲=>エアタンクパルス
  11538. air tanker ==> 灭火飞机
  11539. air tap ==> 气旋塞,气嘴,空气栓
  11540. air temperature ==> 空气温度
  11541. air temperature correction ==> 空中温度校正
  11542. air temperature gauge ==> 空气温度规
  11543. air tempering ==> 空气中回火
  11544. air terminal ==> 航空终点站
  11545. air test ==> 充气试验=>空気試験
  11546. air tester ==> 大气碳酸计
  11547. air thermometer ==> 空气温度计=>空気温度計
  11548. air thermometer milliammeter ==> 空气温度毫安计
  11549. air throttle ==> 节气阀,节气门
  11550. air throttle valve ==> 空気絞り弁
  11551. air tight ==> 気密
  11552. air tight chamber ==> 气密室
  11553. air tight instrument ==> 气密式仪器仪表
  11554. air tight ring ==> 気密リング
  11555. air tight seal ==> 密封
  11556. air tight test ==> 気密試験
  11557. air tight test pressure ==> 气密性试验压力
  11558. air tightness ==> 气密
  11559. air time ==> 广播时间
  11560. air tinting method ==> 回火颜色法
  11561. air tired tractor ==> 空气轮胎拖拉机
  11562. air to air cooled generator ==> 空-空冷却发电机,带内装式或外装式冷却器,使用空气作为定子绕组,转子绕组和定子铁心的初级和次级冷却介质的封闭式电机
  11563. air to air heat transmission coefficient ==> 空气中热传导系数
  11564. air to close ==> 气关
  11565. air to open ==> 气开
  11566. air to water cooled generator ==> 空-水冷却发电机,带冷却器,以空气作为初级冷却介质,水作为次级冷却介质的封闭式电机
  11567. air tool ==> 风动工具
  11568. air toxicant concentration ==> 空气中毒物浓度
  11569. air traffic ==> 空中交通=>航空交通
  11570. air traffic clearance ==> 航空交通許可
  11571. air traffic control ==> 空中交通管理,空中交通管制,空中交通指挥=>航空交通管制
  11572. air traffic control communication system ==> 航空交通管制信号方式
  11573. air traffic control interlock ==> 空中交通管制联锁装置
  11574. air traffic control system ==> 航空交通管制系统
  11575. air traffic control system (ATCS) ==> 空中交通管理系统
  11576. air transformer ==> 空气变压器
  11577. air transit of goods ==> 货物空运过境
  11578. air transport ==> 风力运输=>空輸
  11579. air transport service division ==> 空运服务组
  11580. air transportation ==> 空运
  11581. air transportation insurance ==> 空运保险
  11582. air trap ==> 空气收集器,空气阱,隔气具,防气阀
  11583. air trapping ==> 防气阀
  11584. air truck ==> 运货飞机,货运飞机
  11585. air trunk ==> 通风总管=>空気トランク
  11586. air tube ==> 空气管
  11587. air tube cooler ==> 管状空气辐射冷却器
  11588. air tube radiator ==> 空气管状散热器
  11589. air tunnel ==> 风洞
  11590. air turbine dental engine ==> 风动牙钻机,气动涡轮牙钻
  11591. air turbine pump ==> 空气涡轮泵
  11592. air turbulence ==> 空气湍流
  11593. air turbulence method ==> 空气扰动法
  11594. air type shock absorber ==> 气压型避振器
  11595. air tyred tractor ==> 轮胎式拖拉机
  11596. air umbrella ==> 空中掩护
  11597. air uptake ==> 空气上升道
  11598. air utilization ==> 空気利用率
  11599. air valve ==> 空气阀,气阀,气门,风阀=>空気弁,エアバルブ
  11600. air valve camshaft ==> 空气阀凸轮轴
  11601. air valves ==> 空气阀门
  11602. air vane ==> 空气舵,通气格子板,风车叶片,鼓风机叶
  11603. air vane guide ==> 气流导向叶片
  11604. air vehicle ==> 航空器
  11605. air velocity indicator ==> 空气速度指示器
  11606. air velocity vector ==> 空速矢量
  11607. air vent ==> 通风孔,通气孔,通气口,出气口,排气孔,排气口,通风弯管=>空気管,通気孔,空気抜き,エアベント
  11608. air vent hole ==> 通气孔,又称“通气管”。向深式引(泄)水道闸门门后补、排气的孔管
  11609. air vent seat ==> 排气管座
  11610. air vent valve ==> 排气孔阀,喷气孔阀,调压阀,通气阀,通气孔阀
  11611. air vessel ==> 泵的气室,空气室,储气罐,贮气器=>空気室
  11612. air void ==> 含气率
  11613. air void ratio ==> 空气孔隙比
  11614. air volcano ==> 气火山
  11615. air volume measuring apparatus ==> 空气体积测量器
  11616. air volume regulator ==> 空気量調節器
  11617. air wall ==> 空气壁=>空気壁
  11618. air wall ionization chamber ==> 空気壁電離箱
  11619. air wall tracks ==> 空気壁を敷設する
  11620. air washer ==> 空气洗涤器,净气器,净气器,净气装置,净气装置,淋水系统=>空気洗浄器
  11621. air wave ==> 气浪,空气波
  11622. air way ==> 风巷
  11623. air way slits in rotor ==> 转子上的条形风力分级孔
  11624. air waybill ==> 空运单=>航空貨物運送状(AWB)
  11625. air wedge ==> 空气楔
  11626. air well ==> 通风竖井
  11627. air wheel ==> 低压轮胎车轮
  11628. air whisle ==> 気笛
  11629. air winch ==> 气动铰车
  11630. air wing ==> 风车叶片
  11631. air wire ==> 架空线
  11632. air working chamber ==> 沉箱工作室
  11633. air zoning ==> 分段送风,分区送风
  11634. AIR, atmospheric infrared airglow ==> 赤外域の大気光
  11635. air-acetylene ==> 空气乙炔焊
  11636. air-acetylene welding ==> 空气-乙炔焊接
  11637. air-actuated ==> 气动
  11638. air-actuated clamp ==> 气动夹具
  11639. air-actuated direction valve ==> 气动控制换向阀
  11640. air-actuated jaw ==> 气动夹具,气动卡爪
  11641. air-admitting surface ==> 进风口面积
  11642. air-and-screen cleaner ==> 风筛谷物清选机
  11643. air-and-water post ==> 气与水加注站
  11644. air-arc cutting ==> 电弧气刨
  11645. air-arc furnace ==> 空气电弧炉
  11646. air-assisted pressure jet burner ==> 空气助压喷烧器
  11647. air-atomic power ==> 空中核力量
  11648. air-atomizing ==> 气力喷雾
  11649. air-atomizing burner ==> 空气喷雾喷灯,空气喷雾燃烧器
  11650. air-bag buffer ==> 空气胎缓冲器
  11651. air-bag cushion ==> エアバッグのクッション
  11652. air-based laser antisatallite system ==> 空基激光反卫星系统
  11653. air-bed ==> 气床,气垫
  11654. air-bend die ==> 弯曲冲模
  11655. air-blast ==> 鼓风
  11656. air-blast atomizer ==> 气压喷雾器
  11657. air-blast breaker ==> 喷气流断路器
  11658. air-blast circuit breaker ==> 空气吹弧式断路器,空气灭弧断路器
  11659. air-blast circuit-breaker ==> 空気遮断器
  11660. air-blast cleaner ==> 鼓风清选机
  11661. air-blast connection pipe ==> 高压空气导管
  11662. air-blast cooling ==> 空气喷射冷却
  11663. air-blast distributor ==> 强气流分布器
  11664. air-blast dusting machine ==> 鼓风除尘机
  11665. air-blast freezer ==> 空气喷射冷冻机
  11666. air-blast freezer tunnel ==> 隧道式鼓风冻结机
  11667. air-blast gin ==> 气流式打桩机,气流式轧花机,鼓风机
  11668. air-blast goaf-stowing machine ==> 风力充填机
  11669. air-blast nozzle ==> 鼓风喷嘴
  11670. air-blast saw gin ==> 气流式锯齿打桩机
  11671. air-blast separation ==> 气流分离
  11672. air-blast sprayer ==> 鼓风喷雾机
  11673. air-blast switch ==> 气吹弧开关,空气吹弧开关
  11674. air-blast transformer ==> 風冷式変圧器
  11675. air-blaster ==> 空气鼓风机,压气喷砂机
  11676. air-blasting ==> 鼓风
  11677. air-bleed ==> 放气
  11678. air-bleed hole ==> 放气孔
  11679. air-bleed set ==> 抽气机组
  11680. air-blower ==> 鼓风机
  11681. air-blower noise ==> 通风机噪声
  11682. air-blowing ==> 鼓气
  11683. air-blown asphalt ==> 加气沥青
  11684. air-blown converter ==> 鼓气转炉
  11685. air-blown core ==> 吹制型芯
  11686. air-blown rod ==> 风冷盘条
  11687. air-boost compressor ==> 增压式压气机,空气压缩机
  11688. air-borne ==> 航空機用の
  11689. air-borne bacteria ==> 空中微生物
  11690. air-borne dust ==> 空中浮游尘埃
  11691. air-borne gap ==> 气隙
  11692. air-borne gravimeter ==> 空中重力计
  11693. air-borne infection ==> 空气传染
  11694. air-borne intercept radar ==> 機上よう撃レーダ
  11695. air-borne noise ==> 空传噪声
  11696. air-borne particulates ==> 空中の浮遊粒子
  11697. air-borne pathogenic organism ==> 空传致病生物
  11698. air-borne radar ==> 機上レーダ
  11699. air-borne sound ==> 空気伝送音
  11700. air-borne trade ==> 空运贸易
  11701. air-brake ==> 减速板,气动力制动装置,气闸
  11702. air-braking ==> 空气制动
  11703. air-break ==> 空气断路器
  11704. air-break switch ==> 空气开关=>気中開閉器,気中スイッチ
  11705. air-breather ==> 空气吸潮器,通风装置,通气装置,吸潮器=>息抜き(変圧器)
  11706. air-breathing ==> 吸气
  11707. air-breathing laser ==> 吸气式激光器,气动激光器
  11708. air-breathing missile ==> 吸气式导弹
  11709. air-breathing power plant ==> 空气喷气动力装置
  11710. air-breathing power unit ==> 喷气动力装置,喷气发电机组,喷气功率单位
  11711. air-bridge ==> 空中桥梁
  11712. air-bronchography ==> 含气支气管照相术
  11713. air-bubble viscometer ==> 气泡粘度计
  11714. air-cell engine ==> 空气室发动机
  11715. air-chamber ==> 气泡腔,气腔
  11716. air-chamber pump ==> 气室泵
  11717. air-choke ==> 空心扼流圈
  11718. air-compressor crank case ==> 空气压缩机曲柄箱
  11719. air-compressor crank shaft ==> 空气压缩机曲柄轴
  11720. air-compressor piston ring ==> 空气压缩机活塞环
  11721. air-compressor pulley ==> 空气压缩机皮带轮
  11722. air-compressor unloader ==> 空气压缩机卸荷器
  11723. air-compressor valve ==> 空气压缩机阀门
  11724. air-condenser ==> 空气冷凝器
  11725. air-conditioned container ==> 空气调节集装箱
  11726. air-conditioning equipment ==> 空气调节装置
  11727. air-conditioning machinery ==> 空气调节机
  11728. air-conditioning package ==> 空气调节组件
  11729. air-conditioning plant ==> 空调设备,空气调节装置
  11730. air-conditioning system ==> 空气调节系统
  11731. air-conditioning unit ==> 空气调节装置,房间空调器
  11732. air-control center ==> 空中管制中心
  11733. air-control system ==> 气压操纵系统
  11734. air-cooled ==> 風冷の,空冷の
  11735. air-cooled air conditioner ==> 气冷式空调器
  11736. air-cooled cascade blade ==> 气冷叶栅
  11737. air-cooled compressor ==> 气冷式压缩机
  11738. air-cooled condenser ==> 风冷冷凝器
  11739. air-cooled condenser fan ==> 散热器冷却扇
  11740. air-cooled condensing unit ==> 风冷式冷凝器,空气冷凝器
  11741. air-cooled engine ==> 气冷式发动机,空气冷却发动机=>空冷機関,空冷式エンジン
  11742. air-cooled heat exchanger ==> 空气冷却热交换器
  11743. air-cooled mercury rectifier ==> 气冷式水银整流器
  11744. air-cooled motor ==> 气冷式电动机
  11745. air-cooled reactor ==> 空气冷却反应堆
  11746. air-cooled rotor ==> 气冷转子
  11747. air-cooled slag ==> 气冷矿渣
  11748. air-cooled transformer ==> 風冷式変圧器
  11749. air-cooled tube ==> 空冷管
  11750. air-cooled turbogenerator ==> 气冷式汽轮发电机
  11751. air-cooled two-stroke gasoline engine ==> 风冷二冲程汽油发动机
  11752. air-cooling fin ==> 空冷ひれ
  11753. air-cooling valve ==> 气冷阀
  11754. air-core coil ==> 空心コイル
  11755. air-core reactor ==> 空心リアクトル
  11756. air-core tire ==> 半实心轮胎
  11757. air-core transformer ==> 空心变压器=>空心変成器,空心トランス
  11758. air-core winding ==> 无芯线圈
  11759. air-cored betatron ==> 空芯电子感应加速器
  11760. air-cured specimen ==> 空气养护试件
  11761. air-damping ==> 空气制动,空气阻尼
  11762. air-data computer ==> 空中数据计算机
  11763. air-defence sighting telescope ==> 防空观测望远镜
  11764. air-distributing acoustical ceiling ==> 送风吸音吊顶
  11765. air-dried brick ==> 风干砖
  11766. air-dried condition ==> 风干状态
  11767. air-dried garlic in granule ==> 大蒜细粒
  11768. air-dried sample ==> 风干样本=>気乾試料
  11769. air-dried soil ==> 风干土
  11770. air-dried standard ==> 风干基准=>気乾基準
  11771. air-dried state ==> 风干状态=>気乾状態
  11772. air-dried strenght ==> 风干强度
  11773. air-dried volumetric specific gravity ==> 风干容重
  11774. air-drifter drill ==> 风动架式钻机
  11775. air-dring ==> 空气干燥
  11776. air-driven ==> 空气驱动
  11777. air-driven generator ==> 风动发电机
  11778. air-driven grout pump ==> 气动灌浆泵
  11779. air-driven hammer drill ==> 风动气锤钻
  11780. air-driven hydraulic jack ==> 风动油压千斤顶
  11781. air-driven mechanical tube cleaner ==> 风动管子清洁机
  11782. air-driven mine car loader ==> 矿山风动装车机
  11783. air-dry concentrates ==> 风干精料
  11784. air-dry density ==> 气干密度
  11785. air-dry feeds ==> 风干饲料
  11786. air-dry roughages ==> 风干粗料
  11787. air-dry sample ==> 风干样品
  11788. air-dry weight ==> 风干重
  11789. air-drying ==> 空気乾燥
  11790. air-drying varnish ==> 自然乾燥ワニス
  11791. air-duct ==> 通风道
  11792. air-earth conduction current ==> 地空传导电流
  11793. air-earth current ==> 地空电流
  11794. air-entrained admixture ==> 加气剂
  11795. air-entrainer ==> 加气剂
  11796. air-entraining cement ==> 掺气水泥
  11797. air-entraining fibrous concrete ==> 加气纤维混凝土
  11798. air-entraining hydraulic cement ==> 加气水硬水泥
  11799. air-entrapping ==> 加气
  11800. air-escape valve ==> 空気逃し弁
  11801. air-exhaust ventilator ==> 排气通风机
  11802. air-feed leg drill ==> 气腿式钻机
  11803. air-felting ==> 气流铺成
  11804. air-filled porosity ==> 充气孔隙度
  11805. air-filled thermocouple ==> 充气温差电偶
  11806. air-filled type ==> 充气轮胎
  11807. air-filled waveguide ==> 充气波导管
  11808. air-film interface ==> 空气膜层界面
  11809. air-flow differential ==> 气流压差
  11810. air-flow diffusion ==> 气流扩散
  11811. air-flow distribution ==> 气流分配
  11812. air-flow organization ==> 气流组织
  11813. air-foil fan ==> 高效风机
  11814. air-force doctor ==> 航空军医
  11815. air-fuel ratio ==> 空气-燃料比,空气燃料比
  11816. air-fuel ratio control ==> 空燃比制御
  11817. air-gap ==> 空气隙,火花放电隙=>エアギャップ
  11818. air-gap asymmetry protection ==> 气隙不对称保护装置
  11819. air-gap commutator ==> 气隙整流子
  11820. air-gap cylinder ==> 气隙圆筒
  11821. air-gap diameter ==> 气隙直径
  11822. air-gap field ==> 气隙磁场
  11823. air-gap flux ==> 气隙磁通=>空隙磁束
  11824. air-gap gauge ==> 气隙量规
  11825. air-gap induction ==> 气隙磁感应,气隙磁密度
  11826. air-gap leakage flux ==> 气隙漏磁通
  11827. air-gap line ==> 气隙磁化线
  11828. air-gap method ==> 气隙法,空隙法
  11829. air-gap mmf ==> 气隙磁动势
  11830. air-gap permeance ==> 气隙磁导率
  11831. air-gap reluctance ==> 气隙磁阻
  11832. air-gap reluctance motor ==> 气隙磁阻电动机
  11833. air-gap separation ==> 气隙间距
  11834. air-gap torque motor ==> 干式力矩马达
  11835. air-gap torsion meter ==> 气隙扭力计
  11836. air-gap voltage ==> 气隙电压
  11837. air-gauge ==> 气动测微仪,气压计,气压量仪,空气量规
  11838. air-glass interface ==> 空气玻璃界面
  11839. air-glass reflection ==> 空气玻璃反射
  11840. air-gravel concrete ==> 气干砾石混凝土
  11841. air-ground communication ==> 陆空通信,空对地通信
  11842. air-ground detection ==> 地空巡护
  11843. air-ground operation ==> 陆空协同作战
  11844. air-handening steel ==> 自硬鋼
  11845. air-handling luminaire ==> 空調(照明)器具
  11846. air-hardening cement ==> 气硬性水泥
  11847. air-hardening steel ==> 气冷硬化钢,空气硬化钢
  11848. air-immersed transformer ==> 空气绝缘变压器
  11849. air-in ==> 进气,送气
  11850. air-in screen ==> 进气滤网
  11851. air-injection system ==> 空气喷油系统
  11852. air-inlet grille ==> 进风格栅,进气格栅
  11853. air-inlet hanged trough cell ==> 充气挂槽浮选机
  11854. air-inlet sound absorber ==> 进气消声器
  11855. air-inlet-grille ==> 空气进口栅
  11856. air-jack ==> 气压起重器
  11857. air-jet loom ==> 喷气投纬织机,喷气织机
  11858. air-lance ==> 空气吹灰枪,空气枪
  11859. air-launched cruise missile ==> 空中发射的巡航导弹
  11860. air-leak test ==> 漏气试验
  11861. air-life pump ==> 风动抽水泵
  11862. air-lift gravity drop hammer ==> 蒸汽重力落锤,单作用空气锤,空气重力落锤
  11863. air-lift pump ==> 空气提升泵=>空気揚水ポンプ
  11864. air-lift system ==> 空气升液器,气力升降机
  11865. air-line lubricator ==> 管路给油器
  11866. air-loaded accumulator ==> 储气器
  11867. air-lock device ==> 锁气装置
  11868. air-lock strip ==> 防风条
  11869. air-locked ==> 气封,不透气的
  11870. air-mail paper ==> 航空邮件纸
  11871. air-mass characteristic ==> 気団特性
  11872. air-mass climatology ==> 气团气候学
  11873. air-measuring station ==> 风流测量站
  11874. air-melted ==> 空气熔炼
  11875. air-melted alloy ==> 敞熔合金
  11876. air-mileage unit ==> 气流速度计,空运里程测量计
  11877. air-oil actuator ==> 气液压力转换缸
  11878. air-oil shock basorber ==> 气油减震器
  11879. air-operated ==> 气动,空气操作
  11880. air-operated bucket ==> 气动卸料斗
  11881. air-operated control ==> 气动操纵,气压操纵
  11882. air-operated controller ==> 气动控制器
  11883. air-operated fixture ==> 气动卡具
  11884. air-operated pump ==> 气动泵
  11885. air-operated spreader ==> 气动扩胎机
  11886. air-operated thermostat ==> 气动恒温器
  11887. air-operated valve ==> 气动换向阀
  11888. air-operated valve grinder ==> 气动阀门研磨机
  11889. air-operated vice ==> 气动虎钳
  11890. air-out ==> 出气,排气
  11891. air-particle monitor ==> 大气粉尘监测器,大气粒子监测器,空气粒子放射性监测器
  11892. air-plot wind velocity ==> 航空标绘风速
  11893. air-pocket ==> 气囊
  11894. air-port quarantine station ==> 航空检疫站
  11895. air-position indicator ==> 空中線位置指示器
  11896. air-position indicator (API) ==> 空中位置指示器
  11897. air-powered ==> 气动
  11898. air-powered piston pump ==> 风动活塞泵
  11899. air-powered pump ==> 气力泵
  11900. air-pressure actuated slurry pump ==> 气动泥浆泵
  11901. air-pressure drop ==> 空气压降
  11902. air-pressure test ==> 空気圧試験
  11903. air-pressure water system ==> 气压给水系统
  11904. air-pressurized water extinguisher ==> 加压水灭火器
  11905. air-proof ==> 不透气的,密封的=>気密な
  11906. air-purifying respirator ==> 空气净化呼吸器
  11907. air-raid ==> 空袭
  11908. air-resistance ==> 气阻
  11909. air-route surveillance radar ==> 航线监视雷达
  11910. air-route traffic control ==> 飞行航线交通管制
  11911. air-route traffic control center ==> 航线交通管制中心
  11912. air-sea interaction ==> 大气海洋相互作用
  11913. air-sea interface ==> 大气海洋分界面
  11914. air-seasoned ==> 气干的,露天时效的
  11915. air-seasoning ==> 通风干燥
  11916. air-separated sulfur ==> 风选硫磺
  11917. air-separating plant ==> 空气分离装置
  11918. air-separating tray ==> 除气盘
  11919. air-setting ==> 常温凝固
  11920. air-setting binder ==> 自硬粘结剂
  11921. air-setting mortar ==> 气硬性砂浆
  11922. air-setting refractory cement ==> 气硬性耐火水泥
  11923. air-shower ==> 空气吹淋器
  11924. air-slaked ==> 空气消和的
  11925. air-slaked lime ==> 潮解石灰
  11926. air-space cable ==> 空気絶縁ケーブル
  11927. air-spaced capacitor ==> 空气介质电容器
  11928. air-spaced coax ==> 空气间隔同轴线
  11929. air-spaced coaxial cable ==> 空气绝缘同轴电缆
  11930. air-spaced coil ==> 大绕距电感线圈
  11931. air-spaced double anastigmat ==> 双分离对称消像散镜头
  11932. air-spaced doublet ==> 双不胶透镜,双分离透镜,双分透镜,空气隙双合透镜,分离式双透镜
  11933. air-speed gauge ==> 风速表
  11934. air-speed head ==> 气压感受器
  11935. air-speed indicator ==> 风速指示器,风速指示仪=>風速指示器,飛行速度計
  11936. air-speed integrator ==> 风速积分器
  11937. air-spray ==> 空气射流
  11938. air-spraying ==> 飞机喷雾
  11939. air-spring suspension ==> 气垫吊架
  11940. air-spun acetate rayon ==> 干纺醋酯人造丝
  11941. air-standard cycle ==> 空气标准循环
  11942. air-stove ==> 热风炉
  11943. air-stream noise ==> 气流噪声
  11944. air-supported fabric dome ==> 充气胶布帐篷
  11945. air-supported fiber ==> 空气间隙光纤
  11946. air-swept mill ==> 气吹式球磨机,风动排料磨机
  11947. air-swept pulverizer ==> 通风式磨煤机
  11948. air-tight ==> 不漏气,气密的,密封的
  11949. air-tight access door ==> 气密门
  11950. air-tight double glazing window ==> 密闭双层玻璃窗
  11951. air-tight machine ==> 密封式机器
  11952. air-tight screw pump ==> 密闭式螺杆泵
  11953. air-tight seal ==> 密封,气密层
  11954. air-to-air ==> 空对空
  11955. air-to-air guided missile ==> 空对空导弹
  11956. air-to-air homing ==> 空对空寻的
  11957. air-to-air intercept ==> 空对空截击
  11958. air-to-air laser ranging ==> 空对空激光测距
  11959. air-to-air missile (AAM) ==> 空对空导弹,空空导弹
  11960. air-to-glass surface ==> 空气玻璃面
  11961. air-to-glass transition ==> 空气玻璃的传输
  11962. air-to-ground laser rangefinder ==> 空对地激光测距仪
  11963. air-to-ground missile (AGM) ==> 空对地导弹
  11964. air-to-sea guided bomb ==> 空对海导弹
  11965. air-to-space missile ==> 空对航天导弹
  11966. air-to-surface missile (ASM) ==> 空对地导弹
  11967. air-to-surface tactical missile ==> 空对地战术导弹
  11968. air-track drill ==> 风动履带式凿岩机
  11969. air-traffic area ==> 机场空中交通管辖区
  11970. air-traffic control clearance ==> 空中交通管制许可证
  11971. air-traffic control zone ==> 控制区
  11972. air-traffic controller ==> 空中交通管制员
  11973. air-tube ==> 氧气导入管
  11974. air-vacuum proportional valve ==> 空真比例阀
  11975. air-vacuum two way valve ==> 空真二位阀
  11976. air-velocity measurement ==> 空气速度测量
  11977. air-vent ==> 换气孔,气眼
  11978. air-wall cavity chamber ==> 气壁电离室
  11979. air-wall ionization chamber ==> 空气壁电离室
  11980. air-water interface ==> 空气水分界面
  11981. air-water vapor mixture ==> 空气-水蒸气混合物
  11982. AIRAC, aeronautical information regulation and control ==> エアラック
  11983. airbag ==> 气囊=>エアバッグ
  11984. airblast circuit breaker ==> 空气吹弧开关
  11985. airbond ==> 自硬粘结剂
  11986. airborne ==> 机载
  11987. airborne alert ==> 空中警戒
  11988. airborne altimeter ==> 飞机高度计,飞机用高度计,航空高度计
  11989. airborne applicating equipment ==> 飞机撒药设备
  11990. airborne assault vehicle ==> 空降战车
  11991. airborne assault weapon ==> 空降突击武器
  11992. airborne astrographic camera ==> 航空天体摄影机
  11993. airborne beacon ==> 机载信标
  11994. airborne camera ==> 航空照相机
  11995. airborne catapult ==> 机上弹射器
  11996. airborne collision avoidance system ==> 機上衝突防止方式
  11997. airborne collision warning system ==> 机载碰撞警报系统
  11998. airborne combat equipment ==> 飞机作战装备
  11999. airborne contaminant ==> 空气污染物
  12000. airborne control system ==> 机载控制测量系统
  12001. airborne craft ==> 飞行器
  12002. airborne data acquisition and analysis system ==> 机载数据采集与分析系统
  12003. airborne data processor ==> 航空数据处理机
  12004. airborne detector ==> 机载探测器
  12005. airborne digital computer ==> 机载数字计算机
  12006. airborne direction finder ==> 航空测向器
  12007. airborne dust level ==> 空气浮尘水平
  12008. airborne early warning ==> 空中预先警报
  12009. airborne early warning (AEW) ==> 空中预警
  12010. airborne early warning and control ==> 空中预先警报和控制
  12011. airborne early-warning station ==> 机载预警雷达站
  12012. airborne electromagnetics ==> 航空电磁法
  12013. airborne electronic computer ==> 飞机用电子计算机,机载电子计算机
  12014. airborne electronic survey control ==> 机载电子测量控制
  12015. airborne emission ==> 大気中放出
  12016. airborne expendable bathythermograph ==> 航空投掷式海水测温仪
  12017. airborne flux gate magnetometer ==> 航空磁通门磁力仪
  12018. airborne gamma radiometer ==> 航空伽玛辐射仪
  12019. airborne gamma spectrometer ==> 航空伽玛能谱仪
  12020. airborne gas chromatographic analyzer ==> 航空气相色谱分析仪
  12021. airborne gaseous laser ==> 机载气体激光器
  12022. airborne geochemical prospecting ==> 航空地球化学勘探
  12023. airborne geochemistry ==> 航空地球化学
  12024. airborne gradiometer ==> 航空梯度仪
  12025. airborne gravimeter ==> 航空重力仪
  12026. airborne infrared astronomy telescope ==> 航空红外天文望远镜
  12027. airborne infrared early warning system ==> 机载红外预警系统
  12028. airborne infrared equipment ==> 机载红外装置
  12029. airborne infrared gunfire locator ==> 机载红外炮火定位器
  12030. airborne infrared high energy laser ==> 航空红外高能激光器
  12031. airborne infrared mapper ==> 航空红外测绘仪,机载红外测绘仪
  12032. airborne infrared measurement instrument ==> 机载红外测量仪器
  12033. airborne infrared radiometer ==> 机载红外辐射计
  12034. airborne infrared scanner ==> 航空红外扫描仪
  12035. airborne infrared spectroradiometer ==> 机载红外光谱辐射计
  12036. airborne infrared surveillance set ==> 机载红外监视装置
  12037. airborne intercept radar ==> 机载截击雷达
  12038. airborne interrogator ==> 机载询问器
  12039. airborne IR imaging system ==> 机载红外成像系统
  12040. airborne IR transmissometer ==> 机载红外透射仪
  12041. airborne laser absorption spectrometer ==> 航空激光吸收光谱仪
  12042. airborne laser beacon ==> 机载激光信标
  12043. airborne laser illuminator ==> 机载激光照明器
  12044. airborne laser laboratory ==> 空中激光实验室
  12045. airborne laser profiler ==> 航空激光剖面测绘仪
  12046. airborne laser rangefinder ==> 航空激光测距仪
  12047. airborne laser scanning and mapping technology ==> 机载激光测量技术
  12048. airborne laser target tracker ==> 航空激光目标跟踪器
  12049. airborne laser terrain avoidance radar ==> 机载激光防撞雷达
  12050. airborne laser tracker (ALT) ==> 机载激光跟踪器
  12051. airborne lifeboat ==> 随机救生船
  12052. airborne light optical fibre technology ==> 机载轻型光纤技术
  12053. airborne lighting ==> 飞机照明
  12054. airborne lightweight optical tracking system ==> 机载轻型光学跟踪系统
  12055. airborne locator-designator ==> 机载定位器指示器
  12056. airborne magnetic exploration ==> 航空磁力探矿
  12057. airborne magnetic gradiometer ==> 航空磁力梯度仪
  12058. airborne magnetic survey ==> 航空磁测
  12059. airborne magnetometer ==> 航空磁力仪,航空磁强计,机载磁强计
  12060. airborne magnetometric gradiometer ==> 航空磁力梯度计
  12061. airborne noise ==> 空气噪声
  12062. airborne nondispersive infrared monitor ==> 航空非分光红外监测仪
  12063. airborne oceanographic lidar system ==> 机载海洋激光雷达系统
  12064. airborne operation ==> 空降作战
  12065. airborne optical pumping magnetometer ==> 航空光泵磁力仪
  12066. airborne particle analyzer ==> 航空粉尘分析仪
  12067. airborne particle counter ==> 航空粉尘计数器
  12068. airborne particle mass monitor ==> 大气粉尘物质浓度监测仪
  12069. airborne photogrammetric camera ==> 航空摄影机,机载摄影机
  12070. airborne platform ==> 机载平台
  12071. airborne pollutant ==> 空气传播的污染物
  12072. airborne profile ==> 航空剖面
  12073. airborne proton magnetometer ==> 航空甚低频电磁系统
  12074. airborne proximity indicator ==> 飞机防撞雷达指示器
  12075. airborne radar ==> 机载雷达
  12076. airborne radar platform ==> 机载雷达平台
  12077. airborne radiation detector ==> 航空放射性检测仪
  12078. airborne radiosonde recorder ==> 航空无线电探空记录仪
  12079. airborne ranger ==> 航空测距仪
  12080. airborne remote sensing ==> 航空遥感
  12081. airborne remote sensing system ==> 机载遥感系统
  12082. airborne scanner ==> 航空扫描仪
  12083. airborne sea and swell recorder ==> 航空海浪记录仪
  12084. airborne sound ==> 空気伝送音
  12085. airborne station ==> 机载电台
  12086. airborne subhunter ==> 反潜直升飞机
  12087. airborne target designator ==> 机载目标指示器
  12088. airborne target locating system ==> 机载目标定位系统
  12089. airborne telesensing ==> 航空遥感
  12090. airborne television system ==> 机载电视系统
  12091. airborne tellurometer ==> 航空微波测距仪
  12092. airborne troops ==> 空降兵
  12093. airborne vibration ==> 飞行振动
  12094. airborne warning and control system (AWACS) ==> 机载预警和控制系统
  12095. airborne warning and control system computer ==> 空中预警戒控制系统计算机
  12096. airborne waste ==> 飞机上的废气污染
  12097. airborne XBT ==> 机载投弃式深温计
  12098. airborne-sound-insulation rating curve ==> 遮音基準曲線
  12099. airbrake hose ==> 气制动软管
  12100. airbrake switch ==> 空气制动开关
  12101. airbreak circuit breaker ==> 空气断路器
  12102. airbreak switch ==> 空气开关
  12103. AIRCO cutting method ==> 氧溶剂切割法
  12104. Airco-Hoover sweetening ==> 爱尔柯-胡佛脱硫法
  12105. aircon refractory ==> 锆英石耐火材料
  12106. airconditioned container ==> 空调集装箱
  12107. aircraft ==> 飞艇,航空器=>航空機
  12108. aircraft accessory ==> 飞机附件
  12109. aircraft accident ==> 飞机失事,飞机意外事故
  12110. aircraft all risks ==> 飞机一切险
  12111. aircraft altimeter ==> 航空测高计
  12112. aircraft ammunition ==> 航空弹药
  12113. aircraft antenna ==> 飞机用天线
  12114. aircraft assembly plant ==> 飞机装配厂
  12115. aircraft automatic cannon ==> 航空自动机关炮
  12116. aircraft axes ==> 飞机坐标系
  12117. aircraft ball bearing ==> 航空球轴承
  12118. aircraft bonding ==> 飞机搭接,飞机电缆连接
  12119. aircraft cable ==> 飞机用钢索,航空钢丝绳
  12120. aircraft camera ==> 航空摄影机
  12121. aircraft camera mounting ==> 航空摄影机座架
  12122. aircraft carburetor ==> 航空汽化器
  12123. aircraft carrier ==> 航空母舰
  12124. aircraft catapult ==> 飞机弹射器
  12125. aircraft catapult simulator ==> 飞机弹射器模拟器
  12126. aircraft ceiling ==> 飞机云幂
  12127. aircraft climb assisting unit ==> 起飞助推器,爬升飞行助推器
  12128. aircraft compass ==> 航空罗盘
  12129. aircraft compass system ==> 飞机罗盘系统
  12130. aircraft component ==> 飞机构件
  12131. aircraft computer ==> 飞机航行计算机
  12132. aircraft configuration ==> 飞机结构
  12133. aircraft construction ==> 飞机结构
  12134. aircraft control and warning system ==> 飞机控制和警报系统
  12135. aircraft controller ==> 飞机检查员
  12136. aircraft cord ==> 航空细钢丝绳
  12137. aircraft cord wire ==> 航空钢丝
  12138. aircraft critical speed ==> 单发临界速度
  12139. aircraft decibel rating ==> 飞机分贝等级
  12140. aircraft deicer ==> 飞机除冰器
  12141. aircraft deployment problem ==> 飞机调度问题
  12142. aircraft derived gas turbine ==> 航空改装型燃汽轮机
  12143. aircraft detection lidar ==> 飞机探测激光雷达
  12144. aircraft direction finder ==> 飞机探向器
  12145. aircraft dispersal area ==> 疏散机场
  12146. aircraft dope ==> 飞机涂布漆
  12147. aircraft dynamics ==> 飞机动力学
  12148. aircraft early warning station ==> 飞机早期警报站
  12149. aircraft electrification ==> 飞机带电
  12150. aircraft elevator ==> 飞机升降舵
  12151. aircraft engine ==> 航空发动机=>航空発動機,航空エンジン
  12152. aircraft engine fuel ==> 航空发动机燃料
  12153. aircraft engine ground run ==> 地面测试飞机引擎
  12154. aircraft engine oil ==> 航空机油,飞机机油
  12155. aircraft engine parts ==> 飞机发动机零件
  12156. aircraft factory ==> 飞机制造厂
  12157. aircraft fatigue data analysis system ==> 飞机疲劳数据分析系统
  12158. aircraft fluid ==> 航空液压油
  12159. aircraft flyover synchronization ==> 飞机飞跃同步
  12160. aircraft fuel ==> 航空燃料
  12161. aircraft fueler ==> 飞机加油器
  12162. aircraft gas turbine ==> 航空燃气轮机
  12163. aircraft gas turbine bearing lubrication ==> 飞机燃气涡轮轴承润滑
  12164. aircraft generator ==> 飞机用发电机
  12165. aircraft grease ==> 航空润滑脂
  12166. aircraft gun ==> 航空炮
  12167. aircraft gunfire detector ==> 飞行器炮火探测器
  12168. aircraft hull insurance ==> 飞机机身险
  12169. aircraft icing ==> 飞机积冰
  12170. aircraft impactor ==> 机载冲击采样器
  12171. aircraft industry ==> 飞机制造业
  12172. aircraft instrument ==> 飞机仪表,航空仪表=>航空計器
  12173. aircraft instrument panel ==> 飞机仪表板
  12174. aircraft instrumentation ==> 飞机仪表
  12175. aircraft intercept control system ==> 飞行拦截控制系统
  12176. aircraft launching apparatus ==> 飞机起飞设备
  12177. aircraft low approach system ==> 飞机低空进场系统
  12178. aircraft lubricating oil ==> 航空润滑油
  12179. aircraft machine-gun turrent ==> 航空机关炮炮塔
  12180. aircraft machinery ==> 航空加工机械
  12181. aircraft maintenance and repair plant ==> 飞机维修与修理厂
  12182. aircraft manufacturing shop ==> 飞机制造车间
  12183. aircraft motor gasoline ==> 航空汽油
  12184. aircraft noise ==> 航空器噪声
  12185. aircraft noise certification scheme ==> 飞机噪音证明书计划
  12186. aircraft noise exposure ==> 飞机噪音影响
  12187. aircraft oil ==> 飞机油
  12188. aircraft parking area ==> 停机坪
  12189. aircraft passenger insurance ==> 飞机乘客保险,飞机旅客保险
  12190. aircraft passenger seat ==> 飞机旅客座椅
  12191. aircraft position reporter ==> 飞机位置指示器
  12192. aircraft power plant ==> 飞机动力装置
  12193. aircraft power vehicle ==> 航空地面电源车
  12194. aircraft propulsion ==> 飞机推进
  12195. aircraft pulse navigation ==> 脉冲导航
  12196. aircraft pylon ==> 飞机外挂架
  12197. aircraft quality steel ==> 飞机用优质钢
  12198. aircraft radar sight ==> 飞机雷达瞄准器
  12199. aircraft radio ==> 航空無線
  12200. aircraft radio sight ==> 飞机无线电瞄准器
  12201. aircraft radome ==> 飞机整流罩
  12202. aircraft refueller ==> 飞机加油器
  12203. aircraft repair ==> 飞机修理
  12204. aircraft report ==> 飞行员报告
  12205. aircraft rocket ==> 航空火箭
  12206. aircraft simulation ==> 飞行器模拟
  12207. aircraft skid ==> 飞机起落滑橇
  12208. aircraft skin ==> 飞行器外壳
  12209. aircraft snow survey ==> 航空测雪
  12210. aircraft sprayer ==> 飞机喷雾器
  12211. aircraft starter ==> 飞机启动机
  12212. aircraft static pressure error corrector ==> 飞机静压误差校正器
  12213. aircraft station ==> 航空機局
  12214. aircraft structures ==> 飞机结构
  12215. aircraft system ==> 飞机构造
  12216. aircraft tanker ==> 空中加油飞机
  12217. aircraft testing ==> 飞机试验
  12218. aircraft towing tractor ==> 飞机牵引用拖拉机
  12219. aircraft transmitter-receiver ==> 飞机无线电收发两用机
  12220. aircraft transparency ==> 飞机玻璃窗
  12221. aircraft tubes ==> 飞机用钢管
  12222. aircraft turbine ==> 航空透平
  12223. aircraft tyre ==> 飞机轮胎
  12224. aircraft vectoring ==> 飞机导引
  12225. aircraft warning light ==> 航空障碍灯=>航空障害灯
  12226. aircraft watch ==> 航空表
  12227. aircraft weather reconnaissance ==> 飞机天气侦擦
  12228. aircraft weight indicator ==> 飞机重量指示器
  12229. aircraft weight tax ==> 飞机重量税
  12230. aircraft wire rope ==> 航空钢丝绳
  12231. aircraft with nose wheel ==> 前三点飞机
  12232. aircushion sign ==> 克累姆氏征
  12233. airdraulic actuator ==> 气液压力转换缸
  12234. airdrome ==> 飛行場
  12235. airdrome beacon ==> 飛行場灯台
  12236. airdrome lighting ==> 飛行場照明
  12237. AIREC, avionics ionizing radiation environment compatibility ==> アビオニクスイオン化放射環境適合性
  12238. aired bar ==> 脱碳钢条
  12239. AIREEC, avionics ionizing radiation environment effects control ==> アビオニクスイオン化放射環境影響制御
  12240. AIREP, aircraft inflight report ==> 機上実況気象通報式
  12241. airfield contorl radar ==> 空港監視レーダ
  12242. airfield control communication ==> 机场指挥通信
  12243. airfield first aid ==> 机场救护
  12244. airfield hygiene ==> 机场卫生
  12245. airfield lighting ==> 机场照明
  12246. airfield rescue ==> 机场救护
  12247. airflow ==> 空气流=>気流,空気流(量),エアフロー
  12248. airflow breakaway ==> 气流分离
  12249. airflow classification ==> 分流式分选
  12250. airflow dryer ==> 热风烘燥机
  12251. airflow duct ==> 空气流导管
  12252. airflow meter ==> 空气流量表
  12253. airflow orifice ==> 通气孔
  12254. airflow pipe ==> 空气输送管道
  12255. airflow rate ==> 空气流量,气流速率
  12256. airflow sprayer ==> 气流喷雾机
  12257. airfoil ==> 翼型
  12258. airfoil and body combination ==> 机翼和机身组合体
  12259. airfoil camber ==> 机翼翘曲,机翼上翘
  12260. airfoil cascade ==> 导向叶片系
  12261. airfoil control (system) combination ==> 机翼和操纵机构组合
  12262. airfoil element ==> 机翼型元件
  12263. airfoil equation ==> 翼理論の方程式
  12264. airfoil fan ==> 翼型叶片
  12265. airfoil section ==> 翼剖面,翼型
  12266. airfoil shape ==> 翼型
  12267. airfoil surface ==> 翼面
  12268. airframe construction ==> 飞机构架结构
  12269. airframe dynamics ==> 构架力学
  12270. airfuge ultracentrifuge ==> 超高速气动离心机
  12271. airglow excitation ==> 大气辐射激励
  12272. airgun controller ==> 气控制器
  12273. airing ==> 空气干燥,通风
  12274. airless injection ==> 无气喷射,机械喷射=>無気噴射(ディーゼル機関)
  12275. airless shot blasting mchine ==> 喷丸清理机
  12276. airless spraying ==> 液压喷漆
  12277. airlift thermofor catalytic cracking ==> 空气提升储热催化裂化
  12278. airlight ==> 空气光=>大気中の散乱光
  12279. airlight formula ==> 大气光学公式
  12280. airline breathing apparatus ==> 通风气喉呼吸器
  12281. airline correction ==> 测绳水上部份偏移校正
  12282. airmail receipt ==> 空邮收据
  12283. airman's guide ==> エアマンガイド
  12284. airmeter ==> 气流表
  12285. airofoil fan ==> 机翼型叶片风机
  12286. airplane ==> 飛行機,航空機
  12287. airplane (hydroplane) ==> 水上滑行艇
  12288. airplane antenna ==> 飛行機アンテナ
  12289. airplane dial ==> 飞机用刻度盘,飞行用刻度盘
  12290. airplane duster ==> 飞机喷粉机
  12291. airplane flare ==> 飞机照明弹
  12292. airplane generator ==> 飞机用发电机
  12293. airplane lighting ==> 航空機照明
  12294. airplane lumber ==> 飞机板材
  12295. airplane mother ship ==> 航空母舰
  12296. airplane performance ==> 飞机性能
  12297. airplane refuel tank ==> 飞机加油箱
  12298. airplane span ==> 飞机翼展
  12299. airplane structural parts ==> 飞机结构部件
  12300. airplane structure ==> 飞机结构
  12301. airplane warning light ==> 航空障碍灯=>航空障害灯
  12302. airport ==> 空气孔,空运港,航空站=>空港
  12303. airport beacon ==> 空港ビーコン
  12304. airport control tower ==> 空港管制塔
  12305. airport engineering ==> 航空站工程学
  12306. airport light beacon ==> 航空港灯标
  12307. airport lighting ==> 空港照明
  12308. airport location ==> 飞机场位置,空港位置
  12309. airport of departure ==> 起运机场,启运机场
  12310. airport runway beacon ==> 滑走路ビーコン
  12311. airport surface detection equipment ==> 机场地面侦察设备
  12312. airport surface movement indicator ==> 机场地面活动目标显示器
  12313. airport traffic ==> 航空港航运量
  12314. airport traffic control tower (ATCT) ==> 航空港交通管制塔台
  12315. airscoop drag ==> 进气口阻力
  12316. airscoop heater ==> 进气道加热器
  12317. airscoop shroud ==> 进气罩
  12318. airscrew balancing apparatus ==> 螺旋桨平衡器
  12319. airscrew blade ==> 螺旋桨叶
  12320. airscrew boss ==> 螺旋桨壳
  12321. airscrew brake ==> 螺旋桨闸,螺旋桨制动器
  12322. airscrew circle ==> 螺旋桨盘面圆
  12323. airscrew hub ==> 螺桨毂,螺旋桨毂,飞机螺旋桨壳
  12324. airscrew hub flange ==> 飞机螺旋桨壳凸缘
  12325. airscrew pitch ==> 螺旋桨螺距
  12326. airscrew reduction gear ==> 螺旋桨减速齿轮
  12327. airscrew shaft ==> 螺旋桨轴
  12328. airscrew thrust ==> 螺旋桨推力
  12329. airscrew turbine system ==> 涡轮螺旋桨系统
  12330. airship envelope fabric ==> 飞艇气囊织物
  12331. airship hangar ==> 飞船库
  12332. airship shed ==> 飞船棚
  12333. airsick ==> 晕机
  12334. airspace cable ==> 空气绝缘电缆
  12335. airspace paper core cable ==> 空气纸绝缘电缆
  12336. airspace radar ==> 航天航空用雷达
  12337. airspace warning area ==> 空间警告区域
  12338. airspeed ==> 空速=>対気速度
  12339. airspeed computator ==> 空速计算器=>風速計
  12340. airspeed head ==> 空速管
  12341. airspeed indicator ==> 空速表,空速指示器=>対気速度計
  12342. airspeed mach indicator ==> 空速马赫指示器=>対気速度マッハ計
  12343. airspeed measuring sensor ==> 空速测量传感器
  12344. airspeed meter ==> 空速表,空速计
  12345. airspeedometer ==> 气流速度计
  12346. airstream detector ==> 气流探测器
  12347. airsuspension system ==> 空气悬架系统
  12348. airtight ==> 不漏气的,不透气=>気密な
  12349. airtight bulkhead ==> 气密隔板
  12350. airtight cabin ==> 气密舱,密封舱
  12351. airtight chamber ==> 密封室
  12352. airtight coating ==> 密封
  12353. airtight container ==> 密封容器
  12354. airtight cover ==> 密封盖
  12355. airtight joint ==> 密封接头,紧密接合,气密接合,气密接头
  12356. airtight machine ==> 气密型机器
  12357. airtight packing ==> 密封件,不透气填料
  12358. airtight screw pump ==> 密闭式螺杆泵
  12359. airtight seal ==> 空气密封,气密=>気密封し
  12360. airtight separator ==> 气密式封罐机
  12361. airtight shaft seal ==> 气密轴封
  12362. airtightness ==> 气密性,密封度,密封性,不透气性
  12363. airtightness test ==> 气密试验
  12364. airtow ==> 机场用牵引车
  12365. airway ==> 航空路
  12366. airway beacon ==> 航空灯台
  12367. airway bill of lading ==> 运输提单
  12368. airway lighting ==> 航空照明
  12369. airway station ==> 航路电台
  12370. airway surveillance radar ==> 航线监视雷达
  12371. airways forecast ==> 航空天气预报
  12372. airways observation ==> 航空天气观测
  12373. Airy ==> 艾里
  12374. airy ==> 空気の,広い
  12375. Airy differential equation ==> 埃里微分方程
  12376. Airy diffraction dise ==> 艾里衍射盘
  12377. airy diffraction integral ==> 艾里衍射积分
  12378. Airy diffraction integral ==> 艾里衍射积分
  12379. Airy diffraction pattern ==> 艾里衍射图样,爱里衍射图样
  12380. Airy disc ==> 艾里斑
  12381. Airy disk ==> 埃里班,爱里斑
  12382. Airy disk radius ==> 艾里半径
  12383. Airy function ==> 埃里函数,艾里函数,爱里函数
  12384. Airy hypothesis ==> 艾里假说
  12385. Airy isostasy ==> 埃里地壳均衡说
  12386. Airy pattern ==> 艾里图形
  12387. airy phase ==> 浅海爆炸声
  12388. Airy point ==> 艾里支撑点,爱里点
  12389. Airy points ==> 埃里支点
  12390. Airy spot ==> 艾里圆斑
  12391. Airy stress function ==> 埃里应力函数
  12392. Airy system ==> 艾里系统
  12393. airy texture ==> ふんわりとした生地
  12394. Airy transit circle ==> 爱里子午环
  12395. airy tune ==> 陽気な曲
  12396. Airy type objective ==> 艾里型物镜
  12397. Airy's bar ==> 爱里杆
  12398. Airy's integral ==> 爱里积分
  12399. airy's integral ==> 爱里积分
  12400. AIS, air insulated substation ==> 空气绝缘开关设备
  12401. AIS, Air Insulated Switchgear ==> 空气绝缘技术
  12402. AIS, Air-Insulated Substations ==> 気中絶縁電気所
  12403. AIS, automatic identification system ==> 船舶自动识别岸台=>船舶自動識別装置
  12404. AIS, Automatic Identification System ==> 自動船舶識別システム
  12405. AISC, American Institute of Steel Construction ==> 米国鉄鋼建築学会
  12406. AISI, American Iron and Steel Institute ==> 米国鉄鋼協会
  12407. aisle ==> 通道
  12408. aisle gallery ==> 侧廊
  12409. aisle space ==> (用于仓库内操作及防火)过道空间
  12410. AIST Super Cluster ==> AISTスーパークラスタ
  12411. AIST, Advanced Industrial Science and Technology ==> 産業技術総合研究所
  12412. AIST, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology ==> 工業技術院
  12413. AIT, assembly integration & test ==> 組み立て及び総合機能試験
  12414. AIT, Astrometric Imaging Telescope ==> NASA略語(意訳:天体画像望遠鏡)
  12415. aitch bone ==> 耻骨
  12416. Aitch metal ==> 艾奇合金
  12417. aitificial brain ==> 仿真脑
  12418. Aitken dust counter ==> 艾特肯尘量计
  12419. Aitken nuclei ==> 爱脱肯核
  12420. Aitken nucleus counter ==> 艾特肯尘量计,艾特肯核子计数器
  12421. Aitken's formula ==> 艾特肯公式
  12422. Aitken's generalised least-squares estimator ==> 艾特肯广义最小平方估计量
  12423. Aitken's least square ==> 艾特肯最小平方
  12424. Aitken's linear least square method ==> 艾特肯线性最小平方法
  12425. Aitken's method of interpolation ==> 艾特肯插值法
  12426. Aitoff equalarea map projection ==> 爱托夫等积投影
  12427. AIU, audio interface unit ==> 音声インタフェース装置
  12428. AIV, assembly integration and verification ==> 組立て,総合,実証
  12429. Aix gold leaf ==> 艾克斯假金叶
  12430. Aizerman's conjecture ==> アイザーマンの問題
  12431. ajar hook ==> 半开钩
  12432. Ajar metal ==> 埃杰克斯合金
  12433. Ajax bearing alloy ==> 艾杰克斯铅锑锡轴承合金
  12434. Ajax casting alloy ==> 艾杰克斯铸造铜硅锌合金
  12435. Ajax furnace ==> 艾杰克斯吹氧倾动平炉
  12436. Ajax induction furnace ==> 艾杰克斯感应炉
  12437. Ajax metal ==> 埃杰克斯轴承合金,艾杰克斯铅青铜
  12438. ajax metal ==> 阿加合金
  12439. ajax northrup furnace ==> 阿杰克斯诺斯拉普炉
  12440. Ajax phosphor bronze ==> 艾杰克斯磷青铜
  12441. Ajax plastic bronze ==> 艾杰克斯塑性青铜
  12442. Ajax powder ==> 阿加克斯火药
  12443. Ajax standard bronze ==> 艾杰克斯标准青铜
  12444. ajax standard bronze ==> 艾杰克斯标准青铜
  12445. Ajax-Northrup furnace ==> 阿加克斯诺斯拉普感应电炉,艾杰克斯-诺思拉普式高频感应炉
  12446. Ajax-Watt furnace ==> 阿贾斯-瓦特电炉
  12447. Ajax-Wyatt furnace ==> 阿加克斯-怀阿特电炉,阿加克斯瓦依亚特感应电炉,艾杰克斯-怀亚特式感应炉
  12448. ajowan oil ==> 香旱芹油
  12449. ajuga forrestii diels ==> 散瘀草
  12450. Akaroa fibre ==> 阿卡罗厄纤维
  12451. akaryote stage ==> 无核期
  12452. AKE, apogee kick engine ==> アポジキックエンジン
  12453. akimbo span ==> 肘间距
  12454. akimotoite ==> 硅酸盐矿物=>アキモトアイト
  12455. Akira Nakashima ==> 中嶋章
  12456. Akis spinosa ==> 类步行甲虫
  12457. AKM, apogee kick motor ==> アポジキックモータ
  12458. AKM, Apogee Kick Motor(Moteur d'apogee) ==> アポジ・キック・モータ(アポジモータ)
  12459. Akron abrasion machine ==> 阿克隆磨耗试验机
  12460. Akron machine ==> 阿克隆磨耗试验机
  12461. akyld resin build paint ==> 厚浆醇酸漆
  12462. al (BA signal) ==> 总线可用信号
  12463. Al addition ==> Al添加
  12464. al antipode,optical isomer, antimers ==> 对映体
  12465. al Corporations ==> 跨国公司行动守则
  12466. al design ==> 信号设计
  12467. Al electrolytic capacitor for TV ==> 电视机用铝电解电容器
  12468. al peritonitis ==> 产后腹膜炎
  12469. al perspiration ==> 褥汗
  12470. al professional privilege ==> 法定的职业权力
  12471. al proofing ==> 最后检验
  12472. al rasping forceps ==> 棘突切除钳
  12473. al rasping surgical instruments set ==> 椎弓切除手术刀包
  12474. al refining ==> 最后精炼,最后精制
  12475. al transformation ==> 形式变换
  12476. al(l)ing-nework-management signal ==> 信号网络管理信号
  12477. AL, action line ==> 要処置限界値
  12478. AL, allowable load ==> 許容荷重
  12479. al-alloy cartain rod ==> 铝合金窗轨
  12480. al-manazil ==> 马纳吉尔
  12481. Al-Mn alloy ==> アルミマンガン合金
  12482. ala auris ==> 耳廓
  12483. ala lobuli centralis ==> 中央小叶翼
  12484. ala minor ==> 小翼
  12485. ala of central lobule ==> 中央小叶翼
  12486. ala spuria ==> 拇翼
  12487. ALA, Aerosol Limb Absorption Imagery ==> エアロゾルオゾン観測装置
  12488. alabaster glass ==> 乳白玻璃,乳色玻璃,雪花玻璃
  12489. alalia mentalis ==> 精神性失语症
  12490. alantic acid ==> 阿兰酸,旋覆花酸
  12491. alantin ==> 旋覆花素,土木香粉,菊粉,菊粉
  12492. alantol ==> 菊醇,菊醇,阿兰醇
  12493. alanyl-glycine ==> 丙氨酰甘氨酸
  12494. alar alloy ==> 铝硅合金
  12495. alar folds ==> 翼状臂,翼状襞
  12496. alar part ==> 翼部
  12497. alar plate ==> 翼板
  12498. alar wall ==> 翼壁
  12499. ALARA, as low as reasonably achievable ==> ALARA
  12500. alarm ==> 警报,告警,为引起对某些异常状态注意的信息=>警報
  12501. alarm annunciator ==> 警报信号器=>アラームアナンシェータ
  12502. alarm annunciator for negative sequence current monitoring ==> 负序电流监测报警装置,通过测量发电机定子绕组的三相不平衡电流来监测负序电流值的大小,并可报警的装置
  12503. alarm bell ==> 警铃,警钟=>警報ベル,警鐘
  12504. alarm box ==> 报警信号箱
  12505. alarm check valve (ACV) ==> 报警单向阀
  12506. alarm clock ==> 闹钟
  12507. alarm code ==> 报警码
  12508. alarm contact ==> 警報接点
  12509. alarm control panel ==> 报警控制面板
  12510. alarm cut out ==> 报警抑制,对报警信息的一种处理方法,如在某些工况(如启动)下,介质参数虽然达到报警限值,但并不属于异常现象,为不影响正常监视而闭锁报警的措施
  12511. alarm device ==> 报警装置=>警報装置
  12512. alarm float ==> 报警浮标,浮子报警器
  12513. alarm fuse ==> 报警熔丝=>警報接点付ヒューズ
  12514. alarm gauge ==> 锅炉警报器,报警压力计
  12515. alarm hand ==> 闹针
  12516. alarm indication signale ==> AIS信号
  12517. alarm indicator ==> 闹指示器,告警指示器
  12518. alarm indicator WBL ==> 告警灯
  12519. alarm lamp ==> 警报灯,警报灯,报警灯=>警報ランプ
  12520. alarm level ==> 告警级别
  12521. alarm light ==> 警报灯,警报灯,警戒灯,警戒灯
  12522. alarm manometer ==> 报警气压计,报警压力计
  12523. alarm module ==> 告警模块
  12524. alarm operating protection ==> 报警信号保护
  12525. alarm panel ==> 告警面板
  12526. alarm pressure gauge ==> 报警压力表
  12527. alarm printer ==> 报警打字机
  12528. alarm reaction ==> 紧急反应
  12529. alarm relay ==> 报警信号继电器=>信号リレー
  12530. alarm reset ==> 警報復帰
  12531. alarm rocket wheel ==> 闹速动轮
  12532. alarm sensor ==> 告警传感器
  12533. alarm signal ==> 警报信号,报警信号=>警報信号
  12534. alarm summery panel ==> 报警汇总画面
  12535. alarm switch ==> 报警开关,报警信号开关
  12536. alarm system ==> 报警器,警报系统,警报信号系统,热工报警系统,具有声、光信号输出,以表明热力设备或控制系统不正常或工艺系统参数超出规定值的自动化系统
  12537. alarm system for nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂报警系统,在核电厂偏离正常运行工况时,以灯光、音响、屏幕显示或其组合的方式,向操纵员提供警告信息,使操纵员能在出现异常事件之前作出有效反应的系统
  12538. alarm thermometer ==> 报警温度计=>警報温度計
  12539. alarm trip circuit ==> 警報トリップ回路
  12540. alarm unit ==> 报警单元
  12541. alarm unit for the auxiliary engines and tanks ==> 発電補機・タンク類警報
  12542. alarm valve ==> 报警阀,警报阀,警报阀,警告阀,警告阀,告警阀
  12543. alarm water level ==> 报警水位
  12544. alarm whistle ==> 非常気笛
  12545. alarm window ==> 光字牌报警器=>表示式警報器
  12546. alarm-repeated transmission ==> 重复传送报警
  12547. alarming apparatus ==> 警报装置,警报装置
  12548. alarming device ==> 警報装置
  12549. Alaska ==> 阿拉斯加
  12550. Alaska communication system ==> 阿拉斯加通信系统
  12551. Alaska Integrated Communications Exchange ==> 阿拉斯加综合通信系统
  12552. Alaska long period array ==> 阿拉斯加长周期天线阵
  12553. alaska yarn ==> 阿拉斯加纱线
  12554. Alaskan glaciers ==> アラスカ氷河
  12555. alastrim virus ==> 类天花病毒
  12556. alaxadrite laser ==> 金绿宝石激光器
  12557. Alba alloy ==> 阿尔巴银钯合金
  12558. alba alloy soldering ==> 白合金焊
  12559. Alba crack detector ==> 阿尔巴磁力探伤仪
  12560. Albada finder ==> 阿尔巴达取景器
  12561. Albany clay ==> 阿尔巴尼粘土
  12562. albany grease ==> 钙基润滑脂,含钙皂黄油
  12563. Albany HTS Cable Project ==> Albanyプロジェクトは,米国NY州Albany市の2つの変電所を結ぶ実線路の一部に,長さ350mの高温超電導ケーブルを布設,ケーブルシステムの建設を行い,長期試験を行うことで,長尺超電導ケーブルの実用性を検証するものである。
  12564. Albany slip ==> 陶泥釉
  12565. albata goods ==> 德国银器皿
  12566. Albata metal ==> 阿尔巴达黄铜
  12567. Albatra alloy ==> 阿尔巴特拉铜合金
  12568. albatross ==> 海鸟绒,信天翁=>アホウドリ
  12569. albedo ==> 反射率=>アルベド(反射係数)
  12570. albedo neutron dosimeter ==> 反照率中子剂量计
  12571. albedo neutrons ==> 反照粒子
  12572. albedo particles ==> 反照粒子
  12573. albedo perception ==> 反照率知觉
  12574. albedograph ==> 反射计
  12575. alberene stone ==> 高级皂石
  12576. Alberger process ==> 阿贝格制盐法
  12577. Albert Abraham Michelson ==> 阿尔伯特·亚伯拉罕·迈克尔逊=>アルバート・エイブラハム・マイケルソン
  12578. Albert crepe ==> 艾伯特绉
  12579. Albert Lasker Award ==> 艾伯特·拉斯克医学研究奖=>アルバートラスカー医学研究賞
  12580. Albert lay ==> 同向捻法
  12581. Albert lay wire rope ==> 同向捻钢丝绳,艾伯特顺捻钢丝绳
  12582. Albert's suture ==> 阿尔伯特氏肠缝合术
  12583. Albert-Precht effect ==> 阿尔伯特-普雷切特效应
  12584. Alberta low ==> 阿尔伯达低压
  12585. albinism ==> 白化,白化病,白化现象
  12586. albinism of iris ==> 虹膜白化病
  12587. albinismus universalis ==> 全身白化病
  12588. albino rat ==> 白鼠,大白鼠
  12589. Albion metal ==> 夹铅锡箔
  12590. albion metal ==> 阿尔比饵锡铅箔
  12591. albite ==> 钠长石
  12592. albite law ==> 钠长石律
  12593. albite twin ==> 钠长石双晶
  12594. albite twin law ==> 钠长石双晶律
  12595. ALBM, air launched ballistic missile ==> 空対地弾道ミサイル
  12596. Albrecht's bone ==> 耳底骨
  12597. Albright's syndrome ==> 奥尔布赖特氏综合征
  12598. Albright's syndrome to type ==> 假性甲状旁腺功能减退
  12599. albronze ==> 铝青铜
  12600. albucid soluble ==> 磺胺醋酰钠
  12601. album of painting ==> 画册
  12602. albumen (ized) paper ==> 蛋白纸
  12603. albumen coating solution ==> 蛋白感光液
  12604. albumen powder ==> 蛋白粉
  12605. albumen process ==> 蛋白版法
  12606. albumen quality ==> 蛋白质量
  12607. albumin ==> 清蛋白素,白蛋白=>アルブミン
  12608. albumin A ==> 白蛋白A
  12609. albumin agglutinating antibody ==> 白蛋白凝集抗体
  12610. albumin clearance ==> 白蛋白廓清率
  12611. albumin crystal ==> 白蛋白晶体
  12612. albumin fibre ==> 白蛋白纤维
  12613. albumin glue ==> 蛋白胶
  12614. albumin layer ==> 蛋白层
  12615. albumin tannate ==> 鞣酸蛋白
  12616. albumin X ==> 白蛋白X
  12617. albumin X1 heparin cofactor ==> 白蛋白X1
  12618. albumin X・1 heparin cofactor ==> 白蛋白X・1
  12619. albumin-globulin ratio ==> 血清白蛋白球蛋白比率
  12620. albumino reaction ==> 白蛋白反应
  12621. albuminous granules ==> 白蛋白粒,胞质粒
  12622. albuminous seed ==> 有胚乳种子
  12623. ALC, automatic level control ==> 自動レベル調整
  12624. ALC, automatic load control ==> 自动负荷控制
  12625. alchemical ==> 錬金術上の
  12626. alchemist ==> 錬金術師
  12627. alchemy ==> 炼金术=>錬金術
  12628. Alchlor process ==> 氯化铝法
  12629. Alcian dye ==> 爱尔新染料
  12630. ALCL, as launched configuration list ==> 打上状態コンフィギュレーションリスト
  12631. alclad ==> 阿尔克拉德包铝硬铝板,高强度铝合金
  12632. Alco Gyro cracking process ==> 气相裂化过程
  12633. Alco metal ==> 铝基轴承合金,阿尔科基轴承合金
  12634. Alcoa alloy ==> 阿尔科阿耐蚀铝合金
  12635. Alcock's canal ==> 阿尔科克氏管,阴部管
  12636. alcohol ==> 醇,酒精=>アルコール
  12637. alcohol (C2H5OH) ==> 乙醇
  12638. alcohol acid ==> 醇酸
  12639. alcohol addiction ==> 酒癖
  12640. alcohol amide ==> 醇酰胺
  12641. alcohol amine ==> 醇胺
  12642. alcohol bath ==> 酒精擦浴,酒精擦浴,酒精浴,酒精浴
  12643. alcohol blast burner ==> 酒精喷灯,酒精喷灯
  12644. alcohol blend ==> 酒精混合液,酒精混合液
  12645. alcohol block therapy ==> 酒精封闭疗法,酒精封闭疗法
  12646. alcohol burner ==> 酒精灯,酒精灯
  12647. alcohol by-product feed ==> 酒精副产品饲料,酒精副产品饲料
  12648. alcohol coagulation test ==> 酒精凝结试验,酒精凝结试验
  12649. alcohol concentration ==> 酒精浓度,酒精浓度
  12650. alcohol content ==> 酒精含量,酒精含量
  12651. alcohol dehydrogenase ==> 酒精脱氢酶,酒精脱氢酶,醇脱氢酶,乙醇脱氢酶
  12652. alcohol dependence syndrome ==> 酒瘾综合征
  12653. alcohol distillation ==> 酒精蒸馏,酒精蒸馏
  12654. alcohol ester ==> 醇酯
  12655. alcohol ether ==> 醇醚
  12656. alcohol fermented milk ==> 酒精发酵孔,酒精发酵孔
  12657. alcohol fixation ==> 酒精固定,酒精固定
  12658. alcohol gastric test ==> 醇胃试验
  12659. alcohol group ==> 醇基
  12660. alcohol infusion test ==> 酒精静滴试验,酒精静滴试验
  12661. alcohol ketone ==> 醇酮
  12662. alcohol lamp ==> 酒精灯,酒精灯
  12663. alcohol number ==> 醇值
  12664. alcohol oxidase ==> 醇氧化酶,乙醇氧化酶
  12665. alcohol oxidation ==> アルコール酸化
  12666. alcohol phenol ==> 醇酚
  12667. alcohol phosphate ==> 醇的磷酸酯
  12668. alcohol plant ==> 酒精厂,酒精厂
  12669. alcohol poisoning ==> 醇类中毒
  12670. alcohol press therapy ==> 酒熨
  12671. alcohol resin ==> 醇树脂
  12672. alcohol sodium lamp ==> 酒精钠灯,酒精钠灯
  12673. alcohol soluble phenolic resin varnish ==> 醇溶酚醛树脂清漆
  12674. alcohol soluble polyamid terpolymer ==> 醇溶三元共聚聚酰胺
  12675. alcohol soluble protein ==> 醇溶蛋白
  12676. alcohol thermometer ==> 酒精温度表
  12677. alcohol trough ==> 酒精槽,酒精槽
  12678. alcohol varnish ==> 醇溶性清漆
  12679. alcohol withdrawl syndrome ==> 酒精戒除综合征,酒精戒除综合征
  12680. alcohol yeast ==> 酒精酵母,酒精酵母
  12681. alcohol-cotton case ==> 酒精棉球盒,酒精棉球盒
  12682. alcohol-free ==> 不含酒精
  12683. alcohol-precipitation test ==> 酒精沉淀试验,酒精沉淀试验
  12684. alcohol-sol-resin ==> 醇溶树脂
  12685. alcohol-soluble resin ==> 醇溶性树脂
  12686. alcoholase ==> 醇酶
  12687. alcoholate ==> 醇化物,醇淦,乙醇化物,烃氧基金属
  12688. alcohole thermometer ==> アルコール温度計
  12689. alcoholemia ==> 醇血症
  12690. alcoholic ==> 醇的,含酒精
  12691. alcoholic acid paper mica sheet ==> 醇酸纸云母片
  12692. alcoholic acid paper mica tape ==> 醇酸纸云母带
  12693. alcoholic acid putty ==> 醇酸腻子
  12694. alcoholic acid varnish ==> 醇酸清漆
  12695. alcoholic acid varnished glass cloth tape ==> 醇酸玻璃漆布带
  12696. alcoholic aerosol concentrate ==> 含酒精成分的喷雾浓缩物
  12697. alcoholic ataxia ==> 酒毒性共济失调,酒毒性共济失调
  12698. alcoholic beverage ==> 酒精饮料,酒精饮料
  12699. alcoholic breath ==> 酒臭,酒臭
  12700. alcoholic cardiomyopathy ==> 酒精性心脏病,酒精性心脏病
  12701. alcoholic cirrhosis ==> 酒精性肝硬变,酒精性肝硬变
  12702. alcoholic coma ==> 醇毒性昏迷
  12703. alcoholic dementia ==> 酒毒性痴呆,酒毒性痴呆,酒精中毒性痴呆,酒精中毒性痴呆
  12704. alcoholic deterioration ==> 酒精中毒性衰退,酒精中毒性衰退
  12705. alcoholic enamel ==> 醇酸磁瓷漆
  12706. alcoholic encephalopathy ==> 酒精中毒性脑病,酒精中毒性脑病
  12707. alcoholic esophagitis ==> 酒精性食管炎,酒精性食管炎
  12708. alcoholic extract ==> 酒精提出物,酒精提出物
  12709. alcoholic extraction ==> 酒精提取,酒精提取
  12710. alcoholic fermentation ==> 酒精发酵,酒精发酵
  12711. alcoholic hallucination ==> 酒精中毒性幻觉症,酒精中毒性幻觉症
  12712. alcoholic hepatitis ==> 酒精性肝炎,酒精性肝炎
  12713. alcoholic hydroxyl ==> 醇式羟基
  12714. alcoholic hypoglycemia ==> 酒精性低血糖症,酒精性低血糖症
  12715. alcoholic intoxication ==> 醉酒
  12716. alcoholic lye ==> 醇碱液
  12717. alcoholic mania ==> 酒毒性躁狂,酒毒性躁狂,酒狂,酒狂
  12718. alcoholic mass ==> 酒,酒
  12719. alcoholic meningitis ==> 酒毒性脑膜炎,酒毒性脑膜炎
  12720. alcoholic myocardiopathy ==> 酒精性心肌病,酒精性心肌病
  12721. alcoholic neuritis ==> 酒毒性神经炎,酒毒性神经炎
  12722. alcoholic paralysis ==> 醇中毒性麻痹
  12723. alcoholic paranoia ==> 酒毒性妄想狂,酒毒性妄想狂
  12724. alcoholic paraplegia ==> 醇中毒性截瘫
  12725. alcoholic pneumonia ==> 酒毒性肺炎,酒毒性肺炎
  12726. alcoholic poisoning ==> 酒中毒,酒中毒,醇中毒
  12727. alcoholic polyneuritic psychosis ==> 酒精性多神经炎性精神病,酒精性多神经炎性精神病
  12728. alcoholic polyneuritis ==> 酒精性多发性神经炎,酒精性多发性神经炎
  12729. alcoholic potash ==> 氢氧化钾酒精溶液
  12730. alcoholic psychosis ==> 酒毒性精神病,酒毒性精神病,酒精中毒性精神病,酒精中毒性精神病
  12731. alcoholic solution ==> 酒精溶液,酒精溶液
  12732. alcoholic stimulant ==> 醇性兴奋剂
  12733. alcoholic tincture ==> 醇制酊剂
  12734. alcoholic trance ==> 酒毒迷睡,酒毒迷睡,酒毒性恍惚,酒毒性恍惚
  12735. alcoholic varnish ==> 凡立水
  12736. alcoholimeter ==> 醇定量器
  12737. alcoholimetry ==> 醇定量法
  12738. alcoholism ==> 醇中毒,酒精中毒,酒精中毒,酒中毒,酒中毒
  12739. alcoholization ==> 酒精饱和,酒精饱和,酒精疗法,酒精疗法,醇化,醇化作用
  12740. alcoholmetry ==> 酒精测定,酒精测定
  12741. alcoholometer ==> 酒精比重计,酒精比重计,酒精表,酒精表,醇比重计,醇定量器
  12742. alcoholometry ==> 醇定量法
  12743. alcoholophilia ==> 酒癖
  12744. alcoholotherapy ==> 酒精疗法,酒精疗法
  12745. alcohols ==> 醇类
  12746. alcoholsoluble protein ==> 醇溶蛋白
  12747. alcoholuria ==> 醇尿
  12748. alcoholysis ==> 醇解
  12749. Alcomax alloy ==> 阿尔科马克斯铝镍钴铜型永磁合金
  12750. ALCOR, assistant launch conductor ==> 副発射指揮者
  12751. alcove ==> 凹室,凹形卧室
  12752. alcove lands ==> 砂页岩切割阶梯地形
  12753. alcuronium chloride ==> 阿库氯铵
  12754. ALD, Atomic Layer Deposition ==> 原子層堆積法
  12755. Aldanian period ==> 阿尔丹纪
  12756. aldebaranium analyzer ==> 铥含量分析仪
  12757. aldehydase acid ==> 醛酶
  12758. aldehyde ==> アルデヒド
  12759. aldehyde alcohol ==> 醛醇
  12760. aldehyde ammonia ==> 醛氨
  12761. aldehyde group ==> 醛基
  12762. aldehyde oxidase ==> 醛氧化酶
  12763. aldehyde polymer ==> 醛聚合物
  12764. aldehyde reaction ==> 醛化反应,康尼扎罗氏反应
  12765. aldehyde test ==> 甲醛试验
  12766. aldehyde-ester ==> 醛酯
  12767. aldehyde-ketone rearrangement ==> 醛酮重排
  12768. Alden power brake ==> 奥尔登测功器,奥尔登动力制动器
  12769. alder bark ==> 赤杨树皮
  12770. Alder reaction ==> 艾德勒反应
  12771. alder wood ==> 赤杨木
  12772. aldesulfone sodium ==> 阿地砜钠
  12773. Aldip process ==> 铝喷镀法,热镀铝法,热浸镀铝法
  12774. aldis lamp ==> 轻便信号灯
  12775. aldol condensation ==> 醛醇缩合
  12776. aldol reaction ==> 醛醇缩合反应
  12777. Aldomet tablet ==> 爱道美片
  12778. aldosteron-induced protein ==> 醛甾酮诱导蛋白
  12779. aldrey ==> 阿尔德雷导线用铝合金
  12780. Aldrey wire ==> アルドライ線
  12781. Aldrich mixture ==> 奥尔德里奇氏合剂
  12782. Aldrich's syndrome ==> 奥尔德里奇氏综合征
  12783. aleatory contract ==> 投机性合同
  12784. aleatory operation ==> 投机活动
  12785. aleatory variable ==> 复杂变量
  12786. alee basin ==> 深海异重流盆地
  12787. ALEGRE, Advanced Low Energy Gamma-Ray Explorer ==> 次期低エネルギーガンマ線探査機
  12788. aleprestic acid ==> 环戊烯戊酸
  12789. alepric acid ==> 环戊烯壬酸
  12790. aleprolic acid ==> 环戊烯甲酸
  12791. aleprylic acid ==> 环戊烯庚酸
  12792. alert ==> 警戒=>警報,警告
  12793. alert pulse ==> 醒时脉博
  12794. alert signal device, alarm signal device ==> 预告信号装置,发电厂和变电站中反映设备和系统异常运行状态,以引起有关人员注意并及时加以处理的声、光或图象报警装置
  12795. alert state ==> 覚醒状態
  12796. alert state of power system ==> 电力系统警戒运行状态,当前电力系统处于正常运行状态,但是发生N-1开断后,会发生电气设备违反运行约束的稳态运行状态
  12797. alert status ==> 警戒状態
  12798. alert system ==> 警告システム
  12799. alert thresholds ==> 警戒閾値
  12800. alert time ==> 警戒时间,警戒时间
  12801. alert timing ==> 警報タイミング
  12802. alert-headed ==> 头形灵活的
  12803. alerting antenna ==> 警戒天线,警戒天线
  12804. alerting signal ==> 报警信号
  12805. alertor ==> 警报器,警报器
  12806. Aleurites fordii poisoning ==> 油桐子中毒
  12807. aleuron ==> 糊粉
  12808. aleuronat ==> 麦蛋白
  12809. aleurone ==> 糊粉,糊粉粒
  12810. aleurone cells ==> 糊粉细胞
  12811. aleurone cells of endosperm ==> 胚乳糊粉细胞
  12812. aleurone grains ==> 糊粉粒
  12813. aleurone layer ==> 糊粉层
  12814. aleuronoid ==> 麦粉样的
  12815. aleuronoid granules ==> 麦粉蛋白样粒
  12816. Aleutian low ==> 阿留申低压
  12817. Alexander Graham Bell, 1847-1922 ==> 電話の発明者。
  12818. Alexander Grothendieck ==> 亚历山大·格罗森狄克
  12819. Alexander tester ==> 凝胶强度试验器
  12820. Alexanderson, Ernst F.W. ==> E.F.W.アレクサンダーソン,1878-1975,アメリカの電気工学者,スウェーデンに生まれ、のちアメリカにわたってGEの技術者となった。テスラ、フェッセンデンの高周波発電機を改良して高性能の高周波発電機を製作、長距離無線電話技術に貢献した。ほかにも電気・電子工学の分野で幅広く活躍、生涯の特許取得は300件以上に及んだ。
  12821. Alexandrian calendar ==> 亚历山大历
  12822. alexandrite laser ==> 变石激光器
  12823. alexin unit ==> 补体单位
  12824. Alexinic unit ==> 补体的单位
  12825. Alexis, Array of Low-Energy X-ray Imaging Sensors ==> NASA略語(意訳:低エネルギーX線画像センサー・アレー)
  12826. ALF, acoustic levitation furnace ==> 音波浮遊炉
  12827. ALF-LVT, ALF-Levitator ==> 音波浮遊炉本体
  12828. alfa process ==> 阿尔法过程
  12829. alfalfa ==> 苜蓿,苜蓿草,紫苜蓿
  12830. alfalfa caterpillar ==> 苜蓿粉蝶
  12831. alfalfa dehydrator ==> 苜蓿干燥机
  12832. alfalfa dodder ==> 苜蓿菟丝子
  12833. alfalfa drill ==> 苜蓿条播机
  12834. alfalfa looper ==> 苜蓿环纹夜蛾
  12835. alfalfa meal ==> 苜蓿草粉
  12836. alfalfa meal producer ==> 苜蓿粉制造机
  12837. alfalfa mosaic ==> 苜蓿花叶病
  12838. alfalfa mosaic virus ==> 苜蓿花叶病毒
  12839. alfalfa pellet ==> 苜蓿颗粒饲料
  12840. alfalfa plant bug ==> 苜蓿盲蝽
  12841. alfalfa valve ==> 灌溉水阀,灌水栓
  12842. alfalfa webworm ==> 苜蓿网螟
  12843. alfalfa weevil ==> 苜蓿叶象虫
  12844. alfalfa-leaf ==> 苜蓿叶
  12845. alfenide ==> 阿里费尼德锌白铜
  12846. Alfenide metal ==> 阿尔弗尼德铜
  12847. Alfenol flake ==> 阿尔芬诺尔铝铁合金粉
  12848. Alfin alloy ==> 阿尔芬二元铝合金
  12849. alfin catalyst ==> 醇钠烯催化剂
  12850. alfin polymer ==> 醇钠烯聚合物,醇烯聚合物
  12851. Alfin process ==> 阿尔芬铸塑法
  12852. alfin rubber ==> 醇烯橡胶
  12853. ALFLEX, Automatic Landing Flight Experiment ==> 小型自動着陸実験
  12854. Alford loop ==> 阿耳福德环形天线,阿尔福德环
  12855. Alford loop aerial ==> アルフォード・ループアンテナ
  12856. Alford loop antenna ==> 阿尔福德环形天线,爱福特环形天线=>アルフォード・ループアンテナ
  12857. alfven frequency ==> 阿尔文频率
  12858. Alfven number ==> 阿尔芬数,阿尔文数
  12859. Alfven speed ==> 阿尔文速度
  12860. Alfven turbulence ==> 阿尔文湍动
  12861. Alfven velocity ==> 阿尔文速度
  12862. Alfven-Lawson curren ==> アルフベン・ローソン電流
  12863. Alg(i)er alloy ==> 锡锑系轴承合金
  12864. AlGaAs semiconductor laser ==> AlGaAs半導体レーザ
  12865. algae ==> 藻类,水藻=>藻(類)
  12866. algae growth ==> 藻の繁殖
  12867. algae poisoning ==> 海藻中毒
  12868. algae removal ==> 灭藻
  12869. algal ==> 藻的
  12870. algal anchor stone ==> 藻锚石
  12871. algal biscuit ==> 藻饼,海藻饼
  12872. algal bound sand flat ==> 藻结沙坪
  12873. algal coal ==> 藻煤
  12874. algal disease ==> 红锈病
  12875. algal layer ==> 藻层
  12876. algal limestone ==> 藻灰岩
  12877. algal mat ==> 藻席
  12878. algal pisolite ==> 藻豆粒
  12879. algal pit ==> 藻坑,藻渊
  12880. algal reef ==> 藻礁
  12881. algal ridge ==> 藻脊
  12882. algal rim ==> 藻环,藻缘
  12883. algal structure ==> 藻结构
  12884. algal zone ==> 藻层
  12885. algebra ==> 代数学
  12886. algebra of logic ==> 逻辑代数
  12887. algebra of matrix ==> 矩阵代数,矩阵代数
  12888. algebra of regular represent ==> 正规表示的代数
  12889. algebra of two state logic ==> 二值逻辑代数
  12890. algebra system ==> 代数系统
  12891. algebra-oriented language ==> 面向代数的语言
  12892. algebraic ==> 代数的
  12893. algebraic addition ==> 代数和
  12894. algebraic analysis ==> 代数解析
  12895. algebraic approach restoration ==> 图像代数修复
  12896. algebraic average error ==> 代数平均误差
  12897. algebraic closure ==> 代数闭包
  12898. algebraic closure of a field ==> 域的代数闭包
  12899. algebraic coding technique ==> 代数编码技术
  12900. algebraic complement ==> 代数余子式
  12901. algebraic complex ==> 代数复型
  12902. algebraic configuration ==> 代数构形
  12903. algebraic criterion ==> 代数判据
  12904. algebraic curve ==> 代数曲線
  12905. algebraic cylinder ==> 代数圆柱面
  12906. algebraic developable surface ==> 代数可展曲面
  12907. algebraic deviation ==> 代数偏差值
  12908. algebraic differential equation ==> 代数微分方程
  12909. algebraic differentiation ==> 代数微分
  12910. algebraic equation ==> 代数方程,代数方程式=>代数方程式
  12911. algebraic equation of the fourth degree ==> 四次代数方程式
  12912. algebraic expression ==> 代数表达式,代数式
  12913. algebraic expression manipulation statement ==> 代数表达式操作语句
  12914. algebraic extension of a field ==> 域的代数扩张
  12915. algebraic function ==> 代数関数
  12916. algebraic geometry ==> 代数几何=>代数幾何学
  12917. algebraic group ==> 代数群
  12918. algebraic homotopy ==> 代数同伦
  12919. algebraic integer ==> 代数的整数
  12920. algebraic invariant ==> 代数的不変量
  12921. algebraic linear programming ==> 线性规划问题的代数解法
  12922. algebraic manifold ==> 代数流形
  12923. algebraic manipulation ==> 代数操作
  12924. algebraic manipulation language ==> 代数操作语言
  12925. algebraic method ==> 代数解法,数解法
  12926. algebraic notation ==> 代数记数法
  12927. algebraic number ==> 代数的数
  12928. algebraic number theory ==> 代数数论
  12929. algebraic operation ==> 代数运算
  12930. algebraic oriented language ==> 面向代数的语言
  12931. algebraic product ==> 代数积
  12932. algebraic program ==> 代数规划
  12933. algebraic Riccati equation ==> 代数Riccati方程式,リカッチ方程式
  12934. algebraic set ==> 代数集,代数集合
  12935. algebraic sign ==> 代数符号
  12936. algebraic sign convention ==> 代数符号约定
  12937. algebraic simplification ==> 代数简化
  12938. algebraic solution ==> 代数解
  12939. algebraic spiral ==> 代数螺线
  12940. algebraic structure ==> 代数结构
  12941. algebraic sum ==> 代数和
  12942. algebraic system ==> 代数系,代数系统
  12943. algebraic topology ==> 代数拓扑=>代数的位相幾何
  12944. algebraic transformation ==> 代数变换
  12945. algebraic value ==> 代数值
  12946. algebraic variety ==> 代数簇=>代数多様体
  12947. algebraic(al) computer ==> 代数计算机
  12948. algebraic(al) equation solver ==> 代数方程解算器
  12949. algebraically dependent set ==> 代数相关集
  12950. algebraically equivalent ==> 代数等价=>代数的に等価
  12951. algebraically independent set ==> 代数无关集
  12952. algebroidal function ==> 代数型函数
  12953. alged malaria ==> 恶性疟
  12954. Alger metal ==> 阿尔格锡锑合金
  12955. Algeria ==> 阿尔及利亚=>アルジェリア
  12956. Algeria's New Petroleum Act ==> 阿尔及利亚新石油法
  12957. Algers metal ==> 阿尔格锡锑轴承合金
  12958. algestone acetofenide ==> 醋苯阿尔孕酮
  12959. algestone acetonide ==> 丙缩阿尔孕酮
  12960. algid malaria ==> 寒冷型疟
  12961. algid stage ==> 寒冷期
  12962. Algier metal ==> 阿尔加锡锑系轴承合金
  12963. algin fiber ==> 藻酸纤维
  12964. alginate fibre ==> 海藻纤维
  12965. alginate thickener ==> 海藻酸盐浆料
  12966. alginate thickenings ==> 海藻酸盐浆料
  12967. alginate yarn ==> 海藻纤维纱
  12968. alginic acid ==> 海草酸,海藻酸,褐藻酸,藻酸
  12969. alginic acid fibre ==> 海藻酸纤维
  12970. algogenic substance ==> 致痛物质
  12971. algol ==> 算法语言
  12972. ALGOL program ==> 阿戈程序
  12973. ALGOL statement ==> 阿戈语句
  12974. ALGOL, algorithmic language ==> アルゴル
  12975. Algonkian system ==> 阿尔冈系
  12976. algorithm ==> 算法=>算法,アルゴリズム
  12977. algorithm block ==> 算法字组
  12978. algorithm level ==> 算法级
  12979. algorithm queue control ==> 算法排队控制
  12980. algorithm routine ==> 算法程序
  12981. algorithm simulation ==> 算法模拟
  12982. algorithm to compute prime number ==> 计算质数的算法
  12983. algorithm translation ==> 算法翻译
  12984. algorithmic dispatching ==> 算法调度,算法转接
  12985. algorithmic elaboration ==> 算法推敲,算法详细描述
  12986. algorithmic language ==> 算法语言,代数符号语言,阿戈语言=>算法言語
  12987. algorithmic language (ALGOL) ==> 算法语言
  12988. algorithmic language program(me) conversion ==> 算法语言程序翻译
  12989. ALI, automatic location identification ==> 発信地自動識別
  12990. ali-digital correlation ==> 全数字相关
  12991. ali-esterase ==> 脂族酯酶
  12992. alias description entry ==> 别名描述入口,别名描述项目
  12993. alias name ==> 别名,别名名字
  12994. alias section ==> 别名段
  12995. aliased grating ring ==> 混杂栅环
  12996. aliased sidelobe ==> 混杂旁瓣
  12997. aliasing ==> 混淆现象,别名使用=>エイリアシング
  12998. aliasing distortion ==> 混淆失真,折叠失真
  12999. aliasing effect ==> エイリアシング効果
  13000. aliasing error ==> 重叠误差=>エイリアシング誤差
  13001. aliasing frequency ==> 混杂频率
  13002. aliasing noise ==> 折返し雑音,エイリアシングノイズ
  13003. aliasing problem ==> 假信号问题
  13004. Alicinenne crepe ==> 阿利新条子泡泡纱
  13005. alicyclic ==> 脂环的,脂环族的
  13006. alicyclic acid ==> 脂环酸
  13007. alicyclic amine ==> 脂环胺
  13008. alicyclic compound ==> 脂环族化合物
  13009. alicyclic hydrocarbon ==> 脂肪族环烃,脂环烃
  13010. alicyclic hydrogenation ==> 脂环氢化
  13011. alicyclic series ==> 脂环系
  13012. alicyclic stem-nucleus ==> 脂环母核
  13013. alidade ==> 照准仪
  13014. alien crop ==> 引进植物
  13015. alienability of property ==> 财产的可让渡性
  13016. alienable land ==> 可转让的土地
  13017. alienation coefficient ==> 相疏系数,不相关系数
  13018. aliens relief ==> 侨民救济
  13019. alight ==> 发光的灯
  13020. alighting carriage ==> 起落架
  13021. alighting deck ==> 降落甲板
  13022. alighting gear ==> 起落架
  13023. align ==> 配比,调直,对准,直线对准=>心をあわせる
  13024. align boring ==> 镗同心孔,镗同心孔
  13025. align reamer ==> 对准铰刀,长铰刀
  13026. align reaming ==> 铰同心孔,配铰
  13027. aligned ==> 位置合わせした
  13028. aligned attribute ==> 列式表征,列式属性,列线属性
  13029. aligned composite material ==> 取向复合材料
  13030. aligned crack ==> 配向したクラック
  13031. aligned crystal ==> 整列結晶
  13032. aligned eutectic ==> 取向共晶
  13033. aligned grid valve ==> 栅极中点校直的电子管阀
  13034. aligned structure ==> 取向结构
  13035. aligning ==> 直线
  13036. aligning bar ==> 调心销钉,定心棒
  13037. aligning elevation gear ==> 俯抑调整机构
  13038. aligning gear ==> 校正机构
  13039. aligning guide ==> 对准机构
  13040. aligning housing ring ==> 球面外衬圈
  13041. aligning jig ==> 直线校准用夹具
  13042. aligning key ==> 校准键
  13043. aligning level ==> 准直水平仪
  13044. aligning microscope ==> 对准用显微镜
  13045. aligning parts ==> 对准部件
  13046. aligning pin ==> 定位销,调心销钉
  13047. aligning plug ==> 卡口插头
  13048. aligning pole ==> 定线标杆
  13049. aligning seat ==> 调心球面
  13050. aligning sleeve ==> 调心套筒
  13051. aligning strip ==> 调准板
  13052. aligning stud ==> 定心棒,调心销钉
  13053. aligning torque ==> 回位力矩,回正力矩
  13054. alignment ==> 调整/对整,直线对准,调试机器设备,成线法,线列,线向,校直,汽缸布置,找正,准线,共轴调整,调准,定线,定心,对齐,对正,对中,对中点,对准=>字並び(印刷電信機),心合せ
  13055. alignment apparatus ==> 对准装置,校正装置
  13056. alignment area ==> 排列区
  13057. alignment by sight ==> 目测准直法
  13058. alignment chart ==> 准线图,定线图,列线图
  13059. alignment clause ==> 对齐子句
  13060. alignment clip ==> 装置夹
  13061. alignment code ==> 定位码
  13062. alignment coil ==> 调节线圈,校列线圈,校正线圈,校准线圈=>アラインメントコイル
  13063. alignment connector ==> 定位连接器
  13064. alignment correction ==> 定线改正,准线修正
  13065. alignment curve ==> 定线曲线
  13066. alignment design ==> 定线设计
  13067. alignment device ==> 对光装置
  13068. alignment diagram ==> 定线图,列线图
  13069. alignment disk(-sc) ==> 直线对准盘
  13070. alignment error ==> 安装误差,调准误差,定线误差,校正误差,校直误差
  13071. alignment feeler ==> 对准测隙规
  13072. alignment field ==> 校正场
  13073. alignment function ==> 对齐功能
  13074. alignment instrument ==> 准线仪
  13075. alignment map ==> 定线图
  13076. alignment mark ==> 定位记号,对准标记,对准记号,调节标记
  13077. alignment network ==> 定位网络,对准网络
  13078. alignment of bearings by taut wire ==> 轴承的拉线找正
  13079. alignment of crystal ==> 晶体排列
  13080. alignment of cylinder ==> 汽缸找正,使汽缸和轴承座的纵向中心线处在同一个垂直平面,并使各中心线在垂直平面中形成一连续轴线的安装工艺
  13081. alignment of orientation ==> 方位对准
  13082. alignment of pipeline ==> 管道定线
  13083. alignment of resonator ==> 共振腔的调准
  13084. alignment of road ==> 公路定线
  13085. alignment of rotors ==> 转子找中心,考虑各转子的自然垂弧和各轴承在运行后的温差及联轴器自重对中心的影响,合理选择轴颈扬度,使轴系中心在运行状况下成一匀滑的曲线和轴承负载符合设计要求的转子对中连接工艺。通常要求运行中各联轴器连接断面所承受的额外弯矩和剪切力为零
  13086. alignment of shafts ==> 主轴找中心
  13087. alignment of three axes for laser range finder ==> 激光测距机的三轴一致性
  13088. alignment of tuned circuit ==> 回路的调谐
  13089. alignment oscillator ==> 校准振荡器,校直摇频振荡器
  13090. alignment pattern ==> 校准图形
  13091. alignment pin ==> 定位销
  13092. alignment procedure ==> 调整过程
  13093. alignment recovery time ==> 同期復帰時間
  13094. alignment requirement ==> 对齐请求
  13095. alignment routine ==> 对齐例行程序
  13096. alignment rule ==> 整列法則
  13097. alignment scale ==> 对准标尺
  13098. alignment scope ==> 调准用示波器
  13099. alignment sensor ==> 定位传感器
  13100. alignment stake ==> 定线桩,方向桩
  13101. alignment tape ==> 录像校准带
  13102. alignment target ==> 对准标线
  13103. alignment telescope ==> 调直望远镜,对准望远镜,校准用准直望远镜
  13104. alignment test ==> 精度检查
  13105. alignment tolerance ==> 定位公差,对准公差,组对公差
  13106. alignment tool ==> 吊线工具
  13107. alignment treatment ==> 调准处理
  13108. alignment wire ==> 定线钢丝
  13109. alignment-telescope bracket ==> 校准用望远镜托架
  13110. alimak sift 爬罐,通常指阿立马克风动爬罐,是用于开挖竖井或斜井的反向导井的专用施工设备,适用于长度300 ==> m内的导井开挖,其罐笼爬升和悬挂的轨道随导井的上升而逐节安装上升,人员在罐笼内作业,待爬罐升至工作面钻孔装药后,即退回井底一侧避炮,此后进行爆破,石渣会自动溜至井底
  13111. alimentarn crop ==> 粮食作物
  13112. alimentary canal ==> 消化道
  13113. alimentary crop ==> 食用作物
  13114. alimentary crops ==> 粮食作物
  13115. alimentary hypoglycemia ==> 滋养性低血糖症
  13116. alimentary infection ==> 胃肠道感染
  13117. alimentary paste ==> マカロニ
  13118. alimentary system ==> 消化系统,进食方法
  13119. alimentary tract ==> 消化管
  13120. Alin's filter ==> 阿林氏过滤管
  13121. alinternal reflection angle ==> 全内反射角
  13122. aliphatic ==> 脂肪族的,脂族的
  13123. aliphatic (acid) ester ==> 脂族酯
  13124. aliphatic acid ==> 脂肪族酸,脂族酸
  13125. aliphatic alcohol: fatty alcohol ==> 脂肪族醇
  13126. aliphatic alcohols ==> 脂族醇
  13127. aliphatic aldehydes ==> 脂族醛
  13128. aliphatic amine ==> 脂肪胺=>脂肪族アミン
  13129. aliphatic amino acid ==> 脂肪族氨基酸
  13130. aliphatic carboxylic acid ==> 脂肪族羧酸
  13131. aliphatic compound ==> 脂肪族化合物
  13132. aliphatic compounds ==> 脂族化合物
  13133. aliphatic cyclic amine ==> 脂环胺
  13134. aliphatic diamine ==> 脂肪二胺
  13135. aliphatic ester ==> 脂肪族酯
  13136. aliphatic halogenated hydrocarbon ==> 脂肪族卤代烃
  13137. aliphatic hydrocarbon ==> 脂肪烃,脂肪族烃=>脂肪族炭化水素
  13138. aliphatic hydrocarbon metabolism ==> 脂肪族烃代谢
  13139. aliphatic monoamine ==> 脂肪单胺
  13140. aliphatic monocarboxylic acid ==> 脂肪族单羧酸
  13141. aliphatic nitrate ==> 脂肪族硝酸酯
  13142. aliphatic nitrite ==> 脂肪族亚硝酸酯
  13143. aliphatic nitro compound ==> 脂肪族硝基化合物
  13144. aliphatic nitro-compound ==> 脂族硝基化合物
  13145. aliphatic olefin ==> 脂肪族烯
  13146. aliphatic polycarboxylic acid ==> 脂肪族多羧酸
  13147. aliphatic polycyclic hydrocarbon ==> 脂族多环烃
  13148. aliphatic polyene compound ==> 脂族多烯化合物
  13149. aliphatic saturated hydrocarbon ==> 脂肪族饱和烃
  13150. aliphatic series ==> 脂肪族
  13151. aliphatic sesquiterpene ==> 脂肪族倍半萜
  13152. aliphatic unsaturated hydrocarbon ==> 脂肪族不饱合烃,不饱和脂族烃
  13153. aliquation ==> 偏析,层化
  13154. aliquot ==> 約数,アリコート,分割量
  13155. aliquot part ==> 代表性试样,整除部分=>割り切れる数,因数,約数,整除数
  13156. aliquot scaling ==> 共振调音
  13157. aliquot tuning ==> 共振调音
  13158. Alishan ==> 阿里山
  13159. alitizing ==> 渗铝
  13160. Aliva concrete sprayer ==> 阿里瓦混凝土喷射器
  13161. alive ==> 生きている
  13162. alive circuit ==> 带电线路
  13163. alizarin blue ==> 茜素蓝
  13164. alizarin dye ==> 茜素染料
  13165. alizarin red ==> 茜素红
  13166. alizarin red S ==> 茜素磺酸钠
  13167. alizarin test ==> 茜素试法
  13168. alizarin yellow ==> 茜黄,茜素黄
  13169. alkal melting pan ==> 碱熔锅
  13170. alkali ==> 碱,硷=>アルカリ
  13171. alkali albumin ==> 碱白蛋白
  13172. alkali alkyl ==> 烷基碱金属
  13173. alkali amide ==> 氨基碱金属
  13174. alkali and related elements ==> 碱性及其相关元素
  13175. alkali basalt ==> 碱性玄武岩
  13176. alkali basaltic magma ==> 碱性玄武岩浆
  13177. alkali battery ==> 碱性蓄电池
  13178. alkali blue ==> 碱性蓝
  13179. alkali burn ==> 碱烧伤
  13180. alkali carbonate ==> 碱金属硼酸盐
  13181. alkali cellulose ==> 碱纤维素
  13182. alkali chloride ==> 碱金属氯化物
  13183. alkali chlorosis ==> 碱性褪绿
  13184. alkali cracking ==> 碱裂,碱性破裂
  13185. alkali denaturation test ==> 碱变性试验
  13186. alkali digestion ==> 加碱消化
  13187. alkali disease ==> 碱病,碱毒病,碱性病
  13188. alkali error ==> 碱度误差
  13189. alkali feldspar ==> 碱性长石
  13190. alkali flame ionization detector ==> 碱火焰电离检测器,碱火焰电离器检测器
  13191. alkali flame ionization detector (AFID) ==> 碱焰离子化检测器
  13192. alkali flame ionization detector(AFID) ==> 碱焰离子化检测器
  13193. alkali flat ==> 盐碱滩
  13194. alkali fusion ==> 碱熔法
  13195. alkali fusion pan ==> 碱熔锅
  13196. alkali glass ==> 碱性玻璃
  13197. alkali granite ==> 碱性花岗岩
  13198. alkali halide ==> 卤化碱
  13199. alkali halide crystal ==> 碱卤化物晶体
  13200. alkali halide photocathode ==> 碱卤光电阴极
  13201. alkali halide prism ==> 碱卤化物棱镜
  13202. alkali hydrometer ==> 碱液比重计
  13203. alkali ion diode ==> 碱离子二极管
  13204. alkali juice regurgitation gastritis ==> 碱性反流性胃炎
  13205. alkali lignin ==> 碱木素,碱木质素
  13206. alkali liquor ==> 碱液
  13207. alkali metal ==> 碱性金属
  13208. alkali metal grease ==> 碱金属润滑脂
  13209. alkali metal salt ==> 碱金属盐
  13210. alkali metals ==> アルカリ金属
  13211. alkali neutralisation number ==> 碱中和值
  13212. alkali prevention ==> 防碱
  13213. alkali process ==> 碱处理
  13214. alkali proof steel ==> 耐碱钢
  13215. alkali reaction ==> 碱性反应
  13216. alkali reactivity ==> 碱性反应率
  13217. alkali reclaiming process ==> 碱性再生方法
  13218. alkali reserve ==> 碱储藏,碱储量,硷储备
  13219. alkali resistance ==> 抗碱性,耐碱性
  13220. alkali resistant cement concrete flooring ==> 耐碱混凝土地面
  13221. alkali resistant primer ==> 耐碱底油
  13222. alkali resisting cast iron ==> 耐碱铸铁
  13223. alkali resistivity ==> 耐碱性
  13224. alkali salt ==> 碱金属盐
  13225. alkali series ==> 碱性岩系
  13226. alkali soil ==> 碱土,碱性土
  13227. alkali soil plant ==> 碱土植物
  13228. alkali soluble test ==> 碱性浸出试验
  13229. alkali solution ==> 碱性液
  13230. alkali test ==> 碱式法
  13231. alkali tolerance test ==> 碱耐量试验
  13232. alkali treatment ==> 碱处理
  13233. alkali tungsten bronze ==> 碱金属钨青铜
  13234. alkali vapor ==> 碱蒸气
  13235. alkali wash water ==> 碱洗液
  13236. alkali waste ==> 废碱
  13237. alkali waste liquid ==> 废碱液
  13238. alkali waste water ==> 废碱水,碱性废水
  13239. alkali ws added to the soil ==> 土壤里加碱
  13240. alkali-aggregate reaction ==> 骨料碱化反应,碱-集料反应,碱性骨料反应,碱活性骨料反应,简称“碱骨料反应”。某些混凝土骨料中含有一些特殊的盐类成分,能与水泥中的碱产生化学反应,其反应的生成物自身或吸水后体积膨胀,将导致混凝土开裂破坏
  13241. alkali-antimonides ==> 碱锑化物
  13242. alkali-ash diet ==> 碱化饮食
  13243. alkali-calcic series ==> 碱钙系列
  13244. alkali-dimer ==> 碱二聚物
  13245. alkali-earth metal salt ==> 碱土金属盐=>アルカリ土類金属塩
  13246. alkali-free ==> 不含碱
  13247. alkali-halide crystal ==> 卤化碱晶体
  13248. alkali-lime index ==> 碱-灰质指数
  13249. alkali-lime series ==> 碱钙岩系
  13250. alkali-metasomatism ==> 碱质交代作用
  13251. alkali-poisoning ==> 碱中毒
  13252. alkali-proof ==> 耐アルカリ
  13253. alkali-proof glass ==> 耐碱玻璃
  13254. alkali-resistant ==> 抗碱
  13255. alkali-resisting paint ==> 耐碱漆
  13256. alkali-rich glass ==> (冕牌玻璃)纯碱玻璃
  13257. alkali-rich glass (冕牌玻璃) ==> 纯碱玻璃
  13258. alkali-silica reaction ==> アルカリシリカ反応
  13259. alkali/acid ratio ==> 碱/酸比,煤灰中碱性组分(铁、钙、镁、锰等的氧化物)含量总和与酸性组分(硅、铝、钛的氧化物)含量总和之比
  13260. alkalimetric analysis ==> 碱量滴定分析
  13261. alkalimetric estimation ==> 碱量滴定测定
  13262. alkalimetric standard ==> 标碱基准
  13263. alkaline ==> アルカリ性
  13264. alkaline (soda-wash) tower ==> 碱洗塔
  13265. alkaline accumulator ==> 碱蓄电池
  13266. alkaline air ==> 氨气
  13267. alkaline bath ==> 碱浴
  13268. alkaline battery ==> 碱蓄电池=>アルカリ蓄電池
  13269. alkaline burn of cornea ==> 角膜碱性灼伤
  13270. alkaline consumption ==> 碱耗,用碱作为再生剂进行阴离子交换树脂再生时,获得一摩尔的交换量所需的再生剂NaOH的量。其单位用g/mol表示
  13271. alkaline derusting ==> 碱法除锈
  13272. alkaline development ==> 碱性显影
  13273. alkaline drug ==> 碱性药物
  13274. alkaline earth ==> 碱土,碱性土
  13275. alkaline earth metal ==> 碱土金属
  13276. alkaline earth metals ==> アルカリ土類金属
  13277. alkaline electrolysis ==> 碱性电解
  13278. alkaline electrolyte ==> 碱性电解液
  13279. alkaline error ==> 碱误差
  13280. alkaline extracts of soils ==> 土壤碱性提取物
  13281. alkaline filler ==> 碱性填料
  13282. alkaline fusion ==> 碱熔
  13283. alkaline gastritis due to regurgitation ==> 反流性碱性胃炎
  13284. alkaline gland ==> 碱腺
  13285. alkaline glutaric dialdehyde ==> 碱性戊二醛
  13286. alkaline land ==> 碱地
  13287. alkaline leaching ==> 碱性浸出
  13288. alkaline manganese cell ==> 无汞碱锰电池=>アルカリマンガン電池
  13289. alkaline manganese dioxide cell ==> アルカリマンガン電池
  13290. alkaline meadow soil ==> 碱性草甸土
  13291. alkaline medium ==> 碱性培养基
  13292. alkaline methylene blue solution ==> 碱性美蓝溶液
  13293. alkaline packed tower scrubber ==> 碱性填充塔式洗涤器
  13294. alkaline plant ==> 适碱植物,好硷植物,喜硷植物
  13295. alkaline process ==> 碱液电镀锡法
  13296. alkaline protein ==> 碱性蛋白质
  13297. alkaline reaction ==> 碱性反应
  13298. alkaline reagent ==> 碱性试剂
  13299. alkaline reserve ==> 碱储量
  13300. alkaline resistance properties ==> 耐碱性能
  13301. alkaline resistant cement mortar flooring ==> 耐碱水泥砂浆楼地面
  13302. alkaline resistant flooring ==> 耐碱楼地面
  13303. alkaline resistant sealer ==> 耐碱封闭剂
  13304. alkaline rinse ==> 碱性洗液
  13305. alkaline saline soil ==> 盐碱土
  13306. alkaline soil ==> 碱地,碱化土,碱土,碱性土,盐碱地
  13307. alkaline soil plant ==> 碱性植物
  13308. alkaline solution ==> 碱性溶液
  13309. alkaline spot ==> 碱斑
  13310. alkaline storage battery ==> 碱蓄电池=>アルカリ蓄電池
  13311. alkaline suspension ==> 碱性悬液
  13312. alkaline tide ==> 碱潮
  13313. alkaline tourmaline ==> 碱电气石
  13314. alkaline treatment ==> 碱处理
  13315. alkaline urine ==> 碱性尿
  13316. alkaline waste water ==> 碱性废水
  13317. alkaline-aggregate reaction ==> 骨料碱化反应
  13318. alkaline-calcareous soil ==> 碱性钙质土
  13319. alkaline-resistant mortar ==> 耐碱砂浆
  13320. alkaline-resisting mortar ==> 耐碱砂浆
  13321. alkalinity ==> 碱度,单位体积水中能与强酸发生中和作用的全部物质,是水对酸的缓冲能力的一种度量。碱度通常以酚酞碱度、甲基橙碱度(或称全碱度)等表示=>アルカリ度
  13322. alkalinity analyzer ==> アルカリ度計
  13323. alkalinity of seawater ==> 海水碱度
  13324. alkalinous metal ==> 碱性金属
  13325. alkalized urine ==> 碱化尿液
  13326. alkaloid ==> アルカロイド
  13327. alkanin test paper ==> 紫珠草素试纸
  13328. Alkar process ==> 阿尔卡耳法
  13329. alkeran tablet ==> 爱克兰片
  13330. alkyd ==> アルキド樹脂
  13331. alkyd adhesive solution ==> 醇酸胶液
  13332. alkyd baking arc resistance enamel ==> 醇酸烘干抗弧漆
  13333. alkyd baking insulating varnish ==> 醇酸烘干绝缘漆
  13334. alkyd baking insulating wire coating ==> 醇酸烘干漆包线漆
  13335. alkyd baking primer ==> 醇酸烘干底漆
  13336. alkyd enamel ==> 醇酸磁瓷漆
  13337. alkyd marking paint ==> 醇酸标志漆
  13338. alkyd matte enamel ==> 醇酸无光磁漆
  13339. alkyd neulating varnish ==> 醇酸绝缘漆
  13340. alkyd oil resistance paint ==> 醇酸耐油漆
  13341. alkyd paint ==> 醇酸漆,醇酸涂料
  13342. alkyd plastics ==> 醇酸塑料
  13343. alkyd ready mixed paint ==> 醇酸调和漆
  13344. alkyd resin ==> 醇酸聚脂树脂,醇酸树脂=>アルキッド樹脂
  13345. alkyd resin enamel ==> 醇酸树脂磁漆
  13346. alkyd semi-gloss enamel ==> 醇酸半光磁漆
  13347. alkyd ship cabin paint ==> 醇酸船舱漆
  13348. alkyd ship hull paint ==> 醇酸船壳漆
  13349. alkyd shop primer ==> 醇酸保养底漆
  13350. alkyd varnish ==> 醇酸清漆,醇酸树脂清漆
  13351. alkyd varnish for water sand paper ==> 醇酸水砂纸清漆
  13352. alkyl aromatics ==> アルキル芳香族
  13353. alkyl bromide ==> 烷基溴
  13354. alkyl carbamate ==> 氨基甲酸浣基酯
  13355. alkyl chlorosilane poisoning ==> 烷基硅氯烷中毒
  13356. alkyl derivative ==> 烷基衍生物
  13357. alkyl ether ==> 烷基醚
  13358. alkyl fluoride ==> 烷基氟,氟化烷
  13359. alkyl halide ==> 烷基卤,卤代烷,卤烷
  13360. alkyl hydrogen sulfate ==> 硫酸烷基氢酯
  13361. alkyl hydrosulfate ==> 硫酸烷基氢酯
  13362. alkyl iodide ==> 烷基碘
  13363. alkyl lead ==> 烷基铅
  13364. alkyl lithium ==> 烷基锂
  13365. alkyl magnesium chloride ==> 烷基镁化氯,氯化烷基镁
  13366. alkyl magnesium halide ==> 卤化烷基镁
  13367. alkyl naphthalene ==> 烷基萘
  13368. alkyl oxide ==> 烷基醚
  13369. alkyl radical ==> 烷基
  13370. alkyl substitution ==> 烷基取代
  13371. alkyl sulfonic acid ==> 烷基磺酸
  13372. alkyl sulfonyl chloride ==> 烷基磺酰氯
  13373. alkyl zinc halide ==> 烷基锌化卤,卤化烷基锌
  13374. alkyl-substituted aromatics ==> アルキル置換芳香族化合物
  13375. alkylate bottom ==> 重烷基化油
  13376. alkylating agent ==> 烷化剂
  13377. alkylation method ==> 烷化法
  13378. alkylation process ==> 烷化过程
  13379. alkylbenzene insulating oil ==> アルキルベンゼン絶縁油
  13380. alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride ==> 杀藻胺
  13381. all ==> 全部的,所有的
  13382. all abronze pump ==> 全青铜泵
  13383. all along ==> 始终
  13384. all amount invested in capital ==> 投入资本总额
  13385. all around ==> 四周
  13386. all band ==> 全波段
  13387. all bottom ==> 低频声
  13388. all busy ==> 会話中
  13389. all call paging ==> 一斉指令
  13390. all capacity ==> 全容积
  13391. all case furnace ==> 全能淬火炉,全能渗碳炉
  13392. all CB trip conditional circuit ==> 一斉遮断条件回路
  13393. all channel antenna ==> 全频道天线,宽频带天线
  13394. all channel decorder ==> 全信道译码器
  13395. all clear ==> 全清
  13396. all color LED panel ==> 全彩色LED显示屏
  13397. all common control system ==> 全集中控制方式
  13398. all concentric triode ==> 同心极三极管
  13399. all container ship ==> 全集装箱
  13400. all correct ==> 合格,正确
  13401. all cover ==> 全罩式
  13402. all crop drill ==> 万能式条播机,通用条播机
  13403. all crop inoculant ==> 通用接种物
  13404. all current accounting ==> 全部市价会计
  13405. all day efficiency ==> 全日效率=>全日効率
  13406. all drop ==> 全部落锻
  13407. all electric furnace ==> 全电加热炉
  13408. all feeds ==> 各种饲料
  13409. all financial resources ==> 全部财力
  13410. all financial resourcess concept ==> 全部财力概念
  13411. all flower honey ==> 百花蜂蜜
  13412. all funds-combined balance sheet ==> 全部基金综合平衡表
  13413. all gas turbine ==> 全燃气轮机
  13414. all gas turbine propulsion ==> 全燃气轮机推进装置
  13415. all gear system ==> 全歯車式
  13416. all glass construction ==> 全玻璃结构
  13417. all glass ion gauge head ==> 玻壳电离规管
  13418. all glass kinescope ==> 全玻璃显像管
  13419. all glass paper ==> 玻璃纤维纸
  13420. all glass work ==> 全玻璃制品
  13421. all goods and services ==> 全部产品和劳务
  13422. all heart ==> 全心材的
  13423. all in charges ==> 包干费
  13424. all in one ==> オールインワン
  13425. all insulated switch ==> 有绝缘罩的开关
  13426. all integer problem ==> 全整数问题
  13427. all iron ==> 全铁的
  13428. all iron pump ==> 铸铁泵
  13429. all kinds kept in stock ==> 一应俱全
  13430. all living things ==> 一切有生命的东西
  13431. all marine and war risks ==> 一切海洋运输及战争险
  13432. all marine risks ==> 一切海洋运输险
  13433. all mark ==> 全标记,全穿孔
  13434. All Nipon Airways (ANA) ==> 全日本航空公司
  13435. all one can ==> 尽量=>できるだけ,可能な限り
  13436. all optical communication ==> 全光通信
  13437. all organisms of this type ==> 所有这类生物体,所有这类生物体
  13438. all other perils ==> 一切其他风险
  13439. all outstanding advance ==> 全部尚未归还的放款
  13440. all parts of a plant ==> 植物的各个器官
  13441. all pass network ==> 全通网络
  13442. all permutation ==> 全順列
  13443. all print ==> 全印刷电路
  13444. all purpose ==> 万能的
  13445. all purpose tractor ==> 万能拖拉机
  13446. all quarters ==> 四方
  13447. all risk account receivable ==> 全风险应收帐款
  13448. all risk clauses ==> 一切险条款
  13449. all risk covers ==> 一切险保单
  13450. all risks ==> 一切险,全险
  13451. All Risks ==> 协会全险条款
  13452. all round ==> 到处
  13453. all round computer center ==> 综合计算机中心
  13454. All Savers' Certificate (ASC) ==> 免税储蓄证书
  13455. all sky camera ==> 全天空照相机
  13456. all sliming ==> 全泥浆化,全微粒化
  13457. all solid insulated underground substation ==> 全固体絶縁地下変電所
  13458. all solid-state pulsed power generator ==> 固体化パルス電源
  13459. all square ==> 款项全清
  13460. all squared ==> 全部结清
  13461. all stage ==> 整个阶段
  13462. all synchro ==> 全部同步,全自动同步机
  13463. all talkie ==> 全发声影片
  13464. all taxable individuals ==> 全体纳税人
  13465. all text before specified point ==> 上文
  13466. all the progeny ==> 所有的后代
  13467. all the soil materials ==> 整个土壤物
  13468. all the things found on the planet ==> 在地球上存在的一切事物
  13469. all the year round ==> 终年
  13470. all treatments ==> 所有的处理
  13471. all trunks busy ==> 全部占线
  13472. all usual risks ==> 一切通常险
  13473. all vegetative plant parts ==> 植物各营养体部分
  13474. all veneer construction ==> 全单板结构
  13475. all watt motor ==> 全瓦电动机
  13476. all wave ==> 全波
  13477. all weather ==> 全天候
  13478. all weather navigation ==> 全天候航行
  13479. all weather wind vane and anemometer ==> 全天候风向风速计
  13480. ALL, Automatic Load Limitation System ==> 発電機の使用水量を自動負荷制限装置(関電)
  13481. all- transistor circuitry ==> 全晶体管电路
  13482. all-addendum gear ==> 全齿顶高小齿轮
  13483. all-aged ==> 全龄的
  13484. all-aged forest ==> 多龄林
  13485. all-angle bracket ==> 可调支架
  13486. all-anthracite unit ==> 全烧无烟煤锅炉机组
  13487. all-around ==> 全能,全向,万向的,通用的
  13488. all-around loading ==> 四周加荷
  13489. all-around traverse ==> 全圆周回转
  13490. all-around weld ==> 整周焊缝,环焊缝
  13491. all-axle drive ==> 全轴驱动
  13492. all-bank account ==> 全国银行帐户
  13493. all-bank data telecommunication system ==> 全国各银行资料电传系统
  13494. all-bank loans ==> 全国各银行贷款总额
  13495. all-bituminous unit ==> 全烧烟煤锅炉机组
  13496. all-blank field ==> 全空字段
  13497. all-bottom sound ==> 低频声
  13498. all-capital earning rate ==> 全资本收益率
  13499. all-carbon brush ==> 全炭电刷
  13500. all-cargo airline service ==> 空中货运
  13501. all-cast ==> 全铸的
  13502. all-channel tuning ==> 全频道调谐
  13503. all-clear ==> 放行
  13504. all-core mo(u)lding ==> 铸造物
  13505. all-core molding ==> 组芯造型
  13506. all-cryotron computer ==> 全冷子管计算机
  13507. all-day efficiency ==> 全日効率(電力量)
  13508. all-dedendum gear ==> 全齿根高齿轮
  13509. all-dielectric filter ==> 全介质层滤光片
  13510. all-dielectric interference filter ==> 全介质干涉滤光片
  13511. all-diffused ==> 全扩散单块集成电路
  13512. all-digital display ==> 全数字显示
  13513. all-digital simulation ==> 全数字仿算
  13514. all-electric ==> 全部电气化
  13515. all-electric control ==> 全电动控制
  13516. all-electric grain drier ==> 电热谷物干燥机
  13517. all-electric interlocking ==> 全部电气联锁装置
  13518. all-electric melting ==> 全电加热熔融
  13519. all-electric operation ==> 完全电控制
  13520. all-electric receiver ==> 通用电源接收机
  13521. all-electric set ==> 通用电源接收机
  13522. all-electric signalling ==> 全电信号装置
  13523. all-electric system ==> 全电气化系统
  13524. all-electronic ==> 全电子化的
  13525. all-electronic ignition system ==> 完全电子化点火系统
  13526. all-electrostatic tube ==> 全静电射线管
  13527. all-electrostatic vidicon ==> 全静电光导摄像管
  13528. all-epitaxial phototransistor ==> 全外延光电晶体管
  13529. all-equipped car ==> 全装备车
  13530. all-flying tail ==> 全浮动尾翼
  13531. all-function ==> 全能,通用
  13532. all-gear drive ==> 全齿轮传动
  13533. all-geared clutch ==> 全啮合离合器
  13534. all-geared headstock ==> 全齿轮床头箱,全齿轮主轴箱
  13535. all-geared upright drill ==> 全齿轮立式钻床
  13536. all-glass ==> 全玻璃的
  13537. all-glass construction ==> 全玻璃结构
  13538. all-glass ion gauge head ==> 玻壳电离规管
  13539. all-glass kinescope ==> 全玻璃显像管
  13540. all-glass paper ==> 玻璃纤维纸
  13541. all-glass work ==> 全玻璃制品
  13542. all-grant program ==> 全赠款方案
  13543. all-graphite reflector ==> 全石墨反射层
  13544. all-haydite concrete ==> 全陶粒混凝土
  13545. all-hydraulic press ==> 全水压机
  13546. all-hypersonic body ==> 绝对高超音速机身,绝对高超音速机身
  13547. all-in aggregate ==> 毛骨料,天然混合骨料
  13548. all-in allowance ==> 全部公差,全部容差
  13549. all-in cost ==> 总费用
  13550. all-in rate ==> 全部利率
  13551. all-in resistance ==> 全部投入电阻
  13552. all-in-one cable ==> 合用电缆
  13553. all-in-one camera ==> 万能电视摄像机
  13554. all-in-one computer ==> 单体计算机
  13555. all-in-one pav(i)er ==> 筑路康拜因,联合筑路机
  13556. all-in-one pliers ==> 家用钳
  13557. all-in-service station ==> 保养站
  13558. all-inclusive income statement ==> 总括式损益表
  13559. all-inertial guidance ==> 全惯性制导
  13560. all-insulated switch ==> 全绝缘开关,防电击开关
  13561. all-integer programming ==> 全整数规划
  13562. all-intertial guidance system ==> 全惯性制导系统
  13563. all-invar cavity ==> 全殷钢空腔谐振器
  13564. all-jute ball ==> 纯麻球
  13565. all-lens endoscope ==> 全透镜内窥镜
  13566. all-liquid engine configuration ==> 纯液体火箭发动机配置
  13567. all-LSI minicomputer ==> 全大规模集成小型计算机
  13568. all-magnetic tube ==> 全磁射线管
  13569. all-mash feeding method ==> 全粉料饲养法
  13570. all-mash ration ==> 全粉料日粮
  13571. all-metal ==> 全金属
  13572. all-metal body ==> 全金属车身
  13573. all-metal brake lining ==> 全金属闸衬片
  13574. all-metal coach ==> 全金属客车
  13575. all-metal construction ==> 全金属结构
  13576. all-metal high capacity burner ==> 全金属高容量烧嘴
  13577. all-metal mirror ==> 全金属反射镜
  13578. all-metal plant ==> 全金属设备
  13579. all-metal tube ==> 金属电子管,金属管
  13580. all-metal waveguide ==> 全金属波导
  13581. all-mirror optics ==> 全反射镜光学系统
  13582. all-movable stabilizer ==> 可操纵稳定器
  13583. all-moving tail ==> 全动式水平尾翼
  13584. all-number calling ==> 全数字呼叫
  13585. all-optical computer ==> 全光系计算机
  13586. all-or-none embargo ==> 全有或全无的限制
  13587. all-or-none law ==> 全或无定律
  13588. all-or-none phenomenon ==> 全或无现象
  13589. all-or-nothing piece ==> 全鸣或不鸣件,开启杆,报时开关片
  13590. all-or-nothing relay ==> 全有或全无继电器=>オールオアナッシング継電器
  13591. all-out endeavor ==> 全面的な努力
  13592. all-over glaze ==> 盖地釉
  13593. all-over method ==> オールオーバ工法
  13594. all-pair problem ==> 全配对问题
  13595. all-parallel A/D converter ==> 全并行模数转换器
  13596. all-pass ==> 全通
  13597. all-pass filter ==> 全通滤波器,移相滤波器
  13598. all-pass lattice ==> 全通格子网络
  13599. all-pass network ==> 全通网络=>全通過回路網
  13600. all-pebble mill ==> 全砾磨机
  13601. all-pelleted ration ==> 全颗粒日粮
  13602. all-phase transaction tax ==> 全阶段交易税
  13603. all-port open ==> 全部油口打开
  13604. all-ports block ==> 中立关闭阀
  13605. all-position electorde ==> 全位置焊条
  13606. all-position welding ==> 全位置焊接
  13607. all-pull mill ==> 张力轧机,斯蒂克轧机
  13608. all-puprose machine ==> 万能工具机
  13609. all-purpose ==> 全能,通用的
  13610. all-purpose adhesive ==> 万能胶
  13611. all-purpose balance sheet ==> 通用资产负债表
  13612. all-purpose bank ==> 经营全面业务的银行,经营全面业务的银行
  13613. all-purpose bit ==> 通用刀头,通用钻头
  13614. all-purpose camera ==> 通用摄像机
  13615. all-purpose chopper mill ==> 通用切碎碾磨机
  13616. all-purpose communication system ==> 全能通信系统
  13617. all-purpose computer ==> 全用途电子计算机,通用计算机
  13618. all-purpose engine oil ==> 通用机油
  13619. all-purpose financial statement ==> 通用财务报表,通用决算表
  13620. all-purpose language ==> 通用语言
  13621. all-purpose loader ==> 万能式装载机
  13622. all-purpose military vehicle ==> 万能军用汽车
  13623. all-purpose mineral mix ==> 通用矿物质混合料
  13624. all-purpose sand ==> 统一砂
  13625. all-purpose tractor ==> 通用拖拉机
  13626. all-purpose vegetable cutter ==> 多能切菜机
  13627. all-purpose wrench ==> 多用扳钳
  13628. all-purposs instrument ==> 通用仪器
  13629. all-radiant furnace ==> 辐射炉
  13630. all-relay ==> 全继电器式
  13631. all-relay coded interlocking ==> 全部继电电码式联锁
  13632. all-relay interlocking ==> 全部继电联锁
  13633. all-risk insurances ==> 一切险
  13634. all-risks cover ==> 全险保单
  13635. all-risks insurance ==> 全险
  13636. all-round ==> 全向,全面的
  13637. all-round adsorbent ==> 万能吸附剂
  13638. all-round advance ==> 一齐涨价
  13639. all-round automation ==> 全盘自动化
  13640. all-round decline ==> 一齐跌价
  13641. all-round looking antenna ==> 环视天线
  13642. all-round market competition ==> 全面市场竞争
  13643. all-round mechanization ==> 全盘机械化
  13644. all-round pattern ==> 满地图案
  13645. all-round price ==> 全面价格
  13646. all-round reform and opening up ==> 全面改革开放
  13647. all-round reform in economic structure ==> 全面改革经济体制
  13648. all-round reversing gear ==> 全逆转装置
  13649. all-round turret ==> 全向六角转台,全向转动炮塔
  13650. all-round-view windscreen ==> 全视野风挡玻璃
  13651. all-rowlock wall ==> 全空斗墙
  13652. all-rubber ==> 全用橡胶制成
  13653. all-savers certificate ==> 全归储蓄者的存单
  13654. all-service vehicle ==> 万能汽车
  13655. all-silent body ==> 不透声车身
  13656. all-silent gearbox ==> 无声齿轮箱
  13657. all-skid landing gear ==> 全橇式起落架
  13658. all-sky camera ==> 全天空照相机
  13659. all-sliming process ==> 全细磨加工
  13660. all-stations address ==> 广播地址
  13661. all-steel ==> 全钢
  13662. all-steel cord ==> 钢丝帘线
  13663. all-steel threshing machine ==> 钢制脱粒机
  13664. all-synchromesh gearbox ==> 通用同步齿轮箱
  13665. All-Terrain Vehicle ==> 全地形交通工具
  13666. all-the-year-round housing ==> 全年舍饲
  13667. all-time ==> 全时工作
  13668. all-trans-retinal ==> 全反式视黄醛
  13669. all-transistor ==> 全晶体管
  13670. all-transistor camera ==> 全晶体管照相机
  13671. all-transistor computer ==> 全晶体管计算机
  13672. all-up weight ==> 满载重量,空中总重量
  13673. all-up-weight ==> 总载荷,最大载荷
  13674. all-veneer construction ==> 全胶合板构造
  13675. all-watt motor ==> 全功率电动机,全瓦特电动机
  13676. all-wave oscillator ==> 全波带振荡器
  13677. all-wave receiver ==> 全波带接收机,全波接收机=>全波受信機
  13678. all-weather aircraft ==> 全天候飞机
  13679. all-weather equipment ==> 全天候设备
  13680. all-weather guidance system ==> 全天候制导系统
  13681. all-weather landing system ==> 全天候着陆系统
  13682. all-welded ==> 全焊接
  13683. all-welded construction ==> 全焊结构
  13684. all-wheel drive vehicle ==> 全轮驱动汽车
  13685. all-wing aircraft ==> 飞翼
  13686. all-zero signal ==> 全零信号
  13687. all-zero state ==> 全零状态
  13688. Alla marcia ==> 进行曲风格
  13689. Allan alloy ==> 阿伦铜铅合金
  13690. Allan metal ==> 阿伦铜铅轴承合金,艾伦铜铅轴承合金
  13691. Allan valve ==> 阿兰滑阀,阿伦滑阀,蒸汽机滑阀
  13692. Allan variance ==> 阿伦方差
  13693. Allan wrench ==> 阿伦扳头
  13694. Allan's alloy ==> 阿兰合金
  13695. Allan's metal ==> 阿兰铜铅合金,阿伦合金
  13696. Allan-Dent syndrome ==> 精氨基琥珀酸尿症
  13697. allantoic acid ==> 尿囊酸
  13698. allantoic artery ==> 尿囊动脉
  13699. allantoic cavity ==> 尿囊腔
  13700. allantoic circulation ==> 尿囊循环
  13701. allantoic cord ==> 尿囊带
  13702. allantoic fluid ==> 尿囊液
  13703. allantoic placenta ==> 尿囊胎盘
  13704. allantoic stalk ==> 尿囊柄,尿囊蒂
  13705. allantoid canal ==> 尿囊管
  13706. allantoido-angiopagous twins ==> 脐血管联胎
  13707. allantoxanic acid ==> 尿囊毒酸
  13708. Allargando ==> 逐渐变得宽广并渐强(通常用在曲尾)
  13709. allasotonic contraction ==> 变张力性收缩
  13710. Alleanthus fibre ==> 阿利恩撒斯纤维
  13711. Allee's principle ==> 阿利原理
  13712. allegation ==> 申し立て,主張
  13713. allegation of illegal drug use ==> 不法薬物使用の疑惑
  13714. allege ==> 凹墙=>断言する,主張する
  13715. alleged ==> 主張された
  13716. alleged abduction issue ==> 拉致疑惑問題
  13717. allegedly ==> 申し立てによると
  13718. Alleghenian life zone ==> 阿莱干尼生物区
  13719. Allegheny electric metal ==> 阿利格尼高导磁率镍铁合金
  13720. Allegretto ==> 小快板,稍快,比allegro稍慢的速度
  13721. Allegro ==> 快板,欢快地,较活泼的速度
  13722. allelopathic substance ==> 他感作用物质
  13723. allemontite ==> 砷锑矿
  13724. Allen cone ==> 艾伦圆锥分级机
  13725. Allen equation ==> 艾伦方程式
  13726. Allen red metal ==> 阿伦赤色金属
  13727. Allen salt-velocity method ==> 艾伦盐液测速法
  13728. Allen screw ==> 阿伦螺钉
  13729. allen screw ==> 六角固定螺丝
  13730. allen wrench ==> 方孔螺钉头用扳手
  13731. Allen's formula ==> アレンの式
  13732. Allen's law ==> 阿伦定律
  13733. Allen's loop test ==> 阿伦环路试验法,艾伦回路试验
  13734. Allen's metal ==> 阿冷铅青铜合金,阿林合金,艾伦高铅青铜
  13735. Allen's method ==> 艾伦法
  13736. Allen's rule ==> 阿伦定律,艾伦氏法则
  13737. Allen's test ==> 艾伦氏试验
  13738. Allen's treatment ==> 艾伦氏疗法
  13739. Allen-Doisy hormone ==> 艾-道二氏激素
  13740. Allen-Doisy unit ==> 艾伦-多伊西单位
  13741. Allen-Moore diaphragm cell ==> 艾伦-穆尔隔膜电解池
  13742. allenic hydrocarbon ==> 丙二烯系烃
  13743. allergenic extract ==> 变态反应原浸出物
  13744. allergenic protein preparations ==> 变应原性蛋白制剂
  13745. allergenic serum allergic serum ==> 过敏性血清
  13746. allergia ==> アレルギー
  13747. allergic ==> 变态反应性,变应性的,过敏的
  13748. allergic angiitis ==> 变态反应性脉管炎,变应性脉管炎
  13749. allergic antibody ==> 变应性抗体
  13750. allergic arteritis ==> 变应性动脉炎
  13751. allergic arthritis ==> 变态反应性关节炎,变应性关节炎
  13752. allergic asthma ==> 变应性哮喘
  13753. allergic balance ==> 变应性平衡
  13754. allergic chronic bronchitis ==> 慢性变应性支气管炎
  13755. allergic conjunctivitis ==> 变态反应性结膜炎,变应性结膜炎
  13756. allergic constitiution ==> 变应性体质
  13757. allergic constitution ==> 过敏素质,过敏性体质
  13758. allergic contact dermatitis ==> 变应性接触性皮炎
  13759. allergic cutaneous vasculitis ==> 变应性皮肤血管炎
  13760. allergic dermatitis ==> 变应性皮炎,过敏性皮炎,赤面飞=>アレルギー性皮膚炎
  13761. allergic dermatitis allergic eczema ==> 变应性湿疹
  13762. allergic diathesis ==> 过敏素质
  13763. allergic disease ==> 变态反应病,变态反应性疾病
  13764. allergic disease of genito-urinary system ==> 泌尿生殖系统过敏性疾病
  13765. allergic edema ==> 变应性水肿
  13766. allergic encephalitis ==> 变应性脑脊髓炎,变应性脑炎
  13767. allergic encephalomyelitis ==> 变态反应性脑脊髓炎
  13768. allergic granuloma of lung ==> 肺过敏性肉芽肿
  13769. allergic granulomatosis ==> 过敏性肉芽肿
  13770. allergic granulomatous angiitis ==> 变应性肉芽肿性血管炎
  13771. allergic history ==> 过敏史
  13772. allergic inflammation ==> 变态反应性炎症
  13773. allergic labyrinthitis ==> 变态反应性迷路炎
  13774. allergic nodular angitis ==> 变应性结节性血管炎
  13775. allergic pannus ==> 变应性血管翳
  13776. allergic pneumonia ==> 变应性肺炎
  13777. allergic prostatitis ==> 过敏性前列腺炎
  13778. allergic pulmonary alveolitis ==> 变应性肺泡炎
  13779. allergic purpura ==> 变态反应性紫癜,变应性紫癜,类过敏性紫癜
  13780. allergic reaction ==> 变态反应
  13781. allergic reagin ==> 变应性反应素
  13782. allergic response ==> 变态反应
  13783. allergic rhinitis ==> 变态反应性鼻炎,变应性鼻炎,鼽,枯草热,过敏性鼻炎
  13784. allergic shock ==> 过敏性休克,变应性休克
  13785. allergic state ==> 变应性状态
  13786. allergic subsepsis ==> 变应性亚败血症
  13787. allergic thyroiditis ==> 变应性甲状腺炎
  13788. allergic to drug ==> 药物过敏
  13789. allergic urticaria ==> 变应性荨麻疹
  13790. allergic vasculitis ==> 变态反应性脉管炎,变态反应性血管炎,变应性脉管炎,变应性血管炎
  13791. allergy ==> 变态反应,变态反应性,变应性,变应性变态反应=>アレルギー
  13792. allergy of inner ear ==> 内耳变态反应
  13793. allergy of middle ear ==> 中耳变态反应
  13794. allergy receptor ==> アレルギー受容体
  13795. allergy test ==> 变应性试验
  13796. alleviate the burden on the people ==> 人々の負担を軽減する
  13797. alleviating asthma and cough ==> 降气平咳
  13798. alleviating pain ==> 止痛
  13799. alleviative treatment ==> 姑息疗法
  13800. alley ==> 裏通り,路地
  13801. alley way ==> 通路
  13802. ALLI Annual Load Line Inspection ==> 年度轮船承重后水线检测
  13803. alliance ==> 同盟,協力
  13804. alliance announcement ==> 提携発表
  13805. alliance formation ==> 提携形成
  13806. allied ==> 協同の,連合国の,共同の
  13807. allied agent ==> 接続エージェント
  13808. allied animals ==> 同類の動物
  13809. allied armies ==> 同盟軍
  13810. allied company ==> (业务经营上的联系)联号
  13811. allied fiber ==> 同类纤维
  13812. allied peril ==> 同类危险
  13813. alligator ==> 钝吻鳄,皮带钩,齿键,水陆两用坦克,颚式碎石机,鳄,鳄口工具,鳄口形挤渣机,鳄式破碎机,鳄式碎石机,鳄式压轧机,(木结构用)齿销
  13814. alligator bonnet ==> 碎石机罩
  13815. alligator clip ==> 弹簧夹,鳄鱼夹,鳄鱼嘴夹
  13816. alligator crack ==> 龟裂
  13817. alligator effect ==> 鳄皮效应,橙皮效应,粗面现象,鳄皮现象
  13818. alligator fitting ==> 牙嵌式接头
  13819. alligator forceps ==> 鳄牙钳
  13820. alligator hide ==> 鳄皮斑点
  13821. alligator oil ==> 鳄鱼油
  13822. alligator pear ==> 鳄梨
  13823. alligator pear oil ==> 鳄梨油
  13824. alligator pliers ==> 长钳
  13825. alligator rolling set ==> 鳄式压轧机
  13826. alligator shears ==> 杠杆式剪断机,鳄口剪切机,鳄式剪床,鳄牙剪
  13827. Alligator sinensis ==> 扬子鳄
  13828. alligator skin ==> 鳄皮状鳞癣,鳄鱼皮
  13829. alligator skin effect ==> 碎矿机表皮效果,压轧表皮效应
  13830. alligator squeezer ==> 杠杆式弯曲机,鳄式压轧机,鳄式压轧机
  13831. alligator tank driver's periscope ==> 水陆坦克驾驶员潜望镜
  13832. alligator tank driver's viewer ==> 水陆坦克驾驶员观察镜
  13833. alligator wrench ==> 管扳手,鳄齿板钳
  13834. alligator-hide crack ==> 龟裂
  13835. alligator-skin ==> 鳄鱼皮状表面
  13836. alligator-skin glaze ==> 鳄皮釉
  13837. alligator-type bonnet ==> 鳄式发动机罩
  13838. Alligatorinae ==> 钝吻鳄亚科
  13839. alligatoring ==> 鳄嘴裂口,鳄纹,皱裂,(轧制表面的)起桔面
  13840. alligatoring fishmounthing ==> 鳄口裂纹
  13841. alligatoring ring ==> 齿环
  13842. alligatoring厄 ==> 鳄嘴裂口
  13843. Allihn condenser ==> 阿连冷凝器
  13844. Allis-Chalmers Corp ==> 艾利斯-查默斯公司
  13845. Allischalmers critical experiment facility ==> 阿列斯夏曼临界实验设施
  13846. allitic soil ==> 富铝性土
  13847. allo-antibody ==> 同种抗体
  13848. allo-cardenolide ==> 异强心甾
  13849. allo-skin graft ==> 异体植皮
  13850. Alloa yarn ==> 阿洛粗绒线,阿络绒线
  13851. allocable fixed cost ==> 可分摊的固定费用,可分摊固定成本
  13852. allocate ==> 分配/配置
  13853. allocate file ==> 分配文件
  13854. allocate memory ==> 分配存储器
  13855. allocate profits ==> 分配红利
  13856. allocate statement ==> 分配语句
  13857. allocate statement storage ==> 存储分配语句
  13858. allocate storage ==> 存储区分配,分配存储面
  13859. allocated channel ==> 分配信道,指配频道,指配信道
  13860. allocated cost ==> 已分配成本,已分摊成本
  13861. allocated cutting method ==> 分区轮伐法
  13862. allocated expense ==> 分摊费用
  13863. allocated frequency band ==> 分配频带
  13864. allocated logical storage ==> 已分配的逻辑存储器
  13865. allocated physical storage ==> 已分配的物理存储器
  13866. allocated quota ==> 分摊配额,分配的配额,分配配额
  13867. allocated storage ==> 已分配的存储器
  13868. allocation ==> 分布配置,分派配置,分配,分配配置,定位,分摊,地址分配,(会计)分配法
  13869. allocation & deallocation ==> 动态分配与解除分配,动态分配与去配
  13870. allocation algorithm ==> 分配算法
  13871. allocation and loading program ==> 分配和装入程序,地址分配和装入程序
  13872. allocation base ==> 分摊基础,分配基数
  13873. allocation buffer ==> 分配缓冲区
  13874. allocation built-in function ==> 分配内部函数
  13875. allocation criterion ==> 分配标准
  13876. allocation effect ==> 分配效果
  13877. allocation factor ==> 分配因数
  13878. allocation for test ==> 分配测试
  13879. allocation function ==> 配置职能
  13880. allocation index ==> 地址索引
  13881. allocation market ==> 配额市场
  13882. allocation model ==> 分配模式,分配模型
  13883. allocation of burden ==> 负荷分配
  13884. allocation of charges ==> 费用的分配
  13885. allocation of expenditures ==> 费用的分摊
  13886. allocation of expenses ==> 费用的分摊
  13887. allocation of hardware resource ==> 硬件资源分配
  13888. allocation of investment ==> 投资配给
  13889. allocation of items ==> 项目分配
  13890. allocation of landownership and land use right ==> 土地权属
  13891. allocation of parameter ==> 参数的分配,参数分配
  13892. allocation of production capacities ==> 生产容量的分派
  13893. allocation of raw materials ==> 调配原材料
  13894. allocation of real devices ==> 实际设备的分配
  13895. allocation of residual expenses ==> 费用余款分摊
  13896. allocation of resources ==> 资源分配
  13897. allocation of risks ==> 风险分担
  13898. allocation of sample ==> 样本分配
  13899. allocation of service department ==> 服务部门成本的分配
  13900. allocation of service department costs ==> 服务部门费用分摊
  13901. allocation of social labor ==> 分配社会劳动
  13902. allocation of storage ==> 存储器的分配,存储器分配
  13903. allocation of temporary storage ==> 工作单元区的分配
  13904. allocation plan ==> 配置图,地址分配方案,分配方案,布局规划
  13905. allocation principles ==> 分配原则
  13906. allocation problem ==> 配置问题,分配问题
  13907. allocation process ==> 分派过程
  13908. allocation proportion ==> 分派比例,分配比例
  13909. allocation routine ==> 分配程序,分配例行程序
  13910. allocation scheme ==> 配线图
  13911. allocation system ==> 分配制
  13912. allocation theory ==> 分派理论,分配理论
  13913. allocations of Special Drawing Rights ==> 特别提款权的分配额
  13914. allocative decision ==> 分配方案
  13915. allocative effects ==> 配置效率
  13916. allocative efficiency ==> 配置效率,分配效率
  13917. allochem ==> 异化粒,外源化学沉积
  13918. allochemical metamorphism ==> 他化变质,异化变质(作用)
  13919. allochemical rock ==> 异化岩
  13920. allochroic silicagel ==> 变色硅胶
  13921. allochromatic color ==> 假色
  13922. allochromatic colour ==> 掺质色
  13923. allochthone ground water ==> 外来地下水
  13924. allochthonous block ==> 异地岩块
  13925. allochthonous coal ==> 移置煤,异地生成煤
  13926. allochthonous limestone ==> 异地灰岩
  13927. allochthonous stream ==> 外源河
  13928. allochthony coal ==> 异地生成煤
  13929. allocinnamic acid ==> 别肉桂酸
  13930. alloclastic breccia ==> 火山碎屑角砾岩
  13931. allocupreide sodium ==> 阿洛铜钠
  13932. allogene ==> 异基因,隐性基因,外源物,他生物
  13933. allogeneic ==> 异体移植物
  13934. allogenic process ==> 异源过程
  13935. allogenic succession ==> 异发演替
  13936. allogyric birefringence ==> 圆偏振双折射
  13937. allokainic acid ==> 异海人草酸
  13938. allomerism ==> 异质同晶
  13939. allometric coefficient ==> 异计系数
  13940. allometric growth ==> 异计生长
  13941. allomorphism ==> 同质异晶
  13942. allomorphy ==> 同质异晶
  13943. allomucic acid ==> 阿洛糖二酸
  13944. allonge ==> 附笺,票据背书附条,票据的粘度,背书贴单,补笺,(汇兑)粘单
  13945. allonic acid ==> 阿洛糖酸
  13946. allopalladium ==> 硒钯矿
  13947. allopatric population ==> 异地种群
  13948. allorhythmic pulse ==> 不整脉
  13949. allosomal inheritance ==> 性染色体遗传
  13950. allosteric ==> 变构
  13951. allosteric activator ==> 变构活化剂
  13952. allosteric agent ==> 变构剂
  13953. allosteric binding ==> 变构结合
  13954. allosteric control ==> 别位调节
  13955. allosteric effect ==> 变构效应
  13956. allosteric enzymes ==> 变构酶
  13957. allosteric inhibition ==> 变构抑制,异位抑制
  13958. allosteric inhibitor ==> 变构抑制剂
  13959. allosteric inhibitory factor ==> 变构抑制因子
  13960. allosteric linkage ==> 变构键合
  13961. allosteric mechanism ==> アロステリック機構
  13962. allosteric modulator ==> 别构调节物
  13963. allosteric protein ==> 变构蛋白质
  13964. allosteric regulation ==> 变构调节
  13965. allosteric regulation of enzyme ==> 酶的变构象调节
  13966. allosteric site ==> 变构部位,变构位点
  13967. allosteric theory ==> 异构学说
  13968. allosteric transformation ==> 变构转变
  13969. allosteric transition ==> 变构转移,别构转变
  13970. allot ==> 分配する,割り当てる
  13971. allothigenic mineral ==> 他生矿物
  13972. allotment ==> 分配,割り当て
  13973. allotment area ==> 分配面积
  13974. allotment certificate ==> 派股证书
  13975. allotment control system ==> 分配管理制度
  13976. allotment garden ==> 私用园地
  13977. allotment letter ==> 派股通知,分派红利通知书
  13978. allotment note ==> 分付请求书
  13979. allotment of berth ==> 派定泊位
  13980. allotment of labor ==> 配工
  13981. allotment period ==> 分配期
  13982. allotment profit ==> 分配盈利
  13983. allotment ratio ==> 分配比率
  13984. allotment system ==> 分派制
  13985. allotransplantation of tooth ==> 异体牙移植术
  13986. allotriomorphic mineral ==> 他形矿物
  13987. allotropic ==> 同素体の
  13988. allotropic change ==> 同素异形变化
  13989. allotropic form ==> 同素异形体
  13990. allotropic modification ==> 同素体
  13991. allotropic substance ==> 同素异形体
  13992. allotropic transformation ==> 同素异形变态
  13993. allotropous flower ==> 异向花
  13994. allotropy ==> 同素
  13995. allotter ==> 分配器
  13996. allotter relay ==> 分配继电器,分配器继电器
  13997. allotypic division ==> 异性分裂
  13998. allow ==> 許す
  13999. allow clearance ==> 容许间隙,许用余隙
  14000. allow for grinding ==> 磨加工裕量
  14001. allow temporary credit ==> 融通,通融资金
  14002. allowable ==> 許容
  14003. allowable approximation ==> 容许近似值
  14004. allowable axle loading ==> 轴上许用载荷
  14005. allowable bearing ==> 容许承载力,容许支承力
  14006. allowable bearing capacity ==> 许用承载
  14007. allowable bearing force of soil ==> 土壤的允许承载压力
  14008. allowable bearing load ==> 轴承容许载荷
  14009. allowable bearing pressure ==> 容许承载力,容许支承压力
  14010. allowable bearing stress ==> 容许支承压力,容许支承应力
  14011. allowable bearing stress for concrete foundation ==> 混凝土基础的许用承压应力
  14012. allowable bearing unit stress ==> 容许单位支承应力
  14013. allowable bending radius ==> 許容曲げ半径
  14014. allowable bending stress ==> 容许弯曲应力
  14015. allowable bond stress ==> 容许结合应力
  14016. allowable bond unit stress ==> 容许单位结合应力
  14017. allowable buckling ==> 容许扭曲应力
  14018. allowable bucklling stress ==> 容许扭曲应力
  14019. allowable catch ==> 容许的捕捉量
  14020. allowable compression ratio ==> 容许压缩比
  14021. allowable compressive stress ==> 容许压应力
  14022. allowable compressive unit stress ==> 容许单位压应力
  14023. allowable concentration ==> 容许浓度
  14024. allowable contact ==> 容许接触应力
  14025. allowable contact stress ==> 容许接触应力
  14026. allowable contact unit stress ==> 容许单位接触应力
  14027. allowable crushing stress ==> 容许压碎应力
  14028. allowable crushing unit stress ==> 容许单位压碎应力
  14029. allowable current ==> 容许电流=>許容電流
  14030. allowable cut ==> 容许采伐量
  14031. allowable defect ==> 容许缺陷
  14032. allowable deflection ==> 容许挠度
  14033. allowable design stress ==> 许用设计应力
  14034. allowable deviation ==> 容许偏差,允许偏差
  14035. allowable difference of frequency ==> 周波数許容偏差
  14036. allowable dimension variation ==> 允许尺寸偏差
  14037. allowable distance between stations ==> 許容局間距離
  14038. allowable elongation ==> 容许伸长度
  14039. allowable emission ==> 許容排出量
  14040. allowable error ==> 容许误差=>許容誤差
  14041. allowable exposure ==> 容许曝光
  14042. allowable force ==> 许用加载
  14043. allowable gross weight ==> 容许毛重
  14044. allowable ground-level concentration ==> 地面容许浓度
  14045. allowable heat limit ==> 容许热限度
  14046. allowable impact load ==> 容许冲击荷载
  14047. allowable interconnecting time period ==> 連系継続可能時間
  14048. allowable irradiation ==> 容许照射
  14049. allowable leakage ==> 容许泄漏量
  14050. allowable limit ==> 容许极限,容许界限,容许限度
  14051. allowable limited amount of dangerous cargo ==> 小量危险品限额
  14052. allowable load ==> 容许负载,容许负荷,容许荷载,容许载荷,许用载荷
  14053. allowable load impedance ==> 允许的负载阻抗
  14054. allowable mating maximum power ==> 允许配带最大功率
  14055. allowable offset in circumferential joints ==> 圆周焊缝的允许偏移
  14056. allowable offset in longitudinal joints ==> 纵向焊缝的允许偏移
  14057. allowable oil pressure ==> 許容油圧
  14058. allowable opening diameter ==> 允许开孔直径
  14059. allowable operating temperature ==> 許容動作温度
  14060. allowable parameter ==> 容许参数
  14061. allowable pile bearing load ==> 容许桩荷载,单桩容许荷载
  14062. allowable power ==> 許容電力
  14063. allowable pressure ==> 容许压力,许用压力
  14064. allowable pressure differential ==> 允许压差
  14065. allowable pressure drop ==> 允许压降
  14066. allowable range ==> 許容範囲
  14067. allowable residue limit ==> 容许残留量
  14068. allowable shearing stress ==> 容许剪应力
  14069. allowable soil bearing strength ==> 土壤的允许耐力
  14070. allowable soil pressure ==> 土壤的允许承载压力
  14071. allowable soilpressure ==> 容许土压力
  14072. allowable storage temperature ==> 許容保存温度
  14073. allowable stress ==> 容许应力=>許容応力
  14074. allowable subgroup ==> 容许子群
  14075. allowable suct lift ==> 允许吸上真空高度
  14076. allowable temperature ==> 容许温度,允许温度,许用温度=>許容温度
  14077. allowable tensile stress ==> 许用拉应力,容许拉应力
  14078. allowable tensile stress at design temperature ==> 设计温度下的许用拉应力
  14079. allowable test pressure ==> 允许试验压力
  14080. allowable tolerance ==> 容许公差
  14081. allowable tolerance of filament voltage ==> 灯丝电压容许公差
  14082. allowable torsional stress ==> 容许扭应力
  14083. allowable transition ==> 容许跃迁
  14084. allowable transmissible bandwidth ==> 容许传输带宽
  14085. allowable twisting stress ==> 容许扭转应力
  14086. allowable twisting unit stress ==> 容许单位扭转应力
  14087. allowable unbalance ==> 许用不平衡量
  14088. allowable unit stress ==> 容许单位应力
  14089. allowable unit stress for bending ==> 容许单位弯曲应力
  14090. allowable unit stress for buckling ==> 容许单位扭曲应力
  14091. allowable unit stress for compression ==> 容许单位压应力
  14092. allowable unit stress for torsion ==> 容许单位扭应力
  14093. allowable use ==> 容许利用度
  14094. allowable value ==> 允许值,许用值
  14095. allowable variation ==> 容许偏差
  14096. allowable voltage ==> 容许电压
  14097. allowable wear ==> 容许磨损,许用磨损
  14098. allowable working pressure ==> 许用工作压力,容许工作压力
  14099. allowance ==> 公差,宽裕度,容差,容限,容许量,容许误差,免税额,免税项目,津贴,纯劳动时间,折让,宽放时间,宽免,余量,留量,补贴,剩油量,减让=>ゆとり,認めること,許容,容認,余裕
  14100. allowance above nominal size ==> 尺寸上偏差
  14101. allowance and rebate ==> 折让及折扣
  14102. allowance below nominal size ==> 尺寸下偏差,下差
  14103. allowance clause ==> 宽容条款
  14104. allowance demand ==> 値引要求
  14105. allowance error ==> 容许误差,许用误差
  14106. allowance for abrasion ==> 磨蚀裕量,磨损裕度
  14107. allowance for amortization ==> 摊销备抵
  14108. allowance for bad debts ==> 备抵坏帐
  14109. allowance for camber ==> 反挠度
  14110. allowance for collection cost ==> 备抵收回成本
  14111. allowance for contraction ==> 收缩留量
  14112. allowance for corrosion ==> 腐蚀裕度
  14113. allowance for damage ==> 亏损补贴
  14114. allowance for depreciation ==> 折旧率,备抵折旧
  14115. allowance for erosion ==> 由于侵蚀所需要的裕度
  14116. allowance for finish ==> 精加工余量,加工余量
  14117. allowance for funeral expenses ==> 免税之殡葬费
  14118. allowance for long service ==> 年功加俸,勤続給
  14119. allowance for overvaluation of branch inventory ==> 分店存货高估价额准备
  14120. allowance for price declines ==> 降价备抵
  14121. allowance for sale ==> 销货折让
  14122. allowance for sales discounts ==> 备抵销货折扣
  14123. allowance for shrinkage ==> 收缩余量,许可收缩量
  14124. allowance for time ==> 时间损失津贴
  14125. allowance for trim ==> 截齐允许量
  14126. allowance for uncollectible accounts receivable ==> 备抵坏帐
  14127. allowance for under-pit work ==> 矿山井下津贴
  14128. allowance for work stoppage ==> 停工津贴
  14129. allowance in kind ==> 实物津贴=>現物給与
  14130. allowance on sale ==> 销货折让
  14131. allowance on sales ==> 销售折让
  14132. allowance reserve ==> 折让准备
  14133. allowance test ==> 容差试验
  14134. allowance ticket ==> 废票转换券
  14135. allowance unit ==> 公差单位
  14136. allowances and taxation ==> 课税减免指数化与税收
  14137. allowances for medicine and health ==> 医药卫生补助金
  14138. allowed band ==> 公差带
  14139. allowed by law ==> 法律允许的
  14140. allowed cost ==> 容许成本
  14141. allowed defect ==> 容许疵病
  14142. allowed emission volume ==> 許容排出量
  14143. allowed energy band ==> 許容帯
  14144. allowed energy level ==> 容许能级
  14145. allowed equivalent crack length ==> 允许当量裂纹尺寸
  14146. allowed increment ==> 容许增量
  14147. allowed orbit ==> 容许轨道
  14148. allowed predecessor ==> 容许前置符
  14149. allowed space for expansion ==> 容许胀隙
  14150. allowed spectrum ==> 容许光谱
  14151. allowed spectrum shape ==> 容许能谱形状
  14152. allowed successor ==> 容许后继者
  14153. allowed time ==> 容许时间,放宽时间
  14154. allowed transition ==> 允许跃迁,容许跃迁,容许转变=>許容遷移
  14155. allowed value ==> 容许值
  14156. allowing for expansion ==> 扩充余地
  14157. alloxan diabetes ==> 阿脲糖尿病
  14158. alloxanic acid ==> 阿脲酸
  14159. alloy ==> 合金,铝硅合金=>合金
  14160. alloy addition ==> 合金添加
  14161. alloy amalgam ==> 合金汞齐
  14162. alloy backing ==> 合金牙背
  14163. alloy bar ==> 合金棒
  14164. alloy belt printer ==> 合金带打印机
  14165. alloy bit ==> 合金钻头
  14166. alloy cast iron ==> 合金铸件
  14167. alloy cast steel ==> 合金铸钢
  14168. alloy casting ==> 合金铸件,合金铸造
  14169. alloy clading ==> 包合金
  14170. alloy constructional steel ==> 合金结构钢
  14171. alloy content ==> 合金含量
  14172. alloy design ==> 合金设计
  14173. alloy diffusion method ==> 合金拡散法
  14174. alloy diffusion technology ==> 合金扩散工艺
  14175. alloy ductile iron roll ==> 合金球铁轧辊
  14176. alloy electrode ==> 合金钢电焊条,合金焊条
  14177. alloy fibre ==> 合金型熔合纤维
  14178. alloy firm ==> 合金薄膜
  14179. alloy for conductor ==> 导线用合金
  14180. alloy for die casting ==> 模铸合金
  14181. alloy frame ==> 合金镜架
  14182. alloy grade niobium ==> 合金级铌
  14183. alloy hardening ==> 合金硬化
  14184. alloy inlay ==> 合金嵌体
  14185. alloy intermediate ==> 合金中间物
  14186. alloy iron ==> 铁合金
  14187. alloy iron roll ==> 合金铸铁轧辊
  14188. alloy junction ==> 合金结=>合金接合
  14189. alloy junction diode ==> 合金结二极管
  14190. alloy junction photocell ==> 合金结光电管
  14191. alloy junction phototransistor ==> 合金结型光电晶体管
  14192. alloy junction transistor ==> 合金结晶体管
  14193. alloy latch ==> 合金弹簧锁
  14194. alloy live center ==> 合金活顶尖
  14195. alloy magnet-head ==> 合金磁头
  14196. alloy nuclear fuel ==> 合金核燃料
  14197. alloy of high percentage ==> 高合金
  14198. alloy of low percentage ==> 低合金
  14199. alloy of mercury ==> 汞合金
  14200. alloy phase ==> 合金相
  14201. alloy phases analysis ==> 合金相分析,分析合金中合金相的数量、结构、组成、大小、形态、分布及合金元素在相间分配的试验方法
  14202. alloy photocathode ==> 合金光电阴极
  14203. alloy phototransistor ==> 合金型光电晶体管
  14204. alloy pig ==> 合金锭,合金生铁
  14205. alloy pig iron ==> 合金生铁
  14206. alloy pin porcelain tooth ==> 合金钉瓷牙
  14207. alloy pipe ==> 合金钢管
  14208. alloy plating ==> 合金电镀
  14209. alloy plating fog inhibitor ==> 镀铜锡合金抑雾剂
  14210. alloy powder ==> 合金粉末
  14211. alloy pump ==> 合金泵
  14212. alloy rail steel ==> 合金钢轨钢
  14213. alloy reaction limit ==> 合金反应极限
  14214. alloy regrowth junction ==> 合金再生结
  14215. alloy separation process ==> 合金分离过程
  14216. alloy shutter ==> 合金百叶窗
  14217. alloy spike ==> 突抜け
  14218. alloy steel ==> 合金鋼
  14219. alloy steel casting ==> 合金钢铸件
  14220. alloy steel castings ==> 合金钢铸件
  14221. alloy steel gas welding rod ==> 合金钢气焊条
  14222. alloy steel powder ==> 合金钢粉末
  14223. alloy steel pump ==> 合金钢泵
  14224. alloy system ==> 合金系
  14225. alloy tin ==> 合金锡
  14226. alloy tool steel ==> 合金工具钢
  14227. alloy tool steel bit ==> 合金工具钢车刀
  14228. alloy transfer efficiency ==> 合金元素过渡系数
  14229. alloy treated steel ==> 处理过的合金钢
  14230. alloy treatment ==> 合金处理
  14231. alloy type transistor ==> 合金型晶体管
  14232. alloy watch band ==> 合金表带
  14233. alloy wire ==> 合金钢丝,合金线
  14234. alloy zener junction ==> 合金齐纳结
  14235. alloy(ing) addition ==> 添加合金
  14236. alloy-diffused photo transistor ==> 合金扩散型光电晶体管
  14237. alloy-diffused transistor ==> 扩散合金型晶体管
  14238. alloy-junction transistor ==> 合金结晶体管
  14239. alloy-steel blade ==> 合金钢刀片
  14240. alloy-steel cutter ==> 合金钢刀具
  14241. alloy-steel pipe ==> 合金钢管
  14242. alloy-steel pipe clamp ==> 合金钢制管卡
  14243. alloy-steel plate ==> 合金钢板
  14244. alloy-steel sheet ==> 合金钢片
  14245. alloy-steel strip ==> 合金钢带
  14246. alloy-steel tube ==> 合金钢管
  14247. alloy-steel wire ==> 合金钢丝
  14248. alloy-wire drawer ==> 合金丝拉制机
  14249. alloyage ==> 合金化
  14250. alloyd oil ==> 掺合油
  14251. alloyed grain roll ==> 合金纹理轧辊
  14252. alloyed iron ==> 合金铁
  14253. alloyed metal (AM) ==> 合金化的金属
  14254. alloyed pig iron ==> 合金生铁
  14255. alloyed scrap ==> 合金废料
  14256. alloyed steel ==> 合金钢=>合金鋼
  14257. alloyed steel bit ==> 合金钢车刀
  14258. alloyed steel roll ==> 合金钢轧辊
  14259. alloyed steel strip ==> 合金钢带
  14260. alloyed tool steel ==> 合金工具钢
  14261. alloyed transistor ==> 合金晶体管
  14262. alloying ==> 合金化
  14263. alloying agent ==> 合金剂,合金添加剂,合金元素,添加合金元素
  14264. alloying component ==> 合金成分
  14265. alloying composition ==> 合金成分
  14266. alloying constituent ==> 合金成分
  14267. alloying element ==> 合金元件,成合金元素
  14268. alloying ingredient ==> 合金成分
  14269. alloying junction transistor ==> 合金结型晶体管
  14270. alloying metal ==> 合金金属
  14271. alloying pellet ==> 合金球
  14272. alloying power ==> 合金化能力
  14273. alloying process ==> 熔合过程
  14274. allpass filter ==> 全域通過フィルタ
  14275. allspice oil ==> 多香果油
  14276. allude ==> 暗指,提及=>ほのめかす,暗に示す,それとなく言う
  14277. allure ==> 魅力,魅惑
  14278. allure people to buy ==> 人々を唆して買わせる
  14279. alluvial ==> 冲积的,冲积土
  14280. alluvial apron ==> 冲积裙,山麓冲积扇
  14281. alluvial channel ==> 冲积河槽
  14282. alluvial clay ==> 冲积粘土
  14283. alluvial community ==> 冲积带群落
  14284. alluvial cone ==> 冲积锥
  14285. alluvial cone sand trap ==> 冲积锥沙体圈闭
  14286. alluvial dam ==> 冲积坝,冲积堤,冲积阻塞
  14287. alluvial deltaic cycle ==> 冲积三角洲旋回
  14288. alluvial deposit ==> 冲积层,冲积矿床,冲积物,漂砂矿床
  14289. alluvial deposts ==> 冲积沉积
  14290. alluvial district ==> 冲积区
  14291. alluvial facies ==> 冲积相
  14292. alluvial fan ==> 冲积扇
  14293. alluvial fan deposit ==> 冲积扇沉积
  14294. alluvial filter ==> 冲积式过滤器
  14295. alluvial flat ==> 冲积平地,冲积平原,冲积滩,河漫滩
  14296. alluvial formation ==> 冲积地层
  14297. alluvial gold ==> 冲积砂金=>砂金
  14298. alluvial groundwater ==> 冲积层地下水
  14299. alluvial land ==> 冲积地,冲积土
  14300. alluvial laterite ==> 冲积红土
  14301. alluvial layer filter ==> 冲积层式过滤器
  14302. alluvial meadow soil ==> 冲积性草甸土
  14303. alluvial meander ==> 冲积曲折河段
  14304. alluvial mining ==> 冲积矿床开采
  14305. alluvial ore deposit ==> 冲积矿床
  14306. alluvial placer ==> 冲积砂矿床
  14307. alluvial plain ==> 冲积平原,沉积平原
  14308. alluvial plain coast ==> 冲积平原海岸
  14309. alluvial process ==> 冲积过程
  14310. alluvial ridge ==> 冲积脊
  14311. alluvial river ==> 冲积河,冲积河流
  14312. alluvial river bed ==> 冲积河床
  14313. alluvial series ==> 冲积系
  14314. alluvial slope ==> 冲积坡
  14315. alluvial soil ==> 冲积土
  14316. alluvial sorting ==> 冲积分选
  14317. alluvial stream ==> 冲积河流
  14318. alluvial talus ==> 冲积山麓堆积
  14319. alluvial terrace ==> 冲积阶地,冲积台地
  14320. alluvial tract ==> 冲积河段,冲积区
  14321. alluvial valley ==> 冲积谷,冲积河谷
  14322. alluvial values ==> 沉积矿回收值
  14323. alluvial water ==> 冲积层水
  14324. alluvial-proluvial fan ==> 冲洪积扇
  14325. alluvial-proluvial plain ==> 冲洪积平原
  14326. alluvial-slope spring ==> 冲积坡泉
  14327. alluvium grouting ==> 冲积层灌浆
  14328. ally arm ==> 支臂
  14329. allyl alcohol polymer ==> 烯丙醇聚合物
  14330. allyl chloride ==> 烯丙基氯
  14331. allyl ether ==> 烯丙基醚
  14332. allyl formate ==> 甲酸烯丙酯
  14333. allyl glycidyl ether ==> 烯丙基缩水甘油醚
  14334. allyl group ==> 烯丙基
  14335. allyl halide ==> 烯丙基卤
  14336. allyl iodide ==> 碘苯烯
  14337. allyl mercaptan ==> 烯丙硫醇
  14338. allyl plastic ==> 烯丙树脂
  14339. allylene ==> 丙炔=>アリレン
  14340. allylene oxide ==> 丙炔化氧
  14341. allylic halides type ==> 烯丙卤型
  14342. allylic rearrangement ==> 烯丙重排作用
  14343. allylic substitution ==> 烯丙取代
  14344. allysine residue ==> 醛赖氨酸残基
  14345. ALM, alarm ==> 警告
  14346. ALMA, Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array ==> アタカマ大型ミリ波サブミリ波干渉計
  14347. Almag alloy ==> 阿尔马格合金
  14348. almanac of economy ==> 经济年鉴,经济年鉴
  14349. almanac time ==> 历书时
  14350. almandin spinel ==> 贵榴石尖晶石
  14351. almandine spinel ==> 红尖晶石
  14352. Almarl ==> アルマール
  14353. Almasil alloy ==> 铝镁硅合金
  14354. almecillin sodium ==> 青霉素O钠
  14355. Almelec conductor ==> 铝镁合金导线
  14356. Almen extreme pressure lubricant testing machine ==> 阿尔门极压润滑剂试验机
  14357. Almen friction machine ==> 阿尔门摩擦试验机
  14358. Almen machine ==> 阿尔门摩擦试验机
  14359. Almen tester ==> 阿尔门摩擦试验机,阿尔门试验机
  14360. Almen-Ny-lander test ==> 阿尔门-奈兰德试验
  14361. Almon distributed lag model ==> 阿尔蒙分布滞后模型
  14362. Almon scheme of poly nomical lag ==> 阿尔蒙多项滞后型式
  14363. Almon scheme of polynomical lag ==> 阿尔蒙多项式滞后型式
  14364. Almon's lag scheme ==> 阿尔蒙滞后型式
  14365. almond ==> 巴旦杏,扁桃,杏仁,苦巴旦杏,苦扁桃=>アーモンド
  14366. almond leaved willow ==> 毛柳
  14367. almond oil ==> 扁桃仁油,扁桃油=>アーモンドオイル
  14368. almond powdery ==> アーモンドパウダー
  14369. almond splitting machine ==> 杏核劈半机
  14370. almost admissible decision rule ==> 几乎容许决策规则
  14371. almost complete sterility ==> 几乎完全不育
  14372. almost everywhere divergent ==> 几乎处处发散
  14373. almost periodic function ==> 殆周期函数
  14374. almost spherical ==> 近似球形,近似于球形状的
  14375. almost straight downward ==> 几乎垂直间生长
  14376. Almquist unit ==> 阿姆奎斯特单位
  14377. alni ==> 阿尔尼
  14378. alni magnet ==> 铝镍磁铁
  14379. Alni magnet ==> 阿尔尼克镍铝铸造磁铁
  14380. Alnic alloy ==> 阿尔尼克铝镍沉淀硬化型永磁合金
  14381. alnico ==> 阿尔尼科合金
  14382. Alnico ==> アルニコ
  14383. alnico alloy ==> 铝镍钴合金
  14384. Alnico aluminium-nickel-cobalt alloy ==> 阿尔尼科铝镍钴合金
  14385. alnico magnet ==> 铝镍钴磁钢
  14386. Alnico permanent magnet alloy ==> 阿尔尼科铁镍铝钴系永磁合金
  14387. Alnico sintered magnet ==> 阿尔尼科烧结铝镍钴磁铁
  14388. alnico V magnet ==> 铝镍钴V形磁铁
  14389. Alniflex solution ==> 阿尔尼夫莱克斯溶液
  14390. Alocinma longicornis ==> 长角立螺
  14391. aloe ==> アロエ
  14392. aloe extract ==> アロエのエキス
  14393. aloe pills ==> 芦荟丸
  14394. aloe poisoning ==> 芦荟中毒
  14395. aloe vera extract ==> アロエベラ抽出物
  14396. aloe wood oil ==> 东方沉香油,沉香木油
  14397. aloe-emodin ==> 芦荟大黄素,芦荟泻素
  14398. ALOG, analogue ==> アナログ
  14399. aloin test ==> 芦荟素试验
  14400. alone signal unit (ASU) ==> 独立信号单元
  14401. along order ==> 进行的次序
  14402. along shore current ==> 顺岸流
  14403. alongshore drift ==> 沿岸漂沙
  14404. alongshore wind ==> 海岸风
  14405. alongside uninterrupted loading ==> 现装
  14406. aloof ==> お高くとまった,高飛車な
  14407. alopecia cachectica ==> 恶病质性脱发
  14408. alopecia liminaris frontelis ==> 额部发缘脱发
  14409. alopecia premature ==> 早老性脱发
  14410. alopecia syphilitica ==> 梅毒性脱发
  14411. ALOS, Advanced Land Observing Satellite ==> 陸域観測技術衛星,だいち
  14412. ALOTS, Airborne Lightweight Optical Tracking System ==> (意訳:航空機搭載用軽量光学追跡装置)
  14413. aloxide bearing ==> 刚玉轴承
  14414. alpaca ==> 阿尔帕克锌白铜
  14415. alpaca fiber ==> 羊驼绒
  14416. alpakka ==> 阿尔帕克锌白铜
  14417. alpax ==> 阿尔帕克斯铝硅合金
  14418. alpert-ionization gauge ==> 阿尔珀特电离计
  14419. Alpeth cable ==> 阿尔贝斯电缆,聚乙烯绝缘铝芯电缆=>アルベスケーブル
  14420. alpeth sheath ==> アルベスシース
  14421. alpha ==> α, アルファ
  14422. alpha activation ==> 阿尔法活化
  14423. alpha anomalous scattering ==> 阿尔法射线的反常散射
  14424. alpha brass ==> 黄铜,阿尔法黄铜,单相黄铜
  14425. Alpha brass alloys ==> 阿尔法黄铜合金
  14426. alpha bronze ==> 青铜
  14427. Alpha card reader ==> 阿尔法射线卡片阅读器
  14428. alpha code ==> 字母编码,字母代码
  14429. alpha cut frequency ==> 截止频率
  14430. alpha decay ==> 衰变
  14431. alpha detection ==> 阿尔法射线探测
  14432. alpha disintegration ==> 衰变
  14433. alpha energy loss ==> 阿尔法放射线的能量损失
  14434. alpha format ==> 字母格式
  14435. alpha iron ==> 铁
  14436. Alpha monitor ==> 阿尔法射线监测仪
  14437. alpha naphthol ==> 甲位萘酚,甲萘酚
  14438. alpha naphthylamine ==> 甲萘胺
  14439. alpha particle ==> 阿尔法粒子,粒子
  14440. alpha ray ==> 阿尔法射线,甲种射线
  14441. alpha rays ==> 射线
  14442. alpha region ==> 相区域
  14443. Alpha Rockwell hardness ==> 洛氏A极硬度
  14444. alpha solid solution ==> 固溶体
  14445. alpha spectrometer ==> α粒子能谱仪
  14446. alpha system ==> 字母系统
  14447. alpha track detector ==> 阿尔法径迹检测器
  14448. alpha-active conditions ==> 阿尔法放射性条件
  14449. alpha-beta brass ==> 两相黄铜
  14450. Alpha-Laval centrifuge ==> 连续式转钵离心机
  14451. alpha-numeric code ==> アルファニュメリックコード
  14452. alphaamylase isosime tests ==> 淀粉酶同功酶试验
  14453. alphabet ==> アルファベット
  14454. alphabet laser ==> 多掺激光器
  14455. alphabet of lines ==> 线型
  14456. alphabetic addressing ==> 字母选址
  14457. alphabetic character ==> 字母字符
  14458. alphabetic character set ==> 字母字符集=>欧字集合
  14459. alphabetic character subset ==> 欧字部分集合
  14460. alphabetic code ==> 字母代码=>欧字コード
  14461. alphabetic coded character set ==> 字母代码字符集=>欧字コード化文字集合
  14462. alphabetic data code ==> 字母数据码
  14463. alphabetic data item ==> 字母数据项
  14464. alphabetic item ==> 字母项
  14465. alphabetic printer ==> 字母印刷装置
  14466. alphabetic punch(er) ==> 字母凿孔机
  14467. alphabetic shift ==> 字母移位
  14468. alphabetic sorter ==> 字母分类器
  14469. alphabetic sorting ==> 按字母分类
  14470. alphabetic string ==> 欧字列
  14471. alphabetic telegraphy ==> 字母电报
  14472. alphabetic variant ==> 初等变式
  14473. alphabetic word ==> アルファベットの語
  14474. alphabetical character ==> 英字
  14475. alphabetical information ==> 字母信息
  14476. alphageometric graphic ==> 阿尔法几何图形
  14477. alphameric character ==> 字母数字符号
  14478. alphameric code ==> 字母数字编码
  14479. alphameric conversion code ==> 字母数字转换码
  14480. alphameric field ==> 字母数字信息组
  14481. alphameric typebar ==> 字母数字打印杆
  14482. alphanumeric bookkeeping machine ==> 字母数字记帐机
  14483. alphanumeric character ==> 文字数字式字符
  14484. alphanumeric character set ==> 字母数字字符集=>欧数字集合
  14485. alphanumeric character subset ==> 欧数字部分集合
  14486. alphanumeric code ==> 字母数字代码=>欧数字コード
  14487. alphanumeric coded character set ==> 字母数字字符集=>欧数字コード化文字集合
  14488. alphanumeric data ==> 字母数字数据=>欧数字データ
  14489. alphanumeric data code ==> 字母数字数据代码
  14490. alphanumeric data item ==> 字母数字数据项
  14491. alphanumeric edited character ==> 字母数字编辑字符
  14492. alphanumeric edited item ==> 字母数字编辑项
  14493. alphanumeric instruction ==> 字母数字指令
  14494. alphanumeric item ==> 字母数字项目
  14495. alphanumeric key ==> 字母数字键
  14496. alphanumeric machine ==> 字母数字机
  14497. alphanumeric printer ==> 字母数字印刷机
  14498. alphanumeric printers ==> 文字数字式印字机
  14499. alphanumeric reader ==> 字母数字读出器
  14500. alphanumeric style ==> 字母数字格式
  14501. alphatizing ==> 气化渗铬法
  14502. alphatron gauge ==> 管真空规
  14503. alphitolic acid ==> 麦珠子酸
  14504. Alpine ==> 阿尔卑斯期
  14505. Alpine air-swept sieve ==> 阿尔派恩气吹式清洗筛
  14506. alpine belt ==> 高山地带
  14507. alpine bluegrass ==> 高原早熟禾
  14508. alpine climate ==> 高山气候
  14509. Alpine crustal type ==> 阿尔卑斯地壳类型
  14510. alpine cushion-like vegetation ==> 高山垫状植被
  14511. alpine desert ==> 高山荒漠
  14512. alpine ecology ==> 高山生态学
  14513. alpine ecosystems ==> 高山生态系统
  14514. alpine fir ==> 高山冷杉
  14515. Alpine fold ==> 阿尔卑斯式褶皱
  14516. alpine garden ==> 岩石庭园
  14517. alpine geomorphology ==> 高山地貌学
  14518. Alpine geosyncline ==> 阿尔卑斯地槽
  14519. Alpine glacier ==> 阿尔卑斯型冰川
  14520. alpine glacier ==> 高山冰川
  14521. alpine light ==> 人工日光
  14522. alpine meadow soil ==> 高山草甸土
  14523. Alpine Orogen ==> 阿尔卑斯造山带
  14524. Alpine orogeny ==> 阿尔卑斯式高山造山作用,阿尔卑斯造山运动
  14525. alpine planation terrace ==> 高山夷平阶地
  14526. alpine plant ==> 高山植物
  14527. alpine region ==> 高山区
  14528. alpine relief ==> 高山地形
  14529. alpine sack ==> 登山背囊
  14530. alpine snowfield ==> 高山雪原
  14531. alpine strawberry ==> 高山草莓,多年生草莓
  14532. alpine survey ==> 高山调查
  14533. alpine talus vegetation ==> 高山稀疏植被
  14534. alpine timothy ==> 高山猫尾草
  14535. alpine tundra ==> 高山冻原
  14536. Alpine type of folding ==> 阿尔卑斯式褶皱
  14537. Alpine type ultramafic associations ==> 阿尔卑斯型超铁镁岩组合
  14538. alpine valley ==> 高山河谷
  14539. alpine zone ==> 高山带
  14540. alpine-arctic community ==> 高寒群落
  14541. Alpine-sun lamp ==> 高山太阳灯
  14542. alpine-type facies ==> 阿尔卑斯式相
  14543. Alplate process ==> 铝锌法热镀锌
  14544. Alport's syndrome ==> 遗传性肾炎神经性耳聋综合征,阿尔波特氏综合征
  14545. ALPS, advanced liquid propulsion system ==> 改良型液体燃料推進システム
  14546. ALR ==> 器具标签法规,是美国在1980年5月19日起全面施行的强制性耗能器具的能源标示制度。法规要求制造商必须使用抬头为“Energy_Guide”的黄色标签,必须按照规定的格式和类型提供标签信息。
  14547. ALR, automatic load dispatching regulator ==> 自動負荷制御装置
  14548. ALRC, Aerojet Liquid Rocket Corp. ==> エアロジェット液体ロケット社
  14549. already-issued bond ==> 已发行债券
  14550. ALS, activity log sheet ==> 活動日誌
  14551. ALS, Advance Launch System ==> (意訳:改良型打ち上げシステム)(米国。HLV構想を発展させた重
  14552. ALS, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ==> 肌肉萎縮性側索硬化症=>筋萎縮性側索硬化症
  14553. ALS, automatic landing system ==> 自動着陸装置
  14554. ALS, automatic load sharing device ==> 自動負荷分担装置
  14555. ALS,automatic landing system ==> 自動着陸装置
  14556. ALSEP, Apollo lunar surface experiment package ==> アポロ月面探査函
  14557. Alsever's solution ==> 阿尔塞弗溶液,奥尔塞氏溶液
  14558. alsi-film ==> 铝硅片
  14559. alsifer ==> 阿尔违尔硅铝铁合金
  14560. Alsithermic alloy ==> 阿尔西塞迈克合金
  14561. alsithermic reducing agent ==> 铝硅热还原剂
  14562. alsnritolic acid ==> 木油树酸
  14563. alstonia-leaf ==> 灯台叶
  14564. ALT pulse ==> 交替脉冲
  14565. ALT, alert ==> アラート
  14566. ALT, altitude ==> 高度
  14567. ALT, approach and landing test ==> 進入・着陸試験(NASA略語)
  14568. ALT, pulse compressed radar altimeter ==> パルス圧縮レーダー高度計
  14569. altai (or irkutsk) anemone rhizome ==> 九节菖蒲,九节菖蒲
  14570. altaite ==> 碲铅矿
  14571. altazimuth mounting ==> 地平装置
  14572. altazimuth reflector ==> 地平式反射镜
  14573. altazimuth telescope ==> 地平经纬望远镜,地平式望远镜
  14574. alter ==> 窜改,涂改,变
  14575. alter display ==> 更换显示
  14576. alter ego ==> 第二自我
  14577. alter error ==> 变更差错,变更误差
  14578. alter mode ==> 变更方式
  14579. Alter periodogram ==> 奥尔塔周期图
  14580. alter polarity ==> 变更极性,交替极性
  14581. alter shots ==> 变化镜头
  14582. alter statement ==> 更改语句
  14583. alter the economic relations ==> 变革经济关系
  14584. alter the letter of credit ==> 修改信用证
  14585. alterability ==> 可变性
  14586. alterant ==> 变质剂,变质药
  14587. alteration ==> 变化,蚀变,蚀变作用,改建,涂改=>変更,改変,改造,変化,修正
  14588. alteration by heat ==> 熱による変化
  14589. alteration enzyme ==> 変性酵素
  14590. alteration in function ==> 機能上の変化
  14591. alteration in gene expression ==> 遺伝子発現変化
  14592. alteration in glucose metabolism ==> 糖代謝の変化
  14593. alteration in heart rate ==> 心拍数変化
  14594. alteration in the dosing rate ==> 投与速度の変化
  14595. alteration in the refractive index ==> 屈折率の変化
  14596. alteration in visual acuity ==> 視力低下
  14597. alteration in volume ==> 体積変化
  14598. alteration layer ==> 変質層
  14599. alteration mineral ==> 変質鉱物
  14600. alteration of intestinal flora ==> 肠道菌群失调
  14601. alteration of premise ==> 房舍改建
  14602. alteration of private right ==> 民事权利变更,民事权利的变更
  14603. alteration on entries in the register ==> 变更注册事项
  14604. alteration switch ==> 变换转移点=>変更スイッチ
  14605. alteration to a house ==> 家の改築
  14606. alterations ==> 服装修改
  14607. alterative ==> 变质的
  14608. alterative inflammation ==> 变质性炎
  14609. alterative treatment ==> 变质疗法
  14610. altered bill ==> 经更改的票据
  14611. altered check ==> 涂改的支票
  14612. altered coin ==> 变造硬币
  14613. altered distribution of mucosal folds ==> 粘膜皱襞紊乱
  14614. altered mineral ==> 蚀变矿物
  14615. altered note ==> 变造纸币
  14616. altered stress ==> 变异应力
  14617. altered-self antigen ==> 自身修饰抗原
  14618. altering error ==> 变更差,变更误差
  14619. altering the ecology of outbreak area ==> 改变爆发地区的生态
  14620. altering the thermal properties of the ground ==> 改变地温性质
  14621. alterm ==> 和项
  14622. altern ==> 交错群落
  14623. Alternaria ==> 链格孢属
  14624. alternaria leaf spot of crucifers ==> 十字花科黑斑病
  14625. alternariatoxicosis ==> 链格孢中毒
  14626. alternaric acid ==> 间链孢霉酸
  14627. alternarin ==> 间链孢霉素
  14628. alternataly-pinnate ==> 互生羽状的
  14629. alternate ==> 互生,互生的,更迭的,交替,交替的,变的,变更的
  14630. alternate (substitute) material ==> 代用材料
  14631. alternate address ==> 代替アドレス
  14632. alternate aerodrome ==> 备用机场
  14633. alternate airport ==> 备用航空站,备用机场,备用着陆机场
  14634. alternate angle ==> 錯角
  14635. alternate architecture ==> 代替アーキテクチャ
  14636. alternate area ==> 交替区,替代区
  14637. alternate arm ==> 相邻臂
  14638. alternate bar ==> 交替沙坝
  14639. alternate bearing ==> 隔年结果
  14640. alternate beating and cooling ==> 交替加热及冷却
  14641. alternate black and white blocks ==> 黑白格图案
  14642. alternate blade cutter ==> 双面刀盘
  14643. alternate channal selectivity ==> 交流频道灵敏度
  14644. alternate channel ==> 交替信道,替代信道,备用信道,变更通道,变更信道
  14645. alternate charge ==> 交变负荷
  14646. alternate circulation ==> 交互循環
  14647. alternate cleaning ==> 代替洗浄
  14648. alternate clera-strip system ==> 交互带状皆伐式渐伐作业法
  14649. alternate code ==> 备用代码
  14650. alternate copolymer ==> 交替共聚物
  14651. alternate crop ==> 填闲作物
  14652. alternate cropping system ==> 交替耕作系统
  14653. alternate current ==> 交流电
  14654. alternate design ==> 交互比较设计
  14655. alternate design basis (ADB) ==> 代用设计依据
  14656. alternate device ==> 替代设备,备份设备=>代替装置
  14657. alternate diesel fuel ==> 代替ディーゼル燃料
  14658. alternate directions ==> 交错方向
  14659. alternate display ==> オルタネート表示
  14660. alternate distributor ==> 双触点配电器
  14661. alternate extended route ==> 更替扩充的路径选择,更替扩充路由
  14662. alternate exterior angle ==> 外错角
  14663. alternate file ==> 更替文件
  14664. alternate freezing and thawing ==> 交替冻融,冻融交替
  14665. alternate frequency ==> 补充频率
  14666. alternate fuel ==> 人造石油
  14667. alternate function ==> 交替函数,交代函数
  14668. alternate function key ==> 备用功能键,更替功能键
  14669. alternate grazing ==> 交替放牧
  14670. alternate hemiplegia ==> 交叉性偏瘫
  14671. alternate host ==> 转换宿主,转主寄生
  14672. alternate husbandry ==> 换茬
  14673. alternate immersion test ==> 反复腐蚀试验
  14674. alternate in a production ==> 产生式中的替元
  14675. alternate index ==> 辅助索引
  14676. alternate index cluster ==> 辅助索引簇
  14677. alternate index entry ==> 辅助索引表目
  14678. alternate index record ==> 辅助索引记录
  14679. alternate index upgrade ==> 辅助索引升级
  14680. alternate input library ==> 替代输入库
  14681. alternate installation disk ==> 另外安装的磁盘
  14682. alternate joint ==> 错缝,错缝接合,错列接头,交错接缝
  14683. alternate joints ==> 错缝接合
  14684. alternate key ==> 交替关键字,辅助关键字,备用关键字
  14685. alternate key stroke ==> 交错击键法,交替击键
  14686. alternate lane construction ==> 隔仓施工法
  14687. alternate lay wire rope ==> 混合捻制钢丝绳
  14688. alternate layout ==> 比较设计
  14689. alternate leaves ==> 互生叶
  14690. alternate library facility ==> 更替程序库功能
  14691. alternate load ==> 交替荷载,交替载荷,反复载荷,交变载荷=>交替荷重
  14692. alternate magnet ==> 交置磁铁
  14693. alternate material ==> 替换材料
  14694. alternate matrix ==> 交错矩阵=>交代行列
  14695. alternate method ==> 交错法
  14696. alternate motion ==> 交变运动
  14697. alternate operation column ==> 轮换操作塔
  14698. alternate operations ==> 轮换操作
  14699. alternate optima ==> 交替最优法
  14700. alternate optimization ==> 交互最適化
  14701. alternate order ==> 二者择一的订单
  14702. alternate ordering ==> 交代順序
  14703. alternate partial polarizer filter ==> 交变部分偏振滤光器
  14704. alternate path ==> 并联通路,第二通路,更换通路,更替路径
  14705. alternate path retry ==> 交替通路再试
  14706. alternate path retry (APR) ==> 更替插入再试
  14707. alternate pathway theory ==> 交替途径
  14708. alternate perception ==> 代わりの考え
  14709. alternate performance ==> 代替履行
  14710. alternate phyllotaxis ==> 互生葉序
  14711. alternate phyllotaxy ==> 互生叶序
  14712. alternate picture dot ==> 交替像点,交替像素
  14713. alternate pitting ==> 互列纹孔式
  14714. alternate planting ==> 间植
  14715. alternate plow ==> (双犁梁上下交替耕作)双向犁
  14716. alternate production ==> 轮番生产
  14717. alternate production methods ==> 轮流生产方法
  14718. alternate program communication block ==> 更替程序通信块
  14719. alternate record key clause ==> 更替记录关键子句,次记录键子句
  14720. alternate recovery (ACR) ==> 交替恢复
  14721. alternate return ==> 交错返回
  14722. alternate route ==> 备用路线,更替通路
  14723. alternate routing ==> 更替通路,更替通路的指定,备用路由,指定替代通路
  14724. alternate row mutching ==> 隔行盖草
  14725. alternate row seeding ==> 隔行播种
  14726. alternate SC ==> 交替的副载波
  14727. alternate scanning ==> 交替扫描
  14728. alternate sector ==> 备份扇区
  14729. alternate sector cylinder ==> 备份扇区柱面
  14730. alternate sector identifier ==> 备份扇区标识符
  14731. alternate stages of flow ==> 水流共轭水位
  14732. alternate standard ==> 替代标准
  14733. alternate station method ==> 隔站法
  14734. alternate steel ==> 代用钢
  14735. alternate strain ==> 交替应变,反复应变,交变应变
  14736. alternate stress ==> 交变应力,反复应力,交替应力=>交番応力
  14737. alternate stress test ==> 反复应力试验
  14738. alternate system residence device ==> 替代系统常驻设备
  14739. alternate tension ==> 交替拉力
  14740. alternate test for variance heterogeneity ==> 非齐性方差的替换检验
  14741. alternate timer ==> 更替定时器
  14742. alternate track ==> 交替磁道
  14743. alternate traversing fire ==> 纵深摆射
  14744. alternate triples ==> 三重替代路由
  14745. alternate valuation ==> 比较估价
  14746. alternate volume ==> 更替卷宗
  14747. alternate wire-feed system ==> (焊接用语)变速送丝方法
  14748. alternate-bay construction ==> 隔仓施工法
  14749. alternate-channel interference ==> 相隔信道干扰
  14750. alternate-CHOICE-clause ==> 轮流选择子句
  14751. alternate-day feeding ==> 隔日饲喂
  14752. alternate-line scanning ==> 隔行扫描
  14753. alternatebay construction ==> (混凝土用的)隔仓施工法
  14754. alternately dark and bright rings ==> 明暗相间的环
  14755. alternately reversal load ==> 交替反复荷载
  14756. alternating ==> 交变的=>交流の
  14757. alternating arc lamp ==> 交流光灯
  14758. alternating axis of symmetry ==> 更迭对称轴
  14759. alternating bending ==> 交替弯曲,反复弯曲,交变弯曲
  14760. alternating bending test ==> 交变弯曲试验,反复弯曲试验
  14761. alternating component ==> 交变分量,交流成分,交流量=>交互に変わる成分
  14762. alternating continuous current converter machine ==> 交流变换器
  14763. alternating current ==> 交流
  14764. alternating current (AC) ==> 交流电
  14765. alternating current amplifier ==> 交流放大器
  14766. alternating current arc ==> 交流弧,交流电弧
  14767. alternating current arc generator ==> 交流电弧发生器
  14768. alternating current arc welder ==> 交羚弧焊机
  14769. alternating current arc welding ==> 交流弧焊,交流电弧焊
  14770. alternating current arc welding machine ==> 交羚弧焊机
  14771. alternating current automatic block ==> 交流自动闭塞
  14772. alternating current balancer ==> 交流衡器
  14773. alternating current biased recording ==> 交流偏置录音法
  14774. alternating current biasing ==> 交流偏磁
  14775. alternating current bridge ==> 交流桥
  14776. alternating current circuit ==> 交流电路
  14777. alternating current coil ==> 交流线圈
  14778. alternating current commutator machine ==> 交流电机
  14779. alternating current commutator motor ==> 交流电动机
  14780. alternating current component ==> 交流量
  14781. alternating current distribution ==> 交流电
  14782. alternating current dump ==> 交流清除
  14783. alternating current dynamo ==> 交流电机
  14784. alternating current electric locomotive ==> 交流机车
  14785. alternating current electromagnet ==> 交流磁
  14786. alternating current electromotive force ==> 交流动势
  14787. alternating current erase ==> 交流擦除
  14788. alternating current exciter ==> 交流磁机
  14789. alternating current field ==> 交流场
  14790. alternating current galvanometer ==> 交流发电机
  14791. alternating current generator ==> 交流发电机=>交流発電機
  14792. alternating current hum ==> 交流声
  14793. alternating current indication relay ==> 交流指示继电器
  14794. alternating current linear variable differential transformer(AC ACLVDT) ==> 交流极谱仪
  14795. alternating current machine ==> 交流机
  14796. alternating current magnetic biasing ==> 交流偏磁
  14797. alternating current measurement ==> 交流量
  14798. alternating current motor ==> 交流电动机=>交流電動機
  14799. alternating current motor for electric railway ==> 电气铁道用交流电动机
  14800. alternating current network ==> 交流网络
  14801. alternating current potentiometer ==> 交流电位计
  14802. alternating current power ==> 交流功率
  14803. alternating current power transmission ==> 交流输电
  14804. alternating current powered ophthalmoscope ==> 交流检眼镜
  14805. alternating current pulse ==> 交流脉冲
  14806. alternating current rectifier ==> 交流电整流器
  14807. alternating current relay ==> 交流继电器
  14808. alternating current series motor ==> 交流串激电动机
  14809. alternating current shock ==> 交流电休克
  14810. alternating current shunt motor ==> 交流串激电动机
  14811. alternating current system ==> 交流系统
  14812. alternating current system, AC system ==> 交流系统,由交流提供电力的系统
  14813. alternating current tacho generator ==> 交流变速发电机
  14814. alternating current track circuit ==> 交流铁道电路
  14815. alternating current transformer ==> 交流变压器
  14816. alternating current transmission ==> 交流传输
  14817. alternating current transmission line ==> 交流输电线路
  14818. alternating current tripping system ==> 交流断路方式
  14819. alternating current voltage ==> 交流电压
  14820. alternating current voltage amplification ==> 交流电压放大
  14821. alternating current voltmeter ==> 交流伏特计
  14822. alternating current welding machine ==> 交流电焊机
  14823. alternating current, AC ==> 交流
  14824. alternating diarrhea and constipation ==> 腹泻便秘交替
  14825. alternating direction implicit method ==> 交替方向稳定法
  14826. alternating direction iterative ==> 交替方向迭代法
  14827. alternating direction method ==> 交替方向法
  14828. alternating discharge ==> 周期性放电
  14829. alternating displacement ==> 交变位移
  14830. alternating double bond ==> 更迭双键
  14831. alternating electric wave ==> 交替电波
  14832. alternating electromagnet ==> 交流电磁铁
  14833. alternating electromotive force ==> 交变电动势
  14834. alternating excitation ==> 交替兴奋
  14835. alternating field ==> 交变磁场,交变场=>交番磁界
  14836. alternating flashing light ==> 变色闪光灯,彩色闪光灯
  14837. alternating flux ==> 交变磁通,交变磁通量
  14838. alternating flux leakage testing ==> 交流漏洩磁束探傷試験法
  14839. alternating function ==> 交变函数
  14840. alternating graph ==> 交错图,交错图形
  14841. alternating group flashing light ==> 彩色闪光灯组
  14842. alternating group occulting light ==> 彩色闪光灯组
  14843. alternating impact machine ==> 交变振动试验机
  14844. alternating impact test ==> 反复冲击试验
  14845. alternating induced polarization ==> 交流激发极化法
  14846. alternating light ==> 变光灯
  14847. alternating light method ==> 两光交换法
  14848. alternating load ==> 应变载荷
  14849. alternating load test ==> 反复负荷试验
  14850. alternating logic ==> 交替逻辑
  14851. alternating magnetic field ==> 交番磁界
  14852. alternating matrix ==> 交错矩阵
  14853. alternating motion ==> 往复运动
  14854. alternating movement ==> 交替运动
  14855. alternating operating system ==> 交替的操作系统,供选用的操作系统
  14856. alternating path ==> 交替路
  14857. alternating personality ==> 交替人格
  14858. alternating photocurrent ==> 交变光电流
  14859. alternating potential ==> 交变电位
  14860. alternating pressure process ==> 加压真空交替法
  14861. alternating pulse ==> 交替脉
  14862. alternating quantity ==> 交变量
  14863. alternating renewal process ==> 交替可更新过程
  14864. alternating return trap ==> 反复回水弯
  14865. alternating run ==> 交变路段
  14866. alternating series ==> 交错级数,交错序列
  14867. alternating shift ==> 轮替班
  14868. alternating stills ==> 交替操作蒸馏釜
  14869. alternating strabismus ==> 交替性斜视,两侧斜视
  14870. alternating stress amplitude ==> 交变应力振幅
  14871. alternating stress intensity ==> 交变应力强度
  14872. alternating stress test ==> 交变应力试验
  14873. alternating sum ==> 交错总和
  14874. alternating temperature humidity test chamber ==> 交变湿热试验箱
  14875. alternating torsion fatigue test ==> 交变扭曲疲劳试验
  14876. alternating true hermaphroditism ==> 交叉型真两性畸形
  14877. alternating voltage ==> 交流电压=>交流電圧
  14878. alternating-current ==> 交流电流
  14879. alternating-current arc ==> 交流アーク
  14880. alternating-current arc welding ==> 同上
  14881. alternating-current balancer ==> 交流バランサ
  14882. alternating-current biasing method ==> 交流バイアス法
  14883. alternating-current bridge ==> 交流电桥=>交流ブリッジ
  14884. alternating-current capacitor ==> 交流用コンデンサ
  14885. alternating-current circuit ==> 交流回路
  14886. alternating-current circuit theory ==> 交流电路理论
  14887. alternating-current commutator machine ==> 交流整流子機
  14888. alternating-current commutator motor ==> 交流整流式电动机=>交流整流子電動機
  14889. alternating-current computer ==> 交流计算机
  14890. alternating-current converter ==> 交流换流器,交流交换器
  14891. alternating-current corrosion ==> 交流腐食
  14892. alternating-current distribution ==> 交流配电
  14893. alternating-current electromotive force ==> 交流起電力
  14894. alternating-current erasing head ==> 交流抹音磁头
  14895. alternating-current exciter ==> 交流励磁機
  14896. alternating-current filter ==> 交流フィルタ
  14897. alternating-current galvanometer ==> 交流検流計
  14898. alternating-current generator ==> 交流発電機
  14899. alternating-current initial permeability ==> 交流初透磁率
  14900. alternating-current machine ==> 交流機
  14901. alternating-current magnetic conditioning ==> 交流消磁
  14902. alternating-current main ==> 交流电网,交流电源,交流干线
  14903. alternating-current motor ==> 交流電動機,交流モータ,ACモータ
  14904. alternating-current neutralization ==> 交流消磁
  14905. alternating-current potentionmeter ==> 交流電位差計
  14906. alternating-current resistance ==> 高频电阻
  14907. alternating-current series motor ==> 交流直巻電動機
  14908. alternating-current shunt motor ==> 交流分巻電動機
  14909. alternating-current system ==> 交流系统,交流制
  14910. alternating-current torque motor ==> 交流扭矩电动机,交流陀螺修正电动机
  14911. alternating-current traction system ==> 交流電気運転方式
  14912. alternating-current welder ==> 交流溶接機
  14913. alternating-current-to-alternating-current converter ==> AC-AC変換器
  14914. alternating-current-to-direct-current comparator ==> 交直流比較器
  14915. alternating-gradient synchrotron ==> 交变梯度同步加速器
  14916. alternating-pressure method ==> 频压法
  14917. alternating-variable search ==> 交替寻优法
  14918. alternating[exchange]load ==> 交变负荷
  14919. alternation ==> 交变,交替工作,强度交变,改变,互生,交变工作,交互变化=>交番,One-half of a cycle, consisting of the complete rise and fall of an alternating voltage or current in one direction.
  14920. alternation activity ==> 择一活动
  14921. alternation law ==> 更迭律
  14922. alternation mark inversion violation ==> 极性交替破坏
  14923. alternation number ==> 交变周期数
  14924. alternation of bed ==> 交互层
  14925. alternation of beds ==> 岩层交互变化(交互层)
  14926. alternation of culture ==> 轮作
  14927. alternation of generations ==> 世代交替
  14928. alternation of hosts ==> 转主
  14929. alternation of multiplicities law ==> 重复性变化定律
  14930. alternation of signs ==> 符号的变更
  14931. alternation of wetting and drying ==> 干湿交替
  14932. alternation optimum ==> 择一最优
  14933. alternation policy ==> 可供选择的方针政策
  14934. alternation switch ==> 变更开关,交替开关,转换开关
  14935. alternative ==> 替换物,可替代的,备选方案,比较方案,替换,替换物,可供选择的
  14936. alternative (Alt.) ==> 另一种
  14937. alternative accounting methods ==> 可供选择的会计方法
  14938. alternative address ==> 代替アドレス
  14939. alternative agent ==> 代替薬
  14940. alternative aggregate ==> 代替骨材
  14941. alternative algorithm ==> 代替アルゴリズム
  14942. alternative alloy ==> 代替合金
  14943. alternative analytical method ==> 代替分析法
  14944. alternative apparatus ==> 代替装置
  14945. alternative arrangement ==> 间隔布置
  14946. alternative attribute ==> 择一属性
  14947. alternative biasing ==> 交替偏压
  14948. alternative blast ==> ブラスト代替
  14949. alternative box ==> 交替框
  14950. alternative calculation ==> 代替計算
  14951. alternative car fuel ==> 自動車用代替燃料
  14952. alternative career ==> 代替職業
  14953. alternative catalyst ==> 代替触媒
  14954. alternative check list method ==> 替换措施表列法
  14955. alternative choice ==> 备选方案选择
  14956. alternative clause ==> 可供选择的条款
  14957. alternative coefficient ==> 交错系数
  14958. alternative construction ==> 变化组织
  14959. alternative contract ==> 選択契約
  14960. alternative control ==> 选择控制
  14961. alternative cost ==> 交替成本,择机代价,变换成本,替代成本
  14962. alternative costs ==> 替换成本,选择成本
  14963. alternative crop ==> 轮种作物
  14964. alternative demand ==> 交替需求,可替代需要
  14965. alternative design ==> 比较设计
  14966. alternative device ==> 替换装置
  14967. alternative drawee ==> 可替换的付款人
  14968. alternative duty ==> 选择税
  14969. alternative energy ==> 代替エネルギー
  14970. alternative energy firm ==> 代替エネルギー会社
  14971. alternative energy resource ==> 代替エネルギー資源
  14972. alternative energy source ==> 代替エネルギー源
  14973. alternative energy sources ==> 替代能源
  14974. alternative energy supply ==> 代替エネルギー供給
  14975. alternative energy technology ==> 代替エネルギー技術
  14976. alternative engine ==> 代替エンジン
  14977. alternative equipment ==> 替代设备
  14978. alternative feeder ==> 交替喂纱导纱器
  14979. alternative file attribute ==> 择一文件属性
  14980. alternative for chlorofluorocarbon ==> 代替フロン
  14981. alternative frequency ==> 交变频率
  14982. alternative front or rear loader ==> 前后换置式装载机
  14983. alternative fuel ==> 代用燃料
  14984. alternative fuels ==> 代用燃料
  14985. alternative gas ==> 代替ガス
  14986. alternative host ==> 交替寄主,选主寄主
  14987. alternative hypothesis ==> 择一假说,备择假设,备用主张
  14988. alternative hypothesis test ==> 替换性假设测试
  14989. alternative importer ==> 可替换的进口商
  14990. alternative inheritance ==> 交互遗传,交替遗传
  14991. alternative item ==> 可选择项目
  14992. alternative layout ==> 比较布置方案
  14993. alternative layouts ==> 可供选择的布置
  14994. alternative line ==> 比较路线,比较线,选取线
  14995. alternative location strategy ==> 可供选择的布局对策
  14996. alternative material ==> 代用材料
  14997. alternative method ==> 交替法,变异法
  14998. alternative model ==> 备择模型,可供选择的模式
  14999. alternative motion ==> 交变运动
  15000. alternative net ground ==> 变化网眼地组织
  15001. alternative obligation ==> 选择性债务
  15002. alternative optimum solution ==> 备择方案最优解
  15003. alternative option ==> 比较选择方案
  15004. alternative order ==> 二者择一的订单
  15005. alternative pack ==> 选择部件,可换容器
  15006. alternative payee ==> 可替换的收款人
  15007. alternative plan ==> 可供选择的方案
  15008. alternative pointer ==> 更替指针
  15009. alternative pressure ==> 交替压力
  15010. alternative quenching-gas to SF6 ==> SF6代替ガス
  15011. alternative road ==> 取舍学习法
  15012. alternative route ==> う(迂)回方路
  15013. alternative routine ==> 备择程序
  15014. alternative routing ==> 替换线路
  15015. alternative scanning pattern ==> 交变扫描图形
  15016. alternative scheme ==> 替代方案,备用方案,比较方案
  15017. alternative set ==> 后备机组
  15018. alternative share ==> 可换犁铧
  15019. alternative site ==> 比较坝址
  15020. alternative slot winding ==> 交叉槽式绕组
  15021. alternative solution ==> 可选择的解决方案
  15022. alternative substitution ==> 可供选择的代用品
  15023. alternative supply ==> 交替供给
  15024. alternative technology ==> 可供选择的技术
  15025. alternative test ==> 替换测验
  15026. alternative text ==> 备选条文
  15027. alternative theorem ==> 代替定理
  15028. alternative trunking ==> う(迂)回中継方式
  15029. alternative usage of soil ==> 土壤交换使用
  15030. alternative use ==> 选择使用
  15031. alternative variation ==> 对立变异
  15032. alternative wave ==> 地震转换波
  15033. alternative wrap around guided-bend test ==> 交变缠绕定向弯曲试验
  15034. alternator ==> 同步发电机,交流发电机=>同期発電機
  15035. alternator armature ==> 同步发电机电枢
  15036. alternator armature winding ==> 同步发电机电枢绕组
  15037. alternator field voltage ==> 同步发电机励磁电压
  15038. alternator regulator ==> 交流发电机调节器
  15039. alternator transmitter ==> 高频磁电机,高频发电机
  15040. alterne ==> 群落交错
  15041. alternobaric vertigo ==> 压力眩晕
  15042. althyrex excitation system ==> 交替整流励磁系统
  15043. alti-electrograph ==> 高空电位计
  15044. altimeter ==> 高度计
  15045. altimeter coder ==> 高度编码器,高度计编码器
  15046. altimeter correction ==> 高度表校正器
  15047. altimeter corrections ==> 测高仪校正
  15048. altimeter corrector ==> 高度校正器
  15049. altimetric compensation ==> 高度补偿
  15050. altimetric data ==> 高程资料
  15051. altimetric measurement ==> 高程测量,测高
  15052. altimetric point ==> 高程点
  15053. altimetric reading ==> 高程读数
  15054. altimetric sensor ==> 高度传感器
  15055. altiplanation surface ==> 高山剥夷面
  15056. altithermal soil ==> 高温土
  15057. altitude ==> 标高高度,高,高程,高度,地平高度,地平纬度=>標高,高度
  15058. altitude above sea-level ==> 海拔高程
  15059. altitude above see level ==> 海拔
  15060. altitude acclimation ==> 高地适应,高空适应,高山适应,高原适应
  15061. altitude acclimatization ==> 高原适应
  15062. altitude acquisition technique ==> 高空探测技术
  15063. altitude adjustment of carburettor ==> 化油器高度调节
  15064. altitude aerogastrocolia ==> 高空胃结肠胀气
  15065. altitude air ==> 高空空气
  15066. altitude alkalemia ==> 高空碱血,高空碱血症
  15067. altitude alkalosis ==> 高空碱中毒
  15068. altitude alkaluria ==> 高空碱尿,高空碱尿症
  15069. altitude angle ==> 高度角
  15070. altitude anoxia ==> 高空缺氧
  15071. altitude axis ==> 高度轴
  15072. altitude azimuth ==> 高度方位角
  15073. altitude blood pressure abnormity ==> 高原血压异常
  15074. altitude capsule ==> 高度计膜盒,真空膜盒
  15075. altitude carburetor ==> 高空化油器
  15076. altitude chamber ==> 高空舱,高空模拟室,高空试验舱,气压试验室
  15077. altitude circle ==> 等高圈,地平纬圈,竖直度盘
  15078. altitude coma ==> 高原昏迷
  15079. altitude control ==> 高度控制
  15080. altitude control lever ==> 高度操纵杆
  15081. altitude controller ==> 高度调节器
  15082. altitude converter ==> 高度变换器
  15083. altitude correction ==> 高度改正
  15084. altitude correction factor ==> 高度校正因数=>標高補正率
  15085. altitude curve ==> 高度曲线,天体高度曲线
  15086. altitude data ==> 高程数据
  15087. altitude data unit ==> 高度数据发送器
  15088. altitude datum ==> 高度基准
  15089. altitude decompression sickness ==> 高空减压症
  15090. altitude delay ==> 高度延迟
  15091. altitude difference ==> 高度差
  15092. altitude disease ==> 高原病
  15093. altitude effect ==> 高山作用,高度效应
  15094. altitude engine ==> 高空发动机
  15095. altitude environment ==> 高原环境
  15096. altitude erythrocytosis ==> 高原红细胞增多症
  15097. altitude figure ==> 高程注记
  15098. altitude for maximum endurance ==> 久航高度,久航高度
  15099. altitude gage ==> 测高计
  15100. altitude grade gasoline ==> 高空使用等级的汽油
  15101. altitude height above see level ==> 海拔
  15102. altitude hole ==> 高度空白
  15103. altitude hypoxia ==> 高空缺氧
  15104. altitude indicator ==> 高度表,高度指示器
  15105. altitude intercept ==> 高度差
  15106. altitude level ==> 高度水准器,测高水准仪
  15107. altitude limit ==> 高程界限
  15108. altitude lobe ==> 高度瓣
  15109. altitude low temperature test ==> 高空低温试验
  15110. altitude marking radar ==> 高度指示雷达
  15111. altitude meter ==> 测高仪
  15112. altitude of a triangle ==> 三角形的高线
  15113. altitude parallel ==> 等高圈
  15114. altitude physiology ==> 高原生理学
  15115. altitude plant ==> 高空设备
  15116. altitude reaction ==> 高山反应
  15117. altitude receiver ==> 高度接收器,测高计接收机
  15118. altitude recorder ==> 高度记录器
  15119. altitude reservation ==> 飞行高度预留
  15120. altitude scale ==> 高程分划尺,高度标尺
  15121. altitude selector ==> 高度波段开关,高度选择器,高度转接开关
  15122. altitude selsyn ==> 高度自动同步机,高空自动同步机
  15123. altitude sickness ==> 高空病
  15124. altitude signal ==> 高度信号
  15125. altitude slide ==> 高度滑尺
  15126. altitude stress ==> 高山反应,高原反应
  15127. altitude supercharger ==> 高空增压器
  15128. altitude switch ==> 高空电开关
  15129. altitude table ==> 高程表
  15130. altitude test facility ==> 高空试车台
  15131. altitude tetany ==> 高空痉挛
  15132. altitude throttle ==> 高度节流阀,高空环流阀,高空节流阀
  15133. altitude tints ==> 分层设色法
  15134. altitude tolerance ==> 高空耐力
  15135. altitude training ==> 高原训练
  15136. altitude transmitter ==> 高度数据发射器
  15137. altitude transmitting selsyn ==> 仰角自动同步传送机
  15138. altitude valve ==> 高度节流阀,高空空气活门,(航空发动机的汽化器的可调整阀)高度阀
  15139. altitude variation ==> 高度变化
  15140. altitude vertical velocity indicator (AVVI) ==> 高度升降速率指示器
  15141. altitude wind tunnel ==> 高空模拟风洞
  15142. altitude, height ==> 高度
  15143. altitude-direction indicator ==> 高度方向指示器
  15144. altitudinal index ==> 颅长高指数
  15145. altitudinal vegetation zone ==> 高程植被带
  15146. altitudinal zones ==> 海拔高的植被区
  15147. Alto ==> 奥拓=>アルト
  15148. Alto steel ==> 加铝镇静钢
  15149. altocumulus cloud ==> 高积云
  15150. altostratus cloud (As) ==> 高层云
  15151. altronic acid ==> 阿卓糖酸
  15152. ALU, advanced levitation unit ==> 改良型空中浮揚装置
  15153. ALU, arithmetic logic unit ==> 計算理論装置
  15154. ALU, arithmetic logical unit ==> 算術ロジカルユニット
  15155. aludel ==> 梨坛
  15156. aludur ==> 阿鲁杜合金
  15157. alum ==> 茂
  15158. alum baking powder ==> 明矾发酵粉
  15159. alum bath ==> 明矾水浴,矾水浴
  15160. alum cake ==> 矾块,明矾饼,明矾块
  15161. alum clay ==> 明矾土,明矾粘土,矾土
  15162. alum coagulation treatment ==> 矾凝结处理
  15163. alum coal ==> 明矾煤
  15164. alum dresed leather ==> 明矾鞣革
  15165. alum earth ==> 明矾土
  15166. alum gate ==> 铝栅
  15167. alum glass ==> 明矾玻璃
  15168. alum leather ==> 矾制皮革
  15169. alum ore ==> 明矾矿石
  15170. alum powder ==> 明矾粉
  15171. alum precipitation ==> 明矾沉淀作用
  15172. alum rock ==> 明矾岩
  15173. alum shale ==> 明矾片岩,明矾页岩
  15174. alum sludge ==> 明矾污泥
  15175. alum stone ==> 明矾石
  15176. alum storage tank ==> 明矾液贮存罐
  15177. alum-precipitated tetanus toxoid(APTT) ==> 明矾沉淀破伤风类毒素
  15178. alumed leather ==> 明矾鞣革
  15179. alumel ==> 阿卢梅镍铝合金
  15180. alumetized steel ==> 涂铝钢,渗铝钢
  15181. Alumilite method ==> 硬质氧化铝膜处理法
  15182. alumilite process ==> 铝阳极氧化法
  15183. alumin A test ==> 白蛋白A试验
  15184. alumin quotient ==> 白蛋商
  15185. alumin(i)um alloy ==> 铝合金
  15186. alumin(i)um arrester ==> 铝电池避雷器
  15187. alumin(i)um backing ==> 铝敷层
  15188. alumin(i)um beads collector ==> 铝珠集电极
  15189. alumin(i)um bearing alloy ==> 铝轴承合金
  15190. alumin(i)um brass ==> 铝黄铜
  15191. alumin(i)um cable ==> 铝芯电缆
  15192. alumin(i)um capping machine ==> 铝盖卷封机
  15193. alumin(i)um chromium ==> 铝铬钢
  15194. alumin(i)um clad iron ==> 铝皮铁板
  15195. alumin(i)um cold mill ==> 铝材冷轧机
  15196. alumin(i)um conductor ==> 铝导线,铝线
  15197. alumin(i)um foil ==> 铝箔
  15198. alumin(i)um for wire drawing ==> 铝线锭
  15199. alumin(i)um garnet source ==> 铝石榴石光源
  15200. alumin(i)um paint ==> 铝粉涂料,铝漆
  15201. alumin(i)um solder ==> 铝焊料
  15202. alumin(i)um steel ==> 铝钢
  15203. alumin(i)um yellow brass ==> 铝黄铜合金
  15204. alumin(i)um zinc alloy ==> 铝锌合金
  15205. alumin(i)um-bronze ==> 铝青铜
  15206. alumin(i)um-magnesium alloy ==> 铝镁合金
  15207. alumin(i)um-magnesium alloy conductor ==> 铝镁合金导线
  15208. alumin(i)un paint ==> 铝涂料
  15209. alumina ==> 铝土,铝氧=>アルミナ
  15210. alumina balls ==> 氧化铝质球磨用球
  15211. alumina base catalyst ==> 氧化铝基催化剂
  15212. alumina block ==> 高铝砌块
  15213. alumina brick ==> 高铝砖,矾土砖=>高アルミナれんが
  15214. alumina bubble brick ==> 泡沫矾土砖,氧化铝空心球砖
  15215. alumina cement ==> 高铝水泥,矾土水泥
  15216. alumina ceramic ==> 氧化铝陶瓷
  15217. alumina ceramic bite ==> 矾土陶瓷车刀
  15218. alumina ceramics ==> 氧化铝陶瓷=>アルミナ磁器
  15219. alumina cream ==> 矾土霜
  15220. alumina electrolysis bath ==> 氧化铝电解槽
  15221. alumina fiber ==> 氧化铝纤维
  15222. alumina gel ==> 铝胶
  15223. alumina lap ==> 氧化铝研磨
  15224. alumina porcelain ==> 氧化铝瓷,矾土陶瓷
  15225. alumina porcelain sectional insulator ==> 高铝陶瓷分段绝缘器
  15226. alumina refractory ==> 氧化铝耐火材料,矾土耐火材料
  15227. alumina silica refractroy ==> 硅酸铝耐火材料
  15228. alumina silicate ==> 硅酸铝
  15229. alumina silicate block ==> 硅铝砖
  15230. alumina silicate fibre ==> 硅酸铝纤维
  15231. alumina silicate refractory ==> 硅酸铝耐火材料
  15232. alumina single crystal ==> 氧化铝单晶
  15233. alumina substrate ==> 氧化铝基片=>アルミナ基板
  15234. alumina substrate purity ==> アルミナ基板純度
  15235. alumina support ==> 氧化铝载体
  15236. alumina supporter ==> 氧化铝载体
  15237. alumina tabular ==> 片状刚玉
  15238. alumina titanate ceramics ==> 钛酸铝陶瓷,钛酸铝陶瓷
  15239. alumina tool ==> 氧化铝陶瓷刀具
  15240. alumina whiteware ==> 氧化铝陶瓷
  15241. alumina-based cutting tool ==> 氧化铝基切削工具
  15242. alumina-silica firebrick ==> 硅铝耐火砖
  15243. alumina-silicate ceramic fibre ==> 硅酸铝陶瓷纤维
  15244. aluminate ==> 铝酸盐=>アルミン酸塩
  15245. aluminate cement ==> 铝酸盐水泥
  15246. aluminate inclusion ==> 铝酸盐夹杂物
  15247. aluminate-silicate refractory ==> 硅酸铝质耐火材料
  15248. aluminic acid ==> 铝酸
  15249. aluminide deffusion coating ==> 铝化物扩散敷层
  15250. aluminite powder ==> 铝粉
  15251. aluminium ==> 铝=>アルミニウム
  15252. aluminium acetate ==> 乙酸铝,醋酸铝
  15253. aluminium acetylsalicylate ==> 阿司匹林铝
  15254. aluminium adjustable bracket & slotted standard ==> 铝活动支架
  15255. aluminium alloy ==> 铝合金=>アルミニウム合金
  15256. aluminium alloy arc welding electrode ==> 铝合金焊条
  15257. aluminium alloy bars ==> 铝合金棒
  15258. aluminium alloy casting ==> アルミ合金鋳物
  15259. aluminium alloy checkered plate ==> 铝合金防滑板
  15260. aluminium alloy door ==> 铝合金门
  15261. aluminium alloy doorlock with knobs ==> 铝合金球型执手门锁
  15262. aluminium alloy eggcrate ceiling ==> 铝合金格片顶棚
  15263. aluminium alloy extrusions ==> 铝合金型材
  15264. aluminium alloy flat wire ==> 铝合金扁丝
  15265. aluminium alloy ingots ==> 铝合金锭
  15266. aluminium alloy joist ==> 铝合金龙骨
  15267. aluminium alloy levels ==> 铝水平尺
  15268. aluminium alloy longeron ==> アルミ合金製ロンジロン
  15269. aluminium alloy radiator ==> 铝合金暖气片
  15270. aluminium alloy sash ==> 铝合金窗扇
  15271. aluminium alloy sections ==> 铝合金型材
  15272. aluminium alloy sheet ==> アルミ合板,アルミニウム合金板
  15273. aluminium alloy space frame ==> 铝合金空间框架
  15274. aluminium alloy tower bolts ==> 铝合金插销
  15275. aluminium alloy window ==> 铝合金窗
  15276. aluminium alloy wire ==> 铝合金线=>アルミ合金線
  15277. aluminium alloy wires ==> 铝合金线材
  15278. aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded rods ==> 铝及铝合金挤压棒材
  15279. aluminium and aluminium alloy pipes ==> 铝及铝合金管材
  15280. aluminium and aluminium alloy wires ==> 铝及铝合金线材
  15281. aluminium anode cell ==> 铝阳极电池
  15282. aluminium aspirin ==> 阿司匹林铝
  15283. aluminium base alloy ==> 铝基合金
  15284. aluminium bearing ==> 铝轴承
  15285. aluminium bromide ==> 溴化铝,溴化铝
  15286. aluminium bus ==> アルミ母線
  15287. aluminium cable steel reinforced ==> 钢芯铝电缆,钢芯铝绞线,钢芯增强铝线
  15288. aluminium calcium silicate ==> 铝硅酸钙
  15289. aluminium capping machine ==> 铝盖压盖机
  15290. aluminium carbide ==> 碳化铝
  15291. aluminium cast iron ==> 高铝铸铁
  15292. aluminium casting alloy ==> 铸造铝合金
  15293. aluminium castings ==> 铝铸件
  15294. aluminium chloride ==> 碱式氯化铝,氯化铝
  15295. aluminium chrome steel ==> 铝铬钢
  15296. aluminium chromium coating ==> 铝铬镀层
  15297. aluminium clad wire ==> 包铝钢丝
  15298. aluminium coated iron ==> 覆铝铁
  15299. aluminium coated steel ==> 镀铝钢
  15300. aluminium coating ==> 热镀铝法
  15301. aluminium coil and sheet stack annealing furnace ==> 铝卷材退火炉
  15302. aluminium conductor steel reinforced ==> 钢芯铝绞线
  15303. aluminium copper zinc alloy ==> 铝铜锌合金
  15304. aluminium die cast alloy ==> 模铸铝合金
  15305. aluminium dihydrogen phosphate ==> 磷酸二氢铝
  15306. aluminium dip-brazing ==> 铝浸钎焊
  15307. aluminium door ==> 铝门
  15308. aluminium door anodised in bronze ==> 电镀黄铜铝门
  15309. aluminium dry cargo container ==> 铝制干货柜
  15310. aluminium dust ==> 铝粉
  15311. aluminium extruded sections ==> 铝型材
  15312. aluminium filter ==> 铝制滤光板
  15313. aluminium flake ==> 铝片
  15314. aluminium flat sheet ==> 铝平片
  15315. aluminium flat wire ==> 铝扁丝
  15316. aluminium foil lamp ==> 铝箔灯
  15317. aluminium foil mill ==> 铝箔轧机
  15318. aluminium foil production line ==> 铝箔生产线
  15319. aluminium forging ==> 铝锻造
  15320. aluminium foundry ==> 铸铝车间
  15321. aluminium framing strips ==> 铝镜条
  15322. aluminium grid dome ==> 铝网格穹隆
  15323. aluminium hydroxide gel ==> 干凝胶
  15324. aluminium hydroxydistearate ==> 二硬酯酸羟铝
  15325. aluminium ingot ==> 铝锭
  15326. aluminium iodide ==> 碘化铝
  15327. aluminium kicking plate ==> 铝踢板
  15328. aluminium louvre panel ==> 铝百叶板
  15329. aluminium mill sheets in coils ==> 铝卷片
  15330. aluminium mirror coating ==> 铝反射膜
  15331. aluminium mo(u)ld paint ==> 铸铝件砂型涂料
  15332. aluminium nail ==> 铝钉
  15333. aluminium nitride ==> 窒化アルミ
  15334. aluminium nitride ceramics ==> 氮化铝陶瓷
  15335. aluminium oxide ==> 刚玉,氧化铝
  15336. aluminium oxide ceramic insert ==> 氧化铝陶瓷刀片
  15337. aluminium oxide cloth in roll ==> 卷筒砂布,卷筒砂布
  15338. aluminium oxide tool ==> 氧化铝陶瓷刀具
  15339. aluminium phenylsulfonate ==> 苯磺酸铝
  15340. aluminium pig ==> 铝锭
  15341. aluminium piston ==> 铝质活塞
  15342. aluminium piston alloy ==> 活塞铝合金
  15343. aluminium plate ==> 铝板
  15344. aluminium plated steel wire ==> 镀铝钢丝
  15345. aluminium plates ==> 铝元片
  15346. aluminium plating ==> 镀铝
  15347. aluminium pot ==> 铝罐
  15348. aluminium powder ==> 铝粉=>アルミニウム粉
  15349. aluminium powder for painting ==> 绘画用铝粉
  15350. aluminium powder paint ==> 银粉漆=>アルミニウムペイント,アルミニウム塗料
  15351. aluminium primer ==> 铝粉打底漆
  15352. aluminium product ==> 铝材,铝制品
  15353. aluminium profile polishing machine ==> 铝型材抛光机
  15354. aluminium ridge capping ==> 铝片脊瓦
  15355. aluminium ring pull end ==> 铝制易拉罐
  15356. aluminium rivet ==> 铝铆钉
  15357. aluminium rolling shutter ==> 铝卷百页
  15358. aluminium roofing sheet ==> 铝屋面板
  15359. aluminium scrap ==> 废铝
  15360. aluminium sheath ==> 铝包皮
  15361. aluminium sheathed cable ==> 铝包电缆
  15362. aluminium sheet ==> 铝板
  15363. aluminium sheet circle ==> 铝圆片
  15364. aluminium sheet maker ==> 铝板生产厂
  15365. aluminium sheet mill ==> 薄铝板轧机
  15366. aluminium sheet roofing ==> 铝板屋面
  15367. aluminium shot ==> 铝豆,铝珠
  15368. aluminium silicate ==> 硅酸铝
  15369. aluminium silicate fibre ==> 硅酸铝纤维
  15370. aluminium sodium fluoride ==> 氟化铝钠
  15371. aluminium solder ==> アルミはんだ
  15372. aluminium soldering ==> 铝钎焊
  15373. aluminium spirit level ==> 铝水平尺
  15374. aluminium steel cable ==> 钢芯铝电缆
  15375. aluminium sterilizing drum ==> 铝质消毒桶
  15376. aluminium tanker ==> 铝槽车
  15377. aluminium titanate ==> (一种低膨胀陶瓷)钛酸铝,钛酸铝
  15378. aluminium titanate porcelain ==> 钛酸铝瓷器,钛酸铝瓷器
  15379. aluminium vessel ==> 铝制容器
  15380. aluminium wire ==> 铝丝,铝线=>アルミ線
  15381. aluminium wire cloth ==> 铝丝布
  15382. aluminium wire netting ==> 铝窗纱,铝丝网
  15383. aluminium wire splint ==> 铝丝夹板
  15384. aluminium-cell lightning arrester ==> アルミニウムセル避雷器
  15385. aluminium-coaled steel ==> 包铝钢
  15386. aluminium-coated glass-fibre ==> 镀铝玻璃纤维
  15387. aluminium-containing alloy ==> 含铝合金
  15388. aluminium-foil scrap ==> 废铝箔
  15389. aluminium-foil with paper lining ==> 衬纸铝箔
  15390. aluminium-nickel ==> 铝镍合金
  15391. aluminium-plated steel ==> 镀铝钢,包铝钢
  15392. aluminium-silicon bronze ==> 铝硅青铜
  15393. aluminium-silicon ingots ==> 铝硅合金锭
  15394. aluminium-steel cable ==> 钢铝电缆
  15395. aluminium-tin bearing ==> 铝锡合金轴承
  15396. aluminium-wing type solar energy water heater ==> 铝翼式太阳能热水器
  15397. aluminized coat ==> 铝镀覆层,镀铝上衣
  15398. aluminized phosphor ==> 铝化磷光体
  15399. aluminized picture tube ==> 铝背显像管
  15400. aluminized screen ==> 铝化荧光屏
  15401. aluminized steel ==> 涂铝钢
  15402. aluminizing ==> 渗铝
  15403. alumino silicate brick ==> 矾土硅酸盐耐火砖
  15404. alumino-nickel ==> 铝镍合金
  15405. alumino-silicate brick ==> 硅酸铝砖
  15406. alumino-silicate fibre ==> 硅酸铝纤维
  15407. alumino-silicate refractory ==> 硅酸铝耐火材料
  15408. aluminosilicate ==> 铝硅酸盐
  15409. aluminosilicate fibre ==> 硅铝酸盐玻璃纤维
  15410. aluminosilicate refractory ==> 硅酸铝耐火材料
  15411. aluminothermic method of reducing ==> 铝热还原法
  15412. aluminothermic process ==> 铝热法
  15413. aluminothermic reduction ==> 铝热还原
  15414. aluminothermic welding ==> 铝热焊,铸焊
  15415. aluminothermics ==> 铝热法
  15416. aluminothermy ==> 铝热法
  15417. aluminous abrasive ==> 铝土磨料
  15418. aluminous cement ==> 高铝水泥
  15419. aluminous fire brick ==> 矾土耐火砖
  15420. aluminous refractory ==> 高铝耐火材料
  15421. aluminous shale ==> 矾土页岩
  15422. aluminous slag ==> 高铝炉渣
  15423. aluminum ==> 铝=>アルミニウム
  15424. aluminum acetyl-salicylate ==> 乙酰水杨酸铝
  15425. aluminum alloy ==> 铝合金
  15426. aluminum alloy wire ==> 铝合金线
  15427. aluminum amalgam ==> 铝汞齐
  15428. aluminum ammonium sulfate ==> 硫酸铝铵
  15429. aluminum armor type ==> 铝包带
  15430. aluminum arrester ==> 铝避雷器
  15431. aluminum aspirin ==> 乙酰水杨酸铝
  15432. aluminum bar ==> 铝棒
  15433. aluminum base alloy ==> 铝基合金
  15434. aluminum base grease ==> 铝基润滑脂
  15435. aluminum borohydride ==> 硼氢化铝
  15436. aluminum brass ==> 铝黄铜
  15437. aluminum bronze ==> 铝青铜
  15438. aluminum bronze paint ==> 銀色ペイント
  15439. aluminum bus ==> 铝母线
  15440. aluminum cabide ==> 碳化铝
  15441. aluminum cable ==> 钢芯铝线
  15442. aluminum cable connector ==> 铝线连接器
  15443. aluminum cable steel reinforced ==> 钢芯铝线
  15444. aluminum carbonate ==> 安妥明铝
  15445. aluminum cell arrester ==> 铝避雷器
  15446. aluminum chloride ==> 氯化铝
  15447. aluminum cleats ==> アルミクリート
  15448. aluminum clofibrate ==> 安妥明铝
  15449. aluminum coating ==> 铝涂覆层
  15450. Aluminum Conductor Carbon Fiber Reinforced ==> 碳纤维复合芯导线=>カーボンファイバ心系アルミニウム
  15451. aluminum copper alloy ==> 铝铜合金
  15452. aluminum deoxidized metal ==> 铝脱氧的金属
  15453. aluminum electrolytic capacitors ==> 铝电解电容器=>アルミニウム電解コンデンサ
  15454. aluminum equivalent ==> 铝当量
  15455. aluminum fluoride ==> 氟化铝
  15456. aluminum fluosilicate ==> 氟硅酸铝
  15457. aluminum foil ==> 铝箔=>アルミ箔
  15458. aluminum gate and sillicon gate differences ==> 铝门与硅门的区别
  15459. aluminum halide ==> 卤化铝
  15460. aluminum hydroxide ==> 氢氧化铝
  15461. aluminum hydroxide adsorbed toxoide ==> 氢氧化铝吸附类毒素
  15462. aluminum iron alloy ==> 铝铁合金
  15463. aluminum leaf ==> 铝箔
  15464. aluminum magnesium alloy ==> 铝镁合金
  15465. aluminum manufacturer ==> 铝厂
  15466. aluminum monostearate ==> 单硬脂酸铝
  15467. aluminum nickel alloy ==> 铝镍合金
  15468. aluminum nickel steel ==> 铝镍钢
  15469. aluminum nickel-cobalt alloy ==> 阿尔尼科合金
  15470. aluminum nitrate ==> 硝酸铝
  15471. aluminum nitride ==> 氮化铝
  15472. aluminum oleate ==> 油酸铝
  15473. aluminum ore ==> 铝矿
  15474. aluminum oxide ==> 氧化铝
  15475. aluminum oxide adsorption ==> 氧化铝吸附
  15476. aluminum oxide flocculation ==> 氧化铝絮凝
  15477. aluminum paint ==> 银粉漆
  15478. aluminum palmitate ==> 棕榈酸铝
  15479. aluminum phosphate ==> 磷酸铝
  15480. aluminum phosphate gel ==> 磷酸铝凝胶
  15481. aluminum phosphide poisoning ==> 磷化铝中毒
  15482. aluminum pig casting machine ==> 铝锭铸造机
  15483. aluminum plastic laminated tube ==> 铝塑复合管
  15484. aluminum plate ==> 铝版
  15485. aluminum plating ==> 镀铝
  15486. aluminum potassium tartrate ==> 酒石酸铝钾,酒石酸铝钾
  15487. aluminum powder ==> 银粉
  15488. aluminum sheathed cable ==> 铝包电缆
  15489. aluminum sheet ==> 铝片
  15490. aluminum sheet mill ==> 铝板轧机
  15491. aluminum silicate ==> 硅酸铝
  15492. aluminum silicate pneumoconiosis ==> 硅酸铝肺
  15493. aluminum silico-fluoride ==> 硅氟化铝
  15494. aluminum silicofluoride ==> 氟硅酸铝
  15495. aluminum silicon alloy ==> 铝硅合金
  15496. aluminum soap ==> 铝皂
  15497. aluminum sodium sulfate ==> 硫酸钠铝
  15498. aluminum solder ==> 铝焊剂
  15499. aluminum stearate ==> 硬脂酸铝
  15500. aluminum steel cable ==> 钢铝线
  15501. aluminum sulfanilamide ==> 磺胺铝
  15502. aluminum sulfate ==> 硫酸铝
  15503. aluminum tannate ==> 鞣酸铝
  15504. aluminum tannotartrate ==> 鞣酸酒石酸铝
  15505. aluminum therapy ==> 铝粉治疗
  15506. aluminum triacetate ==> 三乙酸铝
  15507. aluminum window ==> 铝窗
  15508. aluminum wire ==> 铝线
  15509. aluminum-silicon alloy ==> 铝硅合金
  15510. alumite ==> 防蚀钝化铝,防蚀铝=>アルマイト
  15511. alumite wire ==> 氧化膜铝线=>アルマイト線
  15512. alundum ==> 人造刚玉=>アランダム
  15513. alundum cement ==> 刚铝粘合剂
  15514. alundum furnace ==> 刚玉管炉
  15515. alundum powder ==> 刚玉粉
  15516. alunite ==> 茂石
  15517. alunite deposit ==> 明矾石矿床
  15518. alunite expansion agent for concrete ==> 明矾石混凝土膨胀剂
  15519. alunite expansive cement ==> 明矾石膨胀水泥
  15520. alunite high strength cement ==> 明矾石高强水泥
  15521. alunogen ==> 毛矾石
  15522. alusil alloy ==> 铝硅合金
  15523. Alvarez accelerator ==> 阿尔瓦雷兹型直线加速器
  15524. Alven wave ==> アルベン波
  15525. alveolar abscess ==> 牙槽脓肿
  15526. alveolar air ==> 肺泡气
  15527. alveolar arch ==> 牙槽弓
  15528. alveolar bone ==> 牙槽骨
  15529. alveolar bone chisel ==> 牙槽骨凿
  15530. alveolar bone file ==> 牙槽骨锉
  15531. alveolar canals ==> 牙槽管
  15532. alveolar capillary block syndrome ==> 肺泡毛细管阻滞综合征
  15533. alveolar cell carcinoma ==> 肺泡上皮癌,肺泡细胞癌,细支气管肺泡癌
  15534. alveolar crest ==> 牙槽嵴,齿槽嵴
  15535. alveolar cyst ==> 肺泡型囊肿
  15536. alveolar dead space capacity ==> 肺泡死腔气量
  15537. alveolar dilatation ==> 肺泡扩张
  15538. alveolar forceps ==> 牙槽咬骨钳
  15539. alveolar fragments ==> 牙槽碎片
  15540. alveolar gland ==> 泡腺,泡状腺,腺泡腺
  15541. alveolar hypoventilation ==> 肺泡换气过低
  15542. alveolar oxygen pressure ==> 肺泡氧压
  15543. alveolar part ==> 牙槽部
  15544. alveolar periosteum ==> 牙槽骨膜
  15545. alveolar process ==> 牙槽突
  15546. alveolar pyorrhea instruments kit ==> 牙槽脓肿器械包
  15547. alveolar ridge ==> 牙槽脊,牙槽嵴
  15548. alveolar ridge augmentation ==> 牙槽嵴增高术
  15549. alveolar transverse fiber ==> 牙槽横纤维
  15550. alveolar ventilation ==> 肺泡换气
  15551. alveolar ventilation-perfusion ratio ==> 肺泡换气灌注比率
  15552. alveolar-air measuring apparatus ==> 残气量测定装置
  15553. alveolar-capillary barrier ==> 肺泡毛细血管屏障
  15554. alveolar-capillary membrane ==> 肺泡毛细血管膜
  15555. alveolus ==> 泡
  15556. alveolus dentis ==> 牙槽
  15557. alveus ==> 海马神经纤维
  15558. alveus of hippocampus ==> 海马槽
  15559. ALVS,Automatic Lightning Flash Velocity Measurement System ==> 全自動型雷放電進展観測装置
  15560. always ==> 永,总是
  15561. always safe geometry ==> 恒安全几何条件
  15562. always safely afloat ==> 经常安全浮动,经常安全浮动
  15563. alzheimer disease ==> 老年痴呆症
  15564. Alzheimer's disease ==> アルツハイマー病
  15565. Alzheimer's disease ==>
  15566. AL・2 O・3-SiC whisker cutting tool ==> 碳化硅晶须增强氧化铝切削工具
  15567. AM Her binary ==> 武仙AM型双星
  15568. AM mode locking ==> 调幅锁模
  15569. AM noise ==> 调幅噪声
  15570. AM receiver ==> 调幅收音机
  15571. AM transmitter ==> 调幅发射机
  15572. AM transmitter with pulse duration modulation ==> 脉宽调制式调幅发射机
  15573. AM, airlock module ==> 気密モジュール
  15574. AM, amplitude modulation ==> 幅度调制,调幅=>振幅変調
  15575. AM, antenna model ==> アンテナモデル
  15576. AM-AM multiplier ==> 调幅调幅乘法器
  15577. AM-PM coefficient ==> 调幅调相系数
  15578. AM-PM conversion ==> 调幅调相变换
  15579. AM0, air mass zero ==> 真空中
  15580. amacrine neuron ==> 无长突神经细胞
  15581. Amagat density unit ==> 阿马伽密度单位=>アマガー密度単位
  15582. Amagat system ==> 阿马伽制
  15583. Amagat volume unit ==> 阿马伽体积单位
  15584. Amagat-Le-duc rule ==> 阿马伽-勒杜克定则
  15585. amakusa stone ==> (日本产)天草石=>天草陶石
  15586. amalgaline plumbing ==> 金属带焊管法
  15587. amalgam ==> 汞齐=>アマルガム
  15588. amalgam barrel ==> 混汞桶
  15589. amalgam burnisher ==> 汞合金研光器
  15590. amalgam carrier ==> 汞合金输送器
  15591. amalgam catcher ==> 汞齐捕集器
  15592. amalgam electrode ==> 汞齐电极
  15593. amalgam fluorescent lamp ==> 汞齐荧光灯
  15594. amalgam matrix ==> 汞合金型片
  15595. amalgam mortar ==> 汞合金研钵
  15596. amalgam pestle ==> 汞合金研棒
  15597. amalgam pot retort ==> 汞膏蒸馏罐
  15598. amalgam press ==> 汞齐挤压机
  15599. amalgam process ==> 混汞法
  15600. amalgam retort ==> 汞齐蒸馏罐
  15601. amalgam squeezer ==> 汞齐压榨机
  15602. amalgam test ==> 汞齐试验
  15603. amalgam treatment ==> 混汞法
  15604. amalgam vapour lamp ==> 汞齐灯
  15605. amalgamate ==> 合併する,併合する
  15606. amalgamated metal ==> 混汞金属
  15607. amalgamating bath ==> 混汞化槽
  15608. amalgamating plant ==> 混汞设备
  15609. amalgamating table ==> 混汞板,混汞台
  15610. amalgamating-pan ==> 汞合金盘
  15611. amalgamation ==> 混汞
  15612. amalgamation pan ==> 混汞盘
  15613. amalgamation process ==> 汞齐法
  15614. amalgamator ==> 混汞器
  15615. Amaloy corrosionresistant alloy ==> 阿马洛伊耐蚀合金
  15616. amantadine hydrochloride ==> 盐酸金刚烷胺
  15617. AMAPS, apogee motor assembly with paired satellites ==> ペア衛星用アポジモータアセンブリ
  15618. amaranth ==> 紫红色
  15619. amaranthine ==> 紫红的
  15620. amaryllidaceae ==> アマゾンリリー
  15621. amaryllis ==> 孤挺花
  15622. AMAT ==> 米アプライド・マテリアルズ
  15623. AMAT, Applied Materials ==> 美国应用材料
  15624. amateur audit ==> 非职业性审计,非专业审计
  15625. amateur portable mobile station ==> 业余者移动式电台
  15626. amateur station ==> アマチュア局
  15627. amaurotic familial idiocy ==> 黑蒙性家族性痴愚
  15628. amaurotic idiocy ==> 黑蒙性白痴
  15629. amazon stone ==> 天河石
  15630. AMB, Active Magnetic Bearing ==> 能動型磁気軸受
  15631. AMBA,Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture ==> ARM社のオンチップ・バス規格である。
  15632. Ambard's law ==> アンバールの法則
  15633. ambassadors residence ==> 大使官邸
  15634. ambenonium chloride ==> 安贝氯铵,氯化阿伯农,酶斯的明,酶抑宁
  15635. amber ==> 琥珀=>こはく
  15636. amber acid ==> 琥珀酸
  15637. amber blanket ==> 琥珀色胶片
  15638. amber colour ==> 琥珀色颜料
  15639. amber glass ==> 琥珀玻璃,褐色玻璃
  15640. amber glaze ==> 琥珀色釉
  15641. amber lamp ==> 黄色信号灯
  15642. amber mica ==> 琥珀云母
  15643. amber oil ==> 琥珀油
  15644. amber perfume ==> 琥珀香水
  15645. amber ray filter ==> 琥珀色滤光器,黄色滤色镜
  15646. amber sugar coated walnut meat ==> 琥珀核桃仁
  15647. amber-yellow glass ==> 茶色玻璃
  15648. Amberg's line ==> 安伯格氏线,侧窦线
  15649. amberlite ion exchange resin ==> 琥石离子交换树脂
  15650. Amberoid alloy ==> 安伯罗依德镍银合金
  15651. ambience ==> 雰囲気ムード
  15652. ambient ==> 包围物,背景的,环境=>周囲の,環境の
  15653. ambient air ==> 环境空气,周围空气,大气
  15654. ambient air concentration ==> 環境大気濃度
  15655. ambient air level ==> 環境大気レベル
  15656. ambient air monitor ==> 环境空气监测仪
  15657. ambient air monitoring ==> 環境大気監視
  15658. ambient air pollution ==> 環境大気汚染
  15659. ambient air quality ==> 環境大気質
  15660. ambient air quality model ==> 空气质量模式
  15661. ambient air temperature ==> 周囲温度(開閉機器の)
  15662. ambient background radiation ==> 环境背景辐射
  15663. ambient brightness ==> 环境亮度,室内亮度
  15664. ambient color ==> 环境色/环境颜色
  15665. ambient condition ==> 周围条件,介质条件
  15666. ambient conditions ==> 环境条件
  15667. ambient density ==> 周围介质密度
  15668. ambient environment ==> 周辺環境
  15669. ambient field ==> 背景场
  15670. ambient fluid ==> 外围流体
  15671. ambient fuze ==> 周炸引信
  15672. ambient gas ==> 周围气体
  15673. ambient gas analyzer ==> 大气气体分析仪
  15674. ambient humidity ==> 环境湿度
  15675. ambient humidity range ==> 环境湿度范围
  15676. ambient illumination ==> 周囲照明
  15677. ambient impact ==> 環境影響
  15678. ambient inspection ==> 周辺環境調査
  15679. ambient level ==> 背景电平,环境水平
  15680. ambient light ==> 环境光线,背景光,侧面光,周围光,环境光,环境光源
  15681. ambient light filter ==> 周光滤光器,背景光滤光器,环境保护滤光器,环境滤光器,(阴极射线管)保护滤光器
  15682. ambient light illumination ==> 背景光照明,环境光照度,环境照度,周光照明
  15683. ambient light rejection characteristic ==> 环境光反射特性,环境照明抑制特性
  15684. ambient lightillumination ==> 环境照度
  15685. ambient lighting ==> 周围照明
  15686. ambient medium ==> 周围介质
  15687. ambient medium number density ==> 环境介质数密度
  15688. ambient miose ==> 环境噪声
  15689. ambient noise ==> 周囲騒音
  15690. ambient noise level ==> 环境噪声级
  15691. ambient operation ==> 室温操作
  15692. ambient pressure ==> 环境压力,周围压力
  15693. ambient pressure error ==> 环境压力误差
  15694. ambient radiant power ==> 环境辐射功率
  15695. ambient source ==> 環境発生源
  15696. ambient species ==> 環境種
  15697. ambient standard ==> 環境基準
  15698. ambient stress ==> 包围应力
  15699. ambient stress field ==> 环境应力场
  15700. ambient sulphur dioxide concentration ==> 周围空气的二氧化硫含量,外围空气的二氧化硫浓度
  15701. ambient temperature ==> 环境温度,背景温度,周围介质温度,周围温度,外界环境温度=>周囲温度
  15702. ambient temperature range ==> 环境温度范围
  15703. ambient thermostatic switch ==> 环境温度恒温
  15704. ambient urban air ==> 都市環境大気
  15705. ambient vibration ==> 环境振动=>周囲振動
  15706. ambigous nucleus ==> 疑核
  15707. ambigous spinothalamic paralysis syndrome ==> 疑核脊髓丘脑性瘫痪综合征
  15708. ambiguity ==> 模糊,模糊点,模糊度,双值性,多义,多义性,二义性,不定性=>曖昧さ,曖昧性,多義性,意味不明瞭,両義性,アンビギュイティ
  15709. ambiguity delay ==> 模糊延迟
  15710. ambiguity diagram ==> 分歧图,含糊图
  15711. ambiguity error ==> 多义性错误,二义性错误,模糊错误,模糊误差
  15712. ambiguity function ==> 模糊度函数,模糊函数,双值性函数
  15713. ambiguity of brand meaning ==> 品牌意义暧昧
  15714. ambiguity of power and duties ==> 权责不明
  15715. ambiguity problem ==> 二义性问题
  15716. ambiguity relation fuzzy relation ==> 模糊关系
  15717. ambiguity sensor ==> 双值性传感器
  15718. ambiguity thesis ==> 多義説
  15719. ambiguity tolerance ==> 曖昧さへの耐性
  15720. ambiguospinothalamic paralysis ==> 阿费利斯氏综合征
  15721. ambiguous ==> 模糊不清的,多义的,二义性的=>多義の,曖昧な,不明瞭な
  15722. ambiguous description ==> 不明瞭な記載
  15723. ambiguous encoding ==> 含糊编码
  15724. ambiguous expression ==> 歧义表示式=>曖昧な表現
  15725. ambiguous file reference ==> 多义文件引用
  15726. ambiguous function ==> 模糊函数
  15727. ambiguous grammar ==> 二义性文法
  15728. ambiguous language ==> 二义性语言
  15729. ambiguous reference ==> 二义访问,二义性引用
  15730. ambiguous sentence ==> 二义性句子
  15731. ambiguous sign ==> 重号
  15732. ambiophonic system ==> 立体混响系统
  15733. ambipolar diffusion ==> 両極性拡散
  15734. ambipolar effective mobility ==> 双极性有效迁移率
  15735. ambipolar field ==> 双极场
  15736. ambition ==> 野心,熱望
  15737. ambition for education ==> 向学心
  15738. ambitious ==> 大望のある,熱望して
  15739. ambitious adventurer ==> 野心的な冒険家
  15740. ambitious agenda ==> 野心的な計画
  15741. Amble's method ==> 埃伯法
  15742. amblent air temperature ==> 环境气候
  15743. amblygonite ==> 磷铝石
  15744. amblyopia alcoholica ==> 醇毒性弱视
  15745. amboceptor paper ==> 介体试纸
  15746. amboceptor unit ==> 介体单位
  15747. Amboyna wood ==> 安波拿木材
  15748. Ambrose alloy ==> 安布罗斯铜镍锌耐蚀合金
  15749. ambrose alloy ==> 白铜
  15750. ambu E valve ==> 安布E式呼气阀
  15751. ambu respirator ==> 安布式呼吸器
  15752. ambulacral grooves ==> 步带沟
  15753. ambulance ==> 救护车,急救车
  15754. ambulatory ==> 不卧床的,回廊
  15755. ambulatory automatism ==> 逍遥自动症,逍遥自动症,漫游性自动症
  15756. ambulatory business ==> 流动营业
  15757. ambulatory dysentery ==> 逍遥型痢疾,逍遥型痢疾
  15758. ambulatory form ==> 逍遥型
  15759. ambulatory schizophrenia ==> 流动性精神分裂症,门诊精神分裂症
  15760. ambulatory treatment ==> 门诊治疗
  15761. ambutonium bromide ==> 安布溴铵
  15762. ambutte-seed oil ==> 黄葵油
  15763. AMC, air & mechanical control console ==> 空調機構系制御卓
  15764. amcbic intestinal perforation ==> 阿米巴病肠穿孔
  15765. AMCD, angular momentum control device ==> 角運動量制御装置
  15766. Amco soaking pit ==> 阿姆柯蓄热式均热炉
  15767. amco soaking pit ==> 蓄热式均热炉
  15768. Amcrom chromium copper ==> 阿姆克龙含铬无氧铜合金
  15769. AMD, Active Mass Damper ==> アクティブ制振装置
  15770. AMD, Advanced Micro Devices ==> AMD
  15771. AMDB, automated maintenance data base ==> 保守自動化データベース
  15772. AMDEUS, Active Monitoring and Displaying EMU Updating System ==> 能動型モニタ表示EMU更新装置
  15773. AMDIS, Atomic and Molecule Data Information System (IAEA) ==> 原子・分子データ情報システム
  15774. ame boid macrophage ==> 阿米巴样巨噬细胞
  15775. amebiasis of bladder ==> 膀胱阿米巴病
  15776. amebiasis of lung ==> 肺阿米巴病
  15777. amebic abscess ==> 阿米巴肝脓肿,阿米巴脓肿
  15778. amebic colitis ==> 阿米巴结肠炎,阿米巴性结肠炎
  15779. amebic colitis with acute perforation ==> 阿米巴结肠炎急性穿孔
  15780. amebic cyst ==> 阿米巴包囊,阿米巴囊
  15781. amebic granuloma ==> 阿米巴肉芽肿
  15782. amebic hepatitis ==> 阿米巴肝炎
  15783. amebic liver abscess ==> 阿米巴肝脓肿
  15784. amebic lung abscess ==> 阿米巴肺脓肿
  15785. amebic pericarditis ==> 阿米巴心包炎
  15786. amebic plaural effusion ==> 阿米巴胸膜渗液
  15787. amebic pulmonary abscess ==> 阿米巴肺脓肿
  15788. ameboid movement amebism ==> 阿米巴样运动
  15789. ameboid neuroglia cell ==> 阿米巴样胶质细胞
  15790. Amedeo Avogadro 1776-1856 ==> 阿伏加德罗=>アメデオ・アボガドロ,イタリアの物理学者
  15791. ameliorate ==> 改善,改良
  15792. ameliorating seed ==> 进行种子改良
  15793. amelioration of soils ==> 土壤改良
  15794. ameloblastic fibroma ==> 造釉细胞性纤维瘤,成釉细胞纤维瘤
  15795. ameloblastoma of basal cell type ==> 基底细胞型造釉细胞瘤
  15796. amelocemental junction ==> 釉质牙骨质界,釉质牙质连结
  15797. amelodental junction ==> 釉质牙本质界
  15798. amelogenic organ ==> 造釉器
  15799. amenable to change ==> 変化を受け入れる
  15800. amenable to control ==> 支配に従う
  15801. amend ==> 改正,修改=>改善する
  15802. amend the amount of LC ==> 修改信用证金额
  15803. amend the amount of the letter of credit ==> 修改信用证金额
  15804. amend the letter of credit ==> 修改信用证
  15805. amend the terms of LC ==> 修改信用证条件
  15806. amend the terms of the letter of credit ==> 修改信用证条件
  15807. amending agreement ==> 修正条约的协定
  15808. amending clause ==> 修正条款
  15809. amendment ==> 修改,修正,修正案,修正值,改善,校正,调理剂=>改正,訂正
  15810. amendment advice ==> 修改通知书
  15811. Amendment Bill ==> 新济贫法
  15812. amendment bill ==> 修正案,改正法案
  15813. amendment clause ==> 修正規定
  15814. amendment commission ==> 修改手续费=>修正手数料
  15815. amendment file ==> 改正文件
  15816. amendment of contract ==> 修改合同
  15817. amendment record ==> 改正记录
  15818. amendment tape ==> 改正带
  15819. amendment to authorized signatures ==> 修正印鉴
  15820. amendment to the L/C ==> 信用状の修正(訂正通知書)
  15821. amends ==> 赔偿
  15822. amenity facilities ==> 舒适设施
  15823. amenity forests ==> 风景林
  15824. amenorrhea accompanied by edema ==> 经闭发肿,经闭发肿
  15825. amenorrhea due to contraceptive ==> 避孕药闭经
  15826. amenorrhea due to stagnation of blood ==> 血滞经闭
  15827. Amerada Hess Corporation ==> 阿姆达-赫斯公司
  15828. America caisson ==> 箱形沉箱
  15829. American artichoke ==> 菊芋,菊芋
  15830. American Association of Poison Control Centers ==> 美国毒物管制中心协会
  15831. American bill ==> 美钞百元券
  15832. American cloth ==> 彩色油布
  15833. American hookworm ==> 美洲钩虫
  15834. American lion ==> 美洲狮
  15835. American Marine Limited (AML) ==> (美国)海上限制
  15836. American melting point ==> 美洲熔点
  15837. American Morse code ==> 莫尔斯电码
  15838. American pattern pipe pliers ==> 美式管钳
  15839. american pennyroyal oil ==> 海地油
  15840. American Public Health Association ==> 美国公共卫生协会
  15841. American rice leaf miner ==> 稻小潜蝇
  15842. American set ==> 美式枕头
  15843. American Society for Testing and Materials Specification for Number Four Fuel Oil ==> 美国材料试验学会所订的第四号燃油
  15844. American spun yarn ==> 美式精纺毛纱
  15845. American Stan dard of Perfection ==> 美洲家禽品种标准
  15846. American Standard of Perfection ==> 美洲家禽品种标准
  15847. american Standard Taper Pipe Thread ==> 布氏锥管螺纹
  15848. American Standard Taper Pipe Thread ==> 布氏锥管螺纹
  15849. American system ==> 美制
  15850. American system drill ==> 顿钻
  15851. American type ==> 美式白铁剪
  15852. American type bench vice ==> 美式台虎钳
  15853. American type claw hammer ==> 美式羊角锤
  15854. American wormseed oil ==> 土荆芥油
  15855. American-Egyptian cotton ==> 美埃棉
  15856. American-Indian architecture ==> 印第安人建筑
  15857. American-pima cotton ==> 美洲皮马棉
  15858. americium ==> 镅
  15859. americium alloy ==> 镅合金
  15860. Amerindian architecture ==> 印第安人建筑
  15861. Ames Laboratory ==> 艾姆斯实验室
  15862. AMES, Aeronautical Maritime Engineering Satellite ==> 海事航行衛星
  15863. amethyst ==> 紫色
  15864. ametropia-correcting lens ==> 校正屈光不正透镜
  15865. ametropic eye ==> 变常眼
  15866. AMEX, aeronautical maritime experimental transponder ==> 移動体通信実験機器航行機能
  15867. AMF, apogee motor firing ==> アポジモータ点火
  15868. AMF, Apogee Motor Firing(Mise a feu moteur d'apogee) ==> アポジモータ点火
  15869. AMF, automatic mirror furnace ==> 自動鏡面反射炉
  15870. AMFAX, aviation meteorological facsimile ==> 航空用気象ファクシミリ
  15871. amfonelic acid ==> 安福萘酸
  15872. AMI, active microwave instrument ==> 能動型マイクロ波機器
  15873. AMI, Advanced Metering Infrastructure ==> 先进的表计基础设施
  15874. amianthus ==> 白丝状石棉
  15875. Amici Bertrand lens ==> 阿米西-伯特兰透镜
  15876. Amici objective ==> 阿米西物镜
  15877. amidating agent ==> 酰胺化剂,酰胺化剂
  15878. amide plant ==> 酰胺植物,酰胺植物
  15879. amidine hydrochloride ==> 盐酸脒
  15880. amido acid ==> 酰胺基酸,酰胺基酸
  15881. amido black ==> 胺黑,酰胺黑,酰胺黑
  15882. amido link ==> 酰胺键,酰胺键
  15883. amidocarbonic acid ==> 氨基甲酸
  15884. amidogen ether ==> 胺醚
  15885. Amidosulphonic acid ==> 氨基磺酸
  15886. Amidosulphuric acid ==> 氨基磺酸
  15887. amidotrizoic acid ==> 泛影酸
  15888. amiloride ==> 阿米洛利,氨氯吡脒
  15889. aminacrine hydrochloride ==> 盐酸氨基吖啶
  15890. aminase aminotransferase ==> 氨基移换酶
  15891. aminate mixed bed ==> 氨化混床,用NH4OH溶液循环清洗混入阴树脂(阴塔)中Na+型阳树脂,使之生成NH4+型,从而保证提高混床运行时出水质量和较长的运行周期
  15892. aminating agent ==> 氨化剂,胺化剂
  15893. amine ==> 胺=>アミン
  15894. amine aldehyde resin ==> 胺醛树脂
  15895. amine antioxidants ==> 胺类抗氧化剂
  15896. amine black green ==> 胺黑绿
  15897. amine carbonate ==> 碳酸胺
  15898. amine cellulose ==> 氨基纤维素
  15899. amine CO2 removal process ==> 胺法脱CO2过程
  15900. amine CO・2 removal process ==> 胺法脱CO・2过程
  15901. amine oxidase ==> 胺氧化酶
  15902. amine oxide ==> 胺化氧
  15903. amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation ==> 胺前体摄取与脱羧
  15904. amine process ==> アミン法
  15905. amine pump ==> 胺泵
  15906. amine resin ==> 氨基树脂
  15907. amine salt ==> 胺盐
  15908. amine seed gas ==> 氨基活化气体
  15909. amine stabiliser ==> 胺稳定剂
  15910. amine surfactant ==> 胺型表面活性剂
  15911. amine-galactose ==> 氨基半乳糖
  15912. aminetrisulfonic acid ==> 次氮基三硫酸
  15913. aming corrector ==> 瞄准校正器
  15914. aminized cotton ==> 胺化棉
  15915. amino acid ==> 氨基酸=>アミノ酸
  15916. amino acid absorption ==> アミノ酸吸収
  15917. amino acid activating cnzyme ==> 氨基酸活化酶
  15918. amino acid activation ==> 氨基酸活化作用
  15919. amino acid additive ==> 氨基酸添加剂
  15920. amino acid analyzer ==> 氨基酸分析器
  15921. amino acid aromatic ==> 芳香族アミノ酸
  15922. amino acid carrier ==> 氨基酸转运载体
  15923. amino acid composition ==> 氨基酸组成
  15924. amino acid dating ==> 氨基酸年龄测定
  15925. amino acid decarboxylase ==> 氨基酸脱羧酶
  15926. amino acid decarboxylases ==> 氨基酸脱羧酶
  15927. amino acid demethylase ==> 氨基酸脱甲基酶
  15928. amino acid formulation ==> アミノ酸製剤
  15929. amino acid fortification ==> アミノ酸強化
  15930. amino acid in protein ==> タンパク質中のアミノ酸
  15931. amino acid infusion ==> 氨基酸输液法
  15932. amino acid injection ==> 氨基酸注射液
  15933. amino acid nitrogen ==> 氨基酸式氮
  15934. amino acid nitrogen apparatus ==> 氨基酸氮测定器
  15935. amino acid oxidase ==> 氨基酸氧化酶
  15936. amino acid polymer ==> アミノ酸重合体
  15937. amino acid polymer antigen ==> 氨基酸聚合体抗原
  15938. amino acid pool ==> 氨基酸库
  15939. amino acid REN ligase ==> 氨基酸RNA连接酶
  15940. amino acid residue ==> 氨基酸残基
  15941. amino acid sequence ==> 氨基酸顺序
  15942. amino acid side chain ==> 氨基酸侧链
  15943. amino acid substitution ==> アミノ酸置換
  15944. amino acid transacetylase ==> 氨基酸转乙酰酶
  15945. amino alcohol ==> 氨基醇
  15946. amino alkyd baking surfacer ==> 氨基烘干二道底漆
  15947. amino alkyd resin coating ==> 氨基醇酸树脂涂料
  15948. amino baking electro static hammer paint ==> 氨基烘干静电锤纹漆
  15949. amino baking enamel ==> 氨基烘干磁漆
  15950. amino baking hammer paint ==> 氨基烘干锤纹漆
  15951. amino baking insulating paint ==> 氨基烘干绝缘漆
  15952. amino baking primer ==> 氨基烘干底漆
  15953. amino baking putty ==> 氨基烘干腻子
  15954. amino baking transparent paint ==> 氨基烘干透明漆
  15955. amino baking varnish ==> 氨基烘干清漆
  15956. amino baking water soluble primer ==> 氨基烘干水溶性底漆
  15957. amino diabetes ==> 氨基酸型糖尿病
  15958. amino electro static spraying baking varnish ==> 氨基静电喷涂烘干清漆
  15959. amino electrostatic baking enamel ==> 氨基烘干静电磁漆
  15960. amino group ==> 氨基
  15961. amino guanidyl valeric acid ==> 胍基戊氨酸
  15962. amino halide ==> 氨基卤化物
  15963. amino hydroxy acid ==> 氨基羟基酸
  15964. amino hydroxy propionic acid ==> 氨基羟基丙酸
  15965. amino matt baking enamel ==> 氨基无光烘干磁漆
  15966. amino matt baking water soluble enamel ==> 氨基无光烘干水溶性磁漆
  15967. amino molding compound ==> アミノ樹脂成形材料
  15968. amino plastic ==> 氨基塑料
  15969. amino protective group ==> アミノ保護基
  15970. amino quick dry baking paint ==> 氨基快干烘漆
  15971. amino resin ==> アミノ樹脂
  15972. amino resin water repellent ==> 氨基树脂抗水剂
  15973. amino rubber ==> 氨基橡胶
  15974. amino semi-gloss baking enamel ==> 氨基半光烘干磁漆
  15975. amino sugar ==> 氨基糖
  15976. amino terminal ==> 氨基末端
  15977. amino toluene ==> 氨基甲苯
  15978. amino-acetic acid ==> 氨基醋酸
  15979. amino-acid ==> 胺酸
  15980. amino-acid activation ==> アミノ酸活性化
  15981. amino-acid analyzer ==> アミノ酸分析計
  15982. amino-acid ester ==> 氨基酸酯
  15983. amino-acid oxidase ==> 氨基酸氧化酶
  15984. amino-acid reagent ==> 氨基酸试剂
  15985. amino-acid resin ==> 氨基酸树脂
  15986. amino-acid tolerance test ==> 氨基酸耐量试验
  15987. amino-acid-RNA ligase ==> 氨基酸核糖核酸连接酶
  15988. amino-alkyd resin ==> 氨基醇酸树脂
  15989. amino-benzoyl acetic acid ==> 氨基苯酰醋酸
  15990. amino-benzoyl formic acid ==> 氨基苯甲酰甲酸,氨基苯酰甲酸
  15991. amino-chloro-benzene ==> 氨基氯苯
  15992. amino-cinnamic acid ==> 氨基肉桂酸
  15993. amino-ethyl-isothiuroniun (AET) ==> 克脑迷
  15994. amino-gas desulphurizing plant ==> 氨法气体脱硫装置
  15995. amino-isovaleric acid ==> 氨基异戊酸
  15996. amino-naphthol sulfonic acid ==> 氨基萘酚磺酸
  15997. amino-nitrile ==> 氨基腈
  15998. amino-octane ==> 氨基辛烷
  15999. amino-phenol ==> 氨基酚
  16000. amino-succinic acid ==> 氨基丁二酸
  16001. amino-xylene ==> 氨基二甲苯
  16002. aminoacetic acid ==> 甘氨酸
  16003. aminoacyl site ==> 氨酰基部位
  16004. aminoalkyd resin quick drying baking varnish ==> 氨基醇酸树脂快速烘干清漆
  16005. aminobenzenesulfonic acid ==> 氨基苯磺酸
  16006. aminobenzoic acid ==> 氨基苯甲酸,对氨苯甲酸
  16007. aminobenzyl alcohol ==> 氨基苄醇
  16008. aminobutyric acid ==> 氨基丁酸
  16009. aminocaproic acid ==> 氨基己酸
  16010. aminocaprylic acid ==> 氨基辛酸
  16011. aminocarbamic acid ==> 氨基氨基甲酸
  16012. aminocarboxylic acid ==> 氨基羧酸
  16013. aminocarproic acid ==> 白氨酸,亮氨酸
  16014. aminodithioformic acid ==> 二硫代氨基甲酸
  16015. aminoethy-lacetanilide ==> 氨基苯乙酰乙胺
  16016. aminoethyl alcohol ==> 氨基乙醇,乙醇胺
  16017. aminoethyl iso-thiourea ==> 氨基乙基异硫脲二溴氢酸盐
  16018. aminoethyl mercaptan ==> 氨乙基硫醇
  16019. aminoethylated cotton ==> 氨乙基化棉
  16020. aminoethylcellulose and fixed quotas ==> 氨乙基纤维素
  16021. aminoformic acid ==> 氨基甲酸
  16022. aminoglutaric acid ==> 氨基戊二酸,谷氨酸
  16023. aminoguanidine carbonate ==> 氨基胍硫酸盐
  16024. aminoguanidine sulfate ==> 氨基胍硫酸盐
  16025. aminoisobutyric acid ==> 氨基异丁酸
  16026. aminolevulinic acid (ALA) ==> 氨基果糖酸
  16027. aminomercuric chloride ==> 氨基汞化氯
  16028. aminomercury chloride ==> 氯化氨基汞
  16029. aminomethylbenzoic acid ==> 氨甲苯酸
  16030. aminoothyl mercaptan ==> 氨基乙硫醇
  16031. aminopentamide sulfate ==> 硫酸氨戊酰胺
  16032. aminophenol sulfonic acid ==> 氨基苯酚磺酸
  16033. aminopheny-lacetonitrile ==> 氨基苯乙腈
  16034. aminophenyl acetic acid ==> 氨基苯醋酸,氨基苯乙酸
  16035. aminophylline injection ==> 氨茶碱注射液
  16036. aminopropyl transferase ==> 氨丙基转移酶
  16037. aminopterin sodium ==> 氨蝶呤钠
  16038. aminopyrine test ==> 氨基比林试验
  16039. aminosalicylic acid ==> 氨基水杨酸
  16040. aminosteril N-hepa solution ==> 肝用氨基酸输液
  16041. aminosuccinamic acid ==> 氨基琥珀酰胺酸
  16042. aminosuccinic acid ==> 氨基丁二酸,天冬氨酸
  16043. aminosyn solution ==> 美乐氨基酸输液
  16044. aminotoluene sulfonic acid ==> 氨基甲苯磺酸
  16045. aminovaleric acid ==> 氨基戊酸
  16046. amion acetic acid ==> 氨基乙酸
  16047. amion formic acid ==> 氨基甲酸
  16048. amipicloxacillin sodium ==> 氨氯青霉素钠
  16049. AMIR, advanced microwave imaging radiometer ==> 高精度マイクロ波放射計
  16050. amitril tablet ==> 阿密特林片
  16051. AML, approved materials list ==> 承認材料リスト
  16052. ammania oxidation converter ==> 氨气氧化炉
  16053. ammeter ==> 安培计,电流表=>電流計
  16054. ammeter shunt ==> 电流表分流
  16055. ammeter switch ==> 安培表转换开关,安培计转换开关
  16056. ammin(i)um paste ==> 铝涂料
  16057. ammino-complex ==> 氨合物,氨络物
  16058. Ammon hook ==> 阿蒙钩
  16059. Ammon's law ==> 安蒙氏定律
  16060. Ammonia ==> 阿摩尼亚
  16061. ammonia ==> 氨=>アンモニア
  16062. ammonia (water quality objective) ==> 氨(水质指针)
  16063. ammonia absorber ==> 氨吸收器
  16064. ammonia absorption amchine ==> 氨气吸收机
  16065. ammonia absorption refrigerating machine ==> 氨吸收冷冻机,氨吸收式制冷机
  16066. ammonia absorption refrigerator ==> 氨吸收式制冷机=>アンモニア吸収冷凍機
  16067. ammonia alcohol ==> 加氨醇
  16068. ammonia alum ==> 氨明矾,铵明矾,硫酸铝铵=>硫酸アンモニウムアルミニウム
  16069. ammonia amalgam ==> 氨汞齐
  16070. ammonia analyzer ==> アンモニア分析計
  16071. ammonia ash ==> 氨法碱,氨法碳酸钠
  16072. ammonia beam maser ==> 氨束微波激射器
  16073. ammonia carburizing ==> 氨气渗碳
  16074. ammonia carmine ==> 氨洋红
  16075. ammonia centrifugal liquid chilling unit ==> 氨离心制冷机
  16076. ammonia checker ==> 氨测定器
  16077. ammonia circulating pump ==> 氨循环泵
  16078. ammonia clock ==> 氨钟=>アンモニア時計
  16079. ammonia collector ==> 氨气采集器
  16080. ammonia colorimeter ==> 氨比色计
  16081. ammonia combustion catalyst ==> 氨燃烧制氮催化剂
  16082. ammonia compressing unit ==> 氨压缩机组
  16083. ammonia compression refrigerating machine ==> 氨气压缩制冷机,氨压缩冷冻机
  16084. ammonia compression refrigerator ==> 氨气压缩冷冻机
  16085. ammonia compressor ==> 氨气压缩机,氨压机,氨压缩机
  16086. ammonia compressor unit ==> 氨压缩机组
  16087. ammonia condenser ==> 氨冷凝器,氨气冷凝器
  16088. ammonia converter ==> 氨合成塔,氨转化塔
  16089. ammonia cooler ==> 氨冷却器,氨气冷却器
  16090. ammonia cooling plant ==> 氨制冷厂
  16091. ammonia corrosion ==> 氨腐蚀
  16092. ammonia dermatitis ==> アンモニア皮膚炎
  16093. ammonia dissociation separator ==> 氨离解分离器
  16094. ammonia dissociator ==> 氨离解器
  16095. ammonia distiller ==> 氨蒸馏器
  16096. ammonia dynamite ==> 氨爆炸药,氨代那买特炸药,铵爆炸药,铵炸药
  16097. ammonia elimination process ==> 除氨法
  16098. ammonia evaporator ==> 氨蒸发器
  16099. ammonia formation ==> 氨的形成
  16100. ammonia gas development ==> 氨显影
  16101. ammonia gas maser ==> 氨气微波激射器
  16102. ammonia generator ==> 氨发生器
  16103. ammonia gum ==> 氨树胶
  16104. ammonia hydrate ==> 氨制碱
  16105. ammonia intoxication ==> 氨中毒
  16106. ammonia inversion transition ==> 氨反演跃迁
  16107. ammonia is composed of nitrogen and hydrogen ==> 铵由氮和氢合成
  16108. ammonia laser ==> 氨激光器
  16109. ammonia leaching ==> 氨浸滤
  16110. ammonia leak detector ==> 氨探漏器
  16111. ammonia leak test ==> 氨渗漏试验
  16112. ammonia linment ==> 氨搽剂
  16113. ammonia liquor ==> 氨水,粗氨水
  16114. ammonia machine ==> 氨制冷机
  16115. ammonia manometer ==> 氨压计
  16116. ammonia maser ==> 氨脉塞,氨微波激射器
  16117. ammonia molecular laser ==> 氨分子激光器
  16118. ammonia nitriding ==> 氨氮化
  16119. ammonia nitrogen ==> 氨氮,氨基氮,氨态氮,氨型氮,亚胺型氮
  16120. ammonia nitrogen level ==> 氨氮水平
  16121. ammonia oil ==> 氨压缩机润滑油,氨油
  16122. ammonia oxidation ==> 氨氧化
  16123. ammonia oxidation process ==> アンモニア酸化法
  16124. ammonia oxidizing bacteria ==> 氨氧化细菌
  16125. ammonia plant ==> 氨植物
  16126. ammonia plant retrofit ==> 合成氨厂改造
  16127. ammonia poisoning ==> 氨中毒
  16128. ammonia pressure gauge ==> 氨压力表
  16129. ammonia process ==> 氨处理=>アンモニア法
  16130. ammonia reactor ==> 氨合成塔
  16131. ammonia recovery unit ==> 氨回收装置
  16132. ammonia recycle system ==> 氨循环系统
  16133. ammonia refrigerant ==> 氨冷冻剂,氨制冷剂
  16134. ammonia refrigerating compressor ==> 氨制冷压缩机
  16135. ammonia refrigerating machine ==> 氨冷冻机
  16136. ammonia refrigerator ==> 氨冷冻机
  16137. ammonia saturator ==> 氨饱和器
  16138. ammonia scrubber ==> 氨气洗涤器,氨洗涤器
  16139. ammonia scrubbing flue gas desulfurization ==> 氨洗涤法烟气脱硫,用氨作为吸收剂对烟气进行洗涤吸收的脱硫工艺
  16140. ammonia separator ==> 氨分离器
  16141. ammonia soda ==> 氨法苏打
  16142. ammonia soda ash ==> 氨法苏打灰
  16143. ammonia soda process ==> 氨碱法=>アンモニアソーダ法
  16144. ammonia solution ==> 氨溶液
  16145. ammonia spirit ==> 氨水溶液
  16146. ammonia still ==> 氨气塔
  16147. ammonia storage tank ==> 贮氨器
  16148. ammonia sulfate ==> 硫酸铵
  16149. ammonia synthesis ==> 氨的合成,氨合成,氨合成法
  16150. ammonia synthesis catalyst ==> 氨合成催化剂
  16151. ammonia synthesis process ==> アンモニア合成法
  16152. ammonia synthesis under medium pressure ==> 中压合成氨
  16153. ammonia synthesis unit ==> 合成氨设备
  16154. ammonia synthesizer ==> 氨合成装置
  16155. ammonia system ==> 氨系统
  16156. ammonia turbocompressor turbine ==> 氨透平压机
  16157. ammonia valve ==> 氨阀
  16158. ammonia volatilization ==> 氨挥发
  16159. ammonia water ==> 氨水=>アンモニア水
  16160. ammonia water distributor ==> 氨水撒洒机
  16161. ammonia water poisoning ==> 氨水中毒
  16162. ammonia-alkali process ==> 氨碱法
  16163. ammonia-alum ==> 铵明矾
  16164. ammonia-cooling type ==> 氨冷式
  16165. ammonia-maserspectrum analyzer ==> 氨脉泽光谱分析仪,氨微波光谱分析仪
  16166. ammonia-soda process ==> 氨碱法
  16167. ammoniabeam maser ==> 氨分子束微波激射器
  16168. ammoniac gum ==> 氨草胶
  16169. ammoniacal emulsions ==> 氨乳剂
  16170. ammoniacal liquor ==> 氨液
  16171. ammoniacal nitrogen (water quality objective) ==> 氨态氮(水质指针)
  16172. ammoniacal salt ==> 氨性盐
  16173. ammoniacal urine ==> 氨性尿
  16174. ammonial solution ==> 氨水
  16175. ammoniated beet pulp ==> 氨化甜菜渣
  16176. ammoniated fertilizer ==> 氨化肥料
  16177. ammoniated latex ==> 充氨胶乳
  16178. ammoniated mercuric chloride ==> 氨基汞化氯
  16179. ammoniated mercury ==> 氨基汞化氯,白降汞,氯化氨基汞
  16180. ammoniated ruthenium oxychloride ==> 钌红
  16181. ammoniated silver nitrate ==> 氨化硝酸银
  16182. ammoniated silver solution ==> 氨银液
  16183. ammoniated superphosphate ==> 氨化过磷酸钙
  16184. ammoniating vat ==> 充氨瓮
  16185. ammonical silver staining technique ==> 氨银染色技术
  16186. ammonifying capacity ==> 氨化能,氨化强度
  16187. ammoniomagnesium phosphate ==> 磷酸铵镁
  16188. ammoniomagnesium phosphate crystal ==> 磷酸铵镁结晶
  16189. ammonium ==> 铵,铵基
  16190. ammonium acetate ==> 醋酸铵,乙酸胺,乙酸铵
  16191. ammonium acid carbonate ==> 碳酸氢铵
  16192. ammonium acid fluoride ==> 氟化氢铵
  16193. ammonium aldehyde ==> 铵醛
  16194. ammonium alginate ==> 藻酸铵
  16195. ammonium alizarinate ==> 茜素铵
  16196. ammonium alum ==> 铵铝矾
  16197. ammonium aluminium sulfate ==> 铵铝矾
  16198. ammonium aluminum sulfate ==> 硫酸铝铵
  16199. ammonium and ammonia in soils ==> 土壤中铵和氨
  16200. ammonium bacterium ==> 氨细菌
  16201. ammonium benzoate ==> 苯甲酸铵,苯酸铵
  16202. ammonium bichromate ==> 重铬酸铵
  16203. ammonium bifluoride ==> 氟化氢铵
  16204. ammonium bisulfate ==> 硫酸氢铵
  16205. ammonium bitartrate ==> 酒石酸氢铵,酒石酸氢铵,重酒石酸氢铵
  16206. ammonium bithiolicum ==> 鱼石脂
  16207. ammonium biurate crystal ==> 重尿酸铵结晶
  16208. ammonium borate ==> 硼酸铵
  16209. ammonium bromide ==> 溴化铵,溴化铵
  16210. ammonium calcium phosphate ==> 磷酸钙铵
  16211. ammonium carbamate ==> 氨基甲酸铵
  16212. ammonium carbonate ==> 碳酸铵
  16213. ammonium caseinate ==> 酪蛋白铵
  16214. ammonium ceric nitrate ==> 硝酸铈铵
  16215. ammonium chlorate ==> 氯酸铵
  16216. ammonium chloride ==> 氯化铵
  16217. ammonium chloride tolerance test ==> 氯化铵耐量试验
  16218. ammonium chloroplatinate ==> 六氯铂酸铵
  16219. ammonium chromate ==> 铬酸铵
  16220. ammonium chromic alum ==> 硫酸铬铵
  16221. ammonium chromic sulfate ==> 硫酸铬铵
  16222. ammonium chromicsulfate ==> 铵铬矾
  16223. ammonium citrate ==> 柠檬酸铵
  16224. ammonium cobalt thiocyanate ==> 硫氰酸钴铵
  16225. ammonium cobaltous sulfate ==> 硫酸钴铵
  16226. ammonium compressing unit ==> 铵压缩机组
  16227. ammonium cuprate ==> 铵铜合物
  16228. ammonium cyanate ==> 氰酸铵
  16229. ammonium cyanide ==> 氰化铵
  16230. ammonium di-hydrogen phosphate ==> 磷酸二氢氨
  16231. ammonium dichromate ==> 重铬酸铵
  16232. ammonium dihydrogen arsenate (ADA) ==> 砷酸二氢铵
  16233. ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (ADP) ==> 磷酸二氢铵
  16234. ammonium dihydrogen phosphate crystal ==> 磷酸二氢铵晶体
  16235. ammonium dimethyl-dithiocarbamate ==> 二甲氨基二硫代甲酸铵
  16236. ammonium dithionate ==> 连二硫酸铵
  16237. ammonium diuranate ==> 重铀酸铵
  16238. ammonium ferric sulfate ==> 硫酸铁铵
  16239. ammonium ferrie oxalate ==> 草酸铁铵
  16240. ammonium ferrous sulfate ==> 硫酸亚铁铵
  16241. ammonium fixation ==> 铵离子固定
  16242. ammonium fixation characteristics ==> 铵固定特性
  16243. ammonium fluoride ==> 氟化铵
  16244. ammonium fluoride etchant ==> 氟化铵浸蚀剂
  16245. ammonium fluoroborate ==> 氟硼酸铵
  16246. ammonium fluorosilicate ==> ケイフッ化アンモニウム
  16247. ammonium fluosilicate ==> 氟硅酸铵
  16248. ammonium formate ==> 甲酸铵
  16249. ammonium gluconate ==> 葡糖酸铵
  16250. ammonium glycyrrhetate ==> 甘草酸铵
  16251. ammonium halide ==> 卤化铵
  16252. ammonium hexafluoroplatinate ==> 六氟铂酸铵
  16253. ammonium hydrogen fluoride ==> 氟化氢铵
  16254. ammonium hydrogen sulfate ==> 硫酸氢铵
  16255. ammonium hydrogen sulfide ==> 氢硫化铵
  16256. ammonium hydrogen sulfite ==> 亚硫酸氢铵
  16257. ammonium hydrogen tartrate ==> 酒石酸氢铵,酒石酸氢铵
  16258. ammonium hydrosulfide ==> 氢硫化铵
  16259. ammonium hypophosphite ==> 次磷酸铵
  16260. ammonium ichthosulfonate ==> 鱼石脂
  16261. ammonium ichthyolsulfonate ==> 鱼石脂,鱼石脂磺酸铵
  16262. ammonium iodate ==> 碘酸铵
  16263. ammonium iodide ==> 碘化铵
  16264. ammonium ion ==> 铵离子
  16265. ammonium iron alum ==> 铵铁矾
  16266. ammonium iron methane arsenate ==> 甲胂铁胺
  16267. ammonium lactate ==> 乳酸铵
  16268. ammonium magnesium phosphate ==> 磷酸镁铵,磷酸铵镁
  16269. ammonium magnesium sulfate ==> 硫酸镁铵
  16270. ammonium manganum phosphate ==> 磷酸锰铵
  16271. ammonium metaantimonate ==> 偏锑酸铵
  16272. ammonium metaperiodate ==> 偏高碘酸铵
  16273. ammonium metatungstate ==> 偏钨酸铵
  16274. ammonium metavanadate ==> 偏钒酸铵
  16275. ammonium molybdate ==> 钼酸铵
  16276. ammonium monoacid phosphate ==> 磷酸氢二铵
  16277. ammonium monohydric phosphate ==> 磷酸氢二铵
  16278. ammonium nickel sulfate ==> 硫酸镍铵
  16279. ammonium nilrite ==> 亚硝酸铵
  16280. ammonium nitrate ==> 多孔粒状硝酸铵,肥料级硝酸铵,硝酸铵
  16281. ammonium nitrite ==> 亚硝酸铵=>亜硝酸アンモニウム
  16282. ammonium oxalate ==> 草酸铵
  16283. ammonium perchlorate ==> 高氯酸铵
  16284. ammonium perchlorate explosive ==> 高氯酸铵炸药
  16285. ammonium perchromate ==> 过铬酸铵
  16286. ammonium permanganate ==> 高锰酸铵
  16287. ammonium peroxoy-chromate ammonium perchromate ==> 过铬酸铵
  16288. ammonium perrhenate ==> 高铼酸铵
  16289. ammonium persulfate ==> 高硫酸铵,过硫酸铵
  16290. ammonium persulfate test ==> 高硫酸铵试法
  16291. ammonium phosphate ==> 磷酸氢二铵,磷酸铵=>リン酸アンモニウム
  16292. ammonium phosphate sulfate ==> 磷硫酸铵
  16293. ammonium phosphotungstate ==> 磷钨酸铵
  16294. ammonium picrate ==> 苦味酸铵
  16295. ammonium pitrogen ammoniacal nitrogen ==> 氨态氮
  16296. ammonium polysulfide solution ==> 多硫化铵溶液
  16297. ammonium purpurate ==> 红紫酸铵
  16298. ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate ==> 吡咯烷二硫代氨基甲酸铵
  16299. ammonium rhodanate ==> 硫代氰酸铵
  16300. ammonium salt ==> 铵盐
  16301. ammonium silicofluoride ==> 氟硅酸铵
  16302. ammonium soap ==> 铵皂
  16303. ammonium sodium oxalate ==> 草酸铵钠
  16304. ammonium soil ==> 铵质土
  16305. ammonium stearate ==> 硬脂酸铵
  16306. ammonium succinate ==> 琥珀酸铵
  16307. ammonium sulfamate ==> 磺胺酸铵
  16308. Ammonium sulfamate ==> 氨基磺酸铵
  16309. ammonium sulfate ==> 硫酸铵
  16310. ammonium sulfide ==> 硫化铵
  16311. ammonium sulfite ==> 亚硫酸铵
  16312. ammonium sulfocyanate ==> 硫代氰酸铵,硫氰酸铵
  16313. ammonium sulfocyanide ==> 硫氰酸铵
  16314. ammonium sulfoichthyolate ==> 鱼石脂
  16315. ammonium tartrate ==> 酒石酸铵,酒石酸铵
  16316. ammonium thiocyanate ==> 硫代氰酸铵,硫氰酸铵
  16317. ammonium thiosulfate ==> 硫代硫酸铵
  16318. ammonium trinitrophenolate ==> 苦味酸铵
  16319. ammonium urate ==> 尿酸铵
  16320. ammonium urate crystal ==> 尿酸铵结晶
  16321. ammonium vanadate ==> 钒酸铵
  16322. ammonium-syngenite ==> 铵钾石膏
  16323. ammonla maser clock ==> 氨微波激射钟
  16324. ammono-system ==> 氨体系
  16325. Amms figuregracing cream ==> 阿姆思体型健美霜
  16326. AMMS, automatic maintenance management system ==> 自動維持管理システム
  16327. ammunition box ==> 子弹盒
  16328. ammunition carrier ==> 运弹车,送弹手
  16329. ammunition crane ==> 重炮装弹机
  16330. ammyonia absorption refrigerator ==> 氨吸收冷冻机
  16331. amnagement application process ==> 应用过程管理应用过程
  16332. amnesia ==> 健忘,健忘症,记忆缺失,遗忘症
  16333. amnestic syndrome ==> 遗忘性综合征,健忘综合征
  16334. amnio-chorionic membrane ==> 羊膜绒毛膜
  16335. amniocentesis ==> 羊膜穿刺(术),羊水穿刺(术)
  16336. amnioclepsis ==> 羊水溢
  16337. amniography ==> 羊膜腔照相术,羊膜造影术,羊水造影术
  16338. amnion transplantation ==> 羊膜移植
  16339. amnionic caruncles ==> 羊膜肉阜
  16340. amnionic fluid ==> 羊水
  16341. amniorrhea ==> 羊水溢
  16342. amniotic adhesion ==> 羊膜粘连
  16343. amniotic affection ==> 羊膜病变
  16344. amniotic cavity ==> 羊膜腔
  16345. amniotic cell of human placenta ==> 人胎盘羊膜细胞
  16346. amniotic embolism ==> 羊水栓塞
  16347. amniotic fluid ==> 羊膜水
  16348. amniotic fluid analysis ==> 羊水分析
  16349. amniotic fluid aspiration ==> 羊水吸入
  16350. amniotic fluid crystal ==> 羊水结晶
  16351. amniotic fluid embolism of lung ==> 羊水肺栓塞
  16352. amniotic fluid examination ==> 羊水检查(验)
  16353. amniotic fluid stain ==> 羊水斑
  16354. amniotic fluid stain examination ==> 羊水斑检验
  16355. amniotic fluid vacuum unit ==> 羊水吸引器
  16356. amniotic folds ==> 羊膜褶
  16357. amniotic membrane ==> 羊膜
  16358. amo rphous materials ==> 非晶材料
  16359. amobarbital sodium ==> 异戊巴比妥钠
  16360. Amoco International Oil Co. ==> 阿莫科国际石油公司
  16361. amodal perception ==> 变形知觉
  16362. Amoeba cachexica ==> 恶病质阿米巴
  16363. amoebiasis of genito-urinary system ==> 泌尿生殖系统阿米巴病
  16364. amoeboid fold ==> 不定形褶曲,不定形褶皱
  16365. amoeboid glacier ==> 变形冰川
  16366. amoeboid movement ==> 变形运动
  16367. among countries with high population density ==> 在人口稠密的国家里
  16368. among farm animals ==> 在农畜中
  16369. among major farm animals of today ==> 在今日的主要农畜中
  16370. Amor object ==> 阿莫尔天体
  16371. amorphic soil ==> 初成土
  16372. amorphism ==> 非晶性
  16373. amorphous ==> 非晶的,非晶形的,无定形的=>アモルファス,不定形の,無定形の
  16374. amorphous alkaloid ==> 無晶形アルカロイド
  16375. amorphous alloy ==> 非晶质合金=>アモルファス金属,アモルファス合金
  16376. amorphous binder ==> 无定形粘合剂
  16377. amorphous body ==> 非晶体,非晶物体,非晶形体,非晶质体
  16378. amorphous boron ==> 无定形硼
  16379. amorphous carbon ==> 无定形碳
  16380. amorphous cellulose ==> 非晶态纤维素
  16381. amorphous core ==> アモルファスコア
  16382. amorphous diamond ==> 非晶金刚石
  16383. amorphous dust ==> 无定形硅石粉
  16384. amorphous fibre ==> 非晶态纤维
  16385. amorphous film ==> 非晶体膜
  16386. amorphous frost ==> 非晶质霜
  16387. amorphous graphite in powder ==> 非晶质石墨粉
  16388. amorphous hemoglobin ==> 非晶性血红蛋白
  16389. amorphous ice ==> 非晶质冰
  16390. amorphous laser ==> 玻璃激光器
  16391. amorphous magnetic bubble ==> 非晶磁泡
  16392. amorphous magnetic materials ==> アモルファス磁性材料
  16393. amorphous magnetic tape ==> アモルファス磁性薄帯
  16394. amorphous material ==> 无定形材料,非结晶材料
  16395. amorphous memory array ==> 非晶存储器阵列
  16396. amorphous metal ==> 非晶体金属
  16397. amorphous mineral ==> 非晶质矿物
  16398. amorphous mixture ==> 非晶混合物
  16399. amorphous nickel phosphide ==> 非晶磷化镍
  16400. amorphous optical material ==> 无定形光学材料
  16401. amorphous oxide film ==> 非晶氧化薄膜
  16402. amorphous phase ==> 非晶形相
  16403. amorphous phosphate ==> 非晶态磷酸盐,无定形磷酸盐
  16404. amorphous polymer ==> 非晶态聚合物
  16405. amorphous refractory ==> 不定型耐火材料
  16406. amorphous semiconductor ==> 非晶形半导体=>アモルファス半導体
  16407. amorphous silica ==> 非定晶硅,无定形硅石,无定形氧化硅
  16408. amorphous silicon ==> アモルファスシリコン
  16409. amorphous silicon solar cell ==> アモルファスシリコン太陽電池
  16410. amorphous sky ==> 碎乱天空
  16411. amorphous snow ==> 非晶质雪
  16412. amorphous solid ==> 非晶固体,非晶态固体,非晶形固体,无定形固体
  16413. amorphous state ==> 非晶质状态
  16414. amorphous substance ==> 无定形物质
  16415. amorphous sulfur ==> 无定形硫
  16416. amorphous switch ==> 非晶半导体开关
  16417. amorphous transformer ==> 无定形氧化硅变压器=>アモルファス変圧器
  16418. amorphous wax ==> 无定形蜡
  16419. amort winding ==> 制动线圈
  16420. amortisseur ==> 阻尼器减震器=>アモルト巻線
  16421. amortisseur winding ==> 阻尼绕组=>アモルト巻線,制動巻線
  16422. amortization ==> 摊偿债款,摊还,摊销,提成,阻尼,分期摊付=>分割償還,償却
  16423. amortization allowance ==> 备抵摊销
  16424. amortization charge ==> 摊销费
  16425. amortization cost ==> 偿还费,分期偿还费
  16426. amortization factor ==> 分期摊销系数,摊还率
  16427. amortization loan ==> 摊还借款,分期偿还贷款,分期摊还债款
  16428. amortization method ==> 分期偿还法,摊销法
  16429. amortization money table ==> 分期还款表
  16430. amortization of debt ==> 分期偿还债务
  16431. amortization of discount ==> 摊提贴水
  16432. amortization of fixed assets ==> 摊提固定资产
  16433. amortization of initial expenses ==> 开办费摊销
  16434. amortization of organization expenses ==> 开办费摊销
  16435. amortization payment ==> 摊提款,分期偿付的款项
  16436. amortization period ==> 摊还期,摊提期间,偿还期限
  16437. amortization plan of payment ==> 分期摊还法
  16438. amortization quota ==> 分摊额
  16439. amortization ratio ==> 分摊比例
  16440. amortization rent ==> 摊提租金,分期偿付租金
  16441. amortization schedule ==> 分期摊还日程表,摊提表,摊销表
  16442. amortization table ==> 摊提表
  16443. amortize amortization ==> 分期偿还
  16444. amortized cost ==> 摊提成本,摊余成本,已摊销成本
  16445. Amos surface gage ==> 爱姆司平面量规
  16446. amosite (brown asbestos) ==> 铁石棉(褐石棉)
  16447. amotile bacterium ==> 不动菌
  16448. amotion ==> 分離
  16449. amount ==> 数目,金额,共计,量,总计,总金额,总值=>合計
  16450. amount appraised ==> 评定金额
  16451. amount at risk ==> 风险额,人寿保险的风险额
  16452. amount brought forward ==> 前期转来金额
  16453. amount carried forward ==> 结转金额
  16454. amount ceded ==> 分出金额
  16455. amount declared ==> 申报金额
  16456. amount deducted ==> 扣除金额
  16457. amount due from somebody ==> 欠款
  16458. amount dues ==> 应付款
  16459. amount in arear ==> 欠款金额
  16460. amount in arrear ==> 拖欠金额
  16461. amount in figures ==> 小写金额
  16462. amount invested ==> 投资额
  16463. amount limit ==> 工作量的极限
  16464. amount needed by subsidiary materials ==> 辅助材料需要量
  16465. amount of 1 ==> 每元本利和
  16466. amount of an annuity due ==> 期首年金终值
  16467. amount of bleeding ==> 出血量
  16468. amount of business ==> 贸易周转额
  16469. amount of capital invested by the owner ==> 业主投资额
  16470. amount of coal formed gass ==> 煤成气量
  16471. amount of coal-derived gas ==> 煤成气量
  16472. amount of consumption ==> 消费额=>消費量
  16473. amount of contraction ==> 收缩量
  16474. amount of contribution ==> 出资额
  16475. amount of contribution to capital ==> 出资额
  16476. amount of credit side ==> 付项金额
  16477. amount of crown ==> 拱高,路拱量
  16478. amount of cut ==> 挖方量
  16479. amount of debit side ==> 借方金额
  16480. amount of deflection ==> 垂度,偏差数值,变位度
  16481. amount of deviation ==> 偏差量,离差量
  16482. amount of dispersion ==> 离差量,偏差量
  16483. amount of emission ==> 排出量
  16484. amount of emission cuts ==> 排出ガス削減量
  16485. amount of energy ==> 能量
  16486. amount of energy saving ==> 节能量
  16487. amount of excavation ==> 挖方量
  16488. amount of exercise ==> 运动量
  16489. amount of expectoration ==> 痰量
  16490. amount of feed ==> 进刀量,进给量
  16491. amount of fill ==> 填方量
  16492. amount of funds available for distribution ==> 可支配的资金
  16493. amount of goods purchased ==> 货物购入额
  16494. amount of heat ==> 热量
  16495. amount of imports ==> 进口额
  16496. amount of information ==> 信息量
  16497. amount of insurance carried ==> 实保金额
  16498. amount of investment ==> 投资额,出资额
  16499. amount of labor in a certain form ==> 一定形态的劳动量
  16500. amount of labour ==> 劳动量
  16501. amount of lap ==> 搭接量
  16502. amount of limitation ==> 限额
  16503. amount of looseness ==> 公隙值
  16504. amount of loss ==> 亏损额
  16505. amount of magensium applied ==> 施镁量
  16506. amount of money in circulation ==> 周转中货币量
  16507. amount of obligation ==> 负债额
  16508. amount of one yuan ==> 一元的本利和
  16509. amount of orders accepted ==> 受注高
  16510. amount of ordinary annuity ==> 普通年金终值
  16511. amount of overlap ==> 搭接量
  16512. amount of paper money in circulation ==> 纸币流通量
  16513. amount of personalized relationship ==> 人称化的关系量
  16514. amount of potassium applied ==> 施钾量
  16515. amount of precipitation ==> 雨量
  16516. amount of residual parallax ==> 残余视差量
  16517. amount of salary ==> 薪额
  16518. amount of sales ==> 销售额
  16519. amount of sensible information processing ==> 可感信息处理量
  16520. amount of settlement ==> 清算金额=>決済代金
  16521. amount of shares ==> 出资额
  16522. amount of shrinkage ==> 收缩量
  16523. amount of static cushion deformation ==> 座垫静变形量
  16524. amount of sweat ==> 排汗量
  16525. amount of the credit ==> 赊帐金额
  16526. amount of the instrument ==> 票据金额
  16527. amount of unbalance ==> 不平衡量
  16528. amount of unbalance indicatior ==> 不平衡量指示器
  16529. amount of unfinished products in circulation ==> 流动在制品占有量
  16530. amount of variability ==> 变异量
  16531. amount of variation ==> 变异量
  16532. amount of vote ==> 通过金额
  16533. amount of water ==> 水分含量
  16534. amount of water an animal's body ==> 动物体的含水量
  16535. amount of water taken into the plant ==> 植物吸收的水分量
  16536. amount of wind ==> 风量汽流量
  16537. amount of work ==> 工作量
  16538. amount of work given out ==> 发出的功
  16539. amount or % per kg. ration ==> 每公斤日粮含量或百分率
  16540. amount paid to subcontractor ==> 已付分包款金额
  16541. amount receivable ==> 应收入金额
  16542. amount received ==> 已收入金额
  16543. amount tendered ==> 偿付量,金额货币
  16544. amount to ==> 合计
  16545. amount undercollected ==> 少收款项
  16546. amount used ==> 消耗量=>使用量
  16547. amount withheld ==> 扣缴税额
  16548. amounts written off ==> 冲销数
  16549. amoxil capsule ==> 阿莫西林胶囊
  16550. amoxycillin p-hydroxyampicillin ==> 阿摩西林
  16551. AMP, Alternative Maritime Power ==> 海事用代替電源=>船-岸电气连接
  16552. AMP, amplifier ==> 増幅器
  16553. AMP, Asymmetric Multiprocessor ==> AMP
  16554. AMP, automatic mitigation protocol ==> AMP
  16555. ampacity ==> Current-carrying capacity, expressed in amperes, of a conductor or cable under stated thermal conditions.安培容量,安载流容量
  16556. ampacity calculation ==> 電流容量計算
  16557. ampacity of conductor ==> 導体電流容量
  16558. ampacity rating ==> 電流容量定格
  16559. ampangabeite ==> 铌钛铁铀矿
  16560. amperage ==> 安培数=>アンペア数
  16561. ampere ==> 电流安培,安=>アンペア
  16562. ampere balance ==> 安培秤=>電流てんびん
  16563. ampere bridge ==> 开尔文秤
  16564. ampere conductors ==> 安培导体
  16565. ampere density ==> 电流密度
  16566. ampere hour ==> 安时
  16567. ampere hour capacity ==> 安培小时容量
  16568. ampere hour efficiency ==> 安时效率
  16569. ampere hour meter ==> 安时表,安时计
  16570. ampere hour meter (a.h.m.) ==> 安培小时计
  16571. ampere meter ==> 電流計
  16572. ampere meter squared (Am 2) ==> 安培米平方
  16573. ampere meter squared (Am2) ==> 安培米平方
  16574. ampere per meter (A/m) ==> 安培每米
  16575. ampere second ==> 安培秒
  16576. ampere square meter per joule second (Am 2/Js) ==> 安培平方米每焦耳秒
  16577. ampere square meter per joule second (Am2/Js) ==> 安培平方米每焦耳秒
  16578. ampere turns ==> 安匝数
  16579. ampere winding ==> 安培-匝数
  16580. ampere windings ==> 安匝数
  16581. Ampere's circuital law ==> アンペアの周回路の法則
  16582. Ampere's cork screw rule ==> アンペアの右ネジの法則(?)
  16583. Ampere's law ==> 安培定律=>アンペアの法則
  16584. ampere's right handed screw rule ==> 安培右手螺旋定则
  16585. Ampere's right-handed rule ==> 安培右手定则
  16586. Ampere's right-handed screw rule ==> アンペアの右ねじの法則
  16587. Ampere's right-hander screw rule ==> 安培右手定则
  16588. Ampere's rule ==> 安培定则
  16589. Ampere, A.M.Ampere ==> 1775-1829,安培,法国科学家
  16590. ampere-balance ==> 安培秤,安培平衡
  16591. ampere-capacity ==> 安培容量=>アンペア容量
  16592. ampere-conductors ==> 安培导体=>アンペア導体数
  16593. ampere-hour capacity ==> 安培小时容量,安时容量=>アンペア時容量
  16594. ampere-hour efficiency ==> 安培-小时效率,安时效率=>アンペア時効率
  16595. ampere-hour meter ==> 安时计=>電量計
  16596. ampere-hour meter (a.h.m.) ==> 安时计
  16597. ampere-minute ==> 安培分钟
  16598. ampere-second ==> 安秒
  16599. ampere-turns factor ==> 安匝系数
  16600. ampere-voltage meter ==> 电流电压表
  16601. ampere-winding ==> 安匝
  16602. amperemeter ==> 安培计
  16603. ampereturns ==> 安培匝数,安匝
  16604. amperometric ==> 電流測定に関する
  16605. amperometric detection ==> アンペロメトリー検出
  16606. amperometric detector ==> アンペロメトリック検出器
  16607. amperometric determination ==> 电流测定=>電流滴定法
  16608. amperometric titration ==> 电流滴定
  16609. amperometric titration at constant voltage ==> 定电压电流滴定
  16610. amperometric titrimeter ==> 电流滴定计
  16611. amperometric zirconia oxygen sensor ==> 安培米制氧化锆氧传感器
  16612. amperometry ==> 电廖定
  16613. amphetamine ==> 安非他明,苯丙胺,苯齐巨林,苯异丙胺=>アンフェタミン
  16614. amphetamine architecture ==> アンフェタミン構造
  16615. amphetamine dependence ==> 覚醒剤依存
  16616. amphetamine derivative ==> アンフェタミン誘導体
  16617. amphetamine efficacy ==> アンフェタミン効果
  16618. amphetamine sulfate ==> 硫酸苯(异)丙胺=>硫酸アンフェタミン
  16619. amphi(bious) car ==> 两栖汽车
  16620. amphi-permeability ==> 两透性
  16621. amphibian ==> 两栖,两栖动物,两栖飞机,水陆两用,水陆两用飞机
  16622. amphibian automobile ==> 水陆两用汽车
  16623. amphibian jeep ==> 水陆两用吉普车
  16624. amphibian truck ==> 水陆两用载重车
  16625. amphibious ==> 水陆两用,两栖
  16626. amphibious aircraft ==> 水陆两用飞机
  16627. amphibious assault ship ==> 两栖攻击舰,直升机登陆运输舰
  16628. amphibious bistort ==> 两栖蓼
  16629. amphibious car ==> 水陆两用汽车
  16630. amphibious cargo ship ==> 登陆物资运输舰
  16631. amphibious crab ==> 螃蜞,蟛蜞
  16632. amphibious craft ==> 两栖船
  16633. amphibious hull ==> 胴体
  16634. amphibious landing gear ==> 水陆两用起落架
  16635. amphibious machine ==> 水旱地两用拖拉机
  16636. amphibious mine ==> 浅江河水雷
  16637. amphibious plane ==> 水陆两用飞机
  16638. amphibious plant ==> 两栖植物
  16639. amphibious tank ==> 水陆两用坦克
  16640. amphibious tracked carrier ==> 履带式水陆两用输送车
  16641. amphibious tractor ==> 水陆牵引车
  16642. amphibious vehicle ==> 水陆两用车
  16643. amphibious warfare ship ==> 两栖战舰
  16644. amphiblous tank ==> 水陆坦克
  16645. amphibolic pathway ==> 无定向代谢途径
  16646. amphicribral bundle ==> 周韧维管束
  16647. amphicribral vascular bundle ==> 周期性维管束
  16648. amphidromic centre ==> 潮流旋转中心,潮位不定点
  16649. amphidromic system ==> 无潮体系
  16650. amphimorphic rock ==> 二重岩
  16651. amphion ==> 两性离子
  16652. amphiphatic molecule ==> 两性分子
  16653. amphiprotic solvent ==> 两性溶剂
  16654. amphistomatic leaf ==> 两面气孔叶
  16655. amphitheatre (amphitheater) ==> 手术观摩室,圆形剧场
  16656. amphivasal bundle ==> 周木维管束
  16657. amphivasal vascular bundle ==> 周木维管束
  16658. ampholyte ==> 两性电解质
  16659. amphophil granules ==> 两染性粒
  16660. amphoric breath sound ==> 空瓮性呼吸音
  16661. amphoric resonance ==> 空瓮音
  16662. amphoteric colloid ==> 两性胶体
  16663. amphoteric compound ==> 两性化合物
  16664. amphoteric dissociation ==> 两性游离
  16665. amphoteric electrolyte ==> 两性电解质
  16666. amphoteric element ==> 两性元素
  16667. amphoteric hydroxide ==> 两性氢氧化物
  16668. amphoteric ion ==> 两性离子
  16669. amphoteric ion-exchange resin ==> 两性离子交换树脂
  16670. amphoteric oxide ==> 两性氧化物
  16671. amphoteric reaction ==> 两性反应
  16672. amphoteric salt ==> 两性盐
  16673. amphoteric surface active agent ==> 两性表面活性剂
  16674. amphoterism ==> 两性
  16675. ampicillin capsule ==> 氨苄青霉素胶丸
  16676. ampicillin dry syrup ==> 氨苄青霉素干糖浆
  16677. ampicillin sodium ==> 氨苄青霉素钠
  16678. AMPL, approved material & processes list ==> 承認材料工程リスト
  16679. ample ==> 富裕的=>十分な,豊富な,豊かな
  16680. ample bosom ==> 豊かな胸
  16681. ample business opportunity ==> ビジネスチャンス
  16682. ample bust ==> 豊満な胸
  16683. ample chance ==> 十分なチャンス
  16684. ample clearance ==> 充分间隙
  16685. ample evidence ==> 充分证据
  16686. ample flow ==> 丰水
  16687. ample rainfall ==> 充沛降水
  16688. ample supply and prompt delivery ==> 货源充足
  16689. Amplex videotape recorder ==> 安普莱克司磁带录像机
  16690. amplexicaul ==> 抱茎的
  16691. amplexicaul leaf ==> 抱茎叶
  16692. amplexicaul stipule ==> 抱茎托叶
  16693. amplexiform ==> 贴接
  16694. amplexis ==> 抱接
  16695. amplexus ==> 抱合,环抱的
  16696. amplidyne ==> 微场电机放大器=>アンプリダイン
  16697. amplidyne control unit ==> 电机放大器控制部件
  16698. amplidyne generator ==> 电机放大器,放大发电机
  16699. amplidyne servomechanism ==> 电机放大器伺服系统,电机放大伺服机构
  16700. amplification ==> 增强,增益,扩充,放大=>増幅
  16701. amplification coefficient ==> 放大系数
  16702. amplification constant ==> 放大系数,放大常数,放大恒量=>増幅定数
  16703. amplification degree ==> 扩大率,放大率=>増幅度
  16704. amplification factor ==> 放大系数,放大因数=>増幅率
  16705. amplification factor bridge ==> 测量放大系数的电桥
  16706. amplification frequency ==> 放大频率
  16707. amplification limit frequency ==> 放大极限频率=>増幅限界周波数
  16708. amplification matrix ==> 放大矩阵
  16709. amplification range ==> 放大范围
  16710. amplification ratio ==> 放大比,放大率
  16711. amplification reaction ==> 増幅反応
  16712. amplification system ==> 放大电路系统
  16713. amplified back bias ==> 放大后负反馈偏压
  16714. amplified spont-aneous emission ==> 放大的自发辐射
  16715. amplified surge ==> 扩大的涌浪
  16716. amplified verification ==> 扩大的核查,扩大核查
  16717. amplifier ==> 放大器,将调节系统某一环节输出的位移、油压或电量等变化信号加以放大的装置=>増幅器
  16718. amplifier action ==> 増幅作用
  16719. amplifier block ==> 放大器功能块
  16720. amplifier card ==> 放大器电路插板
  16721. amplifier card connector ==> 放大器电路板接插件
  16722. amplifier channel ==> 放大器信道
  16723. amplifier detector ==> 放大器检测器
  16724. amplifier deviation equalizer ==> 放大器偏差均衡器
  16725. amplifier gain ==> 放大器增益
  16726. amplifier gain characteristic ==> 放大器增益特性
  16727. amplifier installation ==> 放大器装置
  16728. amplifier kit ==> 放大器的整套零件
  16729. amplifier modulation ==> 放大器调制
  16730. amplifier noise ==> 放大器噪声
  16731. amplifier relay panel ==> 继电器放大器
  16732. amplifier system ==> 放大器系统
  16733. amplifier transformer ==> 放大器变压器
  16734. amplifier tube ==> 増幅管
  16735. amplifier unit ==> 放大器部件
  16736. amplifier valve ==> 放大器电子管
  16737. amplifier with time lag ==> 带时滞的放大器
  16738. amplifier-chain ==> 放大器线路
  16739. amplifier-filter ==> 放大-滤波器
  16740. amplifier-inverter ==> 倒相放大器
  16741. amplifier-pulse analyzer ==> 脉冲放大分析仪
  16742. amplifier-type meter ==> 放大器式测量仪
  16743. amplifier-type voltage regulator ==> 放大器式电压调节器
  16744. amplify of bipolar transistor ==> 双极晶体管放大
  16745. amplifying circuit ==> 放大电路
  16746. amplifying delay line ==> 放大延迟线
  16747. amplifying gate structure ==> 放大门电路结构
  16748. amplifying klystron ==> 放大速调管,速调放大管
  16749. amplifying lamp ==> 放大管
  16750. amplifying lens ==> 放大镜,放大透镜
  16751. amplifying medium ==> 放大媒质
  16752. amplifying power ==> 放大本领
  16753. amplifying relay ==> 放大继电器
  16754. amplifying system ==> 放大系统
  16755. amplifying technique ==> 放大技术
  16756. amplifying technique for light pulse ==> 光脉冲放大技术
  16757. amplifying transformer ==> 放大变压器,放大用变压器
  16758. amplifying tube ==> 放大管
  16759. amplifying vibrograph ==> 放大式示振器
  16760. amplifying winding ==> 放大绕组
  16761. amplitud distortion ==> 幅度畸变
  16762. amplitude ==> 幅值,振幅,辐角,幅,幅度,出没方位角,变幅,波辐=>振幅
  16763. amplitude (AM) ==> 调幅
  16764. amplitude adder ==> 振幅加法器,幅度加法器
  16765. amplitude adjustment ==> 振幅调整
  16766. amplitude characteristic ==> 振幅特性=>振幅特性
  16767. amplitude code ==> 振幅码
  16768. amplitude comparator ==> 振幅比较器
  16769. amplitude component ==> 振幅分量
  16770. amplitude compressor ==> 振幅压缩器
  16771. amplitude contour ==> 等幅线
  16772. amplitude contraction ==> 缩小振幅,减幅
  16773. amplitude control ==> 振幅控制
  16774. amplitude correction ==> 振幅校正,幅度校正
  16775. amplitude corrector ==> 振幅校正器
  16776. amplitude damping factor ==> 振幅衰减率
  16777. amplitude delay ==> 振幅延迟
  16778. amplitude detection ==> 幅度检测
  16779. amplitude detector module ==> 振幅检测组件
  16780. amplitude discrimination circuit ==> 振幅鉴别电路,鉴幅电路
  16781. amplitude discrimination technique ==> 幅度鉴别技术
  16782. amplitude discriminator ==> 振幅鉴别器,振幅译码器,脉冲振幅鉴别器
  16783. amplitude distortion ==> 振幅失真,波幅畸变=>振幅ひずみ
  16784. amplitude distortion characterristic ==> 振幅失真特性
  16785. amplitude distortion factor ==> 振幅失真因数=>振幅ひずみ率
  16786. amplitude element ==> 测摆幅单元
  16787. amplitude encoder ==> 幅度编码器
  16788. amplitude equalization ==> 振幅均衡
  16789. amplitude error ==> 振幅误差
  16790. amplitude excursion ==> 振幅偏移
  16791. amplitude factor ==> 振幅因数
  16792. amplitude fading ==> 振幅衰减
  16793. amplitude filter ==> 振幅滤波器
  16794. amplitude frequency characteristic ==> 振幅频率特性
  16795. amplitude frequency response characteristics ==> 幅频响应特性
  16796. amplitude half adder ==> 幅度半加法器,半振幅加法器
  16797. amplitude hologram grating ==> 振幅全息摄影栅
  16798. amplitude interferometry ==> 振幅干涉测量
  16799. amplitude keying ==> 振幅键控
  16800. amplitude lag ==> 振幅延迟
  16801. amplitude level ==> 振幅电平
  16802. amplitude limit ==> 波幅限制
  16803. amplitude limiter ==> 限幅器=>振幅制限器
  16804. amplitude limiter circuit ==> 限幅电路
  16805. amplitude locus ==> 振幅轨迹=>振幅軌跡
  16806. amplitude log ==> 声幅测井
  16807. amplitude margin ==> 振幅余量
  16808. amplitude meter ==> 振幅计
  16809. amplitude modulation ==> 调幅,波幅调制=>振幅変調
  16810. amplitude modulation (AM) ==> 振幅调制,幅度调制
  16811. amplitude modulation and demodulation circuit ==> 振幅復変調回路
  16812. amplitude modulation factor ==> 振幅変調率
  16813. amplitude modulation measurement ==> 调幅测量
  16814. amplitude modulation phase modulation conversion ==> 调幅调相转换
  16815. amplitude modulation system ==> 调幅系统
  16816. amplitude modulation transformer ==> 调幅变压器
  16817. amplitude modulator ==> 调幅器
  16818. amplitude of beat ==> 拍频振幅
  16819. amplitude of component tide ==> 分潮振幅
  16820. amplitude of damped oscillation ==> 衰减振荡振幅
  16821. amplitude of fading ==> 衰落幅度
  16822. amplitude of first harmonic ==> 基波振幅
  16823. amplitude of fluctuation ==> 变动幅度,摆动幅度
  16824. amplitude of forced oscillation ==> 强迫振荡振幅
  16825. amplitude of free oscillation ==> 自由振荡振幅
  16826. amplitude of harmonic oscillation ==> 谐波振荡振幅
  16827. amplitude of oscillation ==> 振荡振幅
  16828. amplitude of setup ==> 增水幅度
  16829. amplitude of signal ==> 信号振幅
  16830. amplitude of swing ==> 摆动幅度
  16831. amplitude of the burst-key pulse ==> 色同步选通脉冲幅度
  16832. amplitude of the molecular vibration ==> 分子振动幅度
  16833. amplitude of tidal current ==> 潮流振幅
  16834. amplitude of variation ==> 变化幅度
  16835. amplitude of vibration ==> 振幅
  16836. amplitude of vibration method ==> 振幅法
  16837. amplitude of wave ==> 波幅
  16838. amplitude of wave form ==> 波形振幅
  16839. amplitude of waves ==> 波幅
  16840. amplitude of wind tide ==> 风壅水幅度
  16841. amplitude peak ==> 幅度峰值,最大幅度
  16842. amplitude permeability ==> 振幅磁导率
  16843. amplitude phase characteristic ==> 幅度相位特性
  16844. amplitude phase error ==> 幅相误差
  16845. amplitude phase modulation conversion ==> 调幅调相转换
  16846. amplitude pulse ==> 振幅脉冲
  16847. amplitude quantization ==> 振幅量化
  16848. amplitude quantizing ==> 振幅量化
  16849. amplitude range ==> 振幅范围,衰减程度
  16850. amplitude ratio ==> 振幅比
  16851. amplitude ratio phase difference instrument ==> 振幅比—相位差仪
  16852. amplitude recovery ==> 振幅恢复,声幅恢复
  16853. amplitude reflectance ==> 振幅反射率
  16854. amplitude resonance ==> 振幅共振,波幅共振
  16855. amplitude resonance characteristic ==> 振幅响应特性
  16856. amplitude response ==> 幅值响应,振幅响应
  16857. amplitude response curve ==> 振幅特性曲线
  16858. amplitude sampler ==> 振幅取样器
  16859. amplitude selection ==> 振幅選別
  16860. amplitude selector ==> 振幅分离器,振幅选择器,脉冲振幅选择器
  16861. amplitude sensing ==> 幅度检测
  16862. amplitude separation ==> 振幅区分
  16863. amplitude separation data detection (ASDD) ==> 幅度分离数据检测
  16864. amplitude separator ==> 振幅分离器,振幅选择器=>振幅分離器
  16865. amplitude shift keying ==> ASK
  16866. amplitude shift keying (ASK) ==> 振幅偏移键控法
  16867. amplitude spectroscopy ==> 振幅分光法
  16868. amplitude spectrum ==> 振幅光谱,振幅频谱
  16869. amplitude splitting ==> 振幅剖分法
  16870. amplitude stability ==> 振幅稳定性
  16871. amplitude step time ==> 振幅阶跃时间,阶跃波时间,台阶延迟时间
  16872. amplitude suppression ratio ==> 幅调抑制比
  16873. amplitude taper ==> 振幅锥度
  16874. amplitude test cassette ==> 幅度测试卡型磁带
  16875. amplitude transformer ==> 聚能器,聚能器,变幅器
  16876. amplitude transmissivity ==> 振幅透射率
  16877. amplitude variation ==> 振幅变化,波幅变化
  16878. amplitude velocity ==> 辐速,幅速
  16879. amplitude versus frequency characteristic ==> 幅度-频率特性曲线
  16880. amplitude versus frequency response characteristic ==> 幅频响应特性,幅频响应特性曲线
  16881. amplitude voltage ==> 振幅電圧
  16882. amplitude vs. frequency characteristics ==> 振幅-周波数特性
  16883. amplitude wave ==> 幅波
  16884. amplitude-change signalling ==> 变幅通信,变幅信号
  16885. amplitude-frequency characteristic ==> 幅频特性
  16886. amplitude-frequency distortion ==> 振幅-频率畸变
  16887. amplitude-frequency distribution ==> 振幅频谱
  16888. amplitude-frequency response ==> 幅频响应
  16889. amplitude-gating circuit ==> 振幅选通电路
  16890. amplitude-modulated indicator ==> 调幅指示器
  16891. amplitude-modulated signal ==> 调幅信号
  16892. amplitude-modulated sound transmitter ==> 调幅伴音发射机
  16893. amplitude-modulated transmitter ==> 调幅发送机
  16894. amplitude-modulation noise ==> 调幅噪声
  16895. amplitude-modulation radio ==> 调幅无线电设备
  16896. amplitude-modulation rejection ==> 调幅抑制
  16897. amplitude-modulation retic(u)le ==> 调幅调制盘
  16898. amplitude-modulation reticle ==> 调幅分度线
  16899. amplitude-modulation signature ==> 调幅标志
  16900. amplitude-splittine interference ==> 分振幅干涉
  16901. amplitude-versus-frequency curve ==> 振幅频率特性曲线
  16902. amplituhe modulation factor ==> 调幅度
  16903. ampoule ==> 安瓿
  16904. ampoule bottle ==> 安瓿瓶
  16905. ampoule glass ==> 安瓿玻璃
  16906. ampoule tubing ==> 安瓿用玻璃管
  16907. ampoule washing machine ==> 安瓿洗瓶机
  16908. AMPS, Active Magnetosphere Plasma in Space ==> 宇宙での大気圏のプラズマ観測
  16909. AMPS, Active Microwave Pressure Sounder ==> 能動型マイクロ波大気圧計
  16910. AMPS, Atmospheres Magnetospheres and Plasmas in Space ==> 大気圏,磁気圏,宇宙プラズマ実験
  16911. AMPTE, Active Magnetospheric Particle Tracer Explorers ==> 磁気圏粒子トレーサー衛星
  16912. ampule case ==> 安瓿盒
  16913. ampule cutter ==> 安瓿割开器
  16914. ampule file ==> 安瓿锉
  16915. ampule filler ==> 安瓿灌液器
  16916. ampule filling and sealing machine ==> 安瓿灌封机
  16917. ampule printer ==> 安瓿印字机
  16918. ampule shutter ==> 安瓿封口机
  16919. ampulla canaliculi lacrimalis ==> 泪小管壶腹
  16920. ampulla cap ==> 安瓿瓶胶帽
  16921. ampulla ductus lacrimalis ==> 泪管壶腹
  16922. ampulla membranacea anterior ==> 前膜壶腹
  16923. ampulla membranacea lateralis ==> 外膜壶腹
  16924. ampulla membranacea posterior ==> 后膜壶腹
  16925. ampulla of lacrimal canaliculus ==> 泪小管壶腹
  16926. ampulla of uterine tube ==> 输卵管壶腹部
  16927. ampulla ossea anterior ==> 前骨壶腹
  16928. ampulla ossea lateralis ==> 外骨壶腹
  16929. ampullar crest ==> 壶腹嵴
  16930. ampullar membrane ==> 壶腹膜
  16931. ampullar pregnancy ==> 壶腹妊娠
  16932. ampullary aneurysm ==> 壶腹状动脉瘤
  16933. ampullary crest ==> 壶腹嵴
  16934. ampullary organ ==> 壶腹器官
  16935. ampullary sulcus ==> 壶腹沟
  16936. amputating retractor ==> 截肢牵开器
  16937. amputating saw ==> 截断锯,切断锯
  16938. amputation knife ==> 截断刀,截肢刀,切肢刀
  16939. amputation level ==> 截肢平面
  16940. amputation neuroma ==> 截肢性神经瘤,残端神经瘤
  16941. amputation through finger ==> 经手指切断术,经手指切断术
  16942. amputation through forearm ==> 经前臂切断术,经前臂切断术
  16943. amputation through thigh ==> 经大腿切断术,经大腿切断术
  16944. amputation trauma of penis ==> 阴茎切断伤
  16945. amputee ==> 肢切断患者
  16946. AMR, advanced microwave radiometer ==> 最新型マイクロウエーブ放射計
  16947. AMR, ANDERSON MORI & RABINOWITZ ==> アンダーソン毛利ラビノウィッツ法律事務所
  16948. AMR, anisotropic magneto resistance ==> 異方性磁気抵抗
  16949. AMR, Atlantic Missile Range ==> 大西洋ミサイル射場
  16950. AMR, automatic meter reading ==> 自動メータ読取り
  16951. Amrad gum ==> 阿姆拉特树胶
  16952. AMRL, Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory ==> 航空医学研究所
  16953. AMS Annual Machinery Survey ==> 年度机器检测
  16954. AMS, airlock module station ==> 気密モジュールステーション
  16955. AMS, American Mathematical Society ==> アメリカ数学会
  16956. AMS, American Military Standards ==> 米国軍用規格
  16957. AMS, Applied Mathematical Sciences (USDOE) ==> 応用数理科学
  16958. AMS, attitude measurement sensor ==> 姿勢測定センサ
  16959. AMS, attitude measurement subsystem ==> 姿勢測定サブシステム
  16960. AMSA ==> 澳洲海事局
  16961. AMSAT, Amateur Radio Satellite ==> アマチュア無線衛星
  16962. Amsier's universal tester ==> 阿姆勒万能材料试验机
  16963. Amsil silver copper ==> 阿姆西尔银铜合金
  16964. Amsler cupping test ==> 阿姆斯勒杯形拉延试验
  16965. Amsler planimeter ==> 阿姆斯勒求积仪=>アムスラー面積計
  16966. Amsler tester ==> 阿姆斯拉试验机,阿姆斯勒试验机
  16967. Amsler's universal tester ==> 阿姆斯勒万能材料试验机
  16968. AMSR, Advanced Mechanically Scanned Radiometer ==> 高性能機械走査式放射計
  16969. AMSR, Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer ==> 高性能マイクロ波放射計
  16970. AMST ==> 有限責任中間法人膜分離技術振興協会
  16971. AMSU, advanced microwave sounding unit ==> 高性能マイクロ波探査ユニット
  16972. Amsulf copper ==> 阿姆萨尔弗无氧铜
  16973. Amtel tellurium copper ==> 阿姆特尔含碲无氧铜
  16974. AMTEX, Air Mass Transformation Experiment ==> 気団変質に関する研究
  16975. AMTICS Advanced Mobile Traffic Information and Communication System ==> 交通情報提供(警察庁)
  16976. amtipodal points ==> 对极点
  16977. AMU, atomic mass unit ==> 原子質量単位
  16978. amur tiger ==> アムールトラ
  16979. amusement center ==> 娱乐中心
  16980. amusement hall ==> 娱乐厅
  16981. amusement park ==> 娱乐场
  16982. AMVER Automated Mutual – Assistance Vessel Rescue System ==> 自动船只救助系统
  16983. AMVER, Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System ==> アンバー/米自動相互援助船舶航行システム互援助船舶航行システム
  16984. AMWELSH 93 Americanized Welsh Coal Charter (1993) ==> 美国化威尔士煤矿章程(1993)
  16985. Amyda sinensis ==> 鳖
  16986. amygdala ==> 杏仁核
  16987. amygdalic acid ==> 扁桃酸
  16988. amygdaloid body ==> 杏仁体
  16989. amygdaloid nuclear complex ==> 杏仁核复合体
  16990. amygdaloid nucleus ==> 杏仁核
  16991. amyl acetate ==> 醋酸戊酯,醋酸脂,乙酸戊酯
  16992. amyl acetate lamp ==> 乙酸戊脂灯
  16993. amyl carbamate ==> 氨基甲酸戊酯
  16994. amyl group ==> 戊基
  16995. amyl hydrosulfide ==> 戊硫醇
  16996. amyl mercaptan ==> 戊硫醇
  16997. amylase in urine ==> 尿淀粉酶
  16998. amylase-lipase analyzer ==> 淀粉酶脂肪酶分析仪
  16999. amylene oxide ==> 氧杂环己烷
  17000. amylo fermentation process ==> 淀粉发酵过程
  17001. amylo process ==> 霉菌糖化法
  17002. amyloid tumor of lung ==> 肺淀粉样瘤
  17003. amyloidosis of liver ==> 肝淀粉样变性
  17004. amylose content of the grain ==> 谷粒中的糖淀粉含量
  17005. amylose extended gene ==> 糖淀粉扩张基因
  17006. amyostatic syndrome ==> 肌震颤性综合征
  17007. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ==> 肌萎缩性侧索硬化
  17008. an abandoned pig house ==> 废猪舍
  17009. an acid solution ==> 一种酸性溶液
  17010. an amphora pottery vase in ironsand ==> (瓷器名)铁沙陶双耳罐
  17011. an average annual increase of ==> 每年递增
  17012. an eight-hour day ==> 八小时工作制
  17013. an entire flower bud ==> 一个完整的花芽
  17014. an epidemic of a plant disease ==> 一种植物病害的流行
  17015. an essential aspect ==> 本质方面
  17016. an essential distinction ==> 本质差别
  17017. an exceptional bumper harvest ==> 特大丰收
  17018. an exceptional case ==> 特殊情况
  17019. An excess of yang brings about heat syndrome ==> 阳盛则热
  17020. An excess of yang leads to disorder of yin ==> 阳胜则阴病
  17021. An excess of yin brings abort cold syndrome ==> 阴胜则寒
  17022. An excess of yin leads to disorder of yang ==> 阴胜则阳病
  17023. An excess of yin leads to yang deficiency. ==> 阴盛阳衰
  17024. An Illustrated Book on Plants ==> (清吴其浚撰)(1848)植物名实图考
  17025. an implement for fitting soil ==> 一种整地农具
  17026. an important step in varietal improvement ==> 品种改良的重要一环
  17027. an improving case of measles ==> 麻疹顺证
  17028. an organic material used as fertilizer ==> 一种用作肥料的有机物质
  17029. an ounce of prevention is a pound of cure ==> 一分预防相当于十分治疗
  17030. an unthread tree ==> 对未穿线的树进行穿线
  17031. AN, right ascension of the ascending node ==> 昇交点赤経
  17032. ANA, All Nippon Airways ==> 全日本空輸株式会社
  17033. ANA, All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd. ==> 全日本空輸株式会社
  17034. anabatic wind ==> 上坡风
  17035. anabolic metabolism ==> 组成代谢
  17036. anabolic process ==> 组成过程,合成代谢过程
  17037. anabolic substance ==> 组成代谢物质
  17038. anacamptometer ==> 反射计
  17039. anachlorhydric gastritis ==> 胃酸缺乏性胃炎
  17040. anaclasimeter ==> 屈光检查计
  17041. anaclitic depression ==> 依赖性抑郁症,依恋性抑郁症
  17042. anaclitic object choice ==> 依恋物体选择
  17043. ANACOM, analog computer ==> 模拟计算机
  17044. anaconda process ==> 安那康达法
  17045. anacoustic zone ==> 不传声带
  17046. anacrotic pulse ==> 升线波脉
  17047. anadiagenetic stage ==> 变生成岩期
  17048. anadicrotic pulse ==> 升线二波脉
  17049. anaemia ==> 贫血,贫血症
  17050. anaemic spinal disease ==> 亚急性混合变性
  17051. anaerobic ==> 厌氧的,厌气的=>嫌気性
  17052. anaerobic adhesive ==> 厌气性粘合剂,厌氧粘合剂
  17053. anaerobic and aerobic cultivating apparatus ==> 嫌气好气细菌培养器
  17054. anaerobic antitoxin ==> 厌氧性抗毒素
  17055. anaerobic bacillus(cillus anaerobicus) ==> 厌氧杆菌
  17056. anaerobic bacteria ==> 厌气细菌,厌氧菌,嫌气细菌
  17057. anaerobic condition ==> 嫌气条件,缺氧状态
  17058. anaerobic contact process ==> 厌气接触法
  17059. anaerobic cultivating apparatus ==> 嫌气性细菌培养器
  17060. anaerobic culture ==> 嫌气培养,厌氧培养,无氧培养
  17061. anaerobic culture medium ==> 厌氧培养基
  17062. anaerobic decomposition ==> 嫌气分解,无氧分解
  17063. anaerobic digestion ==> 厌气消化
  17064. anaerobic digestion tank ==> 厌气消化池
  17065. anaerobic metabolism ==> 厌氧代谢,不需氧代谢
  17066. anaerobic nitrogenfixing bacterium ==> 嫌气固氮细菌
  17067. anaerobic organism ==> 嫌气生物,厌氧菌
  17068. anaerobic oxidation ==> 乏氧氧化,不需氧氧化
  17069. anaerobic pathogen ==> 嫌气性病源
  17070. anaerobic process ==> 嫌气过程
  17071. anaerobic respiration ==> 厌氧呼吸,乏氧呼吸,缺氧呼吸
  17072. anaerobic sewage treatment ==> 污水厌氧处理
  17073. anaerobic spore-bearing bacilli ==> 厌氧芽胞杆菌
  17074. anaerobic tank ==> 化粪池
  17075. anaerobic type ==> 厌氧型
  17076. anaerobious preservation ==> 缺氧保藏法
  17077. anaerogenic bacterium ==> 非产气细菌
  17078. anaesthesia drop bottle ==> 麻醉滴瓶
  17079. anaesthesia induction room ==> 麻醉室
  17080. anaesthesia machine ==> 麻醉机
  17081. anaesthesia needle ==> 麻醉针
  17082. anaesthesia table ==> 麻醉台
  17083. anaesthetic apparatus ==> 麻醉仪器
  17084. anaesthetic gas monitor ==> 麻醉气体监护仪
  17085. anaesthetic machine ==> 麻醉机
  17086. anaesthetic mask ==> 麻醉面罩
  17087. anaesthetic rifle ==> 麻醉枪
  17088. anaesthetic room ==> 麻醉室
  17089. anagen alopecia due to thallium poisoning ==> 铊中毒生长期脱发,铊中毒生长期脱发
  17090. anaglyphic lantern slide ==> 立体幻灯片
  17091. anaglyphic map ==> 补色立体地图,补色立体图
  17092. anaglyphic projection ==> 补色立体投影
  17093. anaglyphic viewing system ==> 补色立体观察系统
  17094. anaglytographic map ==> 补色立体地图
  17095. Anagrelide ==> 阿纳格雷研制
  17096. anakmesis arrest of maturation ==> 成熟受阻
  17097. anal ==> 肛门的
  17098. anal angle ==> 臀角
  17099. anal artery ==> 肛门动脉
  17100. anal canal ==> 肛管
  17101. anal character ==> 肛门性格
  17102. anal cleft ==> 臀裂
  17103. anal crack ==> 肛门皲裂
  17104. anal fascia ==> 肛筋膜,盆膈下筋膜
  17105. anal field ==> 肛区
  17106. anal filaments ==> 尾丝
  17107. anal fissure ==> 肛裂,肛门裂
  17108. anal fistula ==> 肛瘘
  17109. anal fistulectomy ==> 肛瘘切除术
  17110. anal fistulectomy with primary closure of wound ==> 肛瘘切除缝合术
  17111. anal fistulotomy ==> 肛瘘切开术
  17112. anal glands ==> 肛腺
  17113. anal groove ==> 肛沟
  17114. anal instrument ==> 肛门科机械
  17115. anal leg ==> 尾足
  17116. anal lobe ==> 臀叶
  17117. anal loop ==> 肛圈
  17118. anal membrane ==> 肛板,肛膜
  17119. anal papilla ==> 肛乳头,肛乳突
  17120. anal papillitis ==> 肛乳头炎
  17121. anal pecten ==> 肛梳
  17122. anal pit ==> 肛道,原肛
  17123. anal plate ==> 肛板,肛膜
  17124. anal plexus ==> 肛门丛
  17125. anal reflex ==> 肛门反射
  17126. anal region ==> 肛门部,肛区
  17127. anal segment ==> 肛节
  17128. anal sinus ==> 肛窦
  17129. anal sinusitis ==> 肛窦炎
  17130. anal sphincter ==> 肛管括约肌,肛门括约肌
  17131. anal sphincteroplasty ==> 肛门括约肌成形术,肛门括约肌修复术
  17132. anal sphincterotomy ==> 肛门括约肌切断术
  17133. anal spine ==> 尾刺
  17134. anal style ==> 尾针
  17135. anal sucker ==> 尾吸盘,肛吸盘
  17136. anal suture ==> 肛缝
  17137. anal swab ==> 肛门拭子
  17138. anal triangle of perineum ==> 会阴肛三角
  17139. anal valves ==> 肛瓣
  17140. anal vein ==> 臀脉
  17141. anal veins ==> 肛门静脉
  17142. anal-gland disease ==> 狗的肛门腺病
  17143. analcite-basalt ==> 方沸玄武岩
  17144. analgesic rheumatoid plaster ==> 关节止痛膏
  17145. analgin injection ==> 安乃近注射液
  17146. analgin tablet ==> 安乃近片
  17147. anallatic lens ==> 测距透镜,视距镜,消加常数透镜
  17148. anallatic telescope ==> 视距望远镜
  17149. anallobaric center ==> 升压中心
  17150. analog ==> 模拟,相似,模拟装置,模拟系统,模拟的,模拟量=>相似形
  17151. analog adder ==> 模拟加法器
  17152. analog and digital circuit ==> 模拟数字电路
  17153. analog approach ==> 模拟求解法
  17154. analog assignment of variables ==> 变量的模拟测定,变量模拟测定
  17155. analog auto pilot ==> 模拟自动驾驶仪
  17156. analog back up ==> 模拟备用设备
  17157. analog bracket ==> 固定托架
  17158. analog buffer ==> 模拟缓冲器
  17159. analog calculation ==> 模拟计算
  17160. analog calculator ==> 模拟计算机,模拟计算器
  17161. analog channel ==> 模拟通道,模拟电路,模拟信道
  17162. analog chromatogram ==> 模拟色谱图
  17163. analog circuit ==> 等效电路/模拟电路=>アナログ電子回路
  17164. analog clamp ==> アナログクランプ
  17165. analog code encryption unit ==> 模拟代码加密器
  17166. analog communication ==> 模拟通信
  17167. analog communication system ==> 模拟通信系统
  17168. analog comparator ==> 模拟比较器
  17169. analog compiler system ==> 模拟编译程序系统
  17170. analog computation ==> 模拟计算
  17171. analog computer ==> 模拟计算机,模拟电子计算机,类比电脑=>アナログ計算機
  17172. analog computing circuit ==> 模拟计算电路=>アナログ演算回路
  17173. analog computing system ==> 模拟计算系统
  17174. analog control ==> 模拟控制=>アナログ制御
  17175. analog control equipment ==> 模拟控制设备
  17176. analog controller ==> 模拟控制器
  17177. analog conversion ==> 模拟转换
  17178. analog copying ==> 模拟复印
  17179. analog copying machine ==> 模拟式复印机
  17180. analog correlator ==> 模似相关器
  17181. analog curve plotter ==> 模拟曲线描绘器
  17182. analog data ==> 模拟数据=>アナログデータ
  17183. analog data computer ==> 模拟数据计算机
  17184. analog data digitizer ==> 模拟数据数字转换器
  17185. analog data distributor and computer ==> 模拟数据分配器和计算机
  17186. analog data recorder ==> 模拟数据记录器
  17187. analog data sink ==> 模拟数据接转器
  17188. analog deep level seismograhp ==> 模拟深层地震仪
  17189. analog device ==> 模拟器件,模拟装置
  17190. Analog Devices Information ==> 美国亚德诺半导体技术有限公司
  17191. analog differential analyzer(ADA) ==> 模拟微分分析机
  17192. analog digital analog converter ==> 模拟-数字-模拟转换器
  17193. analog digital control ==> 模拟数字控制
  17194. analog digital conversion equipment ==> 模拟-数字转换装置
  17195. analog digital converter ==> 模拟数字转换器
  17196. analog digital recording equipment ==> 模拟数字记录设备
  17197. analog digital switch ==> 模拟数字开关
  17198. analog display ==> 模拟显示
  17199. analog distribution ==> 模拟分布
  17200. analog divider ==> 模拟除法器
  17201. analog electronic circuit ==> アナログ電子回路
  17202. analog electrophotographic technology ==> 模拟式电摄影技术
  17203. analog element ==> 模拟元件
  17204. analog equation solver ==> 模拟方程解算器
  17205. analog equipment ==> 模拟设备
  17206. analog expertise ==> アナログ専門技術
  17207. analog feedback system ==> 模拟反馈系统
  17208. analog form ==> 模拟形式
  17209. analog formatter ==> 模拟格式器
  17210. analog function generator ==> 模拟函数发生器
  17211. analog gate ==> 模拟门=>アナログゲート
  17212. analog hardware ==> 模拟硬件
  17213. analog IC ==> アナログIC
  17214. analog image processing ==> 模拟像处理
  17215. analog image scanner ==> 模拟图像扫描器
  17216. analog indicator ==> 模拟指示器
  17217. analog information ==> 相似信息,模拟信息=>アナログ情報
  17218. analog input ==> 模拟量输入
  17219. analog input channel ==> 模拟量输入通道,模拟输入通道
  17220. analog input component ==> 模拟量输入元件,装置中将模拟量接入并进行适当处理以利其他部件进行数字或逻辑处理的器件或组件
  17221. analog input module ==> 模拟输入组件
  17222. analog input operation ==> 模拟输入操作
  17223. analog instrument ==> 相似仪器=>アナログ計器
  17224. analog integrated circuit ==> 模拟集成电路=>アナログ集積回路
  17225. analog integration ==> 模拟积分
  17226. analog integrator ==> 模拟积分器,模拟积分仪
  17227. analog light deflector ==> 模拟光偏转器
  17228. analog line driver ==> 模拟总线驱动器
  17229. analog line driver (ALD) ==> 模拟线路激励器
  17230. analog line switch ==> 模拟用户接线器
  17231. analog loading ==> 模拟加载
  17232. analog logic ==> 模拟逻辑
  17233. analog machine ==> 模拟机
  17234. analog magnetic tape record type strong motion instrument ==> 模拟磁带记录强震仪
  17235. analog memory ==> 模拟存储器
  17236. analog meter ==> 模拟仪
  17237. analog microwave relay system ==> 模拟式微波中继系统,模拟微波接力通信系统
  17238. analog model ==> 模拟模型,类比模型
  17239. analog modulation ==> 模拟调制
  17240. analog modulation system ==> 模拟调制系统
  17241. analog multiplex equipment ==> 模拟多路复用设备
  17242. analog multiplexer ==> 模拟多路复用器,模拟多路转换器,模拟转换开关
  17243. analog multiplication ==> 模拟乘法
  17244. analog multiplier ==> 模拟乘法器
  17245. analog nest units ==> 模拟组合装置
  17246. analog network ==> 模拟网络
  17247. analog operational circuit ==> アナログ演算回路
  17248. analog output ==> 模拟输出,相似输出
  17249. analog output channel ==> 模拟量输出通道,模拟输出通道
  17250. analog output component ==> 模拟量输出元件,装置中将模拟量(可能是转换成的)进行适当处理以利执行部件发出相应动作的器件
  17251. analog output scanner ==> 模拟输出扫描器
  17252. analog pattern memory ==> 模拟图像存储器
  17253. analog plotter ==> 模拟绘图仪
  17254. analog principle ==> 相似原理
  17255. analog procedure ==> 模拟法
  17256. analog processing ==> 相似处理
  17257. analog processing equipment ==> 模拟处理设备
  17258. analog processor controller ==> 模拟处理机控制器
  17259. analog quantity ==> 相似量,模拟量
  17260. analog random process test ==> 模拟随机过程试验
  17261. analog readout ==> 模拟读出
  17262. analog receiver ==> 模拟接收机
  17263. analog recording ==> 模拟记录
  17264. analog relay ==> アナログ形継電器
  17265. analog repeater ==> 模拟增音机,模拟中继器
  17266. analog representation ==> 模拟量表示,模拟表示法=>アナログ表現
  17267. analog result ==> 模拟结果
  17268. analog scaling ==> 定模拟比例因子
  17269. analog scrambler ==> 模拟置乱器
  17270. analog seismograph tape recorder ==> 模拟磁带地震记录仪
  17271. analog sensor ==> 模拟传感器
  17272. analog servo system ==> 模拟伺服系统
  17273. analog signal ==> 模拟信号=>アナログ信号
  17274. analog signal demodulation equipment ==> 模拟信号解调设备
  17275. analog signal encryption scrambler ==> 模拟信号加密器
  17276. analog signal generator ==> 模拟信号发生器
  17277. analog signal processing ==> アナログ信号処理
  17278. analog signal processing transponder ==> 模拟信号处理转发器
  17279. analog signalling ==> 模拟信号设备
  17280. analog simulation ==> 模拟仿真,相似模拟=>アナログシミュレーション
  17281. analog simulator ==> アナログシミュレーター
  17282. analog single-crystal diffractometer ==> 模拟单晶衍射计
  17283. analog slope detector ==> 模拟斜率检测器
  17284. analog solution ==> 模拟解
  17285. analog spectrum analyzer ==> 模拟光谱分析器
  17286. analog stereopotter ==> 模拟型立体测图仪
  17287. analog storage ==> 模氦存贮
  17288. analog storage module ==> 模拟存储模块
  17289. analog study ==> 模拟法研究
  17290. analog superconduction magnetometer ==> 模拟式超导磁力仪
  17291. analog sweep ==> 模拟扫描
  17292. analog switch ==> 模拟开关=>アナログスイッチ
  17293. analog system ==> 模拟系统=>アナログシステム
  17294. analog technique ==> 模拟技术
  17295. analog telemeter ==> 模拟遥测,模拟遥测计,模拟遥测仪=>アナログテレメータ
  17296. analog telemetering system ==> 模拟遥测系统
  17297. analog test ==> 模拟试验
  17298. analog tester ==> 模拟测试器
  17299. analog timing pulse ==> 模拟定时脉冲
  17300. analog to digital conversion accuracy ==> 模-数转换精确度
  17301. analog to digital conversion rate ==> 模-数转换速度
  17302. analog to digital sensing ==> 模拟数字式读出
  17303. analog to frequency converter ==> 模拟频率变换器
  17304. analog transducer[sensor] ==> 模拟传感器
  17305. analog transmission ==> アナログ伝送
  17306. analog transmission facility ==> 模拟传输设备
  17307. analog type ==> 模拟类型,模拟式=>アナログ形
  17308. analog type ferrite shifter ==> 模拟铁氧体移相器
  17309. analog value ==> 模拟值
  17310. analog variable ==> 模拟变量,模拟量
  17311. analog variable assignment ==> 模拟变量指定
  17312. analog visibility computer ==> 模内可见度计算机,模拟可见度计算机
  17313. analog voltage ==> 模拟电压
  17314. analog voltage signal ==> 模拟电压信号
  17315. analog voltmeter ==> 模拟伏特计
  17316. analog wave spectrum analyzer ==> 模拟波谱分析器
  17317. analog(fluid-flow analogue) ==> 液动模拟
  17318. analog(ous) transistor ==> 类比晶体管
  17319. analog-digita control system ==> 模拟数字控制系统
  17320. analog-digital adapter ==> 模拟数字适配器
  17321. analog-digital computer ==> 模拟数字计算机,模数计算机,混合计算机
  17322. analog-digital computing system ==> 模拟数字计算系统
  17323. analog-digital converter ==> 模数转换器,将模拟量的输入进行采样并转换成相应的二进制数据的部件
  17324. analog-digital element ==> 模拟数字元件
  17325. analog-intensity modulation ==> 模内强度调制,模拟强度调制
  17326. analog-to-digital conversion ==> 模拟数字转换,模数转换=>A-D変換
  17327. analog-to-digital conversion accuracy ==> 模拟数字转换准确度
  17328. analog-to-digital conversion circuit ==> 模拟数字转换电路
  17329. analog-to-digital conversion pulse ==> 模拟数字转换脉冲
  17330. analog-to-digital conversion rate ==> 模拟数字转换速度
  17331. analog-to-digital converter ==> A-D変換器
  17332. analog-to-digital converter check program ==> 模拟数字变换器检验程序
  17333. analog-to-digital converter error ==> 模拟数字变换器误差
  17334. analog-to-digital programmed control ==> 模拟数字程序控制
  17335. analog-to-digital sensing ==> 模拟数字传感
  17336. analog-to-digital-analog converter system ==> 模拟数字模拟转换系统
  17337. analog-type quartz crystal watch ==> 指针式石英手表
  17338. analogical electro-hydraulic control system, AEH ==> 模拟式电液调节系统,直接将模拟信号综合与放大,并将其转换为液压信号,以控制汽轮机运行的调节、保安系统
  17339. analogous ==> 类似,模拟的,模拟式=>似ている,類似した
  17340. analogous art ==> 類似技術
  17341. analogous articles ==> 類似品
  17342. analogous behavior ==> 類似挙動
  17343. analogous circuit ==> 相似电路
  17344. analogous column ==> 比拟柱
  17345. analogous language ==> 模拟语言
  17346. analogous mankind ECG generator ==> 模拟人体心电图发生器
  17347. analogous navigation set ==> 模拟式导航设备
  17348. analogous organ ==> 同功器官
  17349. analogous organs ==> 同功器官
  17350. analogous pole ==> 模拟极,热正极
  17351. analogous structure ==> 同功结构
  17352. analogue ==> 模拟,模拟电视电话=>アナログ(型)
  17353. analogue accelerator ==> 模拟加速器
  17354. analogue amplifier ==> 模拟放大器
  17355. analogue approach ==> 模拟法求解
  17356. analogue assignment of variable ==> 模拟变量指定
  17357. analogue back-up ==> 模拟备份
  17358. analogue board ==> 模拟板
  17359. analogue communication ==> 模拟通信,采用模拟信号传送信息的通信方式
  17360. analogue commutator ==> 模拟分配器,模拟换向器
  17361. analogue compiler ==> 模拟编译程序
  17362. analogue compounds ==> 相似化合物
  17363. analogue computer ==> 模拟计算单元
  17364. analogue date ==> 模拟数据
  17365. analogue device ==> 模拟装置
  17366. analogue differential analyzer(ADA) ==> 模拟微分分析器
  17367. analogue distributor ==> 模拟量分配器
  17368. analogue divider ==> 模拟除法器
  17369. analogue equation solver ==> 方程模拟解算机
  17370. analogue filter ==> 模拟滤波器,模拟信息滤波器
  17371. analogue formation ==> 制作模型
  17372. analogue function switch ==> 模拟功能转换开关
  17373. analogue ground ==> 模拟接地
  17374. analogue input expander ==> 模拟输入扩展器
  17375. analogue input module ==> 模拟输入模件
  17376. analogue inputoutput unit ==> 模拟输入输出装置
  17377. analogue instrument ==> 模拟仪表,模拟式仪表
  17378. analogue interpolation ==> 类比插值法
  17379. analogue machine ==> 模拟机
  17380. analogue matrix addressing ==> 模拟矩阵寻址
  17381. analogue measuring instrument ==> 模拟测量仪表,模拟式测量仪器仪表
  17382. analogue memory ==> 模拟存储器
  17383. analogue meter ==> 模拟式仪表
  17384. analogue method ==> 相似法
  17385. analogue modulation system ==> 模拟调制方式
  17386. analogue multiplexer ==> 模拟多路调制器,模拟量多工器
  17387. analogue multiplication ==> 模拟乘法
  17388. analogue operational unit ==> 模拟运算部件
  17389. analogue out ==> 模拟输出
  17390. analogue pulse power ==> 模拟脉冲功率
  17391. analogue recorder ==> 模拟记录器
  17392. analogue recording ==> 模拟存储
  17393. analogue relay ==> 模拟继电器
  17394. analogue representation ==> アナログ表示
  17395. analogue representation of a physical quantity ==> 物理量的模拟表示
  17396. analogue result ==> 模拟[试验]结果,比拟结果,相似结果
  17397. analogue scaling ==> 模拟定标
  17398. analogue scan converter ==> 模拟扫描变换器
  17399. analogue shift register ==> 模拟移位寄存器
  17400. analogue signal ==> 模拟信号
  17401. analogue signal processing ==> アナログ信号処理
  17402. analogue simulation ==> 类比模拟,仿真模拟
  17403. analogue storage expander ==> 模拟存储扩张机构
  17404. analogue subset ==> 模拟子集
  17405. analogue system ==> アナログシステム
  17406. analogue to digital conversion ==> 模/数转[变]换
  17407. analogue to time to digital ==> 模拟时间数字转换
  17408. analogue translator ==> 模拟译码器
  17409. analogue transmission ==> 模拟传输
  17410. analogue type ==> 模拟型
  17411. analogue value ==> 模拟量
  17412. analogue variable ==> 模拟变量
  17413. analogy ==> 模拟,模拟学,相似性,类比,类似,类推,比拟,比喻=>類似性
  17414. analogy calculation ==> 模拟计算
  17415. analogy computer (ANACOM) ==> 模拟计算机
  17416. analogy computing device ==> 模拟计算装置
  17417. analogy decode ==> 模拟译码
  17418. analogy method ==> 模拟方法
  17419. analogy model ==> 模拟模型
  17420. analogy of law ==> 法律的推理
  17421. analogy problem ==> 類推問題
  17422. analogy procedure ==> 模拟方法
  17423. analogy process ==> 類似方法
  17424. analogy questions ==> 類推問題
  17425. analogy test ==> 類推テスト
  17426. analogy theory ==> 類似理論,アナロジー理論
  17427. ANALST, analyzer for statistical data ==> 統計データ処理パッケージ
  17428. analyser ==> 分析器,分析仪
  17429. analyser plate ==> 检偏振片
  17430. analysing semi-variable overhead ==> 分析半变动间接费
  17431. analysis ==> 分析,解析法,检验
  17432. analysis and design of analog integrated circuits ==> 模拟集成电路的分析和设计
  17433. analysis area ==> 分析区域
  17434. analysis block ==> 分析块,分析组
  17435. analysis by measure ==> 容积分析
  17436. analysis by sedimentation ==> 沉降分析
  17437. analysis by synthesis method ==> 综合分析法
  17438. analysis by titration ==> 滴定分析法
  17439. analysis certificate ==> 分析证明书
  17440. analysis coupled with motion ==> 運動連成解析
  17441. analysis covariance ==> 协方差分析
  17442. analysis engine ==> 解析エンジン, 2004 will be the year of the analysis engine.
  17443. analysis filter ==> 分析滤光片
  17444. analysis for credit ==> 信用分析
  17445. analysis in time-domain ==> 时域分析
  17446. analysis list ==> 分析单
  17447. analysis meter ==> 分析计,分析仪
  17448. analysis method of critical points in economy ==> 经济临界点分析法,经济临界点分析法
  17449. analysis method of economic safety coefficients ==> 经济安全系数分析法,经济安全系数分析法
  17450. analysis methodology ==> 分析方法论
  17451. analysis mode ==> 分析方式,分析式
  17452. analysis model of FCL ==> 限流器解析モデル
  17453. analysis of a factorial experiment ==> 析因试验分析
  17454. analysis of a fuzzy function ==> 模糊函数的分析
  17455. analysis of agglomeration ==> 聚集分析
  17456. analysis of agricultural data ==> 农业数据分析
  17457. analysis of canonical correlation ==> 正规相关分析
  17458. analysis of capacity and load ==> 能力与负荷分析
  17459. analysis of coal ash ==> 煤灰成份分析
  17460. analysis of combustible gases ==> 可燃气体分析,对因充油电气设备故障而产生并溶解于油中可燃气体进行的定量分析
  17461. analysis of complex system ==> 复杂系统的分析
  17462. analysis of covariance ==> 共变数分析,协方差分析
  17463. analysis of covariance model ==> 协方差分析模型
  17464. analysis of covariance table ==> 协方差分析表
  17465. analysis of data ==> 分析资料
  17466. analysis of data collected ==> 采集数据分析
  17467. analysis of dispersion ==> 离差分析
  17468. analysis of dynamic system behaviour ==> 动态系统行为分析
  17469. analysis of economic activities ==> 经济活动分析,经济活动分析
  17470. analysis of expenses ==> 费用分析
  17471. analysis of fatigue ==> 疲劳分析
  17472. analysis of financial conditions ==> 财务状况分析
  17473. analysis of financial liquidity ==> 资产变现能力分析
  17474. analysis of financial statement ==> 财务报告分析
  17475. analysis of financial statements ==> 财务报表分析
  17476. analysis of fire ==> 射击分析
  17477. analysis of frequency distribution ==> 频率分布分析
  17478. analysis of fumes ==> 炉气分析
  17479. analysis of fuzzy functions ==> 模糊函数分析
  17480. analysis of heat production ==> 熱生成解析
  17481. analysis of hydrological data ==> 水文资料分析
  17482. analysis of market links ==> 市场环节分析
  17483. analysis of material price variance ==> 材料价格差异分析
  17484. analysis of materials quantity variance ==> 材料数量差异分析
  17485. analysis of materials' placement ==> 停放分析
  17486. analysis of oil sample ==> 油样分析,对电力设备用油样品进行检测和相关试验,以判断油品质量是否符合使用要求的工作
  17487. analysis of oscillogram ==> 波形图分析
  17488. analysis of parameters ==> 参数分析
  17489. analysis of pharmaceutical dosage forms ==> 制剂分析
  17490. analysis of population shifts of plant pathogens ==> 植物病原体变化的分析
  17491. analysis of program ==> 农业计划分析
  17492. analysis of resource trends ==> 资源趋势的分析
  17493. analysis of respiratory gas ==> 呼吸气体分析
  17494. analysis of rigid frame ==> 刚架分析
  17495. analysis of rodent poison bait ==> 灭鼠药分析
  17496. analysis of sample ==> 样本分析
  17497. analysis of shifting products ==> 搬运分析
  17498. analysis of simulation experiment ==> 仿真实验分析
  17499. analysis of simulation result ==> 仿真结果分析
  17500. analysis of stability ==> 稳定分析
  17501. analysis of statistical data ==> 统计数据分析
  17502. analysis of structural response to seismic excitation ==> 地震响应分析,又称“地震反应分析”。对于核电厂物项在地震作用下的动力响应的计算分析。经常采用的方法有响应谱法和时间历程法,少数简单情况还可采用等效静力法
  17503. analysis of the affairs of business ==> 经营情况分析,经营情况分析
  17504. analysis of underground water level ==> 地下水位分析
  17505. analysis of variance ==> 方差分析,离散分析,变量分析,变异分析,变异数分析,变异因素分析法
  17506. analysis of variance (ANOVA) ==> 方差分析
  17507. analysis of variance analog ==> 方差类比分析
  17508. analysis of variance diagram ==> 方差分析图
  17509. analysis of variance for correlation ratio ==> 相关比方差分析
  17510. analysis of variance model ==> 方差分析模型
  17511. analysis of variance table ==> 方差分析表
  17512. analysis of weather map ==> 天气图方法
  17513. analysis phase ==> 分析阶段
  17514. analysis process ==> 分析处理
  17515. analysis processing ==> 分析处理
  17516. analysis program ==> 分析程序
  17517. analysis report ==> 分析报告
  17518. analysis room ==> 分析室
  17519. analysis routine ==> 分析程序
  17520. analysis sheet ==> 分析表
  17521. analysis stage ==> 分析阶段
  17522. analysis statement ==> 分析表
  17523. analysis technics ==> 分析技术
  17524. analysis technique ==> 分析法
  17525. analyst-programmer ==> 程序分析员
  17526. analyte ==> 分析物
  17527. analyte addition method ==> 分析物添加法
  17528. analyte subtraction method ==> 分析物减量法
  17529. analytic ==> 分析的
  17530. analytic (holomorphic) function ==> 正則関数
  17531. analytic accounting ==> 分析会计学
  17532. analytic bound ==> 解析の限界
  17533. analytic center ==> 分析中心
  17534. analytic chemistry laboratory ==> 分析化学试验室
  17535. analytic column ==> 分析栏
  17536. analytic combustion ==> 分析燃烧
  17537. analytic continuation ==> 解析开拓,(光谱函数)解析延宕
  17538. analytic control ==> 分析控制
  17539. analytic demonstration ==> 分析论证,解析证明
  17540. analytic determination ==> 分析测定
  17541. analytic engine ==> 分析机器=>解析エンジン
  17542. analytic epidemiology ==> 分析流行病学
  17543. analytic equation ==> 解析方程
  17544. analytic equivalence ==> 解析等价
  17545. analytic estimating method ==> 分析估计法
  17546. analytic expression of the law of distribution ==> 分布律的解析表达式
  17547. analytic factor ==> 分析因数
  17548. analytic function ==> 分析函数式,解析函数
  17549. analytic function generator ==> 解析函数发生器
  17550. analytic functional ==> 解析汎関数
  17551. analytic geometry ==> 解析几何
  17552. analytic grammar ==> 解析文法,分析文法
  17553. analytic grouping ==> 分析分组
  17554. analytic hierarchy process (AHP) ==> 层次分析法
  17555. analytic industry ==> 分析工业
  17556. analytic inertial navigation ==> 分析式惯性导航
  17557. analytic instrument ==> 分析仪器
  17558. analytic invariant ==> 解剖不变量
  17559. analytic job evaluation ==> 分解式作业评价
  17560. analytic manifold ==> 解析流形
  17561. analytic manufacturing process ==> 分解制造过程
  17562. analytic mechanics ==> 分比力学
  17563. analytic method ==> 分析法
  17564. analytic method of selection ==> 分析式人员选择法
  17565. analytic methodology ==> 分析方法论
  17566. analytic model ==> 分析模型,分析性模型
  17567. analytic modelling ==> 分析模型
  17568. analytic motion picture projector ==> 分析电影放映机
  17569. analytic number theory ==> 解析数论
  17570. analytic percents ==> 百分比分析法
  17571. analytic philosophy ==> 分析哲学
  17572. analytic plotter ==> 解析绘图仪
  17573. analytic point of view ==> 解析观点
  17574. analytic probability model ==> 解析概率模型
  17575. analytic process ==> 分析过程,分析制造程式,分解式制造程序,分解制造过程
  17576. analytic product ==> 分析产品
  17577. analytic program ==> 分析程序
  17578. analytic reagent ==> 分析纯试剂
  17579. analytic record ==> 分析记录
  17580. analytic regression ==> 解析回归
  17581. analytic regularization ==> 解析的正則化
  17582. analytic relationship ==> 解析关系
  17583. analytic sampling survey ==> 分析性抽样调查
  17584. analytic schedule ==> 分析表
  17585. analytic sequence ==> 分析序列
  17586. analytic set ==> 分析机,分析集,分析设备,分析校准,分析装置,解析集
  17587. analytic signal ==> 解析信号,分析信号=>解析信号
  17588. analytic solution ==> 分析解,解析解法
  17589. analytic space ==> 解析空間
  17590. analytic statistics ==> 分析统计
  17591. analytic statistics method ==> 分析统计法
  17592. analytic stratigraphy ==> 分析地层学
  17593. analytic surface ==> 分析曲面
  17594. analytic survey ==> 分析性调查
  17595. analytic system ==> 分析系统
  17596. analytic technique ==> 分析技术,解析技术
  17597. analytic transformation ==> 解析变换
  17598. analytic trend ==> 分析趋势
  17599. analytic trigonometry ==> 分析三角学
  17600. analytic variance ==> 分析方差
  17601. analytic vocoder ==> 解析声码器
  17602. analytic(al) geomorphology ==> 动力地貌学
  17603. analytical ==> 分解
  17604. analytical acoustics ==> 分析声学
  17605. analytical and interpretive report ==> 分析和解释性报告
  17606. analytical anthropology ==> 分析人类学
  17607. analytical apparatus ==> 分析仪器
  17608. analytical approach ==> 分析法
  17609. analytical atomic absorption spectroscopy ==> 分析原子吸收光谱学
  17610. analytical atomic spectroscopy ==> 分析原子光谱学
  17611. analytical audit file ==> 分析性审计档案
  17612. analytical auditing ==> 分析审计,分析性审计
  17613. analytical balance ==> 分析天平
  17614. analytical balance weight ==> 分析天平砝码
  17615. analytical biochemistry ==> 分析生物化学
  17616. analytical calculations ==> 分析计算法
  17617. analytical calorimetry ==> 分析量热学
  17618. analytical centrifugation ==> 分析离心分离
  17619. analytical chemistry ==> 分析化学
  17620. analytical chemistry in nuclear fuel reprocessing ==> 核燃料回收分析化学
  17621. analytical chemistry in nuclear technology ==> 核技术分析化学
  17622. analytical chromatograph ==> 分析色谱仪,分析用色谱仪
  17623. analytical column ==> 分析柱
  17624. analytical columns ==> 分析栏
  17625. analytical concentration ==> 分析浓度
  17626. analytical control ==> 分析检验,分析控制
  17627. analytical costing ==> 分析成本计算
  17628. analytical curve ==> 分析曲线
  17629. analytical cytology ==> 分析细胞学
  17630. analytical data ==> 分析数据
  17631. analytical distillation ==> 分析蒸馏
  17632. analytical electrofocusing meter ==> 分析聚焦电泳仪
  17633. analytical electron microscope ==> 分析型电子显微镜
  17634. analytical engine ==> 分析机,解析机
  17635. Analytical Engine ==> 解析エンジン
  17636. analytical equipment ==> 分析设备
  17637. analytical error ==> 分析误差
  17638. analytical esthetics ==> 分析美学
  17639. analytical estimating ==> 分析估算
  17640. analytical evidence ==> 分析性证据
  17641. analytical experimental physics ==> 分析实验物理学
  17642. analytical extraction ==> 分析萃取
  17643. analytical facilities for protein determinations ==> 测定蛋白质含量的分析设备
  17644. analytical facility ==> 分析设备
  17645. analytical factor ==> 分析因数
  17646. analytical forecast ==> 分析性预测
  17647. analytical form ==> 解析形式
  17648. analytical fracture mechanics ==> 分析断裂力学
  17649. analytical framework ==> 分析框架
  17650. analytical functional group ==> 分析功能团
  17651. analytical gap ==> 分析间隙
  17652. analytical geochemistry ==> 分析地球化学
  17653. analytical geometry of three dimensions ==> 立体解析几何学
  17654. analytical geomorphology ==> 分析地貌学
  17655. analytical instrument ==> 分析仪器
  17656. analytical interim audit ==> 分析性期中审计,分析性中期审计
  17657. analytical isotachophoresis ==> 等速电泳分析法
  17658. analytical judgement ==> 分析判断
  17659. analytical line ==> 分析线
  17660. analytical line pair ==> 分析线对
  17661. analytical liquid chromatograph ==> 分析液相色谱仪
  17662. analytical measurement electrode ==> 分析测量电极
  17663. analytical mechanics ==> 分析力学,分比力学
  17664. analytical method ==> 分析方法
  17665. analytical methodology ==> 分析的方法論
  17666. analytical model ==> 解析模型
  17667. analytical molecular spectroscopy ==> 分析分子光谱学
  17668. analytical nadir point triangulation ==> 解析天底点辐射三角测量
  17669. analytical orientation ==> 解析定向
  17670. analytical paper ==> 分析滤纸
  17671. analytical percentage ==> 分析百分比
  17672. analytical philosophy ==> 分析哲学
  17673. analytical photography ==> 分析摄影,分析摄影学
  17674. analytical photometry ==> 分析光度测量法,分析光度学,光度分析法
  17675. analytical phototri-angulation ==> 解析摄影三角测量
  17676. analytical phototriangulation ==> 分析摄影三角测量
  17677. analytical physiology ==> 分析生理学
  17678. analytical plotter ==> 解析测图仪
  17679. analytical point of view ==> 解析观点
  17680. analytical precision ==> 分析精确度
  17681. analytical prediction ==> 分析预测
  17682. analytical principles ==> 分析性原则
  17683. analytical probability model ==> 解析概率模型
  17684. analytical procedure ==> 分析步骤,分析方法
  17685. analytical product ==> 分解产品,分解的产品
  17686. analytical psychiatry ==> 分析精神病学
  17687. analytical psychology ==> 分析心理学
  17688. analytical psychophysiology ==> 分析心理生理学
  17689. analytical quadrupole mass spectrometer ==> 分析四极质谱计
  17690. analytical radar prediction ==> 解析雷达预测
  17691. analytical radio chemistry ==> 分析放射化学
  17692. analytical radiobiology ==> 分析放射生物学
  17693. analytical reaction ==> 分析反应
  17694. analytical reagent ==> 分析纯试剂,分析试剂
  17695. analytical record ==> 分析记录
  17696. analytical review ==> 分析检查,分析性检查,分析性审核
  17697. analytical review procedures ==> 分析性审核程序
  17698. analytical sample ==> 分析试样
  17699. analytical sampling ==> 分析抽样,分析取样
  17700. analytical sampling error ==> 分析取样误差
  17701. analytical sap ==> 汁液样品分析
  17702. analytical scale ==> 分析标尺,分析度盘
  17703. analytical schedule ==> 分析程序表
  17704. analytical smoothing ==> 分析平滑,分析修匀
  17705. analytical solution ==> 分析解
  17706. analytical specimen ==> 分析标本
  17707. analytical spectra ==> 分析谱
  17708. analytical spectroscopy ==> 分析光谱学
  17709. analytical standard ==> 分析标准
  17710. analytical statement ==> 分析表
  17711. analytical statics ==> 分析静力学,解析静力学
  17712. analytical statistics ==> 分析统计学
  17713. analytical stereophotogrammetry ==> 分析立体摄影测量学
  17714. analytical stereoplotter ==> 分析立体绘图仪,解析立体测图仪
  17715. analytical stratigraphy ==> 分析地层学
  17716. analytical studies ==> 分析研究法
  17717. analytical study ==> 分析研究
  17718. analytical system ==> 分析系统
  17719. analytical technique ==> 分析法
  17720. analytical test ==> 分析试验
  17721. analytical topology ==> 分析拓扑学
  17722. analytical toxicology ==> 分析毒物学
  17723. analytical ultra centrifuger ==> 分析超速离心机
  17724. analytical ultracentrifugation ==> 分析超速离心
  17725. analytical virology ==> 分析病毒学
  17726. analytical weights ==> 分析砝码
  17727. analytical work sheet ==> 分析用细算表
  17728. analytical-function generator ==> 分解函数发生器
  17729. analytically pure ==> 分析纯
  17730. analytically pure agent ==> 分析纯试剂
  17731. analyticity ==> 分析性,解析性,可分析性
  17732. analytics ==> 解析几何,分析学
  17733. analytics analysis ==> 解析学
  17734. analyze case ==> 分情形分析
  17735. analyze the behaviour of systems ==> 分析系统特性
  17736. analyzed area ==> 分析区域
  17737. analyzer ==> 分析器,分析程序,分析程序的程序,分析机,分析器,分离器,检偏镜,上偏光镜,测定器=>アナライザー
  17738. analyzer for supplying water for boiler ==> 锅炉给水分析仪
  17739. analyzer polaniscope ==> 分析旋光镜
  17740. analyzer polariscope ==> 分析偏振镜
  17741. analyzer pot ==> 分析罐
  17742. analyzer setting ==> アナライザーの設定
  17743. analyzer tube ==> 分析管
  17744. analyzer-controller ==> 分析控制器
  17745. analyzing adapter ==> 检验接头
  17746. analyzing magnet ==> 分板磁铁
  17747. analyzing rod ==> 分析杆
  17748. anamalous heating process ==> 反常加热过程
  17749. anamnestic reaction ==> 回忆反应
  17750. anamnestic response ==> 回忆反应,回忆应答
  17751. anamorphic compression ==> 变形压缩
  17752. anamorphic cylindrical surface ==> 变形的柱面
  17753. anamorphic effect ==> 变形效应,宽银幕镜头
  17754. anamorphic imaging system ==> 宽银幕变形成像系统
  17755. anamorphic lens ==> 变形镜头,变形镜头,畸变透镜
  17756. Anamorphic lens ==> 艾奈莫尔费像变透镜
  17757. anamorphic magnification ==> 畸变放大
  17758. anamorphic motion picture ==> 宽银幕电影
  17759. anamorphic prism ==> 变形棱镜
  17760. anamorphic stretching ==> 变形伸长
  17761. anamorphic wide-screen system ==> 变形法宽银幕电影
  17762. anamorphic zone ==> 合成变质带,合成带
  17763. anamorphic zoom lens ==> 变形变焦距透镜
  17764. anamorphote lens ==> 歪像透镜
  17765. anamorphotic attachment ==> 变形镜装置
  17766. anamorphotic copying objective ==> 变形复制拷贝物镜
  17767. anamorphotic lens ==> 变形透镜,变形物镜
  17768. anamorphotic optical system ==> 变形光学系统
  17769. anamorphotic system ==> 变形系数,变形系统,宽银幕系统
  17770. anamorphotically squeezed image ==> 变形压缩图像,畸形压缩图像
  17771. anankastic personality ==> 强迫性人格
  17772. Ananke ==> 定数女神阿南刻=>(ギリシャ神話)アナンケ
  17773. ananlytic psychotherapy ==> 精神分析治疗
  17774. anaphasic chromosome ==> 后期染色体
  17775. anaphylactic ==> 过敏的,过敏性的
  17776. anaphylactic antiboby ==> 过敏抗体
  17777. anaphylactic death ==> 过敏急死
  17778. anaphylactic reaction ==> 过敏反应
  17779. anaphylactic reaction due to serum ==> 血清性过敏反应
  17780. anaphylactic rhinitis ==> 过敏性鼻炎,变态反应性鼻炎,变应性鼻炎
  17781. anaphylactic shock ==> 变应性休克,过敏性休克
  17782. anaphylactoid reaction ==> 类过敏反应
  17783. anaplerotic reaction ==> 补给反应
  17784. Anas platyrhynchos ==> 绿头鸭
  17785. anasarca with shortness of breath ==> 正水
  17786. anastatic printing ==> 凸版印刷
  17787. anastatic process ==> 锌版转印法
  17788. anastigmatic deflection system ==> 去像散偏转系统
  17789. anastomose ==> 交叉合流
  17790. anastomosing fibers ==> 吻合纤维
  17791. anastomosis arteriolovenalaris ==> 小动静脉吻合
  17792. anastomosis between aorta and pulmonary artery ==> 降主动脉-肺动脉吻合术,主动脉肺动脉吻合术
  17793. anastomosis between arota and pulmonary artery ==> 主动脉肺动脉吻合术
  17794. anastomosis button ==> 肠吻合钮
  17795. anastomosis clamp holding forceps ==> 肠夹钳
  17796. anastomosis forceps ==> 吻合钳
  17797. anastomosis of blood vessel ==> 血管吻合术
  17798. anastomosis of extracranial-intracranial arteries ==> 颅外颅内动脉吻合术
  17799. anastomosis of pulmonary artery ==> 肺动脉吻合术
  17800. anastomosis of recurrent nerve ==> 喉返神经吻合术
  17801. anastomotic branch of atrium ==> 心房吻合支
  17802. anastomotic button ==> 吻合钮
  17803. anastomotic fibers ==> 吻合纤维
  17804. anastomotic insufficiency ==> 吻合口功能不全
  17805. anastomotic leakage ==> 吻合口漏
  17806. anastomotic vessel ==> 吻合管
  17807. anatase ==> 锐钛矿
  17808. Anatase-type ==> アナターゼ構造
  17809. anatectic earthquake ==> 深源地震
  17810. anatectic magma ==> 深熔岩浆,重熔岩浆
  17811. anatomic model ==> 分析模型
  17812. anatomic site ==> 解剖部位
  17813. Anatomical alloy ==> 阿纳多骨科用易熔合金,阿纳多易熔合金
  17814. anatomical alloy ==> 骨科用易熔合金
  17815. anatomical change ==> 解剖变化
  17816. anatomical crown ==> 解剖牙冠
  17817. anatomical dead space ==> 解剖死腔,解剖无效腔
  17818. anatomical dead space volume ==> 解剖死腔气量
  17819. anatomical form ==> 解剖型
  17820. anatomical microscope ==> 解剖显微镜
  17821. anatomical model ==> 解剖模型,剖析模型
  17822. anatomical neck ==> 解剖颈
  17823. anatomical nomenclature ==> 解剖学用語
  17824. anatomical position ==> 解剖学方位
  17825. anatomical reduction ==> 解剖复位
  17826. anatomical terms ==> 解剖学术语
  17827. anatomy ==> 構造
  17828. anatomy mode ==> 解剖方式
  17829. anatomy of spine ==> 脊柱解剖
  17830. anatomy of wood ==> 木材解剖学
  17831. anatoxin reaction ==> 变性毒素反应
  17832. anatricrotic pulse ==> 升线三波脉
  17833. anazolene sodium ==> 阿那佐林钠
  17834. anbulatory splint ==> 活动夹
  17835. ANC, Active Noise Control ==> アクティブ騒音制御
  17836. ANC, active nutation control ==> 能動型ニューテーション制御
  17837. ANC, announcer console ==> 放送パネル
  17838. ANC, automatic nutation control ==> 自動ニューテーション制御
  17839. ancestor element ==> 上位要素
  17840. ancestor gene ==> 祖先遺伝子
  17841. ancestor group ==> 上位グループ
  17842. anchi-metamorphism ==> 近地表变质作用
  17843. anchieutectic rock ==> 近共结岩
  17844. anchimonomineralic rock ==> 近单矿物岩
  17845. anchor ==> 铰钉,电枢衔铁,拉桩,抛锚,窑箍立柱,系紧,锚,锚定器,锚定装置,锚件,停泊,簧片=>引留(ケーブル),アンカー
  17846. anchor (bolt) hole ==> 地脚螺栓孔
  17847. anchor (foundation,stone,bay) bolt ==> 地脚螺钉
  17848. anchor agitator ==> 锚式搅拌器
  17849. anchor anemometer ==> 锚定风速表
  17850. anchor arm ==> 锚臂,锚杆
  17851. anchor arrangement ==> 锚设备
  17852. anchor ball ==> 锚泊球
  17853. anchor band ==> 固定带环=>維持環
  17854. anchor bar ==> 锚筋,锚着钢筋=>アンカー棒
  17855. anchor barge ==> 锚泊驳船
  17856. anchor beam ==> 锚定梁,锚梁
  17857. anchor bed ==> 锚座
  17858. anchor bill ==> 锚爪尖部
  17859. anchor block ==> 锚定块,锚墩,锚块,锚枕,地锚,地下横木,镇墩=>アンカブロック
  17860. anchor bolster ==> 锚链孔唇口
  17861. anchor bolt ==> 锚定螺栓,锚固螺栓,锚栓,地脚螺栓=>アンカーボルト
  17862. anchor bolt and nut ==> 锚定螺栓螺母
  17863. anchor bolt box ==> 地脚螺栓预留孔
  17864. anchor bolt length ==> 地脚螺栓长度
  17865. anchor bolt nut ==> 地脚螺栓螺母,固定螺栓螺母
  17866. anchor bolt pitch ==> 地脚螺栓间距
  17867. anchor bolt slot ==> 地脚螺栓长孔
  17868. anchor boom ==> 锚臂
  17869. anchor box ==> 地脚螺栓预留孔=>アンカーボックス
  17870. anchor box type ==> 地脚螺栓预留孔式
  17871. anchor buoy ==> 锚标,锚泊浮标,锚用浮标
  17872. anchor button ==> 锚钮
  17873. anchor cable stopper ==> 锚链制动器
  17874. anchor capstan ==> 起锚绞盘
  17875. anchor catcher ==> 锚捕捉器
  17876. anchor chain ==> 锚链
  17877. anchor chain casting steel ==> 铸造锚链钢
  17878. anchor chain(anchor cable,chain cable) ==> 锚链
  17879. anchor chair ==> 锚支座
  17880. anchor charge ==> 簧片装药
  17881. anchor clamp ==> 拉线夹
  17882. anchor cone ==> 锚锥
  17883. anchor connector ==> 锚连接器
  17884. anchor crane ==> 起锚吊车
  17885. anchor cylinder ==> 锚定筒
  17886. anchor davit ==> 锚吊杆,起锚柱,吊锚杆
  17887. anchor device ==> 锚具
  17888. anchor ear ==> 桩环,抱箍=>引留イーヤ
  17889. anchor escapement ==> 锚式擒纵机构,锚形擒纵机
  17890. anchor eye ==> 锚孔
  17891. anchor foundation ==> 锚基础
  17892. anchor frame ==> 锚框架=>アンカーフレーム
  17893. anchor gate ==> 锚支闸门,闸,闸门
  17894. anchor gear ==> 起锚设备
  17895. anchor grouting ==> 地脚灌浆,锚固灌浆
  17896. anchor handling tug ==> 锚作拖船
  17897. anchor hole ==> 锚定孔
  17898. anchor hole depth ==> 地脚螺栓孔深度
  17899. anchor hole pitch ==> 地脚螺栓孔间距
  17900. anchor hook ==> 锚形钩
  17901. anchor hydrographic(al) station ==> 定泊水文测站
  17902. anchor ice ==> 锚冰,底冰
  17903. anchor ice sluice ==> 底冰冲泄闸
  17904. anchor impeller ==> 锚式搅拌器
  17905. anchor implant ==> 锚状植体
  17906. anchor insulator ==> 拉桩绝缘子=>引留がいし
  17907. anchor jack ==> 撑柱
  17908. anchor light ==> 锚泊灯,停泊灯
  17909. anchor line ==> 锚索,锚线,拉线
  17910. anchor line (string) ==> 系线
  17911. anchor log ==> 锚定件,锚桩
  17912. anchor loop ==> 锚环,马蹄形螺栓
  17913. anchor mixer ==> 锚式混合机,锚式搅拌器,锚式搅动器
  17914. anchor nut ==> 系紧螺母,系紧螺母
  17915. anchor packer ==> 锚定式封隔器
  17916. anchor paddle mixer ==> 锚桨式搅拌器
  17917. anchor palm ==> 锚齿,锚掌
  17918. anchor pier ==> 锚墩
  17919. anchor pile ==> 锚定桩,锚固桩,锚桩
  17920. anchor pin ==> 锚定销,锚式擒纵叉销,连接销,带动销
  17921. anchor pin cam ==> 锚定螺杆凸轮
  17922. anchor pin slot ==> 带动销槽
  17923. anchor plate ==> 地基板,锚板,锚定板,系定板
  17924. anchor point ==> 阻火位置,锚定点,定位点,防火位置,绞接点,死点,又称“固定点”。转子和汽缸在热胀和冷缩过程中的基准点
  17925. anchor pole ==> 拉线杆
  17926. anchor post ==> 撑柱,固定支柱,锚柱
  17927. anchor prop ==> 锚杆支柱,固定支柱
  17928. anchor relay ==> 簧片继电器
  17929. anchor rim ==> 锚环,锚缘
  17930. anchor ring ==> 锚环,环形圆纹曲面
  17931. anchor rod ==> 板桩拉杆,锚筋,锚杆,一般为单根钢筋或高强度钢管制成,用于锚固岩层
  17932. anchor root ==> 固定根
  17933. anchor rope ==> 锚索
  17934. anchor screw ==> 基础螺栓
  17935. anchor shackle ==> 锚穿链扣,锚钩环,锚环=>アンカーシャックル
  17936. anchor shank ==> 锚柄
  17937. anchor shoe ==> 锚床
  17938. anchor shoes ==> 锚式鞋
  17939. anchor slab ==> 锚板
  17940. anchor span ==> 锚跨
  17941. anchor stake ==> 拉紧桩
  17942. anchor station ==> 锚地,锚定位置,定泊站
  17943. anchor stay ==> 锚索
  17944. anchor stock ==> 锚叉,锚杆,锚座
  17945. anchor stone ==> 固定石
  17946. anchor strap ==> 锚定带,锚定索
  17947. anchor strut ==> 拉线撑杆,拉桩支柱=>引留支柱
  17948. anchor support ==> 耐张支持物
  17949. anchor swivel ==> 锚链旋转接头
  17950. anchor tie ==> 锚杆
  17951. anchor tower ==> 锚塔
  17952. anchor wall ==> 锚定墙,锚墙
  17953. anchor windlass ==> 起锚机
  17954. anchor wire ==> 锚索,支持线
  17955. anchor yoke ==> 锚索环
  17956. anchor(age) bolt ==> 系紧螺栓
  17957. anchor-bill ==> 锚式擒纵叉爪
  17958. anchor-gate ==> 锚柱门
  17959. anchorage bar ==> 紧固杆
  17960. anchorage bearing ==> 锚固支座,锚座
  17961. anchorage berth ==> 錨地
  17962. anchorage block ==> 锚定块
  17963. anchorage bond stress ==> 锚固粘结应力
  17964. anchorage cable ==> 锚缆,锚索
  17965. anchorage clip ==> 紧固夹
  17966. anchorage deformation ==> 锚固变形,锚头变形
  17967. anchorage dues ==> 停泊费,停泊税
  17968. anchorage fixing ==> 锚固安装
  17969. anchorage length ==> 锚固长度,锚着长度
  17970. anchorage loss ==> 锚固损失
  17971. anchorage shoe ==> 拉线固定装置,锚座
  17972. anchorage slip ==> 锚固变形
  17973. anchorage space ==> 锚地
  17974. anchorage stress ==> 锚固应力
  17975. anchorage support ==> 拉牢支柱
  17976. anchorage system ==> 锚定体系
  17977. anchorage zone ==> 锚定区,锚固区
  17978. anchored bearing ==> 锚固支座
  17979. anchored bulkhead ==> 锚定崖壁,锚固式驳岸,锚固式挡土墙
  17980. anchored buoy station ==> 定泊浮标站
  17981. anchored mine ==> 锚雷
  17982. anchored pier ==> 镇墩,固定支撑明压力管道的墩座
  17983. anchored recording station ==> 定泊自记测站
  17984. anchored sheet piling ==> 锚定式板桩,打锚定板桩
  17985. anchored sheet-piling ==> 锚系板桩
  17986. anchored steel trestle ==> 锚固式钢栈桥
  17987. anchored suspension bridge ==> 锚固吊桥
  17988. anchored-position observation current ==> 定点测流
  17989. anchored-type ceramic veneer ==> 锚定型陶瓷板
  17990. anchoring ==> 锚定,(位错的)钉轧,锚固,在岩石或土壤钻孔或挖井后灌入混凝土,也有在底部用高压灌浆,它的承载力决定周边的剪力和锚底的阻抗力=>錨泊,固着
  17991. anchoring accessories ==> 锚定件的加固钢筋
  17992. anchoring agent ==> 固定剤
  17993. anchoring agent for glassine ==> 玻璃纸用锚固剂
  17994. anchoring and mooring system ==> 锚泊设备
  17995. anchoring and shotcreting ==> 锚喷,用锚杆、钢丝网和喷射混凝土作为加固岩层或支护围岩
  17996. anchoring berth ==> 锚泊泊位
  17997. anchoring bond ==> 锚固粘结
  17998. anchoring buoy ==> 係船ブイ
  17999. anchoring cell ==> 固定細胞
  18000. anchoring chain ==> 限位链
  18001. anchoring device ==> 固着装置
  18002. anchoring fascine ==> 锚定柴捆
  18003. anchoring fiber ==> 固定纤维
  18004. anchoring filament ==> 锚丝
  18005. anchoring of dislocation ==> 位错的钉扎
  18006. anchoring of stonework ==> 石作锚定
  18007. anchoring screw ==> 止动螺钉
  18008. anchoring strength ==> 锚定强度,锚固强度
  18009. anchoring villus ==> 固着绒毛
  18010. ancient architecture ==> 古代建筑
  18011. ancient art ==> 古代艺术
  18012. ancient bronze colours ==> 古铜彩
  18013. ancient capital ==> 古都
  18014. ancient Chinese pottery ==> 古陶器
  18015. ancient civilization ==> 古代文化
  18016. ancient color ==> 古彩
  18017. ancient custom ==> 古风
  18018. ancient erosion ==> 古代侵蚀
  18019. ancient glass ==> 古代玻璃
  18020. ancient history ==> 大豆的古代历史
  18021. ancient lakes ==> 古代湖泊
  18022. ancient landform ==> 古地形,古老地形
  18023. ancient oceans ==> 古代海洋
  18024. ancient painted pottery ==> 古代彩陶
  18025. ancient picture ==> 古画
  18026. ancient plate ==> 古板块
  18027. ancient relics ==> 古代遗物,古迹
  18028. ancient slide ==> 古滑坡
  18029. ancient tray support ==> (窑具)托子
  18030. ancient valley ==> 古河谷
  18031. ancient writings ==> 旧文据,旧文据
  18032. ancillary accomodations of stage ==> 舞台附属用房
  18033. ancillary attachment ==> 特殊附件
  18034. ancillary bill ==> 附加起诉状
  18035. ancillary building ==> 辅助建筑
  18036. ancillary circuit ==> 辅助电路
  18037. ancillary control process ==> 辅助控制进程
  18038. ancillary credit ==> 辅助信用
  18039. ancillary credit business ==> 辅助信贷业务
  18040. ancillary equipment ==> 补充设备
  18041. ancillary information ==> 辅助信息
  18042. ancillary profit ==> 附业利润
  18043. ancillary revenue ==> 附业收入
  18044. ancillary right ==> 附属权益
  18045. ancillary road ==> 辅助道路
  18046. ancillary service ==> 辅助服务,为保证电力系统安全稳定运行和电能质量需要的各种辅助服务功能,包括无功电压支持、频率调整、旋转备用、非旋转备用、负荷调整控制、黑启动服务等=>アンシラリーサービス,日々の系統運用において,電力の安定供給と系統信頼度維持のために必要な機能を個別のサービスとして分離したもののうち,発電事業者あるいは需要家から提供されるもの
  18047. ancillary service charge ==> 辅助服务费,有偿辅助服务的提供方向服务对象收取的费用
  18048. ancillary services market ==> アンシラリーサービス市場
  18049. ancillary shoring ==> 辅助支撑
  18050. ancillary statistic ==> 辅助统计量
  18051. ancillary structure ==> 附属建筑物
  18052. ancillary telescope ==> 辅助望远镜
  18053. ancillary volume ==> 补充卷
  18054. ancillary works ==> 辅助工程,附属工程
  18055. Ancor iron powder ==> 安科海绵铁粉
  18056. ancotil tablet ==> 安确治片
  18057. ancylostoma ==> 钩虫
  18058. ancylostomal prevention and treatment center ==> 钩虫病防治所
  18059. ancylostomiasis of lung ==> 肺钩虫病
  18060. AND ==> 論理積
  18061. AND circuit ==> AND回路
  18062. and desorption ==> 吸着和解吸作用
  18063. AND element ==> 論理積素子
  18064. AND gate ==> ANDゲート
  18065. and lateral root ==> 主根和侧根
  18066. and lateral root development of plant ==> 植物主根和侧根生长
  18067. and nonquota immigrants ==> 限额与不限额移民
  18068. AND operation ==> AND演算
  18069. and recapture experiment ==> 标识放流
  18070. and subtropical zones ==> 存在于热带和亚热带
  18071. AND, active nutation damper ==> 能動型ニューテーションダンパ
  18072. AND, active nutation damping ==> 能動型ニューテーション制御
  18073. And, Andromeda ==> アンドロメダ座
  18074. AND-NOT operation ==> 禁止操作
  18075. Andalay ==> Akeena的太阳能板
  18076. Andaman fever ==> 安达曼热
  18077. Andaman Islands ==> 安达曼群岛=>アンダマン諸島
  18078. Andante ==> 行板,徐缓,行进的
  18079. Andantino ==> 小行板,比Andanto稍快,较快的行板
  18080. ANDE, active nutation damping equipment ==> 能動型ニューテーション制御装置
  18081. Andean Common Market ==> 安第斯共同市场
  18082. andean condor ==> コンドル
  18083. Andersch's nerve ==> 安德施氏神经
  18084. Anderschs nerve ==> 鼓室神经
  18085. Andersen's syndrome ==> 安德森氏综合征
  18086. Andersen-Warburg syndrome ==> 精神发育不良
  18087. Andersin's classification statistic ==> 安德森分类统计量
  18088. Anderson bridge ==> 安德森电桥
  18089. Anderson-Daring statistic ==> 安德德森-达森统计量
  18090. Anderton shearer loader ==> 安德登滚筒式联合采煤机
  18091. Andes glow ==> 安第斯闪电
  18092. Andes lightning ==> 安第斯闪电
  18093. andesite block ==> 安山岩块体
  18094. andesite line ==> 安山岩线
  18095. andesite-basalt ==> 安山玄武岩
  18096. andesitic glass ==> 安山玻璃
  18097. ANDF, angle data file ==> 角度データーファイル
  18098. andible ringing tone ==> 可闻振铃音
  18099. Andrade's creep law ==> 安屈莱特蠕变定律
  18100. Andral's sign ==> 昂德腊尔氏征
  18101. Andre Marie Ampere, 1775-1836 ==> 電気の実体を"流体を構成する微小な電流要素"と考えた。Andre Marie Ampere is best known for defining a way to measure the flow of current, which was named after him, the ampere. He also laid the foundation for the science of electrodynamics. Ampere was a French physicist and science teacher who lived from 1775-1836. Among his accomplishments was figuring out a way to measure the strength of a magnetic field in relation to an electric current, known as Ampere's theorem. Ampere's law is a rule that deals with the mutual interaction of current-carrying wires.
  18102. Andre-Venner accumulator ==> 安德烈-弗纳蓄电池,安德烈维内尔蓄电池,银锌蓄电池
  18103. Andreasen pipet apparatus ==> 安德烈森沉降管装置
  18104. Andreasen pipette ==> 安氏型砂粒度测定仪
  18105. Andreason pipette ==> 安德烈森移液管
  18106. Andreassen apparatus ==> 安德里亚逊装置
  18107. Andreev bound state ==> アンドレーエフ束縛状態
  18108. Andrew's Fourier-type plot ==> 安德鲁的傅立叶型点图
  18109. androblasoma ==> 足细胞瘤
  18110. androblastoma ==> 睾丸足细胞瘤
  18111. androecium ==> 雄蕊群
  18112. androecy ==> 纯雄植物
  18113. androfurazanol ==> 呋咱甲氢龙
  18114. androgalactozemia ==> 男子泌乳
  18115. androgamete ==> 雄配子
  18116. androgamone ==> 雄配素
  18117. androgen ==> 雄激素
  18118. androgen binding protein (ABP) ==> 雄性激素结合蛋白
  18119. androgen unit ==> 雄激素单位
  18120. androgen-insensitivity syndrome ==> 雄激素不敏感综合征
  18121. androgenesis ==> 雄核发育
  18122. androgenic gland ==> 产雄腺
  18123. androgenic haploid ==> 单雄生殖单倍体
  18124. androgone ==> 精原细胞
  18125. andrographin ==> 穿心莲黄酮
  18126. andrographolidume ==> 穿心莲内酯
  18127. androgynism ==> 雌雄同体
  18128. androgynous ==> 雌雄同体的,雌雄同序的
  18129. android ==> 男性样的
  18130. android pelvis ==> 男子型骨盆
  18131. Andromeda (And, Andr) ==> 仙女星座
  18132. Andromeda Galaxy ==> 仙女座星系
  18133. Andromeda Nebula ==> 仙女座星系
  18134. Andromeda tube ==> 安德罗美达彩色显像管,安多美达彩色显像管
  18135. andromerogon ==> 雄核卵片
  18136. andromerogone ==> 雄核卵片
  18137. andromerogony ==> 雄核卵片发育
  18138. andromimetic ==> 模仿男子的
  18139. andromorphous ==> 男形的,男性形态的
  18140. andropathy ==> 男性病
  18141. androphile ==> 嗜人生物
  18142. androphobia ==> 男性恐怖,恐男症
  18143. androphore ==> 雄蕊柄,产雄生殖体
  18144. androsin ==> 雄素,草夹竹桃甙
  18145. androsporangium ==> 雄孢子囊
  18146. androspore ==> 产雄器孢子
  18147. androstane ==> 雄甾烷
  18148. androstane derivatives ==> 雄烷衍生物
  18149. androstanediol ==> 二氢雄甾酮
  18150. androstanedione ==> 雄烷二酮,雄甾二酮,雄甾烷二酮
  18151. androstanolone ==> 雄烯醇酮
  18152. androstene ==> 雄烯,雄甾烯
  18153. androstenediol ==> 雄烯二醇,雄甾烯二醇
  18154. androstenedione ==> 雄甾烯二酮
  18155. androsterone ==> 雄酮,雄甾酮
  18156. androsymphia ==> 男联胎
  18157. androsymphysis ==> 男联胎
  18158. anechoic box ==> 電波暗箱
  18159. anechoic chamber ==> 无回音室,消声室,消音室=>無響室,電波無響室
  18160. anechoic room ==> 無響室
  18161. anechoic tank ==> 消声水池
  18162. Aneel ==> 巴西国家电力管理局
  18163. Anel's syringe ==> 泪道冲洗针,泪道注射器
  18164. anelastic behavior ==> 滞弹行为
  18165. anelastic strain ==> 塑性应变
  18166. anelasticity ==> 滞弹性
  18167. anemia in pregnancy ==> 妊娠期贫血
  18168. anemia of lead poisoning ==> 铅中毒贫血
  18169. anemic cardiopathy ==> 贫血性心脏病
  18170. anemic face ==> 贫血面容
  18171. anemic infarction ==> 贫血性梗塞形成
  18172. anemic insanity ==> 贫血性精神病
  18173. anemic marrow picture ==> 贫血骨髓像
  18174. anemo-electric generator ==> 风力发电机
  18175. anemograph ==> 风速计
  18176. anemometer ==> 风速表,风仪=>風速計
  18177. anemometer detector ==> 风速探测器
  18178. anemometer mast ==> 测风杆
  18179. anemometer meast ==> 测风杆
  18180. anemometer of wind mill type ==> 风车式风速表
  18181. anemometer tower ==> 测风塔
  18182. anemometry ==> 风速测定法
  18183. anemone ==> 银莲花
  18184. Anemone altaica fischer ==> 菖蒲
  18185. anemophilous flower ==> 风媒花
  18186. anemoscope ==> 風位計
  18187. anemostart ==> 风动起动器
  18188. aneroid barograph ==> 空盒气压计
  18189. aneroid barometer ==> 空盒气压表,空盒气压计=>アネロイド気圧計
  18190. aneroid capsule ==> 膜盒压力传感器
  18191. aneroid chamber ==> 真空膜盒,气压计盒
  18192. aneroid diaphragm ==> 膜盒感压膜片,无液气压计膜片
  18193. aneroid liquid-level meter ==> 膜盒液面计
  18194. aneroid manometer ==> 无液压力计
  18195. aneroid mixture controller ==> 膜盒式混合比调节器
  18196. aneroid pressure meter ==> 空盒气压计
  18197. aneroid sensor ==> 膜盒压力传感器
  18198. aneroid surveying barometer ==> 膜盒气压测量计
  18199. aneroid thermometer ==> 空盒温度计
  18200. aneroid valve ==> 膜盒阀
  18201. aneroidograph ==> 空盒气压计
  18202. anesthesia apparatus ==> 麻醉机
  18203. anesthesia bottle ==> 麻醉瓶
  18204. anesthesia in labor ==> 分娩期麻醉
  18205. anesthesia induction ==> 麻醉诱导
  18206. anesthesia machine ==> 麻醉机
  18207. anesthesia monitor ==> 麻醉监视器
  18208. anesthesia needle ==> 麻醉针,封闭针
  18209. anesthesia note ==> 麻醉记录单
  18210. anesthesia of anterior palatine nerve ==> 腭前神经麻醉
  18211. anesthesia of buccal nerve ==> 颊神经麻醉
  18212. anesthesia paralysis ==> 麻醉后麻痹
  18213. anesthesia respirator ==> 麻醉呼吸两用机
  18214. anesthesia syringe ==> 麻醉注射器
  18215. anesthesiology department ==> 麻醉学科
  18216. anesthesiophore radical ==> 麻醉基
  18217. anesthetic adjunct ==> 麻酔補助薬
  18218. anesthetic cabinet ==> 麻醉药保险柜
  18219. anesthetic chloroform ==> 麻醉氯仿
  18220. anesthetic effect ==> 麻醉作用
  18221. anesthetic ether ==> 麻醉醚,麻醉乙醚
  18222. anesthetic laryngoscope ==> 麻醉喉镜
  18223. anesthetic leprosy ==> 麻木性麻风
  18224. anesthetic mask ==> 麻醉罩
  18225. anesthetic screen ==> 麻醉屏架
  18226. Anethum graveolens ==> 草茴香
  18227. aneuploid study ==> 非整倍体的研究
  18228. aneurism needle ==> 动脉瘤针
  18229. aneurysm ==> 动脉瘤
  18230. aneurysm anastomotica ==> 蜿蜒状动脉瘤
  18231. aneurysm clips ==> 脑动脉瘤夹
  18232. aneurysm in pregnancy ==> 妊娠期动脉瘤
  18233. aneurysm in the brain ==> 脳動脈瘤
  18234. aneurysm instrument set ==> 动脉瘤手术器械包
  18235. aneurysm needle for pneumonectomy ==> 肺切除用动脉瘤针
  18236. aneurysm of interventricular septum ==> 心室间隔动脉瘤
  18237. aneurysm of middle meningeal artery ==> 脑膜中动脉动脉瘤
  18238. aneurysm of pulmonary artery ==> 肺动脉动脉瘤
  18239. aneurysm of splenic artery ==> 脾动脉瘤
  18240. aneurysm of thoracic aorta ==> 胸主动脉动脉瘤
  18241. aneurysmal varix ==> 波特氏动脉瘤
  18242. Angara Shield ==> 安加拉地盾
  18243. ange of rake ==> 傾射角
  18244. angel beam ==> 天使雕饰梁
  18245. angel echo ==> 杂散回波
  18246. angelfish propagation ==> 神仙鱼式传输,鲨鱼楔形传输,鲨鱼楔形传输
  18247. angelic acid ==> 当量酸,欧白芷酸
  18248. Angelica oil ==> 当归油
  18249. Angelica root oil ==> 当归根油
  18250. Angelica seed oil ==> 当归子油
  18251. Angelica sinensis ==> 当归
  18252. Angell plan ==> 安吉尔
  18253. Angelucci's syndrome ==> 昂杰路契氏综合征
  18254. Anghelescu's sing ==> 安杰利斯库氏征
  18255. angina ludovici ==> 路德维希咽峡炎
  18256. anginal syndrome ==> 心绞痛综合征
  18257. anginin tablet ==> 安脉宁片
  18258. angioendothelioma of liver ==> 肝血管内皮瘤
  18259. angiografin solution ==> 安吉格那芬溶液
  18260. angiographic apparatus ==> 血管造影设备
  18261. angiography instruments set ==> 血管造影器械包
  18262. angioid streaks ==> 血管样纹
  18263. angiokeratoma corporis diffusum ==> 弥漫性体血管角质瘤,躯干泛发性血管角质瘤
  18264. angioleiomyoma of skin ==> 皮肤血管平滑肌瘤
  18265. angioma arteriale racemosum ==> 蔓状血管瘤
  18266. angioma of chest wall ==> 胸壁血管瘤
  18267. angioma of colon ==> 结肠血管瘤
  18268. angiomatous type meningioma ==> 血管瘤型脑膜瘤
  18269. angiomatous type of urethral caruncle ==> 血管瘤型尿道肉阜
  18270. angiomesenteric ileus ==> 肠系膜血管性肠梗阻
  18271. angioneurotic edema ==> 血管神经性水肿,赤白游风,昆克氏病,急性血管神经性水肿,急性自发水肿
  18272. angioneurotic hemorrhage ==> 血管神经性出血
  18273. angioradiographic system ==> 血管造影系统
  18274. angioreticuloma of cerebellum ==> 小脑血管网状内皮瘤
  18275. angle ==> 角,角度
  18276. angle (iron) stay ==> 角铁撑条
  18277. angle (milling) cutter ==> 角铣刀
  18278. angle (suspension) tower ==> 角度鉄塔
  18279. angle abrader ==> 角式磨耗机
  18280. angle addendum ==> (指圆锥齿轮)齿端角高
  18281. angle admittance ==> 角导纳
  18282. angle at centre theorem ==> 圆周角定理=>円周角の定理
  18283. angle at circumference ==> 円周角
  18284. angle at the center ==> 中心角
  18285. angle auger ==> 挠性转角螺旋钻
  18286. angle back-pressure valve ==> 背压角阀
  18287. angle backwards welding ==> 后倾焊
  18288. angle bar ==> 三角铁=>山形材
  18289. angle bar (gunwale bar) ==> 舷边角钢
  18290. angle bead ==> 护角
  18291. angle beam ==> 角钢梁,角钢檩条,斜束
  18292. angle beam probe ==> 斜探头
  18293. angle beam searching unit ==> 斜探头
  18294. angle beam technique ==> 斜角法
  18295. angle beam testing ==> 斜角法
  18296. angle bend ==> 角形接头,角形弯管
  18297. angle bender ==> 角度折弯机,钢筋弯曲机,钢筋折弯机
  18298. angle bending machine ==> 钢筋弯曲机,钢筋折弯机
  18299. angle between teeth ==> 齿间角
  18300. angle bisection ==> 二等分角
  18301. angle bisector ==> 角の二等分線
  18302. angle blade ==> 单刃平切锄铲
  18303. angle blade scraper ==> 斜铲平地机
  18304. angle blanking ==> 角向照明,角坐标照明
  18305. angle block ==> 角铁
  18306. angle board ==> 角尺
  18307. angle bond ==> 墙角砌法
  18308. angle brace ==> 角撑,角铁撑,隅掌
  18309. angle bracket ==> 角铁,角铁托架,角形撑铁,角形托座,狗臂架=>角ブラケット,ギュメ(guillemet),山括弧
  18310. angle branch ==> 弯管
  18311. angle brick ==> 角砖
  18312. angle bulb-iron ==> 球头角钢
  18313. angle butt joint ==> 角度对接接头
  18314. angle butt weld ==> 斜对接焊,斜口对接焊缝
  18315. angle butt welding ==> 斜口对接焊
  18316. angle buttress ==> 角扶壁
  18317. angle capital ==> 角柱头
  18318. angle catch ==> 暗窗闩
  18319. angle centrifuge ==> 斜角离心机
  18320. angle change ==> 角变位
  18321. angle check valve ==> 直角型单向阀
  18322. angle clamp ==> 角钢夹
  18323. angle cleat ==> 角钢夹板,连接角钢,连结角钢
  18324. angle clip ==> 短角钢,角钢夹
  18325. angle closer ==> 镶边砖石
  18326. angle cock ==> 转角管塞
  18327. angle colser ==> 墙角砍砖
  18328. angle column ==> 角柱
  18329. angle corbel ==> 角钢托座
  18330. angle correct ==> 角度校正
  18331. angle coupling ==> 角铁连接器,直角接头
  18332. angle crane ==> 斜座起重机,三角架起重机
  18333. angle culm ==> 稻秆的变析角
  18334. angle cutter ==> 角铁切断机,切角机,斜切机
  18335. angle cutting tool ==> 倒角铣刀
  18336. angle datum mark ==> 角度基准标记
  18337. angle dekko ==> 测角仪
  18338. angle dekkor ==> 测角器
  18339. angle difference among power systems ==> 系統間相差角
  18340. angle dispersion ==> 角色散
  18341. angle displacement ==> 角位移
  18342. angle display ==> 角度指示器
  18343. angle diversity ==> 角度分集
  18344. angle division tester ==> 角分划检查仪
  18345. angle dozer ==> 侧铲推土机,斜板推土机,斜铲式推土机
  18346. angle drift ==> 斜铰刀
  18347. angle drive ==> 转角传动法
  18348. angle Eulerian angles ==> 欧拉角
  18349. angle feedback ==> 角反馈
  18350. angle file ==> 三角锉
  18351. angle fillet ==> 三角焊缝
  18352. angle fishplate ==> 角型鱼尾板
  18353. angle fitting ==> 弯头
  18354. angle fittings ==> 弯头
  18355. angle fixing pedal ==> 角度固定踏板
  18356. angle flange ==> 角铁凸缘
  18357. angle form ==> 角型
  18358. angle forwards welding ==> 前倾焊
  18359. angle ga(u)ge block ==> 量角块规
  18360. angle gauge ==> 角度ゲージ
  18361. angle gear ==> 锥齿轮,斜交轴伞齿轮
  18362. angle generator ==> 角度发生器
  18363. angle globe valve ==> 折角球形阀
  18364. angle hinge ==> 角合页
  18365. angle hip tile ==> 角形戗脊瓦
  18366. angle impedance relay ==> 角阻抗继电器
  18367. angle in a circular segment ==> 圆周角
  18368. angle incidence indicator ==> 倾角指示器
  18369. angle increment ==> 角增量
  18370. angle index ==> 角度目盛
  18371. angle indicator ==> 角指示器
  18372. angle insulator ==> 转角绝缘子
  18373. angle iron ==> 三角铁
  18374. angle iron bending machine ==> 角铁折弯机
  18375. angle iron ring ==> 角铁环
  18376. angle iron shearing machine ==> 角铁剪切机
  18377. angle iron stiffening ==> 角铁支撑
  18378. angle jamming ==> 角坐标干扰
  18379. angle jaw tongs ==> 弯嘴钳
  18380. angle joint ==> 角接
  18381. angle knife ==> 角形刀
  18382. angle lap ==> 磨角
  18383. angle lap stain method ==> 磨角染色法
  18384. angle lapped specimen ==> 磨角样品
  18385. angle lever ==> 角杆,肘节杆
  18386. angle lever shears ==> 杠杆式角铁剪床
  18387. angle lighting fitting ==> 斜照型照明器
  18388. angle locking pin ==> 角铁锁销
  18389. angle measuring ==> 角度の測定、測角
  18390. angle measuring instrument ==> 角度测量仪器=>測角器
  18391. angle meristem ==> 角隅分生组织
  18392. angle meter ==> 测角器
  18393. angle mirror ==> 测角镜,角镜
  18394. angle modillion ==> 檐角托饰
  18395. angle modulation ==> 调角,角调制=>角度変調
  18396. angle mount ==> 斜装
  18397. angle mounting ==> 带角度安装
  18398. angle noise ==> 角度噪声
  18399. angle of action ==> 作用角
  18400. angle of adjustment ==> (聚光灯的)调整角度
  18401. angle of advance ==> 导前角,超前角=>制御進み角(電気機器)
  18402. angle of advanse ==> 前進角
  18403. angle of altitude ==> 仰角
  18404. angle of application ==> 加力角,施力角
  18405. angle of approach ==> 進入角,接近角
  18406. angle of approach light ==> 机场着陆指示灯
  18407. angle of arrival ==> 到达角
  18408. angle of arrival (AOA) ==> 入射角
  18409. angle of aspect ==> 搜索角,方向角
  18410. angle of attach ==> 冲角
  18411. angle of attack ==> スキージ角
  18412. angle of attack indicator ==> 迎角指示器
  18413. angle of attack of minimum drag ==> 最小阻力攻角
  18414. angle of back of tooth ==> 齿后角
  18415. angle of backing-off ==> 后角
  18416. angle of balance ==> 均衡角,均衡角,平冲角
  18417. angle of bank ==> 滚动角
  18418. angle of bevel ==> 坡口角度,单边坡口角度
  18419. angle of bite ==> 轧入角
  18420. angle of blade ==> 叶片安装角
  18421. angle of bosh ==> 炉腰角
  18422. angle of bottom ==> 齿根角
  18423. angle of brush lag ==> 电刷移后角
  18424. angle of brush lead ==> 电刷移前角
  18425. angle of cant ==> 喷管摆角
  18426. angle of capillarity ==> 毛细角
  18427. angle of chamfer ==> 坡口斜角,斜切角
  18428. angle of chord ==> 弦角
  18429. angle of circumference ==> 円周角
  18430. angle of clearance ==> 超越角
  18431. angle of commutation ==> 换向角
  18432. angle of connecting rod ==> 连杆摆动角
  18433. angle of contact ==> 接触角,包围角
  18434. angle of contingence ==> 切线角
  18435. angle of convergence ==> 收敛角
  18436. angle of coverage ==> 象场角
  18437. angle of crab ==> 侧航角
  18438. angle of crater ==> 自然倾角
  18439. angle of current ==> 水流角
  18440. angle of current conduction ==> 电流通角
  18441. angle of curvature ==> 曲率角
  18442. angle of cut ==> 方位角差
  18443. angle of cutting action ==> 切削作用角
  18444. angle of dead rise ==> 死起角,侧缘角
  18445. angle of declination ==> 偏角,偏斜角
  18446. angle of deflection ==> 偏向角,偏转角,方向角=>たわみ角
  18447. angle of delay ==> 滞后角=>制御遅れ角(電気機器)
  18448. angle of departure ==> 分离角,发射角,发射离地角,偏离角,出发角,出角,出射角
  18449. angle of depression ==> 俯角
  18450. angle of descent ==> 下降角
  18451. angle of deviation ==> 偏向角
  18452. angle of deviation between two e.m.f.'s ==> 两电动势间相角差,两台同步发电机内电动势之间的相角差
  18453. angle of difference ==> 差角
  18454. angle of diffraction ==> 衍射角
  18455. angle of dig or drag ==> 超前或拖后角
  18456. angle of direction ==> 指向角
  18457. angle of discharge ==> 卸料角,出口角
  18458. angle of dispersion ==> 色散角
  18459. angle of displacement ==> 偏位角
  18460. angle of distortion ==> 歪角,时变角
  18461. angle of divergence ==> 发散角
  18462. angle of downwash ==> 下洗角
  18463. angle of drain ==> 倾泻角
  18464. angle of eccentricity ==> 偏心角
  18465. angle of elevation ==> 仰角
  18466. angle of embrace ==> 抱角
  18467. angle of emergence ==> 射出角,出射角
  18468. angle of engagement ==> 啮合角
  18469. angle of equilibrium ==> 平衡角
  18470. angle of external friction ==> 外摩擦角
  18471. angle of extinction ==> 消弧角
  18472. angle of fall ==> 入射角
  18473. angle of field of view ==> 视场角
  18474. angle of flange ==> 边缘弯角
  18475. angle of flare ==> 扩散角,扩张角
  18476. angle of flow ==> 导通角
  18477. angle of forking ==> 分叉角
  18478. angle of friction ==> 摩擦角
  18479. angle of geodesic contingence ==> 短程切线角
  18480. angle of glide ==> 滑翔角
  18481. angle of gradient ==> 坡度角,仰角
  18482. angle of hade ==> 断层余角
  18483. angle of half field-of view ==> 半视场角
  18484. angle of heel ==> 侧倾角,倾侧角
  18485. angle of helix ==> 螺旋角
  18486. angle of ignition ==> 点火角
  18487. angle of incidence ==> 入射角,迎角,投射角=>入射角
  18488. angle of incidence of maximum lift ==> 最大升力冲角
  18489. angle of incidence of minimum drag ==> 最小阻力冲角
  18490. angle of incidence of zero lift ==> 无升力冲角
  18491. angle of inclination ==> 倾角
  18492. angle of inlet ==> 入口角
  18493. angle of internal friction ==> 内磨擦角
  18494. angle of jaw ==> 巨屈,巨屈,下颌角
  18495. angle of keenness ==> 锐利角
  18496. angle of lag ==> 滞后角=>遅れ角
  18497. angle of lead ==> 移前角,超前角,导程角,前置角=>進み角
  18498. angle of lift ==> 升力角
  18499. angle of light ==> 光入射角
  18500. angle of loss ==> 损失角
  18501. angle of mandible ==> 下颌角
  18502. angle of maximum lift ==> 最大升力角
  18503. angle of maximum torque ==> 最大トルク角
  18504. angle of minimum resolution ==> 最小分辨角
  18505. angle of needle insertion ==> 针刺角度
  18506. angle of neutral plane ==> 中性角
  18507. angle of nip ==> 钳入角,咬入角,颚式破碎机的啮角,箝入角
  18508. angle of no lift ==> 无升力角
  18509. angle of nonslip point ==> 临界角=>中性角
  18510. angle of obliquity ==> 圧力角
  18511. angle of obliquity of action ==> 倾斜压力角
  18512. angle of optical axis ==> 光轴间夹角
  18513. angle of orientation ==> 取向角
  18514. angle of oscillation ==> 摆动角
  18515. angle of outlet ==> 出口角
  18516. angle of overlap ==> 重なり角
  18517. angle of overturn ==> 倾翻角
  18518. angle of parallax ==> 视差角
  18519. angle of pinching ==> 夹紧角
  18520. angle of pitch ==> 俯仰角,螺距角
  18521. angle of pitching ==> 俯仰角
  18522. angle of position ==> 方位角
  18523. angle of preparation ==> 坡口面角度
  18524. angle of projection ==> 投射角
  18525. angle of protection ==> 保护角
  18526. angle of pull ==> 牵引角
  18527. angle of radiation ==> 辐射角
  18528. angle of reflection ==> 反射角
  18529. angle of refraction ==> 折射角=>屈折角
  18530. angle of relief ==> 后角
  18531. angle of repose ==> 静止角,安息角,休止角,货物自然倾角
  18532. angle of rest ==> 休止角,静止角
  18533. angle of rest (repose) ==> 堆角
  18534. angle of retard ==> 落后角,减速角
  18535. angle of revolution ==> 回转角
  18536. angle of rifling ==> 螺纹角,切槽角,切螺纹角
  18537. angle of rise ==> 上升角,螺旋角
  18538. angle of roll ==> 侧滚角
  18539. angle of rolling ==> 轧入角
  18540. angle of roof ==> 屋顶倾斜角
  18541. angle of rotation ==> 旋转角,旋光角,转动角,转角=>回転角
  18542. angle of run off ==> 铲背角
  18543. angle of rupture ==> 破裂角,断角
  18544. angle of safety ==> 安全角
  18545. angle of screen ==> 银幕倾角
  18546. angle of shear ==> 切变角,剪切角
  18547. angle of shear blades ==> 剪床开角
  18548. angle of shearing resistance ==> 剪切阻力角,抗剪角,抗剪强度角
  18549. angle of shock ==> 冲击角
  18550. angle of side slip ==> 侧滑角
  18551. angle of sides ==> 侧壁斜度
  18552. angle of sight ==> 视线角,瞄准角
  18553. angle of sight instrument ==> 高低机瞄准器角
  18554. angle of site ==> 炮目高低角
  18555. angle of site knob ==> 俯仰角转螺
  18556. angle of site level ==> 俯仰角水准器
  18557. angle of site scale ==> 俯仰角读数标尺
  18558. angle of skew back ==> 侧倾角
  18559. angle of slide ==> 滑动角
  18560. angle of slip transducer ==> すべりの角トランスデューサ
  18561. angle of slope ==> 坡角度
  18562. angle of spiral ==> 螺旋线升角
  18563. angle of spread ==> 指向角,半扩散角,展开角
  18564. angle of squint ==> 斜视角
  18565. angle of stall(ing) ==> 失速角
  18566. angle of stream junction ==> 合流角度
  18567. angle of the V-groove ==> 轮槽角度,槽角度
  18568. angle of thread ==> 螺面角,螺纹角度,螺纹牙形角
  18569. angle of throat ==> 刃角
  18570. angle of tooth point ==> 齿楔角
  18571. angle of torsion ==> 扭转角,转矩角
  18572. angle of total reflection ==> 全反射角
  18573. angle of travarse ==> 射界角
  18574. angle of traverse ==> 旋回角
  18575. angle of trimming ==> 纵倾角
  18576. angle of true internal friction ==> 天然内摩擦角
  18577. angle of twist ==> 反转角,扭转角
  18578. angle of twist per unit length ==> 单位长度扭转角
  18579. angle of twist per unit length of shaft ==> 轴的单位长度扭转角
  18580. angle of unconformity ==> 不整合角
  18581. angle of valve seat ==> 阀座角
  18582. angle of Vee ==> 坡口角度
  18583. angle of view of telescope ==> 望远镜视场角
  18584. angle of wall friction ==> 外摩擦角
  18585. angle of wound ==> 创角
  18586. angle of X ray projictionX ==> 射线辐射圆锥角
  18587. angle of yaw ==> 偏航角,首摇角
  18588. angle off ==> 偏角
  18589. angle one-way valve ==> 直角式单向阀
  18590. angle output ==> 角输出
  18591. angle pass ==> 角钢孔型
  18592. angle pencil of ray ==> 宽光束
  18593. angle phase matching ==> 角相位匹配
  18594. angle piece ==> 角度ゲージ
  18595. angle pier ==> 角垛
  18596. angle pin ==> 角度针,双角度针
  18597. angle pipe ==> 角管,曲管
  18598. angle planing ==> 角刨
  18599. angle plate ==> 角板
  18600. angle plate jig ==> 角板机架,角铁夹具,角铁样板,角铁钻模
  18601. angle plug ==> 弯插头
  18602. angle pocket ==> 斜袋
  18603. angle pole ==> 转角杆=>角度柱
  18604. angle press ==> 角式模压机,角压机,直角双向加压式压力机
  18605. angle prism ==> 角棱镜
  18606. angle probe ==> 斜探头
  18607. angle protractor ==> 分角规,量角规
  18608. angle pulley ==> 导轮,转向滑轮,变向滑轮
  18609. angle rafter ==> 角椽,角钢椽
  18610. angle reading ==> 角读数
  18611. angle reciprocating compressor ==> 角式往复压缩机
  18612. angle reed ==> 斜齿筘
  18613. angle reflector ==> 角形反射器,角形反射天线
  18614. angle resolved electron spectroscopy(ARES) ==> 角分辨电子谱法
  18615. angle resolved photoelectron spectroscope ==> 角分辨光电子能谱
  18616. angle resolver ==> 分角器
  18617. angle rib ==> 角肋
  18618. angle ring ==> 角钢圈
  18619. angle ring rod ==> 角铁环杆
  18620. angle ring rod pin ==> 角铁环杆销
  18621. angle ring spring ==> 角铁环簧
  18622. angle scale ==> 角度标尺,角度盘
  18623. angle scraper ==> 带角度刮刀
  18624. angle seam ==> 角缝,转角接缝
  18625. angle seat ==> 角钢支座,角钢座,支座角铁
  18626. angle section ==> 角钢,角材,角钢截面,角形截面
  18627. angle section of equal legs ==> 等边角形截面
  18628. angle sensor ==> 角度センサ
  18629. angle shaft ==> 角条
  18630. angle shear(s) ==> 剪角铁机
  18631. angle shears ==> 型材剪切机,角铁剪床
  18632. angle sheet iron ==> 角扁铁
  18633. angle shot ==> 角度拍摄,斜侧面镜头
  18634. angle sieve ==> 角度筛,角型滤网,角型筛,阶梯筛
  18635. angle spider ==> 角型辐条,角型鱼尾板
  18636. angle splice ==> 角铁鱼尾板
  18637. angle splice joint ==> 角钢拼接
  18638. angle square ==> 角尺
  18639. angle staff ==> 角形支柱,护角线条
  18640. angle steel ==> 角铁=>山形鋼
  18641. angle steel ruler ==> 钢角尺
  18642. angle stone ==> 角石
  18643. angle stop ==> 角钢停车器,角形档,角形销
  18644. angle stop valve ==> 角形断流阀
  18645. angle stop valves ==> 角式截止阀
  18646. angle straggling ==> 角离散
  18647. angle straightener ==> 角钢矫直机
  18648. angle straightening machine ==> 角钢矫直机
  18649. angle strain ==> 角应变
  18650. angle stringer ==> 角形纵梁,角形桁条
  18651. angle stripper ==> 剥取辊
  18652. angle strut ==> 角铁支柱
  18653. angle support ==> 转角支杆
  18654. angle suspension tower ==> 角形铁塔
  18655. angle sweep ==> 角刮板,角扫描,折角铰刀,斜铰刀
  18656. angle switching ==> 適位相投入
  18657. angle tee ==> 分路
  18658. angle tester ==> 测角计
  18659. angle thermometer ==> 角式温度计
  18660. angle throttle valves ==> 角式节流阀
  18661. angle tie ==> 角撑,角钢拉杆,角铁撑
  18662. angle tile ==> 人字形脊瓦
  18663. angle tower ==> 转角塔
  18664. angle tracking ==> 角跟踪
  18665. angle tracking noise ==> 致轴偏噪声
  18666. angle transducer[sensor] ==> 角度传感器
  18667. angle trisection ==> 三等分角
  18668. angle type axial piston motor ==> 斜轴式轴向活塞马达
  18669. angle type axial piston pump ==> 斜轴式轴向柱塞泵
  18670. angle type globe valves ==> 门角式截止阀
  18671. angle valve ==> 角阀=>アングル弁
  18672. angle washer ==> 卷角垫圈
  18673. angle water valve ==> 折角水阀
  18674. angle weld ==> 角焊
  18675. angle welding ==> 角焊
  18676. angle with equal legs ==> 等肢角钢
  18677. angle with equal sides ==> 等边角钢
  18678. angle wrench ==> 斜口扳手
  18679. Angle's classification ==> 安格尔氏分类法
  18680. angle-bar ==> 角铁
  18681. angle-between-half-power-points ==> 半功率点间的角
  18682. angle-bisecting plane ==> 角平分平面
  18683. angle-iron ==> 角铁
  18684. angle-iron boiler ring ==> 锅炉角铁环
  18685. angle-measuring device ==> 測角器
  18686. angle-measuring equipment ==> 测角设备
  18687. angle-notched disk ==> 尖角缺口圆盘
  18688. angle-off set(method) ==> 夹角法
  18689. angle-offset method ==> 差角法
  18690. angle-pedestal ==> 角形支座,角形轴架
  18691. angle-phase-digital converter ==> 角度-相移-数字转换器
  18692. angle-riser ==> 角度升降器
  18693. angle-stem thermometer ==> 曲杆温度计
  18694. angle-to-code ==> 角度-电码
  18695. angle-to-digit converter ==> 角度-数转换器
  18696. angle-type axial flow pump ==> 半贯流式轴流泵,弯管轴流泵
  18697. angle-type axial piston pump ==> 斜轴式轴向活塞泵
  18698. angled blade ear knife ==> 横切口刀
  18699. angled field ==> 斜向场
  18700. angled loop ==> 角形环匙
  18701. angled nozzle ==> 倾斜喷管
  18702. angled scissors ==> 膝状剪
  18703. angled stud ==> 梯级高链节
  18704. angled wheel ==> 倾斜轮
  18705. angles of geometric visibility of a lamp ==> 灯具的几何可见度角
  18706. anglesite ==> 硫酸铅矿
  18707. anglg attack transducer[sensor] ==> 迎角传感器
  18708. angling clip ==> 钓夹
  18709. Anglo-classic architecture ==> 英国古典建筑
  18710. Anglo-Norman architecture ==> 盎格鲁诺尔曼建筑
  18711. Anglo-Saxon architecture ==> 盎格鲁撒克逊建筑
  18712. angluar lever ==> 交角杠杆
  18713. angola yarn ==> 安哥拉纱
  18714. Angora rabbit ==> 安哥拉兔
  18715. Angoscioso ==> 焦虑不安地,痛苦地
  18716. angry pulse ==> 弦脉
  18717. angstrom ==> 埃
  18718. Angstrom coefficient ==> 埃氏系数
  18719. angstrom unit ==> 埃单位
  18720. Angstrōm compensation pyrheliometer ==> 埃斯特朗补偿太阳热量计
  18721. Angstrōm's formula ==> 埃氏公式
  18722. anguclast ==> 角碎屑=>アンギュクラスト
  18723. angujation tibia ==> 胫骨成角,胫骨成角
  18724. angular ==> 角的,角度的
  18725. angular acceleration ==> 角加速度=>角加速度
  18726. angular acceleration in roll ==> 滚动角加速度
  18727. angular acceleration sensor ==> 角加速度センサ
  18728. angular acceleration transducer[sensor] ==> 角加速度传感器
  18729. angular accelerometer ==> 角加速度表
  18730. angular accuracy ==> 角精度,测角精确度
  18731. angular advance ==> 提前角=>前進角
  18732. angular aggregate ==> 棱角骨料
  18733. angular alignment ==> 角对准
  18734. angular altitude ==> 高低角,仰角
  18735. angular aperture ==> 開口角
  18736. angular aperture of human eye ==> 人眼张角
  18737. angular backswing phenomena ==> バックスィング現象,逆動揺現象:同期機の至近端三相地絡故障などの過酷な事故においては,事故発生直後の数サイクロ間,回転子は減速する。
  18738. angular ball bearing ==> 径向推力球轴承,径向推力球轴承
  18739. angular beam misalignment ==> 射束角偏调
  18740. angular beam width ==> 束的角宽
  18741. angular bevel gear ==> 非正交共轭圆锥齿轮副
  18742. angular bisector ==> 分角线,角的等分线,等角分线
  18743. angular bit ==> 角钻
  18744. angular bitstock ==> 弯把手摇钻
  18745. angular blocky structure ==> 角块状结构
  18746. angular bracket ==> 尖括号
  18747. angular breadth ==> 角宽度
  18748. angular brightness ==> 角亮度,按角亮度分布
  18749. angular brightness distribution ==> 角亮度分布
  18750. angular brush ==> 倾斜电刷
  18751. angular carbide ==> 角形碳化物
  18752. angular characteristic function ==> 角特性函数
  18753. angular cleat ==> 三角木
  18754. angular contact ==> 角接触
  18755. angular contact ball bearing ==> 角接触球轴承,向心推力球轴承
  18756. angular contact bearing ==> 向心止推滚动轴承
  18757. angular contact bull bearing ==> 角面接触滚珠轴承
  18758. angular contact journal bearing ==> 角面接触轴颈轴承
  18759. angular coordinate ==> 角坐标
  18760. angular cut ==> 斜切
  18761. angular cutter ==> 斜角铣刀,角度刀具,角铣刀
  18762. angular data ==> 角数据
  18763. angular defect ==> 角缺陷
  18764. angular deflection ==> 角挠度
  18765. angular deflection sensitivity ==> 角偏移灵敏度
  18766. angular deformation ==> 角变形
  18767. angular deviation ==> 角偏移
  18768. angular deviation loss ==> 角偏离损失
  18769. angular diameter-red-shift test ==> 角径-红移检验
  18770. angular difference ==> 角度差
  18771. angular dimension ==> 角度大小
  18772. angular displacement ==> 角位移=>角偏位(多相変圧器)
  18773. angular displacement component ==> 角位移分量
  18774. angular displacement grationg ==> 角位移光栅
  18775. angular displacement sensor ==> 角位移传感器=>角変位センサ
  18776. angular distance ==> 角距离=>弦長,角距離
  18777. angular distance of stars ==> 恒星的角距离
  18778. angular distortion ==> 角度畸变,角失真
  18779. angular distribution ==> 角分布,角向分布
  18780. angular distribution of output ==> 输出角分布
  18781. angular encoder ==> 角编码器
  18782. angular error ==> 角误差
  18783. angular error of closur ==> 闭合差
  18784. angular error signal ==> 角误差信号
  18785. angular field ==> 角视场
  18786. angular field of view ==> 角视场,视角范围
  18787. angular fold ==> 尖楞褶皱
  18788. angular force ==> 角向力,偏向力,转矩
  18789. angular fracture ==> 斜面断口
  18790. angular frequency ==> 波长精确度,角频率,角频率=>角振動数,角周波数
  18791. angular function ==> 角函数
  18792. angular gyrus ==> 角回
  18793. angular height ==> 炮目高低角
  18794. angular impulse ==> 角冲量
  18795. angular indexing ==> 角分度,角分度法
  18796. angular industrial thermometer ==> 工业用曲管温度计
  18797. angular interval ==> 间隔角
  18798. angular Larmor frequency ==> 拉莫尔角频率
  18799. angular leaf spot ==> 叶角斑病,角斑病
  18800. angular leaf spot of cotton ==> 棉角斑病
  18801. angular leaf spot of cucumber ==> 黄瓜角斑病
  18802. angular leaf spot of tobacco ==> 烟草细菌性角斑病
  18803. angular lymph nodes ==> 角淋巴结
  18804. angular measurement ==> 角度計測
  18805. angular methyl ==> 角上甲基
  18806. angular mil ==> 角密耳
  18807. angular milling ==> 角度铣
  18808. angular misalignment ==> 角度失准,角偏差,角位移
  18809. angular modulation ==> 角度调制
  18810. angular modulation and demodulation circuit ==> 角度変復調回路
  18811. angular modulation IR system ==> 角调制红外系统
  18812. angular moment ==> 转动力矩=>回転モーメント
  18813. angular momentum ==> 角动量=>角運動量
  18814. angular momentum density ==> 角动量密度
  18815. angular motion sensor ==> 角运动传感器
  18816. angular mount ==> 斜角架
  18817. angular movement ==> 角运动
  18818. angular movement pick up ==> 角变动传感器
  18819. angular orientation ==> 角取向
  18820. angular oscillation ==> 角振荡
  18821. angular parallax ==> 角视差
  18822. angular path length ==> 轨迹角长度
  18823. angular perspective ==> 成角透视
  18824. angular phase difference ==> 角相位差
  18825. angular pipe union ==> 弯管接头
  18826. angular planing ==> 斜面刨削
  18827. angular point ==> 角点,角顶
  18828. angular position ==> 角位,角位置,角坐标,角度位置=>位置角
  18829. angular position control ==> 角位调节,角位控制
  18830. angular position pick up ==> 角位置传感器
  18831. angular powder ==> 角状粉
  18832. angular power spectrum ==> 角功率谱
  18833. angular projection ==> 角投影
  18834. angular prolate spheroidal function ==> 角扁长球体函数
  18835. angular radiator valve ==> 角形散热器阀
  18836. angular radius ==> 角半径
  18837. angular rate sensor ==> 角速率传感器
  18838. angular readout ==> 角读出,角坐标读出
  18839. angular reamer ==> 斜角铰刀
  18840. angular resolution ==> 角度分辨能力
  18841. angular resolver ==> 角分析器
  18842. angular resolving power ==> 角分辨本领,角分辨率
  18843. angular revolution frequency ==> 绕转角频率
  18844. angular rolling ==> 角轧
  18845. angular rotation ==> 角旋转,角位移,角转动
  18846. angular rotation of flange ==> 法兰转角
  18847. angular scanning rate ==> 扫描角速率
  18848. angular scattering function ==> 角散射函数
  18849. angular scattering property ==> 角散射特性
  18850. angular semi-major axis ==> 角半长径
  18851. angular semi-minor axis ==> 角半短径
  18852. angular sensitivity ==> 角灵敏度
  18853. angular sensor ==> 斜探头
  18854. angular separation ==> 角间距,角距,角距离,方向夹角
  18855. angular shaft rotation ==> 角轴旋转
  18856. angular shear ==> 切刃间斜度
  18857. angular spacing ==> 角距
  18858. angular span of inrush current ==> 励磁涌流间断角=>励磁突入電流通電角
  18859. angular speed ==> 角速度
  18860. angular spherical aberration ==> 角球差
  18861. angular spot of cucumber ==> 黄瓜角斑病
  18862. angular spread ==> 角分布,角分散
  18863. angular stability advance warning scheme ==> 电力系统功角稳定警报系统
  18864. angular standard ==> 角度标准
  18865. angular strain ==> 角应变
  18866. angular surface grinding ==> 斜面磨削
  18867. angular surgical scissors ==> 角形手术剪
  18868. angular surveying ==> 测角工作
  18869. angular threshold of eye ==> 视角阈值
  18870. angular tolerance ==> 角容限
  18871. angular tool ==> 弯头车刀
  18872. angular tower ==> 转角铁塔=>角度鉄塔
  18873. angular tracking accuracy ==> 角跟踪精度
  18874. angular transducer ==> 角度传感器
  18875. angular transformation ==> 角度变换
  18876. angular transmission error ==> 角度伝達誤差
  18877. angular travel computer ==> 角程计算机,角位移计算机
  18878. angular unit ==> 角度单位
  18879. angular variable ==> 角变量
  18880. angular variation ==> 角度变化,角位差
  18881. angular velocity ==> 角速度=>角速度
  18882. angular velocity of transient term ==> 過渡項角速度
  18883. angular velocity transducer[sensor] ==> 角速度传感器
  18884. angular velocity vector ==> 角速度ベクトル
  18885. angular wave number ==> 角周波数
  18886. angular wavenumber ==> 角波数
  18887. angular wheel ==> 伞齿轮,锥形齿轮
  18888. angular-acceleration sensitivity ==> 角加速度感度
  18889. angularity measurement ==> 角因素测定
  18890. angularity of connecting rod ==> 连杆斜度
  18891. angularity of sounding line ==> 测深线偏斜度
  18892. angularly dependent mode ==> 随角度变化模式
  18893. angularly independent mode ==> 不随角度变化模式
  18894. angulation ==> 成角
  18895. angulation deformity ==> 成角畸形
  18896. angulation displacement ==> 成角移位
  18897. Angulon lens ==> 安古龙照相镜头
  18898. angulus (anguli) ==> 角
  18899. angulus costae ==> 肋角
  18900. angulus frontalis ==> 额角
  18901. angulus infrasternalis ==> 胸骨下角
  18902. angulus iridocornealis ==> 前房角
  18903. angulus mandibulae ==> 下颌角
  18904. angulus mastoideus ==> 乳突角
  18905. angulus medialis ==> 内侧角
  18906. angulus occipitalis ==> 枕角
  18907. angulus sterni ==> 胸骨角
  18908. angulus subpubicus ==> 耻骨下角
  18909. angulus superior scapulae ==> 肩胛上角
  18910. angulus venosus ==> 静脉角,静脉角
  18911. Angus-Smith process ==> 安古斯-史密斯防腐蚀法
  18912. Angus-Smith's solution ==> 安古斯-史密斯溶剂
  18913. anharmonic coupling ==> 非谐耦合
  18914. anharmonic curve ==> 非调和曲线
  18915. anharmonic interaction ==> 非简谐作用
  18916. anharmonic oscillator ==> 非简谐波振荡器,非谐荡振器,非谐振子
  18917. anharmonic temperature factor ==> 非筒谐温度因子
  18918. anharmonic term ==> 非調和項
  18919. anharmonic thermal vibration ==> 非筒谐热振动
  18920. anharmonic wave ==> 非谐波
  18921. anharmonicity constant ==> 非谐性常数
  18922. anhydious plumbic acid ==> 二氧化铅
  18923. anhydride ==> 酐
  18924. anhydride of santonic acid ==> 山道年
  18925. anhydrite ==> 硬石膏
  18926. anhydrite cement ==> 硬石膏灰泥,无水石膏胶凝材料
  18927. anhydrite plaster ==> 硬石膏灰泥
  18928. anhydrite process ==> 石膏制酸法
  18929. anhydrone ==> 无水高氯酸镁
  18930. anhydrous ==> 无水的
  18931. anhydrous alcohol ==> 无水酒精
  18932. anhydrous copper chloride ==> 無水塩化銅
  18933. anhydrous ferric chloride ==> 氯化铁
  18934. anhydrous gypsum ==> 无水石膏
  18935. anhydrous gypsum plaster ==> 硬石膏灰泥
  18936. anhydrous hydrogen chloride ==> 无水氯化氢
  18937. anhydrous lime ==> 无水石灰
  18938. anhydrous phosphoric acid ==> 磷酸酐
  18939. anhydrous plaster ==> 无水粉饰
  18940. anhydrous silicate ==> 无水硅酸盐
  18941. anhydrous sodium carbonate ==> 苏打灰
  18942. anhydrous sodium sulfate ==> 无水硫酸钠
  18943. anhydrous solvent ==> 无水溶剂
  18944. anhysteretic curve ==> 偏磁化曲線
  18945. anhysteretic permeability ==> 非履歴透磁率
  18946. anhysteretic state ==> 偏ヒステリシス状態
  18947. anicteric hepatitis ==> 无黄疸型肝炎
  18948. ANIK, Anik satellite ==> カナダ国内通信衛星
  18949. aniline acetate paper ==> 醋酸苯胺试纸
  18950. aniline black ==> 苯胺黑
  18951. aniline black byestuffs ==> 苯胺黑染料
  18952. aniline blue ==> 苯胺蓝
  18953. aniline brown ==> 苯胺褐
  18954. aniline dye ==> 苯胺染料,苯胺色素
  18955. aniline equivalent aniline number ==> 苯胺当量
  18956. aniline green ==> 苯胺绿
  18957. aniline hydrochloride ==> 盐酸苯胺,盐酸苄胺
  18958. aniline ink ==> 苯胺油墨
  18959. aniline leather ==> 苯胺革,苯胺皮革
  18960. aniline modified phenolic molding compound ==> 苯胺改性酚醛模塑料
  18961. aniline number ==> アニリン価
  18962. aniline oil ==> 苯胺油,阿尼林油
  18963. aniline orange ==> 苯胺橙
  18964. aniline point ==> 苯胺点
  18965. aniline poisoning ==> 苯胺中毒
  18966. aniline press ==> 苯胺印刷机
  18967. aniline printing ==> 苯胺印刷术,阿尼林印刷
  18968. aniline red ==> 苯胺红
  18969. aniline resin ==> 苯胺树脂=>アニリン樹脂
  18970. aniline sulfonic acid ==> 氨基苯磺酸
  18971. aniline yellow ==> 苯胺黄
  18972. aniline-formaldehyde resin ==> 苯胺-甲醛树脂
  18973. anilinium ion ==> 苯胺离子
  18974. animal ==> 动物,兽图
  18975. animal activity in soil ==> 土壤动物的活动性
  18976. animal adhesive ==> 动物胶粘剂
  18977. animal age ==> 动物年龄
  18978. animal agriculture ==> 畜牧业
  18979. animal albumen ==> 动物蛋白
  18980. animal amylase ==> 动物淀粉酶
  18981. animal and plant life ==> 动植物
  18982. animal balance ==> 动物秤
  18983. animal behavior ==> 家畜行为
  18984. Animal Behaviour ==> 动物行为学报
  18985. animal behaviour ==> 动物行动习性=>動物行動
  18986. animal black ==> 骨黑
  18987. animal breeding ==> 动物育种,家畜繁育
  18988. animal breeding rate ==> 牲畜繁殖率
  18989. animal brush ==> 动物刷
  18990. animal by-product ==> 畜牧副产品
  18991. animal by-products ==> 畜产品,牲畜副产品
  18992. animal carbon preparation ==> 动物碳制剂
  18993. animal chamber ==> 动物试验容器
  18994. animal charcoal ==> 动物煤,动物炭,骨炭,巴黎骨炭,兽炭
  18995. animal checker ==> 斗兽棋
  18996. animal climatology ==> 家畜气候学
  18997. animal communication ==> 动物交往
  18998. animal community ==> 动物群落
  18999. animal disease prevention ==> 防治牲畜病疫
  19000. animal drug ==> 动物药材
  19001. animal dye ==> 动物染料
  19002. animal electricity ==> 动物电=>動物電気
  19003. animal experiment ==> 动物实验
  19004. animal farm ==> 畜牧场
  19005. animal fat ==> 动物油脂
  19006. animal feeding ==> 动物饲养
  19007. animal feedstuff ==> 动物性饲料
  19008. animal fiber ==> 动物纤维
  19009. animal gelatin ==> 动物明胶
  19010. animal glue ==> 动物胶
  19011. animal growth ==> 动物成长
  19012. animal head applique ==> 铺首
  19013. animal head applique holding rings ==> 铺首衔环
  19014. animal head carrouches ==> 铺首纹
  19015. animal husbandman ==> 养畜者
  19016. animal husbandry ==> 畜牧业
  19017. animal husbandry complex ==> 综合畜牧场
  19018. animal husbandry department ==> 牧畜学
  19019. animal industry ==> 畜牧经营
  19020. animal inoculation ==> 动物接种
  19021. animal judging ==> 家畜鉴定
  19022. animal keeper ==> 饲养员
  19023. animal kingdom ==> 动物界
  19024. animal labor ==> 畜力
  19025. animal life ==> 动物生命
  19026. animal locomotion ==> 動物の移動
  19027. animal manure ==> 牲畜粪
  19028. animal medicated wine ==> 动物药酒
  19029. animal medicine ==> 动物药材
  19030. animal nutrition ==> 动物营养学
  19031. animal oil ==> 动物油,骨油=>動物油
  19032. animal oil and fat ==> 动物油脂
  19033. animal origin ==> 动物来源
  19034. animal painting ==> 动物画
  19035. animal parasite ==> 动物性寄生物
  19036. animal pattern ==> 模型动物
  19037. animal pests ==> 动物虫害
  19038. animal pigment ==> 动物色素
  19039. animal plant feedstuff ==> 动植物饲料
  19040. animal pole ==> 动物性极
  19041. animal power ==> 兽功率
  19042. animal production ==> 畜产品,畜牧生产
  19043. animal products ==> 畜产品
  19044. animal protein ==> 动物性蛋白质
  19045. animal puzzle ==> 动物智力玩具
  19046. animal raising ==> 养畜业
  19047. animal repellent ==> 兽用驱避剂
  19048. animal reservoir ==> 动物宿主
  19049. animal resin ==> 动物树脂
  19050. animal science ==> 畜牧学
  19051. animal self-operated drinking water pump ==> 饲槽自动泵,家畜自动饮水泵
  19052. animal slaughter tax ==> 屠宰税
  19053. animal spirit ==> 非理性的动物精神
  19054. animal starch ==> 糖元,糖原
  19055. animal tallow ==> 动物脂肪
  19056. animal tankage ==> 骨肉粉
  19057. animal taxonomy ==> 动物粪便学
  19058. animal unit ==> 牲畜单位
  19059. animal vaccination ==> 动物接种
  19060. animal vegetable tissue ==> 动植物组织
  19061. animal virus ==> 动物病毒
  19062. animal wastes ==> 动物粪便
  19063. animal wax ==> 动物蜡
  19064. animal-sized ==> 骨胶施胶
  19065. animal-unit month ==> 牲畜单位月
  19066. animalized cellulose fibre ==> 动物质化纤维素纤维
  19067. animalized cotton ==> 动物质化棉
  19068. animalized fibre ==> 动物质化纤维
  19069. animalized viscose rayon fibre ==> 动物质化粘胶纤维
  19070. animals that produce milk ==> 产奶的牧畜
  19071. animation controller ==> 动画控制器
  19072. animation desk ==> 特技合成桌
  19073. animation equipment ==> 特技设备
  19074. animation stand ==> 特技台
  19075. animation system ==> 动画制作系统
  19076. animation timing ==> 特技同步
  19077. Animato ==> 有生气的,活跃的
  19078. anion ==> 阴离子=>陰イオン
  19079. anion adsorption ==> 阴离子吸附
  19080. anion analysis ==> 阴离子分析
  19081. anion catalyst ==> 阴离子催化剂
  19082. anion conductor ==> 阴离子导体
  19083. anion defect ==> 阴离子亏损,阴离子缺陷
  19084. anion exchange ==> 阴离子交换
  19085. anion exchange capacity ==> 阴离子交换能力
  19086. anion exchange membrane ==> 阴离子交换膜
  19087. anion exchange resin ==> 阴离子交换树脂,离子交换树脂官能团上的离子只能与水中阴离子相互交换的树脂
  19088. anion exchanger ==> 阴离子交换剂,阴离子交换器
  19089. anion grouping ==> 阴离子分组
  19090. anion radical ==> 阴离子团
  19091. anion respiration ==> 阴离子呼吸
  19092. anion translocase ==> 阴离子转位酶
  19093. anion treatment ==> 阴离子疗法
  19094. anion-cation balance ==> 阴阳离子平衡
  19095. anion-exchange ==> 阴离子交换体
  19096. anion-exchange chromatography ==> 阴离子交换色谱(法)
  19097. anionic conductor ==> 阴离子导体
  19098. anionic site ==> 阴离子部位
  19099. anionite ==> 阴离子交换剂
  19100. anionite membrane ==> 阴离子交换膜
  19101. anisakiasis ==> 异尖线虫病=>アニサキス症
  19102. anise alcohol ==> 茴香醇
  19103. anise fruit ==> 茴香实
  19104. anise seed ==> 茴香子
  19105. anise spirit ==> 茴香精
  19106. aniseed-star oil ==> 八角茴香子油
  19107. anisetree bark ==> 地枫皮
  19108. anisic acid ==> 茴香酸
  19109. anisidine ==> 茴香胺=>アニシジン
  19110. anisidine isomer ==> アニシジン異性体
  19111. anisilic acid ==> 茴香醇酸
  19112. aniso-accommodation ==> 两眼调节参差
  19113. anisochronous digital signal ==> 间隔可变的数据信号
  19114. anisochronous transmission ==> 间隔可变的传输=>非等時性伝送
  19115. anisocytic type ==> 不等细胞型
  19116. anisodesmic radical ==> 不均匀连锁离子团
  19117. anisodimensional particle ==> 不对称形粒子
  19118. anisometric breccia ==> 不等粒角砾岩
  19119. anisometric growth ==> 不等量生长
  19120. anisometric particle ==> (病毒)不等轴颗粒
  19121. anisometrical fraise ==> 不对称角铣刀
  19122. anisometropic eye ==> 屈光参差(变常)眼
  19123. anisotonic solution ==> 不等渗溶液
  19124. anisotropic ==> 非均匀质,各向异性的=>異方性の
  19125. anisotropic absorption ==> 各向异性吸收
  19126. anisotropic aspect ==> 異方性
  19127. anisotropic astigmatism ==> 各向异性像散现象
  19128. anisotropic body ==> 各向异性体
  19129. anisotropic ceramics ==> 各向异性陶瓷
  19130. anisotropic coma ==> 各向异性彗形像差
  19131. anisotropic conductor ==> 各向异性导体
  19132. anisotropic consolidation ==> 各向异性固结,非等向固结,不等向固结
  19133. anisotropic cosmological model ==> 各向异性宇宙模型
  19134. anisotropic cosmological space-time ==> 各向异性宇宙时空
  19135. anisotropic cosmology ==> 各向异性宇宙论
  19136. anisotropic crystal ==> 各向异性晶体=>異方性結晶
  19137. anisotropic crystal quartz ==> 各向异性石英晶体
  19138. anisotropic dielectric ==> 各向异性电介质=>異方性誘電体
  19139. anisotropic diffraction ==> 異方性回折
  19140. anisotropic diffusion ==> 異方性拡散
  19141. anisotropic diffusion coefficient ==> 異方性拡散係数
  19142. anisotropic disk ==> 横盘,暗板
  19143. anisotropic dispersion ==> 各向异性色散=>異方性分散
  19144. anisotropic dissolution ==> 異方性溶解
  19145. anisotropic distribution ==> 各向异性分布
  19146. anisotropic effect ==> 異方性効果
  19147. anisotropic elastic body ==> 異方性弾性体
  19148. anisotropic elasticity ==> 各向异性弹性
  19149. anisotropic emission ==> 各向异性发射
  19150. anisotropic energy ==> 各向异性能
  19151. anisotropic etching ==> 各向异性刻蚀
  19152. anisotropic ferrite ==> 異方性フェライト
  19153. anisotropic fluid ==> 各向异性流体
  19154. anisotropic gain ==> 各向异性增益
  19155. anisotropic hardening ==> 各向不等硬化
  19156. anisotropic magnet ==> 異方性磁石
  19157. anisotropic magnetic field ==> 異方性磁界
  19158. anisotropic magnetohydrodynamics ==> 各向异性磁流力学
  19159. anisotropic material ==> 各向异性材料
  19160. anisotropic medium ==> 各向异性介质,各向异性媒质
  19161. anisotropic model filament ==> 各向异性模型丝
  19162. anisotropic nature ==> 異方性
  19163. anisotropic oriented media ==> 各向异性取向媒质
  19164. anisotropic plasma jet instability ==> 各向异性等离子喷流不稳定性
  19165. anisotropic plate ==> 各向异性板
  19166. anisotropic pressure ==> 各向异性压力
  19167. anisotropic propagation ==> 各向异性传播
  19168. anisotropic property ==> 各向异性
  19169. anisotropic rock mass ==> 各向异性岩体
  19170. anisotropic scattering ==> 各向不匀散射,各向异性散射
  19171. anisotropic seepage ==> 各向异性渗流
  19172. anisotropic soil ==> 各向异性土
  19173. anisotropic sound bearing medium ==> 各向异性传声介质
  19174. anisotropic steel ==> 各向异性钢片
  19175. anisotropic substance ==> 各向异性物质,重折光质,各向异性物质,重折光质
  19176. anisotropic universe ==> 各向异性宇宙
  19177. anisotropic valley ==> 各向异性河谷
  19178. anisotropically consolidated undrained test ==> 不等压固结不排水试验
  19179. anisotropism ==> 各向异性,各向异性现象=>異方性
  19180. anisotropy ==> 定轴卵,各向异性,各向异性现象,向异性=>異方性
  19181. anisotropy constant ==> 各向异性常数=>異方性定数
  19182. anisotropy energy ==> 各向异性能
  19183. anisotropy factor ==> 各向异性因数,不对称性因数
  19184. anisotropy field ==> 各向异性磁场
  19185. anisotropy instability ==> 各向异性不稳定性
  19186. anisotropy of seismic wave ==> 地震波速异向性
  19187. anisotropy silicon steel ==> 各向异性硅钢片
  19188. anisyl acetate ==> 茴香醇乙酸酯
  19189. anisyl alcohol ==> 大茴香醇
  19190. anisyl chloride ==> 茴香酰氯
  19191. ANK, alpha-numeric key board ==> 英数字キーボード
  19192. ankle bone ==> 距骨,距骨
  19193. ankle breadth ==> 踝宽
  19194. ankle clonus ==> 足阵挛
  19195. ankle joint ==> 踝关节
  19196. ankle reflex ==> 踝反射
  19197. ankle thickness ==> 踝最小厚
  19198. ankle trap mary janes ==> 踝扣低面鞋
  19199. ankle-clonus ==> 踝阵挛
  19200. ankle-clonus center ==> 踝阵挛中枢
  19201. ankle-knee-tibia test ==> 踝膝胫试验
  19202. ANL, acceptable noise level ==> 可接受的噪音声级
  19203. ANL, analogue observation data ==> アナログ観測データ
  19204. anlage of anterior chamber ==> 前房始基
  19205. anluotone tablet ==> 安络痛片
  19206. ANN, Artificial Neural Network ==> 人工ニューラルネットワーク
  19207. ANNA, Anna satellite ==> アンナ衛星
  19208. ANNA, Army Navy NASA and Air Force Joint Satellite ==> 陸軍,海軍,NASA,空軍共同衛星
  19209. annabergite ==> 镍华
  19210. annals of local history ==> 地方志
  19211. anneal pickle line ==> 退火-酸洗作业线,退火酸洗作业线
  19212. annealed ==> 退火的
  19213. annealed aluminium wire ==> 軟アルミ線
  19214. annealed aluminum wire ==> 退火铝线,软铝线
  19215. annealed casting ==> 退火铸件
  19216. annealed castiron ==> 韧性铸铁
  19217. annealed condition ==> 退火状态
  19218. annealed copper ==> 退火软铜,韧铜
  19219. annealed copper sheet ==> 锻铜片
  19220. annealed copper wire ==> 韧铜线,炼铜线,软铜线=>軟銅線
  19221. annealed glass ==> 退火玻璃
  19222. annealed metals ==> 退火金属
  19223. annealed powder ==> 退火粉
  19224. annealed sheet steel ==> 退火薄钢板
  19225. annealed steel ==> 退火钢,韧钢
  19226. annealed structure ==> 退火组织
  19227. annealed tensile ==> 退火后的拉力
  19228. annealed tensile strength ==> 退火后的拉力强度
  19229. annealed wire ==> 退火钢丝,退火线
  19230. annealed zone ==> 重结晶区,重结晶区
  19231. annealed-inprocess wire ==> 中间退火钢丝
  19232. annealing ==> 退火,将金属构件加热到高于或低于临界点,保持一定时间,随后缓慢冷却,从而获得接近平衡状态的组织与性能的金属热处理工艺=>焼鈍し
  19233. annealing box ==> 退火箱
  19234. annealing can ==> 退火箱
  19235. annealing color ==> 退火色
  19236. annealing container ==> 退火箱
  19237. annealing crystallization ==> 退化结晶作用,退火结晶
  19238. annealing curve ==> 退火曲线
  19239. annealing cycle ==> 退火周期
  19240. annealing effect ==> 退火效应
  19241. annealing furnace ==> 退火炉
  19242. annealing grade ==> 退火程度
  19243. annealing heat treatment ==> 退火热处理
  19244. annealing kiln ==> 退火窑炉
  19245. annealing lamp ==> 炼韧灯
  19246. annealing line ==> 退火作业线
  19247. annealing of defects ==> 缺陷退火
  19248. annealing oil ==> 退火油
  19249. annealing operation ==> 退火工序
  19250. annealing oven ==> 退火炉
  19251. annealing pig iron ==> 可锻铸铁用生铁
  19252. annealing point ==> 退火点
  19253. annealing pot ==> 退火箱
  19254. annealing process ==> 退火过程
  19255. annealing range ==> 退火温度范围
  19256. annealing room ==> 退火车间,退火工段
  19257. annealing schedule ==> 退火制度
  19258. annealing slack ==> 退火不完全
  19259. annealing sticker ==> 退火粘结板
  19260. annealing stove ==> 回火炉
  19261. annealing temperature ==> 退火点,退火温度
  19262. annealing temperature range ==> 退火温度范围
  19263. annealing treatment ==> 退火处理
  19264. annealing twin ==> 退火孪晶,退火双晶
  19265. annealing welding wave ==> 退火焊波
  19266. annealing welds ==> 退火焊条,耐火焊条
  19267. annealing-in-process ==> 中间退火
  19268. ANNEL ==> 巴西电监局
  19269. annerodite ==> 铌钇铀矿
  19270. annex ==> 附加房屋,附属建筑=>付録
  19271. annex memory ==> 附加存储器,相联存储器
  19272. annex point ==> 附加点
  19273. annex storage ==> 附加存储器
  19274. annexa oculi ==> 眼附件
  19275. annexation ==> 附加
  19276. annexation property ==> 侵吞财产
  19277. annexe ==> 附录
  19278. annexed budget ==> 附属预算
  19279. annexed table ==> 附表
  19280. annexing agent ==> 添加剂
  19281. annexitis ==> 附件炎,子宫附件炎
  19282. annexopexy ==> 子宫附件固定术
  19283. annihilate ==> 滅ぼす,絶滅
  19284. annihilate a law ==> 法律を廃止する
  19285. annihilate each other ==> 互いに消滅し合う
  19286. annihilation ==> 消灭,湮没,湮没现象,湮没作用
  19287. annihilation of electron pair ==> 电子对湮没
  19288. annihilation operator ==> 湮没算符,湮灭算符
  19289. annihilation photon ==> 湮没光子
  19290. annihilation process ==> 湮没过程
  19291. annihilation property ==> 消滅特性
  19292. annihilation radiation ==> 湮没辐射=>消滅放射線
  19293. annihilation γ-ray ==> 湮没伽玛射线
  19294. annihilator ==> 空気しゃ断消火法
  19295. anniversary ==> 記念日,記念祭,~周年
  19296. anniversary clock ==> 周年钟
  19297. anniversary event ==> 記念式典
  19298. anniversary gift ==> 記念品
  19299. anniversary issue ==> 記念出版物
  19300. anniversary wind ==> 定期风
  19301. annotate ==> 注解,注释=>注釈を付ける
  19302. annotated bibliography ==> 附有说明的资料目录
  19303. annotated list of items ==> 附有说明的项目表
  19304. annotated photograph ==> 已调绘像片
  19305. announce ==> 通报
  19306. announce booth ==> 播音员室
  19307. announce machine ==> 广播录音机
  19308. announce room ==> 广播室
  19309. announcement ==> 声明=>お知らせ
  19310. announcement day ==> 宣布日
  19311. announcement of tender ==> 招标公告
  19312. announcer ==> 表示器
  19313. announcer booth ==> 广播室
  19314. annoying pulse ==> 扰动脉冲
  19315. annual aberration ==> 周年光行差
  19316. annual abstract of labor statistics ==> 劳动统计年报表
  19317. annual accounts ==> 年度决算
  19318. annual actual mortality ==> 每年实际死亡率
  19319. annual advances ==> 每年垫款
  19320. annual allowance ==> 每年免税额
  19321. annual amortization factor ==> 每年分期偿还数
  19322. annual amount ==> 年额
  19323. annual amount of photovoltaic power generation ==> 太阳能年发电量=>年間太陽光発電量
  19324. annual audit ==> 年度审计
  19325. annual average rate of increase ==> 平均年增长率
  19326. annual average wind speed ==> 年平均风速=>年平均風速
  19327. annual balance sheet ==> 年终决算书
  19328. annual bearing ==> 年年结果
  19329. Annual Book of American Society for Testing and Materials Standards ==> 《美国材料试验学会标准年报》
  19330. annual bottom mean ==> 水底的全年平均数
  19331. annual branch ==> 一年生枝
  19332. annual broadleaf weed ==> 一年生阔叶杂草
  19333. annual budget ==> 年度预算
  19334. annual cash inputs ==> 每年现金投入
  19335. annual change ==> 年变化
  19336. annual closing ==> 年度结帐
  19337. annual CO2 emissions ==> 年間CO2排出量
  19338. annual consumption ==> 每年耗用数
  19339. annual contract on-grid energy ==> 年度合同上网电量,电网企业与发电企业在年度合同中约定的上网电量
  19340. annual contracts ==> 空船年度租约
  19341. annual crop ==> 一年生作物
  19342. annual cropcycle ==> 每年收获循环
  19343. annual cut ==> 年伐量,年收获量
  19344. annual depletion rate ==> 年退水量
  19345. annual depreciation allowance ==> 每年折旧免税额
  19346. annual dose-rate ==> 年剂量率
  19347. annual earnings ==> 每年收益
  19348. annual egg ==> 年产蛋量
  19349. annual egg production ==> 年产蛋量,蛋的年产量
  19350. annual electricity production ==> 年发电量,一年内,电站从发电机母线送出的总电量
  19351. annual energy production ==> 年理论发电量=>年間発電量
  19352. annual equation ==> 周年差
  19353. annual expenditure ==> 岁出,全年支出额
  19354. annual expense ==> 年经费
  19355. annual fertilizer conference ==> 肥料年会会议
  19356. annual financial statement ==> 年度财务报表
  19357. annual flood ==> 年量大洪水量,年最大流量
  19358. annual flow ==> 年流量
  19359. annual geometric mean Escherichia coli level ==> 全年的大肠杆菌几何平均数
  19360. annual grass ==> 一年生窄叶杂草
  19361. annual grassy weeds ==> 一年生杂草
  19362. annual growth ==> 全年增长
  19363. annual growth layer ==> 年轮层
  19364. annual growth ring ==> 年轮
  19365. annual holding cost ==> 年储存成本
  19366. annual improvement factor ==> 年增长系数,每年按生产率调高工资的条款,每年整修费
  19367. annual income ==> 全年所得额
  19368. annual inflation rate ==> 通货膨胀年率
  19369. annual installment ==> 分期付款的每年付款数
  19370. annual interest ==> 年息
  19371. annual interest rate ==> 年利率
  19372. annual layer ==> 年层
  19373. annual load curve ==> 年负载曲线=>年負荷曲線
  19374. annual load duration curve ==> 年持续负荷曲线,按一年中系统负荷数值大小及其持续小时数顺序排列绘制而成的曲线,据此
  19375. annual load factor ==> 年负载率,全年负载因数,年负载因数=>年負荷率
  19376. annual loss ==> 年度亏损
  19377. annual magnetic change ==> 磁周年变化
  19378. annual magnetic variation ==> 磁周年差
  19379. annual maximum demand ==> 年最大需量,在一年(季、月、周、日)内纪录所得的一小时(半小时,1/4小时,几分钟)的需量最高值。注:“年最大需量”也可按“每季”、“每月”、“每周”、“每日”内纪录所得的一小时(半小时,1/4小时,几分钟)的需量最高值
  19380. annual maximum wind speed 年最大风速 ==> 年最大風速
  19381. annual meadowgrass ==> 早熟禾
  19382. annual median dissolved oxygen level ==> 全年的溶解氧水平中位数
  19383. annual operation cost of hydropower station ==> 水电站年运行费,又称"水电站年经营成本"
  19384. annual ordering cost ==> 年订货成本
  19385. annual output ==> 年产量,每年产量
  19386. annual output of energy ==> 年能量输出
  19387. annual parallax ==> 周年视差
  19388. annual peak load curve ==> 年最大负荷曲线,以一年12个月为序,将每月综合最高(峰值)负荷连接起来的负荷曲线
  19389. annual pension ==> 养老金=>年金
  19390. annual percentage rate (APR) ==> 年百分利率
  19391. annual period ==> 年周期
  19392. annual plant ==> 一年生植物
  19393. annual precession ==> 年岁差
  19394. annual precipitation ==> 年降水量,年雨量
  19395. annual premium ==> 年保险费
  19396. annual premium costing ==> 养老金交费逐年计算法
  19397. annual programme of work ==> 年度工作计划
  19398. annual proper motion ==> 年自行
  19399. annual quota ==> 年度配额
  19400. annual range ==> 年较差
  19401. annual rate ==> 年率
  19402. annual rate of profit ==> 每年利润率
  19403. annual reckoning ==> 年度结算
  19404. annual regulation ==> 年调节,年调节的任务是将丰水期多余水量蓄存库内,在枯水期使用,水库的调节周期为一年
  19405. annual rental ==> 年租
  19406. annual report ==> 年报,年度报告
  19407. annual returns of emoluments paid to staff ==> 每年支付给雇员之薪酬报税表
  19408. annual revenue ==> 岁入
  19409. Annual Review of Biochemistry ==> 生物化学综合年刊
  19410. annual rice summary ==> 水稻年度总结报告
  19411. annual ring ==> 年轮
  19412. annual root ==> 一年生根
  19413. annual shoot ==> 一年生枝
  19414. annual storage ==> 年调节量
  19415. annual surface mean ==> 水面的全年平均数
  19416. annual survey ==> 年次検査
  19417. annual tobacco report ==> 烟草年报
  19418. annual utilization hours ==> 年利用小时数,按额定容量计算的,一年中发电设备的等值利用小时数,即发电设备全年发电量与该发电设备以额定功率运行的全年发电量之比值
  19419. annual variation ==> 年变化=>年別変化
  19420. annual variation in soil temperature ==> 土温的年变化
  19421. annual water column average ==> 全年水柱平均值
  19422. annual weed ==> 一年生杂草
  19423. annual weed stage ==> 一年生杂草期
  19424. annual wind speed frequency distribution ==> 年风速频率分布
  19425. annual yield ==> 年产量,年伐量,年收获量
  19426. annual yield by area ==> 单位面积年产量
  19427. annual zone ==> 年轮
  19428. annual-cost method of comparison ==> 年成本比较法
  19429. annualization of expense ==> 费用按年折算
  19430. annualized return ==> 几何平均年回报率
  19431. annuity ==> 养老金,每年=>年金
  19432. annuity certain ==> 确定固定年限的年金
  19433. annuity due ==> 期初应付年金
  19434. annuity in advance ==> 期初年金
  19435. annuity in arrears ==> 拖欠年金
  19436. annuity trust account ==> 年金信托帐
  19437. annul a concession agreement ==> 中断租让合同
  19438. annular ==> 环形,环形的,环形间隙,环状的,轮状
  19439. annular air scoop ==> 环形进气口
  19440. annular amplifier ==> 环形放大器
  19441. annular aperture ==> 环状孔径
  19442. annular atom ==> 環原子
  19443. annular auger ==> 环孔钻,环形螺旋钻
  19444. annular ball bearing ==> 环形球轴承,向心球轴承,径向滚珠轴承
  19445. annular beam ==> 環状ビーム
  19446. annular bearing ==> 环形轴承
  19447. annular bed ==> 環状層
  19448. annular bit ==> 环孔锥,环形钻,环形钻头
  19449. annular blast pipe ==> 环形吹管
  19450. annular border ==> 輪状辺縁
  19451. annular borer ==> 环孔镗床,套环钻
  19452. annular budding ==> 环状芽接
  19453. annular burner ==> 环形喷灯,环形燃烧器,环形燃烧室
  19454. annular carcinoma ==> 环形癌
  19455. annular cartilage ==> 輪状軟骨
  19456. annular cascade ==> 环形叶栅=>環状翼列
  19457. annular casing pump ==> 环壳泵
  19458. annular cell ==> 环纹细胞
  19459. annular chamber ==> 环形室=>環状室
  19460. annular chamber combustor ==> 环形燃烧室
  19461. annular channel ==> 环形沟道,环形流道=>環状流路
  19462. annular chromatograph ==> 環状クロマトグラフ
  19463. annular cirrhosis ==> 环状肝硬变
  19464. annular classifier ==> 环式分级机
  19465. annular cluster of engines ==> 环列发动机簇
  19466. annular coil ==> 环形线圈
  19467. annular coil clearance ==> 环形线圈间隙
  19468. annular collenchyma ==> 环纹厚角组织
  19469. annular combustion chamber ==> 环形燃烧室
  19470. annular component ==> 環状部品
  19471. annular conductor ==> 环状绞合线=>環状導線
  19472. annular conduit ==> 環状水路
  19473. annular configuration ==> 環状配置
  19474. annular contact thrust ball bearing ==> 推力向心球轴承
  19475. annular cooler ==> 环形冷却机
  19476. annular core ==> 环形铁芯
  19477. annular counter ==> 环状计数器
  19478. annular cowling ==> 环形整流罩
  19479. annular crucible ==> 环形炉缸,环形坩埚
  19480. annular cylinder ==> 环形汽缸
  19481. annular diffuser ==> 环形扩压器
  19482. annular distance ==> 环孔
  19483. annular drainage ==> 环状排水系统,环状水系
  19484. annular drainage pattern ==> 环状排水系统,环状水系
  19485. annular drill ==> 环孔钻
  19486. annular eclipse ==> 环食,日环食=>金環日食
  19487. annular effect ==> 环状效应
  19488. annular electromagnet ==> 环形电磁铁
  19489. annular engine ==> 环形发动机
  19490. annular finned space radiator ==> 环形片式空间散热器
  19491. annular float ==> 环形浮子,环状浮标
  19492. annular fuel tank ==> 环形燃料油箱,环状油箱
  19493. annular furnace ==> 环式窑
  19494. annular gain laser ==> 环形增益激光器
  19495. annular gap ==> 环形隙
  19496. annular gasket ==> 环形垫密片,环形垫片
  19497. annular gear ==> 环形齿轮=>内歯車,環状歯車
  19498. annular granule ==> 环状颗粒
  19499. annular grate kiln ==> 环形焙烧机
  19500. annular grid ==> 环状栅
  19501. annular groove ==> 環状溝
  19502. annular guard ring ==> 环形保护圈
  19503. annular holder ==> 环形夹具
  19504. annular hydraulic jump ==> 环状水跃
  19505. annular illumination ==> 環状照明
  19506. annular jet ==> 环形射流
  19507. annular keratitis ==> 环状角膜炎
  19508. annular kiln ==> 环式窑
  19509. annular knurl ==> 滚花
  19510. annular lesion ==> 輪状病変
  19511. annular lichen planus ==> 环状扁平苔癣
  19512. annular ligament ==> 輪状靱帯
  19513. annular ligament of radius ==> 桡骨环韧带
  19514. annular magnet ==> 环形磁铁
  19515. annular membrane ==> 环状膜
  19516. annular micrometer ==> 圆径千分尺
  19517. annular nebula ==> 环状星云
  19518. annular nozzle ==> 环形喷嘴
  19519. annular oriffice ==> 环形孔板
  19520. annular orifice ==> 环形节流器
  19521. annular oscillator ==> 环形振荡器
  19522. annular packing ==> 环装密封垫,环状填料,垫圈
  19523. annular pancreas ==> 环状胰腺
  19524. annular part of digital tendon sheaths ==> 纤维鞘环状部
  19525. annular phase ==> 环食阶段,环食相
  19526. annular piston ==> 环形活塞
  19527. annular placenta ==> 环形胎盘
  19528. annular plate valve ==> 环形阀
  19529. annular plug gauge ==> 空心柱形测孔规
  19530. annular port ==> 环状口
  19531. annular pressure chamber ==> 环形压力箱
  19532. annular preventer ==> 环形防喷器
  19533. annular producer ==> 环形发生炉
  19534. annular quencher ==> 环形急冷器
  19535. annular recess ==> 环形槽
  19536. annular region ==> 环形区域
  19537. annular return duct ==> 环形回水管
  19538. annular rim ==> 环形缘
  19539. annular ring ==> 环形圈=>アニュラリング
  19540. annular ring valve ==> 环形阀
  19541. annular rings ==> 环状阴影
  19542. annular roller mill ==> 环形辊柱粉碎机,环状辊式粉碎机
  19543. annular rotor magnetic pole ==> 环形转子磁极
  19544. annular saw ==> 圆锯
  19545. annular sclerosis ==> 环状硬化
  19546. annular scotoma ==> 环状暗点
  19547. annular screw plate ==> 环状板牙
  19548. annular section ==> 环形断面,环状区域
  19549. annular slot antenna ==> 环形隙缝天线
  19550. annular slot nozzle ==> 环槽式喷嘴
  19551. annular solar eclipse ==> 日环食=>金環日食
  19552. annular solid ==> 环形体
  19553. annular space ==> 环形间隙
  19554. annular staphyloma ==> 环行葡萄肿
  19555. annular static cascade ==> 环形固定叶栅
  19556. annular subuni ==> 环状亚单位
  19557. annular synechia ==> 虹膜环形粘连
  19558. annular syphilid ==> 环状梅毒疹
  19559. annular tapered roller bearing ==> 向心圆锥滚子轴承
  19560. annular teflon still ==> 环形四氟乙烯转带蒸馏器
  19561. annular thickening (of cell wall) ==> 环纹加厚
  19562. annular threaded nail ==> 环形螺纹钉
  19563. annular thrombus ==> 环状血栓
  19564. annular transistor ==> 环形晶体管,环形区晶体管
  19565. annular valve ==> 环形阀,环状阀
  19566. annular vault ==> 环形穹顶
  19567. annular vessel ==> 环状血管
  19568. annular wheel ==> 内齿轮
  19569. annular wind coupler ==> 环形回流式风洞
  19570. annular wind tunnel ==> 环状回流式风洞
  19571. annular wire ==> 环形线
  19572. annular-type stripper ==> 环形冲孔模板,环形汽提器
  19573. annulate lamella ==> 环状板
  19574. annulate shaft ==> 环轴
  19575. annulated bit ==> 环形钻头
  19576. annulated column ==> 环形柱,环柱
  19577. annulus ==> 环带,环节,环形缝隙,环形套筒,环状物,圆环=>円環
  19578. annulus (annuli) ==> 菌环,菌环
  19579. annulus combustion chamber ==> 环形燃烧室
  19580. annulus conjecture ==> 圆环猜想
  19581. annulus conjunctivae ==> 结膜环
  19582. annulus femoralis ==> 股环
  19583. annulus fibrocartilagineus ==> 纤维软骨环
  19584. annulus fibrosus cordis ==> 心纤维环
  19585. annulus inguinalis abdominalis ==> 腹股沟管腹环
  19586. annulus inguinalis profundus ==> 腹股沟管深环
  19587. annulus of conjunctiva ==> 结膜环
  19588. annulus tendon ineus communis ==> 秦氏韧带
  19589. annulus tympanic ==> 鼓环
  19590. annulus urethralis ==> 尿道环
  19591. annum ==> 年
  19592. annunciator ==> 信号器/报警器,信号源,表号器,报讯器,回转拨码机,呼唤器,呼铃器,号码箱,信号器,又称“光字牌”。接收到启动信号时由内部照明显示图形符号或文字代号的指示装置=>信号表示機器,アンシエーター,表示警報部
  19593. annunciator bell ==> 信号铃
  19594. annunciator board ==> 呼び出し板
  19595. annunciator electric clock ==> 报信号电钟
  19596. annunciator panel ==> アナンシエーターパネル
  19597. annunciator relay ==> 表示継電器
  19598. annunciator system ==> アナンシェータシステム
  19599. ANO, ascending node orbit ==> 昇交点軌道
  19600. anocutaneous line ==> 肛白线,肛皮线
  19601. anodal closure contraction ==> 阳极通电收缩
  19602. anodal opening ==> 阳极断电
  19603. anodal opening contraction ==> 阳极断电收缩
  19604. anode ==> 阳极,正电极,正极=>陽極,アノード,In a diode, the electrode that must be positive with respect to the cathode to allow the diode to conduct. The plate of an electron tube.
  19605. anode A.C. resistance ==> 阳极交流电阻
  19606. anode alloy ==> 阳极合金
  19607. anode annealing box ==> 阳极退火箱
  19608. anode arc ==> アノードアーク
  19609. anode assembly ==> 阳极装置
  19610. anode attachment ==> 陽極点
  19611. anode balancing coil ==> 阳极平衡线圈
  19612. anode bar ==> 阳极棒
  19613. anode battery ==> 阳极电池组,高压电池组,乙电池组
  19614. anode block ==> 阳极块
  19615. anode bridge ==> 阳极桥
  19616. anode brightening ==> 阳极电抛光
  19617. anode capacity ==> 阳极电容量
  19618. anode casting ==> 阳极铸造
  19619. anode casting machine ==> 阳极铸造机
  19620. anode cavity ==> 阳极谐振腔
  19621. anode chamber ==> 阳极室
  19622. anode circuit ==> 阳极电路,阳极回路
  19623. anode cleaning ==> 阳极净化,阳极去油
  19624. anode coating ==> 阳极镀层,阳极敷层,阳极涂层,阳极氧化镀层
  19625. anode column ==> 阳极光柱
  19626. anode compartment ==> 阳极室
  19627. anode conductance ==> 阳极电导
  19628. anode converter ==> 阳极变流器
  19629. anode cooling block ==> 阳极散热器
  19630. anode copper ==> 阳极铜
  19631. anode corrosion ==> 阳极腐蚀
  19632. anode coupled amplifier ==> 阳极耦合放大器
  19633. anode current ==> 阳极电流=>陽極電流
  19634. anode current fluctuation ==> 阳极电流起伏
  19635. anode dark current ==> 阳极暗电流
  19636. anode dark space ==> 阳极暗区=>陽極暗部
  19637. anode depleted gas ==> アノード排ガス
  19638. anode detection ==> 阳极检波
  19639. anode detector ==> 阳极检波器
  19640. anode disc ==> 阳极圆盘
  19641. anode disk ==> 盘形阳极
  19642. anode dissipation ==> 阳极耗散,板极耗散=>陽極損
  19643. anode dissipation power ==> 阳极耗散功率
  19644. anode drop ==> 阳机压降,阳极电压降=>陽極降下
  19645. anode effect ==> 阳极效应=>陽極効果
  19646. anode efficiency ==> 阳极电璃率
  19647. anode fall ==> 阳极势降=>陽極降下
  19648. anode feed resistance ==> 阳极馈电电阻
  19649. anode film ==> 阳极膜
  19650. anode finish ==> 阳极处理保护层
  19651. anode follower ==> 阳极跟随器,阳极输出器
  19652. anode furnace ==> 阳极炉
  19653. anode glow ==> 阳极辉光=>陽極グロー
  19654. anode grid ==> 阳极棚,阳极栅,帘栅极
  19655. anode high voltage ==> 阳极高压
  19656. anode impedance ==> 阳极阻抗
  19657. anode inductance ==> 阳极电感
  19658. anode input power ==> 阳极输入功率
  19659. anode jacket ==> 阳极套
  19660. anode keying ==> 阳极键控法
  19661. anode layer ==> 阳极溶层
  19662. anode life ==> 阳极寿命
  19663. anode light ==> 阳极发光,阳极辉光,板极辉光
  19664. anode limiter ==> 阳极限幅器
  19665. anode loop ==> 阳极电路,阳极回路,板极回路
  19666. anode loss ==> 陽極損
  19667. anode mo(u)ld ==> 阳极铸模
  19668. anode modulation ==> 阳极调制
  19669. anode mud ==> 阳极泥
  19670. anode nickel ==> 阳极镍
  19671. anode nozzle ==> 阳极喷管
  19672. anode pickling ==> 阳极酸洗
  19673. anode plate ==> 阳极板
  19674. anode press ==> 阳极压制机
  19675. anode process ==> 阳极法
  19676. anode pulse modulation ==> 阳极脉冲调制
  19677. anode rays ==> 阳极射线,正射线=>陽極線
  19678. anode reaction ==> 阳极反应
  19679. anode reactor ==> 阳极电抗器
  19680. anode rectification ==> 阳极整流
  19681. anode region ==> 阳极区
  19682. anode remnants ==> 残阳极
  19683. anode resistance ==> 阳极电阻
  19684. anode saturation ==> 阳极饱和
  19685. anode scrap ==> 残阳极
  19686. anode screening grid ==> 帘栅极
  19687. anode shot noise ==> 阳极散粒噪声
  19688. anode slime ==> 阳极沉积层,阳极淀渣,阳极泥=>陽極スライム
  19689. anode sludge ==> 阳极泥
  19690. anode spot ==> 阳极斑点
  19691. anode stem ==> 阳极靶茎
  19692. anode strap ==> 阳极均压环
  19693. anode strip ==> 阳极片
  19694. anode stub ==> 阳极棒
  19695. anode superstructure ==> 阳极框架
  19696. anode supply ==> 阳极电源
  19697. anode tap ==> 阳极端
  19698. anode tapping point ==> 阳极活接点
  19699. anode to cathode distance ==> 极间距离
  19700. anode voltage ==> 阳极电压
  19701. anode wire ==> 阳极丝
  19702. anode-cathode distance ==> 极间距离
  19703. anode-ray current ==> 阳极射线电流
  19704. anode-to-cathode arrester ==> A-K間避雷器(バルブ避雷器)
  19705. anodic brightening ==> 阳极抛光
  19706. anodic coating ==> 阳极镀层,电镀饰面,电极氧化罩面
  19707. anodic conversion ==> 阳极转化
  19708. anodic copper aluminum alloy ==> 阳极铜铝合金
  19709. anodic corrosion ==> 阳极腐蚀
  19710. anodic current ==> 阳极电流
  19711. anodic current density ==> 阳极电淋度
  19712. anodic current efficiency ==> 阳极电璃率
  19713. anodic dissolution ==> 阳极溶解
  19714. anodic etching ==> 阳极浸蚀法
  19715. anodic finish ==> 阳极处理保护层
  19716. anodic finish of aluminium component ==> 铝电极氧化饰面
  19717. anodic output screen ==> 阳极输出屏蔽
  19718. anodic overvoltage ==> 阳极过电压
  19719. anodic oxidation ==> 陽極酸化
  19720. anodic polarization ==> 阳极极化=>陽極分極
  19721. anodic process ==> 阳极法
  19722. anodic protection ==> 阳极保护
  19723. anodic reaction ==> 陽極反応
  19724. anodic sensitivity of photomultiplier tube ==> 光电倍增管的阳极灵敏度
  19725. anodic stripping voltammetry ==> 阳极溶出伏安法
  19726. anodic treatment ==> 阳极处理
  19727. anodic-cathodic wave ==> 换极连续波
  19728. anodicoxidation treatment ==> 阳极氧化处理
  19729. anodie oxidation treatment ==> 电极氧化处理
  19730. anodise ==> 陽極酸化する
  19731. anodising ==> 阳极处理
  19732. anodization ==> 陽極化成
  19733. anodize ==> 阳极防腐,阳极化处理=>陽極酸化する
  19734. anodized aluminum ==> 阳极化铝
  19735. anodized dielectric film ==> 阳极氧化介质薄膜
  19736. anodized film ==> 陽極化成
  19737. anodized finish ==> 阳极化抛光
  19738. anodized mirror ==> 阳极化镜
  19739. anodized surface of aluminium ==> (俗称氧化铝面)电极氧化铝面
  19740. anodizing ==> 阳极氧化处理
  19741. anolyte ==> 阳极电解液,阳极液=>陽極液
  19742. anomalicidal capsule ==> 破裂蒴果
  19743. anomalies of dental arch relationship ==> 牙弓关系异常
  19744. anomalies of disjunctive fixation ==> 分离性注视异常
  19745. anomalies of ocular muscle and tendon ==> 眼肌肌腱异常
  19746. anomalies of refraction ==> 屈折異常
  19747. anomalies of the spinal column ==> 脊椎奇形
  19748. anomalies of vitreous ==> 玻璃体异常
  19749. anomalistic distance ==> 近点距离
  19750. anomalistic mean motion ==> 近点平均运动
  19751. anomalistic month ==> 近点月
  19752. anomalistic period ==> 异常期
  19753. anomalistic revolution ==> 近点周
  19754. anomalistic Schottky effect ==> 反常肖特基效应
  19755. anomalous ==> 不规则的,反常,反常的=>異常
  19756. anomalous absorption ==> 反常吸收
  19757. anomalous atrioventricular excitation ==> 畸形房室激动
  19758. anomalous behavior ==> 反常行为
  19759. anomalous color vision ==> 部分色盲
  19760. anomalous colour vision ==> 反常色视觉
  19761. anomalous coupling ==> 反常耦合
  19762. anomalous diffusion ==> 反常扩散
  19763. anomalous dispersion ==> 反常色散,异常色散,不规则弥散=>異常分散
  19764. anomalous dispersion data ==> 異常分散データ
  19765. anomalous dispersion effect ==> 異常分散効果
  19766. anomalous dispersion phase-matching ==> 非常色散相位匹配
  19767. anomalous dispersion profile ==> 反常色散分布图
  19768. anomalous effect ==> 反常效应
  19769. anomalous expansion ==> 反常膨胀
  19770. anomalous fading ==> 反常日晒褪色
  19771. anomalous felt zone ==> 异常震区
  19772. anomalous field ==> 异常磁场,剩余磁场
  19773. anomalous film ==> 反常膜
  19774. anomalous flocculation ==> 反常絮凝作用
  19775. anomalous fluorescence scattering ==> 反常荧光散射
  19776. anomalous group-velocity ==> 異常群速度
  19777. anomalous high water ==> 异常高水位
  19778. anomalous innominate artery ==> 异常无名动脉
  19779. anomalous interference colours ==> 反常干涉色
  19780. anomalous lag ==> 反常滞后,不规则滞后
  19781. anomalous left common carotid artery ==> 异常左颈总动脉
  19782. anomalous magetic moment ==> 不规则磁矩
  19783. anomalous magma ==> 异常岩浆
  19784. anomalous magnetic moment ==> 反常磁矩
  19785. anomalous magnetization ==> 反常磁化,异常磁化
  19786. anomalous melting ==> 反常熔化
  19787. anomalous mixed crystal ==> 反常混晶
  19788. anomalous mixed crystals ==> 反常和晶
  19789. anomalous mode ==> 异常态
  19790. anomalous numbers ==> 反常数
  19791. anomalous origin of coronary artery ==> 冠状动脉异常起端
  19792. anomalous parity ==> 反常宇称
  19793. anomalous precession ==> 異常な歳差
  19794. anomalous propagation ==> 反差传播,异常传播=>異常伝搬
  19795. anomalous propagator ==> 反常传播子
  19796. anomalous pulmonary venous return ==> 肺静脉回流异常
  19797. anomalous refraction ==> 反常折射
  19798. anomalous scattering ==> 反差散射,反常散射
  19799. anomalous sea level ==> 反常潮位
  19800. anomalous secondary thickening ==> 异常次生加厚
  19801. anomalous singularity ==> 反常奇异性
  19802. anomalous skin effect ==> 反常趋肤效应
  19803. anomalous slip ==> 反常滑移
  19804. anomalous spectral broadening ==> 反常光谱增宽
  19805. anomalous structure ==> 反常结构,异常构造
  19806. anomalous succession ==> 不规则演替
  19807. anomalous tail ==> 反常彗尾
  19808. anomalous thermal conductivity ==> 反常热导率
  19809. anomalous tide ==> 反常潮汐
  19810. anomalous transfer ==> 反常转移
  19811. anomalous transport ==> 反常输运
  19812. anomalous upper mantle ==> 异常上地幔
  19813. anomalous viscosity ==> 反常粘度,反常粘滞性
  19814. anomalous weight ==> 反常重量
  19815. anomalous Zeeman effect ==> 反差塞曼反应,反常塞曼效应
  19816. anomaly ==> 反常,异态,近点角=>例外,異例,不調和,異常,変則,異形,近点角,不調和,異常性
  19817. anomaly arterial ==> 動脈形成異常
  19818. anomaly correlated with ==> 関連した異常
  19819. anomaly correlation ==> 偏差相関
  19820. anomaly detection ==> 逸脱行動検知
  19821. anomaly field ==> 偏差場
  19822. anomaly finder ==> 异常测定器
  19823. anomaly interference ==> 異常干渉
  19824. anomaly mode ==> 偏差モード
  19825. anomaly number ==> 異常数
  19826. anomaly of cornea ==> 角膜异常
  19827. anomaly of geopotential difference ==> 动力高度偏差
  19828. anomaly of pelvis ==> 骨盆异常
  19829. anomaly of scrotum ==> 阴囊畸形
  19830. anomaly of tooth eruption ==> 牙萌出异常
  19831. anomaly of wave velocity ==> 波速异常
  19832. anomocytic type of stoma ==> 不规则型气孔
  19833. anonymous dimensionless group 1-4 ==> 无名无因次群1-4
  19834. anonymous mails ==> 匿名メール
  19835. Anopheles hyrcanus sinensis ==> 中华按蚊
  19836. Anopheles jeyporiensis candidiensis ==> 吉浦按蚊日月潭变种,日月潭按蚊,杰普尔按蚊日月潭亚种
  19837. anophelifugal oil ==> 驱蚊油
  19838. anophelism ==> 蚊病区
  19839. anorectal fistula ==> 肛门直肠瘘
  19840. anorectal infection ==> 肛门直肠感染
  19841. anorectal line ==> 肛门直肠线
  19842. anorectal lymph nodes ==> 直肠肛管淋巴结
  19843. anorectal pressure measuring instrument ==> 肛肠压力测试仪
  19844. anorectal stenosis ==> 肛管直肠狭窄
  19845. anorogenic time ==> 非造山期
  19846. anorthic system ==> 三斜晶系,三斜系
  19847. anorthite ==> 钙长石
  19848. anorthite-basalt ==> 钙长玄武岩
  19849. anorthoclase ==> 钠斜微长石
  19850. another infection ==> 另次侵染
  19851. another mistake (in treatment) ==> 再逆
  19852. another name for hogs ==> 猪的别名
  19853. anovulatory cycle ==> 无排卵周期
  19854. anoxia neonatorum ==> 新生儿缺氧
  19855. anoxic ==> 厌氧的
  19856. anoxic cardiac arrest method ==> 缺氧心搏停止法
  19857. anoxic impairment of pulmonary function ==> 缺氧性肺功能不良
  19858. anphtha distillation ==> 石脑油蒸馏
  19859. ANS, American National Standard ==> 米国規格
  19860. ANS, Astronomical Netherlands Satellite ==> 天文観測衛星(オランダ)
  19861. ansa ==> 环脊,尖脊
  19862. ansa cervicalis ==> 颈袢
  19863. ansa intestinalis ==> 肠袢
  19864. ansa lenticularis ==> 豆状核袢
  19865. ansa nervi hypoglossi ==> 舌下神经袢
  19866. ansae ==> 环脊
  19867. ansamacrolide ==> 桥环大环内酯
  19868. Ansar ==> 二甲胂酸
  19869. ansatz ==> 猜测,假设=>アンザッツ
  19870. Ansbacher unit ==> 安斯巴彻尔单位,安斯巴赫尔氏单位
  19871. Anschutz gyro compass ==> 安秀兹陀螺罗盘
  19872. ANSI, American National Standards Institute ==> 美国国家标准协会=>米国国家規格協会,アメリカ合衆国規格協会,アンシ
  19873. Anson unit ==> 安森单位
  19874. answer back ==> 应答,对答,回答信号=>アンサバック
  19875. answer back code ==> 应答码
  19876. answer back mechanism ==> 振铃应答机构
  19877. answer extraction ==> 解答抽取
  19878. answer extraction process ==> 解答抽取过程
  19879. answer holding ==> 応答保留
  19880. answer lamp ==> 应答灯,应答信号灯,应答指示灯
  19881. answer list ==> 应答表
  19882. answer on a check ==> 票上注明
  19883. answer print ==> 校正拷贝
  19884. answer signal ==> 应答信号,回答信号
  19885. answer statement ==> 应答语句
  19886. answer tone ==> 回答音
  19887. answer-back code ==> 应答电码
  19888. answer-back unit ==> 应答机构
  19889. answering ==> 应答=>応答
  19890. answering circuit ==> 应答电路
  19891. answering cord ==> 应答塞绳
  19892. answering delay ==> 应答延迟
  19893. answering equipment ==> 应答设备
  19894. answering jack ==> 应答塞孔
  19895. answering machine ==> 录音电话
  19896. answering plug ==> 应答插头
  19897. answering process ==> 应答进程
  19898. answering time response time ==> 应答时间
  19899. ant colony algorithm ==> 蚁群算法
  19900. ant hill ==> 钻粉
  19901. ant lion ==> 蚁狮
  19902. ant nest ==> 蚁巢
  19903. ANT Netherlands Antilles (Flag) ==> 荷兰大小安第列斯群岛(注册)
  19904. ant plant ==> 好蚁植物
  19905. ant portals ==> 七冲门
  19906. ant tribes ==> 蚁族,大学毕业生低收入聚居群体=>蟻族
  19907. ANT, antenna ==> アンテナ
  19908. Ant, Antlia ==> ポンプ座
  19909. ANT, ascending node time ==> 昇交点時刻
  19910. antagonism ==> 敵意,敵対
  19911. antagonism game ==> 对抗性对策
  19912. antagonism of interest ==> 利益的对抗性
  19913. antagonist ==> 相手,敵対者
  19914. antagonistic action ==> 颉抗作用,颉抗作用
  19915. antagonistic effect ==> 拮抗效应,拮抗效应,颉抗效应,颉抗效应
  19916. antagonistic inhibition ==> 拮抗性抑制,拮抗性抑制
  19917. antagonistic innervation ==> 拮抗神经支配,拮抗神经支配
  19918. antagonistic interest ==> 相互对立的利益
  19919. antagonistic movement ==> 拮抗运动,拮抗运动
  19920. antagonistic muscle ==> 拮抗肌,拮抗肌,对抗肌
  19921. antagonistic reflex ==> 拮抗性反射,拮抗性反射
  19922. antagonistic spring ==> 反作用弹簧,复原弹簧
  19923. antagonistic symbiosis ==> 拮抗性共生,拮抗性共生
  19924. antagonizing screw ==> 调置螺旋
  19925. antar tablet ==> 高血压药片
  19926. antarctic air ==> 南极气团
  19927. antarctic circle ==> 南极圈
  19928. Antarctic Circle ==> 南极圈
  19929. Antarctic Circumpolar Current ==> 南極周極流
  19930. Antarctic Convergence ==> 南极辐合带
  19931. antarctic front ==> 南极锋
  19932. Antarctic ice ==> 南極の氷
  19933. Antarctic ice loss ==> 南極の氷消失
  19934. Antarctic ice sheet ==> 南極氷床
  19935. Antarctic Interme diate water ==> 南极中层水
  19936. Antarctic Ocean ==> 南冰洋
  19937. Antarctic Plate ==> 南極プレート
  19938. Antarctic Zone ==> 南极带
  19939. Antarctica ==> 南極
  19940. antasthmatic neurosis ==> 止喘药
  19941. antazoline hydrochloride ==> 安塔唑啉盐酸盐,盐酸安塔唑啉
  19942. ante date ==> 填早日期
  19943. ante date cheque ==> 填早日期支票
  19944. ante partum ==> 产前,分娩前
  19945. ante partum hemorrhage ==> 产前出血
  19946. ante-mortem inspection ==> (肉畜)宰前检验
  19947. antebrachial fascia ==> 前臂筋膜
  19948. antecedent party ==> 提前背书人
  19949. antecedent platform ==> 先成地台
  19950. antecedent precipitation index ==> 前期降水指数
  19951. antecedent soil water content ==> 灌前土壤含水量
  19952. antecedent stream ==> 先成河
  19953. antecedent valley ==> 先成谷
  19954. antecolonic gastrojejunostomy ==> 结肠前胃空肠吻合术
  19955. anteconsequent stream ==> 顺向先成河
  19956. antecoxal piece ==> 基节前片
  19957. antedate ==> 先行する
  19958. antedated bill ==> 日期提前票据
  19959. antedated bills of lading ==> 日期提前提单
  19960. antedated check ==> 日期提前支票
  19961. Antelope's Horn ==> 羚羊角
  19962. antenna ==> 天线=>アンテナ
  19963. antenna aperture ==> アンテナアパーチャ
  19964. antenna bearing ==> アンテナ方位
  19965. antenna capacitor ==> アンテナコンデンサ
  19966. antenna capacity ==> アンテナ容量
  19967. antenna chlorophyll ==> 天线叶绿素
  19968. antenna constant ==> アンテナ定数
  19969. antenna current ==> アンテナ電流
  19970. antenna directivity diagram ==> アンテナ指向性図
  19971. antenna efficiency ==> アンテナ効率
  19972. antenna element ==> アンテナ素子
  19973. antenna elevation pawl ==> 升高天线用摇柄
  19974. antenna eliminator ==> 天线抑制器,等效天线
  19975. antenna feeding system ==> アンテナ給電系
  19976. antenna gain ==> アンテナ利得
  19977. antenna halyard ==> アンテナ張架索
  19978. antenna height ==> アンテナ高,空中線高(電波法)
  19979. antenna laser modeling ==> 激光天线模型
  19980. antenna lead in ==> 天线引入线
  19981. antenna lead-in ==> アンテナ引込
  19982. antenna mine ==> 触线水雷
  19983. antenna motor ==> 天线电动机
  19984. antenna noise ==> 天线噪声
  19985. antenna optical modeling ==> 光学天线模型
  19986. antenna power ==> 天线功率=>アンテナ電力,空中線電力(電波法)
  19987. antenna radiation pattern ==> パターン(アンテナ)
  19988. antenna resistance ==> アンテナ抵抗
  19989. antenna stow ==> アンテナ格納
  19990. antenna support ==> アンテナ支持物
  19991. antenna switching box ==> TR箱
  19992. antenna system ==> アンテナ系
  19993. antenna tilt mechanism ==> 天线仰角机构
  19994. antenna tower ==> 天线塔
  19995. antenna tuning coil ==> 天线调谐线圈
  19996. antennal gland ==> 触角腺
  19997. antennal hair ==> 触角毛
  19998. anterial radicular potential ==> 前根电位
  19999. anterio-lateral thoracotomy ==> 前外侧开胸术
  20000. anterio-superior to the ear ==> 曲周
  20001. anteriolateral cordotomy ==> 脊髓前外束切断术
  20002. anteriolateral myocardial infarction ==> 前侧壁心肌梗塞
  20003. anterioposterior and lateral film ==> 正侧位片
  20004. anterior ==> 前的
  20005. anterior abdomen ==> 前腹部
  20006. anterior abdominal trauma ==> 前腹部外傷
  20007. anterior amniotic fold ==> 前羊膜褶
  20008. anterior ampullary nerve ==> 前壶腹神经
  20009. anterior antebrachial region ==> 前臂前区
  20010. anterior arch ==> 前弓
  20011. anterior area of amygdaloid body ==> 杏仁体前区
  20012. anterior arm reach ==> 前臂伸展长
  20013. anterior articular surface ==> 前关节面
  20014. anterior ascending branch ==> 前升支
  20015. anterior aspect ==> 前面观
  20016. anterior asynclitism ==> 内格累氏倾斜
  20017. anterior atlantooccipital membrane ==> 寰枕前膜
  20018. anterior auricular arteries ==> 耳前动脉
  20019. anterior auricular ligament ==> 耳廓前韧带
  20020. anterior auricular muscle ==> 耳前肌
  20021. anterior auricular nerves ==> 耳前神经
  20022. anterior auricular veins ==> 耳前静脉
  20023. anterior axillary fold ==> 腋前襞
  20024. anterior axillary line ==> 腋前线
  20025. anterior bar ==> 前杆口
  20026. anterior basal branch ==> 前底支
  20027. anterior basal membrane ==> 前基膜
  20028. anterior basal segment ==> 前基底段
  20029. anterior basal segment of lower lobe ==> 下叶前基底段
  20030. anterior basal segment SⅧ ==> 前底段SⅧ
  20031. anterior basocranial syndrome ==> 前颅底综合征
  20032. anterior border ==> 前缘
  20033. anterior brachial region surface ==> 臂前区面
  20034. anterior branch ==> 前支
  20035. anterior branch of spinal nerve ==> 脊神经前支
  20036. anterior branches of intercostal nerve ==> 肋间神经前支
  20037. anterior calcanean articular surface ==> 前跟关节面
  20038. anterior capsule ==> 前囊层
  20039. anterior cardiac veins ==> 心前静脉
  20040. anterior cardinal vein ==> 前主静脉
  20041. anterior cecal artery ==> 盲肠前动脉
  20042. anterior cells ==> 前小房
  20043. anterior cervical lymph nodes ==> 颈前淋巴结,颈前淋巴结
  20044. anterior cervical region ==> 颈前区,颈前区
  20045. anterior chamber ==> 前房
  20046. anterior chamber angle ==> 前房角
  20047. anterior chamber foreingn body forceps ==> 前房异物镊
  20048. anterior chamber of eye ==> 眼前房
  20049. anterior chamber of eyeball ==> 眼球前房
  20050. anterior chamber paracentesis knife ==> 前房穿孔刀
  20051. anterior chest pain ==> 前胸部痛
  20052. anterior chest wall syndrome ==> 前胸壁综合征
  20053. anterior choroidal artery ==> 脉络丛前动脉
  20054. anterior clinoid process ==> 前床突
  20055. anterior clyeus ==> 前唇基
  20056. anterior column of ruga of vagina ==> 阴道前褶柱
  20057. anterior column of spinal cord ==> 脊髓腹侧柱,脊髓前灰柱,脊髓前柱
  20058. anterior commissure ==> 喉前联合
  20059. anterior commissure laryngectomy ==> 前连合喉切除术
  20060. anterior commissure laryngoscope ==> 前连合喉镜
  20061. anterior commissure of labia ==> 唇前连合
  20062. anterior commissurotomy ==> 前连合切除术
  20063. anterior commissurotomy of spinal cord ==> 脊髓前联合切开术
  20064. anterior commisure of labia ==> 阴唇前连合
  20065. anterior comunicating artery ==> 前交通动脉
  20066. anterior conduction block ==> 前向传导阻滞
  20067. anterior conjunctival arteries ==> 结膜前动脉
  20068. anterior conjunctival veins ==> 结膜前静脉
  20069. anterior cornual syndrome ==> 脊髓前角综合征
  20070. anterior corticospinal tract ==> 皮质脊髓前束
  20071. anterior cranial fossa ==> 颅前窝
  20072. anterior cruciate ligament ==> 前十字韧带
  20073. anterior cruciate ligament of knee ==> 膝前交叉韧带
  20074. anterior crural region surface ==> 小腿前区
  20075. anterior cubital region ==> 肘前区
  20076. anterior cusp ==> 前尖瓣
  20077. anterior cutaneous branch ==> 前皮支
  20078. anterior dislocation ==> 前脱位
  20079. anterior dislocation of hip joint ==> 髋关节前脱位
  20080. anterior dislocation of shoulder ==> 肩关节前脱位
  20081. anterior divisions ==> 前股
  20082. anterior epithelium cornea ==> 前上皮
  20083. anterior external arcuate fibres ==> 前外弓状纤维
  20084. anterior facial vein ==> 面前静脉
  20085. anterior fold of tympanic membrane ==> 鼓膜前皱襞
  20086. anterior fontanelle ==> 额囟
  20087. anterior fornix ==> 阴道前穹窿
  20088. anterior funiculus of spinal cord ==> 脊髓腹侧索,脊髓前索
  20089. anterior funicun proprii ==> 前固有束
  20090. anterior gastric branches ==> 胃前支
  20091. anterior hair line ==> 前发际
  20092. anterior hemilaryngectomy ==> 前半喉切除术
  20093. anterior horn ==> 前角,灰质前角
  20094. anterior horn of lateral ventricle ==> 侧脑室前角
  20095. anterior horn of spinal cord ==> 脊髓腹侧角,脊髓前角
  20096. anterior hypothalamic nucleus ==> 下丘脑前核
  20097. anterior inclsure of ear ==> 耳前切迹
  20098. anterior inferior cerebellar artery ==> 小脑下前动脉
  20099. anterior inferior iliac spine ==> 髂前下棘
  20100. anterior intercostal veins ==> 肋间前静脉
  20101. anterior internal vertebral venous plexus ==> 椎内前静脉丛
  20102. anterior interosseous artery ==> 骨间前动脉
  20103. anterior interosseous nerve of forearm ==> 前臂骨间前神经
  20104. anterior intertransverse muscles of neck ==> 颈横突间前肌,颈横突间前肌
  20105. anterior interventricular branch ==> 前室间支
  20106. anterior interventricular groove ==> 前室间沟
  20107. anterior interventricular sulcus ==> 前室间沟
  20108. anterior joint dislocation ==> 关节前脱位
  20109. anterior jugular vein ==> 颈前静脉,颈前静脉
  20110. anterior labial arteries of vulva ==> 阴唇前动脉
  20111. anterior labial branches ==> 阴唇前支
  20112. anterior labial nerves ==> 阴唇前神经
  20113. anterior labial veins ==> 阴唇前静脉
  20114. anterior lacrimal crest ==> 泪前嵴
  20115. anterior laryngectomy ==> 前喉切除术
  20116. anterior layer ==> 前层
  20117. anterior leaves ==> 前叶
  20118. anterior leg ==> 前腿节
  20119. anterior lens capsule ==> 晶状体囊前部
  20120. anterior lenticonus ==> 前锥形晶状体
  20121. anterior ligament of head of fibula ==> 腓骨头前韧带
  20122. anterior ligament of malleus ==> 锤骨前韧带
  20123. anterior limiting lamina ==> 前界层
  20124. anterior lingual gland ==> 前舌腺
  20125. anterior lingual glands ==> 舌尖腺
  20126. anterior lip ==> 前唇
  20127. anterior lobe ==> 前叶
  20128. anterior lobe hormones ==> 垂体前叶激素
  20129. anterior lobe of cerebellum ==> 小脑前叶
  20130. anterior longitudinal ligament ==> 前纵韧带
  20131. anterior lymph nodes of vena cava ==> 腔静脉前淋巴结
  20132. anterior marginal fracture of ankle ==> 踝前缘骨折
  20133. anterior medial basal segment of lower lobe ==> 下叶前内基底段
  20134. anterior median fissure ==> 前正中裂
  20135. anterior median line ==> 前正中线
  20136. anterior mediastinum ==> 前纵隔
  20137. anterior medullary velum ==> 前髓帆
  20138. anterior membrananeous ampulla ==> 前膜壶腹
  20139. anterior meningeal artery ==> 脑膜前动脉
  20140. anterior meniscofemoral ligament ==> 板股前韧带
  20141. anterior myocardial infarction ==> 前壁心肌梗塞
  20142. anterior naris ==> 前鼻孔,鼻前孔
  20143. anterior nasal spine ==> 鼻前棘
  20144. anterior neuropore ==> 前神经孔
  20145. anterior orbitotomy ==> 眶前路切开术
  20146. anterior osseous ampulla ==> 前骨壶腹
  20147. anterior palatine canal ==> 腭前管
  20148. anterior palatine nerve ==> 腭前神经
  20149. anterior papillary muscle ==> 前乳头肌
  20150. anterior papillary muscle of right ventricle ==> 右心室前乳头肌
  20151. anterior paraventricular nuclei ==> 前室旁核
  20152. anterior part ==> 前部
  20153. anterior partial laryngectomy ==> 前半喉切除术
  20154. anterior pectorial region ==> 胸前区
  20155. anterior pelvic exenteration ==> 前盆腔脏器除去术
  20156. anterior pigment layer ==> 前色素层
  20157. anterior pituitary ==> 垂体前叶
  20158. anterior pituitary basophil-cell tumor ==> 垂体前叶嗜碱性细胞瘤
  20159. anterior pituitary diabetogenic factor ==> 垂体前叶致糖尿病因子
  20160. anterior pituitary gonadotropin ==> 垂体前叶促性腺激素
  20161. anterior pituitary hormones ==> 垂体前叶激素
  20162. anterior pituitary hyperfunction ==> 垂体前叶功能亢进
  20163. anterior pituitary hypofunction ==> 垂体前叶功能低下
  20164. anterior pituitarylike hormone (APLH) ==> 前叶样激素
  20165. anterior polar cataract ==> 前极性白内障
  20166. anterior pole of lens ==> 晶状体前极
  20167. anterior poliomyelitis ==> 脊髓前角灰质炎
  20168. anterior pyramidal cataract ==> 前锥形白内障
  20169. anterior recess of tympanic membrane ==> 鼓膜前隐窝
  20170. anterior region of hypothalamus ==> 下丘脑前区
  20171. anterior region of knee ==> 膝前区
  20172. anterior reticulospinal tract ==> 网状脊髓前束
  20173. anterior rhinoscopy ==> 前鼻镜检查
  20174. anterior rhizotomy ==> 脊髓前神经根切断术
  20175. anterior root ==> 脊神经前根
  20176. anterior sagittal diameter ==> 前矢状径
  20177. anterior scrotal branches ==> 阴囊前支
  20178. anterior scrotal nerves ==> 阴囊前神经
  20179. anterior scrotal veins ==> 阴囊前静脉
  20180. anterior segmental artery ==> 前段动脉
  20181. anterior segmental bronchus BⅧ ==> 前段支气管BⅧ
  20182. anterior semicircular canal ==> 前骨半规管
  20183. anterior semicircular duct ==> 前膜半规管
  20184. anterior semilunar valve ==> 前半月瓣
  20185. anterior septum speculum ==> 前鼻中隔镜
  20186. anterior shutter ==> 前快门
  20187. anterior sphincter ==> 前括约肌
  20188. anterior spinal artery ==> 脊髓前动脉
  20189. anterior spinocerebellar tract ==> 脊髓小脑腹侧束,脊髓小脑前束
  20190. anterior spinothalamic tract ==> 脊髓丘脑腹侧束,脊髓丘脑前束
  20191. anterior splenic plica ==> 脾前襞
  20192. anterior staphyloma ==> 前葡萄肿
  20193. anterior stromal sheet ==> 前基质板
  20194. anterior superior iliac spine ==> 髂前上棘
  20195. anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery ==> 胰十二指肠上前动脉
  20196. anterior surface ==> 前面
  20197. anterior surface of lens ==> 晶状体前面
  20198. anterior symblepharon ==> 睑球前粘连,睑球前粘连
  20199. anterior synechia ==> 虹膜前粘连
  20200. anterior talocrural (malleolar) region ==> 距小腿前区,距小腿前区
  20201. anterior talofibular ligament ==> 距腓前韧带,距腓前韧带
  20202. anterior teeth ==> 前牙
  20203. anterior teeth pontic ==> 前牙桥体
  20204. anterior tentorial arms ==> 幕骨前臂
  20205. anterior thalamic radiation ==> 丘脑前辐射
  20206. anterior thalamotomy ==> 丘脑前核切开术
  20207. anterior tibial artery ==> 胫前动脉,胫前动脉
  20208. anterior tibial compartment syndrome ==> 胫骨前肌综合征,胫骨前肌综合征,胫前间隔综合征,胫前间隔综合征
  20209. anterior tibial lymph node ==> 胫前淋巴结,胫前淋巴结
  20210. anterior tibial veins ==> 胫前静脉,胫前静脉
  20211. anterior tibiofibular ligament ==> 胫腓前韧带,胫腓前韧带
  20212. anterior tibiotalar part ==> 胫距前部,胫距前部
  20213. anterior tooth ==> 门齿
  20214. anterior triangle of neck ==> 颈前三角,颈前三角
  20215. anterior tubercle ==> 前结节
  20216. anterior urethra ==> 前尿道
  20217. anterior urethral warmer ==> 前尿道加温器,尿道前段加温器
  20218. anterior uveitis ==> 前葡萄膜炎
  20219. anterior vagal trunk ==> 迷走前干
  20220. anterior vaginal wall ==> 阴道前壁
  20221. anterior ventral nucleus of thalamus ==> 丘脑前腹侧核
  20222. anterior vertebral vein ==> 椎前静脉
  20223. anterior wall ==> 前壁
  20224. anterior wall colporrhaphy ==> 阴道前壁修补术
  20225. anterior wall recto-plication ==> 直肠前壁折叠术
  20226. anterior white ==> 白质前连合脊髓
  20227. anterior white commissure ==> 前白连合
  20228. anterior zonular sheet ==> 前悬带板
  20229. anterior-pituitary-like principle ==> 垂体前叶样物质
  20230. anterior-posterior point association ==> 前后配穴法
  20231. anteriorseptal myocardial infarction ==> 前间壁梗死
  20232. antero-lateral thalamic syndrome ==> 丘脑前外侧综合征
  20233. antero-median seta ==> 前中毛
  20234. Antero-posterior diameter of atlas ==> 寰椎矢径
  20235. antero-posterior diameter of pelvic inlet ==> 骨盆上口前后径
  20236. antero-posterior diameter of vertebral foramen ==> 椎孔矢径
  20237. antero-spinal compression ==> 脊髓前方压迫症
  20238. anterodorsal nucleus ==> 前背侧核
  20239. anterograde amnesia ==> 顺行性遗忘
  20240. anterograde axonal conduction ==> 轴突顺行传导
  20241. anteroinferior bleeding area of nasal septum ==> 鼻中隔前下出血区
  20242. anterolateral central arteries ==> 前外侧中央动脉
  20243. anterolateral sulcus ==> 前外侧沟
  20244. anterolateral surface ==> 前外侧面
  20245. anterolateral syndrome ==> 脊髓前侧索综合征
  20246. anterolateral thalamostriate arteries ==> 前外侧丘纹动脉
  20247. anteromedial central arteries ==> 前内侧中央动脉
  20248. anteromedial central branches ==> 前内侧中央支
  20249. anteromedial nucleus ==> 前内侧核
  20250. anteromedial thalamostriate arteries ==> 前侧丘纹动脉
  20251. anteroposterior diameter of inlet ==> 入口前后径
  20252. anteroposterior diameter of pelvic outlet ==> 骨盆出口前后径
  20253. anteroposterior position ==> 前后位
  20254. anteroseptal myocardial infarction ==> 前间隔心肌梗塞
  20255. anteroventral nucleus ==> 前腹侧核
  20256. ANTHAM Antwerp-Hamburg Range ==> 艾恩德霍芬——汉堡区
  20257. anthelic arc ==> 反日弧
  20258. anthelmintic treatment ==> 驱肠虫疗法
  20259. anther ==> 花药
  20260. anther culture ==> 花药培养
  20261. anther wall ==> 花药壁
  20262. antheridial initial ==> 精子器原始细胞,精子器原始细胞
  20263. anthesis ==> 开花期,开花
  20264. anthocyania pigment ==> 花青素色素
  20265. anthocyanin pathway gene ==> アントシアニン経路の遺伝子
  20266. anthology ==> 選集,アンソロジー
  20267. Anthony's capsule staining ==> 安东尼氏荚膜染色法
  20268. Anthony's model ==> 安东尼模型
  20269. anthra copper ==> 蒽素铜
  20270. anthracene ==> 精蒽,蒽,并三苯=>アンオラセン
  20271. anthracene blue ==> 蒽蓝
  20272. anthracene brown ==> 蒽棕
  20273. anthracene carboxylic acid ==> 蒽甲酸
  20274. anthracene crystal scintillation counter ==> 蒽晶体闪烁计数器
  20275. anthracene dihydride ==> 二氢化蒽
  20276. anthracene nucleus ==> 蒽环
  20277. anthracene oil ==> 蒽油
  20278. anthracene ring ==> 蒽环
  20279. anthracene scintillation counter ==> 蒽闪烁计数管
  20280. anthracene single crystal ==> 蒽单晶
  20281. anthracene sulfonic acid ==> 蒽磺酸
  20282. anthracene tetrone ==> 蒽二醌
  20283. anthracene yellow ==> 蒽黄
  20284. anthrachose of grape ==> 黑痘病
  20285. anthracite ==> 硬煤,无烟煤,,煤化程度高的煤,挥发分低、密度大、燃点高、无黏结性,燃烧时多不冒烟=>無煙炭
  20286. anthracite coal ==> 无烟煤=>アンスラサイト,無煙炭
  20287. anthracite coal base refractory ==> 碳质耐火材料
  20288. anthracite duff ==> 无烟煤粉
  20289. anthracite fines ==> 无烟煤细粒
  20290. anthracitic coal ==> 无烟煤
  20291. anthracnose of peach ==> 桃炭疽病
  20292. anthracnose of pepper ==> 番椒炭疽病
  20293. anthracnose of sorghum ==> 高粱炭疽病
  20294. anthracnose of tea ==> 茶叶炭疽病
  20295. Anthracolithic period ==> (即石炭二叠纪)大石炭纪
  20296. Anthracolithic system ==> (即石炭二叠系)大石炭系
  20297. anthracotic deformity ==> 炭末沉着性变形
  20298. anthraflavic acid ==> 2,6-二羟蒽醌
  20299. anthranilic acid ==> 氨茴酸
  20300. anthranilo nitrile ==> 氨基苯甲腈
  20301. anthranoyl-anthranilic acid ==> 氨茴酰氨茴酸
  20302. anthraquinone diazonium zinc chloride compound ==> 蒽醌重氮氯化锌复合物
  20303. anthraquinone dye ==> 蒽醌染料
  20304. anthraquinone pigments ==> 蒽醌色素
  20305. anthraquinone sulfonic acid ==> 蒽醌磺酸
  20306. anthraquinone-1-sulfonic acid ==> 蒽醌-1-磺酸
  20307. anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid sodium salt ==> 蒽醌-2-磺酸钠盐
  20308. anthraquinonic acid ==> (茜素)蒽醌酸
  20309. anthrax ==> 炭疽,煤质,(指动物)炭疽病=>炭疽,炭疽菌,炭疽病
  20310. anthrax bacteria ==> 炭疽杆菌
  20311. anthrax case ==> 炭疽菌事件
  20312. anthrax contamination ==> 炭疽菌感染
  20313. anthrax disease ==> 炭疽病
  20314. anthrax pneumonitis ==> 炭疽杆菌肺炎
  20315. anthrax toxin ==> 炭疽毒素
  20316. anthrax vaccination ==> 炭疽接种
  20317. anthrax vaccine ==> 炭疽菌苗
  20318. anthraxolite ==> 碳沥青
  20319. anthraxylon ==> 纯木煤
  20320. anthrinoid group ==> 炭质组
  20321. anthroic acid ==> 蒽甲酸
  20322. anthrone dye ==> 蒽酮染料
  20323. anthropic epipedon ==> 耕作表层
  20324. anthropic principle ==> 人择原理=>人間原理
  20325. anthropodesoxycholic acid ==> 鹅脱氧胆酸
  20326. anthropogenic ==> 人類起源,人為改変の
  20327. anthropogenic climax ==> 人为顶极
  20328. anthropogenic factor ==> 人为因素
  20329. anthropogenic process ==> 耕作土壤发生过程
  20330. anthropogenic succession ==> 人为演替
  20331. anthropogenicalluvial soil ==> 灌淤土
  20332. anthropological study ==> 文化人類学の研究
  20333. anthropology ==> 人口学,人类学=>人類学
  20334. anthropology of maternity ==> 母性人类学
  20335. anthropometric data ==> 人体测量数据
  20336. anthropomorphic ==> 擬人化された
  20337. anthropomorphic dummy ==> 模拟人
  20338. anthropomorphic robot ==> 人形机器人
  20339. Anthropozoic era ==> 灵生代
  20340. anthryl amine ==> 蒽胺
  20341. anti G suit ==> 抗黑蒙服
  20342. anti hyperon ==> 反超子
  20343. anti reflecting coating ==> 消反射敷层
  20344. anti sway crane control ==> クレーン振れ止め制御
  20345. anti-5-nitro-2-furaldoxime ==> 反硝基糠醛肟
  20346. anti-abortion measuccessful gestation ==> 安胎
  20347. anti-abrasive material ==> 耐磨损材料
  20348. anti-accident measure ==> 反事故措施,根据电网结构、运行方式、继电保护状况并考虑由于人员过失及恶劣气候造成的系统事故而事先制订的防范对策和紧急处理办法
  20349. anti-acid ==> 抗酸
  20350. anti-acid additive ==> 抗酸添加剂
  20351. anti-acid ceramic equipment ==> 防腐陶瓷设备
  20352. anti-acid ceramic mechanical sealing ==> 耐酸陶瓷机械密封
  20353. anti-acid coat ==> 防酸涂层
  20354. anti-acid flooring ==> 防酸地面
  20355. anti-activator ==> 活化阻止剂
  20356. anti-adherent ==> 防粘剂
  20357. anti-adrenergic ==> 抗肾上腺素药
  20358. anti-aging agent ==> 防老剂
  20359. anti-aging protective ==> 防老剂
  20360. anti-air-pollution system ==> 防空气污染系统,防止空气污染系统
  20361. anti-aircraft armoured truck ==> 防空装甲车
  20362. anti-aircraft defence ==> 防空工事
  20363. anti-aircraft director ==> 高射炮射击指挥仪
  20364. anti-aircraft fittings ==> 防空灯具
  20365. anti-aircraft fuse ==> 高射炮弹引信管
  20366. anti-aircraft gun ballistics ==> 高射炮弹道学
  20367. anti-aircraft missile ==> 防空导弹
  20368. anti-aircraft rocket ==> 防空火箭
  20369. anti-aircraft searchlight ==> 防空探照灯
  20370. anti-anthrax serum ==> 炭疽血清
  20371. anti-armour helicopter ==> 反坦克直升机
  20372. anti-arthritis pill ==> 关节炎丸
  20373. anti-arthritis tablet ==> 关节炎片
  20374. anti-asthma pill ==> 定喘丸
  20375. anti-avoidance clause ==> 反避税条款
  20376. anti-avoidance legislation ==> 反避税法令
  20377. anti-avoidance provision ==> 反避税条款
  20378. anti-back lash spring ==> 防止齿隙游移的弹簧
  20379. anti-backlash gear ==> 无齿隙齿轮
  20380. anti-balance action ==> 反平衡作用
  20381. anti-ballistic missile launcher ==> 反弹道导弹发射器
  20382. anti-balloon plate ==> 隔纱板
  20383. anti-biological warfare ==> 反生物战
  20384. anti-blackout suit ==> 抗黑蒙服
  20385. anti-blooming target ==> 抗开花效应靶
  20386. Anti-bruise Powder ==> 七厘散
  20387. anti-capacity switch ==> 抗电容开关
  20388. anti-carburizing paint ==> 渗碳防护涂料
  20389. anti-carrier ==> 反载体
  20390. anti-catalyst ==> 负催化剂
  20391. anti-cavitation valve ==> 防空化阀
  20392. anti-chain ==> 反链
  20393. anti-chain-store taxes ==> 反联营商店税,反连锁店税
  20394. anti-chatter spring ==> 抗震弹簧
  20395. anti-checking iron ==> 防裂钩
  20396. anti-clash key ==> 防碰撞键
  20397. anti-climbing metal mesh ==> 防攀登金属网
  20398. anti-clock circuit ==> 倒钟形电路
  20399. anti-clogging separator ==> 防堵塞分离器
  20400. anti-clutter circuit ==> クラッタ消去回路
  20401. anti-clutter gain control ==> 反杂波增益控制
  20402. anti-coincidence counter ==> 反符合计数器
  20403. anti-coincidence detector ==> 反重合探测器
  20404. anti-coincidence technique ==> 反符合技术
  20405. anti-collision system ==> 避撞系统
  20406. anti-compound generator ==> 反复激发电机,反复励发电机
  20407. anti-condensation lining ==> 防凝内衬,防凝水内衬
  20408. anti-configuration ==> 反式构型,反型
  20409. anti-contamination clothing ==> 防沾污服
  20410. anti-contamination device ==> 防污染装置
  20411. Anti-Corn-Law League ==> 反谷物法同盟
  20412. anti-corona coating ==> 防电晕层,在线圈表面施以半导体涂料为主要材料制作的的防晕层结构
  20413. anti-corrosion alloy ==> 防腐合金
  20414. anti-corrosion cable ==> 防腐电缆
  20415. anti-corrosion grease ==> 防食グリース
  20416. anti-corrosion insulation ==> 防腐蚀绝缘层,防蚀绝缘层
  20417. anti-corrosion method ==> 防蚀法
  20418. anti-corrosion paper ==> 防腐蚀纸
  20419. anti-corrosive ==> 防蚀的,防锈的
  20420. anti-corrosive composition ==> 防蚀油漆
  20421. anti-corrosive oil ==> 防腐油
  20422. anti-corrosive paint ==> 防腐涂料,防腐油漆,防蚀涂料
  20423. anti-corrosive preparation ==> 防腐蚀制剂
  20424. anti-corrosive primer ==> 防锈底漆
  20425. anti-corrosive steel pipes ==> クラッタ消去回路
  20426. anti-corrosive treatment ==> 防腐处理,防蚀处理,防锈处理
  20427. anti-coupling bi frequency induced polarization instrument ==> 抗耦双频激电仪
  20428. anti-crack reinforcement ==> 抗裂缝钢筋
  20429. anti-cracking agent ==> 防裂剂
  20430. anti-creeper strut ==> 防爬器支撑
  20431. anti-creeping angle steel ==> 防爬角铁
  20432. anti-creeping strut ==> 防爬撑
  20433. anti-crocking agent ==> 摩擦牢度改进剂
  20434. anti-curl cutter fax ==> 防卷曲切纸传真机
  20435. anti-cyclical policy ==> 反衰退政策
  20436. anti-dampness drug ==> 去湿药
  20437. anti-dazzle device for vehicle ==> 车辆防眩装置
  20438. anti-dazzle glass ==> 遮光玻璃,防眩玻璃
  20439. anti-dazzle lamp ==> 防眩灯
  20440. anti-dazzle lighting ==> 防眩照明
  20441. anti-dazzle pedal ==> 防眩踏板
  20442. anti-dazzle shade ==> 防眩遮光板
  20443. anti-dazzling screen ==> 防眩屏,遮光片
  20444. anti-decaying paint ==> 防腐漆
  20445. anti-dilution provision ==> 反稀释条款
  20446. anti-distortive transition ==> 反畸变相变
  20447. anti-downdraught terminal ==> 防倒灌烟囱帽
  20448. anti-drag ==> 反阻,减阻
  20449. anti-drag ring ==> 减阻环
  20450. anti-drag speed ring ==> 减阻增速环
  20451. anti-drying surface ==> 防干裂面
  20452. anti-dumping act ==> 反倾销法
  20453. Anti-dumping Code ==> 反倾销法典
  20454. anti-dumping duty ==> 反倾销进口税
  20455. anti-dumping law ==> 反倾销法
  20456. anti-dumping tariff ==> 反倾销关税
  20457. Anti-dumping Unit ==> 反倾销单位
  20458. anti-dust respirator ==> 防尘口罩
  20459. anti-ECM technique ==> 反干扰技术
  20460. anti-epidemic measures ==> 防疫措施
  20461. anti-equivalence ==> 反等价
  20462. anti-explosion automatic air switch ==> 防爆自动空气开关
  20463. anti-explosion distribution equipment ==> 防爆配电设备
  20464. anti-explosion fuel ==> 防爆燃料
  20465. anti-explosion lamp ==> 防爆灯
  20466. anti-explosion magnetic starter ==> 防爆磁力起动器
  20467. anti-explosion manipulator ==> 防爆机械手
  20468. anti-explosion part ventilating fan ==> 防爆局部通风机
  20469. anti-explosive rated voltage ==> 防爆额定电压
  20470. anti-fan complex fold ==> 反扇形复式褶皱
  20471. anti-fermite oil ==> 防蚁油
  20472. anti-ferroelectric energy storage ceramccapacitor ==> 反铁电贮能电容器
  20473. anti-flocculating property ==> 防絮凝性质
  20474. anti-flood interceptor ==> 防洪截流渠
  20475. anti-flood valve ==> 防洪闸
  20476. anti-flood wall ==> 防洪墙
  20477. anti-flooding agent ==> 防浮剂
  20478. anti-fluorite structure ==> 反萤石型结构
  20479. anti-fluting mill ==> 防折轧机
  20480. anti-foam plate ==> 破沫板
  20481. anti-fog insulator ==> 防雾绝缘器
  20482. anti-form ==> 反式
  20483. anti-fouling paint ==> 防虫漆,防腐漆,防垢油漆,防污油漆
  20484. anti-fouling rubber ==> 防污橡胶
  20485. anti-freeze agent ==> 抗冻剂
  20486. anti-freeze fluid ==> 防冻液=>凍結防止液
  20487. anti-freezing oil ==> 防冻油
  20488. anti-friction ==> 抗摩
  20489. anti-friction material ==> 润滑剂,润滑油
  20490. anti-fungicide paper ==> 防霉纸
  20491. anti-g suit ==> 抗超重飞行衣
  20492. anti-G suit ==> 抗荷服
  20493. anti-g valve ==> 防超重活门
  20494. anti-G-valve ==> 抗重力阀
  20495. anti-gelling agent ==> 防胶凝剂
  20496. anti-gold policies ==> 反黄金政策
  20497. anti-ground ==> 消除地面影响
  20498. anti-ground noise ==> 消除背景噪声
  20499. anti-hazard classification ==> 防爆等级
  20500. anti-hemophilic globulin deficiency ==> 抗血友病性球蛋白缺乏症
  20501. anti-homomorphism ==> 反同态
  20502. anti-horse-fly oil ==> 防马蝇油
  20503. anti-human-globulin test ==> 人球蛋白抗体试验
  20504. anti-icer ==> 防冰器
  20505. anti-icing ==> 抗冰
  20506. anti-icing additive ==> 防冰添加剂
  20507. anti-icing duct ==> 防冰系统导管
  20508. anti-icing equipment ==> 防冰装置
  20509. anti-icing fluid ==> 防冻液=>防氷液
  20510. anti-immune ==> 抗免疫的
  20511. anti-induction ==> 防感应
  20512. anti-induction network ==> 抗感应网络
  20513. anti-infection apparel ==> 防感染服
  20514. anti-infectious ==> 抗感染的
  20515. anti-infective ==> 抗感染的
  20516. anti-inflammatory agent ==> 消炎剂,抗炎症药
  20517. anti-inflammatory therapy ==> 抗炎疗法
  20518. anti-inflation ==> 反通货膨胀
  20519. anti-inflation measures ==> 反通货膨胀措施
  20520. anti-inflation policy ==> 反通货膨胀政策
  20521. anti-inflationary policy ==> 反通货膨胀政策
  20522. anti-influenza serum ==> 抗流感血清
  20523. anti-insulin ==> 抗胰岛素
  20524. anti-interference ==> 抗干扰
  20525. anti-interference circuit ==> 反干扰电路
  20526. anti-interference condenser ==> 抗干扰电容器
  20527. anti-interference equipment ==> 抗干扰设备
  20528. anti-interference filter ==> 抗干扰滤波器
  20529. anti-interference igniton cable ==> 高压阻尼线
  20530. anti-interference installation ==> 抗干扰设备
  20531. anti-intermediate range ballistic missile ==> 反中程弹道导弹
  20532. anti-inversion ==> 逆反演
  20533. anti-ionization ==> 反离子作用
  20534. anti-jamming ==> 妨害鋼管
  20535. anti-jamming circuit ==> 抗干扰电路
  20536. anti-Keynesianism ==> 反凯恩斯主义
  20537. anti-kickback attachment ==> 防反向安全装置
  20538. anti-lactate capacity ==> 抗乳酸能力
  20539. anti-laser beam coating ==> 抗激光束涂层
  20540. anti-leakage ==> 抗漏液
  20541. anti-link system ==> 防铰接系统
  20542. anti-lock device ==> 车轮防抱死装置
  20543. anti-logarithmic voltage converter ==> 反对数电压转换器
  20544. anti-loosing washer ==> 防松垫圈
  20545. anti-luetic treatment ==> 驱梅治疗
  20546. anti-magnet ==> 防磁
  20547. anti-magnetized coil ==> 消磁线圈
  20548. anti-magnetized varistor ==> 消磁电压敏电阻器
  20549. anti-migration ==> 反式迁移作用
  20550. anti-mildew ==> 抗霉
  20551. anti-mildew agent ==> 防霉菌剂
  20552. anti-mine warfare vessel ==> 反水雷舰艇
  20553. anti-mist cloth ==> 防雾织物
  20554. anti-Monson curve ==> 反蒙森曲线,反莫深曲线
  20555. anti-mosquito oil ==> 防蚊油
  20556. anti-moth agent ==> 防蛀剂
  20557. anti-neutrino beam ==> 反中微子束
  20558. anti-neutrino helicity ==> 反中微子螺旋性
  20559. anti-noise measure ==> 防噪声措施
  20560. anti-noise screen ==> 防噪音屏
  20561. anti-nucleon ==> 反方位
  20562. anti-obesic action ==> 抗肥胖作用
  20563. anti-overloading ==> 防止过载
  20564. anti-overloading amplifier ==> 防过载放大器
  20565. anti-overshoot ==> 反过冲
  20566. anti-packing chemical ==> 除积垢剂
  20567. anti-parallax ==> 反视差
  20568. anti-parallel coupling ==> 反并联接法
  20569. anti-parallel domain ==> 反平行畴
  20570. anti-percolator ==> 防渗装置
  20571. anti-perspirant ==> 防汗剂
  20572. anti-plane shear mode crack ==> 反平面剪切Ⅲ型裂纹
  20573. anti-poison respirator ==> 防毒口罩
  20574. anti-pollution ==> 防污染,防污染作用
  20575. anti-pollution device ==> 防污染装置
  20576. anti-pollution heat treatment ==> 无公害热处理
  20577. anti-pollution industry ==> 反污染工业
  20578. anti-pollution prosecution figure ==> 反污染条例的检控数字
  20579. anti-pollution standard ==> 防污染标准
  20580. anti-pollution system ==> 防污染系统
  20581. anti-pollution type insulator ==> 防污型绝缘子
  20582. anti-profiteering ordinance ==> 取缔暴利法令
  20583. anti-profiteering tax ==> 暴利税
  20584. anti-radar camouflage ==> 反雷达伪装
  20585. anti-radar coating ==> 反雷达复盖层,反雷达涂层
  20586. anti-radar equipment ==> 反雷达设备
  20587. anti-radar overlay ==> 反雷达复盖层
  20588. anti-radiation missile ==> 反辐射导弹
  20589. anti-rattle clip ==> 防振线夹
  20590. anti-rattler spring ==> 防震弹簧
  20591. anti-reaction coil ==> 反再生线圈
  20592. anti-reflecting film ==> 减反射膜
  20593. anti-reflective film ==> 减反射膜
  20594. anti-resonance ==> 反共振,防共振,电流谐振
  20595. anti-reverse-rotation device ==> 防逆转装置
  20596. anti-roll ==> 防滚
  20597. Anti-Roll Bar ==> 防倾杆/下拉杆
  20598. anti-roll bar ==> 车体角位移横向平衡杆
  20599. anti-roll pump ==> 减摇泵
  20600. anti-roll stabilizer ==> 抗横摇装置
  20601. anti-rolling ==> 抗横摇,防滚动
  20602. anti-rolling guy ==> 防滚索
  20603. anti-rolling tank ==> 消摇液体舱,减摇液体舱
  20604. anti-room ==> 前室
  20605. anti-Rossi circuit ==> 分离电路,分离线路
  20606. anti-rotating rope ==> 抗转绳
  20607. anti-rust coat ==> 防锈面层
  20608. anti-rust composition ==> 防锈混合剂
  20609. anti-rust grease ==> 防锈润滑脂
  20610. anti-rust insulating clamp ==> 抗锈线夹
  20611. anti-rust paint ==> 防锈油漆
  20612. anti-rust paper ==> 防锈纸
  20613. anti-satellite spacecraft ==> 反卫星空间飞行器
  20614. anti-scour lip ==> 防冲槛
  20615. anti-scour sill ==> 防冲槛
  20616. anti-seismic design of main power building ==> 主厂房抗震,根据建厂地区的地震烈度、地基条件、厂房布置、结构强度和延性(抗变形能力),以及抗震费用等因素,运用地震宏观的调查经验和研究成果,对主厂房设计所采取的抗御地震的技术措施
  20617. anti-set-off spray ==> 防粘脏喷粉
  20618. anti-settling agent ==> 防沉剂
  20619. anti-shielding effect ==> 反屏蔽效应
  20620. anti-ship missile ==> 反舰导弹
  20621. anti-shock ==> 防震
  20622. anti-shoe rattler ==> 闸瓦减震减声器
  20623. anti-shrink ==> 抗缩,耐缩的
  20624. anti-sidetone circuit ==> 消侧音电路=>防側音回路
  20625. anti-sine ==> 反正弦
  20626. anti-singing device ==> 振鸣抑制装置
  20627. anti-siphon trap ==> 防虹吸存水弯
  20628. anti-skid braking device ==> 防滑制动装置
  20629. anti-skid factor ==> 防滑系数
  20630. anti-skid material ==> 防滑物料
  20631. anti-skin antibody ==> 抗皮肤抗体
  20632. anti-slide pile ==> 抗滑桩
  20633. anti-slip finish ==> 防滑饰面
  20634. anti-slip serration ==> 唱片防滑齿
  20635. anti-spark ==> 消火花
  20636. anti-splash device ==> 防溅装置
  20637. anti-splash nozzle ==> 防溅喷嘴
  20638. anti-status detector ==> 反状态检测装置
  20639. anti-stickoff voltage ==> 反粘电压
  20640. anti-Stockes line ==> 反斯托克线
  20641. anti-Stokes ==> 反斯托克斯
  20642. anti-Stokes component ==> 反斯托分量,反斯托克斯分量
  20643. anti-Stokes displacement ==> 反斯托克斯位移
  20644. anti-Stokes fluorescence ==> 反斯托克斯荧光
  20645. anti-stokes frequency ==> 反斯托克斯频率
  20646. anti-Stokes frequency ==> 反斯托克斯频率
  20647. anti-Stokes light ==> 反斯托克斯光
  20648. anti-Stokes line ==> 反ストークス線
  20649. anti-Stokes lines ==> 反斯托克斯线
  20650. anti-Stokes radiation ==> 反斯托克斯辐射
  20651. anti-Stokes Raman scattering ==> 反斯托克斯-喇曼散射
  20652. anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy ==> 反斯托克斯-喇曼光谱学
  20653. anti-Stokes scattering ==> 反斯托克斯散射
  20654. anti-Stokes transition ==> 反斯托克斯跃迁
  20655. anti-stone-bumping sealing paint ==> 密封防石击涂料
  20656. anti-strip(ping) ==> 抗剥落
  20657. anti-stripping agent ==> 防剥剂
  20658. anti-structure defect ==> 反结构缺陷
  20659. anti-submarine atomic weapon ==> 反潜艇原子武器
  20660. anti-submarine detector ==> 反潜探测器
  20661. anti-submarine early warning system ==> 反潜预警体系
  20662. anti-submarine rocket ==> 反潜艇火箭
  20663. anti-subsidy duties ==> 反补贴关税,反补贴税
  20664. a